Post on 02-Feb-2023

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ERS.t i b l ek e ts .ira tch

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' ▼ oadM iw PrekaM y fa ir le> a lg l t t a a d t e a o n o v , , j .a>

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S H Q ^ O N SBug Reports SuitO'llaid

FifhliDg and HeiTy Cn- Donade Frt

F^CH PUSH ON « SOOTHb U n f f t i k m m n t C ip iv t tf

^ ■ Ractii IhftUit Gificii'Baldi.

■ faiiM c l u b CDIQUL tffiC ISB r t t l ik f o r« » ar* ih» «»r-

B u a la bana-ta-haaa .n e o u n t.r . a t vaF lava p a la la la t h . eoaia i. R l . . f Of-. r a t l a a s , aeeortllBa la Lonaea'a official a U U n a n t loaajr. and artllU ry ac tiv ity M pranoaacad . Parlm raporti pracaaaa *y Ib a F raach aouth of th* Somm. and ■ in o r r ra n e h advancai * . . t of T biao- n c f l t la tb a Verdun .action.

B arlln annaunc.a that Rrltlah band ( ra a a d a aliacV a w a.t of I’o i l . r a . y .a - la rd a y w a r . rapu litd ll !• *lao a u ta d tb a t r r a i i r b anaaull. norlhwMt aC Bar- ) a u la llad . Franch allaclia naaa F la iiry in tha V.rdon ra«lon llkawlaa b fa daelarad to hava baan baatan off. T ba U araaaaa alao claJni rapulaa a f Rua- Wan B ttaeha In tha aaat naar B araao- trtlchl.

R a p o r tln i an tha raptura by tha Rua- a lan a of Kralnaan. In Central Armanta, f ^ t r o a r a d atataa the Hlava took a depot a t w a r m alarla li. Tha Slava a ra can- t la a ln g tba lr purtu lt of tha T u rk a It la a lao a ta tad by tha Ruaalan capital t | i a t t-U d Taulona wera takan p riaonari an th a aaalarn front In a ba ttia Tuaa- day In N ortheaitarn (iallrla.

A dvitaa raactalna Ixindon frotn Patro- « ra d • ta t* Ihfll It k« in th * t«lt]r th a t th i (all of Irody to th« Haa* aijLBi in iba ir oporatloQi tow ard Laorn* H r t !• Inm lBont.

A a t t r U a vtUidrawal b«(or« •uporto r H a a ila n p ra n u ia north o( B rodj la an* Bounc«d la an o ffk la l Vtanna ptatoreont #( y««t«rday • • recalvod today In tfarlta.

A U m #va diapatch aa to rti th a t ad* v1c«a frwm fiorlln. paaaad h r tha m an danaor, contain tn intim ation th a t K dm ania !• Bdrlouatr conaidering anlar* ia c th a w ar an tha aid. of tha A lllaa

Beatla t'lalaaa ftapalaes-B K R U N , July I I |v la London).—Tha

arm y haadquartara atatam enl today folloara:

"W aala rn th e ita r : Batwaan tha A ncr. and tha Rornma. Inianaa arilllary ac tlv '- ty on bath aide, laatad Into tha n i |h l . Knamy hand (ranade atlacka w ara ra- pulned 'w a it a t Roralaraa.

"Routh of tha Komnia a Franeh a i ' la ck carrlad out narlhaaat of B arlaua Ihlled.' '‘U u rlah tha n l(h t aavtral a tran*

h a h c h a l ta c k i mada In lha rad laa of r ra M a T ^rra and Flaury wara raphlaad. r tc h t iB g copllBiHd a t MiBt p a llia .

*Hlra n y raeo an a lta rla t d a taeh w a rta(O oR tlaued on i« t l i " ^ a ; 'V ^ tdllilBii.>


F w m r I q i r ( W d m D m - • c n lk O itBf u S m WiMcr

t ( R apw l H o u r t .

ACCEnED BY C O nO fl COKENIL iadaaa Mlalwtaa fh lB aa ad lad ag aad -

awt C wad Ida. r—*Da T ea W aa l r l w OUlaaa la Baard a l WorWat* la f l a a n H aard—Byaa ta r A aarhar T a n a aa faw ailaa laaer ladleabad Caaaaar la T aa th I'aaaT taalaaal IM attirt A p iaa ra ta Ba C artalaly.

Bantimant In tha D am aem tie ofwanl- aatlon la rapidly crra ta llla in g a roand Jacob Mauaatlac far th a D anaeraU e nom taatloa for tha H ayeralty , Thia baeam a manifaat yaatorday on th a oo t- lag o f tha John P. Manalian Haaoc la tle a ta C olltda Palat, L aac lalaad. Thara w as no p raarran tad a ltam pt la put HauHllBK terw ardad aa tha caad ldala . and no t avan a cantaranca waa hald am ong lha taadara, aa la uaually tha caaa, to diacuaa lha political a ltu a llo a

H auaaling Juat aaemad to ta ll In to tha handa of tha crowd, a raad y -m a d t 'candidala, and waa accaplad aa aoeh. Som oihlng mora than mara com pllm ant appaarad to ba bahtad tha "T hraa chaara fa r our naai Mayor!" hoard from tha tim a lha form ar R iaeu tlv a ruahad aboard tha ataam ar O rlant aa II waa laaving R IpIfFa Sock till It tied up a t the aame place la ta laa tB i g h t .

gam e Dainocratio laadara aro aura th a t In Iba raalaa which la llka ly lo I oocur ovar tka U ayoraliy thia yoar H auaaling In bound to win, O lhera aro w illing to taka a chanca. They believe th a t, w ith anywharo from th ree to ala candldalaa n ian lag , the fo rm ar E aecu tiva wilt have tha banner oppor­tu n ity to w alk o ft with the priae.

T h la h OUlea WIU FvtoT t>««.Domooralle leadara may th a ra a ra

aigna already that tha Charlaa P. Oil- Ian candidacy will peiar out. They fig u re It will die of public nogtaet b«- fora Kovenber./ tlBccoaaful lad tp an d - en t candidactaa for tn p o rU h t oftleaa occur onco In while, they argRp, but twtoo la a twelvomontb. naoadL Aad w hat haa Glllan dona? thoy ««a- To eloct him Mayor, they add, would bo Juat tha aama aa electing five O lllan a~<ronlln«ad an ItliT paga, 14 colum n.)




At AfwU’ Reqwst S eaetan i W3- iM N am t M u to Refort on


of Compooy*a Ra prene alattvea.


Georie F. F e tto i EiRectd to LeiTe C o m u T E i t Dotglis

for lU w irk Today.ANOTHER g T SlE A T E , MOTHER ILL

M a tt Caa reapaa dewt.Wnahlaw la Jeraey City la P la e n af^ ^’'W trO L A S, A ria , Ju ly I I ,—Tha flrat


( m i l l la d P i iU l ly k tW lB a f - I n (Mfidali Now B d e n i to

Be N f a y B tae .■ r

nSAPrEARED SETERAL DATS AGOH av in g m ated tha Jayp of w aador-

Ipat to th e a i ta n t of g o ttlag to W tl- aalhgtau . D al,, aad tharo w ith a com- pgnlon whom ha picked ap on the road, bh ln g obliged to bag bataaad tboy had ug Bhonoy, atavea-yaar-old Chartca He* M aigb t o f t i Doy atreat I t now on hta H gp hom o RIa m other to a t m oney f itr h ta far# to the Bareau of Aaao* a(n lad C harltlaa hare. It being forwm rd-

by th a probation ofllce from tho C M K bM ta .

Taaw g McKnIgbt left tb ta elty a«mo d n y t ago. Tho neat th a t waa heard o f him enme In a telegram from B. Iloaa P a ra , probation oiloar a f IM a - w u ra . Boat to John J. Oateoyno. p raha- t lo n adBoar of thta dtjr.'' Ah l l bapponed. the bop w aa n a t

w a n ta d hpra, novar having coma ungar tlm ahaaroatlon of the Juvaalla C anrt, an d w ord to th a t affect waa toM ta W llm lag tan , and ihia Inform attan w ent t a Mr. P ara .

I n th a n a a n while tha m other had m ad a In g u tr lit a t bar boy a t tb a a h a rt- Uaa hn raau , and frera thara aha w aa aoBt to tb a protwtlan oAeo, Bbo w aa ta ld w boro h er boy w ai, aad a t enea ahtd aba w aa w illing to pay hla rail* ro a d fa ro bach. Aoeordingly the m oaoy w aa ta lag rap h o d ilaa t a tg ta t and I t la n a w aap pnaad th a t tha boy la on hla w a p ham a, '

M eK alglit la one o f tw a hope who tdara pkikad op In irilm ln g to n laat W adaaadap atght. Thap oM m ad th ap w aro hrethara, Charlaa a a d W odlar lUeA f ltta n a and a lilaga paara old, r a - a to o tlv a lr . of Oklahama a t y i th a t ( M r wiaraBU w ara 4 aM and th a t a k in d , i ia a r ta d aharlft of the ooantp baid g tv a a tbaaa aaeb a Habat ta Maw Tork. T hap

»ld th ap hhd trm ralat a ll ib a w ay to >w T a tk and back aa f a r aa W Um tag* ta n . w han tam ad avai to H r. t k n * .

T h ap g a ra tha addraaa of a B aittm aaa

r a who, Ump aald. waaM aai<a fo r m If they aoald oalp raaab him. ■ f f a r t i iro ra "mBa ta ga t In tatM b

w U b t ^ Balllm ora mna. and w k aa th o apaala l da ltrary la tte r aaa t to tho a d - d raaa g lra n by th* bapa waa ra ta ru a d , tk * b o y i ooaftaaad (hat thap biirf no t taW tb a tru th . H tK atgk t'a nawpgkhta w aa W aalar P ttrouakp of P a rraa t O ltp. H a w aa w anted m tk a t oltp f a r aam* p h e ttp In a Inraahp eapa.

• O toAs,

s n m u R U K s o r n w r .m w R T » n i T f n s H T M .

S u n a r lo g from a |a*tb«r«ry maaan ry a wom an ab aa t iM rty yaara gM Ig w In a u l l a f tha ataaiw aU an anard a t the c i ty H am rtU t Bb* w aa tg k a n th a ra early Ihta m orning bp Iba n r a t P recinct petto*. H ie r t lr a f t e r m fd n tg b t ah* trtelted the d rug ataeu a t tig v id BIranaa a t I t Bpriagflatd a ra* uBM- Tha w oaun waa clad ag ly In m R tghtdraa* aad f a l l tb a did g a t ta* m g iiih ir whera aha Itrad.^ r h i t * trtrtng bar Aral aw h a ' a a tiapbla. th* rating woman aald aha ogitid a d l remamher bar l a t t namg. A t lh a baepN gl Whaa aakad If aba aatfid rdgg a b a r a i dmae ah* m n M h M

hfuMd.** U i a r « w '«<*•: H H tg if t lM tM ik e tth a t aba w e t u t e n f . I g v ab o u t ' l ^ r ebUBrtih w ho w ould y

I t h p g l e i w w t S S S L # ^i iS i* o f th e ap ln lig thh i ^ w ould **-g h m Im p m am ear w hkh i iM b a rf Urn*.

■■T*a':.wawga .ta'dfy um tgkii gkau i I I I m n rp k a tr and (AKaa baltara th gg lg h h igl mad n t a i a l i a b*ll*a a m

P R O T E S T S P A Y IN G S C A V E N e $ 40,000

Jowpii L Satlk, Wbo f U f u n to Naae Hit d in ts , Ai k ^ s

Befoft B i H of W i i ^SAYS (aU K A II M E P M O j a g A W

RapreaanUng tha la ir firm a f l.lnda- burp, Depua A P a a lk t aad aoma c lla n u wboea nemae he rofueed to divulge, Jo - eepb L. B nitb , a eon of Jem ae Rmith J r ., eppaerad bafora the Board of W orke th ia altom oon w ith a p m laa t •g a ln e t tha paymanl to th a N aw erk P av in g Company, gerbnga co n trac to r, of tM.Oe* In addition lo th e am o u n t of Ita unprofltabla contract.

H r. BmIth eald that liaw ark ebonld not bo mada to appear an e “m unicipal hoep itel for contimctere,' ’aeeartod th a t H ugh p. m iligen . bead df th e corapay. knew w het he wee about w hen he an- ta ra d Into tha pact and daelarad h« ehoutd ba mada to eland by It, Pr*el- d an t T ria l and other m am hara o f the baard aekod for pa ilicn iaru ro g h rd lag H r. Bmlth'e cllanta. Ih i lr m otlvae and BO on, bu t auccaoded In b rin g in g out l i t t le Inform ation along th a t Una.

A lthough he dacllned to tha and of th a bearing to any who hie cllen te era. Hr. B nitb eaearted th a t he would ba forced. In tha event of the board par- e la ting In Ita purpoae, lo ta k a o ther atapa, tn tlm ating th a t ha conlam - p ta tad a seu rt action of aoma aort.

CouBclIiMn Oltlan com plim ented Mr. BmIth on appearing before lha boned, end While ha wee ta lk ing , C om m lealonir D enm an morod th a t th* buelnaaa o f tha board procaad.

“ Taa, yaa," agreed P raoldant T riia . a t th a aama tima poundlpg hla daak w ith h la gavel.

W hile tha racket waa go ing on, Mr. (Jllleil remained on Me feet, and w han Mr. Triaa had flnlabed proceeded w ith h la talk .

C M taln lng the Inform ation th a t H on tc la lr, Eaat O raaga and Q ian B ldga hava mada appllpatton to tha S ta ta De­p a rtm en t of Coromirca and N avigation to eonatruet a aawer ou tle t In N ew ark Bay naar tha Lehigh Valley R ailroad bridge, a la tte r from B- r . CTaason Jrn • tc re ta ry of lha depart m in t, w aa ra- ootrad. I t aakad If tavorab la ac tio n on I h la application would InluHouaJy af- tao t Nownrk’a Intaraata. II exproaaad a w lah to know thia. In o rd e r th a t It m ay a c t underaU ndInglp w han lh a ap - plication ta taken up to r fu r th e r con- aldaratlen . *

•riM Board of W orke f« oppeaed to N ew ark Bap halng uaod aa a aaw ar o u t­let, In view of the fact th a t It la apand- ing* .*** aa lU p a r t of tha oeat of th a Paaaale Valley trunk aaw er. the ob­je c t of whoao eonatructlon la to tak a to w ag e beyond the bap. I t a J ra a d r haa aen t B pr«t*at to lha Haw T o rk H arbor L ina Board to th ta affect.

S m S O S M I t S i r / I M T EF M i s u m m e w u i p s

A p*lttlcn ' raquaating th e B tala B oard o f Puhtlc U tlU ^ Comml*»lo»i*rn to ft* A M t* f « d lrm t B«* llgbU ng a a p a ra u fro m tbo *00*17101 of tamp* wn* fWod loBkp h t T ranton bp Clip m * * * . M rocltaa th* fticta of th e a it- u u tlau egWNd hp the Board of W o rto R tvldg A eopfruet for lha lam p aupptp to lb * B gb lls L igh ting Barrio* Corporu- U oa a f N*W T ork A nd th* *ab*a«u«nt rA lkilil ml Orn PukUe BMwIo* Oaa Com- BA H to agiB lp gaa to th* Naw Tacfc o g r p g m U g i ^ n a H *t«ra Arg I n f ta lM • a *m I i g traot lam p

V util tb a po»i«n t tlm o bo th gaa au4 tam poJiA P * bo*g auppllad bp tba miillnMfgbH,-

■trlkcro. Ara Moloatvd. Do* o f Tham Balag A H orhcd-^T hrm io Are Bald t* Bav* B rea Made A ualaal Tham —O a - fvvaav* HrM by t 'a a a a a l a f f a t a o aad C'ampaoy’B BallrKar.

Cognlaanca of ih r a trik * of P ruden­tia l In iuranee Company * enan t* ha* bran taken bj! the federa l authorlllea . Announotmeni waa made In VVaihln*- lon thia afirrnoon th a t ISaeratary W il­ton of (he H epartm ent of Lohor had appointed Rowland B. M aktny of the divliloR *( conciliation, to m ake a a In­quiry and rvpart on tk a difflaultia* which hava arlaan batw aan th* oom-

gAAb OggTia floRt amptoy g au Tba Mura* of B o e rc ta ^ W lbmn Ig ta

nwponH to tc ila n (ak*A r*g t*» iA t i r - ternoon hp trader* of th* a t r lk tr a wh*n th ty mad* an appeal to tho d ep a rtm en t Th* requral, which con ta luad a rartta l of th* men'* grlevanca* from the atandpolnt of (he t tr lk e ra , waa a long one. The leader* today refuaed to give , ou t their m rttag e n r tn te ll any of Ita dotalla unlit a reply had baan racalved from Baerrlary Wllaon.

Th* action o f tha W aahing ton au- thorltlea I* In addition lo procerdlng* Initlatad yoaterday In N*w T ork Bial* by tho ttrlkera . A con tm ltla* Includ­ing H arry H. Lum pkin, prealdeal of th* Inaurunee A gent*' in ta rn a llo n a l Protaotiv* Aaaoclatlon, look up th e lu b - Jact w ith th* a ta ie labor n u th o iitte a

Couaool D n w a Vp O rlovaaro*.Over n ight Ooorge L. Record, of

counavl far the a g a n ta had drafted th* grtevanoaa tha a lrtkar* hava agalnet th* company, which he w ill prreent ta th* Naw Tork s ta ta bureau of m tdlallon of Ih* Now York Ind u itrta l Commlaalon. The fo rm ula tion of th* griavanca* wa* In compUanc* with direction* given a t a ro n fa ren re with John J. Baalln, apecitl ag en t of tha bureau, yaaterday afte rn o o n at th* offic**, I I# l F ifth avenue. New York. Th* grievance* will be received by Colonel Michael J. R eagan , the atatu m ediator, who w ilt than aak (he com­pany to aubmlt a reply.

Mr. Record called on B dw ard D. Duf- Beld, general aollcitor of th e pruden­tial, thia m orning and (o r an hour the tw o lawyer* were In conaultallon . At Me eoBclualon Mr. Record naked for a atatam ant a* to th* com pany'* ettitud* and Mr. Duflield d te ta tad th* follow ing:

“Hr. Record called on me and atked me to a ta ie the com pany'* poaltloa In regard to the to -called 'a tr lk e ' of aoma of Ita agenta.

“I atated to him th a t the company had dlicharged certa in o f Ita field am- ployoat for continued n ag lo rt of duty and open dtaloyalty to th o company: th a t thane men would not under any eonditlon* be r*-em ptoy*d: th a t cer­tain other Held em ployaet had not been dlw hargcd. bur had vdluniarlly dacllnad to continue to w ork fur the company."

Tha aliteen man te n t to Je rsey City from th* Prudan tla l horn* office we^o aach given H I. B afora they l i f t they hlad (ham to a d ap artm an t atore a n t aach purchased a p a ir of rubbora, an um brella and a ra in coat.

The ag an ti' aaaoctallon w ill bold a m taa m eeting tom orrow n ig h t In th* New' Auditorium, O rang* a trea t, whar* apaakara will u rg e u tro n g a r orgnntaa- tlon and will e ip in in th* ranaono-Tof tha atrlke. Among thoae acheduled to ta lk a r t Board o f W orka Commtaalonar Charlaa F. Gillen, Q aorg* L, Record, Mayor H ark M. P a g a n o f Joraay City, Joaoph Carroll and JFaaio* O. BlauvalL

Raaard R agarta am Caetacowao. PoUowIng hla c o a iu lta t le n w ith th*

Prudantlal'* ganera l ae lle lto r, Mr. Raoord ratum ad t a h la o fltoa In Jaraay City, whor* h* m at a cnm m lttaa of the tatarnatlonB l Aapootattan to lap hofor* Ihom B report of th e ean turaaeo . W ith the comm I (la* w aa Aaaamblyman Juaapii Carroll a f H udaea Coqntp. Mr. Rauard akptalnad th a t b a had te td Hr. D uttlatd w hat th a etalBH a f th a man w art) th a t thap allagad w agaa tw d baan roduead a r th a t g rq a ia r burdaaa had baan impAaad aa tbam t a r th a aama w ag ea aad th a t th a ra g a la tln n laauad laa t month, w klah h v ad b h t on tha Im a N t, v a t th* te n th a r atavunlh bbrdaq ptacad 0* thaoi. H * potatud out bliw, aald Hr. R aaord. th a t th* gMA b*-.

Jeraeyman to ho d iacharged under tk* army dependent fam ily order will ba on hi* way horn* today w ith lha co -op^n lion of Ih* so u lh a rn dapnrtm enl and Ganeral Rdwin W. Hina. Th* u s i^ l afndnvlte w ill b* w aived tem porarily Th* man la R argannt Oaorg* F Fanlon of Compiny E, P lra t Raglm ant. whoa* three children a r* 111 from Infantile pamlyala a t hla home, i t O ovtraor ■treat. Newark.

The case wa* p resen ted lo the mili­tary auihoi-Ule* yesterday It.roi'gh A ruatus V. H am b u rg of the Newark Board of Trad*, w ho toad* a direct ap- paat t* A d ju tan t O anaral W ilbur P. dadlar Jr. p i Itaa O tr l TA* tatW f w in d

v Major tlano ra l M radarick Punaton. U. B. A„ com m anding Iba aoatkarn daparl- mudt. a t T o rt 8am Mouato*. Tea. Fledge* wore mad* to th* m ilitary chief* th a t eh* requ ired affidavit* In the ran* would be forw arded at th* aorlleat poaalble moment.

Another p itifu l caaa, w hich ra n rasall only In a fu rlough . 1* th a t a t C orntlla* Mackin of I t u ick a rao a atraoi. Newark, who nna rocclvod w ord th a t hi* molhor Is dying. \ K* alao ta of Company R, and Colonal Jo h n D. F ra a a r tm m cdia'aly gave him a f lfteen -d ap furlough. Th* raglnicnl I* h o ld in g bim hare tampo- m rlly bocaua* h* h a s no money, and ■ays hla people a r* u n a lt* to send him fare. If th* aum naaded, about JTO. does not come from hi* people hack home we w ill t ry and rala* the far* Mackin w antad to try to “fralgh t It" home, but w ill no t b* allowed to do tb ia

Mora » e |aaa aa Ragaeated.• Colonel F n a a r and o th e r comman- dara have received a num ber of addi­tional la tta ra from people bach homo atk lng for the d laeb a tg * of men. H* daclarea th a t aa la th a caao of Fan- ton h* will a c t p ro m p tly whan etreum-

F R E D E R IC K F . G U IL D , F R O S E C U T O R , D E A D

S r r w D i t* I h c s i • ! W bdi bitFew of ffii l i i i a i t i Ac-

p u i t a c e s I m r .W TWICH WTTB OFFICE UF TO ENDAeatatan* Pvaseeolar Te lapAaaed P alp

Taatavday to Pr aai tatae-a Ham* Vpaa O fftre AWatsa PI ret In tlm atlsa a t ■avt aae lllaeea . Rad Bern a illeg . Mawavav. fa* Yeaiw Wee 8o ra Rev* itatp-T v** Year* Ago.

tllnaa* w hich had confined him con tinuallp to hi* bom* a t t t t ML Pros pact avanu* raaultad a l I p'clock thia m srn ing in tb a death of pVadarick P. ObIM. p raaacu tor of th* plaaa In Raaai County, l l waa a year ago whan Mr. Guild found hiir.aalf la falling health, bu t oven antU w ithin a few d y a bafora b it dea th h* k*pl hlmaalf so elonaiy In ooalaet. both w ith his privat* praette* pad lha a ffa ir* of th* prosocutor'a of­fic*. th a t th* aarlouin*** of his IHnss* wa* unknow n s ic sp t to soma af hi* In- tlm als acquain lancet.

An Ida* of th* length lo which Mr Guild carried hi* application to h it d u tlaa In the face ot hi* physical 'n - capacitallon . It gained from the fact th a t Aaalatani Froaeculor W ilbur A. Molt tilw phontd to tho Guild homo yw* la trday on buaioeaa ro rn u n sd with the d irricultlaa of the Muluel T rual Com­pany In Orangs, and was then told for th* flrat lim e ihal the prosecutor had bacom* too weak lo give personal a t- tan tlon to hi* public dull**

P unaral esrvlces will be condoclad haturday m orning a t 10:1* o’clock In T rin ity Bplacopal Church. Hev. Marcar Grean Johnaton. the factor, will of- tlclat*. In torm ent well be private.

Mr Guild wa* born In Newark Sep­tem ber H i t . He m arried Miss K lli- abath Daldwin. also ol Nswark. Jun* 10. t i l l , and is survived by her snd by (wo children, B llaaboth Guild and Baldwin Guild.

T houah not affilia ted with any frp tam al organ ltallona , he was a m tir- bar of the tCssaa Club, Ih* Newark Huaaum Aasoctatlon, the Carterel Hook Club. Ih* Laiwyer*' Club the W aehlng- ton gocleiy of M orrlitow n. the Hchool- men'* Club and lha Wedneeday Club. Hr. Guild did not hold membership In any church , but was a regular a tte n ­dant *1 Trinity .

Hr. G uild* fa th er was William B. Guild, who for many yeari ranfce-1 h igh in th* legal fral«rnll> of this city and the aia te as th* senior member o f Ihe firm ol Guild * Lure The fo rm er prniacu tor graduated In early youth from Newark Academy and a t once began work as a clerk with a m ercantile establiehm ent In New York

A fter tw o j ears of this work, Mr. Guild decldsd to follow th* law and lo



R m r adl Trlutanea Arc Dp u d Swec|^ Away Evcrythiai Fund

i i TWir Palk.K o ram r loss b m thousands

• • IFewNil# mm€ M -Tfcal— 9i IdMhawuu D*l«r*4 fw Mmm mmA TTMka uM

BvwMvIr lf«H Mr Hrcarr D*w b-fpllsm-TfeMWBirkfam Bad* fct*

b f WU»*B H l w m 4 t > .

H fW Rffir#.NEW PROVIDKKCK. Ju ly IT.—Dm -

•irlnv crop«. bQlldinv* and rM da lo a* •n i tn t probably roach tof many iMou* Mnda of dollort, rw ndtrlnf h lfhw ayo impaooabl* aod moroofiind ra ilroad |)«aMirattr« b^cauM of ih* c**»alloA of railroad ••rvlr*. a flood which for vlo< l«nc* bruiiH rwcordi of many yoar* ilrud'k th* New Urovldeneo **€110(1 • !A o'cloi'k >Mt*rday *ft*rnoon and r*ach«d i ti h * l |h t i t m idnitht- Haiti oon(inu*d ta f t ll taeawlly until *arly thi* m ornhid.

Th* j*a*Mlc lUver and H* tr lb u ta rU a , t>*vani* Bwollon lo torrent* whh^h *wopt ■ way «v*r> th lii| movab]* In th* lr p a th a Hay which iay In th* (NIda w a itin f lunny woather to dry Jt waa cwrritiJ away by lh« flood, and cbMit* »n», pld* and olhar livaatock ward drowned In great humb«ra

w*r* fur a l«»od tlm* »*v«ral feel under w a ttr and In *«m* inatanca* for diatancaa of huiidrad* of y ard a Urs and Mra John W Dichlbvon w ara caught In (bair houa* in l^ r ln g f ia ld avenue, the flrat floor of w nlch waa (looilad when Halt brook roaa. M ra Uicklnaon waa carried out by her *on- In-law , Halaey Uenung. Th* w at*r drova W illiam l»avt* and hi* fam ily frocn their h«ime near Ih* IHckInaon huuia. A bridRe w ai wa*h*d aw ay In Jriapl* itre e t. and Mountain av*nu«, !>•- ( w ^ n Htony Hili and Union VlUag** wee impaeaable th ii morning, ton* of field aionet bav ln i be*fi wa*h*d dow n frum th* flororunding land

At Murray HUl the irack t.avatlon* of the Paaaale d Uelawar* rilvtalon of Ihe Laarkawenna ltal1ro*d wera wa*h«d out for a dletanc* n( a milag Krom A.IA yeiterday aftenioon until a f te r m idnight no irmlna |>a**«d ov*r it. Hundred* of commuter* from B erkeley H eight! and beyond wer* delayed*

41 W arai Near M array lltILThe worei of th* w ater dam age wa*

about a of lha M urray Hilli»(atiuii. H tf* the B ernardivill* «*- [jraaa, laaving Nawark a t 4:1T, auccea*- fully i^aaaed w a r on* etretch of waehad track iu»t before th* w ofit «f the alofm , h»mI \se« etoppod by another about 200 yard* ahead It wa* unabla to leave (bl* leland until 7 SO o'clock, and iTBwied into DernardavtU* about • ocliMk. tak ing with U the paaeeogara of the mail train which left N ew ark


B A ^ JO G G L ESecreliry-Treisircr aid fici Fnw

ideit Ihtial Tnat Ga kh cnad af Cwapncf*

attupt to get $340,111

Bail af $25,000 im B f n a - l h l 4 DL Uidar Caistabli'i Watch


G iai'end became a clerk In hi* (a iher's 1 . i t i l . and got nu fsrlh er I’'* " o llk e . He wa* adm itted to Ihr New i ray Hill Th* letar RernatdsvlU* **• Jersay b ar a s un aU orney In June. 1171

(Continued on t t h poga. 4tli eclnmn.)

u i Mgpdg, fegg RriM A M t A!Mg':«nHk <l itef** ta -P p lG t^ 1

w u K n i N i n S D O o ssnM B K U R D n n . BOHIATT to ap g a ta ta s ia t o f g gaeeaeoor ta

Jem aa t , Kmmrm»r, rpcaptlp dtaeiierged geWg ta ry *1 IRg Fgllpe R m H . » M■gatp t a l i ov*r bp th * b**rd th ta p f t* ra i« * wprtll M itt Mogdmp. w han * gpppMII itan t hig ’R tlt W MdC

A fta K tlW <M t th a t* tapiA pavatat MPgliatgi Wdar eagiWaWIgg, Rr**- Mag* W aU lM iM Q .(tali ga.aiM ApB |a * n .Rapli W «B*a.. H a aai«. th « t iM M u d

th a h ta i pvaltahl* tn a a t a r tha fa it t h | t Dhf gii*a*»gl1 aage

llavfd thp Isaderp o f th * a tiW » '.<’***


W oBu L e m Tm F ir f ro i TDffd- Story Weidow wiA Loaf Re*

CM P h ik .

WHSr BROKEN IN LONG DROPIn her anx ie ty to roacua bar pat k it­

ten, marooned on an aatanalon roof, Mra. Mary H P alm ar laat night fall from tha th ird Goor w indow of a board­ing haul* a t I I I -dlroad atraa t to lha alleyway below. T ba w om an waa picked up for dead, b u t racovarad whan ro- niovad to tha C ltp H oapital. An a iam - Iffntten dlncloaed th a t th a only Injuries from hor tw ea tp -fo o l ta ll wore a broksn righ t w rist and a ru p tg ra d tnnden in her left lag.

Fussy bad boon m laalag fa r M v e n l hours, and Mra. P a lm ar had h o k ad through (ho hoqaa In vain to r t t W han ■bout to nbandon th o aoareh, nha hanrd ■ wank, p itifu l naaoaw from ouUlda. Bhe found puaup h ad g o t onto tha roof and could not g a t b a d i;

Tha ro o t la oao a to rp high and tha window on tb o aacond floor which opened Ob It W U I* a loefcad room. Vnaklo to got to posory through thlo wap, Mra. P a lm ar p roeurad a long p lank and ondoavorad to plao* It on th* root w ith Ita Olid ro a d ih ig to hor window on Ih* th ird floor. , Ptiaop ovMoatlp did not u adora taad tlw t oh* w u suppoood to onmb tb o p la n k an d qnlp erlad londar aa b a r m lstro o i oaltad ta hor.

Mr*. P nhgor abovad U br'p laak ottll ta rtb o r o u t on th a ro o f and tn doing *0 taonad t a r -front tb o v tndow . Bha fall, hor badp a tr lh ln g U talnat tbo aid* of tm* n m o o p lank . This gtano- Ing blow oworvod h o t body ta on* old*, a u a in g t t t a fa ll Into th* a lta r iM toad of Bpoii Um n o d . a o r t l p n flo t M ra palm or w aa ta h a a to tb a hogpUal pnapp w as rn o b a d bp a n o th e r hoatdar.

and to u r years la te r wsa admiueit as ■ raunnalor-at-Ikw . H* slsyed with Guild A Lum a s m snaglng cisrk until Ucto bar, t i l t , when ha bream s m snaglng adilor of lh a Newark Dally Journal, a new spaper th a t waa a l th a t time th s p rope-ty of l-ta g ran d la th sr, R llllam R. 0 «lld Br.

N tw apapor trarlc waa Mr. Guild's Raid for tw o poart. whan ho rosumod tha p rae tir* o f taw. Th* Journal paooed Into th* con tro l of n oompany. tm l nl- (hough tho now owner* Importunsd Mr. Ottlld to rem ain w ith tham. ha rsfusad.

For ten yoara Mr. Guild praitlced law and gained (o r himself nnl only n wide oUantsle, bu t an tnvlnble s ta n d ­ing a s a kae.i and hlgb-prlnclpled a t- tom op. H is f ir s t public offlca cam* w ith hla appointm ent April I. I t t t , b r G avem or G rlgg* ta the lU itrlc t Court bench. Mr. a u lld pranided over the Barond DIntr e t O curt until 1*M. when he reolgnad.

U). Guild w as on* nf the nrlglnSI m em bari o f the appointive small Board ot Education of th ia city a* II Is now constitu ted . He was namsd In Decem­ber, HOT. h r form er Mayor Itausslliig for a ''a b o rt '' term of one year. H r H auasllng rsappolnted Mm to m em ber­ship In ItO t and he served until F eb­ruary 1. 1*11. The board elected Mr Guild Its f irs t president and m aintained him tn tn a t office during his term.

In April, 1001, Governor Port ap- pointed Mr. Guild to the Btatc Board of tCducatton on th* strength of h is record on th a local board However. Mr. G uild dectinad. despite efforts on the O ovsrnoFs p a rt (o secure his ear- vleaa.

Mr. G uild 's experience ss s candidate fo r public office w as limited to one oc­casion. P rom th e beginning of hla ca- leor, Mr. Guild had bean a stanch Dem­ocra t, a lthough not engaged In political s e tiv ltla a tn Novambar, UCI. however, he ran fo r alderm an on the Democradc llck e t In the E igh th Ward He did not an tlc lp a la success, although the vote he pollsd w as o n t of tho strong**! Domo- c ra tlc to ta l* over recorded in the E ighth W ard.

G overnor F ielder appointed Mr. Guild to h ts p resen t office June t l , tkU , when fa rm er P rosecu to r Louis Hood resigned. H* w as sw orn In bsfors Judge H arry V. Osborn* Ju ly 1, l i l t , and served undor th is appointm ent, which was tempor-

uress was h*ld a t Summit, and finally rssched Byrnardsvlll* a l about ) o'clockthis n n rn lng . . . . . . __

A tlem Pis to reach Ih* sls llsd trs in * by auto inobllsi w ets largely la llu ro* because tha ordinary main toads w ars impaasabla. Only by dalouri on h l ^ y land soma cars got down from m t - n a tdsvm a and Basking IHdga. ta k in g two bsura or mora ta lha trip .

N , „ . r R urrky Hill ao ten feel high wa* so gullied bp th a wash from adjsceni flaldi and roads tha t th* culvert* ware unabla to c a r ^ , es to leave the lies suspended In th* s ir over lonslderabls e lre tchea Th* fu rth er washout was caused by w h a t w as ordinarily a mere runlet of w ater. The storm turned il Into a to rre n t e ight feel or more wide, which flowed In rapids over Ih* i r a ik a

A fter the rain had lessened, th* sec­tion gang succeeded In effecting tem ­porary repair* enough to perm it th e cautious passage *>f th* firs t tra in . Fuasengers from the second then w ere escorted- to It by the trainm en. Ad-

(Continuad on Hh page. 1st colum n.)

L ying on bis bad a t hla Maplawood, whar* h* la fron i M eparaUon for sppaadtoltlR M * win & Hatoh today aasuniad f«U ro* sponolbllltp fa r th* con d lU o u w btah lad Mnndsp to tba closing of th a MntnnI T ru s t Company a t Scotland olroot and H igh land avoauo, Orang*.

M r Hatch, who w as a vie* pranUMlI of th a bank, had raad a atatam aB t m iB t to th a proaacutor by Thonun B> R flta b ■ aorau ry and Iransurar of th* tfUM oompany. dotalling bow, n fta r tbroo h o u rs ' parlaying, h* had laouad to H aloh earilflco les of deposit am oun tiag t* tita .doo , rocolving ttaarofor only HAtBB.

lyovolopmonu cam* faal today tn clanging up th* m pstary w hieb haa adg>' roundad tha Iroublaa uf th* i n u t *«■ - pany. F irs t r a n * th* announoam aM th a t w arranU had baan Inauad (Or tba a rra a t of Hatch and R pm a. Than Uyrno. accomiwnlod by hi* cwiuMqL fo rm ar Jadg* Thomas A. Davlat np* paared al th* court hotiao, w aa fo n so l- ly ptacad undar arraa t u d bald In m .* a 0 ball.

P h y sic ian s appointsd bp lh a prana- ru to r 's offlcs, want to H aplaw onC found H atch w as too ll) to bo ram oooR and on th a ir raport b* w as arrag tad wii.i ■ constabl* placad on guard .

Th* s r ra s ls war* mad* oa charR M of conspiracy to defraud tb a tru a t oogi- pany. |l«o .u«t baing m antloaad aa th* ansount.

Ueaeusuiaut la Oawa.Than cam* tba danouam aat. 11 had

been said Byrn* had mad* a eompDot* and W ilunlary a u ism a n t la tb a prsns cu tnr. hut 111 oontM ta war* som Bn- lously gusrdsd. Rumors th a t th* ogib* w hich the s i a u holds w as o o n m itto d had basn [srpo ira tad Into a t s ig h t war* sGoaL

Finally , Edward H. Coll* Isauad a ■ tatom snt s s H aleb’s counsat. Th* glok m an assun ed full rssponaipllltp . Ho had read Byrne's sIsU m an t a a d la a ll lU bstnn llal delsll* It wa* oorroat. Ho not only took (h* responslbtlllp , but. SO Car as possibt*. hs wishad to rollov* Byrn* of reiponslblllty (o r W hats th* secra ta ry amt Iraasurer had duo* a t h l l raqoeal and ■olteltallon. >

B yrne's sis tsm en t was g lv aa mit la te r. It li Id. clearly, sim ply, o f a tong session of Ih* two msn a t th* bank an the n igh t of May II laat. Byrn* de- re ur red lu doing what H atch w astod. Ho told of his wit* sa d tw a o h iu ra n , hi* aged father, long a potleam an in O ra n g r , the (rlands. who bad baoaaM depoallOrs In lha b ask baonua* o f hta connaetloa with IL

H atch adm itted a ll th a qaaotlona Byrn* ralsod. He rafarrad to hlo o |Wfam ily. He told how h* had

(Continuad on l l th png*. Id colum n.)

' fObMIanod on' iiihi

(Continuod on Id paga. Id cnlumii.)


(RtICAGO, Ju ly I I .—A period of In- tanne heat tn Ih* Wantarn plains slat**, unaqualad In continuity and extrem aly high tam p ers tu ra s sine* IIOI, the year of th* hot wind* In Kansas, uccordlng to th* govarnm ant w eather bureau here, probably will continue through the re ­m aining days of July. Two deaths and sisven p ro a tra tto n s due to heal are re- portsd.

The (o racasler announced Indny th a t ne t a laaf wan s tirr in g In (he Canndlan N ortbw ast, whenc* rallef must come, and th a t (her* was every Indication t h a t aacap t In spotq vlaltad by local ■howar*, Ih* drought would b* severely f a i t

B O H i s m n u n B a m, » ^ D I i m n u n , O K B I T

V ——— «*A RMtano, onroWM* n**f pdrow a ga* M M tbo rnodi wf Mim Udfr Orlf- Ita a t IB* rmrrr Btroot. taMtaod hor •ildiMMito MM night, thd hoSjhW S opohbB Br jN «M MBtlR. Mr*. Orlfni ***r ^bMTI o'oloith thia t^M*

iM%MV Mi*- WaTr Udrd. whom'PMliRB, OWhtr ntpotata* r«t vtowpd t u bodF B»d naW doatb tidldonMt . „ ' . .Mtav Mffta rotiroB nbotrt IB n'MMfcIMI nyH-aml waa ppptMwMOp ir '■»lrM..''fh* wag oMtir-MwB f« r

■ IT-1 'I

l U T H M I f n Q i r U H S I KTM Bimrlty or tto ItM nt'

Mbm dH hdiiBalii of tM »m- a« odaMHi 00 tho float u l u l i u oil M IM IM of RWhlMhH bhmm dlljgB iMRBi If du kddah Var OiMJOit

i OH —

F A l WEATHER PREDKIIDG eaorallp fa ir tonigh t and tom orrow ,

gan tio to m odarnta sh ifting w ind* Is th* oBlelal w eather foracast for New­a rk an d viotnitp.

golgoia In th e history of tho w eather b v io an ha* there been «q«h a long g tratoh o f humid w eather as has ek- Jgtod fa r th* last two t m k a D uring th a t period the hum ldltFhd* averaged oloa* to th* 10 per c e n t m ark. P ortu - BBtalP fo r nuBorlng kum anitp the tetn- p o n tu r* du ring th a t tim a haa not been •qpqcUUp high lev ib'd Haaoh of th* p in r .

A t t o 'eloek thlo m orning tha tern- p o ra ts r* rogisiored Tl dogrooa, a t I p^ look Tl and a t noon TT. At T a'cloek Ih* hum idity rogtsw rod I I per cant. •Bd a t noon M por oonL Al the la tte r h o w Ihoro w aa th* raggaatlnn o f a gauthovlp bruaan, whlok tippod th* ry- qgrdlng noadt* to two mtloa an hour. K o m m idnigh t to noon .11 o f aa Inch o r i« in MIL

Togtardap th * tompoiminr* avoraged T4.t. vrilli M* rang* batwook Tl and H Th* bumMItp ayotag** U por e o a t w ith tbo higlMM i w p a r m at, and tho Ipyroat *1 p a r w nL Th* -R rd rtlU h r M m l v a « tPMR th e South. MMhIng a t

S T w t s s s . s s ‘a * i i t “


W uderi hto WaterlowB, N. Y ., P ^ e Headqoartert in E riiln t


H«r hair Mhorn clop#* lo Ih f icalm MI«m Mdrlf Kitpfer, • cov#rnw i l* 1h^ employ of K. Morrlion. fnana*«pof the iien^ra* Klectric Company pJunl In H jirrlion. who !!»*■ nt ii^lavan Ave­nue Afid llUlffd Mtreet, lhl» city, ye«1er- (ifty wandered into polit^e heudfjuntrlere Al WAterlown. N. T., a ek ln t thai she be locked up "forever " When aeked who •he WAA. ehe replied th e l ihc w ie nomeled*. The Morneorm ire dpendlni iho Hummer a | a camp ai ll*rri*on Islindv in Iho Adlronrlatke. andi U li ■uppoaed Ihfit frt>m there Mies K A ptir found her W aterlown.

Aocordinx 1° Annie Joh n a,houMekeeper at Ihe Morrleon home. ULm K ap fer. who m About iw enty-iitne y * irA old, he* for tw«- yearn been g r a i t ly worried, fo llu w lh f the death in G e r ­many of her fiance throuKh an a cc i­dent. In addition to thia. her parefila Afkd a brother are In the w ar aone In Oermany and two eouNina are in the German arm y. Affttatloti over t h e y w elfare. M ra John* nald. had brought the woman to a* high nervott* tenaion.

A ro u iid Jh e f'hriatm aa holldaya, MU# K ap fer eliffered ao eaverrly from melAncholla that ehe wad takan lo lh a <’ i ly Hoapital. A fter her dvarharge, Aicurdlng to Mra. . Johne. she w aa at D envlIU for two montha, undergoing tri'Atnient. When tha Morrlaon fa m ily left for the Adlrondacka, ah« w ent alao

MJaa K apfer, M ri. JP h n i aald. cAine to thia country from Germany three yeara ago and entered the employ o f a w ealthy Long leland fam ily. K Ighleen montha ago ahe came lo the M orrtion home to tearh German to the children, F ran k lin and George Morylaon.

a ? e * .tow ant f t .

“ KID" lAHUNG DROPS DEADw illiam B Mahling ihlrty-o*»*B

years old, known lo beeehall (an* of th is city ns "Kid" M shting. droppad (teed th is m orning nl hla home. I I O r­chard stree t, from heart disaas* Mr. Mnhllng played *■ eharistop In the Rontnrn League, th* prodsoossor of th * presen t iD tornatlonal Loagu*. and on April II , l t » . w hilt p ity in g w ith th* Toronto toam. w as prossntad a dla> m ond-atuddod watch fob and a M lvor loving cup a* (b* most popular p tapor Iw th* loagu*. Thoa* g in s w ar* m ad* bp th* r r a to r a i l Ordor o f R ag taa

D urtag th* )M t (tv* yoara H r. M ahllag had n a t hoan connaotad w ith m ajor taatfu* toam*. bu t had p tapad aa g oam l-profoailonal aad (altaw od hla trad * * • • * atactrlelaa. R* w aa b o ra In c w o ts a d . fx. and a t ta r p lay in g In U ttl* Rock. A t*-; d an to*, tk . an d W hsottaa . W. Vp.. had gslMt h ta hoMsa tn th ta a ltp M r M a pant (hiriioan psnrm H a l l tauudwod bp a 'urldphr, Hrn. BUgMihlltMb ««d WM aoB. dnutaM a


Ex-GoTenor.Eip(ctd to hmmet Tomrrow Stand on Senitir-


New* that farm er Oeverrtor Edw ard Htokee le expected to «ddr«M k

Ing of the county ItepuhllcAB com m IttM ' here tomorrow night waa g m e rn ltf IH' le rp rr le d among Rxeex Itepub1lcu i« to ­day Hi Indlcetlng thAl he will no t h# A, candldAie for the Republican nomlng* tlan for the Unilrd RtAtee Henate,

From Rourcee cloee lo Htoke* At Tr«A*' ton (Ame the Inform etlon todoy tbAt ttiokee wM About ready to AhnoUADt' ih a i he would not run.

Mr Riokar'n own d lelncllnntlon lA'' m ake any.puhUc etAtement todny w u fu rther Interpreted aa m«ARlng thAt k*' would not be a cAndidAte.

ll Im 1>elJeved that fitokea’a dedA lM not to be A benelorlal u p lrA n t llliA year .will be made puhLIe In reply lo a li-tter w ritten by K»m x RepnbllCABA and Rlgned by meny of hi* fr le n d j h«rA/ aek ing him to foreiro h li ainbltfon Irt The IntereetM of form er O ovem or F rank lin Murphy. Mr. ^(okoe recelw d th a t le tter thie Aflernoon* It f i report** ed. TtN t e n h u not been niAde pablk* nor the namcp of (he i ig n e n . ^

Keveral ronferencee have been held recently Ijciween Miokei Anri th e mem- here of the DHllonal K epiibhcan cAPn- ptbign commKtee, who are looking a f te r th e fight for the dontrol of the BenAte After March 4, next. The nallMiAp Irurlere made it quite pUln, Jt t i AAlds th a t ih c lr one de«|r« w u for u f#w prim ary conieate ae poviilblo. They weri* not In a mood to th row th i l r e iren g th to one aide o r Ihc o th e r Ih New Jersey. Thia a ttitu d e !• b e lle v ^ i to have been a factor prom pting g lo k w not to run.

The eKpectAtlon In Reaex C ounty t9 th a t Kiokea will throw hie whole a tren g th to Murphy for the RenatorlAl •e a t now held by Jamea R. M arline.

The coal of a prim ary cam paign fo r the Henatorrhlp haa diecouraged Ktohea'fl frienda W hile th e re la a fed­e ra l taw lim iting the expenditu re of A (an d id a te for a Senatorial nom lnatton. to IID.DOO. the exceptlone In th e w ay of e ipen ioa th a t nead not be com puted a re quite comprehenalve. F or eialuplA*A candidate need not account fo r money Hpent fo r hla peraonal axpenee i (or trav e l and hoard, nor for etatJeneiTs poetAge. w riting, prin ting , dJatrltoutlng cam paign litera ture , te leg rap h o r tfte* phone aervtce, and acme o th e r t h t n ^ . ,

The New jeraey co rru p t practloea a r t la held not to apply. It hav ing bepn paaned before flenaforx w ere itia4 a elective by the votere dlreetly* Under th e AUte law. however, St appeara th a t A atAtement of expenee* rnuet be filed.

ITAUAN LEAGUE IS FOR HUGHESTh* eondldate# of Hugh** and F n t f

b an k s (o r Prosident and VIo# Proaldont nnd th a t of Anton F- Muollar for B o a rt o f W ork* commisstonsr wor* tndoraad la s t Bight by th* I ta lia n RapuhItaBB Daagu* of tbs F ourtssn th Ward.

Th# loagu* mot In Blaai'o hail. F * u r» , taonth a vnaua and Brue* a traa t.


S i i ’ t a S h d N Of flta M « M H W :


* * l^h !w itB a< oHtatata o f ^ ^

m t KNmmmwj w

IB w -to p w rl n

'i’/V>4''' j^ A B K EVENiyG .ygWB, THTJBgDAYt JOItY }MA.

• <


M CwMi Giwi (« MI h hnbARifctn a v o u fiuKE conmz

11MB SORSBIXE n•A y w traet*< «f «»1

M ifb iM w in 40 moro to check o tfk rodc of lo f u t l lo » v « ly -

i l i t e a a a r Aoion n ilo t o r pra- M t e u itiM may ho ohoorrod,'* m i i Dr. V iU ltm S. DUbrow, p ro d lm t of Ib t lo a r d of H ealib, t e o « o m lo |- ^ ^ _

• V k M rro r b w t ^ op-M ta a H y lot la tunab lM . It a n M e eotiM of yo ar c e r p m ;

, | ( a u y Oho* yoa t e d a r t of p aa r booMt W may " “ 't* •aa fo rta b lo for a t l a o , b a t H « n bora to doaMi tbo | o m of d lw a w « W d i woaM porbapo put u ta d to yo ar d o a w rtk later* nMn fo ftv tr .

• W ta i tt»t m « tn taaaoa aoary p l a n h i yo ar booio la ta w hich aaB lIcht a n y ea to r, aad ba a a ra y a a do d r m daw a t e aa rta iaa . Lot It boil aad t i n l a o a o ry tb ia t h atrlkae.A waak o f atM sblao la o a r b o ia nwfll do a w n to ebook dkoaaa t e a W ib 'P rlood cbemtcalo aad ~tttritnrv ffH fi.

"C m aohic fraah a ir la yoar baaiaa. Taka loag breatha.

, looM pdopto •»»

» oaoa a ir t act aa tboagh t b ^ W parebaao free a ir. G at

> * o a ra a l la n a n d r te o e tt epoo aad y aa wtU d iecoaraca the c a a a n

. o f y e a r illaaaa.*


contaiiaKD fc*raar a» ciwaa o r Boataroa auRB aara. law

I n n t




U AM unwonMrt own o ^ to -m a i n ooe o n o n . . .


Dbdiit Eilut hitiil hrodi ■•f Nido i d




WdiU RupM ScKtilt,Di]r KineriM, lidMn* Cn-

n b tM i SblM k.

finished first in six a m serviceSOME ONE UNDER HM, WITH PO IU IE SATS, WNDED PLUMS

I , « r . l r te t h , o « ,jM <ph C. B ra*lo*. e Tl»ltor fie- m Uci^O J » in « r rtonertty e t <**pleyW lB t h , e lty • " * **“ * *’* ' l>»r«*n t» tnu« , J ,rw y City, t h , i»m-

A U a o ,.h h . h e . n e i . ^ ■ " "nm t In wife pi»ll Mrvt<^ i in# id#*

« f h b«lt*r Ihee llre .l»w «e* en* of th . th lf1 y .o n .

hfediM Tltraifh F ulire I t D netote.


for v erto u . po*Hlon». « f h it h . e n . h . now holO.. In th i . .nO o tb .r | e l t l .e It h e . e lw ey i t>«n h i. ,h e * . ,a i e . o n . enO .r him Wllll lUlh-

In flu .n r . to l.n d th .

R re.low I . not Ih .lid tn . t h .

ell Ih .

c l.n t poittirel plum

D w p it. Ib l. Mr ■•eJt d lw ourefw l »nd h . »• propoMS to (H>ntlBU. t . b i n . • i .m lo e t lo e . I b . t com . " “ * ,VU n d . e po .m oe with b . l l . r r* . m un.retlon Ho 1» "»• lb . M lery h . l . w r n ln , in ble p r . . -

I lf Hre.low*. le tM t d le e p p o le tm e t • e a le r l b . pw lM on of • . r a ^ B l - e l -

In th« Fifwi D U trtotC v n of Hudson Coaniy. th* sAlhnr of

c*i>d1d*U« who took tb* civil! **rvLc* •lAitilnallon for cl*rli in th* elty c*n* trolUr** olTIc*. J*ljr II Th* position V** mteJ* op*a thfooflh th* prom*t)oQ of oth*r d^rh* In th* offlr* b*onu** of th* d**th or RIcbnrd A. Finn. Tb* r«- ■mH» of thi* t**t will n*t b* nnoounevd for »«v«r*1 w*«h».

All told, Mr. Br»*low hn* tAk*n foort*«ik «uiniiifttloD* oondyet*d by Ih* Civil S*rvl«* CominiHlon. B* w m S r tt In * li of th tn . **f«nd In thr** oth«r«. royfth In flaothor. Afth la two nor* and *1fhth*|a ona. Th* tes t for eUrk In ih* eoatroU «r't oflle* mah** th* fnart**nth.

Mr. BratkkW land«4 hi# pr*a*at

Tw« d*at1i* fr«wi la fan tll* p a fa t^ lA fadA d In S k iW K A t fon* of th* vUtlrna dninc thl?ty-*lR ht U i l lH lW V « B IB JBBW lU H wty tn ra old. and ihrao a*w caaM. hav* n*«a raportod in Ibo *«barbaa tow aa for Uio iw *ntpyfaar hoar* *i*dlM *t noo i toaey. W M t O ru ta * end fU tU y. boiB of wMcb bavo bd*n fro* f ro « tb* diM ese h .r . to re re , folnW tb . m ealei. p e llll* . effUctW , o«e * » . bBlea r ^ portW from eBeb pUcp- t>eeth oc«*rrw In Ih . cem reported from t b . le t te r to v b w ithin e tew heure e f te r U ee lltd to Ute etteatICB of th e b M lU e u tb e r i t iu . The f if th e*— • ! « .• »»• b .e ln n ln p e t th* p r e M i oulbreek w e . r .p o rtad from Iru lea to n .

No e .w n r — h*»* been roportoe In crreae* duriB i th* pent tw .n ty - to w hour*. T hrouvh w ro r t h . eew y eeu rd ey . tb e t of J e e o . i t . rtm teji, feu rteea m o n th , old. of M M « h in le ■treetl ih e t elty . w »i * t» .h In t h . r i .w , ea , deeth y e a e y e f t . rn o o e in .•teed . t h . child te repo rted to b . In en unproved eondlttoe.

w h M I. held In f m em onn tinc t . etilen Ihreegh e cItU eervlee e u m le e * , 1 ^ yeer end m o re BreeJow w ee I t lo e a n lrh lo . dret.

l e th e Pboe a t M etm uod a e ln . h r Ih . M b a tlle p a te ly ,i , eo tbm eli le R tw erk . B aandM eed by fan r deelke e a t l w , a t y tlMwe e rw eeeea aiaoa I o'olaek y e rte r- te td fW fM M L the B aaH r t H M lth b e . ApflaltOy id rtded t« arti th e eliy for m m « o e ty ta w m b ei th e dtoMW. A

' Pte***" ** ****** **" **to a lfh l e t th e m eetliw of th e

•om am tee of the Oammee

la t h . t ie la l ty a t N aw etli t h . eoaai •U4. Tbare wee .tM deeth la

t e l l e r , the r irr t caM reeordad le th« t p M e , A H ee ta le lr ta te p i died e l Behe. Ih M aaicletr nee new oeM wee re> t e l * * ' >0 Iko rt O n a p e e*A la

• 9 b e beeitTe p e titte e t e , Rwre funray w ill be tak en befere the f ineaee earn* artttee by Cemm laatener K irk-pn tiirtb '

'**eennee Ike le ra e Inereaee In pobe-te o lU la In o ar elty ." tka p e titlea . nS* m d y t e anted, raeda in p a r t *kae tnaed a i r lla inad fa e im iw le the n t- » aM n*a yintwd npon tk a te a tile r forea aR tisa ra iae ry laker, It la reaelvad tk a l we reaiilro a d a u ie a e l nonay .

n i la iM alfM tly impoMlble a t tk t . * ■ # ta a ta t . t i n d . t l n l l . a m o ia l e t tka aRertel aaa ro p ria llen RMtad.*

Tbe aa ionet. tka reaetn tlee a u t e e w lli be le ft te Iba l a d c a i .a i e f th e Adkwa* dOMMlttdd.

f h a N ew ark ekIM rea who hay* 4l«d IM t

M aanot T n n k a , j i f h t m o n th . oiA t i a C hertnn t r tre a l.

W atta r W elW en . t* W eat tClaimy alpM*. oooo t e y |e « * i r repo ttea.

WiTlaa a a r e l l f i tIT W ert K Ina.yarteeL

t e e lyn IfB tta r. t t t aon th aa ren th a l t e i

I IMw Caeae R i i i r t id ffea aew en»ei reported In addition

to I k . d oatk i tlneo 1 o'clock yoot.rday

T t e n la lo k Im rato . r ta y ta ra olA >1* Choatnnt otraaL

Baotnn r a r t a , th ro e yoori old. I l l W Ainnt atraat.

U U af Forte . • e n n to o e m onlhe old. l a t W alau t rtroe t.

tordio Zakel. o tfh t n o n th e otA I f l Now T ork e renae .

Okarloo Reekor, to u r y o a r t old. 1*1 W lHoughby c tree t.

A lfrr t H artina. floe yaera elA M l ■ oath n t l e o a th atraat.

John ao rk o n h y . tb rao y e a r . old. i t W aat otrael.

M ary a eb tre r , thro# y e a r , olA ITt WUHem o tro e t

Maky IJttbow aki th ree year* .14, IT] t e n o c o tro e t

Nahy Jenea, one yoar old. I t t w a lo n t

Chief Lona. t h e y will w llH naty to ee^If the h .e ltb offleere o r am bolanoe ■ ortM B . find It impoeelhle to r.m ove g <»s*e th* pehr* itdriM rtndy t* h4 lp.

QMiitei nnd unn**«**ArY *xpo*lng *f th* p*Uc* t® cdn td flon I* w ithout Hn*«.**


Louie N erae would today h a re a p retty UUle ap a rtm en t e t IM Trinoe ■treat, end h e re U a ll fum lahed and dooeratad. If the Board of B eelth h ad n 't placarded th e ptee* w ith en In- ta a tlta pare ly a li elan ih e t eteppod op- eratlone a fte r he had m ored a p a rt of hla fu rn itu re la te th e new o u e r u n He bad paid | l to John E ckert, the pronorty owner, end w en t w ith th e reel e t the m o n th '. r*n t end t h . rem elnder • f th* tu m llu r . to tak e op hie new ahad*. HeanwhllA a p la ru e cao* had neen dtecevered In th* heuee end U eree wa* w arned aw ay. He ha* a n a e lloo*. ^ .

Acoordlna 1* M erea'e etory. he h a i b**B unable i» a e t beck h ie five Bol- tare from E c k e r t Thie m om lua he made a com plaint t e r fala* p r .tm n * n c a In r ta E c k e r t T h . .u m m o n . lor B c k rtt w a . h an d .1 I . leaac B llnd .r. a court offlcor. to e*rve. He h a . a ematl mm and r .fu m d to on tor tho quaran- tlnod promlMO B am u.l Flachm an, an a tto rney , wae depullM d by Ju d a* P il­grim to deliver tbe enm m ona

dron new have h««n hilled by th . dle- MM elnc. June M, and I h . r . hav* bean more than t,OM c a r ta reported.

wni BOLD Jt. 0. U. A. I. OUTINGAnnouncement w n. m ade laet n inht

by th . commIttM In ebaro* of the fifth

I annuel .icuru lon of t h . united council, of Ih . Junior Order United Amorlcan Mecbeelc. BulM lnf A aeortetlon, Ihei tnir year'* trip to Anbury F ork would b . m ad. A ucurt I, a . achedulM . There bed b rtn rumnr* th a t the a f fa ir would b . called off ow m n le pravelenoa el iB l.ntll* p a re ly ita

T h . u cu re io n will bo n v .r ih . P .n n - ■ylrenle Railroad, w ith e to p . a t Je rw y (Miy and Harrlaon to r thoM e tt .n d ln e from Hudaee and Berpen rountle* Other etnpe win bo m a d . between th li city end W oodhrtdae for l b . eccemo- dellon of Union County d .le p e tlo n a T h . re to n will b* In th r* . eocllone In the ettarnoOB- Iho Court* o f ike U rlea t a e ld . denroo of th e order. wll> parade a t Anbury Park.


tContlaued from r i ro t P a te )

WtUlam E .IIH , to u r year* old. 111 Mew T ork avenue

bew le C u rllt. e u y e a r , old. m teo o m e a t r u t .

Tkomaa M rttam M , tw o y r t r e o ld 104 tm ta y rtte t t r a o t

Ooorae A kellla etah teen mo* tbe old. 141 Adame etroet.

Baby Schw arta. two y e a r , old. I l l F riaee etreel.

Bonry Volk, on* year old. 14 Day a tr e e t

a,, two yeere eld. IT H er-• a r e tr r t t .

Ja llna K Ittell. *1. y .a r t old, 11 Con- tM l avenue.

n i l * ahlekow ekl, two year* old, I I r r la e * etreeL

Fannie Lepleno, e lyht m onth , old. ITl Meward e tr r t t .

All th* houece In which th* n « r «**«• developed w .r . placarded and when dmith* rm ultad they wero lum lpetw l n ador dlroetlon o t t b . Board o t Haelth.

P h y e ld a n . who have caeot of lafen- tn * parelyele ere eaked by th . board t a tu rn In the r .p o rte of new casco en Ik* o r a d a l c a rd , a* well by teU- Rken*. ThIe will fa c lll te t . clertcel w ork In th . b r t i tb nffloc.


Tm i eaeoa a t tba o rd tru laeuM yoa- tardey by tba B aarde of H ealth of tb*W art Rndeon town*, a a ta b ll .h ln t a v irtua l quaran tine te r cbtidran under ■ litaan y e a n In a eon* In c ta d ln . th a t ie rrito ry , a n hourly n ipactad Polio*- m tn eu tlo n ad al p e la u of a n tn n o * hav* already bean eharp ly ctaall.n t*d by uev a la re , e a v a n l «f whom hav* th n a te n a d to eubm lt to e r r a . l and ttirht th* action o f th* euthorltla*.

Th* m ort earloue oppoaltlon ta th* n e tr tc tm n a wa* ahown laat B lfh t by a H aokanrtck men. who. w ith Ihre*C hlldna.,. eouah i to paqq, th n u g h K aaruif 4n bl* w ay to N ew ark. H* a t flrut daclared' th a t he w ould ao de.p it* the offlcor, hut w hau a r n a t wa* thraeienad. t t r n .d bach, aa h* aald, on acoount o t tb* chlldran.

Doubt haa *l*o a r l n n In Ih* mind* qf town o ttle laU an to th* aipodlaney of th* ru le which n q u lra # raeldanle of tb* tow n who hav* baan v ta ltln f •utald* to a a c u n oartlflcata* from th*H ealth Board a t tb* place whar* they hov* baan. I t I , pointed o u t th a t many who may not know of th* now maaa- ora* m lfh t b* toroad upon ih a lr a r- rtval bar* to n tu r n aapaclally lo r a

**1Th*'olfic* of H ealth O fflea , H arry V. Amcrman in th* R aarny Town Hall w aa crowdad all day yaalarday and inday. whll* t b . te lephone rana con- atantly . In alm oai e v .ry caae an ilou* p a n n U w anted to know w hether or not Ihalr chlldran would be perm itted to leave town.

C h lld n n en te rtn q K earny adoptedvariou i methoda of a r t t ln a peat Ihe i theaa thara may be wa* notOfficar. On* boy a f te r he had be .n , „ i cqmpanyhauled from a tro lley oar, produced a , pereori Who hi

■ry, unlit Pebrnary td, l i l t , whan h* waa Inducted Into office for a full term e t flv* yean , fo llow lnf hi* reappoin t- ment by Oovarnor P laldar In Jnnunry, I tU .

Under H r Hood'a yuldanca. th* crim ­inal ealandar wa* brouRhl cloaar te data than it had baan fo r many yaara. Thia work waa com platad by Mr. Oulld w ith th* aaatatanea of A aalatant Proa- acutoiu W ilbur A. Mott and Andrew Van maroBiB. At th* b av ln n ln f of th* April term, ta i l , a aurvay of Ih* crim ­inal caaa* aw altlny tr ia l dlacloaad th a t thara waa ao vanllc* of a "w a ltin c llrt." Thta wa* a continuation of Ih* record mad* at th* cloa* o t th* A prtl term In Jun*. 1111. whan thara war* practically no c a r t , left over for tr ia l durlnp th* aummar vacation.

D urinf lha tp r la g o t l i l t . Hr. Oulld'a haaltb ba(an to dacllaa. and lllnaaa pro- vented him from appearin c dally a t hla office In the courthouae. In Saptam ber, 1 1 1 1 , h* raturnad from a vacation apent In New Encland and a lth e u c h h it health at th a t tim e eeemed to be on the mend. It nonn became ap p aren t th a t tba ImprovenMnt waa but lem porury.


W ert O raage Jolnad th* Hat of mu- n lclpallttaa affltc lad w ith th* p lM r t lat* yaatorday a ftaraoon , whan th* Ul­na** of A dair lU bA two-aad-OB*-half- yaar-old to n of Hr. aod H ra J. C J to b * of I Bamaal a traa t waa d la r» 2 !“ ,I>ra aM tual W. Dodd and Dr.M. Brian a* ta faa tll* pnralyula Th* laiully w ant to W eat O ru a t* f r w !• E a rt Machanlc atrwat. ih la e ltv , Ju ly lA Tba child waa ta k a n HI Monday, but a phyalctan waa not oallad until yaa**f" day. Tha hoy waa ram ovad t# th* laola- tlon H oapllal aad th* h o n r t w « qu ar­antined. O ther ehtldrao in the Robb fam ily and thoaa of th* family In t th a f l r r t floor of the houM w ill ba w atched by lha hea lth ao ihocttlaa

l iM u d Cm * l a Fam ily- Th* c a r te d oaa* > ■ * * “ '1 '.® * ’Sif

ehaal O'Conball of « * T fr"® "* V J " " ? ' KA*t Ordddd. d*v*loBd^ toddf. M foiit- ^ a r -o M « n . W illiam *^’"5afflielad. A nother aon Monday bafor* th* caaa a e l" '* /; . baan dlagnoaad. T h . ^eblM to th* laolatlon ho tp lta l w r t or d .re d by H ealth F ra n k B. L aaa and tM placed under q u araa tln * by H ealth o rflc*r Johft H*U

l|« « « cU tr W # e a » !>•■•■Th* f l r r t death am oo* th o r t

in M ontclair J l^ .nlailon H o .p tta l a t **‘• " “ 1,B ertha WalbaU th ir ty - r ta h l V " * a draaam akar. amployad In th* bom*^ t^ ^ ^ rn T i. Pond. i «th a t town, m iecu m b ^ to th* d N w _ a h . waa ta k a n to the hosp ital Satur day. Th# hody waa tak en d lrrtU y f r ^th* hoapital to R<**>*‘* _ il7 d MIm W *lb*l WM born tn SwItM rUndand had lived In M ontclair *»"»<l . t n year* A b ro th a r tn Bwltaartand■urvivM.

hutlayW F lrn t C a rt F a tah Daath yaatarday aflarnoon *P».dHy

followed th* rap o rtln g of th a f lr r t caaa In Nutlay du ring th* p r . r to t aploamie The llln a rt of F ra n k Tyl*»»bl. two- yaar-old-aon of Caaaar T yjaw th l of ^ C h a rt a tree t, wa* reported to the town h ea lth ' ao th o rlllaa about 0 clock.Daath fallow ed ahoul ihra* houra latar^ Tha fam ily, bearing a cartlflcat* of good h ealth from H ealth O ffl« r Charla* V C m a ta r moved from thi* city to Nutley Ju ly 14 There ar* tbra* o ther children ta the fnmlly. The houaa. w ith a ll otbar* In th* block m which It la iltu a tad . wa* placed under Immediate q uaran tine and ihe children war* forbidden 10 play In the aireet* Th* block I. in a Pollah aactlon and lha fam lllaa under quaran tin e hav* many children.

Irvtagtw n H*» F ifth Cnee.A n o th e r c b m . th* fifth elnc* th* out-

break, fJu ly 1 1 . wa* reported to the Irv ln g tca health au thortlle* laat n lih t, th* victim being F ran ew Lewi*, iwanly- en* m onth . o l4 dau g h te r of H r. and Hr*. C haster L ew i, of H I Avon eve- nu*. Th* child wa* taken 111 Tueaday, Ih* c a r t being dlagnoaed as paralyala yaatarday. 'Treatoient will b* given at home, th* hone*, occupied by two fam- lllea w ith four o ther ohlldran, beingquarantined.

Deapit* th* belief o ap rerted by mem­ber* of the o rganlaallon . tb* ban Plaoad by the H ealth D epartm ent on._tmvdnrtlAn

IB a t more can be don* than has haen don* to oontrol tb* local apidami* *C Infantll* paralyM a and th a f a f f lc la l action In cartaln raapaet* m igh t batta* b* ballad or avan raveraad. I* lha ludg- m eat *f Dr H anry L. Colt of ITT ML Praepact avanu*. who waa aakad by an E vanlng Naw* rep o rte r to atat* hla v la v a Dr. Cati t* w idely known a* a oh lld ran ', phy ile lan and p le a r t r In pur* m ilk raferm .

W ltaou l vc lun iaaring ortUelm* or a r tk ln g M utrovarvy. Dr. Coll outllitad a program of pubtle ptvoauO onary m aaaur*, th a t in v ital p a r t l e u l ^ oon- filet* wlch ra w n t action of pnbli* au- thorltla* la tb i t elty . Ha ,h*lch*d th* tp m la l aoutoa* *f danger Ih r t lurk I* tk a M varal type* In which th* d laaart m anlfasta Itaalf. In addition, h* offqrad a nu iabar of ,lm pl* tugga* tlon* for p riv a te precaution.

Braadly m a k in g , ik* chief^point* am phaaltad by Dr. Coll war* th* fact th a t typtoal oaaaa af infan tll* paraly,!*.

I* t h a 'h M i a *«ru*r. tk a akaaB* wUt b* d a*

‘ Flv* m u a f ****• 0* tka,*l*a*tfl*4 M a a a rr t* of 'a*****??- d lrtlngulakad by Dr. Colt la oydw to c la rity a a d aafarc* tho **•< •* * •- tandlag , ra lh a r than ourtalUag. a F te " taalU aa lo r oxport ohoorvatlon a* a moaaa t a dlsoovory of obaeuro m M Tbao* flv* clsaaas h* dtfload oa 1*1 . low ,;

Typlesl essas. In which thara la a au*- da* OBrtt, w ith (over, nausa* sad tba artbodoa ay pi am , g a a a rr tlr Tb**, a n raadlly dlagnoaad a n d bocaurt *1 tb ia ar* ip ak b a of a* * tn n b ’

A typical ca a rt. whUh divert* fvow Ih* foragolBg w te ly aaough to b* haf- Dlng, and a r , * , 1 likely to b* datactad

A barilv* caaaa. In which tb* ordinary nymptoma ar* nppTaaaod lo auch an agtont th a t a phy ile laa I* ao t llkoly to k* consulted.

A m bulatary caaa,. m wkleb th* pa- tlaa t gaa* about much a , umiaL though a e o n liau au i r tu re * af infaatia*

Im muna caaaa. In which th* patlant. thaugh tn good haalth . 1, no l*M dan- f . r o u t a* a oarrlar than whan ill w ith th* d laaart


Irtk Ib k a b Rn Rm Cot.d U m k hnlfm art Im

m Otflkw.

n to ra MW m i snmM

'A t now docread.'' sa id Dr. Colt. ~all AborttV* CMM Whicb W«fi MV«C M44 by a doctor, many aiyploal oasos which have dacatvad th* doctor, and th* am ­bulatory oaiaa (including th* Immuna). which ar* th* moat dangaroua v lra t oarrlar*. ar* allowad to go fro* to ■prood th* dlwaom « k lto the 'f ra ah ' caoM a io n a w hich aro ty p tm t ar* roe- agaliad aad ar* b rtn g laolated. ar* much IM , d aag o ro u , than th , abortlv*. t h , u n b u la to ry or th* etyploal caaw.

"In t h , day aursarlM ehlldrnn, kept n a d ,r hyglealc eoadltlona ar* f t r hot- tar pro tected from tn frttlo n then they would ba In th a tr hamaa- Inataad of eoh tln lag them to th ,l r born*, pra-

______ ___ ____ , vantloa would euggart ra thar tner****t ^ U M * m d l l y T rto g n iia b r* ,'» ra i •uparv ltion . aad If pcaalbU aatah-laaat d aagarana a , aaurea# of In fae tun : ] n o n of facUlUa* to accommodai# more th a t Ik* m ore obocur* c a rt* or* I*"*moat aftactiT* e a r r ta r , bacaue* they are no t prom ptly ir tin ta d : ond th a t good rtnaa , tkarafor* . raqulroa tM l all chlldron b* w tteb ad and kept under th* o b iarra tton , a s fa r a , trained ob**rv,iv , to th* and th a t doubtful caaa , b* datactad.

B g g m i CMulra’ C M a C .•Tio hoapital allnlc a r cantor whar*

doubtful children ar* b rought ibould b* cloaad." aaid Dr. Coll. "Chlldran ar* aaf.a t where a nura# and tha trulnad aya o t a physician may datact aua- piciou* Casa* and aiapa may b* ^ k a n to isolate tham frem tb* m ttlulud* of h .a lth y chlldran.

To cloa* prophylactic cantarv th a t ar* under cloa* m adleal mtparvttlon. I lk , day n u raartaa or conauliallon , ta - iloaa for mothorn, or. worn* than alL madteal clinic*. I , an offic ial act baoad on faulty Judgm ent."

At praaent, by o rdar of Dr. C harla , V, C raattr . h aalth offtcar, th* N ewark day nuraarla* ar* cloaad; *0 also ar* th* chlldran'a clinic* and tb* m ethar* conaultatton a la tlo n a By w bat may hav* baan an ovaralghL dan ta l cllntca, howavar, hav* no t y a t boon cloaad, Df Coll bald

wraata acboola Opao-'T h* achool* thou ld not h* cloaad."

continued Dr. ColL "Children of tho achool age, th a t la children more than ■lx o r Mvnn y e a r , old, are not vw y ■uaceptlble. W ith ecbool d o c to r, and nuraaa to w atch thoae children by Inquiry to h u n t down Ulna (he famine* from which they com*, th# open-window aum m er achool would Pe- com* a good prncan tlonary m a a r t r t and a prophylaetlo center. Th* chll dran would tber* h# under dally obaervallon fo r a few h oura and would

chlldran In th* nuraerlaa"Th* m adical clinic* o ffar oppor­

tun ity to datact doubtful caaa* and procura prom pt laolatlon. M other,' c o n iu lta tlo n , t ,n d not only to aid th* in tanL b u t to rniM hyglonlc a u n d a rd .In tha hom* aa a w hola and *0 to pro- lact all th* chlldran In th* hom* frnm intactlon. Thatr cloatng. moraovar. la fa it by th* m olhara a t thi* tim* a* * g rant hardahip.

B aap .a ln g af CUale.-TW* aball raopan U * Bahia* Hoa­

pital clinic Auguat I under a tent roof o u t-o f-doora but (h* danger ot infection th rough th* ch lld fan ', rtlnle* gauarally 1* aaaggarntad . and anything th a t may ba gained by clnalng tham la more than o ttsa t by th* added risk of Ignoring caaa* of tb* carrie r typ* la th* born** from w hicb chlldran would olharwlae b* b rought te r traatm ant.

' l l I had children of my own. of th* dangaroua ag*. 1 should k r tp tR *^ from contact w ith o ther chlldrtn . It praetleabt* I should r tn d them aw ay to oom, p U r t r,rao t* from any focus of infoetion. In any *v*bl 1 thould Imaltt upon porional claanllntw . with p a rticu la r a tton tlon ta th* month and b o m P tro n t* a , wall aa chHdron abould glv* slr le t ear* to paroonal hyg lona and ao should a ll paraono who go out of tb* hom* and thus Incur th* rtah o t bocoratng e a rr ia ra ”

Dr. Colt ballavM th* evidence poinU to dlroet ta tee tten from aocretlen , ot pationtA m poclally through tb* link afto rdad by handkarchlef* and aollad

Kpar moaay. At ih* aam* Um* h* ba- va* a tten tio n ought net to be dlvartad from lb* poatlbillly of Infection by th*

bit* of th* rtnbl* fly tBtomoiy* «*l*f- t r in e ) , Aa ba* baan Indleatad hy Dr.

- - — o t th*

lu fa irtn a paralyula aontlnua* t* gain la H erth J a r r ty ouintd* *1 E r ta i Camaty.

Flv* naw eaoaa, Inclndlhg cn* dqath. are rep ertad taday t* th* N orth H u d rtn aactlon, h iin g ta g th* to u l that* up 1* g fty -th ra* . Thru* aaw caaa* hav* baa* diacovornd la Ja raay City '

*111* B u t* D apartm ant af H aalth InU nda to ounduet an tnvaatlgatlon to datarm ln* w batbar a r n a t H a*ah ,n '« haalth au th o rlllaa ar* aovarlng ub _ caaa* of ih* d ioaart ballavad ta hav* broken out ther*. ^

T b . new caiM era:W ait N .w T o rk —L o a lr t BaiiA tw o

y o a rt old. M l T birtooitth a traa t; c a r t diagnosed la s t s ig h t and p a tla a l died a law hourv Later- C barlea Ort, f a v y r t r a aid. I l l F in a a a U otraat.

Union H ill—B llr tb a th W atartalb . Iw* years old. 1* 1 Fallnad* av sa tw ; F tw - sae* OllUgsB. fiv* y u a n aid. I l l Baa- ganlln* avanu*.

W eal Hoboken—Jnaaphln* fcrtth , tw o year* eld. I l l a in to n av euua

Je raey City—John B a b n o k . bla* m am ba o ld 14 Carbln avauna; H s n y N obartaon. tw o year* aid. U l N av ark avanu*: A rth u r McConnalL i l a r a t e aid, IM A rllng tan a ta n a a

Th* Worth Hadaon M tlaa t* w ,f* **• moved ta IL M ary 's HoapltAl. Hobohau, and th* J a r ia y City p a tlan ta w ith the ancaptlen o t th* McConnall bey, who It ba lag trea ted a t hi* hem*, la th* laols- Uoa R a tp lta l a t lA u ra l Hill.

T w anty-th ra* new caaaa of tafan tll* r tra ly a ia war* raportad to th* S tate Board o t H aalth today a* follow*: Naw- a rk . tan ; N orth B argaa. te a r , and on* anoh from H antd la lr. Orangu. Kutlay. geu tb O raag*. kprlng Laka, F a rth Am­boy, W aat H obakaa. Long Branch and Union T ow nship

•av an qaaet raportad laat n ig h t war* added to tb* r a tn n u for yaatarday aafollow*: W ait N*w T ork, thr**: Fan- wood T o w tu h lp tw o; B urlington, on*, and PlalnU ald, an a

A goad m any a t thsa* caana alroady h a v i baan raportad m the New*

obaervallon to r a raw n oura .n o Milton J B a rtn au . fotm arly Of th*

tr^ '^ frr- .^ rfb T rd r.n . , n . C g I J;,"rpr:ju:;r‘’? r‘h%*.ni? a r ^ % : -nrlJinyr bT « r d # r of tb® MKKtK ®f I Unlvtrvity- .

w j A c J m m T * t h a a u m m a r a o b a a l i * r v I " D r . B o a a n a u ' a r a a u U * w i t h a i p a r t - r # a l l c l a a o r t b a l o w tb* fifth m a n u w i t h th* a t a b t * .

- . T h . , p , p , r r . a d b y h i m a t■ J s Colt annonnoad th a t tb# '.V o ^ r tia t ^ a Babi**' H oapital would b* ra- c innatl apidamle. »b*r* tha^y a r o w d onanad banaath a te n t covering an t-« t- ! daclded InwreaL aald Dr. C olt - Tin* door* A ugust 1. T h lp howavar, w ill k r t ' ahould bear tn mind that intactlon by be In daflanc* of I>r Crarter*# order , direct cnn taet wlU not eaplain eporadle e l r t ln t all clinic* to w hich eblMrmi ar* outbreak* of the d lr t ta a I* my par brougbL Th* p a rtia l raveraal af Pdttaj aonal a ap e rten rt wUh InfanHl* r tra ly ^ W I I L It la undarataad . b* anacutad w ith I ala, m oraovar, w hich ha* h ^ t a r t l y to o i Craata^'a approvnU though It h a p -1 do w ith sporadic caaaa I hav* In prao- Mn* ?h ll th* f l m aaw* th a t tb* f ta p I tlcally every ca*t be** led l . a aource m l d f a * taMaa etna* , tram Dr. Colt, t* , of orig in w hich augguaiad Ih* aiabl* whoa* i i i i i m t l i a ind lractly nobvagad 1 fly,"

the traveling public require th a t thi* protection be allowad.

Mr Maher a vlalt to pollc* haadquar- tara reauliad In th* aaalgnm .n l of IM plainclothes man 10 "ohaarvatlon duly" aod th* promt a# of the uM of all th*

vw — . -J - - - ______ - pollc* naceiaary to m ain ta in order. Mr.the carn ival lo be hold by Irvington told th* deputy commlaalonerLodge of Elk# on th* g p e .d w ty neat ( jm of the "10# men on otrlk*,' ninety

Davy a t to t Itoaerlll* avenue waa broken Into tom* tim e last night and M lakaa .

Represantlng more th an tw o -th ird s of tb* company’* to tal ito ck o u tstan d ­ing, itockholdera of the Am erican In ­surance Company th i. m orning unan i­mously votad to adopt th* em ployees' pension plan aa propared by th* board of diractor*. Tha aystem calls for pan- slenlng of all offloara and em ptoyM p and In addition provides for the p ay ­ment of a daath beneUt. It will be­come eftactlve Immedlalaly.

Those employee* aligibl* to ra tlta - ment may be re tired at once. Ju e t hoi


. " i fI s :

WnUasB H. Toung, chief clerk of th* a a r t ta ry divtalon of th* Board ot H aalth . said today cendltloqa in th* T qath W ard hav* improved greatly Btnn* the departm ent'* Inipectlon ataytad. Mr, Toung w ent th rough a largo p a rt of th* ward yesterday aod found r trea t* claanar, robblah p ile , rs movad and many new garbage cane In Flao*.

The w o rk e r. In th* fly cam paign a l » fv p a rt much improvement in tb* Tenth T h a r .h av . Induced a num ber of per-

B who own block* of houeea to fnrulah gurbag* reoaptsclaa. In most laataacM th* block and d istric t laadera have aucoaodad In b ringing about th r tuCMW w ith o u t raaort to tb* Bureau of A grtclatad C harltlaa or the Children * JUd Baclety, which are tb* central B ad lrt lu taraatad In th* campaign.

hauled from _ . . u . .b irth certifica te 10 ehow th a t he wa* over lha ag* of elaieen. The town au- th o illl.e , h o w .v .r , a r . .la n d in g r* l. pr.parw l to f ig h t a t**t c* .e to th . On- l.h . If n*e****ry.

Vacation t r ip , for t h . kiddle* will be called "ff becauae of the regu la tion , l.aurd T u rad .y n ig h t Ao outing for tb .m which waa to have ba .n g 'van Monday. August 7, by K earny Dod*. "f Elk*. *t H anov .r Nack, In a ll p roh ib ll- tty will be called o ft al a lodge m eal­ing Monday n ig h t T h irty automobile*, carry ing fully 1 ## children, w ere to go.A fraah air vacallon of a week a t Brancbvllle on which a num ber of K eerny children wer* going, la th rea t- •>i4d w ith jiU4p*niton. A l i t t lig irl wbG applied m orning to go waa rafuaad x carUftoata-


Although 111 fo r Rotn* Hm* w ith what wa* a l flru t d!ajm^**<* iruat^d aj n tw ttn a l troubl*. a tw o-year-o ld uon

cf Mr. and Mru. Tony Duclflo of Oawald pUr*. In thu Vau» Hall uuntlon Of Union Townahip. baa InfanlU* paralyula. It

u (Jrturmined y«ulanllay. ThIa lu th* ra*r th a t Tnwnuhip Physician H unrr r Dengler had undar auuplclon follow- ng th* dluc<>v#ry of anGthUf cauu In Ihu

mam* u lre e t ^Th* DaclHo boy tu beUuyad to haya

• afrarad from ih« dluaaa* all tha tJma, as h* la practically racovsred now. cfpr th a t ha la aom awhal paraly tad . Dr. Donglar dacldsd li wau uualaau id land ih s child tn tb s hoapital. but ordarad th* houi* In quaran lln* aa a maaaura to atop pouulble ittfacUon.

Any peraon Who haa baan tw anty r«aru or mora w ith th a com pany and has raachad tha ags of utaiy or has bacGin* muntally o r physically unfit to r*iain hla poattten may ba ratifad . Tha prnilATt providad Is practically half pay on tbs aysraga aalary fo r tba tan yaara praradlng ratiram ant-

Tha daath banafU is approxim ataly ona-third tha yaarly sa lary . I t la paid to th* dapandshts of any amploya* wbo haa sarvad tan yaars w ith tha company or Is on tha panalon List.

week, w as uphald las t night by tb . Town Commtaalon a lttln g a . a Board of H aalth laa t n ig h t E ia lta d Ruler John H Pfroicm er. vrho. w ith a d .lagatlon from th* lodge, a ttended the meeting, declared hi* ballef the aam* rul* should b* applied to Olympic Tark and motion pictura bousas. which h* bald affordad Juat a* much opportunity to spread ih* dleeaa* *» the propo.ed carnival.

Com m lHloner David A. Ureene, h r td of th* Town H ealth Departm ent, re ­ite ra ted W* aaeertlon of Monday that h* would doe* the** place* If neees- a a rr . and sta ted he had communicated w ith th* gouth O range Townehlp health author!tie* re la tiv e to Olympic f a rk and wculd co-op*ra tt w ith lhal body In an y action they m ight tak e re la ilv t to cloalng the park

Th* Oerman eummer echool conducted by Rev Dr. E rnest J Schmidt of the Oerman Em anuel Ctaurch ha* been dla- eontlnued.



John LuUnekl. e la ty y*«ra old, of the rear of 4t Hay** s t r e e t Is In the Cu t Hoapital su ffe rin g from a free - lur* of th* ahull and o ther In ju rie s He w*o etiuck las t n igh t by an au to ­mobile *( Hayes s tre e t and Fourteen th avenue, a short d irtanca from his home. The autom obile waa owned and operatad by Dr. John F. fichsaffer of 141 fhadw lck avanu*.

The man wa* pickad up unooaactqu* by Dr. flchaetf.r and taken to th* h ie - pltal In h it automobll*. Thia afternoon h i. condition wan r .p o rta d aa d sngar- oue. L utin .k l haa a w ife aod a aon.


An Trolle7 Luks asd Elented in New York May Be bvohed,


per c e n t would re tu rn to 'w o rk It aa- tu red of pollc* protection. Bl* man had gone o u t he said. In fear of "a reign of te rro r." \

F rank B Thorn, depu ty commlMloner of th* Btat* Induatrla l Commlaeidn and need of the bureau o t m edlatton and a rb itra tion , cam* her* th ia morning from Albany to oonfar with rapranno- latlva* of ah* etrtker* and tha oom-paay.


leadara conviciad a abort lime a g a of conspiracy to e i l o r t and daatroy prop­erty during • atrlh*. w a r , ,*n t#ne ,d to ­day a tta r a motion for a naw tria l had be.n overruled. SI* w o r, aenl.nced to a . r v . poni ten Mary term* rang ing from o n . to three year* and th* others lo pay tinaa of from IIO# to



boan aarvad cn Stat* C ontroller En- geo* H. T rav is by th* Brooklyn Toung Kepubltoan Cinb In mandamu* procood- Ing* laam u tad to r tho pu rport o t oom- polling tbo oontrollar to «u* tho Indi­vidual mombora e t tbo Faaam a-Faelflo Exposition Cemmiaslon of Now T ork for tho recovery of monoya allagod to hav* boon tliagally ogpondad.

Travl* haa boon aorvod w ith a notion th a t th* elub w ill apply for a w rit bo- tor* Bupram* C ourt Jqatloo R sib ro u ck In U lito r County en August It. I t I* uRdarataex) tha ©antfaliar, tf tha w H i should b* gran ted , will bo placed in tho position of having to ,n * bimsolt. aa he wa* on* o t tboa* who mtd* th* tr ip to th* eapotltlOR with mepibera of tb* commlaslon. _ _ . „ .

A tp o e la l coramltlo* of tho oluh In- vo ttlga tod tho dotalla of tho trip , and in tho papor* Mrvod an tho con- tro lla r it 1* oharfod th a t pandtturo* of »h*> lU U 't a to M / m .# » l Th# aum a p p ro p n t i r t for tb* UM of th* ooauaiaolon wa* im .e o e .

F o a s tn f a *g>raa< of in tan tii* pariiy ■tp tioiia Polio* D opartrton t aellvuto*. OBlaf Long ba* Iiduad o rd tr* that .BagraUMb ghAll pot ontor heuao* whar* 5 * ailWIlT oailaM tu le w it la found gtbpalgiaty ■acow nry. Tbo pollcoman havg M W aaU rtlag Board ef Healtb la o a g c p r t by ta k in g oblldran from te B g a .otbrtd ohlM tiau w as mad* by

. t e BdMPUt WdPOPftar tbp-peUe* wUt i S r i M f a l p « B ^ h r itap d in g m

. f i t e tb* m s t i , only maaa* IB* iP teW * * * v * artaekad by tlM ra U U M g r -f r ta g e t * f tb* p a tla n t

Tb* B a w te m m t m u t tb a •*!■•*• on iw V b r w a b t to ib*I dbM tebP by Ctealn

m tbn fgwrtb FbaqbMt ' « n l '} a a t * t e t e t e i “ " I t e t e t e m 004).

M IB«HMM4* o t ______ > .vwo eogypo o t Mg

’ S t e T « o l b to d t e - « ^

tb o B mw4 m H ooi f t IBggoMoM baoo.


WASHINGTON, Ju ly 17—W arning waa Is iu td today by th* D oparlm anl of A grleuliur* to look w ith axtram * aua- piclon upon any p repara tion p a t on the m arket and o lfarad fo r aal* aa ba- log affw tiv* fo r th* traa tm an t of In­fan tile para ly a la , . _ . _ . .k

D ep artm en t O fficia l* charged with the enforcem ent of th* food and drug* act, an announcem ent sta te* , "expect th* outbreak of Infan tll* paralyal* wW tem pt unacrupiflou, peraona to offer for sal* *0 -called 'curaa' or romodlo* for th is dread malady.

-The o ffic ia l,, th tra fo r* . hav* Im u m ( paelal r ln itru rtlo n , to food and drag inipectero 10 b* p a rticu la rly a lert for InU raU t* ghlpmont* or im p erta iie n , of modlelBM. th# la a k o rt of ’**«h all*#* th a t Ihoy w ill cur* or allovlat* th i, d lrtaao . for w hich a t th# p ro w n t tin * no tsogleiaal eura l* koow n."


MMW TOBK, Ju ly i r ^ t t l , ebsag* In tb* gpUam lo « t ib fan til* paraly rts w as aotpd today In tb * S o a lth Depart-' nM Pfs tapdrt' fo r Ib a p tr lo d of tw o a tr- M w b p tm andiiw a t I* A- H. D urtiff th a t tlw * tbSM IM t* tU M y-da* daaib*

daor aa* , 'fro a i y w - MM* U t e .1 « t .J« P .


WABniNOTON, Ju ly t r .—Am baaw dor Pag* at London baa boon Instractad te Inquire of th* B rltlih Oovernraent th* caua. ot th* daiap tien a t LIvarpool o t Eugene H ughe, K ,IIy o t N«w Tork. trea .u re r of th* trlMl ro tla t fund: Mrs. Kelly and Joseph Smith. T h . Ambae- eador also was dirootod to do every­th ing pnaalhle In bahalf of th* A m .rl- oatia, who have boon denied permission to remain In E n ^ a n d or t r i v t l to Dublin.

Blmllar reproaontsttana probably will b* mad* on behalf o f . B. B HoCluro, the N ew Tork publlahor. trb o haa bean or­dered to leav , B nglaad , aa aeon ae the Stat* D epartm ent raaal*** a a offlctal report on th* Inoklailt.


Inaur* Rapubtlean harm ony In oonnrt- tlon with th* rn lly n t whioh Charla* E. Hugh**. P ra tld a n tU I oandtdata for tb* party, la te apoak on lb* n ig h t ot August t, a eom m itto* of M vonty-riv* was named today to hnndl* th* datnila of tbe affair. I t waa aald th a t aaab fa«- tlan and sub-faction o t tb* p a rty bar* la rapraaantod a t lea s t tw ie* ovar. and th a t tb* ProgrOM lv, fore** and v * rl« « , orgnalaatlon* o t Indapondoot irpUir* also ar* Included.

Tb* ■qlootlon* wpM mad* a t a i f g rtalmooting of th* B d ^b U o g n oM pItr'i m lU rt hold today. ,

NEW TORK. Ju ly r t .—W D Mahon proatdont of ih* Am algam ated Aaeo- elatlon of B treet and Railway Em­ploy*** of America, arrived In New T ork frem D etroit ahortly hotore noon and Im m ediately w ent Into conference w ith looal o rg a n ia sr , who hav* charge of Ul* i t r lk e e t conductor, and metor- m ,n In the Bronx and W attoheater County. Upon Ui* outeom* o t th* oon- farance. It waa aald. rastad th* question o t w hether or not the strlk* would b* anrrtod to every tro lley lino In G reater Naw Tork.

At tb* conclusion of the eonterence |i wa* announced th a t It wa* tb* Intention to ogtond tho s tr ik e to all lino. In Now T o rk City, Including both surtao* aad olavatad. Th* m om bor, of th* general axboutlv* board of th* Am algam ated Aaaoclatlon o t S tre e t and Blaetrlo R ail­w ay Employ*** of Amortoa attoodad th* eonteranc*.

Th* ascend day o t tn* otrlk* In the B roag w a , m arked by IntarmIUent claahag b ,iw **n a trlk ara and ( trik a- hrankar*. d u , to a datanninod , 110 ,1 on th* p a r t o t th* Union Raltrood Com­pany t* reaum* n rogulnr ran n ln s ■ehodtti*.

Shortly n fto r noon a mob o t aovoral h u n d r ^ Btrlkora and tym path lrtr* nttaokod a W oat P la in , oar la t h , B roas. B r ic k , w o n hurled a t th* oar and It M ro p o n ad n v a ra l p o r r tn , w o n hu rt. pollM r o r t r r r t and ambu- lane** war* oummonod.

Whon th* pollc* bad raee*«d,d la chocking lb* dM awnstratloa it waa dlg- eoTOred th a t no on* wa* n rlo u a ly hurt. About a donoa Parana* Moro grratiod.

In M ilo o f th i , oompsny efflolala d r tta ra d th a t l a t e twenty percM it o f tIm ear* « * ro running in tho Bronx by U o'oleqk.

Chiaf in ap a rto r H an B ehm lttbargir aanotiaoad th is m arabas th a t In aallel- patiM t o t troubl* tBor* th aa *aq ,*• ■grvw w ara b s la g h*M ta r s a d la u a la thr** B roag d ig trIrtB

H rt a M r BHnrad la .T o a k e f, tb l , t e r a l a g . ML V sra r ti aad Minr Ha- sM IH a |ao w*r* e f t e r t car serMap. Tfcar* traa bo d t s o i t e tk th a n tto p a

Although th irty pound , under w e ig h t T hom a, Newton, a lilM n y«ar* aid, aoa of H ta lth In ip ec to r Thoma* Newton of IT Row land , t r r t t I* d a ia rra in rt to b* a lo ld tar; *0 much *0 th a t a lthough the o.'ticara of Company C, F i r i t R m I“ #>'*' declar* ho waa not acceptod Aft*' •* ; am lnatlon by th* doctor* a t t e O lr t young Nawton la now w ith th# boy* *1 Dougina- A ril., and ln ,l ,U oa being

'*H ^w Nowton got aw ay from ^ or to A rltona undetected, th* o f f lc r a ray la a m yatory It I* .bailovad ^ mtifi ^oKrdtel th* trx tn ttnB0tie*4

th*n pl*»d*d w uh m*ii to Kllow

*^Nawton'* fo thar aay* th* ’J l'home on* Sunday to v lalt th* •** Olrt camp. From t e G irl ho uiaphonod M* paronU th a t h* would ro tu rn In a day or two. W hen th* boy failed to appoar tb* p a ra n t , bocam* worried, and the aldar Nawton spent Mvaral *ays hun ting hie «>n. w ith no inoo***

F inally a ta lagram from A r ^ c * a week or tw o ago Inform ad Mr. Nowlon of bla aon'* proaanea w ith th e Jersey troop*, Now th* offloor# of rog i' m*ni ar* in a quandary a , to w M t dte- poaition to m ake of th* hoy. Ho ha* boon givon elo lh lng aad 1* bolng kept by the ro g im o n t but a , h* n * v « M - longad to th# oommand, traneportatlon odnnot b* eb talned fo r btm . Nowtonw ill b* bold by th* reg lm ant un til bl* poopi* oan a r ra n t* fo r hla ro tu rn to th is c ity , a lthough th* la th o r I t not n ir* w h at oourw h* o ugh t t* t ^ a u d 1, inellnod to U t t h , hoy rw nala w ith th* M ld iora

TRENTON, Ju ly « • —W m t e l fc RMutasy «f teUBibte MgS « te te B MlUt tha rtpratBiy •( stat* U • •wteata for th* *gF«MIMa B#iif“ -



Commorc* W illiam C RadflolB Ropro- r tn ta ttv * J Hajnpie* Moor* of P o n n rtl- vania. Senator Saulibury o f ^ l a w a r * . CongroMinon F roa r of Wlaconaln. Minor of Doliw aro, Dupr* ot Louljian*. H ulbort o t Now Tork. CtMUllo r t ? •* « • eylTonla and Small of N orth CnrallMv cam* to BalMmor* today to e u r t M in - ■paetlon of th* Choaapank* and IH U - , w * CanaL w hich the gow rum out m a r p u rc h c rt and develop. . .

ineiaontnlly . t h r t w f ; ! * » g ? Oorm an ,u b « arlB * Daut*0h |*hd. w wor* p o liu ly ro lu rtd th* prlvllot*. W * J m y U f t by atoamer thi* afiornoan to r th* tr ip th rough th* cubaI.

TRIED TO SEE PIESiDEIIT, AllESIEDForvoTbauar. * taUor. *1« * , a m r ta S th fruut of g j

uh *u4tiis<0 w ith FrtoldOBR W lUon. e lo in o d to IioyO suffifoM pofOocu-

f m . m l u i a i i a ty - .St. HUuabath’s HoaplfBf-

HEW DAHT 9ITKE ON DANUBE•B K U N OH* W iN loui to Sayvnio).

i n t v f L —\ d a ltr *■• 4Wc*f cloaittahlp had bag* ocU hlU htd botwaan

P a a m t e w h B a ite d * . Sortrla,b f l S * D M «»c ***** KbTlsaUen Com-jL iy l a S S f t e S »* Hw NOW*

M o t e T b t e ^ 0 0 0 F iu ^ m H v n , S n o w rf im lw o n T h a l r

TMIi Ib b lU H u te r lF .


As innounced In Tues­day night's NEWS—

A G re a t

StockRedudngSaleis In progress at Colyer’s; to make room for extensive alterations made necessary by our increased business.

Friday Nightwill be a “night of cour­tesy," the store remaining open till 9 o’clock for the

• convenience of customers who cannot get in before we close Saturday at noon,

A R e v ie w o f th e P r ic e s :Spring Suits$18 Slid $20 Suits st....$l&-75 $20 and S22.50 Suits s t . . 18-73 $22.60 and $25 Suits s t . . 1S.75 $2S to $35 Suits s t ..........21.75

Pinch-Bscica$18 Suits a t..................... $14.50$20 Suits s t ..................... 14-50$22.50 Suits a t................. l$-75$25 Suits a t..................... 10-75

Palm Beadi SvUs, Etc.$8 Suitt s t ....................... I0-75$9 Suits s t ..................... 7.75

$10 Suits a t ..................... 8-50$12 Suits a t...................■- $JW$14.50 and $15 Suits a t . . 11.50

W h ite F la n n e ls R e d u c e d f ro m $ 5 to

K 4 p2 5

O m B i G D8 1 5 B r o a d S t r e e t




BREN)IW biJA H S llA ia iW O O .

Y t e a h e s iM I

C roM lns M arkot r tro a t a t W ard r t r o a t P lorro Sobaatlaa a t ST R l w ■ ttr t t w a* knockod m m » * « ^ * r gflarnoufi by an automobll*. Sabagtlan, v b e I , flfty -flv* y o a rt dIS. uulfarad a bralM d r i s h t a n a . H* wa* takoh » tb*

^*A frarH«r**^o< tw o sm all bono# *S t j* r i th t hand anS b r r t r t* a ^ t th* body _ w o r* a u a ia ln r t by lU r ry M lU o r .g g q ^ - msB, tw en w F t e * “* **• Twoutyr f irs t ■ iro.t, Irv1*i**«. oArly tb it m orn­ing . whon tho ro ar w hoal a f a w tg m tru B w hich h* fall Th* accidaot oopurrad la Taath gtrasL

lalS avanu*. A ftor bolus T i t r MooBltal. MlUor w us

B e a - A N SA b i o l u t e l y R e m o v e ! I n d i g e i t l e e . p io v Q f^ s s o s ttn r

Th* uqgr Sprlni USatad a t abl* to so

I s o n B iM i u n a i B

'fV e 'fi

A M tuU at Qonorul _____

r q ria t • Tluw IB Im vihg r*,elM SSou te wiMob tbfhiei lha PIMSUB nt-

y .*

A u su rt • •* •» .gtraoL K ata O ra u M ja p o r te d MUeo o t MM euasBS RTpoUrt

h a* b o r t , . f U t e ^IMVKvsBa r a p i o r * s t I T l I

CTBWte* t a t e

FrpM aat th a t m b Is tstni

II n N a m i n g

« • y o u r e x e e n to r o r t r u s te e y o u f o l v a lu e o f th o c o m b in o d fudgiiM O t J i

a n d e x p e rie n c o o l i t s o f f io tw a*® dfaroctori a iid R o o s ts n® m o re . %


R s s o w o e t . 1 8 . 7 0 1 ,

. l i


M te s«tn o( EiMi

eatMil Ilu ia o nh a r t ■» I*I har* b*««• ( H a a l tkTWtKaUsB

H a k a k a n 'i Ttriai a* •d ta hav*

lU n a . t « a Mraat; eaaa w tlan l 4 1 ^ a Ort, fa«f

a s « a ; F t a r - ht. t l * •# « »

Ina ■ aa lth . a a a a a a .

I r o a k , a l a # l a a a ; K a n r U l M a v a r i t L a l a r a a n

i t# v a r a ra>a l . t t a k s k a a , iia. v l l k tb a

>T, w h o laI laa laola-if teCaatlla

tha S tata lo v a Nav>ir, an4 oaa fa . KatlaT. P a rth Am*

■raach and

it a i f h t ra a ta rd a r aath raa : Fan-

rllnftoB, ona.

eaaaa a lraad r Nawa

In Tues- t'S—

h i d n g

t Colyer’s; r extensive : necessary i business.

cour- ining r the



it* i t . . 16.75 it* a t.. 18.75 It..........a.75

............... $14

.......... lUO

........... 1175

................ 1 1 7 5

lits. Etc................ H 7 5........... 7.75

............. 150

........... 9J0l i t * a t . . 11.50

l a i m e b t> m $ 5 t o2 8


R C Oi S t r e e t

OO Fam Olaa im o n Thafar Mterly.

P0JO ESR £N )t ta N o C o .

' f | . ‘

n o W a i l f

B ^ m o y e i<5»eifuli


Tn s r A B E E T E M o r o N E v n r . t b u b b d a t . m v i t . i i m .


E tsei Cmtj CeaeitiiMi I W i ^ h hinM to Raiie Fm 4i


RoAoene whr permlMlfR Wotos ra n ie d the CoaiinlUM ef On* H w idred to th « r te ftdreUilen to the ^«hho irA ftdeU nd e l W ee^uehie Peril d e iin # eome t>f the 2M th ennivefeefy eete* b re tio o evenle w ere flven In e le tte r reretved yeeterdey efternhen by the Cl-* nonce oommUtee e f (he Beerd of F re e ­holder* from (he E eeei Covlity P e tit CemRileetoft. It wee In reply to e pro- tee t mede by the freeholder* egtolnot eh e rp in g ritleene for ee iie is e e tead w hich th e ir money hed erected*

The perk commlMfonere eU ted th a t they hed derided ee their ehere to w ­ard the lueiceei of N ew trb 'e eon leer- ■ery to dorteie the UM of W eequehlo P erk . A num ber of the eeeate planned tK*f* by the ('om m liiee of One H un­dred wer*- eaetly. eo the cM amleelonert w ere of the opinion th e t en edmleelon chergo would net he out of place. They called a tlen llo n to the pegeent, which, deeplte a ch arge for eeete, hed e def­ic it exceeding The le tter eleom enttoaed a runn ing track end e i t r a etab lee lo ta ilng e coet of II.OM, which Ihe aan lyereary eoremitiee Intehde e rec tin g end donating to the perk.

T he en n leereery wee looked upon by th e com m lieloneri'K e e public function, reed the le tte r. For thie rceeon It w ee not th o u g h t out of the wey to er- ran g e It th a t those cliisrn* who eo d*- elred could contribute BOfncthlng tow> ard Its cost by wey of purcheslng se^is. O therw ise the event* were free All l i ­censes to use the perk for privets gein toed been decMned.

The le tte r wse received w ithout oom- n en ta laater Ulrecior Krnest K- Hy­men declsred Ihet In his opinion It we* no t fe ir to rh erg* for tbs sests. It>c s- much ea It bsrred from e public etsnd tho se uneble to pay.

Aatoe B n d o foe Brtdge>The com m ittee will present e re so lu ­

tion e t todey'R tmerd m eeting for the Issuence r>f bonds to pey Ksesz(.'nunly 's ahsre of perm enent fepelre to ih* H eckensgek bridge on the Lrln- coln Hlghw ey end on the Jeckson g tree t bridge

T hrough en erro r in ihe wording of en edverllsem ent for oida nn the In* e te lle tlo n of the electru-el work In the w om en's wing at the iten ltentlery . four bid* recolved by the building com­m ittee were retu rned unopened. The co n trac t will be reedverilsed Tba p rin ted r« |l Announced that the ep ed fl- ca tio n s could be obtained «i the I rv in g ­ton office of County Architect Joseph B Allen, when, instead, they were on file w ith the engineer whr> drew the p lena fo r the heating end electric eye* tern. T h li reused some confusion end b arred iMivers! conlrevtor*. who could n o t locate the specifications In time, from en tering In rom pelltlon.

The dtoestlon of pu rchsilng e new autofB obtlt for the Pepartm ent of W eigh ts end M essures was b rought up a t tha m eeting c»f that committee. It w as referred to Ihe em ergency com m it­tee for decision Freeholder F rancis H K nott, chairm en of the com m ittee, reported th a t the present car. p u r ­chased about fifteen month* ego, a p ­peared to be unable to do the work. It w as freciuenily In the repair shop, and It would cost several hundred dolla/a to pu t It In good shape. He thought It would be cheaper In the end to buy a new car

H orace B Holcomb, superintendent of the departm ent, eip lalned th a t the preaeat m achine was not heavy enough to c a ro ' the w eights and appllencea necessary for the work of tbe d epart- m e a t He also advised a new car. Tha o th e r freeho lders did not appear to be keen about (be proposUion.

stoat «i

• t *•- iyeed iE*»nM — h u t s U h w f e r t h a t

Ca r fa a t h a la a e a • tw a a n a u tp u t

e n d e i p e n e e w h i c h epells ■affietooey.*'

^NEWARK GLASS CO^i7 J Mariut I trM t

Bathroom Pieces at Special Prices

Mail or Phone OnUre Filtod

Towel BaraHh 'T (Iu . rW. w iu #I4U4

■ lu 3<Miv S<M

M e I L 2S

^ t s s ^ l a s s ( oBath Sponge* and Chamoie

l.a rg e sase rtn en e of aleoe nf F lo iid s b rand >*pongea and cbamols. gpoagee from ISr up

TvmbWr H#ld#r« in4

ComMm Uom

So*F Hand# (•laa#

Stw I. JG U i# fa r F a r n i tv e Ti Aar ataa w •*##. t-

TapaO raar



Th* N orth J . m r w . t a r Caninilaalen la M .k ln v a location In th la city fo r I t . parm an .B t q u a r t .r . , v h .ro It I . p lan . Bad to held tb* n . i t T uaiday a t i . r - aeOB n a a tln g . Tha report o( tb . w ork o f m ak ln c a tin r .y . ol tha W naaque w a t . r .h .d I t aap M t.d to b . com plated by B apt.m lw r II. Tha to ta l cost of t h . .u r y .y w ork will b . fund#for w hich have alrM dy twan provided by N ew ark and FatarM n.

I t la a ip a c ta d th a t M ontclair w ill ala# b e a r a ahara e t th a eoat. M or. th a a th r a .-q u a r ta r t of tba (yound to ba coy . arad by th a propoaad w ata r davalop- n a n t achama will ba porttona of th a H a W itt aa ta ta . altuatad abovt Midvale.


DENTISTRYMThe ilo |in "Sifety Firat"

cm be very aptly applied to dental treaimcnt. Do

noi think t h a t a«y dentlat can

live you dental traatment; of course, h« can liv t you dentistry of a kind—but poor dentittry la alnioai aa bad aa none at all. For that reaaon be very aare in your choice of a denilai—to b« abaelutrly aafr why not come to Dr. Mine? Conaultation tlwaya free

■vat Orta af tWald. tHWa Gald Ciwwma iS3 kt.p SSj*<a«M Ptmaga frwas glJ*

A>*l raandffsd wtiA asy sfkrr ficss.

EDMUND S. HINE. D. D. S.W iepHraer tWAtta D aatal Fartava

671 Broid St.


C h a rte d arltb tha m urdar of F ra n k O a tlla n o of l* i Morria avaaua, In tha t u n batU a Ju ly IT, In a FaurtaaaU i nvanoa aaloan, Antoala O allatta wna th is n io ra J iit bald w ithout ball te aw a it ac tion by tha arand Jury. Ha waa n r . r a l tn a d bafora Judea P ll tr l ia In th a F a u r tlt P recinct Court. Three o f hla eom paalons w are held on a tb n lla r c h a r t* aavarml daya a te .

Olallatta w aa rolaaaad from th a C ity H oapltm th is m o m n t. w hara ka has b*«n raeo v a rtn t from two b a lle t w eanda raoalvad in t h . aalooa battle .


ST A Remarkably Good-Look- ^ in(, Thin Model Timepiece.

CAod Juft as GOOD aa It LOOKS.


U K M k . d iR to tM4m4w;» B*n.’ Am»- efh. J.

R u e s - w ir p o M

O L D C A R P F T SVsTRITf r O R C lffC U L AR


SElVING M ACHINES(Including new tn d floor sample models)

Buy a Machine Sow IThere ire many reasons why we say

n"NOW," but the two main reasons are; P in t, that at no time during the year do we offer such low prices in

sewing machines as we do in July. Second, our con­venient club terms make it possible to pay small pay-' ments and have your ma­chine mostly paid for when tbe early fall sewing time snivel.

o u re g s y ^ ,i»u ■ .

T e r m s of X a n v ® i No Extra*

» 7 6 S ta ..

. 0 ^ M s jHw o f m b a r g a in s ' ' '■ f{Mm m s, 16JSI f lw i l i t 3175 INmi^ UTS' ' M s R E M 0 i B E R - T l i t o . lo t t o ^ t e i t e d . ^ » f | ^

l l L " V t h a v e o n h o n e i i i d two- o f t o n s modpto.

[ m § e *9 ito * 'iw m i'A o n ag r--ii^ SMtayw'iii

Nearing the Wind-Up!Our great July Blanket Sale, which

is now coming to a close, is truly re­markable, not alone for the generous price concessions which prevail, but oecause the quality of the merchandise is unsurpassed.

Two Underwear SpeciaUMak'd Me UBSatwdar, t*a ■*■■% vUm pm *

cation th lrt* to d d r tw a n to o u tc h iM ri* ! • audiW r •f tlMvaldoa ityta; kdod an* diiUd 4 n««n , datr tk todt*; tpodil ................................................. ...S S t

'a Tfe Gdioa flaSi, Uo-W«»Mi'* « U ltItnoy rib lltio union auila fim pm od Myld), | i p lag fnlInMd where Moded; low Mok. eHavetcMi; knee l«n(th; wide Iaco trimmed bottome; epde..Sai

Yon Save WhOe You Spend at These July SalesAn Exceptional Offering

Value to 2.96White Petticoats

A t $1.00The** pettlcoete ere of White Cembric end

Niiniook, irimmod with embroidery end teoe; many ribbon trimmod; en eeccptionel veluc et liiie leeeon of ibe year, when ekitte ere In euch ereet demand end *o neceaeery tor wear with eummer dreiM.. You will went ai leut half e doten or more when yod •ae Iheec oirtrint*

DepeftaMBl—S n ood Floor

Val. 1.00 Crepe de Chine and Satin Camisolea, 59c

Here I* an excellent economy—one ibai [| a Ane example of qaellty merchandiee et (mail price. Crepe de chine tnd utin cami* lolea, trimmed with pretty fancy lecca, lece iheulder tltep ., an ideal cover to wear with ibeer blouae*. at ..................................... I*e

Special Conet Values1.50 P. N. Cornet, Speciil LOO

While beiiate and Aeah ceuiil, low boat, lont hip. Siiet 10 10 2J. Special......... t.OO

P. N. CofMt, 69cMade of batiaie; medium butt; loni hip.

Siiea 10 to 20........................ ................... Sic

Ten Dollar Day in the Apparel Dept.A day when $10.00 will buy more

in this department than any other day in the year.

Regular prices $15.00 to $25.00, and in order that you be not disap­pointed when you cortie, do not ex­pect that all in each lot were orig­inally the maximum price. When the sale begins there will be plenty at the outside price, but please re­member there will be plenty of cuv tomers looking for the best—there­fore come early.

The collection will include the following:

SUk Drtncc for evening and day wear

Semi-Annual ClearaneeotMen's Shirts

Sport Procka and other*Evening DreweaSerge DremM, all aerge and in

cotnbiiiatioo with ailk Coata for every wear, motor, drcM

or •treet; aport modet* in lilk and other*

Cloth Suita, women's and miases’ Tub Drewir* itport DreMcsBathing Suita, irtunaing modeh, in

ailklingerie and Net Dreaaea Girla’ and MitMn While Lingerie

and Party DreMca, alao ailk Girl*’ CotUa, ailk and doth Rainroata,cravtnette or nibberizcd

' Girls' Coats. Special 2.00 and 3.00Serge, covertt. mixiures and other materials; ill the latest styles

and sim , 2 to 14 years. Navy, copen, tan, green and other colors. Less than half price........................................................................2.00 and .100

Our sole object in theae reductiona to clear our stock* *nd mike room for our fall delivery of mcrchindiie. Both cotton *nd silk shirt* are included;' shirt* with both stiff and toft cuffa, some with collars attached.

Regular t.SS ahliU................. l.tSRegular 2.M ihlrta ................ 1.U 'Regular 1.S0 ami l.SO ahirU.. . . l.tSRegular 3.M aklrta ................S*tRegular S.SO ailk ahlita............ 4.&tRegular T.SS silk shlrta............ S.Ti

Men’s Sport Coat* at Reduced Prices

For ihose who with to look anappy when they doff their white trouaert, wd suggest a sport coat; pinch back models of heather mixtures, blue flannel and plaids, all at clearance prices.

Regular IS.M cdala, special... .7.51 Regular AJIO eaata, facial__

$ k o t § a U O u ^ < J k 0>AWomen’s $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 and $0.00

white washable and white buck sport shoes and ties at $3.65.

Women’s white $6.00 to $0.00 shoes and ties at $3.65; clean, fresh, well made, stylish and in every way very desirable shoes and ties.

The enormous selling capacity of our shoe department is so well known among

manufacturers of good shoes from coast to coast that when any of them have surplus stock we are among the first to get a chance to buy, and this collection of really fine sport shoes is one of those chances.

You will find these shoes what you expect them to be, and they are, above all, one of the most excellent shoe values of the entire season.

All sizes, 2V2 to 7, widths AA to D. 3.65

O r iu t S jaectoURegotor Plant Purity only at Sptdal Prkea.

2Sc Molamea Kiaaea, lb .................15c 49c Cocoanot and Paatc Squares. A30c Toaated Marshmallowa, tb___31c combinstion of fresh cocoanut ind31c40e Aflamied Fudge, lb................. 29c Turkish psste; tb. ..29cOur regular 40c, 60c, 80c and LOO Chocolates wilt make you i regular patron of

our Candy Department. Try them.

‘ aKaYivaO a t 2 *7 ^The Anal etearance of an importer, ft wa« our good fortune to eecure three and goure if gou u>iU oOtefo one. frcnuinc i4tfam68 Fanamae loith u>hite proa- grdin band$, the cooleet-tooking hat lor midataeon wear; good $Ue brim* to protect gou trom the sun '* rag*. The value of theae delightful tummer Panama hat* it tS.OO, tomorrow thej go on tale a t tbe vert/ tpeeial price of $2.79. ^

Trimmed Hats a t 2.39Smart peanit body hats in sailors, medium and large, turned side effecta

and chic mushrooms, trimmed in soft white satin drapes and unique bow*. Quality and workmanship unsurpassable at 2.39.

Four S e w Dry Goods Specials Itnd 2Sc Ptilww Caar Tubing—42 IlD e Fawey Parcalaa—30 Inchci24c and ZSc Ptilww Caar Tubing—42

and 45 inches wide, 1 to 4 yard remnant lengths, heavy weight, Ane close weave, no mail orders, while it last*■pedal, yard..............................

S.OOO Tarda Rleaehrd Maatins—30Inchei wide, 2 to |A yard lengths, vari- oua gridea, among them some 7J/wr' worth I2l/,c., apeeial, yard . . . * /*»■


lll 'ie Fawey Perealaa—30 Inches wida, I 10 10 yard lengiha, white grounds, col­ored stripes, fast colors, Ane, Arm,dote weave; special, y a rd ............

U^tc to ISe Aaaorted Waah Goods— Various styles, plain colors and fancy weaves, sheer to heavy weight, 27 to 40 inches wide, among them a great quan­tity of fancy Aowered dreat voiles in beautiful stylet; special, yard.. ■ «

*1 foiiu.ii.’a h fa i tU ^ a J H T > d e t

Laces, georgette, voile, lingerie, linen, all good models; some mod­els in all sizes, others only one and two of a kind. Here is ■ grand chance to purchase blouses at a saving.

We are dosing these blouses out so as to make room for new fall goods. Regularly St.00 to $25.00 at i/i price.

Regular 6.00 Women's Coat Sweaters, 3.9S

Only a small lot of odds and ends in sweaters; this means "not all sizes in each model;’’ in light weight angora, a new fiber silk. Regularly $5.00.

Crreaf Reduction SaleMaline Ruffs

At <4 Marked PricesC banact ef Nallaa Rdffa, fancy

trimmed with feather and ribbon. In black, gray, brown and navy, at Vi marked prieca.

Closing Days I July Clearance Values in Dry GoodsW ash Goods

12Hc Bfttes Seersucker Finer Dren GintksnH, 10{/yc Yard

Full piecct, all the popular I stripes, checks, plaids, plain chambray colora and nursea’ [ itripea; 27 Inches wide.

25c Fuicy Dreae Ginghams ; and Madras, Yaid, 21c

Plaids, checks snd stripes. In I white to dark grounds; 32 inches wide.

Plain Colored Cheese Cloth, Yard, 8j |C

Pink, rose, blue, green, red, orange, yellow, nile, purple, navy, blsck and others; 36 Inches wide.

25c to 39c Colorad Waah Goods, Yard, 18c

27 Inches and 30 inches wide.

Finer Stripe SOk and Cotton Wadi SUkK Yard, 2»c

30 Inches wide; full piccee; perfect In weave sod finish.

2Se Mercerized Colored PopUna, Yard. 19c

27 ind 30 inches wide.

B e d d i n gReg. 13.50 Trarnore White

Wool Blankets, 10.00 Pair Hxtrt large, ^x90 Inches.

Reg. 6.00 “Magnolia” WTtite Blankets, 4.65 Pair

Site 72x00.

R ^ l a r .5.00 White Uty ^ liitc Blankets, 4.00

Size 72x02 inches.

Regular 4.50 “Cumberland” Plaid Blankets. .L.39 Pair Size 70x00 inches.

Regular 4.00 “Pansy" White Wool Blankets, :U9 PairSize 08x00.

Reg. 7.00 American Plaid Wool Blankets, 5.50

Size 70x00.VaL 3.00 Feather Pillows, 2.25

Size 22x20.Regular 2.25 Scalloped

Crochet Bed Spread<t, lii9Medium weight.

Regular 1.75 Hem Crochet Bed Spreads, 1.45

For full size beds, medium weight.

B e d d l n j rGreat Sale of Eyelet Style Scalloped and Embroidered

Pillow CasesAbout 1-.3 under usual prices;

new lot; size 45x30 inches.V il. ,V5c, spec. .2Sc Val. 50c, spec.-.lSe V il. 05c, spec. .SOc

Muslins, Etc.17e Cnblesched Sheeting,

Yard 13c45 inches wide.9c Bleached Muslins, 7c30 inches wide, perfect pure

white.26c Bleached I'illow Case

Muslin, 18c45 inches wide, extre heavy.

