Hospital Campaign Gains Brave Start - Capital Area District ...


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Mason Chef Buys int~ Firm .Jim Glolta nf Mnsnn Is r•n own·

C!l of G & G IGintln & Garrhwrl f'llterlng SC!I'VIce In Lansing,

Ninety-Eighth Year - No, 19

'l'hn MMon mnn, nlnng wllh Mm·le GnrrlnP.I' 1 pllrPhnHl'f) thu hilure~>IH nf Estill':; Paturlng com· pany. Both nwn WPrc• mnmhrrs nl tim ~~~1111 ol'gnnlwtlon, Glntln IIIII• hr.Pn n lop Phcf In the Lnn· ~lnr< nn;n for 30 yr>urs. Gmrlnerl has :lfl yl'al's t!Xperir>nr·r. ns re~­taurant and mtm·lng ndmlnhtr.t·i I or,

'I'Ju, nnwty.fnrnll'rl (Jill'tll!!rshlp • hns tllf' r•ulr•r•lng- r·rmlrunt fill' li, Olrlsnwhllr! emplnyr•f! r•Jtfr•II'J'Ir·s.l Jlr•~;lrlr•s t.lw Jllunl l'ltl'r!tr•rin wurl> (l & (l WJIJ l'llll'l' fill' Hfll!l'ill! han· I IJIII!ts in• J.nnslng- lll'r•n.

County Budget Goes. Up To Meet Welfare Costs

Hospital Campaign Gains Brave Start

Glotla and Garrlnel' haw ill'en in IHtslncHH together lll'fom, 'l'lwy OjJcncd what Is now Ardtlc's Lnungc in Lansing, Glottn Willi 1

l'hcf at Lansing Cnunt1y r•luh, Walnut liiiis country duh anrl fr,t• sPVCrltl ypn"rs operated a tCS· tmrmnt In Mason,

from tlwlr Aurellu: new IH1mc on liar

Mr. and Mt~. Glut Ia mnvPrl n

May Term of Circuit Court Will Open at Mason Monday .Judge Louis E. Coash will prr·

side at tlw opening of l'irlllil c•ourl In Mason Tuesday. Ile writ lPfHL lhP ('dlenrlill'r tal\1~ fll'l':tl~ll

• ments and dismiss cases in whkh

Scientists Get

1111'1 P has ilPPn no c·mn·t act inn within tlw p<~sl year·.

Criminal trials dt"C sc'ill'dUIPrl to start 'l'w•srtay. N:unrs of :iO jur ot s WPrl! dmwn il,Y lot Apr 11 22.

OnP of 1111• :J c u·r·11it .JUdgPs will r•orHhll'l Jill'.\' tri;rts at Mason while the other 2 will prcsiriP at non·itn y I rials and l!anclic other judrl'ial work in Lansing.

W I B d On the crimmal calcnrlar m~

Oman S 0 Y 70 r•;Jsr.s, aiiiHH~gh p:ohahly not 1 more than a 11111'11 Will come on

I for trl,rl .tl 1111! May tPJ m. Tlwre

Mrs. Betty Jarccl,y, .'lfl, wl!" arc another :Jo app;-ats in mrs· ended her tifP TuPsday, hnd he· rlr•.mcanor 1•ases eormng up from qtwall!crl llf'l' l!ody to lhP llni· juslrcr• r·Durl. vcrsity of Mir-ltigan mcdll'al Tlwn· arc ~0 ]Ury civil cases on sdwol. The body will lw t;du•n tr•

1thc Mny r•;dpnrh11·, mnny of the~

Ann Al·hor Frirlay afiNIHJon afl·lresulting f10m a111omobile ncct· c•t· frnwnrl services nl Gorsline-~ dents. On the non-jury civil f'alcn· llundman funeral home, Lan· rlar nrr 1:3R cases. There are G6 sing. non-f'onlesterl and 187 contested

. , . . 1•1 1 , . ]"fp 1 chancery f'ases. Among them arc Mrs . .Tareckj enc u lCI 1 13~ tivo1r•es 'IIHI 28 ·ret ions to

with a _.:l2-cnlibre pistol. Her, hod: / fn;r·cr forme;. ;,ales to ~uppo~t W· wns rlrsC'overc~l nbout 7 r~ cloll, ,0 ·cerl wives or C'hitclren. Tnesrlay mrn nmr,:. 11 w;ts 111 th''l \ 1 . yard r•los(' to tlw front door n! Sub.ter·t to rlrsmJssal for lac]( ol tlw woman's home, 2011 Thor· prog1 css art! 5L law ancl 98 chan· burn road, I! nit, I eery cases.

Chester L;mgiwm, a 1wighbor, II disc·ovcrcrl the body as be \\enl Councl"l (a s pnsl I he house. I

Mrs .. Jarccl<y was r1Jvorcrr1. • Slw left a note tclliog of despond- z H enc•y over fJCrsonal affairs SIJC one ear1ng hart marie lwr will rn 1m1.

Cnmner Dorwin Jloffmeyr.r, wlw investignterl, salrt Mrs. Jitl'· ccl(y hought the weapon in a Lansing store• Mond11y. The cor· o1wr sairl Ponrlilion of the bori)' inrlic<1tcd lhnt Mrs. Jarecl,y, shot herseH about 2 'o'clocl< 'l'ues<lny ;~ornlng.

Rny Bond, deputy sheriff. found Mrs .. Tnrecky's 3-ycar-old daughter, Catherine, hirling he­neath the heel. Upon aw<ti<Pning site had rlisr·overed her mothrr missing anrl ltarl talwn sheller trll· rler the bed. Another r],JUgiJier, AnneiiP, 9, had stayed at th~ home of Lansing .frienrls Monday nigl1t.

Besides the rlaughtcrs Mrs. .Jarel'l<y is survived hy the par­ents, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Roy Car·ver of Lansing, and a IH'olhct', Wnync L. Moore of Greenville, Ohio.

Councilmr•n sel Monday night, .June .'l, for n puhlic l1caring on the proposed new wning ordr· na nee. The hearing will open at R o'r"lnck.

CouiWJiman Alfred Forche sub· mitll'ri the ordinance arter his zoning committee gave it its stamp of approval at Monday night's meelinr.:.

The orrlinanr"e is the re~ult of :3 years of st by Mason's plan· ning eomrnrssion. If adopted hy the council it will rcscmd the present zoning or•riinnncc ami all l1Inl'nrlmcnls wh1cb have been added.

The new zoning code is tailor· made to Mason's needs, according to members of the planning com­mission. 'l'l1c ordinance now in effcc:t is a copy of ordinances in other citle~. the planning commis·

Mason Seniors - sion asserted.

Another zoning question is in tile hanrls of the planning qucs·

S W h• t lion aftPr the council action Man· ee ' as mg on I clay night. llc:schcl .Jewett SU~· miltcrl a tJetilron to the councrl

Sixty-live Mason sl'nrnrs will: asking to c·lmngc the zoning of 2 make tlwir finnl school lesson a• Jc,Js on the corner of Ash and p r n e I i r· 11 I nnl' tlrls wct>h: as CPrlar streets, across from the they tour Washinr,:lon, D. C. The Ced,tr street srolwol. Jewett plans seniors nnrl '' r•IJ1r[lcrnnes left Mn !o build 11n oiTice for hts rnsur· son WcrlnPsrlay noon nnrl will l'C!· arH'C business if the change is turn Snt urrlay. School hust•s approved. lmnsporterl the group to Dc•troit,. Counl'ilmcn appmvcd of the wlwrc they honrrlcrl the f{nrJ Ar sale of a smnll 11iecc of crly row sleeper, nrnvlng in tire nn- prnpeJ'lY along the Sycamore to linn's capital Thtll'sclay moming. Mauriec Strait Monday night. The Mr. ami Mrs. Forrest Rineh;rrt strip of land will be used for ltnrl Mr. nnrl Mrs. Donald J-:rJg. iJcr·ess to some other farm lanrl lngton accompanied the seniors, belonging to Strait. The city will

In Washington, they'll be en· n•c·Pive $2ri0. t e r t a In e rl by Congressman The city council also gave City Chm·les E. Chamberlain anrl Sen· Attorney Jlowarrl McCowan the ator Charles E. Potter. 'I'IH•y'JI go-ahead sig11al to defend the city sec historic memorinls, ferlrral in the $2:J,OOO damage suit insti· buildings anrl a sesswn of <'on tutcrl by Jtalph Strope, guardian gress. Ilcarlquarters for tile, Ma· ol Mr~. Jennie Strope, his mother, son delegation is the Woodncr The suit is a result of a fall by hotel. Mrs. Strope on the sidewall,. The

Seniors earned" most of tlw suit charges the city with negli· money for the trip by staging a g1•ncc in leaving sewer cleaning maga~inr:! sale last fall. The bal- PCJUipment in the way and In the ance was paid by lndivichtal wn· treatment Mrs. Strope received lors. from city employes after !he fall.

Ingham tuxpaym·H will proh· bly hltvc to dig up more money o help those receiving public tid.

Bigger nppr·opr·iatlons fm· wei· arc will send county taxes to a ·ecord high next •yenr. The tenia· lve budget approved by supr.r· Jlsm·s Tuesday provides an adell· tonal $230,000 for welfare. Tlw otal county budget lor 1!138 rtancls at $3, lfifi,G37.

Antlclpatecl receipts amount to )300,000, leaving $2,855,637 to lw ·a I sed by property taxes.

'l'he tux mlc! nemlml to ml~e lw t'I'C'OJ'rl hu1igr.t will lm no high· w. Ac•lrmily it will h1• a ft•udion lowr'l', lint vuiuatinnH huvn hm•n m•t'Pnserl Jl'l'll!'ruily, ~n indivirlnul

lux hills will prohubly run high·

Supcr·vlsor Carl G. Card, chair· nan nf the ways and means com· nittee, reminded his cnlieaguPs !hat the budget Is tentative only, 1 hal it can be adjusted In Scp· temher hcfore appropriations are m11rle ~ nd taxes arc spread,

"We have little to say about re· lief costs, and there's little we can do except pay the hill," Su· rervisor Carr! declared. "We trimmed $50,000 from social wei· fare requests for r.ext year. Re· lief expendltureH are running

Police Object To Dog Hairs Police Chief Harry Chanrller

and the rest of Mason's patrol· men voiced an objection to dogs 'It Monday night's council meet· ing-or rather dog hair.

Chandler asltcd the council to act on a request to hire a city dog wanlen.

He told councilmen that pick· ing up man's 4-!oolcd friends b hard on officers' uniforms and on 1 he hack seat of the new city flU· trol car. "Too much dog hair," he asserted.

Councilmen took under consicl· eratlon a suggestion that a m11n be retained to pick up stray dogs at $1 a head.

The cnnlne problem developed when the council took up the police report for April.

The report indicated that dog~ were not the only problems the department confronted during the month.

Officers had severe cnses of writer's cramp In April. The re· port showed 127 traffic ticl<ets is-8Ucd. Speeders and parkmg vio· lators shared the top of the list with 28 offenders each.

Policemen issued 185 warn! ngs, with speeders being reprimanded most often.

The department handed out 11 warrants during April.

To end the report on n doggy note, Chandler added that 21 roaming beasts were apprehended and turned over to the county dog warden for violating Mason'~ .3-month-long quarantine.

I n,vestors Buy At Tax Auction· Investors bought all 203 de·

scriptions offered at Ingham's de linquent tax sale Tuesday. Really they bought 204 Tuesday anrl tiw remaining one was sold Wedne~ day morning. The sale brought In $13,973 92.

Most of the buymg was done by professionals for investment purposes, said County Treasurer Laurence Parl<er. He did the sell· ing.

Taxes 011 the property sold were delinquent for 1954 ancl prior years. 0wners have a year In which to redeem their prop· crty by paying the tax buyer the amount of his bid plus 1 '/r pe1· month after sale. Then .for an­other 6 months the owner may redeem by paying the sale price plus 50'/< and plus $5 per descrip tion.

Reality Is Faced --------~~---------------

School Balance Sheet Looks Good The Mason school· board, In' the Mason superintendent.

mal~lng Ufl the budget for 1956·57 The school board adopted a took a pessimistic view of antlcl· proposed budget for the 19fi7·58 puled revenues. Instead of flgur· year Thursday night which tops lng on receiving $1 !JO for each of Ieist year's budget by nearly $12,· the 2,000 expected pupils In the 000. Major increases over last Mason school system, board year's budget were for general members cut It "to $185 for 190o:. sc•hool control and instruction.

The ll!lclltlonal JlliJlils Jllus the Other budget Items were either I'Piluction of the·· (let• pupil rate reducelil m· remained the same as will mean ~~ bnhlncetl financial last year. Jllcttu•c even If state nhl tlrops to Instructional costs and lnstruc­$170, Vnmlm• Ven :mid, · tion took a jump of $25,000 main·

Unless the state legislature ly because of salary Increases balls out school districts, man)' and because of the additional l1ave Indicated tlu!y will have to teac(ters which will. be requil'ed bort·ow against 1958 property ,for the 6·room addition being tnxcs ln onlct• to pny this year's planned for Cedm· Street school,

' current eXllcmses, according to Vnndel' Ven said.

ahe11d of hLtrlgct schedules nnrl we will he In the hole before llrt! yenr Is ovet·."

Fm· this Yl!lll' stt(II'I'Visni'H inuJt,. etr•ll $:!00,000 fell' dh•er•l J"r!lir•f, FnJ' the cr:nrlug- Yl'ltr suru•t·vism·s Ill' II·

vidml $:l21'i,OOO. For Sll!'illl \VI'Ifnr··· this yr•ur SIIJIBI'ViSOJ'S Jll'll\'idl'll $141i,Ooo. N1·xt yr•ru· Uw hurlgr t l'ulis fnr $MO,OOO.

The county anrl stale mntcl! funds on direct rctiC'f, The county pays- !he en lire crmt of social wei· fare.

Other major boosts fot· th~ 1flri7 burlgrt Include $1rJ,00() Jor" Tngham Chest hrmpltal, $20,000 for l11stlce anrl r·oroncr claims, $12,000 more for employes' l'C'·

lirmnent fund, $2:l,43•1 for c•are of Ingham residents In state rnstilu· lions, and nn nrlclitlonal $170,!138 In the contingent fund. "'-

The contingent fund boost should be adequate to lnkc c<~re of salary increases, Supcrvls,Jr Card said.

Sllill'rvisor IInrur·e ,J, U1·ndshuw of J,ansing- sug-gPstr••l thnt tluo c•n11nty should havu n hmg-rungc lh~VI'hlflllllmt l'unrl s•~t 1111 to r·nt'<l fm• l'lljlituJ I'XJH'nditiii'CS, ],UUSillg" hus n li·yrmr devuloJlllll'lll Jll'n· grum for IH'W hulidlng und tiu• r•ounty should lut\'1' nne uisr1, he sui d.

Chairman Earl Leeman ex· pressed approval of such a pro­gram hut pointer! uul legal ob· stacles. County Clerk C. Ross Hilliard explnincd that the con­stitution limits the board of stt· pervlsors to spending not mo1 e thnn one-tenth of a mill r about $40,000) a year on county lnnlrl· ings without gfuning approval of voters. Money so raised must al•;o he spent tbP same year or lC· turned to the general fund, he added.

Lease Expires For Sheriff Sheriff Willard P. Barnes will

pull in his outpost from Lansing. Lansing officials served notice

on the county hoar•rl of supervi­S(lrs. ~hat_ .w.rr;cl,cirs will st·aot work July 1 on razing the old city hall. ·

Instl'nd of seeking other J,11n· sing quarters for the sheriff, su­pervism·s onlerprJ him to com·en· ti'ule his forces at !Unson.

The sheriff has a chief deputy, 2 deputies and a license examiner In Lansing. A branch office for the sheriff has been maintained in the Lansing city hall f()r 30 years.

At the Lansing branch office the driver license examiner can exammc only applicants who live outside Lansing and East Lan· sing. After July 1, the sheriff said, he will 11 y to make armnge­ments for an examiner to set up shop in Lansing, Meridian and Delhi township halls to handle applications from residents of those areas.

There will be no great hard· ship in concentrating his deputies at Mason, said the sheriff, now that all patrol cars are equipped with 2-way radio. Another tele· phone line may have to be in· stalled, he slated.

FIUENil '1'0 lllJNnHEOS is Mt·s. Viva Riker, 30 years a teacher, who will end bet·· teaching cm·eet· this spl'ing. She submitted hcl' l'esignation to the board of education Thursday. In Lhe Mason school system since 1933, she tool; personal pride and interest in all youthful acquaintances. This picture of Mrs. Riker is a familiar one to those who studied algebra, trigonometry, geometry and solid geome­try in Room

1301 a't Mason school. (Ing. Co. News photo.)

Teacher Ends Long Service With Mason School System Mrs. V1va Riker tcsigncd fwm I uersonal interest In each young·

tllC Mason school system this ster, encoumg_ing him In 1_lo his \l'eek almost as quietly as she best whether 111 mathemattcs or PntcJ crt it in 1033. During her 21 personal conduct.

First week of sollcilntion fm· I he ~:100,000 Mason hos­pital fund yielded $33,860.

'J'hr• n•sult, nuulr• lmown to llll'lllhi'I'S of thll ;i Udi'IIIU'I'd gift r'IIIIUIIItll!r•s nt tim fh·st d I n 11 rJ r· I'I'Jllll'l \Vr•ritii'SIIny n I g- h t, h1·ought UJlJlluus•·· Jluwui'CI F. Sl'ilwrt, g"l!liiii'UI !'hah·nmu, nnd nllll't' lcudnrs, !'lliJr•rJ !ill' I'I!JIOI't llllC'OUI"II!:"· in g.

Wcdncsriay night's report 1lln· ncr was 111 lite dining room of St. .Tames church.

.T. B. Dean, co·chairmfJn with Dt·. D. IL Lelhhrlrlgc of the spc· l'ial gifts CfJmmltter., sairl there arc 800 people in Ingl111m county who need hcd care in a hospital, but who are unable to gel it be· cause no beds are available in tlw crowded hospitals of Lansing M elsewhere. This is a fact, he :;aid, that few people r·eailzc, and Is onr. of the compelling reasons f11r building the new 36-lled hospital at Mason.

Rr!V. Fr. Paul ,J. Dcllose of St. .Jamc~. $1,000 from the St . .Jnmes MPn's l'luh nnd the St. Jamc~ Al· tar ~oclcty.

Other gifts In the division In· eluded nne of $'1,000 hy the 1(1.

want~ r:lub, wllb another $ri00 to come fmm Its panc·ai<e SUflJWr; ' $100 fi'Om lite MaKon-Dnnsvllie Garden club; 111111 $:JOO from·,Ma· son Clrilrl Study club No. 1. ·

1\ltlln·lc·r• Uil'lll,v l'l'illll'lntl Jlll'rii-(I'S tolullng- $1·1,fl21i In Ulll SJII'dui gifts division.

The second report mcctlni( will he WrrlnPsrlay evening, Mny 15, at the Arncrlmn Legion hail In l'onnel'llon with tile public: ltld(· off rlinnP!' meeting of the l!•ams, publiC service ami area commlt· tees.

Ferris Halts Road Work Ed Ferris is going to pound

The scm c hy committees last nails anrl lnnk into hnles in the night was: Special gifts, $32,160; ground instead of surfadng high· dubs and organizations, lleariPd ways, lie is not only swJtC'hing IJy !\Irs. William E. Clark and r•arcers but location-from Mlch· !\'cis c. Feniby, $3,800; and busi- Jgan to F'lnrirla. ness nnrl Industry, led hy AI Ric2, $16,600. Rice and J, A. Dart rc· The Mason man rmrl his Granrl ported that several substantial Rapid~ par.tner., El'llest _'l'houn, gi(ts are pcndmg in the busine~s arc chssnlvmg fhe Fer'I'IS com· and Industry division. pany, after 11 years of road build·

· . lmg anrl gravel ami asphalt work. Among the clubs and orgalll· . , . . zation gifts was nne reported hy . Ferr·ts do~sn t mlend to sit 111 ---------- _____ h1s easy chnn·. Alrcacly under way

School Schedules Public Opening

is a Ferris housing project on ;'llerritt Islanrl, Floridu, a new ~=:uided missile base.

YPIII"s in 1\lason she bas laugh! Heal I h is !he reason !\Irs. llw lion's share of matlrematics Riker ts giving up the leaching courses, has counseled and guided career. Stopping her work now hundreds of 1\!a~on youngsters, will permit her to ·enjoy the has been active in mmmunily things she has denied herself It will be open house at Mason's aflairs and has ex:ptcssed rna· over the years, she said. There nwmml arts and agriculture lerna! pride for the accomplish· ~ re trips to make, people to see, building Sund11y afternoon, May ments of youngstets gone frorn things to do,' 19. The 2-slory building, com· her classes. "Why, I've almost forgotten! pleted last fall, will be open fot·

Mrs. Ril<er h.ts never been how to cook and keep house," public inspection beginning at 2 cDntenl to merely stand before 1\frs. Riker exclaimed. "I'm anx· in the aflcrnoon.

Along with his home hulldlng plans FerTis intends to look at some minmg operation:; lhmugh the west iu which he b interested.

Ferris came to Mason In 193B from 1\lonlana to join the eng]. necring st<~ff of !he Ingham coun· tv road commission. Later he served as county engineer. In 1946 he left the road commission and formed the Fen·is comP.any .

twr classes and mete out the easy ious to have a place of my own." Designed by the archilectuml lessons. Instead she hn~ taken a Mrs. Riker is a native of Clln· firm of Stapctt, Pratt, Bulthuis,

ton, Michigan. She shows indig· Sprau & Crothers, Inc., of Kala·

According to Ferris, the iabor sJiuallon and high_ cost of doing business, along with the strain of road contracting, influenced his decision to call it quits. i ··Draft Summons

Goes Out to 16 Sixteen Ingh11m young men will

bn wearing army uni[or·ms by next wecl<. They have received 1 ileir not ices from selective scr-'v· ice. . The 16 are to report at the

clmft hoard otticc at 11~0 May street, Lansing, at 7:10 Tuesday moJ ning to bonrd a !Jus for !11e Detroit mductinn wn !cr.

Making up t11e Ingham list arc Gerald D. Bell, John F. Pennell, Forrest W. Miller·, H. Richard Hunt, Jr., Clarence D. Cl<~rl<, Sal· ,·aclor G. Alvm·ado, Angelo G. Alvarado, Riclmrd E:, Davidson, Kenneth L. Thompson, .John D Brower, Gmdy D. Smalley, Owen F. Crandall, I<r.ndall D. Marsh, Donald L. Graves, Richard E. Reed and Leroy G. Bigelow.

nation when her home town is mazon, the huilrling has facilities confused with Clinton county, for farm shop, agriculture, gcn· Mrs. Ril,er was graduated from eral shop, mechamcal dt·awrng, Albion college and has lal,en art and general mechanics. Tile ·summer work at tile University structtu·e 1s located on the site of o [ Michigan. Following gmdua- the former kindergarten huilding tion, she taught in L'Anse and north of the high school on Park Clinton before arriving on the street. Mason scene in 1933. Sbe taught the now-exline! opportunrty room her first year in Mason. After that, although ot·iginally plannrng tn teach Latin, she volunteered for mathematics, a decision, she chums, she never regretted.

During the war years, Mrs. Riker endeared herself to count· less young men in service by keeping up a steady correspond· ence WJth them. She continued l;eeping Mason boys informed of Joeal news right through the Ko· rean war and even today she is writing to boys in service.

Mrs. Riker Is a member of the Methodist church, College club and Eastern Star.

During her residence In Mnson she has made her lwmc with Mrs, Alfred Allen. When school closes in June, Mrs. Riker plans to visit her brothers in Clrnton and Te· cumseh. Her schedule isn't dcfi· nile beyond that.

Mrs. Riker said she has noli!'erl )1ttle change in conduct, intelli·

The building cost $137,380 3·1 and was financed hy cash on hand plus shot·t·term notes. No bonded indebtedness was acq ulrecl.

Fruit Blossoms· E-scape Damage

Allhough the mer c u r y clipped to freezing last Thurs. day and Friday nights, Ingham fruit blossoms apparently es· capcd damage.

On Thursday night an east wind i(ept air circulating. On Fnday night after the mer­cury started down there came a. shift in wind which sent the mercury up.

Cherries, pe111 s, peaches and plums have lost or nrc losin~ their petals. Apples arc just reaching the bloom stage and will be in full blossom Sunday H the weather stays warm.

gence and other traits of young· Something has been added sters over the years. Conduct of

Road building and gravel and asphalt plant men will be heading for 1\lason. The F'erris company is offering every plccc o.f equip·­mcnl it owns for sale as well as the 21·acre gra..;cl plant and pit south of Mason.

The sale list includes draglines, rollers, lrur·ks, road scrapers, caterptllar tractors, bullclozcrs, nil tanl,crs and many othc1· pieces oE road building equipment.

There have been l 0 on the year. around Ferrrs payroll at Mason, with 100 or more heing employed during seasonal worldng pcal<s.

About 2fi0,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel have been mined in the 1l years the Fcrrrs Co. has opct·ated Its Mason pit.

City Valuations Are Apt to Rise By authority of and lnstruc·

lions by the cily council, Mason property valuations are lil<cly to jump next year.

Monday night the council told City Assessor D8an Taylor to as· scss real estate next year at 40'/o of the value tf offered for sale. youngsters has changed, to be

sure, she declared, but so has conduct au tside of sC'hools.

Tile fact is, she has !he same admiration for youngste1 s today as she had 30 years ago. And students anrl former students feel the same way about her.

Dnyiight Juts been added tn this pug-rl hy empinyment of If n piece of pr()pcrty is valued functinn1ll nutlmu11, Chnngt•s at $10,000 it will be assessed at have been mude to maim tim $4,000 for next year. Jnglurm Count-y News ensit!l' Tnylor is using a camera to to l'I'IHI, I>nshes huve been photograph Mason sl orcs and ellminatr~d ruul heudllnes huve j residences in his new evaluation been llmltell to 2 llncs. program.

Mother of 10 Needs $100 for House Ten children and their widowed

mother lack $700 to finish build· lng thell·· house. The home is for

' 1\lrs. David Gonzales and her 10.

the present basement, one on the main floor and 2 In the half-story. Up until now there has been a privy, New plans call for a com· plete bathroom. On the main fioot' besides the bedroom and bath will be a living room, eating area and ldtchen: .


or· from injuries suffered in the fall ft•om the scaffold. A settle· ment on compensation was re· cently made, the widow accepting the $6,000 and wisely Investing it In housing for her family.

'l.'he eldm;t chihl Is H. The youngcMt is only n. few mont1111 old, bnl'll 11fter tho tlcutll of the fnther•,

LEE THORBURN is one of 30 Ingham fatm boys who will compete in the county tractor contest Satut·day, The plowmen will drop their plows into the Ken Myers farm 5 miles south of Williamston on \\'illiamston road at 1:00. Belting and backing contests are scheduled to start' at 9:50 a. m. Thorburn, like many of the other boys, has taken more than casual interest in tractor operation this sprh}g to prepa1•e for t11e Saturday contest. He's a son of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Thorburn and belongs to the Sandhill tractor 4~H club. He's been a 4-H member for 10 years. The complete tractor program is on ;Page 1 of Section 2. (ICN photo,) . ' ' \

They arc now living In a base· ment built by the husband and father. Since his death last Au­gust no work had been ·done on the house at !JOO Mason street until compensation payments were received. The compensation of $6,000 has now been paid. Fu· neral expenses and other debts cut Into family savjngs.

'l1here wns $5,700 avnlltlble nml the loweSt bill on completion of the house l'nme to $6,400. ri111at lt'l\Ve!i $700 whh!h must be t·nlsetl within the next 2 weeks.

When and if the house Is com· pleterl, >It will be a story and a hulf above tlm present basement. The1·e "»:Ill be 5 bedrooms, 2 in

David Gonzales brought his family to Masort 5 years ago. He worl<ecl hard digging the base· ment, walling It up, roofing It over, and mailing It habitable for his big family. He saved his money. Besides his wages earned at thtl Davison Chemical plant in Lansing he had a little income fl•om property he had sold In 'l'exas. Theil last August while at wort~ he fell from a sca!Iold and died.


Mrs. Alton Kinney - Phone OX 9-2721

Church Circles Plan Meetings

i'nHiinn llt•mliiun Nmus

'1 'h r<!O I fntbi j,"j '""'']' I Ill· lilt' I· <'lii'Y dmpperl Jwlnw ft•eu~llll: hut nppnrpntly nil Jngh11111 nrehat•cls !!senperl frosl' rlnmngl!, Some grnwers \VP.t'e nfrnlrl for lhelr pcnr!hc~ bill ilnow·loolls to mnHt o ( I hem 'I hn I I hoy su t'J'eJ'erl no gt•enl riflntii!J!!, Applrs wem not fill' e!Hili£1J fHIVUI!C'ecj to SUffer Injury ft·rrl1J fmst, 'f'hey will he in hlnssnm tills \VI'!!It uncl.neKt,

'Mora rnin Is merlerl, Slrnng winds rll·lc!rl ont tlw r,muncl Tues­day nnrl WuclnrHduy, 'l'hrre l1as hePn nnl 11 clt·ntJ of l'llin for mm·e tlwn a 1Ve1•l<.

The nveragc ml!nn tampernture foi·. the w<•elt was :i2 tlcgree1;. !~or llw samP week lust your II wns ·1:-i.

'l'rmprr<tlltres aH rcrnt·rlPd nt


ij tJ f ,, li i'l\i ~ ~: lfui~ ., -r-. ""1

GU)' H. :ronldns. o!llic·t •II tt1u Bnolli ni!W!lpupet•s' LQnHit* hll· ronu for :10 years, dlerl Hnt urrluy In LnnHing,

First Aid Class Meets Thursday ·


Rites Saturday ·for June Ward fo'urmrnl services fot• Juno Wnrcl

of ttiRfl 13yrum mnrl, Onomlngn, will ho Salurduy nflernnon nt 2 n. m. ·ill Lourht funeral home, Leslie, Hev, Ilurry Cummings nf Leslie Pree Methodist dtut•r.h will offlrlute. Burin! will he' In Wnllt·

Mason's class in first nlrl ,will er reml!trry, nlves .lunrllon, meet at Steel!! Street .' RCIJOol . , Mr . .Wnt·d cllel! at Mason Gl'ti· Thursday night nt 7:30, an- erul hospllul 'riHu·sdny mnrning. nounccld ITnrry Chandler, He is If!! wnH.n life-long t·esidr.nt of On· commundet' or I he Ma~~n, dls: ondngn lownHhip. I Ie hrul hr.Pn uslm• prngrum. First aid lt!~HO!lH .ei1gagocl- In farming nil his llfl'. wlll he presented by Her,!. CroHs MJ•. Wnrrl is survlverl hy the lnstruelnrs, Chnndl!!r suirl. • · · widow, l•'lnru; daughters, Mrs.

Chandler also crtll!!d attention Irene Ellsworth of Lunslng, Mt•s.

Holt Preshyleriun f'illtrrh cir­cles wlll maet next .. Tosc­ph!ne-Rose, wlll meet Wudtlf'Hdny, May 15, at the home cf Mr.'. Gemld L, Johnson, Hl:iO N. Phil­lips road w!lh Mlhh'!!d MII!Pt' as co-hostess. Junn!tn 'l'lwmnH will have clun·ge of the tlt!vollmJs 111111

, the program tlwma Is "Unilt"i Nntions and Uo; What Cnn \\'" Do for Peare?" will ht! Jll'f'st•nlr>rl by Mrs. Harry Chapman.

Sallll'llny, Mny 11, nl '1 p, m. IR t 111• dr>adlltw fot• petitions from !'aJHiiliniP:; sPPidng fllnre on hnl· lois in tilo anttllttl sdtool election whidt will Ill' .lune 10. Vucnncics on lilf' Holt iHJilJ'd of educutlon are to he tilletlns tha!:J.yenr terms of Mt.~. [;1!org1! Salm und LeRoy l';lrjH'nlc>r l•Xpirr. '!'here 11T'f' a petit ions !wing l'il'l'lllntcd JWW fOl' Mrs. Mnrgm·Pt Smllll, Mt•s. Geor·ge ~~aim <IIIII Oalll1•y 'l'lwmlon. 'l'o quality n canditlalr. mnst sr.· ''lll'e slgnntut•c•s of !iO t•aglslr.rPd l'i<'l'ltol's. May :11 is lhP Just dati' fill' vol Pl''s regis! nttion for liw :;l'!Jiloi l'lr!r·tl"n. Tlcglstt·atlon is ut liJP townsl1ip I'!Pt'k's offke In tlw DPihl town hall, 'lfoll.

thr. MIIHflll rllspo~al Jlhlnl werl!: Disaster Program Set Low Jilgh

In a genNal meeting of ali' those Pearl Grube•· of Eaton Hupl!l~ interested in rllsu!ltet• work umlland Mrs. Flo;;s!P Millet· nf Onon·

· dngn; 8 gr·nnr!dtllrlnm; ·I great· Mny 2 .............................. 2H ii6 Mlll!!r Hood Girl Scouts atHl !!XIenslon groups will conrluct a f'!vll dPfensc next Wetllwsdny grnnrll'llilrh·rn; 11 brother, Ellis

Mrs. Ernest Crowl', 221ll El frrl road, will entertain tlw EmnH•· Bicltett circle Wetlncsday. Mr::. Lynn Payne is c·o-hostPs~. llevo· tlons w!ll be !eel hy Mt'H. Edll'ltt'd Kirlter, '!'he progrum t hi'IIH' is "Conversations on Christ," and il wlll be glvc•n by Mrs. ,i\ llwtl Gt·ahnm.

~mET ARIZONA, a dude ranch opet·etta, wlll be pre­sented at Holt school Friday and Saturday by these nncl other Holt youngAters. Practicing their scripts are Wanda Slllty, Roger B1·ewer, Gloria Taber and Dale Wallcer'. Tick­ets will be avaiiable at the door. {lng. Co, News photo,)

Mny :J .............................. :J;i !ifl family disnstet• program nt th!! Mny '' .............................. 27 !i7 Millet• Road eommututy hali Tues.

nigh! nt 7:::10 In tlw srhnol 111Uii· Wrml of L1•sl!P; nml a sister, · torlum. Mrs .. Mn.ry Smith of Lrslle.

Mny ii ........................... , .. 21 02 dny night, May 14, nt 7:30. Mrs.

PTA Groups Plan MeeJ'ings

May 11 ................................ 1-1 76 · Mrmn, coordlnritor of M 7 r:: 1 78 women's activities lor tit!! Mleh· COMMON STOCX PR~F!RREI> STOCX

ny ............................... )' !gun office of civil defense, will May H .............................. !ifl 80 spen!t. Mrs. Vietor Chen! nllll CONS·UMERS POWER

Julla·Splnlt C'irC'IP nwel s Frirlny, May 17, at til!! home• of M1·,.;. Os­enr Oherllne, Hlll Wlllmtl. Mr~:. Ilaroir! Austin IH C'o-hosl<'s.g, Mrs. Hatley JadH:on ltns r-JwrgP of ti••· votlons, and Mrs. Wnltl!r 1\nowlt•·; Is program dwirman. 'l'lte tlwm" Is "United Naliilns and lls."

WSCS Sets· Dates

]Jolt Syr·amorf' PTi\ will meet 1\lontlny, ·May 1:1, at 8 p.m. in the :di·[Hirpnsl' room of the school. r 'lrill'lcs Kt>r!p o[ Jo' Rnacl sl'hno! will l'flJHltWI lnslullnllon of oflit'PI'S. i\ film entitled "When­I'Vl'l' Y>lll l•:at," will he shown and t•dreshnwnls will he served hy IIH! lciiHlt•t·garlc·n t·oom mothers.

Elliot PTA mr.L!Is Monrlay night <tl H p.m. in tlw all-purpose room

F C. 1 M t of the sc!irJOI. '!'here will be a or Jrc e ee 5 lllliSii'IJi iomgi'OIITI UiHiei' the rli·


1 1 r't'l ion of William Ainslie of lite The wscs of the lloll MP!hnd- lllll~ir- rl-:p:n·tmrnt nr Jloll school.

ist church !ins sdicllulr>rl f'irt'l!• ___ · meellngs for Werlnr•sday, M;;:; 15. Mrs. LeRoy C'aJ'ptnlf'l', :!~t:! IIOII'anis Clnh 1\lt>els Aburn road, is IHo.~IPss to J·:\"1 1 loll Kiwanis f'lltb had n W!!!!]{· circle with Mrs. c;porgP Knhr"'' ly nl<'<'lim~ 'I'IIPsday night at the as- co-hostess. Mrs .. John llalri:l• llrdl nal;r•J,\' nnrl Grill. William and Eileen llurtlg hnve lhP Jll'll· 1\insli<', itiSII'IIf'loJ' of vocal musi.:! gram anr.l devol ions. 'i'hf' I lwnw i·; in 111" !loll sciH>nl. was guest solo· ''We Give Br!'illlsr. WP Low." 1::1 on llrr• program. Tlw agriC!lll· · Julia r·il·eiP plans n pit'nir' pol- lliJ'r• <tnt! l'ollsr,rvntion Pnmm!tlee lut'l> at. thP homP of Mrs. f'<tul 111111 diiil'ge of till! meeting on Van Sickle, !i4~G Millt•r road. llt'· plan~. and projec·ls for the new yotion theme Is "\VI! r;tvl' IJr•- DP!hi township par!;. Work meet­cau~e We Love." Mrs. 1•'. E. Fn~lr ings ila,•r ili'PII set. up and plans and Lillian Wemplr! an• in r·liarg·• inelude rnul<ing piPnie tables, t't!· of ~he program and dPvotions. nwvin" sluhh!P and seeding pari<

Mrs. C. L, Thompson will hr• f(I'OUIHl, pour r·ement for lhe hostess to Lillian rirde, wliic·l: cloves, lny nul n softball field, and meets Wcdncsrlay nl I :30 p. 111. build n g;IIPway to the pat'!<. The The prog1·am is enlillrrl "W<> dub li:1s invited the ,Delhi park Love--Then We GivP." Mrs .. r. r·•Hnmission In mPel wit 11 them E. Plirkhut•st nnrl Ella N!:Jsoll 11! nPxl Tuesday's mePting for have the program and devol wns. moJ'I' pl;1ns on park worlc

Neva cirde will mPel al IIIC' home of Mrs. Lloyd Scllec·k, :J:i!.~ Dell roatl, for ewning unci mr•<'t· TIH•rp will hP a han!] cnncrrt lng· Wednesday nt 7::ln. 1\!r,,. 'l'liun;tluy, May lfi, in llw high Louis B. Meissner is tiw Jwstf';·,;. sr·IH>ol gym 111 S. under lhP di­"We Love-Then We Give" is tlH• rel'lirm of Cr.mlrl Wintat·s. program theme wit11 Mrs. Mt•rk•l "l'.l••rct Arizona" is the Iitle of Hlllocl~ and Mar.)orie J_Iilr pro- llw op<'I'Pita to he presenl!!d hy gram. and worshtp dtalt'nwn. tiH• d 11 rrnl groups of Holt i:clwol , The mother and daughlct· lla:•- in I liP ;:r-liool atulitorium Friclav qui!! wi_ll he Fl'iday, M:1y Ill, h1 :11HI Siiturday I!VI!ning, May 1'0

' the SOCJU! hall n[ the M~:lltodt;·:l :md 11. William Ainslie is theca­churctr.

Bu.nquct Date Set . Holt Child Study duh will IIHVi' l.egion Seeks Officers

, Installation or new offil-ct·s all'! · a banquet Wetlnesdny, May t.i, JlrownP-CavPrHier post No. 118

.. at the Charcoal HousP in 1-'1'111 1• ol 111r Amrt·ir•nn LPgion will have dor in Lansing at li::lo. On til PI'. , . . committee urr. Mrs. William Fur.-;, 11. annual eler•lton of off1rers Mrs. Orville Hilr·hPns :mrl Mt·~:. Tlilll'~rlay, .Tunr. G, ar·r·ot·ding to James Mc!{Jnley. I .lim lnghmm, post ~ommander.

-- I lc named Clyrle Smilll,· Wayne The regular me!!ti;1g n_f l!wl Millet·, Rcur.l Perry nml Frnnl<

Holt board of eclueatmn will •J:• • • . • W(!{lnesdny evening, May IG, ai Sl'imlldl to the nommntmg com-

., the school ut 8. mit lee. The committee will pre-, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrolrl ~r·nl a slate of r•amlirlntes Thurs­and du~ght~r~ of Owos>" ilnd rJay, May Hi. Nominal ions may Mrs. Ed1lh Sm1th of Lansntg had · · Sunday dinner with lheiJ' hi'CllhPJ' ;llsn he marl!! from l!w floor at

n-Jaw, Mr. and _1\ll'!i.llhat lime, ;wr·onling to the com-' 1111(] .fatmly. nurndPJ':, ;, '· . .

, ' • •:' . ' , :, I' .

Lette1·s To the Editor

J,llltllrs lnlmulell for thl~ t•olumn must he sil,'liCd, ev1•.u thoug-h tlw slgrnttm·cs will he withheld in Jlllhlishlng if thcru Is ;,roo1l rl!u.~on und it Is so J'c­

qucstcil. However, u.ll I11Ucrs must lmn•· slgnatm·es when they reach the editor OJ' they will not even hr. conslilerell for rmhlh•ntiou. Two lettm·s ·With· out. slgnatums have l)('en .. ,,. t•!!d wcelt. II' the wt·lters wuut to see tlwil· lettl!rs In lll'int they'll nrst. have to sig·n tlwm, Another lctl:4ll' was fr·om a poet. who did sign his'. J,cllers must, he in Jll'OSC,

Church Notices May I tnlte this opportunity to

thank you for your flnl! coopera· !ion i11 carrying our church serv­ice notice and the Jesson-sl!rmon excerpts so consistently as well as other publicity which is fur. nislwd hy this office from time to time. I am sur!!.your renders appreciate this courtesy very much.

With all good wishes Ior the continued prosperity of ·your newspape1·, I am


Praise for Harry Lust week I had occasion to

drive to Ballimore on hu~iness ;mrl I thought of Harry Doesburg frequcnlly while there.

It toDit me almost an hour to drive across the city ·and after concluding my errand, it took me approximately another hour to driVI! back across Ballimnre Ia I the Wnshinglon parkway. As I saw the lhrllts[lnds [lnd thottsnnds of colored people there, I was more amazl!d 1han ever that Neely Buchanan was ever singled out from thai great mass of pen­pie,

Once again, I feel t hut Hat-ry Doesburg's faith in your ultimate . objective in .locating Nee)y Bu· ehanan should· be commended. CHARLI~S E. CHAMBERLAIN,


Childs School District DIN!. T, ,Jnhnshm

A/2c Lawmnce L. Slnnlcy and his bride, A/.3c Ruth BednaYei:­Sianlcy, arrivctl !rom San An­tonio, .1rexns·, Monday morning 1o spend 10 days with their parent;;, 1\11·. aml Mrs. William K Stan­l!!y of W. Covert. road. They will be honored by a reception at lite! Onondaga town hall Saturday evening.

Daryl Stanley altcnclecl FI•'A l!!adership training camp at Ilig­g!ns lnlw over the week end. He will b!! treasurer or the chapter nf L!!slie for the yea·r 1 957·1 fl;i8.

Mr. ancl Mrs. F'rnnlt Clark nrc entertaining Sam Barra! of Onk­Janrl City, .Indiana, this week

Mr. ami Mrs. Leonard Lott nncl mother and their daughter of Lansing were Sun9ay !!Vening guests of their aunt, Mrs. Leone Johnston, and M1·. and Mrs. Franlt Clark.

Pvl'. NP!son L. Hess, son of Mrs. Milclrt>d Hess, Mason, recently Jwgan £i months nf nclivc inliitary ll·aining llll1lr.r liw reserve forces ar.l progr:tm at ·Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. iTess Is receiving 8 weci1s nf iJasie Pnmlmt !mining, whiPh 1vill he followrd by" ad· vnnced Individual and unil train· ing. Afler cDmplelion of the 6· month toll!' of nclivc duly, he wllJ spencl I he .I·emalnrler of ·his ·mili­tary servire with thr. S28th Onll­mnr.e Bat tallon in Lansing. Hess nttenderl 1\lason high school.

Army Pvt. Donald E. Copeman, 22, son of Mr. nne! Mrs. Charles E. Copemnn, Williamston, Is re· cciving basic combat training with the 41 (\ Infantry Division at Fori Lewis, Wash. Copeman worlwd fot· the Oldsmobile Dlvi· sian or GMC in Laming as a civil inn.

The "triple piny" on the' Pennsylvnnin-Reading Seashore Lines, where one train serves three terminal points, is n dramatic demon­stration of the flexibility of the RDC. A six-car train from Camden breaks off two cars at Tuckahoe bound for Ocean City; two more brunch oft' at Wildwood Junction for Wildwood; and the remain· ing two proceed to Cape May. Returning they re-join en route.


by Fred Stauffer

formance and acceptance in the intensive movement of conunuters between the suburbs and New York City. ·

Twenty American railroads from In the snmo area Centml Rnil· wast to coast and from border to roud of New ,)ersey hns found it pos• border now are operating in regular siblc to rearrange and improve its ]lllSSenger service a fleet of 180 ultra- main-line commuting services with modern se!f-propelletl Rail Diesel use of RDGs. Baltimore & Ohio Cars. With 46 additional units oper· Railroad, nnother enthusiast for 'the ntlng on five foreign roads, this ec1uipmcnt, finds commuters in'thc trend toward improved long. dis- Ptttsburgh urea (]e!ighted with the tancc, local and commuting passen- service as much us the riders be-ger"trnvel which began in 1U50 has twee11 Baltimore, Washington and uttaincd the status of n revolution Brunswick, III d.

M'll 'II in rail service. An unusual ojleration of RDC's, I VI e .The number or railroads involved essentially commutation, is that or . . , . · . . 11nd the number or cars in service 9e Penn~~Lvnnia-Rending Seashore. ,r1Jl\llll~e: ;llaker ·~''" ~- '•l.i'!'.:,;. ':·::.::•'·.~l·liJ ; :,,·; arc·botJi·l~hi~~;li!l;l'_mr~~iles n~:r.I--:IJ u...C~~:"-~tllrt !rom:.C:\~clen,;l

;':\; .• ..,.,.,j,(' ' ··h:·:"'••'.'•,-:, .. ,~, . '' . •''. ,.. . -· scheaulett lind'tiiTi'lofliJiiUII!!i\golthe s:;mx~'Clir· lir·:t'b~~b!bir trninsl }VIilch : , Church at Millville is at 10:15 fleet runs nnnually are even more nre~:brok~n; t\own" at' intclrmediate''

a. m. with Sunday school nt 11:15. impressive. Examination-of the rec- poirits 'to' 'liervel branch-line· com· Tl 1 i 1 1 1 ord discloses that enthusiasm ·of munities ns twQ·car or single unit

1e an nun ~ol1cr _am 'aug l· railroad manaJrement for the mod- runs, reversing the movement on ler banquet Wlll he g1ven at till! ern Rail Diese) Car stems directly the return triJ> and coming back to hall l~riday evening, May 10. from wide and growing public nc- Philadel~hia as six or three-car Serving will begin at 7. ~e,R,tance of such service. . trnins, 'I he road has twelve or the

. There have been several prevtous Eudcl cnrs in its pool, · The WSCS wlll meet for dlll· attempts to win over more pnsscn- In lieu or abandonment ol n !ow-

ner Tuesday, May 14. Election Of gers to tho railroads by use of self· paying pnssenger run in the nnthrn· officl!rs will be conducted at the propelled vehicles instead of locomo· cite regton of Pennsylvuniu, Lehigh nHernoon business session. . tlve-hauled trains, but none has been Valley is operfl.ting successfully and

·IIBsucceaslulasTheBuddCo.'sRDC economically wiLI1 two ROC's on Carl Niethammer of East Lnn· t(for Rail Diesel Cnr) first shown themountninousrun. When the car

sing called on his parents, Mr. publicly in 194ll and adopted by the first went lnt() service a company nnd Mrs. Charles Nietllammer, 'railroads in the following year. ofllcinl charged tile local supervisor i'st Thursday Credit for first use of RDC goes with spending too much on track "· · · to tho New York Central on its maintenance because of the smooth

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond· Balter ~Boston & Albany routes. 'l'he long· ride over the hill. He quickly learner! and Marie were dinner guests of 1 est domestic run is that o[ the that the new c1u und not track M1·. and Mrs. Ora Balter Sunday. 'Western Pac(llc, 924 miles betw~en changes accounted for the better AfterJioon callers at the Balter I UOatakhla.nd, Calif., nnd Salt Luke Ctty, ride.

· 'rhe r4stcr of pleased users of the home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 Intensive use of RDC cars in fiJI. Budd car Includes also Atchison, McCullough. i lng out system-wide schedules, re· Top elm & Santa l!'e, ~unning t~em

M Ll 1 c t' · d opening of abandoned passen~:er ns a two-cur train oetween Los rs. oyc · urIS entertame lroutll!l, and improving commutmg Angeles and San Diego, 129 miles.

several boys .nncl girls at n birth· service find numerous claimants for Southern Pacific has ncar In service day party for Colln Curtis Sun· I high honors. New York, New Haven between Ouldand nnd Sacramento, day aftemoon. I& Hartford Railroad was amon_g the Calif. Nortlwm Pacific Is using the

earliest to realize what the Budd cars on· a branch line in the wcstund· Several members of the Mill· cars could do to please its patrons [or connecting: service from the

ville extension group attended 'u.nd cut pnaaenger l011ses. Forty north for its trtlllscontincntnl ttoina, achievement day at the Civic Cen· ROC units now In operation on the Chlcngo & North Western finds the ter in Lansing 'i'uesday. New Haven havo proved to be both RDC helplni In the Chicago com·

. tratllc builders and passenger P,leas· muting nren, nrid Duluth, Misaabe Several members of the Wlute era, pluslfi factor vital to rallrond & Iron Runge likewise baa found

Oak 4-H club wlll be. participating atocliholders, ~ 50 per cent reduc- usc for an RDO. in the annual talent show at Ma- tlon In opcratmg costa. • Practically everywhere-the ntory



son Saturday evening Boaton & Maine Railroad,~. after of r.ublic renction iluH been ihc same,· ' e~perlmentlng with· 0 RD1;'s in 1 ''!'here's really nil tho difference

The May meeting of the White II,}'Jitem-wlde usc, recently added between daylight and darlmess In Oak 4·H club was conducted at llfty-elght more of the ears. Now the general comfort nnd satisfaction the home of Marvin Gauss Tues· more than half of the road'o com- of these IWC's," writes a rider oil

. muter trains nrc served with the Rail an eastgrn rond. "'rhey accelerate day evening. Dleeel Cars. The same road found fast, ride smoothly, h111'e beautiful

Carolyn and Mary Lou Baker important usc for the cnrs ~~~ such fittings and fadlilies and; from the spent the week end with Mr. and runs .ns tho dally rou~dtr1p two- rnilrond vicw)Joiut, hnvl' effected Mrs Howard Wainright Mr and hour schedule for 115 nules b~tween very considernblo snvinlfJ ns com-

. · ' Boeton nnd Portland .. Puttmg in pared with old stcnm·powcred Mrs.· Wayne Balter and Ellen . this service nt- convenient hour~ trains.'' . ·,-were luncheon gllests of the stepped up travel 11.2 per cent 'l'hut c01npllfison 'with steam Wainrights Sunday evening. northbound, und 21.6 per cent tal1cs another direction in the minds

aouthbound, Diesel ear service to o[ some trnvellers ()II the Budd'calil. Mr. and- ·Mrs.. Dicf( Wilcox White Mountain point.~ nlso hns In the l'itt.~burgh arcn n rider notes

called ot\ June I<!rby nt the home proved·popular with tho public. the r,renter cleanliness ol the RDC of Ml'.· nnd Mrs. Ray Clements · From the start mndc on the curs· hr wnrlller regions the air-Sunday. Boston &: Albany, tho New York ronditionlng is greatlY appreciated;

Central System, operating twenty ·.-scenic nectiotts tlte wide windows Mrs. Howard Wainright and unita, hna cxte•·detl Budd cur ncr· UI'UW special passenger praioe. But

Mrs. L01·en Stowe spent Friday vice to more than n dozen of Its everywhere, frflm tho mouths or wlth Mrs. Wayne Baker., ·'routes rnn&!ng up to 200 miles. both riders und 'ruilrond otllcin!s,

Mr. alld Ml•s, Or•a Bnker vlsltecl NowYork,Eusq_uelmnna&West· .there comes Pl'nise for·the be(!efits ern, a pioneer With self-propelled of a frequent, hst1 comfortable and .

Mr. and Mt·s. Lnwmnce Baltet· cara for commuting service, is •en~ rcllnblo pussen~er service given by and fmn!ly S~mclny. · thuslostlc concerning RDC's' per-: thi~ postwar c"r," .. · · · ·

\ .

Mrs·. Charles Mason, organizer.'! of the pt•ogr·nm, staled that. ram· lly groups nre l!sppc•Jally 'Jnvil!!d to attend. •

, North White: Oak Mrs. Forest Fellows

Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Sly vis· their father, Porter ShiiW, nt a Sunday,

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glynn and Mr. and Mr~. George Cieslnek nnrJ family spC!nt the wee!< end at the Glynn c;ottage at. Patterson lake. · Mr. a'nd Mrs. Cnt·rol Glynn and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scott were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Fellows,

Pr.ospectus Furnhhocl Upon Roquost

Smith. Hague & Co. . '

Mombot,' Now Yoth Sloe! E•chango 50~ C~pil~l Savings & 'Lcuiri Building

Phono Lansing !Vonhoo 2·0809

BEULAH D. BOGUE, Branch Manager



Volume 98, No. 19 ; EntP.fP.Il :lR FU•r·nntl (•lnfiH mnu~r Ill JIOH1ofTicr, Mruwn, Ml(•hlJ~I\rl, undj•r Ad

of Murch a, JH7!1

Mrs. Ethel Bohnett, Mrs. Alan Nemer, Mr·s, George Cieslaclt and Jane Ann,· Dorothy Weldon 11nd Nancy Lininger were weelt end callers of Mrs. Pat West and Phillip Lee nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Monroe.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Scott are leaving Wednesday for til!! Nims cottage at Round Ink!!,

Ivan Monroe or' Webberville is confined in the Sparrow hospital

SUBSCRIPTION RATES OnP. YPtu· in lnghnl.l and

ndjolnln~~ f~auntlr~t ................ $2.r.O (Payable .In Advance)

One year oultlido Tnghnm nnd m]joinlnK counllr!tt ................ 8,00

Six monthH In lnj:ehnm nnd ndJoinlnH" countlcH ................ t.liO

l•1our monlhK .............................. ~lnJ.fll~ t•orllr~ ........................... :.. .07

ni.~Jtlny ntiVPrtl~lnJ~ r:ltt•tt on llfl· J)Jic·l~lion, Buttlllt'tlll lfwuiH uhd ll•ad­in~r notirt'll on !irt~L unci locnl (llLJ.Ce~. 2tic 1~ lin•·· No JNLdinJ.( or· lwtilflt•titt ndvNti~tlhg lf•HK limn fiflc, AIIIIOIIIH'ft• mrntt~ o( l•nlurtnlnmf'ntK wh•·r•1 n,J .. miRttlon irt dtlli'J.!'I•d ur uf uny Jtlnn to rtl111e fundr~ lliiiKt llf' pnitl nL rt•J{II·

IIH rutt•tl, · at Lansing. 1•-----------------------,

Springtime Is :SCR.EEN TIME

Let· Us Help· You

Screen Your Windows DURALL


Window Screens Costs' Less Than .

Wood- Gc1lvanii:ed·Wtj:e Type

L11st c1 Lifetime!

·We'll Supply the Materials and You Can


Framif)g Stock, Galvanized, Aluminum and Copper Mesh;'


Made to Order

Estimates and Measurements Gladly Given!

THORBURN . LUMBER & .COAL CO. . ' ' . . .

208 N. Mc1son Street' 7

Phone Mason OR 7-3381 I ~----~-----------------------------1 1


New Research

RE .. ~·Ql, ;t··1::.M~-,ll(E,P i·:.~ .· ~ ,.m: I' ·/'.11'1 r!' ·i.1~:~l II.\.'-·' •.. . ·>1:·~ ... ! \·.\:~""·; •. ; .. • t,d ·\ ·:~ ' '.



Out,oards * . \'


Special Analysis Fuel Plus Extra High Guide Oils

Blonded.'Permariently For All 2-Cycle Motors · . Requiring up to % pint of oil per gc1llon (Mfgr's Spec.)

Will Not Settle - Will Not Form Gum - .W,ill Not Forni Cc1rbon . . ' ' ..



M-ILLER'S ,, .. ,. ',,. ,., ..


On North End .of. M1ion By-Pc1ss Phon~ ~··son 01(6:5519

. :f:.

~' .

• 9

,,. :· I

Kenneth Maddox Mayorl ·Richards Wiii:Go North Roy W, Adams, Justice of Pea co Dies in Illinois Bulldogs Stretch String

To 7 Straight Victories Musnn will be IIIHier tho !'tilt! of Mnynt· Cur•tlH Murton on Mon· rlny, Mny :.!0.