White GoodsIflc White Gabtea, 15c Yd.

Famous popular brand.59c White Plaid Novelty

Voiles, 39c YardJO Inches wide.

79c White Washable Velvet Corduroy, Yd. 69c

30 Inches wide.

Linens.Value 1.75 Heroatitcbed

Breakfast Clothi, 1J5Size 54x72 inches.

Reg. 22c All-Linen Crash Toweling, 19c

For hand roller or dish towels, 17 Inches wide.

Sale of Weavers Seconds Rleaciied Table NapkinsSizes from 22x22 to 24x24

inches; subiect to slight mill hurts, not enough to hurt the napkins in appearance or wear. Special as follows:

Values ..........3.50 to 8.00Special ..........2.30 to 4.05

Reg. 1.00 Bleached Table Difflank, 87c

For sturdy hsrd wear, full bleached.

I2c Hemmed Huck Ttrwels, 10c

plain huck centers, neat, at­tractive fast color red borders; size 18x30 inches.

Clearance Sale Boys' & Young M en's ClothingIt will pay you ta buy clothing now and lay it away for fall. Owing to the scarcity

af waol tnd tha high coat of labor, the goeda will actually he worth double the price.

flji •--.C .

Bays’ IJM la ] |* 0 Narfalk Sadia, AH With Two Tmaaw* ItO draasy aaits; medium and dark thadoa, fflixtvrea and Wack tnd white chacfcai aorfafk madela. Sisaa 7 teIS yaara ...................................................

Btpf KJS Natftik SdM* with Two W aw ce—J e t SO aulia; madhim thadaa, gray mlstoraa, naw aarfetk BMdalt wtth

gitefa peokat*; bath trotuart M l Unad.liea 7 la 17 y aara .............................. . .IT IBays’ Bagilar l * t aad Mare Waah SMta

—Sbart BSd lang alaava modala in white and ealorad. A vanety af naw amdala. Sisaa 21^ ts S y i a r s . . T S s .1 Wept BagMw IJS Wash M M —Meat all

iW M M tt alaava asaSato. Iwiiar satfelln sad ethar a a d ^ v H i i and oelofad. S im 2H s fsu*. isiaiii .................... tilT s« w Itoato B # ls to>) too TCMi awin ssd fiutoif mim at H

Bays* Waah Norfolk SaHa—Sitea 8 io 10years. Linen, crathea, while duck and coolclotbea, plain and ttocy calorlnga.

Reg. 3.50 and 3.0S grade .2.K.0.05

U JO ,w ISjOO7<*t 'iS^

Reg. 4M and 6*0 gradeCktrtnce Boys’ Bathing Suita

Afl Oikft-Iim SoitB Rag.l .00, agai 2 ta 14, tp ee .... 60e Reg. I *5, ages 2 to 10, ipac.. . . 15c Reg. 1.05, age* 2 ta 10, lyac— 1.20 Reg. LOS, tgaa 2 to 10, apae< • ■ .1.66

Young Men’s Suits for Fall Wear• I M v llC n IIMJU

Neat dark nlxtaroaitnawaai madela; aiiaa S3 la 4a

Ras.’t&OO IS.0O aoSO 3500Spec. 1S4S H*S^^ ISJS IMS

N > S tolsfor Mm Md Ysuaf MmPita Baedll’ flamwia, aNbalr, slUn aed

aOc nbrtuniat eaiulai* Unas, latular* sod MMsa, m sM , i im , u M m i tu e . »■si/ a t ip r Mato to

tbs -to

Clearance Sale of Floor SamplesC o ^ a )U

I'aar goMp amag fiwpage mi th* tmolktt of th* *maU grtet*.

Innav^len Staamer aad % 8(aa Wardraba Trwka—

Rm Ut Mj0O. at 26.00 Ragviar 06.M, d 35*0

Black CosrUde Satt C am Regular 5.06, a t . . . .M S

Black Cowhide Traveling Bega—Lidiat’; silk and leather lined; genuine cowhide, wstrut grain and crepe tnO a tingle snd double ksodm ; rcgii-< lar $a00, $060 sad 1076, at 4*S

G auba CawUto ami Wjf"* navaHiw Baea-Bafulaf SS.0O and 9SJO s i............. « J d




O T W A B K B V E N I S Q O T W B . T H T J M P A Y . J D I T t t , I M I .


_ Cm M . f c m j , ■O p M l i C M t i w u



Genome Aiptrin

flolMljnMtrMlfbrB ijr tr*

X i t M s o f A tp M D .

I ^ g n t a t a a "TWf«*k*>*

C f o w 'o * * * * '7


A|g n M *7 o *««-H n n I t OMMIlIU* Mig iM a » i w p fii* * **M H *f — >—>»— to** *****S P«7 Oto aatoll** *** ***

stotM * w«r* clow * t f i’4 tfeo oatarokii • ! m fo o iiuL ,tk* •• I**'*®*^ i h o f o , twwoTor. or* •« h»M

. to f*«4i»oo* to to ihtoo t e r * * t M U flcs tto a * t a i - « i i | |« B o n l to s r ko « !* • • to

of tM MtowrOMO tt a***' ,tlo« ■ t i r l l t o r M a n * *tor tM f to toW — * to -

: • to ItoWtort , lleW Mo* ^MHrteii 00 to i ln w to r « l tottolo

M * HI** M to « l « • * • too* UimlMto* to Oltr *•*•*•■■

II M u * . T M omm oIUo* *to-

• I M w J Ii « f I t>«nw

lA Y E R ]0. * fto. 0«M bo

f l ¥«H Frifcy Niffct « ■art W«w Y«rk Mliwi R«*

jKtad Yutifrtiy.MSSATTSFACnOR THE ROW! ^

mam to Itoo Cmmmtr •** M ooMtoao* f o w o r t r ro n to o* *7 to too ito . tooom Mion !*!«**—*M»oo «*w o r w ■ ocoO t * * W coo »toO* *■*•

• H u to * to

N aw w k S tore. 6 0 3 -d 9 S B road S treet

IM t tb * II to tto M i • tool


i iMottooti

I o l • a u o t i t y «(L t tra ra to****® M t iM t IM toffto* OC07|* 0* (Of too a im to u o o ^ , . » . i r l o* too octooolo la »totol-

too iM noo**!*. ot tM Coootlto* ' l u lU * too t (M ookoot. Oto •» ;

I to fo a u i* 0 .0 0 oo* oM oH o a l v l tM o t u t o e r l l r •* too

oeootoliiB to tM 0 * ^ 'I IM t IM M ar* M 7 clooa Iko

, u Toaooot o l too M o r* of I la too oToat o t on opMomlr.

H itao to l l aoetio*." a u to * *11 la BOt iu n * a l# rT o*

of M oeallOB to o M r am b to* Door* of H oaltb . ba l

I to IM M a r* of M a o o t lu IM F BHiMrity to lo a iM to n ly *«*-

laal rM ilo B o f too tblW roiii 1 to M #1700 by tM OoaaU-


— *»» o t toaoboM la to n ta' lo IM u t a r o o f a eo a trao t

\ a fonaaai M i* to a t w baro tho M to to *0 ao ta wbtob « u M

*. aoihiB# M l too Ok* of Oo* ^ y W tM iBlor-

I of too to * u a 4 if*ci ao* o ^ tM talHiro w ill o am aa to*

. Mror* foforro* t# * « » n M ^ ® " * * l u a ^ U tah an* **ctoro* tM l * “ ^ J o « r to ---------------- - •"*Oooo no t *1** tbo

____ •ooaaary a o lb o r ltyMl lb* •toaiB* of IM aabooto * te la ia * 4 a* to o B o a tth M a r*

5 w 4 t o * M o r* of M acotlO B to ” to aarb ln# a a oo lb ro o b of

to tto ln **r*y*tM Bta of too U M ^ ia a a etooo*. Tbo a illo o . • M B o tta b o a bocauo* i t wma

boooao* U w m •>•*-

* ^ [!^ I* * IB C by IM M a r* of n fo r piw ***ti*l ro a w n a M M t**ro* aaw ls* to eoallnu*

M to tM o tiB lon oaPiMOO* Mtorlly 7ot* to IM M a r* of

n a ." to* opiBloB ooBcIo***. ^ a * a a S ; oaaa* w hlcb aia*o « Im- *rti fo r to* »ch**l* to M b* p t o l ^

M to tr tooal* a o t M pr*cla*M War r la b l to ooiaponsotloB, . ^ • r t * I . r*M y oo* ’' « « « ffMMi #efv4ce* peff^rie*by veE.ntanr «thH»

tSe M m r4 d t BdueatSOH. •^be ep ln teo

ooorM or* iM Ml*'<P*l r*ia*rb I*

* ^ * a * a * I* • • * "**' * •* *'**n a lib II in oMorto*.la Ti*» at th to lir . T * y M * « w n uM b*li.7M th .r» I**#*laM to* r*l**lloa ^ t o ' - J M n a w a

O* BtottM . ( VI*. P7**lM at r r a g bu Sseinier tbe cm* v M MM •*** fa rth er H* eU l*d j tfa ir tool to* boar* )* « •• •*“ ‘• • y “ to t 07i*.w>*| u A | hi* Iiia***ttoa riB h*l*t*l* * » IM a lb tr i Irnor**!** will bo roqaoOtM to M OB M bI wM b i m cbo* *’ • * • • •

**£l*rOBr* E 7*B M«-bo* porartly b. m I"'*® toorbor o l M f ^ B l Irs la lB f IB IM olotBonioryB - t a r y *f I 1. 1H • y**t ,M y C . ^ ' ' b woo oppolBt** toiBporBrily • • t**Trr£ of phyolcBl ItBlBlBf IB IM

l i r a E yra r . M*rb»y **» ‘■hoooo a lo * fh .r IB tho M i l « * • H lfb t o b « t

Km oBont CT**o *1 1,0 afpoIntiBont. *BIO tram S o p iaaf

bor I.nool#n*ll''BJi fOcofniBonOo* to bo w -

•opto* wor*-. l»l*or B. I lo fta io a »ob-■lilol* lBbor*iorr ooololaot lo• 1*0 H llh licbool; X Roo aw lto . from BoraoB Utrool; H arriet Moor*, r r j m M fttro princlp*! *f Rerh*l*y MJ®*!* n erlh a R. K*ln. from ■ am *t f c b * ^ ; r-to* A. » ’»t*o», froBi rb * n B * t • tr* * ti All** E Brow*. frtMB B lia M lh A**b**: Norab fa ra ty , ■■ klna*r**rioB **ol*t- • n l Ib n ft* * n lh A7«b**; M ra T lo w c * R. Cook*, f ro " lU w thor** B r ^ i ; H orlh* M. Woo*, front Job* CbIHb • toool In Ana *ire*l! O oort* J, T u a i . a* u a e h e r of phytloal i r a ln la i to E*b- «rt t r o a t llrhool la T b lrtooato aeona*; M ra Hay P Voiol. fr*W W *rt a»M lk M « t la M tiih 8o7*nt**Btb Bto**t; F te ra (rein Bthit! S tree t; F r in aJ, M eAvU th. from tm g rh M Seheel No, So %n4 S- SunbU . m raperw iM r ef drewlJw. ^

c u u * n tar *toolrio toaip* for uw nt l i l t aollMie award** to B urkharilt # O a *f tbl* Mly aa* IM contract l « ta o fifty bBllBf iBOchlroo to be ueW fo r pacb toc •**»* M H r la to* wh®” ' ; , • • aw ard** to 1h* Bcenetny Bal*r 1— r i— r * f D a * * B P * rt. l a

DO WT n M niiisiiii noncau n E CDiniT m u muwii

■ aaoiar Atwt*n C o lu U l ‘*»» I® • la lt* r to W lllnm P Verdon, U»**r of to* ro t* l» r ro n to n of toe Hodeon C ooaly R e p o iltn an a dome* 'h o t he !>•* any port la la d u c ta i to* w tthdrew nl "t H *rlln A A**Beo*fl » • * condldit* for Bewmbly oo the r**ulnr R epubll.nn llehot. iB *BBOBBCl*« hw *etoriBlo*_ hob lo aoeopl a plac# on ih* i lrM t or IM BBII-VefdonllO*, Aadneenitb**Ib a l M doenio* It bln daly >o lak* tbl* aclMB b«*B** b* wae for i ‘o lf» t* for O ororner an* Murphy for Bcnptor

Tbio !•* Mr V*rd*n to query Colonel ^ t o a t * a* I* bow b* ooul* r*coBcil* hi* p a rt to laflaenctna Aodit***"* w ithdraw al froBi toe o rgnm iatlon llehot IB H od*m w ith to* oappori he i*

I'racolein* frowi the or»*Bli*tion in


Ib raply. C*lor*l Cnlonte. nfler e»y l a i M M * r*B* V*r4on* l* tu r con- eoraliiy Andnown'e witodrowel, con-t lM h i ' ^

I h«4 nPAhIn* lo do w tih Ihlc iM baow n* to toa about it. I b a r . n .v * r aio t Bor oowBiuBliaio* with Mr, AadneMB oo tbl* eohlect TM reel of y e a r la tto r no*d* oo *B#w*r. »» It I* *lt ba««* OB th* *uppo*Hlo(i th*l I p*r- •Onally wa* r**pon*lbl* for Mr AB*B»B«n'o wHhdTBWBl I h*T* n*7*r tak en any ac tie* p * n ta Mudeon County p o llllc i an* (i*7*r deetred my n»m* ehauld M u*«l by e ither toctlon, but yaa h ae in c choean *oni* on* ole* for your Candida'* for Oovernor. naturBlIy your opponent* or* etnnd ln t behind m* _

roCTut ther* I* • epIH In Ih* Re-

toMid\\;;cViw toVtotM batir* tlili* t b i t tb* neboole

M atoW to UBdor to* T**»lall*« adopl** i # M m e u r t o f M tto a tto a .-

e ^ BlaBli ■ Mriww B taadae*.■ fwaort •* « !* iBTwatldBlIon Into

1 eaa*. Dr- P * l*a* ■••* b* , aw9* * u ry to d*ny IM to-

r__ee MfrBBO*"t appolB tioont Tor i 5 S t ? r t o . * « b . o t o . “ H * * t o ^

a ll to* *up*rrl*ory offlo*r* to w ito to* r**pon*lblltty «f l i o f JudB in i Mr Mo-F a w ato a#r«* to pronoaoctoB th*

, J f t o * ftouih Bid* H i» b UchHtl law tb* plandBr*. n o t only of f b lgh ■toool*. ''i,* ! 'a le from w blcb tb * M B to Bid*

• T K l t t J T T ay lo r Mr»*r*d_ M trap net J S t M tM l Mr, M e W b t^ i w ork — -

»S h w«y*

y*B «i*w t"

_ ________ ___ raaIT 'ii^ M m h * »»*tod t b . t icter'* o d to H a la t abo u t tb* a t tM a a d l t ^ u t o la th*

wao w o rth y of lao rlt. H* iM t Ml** U b I* * W **twe*d.

__a «r m u te ®f th e leh ee l oyb-toiritod Mr. M eW b eed I c l «

^ e M * d u rib # th e id*t H*^ dofaaM e t P rip c to a l Them**

ly th a t be d id n e t diocrtoii- wBa *yo*«dli>Bty WMb, and M n- a b y r e a d ln t » te t lo r b* received Jaeeb nB k*l* i* ln . a pupU to th*

T irti •*7*0 lead* of eaa l w*r* la- 7el7*d I* lb* *h*rt-w *l«bt *pt**d« la- eolv ln f l b . M e t « d * C u ' C o ta p u y *d*llv*n** to «h»ol» on co n trac t w*» dlKlo**d y**t*rday »t Ib* mootlBB *f the cw iim ln.* OB bulldiBt*. trouB d* and ■*>•><•• ®f to* B**rd of E duealloa.Initaad of h iv tn* l.f** pound*._»*t^cIflM l on Ih* oHp^ tb* w*B*n* o u -ta ln td t.Ot* p*«"®»- _____ _ a_

TbU inform ation w u • ■ to '* ™ ®J ltamu*l Onleer.Chert** M. My*r*. co»n.*l to W M . wee Inetrucicd I* m»k* an to''*®tlBa UmI la te d*llv*ij*» m*d* to tb* icbeol*by to* ooel com^BBy.

Af » pr*7lo«* tn**iloB A»*«iibly*aaii Paul R BllbeBmnn. preeldent Ol IM reAMMnv evhthi'cd hefor* iVie eow m lt-U T S S ^ e u Y .r f b . t ,h . « t o h . Of

Jhif i ! u t ik e when It w M d l i c * 7 ^ by the board. Ae • rceuH of lb* find inc M four .dd ttlonal le a d , th a t lioered ehort of th* .m o u n t en to* ellpn the * » '* h m a .to r ®f '» • hiwh A W llk**-8»rr* Coal cem paay , where IM cool »** o b u ln o d . h*e b**a rtauoeted to ipp**r befor* th* com- mltt** tol* nfternoon to e tp in in .

Ib th*lr reporle M*Ft*ro, (lal**r and M u r* •tolod Ih* offlctole ef th* M *i BIBe eompeny »dm ltl*d th* *h<^ w etahta but rUtm*d *o *rroT WB* mad* M tV* oHpr The Offlctol* n t.t* d . to*y m id. th«t ih*y wer* uelBB new her*#* end did BOl w ant tb*m to h*oI m ar* then I *10 The c\*rk wM iBilruCted to coJJeci to . *>to*. II • • • »*P '* ln to . but a t*l*ph*ne call In terraptod. Tbu* an erro r w mAeMlultf^rtw were ertrvfwe^ for the por- fhmMm rtf ii* ret<***» property «t S* tn 71 Holland atfe*t * ' * ®^*** "‘ *

publican parly In HiidBon. a* It ebould be an itod for tie b**t Intoroat. Trtiicay ■ candidal* for a ita i* olfico tb o u ld not m il la eaunly affa ire and not be reaponelbl* tor tb* aolectloa of any man on th* twunly tickat. 1 hfr** w ith you lo tbl*. and 1 th ink 1 hava anowarud your toiler.'*

r* lon* l Colcal* coaelud** hla le tte r w ith to* o*u*tlc reniarh. ‘T e u ta ish t p a r* found all thi* out from me w ith ­out wrIilBF a column In the newe- papore about lt.v


Uocal yarm ent worker* will vet* F ti day aiBhi on iM aereptaac* •* »•jeettnn at th* *»r**ia*nl reached M - tw era r*pre*rn latlv* i of th* union and New T orn m anufeciurer* that h i* been repudiated hy «h* Sew fo rk worker*Th«) i r » rtf th# ©ptrtlrt® *•their M anhatU n co-worUrre. that th* «Rr##iP#rtl w itl not 4rt>

A f1n*I ■MWtr on <h# al» rm lt to hold a band coecert In on . of (ho county p a rk a where a oollectlU would be tak ea up for tha ta rm an t w orker* undor the au p icaa ol lb* Cll teene ro m m ittee *f ■ •••» CoBBiy. W** promloed A. J- i:oaiobno, * member ot th* com m ute*, befor* ton lrh t. fo rm er ilo v trn o r f ra n k lin M ur.hy, pr**ld*at o t to* f » rk Commi»*l*n, hue announced hlm ealf In f*v*r of yran tlna the pernm and la havloB toe o lker romi*l**loB*r* Interview ed. Ai noon lodey hut ^ o th er commleeloner hail beaa r**uB** and he had voted aaalnet lh« pfoJTct-

The failu re of ttia aftreemenl i* eaiuM ieh any mo.le of ac lllln i to* d lep n tr i arliiti*- in th* yarment 'r * “* le e lv rn ha one of the chief ottleclloae. aciordlnfi to Mai Bruck, bualnei* *Ba*t of the local union. The other rol"* to»» arouerd the Ire of the union member* w a . 11..I whieh tolled to ,1V* to * " ‘ U

,q diitrlbiiH on of work to fh* dull t*«*on*.

* • Hewae to M*M Kmptoyerw•So m aehinrry le provided for in the

aFT**ffi*nl to force the m*fiuf*ctur*iw to live up to their P * '"" '"* -, “w Brueh. "and to r th li rr^aon Ih* »or» ere will not accept " I" to* prevlou* .■ rre in e n la rn lered loto there were ar- ra n a e m e n ti for a rb lln llo n board, of unbtaaM and d li in l .r r .le d w hich all dlapula* could b" rO " * * ^ Th# UTiion inrtlit on ih# n -ten lton of ih li method, hecauto hey bellev* that only In that way can they m ain ta in Ih i union and fu aran tea ■reper condition* of work

■The claue* y lv in t the workere the r iah t to call a ahop airlk* In c * « Iroobl* doe* not ’m i«i Ih* elluatlon. ■atd Mr Bruck ■fomplalnt* are con- e lan tly a r l i in f becaui* of the pevultar n a tu re of tb* work, and It » •**''*• w ere lo he the only method of **llltM Ih*** polnto. the trad* woilld aooiv h* dl*or«anli*rt hy a eon'lnuou# round H tabor trouble In all ehopa. From tiw ■reaeni outlook I here linorhano* wliat- lo ev er th a t the .Sew T*rk w erkar. will arraa to the term* i i propo**d it i* llkaty that th* Newark worker* will tek* th* earn* aland, ih o n th tb* r®*®’* of th e ir vole I* not ol r*l*ilv*ly *1 «h‘ im porta ire , for the whole trad*. In** much •* to* v e il majority of tM unloa mem ber are In New Tork.''

The lack *1 atlpulatlon* In Ih* *B7*®- m ent reB*rdln« the ®'*'*to«‘l®" ^ work to elack ***•<>“* I* *'»®(o I'Bder prevloui contruct* to* worn wa* ylven to as many worker* aa P®»- albl*. *o th a t all would have eom* In- uom* durlnd to* time* w M a the toM* la dull Th* worker* want a tlmllAf claua* In any **r**m*ni they accept. Mr Bruck »*ld.

meed Millinery Wear and Early Fall

Hati of Lyons Velvet and SatinF ro m p r tM E t H id k B tiw iE th e m iU iiw ry c r M tio B i f « th *

c o fE in g te w o B * n t 9 b e bMEtilul M d b e c < n i i in | b e y o n d d w c r ip -

I t io n . A n d tb e b b a d e t t r e bo » f t t n d r ic h , to o , « n d lu i t tb lB to

f n y ty p e o r o o w p le x io ii .

A Charming ColUcUon of Setv Models Ready

C P U , I.W , w d ^

The “War-Bride" Turban U Fartiiotf. Nwerta w . •M i.. rlFl K»« • ' *

Purple, N«vy ifld Bltck. ld.95 ind up. Becoud Ftoar.

AUWooltex Non-Shrinkable SkirU

ReducedJust ■ word to the woitiiii or miss who hts

never enjoyed wetrini t Woolt** Pro-shrunkS k i n .

If you htve ever purchssed • tub skirt tnd sfter iBundering htve hid it nude over because the belt curled or the skirt sBlged. you c«n Bppreciite the inconvenience of the whole thing.

Wooltex Skirrt sre pre-shnnken before the msterisls sre cut. Every effort is made to eliminate ill future shrinksge from the sk ir t Of French N Iting .

No need of making over the* skirts.

Silk Hosiery S p e c ia l ly P r ic e d

R e d u c e d l o $ 1 .9 5 t o $ 5 .9 5I Third Ftoer.

Tomorrow sped el prices will prevsil in our silk hosiery section. Msny nov­elties tnd plain ef­fects.Rich-lieu ribs,

stripes, polks dots, c lo c k s and other nov- eltiet in all shades and sizes. Rein­forced heel tnd toe, lisla garter top.Special it ............. 95c

Also t splendid variety of seconds, in allcolors, i t ........................... ....Sfc

Pure Silk Hose, in ell solid shsd«, rem forced heel and toe. Lisle garter top -. - 69c

Fiber Silk Hose, in ill new shoe shades.special a t .................................................50c

Mala Fleer.

ra lto w in e a motoccycllat who** ma- chlB* wa* am oklBi, Patrolm an fUei k- ■riafl at th* m otorcycle *qu*<l w*a hu rl yealerBay art*rn*on at Ttroaif and Urean *tr*eta. Th* patrolm an ran Bcalnet a tra ff ic atonohloB which cBuaetl him to fBll to front of bb buIO- mnbll*. The automobile paeeril over Stockmati'o left l*B. brulalna It severely-

in to Subaefler of HI t 'h r le lo p h tr •lr*« t. M ontclair, le Ih* m otorcyclist whom Sl*ckm*B wa* rnllowluE. M» will b* aummoned toinortow to the Fleet P recinct C ourt to anewar a charge of e lo la tin a the tra ffic ordlnanc*.


L u t TV * !>■#• 0f 7*«* SpeeM Qpporf««ifi*i.


hM U teln to ld wf m oetH ii Mr. K*B- I i M M*» iM tiw o e d tn conv*r* i.

u — la a fWOiB 1B tM ro ar ef the *cho»l aaalK vIsm d u rtaa oa* of to* *toetog

- - AocordlBB to r in h e la te ln h*

Two boy* wor* yeperied mieoln* thie m o rn tn t t* th* police- rMe- v 'harl.a IrwiB of l i s t s Van Buren *lr**t rr- ported to to* Third Pr*ctnct police th a t her aOB. rtarold, el***" year* old. had failed to re tu rn bom* afte r Irav tng ahoBt 11 ocloek yoatrrday m orning to t**h eom r p laym alea Hr ha* MoM* hair and larga tilu* eyo*. He wor* dark

to 71 Holland »tt«*' • ' ■ otiai or . I a f*y knee paiil*. a blue rtrlped walnt for B Itropnred Bdflilinn lo Ih* South oo* * rad checkered cap Tanth niraat School Th* property will I Ang*ln San FHIlppo. ntnr year* old. cover *n are* n * * to f f*el A apw lal Bruce itr**l, wa* r e p o r t^ tn lei-OHriillnt of th* board w ill be M id nakt 1 m orning to th* Pnurth Precinct_____w nichi to roB»ld*f Wane and ■ ___ u * i* ., k |a home about • o'c|o.-k

Four ni'Tohere of the maohlBlit*' union. Includin* Iht praeldftit «f th* N aw trh local, were arraeted today <to • charg* of Interfering with Tarl Droedef of SH7 South Eighth etrael. OBiployad hy the Automatic Weighing Maehin* rom pany The arrerted unioniot* or* R d w .rd Shave of 7! I’lan* *lr*«l. prea- Idant of l»c* l Rdward Kraua*. mFerry airee l. Richard Cllbeon. tO Car- tl*l* plae*. and Jam** f>TOiiehton. 11 Plum etr**t. They *«r* ^ ,to ®F ourth Preclncl Court for a baarlhgW*4ne*day. ^

r>ro*d*r elalm* th a t to* four man. who were picketing the company • ahop e t 111 Commerce etreet, loUowed him tw o night* ego and eceoaled him In •p rln g tle ld avenue. He enore oat w er- r a n u for their arreat. The e lr lk a ri aay to a t th*y did not tra il l>ro*d*r. h a t were going In to* earn* direction on hiielneae All they eatd to him, accoM- ing lo S h a ra • * • 'o *»k him lo Join the ir rank*.

c *v* V—'" ' I*, tvi, mnnuot.. tiw criii i-.-i".- SOMMER TO RENEWThururtar rtlfM A® plrtn# H# U ft hi# horn# »b#u« • v f f f t l f I f i ff\ffN I r < V l l f 1*1*1/r.^ 'in icV tlon : of t o , peopoejjd ad d ttlo h ; » „ ;„ rn 1n , to play H* h*a dark W E I E A D B A r f l Y r r Y

The uu*»tlo* of bay ing the properly He wore b lack hn»* fV I d U g U t U f l V l l i l A ■

O u r lu lv F u rn itu re

Tn# quapiiwn v»a ar«F.,.„ ® " i hk lf rtrtM #?#*- H« wor# 'hJrteK hn*##t I t t® IT r ik r tw f ntfpM frtr ^ whH# *n4 t*n #ho#** but

h r * : : ;Sr yzl^rw^e Fflrwr PwidMt of Corntr C«a- iBttM A f^ to T^( li| 1/aAer-

i h f in Sejiteabor.

which Pflris next Mondav. brings down the prices on the early Victorian «iiite Illustrated above The immense Sofa, of exquisitely carved mihog- any. upholstered in brocaded vdours of a " ‘'J

to 1262 The high-backed Chair to match, regular * ^ 5 0 Other piece? may be had to match Ibis suite-W tng Chair, deepArm Chair, Bench, and oblong Mahogany Table.

” r . ; . r l . . . ‘a in "inn Klnl’ Pelrlprunr., . -— vU



I W ork of to* Public W elfare Comrnll^ tee of R tie i County give* promla* ol

I being galvenleed Into Ilf* and action once again with th* announeement th a t

I F rank H Rommer ha* agreed to t* M j preetdeocy. Hi* dect*lon w a * ,

I mad* l*»t night. H* hae had th* etop under conalderiilon alnc* early IB . Juno, when the committee apparently wa* ready to ceee* It* aetlvtty , and ) hga only contented to undertake th* | w ork a fte r earneet ■ollrllallon and on | eondltdon that the committee b* com- pletely reorganlrrd end rejuvenated. He w ill aaium e wt* dull,* September *.

Mr. Hommer wee flrpi preeldent rtf toe o rgerluatlon and under h ii lead- a n h lp It did tAeeilve work D aring |

preeldenry In 1111 and ISII th e w eltar* movemant wae o rtg l-

whlch Inter reeulted to th*

HAHNESTAGG CO.G O O D f u r n i t u r e

C » M O I » S t 6 i m R t t « L M W a L




/ ViA-'t

hi ehlUl n«t#4.n«iva> Milirdl an-Wi **-t.v**\wa* ••• »•**tgtabllahm cnl of th* bureau o l childhygiene In to* Board ol H aalih111 ■ . .

t ' I


Seal FoodFor Real Boys—

[d«<**t IM v*«w *FW*iea* V* <r«w*>se<tllldcr the propoaed plan of roor-

ganlgatlon th* committee’* work will he divided Inin three depertm enta In the departm ent of eeelal w eltaro all m aitar* ol purely eoctal work, eneh a* lnve*llgatlon ol dance h a lla m oving picture entertainm enta condition* of eitiployittant. ate., will ha undortahen. Volunteer helper* will be ueed.

departm ent of reforene* and reM arch 'l l alao propntad aa a c learing

fo r Infcrniatlon re ta rd in g i l l .f iM ia t g o o d —- E n d . m o r e U n p o r tE n t , c o n *l a i n t r t i e n o u r i E h m e n t l o r t h e i r g r o w i n g

a n d r a p i d l y d e v e b p i n g b i a i n a .

m Grape-Nuts• ' ro o D


hou** •»> ..................... ------pitaada o t elty govam m dnt and m unlei pat rtaoarch. To m*k* •ffectlv* too work Ilf th* two pr*c*dtfig departm ent* a departnteni of leglalation w ill b* iiiaintainMI to propagate teglelatlon aa itf n**d I t ihowB. earry tlng on to t work of the feop lo* U g la la tlv o Eureaii.

Thee* dh*Bg*t have bo*n agrood apoaand ratlflod by th* truel***. The com­plete r*era*nl*atlnn will he undertaken about OetoM r 1. At th a t ttm* a ohanM In to* nam* of th* orgatilaatlon m*y be mad*. By Ih* term* a t th* * tt*«m *lit mad* by th* Iruil***, Mr. Bonim*r will be gran ted to* privilege of nnnlitaU ifg hi* own hoard of tru fte ta and ehoo*- tog hi* ll«at*B*nta In th* work.

Ern*M A. Blow*ll. pr***nt «g*e*tlv* •ee rtto ry of th* oomiBttt**. wilt coa- Unu* hla e*nn«cUon w ith tM o r ta n l ia -

b e rb p gnm ilM of trh o b wheet utd meltad b e b y — w ell bnbnfftd b OBnriehniiofc eneyto d ta w t n a d W k b u t ^ kwiidstiul « o « r ^ « r fa r boys an d 0 tk and lyownmpe.

'There’s a Reason’Nt-'

' GigaM* wmv«#mm



The Government’s 0* K*TheUiiit«d SutdaOoTdmmeot tiiy* mtUc Iwa E triffe more pro»«in,than whola milk, ■ and protein i t the in ra d ia n t in oor food that hat th#T h li maana that you a r t p ^ ec tly in buy‘« t tha low-coat, acoootnical and reiiama

HiresS Q U A R E B R A N D

Condsnssd Bkimmad Milkwhich la porait. ftoaboal, eow t mUk with only tha Ikta ratnorad, ana than eondanaad and awoatenad pure granulaiad aagar. It la wholeaomaInV diitttitta .'andsaa. YOUR OROCEt HAS IT.


In Rad Plmplt -Than On Hud. HehadConttantlj. Could Not Put Hands In Watar Without Pain.


m a n u M t f« * StAWl*-MS Aieb

HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT"1 h*d • toghbrtdkfwioitBlytM*.

ch*«, hitd •ffni in th* lofio ol f«o ptm-Ch*«, BIW *0 0 * m in* w. pir*. am) Aitdlly k brok* « t on wy >««•1 Tie aneara pari* ^IkoiMi. end itched co^nUytlentdhdO a w tw iy lulMMwe* 'Jj*■craivnea * -••'"7 - - —(ram th* J oMkl 11« 1^ Whartdi in wM*r *W i«rt

tr Iqll oM iwfunv. end 1 Kratchw

t'hoa’ 5 ’tliaCa*»« 0 ^ « m - -,i«l)Miaalr*8«iiiditoA: ** v„m w . . . ,

SwBpif Eadi PrM W MeH, ^ J



In*t*gd of giving » eotUaK OB tM Balitvtii* Aveng* pi*yfr*aldg id-mar- raw night, to* CotiunblA Band vrltl p|*y dand* nuMc fer th* hlMB dene* t* M lid hr iM rHidthto *f thnt Motion 1 WdMtWB dvtBiu bBtOdBH APlinatM nad Map eir*et.d*aaytjn*at |M* cMiamtad > mpMH pyaawnt in tin

M ihd bav* g f ^IM t*r«*t Mddr

■ .-’•ra

7>-' ■■ ■■■ >■,

iv.lKrdj)M i

DReQIlRDINQIO N d a a l * U n i v a r g l t y

. , p f P a n m y i v d n l a ,

A la ra M lmO r Ib B oM nt 9ttlAod$ I w mL O w iio w ii i« i* I ’iv r i

l ° ^ e * S > a T „ h i l b d < A O w > W . I M M• ■ — y, B a. pjfc- aaaiafo K - . — — • ■ -■ < I

j .

I? 'f

- ■ .f '•■ f ’ ■' * i .1 ..

I R E T T A f f i J T O T 27, I W


l y i p p w p ' " 1 1 i » i j i " p i i P i H i i p p p i .............. ■■■"■ " I I j I ! i » ' ! - , i . y p i ^ i p | ^

*' ■ ;i''-- 'V..' ;-'‘M‘ ^/' ’-, .„ ■ . ■ '


IkiM Takiu Piri ■ CoBetii C«- emu; Aiyeir UmiBtfal tf

Crowd in Rain at Colleoni Statue Unveiling; Donor and Speakers

m FALLS DURING ENTIRE ETENTAaltI# ffom Ihr a lfn lflcM #* of t)i«

•van t ttaair, IK# chlaf (mpr«Mt»ri ihaA* on tb« crowd that amw tho u n v it l ln f * f , tho ColloonI <t«Tu« yeatardof o fto rnoM In r iin lo n Pork waa th« app aren t ia* difference to ike rain m anlfeM ed by the cKt' i d ifn llarlea who p ariK tpatdd In the oeremonle*.

The program a la ru d In a d r in le and ended In a downpour, but th e re erae acarcely a Tnoment when m oiature did rioi deacend on the wiveakera and epee* latere. F rank lin Murphy, rh a irtn an elf Ih* rom m itter of tjne Hundred, paee a hlatory of the ita tue , of w hirh th e local effigy In a copy, while the relit fell not loo gently upon him. hut when JuelLce Francle J Hwayie aroee to m ake Ihe addrcM r»f preaentallen , Mt. Murphy etocM} and hrid an um brella j o te r him Hr Murphy perform ed (he aam« aertlce for City Couneel Bpauld* | tng at«r, who accepted the etatue In behelf i»f the city

rh rie tU n W Frlgeti»Pen. who pre- ■ented the Colleoni io Newark In com­memoration of U» SiOth an n irrra a ry ce ltb rttlo n . fa a l H McCarter and Con- greaaman ft Wayne r a rn e r a lio aat in the ratn throughout the ceremonlea.

The program, which wae prin ted In the laat edlllona of yeeierday $ Newd aalde from the addraeaea, included a fe itlva l march from Henry Hadley e ‘'lUeguk of Newark " played by Voeaa Band; an Invocation by Itev I n Kd- mund A. Waaeon, rector of Kl diephen 'e Kplecopal t'hurch, and a aolo by lira , in e i Allea t*olier. There wae to have haen a baai eole by Tom Iiarilel, bu t becauee of lllneaa ihia num ber wga •fliltled. The m uiical part of the p ro­gram wae In charge of Thornton W Allen, who hae arranged the m usic In eonnection with the celebration.

The monument wae unveiled by Mm. Felgenepan, wife of mm oonor

Jueticw Bwayie'e addreea lioalt w ith the particular benefit to the com m unity which Ilea In the poaaaeelon of ao beautiful a work of a n Mr F ra a e re aoeeptanoo oonaleted in read ing the worde of Mayor Flaymond. who wae III. High tribute# were paid to Mr F tig en - apan (or hie girt and to J. Haeeey Rhlnd, the aculplor who did the work.

lADNG BANDAGES FOR ALLIESTK» N ,»«rli br»nch of <h. aurclck l

d r tM in o commlltoo thia m orn ina ra- fumad III work nf inak inc t a n d i ( a a and o u r d ld draaatn ia In tha homo of Ura. H. Arthur H ell.r of H * Mt. Proa- ^K t Avanu*. Tho com inltlaa w ill con- tJDua tha work on Wadnoaday and Thuradajr nternlnca th ro u rh o u t tha auimnar. Tha tlnlahad w ork w ill ha aant to B o rd n u i, Pranca. for uaa In tha hoapitala in Europr. Ura. A rthu r H Nackla. rhalrm an of tha rom m ittaa, waa In charca of th a , w ork and will diract tha m ak ln f of tha nacaasary ar> Uclaa

HUSBAND SEERS SHI BUY S MOTHERW ith hie eli«yegr>old eon dgnger*

ouely lU gf Mahweh ee the reetiU of a rattleenake bite. Willlwm H. Spoil man. colorod. of 2<t Prince e tree l, aeye he wanle to know where hie wife !■■

Bpellmen came ,ln to tho Newe offico today and eald Mra Bpeltman a tarted Sunday for Mahwah to bo a t h e r eon 'i eide, but h» hae Juat learned th a t ahe never got ther*. He aoye th a boy woe bitten by a t ig anake while v lalting grandm other, Mri. Mary Apollman. *

land n FOUR TOWNS 01 DEALAmenc tha r»al oaiala tranaactlona

racordad ycatardai' waa o n . In w hirh M artha U n id .h o ff e l Ihia c l tr hooarna poaaaaaad of aeran irad td of

. t


r - 4 ^ -

L- T>=. li.SS -t'

wVeaM-H\. ■1^*9.^.?.^. a-

land which ad jo lne a t the ftincticn llnee of Newark. £a» t O range. Bloomfield and BellavllU. The pVoperty begine at (he weat elde of N orth T enth etreel aad eatende over tow ard Belleville The firat trac t, w hich la show n on ihe mape of the N ew ark Hom es' Company, once ow ner of Ihe p roperly , le located In th is city , aa a re th e fou rth and fifth tracia.

The t i l t h tra c t la partly in Newark and partly in Belleville, the third partly in N ew ark and partly In Bloom' field, and (he aoventh in Newark. W illiam J. Sm ith la given a t the con­veyor and th e consideration In ihe deed la | 1.

No. t—View of crowd.No. 2-^rla tiA H V. Fei|en*pin. No. 3—Ffdoktin Murphy boldlnt

the brelU over Jue tice Ffencia J Sa-ayie while li t te r ip e ih a .

CUNTON DisnuaRev and l i r a Sherm an H Marry and

daughter. Hlbe Mar]or1e Mercy, of Mapea avenue w ill leave next week for K ingston, N. T., w here they will spend A ugust

Mrs. A. D W illlam e of Munn avenue. Lyotia F a r in g w ill an terla in the Thim ble Club a t a porch party to ­morrow.

Mrs. R. O. Tunlaon and daughter of M eeker avenue a re spending the sum- fner In (he A dlrondarke.

Mr. and Mrs H arry Waldron of Feshtne avenue a re a t Delaw are W ater Gap.

Mrs. W alte r C. B am ea and children of Meeker avenue have returned home from Chicago

F orm er P o stm aa te r and Mra. F rank J. Bock and fam ily of Cuaier avenue are occupying th e ir sum m er home at Bradley Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Jogeph Oroel e f ttB fflll- aide avenue a re a t B radley Beach.

Mtaa Anna tfa reh a ll of Je lllff avefiue and Mlae Ja n e B ow ers o f JohMSdn kt«- nue aro a t Aabury P ark ,

Dover s tre e t . In honor of Miee Mary H opkins of M erlon Center. F‘a

Mr. and Mrs Ju liu s Heubner and daughtere w ill close (heir home In if#- neva s tre e t and leave Baturday for the Tocoao M ountains.

Tha B rookdale Building and l.oan Association w ill m eet tomorrow night at L iacher a hall, aoulh Orange end Brookdale avenuea.

Mra. T hom as H. McHale and family of Sandford avenue have returned from f*hilllpeburg. ra .

Mr. and Mrs. I^e lle Toob of Geneva stree t wlIJ leave tia tu rday for Aabury Park.

TAILSBURGH SECTIONMlaa F th e l Thompeon will antertaln

tom orrow even ing a t har borne, 2T

FOREST BOX AND WOODSIDEMrs. E, n. Hancock of Clifton ave­

nue is a t Mt- Freedom ,Mim R u th V. W eeks of P arker etreot

la eum m erlng a t Tannersville. Cats- k ln M ountains.

Mra. E ugene Beck of Ht- Proepect avenue Is a t Ht- Freedom.

Jay W, F o rrea t of Albany will lec­ture to n ig h t In Woodalde Hall. W ash­ington avenue, on 'HThe Voice of Melo­dious T h u b d sr ’

Mr. and Mrs. David Mulcahy of W ashington auapue will remain a t DenvlUe u n til a f te r lAtbar Day

R O SE nU I SECTIONG eorge C. K anttahe o f Park avenue

haa re tu rh o d from L ake George The R alabow Bocfal O ttb will meet

to n ig h t a t th e hom e of Mlae Gertrude Btrunok of boo th T enth street

Misa A lina RLghter of U l Roseville avenue La in B tam ford, Conn.


Fidelih Conquay Fikt Report with Sorrofite SImvmif Principal


As tru s te e under the will of Dr. l^ealie l>. W ard, the Fidelity T rust Company today filed with S urrogate Fred Q. ttllckal J r iia first in te rm e­diate accoun ting The report ehowa th a t the balance of ihe principal ac ­count now In the ru itody of the com ­pany la |2 .S tl,l> 2 01. In addition to which the tru s te e has |l4 l.tfR .|R In the income account. 4

F nder the will of Dr. Ward, who at (he tim e of hie death was vice p resi­dent of (he P ruden tia l Insurance Com­pany. the P idellly . In addition to being named a s execu tor nf the document, was marie iruelee. In its la tte r capacity Ihe (ru s t com pany received, according to Us accounting . ll.ll& .llM A Out of th s t sum It dlsburaed. in accordsnee with Vho d irec tions of Its trust, s to ta l of IR R .llb 4T, leaving the present b a l­ance of i s . r s i . m m .

T h at to ta l aa shown by the report Is made up of l1.RIO.37i.fO in etockii. fBOl.Sbt.St In bonds, m m ort-gages and |33f.02 In cash. The largest single d isbursem ent under the (rus- teeshlp waji made in securlilee lo Mrs. Cecile ti. W ard, widow of the te s ta to r 's

I soa. lie r Ward. This disburae- I ment am nunted io l l i t . f f * TO i In the income account the irual com- ' psh j rhargea llaelf w ilh the receipt of

St:0 ,M 4.ll, lo U hlih there were added

dividend and bond-interest Item s which brought Ihe loial up lo M IT .'fl lO, From th a t amount was d isbursed |2 I ,- 141 In Inti rest paym ents, com m is­sions, official fees, etc The Income schedule ehowe that the balance in th a t scrount Is made up of llTS.T44.7fc in sto rk s and l>onds. In m o rt­g ag ee and llR.263 to In cash-


T herr ■ a broken h ea rt f*)r every | ligh t on Broadwsy. rem arks the song, and one of the lights Is casilng its riisma] shadow upon a li ttle co ttage at IID New Torh avenue, the home of Miea I'onstancs Kogsrs. yesterday sha wae brought from the world'e la rgest city a f te r a day of pavem ent p a t te r ­ing In search of a Job. ro n s la n c e dream ed wonderful dream s of being a Bisge i t s r before eh# left hom e, ih tn when Hhe was promised a try -o u t s t the W inter Garden she felt th a t her dream s would com# true. Toi*iy she Is alm ost decided that she w ill rem ain at home.

Constance form erly waa em ployed in a corset factory. When th e noon siren screamed the g irls would dash in to the basement and (here enjoy the hypnotic en terta in ing pow ers of Con­stance. Bhe would sing and dance • nd play like those who work under the regu lar (»ay-at-the box-office directors. The g irls praised her and told her tha t m aking ro rse is w as not her calling. I4he should Join a show. Hhortly efia r noon Monday ahe de­rided that ahe would—and ih ia created ano ther chapter In the a lready replete ta le of why g irls leava horn#

Mlaa Mildred Marlin, a friend, who had been working In Newark, hu l who had been discharged, met Conalance In ftroad street about noon end suggested 8 tr ip lo New York There mas the chance. Constance sta rted . The g trla

^ Easy to Make a

Mistaketa B n y ln g a

DtamondThere it to much poor ttuN I

•hown tint looks just ts goo4 ts the rijrht kind to the sver-j tge ditmond purchaser tbati we protect our customers hf showing snd explaining th# merits of every stone we sett. They see just whti they are! getting and every grade pos-l leases real worth snd value. I Ve should like to add that the young man in search of a diamond engagement ring will And t wonderful lot of beauties here at $60.00 to SSOOjOO.

H O L T ’ S!A eaarA 't y b m to e fDiamond M trckant

i t i

spent Monday nlkhi In s Je rsey City hotel snd Tuesday m orning took a •lawn s ta r t (or the s tree t th a t Is the beehive of fun Constance w ent one way and Mildred another. Mildred was to meet her later and en te rta in her In a room *in Riverside Drive," w here lived eome of her relatlvae.

Ao Conelsnce wae promlMdl Ih# dancing lry-ou( today and w ent to Ihe Hotel Kndicotl In Columbus avenue lo lunch. Hhe had only fifteen cen ts and ihiB la whei she a(# rtecilon of la>er cake, pot of lea and glaaa of lemonade. Coei. fifty oenle.

Conslance tried the cred it Idea and promleed to make good Later. Then HpeciaL Officer Ijta ry got on the Job, paid the bill for Conelance ahd took her IO the T. W. C. A. to spend the night. Conatance could not give the num ber In Riverside Drive of U ildred'e relallvea and the Y. W. i.\ A. dldn'l w ant her around, ho ahe spent (he nighi in the West H lxty-elghlh tUreel . ro llce Htallon. Thera ahe confeaseri her Idenlily. and her bro ther. Anihony Roger#, was notified. Ha b rough t her home yesterday m orning. N othing has been heard of Mildred and C onstane# doee not know where to locate her.

•‘WiJl you make ano ther e ffo rt to Join a showT' ironxiance wae asked, "V$'eU," she estd. a little undecided now. 1 think I'll w rite a le tte r to the show people tom orrow and te ll them Of lbs tragic end of my trip ."

bbe la ntaeleen >eare old.

Resinol StopsItching at Once I

I t la d pesitive fget tk a t tBa mcnl U--IBOI t-aefiM » •# ’ * ,Itrhln* ivm . Ihv Iteh lns u iuaU v uiS hMlIAS b»«ln» '-AI'n le te the trouhte is due te eeme serious Internal eohdlliwn, Iteuiflkly oleare aw ay J-Aall trace ef ecaems, ringw onn, pimples, ^Of gim iisr lerm enl- ing. unsighUy tvuF- Uen, Leaeing Ih# sk in eiaar and healthy. Ae*

AnA lh» b**» »f It i -# *!■ yau n**i n—*r halltA t* ! • VM ItAW- Inal *»*P ■«* n u lD sI OlBtnM t.^ ,Thar* la n t ih in f l> th*m I* la laiw IlM ^ ttndar*at aurfaea Raalnol la • . . .t* r* p»a*rrl*tl*n w hieh f a r a v i f - tw antx faara n u haan uaa4 h r e a r a funaava.-ai !••• *P*-W** UMI* wj *.«•*«««phralalaBa In tr a a lln c akin alfaatlaWA n * r praarnba Raalnal f ra a lr . k n a w -.. .. tn c tnAt lU aea th ln t, h a a lln f astlaM ;S<

la hravvht ab aa i h r maAlcailaa a*" bland and ( tn ll* a* )* h* aulta4 ! •(h* oiaai dalleAl* a r I trlta ta d ahl*—, avaa af a tln f baby, ttvary d n in M I . ' - aall* Raalnal Raap and Raalnol O m i> :' maal. lam alaa froa. l>apt. IX-Wlaal, Ualtlmara, H A ___ _

▲ dvarlieelseeL mAdvarUeement•oh

Toe leueb urio eeiS le lb* b leed eeunB m x ar d ifferent sch ee e e d tUw K eep dBgr ^ bi4s#ys well aed the b tdaeys wUI keep F M f rttv^Tl Well ' ’ T-

D ees 's KMs#y P ills e re beet fe r M AT'’- ! k idoeys W elch tbeee oeluA ee fer h M n p * ^ " iMiimoelsle.—Adv*ruesmesL '■ ■ ='■■ ■ .

^Sale A ll Day Tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday Till 1 o^dlock^

On Hud. .f, INotPut lit Ptin.

ICURAMENTon my tkce, oi tM pirn-

anmykead. ■ortlM In­

ly, an# when itaK O ld mil hm pm anr roanini arhn nightt. My t KratcbM

^ /I dt42>tlcaratn p u f ^ a d imcM and a bateva 14»a<l

Trices Talk” SALEAT

F igures T h at S p eak L ouder T han W ordsC o a t C l e a n - U p l G r e a t e s t D r e s s S a l e o f A l l

^ I ^ . J ^

Broad St.» cor. West Park

ValutB up t o m

L'b.f'J- ' . ' J

CJWdb— TmtSIs— T m tds-' Strgtt— Cabaidlna— C erdtt^

-ToffH os and Ih m a uJoin the Money Saver*' pkrad*

—and follow the eager crowd to theae swagger coata. ^ theu xtrOet and dress coats in sllur- ing array. All the scs)on'i moat piquant models. Big assort­ment, but we aro not going to waste words on attempted de- Kriptions—so our tip to you la: Come and see them.

W a i s t s

$1S f o S2SV t O i u t '


I-f 'C M $

' n ^ i I HI

Pisteii,' ioim,.dom—aO p r ie a t e d P l ^ e i i i b -

.Id'^ 4 6 ;'b s4 lM d M I-i7 :T b d y . jb M U N f K w A l l

^'7 w y ' i i p a i i ’ a d i ' f i * u e M A t a d b e l i r p i r k e l . F l w

m m

Quite the dearest, sweetest, prettiest new summer dresses. Wonderful frocks with "character," class and charm. Note the price—we've said enough.

T tffetB ^

Crtpede Chine • JtpSak Soifte FbUU


Figured, Flowered & Striped Voiles ’LingerieCrepesNovelties

P rices have skidded— hit the 75-cent mark and w ent smash. And such dainty , sm art waists— worth double th is price. Two waists for less than the usual price o f one.

Lingerie— Voile—Organdie—Lawn

----------- Higher Priced Waists _Filmy, frilly "pretties." Such lovable waists thst each is • ro­

mance of fiiry-fashioning.Cftpe dt Chinf-Gtorgrite—Jaf) Sftks—'Fitistt—Fint Voitt—Shiocm U c t

i ^ . 9 8 $ 2 - ^ ^


A. i ' i A ' Cl'S'

Extra-Trim m ed HatsWell, well; if these aren't those ad-

A Ivanced new.hats! To wear one is tocj V * step with pride. A new record in hat

btrgxini,’A g " jpUa^Hemp—Straw—Felta—

A 'f i Ifighoen—Satin—Etc,______

$1 Atlxbaacdl O tt kson itiUI l e b s - f d < q « H lity k | k s v q t w r f r - t a d i t te k M a lT

M ^ / h i t l # f i « M V x i M o a ’s

Pabn'BeaehSuihThe«,ieiao of stylocom fort.-;

"Cool in ■ encumber'* and '*criip a# totflke lpavet*'—ia what ■ ooo ^ tody aatd; M ate of goaoiM Palm '■■ T * .---------- - l i n y s a w . . m o n o OI iB o u in o r w *

f V*1a, M M ihadqw-prettloe otyloo. Bm Mi Biitbig. d W fotaio tM r porfW* Hm # ^ a l # ^ y o o * n a d i w o . t h o a ^ -■

id B ede



The largest and choicest assortment of sport skirts ever offered for this price. Don’t miss a chance like this—come prepared to buy several—you’ll want them.

Gabardine— Waffle Cloth— J?laf^Nte— Nonepeomb-~Cof^^

Migher Priced Sktrta^tq -B S i J - K ‘ 'O

' ■4., , f h t ; l « o ^ opened. S o ^ o ^ M# ««*. »®dcmblf tebp


i f

'U.; '



W i« » ^ t IN iM 1 ^I « i P t w t . N- W * ” ** " ■

■nH pM m O N »~Tk* 2 *Mif «»i» <*

“ “ • .M l.

- =2-"‘Ss‘vS.Y m r“ m M*m » "

^ iSiiS«» ini'*** •••■•** t r a ai^l.tknu (IMM.trivn-

II W..I »lmM l*ftl.fc ♦ ■*'*'

__, m w " * "

" ‘tk V 'I ^ U K J « m« « mWMIM ft M *»

ursu<iLEii’s a s K r 'j.i l l $mwi% «itW


i l m * • HEW A«R^ «h lla m m . TIm M d n

NEWS^ .iis: i:73*, M SsSin'<5 "P is f td i < » e m . Om w »«* i

i v f 4 t lU n W 4

D M «• f MrwiMM •■

f M t t f t i v f M U n •»« i n r

V f c C A n eompUlBit t l m l 4 M m adtS R ? X a i« w e n i n c n e w s .

n n J M D A T . JV LT I t . 111*.

o n f * N NOIIOKB T IL l. I t lT T M n l O’R n i i 'i uuiouncem *® ! IftH th» • f ilM mlHIl* oo H>*

f M e k l y « t« n d ta lc H i t m*m* a foracM*


MMiraeir ot w h ich w ill d»- on how Qolchly lloaloo

f tm n , I* v im • ( P ro r id tn i W tlm a 't t* a a aaaleiw m Umv. It a p p M n th a t

Om f f t i tv a l O avatam aat • o f th a h a lia t th a t ^ fBMN Win ha a m w a r y ih a ra fo r a a in- 4 lO a lta ft— toagaf to pravan t ra ld a and •M la h fh w le* C arraaaa to ta rm a b j l u p IM M oa. T ka atatua of aaffotlatlotia doai giaa y a t w am aat m uch eoatidaaoo* T ha e jg tia 'a 'y w a e a e e It raaponathla fo r lia w ar-

p if t l ia c ftSf*' O r Mm ju a rd a m a n tha O’N ra a a a a o a n e a -

ijfttftt feaa baaa in tarpra iad to m o aa th a t th a r to th a hardar fo r a i ta a d a d t ra la -

M wftU M ta r th a proacnt poilca w ork.I t t t t a « •■ aM oaa of tha p itrpaaea It ahould

b d tf t T h a t It not to a a r th a t th a h sN M U re ’a e d iBeoaraBtaaeoa to th a lodi-

aaaa, la taparah ia tra m th a m ilitia h ia ftat raaagalaad, or th a t a raO' ftH ertm laatlee ih o u ld n o t ha prac>

____ Iftd h a ratantloo of m aa th a ra . B u t didOM Bftftrd aspaet th a t It w ould b a aan t to th a O w t ftu ta taanad and a a tra ln a d . If aueh « f s M h a avaM ad t To th u n anoh In a ic u t- Mhta aMf**!"* la tha parpoaa o f p rop arad n aa t.

f iM N atlo aa l O uard h a t th a laaa raaaon to igghpIhlB, h a tt i i ta In vacant po litical hia- I p r r t t ta-aniphaalaad In C onfraao Ita daalra I f pp th a tm inadlato aacond Una o f dctanaa,

th a raftulaf a rm r h a t bean dcm onaiTnU d OMMldadta to fu a rd tha bo rd ar. Of cou ra t

I 0 tw w I t r t t Uka unraaaonabia h a rd ab tp ta d ,Ift to o ftM ur aaaaa, It la. B u t th a fa u lt a t lOdiMft hi *ha v a ta m th a t raq u iraa aueh p a r . ^ U g l (pgHfiaaa w ith d ltro fa rd to b u a tn au , ^ ■ . 11* or paraonal interaata. B u t it It th a IdiN lln 'a own aratam .

iWBrouiW th a ir In tluanea th a fovcrO ' ■ M l neeaptad th a p lan to in e o rp o riia OM W lUtm w ith th a ray u la r a rm r . No una Ohhw h a tta r th an tha fu a rd th a t It w aa not f tp tP a r m r atandarda or f it fo r ina tan l aar- ftU ft n t t a td a d i r a la ln t w aa w h a t It OMdad i N tta ow n a a k t and to m ak a It o f vatua to lO a o o u n trr.

. | t la th ia p u n . w hich th a N atio n a l G uard p ftlM eian t Inalatad upon, th a t la ha v in e Ita lip ftftt. To hava aeeaptad « on th a ir a a r ao. f t t ih no ac tual taat of lU w o rk la ta an d no f tIM r avtdanea th a t tha m ilitin could ba ra- V ftH ad up to tha a lrang th p raacrlbad by th a U m f raorfnn laatlon blit, w ould hava hetn IIM lim it of toollahnaw. V nlraa wa ware ftMIUng to buy a p lf In a poke, th a only pru- ^ a n t th in g to do waa lo pu t It to th a taai. T h a unaolvad laauaa of th a w ar m ad a H de- • lin h la to bold th a t .a t im m ad la trly . " ^ r t u n n t a l y to r ut, O encral C a rran aa fur- j a ^ . g th a opportunity , e ra a tin g no t an a*-

h u t n valid raaaon to r m ob llliin g th a p m td , Hla “m anana" policy la a con tinu ing

fn n t fo r kaaptng It on th a b o rd a r whtia m eld It Into an a ffic itn t fig h tin g force, paver tha nagotlattons m ay tu rn out, hla

^ l^ ip p U ey la having tha banaflclal raault of let- d ftft ua gat Into aome aort of aba pa to copa m tth am argenctaa on Iha b o rd ar o r alaa- m hara, and of lotting th a m ilitia laarn how (n tnka eara of Itaclf if callad upon for tar-

to dam anU ra ta K.

i r r t i u n e a upon It. thorn waa a taU a aanm of aaeurity. IntalUftant guardam an hnaw it - M id ha fo. Thar ranllnad juM how nnjuU. w d l l o c m i u and ln n d a n n « a th a H er PUn waa. and wtahad t a ana n dam onatraiad. poma aupportad Iha B a r hltl n t tha d - l e '* * end tu taa t manna a f opan lng th a tyaa of the paopio ta Ih a fac t th a t u n lv arta l aaraloa m uat ha applied if wa a re to hava a dafan- glva foroa aufflelant fo r o u r naada. dacra- u r r Oarrlaon know K. T h e rag u U r a rm r know I t B vorr one In n u th o r ltr aaama to have known It aawopi rap roaan u tlv aa in Congram who d id n 't w a n t to balUva It and taarad th a ir eonpU iuanu w ould not Itdoraa th a on ir altaraaUvw— unlvaranl m iu u r r aar-

vie#*T ha firm raactlaw of the mlUtto agaJnft

O anam I O -R ranU announcaw onl la tha g rn- «m l com m aut roportad : "No m o r. National G uard fo r ma. " F or tbU Uia man cannot ba hU tnad. ftarvica to th a m illlU haa p rovtd to ba aom athlng ib a r did not anpoet wban th a r an llitad . T akan from th a ir b em ai and butlaaaa. w ith liMla d tacrlm lnation batwaan n u rrta d and alagla m an, tb a r find th a ir tomlllaa dapandant upon th a patrlo tlam and tiBaaetol ab llltr a f ih a tr a m p lo ra rt and no provM en m ade by th a g ovam m ant to ra- llova tba d litraaa o f th a ir d ap an d an ta ‘Tha whole burden of n a tio n a l dofanaa. m va for our pitifu l un to bond of rw guU ft. falU on thorn. A fter th to aaparlanca w h at proepael ft Ihara th a t raerw ltlng will Ineranaa, ta It muM If th e g a a rd la to ba ra liad to iha preoertbad a trang th , o r a a tn th a norm al T

Now lh a l It hao boon dam onatraiad . tha only th ing to do l i to pockot the bonaflta wa have oMnlnad fro m th e aaroN iw ant and act upon tb a artadom wo h av a aoqnirad from I t Wa a re h a tta r p rap arad th a n batora, to a ba tter poalllon ta apaak up to the naltona th a t traopam agaloat ua an d to dem and a •attlam ant of p an d lag co n tro v arila i. for th a t m uch wo m ay bo gra iafn l.

And tha ih a m of th e H n r Mil praparad* H « la aipoaad oo th o re o g h lr th a t only a nation of feoft will contlnuo to rafuao to tra in Ita youth to defand thaly country In a buatoaaallka, oeonom leal. a f tlc U a t and damo- erailc wny.

• ir th a if t th o m n M ritr h a t e k to tn to p ith u f th e f t tf t t o f fung lo w arfa ro throw n doam hr th a ir a w p lo ra ra a n d figh t It out along Ih* llnaa th a aaooclatloa Itoalf m arhad out.

I t f t b itlo rly u n fo rtu n a ta th a t, bacauaa of th in th e g a rm e n t w orhara will hard ly ha ■ uaulnad by public w m p atb y a t they hava bean h e ra lo fo ra . M oreover. « ana tak aa Uma to raatoon It out, th la probobla ah lfl of opinion It oaaan tia llr u n ju it. I f th e m a- c b ln a rr of th e pro toco l waa w orth k a a p ltg a t fira l. It la w o rth k a a p ltg now, tn d w h tt- ever w aa th e p rice of Ita ratanllOn th an ■houtd not ho g rudged today. B av arfto t to an a rch y w aa ih ra a ta n a d by th e Irraco n d l- ib la a l t i tu d e of th a rannutactu rara In th a ir toaU taneo th a t th to a rb itra tio n m uat go. If aueh a ro v a rtlo n waa fn rth arad by tha ta rm a of o an lo m an l It w ould hard ly ba Jod ic to llr fa ir a r h u m a n ly h lad to "w lih It on" th a union.

H ard ly c a n It ba doubted th a t a rb itra tio n o r m o d to llon In th e long run will com pel a f ta a l o o ttlam on t o f thto dtopuio w hich, in prtncip io , w tll conform lo th a undorly lng m a e h ln o rr o f th a protocol and raatora b a r ­g a in in g once m o re In place of fighting, an d eo ttocuva raaponaib lilty in place of duala of • tro n g ib . a s th a afflc lan l tooto of paaoa an d juatlca In th a trad a .

F a d tra l in tarvon tlon . aa foraahadowod taat weak, aaam a th a na*t Map to ha aapaetad.


W han B . O n o W H lpaan told Iha Borgan

County D am oernta th a t ba ballavad tha Oov- r rn o r ahould be th a h ead of a aiata budget rom m laalm . th a t ha ah oald hava power and m aan i to lav aa itfa la th e w orkinga of ovary daparu n an l of th a eta ta . and th a t ha could call upon d o p a rtm an t h a a d t to act aa an advlaory eom m ittaa, h a w aan't ta ttin g forth any novel Idea. Colonel W aller B. Kdga In­troduced a Mil to b rin g about aurh t a u to of a ffa ira aa Mr. W lttponn waniA Colonel jtuatan Colgate voted fo r It. G overnor Jam oa r . n a ld a r a ig n td tt a f te r it waa pdnad , and th e leaf will go Into affec t on O ctebar 1 n a tt.

Bo when th e new G overnor takM hie offloe n e t t Ja n u a ry ha w ill ha rom paltod by law to do tha vary th to g i th a t Mr. W Ittpenn m y i a Governor o u g h t to do In o rder to ba a com- patent aiw cutlve. T he budgat act of laat w inter laid dow n th a a ta ta policy of m aking the G overnor th a tU te 'a boalnoaa manager, and Mamra. Bdga, C olgate and WlMpenn a re ■howing by th a ir cam paign U lka th a t they are aa oae on th a t toaut. " f tr lc lly bualnaaa" f t th e ir cry.

Of couraa Mr. B dga ean tru th fu lly aay, "I aald It ftra t." b u t th a o th e r tw o can boaat th a t they h ep p ed on th e hualnem band wagon a t th e aa rllae t opportunliy , leaving ■ II th a noveltle i In th e G ubernatoria l cam - p itd n to G eorge L. R ecord. They conrtitu i# a th ree-ln -o n e ro m b ln e tlo n th a t ought to work w ithou t fric tio n , bu t It doean t

mOftRlt'UTV>R O n L D DEAD.

W h ile eo n ltn u ed ill health , elmoet from

th e l im e of hto appoinlm eni, had m ade It

ImpOMlhle fo r Frooecuior rro d e r le k P.

G uild lo peraonally conduct end actively en g ag e in ih e w ork of hla office, ha k ep t eo n aU n tly in touch w ith It. and hto aaatot- an U re a p e d th e benefit of his eounaal, aound lu d g m an i an d wide knowledge of th e law . B to ae lec tlon * for th e office by G overnor P lefder, w h en th e rcelgnalion of boula Hood m ad e a vacancy , waa universally rccognlaed th ro u g h o u t th o county a t am incntly fitting , not on ly beonua* of hla legal a tta in m en ts , but becatMO of h li high character aa a clM- aen. U n fo rtu n a te ly lllnata prevented h im fro m g iv ing th a county and ataU th a full m eaaure o f h la ability and uaefulnem . D u r­ing a llfe tlm a apanl In Newark. Mr. G uild had h e ld num eroua public poalllont of tru a t and raaponaib lilty . all with aallafactlon to th a pub lic an d cred it to him ielf. Aa a law - yer he w on a n d deaanred the confidence of hto c llen le an d th a reepeci of the c o u rts N» b re a th of acandal ever ta rn lih ed hto rep u - u t lo n . In chooelng hie »u< ceaeor G overnor P ta ld er will have no easy taak In find ing hla equal.

w h leh hM f w IM ftm m rt* ohM M Ift*bttliA lhg M d th a baaatttlaaU oft a t Ih a eltr> th a agponaata of varlad taeg eefc , oaaiom a an d craada.

T h a g re a U r p art of th a ctvlltoad w orld b a t eo n tr th a le d to N ow ark 'i p o p a to tia a , theaa paoploa hav e b ro ag h l h e re th e a r ta . th a hom ely virtuee, th e p eea lla r way* tpaeuU ar to tto w ho ar* largbly an a o q u a ln te d wHh th e m ) of doing th togn » M hM tan e lb le th a t thoae rep reaeo ta llv e i o f o th e r cllm ee ih o u ld be allow ed to flourtoh o r d a toH orato . w hich- ev e r tt m ay ha. by tham aalvaa. b u t th e re to ev ery reaoon fo r Inviting thorn to com e fo rth fro m tholT own little w orlde t h a t w a m ay ta a rn fro m Iham and th ey f ro m ua. thua h tttid ing th a why for a b ro a d e r an d richer

city.T h e m lag llM of Je w a n d Bcot. or

R u th en to n and Chlneoa, of Irtoh a n d Poltoh. o f ItAltan and LKhubitton on a com m oa g ro u n d IB Ihe a ch lev em ert o f a h ig h artIM ie purpoaa prom otea a o om pletar unA endand- ing an d a cooaaquant h o tte r foa ling th a n can ba ac^om pltohed by an y o th e r m eth o d , and by an d by, w hen th a ag lrlt o f p lay h a t b ro u g h t all together In h e a lth y eom radeih ip , th eaa a m e am ecto tloa t wlU beg in to w ork to h a rm o n y fo r tho eotobltohm ont of civic and M>cUl rafontto. for It I t n tu a lly tm o th a t ihoaa w ho loam to p lay to g a th e r will work to g a tb ar.

Thto la Ihe dom inating tb a u g h t b ach of the m ovem ent lo oetobitoh h e ra a com m untiy d ra io A and the Idea ahould m e a t w ith hearty en couragam an t oa th a p a r t o f a ll rlghi- m indad clU aena L it a ll UM d ra m a lle clubs in th e t l ty Join to th a u n d a r ta k ln g an d alt U b o r to one end— lo give N e w a rk th e beet ■ x am fle o f a com m unity th e a te r to th e coun try , and th ro u g h It to lif t th e city into y rn u te r glory and b ro ad er e n ltu ra . •

fiftiMl o n a ellah. wMh w hleh hd * rad i m elethee. aiM th e n elghhare a r t U ^ him fw ellUag dow a ta ihM efterhltpa. th e y eay 11 to a U iy m aa’i w ay e l doing, and they aak him If ha hao av ar aaaa a prolaaalanal U aadreaa a ittin g dow n in bar work.

Ma talla iham th a t ha prefara le alt down . j m u m th aa ha e a a m aka bellave ba l i paddlleg A a a a a : th e m otion l i almaet the •40ia, 'aa d the foot th a t paddllag e weeh'a waah to a f e r th an paddling a canoe adds plaaaure t a hto back-door apart.

Tba nelfhbora m ay Joah all they pteaaa, aaya Waodalda. Ba and hto family know for aura lhal the elo thaa they w aar are their own. and clean aa enow, bM idea It la aaelker co m fertid i tb o u g k t lo him th a t the moaey he aavee h r doiag the w aeh lag w ill alm eit par the rea l of the bungalow a a a l MMwer.

A© 90UCHr Wft WA^ HOW B.

A tim iM i t . • t* * - M th a

A SUMMER BOUQUET.Tbie aatm a to ba th e age ef working over-

tlm a evqa a t vacation tan . ftudd Imho peo- pla eanea a t e ig h t. H opatcoag peeple awim a t n ight and Cnlvor'a peeple fleh a t night. Ra- perta am aw aited from Oreetwood U k e . Oreea M od and iw artaw oad .

The greaehy ed ito r whoee talephono to handy to the em ail f ry around the shop can 't remember th a t he bad h a lf aa m aty kid girl frlenda aa tba av erage office boy. tbeugh iha editor In hla youtb waa eooaldared a e bad loakar.

T h e A a a v ta a a Mu e m tia a e l 1 1 1 anii-i o n ita d M ntam w t t t baadquarteen la A lb a a r . N. T ., ban a rg an fta d tha Amarteaa Bad g ta» A nim al R elief, a ea luaU ry rallaf aarv lea fav C a lle d g ia ta a arm y hotaea Tha m tr iM a a t baa th a ap p ro v a l ef tha W ar D opartm ant. an d aaeka pnWIo aid lo the e i la n l of a t laao l l l to .o a e to moot Immodlato raquJrom ant# on Iho Monica bordar.

A boH aU n of the aeaoelatlon a tp la ln a th a t tho A m arteaa Rad Blar Animal R allaf ' w ill in no w ay auperoado tba govarnm aat vatav- Inary earpo. Mil w «l aanylemea* « " auccaob o f M mltor o rg a n lu lle n a to B uropa I* e i ia t la Jn a tiflea tloa of iba raoea Tbo atm II to do fo r lick and Injuted horaaa w h a t th e tied Croea doaa fo r aoldlara

“ r io ld h o ap lta la" aayt Ihe bultatln. "w ill ba e rec ted w h ea needed, an altao aalactad by th e m ilita ry autborU lei. VaiactnarT auppllaa. b la n h t l t . horaa ambulancea. feed cu tte ra . etc,. m uat be m ade available Aelde from the p a th e r in g of euppUt* * "•* ro cru tiad n la rg o fo rce of enoerleoeed ho riem ea and

game dleappointad m an complatoe th a t tho Proaldentlal cam paign th la y ia r will he dull and tnalplA B e lam b aa te l the party m an- tg e ra for n em lnating caadldaiee who never •wiped a w aterm elon or robbed a Wrd'a neat. Thie le groaely u n fa ir la the Dertoeraltc •landard-bearer. H alf the aid ladlaa of ttau n ten rem em ber dletlnctly that he couldn't road a w ord till ba waa tea yoare eld.

g o o d P O U T irs .In in a titin g upon the enecim eni of th e

fed e ra l ch ild tabor bill a t the preaent a*a- ■lon of Cougreaa, Preeldent Wlleon la defy ing th e B ou th em Benatore and m any of th e ir m oat InO uentlal conatltuenla. but he can well a f fo rd th la rlak. No m atte r how g rea tly th e p am ag e of euch a law may incenae th e co tto n m ill owner* of Ihe South, It will not loee Mr. W ll»on a single electoral vole from a B o u th em atato. The Boulh will rem ain ■olid fro m Inetlnct and trad ition . And. fu r- Ih e rm o re . ilo ce the Republleana In th e Benato a re capected to give p rac tica lly u n an tm o u a aupport to th e bill, w h leh la b ack ed by m ill ownere of th e kaat, w ho ar* a lraad y d eb arred by atate lawa from a v a il­ing them aelvaa of low-priced child tabor, th e g o u th w ould gain nothing by deaerttng Ih e P re e ld en t.

P r^a ld an t Wllaon reeognlaea fully

R E G in jA T IN O A CTTT** O I lO ^ T H .New York C ity’i g row th w ill h e reu fte r be

reg u la ted . Reatdenilal d to trte te w ill be pro­tec ted . K tctorlea will ^ co n fin ed to loeaii- ties euited to euch m d u a lr le i- M nilulae- tu re r* will not bo p e rm iu o d to encroach on neighborhooda devoted td re ta il huaiaia*. an d th e aaplratlona of lo t-f lllln g aky* ecrapera will be rea tra in ed . AH th is will follow th e edoptlon by th e B oard of E sti­m ate of a plan prepared by th e Commlaalon on B uilding Dtatrlcte an d R e a tr ld to n a T hat It did not come any too aoon to ahow n by tha tac t th a t on the very day of Ita adoption p lana were filed for tw en ty -a l* new bualneaa bulld ing i. aggregating In valu e In d lairlfto Ihel are now rea tric ted . The erec tio n of theee bu ild ings t . n n o i now be p reven ted , but the re w ill be no m ore of

them .How iooo will N ew ark ta k e a leaf out of

Y ork's book and ad o p t sim ilar regu- lallonaT Unleaa som eth in g to done aoon to p ro tec t Ite reeldenltel d le trle te th e lim e 1s not fa r d litan t when N ew ark will become a clly of w ncm anla a n d A P e r tm e n t h o u ita

Naw K nglane to tha Ideal vacation region, according to a B otton editor, bacauie Ihe summer people eon live on the b a tl they catch and tha b lnabarrlaa thay pick. H rtunda good. But how about ballgTammlit* »< «va cents apiece to catch tha baaa? And how about d rug sto re lo tion a t (w aniy-flvt cam e a bottle to cure the b row nta ll moth Iteb tb e t the v iea iloo la t g e l t white plucblng the free MueberrIetT

There ere tw o w ere of throw ing land open There l> the w ay followed In the W estern portion of Iho U nited Btatoo. tnd thara It the Verdun Way T aka your ekolca.

E«rly to riee and aw at the fllae maka* a man healthy and show s he le wiee.

CAN TH ESE TH1NOB BE* n ear In Ihe Air

The follow ing came to my aitealion during the past weak, and th ink ing you m ight ba able to use It, I shoot:

illm bar* delivery wa«on whleh makes trip s through Plainflald . W estfield and surround­ing towns haa the follow ing tale: The signon ths wagon looks Ihusly.

Ulmbe] Bros.New York. Philadelphia, Parle

■'An rube " cam s along and spotted tha aigte He stood coh tem pla tlog It for some tima. and ftnally s«ld. “ W aal. yaw may hey cum frum Noo Tawk. and yew may hsv cum frum rh lllydelpheeyer. hut 1 11 he gosh-hangad If ysw've cum frum Parle." Vours truly.


theA fter the ata tem eni given ou t by reverend gentlem an yeete rd ay , lypaaetlers w an t to be careful not to leave o u ' the period a fte r the tnlddla In itia l o f Dr. Charlea

F . Aked.

sum m erW hat !■ d aH fh tfu l. of aevening, than to att q u ie tly on one'a rc rtfu l porch and pUy th o se w ho muat tear u p and down tho a lree ta in a u to m o b lle it

J.Tft* value of all th la l» P 'a ln as soon ■•MM qucrtlona rolaed by the F u ro p ean w ar, BmI l o t •allied, are conaldered. T hey hang • P t r tto with a canatant liab ility of becom ing ftigga hgnln. Borne lim a th ey will have to B* a tltled , and when th a t t im e — It m ay be •Mp m om ent—comee we m u tt be In a posl- Mom to apeak with th e force a n d insistence ftpOk our righto th a t a g rea t n a tion owes Mggit. Up lo Ihe p resent we have been able lift avoid a, crlali over th ree queatlona very larfO ly becauee the natlnna treapaaalng ftl^Saot Ui have been k ep t busy by th a ir ftftgggtea. To thla exten t w e a re dependent ftftOM one or ano ther of th e belllgerenla— .ftBltch to not a eelf-reapeciing poalttnn. T hat if la a tlo n win not con tinue Indefin itely and gift ought not to daalra to have It. W e ahould I f t oMe to aland upon o u r own feet and ftiftprt ou rialvet indopendentty- W ith tha liftelmul of an arm y nnd th e m achinery for

ling one, we a rc on th e w ay; still we Bmvo no t got very fa r.. .B u t while th is m ay be said, w hat effect H tk o showing of tho m ilitia going to have

. th o dopandoneo th a ro u n try haa put i^ftftOft UT iT h a t o tfac t U It going to hava

ftftOft tho miUtto IIm UT C ortaln ly it haa not gbMddaaea in th o H ay bill p lan to

Iho m ilitia o u r aacond line o f dafento. U s Mfto otsgg h ad m uch conR denca th a t tha p lM would w ork, o r oaltot up to Uio roqulro-

i; aaftaM lT •v o 'T A** ^ *<‘hfl- f t fv . Thla K a u t aa ld l» (ha diaeiadtt

f t i th a ftwft tm a h m • • th a b o rdar. I t oarrtoa » e iM e eae l e m m a . I t la raooBftHloft «( th a

thay a f t e m k la s —eaertileaa th a t B fiM par « M * « i OMir o M M a a t ( • ba

to hd <ha OrM to o f tk a . B a t to I M t k f d t P ^ AMR* ooaafto lM a

AN A.NOMALOUB ftliTATTON.I t would ba a pocu ltar situation if Con-

gross ihou ld p rov ide m aana by which th e •oldiara now on tb a bo rder can vote for Benator* an d R epreaen ta tlvea In Congreae while the c u te s n e fte c ia d to U k a any atepa ih a t would p erm it th e guardam an to vola for P realdan tlal alaetom . G ovam ora and o thar atate an d local o ffic ia ls Tha Banst* haa a lready am anded the arm y a p p ro p ria ­tion bill in th to w ay and there la no reason to doubt th a t th a House will accept the am endm ent, alnce m any m em beri of both bodlca have conetltuen ta In the guard whoee votes Ihey hope to deaerve. The righ t of Congreae to prov ide m eans for tak ing Iha soldier vote extends, however, only to its own m em bers. I t canno t even authorlaa enldlera to vote fo r Preeldent. since under

he C onatllu llon It le left to the reepecllve ita tea lo d e te rm in e how Preeldentlal elee- tora shall be chosen.

The ac tion of Congreae to th la m atte r m akee It ell th a m ore eseentlal lh a l New Jersey ahould ta k e w hatever action lo net ea- ■ary to insure Ita gitardam en a t the fron t Iha right of fran ch ise . Ii would Indeed be an ■nomaloua situ a tio n If the men were p e r­m itted lo vote fo r B e n ato raand R epreeenta- tlvea and denied th e r ig h t to vote lo r Preal- ditnt in d Oov*rno^»

Ifeg Rap klil IB wMttr »•*«•«*»•M < 1^ f toduna ifea vurRmi:


lU m m N tN O T O T H E JU »G I.F« B ecause th e w orkara gained m ore th a n

Ihey loal by th a provtoional aetl lam ent e f ­fected in th e f ttrm e n t trade , public sen ti­m ent, w hich all a long ha* been on th e ir aide, may w aver like a w eather vane In a sh ift of th e wind, now th a t th e ten ta tive th ree years' Bgreemeot, a s subm itted to th e chop c h a ir­men. h as been repud ia ted am id aoenea of dlaorder an d w ith b itte r chargee of bad faith . Yet the cen tra l situa tion rem alne w hat It wa* d u rin g th e s tr ik e — a etrugsle betw een the force* of peace th ro u g h collective con ­trol on th a one hand , and the forcea of un ­regulated com petition on th e o ther.

Aa th e N ew i h a s pein tad out. by the a t- tem pled ae ttlem an t there wae loel lo th e w orkers an d to th e trad e the old m achinery for collective ad lu a tm en t of d lspu te i w ith Ihe m an u fac tu re r* ' aaaoctatlon. and It w as Impomlble to p red ic t w hether thto fo rm al defeat w ould tu rn ou t to hava bean eerloua. T hroughout th a em ployara hava. In effect, clam ored for a " re tu rn to th e Wild” of In d i­vidual com peHUva alruggle. have repud ia ted conciliation co itacll and a rb itra tw n board. On th a p ub lica tion of th s aettlem ant le rm a they g loated beceuoe they had won a victory oT ir th a "o a ls ld a ra" and "npM ttere" w ho had eteod fo r eon tlnuanea of th a peso# m athoda of th a p rotocol. j

Tha .to n e ra l e o a m ltta a 'i ro ta to aoc«pt th a f ta d a rF oom prom tos w u va*y eloaa— (I t a (B. T ha Miop ehaltwMB would n e t irtomaeh H. P ra a ld aa t Behlaainfar' waa ee«M ralnad to o rd if th a a lr th a oonUauad.

liMNMdtaia f sBlaaer eMaadli that tha aaioft M ight wsH hava puehatad Ma partial totolft-*!M*MMM|i aa R had ftat irilltft toe, in tha patpt.' Bat wMh a toMA •

w hetsom e D em ocratic leaders fall to realise, th a t tn o rd e r to be elected he muat poll m ora th a n th e no rm al Dem ocratic vote. H ie vote In 1 1 1 1 w as leas by 1 .I l l , 1 1 1 th an the com - b inad vole o f T eft end Roosevelt, w hile on th e to te l vote caal for President. Including B oclallit. P roh ib itum and Boclallet-Labor. he w ae S .t iO .ld t behind. There will be no such divlalon of th e opposition force* thto y ear a n d few er chancee for aucceat of a cand idal* w ho fall* to eecure a m ajority vote.

It to unnecaaaary to question th e alncertty of th e P re a ld en t'i belief In th e p rincip le of th e b ill In order to credit h im w ith p e r ­ce iv ing th e political advanU ga lo be gained fro m IIS enactm ent, Tha ITogreaalve p la t ­fo rm of t i l l declared th a t " th e aup rem e d u ty of th e N ational Governm ent It th a con- pofvatlon of hum an reaourcea th ro u g h an en la rg e d m eaaure of social and Indu stria l ju s tice" an d pledged Ihe m em bers of th e p a rty to "w ork unceasingly" am ong o th e r th in g s for " th e prohibition of rh lld lab o r."If p rea ld en t Wilson can claim lo hto c red it a law ab o llah lns child labor everyw here w ith in th e United B u te i he will m ak e a ■ trong bid for Ihe aid of thoae v o tara w ho a re s till In larested In the triu m p h of aoelal a n d Induatrta l Juatlee and who have been le ft po litically homeleaa by the dleaolutlcn of th e rro g reae lv e party.

W ith th e gradual dlaalpatlon of th e w ar clouda th a t have bean darken ing o u r n a ­tio n a l hortoon, th e though ts of th e people will ag a in tu rn lo those dom estic p robtem a th a t h ad been fo r the Uma obacured by th e d e m a n d s for preparedneas and a p p e a ls to la te n t A m ericanlim . T here to aome evidence lh a l th e people have begun to recover from th e ir h y ste ria and are beginning lo qu es­tio n w h e th e r a f te r all th e re to b u t one Issue a t e ta k f In th e com ing election. To m any o f ib aaa P raaldant W llaon'i lueceea In th a w ay of child tabor legtolatlon will m ak e a s tro n g e r appeal then big ap p ro p ria tio n ! .o r th e a rm y and navy.

PoMtbly Ih* Brlttoh G o v ern m en t excluded our old friend. A A M cClure, aaye th e New Y'ork W orld, on aueplclon of Intending to ■tart a ten-cen t m agaaln* over thara.

P rom oling R acial Unity.The people o f N ew ark. N. J., believe In th e

various g roups of the coinmunlly getting ac ­quainted w ith one another, and to halp to Ihle end they have pul on public view. In one of lh« city ichoola. a collacllen of Iraaaura* which the French. Mungartona. Oermana. Chinese, Bohamlane. Belgians end other new- comers b rought w ith them from the hom e­land. Boston did eom elhlng sim ilar a few yoari ago, a t iia Wueeum of Fine A ria goclal w orkers went out Into th a byway* and g a lh - ared In. from tha homes of ItaUanA Buastafto. Irlth and au rlan s. a collaetloq af beau tifu l thing* th a t a ilon lahad Ihe natives beyond meaaure. H aving seen the aihiM t. th*y w ant ■ way w iser and w ith toes prejudlca for pae- ple of o ther lands. 8o. no doubt, will It bo In N ew ark.—C h rlitlu n Bciance Monitor.

v a i t r la a ry eurgeonaW h at la B eaded for eucoeaaful dovelopaioBt

of aucB re lief work I* pointed out la ih a to l- lo w in a e x ira c la from a letter w ritten ay R. V aae Agnew. velerinarlan of the U alta*S ta U s C avalry : ^

"W * sh a ll need eomewhee* down n ea r lao b o rd e r a larg* eonvstoecant farm- poatlb ly tw o of them . You might be able to g e t aom* l a r t e la n d ow aer to rent or lend ua uwveMl th o u sa n d acrae of good paetura land w fto ^ w* cowld tu ra these run-down and a a b a u a M ■nim ala «« l to grai* and racnparaie. You could atuo bulM and provide hoeplU to fa r sick and emonded horaae."

T ha h o a p iu la muH ba of three k inds—field b n sp lla la , baa* boapllala sad eo av a la tcen t d e p o ta

To quota Dr. V tna Agnaw fu rtbar:"T ba field boapiuto would bo almply » •» -

p o ra ry e tru c tu rea where lee* severe ly In ­ju re d en lm ale would be Iroetod. Tbu baa* b o ep tla ls . capablo of holdlag l.M* anim al*, m u ti be p roperty ilaffad and fa irly aubataa- t la lly bu ilt, cumpoaad of thoda bolding abo u t f if ty anim bt* In each. Than comas th a la rg e co nvalescen t depot or iepeto. w here th e sick en d iboe* recuperating from w oanda ceuld be handled ."

Dr. V an* Agnew ileo auggeats: "T ou eould ■apply here* embulaacs*. m otor lo rr ie s for c a r ry in g horse atorc* and forage. m acM aea fo r chopping bay and grinding g ra in , ruga, horse c o v a ra bendagoa la rp a u lln a .talven- lio d Iron roofings, uprlghla. ate., for uvorboad ■heltera, neaabaga b a lte ra eom forta lo r laon um pleyed w ith horai*. and othar aq u fp ra aa t"

in a recen t Interview, Dr. W illiam t t Btlll- m an. p residen t of the Amerloan H um ane A ssociation , eald:

■Tho American Bed i t a r Anim al R elief m u st be organised promptly In o rder th a t It ■nay ba ready ai the flret call of o u r W ai D epartm oat. gome time muat necoasarlly elepee bafare au effective carp* can be tra in ed . F o r th a t reason It to tm pera llvo th a t ihooa w in iog to help t i l l Im p artan i and p a tr te tio work ehoold d* *a a t one#."

Tho bulletin etnphaaliee lh a t the develop, m an t a f lb* motor Industry h a i n o t qllm - m a te d bore** In werfar*. In the f tre l y ear an d a h a lf of the European w ar Iha holllger- a n te bouuht from the United g ta te a g l l . t t J bar*** and mules which, w ith thaa* Ihey a lre a d y had. mad* * total o l a b a a i l.dM.M o In ua* by a ll Ibe ermUa.

The appoal to made on both econam le and th e hum an ita rian grounds

"W h a lav a r bardablpa the soldier m uat aub- m il to tho horse to bound to tiav* m oro than hto ahura," obaorvea lb* bulleiln. "W iik the f ig h tin g m an the horee haa fu ffe re d from th ir s t , hungar, heat and cold, and the laeeea h av a been Oa great, or even g rea to r. am ong th e horeea th an among the ao ld lora"

Tho aactattoe repreeeiltod by Ihe A m eelran H u m an a A etaclailaa last yaar m ln le le rrd l« cease of cruelty tovoWlng I I I . I K ch ild ren an d 1.1*4.111 anlmato. Dr. Bllllm an ha* bein p ree ld an t of the aaaoclalion eleven year* B ubecrlp tldna will be received a t th * head- q u a r te r s to Albany.

A Providenr* th ief h a s sto len tS# worth of fly paper. Hto m o tto m u st have been, "Sw at the d r t l e r "

Thoae Jersey soldier* d e jec ted by floods cun t bettor tha ir e itu a tian by com ing borne.

A T L A U T E R ’ STou can t blam o it an fit. B w ith ln 'i Day.

for H d idn 't ra in then . M ust ba ih* war.

MR. WOODSIDE AS A LAUNDRESS, iomabndy haa to waeii tb s diabaa

Somebody has to ball Ih* boat, Bamrbody haa to clean Ih* flehaa

BomebOdy has to be th* goal Bomel>ody haa to tak e th e bother . Somebody’ ha* to. W hy no t father?

Such lugubrious vara** Mr. Woadeld* com- poaea these Monday m ornlnga *• he bendi over the waehiub on th e back porch of h li bungalow e t on* of o u r popular Jeraay sum­mer re io rti. The g a r , free sum m er life that ha dreamed of all w in tar, w hil* h* w *l ***• lag th* money to ro o t th e bungalow, lurna out lo b* conaldarably lea* fro* ‘ ban he **-pacted.

The Woodslde* sen t th e ir f lra t week ■ wash W hen th* w ash earn* back

TOMORROWFri^gy, July JM i. it thft

OPENING DAYYour Firat Opportunity to Hoar thk New

August Victor Recordsto the laundry they couldn't recognle* It aa th a ir own. Bomo of It wa* not their*. In fac t, w hile the portion whleh they could Iden tify w aa u a llt for publl- cation. And the b ill—d e a r me eudel

■n w on't eland It,’* declared Mr*. Woodalde. Ill buy * tu b and a boiler and do the"I

A COMMUNITY DRAMA L EA G U E. A dm irab la to Ito conception, am bitlou* In

■cope a n d rich In lie prom ise o f o rtla tlc an d enedul advancem ent to th a n fid e rtak ln g of th a li t t le band of woman w ho ho p e to fo rm n p e r tn a a a n i com m unity d ra m a league In th to e tty w ith a perfectly ap p o in ted little th e a te r h* llt In th e Memorial B u ild ing aa Ita

homo-T tie Idea, w hich originated w ith th e fo lk

p lay co m m ittee of the H om elaiide A aiacto- llon , h aa proven Itself w orthy of develop­m en t th ro u g h Ih* flret two of th e eertoe o f e n ta ita ln tn e n to elreedy given In th e a u d i­to r iu m of th e B um el S treet Behool. T h a th ird o l th e aerlaa. eonalatlng of a n Irteh a n d a n I ta l ia n play, wtll bo given by iwproaemta- Hvea o f these netlona F riday n ig h t o f th i*

w eak.T h a g rea t good to be g e lned by a coamo-

p o llta n city like N ew ark th ro u g h th o eo- o p e re tlv a play « t lU v arlo u i peoptea w as p a r ­tia lly dom onatrated In th a recen t pag ean t, h n t on ly partto lly hmma** <>f th e ftaoea iertly H m ltad Ume darM g WftWl aam utaU pn wna

B u t thM pralMWOrthy a ap e rtm an t p a in to d th e eray. m i4 tRd w om en o f th e fo lk p lay oam m tttee a r t d a tag th e tr b*gl to wMd In to a pem toM O t UiUtftUOB th a a a v artad m Moiw I ( • * « « « U « lip tlg |M agj»dha» |iU yirtD l9B.

gwgt. lftOiMftitai atte:u h b an d y la a * g l t l » . W M | l . * • .< * • MBR,

sty li

Comfortable, Bound prowf boothft. eooW by eleetfk fiBft. AB of Vktfolaa. from »IS Bp- Ea*y P«y»«* *««••

w ashing m yeelf"■No. H en rie tta " said h er husband, "thto la

your vocatton from boueaw orh. 1 have Um* to burn, and th* exerc ise w ill do me good. Leave the w ashing to ma."

On Monday m ornlnga. tbareftfre, Mr. Wood ■Me eisya kom* from hla fish ing and eervaa ae the family laundreoa. H e would havo an sealer time If bto w ile would let him do Ihe weehlng In hie own w ay. B ui ehe won t. Bhe ■tends over him en d hoaaei the lob a* If ha were a elav*.

If ene would allow him to Soap th* clotbee and slosh them around a b it and then hang them on ths line, ha could be through to f lf. teen minute*. U seem A howevar, th a t tha woiaen folk have done w uehlnge differently fo r some centnriea now and can’t .get out ef lk« hftblt.

Elr»tr Woodtld* 4 tMOVdrf. the clbth*i n w t be soaked In cold, soapy w ater. Than they must be w rung p rae tlea lly d ry aad ftoltod In •uds. a f te r whleh th e y moM be r th b e l an a board end w rung d ry again . Nor la the J*h doB* yet- for they m uet be eoailad th reagh two rlne* w etero an d w n ta g dry aaoh ttma to get tha eoap ou t e t them ; end If a pleoe of •raih felle on Ihe floor o r Ihe ground t t ha* to be doe* ell over agBlB.

While Woodeld* d o esn ’t a** the need (or a ll th la (us*, he hee lo a n e d to have a profound reepeel (er cenesluntlou* womoa i who go thfuugh the** lab o rlo ae proeeaeee wodk a fU r week Jeet bees*** th e* bollev* It t M r duty. T f women had e k o n m o f o taaalag tba olty a tre e ta " taya hm *TIm o lty waaM N tb* aealth leet pUe* tk l* elds o f boaoio.*' B a >• •aavtodad th a t w ofaan a r t (twado *ft»M(ad m g ir t taaa .m o a w ttt iw ar h a ,

Th* a tfh t o f w e a g f W a t Mb w a th ta h la a p( an* f*r'.Mi(.Bglg«bM|B;

UM hack pnp



LAUTER t»IANO CO.5 9 1 - 5 9 3 B r o a d S t r e e t

Makare of iha Warld-Pamtiia Uat« Pttaoa and Lgtttar-Hftmiftaa


. Ai




a i tLamaiBiaithaUai

that* : ladi In I •tPlSaitatai

ta naea•ua



Pw h

ran Hot ha i th s wit fau to I tn 1


1in I iiaiU rtlOJe«<lajr«ov•aa

1©afMa n• o


t i fnmC t••<t u




• : ♦Bhlifia


an•oIB♦U1 <

• f• tBC♦rill

h)rafoh iWi4<ellu

i . T

. ? ■“ ‘ f ; ■ * , '.r :

D o Y ou W a n t a LoanOB boa4 wd m«rtft|e covering yottr bpf««*» •f ■ •••• two Of throe family residence? In metieri of tWe kind ^ ^ feciUdei meke it poMible fer im to five yew epplfcetieB cartfal contiderttlon end pretnpt ittedWen. Yen ,y«B

invited to conealt, witbeyt coet, tfce

A,?*',.--' ■ •.■*’-«;

Dudnlial BtAfag N"**rL N-.J?- ft*:

W B a m l M u l ! — id :


NEWARK EV EN IN G NEWS. THURSDAY. JU LY , 27,. 1916. ‘■via

U k u r . t4 «Uf rlM t«* irM K at i* t. n « It t * u t ’ *nt« »■

I DM to i-i« * r t>r « UbIIM

BMr til* p M .lb ly

g« t w m *

R« wMr- .■bBBtU4 t u . T** . t u l a (* r

i i f i r t* » - n r a l r t«i' Th« b*»*

( anllnaU . y ta b tU a - llBg ab au t I th a la rg a ra th a alek in<a «*aia

■Tah a«hU la rr ia a far . m aaM aaa :raln . ruga.IB. rfa lra ii'ir uaarhaad ■ti bsT man la u fp n ta n t" im a Btill- B Bam aBa

m al B allat riler th a t It >1 o a r W ai naaOBiarliy

BB c a a ba a ra t la a th a t la r ta n t an4 aaa.":ha g a a tla p - a n o t alim* a f tra t y aar tha balllg ar- ts ta i «TM«3

( h « a lhay a a t a.bM.Mo

aonam ta ano

rr tnual aab* >a m ara th an

"W iib th* ■ffarad f r a n M th a Maaaa la la r . am ong I o ra "lha A m arlcaa B ilnlatarrb In . I l f ahIM rtn n an haa baan ilavan y a a r t a t th a haa<-


tV ;

a i y



n D njnt $3I2.«)I).(I00 b . Yitkid RmmJ Vfli.

Goes Is CNftrcKe.


WtMmjarn t* Car* f a r D * p # a i# a f* a t Ni*a H a rv ta s ! •

I i« i t* * a a rnmwtm wmr j l a r a r p a r t v ^

V «tt»a m r l l r a r In C iiaa »•**«- r t< T r r i t ----------- I 'l r a a i i l a r f ta * * L

• a l r* a t* r* a r« k<'Uibi 1* la A If*

W *«IiJNGT^)N. IT —Tti* arm y^ fp ro p rla tlo n bih. la r ry lt if |^fl.9^. w as pas*M th i* aft«rn'M)a by tb* San" b is w ilb o a l A r*cor4 vou- Tb* fB*aa« mt% as tt paa**4 th* H<ku«*a carri*^ •nljr llAf».OOA.90a an<l will n*w C* •o n ftren c* for aar*«iTi*M.

Ja a t before p a a tln c th* bill ih* B*n- a u sAopt*4 a raeo laiian by b*natar La aproprlatiDC H.ftW.MM (orBnalntensfu;* of dependent faBilllei of BKmbam of the .s’alio tial Guard and of th* roB ular arm y In **rv»c« in the M iilcan *nierg*nc]r.

Sanalor Eterd * am endm ent, voted Into th* *>my ap p fo p rttiio n bill ya*t*rd*>. t s p trm li N ational Guardsmen in the f«d*rb1 »#rvl*« to vot* *l Uwlr csmiia In th* com laa p r*std«nuat election wwi str ick en out on a point of order When Senator Jones eoupht to edd m pro- vialon eaemptlOK the Sdardameu frooi serU tB i ta t* election law reitrlc ttoaa. ie n a to f W lllU nii made a point of order ag a in s t the whole am endm eni end w ei •u eta tned by the Vice l*r«Mideni, An ep- pe«l from the ru ling was x 'tt 'd down.

K acluaios of neifoei* (rum enlistm ent IB the arm y and naby. a call on the W ar D epartm ent for facts as to pre vloa* m ilita ry experience of National O uarbem en called oet by the Hrcetdent and tu rlo u g h e (or e ll Kuardsmen now under arm a who may Kpp|> for ihevru were proposed m u trio i>f measure* tn> trodaced In the Ifouse by Kepfesenia tlyes C araw ay of Arkenseii. Gardner of M assadhttsotte end Huddleston of Ala­b am a respectively . All measuree were n f e r r s d w ith o u t action to commltleea.

F tesda (or Kaval lllll,F raa iden t W ilson aummoned to the

W hite Houee toda> KepreHenlitives Pmdffelt, T a ib c tt end KstoplPel, the rank ing D em oiradi- members of ihe Uouse naval com m ittee, and told them he believed ft v ita l that the House adopt i th a naval blU a s ii pansed the (Senate w ith the conetructirin p ro irsm including four b a ttle cru isers end f»ur ha ttlesh ir* to be hu iil Im m edute ly , end an Increase in th* en llfied pereonnel of the navy.

W hile R epresen tative F adgett. chair- i man of the com m ittee, would not say w hat a tti tu d e be would take. It la understood he told the I’realdeDt that ther* w as ce rta in to be determ ined •pposHlom to th* enlarged buildlag prograrn.

tn v estlg a tlo n o f the railw ay altuailon tb the U nited f lu te s by a )oini Congrea- sianal com inlttce probably will be de* ferred u n til a f te r the Nevembet elec- tloiia. A lthough House members are tor g e ttin g the Inquiry s ta rted w ithout de* tay. S enato rs w ant it postponed, The so fn n ttte e la to repo rt a t (he neat •aaelon o f Coogreaa.

The Ip sea tlg s tio n w ill cover a wide flald. I t w ill go Into transporta tion faellltlea and ra ilw ay regulation* gov« erviitient ownersbtpk laglslatlob and Other quaetiona. Prcaideiii W ilton roo- ommendod a a tudy of the aituatlon.

CbaIrmOA P ad g e tt la te r reported the bill In tb o flouae w ith fortnai recom< m sbdbllob fo r dlaagreom ent and con- ferOBde. A dlecuatlon of the flenat* am endm enta followed, ReproaentaUvea C a i o f In d la iu . Byroea of Teimeadee and o tharb p ro te n ln g aflaU st ceH aln fobturea o f th a locroaao.

e » s w b afly W orko bu t Fnibet.** ‘*Rvsyybody w orka but fa ther,'' said

g en a to r K ara. Dem ocratic leader of the Senate. aubn tiU B g (or publication in the Cottgroeatonal Record a large num* bar of te le s m s B be had received pro- Segtlnfl ngn lnat paaaagc of tbo child teb ar htU.

*T atbor of a la rg e famllya I am op- poaed to child labor bill," and 'T have a ypnng fam ily coming on. Dependent an potion m ill. Defeat tbe K eating bill*'' w ere tw o of th e m essages tb s flsnd tsr subm itted .

fW prsasn ta tiv s KItcbln, D em ocratls la s4 sr of th s House, protested to Post- m aater O snera l Burlesoit and the Ked- sm t Rsoerv* Board ag a in s t Mr. B oris- aoB'i recen t o rder d irecting poetm asters la am all tow n* to collect checks w ith ­out e sch an g e charges from s ta te banks not m em bers o f the reserve system.

Mr. K lich ln said the o rdsr would cot off m ost of th e profits of 1,006 sm all s ta te b an k s which a rs not in and c a n ­not sn te r th s reserve system . *Tf the order s tan d s,'' be declared. "North C ars . Una will go R epublican by tAOOO.”• Mr. B urleson’s order was suggested by f lse rs ta ry McAdoo and based on a reserve board resolution. I t provides for check collection from non-m em ber bniiks In com m unities where there is no m em ber to perform the service and waa

^ deeigned to perfec t the universal chock c iaaring systom recently Inauguratod by tbo R eserve Board


^uppo im aTHAT HAD



SttbomUf Mif Sti]f Aootker Week in ikpe of Henriif frea


Itton had bvvn received (her* regsrd in i (he reportad myiiierir>us v isit Monday I n igh t of a Brltl4«h cru iesr w ith in ih* A m rriosn territo rial w atera of (be V*f|r*ftia rape*.



Allied warships appeared o ff B eaufort In let last night, following re p o rts th a t th e German m erchant su b m a rlae B re­men waa headed rhla way.

Nothing wse eeqn of the eubm artne, but (he warships ctinllnued tb * lr pa tro l today, cruising about (Iftesn m ltea off ■hore.


■AAM FRANCISCO. J u l r >7.—Two M ofa o tetim a o f tlia bomb n u traca hara la s t R a ta rd a r dtad yeatarday, m aktne B IbtBl bf nino daatba cauaal by tha a tS o a lo n d u r in c tha pr^paradnaca RBfMo. Ona e f tha Inlurad who diad TaaOMdap w aa M ra X ln f i la r Vao Loo o( Freano, tha o th er Thomas H T arn- batll- K ra. V an Loo'a two children were •too tn ja rad . Two e th a r vicllma ara ■ ipaetad to dia.

W hat ih o pollea ra fa rd aa an im- ■ o rU a t a r fa a t to tha h a n t fo r tbo bomb MlRTlt w as anada witon W. K . Bllllnca, • a a a to B o b lla iMehlBtot, w a , taken la ta euatody wW la ha w aa r oa la laa tra a t to s a t a t a haap ltal allaia.

T ha a m a t of n i l l a « a foltowad a ■ a r r h a< h la taaaa la a Htoatoa atroat la d k la c haaaa . w hara, aoBardlaa to ibo a a i M la a r ta i la a tla d avMaaaa waa

, IBBad. Mra. BhUa L aala, ow aar a t tha l a M a i haaaa , a laa w aa arraatad.

I ^ a haaaa w aa a t nna lim a lh a raai- d i M o f M atthaw A. achaildt, :weaaUy •aa taac ad t a Ufa U atrlaonm ant for a a i iM M tr w ith Jam as B. McNamara t i th a d n t a a t l t l a t a f tha l« a Anaalaa

^ n a i a a h a lld la c ta 1010. U fa. Lavin waa ) Mtad aa a w itnaaa f a lha tria l of tha

X aM aiaara b ro th a rt. i l l l la i a , aeaard- t a th a palloa raoorda aarvad tw o

a t Fnlaom i t a t a Friaen for a a t n - a . Saeram onta, Cal.,c r .M R leaib ta

BAI.TIMORR. Ja ly *7—If C aptain Pa«1 Koonta of th r nw rehant aob- m arina Daotachland plana to a ta r t to* day on tha re tu rn Toyaaa to flarm any there waa n o th in , c o in , on th la m orn- I n , at the pier where the aubm aralble 1* berthed th a t waa any more lodlca- tlye of departu re than baa been th e raeo for th# laal few daye OyernlKht deyelopm rnte. In fact, teodod to In- rreaee the probability of a repo rt la ta laat n1«ht th a t It bad been decided to hold th e Deutechland here un til aome word bae been reeeleed concerning her alater ahip. the Bremen

Whan C arl A- fjuedatlta. O arm an C on. aa l hero, annaunced th a t tha reception to Ambaeaador yon B am alorfl, w hich ha bad planned a t b i r home for laat . ayenln*. had bean Indaflnllaly poet- ponad he wee eekod when the Deutach- land would leaye. „

■'HIM will not leaye to r a --a**- awered Mr. L ued arlla H a would not add to ib l i alatam ent. how ever whan M waa aakad the cauaa of fu rth e r de­lay in th* veeael t departure , a lth o u ah riaaranca papera had been Tbe poetponcm ent o f the *"th e Ambaeeador 1 " /abllllT to coma here laa t n id h t, mr. Laiodertti eald.

The Deutaehland crew alept aboard the interned North G erm an Lloyd ateam er Kaekar laat nlaht.


NORFOLK, V a , Ju ly *7,—Tb* a r ­mored erulaar N orth Carolina and th r* . deatroyer*. Ju it oulald* Cap* H enry. n*ar tha Allied warahlp patro l tin*, worked atowly up and down today cloao to tn K nfllah cr«l**r.

8uppl*m*ntel report* on the m ra- terlous sppesrsn es of sn u tiidentlfieg Britlah cruleor w llbln tho day n l*ht w*r* *>•‘' ’* ,• * '* ^ '* 1 .' ! " .TJ offlcera her*partm ent. Varloue daialle ^ the Inci­dent h a re «on* forw ard to W a ih ln ilo n a t d ifferen t tlm «i ahiaa Taaaday m orn- ing. knt th* 6ep*vMi>6('Y h** e ip rs s se d a daaire for more. Ono ^ I n t , It la undaratood. th a t tt daalraa cleared up la why th a eralaar waa not laan laav ln* tha C apaa Thae far, lh a only rep o rt of her ba iB i aean a f te r ah* paaaad th* hsttlaab lp Im ulalana on bar Journey haa coma from unofficial Mioreaa. who aald they aaw h er on her outw grd jouyn*y n**v Cgp* li* n ry ehortly before day1i |b t .


NKW TORK. J a la 17.—A w iralaaa m raeene to th* Btat* D enarim ont a t W *nhlnston from th* Japan*** aleam - •hlp Cor**, * * y « I protection from Oar- man iu b m a r lia a waa o ra rh a a rd and raportad today by offleora of a taam - •h lp t a rrlv ln * a t th la port. T ha atM - —f . thay aald. aakad pra tae tton f a r ih a Amarie a olfloara and onalnaara who w*ro on board tha C<"aa to ta k a bar th ro u th tha Panam a C anal to .<tan Franclaco, where ehe w ill ba tu m a d oyer to a Japan**# crow.

Tha C«.r**. an Am arlean atearnm ilp fo rm ally belonain* lo tha In te rn a tio n a l W a m n ttl* Marin* Company, w aa nold r eenlly to the Toyo Kiaan K alaha o f Jap an Bha aallod from Now T nrk Pun- day w ith lh a Japan*** a n a lm a t her atam. I t la bellarad th a t Hi* eaptalB of th* Coraa waa alarm ed h r rapo rta laat B andar th a t German aubm arlnaa w ara near th a eoa tt aaaoriltfB th a an- daraaa tra d a r Bramen.


f/>MX>N. July 17.—Ju il lc e Diirllrig • nooudi'ed todejr (fasl th* fiv* Judgt-e « h o heeM *th« eppeil of R oger C*oe- m ent agal**t the aenisno* of dv«th on (be charge of high (r***on (n eonn*e- tion with Ihe Dutlln revolt* would *lt tom orrow to "hear a possible ap p lica ­tion on behalf of the eottvloi." Tb* ruGure of th* applicaTlon w ta not die- closed.

Justice T)*fllng said h* had received m le tte r from iboie rspreserU lhg Oats- meni, snd calling the Crown atto rney*

NilioDalist Cals Hook Affib Sec­retary Insoleol aod Is Orderd

Remrett fro* Hmm.


ence Olnn*ll. N atlonallit, who** oppoul- llon t* th* gov*rnm *nt ba* grown more aggrsealv* sine* th* Tritb lnsurr*«tlAn lost E aster and who. In queotlen* to lb* Cabinet M lnl*tert. m ake* tb* moot •♦rlou* charge* a g a ln i t th* gov*m- meat, cgu*ed * abort mopenalon of tb* ■Ittitig of th* Ho u m of Common* to­day. owing to M* refuaal to withdraw when ordered to do so by (he ipeaker of the Hotkoe-

Mr Glnnell refuaod to budf* when approorh*d by tbe s*fg*gnt a t arm*.

remove him. andho was ordered tonot until the se rg ea n t had aummoned

gouncemeni after co n ferring w ith Jti*- j aoalatanc* and hi* b fo th * f \allona1l*t* tics* Bray and Scrutton, th* only appeal had advised him to do *o, did be obey Judge* present In c o u r t the command of tha ipw ikar

Justice Darling added th a t tbe King'* | The N ationalist m em ber had aakad coroner had been told by those who | Herbert flamuel. Becretgfy for Home r*pr«*«nied Casement th a t It w as de* j Affaire, w hether the m ilita ry authori* ■lr«d to make an ap p lica tion to the | tie* at iha tim e of the ineurrectlon at Court of Criminal Appeal, b u t he bad | (itihlln had the sanction of tb* govern- heard from anothar aourc* th a t It wrb | m rnt for "bom herding the haadquar- Improbable !h« application would be i t e n of th* C um annam ban nur*ea, cut- made, aa the master waa u n caria ln , and | (Ing the rad croaoee off th a lr drsaae* they could not allow any u n c e r ta in ly in { and imprleoniTm them aa ctim inala ' g queetlon of ihia kind. The c o u r t , ' The Home B ecreiary categorically de.he aaid* would sit lom orrow to h e a r ' r]| fh* allegatleno* whereuponany application ijoaem eat* a tto rn e y * | G innril beganm ight wish 1* mak*. \ “Owing to the Inaolant reply o( th*

--------------- --------- -------- M inister----- ’■H« got no fu rth er, aa there were loud

ahnuta of “O rd er"’ He withdrew (he word 'Inpolsnt," but inaleted Upon r* turning lo (he question , whereupon the 0pe*k<-r “named him to the House," and In accordance with practice Pramler Aaquith moved th a t Olnnetl be aua pended

Mr Glnnell alon* voted ag iin e l th« motion


I/ONPON, July !7 —A BriMah official sta iem ent was ie*ued loday denying the Turkiah official repo rt of Ju ly Jd th a t Britlah cavalry fo rtea In the v icin­ity of the Ruea Canal had been d li- persed Th* atatem ent follow*;

“The eom m ander-ln-chlef in Kgypt repo rts 'It ta sta led by th* Germ an wlreloaa that our cavalry ha* (>**n driven back at Romani and K alla . Our cavalry la In oockpatton o f K a tla and now here has been driven back. Com­plete fuperlorlly o ra r th* enem y has been established by It both In pushing In reconnaUeance# and d r iv in g In Ma covering partis* a t will.

" T h* enemy has hot even ventured to press any reconneioano* In our d irec­tion. Th* Turklah fore* a t O gh rslln a dar* pot advance from th a t p lace and no Turk ho* be«n near R o m an i- '"

The Turkish official a ta t« m * n t re ­ferred lo said;

“West and aouthweet of K atla our troopa, advancing tow ard the venal, dlaperaed cavnlry forcea, In fllrllng Joeeee upon thein. F rom th e ir heed- gear tt war aacertalned th a t they were Auatrallune,''



l / j u n r m x s . K r., J a l r 17 .—ItoaerlB- U aM a f aaw atalhada o t traitorlBB caa- Ittoa f a r f l l l la t . Jlaeaw laaa ^ tha toartto • ( v a r la a i aw w rto la saaB far f llU n ta aad t a r w a tra aM -hriaB a n a rk . • • 4 th« aaam aflflM tlvn arlth oiaTtoB a M a ra a a t a a fa ra l aval ap ara tlaaa ah-

, i a r anaathalea, v m tfca faa ta rM a t OtotoFa p ro c ra ia a t lha tw aa tla tb a a - Mb I o a a y a a tla a a t th a H allaiw l D aatal

-... .A M aclatlon w hieb to laaaU nv iMts.4 JU th M fh th a FTOfraiB w tf iia T a la A

l a n a l y ta p a r a lr itah a iaa l A toM aalaw W aaral apaakara ta ra M aatda fram ifto

f a a r a t la a Uiay w ara Mtocaialac j h w t l i aR sn th a valaa o f a ra t h rd a a a .

h r 4 a a u t « a faeU a r ia f ta tto a a a t a r a l a a s H n w eaeaeiteties ia tta a la

•V arattona, eoaM ha a r a a a n M h r a r Bara, H a ra t aa iaria# . T ha atOhl

It t a th a MbUa baalth . a t aa t . M a aa lw a ito X taiJato to


o o m , JalF M tyta ------ Ntiaaa

twnuaji MU gg


WABRtNaTON, J a t r 17,—Blr C e l l SprInB-lllea, Ika B ritlah A m baatatlar, In fan aad AMIng B acralary Polk tndajr th a t ha had raea lraa a n en aa r* (ram tha aa to tra l aa tan ran a in t th a B ritlah aqaadroB an th a A tU nllo eaaat d e n y in f th a t a* BrlUak w arahlp had an tarad Chaaapaaha Bay, aa raportad by lha tam iaaaaaa a t th a hatilaah to L aaia iaaa .

Tb# Am teiM sdat aaM th a B ritlah ah lp t had Btrlet ardara no t to a s t i r th a th raa-to lla >hnlt a t A m arlean ta rr ito r la l w atara to w ayfay th a O arm an aahM ar- Ina DastaabtoaB. a r fa r an y o th ar par* paaa, and th a adm iral sa id th a t lhaaa In .iru e tleaa had n o t haaa v la la tad a t an y tijn a' f i r . F a lk « a s w M th a t th a B n iiah M m ira l wad aa rF In d lta a n t d r a r tba MRort th a t dfto .a f h la, d M ltd ra had M a ta a h IhaMaEaB lU aT-C B aaapaaka

•wb _. mg ...nMinHBMMlwOaw ill M aaaiB t t t h r t h a B ta to Ito p a rt-

h a t ; O th : iHBiBli i r i i ^toe-. ‘

Intof 1I a t i Mh dfiiito.Fw I


WAIHINGTON, Ju ly 17.—An a reaijll a t a eanfaranec today belw aan A etlnp Baoretary Polk and F rlne* »oo H a tt- ta ld t, eounaaler oF tha OermaB R iabaiay, naaatta tlana to adjuat tb* indem nity to r tb* alnklng ef th* Am erican ahip W ill­iam P. Fry* by Ih* G .rm an ra ld * r P rin i B llel Frl«ilrlrti probably w ill be con- dnrt*d by Am*ri*an A m b*,**dor n * r* rd w ith th* 0«rm*n ro r* l* n Oftic*. Prlnca H a ta t.ld t luar**)*!! th a t lim a could b* aavad by havlna th* dU ruaaiona car- rlad on In llerlln, and Mr. Polk Indl- ealad hla taa*nt to the plan.

Uarmany. in a lan c tb y correapond- anoe o ra r th* ilnk lnp of th* ahIp. prom- taad to pay dam atei, th* am o u n t lo ba tlkad by *fr**m*nt hatw oon th e tw o aaram m ant*. Queitlona of a llaaad vto- latlona of In ttrna tlonal taw and tre a ty r l t h t t Inrolrnd In lb* eaaa a re to b* b ettlrd by • eonimlaalOn. th* fnrm atlOh Of which haa rmt baan ta k a n up.

HKADQPARTKRfl OP THB GBRItAN ARMIBH ON THF. HOWME;. July 71 (Via ttarlln. Ju ly 10. to Lnndnn. July 771—The (tr*»t AIII*(1 offen,lv« hat not availed lo rback th* rich haryaat of th* f*rii1* l .n d a tn th* occuptad Fr*nrb province*. Th* Oerman loldler wielder of th* *word and plo«*h*r* too, ha* p lanted th* field* rlnbt up to th* line of tr*nrbe*. and not th* 1«*at ■ trih ln r impraealoD of th* lo n ( auta mobll* tour mad* hy th* Ataoclaird Pyea* rn rrrapondent on the from *f Picardy and He de Franc* «*« laft by th* tia h t of aFtny aoldler hervafiiar* rw lnalna ,-rad lr. In broad flald* of ripened ry*. londtnd atackad ,h * 4 v ,. Into »*«on* and feedlnit th* th rerh lns machine* In U tta r d larapard of th* nreat battle ra c ln a alm oal w ithin rtfl* •hot. Bomrtlma* w ith in actual ra n a a aoldler* In aoma Inatancea reapad Ih# crop under tb* fir* o f th a ir eaamy.

I ll* harvaat w ill ha w all w orth th* rlik . O reat flald* of w baat. o a ta ry* and potato**, all abew lnp ram arkably (ood eonditlon deapit* th* lack of ar- t i r in a l fern llaera , w ar* to b* aaan on avary hand. Th* w h ea t and ry* war* particularly filled out. and an officer of th* O am an arm y, w ho wa* *nc*sn- tarad by the correapondant durlnn Ma lour, aald caaually th a t th* crop* of sra in and vecatable* In lb* Occupiad d ltlrlc ta of Franc* would be •u tflc ltn l to iupyly Ih* naeda of th* army.

All tb* ea tti* from a Ih es ian d hllla aaem to hay* baan aant la tra a * and fa ttan aa th* F rapeh m aadaw a


I/>]i^X>N. Is ly 17,—T h a a ip e e ta d da- •M e n of th* ao v ersm tn t ta dapriva th* Duka of t'um barland. th* D sk* a f A l­bany and Prlnca A lbert a t B ch laaw lf. H alstaln of their B rltlab tltto a an d e r- d a r a toaa mad* known today. Thay *ra tk* thra* ram alnina O arm an* w ho hold • r t i ta h tu la* of naWIMy, lh a O dk* of A lhan r and tha Duka o f C um barland F fto a lam ataly in tb* Una a f ascaaia loa la th a Britlah threa*.

K lh f Oaotdt ha* baan *d* la*4 F ra- m lar AaquUh eald In the H eua* o f Com- ■bona a t today** aidaian. to ta k a lha naeta ia ry atap* to m s«t th a w lahaa of ib lE ^aaaa in thi* raopoot. „

NEARLY |1,0N.000 FOR A RK H U I■■ - . 1 -

80ltT 0!l, Ju ly 17 .-4 am a* I* B arto s , ehatoaww a f th a A aiartoaa aamnOM** fa r A f M l a a w d dy*m> raH af. »a -

M d p lilN ! today tiM t atnc* D e la to r t i e , p a M n d il t i to t o n dtoM B m ad

s to t t^ w S S to H lw l lB dtodrt-


BBRLN, Ju ly tT fB y W iralaaa ta Ray- Tlll*).—A O arm an n asa l a lrtb lp , July I t . a liaehad th* m ain haa* fa r Ruialan and B ritlah iiibm arlnM a t Harlahanm, It waa nflle la lly annaundad by th* Oar­man A dm iralty today. Th* alrahip bambardad th* po rt aueaaaafully. It to adriad, w ith 7W k llo c ra m i of aiplaalv* bomb* A llhaunh th e a ir vaata) waa ahallod, H ra tu raa d ta p a rt un 'diaapad.

A datoyad rep o rt from H anbora , dated Ju ly t*. aad raeatyad teday by th* 0**r**a* Naw* AfaBey, ptsaa da- talM ef tb* p rarlo u a ty r a p p e d attach t y a Rsaalan aabm arln* an th* Oermaa itaam w Bib* a ff tb* Swadlah eaaat as follswa: I

■ ^ * oamMin tra d in a vaaaai Bibs, bound from B andaw all t* Lulta, RwadMi. wa* a tta a h a d o ff ih* part a f ItaUB. a h a l t mil* from Ih* ahara, by

(h tc iti ^.J'ltto iftaanw M:adlataaw | M ^ ; a M « aiMPtodad atalhM

I MMNHMk 1*Tc^ha*py nator aat dlMBiftoaad

ThelZTRrestone ^BrandiMma ers <md Distributors haveas their One Watchword —

*S e rv ic eto-ihe

M D & r i n ^Public*

arratloptpd hy more car ntvnprs than any other make each year, because of the direct, personal, unstinted service rendered by these Firestone Lieu­tenants in every motoring center. Having the b«t tire that any price will buy, they have fewest com­plaint* and can devote their energy to constructive Service System* that

make for the greater convenience and satisfaction of Firestone uaers. The Firestone men expreai thia service tlirough many thousands of leading dealen. There is a dealer near you who w ill deliver the Firestone standard of extra value in tire and direct service. You should ^ not be satisfied with less.

FirtMtone T ire a n d Rubber C om |>any" A m tr ic * '* ttorv«af E x r tu t i v t F lra s a d R im S fa k a ra "

■"'T^t.ktoa.TT*'""''''' fW Bank SL, Newark, N. J. '% V iT ^S aZ ^n o m a O flr* and g a c in rv ! A k r a a M il« B raaw ko* a a d D o o lo ri f lT o ry w k a ro

Iflafeofa • ( F Ira l Tr««M T ( r a t - L « a i * r a T I i « m a n d L a a J a r i N a v - t g O « o 1 lt? aa fl T a l g a t

FRANKLIN MURPHY FOR SENATOR. A Manufacturer to Represent

A Manufacturing State In the United States Senate.

To the Voters of New Jersey:

Th e r e is truth in the saving: "E x­perience Is the Best Teacher."

This has been proved limes without n u m b e r

Th e r e i* truth, alsn, in the saving tha t Ihe best guide to the fu ture

is the experience of the pssl,

Ne w j e r s e y vo.'ers will elect a United States Senator this fall.

The man chosen wilt represent the S tate for six years from next March 4— six m om entous years, fraught with great possibilities for intelligent service.

Mu c h of this service will be devoted to the readjustment of industrial

a n d commercial conditions which is sure to follow the close of the European war. P rudence dictates that during such a period New jersey should have

A Manufacturer to Represent a Manufacturing State in the

United States Senate.

No man whose name has been m en­tioned for this high office is so

veil qualified for the position as FRANKLIN MURPHY.

Ex p e r ie n c e as a manufacturer ha* taught him how to meet and deal

with large industrial and commercialproblems,

Ex p e r ie n c e as an employer hat taught him what is necessary for

the best interests of Ihe employee and how to hold the respect and good will of his fellow-workers. In this connection it might he said that in all his business rsrecr MR MURPHY has never had any difficulty with his employees. An indica­tion of the satisfactory relations which exist is shown in the fact thaf HO of tiis older employees have been with him an average period of nineteen years esch. Further evidence of the pleasint relations is found in the fact that the Murphy Company has had a profit-shar­ing system for employees since l!W2; a pension system since 1008; contributes liberally to an employees' sick benefit fund and pays a death benefit of $2S0 to the family of any man who dies in its tervice. \

Ex p e r ie n c e gained as a legislator and as Governor of the State, cou-

Died with his exceptionally wide ac- juflintance with public men of the na­tion. peculiarly equips FRANKLIN MURPHY to make an influential and u se fu l member of the United State* Senate.

A Vote for FRANKLIN MURPHY at the Republican P rim am , September 26, Means a Vote For

A Manufacturer to Represent A Manufacturing State

In the United States Senate.

Mrren w. IteblBios. B*cb.A**eh. H. I.


MhUsM*.R i i i r e** Lll and t:S*.

o i* Cb b b ._— . till.a,*«n4 ti>

_ _ _ .aV**.* 'Phnn* Its* HBt

f - T m v t a m obm an- o t h b m j L f t o HM a*r* n d Th*f*a*r* islitoi** to ttoSrvBS■ ^ * t* f aefel** M T*sr M*t,

ptoaoiaa Ofioa 1 anfl T IboiT-

I . ,O B W » SBiahai.

vetsu r r u r v eR t t r l t 1 0 tV & S 1 5 7 5

_____ i^ u sE M E rrn ^

OLYMPIC PARKJtla Prve kheiR. Dunnirir Dinner aOvenlnlir

ABORN OPERA CO.flVKIt., S:M . tS e in T»e. MATS.. SAT. AND

BUN.* L tl , XEe AND**The FVince o f Pilsen**

I>*w*tewn T.i * .( OffiM, l..u l* r'..W H k S t J u l r *1 — "IBarjr't i M h . "


P a l i s a d e sAMCBBMBMT

PARKSurf D atliliia heSJUUiWyi


L i t t l e H u n g a iy255-263 LHOOSnWSr lLT.

uax acMWBBTa. rt« »

! err$r iand. cuaiet. mmbeFESTIVAL

S p w s t ia D i i u M r - M O W B

Olao** to Wto* eritor. wWi Vtoo* Itoda *1 m-(MB t t I ot an** FtoMi B to ssr <

I (to* (tow atid to aoB.

HEW TtNut A i r o i m i r r a _I a % « a B n * i ( .T o n .* m .. t> u n i


im n c m iiu i in in i tB U le l A b e id e e BIO .» ii> t4

K B W A R g E V E K n ? 0 H E W S . T H O T g D A Y ; _ J P L r _ 2 r j L ^


M u b * « » k> ! “ * "S h ,« M «■< t* * " " * - .* * .* ^

M y T i k w i i l i r H h k i ^ ^OP NEW RWIPHMrS B FRAK STIOCnilE WHXS HAS TIN ROOF

Ham* #I • W*t»hl»« t*»

chtM a n J o in t *** j j lDlatlnctlon of M in t 'h» »»th*f o l tha t i n t N .w J.fM ir "war ‘■“ F , .

W ord h*« b « n treriv^d th»t t .n a n i /a m .a H WMia and ^W alla of tba rH ih tlallinani who w o n loft homa on r rc ru llin t d»<T' a n an rnu ta w ith r . i ru l la

Mu.l,. ro rla .n ly !• a ftno t l . d. and I ha V int , 1^ « h a n It I. |.ro.ulad *1’* th a t haa haan prom ind Tha a tlrrln* m aa tha Kiflhlo a r d ntouni aouniU '*’* * " j ' 7f .m p and h r . n i tha man on -onj^arfully-



G ia rd iw i in J R e f i l in pM tt^ i t T e r la fu I t S i f t f u r J A f i iu t

Vilb F ilw w w ’ R tti-

M atrtMCOLAt. Arti.. Ju ly W all, It

I t a t a aa tt wa a r t ta ra a a ln hara a tiM tt t t t l l N o n a b a r I.

T h a n ara two raaaona (or th li ballat. Om t t U a t avary offtear haa baan In- ttra c ta d to otaka Mil roqulaltlon (or • ta r y th in t hla troona will naad for I bo

thraa m ontba Tba a tbar la th a t • pooiram of Inlantry movamanU. eoa- •rtiiC prac tkally a tbraa-m ooth parlod, h a t boon laauad. B itr a c lo tk lo t and a tk t r n p iillaa a n enmlnd in and baltig Itw ad , and arary day tha cam p It tab* lag aa an appaartnca a t g raa ta r par- m n an cy . Ona of tha U tam addition! to th a eammunUy I t a (ra iaa t t r iw is ra whmh haa a tin roof.

Tha ordar n ap ae tin * in fan try m ora- to taba a t prailotialy atatad In thaaa A ap ttch aa wai. laauad by a a n a ra l Itd- tH n W. Hina and apprayrd by Oaoaral Thotoaa r . D arla U. H *• d ia tr ir t eam- ■ latdar. I t waa approrad by Oanaral ■ Ina aad Major A laiandar r , O n y J r , and w a t n a d y (or proaanlatinn whan O tn tn l D arla aaat word th a t ha would Hha to h a ra aarh a pro»ram mado out. A a d a rtm an l w ta forwardad to tha cam iaandar hy tha tnaaaanpar. who da- Urorad tha ardor for Ita prapanU on.’ Tba program co rari a parted of

g t ^ t y l w a daya andlng O tlobor JA aad fporldaa for aw ry angla of iMlI- t i f f »f«c#4 ur#. from co«p*nif to oat- Ult^At brIf*do d r i llstttc la4 tnf bpIgiA# m»no#iiv#ro. In 4 \ t M t» th l i U b li bf fUM iS t r e l t i i i th« fiAVilry» artlU iry o iM f

g f h # ^ l i i fw Brtll Ib th * t p*t1 • r th i pr*gr*ni which do«i iH»t

th« brlg i^ ir^ M i July 14 to A u ittit t . Incluilvo,

With tho • iro p llo i of hMfHloya ****^Will ho eom M hr dHlIt, • e ro o n tin f w•tevott teyh. On Iho Tw iidiyih Wod*

^hnrodhyi nnd H ntnrdhyi bo* toroao Aagual 1 and O rtobar 1 and on Wddnaadaya and T h tn d a y a from Octa- h t r t to Oetobar lb. *hara will ba com . ■any d rllla wltb addllloaal InitrucU on. S a k iM <»a to ta l for tha rompar.y In- gtowetltw parlod fifty d ay a ___ _

Mimdiyr and Prldaya, from A agnat f ta Oetobar 1 Inclualva and Tuto- daya from Oetobar 1 ta Oetohto tfc tbara will ha battalion d rilla a to ta l of •mnutv d a ra M oadtya and r r ld a y a tram Oetobar 1 to O rtohar lb thara wlU ho ra g h a a n u l d rilla to ta ling a parlod a ( algM daya ta tu rd ay a from Oclobto I ta O e lo b a r U thara will ba h ri- mm4% man—h V f i dhrin# whl«b Ih* toaoM which aim ha h a rd e w d *y th an toalT ifla td eondUlona wilt f igh t mlinia w aap ' poaalhly In p n p a n lK m tor Jo n t

' M m sM V iri. whteh n r t bn ln f oonild* i t o d w r W a fall, probably la Nnram -

n r mnnoy In our own rim pa far a ra ry - th ing w a want, on ih i eo ,oparn tira plan, aharing lha proflta

o r r w r . Wake ha t am plalnia.O cnaral H ina ram arhld lo d iy afia r

bln inapactlon ot aw ry unli In th i brigada. th a t tia did not hear ona com­p la in t (ram an ofilear. olhar than a taw littia ra p a r ti about ah o rin au of nli«« .iuch aa lumber li mnilc ihe '•■'m m anding offlcar happy, and ha dar tba fly of Mt t in t with a •.K afied ami la on hla fora.

■H gaaa haadquartera by lha way, bandlaa a r a i l amount of work • ''• ' 'y day. E w ry rapari. aw ry milliary aa- tall from avary orgaoiaatlon cornea to the h ria id a office Ew ry order, every m tm orandum from Ueneral “ rthe W ar Dapartmant aleo comee bare, ia recorded and prom□ tta led Major A laiandar P dray, bripada a d lu n n t. of

d e n ie s p o i m c s



■‘SKh Talk Treafoo,” Siyi Mc- C o m ck . Speikm «f C b^fei A |a iu t AdgmitlntiM ActioR.


t r c .o n ," laid Vance Hcformlck. ch .lr- man ot lha nallon .l nem ocrallc com

K *rgii lh«tw ir t ir r a 'to n e r i r iu p e rv la o r and laauat i m itiae. today.ln dlacuialna c' i l l » rd « n and ln ilru t< |nnt aut>}«ct I* I fT aaldm l Wllaon had decided to P th t apprfl»iJ i f Ganaral Hln« Tha tw o aldaa. UautananiR .lohn \ llliirlu'lift*-and H a rrr V, P Moopw. » ‘th aoldEar clorba ahd itanotfraphara, handia th« ffRWt maaa of daU. Kvafv ord#r h a i m ba ackniwladgadq tha tltna i f Ika la* ■uanca lo aaary commaad (fiwit b* hap i j and • ropy fiTod In tha brlguda afohlwaa | Bomatlmaa If li m idnight whon (Wl»- 1 i f t l Hina ami hla efflrU l fam ily | finlah work—and a t A o’clock In tha m orning tha eomraondtng o ffk o r haa hod h li ohowor botka ond to k tn up of* f in a l popart A ftrr a f i il ‘1 hfnakfi.-i ha a to rta oat on h ii raunda of Intpae- tlofi. I wagor that OOnarol Hina at thia m om ant could nama a*ary man who ti lick In comps 1*11 *v*ry datall th a t ahovid ba complatad and avrry ploo lold out for loinorrow.

Tha iio ff la much oaarworkad. and flanara l Mlno l i tw il l in g tho i r r la a l of H ajo r Chorlao Ofont of ium m ll. tba brigndn Inapaclor of antell arm a prac- tleo, who, by ■ rooani ruling, a loog w ith tbd w glm antnl aittall arma loapoctnra, haa ^ a n aatignod to flild duty

In B a ttiry A Captain iirm an h a t a lw ady atartad hla w ta ran a on gun

the n . t lo n .l liuardamen on ihe Metican border until a fte r Ihe ele-tion . becauae he feared ha had Incurred the enmliy of the mlUllamen

"N atton .l Ouardtmen ir e loyal patrlo la ," aald McCormicl.. '1 'hcy I* '" Ihe lervlce for le rv iie arid they are •» goixl eoldlert. There m u be a few a ru m b le ri among llirm. but lhay are liiiplred for political purpoiaa by out- aldera. , . i"Prealdenl wilaon lent the N.IIOlUl Huarri lo Ihe hnrder (or protection Kvery one knowe that, and lo Infer th a t he eenl Ihem there (or political reaiona or will keep them there (or unv other reaton than protection, la ro t Such talk la treaaon"

Edward Harrie of Haratoga, alata chairm an, epanl coralderabla time In conference with chairman MrCorwtIck today, when they went over (ha i ta ta iltu a tlo n Both H arrli anil Mrt'ormlck ■talad (hat they felt vary well aatlafled Wltb the eltuailon in New Tork aiple

riam orratic headquartari look on an old-tim e aapect today whan Colonel John 1 Martin of i t . Ixiula, le rg aan l-


Bl. PAPA. T**., July —Tw o hun* i r rd band lti »r* at Bpn CorJ«*.th irty milea louth of OJinaga. nn the M eiican hordar. according to an offi­cial report made to Major O anaral Krederick Funeioit a t Ban A ntonio headquarlera. Tha laadera of Ih ia M ai- (can band aw Ihreatening lo croaa th a Iloe and raid American aoil A lthough II la certain lh a l Villa la not w ith thIa band, the men are follow era o f tha bandit rh iif ta in

Militiamen and ragular cavalry have been poated at TerlInguA ihe nearcat t ’niled Statea arltlem enl, and Ihclf ou l- poK i are In touch w ith th e d la lrlc l about u jinaga Other tyoopa a re be. Ina held In readlneaa and w ill be ruahed lo any apol ih a l la Ih raa lened .

The preience of Ihe M ealcan guer- rillaa an cloae lo Ihe border w aa re- ported at a lime when Ihe m ilita ry au- Ih o rlll t i in Chihuahua City w ere la n d ­ing oul lha m on oplim latlc w p o r ta Oanaral Matlaa Bamoa. who la a la - Ilotted ai Eacalon. 10« mllaa no rth of Torreon, haa aant word to Ju a re a th a t Vllla'a band haa been aca ltew d and lh a l tha outlaw chief la In h iding In Canon da laa Huertaa wlih a handfu l of man However, ihia newa la received w ith a araa i deal of akapticitm am ong arm y men her*

Oeneral Jaclnot Trevino, who waa reported lo have m utinied a long w ith hla men. la In Chihuahua City and lom a of the rapo rit coming th ro u g h from lhal vicinity bear hla a lgnaluro

MARATHOS, T ag , Ja ly !T. —* force of more than lod V llllala b and lla la encamped today on Ihe Mealcan aide of (he Rio Grande, oppoalle th e Roqullla aactloii, where the retd on D oem ara ranch recently took place, accord ing to arrlva la from Ulen H pringa R angera are on guard.

drill, and In addition la p reparing to 1 a t-a rm i o( ihe liemocrallc hulld wooden floora for lha m an 't ta n ti . ! com m litae for Ihe laat <* '" '1 ', I'* '"’*- haa aroetad a wooden maaa hall w ith a arrived and went lo work at hla deak. tin roof, and la feat making hla com - Colonel Martin haa recently reilgned aa mend tho ahining mark of tha camp, revenue officer of St Idiula The wooden w trk la coating th a oom- — • ■

wh"rti "(lto*haa haVtt received fcotu lh a HUCHES HEARS REPORT ONO range relief rommlttaa and lha w a t

- Tho tro g ram la aubjaet lo lU ghi ggrtatlon . but ganarally w ill ha ad hared fix Tho more dotallod arrange- ■m hU far th a general plan, thaaa to bo

troahly, proeldo (or a g radual aa In tba am ount and Import

In o th e r worda thohtotaaaoan ca a f tha work. . , .algn, which OonaraJ D arla aaaa ana of tha moat oomprahonaiva atrar ptaaanlad to him (or a p p w rti- a to rta lha man a t tha bottom a t the to f i t * and w orka them r ig h t th rough to M tu a l brigade field m anoouw rlng.

ralaod In tho command.Tho pocularlty of hum anity waa

ihown among lha man nf ihe r i r a l tag tm ant during the w ceni phyairal

aaam lnatlon. which ended Inday Many o t tho hlckora who docinrad lhay w ere alck of being hare weni p rivately to the aurgeen before being eaam lned and bagged them to look them over eo If there w ew any defacla they m ight try to remedy Ihem and thua avoid being rojectad. home of them aiood In Iba company alraeta aiam ln lng com radea| teeth , ethera aolamnty aounded frienda' rhaata, and generally aa Infomilal ea - amllMtlnn waa conducted befnre th e men were called lo tha T. M. C. A. hutidihg fo r lha nftlclel tea ta

to a rh la Speedily Dane.T he thoroughneea and ipead w ith

which lha eaam lnallon waa com pleted aaaa a aource of amaaamant even to the reg u la r arm y doctora. A man would en te r w ith hla card In hla hand, atripped A doctor would a iam lna hla ayes and oara. m ark lha c a r t and pane him on to ona who would eaam lne tooth, th roat and cheat Ha would be



NEW TORK. July 1 1 .--O a r le a E. H ughaa. Republican preilden tla l nom i­nee. came here today (rom hla aummar hum e a t Brldpehamplon and had a long conference with Henator Tall of New M eilco The nominee received from itenatnr Fell a f lrit-h in d report of con- dlllone along the Mealcan border, w h k h Ihe la tte r prepared afte r an aalanded trip of Inapactlen thara.- Among lha nornmaa'a ca llari today ware Galen U Tail. Republican alata chairm an of Maryland; Repreaantativea McKinley of llllnola and Gardner of M aaea-huaelta. John r . Kveraman, aec- re la ry of the Republican Congreielonal cam paign commlllee, and r i* '* * " ®H eard of Arlaona, chalntian of tho A n - aoiiB i l i i * roinmin**

Mr. Hughea aapectad lo / • * “" *® Bridgeham pton at t o’clock thia a f ia r- nooo.

(ha work program . Sundaya. Im h o a tg ^ p y ^ „„ ( , onothar. who would ea-Ouy and tha lam day of aaah m onth ara got InrlttdaA

Tha program for company tnalriicllon tram Ju ly « in Auguai », InclualTe,atovan daya of fiva h o u ^ tofal* (in y -tl» » houra. The imrlod (o r a te M toa aort of In tirue tlon from Au- wppt f to Octahar 1 . th ir ty daya of flea tp e r a aach, lotola IM houra. and lha te P it parlod of five hours from Oetobar I t o Omohor W. lolala fo rty houre. a M p d to tal of H I houra." I p addition lo th l i It m ual be tak en to ta oonalderatlon th a t the rnen or avary command will lm»a lo do ih r rag u la r camp work. The detailed w ork to T 'fw th la for Infantry. Tha work to tha cavalry.corpa and lha aan ltary trotfpa w ill em ­brace d e u l l i d iffering from i^ '» ^ la accord w ith the fu nctlon i of th ree

*^"i**A 'a"*^alon« provider for more ae tu e l I net ruction of troope than fivaac tu a l Inalructton ■

In the National Guard underTome condl'tioni ' " “ ''." jnOPIV VWS**'hiurvam w-. —.—a - ptem(he preliminary homa I " '" * " * " ' . I " . ; guard haa made the w ork poaalhle

**% e order la • bteialng, for now (h a t we are getting the camp Into ehape(ha period la approaching

% euld have but U tile lo do, endhen Ihe

Inaf.gpnaauuently would have tun* r t loaf, w hich In the armv meane lo kick. The order doei not Indicate thM Wime of the work haa nol already been uoder w ay; the officere of every command hava been giving their drilling In tha cool m orning houra. but

adopted ayalam ailaaa

am lna hla atomach, and Ibm m an o th e r who atam lnad hla faat lendonr, etc.. and ao down the line, un til he reached Ihe end. where hla c a r t w ta ta k e n and deckaiad. The man paiaed through in an andlasa chain, and when a m an Otit*pi< ovi bullBln# M* hodbeen e iim ln ed from Ihe lop o f hie head to thu aolea ef h li feel.

Tba aiam lnalton of offirera. which waa aeparaie. wee eren more eevere, and the three officere who were tu rned down In the rira l Raglmanl are broken hearted men. who will uie every effort to hare an eiam lnlng board appointed hy the government go over them again.

n f Ihe men turned down In the E irei. many were recruHe aenl from See OIrl a f te r the regimen! arrived here. To look al aome of them any one could t 'H they were not phyalrally equlpi>ed for the army. Some had bad ire th . poor eyealghi and other evident defecia. There ware a few. a very few. who tried lo fake defecta, p a rticu larly in eya ilfh L hot they were quickly d e ­lected, and their live* wUI "o ' ofp lea ian l In their cotnpanlea for enm* tiffli *0 f'OITt*

i i propoiHIon Ihi* w* h*v^ tiM f f t t t in vory for with y#A. th*i '• fh* OoT»*ral Wood mimoTandum pro- vldlno for di*<’h i r f* of whoh iv * dtp*rtd«n<i *1 homo. How^v^r, w h ili many h»»« ihPoot*Tn^d m th^ m- fontry In mak# ■pplU*»tlon. fow hovo mod* ki io fat- , .

WhiU w* hiv* b*^n »r*it«d a bit bodly kn th# city—that li. b^^nrhoricwd hkoh p H r* i-w a "



WASHINGTON. July I I .— Proapecta nf an early agreem ani ha lw aan the American and Mealcan govarnm an ta lo aubmit tha hordar d laag racm an ta to » Joint commlaalon w are d aacrib td aa b righ te r today a fte r A cting R acralary Polk again confarrad w ith E llaeo Ar- radendo. Oanaral Carranma’a Ambaaaa- dor. Tha confaraai found thomaalvao cloaa lo agracm ent on tha aaveral polnia which hava dolayod fo rm al an- nouncamani that tlan ara t C a r ra n ta a lu ag e itlo n for a commlaalon would bo acreplad

Tha Maahlngion O ovam m ani w an t! to widan lha acopa of lha com m laalon'a Invoitlgatlen bayond O anaral G ar. rani.i'e auggaatlon that H diacuaa w ith , draw al of Amarican troopa. to proiact American border Intareaia from bandlla and tha origin of raldi.

II wfti i i i i im id thwl Wt. Arr*4ondo waa able lo a iiu ra Mr. Polk today th a t hla govarnm eol waa w illing lh a t Ihe commlaalonera ahould alao Inveatigate economic and financial ra la tlo n a ba- tw een the two countrloa, w ith th a hope of finding maana to aid Maulco In lha j raatoratlen of peace and order. W halher a compromlia plan waa proposed which proved acceptable waa not m ade known. Thara li avary reaaon to ballava th a t, aa a raault of today 's cooferonee, both confaroia feel th a t a d efin ite announce­ment will aeon ba poealbla.

for a th a r fto illla i. Cotoaal r r s a s r ggpa rugurdiitg tb it th a t any a a a c«n gut tw a affidavits, bui to prava (ha naoaa- iKjr o t tba Hitn'a ralaaaa w ill ta k a m ore than a nock of tawyara. Ha w ill In- alat th a t Im partial Invastlgatlen ba made of aach caaa Many offlaara ara Baking why lha Beard a f T rad e c e s - m ittaa has taken It upon Itaalf to uaaki Invaatigailona of caaaa a f te r tha do- cldad aland It haa taken ag a in s t lha action of tha offlcara who aro try in g to koop thalr commando Intact.

Camgaay C Arllaw Kaptaiwad.The aaplanatlon of why Com pany C.

F ifth Baglmtnl. yaatarday rafuaad to elect U autenant Oeorga r . Myara aa captain and Inalaiad on tha aelacHon of hla Junior. Naeond I.lau tanant John 8, l ock, la lhat it waa nol due to tack o t lym pathy with Ihe cn ion tra ch o lrt. b u t

‘ becauae of the promtaa made by tha 1 men when t.ook took the lieu tenancy * ihHt h# woyld h« Ih i n«4l cwplain.

When ( nlonel Albert A Van W njrmvin lia rn id itiii. b* told th« men to c a rry out their pronili* T hert w ai no d li- cord and nn rebillion a o o in il h * ad ' q u i r t t r a

Colonil Van Walraven rod* y io l i f - day ko the border back of the M ontana roMlvnent'i camp and raporta h* wao loid ther* wer* etrono bodiea of M*i- lean troope on ib# o ther fkd«. tl* iow iom i of ih«m Tha M iilcan o a t* b itinm nff lb i* t drunk a t • i hlne** roadhoui* and to fir* th*kr ( u n i In Ih t okr. Uuarda in ih* Montana n y tf ll hav* b**n doubled i i a pr*rau llon aBalnai poiilbl* kruubl* K ather McMtilllna ch ip la ln of ih* Montana r« fim *nl. ho* o rran p id to c*l*brat* m aia Sunday fof th i Niw J i r i i y baye al the Kifth H*M1- m*nt camp. T h li will * * '• ihe m*n a Lono walk

W« hava had a rulkno from tH* U nittd S ta t i i a d ju tin i oancrat th a t m*n who Vlnkih thalr ih rre yeor ■•rvkce her*, d a tln f bock from the ikni* th ty baron iervic* in Ihe Naiionak iJaard at homtv will »*nf* three y**ro ko Ih* ilait* rcoerv*. Thia mean* th* man w ill not t>« railed upon to drill-

(Jentral Hin* haa liiuod *n ord*r lh a l an offlc*r muat b* ita tio n o d a l every pool •■chance lo *up*rvli* tha aatikni of atuff Home men hav* been mod* olck from **1100 kc* cream and tak ing cold dfknki when haatod. If th* man pirikat kn iklo foollih p rac tlc* th* camp lurgapn. Major Jo««ph M- R*ctor, hoo b«*n iuihori»#d lo clooo oil •»* choBgao-

Following * con fifinc* w ith 4p«n«roi Hlniv Major R*cior today ol*o wo* glv*n full powar to •atablk th pro|>*r •anIlAlkon and abate th# fly piagu*. H* hoi auapanded ail d rilla and o th e r t work and placad Ihe m adiral ufficaro J of th* varioua unit* on aankiary w ork, | <A«n*ral Hina aaya h u policy la oan lta- llon flril TH* railroad ha* run cattla into th* p*na near comp, bu t th* troopa will plar* cuarda on ihe |b*no and driv* •vary lh lng out. Thar# i* lIHl* incraa#* In •icknaa* and lha unuaual aanU ary m*aaur*a hav* b**M lak«n to pr*vcnt aerloui troubla. H ajor R a c io ra man will icour th* country lo d ti tro y lb* •poor of th# fllaa

Th* m«n *r* pr«paring for a big oth-

»iin Of IK BDuw ■ B» ion iw wjamiNs ovr KARjnMT-wniMauT-iiUEUAnE non.8H ft romepaadaam

ASBURT PARK. Ju ly Ithot that 0 farm ar h*or W llkaa-Borroi Pfc, vornad two young w ond*r*ri whom h* •ncounl«r*d on Ui* rood th a t th* victnHy waa knf*al*d w ith and dongaroui bear*, two Aobury P ork youngatara, Rogar Pay. fourt**n* nnd tr«n* Town*, a y**r old*r. m ight hav* ■llpp*d back from th*lr adv*ntur* w ithout a h in t of th* iio ry bacomlng public. But R ogtr wa* not mlnd*d 10 a** hta land tr companion d*vour*da or b* #ai*n hlmookf. ao h* trudgod back lo W ilk*i-B arri. purrhaaed a rofty*four*ealtb«r r*volv*r. and. wh*n h« ..Jighlad from th* train with hla companion y*il«ri1ay ofiernnon. n*g- loctid to ih o v i th i waapon far enough down in hla piK kii oo th* bu ll would nol•how. 80 h* wa* a r r* f i»«2 for rarry lng a dangarnua weapon, and th* cat wa* out of th* bag.

Kogar li Ih* aon of Mr. and H ra Joaaph Day of WanafnaaMW hU fathar b*kng ro ih le r In a hi«w Tork la n k . Iron* la th* daught«r of Mr. and Mr*. John Town*, alao of W anamaaaa. H*f fa ther la ataward a l th* Roaa-F*nlon farm Roth or* g ram m ar ochool i tu - d«nta and. apparently . * itr* fn* 1y fond of each other, a llbough nobody p*eted lhat they h id *hy In tin llona

s ( aloging. B ui t t * r <>; -T k m ra d a y . a s kacama haaw u W fcaaIraau’a mothaa fouad a aaU a e a a u i ^Ing th a t aka hadn ag a r. auvar In cuma hack, aak lug t®f" givaaaaa, algaad'■yaiicfac*®*^*" ter." W ith I ra n i w aat l « .In aama uaaaglaluad way. Thia b " gwindlad t a j a a t carfa re hom a II coinag, t out. w han tha daterm loatton ta ra tu /n *w# rawchod.

R agar. clad In hla Bay Saout ~ l t . waa taken ta galIcA haadquartara a r ia r hla arraa l and waa la le r '* • “ham s In cuaiody nf hla father. H* arra igned th ia m nrnlng hafnre Judge John A. B ortan In Ihe poll.-e ' " “ ' I * ? . again ri leased, hie to lher declaring he would lend him ta aome naval tra in ing achool.

The pa ir t"«k a tra in to W llkee- fiarre. according to Roger’s aj*w alked out In lha country until they met the farm er and h eard a b ^ t the beers. Than they re lu m ed to w iiaee B e rn for the gun and climbed up «■ • hill w here they eload w atch by tu rn s until m orning. The follow ing day they vtalled W llkee-B arra again, bought a ten t and provlelona and proceeded to ram p out until the ir money ran l a - Then they abandonad tha lan t <ame home by tra l"-

ASSOOAT1Ipar-iel Am

AVON. J grgetio cai Wa roadgnnunltiee(a road 'a (Ian a t th< th e Aesoc V ew Je rn tarnoon at

Frealder H ew aik u the Impor

vlalopA wl



n N A L D R H l TO D A Y

Firat BittiliM Nif«l R e»m e,(M - cbtdiBg ManMOTen, to S tetn

H ow Toflif hi.



Mw Do Strenou Work ■ Sm - toa’t Hirdest Rib Dwin| 0»#

mt Hotn of TnmiM'

offkks co« h®" stMiAiifflif'aiM asiABsmi’saitaraiitafnrrcepoejmcr nf tie yyvs.

t S a SEW JERSET. O FF BLOCK ISLAKP. R 1, July I t - W l to r i of the Elrat Battellon New Jereey N avel Re-

CAMF FIBLDKR, «EA OIBT. Ju ly *(■ —W ith leee than fo rty -eigh t houre le lt to r the ir work In the school of the •oldler. the men of Ihe Second m cnl th is m orning tackled with freen vim the program of drilla In advance

toaije w ill Btohilaa e


M rva hardened hy a week of d r i lls g„d patro l work w here they leftth e ir laat | , f f je ils rd a y . Two com panies of the

first b a tta lion era on lha rifle rangewill a larl T huriday w ith menoeuvera before the rendeevoue of the Atlenllc flee! here Is broken up.On lhal avenlng Ihe >'ew Jereey la achedulad to llfl anchor and ilcam tor New Tore harbor, while the other ehlpe jor the fleet will go lo Ihelr reepective j " ‘'" i h i J .V i.epl them oul of camp home poru. ! la te laat night, ghorily befora they U(t

Since yeaierdey m orning the fleel j the hardeet haa been drilling In the vicinity of jBlork Itland. Tho boyi frcra New Je r- i had a p retty

! The'^four compeniee com prlelng Ihe I ih ird batta lion , which hall froin .New 1 B runaw lck . Momeivllle. Freehold and

rrln ce to n , re tu rned lo camp ehortly before noon, a f te r a Held manoeu-

aey have gone through Ihe m anoeuvere w ith a vim deip lla w eather condlllone the t have made even lig h t e ie r tlo n hard work. Their eeam anahlp and ab il­ity ihown In battle practice, torpedo defenae and o thar ahlp drilla haa won

ram th a t haa daacended thia lae tlon Ihia eeaaon

the country Into e ellppery aea of mud m d the men had a p retty wet tl<»»,1 before they returned afte r dark Th«y orig inally planned lo slay

lania. which m ile nwpuld hava

•u fKH irb if i

• 1 1 ^ IWO: ro i4 rr|d> An<k th# ki: llBi *Birr«Bonn*l) e not b*#n IBMt of ( M th* 9 irronff »r.i Ui* ronrti v a g ra n t #d

A U tte r BliQ. pr* C h iftib ir Oov*rnor from th* • f lnv##i llr . FInnn • l i t* chai tb* lam # I ba* b«#n in v ea tlfa t #u( compT

AuruRt b#ariPA n tiotv th# Hoial Rr

hlch tfO •n l. af

,n ot Road ]d#tw in h# hi • f Trad* a#ruailv»ii f*n and t

A comn rtw* of n tion if» M ■tat* rne«« nb#th pui ftrredi to


than cov*r*<l ih*m. atidb*iw**n th*m in d th#

„ .lc meeu lo In d u d . commendation from theand games. A , .bu ilt Tha F Iril R egim ent p lana to challenge the real o( the brigade, the regulare and the M ontana ou tfit. The Flrel Regiment aleo la p rep arin g f i r a big party August J(, which will m ark tha completion of tw enty-n lne j e a r i of ■•rvi#* by Colonel F r* i*r. In iMHv while In Connecticut on m anoruvera, lha regiment gave Colonel F reaer a loving cup.

detailed to In ilru c t the reaerva man, One of Ihe recreatlone betw een drilla and Inatructlon perloda la fishing, and the membera of tha F irs t Battalion have proven themaelvea good anglers, ap lurlng a quan tity of l in g and m ack-

had nothing - ............ground e ivap t tha blank ala In which they ware rolled, ao lha plana ware changed for a ih o ria r htka. com pany cooks turnlahad auppar, eo In aplto or the wet all were cheerful.

The tocend batla llon |e to leave camp la ta today, and. It lha w eather perm lta will rem ain oul all night. While It la regllted by th e offlcara th a t In ac tus, service conditions the w eather couic

erel. H harka^noi of the m an-eating . ^ tghan Into conaldaratlon, therea a _ . i ____ ______a .w — k..w.ia.Lrm 1 . a ___________ a a a. w m m dt I l l •


Soidkn’ U p ie Dekfite i i Joirt SestioB Diffew from McC*rtef

on Reietse of S o l^ n .



pwredneav. Hie patrl..tlc duty of n tlaen ,h lp . ,nd ihe elate "( the regu lar a im r

n.eellng nf

MEN ICO CITT. Ju ly *1 —T h e recent Interchenge of ihn ta betw een M ataa- rhuselia m ilitiaman and Mealcana aernaa Ihe harder waa today declared by Ihe Foreign Office to he nf no tm- rorlance . prln-lpally hoceua* there were no caeualtlee on e ith e r aide.

Healco City le w alling for the A m er­ican answ er to Ihe p roposition advanced by the F irs t Chief for a conferon.ia of

pre- t rommlaalonara Form al ap p o in tm rn i of lha three commlaelonere e lread y en- nounred will be w ithheld u n til word la racelTed from W ashington

Eighteen lo ld ler-m uetclana strong, the F irst Regiment Bend today sta rted for Fort du i’ont. Del., w here Ihe m em ­bers will be drilled p rep ara to ry to be- Ing arm to Ihr border lo Join Ihe reg i­ment. The bend haa been recru ited by Captain Carl J. R ehulla w ho haa barn working lo form the o rgan isa tion since the Ftral left w ithou t tnualclana

On thalr way from the arm ory lo the Market Streel S tation o f the Pennsyl- vanis Railroad, the band halted a l the enlletmeni lent In M ilitary play for a short time

type—have broken many hookaTwo popular membera of tha craw

aye H W Rodenburg and F ran k Briek I Jr., the radio men of the reieyve. They I are the dlapenaera of the latent news.

and when they announce lh a acoree of I the baeeball games they ran k aa a d ­

miral., with Ihe fane on loard . Several boilng hcula have been staged for the entertainm ent of Ihe rese rv es Though practically every m inute of Ihelr tim e la takan up. lha men find th a t work and play can bt well Interaperaed throughout lha program.

Tha drilla hera followad ahora laava a t Newport Saturday and Sunday. Dur­ing lha two days batw aaa lEM * and l(.»oe man from tha H ast vlvUad th a t city. Boston. Provtdenea and o thar naarby ’p lacaa Ju s t ba lo rs tha ahora taavr was announced lha man racalvad Ihelr pay. Tha city au th o rities tompH- mentad the ship s officers on tha good behavior of Ihe Jack ies

la no deilra on their part lo send the man home w ith pneumonia.

Bay Farm D eatal tw r f s b'ew Je rsey '! medical division haa

nav tr had any dantal corps, and a aug­gaatlon came to A djutant Oanaral b ad - I tr y ea ta rtay th a t one be form ed for service a l the border. He look the m a ile r up w ith SurgeoniO aneral JN llj- lam Oray Schaufllar, and aa a roault It la capected th a t a full com plam snl

denial aurgeona will ba on thaof

Park to

m arked s the wmrrelief rommlUer of the Board of Trade.

**“ W^itid n « r i i « b « l . for l ^ r e T f a r r l y - . ’ll by the country peoplew ork and p . ... _ _. , ■ure ..n tii ■ reneber. neined Hedges, rom -Intelllgent Iralntngm etked—com parison—of datarm ln tng Bow each orgnniiatlon le advancing.

Improveoeeal la Apwarroi- ■vary day now one accnitoinad ta

M llllary affaire can easily^ aao tha ftfOV*in*fit In tH* camploTtaV oth^r iv*ry i*nt til* *fflc*r« on on* ii<E* oF 'Fi* bl* m *ir iS id and facing th . company a tre a u. . ea-. ,.ak.wm a4rl« Kv#rV COOlC t*n4 >■

until a rtn*H#r, nimad plain t^ t* Colnn*l Albart A Van WaD rav tn of th* Fifth R#iilm*nt th a t pari ©f hi* ci>mmandi. whll# on a hlH# a f#» <!*>'* airo. d1<* •om# damair* to hi* pU#*. A board of o fflrari will be *ppol»i!«d lo

which ws> atlended by women memher" N ,» Jersey (toldlerk Relief

.V number of Hme» A uguatul lilvnl of the board

had Inremind women apeaker. lhal Ibe dla-

,.s9 u ray ln * from ihe point at

th# lu#M(o#V HamhuTi, pr^ and chairm an of ihe mnin




• er#lM*U#Prinripale m 'he J”*'" ,

H MacKie, wife of Major First Reglmanl. and

who again a ip rea ied

Mrs A rthur MacKle nf Hie Vm I H M cfarierh i . conviction th .l thoa. men o n j h a border who had needy d;r#tii oughtdelay

’ll »illHoriIiei» wofi Im aV e'a'survey ol the H edge, piece and | „ „ „ , ome home, 1 don I " ' ' ’' ” ** ' “ **^*

if any. h n , , ^ .houirter. Ih . -uPP-c*

•Iv#* and rhU h« dii*‘harit*d w ithout

WAaHTS«3TON, Ju ly — M #ilran Amba*i*dnt n«M|rnal# Aff#<!ondo thi* aftarnoon rnoalYad offic ial rtanlal from M«iclco ‘’Ity of r*porta th a t 0 *n#ra1 Ja rin to Tr#Tlftf» had b*#n r*mov*d from command of Ih* d# fa rto for##* In I'h ihuahua Slat*, and th a t 0 *n#ral KUaK rail**, m ilita ry com and*r In Norihern M«tleo. had f*Tolt*d.

“(l«n*ral Travino la fa ith fu l to th* da facto ffov*rftm*nl and la i t i l l a l th* h*ad of M*xlca.n fr>rr«a In Chihuahua, with a*neraJ Duli H #rr*fa a i h l i iu b - o rd inati offlctr.'* Arrodondo announc*d.

a iaff ('arT#H|M»«d#atel>OiniwAK. A r i l . Ju ly :7.e—Appap#ntly

with th# fair>i#»l rhanc* of p#cov*py. Corporal J W hitatl Rln^r of B a ttery B. whoa# horn# li in Camden, la r r l t ic i l ly HI In th* C ilum tt H ospital from aepUc pnlaonlnff

King ro n trarted tonallltii. which i t t*nfth d#v*lop*d Into ih« mor* aerlou*

BOXING BOUTS FEATURE LIFE ON BORDER, SAYS ORANGE MANAccording to • la tte r r#o«t**d by B ar­

nard McGarry of 7J J«ff«rion iir**!. Orange, from h li bro thar. John Me- Oarry. who U doing bord*r duly w ith Company I of th a t city. h**n rivalry haa d*v«iop*d among th e m llltlam aa In hoalng matchaa Th* ront*al*» b*



let ihoR#

««Mtnate whai damag*.

m the othaf »‘A* “ u e e l



a t the head o l tha company t U ie s t the road lo (ac im aie dellvertav. gnd back ol the line officers’ ten ts a rs Ote ba ttillo n or regim entaltara. w ith lh« headquarlera of OeneralHina a l the easterly and of lha camp.

**Thfre*’ li an ecm elhlng, „ ? h . ” .n ,P th a t m a k e . ,I Inch tike .h r

fisid. and from one end of ihe i emo to Ihe other one cannot Imd a alray place of paper, a icrap of food or even a ntgarelle butt.

iffisre are great adobe incinerato rs In evary stree t to burn refueo. and aanltary polk ing rsau lta In avarythlng kalna gathered O ffirera In .pect q u a r­ter# and non-commlaaloned officers hold men atricily accountable for pereooal •ppaarance. There a re plenty of ghower baiha, escept In the F irs t Ragl- ntant, where the lumber needed has aot grrivsd, but in eeveral of Ihe com- panlea the men themaelvek have pur- ehaeed lumber and built bathe.

Rome of the men who have charge of city atreel c leanins and sanlia llon could learn leneona by coming here and geelng how In i few weeks e sirlp of cactus dolled desen was corverleil Into a community of gemd sirse is. drainage and aanlialloo. It would help them a whole lot more ihsn Junketing around to o ther cltla# that are aa had aa thalr •w n to Ihia respect.

And then there areo u lp o st evchanvea. T agtertay was pay day, or ra th e r eoin- pletod the paying of all the u n its of Uis Near Jersey contingent. The F irs t Regiment exchange look In nearly I l . to t In two daya. and the F ifth Regl- man( SkChange In the last five daya gince It has bssn established hes had ygoelpta of mor# than II.TO®. Tha e i - ckghga of Ihe mounted troopa haa tgken In hundredi of d o lu rsi and day

' by day lha men are losing th a lr dasirs (g go Into town, (toneral Hine, through Cgmp Burgson Major Joseph Racter.

' haa Isegad ordere heaping many van,' dor# cf sort drinks, Ke cream and ea(. gblgi out of camp becauae Ihelr gnods hto not UR (o alandard,

At thg wtiieotte which a re estab- Mlhgd uader arm y regulatlona. ona can ptochsag frwili oqndlos. eakea. Ice cream, aecht. shoe lacea and Innum er- hbto other th lnge a t a a ligh t Increase, over cost. Books aro IHued to the men and Uiay can draw oh ihbM tierka ggglaet Ihelr pay. W hen (he m m tthly aeoguaUng to m ade lha pro flU to (a ir grogerttoa • • (a (ha ehrioae unlU to r

been dona Po far a t we can m ake oul now, Hedgea thouaht he m ight as well follow the eaarapi* o( the Doug las! tea and gat loma "easy money."

CosU ag to Ba TawghE Every commend lo the brigade will

be given e regular arm y cook for a abort time, to teach our cooks a few of the little regular army kinks, p a rd r - ularly Ihe right way to make the good old arm v iland-hy. 'eluoi ' This la a loncccllon of meal and v rg rleh lri,. made Into so old . (aahlonsd stew - only II a a IHIIa dlK errnt and. ks ihe p n v e le

1 said. "II Ija tes good and la flllu r. ' Wa are alao getting our hokertes In fine condition and Ihs bread la the atiM th a t mother used to make.

Major William H. Caroflald aa t In front o t hla lent today Uataning to the music from the Fifth Regim ent, w hich It now on formal guard m ount. The dreamy look In hla eyes cauaod an officer to aak what ailed hint.

•'Well." laid the major. "I w onder how the old pylon and the rest of the t ie th annlvaraary celebration la g e ttin g on.’’ He la a member of Iho Com- m lltea of Dne Hundred

Captain Ixiula E. Batchelor of C om ­pany L. F irst Regiment, will soon have an addlllonal hnnor for hla command. Ha Is short a ascend llau tenan l. and under lha new naUonal defense ac t. In­stead of the ofdcer being elected, he will be appointed by Colonel F raaer This will poaelbly be Ihe flret eppo ln t- ment In Ihs Nsw Jereey guerd under Ihe law. Chrlilopher McMahon, It Is whltpered. will he Ihe man. C aptain Bati'heior haa the honor of having lha blggeel company In lha reg im ent, ninety-tw o men. and It la undecattyod only sla have been rejected

Captain Lanterm aii la re rfe c tin g ar- rangeinenla for the d ra t mall w agon In camp. He Is having a wagon m ads tor lha parent of thb young burro th g l la the battery mascot, and when It la fin- lahed II will be palntof* fed «n* w ill te r ry mall from the main poatofflce In the Fourth R eilm ent to the b a tte ry . The captain laya the firs t time out he will drive himself—but the b u rro la atm to be ewnaulted.

Tawegaaa Loss TBoIr -K . T ."Tha m lliu ry pellea to Douglas poavtd

many mambera of Troops A and C tost night, whan lhay mad# lha man romovodb.. _-awl *‘V fweaWva dkml*

and I don’t prop©** lo do #©."


the m etal toalgnla. "K. T ." from ih e lr hats. Thaaa are tba In itials of lha old Eaaea Troop, from which the tw o troopa aprggg. It la ggalnai ragu la tlen a for man to waar any Insignia o th er than lh a t gfoelded In (he regnlatlone. T hera will be a way found around the order,

■ tor ■It la hopad, (or tho Beoag T roop l i addUtoaa to Uw jg d ia ho^ arm y . It

on myw 1^** *nd children, to perm it thia committee

•‘r b r ^ ; : ' r

no, Ihe wood order Would nevernave been IhsucI." " ' . I Ig .y , ssld lers kbeald Hemala,

■Well I Ihiok every msn down ■

in ieraela and mins, she repllsd_ believe the offloora "f toe F irst Regi­m e n t know uonditlon. be tter lhan youmen atttlng around th is ^ o a ^ and when they eay th . men era needed I think tha t they are needed.The m intta, Mr McCarter pointed Out. w a . engaged only In duly,

"I would hav eno objection to doing this sort of thing If there were actual w*r ” h# raid. i ^ ^ ^ j * ;

Mri. M*rKl# f*pll#4. "T ii. but h o * d* you knn» Itiit »h*«* man by fo ln i rtown ih#r# did nol pr#v*ni w a r r

,^rt#r v«r1ou* w*itib*ri ot Ihe com* m ittee had spoken upon the need of carry ing on relief work fo r a t laael four weeks more, until those men who have dependent famlllea can secure dia- charges, 11 wak decided to au thorise the esecullve rom mlltee to provide euoport In all deserving casea and to raise Ihe n*<;#i*ir>'

Mill «rk WMhMr M('r*r1#r p*f«Hi*lly vu«rftniM 4

tPai Ih# n#c*R»arK inoftay would b* roribr’ominif Mil Ah* *nd of lh*t period no n#n#ril public ippcal for fund* will h* mad*’

AI the close of tha m eeting Ihg women were aakad te confer w ith the board committee and to do Invaatigat- Ing In I nnjuncllon w ith W illiam J. Hagan, who la working fo r tha hoard. They debuted among them eelvae aa to whether they would ro-op#rato, "be­cause II has taken the men so long to do anything.’’ They finally ropoeied eleven ceeee In which they have helped and agreed to work with tho board.

With H ri. MacKIt w ere Mrg. Marry W, [lean. Mrs. Howard VandarpdOl of the Newtrit branch of tho Hoodlowork Guild of America. H ra Bdwarg J. Bto- vena of the -Newark branch Of th a ra- llef league, and Mrs H enry D. Aaelby, chairman ot tha aama nrgantoattoo. H ra UacKle la a member of tha ean tra l commlitee ef the laague.

WASHINGTON. Ju ly IT.— .( report from Major General O 'Ryan, com m and­ing the New Tork N ational G uard d i­vision on lha border, m ade public to ­day by ibe W ar D epartm an t, aeaarta th a t tba death recently of P riv a te C lin­ton Mealy. T w en ty -th ird New Tork Infantry, was not due to neglect, aa haa been charged In published rep o rti from Ihe border O eneral O 'R yan lay s Kealy recelveil every possible a tten tio n and lh a t ho died from "old p leu ra l ad- hasinns on both aides and lubcrculoala

Raw aoldleria Relief LeegwaH###W nf th* \KW tf

WOODBBIDGE, Ju ly JT —A group of ] WoodbrIdM* in d B«w«r*n w om ih tu*t , yM tird iy iftcrfioon * t th# horn* of I Mri. U ow trd R. V*l*pUn* of Or**n itr**t *nd o rftn lM d a brunch of th* N*« J*r**]r BoldUrt’ fk*JI*f Ltmfb*- Th* m**tln8 w i i Addf*H*d by Mr*- p*.rk*r Runyon of P *rth Amboy, c h ilf - m in for Middl*»*i County. T h*i* ©ffl* r*ff w«r* •l#cl*d; P r* ild«n t, l l r t Ho«»rd R. R- V*l*ntln*; f i r i t vie* pr**1d*nt. Mr* W. I Anion; Mcond vie* pr*^id*nt Mr# C A ufuM oi C»mpb*H: r*cordlng ioccRtary. M ri. John C. FowI*r; norr*»pondlng iH*cr*t*ry, Mr* John C. WUll*itJi; irmmMuror. Mr* Bonn W. HongUnd. Mr* Aab*r lU ndolph w *i m*d* ch*Irm*n of th* publicity commltt**. Thor* w ill b* * m**tlng

Monduy ■ft*rnoon *1 tb * hom* of lb* pr**ld«nt lo urrung* for « s tr* ©Ofn< mltt*o*

th#r« lungi**



arritea. are held alm ost every n ig h t McOarry fu rther atatee that ha haa

tried bis efto rta as a pugilist on four ocrasloni. all ef which, ha says, were victories. On en tering tha ring pra- vloua to a recant bout, U eO arry aaya that he waa Introduced aa T h a I l f pound f lg h ttr of tha F ifth Regim ent who challcngci any boy a l hla w eight."

As a roault of tha Introduction, Uc- Garry waa matched w ith Toung Behof- far of ra isa lc . and according to Mo- Garry'a latter, th a bout w as a "oorgar." Hs adds, hew taor, th a t ha hopoi hla none will ba patched up In tim e lo appoar In a bout boforo tha E lka’ re ­union a t Douglas CHr-

OB July 1», McOarry ralataa, Company 1 want on a fiftsan m ils hika, ac ting as an advance guard for tba camp. Kvsry man w as given tw o allcos of bacon, two placaa of broad and raw potatoes and onions. Soma ef tho boys, McOarry says, wore In a p u tilo aa to w hat to do w ith tha previsions until he demonatratad hla provlona agport- enco aa a cook and Instructad thorn to cook tha bacon f irs t and than alleo tho poiatooa and onions In tb a bacon g "It waa iom a French fry ."

i rsm arha

border. The arm y rogulallona call (or one man for aach l.SOe enlisted men. w hich would en title New Ja rw y to (our such officers, w ith rank of f irs t Itogtanant. U au lo o ao t Colonel •tohauf- n g r im m adlatety got In touch w ith 1* Tkomaa Ascha, a Newark dan tlat. who haa capraaaod a daalra to onllat fo r tha w ork, and ba aald th a t ha would bo ready to leave for tha border In a fear d ay a Aacha will ba sw orn In a t onca Ha haa served th ree years t a a mom- bar of Troop A

Qov*rnor l'''i*l»l*r th li m orning u lio sent a te legram lo the chief of the m lllila bureau a t W ashington, row m - mending the appointm ent as f irs t Itou- tonan t of Albert M. Applegate, a ctolHa» d en tist of W'esiand, and P rivate F red ­erick H. H uff of B altary A, who la a denttat. ^

Tha shark Sears haa roachod Sea Otrt. R eports th a t m an-eatara have been captured a t neorby p o ln ia and tha (act th a t two of tha men eay they aaw one of th a big flah while b a th in g yog- laagay prompted Colonel Reading to forbid any mors ocean bathing. As phowar batha have boon Inatalled all through the camp, and tha meo are eompellad to use them dally, lha boys a ra able to be comfortable.

Governor FleldeCa review tomorrow afternoon will b* the laat mlUlary work eacapt for the break ing of camp. Tha lines will ba eased up a b it tomorrow n ig h t and thero will bo aovaral liiHta- t lo n i o t rookloa and o th er horco play.

The (ol mitf## D m # r Of of Jersey *rH(m. t Al tAi ©emmiMsf *nr# of 1 pointed. Dunhfim < F s lirso n Ks»t fjrs eonsi»i« c • rk. Il#rl ,W. r 8h<

Lnuii \ #r# nos

iiilom obil ♦ome fro * /t# r th# mobil# Al b iisn e* r IU 4 C6. Club or > t* mimb«

On *oci during t] *ft*rnoofi com* to And wh«* th irty w<

Aitionc S*n*tor . bin® ©hi m ittc* ot B* (chill* tegn Ayt thgton. C M th* ta BotiatU I

0*n*i*ith* p*Mt U f wottli

I t WAIth* M xt Nawgrli.


M odarry

F earing th a t w eather oonditlong to ­n igh t will not be ageh aa to perm itholding t h j 7 ?tTiA AfOAndi of th i how* of M r^ li. A rthu r Holler, l (« H ‘- Proopoct avo- ■ u a the O»oera o l tho Newark branch of th e BoUtora' Ballaf L « g u e hava aa- nmlnoad th a t the party will bo paat- poDod indoJlhltalF'

H lo nrobahlo th a t oomo o ther wioana w ill h* adopted to rolao th a iM B sr noecanary for carry ing on th a {r^rik 'of rollaf for tho fam lllea o t aol- d ie rs now ^fttardlng the border.

ditto nal bound tt ba tlae t ■ the Hill

W here the trai verted 1 reach ln i o t a ba tha taps (lalda. 1 th a blgl

01Ing fiva •bowed boon ur

ns I ho ar

I fa n r [iiardsvti branch la rg a ns rascuad, saqnant At n id i rived w astim ati

a » h

W han hnb «

1 ‘Frain L i ho

I te r la l

(Coetlonod from F lrn t P n g a )

____ o t nam ssa y a r troop to n d a(ha cam m aiidM and m en may dam n. eiigM to r m itoadK la sn d rte# a ra pndot w ayT dnK em w S a aaaa w ill ho o t M . ^ tonoh atota. ■ „ '

W a bava M n ia U tia tlv o d d lM n ta r .oanrtbtoB. M i S y ^

» * • . *j 5 j ,

The m llllary police a ra a id ing th* oHIearn t4 tha Maw tornoy com m and In k is p ln f the men Inahlng trim . T he only Jeraoyman Who bas bo«a a poltoa arnb- tool M ono M vnto who wont to tow n w ttb tb a bftai a f bta IHM drooptog. a inlUtary poHwman (a e a n e d b i n to a •WM tsAlw haS1*n Itot bstmgsMt .

" ~...Adatak- Waif «f iSttopany


b(, w a 1


i^todaF aanaiuM tac ; iy i • r tW a r wT b ^

F lrs l actual diaN rgaraont a< «m»*» to w ar rsUaf by tba B aard a t T rada w aa m sdt todar> nMordint (a a r f s t ^ m eat made by WUliem J. S M f ta <*•• taP T l i *

whta w na ( H S li^ t a m l lw t t

ta t t

•tAnoAi w*rrAfit It. b a t wUl eonttna* th* pUn of **c*rtJitAtlig from bOh* fid* n * u tril •o«rc* i whAf ih* ActOAl cendltlona are.

In one company of tho F irs t Ragl- m eni al* aergeaola In tend to apply for diaebarga under ihe depondonl family order Stargeanta a re ibo backbone of the compeniee n e i t to tho coramlaeloned officers and the ir loaa w ould bo fe l t The men hooted Ihe so rg eo n is laal n lgh l when Inform ation w aa obtained o t their Intention.

The In lerpre ta llon g iven by m ilita ry authorities a t G overnor's Island to the Wood order reg ard in g th e release of meo having dependent fam lllea has bean read here w ith m uch In terest. The explanation, aa p rin ted In th e Newa of Ju ly : l , to toe e ffe c t th a t men who have dapendenie m uai be released on application, w hether o r not Ihoir fam- lllae are rdoolvlng outolde nid. haa lad to the asking of num oroua o lhor qnas* (tone- . . .

The officer# hese neaert tha original ordar waa not epsclflc and lh a t It waa anneaptlbla to m any to tarp re ia tlons- •'What," It la aehod, "le to provant the efflcera from pay ing an o th a r mamber of tha family a co rta in aam to soo th a t lha wind does ao t blow tho town claoh away." Thia, It to argued , would be leglllm eto and would prov ide aupport to tha family ertrela. A lto, lh a relief commlttae a t home ehould find Jobe (er some membera o f dopattdont famlllee, th a t would complF renulrom entoHowever, every b ^ n fide oaoe w ill be ■eat Home. ^

One m other w rttea lo Or. Bemoel U ofrie of the ro irn tar arm y, who oon- daoled the phyelM l egam lnetlon , that •he haa raad h la nam e th the Mtwe nnd wnntad him to eond h e r boy kwwe beeaoea her hoy'a le t ia ra to her ebew (h a t he le tiok. I t wwwM ba n e b a M •be M ftM u to bMt btai berm Thto ta

Eyeglass ServiceMy duty to my customers docs not cease with

the furnishing of eyeglasses at the lowest prices.

burg el •a l eb ow ev* arneaa M WM

• n aie l i i i t f•IW. J

My interest in each individual case continues indefinitely and my customers arc at liberty to i j jconsult me at any time, without charge. This service is include In the original price you pay me for eyeglasses, which arc alwajj Standard Quality, I2kt. Cold-Mled Frames or Qlps, ntted with best quality lenses ground for your case at

3 i £ 2a n d

N p M O R E

•peolat toveetli ptod bet

Pber L__ abed tar ,a| Subli awp bb

la wrebt m a tra a i 1» to e « « ito d « t t BmoOMT 1 to b«r eM: *1 «■

1 watt rtm Ml

j B i

O S 3 0 0 o r

S a m e Q u a U t i e * w i t h T o r i c L e n s e * f o r

^ w O O g b S O

55 stepi from Sigh Bent Street. Will Save You i to on the Priee of Your GUueee or Ropairmg


PS f .ESmT.wa w M * -

vajr wttli « k ln t (« t- «n A a a ih '

T lili baA •, It eomM ^ t I t« r« tu /n

■•oul M it. , rU r* a f x r

Caer. H* w*» tnr* Judk*I cftlirt andtrU r ln f ha■a) tra ln ln c

Id W tlkaa- i ta r r . and an ill lb*)' abnat lha

10 W tlkaa- lad up an a h by tu m i ,g day »bey, bought a retaadad I® ly ran low.

tan t and


d a Stt- tinf Qm* DM.


A u m (U B S BOOSTTKEGAHMEASI ^wimi m RmA Legiilaliii It Be fliU il hJbnj aid TUs

Oily ii Ai9it.


IBT. July ht houra la tt cbool a l tha |a.-ond Ragl- d w ith fraah■ In adaanira i t r a thay lafi yanlaa o( tha a rifla ranga

»ropr1alng tba III ftom Naw yraanold and ;amp abortly laid mantMU' oul o( camp • fora thay left laa daacandad •aaaon lurnad 'y aca of mud y wal tim a of 1 a fta r dark 4 ID aiay all ich 11 It la nior*I would hat a ham and ib* kala In which la plana wara lha. t;ompany ■o In aplta of ]■Ic laava camp

la lher parm lia 1. Whila It la th a t In aclua. w aathar coulc daratlon, lhara ,rt to aand tha nla.I tw rfa-I divlalon haa rp a and a aug.<I t Uanaral kad- ba torm ad for

Ha took tha | iO a n a r a l W lll- nd aa a raault utl com planant III ba on tha latlona call tor I aiillatad man. Maw Jaraay to » rank of fira l Calotial Hchauf- I touch w ith U rk dan tlat. who 10 an Mat fo r lha d ha would ba bordar In a faw rorn In a t onca ta ra aa a mam-

■ m orning alao la chief of tba hington, raoom-n t aa ftra l llau- ^ tagata. a clvlllau ; d P rlvata Frad- iry A, who la a

•aachad BaaOtrt. ara havo haen nla, and tha fact

aay thay aaw ilia b a th in g yaa- not Raading to in bathing. Aa ion laatallad all id tha man ara I dally, tha boya abla.■avtaar tomorrow not m ilitary work ig of camp. Tha

a b it tomorrow M oovoral Inllla- >thar horoa play.

OH rosiroiSDor oondittong to- «b aa to ponalt gardan party on

boma of Urg. R. It. Proa pact ava* a Nawark hranck Laagua bava an-

rty will ba paat*

a t aoma a th ar tad to ralao th a

carry ing on th a a tamlMaa of aol- :ha bordar.

■garlaf Itpirlai of rt» VKWK.AVON. Ju ly IT.—F u rth a rln g lha an*

argatlc cam poign for lha Egan IT.oo*. Ma road bill and hoarina roporta of gom m lttfca and Individuala Intcraatad la road 'ogtalatton octuplad tha a tian tion a l lha annual oummer m aollng of th a Aaaoclalad Atttomobllo Cluba of Ifew Jaraay. hald haro yedtarday a(- tornoon and laat night.

rraa ld a n t A ugurtua V. H am burg- of N aw aik urgad th a laambara to raallaa tha Im porianco of any la r la U tira pm -

^ b y la to p a which m ight In tha fu iu ro ba Ma^e w ith regard to lha uao of aoto- n oh ilaa and tha ra re of publla tko r- •u g h fa re a

H erbert Bonnoll, chairm an of tha oom m lttee on geed roadk. reported th a t a l l 10 1*01 lh a to ta l e iiiond ltu re for roed re ie 'fa . building, reconatructlon and the like not Including city •Irerie . haa aggregated nearly Hl.caP.004 H r Bonnall claimed th a t thia money had got been ip en l ludleloualy and eald moat of Ihe county freeholdera adm lt- gbi tha ayatem of cvpandtture « » " w rong wrid th a l the m ade were no t in the condition which the Invoalmoot v a r ra n le d . _ .

A le tte r waa read from rieorgo Vleli- m an. preeident of the New Jaraoy Chamber of t'om m erco. a ta iin g that O oeernor Fielder had appropriated 1500 from the elate road fund fo r purpoaee of InYeellgallng tha atluatlon which Mr Rnnnell crlttc lied , and th a l Ih*gtale cham lier had aat ea ld ' 11.404 for th e aame purpoee. The com m ittee which hae been ahpointod by ihe Oovernor i" tnveallgele Ihe m atte r le aervlng with-#iti t'ompdtrvutinni.

AuruRt 1 wHa a i » d a u fnr a haarlfin th** puhjw 'l of ro a i laa^'nla- ttorv, Ih# m oolinf m b# hrld hI ih# Hoial HrunHwlch. Afhury F*ar»i.V h k h iiov^rnor FifUIrr r i l l b#•fit. ap Bv#U ajr John W Jk rltc rt, i Kair' IBAn <rf tha N#w Jfrf#y ronnmiaition on lloftil Idaglnlation. A ninnlar hrHrinff Will h# hald bafor# lb# Hoardf f Trada Aufr^at IS. to m hiih raprf- •an u ilv ep from Hudaon. raiaaic'. ftfr*

and oih«r roiintlaa b#A c^m m unlratlon from vVilUam r>r>

rlna of P lainflrld . aam n f th r orK anlu- tion In MB# lla Influariica to ha^c lha ■tatp road batwaon PUInflrlri and RHi' •b a th pu t Into baiter »hape. wap r#- f•rrad (o tha road* oommutrB

Th# fo|lo*iiln|t club nonuridllnn rtom* mttf>a wan appointed t httlrman, K L. D ri^ar of N raarM , Urahfiin Van Keuran of .laraay r itv , JamrH Mndden of l^al- ar*f'n. Vv i: NowUn of (w4k#wo«Ml and S. Al feOwenthal of U'*(-kawa>. Tb# rom m iltaa to ro-operal# in lha furthar- Anr* of tb# Kean roMd bill waa a(»- poibted, and corutiaird of Fr<o1a ilrk Dunham of J#?aav n iv , (laoree F*oai of fa ia r» o n and W V tthetlw orth of Eaat f^rariic# Tha audlrinp rom m uta* Cf>nal*la of \V. Ku(tanr Turion of New- | a rk . Ilarbarl Hrott o | J*r*if>y n t y and fW. P ShaliwOrth of Ka»l

Loula Voorhaoa reported (hat there were now 3.1A1 TnrmbrrN of ih^ aiata autom obile and motor I'Uihe. wiih i*n in'* •oma from duaa to data nf fi.l39 26. a / te r the share nf the AmmiMn Auto­mobile Atpoclallon hNd been paid. The balance now on hand wan reported hi |B 3« 16. The K ren rb tn en AuinmobiiB Club of H untardon County wan elected to mambarahlp.

Oft adoount o t tba heavy ra in atorm during tha m orntiia and part of tba aftarnooiL, mi tty wbo had Intended to cdpia to tha m a ttin g ware prevantad. and whan tha maeUng waa called only th irty wer« b raaaitt

Atttons tha evening epaaker* were I Sanator ^itetaii C algaia, tiaymour Oil* Ibart, ehk lrn irn e f the hlghig>y com- m ltte* of the S ta te L eglelatu re . A. O- Batchellec, rep re een ta tlre of the Am*r* logh A uteinehiu Aaaoclatlon of Waab* iBgtbil. D. C.; O w rg e RlatU iley. known a« thb te th t r o f the R ggg bill; Uorao* Bonnall and Joeoph Wood.

Senator C o lg a tt ipoke a t length «n th e pow ibitity th a t un lv trea l jgclproc-

I Ity would aooa be a f a c tI t waa unanlm ouely voted to hold

th e next annual in te t ln f October 14 In Mngrgrk.


PASSAIC’S COURSE(Continued from. F lra t Page.)

tbn, g«M *

OgtlM g gad raadn oaftorgd oeg i l le r -g a r d n nre gg I t la

tho dam age to the Ihor- ougkfaroa and g ard aaa w ill n g « h ate* e ra l Ihouaand dollara.

r[*AINPtBI.A>. Ju ly tT llpeg lg)).— BouU w ere pu l Into nerelee yfW er- d ty aftorgoon In tb a itrgg ik In the W ngU gftag f g r h aegllas. N artk Plnln- geld, a f te r the m«nt trlotent ntorm thei thIa gecllon has egperlrnced In yegre Renidegtg of the elM nlly had le be frrrtgd tcroag thn f gndhrgy to get to th e ir homre.

On th* W oodhgrg fnrm a n targe force • t man farm ed h oorga to rta ru c irn cowa helonglng le Ihe eatate The anl- malg w ere up to th e ir ncch In Ihe rietng w etera of Oreon Breek

The eaal end of Ihlk piece wae Hnod- ed a f te r a dam n ea r Ih* mnunlUne In WInArld b u re t Oemrge etreet. Kmer- eon eeenue and H arrigen road w*m under w ater. In all * 11 Inchce of rain (ell In Ihe thr»* hour* nf ih« etorin'e dureilon.

At Sootcb Plalna (h* hccly Paper Mill C oiggear plant, for a.ini* llm* ogt of operation, waa wp», k,.d A quantity af paper Inelde wae ruined

H iiW ii angptgp laa* n tg tii IB -a rto g etaeallUaa due t« llm eMMrlo atorin, but aoaa wga a f eorloua M tu r a TEN BLUE RIBBONSFAIinEltS HEAR TAUS UPON TIAOf TO JERSEY HORSES

TROLLEY SE fiV IC E JpFE R E D WTTHTroM*y aervl.-* on ih* Union lin t wae

hlecked from 0 II. lo II o'clock lael night hetw ern a point w att of Weet* field and W atchiina nrenue, Plainfield, due In the hur>ting of a dam al llcotch Plalna A one-car aervle* waa eparated from Weal field lo Scotch P la in t T hallna wae not affected between Newark and V eeifiF id end between D untllen and W atchiing avenue, Plainfield .

High w ater ham pered operetlOM eg Ihe Netherwood line. Whe R aritan line wae Mocked from « :|1 to 1:11 between New Rroniw ick and Bound Breoh by high w ate r and heiwcan l : t l aad mid­n ight due lo high w ater a t Qreen Brook end high w airr and a Waahont woet of Middle Brook Hrtdge, Pound Brook.

Reiwean I and 14 high w gier In Pre- llnghuyeen avenue, N evarh , neceatl- taied running ih* E iligbeth , Trenton. P en h Amhoy and New Hrunawlck care over th# Union line Irecka to Rlltabeth.

There were anm* In ta rru p tlo n i e l

gperlel SerWee t f Wf « « * « .ANBl'RT PABX. Jk ly n . —Th* lecond

day of th* tw alftli ag ak a l convention of the New l o n e r S ta le Aeeoclgtion of K eeler Ualatore end r>*coratora. In p ro g rta t a t th e H otel Brunewick. w et given moetly to addrekeei on technical eubjeete.

T h ii laorg lng there w ere Iglk* by E. H. P ale rto n ef New Torh on "Varnleh Oumi" A. K. HaOhen, eecrelary and treneurer ef th* tn iernaflonn l Aetoela* tian of M eeter Houe* Peln ter* and Uec- o r t to r a on 'T en t A n eu n tln g ,” and H. 0. Beebe, d irec to r nf the Induetrlal aekool. * pert af th* public erhool lya- tam In New Haven. Cnnn., on 'T rad * Kdueaiion ~

Thia a ftem onn the ei>«*h*ra were John J. Hnaaelman of Paltlm or*. w ho talked on ‘-Plenelllng," and E. H. Erw in of New T erh , who** eubject wae ‘ W all Paper a* a Decoration.-* Th* eonvea- Hon will cloae tom orrow

WIna Tw o Intrtaetem elit i;aa*n. gpertei Arrwgv ef rkc .a'A'gfit.

JK RdET C l-fr, Ju ly IT.—Judge Thnmeg O. H eig h t eigned pepere her* yeaterdey In Ihe tw o ceae* eucreetfu lly brought by th* P re* t-o -l.lgh l f.'o Inc . for Ih* Infringem ent nf pe ten ie egainel Miller A Co. Inc., end A lexander A Miller, end eg e ln e t gem uel H Hulirnaii. who dnet buelnee* under the nnme ,i( N ational Auto Supply (-umpan) Mnih a re N ew ark firm*. located in Haleey e tre e t Miller A Co. are directed to pay 1141.41 and In terest and m aater'e fee of 1114. Holaman m ust p a r 1441 44 and In ­terest end m aeter'e tee of l i l t

gape lleCIwe* I* ew P en re MIimIm .ABBURT PARK. Ju ly n , —«. S Me-

Clur*. New York publisher, who wa* bald up on hie eerival in England, made Ih* tr ip abroad to carry * pear* xrbem* to both group* o( b*lllger*nt» e .cord- Ing to E. A. Bumely of ihm city, »-ho le esiocie ted w ith Mr M ct'lurc

EotruU fre a Hus State Land Ha* joritr af Hifh Honors at Moa-


JNraifv *t \FW lfb r a n c h . Ju ly 17 ~N #w Jar-

B#y aib tM lora rn frlad off tan of IhA a t i l ta n btua rlMK>n« at th» opan ins «f tlif tw ainy*rhlM athiW ilon of tha Moiiw mouth Couniy llnrna Hhnw AaaoclallOO Al ItDllywodt] 1‘a rk yeilarday a fta r- noan Alth< uKh the rain ntfifin m t Iv ia (ha day In t^rferad w ith lha aticndanoO, th a achadul«'4 proBram waa rArriod o u t It took BiVfral loada of aand to covor up tha puddla» to r rarin it

Tha track waa ao io ft th a t the horaoA War*- ahowii on tha oval Tha Jum part had M haf'l tim e of It. bacaoaa of tha aofl condition of Ih* Brounda Twto# rldffa war# throw n, fir*i In lha opaft rlasa for hiih1#ra, wh*n Miaa Hahhla WH*»rrm*ifEn. moijnled on h#r rh ra in a t jralilnB, Canfaf HutU. waa throw n It wa* Mt Ih* iVonhIa Jump th a t M'"a Waa* arrm ann wAa unaaiilad. Sh*. how*var, rrn in u n te d and f1nl*h#d

John rtiiHh ridltiB .Unir* i> a lirady 'a Popt Tlnir. w at hot *»’ fortu* nal# Ha wn* ihrow n al ih# th ird Jump and fall hard enough to o*UM much HOHiMy Hr. however, wa* atd#. aup- ported, (o leave tha ifa rh .

Jam aa Co-a Prody. ow ner of Farm , <llad*iona. flnlahad firal w ith five bluaa. wlnnlnsc lha harkn#y rlAiA.

I undar sAdctla. w ith Balia O'HhanoOfii fhc hArnaaH i laa* w ith H#nHarion, tha pony oaddla tlAM w ith Lady Hina, tho tandem cliioa w ith Eierhlry KIob and I rv ln ito n and repnw ay . and lha Inal

m tN m m «lMt vitfc KIM <

A. Ve AUltiM ii MorehAAtvlIlo AttdHIM O e w t w e ¥ m k 1aA« oI Koahm opt* Fa., dfotdod hAAdfp for ooooM Rleea* o o ch U h l d g tw o h ItiM . A th lo o o A f l r d t i c o r o d lo th * h o ro o M oovAoo olM O w i thJune Morn* R o ao m o n d tA k to g ooc4*nd ploodb w oH d U o lo o o o d hloo m i t h o <Uy WAS In tha poddlo oIa m w ithHparkllnB HoooUOp W. H Bhodaa of TanAHy gatilng tha rod w ith hU choot- no t goMlng RAdAABt

IlkM VAOtfUlh flrat ooorod to U o hAf- oaoo p o tr a w U h Tho W hip ¥ n d tho CTAOhor. dafoAtlng tho Brody poir. Argo A nd F rA lU y , And AgAlo In tho th o r- ooghhpad hvntar floAO w ith C y g n o t

D ttiar Jaraay winnara w a ro I>Aii1ol Ougganhaim. tha PaAch Bloooom gtock Farm and Ulna ConatApra RsAgAA. Tho laK ar w o o tha aoddJa elAoa w U h Brun< eita* whila Mr OoggonhalBi'a w inn ing antry was to Iho SAddit cIaas v l t h tjoldan K NuL WilJlAfn B Clroon o l T rantoti gut aotood plAca In th is uIaaa w ith hla chaaihui galdlng ParfootlOB.

One of tha new eahibltora lo co rry off A Mua r lbboA was MrA Joseph g gyl* vastar of CohAasot* Naas , who won tho noviro harnasA rlsAO w ith JCloct from gtrauno snd H a ita r 'a A dm lm tlon

CorrolL Tucker af L*ong Brmhc)i won I lha pony rlAoa w ith Fatsla. dafaatlnB I g ilo tr Tip* owned hy MIm pA trlcls OArAVAn, Atoo of th is rity

Tha tw o ru h n tn f racaa w era won h r tha VAllay F irm gtahlaa of Mtsmford. Conn.* And AJ Kroipar of Hostyn, Longla lA nd.


gperlal darrlrv of I4l TgWFHACKENBArK. July 11.—Dr W B.

Ogden, cotinly phyeirteit of Itergeii. ha* received e full report a t investlga io r* from th* eiet* end netlonsl d ep e rt- meni* Of lehor end frem Dr. H. S M ertland. pathologist of th* N ew ark f*1ly Hoapllel. concem ln i the ceue* of

j death of Mlllon W. (illff* of ttlea 1 t 'ev e , 1.40g lelaitd. Ollff* died Jen #

r n u l l of Inhaling poUonoo*In th r io m p in , cU m w ith rh a ,l ie , ta^h- j ,n . am m untlion plant of the Uanadlan f a r Slog Ihe O eorgo O H ohllg p r iie

D took I b ird end fo u rth rlh h o g

rptikSry Or •! Klks*!***.TfelB Im g tlS B llM Ik gsM t s k«i

g w t i e flyet e f t u RIM iB ltM OkHM S u te i . TBs eettehnSen e t Dr. I to r t- IgaS. wlie pkrtaraieS Ihg M lgsHg Snip I . wmt th a t OUrto-g iieln ieg i w as brought OB by Ih* eheerpHoii e f psl**i etM gaje*. a s tlln g up an acute, tk- flam m allon ef the liver and deetreylhS Ha tlsek* and preducing an a w l* IM it

.laupdtaa, whiah peeved falkt.The alal* eem m leatsuer ef leber,

whas* eaperl end De. OHa* H sm llteu, expert for th* Depurtm eut ef Leber e t W eehlngloo, who w eal over the plant a t Klngaland. recommended th a t th* ru les and regulaltona ef the eeeeeru he atrlc lly oerrled e u l; Ih* w earin f e ( su lleU * re a p tra lo n and cletheg aad a thorough eyetein of bel he and eleaaa las method* be Installed w ith medloal ean- tre l end supervlelou. Th* laveellsa- tlon end report le th* result e t repre- eentallone mxd* t* Cougly Rhyetclan 0 « d rn by Ih* parent* ef Ih* reuBC man snd by ih* Beard o f H ealth *( R ulherferd The report will be handed to I’roeeculor Thome# I. Huchln far fu rth e r Inveeiigatlon.

RESINtT WANTS MUSK ON SUNDAYSfpertal fervlw ef <V Y gsd.

1/>I(0 b r a n c h . July IT.—Juet what dlfferent'e there le between sacred music and the hind played at th* reed beuee* a t rteusur* Bey. h t* been pul up 111 roram leeioiier of l^lbtl« Safety Dr Jainee Cheery to determ ine. Last year the re to rt houae* *1 the bey played week day muetc on Sundeya Thlk iexenn the police ordered them 10 cenxc xi nildnlghl Helurdey end keep gniei till a f te r m idnight Sundty.

The rexeri placet claim th e t n* Sun­day m uilr, while g uetle er* d in ing In- t e r t e r u with buelnee*, and yeaterdaV Harold r Morford appeared before (he commixainnere In behalf of Joeepb F. Murphy, who rune th* Ilrldgew eter Ian, (or e moitUlcellon of the order

Commlaeloner John W Flock fevered Sunday muelc at the re to rt pitcea, de- c lering that Asbury f a rk il lo w t eurh itlverelon oh the -dabbeth. Th# guee- llon wax (Inelly referred lo the D epart­m ent of Public bafely for a report.

H A R T D E G E NV i ^ tk m

Jew elry N eedsThsft srs sisBF >ldssi of

Summsf Jswohy yoiVH Btod vMk M ytmr vsesttos. Yen kiMqr hsv sstily ssoll HHbis ■ra toil, Biiolsi4 s r hrofcss.

You cos ootoct froe S wido tMortmoiit hofo. hU modooily prtood- Horn s n t low OUlfOOHOMl

HsbW PiM. Vou PiM. Vslot Soto, LatfolUoroo, ■fooohoo, Hal PVna Doff**-fioo sow r oBggsffaiiMtN

***** jR iy oSiMg***rifhl haro.

j|f 0« Clopk ConorBroad S t at Waal Park

A en le t A. J . deled Jew eleri' dM i. I

L a to H opatoongi l ’«ira?si-issir*I m B m ia iiiBHl F^ hH UlrW

Nlauoti C hunk ‘• | . M i ^ l g j ^ g g ^ a a w

r i s i r g S a t u r d a y a t i o * C L Q C i c g v>< ^

7 9 c to 9 5 c E m b r o id e r e d

W ash Silks 3 9 cI.IW) Yards in ThLn Offsrinf

Yard-Wide Wliite and Colored Silk Crepe de ChlnM

Yard-Wide Habutai Silks Yard-Wide Printed Silk Crepe de ChitMa

A truly dstoniahing collection of the smartegi Silk Fabrics of the seison, heauti- fuily embroidered in silk in neat floral and dot designs, especislly nice for dresses and wiists; take your choice of them tomorrow It I fraction of their worth—only ,39c.


W W O P P E N H E IM .In c 65T’-6 5 9 b r o a d S '

IQO P i«oes G en u in eFlaxonLinen Finish

18c Laawns at 7\cTheoe are the very finest of til the staple

Wash Fabrics, sheer and beautiful; wiD launder like linen: Korea of good oryUo to pick from on white or pongee grounds; plenty of the much cslled for polke dots; all t t 7*/tC-

Flixons mike the dainty and refined dresses thet all women love. Don't tail to get ■ share of this wonderful bargain.

Last Days off Our Most Spirited, July Sale


;luded ilways I with


-• . :t,

, _ ■ *


aitlonkl b tip waa givan whan tha w**t- bouoil tram brought iwn load* o f road b a llas t ahaail of th* attglit* down from tb a M illington cyuihar.

W har* Ih* PuH alc R lvar m na under th* trseka , th* lowland* w«r* con- varied Into g r* a t a***. In on* ca*e raachiftg up to th* flrat alory window* of a barn. ICvon thia inornlng only tba lopa a ( th* p lan ts showed In earn - (laid*, add te n o a t'w a r* aubnargad to th* b ig h ta t bar. SVIapa of hay and

I oarriad down by th* w atar, h an g ­ing tlua ( t a t abov* the prraan t lavcl, thaw ed how culvert* and drains bad baan unabl* to carry off tha flood,

dm ihi* m o rs la g war* runn ing h a lt hour lata.

H aiir p a rtn n i lo lagraph td to 8 *r- iBardaTille and o thar placa* along tha ■branch (or aulom oblira and thus a I ta rg * num ber o( th e itra n d ad onae war* I ra tc u td , a lthough w ith difficulty oon- Isaq u an l on tha washout* In Ih* road* lA t m idnight two trAlna «f hallaat ar- Irtvad w ith a gang of laborara. It It lak tim ated th a t 114 carloads of m a­l a r i a l will b* rtq u irad lo replace th*

d irt w hirh waa waahad aw ay.W har* an* horse a ( * laam waa killed

rhaS g truck hy ligh tn ing yeatarday ftan in en on th* eatai* of H. J. Hardan-

kurg a t B e rn a rd tv lllt, thw fithar anl- •a l aacaped unharm ad, F rlS n tenrd , Dwatrer, it ran aw ay, hyhakla^7n»m lha a rnesi. The drlutPO vaa th row n ,from k* wagon and g thnnrd .

aC H H iT. d sty ^ -< S p * « la Ik -A if-M b B u m atT th * rto rm

or*. ;w h an lh a fra a h ft d a i t* |i BsM to oVardow itg tuihhh, e n M

fcHdtoa back a f Dtviaton g y n u t wdfk arrlad aw ay, Sovarsl t m i k tan a i h t t

r a te r o su r ta ,u rdra. npranead by the flood and to rm ad a K J ild l

w hiab ta n h a f m iM d th e Sralag a l It- E arly U ilt itiorttlng S tytat

ytstandaift W iittkm H, fllm in h M a man d ih iilnV dW|gr Ih t 'd a h n a

ga«a* o t thd d r lY ln t rafa, » n > t a a t eammalkTi. .Ijrdr*'gtrgndad a t

ra p m a d 'au iio tiv 'an ap f* to gat t*' ' Beiaaa All tra in s a t ta r 4 o'cloah

I**"'* ‘ ' '* 1 lalaphaM S _w aft pu t e a t a t oommltalon.

rHADIBDN, Jn ly JT ippaalal).—DIBht- ting( M tro ll a s w a ltr , d td oonsidarabl*' naan du ring ih * «tem i o( y ta te rd ay

tm a r n t l i tru c k th* houa* o t d. Nfhina In V an lan d road, laa rin g a

Nai* Ip tha to f f and k im ja a Ha b a r I d Ih* sro u ad . aUhotigh not a t t '

( M t* In* bulldlna, Savara) traaa- la In lb* bortfUgh llm lll w ar* ran- hgblaas, and m any tuaes, aapaetal-

0 rov* gtraat, war* blown opt. itt*«BI atroata. p a rticu la rly 'W avally 0, H a ls a traa t and C a jitra i gyanut, ■ flood ad to a eonMdatWhl* IgpU l,wditar ruablng th ro u ah thu h u t tv s

K ara* In a to rrro t- Ja inas V *l. '* ha ta l wga convartad Into an and th* o a lltr i)n4*r t)«vid biMbtr shop, kcroaa Ih* atraat.

Id t* * depth • ( flv* (t*L _iagg waa dona a t th* (hr**

lii thd aantgr of Ih* to F a . whetw tb a M llroad 4(4)111 l«

atraat and Ordon* ky*- gat war* randarad titalM ^

b a lU . kSd t h t Oroap VIITlW artna « M mad* B hankfo ,« h »

tt * a a a o w e e fF ta M « a « tN S iw j g i r n <ap*di*tyc-Thig rPN t th* ( u r r o f yogtardgy-g no rm . In ina a tm o k th*. ragUona* In Mln- i Erw iao of j .-T h o p M Saett. ad ito r

lA l E ^ n e w i i i i a S r t u # # k tian i. TM f haan iM w apiH iir h a g a i ih in th e nnw aon (

(hM g A t '

B eau tifu l, N ew A ll-SilkSport H and kerch iefs, lO c

Surely these are the grcitest values in Handkerchiefs you have ever seen—new, at­tractive styles—choice colors—that will be gobbled up by wise women while they may he had at lOr.

N ow C om e for

Wetsh Fabrics2 5 c Stripe M arquisettes, lO ^ cYard-wide goods; black and white stripes;

that were yesterday quoted at the a yard in one of the targeat wholesale houses; four styles in the ever popular black and white stripes to choose from, but you had better hurry for at this price they should not last throughout the day.

IB c W ashable Fabrics, lOl^cThe very choicest patterna for summer dresses;

naai llorat daaigns, Ur|* and small dotted affacts, and al let*! 40 ta SO other striking datigni on Voilei, Flaxona and Crossbar Fabrlca, some of them X) inches wide; ISc goods it l*!Ye.

A m i L insn , 2 9 c YardA nice, soft material that is bound to give the best

of satisfaction; light In weight; fine for summer Vear and In a full line of dark and light color*; all .36 inch** wide; txcellent it the.

Fr«n<±i U n en e, 2 0 c36 inebaa wide; took like genuine French linen* of

Ihe highest grade. Full line of shade*, including the Karce Copenhagen, old rose, green, etc., all at tOe the yard.

N ew Serpentina C repe, 1 8 cNew Styles In Spot* Stripes and dainty dcaigna, and

though very tcaree because of the shortage of dyeituifs, we are going to acll them at only 18a.

Y ard-W ide Percale*. 1 2 » cA large selKtioo of iirlpeA Agures and don ; also

dark greunda; at only 11 !Y*.

N ew D ainty Sum m er Silk*, 2 0 c40 Inches wide; refined Silk Dress Fabrics; toft

and light in wci|bt; beautiful fteral effecta on white and tinted grounds; alto bindiomt black and white effects; It the aptcitl pries of n e .

Im ported R am ie A n d Franch U n en , 3 9 c

36-Inch and 45-iti«b wide materiaU; bid foao, light blue copen, navy, tan," natural tan, nMibt-, dark brown, lavtnder, wisteria, grein, ate.; genuine Imported gocdi and a vary icarea article, ranging In vtlna from

to Me a y*ffil • ' *f>* U**** ***■

Just as th is is a d ifferen t so rt <jf store, so is th is a d ifferen t sort o f Ju ly S a le * * ♦ R eliab le m erch an d ise o n ly e n te r s in to tho s e llin g * * * Im m en se a sso rtm en ts are provideef in a lm o st in sta n ce * * * P rices th a t are tru ly w on d erfu l are q u o ted S erv ice Is q u ick , d irect an d sa tisfa cto ry . ,

T he o w n ers o f th is b u sin ess are a lw ays o n th e jo b , payin g a tten tio n to th e sm a llest d eta il, see in g th a l every p a tro n is th e fu lle st m ea su re o f th e serv ice th ey b e liev e is d u e th e public.

Beginning Tomorrow—Our GreatM id-Sum m er Sale o f Silks

A H ost of Real V alues in rhe M ost D esirable Silk Fabrics, such as O ur P atrons will A ppreciate, such as are W orth C om ing Miles to Get.

N ote the featu res:$1.59 Yard-Wide Chiffon Taffetas, $1.25

Superb quality, highly lu strous Taffetas in a pleasing asso rtm en t of popular shades of blue, as well as o ther light and dark shades and w hite, ivory and black— w onderful value at $1,25.

New Dress Satins, $1 .59These splendid Satins arc guaranteed not to split or rough; handsomest, softest, richest

Dresa Silks wc have ever shown and the colors approach\two-score in number.Later the price on these Satins will be $2,00 the ykrd. and the colors will not be guaranteed.

Get what you need of these right now.Satnplet mailed to out-of-town patroot- _$1.59 40-Inch Crepe de ChineSp $1.29

These are not the sleazy sort, b u t an ex tra firm quality full crepe weave; in a variety of the most w anted sum m er shades as well as w hite and b lack ; at this su r­prising price, $1,29.

$ 2 All S ilk Jerseym, 9 1 .8 9 .Positively guiraniecd for service—the itronge»i

ailk woven; in rich eoloringi, such as gnM, golf green, copen, old rose, navy and white; a bargain price,

Striped Jeraev Silk* to mtleh the plain colors; apeciaily priced, U.IS.

9 1 .2 5 Sport Stripe Silk P oplins, 9 S c

Sport Stripe Silk Poplin*; 36 inehe* wide; stripe* of eld m*e, copen. tan and light blue on tan or while Silk Poplin; very neutst thing; at only »a«.

$ 1 .2 6 R eal Shantu ng P on gees, 6 9 c

.33 inchet wida; genuine imported fabric*. In tach beautiful shade* at royab blue, royal purple, green and rose pink. Used largely for entire soils. Positively lha finest All-Silk Shaniungs. Varih $1.26; affered at 69e.

C hina and H abutai Silk*Yard-wide Chinas and Hibutala, in biKk or

white- black fully guaranteed as to color; regu­larly flOc. 85c. $1 and $1.29; reduced to 5 9 c , 7 9 c . 8 9 c and $ 1 th e yard

9 1 Silk P op lin , 7 9 cYard-wide Chiffon finiah Poplins; e itri high

luster; In a large variety of shades. Including all the new bluet, black and whli*.

91 Sport Stripe P on g ees, 4 9 cBlue, graan or roae atripes on eacelleni quality.

All-Silk Shantunga *i a sensational price; while they last lomorrow at only 4te.

A ll-Silk N atural C olor Shantung P on gees

91 G rade n o w 7 9 c 7 9 c G rade n o w 5 9 c .

The above are ganuina hand-loom Imparted Chinese Shaniungs, nearly a yard wlds and oughi (o go at a lively rate al this low price.

Special Low P rices o n B est W hite C ord u roys

70c yard-wide Narrow Welt, .5fc yard.1.00 yard-wide Wide Wale, 79c ywd.These are the very best and very widest

corduroys obtainable; guaranteed to wash per­fectly; guaranteed fast pile. Never before were you able to buy such good qualities at such low prices.

A L ittle S u rp rieel An O ffariiig o f H and M ade


For lingerie and other purpose!; 1. 2 end 5 pretty rosebuds, mide of iM-tilk ribbon snd chiffon, in the daintiest colors imaginable; ictutiiy worth 18c to 50c the boi; aeveril thousand of them to sell while the lot lasts It the insignifictnt price of

5 c a B o x

1 2 J ^ B ordered Scrim ,A big lot of these prilty Bordered Scrimt, of

•cm or crum, In levaral daaigns, at only SHe * >srd.

N atural D tu ter L inen 1 8 cA yard-wide fine heavy a a tu ril linen (lalah fabric;

woven and finished to look exactly like the moat axpM- live linen. Cuarantaad to wear ta d w uh; *kc*II*m for duster coats, w ains, dresses.

Black Surf S a tin s 8 9 cJust reotivtd a long delayed shipment oof these

mKh-caUed-for 32-inch Surf Satina; alwaya 60c a yard; warranted faat color—to go tl only ISc.

, See These Voiles 4 9 c W oven N ovelty VoUec, 2 9 c

Oioiesst of Wash Voiles prsdnesd this ses- •on; all the designs woven; in strictly fast and very choice colors; some of them silk mixed and •xtronoly handsome; all unusually low priced.

'f B eeu ltfia i2 2 1 ica n d 2 9 cV o lleB . 1 6 crina Oaffon VoUa. Seeded effaehh C t ^ efae^

beautiful daalgM, Stripe*, tie.; not Iumi than M paitemt a ehoatu fn n ; M te 40 Iseh wida mapritU. worthy 22fSc and 29c g ^ i far only Uc. '<f T fleB oftiered V olley 3 9 e ’

dS iM kat Uftds, la while or tinted i m n d t , wlih lewered and neval thbeta; hava rich eoiiM sstloo bor- d a n that g if t th a e • ateraatar •>■ 'heir aim .C FIaIii C olored C hiffon V oU ^ 9 9 c

5 4 o ln c h 5 1 .2 5B la c k S u r f S a tin p 7 9 c Y d .

Luatfout, baautlful ftbrlot. Nothing lurpsaa- lug them for bathing tulia. Guarantetd not to be affected by salt waltr. Spcelel priced only 7S*.

Another lot of 26 dtatinct ttylee of sow S i r M Surf ffetlue, gutremced not to fide, at Me * Wc.

9 1 .5 0 B lack Surf 8 a 5 n , 9 1One of the highest grede Itnporled Surf Clothe

tt an unusually low price. Ouamnieed not l« fads or kw* it* In t^ r under the meat trying eon- dlllont.. ■ _____ '

A n other B ig S a le o f C h a lm e m P e a r l B u tto n s

6 C a rd s f o r 2 5 cOne deaen perfect. Mfhly intehed PIsbeye

Petri Betlene e« every eard. Included ire i l l siiei for ihlrtwalata, dreeaei, ehlfte, underwear, rompers, etc., without queatinn the moti lurprising Button Bargiln In aiaple butiena that any Newark store bee offend iMi teason.

N ewark's G reatest C o llection o f

W h i t e F a b r i c s7 8 c B ordered C repe V oile, 3 9 c

White Bordered Crepe Voilca. 45 inches wide, with a combination stripe border of ratine and silk Well worth 75c, a yard—while they last t t only IlSc.91 Pure W hite R am ie L inen, 7 9 c

This Genuine Irish Ramie Unen I* made ot;be*n- iiful pure while round ihread *nd I* 46 liKhtsiwidc.

Linen Finish Su itings, lO ^ c36 Inches wide; fine lot women’s suits, drt*i«s and

*kins and other purpose*; * quality (hat would readilysell at 15c 1 y a r i

36-in ch C heck N ain sook s, 16cJusi th* righi weight for men’s and boy*' under-

Etrmerii; guaranieed very aerviceable Very apeclal ai Hie a yard.

9 2 N ainsooks, 9 1 .6 9 a B ox12 yards In * boa; bought quite a while ago; ib*

laif of the order |u*l now coming in it the odd pricas, therefore offered thus cheaply.

W hite French R atin es. 22$^c40 Inchet wide; fine for suits, skirti indidretaes;

an exceptional bargain at tlVje.

45-Inch L inene S u itin gs, IT cFine far iklrtlnga, middles, suits, children’s wear,

eie. Note thr extreme width and don’t fall to-1 « your share of this suiting , positively worth 2Se., tt.'lTe.

3 8 c R n est Jap N ainsook., 2 6 c45-Inch wide Japinese Nainsook; made, of combed

yarn* with beautiful mcrceriied finish; not iflwtad by wishing; worth 35c; sclllni, at 26c.

4 9 c to 5 9 c W hite Skirtings, 3 9 cWhipcord. Gabardines, Tennis Cloth and Ottoman

Cloth—(our of the newest of this spring’s skirting ma- terlale; .16 Inches wide; al only SSc.

N ovelty W hite G abardine, .4 9 cA real, merceriied novel stripe effect - on white

gabtrdine; entirely new and very pratiy.

1 .8 9 English L ongcloth , 1 .3 7 Pc.Pine dbmbed iliretd English Longcloth that will

give almost unlimited service; 12 yards to tba place; only l U l .2 9 c to 4 9 c W hite D ress Fabrics, 10c

Every place mosf desirable and cheap al the price. Included are Satin Stripe Voile*. Seed Voile*, 45-inch Crepe Cloth, Crossbar Bitlaiet, Stripe Organdies, Chenille, Stripes, Plain White Voilet and many aibers at Ibc.

BrImsm of Big t.<rf ofG enuine W ild Silk P o n g ees, lO c

Many itinai desirable ahada* of tbit vary popu­lar ailk to close tomorrow at only lOc a yard. Buy all you can use now, t t wc can prKura no more of these silks it any price—all genuin* Wild Silk Pongees at the little price of lae.

69c Yard Wide Satin Dot Pongees, 39cRich, h igh ly lu a tro sa ailka th a t v i l t rnaks b ta H ttln l afree t o r ev en in g dreeaea and will w ear

to you6 g re a t la tia fa c tio n ; 36 inchea w ide; in thaae p re tty eoloiw—c o p e ^ e g e n , peach , ligh t blue, o ld r o « , p lum , g reen , navy, cream , w hite , black an d o tb e ra ; a co llac tlfn th a t w ig do your h eart good to look a t an d th a t yo4> w ill he deligh ted to p ic k from a t 31c a y ard .

Wa wilt t o mail aedwa for Um m Bilko wkgp the M iM kB p o i i S t r ip e I S p o r t :

U m m

nala Mlorad Veil*, in a very eamplan Hm hf light and darit effeetaiJI hMSaa t tlen draaat rtol ffw aalsa.

I wWe; tor enilia o f eoiM na*- wtis, .

B9eB(MrdBff«d C rape VoUa, 1 9 eA rich ll^^ ia ■ llla af bUek and white o u |{ y ; .^ < . , 1 h p id n C d M p a with tea t aU<««ffi‘l a i w ^

harU M novel M M ir ..d e e tp i wjth aeat eU *o*#frloM t' j*’.

2 0 c F k x w e r e d P l i a s e C r e p e , 10 ^Positively the beat Plitw CrepCB made; guaranteed to wash beautifully without , requiring no Irotilni and, mind you, theM are nearty a yard wide.More ttqn 40 retUy 'ihoiOo stylea is 9 k k t to etioct from.- Rseosttyv^tho wholeaale prioo

ippssi to e u B rf -s iio . . a m . y s y im p s iV H .. i s n a..CLOIffit.

AK e t i a « YdU

v l t i h i to i s p r r o w , w hicta sh o u ld m t h t

Baautlful FUwt Laoa Edgtngs, 8cA htrie fueotiw of tbcac euswtIwalJU*

Use Bdikai. pw trinwiinf wea| dfMaaej le ge, flAiSi wofih much BMW U onht le a Mci

3 9 c , 4 9 c a n d S 9 cSport Stripesp IScA 'arge tabic full of iboaa beautiful Sport Strip**

lelacttd from our oaro atocka. Includtd art yard-wide;



. V > ,

M »i«,iq(ti.i.e> i9

)n S W A B K B V E N D tO yB W S « tH U B 8 0 iL T ; ‘ f l 7 I Y 2T, !9H 1_r, • *•■:•■ * t\r> • ?•'■ '

' v : '.tT


W ik n IlT irifM SUM br-DmSiiTtlT'f"***"

^ t u J CM iJlM rf l l | H flW IM w *


Social AcnvmES uy N ewark « .?fclOGHBOelNC CoMMUNlTlI

t la r tf *f CIlAdwk^ K««nu«f ^ l • lAr—

' k e e n e r . 1 ,1 ; . ' m . " ;tu »t«U*4IU *. K n u i H ird-

h m m f t At t m -t t m «*urn »Mwt.

WA«nKOTOW, j» l r IT.—J«hii ■ • r- fM t, 4 h«ct0 r • ! tl>« F«n-Ai»«r-IMB wltfcaat Ma liBawlad**.

u • prop k r m e W d H «f*kr. tb* •U b » « n f IBM "»>• *• • • • • * • *»' tlB v ark MtborIlUB ob • ch*r** of •wladUBX Hobart N. R ieoraaktr and AoMvh B. D e n o«t of ILH * ob b to h a pCBWOtiOB aebo**.

THo o to tm oB l of iboom okor Bod I to n i. M to harlnB boOB b roudbt t« W tsblBBtoa b r Morfbl* » b ilo ho w m ■BMtlBlUif with thoBi: toblBB tham to t t a Paa-ABiailaBa balldinc. w baro H nr- • h r braotod Ib on Hr. B orro tt nod ta lhad aboat '^ Id tlmao In tha O rianl. V M tbow a to Mr. B arro tH lodaf.

“Wall, wall, wall!" b* aa« la l» ad Ib ■BrHrtao. “I toAOBibor th a t faltow oomiBB bora. Ha tBiM Jnal aa bandrada • f Btbar v la ita n da. And bora U th a HtUa atabbast ba ta tt with no."

Mr. B arratt ptahad «p a omall la a r r tiBwra of B paabidano, aynibohaBl o f

tba l o a d af Iba *>•“

Tha Hlaaaa Jannla and Bartba l o a ro f ^ ' l B f i l r i a i n u .4 aa BB aalOBdad trtp. Tb*f ‘T allaw atona P a rk . Portland.Ua. V IclorU and Vaacouaar, B. C , and w ill BiBkt Btapoaora in tha i anad lan Itack las. InclBdlnB Laka B anff, and ralwrnlBB will » m t m at. I ^ u l and C kkoB *

O p m F n d a y E v w i i a g t C lo M S k tu r d a T * 1

Dr. B. H. B. WoBbt af <»* Clinton BvaBoa. w ho • " k « ' l o r tJu lp IT. la rap ld lr raaovarlni.

W blta Bla<

Mr. B a rn e t arM MlBlatar to « * » a t •a a U na. M arphr bad dataebad th a a laphaat liod i a amtoh fob tn to Mr. B arratl alonp w ith bla card. MVBlur MalBod to know Mr B a r« U Bad tolkad famlllarJjr aboat BaoBkok. Ja a t aa Bbaomakar and I>orn at*ia. b a t Mr. IM rratt did not hara th a allBbtaot lOMUdctlOB of b a r la f aaan or hoard o f

t r o a l^ bliB with tba MuMaap thad ara astand to all rlaltara who aaU hara.

ktr. Barratt.*1 moat aooroa of paapio who aap th ap

Bpaa n u t n a In tba OUani or Ib S oatk A n artaa or Baropa and aa a naattar o f dhot Bid polltaBaaa, 1 do not qaoMlon tb a ir paTBCltp. For all I «bb ranaombor BOW. Marpbp n a p bora n o t n o In IM O r la a t Taa n aa t aa m anp poopta tn ttBvaliBB (bat It la Inpaaalbla to ro- Biaoib n all of than .

T b a ra waa B otbln t aboat tb a r ta t t to aroaaa n p aaapleloM or M lo a ta M arpbp waa crookad. Ma n a r t l p to lkad for o faw n b ia taa abdat aaoUara tk a t I waa fan lU ar w jik * b a « * * a a la tba dlplomatlo aarrioa. aad la t t . 1 koaw bdihlBB !■•»* »bM* b l n ibam thsL*

Tba eU tn th a t Marphp had baoB In th a candilar aarrtaa la not h a m t o a t bp tha raaorda af Iba BUta D a p a r ln n u . Ma aoa af th a t Bana bM bald o o a n - pataataai la tba feralBb aarrto*.

Baa. D r. Jam aa Claplon H o w a rd ^ * to T of tba Haloap i t r a . i MBiaeopol C hareb aBd thaplain of th* R w ^ k n r a i , ,1 ,f a n l lp . w ill BO on o l i tfa rm bI U n an rlH a . , n jH ow ard w aa born. Dr. H o-ord ono forallp BO tboro rra rp •uramar

A nnoaaoonaot w«iof tbo oOBado*"'"' ^ d U lT j lo r o . HehborBor of A nna^H A , S o ro l

U la Oipaciad to u k a puoo Id tha a a rlp IbU. ,

Mr. and Mra. Oadan A. Boplan of l i f t a iB ta o aaanuo. IrrloB tM . Iioa aanoaocod tb a a " « ^ * 7 * ; ‘ d a u sb ta r. Mlaa ball* b o r* * " '*?. W alco tt Sandora of f* ''* ! '

oddlDB wlH U ko plaea In tko fail.

Mr. and Hro. Doulo BlIaMford p U « w ill loBoo D aia rt. Ma.. to ramaln wltk Mlaa Holaa c.


UWDON, fa lp IT, • B. M.—W all l« - iBtHad paraona la w ar ra lla f oirrtaB hara ora ir ta U p Inlarpotad In th a o lfa r of tha Brttlah O oT aranaat to p o rn l ttk o raUoBlm a f tha elrlUon popala tto n S a r a n a aaoaplad bp tko QV*"*"*^MipItlBai, bM appahr ilttlo tnalto ^ to k d k o p o l ■ ....................hopafal that O am oop wlU IB tko propoaal. w birb ; • • •

tha at raan an t o f tka C a n trn pot to ram ava bh tiva foodBBOB a

B oarya not ta ram aaa

* "$ ap erts raaalrad f ro n TolBbd loM» •Bta th a t O am any baa baan p IM n ln r te ta k a Brain. Btaaa M d a«Ba from dla-tr ie ta w k a r ^ a ‘L * iI?7Idw loMi Baadt and It la na t M ira ro att^Ttbal Oornanp will fa w thU •hanaa ta laad bar natloBBta f««? m a ra la tba aooaplad aroM ®bb*JJ* StaesoBee af oropa •Jb?^*^.**,***!. •BriaaltBral dIatrleU afKwlni tutaatanalTa araaa la Wotbara F r a ^ .

Tba ooBtrovamp brtw aa« tba a n u o ra r rptl®"'"*- ko*aTar,BMad to ItB almploat f a m . aa t*« lab propoaal droppad aa ra ra l d o ttan d a t a wbleb Oarmanp ablactad w h aa Ib a S o ^ l i T t l f foadiBd IHtland w aa p ra - v to u lv vadar diaotiaalaa. If an aBToa> 2 S ! f 1, IJSSiad la U na ta In a tlta ta th a t m k batoro tha h a r ra n la av a ilab la tb a O trm aa conaaal ntaal ba palnad qoleklp . Oenaaquantlp, W allor HInaa Pawa. l U A m banador, ImmodlaUlp u p « i o f Iba laltoT from tba porolBb O ffloa ambodplBB th« propoanl cablad It to th a

In W u h ln ^ to n . Wli#ri bo looroa horo for homo on k a tu rd ap ■ • I t tba AmUaaador w ill U k a w ith him a Brant omoont of d a ta on tho oub, Joel for IToaldont W llaon'a In to rm a- UOB.

iciloaw' and Prolaaaor and Mri. n s k a of Madloon, W in « " l 'l lA b o r Dap.

jo b n 'M e O .o a r^ of’■nd W illiam M eOortrn of Boulb ty BOBO, w ith thoir fomlllon. »r» • • Uol W fo r tho ro n a ln d .r of tho •aaoon.

Mra. Tbom aa *A. anrro to a"d OaorBO W. Oaarato. of f^™****W aat Indian, will nrrlv* A aftio l t lo apand aaro ra l woabn wHh i ^ U o r . Mra. Joaaphlna “ */N orth B road otroot. f-T*"*O aorato w ill io la bln wlfo and non Inlor

• B *Mra, M. B- Simon and dnuBbtar. MU

H a rr la t Wmon, ofM r and Mra. Sldnop Bliaon of o ro ro plaea. Bant Orai l a will npand Iho «a^P ^ r t o f AwBoat a t 7 , ? i ;lU ra r . A t tho U tta r pUea Ibop wUI U geeM a a t M ra tldnap^ Slm oan p a ran ta

Mr. an d M ra Mar’b^rl B, P a 'd * '" * ' M a CMnton a ra a k a kar* anB BBonant o f Uvalr d»««ktof.R oloa B. Baldw la. to Arthur R. J u l o u a 2 1 o f Mr a U M ra PrancU H. Jaa lo u i : r » ! o h d i l t lU M NO d . t . b a . boon nat to r tk o w add ln t

M ra K atkarlaa* AuVal of IM SouthU a tk a tfoo t bM ‘’• I I I I ' h mm a a t o f U r d .u B b t.r , M l" K a 'k « in * B. KUBOI. and BdBnr F * "r io p d alroot. B alurllU . No doio hnobaan aat fa r tha

Mr. and Mrp. Jonopb J ”

BaM rU o K au fm a a to laadoro BllIM^of n w n v a r i p aranua. No data k « aa t lo r t u w aJd ln f. but It a a ipactad I t w ill U k a plaea^ u t t a tnlL

Mlaa E l lu b . ib * u u o ld o r »f • t r a a t la a t W ooU ran , .Lon* lalnad.

Holmoo of St, H orh ‘0 E plK opal Church. U ranaton offlcUtod

U ado-N oddta.M tu EH llo Krddio of I t BriBbtoa n»a-

nu*. K onrnr. nnd Clifford A. Laudn of I t Wont Sid* nvonu*. Niiwnrk,worn m ar­ried Innt rU h l nl tho paraonaB* *f B rulah MctbodUl P rot««U nt Church. K earny, by Rev J Robort Carlton d o r k Th«y woro alU naod by Mlao Maudo Clark and John Koddlo. a b ro ther of t to b rtd a

N ew arbot W U o a l W U rta a .D f/ritl OfTThu of Ike k»w s.

WHARTON. July : t .—Announcement h ia been made of tho laarrlaB o of Mlaa tH>rotla R. HhawBer. dauBhlor of c h a rU a (thawBor of 8 t. Mary"! plaea. and Jam ea Fateh , non of Mr. and Mra. ja m e t Ketch of Newark. Tha ceremony wae perform ed Haturday at the roclory of a t. Mary'e CUlhollo Church by Hav. C. A. Ijiw looa

C a t l lB B - T r a ta e ■ ■ a a a e o e a o l .PI.HUNFIELn, Ju ly IT —Mr. and Mri.

David A Teeter of l i t Clinton avonuo yaalorday announced the enBaBemant of Ih e lr dauith ier. Mlaa LlllUn T*o‘*''' to K im er l> C u lt in t of P talntteld. No dote hao been aat for the weddlOB. Mlea T eeter le prom tnenl In muelcal rirclea hare. U r C uttina waa lo r eeveral y e a n teno r aololat In the Flrai preebyW rlan Church

H a e h a t ta tw e e a C ew p le Ciet U a e a e e .HACKFTTflTOWN. July ST—A mar-

rUBe llrenee haa been taeued al the offlea of Town f le rk A rthu r 0. Boelll ■rr to Mile Helen d tew ari and KuB*ne llonnell. both of Ih ii plaea Mine Btew- a r t la the only deu«hl«r of Mra lAwie . . A ytra of O rind avenue A home hae been prepared in the H orran houee In W arren eirae t by Mr. Bonnell. Tba data of tba in a r r la ia haa not bean an­nounced.


aieiiyouiSummer Suits

$12 to $35Tailored to give the wearer the utmost comfort and ser­vice in hot weather


NEW HAVEN. Conn . Ju ly TT —A b a ttle betw een tw enty-five bethere and a achoci of m an-eatin« eharke ocrurred cloae In ihore hern today The balhero. chaeed lo the bearhee by the eh a rk a daahed lo nearby ed IU fe t. arm ed Ihem- aelvoe w llh oaoo and epoara and drove the m an-eatero back lo deep water.

Sla ih a rk a w ere counted rlnee to ahar*. and ap lU tod w ater beyond w here the battle occurred Indicated th e re were m ore In deeper water.

Tropical Suits$7.50to$10.50Of genuine Palm Bea^ and Cool Qoth. They are cool and comfort­able in looks and wear.

White FlannelTrousers, $5

Good Sport Coats, $10Summer Fumidunga of Every Description

W o o d P atternspeak


Why not care for your loads by tts in i our fsetory sa your ftwNory? By u sln t one or all e f our depatiments so ions M you wish?

And our departments are d ra ftln t *«d deslfning, experi- mental work, wood pattem s, tools and dies— buildltic one sp ed il m tchine or quentlty manttfec- turing.

And, of coarse, nickel plsdnt-Jusi cell 3376 Brpncli Brook,

and w t’U tilk It over farther.

797-805 Broad Street

AanoaBcamoBl af bar mirrlaBa July S laet. to Joba C Bsucbala of ttio city, « h a want to Panama the follow Ibb day

u e o p t a Bovommont poelllon, waa S a ^ T S i l nlSht by Mia. N .lll. B altty to hoy ancle, **;

w itli whom pM* ln*ee h«r Tli* osMTOoSy wM t»*rfoTm*i hy Tw n * r r y . of Re'S®'v lli* MsthoMlsi ICp!iCop»l Churrh- Th*

w .r* J ^ r h B v e r^ retM*r flf ih® brW#tr*om. *ti6 Mrs.



A ibary P a rk , N. J .


Asbory Psrk, N. J- O cdU G r«i% R- J-

* 1 l r , Btiecbelo and hie bride had been c lo io frle lid i to r more than ko*


t ■'

WASHINOTON. July H — M otor vo- klcloo realeiorod In tho ITnilod B tatoa Bumbored l.tti.S S t la i t year, and t l> .‘ I t l .T lI waa paid by thoir ow uoro « rtgiftlrMtlon *n<S Ucmii** f*#*. Th* *ffle* of pttWlfl n»*di of th* D *p*rt- Rtent *f A tiiuultupo imnotine*d today th a t ninoty p*r c#nt. of ih* f**». *r IIM II.IIT , wsa ipont for toulldine and BialaUBaafla of eoualy aaM a ta t* ra a d a Th*r« waa an Ineraa** of 714,126 In th* auinbar of v ab k lta aod tieH I.700 In f*«a from IfM . Only 41090 m otora w ara raelalarod In 190€.

nutnbftp of m otor ▼*hlc1*t av*r M ad on* p*jl*tratlon for avopy fo rty - four paraona in th* Un1t*d Hlataa. Iowa lad with on* for *v*rr alxt*«ti In . babltanta, whil* In A labam a lh* ra waa only on* for av*ry 100 p*r*ooa- R agla- tra ilop fifur** for th* ro u n try aa a wholae th* fooda road* offira *aplalnRe do not nacaaaarily ra p ra ta n t a to ta l fiumb«r of ram. a* aoma of th* ita t* a do not raqulra annual ra fflttm tlo n , •lh*r* croup pUaaur* and c o n m arc la i v*blcl*a and motorcyelaa In tb* lr a«- oounta, whlla atlll o thar *iat*a do not raqulr* r*ciatratlan of moteroTol**'

NEW TENNEY HOTELN E W P O R T B i « r ; : « « .Buuntlful table, lect. reeme, H ep- M. <i««e


n o w . Of Ibelr m arrlo * . proved »■rloo Me waa form erly employed aoSn awblVaei'ln Ih'li eity. Mm Buocholo a ap o e ti to a la r t for Panam a early neat waok.

RAUERCONNERT he maiTlaBO *f Mra U llian Conner

(neo P fa tf) . of 111 W arren etreeC and R obort a . Bauer of the ea m e addreea. wae aolem nlied lael night at the home. Rev. J, Robert C. Clark, paetor of tho K^^U'oy. p*r^rro«d th* copemony. p*pfopm*d Ih* c«p*mony.

The bride, who was r l a « by her brother. Mai P f i f t "f rh llid e lp h lA wae attended by the hrldeBroom-e eleter, ^ * ' * ^ ‘ " * * \ R auer. a» brideamald The bride • HAu^htar Bil** Tl*r*n<** (onnof or »niR e u y 'a n d her niece, Mim M artha r f . f f of PblladelphlA were " 'k o n o ^A lbert F- Panooeit Jr. of H ilton wae beat m an. and Dorothy P e o ro a .t a „„oO , of the bride, wae ring hearer Mlaa H elen J. Pancoael. another niece, played the wedding muelc

Tho bride wore a gown "f rn lo r lac* over ellk and rarried bride ro eea T h . brideamald wore « BO-;; w hlla allk and lh . other w ore pink allk They all carried pink roaea The bride'a Iravellng euit wae of blue cloth and eh . wore ‘ ka l to m atch. A fter a wedding trip '" ^ 'k ' / k o r e and Mra. Bauer will reelde at -11 W ar r*n itrn e t

r *•- i** pM* ■*-H ra K atharine H. Hlephen. and Jo-

eapb M. Stevene, bolh of IIS« H e llev tlle . w e re m a r r ie d I h e r a

tBrfgsf Jtw*Ur on tki HIU EtuW*h*d J< V*an

Q u a l i t y

a n d

P r i c eYou buy I D ltm ond Ring i

‘ Tie


orgny other piece of Jew elry here you are su re to te i full vslue for every do llsr you p ly . And you s re equslly c e r ttin to psy s low er price than is aaked for ihe sam e grade In any downtown •lore.

It will lake but a few m lnulta of your lime lo tran sfe r to our sto re end put us to the test. You will And our assortm ents unusu- tlly wide snd pleasing.

A U R N H A M M E Raf«w*1*r and Optician $24 Bprlnfffleld Ava

dfifl* or *a •all*.


fivaaiaf *»^ watw la idl »•••••■ Holal aad Mraiaal®!*

•Btlroly a*w.TENNKT A STAAT*

T H E S E Y M O U R ' r i o w iodi.

T H E S H E L B U R N EA a** iP*d*r* l»*i*lj h*4 aad bw*d «ai«F la •••rj tWiO: pr1***d tat^:-P****

S>*tbway. laHnff pArbaad . T. C. tUy***


H i^ U a iia , N. J .

M A R T IN H O U S E i a r 'w. o, i iA iT a w ii fp*»mtaada. M .J . i r o »•« ^r a ia a t*

Water Wltabe Hlglitaada



la* . H*; neafOviM Bo»kl*ti **PlT »**—•

tUDSTONE2d A*. “ i“ *city lao. Booklet BAlOeM U . N. Mkuat-BT.

S E A S I D E H O T E L■*. Ocoon or**#, N, J. “ " r t l r “

frmiu All , « « .

s c A R o e c o n A c e -suaaied eo < treat! bathing

MohM emo; all oouldi airy rmnwi ro ^ able tmla* Yat 1111 . H. frotir, rro».. Boa

O c e a n H o t e lk b ta b lik h b d k o rtt t b a r b .


Correepoedenc. gollclled. “ *■H UABDNBR, OoMr end Proprte'o'.

H O T E L F R A N K U N•II, Av. a Webb g t. knrth *ekbT N.J.

h MaadYlk- 0 *« bloc* IPIfom rs<»ao. SMclal itraMin fiUM

te. Fe. Mafutr*. A4f®- T?rog.” ft. r'liK^Or.. Owner end Prom

ThlMl*th•ikc-aHrnl cuUiTi*.

S T I R L I N G I TB«ri. Modtrat* rale*.

Block lo baarb. *■*Av B veM ^dla-

. I

C. R.A L A S K A H O T E L

• H .O C 1 C O T tI M ! S “ U tr™iw : *ae*li14.ftabliif fr**; light, alpp

labi*; rai«a |4 «*d **. 1

A L H A M B R A Ave**' t'w oehe etUeerb end Culoo. U to 111 weekly Klmbt*

P a A *F A HOTBL AND ORII.U Le A £ A iHmkly ao iIoeM-

kprcLal rale* t*» Famill«» J- Kofry*NOBTU ASBl'BV r.\B R —3«a.asab«rl.»w Aratesmmod* t IfbllJt, UnttaUalw lafg*

ind I>aal Lak*.rounkB; or«rlouk1ng tkcraa an

phoR* lUS Aihv^------- -------- e^,

H O T E L A L B IO NNew; obe of lb . « o r t “ / - J T

ncean tr e e l ; » o l .« w ith 'We-nbones In oil rooma; r le v a te r ; e rtteW rA E D TOWNBKSD. Owner end P re*rletor.

E L B E R O NKaIm It? tc IIS.

J ll Tkird Ara. Block to orcaa.

Whitt H*rv1c*- B J.TlUoa,

tn *r*ry r««>*«i- MR*!*. jj. C KBABk.