Mnson 11nrl IInrrlson arc! ex­C!hn ng i llg fllll,VOI'H US )lfll't U f t )J(!

nrtnunt Mlf'hlgun wei)It t·elr•hrn·l tlun.

Mayor Paul Rkltrmls will henri nn official party to lhe Clure county ~cml for il nnrm Klwnnl;; lundwon meellnv, unci un aflf!l'· noon of gulrlc!rl lOIII'S lili'OIIf~IJ lfnnlson nne! sunounrling vw·11· lion pnmrllse.

Whllr Muyor Rlelmrtls Is lnldng t-he granrl tour nf Harrison, Mil·

' son will l>c cn:ertHinlng Mayor Mur·tnn nnrl Ills: tinrly. 'l'nl!rs through .W y c• I 11 Lahomtorll's Inc., Mason'~ new ehur·t·hcs, unci othet• business and incluslrlal plnccs nrc bcln~ nrTangerl.

Tlw mayor exdwngP ]lrogr·nm Is jusl jllll'1. or· Mir.hlJ(lltl wee)( f'!'leln•aflon.

Sunday Is clcslgtwlecl as Miehi­gan spiritual Jounrlnlion tiny, Tuesday is lwsplfttlliy clay, n clay sci aslcli' to cmplmslzc ilw stntr's

· grr!nt lourist intlustr·y. Livelihood day is sehr.rlulerl for

Wl'dnesday; 'l'hut•sdny is eriUI'a· , tlon clay; l•'rldny Is iJI'I'ilnge clay;

and Snturclay "is listr.rl ns new froi1t ier rlny.

Mason Netters Post First Win

AJ.IIJ.;H'l' IHDIPilllfW, !!XCC!U· live Vkl!·preslrlent of Dart Nn· 1ional halll(, wns electcrl secnncl vice-pn•slrlent of the Michigan Baniwr~ assof'!atlrm Gmup 7 111 Lansing Civic Center Tur.srlny nigh!. It was the association's seml·nnnual dinner meeting. Hoger Ar.lgale of Davison State lmnl( was clectccl pres·ldent:. Olhers t•lc!l'ierl were William B. 01111, J~aton County hnnk at Chnrlotlc, first. vicC·Jll'cslrlent; anrl M. W. Young, American Stille bani; In Lansing, seen!· tnry.

Judge Arlnms condtwtc:rl 3 non· .llli'Y trlnlH 'rllesrtuy, '!'he r!luwge of drunlt driving ngulnst Hldwnl '!'ansley, Lunslng, wrts rcrlueed to recllless driving, to which he plcndcrl guilty, lie wns orrlcrerl to pay u flhe of $100.00 plus costs of $26.65 and was plucerl on probu· tlon for 3 months.

Joan F'nse, Lansing, wa~l charged with leaving the s·cenc of a propet·ty damage accident. 'l'hc judge reserved ,decision.

· Richard Bentley, Mnson, stood trial on Illegal entry. '!'he judge reserved decision In thnt cn~e also.

Elmer Roc, Lansing, plcnderl guilty Monrlny to n drunlt eharge, He was given his choice of pay­ing $12 or serving 6 days In jnll.

Robert L. Spnulding, Rives Junction, pleaded guilty Monday to Illegal tmnspor·tatlon of wine. He paid $20.

Alvin Cole, Mtmlth, plearlctl guilty Monday to drinking In the highway nml to speeding. He pnirl $20 and was plucerl on probut.lon for 3 months on the hlghwny tlrlnlting charge and he paid nn­ot her· $:i for spcet\lng.

Traffic vlolntlon liclwls re· ported sct!led .ir1 Judge Adams' court during the week were listerl by him as follows:

William Bl'owers, .Tr., Bn!h, driving on expired license, $5; ex­cessive speed, $5.

Charles SaiJ(eJd, Milford, run­ning slop sign, $<1.

William Neu, Leslie, speedil1g, $10.

Eugene Fraley, Bntlle Creek, running stop sign, $<1,

_ltgs War~. Weather! Enioy ·Yourself!.


OLEO Plus Meat Cook Book




LB 49c

I ....



· Let Us ·Cook •Em For You!

SPARE·RIBS We Have Both Ribs and Chicken Bar-B-'Qued

Every Day·- Tender- Tasty!


Large Bologna Chunk Style lb J 9c

GIANT AD ··JUST 75C ---- ·-



. . THIS WEEK ONLY Either ·2-~iJnC:e or 5:cunce Size!

... . ---------- ------I


3-in-1 Pack Contains Fertilizer, Weed Killer and Robof Chamber ' . ~ ' . '

'Giant65.~ : j ': ~~ ~

JUST ' • 54,95

G·E·O.RGE~.'S Food···Marke't·;·:.~.-;: ·

We Deliver Phone. Mason OR 7-7151

Rudolph DJ·osr!ha, 'Mnson, run-ning ;rtop sign, $•1, Mnson tr·lends Jenrnerl Thurs-

Aivln Nownk, Ann' Arbor, day momlug of the denth of Ken· spr.erllng, $12. neth Maddux, 58, In u Chumpnlgl.J,

Dunne Pol~in, Enst Lnnslng, Illhmols, h o spIt n I Weclnesdny speeding, $15. night, He was talcen t6 the hm·

Millon Roal, Lansing, rlrlvlng pita! May 1 with nbdomlnnl pnlns In unsafe manner, $15, nnll wn's operated upon thrtt night..

He was apparently recovering Eurl Smith, Mason, driving In satisfactorily until he wns strlcl{·

unsafe manner, $5. en Wednesday night. Allee Burt, F'llnt, run.nlng stop

sign, $4. 'l'wo weelts ngo Mrs, Ferris

Dnrt Stone nnrl .Jm•t•y Ltnnlnn· sl<l comblnerl Pllchlng tnlent 1n bPsl Howell'H Jcl'l'y Ilumphrim; in a p!tchjng due!, The Bulldog~ extended theft• undelcaterl siren!< I r, 7 victories. Mason wnn 5·3,

gie. Slone scornd Clnrk with n rlnuhlr. unci then followed him lwmt! wlwn Lumlnnsld singled.

'l'hnl enrlr.d II foJ' Mu~on. Tlw Bulldo~s londcc! thn buses with 2 wnllts nnrl nn r.t•t•nr In the sixth' · Inning hut the runners cllcrl on hn~c.

Pelet• Plolnlcl<, Lansing, speed- Reason of Mnson and Mr. and lng, $16 or· 8 days i(l jail; and Mrs, Lyle Osterberg and Mr. anrl .

OJ,JCN JlUNN of Bnll·Dllnn fll· driving on revol<erl license, $25 or Mrs. Paul Leclmer of Lansing

Stone nnil Lumiun~kl anve np <l hl1s he tween. them. Humphries gnvc 'up G.

Besides turning In good mnunrl johs Slone nnd Luminnsl(l nc· r:ountcrl for 4 of llw /i hils, In· eluding some timely exlm·hnsc smashes.

'l'hc Highlanders scored one run In lhe first Inning and urlded 2 In lim lhlnl. Slone Iwpl them guess· ing with his pllches after that. 10 ''11yo in jull tl1ne to r'lln con ncrnl home In Mu~on hecnrne fil·o,·t ·• ~ · ' · spent a week end with Mr. and n

currently. vice-preslrlent of the Mlchlgnn Gary Hlcl{s, Lansing, permit- Mrs. Maddox at Champaign, MJ•. I~ un ern I Directors assoclat!cm Seven Howell hatters went hnclt

),; lhc bench with a strll((!S, tlng Ul,llcetl.on.tJ per."on to rlrive Maddox seemed·. to be in good 'rl I "" n llii'S! ay noon. Election WIIS dUr-

car, $5. llenlth then, Mrs. Reason said. lng the nssoclntlon's nnnunl con· Mason had 2 good Innings. The

13ullrlogs plclwd up 3 runs in tlw thiJ·rJ when Ken Brown reucherl first on nn error, . Dunne Clnri( wullwd, Stone singled scoring the 2 runners and then Lumlnnsld chased Stone home with a tl'lple.

;James, Crawford, Jncl<son, For· 15 yenr·s Mr. nnd Mrs, ventlon at the Pantllnd hole! In speeding, $10. Maddox nml their daughter, Col·

Humphries fanned a Mason hat tel'.~ bul he Issued 9 wallts,

The victory finisher! off the fil·st pnrt o( the Mnson schedule. Coac~h Bob Cone's crew will not sec more action until 'l'uesduy afternoon nt l~verctt. Mason's vuentlon from the baseball ,wnrs Is caLJsed hy the senior trip to Washington.

Grnncl Rnplcls. Phyllis Ellison, Mason, speer]· leen, lived In Muson. For much lng, $12. ·of that time Mr. Maddox operated Dunn was second vice-president

Charles L. Sartin, Lansing, u gns station nt Cedar nnd Ash last year. Harold Ce[Jarherg nf J'cckless driving nnd driving on slrcets. Ten years ago they rc· Saginaw was elected president of suspenrlcrl license, $::!6, 2 days In turned lo theh· native Illlnol~. the state group, jail and probation for 3 months. where Mr. Maddox worlted for Mrs. Dunn nccompanlerl her

Myrtt Hershman, St',, Adrian, the University of Illinois. Lasl husband during the :J-day convcn· summet• Mr. ami Mrs. Maddox lion. Others from Mnson who rit·

In the iolll'th,innlng Tom Clip· pel' singled but was thrown nut trying to stretch his luck when Chu·lt followed with nnnthcr sin·

excessive speed, $5. vlslle[J Mason friends. tended were Arl hur Jewett. and Chester Ban·, Covington, Pa., . Nels Ferri!Jy, Ingham County News May 9, 1957 Page. 3 speeding, $10. Besides the widow, Flora, Mr. Darr~l v. Pcllok,Mason, drunk Aluddox ~ sur~ved by the daugh· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·~~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

driving, $106.15, plus 4 days In tcr, Mrs. Colleen Boochecver of jnil and probation for G. months. Juneau, Alnslta, 4 gmndchlldrcn,

Charles C. Dolbee, Aurelius, his mother, Mrs. Anna Maddox speeding (2 tickets), $7<1 and $2ti, of Oaltland, Illinois, nml n brother

Bruee L. Brundage, Charlotte, and sisters. speeding, $5. , Funeral services will be con-

Charles Lay, Leslie, speeding, dttclcd in OaJ(Jand, Illinois, Fri· $5.

Said Corey, Lansing, speeding, dny. Mrs. Reason has made plans $<10. to attend.

Women's Federation Ele·cfs Office-rs for Coming Year

Vandals Smash Window•

May Is the Month to Beautify Your Home!

Use Berry Brothers

Paint-up Now .•. When it's fun to be out. doors!

Yes, it's fun to be outdoors in May ... when Spring is really here ..• It's not too hot or too cold ... And when you beautify your home with paint. .

Hi-Hiding White Just $4.95 Gallon


PERKINS .HARDWARE 360 S. Jefferson





Office Forms


Both Letterpress and Raised Printing

700 Paneled Invitations l~cluding 2 Envelopes

And Tissues-Just $12

OFFICE. SUPPLIE:s·. TOO·! Rubber Stamps. Pads. Ink Columnar Forms ,,,,.

. . . :r· J . ..:.i.'...J

Stapl•rs- Pen~il· S~arpeners Scratch Pads-Typing Paper··

-~,.·. Th'e

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Office Supplies- Job P;inting __:Advertising Service

Ser.ying ·Ingham Counfy F9r :98. Years!' I ' ' \ '1

-~~News of the Community ' '

Fun and Fantasy Is Theme Of Spring Vocal Concert

...... Vor:al selecllonH In the themo Selections lo be presented by ••1111

' '•Jt'LJn and· rruntnsy" \VIII he pre· the fourth gTnde arc The Bee's •·-- · Hen ted by pupils of Steele Street Party, Willow P11ttern Plate, I ' ... and .Jefferson Street elementary Won't Grow Up, 11ncl Doctor Iron­

'"'"' scl10ols Friday evening, May 10, beard, after which the first grnrle In the high. school auditorium at will sing Moon's Eyo VIew, My

... ,. 7:.10. Miss ,Jr1 Ann Menneh unrl Kite, and Six Little Ducl<s. Mrs, Linn Mlll11 are directors, Third grade will begin t.hcli'

.. ,,., with Byron 131nclcmor·e, pianist. portion of the pmgram with nn · anrl MSU sturlent director, as ac- American piny party game on·

.. , .. companlst. titled 'O!rl BrasH W11gon. Dancers

New An·ivals Mr, and Mrs. Rnymonrl Reetm·

of Rives Junetlon nnno11nce Uw hlrth of a clnughter,.Bnmrln .Jane, horn April 28 at .Jacltson. Sha has :J brothers, .Johnny, Andy and Mike, Mr. Rector ls formerly. of Wlllh!mston,'


Mason PTA Ann·ual· .. Fair Is Deemed- Huge ·success 1\fnson's PTA scored a hit this

ymir with Its fnlr last Friday nlr;ht. Not nnly wnR It n hit with those who attended, hut. with the hudget commlttf!C of the PTA al· Ho, The rceclpts for the cvenln~ were over $600,

throughout. the e'vcnlng, while I he lmuglnution and lnlllut.lve of lhe roo111 motlw1·s madn t11e nr.w' proJects, ns well as the mnuy old ones, so successCLtl.

'l'he comic boo!< snlc and cnltc wnll< were almost tied for lim IJOnot• of best monny maker of the evening, with tho plunt sale und wanrlcrlng clowns unci bnl· loon fl!id dart concession close hchlnrl.

The ctaner., S(Jol]Hored by the student council, Julrl plunnccl by Dennis Mu!\enzln, Luanne! lllrney, .Janice Clnt'l< and Joe Still, also

Sixth gl'flrl!! will open the pro· arc M1rry Allee Harrison, Gary 1'''

1 gmm with 3 fnll< sonr.:s, Waltzing Eddy, Shirley .Johnson, Mll1r. ~ .... Matilda, Noah's Ark and Merry Star!\, .Jean King, Bohhle HillA, .; ,;, Merlley. . Pam Zanger and Hamid Moore. 1'" ' Sln~lng Cowboy and Television Their other 3 selections lnclucjtJ

Nonsense, both by Norton, an The Riddle Song, Mexlean Wood· J~nr.:Iish foil< song, Fiddle-Dee- pecl<er, anrl, Billy Boy.

Mr. and Mt·s, George Chum pagne of Lanolng am parents of a son, Albert Frnnl<lln, horn Wednesday, May 8, nt Spa!'l'ow hospital, Lansing. Mrs. Cham· pagne Is the former Mary Louise Wythe, daughter of Mr. flllrl Mrs Frnnl< Wythe. Mr. nnrl Mr:; . Champagne have 2 daughters Ann, 5, and Dawn, 18'/• months.

A son, Dana Paul, was horn lr Mr. 1ind Mrs. Ka!U1 otis HI St Lawrence hosplthl early Wednes day morning. 'rho baby is the first for Mt·. and Mrs. Otis whc Jive at 133 Rayner street In Ma

The "10 ct B" engine was here from Lanulng ngnln this year to help maliC the evening 11 success, Other projects, the bnlted goods, white elephants, used toys, cnndy, plants, comics, punch bourd, poclwt lady, wundcrlng clown, balloons nnd darts, llsh pond, pJng pong hall toss, rlng·thc·cane, tar· get range, silhouettes, cal<c wall<, buffet supjJer nnd refreshment

• 1 h d d 11tnnds, were also well reeclved, · MAKING DECORATI0NS for the St. James Altar and Ros<1ry Soc1?ty sty o s ow 11n , car party, The sule of ldltens and puppies :s the committee he11ded by Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. R-aymond Schof1old. The group met Thursd11y was a popular booth with the lftl'lrnoon 11t the home of Mrs. Frank Guerriero, where they made 11rtifici11l flowers. Pictured above chlidren.

did well. The lltudent council acid eel the cia ncr. prnc·eeds to those 1

1 o( !hr. I'Ti\ to lm r.:Ivnn In the recr1~atlon committee of the mm·' munlty !Jotnwll tn uugmant tho [lllld [oJ' year lll'lltlllll recreational purposes. The PTA previously donated what was on hand from Dee, and One Elephant, an i\merl· Let the Fun Begin, Paul Bur·

can slngin,:: game, will hp pr~- yan, 0 Soldier, Soldier, nncl sr.ntecl by the seeonct grade. Parli· Whistle, Daughte1·, Whistle, will


ll'e Mrs. Guerriero, Mrs, Elwood Hilgert, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Jamos Quinn and Mrs, Schofield, d11nding. The huge ~uccess of this year's Seated at·tho table are Mrs. John King, Mrs, Irving Heipel, Mrs. J. B. Evllns, Mrs: Joseph Fontanll llnd fair Is accredited to I he many who Mrs, Harold Laws, Pe11king over his mother's shoulder is Jimmy Laws, Tho style show is an event of gave their lime and Ideas and Tuesday, M11y 14, at the American Legion building. those contributing materially. tho former swimming pool fund

to the same committee. clpat lng In the game will be be sunr.: hy fifth flrHdc. ,

'" Randy Bellinger, Janice Clarl,, Closing the pro~tram with I hr. '"" Mary Dlngwell, Bonnie l~lcld, illue-Tall Fly, Hand Me Down,

Ralph llorton, Dehbie Palmer, and Here Comes the Band will he

Mr. and Mrs . .Jacl< Mulhnllancl announce the arrival of a cln ugil· ter, Sheryl Lynn, hom May 7 at St. Lawrence hospital, Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Mulhollnncl havn another dnu,::hter, Kellha Jo, 2.

Extension Clubs Stage Annual Achievement Day

GlnL SCOUTS IIII\1~ The Ashland Oil Company do­llllted balloons, while Smlt h Floral company of Lansing, Dicit Jew· ett's flower shop, Art Jewett's greenhouse and Hablltzel's green­house, all of Mason, gave plants for the plant booth. The Explore1· Scouts and Girl Seoul troop~ worl<ed In various service johs

Mrs. Hobert 0. Sdmcffer was general ehnli'mnn nf thr. carnival commlttee with Mrs. ,James Stub· hert,. Mrs. Vance Kennedy nnrl Mrs. Wilbert Cummlpgs worl<lnr; with her, Mrs. G. E. Oesterle helped thn studt•nt eoundl with posters and hannerH. MrH. L. E. Rynl hnncllr.rl the !Hihlldty.

1" •· Pat Shaffer and Larry Wali<er. the ~cventh grarle, ... ,.

Girl Scouts of lronp 171 went 1111 a hll<e after school Wednesday. They wallced to Sheryl Harvath'~ home on East Columbia, where l!lCy' had a wiener roast. A!tet·· wnrd tl]ey played ~oftbnll. Mrs. I·~tmer Schoflelcl and Mrs. Wilbert Cummlnr.:s, leaders, Joined the girls for the picnic supper.

1111•. Mason Vocalists Will Sing In Season's Final Concert

Mr. and Mrs. Honalcl I•'lsher of

Williamston arc parents of a son. Inr.:ham home clcmonslratlon lgan Slate university extcnsirm Steven Jeffery, horn Wcdnesclny. members gathered at Lansing's staff anrl the loeal extension sc1v May 1, at Mason General l10s- Civic Center 'ruesrlay, May 7, to 'ce agents. pltal. «tar.:c their annual achievement The •rltythm hand nf Phillips

A rlaughler, Sherry Ann, wa~ ·lay heforc a erowcl of more than school, under IIH! clll'PI~IInn of Mason hlr.:ll school voc<l! gi'Oups

will sing their sprlnr:: concert 'IIPXI ThurRclay night, May 1£i, in the schonl auditorium. Mrs. Linn

· Mills w!ll.dlrect. Fcat.urccl on the program will

!}(' the girls chorus, boys glee . club and ensemble groups, com­

posed of I l!e senior sextet, the mixed quartet and tlie scnlot· CjUHrlcf. .

Nancy Smith mul Patric!H Adams will play a flute obligato to "Sheep and Lamhs May Safely Graze.'' Another Instrumental ac­companimf!nt will be piaycu hy Jan Sutherland and Julie Dart on

born to Mr. and Mrs. Enos Carl 100. Mrs. George Kam of Williamston, French horns in '"rho Gardener.'' W 1 1 M 1 t M provided an int.erlucle of musi1~. Tile "Iris ct101·us anu' boys glee ec nesc ay, ay • a ason The dny·long progt·nm ineludcrl

., G I I 't I 1 j t 1 W o m en from !neal r.:rnups Clllb !lave l)ccn allxlous to make enera wspt n . s p e c c 1 e s, ceremon es, ~ Y. e I I I I t d modeled their original hat. crPa-mllsie to ,..ether, slticl Mrs. Mills, Kim ·Barbara Donn,e was horn s 1ows, en e r a n m en an

'"' - f f 'Ions· for the! Carnival of Hats and will do so for 2 numbers- Friday, May 3, at Mason Grm· ;twurrls. There llverc avlors., o( number. Mrs. Rnliert. Droscha of "No M,•n I·· An Island," and era!· llospltal. She Is the new 'til and f.:l'oup pr ZC!s for OrJ'i,, a. I I

" o 1 'rl 1 1 t Mason organized the num 1cr, anr "Come To The Fair."· daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Ned tenc ance. wy were awarcec o I D 'II Doane. Fancy Doers of Lansing, Phillip~ Mrs. Lawton Gauss o ansv1 r.

Nancy Bray will be the 1.\CCom· 12, Country Cousins of Alaierlon mm·atcd. panlst while Byrori Blacl<more, · Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ellis of township and the Ol<emos club. Leaders Scrviee C'lllh student teacher from MSU, and Holt have a horn Sal.llr· L11st wenl\'s prize-winning ex· ·.vere recognized by Mrs, Morell

d rlay, M11y 4, at' Mason Generfll hibits were displayed. They Iwri Fox, distri'ct elwlrman, whn pn•-Mrs. Mills, will share the con uct- hospital. Sha has been named lunch at the Mason and Cass scnted these pioneer members lnr.:. !{1m Barbara. cafeterias. with pins.

The· whole pro"rnm has a typl· 1 M L 1 I' The prcl"ram chairman Will: ,., Mr. anr rs. Y e • oss arr The Jll'ogrnm highlighted Dr. "' lly I ['lllg tl1e1ne ·tnd Is planned Mrs. Donald Kram: of Sandhill ca s > ' parents of a daughter, .Jennifer l~redericl< Swartz's address on to hn a11 hoLtr of real ente1·taitl· · i M "roup ancl the presicling- nffieer ~ ' · ·.Tane. She was horn Sunray, ay "Growin" Olrl Gracefully." Dr. '"' 111(!11t Ml

·s Mill" sa1"d 1 1 1 1 '"' for the day was the county chair1 • • o • 5, at Mason Genera lOSll ta . )wartz encouraaed his listeners "' man, Mrs·. Stanley Adams of Lao-Daniel Steven Coates is tlw ' 0 l\cep exercisinr.: and develop- sing. Phillips 12 anrl Sanrlhill

Mrs. Dart Plans 2 Missionary Parties Mrs. William . F. Dart an­

nouJwes the rlates fC>r her semi­annual mls~lonary parties for mollwrs and smail children of Mason Methodist ehurch,

'fhe par'ty for chllcli-en 3 years nf ar.:e and youngar nnrl their mothers will he Thurscfily, M11y Hi, at ·the Dnrt home on Dar! ron d.

Friday, May 24, Mrs. Dart wlli 1.1111.ertain at the ehurch parlors for children 1-5 anrl their moth· ers. She \Viii be assisted hy Mrs. Harry Shultis, nurse1·y home ViR· ltor, and teachers of the kinder gnrten department of the chureh school.

woMEN ATTEND LuNcHEoN Rainbow Assembly 1• Mrs. Ar·chic Frasier of Olcemos · 1

and Mrs. Herman Walt went to Nets $30 at Sa e Detroit 'I'uesctay to attend the an· nuai.May luncheon of the sehool A!isPmhlv No. :18 Order of the o! government. Gen. Carlos P. Rainbow for Girls nctlcrl $30.17 Romuln, Philippine ambassador from thch· homemade r!our.:tmut t tb U S t ler sale Sntut•rlay. Eastern' Stars and o e , •. , was gues spell c , His topic was "Communism in Masons made the rluughnuts. the Far East." · Hainbow Girls and ·thcil· fam·

• • • Mrs. Robert Johnson ol Lan­

sing ami Harry Pringle of W~Jb· bervllle were Sunday afternoon callars of Mr. anrl Mrs. Edwin Crandall and family,

Mrs·. Bernice Hilliard and sons of Eaton Raplrls were Sunday guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Herbert Southwlelc. Capt. Clarence Cline, home on leave from Alasl<a, was a guest of the Southwlci<s.

Illes arc planning a jJotluck sup­per for Ft•irfay evening, May 17, a I .the JY.asonle temple. The sup· per is for girls who are presently In the or~anlzatlons, hut also Includes any and all girls who ever have been memhet•s. I

The organlzatlrm will have a • rl'gulat· ·meet.inr.: Monday even in~. Muy 13, at the Masonic temple for the purpose or electing the top. 5 officers. Nursery School Workers.

Are Planning Open House

new son of Mr. ami Mrs. Donald 'nr; their bodies and minds·. clubs worked with Mrs. Kranz in Coates. Danny arrived Monday, Anotlwr popular event was tho! malting arrangements and setting

Both parlles 11re from 3 until May 6, at Mason General hos- >lyle show given by the 1957 4-1-I up the program. Ingham County News May 9, 1957 pita!. -Iress revue honor group and .--------------------------:----------------·----..... ------Mr. and Mrs. William .J. Cramp- 1wme demonstration women, who

4:30 In the afternoon, Page 4

ton of Dansville announce tlw marie dresses fmm synthetic­birth of a son, William .John blend fabrics. Mrs. Adeline

Mason Coopcmlive NLirsery Mrs. William Vart and Mrs. John Crampton III. He. w:is born SnYder, home demnnstration AI WARE'S :' school m 0 the r 5 arc busily Tomsen. ·: Wednesday, May), at Sparrow agcn.t, ·was the commentator.

The nursery school fathers hospital, Lansing. The Cramp The group of the year award Mother's. Day

. . ..:.,,

planning for theit• upen house staged a clean·UP day Saturday toris· nlso have a daughter, Ber- went I.e Sandhill club of Alai~· which will be held at the Presby- at the out-door play area In prep. nice, 9. ·Jon township. The award annual-terian church Tuesday, May 2(!, aratlon for the forthcoming open ly" goes In an active local home from 7 to 9 11. m. house. Men who worl<ed on th1~ demonstration group that makes

General chairman of the affair, Mrs. William Breal\ey, announces cnmmiltee heads Hnu assistants

clean-up campaign were Darwin . Garden ,CI u b good use of. the infot·matlon pro-Barr, Donald Ruby a11d· Lyle Bor- vidcrl them by· ilw home demon· ner, chairman. If was conducted stral ion lessons. Mrs, ·Frank Sug-, in cooperation with the city-wide ·Cie·ans Park gitt is chairman of the group. as:

Co-chairmen, Mrs. Aline Rub)•, Mrs. Temple Christian and Mr&. Ray Snyder; pror.:mm, Mrs. Dar· win Barr. Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and Mrs. Rollin Dart; exhibits, Mrs. Donald Ruby, Mrs. Lyle Bornor and Mrs. Elmer Jl1derjohn; puh­lidty, Mrs. Frank A. Schmidt, .Jr., Mrs. Christian, Mrs·, Merlin Green and Mr!i . .Jan Dart; and refreshments, Mrs. Ray Snyde!',

Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Green of Rome Center were wcelc end guests of M1·. anti Mrs. R. G. Henson.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Palmer and children were Sunday dinner guests of M1·. and Mt·s. Lamed Goodrich of Birmingham,

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rector entertained Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Betcher and family, Mt·. and Mrs. Jack Betcher, Melody ancl Rob­el'[ and Miss Donna Beteher at clhmer Sunday honoring Mrs. I<enneth Betcher's birthuay anni-versary. .

clcan·UP program. The canrllellght cer·emony w~ts The women plan to do a thor- conducted by Ruth P~ck of Mich-

ough cleaning and painting job Forty members of Aurelius of the nursery school walls in the G~rden club and their famillc~~ Presbyterian ehurd1 on Tues·(:lay, May 21. Mothers at·e asked to !staged a clean-up campaign at· tuck their paint brushes In their C~lumbla ·Creek pari< Saturday: pocl<ets and talm along any ex· In addition to the general clean­cess paint they may find .. The :up, 2 new open fireplaces wore work meeting begins at 7 o'clock. built .and 4 new tables were set Mrs. Lyle Borne!' is In charge· of .• arrangements. · · up.