HOTEL MAJESTICpttaiUlf Ml Or***>

Blaeeur earvtee. B'kleL CTement • Clement,

a l b a t r o s s

9 1 8 INH'MI-R- glNtiUe B I Ocnp. IIS- P fIvntehA ihe L-B-Brown

E A S T - V I E W H O T E LUeel ecoom. on Jereey gbore, rntmrei _ T roan len t. I t . It, A tiaw itt • W. A. Beowi

M c Q U IR E H 0 U 5 Bt« a a , fr** baihlng* k**4 m*i* ra liapro**iB**tfc

rdb«r aadm*dail*R*

S H K E W t i B U K Y C O T T A OUR v a t* r {font. K«l*R I I 1t i l w**kJy; o»rma* caokiRi,

G R A N D V I E WHalt* rita*oR*b1*. Ur*. U. Fl*m|Rg, Pre^,

TtiZ B Bewt Nedoewte ( k e l l^ h -OClIfCDC PON- OOBA" • *" *('■

n U lltU id Capacity lU A well-•Qulipprd a*d arl!'fi#RDaily 13.44 kip. wFFkly,

A, N. Wldd«m*r*. F’rop.; rdMRFnrtakU ko<«l.I 111 til tl4 Bonklat


A tihB tk C itr , N. J-

rntiBTitiiv ( j rA L m g*B viceHOTEL KENTUCKY

WITH riB B P B Iw r

WABHINOTON. July n . —.Applle* tln n i tor lonna under the new form loan bank l»w are reaching tha T renaury Dapartmant In greet numhnra, e llh o u g h membem ol a board lo edm ln lelo r tha law have not been named by P roeldent Wtleon. nor have ntepe bean ta k e n to designate tha iweiva d le tr lc ta Into which the United Btotae will ba divided for adm lnlitrallva purpoaaa

Many aiipllcalloha era not In tha form raqulred by law, but w haravar poaatbla tha appllcanla hava been provided enp iti of the act and w llh th a In fo rm a­tion that their requaala will be re fe rred lo lha board whan it la organised .

atraa t. Mallevllle, vaatordey. the raremnny being per form ed by Hev J darland H am ner J r p as to r of the Klrat Ueformrrt < h u rc ^ th a t town. There were no n ite o d a n ta A bout twenty gueet. were |ir«aeot acollation balng eerved by a

Afl«r R w*dair\B\W llv* »t

a d d i t i o nK <«t»eky A*#.. ***f B**rk- r * ^ H y fi# .t« r*omi allh h(»« ■nd cold running w«I*r. 44 wllh prwnu bath*. Ultpbnn* *nd *l«Mrw IlghiH In Fv#ry Tocrni, RI*kr*«oy ftniri

S#hi1 tnr bookiRt nnit po|M* of 1*'

H O T E L K E N T U C K Ysa, n ret A*e delllhttulljrhlneba from hoardweiV; , " ''JV U^TlVMinal •■p«rv1U*o *Rd m***I*l« t. M.LKrmll.

T H B C H A T S W O K IH ^ ^ V k Vcnein. faramee wub chlideea Mlawee

S liU llQEormorty l*ut»fiurgh. id * Oo*«ii A«*. P*rfect i*hl*; mod . cn*.

. Aitury Park.U4. E K.UrvnaK*. i

BOTE NEW YOU Tir* btfx-k* frnm ««*•*■.lArgdi rnnnm. C»p 144. Bttnkli#t. U II G nttI*.


v n lake Iroal, appealte A abvn » e k e e ; m adarala ra u a . J. M. gCOTT.

PITMAN HOUSE14 Pumafl kw*. Tw* kl*efc»_ ffpm * ~ *

twiRM. l■od*rgt• r«t*«.

IM M IIA le L H O U Sl—Oif«rl**klm« r)«*r k*dj l«rg«i *lry rooRM, bmgpwi mas f aime*m ’ - * — *

naibtag. Oarmaa lable; owe aaaltry BaaKANMNti POTTAtJg—Near .here, home-^

like table, relee IT up. II.IS par gay Boa III, Blfblande, N. J _____________

M. WICKB. Prop.

GRAND VIEWIS pitman a»e., one Mock Irem bo^b_fod nil peInU a( IntieaaS. L. C. V aodatellea.

M ontauk H otel S"'<i *ettfodarn . hom*l*k*. nic*!!**! ***^*i_^***^^*l^ 114. S p trin i rale*.•g«iR*nL

l l ih M«aon Mkmn nv*n* K £NRY r H ILUTR


celled.Pin* dene* floor »nd t«b1* un*i* AHHirirafi jU n r* l^ ^ „ „

tlW I TOM-d*SI* A* TO glT k* W rtIH .T.

K. H KRNN^nW. Pmprielpr.

L E X I N G T O Npgd ifir *Rd Ark. **•- GroRodM Jifflj*l2!.??ir£

h o t e l G A R D N E Ra a abbiikv p a r k .

n , W E L L IN G T O NN « f neean; ca le rtn a lo****** •*»«♦ tP»a*g****aL B-* *» gmua

idlnw, H. J.


Prop.. tormoTly o t th* C ta tean la l._________

HOTEL COLUMBIAThe HartAl Cegil*T *f B rliM r.

Facing directly i>n th* oc*«n, r©«m» prieeta r*«ih», Riirinifig »*I*r room. Dgpclng.

■ Mr»Q. W4)prk««m. P M*»*g.

kTcFA RLA ND. I(*n*g«r.

OSBORNE HOUSE A Control Avaa.Neer boack aad n^^managnmoal. Booklet, f - U CHANPtJCM

THE IVY HOUSE\1. IfriV rtV - iS r-SSrlr oTTu’d l . J ^ ^ m ^

S | i « | U k t Bdock N. J .


StaU a U u 4 . H. T.

F J f g w h s u i k f l f

B U EN A VISTA H O T E L S T O K E S H A L L Bn^llgg,T m i f iN n 'IS, balking. B

f w t d M


lag. Baking, adanl*

HKlaMAR. N. el-gwyeoth heaooei. Bparlal Ai _

Facing oe**A. Rnorn* •n auU* wllh Mth,Unnklat Q*

A. W tfu S S S ^ a X K ,»*ya.^epl*Bdli

gatfc*. Btarry-ga-lI and raataergaUn

i Xe*l1*«l n«a4«: II mlpa f m Ik*

W. LBONABD, O cean A vefiue Ho mi*yFiSMiik

Ik* Uiinkligck **ra

'■f»f tnT5'.

THE CARLETONOnly Moted wWb Tenolo Coy Sn.

Oroan trnat; capaclly. tSSl ratm |1 1 to ■tnglo: IIS to ISI. two la room. W, M. gteyta

IT Ooeaa ava. dlrortly on « « a .Booklet, -phone s l t j . H. Orth

THE BOSCOBELU B10MMM-Opob a ll re a t. 'Phone H t> . M,

T H E F E N IM O R E N E P T U N K H O U S Eg , . . . l . r . p r tv n u t t t h ^ ^ ^ h l e b ^ c .

parity 34*.

Dlfwclly lh* «K'«*Ao

OD*na Jun* 14, uadar a*ir m*n«s«m*ata lUtee lie lo IIS. NBll, AX>50R. Mgr.


CLEVELAND. July 11.—Tha poaal- blllty tha t lha city may be eom palled to abandon not only aearch to r bod law pf workmen .ti l l entombed In lha watarworkh ttinnal here In Monday night'a eiploalon. but all fu rth e r work on the tunnel llaalf. developed here to ­day aa the raoult of Invonllgatlona by I . M. Jones ot PItlohurgh. governm ent mining esparl Jones hellavon a gas wall ot unoonlrollobls proportlono has botn uncovered under the bad of tha bake by tha aiploalon.

low ing the ceremony trip . Mr. and Mra Btavene the Joralem nn street addrees Tha bridegroom ta a brother of the b ride a firs t husband.

V S a lh e r - i te w a fS .The m arriage ol Mlaa M argaret Q

Atewarl. daughter of Mr. and M ra Rob nrt r Blewar, of » Voorheee stree t and Samuel DeBow W elker of IS North HIxlh ktrdkt. w*» lol^mnlRed Tu*»day *rt*rfio«n in lh* MarbU Coll*«1at* rh u rc h . Fifth *v*riu«e N«w Torh n®v D r OUy*r nkrtiMll p«rform*n iUm r*r*- many Tk*r* w*r* no tUeftilkM * Th* roypl* win f«ild* i*mp«>rarlly n K aanaburg, where Mr W alker la In bu ilnaaa

O lah ro w -A llo a .Announcement cardi have been re ­

ceived from Evanelon, 111, of tb a m ar­riag e there of Mlaa L illian Allen, daughter of Mr and Mra, O eorge H un ter Allen of Covlrgm o. Ky . 'o rh a r le e Cecil Badger of Dea Molnea. l a . formerly of 21 Evergreen piece, Eaal Orange The wedding took place at the reeldence of the bride'a sla ter. Mra Earl Dean Howard of 12d1 Judson avanuc. on July 10, I" 'h» praaence or lha Immediate families. Hev. Hobert

end Itc.rd-elh ONI.V H<^TEI. WHKIJT, tll'KIITIl mat <1D n r t TO RI HK IN J**1i*l'TNU ATTIHK WITHOI T UBlNll gTAKCTg. Wtlir'H US pROHntlTBD lee ef be'h houM.tree HUNNINO WATBR IN l-Tlvaie hethe SperUI relea It «b ?IS to 11) IS -eehlr. IncludingJ'b'J'.rt .upptled teem OWN FA AM WMITM B J" ' V ^E . OltOHgSTAA. BA1.1. HOOlS. TEN­NIS OOIIATA. OAAAOE. BOQKl.gT mailed.

T H E C O L O N N A D E to oct*n RadArcad*. L'«n|ral lo *H *ttractlofi* Offh**- If*. Daririniig U edvr larBc m*n*g«B*DL


-m a A— —* Ninth andS«f«vnorc an d A o m a oe*An av*.m h •***<iD. •if*ii*Bi f**d; IH <* |U•tngt*, IU to |2 t doBkl*. W. K. L a « T l^


THE ORLEANSlt$ Foyrth Ava. Wkit* Mfrie*.

Bfianlfii W*4*rPINEHURST

Bnanlfig W*4*r Ml ^ ^-------— tO] lOlb Aw*.»1 kik* to bMiPk.

Bathing iMiai boa**, • • w k ly t^ llr«.l4.Dtift.

Q mmmS O-J*______Ftr*t Av. **»« Klnf*l*TfSU PT n O a l B d flt., ov*r1<Miklng o****- D*nHng, Conaciiy 444. BookU t.

NEW W INDSOROrertooklnf oceea. lake; rnodera. bonwltka;

Tel. t i l l .sole. Caparlty

U. U UlBEKgON. Manager^mueSe; danelog. Stfl up. M. M. BW1CI.I*

T H E B U C K IN Q H A Mfnralik^d and in*d*ni. C*|*peN«w maaag*Eti*nL HaNB"

fubutlt • C•4QCCO. N*w1j 1#*. BookUl


CABY leOIKlB — N*af bom*'lik«: »to»U«nt cul<

II up: tmnla cvurl: b**ki«tabtaeh. R«f1«*dp rioiB*; *1*ctrlcrtiyp

N, B tL U a

NEW nU L A O E in ilA K thw ay .Dlyaelly on bM Ch.

Dnebetrueied Haw at aaay^aad Aadltt^um-B read veeaadae. C. A. COX.

B K O A D M O O K » , r 1 «‘ V m m S b ;i In Auditeelan MW pavlUaa.

. M i a p a r j M h i ^ ^

OCEAN SIDE II OaMn a m . 'P h o M I I IW ,

Ok ae**n frokl;takl*; k**kl*L

full a m n v ^ i agMijaBi in(B. r . M. MDwrr.

M U l u i l M ^ S . L


a«fte«d Am i m m I* AmU S«nr*«pdlMt*s

Df p4rr*cilr rtf*; tetking g ta tin^Ik, aJM a **rp* *f Ilf* *av*r* tk |BathlRj^

!m o . ^HoT Biuth' Jspik al wa lurj I heavy braakara as luMaa wasbeut—in lael aolhlag ta aauea fear la any raapaat. J

R t d t v t ; l u c h , N. T .

b r o c k h u r s tTHE BELMONT TUNTH AV., MW

Bvaefc. Jkk* t*0«t. W. J- W*l*k

THEgaventb and P eri avee. Kamlly hotal. I l l

Booklet. M. r . BEIEBHAIIT, owner.

N E W B U R G H1 ^ lltk •***•*- _ l

tlfW S A**.,

Bo*kl*t.R«fl*#d patronag*.

Aa t . AtkiBMki FM9r

rf#wlsiM*"*Vl*I k*d *oId runfttb| w*<*f j* rftJSTYW- ^ v a t* balk*- KirvlUkl t*k1*e fJNF*c‘*T *«•—'*ErKIIBT'kLKt A f e t t e r

T » k iik ii> d iB iM r w i4 » ^ * ^

SnaiDNR Biatt■MMIAM w S m T * *O H * C O W ffW tt

n tB o a o M B m , Mg tblvd Ava., a m m p p ^ p ^ U g h ii a lrr room*, naar hathuig afld

aavliloBi' i Moeke Dorn eceao; eicelleol fable, raiee 111 up. A. O. K. Laeeaeue.



F o la t P U u u l . N . J .ISLESWORTH


TriBHIMOTOW. Ju ly IT.—F ra n lia n t WIlnoB todisy iigltad t t a r lv e ra and bgrborg bill, gpprnprlk llpg gpgron l- m ataly (of *8* con llnugaea• I old p fojaett " • * *"*••

Oga naw projaot I t th n t A pproarta t- (aw tMg.gM tp Impfbv* th e S an t tttvay. ahM iNl g« tltgt bBttlaghlpg m gy twgah fST»r««lilFSi Wa ff ThgM i t o rog l ttl> ^ VMSga la tk aIBM a< oa aVart t a k a fO k tlL

HOTELratal Pleaaaai Beaeb. N. J.

Paeaaoal aiaH gaaaai t€ He. Jaaee A. Mallw

B l o M o m C o t t a g * a ' ' ' ^ V r *!>• jwwikl kll **av*al»iwi**. Mf*.

Ukt Ravkteokf, N. 1

AHBItlCAN AMDVirginia A». and lh*-,i--*eee. geery appotnlm*at,_ laelaaiagCapacity leS.





I TaButeat Avaaua. Bear m m apeai prtvaie teibai rtmbttf, raeati! alevatae; egoelleal, tal larvlei i oraheatra. Am

n u n w r t T B i w u l u n

rm KOtO. Ju ly I t c - U (M k tM H y

■ u -k g ra Bty-i

’ guviiMr Igad p t f e e u tP

9 t CU iwrtdOf Mi

k «Mhikfi t***! IB *r tk»tj be«l tiitrvl**: IT SI * w l

Util nX ri iCNi. ISA ljllt^ taaBdlwgs W. J.

VAN 04Haw tgaan aaaiat.

HOUSEblag tlrat ataaa.

N. I




DEL MONTE HOTELR*m*<ti?i«d: ro«wl*g hot *ad cold ,y**f®, ^ rwr**- fanoJty y*f*» A. B. H A rm C W I.


||lgb-cla« taailly baardtng baardwalk; eieelteet table Mi

BtMU^ leg ft.

OCMAM MCrt'I*—Haagarlaa and AmerWaa plaa. fteetaureni aad bnardlag. Carr ave.,

naar beach. Kuralebed reema. day or weak. Bgeelleni lable. Bates lift eg.__________

C am p R a r lu n Ho u m i m hlSwires; sceom. SI. II apt II.W pee day, ■'klet.

MARSHALL anrieehtag takeaad oaeaai Weak U Aakory. lUtaa I I te 111.

LANSDALEHeme aeeklag; tatee I t Up. >■ MeOOWAM.

r o s e CREST Uer':r.1n\TjAadttertuati kerne eagsfBeta A. DONOHUIg.,• u a a • ■ a OmSmy Ava., half bivck V s l 'D l e S C A ta kaaabi hatae eeaklnkl madeysila: aiaa. tlkkta; baaklat. E. Itaadalt.

CLARENDONR*dr — ch. R**ki*L H. w |

MouuNM DHL rRwebi RoordliS 4MMI tw ilk M ird lif *

WmU.IMomap ,.am Wtkal*«

KS:: aTcoaK-nkaDa'iS^iby V t. or mauieai eiiwilegl liW'*!. Royal Palaee and ’


»^ 'isisr*

COLONIALf 1 *« modarit b*i*L AM

ik:MklkAx*f**l tomodtrai*.

H o U l•••rIoekIM1474

ttk AT.,a«r- k«r hawki

M*aa: all *ut*1d* ropiw. T*L AK#VAH B- TRt'AXr Ownor.

K n l e k a r b o e k a r

SEVENTH AVENUE INNles geeeatk Av., near eeeen, tarko psrekea.

•wunabl* n t —. u, w.

HOTEL FREDERICK “aVi? ; f f p JS T aarR A hH 'uw T IC T filtw 'l^^^

H otel Prinoeton l‘,V'"Vr.

b u r r in o t o n Beech. kTrlctly Weaker.Baaeilsnt t ^ a . _ » eec^^ MuWe.. ■loa^

hH Lkk N. J.S en ecaw an n alUI** 0* appll**l4<Hle Mill.

Kk*«lt*kl UMf,B. Mr ORtOoi.

II O C i I^A ceam , 4#3 ' N*i k*MM i m Ii

q. ORIiTTWr1~N V«i

LA K t V IE W•w*r1*oklag lak*: g*o* i

Ikf k«fkl*t »k *pp44c«U«|iam ilo m m iN ........ ........ - aild* ra*nij. m*4**k Ikislfci *i**M**» gi B*« m*aag*ik**i4« A. EliwmUWB. PWjLlog


ocean frenti ell ouialda

llanW loeeuaa. J. MBWMAts ef Lakawed.

t h e VICTORIA* Ocean cad TMrd Ay. R. A.WITTOII.

ASBUKY K B R IL W O K T HOpea AU ________a A. WALWI.

8ERK8H1RB INN 2aimq u a a AllaodMlfc. Fttp-

J : 1 K W 2 V a - n a

rag'ii4^ASs;.'"yV r pT;a*itiarPIN B H U Rffr-B Y -TH e*5 B A

IM Id AV, OeUkl* y«mA H I tsp. » «■*■!*» I l l up: heard, flmt-elaem Weleaa m. aM Sn

FRANKLIN V llX A I.'^ Sramlly ubtaa. m a n la f a ta e . M a.C .*lpM i

8* a Bright fain ‘ % I.

PRINCETON sa Embury Awn.. near baaab. Hama

ta. Hra. Aaoa Mlllad.St HECK A V ateMKMr Cottam

UIM w u N m : rkt«* M RE Bin <

l o r a i n e :.k ' ' ^llgkisi madaiuU tanaa. kaatt * OMpa i M

MULFORD VILLA wacV S m ••••■•Atty laamai eiaallaat tabtai I I twy. *• f*>*-

SoB ikk C m ty , K t#OINinUIM nTinM ISE


n r 'i i ' i ‘® A @ r ^RtdUny fo4, K T.

THE AURORAg AHaatla ava, i at aeaau tad. M. A. MDMa

SAY PSDNT KOOM- - r iMamtMM^IMagtaMtg*. M le ll lfb e f l

BROADWAY » « « » ■oaw ggrUMBl M-lll. A. dkallk * * Wt1gg%

BRADFORD iLiff'ia’&iSl■tag tahlai raaaaaaWa i X y * * .

hekuHtba: , a s g «a -----g - u t . m— M I




BU< HkfMMl ItantWM i***!


% ■ . , * *■

•S ' r. ■



M '2!

Learn to **RolLYour Own* withI The Fads of 1 9 1 6 1 1 Bair Durham Today

You’re Loaniedl to DanceAnd you’ve paid well for lessons to en­able you to keep up with the new steps.


,IU.0MUn|. H IblV UM.lUBTSENIL r n ^ lit H, J .l P O. 4

trMti ballil.t b4 ■ DlTT »*Mr-r r .n r , Pr>».. B* 1

i ■ .ih iu . . pr*- IM. •ilrr r . .— ; . . . . l i ir. ■»! I«._______

HOTEL. dbpoI.« r i , r.tM I H»>W B W. A. » •

e .^r 7 ^balhln#. i* e4 a e s a ^,prove iBiotfc____

Yo^ye Learned to SkateAnd it costs a lot of money to learn the fanc^ movements which the fad calls ht*

i \ COTTAOn II r*r . . r ; I* u UDkhll. B HUBBLE

OwlMklW n**'' •■'in« . h Km. U.UB. •■* uuliry Bo. U

N«r uh.r., hem. up, 11,11 f*r *»t

Uka iBBck, N. J. 1 ALLAIRE

■ U i B i A T .

CHBN ISUm Tka•atn’ihl.f, fta

PinaMOf, flaking, ■eonla rail*

fttfra, «#rfy-ga*reaiW «|B and rMaaraata. ■■■• : II mina frein ika Hal-

f tn freia ffTlaa.I

M :

Sr#'IbbS Bates, 5. L

AND BEACH IrATBN IMAOTI.MBscwals Aiau MM ikirreaadlBVa.

ri)y ^ rs ; baihlag fM fi«a a eorpa ef Ilfs aavera in muck ospili a f ^ I

trki AO simHab vaaao e l^B j te eauM fsar la any r«~

twtjp In ch , A T.■HfM Pltrrtmr *.,,11.1]

awl au u M , r BottBlal MB • .ra t.h .a i

lOBBE IStt,MiuaMaiu, B v . ■Mk.Ifc Wwf HUM______

Ins Cmtr, A T.

BnTiRMwiuweBiHaa **t .Ull«4* Lj

Now— Learn to “Roll Yoor Own” “Bull" DtBfhain Cigarettes—FREE!This it die greatest of all fads for men—bo* cause it gives' lasting pleasure and satUfac- tion. And ^ 'c a n loam it absdutely fret from our


mO a t. n c a n v n x A

Atwy Fiifc, A T.rr •'£

m iM f tii .a iia r t . 1

w iy M iii* .

s ISLAND H tn ia s j

I f t r ■ ■ !• . ,I,*t« t tr~r 1.1


Free Lessons Given by Experts a t the Stores Named Below

O u r F ly in g S a u a d ro n o f e x p e rt c ig a re tte ro llers h a s a rriv e d ! A t th e lead in g s to res th e se “ B ull” D u rh am d e m o n stra to rs a re re a d y to d a y to teach y o u ,a iso /u fe /(//ree , th e m a n ly a r t o f to l l in g y o u r o w n ” with**Bull” D u rh am ,

It’s th e fa d of th e y e a r — th e sm art, lively^fad th a t is sw e e p in g th e co u n try lik e a w h irlw in d .

E v e ry m a n env ies th e e a se a n d d e x te rity w ith w h ich a “ ro ll y o u r o w n” sm o k e r p ro d u c e s h is s a c k o f “ Bull D u rh a m a n d rolls th is fa m o u s o ld to b a c c o in to a sm oo th , fre sh , fragram t cigarette . T o d a y —v isit th e “B ull” D u rh am d e m o n stra to rs a n d learn the art for yourself—FREE I

5 > E N U I N B


In n o o th e r w a y c a n y o u g e t so iriuchidgaretl “ Durhf

M en o f ac tio n a n d e n e rg y th e w o rld o v e r a re rolling “ B u ll” D urheim in to c ig are ttes , b e ­cau se th e y h a v e fo u n d th a t th e re is m o re crisp , b risk , y o u th fu l v ig o r in th is w o n d e rfu l to b acco th a n in a n y o th e r m a d e .

Its m d lo w -s w e e t flav o r a n d u n iq u e a ro m a g ive th em su p re m e sa tisfac tio n .

so lid e n jo y m e n t o u t o f a d ra u e tte a s b y “ rolling y o u r o w n " w ith “ B ull” D u rh a m .

FREE At the etores named below you will be ta u ^ free the

__ own* ” Bull” Din^______ _______ ______y o u will a lto receive

vnth a 5c tack m **BuU'* Duduun, a 5c book of famout Riz La Grok cigarette pepen and a booklet thowing how to“roil your ofw ^ Vint one of tbne ttoiet todai/*

t k d o f *

- V,4 '■


/'■H tt*' i» t Vvi{, I-?- J'..- -rl'I -V V*^ -■ I # .... . V

t-’v “ii f

,A.-1.&* - ■




^ BreadO i ^ e ;

.' Demonstrattioiis Friday and Salurday: BELLEVILLE OGAR STORE,87Benevine Ave. RKER i)RUG store, Broad & Clinton

S<0: \'-4 '

Si Mn Sinni W b twll_____

' ■lOiiirtiiiyUiiCi.uuK amm n umf itM

fMBfTOtt, J'lll' K.—Tw* i^*«l*p* haaiif #twi ky dwttr**

vw «i urf •*cf*iMT OfHfoaloc to loooi tho 0*0*to oooooioojfiSr Iho iloiolotloii of <bo WoolMi C o o io u r oM U * O ip o rtto itjr •tloa Omtoor. koth of ■ h '<*^*** ** ntommM tlwlr Hurton lo tklo otot*

TIm aooMton lo»oho4 WM ***“ • ' M tko tlM of Moklof aioooliiiloo tho two oorvorothmi kod eo«olM wfth tfto KooWooo of tfc* Mt of IH* fooolr*iM f^* on ‘y ****"■aolaal tboM kr tko oUto wool ko »oM koloro dIaooSotloo « o « ko aooow- »!kikod Tko ooort koid Uwt ikoy M Mt. oad koooo tofoood to loooo wrUo of ■wodanoo >«ol«ot oltkor tko iUM oootullir or tko ooorolorjr, of ototo.

Tko ioeloloai oro rocwrdod m 1m* ^ • r u o t to ikot Iko r OOOUIO. to o o rtM looat, • pfoottoo louwM tod tklo Mor ky tko oo« ou it OotoMMooi of iteoo Mid Aoiiiioiiot to rofoolkc to•ortlfr tkol oorkorotMH pro lo good otODdtog oolooo tkoy kavo gold tko « r - n o t taooo for tko ooloodif yogr. Tko law krot fdoo ikot tko loooo for tko yoor gfeoll ko ogooWotood 00 tko kootoM OOgttot olook lowtod Okd oototMdIkg

Ooryorottooo oro rogoirod lo fUo ro-kWM ftotof tklo lafonooUoo wtik tko ototo fkg DoportMoot 00 May

two oortlfloo tko____ o r S tko taiiooMoot to tko otaioiMtfOllor Ok dkko 1.

tfO«or tko poootlM of foroMr yoaro, oaMgaaloa aooktag diooolotloa k o tw ^ dokoary 1 god Joao l roeolood oortlfl* aatoo of aw-ladafclodaooo fro« t ^ atau ooirtrollor, aotwttkoua«M tM‘ tkor kad aot yald aay laoof tor tko oorroBi yoar. »*ok acMa wao kaoodM M fM MVUiPUM MHik mm ■■■ ■ 'M t kkoiac kooa fllod •Ilk tto otata •MtrWIor. aad ladofctodaooo to tko •taio eoold kW ko Booaaiod. tkoariTT-------- of Back a ooktrollar'o mt*tMlaata tko aaofotary of auto akU- Matiaally tookOd aortineataa of dlikolk*

Batk tko dMOrtoaa Wooloa Oankaay gad tko OggortOBHy laioo Coooyaay ay- •Mod far aotk aarllfloatoa loot 1 ^ . Zmt ogoa katag rofoaod aggUod to Jaa* Iloa ■• a t 00 far wrtto of waadaotaa Bgaiaat tko aealralior aad tko aoora- S ty of otata* Ik dofcaoa of tklo ko- Vmm II •aa aat^g tkat tka AMartoaa I r l l a a cSagaay Vao ladoMad to tM otata far |d.lW aad rta OggartaMty ■alaa Oaoimy for fogroooattwr S mo "lerCd or ooaooood” for tka ear- ikktyaaf. 1« OMtalalng tkla *to« Joa-to BOlBg Ikoao tiro •Ofda tko Logiala- two kad two diftoroat ookdiuoaa la

doflaad kr tka aeart, tka Ml Id loiOod ky tko Uagfolataro aad Maaaaad ky tka tu la DogortMoat attkaaaaad I ......... rraai tkla Wawtko ooart aoid it wao gaaWM to oo^ tla* i tkat tko tag waa lavlad aa of Jkkoary L r tka las aa a Itootnao, Jai'

I d iw M o lH t o *M h $4 Imkm

Talkag Ua la | lid M fWd*.

4Hc tk lOc

VaiM Ml tl-ta. oMo: mlMUattw rnm

Dvtakt Aa- MMcktO;

!«• to IN lal- Mo: tl-la. 10 li-la vtOa: fall Mrotk •ad aatiB aarair

Underprice Shoesb t r m r r n n u n F d lkad

lllMaa’ aM CUMi m i * iH ^ aa t gaaJkla

Boat Qaatitythay ara 5»at what tka « tl»II aad 11 lo t; apaolal

H d i ’ Price Sale S p c c ia fe /ro m THE NOTION SALEWmamm'B D n MBB, m m t a , otrdto Boadtow—ah .

571 r . i »0 B M f D n M BB,

Klmommt dui4 ^

gMBWniS tM « aownwN* W ——Mat Bwayaa galatad aat tkat It waa faaaaiiakla I# groMMo t k a U ^ i ^ m

K ikaald ka oollaatad la ad* aokaa. It wao latlMatad. howo»ar. tkkt taklkC all tka atatalaa lata ooa* ^daratlaa. « wlfkt >* .5?*Haawaaa waa far tka garlad fyata May 1 to May 1.- laatoad at fraM Jaaaary 1 to im m rr l

What Is Your Eyesight Worth?1 to Mwoory ^ ^

If tkla aaaairwallaB akaaM groTOtl ■>aa aggaal. wkllo aat affootlag tko gooaaat mm. It waaM grarynt tka eal- iMtlaa af*taaaa fiwM oorgaratlaaa •aakiBd ditaalaliaa katwaow laaaary 1WWBWWWW ••oa MW •BWO IMW I* V d ^ **id dd* drdcflod tka atkto dopatttaoat baa kaoa laatra- Moatal la eallaaUad tnaky Ihouiaada of dallara troM oorporatloeo aooklad jgMaUUaa whieh waatd otharwlHhaya Idkaalatl aagalA ■>



$ 1W(MMM*S BbSMiH UMl C a^; w ortk tZ. a t • ■ •

Wo m iTb BatUBf Suita; | A Ow a r th H a t ............... 1 . 7 0

WtMMM’sBatUiifSMita; <7 A QW01II1 I t . a t ............. ^ o 7 0

Woaaen'aSSe KJaMMoa;

WtMBMi’a Hk DrawimSacqofa a t ...............

***** S9C

_______ ■aadloB—AH& v&r4 . * . * . . . 1 ........ .............., ^ lao BNMte WokWod—B*-

Jnr oupoT llila wok. all wldihi;blaok aad wfclta.......... . ■ ■ • • ■ ■ •CakN tWrd In all widtha; blackaad wtaUt: 11 yorda..........S a iMltsrT AitMM—Kkc*ll«ist rubkarload ctolh; largo olio; a t . f c

Ida KMitlOh TwiM Toga—AUwldlka: ................. . - ■ ........... **aa aod tar rtoO'Paart BwMooa AaBortad_ilira *"** proof; da

Bblia; rog-doarn. atBalt with boao

alrakla alaaa: blacf and Wbllo:

IM, MM Molr Fioo Bhrll oad ambar: atralgbl or crlmpad. « ^^ i r r iia a lM b a rk B a o M .........i t i *

SU alM k l l l l - lM -y a rd a t » d , good quality; - ■ ■ ■ ■

widtha from 1 to t; *^ '*“ aait placd ................................

Mlaaaa> aod CkMOrao*! il.«* bOhita PwaagaMade of whila eaavaa. aakla

airap alN; alia I 10 «. ACy« to 111 ipociai yjyval ................................

•"liioH^r bra— aborif Owtat IW yarda 10 apoor, at. ■ loVto Molkaabi taaalag Waa or

Ular lOe.BathiBg QoHk.aupporta: apoclal a t..* .......bag r owdar Uaod for clranlbg whita ahoaa; vary handy to takaalong oh telpa; a t............ i ‘ i ' . '11*Bat kanaakiraa Waahabla: ahlalto attaehad: all alaaa; at.lla Naok oad Bra Taga—Aljoanap tapa; yard. ....... .y . ail.gwi y;a tawtog d n k -^ lTfcPdl to •PM I: » l ; ............ . A * '* ;

T ubalM Sn** —8p#ciw . »doi*ii .......................

poricra allaebad; for bathina, dMc- lag and all alhialica; In all ala**.notion

Wataao'a l lr aod Ida aaw -« Oapgortaro—Sirong auopotidar

wab; rubbar bullono.H aad da Dtraatatra B alllo^lM j

to 1 In.; ailra quality: black aadtat aad fikr raadNMdttok BaaU

White and waabablo^Iorai prjtlTpattarna; plaoa *....................... OHo

■aN NaN Ptaar

I’l 11.75 W U t c ______Hado In th rao atylaa. and 1 a trag a ty U a

m ada ofwhite ean- vao; epee.,


Tea •S!s JrJSu osr y2J*«T'.,."St it t - y T S S T d

,,|T ---- aMeatMla a » l b ^ It wa tMr . ~ ^; tn* rv««t tbM rm 4*


R - E - F - R - I - G - E - R - A X O ^ R ^lA T to M B f *

a , ) , | J B Q H t k a »lki

Boys’ Warii SuitsMattress Day

F tbfavft "Cagrbo'A*' 7m Stm l



SOAPSCaaklag INaa-'—Plltad tbrae etar drilled burn- aro and aatra oral b r o 11 e r ; alaado 1* inebaawfde • *' /a rV * MYfkaaaa'a Pawdar .

' • " « “ c. o : > a _ rantad; 8 . 4 9 i 3 fcf 5c

New Badal Oaai caaktM f w a - ^

iTory Oaap . y, A G. while

incaaa ■ ...............1, . - b . . ' k . « ^ o f . k . ^ -

tomorrow ' odes;M l * I

B B IT TOBVVLBBt. MEWMIK OPTICSL GO., 64? BROAD ST. ) Frid ay h L i n o l e i l l l l D ay

l^mut iwot- ^ Bo x m .BEANCHTn*I*B, Jily Arthur

likbag of Brooklyn waa gfVow garaete- glak ta wfta ku aettaga, Miekary Lodgo. ad OkiTar’a 1—ka, for oloelrio llghtA bat Bgt to oanaaet It with tbo wtroo carry tkd tbo oarroat ta that yielalty. Bat aigaoet ba did. and thoro might aot bk«a kaaa any airloaa racullt had ho wad ggt la aa tha wrong aldo at tka ttaaMoioitf whieb rodaeod tbo car* fast trOM *.tt» to lU aaltA

WkoB tko "lateo" wia turaod on loot Bight aivoral thiogo hippoaod, each ai gaaltlag tha broM porUono of tbo Itghta IB tka cottago and tbo garago and niar* If aatUag lira lo tha lattar balldlng. BBrtkarBiora, a larga grogortlon of tho Ughto la the borough weal oal** ■»•«- Mataao tlaaUy cut eat the earront from tko aatatocr but htihly moceaofal abort

L Y O NThousands Take

AlwuuB Intereatina Linoleum Eeonomiee for Friday. Juet 3 of the Valuea Mentioned

and Sona Brewing Co.

M raatt. pat In oomo aaw p lu g , and got iB to w orhm g again .IBa Ughtlag ayoten


tbitmfld, family remedy to OYoidUlaeei, god to Imgroyo gm! protaet tbair hiaHh. They katg their blood pttrw their Moan actlTt. their bowala regulw gad

I gound tnd atroBg i r a

g i . ta AKBBICAN | 1fl..q lD iTsalA C U flHanry wearproof In-

laid Uneleuin: 1. yda:

Anniversary Beer =

F U lin iF T A X IIK n D N H A tB n NEW T O n

AAdn cBBifort and eWer lo ttw day’a work.

Ok Draft okd la Bottlea ETcrr*

__ ___ no 11 . .the hack; will wear • lireilno: choice de-eigne aad solortnge. Bpecial at. aq. yA,


We ore ehowlng the clty'e lareent anaort- mrnt of Ihle wonder­ful Floor C'iT*rln«r; It le 1 yard! wide: pretty patterni: all rolom.Special at, wi yd..

T hey a re go ­ing faet, buyaqw . All faet

y color m aterlalB In the la teo i d ea tg n i— T o m m i e T u ck er. E ton. Middy. Rue- e l n n n n d S ailo r e ffe c ta Alt th e new- e a t c o lo n : oleee from m lo t

• 0 r w r g l t OF I te lh P k B k t 8 > n SFor to ll Otoe bode; WoU-mndo m a t-

t m e ; coeered w ith o g o o ^ g ra d e ofirM ie cowtrna w nn • »e.w—w --•triped ticking; wall lu fled : w ogiiM - M t«« Rvery on** t^ean

Ogr ’‘WlUow’’ RglM Edfg

I J S A 1.50MgttfOM al U -li

F«U fib«r combloAton: fo r a n tll ■it# bed; niDftlKr t iM in fe■lie bed; mmaiier tie* in p rm itv n . romWneUon of ftber «n4 felt •dfo, oOYorod with * foo4 trndo of lln« tlckin*. win iMt you » lifetime.livgheitu , reeae as—w F — *■ — ---

Tko “Gotrkc" ComMaatiaB Mattroaa, M.M

For any alee bed; covered w ith a rood grada of a r t l ick in g ; p re tty dealgna; made la the beat aanU ary factory, w ith guaran teed now gll- Inga. w e« Third Ploo*

Sale Window Awnings__ m d ri mrlflA AfllYl lolWCh ^ ^glaaa 1 f t t and 4 ft- wide only; »-h*«b - g v /h

eklrt oitra heavy quality owning ducki m l U k complete with rope and daturea: tan orblue Btrlpet*

2.25 Rope Portterei

CreioBBe Covered CiddoRi

Order a Oaao OeUTered IMrecI f rw Brewery Telephoao .TOO Borkoe J


'T IlM N T O ll. July IT— T w enty w rite of gartlo rarl have boon allow td by ■«- ■ M M Oonrt Jnotlco R a llich lo ro rlaw & o action of m ate C antro llar E dw ard t , Mdwarda ta ta i lo g tbo New York M ato dacodonla under the co lle taro l In- korltoneo l a i a c t Tha p iiac lpal ae ta ta tao o lrad la th a t of tha la ta U D. H ark - BMA a a frklek a te a o f m ore th an ISM,- #M waa impoaad.



Polljr. (icert iund.y.

i:M : Teakir.. »:*t *■ *"‘11. * Kl'.mlMKiSl, Caukm, and

iklM D^nbfMwn St . »:*♦ A.I t A, M.; W. im h »t., I«:M A.I t - i t A*^<* tor |ii*0f W*Hinipln, W0Pt pplBtj cVTnwAll, NnWtVfh uftd p0Uihli##M»* AMwcwm TMpBd>l rpll CPPMCtloet. UlifidR ^w '.v rearyw iiwHn New c i i i i r r• 141 Nriae- Oa^ba> heepete. NewNwgh - Wee*

p«cppt»d. Tti.

PAMAIC, Ja ly IT.—gootonca waa OBapaadad today on Jennie L ev ina th e alghlaan-yaar-o ld daugh ter of Louie I jiv ina of II* Sherm an at real. In the aailfia oourt when ahe waa a rra igned a a a charge of e la la lln g tha a la le koatth lawa In thal aha carried her |aer*year-n ld aleler Florence, who waa •M fferlag from d iphtheria , from th a ir h im a to tha office of Dr. Loo Joyce In Mndlaea etreel, a d ittan ca of e ight klaakA



RACKENRAinC. Ju ly IT.—Mra. Clyde P P aaae of Maabrouck H elghU . whoaa haabaad w ai killed on Monday mld- a lg k t near (loahtn, N. T„ w hen hie guto went over aa em bankm ent, gave M rtk to n aon In the Knekenanok Boopltkl yeaterday. Itha ' la o llll In Igaieranea of her nuahand’a death and •H ip la ln t of hie continued abaenne.


• va 4illr, aaMpi aued.r. fi- of <-brt*i.- •t •; w Ittlh 01, 4;le; Tonk.r., ttor Nauaerib, C at^lll. Iladwn, Coi-H.. (or Nauaerate Caivki... .

•Uhl*. Olee—rr t^*v—eat "III m.k


N e w Y o r k B a y


Keansborg Beach

Granine 75c CorkoUn Linolemn

RufflM all Areund, o f a hcovy fra d o of cf^loono; blR Mooft* m^nt of doulRnt and ool- J C — orlnsW: tpocial d l. O v v

KomYy chonlllo cord with pretly lop vs Lone#: color* for cbolco Aft livbt «nd dork frooa, brown nnd root.


irmmN allo--T bi« !■ modo

Tbo n » CMjMlaf i• • *t with_>tttioa1owo ono um«j*w». ' ■'•“ ■'■'i*"

Jirta'wTd^l ’g iid Atforn. and color,; thl. graJ. mile* n . . . . •>«*/ •’“'■‘‘F 1“*''“ • covering for bungalowa and eam m ar bom ea___a_ _a-a... &mdkmmaaB Mfkn

CiimM 1BMfoom wane^ ggwww --amaoamivofvwKoro at Tie a . yard.

toll ■ ■BWMJnwaawavr m-. <gpeclal nt. ngunro yaro

Kindly b ring m anam em enti.

(He Stair Carpel 198e Wool Fiber Rugs------ *.------1. <:^rpel. tim e mchea: rovernlbla; ^ C -

T Q yv for general uee; la rg e a a iu r t- I I nient dealgna and colora. ea.

17 Inchaa wide; Brueaele Larpel. with narrow border for bell “ ■** etalra or runner.; at. per

...................................... iaie Tklad'nMe

'Dad YalactSoiMCMtiiMWhite, croam

and ecru col­or. 1 pioof end oonter v u 1 * anoo; w i t h fTreuch bond- iltkff. ready to [put up; pretty IlnMrtlone. aot

SMALL LOTSl lo Hcrlm Saab C ur- \ ^ \ L m

tain A ut. pair.......*.. - “ f *.Z*c Cretonnea, remnafit

lengtha. at, yard ..........Jupaneie Stoop Seat*, at. ^• r l l .........................................eachl(.n .............. ..Odd lota Window Shadaa 2 5 c-ttc value at, each..........

Uc Colored Sllkollnaa: Q | / | . rem nant lengtha a t yard

' ' ' ie im ad P ia a r


Haodaomc S te a a te r C hryB eaak IMVM Cam aM relal W harf, PitH A. M. aad 1:43 P. M. Rakad tr ip fare, wMk daya, M cdwla. Sak* daya, 73 ccBta.

inTdlitonal' irT* *.turd.r, July ia, l..vlf|« rtirluiepher P* . Y l« P m.. wwrr iiwtti ■! f P. Ri Tlekel* l«twp<*he«i ble l»tH PL. V r._ NrtP».with tb«M of Dur LIP*.


Uader MaaaftM«at

New York & K enislN irgSIcanboit Coapaiy


PROPOSALStk « eM tr*« t Pwrii bona Mhall b« iP Ihw pomn\ iVBt *f <bi l*»al • • tlm o lo d o m o iu t a flll« (uariiitaataf III* u*Tawi*iit andlla appwrtMnwacai l«r n p arlad M fl***

the del. *t lb . n « 'fpam taa oat* \tmmiMhail ho la tb» RvM of oua-faurthmaf lha latal aalliBatw* amauat n t eaatrAt

abbvmt fajui b ocba* obotb

Ceekr fkai Eigge JNe—It Caaef tveeriaF or fo u r V a c a tio n 8 -D a y T ou ra

IM . PW uionm nr. ho ta l * a**i

AU OBMgar Aim-Nv incM IkRUelf. Ti

* 1* Ak» tSe 8 .■aim fram N. T aliarpaia Woda----•- — *—““ V, Wt CO- wtor baaklata aaptr !• Qoahao V. V* vOm ot muodruT TV. Tee ar aay tiahot o«opl


ao m M gtnd— ef i*e SKWItKBD BANK, Ju ly IT.—Several koura

a f te r It had bean hauled from the qratar a ahark captured laat n ig h t at Beach Haven, early th la m orning, gaappad a t B- D. Bonnell, who w u p reparing the fteh for cah lb lllon pur- paaea, rfppine Bonnell'n r ig h t ehoe and gnaalcbtag hin loot.

T he nhark wee eaag h t in n poand Bat ny J4hn aq llo k a t p ra rilca tly the lieB tlnal epot w here th e flret ib a rk ateack eacarred M veral w aeka ago. The MtMk le aavea feat leag.


Dear CowdHtoaa Are laaaaltary. pparial «crr4re ef U« XgTg.

NBWTOIf. Jaly ITv—Okjoetfeaa are M ^e hy JeMPh Wolllaaky ang Mania Ooldatala of lU Mkla etraat ta pah Ikibad ttatameaU af tka aaaHary aoa* gHlaa ar ikair ptaatlaaa at tka aataM

; tka aiBMlk IP pgatwat aa aatkraak la Maariai* 11

bP laapkptar Irniki"aaid a a r a

ppain fiar If, 8-it. ‘Ph*** ?1fl> S p iJHy nffloo. *M »«odwoy.^V o u o i Hehot htlion, Wmnw A l i

THUU» a n n u al


Hyatt RollaBtaiing Enqdiqwrs’ Ak’d

ASBURY PARK lai OCEAN GROVESatardavy July 29

tlon.It. k., i i u , f tia . a,M IMP kjm A. m,

&%rOilA«StolZYfiiOeFour T r a l k B - 1 ^ S p ^ I ^

Aahgry P i r t i 0>U W.

JU L Y M athF B A llltL IIl BT. BPWOBTH UC.tGtJB 1,MV« BruaP M , C. B. * - !•** ' ‘i * ; B otarw lag leave Oooaa G « v e PdB F. M. i t a p a . F e rry i t . B elk w arm


Plan, aad •oetJlieeiMM.- «« " r*'" Mank form •! pr«P—•* Jitnee *f the leva eoalneer. uwa hall, Irrlaa-'"Tat kMid ef t’omoil— reamvee tat nekl to releet e.r V i ^ * T J h .

T a w a V a c i n a a r

i p a l B f t a a . N 3 - J ' d y > 1 .

LEGAL woncisqjajn_H-lAJU».ri*l»~a~»J~i Cira—a*if~d ' ' ■ - ■ — ***** * i ^IM CHAb'CKRT o r HBW

iwten KIcheil O t-athar urdBduaan. esKplalaaiit. and- - ----- ■- M tpontlen vl New Jef-0* kill, e ld hence ef

LEGAL N o n a s

flald Camptar iaay), 4*f«auat.Teke aetlee that an orPer wua. elgaaP_hy the ekaatellor ef the alale of New Jeemy

la the above eatitledthird Pay ef June, alneieea head red and tliteen. vhitb read, in part aa frila«.Ordered thal Ihe afepltera. at tha Mid Klu-p-oreeantld Cempw Pa £«?■ *•! the reeelver appalateP la Ibk yrava hefera him, aaPer eath » tleo. er etherwiae, aa the aalp v” *****!/^'

and HiinaoTt cotiKTica.*%“cElVcOWTltA ^




K o n rik T»j LVP4 • ' 'V I , .

b u h l^ S c h Hwer. » d

*4 : J " . L * K K 'h P p l a i - aaP t— HB*^ p S ia aad apaeUlealleha for

lunhv CUy 01 iho **fi f ‘S L S ‘V r5h .ld .m , meet h— ■ Hevark.S. J.

linn, nt «iR*rwio«. „o«iv«r. tliBir obyryuI oIaUM fcudualn a l the • t* « ,« 'rV tS S r" u d 2 ? * * ^ mhniha treia Ihe date *f th ieorpen « taey be eietuded f rM the heneW dj dlvldeada aa —ay thereariar be dared hy lali oourt upea the proeeeaa at efiecu of eald oerparntlea. _ ^ n a rTkla nottci le aialled t». Tm aa a otPIW ef tha defendant p n m a a t to tha pIvvpMB at —td erdar.June M. leia

IN’ cBANCgkT o r Wkw JBRBBT—Be- tvetn gjitabeth Lahh. imnplalnant, aad

Oatherine C—ran. el al.. dereedaala. On Mil. Decrat fhf

By virtue al the decree fee eale. made by the Court ef Chancerv In the above entitled canae. haarlan date tha ■____ ______ If date the eGhieanili day atJnir, laia. I ehall eapoee fee eale . 1 puMIe vendM aad —H te the hlaheet bidder, on Friday, Anauel t l , III*, a t tha hour at : e'elMh In the afternoon ef that day, at the enerlfra ■*!— room In the court houje In the

—e, rarukm*M hra O kra e-raaanupae auF lAinmaa— ■ e n jigngnifg MIIM rwng iti giim vi.npri humm in ifgiBHty of MRWKTiR. In tb* Cftunty nt Kn^x Rn6■Utt «f Nuw J«rMy, »ll ihut trfc t pr jmecrI■Utt «f Nuw J«rMy, Rll ihnX trfct pr p«rc«l nt 1«w4 nvt pr«miB*u tlluAiw In Ihf d ty 6f NtwAtk. In IM roMnty of Km i raA oUt* M M««r Jorour. RnA moro portlcMlprly dunertbod M fRllowt: .

ik* Emw« m Nor. si nnd IS 0«

^ftoninff Ib thR northtrly Ubr of CrbrI


■---------- -- --------- , _ ------- ,Cm tIrr Krpp: Rnd from thRwdU r«nnini tKrOtttk thR mldAlR Rf rrIA portlltRu wnflralraMM raialif BHahM'— U«IM MMBth t WMHI kf flillMM

•OYRRly rn»t w*pt«rly jyom RRift ^ In i Roiltho i«0 hfHMMem»d IS otroft: Kr.or formofiP'^lonflRf id from thondu r«nni

. pBTBiaay *ww* vrmmawa** ipwaij l arr**• t ^ t r y aireet, —Id point being eppoatiaCrtitlen well of the two ho— (ornkerlr

etra aa Not. U aim It Canal M rett: Na. H

keeelver of E—ea hulldlB*‘ ' JBHIBL a lae Klump^Or^^d idlB*. Newark, K J- (lle-e*)

RIOAR RRJR noppo fl»Or TlwrARdoffoo*. MRi EliiyvlDur foot nino Inchoo ^ tbo RUoy; thonco oRotoriy Riofid tbo ■uwR tPOilly-MO fool ibrRO lneb«i: tboiioo Roulb

PI. CMtrad k a ^ ^ ^ H - r ^ ,P - ^ ^ ,^Trait— leave Broad at f ee A. M. Me'.*'**’'..elurnlna. leave Aehnry Park

at a ;4. aad *!*. r . B.tICKBTS »I.M ; c h ild r en , lOg

aoM now at Ihe T •• **•••*oa the —oening of the eaetartioa.

^■fcch htd nuMt heR i^ ^ R ee b or ORRlk IR tb# • • • " ofi ? 1h ? l S e - i t Wd, .n ? l« i .d ih e r r in . p a rab le

3S U B lfS rd ” w . U t h . county

irnS h a - n d in th e h -* ™ *

HBW JBB«T-TetK CBANCBBT OF,-pi'‘L*air-aiChMtnty of Now JofoRyp wf**

rC tbo Ato^horo^ In A PRlMi*>inRrtM wyiAiM


rsdPOSALsBBALBO p f u i r o iu u i let the eerMng, par-

lag aad laying ef eew - eoaneetteae -Tweaiyfim t f t " > « •arty l» Cltaleo avaaw*. will ha taealvap hr theBeard at Ce— taaleaere ef the tewa ef

Aagnet I, IM*. at •-----

of the raatraot

OM»n|!na,^^jla-i C « ir .BUniARO MAI

vnraniy-'ono iw i tn m inc««*e aiavraw mv«b«twonij-oovRB dtproon wooR runnint tkrRRtb the niddia at the pertlllea wail i f the hen— formerly hnawa aa Hen. » »»d » taw air—1. fllly-elght Wet ta CaMi iuwal afoi —Id, end thenee a Iona the eatne “ twenty feet twe lae |M to tko piaoe

Ihe eWM f f « l —a auavwed to the aold inillaBi CerMU to Jeho ntowift hy d e i d j a t ^ Jan—ai^ e .

defendaalt. ye* are plead, aaewar -* Ite Ml) •

________ I iiM y^ni




w k at heA MrevaaOdi MiatI laaaajiary PiBPI- iMikkUPk la eald eo luira iRg premlaae war* eVefw



AU. atlfMBB MA'ijUjfSLgfttir

MvI ml

gl taM.


Hoxt SundnySr«S3Awto. 1 -4 B. ABt Fetar B. MB

k i if« tw ll .U « a J t . '

ihwwh Chunk 91.40■EXTWMBkV 4'-

to . Sp- « kl. t-U! fhny Eh U R


'•vtr . M.

nmmnmmwi •: iLUL^-ukn t tkR w * b MrU. IrrlM V O k

laltewtag M eJ> eppreiimele —H— ranewiM - nialeilele Btr-

vtMrd, nlmd- iRBdH IB tb*

t S a S p S T w I i . ef the . . . e r a .1 .

Jaae I*. CARLMk.

^^► Sancii child.


werh iw be

SSE HmbI fool nl Si.16 iBch <«wrTr L rS U S n i tmnlnkna Rpd Mt tw ROW-

u at ear* aaraava faralehed aaP a - la

Cenlflcala •* fittn* •* haidara laTa all ta wka- tha—*'wh!«a*. It »Wtora «iir auth—M«lad re la— for Ihe veiuntory

it hr ——h-

illea, hr

**f|H%aare ,yav4!. ef Wullihle pavemeat an a a tn ilh 4e e a im te fe a a d itle a .

—i - » e h eew— ^cwaaeciieoe laid We— tha a J i l r le t t o ^ “• • • “ **M*iIaearT—i T S S L e «rh faralaaeP aad a - la —aerete.

lapa tor ihe veiuatory Mwwiee

*^iT2S5I*m RbRlI Or ■RRitd nnd Rl dTHRSd


—aaet*. UW h*vdfWMIdliA*iarenTS« STBBP



Rret - m l <."nrMag. I»»*ag ahd - w - eea. "SlTJam erf the hIPP.r tan- a l- appear

%mnf bo.bwhHT, ^ „,pSf*4 tR ‘ -pdo to bt «*«RiMt M m cefmrninfmm


W, a. ,—.qr-rT( - •

—leiBaf *m— Pi altnaied al/fll} ? " l l £ ? 2 t . ‘'e«'TM''I I L E T ^ lb. aw *cbRPto ihRrm. w»r«

„ OpRIUM WWW— lUtf, ^ U v iR

iimcoii' cou»T-«tt«*galtcH— of Complalaiwl.

, halMlug, • aiBteo_ _tMto*fl»*^kat a aarlt nf aBaab-

certlltnia. that «wfh eonaeMNew Theatoire; I, TT

reiary ef elate — Ike.

TO M llllS t f. BABTMAftN—By rirta^ e f . . ^ S a r ef the Caart el Chnaeery 4 Wef . *n 2m My ef the Ph— Be—it,


SvfegaS-rsH iH S* .T** 7 d i r e r - P la -M a e ^e S S a r t o k U t R * ^ , .•=*“ “

•na cl 4

MfBM ^ Jr«lRry nt mtm m \mw i|**b

w«T?»3nsy342 ..s!3rstiRB. nanmtm Wintofoot Rf UiR j r *yt^gT3S i

■rIMIRNM. . *•“

Fk W kpp.k

^ ' ^ • l i k l F M M BO«4J«lg.^hii-ri w. Bawta AMtotog 4M.U1

ml Hew i-Mp—Te MpB

Data* f t — M. I»f«-Oe«H.«f

e—Plan « - IP <MI- to

lha alloa

M ir b b i i lM ^ A W * *

c aa - W - *1 tap caaaam

< 's ‘*r4!SStn!K— deaaar to w

ttmto IM '

_____ ' tlM I

I y m v M '


fe-, kS

o If.


iMitolp*S tu u *1, • to

I •t.«a 1. koklo95c

■9 otyleo. p ■tgrlaO, ado o( h lta oon- la; opoc..

Dayr « i Sm m

. 8 ^ 8l-B odo J» * t; « r s r a 4 o of•d ; wOfUar- nd aan llary-•d E4f»II; fo r a N il I proporton: I fa it w l M Kfd atada of >u a ilfallm o.Mm Um»8larod with a k lm ; p ra tty last a an ita ry ad naw t l l - ftod.


> T S 12»/ic

19cata. a t. ^

hadoo 25c


o n a sN«Wlb, o*m] laliittAt, w ii Ua. d«rai»4«|RU. CHfM far Mir. wadr byIn th r a b rrr mtUIMI »r rU btrrnili dry rf M« (W M ir M public • biddrr. «D10, a t tb r haw af 1 0 af ihni i l tba Ilia coart houaa In tiM

rranty «r Bm x and II that tract or parcal allMia In tbO city Of of Kaoas an4 puta of particularly dancfihad•rtharly Una r f Canal itcrly tram th r rarnrr

^ In t bainff rppoalM t«o hronaa tormarly

10 Oaaal atratt: Nr. II larmrrrt^balonolnf Ir rom tb r n ^ rannliA if aald partlt^M wi^ f, north tw rn iy ^v rb IT f rr i oinr inchra m trriy alm a tha Mnlh

Inchrr; thrncr arutb want ronnlotf tbrraxb Ilira wall r t tha hroar lao* n and U t r Canal a trrrt afor^

Blow BOW «d (o tin Op Joka HtaoM l o«d J u M n f . I l l l . and 10 . 1 DMda tw Kmoo , liKlodloc *•»»» «r af Um doiiodaal. Imp of Tkom u C o rfu

onmiBo, lototfear , httodium.iiu oad i proBloM kolufladhSm CHILK ?■Mr «| Woo jMoor. Hldfiia Mopwk. N. J.

N. t.CyiT COUST-Kmpu*

• tkMatprttof ogo

i J U S t - f t t l f

At Hahhe*s!Boys’

$4,95 Palm Beach and Cool Cloth Norfolks

. 4 5*3Cool Suits for Midsum­

mer W eir, made of ecnuine Palm Beach and cool cloths, the lightest suits obtain­able; good looking and ser­viceable; sizes from 8 to 17 years.BoT** tan or gray linen Knickers,

■t ...................................... .«8cBoys’ Khski Knirken, st

44c, smi 75c Bey^ Sport Shirts, Nccfiie*

Shirts and Sport Bloiisca, tpe-_ cisi d t..................................59c

Sport Shifts, fiiide of featherweight materisls in white, with contrasting striped collar.

Neflitee Shirts, in striped patterns, with sepa- n te soft collars to match.

Sport Blouses, in khaki, white madras or cheviot, striped percales and white mercerized materisls, with striped collar.

Men^B Light Weight Clothes for Midsummer Wear

A few brief notes for busy men who wish for cool clothing. Ready at Hahne’s.

Palm Beach Saits, in natural tan or dark grays, well tailored,t t .......................... $7.75 & *8.75

Mohair Saits (cravenetted), in dark striped pstterns, very lightin weight s t ..................... *10.00

Cool Cloth Suits, in medium shades of griy', skeleton lined. , t ................... *7.50

Light Weight flannel, Honespun and CsMiinere Saits, skeleton

k* I lined, a t............................ *10.75' I 9 Office and House Costs, made of

Alpaca and Mohairs, in black ork \ l /M ' R''*y" ^I Motoring Dusters at *1.50, *2X0,j V *.1.00, $4X0 and up to *7.50;1 ■ Caps a t ..................... 50c and *11 f t ^ White Flannel Trousers st i *3.25 and *5X0

Khski Troosers at. *1.25 & *1X0 Khaki Norfolk Jackets s t . . *2X0

Raincoats—steam vulcanized, thoroughly waterproof, ...................................................*10.75 and *14X0

Hakne't—MMlM fVaor



N EW A R KI P . M.

On Bargain Booths{

Again FridayFriday will be another wonderful day of shopping opportunities in this Bargain Booth Sale. We

can give you only a few of the many, many items that will be ready for you tomorrow morning.


Clearance of $6.50 Banister Oxfords

you can’t come Friday, be sure to come Saturday.Dress Goods Remnants at Vt and Less.

All our short lengths of All-Wool and Silk and Wool Goods arc included in this Bsrgsto Booth Sale. Almoat every weave represented. Many lengths enough for entire dressea—hundreds of pieces enough for skirts and waists.In three lots at 39c., iSc. and 89c.

Women’s Voile Blouses, 50c—In tailored effects; dainty large collars and cuffs. Well made, of excellent quality material. All sizes, 30 to 44. Usual 09c. Blouses, special for 50c.

' AmAm '*—Main Mmt


Women^s Dresses, $3,98Most of them were formerly $5.00—of rice cloth,

flowered, striped or figured marquisette and voiles— collars, cuffs and vestees of organdie or lace, others trimmed with dainty laces, pearl buttons and ribbon girdles of pastel shades—all colors, price......... $3.98

WoiaeB*» Tok Skirts. IIXO—Many were 11,75—of (Sbardine, repp snd cordeline, with fancy shaped pockets, belled or plain fitted modela, pearl button trimmed, » | CAall size waUt and lentihs; price .........................

HoAne'a—Saewid floor

lOc and I2V2C Men’s Handker­chiefs—Samples and odd lots of initials in soft fin­ish cambric with colored or white initials—a few all-linen handkerchiefs, plain and initial, in this lot. a complete assortment of letters; each, 7c.

X o A M 'a -J fw Ia f lo o r

$1.00 Shetland Mesh andShadow Lace Vella, to be worn loose or draped; white, black, tan, brown, navy and purple; \Yi yards long; usually $1.00, for 50c.

f lo o r

$1.25 Women’s Skirts* 80c—Skirts of cordeline, rep and linons, in several different models to select from—betted, shirred, pitch pockets, button trimmed—colors are white and gray; waist, 23 to 36; lengths, 36 to 42.

AoAjm 'o-W a in / le o r

Children’s 59c Tub Dresses, 39c—An attractive lot of dresses for the little tots in excellent quality gingham, chambray; many very pretty styles to select from and all effectively trim­med. Sizes 2 to 6 years.

ffoAm 'o—Booeatoal

$1 Mornins: or House Dresses,67c—Low neck models with y , length sleeve, neatly finished with lace and embroidery, others with set-in vests, good assortment of colors; sizes 30 40, Value *1.00.

f laA n a 'a—M a la f lo o r









10c 3 8 Inch Unbleached Muslin■t 6c Yuil—Splendid Arm weave, heavy and very aerviceable. Sold in various lengths. Limit 30 yards to customer. None C. O, D„ no mail or 'phone or­ders. In this u le at, yard, 6c.

BaAar'o—Afala flo o r

12*/jc Wash Goods, 5c—FloralVoiles, Dimity, Lace Goth, Marquisette in molt charming assortment of dainty patterns Mi white grounds. Some are tinted effects; splendid quality of goods. On account of their being mill lengths your choice of this 12V2C. grade for 5c.

7Vgc and SVgc Prints, 5c—Genu- F —ine Simpson Eddysfone Prints. These are excel- lent quality, absolutely fast in color, in large choice of good staple styles; on account of mill lengths these fab­rics, usually T'/jc. and 8(/jjc.. will be 5e.

25c Figured Voiles, 12Hc—Figured Voiles, 38 and 40 inches wide, in both light and dark grounds. These are fine twisty yarn voiles suitable for children's and ladies' dresses, A standard 25c grade. On account of these being mill lengths, your choice at 12’/|C.

Table Damask, 29c—BleachedTable Damask at 29c yard; 58 inches wide; close, firm weave, snow white bleach; a strong, ser­viceable grade, in pretty designs.

B ahnt’t-rM ain Floor

Wavy Hair Switches—22 to 26 $1.50inches long, made of lustrous, natursl wavy hair £ and mounted on three short stems. Mostly all shades but gray. Values up to $3.00, for Friday and Sat- day at $1-M.

Foknt'o^Umiit Floor

Mosquito Caiwples Half P rice- Just one mosquito in the room can make the night a torment, but under a canopy you sleep in peace,Mosquito Canopies for Criiwi, uraalb' *1.25, for 63eMosquito Canopies for Single Beds, ustialb *1-85, for, 93c Mosquito Canopies, for Full Size Beds, usually *150,D ix ie C a n o p ie s f o r F u ll S iz e B e d s , m u a l b t-TXO, f o r . *1 .75

Botmo'o—Third floor

Save $3.00 to $15.00 On aR e t r i Q e r a t o r , sMi

No, 76S—Usually $21.10, sfec, $18X6 No. 70S—Usually $23.90, spec .$20X0 No. 77S—Usually $29.90, spec..$25X0 No. 78S—Usually $33.40, spec..$28.50 No. 79S—Usually $40.98, spec . .$35.00 No. 913B—Usually $54.00, spec.$44.00 No. 907B—Usually $5625, spec.$45.00 No. 900B~Usual1y $52.29, spec .$4100 No. 9I2B—Usually $40.98, spec.$32X0 No. 9I5B—Usually $72.95, spec.$57X0 No. 903B—Usually $45.00, spec.$36X0


Sale of HousewaresY * l l a « M I& liM I

Bawl*, oolD

riaaaa #1 rorh %, ft» 9. 1 *

G alvaalM ^ G artev# P alla

W m tfU liPMM im « T •r 0 itavaM trrara

Brrmt r«a0r*l1a J o n C 'aaateiarai cM m af

tw a alMa Caa|$l«ara W atav Pads A la ia laam Witk or

F a i 4 I a K Faaik la r s a afaa

r ik a a F Itrk a ta

Alaailffiaa C:avan barkatak lrk H P la ta4 HUk

Bkakaaa Ipaplac Ilaap4a. 9 ar

faa<Umrnm Ilaar4a ■r»«k4 Ba a rffia H W att F aaa

t a k a F aaaI PM C 'aaklaa Fata

aa K attlaa PaalPk Hawla O klaas <iH44laa Maalla K attlaa R aaa4 k a v a ir llaaat«

raa I 4 « 4 C attaa

la tk a a L laa, l«4 | aat.


We must begin to rnnke room (or Ftll Shoes, hence this saoi- Ace. Every man who wears ■ "Banister" Shoe knows the "Banister" fa­vorably. They are a| high-grade shoe. Splen­did for wear and comfort. They satisfy.

This group of 759 pairs of "Banister" Oxfords comprises footwear in the naweat lasts and pattenit.

Six different styles from which to select in

Tan Russia Calf Gunmetal Otlf Viet Kid

The famous "Chiropodist" last it included.ciuod range of aiiee and widths from A to D.

Mom’o S h o t Storo, N o r th B r t t r t & E m tnm ot,N ort ( • B th o rd a th o ry S h o rt, M t U F loor

Many $1.50 Shirts, $ 2 . 0 0Many $1X0 Shirts are in­

cluded in a big lot of shirts marked to sell at $1.00—all extra values. Woven Mad­ras, Striped Cotton Crepes,Satin Broches, White Madras.Some with collars attached in White Pongee or Oxford Cloth. Sizes 14 to 17. Sleeve lengths 34 and 35. All a t..................................................................... $1X0

Silk Fiber Shirts, in beautiful silk and aatin stripes, ■ wide range of patterns and col- A C orings, are specialty priced a t................... v h t» y O

Men’s 11X5 and $2X0 Pajamas, in woven strip« and check madras, plain colored pongee i C and crinkled cotton crepe. All sizea, for

Men's $1.00 and $1X0 Underwear, including Madras Union Suits, or Shirts and Drawers. The Union Suits in self plaid material or silk mull, the Shirts and Drawers in silk stripe madras.

Men’s Socks—Offering choice of white mercer­ized cotton, also tan. black or gray cotton and 4Q ^ tan silk lisle. Sizes 9'/i to -ll '/j. Pair----

Men’s $1X0 ind $1X0 Pure Silk Soeka—The Lily of France Brand, in yrhite, black, tan, pearl, navy. Double soles, heels and toes of cotton. All sizes from 91/2 to \ \>/2 in white or black, but not all sizes in each color; p a ir. .................. • ^ v

Men’s Washable Tics—About UOO Fonr-iii- Hand. 750 of which were 2Sc. each, in stripes, Agures and plain white. All a t . .

50c Four4n-Hand and Bow Hea, in twilled silk foulard, many polka dot patterns of blue and white. Also the Omar Washable Four-in-Hand in

Fast colors. All.................... O uWUthmo'oSImtm Floor

cross Btnpes.

The Last Days of Our July Furniture SaleNext Monday night at 6 o’clock this Great Sale of Furniture will come to a close. This is a warning to you who may have

expected the sale to indefinitely to make your selecdons as early as possible-before Monday night and, remember-Saturdaythe store closes at 1 o’clock. The event is still rich in ito opportunities. Among them;______________________________________ _

Any of the Furniture in This Sale May Be Purchased onOur Convenient Club Plan

ttJM Drerewi (anDHtrmndLliWaltMl;

Odk. Haw frit nwril t n n i bant, 4 d n w a n w U a t l x a r r r e n d i p im n M im r . U aaal piM $17 J4, Nr


A I M CUffenaletn(an lUuatnteiD. la

as Oak, Btodieya . Mahacasy ar

ad tM Nuwaca. havn a» x tf Pnadi Plate Mkrar. Uauri plea IM.M, far V ’


> ltM Tailct 'h U ca <aa lllaatrated), ia

Nagle. Ma-hegaay, T p ia M a ^ any ar GaMcn Oak, have twa dnw era, fall ■well freal, wHh a iSx 19 Preach Plato Mtr- rar. Uaari p ic e tlA M , July sala p i e t

*3T Priaceas D rsaa- p a (aa UlaatretoA, la Ouartond Dsk, mria eya Magla or Taaa Ma>hagaay, hare full awall frasU, tore lafga drew* era wHh an ISxM- ia^ ftoadh Plato Mlt> nr. Uiatl prke $Z7, Jaly eak prire

tS4 M D naacn (aa Ulnairtoad). Calariel gcatga, whh 3 laiga airi 3 amril drmwstv, In Wahim. Mahogany, Btrdacyn Mania ec Qaartored Galdm Oak. wHh a 34x30 Preach Plato Mirrer. Uaaal p i n *34X0, Jaly

I32 .M C hiffenB iers (aa iU n rin to d ). <Mo-

' In G riden y.Nidn-

hagaiV. have 4 tsTga and 3 nawll ‘d n w m . with a l t i 30 French Plate Mirrar. Uanal p ic a *33X0, J r i y aale

$14.75 $20.25 ’*’$25X0 $24 JO

* A A A■ ■ * 4 JJ

¥^2 ,7 5 Living Room Rocker

o r z lf 7 n ] $ 1 C .7 5Chair i O

1A* lllgctratre. I t^ re* . stets, witk roll arms,

upholstcrod In a*nulnc lMilh*ri tuftod bceka, looM emhion ssati: conttrucllon m 4 laatorlal n s ra n t* * 4— uBul eric* f l l . l t ', Jaly Sal* p r ic e .. . ..............a ia .n

$27 Library 1 $ 1 Q .5 0 TtAle a t . j 1 7

(As illustrated). Adam de­sign, in genuine mahogany; an­tique finish; size of top 28x42 inches, with large drawer—usual price $27.00; sale price at Hahne's is..........................$19J0

$57 Library Table a t

(As illustrated). In massive colonial design—genuine ma­hogany; has a 30x52-inch top with large drawer; usual price $57.00; July Sale price at Hahne’s .................................$4®

f i

hieii irsoMouq«j^, Cii.W.

M*w l«toir T» Be*.:w at» *f to* C taaaw r r, apa* '*

w««r •**•■!■» .‘• h* * or p*eM«UM *ye*4 s

•MAkl 4umfmts

m s $150.00 S-Pieee\%\ | A LiviHarRoom Suite} ..Jf » V

VJ. . ■ r ■' jr-. U vifig Room S ttlto— ( • • n i i ia tn m d )- - -« 6 a ifm g o f la rg e ;

$ f in o w b ie k i o f i , , t r m ‘ etuUr an d rocker;,^looae oual>i<m< Ip rln g aeata and ap iin g b a d c a ^ p h o U te re d ln b lgh-grado! tapestry o r genu ine SpanH h le a th k r; usual price $150.00; J uty

, ^ d a price a t H akneW . »*,* »■**• •»•»**•»(•* »•

’ M M i ! M ! II

lO-Pieee'vBkihogea^ Dmtuo*Rom'Ht^lite, Vrtal Prkoz s a f iW a a m u m $ u u lh ~ 0 m M a n f oiod) i m r i r i

Chtot d m to w N . .tog tMriag TiMOb * Ana Chrit Md • M a O r im - sy.

hi tnaalat hmlm i iiaripwiln mm P * a e l o e m i r i p * W e a r

& S u n t t . . . r . * . . ........^ CUsa Cteeat .«

TiUa .. f s m . r t]t -

a . . iMgc'!^*■sn-

4’Piece Reed &iite, Usaaf 11^ .45 Price $34.75, Sale Price ]

^ U c A ,9 d im ^ m f l l a i t r ^ ) - Mttoltmif i f oattaa, pm ciiair,foehor uSi |N e * li wMo-hi ■ml ep la i la l i l hpown.aaioh. prlo«4 aoparMatr • • -

M / Utual JriySrN





. . ' 1 ^ “ i . - a

f l E W A B K E V E H i r o . N E W B * T u U f i S D A V , 3 T O T V*

The H om e and W ide Inteirests

]% in n ln d f h e D a l l y M G alJ*___ by^xpert DioWii»i

A l W l f t o h Dp W O lv B n to P D O d v o w '

dndMark«t P«c«^-j i p n u f p M p a r e d

ttO T lD PM C


w :• s':£‘ s a r .»nd th* uncooked fl»ked one* com-

Children N eed Individual T reatm entA s to D iet, H ence Som e Suggestions

For the H om e and School Luncheon

fshampoolaf Rags lod CarpetsI u t«« «lMt <k* «Md InotiM. k ttoTMif wnU—j AM A hBBilaaa

» « w » « — - ™ w« W m . K — r t t — j ^

u d w oiSlni It down to I te v n ^ TU» toeetna «M im iit and the tiiattoa tool «f ■ v tc w m raaenlM an «Ikla, taarlna tha fabric fraab aad d aaa . Abaalataly bam Jaaa to tha Baaat alik m e. Motortaad daUvanr aariloa.

JANCOVIUS ft SONl l a - l i e A R U N G T O N a x , N E W A R K , N . J .

Naar Court Wrilo, CaD Of 1




ffTT—*—* CorMl wlU naaabarrtw VoceUblo Oanlet


Bm T XtdMy mao* m Toon

lUUM OMol wllb Pa<p« DtKNSR

T m I R ro U wita Barlor (Vrooi veal boM)

tMtTMuat Badaoek Pt»»___r n t a f 11 cani P iddlna

•Hud Tomaloi* W a ta r* il« a Cim poti

l a tfci a rraafM B in t of th i a ia n ir •MOO foe » rid«» , n o m i W i ^ t Ib m -

1 1 cu t Into eoW w ilcf. W»»h w»U i®dp lir i In • Mueipin ■10' * P’"* *•w i i i r «or i « 'h kldnijr Add two •ll'"*’ oalon i, tw o b * r l i i » « ABd ***’* ^ ■poonrubi of chopped pirilc}'- La* <"• i n c n d l i n t i «*m« to » t»U V"*W illi th in p u ih b ioh w h ir l tn»T w ill ■Immpr u n til r i r p tin d ir. m i o n l n t w ith M lt ib o u t b l i r in hour b ifo ri t h i kidM im w ri oookid. I 'n in i id th row iw iy t h i w ate r In whUh th i r h » i cooked i U w ill h i too i t ro n f to u n . g p r in k ll t h i h ld n iiri l l ih t lr with M lt u d p ip p i r and chop flnalp. R o la lio With a b row n la u c i and, )u it p r i i io u i to a a r r tn a . tlaTor w ith o ie tabliapoon- tu l of W ero aa ta rah lri m u m and half a tiaap o o p fu l o f k ltc h in bouquat. h a rv i l a r r hwt OR to a i l allcoa.

To p r ip ir* tha ladlrldual haddock p i n purebaaa two peindi of flih andK.U . r . ^ u i d “ w . u r ^ owhich a Itttla ■ tm aar hai b u n addad Drain awd cut in ti nnall plaeii. kfolatan with a rich cream aauoi that baa baao b lfh ty aaaaonid and with ehoppid paraliy a id hard boiled ME. Fill Into tndtrlCual b iklna d lih ii, eoTir th i t ip i with peitrr. maki a ir - arol tncliiona for the •tiait' to ••eapa and baba I" • *eef boi oven until criap nnd brown.

In m n b ln t tha watcrmalon « m | ^ i have tha m ilon a l cold aa poulbla and cut the id lb li pulp into — "

_ plea and w alarm ilonOiOhE p ^ le u l a r l r food and

* a ^ w b U a tha raa l broth w ith M H iy EMur b i pnpnrud from the bom a

S h i of YM) th a t wa*

la ruooiR la tfca a l l ^ lin a to a a th a t

m M , h i auro t t e l tb ir ara pM>*d In 1^ a o ftj lubfolnf out in rather thick

Mrlohlad with aatt and paprika ^ B n ^ i a d ilrrrttT ao th i tea until ler

" m e lT M id dreia with • ilm pliiM t p rirlu u a to

11ppboa, Arrangi la ehlllid ■birbil or eompoU eupn. Pov lerh portion^ . . . ..A_.i_ w wM mjili IM A diAFwI kMaar mine*, loah t « of Raruicblno cor

hate Ort— w.^1 dmi S S o^Tof ilrnlned oranti Nl«a

J a g g r l i f t l T h ra » th a iUoai aa f w l o h ir r ia i.

G o l d F a d e s fro m t h e B e s t C h i n a ]


fOThp daaa the >old tad i from the b u t pglaa, aaapaaadlr f l r r t a t tha aroP«f a^pliopalwraf Thlai and i th i r quai- ftoga ngafdlBK tha wM iiag of china a ta aa wall aauarad In nn nrtle li on tha a r tg i i t raean tlr prlntid la Oood Hottii- h^dalBC, th a t wa u io tira to reprint giMa a l tha moat laUant pelnti.

4 haaaawlfa comalalai that the dic- rtaMoaai aaaaelallp th i cold, b a n ^ S a h ty w e n off haf dhlna, la pur- ^l^lMaa, rtM Mlietad a ca«d china ot aki^daid rapatallin . aad f lit ih i bad a r t tc h t ta aapaet tha daooratloni to wawr won. 8ha l i aaabli to aeoouni for Igp aaaallilaciarT condition which haa ag aarty ataalfaatid Itaalf. and inahaa a jlT ltid t bo h i t dm lir. H li a raralllar m £ a a t ha him, far ha hnowi that tha S k a aadaobtadly l l i i in th i faulty a S w e r In which tha china haa been

„ wator, ar w atir contalnlna alkali, fTTr- waahlaC'pawdirw aoda, or i l n a f l a c praparalWna ara apt togaaaratloaa and r in o v i iv iry n i -

, o f 'co ld . Daooratlona oxcipt fh i larHrtam a n ia n n placid upon the

a tta r th i aftleli ItieK hni b n n gamplitid in Ita procna of man-

Particularly the cUdlnc on •h lna la praetioally on Ih i lu rfnca moat ahtlful m ilhodi known to

I In th i chini Induitry n n lin - . la th i indiayor to m ik i dicora- taalinc and porroacent, but w ira

th a daooratlena to ba lab jic tid to th i CHw d te n a of h i l t a* the china, they maVM aatlpoly dlaappMr In the tlrlnc- f i lL O e ld daooratloni m ult h i f in d a t ZTatlll lower tim p o n tu n , alncc potd w M u a t a laa iir d e g n i of boat than aalar-iacYidlinte. go that deroratlona wooa china may ba n c a rd id limply a i a X I n “ but nJUaaarlly far I n i durabt. h Z . tha china Itiill. Th* Incrwllanta

■ la Ita oompoiltlon. and On proo- , of firing In tnlMiM hant. maha chine citrem ily herd, while th i atlani n n of n lo ftir cbnractir. i ta n On d ioontlon i alone e n

■UKiptlbli to Injury from ir t i r lo r ep-

Why publlih In July e rilc li i in n t- loa of lunebn pirtm hin of by nchool children In giptim birT Jaa t b io au il ih i r i may bi m olhin. who during ‘h i month ot AugUit eoon to follow, will h e n a bit of tim i to n a d over «nd dlgiat eorr* la llin t fa rli In regard to th li yiry important quiallon. and that th o n who dailri may b« prepared tor hungry lltlli onee. who m uit be tea properly to iM u n their growing h ialtby and happy. Tha following M g- geatinna eullid from F a rm in of iba OnlUd CUtia D ipartm io t of Agriculture, No Til. c o n r not only tha lunch ItiiU . bul ih i M lictlon and p n p a n tio n of the raatirlala. and ara well worth clipping and filing f®r =®"; ■tint u i ig i through th i w inter end ■ prlng moiilhi.

The pim phlil i i a t i i Ih it if, m • g*"- •ra l ru li. eieh i f th i group# h*'®* le n p r m c t id , the child'# d lit li llh ily to ooniain all the imporiani "riaaonably corrMt proper lone, e"* 'o have an energy ra lu i lu fflc lin l for th ichild'# Diida __Group 1. Thi Pfotiln-rtch Food#— Milk c h il l i , meat# (aieepi Ih i »#ry f i t i i i t l , flub, poultry, dried b ian a p ^ . p u n u t i and o lh in . The r ia w n i for Including paanuli a n th ilr h ^ h por- cantaga of protiln and the fact t ^ in finely dlrldid form thay a n uMd aa Mndwteh filling.

Group 1. The Ciraal or BtarcayFoode—B n ad a c in a l n i^ h a a ' i ^ y - to -ia t cena l break fa it fooda. rlea. macaroni, Uploea aad o tM n

Group 1. Thi r i t t y F«vod#~Bwttl'. r n im . I l ia d olla, bacon e®" " ‘kM e

Group 4 V igitahlaa and Fruit#— H en lom i confuiton may arIM the term "y ig itab li" inm ettm ia UMd to mean all fooda of pUm origin and In thla . « » •®“ 'k •?**“ “ dried b i in , and o lh .r '««>• *klch h ^ bMn claMlfled e ln w h in . Ai h i r i u ^ It applied only m thoM wh ch a n uaed ae ilde dlihei with M ladi and In ilm llar g n in i , l itiu r t. cilery. « '* f" b e in i, c irro ti. ‘ " I ,Under th li heading come

raw frutu, with th .,h o « to which much • “ ••T added (pnierved or candled f n l • m arm aladii m d “ 'kerel and dr frulta in -h ich th . augar le high wrtlar hft* b«*n driven off.TrulU e n more properly c la iicd underGroup S'

brow n cugar p r meple lu g h r aand- wlcbM.

7—Bottle of milk; ihio corn bread and b u itir: d e iiii apple

I —tia illn or nut bread w ith b u tte r ; cheeae; o n n g e ; maple eugar.

*—Baked bean and l i u u c i la n d - w lc h ii; apple n u c e ; ew e it ehoco la li.

A MUh I m p .Thi following reclpei for lOUP and

chow der will e e n i ale c h ild n n genarou ily ;

One can piaa or one quaii of fn * hp iaa . on# pint milk, two tab leap o o cfu li b u tta r , two tableapoonfull flour, on# loaipoonful M il, o n i-q u a r t i r tiaep o o u - fu l p ip p ir

Haat the piaa In their own liquor, or of»k them In boiling, ealted w ater until tender. Drain olf th# liquid and rub

MomentDally B trcagth and rhe«l>

gw eeia—C a k e i andlachnlcal n a M n a It 1. Im- cooklM*^ which 'V ' .w n *

p e n tlY a th a t tha china be waehad w ith augar P '* '" fr‘ t a Jame

S'pKri'S - a s-ii ::::sbe uaad. w hlla yallow aoap. liqu ids or p o w d a n a n all uijurioue to both gold and colored d icoritlona.

P ro p ir ly . lu k iw irm w ater w ith th# B u rn t o f loapa. when aoap le eiaen* tla l, a r i a ll th a t i» e r ihould he uaed In t 'l ia n a ln g china Only a few p l i c i i a t a tu n a ahould be placid In the pan. they rau e t h i w aihed quickly, r ln a id Ih o l n r w a ta r . and dried w ithout delay.If a w arm tow el he ueed, the d ry ing w ill ba m ore perfectly iccom pllehed. C hina ahould not be allowed to "drip dry a f t i r waehlng. but ahould he c a re ­fu lly w iped dry and put aw iy. B lin d ­ing th# ptecM up end allowing ih im to d ry le »Pt to n m o r# gold d ico ra - tlo n a an tira ly .

C hine ehould be weehed Immediately a f te r uelng. It ahould not be lif< . le n d ­ing eolled. end, more eepeclally. plecee th a t h a l l been lieed for lerv lng llquide, M la d a g ra rlee . M in d diahea. o r any food th a l laavea the china Wet or damp. It la even w o rM to allow the dlehee to ■tend in w ater. W eter-eoaktng. or el- lew ln g ‘he decorattona to rem ain w et fo r an y l i r g th of lime, teada to aoften th e lu g r id le n ta compoalng the decorw- tioBW—p articu la rly gold—and th a r u b ­b in g o f the towel, when drying under ouch oondltloni, will Imperceptibly ra- moY* th a decnratlona and gilding.

T h era la danger in uelng hot w ater even fo r undecoraled chine, aa a eery ho t teacup will eaally break Into plecee tn th e handa of tha on i who le d ry ingIt. T h e hM t apparently make# the d e l­ica te china auaceptibli to th e le a it praasure.

n ilfflE CORKSP'nr olive oil botllea the new funnel

oork w in he found valuable. I t h a i a l l t t la cha in and cap lo cover It when no t In ue*. Il prevent! having lo r i - m ova th a g re iay oork every t lm i th e oil le u i id . and lo le much cleaner.


O thir dried fru lia and ilm U ir food# a r m im bera of thie group

n « B i Baach BHIa i t F a n .i_ E g g a . bollad. coddled, poached or

ic rem b lid ; bread and b u tle r ; ip ln ach or o ther g in n a ; c a k i _ , ivilew with v ig iia b le a , m ii* . ertep. ih in lea blicH iii; honey

g _ n r l id bean or pee p u r i i , to a i l . bak id apple; co o k lii . . . . w f ct -Vegetable-m ilk lOup: iw leb ack .rip* w ith maple eugar and b u tte r or wllh milk or cream.

I__potato chow dir; craekeru . Jellylandw ichei.

*_C old meat; cream ed p o ta to * ^ p«a* breed end b u tle r , frouen c u ita rd or pieln ice cream and plain rak e .

T—lAmb chop: baked po teloea; bread and butler; illowl m u e d fru lta ;

*°|l!.*naked omelet w ith ip lnach , ka la or o ther g reen i; bread and b u tte r ; apple eauce; cake

h—Milk toaet; etrlBg b e a mfru it; cake, __

I t Boiled p o ta loei: eodfiih g rav y .braad and b u tte r, leltuce; cu ita rd .

B a ike t LBUch RltD i f F a n . 1 ~ S andw lrhe i w ith i l ic id tin d e r

m eet for filling: baked ip p le . cook lee or a few lurepe of eugar

j __fllirea of m eat loaf or bean loaf;bread and b u tte r eandw tchei, etew ed fru it; email fro ited cake.

rftllJ. hollow#4 out ftjn<l fllT*4 w ith or fish*»nrt wftftottftd. f»r miftftd wllh ftftKP-4 drr'BnIftf; orftnt*, ftppl«* • m titu r* of

frullft, or hftrrtftft: cAk*.4 - or rftl^ry r*iindw!chei; <*4ip

oufturd; JftUy ftmndwl^^hftft.S -^C n tlftfa And chopped

rr^^n-p*-pp«r sftndwichea o r a poi of eroAoi rho«*' w ith hr^mA And b u tte r **ndwlchM: p*Anut sftn d v leh e i; f ru it;

^ e Aft—HAfd-boilrtd cr1»p DA«tn^powdftr hisculis; c^l^ry Or fAdifthea;

C o a p llH kjr John H. ih iHuitihlft*

’'E v try or# ihAl emUftd n1m»«u •hAll bft ftbAiid Lukft mvjU. U

Nftvftr rompftr# w u hother*, u riew It h* rndvAflce tbftoi And to deptes* thy*«lf. To which purpoiit we mu»t be iu r* . In eomft Mn*e or other, to th in k ourMlve* the w o rit In every cofUe punr where we come, on# I* m ore learned lhan I Am. Another I* more prudent, a th ird more hon- orabU, A fourth more chAfttAe or he 1* more chArllablAe or l#M proud. Kor the hum ble mAn oh- MrTM their good. And. fAflAOt* only upon hi# own vllenaani or con^der* the mAny evil* of him* M lf cerialnljr known lo hlm**lf. and the HI of o thers but by u n ­certain raporl, or he con tlder* th a t the #vHa done by an o th e r ftre out of nuji’h in tlrm liy o r l<* norance. bul hi* own *ln* a re AAalnet a cU »rer Urhlg and If the o ther bad eo ftreai help*, he would have done more good and l#s* evt). or he rem em hora th a t hla old iln i before hie con^erelon were greater In the n a tu re of the thing, or In certain (Hreumatancee. than the ilnn of o ther men Ho Bt. Paul reckoned h im eelf the chleftAt of elnnere, becauee fo r ­m erly he had aried th e chlefeat iln of pereecutlng the church of Ood.—Jerem y Taylor


D{ht-Yeir-01d Girl Sent to Shore by Fresh Kit Find Gets First

Glimpse of Sea.


• tc w itl

u m E F O U C ' g f M H M a L A N D

BETTY PLANTS SOME FLOWER SEEDSB itty C sM lii wee the g n a l i i t llltl#

k i t ty g irt tb r flowere you ever m w . l I M ir e 4ey pcaeid th a t eh i w w t M t la th# m H in hunting for a _ ^ u - M g t. Aad eh i couM te ll yoq w b e t ■Mar a f le w tr wan going to be by Juet IM h ln g a t Ih i buR Aad m any i t im i w M i a b i eaiBi I tili tb i houH M o tb ir ObM Ii i had to t i l l h i r to w ip i t h i y i l - I pw pow dir I f f hoc noM b«»U M a h i w m M rtlck It down Into th i llUin to BMait MW a w ii t th iy w e n . And. of ■ aw m . It mad# bar n o n yiUow. ju i t u k a It keen your ebln w h in you hold a k a tta rn u b u a d ir It to ee* ‘f yen “ b i kgdtgr i r M t, only you don’t bavo to

i R tho bntMrMiP^yillFF. ____VaU. aayw ay. on* day B atty w iu l

d a tra to tfca i t i r a to buy noma tfclREa day O addM and w hlla afca toao

of 0tMki aadkata i f aert lytad • • ggCtyr Aad tfca to f aao fcad a ale- u S m tt J m m kind • ( a Rowir. ,

m o r t r t (a tfca d a w l lt

g a s r r i J » w .r s - SjiS&rTJfxr,x:zM-“"T£rT—«*►«».-v.u*i

‘-W hat a funny n e tn i r laughed B itty .'T f i called a emelly bueh beeiuM It

■mille ee iw eet,- iip le ln e d tb e d c g g li a to rik M p ir .

Mow, B itty bed flTi e m u w ith M r to buy lellyMP*. but In iU id of buying candy ih e bought the Uttic packet i f t lo w ir seed.

And M eoon ee ehi g e t hom i ib e told M other Cuddle# i l l ib o a t t h i ein illy b u lb in d lik e d her II i h i m igh t p l in t t i l l M id u the front garden t i iw e r b id .

Of ccurM, Mother Cuddlci M id ih l m igh t, eo the little b itty g ir l go t tho ■pide ont of tho wood heuM end 'dug u p a little b id to pU nt b i r eecdn la .

J u s t eg *b i bed dropped tb im In to t in g round and eo rtrod them oyer along caaeo her little b itty brotfciri B a ite r .

‘'W h a t a re y iu doing, BottyT* M aakod.

‘T la n tta g aomd im i l l r bqWbeav gBod fclB HtUi Matar. v

■W hara ara UMyt* ad^ ad B M tar. Igak ing qarWklfy dU a r tM d h iw r " 1 daWj^naa any baakia,''

•V'FfWsrf " V

not a t atb"t ta y ^ iMMWhadMttyv *Tknrr* mat tfca aaadf.' AM tfcia ntu thoMM Um tfca RttUy

'tti l4li9'#MlVh4t 'W 4l|Pl

Por Mv*ra1 dajrM Aftaf th a t Battw watched (ar tbe eoodi to com e up. but not 1 ilngle ll t t la oprout appeared above the ground.

“I don't believe th ey 'll g row a t all," •aid Betty to Mother C uddlia, a lm o it tearfu lly , "and f v i w a t i r id th im twice a day end pulled e u t a ll I b i W ^ e eo th a t they would have p len ty « room to grow,"

"Borne Modi lako lo a g ir th an o tM ra to iprout," igp lalnad M other Cuddiee, "and miybo your amolljr bueb Id on# of thOM k lad a" -

And would you b illo T l It, w hoa B it ty w ent Into the g i r d in th e m a t d iy

; t h i n in her flow er b id w ere fo u r tin y

1 little g re in i f ro a ta , Juat p u ib la g Ifcitr w ay out of ib i ground. Bo aha ranod back to Mother C u d d lii to to ll fcor the wonderful pewo.

A M nure onough tfcOM fo a r gproato w o n cmolly bfcofcaa en d oaM ^ . t f c i y thrlY ot a M Brow b lggor BatH fiM lly they w era In bloom. Y e m m tt loo t oiYired w ith M g olaotora a f now- or* Ifcot em eit oYury M t aa owoM M

*XTmSr ***• M B#. ':

Would you oot pity your lltO e girl,Mr. Rich Men, If ehe w ere to come to you end tell you ehe d id no t know w hat the ocean w ai, o r th a t ehe knew nothing of the d illg h tfu l pa itim ee th a t endleaa num beri of lltU e boya and girla engage In at th# aoaiho re du ring the aommer m o n ih e ' If ahe were a little child of eight year* w ith o u t any knowledge o( the g ran d eu r of the eoa, you would loee no tim e Ih m aking It poHible for her to vlalt lo m e of th# popular leaibore re a o r ti w hera lO many happy children fro lic from one d a F i end to ano ther. bocaUM you would want her to be happy, too.

Of course there la no poialblU ty th a t your children, even at eight years of age. are lacking In know ledge of any chlldlih pleaeure; ev ery th in g la p ro ­vided for their happInoM and If tho p lea iu re t alforded by life In tha city In lum rner time pall on them they are eooti taken lo lom a rMOrt In the mountain* or a t the ah o ra w h i n th e ir play la more varied and w hera they thrive and grow a trong by tha beuefl- etal change.

Tou will hard ly beltw vi th a t any child of eight year* c*n be w ithou t a knowledge of th e m i . b u t lu c b l i tbe caM, fo r In one of th# g ro u p ! of ch il­dren eent to Belmar for a few day* by the freih air com m iltee of tha Fem ale Charitable Society waa a ll t l l* colored girl who had not the leant com pre- heneion of the ocaan. Bo devoid had her life been of the p lM a u re i enjoyed by moet children th a t the poor little creatu re *elmed frigh tened a t the p ro l- p ie l of going away from h er elmplc home Inatcad of looking fo rw ard aa m olt children do—w ith happlncM at the Idea of going w here th e re would be nothing to th ink at>out fo r two whole week! but fun and fro tle and a good time.

Twelve W ill R i to abor#.The little girt In one of • p ir ty of

twelve children who, w ith a care taker, Vtllt apend the n e it tw o w eeka a t Ihe ehore. All kinds of h ea lth y paetlm ci have been arranged fo r the am uaem ent of tha children, and It le tb* hop# Of the committee, of w hich Mra. Uoorge E Gilford le chairm an, th a t when the party return# the l i t t le g tr l w ill be happier and healib ler for h av in g had the reerM tIon ehe to eorely needa

Another party eent aw ay th i* wM k I* made up of M ventoen child ren feon th* day nuraery of th* eociely. They were aecempauled by th e ir m other* end big e la ten and fo r tw o wM h* the bablei and gi own-up* w ill have an opportunity lo ta*te aoroo of the toy* known to people when* dally e ttr te n ee I* not made up of toil end poYirty. The children will romp and p lay In the {laid* and will enjoy th* flow#™ eo abundant In the country and which do pot have lo be paid for, and, beet of all. ‘bey ■ 1 11 gain h ea lth end atrength to tide them over an o th e r year ag a in il tho ravageo of glcVneta and dieeaa# the! abound In th e ir leneitient tiom ea

aa for the m othera In lb* party , tbeir opportunity w ill be In gain ing re*t end etrength fo r the labor* th a t will have lo be reaum ed Juet aa eoon a* 1M coveted two wooke have elapeed. fo r moet of them a re the chief wage earner* In ‘be hom e and they mu*t work *o Ihat th e ir bable* m ay have

^^SSetber ca ie for w hich tho comml*tM _tli endeavor lo ca re thi* week I* th a t of a woman w ho ba* been a pa- tlan t In one of the local ho*pUaIa, For a long time ehe h a i * it« ered the pM g* of poverty and la q u ite unab le to aR ord the Bourlehraent a r d ro*t th a t the pbyalctan caring fo r b ar ba* reoom- mended. It wa* th ro u g h th e klndne*b of Ibo phy»lclan O iat hor need wee brought to th e e tte n tlo n o f the com­mittee. eo eyery e ffo r t w ill b* made W •end her aWay a t onoe. ^ ^ .

Two of the Blfta to tho fund todey were gtY*u lo help b u y a brace for tbe crippled boy. whoea eaae waa reiaie* tn Tueeday n ight'* K ew a One g if t of IS I I wa* from 'BUtM FrlendB ’ and the o ther gift of | l w a* credited to "each.*

Contribution* to tk e fuud w ill be ra- cMved a t tha ofRAa n f th e Hewmrti B n a la g Kewa or a t tii* Vem ale Chart- tabi* Badety. l« l J W * * r a troet, a r by tha traaa«rar, Hla* illin a Thompaan, I f M ilfort iY ehua C baak* afcouid M m iM p a f ^ l* ta ‘‘PMBfc A ir Fuad.

AcbMwjWiBuR... ttA H *Sd a ta r B raM . l ' . .

Igg*'*4 ■*■»***'•

Ore pea* through a » lra tn er Bcald the milk and add lo II Ihe h o tte r and flour rabb#dl l« a ■mooth pAit#- Cook oo* mSnuUe add th# p«aa aalt and p#ri^^- Boll for a f*w m lnutoa ah ^ aorvo at one#.

PA(At* ChAwAar*Six in#dtum-*la#d DotAtooa. allcad*

OAa-q«arier-pound raU Pork* c u i into d 1o«; on# ifthlM pwnfyl onion#o n r tAbl«*poonful bu iu r# on# (Ahlt- ftpnonful flour, oh# pin* »»'**'*• piQt waiftr, on# iftAapoonfuI »aU.

Fry th# iwrk and onloAi to f# th « r unU) bolh Ar# a d#UoAi# bfAwn. Pul a lay#r of al*c#d potAio#* in to a tlA than ft lay#r o1 onion# and j^ rk and ftpflakl# with ftatt. lU p aa t ihla until tho## rnaiarlftl# ar# a ll u##d. ro u r ov*r th#m th# ar«A## from th# paa In which th# pork and ohioaa w#r# friad and add ih# w »l#r Cov#r and •Imrnar tw #nty mlnut##- or un ljl ih* poiatn#! 4f# t#fid#r Thickan th# rnilk w ith ih# flour ml»#d w ith ih« and pour It ovar Rh# potato##. bI'T o#r#futly. #o a# not lo br#ak ih# poia- to##. B#rv« vary hoi.

Oa h Iwi A»d O r**«- On# quart or ou#-hAlf pound aplnaoh,

kala, 8wii# ohard or olh#r ar#«ftA on#* qu#rt*r cupful b u tta r or o ih ar (at. on#- third cupful flour, on# t#Aaooonful aftit* ona-alghth taaftpoonful p#PP#r« .br*#^ quariar cupful liquid (m ilk. cr#am w atar, aoup atock, v#f#tkbl# Jnlc#. or ft. m iaiur# of two or m ot# of in###)' four # fra . on# taaapooftful Um on )ulc# or vinapar. ^

Waah th# sr#«na w ith ffr*at cAr#» boll until landar (which w ill tftk# tw aniy JO (w #nty-f1v# mlnui##) In th# laaat pointbl# ftiTjouhi of w a ta r: drftln and chop fine- A m aat chopper will b# found cohv#nlant fo r th# ourpo*#. M#ll (h# b u tta r add tha flour and cook for about on# mlnuta. Add th# milk* atlf- ring coiiaunlly . and cook un til th# mlxtur# m amooth and th ick . Add th# cboppad graen# aod Ih# #CS yolk#, un- bafttan. Baal th# whlt#a of ih# «g<a #nd fold In. baking un til brown

Soma almpl# aalad droM lngv ar# given;

rrw ii aad N at C #af#rtW a.On# pound f lg a on# pound dri#d

prucia# or aaedl##a ratalna, on# pound nut TTiaaiA conf#ctlon#ra' augar.

W aih. pick ov#r aod #t#Ri th# fru lta and pul iham w ith Ih# nu t m aata through a maftt ohoppar and mix th o r ­oughly FloU out to a ihkkn##a of about on#-half Inch on a board dr«dg#4 with confeciionara' augar. and cut Into •mall pi#c«a. If th# candy 1# to b« kept for iom# Hmr, th# pi#o#a #hould b# a#parat#d by m aana of paraffin pap*r.

Provide! tw en ty -fou r tw o-oanc# por- ilona

Caadl#d r r a l t F*«VTh# candled peel of o ra n g e a grap#-

frull, curoquai# and o th#r c ltrua fru lta make a good awe#t w hich I# econom­ical, bftt'ftuae it uilllaeft m aterla la which might otberwia# b# th ro w n away- ita Dreparatlon mak«a an lnt#r*aUng •chool •x#rcla#. Th# akin# kept in good condition for a long ILm# In aalt water, which m ak«a it poaalbi# to watt until a larg# aupply I# on hand before candying them Th# aall w ater lake# out aom# of th# taale. The aklna ahould b# waan#d In clear w ater afi« r rem oval from th# aalt water- botlad un til tand#r, cut Into amall pl#c#a and then boiled In a th ick Buaar svrup un til they ar# tran#par. onL They ahould th en b# l l f t ^ the »rrup end ellowed to rt wav thhf #upernuou# ayrup w ill run off Finally they ahould b# pulverUftd or fin# g ran u la ted au g a r

B«a#y Cak##*Simple honey cake# conv#-

nlent (or u»* In •chool lu nchea lor. becAuee o( their unueuel V '"• 2 e*n»llee, a lerge lopply c*" “ *?* " Jet one Um*. Money drop hard honey » k e a re eepeclally i«M-abl#-



Summer Bualneaa Hours: 9 A- M- to 8 P> M«On Saturday# during July and Auguat

the atore will be closed all day.

i . Altman St (So.Leather Travel Goods


will afford an Interesting purchasing oppor­tunity for to-morrow (Friday)

TRAVELING BAGS (sizes 16,17 and 18 inches): Of dark russet cowhide . $5.75Of black wslnis-graln leather, 5.75 & 7.75

The following articles are all of black enamel duck.

SUIT CASES, cretonne-lined:Sizes 18 and 20 inches . . . $4.50Sizes 22 and 24 inches . . . 4,75

WEEK-END CASEScretonne-lined, with tray; sizes 24, 26 and 28 i n c h e s .................................................$4.85

BATHINQ SUIT POUCHESru b b e r-lin e d ..................................... $2.75

WOMEN'S HAT BOXES cretonne-lined, with two hat forms; sizes 18x17x11 Inches . . . . $3.85

3FtfU| A up tm r. f o r k


.cM o l i or efmrfc* "reffecled 1" Wgfc*! Pci®** quolAd " Cenrar M .rket, A .l ig h t he number of .h e rh * - a *

f l .h .rm .n end th era 1* h , „ e , celehe* -U M n Bluetlifc h«ve dlM Pl>*a«d trom the m arket, non . being ee high «• e l i t l * •" “ ■ “

**ISfe iDcra.** I" p Mo m oy#t i* « run from ten lo ‘— " ‘T -r'** !» '' «"»• In Ihe d ifferen t *l»which gold iM t * • * ’' . I ? ' . « „ n 1 i e pound. I* quoted e t J« to « cent* porgle*.ft.h h .v e lne«e»*d In J®'®* ”rv n u to IS cent* * pound. 'H'e o th ^ price, e re: Hellbut, 25 ^18 cent*: .alm on, IS cent*; fr#*h meek- ■rel, 20 «#nl*; B penlih m ackerel, U oenU; lllefllh . I t cenU,

Lobgtera ere b rin g in g « eent* a pound; elirlmp. flake, t i cent*. Soft •*’•'1 priced a t (1.5® » do*en and hard etabe a t 75 c#ptg a <l#i#a


$ f t P . O O

^ 3 i o oMrs.Honsewlle

BYtelling n» ju« why yon n*o a certain standard artide wery day in your kitchen.

We »ant your ideal to uie in o«r advertiiementa to the vomen of America.

Write far Particmtmn mfi tt* Varna af tka ArtWa.


Gardai-mcheDU tO ifle sG o .

301 M ARKET AT.n e w a k k , m . a .

Madame BellaHandaorts O sefft^ Cispa

Vaiats, fSJBi fsiss 1*^.VoHe WsMs. TRs; vdM t im SeiiariM Skirts, IkOOi vStss

KjOO. ,

m HIGH 8 IIUR >N M t l l K l l l l

lac M l■ m m IM l M lI a ll •* bI«m W

N .J.





ind 28 $4.85


i; sizes $3.85

• j , . ,i .



Q r a e tm n * . k«r*‘a a IIUI* k e r w c a rlac • p « k l k l f ka t and carry ln c a f r a a t k is ( v n . a l tb o u fk wa ( a a i i tka g u a ia ra a tla g aa tk a near, bacauaa It la a raa) g a a a a 4 raal gana a ra kaaay t a r l i t t ta kajra Thia la W illiam CoBBarr, t t l r e r a a t a traa l. A rllngtaa. aa g W llU a s la tw a jraara old. ThIa rakl b a t and raal g u a v a r a eap tarad f r a « a M aalean aoM U r a t Vara Crua b r a t Ika U altad g ia iaa aallora.___________________


K tin* J»n« r u » r W usay, t h t n u a k ra t la4y b»uM k«*p«r, a« UivcU W tffU y IjoeRBAi^ tb a AlM rabb it saatlafDAAa e u a a ob t od tha fft»nt of bla hol­low atttinp farm bouM ona momItiR. • I f thU I ra 't tho m oat loo ba4 Ihift* tb a t Km happoRod aloca wo <-am« to tho country.**

"W hal'a t h a i r bakod tho bunny uacio, oort of loohinR aldawayo a t hla wbU bor* to MO If thoy notdod boint token to Ibo borbor chop. "WKat la tko m ntto rr*

“Sour ■ Ilk ," bRwwerod tho nraakrat Indy.

•Sour totlk,** oxcUlmod U ndo W ii- CUy. "Do you moan you w ant mo to Rot «omo aour m ilk from tho otoror*

t)h a no. Indood," Ni|fao Jano anawor- 04. *1 havo too much aow. Lookboro?“ and oho hold ou t a bottJo with OoTnolhlng w hite In U. *Tho cow lady loft aour bu tto rm llh Inatead of owoot m ilk th io m o rn ln f, and 1 don't know w hat to do about It," wont on Nuroo Jano.

“Is thoro no m ilk for iho coffooT" MkOfl ih* bunny tontlem an.

■'Oh. yoo. P len ty for thai.*' rspllrd Nurso Jsno. “But I wanted to mako a cocoanut cak e today, ond if 1 have no iw so t m ilk fo r It 1 don't know what 1 •h a ll do."

“D cn't w orry about that."' raid U ndo W if i ily , In hla n\ost kind voiro. “Aftor b reak fas t 1 w ill (ak« the aour b u tte r­m ilk hack to the row lady and R*t a bottio o f tho sw eet kind Lnsioad. Now lot's eot."

So U ndo W lr t l ly ond Nurso Jano ato tholr b reak fast and then, ru ttln y on hlo slaoooo and his ta ll silk hat, and taklhff his rod, w hite and blue olrlpod barber pole rheum atism crutch under his paw, o ff hopped the bunny unci* th rouyh the woodo and over tho fields of h is farm , tak in g the bottle of but- torm llkyback lo the cow lady,

"I u ^ n d o r how she made the m is­take, ""' aa Id Mr. L o n rc a ri to himself, as he hopped alony. "Rul then I suppose ahe w as very buoy th is m ornina—that cow lady—and she miffht have even left us an ic* cream rone, which would not have been eo bad J gufiss I won‘1 find any fau lt "

8o on he went. and. In a Utile whila. Uncle W lanlJy came to where the row lady lived. 5*he had Just come bach home, a f te r hav ing been up nearly half the n iu h t p u iilp p bottles of cream and mlJk around on the steps of the homos of (he an im al folk.

"W ell, w h a t's the trouble. Unelo W l* * ily r ’ asked tho cow lady, sort of loeklnn sidew ays to s«o If It wero tlmo for her to jum p over the moon.

"Sour b u tte rm ilk Inslead of owoet »UK." onawored the bunny. "Tou left It on our stoop by m istake."

■‘Oh, how cafcleas of m e"' efied the cow lady. "H ere Is some sweet milk In place of II But ta k e (he butterm ilk, too. I'll m ake you a present of that. Nuruo Jan e can uo* It In a Johnnie cake w ith cornm eal."

'•Fine.” cried Uncle Wij^Rlty. ■•! like th a t, r i l tak e both botilea."

And ho <lld. holdmR one under one pew and one under the other. He hopped back towards hi* hollow stump farm bouse, a f te r hav tna looked to see th a t the beans and potatoes were yrow- tnir up nicely, when, all of a sudden, out from behind a Mr Ior hopped the bad eld •k lllery-B calery s lllra to r , with ihe hum ps all over hie tall

W ith one sw eep of h is paw s he esuR ht the bunny Rontlemnn, c ry ln f:

“Ah, h s ’ Now 1 have you. The ear- •craIcbthR cat, the lalLj^ulllnR rhlm - psnaee and the nose-plnchlrp baboon asked me to catch you for them, and I've done li."

"Tea. 1 Ruess you have." Mid U nde WlRRlIy, so rt of alow and solemn 1lk«*. •W hat are you roIrr to do with mer*

"Do w ith you? Why tak e you off to fny den. to be sure." answ ered the ■ klllery -e ta lery alTlaalor. “And when T have you th e re I am roIrr to make you tu rn som ereau tts on my back, and then r i l call In th e ear-scralchlBR cat, Ihe blue-nosed baboon and—"

"Ray no Tnoref" cried Uncle WlRRlly, sort o f rnlaiPR Hla paw up. protestlnR like. "T h a t's bad enouRb* Too may as welt boRtn and have It over with.'

■*A)1 rlRht." spoke the alllra to r. •B ut f irs t let me get a drink. I am very th irs ty ."

"How would you like a drink of Piilkr*. asked Uncle WlRRlly, look in t a( the tw o b o ttles under h is paws.

Tioe*** cried tha atllRator *T Juet love m ilk !"

T a k e a ll you want," said Mr. Lodr- eora. "Aa long as you are ROlnR to carry me off to your den 1 hav* po use fo r (he milk. Help youreelf."

And (he eklllery-scalery alllRalpr did. H# look a Iorr drink from the bottle and (hen he cried, sll of a su d d en .

"Uh. aod* crackers! Ob. huckleberry pie. l>o you ta i l th a t m ilk? It Is more like v inegar! oh, let me go Ret an Ice cream soda and take the tas te cm of my m o u th " and away be ra.i forReitlRR a ll about Uncle WigRtly.

"W hy, my Roodneas me aakea alive and som e p eanu t cakes!" aaclaim ad the rabb it R entlem an, nibblnR h li Riasoea. "1 m ust have made a m istake and Riven th e bad old alllRStor (he aaur b u tte rm ilk in stead of tbe sweet kind. How ead l Rtlll It le a Rood thtnR, am It made him le t me alone."

And I th in k the aame thing myself. Bo once m ore Uncle WlRRlly w et all HRht, an d not h u rt e bit. And ho w ent aafe ly home to sNume Jane, who made tb e Johnnie cake (or him out of w het so u r b u tterm ilk tbe elllR ator d idn 't d rin k

And if the pile of sand on the board­w alk doesn 't blow In tbe needle's eye ■o It can 't sec to sew, Ml (ell you n e it about U ncle WigRlIy and the Ice cream.

M i s s T S .O lt,ftN C t M 'f-C u i.i .

Good iy d ia iG o d T e d h Go Hud D Hudt» tt* *

__________ ___________ . .. «aaa ta g M a g fa w

m r r v r m n t w r i w i i r a n i n M a g a n u u g « t g u r m i nm m r.

I ka M w i


S t t e i l S * in T tJ c tL S :s rhrlS? ^

Bkea. Twrme et Fupmial AwMiRed Is WatfL Resk O eas^Ned few TwfisW Tedsa.

Crank Theories Notwithstanding

M K V P aiS C U * !.^ M lT C H tru U

fla^r ClABBURT PARK. J o i r 17.—T v * m aid*

of M anhattae. m«nib«r* of tha ahor* lurnm ar colengr, v t r * choaan today to aarva aa malda In lh« carn ival aeaaon th a t bagina A ugaat 11 w ith th* p rln - caaa'a ball In th* Arcad*. Th*v ar« Mlaa Kloranoa MrCtillagh. a*vtnt*«n gaara old. daughtar of Hr and U ra J a m ta M rCullafh. of 7Jt RIvrrald* drive, N«w York, and 1101 Orand av .nu*. th ia n iv . and Ulaa Prlarllla Mitchell, e ig h teen

yaara old. daughter of M r aad M ra Ju lian Mitchell of New York and Long Branch.

Three other m alda one o f them an Eaaea C ean tr girl, have boon len ta tlv o - Igr choaon. It la und«ratoad. In additleil to Mlaa HItChall and Mlaa MeCullagh. T heir ram * , ara to b* announcad early n o t! v**k. It la aald. Mlaa McOullagh and Mlaa Mitchell are both m em ber* of th e ahor* young*r **l. Mia* M rCullagh. know n to her frianda ** "B aba” Me- t 'u llagh . la an t ip a r l awimni*r. Mlaa

Mlteball la a heraavoaaan and ona a t th* notad ridar* of th* aboro. Har a a try In th* Long B lanch Hora* flbov, "Punch." a ltrac lad a tla n tio n yaatardar and today.

Although Mine M ltehall'a fa thor ha* long baan oonnaotad v l lh th* thaatrlca l bualnaaa, Mlaa Mllchall ha* naver lo any way appoared In public. Har ap> paaranc* aa a maid In th* Aahury car- nival will b* the flra t tim* ih* will hav* bean aean In an y th in g Ilk* a "ahow."

plCTTVE HEBREW SOOEnESTh* P a r th Amboy T. M. H. A. will

Open s sum m er esm p for members St H iR htslow n. It he* been nsmed Csmp UnsmU and will be In cbstRe of Gen­era l K ecreisry W llllsm H. Mensker. Tbe cam pers will be divided, Ihoes under six teen formIhR s junliir body,

i There w in be se p srste ten ts end ro ts for every one. l>rs. 811k end Blobodten will be In charge of tb s medical exstn- Inalion of (he members every week. The ram p w ill be open until Beplember,

« B *The new ly elected officers of the Ber­

gen C ounty T M H. A snd T. W. H. A. w ere Installed lest week s( Ihe head­q u a r te rs In H ackensack. Htate P re s i­dent Max Levy was the InitstllnR offl- rer. C arl Braun. C herlss Hnsenberg end Mias Kadle Hecht were elected dele- R sles to the Newark convention.

• • «A rrsnR em en ts for joint S rtiv ltles nf

the P e te rso n associations will be made a t a recep tion Kunday on ihe lawn of Miss S arah OaU. Miss Rose Chrlsm an and Louis A. Simon are the heads of the co m m ittaea

W illiam Sontag. H arry Blegal and Isaac Levina constitu te the C4»mmittee

* • •Bvniamln (loldbargvf. Hr. B arnard

Paldm an and W illiam H M enakar hav* baan choaan to rapraaant Ih# P a rth Am­boy Y M H. A a t the a ta t* eonvan- llon. w ith Lao A. fjo ldbergar and H arry 8. H fd inati aa altarnataa,

SEEI "SOHIDE’ ’ BELIEVEO ALIVEPollca ara looking for Jacob Blarv of

lit Vamon avenue. Brooklyn, a ta ilo r, who prior to a year ago conducted a ta ilo r ahop In South O rang* avanu*.S ta rr left h li wife and ala ch ild ren a week ago Sunday, aaying ho v a a go in g to tak a a dip In th* aurf a t R o e k a * * /Baaeh. HI* clothe* ware la te r found In one of Ihe hath h o u te t and th* *u- thortlle* were aiked lo hunt fo r the body of the “aulclde."

L ite r It was discovered (h a t a ll B ta tr a phoiographs, of whli h there had been a number In his home, had m ysteriously disappeared. Still la ter It w as rum ored that another person figured In in«

*^*Mra. Blarr is without funds and has appealed to the Legal Aid Society for | | |

frRellevltls, s a Honlas si HI ft H erkel st. TJitlW, |1.

Marcella Gannon and hua lo Mary Modugno, Orangs. e a 8 Jefferson s( 111 ft ■ Tr Nassau «t. l l i H . kod e th ar tra c t. II „ .

Aabury P ark and Ocean Orova Bank lo Jos Boyce, (rvlngton. lot Si and o th er tract, SSd st and l l l h iv . Adel- man A Ackerman map, |1

Wm J Amith et u i to M artha M GIda- hoff. Newark. R Orange. IHoomfleld and fleMevtlls. lot 14. block l i t . map of proTMtrty Newsrk Homes Ue, f l .

Louts Davis to Albert H f!ole, K O r­ange. e s N l i th at I* ft s fr 4th av, S ix i i l . and other trac t. | 1 .

Hame lo same, E ftrange, e a N I t tb a t M l ft n fr Elaton pi, and o ther trac t, l l s IM . 1 1 .

8am e to same. B Orange, w a N I t th at U 8 ft s fr Wmiam at, l iO itd i , t l .

Same to aamr. K Orange, s s E aton ' pi liO ft w fr N 14th St. T liT f, IV _

A rthur D Urans et u* to A rth u r D T rane To, K Orange, n w cor C arleton St and Ashland iv . lO illfi. t t .

Thorwald Rtallknecht. e sr, to Geo \ W Taamoreus, Orange, e s Lincoln av 34A ft n fr Heywood av, IH142. lift®*

Marlon P Collins lo Emma W Baker.S Orange, n s Baker st ft s s fr liidgewnod rd. l i a i f , II.

<*hes F Napier J r et u* (o Tecllla r Dodge. .MoniHalr. w a Appleton pi 15 ft w fr Valiev rd. 11x137, |1

Emelle Outh to Edward Porter. In r- | cor ISth av and f la t at. i

4lh St. J R W arren, architectBrody Bros with Reaver C onstruction

To. all carpenlea work for a new store front to )s7 H arflaod av, 1344; Georgs Blerman, a rch itec t

KEARNT BIMLDINO COKTRATTB Jams* W and Harsh P Craw ford w ith

Bisvswright A Plem lng, alJ pain ting work for a 3-story fram a store and apartm ent house to b* known aa 313 Kearny av. ftl& . Jam es J Nagsl, plumbing and heating . 11,176. Alfred 8 Gee A B-tn, c a m n tc r , 14.190; John Ball, tile work, l l t f : John Faichney, maeon work, ll.ilQ , J D W arren , arch itect.

The adid ier m u tt have Coffee lo t t in d the a lr tio o f hdtile, and he iruk t h tv e T e i, when the a ir tln i i o v e r

Bafore alArtlng a b ig day '* work, d rla k a rup of good Colla*. mad* ra ro fu lly

DUCHESS M the BESTWhen th* day’* w ork la den*, or In Ik* lull o f Ik* a f te r ­noon, drink n cup of good T*a Th* boat for ovaryday ua* I*

QUAU-MKED or QUAU4)010NGFor 1 ipetcal treat once in • while huy oome Gold Lnbe) Ceytoo T ti, 20 e«nlt

per 4-01. tin.Ireoh from the nett.Strictly Freth E ((» , X>c. dozen;

121 M ulberry S t2 2 C enter M ancet


3 1 4 P lane Street 8 6 1 O range Street 2 D ay SL, O range

2 4 3 HarrlM>n A ve., H arrUon, N. J.


B rn n c h e n E v e ry w h e re . B e s u re i t i t V n n D y k 'fc

To ra laa funds for squlpm ant of a gym nasium for th s proposed T rsnlon T. M. H A., a spaclal o rg a n lu tlo n has basn form ed under these officers p resld an t. XsadM>r« lalnowlts. vice p resi­d e n t Sam uel D. G ctlen; seerstary . Abe L K ipparm an- Iraasurer, Benjamin R elenlck; se rg ea n t-a t-a rm a Max W F ink. An ii'iiln g was held last week to s t a r t th a cam paign.• « B

Thei Tam den T. M. H. A, has namad a l i te ra ry com m ittee to arrange debates and lac tu ra s for the approaching saa- aoft « * «

Th* Ml**** Mollle K *n*nn.lacr, L il­lian K aufm an and H attie n la ian er hav* boon olorted by the Newark T. W, H. A. a* (te leg a ta i to th* convention o f th* a la t* fed era tio n lo b* hold here In Sep- tam bar. » * •

The Mlaa** Anna Soniag. Bebeccm Lavine. M argare t Lowaneleln, Lillian S llvam teln , Bva Berkman, MinnI* Frlatim nn. Anna Cohen. Boee Kadlah and Roe* Brook* hav* been nam ed by th* Ju n io r Y W. H. A. of Palereon lo b* In c h a rg e of their event* for th# ram ain d er of the saason.

■ • •T ha P e r th Amboy aaaoctatlong hald

an o u tin g Buhday a t Ballawood Park.A b aaeba ll gam* batwean th* m arried I and s ln g la men wa* played and race* ' wore held betw een boyt and girla. Al­b ert Loon v a a chairm an of th* eom- m ltta* of arran g em an u .

■ « .L eula A. Faai, A. Slgmond Kanon-

galaor and Rrilllam Oraanfleld hav* baan nam ad by the Newark Y. M, H. A. to w ork w ith the atate federation com m ittee In a rrang ing for the ata te con van lion. A m eeting will be held n ea t week. • • k

T he PaisraoTi T. IL H, A. has namad R com m lttaa to grranga for an a th ls tle m eat to ba held naxt month. Edward K aaslar, H anry 8oach* Ju liu s Jacoba.

assU tancs.

CONCERT IN WEST SDE PARIA municipal concert by M ueller a

Rand li acheduled for to n ig h t In W eal Sid* Park Th* program 1*

"America."March, "Ninth M a.eachuaetU •**J*'‘ ,

menl" ....................... .S u p ^Benifl*O vrrtura, "leabelU ' ■■■■

|a l Romance, "H ungarian (b l Tone po*m. "Lover* Lane . P ry o r Gem* from "Bohemian Qlrl ■ Balfe Ethiopian abeurdity. "Lucinda a _ .Selection from 'Prliic*** F a t 'Concert valae. "Bunnyland . J lo e n e r Selection from "Algeria , .Binging of "The S tar Spangled B anner, f

HKAI. ESTATE TRANSEERS. |The following deed* w ere filed yee-

terdey In Ih* county reg le te r a office. NEWARK,

Wm K Headley *l u i to E th e l B Headley, w • Morrl* *v ISO ft n fr f ab-Inel el, t l- . , kHeyman Cohen et u j to Jacoh Cohen el u». n * cor Hulgere et and l l l n *v,**kVm *A Klelealer to A tlan tic Conat Co, w i Brill »t ISB ft n fr B onykam per.**JoI’ Weber to Irv ing W K erp f w * Monmouth i t ! « ft n fr W averly p L

Owen Smith to Florsfic# C Rmith #t al, W Orange. ■ w s rh e rry st ISO ft s * tr Kdward si. BftxtflO. Il

<'has A Htkkel et ux t 4 E vsiyn T WIMIamm W Orange, e s M arralU av 125 ft n fr Mt PUaJuint av, ItidxlH . I l

Ja s Farantlno st ux (a Pagi^uals Thristtann. Orangs, s s T ran s st 1.* f( s fr Llnroin sv. S4xlft<l. t l . i

Alf H Matthews, sxr, (n fu ss fi R B urit. Orange, s s r s n ta r a l l s f €1 ft w I fr Brook alley. ITx»4. ll.DOO- ] |

Russn K Ptirtt to Alf H M atthew s. , exr. Orange, same properly, H i

K rsrlsrirk Teiing r l ux lo PalPT»er I R rsdnsr. Irvington, w n Maple av i 6 ft n fr rn tU g e st. ! lx 1 M. 1 1 . _

Palm er P rsdnsr to Frederick Tnung et ux, Irvington, aame properly , |1

Ida M Olson and hus Id A h r s h ^ noKir>, Irvington, e s Rar>ford av l.oZf ft n fr W Tllntofl av. Ih ilM . I l-

Rslph B Schmidi (Sherlffi to T r l - | , umph R A L Nutley. s e e W oodland t

sv and Btagcr st. SlxIliH. IS.Idfl !I Trium ph B * L to John Jam eson el i I UI. .VuGey, same property, tl.hnn 1I Wm P Agosw r l ux lo TaroHne H i Knannhak*. K orange, w s K l« ih st j ■ 3»l :*( s fr Park av, I 6ild h . 11. _ IJ Geo R Nell M ux to F idelity T rust r 1 To. K Orange, n s Park av 45 ft w f t I N Maple av, 6tix1*6. |1. „

Wm H Trook J r et ux to TaroHne H ! I Rpannhake, F* Orange, s s Ely pi 650 fl |

e fr Prnspart st, 10x141. 11 ITaroitne H Spannhake and h u i to '

laola T Agnew. E Orange, sam e prop­erty . 11

35x15. IL Hamuei W at et ux to Rlgmund

41 ft «W eiaer w ■ 8 O range avfr Lueh i t , ' *1 * 100. 1 1 .

Vincenso Trecca el ux to B*1*^ Men- xello et ux, ■ e cor M alvern and D en­bigh sta. S3x*J. 11 ^

F rieda Welser and hua to 8a rah Mataner. n s Baldwin at 455 ft f r H igh

W arren M Norlon el ux to ^^rsce W Norton, w a Pennsylvania av 50 f t n fr'^ 'S .? r 'E 'i . .* S " r 'u i ’ to F .d . . l .y T ru * . Co # • N »th *l I** fl • f f ***100, t l .

OOTBIPE OF NEWARK.Aguel* Aberleln to R yge la Brew Co.

------------- - * ^


Friday Is 4he Fourth Day of Courtesy Opening

The August Sale of Furniturel ^ T The Store Will Be Clored Saturday m

People from 16 states and four foreign countries have already visited the Sale. And the choosing is going on merrily.

I t is a half-yearly event—greatest of its kind.It offers $1,010,864 of furniture for $727,262. High-grade, medium-priced and modest furniture. Furniture for every room in the house.

I A great deal of the furniture is at half price.Much of it is a tenth, a quarter and a third less.

_ The average savings are more than 28 per cent.

I . '"

Furniture se lec t^ (mnorrow wtH be billed m of August 1 and delivery >n<^u Miy time desired thereefter.

• -I . 'i A ■ "I r.r *3dri. ‘ -

•'vvTTid B/jGr B/fCT of the August Sale

'No other stdie s d l in x ■ m n eh 1 m fn m i- km is we do holds sn.AufURl ssb; snd no

Angost iils offen suytMaf Ike the vwMy or ihows (hassmeitfpbis s i sie offsred

i l i i i J " " J O H N W A N A M A K ERBrwulwgy « t Ninth, Now Yortc



The following m nrtgagaa w ere filed; ' NEWARK.

Barah F lA M ir end hua lo W*vve"*Y R A L * w cor Ferrv and AdOn* nIA and ether *rec|e. I l ’ dl'd.

M nrrii P Feynar et *1 to aair*. ■ w cor llaw lhorne av and W ain '.'rig h t at, |7.0d#

Joe Nnwlalie et n* to H ereteon A K earny B * L w e B ISth at 70 ft a fr IMh av. |« .m e _ _ ,

Municipal Inveaim inl Co lo Eagle Kir* tna Co, w ■ Halaey at I " * /< » »r H arehall at. end o ther tract*. lU.ndB,

Hevman Cohen #t u* to W o rk in g ­man'* B A I» n a cor R utger* »t end IJfh av, .Adolph Klein *1 u* In Phoent* B A L * H Broom* i t t2 ( ft a fr M ontgomery ■I. II.OM.

Mary J Buhmann to C erm an Sav Bank, n w * Bergen at *«i> ft a fr W lnana av. IT.aDd.

flam* to eama w * n ira rd pi I.IM ft ■ fr Clinton av. It.lM . _

Vincent Baneone et u» tn H erbert W Buffern, n e Crange at M t t * fr Roea- vHi* av, nine.

tleorge w endel et u* to B elleville R A U n » W lnlhrop at « o fl w fr L in ­coln av, and other trac t, lehO.

F rank Voigt el u* to Fann ie Hun- alker. e a Orove at » « f t * fr 17th av. linn

E lla Kannek and hue to T rium ph B A T., w a S l l lh at 171 f t a fr U th av, I*.!**Emily M Norton at a t to Ada N Slowev. »' a Pennaylvanla av Id ft n fr W fielit at. tl.I*«.

Meta Mueller and ho* to Lucy K Roaa. e a Bchley at 771 f t a a fr Bragaw av, II.DAI).

fiUTBIBK OF NEWARK F rank Motto et u i to tlim o Hav Inat

Trvlnglnn. a w cor tiu ran d pi and Springfield av, ll.OWi. _ , „ _ ^

Wm J flray el u* to W eat Kaaci B AI. . Caldwell, n cor H M Moeler land Z77 ft fr Edward Caton aet.

Minnie Bchmock tn Ooo Volta et ux. B Orange, w a N 11th at 111 ft a fr 4th av, -4.Ml,

A rthur B Cran# Co to BavInR* Inv A Tr Co, B Drang*, n w eor C arlaton at and Aahinnd av. II,AM.

Wm O Axworthy at u t to T row bridge Ax worthy, Montclair. * * H igh at t l t t n tr Samkal el. |l.M d.

Edw ard C o'Naltl e t nx to Eaaox T itle D A Tt Co, M ootrlalr. a ■ O nrdonhurat av 71 ft * t r W ata rh u rr rd . t i . ie d .

F rank L Van Wl* a t ux to aama, Montclair, n a Llewallyn rd 141 f t W frOrang* r t , 11,WW. __ _

A lbert F Retch e t ux to Wm Foil, B Oranad. a * W alton av W l f t n w »r lot K . II ,494.

Evalyn C William* and tiua to H an. nah C WIinamA W O r a n n a * M ar­cella av 111 ft « fr Mt F laaaan t av,I I . 444.

Oaatano Orego a t Ux to Faaeaalo Itiia ttx . Ballavlila, a a dor C arm ar av and B tM ary 'a pL I I W ._ ' , . ^ ,

O tto W*b*r a t ux to F rd fa rfad B A L, W Orang*. n t K llng at 4TI f t a f r V al­ley rd, IM W .

F ra n k VVlBt a t ux to F a m la Hun- itk a r . trv lnfnen. a a O M l ( t ■ a f r I7th av, ■*


Saturdays at 1 P. M.

V tO nshall Bal/ OpenFriday

\ J 1 P W Q EveningsM L J } I o iV/ilTo UnU19

VoL l»No. 4 0

E d i t o r i a lHot! Hotter! Hottest!

It is hot indoors, it is hot outdoors. It is hot in the mountains, it is hot at the shore—it is hot pretty nearly every place throughout July and August—and some­times it gets mighty hot in September.

Our only defense is liRht Weight Clothing—the lighi- esl we can w e a r — Athletic I'ndergarmentB, Negligee Shirts, Feather Weight Suits, Straw Hits, Law Shoes—and they are all here for you at proper prices.

Don't imagine that be­cause it’s nearing the end of July that you won't have much use for these lighter weight clothes— you can count on two months of icr- vice for them, at least.

N E W A R K * N . J .. J U L Y 2 7 , 1 9 1 6 Priceleaa

M a x i m u m C o m f o r tIn Theae Lightweight Suits

John JamMon *4 ux to T rtim iFh B SN utlw , ~ '■ --------- -------

a t ,_ l lM i.


Triumpl. ^ a t I I I f t ■ flr


S a * to M ^ l * B ro i tm a , Irv inato ii, aam i p rp M rtf, tH 4 '^ W « b ' V r im a t ux M a h t r a l B * l a Balidktiw. a a r r e F f t e f d tM f t a f r

g o to q o i e t t i a r

I , N w H ^. i d * W oodland av eor S tagar'Fraaooooo P B ledo *t «x to B lH c m t * U Donovllla, * a Tooltol a t tM f t * l^ w r* R M ^ t l t , lM . .

e llM X a ^ n n h a k o aMI l ^ ^ t o ipfc » ¥ te > O ran g e W a H I l th f t a f t > ^rk av,

iRIW X h u in ir kwa to O antury gtoo, a w e a r Id tk av and S

■*: tM SSt wr % Vi


N ew D eco ra tio n sFpr Y our H ead

They dre talking about taking down the celebration decorations because the sun, wind snd rain caused them to deteriorate. Many have already taken them down. Might it not be better to re­new them for the September events?

Which suggests fresh decorations in the way of head pieces; fine, fresh, clean

Straw Hatsthat will brighten you up and give you a dressier ap­pearance throughout the next two months.

You can buy Straws at little prices and there are atilt plenty to pick from.

$2 Strain, $1 $3 Straws, $L9S

Wc have been getting in additions to our stock day by day, keeping up the line of styles and sizes so as to supply all who come to their de­cided satisfaction.

Kool-Kloth Suite ■« theextremely light ones that the breezes will go through play­fully playing hide-and-seek, keeping you comfortable in Ihe warmest weather, Theae ■re made in snappy models in the pretty Homespun and Worsted effects ' in various shades and they may be had for as little as 17.50; others I t $8.50; some at $12.

Pimhbick Flatuiel Suita inlight weights; some with only a bit of lining in them; in smart Pinchback and other models; tailored to hold their shape perfectly; in a variety of patterns sod colors.

$ 1 3 .5 0 to $ 2 2Unfadable Blue S^gt SuHi

-fabrics that you can depend upon, both as to quality and color; tailored so that they will retain their shape to your satisfaction; plain aod fancy effects; $15 op.O tha Stmmier Suita, |1S to


/ W om en’s W hite N ubuck

.SportS h o e s

Some with Neolin solea; otbera with, whita Ivory; special priced for a llaiited

> .6 8 -V

L ast F ew D ays o f O ur O ffer o f I S P er Cent. Cut in

B o y s* F a n c y S u i t sTime is grow ing shorter

—only a few days left of this Ju ly clearance.

High-grade Two-pants Suita of Homespuns, Tweeds and Fancy Cheviota; newest Norfolk and FHnchback models may now be had at IS Per Cent off our regular moderate prices.

tkij^ Sunmter Kool-Kloth Suita, with one and two pairs of pants; new Norfolk and Pinch- back models—cool as cool can be—7 to 10 year sizes; $4.50 to$5Jia

W a s h S u it sBoyi’ KhaU Norfolk Suita,

very nifty, at $3.95.Boya’ Pafan Beach Suiti, with

two paira of knickers, 1195.Odd Plain of Knkkerbockera

and White Duck Pasta at low prices.

CkUdrM'a WashaUe SaHa In amartest stylos; nifty Uttls effects thsi will plesss bo4h boys and parents; of substsntial msisrisis; many exclusive styles; 2 H to 0 yMrs; H s to $S .H .

ChOdrente Ptoy ShoesBroad lets aad NaoUn teitt: apadally priced aa follows:SlHS S to X $t9 »; aim 8>i to It. lU X Sim UK to X IXUt ilMa NM to $14, II9X

' Jidu6r-'J f w i .007:613 B m a Sl.p Nmut M mM , Nwwmrk, fL J.


E i ^ T«i SM p Bimb hbTMfic.


M« ft ftftftgftW j l *MMMl L K l* *• t THftHr ^ “

n ^ r A. Mocllrtdft*. »•< fta. FftlrdilM t fftrrtmfti'. »«■ '•


rftntnl •wneM Iw Mr* *•“«..llilliftar 1 naAM!t*r P U K l



A fu r —-*■*-* tw o proTloM ottompt* hU Utft W- J " ! " * * " * *

T ftA PMJ •«*»»• * " i r !Bt n » arppdwPT. tkftt *«».

b4IT»U *t * «W

hoiM •« ** r n n ^ t •» « “ ■ ■“ * ^■ ftMBit# effort* ^

Cfjk U M i . *!>« " " “'rteiMftrir ftft • ***' ’ 'ofTnIir

• i f * t t WM M ia • '• ’' • ***•" | k £ c «»d«r » br«M ow *i tor

?u* ft« t* « lo (l «»>«n on tftn P®*"*SUfclnlw* th«ftt ft "■^S fM .frio « in •*>'• O'* '*** T»o*lft» •E rk i and wM dlot«»*t»d •*

o T ro fT k . fftft J*t» tf ttp .4 onIwfoift l» o'clock yoitordor

5 T k « ftM IB orto*’ t» ** ™“™ " •2 LS1M Mr. ic o tt . WHO WM otulp* i r S i ^ l i . lOOMod lo bo Ift Pftrttco' w a v blSb iOlrItA b b t M hla wifa pro*i l S i N f d S S i J t i l .? f v - - u 4 k tiaod bor looft-br. Appof-

MfO. ftofttt tb o o tk l oorp lltUo o<

wlfo o f B olM lPt ‘ " • • t '* " j H o h .r o f H orriio t.. wbo •< ■ «hOMO I I l* d l otcool, • •■ < • /. WOM lu ld todPT ftt tfto Chorch of tko Holp C m o . whOTO o ooloMB bl«b B i ^ of roqutoM woft offorod. In tonM ol wM In Iko fom olonr of tko Moljr ftopuchro. Tbo honororp pollbooroco woro Moyof John i . Dftlx *1 HofTlooo. formor Ho*or Joooph p. RIorton. Cooncllm .n T h o m u r . O Tonnor. Potor 1. ■■IIItob. M w ord J . B lod Cloroooo T. Vm Dolop, FfOdotlck C. CtlftOB, Bdword p_ McKoob and John J* CyNolll. Hodoon C oontr P a rk Coptmloolonor WllUam J. P oT la form or Aaotmblyman JoM ph A- R lordan and Potor J. Ooodman.

r» o o ro l o f Mnu Jofta J. (ooroy.Tbo funora l of Mrm. Anna M. ('onroy.

widow of Jo h n J. Conroy of tlT John airoot. Baal Nowark. who dl»d day, waa hold today at tbo fh u rcb of tbo Holy Crooo, H arriion . whoro a o ^ - atnn h l» b maao of rtoulom waa offor^_ Mombora o f tbo Rooary Loapuo of tho Barrod Moart. of which Hro. Conroy wa» a mombor, woro pf»o- ont tn tbo rh u n h Inlrrm onl waa In tbo Comolory of th» Holy Bopulrhra

Mta. Koto Prtata.W ord canto IMo mdrnink l«

W Ifteblor and W illiam ^ in rh lo r of aoao of tbo doatb yootorday of Ihotr r t t i r r . Mro K ata ^ In tA wHo of V a la ^ lino Prlo tA of Indlonapolla Ind PrtDia woa a tity -th roo yoari old. Sbo w ai bom In Omnko and apont h w fW - hoed tb a r a mo*ln« W ait In lITT. Bo- ■Ida bar haabond and two brothara, ■ha la aurvlyod by two aoni and a da tifth u r, a ll of IndUnapoIia

(Contlnaad froon PIrot P adft)

J than a ftftaytar of an boor aft« Hra. Iftatt had loft

I nniirthBf to * itottmontia»^ OlWfto polloo, who S r.M rtb o maid paid littlo atwntl« t o tb o b o cM M . f t » l o ^Il«roaI»«towoblU tirto blow out fn 52J^J3S5lKrbood and mi*h roporU aro p«t ftftoamwoa.

^nfo DMowoaoo BadT' n a W r rotftyft » mlnutoa tatoy

fltrft Bftfttt im ^ u to ^ m lj^ ‘*io*urd

general JAMES 6. C he

____■ u td a tto . aoarcb lath S S y dtaopoorod him lyin« In tko e ^ -

M lleholl waa than anmmoaod,^ M to t«ft "."n** ***»"‘^S£Zm ^ H . B orbort Wminona, wb# ,lnw od tk a body and ftraalod a b ir ta l

a t tho Bilcldo waa not e o n . utmiod to tk a polldo «nUl lata to

^^■^^Bairtl waa ft ftfttlpo •*,****w baro ho waa bom lorty-om oa

^ X T Bo had to o le d In Bam h n u iM tB toon yaata, and waa wall

In th a t elty . Boaidoa hla w lla S ^ J S U l m d by tw o I t to y k B m iS a h a H Ktohola of Albany and Mloa j ^ p A l a a Boatt of tho Proopoct oiroot

Ho wao a mombor of a Now T M ekftptor o t tbo Sana of tho Roto-

^ p m a r a l aarmoao win bo bold a t hlawtto toniofW>w »ft# r*w n btd ^ Bat. Dr. W illiam ft. BUbop, aaoiat- i S t m otor of Otm o Cbumk. 'm n«o . ^ H a to iln s . In to tm ont will bo 1a Wood-

----- Naw Torh

H *W TORK. Ja ly iT .-A rm y rtrclo# today board of tbo doatb a t Hapno. Lftka Oaorpo. N. T , yaatm toy o ' Brtoft- dtor O onoral Jamoo 0. C- loo . U. ft A., ro tirad . H a waa olphty yoari of a«o. Tba funom l will bo bold in W aohln*- len noat Buaday Inu rm on t will bo to ArHnftoiko Vb.

ObDbrbi Lb# bnlbrbd Ih* UfiL«« brmjT durlBft tho C l*n W ar from Ohio aa a cap ta in and qnartorm aalor llrod aa b rlpad lo r ponoral In to**- " •lo rvad at boad*aariora of tbo tho Potom ac, aclod aa rhtot quarto r- m aator dtirtoft tbo Oottyobafft pnlgA and waa In eh a rto of tka dopot a t A lanandriA ^

D aiin ft tho Bponloh-Amorlcan W ar bo waa in o h a rto of < " • , ' * " ? fo r tho landinft o t tbo Unltod ftUtoo torcoo In Cuba. Oonoral to o waa born In H nm llton, O n ta ita

rjii: x n ik :: ."; s i i s r . n » « - ■" “i " *su k o n »y bla pftpor wklck tko bank held." Ho onto Iho kaak wonid bo pro- toctad Ho wonid U bo en l Hf*Inabraaeo All tblo. and mor|a B y rw rolaloa. and Iho maa, than In food hoallb. who ilneo Cbca baa nndorftono an oporatlon from tbo oftorto of which ho hao not rceooorod. doelaroa th a t tn all in b a lan tla l th ln fa Byrfto'. aocount o f w hat occurrad la tm o.

• ta ia s H a t fowaa B atch .Nr. Oollo'o alalomoht. w hieh rom ltod

In c lo arin f op tho fon myotory. waa fto follawoi

“N r, Haloh la, olch abod. rooooortni from aa opom iloo for appoadlcHla. por- formod a t tba Momorlal H o o p lt^ abjMt tw o w a o b ia fo . » • • " a t bio rooldoBCo and oiaralnad by n m w aa b ln f to n bnd Powaralth m of tho proaaenler, wbo roportod to ihoprooocolor. .

“N r Hatch baa road a ropy of ino a m a a t o t Nr. B y m . In tho ooialan of tbo proooontor to lay th a t In aU oubotantlal p a / t l^ lf t r a It la e o rm e t and Mr. *B»mo■ponbll^U for til# iKt 4on« by Mf- ®jrm« a t bln roqnoat and lo llflla tlon .

-N r. Hatch doalroa, aa f y aa p w lb la . to rolloyo Mr. Bymo from tho ro- ■PPbblbUltjr**

Horn lo tho io e ro ia a -tro d o n ro ra tta to m o n t In fulli - a —««

"On tho m b of May. 1»1«.H H atch of Maplowood. N. i . . ono of tbo yleo proaldonia of tbo **"*“ i} T^” * Company of O ranfo. N. J.. called m r (Tbomaa K B ytao l by tolopbono from hlo otBcr In Now T orb and roqnratod m . to moot him ftt ‘ka th a t o y rn ln f iMay *•■ **'**■ o'clock. I wM at tb r bank a t tba appointod tima, and Mr. H aleb arrlro il, I (hould aay. a* ‘ bool I H or I 10

"N r H aleb raquoatod mo 10 b rink tho corllllcalo of dopooll boob *"tho d ircclom ' room, which I did. W M n wc roached the dlractoro’ room. Nr, H atch aakod mo lo mabo out for him

hlo name, tomo ocrtlttcatoa ot

lh a toyatory. But tbara wbp ft* ■ n th a rla f ab*dt tka bank. Only ft faw J t S T w V ^ ^ a r o wkon a . a n to ^ b l to dm oa np abortly aftar 11 form ar J ttd fa Tbomaa A. Dft*l#

**u I iJ ! iha bank •w tam r ByniA * • ka oraa k a o ira to knodroda of poapU. w aa omlttoft. Ho kad la o m to f tk a t ko waa to ko placod andor a rro it on nomo e ta rfto oonaocud w ttk too olooiaft a t tho banK Ha bad boon oa tbo Job, a ll day and la ta a t n ifk t, aMkalInf tk a bank oa- amlnora. and ko fav o Ibom miefc aid M ho oonld tklo m om lnf. oron w ith ibo ahadow of ayroat h a n f in i ooar him.

Aa tbo lawyor and klo r lla a t lo ll tba haak Byrno aloppod lo ipoak lo oao or tiro fIlond i who woro near. T m tbo victim of oomo ono oloo'o delnfa,'* bo waa board to nay aa bo w alked aw ay and ontarod tbo aatom oblla.

W blla Bym o waa on tho orpy to tblo elty two pbyalclano had a ia r u d fo r Maplowood to m ake an oaam I na tion of Hatefc, wkA a t hlo handiom o rooMopca In R ldfowood road, lo eonvnloaetaft (ropi a roeoat oporallon fo r appan- dleltlo. Tba pbyalclana n r . Joaaph Pawam llb and Dr. W alter ft W aahinft. ton. woro appo loud by too procoeatofo orfleo to viott Hotch and 000 If bla condition waa ouch that ho could bo ro* movod from bio homo Tbo rep o rt th a t ram o from tho homo today waa th a t Haleb waa ailll ro rr III and th a t bo know of tbo divclDpmonio a t the tru a t company of which ho lo popolod to hovo bm n tb* larpool otockboldor. It lo oald Iho clrcum itancci had a f f r a - valod h it condition nnd h id not boon bolpfut in m aklna for roeovory.

r ia ro H airh fa d o r Arroot.



f ta fa o f t *ka B atoftto aftd tb a OtftitftI Paw ara la a a t bB m toeftt

TBiaa a m ft# Uidicattohft tb ftt falaw lbl w ill ka ftItM kad. Tka AaM tft.^larmaM haoa law ar Ih aa • k r lfa d a a f t m ^ ftftd

^ l f t » m ka*a aa ly toft d h r lM w wtooCll« ■ alaalh l tr a a l , a s d aanaaym ftUy.

(OonUnaad from P lra t Pn«a )

m lllla ry obaarrom p* ln l a a t. thay am not to a poaltlon to undartoka w a»- •a n il a a tka lorm ldaftla Hftw aaftlaa■anil a a tka alraoftkaM .


inM i t fcy mnklfiff corKittoto » dif-a___ a* itlMfl th* ftmOUTlt thnWII

(C otitl«a« i from F irr t F***-)


V ^rftl aarrtoaa tor Banjamln r. jglpHi of HMtetalr. who. aa told yoa- jMrtbf to tftto adlltona ot tbo Htwa woa Mpiod ky aft asatbound Bloomfield avo- ■■a mr t* ikai t«wn, will bo oonduciod

ftt BL joka'a Bpiaeopal Church, ^^tniotr by ika raotor, Itov- Jamoo

« tcoMft Tk. kody will bo to PmTldancft, B. t. tor intor-

tho whole number of momboro to the Board of Worki 80 thia It (o be too line of eampalpn apalnot (Jlllon If ho ■do any noilco at all from ihc Ponw- cratlo opotlblndoTo: "Ladloa and fonllo- mcn. would you want fiva Olllono in too Board of WorkerAt any rata, Olllon la folnr •" *»t ■a many H«pu*llran ■■ nomocralle votea aay the nomocratle laadora Havinf diamlaaod him In tola fnohlon, they proceed lo domolloh any ihoory that Raymond can ba ro-olactod. Aa to tba rumorad candidaclaa of charloa p, Taylor, John L. Bold ond an anti- ■aloon alapdard b**r*r. It a a ea^ of wolcomo to our cUr fr™ iha Oomo- cratlc ehloflalna who at laaot Profmo to naUova that tba moro who ooak Iho

tho oaylor It will bo for tho

ferottt am ount than too am ount aho' on our boobo. I rofuood to do IhiA and told Mr. H atch th a t I could not do » - Nr. H atch aakod why I would not do to la for him. aad I replied to a t It wao no) Iho eorroct th in* lo do and I never In my 111* did anythin* th a t waa not r lp b l In anylhln* porlaln in* to the bank. I fu rther otated th a t It wao olf ro to r and did not want to have an y ­th in * to do with a tranoaclton of tblo hind.

Tied IP ky ftmllfc r a l to m ."Mr Haleb aald that bo a*reod w ith

me th a t It waa not Iha r1«bt 'bin^i to do, but on account of hla funda bein* all H 'd n f " " account of Bena- (or Rmlth a failure and th a t If 1 atoned (ho corliftraleo '< would only br for u ohorl lime, when he would be In a poilllon to take up the cerilfico tre to

'*■'1 ellll refiieed lo eton the c rrtlf lca tee end Mr Hatch wont on lo aay th a t It would only hr lor a ehorl lim e Iha J waa not takin* any rham e 'k a iIt waa for the baol Intereel of the bank. 1 told .Mr H airh that while 1 wa« l ^ r 1 w anted to do everythin* th a t waa }.1r and honoet. I told Mr all 1 had wao my tood name. Ih a t 1 had a wife and two email children

The pbyelclaoi found th a t H ateh 'a condition waa iueb th a t be could not be remoyed. and on Ihelr rap o rl to Aaelalani Pm aecntor Mott P etootlva Oodfrey and Conetable Tbomaa Meyer

en l to Maplowood lo plaoo Ibo a«- ouaod Vico proeidont undor a rro e t Mayar romalnod a t the houaa T on lch l ha will be relieved by Conaiable Ooorce Howard. Probably tom orrow Jua tlec Smith will *0 lo toe houea and H atch will be formally arra toned before him and ihe am ount of ball w ill be flaed If ball la furnlahed, tba conatab lo 'i *uard may be removed.

Coafeteaee w ith Chief J a e t le aThe ewearln* oul of th e w arran to

followed a conference a t Point Plaaa- a n l laet nl*bt a t the home of Chief Juatice O um m era between Ju itic e Oum- mero and Aealatant P ro iocu tor WUtaur A. Holt.

Ju a t before leavln* the bank w ith Byrne for the proaecutor'a off le a Jud*e Pavla waa aaked If he. a> counM l fo r the uwcrelary-trvaeurer, ae well aa the dl- rectore. bad any atatoraent to raako. Ho oaplalnod that Inaamurb aa a ll tba In- torm atlon which had boon lub m ltto d to the S tate Ban kin* D epartm ent had been turned over lo Iho proeecutor, no fu rth e r e latem ent could be made u n til a t ta r tho leeu ll of tbo eaam inatlon bad boon an-BOUDCOd.

Ju d se D tv li took oceaelon to en- plain h li poaltlon In tho dual capacity aa

a ita c k ln * on tba fron t ooutkwaot of W am atoft, *4 patrol* soar Rlokabour* wero n p u lM ft

"A Praaok ooop-*a-«ftto north of VInna lo Chateau tailed. *toar Vll- leau* Bole aad aorlkw eat of P m a a y oiir patro l* mad# about fifty pilaonor* to tho Pronek pooltloo-

"E sa ta ra tkoatar: Tko Raaatan* » to- lorday ovaala* mad# a fn lll* atorm ln* a tta c k a*aJnet our pooltlon* on tko ftchltockar* R iver, norlkw eat of evicbl Thay *1*0 war* **n*»lnArll» rrpuloed waol of Horoatackk. O lk o ^ wloo, ap a rt from an outpoot fl«k t on tho Komatro, oouth of Vlday, which wao only productive of oovoro onem r looao*. thoro la nothin* to report.

“B olkan theater: Tk* eltuatlon l i •* - ehanped.*'

V leaoa Admit* • W ltftdnw ol.Tk* A uetrlan official roporl of ya»-

terday . ae received her*, follow*;"North#**! of Brody lb*

tockod vlolontly la tb# roi*bborhood o ' Badalvlloff, but *utnud only umaii a d ra n ia * . and aufferod haavy l o * ^ aay i tb* official itolom oot w hich fol-

* * ^ u t b of Leealaow (twolv* no rth of Brody) our troop# woro w lin - d raw o baktod too Boldurka for* ouporlor enemy forcoa V * ^ Tlolant Ruaalan attack* In *k* vicinity o f R adalvllotf (ala m llti no rthoart ot Brody) reaulied In lni!*nlf)c*nt H ju- ■Inn nd**nl**ta, Tb* Ruamana auffer- od o atrao rd inarlly haavy lo taaa

" I ta lla a fron t: In tb* f to aara Valloy I ta lia n a ttack* have ceaeod. *^111*^ duala are atlll to pro*reaa. On July the enomy'a loan** brforo ona a « w of ih l i fron t worn from I.IM t® I.*"® doad and woundod."Balkan front: Artlllory _rombatahav* occurrod on the Vovuaa"

H nad.lo -H aad P tok lla* .LONDON. July IT.—Thu tea l of tba

offic ial W ar Offlc* alalem enl today

'T h ro n fh o u l Xho n lfh t our krtHIdfy wM actir*, onA w« eonilnu«d to ptooo fh« •n#n»y with h*nd*!o-h*nd «ncoBn- tert At vArioui tNiIntA

-Ttk* onomr M im m btMof to o «nd Iho lli in th* bAiU*AtM. KlM w htre on lh« BrltU h from thoro WA* no Ineld in t of im|»ortAfioo *a th* U ii forfr-olA bt hour*.'"

■Mtau* OmrSAl mopori.PETROORAD, J t t lf ST fVl» London).offlcUl outomont to-

OdM TSncnW UFM EMmnH su TnKx 1BSEU


t d IUn U d m 1mm W t * ApiMi


DOKDOR, Ju ly IT.—O erm ai auk- m arlnaa kav* ato rtod w ar on llm bor- ladon vaaaala to Ik* N ertk fttft Fo«r ■hipa. aU Norwoftlaa, worn roportad to hav* k a ta awnk today. Tkay war* tk* B am a Slabrtd, Ju n o and K ontaam .

Tk* eapU In and Iwalv* man of tka K *nt**m woro laadad today a l Shlalda w hora tkay ftftTn d ala lls o t tk* doecruc- tton of Ihe lr voeael. Tk* German eub- m arln* com m aoder. a f te r bavin* *!• ominod tho N orw oglaa vaaaol'a papora la quoted by momboro *f tk* crow aa aaylnft.

-W oll. I aupp*** t m aal da It. I am vary oorry, b u t 1 1 1* my duty. 1 am aick and tirod o f tk* wh«l* kuatna**"

Tk* ablp w aa tkan aa tu ra tod w itk para ffin aad aa t on fir*.


LONDON REARS OF NO NATAL FKBT|/)ND0K. fuly »T -Otnelala of the

Brlltak Admiralty announood today that they bad no report of a now naval ae- tien In ftoandlnovlan wators. and hud rocolvod nothla* In nny way eontlnU' In* uaoftlclal report* of naval activity In mat r**lan.

A roport publlabad tn a Itteckholn naw apsper yaatarday aald th a t pro- ton**d flrln* bud boon b* aH Monday eoffilD* from tho G ulf of Bothnia, w hich form a tb* oorthorn arm of tb* Baltto ■aa. Tho now epapar loport auppllod no datallA

UNCHSAMISTO PROBE PRU STRIKE(Contlnuad from Firet Pa**.)

haaftt.Ma paftadto, who waa u voatrym an

LkBdT^pl®«ftPft1 Cburc". Mont- ISaJy, kftd roaWad in th a t; town for

etric*"poorl***" Hauaalln*.For Board of Work*. Commlaetonar Patrick H- Ryan will bo renominated. He la the only mombor whoa* tarm aa-

twalTk .tW Biah*d yamn ftt

Ha VAA h tMAAiDAr •* 3 i r t i Haw * n s ^ « ’‘C l#

* 2 f t m T w H n vetem n of tb . Civ I iV a r . g o ln a to tho ffon t w ith tho vol- M fttaon from Rhode laland- Ho ^ ■ MarUftod publle a e c o u a u n t and oceu >o|u* an aftlo* w ith P atar la ta a n la Fftpatetor Aeoordin* lo friend* b* ba* B* aaftr ralatlva* . hi* wit* and ohlld dylBg aeaft* yaftc* Afto- „ _

A toordln* to wttnaaa** . ‘1 ’«ftm* ou t of Baymour atreot and a tartad moroua Bloomflaid avaou*. They a*w

' i k ^ o n th* fandar of tbo ear *n^ J* W to d from th a t poaltlon under tb® fo rw ard truck* bafor* li - “f *5" ; ^ i t 1* kollevad th a t ho wae klllod In- • ta a t ly . Both foat wor* cut off a t tbo MBhlO* and kl* acalp w « laoorotod. Stwft* Bocaaaary to oend lo lb# car Sant* in M ontclair fo r two heavy 1« » * ] • ardor to remove th* body. An in tern f in m tk* M ounlalnald* Hoaplial pm - 'Dounood kim dead. Deputy County .p k n e ia n M. H erbert Simmon* ordered Ith s body fAiDOVAd to Kao* ■ naorju*.

» e e aAl lAA»t OOA COnlAAt i* loofoinf up In thA <JoAffA#*1 oiiAl pyimoriAA- Maoi

th a t my fntoer wae one "J ;" ,;reeldeni* of Orant*. and <h.l whlla^' __ rich he wae very well knowithat I did»■* nit rich, he wae very end well Ihouyht nt. and „ol want ic do •"/‘klni^to brln*^l._prm-e upon any of my tivea I aald further that I had toany lillllve. and friend* wbo were de-

tiomeerata beltov* they are *o1n» to ■ " botlf lb* Ninth

p;'.Ttoto J”""*"'"'In anawer H aleb

4>run*o. ,Chart** Cotlaary, molorman. of 110

V a lla / road, and John Flnnl*an, con- dueler, of tO Portland place. Montclair, wor* arr* l***d bafor* Recorder Toat a a d eom m ittad on a ehar*u of m an- a leucb tar. Ball waa flaed la ter by the aounty proaocutor.1

n s . NARY A. COBURNMr*. Mary A. Coburn, m olbar o t

G harlaa A. Cobum, etei* eocretnry of tk a T. M. C A., died 1**1 nl*bt *1 her hem e, JOI W a*hln*ton itree t, Bloom­field, from heart trouble Her heulth had kaen poor tor eoveril weeka. hut ah* had been able to be about un lit Saturday.

Nra. Coburn waa horn al Readln*. V l , aaveniy-thre* yeara *«o. She lived lo r a tim e In Maaaachueelte and alao m ad* her home In Newark for two y u a ra removln* to Bloomfield five year* a*o, Survlvln* her, beairtee C barlea A. Coburn, le another eon. F ra n k Coburn of Ihle city, and a dau*b ter, Mlae Ella* Coburn of W ake- tlald . M aaa , ^ ^

F uneral eervlcaa will be ronoucied a t toe houee Friday afternoon al 1 a ’eloek by Rev. B. F ranklin Dlcklaeon o t tb* P ark Melhodtet Church, Bloom­field. In term ent will be a t Enoeburg. VI,

be'a'bt*'^ to carry both lb* Ninth Dla tr lc t. now repreoented by R- W ayne p a ih a r . and tb* Tenth, for w hich F re d e rick R Lehlbach ell*. Dalla* r ia n n a c a n of Montclair, who prae- tleaa law In Now York, la an aap lran t fo r to* Domooratlc nom lnalloo In th* Xonto. and apparaatly baa tb* backing of th* moat InGuantlal o rtan iaa tlo n loader* But form er Congreaaman Ed- w ard W. Townaend. who la poatm aatar o f M ontclair, M aald to be determ ined to eeeh tn* noVnInatlon again A lig h t (a axpeeted.

fteymenr Hay «*• In-Form er Aeeemblyman John A. Mal-

thew o may not hava It all hie own way In tba Tenth. There ll ta lk among friend* of Clly Counael A rthur B- * -F ' m our of Orange th a t he may aaek lb* nom ination. Seymour waa the Demo- e ra tle organU atlon candidate tw o year* ago w hen Julian Gregory wae aloo a rM m oeralle nominee, a altuailon which Inaured th* election of Perker.

A ttorney General John W. W eecott. cand idate for to* Cntled State* Senate, facelved conelderable atten tion from the B aaei Dem ocrat* When W eacott went down th* river w ith lb* Mona hana It wae to* flrai lime he had been on the Paeaalc for forty year* Wea oott waa a member of one of th* g rea t eel varalty crewd that Vale ever tu rn -

, *d o u l—toat of lITt. In th a t year he 1 appeared on Ih* Paaaalc In many ro w ­

ing conleate, but had not nav igatad th e eiream ainc*.

II happened thal to* outing fell on th* M rlhdey annivereary Of form er n i y TounMl R- NulfAV'L ThotAw ho kn«w it q u ie tly fZlendAd conzrA t uUtloriA. Ho WAP ftfty-twoe Sufrent. loo, WAI A hU of An OAnman when thAi WAA A ift'eAt Aporl heieAboiitAi hut now* »4t«yA hAA lA kin in fo i r And A w lram ing

■for ih® good of h ii h®Alth-

w ith tn® OAHH. .a. w- . ihre®;;^rcbrrema^nd\>:to:r^he did not w ant to do any lh ing h

m atte rwould harm them.I con tinued to la lk **'•

over and I refuaed lo **«" |^ *carilficalea and the hour waa ta le and w* atlll lathed VI*'*.nd nur famine* 1 " J

mwould l com* InT .v „ .h in «Ihle qoeallon and aald. N oto lnf happen, and If *h.r* • " '" ‘.'V'- j . **^7plento to take car* " '7 "!;* ) would H atch fu rth er elated th a t he wouia i>h* oul a llbb.bO# Inauranc* policy.

V . . . . he had an appointm ant for ,V " e \, *t day w‘ ?b an to .u r .n c . who wae to call upon him a l hla offlca.

Twice keved Bowk.•H r Haleb went on to aay b®— ***

„ . v ^ the bank In lb* panic ’**mbTr* when he eaved II eg a to f" N n v em ^ r,

counael for lb* direclora aa w ell ae for Ihe ae tre ta ry -treaeu rtr. He explained th a t he 1* f lr i t acllng to r th* director*, and had agreed to eerve ae counael for Mr Byrne, ae to* la tte r haa made a clean lireaet elatem ent of hie connection w ith the Irregulerlties th a t mad* It nec-

to cine* the bank If It ahould develop Mr Davie ita led . th a t It would be In conelilenl to r him to rep- reeenl both toe d ire ilo r i and tb* eec- re ta ry -trea iu re r . he will *cl aa counael for lb* director* excluelvely.

At toe court houa*. Byrne m ade Ihl* ita iem en t.

"I have aaked Judge Davie to let me place myeelf In hie hand*, a lthough I know he repreeenle tho d lroctora ae thetr couneel. 1 have made a full atatem eni ot everything and will do an y ­th ing which It la poMibl* to do to help th* depoallnri and the bank, regardlea* of th* conaequencee to myaelf."

Byrne w ai arra igned before Con- ■tal* Frank W Smith, who I* a Inatlc* of the peace, and ball waa fixed a t in .dW . Buretle* to Ih* am ount of 121,11®® qualified and then Ju d g e Davla w ant back to Orange to a rra n g e to r the Oxignco of" the am ount in th e moan tlm* Byrne eat in to* court room-

CgotTwat Betweew Two Mew.Byrno enlerod lb* omploy of to* Mu­

tu a l Truet Company when a boy and worked h ti way up to hla p re ia o l poal­tlon ae eecrelary and ireaau rer. He la th* eon of T tom ae Byrne, a re ltrad Orange policeman, and the b ro th e r of

—Th* Ruaelan day followe:

"W ealern F ro n t—D uring the n ight ox W edneeday nearly a company ®< *"• enemy lauebed an a ttack on our pw i- llen oouth of Dak* Voltcblno to th* north of Lab* MladaloL Th* a ttaeh ere were driven back to Iholr Ironcbea

"In th# d letrtc t of Lobuiy. ■ o a th w t of Baranovichi, thoro wor* aptlHory duola and oagagom onla w ith our frop i line dotachm eiita

I "An a tu c h by th* oneeey deiachm ont of about fifty or alxly men, lau n ch w I Wedneeday In toe region of I 'rochlelch- Bereinol*. about leven mile* northeaet of Lake Vygona, wae repuleed by our

"In th* region of th* R iver Slon evk* end on the lliver Boldurodka f ig h t i are proceeding for poeeeeeion of to* r t v « erneainge Dur troop* have advanced al eoine pointa.

“The number of prlaonera tak en in T u eed a /'i battle on to* w eetern Im ot to tal IJI officer* and *,1M men. Five guna and Iw enly-lw o m achine gun* were raptured

'•f:*4ca*u* Front— W* continue our pufAuU o f th® r®tr®A tliif TurhA. In C riln gan w® look A depot o f warmAtArlAlA.”

diacharged for Ihelr activity In union- lalng tb* menMr. Record elated Ihat hie preaenta- llon ot the altuailon oxrldontly bad no ettoct upon Mr Duftlold, who Inatolod that th* company would not rorodn from Ih* atand It bad alraady aaaumod He than had Mr. Pufrield put In writingth® AtAtAfBAnt gIVAtl AbOT®.

0 AMA M fl«« MrnmVloltnoA mAdA llA ®ntPAno® Into th®

Atrih® lAAt Might, w h«n «AT*rA,l of (h« m*ii from th® horn® offlcA h®fA w ho ®r® m a k in g coliActloo* in J®rAAy C tty w®r® AltaokAd by Atrik®rA. o r AympA* th t tA n w ith th® AgantA. w ho hAVA q u it thA lr >obA. On# o t th® N flw irk m tn waa kiPkAd h r thA AAAAllAPt And A n o th tr ®TAA AAllod by thA COllAf And told thAl hlA throA t w ould bA c u t Lt hA eontlnuA d on th® w ork.

John rioubpon, ®enl (o J®r®ay City ytsterdAy by Ih® horn® offlc® to fUl A TAcAney cAUA®d by th® Atrik®, wa« bAAtati by tw o m«n. lAld to h« i tr lk ln g Ag®nt®, ®t Tourth AYAnu® and Grov®

BKRUN, Ju ly » Daudoft. Ju ly n ) . I M A. M-—The ■oelallet a ie c ll lv * eem m itt** aud lb* O eaeral Cammlaalaa of Labor D niene la Germany b a /o in tto d In a Joint appeal l» tb» w orking cUaoaa not to parllc lpat* •« etrlko* and domonetrntlono which th* radical lo a ^ or* of tbo L tfbhnoeht group of ftorinl- let* ar* ondoavorlng to o rg an lia

Th* people a re w arned agalnat glv- lag aar to w hat la tarm ed the ah*dy propaganda of "the apoetlaa of pro teal and l b . genera l . I r lh a " » being de­clared th a t aoch effort* ar# doomad 1m advano* to fa ilu re and can only to ) » " tb* parllc lpan ta and diooourag* tboir brolher* figh ting a t th* f ro n t

The m anifeeto raad a In part:"Tb* prolonged w ar wolghe haavlly

on all n a tio n , and antalla g raa t ano-rlflro a I t aevorely tM te th . of the** at bom* and a t th* f r o ^ nnu It la natu ral toat HI foalinft and oouU nt ahould bo-

■Thl. altuailon I* u n f^ u i to to ly » • Ing abuoMi by irroeponelbl* Indlvld^j® who wlab to mlelaad labor l . to Ing to m aaeuraa which ar# not to tb* ■tightaat dogro* adapted to r*U *« tb* burdon bu t ra th er to Incroaw I t * n a ltom pt la being made, through >— "F* fflou* loaflule which boo* boon c lrw - la tlng for eovoral monlho among bora of th* p a rty and of union*, to tow hatred ai.d d letrual agalnat tb* dopo- 11*0 cheoon by Iha workman tbom- MiToa T h . charge launched againto thee* men who for year* hav* atood a t tho hood of Ih* organlaatlon of G er­man labor ctaaaea la th a t 'bey are rlflc lng Soclaltel prtncip lea ' “ft” , rAgArdAd dAClAlAni of 0 ®rm®Ln SociAlUt PAPty coi»y®nttoni and iniArnAllonw coBgrA^A. hAVA pAfp«tritA4 party tJTAAAOn, At& .

* ^ c h iBAinUAtlonA aad abuAA AaUhIbA diAFAgardAd If labor AimuLtanAOUAlyWAA AOl iBAtlgAtAd tO ilLAdTlAAd pTO' cAAdingA And an unacrupuloui propo* ganduin eoaductAd for A ifik ii and Aclloni for which tha unlont and Iaa SocIaUaI party muat dlAclaim all fA- Aponalblllty.

‘•Our nsoAt im portant ta ik la to awof PAATA. TbA

\n the labor


In thA apAAdy comingcompAtant organiiAtloTimoT®mABl la cohariouA nf th ia g r w du ty and la w orking untiring ly to rul- m i IL'*


Through a r®cormn®ndAti^n mad® to- d®y by f'lty <"ounMl Spaulding FrAA*r to Ald®rmAn Jame® P BogarA. th® dtad- lorlc on the Inaprrilon of fumlahlng® kt th® Ivy Jim Alme Hou®« may b* broken Ur. Frai®r auggeated that th® charg®® mid® by B®rn®y Wolf, in-

b« furnlehlngi. h« in raa tl-

TkAfr«m tk KlIiakAl muBklp lOAA of grAAttr ■ ig k t h

Aa h* road InIkA BA® tA kaAA m a«i aitAfe TlbOBdA C•B i-kattkA BAAAAt bidi fo r thA »thA fe ahould 1faoA VA

.IB U WBA iBtth a t of who hh A Ifddcom m a bond tn Naw T< th t r ax th a t Ih t'AUBty tha 1a| whAB ( bA obI) OB thA Iftald J firm of Kaw T


honda«Alv«d BOOB t

‘ WAtar .award*

Ob bw ® n ®

ralA Alof N«« both U)H. [diifirm ll th®t tt bid Inc ' thkt whan 1 of ll.fl Inanmt bid® c bonda. rould t®rma did qaI amotin

On t Ur. Rlh® WAundanlaw.the hlj


LONDON. July Oermany** no tifi­cation th a t a fine of kMO.ftbO uiarN* had W *n Impnoed on Sruaeele a» pun- lahmenl for the dem onelrallon held on Ih* Belgian national anivereary laal Friday wae eontalnad In a lettar, addretaed by U eu tan an t G en­eral Mul, Governor of Bruasola to th* Mayor of th a t city, according to Th*

.treo l. B-U7 - - » " ' ' ‘ ' r V h l ' : M to d "U "l I V 'to ^ b re i^ to te d ^ rM ry o ;coll«-t1on_^.llp. In hi* hand when a l- T hI. w a. Approv®d by Mr

R ogart, and will probably b« broBght up at ih® n®«l m®®llng of th® poor and alma comrtiltic® Wolf A®®eft® th a t

Dully T®l®grapb'a RoUardAm corraapon- pAlrblman W illiam B yrna of th a t cUy. j d a n t Th® la i t tr ruAda H® U m arried and Uv*® Id W aih lng ton ^

n i l , w henMr H alch told tb i t I ' 1 • » “ >'* " r V” rv rtlflra tee, which would only be for r i b o r t Urn. or until he could get outof on* of two U rge '• 'V , 'f o r hUlied up in. th a t It wa* not only fo r hi* intereet, but for Ih" h en k 'l “(hat It would be the aavlng of <bo^»^|^_ Uf Hatch coiillnued by KHylhg hi*re’ady money tied up on cerry lng Senator Sm ith a line, which 1



r > .

On* of th# pioneer barber* in M ontclair. Philip Keller, died Ibl* morn- Im In hie apartm ent over hie ahop a l._*i* _ • ..«e_i.g fn4fn. ll®«I0 Bloomfield avenue, thal town, waa o lgb ty-foar year* old and went lo M ontclair from Chicago fo rly -lb re* T*ar* ago. He purcbaeeii th* only lon- aorlal parlo r In the town a t th a t tlm*. He wae a native o t Genneny. but cam* to tb la country when a young boy.

Baaldea bla wIC* be 1* eurvirad by on* •on. Philip K aller J r , of Hootelatr. who ■ueceedod hla father In Ihe active m an- agam ent o t toe bualneaa aom* yearn age , and one daughter, M ra Bmlly W elM of P h iladelphia Funeral eer- vlees w ill be held Sunday afternoon a t tb a Bloomfield avenue addreaa Rev. R. J. Buttlngbaueen, paetot of th* G er­m an Preabyterlan Church, Bloomfield, o fficiating . Inlorm enl will b* In Btoomtlold Coraoury.

Several hundred employe*, of the G eneral E lectric Company tn H arrleon and Ihl* city yenterday afternoon re ­ceived envelope* containing caeh to the am ount of five per cent, of tha wa*e« they had earned during th* *1i month* ending June to a* extra eom peneelion

ThI® fAPfltd oul lb® rAtnpAny'® promli® fn®«l® Al ih® fir tt of th® y«®r, ihAt All *mploy®e® who bAd bAAH wUh th® compAny fl«® y«Ar» or mor® would h* entitled lo tbl® ®xtrA comp®nAAtlon. Th® AiBOuht paid out could not b®■ BT®riAlrt®d At th® offloA of th* « m -p®ny, but ll WA* iom ow herA In th® ne ig h b o rh o o d of liOd.Odd, ThA Ah* iiOuTic®m®n! WA® a1®u mAd® IhAt AgtrA cofnp®n*AMon ®lmllAr to th a t pAld y®®- t®rdAy w ould b® paid At ih® ®nd o f tb o y®AF.



w ith an appi* orchard for a cam p­ing ground, and a mndemly equipped 1 farmhou** oonvonlontly near, th* M ont­c lair Camp Fir# OIrla will leava, Mon­day. Augual ), for their aum m ar o u t­ing a l Summer**!, on th* D elaw are River. ‘

Hr*. Henry Humbert, cam p Dr* guardian In Montclair, will act a* camp m other for pari of the tlmo, Mr*. K. H. Newaom. alao of Montclair, ta k in g h*r place during tb* laat tew week* Of th* eamp.

I ll fo r Mor* th an a year, M ra Nor* jpge*, m other o f tha wife of polio* Joatle* Joooph Branegan of K arri ton and widow of form er Wardaii Davla C. Joyoo of the Hudson roun ty Ja il, diad

:iaa t n i ^ t a t her home, b tl Pavonla avODua. Jo rw y City. She wa* six ty y*ara *ld and had tlvad in Jaraay O ty

•M ftrly nil bar Ufa-gurviv lng h«r haffdto Ihe dau g h te r 1*

a *Mk CharM* J#irto o t Jaraay m p • Tk* fu n « n a wlU Iftko plao* lalftP tftF .M ftrftlng k t 1 * o^dook, wh«n ft eftlaaift 'felgk BUdn Of rogklom wlU ft* o ttarod

i t , C h«nh . i u m r City.

DU POUTS TO OPEN BRONZE FACTORYgyertal devvlee *f (to tKWM.

BOONTON, July 17.—W orkm an ftro f ittin g UP the building and oottlng up th* taftehlMry to r th* bronx* fac to ry to b* «p*n«d by the R. I. du Pont do K ootoari A Co. on th* lo r d oata ta to th* Rookftway Rlvor valloy. Th* bu ild ­in g whloh le to he need fo r th* ta e to r r w aa xead by tba Norton Iron Wotrfc*. w bleh mavod U Joreey C ity aowarfti yearn ago.'

w . OSCAR klOGDlDCIPothieriug ft proteftotod lltoeeu. iA*.

%'OftroHft* Tloliuaar Mookrtdgu. wWft ed B, MtoehrMgft died tilf t fttoralfti

to iHt• d Orift-W'

ACKEHAR m flEUNGRQTSERPtrAtlTFllfeUl. Ju ly tR - P o rm e r Bm i-

a te r R rauet R. deliennan • ( tk l* eltiii w bo had h iM HdttUqfted u k pdMIUft ckBtodftt t fa r th* UkWid 'itaHtE ftftiihiiH— tft ~

knew wae lb* IrulhFlaally romoenfrd.

"When Mr Hatch to ld It would tov* the bar.k I coneenied to algn th* certtfl- c t e e after w* talked from about 1 :1 0 to almoal 11 to. If I rem em bar correctly . When 1 aay l l to I mean lo Include th e D m : in m V bln . up th e W r i 1 f l « i « . T ^* reaeon 1 am 10 eure of the tim e le M roue* 11 wae 1 ! o'clock when 1 raacbod

*'**'"nn May H . HH*. ' made eevon certl- flcalee am ounting 10. 1, of them for •to.toO each and one for 1 *11,6»n dating them May H. ' ” * 1 7 7 received only tot.toO In making a difference of to®* * ® * '^ j r , irlee going through our book* o n ^ y 1 » I t l* for m.llhO inaiead «f f lto .to f t

"In m aking Ihle eonfeoelon 1 w an t It clearly underetood th a t I did not ro- r®iw® on® from Mr flAtch, nor jlloh® off®r m® any m onry or A n yth in g aJ* ^I mAil® oul ihfl orrllflcAlAA only a f t t r Mr Haich to li m® it waa th® iAVing of the bank anil 1 did not w ant to ae* the bank rloe*. not only for my own eakc, but 1 did not w ant th* depoaltori iq Ion® their money, and I algned lb* lertlflca tce thinking It lb* beel for all roncecned. I had no roaeon 10 doubt Mr Haleb'* elan ding, know ing him to carry oat big Ihinge and I took him to he a wealthy man."

gperulatlou to fa ltoD rd .Since Monday m orning, when, a t ta r

buelncei men, women and a t leas t on* clergyman, had depoaltod caeh In the bank, Ih* Institu tion wu* closed w ltb - out to y pr»rlotiB IhllniBtlAB hATiBK been given ae to ll* eondlllon. thoM haa baen much apeeulfttlon aa to why tola neighborhood In itltu tlo n * t Scot­land atreel and H ighland avenua should hav* closed It* door* on lb* order* of th* S ta te D epartm ent ofBAnklng Atid fnABrBneA*

A him A® to IhA rABBOB WBA gi®®n IB th® N®W« MondAf. wbAB. OB th® Au­thority ot on® who WAB BAld to b® 1B A l>oAltlr>n lo kBOWe It waa itAt®d thAt th® Irotjbl® APOBA bACAUAA of th® OY*r- (••rtlflrilton of Aft Aocouftt T®At#rdAy th® N®wf told how thr®A IlDeJM d j-po«ltA hAd b®®n cArtiflAd At tlD0,0W®ATh, ATTordIng lo A fop o rt cttrr®nt in fln®nelAl r lrrtiA

h WA® aIao told how lAAt SAturdAy A mortAAg® for ll*b*M hAd h o « plAO^ on p ro p rrty Ift llAplAWOod by CattI® ^ HAtrh And b®r hotbABd, Bdwln H. HAtrh. It WAA AlAO tOl4 h ^ ^ t h OrADg® TOWfMiblp hBA d^^**^**? WJ* dOA«n tPACU of Uftd In Mr*. HAtch • nAin® And on® Sroot Ib th# ftAtn® of hAr huibAnd, for aaIa of A®w«r AAAOiATnAntA, tB tA llt j |4 e n 7 .0 |.

But BfttU todoy* w M n ByfBk *yaa plACAd undor A rroit And dAtocilt** ororo ®®nl to HAtTh'i homo w ith A wbttabI to b® BorrAd upon kim. t h t r i hAd b ^ b«t AurmlM AA to tho idAfttltf ^ 152f* who w®r® AocuAAd of whAt, A ee m m v to tho AlAUtftOBtB IB th*AOftitltuttA A eftmOr W hAthBf * hAA b®*ft oom inlttid roniAiiiB eU*d by r a u i t t aad J u r r - . ohargHi. allag lug a ertofftmad* by tb* pewpW a u th o rtt^ ____

And Hateh ha* mad* ft ktototoJW tak lu g aU lb* Mam* aa d axaftftfftfnB » iru *

ItovelgguMWto Rtoiw tow d^to®V T btru wa* aupBMktod^ ««Mt o f *j*! U O raafa. Iiv to H * WftF «> ft.M *«r.> ^

atreel. Orange.Th® clfcumitAnr®® *>r (h® MtcrAtAry-*

treaeurer of toe tru e t com pany and lb* accueed vie* preridenl are quit* dle- elmllar. Th# form er lived m odeetly In a iwo-famlly house. Hatch'* home 1* one of the ehow place* of Meplewood and Hatch h i* been looked upon m perhaps th* w ealthleet reelden t o t lb*

" c o ^ M c le d with th* banking f l m ofN W Haleey ft C® »' N'"' To"- "k WAA ■appo*®d to b® in th® r®c*ipt of a lAfg® mrogir A® A Aid® Un« h® waathe proprietor ofrich man'" hobby, from w hich milk and dairy product* were sent out In Ihe O rangea HU liberality l<* all cause* waa wall known. No en te rp rise * * • euggeeled wllhoul ll wa# expectwl he would give liberally, and iH .Hon w ai invariably realised. Recently one undertaking waa P''"***** which he waa aakad to co n tribu te , and (her* wa* great "urprlae when It w u ■aid ho had put off tb* wae eald be might give In th* fall,

c u u l t t c * 'Pboue* L* M*#«*.Another conference wa* held by lb*

depoeltori' committee last n igh t, when ih* many rumor* about th* condition of th* Iruel company wa* eoneldered. Definite Information could not b* **- curad. however, and with a view lo lacerialn lng eomi facte a* to the ittu a - llon George M L* M onta com m lieloner of banking and Inauranc*. wa* tolled up on toe long digtanc* telephone. The b an k ln t PommlMlonAf 1nfArti>«d in® committee over tb* telephone that nothing could be given out p rio r to the formal ila lrm e n t a* to the condi­tion of the truot -ompany.

U n lfii the atetem ont ravoaUng th* conditions a* shown by th* exam ina­tion of th* Slat* Banking D aparlm eni (■ laaued before the end of th* week Ihe committee will not m eet again until Monday night ftt th a t lim a arran g a- m en u will be mad* for a ganara l m aet- tog of lb* depoaltorg on Tuaaday n ight.

H aving regard to r tha elrcum etanceg under which th* Belgian llxrae a t tha moment, th* Governor General held th* opinion th a t tha aerloua pop­ulation would glva up of Ita own accord openly celebrating toa national feaat day. N otw ilhalandtng th a t opinion, and In v ie w ' of the experience* of l u t year, he Issued regulation# wltli toe object of stopping any dem onatrallon by frlvolou* or dlaturblng elementa. F urther, th* Bruieel* m unicipal an- th o r ltie a In a loyal, eenalbl* and th o r ­ough manner, eupporled the regulftllona of the German authorlllaa . no th a l. un til avealng of Iha taaa t day. unhappy « r - cum itance* were avoided, although tha tooughtleas part of tha population had tried 10 e ic tl* to* elllgena by th# dla- trlbutlon of pam phlata u rg ing them not to obey to* regulation.

"Th* German police did not In terfere on seeing the people wearlB* green rib- bone. aa publle order wa* not dl*. lurbed. But In lb* evening when c a r ­dinal M errier rode through Iha town In an aulomoblla, demonatraUon* occurred which were d irectly con trary to the commanda of th* German authorlilee gnd which had th* cb ftrw ter of e y citing th* people to rebaUlon or fool-tab doeda , .

"No occupying powar would bear a ■imllar ehalUnge. L th a re fo ra pro po.ed to th* Governor G eneral to fin* th e community Th* Governor w eep i-

th® pr< pOAAl ATld llftpOBA« A Y'Yt® Ol S.900,d<IO mark* Th* Governor re­m arked: 'I t 1* only In conaldoratlon of the loyal co-operation of tb* m unici­pal authorltiea In pr***rvlng ordar th a t the tin* laid le *0 modorate."



ATHENS, July II (Via London. July —Following lang thg oonfoTenca*

batwoen General MoacbOpouloa com­m ander of th* Greek fere** a t ftalontkl. and K ing Conetantln* and tb* Greek general staff, (be impreaalon la ganeral In m ll'la ry cirri** a t Alb*"* today toat a resum ption of hoatllltlea In Macedonia

tacked. Both men escaped.Soubron wa* itrn c k on the Jaw.

kicked and knocked down, and hi* col­lection allpa taken away Patro lm an Mullins aaw to* incldeni, but he wa* i lorg* parx tw o block* aw ay and couldn't catch up w ith to* aaaallant*. Soubron aald hq d idn 't know who the men were, but a f te r an Investigation Multlne secured th* name of on* of th* men from per- ■ona In tb* nalgbborhood Soubron aald he waa going to tak e out a w ar­ran t agalnat the man, bu t had net don*■ 0 th is m orning.

ft coupla of o ther men, while going over a ro u ta alao near the elty hall In joroey F lty , were bealeged In e lene- m eni hout* by a body o t tw enty or m ore men. W hen they w ere about ready to leave they re trea ted Inald* In view of the th rea ten ing a ttllo d a of th* crowd On* of th* agent* finally de- cldad to go out and waa held up. Th* crowd refused to believe he had been sen t from lb* home offlc* In Ihle city and w arned him to quit the rout*— w hich he did tem porarily .

ftno lher agen t was followed from th* build ing In which the company'* otflo* le located—and w here Prosecutor Rob­e r t 8. Hudepeth ha* hla offices—and waa seised by Ih* collar about two bloeba aw ay 1 on* o t a group whloh had tra iled him. This aaaallant alao rafuaad to believe th* collector wa* from Ihe home office and rom arhed:"Jf you don’t quit th* Job wa'll cut your th ro a t—and w* mean I t"

Pem aad Mad* lav n *efce. ft legal ropreeentaltv* of th* company

w ent to Iha Je rsey Clly headquarter* of Ih* a trth era there. 141 Montgomery stree t, th is m orning, and mads a de mand upon th* men for th* re tu rn to the company of th* collection hooka tba ag en ts ug*. Th* demand was r*- fttied by the egen ta preient. Out of glxty-lw o a g e n tt In th* Je rsey City office, only about tw elve hav* left Ihelr book* w ith th* superin tendent, ft result la th a t old books hav* to be used, aqd many of th* addreaaea of policyheldeN ar* now Incorrect boesue* ot rem ovala The men who ar* now m aking eollec- tlon* for the company ar* said to be handicapped becauee o t thIa condition.

The refusal of tb a men to to rn in tho lr hooka, w hich ar* th# proporty of the company, may load to legal action agalnat them, but It la understood to* company ha* not yet decided upon the course to be followed. Th* euggeatlon w as mad* Mr. Record m ight be asked to Inform th# men th a t they had no rig h i to hoop th* boohs a f te r the ir connection w ith th* company waa ■everod

In addition to the publle masa m«*t- Ing w hich th* a lrlkara have a rrangad for th* New ftudiiorlu ih gatu rday n ight, on* for th* member* of th* chap­te r of th* agen ts ' aeaoclatlon w ill he hbld tom orrow n ig h t In the Newark L abor Lyceum. . - „

Han connected w ith th e N ewark branch of th* aiaoblatlon ata tad today th a t thay would hava acaaatiuna to th a lr ran k a a t ta r th a ag uaU now w ork- lag ara paid tom orrow . Thaa* aoeea- •lona. i t M atatad . wtHAt ibA l> M r


of Ih® furnlihlnff® Ao ftot com® up lo ®p«rlflcAllo«®

W olf 1® Atlll A "Atepchlld’' AtAlniA houA®. n®t b®lnf Allow®d tp®ft A nythinf hue ih® ®ii®r»or of th® building H® pT®i®ni®d a l®tt«r from th® Mayor to PAtrloh J WhltA* AUp®r- Ini«nd®n4, atklnff th a t h® b® allow®d lo ®nt®r and look o®«r Jh® fu m iih ih g a th a l AfflvAd r®c®ntly. H® waa informAd by Mr. Whit® IhAt ho WAI not WAnt®d Aftd th a t th® Aup®flnt®nd®ht had ord#®# to kA«p him out.


hid th bond®

WAA diftAk®lArg®rin f«p for Mrat® Ol an off of IleC to tal <th® Al®aIa®lAddodpr«nili bonda of th® *qulri told- long I m unk th®r® and 11

gporioJ dflfTioe 0/ IhP SBWS.KLIZARETH, July lT .~ T h* t the Re­

publican organixatlon in Union County will re fra in from tak ing aide* In tho pre-prim ary cam paign for to* Congree- ■lonal nom ination, la the Inform ation landered by County Chairm an WllUam Newcorn to C w id l^ te Richard Board- man of Plainfield. In reply lo th* la t- le F i open le tte r In which reference waa made to the report toat th* orgaolaa- llen would give H* aid to to* renoml- nation of Congreaeman Capatick.

Th* obleci of the preeent prim ary Jaw, aays Mr. Nexrcorn, la to perm it ovary American r ill ie n upon tiling the neceaaary petition, to enter pahllo life. It he sees fit.

BUDGET OF SMALL FIRESA child playing w ith m atehei In th*

home of laaac Bcher a t I»1 Charlton stree t th is afternoon caused damage by Are toat am ounted to lid .' * A defective electric wlr* Ignited a tree opposite 1*1 South NineleeiHh stree t las t night, but th* bU t* was put out before It caused any damag*.

A Are In a barn In to* rea r of th a horn* of tl>* la te W illiam H UcKensI*. ■I *4J Broad street, shortly a f te r 7 o'clock las t night, did dam age em ouBt- Ing to 11*. Defective electric w iring la believed to have cauead the blase.

If I little bond bring term s anyth th* o a«lt*4 bond! high* good

Oul bid tl of 1 « I'n io t more ly-fix Irand count elxty- wouli Couni than

A I a f te r Unloi *«S.»l ■dvai rueal were bond, done for 0 In to ihel the I them word each Iseu* Was

m n •ha*«s gelf la Side.ELIZABETH, July IT.—The parent*

of Joseph Cyrinakl. seven years old, ot l i t W all atreel. reported to Ih* poUea yesterday th a t the boy bad sccldantaU y shot him aelt In th* right side Ih* day pravtoua while playing with a revolvar. Me waa taken to the General H ospital yeaterday afternoon and la reported to be rooovering.


Tram pled Child Im proving.f t B ligh t Improvement In the oondt*

tion of Paulin* Ponaola. th ree yaar* old, o t I t* Baat Kinney stree t, w as re ­ported today by the City H oapltal au- thorllle*. Th* child wa# tram pled by a frightened hora* yaatarday a ftarnoan near her bom* and wa# tak en to tg a City Hoapltal, whar* her Injurloa w ar* dlagno*«4 a* a frac tu red akulL

gptruil SrrxUcf of l*e XiWd.n e w BRt’NBWICIC. Ju ly *7 —A com-

m ltteo ol too alum ni o t R utger* Col­lage he* been appointed to lead th* oampalgn for a | 1 .<MHI,«0# alum ni e n ­dowment fund n* ooHos*. —hlchba* Juat bean atartad . Th* cam paign w in be ronductod on o goograpM cal koala rather than by claaeea New T erk, Newark and Philadelphia will be th* chief center* of ‘* '• ,‘’■•'"*15'?"' Leonor F. lor**, p residen t of the D ela­w are A Hudion R ailroad, and Philip M- Breii of New T orh ar* In octiv*

IMMEDIATEDEUVEEUES iS te a r n ^ K n ig h t L i{ ^ t F o u r

charge.Th* fund I* expected to be mad* op

In about tod itth ae rlp ilo n a r a n d ^ g from *1(11) to |1IW.**« I" a m o u n t Th* to u l of each xubaeripllon w ill h* pay- abW In flv t an n aa l Inatalm enl*. ro th n t fhA ®otir® A«m w in b* ATAllftbU by N oaonber t», i m * " * * '« <»* ^ plan waa ron l owt today to a ll t t o alumni of the co llag a being acrom - panled by a paraonnl appeal from Fr**- Ident Pem aroat * f th* eollaft* fo r no- ng ^ t o n In tha eftmpalgn _

ORANfiE AYERnSEIEKrSV t M p n i M k d l


X irU M i

m***S3rotbur |SRT.

a ra .

agft 1i' m t I

ltd whMfe, t t , « m iM d iM r

C O A L Ji»iX C O

Thft F. A StMTiM CMAMV *M B« hit AAMPtMaIM«, thhew Ui iMcl»d7SI3«ri»«t oriy W ^ett Hwt 1* O logkftl alw A®* AAmwi Boold b« Bt to ptamei iwiA dM Ksiilht fMtare tt l 1m prici. a»m hmTbo (Iwitepawt Boy !■ Bog pwt-'OU nOmmmiO #1 FodANkw at® otc■trad«rdiM®>T



^ v l

NEITABK ev en in g news. THtJBSDAY, JULY. ST, mA


I ornst*J a l f

l i t • IM lt t* * CanunlM lm

r s i u r fc»v* th* w «rkin*

n itr lk M aad rkdieal laad- □ p of flactal* ^anlM . ftfa tn it |W -

id tho ikady i« of p ro tr tf It kalnii da- n doemad la t, only in fa ta w araca tS alr front, part:

• Ifh a haarlly ta f r a a t aao- Iha aadaranoa tha fraa t. and l in t and dia-

r ta n a ta l r ka- ,la ind la ld aa li ir la ta raao rt- j ’O not la tha to rallaaa tha rraaaa It. Aa tro u fh aaaar*■a baan clraa- 1 anoB d aiam - unlona, ta aaw inat tha d am - rhm an th a a - ncfaad adalaa t r i h a ra ataad n a tio n of Oar- l thay ara aao- )1a a hara dla- irman Soelallat

In tam allonal a tra tad party

id ahaaa aaald alm ulianaoaaly n-adTlaad pro- ■paleaa prapa- trikaa and niaaa iinlana and tha laclaim all ra-

taak la to aid of paara. Tha B In tha labor

of th ia r r a a t itlrlngly to f«I-

m oNHOUSE OAiH4tt1^n iti-[>*uldtns Fr*M r og«ri, th«

of fum laM ntP Uoui« b*

th**l« rn tr Wolf, tn- in fi. b« inrM tl* n«rl^d by M*yor ipprov^d by Mr ftbly b« broQrbi

of th^ poor trid r &nii«rto thAt ft nffthlnffi do ftnt nftepchlld*' ftt thft c ftllom'ftd to In* it fiiiftrtor of tb*»d ft le tte r from J Whitftr fttipftr- h« be ftllowftd to The fu m lib lh fJi

lift wftft Informed wftj not Wftnted

indent hftd ordty#


in Union County t i n t aldaa in the I for tha Conpraa- I the Inform ation rhalrm an W illiam a Richard Board-

reply (o tha la t- ilch rrfaranca waa hat tha o rf in la a - ,ld to tha ranoml- an Capatick.

preaant prim ary orn, ta to perm it tn upon filing tha > en ter pkbllo life.

■AU FIRESllh m atehai In th a

a t I II CharllPB cauard damaga by

to lie .'Ic w ira ignltad a South NlnateaiHh I tha bU te waa put I any dam ata.In lha rea r of th a lllam H UcKanala, t, ahortly a f te r T id d am iga am ouB t. Ive airctrlo arlrlng cauaed tha blaaa,

la lf l a Side, y IT.—Tha paranta BCTon yaara old, of

>ortfd to tha poitea >oy bad accldantally

r lfh l alda tha day Ing with a ravolvar. le Qanaral H oapllal I and la r a p o r t^ to

Id Im p rarlag .imant In th a eoMit* oniota. th raa yaara nnay atroat, w aa ra- a City H oapltal a n ­il waa tram pled hy yaatarday aftarnpOB I waa ta k e n to t)ia ra her In ju rlas w are a ta ra d akatl.


I m m I • ( P f e n n U w I n d! ’ l i Om H A w tri

M K FOR CLAIIFYIK IT ROWThe eom pllcatloBi w hich raau liad

from tha aala af UbIOb County bonda a t Kllaabaib an T uaiday . tha flra t aala of muBicIpal obllgationa under lha p ro rla- laa i of the Plaraon act. w are eom aw bat g rao tar than It had been Im agined they B ig h t ba.

Aa haratofora to ld tha bond! w are lo r road Im provam anla and according to tba now law they wore not porntlHod to havo a Ufa longer th an th a iB proya- Bleat aad w are le ba of a aerial rh a ra o - tar. Tba laaua conalalad of s l l ty -a |g beada af tl.*M each, to bear to u r and ana-half par cant, in laraa t, and under the new law and th a o lrcu lar tha h igh- eat bidder wna to ba tba one w ha bid for tba "laaat amoual'* o f hoada oflarad —th a bid and lha prem ium for w h k b ahould b ring tha ragu lrad am ount a f thataea value of tha to U l laaua

.la tha atopy, aa to ld In tha N aw a it waa IntUaalad th a t tha h lghaat b id waa th a t of 1. 8. Rippal * Oo. of N aw ark. who bid for M l.lea w orth of tho laaua a IM t bond baing a reg u la r laaua and coBm andlng tha aama price aa a tl.eao bond In all financia l can lara and on the New T ork Stock Bachanga. It waa fur- Ihar aapU lnad m tfca form ar account th a t tba bid waa bald up by lha Union County eollaclor bocauao of a doubt of tha lagallty of a bid on a l ie e bond whan lha laaua Involved waa atatad to ha only thoaa of U.*** each. T h li waa on th a advtoa of U aaara Hawkina. Data- field * I.*ngfellow, the w ell-know n firm of m unicipal bond legal e ip c rta of New Tork City

Now tb a A w ard waa Made.b i d for ihft

F o u r

Ther* wftr* lw«Uft bond* ftUofftthftr ftod word wft* r*- Cftlvftd In N ew ark on WftdntPdftr ftfltr- ■ooB Ihfti on* of th*m, thfti by Om- Wfttftr * W *n# of J«r*fty CUy. hod b**n •w ardod tb* bonda.

On bolns why th* O utw at*r AWalla bid. which waa not a t aa h lfh a ral* aa th a t offarad by lha KIppal firm of Nawarke had bBan aw ardao tha laaua. both lha Union County collaolor, N alban H. [jaavltt, and a mambar of lha law firm in Naw York manllonad. r*pll*d lhat tha raaaon waa bacaua* lha Bippal bid Inaludad B ra fa rtn ea to a MM bond — lh a t ia. tha bid waa for laS.lOd w orth whan tha bonda w tr^ laauod in tho aum of ll.WM artch. It waa a ip la ln ad th a t Inaamuch aa tha r trcv la r aak tnv for bida callad for offara lo buy ll.WM bonda, lha off*r to btfy a |60b bond rould not bo conaldarad a« w ithin tha irrm a of tha circular, avan Ihouffh It did oali for tha boat bid for lha ‘'lowaat am ount” of tha o b iifa ilo n a

On balnf aaked rcaard lng tba m atlar Mr. n ippal aald th a t In m aking hia bid ha waa govarned antiraly by w hal ha undaralood to b« fh« apirlt of tha naw law. That waa^ aa ha raad iha a la tu la . tha h lfh blddar ahould ba tha ona who bid tha m olt for tha 1a*M am ount of bonda which ahould produra a aum to tal LOTtrlns th* to ta l am ount which M waa daalrad to rala* and ihun not lo maka th* obligation of the oily any larg*r than nacaanary. He fu rlh a r aald. in reply to q u a itio m . Ihal hi* bid waa for w orth of tha laaua at therata of 101.241, which waa aqu lealen t to an offer of tO llS l for aiity<flv« bonda of H.Obd each and on* bond of M09, tha to tal offar baing only IS tl in aaceia of lha am ount which tha city deatred to rgifo. On* of tha purpoaea of th ia act. addod Hr. fUppel, l i to gie* th* laaat pramlum poaalbla tn buying m unicipal bonda and lo buy th a im alleet qu an tity of tha aama. which w ill produca a aum equivalant In faca value to all th* bond* aotd. Mr. Ttippat added th a t ha had long Im agtnad th a t a t tha flra t aala of miinletpai bonda undar th* Ploraon act thar* m ight ha aoma m taunderatandlnga and lh a t perhapa th ia waa ona of them.

RfMd t a r G rea te r C^ee*If It ahoaid raauAt« ha added, in a

lltUa cl»a«r a itan tlo n to apecificallon of bond offer* by m unlclpalilte* ao aa to bring them unquaationably wMhiti tba tarma of tha Pieraon ac t and not leavo anything open to conjecture, perhapa lha ccmpUcatlona w hich have Juat re* agltad in aomebody elaa g e ttin g tha bond*, although hia bid w ai a t tho hlghaat ra te , w ill not hava been w ithou t good raauU a

O utw atar A Well*, be It underatood, bid for lha a ia ty -e li bonds at tha ra ta of 141.411, which m eant a paym ent to Union County of |M ,47l.S2. Thia waa more than th* Hippel o ffer for tha ais* ly*f1ve 11.444 bond! and the ona 1100 bond In the gropH am ount |« ld to (ha founty. but the Uippel bid|..if applied to alsty 'B la full bonds o f |l,4u4 each, would have m eant a paym ent to Umon County of 114.11*41 or 1141 «4 more than the C u tw a te r A W elle hid.

A peculiar fea tu re of It all cam e out a f te r tha aw ard in tha admiaaion by the Union County au th o rltlea th a t th* 141.004 bonda had all been printed In advanca T heir plea, in pereonal dia- cuaalon of tha m atier. waa th a t they w era not In a poalilon to aetl a |100 bond. Aaked w hal thay would have done if they had had a ta rg e enough bid for only a lity -f lv e bonda to b ring them In the required 144,440, the reply w aa th a t they would have canceled one of the bonda. W hen It waa auggeatad to

, them th a t th ia m ight In terfere w ith the ' wording of all the bonda laaued, becauae

each Waa announced to ba ona of an laaua of a is ty * a li bonda tha anaw ar waa th a t they *‘nov#r thought of tha t."


u y e todny; "BurpBnnIng thv hlgheet • • tiff lg tu , th* S teel C o rim rillo n 'i ttl.ftod.ooe eern lnge In (he p e it guer- ter. reported Tneedey. (ollow uig two rem erkeb le ctA tem ente o f Independent •teel cem penlce, confirm w h et thB m erket hee le te ly ehown of the ex- eeptlonel poellinn of th e producere of ■teel. Along w ith hoAvjr tonnAgee of unfilled orderg and th e U rg e purchaee* Kurope l i y e t to n g k e In th le eeuB try, they po la t to b etroB ger m a rk e t 1b the rem elBder o f th e yegr thBit wgg iBdl- ceted one o r tw o tnontbe ago.

‘T h e w eek hua b rough t A new crop of rumorg of la rg e ih e ll o rd e rs W bot Ig contirH^ed |g tb e t ovgr l.Mt.OM a h e iu Of l-Incb and l.l-In c h elieg hgve been Acluolly pledged for d e llv erle i ru n n in g up- to A pril I, I tlT . N egotlatlone fo r l-lneb to I t-In c h ih e lle In q u on tlttee ■ epregentlag beavy i te e l tonaagB i a ra

' a tlll MBdor w ay and ateol n iakerc look fo r (so p lae lng o f moro ordora aooa.

. T heH A dkenlog In f-In ch chell buelnene b e n and tk e la rg e B ritleb and F raneh e tilp s i a re w all know n, b a t In heavy eballe tb ie so tH tiT 'a oapeoUy w ill be eiUled upon fo r a good m any m o n th a ’'

CLCVBLANO. Ja ly IT.—T ba Iron T f ^ Review today aaya: "R ecantfloede la iha Booth h av e reau lied in la s s lr le a to r a co n a td o n b la tonnaga of etoal to r bridge w ork te rep lace waahad o a t brIdgoA Inqalrlae fo r p ig Iron fo r oaport ere e ilre m e ly heavy aad le le aa llm alad t l ia l tW .lH ta M w ilt be S b tp t^ ab raad d s r l s g tb a a r i l a ls a ieatba. T ha oam aatle d am asd for pig Iron la vary l ig h t"

n o o n "gaioDii” NTa n s a u r a T W B V

Michael K abalehak w aa raw ovad tb ia e f ta n ie e a from a cell hi th a T h ird P reeinci Pallee B U tloa a«ftarlB g tram a laceratloo la lha eh##B ea- ian ic ied . if la thought, w ith eiitcldel le te a t . A blood-covered pleoe a t h ro k ea eyegleae wee found In the cell. T he n e a wee ruehad to tba City H a a p lu l aa d there a ra to r waa lah aa tM m hla eeat pncliet

The 4 la c o w y of the fw ior by tlie phyelcten le eh e rfe e eurpriee te both the Tblr4 F reclec t police an4 W arden McOeleeeB of th e >eU, w here the prieoeer wee firal held The wige wae M en ‘h4d tw ice a t the Mil and eeoe e l the Third Freelnc*n and no w eepeea w ere feund In hie clolhea, it wae eteted .

Thle le the eecond inaU noe ibt* m enih of men who have been tu rn ed over te th e Ctty Hoepiial e u th o rlllea frem the Third Precinct before being ■bora ef the ir weapon* About th ree w eeks age Anthony ttam em tta o f t i t Jeffereon itre e t wa* taken lo th e hoe* pHal. wher* a knife and a loaded re* volver were taken from hte clothea.

CapUIn Chrietie of th* T hird F re t clftct aald that a carefu l eeerch wna not made of Kobalchuk b e ra u ie he wae brought to (be p recinct from Jell th le morning

”Wottld )'ou auipecl a m an leav ing jail to have a raaor in hia pocket f ’ aaked the captain.

Warden Mctjulneae aaid K ebaM iuk had been aearched when be en tered the Jail, and wae alao learched th is morB* lag before being sent (o (be T hird Precinct.

KobaLrkuk wae com m itted by a Jua- tii e of the peace on a charge of b igam y and was tn have been a rra ig n e d before Ju d ie M ancuel'Ungaro th ia m orning- At the request of hie couneel th e case was postponed until lom errow m orning. Hi* c'ondliioa la n e t regarded aa se rio u a He le ihlrty*iw o yeare old.

nusne aum s ME DRCOiFOR m i M D H i r m u w

ATLANTIC CtTT. Ju ly t l . — Drwattc changre in the bankrup tcy act w ere deraandad here yeetefday b r th* Com­m ercial t^aw League of A m erica lo ■eaalon a t the Hotel Hreakarm.

The demand waa made feU ew tng eev- • ra l proleata against th* Com m ercial Law league, follow ing th* lead of the National AaaoclaUon of C redit Man. The lawyer* concurred in a recom ­m endation, however, from th e cred it men providing a penal eentence of two yoara for any person know ingly con­cealing any of ihe properlv belonging to the estate of a bankriipl.

Proposals from a com m ittee, beaded by Oeorge W entw orth C arr, of, P h lla ' delphla, (hat law yers sha ll be p ro ­hibited from requesting, eollcitlng . obtaining or attem pting to ob ta in any monoy or property from any person 1 1 a conolderallon for acting , o r fo r ­bearing to act. In bahkrup tcy pr«>ceed- Inga, were voted down.

Mr. Carr. In answ ering sharp crltl- clams from the floor on th le propo- aidon. which many m ain tained would ham per the legal adjudication of tMink- ruptcy m atters and work to tha In ­justice nf many tla lm anta , aald th ^ t ha was not w illing to concede th a t 24,004 laymsp apecialielpg in credits, knew more about b an krup tcy (han more than 4,400 law yers who have diligently studied every phane of b a n k ­ruptcy.

The committee led a figh t lh a t re ­sulted In ths rejection of proposals from the credit men lh a t It be made a crime for any a iio rney tn him self solicit or employ any runner, soH citer or agent foi the purpoee cf ob tain ing nr Inducing (he placing In hla hands c t any claim or p ro iy in bankrup tcy .


Call k i s m i i s d Rastnl

TO BE MADE r o u e WHIDATWASHINOTON. J« Iv it .—a n a u ta

O raai B rltaia ab tav tlas ta Iba b laek - llatlBA af AaMrtcan bualaaaa flrm a aa an "In v u lan «f nau tral r l g b l^ waa cablad to LaiSnn la ta laal a ic b l b r tba S ta la D apaH aan t

A ctln f S ac r-la rr Pnlk. an n aaav la ii lh a t Iba roaiBiunleaitan haS baaa Sla- pa trh -4 , Saolinad to Alacaaa It f u n h a r than 10 t a r It oentalaad " ra sra a a a ta - tlona." Hv aald It wouM ba a lv a a a a l (or (labllratlnn MeaAar.

WASHI.NOTON, J u ir >1.~Tba s ra ta a t b r tba UallaA H alaa lo O raaf B rU ala acalnat tba la tta r 'a eo iaaiarctal b la c k - Hal 1l aald la ba dIvMad la ta tw o parta. In tha d ra t alaea. ibla (o v a m a ia n t. It It aald. tnalata on taa rlflc SB aranttaa aa (a tha af(aet of tha black Hat a a A aiarloan f lrm a In lha aacond. tb a w hala qaea- tlan n( lha brinclala a( each a h a rc a tt la antarad lain.

Tha taaciric la a ra n f la a a ra w antad iBimaillatcIr. Tha m a lta r a f ih a arln - clpla Bi aiaha will ha thraahad out In lha tioia It U kaa for aacaoaarr d irla - m atle a ichanaaaj

Tha vaaraM laa dataonatratod ara: That b lark llitad flrm a ba allowad to

m i lhair a ia a d ln t e o a ln e ta and rallaal th a ir itandiBK dabia

T hat ihara ba ao aatanalon of lha bU rk llal te A aM rlcu (Irma daalinc w ith hlackllilad fin aa In n au tra l coun- irlaa or lha UhlIad Ita laa .

T hat lha blackliatad (Irm a ba not pravantad from d a a tin t w ith nau tra l roun tnaa . p a rlteu la rlr South America.

M C T 4 E Y


‘a U m U .’ U«IATWAitfMEn o n s i i D n m s i r u k

BfCriUN rHy WtrelftM to ftayville). July 2".—"The AustrO’H ungarian tiov* •rtim ent." aayi the Overaeae Sew* Agency today, ‘lia s p ro tested to neu ­tra ls sgatnst repeated cfim lnal attack* of enemy subm arlaee upon A ustro- H ungarian m erchant ahipa. It d ie s a* an example tke unarm ed steam er Blrkowo of ! 1 l lona, w ith one woman paseengcr. a ttacked off CapablancM without any warning, tw o torpedoes being fired; also the unarm ed 1,I44< ton steam er Albanian, sunk o ff the (aland of f>olfin w ithout any w arn ing by Iwo torpedoes, fired probably by an Italian submarine, th ree sailors being drowned.”


l a h n i l a w r « M a E u b D - d i s i - l l s d C ia M e I s m

is IkiTse K as|t.



WAHHINrsTOS. July IT - P restdent Wilson today nom inated t.'harles E. tcobdell of tlre a t Bend. Kan.: George W. Norris of Philadelphia. W. 8. A. Hmith of gloux t 'lly . la . and H erbert Quick of Berkeley Hprtnga. W. Va.. aa members of the farm loan board c re ­ated under the ru ra l credit* bill re ­cently passed by Congress.

Herretary UcAdoo Is an e i-o ffic io member of the board

t 'p to today it was genera lly believed th a t W. W. F lanagan of M ontclair would lu ie ly be a mem ber of the board

NEW YORE PRODUCE lA R E HNEW TORK. July J 7 . —n u a r —firm .

w inter patenta, I.Tfc#<.ac, w lnlvra tra lch ti. K anaai a tra lrh la .

P ork—Finn.B »,(—n ria .[jird —B atr. Mtdill' W ,tt . 1 1 1 * 0

II to.MoUsses—Quiet Hay—Quiet,H ides '-S teady .

ns-IcOather -Firm.Butler — Firm:

• ’’rcamery, extras 2»S RO S 27 S

iSggs—Irregu lar. receipt*. 1 Fresh gathered, ex tra tine. e x ­tra firsls. Z lO :lS : first*. !4 |M 7 S nearby hennery browns. I IO R JS nearby hennery whites, fin* to fancy. >4911

t'heese—P iesdy ; receipts. M M Htaie. fresh, specisim. I&H4RI<< dri average fancy. 1fi>4 MMIH

Poultry—Live, firm ; broiler*, fowls, POIfZl. turksya, not quoted P ressed—Firm, broilers, 310^14. fowls, 17 '^ fizz, turkeya. 25

O fiira l America,

receipts. 12 ,211 112 score ». 71'* CP

creamery fhlgher scoring!. 2*4i(l firsts 2 7 \0 Z 4 . seconds. 2 t ' y 6



the European w ar la p inch ing tender American toes and pocketbooke was shown here today at the closing eea- elon of th* tllinols Khoc R eta lle ra ’ Association. O. 1a. TrUbel Jr. o f Hpring- rield. secretary, declared prices for shoes have Jumped tw en ty (n fo rty per cent, during the last year, and It la up to the consumer to pay the price.

I>*mand for lea ther for shoes fo r the European arm ies cauaed th e advanee. Triebel said tan calfsk in fo r shoes re ta ilin g a t IS sold a t th ir ty oenta a ibot a year ago and now b rlnge fo r ty - seven cents; raen‘a dull c a lf lea ther, form erly th irty cent*, now aells for forty -four cents; white calf for w om ­en's shoea form erly sold for tw en ty - e ight eenta, now sells a t flfty-flve« and ao on down Ih* line. L inings, lac in g a eyelets and buttons alao have advanced In price.


worn since he shot Mrs Npannell and L ieutenant Colonel B utler last week, H arry J Hpannell was rem anded to the custody of the sheriff w ithou t bond at today s preliminary hearing.

Bpannell was returned to th e county Jail at K1 Paso lo aw ait the action of ihe grand Jury, which will m eet the firs t of Hepiember He refused to make a etatem ent



breno, Honduran M inister, and Acting Secretary of Stale Polk today signed a Bryan peace trea ty betw een H onduras and lha I'n lted Stales. Thle trea ty provides for k year’s di*cuaak»n of any differences between (he two countries before hostllltlee may be begun

The treaty la the ih ir ty -f lre t of He kind

NEW YORK METAL lA R K HNBW YORK. July 17.— Copper,

steady; eleetrelytle, 14,44gi 17,04. Iron steady and unchanged. Ife ta l egchange quotes tin quiet, spot offered at I I IK. At London spot copper 141, fu tu re s 103, electrolyllc l i t . spat tin 14^ lie . fU' lu res 144 l i t .

IN REBUILDINC EUROPE.Tba cu rraa t auM bar • ( T ha boivrlcaa

H asa a la a aubllahaS h r tb a National City Bank af N av T ork. fo a tu n a aa« •R octflrallr calla a tta n llo a to aa an- alanad eo a lrlh a tlo a on "W hat Will Ba Rvqalrod lo R thab lU U la Kuropa'a la - dtiatrlao" a f ta r (ha * a r . from ttw vUw- SOlat thai Biiieb aaakotanea la Ihia dlrocuoo will ba raquIraS (rant Iba UaltaS S u tta .

Jta|Tlhlac la lha natH ta af avaa an a ltaa ip t le m aha aa appro ilm ala lx batle aailaiata appaara to ba conflaaS y th a d a n a p a dona a a d which laiial ba replaced or repaired la Kalptaas and In N orthaaatam l-rmnco. Tba rafaraneaa te ib a t p o n ian of Ruoala which haa bean lavadad by T autaalo (oreaa, or to daatruetlon aad itaaded rapU caioaH In Iba Balkana, o r In T arhay . appear aniy In tb a n atu re of a vary panaral aril- mala, practically In tb a form a( arra a a

l an t b loa a( a Roaao.R oaphly. tb a notion la aapraaaad that

aboat In raplacaiaant willba required In B alslum . about Idaa.boa.- «M In N o rlhaaaltrn F ranca, and. par- hapa, la nil, Includtns th e oountiiai named, and for nusm antad Induairlnl productivity In the Scandinavian na- Ilona, a t m urh aa abaut ana-taa lh of w hat tba Kuropaan war haa coal (o data.

Tha work of raconalruellon when peace comae aca ln will mean lha ra- bulldlnc of homra and, bafora Induairy can llfi H i head, hauaoa muat ba con- Btruciod for labor. Than will coma noadod repalra or raplacam ani of d»- atroyad public worka. roada. brldprr and w atrr aupply ■yotcmi Involving hundred! of m llllona of do llar!' worth of lumber, c tm ent. a tructu ru l !lr*l. bulldrra' hardw are and lha Ilk*.

a re , wovh r ta a a a d , bloa.Nol oniy ooia ihia r r l« r la rcplaca-

m ant of w hat waa. but an aa y*t Indt- to rm la a ti amount of now Induatrlol davalopment, much Of which hao a l­ready been planned in France, Rueela and Ita ly

Thia will mean a w orld-w ide call for Ihe lateai, moel approved and efficient machinery, a g r ltu ltu ru l and other, and auch a demand may hardly b! met m te^Ke purl anyw here «lee than In the U nlltd d ia ire

France el-cady hae arranyed for the Introduction of area l factory plant!, tn legrated on lha Am erican plan, and repreaentallvea of French Indnatrlea and Ihe French (lovernm enl ha. e been here with Indu itrla l plana and apeclfl- cation! and a requeat for American blda for fla t pricea for conairucllon and equipment. It la believed th a t all lh a t rem alni for aecurin* Hk* con- irac ta from Rnaala la to go after them.

Call tw Swolaewe laieeveia.The call la therefore aeni out for

organlaailon by American builneaa tn- tereai! who are faraeclna enough to appreciate whal may be aw eliing their rn .opera tion In thia dlrecUon afte r Ihe war P irect Inveatlgallon of the aub- )ect la urged becauae th e dem andt on Kuropean capital for the needed re,;on- atructlon. it la aald. would be quitt beyond Im mediate reaponee. oma the w arrtng a rm lti lay down their erma

)n Ha mildly coneervallve way the artic le tn The American aaya "It aeema reaoonable to eapa<'t the American In- duatrlea will ba called on to do a very large am ount of the rebuilding of tb« faotorlea and ra ilroad! " of Europe. "In fact," It ad d a "European b u iln t!! In- tereate e ip cc t It to be !o and are already m aking Inqulrtea."


NEW TORK, Ja ly IT —Tho otoch m orkei'a ctooo today waa pIrahS. Yha atrength la S oart-R oabuek , waa a fhe- la r ta lha fit t l d a a lin ta . th a t ataeh Bailing about Ikd. a g a la of T polaia In all for tho day. S laal commoa ra- rovorod all lla loot. Tho ganoral Hit rulod frac tionally abovo tho oarly Ibw lavol T rading wae almool wholly pro- faaolonal. Rondo woro Irrogulay.

Tha raarkai waa a diaplay of atrongth In many laauaa la the U ta a f ta ra ao a S tart-R oaburk m ade a auddan advaaoa of « polnla to 1 « Iv Stool e«iB O B woo In batter dem and, ad v an c in s I* • •I t Paul aald down to »<ta, h a t raUlod to *Mk Uhooepoalio A Ohio, howoeor, waa under p raaau ra dactla ing H to i l tk , Induatno l Alcohol woe In goad demand. Bailing a t IM Ia

Aggreaalva aalltng hy tha trad ing ala- n e n la foroad prliwa o ff aharp ly In the lata forenoon. Much o iian tlo n wao paid to tha railw ay tabor a tlua ilon . can ting the Irunk Itnaa lo woabon. H eading da- d ined a point lo I IH . and frac tional loaaaa wera raro rdad In New Tork ta n - Iral. E rie and Union Pacific

diaal common moved w ith in a n ar­row Tonga, docUning from I l ia I" **V InduBlrlal Alcohol (all from IM h »o IH U , and H aiina p rafa rrad from l l h lo H h

Amartcan H*el S ugar dacllnad t h to I t s . Praaaad Steal C ar a point to IT, Ameriran Can. H *** TkiroAvenue a point lu 42 S The copper iseues generally eustained f fa c tijn a i IOB*fi. AnaconiJa se lling at against 71S * t (he clo*e yeetertsy . Renewed presoure a-as noted from the bear element ouieide of (he sio h an g e

Money loaning a t per rent.After Having ehuwn weaknefta *1 the

flpeningr when loeees of from frac tions to mor* than s poini » e r* eustftlned. (h* m arket developed • b e tte r lona. with ftdvaftcee rang ing from frac tions to two po in ts

1ndue(r(al Alcohol s u r te d a point iftwef *1 1*4. but qulcky roe# to 141 on ths favorabe eem i'ftnnuaJ repo rt Mei- lean Pelrolrum . a f te r hav ing fftlUn a point lo 14*4. recovered Ih* loas before the end of the Drat f lftaen mlnktee-

O uctb le Hle*I declined 4 to 4 l \ . and then rose lo 41. r n io n Pacific opened H lower a t l U S . bu t quickly recovered (he toes Marine p refe rred , a f te r hav ­ing star led % low er, rose a point to I t A*. The ral w ay and copper stock* ftrted in ih* sam e m anner. austalM nu fractional loesee » t Ih* opening snd then recovering the lose before the end of (h« firs t fifteen minutee.

As (he firs t q u a r te r h our ended (he entire list wa* efrorig, w ith nearly ail the leading iesuea rang ing slightly shove yesterday 's ejoee.

NEW YORK S T O a MARKHTh* rang* cf today a p rlr*J f c '•*«

mor* active aecurltlea In lb* New TorW. murkei In con iraa t w ith th* p fc 'l ') '! ’ rloalng quoiallona l - la a l aal* I. » » . '“ (■ i.lahrn for the New* by Poet Jk F .agg, la given below• ,------T od ay '!------ P rav 'i

High l.o w .n o a * Ulooe i f t , 1714 i :H I ;> I iv ! 31 M i I C 71% 7114 h C 71%47 " 47 *7 ' i t t yMV, 17% ••%14 41% i t 41%

n o n o 110 " 041% 44% 44% I* 't1 0 % 111% 10 % )''% 41% 41 •)% 41%37 --1 «%4t >,

i:»% 17* l i :% :;3

( I II »2 % SI %7«% 77%

t o s s 1 0 1% i«(44% 40 % •*%M% >4% >4%««% *1 % >1 %47 ««% *0%

n u T m M K B M n aM a o r M w a m s

rm CA O O . July RTtcaaw aat up w ith a n a h tadsy , tsiapB Ib aem t aaaas am B aatlag ta 4% #4 % ta a ta a huahal. SaBaatlbaal era# AaBaasa ra-po rti from tha hlhdh n u t ra s te a la tha Nonhwaat farm ed tha p rtac lpal raadaa. Commlaaloa hoBta huylBg waa caaaraLwith offarlagB aearca.

Opening quaU llaBa, w hich rshgad from ■ % •!% o a ita la 4 % 94% <«Bta kighar, ware follawad by aam a reaattapefrom iuttikl tap flguraa, w ith tha m ar- kat ataadylag a t an av a rasa advaada of thraa aenia aa cam parod w ith yea* larday'a eloaa. Opening p rlca i far Baptambar wora 111 te 114%. aad 114% ta 117 far ivarambar

Trade waa In large volama, and lha hlghaat quolaiioB t af lha day wera alao Iba tapm aal of tha aaaaa. V aluta rloMd uaaattled. 1% la 4o. not higher, w ith Saptamhar at 111% • % aa4 Oacambar a t 114%

Drif w aalbar gava atrong th te cant. Soma ra p e r ti th a t the c rap waa (iriag w a n racalvad. A flar having apanad % caal la 1 % eanta h igher, tha m arket a ean d a ligh t addllloBal ga lita

Tha elaaa waa narvoua a t % la l a net advepce.

OaiB, Ilka ea ra . ahawad only a med- arata dagraa of flnanaea. Tha ooalraal wllh lha a a tr a n a bwlga Ib w haal waa aapaolally aaticaahla . P fav ltla iia w are cem parativaty nagleetad. ValBta did Dot rhanga to aay ■IgmlfieBBl dagroA

» o ta l l a n a from the Ctalcago Board of T rada

Th* following hlcago Board of

by Ryiaa d M clsafiaall.

rypan. W heat—

July. 13* Sapl. Itl% Dec. 134%

Oora July 14 Sapl. 74% tXc.. 4* %

Oala- July SopL Dec . 41 %

P o r k - Srpl. I t 77 l»«c„ 11.4#

L ard— Sapl. If.T# Dec.. 11.4#

vara furnlahad


High Low. Cloaa,

l i t 13" 1 1 1 %114% I tl 131%117% 114% 1 !*%

• 1 411 1 % 74% 71%«3-J 41% 41%

1 1 % 41%41% ♦15

41% 13% 43%

34 II 14 41 34 14

13.71 11.41 17.10I t . 10 I I . 1* 1 1 .1 *




11.70 I I .4 t

NEW YORK COTTON lA R K HNEW TORK, Ju ly 17 —Tha unfavor-

able roporl of a local trad* paper on rondltlona tn Alabama and Mlaalaalppl a iplalned an opening advance o f ana to thraa point! In tha local collOB m ark rl today, a ! they Indicated a more bulUah


& Msslki’ Eipirii Eh !w 4 Tshl •f As; T u r Priir Is 1910.

I m s i t GriuA.


trada a( the P b lllpp la t l i la a d a iWAdhad a aaw high m ark durtag the f t r s l Ma m antha af lha praaant year, aald A rw- pari glvaa out today by the la a d U r RuraaB. Tha la la l waa 414.144.tM. bB iBaraaaa a f |4.i44.44« aver tha asaia parlwd taat year Tha to ta l fa r a)g m antha eiaaada tha to ta l fa r any tw tiv a m antha prior ta IIIA

In ternal ravanBt eallactlena to lalad 11.141.144 far (ha a ll monIhA All In- croAta af 1144.114 aver I IU flguraa aAd alaa a haw m ark. Tha a ta tam aat aa* p la in t Ihia la partly due ta am argoBry w ar laa tA hul adda th a t flguroa o f m archanu, m anufactarara and camnMB earria ra eonatdarad alana Indlcala "a to ta l a t Internal b u a ln au In th a Phlllp- plna lalanda g raa tar than for any aqual parted In lha paat."

Tha Unllad gtataa told to ArgantlAA l i l t year ana-fnu .ih of tha c o u n lrr '* la la l Imparl* and bought aixtaan par

g a . it. a f lie aapartod p roducta accord­ing ta Daparlm ant af Commarca flgu raa today. B ip arta tha United S tatM ta A rg aa tlaa more than doubled A trlng lha year, raach lns a total of tl4,#M,#dd. Im parta for tha year are put a t Itd .- fdd.Md. G reat B ritain atlll laad a bnth aa a purchaaar a f Argentina goad* and In tba am ount ef gooda aald to A rgaa- IlhA Tha U attad S lataa la aaoond. K a- porta tram A rgen tina laat year ht- rraanad from t l t 1 ,*M.*t« la t l l l . td d .- *44, hut importa dacraatad from IM l.- 404,444 ta 1 1 1 1 ,444.444.

American purchaaaa In G u altm n la ta tha flra t a li m antha a t l l l l ahaw n h ig Ineranao over th* aama parted Ia*I year. Tb* to tal waa 13.011.7##. agalhd t li.lll.OO# In tt.a flrat ala m ontha af 1111. In Ih* flra t h a lf a t I IH th * am ount waa only 1714.114.

RANK OF ENGLAND STATEMENTtvONPiON. Ju ly 17.—Th* w eakly a ta ta -

m aal of Ih* Bank of F.ngland ahaw* tha fallow ing Changaa: Tolal raaarva da-craanad (444.4M: c licu la tlon Inclwaaad (14,444 : bullion dacraaaad I I I M I I ' o ther aacurltlaa dacroaaad (1.141,4447

thoaa itai** . a* *h*w" ! o ther dapoalla dacraaaad (1,141,444; ptth-

NEW YORK ODTSDE SEGUHniESTb* following quatalloi

niahad by KtHlo A K ing: UtNING.

Prrvlaua day'* Ulaaa.



TM N TO N . * Ju ly IT.—T ha P sb lld Mi n ildd CBTgdrBttan o f Raw Jo ra ty Kind R otPUSdAU vrKh Ihd 4«!rB tary # ( s u t o led ig r Imcradalng l ls h a tho rlaad tdgN tI RtdWib Tim b lll.444.d44 to 114.444,444,

: T h li I4 niarBly tb* fo rm al raeard lag 'g f liw 4>fR>rAtldB'4 lB4r*h44 Ib H4 Ihm

VhlMwd «A»ltAl BlPCk w llh th a a ae rt- S fFA f dtblA tb * e*MR4Br balh g a Naw ImM f cortM A tlm h wbldii AAtArAttr

SANTO DONINGO, Ju ly IT —P%d*rlco H enrtquai Carvajal yaalarday w aa pro- clalqi*4 P ravltlonal P rra ld tn l o f San ta Domingn by Congrea*.

Praaldant Carvajal auccaada Jo a n lal- dorn JIm enti. M* waa alacted by th* Chamber of Daputlaa May 17. but con- (Iritiatlon by th* Sanat* w aa paat- poned a t th a raqueat o f A dm iral C apar- ton. commanding tha A m erican naval forca i In Santa IloniIngA Th* d tt- tu rb td condition of tb* rap u h h a w aa lha raaaon (or Adm iral C ap artan 'a ra- quaat-

RANI OF FRANCE STAIEMDTYPARIS. Ju ly IT,—Tha w aakly a ta ta -

m ant of th* Bank of Franc* ahowa th* follow ing changaa; Gold In hand In- ernaaad 1 .111.444 francs, a llv ar In hand dacraaaad 1,411.444, nataa In o lrcalatlon daaraaiad 1.111.444, T raasu ry dapaalta Incrsaaad IAIH.414. ganaral diBoafta In- crsaaad 11,411.444, bllla dl4oauntad In- eraaiad 11,117,444, advsnesa dacraaiad 1.144.444. ____________

SIEAMSOr REPOinN«W T ttttiti Ju ly IT.—A rrived •

S iaaw tr SaMa*, Uabllu, Ju ly I I . and R ruaaw lak, H th , la tb a MAIIary Btaam- ablp QampAAy, w ith gaaaangara and n*r*lMR4lMa

•tM A « r OqrowL P u * rt*

GDttCOJANQ|nO.O(IQFI(IMLV.W AmiNdTS0 5 5 lT ^ t l iA Labigh

Vallay CdAl.fAlaa tigsilMsgr af SMAAton, PA, taday fM U m iiinifc* ' latarstota CtsHBana CMmtaglfs fa r IU 4,4d* yapAMtiaa la r sUMw** gulwtl rala* by tba Lahlfb Vallar ItoNfhdd *a eaal abigmasu Tar twa TasiM " .> ■

m w m m m mH W : H i—*Ji,.. h*-

M l R l M

s i7

A tlanta ..........Crown Raeerv*Goldfltld C o n ..Jumbo E itan .Ia R a t* .. .HcKln.-Dar Mlnae Ca. . .N lpiiilng Ten. Mining .Tan. BatmanI

INDCBTRIAIN. Brit. A. Tab., a.Cbavralat Mai Manbat. Tyana.Midvale S laal..Rlk.-H*g. Carp S tarling Ctam..TrlangT* Film U . Pr.-Rb., n..World n im . ..

A n ^ e O i l ........At. R a d n lM ...Buckaya PT I,.C ra a c a n t..........Ohla ( R I ..........Std. CHI af CnI.

ta l lo n t war* fu r.

1 •# I T ad rr . d. AaVid. A*k*4^ a td . AaVadI r ,r r (.%

4* 1771 14

1 - 1 * n - i i 17 ••

Bid 1

%II ' I t74 '■ TT

l - l l l l - I I ST I t3 ‘, 3%

Secfld C htt Propertjr TUal Ai- tetsineBb $108,508,87(-‘-Lait

Yeir'i Wm $107,978,698.

UOAWANNA W C R E ^ LARGESTi la u t Iwrlad* Jaiway UtAtrAl, 4144.- tySt P h iladelphia A R tad lu g , t l l V 4Mi N. » . CaBtrai, SSlABti tuaaB*- taB na. 4 t,7 lS—Daaraeeae far KrI*. PaanaylvBBla, EablgA aad Otb-ra.

17% I t 17% 13to i 311 to* I I I

1 >% 1*1 *7% *1 % *!%

4% 1 ♦ 5 5% % % %

1 % 1 3%\


l l - l *%


OILK14 1 1 % II 1 1 %

5*0 7«* «** TOO13 *4 33 354* 43 4* 14

l i t U l 13* 311II* 17* 3*1 3703(0 1 1 1 1 1 # .511141 3H t*4 l* t

PMMJIDELraiA S T O a MARKETTba tallawinir quotntiana today war*

(am lihad by Blaela * jBid. Aaked.Rlactrtc Storage, com.......... 41 *1%Gan. Aaphalt. com................ * t . |4%Gan. Aaphalt. p r.....................K ayitan* Tal. Co..................K w ato n - Tal. C*., p r . . ^ .Labigh Navigation ir . ctfATuka Ssporlor Corp. ...........* ‘ ■ Vallay T ranalt, coiB.

V allw . p r..................7oB*. T racllan ■ • ■ - ^

iW. Rapid Traa*. v. t e f tPhllAOO. OOffl---- -................n l l A N lactrlc.............. ..T u a p f t M ining.....................tB n a ta h Balm ont.................U nltM flA * Im pt...............Uhlah T rse tlo * ........*............

drarf rorrerpoadmcT.TRENTON, July 37.—A n*l Inciee**

of II1U.17I In tho eseceeniant of aacond- rluea railroad p a-p fr iy l i Indicated In a eummary of thle y e a r s asaaeemonte cempllad by the Slat* O epartm tnl of Taeae and AsBaatmani. Th* total aaaaaamani* th ia year a ra 1141,441,*71, aa comparad w llh 1I47.4T1.11I In 1111.

In Ih* main the aaaaaamani* of thia year ihow hut a ligh t variation from th* corrected ra tu m * of laa t yaar. Five of th* principal ayatam a hava baan ra- duead and th raa Incraaaad. wbll* n alight rsductlon la show n in th a aaaaas- m ant ef ib* am all uactahainad roada. Tba largaat Increaaa la lh a t of the Lackaw anoA whoa* aasoahmant* war* ralead I l lT . l l l . O toar tnecaaaa* war* an follow*: Naw Je rte y C entral, l l t t , - 171' P h iladelphia A Raadlitg. 1111.414: New Torb C entral, 111.411; Suaqua- baanA 11,711.

Tba dacraa ia a war* aa (ollowa: Erla, I t l t . t t t ; PannaylvanlA 117,111: La- hlgb Vallay, I t t . l H : unclaatlflad ra il­road A 1 1 1 ,1 *1 .

f ompagwillw* A ii iaumrata .' In lha (ollaw ing tab le hr* ahawn th* cam parativ* asaaaam anta af tha various railroad ayatam a for th* yauf* I t l l and 1114:

t4 U

A laaki Hold Allla-Chal A llla-t'hal . pr Am. Ag. ("ham. A.n Raot Hug. Am Can Am. Can, pr Am. (' A F. - - Am H A I.Am. H A l*,pf Am Ico Am i.ln Oil Am. Loco Am. Hmrli Am T A T Am. Tobacco Am. WoolenAm y.gnc Anacond#A i . 'h .................Held Iajco H. A O B U T H ullt A Hun

••E ! dividendCel. I 'e t............Cen. I’ttc Cent. I.,eeth C. A OChi . (J. « ., pr. C , it. A HI, F. Chi A N*weelc., H I A r> ..Chile Cop........Col. F A I. . ('’on. lifts I'ofii rrr»<l (’‘gm Prod . pr Cru fttvsl iMsl. 8«c .KrisKriv. l i t i>r . Gsn KIsr. <'o, Goodrich Cg(. North., pr .Gt. Nor(h t>rsilL C sn lrftl. . . . Insplrftdon . ■.Intsr. Con.......In tsf. Con., pr. Inl. M«r Mftr. . Int. M«r. M.. pr Inlsr. N ick sl.. Inter, F*ftp. .Tnt P ip . p r . . Kelif-Hp’l l f Id Ksnnecott . . . Lrftrk. FKssl ■ Les Tire . . . . Lchlxh VftllsWi Ufr it u . . pr.MMlwrll ..........MexICftR P s ( . . Miftinl Coppsr U ,8 ( F.A S.KM. Mo Pftc..........Nftt. Kfi. ft 01. .Nftl. Lcftd .......Nevidft Com .N. Y, (’sm .. .N Y . N. H. H. S. Y.. G ic ,Sor A WeM(. Nor. I'acific l*ennPeople's (ifts

L»S« S

u u w

situftUoti in by Ih* fovernrnsni w M kly tsp o rt v ts-terdfty

Moderftie h u y in t by l<x-il shoris ftnfl for l.iTsrp«ol ftfHjoupt ftdvfthcsft Oclftbsr (0 I r l i ftnd Jftnuftry (o 11.18 f t^ n s f t s r ths openlh*. or Ibur points biBhsr (h*n than jeilsfdfty'S clos*-

The fofscftsi for ufiftslUftd rftnditlofts In the Cftmilnftft ftnd mof* show ers in Osofflft ftr»d Alsbftmft. w llh tsnerftlly fair w eather In (he W ^slsm bsU, fheeked ntrerinift. »nd Iftisr buy inf ta rried Jsn y ftff up to l» *• toward Ihe end of the firs t hour, a nst advanos of eeven poinls- i

Detallsd w eather report* from ihs [ Kftstsrn bell ftbowint quUs is n s r s i ; rains, while fa llln f to proinole much , new buyinf. curtailed ss 'tlin f prsesure. j end ths middsy m arket was steady [ around II W for O riober and l l l l for | J in tis ry . or within lw« or th rs s points | of the highest of Ih# m ornlP f Llvsr- ’ pool and Memphis were boih buyers of col ton during the forenoon.

A fief midday the m arket b*ram s quite Mtrong on new buying. Influenced by rumors that s Koulhern crop report, j ing bureau had reduced Its rondillon i figure to 74 I, or a dscllns of 8.1 points i from lb# governm ent figure on July 1 Prtcei bed s sharp advance to It.M for October and M 41 for January , or 11 to |7 points net higher There were also numerous rrop damage reports In from the Kastern belt, notably Houlh t a ro . Una. w hi'h caused much uneaainsas among room shorts-

lie dsposlls d*crsa*sd fiptssrsa«rv t dscreaasd K8T3.808; g o v sm m sn t •scurlllsa uhchangsd. T bs proportion of Yhs book’s roftsrvt to MahllltF tftls week is I I 81 par c e n t: lost ««o k H waa ST Z9 par cont. KUls of dlsoodPi. • par c a n t _ __ „

s x c u t m E s . m v E S T s a m i T C

The following f lo ta tio n s niahed by Post f t

vere fur*

Open IS 14 tS 61 II in IS SI

High. i l 4ft11.81IS !5 13.(3

letSW 2.SO P M !13.15 1* 4* t13 51 IJ 82 I11 10 n 15U 27 II 41 '

n s I7 S 181‘tbK n e w 177su4 54 54 WkftS *8DW 35 33SftlS 9&H 91

I28W 1J7 m : r 19% 1»% 20% SOW 20% 9DW 43% 43% 41%



' n33%!;!!i! '*

■=;% .31% 33% 33%12% 11% 13%14% 14% 1 1 %

103% 143% 103% 40 r>4 it%3i ■!* 34

1 3 « \ I3i%1 1 1 1 1 0 %

- S4%

14% HO 17% 17% 3«% 14%

134% 131 t v 4%

Tha following quot nIahed l>y Boat A Flag

1 tpon. log

A A C. CoSa 143% Amer lea 4a 14 Am H A I, 4! 1»>% Am.T ATi t% ! 141%Am T A T HI »1% Ang. Fr lat :>i « %Auti l ! ■ •;%Alch. tllj. 4a . 31%At c Line I!. >3%H. A •>. 1%! « %It. A O. B'w'il'n 34%B A tl. CV. IVja 35 B A (> *« ♦;%Heih Hteel 5» l#l%llvih Hieel. Id 1#0%Can fu r 1%! 34%t>ht l.culh. .'la l#l% C h « A O 4 'v! ••%Chi . H A tl la 37% Cfil lil. lA 4! TO'. CMAHtPcv«%« 100% C ,U 1 14 CIIIA I’M tlrt*h'i! *1 Col. Indu!, Sa 74Col. A flo. 4! 33Col A Bo. 4%! 13%lilKtll Sac. ta >4Erl* Con B. 70% Krle 1 *l con 4s 34 Erie g. Han 4! 73%Inler-Mol. 4%! 74%liig I’d per «! 141».Inter. H T (d 34% Iowa Cent 4« 57%K F.H, A M 4» ; V Kan City H<. >a 33'- l-*k* Bh. 3%» *4%l,akr Hhore 4a. 33%iBke Hh.4a 1331 34 %l.lg A M»y 7i l! l l.n- A Mverv 7v 135 31. K A .T 4. 34 VN T (’em 4i

Biti! Coal, pr. 141l« l% lu :

. J w. IW * . V V- 14 t U i,1*'4 N II. Rail 3a

Nor Pacific is P |,o r l11ard Is Pub. Hervir* 5s I teadiM (s Keab'd adj in 8o Psc < 4m


paBniylvuBl* ■.t%nt. *f N. J . . . Plillu. A R t*A ,.Bria ....................DaU I* * W e£ . N. T.. 8*1. A W.

Not C laaelH tS..

U 4.1U .035l t ,U 4 .{ 4 0



. Wl*. . 114,114.771 H ,ltl,4 t*I,il4 .l43

11,471.474 1 *,114.144

1,111,414 14,474.4*4

* ,i7* ,tti 1.441,4*7

Pr. Hieel Car Pullman .Ry, Bt Hy.R«y Con............Reading ..........Read.. Id p r . . litp . L A S .R. I. A 8 .. p r Haara. Ro*. Shattuck A riaHouth. P a c ----South. R y .........South R>-. pv- H tudtbakar . . .Tenn. Cop........t e i a a C*..........T eiaa A P a e . .Third A va........Union P a c if ic . ro lle d Cig. SI. Uolted F t u l l . . U. R I, o fS ,F . U. 8. tnd. Al . .. U. S. R u b b e r ..r . H. S te a l........U. B. Steal, p r.t:t*h Cop.........Va.-Carolina..W abath ..........W abaah, p f A. W abaah. pr. B. Waal. U *I*B ... W aatlnshoaaa. W ll1ya-i>var... W oelw oith . . .

17% <7 47 4!141% 1*1% 141% 141%

43% 42% 43 43 %33% 37% i r

Ho Pa. I-VI ta l»3% Bo Ry 4! . 7(1%Bo Ry 5! 11)1 %T aia* Co cv .. l#4% Union Pac 4a, *7IJn. Pac, evt 4n 31 (, V. B. Htaal ta ID#U. S. Rubber 4e lOS % Va. Hallway 5a 33% W abath lat la 1#3% W la Can. 44

■lions w sre fu r- I1W gh- IrOW • flrtiv 1

eal. est ing.

■ 7% 18 *7%

31%' S IS 31%35% y h i 36%

32% 92S 32%3 ( 4 92V *5%35 ■ »4% 33%30% ftOH 30%

101 % loi \ 101 ^

37% »:% 97V70'* : o s

II33 9lV

71% 71 T*S4

35'* 98 91

73% u i k 7 lS


t t 91% * iv

!«% 88 't103% m i s

101 % MM >« MM U

87% 9?' 92‘i

31% 98H 98 <V141% lo iH 19t<

Oil ExhaustionM. Fa Rtquk, <2ons(iUlng Bn-

glnear of (n« Buraau of M lns4 In a m anuserlpl ordared to ftdfirlntsd as a 0sna(s doeum ottt on

larrb SS. 1918. sta>*s th a t (hofft rem ains avallab ls In (h« dem on- •(ra tsd and un tss lsd area* of (he United Mtates. for cnm m sr- ria l e itra r tlo n , T.899.990,988 b a r ­rels of oil. end (hat aasum lng (he annual rorvaumptlon to ro- main sta tionary , (h srs Is oil enough for about 18 YKAR0.Tbs effe rt of th is on th s oil Ifi-

dustry and its im m sdlats fu tu ro Is ably discuaasd In an expert IrosU sd rontalned In th s p rosperlus of

Tex-Mex PetAn under(aking of sx rsp tlo n a l m srtt

and promlss.

1 1 W e l l sMight prwd»p<lve wdllo sod theso welts « s4e r e w » trwe((— ore losxMoft « • Ike p r^ e r t l« « eootrotteft by tfto rsM panr (Hides lesson s s d o p tlse s im proves ( r t r i ls ry • ! B r i s r I'swsty* T r is a , (b r (htrS Isrirrari r l l p rn d s r Isk s ts fs la ib r I sirs*

RffftHrs.f Bsd pMNgerssfvr sa sp sg r- s i r s l . Ia#*r rspllallB slIrSe PlddM** M . r f w birb OTMMd la T r r s s s r r g f r ^ . Alt ('sssM ss. Hr Mrsftsa 01 F sr , AMIvely leaded Is r s fb# N* Y* t'ssb .

/no tg ffM fs fftg a p itn iiid imemi* meftf a i ia sF fr ii/a f to r /!ra fp rp fo /‘tA lf a*^4ir jfg bg w H U sg to r £MMtoN • f t h t i a c k h L # r t« ** rggH«*(.