'l'he old tables and playgmund Rev. and Mrs, Charles Broolts equipment were in place and new

attended funeral services for her sand was put under equipment cousin, Mrs. Alta Ardis, in La·n- and in· the sand boxes. Shrubbery sinn Wecjnesdav, Mrs, Ardis ·died was trimmed, and the ball dia-

" ' mond put In readiness. They also Saturday at the home of ,.her planted 5oo.· new· tr~es. daughter, Mrs. Nevels Pierson. II' '" -Lansing. Mrs. Broolcs anci Mrs · Afier completion of the work, Pierson went to Evart Friday tr tliey ·had a ·picnic .dinner, their attend funeral services· for .. an first. of the season. other cousin, Mrs. Anna Agnew.· ·.·The May ·meeting of the club who died Sunday at St. Peters· WUl be this Friday night at the burg, Florida. Monday, Mrs town hall. Thare will be a study Broolcs was notified that another .1! annuals by H. L. Chapman. cousin, Mrs. Margaret Jollff, lri

Mother Attends Sorority· Event Mrs. W. 0. Hall was the guest

flf hr.r daughter, Lois, at. th(! mothcr-dmlghter dinner of Alpha Chi Omega of Albion college Sun­day. 'l'he dinner was at Schuler's In Marshall. 'l'he 40 members oi the sorority presented their hon~ ored guests with corsages. th'e dinner the mothers and ctaug! went. haclc to AI· hil?n t9 the Alpha Chi Or:nega lodge for a progt•am .of music ancl skits. ·

Miss Hall Is a sophomore at Al­bion.

SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN Sixteen ·friends· and relatives Wscs S surprlscci Mrs. Arlo Forem:m . . . tages Friday evening with a birthday

party at. the home of Mr. and

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brown and family of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and famlly were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Brown and Judy in honor of Mrs. Brown's· birthday anniversar·y. Slide pictures of Florida were shown for the evening's enter· tainment.

the Upper Peninsula Is· seriously ~ide. Mrs. Nell1s Ar·dls, another cousin at Lal<e City, tel! rece~:~tly and broke her hlp in 2 places unci Is In Butterworth hospital at Grand Rapids . · Mrs. C. Ray Beebe attended 'the

mothet·-daugbter breai<fast of thi! Civic Benefit club at the Char· coal House at Frandor Sunday morning With her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Corbin.

M. ay .Breakfast Mrs. Robert Foreman of Frost road. 'l'he. evening was spent

. playing cards and visiting. A ho· Members of the WSCS of Ma- hemlan supper was served at 11

son Methodist church met o'cloclc. Wednesday for thefr May brenk· fast. Ruth circle was hostess· to the 60 attending. The brealcfnst was self·set•ve at tables attrac­tively decorated with spring

Dresses By Mynette ..,.. Forever Young.

$8.95 Up

Dresses By Hattie Leeds - Bea Yo&~ng .

'$5.98. House Dresses



.Slips · '· . Gowns



· Mrs. Abe Cohn was In charge of the program In the chapel, at which time ·new membet•s were received. Mrs. Clay'ton Cain light·

. ed· a candle In memory of those .who died during tile year. Mrs, Robert ·Walker lighted a candii'J Ill. honor of new members. Mrs .. Raymond Norton explained tlu; · emplem of the society and told of the ·responslbllitles of WSCS members. Mrs. Montie Woodard conducted the devotional service. 1\lrs. Lowell McKenzie sang a sofo, with Mrs. Rlfssell McBride,· accompanist. She also played soft 1nuslc .throughout the service, A llfe membership pin and certlfi· «:ate were presented to Mrs. Ray. mond Norton· by Mrs. Woodard. .. The 22 new members nrc: Mrs, Paul Decess, Mrs. Tyler Moore, Mrs. · George Fogle, Mrs~ Eva Hancock, Mrs. A. J. Snyder, Mrs. Richard Surato, Miss Eurilce Hunt, Mrs. Robert Beebe, Mt·s.

Frank . Archbold,· Mrs. Clara "OUR QUEEN"-Seven-yenr• Schray,.Mt•s. Walter Carven, Mrs. old Christine Henderson, a Merwht.' Yaildlen, Mrs. Raymond London·, England, schoolgirl; Pratt, . Mrs. Blm . FtiJni<lln, Mrs. prepares .to' hang her painting, Robert Sehaelfer, Mrs. Barbara . "0 u r Q u e en," at London's Baitmgras; Mrs. Wilmot· McDoW,. . Guildhall Art .• Gallery. The ell; .. Mrs. Leola. Ferguson, Mrs. . Quceri Mother . has seen the · Lillie Petty, Mrs. ·Beatrice, En· :youngster's work which' was dura ·· Mrs. ··John Prlnclng and included in the gallery's 62nd ~Irs.~ T.: VanderBoll. : ,_ exhibit of children's palntinss: -.....-....~------~-------~------:'' ' .. . " "

. . .

Gift Suggestions

+ Revlon Futurama

Jewelled Lipstick

+ Parker and Sheaffer Perls and Sets

Name Imprinted Free

tip your hat to Mother BROWNIE $~ CAMERAS

with S.TkAW HAT . $1.25 UP · . . . $8.95 Up



Gilbert's CANDIES

98c Up

Billfolds All Styles

Name lmprinte.d Free

Phone OR 7-0411 FOR FREE DELIVERY You Can

At Ware',s·· l'

Open An Acco'!~t Today ----------------------------------


I ARGUS· -.C-4 ..

$9···95 Down

Remember. 'Mother with Hallmark. Card.s ' .

DRUG·· & . CAM.-_it·A WARE'S . ' ' ·. Mason


4-H Variety Show Presents 25 Acts Talpnt. Irlllore Is holng renriiP.d

lor the unnuul H·I vnrlety Bhow at. MnHon high school Snturc!Ery night, Brnadway Rounrl Is the title of the Pl'orluctlon, whldi Is spnnsorr!rl by! Tnghnm County 4·H Service club and the r~oopern· tlve cxtcnulon service. The cur· tnln will rise at 8, ·


Auxiliary Has ~anquet at Hali Bro'wne·Cnvonr1r.t• post. No, V

n! the Amorjr!ml Leglon Auxlllnr ilnd il~ unnunl mol'!wr·rlnughtt hnnrJUt!l ut l.he American Leglo hall Tuosrlny evening, Gnlrl Str mot IHH'ij nnrl memi1ers were ho nrerl.

Pythians Honor Mrs. Robson ·


flOflOniTY HAS MF.f.TINQ Twelve mnmhcrs nf mtn AlpiHt

clinptor of Betn fllgmn Pili soi'Dl'· lty galherccl nt tho home of Mrs. Merlin Grnnn Werlnesrlny evonin~r fcor lhnh· Mny mcn!lng . .Joe Denn

Mason P,\'fhlnn Slsl.crH hnnororl wns pr·esent nnd rliscusst!rl the Norman BuniceJ' of the Inghnn1 Mrs. nohort ltolmon nt lhr>il' I~Clll1mllnify iJospilnl r•nrnpnlgn COllllty !ihr'at',V Will he gue~t l'I!I{Uinr mcfltltlg Wednesrlny nt fund, niter· whidr lrwtnllnllon of llfwnlwr· nt tho mentlng of Mason he K. of P. hail., offlc:r.n; wns eonclur~tcrl. Mrs. C. ,J, Pnr·enl.'['enrlwr m;rooclnllon Mon·

Norman Bunker Is PTA Speaker

After 11 buffet dt!sserf, llw !Iuhhnrrl asnlnfc'rl Mrs. Gr·r!en in dny cvtmlng nt the scirool. He •:mup prroronl<!d Mrs, Hoh•mn srTvlng rcfr·eshments nt the close w!U rllseuss the scrvlees of tho with a gift. Siw is rcllr·ln~ fmm uf the meeting. county llbmry. Acts rlr.emerl best nt the Sntm­

dny night show will he nomlnnterl for the stntc talent contests.

Mrs. Kenneth Sheffer wns prr, ;rnm r~hn it·mnn for t11e even in! Kathy Evans gave the lonst t 'nOt ilf!rs, nncl Grneo Animcy rr sponded with a toast to rinuul ers. Mrs. Olivo Brown gnve 1

"earling a nrl Linda Sheffer reel ter l pr1em. Mrs. Roher•! Robson Wit. nrr.ficmtecl With n r::lft from th• group.

: lwr· ]Josit ion as rnost t!xr•Plh'nf nev, Ciai'Onr.c n.odd will give · :: r~ilinr of flw Mm;:in or·gnnt·~ntion, • • • · lhP. lnvor~atlon. Mrs. Linn Mills ns Mr·. Rohwn hns npeneci 11 new Mi·. anri Mrs. Alhct·t Newman , · Booked for Mason, nfler try.

outs In 3 spots, arc the West Locke hnnrl, Cnml Dennis, ac· cordlon solo, nnrl Ida Webster, ' plnno solo, all of Willinmst.on; Snnrll·a Horh:e, bullet dance, anrl Dnlc anrl Dunne Waliwr, vnr•al· isis, Wehbr.rvl!le; Vnntown H-I Squnre Dancers, .nnrl Mi1ry Sh!!nlhr.lm, Diane J~eifnn ami Ruth Ann Cooper, Dansville;

M n reI;; VanDcr,Jagf, hut on twirling, .Turly Mnrr nnrl Nnn SherhP. in Highland !~ling, Olce· mos; ,Jeanette anrl .Tunc Wright, vocalists, Kny Gallaway nnd Alien Powelson In rlancc, Linda Stiles, plano solo, and Rnhc!rl Vaet•l1, vo· enlist, Leslie;

Tomlinson rlrlll team, Mnry Ann Frerlcriel<, vocalist, Carnie Hycie, accordion, Sanrlra Bibbins, guitar, nnr! Ruhen Dmsdw. pianist, Mason; ,Joanne Porter, pianist, and Lynn Shmiduck, acr•J· bntlc dancer, Eaton Rapids; Mar~· Ann Nottingham, Sandra Not Ung·

CAROL HYDE, 14, will be one of the many contend­m·s in the 4-H talent show scheduled for the Mason school auditorium Saturday night at 8, She's a daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. Menlo Hyde and is .a member of the Alaiedon Lumber·jacks 4-H club,

lwm, Mary Wasson nne! K11r'cn ----------··-----·----------· , F'f!!ton, quartet., Llncia Schreer, pianist, Shirley Schrecr, ;u•cor·d­lon, and .Janet. Sehreer, vocalist, Stocl<hrirlge; and the Wlwatncid dance group In the Tcnncss~e wig wall1.

The 4-H SP.rv!r~e r:iub will pro vide fiiJ.Jn acts nt the r:insc of the• show while the audience awaits the decision of judges. Elainl) Frcclcricll, Susie Thompson and Willie Warclowsili arc in charge.

r.:an State, have ngreeri to rio the juriglng.

Commiffrc chnirmr>n nre MaUl'· Icc Ryiwrt, Williamston, and Jean LoVette, Mnson, publicity; anri Susan Wilson, Mnson, anrl Jo0 Rabldoux, Willinmston, clccora. l.lons. Harvey Fanoon, Mason, Is stage manager.

•• Jtl Ill

Ascension Church Plans Dedication Ascenslnn EvnngC!llcal Lu!hP.J'

nn clnrrch, Enst Lansing, will mnduct file first service In thl" new churr:h erliflce, 2780 Hnsletl road nt M-78, Sunday, May 12, In a dcdlcatirm rite at 3 p. m. Final

Mr. and Mrs. Y'f· J. Mcliquham, services will be conducted Sunday 1\'lury and Bill vrsltccl his,brothet· moming at the usunl 10:30 a. m. and slsfcr·in·lnw, Mr. and Mrs. hour in Bnilcy sr~hooi, where th" Howard Mc!lqulwm and fHmlly Pongrcgntlon ' lws worshipper! ut Pontiac Sunr,ay, since its first service, April 15,

Mrs. Arthur Webster uf Wil· llamston Is general chairman of the pror!uction . .John Coy of Ma­son, Dolph Rabir!oux of William::· ton and Joyce Wlis'On of Mason will hnnrllr. the master of cere­monies assignments. ,

Mrs. Gemld VanSingcl of Ma· son and Robert Worrall anci Miss I\athcrinc Stencil, both of Michl·

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer l!l5G. · and family of Belleville .were Sun· Of contemporary rlesign, the clay evening- guests of h1s mother, one·Htory bricl< building Is til!! Mrs. Victor. ~aimcr. tir·~t unit nf a proJected develop:

Lois Wiutmg spent the weelc ment. plan which will lnciurle a end with her grandmother, Mrs. new church r.riifice, Christian ccltt· Rena Whiting. cation building and· parsonage.

----------- -- ...... _______ The [lrescnt flltl'snnage Is at 5190 · Park Lake road. Alton M. Powell Ingham County News May 9, 1957 Page 5 · was· chair·man of the building

~-------------------------1 cornmlt.tec.

1s no

The Hausmann Construcl.lon Co. was the general confracl·or, with Laitnla anrl Nucchterlein Associates, architects. The build· ing was completed at a cost of $100,000. Grounds work, the lay. lng of the tile floor and further worlt Is being done by men of the congregation.

Dcrlication arrnngcmcnts weri! ·under the direction of Walter J. . F'reiberg of Forest Hills,' commit· Ice ch~irman. Refreshments will l1e served by the Wpmen's Guild after the service.

A film on the new hospl~al wn: ~hnwn nt the close of the eye nlng.

The regular meeting of II' Maccabees will he Tur·s!Jay rv· nlng, May 14, at 8 nt 1/w 1001 'wll. All members arc rcquaste.-•.o he the-re early. o

Wes·t Alnlcclon Lnrlics Air! Sl' ~let.v will meet 'l'hursrlay, Mu~ t6, at Uw home of Mr·s. Geralr Dlnmonrl, 376 Diamonrl road Mr·s. Ben Felton is co·hostess Olnner will be served at 12:30.

Thr. Woman's Soc~lety of Mnsor Bnptlst church will have a moth 1Nlaughter banquet Thursday 'Vcnlnr, at 6:30. Rev. and Mrs '•Vilson Tennant of Holt will shov· 'lirlcs of llwlr travels through thr· 'Ioly Land as part of the eve 1ing's program. _

Mason high school Bible clii.qf·

will have a car wash Saturday May 11, fmm 10 a. m. to 4 p. 111 The students will wash cars at the customers' homes. For fur r hP.r Information contact Mrs F'ay Bennett between 1.0 a. m anrl 1.

Mother and !laughter banquet of Mason Pr·esbylerian church will be Thursday evening, Mny lG, at G:OO, at the church. Reser· v11tions may be made with circle representa lives.

Phllathca class of Mason Bap l.lst eh urch wlll meet Friday, Ma~/ 17, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Hall for a potluck dinner, !'!!gular business meeting and program. Rolls and butter will be fur­nished.

Methorlist WSCS will hav~ a rummage sale at the city council rooms I~rlday evening and Satur­day, May 10 and ll. ·

Rainbow Girls and their parents will have a potluck supper Fri­day, May 17, at the Masonic tem-ple. ·

Presbyterian church executive board will nicet Thursday eve· nlng, May 9, 8 o'cloclc at the church.

Mason Women's Golf club wi11 have Its annual spring luncheon Saturday, May 25, at the Youth Unlimited Center, Eaton Rapids. Reservations must be made with Mrs. Glenn Jacobs by May 23.

l'Vl' GArtl' II. I'IIII.Ul':-i, son t Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ion D. Phillips, Inson, r·r.cently r~omplr•l<•d fi 1nnths of ncfivc military training 'rlCicr the nrsCl'V<! i•'rtJ'('f!S Acl rogrnm at Vorl Belvoir, Vii. 'hillips will now he permilferi to 'nlsh his milit;Jry ;;qrvicr! with he 8281 h Onlrwnee Comp;i ny, .nnsing. He Wils graduated from 'Ia son high sciwoi in I !l5G.

4-H Clubs nus.v n .. uvers ' Members of flusy IJPaV<'l'S '1·'1 r

~iub wl10 received iHmors 111 •.chlevcmcnf rlay were Dianne leynolrls, Marilyn Lil'bt•('l\ illld

!.lob Hamwwairl. Eleven member~; were on the hono1· mil. Diane Wilil: 'lmong U1e top 20 in dothlng, and i

Marilyn's hoot h, and l3oh's elec- [ trical exhibit. were chosen !or state competition.

Tomlinson Square dancing provirlr>rl entcr­

lalnmcnl. for Tnrnllnsrm HI club rnemhers at their rnerling Sattll'· ·lay evening nt Vevay town hnll.'

Mrs. Charles ' Brown, lrarlr~r. made an annmtneement r•oJu·ern· ing ~·H r.amp nnd the boiil trip to Boh-Lo i;;lanrl. The dub ii' plannln,c: to attend the Eden ll. B. church on 'l·II Sunday, J\1ay 2G.

Ten new members wer·e in· illatcd, and a color film, "Tim's Choice," was shown. Aflerwnrrl Mary Ann l•'rederlcl\ sn ng a solo, Rosemary and John Kosir••· rliri a tap dance and Tom Howery gav£' fl cornet solo. Several memhers presented 11 flag drill. The next meeting will be concerning Flag· Day.

Refreshments were sr!rved by the Newman and Brall families.


Wheatfield 1·H club had its nr·st livestock lol!r Saturrlay morning with.15 attending. They starter! at Behrens at 8:31) a. m. The next club meeting is Monday evening, May 13, at 8 o'cloell.

We.II·Dunn, Uulh~n better

to buy way thari

a gift


Extension Clubs Eta Alpha chapter of Beta Sig­

ma Phi sorority wlll have a Moth· er's Day breal<fast Sunday, May

· * White Onlt * il, 10 a. m. at the Famous Grill White Oalc extension club met In Lansing.

at the home of Mrs. Earl Pnrs.Jn Women's Association of Mason last Wednesday. Election of of- Presbyterian church will sponsor

.fleers toolc place. The Jearlers a rummage sale Friday and Sat­gave the lessr~n on civll defensP. urday, May 24 and 25, at the and first. aiel. Plans were made church.

The winter aehievemenf of the Well·Dunn and BLillen 4-I-I clubs was staged Friday night at Aure­lius town hall. A bohcm ian sup.

for • • for the family night supper, Jum· The semi·annual meeting of

llfslness at l•'owlnr. nne! fnmlly, nnrl Mr. nnd Mt·s. will direct Uw evenings musical For• 1iw program, Maurlr·r. Lawr·crwe Whiting ami fumiJ.v rmtertrtinmenL During the hURl·

fl!cl;lv r,nve a ~hort talk on fh1J wern guests nt rllnncr· Sunday of ness meeting, 'lnstnllnllon of new new hospital nnrl showed n film,, t.h1•1r pnretlfs, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cinr· officers Is schec!Lricrl to t1il~e · ·· .... ·-· ... ··· ·- · · -.. _ .. _. __ -· I ence Shcrwonrl. Jilt·. nnrl Mn;, plucc. 'Jf'r ll'fls smvr.od to 50 4-II'cr·s nnrl Ervin Sherwood anrl fumily of 'iwlr familirs. Lm;lle were evening callers at his Room pnrr.nts or Steele Street

Mm. Arl<!llnc Snyrirr from thr! parents' home, fourth grnrlcs nrc on the re-'Xfr•nslnn office anri iwr hnsiY•n1 ··----···--·- ... ___ ·-·----------·-·· .. ··- freshmnnt committee for the eve: ·vr.l'r! gursfs A film sf rrs:iinr:: nlng. o,nfPf.\' was shown. Sanrh•nlllbhin:; I he eounty honor mli from the I Girl Sr~nuts of troop 171 wlll dn pln:,•r•rl lif'VC~I·rll numln!rs on IJ.-•r ~V~Il·Dirnn r;iuh Wt•rc: SC!Wing 1, frer hnhy silting for parents ~lrilar, i'vl<ll'.V Anti HohilliHJII l, .!, ,furly I lwips, l.lonell Broolt~; wishing In lllfend the meeting, 'lhl.\'t'rl 11 nwdicy on hr>t' 11rerll'<linn nnri .Juriy Ansi<'y; lwltt.lng, .Juri,\' fi'm· ILu·tlwr informntlon, contal't tnrl TPJ'I',I' nroni;s i:nve i\ from· Phr•ips and iliiZ<'I Glison; anri tlw troop lcarler, Mrs. !Dlmor

1Hinc sn'n. A rnrwl< vnml IIIHI rn- handir•mfl, .Toe! Ruiien anrl ,funeL Seiwficlri. ·;IJ'lilll'!lllai rllllHIJrr WiiH glvc!JI. l.ra~·fnnlurrg; illHI electrical, !ton

Awnrrls WPI'e Jll't'St'lltr!rl In tiH' •Sii'l<'i<iln,:, Bill Gilvin and Hex nnmc:r·: CLUB Ml·~I!:Ts ·•fpd rlr~ill hoys hy 1 II<' ico;trir'l'. Bullen.

';r•mirl llnhinsnn'. Tht• p;l,rtrir·:ll From fiw lluil<m eluh wcrp: Mr. ami 1\·lt·s. Hnbl'!l'l Colby en­•.~luh ll'illi ii\VnJ·dr'rl sr!rrmrl prlw, Sr•wing, D;Jr·ieue DJ•osclw; nnrl lr!J'Iained nwmhers of the Sntur· $7,;;o, by lim Consume1:s Pnwrr l<nltting, Teresa Avcr·y and SnnrJ. riny night IHtppr.r duh at the Co. ra Bibbins. . I Country 1\ildHm for dinner. 'rhe

.In<' Tllilirn wns dHJSf'll In fnl"' i'ilu•nh•t· Hill group fllnycci hrlrlge afterward at ills hanrlit'l'ilfl to stntr!. 'i'iu! r·r•r· I he home of Mr. anri Mrs. Rlcharcl litknl<•s anrl pins wrm• givr~11 to Mt•mhm·s of Sl\r•rfPr !1111 'I·JI i1rown. Other guests lnC'!udcrl Mr. I lie h;uuiir'raf.t i)IJYB hy fill! lr•ilr!Pr, diih mr!t Mnnriay cvoning_al Haw. ;nul M1·s. Donald i•:rlglngfon ancl Charlr!s Bnmi;:;, Mrs. 11crlha Bui ley H~~lwol. Prior fo the nusincss Mr. anri M1·s. Howard McCowan. iron nnri Mrs. Charks llrnoi<'i mretuJg, the gmup player! Hoff· -··------ilwarried Cf'l'lifir:iitl'li anr! pins In hull. MoiiiO•r .. Mnm Mnmn ··- """""""""· I lw sowing ilnrl knit ling girl~ as Stirn mer· proJects were dis· '""''" "'"''' Hh•· ho" llowo•r• lor Moth••·'• they styled l.hclr "HI'ITICnfs. On [.'li',''SC'rl.. llity. llkk Jo•'H /low.,· Hhll)l, Mu•nn

"' '" 0)( 7-:J!lr.l. lllwl

M-0-M Is No Problem!



from JEWETT'S! .Corsag£•3 Cut Flowers Plants


. Remember Mother This Year

• at the. Kent Shop! 1. the Ingham county association

~· lln.~h~it J.e.ui·n·A·RII; " Order o{ the Eastern Star will be ' Mrs. Stella Actenburg opened Monday, May 13, at Onondaga at. her home to members of Learn- lOa. m. ancl1:30 In the afternoon. A·Bit ·extension club for thch· The luncheon will be at 12. The May meeting this WP.c!c. Natural worthy grand matron will visit disaster and civil defense was the lhc meeting,


Mother will re~lly apprcci~te a piece of fine LINGERIE ..• slips : .. h.ose .. ·, panties ..•. Fine selections,

• Blouses

• ·,

Hankies ··



happy gift suggestion .. , our show

c:a$es are fi I led with spring.summer


• Dusters

•• Gloves

Boci3USO mother likes il really

good HANDBAG • , . our shin.

ing, sh.,pcly pl~stics •

·.· ~traw;: or: llor~l prinh, • or

:·kenf: shop LADIES! APPAREL


Mason ·' . ,.· Formorlr.·.P•riatrl• ·shoppa

lesson given hy project lenders. Mason Woman's club will have Reports were given on the safe. a home talent show and gues.t clay

. ty convention. The next meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2 p. m. at the will be Wednesday evening, Ma~· home of Mrs. Lcnnagcnc Swear­J5, at the. horne of Mrs. Alvin ingen. Baetz. Mason Chile! Study Club No. 1

. * Okemos " will sponsor the annual Calico I Olwmos extension club wil' ball Friday evening, May 17, with /meet Tuesday, May 14, at the :lancing from 9 to 1.

I. home of Mrs. Nellie Quirie, Sher·· Mason PTA will have a regu­woorJ road, Williamston, at one ·ar meeting Monday evening at o'cloclc. Election of officers for he high school. Norman Bunlcer the coming year will be con· ·.viii be guest .spca!(er. His toplc dueled: viii be concerning services of thr.

Farm Bureau Rrd CtldUI' The newiy·organlzed Reel Ce­

dar Farm Bureau group met last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Jason. Jerry

I Jason conducted the business meeting. Robert Oesterle was present to help the\ group organ lze. .

Officers nre: Discussion leacl· er, Betty' Bowe1i: chairman, Pmtl Bowen; secretary and treasurer, Merna ·Latham; minuteman Wayland Jason; recreation lead· cr, Marlon Hagg; news reporter Hildegard .Jason; and women'~ delegate, Gladys Jason,

'l'he next meeting will be at t.he Iiome of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen. Anyone Interested · ln joining may contact any member

I of the group. . I .

Hospitals · ·

·ngham county library. During .he business· meeting, final rc­·Jorls on the fair will be given. l'here will be a special recrea lion ~ornmlttcc report, and Installation

'lf officers. Mrs. Linn Mills will ~onclLtct musical entertainment. Room parents of Steele Street 'ourth grades will serve refresh­ments.

Ma'son Junior Child Study club will have Its mother and daugh· •er tea at the home of Mrs. Rol· itn Dart, 896 South Jackson road, Wednesday, May 15, at 8 p. m. There will be hair styling demon· stratlon by Floyd Trumble of Lansing. . .

Rainbow Girls will have clec­:ion of the top .5 offlcers. at their regular meeting Monday evening. May 13, at the Masonic temple.

Wheatfield Gleaners will have their regular meeting at. the hall Tuesday, May 14, at 8 p. m. Rob· 'lrt Eames will have charge of. the ~oclal hour.


fibration ·:I'


Only. $9.95 I

A square yard

Give ·Your House •.

That Look of ·HOME

I:! om,. Furnis/Jings . · . \ . •·. ' . ., . . -~ .

He Got His Man AlllO of 'em! WI\NTEU ·- ii'loiidtili<~ii ; .. ;;i,;n '>htlfl, Mu"j lw · hlllll lu ,Jituh hlllth•t ~. llnolgt· :~l~;n~, Hll ,'1/, . ~ f!t•duJ•, J'lllnon,

1054 rm HARLEY DAVIDSON Ingham (ounty News May 9, 1957 Page'

JJAMPRIIInf~ BOA!tS, cllglhJeBALES OP STRAW fm· mulroh· CASE Ji'IELD CHOPPEH-Gdocl t'or rr.glstratlon. Ready for lng, Con be hnrl fm· ~licking It


conrlltlon. Gehl hlowor, chopfJeJ' HPJ'VI<'I!, r 1. M. Sils!Jy, !Olill s. P.d· up. No chllJ'g<'. 231 l~n~t Ofllt, wagon 111m new; .rolm Delm! gm· mad, pltrlnP AllrGJILts 1:111. Mason. 19wl hnmmermlll, Llnyd IInyhoc, Jr.,

1llwtt' -- - ------ ------------- -~ mile south of Burnes on lluwley,

motoreyC'Ic, One owner, excel· BOYS BROWN 'I'WP.ED SUl'J',ADMillAL 30-hwh olet:trlc mngr., lent condition. 7,000 nctunl miles, @ size 10, $7, good condition. Also $170.!l5; Admiral Hl·ft. frPez.

- .. Ghm Ill('(!, phone Mason ORchnrrl 'Atlt' 1 rloe rnhhit. Hurry Johnston, Hlt er, $18fl.!l5; Acimirul 20-ft,· dwst G·4008, 1121 South Jnel1son I'Ond. Uf\. lves 1'01111, Route 2, Mnson, OR freezer, $:17a.O!i; Mnytng nutn·

_ . ALFALFA HAY-The price hns phone Mason OR !1·10•12, 11lw3

I !wen reduced to 30c r>er bnle. ---------------- ------

18w2 7·!1885, 10wtp malic washer nnrl clryer, $4:10.!l5 -----· -------------------- und old washet·. SIJshy Imple·


134th Wolverine l~h·st come, nr~t served. Must sell DuPONT exr>1oslves rrlynamlte) , I •to stot•e new Ol'Op hny. Call C, M. anrl supplies, Stephen• Donrll!ll, DODGE HI~~ 2 I C t • I~ORMAL FOR SALE, Size IIi, mPnt Co., State stt'c>et, Mnsnn, " - ',J,,, ·r oor orone 1 If Clll' prlcn• COilfLJsn yotl-"ne tiS Ill M V 13

I t I i 1 E 11 t ~., ~ "" ' le new. rs. ernon urn~. phone Musnn OH 7·0141. lfhvl coltinip e c Y equ pper' !.xce en If r·nr values are unl<nown to you phone Lnn~lng IV 5·3593, l!lwl -- -- -conr ton. By owner, Eest offer -see 11 --------------------------nccepterl. Cnll Mrwon OR 11·1031. • s. J~ORMAL - Light hlue, size 1;\. furniture

15wtf Fot• the hest In Used Cnrs It's em Hallet· ne<'l<llnr., empire waist.