E. M. Fuller & Co.Hpeclallsts In Oil 0ecurltlsa

M Herod i t e r r t IWrw Vorix

ODD LOTSO n M U tygin o r F u l l P k y m o n t

Your In terests can hs s s rv rd by nur Inform utlon Your r rq u s s ls will receive peraonal a tten tion . W askly rnarkr( le ttrr free.

for (Hf BwkM O. L JS

0 M O l M l i 0 m A N/ New Vefk hSwb r _ I3 l_ b e r . i J **aha*ga |

W illiam F. M uthMANAOKM

III B rM VI Srwarh. ,H. J.Tel. 54al 4M

1*3 m 1 1 % *1 *

31% 13■fi% ’ r?*3% *3

114% 135 *7% 37 , -

14*% 154% 15* 15*10 1* I* •!*%

101% 1*4 104% 14443 43 42 43g*% 14% 11% II

117% 1177, l l7 1 i 117 74% T4% 7*' ■

4*4, 4*11 34% I I I I *3 *354 44%57% 41%

111% 137

NEWAU SECDRITIES l A R i nluatatlona today ware

Rippal A Co.:Bid. Aakad.

Amar. Dock A Iinh- • • 7*It l*!%W. J.

Th* to llow ing qu (urB lihad by J- d

WA8H1MOTON,M is tr s im * * WAS. ln m («4 i s u u 'b ia - triad ■ s p r m J M w t . t o t a r ,**i,i. Mta

Ito Yos

FHiUjQM. WWiaS■ a t *r**tk*r aad • *5 5 ? '

rsAacAd **b* pr*dBitI*B ta t t a naWtrUI* »f%.) 7**l*s t* 413,4*4 t*M . B dacrohh# •* *.**♦ t»B«. wb*B *wh**r*d w ith tro th . At tlin«* 43 w** Iw ftsM W * U itoar* *B*sgb 7B4" ta •VBAgi.sAdI I I ««*• ibM ftW lJ ^ ,

‘' # s tw o lftr w**i eeli.ew w liiM . ta

........HiTotal taOTOAS*.................... 1414,17* I * - ' 141^ lU


■MHATM.Mat ht I* A. M. juasw** MMrtA *s AflBF SMrotrth


(TonaoilftI Con*b:i*al Rt*ag 4 ~ Oaa A SI

GRAINWe offer uniurpigaed fscilltiM

for irtiuicliont in the Chlc*(i> M ifket.

WaU Mf**4 Ja*a al 1

M 9 s o « l S t . . N . Y .

lS - “I Aaara «f.T>**a

HoQtreal Office, i l »t, l>ss«is Isvler Rl Pifvcl wife *e ckirsfe. Tstosie ft Mos(r*ftl.

tad TiwcttaB la H udw n Oaa C o .. I l l

_ „ .ac . o f B argan Co. »*K. e f B*rg*B Co. la l ta 1*1 I I I“ ------- la n Co. g. la I I • •

a t t r l a V . . U % I I (ta* Co. . . I l l 1*1

O. A S of Barg* g. A S ef B w b t k a n i a c k w *HitdMB c o m tlrRiiftMHi County u s s y-v. •■ iv«^, svv.

( S s s - K S i p ; * - . : I SS b l f h Tal. T*rm . I* l j « . . l U % , . . .fIsW irIt ConsoL Om Cxl * H . 07

B S S S 8 8i t e t e f l

W aD c m itn ie tad o f o sk : thA d fsv rm *lid* «AiUY and wiU n e t bind. In itr io r e o n m le m lr ir- rsngod to M d pour bw isfsm d racgofds

Bahtr Printing Co. e « fM w * u J N « u

M - n . r j o ta iw i * .

sEC B K im s , B i Y E s n i p m , n c

Post & FlagflInvestment


RiBM irBiildiH T W R ro id S t


• CToPfYfftH 0f» i tif- ia ifr

s s f t te . at ^m m t BR-iMa.

M O R M S T O W N T R U S T C O .Blorib*oira,'N. J. toexypotitod ta 1812.

C i*M .»(m «l. Sftta«fMK*>OtalUiai.O(IO3% INTEREST

M i l i f H O O a a l O v w f e w ® d i O tr m i(Ml C M fldgKt ts dMk

O v w « 7 J ) 0 ( k p O O


N B W A B K e v e n i n g N B W a T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 2 7 , HM,

N A 1 W

M r M. i»i«. *****

I.TltW t .I.U

mm* N. J . 4 mtH «l

»«d m


S f f i . j s ^ i n s u i * m T u th .* I .

iM^k•' .. u m 4.


i* tr I t . t i l l . >rlM4* M*

, „ ................ j « w i*‘* " iL t rA r t iM i . . » « • .• ‘ ' ** 1 ii.» i ^ 5 ? 5

JJ .

tk . r»PM* •* <«»• dweW 7»


^ m m m iim fW ***

• • - i s : j t . , T / 2 2 u J r v ‘-

T M d .f . J*>t •!■, E latw

e e e n —^ T M d ... i *»t »ir. ‘y .g IM JM * WNwatM). i S r l l


S ^ » 1 t V « i> » g * y i i i J S S

t s t K 2 : * . w » £ ; ^ —

S S C ib .Mir Mi>< ,* f^ * * ^

a. 1—« . « --------- .< MT IlliM .I ■M**».

Tki^r*-*- *tw» M »* M . * . •M I* »

H k arlM iw M 0*-<

«MB W« MM.Tm i* Wi h tell Utei "<*•'M*— M 4e*r aMtlMfa lu #s n . K . - M . t e l

u n d c k t a u m

»uillrShnSiSi «klM *f

NMW*. law « . >n« .ikk«. m w t» iw * . k*>M*a wite wTDakkM . »*I*Utm »M

tM ir te»ti*4 te Ikt* iMiawip*. II WBltetr

n I r . M. IkUnwM tu k v k r

l i t —At Itew a n w v tc k . * • -tell' »‘. M. Daakkm, te kl. Ittk f***-

M IUM4al* CiM lwv.

. . . » m S s :J S l! ^ 3 K

KT—O . M l II. .. t l W .tlM w. U 4 KA7 *-

m Ntr fHk ^, m j w. M M ? r N . »

M. J l Ckwah.•A l* •tttftoia inunsM t M »pn«f« I lUtettM . Kill rite .* iy* .** .*K li« M . IM WaIbM *n*L. *‘ ' ”

M f t t n i l .•>1 JAaH. Oritttk. At Jk* kMJJ i«. l l » T k.111* . U«f4. t i l

H tu tt of riM«r*)

r—I . mlM.lpM A. M J . 1l II; 1 1 1*; MM M kh WUItem OMhlU

Mi *. wllli*a B. CMkUa.K. I.

^{ rn T tS p . U t. wuilkl!kM I I

cnwlfll. <*»4.l*k»■ W *


clwl»jiirA K

■r u M l m k lit .*Ih te H n i - b u b ia l ATB.


roW BlUL DIBBCTOM r i f b W B A U I lM

IM BBAltrOBD r t . , OOB. •■ IF lIA It

R T ^ « . . ? * * E S

B I L f W A W I P - W R

J r * "

a bbibtakt o r n c B makaobb-

•m«* r*r_ _ tMtP'TM r n r^mn ^ ^ U * S C *

. M , t s j i ^ i k r i r ^ i i ^ y r j ^ M i *i « m ^ i. m^ w J w M li . "kterkW M jk^ «M . . 2 . 1 t r s ! y .” . iA4A»M AjMUkL »M II. "♦ » . “

AITTO PBIVIKO «<<>’K i s r " ’"

t t t i w u n a ~ M M

I m a k , m »■ trrcH B i

A r m M- K \wmmA.

■U.BB. IW BAMM *m .M rre s B i

r r t t «*• i c a ^ i .kMiMr

C«MM■ trrcK B M wkAi

Aar. A rm •«(M ter n iA » | u k m « -

L a f .m l. *L, N ..M kB m c n ia i—«M< » m k

w Aa i . A*»lr W Om W kteiBMB trrcH K ii v«*tM *1 cki t» jm bm i o...

H eeefteK _________

■ P * W k w m ~ m ^

iraWABK 1C m rL O T iiB .v rMMlMd AM«a4 M l

Bm a kteAlMirti2 1 KV j E g y a ^ ’g i i i g :liM , MBteHM, Iteiteik,

i ^ W A M U ■htlw4 wasMlU* C iw . TiMr*

“ j a r 5 K a r i £ i f f l r - * a a . i «mm . m . c k m m __________ ____________I i »'m t W im A>m , l l T . ■ -

H I L P W A i m » - 4 I D I

I'.IWk MM.


•r :n b l t ____

BCtA LCLAWBl BOB l A g l » CAhrBKTTiit A tm i i c ^ U

•BCVBB1 2 ® “

t.T BBULBVllXB AVI.AVTOMOBIUI » l» lrA n iM f. .irM tM *.; Hfkl.

h m VMM. A rrii •• t t aim« m «-.w CMlIUa kallAlM'______ __________ _

AUTOMOBILA rM M • rk (M r#1i.kU a n I*. M.V.

AAAth* Bim At.

ao tor*. i . .M ..

PtM M.

_ _ ____ ftalri; ••*A rrll' M ^k lt* m r u * OM.M

A trrO M O B IL B A r te in I rrlM. AAAtm. OrlTlaa.

flea ____________

CAJA..11. K. J. _________________B tnm aLM A K -w .ktM i • » r * t y f . f c s 5 t l '

MM tet a w . m U lM BT' U raB B t •) M w ta aBJIIUMT m WMtM ter •O ln ^

A M .rM .w t BBAIILA Mte. C ., Tt U a-

BOOTBLACX ter¥«r iiharp.

k m u A, m im M m Kklte 1. U lM . 'k . i M-. MM BtmA

BBLL BOT. a » i k .n r tiw w * M a a Orwir. •*• BtmA


» ' X ^ V . ! r ? £ i f i 4 t ‘ "t?!* I l * £ & t i

CUaPSt < ll^rUkM CM«tt %i4m

M. A»»ir >M

PLOMBBH .IM I t e ^ t M T ^w w kte aw i f * •M k *» » * •« ■

B ln l WmIm. I t l l a t e M t u a - ___________

I P W A W T I D - l i i l l

iT T i *i*r*

rtC M B B It-P In l-'teM r* k M ^ *k*J!S t lw M; W . • fc . w » A . tte r te t. C** “

r»>kllB r t . I te tk iite rA. K. i .PLVHBBK't k a r« r •U U A . A r m Ikt Ml-

.. yrlA.7i . I A. M.

' a t i s r 5uiT.*ir*i3Sri s u j r t r A T f f i f i r ? ; .


fM«T.AifCB MBM. Mk. .m a a -B I . k.1* .

C H ^A M B A CO., tWMkl M».te. I lf BrwA

ABMT M DMIW k u tm Bm ■•»{•■kWIW waMTWA a w w Am M« M 111il«4.

M« mt„ M UellW B u lw a m M c>

M akM Mh WMMk. K. J . _________a k m a t v r b w im m »m u a . n ^ .f iM .- , A - c T ? f c r t - t 2 . n L a - ‘ t ' u ^ M V rC#.. Tr»nt—. )*r J- _____ —

CliNItK \m eh*€* lavptc**. ITI ***?^ l*4i«r cUrh. II* . «l<rll*tyf^

Xyp\^U 111 •^•P rrpttfirf*. HI. P*WM ClWfet. •• t* IIP. **•* .V****nxS^ csrvwtrf*. Pit-. lit- . 2 3 mMatry-MUA. Ml. b*4r4. r**w.M hmf, aisciieipt. i

I I I , »»H*rr«i

49tk$%AtrroM ONtui * o M n m r t c a .

kkwamkm VrMi I t . !• !» ••• BfM#* tlM|»MM<^sB7 LeTS rtlKBRAl^M *

lalh Wea^eletl. «h 1M •*


WTniT--*t > w . Ml NL . ^IHMBr m TBp/MAP, July 5 3 i^^tliigS s8rsee oalM- •! ftiiMrAiM m Mivi

!•< •_»« M Y w ley . titea mrnm t» »

____ _ , 4«p«.j B ^ e i i A tnwAi w . nwMttetlr^l.«U.A

s # ? S r t f - r a a . " , O T i

tb . MkwMwM t t Ik . te a ilr aniJiBBBfl r»m te ilT tell m Im . w

i i S i w t e i m M. i t t t - u«iM N aik M - ■ M w W A w fkI.r t t M uj ; " w . r u i j r ^B«r1t*r t t tk . NtwMfc Tur.-

la a tw 1. ttMT Ik . f t-* t r a i > r a ^ . y ^ r>■1. I*. .1 k A M..

,1. rWAMr.. m Ma«.k •tenktll CraMlMT,

aikS tltJS f ' _

U w W M ^ e t e l t e ^ ^ tr«Ai mmr* tw !•* •!»*-vk«r«‘ aP>—R— itru lM l« 9m ftryt



P rtn .1. ckAra Atu'kW .T il I t tI B B.____________



I t TO 11 TBARk o r AOB rAlO !• TO IT

TBAL . « A rABAAlC AVB.. AaBT NBIA.a r k .

Ml. b w r l■ Ml. tte .1 HClMM, Ml. n . - MUkM.. lU . ra te r .

IM. MU TMfM, trr»M lter. .ry . l / ; l l l i ■Altar, cltr, WWtsal tAtyflPt a U w n r k a . a k l n i >temiM.

Ml. k i i te w a u . Ml. }•- K .aw k B arlM .r B.r»lr.

.IMT M. ____ _CLKRK—« .lir< W k m A ^ •*

tyelels: Alvli Mhaal P* aine* elPrarAPtMt'mAk«r«: txnm kt. ■ifl't •**^**JPJ;halpar . AaaAi •!•»» lac••rr.fATM *Aa4. epaAmatr < ! * • * * »C^mmAfflsl A#Af»rr. Ill tprlitgfw*

TAWM. MAtewaarMr"IM ; teaftea . .tMm rlwh. ITI Bkrwe. 1A4 M.1.

rORTBR UA ■w lll.l . 1* . 4 * . «U W

n r le rM ter r w l 1 » w » B » H. KM-----“

rA ii•IMT* IMI


rAIKTBR wUteA tM A .y'i ' t e a i l r . terkMR r m rw

r i l . te t . Bo* II. WAk* tWle..

I . rrteki*AAAtm.

pa in t* RB—Tw r*.(R M'"**fk t u m it . *

l lw tv .1. Am HATIaIB ._______


FAlKTBRk • . . 1 4 . 1 w n : w l* . a w . BBVBKAKK II BpOUkilA » » .

A B W B L B R B -W ..t.A jt« f . * t '2 t ' j j j ' ja*alAfa. • «Or . IM kUikMTT a - . n ir .______ _______ _i i w i i u B i r w I I k i.,.

•A rkrr, •(•.Ar wefk. AAAm.Bw *1 . k. k . o n m . _________ ________JAMITOm •••leA :

w afM U M . reeai ■ON. W .U u w t

will k « n fw r, with k iik i •*« Ri T W uktnfIM


•M k ,MMT

n * P . fo w trr k « .i. I l l " M ' k . " i ’ i . . r .n l . tkU (Hr. I l l * M k ' * i , * i lu T kMtA. iw a . fifW M ter t e a .« . I l l

MM fcuAr fMlMT. I ^ k te ia . MpMIIT. Wf "*MM 1. .»P M tek»

k a p . a#iM w w iM t. Ma* w m i t e j . r M l . r f .r a w . ; r l r n i . r "•■**'■t t •W w i . M f a a . . •wMte m e * , r e . . . a .n . llMk reea, •krlM.I* t r t t t t , ArteM. tr« M M t.tie . r a y w r

o b r n a n -a m b r ic a k aobkct.t l CrAer tX . II

B a U lt>k4 .II.M 1 W t rw »c o u Tb cto r

LaTHB HAI€1>#-B.*«j I Ilja -etej. "V«eaaMaa«a4 hi tM Paa^Um *f P**^

lA a r S e J T i iA J iw .* v p \rL.T*m ih it., llArrlPAA. W. J.

L A T e i^ H A N D t^ r P t •<**•*‘^ w d i kWW • . . • • . Atj pi|ply ipi ^krPPurrt it*, eersec

■|4 flAW. _ _ _ _ _ _

P i m ’RB fruM j a w r ^M ^ iwiAI aw A r l*k. ORBBNBAVM V

a ru m aerR 111 Bprlwfl.lA * » .

RRUA rM .m r « l . rlwk*. Arplt .1

.wA w a a i '* a a k w I . !r a bowk IM P an r a


B*1 U. MtW* eMlM. ^T om io MAN n a le A

Nth t e m ( I ra . a ^ .• UIA te U l . te l a r ^ M •

Hr; a . 1* 4 * AAAt m RateU. ■ •ffieR M w U t e t r . _______ __

n u n aOk.M l Ik

1 I t .

u k l T m U ^

Maws aCHaa. , -

TOONO MAN •u te A i M . Kk. ku * .* MW.w p a lw M te tk* kalokar kiWHMj

• k . l i r a I . O lk lw Bill ABItAlU. MTAAt AvAA AVAeJ. ABIt

i m PC

metiMi w i f f m AVAe llVPPPP

TOCNO MiUl. _‘ lA aArklAA A]

Baa fli. N««P Ame^kM; ■* maIaC

r»r cIatM Pf*. PPP*^'

] i rAAt*.■tAti A t* .__•“ apSR-p AIaMa

T o u ita MA». wttp A muA p«a» i;*m p » ■AAi tttm W AT lifAiiAt «erP:

tlAA. Awp*y Al AACA w WlLLUM DncOHr lACri HT lUrhAi At -

n n ir r« m » n —t h a r l m m

» aa4 1»tS4 MaIA At.. OrAAfA.


BOT—BireAt Pat. aPabU It.i lu tlM 4«»ArtPMt Af


m U.AII te a t .BttI P r t iu ' M 4 W BnaA iT. J*

. ■ f r F '-At W at O natR K. J.. w •• II. t m . JM .I* I I 4 t tf l .

u ) , Ik . k m nA Ktr* a___ O. I4 H.C P w ira l M nrt..r willI - 1-— . 1 kw tet* ra*A*.c*. M RlliaA*

w J w S P ^ . 7«lr H. . 1 1 f t l B .i. S S r . 4 IHwA. M* rwRatteUr m a te . i .

iR la a w t a B.iiA.1. C*a.t*rr.RAMB—O . M r » .

IWMhBWMA .rM M I SttottM* 4 A Irterfi i

H U. IPaitlrPtlL Pa*(AAA a iH A O ) 4ty lAAltAd UPPA

„ J ffAM PIA lAU MfAAt. AA rrM AP. J aIP t l

n . J aiaaa'a rhAiYp. w l m a__lAA Af PApllAAt *111 w AffATAd

___I aI plA AAAl. lAtAflAAAt 1l |bA^ U # BaIp BATAlebrA.

m r r ^ A t c m o m m . JAUa a. HlVip.

N. J . HAttCA

0A H!p St.• f fAAATAl

mitt lA r»T’ OAr*i( aa4

mmcM r y i PiAAt M JS S ilS i*Al atvrAA; raAfAAlAL fciAHPfAl .»Intfp, h«k«rA. T:»i <A *; AAlATl ■*Pf«*P^l* itA ft;pA«tA4, AIA- NaWA oMeA.

raA| AAkAl|


MOX I*. N tW I 0FP1CB.

A. HABBT MOPPBK. m e 1 1 1 MalMlIte *W

w. X B BUKIW Mpr.



*iM M lrw u.i la * , i . ^ - i . r k .r . oRMik* '«

-----kriM CATPAAtBAl CAllAetAf AtW iAlA^APA .i j t e k kM . *U •illte* I . k ^ t e l a

I . , . . le w a . . Ik . kteiirr a a . r . .m , a . H . a»iB* a « ^ ^ f l T l S I

M . m * . r r . l a » M . , *m A . a *I* .M k lr , * » « I 4 MeM.l I ' •'*

trlvAA; AA aaaapIaaT* <Arry. »a4•Vi M AAPtam CTA4I1. Btn *i. Na«

•nieA ___ _______ _COOK.firmm*A.oabi

m tw A B raei lakR M*. k .* 4. a l l k i r . reo*™. kuO.FR e««rteRkanAR .«.eo.r.pli.r«. o ria R •"*»■ .rAwIte*. tekaar, ..A » » » " M r

t r . .e >«r k a l wA rtee. |WOBOVB AOBKCT.

MM. a l. B ut Oruf*. • r M

o r« i ■■III

• i W WTB Itf CO.OK-------





K. J.

•Thinir lAllwrA . t l Mvrtp niilAi

wAAird. Hii,.. Koftt«lAlir.

rnSVOOllAfHKR. mmSrn; Ate^- rAllARt ATVArtPPlH AmPtitAAA. riPAC m*a t i arSaa

«( A Urg« mAnvfAA«ArtA( r ii*AilMl PA ripH APAf*^

fiei Afr»l4 A* TlAAtjr #f . 4 l a u fcw »; »MA ek iU . ( atk . a .k t rMM 1 a * i . ta iii jm*. . u a t i e R w l.n f . « A k ^ .AAru* te . .R B . . I t K.K.^ e R

rOVMO MAN. U w t II, • ! » teA*u a ip ^ - ■lie. ..A WMkte* ueeM teL ite t. u t a | . hU w A w terr. aI atm. a ., Bw IM, B a n

•raeR ________p a n L

Alui npM tw r* k a ■m a i lT. M l Ik*CkU. » P w fi Ml*. Ok. te cw JM ra . 1 a .TOUNO MAN, ak w t M i w n M ^

•a rk I . te«.Arir. Afplr K. J. Tate! k 4 T.K.1 *Bpr‘r I* " * • a .

k*Mk »Mk u A w M a ^ . KBKltBNTB A CO . M C kuU kt a ._______________ -TOCNO MBN, 4 1 k

w uk. RUMBLL P ta i4 k » T M. »r*.

____ t» W wWwtirWABB 00., Ml

n a a tw iKHMA

Itr waM* u . l t a .e l .

InLAUKCIIT—E .pm 1w 4 a uWwAMAa: nwA u i ap rll ------

HtrW M r r w n l ' ” '*1 u r . ma r 4 l «e4 n te ry AAAm. Lauadn, Bo. M, N am M I l i R __________ ____

UABOBBBS KUIW work 1. lAoe.ri; A r r l r U ^ B K WewA a . uA teewA

Jw M *. r

T w M u Or , Bwik. TR, IP tn k a k p M t . K-_______LAMOBBiu te ekanlcM • u l a : a » 4 i » « k

» w t . te*^ uA «i_ifl*A ru > _

PIMklIrtecF, Or . N r.ik im L u a k M CR

r l . I rr te .iw . w re a a

L B A -n iB R W O B K * R B - 0 « te . r . w .n tU e» 4 1 m . m 4 u A 4 w r M l.i. Aprte >*

N.V Tark .rR , « 1 t J . _________ _

CLBAK cut MBN K ^ " < B £ i_ WILUNO AND BNBROBTtC. BUT m T H o trr A t r a p b ^ k


m bb t oran o b ._________

A. bta n lbt co^o '» ? ? 2 n-K^c‘" r O T u

^ » - ‘*">1 ? ? .f lo R A N O BTBtA. t i l l B BT .L B P H O J ,4 l . ; l . l J . lT m « « T .

OPr^’c Y rK T .* M » m - •44 b r o a d *t _____



CKIPPBBB-kUM a » e 4 Mr k U k " .. rklp- par. on "lu l **A Iron outteMvOte.*'' ekin.

MBN—W .a > 4 (IftT .»1.-»|414 BM ter w u k a t W . n r t r T r .n i t e r . a a i k . ak l.

uA . 4 ktHo Bultek, iy * l^ fwA VUM. Applr te R B MOP- A .a . t Wkr*a> T n .M a . P R. R-

iTBNOORAPHBB *.A trp*4-1tw *«tur. .to r . otflo*: m w i o o a . • « ! m * a - m.nAnl; . t» t . .A .. r .f.t.w > . w j J w W

n l . r r lo k .a it. on 'r • "t**^ rBmp.tMt MA • illte f I . • k . 4 f « k. kwt. AAAm. F w a iw n . B«i l i t Naai^ I M __________________ _______ ________BALMMAN—o rro a w itT *rw w

m * . I . t t t r r t o n . i* N " mFom. . . r " P 'e a 't e U r w m o te , fnm IM to m • » . ! » : o * r m a r . p ro p o a tten m i . « a . k t to .u io tao k U o u r w n » % » « » . t U j rn ." of o w lllr . f lU llC A u u l u w . n. o u n u a * . • a n t 4Pr«t*cU»A AjA/wlAtl**- TO** W t, l4Pt ■TAMwAf. N<W T atP CHy BAltEHWKjrZw,

IWA m in wliA m n e*^P»A i f *> >*?*^*J5 buiU iA i on A pfopo«lt*oB i f •itPA ortl-

tA iA fa lM thAA •*• AA*•b b |v TbAT^dny And

• **d IP. r*— P*^ ' 1iatP*< At___ir iJC iiirF .N ” wiftiAd Py iP rtP t®pf

o»m In 'Mif Kn*t#rn flAiP. rMh d#iArm»nii1'>n tn

t*................ ‘A»*iy

TOVNO MAN tA «AH«1. p a i c K

iPttM AL ____

» aKa PllMAir ,T. M. CO.. Itl

m a n WAAtid I t r MAtAATAAl WATT-

TOtJNO MAN tm f«BAf«l aWW »«flt Ap« y " # ^ lA-i K .^ C*a tPP FAJAAIA * ta,

TOUNOH Ml __________________ ^ _ _ _ _

T O O riT w A O U dl w* PA^« AP AHPlAf f ^ ^ P P r lfp t TA«tP In tp« AffleA At A

fTA<rinf AAlAm*MlA HttPdAAA; «AB w f c M

t» itATl. »4 «^eA(n«At mpld. A ^^r rTMAf.I to i. : 11'I II Saaiai a»p- ________

fM d tmw ■VlU. AtAttAl Addi 13,AM A id wPat* lAAt

w , l o i 111. N*wn


f I I ym fHitt,

BOTt. _•Id P*rt. tt»1nc lA a i « t * ItMAillW And IrrlnfinA ****

t r i m , . l u H .r r tu on ha • . « ! I* " O k . ? r^ l ^. um.Ii, .a n t. tn MAX KOMIBBANB. 14 Bnkk

tl Mwtrlalr. M J . oo Tkw*_____ I*. A m IT. m l . Bklllp B.lter In(Ilk pou. P w o n l M a lm trnm kia

I Bmbr IM BloomflolA anaiM. oo *w - ’ RfIMMMR at I-I* . “vlwk.

1—M .w r4 tela ru t . w T u 4 i>. Vlll, JW . t., UlortA kwknnA of

I V i te ia (4 0 BaMwkortw). Bate- WA nm A R alw Iko U ro l OrAar 4 I Br MlTlk* Praia M.anoar B. U. V.

laA tk . TkauM r P a rw i. Co. am- 4 . RteAlr 14114 M atia.A ik .

w PrlAar. Juir M. .1 • >• a. M., J . BL BawAirt't CkuW , • * . » .1 I A kick RMi. 4 rw M aa *111 k* e (la r4

•w . M kte 4 4 . lataaiMU 1* tk* 4 Ik . H ap B.p«lckrR

_ A B BnAiwIr. t l r .a M ta.te, M It C 40 W.IIM, Awrir kmaaA

Allw . 4 DMar Krirkm*. |i> 4 I, 4 4 I r w n P.iwr.1 (m u 4 rmte'

, AM B u (w a n a , PriAai, J a r M B a a ilrn uiA m aiA . * n iw t . a t 4 rm w t .1 Ctialw lrrte« tw . N t.

ACBIN—o . Ja ir II. MU. M ur M uM . I P I r u i , ka.rtA Klf. of Iko tet* J«k. " k , B il . l la u u A (rIanA. u A m u iiu r .

I B w arr . 4 Altar notaUao u * UnAIp I I* 4 1 . 4 Ik* fu4 r*l from kw l.i*



A D O L ^ '> F i lb - - l n ^11 N miIaPr«B«fAl. lAAl«dlAf pm** ^ r »

C3»«rt I t . nAAf W«it f^ifaaslMAl •mPAliAAr L P l*l- l**t MaIP^att dA> AAd nl f b t fnf1t*A _____ __

AT tb* nwinArl «f IP* 1p»t 0*nfA*PtA lAtM-Ml In iHn »»d*rtAPlnd P ^ n ^ will Pa AAiitlnAAd by JAHBP J MAMKN. rvAATAl dlmetAC. nApoAlU Ofn*n f«- ftAUAA. 1 ^ 1 Or*AS«. 'fPoAi iSIt 0»iHA

nn*kuld ipPU t" MAX KOMlTOAb Bt . Nvwa^. tof poHlnnlirn.

JOHN H mKOVMEU UndnrtAlinr.

Aai MeVBd InIPP ro f fy K P lnnn PPM M lrt

worP •« b*noT IT I* 1* im™ aA, (*r 4 4 t » i

i r o u 4 mooM m iarU i ruA m. itron . aoA aaar.a i:.4 * .n < * a * .l Call PrlJar kalara 11 ja a o k TVIMKISII BROe.. T4 P u u l t at , foot ofThIrA . » * __________________BfjTB ■anl4 . aaaani .pprwUra k e n l o

• t l .h l lawrtmaat of atrartunl ataa cw F.rn ,A..acatna*l lot" <lr«niii« l^ 'd rau te a»n h»nd»rll1a .. tlalof aAunlloa. ala. AdAm. Appraatlca. Boa III. Naar* ol flro. _______ __________

CMAUPTBtTR—M»rf14 aan. aartM*. p«- terT4; a .a n t i t t t aoA Ao a i m te wowA

p lw . I . Ora»*a. K J . >*«•* »” ■'•rkv: a . I . p ra rteu lanr. . 4 • » » " « -pw l4 . ra fw n c u requliW AdAme Ltouf- f*Bi. Bm C. Kaw. afflTR 0»a*a

HRK • o . t 4 ; l o . 4 r r lUarari * w l4 , M.M te M M par A .n a * 4 r •»rk: * » '

h a w n for m»rr14 m w ; e h . . . r a i t A«- air A jin ric .. Mnfco kkw * PwnArr Cr . Mobarik. N. J . __________________ _

CMAUPTICB •»ol«l te Arink* * iw rtW o4 1. r*rWlR lu.ulT* PSTBR

RCHMITT. P touan tda. Oaru*. Waat Or. •Af*. pi#n»AntdAlA____ _

MBN • ■ . 1 4 4 I w n a n te .a te lo ld a o ra ltr ■kwi I I I par iru k I* Mart: » a.le*

■MR J M. WBITBMOU8B N 4*llr C*., 14H w tar a . __________ _m em—Maaral ntoiTwaitiad u tialrar* aroa.A

rwA and atoro hattaa*. * r r lr *'*.*’'* * • M.. *a»l* J. O HETIKL. 4T Main. « .. K*»-ark. ____________________MBN—M

kPewinbold of

poMilon. nv*n nh? ath i inMtAiitf* pAkinnoA AroNTTAd. I ll jAckSBA A t ,__________ ______

eon fit Aiibl*• r*Ao«

hud •ip#n«o«« tn

Aod MtArr »M li t , Nnwf

•ALBAMAN—W ."» 4 . airarlaiMRA. a t-a ro u 4 uiaamAn for Arr f t t U u a n n ,

u iu l t akto to Amo • l 4 o w rr*fe»I*A ■ aot* alpo^onOR m*. nforonea#_ wantad. JOfflOa j■ f ^ k iA M wAJitAd. In AOlt b^tUAd

l i S i ^ t M t e r . 4 4 a ._ w m .1. Ml lilt, kaor A 4 iw * Kwaiat. B*i I tNava o f f l r n __________ .



W B A fet WORK OCARAjfTBia p p l t j c b e in * CO,


WABTID,FOOT y aw B i ^a raktxI d-

.v m . b a b b u o n .

BXPEBIEMCfDE 4 ,__ •■nfciCIko()k d a p p l t



CKLLDLOTP Wn#f* wAnind "» wnptt «ov*l-tlMI; AtMdy vAfk Aid fOAd ■»§•*■

Mr AP AddppA* ■ ''^N O ipoR r d i ^ f i c b id r>«rty tu ,. No* TatP City.CAm M K Md PAOP-PoopAP WAAtnd. wHP

J finardl dry ■oo'»*In tbAoy nni •tAPb AddPAAA CwPiTPOpbbfAk

• • • • fb l dry |0<x9 iMt r . Now*

HOT. aPa« ]l Tonp* old-

e l m r r h vjik bl^ ,PUNBHAL DIRKC-TCiR,

IM Bllwteik a t . PkoB* T4lt WaaarlT.JQtKPIT J HANOBB.

t e l . T« w a v . m i iriilNQNlEl^D AVEHUUvIN.

t^ 'n ka l d ik e c ^ jk .r c r A iT TEU PPP MULErilNTWnrLIAM P------- ka l djk


r«p Mntvwl Affirm Wdpb In UP»P n^AnurnrtAttof cAACArn.

niMt hov* iT*rntn»r #*h<»nl #dArbl|^. Ab* ftlr In n»n bmndwrUlhf, M»n«fAdlnrtnd, E®*Til. Nb» b tefflrA. _______ _BOT ter affira '« larr* m an.fariartnr

oiaoi. Wteht aad tei*lli(ioi. ow oriunltr for 4v*«f*n'a*1. H '* urorteMO. alRA ddraaa OTflra, B a, 44. Wawa otfloa.________

CHBP ar*M4i r»A oil■AntAd tof koApb rn»tB.

V&B ffoultn it . fatorAAA

%ri«Ad OiAA «.t«« P4

r ^ ’



BOT • m i 4 14 t» I I rear* ?ar o C lw . .A Itek l " " k ; U M llaa l a h * M m

Ik* a t m fcor I" 4 , » i i o t h lm u lf . AAArau Ad ra n t aitioot. Bar Tl. Kawa a fftcRBoV * ~ w * i 4 te la M lr r fartoTT.

BACnd nf lnNyp#rinn<'#d. on jngEPH HCfTE JR 4 CO. i t Ih ird floor _ _ _

y. om M -•prIiAf Pinc« J l l MAlPAffT

pPArAgOlAM will

i«1. tnlAP- iATdtebPAa

MOCMEIDOE^Ai bip lAiA PAAldAtt* IPl~ » bAAAAo, An tboptdAy morilAt. Jily

no V T)«b«Qop. v lt« AC OaaapF aMPAI •APTfpA* AAd tPlAP-

bftAblA,MOMEOOK—On TbnrtdAf. in ly It. IPlPr

A n m t MAbry. PtloA*d buAbAAd of Annn MbmbAnP Cm * WaPav). In hlA i l th yoor, IpUttAAi bbd frlAnd*, aiaa tbA aatIaiu tmi* •IIM A< wbicb lb« dteoAMd « m a oMBiPAr. M Itladly InvitAd to AitAbd tbA tniiAPil n tw d n y . Hth inot., nt T tP A.. H., firaib I m |4M PAM4#nrn. PI Mopobint Atroot, i# K rWA^B ChAmba «h«ro, lU l:IP o'clA«b, b Mcb mmm of roAiMAia win bo offApod tot tbA r>f >A« of blA BO«U IntarnAAt CAflMtAiT ■M y iAM lehPA.

irUTTEII—BntOTAd htA poaLtP.^PlP, AMIInA^Ur^wrot^.m . fwkr t l . MU. At

C Ti a a i A i t i k u r *1 Hollar 14* ■ekslari, * 4 IT M tawaw.B ar4lh ■

t t t

u J. RATRK A »ON. tnrDBRTAKBRB-BMBALMKRB. Ballaalll* * » T*l l l t l B B


14 TB O M A i r r TBL TT* W AVBRLTOUrTAver L BB l. Undariakar

p w a » l Parlor. Ml W u h te rw ‘Ira T a III Malkarrr ______

WILIITTB B WHTTB. Pauar*! tMroalar. I l l (?telw •** ; >k*o* 111 W .TwIr. ftiitarW.

klmaalf fonarallr uaaful. e*U afar I A M 'te ROkB

BOT ad U ntb*

rARPPNTlK. f»mllUf “ "S TfrbBlni II AAP dny. CnJl I IP A. M-. enwlPAnof. HT HirkH rtCANINKT MAKEM ♦•ftlod. Rlv'MBLL-

iCH W A N Z CO., lAP pTAiltiAbwyAon m*.

down, t l IP wMbly lA»eh yoA cnP. ItP full roiiPA*. AqIO iepool.

room IIP . »A« J lro « d j r t . _ ______ _________ _liB N to cARvAoi nod oolloot Mrh to d aovI-

4«nl »n**fA n^, Ca U Frldny. I lo H A. Mat 4i C linton 9t.. room I t . _______________ _ _H EN wbo

fPtm A i Hicbory A*-,

wndoPAiond n CHAflLEi L OPAIkfA.

•hlrtf window BARBlRa t«

IfE N wnnfod fo r po«tlnf.WA«fnfiold Kiwrfhii C o , PI

Wlvor LaAo. N- J-m en—tPA f

Apply I A.

^ u k•ho•L.

oicht hnndlAPo f"p dwb work. iT FHiIav. City HaII AoBoi. no

»AL^MAa>i wnnlAd.■AlOimAn. wifb i»«t#_ y ^ .f« ^ d .

obpnrtunliy.K«wb offtco.

irrfp iixkit* j^wimiaw. ----- - ---AAArau C«flA ..ltel, B«l iM.

n « .a t*A anllal4 ahnaa prnaoalltea. Cai

B'TTZ-O^'ATBD C't^^ flftk flwr. Ml Mw-RALMHKN—Twantr 4 l<


w a n t b d ; M u rr b b b x pb b ib n c b o i


(ALUM AN a . Hat «lt* praooMil*., * 4 ~a.4 rtunltr tor m a. of afcltftr. Call al

note Ml. I l l BrwA at. _________ .•CRBW N ACM IN B ° « ? c a to ro -W a M 4 .

f lte t'- iau W. A *. ka*A arr* . ittachtea aparttora a u l rO rioooalioTi. c!o., E M v Ia ra u n t OtlWa, C a t - ry t t , BrldjopoPt. Conn.•OPT •oldoftf. mnn ^P* Po* onpoH*a .r . an krsteoaio maiw tolA arky^r mMhor Wow oloo •©« oolilorlni. JEKNINGB mivor Co.

<TLB1UC wantAd li bordWAro mor*.I l l SpiiA ffiold avA.


It) for trwrory varohou** work K WAMMAWiKT 111

puod Jabo t


DIEMAI• ka l p iiirr*c



111 aumiBit at.. NawafkBOT * 4 * 1 II.

rm*ry wbool pTofrr?*d Toni W ofba. II Voaoy a^botI T T i

mnkUii Cnnpnnr,


m o u r n i n g g o o d s

MBTr* black_ » u it*R B A D T T O W pi.

a tlo u oTomplIr tn4* •Ithaat e McOREOOR A CO..

•aaifc B r*4, *1 Lafaraii* ■>-

r u n a, aidar. tn t u » wiitaai Arplr lte ii4 TaikiM Maakla*

ITI Emm»i >tBOTB oaatad. aaaarlaacaA.

ponAATy; Aloo iitPA boyo for •a tn rdA y Abd •undAT l » Norkot At. __________

r-WAATflllEN w a n t ed . MECHANTCAL.Bt I tB WKbS b roRKERLT BMPLOT-


m an—Wa hara a (l»t-rl*aa a lu d r Jiaaltten t t t konul. Irualwertkr m»" n'k" ™ ‘

nlah team M « t " IM * 'U k MCen’T' 'J** la a n»* naportaitur for * '“ k '" ! ■"a j a m i n o n l a w llte n v ^ a '• ' '• '> '• 0 ^ 1 jo K n *. NOKL CO, ^ u ftlcu lan aall at ratAAaac*. 11*1 B ro 4 *1. ______ _

pipa Kfi ulilarlaa.Call and Collafa *1*.. lrvto*tea

( N ^ lWORK



WORK BOUR*.Tte* A. H. te I I

1 to i l l P. K-■aTu b d a t * I t OCLOCB


t h e p e r b i* b r o t b e r * comp a n t .M.|«a UIIPMAN IT ,


B TE N O O R A PTlr**. p k a o o * ia rk 0 4 » l o n . iT su ia and h « ik -k * * r* n ; i .m a o m r * 4 rrmanoot p a a itlo u , * o 4 u l a r l w I*vr>ER ■

M AN—R altek la m a a • * i i l 4 la il**» "UkW In B ri> 4 at aoA araakar'a ofTte*-. inujt 4

a n a lo rW A ar U na* and • l l l la a to « p a 4 r r r u n l a ? u r k • « * I . a f ( l « ; eomTort »M i Tootm fPAA. nmallw oaint o*PvW:oa Apply llP PPPOd *1


DRArrClieN oulaA. flrat-rlau m l Ao- itenor*. dttallart and trarara * 4 l r *1

aaa*. Initrnailanal Arm* *"A Jfv** _‘-,V B'ootePalA aa*. **< Oro»* *• . BtaoioflalA.N. X_________ ______________________ ________

■ > \ t E ¥ ‘R T ? A r* i lS T o Y ^ ig V x ? ^ ^ ^ ^

b o t — n n a k i . anaraailr 4 r ' i i G S ia( n a B tira r tu ria i J*«*l*r. K R E M E N T *

4 I'D., 4* I'hoptnul il.________muj.BOT wantU i" onrk In ratal' *•*».

wllllltf. chARrO 10 lAAPO iPAdAM. ____

p r w ARE iCANCE Mawala* lead* A r4 »l «kjO "•JJJS- ill4 ter and A*"v*r4 kr BETER 4 (ON.

aknna l i t ! H ark.tHVarmwi I

SlAd Mr nnd

Maltar, 1 Marr

__ _ yAAPn I Aonlb*FuMTAi lAok plAeo prlvAto thU

J«ly 11. Al I o'«l*w*k.tbo pATAltA' NAldrntO, S)l io lllb

(b AtPAOL InU rm oD t in C tn o io ry o( Holy RopnkhrA. RaU IIva# and fri«ni«

kindly orrort th li only iniimAiion.PRENDBKQAtT—At Wool DrAnpo. N J ,

4M TnoadAy. Jnly H. HIP, SlAorbo Prtftdor. mpt, tbo MIov«h1 dAUSbior of SUrhArl tnd IbA IbtA CAlkorlno ProjidorpAol (boo

y > Rtlntlvofl nnd frionds aPO Po­lity MTitod to Ationd tbo NnArnl froB unity ro«id«fico, tT R ifti pIaoa. on

r. Jnty It. At P A- U . IhAnoo to tt. hbnrrb. wboro • kigb iaaaa of r«-

••M b v lll Pa offorod for ibo ropooo of hop •Ml. IntAPiBAnt tn Holy Namo CoaoUry. Jmwm a o . N. J.


taod IPII. botwoon Nowark pod BIliAbotlv.«A Dnton Ipolloy. firo Ia : not a Rtook eo«-

HAtnbott y» ___a o r ” wintAd. «o «4iyttfbi nA d^t"n1i^

imdo Apply lAlER 4 CONliAD. llP EnntordoA _____ -EOT WAAiod to hilp m

worb. •CMMJDTS Oranio Avn,

4 karr *■ F-Aku; Aar Bakarr. UM (Oklk

BOT* w antad tv o 4 M '«rh ln iaW IraA*. * J A r tu P . Boa M . N aw i

o f f ' u . _____________ __

m a n — Aia k lllo w . 4 4 c l * o t l o u 1 4 # of late- 4 » t a h a b iu . R la u ln * * » * ^ " U

\ t n an tM ta 'm an I acroonte: a avianaid ckaeFO for ono • l i b k " ” r « prodor* . « « * u * r a u i 4 fam ilia r • I tb a l t r anil lukuika. A d d ra u B ola rr. B aa I I , Mao* afflr*._____ __man •* * 1 4 for • « * an 4**1 ng ternae*.

■ tut 4 atran*. aalob workar and aacua- tofuA to kaat, at4 dr J« rk * 4 ^ ®|jpAPtUAtty. LAtAyAtto at.

N « a rk RIaal W*rV

rmAAAOt poAltlon*. „ ...>Op Ty^w fltof rompAAy. M CHnion **■

nitnt kooM; muMSTK NO O RAPH BR—Y nuna

offir. work largo ^ 4. , . if.-ubo ATiAToro At flAuroo. NKMNP Pr0«A. I I MIdlAWd APAa. EiOABDold. N. J.

mAh for $*n9roi

SrtLIciTAfH—IndiwuiAl ifiAnrAtioo toUrHw rAn BAko pAAd cWfinv lAB tm mo. AlAAAAAi. pPAfllAblA « A ^ FAAlty, IT*tlm o . plAAAAAi.

E fo id At.BPIS' NHK— f*

And A pinnlnf In ponopAl. Bpi • nor. Eon I I . NAVt OfftOA.





■TOCK ROOM oterk.r*<-alvin*. • '" W '" * .Addmo gliwk. m a 1 4 . N**t affir*

niiiai baa* aiaartaara,food rAltrAticoA

I tv* 1 .


MAM—An mpaata* I* oftaraA I* aa t f ^ * ‘ Riaa of g » 4 aAAro4 u Arirar e*

4* n m r i "■“ < k* ikaroagbir raltebte la V te a r AAAM4 Parmanwl. Bai 141.

Nnw oftio*. _______________ —DCNTirr wanial lianiHlatalr. *w Attentw

Cltr. n ru ntaaa »Ra'ate''i.''*l'»'a»aA'■ "WJ a m r ; airaMani talarr. fin* R^'i'ea rlgklmn. DR l.RON, Allanila C»r. N^I-______DRIVEfT"foF mail and yagatakl* "'»rk»l_te

rail (or u d Aallarr onlar*, '•J .* ,'S laS teC and hal* te .iiir*; rataranea*. I l l wubin*- tan. aa*,. Nawarb. S, J._______ .DRIVER * 4 lollrller ***l*d •» k*"','!

•aaoa . mate 4 ll»* inr* * 4 •»•orh*A A A rua Drlaar, Boa II. N*wa oftlraDRIVER-M a. *a*d to (arm w o rt ta bandl*

a taoi*. no drtpkata a tad a » l r Norik J«r»»y NuriATlB MIllbAtn. N J

RiSt w*nlAd 1A loArn JAw*lry ''J/*HwnndA AddPAAi Roy. B oi 11. NAWA of-

moniy ipont In improvAmontA: tMuU- ■fyl ioplloii r*r*ntly l«’d out. p«rm*no«tpAAyfy | i«riBnn rwrwnTiy im'" aa-a**.foTB Of lAwn ploi And lodn• nd AAPtlAl p*yTA0n1» ■*l o o k e r , pAportatondiftL tottrtboth. N J .

BAiT KTOOB LAWN CEMBTEttT. DoiAwannA. N J . Oft iToilAy liA*. botwooa NowATk And Pabak*; t\nm t in otAiA. pa p- bOtUAJ OAPA trOOi lolA of folif BTAVM 111 up, T h o B o T t l l PAAAAIC.______________________

orPAndA ncA.

Apply tidAP op IAWAPPAV At pAviihurol *1

F E D fT E —At ladlAiiApollA, Ju ly I I . I tU aB«|piqtlA* P r in ti <AAA■AtA bAloAod wlfo of

WlAOhlorl. (onrvarly of OrAugA JMtAfuOMvino. IndiAnA

aurlAl Al

a r lin o to n c b m e t e r t . a b l in o t o n , M J —'Pboa* IT. K a a n r ca r t* A rltep to *

I - -----------■>*•**■ mteuiaa «a(ll aantalarr.


R I C H T E R ^ ti ThypodUy, Ju ly I I , H U JullUA J-a botovod huobAnd of WAPy Rlrh-.op < ••• RdAk<V), lA h li 4lAl yOAf. RolAlliPOw, m obdA AiM Iho mom bori Mf 1h« N&oovlUA LAdgi Na 111. F And A. M.. Ar« Iftviiod to AttAbd tko tunopAl m rrirm Al kia U to ro ii- j dMAA I I I Elovofllh Avonu*. PridAy oToiUng, ] ^ y SI, At I o 'Plork. In torm onl in lb* FaIp- B M P t CABAtary At tko OOAtAAIoAOA OI IbA U j P w

•C 8 0 S T T L T —Ob TuowUy. July » . 1ll«w Jo liu J» bAlovod tmpbAod or PbulibA iMObggly (*AA KUllIbgl. lb tt ti f i d PAAPa iMlAtt^oA And frlanda ajw laFltod to Atlond tbA tUMAUt Aorvlroi aI tb# lAt« rooldobpo, •M S iU tb PltlAPfitk itPM t. m d A P , Ju ly J l ,• t • p . M. tn lo rm on t lb tbA FAlrBOaoK CbBoUry.

•COTTw-^uddAflM. At SAAt OrAufA, N J.* Jb ly H . H U i W ipM of fpo tt. PubOPAl inr- yiiOAO '^11 bo bold Ai hlA r*aldA»e«. 41 rpMo* pAct t t r o ^ PndAy. July .IS, At 4 SO P M.

■MITB— D*pAft«d thi* Ufr TuFBdny,/U ly 3 i. U U , Junlya, h u iband ofEtnopA i n l t t . RalAt>v<ii And (rtondi Ar« in- vltod t4» AMond Iho funoPAl F rldoy. Ju ly I I . b t I P- H.. from R. J. Brew n'a pAPlor. 3 t l E b a k itfwot In torm onl R0A*blii, Llnd«n*EbturdAy.

•T IL O E R '-O i) WoduoidAy, Jn ly I I . I t l l* Mar J-a b«i ewad huibond of TharaalA Wof# dobfollor BUlgor. PuntPAl AorvtoAa w ill bA bold id bin Ia u bom*. I I Booorly atrUAt, Ob jp y i^T AWAolhg At I o'elAPk RoIaHvao And Mlnbaa apa tfloliod to ottond. IntiPraObt aI 4ba obbyAblAboA of tha tAinJiy.

TKHAN—C>n J u ir 34. U U . MlebAol TabAb. WlAAwd bw bAnd of th* Iota Ann Tohnn (nonfpobr), ..................

J. Va HARINO, 1T4 bum m ar o v a , tol. T9TR R f t . P o o APttot. lllutniAAtor. ouAintnor

of ^ aool1oft*d hAndwTltlPi _ ___

BOT wotitod1 P II . II ________________

ftOT far il*omfliMnf Akop and nfflro. Apply»i Coinm*pc*_^ ___ ____ —___ -

bYl C Plork by on old MlAbllohod * f* * ?% l* houM. tn Horrloon youbf

who lliuro* Afcurotoly And mAbO *I»Wr« typfwruar noAt.y Abd quickly, mujt M Otporlancad. Apply * * 4“ * *•; Y*.ta rt 11 1 par wUk, »Hk a i ^ l w l 1 un ity fOf idvAneomobA A ddroB BUI f t« i ID, Now* offlOABRiT b t iboifOU* h*y, « '

l l . foP OPTAIldA And llfbtdayATtm«bl. wogoa 14, ropU to good boy. Addr aonol rafAPODcaa, dblpploR OffK O

D R IV E R * w an tW ., .i**» .Jr1U T *_ »w j- J tr w ork At 0«pA B D D E N W lE dlR MbblAA,

m e ,. I t M ala at.. Eaot Or*a«a.d r iv e r W #nif*. (larman R r a f a r ^ . “ u R r

rMUon. blgk w***a tevRlr after I P. M .*«atb N in a tu n tk r t . _______


LET H I QVOTX Tf»U ON LtAtt.or lirate lilA g Af.d jA ponning Ptaciaa 5uppho« for MATiufAt-iurlrg PIaM*. NAPdwo->d in a tra ira b t Caaao.PlAlri Abd AtttomAilc Wood Tunalng,

CO.. ^u a Pr*U0(hiir* 4 ar*. 'Pboa* II W*».

D RIV ER w antad te r roal " k ro n an* ( u n i tu ra ran A id ru a It- Routh T -n tb at.

D RIV ER w anttk t* wafk nn If* w a j 4 . * 4 iirraa Orivnr, R ot l U Nawa n f f tc a _____

DRDIl rL K R K . »" „ 4 rl*nf»<l. *r»atlM l J a a l a r , oollag* *’ '^11**'* i.*

(tCUODER * ilrii* iter*. I t Ballaalll* ***■D P tfO B -B oT w anted:

a ip a r la a n pralarrad.AAbtiptOp AAd K)

work m abtpiA^ int(tld AdrAbOABOntng Ago A b d ^ P n

■kit tla Hawa

W a a K m * a»*DROP p rm

N*«*Tk PKloTontn at.51bHWAgHBtt

aL, KArPltoO


llbboy itA

A HtllO

haa*.H rr*aiaarteaud. •**!**.

■aik. C a , t i l RoaUi

•antad TM North Fawrtb

BORINU min handl ‘ ""An'i't.".*,*!,'hanili fOF diT and night ahift a**^* and wood 4 1 nrha. atattng aga, whar* laat fm o 'te d ted, a d i r m V artlu l. .tol III h'rn. oldfa-________ ___________

i : r k *"Vi’s i r j £ 3 '“v ‘‘i i i ’i S L v 'MANN. Bart Rra4 **d Chaataat ate.. BUa- a 4 ih .

NEW JB ER ET tteo n a* aa * 0 * r * « 4 r l« * O*.—W* 4* all work oa tea *1 kaaaa* » ^ w -

a*l pnau ; oat alutlo raal **lal * 4 aapbaji raoDng h u no r t a . l : “ U n » f* e o * * r4 : gaarantaad tan rcara; l* 4 a » ^ * 1 ^ ^ chtja-royo ropAlrod; oAPpo^iwaorlptloOa within fifty mlloA

A IbtUorC AT of Ntwi

Any>APk: 0At1>

SAroi’ rVrnlibod.'cArd WUI bttng Mpr^onU* ilOA- 1*4 khiPthAA AOA.. tAt. I b lo l l W b*

Kinoar w.. Nfwark. __________

(im -flau **(b c x p e l d t a A t

m an te facterr *'*•"*"* «i*«rtm »c bo bblo 10 iby o«t work ond bo fAmiUbP

with (aaiory coat k « » te r atat* *«P^ M lnry wAntod, Addfo** PiAnoing,

11. Howa cdfioA.

atAt* axporloneo Roi

g ltV E R iV ItH wbntod. rirtl-elAAO mnn «« hollow wAPo; *t*io wApOA wARUd And

ivo lAAt rofopoboo. Addroit fttaritng. Eo* Kowj offipOa

s il v e r WDRKER*—Tb* n « i ran lar mMitng win 4 hald nait Pridar avaala*.

Ja il M, Naw A 4 in ,rluni.TOOLMA KER*—■lateon taolamUra.

anrtd I# (irii-claa* maid work. w*«t4 at 0*4 . fi>4. claao ihofi; I hoar day: m «u , l*r te I tf . par hoar, aeoordlitt to awlltr Addroa, HERBERT COOK. Tool R ^ Fo« maa, Boanioa R ab4r M((. c*.. D»w*r 1. Benton, N. J. ________ _ ________TOOLbTAklYRt. •MporlanoAd iHAb ob JW»

And fUfuroo. Aloody ponltUna. ihopoforo mAPPiod >w*_ ppAfApy^d, promlun^ oy*4Am.

Ma W ramlliar with taittea plac* »«rk» r t* tMial raaaofaeiiirte* aatabliib- w iite. glvlna fall teteraiailaai P-

O. Boi ITI, Nowark, N J.MAN te wort * ia a 4 b u t knuu ; •*(** * 4

kou d . I t* 4 r work (or go4 « •# “WADRWORTM, Flask r*. brUga . 4 Hank-• AAACk RlVOPMAH—AWO„ o e '£ '“ T*NTOR dtp. ________

mpn. ofpArtAAriod In plAmblorto d* • b l^ n g And Uk* PAfW of

~ BROt., I UvIngAloe ti-

MAN vA ntnd. mlddla-Apod. *ohor mAOMfior in bofol. EoMln^<>'' Hoi*l* EaoI

PAPk A"d Muiborry ftA__________ _1|AM «Antad for boltio

ate , In aodA wAt*r fAPtopy • dONtt. 4*1 Orova M

WAOhlnt UboilniF .V i -----

B R A M T E R E AHt> C C ftiE T W A IfTED rC R ALL

M AK EK S h a v e I>0HB v e r y w e l l mLBA RN tK O OUR■TRa B T w o r k a n d OOOD PAT; A FEW B R ia H T O IR L * W ILL BE OTVEN CRANCB TO LEA RN THIR OOOD PATINO TRADB; ^?O R K lN O H O U M T i TO I l : l l A. M.. I T<i r i i P ¥ R A ^ D A T H A L P ^ L ID A T . T H E B * W C O . M CLINTON *T

ft”iiy BOacH llaiiaatV CoEpiar. Plalailald.

TO O LM AK ER i «no • h o l* APPbAtoB^ « working on vopy find dfAWlnp And femi'

Ing dlA*. AA •AcaptloAAl R^HUon fAf Ah oxriobtfottAl BAAo AddrAAA L- Ma, Boa I, Nawaofflco.TOOLMAKER*—W asted, I I I tool and gaoga

n u k a rt aad a ll-aroaad m achlalju for aur arm* work* o# B u ion av*., Brldgapori. Conn. Tk* lUaUapton Arm* Caaapaar.

B O O K -K E E P E R —Lu M cor4 r*llen to a m p io r a ihoraa*# com pate"! * 4 k

k u 4 r m aat 4 a h lt t* farn iik tb# ka* S r r l f a r a r i c * : u l a r r **r m onth |i

w ith g * 4 proapact fo r r igh t J tertr, w .in . a r offlo*I*

a ta r iA d d ra u C * rp o » ll0 n I t Naw

BOOK-EP-ERER—AUialaotkMk-kaapor. ---- - ■-* ■’

aa iary * g p * c t4 N**a ofRc*

doukta n t r r muat k* agp*riaflr4; aiate

A d d rau D oukls B oi M,

BOOK KEEPER—A Wight yoalig lady ** b o o k -k ia p a r 'i aaalaiani in

plaat. Addrau Naw Jarur, Boi 1*. ¥ • • • efp te .______BILLINO c l e r k —Olrl te do kllllad I"

tn a n a fa e ta r ln g ro iicam . htiawladg* a t,p2 S r i ' t e i ^ - * l k '^ ite t. m c .tlo n ...a t .,aiaarlano* and “ IkrT ,!*•**'*•■B illing. B in I I , Nawa nfpea.



to 4 mllkar. inlo* a**..

wanted: machlnlata andaat4 : awadr work. * o 4 iiv-

iluona Apply A m wcl'' ■ '• • • o . V ahM h. N. J

k k o i n e tv’r m s r - ala n ia d an Mk gold. I

L S T . U l Mupfny *1- __________________ . _E n 5 i ? f7 t v K N E R ~ a aklllM * ? * '• • « 4

14k. k o aa ltiu can itc* ta h lm u lf In * * |m pay lag , i l u d y paallla* W rap irta* te l a « iM T m w . B o i I. NaWa *fn«*___________ _E.NaRAVr.R on gnld I f W * " ; - , / ' •I lk oipnrmiu nn IM **14. Jaaulrr. B oi I I . Nawa *«>*»■

a tu g 4 4

b l a c k s m i t h baipateV MoLAOOBUN *

• 4 ( 4 4 W*C*V- BBO,, I M - 1 « m 4 -

B lJtC K R M rrM b a l n a r t j W ^ * •TON * h u r Oo., I n Oarndas at.

t t t 4 r w w R. O O Btr-

«nnio4. AIM wbbAAtA■KAU HOIUB fnrombb -----

uhdonibnda itiAklAf ntaUlaathar. gaod ualllon ter 'I*** , y i / • - . J 'S anlnry. Idd ta ll ForOIlt**. Bog I*. N*W* 4

■*tW ^ t s s s v ^ S L t i r r a J iP * ^ AV*. l i o b A k ^ __B L E C T R I C lA N - A l l - a r ^ J* * T f* lJ fOAAir mnn: A. C, Abd D. C. »■ w . Xma ir te Co.. 41 LAwroAOt At*

s iJ b C sn in s T e

^ .tbAA » fo u n d ry Co ■MACWIKIETfi—iJbod ^ ’l.ArmiAd m in ^

l4tb**a m illing ™*<^^^***i.'*^*’ 0?^ riiw '^hnnoP fniiof bo roli*blA. AddPAo* MAebfho, Boa U. No*a offlro-

TOOL bftd ctiUAPato«dy Wrtpfc. AMRiy t h f I tM U l H b flA ti

CAmpnry. E loA lbfW d. N ________________T lM e K E T P E R ^"w g n tA d . young m*«»-

t* ytAPAa 1A tAko UfhA nnd moko blm M lf uaoful In AtAOl Abd m ill, gbod ORWW*lunliy for bdynnconiAbl • • In io ttlfont. iiobdy

A ddroM w ltb fu ll pArtieutAPi and

b u t t o n oloAtPA. o iyoritheod ob bbd m tU l k u tto n t. gAAd yny

HnvAlty Co., H f Routk


w nrkar. ----- ---ifn t* w a*M w aalod . T lm tk u p a r at.

I l l B ro4

T T PIS T « n ( 4 . n s a a ta c tu r lB f caatO T *(• ( a n a a ra lia a t a p p o rfa n i tr te r p la in c a t

ra u a g A « * r i e 4 la s s * gpatam oparator; g taU ag*. adoca tlon . ****rl*ac* 4 d u l a r r **- ^ t 4 A d d ra u Tt r MI. B m 41, Naira eftte*.

trithb; ^A RTiiR lil* 3SA!™ ?Bi,S® ?2 WAOBB; •TRADT w o w t a p p l t atONCE WM._WL CO.. 1 VB*RJf «T. ____TAlLOR-^Ekparteiicad (altar waatad, te

mak.tA A NH ELO ks. *L i^A »4> c .■ry b*a, bo*t lo iM TtyRtlhAl.

MACNINirPR-W .a thra* *r foar w1 » T l ? H a r t ; ,

H A 'd n N ^ W4I0& • * « (* nm*!' *•*»•« * ^ lagulM Ml Brual* «A


buahalmam. kkd oparkiarkJ. Na WROCKT. 4* Rakcon at.

t u 4 r

THE tnao t 4 t k n o « how te kt4p *U Jnsk and manialt. high pricu paid I** rag*.

1 uDia par pound. nawtpnpora. II oaote par IM; Mat prlou u id ter rvbku Writ* Jr Itlapkon* 1*11 Harrlun. or M. TBOINO, 1*3 Windsor at . Arliagtoa. N J ________RAVE mtmar hr baaing

rsTwaS*. cbandallara 4 d krau kida*4 W maklag ()■•■# "ka naw; anyiblag lb U* naaiAl lln* tadnlabad Wd raaw raiNEWJMIK HICk R PlXTINO CO Write or 'pkona U4I. B u r 4* WatnnI gL•KARR aa* aaaiBal k4* r*natab4 Ilka aww.

(»ra H *p; MV **da, w r l '^ftA lnllyat And fylAbda of tka da*

■nniwil b r t kindly InrU id to n tiond iko fM iorsI tiwm tho ronidonco of hlo •

M r. EdWbPd Ambopi, No. • Lodi aUAtl.rridoya jA y l l . a i I A. M .

tk of tk o Holy rroAA, wbopb * i , . k lf k (bbaa o f rogulom vtU h i•ffAPtd for tko rapoAO of h«r aobl Intor> knont Jn tko CimAtApy of i k t Holy koyttlehrA

TMOMPfOH—'A nkbp ftolA Ptdl, on J u ^ I I , l l l i . b t tko Baam CAunty HoawllAl. ro d b fOfAAAa M. Jar AgAd H yAbfba Clldl <«ttdlttAft.MamIa ; AOenbAUAiir irwoop; n b ilr lty , Unllod C j ^ A dm lttod 10 boAklUl (row Nowgrkdi T X r J d lF *. H H a

TRO JA H H o-A t i t . Mbry** HoAgfUI. Or< Na Jaa J idy if* III* . WilholmlAA Tro*

•arylcoa gl i l . MApy ■ C hurch. K«w> 'f y id g y . H A. Ma u io p w o b t lo AC

i^^AMbbiAPy.W ITA *O H EK —Ok Thwidar, J j l r IT.

[HE A**l* I-. k*lo»4 k ite t l Jaha C. BUaaafeak V a te n i . a * 4 a i paar*. E a lS tk a a a * tr la ad a a n U a d lr l a r U 4 I*

' la ral u r rU a a n l i a k d a r . JM P .H . , ^ u b a r la te raSdaiu)*.

* artll k* afH nd fat ■L la la tu m ta «b* Ip Bifgim *. i*Tk»-

K k i n .iBfton. w i

•lAo WAliroia pobovoUnt Co,. I ts . ggrUfhold

Avbrtr «tHa

CMAObbl bOba. Ij t -

b o o k k e e p e r .at tak lag rharg* "

ano*. ata l* • • m a»d a * P t^ im « - a rtek -kaopar. Bn i I*. K tari o n wb o o k -KEEFE R~Tonal

■ u o la l InaHlBtloSi aad u l a r r 4 ip * r i4 .Blumflald. Ik J.


m a t m a* a » a t 4 bp D-

FOREMAN—Wk* I* teR***» •*,r k a r * . of B rew . A (k a rp a Clowalaad obd

Aem* antom at'o u ra w gm kiaa* .

m e c h a n i c a l d n r w u a a • * * • 4 h r a * « - a g 4 l * u t 4 B a r o a u , N. J i i J g*!.** J ! “

■ad kaaarau tracar aad diiftama# Mate ag*. ■ ■ B in IT I p r a a m * r Mat u l u r m

.(uMat. July I*. HMWlkW Co-opart ity. I II BloomDald av*.. Moatclslr.

TACKBRR w * iii4 on u ia laaibnr;•n rk food p a r Apply I-ladan TaaRla^

(>,” K U t S ^ o i - ( il. aad taonad ava. lu a * a 4 tk p * r ( .__________TtJNBR* w4 I 4 a( LAUTER

a tu d y work wltk f * 4 “Kppy a t opaa. Rttaa*. a r a

W R M a i•bd DilfTAb i t

T tH iM rriF______ _-jtAd.O f u s a n a d av a .

f l lA R U ttT, Haalclalr.


Batktdap;1(4 ter PM- gTt** M II .

i s r 5 ir i‘D * i l i« S f 'iJ S !2 ? " c i -

4 abAvar*f t r T "


- u c ^ t e . la io rek an g u b te • » “

“ V .n i2 k s i t s .aga aaparteau draw B R C,

Roolaty,_________MACMINB and

harp* im bor BTtJHPP. Harrlaoa.MOLDEM 4 kuVT i l 4 r i n i ^ (Irvt-elau

m u 4 ly, Apply a t III W**( Pid* ava, Jtraap eUp-

l iT h l --- EUAnkACh, H

’ ' l a d s w s r ' i r u j. t ip atraai. _________






l e a r n e r * t a k e n AL*X

a p p l t a t BIOS *T. b n tba nch .


o r n c K

b a r b e r *, iwag a r * . a W u t " ^

1*T Haukntf pL

m en w i t S E T ’r o V ^ R S R A L

M l PBRRT (T .

a n d

AMIPTANT—T**k* man w *"t4 4 i s m u n i I* P*4-B4p*r IB 'm a rp

a f f tu . ak* wb* im m jw o g n p h r a 4 (RNwrlMH wwaea; ajiawar la . • ■ * 4 *»ritla*. itaUM aga , an p iftan r* 4 d aalarP JBm ***- I t m Au M . Bag T». N* 4 afM a

WAITER *w r u t iu n f L >wol i . i t HaM *L. Baa* Q t»f*;



< » B * E T * - - E 4 d t1 « m I te b tm w w *B iK lar Corant Ml BaWkUt at. _

COOK*—Ba"u •a llrn u w

COM PliNta. *1**11 far* pal* *"* • wafkate. ah***•arharn. offlau

MA*ON__ nsd plaataru; ehimaaya ateaaa*,'rap*ir4 and rnknilt: Iia ttiag i « » f f -. •_ - e - — a apaaialijr, R MAR-

s a MEKH wnnlid Nf tb iird b t ond EubdkT*• M mudr“ (2r i i i l (teak ft U lls(u.tery.Ml Markai iLBA RBER~w4 I 4 , ■

•4.M. a lu d r warh . Arllngtea.

» d f c .d * P i « f r ,

yiEEMEW ■ lAOAfbt h«not afraid *( slip:

OPHRaTOR*-W M 4M* RhMP* **(-------

*n t*nT iH |baH A uarlrM fl»ph (C*. caarrp ■(..

tupt-alau B m nM s I L f ' I S V K ' t ' H

-- -P . M.

*P*« (Bill *1

■atnrday a*d it w aah.

Baadari aai Elm PaakoL

R l^ j|U R A N t■aaltli

kltc^n. ■41

Nawark•wbATA oAmpiy

______ _r kbO Uf iW lh

WngklbtiwiCHIMHET* rtbvIlL rapalrad. rl

T fS r T E i!I tlX M rtt ava,, Aflla«ia*.

BARBER W 4 I 4 te r P t e 4 r • ”Punday. Call *4 "xet a t I I I Prlnc* aL,

Nawark-_______ —BARBRR—p ira t-a la u * * r> 4 W 4 ( 4 : i t « m

•a rk * 4 * o 4 pari *Uf( *»*HOrnmo ALbaEEER w*nud. — _ _

*»iy ial

P0R B H A N -«4(*d. M il . 4 gl4*»

U k a K J

AftphTfTAM 1 to Ir TMOMAll?ll jiHlbf nL

4 4 • 4 1 4 ; V l4ka Ad-

a w u .

**ly IMgdtelkra * » 4 E*p*n*ao4 ilaa B**t*. MW Tatrp ---------------

r iR E M A N - w m a * , 'S2 t e ' t 2 . 2 “ A3! i ! I i tateranm 1 4 4 4 . *W* " J f!* Addrau ■ a k tn * a o 4 . Bap 1 « . Maw* a iB U .________



I E a l u r *L. 'fiptvtriL

"*aJS“w’i i r r?i s i s r x s s f t M(I JilHW *4-

’f f iS S E S T f t l

^ ^ i r ’ i t dP a D u a i k t a v a . atip. _

pbortun lty offoi

, ,_Kiieea ta romnlulaa ■al aMltlP I* (am aaatrmd. H 4 m j S i y i i j ^ aeourilp **«*■;


T .lUautaya taPwlK. r*palr4 : ‘ I*: JokMag a apulaltP.

aO i% ; (al. tM lH M n

i* R iiiS -T ii* i- iu * »a ta a d r w d g ^ par- IMB^lS Itk Jrp

« « a i4 :


a l l BM* 4 iM im rapalrtag t* MMMMI T O n f 'r * 4 atapa apaataltp. R. H.

T A l l m . Ml •apibaur aaa.. Hawarkj___ 'I t f A ! ~

j s s r t ^

___ dNO* AND W A ^ “ A T 'd i

pb a m b N A i g » 4 *•*«•* J g i a E S ^g in u baa tr a m a M. T- OOLDBiUTH. llMl Malkarrr a t

T*L I<aa^M PiTi*** *BDW.

I o tx

pT h






lalalm a k 4 .a * t i

AlAlr."AW lf »»'

MUM* * v * i ■

j ®HBH k * i«*4 I » 1 B L i * < C £ ,

tf* iauuilHA M k ■HMObn L I

iS ttp .t .*i*iBi i m I

■ i r K ^ a i i zM l

'OHSk'SSiilUlt «Uk

♦ Mi* IM Wt m It. l>Mf*

M M* *•<•CIIMI eriiem e.

« r H « * N f

Cm ■ "j ■Ut» *f*.A*4nM AlMl

k a c v i td t* ^ ILUAK DIXOM.

It* M tw « » 5 ;* ht» ;•<•*• MJfMl' •„ Bm iw , m m

rtlllBf h *H **«' **•Cm u m m M * t

j m n t t M*- I*M. J. TMM u 4

snisiaartMM ••W A U 00.. !••

MaMlr ,CO.. Itl

•n v * *ortt *»•„ M* r4JMM »ML ' rMUMUt m r t

u t** *me* (f • rcM ir m t; n a m > •*h im : iiaAll «*)«?*d. d f f i r rfU *r,

ro o rT ^ iw S ijA K A m iD .IW * c a ,. EAJLaUOH.


II* fa m a io

)-W0IIENla. ■ T K irrxa.ID BXAKUIBU

mxrBitiBMCBDi LOntBNT.»cah bun a IIW -

> It.M.

;■ a l l tc a b






rA« corBaraO** wtaBA* >U(h c*mF*t»a<II t* farnlt* *•**

•IIM Mr moMh <•(er rlfm Mri*.

II wi » t olflM. _•litiflt AouMi ntTT

»< i(Biri*firKl: lUt* lArM* DcuklA Eoi I*.

krtflit r««Ri lAilr H iiint la m iautictarlnf . JlfMT, B«I II. N l* l

illrl IS As kill Is* In infim; knswlsAis sf

•tsin sAiiatlsn. M*. SIPSCIIA. AAAIM*

n Bttifs.___________ _■FSNsnssA on cslIslsIA a: ISsA kiy. •ssurllFitk I t . ________


EN BBCM.. m e ,■ ICE VT,






■ tw *r««E .ncM W«*r*; kjkkScs., I l l h n a l t *t.

^ r s i s i i E s i jS3tS!SS51«3

; WAllnal*. •I»F •»* 'iniiSiil, iWr *Si:

It M Mftt AtiiPEP k —m u 4 j B t 1rwva f f S

■rSS?s«• no* .■ »*F-

f,.«iUXK0e|a ».sagg ' ln. IT IMS *• I


I f w /u n i» - ^ w i i i UP WAmD-ran U PL O nillfT WAJfTED-WOMIN

5 ® * " < a S 2 " F r r s i» A r t t* v r v s rIwMk M. *M F»rk s**., EsAAia .________ w

C lI A i r m o a «M h* p « M n « r t ^ MIIVMT SM. M N srU T rA M W . MaA Or>


TOUira bM «M m* bmHI«* m iM p ksf- rmIA: sim IMH r*M i» n . MILUtE, t i

t . .« i i t« s |> *Ta ■_» ■■_ . . .

M fM u ftttMMi, s e f s e a .^ -ifMBk fUtIM NitliwUre m msau£H"5. **•

lA C im n OflEATOES * Md N r BaIb. c h a u f f p v eK I>. FAIUCTUtl A 00.. MIIM* I t u « O i r n l t k


MAlt> M* ■••■■In* «•*• I* '* • Esm*IasE WsaMB. tM ml PIs s s u I ats.Is*

OUUP w a n t e d .;e d a nd r—

“ 1E WO



AT*.: 1 *


P d s Mmiss* MbsI* sstAJs iiirsISM waauA.


T il. ACCurroMED t o w o b k . Os*( *s*B rss^^^B lsst* 1 » •? •CBAB E DEEtvOlJS'oOltPANT.


COOK—cslsre i M S wWB«* p a l tM ss sssEi nis|.*lksa All * n a * i BwN*Tn» ••sktiWj

. *A silT iW*mM: ssAsr saA B w g t; Bm A *A«M ssMMsA e. H. calEwI ll. ^ NSW ■!, MsaIsIaI*______________ _CAEtNETMAKEB—OssA BSWssWAA>«r

■lASlilA* BaaA wMBm bssWIwa; AaMrtAB- isnw u. CaII M U tn K » * EmM SAtfe

orVNT. II BIshmA* *», N— AI*. w- J-

" * * E ^ r a £ s s * r K - 'ir « u ‘ta r . a4-

co .,ODALE a t .

« . AA« OnssasTA**OPEBATOBJ.



MMIrts llss. tsBs* Asms B. O , Bsi I. NSW* sttlSA


BE Wa n t e d .■ — cooLASA.: I* is issiw waIB i k n u B WIs HasaIA 0 0 0 0 PAT. COOL WOBK BOOM

M. to wsAs. s* & r L * W. KAUM4 to PLT <TM f LoOR. CIIaK B. DB ■ AW»S*S KsUss. 1 Missis WAik Is wsrkA. CO., PLANE aND ACADEMY •TE


DHUOaiET, rsftsIsrsA N. J , SS|IS#A fFAta- Ata, AAS l a TtmllAA-AMS^^i AAA .ft^Js*

p & s ; ;

A 0001TUB < ^ f iK m B r

t-ROUIt DAT*^ BOUJ w i oiTBA rmniiA:


OPBHaTOKS «hft luv* tn m i t i t* t«»(#l«cirto ifewer). t« t*k« wefk

boiM m ikfMU’ »M u m #•«-trariart rnrnm ap^ f, Adll iii COBBfTB AA*vartiilac. m*m If, « li I ra a iw v , Wmp T«*ACl if. _____ _______OrBJUrOntTixPBRlBJtCBD u a d ib p


D ltn rB a ftMAy.«AA, vtab«* I HHUB.

Na lls Mawi_ y i* t ^WAJU. ^

B N O O m il—McAaiklr. A44r«ii

Mewi affieA

•M i Mi n lIT. Mm l i t

OBBATBiT •Iwaa-ap mm • t m m oafa a**r "•M In Ifaw Jaraa/. CAilmaf a«« rar ■a aava iaaa reeaH-AnAAw far tAla ••••

U# AlfA fraA* va»d ra n Aara Aa«a lakaa la aavAaaf* far m w CAaJmara aara. firir aaia faaMAiTaf naai Aa m 14 u iTaa ua roam. Cor tAla Alt alaaa ap aala w Aaaa n - curMi lAa lartaai tara#* aFallabl* t i It^Sa* II Braafard pi. faaa 4«or «aat «f HalMf

I'AAlMa Maptar Ala, CAalMia BiaAt. K im an4 Faan. i m i t t t - l l l l faar. lira ana aavM paaaaapar, FarAarA. Hmaaala*: Pirrra Aarraw. «li. ilv«r«i|, . Havara, * ti , Am4dar4-Paf laa to^aa: f>wvrtaaila*vraioWla. Bolia* DraadnomfAi. TAawia t • Itsiralt. HasiMMla, FarA a ^ a HU. SiaaraaBalilts Haraar ApMJatar

Ratal. Waiaaa RpMiMaf, CH._MaivaU, Catlllar. Balrk,

Ariipa-BaatA, Faica raap*- NaUeaal IIH - t i l l , Fori t i l l . aTartnc aiartar, JlfAta, fail aqalpaiarli a»4ar vUA tiartara aaA alaetrlr Ulbta; cAiMli aaltaAla far tallaarr. AM ar

U«aaala«a. tamrlagA rarfiR—u. ro^aiara, aaeaMtara, laa<aala*a> aatfaaa. rawtalata a a i raaanaraial raia, aaary atfla af A«4f. all vlll Aa aaM at Sr«Al r*daeUaaa aa rapraaaatat. rnalmar* fta* Car talaa- raaoM FAnDOCIt Ztitl M^TOR CAR CO. 1*4 Bread at ; CAairaan tiaad t'a r l»*Mrt- Diaai, 14'|4-ll Braotard pi . M«v«rA« If J.

itar A W r-

rORBIlAR—Mas aAOtty vaatp i

It. rallraad lAA, m Hah

TF rov ara ta«M U R«r a mt. a»lA«f rv A a ^ i. UaHat «M ar UvaaMaa. Map la

i« iA* oraaaa Metar Car Oa.. aad laaA "—I a l B iaM'al rati iba faltatiBt «an at aarp :

PTar •aia prieaa.

n i^ T U R P A T . .ilfeirr EMPLOT. — \T VAAICBB

. f i a t N a0 9 f a id m



LIBllAX, ss* PlSAS

MsstssBorik ksUAIsB. ISAtoMrPBBM—Tws ks*A waaM NBs is wstB sa a

fk ra , WIIB toAiE aa4 sIstlMA. MB. CNiK•CMNEBlNa, *11 T»sw«»-nnst *■-. IrriiiA'

OFKRatORI «a khaAi aM oaaraa aaala aad paaU, Matdf aQipiar«aai. wavRlat

Aaaras f : » u t R. F. BJU* )U<. Ca,, m aa4 i l l BltA m _______________


tta . K. J. __________________Oa RDBKBR. Aaat I t OaraatA >Mt a«-

Mftoaoa tratA 1m«m aad aatMAa. faa« vorAar «tabM paaioaa. raf a r tta a tMAX H in itM U II MaaUr iA___________

m i tm iB B A ItlB s AnFABraROn, m i OVBRLAKTl RCRABOtT

TOURIltOm « r r^ R R B m m a n r . m i II^B B A K E R F T dT T ^ B U t m l MAJfWBUs. t-n ru ? n > ti i , m i c a d iu jEc t o v r im o

ORRSim h o to k car r o . la WaaAi



attna bL, Nawart MpT. aiaAaata rar 4ap«.

, -iX^fRIBNCRO OR IR­ANI) C H U A iR iin w m r r i


O IM J WARTBT), B x riR iiAim cBD k m iRp


bI r o bn ft .RAJIRItOM. R. t


ORFiMEl.CARTER r r .ORRAMBWTB^-MMar^~« ^ ~Aaa^ aa

IMarf araaaM ta tar Aaaaa varA; AltAaat aajr U aMp. RHITIL lU Bra*dirafs Ra« TarA CitfFaFBR b o xer—ttiippan , takla baadt. t. A

t aparaiara, tlBa-afr flrla. «aj>ar1«a«ad pfafam 4. aana laaraara lAAaa: ptanlf af

BOttTIRO atfftt* Vn t AdAre* B<•RUaf.

aa elwa vtaAaaioarlM B i artIA latt E B aa at. R a ta atfiea.

B fB L ^T atM rlR. »9att I t ta aaRat I t ptraA aaltt dapartSMat of a aaraai tad

Aratiiara aatcara . proTinaa Mpanaaea a t- taaaMarr: itta t Aa aieaftiaaaltr aeaarata at flparaa; rarataalal, baallbfal aarraaadlaca. A para. I ta I; Btlarr nadarala ta a ta ri, Mad M l parUaalan. apa. aalarr axpactaA AmMtim Ofportaalty. Box It. Raan affloa.MtBt^n ■ Brpartaaaad plrto aa band flaao

•a rk aa ■ielttara lav pa; rta td fvarA; airy *ork raama; oaa |aatal aartpaad* tapa. AlpAt Laitp C*,, 111 riraai ava.. Bar-

A. R. tOIBL far piaaraJ effvca arotA naad nat

taraaiaiil)' h an nftloa arpartanr* otata •daaaUoa and apa. rata U par w—k to atArt. AddraH (laaaral. B a II. Rrva affloa.I (laaaral.OniLR wanted (at Jawalry fartr>rf. axpar-

aaead «r irtarparlaaaad, «a aprluf liafa FOBBFH HOCE JR. d CO. H I Ml t i UUrd flaarOIRL wtnlad t« latm draeemaJtlnp

bar awa clolbaa whila laarakns; food oa- tiniltr Addnv Girl. Bai l l . N*«i of-


SS*OlRLd wantad on hfht aaaaeabliaf. food

a'afaa: nla« houra dap, rbtaaa (or ad* UONXL M ^ . CO. MY Ofdrn

Oparaiers vanlad a< oaoa. laaraata ItAaa on, good pap. ataadr work all paar

Bs iTEFK^NI. IT Main* aL. Earl Farry car.OIRLA »ant«d on rrtndlnf markiaaa: with

ar wllhaut •xparionca. road waf«•. alaadp warA. Eaaat Knmiof MUla, Ml Flata alBKBtJ wantad la anniip ihof. |7 par vaaA

lo Marti alpo poang ftrla laaralBf.W H rra n o riB NovaUr H H uaur ai.OIRL wantad far ofnoa work la n ra M .

ftaa axpartanna and «af#a •spaetaj. Ad-ta a a Glrr Bei 41, Nrwi offtn&IR1A—drhoo(~ VM*. PlTinan *r aider, oan

c a n paod Mmaiar nianay Apply Eaaei MnltUaf MiTla. fl4 Piano atOfRL—Wanted, camperent girl who will go

la eovniry (nr tha r«*t nf iha aunjmar. Apply II Rpnj< * _ _ _ _ _OmLd rOR~*riKMRAL ^ O R K a PPLT

NIWARIC THREAD m . HAMILTOR AND LIBRRTT 8TdBtRIA. arpenanrad on fool praaaaa. wantad.

ataady work, good pay M rantp Morally C a, HI Ronlk at

work M raad prtraa. plaaMBl rouadlagi, BloanOald ear, Tba Dll MORBlIoR Fapar Baj Oa., I l l Ronta Third

MOlUnniOBBA nm-claM at flra aad Oaar.wanla p ^ tJM i Aandy f t bidrRnilfAfag

iddraM AdSwiMyt I t Waaw aWOf.MA»—Aauve warrlM rnnn. lAlrtpHAraa

ymra af afa. apon far parwaanaat nactlMi foartaa* paara* aiparlaaea M Wf

, Mparinwfdaat and a f lM M i « ear. Addiwea Cfpabia, Bax IT. Raw*

FOR liawadtnta Mia, lAa failavtaf aavaad- Aaad cfpaiOSS olds A SU ITS! IslUiAA. MM H.TAS,

s n *«fs •■TI.Brsad Msr AritoAs-Bsetk. to stoss M t4*l. Msli rssdsisr, M*-Tws totSB rsssAswu. o ta s i •tTl As4

Bs SI ••*«. wit* s isnns t«Anlo( asA ii«ht-t s B. P. H. AsIlTsrr Al IIH .^ 1 si 1* CssIrsI STS., snd ss* Isr ME


AVTOMOMltt1 ^ 1 fw vaV ~tbv~~ ~~ m Im V f-MaiiawM ta mmaim m&rnittAm dMaRM A I M i TOORO WOMAR Vfiilf MfAt Aadnawart. af FOBD l,RWRBRi B ia f pawr a v ffMppad

**•• * W*EM»**T* ^MMataN * awaiW* ^ TOORO MH vMMi paaitiM M. MuMAar- BVICK, vUA Riaay Aadp. Ri paad ewadWnn;will aall raafaaakla ar wilf atcA

Wm4 laarlM «fPi lb gaad aaaditloa. a r J a n l f w e a t. BaUaviila.

Aaffa farL |IAT“ “T B t

1 1 1 ! BTUDBBAEBB. B -iaa abadMA nm aalp t*M Mtiaa. Al aaadlUad, want ba

aaan ta ba an ta ria iad . iaraia Raa Malar Off Ca. lY wtlliaai a t

^aaditR. m i taM tif oar. |4U : Al

iMww. ««tawawF% dtfAl ffd aalr alaliaf, laarfff aaHbCfT. Cdil f l U QwlUfaf

at, JOBB MARTIRBS.______ _____M A X w ill ra i^ ia r , H i t aawly paMiaA

M lp aqaippM. maeAnalafllp r t^ L Malar Aalaa Oarafa Co. •liidaAaAar afaxU H i

at. I M C


a** PTOTBI,PLoSirMO^ jjmAlBt,



Mala at. BffC OrMfa.___Ok^fRllARD rxMAoat. JwW oaartiaalad.

windaAialdi |oe mw Uran ^ a r n a a d . ex­tra tuba* and loalA |IM . M. WBlRTRAini, SM O airal aaaFORD laurlAf. ItlA faltf adalFF»^i

olaaa macAaaleal raadJilaii Malar Baiaa narfaa Ca.. Biadabakar agaatA III at.. Baal Ofaafa, _______RBO m i taarii^ gar. gwad aaadftSoa, <*«•

Ur raalral. caa ba boaahi at a Aartaia J, D, Mi>CERtr>GB, aaaa l^ k a w a a a a BU- Uaa. Moatalalr.OTBr laRD. m i . taaiin f. In aaod rat

ordtaT. vaal aaU. trill araaat | | f l laantra firm fli»ar 111 Varawa fva TatapAona IlMR Branch Brock.

raaaiag Halaay at., adjam iaf T. M, C. A.

i m LATB i m TraiaAan l l H P • faar ■Alft acatm . atartiir ItfAia. apaadanatar,

tKcahaal mnaikf ordar; aa<aa caaaldatad. Oaaafa II4IWrX Aaaa Ua fallawlai nan far Mia- CAal

man. OaAlaad, itaoabaAar. Ford*. fUa,at« . Uab lAavI t WIlttaNk at.

Raa Molar Car Co.,

FORD rwadaiat. 1114, fmJtp afwippad, dnl- f la n macbaalaal aapdlUoa. Malor Halaa

Oarafa Ca , fiadaAaAar a«aatA 111 Main »u Eaat t'lfmarap rh T i" fe n < a x v a a t i l l , l i l t HM from

fattarr; a** alaa t l Fa«Aards m i Ragal- 1111 CadUlao. au. DOBBINt IM BalU villa gva


FAFRR BOXER—R« pari a aoad trtpparm. tabla warkan, Meykara, nalabafa, Mmmar baura.

I A. M. la I F. M.. Saturday naaa. Appljr Frafraaalva Fapar Box Co., BavaataaatA a ' and Boyd k .PAPER BOXKS—B:

an-iaa PTHlFF aad DtaAanaa aim.

atrlppara la BROt, PoartA

FnO '^HBTER aparaiar and laiap taapaator Mpanaaecd. aaniad^ Apply by taiUr aalr.

Blaamtiald Blaetrtc naUng Laboratary. FO Baa If*. BloomftaidPOLISH BR Of) fold rlaga.

t l Oraen a tMOORE A BOR,

sa l b e w o m er fo r



MAK^Oampataat mlddia a«« maa waata p»> ■titan aa oaaAlar. pnvata aacraiary. Aataf

riarA aaalaiaai wanagar aad baaA_Aaapw; baM nfarancaa. AdtHaaa Ability. Bai I t Wawa affloa.m a r . M. OamaA apaaAa rwat goad IN f-

llah: atroM. hasdy, wlahaa aoattiM ta fncio«7 ar pH«ata. V aX MuS aEL, l l Hnaiar a tA e r a t o r —TMapAaaa pwttrhboArd n|wn

lor daalraa pavUim. dar or algkt tA ^ : qaicA and arew au. Adwwn Baparl, Baa lai, Rawa affica,___________FRMiMAN—Firai-olaaa c j r t i ^

Braaaman artghaa tloadr fioallion; Al nfar- a n ^ JOHN SANORttTm. H I Bvarfiwan a n , , BroaAIrn. N-_Tj________________PAINTINO. paparbaaglBg, calrtmlnlM n ^

puatarlng dona vary raaaonabU, JACOB BENNETT, U t taalA ttvantaanib at.FO RTER ^alorfd man vtaAaa paaltlaa aa

brwtrr hoMoiaan. flrawaa bc bandy mM trtiA loala JAMES MOITTRAT. M Wavarlya v a . __________________ _____

opantar. oa BJ>-

WB b a n aa Aaad a vaiiaty of II uaaS darwaf dlffarewt madala ihal hav# Man tabaw

la trxda (or iapof-Sli Hadaona, all lAoaa ear* a n In goaa maalng raadillaa and a n raMy far Immadiaie dallvary Wa a n aaxtaaa la diapoaa at ibaia wtlkia lAa aaat (Alptp daya aad a n aOariag lAam at ra fr law (igana H will pay u hm atlfa ta . FOLBT Matar Car Coapaap, t i l l WUllaa at


PBrCIS S Itt .. .II M l i l tNOW M il T 4.M M itRE1H7CBD Itx lM ... C.M I«i4

l lx f i l . . T.ld I414M .OPEN t t a l i l .. I.M l l t l i i . .EVBMNOS t i l t . I.M ITil


eolond, «r eleraler Ulna, good axpan«




PORTER,w aata poaltina. goo

Wa r m _____ __F a TMABTKR—Coal a r fo a n la n t , a la#

wltA pnaatil amflayor, Al ralarMoa, A4* d n w CampaUat. Box U4. Nawa afPoa.STKNOORAPRER. axparuarad, wtahaa two

or tbraa howTfl' vntk avantag*; <-AarM m o d m u Addma S>aaagr«pbrr. Box K, Nvw« olflca. _______ETENOUFLAPRER dvairaa w ork m n l n g a , .

yMra* ax p a ru acf. AddraM C. R . Ek. Bog 1 1 1 . Nawa offloa.TOliTNO m a n . i l . *o ll adlaaaiad, nM t ap-

paarlbg, daalno am playm ant, a la r tr l r a l or rh a m ira i. win work aa d aiwdy h a rd fa r ax-

Cirtaara and advanfam ant. TH EO D O R E O R l ^ r . l« 3mt4k a t , A rU agtaa.

CADILLACS fnr tboaa who drvlre the bant at iha Mma pnoa aa a madiam prtaad oar. m i rlgbl- epiladar caapa, two i l l l algbt-ryllndar inur­ing modala, abova can hava ail baaa mar- baalad and rapalniad. Oaa Loeomobila. paiotwt gray truli rad upbolaiarlng and w in whaala, flaxaiaat lookinx rar in tnwit Wa lavlia y«Mf inapaatioe DETROTT CADILLAC MOTOR Car CO . »!• Broad al.

m l CbavTolat Baby Orawd; alaairk Hibl a«d aiariar Malor Bala# Agaaay, Male

aad <llala« ala.. Eaat Oraaga, ‘pAaaa Or- aaga t i l tBAROAlN'-'mi riva-paaaaagar lUdaoiohiii

(ar mla. rkfwtlani roadlilan. In^bln Mil W. 0 . LACRENCB, U l AfkAarai, Baai Or* aaga.FEUR 1111.

ela» niaali llaa.N. I

l-paaa*Bgar inarlag. la Arai aalag

K O L Ei^iag. la

caadliloa, aay Mmoiatra- II Braoma at., Ntwark.

CADIU-ACR. m i , m « . m t . I l l l . Moan.1114. alx-rylladar tourlag, aearaa of can.

all pHcad rtgbl. POHBIRB. Ml Ballavllla a n .FIRST affar nvar |l lo lahaa f ln -laa Sawaf

truck. In goad roadlUo# JABHNEL A NOLL garag*. I l l SpOagfiald ava, Jiwlbg-

BVICK, Ford. Ktgal I l l l Inurtag; AJ ahaaa.U l TBRHCNE CO.. MlHap toaring. 1

Bloenrtatd ar.^Bloomfiald. lal.4MTCO..

RlaomPdAUTo T o rt and «Mp oavan made, naaanabia

piiraa aftlafactlaa guaranlaad. F. MATTA CO,. 411 Wuhlnglon al . lal. 4TITW Mk


JEFFERT k o r .s r r ^ m WASHINOTON ST.

AlX Alate af ptamUng fiiiana and f t tt la ^ far brivala dwatllaga, rattagw aad banga-

lava. Aalb iwba. blgb aid law paiUrn laaA waUf rlawata. lavatortaa. Mbka, waah traya. raagM aaS AaiUra: mm I m aail pipa aad (iitlaM; wraagAi iraa bad gal«aala*d pipa and nillagx, fapairu far gll glnda Datwrwa: warditrM envm . rlaaol e n u eald vaaarataly, aM i »bM naw aaA gaarmniaad lawoM pilaa; aat naoaaaan (a b« lx bwdaawi to paridMab ■am* E B. Lw.NARD. 14 l•ambardy at., oppaalta Waahlngiaa Park. ul. 4M4 UarhH,

ag . itaxdard goad* andft. por roll, •ftcwllanl

ASPHALT m at rwafi n o m aati, H i ag,

o n r ahlaalaa ar tlm raefiT aaMaJl lad ma laJlU palnta, II eta. aad Tl r ia por gal.i largaw daaian la Now Joraoy; Miy dalta- •mm trm. H i N. j. R. R. a n . , tai. IIIT MAt.ANRIVKRSa RT oapda of all Alklo. birth­

day, waddlag, graSuatliAX, naadalonca and fM. (fUr aad p lan nrdo. boat

la NavarA. BCBaBFPIR B, III•ym paibr card

ALL AlaAa at nxtaroa, rnaatan, ■AnxtoMa im Aaaaa, | | up. oaffwo mill, nxiaiara.

■Baa baM baak abaap SC*lfMKR. I l l IpriM '

r o t M U

KKTTMEM. ssttSA ■.., I I , slwlia, **«., sssi t l . i l i M

■WSt I*: lsta*A* pliisws, ' rsebsf*. «••.. SSSI II.H:7DM m

H * a o o *rsAA^

• i. to S T M waar BraaS.

tUk SWSSt ISAS, l i t I t O s ta fT C

•AMLOM sMIiSL IMrss ptMSA IsSAt AAtalAMI*III. cost | t t | sIstaAt tkiSS-pISSA l l i m r

ssU>. ASW. III. rsniA r tlM j M itta s I M i ssd W k ir t fsr ttvisc rn ws, i*sA*. CAM- TKM'a, l« AesAswr AiRKICP rwllAUS MSAJAr. lA Ito

rust |t« . win al) tor >•: stsA ■stt rhAir tssi ll.l*. will m MSAON. IT Dskss si., XSAn*.MWI.WO MACIIINW rspAMwl r M i to VA«

swB hsflts. SAT Risks; STsr l l m f r j a . ssitosos; sssA RSStA!. CAII HK M r r a n ^ to I* Tklnssstk STS. 'TksAS « m MsrkS*.

“ • r s s , . T ^ 'T , ^ r “h Maw

TURKISH raf.oatl fop IIII •*••«. vw««u

frocki lie. kp; Mania eAairt,I t i l l , eaat |tl« , m m m t larga camfartaAla n t b ^

. arria eAairt, IITm bb; m b b i in* laatAar aoat cAair, mvwo Wm BBbft SSli II I*, will ssl) Isr l l . l l i slitiH MwtokItMk i-ssi 111. MR. CAUL tH V M bl^to t: (L. oornar Aoadomy.WINDOW awnlnga, II oaata

nad pBETT gyadaa baar, wtnoe and (Uaan. Fabat Mafbpaa. 4arh aad axioot light, ll.U par

«aaa J. M. BRaSSRR. 1 teat Fairmawat ava-i tal. War, f f i . ______COFFMM mUI, taa aad eaffaa aaalatorm, tea

bag. awtauwa abawaana aad obalvtu; naanaxbU petea (abaa l l . latai W aald. FRED. M l Bnaea a t ; >Aaaa UMM WavDBBKb—Ball aad flat lap typowrltor doaba,

iabloa. cAaln. rugx, eabixau. xaf* aad other offtea farallaro eA*ap. CANTBR^R, M Acadomp atFOR RALB—W biu Craw «locin« maebtao;

Idaal lag boaio uaa; can bo aaod far rAww- motlom. boauty euliuro. *ir., book* af la- formaltaa lo rofor lo. Inqulro 1ST Park awa,. oraagoPOOR FT. waadon puli*y and ohoM for oalo

ehoap R. W AkHWORTN, I t Orfego dL. BlrMHold. N J,


t e n t s .WAUTM't SONS s CO.. Paaraie and (Tap ala.Ol'M La BBLE, I.M* ••«.. oihor Pfixltof M

roaaaaablo. qat«A. naai. ROSE PH BBS. Hxloey and Morket vti.OUMUED labolo. |1.U, *«r ipov-igliy,

aloo gUdod. iMbnraphed. oaiboaaed; aay Ida*. ewiW. doalgn. Econoai ro.. I l l BaaA of.m ea t ya«r bariM wlik rioaix (or |4 I. 1 anil

XMd pa« ■ Dauflaj iivoai beilar wHA f in rodiaiaca. f in radiaiur volvoo, fiva air vaivaa. pfp* bbS (KtiMx. (or III: largar plaxtx at oquaily low pNeoa THOMAS A. DCrrOLAB, f f l Mlllbun avo., MlUbkra. K J .; ootabitaliod H it. Writ* for partlrulan.

fTRSOORAPFlRR. with al Im l ivo yoan otporlaaco. auai bo arcmraio and qulek

aorhor. Apply, atailog ago, oiportoxc* and •alary ■iporlod, U Sfthograpbor. P. O. .te i V. PlatnfUH N. J.PTENr>OHAPllK^ ono who to obU tf, ukv

ropid dleixhAn and If tUo • foal morbm* oporoior. pooitioa iBOSp-irwry. but mxy bo p*rmxeoxt Addroao Slonogropbor, Hog II, Noao offUofiTV-NOORAPHER^ood pnallloo fnr

glnnor. oaporlonro gonoe.oooxry. atolo ag« roforvhco arkd Moinry expoetvd- Apply by loiter only to Hanafariunrx. Bex 194. NO«f offlco.

TOCNO MAN III), marrlod wiaboa pooltloa:

POR SALE—A HI4 Palgo. oaif-oiartxr. *loe- irlc llghta, otc.. all la Al coaduioa. IIH ,

4-11 Loiotnobllo, 11)1. a Popo HarUmd, U -ii, Slorn raoaohout. «nd many ochor ran . to bo aold at yoar own prlo*. all kin da <rf Mack m ek earta; aioo all kiada of pario of a 1999 m i l Cadillac; bnvy • ton trwck tino, 10 bo oold rheop. Apply Tho Ooy. II Bap r ti Moatclalr. ’FAone HU-


Il« t, •llibt!y aood. will ooll rofaonabio. Apply Moodnw Brook Oarag*. 191 Halooy at

~ p o t tn '^ iT v E R T ’ bo’d i m ” tX9 DF


Lowoal pnroo, guarantovd work.Now Jorooy Auto Tup Co.. 1*1 Hal*oy #1.OI.DRUOILE. m t I'ontraet (or undonvend

fur feolo at |I04 Im than rofi. Ad- droM oida. box 14. Nrwa offm . Municlalr

' RAMRLRH. porfvet nrdor, oxlrax, price 1 1 1*If fold XI onr# Invoaitgat* KI.EIN-

SCKMIDT. SI4 Bloomfiold avo., Honlclalr.SAXON nadxUr. fuDy aauirpvd. flrai-riaaa

rondiilnn Motnr Ralea clarage Co.. Slude* bak^r agenlx 114 Main it . Kaxi (irxn|i>Pl'iRD Jitney. I l l l . fxMy otjulppod, make ai

nliont delivery, new i lm . llranM, exirx#. at a bargain. II Main xt., Eaai Orong*.





"ROHK OF INHiU ^HARDWARE.**MTLLINSRT ewularw, coat | | l , aall for II;

largo bewM bod. rmat | | | . a*n fnr I t. iarg* nafo, cnoc I tl. aoil (or |4 t. hiab bnoA boeping dook. eeot fU, aoll (or | 4.CASH, 44 Arad*wiy a t .

MB.n n a r WaaklngtatL

11 Toara' vrparianee la m a il llaa aallkag. bool of roforonm. Addnaa Rolall. Box HI. Nowa ofMro.

OUtL—Brlghi girl wanted (or confortlonorp fkoeo M to atari II Waahingtoa av«.„

Bollovma._______________________________ waalod (or Htbl dawn work- New­ark Knitting Worka. ItT Snwth Tenth bl

GIRLS for light faetarx work, xiaadp all ywar. R. K. M. Mfg. Co., t Cachpball m.

GIRLJ wanted. TH Sphaa avo.

Apply Wnodoldo Mfx. Co.. . North Nowark, N. J.

OtBL vUk aomo otparloave lx atarTblng- •iarllag Laundry, 4 Park a< . Orange

« n t u wanUd. aoeowd floor Eaioa Hall. I Nona F1fie«ntk »i . Ravi Orango

#IHLS wantad. experloncod. for aoda Sld- m Markoi ai

OENBBa L bouaaworkar. no waaAIngjWlaJn cooking, tbroo in faiwlip. BISKBB. IS

Tamoa avo.HELP.


w aau aarvxBi girla oe houaa giria. Amortewn IriaA, Ooiman. Swadiah. Llihuanian and Fwilu girl*. TAooo pealuana can ba aoe-jrwd M»madlstely withovt ebargo or fa*. aAa<» n taly traa. Csll at onca al City Hall Annoa. TTaoklbii ai., xaar Broad. Offloo bowrw, 1-19 ^ Ms tw 4 F. M.. Satardnyx, l l o'clock naan.

Faetorr girla, ataikecrapAara, typawrtl*rw, Sfiraiatw. maeblna handk guiekarff and all usd* af axparlanaa<l asd faaxparlan^ Aalp,

..........................................J Z ■txp^anai I M fM far obtaining• • cAmo

Waa. at anoa at CityFranklla aL, near Broad.V(>UBBWORK«-<Wvpatant whita gbi for

Ilf At Aoaaawark In family of tkraa adnlta; BWM wagaa; rafaraneaa raqutiwd. Apply at ---- ... . s. — — Afonielalr;

BTENOC*RaPHERS. phenogroph operatora, 1>plfie and hdok-kaaporo. ternpnrxry and

permanont pillion# gnod aalerie*. Coder- wood Typownier Co., 44 Cllelon ft.STEnGQRAFBER—Ekperloaaod oienogra-

phor wanted in law oAno. Addraaa iiattng aga exporlaAea. rofaroneo and aalary da- airad. B. B»a lU . Nowa »(Aeo.

TOCNG MAN ri4l wleAaa work M Aolpor en aato iruck or 1n garage oipoiitnrod

In tumtlaro tine. Addroaa Aata. Box H. Xowa oftea.

EMPIOTWENT ^ (AlfrE O -WOliEIICOOK. Hungarian, mlorod eAnk. T yaapg

rofaraneo. child narxa, I yoarx rafarawco, bailer-waitroaa. I yeara‘ roferofiae. eblld noroa ehambormald. 4 ywwra' eeforonr'*. white and eolored boanawo^orm, dny a work- ora. Newark Employar Oefvite Bxiroau. 194 Hxiaoy vi.. phone Markoi Till.


BTENOtiRAFFlERM. beok-k*op«ra.phono opomlora MISS SAt'MENia 49

dleta-Academy at., N J Slenograpbarx Eiohange.STENOORAFHRRS^^Il liila ovMlng. MIM

■ACMENIG. i « Aradomr «u. S. J. Stanog- rnpbera' Ekrhanga.SHIRT IRONCR wanlod, altkar prem ma-

thihoa Of hand. alao aiarehar on ahina aad collara. Anbury Park Riaam Laundry. Aa- bury Park. N. J.

TTFISTTowng lady with eapying oxpoiieneo. lovwb ayxiom oporaior. oxoollaai apporutbiiy with larga coneom. atat* age, aiparienea, odaea-tian and aalary dealrad Typlai. Box 14, Nowa offi««.



t h e BROHMAN CO..1* CENTER f t .



t t Upper MowUiaU fJ.

VOCSBNPORK^awpetant iiri Awtwoon H uid 11. AaapaworK and oaokisg; or wnmaa

ad tbo awaa ago. with ehUd l or 4 yoan old; B# wMbiiiS- AdArtna Howao. Bax I t. Nawa adflea. ^BOUSEWOBK—Oirl or middlt-sgad woman

in Aatp « 1lk gaaoral houaavork. good MMsa; rafarwea. Apply aftar f a'olacb, H Mirth iawawtaaaiA f t i Bast Oiwsga. K. J.■ODUW OBK^Waatad. s wAlu girl, gWA-

«Al AwwpewwfAs amall fSAlty; SMd rofor-S S Hl i o o w w l r i i ^ ^ v M U ST s s l s r ^

to ta t to h i bsAtaAwk; ■to 6 toA ■■•*•. r s M IhtaMU at, Or»O rufS.■ w r a rw oK K -taisM u n to* isA m i

jM ta M fc : s s ssskbto: l«Ata* sltotASM •o T n iw sA sss II Nsithltsia s r* . WsM O to f* . ta ta K*to itktton.________________o o o a n ro K K —wstaAA waiktod foe ganorwl

bWMaipworAs taadly of two adujia, g7>od

e ls awak «sd lAwsdrwMs BVARS, I t llapta Bas t OiBSSt. ____

o gawarslCall HI

'pAwna Or-SOOtaWDBK—Waatadr ftrl u

fmwmmw k. wnika or «alarp4. • t a w M . Vito OraAfs;

n r o u —aM * . AaMsi MsstoUr « i u t a M taHsA to n A li A pA rtB ^:

• ( taAi ta ta wesss. l*s tav tk T te -

■ o o n v o w - ^ A t a a gM ■•UaKI hM*Asntai tvfttAMA rs«AlrsA.

K giir IH tost* Ma m a m . Bsst OrAtaS.M O e m o i tK - ^ M , to ~«s«M to W M

wuitaA*s«*rtL I tk sm ss al, m t GUa- W> » to i Hm tklto toll. ___________■OPIWWOKK—a w «■* ASMtal kiAAAWiik

«sklsAiiAs4 m ass: r i f i r is i is , u sss *1., Xiiw OfAiit*-__________________iro o iv V ftitK —wkits tw i itoin t a AASA«ih.

•Isls cssktBi: litalAwsAA: wskss |H . Tsl.ta l a ta s th Or*M*'

TXACIiaa—Ls4t. sducsisrt, to tssek Bnf.Ilsk: *ro(srskto sns dTSIroas of IssmtSf

tf«A)sf!> PTsnrh. Addrsss Profi14*. Newx office. *

WOMAN-—For offlea work In furniture xiofo, * woman of aufflrlaiil abIMIy. to lekdifuli

cAarga of office, mwat ba aionagraphef and typawMUr. capable 10 handta rharxo ar- cwsnta sad pMtlnga, aaawora to racalva at- taailen wuai xtaio rofaranea and laiary, Ad- draaa tnalalmontx, Box B. Nowa ofilca.WOMAN wanted In do IH dxyF work, will

give five room flat far aarvice^ 3lJ Lit­tleton ava., above drug gtore.WOMAN waakad ta work la rMtaorual

alaaa Aoma Apply today i f Htsorraw at I P ll.. IS FarkAanrt at

rrf)utreoeiP. nurwaa, howao work era

oapacliy at OUTTRCP'S. oldoaiCOOKS, woltre

help everylargeet and only Herman-Arne hran Seun dinavion Agancy. II Centor at.. Oronga. tal. IIS: heure during July ood Augual. 9-4. clBaai Saiurdaya.COOK and charabarmold-wailraaa, thor­

oughly vxparlanrad. (Dal-rixap referaowa. deairea place togelbar, r |ty nr aauabnre. Phone MkL. I l l l . or call 111 Springfield ava.

CLEANING—Young woman wiaAaa poallloo deahlxg offlre It Rutgara at-

DAT'8 Wo r k e r s—Ladlaa, we can rapoly you With firat-claaa and reliable woman

any Uma you need oaa, why look elaawhara, whan we can pand one id you without rharga * every one baa rafaraneaa. 'Phone O r^ga 1X41.

REMEMBER TAa Guy for year auio aup- pllaa. Wa are earfrihl * auto-

moblla purta for every known maba car. Molori. traaMhlaalona, front and roar aile*. magnet'Xi, carhuretara, lamp*. wlndah1*ldv. •la.; about 1.941 odde and andx to k>e xold *l your own p^oe. Apply The Gay. II Bay at., Monirjalr, laL 1911.____________AUTOMOBILE ownem. ramoe# cartM n off

your oar; aave gxaolena and rapalra. have •mooth running machlao. ualng I.ubrteani rartam Remt^ver, xcianliflcaMy c«mt>'>unded. hawileex to moat dvilcate Tnerhanlam. money bark guaranteed In eviclmr*- of fall ur*. 11 aan J VaOLIOR. 1*7 KrmnkJla ava.. Nxtley, N J ______________________TOURTNO ca rs—1*11 Hudarn. eeven

•anger. HI* Buirk, H it rhandJer. AMw I; l*H Maxwell, l* ll Maxwell •xperial;' m l-IM M *** Popax Reo. Cadil­lac KvarlU. |H I bnd up, runabouU. Ruirh. 1*U, and National, HI!- TMAt'HER Harag*^ Clinton and Badger ava#, "Saa u»- -It P»yi^AM gning to ael) quirk to a CMh buyer at a

iarrific* my Cadillac roadxter. with five Radge Whilwortb wira wbeela and new Area, thia la ih« anenplaai ganiiemane roadxier in town. It la ih fine mechanical order and muat be eaen lo be appreciaiad. Apply C I RICE. H Haiaay at Newark


HARTFORD, ETC. MR. NICHOLS. bl4 b ro a d ST., NEWARK. Time paymeou coo* a id er^

for xale. very gnod condition, a iraal bar* gate. Court Haraga, SIT High vtBGIM'H Magneto Repair Siallon. diatrlbatere

of Diamond Mohawk and Congrvwa tirva Tire Trading r«.. |* William xt.Ft^R AALE^^Mudaon It. aelf-atarter elecirir

ligbti. all up-i« date. i'HARl.FS EAGER Park 4'lafage. Park *1., QrongaF«iK Sa LB—Three Ford touring rare, one

Ford runakiout, one Ford landaulet Apply II* North Seventh atCENTRAL Garage. 4** Central, ava ; expert

repair work dona, honeatly raaaonabte and tenable. Pbona 1491 8 BRRO }-(oh ttnrk chaaali run lex* than 1

year. Al condition, lerma K#o Heior Car Co 17 William xt

DAY'S WORK—Colored wom«iLajio Ironing by

.......... ............... ............... . L 144 Main aL.Rant Orange Pbooa n i l Orguga. from I A. M. ta « P . ^

firwi-olilaundreaa, wlahaa waablnp ajx4 Ironing vf

tha day. Write MISS ROYAL, 144 Main at..

DAY'S work wanted Mwn4aya ar TuandAya by Oamkgn womaa, Addroaa MRS, J. L*.

4*1 South Tenth a tWORK—Colored wwoiaA wtxbM tork L BOTCB. 14 Revaath *va

DAT S day'*

DAT'S WORK—Wcimafi wtahax day'* work a (any kind. II Jagag g t , aecond floor

FAMILY WASHINa.Jiiat think of the oawwenlanoe of ggr

ROUGH DRY BTSTEll Wa do all the wgah- lag. and vorh pleeaa aa bed, tAbla linen, Dannel gndtfwenr. aU-, are Ironed ready for u*e; other hlarwa ara raturnad rough dry to ba flnlabed at home. ageA waah A*pt In a aaperata oompartmawt; thia doae gway WltA ttgrkiDg your ctocAea with lab: ‘ 11 pounda for Tl oanta. over H pounda Dve cenia per poend atirg.

WARDELUTHE Rough*Dry •pacjallnv

IS Croae«L. Nawgrk- 'Phone 1T94 Besaob Brook.

GIRLS—Two eolarad g^la want pogitioM ga chambert&gidx. *4 W«varly sogL, Ingglr*

to p floor.________ ______ ______

WOMAN wgQtad. lo eruah. Ipoth and clena.two dayg every week; i l per daj. Addrem

CtiSA. Box TL Newg offlro. _____WASHING— W hlta w om an w anted to ta k e

home am all (am lly waah nod Ironing. Cntl n i top Door. «l* SamA Tw elfth et., clfcy.WASHING—Woman to ergak Mopdara. Ger­

man preferred. IH High a t ___


iURBAU.ateaagrashefa,aratoffg ma*

___ __ _ klada of ex­perienced and laotparleiiood help; tint free of rkarge; M for obtaining you apoMOon. Call citjr Hell Anoex. on rrahAHn a t ; Aoura, l:H A M. ta 4 P H ; Batarday to l i noon. ____ _

Store girla factory girla. at* tyuawritara. bm-kaapafa, open ^ n a handa atitfiHafp and all k

WINDERS and bank wlodwx, eiperianrad Apply Seal TAread Ca. 14 BaiAgaia


p|., naar Yfenge etWAITHUEBS and chamhermaldi for m

•bora and ttogntalaa to go away at onoa. 194 llslaay atWAlTRfeBBBR atog«, wantad, at Botal Mrm-

tsl* Anbury FgifA! goad wagaa.W A m iB S wasted Is beafUsg Bsbm. I

MUl M.

HOUSEKBEPER—Rerined Amerlean woman . wlxhee poaltia* In ggntloman • Aomn: no teiectlon to ena or iwe rhlidren. Addreaa

ridow. Box III, Nxwe nifloeBOVPRWORK—Fteaee eall lomorrow aftor-

noon at HI Caradas et, and get a rallahle aroman for gaseml hasnewerk. Maep So*^bUOVSSrwOlUC CNrman womM wMen

AnuneworA by wagh. M M HMTBRJCIL ) oMw MM. i n FePAlno s m ___

TOUMG ftrla. 19 paaig gpwarC ta prepare •tripi for wesewg; MSsdy work; assert-

map IN s m is i ry. Rag teotsry, i l l f v s t

BODBrwORK- WWBd gin .... _rk, er d sF t werk; rafataona. CaEMART MUbiDM, 199 BWbk SLXNite :

MOOBKWDRIL*-Opl*yad 499 Wnnhlhftan at.

gtrf, JOftNBOlf,

help wawted-sew and w o seiiCOUrUBt, •*• A* kAAAtWofkAr AB4 CllAl.f-

ftar: tw« 1* rAnitr: w«ma •!*: a)k. « • « •■ 4 k«it*r, to m Itota An4 li*a***ork*r: All

ItoUNDRBW wWiMA•• to tk* tar-OrAbt* _____

___ to to) _____HIU.. IT taU li AL,

Waaaaa « aa«*<■OVraWOfUC—Waaaaj

■ ec in ro K K -M U d iA a*** «■4IM ■tataAAtt . IM T taaA

•aai t * s n « 4 CaXa.tor MA. IfMM-

■oonvouc-vio iS S S T '' ***S U i 'r f S fiL T -B ^

■kit*.O K O n AaKMCT,

l«l-U I MaIa It.. D ui Ortaf*. 0*An lu tli______ t F. M.________________

OQDVI.K wlihlAf to kA«* )»«■■•, aaa b**A •■ll Art*il,f*A AlBMAt t m In- mtIaa f*r a

tto’itam )A<: A {An ««>•*.AAttr: rAtotAMA. Aitato* OwtiU. Mai !»■ Mwn a«)aa.m o n c WAntAd, •■ AkIldrAA, to tAfe*


N V Ito a—A IaIMIA A(a4 OArtoAA VAnAAA AullloA A* nun# for HirAlld b/

w nk «r monUi. MKK D. EBEMURDT. 1*1 NAHh TIUrtAtatk •■-___B ulllE wi«h** *tot. lAA ■• aata tor bAbr to

prlAAU fABtllr; AAt •( tAwn. M Tlehanor

■TVHOaRAPnER. flvA rAArA •ipartaA.-A.AMU** pMttlOA; AAtMAAkito BAAf «rT*4. * 4 -

#TAA* ktAfto. Ba* to . N awa Antow *

amnawoRK-oiii mirtAd m mbAtaAtwrk. lU K T IlC Mi ■•••ta A**..

JAIRTOK waai*4, Maa aa4 vtto ■toto*T»«.* |M if •*■«*•• I aa4 ■ _r Vi, T k jm to r

Ata7rt4k)p. OBO. E. •tUTCHUR Cdi, iM llA«*rllto AM.

W kW lBO — Tta --------- --k taw * thA TAlAA A( A*a4 1 U

WAAklnf ts A dipAAdtato lAAodri: It nitovAiIDAA)I dlrUAAUU*

tomU*krr Af thA iDAA* tIAtAd witk

MBN—WOHKN^AvAnmAflt Joto; maaa-

M totofM lttoa. uduraKSui*.^

« • ■ • dATi *A tkArOAftllf WAJf. )PAW W.wk, t r w All flAt flAAto i m l A f j n t t a m l d ftod . At to . M r p * ^ B m 1* P t o ^ •■<to Mf MAAd AMT IT fAAAtai •■ AddItlObAlt P*f ** e k A fn ef Ic. m llim l Wllk lIMtoM

ROADPTERO—n»A PAMAA«« Buirk. caupAA.Puckardi. xlx-rrllnder and four-cylinder

Klaxon hem*, magaatoa. ate,'Aah th« men that knowa ua

KINSET BRiyrUERS Mai Tl*. 9-U Baxt Klnftey «La u to m o bile tlr*e and! tnbaa rulonnkaod.

all work guaranteed.NEWARK RrRBFR TIRE CG„

344 u a l s e t r r .Tel, 44*9 ¥ki. Eat HS*-


for afl siodeia. belli new and tee« od hand, carried th eloclt et eU Umaa. expert repaU- ag on any make of ear. See ua. It paya

THE THACHER OARa GE. dlhiofi and Badg*r *vea Tel 4704 Wav.

RBBTAITRa NT flitgrM, tablaa. hardwood Chaim, coffee urn. aho« cmox. tea cheat

and Mher gondx. rheap, everything (nr a complete rneteurant CANTERS. H Acad emy at

RUHRRU stamps.Slgnatarv atampa. ami prewe. try nor non- vmearlng. odorlaaa iiamenad, ITt Broad it,. 8<HiAkmrS A HEMPtrfRD taka elaveter.

nab library aalta III, lady'a mehagany d p ^ near Bread


4* YARDS in* body Bmaeata e s rf ik large Oneital rug, III: H i t ABM^

rug, l i t . ftn* parler i^t* . 1)9, H #1 .. near Bread.

CUcksMFo r SALB—Ducka end F*ega.

CLANCITT. Schuyler and Kaarny. N J

Asgtr A. i t

W ttlTB Lmbom haax far mJa B M llU iFaaliry f^nn. SpriagtielC T«A l H K C

199 MARCN hxtekad pglleta KSife I te iir aaa. Rhode lalead Reda and R am S Rr&I

nse. large, kmithy Mrda. 494 Mate «!>• Ofwage.H YOUNn While Iwfhorx kens; all Isftegt

I rwaaiur 44 Bdgaweod nL, m f t M i l l .N. J.

Eft*FRFrSII laid egga tfuaranteedl

(hrm , dellvared 4 WM, DaFT. Tl

Ml .year dirert from (hrm, dellvei city. IL . doaen. at.


BaAMaA. VaIaaA. MAkAd. rllRp ' .•■Alrumrnl •u**ll*4. » a1 HlknAT tonrAA MtlAAn. *AAI ApAAiA'AdkiM. HAYRrii TkAfiuuar; prl**l ■AT PTl'l*—Betoo, trrriH. ta rk krtoilAi am?

•mAll; ^ t o r n d *.4 rrftot*rA4i Ipp tL T ,i A ltkfia It* HawlkAMA r

)PA4. AAAtf

............................I blooke from Blomunald CghtSp.

AIREDALE, (emala well bred l«f^KY, Tanaalo eve. Cbatl

pAone f liR Chatham.DR. H. VkXnPR ROBB

■OPPITAI. POR DOaP AND ■ a. II . I t OrrhAKl M. T.l. 1*14 WsmDR. SMITH'S Koapital and Bearding igg*

nel. ofDra U Hallrmd pl„ Ksnl O m ^m i ’phone M tl end IIIIW Orange.FREE-^lw ner going ew*y, will ftps

Aair broad Aagnya female ra t ' home, good dlepoattlon. neat, eae ytag i phone UI4 South Grunge

SHOW cuoea at a aacrifire, pTartbaily new;no reaeonable offer retwed. Call fleliahle

Store Fixture Co l l 14 commerctal XL; pbooe i l l l Mxrbel. now fliiurea maaafac'

lervd on premleea.PEC4IND HAND building malarial huildinga

bought and removed. A. P Ha MHLIN, III Main at.. Eaat Graage I t l lJ Grange.STCtVic ft*r aula. 741 South Fourteenth at.,

third floor,T'WO toquarv butcher Mcwki fnr eale rbeap.

A tjEMWICK 9 SCN t l Eleventh ava.. corner tkiuih Seveaih at., 'bhona MarAel 1711.TYPEWRITER. UnderwiMd. It4, mahogany

office deeli, III, aanitary rolltop deak. I t l . large office rug. | l | | Odar alII*—La r GK Alaeha rvfrlarratnr, perfect

-'otidiiioh. for III. HUCKLET. 44 Heller parkway.1*4 USED dcnp-head eewlng machlhea.

up. raab or tLma. *44 Broad a4. 14

a u to m o biles painted; largaai abop l» aiaie: beat Job at lowaat Dgure, uae onlv

beat cneiavtale; many of onr Imported oolora cannoi new ba purebxaad. aa wAoleaalari' ' auppty la etbauaUd, DOBBINS, 1*9 Belle i vineive.

HVDSrtK epeedater vary fxet pai-ry wx' te to gn Weal, will iprrirlce (or |;1fi. aee tola

car 7* Real at.. iTty.•‘RKinE ’ RATTERIES ATtr, a i.w a ts sat

ISFACTORT DRIVE IN, SERVICE STA­TION, f«4 Halaay atFORD touring car for eale cheep demon-

alratid at your convenlencv *t RHOW'N Tl HWb ei garage|***i HCVS Oakland inuring rlecinc eiarier

and hghia rar In perfeci fimnint order. Sll Norfolk at., Miy.ONE-TON truck delivery body almoet hew.

Call afirr 4 P M.. cveninga. jr»HN M KA, **T Fl(«e*nth ava.FCRD runabout, not a year old. If you went

a car *J good aa new, rail Rrafu h Brook I l l l , price 1 :|4ALCO 1*11 rIx cylinder good condition

POLANSKT'P Oarage. Mliiburn av# , MiiJ- bum. N JSEVEN-PASSENGER Halnee louring cat for

•ale, rbeap. Apply 14« av« . Irv ingion. N. JTAKITa H In good running order will ■*!!

reasonable MR BL6H. II* Wearungion , e(

FORD touring, avery equipment, tike new , I Phone 7471 Marhei for panlrulxrt

SIGKT-SRCINO rar 14 paaeeniera. muat »*ll al onca. )l Bergaa eu. Brooklyn,

FCiRD toartog 1*1 J model only run 7 900 mllta. 714 South Twelfth eL

H ooppliold G «adi ta d F u re ito nAT Mr t a sk R. 244 WaehingtoA eC, largae.

aacQod band furnllure hnuee In Newark: no irouble to ehow good# and tel) you the price. Coma and aaa tor yourealf and ba convluoad; open avaalbg* until 4 o'clock.BED SPRINGS and matlreeaee. ll. co«i IH^

feather oltlowe, Itr. coal lie,, carpaf pweepor. 44*-J foet l«r|« pier mirror.II II. CMt 111. MR. CASH. 194 Waabing*ton li.ENAMELED BEDS, trimmed with traeu.

11.*0. coei I*, kllchen chalre. 14c.; WMh- ■landa *br . < oet 41 *4. ne*r hpringa, |i.*9, (•oal l l . UK. CASK, :o4 t^aabmgioB at,BHARS b e d s . 44 and up, roal |IQ; uaw

mattrena 13. coat | l ; chlffonnler, t t . roat Il4 , large table, |M 4. coat | | | , good aa tMw, MR CASK. 244 Weahlnglon at,PARI^tR ST'ITE, flee plecee. tl. coal III.

gonil aa new, dreaaer lari* mirror |t.*4 • ------- ‘*4 Waal

GENUINE pura whU* a4lk AsW V poodle, mal*. H weak* ald« 114

Twalfih at.LITTER of Irteb larrlep pupa far Mte] SPlg«

raaaeaabla. iXJdSY, Faaaala AVK. OkSl*ha.m, 'phone 4tlR ChalAan.

Pupplea. Box 14*. Neva afflaa.TRIt'K Mttla wkita poodle far

mornloga only. )IT Market at.TWO Engiuh bull pupa. 14 waate aM. 1 aplacc 4x7 M*rk*t al,

T y p p tm tp n u 4 * ■ • • * • •ALL HAKES TYrEWRITERS,

___ Ranud, 13 up, aold, n 9 sS.NEWARK TtpBV^rTBK E Z C IU J9M

m 4 4 9 ^n« Market at. Fhane MarAte Bargaina In choice typawrliar

-------------- — BKST VALDBR in REBUILT m acsRenuGEO.M 11 and II. Sold. 4H up. aagy pAimMte

• M, JUDD. IT Academy V T a L T A fS EALL makea aecond-hend typawritetg: Agfa

gain*, t l tn |4», rentala OUTBB TTPS writer Agency 1*4 HarAeet at., ’SASsa l l i lMai . room I)

at t i l . HR. CASH, 314 Jblnglon I

Vgahlfigton at., rort-ar

BUtCK, HU. modal B 31 inuring. Delco electrir lighting and atarilcig. ovarolaa

tlraa. car haa had vary llUle aaa. calnnot be told fT' m new, 1914 llcanee Included, car

tuarenteed perfect. | 4t 9, TOWNBENl->. 7*4 lalitr. _________ ___________

AUTO BARGAINS lb Stoddard*. Buirka.Ovefianda, Fordi. Uudaona. Evareta. Mae*

walla end m*nr nihere, cere oomlng and dally tl TOWNSEND'S Ante Exchange,

asd H i Haleay Eat 1*44 nit H*l»ey *Lgoing 4 Til asHUFMOBILE, 19U toarlsg, nawty aaintad.

KuprnabiJe l |H taartng, orerhaaled. teasma-KaigAt I l l l , foor-eylladM daaaa*

'^Sf'^OXBN A REISi, 1*9 HALEET ST,NEW M niwell cam . f a a d f te r 1119. louring

III* , ptua fre ig h t, fully aautppad. a lae tn c aiartare and light* . wAy buy used carx^Call, write or 'phima. M aiw ell ealaaroom . *44 p road •! Aak for MR H a W'LRTWE have two Jighl enra. atandard make*

both four-cyllndir, paint aod tirea like naw. fine runnifif cnndKlon. 1194 each, need tha room Call Friday, l i t North Sixth it near Park *ve.HATNBS touring car. eubarbati type; modal

H -l brand-iieir Ihfoa aPd fully equipped Walnut M.. Ea*t Orange P. O. Bex 1 1 1 , East Or

Call el 4 North N- ,L. or addi snga. ______

BAXON aU. HWlin; Is perfbat »«ctdH1wa.1911 cash takao It bwaf, MR, NICMOLR

914 ------ ---

n r i jw a d e ia r . Is (isa qpBgttloa: MU. MR. NIKOLA. 114 Bread M.; tinea paymenu


NGRTlufRN NEW J X M tn . NEWARK O A R A G lJu p ^ F A IB M OP.

S H sUBHitatoFOR SALB-pJltwy -

•eat* t«9Ply; fraai estrsaaa: eaad on ej Mack trpa^j g**t aa«idJHe«: reawaabie MAte. F U k E R ^ E ssfte l aad Csrxge.g g l t e ft* ElitehaU. N J*

Aady; aide aaata, eoMuJ le tm


n r L o m g r w A ifT C D -nii

-S«rA IX -IH pA*b) ■••*• kAir-

UtVNDKr-.r-B ita rto ta to l tolp Wta>«*4 t l „»?tto2*r***. V taip

I t *p ap papAhtota! ■Ut wartteui mArnUimm.

19 te S u f s i

19 spsRdSi s s adi ptete te r aUrtUbg, ap-

IL s e n U e LkVMAKT OOHPAMT. -riio trK M tn, t t , i t t - t n e o v T S n .

v i m n t a .n n m t u m e n e o e m y LA cm aeT

CO. rkU* •■(■■■••A *• liii.^Wl-kB«VA■Im ItoMltortAk ■•• kn u p to l At yAtoi

liC m rcoT tiiiA i, D tu rn v A N . « itk i t ^ ,,5 ,T « n « k j j vStoTto* PA*tttoA. M - <8 *«■■ ta«kl»p. iTta ^ f j W ^ JA*

■Ato B ipsff«e53r*A *Tt. !i*w« ofito. tptoA iiMA.

“ lU f MSF ^ it teMR L

enTDnAKXK l«»iA|!. ’n t , - t r o - c lu ,••■MUM! ttU r u a to p ta ; BiMkAAltollr

rtokt; ■**■•*• CokrAAlMA. H*u* PaIh Om u , Ca . ptutatok** ApMto. IK Mkto • t , ■••( OrAAfA

maal* eanalderaA*Broad

ACeOintTAIIT >- eAAklu, lA u a lu tA riu .totatoc. tAtoU «*ptotoA*ti «•*■*, ciAiS;

AWta iPtor kAAhti **r*to u •taAtltoUi

)f9 9* PpflSS.

jKlOMOBdUi AiAAltoAto II r*,to’ n f r l - *u htota M w tti *ita p m tiH !

A U ma* H K kuto. •*■

•e re N -rA a m ta K K oumtAWto. •«■•■(•o iS , I I t * 9 t U *."** **

m «AA t a n pAA AlABAr: aAAltom tATfAlM Is AAta At**: tot* taM «li: taH0«* t to k n

•S t ftpM •>«■*« ta kPAAi tn d * i m ta*:Kt tor ta«t 4A*k. SO»a>.*tp. U*

FORD touring; gmid rnDdlUon Beaex Auto* mobile Co , I f f Broad et


EST RKhVICF^ HOl'R^ Da TORWEEK. p a '-r a r p r e n t in g CiX.


k it c h e n Ta b l e , Hr . parmr table.coat I t , draaaer. large mirror. 11*0. r<>»t

111. MR. Ca s h , im wi Acatferriy at.AS good M new clrgxpt parlor b^d room

en.1 dining ro^m fLimMur* rugp a»p4-et^ly nr t<.gi^thrr dinner e*r ■ fl«*p.

merhu and rnubngar.y p»d*#Uie gn'^l rhurrs^ lan b- cr-rr l-iday end iNmfrtow *4 Sourti Thirteenth itAT aaTRifloa, li'o rookera ■'wat |« eell for

7*e. each M>>r>le l*r parli l^etbei pil Iowa. Z*r . thaire, Hr . lirophrad rowing mavhlua. |14 <'oet Illl email and large «afe nhwap MR CASH. 3*4 Wi.*hlnglon at.. c«r* oar AfAdemy


TiJiin p » otfcto gra fm _, it .is , both n early n e w .

Addfvea Safety, Boi 119. Nawa alBg^OLIVER Ne. 1. with eUSd.

uee for It. make offer.J4AJW.

roodPboaboe MestclsIF

SACRIFICES alt mxkee rebuiltac count of oveyvim k : rentala ___ _

montha, repairing. THIOM_F(l4.»N'B TyjpgVfIggpuilt typawrtfdrfala M.H t*P I

Ex. l4i Rfuad. M>nm H. Tel. Mkt.rN'r>ERW'Oi*iD typewFiifr. vlalbla, andfUAMt

ea< ririca liolh, ( It. aleo cMh raglMay, MSf •tore, h it Brouil ei , Cetitral axe.1140 TTPFWFilTKH. machine In parfaet *SS«

dhion, acandard make, rail, look It •uerl I* M. Ka u ffm a n , IH Broad at., tAMfliKpr,

L c d d c n , D trrk k * u d F h |g p | i tCOMPLETE line of paintara* aeaftalda,, ag*

teiuiion laddari. ilepixddere. MsfrbMlM, Juvke. rigging, extenelon laddera, t%t„ Hex per ft., atraifht laddere. l*r., il( . pW f t


111 Rpringflrlil ave. Phone Tmvarly Hfies t r a ig h t la d d er s . j4o. f t . t fK

Fxierudnu Mdderx and Stepa, Ho, (f. FLAG p ru .rJ PULLEY LINE FOLBf SiT.

I’AINTKKS 8 ArrOLDS c o M F u r rL MASi >NS KOBSKS. t u b s . SCAFFOLDllira.


PEERLESS CARR LIMOrgiN eS. Tf -T'R- INQ. hour Ha t . m o n t h . 44fl ('E.4-

TRAL ave E. o r a n g e . TEl* 11*1 OR.FI*TC and eeven paAeanger ••era to hire hour,

day or week, day and nigbt aarMc* R EIRELAND. it RavklXKd tar Tel HT MkLNEW aavan paaaengar touring, aeaebore and

bouStry. tpeeisJ rata* per d ^ . (1 per hour. )4t Summer sve.; 'phone B. B. 1919.Ca DOJaAC i -t ps94«ngor

trip# and by dxra, 'phone Mulberry i l l l

xpeotal ratne long 149 South Tenth 4t.


e n g a g em en t s made by private pejty with Ford touring par. hour nr trip. |L*4

per hour Phone 74) Branch Brook.FOR HIRE. Iwo-tnn auto truck by day

week or y< •r1y eontraoi 91 Twenty-eec- oud •(., Irvlngion; tel. l*4| WavTWIN ela Paokxrd care for hire, rempetent

chauffeuri 'pbbne T4|| Market K w TRAQESER. Tl Orchard *1

G ir a f wIMPROVED portable galxanlaed eCael gar-

sgoK all Maaa aad daaigna. manefaelnred by the KLOTZ Bhoxi Metsi Wbrka. 114,11) Q^tAart *L, al iam baxg pt Fboaa.WANTED—Saeend-haAd portable

•Ute eta*. easdiUon and pr1«3e.Garage. Box IT, New* office. II74LAlBKSTDB partabJ* garage* dafy tha ela-

manu, beautiful modala Armoboard Ca., Orbpge, N J ; tal. 14)4W,Wa n t e d to rant or laaae garage that win

hold 49 to 199 rare E L DONOVaN III TAomaa a tWANTED, amall geraga far two ears, near

Bllaabeth ave. Write to If Qctltmax eu J- MARTTNEE

k ^ n M m W m t t J,W i a b b tb* peopla, buy care an crippled,

AdlF ahapa, pealaU 'phena xrfU bring ai« s t : .......................... - - - .

AT RMITK'R. 71 A'-aderur draeaer, 11; buffet. |l(i. eicieboard | l routio top tabir.

t4i rex kor T*r rhair. I&r , be<l. (I. epring, 1. ma tree*. 4). ar.d everything vaiy rbeap.

AXTTHING ynu ne^d in rurnllure. rarpeta.rug-i and general hoiwennM gonde. new

and uee-1 Call at rAN’TUR'f*. *4 Academy et . ‘‘h^epxet et*jre In iieieDl'FFETS. Iin‘ regular 92! aideboarde. M

r ivtnrl lat'lea. |t.lA. )*e^ber rhelra. II il china i,ine«>rB, Hh. r,iber furtiliure rh*apCa n t e r s , m A<-x'iem> u _______B KANToRS half r 'x r 'l fumiiiir* eale.

half off. l»*gi oppoTfynitr t« fumiah yoor hwme at vary big asvloiv. B. KAN'TOR K 4* Market a tCOVE'tn and he ronTln<*ed that w« ran m v*

you money on n*w and ilighr^f ue*d fnrr,l ture, ( ena * plei e Parlor Hum* (4 44 to |T t4a , Genuine Leather Coii<-h I14 Oo. mvi 1)144. MnrrU Chair. II worth IH.40, oak and mahogany l.lhrerr Tthle«, (•I.40 lo M l. MlMi'>n Ubrary Sutr* le r hair end rn^hnr )J3.04 Roiind Table iT'h 'op 11140, largv* Buffet. ftOm-h t *0 on umi>. M-trt I'haire genuine SpaMeh Iraiher H *0 regular 11.4*. Chin* «'ioe«i 11164 Cifoaeman Walnut I>reiietr inil ............... |worth 1*0 40, WhIl* Fn*m»ie'1 IrteMer f’hif- fonnler and Dteaeing Tgoie largaOak and Mahogany Lrieerr en>l < m i»i; i

tl4,40 ea''b, aold ele<w>«*r» f'>r I ’’* ‘0 Itr^e*led. 91*16, regular III. White Enamelad B*da. (i 40 to 9U04, Sidebtoarm, | vO Square Table. 14 40, Wardrobe. 97 44Ktooatar Kllchan Cabinet, 114(9. r«ai ( I t 44 Mat ogany Prtaevaf Drneeer. IU.09. oak. It*.40 ihreaalni Table, |T (4. Uaa Range.

{7 Hfi. Cook 8iov«« from (^ 00 (o 114, no ' 11.04 tn tiO.Q*. large geenr mpA-i nt Mta Bruaeelfl. Axmlnater aad Wlltan Valval

KUga, a fe* nf our rnntiy •HUNT, t i r Broad at., near I.arhawanna Sta-

c a r p e t for aala, parlor and ball, 44 sa*I'uuni of moving. 1) i'roepeM e

rxiV T waata uma huniing •eromi-hand fu r­niture; the pricey of new geode will aur-

pri»4 you at the Commerrial Tredlof <''T>rn«r Drenfnrd pi and Arlington it., larg* aaenrtment lo eeloct from I Hoora, ail marked In Plain flfurxa, at priona to aui^rlaa you. everything to furnleh in* ’

W stchci RBd J t w J r yDIAMGNDS AND WATCk RB ON CKMMT. B«ei value, eaey lerme, airirtly cobfldafMhA

ROTAL n1A^U^N^ A WATCH 7)1 Weehirigton et . Wxahlngtnn bldg. WlfttW call or phone Mkt. I*** R«pr«aentatlWaaplllbJEW'FLHT (mm fatiory in ronsumer; wed*

ding*, parly prlxoe. gradaailona. aaaAe tp nr ilireri (rnm alCKk. A, M. JA C K ,«

Ltawreiire et.

$ d uNKw an d skcond Ha nd SAncs,


t a :




home, letlud-


xlth eeah. B, ■ H Btm eL. Moni

- 4 4. AutoofiteUlrj 'pkooa

I AJf iha man wbe ta leektug fer eld mtk SN tesartsUbAa* fa* >sss end par* per*

p*MS: h^kSeet pHeea. B. MlESR 4 LEn< MAN. HI UxIngWoe el. TeL Wavarly 9*14,BIIT prtea* p*i4 tm aM agfe. aay eendi-

t(as. far pan perpeMs; martiat prfae* for tirea* aarxp metxi* F l^ u tF COOPER. IM- ISi^T iagetan a t ; tal wgx. 4919._________M l iha guy wbo la laaktef (S iMiy aid narx

ar btirsed car* far Ju n k purpoaaa; I am psylag 9*9 la M99. Poatsl ar ^pkaae IIJT MATBR. I* Pa r a t, M atflalr.|^ ■ .F A S iiK G E f^ a 1tla vsniad la aschanga

for alra aaraw buiMiW IM: xglae M*^,

SU model Pfrd pfwfemd. Csll atdre, Hi rtUe ave.. Bloaaafleld, w* 9,___________

HIGHEST caab frkee paM tar aid aare fot _^ank aad part Mrpaaaai wrli* ar 'ahone Wavarly tlTI J. 4 EONS. tl4-)l4LiTlagaHR at. .Wawark, N. J. _______Wa n t e d . H paMester hbK nm^rlxa* me.

ahanlcal oobdlUen ss4 lata teadel: Reo ar B«l4k preferradl esatb W. A. PBARBON. IIT MaStelAir saa-

deeMe e n ^E Isr amd eeat s«w sfflte IMiSSUi: will fflva i S4M fam parw laalihbaM h«tes vHttea up asd

^ c e A iV T io A M M w m i tH m ih u . ■*)•

FOUk I9tl tawte H i Mla4 b i t A

B x » y k C ^ !

tMftop. h w to«p .■■ ptoPAPtT

isifiald srw T lloatefM C

In* parlor and library furniture dimng room furniture, bed rnon furnllure, kitchen furnl. lee, aarpeu. ruga. Ilnoleunye, eta, etc.DREMKRS. rhiffannleri. waatuiUnde. hraea

nail iron bed*, epring*, matireaae*. pillowy alldlng roeebe*. new and ueed. cheap CAN TER I. bl Academy etDISH ek»e*Ui, M H: kltrhrn eablneta. t*.

wardrobea, t l ; rook *tnx«x, ) t; hall rack*. t) .l9 : ofbar furniture rbtap CANTER'S, 94 Acadaenjr atENTIRE boujiehold fumlahinga, In ftrat*c1naa

enndUlon. parlor, dlolng *nd bed room, alao china, no dealerx. 141 Houih Stlieenih at. ______FURNITURE and a Sttinway upright plana

at xery low pfte»e: giving up Knaackeap- laS- Addreaa rum itara. Bom L New* office.FOR KALE—A email gaa range, I'bem ar:

twadi oae auniaieri win aall far |4 , oaai 99. Ml Hunterdon at., d rat floor.OAE r a n g e far wiia rbaep, on acoomit of mov4sg, Q. iL WILLIAMS. 41 Uitcaln axe.HOtTSBfioLD gaada for tale; no deaiara,

private axle. lU MUford avA, id floorIF_yeu Ara laaltlag for bargaina Mwe ta iM

WaaSiAStafti aLi grand piano. | | i . goad ae saw; ntadlum.ns* aafe. «hxAp. teateA |l.99:

WE pair 9)1* beat piteas for aid aara la iwryexwpta. le xp hi x ev^nvnre,HAffe*t i l l l * .

lO P f ; PBAT <R T O e,

I tMU-^

HP POKD tinA tavtl f i tp taAffcAAltal MtoIrpplAta. •■%■* itaM rto tn M p*to* j a ^ k .

taAdllln: wk*r* MAW

Do* **.

Ma* or toPttf*

ta x W aIm tot. n c u f s r i M C S & S F 3 &



weePsiseA tto.! topikor plltoA, I to , aoP a pr*Ai •lAn)' Mlwr thtoiii 1 wAll <am with•KAlop daafm, 14 ( t l«M' **<1 tor )**. onto • I**; I Utont ta«* «•*. K ft. l*Ap **ll t*ri n , ta ta Ml.JACOSMAN OaIAP r««B nit*, t t i n l pHiPA.

Mat tlTL a l l f*r IM ; ■ll••l•n Atninc r*ota ------ p M hM*C ahtoA cImm . tApto

tA D tie f tP A pit iiAw. 1 Aitoihta ppp kPt

Im A wPOR SAJ^E—Severei piece* heavy lambOT. la

cursdiimn. ix ll. 79 (L long, (g l), 14 fl long. pr<)inpl kdloh oecemary; taka H1cK*rnD«lt1 Lxr DAAKL-MORRlSON FapOT Boi i-o , Mb Sorrh Third *t.. Newark,

Bm IirAVO*; fm bai* u*w1 one montli, will aaU

rhrep Addrftee Lock Box Tl. Newp eftlaAHELEN. It fnnt motor buet. fully eattlpwOd*

*94. havv no uee for eante. eeen at Fss> Mic River Vechi CKih. Hxirleob. JOKIf FELBCK. 7t berluhlre pL. Irriaglon.

TWO row* for eele. (’haibain. N. J.

Cp w iP- MALLL Bawar Is m .

P i nCHESTER While Pig* far estn„

hexvy Itork. *11 we4ke old. I t per JMir. River*ide Ferin. Boonioa, N. J ; talepaasa top

P i(P «H144 LARGE eiuab breading Bigeosa^ Om*

ne«ux. Rny'Xl While*. Swiee MohdaleOa Show Homer* Cali Saturday aJteraaoa. l i fGreen e i.: bargain.

S i |UT«t BH"AD HT


F r a tp n t l Fobs u d E a b l a x iFCBS and emblem*. xM eocietieo; dbanM.

loA'keu, rinta. ellk bedtee. ctnalold b«t(a«4 Newark Emblem Co.. 104 Broad M- Newapfc.

AUCTION SALESv s n r LJtnaD AMonTMC.'tT o r r m a


W. W. RBID. AVCTIONMH.m l , tsmomw (PrtdaiM, Jn tf II, t t a - manrini , t ■• •0 A. M. At m nraA in, t I , !T Arllnfton at.. v ,rr torfi A tagrtatat AltlouHhoM O w l. InrlBdlnf__

uiANOi, FAktLOP Iin riM i TAblM And OhAln. Ptot«r«. Min u d aiH* Wata, PwttonA,

WHltfO BOOM »CITM»,•uTtoU “•A, PurtfltA, Bito^C ulr* . CMiA





- r ■l»a_I«»'»*'S;J i 3 N o n c i ^

“ B IMM ■*.. Ir l■iT< M hmA ha a n a i i^ tm¥* mid Inrirntm^ W J S W

i'1 ? S i« 3 S sa '3 i -------------------------


I t » r —

r*!KS.‘1S Sl? ^h *"cSSl i f wWi* N» Mift*i . K v « u w « u ri**ip*«.

i%5gwa"c4is«» ^


U n cE M Ul* M M ^ - -*■

I o o U J a * in n rA M . R. /.

'A M

'iw A D M A fm .w a | j j n r *“*■, flrfnrhnvB im

S E ‘a r « j i^_____ M, 1M*.

‘SL*t2S!9lri« i£SS.“V. T','’SS<ti■ < Wawwy >t‘

triLWR., R. I.


i M<r ** * » "• w«A»««. »•• '**■

■otm , cAMBAfin. n c


lf* ll i ». An w AMO ITMO MAC

■ L a c n u e a o r o t -IBtiT.ARO tao o iiR -

w a r s h o v ib . <T!¥SU!ST 'PNORR »«1«-l«n MARKRT.

A m ic r io R —A M« «w « • ••iM ta th « i*n u 4 m Rw*

II to. kr • tR MV •" * ?M t o ^ n i l : I I to. I f I W - « # c i rUmum mgtm*N*. I i IMIwi w*** ***!^*??R*. I «»aa»rm hrmumb ’" ^ 'T U ,—,|Airtl. W iee ltoIHM’RTRIAL RACHII.RRTOCWART,

bom b v w ti4 JIS JL I*H .M l eerw A w . AAAmm Hi Bm H i N««t 9 tn m


R il« laA i l r U iw k i r irvAlilA M-

liM B r' 'w i#n iR V B L .r 11 1 w a r m ir o t o r m

■u lta ra R*aL^K!* !5 '* * I l l ‘! ' J l * - l h ^m A lipii ikM lvtili n k iMj k « Rm A Ifci iiM 1 M »••'

II.Ih R ivto» AT ■ K M . ll-lK k H to c A» J t A?A- ik iv to c kr I n.

«r«. Airmw «Mi -w -A— ^ y V J - i :

“ t 4 b wriTARB RBM^yiABf.IMM W W IkHr^ •'JtT'll* 1 ITl «*««■ ki*.. WiVA^ R. t -_____

~ A klkkll IAaI A liiton DM kN H la V ttA IkAlTlAliA) RkAlPl.

k 1. eoUiBOB rn k - Rikw li ■ i lk HkiltoRS S S s 5 u .“srfcJs*«i iv ^ i— AAt. * 1 ^ R a i l , k tok M kwl * * -

f / . R s a « 5 s * i*H M «iiA _.» . ---« r 4M*MTi MlItfh.

"“ 8^£ BARJO, klOUR. iiiAR o u n iR .


llurlM r M LZ!*f' C w i i m t m •<. BiR**'klM aW CB A B ® ^

■H ttAWkiSiiRi—

MRR. WCHlioilR. RkkAMii **JSm Wi i n i t y i : n

w « Nr RMlW »a4 N ^ * » . . S i ;■tokiwilk « ., MAT IkilkRflNA ! « . . »»*•l i l iw w « « t( rHARRAOB.

t3L . IL. RlAlIkk AkiAI I IR RRRRR rik ll lNA 1 < 7«W "RA*W

MATrRBtilRR isA M k ililir to f toiAi «*•» l l r*kl l* k rn lA lv ll: l l >A kM virk

( ^ m Im A UIROA. m i %rto*nRA I 'A i lat R i w l r l i l t .RRR. RORRARR. UkM l l r t ^

toMU to U 4 nrt n■toai H.. lrMk«iiA • " klMki >"MflM CMiif,___ __ _tc tR M n n r r v iAM hh wm * iaa n ik

M M B RANROH. ! • • iito.

ORTMCM 1 » A ^ J ^ . * » • iN k»— ■*!•Htoin: 'N u W i 'itoAsiA. AriA, tu rtit ro cL 11 C M M ir*



MMP rk lu rH AK im

BARB BOOR MV. **M1l. I w A kr tk i H ivvA m t i v iMIMkItoA; n ^ i > ^

k m ilikRM. TlkAM to rMMrtrA to ^ i tonw 11 tiH kAik. 11* BtikA RriM. Mivwh. M. ii

““” « 3 £ S S - : i £IPBBI-Jj. TBRO*-o r RtROiRa.

P k m Hirfcil n i lMR- t^ A B U a r . BICBBOBR. II

I AiA.; iH lm v n to for toto.

HR. ARB MRR. fUARCIRCO. O ^ l k B ill

to irk m of n m r RitoA

•»•■ All w ^ .I s Iw ta iB l# la N ^ a rh ; elaaa a»d•MTV naa#hp aisMt; a<lMlMlaa» laelwiiBgSSaa, H a r a a l a t *---- - •- ---1-----— m* mm rn M MBM ' BatTAU■I' m n AMMi' prlTito

m f il iR i iftorm noj iiA iru toR i liUHHt: VI f u n k t o i la r A nn* . - AMRrito w M lll itoiA iirtlM rllr _T".-------------- -- - i-m fllM

" i k T S ' K s r i . n t i i ^ i i s r - ik a t I4H Markat.

iMklAi.. «RR> T tu t MitoU ORIV Ml

RAMBBOOB Ri . IIMA*. ItoiiA kr 111 KovirA R in im IiM Itilta ii * «

k H i iliRRiA. T toA w to r l v u i A to i » « lU H I t tk i kiak. I l l RmA M., Ri*i>k M J

■ ir iT k lir to-. Hr*‘PkiM l l l l - n i l Rirtor.

R i a B * L A l S * l f i ^ A ^ O O L R BOt'UHT ARD R0I(B.._ T R * R .R .R R .O R ^ R D ^ f l^ c if lR .* « o r

rkaaTlIT l'ItV I Martai._________

orociA U

\if Mk«t. Maira aCflaa.

s £ « r S f J « S 5 £i j w a i i s s w r elAAlI l l Bl l lR ir. B n

. to toirk Itook

JURT R— M BBAO o r rJMm m im m b i‘I* a '

tiRAPT ANDIBCBIYBD ioIgr DRAI • MORIBR nA r Nr ito to o i» i ■



BOABDIRO kan iN A , ■

pH m tAkto

U M L P T A T l W t i m ^ C I T T

w f f i f ^ t n S t W S o ^ T K S r .A M m nn tIRMI AvMIMR. v ttt ftoVRA RI

ftot lAMto*. to o rin A n toMNi. ___rkWRttoi kni. urtoR rtoto.OA___ _ toA — A..' IL toAto-_to_ MmA.


Tto 111* O M y k lA II II^ B * rp . R T. O tr .

RltBR W. RaRBT a RRO^ . M II BJIIDOB t t . . HRWARto R J.

TBU epH O R R^I MULBBHRT.Jtoi itotowA "^iSirA " of r o i iM l r * ^

R n ti uA ktohtoto k « « A All toorovekiR! T v . ^ '^ k ‘; . r

•‘• - , r S 7 R r - " ‘ R RIRR^T.HORAH BOARDRD


RB8T RirtoC totol llA ^ -ktol lotolllr: tov rtoil; VIII

If lolA >1 OMi. AAArtoi Nov* ofttoo.

vunSfTTn s n u :

BARBBR ikOR tor t o l l A M R«*A *«B H R I.(OOA looiU oi; I VO rk iR ij toll o i i m m t

«oii« A v ir If* BliitotNI^ ***. ButotoB:• k h to tto piM fto

■ larraatOT Pw« aaa»wwp-R — w-—

» .„ - . iA U o of 111 ktoAr. Dm M W I ^ . 1 g*ntk OriAii ir i . Til, MmrkM II1ABAKBBT~ror toll c k M I

• n . CiU II* U N ytoti

S C I - r t t l i* 'S S t r ; i i S 'c . " R m w a K &n « B m 4 a t ^OOMFOCTtOMBMT. md^_ m d

ItoklA II f i i r i , viiAlT ilMikW 111! <1 liM : ivm ftoto****.. 2 to "* * 'n i l . i n RitokifR r u Mir.

kMifetoi. Ntolir'i RM-*TiiiV i*‘ii«ir. IN I Iliik im ru to i u A kllk. ’*?WMri5torl’'kilJtorA rtoto, tow ik to r n v• lA to iro r m

“ 1 Ni toT k i Til to v to tk M1.IM: ik i k m ik i A iaU m iA N r f l l .M I , ik i ir to i vtoiN . )tl ,n A . TIM f i to n i to iA k r :TtoRR'eV u i t i

. i f Iki riAitUr


Im k l l M Itoilli to., 1 m UMI rito- Am i ifl w v tr fitoliA 111 l l All « • • Alltoi! A riito i, M k , ktoek • ! " « »•tlTto tolk. IVltoRlS 1 BH t totolUU kivto to to ITT itoRiil; kirAviiA noifi •IM trito. A flir n iB to i iN i it m t u t ik n r n VMM i S i i # IV I it lir M.IAI. M r u r v n Im i , I k n iim - m i l i i l i vMk M M l ik M II ll votok lll.l* * l H m u l k i SpIN iiiAju^ BAtoaaa Wtoto... ■

UAL OTAn rot i*ti-<Nrr OP

o r . .

O aM R . AlA ftoHHA'i BMr.. Bivtorto

TVO-RAJIILT ovtoi to uiHHvi. ■ 111 Um. vlll toll MTf l iv to l i - i i * k y * r.

M iRMto. AAAtoto O rv if i. B to * •* *•tflol*

OcRRB O rta>TRB 111 Nr r m . m r to i irto n , kw<

■toikkorkiiA: n r r Iw m , If AulnA. Ai- R m Ootoi, Bia III. R m if tk i .


m u l k i AipINinA i i r - AIAM. M lkl oRir LOCIR

[QBR. In ., ItoM kaUAlif.____iiR .rA M n .r h o u rs .

u iT R in . I ll* vHkvtik 1 %____ f i v i r i r m n

ektok,' toiiUM i toiAHIto^ ilM, k y . J ? ! mA A m Utototo iM J iv iN " r * ” * « irk v llk klovw iiA oitlirlto AAAim

tTRA* AHR. IH BlIktorT t o ; '* k m B ir-

K ie r m i f f r o t m i m o * O R jra iA T g w

I t lla<*litata a*. 'rkana l■ ll‘t l l l

V**a )Mt anriaai laaO a * --------------^


B A ta A i r o 'S ic H A R o lo ^ * * * ^ll- l* BRICm v llk t o i iR to U tha aWara•< aaira momm mm " rT '-

WM A A to t AMfj k i r m v i l tM u I.IA* l l l.AAl p m l r . to l l 'l l llkfTf!

ifiT 1 1 1 ktoli

1 1 t o m BmA i t B*rkto toHOTOr'i BOUOKT. ROI.D, BBTAimBa» i r ■ ------- ---------- —„'m M r itot'ifi. A r i_ _ „

■lUl 4 ii* m 1 * m l l i i — . -----^toMHAUtolr. *1 •*; tototo rm ito • " •••-


•I RARlKlrli t o i l i r i ---- ---

to l^ ..iir liu fiA iiA m i l

I b roR. r oiintTO B RT.

WA •!••«*

cv>..(j i Bi t i t m m t k i .JrM ; IMV lOA >*•'■

i i< r ; i to i~ T ii t l ArlriM I H ir i Ai™**toi»k n tk i 111 Iki ik to i ktomAbtomM aaJ tkar afa aa aiiaatlBaallpST” . . ; - i n i S - * t o . n S j . « . ^ ato 11 ilwir l i to m t to ito ikli Nt. u I m wH m to i r l i i uA lU lH r. ■ ii** ^ a r iu A .k i lA ktotol to k llA ^ tk ll

Oo r f b c t io r r r t , m iN m r iM• to n Vllk M H ' r ^ r ; r ^ u m ; Ailic iiiA ktolitoi. u

tfM n f i to J M M totom ik m .OORrBcrloHRRT iiA In m m to m . *w

to ll; irlto II.IM. AIN lu k . !•*•»!• iBMtkW n m —tA AAArito O n to . B— - “ iv i ifllto.II. N il

CORTBCnoRBRl. u k u i i . •“ m m ijM M ttoi to m i lektoi c—lv ; ItomiitotoiU^

—IT Ik—* to liR k kwrir. rk—k m l . 1*1 W ir m to _______ __CUHrBCnORBBT. iM m m . * S ■ MR All CMilii in . . >;7 M tto«. N

uA k itk i a—A — r tu R r . *rl

JBowmMARAB BIWWMB-—.illr k o m v ltk ill Itokrtoi- lielvAlifr toMto k i l t Im tM

I-N ulli —r Pkrk 1 1 1 . N 1 Am m M u U il •to tkU rkuA . N iBMtol i l |l,44*. It ll vtotk III.***, k«l Nr t m m m •VM r vill Al—m i t H l l 1 prlei vkNk v tll i k i v 1 HIT t i f « i lu i to i t i to- ito tir. TkN t n u r t r N u n m N i t r AtolnkN f ir t in k iM r v U viilA rtolAi 11 p m i l m lAlVtR RCBLBRINORR.


BBW kMU. w m m v i i loA k iik : ill In- to i— toto, H m tritoiA t ro rr r ir . 1 '.*” ''

■ u r t ir i i i . I l l Nr f t m Rrti R, R. Alitto^ •oA BIwotlllA w . Ml kto im . A. RTRIA' RR. P irk to . Rm toiA . N. J.

O n a fRB R A C m rU t. KV cvIlfiNI kM U. I n ito l, I

—tk i. i i i r r 11-11.Alto Itoll.: l u l l |l*<. n.lA*. ORBRR. I l l R m d it., N iw k .

S '

rORflST HtLltoI m a m tm A ^l«k>«laaa

FAKHa faataay alta^■>a»a^*^ **'—■fftacAaiir

r BallMliaa {avkvarr aaah haatat |BIH, «MIi OytMa^^ r aaaa; ba

aaMratair a l aacrlie*: I t raeea, la. U • •w tte . T ae la ti Xfim aM

ariaam o i

taaiT ap*a(atiaaai fat eaMfaH; tSliSTl liOirri OCHUftt*

la las hallAlAf.

■abUeaiersi taaaaa>»aai« b- tmw v-h a il k m to l l m u A lUaMO aa wartaaiaO. * ¥ r A- FATTBRfoif,

iw«. «arMRA««« rnmm --■* -v, ---- -a-*-»A kiiA : U i i m '*C,'**‘ * tm t m IK I r— fir tofum tlo i . K m ilAA-Mif RkL .TTTTJTm — ---------------- AO. miutoto la I*. • * *

rL A T F onv m a \ V ,ii2 2 I L S r lvafM . I « J fia tfar*V IM . IIA) ilAi f i ik totolito V it—.m M r t — viRW. *1* 1Utok. All: 11* ir ii rm " “ T J.'Ur i rn i l i r 'A itoR to r 'i v —m . * « . f» "•M l iNIftoto —AAlir'itv io ir l i i if irm to# v i t i i i '• m * •■rr.A . . . . Mir Jtr •■ororo lor-

CANDT, r l i i r , i t m i Hkiol, u r k , tito irlii

Ir: M ortfin III*, a m i

irrt l t i lp li’ AAA vtok-

. , . -------------- K tom i I ’m k ^ m .m l I I I . v tik m v u : n r i c k i m . IM WIUov to . RtmtlNIA.

RANBOHB'A M lto n m iTito " I m l l t o .ft u i r k . I H. r . ( I H l m —f u ^ p lto----- lalata. la aatfaatfarM aao

jltlaa. rtaio. H.

FBawar*. eaaiaiata, TaflUSRIlt Hi MOIIFIFOW. •Art*

J S 5 M m kvn.lirtoc-

BLBCTRIC ROTOR ARD RBTAlR CO.M l H i l a r t o . , , ___

RUM M tirr toilto lo ito lim m ! Im R •tock I t « r m t i r tm : • • l i r n i l iiA m l c iii to 1 1 —n i l R irk to ________________FOR 1AI.R—W toliw kto# to irn o ir r . ff

r i m ilto ii: m Ii i Wi Nr .--.t f i r i i r —A loAtoIrNI il i i to . n V?'*M. O. KI.RBMT. M FTrltotliiF to i » n .. iR l-

BROOCB—Btovtoii A iiA A I'cltok. * • * »—--- -^rr—voxwrov rAa i. tod-N ik l—iA IIMM krtork. RivirA If n i in iA to I II R M k Bto— 1 i nRADOB—m i iRm UI r to m UAfi No AH.

r r i m to J. Oia RRBTTIRO, III Cuirto ■lA, lllF.DOO—m t , krtoAN kiHAit. viWkliA **—I

t l mwiAa v llk v k l i i n m k k i tv m irto- U m n III. BN m lN lA ; rawirA R n tiru A . HR. BU R REU T i ** B ik ito ilk « ., Rtom. SilA. A N *m H t o l M . _______________

KOtXAN RH O R-Rrlllktl T m R * " ^ totol Alto, iU i l . NHMto AntooiiA. m -

rkiM virfc 4—•: m i —AWi rkA tm . • * '^'** •*•., IrrlU to l. H. J.) to'- WlTtojT »* "ONR n-liirk ttofiiM i —t i m l l ; • 'iik i

kandia lath*: l-l* FttIWI w e^ '■**it'ml** FrylMI haail mm JOHN BAtfT*. HIT CUa- laa at . Habaiaa.

T*aau MBir^m *•» -■»»— ^w- -m ii toi. II* t i l HtotolRll i r Aiilill. POKLR_ l»A AirlotniM m rto B im ilk it.. Wivifk

iPRCIAU AAI.R.W i k iT i Am*— 'i.A liM iito to ^

BRTIRR I.IRR o r RRUB A TUTTl.B AND CkARK'l ItoUIlf 1— !•<■'•* Itolto . H m l m i n m . iinM m k : • • nfn iA i. u

CARDT. <A«U1 iiilto iirF —A f m *l l to : pipAr r m i ; i t ii-Atoi

CM Uto. f i i r H rti r iito i. toito toll »i f lc v u t to i tk i r iwwto m l l N i t m i k i r iCAIH n ilito r. Hick to pr n i rito. A r r - t* nkA_B mtotoltojR toi aa#B' BABBar aap alhar Wad traalad at *2aad haat prtaa Midi tta mm mm pMOM. H I Brwa a t: f t a a a |g l l¥ Waaarly.DCLICATMiKN. iraeary ¥ara» Maal \mm*

IIM. Cllataa Hill aartlaai « a ^ rmwm •allWC Addraaa ■lafa* Bam U. Hava ag»ftca -

* a ll* Y lle« * tesSviw etB i^laeePla tetha. Biaaai haaU laataataaaaaa hat wataci

iv'to rriHAto— iiA A m ril— : AM** m i | r f i ii r iT ii toiN ; vlll u U ll.i** f ir

RT.. IM -III—Twi n i l ki

f ir ( i i i r — toiN .N r itock H tm : n liR

iiui«. l i i t o n 1 1 1w m ' fi l m fto

C U T RT.. II. tm iA Awr if f BmA to. v m —Rrirk A villlif. I* m m . i " l«*roi»-

to—lr. I Wtoki ItorkiviBoi. II m to iia t ltik to ' v tA V T a'tv i • l i in ”’'iMimli ( * a»N1;k i r a . A w ir rRBD c. i h i t r .

n RRR CBRT. iH f im to m t o i n u to m n i l . r n l n u l l l l ill lU kniek to) to l l

m l « c k u ( i CARL. MAU, T m ito

W ill O raaiBDARDT h i m . I ruMA, k llk . iN ito . AH.

•Iitonolir: «k to A m : I to n pito: i i a L tov iiro ^ k : I IH ritoi. All p a i i —U .. .■ .^ j l L n y i r w ; n BmA to.. R m rk .


«»S Braad

fKALlA iva-f»«ltv l l to

air kMU. l l m io M b li to 1 —lo BiRktmIk to., R ivtok. l ir vill triA i l l tor pnp to lr N MipN;

DRUCATBRRRR torn , ll « m —toiiw toi-tltoi. lir toll: riol III. I l l / i r k m i n , ,

jr ro rr CHr; m » i

aaia, ar w»n v * « ■■ i m —VO—. In tlf to o to Vfm Or—«l: to. . .to i.t . . Addfaaa Haaaa. Baa HIr na«aeaMlllaa.afflcai


CBRRTNUT gilAlii. i l I. iklck tot 'kto'"** nara. 14.1. «va raai taad r«mWo»l*aa haraaa far tala chaaa. avtrjr Iflal allowad. aald far bo mail. HR. OlIiHBHT. 14 Mfatia aT4L. Maatelalr. '»haaa U4t

i KVrdBIrlBHBD airar 44 yaarm: Wd a«a m - pala «* io aall my •■lira *araaw aam-

mmmm. atack larlldai all hladi af blaakaia. madlclaa. alU. aaalpmaata and all rtora rutaraa. aaa at tha h ^ l •JJJaffarrd. larattlaaia. ,W H. HUTAN, tfd Broad ■* _____

D O O -lrtadla aad w h H a ^ a a a a a M i 1« tM aa*# af Bahi aalta

v a rd V r a la m l^ ta H.Mtfh M-. Havark, M J.

m p p iutoi.jMa rO'


RMRLRM~Lato- — l .liito i i n . , knvto* C—ln l A— 0***t*l 1 " . , p r i i f i . Nk.

vllk KilRkto to £>*mkM itok lii. m 'l t o

K dlaiaaad rhlk; rawkrd. Ratara J. RRT RCMLUBR'i IA*Nl Ruttoilr.

i ' k —N. 11*^* R m A tou'RN: T m t Htoto: a m il l M iiiiir.

^ £ r m . 1 . A R iu i llto . Til. Wm . IlM.

S B R U m RCBOOt. OP LAROUAaB*. IAAWiBiahi to . O n i t i P m rk ..O tr* i i , >— ■wMi, lA tli. ilfMli;


BHBUUI to B. i f C. toto l l lU Tirlilir to " I S S k iA e m t t o i ^ v i r A II n t . f i -

to nMOR PAVIR. *11 BmA it.PUR—Itoto, r—

lu b lo P irk . BIDCK. Mi

f « far, Baaday. ka Idakuriad

lE kulldtlif.

la W»a*; rtwarA

MAP i f proptoir 1 1 R u t TN*I Witorkitoirn u l» rR ^ M .to * B m A . In iip tio tn ilir

tu r to i R to lir V:*1 A. R.. Pridir. J i lf »l- RivirA v i l l b i pilA t l f l im to itollNiifn » w ... . . . . — pilA — -----A. i . RTBAROB. A* I r r l i f pi..PARI—Itoto. MU— p m . R iv TiM i i RnA-

lir B u rk , — T i wAir. JilT II. R*i*r»to (* WARrWb R. llA* C H ltii i n . iN Ilf i n . rivATA- _____

PRIRTIMO p tm : tm M il : N p m■—ir foil p«v«; m iki ilfto. f r to i iu

•f tln . 1*1 RlmiiflilA i n . , R iv irk . ip — aaaalaa*.

___Macklaary41? Fifth at. Tal. 1411•AW TARL.C* loA tokir M»l

WERI.ET TIDRT. I ll PiDk -R. B. RhlfllM. k t ip l" . pto 'iri. kllltol.I, I. II. I!, II. f l Itorto ip rtfk t k t o l r ^ n

IM II loromtoln fcolllr in w kllli. toto— iiA p i i r i i i —A. HI C itoM im to.UNION R lrh n i Cl., I l l o n -

to ll—, v i i l i m rlito i v irk , p ir li t i l u k l P k iu III! W lrirlr. ______

THRCR k torr k iw i , r — llA tollA .A—kll koniMi 1 — v iio to M A

UBICHBT. Bfaak*lm Farm, d* *'®r 'HaHknald ara . atP tlaa*f»olr. B aatOraat* .

irTABLlliHBD grtftmry caraar;lva-faailt> kauia, iJIlata* Hill aaatlan, da-

ta f *4eaUaBt kaalnaaa ApalP tlraaary. va* Naoa affloa, Irviaataa.

WAtMlHd—Far aaia. Un-laaad badr. ■an*W* far llfht d*Uftry ar haavy haaUa* balli

martal: aamt o*w. all In fandjtlaa.a w i r r d oo.. tmraalk* rd.. H>arar. !*' J

BjrTAPMflllKD J^rmr aaajhara raUawraat.will aall at Barrific* to a**!**!* ^P *r. A«"

dr*M J*r«ar. B a ^ ll. K*wt off*«* _______ _

BAKRB 9. laaadrr «M*®. *•*-h.. iitototo km BtoRiAk aaV______ l■■uml r *•—» —» J—» — -n i o l r H in t— , n iv t l m . to m i l l l F

• l u l i x i t l i r i , v lll toll cb—p i m o i t t i l -vliailina ailBA W. Wl— tovii vtooto^ ^tlaa aat«. 11 Hackilt at.. H*wkrtLTHBICB kaary. aanad tmrk baraM

a 3 raaaapakla ottor rafaaad Iftaulra 4** Uarkat at., ar NaVatk Bay dnalttaa aod Ba- ftatat Ca.. iHuia Falat laa«.

CEMRNT rnlmr. iaaal*aa. «maatka. aarf#ct A-a«dlll«a. will aall fk«aa

(ar toady ta r t . I t l »mr* at.

M B tU m n W rb»r4WR RUT v r ip i™ . krito. —PPM.

H r.: alas aeA'aad'ktad a^arklwiry RKICHHAX * BONB. n i Farhkorat rt.POWRP prtoi H U l t l 11 to '*

•kaaOT aad latWa: irtalj * llllaf• napwr IP»»w, ■mwii mil. toAAArtto r n a - B a t - l L J H g l a l P S =

HANDPOMR c h to in il poor to r t — A I—'I r—n ilA, — A. l l i i t Roitttolr

RIAIII •rk —I. II RIA'I— o n .. Moniciolr

FOR PAIR—Colotrr Pot*'. T ':.— - j „ mllto from Nrv Virk: Urol— '" . . J '" ; p.rouo tollm ll rlllip i: n«" kolM. vllk ill moAirn Im pn.rm rnli: i t— 'k im o r m of lonA. Ailnl io— *>"'*•"■. *V I, rtopn. Alipoillif on oorouBl l l 111 kototh. no irKSm AAAnto Pmpirono. Bom ll. Novi ofriti ______________ -

fornllk— . t l

BURT w orlfln f l u two-NmllF.^RI. T m - ■act ara.; parauoi Taora. •lartrlrtly.

•rm, ip -ti-A iti, 111 lA illl. Artri Nr lotcj ntotopipi n.lAA: m k i m r otfor: —'rk Anl. I l l CiplNt Ml.. Ru< O n ip i; im - p k m IlltW O r iu i

HILDBbV aNT. mittlopoto'; toflM t i l Wm - •rlr M l., u i r IprtoiflilA •••;) will toll

ml piMIc miction — mneioni of dmilk to Iho k iih n t biAArr: in l u r vill-CiTII. tkm -rim rr, f irm o -ru to koimi. No. ITT W in rlr mn.. SmturAmr, J i l r 1^ H

r O R S A U O R a C H A l f C E m S ^ S H O U

BXABLBT BBACH—Taar abaaaa ta eaeW «aay 4-roam boafalair, valar. tm . laCm;..bimk. A_--m-_. __ AMmlmatoR IAKNl-toltoR v-ivu«*T iFNIIIVBIlpW), W»1V0| _ i

lot l l i l l l , AirUk froBlaaa o« Ftatekaf ^Akaabd ava : roam to bulj[d aaalkot daedalav^

ONB'FAMfLT. «n*U Haa»a. « daHrabl* caraor. lat IdtlM (••!; l l - l l Tr*m*at ava

Ikdttira at LBONABO'd aftlca, raaik M, U Cllataa al., NavarkFOR ratorad; IlM raah will bay 1 ar 1 fam­

ily kaaea. all 1mp«a-.:. a.Hr.IT ■fPOW, Oil im^B. . wwwr movoiv-F .lalklp. BNOrSB. m Halkatry at.

riN B thraa'Camllf caraar k*uaa aad l^o ■taraa far aala at aaat arira. ladwtra

a«aar. H Wrkaraaa at., lay Qaar

A foad barlaf *1^MMito Fidlaowf. ak .3 F**i^*** ^

raama. fm viikrt;dralrad; m rtt ba aald by tha la t M Aak- lai^d ■!.. Woat Omafa

BUB^BlI TfBB far eamasa wkaala n i ^ mbaata aa*rar(A lavalldi' rbaira atc^ ara

aa at HAHIaOpTB. T» Baath Oraara araiOHS ^•aia varR barara. will work

artala aTdJabl* A F BABNABD. ?fi>rtk ArUaftaa. N J. Tab# Hark*haa^_carF ^ r' IALR ml —ol: b irji »m»on mnA kmr-

noMi call aalrh. PHIl. HAIBKT. IIT BavantaaaiH ara.. aaar g ljh trta th at.


TTaHTBP—Aitm m klli ArNNi ito—u . M ill m m . AAAnto DttotoA. Bm> I. NIVI to*

B S T T C A C E L O A N S -R E A L H i m


RA— NPrlRIIrn lrk i— i n

imtklo f l — tm u w inllmblm Nr nRPfto. Nmvirk A— Rmini C m tp , I i n p i n r ; tllm to i f ftto oAUli ar> eU—lm; In mil t u t i m pirtolAliA to

—u to l fm lF *llkCLARBMCB A. RRAMAR.

A llto ll PtvA—I tol RIAr.: 111. I l l R i lUiTF.HtUTOB B— AIm —a U— 1 Atootoitln fc-

to limm i p « n t i l o r k il lA lip ■— llil~ m riR fC i p i l l to ipoo p r tn l i toirt- ■ iM Ii u —n u or —nmliiA— m m ^ —N .ptyiRiRi piin. A ipir iKF ofnnmi to m m ilittH i r I t Boupto) • iffl—, Rioto IIA. a iB lltlN I ktolAlii. __________

PIN—I—I. to v iiiA f—i m i i r AN. iu rk i.1 (I. W. N kill. Toll. 'HR- r i —to to'*"" '•

III w m im to.. R m o —u i i nw itd.P IR -U W . Tkir—u . ji lF •*. ii'A *•' vltk —1 Aliina—. AAAnto R. )■ R.. Ill R m p i. WwtftolA. R. A.: nvirA ,

HiaHRRT m k p rim Nr I—1»' i — m t oclM-iff clllk ln l mnA ok w : • '— . '• ' ' ' ' 'I * ;

TfkUNU bmm Nr toll, cub- of will toll i f friAi f ir A PtoA cir. Iniulro II Ik im -

U n to.. cltF-

FOR A A U t-ln 'bvitoniii. • " * « - — »—

SIX. ROOK holto Ilf toll; 111 llBFrnroiMBti.—rmpr; itmbli mnA wmpon bnuM. £u-

WARD HOFTMAN, II D iv ir mt.__________• i n CARA. kmlmnri n n l. burn AmmAr n lv

h im . —Ir H-IIA; plot IMII*. *Ad----|ln^JJi,iJ ,_N i*i!j£ .l“ ■ ■

ao« ovw . ro—m lo oyii a aovkavi ip—u*™aa«. lira la tko atkar. aad kava JP*-

aummar avllna fr»«; eicbaada far ffwod lat city ar auhtti^ ar twa-fartlly- O w aar^ aaH ^ N av ad tf le j^


AH attractlva aamancr buaialav far r tia at Ocaaa QaU. .V. J . aa Tama Blvar, altwaUd

aa lionf Braach ava., katvaaa Navport aad Narrafaaartt ava*.; lat 44iilM; llviad ream with apan ftnplaca. Ikraa bad ra4iaa kltckta. claaata. tollal. balk, a tik : cHl walar, parch 14 feat wM« aa tva Hd#a complttaly furaiabad: term# vary raaaaaabk Apply la D. J KBATQR. aa pfamlaaa_


^^^**fc=s=U U . i - 0 1(U T O F

•mmnn 'too lo— vlM.' to*.; ntlftm i f n » OTBORC.R b BOUIR. R tou—

ACBBAOB"—T acraa a( aaburkaB praparty.elty waiar, alaciHe UchU. bard road*. •■*

callaal lacaiiaa. a karffaln. A4dr«*a uvaar. Btaomnald. K. J.

S. JoPOR PA1.B- HootolOjt b l - o . o i l - 'A k ;^;m BAimfs—"««»»»■ WWW*-. -

r» m i. novif 'W"'*k*A- HT ■raaklF- Addraai H.. Bai al, Nava afflea.rUHNIARIin ROO R ktolnm N ' M'*: " «

mlBllw from B m d mnA Ri'k**; " ‘JJ room., nlcolr Nrnlokto; h i m m — vttk p .rm .M il —I n tlu A p»pU CaU II Nil- aaa pi

caat-alf clatklof and *baaa aad Tmtmk* r t ll t . • a a d ^ i a l f f *•*, Nafkat 4ttS. HR. CaHN. l i t Baatk Orkoda ■ '»

TWO taama. karaart. vaion n*-, fnr aal*.karrala. Call ** ■'k-* It < olUaa •* .

Oran fa

•ilc»BB-mWtii party vba taak Bdtr af cklld i •Maa off H am kart g . **r IkH Ja

Slaaaa ratam aaiaa t« Hava affica ar ta ad raaaaraaa «r|lTa« M^WlHda'af wrappini M a r ­

ika r tr ta art aaadad a i a aampla. Addr«a* ' ' Bai 11. Nava afflra.

SPRRDOMBTBR. off m OirtwrA trofli. — t»o PlU k W toll —Air. Pltoto Ml urn 10

LBWIR B B ^ . l i t M u m to.. No*i'k. inA n » l n nv irA .


MO am rtw OR uuM M iwioN c h a r q r d ORO. W. HAfiNRr,


RATBIIOOK BailAInc —A L—n AtooclltloiI— RtortlkCi m o u r I* ib iu b N to —It

I b iM m v i r i p n , v r lli

TIRB—Ltol b tov i— tk* P i r l« —nt Tkto llto. R iv irk . i»A Dillrrlli. —, (to—■

rirk i i t im ik l l i Hr* o in r ; polk lov , II n v irA J B l-iT . M ini o inn , Uilli- .Mil; Ito. RiiiM tlli n i i w ._____________ _TICKBT llto: IM-lrIp tk k it Novitk-BriA-

Nr B u rk . R itv rs to III Prrl!pkir»ni n .

HIOHF.BT p rim UlA l i t liAlto miA pioto v in i.r IIA toMiMr eiol-iff • h m told pnoul or pkoio Umrkll 'l l*

MK CMmRI.tP *11 Br—A t o . _________

PONT r i u k —I onA kmrprto for tolf tn- nilro I t WAONXH'I Htrkot. I l l H ill •! .

OraaRa( pd iT lALb —Htoto k l—"to ond * o ^ » .

rh iip . Appir ml OODtl'P. I l l Bnmll rl

"jrW ELFR, 111 BULBBHHf PT..V—. Hirkrt to.: kmr I'A fmlpi m th , brok— i r oiliorviM; brldpi • irk . AiiJ'. plltinom, brito, coppir iluirlnitn blpt-nto pricn pild for r .rm h ln i In N * i'r r to ir,TRAOINO .uinpm. milk " t * . . * " !to to taimcaa rMapana boaRkt^ aaldrh in t—. N:_f..‘> *P ’J'p‘!'*'liabla raupon if..

-----n, ------ - -tka aldrtt a'«d ra* anaat. »aar Mafkat.

lUOHiitll bfAC#* paid tar sania’ rlatkaa, kata, rtttaa and ovarraal*. m«ra than any

B tr.f rttoNr to '" * " 1 v i l f i l N ’Mk*. *1*4 ar 111 Harlfard at- MH liANB<J>

TWO tor rtia rkaap.dal at.

l l Cammrr-


r iiB M «b4 OrgRBRbaboainb .

Pi'BNISHFD raom haua*.newly furnUhad. ineoma Mt, rani Hi-

Addrraa Fiitnlahad, Sal *!■ Hava affW*.Oa BAOK; ajtrallant laaatlaa; wiaay cara_^^

rIoraRa. dnla* pnad repair t r j ^1444 poHtlvaljr vrarth dawhia artad. ^NORTON 4 NOBTON. »T Mar- kai at


CKTKAN OROVB—Fvmlakad tan-raam eat- tdia. Improvamant*. alactrlcliy: aa*r

ncaan and Iiaihtna rvpea: r*M |114 par •on Inqalra 4? ^ a rb ava.. Ocrtn Urara, ar MKTKB. 144 Ha/kai at.. Navrdrk. >bo«ia IS4J Uarkat"COMO LAKK PARK. B*lmar. N. Jn naar

ocaar^Tbrva-rLorr firnlakad baftS4K*'ja Auciut 4 ta 14. Aufufi 7 ta BaPt. 4 Inc.. II a waak- Addraaa BunRalanai, Bov g*i Nana offlca. 444 Main at. A*bury Park.

HeRW iRldRhCflOlCS biaUdltiM lata la Bloominfdaia, K. J . .

ton mlniitaa’ arnlk from MuidutkanTi* Bta- tlan. Addrwna Gawaral Dallvary No. 1. SlapfMlnfdaiai N. J.

C aM w sII BPSCIALIFE In ckalca mntdrncra. bailtj*

Inc Mtaa and farma. T. C. PItOVoST JU.. CnMwalL


iiOHR with licim i: ibN btoitlfml'r f*r- nNh.A iNv— roHB bouto. >“ * ^ ' "nl*hrd ai*v*n-f«#ni p—iwu v--

IliTo, i n .to k ir . ' H K ittR * ^ i i t o Rk bancr. HI MnrR*l t - room 414.

HAVk ft* bundrrd in r . FBAPFlBBr I* tNiaa aabth. Waal


TflAtilN*! atampa bonent(O' book* * <«pona. m*lk

vrappar#. 141 Markat at., room f l . I BIrIH upuilSllBLLA-^li«atr ianllamnn a ambralla, at

r K t " K wf Offir#. Franklin at Ravard444 Xftrwood at.. Haat '>ranc^.

M O T O R a C U S AND ^ C L E S

AttSHTlOH—Thn Mil SioalaJar, tka moat rarfMl ihraf*ap*^. *!»• laalrai

llckt m_i* wkrtla and tha iipnc wrianv i* - ■ -■ rl(h t ll biro: i v-irIki lllTT— : pritopl ic tl—: itb m l inmi- m-RI Ckll, v r i ll or _>kini tor iptoltoll—. i r t p l l F *■ Ill-A ll BtoOk bill*.. R ivirk .i lH 4 l* TO L)UAN on boiA imd m r l m i .

WRANr 1 — lu n I t 1 u r r—I. pnmluni:^ ______ _ . . -vp—ito.— rv t l 11—i n : no commltolon cbirpi-l

. M RTAl.niRD. I l l Brood room tUobl klHAtng.




m pwwawr* WI wii WAAIWI 1——tovto. U -to-to- —MdMWni af aarond-kand macktnaa *»"band: ana tka kmlth malar nhaal. tha Wcy i* pw kir MlA for rook or A * '""*";;:vei'’ crada Mcyalaa. I* dopn. II a Paak- HAVKR HiBD cycla Co.. 441 Broad at.

OHSAT B k n i <*nOH lAlK Wk kava fart raralrad a lari* l>4«lt a( klck-fmda bleyr'*a and auppHra Pplrkva muat aaM al otmt prloa an aecount of wrwf atiwk; all fooda iLryrlM H IM api tiraa. 44c up. ITHULTR C'yalarv. I4ta-4I Bauik i. m*”door balow Hovard a t.; tat. tfH lia rh a t^

EWKLRT—< Irt P"H. to ■ V itoVtok old NIto tort" loA Ab'd 'rowto. - r " p to I i Ml. lAI R ifk*' *'*OLD gold, "llvor. .r n p i of t l * '* ' '

iNllnum. NN. IrtohTfl Broad a*.. av#f Patty a. F- H. BAi.K'BC.

■Ilgitllr itod mprtgkti. l i t . IM. I ' l l . 4ISI larludlai anch Miakaa a* Conway. Pialn-

Bapar aad atham BaKKB Co .. Eft Waahlncto** naai **

I ICE biiinoto lor oolo: two • —* * ^ * r^ k wogosm. kmrprto. klrnnko^

I compNll. knt root. In kiulno." vlnur mud .uminrr. will

I If told mt ont. Appir in nwnoro ra ld o K l, 144 MkarmaA av*-. Olan Bldpa

r . COB NOB. naiad for ita da*p, rich iot»a qpid naarlai tjualttlaa, tha (alabracrd

Ballay I4M aald alaawhrra 1144; alapani

1 HAVK avrral fnod mmar for aa.aI rhrap. wrtu for partlculaft. ftalaon. 114

Broftil ot . Srwarh. N JW -W ilOy BRVV^ tow. ml • m . . rnmv ip rlik i. 1 R nntmvr. ivorr k*rm. II I, I I montblr HENHT iioriN a in -.

I I.C.SCH biolniM in ttrmdliF Boich. rimr

• B mwi.k*ik.r. ................... ^itaatk Oranpa av*.. opan unit1^l_P.icaia. 41

L-'Vt tl PaainwRB m ----- -- 'I ri>utid buainrv. fullyI rtfkr i m Addr.o. O. M . Bbor, Offlci

BOt'kk aad twa a«raa af pruund, »av frail traaa: hnnaa haa tan roopu and

Btanda aa main raad K anvil to Ladpawaod Par partlentara addraaa Uauaa, Box til . Davar. H. J. __________ _

tCaiVW*. * TWVlPlto itof-tom.---ciT month, I II upward, oountry and aaa

ahora. aala bathlnp Addraaa f . HiLUt;- BBAND, Bov 4S. Loonardo. N- J.KKAKBCRt>—FWa-rnom hnncalow, naar

Idaak Bamh, Aupuat and Papifonhar llav. alao room, with uaa of kltchan. Proapaci ,v*. naar Bray ava.

PIX'ROOM fumlah«d bunpalowi; all Impta..with Rara|4. by month or aeaaan. 9- TAY-

IrOB .1^.. 44? K»»rlt'l ava.. AI|anhuraL.K_.^


TWO and thra* mom apartmantp fnraiatiad for houaakaapinc. at Kutnmar Hou^

Orandviaw and Bartian avaa. KaanabuTM^

DOTCR—Bavan-mnm houa* for aalc. pond la««tlaa; fruit traaa and cardan, r«at bar-

pain lor qklck aala. Box 441, Wharton, N. J.

ErU O r u |«ATTRACTITB tnvaatiMrtl: cwrnvr apartmant

In tapldly irow rtc kturtnaaa canlar, can aaMly ka fonvarttd Inta buvlnraa proporty; anckanc* for amallar pmppniaai brokvra c«* m fa tk d with. GEO. S- MCTCHLKH CO- IM llaaavm* ava . Ktwark. N. J- Tal. M4 Branch Braak.ea st ORa SGK—Elcht-room houaa and par-

rat» all modern Irnprowmanta fell# batha; laundry in baaantant hardwood floor*: thraa carataa. t4 ilM . must Irav# i-lty. nllt aall to

►*t affar. Apply C. V.. >S Htauban -

* Fifice 4S04 AdOTvaa u. * • nttiFTw, I S««ark Kv#nlftf Naa a. 4k4 Main at.. Aabary

eaah raplatar and offimfla* wtl'rpay prim If In ■ f*IfROLI.TOP <l#ak

m m will pi: - v n , I’APH. H AroAimr 111. n i l Mkl

W ASTED-Tvobonts, ♦ *a i*a Addrcta A.. It4 Main

■I . ICaat Orarca

H « « ttlw U ( k r t W rbI r41 Bin . AW f -* Aradamjr ut.-W bAlhave you to aall (ar raah*' wa hu

at m b . I'AiH f 44 ay a , *acand-han«i

VOKET t« loan aa flral bond and mortcafa M I par caM- In aum* of |449 up: no bonus

—mpuS; griiARRlNUMAUHKbf A HART- eaMa»alora-al-law. *M Braad at.

“ ElET ta lcM« without pramiura. rLAllK Ifldlng and l.oan AaaockaUnn. Apfily ta

pi haaffer. aarrrtary, onra of Clark Ifl Oa., Kant K*vark.

vawra and 4aroMd moriiacn,-,ja tad :ar---------- •[i-UbLIIAW

loan* quickly_to-v to-,-**1* ABIW1,B*B*". IkPtoll* •!.l.mtorFtkatadiany amnuat ;r«saonabia. ilHOMI-

IC O ............. ------- -ftll Flanat bldg . Nawark

HAVE mohpy by buying h*ra. hundrada of blryi'laa to aalPct from: tha aama man*>

^ u t •l•a«hrra will NOt gh-a rou ao a Mry< la aa w* affvt, Plarea, Irar-Johnaon, Trlkuna. BalmoM, Blaarna, Paaflam, ll» Jp: aaad blcTrlwa. IL up. stay parlnanta. BKVMONT CO.. Sli-iM Broad at.

lArgani and lowaa* prk* ator* In r ttyiBItl "iata nt uaad up to-data motorcyrlr*

•ur guaraniw »Hh "vrry machina ao*d manta for iluadlng Piandsr.l aM Dayt«n moturoirlea. lomplaia Block of •J',®auupllaa aaay larma. open avanlaga" KLLi - »K¥, 4T W'llHam at.. Newark.

CONSCLT ItP for morlgaga loans or Invrat IBMIa: prampl. rarsfui servli^. Mortgago

“ QE1HBB * ■ -DapCi. FIpI'M, l i t Broad m.

■X.'RIJtlOR. I iid im .I fully aqulppad. any pric* ovar |L4. rtk ja r marhnnlr. muat aell uoirkly. l.TONP- KKIUtlT Oaragw. Caaira^ av* and Grava al . Kant Orange_____ ___________

VOHBTa A T n lt

dratI.ATR IIIL Indian twin, full aqnlpmrnt,

BTifl nacood mart- I Ptall tandam. Corbin Brown spardoma’rr Mty nn*! Hanvt Couniy suburbs. Rpllldnrf lighting ayatrm,I an b# s*an batwaeo 4 and PI I’ M. Friday

! lf Ifigh St . .

tk tni and svaryiblng (af ~(umTtura and av*rything you want lo

i^y* IT,

1 HAVK 4 piano, mahocany. and atnoi. Ilk*,W. ttpad -------- -

ABTIV. ■UW-lw tooi/ . t o raaw. ttPM only i montka. will s*M ch*ap

to quick buyer: irlllng out on aoenunt of chancing poalllon; itiinc to Cuba in • f*“w days AddrsBU Draflauian. Baa 4S Naws offk

UAS'CFACrrHKR offer* 4 par cant, pra- ferrad alotk sold In lota of IL* or m«ra

' |o»l 1 raijnl.lon N " " '! ’'■ furolrtod, lot full I»rt'r* 'if* **ctrrto Trootorrr. Hoi l l . N lv i offlro.

TtflP la Ik* pacopd tlma t have advaftia^ th« CWckartnf ouartrr grand ”

you ara in nrod of a good Pjan^ call New jqraar Plano Ptorag* **4 Washington

ON n-i-oont' of olhof butollto, vlll ' « « *!rn«rmotlc luocopimii mr

lun. h vlgiini for III ’"•i*.*'’'' b, ,no,m]. A llito i U-O W in. Rm l l . N iv i■t, Novmrk, N J DltlCO.

II PER MONTH vlll b ir 1 low H •»!•pimr"' pUno: prtoB lltS.

I l l W uklPgtin It. . . . . RARER UO.

homl to B im torgir'l.

I PRINT1N0. Iittmlito4m, rtoik.I blllliHt.". olmtrmrnti: » « **■»*•I girotkm iri Pmo, IH L i t u i l l i to

NBW .•o-N m llr houto. til ImprovimlBli: totom holt: l irg i illli-. topumlo ri>-

trmooii: lot t i l III: IN l l Dom tooth Or- mngi oro.: prtro |( ,(U . AOArm Dirgmln. B n U l, N iv t ofttro.


AVON'-BY-THE-NKA — FuFolshrd room* with ua* of kitchen: near Hvrr and fln«-

erw r; eoncsnlrnl to siatlun. adults pr** fsrrad: rsasonabl*. HAflOAhJCT litNTCLIm. Box 1 ll, Avon. N J.FKKNET HOUHE. 114 Boulovurd. P«aa*d'-

RoikAway Baai-h. Long Island—Furnlanaun u i . « a w w # w u , tofto.o* . to - to - to ---------------------rooms; ot-rtn view*' hr>us*kf«ping. AV----1. ... teuii. tl4 ossk.rWtfillB . OM-lMBll 1 — Vhomsiik*. tT w«sk up,KETSTONE tt»T1At:K. *l-'« He. li o."

Ocean tirova—Plra%ant rooms, rrasonablf, yousaksapfng. naar Ineai h, L. va .n DBVBN- TKRe

E U tR r thTO oattia aatata. l-atory frama building:

atnra, two apartments, businraa ranter. Ko tm O'NEILL, axacutar, L4I North Broad ■tto Kllxaboth.

F rM M

jtoto snq *v*rriniiiB —to..i •— ---rash ' I P*y •">' ‘***’* ' aacitanhVsaa In tha rliy; no agtni* ta plan 1 Pill tnyaxlf psiamiallr ih a ls *MB ffioTw than oihrra. g*t »ny prliw flrat ■and postal I vIH call al an**- bualaaMa airtrtly ro»nttdanMal. Tal. 4S44 Markat.

W15 HUT m lli-h m o i J* .. TT , Iiniill lot*, or mmrlhlng >M wloh t l ml'. . pmv 11 p ir eimt. (nori Ihmn le.leei o* l i r murtlim Pchim: o-to thin. Nr room­ing hiooM. thmi • why 1 PM thf m ilt, oend Utolll: we vlll imll It lore; b*il«tol roml,- dMUli MR PEHRT. m Wiohlmglil el

FOR BALE—One AeolUn-Orrhelteelle. vHh 111 mlmle mie. lot imlr .help oa icrount

ot llie tn i t llr Addttoi Mtolo. Bom 11. Nevi onieePLATER PlANOg ellghUr utod, 1151. MU

1311: g iif l l tF w'lh eirh Inrntrument.BAKER UO . H i Wmihlngton t o . , mml lommbrrgor'm.PIANO TUNER—P rl.t ln l plino mMor to-n a i 'v r lEirreTk—«ito".iito. to——- J-I,.

pairing all braaekaa. naw atnajM' £**La. p.^w. (“a nN. 11) Bninmvtrh ot., III Wm*.

ANTTHINfl lom hmvo In .ornllmri. nimmoholi ■oooo rmrpote. rigo. emmll or ImrgO in n -

luv too mo boloro ) 0« eoll pooltltwlr hoot <moM pficto Mid. totlrnmtoo gtvo« froo; mil bomlmeeo ronfUinllml tnd prompt mllonUtoi; l mnd poolml. I, LEHMAN, l i i t m l i r i pL. rmll of phono, i l j l Wmrerly. _____

PIANO ion Ifl dofu

NO luniflg. fOmmIrlBf. m»tlon rogulmtlng K. RTEHMAN: H Monlionwrir ol.; rool-

lo 31 Fmhymn : toi. T in y R i r ^ ' ^

b’aLOoN hoeprre "'>*•'"'"(1^' , ’ !l e in mgo I ttmried • mmmll toloon IB mr o .’fl h"ndTM' 1 .P .r« l no Urn. to " tm tousinsss up. today It !■ Ml* *Ira PAAicMWia In th# ri»y af ."’Jff/plsniy of maasr i" r*nr* tha rmmtFor necaasary pariJrulara M METER ■

Ktchaaga. HI Markat it., roam fHr

f if t e e n ACRE*, coruar: about 1* mil*a Newark: siu«alk, lav*l; Ids*I sits truck nr

ckkdkan farm; big bargain; M.4O0. half cash. Addrass Saerldca. Box 114, Nawa office.

La k e v il l a , t* Brftaduay. near ixean -Furnished rnonia. light hnusekeeplng priv­

ileges. MH3. F. t*. WlKOKF, CKcan Ufove N. J.OCBA.V <*HOVK. N. J . 14 Webb ave. —Plea.v.

qnl furniBhed rooma lt> Ut, reasmisble lmpr*vvsm*nis. naar beat h and aticHtorium.OCEAN GROVE. Imakc ava.. I i—FurnlKhtd

ntomi. tmpte.. refined home, privilege*, o^Wf^l rates, naar Audllorium and oi-esii.ABBVKT I’AHK—Uloik (mm ocaan. aulfes

(nr houaekeeplnf, Hsll* Vlsw itoue*. Lake ava. and Hi. Jamaa pi. MRF. BAdhGRD.THB OXFOftO. Embury are.. 21. Ocean

drove—RtHjfoa for the partlcuLar He* our* befpra deriding. MHH U K. BRONSON

HAlrtJON ksapar'a opparlunliy:tocTiflM. emtml.ll.he.1 mmmF r w n : Ihli « r -

ner tolnon, with i Toomm inA hAth; roBt t i l . prire l l l i . MKTKIffl Buetnoto Elihmngo. HJ Market rt., roam 114. _______.RAl-dOnNH! Baloaaa' Maloans' JeiwM'a bead-, ---- ■—. toto h*iftd fpa

t h e heal plaea ll> Newark lo buy a iy kind " f a plans N*w Jersey Plxna Mtorage

Cm. *44 Waaklngton sL. Newark. K J ___ _

awnirves b*iwww" pvtoito-iomito v ^__ **•*I ausriera; large number oo hand from |l*«1 ID IM.Oil eeo Ul tin t ond m *» O'** »«•

menu Otoho Onmlnfto Bichmmgo. IM Braia I ft , ruaifi S11 __________


BLANli .iH., It4« Hruad st.TWO f«ad aacond mnrtgifea for *al*. 1 44

pMk; thirteen moelbe ic run at dlsrau* i. A iSsM (load. B«i 1*1. News efflce.FIM T Mtartgage

r t anted and plai e*i.appllcatlonx promptly


L O A W W ANTED— R E M . ESTATEFIRET HLartpaga af II.&44 wanted oa Bella-

Wlla praparty: good loan, will pay liberal •MUlaelOfi CRONIIEIM, TIT Broad it..

m . INDIAN Ivin. tv««p""d: i-i-mplotomjilpfltont- Immp, horn, opoodoifl-lrr. tom-

dom .tiochmopt. t i l l itortot: porlort i-on dlllon m i FAWOKTT. 31 W,ll Rimior toN(lT[f:B—Wo mro mnpU for Clfvolmnd light-

woight moioroFilm, •}!down, l l . l i wooklF, C. W. BLAH IX)., I l l Hmlior 11. Hmrtoy-Pmvtdian dtolorm. ____

q u m i L O J W ^ E K S O W A L

OHL m R A L a n d q u ick l>OANg

rURNlTL^RK, FlANOd Kir., wHhSut PMBiirtl from home, anr*har« \n city and BijMnlit luwnn. Wa nleo loan an guarsa- taad patan. Lagnl rate* and email monthly MibFIMMts kacwpied. Lower lhan maximum I t ^ rkla an Large Mms up tu ti44. Pruml mmt kMMinana and profaaslonTh I i B oc irrY>4—Ortnl aurvica iniliMM vaya.PMgdd. EtrtirUy private. wma, epa u *«M«g_llArkat HI2. Mr. royabar, Manager, ^ ^ •E N E riC lA ld * U jaN BOCIKTY,•M -l eXHTUHT BUILbLS’U. Third Floor

14; Market at.. Newark.H I ; Awaking Dapartiwent LIrassa No 1?

profaaslonal meo rinanclLig guaranis* fair dealing, may aaalat you la otbar Inquiries cheerfully an-

prtvat*. Writs, call

RXrBijiioR tvi». 111! li l i , tion. Ilka new. Rorley twin. l l l l . l*nd*m

ailactkinant. bargain; must sell, having pur iTe, mrhasad aulomoblTi : Bergen 4l.

N*w LipffH J ix T g S t,BB • - snuMU ■•ItMVtoir *to —1--NF-.•ov ImdtaB blrF'lto. i l l u*

nOBRKR. I l l Wmmhimgloii it.BARtlAIN—t t l i bayi I ld 'A l^ '* '" ’■"“ S': rfrlo. tvo.mpood. vlth 1111 otdo rmf. fullF omalppod. U. HARTMANN. .Ti Fourtooflth ■ ror. Bpoodvmr p«.

RBMF.MBKR. 1 hmn fmmtfmMo to fir*lok up .oomlrg lioutoo. hlghool priori for ron_

toi.<i ol houM". fllli If farnlluri. houtohold • 00.1" mnnhlng >®fl horo: wrilo. phopt 1 1 . p( u r . r l J. *'LV1!RMAN. I3i SornTtol to.

Mi UAIH hoFl Hlllrt * m -U oprlghl »UflO.hesur 'ivi •«*!• •'an b* eern by addraaslng

PImoi. Boi t i , N i» i otflto. _______

1 BAI/HiN ind lf*P*"T iir o il. I*of Nrwilk; Il-Sl hmlYto vooh: Mg VltMkFI V to to to Fto Igk"

FINE upright piano, rich jspa. |I4 If tn h « qpleh cost fl7l. Raaldeo^- i® Mllat

■t.. aaar gummar nva. __ _____________ _BAROAIK—Uprlghl p llll. AihM IJ " " j

looh It It klA r n n 'l * . prlr* *1' Tvoirih iro-. f l l t r _________________TTHO Ig gAM ORR

HKLl. ro»r toeoBd hmmd lirm llin l l A »lf1- rim doilor; v i hiT t i Urgi or «» ill 'ot«;

mot mr oitimiio koforo irylog oikori. mid U m , prlro Ip g ll 'l <1 Tfl* ** M r MUtoik J o i r ^ l lA T . l i l Wmtolmgtmm t o . , lot. i t l MmrhiL________________________

F i te w . O riM *. E tc , W bbIb4w a n t e d , upright plana far egah. Bend full

ppnlculgrf to Cash. Bex 11. News afflea. _BAM-

ar >,ewaTu; »w-** . 1 i*trade lo appraclal* on* ^ u ld hav* «• veaMgai*. Addrtsa Suburb*, Box 4, HiWu “l «=4fl -

G iBttt*HOUtE. wUh all large roams, baih r*w»m.

staam heat, alaeiric light and larga harn: •Biatidld location, six minutes fmm scation a W t two acres; 44 mlnuc*o fram S*«ark(-«« xrrre, hm ijkutwkvw m,v..mwin satrlflc* tor M .lia, con ba sean s t any lima. W. D. PALMER, Glllalt*. Morris Cnnaty. N. J.

O m R U f t•6. m HOUSE: oigbl roomt: lot U n i t :

•rary ImpFovemanl; Al condltlun; conven­ient Lackawanna and trotlays. Further In- farmatlnn, addraaa Ownar, Box t. News af- flc*. Maalelatr

(X’EAN GROVK. Bsacrrsi. S» limbury ave.— Furnished roAiins with kllchenattas, kloik

from ocean. UHH J. CHAPMAN.FURoNISHKD roome and Ufht housekeeping — k.----». BHiKL. Main st.roams to let; on beach Ko»fl.h»irI, S. I

lO A R D IN G — SEA SH O REKEANS BVRO, N J —Tk* Old Pin* CotUge.

Jubn and Waiter l U : good i»W*- •* up. few nJaulaa ta bvnek. URE M- KLEPi. PrepKENNBDT HOUiE. t l EiBkurr mvi, Orrmp

Omvo, N. J.—Lmfgr. miry ffl??*; "•i''

TO flARAF. OWNlSR»- W. mmk#of "Oiling gif*f**i.„»."'''J" ' ilIlTdi.:;HORTON A NORTON. Nivmrll m LrmdlngIfUKIVfn m /N'v.'gTk’t.-.-.. — -

HusIneM Braksra. m am b«IK*lug. J4T M arket st : 'phone >T4t M afkat.UPT<)-DaTH randy and caw f^tlaaa^

slore. soda fmtntaln and elgaf ataid : • “ * ly averag* tl|4 ; raasunakla. Call1 11 Washington atUP-TO-DATE printing ahap far aala. ^ r t k e t

tntorniailon vr«# ar call Jl Bouth Oiaagaava . city

BAEGAIN—Genaral ctwtractwra vill build atsvap-raom iwa-family havsa. with im-

pravemeai*. 11.444; ona-(amllp. •I.U4; plana and ipaclflcatlana fr*e; only very beat ol l a ^ and material Meed threufkaut; mort- gmga aarwred: saa our inadal kauae. Junc­tion CoaatruMlaa Ce.. Ml Bprtnifleld ava., trvlngrta Caatar.

CABR paid far aaeond-hxng ptaaaa UAL ORR. 144 Waaklngun a t

EXTRA prMwa paid (ar all kind* hakMhaLd goi4i : iptoMl pfltoi g*M «U 1 ^ 1

tohnmlnl. olA i» t f t l l . t*r*H*rtoto’ S "p^ir:'"rto ik iri: h*ir •toU 'iW "- •••'*toflo poo. ^ HALLOVRR. M i f t i W M -IBg. torptoi

't ir S"oh ' f a r t ' i-on rR.NT* o r houbkbF IJlV oH ANTTHlKa »0U HAVE

FtTR KALB, blrycla, In gened toadlllon; ra- cenily equipped with new nan-skid urea;

price 414 ?i Richelieu ter . aacond fleer.Val

•VlHOHB i . I I MULBiSRHT.a t PMITH 9 71 Acadamy r t —Wa k u y ^ *

otol k i r * fu rh l t l r i . rIfl'W hg •■ jtb iR g y iu to ll: HflT « * ' • I j i * «A * rdealcra; c*t » y p r te r t flm *: tel. 4TII M at

a llsburgh aeelloh.TALB^t'wIn. fully auulpped, laodam aUach-

m aai . guaraniaatS AI eondlilon. lea. HERMANN. Ml jAtllatan aaa.. Nswark.


TlON.111*119 IMBX building.vauwov ■■*'*««« wenttiag,

■lUid near, Ollniaa and Beaver sta F m M a n t. HANKY K, pAWBONFraMdar.L BENJAMIN ATtlA. ..w

' «4 Aswax Caintp National Bank. nmmmmt . DAVJP K. MKaHlTT. preaL ll MMlongd Nawark Banking Company.

WILUAM Fl PAVIM, Mnaagtr. tEpMrparatad under ntaia law and under — —wrvkiloa of tka papartiaaai af Bank

1 lanwraaca. ___OKA PER CANT, PAB MONTH,

kanrv. t : l* A. M. to I P- U.

THOR m olarcycles, The maater af road-:* • ■ ‘ 7Ui

moiavA-yi-ie*. mw gi»to-mT. -• —w ■ri«va land an d CUppar blcyrlaa. aaay le m ia

gPEAR. I l l Wachlngtan if.

WANTED—•m klt, narrow draawar aa d m sd lum sited droaaar tn g**d eoadU laa la

a a a iia ra d oak ot m#?!*'. cBaap; fa r room an. t i l N artk r t f t k at.

T i k b c Mm U m iFHOKOORAFM»—tf mr" Itoh 'ig • « •

k irg il i Ih wiA phiiigTiFhi VI mri iitl- Img M l. t i l rliitol 1 1 1 mmrkln« ml l l R u thlhtkg MmrliiM Cm, 1* » iv il.NAIIoaAMT timM tmlklag m u k lH : Mk-

l • l l itF li: Wltofl mttmflhtflimim. •HR n * ' mrAl. (Ml il l . toll lAl Hml ■ im . AA* BnaA

V M m i , Etc.OORNBTB If mil Bikto: cmllirllM ol II^ '**

(litlH : i l t w Bohiii fluii: mM liv toirli r M pm rlmrlnit. n ia frint A tm T:t* r.

W ELL tolmbUllllA Inm. l«*tlA t« HlV ] ^ k B llti mod II tollto trmin T ljk CHf

mn Ibm K. T. C. R H . IntlmAlwl** • < - -__ to tototo - *- --- -•* SS l\llAkMAlA>Wtf. seiiimf gTMfli mflA"kl»«i lA buflgm'flwi. vlll hiMid •» »mi (insm; IM mud k u g B lv n Mvaaifl on IVriBB, *A»” A»MM Vtoto 0M- — — — -rmvnow all oeeu^ad; goad anrtngprtvlUg* of w ng axcalleat wka: fS??!’ir r j* tcrSi.'Tv

an abMiataWan InvanClgatlaa irtll fine ekanca ta make — wmimmt praarti awwar la la A ^ ^ naxa aad la wtaiag ta dlapoaa af tm ttpmp* arty far what ha taairy Lnvewtad t i W w aa laartgagaa. Far fuU parMemlafP aAdme

BARGAIN—(lanafnl eonlractnrn will huUd il-roam two-family bai»*a with Impfova-

mania, 9l.4a4: ope-fnmilr. 9I.7A4: plana and spaclflcntiane fma; awly vary beat of labor and maiarlai aaed throughout; martgaga ■acor^: naa our modal Houaa. Junction canairurttatk Ca.. tM BprlaffiaLd m . . Inr* liigtap OaatarmNJCA kawgalaw; lat 42x124; all Improra-

mawtg; raatricted neighborhood: awnariMVlmg l iv t i : gflto rmrtr low; Iw* H t.rM HkKMto. Ill ImnoTiniiBU: Am Imoitloii,It.lM II.A**; Cff"vmivi fmr th i toMiy. H e BER RimllF Cl., gpHmglliW M< jU iriif l

OW.NBB vlll Mil or tmchmmgi -- -—.. mvoflui bitvoon Howmrh mod Muiliy. bomimvoflul ootvmon ----------------

llfol t-rooin bouii: 'mrgo ropmir gmrmgi. oqulgpod VUIl looli, tMP'jto. FUfl'M. gto tmnkl. outomohllM. •!(> doing good hl»l- lito ^M U 'tr M.Ui; H "' '»«»<*•'■ Mllppod tmmi w riml tolmto ntod'ng d i^ lopm to t D BUCKLET. AAI WmmblBglOB mV*.. BoUo- Tllll. N. J.

Ive-fkiallF h « « iK nivlll toll rhimp or pgfll>-"M Pj’il! ;vood Hligbtm morliom prrflrfld . Addflto

HVMAH. Bor I i Htvg - t f '*

f o r SA LE O R E X C H A N G E -O U T O F TOW N

to ii DOWH bmlmmri tmoothly. At loim vltli *’ iimebto,.. gMrc . Pjj|;.'WN m nli lA A ^ l *«*••• •'ghi-ffl*'" "Oil*pvmvr M __to. toto •vdk.Uav tkaar Pater*! I 5 L“ eWchlli'™»T on trollrr: ntmr Pmtor- ” — BUI PM AN, owhir, Lomlngton mri.

_______________ ___________WILL ogebmngi. coroir howi. v 'tb mlito

mnd lA rooTTi, for proporty In Hivwlu

i m CAall mtid bmlmiiM w*F to iatb lr *■•-___ . — m— tod to to—to -* v i f l w g a M M .

- w v w — ——to v e i e i B w mMWMVto-toonti bey* m - te n lly

• in u l* ii« Hd " 'M « rMtoi ind • » ! liBK***; toMUi Wrgi Ul: H lB iM BM r.M vUr ll l iv e ; grim ALA**- JOHH R. FHANKB OO. i l l Bgrtitotlild *1*.. IrrtogtM.


W U W IH * v i» g ( l ,v m , tovvto omvto

Eut* la rwmltppa In

■XCEIJIlbirmotofcyrta. fully agulppad. In good cciiHlIflnn: can ba seen at Norfolk

Oaragai H Norfolk at. __________PIEROA bicycle, '

naw t l lamp: s>. ton nva.. Newark.

ritk coaster brika, and UARMANN. I l l tm lsr

' tBPorparai

LAPTB Wcycia far aala, brand »aw tirea, ekanp.


AI caadltlM, with f l 4 Bokth Twelfth

F o r S d « t r E x c L w n

ANTTtflNi:? TOO .«■ .cakdltlan. dan I eall tt bafwa^yau

wa' wTlTaavo' yauCo., t i AtnilewtT aL: ^pkawa I t t t M arkaL _

r U l U C S T E N O G R A N IE R S

‘•’ iViTSValA ACvAMBF W. T ^lfll *tt» Mstm-to,




IIM CAIH mmO . *<*“ * i'VT'.tZtmmdmnOy tvo-(miBllr k iw i iMitmlhlM il**Mfooi*i: H g in i i botbi u «. i i i ib l 11 » r i ; e i ^ l »rlM li.**A- JOSHH. f b a h k e e g , imrngiii, cwhit.

E R A N P F A FER H A N C IN CPAPSHHANUBR ftm *r1Mg. rirm tly


waw atartlng fo basin*— ■■•** —-ngiao chaarfaUy given; wmrk_ gwarantaad. UARL FRIAOMa N, im Bdrtk Otanga y a .

BLSCnilC kailery vMraiar. IN Baa l a a t ^ mato, CM AM. tor VWtrW*;^!! W « .'H-

(II torn*. A « d ^ BdIMry, H n 11*. K m afflfO^_____

jM»CK LpANB. 9M t* 99H. da FVRNI- <”1fflaQ6, F1ANOB, oiOom wHkaut ramoval. at ^Biilg ■■■rtdid ky law. Faymenia caa ba .BfttM M la aaay taaUiiMaU for abort time

HrtntklF1 ll'm«lF It.AA RliH I pir I b w lr I t .l* plM I tori l^ f j r L V '* H e ’“. i K

l i ^ i u i w r r ' ■HHE. ^

coat. Iniaroet. cam. talareat. cant, Ihtarogt.

KiKB OTHAR Cgll. wfita or

riwalei aW

ktl4 THRRA'BFAAP. twalva-horaepavar twin nyllader moiorcyola with avery up-ta-

doio aoeortary. run laaa lhaa 4N mLIae: fully guarantaadr rwat MM: aelt far tSIt cash af axekanga far dianoad rtiiB, Addraaa Artar, Bax I. Nawa afflea.

p a in t in g , paperhanglkf.iarifkg; all my work tuaM rtiaj^. **5L.***’ ufaetion at vary lew prtaaa; piMaa drop a

4tna and i will call at pour kaano. H. BBOPAR. ttT KUhlaokth a»a.

H t iB i ty d M m 4 tk y d M W u l o i•ICTCLB—JAM bi l l gold mndlilMi i id

-I------ ---- liAii prlM. DARNER. IIMivdrd It., irrU gii* , N, J.WANTBI>~LmOF‘* Mrycli, I* |

ilio: vrlM a iM I* cAiaMmbli.U JSU l

Hd "Wldl-CKNRRT.

THE BROOKLTN HALLFAFHR OO, Vill pd*w roomm. |i . l* • • - _ M<tolctmlminr don mt wry r to fM k ti pHn*. gMid AMml If cmil ml 111 Bmmk rLRBLIABLE DBCORATIHO t o .; IWWtoSd*

m ------------- m . . O . to to to to to^kA to ^ g d .



Virk gumrinttod; rtomikdkl# rklt—_4d*iOr*Vgi- M. WAX. II* Dky i t ., Oi*k««.

p M u c *i'<^»oH. OROBR o rTHE U. • OIRTRICT c o t

Enltri C id liiU of (Hgif S lw . • * • » ! ' pIlM. wry flki nmtdfto, t i f k R iglrtir. ' Idfi, lie.. Will b i t i l* l l .|g | b r o a d »T.. tomr W U II^ N iv irb . N.J.,

O* mUkAT. JULT It. J l I* .*- H- JOMH A. MATSSWXm i H , r r s u i a b a h o c h **'AUmiym.

•. vah p o in a k , a m Uow w .


4t* broad fT., OPr. ORAHOH TBLBPnoHB l i l t HULBBRRT.



i t r PRUDENTIAL B v t u n s s . Rtol Emtoti, liMi.. ItoiM »k< Aw«iAHWHBIm.

v‘J !


F A H H T SrA T B im ;toarvA. I r M i t o ^ ngU lirid ;

p r i i i i t ym r M wi: u h W M Bictii iffloi

ar (rw b m u Mid ll« if lowmiim v u f : mdlMl f m . HICIIARD B. OWBN. I l l

bWMiM. WMbiiglH. D. C.: N iv Ttok illli« .^W M vw 1k ‘BdWlkF 1AM.


i i s s f i u i ^ x .

f "FF* iitok. .p C tA M n

M U R N A L R E Y IH U l H o n c iIHTBIUIAl.o r r io B o r o rR AVANUBi

Nrvkrh, K. J., JMy lA, . T ki WlivNid t i i i f lbid A w r w

MlHd kl tk* PlkHk kkill* b itiv , I lf •Mink Ml. *i*i. B, A

IIIA|ge aMlBv

(loa K wa Ellen svu. euva. »» wt. • • *fFA e»

• ^ 2 ? HiMw k ru d itaAn, M tw A• K S«r*krkiil ‘ Mm

I it., NiVklH,

AmOMHE lA U AT n i_ ------------- . . _ — .

REAL ESTATE F O R l A U - O H,jjTj*hrj-u-J-*-rTy~ii~B‘>i~WWHn~V-H-|d~d~H*H'*lrtl"H f to A A *■ la BAROAIH—win toWlflid AlMm w

Nwtb « t tk It.; kkf rtotoAdkli d g i tMud •kWlflM. Bdi II*. Hwrd kBi**.

Bt ilrl wMbkU H O nw ry C - ' i . f l ' - j y rCkflM Kill. Dlkw ■hovkkdk, lok Bkg, t t ^ Ikb Bkttdr Bkk, CmiA Ik jlild r, Bkklw kM •II hlbirj p o 4 t n t U j W 2 " ‘.told to rmipAT, JofciM t. k t i r . s „ a■ IfltA B B lU aVh M JA L ie rH , H, I.

ALF, Nis m ~

m tB CCfcrld- Mkft BBTp gal- ip .feptprwit IB

-■WMUBB. HBPiMB paonguawA. S n j g r a r .U M k * « i» .

A«ITIT,X IkMltJjWIJItkiil. vHk . . . . .

s s ^ ^ i y s S k *

nrnTPTi y., ik .

liOr l*tl**._AI IkOkltok•WM Itot. INI A*. HfVk I

WEBOUAHIC nC TU W —am* ^ t - r o « n . hkM . II LydW kW.. k d u BWWiktok kw.; iBckkkt I lw itlw : l*.*Hbkkfe W d rtm i: m ig lM ) Wdw, *k> ikfkgk;

I kkUl Ar ip iiklkilkB.' l n M t dv in m .

•AM Ca MI Skd bkIkMd wknEMW kayi ^k- giM H k -rM k .l» M ) w n w. . to --------------- — '" * • f -H o lil) v ir tk ti . td t ; v tu dkdflBdk ^ /w

II.IH. JOHN R. rBANKE OO, II* • n i l* - fiild mw.. Ifflliwlmk-__________ AONE-rAHILT k jM . M m A IMtk;. . .“ i . ^ a a w ' t u 2 r L } w r » k T ^ «Nawa afflaa. . .HTRTUD “ r i r - iS

lialdi K. Jl

ond 14 rooma, for praparty I® Kawarl

REA L ESTATE F O R EXCHANGEW IU , ncbrnsfi f ir k fkfm, kM

■liM trom N iv Tirk, k ird irlk f •?U fJ*™ mr Ikki, Novkrk mWonci, Ml iWArkw- otoMk, I mlkklto BviB 'C 2 J * ' um utlen : lot lAilAA: B oirkomi. I bkthi. gkfkgfc Addnw Owaor, BomIlktotoSi— lto t-



e sFA











!TrK:7o-;;«“ ‘ s r j . '& v 's r T . 'y * 2r.M uSk& s £ U L ^ l l | B S t S = ! = S 9 S ^ ^

" ; v ^ j K * k * a i 5 « a k ? i. **_T*"H" toZ toA-jto Maihi.

fworta a d S ta lk ; kafdj cklokap ••k**a» Ibfj# J n S u d af ap|Na Md W*V- trartt gggay|wia

MalUt^T _________

Itfhtm rummikf IL n t KULXER. Lkiud

H. 'J. Tiiipkoak

riME kkaaAlkV Mid kt Bkdt K m u k art Nrfe. MBytHk kkkik. Mv krlcH; Me*

lina^mM k k IkW b«k«klkvi kklli mmd rtody f~ iT i 'im y ~ r m i •Mkiia vui m m i m to k g S tS S n ik * ’ UHOBLAND, Kkkkk.

le « M hl-raam kauaa

bam: »**-I a«Wm, ■hybroak*

'jrauu HOM A8< iSim: kwlW kti trioggi vU>

f t t ACRM, fun balldingk; I Duo kolwm.dairy koiwk, tof'og vktw, n y * . k l«k ,

taoM' kIkUon l i r i l rokd; Ito ltc r lr ir iro n a i r n i r : •to tlin ikn 'i fcoifii; no kfiaU- ySrSrbMto. J. P*RH. rtwitblowk. H. J.iViHkIMTB ilf Al kerto. gkto l-iw nt hotll*.

aaad t o r n kkd lutkkildtagk. M ^ 'yto jg t to d v k l i f to tha plkoi:

IH iklM i froto Natrto*. kP*y « { n S S if AtABCBHHHT. Itokdlkg, H. J.

l»S*^5iUge by wollay:

lK w inrSx*S J * * " *”aL. Nrv

C*2Id*U!diaiiU to W ly T r a l l f ^ r i i^ n ^ y

„ - 4 c a » ' 3 r „ ^

J . c .

S T j ^ i i T o m



ftit tm-


S t ^

II W**-wUi mil Umtk U

t* tmmm h*f Lak*



itjr;E p«r am-Uroir«,

It. phM*

, J«. n«Br4 inr..; (I,

i|l»d.r-. HiLUt;-

Dber. t)«v. PrMp«c(

■11 impUL, fi. S. TAT' hMft. N. J.

APAtT-HOKEb«r Hou^ gaaabart

► UET-

i roontJ* ft •u'l fin*- ftdOlt*litSTKLl.

rd. *«A4»d>- —PurnlbO«ii >ini. tt*ao. t, |14 ••#K.H«< kr«Aai>nablt,


v«plni prW- K«*n Urov4

■vr.— reMnr]«l«1» . ■u^llrrrlum.

I—►’umiuhtd prlvlif^c*.

knd weAit.HI-MT); IUlt^»Hou«#, Lak#' B \s\‘'vno.

St, OCMR l*r H#** our* iONtMtSTibury * \e .—fkttUM, kloik

&L. Mdtn M\..

OREPln« i.'oMac*. 1#M*; up. It. KLEPr.

r avd> OcPAO rooma; noarKPT

HANGEl» oa tnata Nuiiuy, bM«>ipatr f«rgf*.puinpi^ |UA

g g o ^ biA*1' ld«r Miatppad dovoiopmofii-

B ava.4 E«U«-

p*vtd atfMi; of i«tu. Hbllr-



44 loif wtift pl«a quinotA (-raom kovMk ; n««r Patar* ,«xJiagton AT««

, frUk gtpr* If) Nfwarlb

tCHAHGI, ««t d*dr I t rtaji •« m*mm.

all, I EraiB lU lit hood*, l l Mp OwMT. Boa


»r 10 lot, i nBllr kouoo. All k Nr drIvowAJt r . SR HOMUtOA

ALEJDNCnOM. K. hMM • ! fiCkt

in I m H ; Iw t*•Ml MMfitaMl I IM* t h U Ml*w * tON. IM

I ttH k»u*<*.r, v w 4 , «lock,ltd r l t t r If , 'm : m M«atiLkM— . H. J.I l - n o n hmi«:UKii, pIMtr •!} » • miU cm'll t m t , AM»T M‘“••■-J!*'.''v-•k. kalikkM MM M at MV kvIH'

M,*M: tam al- THKk •!.,

Ikrgk 4w*m i |iill; cmvtnUnll)' « urkH U alkX M . K., lachkwMkk I f in u , I* k«rM; ^S S S m i M,H*.

______I P t lillt lt

v*' A '■ ‘ : : r - _■ ' . ■ ■■ ’

K E W A B E E V E N I X a N i m T H t B S D A T , J t L T 2 7 . 1 S 1 &

FARMWAITDw c u rr iD w n M iMM « {* W L a s s y■kM k* v tC IM to * . 7 . II. VLOVS. WmIl»T «k .> L T . ------


PkSIHABLa I.H« MBkkIM lan tm«. . . . .JMll *»4 !•»•• k»Mk; MM

llii •( kti MIm In «>4 kr i»«4 Ntvkrfei u m UI bxrfklM M» •kkula k u « k

APiA t n m i T L i o o M R AMD r u nTOUT_________

M T O N 1!1 ^MMlk. ikf i tT M I t l WMIM M, t i t , .IXAftWIOC AV». II IN kk

cu itM t a n i *M kCM ItlMf. IM HMkll iMkUi; TMt UM ru m r, l l l CUaM am.

III. w il l -

factories AND LOFTS TO LCTBCklKMa m alw •> Nvirkrkt l » atlkWM

Imat Btm4 M l M ukti lU .; lalik la lit:

5«aia kmi, alaeiTli M*»r aa4 lltki. JAMU . «UTMt>L'il. I l . i l Lavm im •t„ Havark, . J. MamifKtanr at iBMaaal au Mka.

Ini Maaklnar*. ______L o r ra w it h ro w B ii u i _

m « M-HmKLKa e m u p m i V a h h ih o to n w lm oM .

4I-II LAWRENCE IT.. Il-U MECMAinC ITL orT la (Iraimal kutldlai, akaui l .m

aquara faat. ana klKk tr« a Harkat Ciraal •u ilan ; klaatr al llikl.

I l l Harkal at

oaAAWWK A V ^ II—FWal m « . m4 talfci aU iiipfam Maali, a la l

CKBETEII AV»., I t Eam a msiaa, aaaaal llaor; a»MT • Mar n r llaa;

raol l i t WILLIAM PHET. t i l CHataa ava.i Ml. »*»I WaTarti.CHMEtWI A » 4 . I * - ^ m n * kaUL mm

k m . n m tIkW, l l l ; tk irl CMm , I ma u d kalE. IU .H . ’K aM E. B. t t l a ___OOTtWAKT ET,. I, a^N

TnMari I ktaa, hfkta T iir g u * ^ ^ "

liia Ckaaiaat aC— mama, Iklrd Ilaaii k n a ln a w MOE-

CLimOM MILL, Hadlaa Ma.. Ill~ -n v a xMalir laMralaA mama, ma kalk. all Iw-

MaaaMaata aim ai kaai. laqatra H ar M Eall l a aaa.____________________________OOMMEECE n . Ill-ik —r«M alaa. IWkt

m am , aaalr laearalal: le m m iie a ia . r m u T ^ ra U T . : l l B reai


BAM OBAMB.D im (PiMpaet «.>—«lal

M. aa lA>—Vial W (aw akwlr n ia la ia i kaHart RMiai ka* raH i a a l klickaw4ooofAlo4 rre a n ^ M ik Aasa; kal « «

■111 v tah taM; wlaleWi Tiara fill ja—t* •aaaM t kaakti vltkaat rklllraa walanaE AliMM EaaME » a i E, M an atom. O m taBAJT OEAHOB. la a la t l m~ » • - Maavd

ani kaik. attain kaM,H I, atiaa raama ana w a . aiaau, • » . Miqaa) Baar*. alr.j iwa ta m i; koaaai jrtU la n ra ta la aull aaa fxrniati halla. mat ML rrROIIM ER WEBEE 1X1 III H i i o m i m kailAMc. Kaikat a a l Waaklattan ita.. Hav-

BAET OEAMUE, Caraagla a ra . t l —U»fM u a itm aa l. um-lkaUIr ko w . aaan m a m

m V a n . alaurtrtii. iin m baat. baf4»eaa naan, awalaaa. wtll radaiarala; la la ^ «j>- raalaai Mh Uh . Akflk pramtati M tOinW - a ED. I l l H a ln i at.. Nawark.

CBANC taiM rr kullAliif. II Ollrar at., la Uti riroi floor; IR4 o^ f t ; otoAdT POWW,

tooCq wour. •lAom lor orooBout purpoooA. Appljr to ongtoror.___________LOPT lo hoort oY ritp: m*d*ro Ib n o **

vontoj MtU cooBirortkoo; alovater oonioo; «i(4lloot light, low rooL UMOEPEL Wdc.. 114 PlAOO ML

COVET tTa. 114, Mor High ■L-’invo i All iBfrwotMiOACo airoM hoAE; AaJU

vtcoi root l i t .CENTBjlL tocwtto*; tiuwo lAPfOr Airir m oiA

III. lagolro Ja EOlUf, 111 W isU est*



roAl |1L

FACTORIES AND LOFTS WAkTElVFArrORT room, with oIoaia o»8 w»f *r

•voDAblo, wontod lor two Of thro* WfoAs,

EDMOND FU. SA--Flvo rwo pmvomoAto, l«o-CAnii]y

ofilrAfi«*i r««l r—BTOobli: Aoo. A«Am I.

I to U i au iM*rk .rK s;



PVRNUlHEQi EElPOMtlBUI AND BE-UADLE m<6d eiim a ro R A a s c o h p a ^I t ACAOEMT ET. PtlONB t i l l m a e k e t ;

REAL ESTATE WAKTEOHAVE bajan for roM prepartr. If ohaap,

n w t ka a haraala: iHII par »» »»*>: « ' ! M l p arlln U ta JoblN V. HANEAMAM. 11 Cliatap a t ______VIBEATIONB—Walla and naan at taniar>

roUovod A»d bofldlngo ■tr«iiklfn»4aCLTNC9 COr. tto rtM BoMlMro, IIT lUr.llOt Ota

lom i^ hoiMM, wUA gArmgo Ifto pont (^tober 1; will bur If fai. M. a . PRlOa, Iff WABblngtoo Bl.

FLAT looonoblA. doA tL

1 ^ OlAO Ifloor: V0T7 lagAlro LB'

flAO loAll la ■t4i

ivBirrifAU 111 MoAur^

Halaiad at. III. a m Oaa._ „ — rooiTio Oka bAlA; AOpArolo

h a a t t i r m i lU ; daalrabla HaH_lar m naal aaapta; I M a tlH Dam Brick Ckalah Wa-

BABT OBANOE. tral a r a —romr rH m t tad

NmaUtallp l i m a l a* ippaactataA vkaa aa .-n ii haat, kat ■*'

B a r r oEANaB| . | * r H m ‘L tk ^ ^ l l l ’ihitY'Saat, DM jnlM . •I Mata aC. MaA lapoL laRkln IkaWM.

rUUaSHTO ROOMS TO LCTaaltahla (ar i

prHratoBo OOOlk lofvo flOMl > or tBOi oioo iklEilo i

FOIIBBT BIMi BOAflDIMB HOVtB.A iilfb-oiMt b0it4H f Iwwo or Nmiip Mo­

tel M 6ood«4 te F w f Hill oorUoo to 4m U oooonolltM tMlo I will aBll lor b^otl- ful M itdw n In tho b«ort of iMo Foroat Kill

t o Mcrlflbo m 4 on ooor lomo. UroOMtet boiM, ooMgoi ooor troAtef-

Bo^oTMowo ofDoof oroolFOURTH AVBr. I l l —liiroo owF roomo:

olceir fofoloMod, auttoMte Mgbi iMNOotooO' tiig; boiM; 'pMooo, priTOU Moom. bo Hitt* 4r«o.FHANKUN 8Ta, 4l—Lorgo. oloo

Ufbt boQooMBoplog roote. ouo i log room, NOOr otlg oolli r^BOtool

■nt, Notita •ool ateOM*

FAtHMOUNT AVB., I l l—Togotehr i j two la d iMtoo llgbt MowooMoopteg m

Joalcor oiwvSfo.HIGH MTm titp Boor Bm M--T««

hfivoobo^Ng r o o t goo rgi rofriforotBr. lOBodrr; oloo olaflo I log roote; ooMirwl; FteBBUilt


gWOft H OlT ^ s i e

IteBiroWt to. iU rooM OMi b M l o t M

wte. olBrtrte JtfMte Apt jy Natter.O B A ra i^ W llIM

FLAT* loB plOOOB 104

l l ^ U l t e a 1IB poddBd vte%. M lood: IL O ; BtortfoTacOKTiOR.

, Otoogo: tola m l Oroogo.IRTINGTOM. torrialoBL, bf-^BBooUrul not.

1 BOBfOB, wUM oil iMprwvoaooter dororoiod ood polatBd: riM ioihlo root; logoir* flrM floor, _____NB l IWW-IOtettF Mowooo Nr root: «1I flfot

floor* roalod; o fr« ooeowd flooro loft; root I II Ror moolM; MooUMNl loootlon: *mt dtetioblo; BtooJB Moot; froot dotcMm ; ooRor ote owtfogeop; otoetrte llgote. Nil goo ktUMoa; EotHM Orooga o«o oor. loqoifo o( IM Wit^Qoi tCp Bggt Oroogo __________ITBir firo-roOte ^

grOq IrTtogtoo.floi, III. UTI CltetBM

0KB or 1 •oooiblo,

tifootorr.rAOH bwyor* for «4ty ood nburboa prop*

«rt*; BO ilotUif rMorgo, por oU coob. m i4 Nil doUIU. rBIBUBKAN A C a , f t! BrooA4KK>D Rloia or ookoll orrwogo la CoM*

(roll or VoroBO; g1*o »iMa priro ood looo- AAdr*^ plot. Eo« T4. N*wi otflco.

FLAT te lot oo ElateowtM grOm BBrMtfJNgt* d«B ttm root IIA Ooll a E. U ttiW B K L

N-M MayoB wLFLAT, I or 4 foomo. oooowd floor, tor «4«lte

ooly. l i t Bowtb Oroogo o»o>FORBrr HILL omUoo. H t Pr orpool ovA,

Tif loBood floor, oofwo rooaio ood MotMt ■OROfoto ootroocoo; otporoio Moolor; teooty Ught ood olr. lodulro oo p n a iooi or *rMom44TI B. fl.FOUR light rooitio Of) oioood floor; oorwor

Rooo Old Horcloy « u .; ooo»40t*r>t to flvo dlHtrool cor llooo loqulr* IT Rooo ot., BoroDd floor. ^

VOOaWILL boy four r«o1 Mioio fnr caoh

OCttoo. Otobo HooUytela MW Worhot.______

qolck II CUoloo fA;

FOUR ond flro roonw ood Mo coirdtlloo; t i l Shormoo oto,

Kofltor oA, I1AI4; II H ooy^ ■A.Lhi rlogooi

I t lM ; IT • lA

FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET- ______ OUT OF TOWNCHATHAN —Bungalow, lour rooru; wotor

ooppir: OMODtaio tog at Gillotto, N. J. i Roar atatloo; olghlooo mllot out: Iloo vtowo; |TI for ooaMMk. M. FKILBROOIL It. P. D.,


FIVE Ilfhi, clooa, airy roomo; up-to-date dacoraliooo. all tmproroaaiilo; OooUloB

oolT il4 Borgaa gL. comor Aroo orOc___FIVE roonw. all

mootli for two drwi Hill, Boa

Improrofloonta, 111 te 111 Roeplo, la Hill McUoa, Ad­it , Koira offloo.

FIVE rnnwo. all Impfwronoota; 141 Dorgoo u logolro 041 pfomlBOO. or 111 VlgbtooolM

ovaFOR RENT—Flvo-roook modoro flat, ladolro

at 114 Borrlay it. L WIGDER

BBLLWtLLB AVK., l i t —Lwrgi tbiwo-rtory brlcb hcBoo, t*o rnom* aod batb. Mraqof

floora, oto, Al oundiiion, |44. PFROH IIBR-WBBCR CO. CA] Urtropolllao bOlM tog. llorkot aod Wa*biBgtoo oi*.RbMEVu7ui Nonb ^ u r th at., 141—

tarMod hoooo. *O¥0n lorgf, light room* and Moth; nowly dororatod, imniodlau p n ^ i ■loo; good Dotfhborbood; root tt*. loqotro H i Fourtli Pt,CLINTON illtaL-nTMl room MoO*o. 4 White

ter. r«»i III . nlBp-ripom houoo, T4 Vaa Now pi. WILLIAM FRET. I l l Cllotoa Pro.ROWLAND RT.. 1 4 - ^ i rooma batb, loafi-

dry. oil Improtcmrnti, ront |J t . ladulro OBORGE PENKK. 417 Broad at.

HAWTHORNB AVB, III, c<iroor Wate- wngOt at.—FIto roowa. batb, olwetrlo

light. I l l InUNlr* oo premlaeo______BUimeR f f T i r i l —F w oleo roema. bat^

all Itoprovcmratef largo porcbea, rant t i l . Inqoiro prooiiooa.

IRb^Throo l a r ^UlOHLAND AVB., - water and gar.

■qdlra ZZ.------

ROTDBN MT.n 111—dll roona. lBl ROBBOooloa; ooar troUoy; root 111,

JACKSON. II ntotoo Miiouf

____ ____ ligbloawly poporwd and




1 light rooma. Math: ■loom hootod. Mot waior, janitor aarTtca. Inowdloto ptowooelen.

WRSr OIUNaB^Ploo moow and twwt: ood woteri lo goBd eeadltlM; do, BOLANOiR, II CMarteot rL

ORANOR. Woteon avo,iUtS££!L

t i t—TMroo


THIiBR roDBog ood both, lo ar noor Irvtag- too. Addraw WILDUNO. I4| Sooib Nloo-

teooih M.P olty.WANTRD, twa rwaoM aod ktUMaoatt* far

oaa ood wifa ood child 11. lo Oaotrol aebool dlolrloi. Addrwo Woolod. Wm. lA Nawa aftoo, MooUlolr.WANTED—Elthar t or 4 roama botwaoo Flf-

teaoih at. and Oroonwwd a««.. Boot Or- oogo, by oldoflr eouRl*. Addrwa Coopte, Box If. Hrwa^ g tc r


Loot DlrteOoo Morteg Our SpoclattF,JOSEPH J. KRCBCRR,

PUoo aod FuralturaMovor, Pacbor and fhlppar.

MOTi»R Vans.Stefoga Warahooaw ood Offlao

4fl-47t TWELFTH AVB.Cor. Uulaton ay#.,

Nawarh, K. J.

TATIAIR ST.. II — IWtarhad bonaa. I rooioo and both. Maam h*ai. ail itnprovaaMaU.

Inqutro at l | Thylor at.CRITTENDEN ST —Savan r<wiizka. water goo.

loald* toltei; rant |IL InquLra 111 Balla- villa avo. _____SINGLE cottago to lot, roroar TwanUrtM at-


MONtQOMBRT ST..rooma; font III.

flrat flaar. four ra« I t Bprtfifflald ava.

14—Sa<!oed floor, fiva Montfomary it.. 11.

nia, root |l . Inqulra

HAhSHALL ST wovamanu. Ark

>4—Sill bright rooma. lui- FEIST S FEIST, tan..

NEWTON MT. i» 1*1. H

RICKETT. raalib—Two largo, light ro>i*u

gar maolb. loquiro HR-

EAST ORANGE. N. ITib at., 114—1 rooma, center haM: rraam haat. modem Impta.

largo lot. convenlanf rtoitea, trellry; raa aopobla. H. FLOURNOT, I t! Broad a t___NUTLET—4 rooma Malbf | t t ; W«M Or-

oogA I rooma. bath, gaa, altrlrlc. I l l aid III. ORBRN. 114 Plr«T«40'a b l^ ,. Nawmrh,

PLANE STm 144—Thrae largo irul; |10. PFROlfSlCR WEBER CO. I lf

Matropolltao buLtdlog, Iforkal aod Waablto- ton ite.

FBQUANNOTK, N. J.—For r«nt, filoa roomB.bath, alaa to haat: 1 4 acraa, noor ataUoit


STORES, OFFICES, ETC, TO LETa p a r t m e n t , mil dontlat or dorfor; ona big

waiting room and two aihrr rooma; ateca trie: oil Improromaata. Inquira P. LKR- ROFF. Z*J Court al,. of tal. 1141 Mht.

if- Sacond floor; vary k; mliabia for aay otriei

iobol oroa; hoB bauti ocmplad My Ui for (Iva r«aru; rtoaaoabla raoL

BKHHY. ft Clinton M.

PLANE ST.. I4>^U rOi>tnr and hath: all im- provtfwanta; root tS4, laqoiro II Earao

tm________________________FLAKE ST , 111, near Wllllan—Ftva rooma,

t i l . MBNDL A VANS. Baaax building

CLINTON BT-.■irnbla locatii

Rrofw oitaapai

IBS A.JAM!CLINTON ST.. SI. appoaUa Baarar aL—

Main floor; peaaeaaten now If daatfod; no batter buiJna*a location In Kawark. JAMES A BEHRY, II ClintoB at.

PE8HINE AVE.. HI—fhx of aavan roomo. With oil ImproTumaote, lo o modarn hwo-

family houaa: rant vary reaaonablawQUITMAN ST., 41—Tbrao ao j four roonMi

Improvamant*: rani raaaooabl*.ROSEVILLE-'Ektra rhole* arrood flat. T

fsa, )^par porrh. iiaparata antraDoe, ate.. I l l : fliM arrond flat, hardwood floor, ■lartrtc light, arparata alaam. f i t both near iraltey ond oLatlon. UBEKBK. 144 Warran •L_____________________________________RIDGEWOOD AVE. I l l —1,ow«r flat. *1i

room and baiM. all in>prov*m*ota. a«w tvo-famlty ooroar houaa. _

I t -

SANITART STOEIAOE ROOIISAr* th* only kind you ahould roualdaf wb*a you rtora your good*. Ii will maan o lot te you whan 1h*y ar« r*lurr*d; coma and aa* aur aav atoroga rooma. thry ara all that can b« daalrad, you ran b1r« on* at *ar/ r*a- ■aoaMla roiaa- Boy vaa vou naad. why oat gWa ua a irioit 'Pha*a Morkai S4T4 (or a*il> oteiA

RNirKERROTKER STORAGE CO.,140-14< ArUtiglon it,. N*wa/h, N. J.