Hoi stem Sa e I Boles, OH 7-2361, tlrst farm south dealer. 'Binsllng I stumps, rocl<R, , of Musnn on US·127BR, on the ditches·, etc,) tlone hy the hottr.

Snturclay, MHy 11 nt 11 ° clocl< I ens! sldo of the road, l!Jwlp Phone Holt OX rJ.7441, Coli frhm .. It! ljl

The Ingham County News Phone Mason OR 7-9011

II If' ,.

n. m, ln llw Wolvet•inc Pu~chretl - ------- -- ~ --------- 5 p. m. to 7 p. m., 8·5 Saturdays, LivPslcrd< SniPs Pnvllion, 2 1,!: PIONEI~H SE:IW CORN. The lwsl '17wtf mill's west ol Williamston, Mirh· In seed COI'II plus the best in -lgan IJ/1 US·IIl. St!rVIce. llnve all maturities In GARDEN 'I'RACTOR anrl MOW·

- ---- r OK car. For the hest in n new Nylon )nee OVCJ' taffetn. Nylon For Belter Buys nt Less

ATJ'fR0E1J~Ai:R9J~S BFU0D11'STII"' car, Its Clwvrolet, net plenterl front inserts, Buller· Bunk Berls ......................... $20 up < • • 1!. Inn lr•ngth. Wn1·n one!', Mrs. nus-

FINEST NEW AND USED 1056 CJIEVROLE'!' 210 4-l!oot·. 2· sc;II Rowe, R. 3, Mnsrm. Phone Living Room Sttltes ........... $:10 llfl Wr•llur•siluy nl'lc•t·nuun clc•tul· lhw, Forty \\'111'11~ l'ur lith·. At!· 111lirmnl wut·rls ll' t•udt. Clnssl· lll'd dh.plny nils f)J., fii'J' hwh.

'ntsJtln,v ndVl'l'lisin~: rm llt·st 2

7!i I!I'Hrl dwil'r. Re~;lstereri JJol· most k!!l'IJCI sizes. Cun loun you ER SEHVICIE-Now Is the time s!Pin c·ow.~. lwifm·s ntH! young planter· plntcs, Any riny but Still· to have your garden trnclm'R rlnrl httlls. I duy. Lloyd Awltlne, phone Lnn· lnwn mowers Rcrvleerl and rcnrl·

Frr•sh mws mlll<ln~; dose In a ~lng,I~D 7·77:!8 or Williamston lerl !or a worry-free season n(

AUTOM0131LE EQUIPMENT tone blue with G cyllmlcrs nnrl 1\Inson Oil 7·71lln, 1!lwl Chests· .................................... $:1 llJJ AT 'I'IlEJ LEAST Powerglide. Ilns rudio, lteuiPJ', ~----------- ----- --- '

Crerlit Avnllnhle

(JIII;'I'S nt' l'l:ts·~lth•d ads !pt,;!,j Jll'l' hwh. llux uuntill'l' Jllls ;iOn l'ldi'JI,

r'llrt of mllk pi' I' rlpy; r·ows nnri , ~~~''!'.:'~· ____ _________ 2?~~p operation, Ilnvc YOU I' gurrlcn I!Pifl'l'H clu!' a! Jmsc time. Some llALF.D STRAW _ 200 bnlcs tractors nnrl mowers serviced at

I II If I Miller's !~arm IInmc nnrl Garden wry ~ tol<'ro opron c m·s rear Y hright wheal struw. First cut·

POSSIBLE ~OST! washers, unilercoat, oil fillet· Poult V • TRANSMISSIONS - Automa· . and sent covers, r Foote Furnl'ture

tic, stnndarrl und oveJ'rlrive ''' MOTORS - Many Jajc mnrleJ.q 1!J5G I~OnD 8-Passenger Stntion fl-A-N1-'Y-CJII--c-r,-·s_f_r

1r_s_n-lc-. -

1-7-0.5 9:30-0:00 .

'' BA1"1'"~RT"',S 'V I I tl "TI I I i 1" 1 •3n "' G " ,., v ugon. ns te lllnr cr 1 rr Eifert ronrl, 01• phone !roll OX '"" vv. t'IHHI !liver, Wllllnrnston '' NI~W MlWJi'LERS englrw with ovet•rlrlve trnnsmls· !).2273, nnymond Wilson, lOw1 5wtf


Michigan Artificial Breeders

Co-op 'l'OP Bl!LT.~ of all hrc•rrls, Ml'lll·

hi'I'H IH'I'f'ri I llf'il' 1'111\'S fllt' $~. Ll'111'11 !tow you IH•r·onH' a memllf'r, too.

Charles E. Brown P!tonr• M11srm Oll 7·•l:i2 L

• NEW TAILPIPES , si01t. Hadio, hcrllcr nnrl real


1 sharp finish.

19!i!i CIJEVHOLET !?10 1-dnnr.

mll!!R south of Holt on US·127 tllo and hcnlet·.

for i;l'llHH. , Supply, 4!i7 N. US-127, Musbn, !i ,\'Ol!llg' bulls--feat urlng two tlng nlfnlf~·bi'Ome hay.. Phone phone on u·!i51!l. 12wlf

I sons of i'ahst Havr.n Wnll<cJ', onc Lr.sJip ,JU !l-.1~4~ or Am·ciJus 3103. LOS'I'_=-Wlt~;;J hr;rrow.-Fl~-;;--;tr~: 1111111 11 Mir'hignn State r·eent•rl 12wtf Jars rcwnrrl [or rclttl'll 01• in·. rlnm; thr. otlu•1' 0111', from a 7lfl --------------- ----!ormation ns to wlwrcnhouts, C. lh :1-VI'IIN•Irl. Also n son of Cur· MR. FARMII.H .. , L. Lnmphel'l', 1770 W. Dexter 2

Bud's Auto Parts DIRKSE BAllY CIITCKS, Dnrhy

-----------------AUCTION - Saturrlny, 7 Jl, m,

nt Lansing Eronmny FUI'IlllLJrf! on M·flfl nt Maplr• Gl'fJvc. New and J~ed mCl'l'itanrJisr. of all J<inrls,

Conslgnmc•nts aeceptcrl, 1!iwl[" !Iss 'cnncly CappPJ' Curtiss from Now ill the time to top-rlress Trnil, phonP Mason On 6·47:11. rlnm wilh good lwo and threC!· lliwt[ \'f',ll' nlcl I'PPnJ·ris. your· whr.!lt menrlows nnrl pns· ________ _ ' Till' mnn who wants more for ture with- · Iris rnotwy nlways huys nt tire

Liquid Fertilizer

Farm Tools

I Pnwcrglide, 6 cyllml<•rs with ra·

Phone OX !1·2151 ~ , , , , , • - --- ----------- _ __ _ 1 !l.>~ CIIEVnOLE J 210 1-rlnnt.


st rnln, holrl unr.qualcrl rcrot•r!R ngninst nny stmin cross nr hy­lll'id In the history of poultry. 'J'hls Is why more and more egg Pl'fltluccrs choose Dirkse S~Jper· MAYTAG LAUNDRY r.qulpmcnt lnt• Layers. This Is why we'll givf! snlns anrl SI'J'Vic•P, Sll~;hy r111. ~·ou 1,000 chirlts free lr you can Co., state strcPI, :Mnson,

101i4 BUICK Cenlury 2-door !Inrd· glvr. us hetter l'onslstcnt conscC'll· phone OR 7·01·11. Owtr \\'11IVPI'iJH' SniPs.

'1'11 & Bnngs Tesll'rl. Mill1ing r·"ws Maslills Tester!.

Han I\ '!'I'J ms-- ScP l•'loyrl 1\C'hl'l, Nntlruwl Bank of DPtroit, Plym. oullr, Midt.

top, Shhrp Ivory nncl mnr·oon live 10·yenr recorrls than the ____ _ ,John DeeJ·c• LA 'l'mctot· with paint, Dynnflow, radio with Durhy twot·rls. Baby pttlleis only,

Equir,ment rem· sent speaker, nutrnnl!'•eyc, $~!i Jter 100, You don't huvr. to

New Ilolli111d Ficlrl Chopper with " , , , tltc mirllllr.m;111 •s profits of up to Every dollnr spent for proper 2 hc11ds BLOSSOM OUT IN ONE OJ~ OUH 10.>·1 ,r. LYIV!OU fl-1 Savoy 4·~lncJJ_'· 2nc anrl huy dircet from Dirk~e

Used and n nice one. I pny up to fiOe for r·hiclcs. Snvr.

fert llizatlon 1v11! return at least Farm nil Cuh TrnP!or with plow, SPRING SPECIALS Ovet duve, radio .nnd heatc1, ox- Lr.glwrn Fnrm. Vi~;itnrR welcrnne h $3. Consult us nhout sol! testing blndc anrl disc trn clcnn, l'llllS hkc a top., at our new laying houses on M·21, TV- RANGES

I '"'"' MS;,,~; ; ~~'!"""'" ~.;;~':,"~;:: '~~;::~;;;,:"'"'· ooc i::~~ ... ~ft:.';.,~ ,T:.;::;'~i,,,, ,, n. "~:""~;,'';;:~~~~"' '!:" ~~:·,:; 19~~,:;.';"~~~~:;~ ~~! .. ~~~~~:::• :r~:~~'~.~~~" "~·;~~:::~~~ ,:,~ "'"~~~~,~~ons Appliances

' Williamslon, Mlchignn Anderr.on . type corn planter whitewall tires, other cxlrns. A Sharp ivory nnrl gold pninl. ~n states lwvc visited out· ht·r.erl· Cnnventlonnl anrl Automnlie I - -------- w J h n 2 T I II J'C'ISOilnhlc priced V'lcntion ~pe Jllf{ farm In the lnst year. 'l'ele·

We hnvc> fJ'ozPn senwn for n I LIQUID li'En'riLIZER CO. '0 11

cere' ·row rnc or JHI ., cl·;1· ' ' · ·1'1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air· 2-door. 11hone PR 2-llfifll. Dirkse Leghorn S'l b I j C

few of lhf' l'f'J',V IJI•sl top Jli'OV<'d i H F d G . Dansville Plwne MA 3·23G3 type ('01'11 planter on ruhhl'!r ' ' Blncll and white. Stanclarrl Farm,, Mlc·hignn, I s y mp ement 0. Sil'f'S from (';)(•It ot' I!H' rlniry I ay- ee - rain Blissfield Phone 239 User! Moline 3·hottom Plow Hl:i3 FORD 8 Custom Tttdor shift. ' 15wtf Mnson IH'!'erls. We also IJai'P lfl'rPirml · · . · · -~ --- -- ---- ------ Pl OR

1 I A S'l b I 1 C Bmwn nnd tan, fcmlomnllc, 1'11· 1953 DODGE Mcndowbrool< .J. wnc 7-0 11 nnr, ngus._ . . /I~GllJCO-f~~~ilizer. Now in gr~~~~ ALWAYS FIRST wllh Wirth·, IS y mp ement 0. clio, heatct·, while wall tires, A rloor. ROMWALTER Lfo:GHOnNS for 17wl Jl;o nssor•Jatl1111 to .tout oJ' any Jar form. Order yours today. ~ore and Rowena feed. Bnhy / beautiful car with many un· tor> egg pmductfon plus curly

stall fl!es or cltm·gr! f11r I'I'Jleat,;, Sr mr. ·twllysis av·tilable 'tt my clucks, $15,00 per hundred. Also Stnte Street Mason 1 .1 1953 BUICK Special I-Inrdto[l. A lnrge egg size, exr·ellcnt livability, We welcome y11u to ht·r•ecl just a '1 ;m~ Wi'tsc ;l·F~rc~ Haute' 3 Ma·i ducklings. Field nnd garden seeds Phone OR 7·0141 usee 1111 cs, nicll one with standard shift. Michigan U. s. approvnd, pullor. fr.w of your bPs! r·ows to our top tJ ·1 · ~ s OR 74!)14' and fertilizer and seed potatoes ---- -~------ 10:13 FOHD 8 Custom Fordor. um typhoid clean. Phone Lansing Appliance

Values sir!!s. Vic average :'ill'; c•onc·cption slln, p wnc a. on . ' 1;lwtf at Tomlinsons, Phillip G6 Service FORAGE· Hich 2·lone blue, radio~ hcatcl',l SPECIAL OF THE WEEK FE !l·8!l45, 63 Barry road, Haslett. on llrst scrvil'e. - --~~------ and Feed, Holt. 14wtf luxe. Excellent for shreddmg whitewall tires, dual exhaust, 7wtr•

You rlon't hnvl' to talw only tlw ------------- corn stalks, green choflpeL; huy scat covers. A one·owncr spe· l!l52 CHEVROLET Styleline Dt>· ------

hull thnt is sltipp'l'd on a sing If' Be Smart . . . Ava!'lable Now I a7~d880.straw. Phone Lansin1g2wltVf cial. luxe 2-door. Powcrglidc, radio, BAI!BUS~ .:prl:lrlcn~s f-:I'Yelsta' l~lylecslpll~~lnt.'~. I 1lny. We• ltnvr~ s••nwu fl'llm all of ·u • heater, sharp 2-tonc hluc finish, ·' "' " J " ,,

CROSLEY rJO-inclt fully nutrmut· tic elr.f'trif' range, neg, $:1·1fl.9:i

$200.95 ami old J'ilngl' our sin•s with tis a! :ill tmws. B[JY DTHECT FnOMD "'TIVI~ AMMONIUM SULFATE FARM BUILDINGS _ Pole cJn. l!l33 PLYMOUTH Suhurban. ONLY $<195. Gulliver's chicks ure !lOP sire,), CROSLfo:Y <IO·inch fully nutomn·

MAN!WAr.TIIRER AN ,-,A ·~ 21.5'ln Nitrogen Carrier ... Beautiful gray and maroon, ra· , first generation and guaranteed lie clcl'lric range, Hcg. $27[) !l:i ovrm $10,00 PER TON ON UREA signed buildings by 'fri·County clio and healer. Good tires. Ghostlcy White Leghorns, Holtz- Now $l!l!l.!l5 nnd old ran!:"


YOITH SI'HJNG FEilTJLJ7.ER ~5% Nitl'Ogen Carrier Farm Service are efficiently en· Above average condition. Low, l!l51 CIIEVnOLET Spnrt Coupe. apple White Roelcs and genuine EAGLE gns ranges fts low as George D. Harris ,\tl<ti''',''.J", Reg Aprilt gineered to meet your individual low price. Powcrglicle, rndlo, heater anrl Iry·Linr. chicles. Gulliver's IIntch· $9?.!ill

I _, ,, c Pril'c Pt•ici' I M El t C needs. Trained fnrmstead plan· whitewalls. A ~harpic. ery, phone Eaton Rapids 538



Ph. MA 3-.1341 D'Jnsvillr. 12·12:t2 $RrJ,20 $70.ri0 850n eVa Or 0. ners to serve you. Aslt us before 1953 FOHD Custom 8 Fordor. 10!i0 CHEVROLET 4-door·. Pmv- llwtf PIIILCO deluxe :-Jfl-inrh clPI'tric _____ _ ' · -


10 20 10 8H.20 75.60 you build. 4620 N. Enst St., Lan· Metallic Inn nnd ivory, rnclio, erg! ide. ----------· ------ range, Reg. $27fl.fl:i Jf Don WhiltH'Y will stop in R-Hi-JG RIJ.90 ~~:~~ 345 W, Columbia sing. 40wtf heater, spot light, power ~tcer· TRUCI<S Dogs and Pets. Now $21!l.!1!i ·~nrl old rnnge

at the Inglwm County Nl'ws, hr.j fi-2·1·12 85.05 Phone OR 6


ing. A perfect family cnr. KELVINATOH :-JIJ.iJwh cicluxu can rcl'r.ivl' 2 frer. I il'i\Pis In Crest !i-20·20 82.GO 70.50 FinST ___ CUTTING ~lfalfa and l!l51 FERGUSON TRACTOR, just 1!l3G CHEVHOLET l,:,.ton. Ilttrry, I , Drive.Jn t heat J'l', These arc t11e SPOT CASII straw. Laxton fnrm, 1858 Tom· overhauled; 1950 Ferguson 1953 FORD 8 Tudor. Beautiful only $1,350. c eclne nmgc, Reg. $2•tfl.9!i

price~ of KLEIN'S PLANl' Iinson rood, pllOne Mason OR traetor, good condition; 1951 New forrest green. A one·owner ~ , , . BOARDING - Private outdoor Now $189.95 uml old range Bll!CD GILTS, nunw .Tr.Js•'Y rluP FOODS deliverecllo your farm in 7_2906, 10wtf* Holland 77 hay balerj Internn·l beauty, Pt·iccd to move. 1!ln4 CHEV!lOLEr ~2·fon w1th runs for each dog. '1reen Ac~·es RCA Estate

30_inciJ rras ranrrc

80 II l 13 II · are $3 ~o tiona! PTO hay baler, good con· hydramnttc. Kennels. Phone OR·7·0791. Sun " .... to fanmv .rune 1 LaVern El- J mgs. Ll < pl'lces • .. J 1 0

with thermostatic top IHu·nct•, rlrcrl, 21:. miles nnrlltwPsl of Lc~. 1 lcss per ton. dillon; Ne-:v Holland 66 baler with 1953 PACKAR~ Cllpp~r, 2-dom·. 1953 FORD Sedan Delivery. day hours 5:00·7: 0 p. m.

52wtf He g. $28,~, 95 .

liP, 3790 Tulllc roar!, pltonr. LPslie You can deduct at lenst $2.00 farm ToolS motor. Prtce Tractor Co., phone Gr~en ami wl~1tc. nacho, heater, Sharp. , Now $229


;; and old rnn~;e ,JIJ 9-27•1H. lGwtr more per ton if you picl1up your Mason OH G·5754. ., 10w1 wh1te wall llres, low mileage, STUD SERVICE _ Wcim~~·

fertilizer at nur plant. ALLIS·CHALMERS two·row cul· low price, Before you buy a new truck, AKC registered, gray, .veight RCA Whirlpool 20-cu, ft. l'hr.~t HEGISTE:I1ED nnrl ~;rnrif! York· We also hnvc 5·10·30, 4·24·12, checl\ out new long box %· and

7" lb f h . II

1 freezer, Hcg. $490.93

shires rrnm MiP!tigan state fair 0-2H-14, rJ-11i-16, 0·20-20, 0·12·3ll, farm livntor unci belt pulley, also 1!152 Ji'ORD 8 Custom Fordm·, ~~·ton r>ickl1ps. A full 98" in· 1 s, rom c ampwnsl P stoc~. Now jut $38995 1 I · I "'l I 21 7 2811 1 A 1 t 1 • I ny Allis-C h 11 I mer s 3-bottom 14" Meadow "'l'Ccn. Overdrive, I'll· • 1 th l n st '11 thnl 'ncltts Otis Clipper, 423 W. Ash street, PCA Victor ;,J 5t'n~l .. ' lc "'\T grnnc r· wmpwn >onr, trur> meat . .,._,. , , - - , , ,,_ '- .,, am a E I "' sue, e on,.,c, I ~ .. Ma.··orl, phorle !11ason OH 6-~.-643. r· " - 1 conso ' r 'I' · 1 t LOW LOW ' f 11 ows with cover boards and two· d'o J1eate A 1 c J't' s t c " 'tl ·

1 1 1, $

299 "-type Ynrl<shirc boars and open et'IJ tzer mnterm a , qurpmen 1 , r, · one t wn. , ave ry.


2 wt 1 swtvc 1ase, .eg. , . , ,.,.

1 ))rerl gilts. W. E. Kranz anrl Son, PRICES. wheel utility trailer, chariot style. money on this one. ---- ---- Now $259.05 ami olrl TV 3188 Tomlinson rmtd, Mason. jflA'rlSFACTTON GUARANTEED NEW All in good condition. A. G. Camp· BOXER-6 months old, has hnd RCA Victor 2l·inch Super TV con· Phone Mason on fi·1787. bell, 5 miles enst of Mason at AI Rice Chevrolet all shots. "Sarge" Is n VCJ'Y . sale, Reg. $2,19.95

12wtf Klein Soil Service Fox Field Choppers ami Blowers corner Meridinn and M·36, phone EC?~OMY SPECIAL "' wcJI.manncrerl house dog and is • Now $199.95 . -- . _ _ ___ _ ___ _ _ Tip Top hnlN' twine Mason OR 7·7194. 1!lwtf 1947 Desoro. Runs good. $S,), Open l~1·idny Nights w

0 n c1 err ul with children. A I\ELVINATOR 18-cu. ft. uprtght

PONIES \\'Plsh f:Pirling spolletl, Pirone CAstle 3·873

2 . Weed Sprayers 'CORN PLANTER_ Internation· h Phone OR 7-3061 change of pluns forces sale. freezer, neg. $119.~5

" rPnl /!f'llllr. foJ' '•Ill,\' ('ill' let·, ,·J!Sil . . . 16W

2 D s M t I I Roy c r"rstensen Mason . Tl Now $349 9~ a !'hctbnrl JJony. Quo~rlr•t· linrsP, 'ow crvt c, tc lgan Fertilizer Spreaders mechanical lift and fertilizer nl· ------- 424 S. Lansing stmcl, phone OR PIII.LCO lrl-cu. ft. refrigerator

· - I F 1 11 M h ow pray a er a al tractor 2-row, pull-type with . · Terms if wanted. B1ll 10rburn, · · · "

n:t<~rc :-tnrl :.;t•lrling \"ill ll'<!:IL•. TJH· PAIU.:ERSIIOOSIER hybrid seed Klengade Products tachment. Practically new. Bob Your Friendly Ford Dealer Frut"ts- Foodstuffs 6-1981. lflwl . \':_l!h - 140·lh freezer che~t, Johnc;J.otws. Tiw barn is at 2f_i'{D rol'll: Medium flats, $10·, smnll Rhi 0 1 fi t 1 210 State St. Phone OR·7·9611 ---- $;) 19·9:

1 E I S! I I J>J L I New PTO Balers nes, none aga, rs louse SHEPHEHD PUPS for sole. Cll!o Now $369.95 llllcl ol!l l'hfrt'get•ato·,• ~ns · a (' roar· . lone :tn;tn:.; rials and merlium rounds, $7. north of the bridge. 19wl Mason ~ IV D-3l02 LIIP c•vc•nJIIJ~~- !.•wtf I Clare anrl Don Launstein, 334 s. Lombard Chain Saws· Open Evenings Till 9 _ FRESH ROLLS. Hot rrom the Swift, phone Aurelius .?04. -- - - '"" 1 ~-r 18 1 C v r B 1 i M t Pl w JOliN DEERE 2·row corn plant· 1~11v1 oven. Order them for your · 19w1 H-MONTIJ-OLD fiOLSTt-:JN bull' J'..\'CJ'Y l'Oac' "ason. W' P

0 r oans or

08 0 8 er with fertilizer attachment parties or just plain good eating. -----~------"'-for· stile. Danw Al'l'inrlalo'gis BALED IIAY---fot:--;;~s;ond Lincoln Welders & Supplies and new runners. Has 3-point CHEVROLET- 1!l46, 4·door, ·1


551e2r81.e Brown, phone Maso4n5\~Rif Radi•O & JeleVI.SI.OD PHILCO 40·inch deluxe electric

rnngc with roast malic, hroilun­der glass, jiffy griddle and sn. inch oven.

Prilly Maple 2X~7:1F, sirrd hy <'Itt ling nlfnlfn. Also hnlccl l~lrcstone Tires hitch. Don B. Clurl1, 4565 Barnes new tiles, excellent condition, , KN•Jtrlalo Lol'ldnvaJ'. Call ~1ason strnw. Allen Frederick 1 mile Chore·Boy Millmr Pnrts rond, Aurelius Center, phone Would make good second car, PH 7·


S hclwP1'

11 :. and G fJ. m. south nf Mason on US·127. Phone Mnyrath Elevator . Aurelius 3402. 1!lw2p 1 Dale Hayter, 160 H:nne road, Well· POTATOES-For eating or seed.

Orin D. Croll'cll, 17·1 MeJ•idi;~n Hri. 1 J11'L.''£Jil Oil ~1 .0111. 18wtf b 'II 1 58F3

W bb 'Jl Paul Gnten, 1701 Enst Holt I , c Wngons & Unlonrlers WEEDER 1 , ct•vt c, p wne ' e et'Vl e. d I M OR 6 1671 1Hw2 - - -- -------------- . • on whee s, cltsc hal'· . . . 1!lwl ron I p wne' nson . ) . n

DcKALB SEED CORN-I have n King-Wyse Elevators . row, For. d ct.•J.!iiatot· and b, urn . . . ~- .. , ,, '·" .• 18w~ a FHESII GOATS and kir!F. Phil- good supply on hand. Severn! limbers. Martu~'1 Allf'n, 7 miles 191!7 Bil-TON FORD 'fiRUCK '. ·· ''•L::; : ·1 ---~-

ip J. Cti'Cildi'J', Vaughn roar!, new varieties along with the old north of Mason on Phillips J'D[l(l, with grain box and good tires. Trat·le' r"s' .Leslie, phone .ru !1-:i JR7. lflw1 p Rlnndbys. You can pic!{ it up any. SPECIAL 19w1p Cheap. See at 4202 Meridian road, ------ lime at my farm, 6 miles north We hnve jttst purchased 14 new USED St 1 1 1 t f------

1- Leslie phone JU 9·9076. 19wl

YORI\SHTHE BOAHS, ready for o[ Mason at 2955 Olmmos road. · ~ · ee Pow po n s or sn c. __ service for r,alr. 1<17•1 E. n'cx!r.r Phone Lansing ED 7·7419. John lO-ft. Minncnpolls·Mollne No. 0554. Will fit n 14-in. gen. TUBES - 2 10x28 tractor tire

=:-=:=--:-:::::::-:----- --SEE THE NEW PLASTIC front

Tmil, HoLtte I, Dan:-;villc, L P. Sehnurbusch. 18w4p DISC HARROWS eral purpose International plow. tubes. Praclicnlly new. Sell rea· Chelf, phone Dnnsvillc !I!Aclison ~--------- nt very special prices all sharpened. E. E. Valleau, 767 sonable. Phone Lansing ED

Champion trailer homes. Out· standing beauties. Also n wonder· fttl line of w:11tman's renewed, used trailers. Buy from Whit· man's and be sure. Whitman'~ Tral1er Sales, one mile east of East Lansing on US·16. Phone Lansing ED 2·1817. 8wttt

3-2481. tflw1p N'ltrogen Reg, price $420 ,Howell road, Mason. Call Mason 7·7843. 1!lwtp SPE, CIAL _ $3r10 1 OR 6·5676. l 9w2 -~

IIOLSTI~!N CO\V- '' year~ old, due May lfi. Glen Watl\lns, l:iO

Lumh road, pltone !llason OH 7-0~86. 19w1 p

1 4 Ji'RESII MILK COWS for sa!P. Wilh OJ' Without l'ltlve~. Also 1fl

weanling pigs. Ill'rbert Loll, Hoi!, phone Holt OX 11-7591.

19w1 -------- -- ------·-- --RIDING PONY for Fale. Clmrlqs

Bunker, 4321 Byrum roar!, On· onclagu. 19\vl -~--- -------- -------REGISTERED Hampshire boat'

.. for sale. Wci~ht ahout 225 lb. Also Ford trnctoJ' nne! plows, both ·are in A·1 condition, Vern Palmer, · 3 miles west, 3 miles south of Mason, 1569 Edgar road. 19w3

il2'A• Anhyrlrnus Ammonia CUSTOM APPLIED

Pltonc Lansing ED 7-7279

Cook Nitrogen Service

AL COOK 2186 E. Cavanaugh

Route 4, Mason. ---------- -----

Seed Corn Win every year with Pioneer.

Complete stocl1 now availnble ut any time.

Avoid the rush, get yours now.

Curtis B. Wright Route 2, Leslie, Michigan

3220 Wright Rond Phone JU fl·2334


USED EQUIPMENT l 951 Oliver 88 John Deere II with loader nnd

cultivator New Holland Baler M. M. Stationary Sheller Plows Disc Harrows

Francis Platt

1953 SUPER C International with mounted plows and cultivators,

factory-made wagon and 100· bushel grain box, 1953 John Deere VanBrunt 15·hole low-wheel hlgh.speed drill on rubber with mnrl,er, l!l48 .<\merlcan 27-fr. house trailer, A-1 condition. Dex· ter Thornt'on, 3 miles south Df Wllllamston, first house west at


1730 Holt road. Call after 5 p. m. or Saturday. 19w1p

I TRACTOR-F-20 with cttltivutor,

Finest In Farm Machinery disk, drug and plow. Also 12x14 M·M ~ntJ Oliver tent. Clarence Ketchum, 509 N.

~ mile north of Mason on US·127 Edgar·, Mason, phone Mason OR Phone OR·7·5971 7·1583. 19w2 ~

t'!J"l', 19w1

FORD - 1955, G·cylinder. Radio, heater, new battery, muffim·

and tail pipe. Extra clean. Call Holt OX 9·2776. 19w1

1056 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, 4· door Holiday, full power, radio,

heatet• nnd other accessories. Ex· cellent condition. C. S. I<yser, phone Aurelius 2!102, corner Bat•nes and Aurelius r·oad.' 19w1

HOUSE TRAILER - 1950 Prar-rle Schooner. All metal, 23-ft.

Can be seen at Haley's restaurant, Mason. Inquire nt Jewett Insttl'· ance Co., phone Mason OR 7-0511.



0 trnllel' with bath. 1949 model. .Memllnn School ~!strict No. 7 Good condition. Will sell for

Will accept sealed bldR on a 1949 $1000. Kenneth Baker, 1359 Sco· Ford school bus. The bids wlll be field road Leslie phone JUstice opened May 1G, at 7:30 p. m, at 9 4423 ' 17wtf the William Donley school, 29G1 -·-,.-· -------­Lake Lansing road, East Lansing. 4!! AMERICAN house trailer, 27

19w1 It. Good condition. Anxious to BROODER HOUSE, 12x14, port· --::-:-::----:::=-:-:::-:-:--::------ D J 3 11 DISK, GRAIN DRILL, drag and able. Must be sold this weel< for 1955 CHEVROLET lh·ton plcl,up. sell. exter 'f wrnton, m es

corn cultivator. All .tools fit $20. J. C. Greene, phone Mason 1955 Ford Fulrlane with extras. south of Williamston on Williams· ton road. West on Holt road, first Fo~·d tl'llctor. Pl10ne Mason OR OR 7·6465. 19w1 1956 Ford trnctor, Sherman bnel·:· place south side.



7-7173, 720 Phillips I'oa'cJ, 19w2 BLACK HAWI' corn planter wltll hoe with blncle on the front, trail· " er for hauling tr·actor. 1957 22·ft.

JOHN DEERE COMBINE and fertilizer attachment. 030. WaJt. house· trailer, deep freeze, 26·du. Case combine with motor, In, er Bruhn, Plains !'DUd, first place ft. chest type, othel' small Items.

good shape, "charles Turley, 2710 west of Tuttle road. 19wl Rollin Farr, 4359 I<eller road, E. 1\alamazoo, Lansing, 19w2p Holt, phone Holt ox 9·2325. GIRLS' CLOTHING Formal,


TV ANTENNAS-Compltlte in· stallalion Including TV towers.

ONLY $459.95 PI-IILCO 2·door refrig_erntor, com.

plctely automntic, 'with mnny outstanqing fea.tures . .. . .

; \,!,> ,; ·ON;4Y;~IJ49.95L;•i i lil.J~,; 17wu 'th:fS.·iJfiitlfi·1l!lttllirly S.Ulls:rh~~w '

·•• .. ,. BUY BOTH FOR I, ·,•, •,

Also Insurance repairs. Henry .Tries, 127 N. Lansing strnet, phone Mnson OR 6·1201.

TV SERVICE on all mnl<es of $650 and old rnngc and television. Also radio, phono· refrigerator

graph and amplifier repair. Com· * '' • plete se;vlce. Henry Fries, 127 AMERICAN KITCHEN N. Lunsmg street, phone Mason SINKS OR 6-1201. 16wtf 66 . l ~ ~ ______ , ·tnc 1 sink, reg. $194 .. >0 .. $139.0 >

H h ld G d 54·lnch sink, reg. $174.50 .. 109.95 ouse 0 00 s 48·~nch s!nk, reg. $1.?4.95 .. 99.9~ 42·tnch smk, reg. $109.95 .. 74.0.,

SEWING MACHINES -·Convert your trcnclle into an electric

portable, $29.50 All makes re· paired and serviced. Also used portable machines for sale. Woodard Sewing Mnchlnc Serv· ice, phone Holt OX 9·2245, 4665 Krental Ave., Holt. 33wtf

LIVING ROOM SUITE, Wine and grny, Duncnn Phyfc table, hed·

room suite and refrigerator, !l ft. Also other furniture, C. S. l<yscr,

Mason Home Appliance

120 Maple, Mnson Phone OR 7·5911


CO RON ADO W ASI-IING machine in running condition, $20. Cnll

Mason OR 7·1874 between 8 nnd 12 noon or anytime wee){ ends.


corner of Barnes and Aurelius, AUTOMATIC WASHER, West· phone 2902 Aurelius. 19w1 inghouse. Also oil conversion

USED wASHER !{en more nnd burner·, will lnstnll. To trade for stullonnry tubs'. Both for $25. arc welder or 6 cylinder true!{,

Phone Holt OX 4·4421. Roy . 4,507 West G:nnd River, Webbe~.; Kreiner, 4665 Don street, Holt. 1 llle, aft~r 5.30. 18w3

19w1 '' 3·PIECE WICKER SUITE for -. S_T_O_V_E--..,.3-8·-in_c_h--b-ot-t""Ie_g_a_s sale, ·Nice for sun porch or cot·

stove. Very good condition. luge, Call Mason OR 7·2333 after Mary J. Smith, 12677 Wall<er 6 Jl. m. 19w1

SHETLAND STUD SERVICE. · Potl.Y only 30 inches high, beau.

'tiful chestnut with flax mnne '·and tail, a classy little pony in ·every respect. Will service either . small or large pony. Bennie Tay. lor, $295 S. Waverly, L:msing.

. Phone Lansing TU 2·3990. 19w8t>

HOLSTEIN BULL, t·egistered, · · service age buU, very good pi'O· ·duct! on. George Moulton, phone Holt OX 9·2397. 19W1J>

ALFALFA.I-IAY, first unit second cutting, Will deliver. Butler

Bros.,-phone Mason OR 7·1786 • lwtf

JUNE C..'LOV JER HAY - 2,000

road, Leslie, phone Leslie JU 9-9114. 19w1 • 19 4'' light blue taffeta, si:.:e 8·10 and

FENCING for sale, 5 20-rod rolls Automotl·ve w ()ther clothing. Mrs. Nelson GAS RANGE - Apartmcnt·size, of new 47 Inch heavy duty fenc· PONTIAC - 1948. $45. 1499 Still· Brown, 511 S. Lnnslng, phone Mit· $27.50. Mrs. W. J. Mciiquham,

lng. No. 9 top and bottom, No. i.t mnn road, Route 4, Mason, son OR 7·6761. 19wtfp phone Mason OR 6-5715.

CHINA CABINET -.Walnut. In good condition, $25. Kenneth

·Graham, 3787 Edgur rand, phone Leslie ·JU !l·3749. 19w1p

·FEEDER STEERS - 6 ~polled Herefords, ubout 500 lb. Regis·

tered polled bull, yearling. Good, Phone Lansing ED 2·8834. --J· · 10w1

30 WEANLING PIGS, for' snle.

bales In good condition. Claude Smith, Route 2, Box 2, Leslie. Plwne Leslie JU 9·8211. , 5wtf

OATS- 200 bu~ good heavy oats, Eugene Lyon, 3291 W. Tomlin·

son rand, phone Mnson OR 6·1789. 19wlp

JUST RECEIVED shipment of

fillet·, 12·1nch space. Phone Lan- 55 CHEVROLET 210 Dlll~ny. Ny. phone Lansing ED 2·4872. 19w1 · 19 1

WOOL RUG, 9x12, for sale, $10. sing ED 2·2661. 19w1 Ion white walls, safety belts, . BOYS' SPORT COAT - Size 18, w P Geot•ge Higdon, Route 2,.Leslle.

CHEVROLET - 1953, rl·door, excellent condition. Matching STUDIO COUCH for sale, in fnlr Phone Leslie JU 9·5204. 6·CAN MILl<: COOLER for sale, electric Wipers and washers, reel I e ter dl front an l renr b th I $6 M W T 19wlp $ 1 u , ra o, < trousers, o or . rs. · .... condition. Mrs. Bessie 'JW>,nbull, $35.00, Also neal•ly new pair of and white. Price 1400, 714 E. pe l'er ball tl Iter I !tel brown M II h I M or• .,..

B 11 Le II PI L II Ju 8 a s, 'n

1 1• c qu am, P lOne ason " t>l10•1c Dansville MA 3·2191._ BATH SET, modern 3·plece. Pre· baby scales. Glen Showerman, e evue, s e, 1one es c body and crenm top. Good tires. 6·5715. 19wlp

19 1 2355 N. Stockbridge road. Phone 9·2264. 18w2p Call Mason OR 6·5655. 19wlp w • fab chimney, doors, windows,

Webberville 8F12. ' 18w2 ' GIRL'S BROWN and white USED AB upartment·slze electric .lumber, lawn mowers, fans, sofa, 1949 FORD V·8 custom 2·door DUMP TRUCKS.....: 1954, 1951 and check coat, size _8, very good rnnge, a-burner, $45, Phone OR chairs. All' types of new nnd used

I ,,

Wilfred L, Jewett, 2858 W. Tomlinson road, phone ;Mason OR 7·50r12. 1!lw1

Funl1 Bros. seed corn. W.e have all grndes. You can pick up your corn nt the store, Price BI'Os. call OR 6·5754. 19wl

DISI{-10·ft. Co-op, all new' benr· lugs ready to go to work, $75.

I<emieth Graiuiln, 3787 Edgar l'Oad, phone Leslie JU 9·3749.


with overdrive, new tires ntld 1950 Chevrolets, 2-ton, In good condition; boy's 2·plece brown 6.5701. 19


building materials, power .tools, battery. Motor In good condition. running condition. Also John gnbardlne·.suit with a brown and • sporting goods, appliances mut ,, Leo Wnlitor, 385 Dexter Trail, 2 Deere loader nnu Oliver Crawler tan checl( jacket, size 6. Also gh•l's WASHER ,.._ Speed Queen, $50. furnltm·e to sell or trade. Ex·· 1 t mlles'east of state game farm., tr!lctor, wide gauge, Phone Holt size s dresses. Phone Mason OR . Charles Turner, phone Mason change' Center, 2324 w. Mnln,

19wlp OX. 9·2796. ll~tt 6:1894, 16w~fp OR 7·0691. 19wt-, Lnnslng, phone IV 5·1003. ' 18wtf


Cldthes· Sold. Within 3 Hours Last we·ek! OTRT."' Nt\Vl' liT.IIl'l l'lliiT ,...... (JJWdl Hlunth• l'fllll 111111 HI'VI'tltl di'I'H~IJS 1 1 nUnn (lrlnts, plnlll•l nnll IIIH' jllnlt n~•lnn, nil In !{nod· 111111lltlnn, ~llo' HI, Only ~Ill hnys llr••m nil, lll\ll ('nlnmhhl

FOLDING, reclining wheel chair 80 ACRES, modern farm home, I Ingham Countv News Mav 9, 1957 Page 7 wanted, Wllllnm Muench, Route bnrn, etc, Asphalt road, gonrl

4, Dnnsvlllc, phone Dnnsvllle MA level land, pleasant Jocntlon, nice :1-3242, l8w2 yard nnd fl'ltlt tJCes, 20 minutes GROCERY S'l'OHE ~qulp;;;enl fn!' 1 from Lansing, 5 miles no1th of


Real Estate

'TO BUY TO SELL 30 ACRES - Inside Mason cltv IIOM!~S FARMS llmlls Some ftontnge on 2

For I~lne Real Eslnte Cnll Us streets. For n bullrllng site

POUI.JrRY WAN'I'ED - Before you soli your )multry, get 2

prices. Eo slll'e one Is mhw. Cnll Watts, phone Williamston !ifl'l M


cLOOR SANr;>rm::. !or rent, Pc>rldns llarrlwnrc, phone Mn·

son OR tH:m. 21wt! ----- , __ __:...__

GAR STOVE - Apnrlmont·slze, Also nearly new heel springs,

full ~;lze, $10 ench, Phone Lnn· ~;lng rv 4 :J:lfi5 nfler• 5 p.m. 19wl

snle: 10' Ill! I dairy case ( douhle Weblw1 ville on Monlce 1 oud, dutyJ II' dry Hteel p•·oduce cnse Price $20,000, Don Allen, o'wnet•, wllh mirror amlll~::hl; meal r1l',e: Pe~ry, Route 2. Phone Dr.ll O~k douhle duly; me(ll grinder, mm11 12! 4, l8W~J1

Phone OR 61161 Mnson


80R S. Anrnes, M11son

3-berlmom home, hos :1 )11ecn bnth, l<ltchen nnd dinette, dining 1oom, full hnsemenl, gas hen!. New roof nn home. Pl'ice only $!i,!JOO with $1,000 down.

or an excellem Inv,estmcnt, see this. Only $200 fJOI' ncre, with let ms. Also one-acre hullrllng sites, close to Mnson Some wonclcrl I~un price only $750 with tr•t•rns, C. L .JohnHon Agency, phone Mason OR 6 !i78G, 19wlp

FOH Hl~N'l' - De~ll'llhln ~tom !Htl!rllng In r>XrPIIent locntlon lil

PRIVATE PAH'I'Y woulrl lllw to Ma•.nn, nJI frnnure heut. Phone

ELECTRIC HANGE- Apartment · sl?.e Gillson, Jllw new, $75. Otlglnnlly $250, Irom·lte honer nne! henlt h chnlr, excellent cond!· tlon, $75, originally $2fi'i. Phone Mason OR n m:n evenmgs or weelt enrls. 18w1•

sllrw, 2 scules, •l r•nrls, ll C. AI· FillS'!' TIME OFI;EilED.:::_3~d­len casllJeglstPJ', 25' slwlvlng, 18' aisle shelving and checl{ out. All room, all modet n 1anch home. this equipment In excellent 1•011 , Just G years olrl, 1'1" haths, rnt·· dltlon. Wnlll and Kny's Grocol'Y, petin[{, dru)1es, full hasemenl, gas 119 s. Mnln streel, Leslie. Phorll' heut, 2 car attached gnrnge, Leslie JU 9.4861 or· ,JU !l ,JG27. especially wclllocalecl ln Mason

210 ACRE fnt m, 1 'it) llCI'ilS llll!ler the plow, hnlnnf'e In tlmhcr unll pn~ture lanrl, :J2x84 llnrn, ll mom 4 hedtonm morlern house, 'l'hls farm Pnn he hough! wltl1 n smnll rlnwn payment.

'i42 W. Center, Mason

Altrncllw 3 hedroom homo, hardwood floors, nttrncllve ldlch· en, full basement, 3·plcc1! hath, nulomntlc heal, one c•nJ' gnrage, llome Is In A·l conclillon, Cnll

MASON - 3 hcd1nnm mmlur n home, 2 !urge lots, trees nne!

shruhs, gus hent Gnrnge A renl fnmlly horne• $8,9~0 full prlc•e, $1,;,oo 1lo1Vn C. L. .Jolmson Agency, phone Mnson OR 6·57!iG

buy goorl f{olng fu1 m cllt·Pct Le~llr• .J!f !1.111:1 or w!'IIP MrR. 1~. from owner. Plense wtltr> to J)l 1•', Wltltt.tiH•t•, !louin I, Musnn.' Ehlngm•, 1455R Mnrl< 'l'wuln, DP 10wlf troll 27, MJroh. IHw•l ----'-

- l'flR HJo:NT MmiPtll fumlshe!J 'l'RAILEH WANTED-- Wnnt lo IIJlllllnu•iil will, prlvnlc ltnth

tnl<e over·pnymPnls on a IJ.dl nn<IPI!It.tll<l',nrl flltlHI1'1!hcut,lr}­e•·· Conturt Hlchnr·cl H11•s, 1:1:1 Coil<'cl o~lmVl' Mnson shoe storo, Clntk 10ncl, Dnn~vllle, 18w!p Mol'oun. I'IIIHH' L<'siiP ,J[J !l :1'i•l:lnl'

Miscellaneous 1 Ow:! Owner lwlng tJ ansfer·rerl out of

------ town. Possession hy ,June• 1!i C. L 191VIJl wrltl' 1\Jrs ll I'. \Vhlttulwt, noutl! I, l\]ois<lll HiwiC _______ ..!,._

WILLIAMSTON MEMOiliALS- Plants-Shrubs .fohnsnn Agency, phnnr> Mason OR U 57Ril. 1!lw1p

80-ACRE farm, 72 neres under I he plow, 4 herlroom modern house, 40xllll hlpl'llof ho1sement hnrn With Hi stunC'hlons, ce· men! stnvc silo nnrl othm· hulhl· lngs Loc•utPcl 011 lllnr·l{tnJr rruul, $1 fi,OOO with $4,500 down.

us for appointment. DUPLEX for sale, (J tooms, 2 baths, dnwnstnlrs completely

wmndlecl, now l<ltchcn, flush doots, plonty of slun)P, goml In­cation C,tJJ owner Mason on 7-5571. Hlw1

I'!JHNI~IWil siPPjllng room, wltl1 ptil.rt<' PIIIHIIII'f' llli Nmth Cq­

tl.ll· St , M.1sron. l'lrotll' Mason OR r, "l'i 17 18wt

Monuments nnd mnrlwrs In the finest gJ•unlles, Mcmorlo.l Dny de· llvmy, Try us for ePonomy, qunl· lty nnll service, Roy Buffington, 1128 West Grnnrl RlveJ', Wll· llnmston, phone Williamston 464.

- -· ---··---'--- ---NOW'S TilE TIME lo get pansies

- 2fie fJCI' tmx ami you dig tlu;m. Jewnlt Grr.enhouse, 1020 Eust Ash, Mason. l7wtf ·-------~--- ---- ---

In IIolt at 4192 Watson

Attrnr.llve 2 her! room home, 3· 30-ACRE f:n rn, good hullrllng )11oce hnlh, handy kitchen, the

spnl, lor1111'cl IJPtwcen Mason (IInce, lwrrlwnocl lloor·s, full hnsr nnrl Leslie on the P•lVemenl, m1•nt, 2 raJ' garage, 2 Jots. Pr Jroo $4,000 with $1,000 clown. /$1:1,250, FilA llnnnre.

2 rmonooM IIOME In tiJC colin· 11'111, :1 1" llliiPH H11Uih·

IV< sl rot IVJ,,,,,n ,If .12HI Lyon Jn,til fJ.p, r, i'""ns, lill'nnr·e iuul l1.1lh l'lr•.r" rIll l•'lo>cl L. Miller, plllllll' 1\1.1 ,roll (Ill 7 Hlfil.

1111'8 2 ACRES-on US-Hi, 7-room try LrJC'aiC'll 2 mi!Ps south of WANTED- Woman wlllt pro~rtl· !loll on I:dgnr road. Prl< crt tn cal 11\nslng expr.r iem•1• to •tid •.roll fm· only $1,500 Tins 12'lft, In cntn of ngrorl Invalid 1Tm11s front on hlnC'I<tnpJ'oad Vc1y flOml 11:00 p, m. lo 7•00 a.m. Live> in

SAFEs-~ ~~~nltes, types ann Stark Bro' s. Nurseries mnrler 11 hr Jl'lc house, nenr Wll· llnmHion C'lty llrnlls. 2 lhr.plnccs, fLtll hnsement, rer.rcntlon t•oom, gas hr.nt, heauiiJul yard, 2-car gn!'figf!, All khJciS of smnll, fruli and sht·uhlwry. Overlonlcs Cerlar 1lver. If you want a renl suburb· :m•home, lhls Is II, Free nnd clear fnicerl rlgl11'. 'J'er·ms. Fmcl A See, hrolter, phone !J1 Wllllnmslon.

12-AC!ll•i rm m lnrnt~rl hetwr.Pn IIolt.nncl Mnsnn, $1,!JOO, tr.llns. Nont Plr.nsnnt Lakr. sizes. Bought, sold, opened anrt

repaired. Vault doors, money. chests, str.el deslts, !lllng -:nbl nots, tour gas onrl cornblna tlon service. Murphy Safe Co, 5961 South Cedar slr.eet, Lansl11g. One-quarter mile south oi Pennsylvania Intersection on US· 127 or 1 mile norl h of Holt Phone OX-4-3241. 23wt1

Riner. 1RHi Spr.clu)IRts In Growing

' Fruit Trees J3enlcs • Dwarf Frull • Vines • Shnrlc TreeR ''' Iledgl's '' Shrubs • Roses

LnPal Rl'presentallvr. Phone · .ru 9 931ili Leslie

17wtf ' 18W2)1

WILLTAMR'l'ON, ncar, 2;, nere fnrm, good hullrllng 11pol. New rnrl{ well, $4,200, terms ..

WILLIAMSTON, near, 3%-nri'C! fa! m, 5-room modern house, gn· rage, small hnrn anrl poultry house, $15,000, $~,000 clown

1 !l\111 :1 bqrlromn hf1me Wtlh garrlen spot. Drrve hy nnd you No meals In'P. I'Xcc>pt 1, . ,

kitchen,;! haths, wnJJ,to-wall cm·- can sny malw me a deal Call c. ll!'eakfast. Gnod wngr.s Wrltc> W As. 1, 11 H!. 1" 11' 111 T.rH'IIIPrl at nellng, fireplace, 2-cnr garng·· IM BolcH, Mason on 72:101, Mill'· L. Amolil, son lnHIIl'fiiHP l•:x! Ill.\\, ll.iljll'l lilnd. W~lllam Very •ROOd yenr around home, lett Agency, 19w1p change Bnllilrng, .Jnclcson, Mid! 1111"1' 1' 111 ' 11 '' ~i.Json on 7 .oflDI.

-- - - - -- 1 lOwtf lflw1 3311.! acres nenr Leslie with 2o.ACRE Phlcl<en ranch With ' 0. - -- -

good·2 bedroom horne. room home, chic ken house nnrl HELl? WAN'PED _ rrr.Jp us P.11tly flllnlshed

GR ACHES sotithenst of Mnson on blnd{top road. Itns '!·bedroom home, 2-piece hath, hlproof barn, Wllh 1'1 stanchions, silo 15 n~res tlllnble. Price $11 ,5!ill Terms.

hroorler house. Loc·nterl only 11 serve Mason's yollng JlC'ople l>v dJlfll tnwnt, 2 looms oliHI hnth. miles to Lansing on EJfeJI JCJncl, cor.lrlbullng yo \II' ell f> c a,. d cell PhoiH' 1\1 rson Oil li li~ll. just south of Colltmhin 'roncl clothes, furniture ancl other sail'· 12\VIf .~AFES-smail snres fo1· office or Algen A Ewers 22 ACRES, nearly new 3-heclr·oom

ranch home, one mile from Mn· son. Lmge cnrP.eted living room and dining aJ en, sandstone flre place, full basement, oil· heal,


MASON, o room, rnoilem Jwuse, attadwrl gnruge, cxtm goocl location on (laver! sl!eet, $10,. 500 1Vlll1 $:~,000 r!own.

D!IVr. hy ,uJcl talw a I noll al this able nrtlcli!s to the Mason 1\r l'OP r c '• -rm·tilc tl'liC'I< farm. Priced to sri! wnnls C'luh. Wc•'ll pick llfl ' U.N I - T .. llvn wllr>rs and home. Also Index tiles. Kl!ep - - · -- -~ - ~·--

your bus mess 1 ecrmls 111 order TOMATO PLAN 'r S - Bonnw and prolecterl from tire. Jinrold Best and Rutgers Also broccoh Neal Safe Co Phone Moson OR plants and murlgolds. 25•13 Lamb

fot· only $8,'i00 Tetms. Cull c throughout the year for tlw nn· 1:1 1's ' 1 PdPJs !'r•tlwJs ITmd· M. Boles, Mason on 72361, Mnr nunl communtty sniP. In tiiC' fnll 1Y·"P, ll!.tson, phone l'vl.isnn OR

7 0701' · · 7 tf road, Mason, phone Mason on large breezeway nnd 2 cnr garage, ' w 6·1485. Doug nne\ Billy Sanc.leJ~ •alumlllum storms and screen~. C.

MASON, 2-beclt oom home, 4 piece bath, full basement, 2 cur gn· rag£!, located on )1nved street, $8,500, terms

NEAR HOLT- 6 ncres, more ot· less, on Del~l road. Vacant Good building sl te, $200 down.

lett Agency. 1!Jw1 p Phone Mason on (l 'i'i:l•l. ".1\VI [I r! IJ,'l11 l21Vt(•

--------·- ron RE:NI1 'ltomn npnrtment, 12 f.''l'. METAL BOATS for sale 19w1 L. Johnson Agency, call Mason

nt Dahle lalw. WI' n1e replacing -------------- Oft 6·5786· 18w1p

Wool prh.ilf' lmlh :nulcntt.Jnce Uti!· Work and Workers ltrrs fllllll,llf•tl InqultP oll 41G w. w1th larger· bonis W. R. Dudley AUCTION Tuesday, May H, 7 MODERN 3 he~ir;o~--;;.n~;-new at Doble Julw. 15wtf p.m. nt Lansing Economy furnl· MASON, near, 4 room Jwuse,

partly modern, 3 ac1·es of lund, $3,5001' terms.

SUBURBAN TO HOLT - 4-rootn . home on 2 Jots, new well, $500 down.

------·-------- _ Tnke11 m everyday 1 As I! 'it • I'll. I son ,19w1

GARDEN, LAWNS and berries One block nmt of .Iilii 111 nllcy I FOlt rtl'N I' :l tornns c~-;1 "hnth, ____ lure, 3081 Eaton Rapids road gus furnace, new roof, base-WINDOW SCREENS made and This sale, consists of a complete ment, gnrnge, storms und screens

line of nursery stocl{, Evergreens, Terms. C. L Johnson Agency, 3 ACRES vacant, near Leslie. Ex· roto!illed hy experienced work· ! fut ntshr•d 1'1 tlntP e11 tr,1ncc.

repairer!. Let us replace your 11 M OR 6 5786 10 1 rusted out screens with rust- shi'Ubs, etc. Also % hour Inti{ on ~':._ __ n:_~_n __ ·~- IV Jl [N MASON, 1rnorn house, part· than plowmg us it hrlngs the 1Dw1

trn nice building stte. man. No Job too small. Better James Thorburn I Gar .1gr• Plinnc M.1s011 Oil G 'i7R6.

)1roof aluminum. Thorburn Lum· planting and care of nursery her & Coal, 208 N. Mason street, stock fl·om ,7 to 7:30. Don't miss phone Mason OR 7·3381. 18w1 thl~. 1'hls sale sponso1ed by

-- --- ----- Pleasant VIew Nursery of Troy,

ly morlern, $2,700 cash. C. L. JOHNSON Agency toots up on top where the sun - --

phone OR 7.4985 will kill them. Colton seed fer· Ph. on 7-6301 Ph. on 7 6001 II'Oit rti'N'I'- Modern 2 bedroom MASON, 7-room house, modern,

3 bedrooms, 11 j baths, one block ft om llfl town, large lot nne! garage. A goorl buy at $12,500

tllrzcr· for flowPrs ancl shrubs. M hornf' 111 r•oiJnlry A 10 minute Mulches and holds motstme, ason dr liP f1 om M,1son anrl a •I minute

ROBERT KIRBY keeps gr~uncl soft Call Lanstnrrl---------------l1wtfJrlti\l' frr~m I.Pslrr. Wnulcl not nb· EVINRUDE outboard motors, n complete selection of them, are

nt Pe1 ktns Hardware, ranging from 3 11 p. to 35 h. )1. We trade und offer best o[ terms. Perl{ins lfardwa1e, Mason. 1Gw5

BANJ{ RUN nnd bnmyard !Ill. P1 ocessecl road g1·avel. Mason

Gravel Co, l~rnncls Slusser. Phone Mason OR 71111 16wtr

OUTBOARD MOTOR - Oliver 1~ h p outboalll motor, new.