Matar Vaoa. iRactel Flaoo Uovafa

HIGH ST., IM Raootifil fgrolahad lgf«a airy fr*Bt f*Bfo tar light haoBahtegiH w

■laopipg; all laiRreveteeote; f w warB fN e coon hWUBB,RIGH r r . . III. MatwaBa V bbI KiMBy pot

Cauii BtA^Lorga ggd i t r r femtehedivllo

1 BtA^Lorga ood i t r r turaRhod with 4B wlth*ai llghi iBSBBhiipiaf

HIGH ST. MS—Twa iWSBartlgg raato* far light houaaha*Rloff 1 aIb* aaa roote; r*-

trtgbratte aod goa roogo; rnn— light and airy.HILL ST„ M—Ntealy

larga Ulad bath ao <t« a mlootaa Hty hall; efaa i hBoaa.


iRgtB Bod daubla roaOte fuoaaaahi* rata, all lai'

HILL ST..Ilgot aod

Rmraoiaatei____________ _______ ___HILL ST , II—LofV*. Rlaqaaot^ trowt raaiB

awltoMl* for two ar thraa g*«tlaatao or ooa oau^a.J a m b s ST.. i i -Larga. liteair fUroNltal

heooie; eaotral la«atl*a: oawr Rolaao tea- •at aod oil ipallaRa; otea m a t ood raor por< lar raamgtkADT hovteg 0R0ft|R*ol aa Clhite* ova

will raol o4te of two oIBNy furaiBhad rwaao. w tu ar wUJtevt wm af hlUh«i; fMt raaaoaohte. Addroga a ia tea . Baa U. NbwioYfloaL1LI.1R ST. TS—0a« ar twa raatei

Mght hauaaliaaRlag* RHfOte teaOlr;far

MlTLRBRRT ST., |U , canter Oroae—lArga frowt houaabaaMBg raaot, alBoo aod alryi

oawly fumtahad; rawaanoMte root* alaORlBgl l . l t ; All ImpravaoMBto.NELSON PL . IS-ProBt MACh

laralao kltcb«n ood dlolng roomj aultal rwupla or rbaII fogtlly for tight heuaahoap lag. etaoii aod eomfortobte. Uo nJnutte to Broad, roaaaoabla.NBLEOM PL. tl^T w a oawly fumlaMad

front light hooaaliaastef r>amB, All li •rovam tou. adult* only, pnvate: oaar oat hauaa; flrat flaar.OT1RLOOK1NO Uoaojo Park, A niaaly far

otahad raam to booia of prtvAta family: aultabte tar oaa ar twa gaat}a«ao Addram Prteata, Rai 14. Kawa afflaa.PLANE ST . t l l - ’irtfaty rurnlahad ra*nM

light bauaahauplof • oaal aod claao, hat and raid watar oa aaiba flaar; uaa of lauodry.p l a n e iT . ftT—NIC* lorg* hcui*b*ah1iiB

room*; iBprfiuamante; vary oaotral aod raoaocabM; bandy to Lrolloy aod lohaaPLANE iT. HA—lArga aod amalJ roama

for hnuarhaoplng and alaaping rooma. all lmproY*Tnente. rani raaaonabte.

BOARD WAimDH D H m n Mkkli wi.k wm t kmr4 m u

lim mflin km. u 4 Omv, «l ; to ik ynm kk4 ••■mklikkik If kkk A44me (.Vi^lk, Jtek It. Neweerlte,.

U . iKUtRDtMO MODOL k*rttkk IwtM kr h in il, k*.

Vw hI HtU mntlkk mr~roiinT mu. .

A k ttt 'ClMk k k ^ 1 inl k ^ooAad !■ Paridar te iBn*ili|Hrh th ia f w ill aali my haauti- fol Tteidaaaa te th a h ao rt »f th a Paroot Hill

Lteo Al A BAurittaa Aod an aoay la r« a : U BMs hoih, goFAgu. A*or IroUay. Addraaa

ForaaL I te i i f , Naw* a fftaa ______W |l>O W Sll aod tw n chtldraB i

p riva te faiolly. A ddraaa K «tet arA_______ ^

p%a< beard in E . IM C*e


I t i tIkMkkI ktmVkfMMti MnJthr

MODRRNUBB toraa ha■«o gordao ptadoaai

Nonh Coldwafl;•01 high yidat. CtdarISIM't.

altUuda, Crmt

tonFHIVaTH hOM for aid

phyNnally lU; ra* Raroardavllla, N. J.

tU; raat MISS e. ‘Phona 1I4M.

PRIVATR HOVR, cara far lloallad wnihrr telldlv lABhoo af taahte-telidod M ill C

MEI.U iteroirdavtUa tf, J ,

lOARDING-OVT OF TOWNnittCK CIIUIlCM. WkkkUf kl'- kk>-Allm.

ttm . im n a .t tkkik: tkrv* k*mh:Jkm. iklkqMk Irteh Ckkmk auU M ! n l.r - •nma TkqMnA.___ ________M C W nw H A I. kklwtkkHtr, Ik k ttkk kjm*

lAm*. MM mkiBk. liVfk k w ^ kkA ik^>r ruA . m tm weM : fim m l.qim Ik MkOm. S l MIU. ________■AST OMAMaM, W mrem* *L, 14. tm* nlk-

■t4k Brick Ckurck •U tlkk—AtimeUm rm w i kmt* IaM ,. Uktc Ikcala; f«(»mkcm.i.imkMc miw oikka* _____ _BAIT OBAJCOB, PmcMct kc. 1»—A ttrM lt,.

**m* ckA •loMUkl uk)«, MkTCki,kt uIntikr kk* U Irtek Ckkrek BUtwm____OHAMOB, ■sfAm M.. Ik—BckrAm •k n l.4 ,

tWklkk*4 mkW. -Ilk kC »Uhk«t bkkri. w tmUki ks4 limlk. AkMnktk Iwatikn. BkM Ml. _________

■TANtai'BT—r-w kkTT flM ^lkrfk kk« ■M^lkkl •ktl IkkktkA rkoRiA wttk kll nin-

mklkkCkki (.kkkl IkWk, kkBM ccmRiri., 1kr«k *rkmkAk, rkkkowWk 11-41 likkts Ar-


lUAJtD WANTED- T OF TOWNb o a r d WMtad. two ewonaotlng r**tea with

both ood board tar thrwa adult*. Ulan Ridi* m vteloHy Addroaa L M . Bm U Nawa^1fflo0| - -


kk>kt> tkr tk i HI ■MkUlk klc; Am HIU. M. J. DtWB

will ocaomnaadat*; lOrgu rooma. gnnd

.gory; IT par w«*h.HaooaA N J . __ __

M/%**■!. r r a NCHVILLE. at th« f^ h ilt* •f Klvar • LAhw-0*oill*u *n1y; fMm 111 a*d IU . Addrate GEO. D, W^LTEKR. ^ e h n i l a . If, / . ----------

Pop Knglteh'a M lltord A A., which hoa baan Mraohlng oil a«ml-prt> facord* ihiB yror and broha tbam ih* »ro*on bafore, will Uavb NawArh RsturdBy morning for a iw o-doy trip by Itoat And roll to N ew burgh and W aldtn, N T., whara garnra wlU ha ployed Rolurday Aflarno«*n ond Rundoy. Tha Mllfurd* will laava New York l td o'oloak Kat- UrdAy m orning on ( h i HoUrri Kulion for NBwburih.

Thap w ill move oh to W aldtn tor i som a With Iho Kaon f 'u ita r tqara Sat urdhp A flarnoon. HundAy Afternoon tb i HlirordB w ill tAckla th a rAhrliioldi Al N aw burgh And w ill re iu m home Sun. dAy nIghL T h ir ty a l t h t wtli moka ih4 trip , In c isd itit olRtBen ployafo. Th* Mllforda hAV* wua th* lr loot ihraa gomM by ohutouta. T ha SacAueui team wao bea(*n I lo 0. 81. MAry ■ ot U*v«r lout to the IocaIa 1 to 0, And th* Boy Hidg* A(h«tico w*r* irlm m ed, I to I, In on eteven-inning gooi*. I>Av*y W hitt pltch*d tho t gam e for th* U llfordi AnJ dirin t oUow A hit for t*n intalngA wh*n tba Hoy Rldg* A thletic* *ceur*d th* only tw o aofatlen they got. In th* tenth Inning ih* Bay R ids* tvom got two m*n on bo**, A moti on ueieond ond third. And Wkm* fAtmad tha naxt lhr*4 mep.

* * *Th* Irv ing ton n * ld Cltib will trav tl

ta P spsst HiU H RR ts^ f s r 8 j m s v k Iih« rpB ip4« s> th * som M * i S iSTlBibtrrlAgtAR WAS IJm f i r s t • bB b

k k kTkk BHcliikl O atU w k i t T k lleH lS *

kck rkkdy Ik k rrk k k k (U kkk on tkM f nkw fTflandi k t UatkrdrM Bk Okk) IW Bklkrtky kflkroDOnk o f Ik B te r BMtB* lD(k wlUk khop kB* BkpkHaMBl klkM tkkmk SktanSkT M oVkn. Tltk BUBBfW U Tom m ilk f. • ! W kkt B a4 kVkBM.

k k kThk a u a n tn ly C lub. > Ira fk llk c kMBl.

profkkktonkl (kon, o f How Tork, doMfkk lo book (kcBkk fo r J a i r I t o r tJ ir to t* kixlkj afikruooB la ABfUkt kick Ikf* Ikinbkr krllh Ikomk offarlB a rkkkoWkWk InOufkmkiitk. MknoBkf J . * JofcMMl would liko to hour from Tkjwfir, Rckkllo P o rk . Bocotk, PlomlBCtkiL Bound Rm oh, Now BruBkwtck law tkknik o t liko a ira o c tb - U li k« fkkl tk Itk B roodw or, Now T ork. Ho o«ti bk rakohkd on Iho talophono, CortlkBit 1110, k u rin k ( h t d a f .

* * kF rank M anna, m anackr of tbk H t.

Cirn.kl C. C. of O tankk. Ik doklrkiM kf nh iain in f Kktnoa wUh tha CarUlW f and nlhor toam a. M anna hak aakBra l the O rtnk* p la rk m u n d (or BaturdaF, but aa ra t bao no t book k b it tk am B k k

I t b a Mman4tkkr, II

.■ ranikk i 11 COBk Miwtk,

a fan,*, apply (0 Oraot*.

Thk Tkhk M ld ck ti would Ilka kim ak with amall toam a. A d d ra it J. R llar. HNkWtnn ktrkkt.

* • .Owink In a oanpalatlon thk NkWBf*

A A. nine la w ith o u t a fkffik far kBAk day. M a n a t.r Jo h n Am brook hadilfiikd twn now playara, RlBMla aad Antannt. form or B a rr ln c a r playarA bbC would liko to hoar from tbk tpkkdWBFk, Hkadowbruoka, HroapacU imd alk lM . Itik addrokk lo 711 Bor^on dtraat. ,

• • ■M a n m And n<if4 toAMS will RlSf

SAturdAy At Bluottifl«ld. Ulrtek iflil Douber w ill b* th* Mnnrod MaIUIT*lOCAlR Wilt loav* llArMtt ABd S rsM Btr*«lB AC I g 'c loch In th* Afthrm sih

IN Addition t* aur rufuter I(k*o1 moving a*r- vlc*. «* hova ■ »aw FaeOafd *ulo v«n,

eomptetefq aofloa*d foot rarvaa-eorarod), equfbpad Alb ap*el*l haavy padded flip rov­er* fvr bwuR pteBoa. etc.. adJ In I'horg* af a moater furnitur* hoodter. which w* uaa aiclualraly for Ion* dlataac* ramavala. lArga or amall lot* d*ll**red anywhar* oi amoil c**l, Talaphofia M*rka< TI44.


Haw Courrete Sta*l Biorag* Waraboitaao.U-14-Z4 Cabinet Street.

___________Nawarb. N J, _____NEWARK Storag* Warehouae. 141. 141 Hil-

aey eL. will ilora any ala* li->ad of fur­nitur* few t l monthly. plon*a movad, holated, |1 , long dlatenre moving

Ri SEVILLE AVE.. IT^Lorga ffwot roam.witb t rlaaela; ewvaolaM ta bAth. alaa

eonvenlant to train and irollaya.SIDNEY PL. 4. cma bl«ek aM*v* oourt baua*

—Neatly furnlebad room, with ciotbe* eloa«*t. repventant to buLb , all ImgroTennaiita. | ) per week. ____________________SOUTH niXTEENTH ST-, i l l —Nice, claao

Airy roam. bath. 11-M. qolat pa^roRtteot hnma. far ruapactabla party. MArkat car. EINNTB batl.SOUTH BROAD ST. ItUA—All Improve-

manta; Ugbl airy rtMnna. eoavaoteot te all Irnlley car*. r«a*eoahle renta.SOUTH ST,. M^Lorg* ro*m. faof windawi

and alcov*; eulubla far icupia ar iwa naa. eery reaaonabla.STIRLING ST. H. naar eeun houae—Twa

plfwaaot coowoctlog rwofn* far light hawaa- keeplog; ruBolAg h*t and cold wal^.STATE ST . 14. oaar Laeka«*nna and tubea

w-Baautlfai froat ream, eultabia fer Iwa peopia, otbar rooou; cJaoa and goal, loapee- ticifl Invited.

TEFTYH ST. New apartment•arvica and appointment un>ur-

tan mlftutee le Brtmd and MarketCORNER alar*. Ju*t the thing far *bai

room and work ebop, 141 Houtb Taiub il toq'ilre Jeraey Hticult Ce , 111 Hudeeu at., telaghone MM Itarket.■ A rr PARK ST . ) l —Handaome MW t

etoiT marabandlae building. J«al canv plated; right next to Public wrvfoa |4,S44,' 040 terminal and union ateiion. and In bean of aone offering more pomlbllltiia than ■got In New Jarvey. JAMES A. BERRT, II Cllbten pL



with or witbout room; •pacbil laduoa- meat ta dnagglet loquira J. HARTUNO. i n Hawtboroa avu. nr I t Laalle a tSTORE—Mt SontD T«oth * tt larga. _ .

etore; oa room^; tew doore fraaa Spriag-fMd ava; root IT. 1)4 Mtdbarry o t

light prlag-

Inquira an prantMte *r

SOUTH houae

paaaad;ete., rant moderate agent on promli JOHN W. HERBERT. I1 Naaaau eU. New T e^ City: phone 1141 CortlOndtSDUTH EI.RVRNTH 8T~ IM—Elegunt flat;

all ItnpcoTatoanta; five rnome, aaphali etreat: eouth«ra *xpoour*; oeur two carllnea.___________________________________

j SOITTH BELMONT AVE., Btl—Second fltw flat, eeven mooM: n«ar car llae; root tM

WILLIAM FRET. I l l Ctlolea ave.SCOTT ST., t l (for eolored tenante>—Five

rootiM and paotry; rent raaoonable to re­fined Leoanl. PFROMMER-WEQER CO. 44t Metrapalllan baUdlog, Market and WaahlogteO eta___________IFRiNOnELD A m , Tl. near High oL^Stjt

larg*. llghi roorua; o*wty dacorttad; rood- era Impmveniente; real l i t . Inqult* eecond flaap, nghi.________IAKDPORD a v e ., 14I--TW* flau of five

iwwmi and Kaib, In Iwo-famUy hou*a; Im- Navamaota. Call day nr aveolog on prem-

nurepeclalty. city mevtBi, quKX eervir* and cheap. Market 47*4. Day and ntgbi phone l i t t i f Waverly. Office 111 Waahlngton al. Agreement, tn wrltlfig, Inrludlne complete terma, befrir* any furniture te loaded.


14 44 academ y i t . PHOKK U ll MET, FtTRNiTURE. PIANOS STORM'D. NKfA-


Arlington e t.: tel. >lt1 Mkt.. cit UM we hav* pleajked hundredp, why not you furni­ture end planaa moved by •xperl*nr«d -nen. large padded vane. *l*o elnilc, pmell order*, auto van* for long dietitic# mr^vlng.^ rt^pRES


Auto van* for If ng dietance moving. IM Muiherry el Phone I9«2 MuTherry.

____n ig h t ‘P H nN K jim MAJIKET___' WASHTNGTON STOPAQE CO.. 71 Aredem*

il —.ptnraxn large tlie van load* |1 14 mn . moving, 111* van. t l ; large ate* van, I4 any part of city, any floor, weather cnndl-

' Ilona do aot altar prir-ee. Tel, HITR Ukt.BEST attention be#t eervtce. hc*t rete* *or

etorage of furniture nod nixnoe. aum var»«. ■V* money and 'phone 4lt4 Mkt.; lowoet

rale* fer long dleignc* and ecaal-ore moving National Storage Co.. IM-IM Plane it.

WASHINGTON ST Ift-^Froat parlor for tirA or four, alee iwo Maaamaat ruome; ail

Impruvcreenli. rentrul. H weekly.Wa^ING TON ST.. MM—Ftrrntobwt room to

let: all improvamenU. rate* II per week and upward*. Cewimereiai Hotel.W A ii iN O T o iT 'r r r 44*-

r-reiua - water aod geo; a papered. 1*rma repoeoabU

rwe cooo«cttr»g wly paioiwd and

WAMtRN ST., M --l.arfr front and rear hF>u**keeplpg roema: water oo aam* floor;

IJ.te , eleeptag room, 11.44. _ __WERT KINNKT 8T.,

houaekeeping rwotq. I t aod IL.M.

II, near Broad—<'1ear ala* a IfojBt bed room.

Wir’KLIFFE FT., Th—FurMahed room* for


A hlfh-ctaae boarding hou*« or ramily ho­tel I* needed in Poreet Httl eecliow—in er- d«r tn aorompileh lhi* I *111 eell my beaqtl fill rcflidchce in ih* haart of the For«ei Hill •eclion at a earriflc* and on »a*y term* 11 room* bath, farig*. near trolley Addreaa Porrel. Hoy New* office


STORE8->lll SpriDgflald aww. fTl; 4ti Worreo pi,. etera, two rdotna. Math. 114;

■ara C««tm aira. 8T1INER. t i l Ssrlof^ held avu.STORE, wilh roama: for Mx y*org ih*»-

mahef l ^ p : flo* leootlon for o flrai-^Aaai Morhir. I EalM pL. oorAer North Fwuteaoth

SUMMER ATE. Mt, near Veroaa ave>-Sli larg* rckom*. all improvements two-femily

hotwa: real tlT. ^R N R t'SC H , I t Ccotat Market.STVRUNO ST.. 41—riva room*, flrat floor,

all Improvomante except heat. inquire JOSRFH Ka RMaNN, 141 Sprlngfleld ave.

v n x IA M ST., U >-ieluble ter aa r M«*l’ MO*. Ih eenter of auto fORMly dtitrictj

yuct i t t . FFROMKBR-WBEER CO., 441 Matrepolltoa holldlog. Mark«t aod Woahlof •tes tte._______________________________


FDR MWT ■ RtOffu, dwoMiog and bakary, la WILLIAM C GEB-

llPtOh, M. J .WEST ORAMGE-~Ater«k two reomi ond

Math) Al toeotloa ter oeolactl*D*ry and Msoru, Morhor m drogo. RtkAUnLT, Briek A v o h , MoaS Oro&fo: >b*M Or-

STABLES, ETC, TO LCTVO atklla, tlkklk «r tMMkw, n


in cuw tm ATMA bUktUkl k^tk-AkU kMftBWkH, Ik tbk

bMt ttkilikllkl m m im 1 N m rk . k n t J i . l u 1 » M k k in bktbi «nfT rm * tek

(Tl HlllkU* ki Wtk, tkktlT.

kkA J u lU r kkcrtkki dkcotkl* te •sit; i l l u a M ra ik T . u * t s k d . #r h «>

APAKTMBirr BEUlAT. - kHuUlul

AFAKTMBNT tk Ikl, flek tkffk. IIMI ikknk - kll aikAfrB MavkiiMetai la

. H. U fT , l i Urrtf* sTk.BkWelUe.AFAB1 IH VaahlBttta M,-

M ini

Jkklteti t k ^I I—FI** h m m M ta n

. kU taulA tiM et lukll fckkrbkkA; >1A

M keA kC ibauTitf. *erilaf. 4-----



<1Muioirt aWL wk.^w a-fU B lIr tM H m t kt;

iHi.linii iMkiii''MJ


OUR rale* ore the low»ai; our evfvice the beet' renpuH ue before mnvtng and

convtncedi' local and long dteianea moving M. STURM A SONS. 121 Hewten MarMM._____________ _______________ _


FomltPr# moved te c|lv nr >p'intry 4* PLANE HT ‘PHONK l* » T\._ B.


APARTMENT, modern, nleelF fumlehed; I rooma, bath, airy; reaeonabi*- IM Monl-

rUir ave.. cor Mt Pmepeet Apply ]an1tor

LIGHT houeehe^pirtg tonm Wanted br re- ■prriibie married roppic. prte* from 111

n t)4 per month, mwat b« with a raepeci' able privaia family, where no other boarder* nr rnntnere xr* kept, aay good locality Ad- dr«M Reepectabi*. Bdi iC, Newt ofle*.Vi.>UNG profrMlonal man want* rnom. near

Knur I'ocncrR, muet b€ very clean, give lo­cation and rent, or no atlaotloa given to re­ply. Addreae Profeaelnaal, Box 111, Nawe office,


EAST ORANGE South Muon avt., pieanant furnlahed roeioA with «

bath in private houae. for geatteman.

SIX blight, airy rooma, naar High et . If lartegfleld ova ; to oiSolt* only. Inquire

[^LLHO FFER BROS.. 144 Market at.SHERMAN AVR. t t , rorwar Murray el —

Fo«r rnoma and bath. III. UENDL A GANS. EaMX Mulldloff.•BCOND ftoar; two

etoih** and di»fi cl*light roemi; water; teta. M Hartford at,

THE h a r v a r d , 441 Cm IToI ave .-^ lightInclwding

rea l OB «Jai kod troHoym

modern Impt.. b*n rayy **av*aMtit to iraio*

t a q « ^ MM Wav.TO LET—FIt* good mom*; tiawly painted

ood paptrad; on t a o nd floor of 10) Waeh- tnttoa aL K*r la H«r* *a oemar of Bleeckar

TKIRTM N TH AVR,. 14- reote*. naar caate b*gM>

on the premlaa*.-Five walMIgMed

Apply f-T P.

TWO ate*, gnrumlihad mama, with tb« u*e of kitchaa. bulb; morrlad oouple; no *b-

lldld: fgrthar Informalton,_______ ITS# from I t :Addraaa Nteaty. Box 144, Newa of-

^hiHM V kiurtr 1(1* (rem )• A. H lo T flee.W UQUAinC FARE SBCTIDN — a*CCk|ld I

floar to tw4-tem1ly hoM*. ••«•» n i f . light Ota*: awtry ImpTevamont; neer hntiaa;

Ian* front pofeh. taraanad; r*mt 111. WILL­IAM FRET, Ml a to laa awL_________

BROAD ST I ! l—Light boueekc#-ptn« aultee of one nr two rname. new; hFauMfutty fur-

nlahed; alao elerplng rooma; itaam boat, hot water; «v«cyihlTif compiria; refined peopla only; no nhjcrrton to child.BROAD ST.. IIM—Complct*l> Tgrnlahrd

apartment, thraa room* and bath, all Im- provefitente. rverytltteg new: rrfFrene* re­quired. Apply Jawiter,_______f o u r pm illy terrilehed roomj. fnclurtlng

private bath; win rent te deetrthle couple for weekly. Call i^ t Bummer

RJRNISHED ROOMS TO LETBROaD 8T., Mt, overloohlng Military Park

and Park pi. rnmef Recmr «i.->t.wrg* from room, aeeond floor: four window*■ujtable for a genileman or refined coupla, athgle room: minute lo tube, 'pheneBROAD HT . Ml—Light houxekeeplng *uttea

of an* or two room*; new baautltelly temtehed, ii!*Q aleculrif rooma, aleam beat, bat water, everything compIMe. reflntd

ODiy; no objactlon to rhiidb r o a d ST.. Ml. gppoell* Central Depat--

Larga, light, piaaaani raoru. Improv*- Otenta; grnllemah; If per week, faquir* third f loor.BROAD ST . U lf—Piaoaant mom. ul*a two

OMoeeiteg rooiq*; oli tmpmrvtnanig; cl«a»,Hgiif; alectriciir; a*par»te emrancee;

EAHT nRANGE. Hlllon I t . 41—Front room furnlahed. al) impmvamenta, for one ur

IwQ petione bear ifain and trollay.NEATtfT furnlahad room, all improvement*.

near trolley and railroad, prtvata fanruiy- W. r . LONGCORB, M U&datey ara.. Reeli^ango, __________________WEST OKANGB, Whaelar e t , I t—Two nice I

room* and kitchaii and iMlh. all Itgbi. [ eteao, por«h; for roupla. MRS. 8UL7- UKitGER


et.^Amarican and Eur*p*ati plan: mod­erate raiae; reooii an eulte or eingle; rarmlng I hot and cold water and folepboMi la reom«;



I II pMn*nk »»•.— kBd tk lh : iMw hkWH;

klkctrlc llkhta: pafkwtkll ltkkro**iB*ki*; kW ettK llk h ta : paftiuat l l w l k k : a tk a n ia a h ln k c k ; n a ld a s t la l aac- tlkk . ^ a a a W4I W aaaflF . ________

f ip illia i hoUklak.. , O -^ n tM lan a , ll«M raanu;

:OM M III-in»KII <*i » •(- Mkriwt aak WaaWatta*

WAUlINOTcm *T»„ t i l —F n r ttkfei


; eoparete tBROAD ST.. H^Byron Apartmeeta; «ultaa

y aad s monu; hnueekecplog prlvllegne. J a i le r aervlc*; Impla; rate* reaaonable,b r o a d ST.. I l l—Large fumlebad n>oin, af1

Imstattemante: ahawar bath; 'phoD* ear- ▼lee. Tha jh^anaiin.BROAD ST.« llte^-Ooa «r two etagl* olealy

fw^iahed room* fer goatJeaiao only; very •tea loeaiten.BROAD ST,a )4t4—ITtealy furalBbtd roema:

oU haprev4sa*Bta; pitvat* famliyi tarwui ledigataBURNET ST-, 44—Beaktlfgl airy fyont room

la r ew* or two; larg# «lo**ti reaaooable, •laoM. qnl«t hoo*e; twa .hath*: talapboae; aaavaalant Laekawanaa and uMa.


fFermerly tb* reaideite* of Mra. Campbell Clnrk.1 Delightful ilngll and doebla roema, with private baibe: magralfleeni reception and dining rooma. euinmat rate* from 41L44. Mias DEfTTON. PreprieuBROAD ST . U44—Well furntaked. doable i

and ■Ingle roemi: all Imprdvetnehteeeathem expotare; beard eptlenai waverlyTI44W

BROAD ST., 1411—Undar new managamanl;large front rnom. running water, ■uttaMIe |

fer two people, table gMfatg errvedroL U uniA IT.. IS -^*ed baard fer re-

ipectabie working man; tarpw moderate; two block* frem Hiy taall: oarmoa hem^ | cooking.COLUMBIA ST. ID—Two large ennneeting

room* wUh alcev*: r—enoabte; with board two biecke pity hall; fanr mtoitea Ceotrai Btatlaa. ______C in E im m 9T„ II, twa deem Bread e t .

near city hoU—Deabla treat room; nlealy furatehed! flret-vm beamd.ilktXABl^H AFR., I t—a vary eamfortabl*

room for on* er twp With m load paepl*; beard optloaal_____ __

FOREST HILL BOARDING HOUBE.A hightelaa* beardlaa hoaaa or family ho­

tel la needed In Forant KtU aatotea—th ot- d«r to aMomplliab tbte I wfll pell my beaetl- fu) r«*idtna* la lha haort af tha rorate HIM aection a t a ■ocrirte* and Pa aaay tom*; li raowM; bath, to ra ta : aoar tranay. Addr*** Fereet. Box It, Nawa afflaa.


FAIUleY af thrfi vaflMd adotto waold Hka ta rant part m Saetar* ar dentlgt** haatad

haoan m aponmaat; oat maah aaoUat ar wotoilag daoe hatoa aod »• ahJacUan ta iwag rwam. Aidteoi Famttyi Box 14. Nawa afBaa*

suwffwicx n.ifrawt raotek foniMiad for Ughitot; sH naprqN*w4HiA

IT. blaek off Clinton ind a haaaeheap

HUNTBRDON St.. HT—L a rtt fYant iwom hama rOAlilati ataalteai laaattoa; eoavaol

lijioolh Farh^dftA rciipi and a larga• .......................It - - - -ava.a ant to trattep; rate* reaneaabto.

NBLBON FUa Ite’-Two y a m t maa aaa have ate*, ciaaa. faratehad raoto. wtth

Hal, W ia kll (ksAafkwlUilk tak <alk-

BAlibWIN n . . M, n w Waantkktafl •(.— t(nkM ia4 raova. with or wUhMt baki-kj

kU laaktkvkaaakta, (Mlailiik aakatena «(

hskHl: altklrla Ukht: alikwar M U , alaa la M aaA; rwoeaWk,

^ UW* tea ikla-

llTnw ***I affloa.B U nC K EF IT - 17—ftloala (tiralahak ook-

toaatoa ______________ __ _____________ _MLBMCEn tnr., Ih-^maalF flmilahaA raoWk

vakak kM Wkkt iG p S t Nawarh.

ATB.. m i—NNklir Iw alahak ktliM lh, With nwklav wktati

_ . j l k Arfet fkiarkMa rkkwrk*. i a i Miy IIH .

Bk* Tl.

n*., M. kktwar kHi

« II.M .______ _


taar; igraiM toilih

MlilU4?r“CTSEST; Sr S

^H F551

s sKwEiit.


I Iwpl fMpI jlliiTLwTieSeiMe


■BTBWTH IT - MH—Makt eokblkEi nkdaik MIM.

lUWBmLB,larck rkkoa

Oraa«t tk r:

iMth T m i STT It—Twa klaalr (mMwE, M nlaataa

I Aik. IMMIa tk



H Malh k««.. Ml—liM tk w M iN kU ktl: prteW f«kM

kM kll Mrah:l; nkwnAhq-_______________OkkII ***.. n —natkkkt. aih.

Witt hasMi Mtkkia: all aaa. n r Ukliaia aM aUiNat talar-


n—f wTeSS


B A M B E R G E R ^S -**The Best Men*s Clothes in Newark**



* ia




Reflect Upon These Suits at 9.75

Were Priced $12,50 and $15.00For the man who appreciates what our annual July

reductions mean here is the opportunity to secure a $12.50 or $15 suit at the reduced price of $9.75.

These are garments right from regular stock—the pick of our assortments, representing scores of desirable patterns for midsummer wear. Sizes to fit men of every build.

Correctness of Tailoring Prevalent in Every LineIt is accepted as a fact, by all men, that Bamberger

clothes, no matter what their price, are well tailored.Take these $12.50 and $15 suits, for instance, which

we have marked down to $9.75 for immediate clearance. These suits display all the pronounced style features and earmarks of good tailoring that you will find elsewhere, usually in suits much higher in price.

A t 14.75 Men’s Suits That Were $18 to $25In further explanation of this

statement, these suits are our own regu­lar $18 to $25 suits, of which we have a surplus, and, owing to the advance of the summer season, are desirous of sell­ing immediately. Consequently we have reduced the price to $14.75. The in­ducement is not in the price— it lies in the suits themselves, which are excel­lently tailored, and offered in scores of handsome, midsummer patterns from which selection may be quickly made.Sizes are complete.

Permanent Trouser Creases, 50cL«t uf put ■ perminent crease In your trou«rs.

It will itay there even after you are caught in i shower. There i» nothing to show, nothing to be natural, lasting crease. You can only secure this felt—but something added which preservei a creaie. now, at Bimbergcr's. It ia a very recent invention.

(Second Floor)


M E W A S K B V E N W O N E W B ,- T H D B 8 D A T , 3 T O T 5T . T 9W




Rout of Orioles at Hands Of the Redskins Complete

Soccer Players Leavin<( for Qiristiania

F$r the First Time This Season, the Newark Tribe Gets Away to a Winning Start

On a Road Trip


• M W * • • • pttcklacM a < i«« m lB stiea t* k* * taJI M M W tfe*M M M m M tM e w w e l a , » » » • U * ■ M rark I M I u a • (Iptav a u r t •« tM Ir BIm M m M trip W M a i Dm •o a lb arn M tr yaatarM r. Thar «M a ll h a t push M n w ‘~* Ortitaa ta la tb a t a n a a ia ta

a f t t a P ia ta ih la a l II « a a a tha a lau an

h r aa 11»•Vba B a M M alH ta« with tba pane

t M ttlap aa alaa-arliadar apaad rntlraa. It

VPM*l a aaaa a ( aaw a t twn au-bucinp< a r lhafer hiatop% hat aa InaiaiHw af

I w ith tba aaerlap aia- I h a r « r llM aat bat ataaan hlta,

antaa In tha aeorinp. lb h a t M r a f tha aiea taniapa did tbar B e ta M t tba pan and la aach ana af B aaa a h it waa aat raoardad.

T ha a a a t la a l t r a ( tba atfani^va for I U ral M r ta n tn p i at aw ad t a haaa a

' Blap affaet an tb a dafandara. rmlllad ta tb a a i la n t a f a n in

' h a lf a f tba fa a r tb fra iaa , b a t tha naaia haak w ith a aanpaanca.

' a a t a a t r e a t haak th a t ta l l r . btil la a aU lb -ln n ln p alvppinp

h taa ■Ita,Rt ta a a a a r In tha

B h h , C raw all ta k la p ap th a bardan. P w tb a Ind iana ta a l tw a o d workad In f M fa n n . haM lap tb a konia alkpparB ta B r a h l t a tb ta a ad thaaa f lp a rln p In tha

I B a ltiw ora r a a a T ha Indiana p inrad IkM itIr In tb a tIaM. H a a la r a t aaa>

a n d lU tta r a t th ird aneh ^ n d la d ta abaneaa wlUwtit a n ilacaa Tha

B a a t a r n tlaahad h r R itta r waa p a n ic - ■ M ir a p p a lliln p ta H an ap a r Jaek i M t i a t th a ham a eaa tin p an t. w ho a MW d a r t haak, a t W ladan inarar'a P ark . M M la aaraan khn w ith tw a aw lnplnp n W a On th a aftanalaa ■ hartan , C alla- | M and W lttar w arn th a h ip p « n a Tha d lrat-naniad drillad a n t fan r h lta and

In tt-ra tr ip a la th a P la ta Ha had np tb raa m a a tk an k a ta W it-

and a ainpla and both fipurad In tha aeaiinp. Rhartrn'a ilnpla. Callahaa'a doubla and WItlar'a ainpla ranp up twa mna ta tha firat Inninp Anothar waa addad In tba Ihlrd on a walk, ainpla and two arrora Tha fallowinp frania brouaht anothar brara of talllaa on Kpan'a doubla and iinplaa by Haalar and Nhortan, all with Iwo down.

■harinan fadrd with tha fourth In- nlnp and Crowall, hla aucraaaor, actM Ilka a anrcaaaful rallaf pitchar all dnr- Inp tba fifth Inninp. Anothar flara-«p cama In tha ninth, howavar, with tha Indiana paaalnp thalr old friand, Eddia Xlmmarman, on tha way homa fonr timaa A walk, a T a u a lAapucr and a hit baitar crowdad tha baaai to a tart wllh. Hara Lamar pntharad In two fllaa, but Khortan naat cama thrauph by baatlap oat an Inflald hit, R ittar ncorlnp. Callahan walhad, forclnp Achanbaeh homa. W Itlar'a ainpla pant homa Kpan and Bhortan. A walk, a ainpla and a bad arror para tha Indiana thalr laat two rtina.

ladlaaa Mraak Jlaa .Thia la tha firal lima thia aaaaon that

tha Indiana hara atartad a road trip with a rtetory. Tha Tannayttaa think thia a pood Oman, an aaauranca that tha atronp para lhay aat at homa will

, ba maintalnad on tha awlnp Ihrotiph I balllmora, Richmond and Providanoa

tncludlnp yantarday'a rtetory, tha In­diana hara won ala of thalr laai aovan pamaa, and thraa of thaaa warn a tralpht orar tba Orlolaa Tha tallar, Ihotiph thay hara bran alippinp faat of lata, ara atlll wall ahova tha .iPi mark and oon- aldarad pood pannant oontandara All of which adda ta tha Indiana' contl- danoa that thay ara now on lha road to tha firat dlrlaton. Baltlnaora, on top of lha aaeond divlalon, la laa t ila and a half pamaa away.

For tha box lb la aftamoon Tannay haa Knimann, Wllkinaon, Bchacbt and Rnripbl ta pick from. Tha firat tbraa hamad wo* thalr laat aiarta. Bnamann aaama to hara a ahada.

Tba aoora:Ba l t im o r p


• a r * tiM aIr follaw -up wallopa. W lt­t a r a M t la M r ra a a w ith hi* hlta.r Obllahaa apparaatjy i*fi hla hattinp

I a t hama, far In hi* firat two tripa Iba plat* h* aeaaaatM fa r a daubla



fb . . .A B

. 4MIHm , e- t . .. TwBoiMfy Ik.

f. f ,. Kckpf, ^ m....WiMllBt., e . ..

P-.Cr««r«il, p .. .


9f Mf i m t .a O C B U T E R , J a i r IT,—T ha H aatlars

M M t th a ham w ith r a ra lad lffarandk ia M a ^ m d a n a a * . ra a ta rd a r , T ha via- M a p B laaaa w ara dafaa lad tw loa aad IM datrhia trw anelnp waa th a moan* of M aaaalap B uffalo fram fira t plao*. Tha m*W p*m* w aa annaaad a f te r a hard , ■phiU AphL I to I. and tha aaeond, t I* I.

Tha Mon a:

' i

OAIIB—ROCRBPrPILS - A .a R. H. o.»BB*a»*baaaaaa S t

«t f .........a .. , 4

....... II IBBrrALo,

A .a B. I »



HMiftr. n ............•bftflftftr I, t ...........CftllftUa, C f-aa..WHt#T, r. 1....... .Durita, lb ............Bm*r. lb ..........ArkMibMlk. a f t . . .

. . . . Ift NVWABB

A B It.

ft i r II

lallmi ft.



H c lM fU i Writes t b t Re b on] Rb W ij Esst l i P b j ■ C bl-


BOPTON. July IT —Itanrtoo X Mc- Louphlla will dafand hla title aa tha Lonpwood ainpla* tannla champlan, aa- cordlnp to a latter racalrad from him yaaiarday a t tha Lonpwood Crtekat Club. Tha former national ahamplen la now on hi* way from Ban ITranclaco,

II had pravlouity baan announcad that lIcLouphlln would not dafaad tha honor*, which ha haa wen throe timoa. Ha dafaatad R. Norri* Wllllama Id laat year In tha ehallanp* round.

Rain cauaod a poatpoaa^wnt of allmatehaa achadulad for yoaaaadM - l>both tha Lonpwood ainplap amd M* Baatarn deublaa champlouahtit. On* af tha boat matehaa axpaclad twMy will b* batwaan Claranc* J. Orttflm and J. 1 Armatronp. Richard H art* maata Nathanlal W Nllaa. William M John-

'aion playa Roland Roberta today, and tha national champion la not countlnp on any aaay tima with lha younpaat alar of lha California conlInpanL

Johnaton la axpectad to bo one of the flnallata, Orlftln balnp tha popular cholca In tha othar brachat. Cralp

! HIddIa win probably ba Johnaton'a op- ponant tomorrow.

I Oaorpo H. Chuyi'h and W ill]. E. Davta ara picked to win lha Eaatarn doubla*tllla


WftftrtftI $wp*es H UU tfBWR.PROVlDBNCBa Jtair *T.—T l» Or»T»

cftntlnuftd OB thfttf wlnnlAB woft yoo- tftr^y , rteertflBB o I to I ▼Iclory oror tho Rtchmond HbIk U. Tho porform- oneo ftrolB ftUira.i«ri Provtdc'ncft to fifftt ftiBCft In th« InUrnotJoTiAf L«offu« fmc*

Thft ftcoM;

BlIfTO, 0. 1oriiiftA,Pftb . I.

Oiuiow, lbTttlvMtf. r 1.Brtifurd. lb . Rbr»ii, tb . . . BUt'kbnni, e. BavnifartBar,


.......... e $


T«UI« Baltiititn N twvb .


IT 11ft ft4 ft

IT 14I

^ Tvo-bow hn»-CBiiAliUa Bm b . Ba•ocrlftM flr^MUIftr. Doobt#mnn \m TaeftmMr le Bftiftft ««

4-^ S ft—U

ill.. . ---- It le IlMeen. 'Bomu tm belto

ftlierniftii f. efV Basettveeift ft. off Crow* e4l 4. Better b ll^ B f Crowell 1 (Mceol. MnKb Aftt—By Bmoll«roe4 ft. by Bbermeo 1,

Srre«ell l. Pee#ed b^^W lM too . WII4 tfk""4lHHHw—0. Lefl on booeft nelllninri I, N#'

- ... . Left M ____ ________I. Nevorif ft. TBowtOiio h*mr m 4 torXj ■UBOteft. Vaiftlfeo»W«ftlftfirett eodH ort.


Cltneno, V t. Elbe!, lb ... HerMlryi. lb Benhettm. f Arreten. e. • KeIJIrter, c. f Prlrete. Sb . O't^eneell. e. Bhoedee. y. . *Heraelde ,, , ■*L«ek* .......

......... JT IRICBMOITD.

A a R.

ftM oBo^o rcoAlOB IffM left I# rftBfcta M l C .l 'H a a ry A. D aacaport, trwlwari M att ■.

Otadoawau. laa t* ra il* r . C-| CMfwwoa d. Pm ltb. Babcoak b WUcwai T ham aa W. CahUL mawaperi C. H. *p a ia iap . P taaeaa A. A.i WaMar A. Barstw - W aa- deaea k' r . C.i Thamaa PwarM , PWll R laor kw rara i NaU O. C larke, ba th lo h am r . C. riwBl r i - Thar l - r H. MIHa. ■ roahlim OM iaei JaaHO E ofd. d a n a y A. c .i MaaaT f apar. Cawltwaatul r . C.l Gaaruw TIatl*. B raahlyn CaHlaai T ham aa H a m y , Bathteham P . C. dom aa M. Rabortaau , Taw han P. C , a M dabn L M am M lay. laa tttah *moHaaaa. d id a t a n t r a la Um* ia r tba p latar* .


Kftw Jftrbfty w ai w ell roprooonud whftfk Ihft All-AnerlcAn ooccor toom rolled for ChrlitU nlft yMlordAp from Hobokon on bo«rd the P rodertk ' VtlL Pivo mrmbore of toe iquBd IiaII from thia atote. They ora Jomoo ("Bow- W ow") Ford of tha Jtraojr A. C. of Jar> ftay City. John 3. Hamlnalay of tha Scot* Ilsh-Amertconft of Ihia city, Oaorga Tin* tie of tha Alloy Boya of HAFTlfton, Clar* anca J. ilmUh of tha Bohcook A W llco« aU ran of Bayonno and H arry ("Buck*') Coopar, form arly af tha Wa«t Hudoona. b«t now w ith tha C ontlnantala of Naw York. In addition. H arry A. D avenport,

^ h a tra lnar. la a raaldant of th ta city , Thomaii W. Cahill, aacratary of lha U ni­ted S ta ta a , Football Aaaoclotloa. Ip m anaB lPt tbft Ua.m.

Thft tr ip 1ft balnv madft a t tho In v ita ­tion of tha Stockholm O ym nantic and S p o rtln f Afttoclatlon and la tha fira t a t- tam ptad by a team officially lo rapra- M nt the United S talaa In th a t branch of aftort In th a t country. Tha voyaca la aftpactad to ba made In nina day*, but the aquad will have a w eak to practice before it |ilaya It* fira t fam e, w hich la •chadulad for Auvuel tS. a t Htockholm, a ra ln a t the All-Btockholm alavan. T ra iner Davanpurt. who ha* had con* atderabla azparlanca handllnc ath lataa, will tak a care of all ftora m uaclaa and haa already mapped out a tra in in g cam ­paign for (ha boya w hile on board. (>avay in tandi to have tho boya play ■oocer, i l l an a aide, on tha tr ip over, (harftby kctplng thalr muacl*!* In trim .

Tatala U I V 1ft

PravManfa Rlehmond .

dprdftf Arra4r» of Uk* RBWB.TOROrfTO. Ju ly ST---H ontraal and

Toronto battled hara to a tw elva-lnm na •tandfttlM yofttardfty. The Koyalft forged to lha fron t w ith tw o runa In tha a lfh ih , but tha ftdvantaga waft abort llvftd. tha Laafa tla in g m a tte r* up In thalr half of tha round Tha final acora wae ft to ft.

*Batt«d far P rl^ te Ia ninth •*B«itad for KalUbar In ninth.

a e • t ft a aI ft ft ft ft a ft

TwnbaM hit—bana. Ba^rtftcaB ab f I dtAlan baara—fthann. OMlnw ard Doubla piny—'Dovinell B«*v« on balli—Off Rhnadri I. off Baum fAftner 1 Rirark out —By i. hr

itiragartnar f. W1M pMcb—llhnndea Tim*— I Knur and 44 mlnutea. limplra*— Ch«alnatt and r*|a«ry





BUPPALO, July IT-— Roch**t*r'* boy eb*** wonder, lu ro ld J*n*lnp*. I* run- nlnp biph In th* ch*m plan«hlp oU** toum nm ent a t ib* Burfolo Con.lalory- U* b u won tour p am ai out o t l iv e L**t niptat I* the lu c U*u* o t tb* •oonlnp'* pUy Ja n n ln p i beat Chenay o t Ryractt** In * do** match.

Jenninpe *l*o allm lnoted Crow of Buffnlo and tb* n*or**t com petitor to the Plower City player t* llearle w ith two and on*. Ch*n*y hoe loat thr** and won non*. Beorl* of Rom* h u won two and lo«t Iwo, W aller of Senee* Fall* haa won two and loat two. W abar of I 'tlca ha* loat th ree and Crow of Buffalo, lak inp Hr. W UIcoi’i placo, haa wall two And loat one.


NATIONAL LEAGUEBeawlta a t T eeteeday 'a^O eea*

CInclanmU 4. Naw Terk ft.Loul# I. Broaklyn S-0t.

The ftcnra:HONTBRAt*.

IT I 1> Mi UtTW w ran far Otwlnw in ninth Innlnf *TiftA awt whan wtnolaf run wm acorMl.■cor^.

ft 1 1 ft ft a ft II ft ft ft ft I ft 1

kit#, I run# eff Bader In T l>t: I kit, 1 run off Orage In X 1-1 In Kama run Carlaifom- Two-baa# hit#

Onalow. Tbr#a baa# bit#—l^ f h , Bacriflea hit—H*rrba dnciHflr#

HaJa Double ptay#—Devlirt lo Hatha Left an baa^—Horbeat*r 4.

ft Flint baaa aa ball#—o f f Kerch* . L if f D rifc ft. iHruck aut—By by Bader ft. by Qregf J. Wild

Faaaad haU—Onalaw. Umplrw Ibaa and Fraamaa. Ttm# -Twa kouri kt minaiaa

•HOOHO OAVS—B O e n m i La. bl r . n . o . a b .

A f.aM ............ I ft ft 1 ft ft

A. B. R. H. O. A. g.3. Imytk. Ik ,. ......... 4 ft 1 1 ftfttonte, c r ,. ......... 1 • « ft 0Heine, |. f . . . ft « ft ftPiuith, r. r. .. ......... 1 ft 1 1 ft ftDnrmnn, lb .. ......... I ft 1 ft 1 1Wnsntr, e i . . ......... 4 ft 1 1 4 ftSlstlvry, lb .. ......... 4 ft ft 11 ft ftHertden, e. . . , ......... 4 S 1 1 1 ftCelw#1l, p. . . . ......... ft 1 • ft 1 ft

T#U1# ....... ......... 41 1TORONTO.

T 3< 14 1

Trveidela, Ib _____ ft ft 4 4 ft, 1Hmiih, #. b. . .. ......... ft ft I 4 4' ftMurr#r. e f .. (lr#h#m. Ib ..

....... . ft ft 3 t ft ft......... ft ft ft ID 1 ft

Thnmp#i>B, r. Hisckbarm. ib

f ....... ft ft « 1 1 ft......... 4 ft 1 t 1 ft

KrU<;b#ll. e . 1 ft 1 Ift I 1Treut. i 1 . , , , a . , , . . ft 1 1 I 0 ftShecker. p- . . ......... 1 ft ft ft 9 ftH«rb#M. p 4, ......... 1 ft ft 1 ft ft*McTlfUf ...a ......... t 1 1 ft 0 ft

TeUl# ....... ......... 4] ft 7 IS 14 1

Tba Yankcaft hold firet place by ha lf a game over Boaton. deaptta Ihe tr ahut- obt yaita tday In ('hlcago. Tba New Tofkara gleaned only one h it off thadelivery of Eddie ('icoua.

The O lnhta by their defea t a t the hand* of Chrlaty M alhewaon'a Redlaga, are tied with P llU burgh for Iba lead In the second dIvUlon.

Ther*ra calling the Reda C lnclnm atty now.

Alexander the Dreai foiled th a P1- rataa In tha opening engagem ent of a double bill. Tha Phillle# w hacked Adams hard. In tha second tilt. H lllaf let the Phllllea off with five hll#. The r ira le # drove Rlxay from tha mound la tha alxtb Inning.

Bronktya ft, At. i.<ou1s ft.Bnuton 1. rMc#ae 0-

Phlladalphl* t, Plttsbarfh 1. Plitsburib h, m iUilrlpbla 1 .

ftiamdlag af the Teawa.

Dreeklyn .. . Dost on Phii#ii#iphiaNew Turk VlttsburfK Bt. I*nuil . . Cincinnati


Lm i .IIIIIIT444141


AMERICAN LEAGUElUftwIta • ( Yeutarday^ft

Chicago X. New Tork «,Bo#ton J. Cleveland Z.

Detroit 4. WaaKlfiflon S <10 in .». Br. A. Philadelphia 1.Ht. Louie «. rntladtiphia 1-

A ipeclal ahoot of (he Bunrlaa Oun Club will ba held Sunday m orning at W ladenm ayar'i Park , beginning a t 10 o'clock. Secretary F- W. JaduU haa !■* vlted tha mambara of tha club to bring thalr frlanda to tak a p a r t In tha ahoot


NEW TOBK, Ju ly 17— Th* Cnitsd S t4 t« N*lion*l Lown T .nn t* A*k k I*. lion *nnounc«d todoy th a t tb* winner* of_th« In tarscho tu itlc Junior and boy*' loum om tnt* In Now T urk. New J«r*«y and P*nn*ylv*nl* hod born nollflw t th a t th* Mlddl* S tx t* . ftoctlonal Junior xnd bnyi' chainploijWhlp* w ill b*pln Monday m arnlii*. Ju ly ai. an th* clay court* of th* W cat Sid* TennI* Club a t Poraal HlUa Lonp U land.

Th# wtnnar* of th* prelim inary tournam ent* ar* a lif lb la to play In a u r t lo n k i avanc and th* w inner a f a ■actional charlp lonahlp may compata for th* national m ia . Tha national champlonahlp for Uuya and Jun lo ri w ill

datarm incd du rln* th* waah of

H :



r . «a (A. hBuBH ;CH*

b*A uauat II , whan tha tournamanll I* playad

national aln*l*a t P o ra it HIIIa I A


double* laam a la«t n ig h t hod won thair way Into tha fourrh round of tha South ' waatarn d latrlc t to u rn am en t here, which carrlea w ith It the r ig h t to com pata la tha national double# p relim lnariee. J. B, Adoua of tiftllaa and Bamp. Ruae of Ban Antonio defeated Ollleepla S taey of Auatln and R obert Shelton of Dallaa. f t_ l. J—ft. ft^if. f t_ 3. w illiam Nyft of Dalla# and A. G B lacklork o f Fort Smith. Ark., defeated J- Sullivan and J.'H , Thomaft of T e a a a ft'—1* ft -ft. ft—I.


ftlaadlag Ike TeoBia.

Gaa»ea Today>Cincinnati ai New York,

at. Lnula a( Broekl;fe (IwAi. btlxUelpKta* Cblcagd at Boatea,

New York. ...

CleveUnilChlf-4(0WaehlngCoB I>e1rolt H4. Laalft Ptkll«d#lpbla

No. 32

Oaaiea TwSay*York ftt Chierngn,

Boaton a< Ctevaland,Pbitaiiciphta at St. Loul#.

WMhlagiaa at Datroit.


R atum lng to homa acanery, thft D oleera npllt a bargain b ill w ith tha C arda OUla O'Mara did aoma ciaaay flalding for tha homa aquad.

Aitane Pacenaker’i Pontioo Once More Wlm BisMs Droji

Two to Hntlen.

Dononn Could Well Use lotena- ikmil Leagne Rem^ Miller,

Shocker lod Artfon.*Batt«d far ikoek«r in #1gkth taalag

Uaaiival ........... « f t f t « a * f t i f t a f t a—ITofosto ............ f t f t t a a f t f t t f t f t i ft—I

Twa-teaa hlta—Treut, Btackburaa, Dar- o»an. Hama run—fttcTltwa, Pacririea hit#— Xhork#r. gtol#a ba»rNi—Wagrtar, ftladdeii. GrahanL JCrltrhall, Hurray. Hmyth- Daubl# playa—Trvaadale I# Hmlth U> Grahami Cnl- wall to Wagn#r to glallery Itru rk eal—ByColwell t, by dhockar T, by HerlMPt Z. Baxaa an b a lla -^h Coiw#H * "

Tha lowly Brow m kicked tha etlll ni4ire lowly Athletlea In Iwo piacaa. Wellman ahut out the Maokmen In tbd f ir Pi game, although th ey made tan hlta. BL LouIb bagging five runa on elx hit". Davenport allowed P h iladel­phia only alx hlta In the aecond game.


, off Shocker 4, off Herbert t. Lett on oa»ew—Montreal ta, ToroDlo I- Peuiaed ball"—Krtteball Umpirea —Carpenter and Bran*fiald. Tima—3 hour# and 41 mlnataa

Howard m tlo tt, lha fifth p layer ad d ­ed to tha Cuba in the laat tw o weak*.

'Ill Join Chicago in Ihe 1*'*"^ He waa bought from the Oakland civb of th* Pacific O o u t League.


M a s - . .II t ft 34

far O'Nain la atath lanlag.1 ft ft 1 t t ft t •—ftft 1 ft ft ft ft 1 ft 1— 1

Sacftflca Dlea—Dooln, Jaoabaon. Baennoa kfte—Siaaix. Holke, Kopp Doubla play-^' ^ f la lll ta UcDotiald to Ua)«T- Firat ba«" on

iwBaffalo 1. Laft on oa##a—Rofhpoter Cfalo 4. n m ba## on ball#-—Off Kir^

, off Qragg I- Blnich out—>By Klr- ’ Qragi L Wild pitch—Klrmayer. ~ aman and Haadlboa. Tim^^

fifty mlautea.

■wg-«mufw 4, to On

and r

SjMial garrica af Ito hRWB.D6VER, July fT .^ H ack a tta to w n w ill

play In T>ovar S aturday . ln..te4uS of Dovar playing In tha W arren (*ounty town. Thia a rra n g em an t waa agraad upon 44t a m eatlng of th* rap rcaan ta- tivea of tha two taam a Tueaday night. Hackattstown fanH are not g iv ing their team aupport ihix year, nnd th a treaa- ury ia not In tha ahapa It should be.

Dovar la draw ing In tha neighborhood of 2.0D0 at the T r1-('ounty League gamaa. and lha vlHlting team gate fifty par cant, of tha g«le racelpiB.

The W hite tied for third Boaton.

Box and place

Cleveland a ra one gam e behind

Benny K auff turned In one of the heet catchee Been a t the Polo Ground*. The Giant outfielder ran hard and etu rk hi# glove akyward. pulling dow n w hat looked like a eure two-baao blow for lha cauM of Cincinnati

Two aolld: thum ping* by th* lowty Huatlar* yeitcTday tum bled tha Blaong from the top rung, which they occupied for throe weak*. Providane*, depoaed At th a t time, look poBeaealon once more On the whole, the ra ta tightened, due to the v lcto rla t of both the Indian* and Huatlern. Three Iwo team*, apparen tly hurled two weeks ago, have rabafied and are, to all eppemrancea. p lay ing the beet ball In Ihe league a t tha preeent time.

Cnmlng on top of Tuaaday'a ro u t by 10 fo 0 at the aame team'* handa, the pill wax a hard one for Buffalo to awallow. Incidentally, Hocheetef made It th ree out of four for tha aerlee.

Yf*t*rday‘e HaamNa,Newark 11. Dalllmor# X.

The Bn#tnn>Chloago gam e In the Na'> tional I,eague w* b one of the cloaaat pitching puela of th# naaaon- The C'ubn got two hlta off Allen and th* Brava" the "im e num ber off Veughn* Both elnglea off Vaughn came In tha eighth, pushing tha only run of th e game over the plat*.

Fravidenre S, ftlchmond 1.Ur>ntr*al Z. Toranto Z icatled).

Roch«#ter ft, Batfele ft.Rorh«ei#r ft. Buffalo ft.

Btaadlag af the Ctibe,W .!, r r I

Providaaea 47 tl .ftftll BeUlmare .Buffalo 41 IT S4fti}tlchmaad .Toronto . . 41 if -ftlllKawerkftloalreal 4S If .l34tftocheetat .

W L. P C, 44 41 .III Ift 41 47< 97 47 ,44ft ftl 47 .lift



e r lc a n B oM A U G U S T 1 0 1 6

“F-FoDow Me in T ribe AmericanBoy”

■Mark TIddM x i k T i d d i s b a c k a ^ i n ,

r ic ii n t h e A u g u s t A m e r i c a n B o y , i n t h e s t o r y , *‘M a rk T i d d * s G i t a d e i . ” H u c k F i n n a d d T o m S a w y e r l iv e a g a i n i n M a r k T i d d . H e t i c k l e s y o u r f u n n y b o n e , h e s p u r s y o u r i m a g i n a t i Q n a n d o c c a s io n ­a l l y fn iU s y o u r h e a r t s t r in g s .

1 0 e e e w o c q a i i a t i y o a wiibAaMfkSB Boy— “ Iba M|■ a g u t o e l o r b a y s l n e l l l h # _ _ _• ta a d a . Y a t r t y M t a e d p t i o a s , f tL H it m a n iA G U i p u b l is h in g c o h p a n y

Detroit tied W aller Johnson by m ak ­ing two rune In the eigh th and won the game In the tenth. W ashington scored five runs In the fourth Inning Dubuo C hecked the N atio n a ls acoring.

Newark at BaltimoreProvldasce at Riekmoad.

Taronlo a t BuftalA

Only two regu lars failed to get a t Iftaal one hit In the D etro lt-W aehlng- ton match. Bum* and C raw ford aach made two hlta.


KKW TORK, July 17—The T anka ar*alipping. The Jinx which haa parslat- •n tly trailed Donovan'* man. tin e* thay climbed to the peak of tha Amerloag League, Is preaslng closer today. T>a tateet blow, the loss of Magee,stripped the Tenkees of th e ir la s t out- fielder, and yesterday R ay Caldwell, pitcher, held down cen ter f1*ld. And the m isfits got only one h it o ff Clootte of The W hite Sox.

The m inor league team a to which Donovan fartned his s ta r racru lta . MIL Iar. Aragon and Shocker, now refuse to 4»ma to the New York m an ag er 's aid by relaaalng them. Miller w ould plug th a t hole In the outfield w ith o u t leav­ing a crack, while Urban Shocker, w ith five ehutouta and a no-hit. n o -ru n game Just tucked away In the In te rn a tio n a l League circuit, seams to b« In Shape to a ssis t the crippled T anka* p itch ing corps.

By a scant m argin of h a lf « gam e the T anks a tm cling to th* top today. Meaawbll* the W aatern cluba a r t

Ith th a lr E M ta rn vis- game, opt o f nine

U.W ashington la faat g a in in g a rapu-

ia tlon for being th* w o rst fie ld ing a g ­gregation in (b« m ajor league*. The Nationals war* fuU ty o f fo u r allpe on tha dafanfta.

Add to tha thra* h it* B. Colltna mad*, th e two pol4id out by J* Colttna. and you hav* nearly all th* h lng les th* W hit* l^ x garoftred off Mogrldge, th* T sn k ee burler.

Bevaratd eraek*d th* Browns.

ou t fiv* h its for

« « •In addition to pitching w inn ing ball,

Grover C lavalaid A lexander w lalded bla bat for a couple of bingloa.

tn fielder c. Rlabarg of the V*mon, Cat.. Pacific Coaat League club, ha* h*ftA ordar«d to repo rt to the W hite l4»g.

Charley Hersog, p laying hla f ira t I f l d gam* a t tha Polo G rounds In a Q tan t uniform, didn't do an y th in g M o e ^ mah* * eostty mtot.

■ ■ •■IMk and W hlttM IneraaaM t i n

PkH IM ' h it ta la) h f * l« h t Ja h M li ■»M* thraa hlta la th a t i n t aiaiii*!, b « t

NXW T onK , Ju lp 17.—Th* m t o r a . tien of p*ac* h*t«**n th* C athelle T ounp H *n 'i N ational Union and th a A m ataur Athletic Union wa* atiaouncM h*r* today. Tha A thlall* L*aa** of th* Catholic o rv an lta tle n fa rm o rir hold mom borfhlp In th a A. A. U. aa an atitod body, hu t d lttar«nefa aroo t o ro r th a ro sla tra tlo n nyatoM In v o n * ir lth th* A thletic L**m*. a M In IM* th* a1U> anc* waa cancalad.

Tha naw alltanea doaa no t m n t th * Catholle T o a n t Man** Union **p*rata reg le tra tlon . hot It* atbl*l** ar* a | . low*d to comp*t* am o n f tham aalv** w llhettt A. A. U. r*xlatractan. To ooat. P«t* In open e *ri*o BancUooad by th* A m ateur AthUtlo Union, thay mu*t nro* duct th* raa la tra tlo ii c a rd o f th a t or* •aniMllOD.

Of tb* t i l etub* anroUed In th* C ath . olio Unl*n. 171 ar* a t »r«**at alo* t a - ' ro llM I* th* varltHU d la trlo l aaseota- tiond * f tb* A. A. U.

“ral»ln« hob"Itor*. Jual on*■Urt*. hat th* Kaat b,*n abU io carl ral, that by (h* R*d Sou, who ar* ritah* Inc cloM onto tho Taako**' h*«la Kvorywhoro alone tho lino th* ITaatorn taatn* ar* cioanltic up, with a laaaltanc tichtoninc of Ihe race.

In th* National LaacU*. fo a r cam**

flaw, which I* lad by tha Xravaa With (rM ara puiiinc up a much laipmvod cam* a t ihorutop, and tho lae th ln c In- ^ • i ic * of thalr ham* c ro an d ^ th* ■ M ean m m In a fa ir wngr to a t laaat hold thalr ewa darlac the nerlaa

ta l l

a tti

S '


I am a im rtratt iiainfer.W h e n I p A i n t a m a B * s p t e t u r e I

f rg i i t i n ^ H g l i i ia r * * T n f i t t d f t d g a r e t t c a 81


s i i io lK e .* V c in ( i8 r * * p a ts t h e n a f t i m l h a p p y e x *

p m i t o a o n h l s f i e e » « i d k M p s u f h o r e .LARGE FIELD FDR NEW YOU RACE


tn^lh^^totood f m * IM w u raplecad a afor P l t U ^ c h by H lachnw a.

t "anilin««iOaiMan. oaator fie lder a t fh*

da O w tra l L aacu* toam,

Th* "dlaoB B. X. C, hM th raa h a rdc a taaa oa lo r tha w **li.M d, Th* Com- m anw aalth Club a t U ppar K o ato la lr w ill ha th* KdlaMHf-•PPdOMtt l a t t t t - day a t Uppor H w H lW y. a M Xaatlap

I f th* XdliM u prtll jpa w> V al«r< O ral to ‘ ‘

Th* ton-mll* open b aM leap hloyel* rae* of th* Now Xn gland W haalm on of Haw Torh. Ioe» which la PchM ulad for ■aptom tor I, ovar th* Pnlliam parkw ay, la tb* Bronx, la oxpoctM to hav* a iMCor flotd o t antrla* th a n ap*y bofora. Mtoa than o lghly .flv* prlaaa bava bton donated by th* m a a a ta o ta ra ra a t cyol* aaeamort**, Ina lM lag .pavantooa pair* • f Hr**. Aboal I*d rM * n a r* axpaciM M line ap to r th* a ta r t . B »trl** w u i

1 smoke ^Hdimr** and MSily every artist 1 ImoWa

does^Hehnsis*’ gre arllstkally flnst

I Up 'QySlISlIBh

th d MM nwonp lM tM #to*d'

th ik J to ttiu ie r ■JN IN H m i A# A. f l l A R g n i B

t ^ M n n .M t*ra M r i n xM u*h*t«a. u ic ih , •■ SwhiBtt to r M i toirinm tor BMaialto TiPHwir,

l lM te In t r A. A. B rlir I

iWUI IL a * : .« t

k KsfwnMtW■htiSwi7<ha to

Om A' O tM X *

I i i I l i n t l i B .

"7 i .

‘ I L - 1 U - * a :

END lONORSIit He b cm]r ■ Q o l-

D A rS P U T ’i r t n E Me-

U tl* u tlw hanR loB , k«- *d from h im j ix>4 C rle k a t I * h u n p le ii U

h^B nrlaca, n anneuDCkd >t d«f*nd Ui*I th r« * t im u .Illam * Id IM Iin d .• ^ N n l o f d ll rM M Pdd*. IB [)« • M d » •’B B hhd Ob b p*cl*d taE B r I. O iitf lm u i d

H d r t* m M lJIBJD M Jd h B *t> tod«y , bb4n o t c o u n tln c

Ilia y o u n c a a t tln d * n L ba ona o f th a th a p o p u la r

rk a l . f r U f lo h n a to n 'a op*

r i l l la K D avla la ta rn d o u b la i

START U JULY 311—T h# UnlttoS iiinU AusocIa*It tb « w 1nn«ri ifo r «nd b<»yi'k, N«w Je rsey b««n no llflvd K (lon« l ju n io r • w ill b o f lnl, on th« trloy I T ^nnU Club In land .» p re lim Ina^ry > to p lay In I w in n e r o f am ay ro m p e ta T h e n a tio n a l

rtd J u n lo r i w ill th e w eek of ktlonal a ln s lta F o re s t H llla.

ST DOUBLES7 —T w o te n n is h a d w on th e ir

d o f th e S o u th ' in t ha re , w hich

to co m p e l# )n ^Llm lnariee. J. Bemp. R qas o f leep le S taey of iton o f DallAa, tn il la m N ye of k lo ck o f F o r t . S u ll iv an and


Imre 1 reties

p y »there.

»Jlf!,f- r,

p i P 'J: 1 . ‘ ‘ ‘w itiiP ip . ■■-ISIIWABK EVEI7TW NEWS, THTJBSDAT, JtfL T 2T/ TBUL

MARSTONLOWMAN , IN EKWANOK GOLFCaltisrd Gelfer Tepi FicM of 112

E i i r u i t a Q n f ify m f R o u t lor Cep.

A2C0U REPRESENTATIVE SECONDIIA N C H E ST E R . V t.. J u ly 17— rh jp li-

e a t l a s h ie fe a t o f a y e a r a fo . w h a r he c a r r ia d o f f th e f i r s t p re s ld en t 'e ru p . M ax R. M arston o f JU itu p to l y e s te rd a y lad In a fie ld of 117 x"lfrrH in th e que ll* fy ln $ ro u n d o f th e sam e e v en t. He tu rn e d in a eard o f 77. M arsto n w as a l i t t le u n s tead y a t th a s te r t an d fin ish ed w ith a five and slv . w h e re a fo u r and fle e w ould h ave been no rm al l ie w as t t l l l tw o s tro k e s h e rte r th a n h is n e a re s t C om petitor. 1'. T. Kddy of Arccda. Mar* ■ ton’s card fo llow sO ut .............. & B—JftI n ....................4 1 B ! 4 fi 4 5 « - l A ^ 7 t

A h eavy ra in had fa llen liu r ln x th e V idht and th e re w ae tno re o r leaa o f a d r ls t le a l l day b u t from a s tu d y of th e ■oore sh ee t It w as ev id en t th a t th e c h a n f e e In th e ro u r s e a t th e f ire t . •eco n d and eiirhtA hnj<s w are re s p o n ­s ib le fo r te n c r a l a v e ra g e s c o r tn c of tw o s tro k e s h ig h e r th a n la s t y e a r T tia ra w as a lie a t n in e ty fo r the la s t f iv a p laces In th e f ir s t d iv is io n of U ilr ty 'tw n , one p la y e r t*>inc In to the th ir d s la teen .

N otab le am o n c th o se w ho fa iled to m a k e th e f i r s t f lig h t w «re W. H d s r d h e r Sd o f B u ffa lo , w ho w as ru n n e r up At th e Shaw nee lo u rn a m e n l lae t w #ek. A lex C oles o f S haw nee an d K II t a r- ro ll o f K nollw ood.

F ir s t T h i r ty - tw o —M. R M arsion , B aU aaro l, 77; C. P. E ddy. A rro ta . N W healer, B rook law n. kO; Flodney W B row n. B ro o k lin e . SI: N F ra m p h e ll. A gaw am , t l : R- W. W h litem o re , B ro o k ­lin e C o u n try H u h , I t : W O M rK n ig n i.B altu a ro l, S I; ni< F. T iffan v , M ohaw k, S4; C J- B ellam y, FprlnK flrlrt. >«3. W I*. Seeley. B ro o k law n , *3. r R R ux ton . H u flU p fio n V alley . M H H W hite , O a h la sd . t4 ; H. K. K err. O reenw tch .W. F. LAdd. R ockaw ny H unt. AS, W. A B a rb e r J r . B kw anok . AS C H G a rd n e r, A gaw am , Sf, Jd. r W slso n , A rdsley , tS ; 1* P O w yer, Flw anoy, A7: C h arlee A m ory, B aaea C ounty (M a sa i. I I . A M K lnaley . O neida, AT: C. R. C la rk .BJcw anok. SI: G. R M orse, R u tla n d C C . IS ; R. C atlln , R ichm ond County.* i* ; R . U W o rth in g to n . Shaw nee. *9, J A. A lien, B a ltu a ro l, AS. G K. C ro ck er . B ro o k lin e , 81. C. R R ansom , A lbany , 81, I* O. T oqoc* A rdsley . 80 M. U F e a re y . O arden C ity ,'SO . C lark R tim h am , G a r ­den C ity , SO; 1C. F red O 'CoRnelt. A lp ine. H ; J . D. C offin , M ohawk, SO

T h ird B Ix teen—G T- C u rtis . R ochea- te r . IS ; R. 0 . Owrroll, K nollw ood . M . G e e rc e F . W ille tt, C ases C o u n ty . I I ; W . U. G a rd n e r Id, B uffa lo , S I. J T.

' O tim er, M ount A nthony , SI; Y1. B. 8tod* d a rd , B ro o k law n . t l : C. D B tu a rt. Mo­h a w k , 13; H. L. K dw arda, P a l la s , 8 |, F . B. ie n n tn fw J r , M ount A nthony^ 89, R C K e ith , B ro ck to n . SI; A le i Colea. S haw nee. 14, H V. Noyes, O neida, S4; A. M. Rood, E k w an o k , SS; C. M. R ansom , B u ffa lo , SB; W. H K au it J r ., B u ffa lo , H ; K W. T ay lo r J r .. P h ila d e lp h ia C H ekat, SI.

SPORTWEWIT H s ix teen th o u aen d eoioee

roartoA s a d a g a n g o f b a ll p ta y e ff su rro u n d in g h la ^ C h ris ty M sihew eon tr ie d

to look u fieoneernsd , c a re -fre e , a s It w s r e , he tr ied to a ffec t a n o n rh a la n t a i r a s he aocep ted a huge b a sk e t of f lo w e rs a n d a tu ck hie hand o u t to m ea t th a t o f Jo h n McOraw w hile a d o se s m o v in g p ic tu re men g ro u n d o ff film . B u i hia con tro l t>sd. ae th e y sayIs b a se b a ll H is fa i t one w a a a 't b reak* Ihg . and he hed a port o f d ro o p y look ab o u t th e m outh « h e n M cG raw , th e m an he h sd w orked fo r fo r s ix te en y e a rs , pum ped his r ig h t a rm a n d w ish ed him Iih k in s h u s k y voire . And Mc<irsw hsfj ih f a m e r s l a ir of a m an bsailed fo r s fgnsraU

Tw n e tro 'ig men tike th e se d o n 't lik e to H and out th e re b e fo re a h u g s o rew d and d isp lay em otion. I t w as th e ir e f ­fo rt to keep It b sck , th e ir g rip them selves and «sch o th e r th a t m ad s ll Im pressive.

A fio ra say g r ie f Is lu d lc ro u a On the s tag e every e ffo rt Is m ade to i s t r a in u , to e rs a te th e Im p ress io n of Us dep th , even of Its ag o n y , b u t to c o v er Us e ip re sa io n .

B elssco h im se lf eouldi 1 h av e a r ra n g e ed s m ore s tr ik in g setU ng fo r th e few seconds M sthew son and M rO raw faced each o th e r y ee tsrd sy . I t had been In ­ten d ed fo r a litt le s p e c ta c le . U de ve loped Into a ll t l le d ram a- EAch m an had gone th ro u g h th a t fo rm a lity hun d red a of lim ea before, bu t h e re w as i p a r t in g of the w ays a f te r m ore th a o a decade of fe linw ihlp^

- + -T he f lo w ers osm« o u t. th e c am era

m en g a th e re d a round hom e p is te - Mc- Q raw cam e fo rw a rd fro ih hU beb^h fo llow ed by hla p layers- T hen M s th e w ­son a d v an rsd . Funny th in g , b u t th s y a ll to o k Off th e ir hata- I t n ev e r h a p ­pen ed before. Th« crow d n o ticed It « n d a ll stood up. and th en a ll h a ts cam e off. T hey w are l l t l l e lo ach es , b u t th s ir rg rm ils llv e e ffec t b e g an to be Im pressive. M sthew son rece iv ed tb s f lo w ers and sm iled and th e n looked a t M cGraw, who w as s w s llo w ln g ae th o u g h h l i co lla r w ere c h o k in g him- T hen tfaase tw o feoes a ssu m ed a se t look , ae the cam erae g ro u n d . T hey e s p s ra te d and s ta r te d to w a rd th e ir b e n ch es an d th e cam era m en le f t. E ach bad gone abou t ten fe e t, w hen bo th tu rn e d and looksd back a lm o a t m e ­ch an ica lly .

T h ey s tepped to w a rd eac h o th e r q u ick ly . T h is tim e th e m o v in g d o ts o f faces am ong the g ra y s h ad e s o f th e g ra n d s ta n d w are fo rg o tte n , tb e ra w ere no cam era s ; It seam ed a s th o u g h th e y w e re a lone a s th e y stood th e re h o ld in g each o th e r 's hand, no t m ow ing an d no t • a y ln g a word. T here w as no c h ee rin g th is tim e- Even th e u m p ire s to o d w a tc h in g them , m ask In han d , m o u th w ide open, feet w ide a p a r t .

**Gee! re m ark ed a m an beh ind th e p re s s box- 'T badn*t s ta r te d to g e t b a ld and M cGraw d id n 't h a v e a g ra y

Wyona (3anoe G ub Paddlers

T h ese M th e aW v e p h e teg v ap li a s e i(1) C ag ialB BMtte M ater, i l l r i to rg e h e g e l . 441 W lieea . 4dl J am e s H sffe r.-

h a ir w hen th a t fellow cam e h e rs to p itc h s l i te e n y ea rs ago- It w e t o n ly tw o y e a rs a f te r the d p an ish -A fn e rlcan w a r s ta rted -

' *T b a te to see the hom e te am lose, b u t l ‘d like to see him w in .”

r tn r In n a M v a N ew Y o rk

N ew srk e rs could h ave found a lot to In ts r s s t them y s s te rd a y d u r in g ih s C ln c tn u ali-N sw Y ork gam e. A side from M alty and h is p lay e rs , the ch ief In te re s t fo r them w ould h s v s been th e crow d of fo rm er N e w s rk e rs In bo th lin e -u p s The G ia n ts had K a u ff. N ew-

e o a b ia a t le a to d ay b o ld s f i r s t p lace by h a lf a f a m e ev e r B ec to n . an d Is o a ty a g a v e a n d a h a l f a h ea d o f C h leaae a ad n * v e la * 4 . W e a h tn f te a . In O ftb plana. M only fo u r g a w ea from itie to p T bga. la lone th a n i w eek , th e T ankeoe e a a d rop a ll th e w ay from th e lo fty

lltlon (bey h ave so g am ely fo u g h t h e ld to a b e rth in th e eecond dl*


Donovan*! p itc h e rs a re s till doing n eb ly , b « l th e b a u in g and fls ld m g e tr e n g th o f th e team h as been lo it. O eergo M ogridge lo s t h is f i r s t decision o f th e y e a r to th e W b u s i4ox, a f te r b e a t in g them " th re e tim es, but he tw ir led e x e e lle n t ball- in the W sst th e y a re a e h ln g , 'T low does Donovan k e ep b is te a m w in n in g w ith so m any p ta y e rs la je re d T H ow lo n g w ill he keep It u p r* T h e s n d o f th e team s re m a rk a b le fig h t agm lnst s tro rig odds looks tu bs a t h and

- d —

G olf M iM w e w A

It.ti 'd , th ree h eaU : ' r h a r l l e G.

1 t

b e in g a d o e # second each tim e 9 14 F s c e - ^ r u r i r

roM ssn , h r m . by< H T h o m ss i . . . 1

T h o m as C arl. b. h . by Thr Elarl (M arv in ) . . . 7

D sisv H . cb- m ( O rs p e r ts ln ) .. |R erun H a rt. b. h. (M axoni. . I A dm ira l D ew ey II.. blk. h

»4now)— - ------ _ . p rea to lire , b lk. m. fM cDonaldl

li . W ard o f G a rd en n t y . T ram p Q uick , b a (Rblvely)F s llo r R td iae . b ih. g (Belt)Bi* A nthony C ar te r, hr. h-

(J o n e s l ........................................ disTim e 9 I 0714, I.OTH. •M en h S n ts and M an u fac tu re rs ’ 8takg«


K T . YTOHON, Jo ly ST,—l^ouls M ar- fdoel o f th e Rseex C oun ty C o u n try Clulw th e o n e -a rm ed w o n d e r of th e links, yes­te rd a y m ade a m ost c re d ita b le sh o w in g tn h la m a tch a g a in s t Tom K e rrig a n , th e B lw anoy p ro fess io n a l, over th e l in k s of

club . M artueci succeeded In c a r r y - t a g K e r r ig a n to th e a ev e n te s n th ptreen, w h e re K e rr ig a n ran dow n a th lr ty - fo o i fo r a t , w hich g ave him th e m a tch I up a ad 1 to p lay T hey pU yod o u t th e bye h o )a K e rr ig a n g e tt in g s T8 to M ar- ta o e fs 83-

* *nts b e s t p a r i of M artuceV s g am e w as

MEREDITH NOW IN TRAININGo u m b e r o f e h o ts he Ju st ch ipped up fk>ss to th e p ic and holed th e p u tt . On • a l y owe g reen did he m iss a s h o r t p u t t .

bo bo led a t le a s t a d o ie n o f th e t r f f h g l i t t l e fou r, f iv e an d s ix fo o te rs w ith re a rh ln e tlk e p rec isio n . K e rr ig a n p lay ed good go lf, and h is 71 w i s dn ly tw o o tre k e s above th e re c o rd fro m th e b ack teeo and th re e s t ro k e s m ore th a n par.

Ob tb e f i r s t n ine hole# M a r tu e d d id g o t plSLy a s weTI as he u su a lly dose, snd K e rr ig a n , w ho w ss g o in g a lo n g s te a d ily , a l tb o a g h not b rflU an tly , re a ch e d th e t v m In 9 t to th e o n e -a rm ed g o lfe r ’s 44 a n d w as 4 up ­

c o m in g In, M a r tn c d b e g a n w ith tfb - y a r d d riv e s t r a ig h t dow n th e m idd le « f th e fa irw a y , an d k e p t r ig h t on p lay - Iwg good go lf He eoon h ad K e r r ig a n 's Mad ev l tn tw o. b e in g a s s is te d to som e s x te n t by s n ex trem e ly lu ck y second gbot on th e f if te en th . T he h a ll w ss boodeed an d seem ed s u re to go o u t o f b ounds u n til I t h it th e s to n e w a ll m a rk in g tb s lin e and to o k a g ia n t bound fo rw a rd , w h ich p u t I t s q u a r e ly a a d m g re un.

K sn ig m n h a lv ed Un o tx te e n th a f t e r a g r e a t d iiv e th a t RarH ed th # t r a p f a r g p th e h ills id e , and th e n wosi tb s sev e n - to e a tb a n d th e m a tch w ith h la lo n g pu t t . T%e c a rd s ;

T ern K e n ig n n , filw anoy—o « t .................r . t W s i i t t 4— n£ r . ................... ( 1 4 1 4 1 4 ) 4— IT— Tl

l a a l a M a r tu e d , Kseex C o u n ty —O u t ................... 4 1 1 8 7 6 4 1 4 A- ^ 4i a ..................... 4 S 4 4 S 4 4 4

W yons r s n o e C lub m em h ers a re ser on m sk in g s c re d lish i* sh o w in g in th e

a rk Fad fo r a w eek o r tw o be fo re th e | s t a t s rsnr*e rham pio ipe- w h ich a re o p en in g o f the sesso n . and R artd cn . c a tch e r for the Peps sIL la s t season C inc innati had R oush , M rK schn ie M oseley, H uhn and Esm ond, a il N ew ark F eds, end a lso Louden, w ho used to p lay here w ith th e In d ia n s T h e re you h ave t h e n —e ig h t fo rm er N e w s rk e rs on tw o N a tiona l L>eagt#e team s, a ll of w hich m ig h t be ta k e n to in d ica te th a t th e rs Is good baseba ll a tm o sp h e re here

T e a te rd a y 's v ic to ry fo r C in c in n a ti w as U i fo u r th a g a in s t New York th is ssaso n ou t o f th e e lev en tim eii they have met. One o f th e big reason# fo r th e C inc innati v ic to ry w as th e e f ­fe c tiv en ess of A chneider # p itch in g com parison w ith th e w e ak n e ss f%f Sallee, whu w as m ak in g hla f i r s t ip - p e s ran c s in s G ian t un ifo rm . H is fa u lts w ere not g la r in g — he g av e fo u r

senedu ied fo r Rmiurday s i \V ««quahm I I 'a r k desp ite th e ir ro m p s ra lIv c ly sm all

e n try . W hile som e nf th e m n re en th u - e ia stic m erubere of the crew feel they w ill tak e the s ta te lltle . o lh e rs will

' feel c o n le n l if they aucceed In d e fe a t- I ing the o th e r IfMral c lu b s en te red , p a r ­

tic u la r ly the T ufN 'arorss, s la te fh a iti- I p lo rs . who have long held th e upper I h and o>er the W yonae. T he W eequahlC 1 boyp won from the T u sk ie s Ju ly 4 fo r j th e rirsi tim e In th re e y e a rs , and they

believe th e m ystic sp e ll h a s been b roken

The ram la s t n ig h t d id n ’t p rev en t s e \e r s l of the m ore a rd e n t w o rk e rs of the club from g e tt in g In a few p ra c tic e

b ases on ba lls— but h e w as h i t w h e n ­ev er C in c in n a ti got a f f l ic te d w ith a s tro n g desire to h it. an d m ost o f these h its 4'sme In hunches T h e re w ere nine o f ihem In a ll T h ree of th em w ^re bunched In the th ird in n in g , w hen ihe f irs t tw o ru n s w ent a<Toaa, and a n o th e r th re e cam e in the e ig h th , w hen An­o th e r run w ent ovei In th e sev en th

_ _ _ * a p ass w e re s u ff ic ie n t toFOR BIG A. A. U. MEET HERE-**'*' ’"’I score w as 4—1 M cGraw tr ie d to save the day w ith a p inch h i t te r , H u n te r, in the e ig h th , and Ralleo w ent to ih e club house, hui PerriM . w ho rep laced him, allow ed an o th e r hU to be added to the R eds ' to ta l

sp in s Jo s Elm ersnn. w ho la e n ts r s d In Ih s douUles w ith D orsy g ip p s l, w as ou t t ra in in g snd so w as R d g a r BsnneK , who is in the “ In -a n d -o u ts .”

Tbe W yonas, Ilk a th e T u s c a ro ra e h ave loei sev e ra l good ra c in g m en. who a r t on th e b o rd e r, b u t t 'a p la ln R llll* M aler has been busy d ev elo p in g o th e rs lo ta k e th e ir p laces. G eorge N agsl Is s till on band , an d b a is sx p ac te d lo com e th ro u g h in th e *‘l lp o v e r t .” G eorge l lo f fe r hae li«en p ra c tic in g fo r th e lllle , and one o r m ore of th e T u s c a ro ra a s fe ex p ec ted to be tu m b led ou t o f th e ir c r a f ts If they g e t In th e w ay Of H of- fe r 's pole W ilson m ay s lfo g a in a fgw po in ts In the tilts .

In th e s in g le s Ihe W yonas w ill be rsp rev en ted by H e n ry B s iisw lh g s r , M aier. H offe r, H a rry F ech t and J a c k B rig g s in a d d itio n to a few o thers .

BOXING CHATTEReliamplBn boxar 1* out to

vroot tbo cbuiplonohip crown from JoOT W illard. Ormn a . K irkpatrick. w1i« llroo In IVnr«r. hoarywolKht Wamploo a t tba Cambrtdro unlTcralty. haa daeldod to tako a fUnc a t tha prtaa lina- Ronry Allen, hla fiatlc taarcbar, haa ratarned from a throe vaokC Tlolt to K ltkpatrtck 'a homo tn Donvar and announcod In Boaton that Uia h o n r would, placa htmartf unilor tba winv of John L. Sulllran. The ta m o u John U pralaad KlrkpatrtcICi abtU tr a t tba R a n a rd b a a ln t carnival laot v to tor. Inniwan m of tha optnion th a t K lrkpalrlck oould boat aoma of tb a atbar baavywalkhU rlch t now. S k W a trlek 's p a ian ti a n nat In favor t t tba plan.

* a a■ momh OfRriao la ila tad (a n a a t I,aa

i fbbaaoa tonarrow a l ib t a t tha H arlaai W ertlng Chib. Jobnaon emuiidarad mm a t tba bast aolarad boKara a f hla w ataht ta tba n a trep a jlta a diatrtot.

• • 0A. C. will ba raepanad a

tonight b r tha VoMahon Dan Tona b a a boon aala-tad

ta ra ta raa I t la ahnouncad th a t Qaorga Chaaap aad Rackar Hammay will baad A a b ta

• • aFal Haora, tha Mamphls bantam, to-

■Ubt Is Mllad to moot Kid Ooodman at (ba A roarnt sp o rtlo r Club. Tba wtn- ■or ta promlaad a bout with Touag■ U b k m .

0 oAd WolimatV m anaesr, Larnay U ch-

bmatalb, Maaa to ram ark th a t W oicaat boat Walab fairly for tha t l t l a How th a t t a r a a r haa aattlad thla point, ha « a t a W tlah, l/aonard or Onndas to ■ aa t WoIsaoL

0 oT a m * Sola Kid and To«b( Bannla

w a alatad to ko tan rounds tontkht a t (ba Claarmont A. C . Brooklyn.

• 0 0Bailor Oranda of Arlinkton la bookod

I h a mast Jim Smith la ta rd a y nikbl a t IM tI Iba Sairm ont f - C.

■ e eJNnnla Laontrd and Craddla Wainh.

■ ba a n aiatad to moot lomoirow a ig b t n l W akhlnaton Park, Brooklya, In a

aont a ra nhyaleallr fU fbr: UM rdinB to Dr. ieaaph C fik a u r mamlAlnk pluraleiaa of tha Btati

CbihMlHlan. Or. C rM aul'

Tad MorodltK tha poor of an middle dlstaneo ronnero. should ba fit to travol a t hla boat Ptco whoB ho ontaro the no- tional ehamplonihlpo, to bo olakod a t Wooquahle Park koptombor t. Ju s t now tha Quaker athlete la taarnink the dye bualneaa at Philadelphia. He has atari- ad a t tfie bottom and la onttlnk In tbe baklnner'B licke. but a t tho eame lime la kaepina In form. Meredith la run- nlak on the Franklin Field track three times a week, dolni Just enough to keep h i, welithi down. He Intends to ■at Into , race now and then.

In a oablekram to Prederlch W. Ru- hlon. oeeretary-lreaaurer of Ihe A. A. U.. Ted was Invited alona with two other stars, by a Swadlab organtaatlon to oompote a t a set of kamea at Bioek- ho ln against tba Bwedtah ath letea The date for tko games la Beotember (4. Hsrodith, In a lottor to Rubion. an* Bouncod that ho would bo pleased to aooopt tbo Ibiilktion.

Rabloa (a Cboaoe Two Moa.I t 10 tbo latontlon of Rublen to

ehooae the other two man from dlffor- oat aoettona of tba aoaatry . Me la la aommunlcatlon taltit Trod B. Horray, the formar LiOlaDd ttan fo rd all-around a u r , and Jdla Ray a f tba lUlnola Ath- latia Aaooatatloa. Haclby eoald dla- alay hla ability a t both tha 1(0 aad 'I K pardA aa4 U b (BBAHa BcHormtr

w ith th a ahoh h n ia m a r an d a t th e r a a - n ln g b re a d lam p . H e a lso le a d ep t a t h ig h Jump. M ered ith can ba co u n ted upoB to give a good a cc o u n t o f him - ao lf a t ' a l l tbe m iddle d la ls n c e raceo, w h ile R ay w ould fu rn is h som e good coropetltlon fo r h la r iv a ls a t ons a n d tw o m llto .

R oblan expec ts lo h e a r from bo th R ay and H u rra y w ith in th e n e a t few d a v a

'Ted m ade h is d e b a t In su m m e r com - p e tltto n leet h e tu r d a r a t E r ls Beach, n e a r B uffalo , w hen b a w on tb e q u a r ­te r In .11 i - ( seo o n d i a g a ln a t ■ h eavy h an d icap Held. A lth o u g h th e cham pion woa a o t In w orld 'a reco rd form , he gavo Al S hunk of B u ffa lo th i r ty y a rd s In a apoelal an d b o a t bim In 1B tn a fo e 1 4 -( s o o p ad a -

T h a Incen tive W hich la k e e p in g Tod fa i th f u l a t h is t ra in in g cam p a ig n la tb e fa e t th a t W nga D iam ond la k n o w n to ba w o rk in g o a t s t C b lnggo In p ra p a ra - t le n fo r th a g u a r ta r - m l la H a ra d lih la a o t ona o f th o ia e h am p lo n a w h o h a s m a d t a p rae tle a o f a n d a r r a l ln g oppo- nob la and h s a an o u n o a s th a t ho ta n 't g u la g to s t a r t a t th i s la ta s tag * . Dla- m oB i la a fa s t g a a r to r -m lla r . a a d Tod roeogalaoB tb a ta c t th a t bo c a a d o b e t­to r m g 4» any tim e bo to f i t

H a ra d ltb b aa daeU od lo o ttok w H h tb o H M dow brook C lub o f fh l l a d a l - llh ib IS PM g aa h t r a o s b

I l r r m a . who re tu rn e d In th e recen t tra d e end w as p lay in g fo r th s second tim e In O lan t u n ifo rm th is y ea r , d id n 't do any h u fe am oun t o f s h in in g He filed out tw ice, fan n ed ones and re a ch , ed f ir s t oo ■ p a ss H is f ie ld in g con . l is te d o f d ro p p in g an easy on*, m ak in g s couple o f elnw s to p s and a poor th row Only M e r k le i a g i l i ty i t f irs t saved ih ls one from b e lp g an e r ro r

K auff, the dem on c e n te r f ie ld e r, did som e fine fie ld ing , b u t a t th e b a t his w o rk consisted m o stly o f m o tions. Two f ile s to f i r s t booe, o n s to s s ro n d and a pass c o n s ti tu ted h ts d a y 's w o rk in the v ic in ity o f th e p la ts .

G ra y s R eg a in lg « d

P rov idence It a g a in a llo w in g th s w a r In Ihe In te rn a tio n a l L e a g u e p en n an t chase The O raye had a b ig lead a few w eeks ago. b u t In ju r ie s m ade it necessa ry fo r D avie ghean to u se a nu m b er of s u b s ti tu te s , an d B u ffa lo and T o ren to auccesded In g s t t in g a h sa d of tlM R hods I t and a g g re g a t io n . T he Q rays w ent In to th e lead w hen such » th in g w as e n tire ly u n ex p ec ted T he chem plon B lsons w en t up a g a in s t the la ll .e tid R o ch esie r H u s t le r s In a double- h e sd e r end the F lo w e r C ity a g g re g s tion B urprised a ll h s n d e by a n n e . ln g bo th p e rts of ihe h s rg e ln bill. M on­tre a l held T o ro n to to e He end the G reye van q u ish ed R ichm ond . T h is eom htnx tlnn of e v en ts lan d ed th e P ro v i­dence a g g re g e t lo n on th e to p perch once m ore.

T h e In d ia n ! o re f ig h t in g h a rd In an a tte m p t to v a ca te a ev a n th p toeo end If poesib le g e in e b e r th ta th e flre t div telon . J u s t now th o R o d o k ln s o re a b o u t th reo gam es b o h ln d tb o R ic h ­m ond R ebels end s ix th po e lllo n . T hs W a r r io rs h av a p lay ed p o o r h a te b a l l on th e read th is season , b u t F r e d T en n ey b e lle v e i th a t th e te am Is d o e to tu rn In m eny v lc to rle e b e fo re r e lu m in g hom e te r th e p u rp o aa o f m e e tin g the N o rth e rn team s. Y e s te rd a y tn B a l t i ­m ore th e In d ia n s u sed th e i r w a r c lubs e ffe c tiv e ly an d p lied u p a loven ru n s on aa m any h its . T h s In d la n e a r e a b o u t te n gam ee boh lnd th e le a d in g G rays. D u rin g tho lo s t w eek th a R ad ak ln s have p lay ed b e tto r b a ao b a ll th a n any te a m la th e le a g u e , h a v in g w on alx

of Ihs la s t seven g a m e s p lay ed T hree o f the N o rth e rn te a m s th a t sp en t m oato f the p e s t sseeo n In the escond d lv t- Sion now hold f i r s t d iv is ion p la c e , w ith P ro v id en cs

_ + ^

T a n k a A re S lip p in g

S u p p o r te rs of th e Y ankees , th o u g h h o p in g fo r tho bOBl. e ro d a ily lo o k in g fo r tbo rovoroo th a t w ill tepp io th e .New Y ork c lu b fro m th e su m m it of the A m erican L e a g u e s tan d in g . C rtp - pled so bad ly th a t oven th e second s tr in g ro se rv ee e ro sh o t to p lecse . the c lub woe com pelled y e a ts rd e y to use * p itch e r. R ey C aldw ell, in c e n te r fie ld Th In e b tllly o f M an ag e r D onovan to d rew on h l i fa rm ed ta le n t , w hich le going BO w ell In th e In te rn a tio n a l l.eegue . p re v e n ts W iid B ill fro m r e ­so rtin g to th e em e rg e n cy f r e q u e n tly used In th e p est to b o ls te r fe lie r ln g m a jo r leag u e c lu b e T b s N sw Y ork

W hile th e a n n u a l P ree ld en i ■ t 'u p g o lf to .rn ey a t Ihe E k w an o k i lo lf C teb. M oncheeter, Vl., hoa no t ae a iro ag a n en try oe w ae f i r s t p rom ised , tb s p resence o f each p la y e rs s s M si R M arstoii of BaltusTDl. D. C le rk t 'o tk - ra n of b a ltim o r* . W. H t ie td ln e r of B uffa lu . K em tilo a K- K e r r of liree n - w leh, Jo h n R, g. W o rth in g to n o f g b aw n ee end W. A. B arber, th e V erm o n t g ta ie cham pion, aoau res k een e o m p e tilio n . T h e re Is tleo a goodly a e l ry o f M seeach u ee ile g o lt- e re w ho w ill d o u b tle ee pul up a herd fig h t. Scoroe m ay no t be low, to r th e re hoe been m uch ra in In M sn rh es ie r. and the co u rse Is no t In the Lest of eond iiion .

T he old co m p la in ! th a t th e course la too a b o rt fo r b ig le u rn a m e n i go lf m ay no lo n g er be Ihe cry , how ever. 1 Tbe com m ittee o rd e red a lo t o f w ork done th is w in te r an d s p r in g and th e re su lt Is th a t d is ta n c* h as b ssn added to seve ra l of Ihe hole#. A now g reen (or the f i r s t h s l* ho e been c o n e lru c tsd fa r th e r a long a n d on h ig h e r g round . T hs sscond hole le n iso le n g th en ed and th e th ird ae w ell. C h an g es In th s le n g th have a le e been m ads on the e ig h th More t ra p p in g ih ro u g h o u l has m sds Ihe w hole eou ree m o re d iff icu lt.

1 w hich seem s to b* th e d em and m.'wa- d ay s T here w ns co m p le ln l e f ie r the a m a te u r ch am p lo n eh lb w as held th e re In 1*14, b u t new th e co u rse s e e m , to be In th e d e e s fu lly e lig ib le to r n e llo n e l co rn p e im o n w hen He tu rn to m s e sro u n d again .

(irtrna Th. dohnaumf

It eeem a to be th e coneeneue of o p in ­ion up B eeion w ay ih n » C larence J G riffin , th e C n llfo ro la le n n la p layer, la p i ty in f b e tte r te n n is th is year th an ever bWore. O rif f ln w en t ih ro u g b tw o rounds o f th e I-ongw ood to u rn ey w ith dscta lve v lc to rlee o v e r R N o m e W lll- lem e end T heodore R. Pell, tw o of iBe beet p lay e rs In th e E a s t W illiam s g av s him a p re tty te u g h gwme. bu t e g a in i l P ali the W sw terner hod th in g s h li own w ay m ost o f th e tim e. T he le s t set w en t to deuce, b a t It w e t due ra th e r to e r ro r s on th e p a r t of O rlfrin th e n to e b race by PelL W illiam M. Jo h n sto n , n a tio n a l cham pion , le p la y in g p re tty good lennla , loo. in th e sam e tou rney , end poaelbly th e B o eto n lan e w ill te e the tw o C a llfo rn lo n i f ig h t in g It ou t fo r the title . T h e re a re m o re pounde to come, of course.*end to m e o th e r good p l iy e r i le ft, bu t none h a s sh o w n os fin s Isnn ls th is year o r w ith s s h ig h a s ta n d In th e n a tio n a l ra n k in g


Sb^ 6. R m d Btj leet ii AMiher Grawl Grcai Fim-


lA B R TRASI WINS $10.000 STAQD E T R O rr. Ju ly IT.—W ith tb e frba<

fe r - a l l pace, fu r e s ( I J W , a s th s hand* tin s r . Im tay 's G rand C ircu it p rogram w as rs n a rd e d os one of th e beat of th e w e ek 's ra c in g T he P o a tc b a n ra ln e ie h e fo r I I I tro t te r e , w ith h p a r t i o f 11,040. end the G risw old If.O K a lak e fo r 1 14 pboero w ero Iho o ther ev eaU an th e card ,

A g re a t f tg h t w ee looked for belw een K lng lt O and R ussell Boy In the tre e - fa r all. th e se tw o hav ing e laged a w en- d s rfu l ra ce a t N orth R andall lost w eek. E ig h t w ere carded lo a ta r i In th e P o n lc h a r lr s ln and seven In th e OHg- wold s ta k e

M abel T ra sk , ow nsd and d riven by W alte r Cox of Dover, N H . y e tte rd o F eas ily won Ih s lie .044 s U k e fo r t .* l I ro tlo rs nhe won in s tra ig h t hsato, gt, Frls< o be ing so- Ond tw trs T h s rs w orn e ig h t s ta r te r s . T rsm p lig h t snd K adlt R b e in g d is tan ced In tb s f irs t h sa l u M T he Kno and I tu s ln o s l tn Ih s secomL T he E no fell, but was unin jured .

A aore A iw o rth y won th s 114 t r e l Mlaa D ensm nre w ss a tir e n g con tender.

; 4 I T r r d ^ I 'u n e 114,4411, th re e heath: - Peth e G re a t jC os)

M abel T r a tk . cb m by P e te r


(b u r -’ i *i 4la


■t F rlaco . b h t jo n e i )H ies P s r te rd o n , b. m

M ahon IV irg in ia S a rn e t ls , h m.

res) ....................................T h s Eno, ch. h (F lo y d ) . . . R u s tico a t, ch. h. (W h its ) .. T ra m p rig h t. b. h. (M u rp h y ) . .. dis S ad ie A. D. m. IL. W ilson) . . . d is

T im e. I 4M«. l.O tvj. t.0* (l.114 T r o t—P u rse | l 104, th reo ho a ts;

A enre A xw orthy . b. m.. by DeleA x w o rth y (M urphy) ............... I

Mies D onim oro , b, m.. by Vamp(H. T h o m as) .................................. 1

A liie W a tts , rh. m ( E d m a n ) , . , IB r . H„ b g. ( (n u ld e ) ................. II lln lend . b lk b (M cD o n a ld ).. 4 A llobrook, blk. h. (V a lo n tin o ). t Teddy R ro o k i b. h (W ils o n ) . . 4J u n io r W alts , b h. (R o e ) ......... 1B ahy Doll, b. m, (P u r fo s ) . , . I C aro line , b m. (B. F le m in g ) , , dto

T im e. 1 4T14, LSI, t O tli-

SQUELCH MOVE TO EICTENDracoh; at ancA i;o tr a c i

CHICAGO. J u ly 17.—A m ovsm ent tm • s t^ n d th# ih irt#*n-dSY nu^# m##t At H a w th o rn # w as h lo fk«4 today hy (IM anhoun««m #ot o f Tom Car«y« ow n«r •# th# track s th a t h# w ouldn’t ra n t I b t p la n t fo r hora# ra c ln f any m era tb i l y«Ar-

“I'm Juat aa s tro n x for ho rs# r a c lk i a s th# n # i t r ' said C arry , "bu t to# iBMCb a t on a lim a m ay k ill th a sport-**

O ffic ia l# In c h trv # o f th# m ##t a lM d « rU r* d (h a i tbay had d#cU1#d no t la # s t# n d th# m##(. Reform er# p lanaaA to us# ra m s ra # In f v t t i n f #vidanc# a t b # ttln « a t th# irs e k .

FANFAREA r r o wUJ^TkinCOlLAKSofr-vctjstardicd

19c au cb 4 to r M e CLUKTr. PE ABOeV KXUMC

'U n in in lr'U n lrttn ifiin Jriin in in yTin irTlriirW_ j g

Open July SAtnnltyi Until 9 P. M. Clo« All Dty Stturdays in Augiut

tMRnd Watok nl DonBinntoy (Want -M f t t - Klonu to. .1^1 ..

' J S i

f U a i n p i . ' - ^ - - g

■ T»«tor KnUlp of.lMw T w V t 1 Bidn kuunkad ewt Hnr R leun nr l toraln In tha naeagoi ruuM ad g i y M .haut toat iilBht IMvaMssrpunt:

H e a t a n d F H c t io i ii n i K X , n u i x c A i u B l u :-u.



(>nneetleat ehade-gtewn w n p p a r—ISTln- elhle shape eapert w orkm eaeb lp -e ltree-

tlv s lr poekoaeCXHBdIar 3 for a#g

o n c u t , rR O U tt owi *ATVRDAT O N U .

O f o r S i l S oBBS or m roa gua.

REPUBLIC’S- ' TIRESto ■ i N , ■ f '! '

s 'Jt^c 'W:' V. VCfCJi

■' 't WBRhjP-*nT

P e t ^ a 771M SL

McGregor’sSouth Broad, a t Lafayette SL, Newark

Before Inventory Sale Entire Stock of Fancy Suits

at Final Reductions$ 1 6 .5 0 , $ 1 8 & $ 2 0


John Rusk in IIT A N OVfVL

$30, $35 & $40 SUITS Now

$ 2 0 , $ 2 2 & $ 2 5 SUITS Now

Boys’ Suits ReducedBoys’ Department, Main Floor Annex

$6, $6.50 & $7i0 5U IT 5$ 1 .7 5

$1J0 Shirts

9 5 c

$12 and $15 SUITS$ p j o

Straw HatsHalf Price


^ 6 =$1 Neckwear



A Sale of O uting Trousers, $3.95 O ffice Goats, $2.50. Bathing Suits, $2.TO

*ti itaa i Palm Beach Suits, $9*00 *:0'piM of 26e.'Socks' ~

: ' .1^ ,*■.

'<Black onlyV T5Cb% i||i

»V --- I

yjgWAKg BVEirm q OTWS, THtnBgPAY*

Duriiy Atfgiw*/S lo rv C lo te i

A tf J p y

jV icxt Saturday!Store Cloeee a t

12 Noon

Sale of Regular $1075 to $13.50 Fiber Dress Trunks Marked at 8.95

Theu Trunk, Are Size 32-inch. 34-inch. 36nnch and iOnnchV m e trunks combine stunlincm with h.ndsomene»_ ^ e y . « m « l -

defviiiff trunks which ordinarily would cost you from $10.75 to $13.50 eacn.^In^his sale, as you sec, the trunks (in limited number) are offered at the

low figure of $8.95. You cannot help selecting one of these trunks if you have

*"'B“lrs.™n'SyS.nTri« Sber, overwith g « « strength the h.rd uugc of t i l sorts o t r m l . whether . t home or

ibtMtI. l l i r S lK I metil trimmlnm. two Bber eentet bands, and strong lock and hing .n i a t r u n k b a . a d e e p , c e n t e r M l l v l d e d t m y _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ , .

Sale Women’s Dress & Sport Coats, 15.00

These coats formerly sold for $22.96 to $4n There is an excellent variety of styles and

materials. The coats are all prettily trimmed, snd most of them are lined throughout.

They are very smart for cool weather wear, both for dress and sport occasions.

15.00, remember. Is the price, and they were formerly marked at $22.98 to $40.00.





4 :1

,k V tf... 1


iijicsi: Wiltst$0 MMif ^ I#

M iw !• titt mmtl If l«pa#MmUan. t» Mc* teKMcw m ZuMm rtf tu d rfitimUtm: ‘W fM iiar pkm*

- fWW.'

We Have Marked Women’s Summer Dresses at 8.98 and 12.98

Former Regular Prices of These Charm­ing Dresses Ranged from 12.98 to 25.00

The Assortment at 8.98Presents cool white d re 4 s for summer, such as em­broidered v o ile s , handsomely trimmed with laces and

. . . • A* . * _ J___ ___ AnH

Summer Felt Hat Colors Match Sport Costumes

medallions of filet laces; dresses of organdie and net, also organdie dresses embroidered in colors; co»*ce effects, and other prevailing favorite features of the mid-summer season.

WMh (WIi rt CTcJ ll. •?«.. IJ*'

BMwa Wtli fljorta u ’YTt- r**H.Me UaeiMM aewMalSt SM

rr in ta f lln*lfye>e. *I <c I inirf* lone.

with m K J i i *fifptri reerUi view.H i H« t* ij*. u2te»e. fm* Vi

M f r i l utemu g « t* r^ _ V yMttr tXrUa. Tifui Tlaar.l i t Om 1i«m iA t ic

pSiSru- Vuk *-!»«» **•***•••‘ 4 %om Ironla m U at

The Assortment ai 12.98Offers the choice of dozens of charming frocks for present season wear—new, beautiful models, includ­ing tailored frocks of plain linen, and others In awning stripe effects. Sport frocks of ratine here, too, as well as white taffeta skirts, with striped taffeta coats. Included, also are evening dresses of embroidered net. Models too many for even con­cise description.

On Sale Bamberger's—Third Floor.

For women this summer sport felt milHne^ has many charming colorings which harmonize with sport suits, sweaters, and other midsummer vacation

We have priced these hats at from 1.50 to 1.98. Included are felts in the popular two-tone effects.

Charmeuse felt hats are here at from 258 to 3.98.Soft, beautiful hats in such shades as rose, green,

gray, champagne, blue, and a large quantity of white Excellent hats for tourists.

BAMBEBQEB’S -T H IR D f l o o r *■'

Women’s White Canvas Lace&Button Shoes,2.95

In regular stock all season these shoes have sold for from $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 a pair. Now evc^ oair of white canvas shoes in stock formerly marked at above have been reduced for immediate disposal to 2.95 a p a ir .

The shoes have Goodyear welt soles. Some have Louis XV. covered heels, while others have Cuban or French leather heels.

All sizes and widths in the assortment, at 2.95 a pair.


IM S o n M a tta f* , S J it__ B(Pi t r i l l , •«birnlihutauli.

Cm aiMf. W ith1.11 CWwh PMwn, 1.M

Of iwBih*

Tub Skirts That Women Will Like, at 3.00

B M M M 7 rc ^ W 7 h « « * lira *CattML w i««h*i !■ ^ i f r y i r r ; M**rt*i aotora. a*«rad Floor.

WfwwrtOH all*___ Veik. tit

, !•« to Tlo. Com*•iitraM, AmortcM' *•< orana*.

W ith Floor.■TO. ■ Mwa at a*WiTor R ial*! !■

Mes AIm AN ttf pwlO|toy^oii^^« l«a« l olli'o''

OHaiMlly ta whIU. *1 Bwaty, rod yard* toaa.

Skirts which arc maefc of fancy striped silver-bloom and of wide wale pique.

There Is one particular model with a fancy set-in pocket. It buttons down the front, which allows it to be opened out and laundered very easily.

An excellent assortment of other models also at3.00.

’other tub skirts range in price from 79c to 7.98.. B A l iB E R Q E B 'a —TH IR D FIXKIR

I I I f i t r iii " t —Body of ooloct wood ■tock: ha* oitra d**h ond ild* boarda . atwa■IQ9 voMraWb aa**wkooU wtlb otool rl»*.

CkMiaa‘aJbi ‘aVaad

Wa*n aad U ri* alM*. ii b ^ h t oolora yi»t. ^11 plaaoou r k i d d l t a r i i» t Floor.

»c MMaRB at Itc Yard, Por* HHi ""A?ribbOBi, 1% larb**

■ lu k , whHo and m any prolty oolora Flrot Floor.

Infants’ and Tots’ Wear at Clearance Prices

These are odds and ends of wearing apparel for the tiny tots that we are going to close out. Theprices arc naturally very low. , .

Every price tag is marked from 1-3 to 1-2 lesjthan usual. For example:6.00 to 8.98 Pique Coats

Women’s Silk Poplin Bathing

Suits, 5.00Charming new models in

Ae favorite coat effect.Nicely smocked at bot­

tom of yoke. Has two patch pockets and

at 3.98 2.50 to 3.50 Tots’

at 1.793.98 to 6.00 Tots’

at 229

6.98 to 12.98 Tots' Coats at 3.98

50c to 8.98 Straw Hats at 25c to 4.49

I 75 to 3,50 Colored Hats , at 1.39 to 2J25A* will ti lofinli' and loll’ dreiiei, iicques, prttlcotli, etc.

Nom Milt C. 0. D. «nd none on approvaLBAMBERQER'B—SECOND FLOOR



Vacation time! How much these two word* mean to those who go to business. One week, two weeks, sometimes even three weeks away from the steady grind with its rou­tine and aggravations. Truly, vacation is a word to conjure with.

A glorious holiday at the seashore or the mountains where we can swim and climb and loaf to our heart's content. The only rule that holds us fast is to be on time for meals, otherwise we go as far as our inclinations lead us.

And what a difference it makes when we return— we are in fine trim for the strenuous weeks to follow. Our eyes are bright, our cheeks tanned, our brains clear, our ambitions sharp­ened. Hnw true the old tdafe, “All work and no play makea Jick a dull boy."

LDon't fail to take a vacatlaa

thii year.

Sale Children’s White Canvas Shoes & Pumps

CHILDREN’S 2.00 AND 2.50 SHOES AT 1.09 —Shoes of white Sea Island canvas, made in lace and button styles. There are all sizes in the lot from 8'/i to 2. Every pair has welt soles.

CHILDREN’S 1.25 AND 1.50 PUMPS AT 1.00 —These pumps are made of white Sea Island canvas, and they come with one strap. The sizes range from 4 to n . Reduced for this sale at 1.00 a pair.


“ Vatudrip”—To Prevent Rust

This is 1 fluid that pene- trttes the pores of any metal.By brushing it on or dipping the article in it it will pre­vent all rust formation, Con-

Sure W hite Shoe Powder, 10c

tains no acid.2 -0 1 . can.............. 15c8-0 1 . can ..............50c

BAM BEROER'8— b a s e m e n t

This is a dry shoe cleaner for white thoea that louristi and vaca­tionists can hardly be without. It is stways ready for use and can be easily carried.

Will clean white buckakio, nu- buek, suede, canvaa, flannel, duck, kid, fell, etc.; lOe. a box-


N-E-Wis fin­

ished I t waist-line with set-on belt.

An excellent model for lake or ocean bathing, at 6A0.Accessories for Bathers

Bathing capea and hats, 25c. t o m

Bathing tighta, SOe to 5.00. Bathing shoes at 1.00 to 3.00. Bathing slippers at 25c to 1.00- Bathing bags at 6!>c to 2.00. Misses’ and children's bathing

•aits, 1.50 to 3.08.Misses' snd children's romp­

ers at 1.00 to 3.08.Wader and bag, at 2.75.


Women's Pullman slippers. Made of satin, with felt soles. Come in satin bag with two compartments. Variety of shsdcs. Very handy for traveling. Priced 3.00, with bag. Without bag, 100. Mus­lin wear Department, Second Floor.

Amethyst glassware from England. Bud vases, flower vases, compotes, lily bowls, flower holders, baskets, etc. All in the rarest of amethyst colors. Distinctive and new; will set off any table to advan-

50c. and up. Basement.tage.

Clearing Misses* and Small Women’s Dresses, Suits

and Coats—Now

12 Piece Cereal Set at 1.00

We have illustrated three of «ie large and three of the email pieces in this "Windmill" Dutch scene pattern. Yon can easily picture the si a other pieces.

Each set contains 12 pieces and is offered at the low price of LM. Made of high-grade Japanned tinware.

Six amall eana tie labeled ghigar, pepper, natmeg, allspice, dnnanon and doves. Six large

I?;a Mtu are labeled oatmeal, angar, fki, tea. eeffee and barley.

■ann»BO«pn-rt*(H a iiit

A most important pre-inventory cut in price involving hoodreds of mid-summer frocks, as well as bandsome new suits and coats, for wetr on varied occasions.Misses’ & Small Women's $2S to $35 Silk & Cloth Coatt, at $13

Costs of sarin for - botch wear, roarabon trimmed fallett coats for street wear, also checks, serges and poplins for motor ind street wear.Sizes 14 to 18 years.

Misses' Crash and Gab­ardine Sfiits at 3.98 Linen, crash, striped gtbsrdine snd

Palm Beach suits in this assortment, origintlly marked from $10.98 to $15 .00 ,

■ - n no S j j g , 14

Last W eek of the Sewing Machine

ClearanceFloor samples and demon­

strating samples, the balance of them being still further reduced. There are only a limited number remaining—one or two of etch model.

The cases are a little marred or the woodwork may be slightly scuffed, but every machine is in perfect sewing order.

$ 1.00 down and $ 1.00 a week pays for any machine.

Free sewing lessons given Free delivery anywhere in New Jersey.35.00 New Horn* D, floor Mmple, at

19.75. . „ „40.00 Elbeco parlor cabinet, at 2t.7».45.00 Standard Rotary, lock and

chain stitch, Standard Rotary, lock and

chain stitch, 29.75.Singer, five-drawer, at Standard Rotary, floor aample,

at 29.75.Manhattan, in perfect condlrlon,

12.9$.Elbeco, Bve-drawer, at 16.75. Demorest, slightly used, 10.9$.35.00 Standard Rotary, floor sampio,

at 24.50.Wheeler & Wilson, demonstrating

tatnples, 24.50.Singer, box top, priced 8.50.Singer Auto, box top, it 7.50.New Home, box lop, priced 5.00.BAlllJERaER'S—THIRD FLOOR

Cool 1.00 Sport Shirts, 79c

The kind of shirts smart fel­lows are wearing all over the country. Ideal for the canoe, the links, the tennis court or the touring car. Come with either long or short sleevea, or with detachable alceves. Made of fine white madras and mer­cerized clotha. Collars that may be worn high or "sport.”

Regular $1.50 sport shirts at 1.15 etch.


Men's Straw Hats Down 1-3

Including our entire stock, with the exceprion of Panamas snd Bangkoks. It is unnecessary to comment upon this becadte every man is familiar with thla bb* nual one-third reduction and he knows what it meana in money-saving.|4J)0 S tra w s ..............2.67 i $3.Q0 S tra w s ........... . .tO *$2.00 Straws ............. 1.34 | $1.50 Straws ...............LW

$5.00 South American Panamas . . . . . .3.7SBAUBXRaBR'B—BBKOND FLOOR

Men's 4.50 to 6.(M) Shoes, a t 3.55

are now on sale at 8.98 each, to 18 yean.Misses' $25 to $45 Silk, Cloth & Sport Saits, i5.00

High color velour lultt, alw leriey cloth, gibirdinea, serge* ind navy talfeii »uit*. Size* 14 to 18 year*.

Mfstet’ 15.00 to 17.98 Silk Dresses, at 10.98 tacladed In this lot ire navy tilfeta dre**ew-o<Ms and end*

of iMortmenta, but every dreei deelrable for present leaioo weir. Sltea 10 and 18 yean.Misses' $20 to $25 Taffeta A Georgette Dresses, $15

Handionia geor^ett^and taffeta silk frocks of c ^ n ^high

Stzet' li) aad IS.Ibo popular Exquisite models i t this

B A lrt« R a» R '» -T H lR D FLOOR

Tw o Items for the Boys

SPORT SHIRTS OR BLOUSES, 50o—These are the sport shirts and blouses thnt nre so popular with the youngsters. We hava them in plain white and whim with fancy cotlara, also models with stripes.

BOYS’ SUMMER NECK­WEAR—Made of rtiort piecw of high-grade tiika of a good quality. Light enmmery celort. Regular 25c. narrow fouH a- hands i t ISc. Refolar 50c. largo open ends, 25c.bamberqrr 'b. ffRoowa wiaem

Some hundreds of pairs still retnain In stock iftoc this semi-tnnnal sale. Models for both conservative and smart dressers.

Shoes of gunmetal calf, vlcl Ud, patent oolt tnd tome tan calf and Idd akin. Here also a partkidarir large variety of big sixes and narrow widtbt.

Men's White Shoes_________

Irti dows to a vein>« ,> m ss OMwaa Mmm, M ^



Make Home a Better Place

You cao very easily do this by placing the better kind of

FURNITUREin your home. Although you now here good furni­ture you went more of it. Get thtt odd piece that yon have been wenting to buy to fill in here end there, or you miy want to iumieh an extre room, or refumleh one.

You can do all of this end more el the Commer, clel—our plain figure cub prices enibles you to fur­nish two rooms for what It would cost you to furnish one St any other furniture or department store. Come in—it costs you nothing to tnvestigite — we will con vince you.

lUmimhsT Omr ioewffou—iVenr Ceurf Hotus, o» ArlirngUm Sfuwf, Ciarwer Bruji/orvf Pfere, On* Short ftfeeA trmm Market.



ernr advertisementso v ricK or thV ' b o a r d , o r i x c ie a


c iir lull. Juir $$■Th# following I* Xhe of lb*

pMldoiieM on4 p)Kc*i of buolneH of oppil- canU for |lc*n»eo, ronulnodl in oil oppLtra* lt« u or piilMona mad* to thli l>o«rd for (holiou or pwLiseuno -g ran tin g of llcbnarh to ••II aplrltuoua. vIroua m a lt or brew ed hquora, and not. hartto fo romatt wr uicwm»ubliab«4 arcording to law, to wit ^ RKTa IL RK.SEWALg

Mama Placa of Bualnaaa. Roaldanoa. John Xotunakl. $14 Norfolk i t . Samt plaea Akaxandor uinicbialiOi ITI Fair-Oacar BUa l KUmlni n r ............. bamaplaoaWilliam rianwary. I l l Bloomflflilday ................ftania piaaoA*u« ' 'kaUaMwlCA tt.T* J*ck»ii......................ABteuV J. HMrSSAn. >• Aat«r ■t..XAnn plAo* A*«I*S B l«h». so U m UabIc r t . . .Sara* *,*c*Lm cb*i*r. I l l J* u i« a t .............Baroaulsc*Thamaa Kaach. H I OeUaa a t........Bama pl*eaH trrta SaM. I H OtSan at. - . . . . . . ^ a placa


J I bS t. « t t O n a ia a t........Baina placaUmtl Titaifrt. at Jemaa a t............. Pt*aaJaaok OetdStalt. I t l - t H Or»**a at.Batna SIAoa‘'2 :— » . . . A I » ------ . — a V B jl w iadlward'lC gmpnx nv. .8ama plAcaOaUarttr, 114 PauaieJahM

■Tyjrif' NS**■fllirf C. BraaeklJ. $$ Jl*’i®***VaNMllB* BpiolmaUf $4$

l i i ‘ i i i* w iw fy avl 11 !>am* F M

>1 H au tea a t..fc m a * *wKVlKI 1*1 ranr S*«f* BetiwArtA H Hawrtar

I Kan«. 'M*vl'VaTTT at.Bamaplaaa: Wnai' »A’ ^ . Bama plea* Bamaplua

allllan. HI Bumimd al.Bamapl*** Pudar l i t WalBul at.gsina plaeaiK,''*l'u'Blio”H".;r.i*ma plu* llk-llt Fatry •t,...|*n,ina pUw*

iVl*Ma.™a glgaa , a itm a rU c«

nsrrft H ntai* .

'*1 *1 '■ •»<"* i


lit' i'iiW


Wt h tn ft —fsdinded gn --. Prieta are o a fM

Bl , *»■*•€** IMMbtrt ike.lMinai

Man | 1A> tidM* easvaa MmV whtM jhKk“ tSSMaskl

i wHM d s A A M fc 1 snlfM O u^iiek g s d lM P ^

^ , , Ice Sewer BltoketJt la s UMkM of m seksU j tnatol eleth, i* i^ it

•a flMt it pfROMta tfw oaneceaaary raeWag of ion. White vitdolbt *lite e» OMMliMld ttnptntnra of the tee chpat to

naiiitiiioid. ■' ■"-•li 1 ,1 ^ " - fAa anMa otD boon pay for ioffif. Price, Me, frii




At?-. iiViiO#

mm to Amiiie ttWvCh^^hgM gw uiuiiiiaMaM ■ jif ‘ ftawa thtt ofll intartot dte

SStedtodmi, » • thaat: M MaawiiH l«Ttag. catti«| and P«»ltlh

gayi dollt i«d tnnitfwt oe#r ipmea,-. rm U (» •

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