Only $199 fiO. Miller rarm, Home and Garden Supply, Mason. phone Mason OR 7 3381. l~wl

URED LAWN MOWERS, all re-conditioned. Miller Farm, Home

and Gnrc.len Supply, on US-127, nmlh o[ M<1son Phone Mason OTI ROn OR 7-3381. 19wl

OUTBOARD MOTOR-Also dtrt, r.spcctally lleatP.d green house

varrety Also Play pots and finis nnrl ('(JjrJ frames Marguerite Cave, phone Mason OR 6 5716.


tJMBRELLA TENT - 9x!J, Wtth floor, 2 cots nnd mattresses,

lantern, stools and table. All In good condition. Bruce Robeilson, 82•1 Am ehus road, Mason, phone Aurelius 3711. 19w1

LARGE RURAL MAIL DOX, Jii{e new, for sale, $5. Also new

cemetery urn on stonclard, $13. Call IV 9·7656 evenings only or come to 1212 Mechanic St., Lun· sing 12. 19wlp _____ ..:.... ~--

GROCERY STORE EQUIPMENT for sale, 10' Hill dairy case

(double duty), 6' dry steel pro· duce With mit•ror and ltght meat case, clouhle duty, meat grinder, meat sheer, 2 scales, 4 carts, R. C. Allen cash register, 25' shelving, 18' isle shelving and checi{·OUt. All th1s equipment 111 excellent conclillon Phone Leslie JU 9 4801 or .JU 9-4G27. Ward and Kay's Grocery, 119 S. Main St, Leslle


FEATIIERCRAFT B 0 A 'l' lor sale, 10 h. p. Mercury motor

nne! truiler, In good condltlo,1 $.350. 1952 7% h p. Mercmy rna· tor, $90, used very llttle. Call Dansville MA 3-2467. 19wl

NEARLY NEW Jacobson power mower, 21-m., for sale. Fred

Wedllck, 18570 Howlett road, 1,!: mile south of Dexter 'Trnll, phone Dansville MA 3·2024. 19wl

POWER LAWN MOWER-Self· propelled. Gene Tyler, corner

, of Every and Lnmb road, house No. 1509, phone Mason OR 6·4626.


BOATS FOR SALE - 18 boots ,· priced from $15 to $140 each,

nt Lowe lal<e. Also picnic tables, $20 each, new 1956 Alva Cronk· hite, owner, 3% miles north and 1)" mile east of Stocltbrldge.


BABY SCALES, $4; baby bassinet and mattress, $5; automatic

slerlllzer, $4. All In good condl· tlon. Phone Lesll!! JU 9-4454. 19w1

BOAT AND MOTOR-1955 Areo· Craft aluminum 12' and 1955

Johnson 10 h. p. motor. Sell se)l' nrnte ot• together. Ron Jewett, 202 West Sycamo1·e, Mason, phone OR 7-171,1. . 19w1

Ohio. 19wl"

EDGE OF MASON, modern 4 rooms and batt!, fireplace, full basement, gas furnace, breeze-

TU 2·177J. 17Wl POULTRY WANTED_ IIenvy wrt to 1 rlnlrl!r>n Must have ____ 19_\'._'1 --- --- --------~ springers nnd fryers custom ltC'ICII'Iwr•s Phonf' Lr.slre .JUstice

GARDEN WORI< - !'7ew garden I dressing. Will plcl{ 11~. w X fJ 'ii'i I. 19w1 rotary tractor. I Will put your Steadman 620 s Edgar 1

studio downtown Maso F . garden rn goocl condition when· phone OR 7 8174 · ' 4r~n·'; i H.OOM lot 1 ront Closp to Cedar sale 0~ tra on te n. 01 ever you want tt Also new po· ___ __.:.',w_ Sttcc I c•lenll'nt,uv school, stolf!s '11 11 E Idle, rms. Ictleinllcoca· tnto nnd onion crates for sale WANTED _ 100 jun1t cars for and !Jus llllt's L.utncii'Y and tele-

o . • xce en. gross rena s, on· C 11 f 7 •. 1 OR 1 1 c II.M Ell sider tlli c m P ·t t d a n tcr p. m., ., ason parts. Highest pr1ces paal. Also I JIIIIIH' Jill VI Pgrs ,, 1 s • en and call

8c~n r:l. :ol:s~P~l 7.~3:{. 7-5624. 13w6p want farm machinery, wtre ami B1 own, ~I olson on 7 0011, after ii. Marlett Agency. 19wlp WAN'TED--Gnrclen plowing Earl tin. Good used . auto pm ts for l!lwl

S I 38GD t 'f .1 ·h sale. Call Dansville MA 3-:J414 o; Af>AJ'I''ll'N'I 3 1 GROCERY S_TORE and. llllrng Mn•noynr eOrR, 7.2.-18e4x. cJ rut ' P16°w11e4 wr

1 lte me 11 card. James Wh1t " -.. " '• - · rooms anc

, .. bo~tb <1111' IH•rhn111n Avullnble stnllon wltn beer and wme t.t!{C· _ __ _ _ ______ a ter, 1738 Murray roacl, Rou~e l, imnwdr oll'lj utrlrtrr>s furntshecl.

out license, 2 pumps, very good W r\NTED-Child to care fol' ln Stocltbridge. .Jwtf J wo o111d 1 IJ,IIf lolor ks from court living quarters plus rentnl apart· my home by hour, wee!{ or WANTED -=r.·resh eggs- Top'IIHHIS1' (;eJ.IId w Dlllwn, 137 N mlierhlt over 12·cartgnLrage

1on matn summer. Mrs. A5lnms, phone Holt prices pal~ for eggs on the fetrer•,"" 1\l.rson, phone Mason

1 g way c ose o ans ng. Con· ox ,J 6712 • 19wl" d OR 7 2f1 JJ l!lwtf slder this busmess. It's Ideal for __ · grn e. :lee r:.awrence Hyatt, 3ml - ____ · _ n couple. 'Perms to bank rates. RELTADLE GIRL or woman to S. Main St., Eaton RapJtls Phunc /-'!lOOM I' 1'!\lt'J MLNT, upstans, Call C. M. Boles, OR 7·2361, Mar- care for chtlclren and clo light Eaton Rapids 4·4521. 19wtf unllliill I! I'd, m ~~ ly clecomterl.

home and garage, Iorge lot, lett Agency. 19w1p houseworlc. Live in Mrs. Fred LIVESTOCK WANT E D-Alll Pho1w 1\l.t''"l OH ·, 7.122 1!Jw1p 110x320, $7,500 with $2,000 HOMES 2 b d Northrup, (I hone Mason ORchard kinds of Jivestocit of any ng<• down. 1 ' $2 000 · 1e ro?ma b ~odern, 7 0593. 19w1 Marlmt price paid. Also Will cia F . s •

We have several good farms, m~~e~n, o~ly $~~:·do~n~ ~~~~:HELP WANTED-Elcletly couple ~~esl~elt lrucktng at all tunes arm erv1ces houses and northern properties room expandible nttlc south of 1s m need of some young o1· Y · Donaltl, 1287 Lamb !11ad ------that can be bought on terms. Lansing; 2-bedroo~. Edgar road, middle-aged woman to help w11h Mason. Route<! Phone OR 7 O'ill2

OR 6-1161 only $4,500; 3-family income .. house work Corn)11etely modern ___ ----" _ terms; 5-unlt rentals and n 6-unlt country home Live as one of WANTED- Clothing, furniturc, l'entol fot• incomes. Call C. M I family, no w.tshmgf, liberal houschol(J Items and nil othcJ

53 ACRES (35 tillable). Only Boles, OR 7·236J, Marlett Agency. wages nne! t1me oJf. Mr. and Mrs merchandise sultnhlc fnr the Ki· 1 CUS'.) , ~V , W 1 1 $11,000 for thts farm on hard 19wjp V. J. Brown, !l27 D~amoncl road, wanls club community sale. We'll I 1 c ~~ SA\ rN,r,, 1 I get ogs

road, driving chstnnce of Lnn· _ __:...__"""7"--'-'------- phone Mn!mn OR 7-0541 19w1p pick up throughout the year. 1111 nnd ~nw lun;.Jcr. Also slab sing. Has 3·bedroom modern 3-APAR'TMENT INCOME HOME -- -- proceeds support Mason youth wood J. I nnk \\ <ll'fl, flJ·st fnrm home with full basement, oil on We:;t Elm ~treet, Mason, 2 WANT~D- Gnr<lens to plow, by activities. For pick up scrvici! /I south of r.r.u per ~rhonl on US 127 furnace, dining mom, etc. Bllllt units completely futnlshed. One experienced man With Ford phone Mason OR 6 553,1. 5wtf at lliiiiPJ s vas sial ron Phone in l955 Also 2 good burns anc.l bus elcclrtc •heat. Excellent ten tractor, near Mason or Holt. Rea· ---- __ _ _ Lansinl( IV '1·9291. 20wt! silo. Reasonable rlown )la:'l· ants and Income ptoperly wot th sonuble rates Burt Warner, J1 , f R t . 11 E I --NG __ _

your conslc]eJ•ntlon. Let. the rent· phone Mason OR li ;,G36 or Mason or en I .II Ill rr:Nc · BUT .OJ Ol re-ment. als pay for ·this Jll'otmrty. VeJy OR 7-811? 19w2pt! Jl.lll h'J' lilr. job Oi hour· Robert

------·------- ____ flughrs 207 E Cto~nd Hrve1, Web· 111 ACRES f28 tJJiahlel close 111, good loc<~tion, C'loae to downtown, p-----blncktop road, 3 bedrooms, din· 1 schools aml chttrches Terms. Call SALESWOMEN WANTED for A AR'TMEN'l' - Second floor I lot Ville, phone 271-'1·1. 18W2J?

lr.lnll ~ales work. Apply in per- apartment, futmshecl, •I 11mms ---ing mom, utility room, furnace, j C. M. Boles, OR 7-2361, Marlett son. Ware's Dntg store, Mason, 1 and bath. No chllchen of sc bon I \V!TII'I;w AS! 1 your rl.uJ y barn full bath. A Jot of living with Agency. 19wl l!lwl age or pels located at ;108% w llltf'lllll' 1\ rill "Carho!a" the diS· excellent farm land at only 'l'WO STOnE BUILDINGS In ------------- Columbia. Immediately available lllfcl'llll'' white pdml Write $8,300 illcluclmg some out lnulrl· Inquire of MlnnJC ThoriJtll'll ,110 Iluco.tcrl's C'.nlllll<o Sptnymg Serv· · ¥ason with 4 apartments ' I

I mgs. Wanted w. Maple, lu\V~( icc, Elsie, Miclllgan - _19wl0p above. Very, good gross rentals _ Whipp, Farm Agency Terms or tr.Ji'de. Make us an offe1 FOR RENT _ Downstall s fLn· CUSTOM 13ALING, hay or straw.

on this deslreoble property. Fol' ·----·--·--- nlshed npmtmcnt, 143 Okemo'·l On lh,~ t'' lli~IHI or or.l _wagons~ '"Call mveslment prope1ty consult, C. M. WANTED_ All kinds of scrap, street All utlllt" f . 1 1 Wtll h,Jit ',ome on sl\,ues. Phone

AL STASER 1 Boles, OR 7·2361, Marlett Agency. tln, wil r., Iron, farm machinery, · t~s, LJI '~;we' I M,tson em 7 0710 Dallas Hyde, Lansmg IV 4-1461 ~ Evenings 19wlp also old cars and trucks. 'I'ry me phone OR 7·0721 01 cull dl --1 E 1131 Phillips lfJ,Jd, :1 miles north

Lansing ED 2 0214 · Mnple 19wl f l\1 • HJ 4 , l9wl BUSINESS OFFER·'TUNITIES _ before you sell. Write or call Ed , ____ o ,1son. . IV p

-- --- Tavem In Mason, tavern near Bradley, Dansville MA 3-2952. FOR RENT- 15 acres good cotn ' B--- ~- - - s --.---LJI{E spA c I 0 U ~ LIVING? HOUSE- 7-room on East Co tum· li'ARM· LOANS-Long term, low Lansing on main highway Ench _ __45wtf g~ound on sllUI'es or cash 1Ja~1~ us mess erv1ces

Checlc this modern 2-bedroom bta, •1 bedrooms, new kitchen, interest, for refinancing, tiling, tavern Is n good deal for a couple I<IW ANIS CLUH _ Wlll piclt up 312. Collins road. Call Lans1111: h t h d f rlouhle lot '·car garage On I" builclm,.,. Improvements, purchns· t ' 1 fit bl b · 1 ED 2 <1848. 1 9w 1 -- --- -- ·---rnnc . ype orne on e ge o • ~ · • "' o opern e a pro n e usmess. art cles for Community sale ____ __ Gl-AZING 01~ 111 .r. ~<JNDS. Per-

town on blacl{top road, Hx20 llv· $8,250 with small down payment mg lund, etc. Farm must he 80 or Excell nt s VeJy good equip . d 1 1 p - -- • l·ng room, large I•J'tcllen and clt'n· Call.Mr. Polll, Lansing IV 21121, more acres. Write or see Paul B. • t eF gBros.l 01~ t tl · anyttme ur ng t Je year. I'D· FOR RENT·- Destrnble mocleJ•l' kins IInrr1ware, Mnson. 43wtf , men . • or us ness ,er· 11111 es ceeds used for boys and girls. 2 , 1· . lng area, full basement with gas evenmgs Lansmg ED 20756. AI· Cheney, Farm Loan Service, 119 call c. M Boles OR 7.2361 Mar· PI M OR 6_5534 • 4 tf room apmtment I eat and heat, over 1 acre of lund, small ways cull Advance Realty Co., 3. Jefferson, Mason. Phone OR 1 A ' ' lO 1 lone ason · w hot water laundry plenty or CUJ·· fruit orchard and grape arbor. Realtors. 19wtf 6 555S, or Glen Oesterle, Mason ett gency. w P WE NEED PLAYER PIANO _ boards, J;rlvate e;1trancc, plc'lti· P I d t $10 500 $1500 d OR 7 8552 19w1 TWO-BEDROOM HOME. Will J!Jde·a·lled, cllest of drawers, ant surroundings, parking Alton r ce a • • · • own. 6-ROOM HOUSE-For sale, with J 23 s f Don Ruby, owner, phone Mason $SOO ciolvn, 01, lVIII rent. N'"ecls LOTS 'T 1 b lldl 1 t sacrifice, moving ottt of stat!! power tools, garden tools, sport· ewett, 11 ..; · Jef e1 son, phone OR 7 234 10 2 f e - wo 11 ce u ng 0 s Ranch style, 3 1,~ acres, good lo· lng goods, appliances, and furnl· Mason OR 1·2233. 19wlC · 1. ~ pt some repnlt·. Would rent to some· for sale at the end of Walnut COLONIAL HOME In Mason - one who would do the worl{. Also Court. Each lot 73'/:l ft. wide by ~ntlon, M1 blbck from ~chool, \ow ture. We trade, buy and sell. Ex·

have n registered Dalmatian [Jog 132 and has sewer, water alld axes. ay be seen Y nppo nt· change Center, 2324 W. Main St., 2 bedrooms and d.en suitable 1 . , ,' L s· 627 H 11 ment. Phone Mason OR 7·5841 Lansing. 17wtr

for third. Carpeted hvlng room, S weelcs old, !01 sale. <;;race FlU· gas. nwrence Impson, u aftet• 6 p m 19w4 redwood !am1ty room, colored ry, 1097 S. Jackson road (QJd US· Blvd., Mason, phone Mason OR ____ . __ . ---:------ wANTED _ 'Trucldng, new bath, gracious dining room, red· 127), 19w1p 6·4281. ' 18wt! DANSVILLE -One of the nicer ground plowing, bulldozing and

FOR: RENT - 2-rootn upstairs furnished a p n I' t m c n t. Also

sleeping room with cooldng fn· cllltles. 108 Ol<emos sheet, Mason, phone OR 7-4653. 19wlp

wood kitchen with built-In stove ------ homes fat· sale with acre of cham saw worl{, Floyd Weldon, and oven, yenr·around nlr conrll· FARMS-20 acres west of Mason; 3·BEDROOM frnme home with land, new 2-ear garage, overhead 650 South Meridian road, phone FOR RENT, duplex, 6 lOoms nne\ tlonlng. 21,~ landscaped Jots. 80 acres In Mason wltlhdlcom- stone front. Ranch type, full doors. Brand new modernized Mason OR 7-4033. 17wtf bath, garage, ga's hQat Mrs. Terms. C. L. Johnson Agency, plete set of modem bul ngs; basement. Cement drive on large kitchen with huilt·ln oven, fin· F. R. Bowman, 869 S Lansmg call Mason 0~ 6.5786. 19w1r. SO·ncre, Industrial location These lot near new school. Located in lshed In naturol birch, new bath, WANTED _ A pet Jamb, prefer £treet, phone Mason OR 6 4841

fat•ms can be subdivided; 15·ncre new subdivision. For sale by own· oil furnace one bedroom down 3 blnclt. Call Mason OR 7-7872 19wl NEW 2·BEDROOM HOME In motel site; 25-aere trailer pari' er, $15,500. 578 VanderVeen Dr., up, enclos~d front porch. You ,~Ill after 5. 19w1 -------------

Mason, aluminum storQJ. win· location, 30-acre drive-in theater Mason. Phone OR 7·8503. 19w1 Ilk til p .1 ed 'ight Call A 0 -- FOR RENT _ Dansville, 4-room, dows' good location, "1,000 down. location; RO acres, close to Mason. G e 1 s. 1 c 1 ill ' 3 · · WANTED-Garden plowing. Any t d 1 ttl b 1 .1 "' HOMES WANTED-By qualified reenough, Dansv e MA 1·9w22911p. size gnt•clen. Pllone Mason 9R nen an c enn w I at 1, ot Immediate possession. Phone Les· For farms call C. M. Boles, OR 1 heat, large gal den n1'en, on pave. lie JU 9·4454. 19w1 7·2361, Marlett Agency '19wlp buyers who are wa tlng to pu.r· 6·5654. 16wU ment. $40 month. Will lease for

--~------'----- t;hnse 2·, 3·, 4·bedroom modem 578 VANDERVEEN COURT- 3· :;ear II first ond last month's rent rnEDEN - 2·bedroom, nearly BUILDING LOT, excellent acre homes In Mason and suburban. bedroom ft'llme house w1th WANTED- Lo~s and standing Is paid in advance. Call A. 0 new ranch type home on l acre lot In restricted subdivision, Homes must be modern to satisfy stone front. Full basement. Con· timber. Howe Saw Mill, Rives Greenough, Dnnsvllle MA 3.2?91 lot. Large living room, kitchen, facing Hogsback road and US·127. these selective buyers. Trade 2· crete drive. Call owner for u'p· Junction. Phone Mason OR 7·6651 19~1 utlllty room, garage. $12,600. Call drilled well on lot. Price $1,650. bedroom modern Lansing for Ma· polntment. Mason OR 7·8503. or Leslie JU 9·2326. 12wtf P Glen Oesterle, OR 7·8552. Paul B. Shirley Hurnl, phone Mason OR son home. Wanted farm listings 19w2p ------- PASTURE for rent. Have room Cheney Agen~y. 19wl 7·5841 nftel' G p. m. 19w4 to salisfy our buyers. Call C. M. WOOL WANTED- t woulft like for 10.20 hear!. Bred heifers Pl'l'·

Boles OR 7·2361, Marlett Agency. MASON SPECIALS - Nearly to buy yom• wool again this ferred. Snit ami water futnlshed. 5·ROOM MODERN HOUSE In NEW HOMES In proposecl sub· 19w1p new 2·bedroom home, $95_!) year. Harold Mitchell, corner of Cattle must be chseasc-free.

Holt, house In excellent l'epalr, division. We build nny model down, Immediate possession; a· Hull and Bellevue roads, Leslie. Ph ne L 11 1 ED 7 9243 full basemenf, 'new oil furnace, or size t~ suit you from two bed· 80 OR 160·ACRE FARM near bedroom, $1,000 down. possession Home every forenoon. 12wtf 0 a 8 ng · ·


2 large 2 n<:res plus 'lots, gl!rage rooms up and finn11Ced to a cer· Williamston, good land and at once; small modem home with -

W. R. Johnson Roofing anrl Euvestroughing


Gum .mteccl Matermls and \Vorl{manshlp

339 W. Center Phone Mason OR 7-5672


IJAULING-Ashes, rubbish, etc. hauled Lawns mowed and

cleaner!. Phone Mnson OR 7·7692. Cecil Hawlnns 19w3

f£VERYTHING In plunablng fiX· tures,• material for plumbing

and sheet metal. Do your own Installing and save. C. J. Perrin, t13 State street, Mason. 19wtt

HAULING-Rubhlsll, cans, nslles, etc. Low rates and prompt

sm·vtcc in Mason, Holt and Oke· mas, phone Mason OR 7-889) or Lnnsmg 'l'U 2·3307. Keith Oils.

' llw3p*tf ---------

and wor~shl)p, well lands<:aped, taln amount. 21h miles south of good buildings, dairy setup, mod· basement, full price, $5,150 with CARPENTER WORI{-Repnlrlng APARTMENT_ Downstairs, 1111• mature shade, bearing fruit Mason on old US·l27 to Coy road, ern 9·room house, good terms, terms; 2·bedroom home, 4 years and any ·type o! building con· furnished, 3 rooms. Pt·!vate en·

low well. Just overhauled, $30. trees, strawberries and raspber· East on Coy road to stone house. good lot'ntlon. Good farm tooi!J old, only • $7,950. c. 1:.. Joll!lson tractlng. Henry Fries, 127 North trance. Mrs. Olive Brown, 843 s. Carl Klddet•, 3110 Harper rood, riel!. Phone , OW!l~r ~Iolt, OX 'Cl~de Starr, , phone Mnson on If desired. By owner, 805 Lin';~ Agency, phone Mason OR 6·5786. Lansing street, phone Mason OR Jefferson, phone Mason OR

More Want Ads On Page 8'

Mnson phone OR 7-1314, 19wlp 9·2752, 3Wtf '7·2:~~5. 18w4p roncl, Williamston. 17W4p 19wlp 6·1201. 19w1 I

lnoham Counly Ncw1 Mov 9, 1957 P11ge 8

LOST-On US 127 hclween Co veal 1 oud and Mu8on rtolly fm

o!cctrlcnl appliances Small rc wm rl If found please call Lcslle JU fJ 4154 tnwl

Want Ads r O!JND- Chilli'IJ ghtSSCH OwncJ m ty c lrllm hy coni 1ctlng Hurry

Bnl111 nnd pdylng fm lhls ml r nund nl r erne!( 1 y Phone Mason Oil 0 5'i1'i 1 Owl

SEPfiC ~rANKS nnd rhnln flclds Installed 'I rem hlng nnrl light

excavating ilcusonuhle prlres Call E and N Bnll Lnnsing ED 77349 or Lllingslnug 311'5, collect


W. R Johnson Roofing nnrl Envcsllllllf!hing

ConiJurlor Gllrtlollllr.erl Mnleiiils IIHI

WOII<m mshlp 330 W Ccntm

Phone Mason Oil 7 5672 Bwtf

Painting PAIN! fNG


W I' WISe Phone M tson Oil 7 7R81


DO YOU NgED plumbing heat lng or electrical work done?

Call Cady Hardware Heating unci Plumbing 141 W Ash, pho~ Mason OR 71241 33wlf

ROOFING SIDING AI'PLII':D-Alumlnum insultlcrl olllclriShes

tos Also house ,uul gnro~ge build lng Kitchen .tnd b t!h remodeling etc Free cstlm,tles I I!A te1ms No money down C.tll 13.trnes Con sh uctlon Co IV 5 101,3 01 TU 2 3891 18wtf

BICYCLE REPAIRII\fG - Get your bicycle rcp.tlred now fm

sptlng P trts anrl service Shep s ~otor Snles 2160 Cedar Holt Phone Holt OX 4 6621 3wtf

SHOE REPAIRING - Wlule U Walt Lee tlcd right on Cedar

street In Holt one hlock north of the light Park by dam Open 8 5 30 Specml training In or tho pcdlc shoes Nothmg hut best quality maleii tis W01k guru an teed 100'/t I cd s Shoe Rep tlr


LOST-llrlltany Sp.tnlcl reddish brown nnd white 18 20 In high

stub I til l'inclcr plensc Crill Stocl< hrlclge UL l318'i cnllcct Rcwulfl olfmcd l!lw2

LOS f- Saturrl,l> evening between ColumhiL to College road tnrl

Toles 100 Jh !.tying mash from Bement fccrl mill C trl D trrow phone M 1son on 0 4489 lflwl

- ---NOTICE-All strny dogs picked

up by lhe Inghnm County Ilu mane Soclcly or hy Clayton Jiu lett county dog warden me held n full 7 days at 1 he Anlm 11 She! ter hcfrn c being offeiCd for sale fills gives ownm s n ch11nr e to locale them With owned dogs, we do as the owner requests, If possible We do not seize dogs on the highway Animal Shelter phone Lansmg IV 2 6218 open 9, to 'i week days, !l to 12 S tlUid ty Closed Saturday afternoon and Sunday 3wtf

Cards of Thanks JEW I 1·1-I w tnt lo sty lltrtnlc

ynu to everyone who bought m tg tzlrw suhsctipllons ft om me hrlpmg to m.tlw me top s of c ltss of 1!l'i7 ,uul helping me to o~ppicratle my senior !11p more Judy Jewett l!lw1

IIODGr~s - I want to thanlc my frlr.ncls tnrl neigh hots for tnl!

heo~utlfulllr>wcrs c mls anrl kindnesses shown me wh1ic I w b

tn the hospital olllcl tflel I I(

lUI ned home M~ry Jane IIorlgcs lflwl

FIELD - We Wish In this w 1y to cxp1c~s our th<~nks ,tnd apple

(WtlOn In OUI!VCS friends o~nrl nP-IghhoJ s for the rlcltghllLII way the~ helped us cclcbr tic out bOth wedrhng nnnlvers,uy Also for the many c.trcls unci benutl ful gifts We arc espec1o~lly gr 1lc ful lo our nwces and nephews who we1 e hosts tt the! open house 111 our honor Mr and Mrs B II Fwlcl 19111

-- -- ---- HUN1Lf<,Y- I Wish to thank all WILLIAM DAVIS ROOI'ING and my frtemls tncl nP.tghbot s hoi h

siding specialist since 1937 In Mason unci Floucl~ for thn Home and barn Joofmg Latest many lovely cards flowers mcs In aluminum stone msulated lap sages ami v1s1ts while I was In and asbestos siding rtec cst1 the hospital anrl dfter I returner! mates A pleasure lo serve you home Tl Js all gre.ttly tpprec 1 Write or phone W1lllnm Dav1s ttccl Mrs Pcrtrl Huntley St 5555 E Grund Rivet, Howell, Pctct shurg Flm ld 1 l!lwl phone Howell 717 llw7p __ _

---- - BURGESS - We would hlce to WELL DRILLING - Ira Dally thank our friends neighbors

Also repair worlt and in and 1 cia lives for the many carrls stall water systems All worlt calls and expressiOns of symptthv guaranteed Dally's Well Drllllng rlllltnf:: om recent hcrcavcment 2763 Aurelius road Lansing, ou1 deepest ,1ppn r mtion for the phone Lansing TU 21710 food brought 1n and we thanlc

16wtf I you most of all for your prayer, _G_E_N_E_R_A __ L_C_O_N_T_R_A_C_T~~O--RS _ We also w1sh to thanlc Glen DLm 1

Yes we are stiiJ m business and Mrs Ball for their thought Only we arc lncatccl at 955 w fulncss and many acts of kind Columbia st For your plumhlng 111 ss ~pecllll thanks lo Rev Mu heating and electrical needs call mau for h1s help The Burgess us We sen Amen can Standard I Imlly 1!lwl and Lux ure heating equipment and we arc Masons only author !zed General Electric appllimc e denier We service what we sell We are Masons oldest elcctncal contractoi s with 40 years expert encc G L Dailey & Son 51wtf

HEATING SALES and Service Lennox futno~ces Cady IImd

ware Plumbing and Ilcatmg Mason l2wtf

BUILT UP ROOFS and roofmg repau Free estimates Call col

lect Holt OX 9 2351 Don Potter ' lOwtf• --------

WILL HAUL ASHES, rubbtsh, Mason OR 7 7712



to your mterlor walls nnd yom deem ating problems me ovr.r Easily cleaned-wears for years-4 000 colors to choose f10m

FLECK PAINTING also turns old fm nlturc Into new-works on unfinished furmtuw too

Free Estlmatcs

Walt or Jack Hetzer Holt OX 4 2861 Mason OR 7 8701


Enrl DunBmore, phone Mason OR 6 5625 3042 W Columbia




PERSON-Auguat I 1957 Slot or Mlcll•n 1 1hc Ptol tic Cc

ro lht c I fY of Ins::hnrn At n tu..!~HI n of H aid C 1 l lu ld ut

II c Prolmlc Olflc In lhc City of Mnnnn In the tmll County o \ the :\1 d dny of Mn' A ll lllr.7

PI CRCI t liON ROBERT I ORA ),E J lg or Pt ohnte

In tl c M 1llot of the E11Lrle of SEY MOUR H Pt"IISO~ Dccc '""I

It ntt•n•lng ln tiH co ttl th1t tl t

L1me fn 1 clientntl n of cl 1lmK ns.cnlnHt •nul CKirlc HI oil I c limited nnd W111t 11 time nnrl 1•h cc he HlllJOinted to receive a:uunlne nnd ndjuHL nil cl lmt~ tncl dt m 1n IK 1 ).1'1 In t Hnld dcccm1c I by nnd b(l roto titll comt

It lo Or lc e l Thnt Clcclltoro or snld Ieee tKCd ur 1cqul cd to 1 client tho It

clnhntt to ru ld nt tho Pt ol11 le Olrtcc HI 1 11H lloill•tcr HulldlnK lnn•ln!l Michl ~'" o1 or hofo1 c thd hit. luy of A J).C'liHt A IJ I OG7 111 len roz ty five o clock In tho f01cnoon ttnld time nnd Jlttcc bcln~ hc1 chy Ul Jlolnlcd f01 tho cxnmhmtlon nn 1 ndJuHltncnt of nil Qlnlmts lliHl de lnlllldK IIR 1\1 Ht IU ld dCCCI\tlcd

Capp home at lowest cost Low monthly payments for the finest ~orne in America Custom built on yi:'•Jr lot nnd foundation Get the size home and style home you want Our home counsellots will help you In any way No charge ~or architectural service Write Capp Homes, 1143 Dupont Ave, N Minneapolis 11, Minnesota or J.;owell J Petetson, 2335 Kenslng ton road, Lansing Phone IVanhoe 9>2000 evenings and Sunday


It lH F111thcr Otdeocd lh ot 111hllr. no. Lice lhcrool bo RIVen by IUbllc ltlOII or II COli)' of thin OldOr fol th1ec t!UCCCISH!ve wcokH Jlrcvlo 111 to Hill! dllY of 'hcnrlnR' In tho Jnghnm County NcwH a ncw8tlllltcr lllintcd lind circulated In ••ld county nnd thtll Hnld Pctltlonot ~lvu kno\\ n lntotestcd ruuticK nddltlonnl notice 1 a tcquho l by lnw

Flag Day 1957 will again see the unfurlmg of the world's largest flag, covering seven stm ws of The J L H udoon Company's btg store m downtown Detrmt The flag, 235 feet long and 104 feet htgh, ts flown only once a ycm on June 14 It con tams 2,038 yards of wool, 5,100 yat ds of thread, over a mtle of rope and 57 yards of canvas Each sta.r 1s 5 ,r, feet tall and each st11pe 1s 8 feet wtde It takes a tramed crew of 55 mon l\J unfurl I lw three-Quarter ton flag




Council Procec:ding$


Auction Calendar

Lm ut• •I at t lu I Ill IS< c, 111111 s lUSt ol (,rurul I 1 rlgr 011 Sug­lllllW fo ( 1111 II I Ollrl fh1 II IICII th to \\ llloll ht~hll u~ 1111d rust to •< conrl hems<

S.LtltHI,L~ I J\l.ty 11 l 00 p l\1

( llllll>l< !r line ol luJIISI hold .:-on cis II om 11 wom houM In r hullng Nr 11 lh r ul•fnsl S1 t nhun~ Hoom S1•t t•i,lfUJ II\ mg- ltrmm Sntfl 1 uhh• C lotlrs I IUH y Ill CIS)> I I nds l'lcttu 1 ~ llonsr• l'hutl s Gn1 d1 11 I onls N UlliCI OilS 0!111 I If< IllS


JOSI.l'II 1 lm m\ I II I It, I'IO)J

Wu~ llr I I h:lu111 Alii !HUll I I J'ho111 l'tlnson Olt r, 'iM!t Hnss Jluntutgtnn C lr 1 I>

JIUIJ y Aile n (a shu 1


I 111 11lr rl h\'l nuh•,., ~oullu ast of Musou on U1 xtc 1 J 11111

S.ttuJ d,t~, !\fay lR l 00 11 i\1.

( Ulllllh l1• I me of hm1s1 hnlrl ,;nods S1 e wmplllr ltstmg 111 the ln~luun Cunni) N1 11s next w•<ll

I L1 A 1\J C IW\\ I I :-i I A II






Strawberry Plants 100

Pl11nts $2.85 CLIMBING 11nd FLORIBUNDA


MILLER•s Farm, Home & Garden Supply

On North End of Mason By-Pass Phone OR 6-5519

( (

·Mrs. Myra Chen~y ,Dies, Bedridden fog· 10 Years

Ar.chiteds Begin s·chool Blueprints




MDV 9, 1957 The 'Ingham CoUntY News ' ' I

Part 2

Council Postpones Action On Southwest Sewe~ Job Mason's long-f. a I j{ e d-about

southwest sewer projects received another airing Mondny nighl when councilmen conducted n second hearing on the special as­sessment rolls.

Cost of the 11 lateral sewers in · the nrea will be $45,480, according to Cily Engineer Walter Zimmer. Cost nf lhe sewers will be as­sessed against 77 pieces of prop· crty. ·

()unncil delttyc~d uciion l\Ionduy night in cll'llm· to g-ive moJ•c time fc:J' consiliPmtion of ob,icctiuns of li IJI'UjH~J·ty OWIICI'S.

Mr. and Mrs. !~rank Rath!5um filed an objcclion on the lateral rurming from the interceptor ~u\'let' itlong Sycamore creel< up Oak street to Lansing street. They asserted that their property to be assessed is almost entirely creel{ bottom and there is not enough room for a house to be btr!lt.

Wchanl Posl and Robert Phil· lips took exception to the pro· posed sewer in West Oak street between McRoberts and Cedar. Post maintained that he has no intention of developing his prop·

Mrs. Florence McGinn based l1er objections to lhe latm·al pro­posed 'ror South Lansing street on the high cost of the project.

Kenneth Shattuck raised a pro­test over the number of benefits charged to his propct'ly.

The ll sewer projects arc part ot the $300,01)0 progmm to relieve the sewerage system. The inlcr· ccptor smvc1· which will !'lin the ll•ngth of Sycamore creek with an accompanying lift ~tation has already been appmvcrl and con· struction is awaiting on sccurinr~ oJ. right-of-way. The third portion oC the prc1jcct is lhc remodeling and enlarging of the sewage dis­posal system. Tlmt part is slill on the drafting table.

Plowmen Will Compete

Plowing Title Is at Stake Saturday

Explorers Sell Cakes Mason Explorer Scouts will

stage an angel food cal"~ sale this wccl\ encl and next. Morw.v will be used to finance an Ex­p!oJ'er trip this summet'. Scouts will sec]\ orders t h~~ week end and will dell\'er the cakes in 2 weeks, according to Lee Austin, Explorer leader.

County leases Angell Building As authol'izcd by the hoarrl of

supervisors, .Chairman Earl W. Leeman and County Clerk C. Ross Hilliard signed their nnmes to a lease of the .ToiJn AngPll building Tuesday, The huildir•r~ will be occupied b)' the civil cle­fense staff. The building is nortb of the Mason city limits on US-127.

Fair Map Program Ingham's 1957 fair in August·

will follow the triidit ion. There will be children's clay, veterans' diiy, a thrill show, horsc·pulling­llnd theW. G. Wade Shows on the midway. There will also be night harness !'acing.

Gerald Neil of Williamston, president of Michignn Future Farmers, s u g g c s t c cl severn! changes in operation of the fiilr..

The board agreed to assume sponsorship of. the Wilfred Jewell award, $25 for the 4-II club l\ecp­ing its st<~hle space the cleanest.

Heavy teams will pull Friday nflerno~n of the fair, with the lightweights on Saturday afler­noon. The Canadian Hell Drivers have been booked fm· the thrill ~how.

Under the lease, Angell will rc- CLUU SPONSORS CAR WASH ceive $175 per mon1!1 wilh the Mason high school Bible c!u!J county paying for utilities. The .will have a c_m· w~sh Saturday, lease is for 2 years with the priv- May 11. PUpilS Will wash cat·s ilege of renewing it for another at the customers' homes between 2 years. 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.

names, Clwrlr.s Menldn of the Stnnd·

nrr! Oil Co, is gr.ncl'fll chairman of llw I l'fll'l or clny Jlrogrnm.

,Jucli(Cs nrc: Belling, Robert Oesterle~, Carroll Glynn, Les Bnlclw!n nnr! Wllllnm Draltci hudtlng-, Garrelt W!waton, Curl Minnis unr! Kenneth Myr!rs; plow­lni(, Lawretwe 'l'rlpJl, Frunlt Wle· land, Down Diehl nnrl 'J'crl Dnn~­hy; nnr! safety, Kenneth Brown, Harold Gates, Melvin Stroud nnd June 'I'aylot',

Michigan Milk. Producers Entertain· 3 Ingham Boys John Taylnr, S!oe!thrirlge, Hap-


S:~turclay mornlni(. '!'he ll'ip ended py IIustlCJ:s .J.II chth; Charles lwtlh the delegates viewing the T·· ·l cl Wi!!la stan West Loc!te Boston and Delmlt Tiger base·

ds t • m • · IJ;;!! game Saturday afternoon. H-I dub; nnrl Dick Dickinson, Seven of the delegates were Okemos 1·1-1 club; Jlllcnrled the 'chosen to attend the H-I dah·y tnt h annual Michli(an Milk Pro· con [en•ru·e In Chieni(o In Octo her. rluc·crs marketing trip to Detroit These .were _seleeter! on the basis , , . · of tlwtr Jfl;,7 'i·II dairy reports Thursday and Jo rrrlity. and nll-around 'l·II club rccord::-

Thcy were nmong 100 youths and lcnckr"' from 30 Michii(an ('fJUn!lcs who took part in lhe trip. The delegates were chosen on the basis of one for every 2:i fin!shct·s In HI worlt in the coun· ty. Eac•h had to he at least l ~ years old ami a dairy prociLtction member l{ccp!ng praduction rec­ords for his pl'Uject.

Traveling Ia Detroit wilh the 3 boys IWIB June Taylor of Stock· bridge. The delegates registered, toured the Michigan Milk Pro­ducers ol'fice and heard talks by the company officials Thursday. l~riday's program included a visit to WJR radio studios, brea!{fast a ncl a tour of n milk plant.

Charles, John and Dit'k, along with tiJC other clclegales ami leaders, were guests of the M ich· igan Milk ProduceJ•s for supper

Scout Leaders Go to Chicago Three Boy Scout executives

went to Chicago Saturday to at· tencl sessions of I!JC annual bus!· ness meeting of Region 7 of Boy Seouts nf America.

Leon North of Grovcnhlll·g, :t. land Auslin of Mason and Lyle Ilare nf Williamston were in a Lansing party which made the trip. North is district c.IJairman, Austin is clistt·lct commissioner ami Hare is a member of the rlislrict committee.

Region 7 includes Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan,

on_~~~~~l<l~_evc:ni~1g :ll~c~ ~~~a!dast Millage Will Be Shared

GOC Awards Are Due Wings and medals fnr men nm1

women who have qualified will be presented at Mason Presby­terian church Fridny night, May 17.

Ing!Jnm's tax allocation hoard will go into session next Thurs. clay. It has the responsibility of clivirling the constitutional 15 mills for taxes between the coun· ty, schools ami nt hct· units of gov­ernment.

I et'ly and therefore no ~ewer Is ~-------------------~------·1. needed. Phillips objected to the

1 r.umbcr or benefits City Assessor Dean Taylor charged against him.

~ Scores oi: Uses ... _


Coundhncn also delayed act ion on a proposed Interceptor sewer west along Willow creek I o Carl· Lon Kessler's proposed Brookdah~ s12bdivision. !{essler appeared be· fore the council Monday night to press lor t11e adoption of the project. He ls anxious In slarl on the 32-home development on prop· crty east oi US-127 bypass, he said Mayor Paul Hiclwrds re· Iened the problem lo Councilman Gilson Pearsall's sewer cnmmit· tee.

The Original - The One and Only

ROTOTILLER The ROTOTILLER is NOT just the best gardening machine on the market! It is that, all right, as practically everyone ~nows, but, with both its gasoline and electric power 11nd its many low.· cost lightning-change att11chmt~pts, it can do dozens of other j~bs equally well,

:Prices S.tart at $109.95

We Take Trade-ins Ask for Demonstration

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pritwl ·regis tercel a protest on the sewer p!aniJecl for Mable Court. They informed the council that only 30'/r ol the land Is high ground

:and the rest is creek bottom. They also pointed out that Willow i creek runs diagonally through

I the property: mal<ing the entire parcel undesirable for building purposes,

Bids Are Sought On New Wiring Supervisors· are usking bids on

re-wiring the court house, At the meeting Tuesday the coumy buildings committee, heaclccl by Supervisal' S. A. Bement of Mu­son, was atlihorized to get prices on the costs. Prltzcl 11lso ob,lcctcd to the

scWlJI' plunnell fo1• South dell'el'· son stJ·eet. lie sb1ted tlmt Oli% of this lnncl Is creel• b11ttom ttnll is under wntcJ' seve•·nl times n year.

A . month ago supervisors learned that the is obso­lete and circuits are overloaded. The obsolescence and the over­loading both constitute fire haz­ards, according to survey find· ings submitted by E. Roger Hew· itt Associates, Inc., Lansing.

Small budgets love big Fords Athletic Council (ontrols Spqrts

The esthnate made by the Lan­sing firm was for $51,300 but it included new fixtures throughout the building a.nd instilllat(on of .a

An athletic council of school fire alarm s)•stem. · administrators, teachers and stu· Tuesday the ways and means dents will help guide the ¥ason committee, headed by ,supervisor sports program from now on. Carl G. Card of East I.;anslng, re­Formation of the council was ap· ported out a recommemlatl~n that proved by the school board onlv the wirl11g ancl the rchang· Thursday night In an effort to ing· of Insecurely· I1ung fivtt•r~>.;'i control scheduling, budgets and be Included ill the bid. policy of the· school's sevet·al The surv-ey t•epot't labeled as sports. , · . obsolete the fuse panels and SOr;f,

·You don't have tq be rLch to enjoy fine-car luxury. The new kind of Ford is America's lowest-'priced* big car, •• yet it offers the bea~ty, V-8 GO. and luxury ride of 'car.s costing far more!

If you love big-car performan'ce you'll love · our '57 Ford. · . If you love tilrlft you'll love our '57 Forcl.

No car ever befoi·e hns offered such perfect blending of .big-car lm.:ury and SIJlall-cur · price. · . 1.

Once you take the wheel, you'll discover bow tho "Inner Ford" gives you the kind of

· rido you-1m vo experienced before only ih cars costing fm· more, You'll llqd its advanced·

design chassis and lower center of gravity let it comer ns if it were on rails . • • , t.hat its engine is as responsive and· nimble as a polo pony. SL\:: or V-8 the going is. great!

But even though this Ford handles like an expensive car, it's still priced l~m:d·low. In fact,· model for model right across the board, the 1957 Ford is the lowest priced of the low-price thrbcl

Ford is worth more at trade-in time And when .you go to tmde yom· :Ford, you'll find Ford's trndilionally high resale value makes it wo1th more at that time, too.

Why not come in and Action Test this fun- ·. Iovin', budget-Irwin'. Ford? Why not come in

' and see it today?

'On the council are James Van- of the wiring. Extension cords der Ven, superlntenden( of have· even 'been used to extend· schools; Forrest Rinehart, prin! circuits from one floor to another clpal; Ed Kehe, football coach and through the attic without

and athletic director; Donald Edg· consideration of the ·overload .on ·ROY CHRI·S-TENS1EN

faculty. representatlv,e;. existing. ch•ctilts, the report set assls~nnt mayor. reprc~: forth. · : . :. , ' · , ' ·

TJ1e new kind of ·

FORD Lowest priced. of

the low-price thre&i

• Ba•~ on comp4r1Jon of manu(oct.w!l' Sll/fll<JU>l retail dcliuom:d pril:fl __ ,

student: body; and !one.,of the old .wiring meets· / ' .. YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER

·b~k~~ll fi~~te.ufu~a~~~- thc~».~~~~~~L~~~~~~+~~4:~:~-4~··~·~·~~~·~~··~\~.~~·+~·~·~·++~t~~~7~~~~~~tj~~' · , p tS,snld;'• . ··. . , . f· . ':.:..v· • ,"' ' ~. "~~~: : F • ''·. : '

L I. N"j!J lltJil -,,q,·,d;,y .'\llli w .. ri1Jti61i.&;y, . Ml'~, G. Rie!ull'rio, ;"it•., al. Ht:m1l es- 14'e~-- £.:...' 'W'' s·ii'Oi) Pilll'll'ia DJ!)j(lll' Ill' GtiiiHI l..Odfjt: l'lt)' oSI.lllcllly, .._. was u wecl\ onel gu~~t at the home !';It',: nnrl' Mrs, Roy Olnrlsh.'IIO

1 of Mury !Wen Mc;1rl. · nnd Roger wore Snturdny cvcmng-Mrs, .Tucl~ Donnlnw was n Sun· Mrs, Clara Strange Al/e unci 1\'lrH. BI'Uce gustmnn, 8UJ1pC1' glle~ts of theh• son·ln·llllv clr.y nftot·noon caller of Ml', nncl Fnllnrlu nnrl TotTy left Snturdnv' nnd lltltlghter, Mr. nnd Mrs. l'v!()l Mrs. Wnyne Gecr, ' Willi f H 11 1 1

Mdy 9,J'J!J/ ·------~-----------------

Reeves Disbid ~TI'H, J~d1111 Gmll'

North Aurelius M1•, und Mrs. Wayne Qem• I I tMr, nncl Mrs, rnul Simpson morning for Wort McDulon, Flor. ll!nS, · o owe wnnr IIH

rnlled on Mt•, 111111 Mrs. George Les ie to p an fliHl dnughter, Cnmlyn, lind Mrt<. Jrln, where hu will he stntlonml. Mrs. Wllllnms' hirll'lduy l111111ver· Klrl{luncl Sunrlny evening, Simpson's sister, Mt•s, l~r·unlt Mrs. Peurl Purcell unci Harolr.l snry, whlf!lt wns Mny 7. I Members, Jllll'r.ntH nnrl IPnriPI'S rlnu~htPI'·In·lnw, Mr. nnrl Mt•s, Clovet• Blossom iJ·II officers F N w II Nelhawny, unrl Cnthy of Purma, r.nllccl on hm· sister':; fnrnlly. Mt•, Mr. nml Mr~. At'lhur• Patton

Mrs. Robert D. Welch

0 l II'" ll<lll "'' "'"I N le h "h•· D "'"' ·"I "'"I II" lim• 1 ""I '""' lly' I" ""

1". ""'I I® dm• m' I 'I' "Mdo y "'"log Q f e W e $ wm•e '""I' "l M "· F nm I< ""' M rn. Goy lm•d M ocgoo "ml '"' "'" 1•1 "II'"'"' I "" Who; I"'

tJ·II r.lulm hnd t)JP(t• ILWilt'rl rllnncr mazno 1-illlllliiY. Jo plan tho progrnm for the sum- Nc:thnwny of I!JtWiey ronrl Sun· rtnughtors, Sulurdny nrtemoon, fnnllly reunion at Orlonvllle ::Hill· n1 the Alll'!1llus lown ilftll, l~rlrlay M1·. nnrl Mrs. Chnrles nle:h rnnr• WOI'l'. 'l'hc Ingham counly health llr.· duy, 'l'l II


111 Ml slor


·y So clay, nyrorllnu, Poiltll'lt rllnnm· wa,~ VlsliPrl Mrs. I l!l'tnan ('I 11 II· "I p 1 I I . G cr \V~s Stl l t I I I II I I I t t w I I ft 1 . ~. "

• T Rl I I M ' ' Ill . 0 >' v 0 s . Mr ltnrl Mt"' Mllilll'rl Wolfe JnfJ ~ ~ , ,., ss n r c n I!. ... n , n· pur men 1118 ore ercc c 1 or 111 • c c y me et ne.s.e u.y. a ,?'.·no or. Mnllcl;ty mrJI'Illllg fnt' tlle~ir· llonlo ~".l'Verl. •rhe11 camfl 11 JH'flgl'lll11 nf Hun, Stltlllii,Y uflm·nonn. 1 t f Ml" Je1111 Bnycn I I I t II 1 f M El J J· 1

"" I I 1 I ny r;:uem o ~s ' . ·"· tors JliH'm on hollt wells supp Y· u w wme o t~. ~ s c trtn {S, In l'hrtenlx, Arizona, a[ter spend· home tuhml. Pins nncl ('PJ'Iiflc·atfl:i lll't'IH'J'I 11111'1 g a ~~~--·--, z· G'

I II I I I II 11 Wrrltws Jug Leslie's water· siiJlply, un!l 1mmers IVe Mrs. llnslr Osman spent lust Jng a rcw r111ys wllh tiloft• broth·

wom nwnnleli. low ng miHJIW n o ' . . . Old R d ( . I 1 Ill I I M I

. I I • s oa ommunlly JWANGI~r:.ISTS, Rev. lllld Mrs. llnS Ol'clnrn.rJ I ·C."I(n ill (linn nnw T lllrse uy w 1 JCr s ster, ar 0 m·.Jn.J:rw anrl sister, Mr. nncl Mr·;;, · Mt•, nn1! Mrs. Clnrenc•r. Trh;h r ny r•vr!n 11 11· ' " - ,, ~ " I b

M I '·J !ltl 11 l'Ltr·t r•y Everett I<lmhnll, will he conduct- well". ( p Downs,. Arthttl' Patton.

\v,,.,,. dliJnC'l' giiC'His Sunrlll.Y of r. Hill "I'S, f p ' 11 . . ~ u rogram " ~ "' I' 1 r "I' 1 lUt'M, lilf!lllt' Olls fnrr speelul services nt. the Bunk- Mrs. Penrl Purcell nne! Nnnf'y Mr. and Mrs. Clyclr Jaf'ohs-

tll"lr son·ltl·law nJlrt rl,'tLigiJJrr, M1·. ·•I',, Wf'l'l' 1 11111 ~' 1 ' gti('H s 0 "' ·nne · "' 'fit" "rlvlco "'"" gt'VC11 \V]Jnll 111~

" II et• liiii Churdr or the Nnzurene ~ " ..... , ~ " •'111£1 Hamiel WI!J'C Sunrlny lunch· wew SUp[lCI' 17

UesJs or their· ehll· nnd MI.,". Dor1 l'r·oclrus nml fam· Mrs. LPoltarrl Nl'lsol1 nncl lam Y Mr·. ntJrl Mt•s, Rn]Jlh Davis of cleJHtrtmmll w·ts •t•lwrl to ]J'Jss on' "

" , 1 I~l'lrluy, Snturdny und Suncluy · ' '·• · '· 'l'hc closing memtlng of the Le.~· eon guosls of Mr. and Mr!i. Fot·e~t clrr.n 111 the Countr·y l\ltclw11 at lly' Jrlllonol

• 11f tl1n flftll lllrthrlitY SundBy PV£'11 ng. !Ir•.tnc•.J, CllllforJ11a, ami Mr. nnd 111n Jlel'nllls to I'I'J11llr the Jlrcsenl 1 1 1 1

' • 1 w 1 1 r evenings, Mny 10, ll, nml' 12. ~ · · · lie Feclcmtec Mus c Slur Y c uh Lewis unci fumlly nt Charlnttr.. Mu~on 'l'hur·sdny cvPnlng hnnor· ~ll""'er"ary ol' Don Brof'IPlls, .11'. Mr·, anrl Mrs. I• 1'1'! e r 1 0 M1•.s. Norman Lynn nncl son of numns A r•hrdc wns mnriP hy the 1 M 1 M W 1

.. ..... R J·:ast l.itllHIIIg WPrP gtll'st.q nf !he \'V II t s l II Rnv. f{Jmhull will deliver the h tt'i' .l n ,· I . I ti foaturec 1', nne rs. n IPI' Mt·. llllrl Mrs. Pnnrl Way spent lng th~!l' 40111 werldlng annivr~l'· Mrs. Esther .Totws wm; u rllntH'l' fc,I'IIWI'':; paJ rnt~. Mr. nnrl Mrs. t lllnr;;;~ ~1 Owl~rol • Llllr uy ca ers mr>ssngr! anrl land In r:ongregu- en 1 r ;!\\~~~;~~nt ,wrr:il ~~~~;~~· Zimmet• nf Mason In their· stnry IIHl wer!k enrlln Detrnll. '!'hey al· snry. ·I hoy also rrl'elwcJ many t



l hm •mdo ""'I '""'I, M' ·. 11 ohecl W ,, leh o! ell"""' S '"' "" y. ' I " ''" " ' wmo. """'I "logh• g. M ,.,, KIm I" II WIll I'"" r, ';' r' ' ' ' II' " " " "f I ho E" "'"""' .0 mmec m "I' loml"l 1lw w"ldl "< of h"· ""I 0

"'"'" ·f m m o <' m·•l •h m ,,. gl ""' !!Ia, Thursdny night. ,JrJilll I"I'IHIPn lmw C'hldu•npnx. Mlnm·'s granrlmothnr, was taken tlon!f nnrl sing vocal solos, Jlev, 'J'hn Jll'ohlems PXisllng in tlw unrl color!!rl sllcles wet•e shown. ,

1 11 1 1



P •M'M ... Joe Smllh lo "'""" Hop- .,.,., ,,,11,,"" ,

1 ""· ,,,

1 M"'· M•·•. E<l"' Mm,, Rogl"'ld r•loy ""'"' '"'I oa.,dloo "'''"· "'" " "' ' pm·m · '"""I', Roth mwlog plot""'' .,,.1

lo roloh"""" "' Mm, W"y's lin their· honor. M• " 1 M '' Cly Jn !Till r"tllrrl J '1'1 "1 y Ir· m M'l"on Gfltl Willet• system us Jli'I'Senlecl hy 11111 Mt'.", L"•,"1.ot• C. · l(J','tft opn

11nel 0 I' 11 ay 111111 VP.I'Hat'y, .onny a lll'· ------------1', unc. l'ci, " l·· . , Ml·. :11111 Mrs. Don .lunlot nf wmr. llll',;c a o 'n • J{lmhull wHI play the guitar· nnil n "" " , II t I It I II W Jill th l

n ' lll'oil1r.l' 'tlll sis 1 I It I "'Jln I· ~rtmnlvll'Ll 1 IJealth dcjmrtment 111'11! Wr•IJ:; nre tile n1e~.tlng will! "I'Cotltl""· flllrl 11

cr. s IIYI'c w 1

lr. ny c 1

c l'en. WHO on e Ol'md' s . ot ' '. l~alon Haplds vlsllecl nl til!' lwmt! m·a lllSJl a • "' ~ ~ n ' ' .'illlff With his Wife, Hot I .~luclled " " ,., . USOS tcr·ln·law, Mr. ancl Mrs. Cllfl'ortl nl Mt·. nnrl Mr.~. llm·iwrl flnt•tlr~ impmvccl. voice at Adrlnn collegtl, tno close to sewers; they nre too poem, "'l'o Spring." She gave :t Mt·. and Mrs. Forc>sl Catlin Hill, 'l'Lrcsclny I'Vrnlng or l:1s1 Garth Brownlee returner] hnme suRcrptlble to contamination he· short resume of her f'!ub year. wem 111 Clnre lit.qt week plcl\hJg I

Sitltlrrli1y nlgltl. 1'1 I ft l I I tl l Before entcr·Jng full·tlme evnn· cnuse the .~uctlon lines frnrn nne! t!Jnni'crl llol' offJn.nJ•s •"Jlcl mushrooms, wee{, Sunda.v morning 'l'o11 Weklt, ' nn·se ny II 01' 10 ng n 11' ICIS· gcllsm, he pnstor·ed for 12 years ' ··~ " Mt·. nncl Mrs. llem·y Tli1mlm HI'P l\lar.'Jni'IP l~letl·her nnrl Mr. and pltnl for observation. ministering to n number of wells to pumps emss over n sew· committees. Mr. and Mr·s. Forest Lewis nnrl

tlw pnrents of u hoy, horn Suncl:ty MrF. Hussr•J Hnwr. anrl som; Mrs. Elmer Otis nt1el1!lr!cl clarrl'hes In Mlr:hignn nnrl Ohio. ?r llnel;t lliHJI pre! ~;f·enll. t]lUJinl ps narc Mrs. Walter S, Strange was Mr·s. Pearl Purcell were Sunclny In Sparrow hospltnl in Lansin~-:. p:u·kprJ a plr•nir• lunelt unci clr·nvr! £1!:hlovemenl. clay TuPsrlay nt the t11 n P fliH .su J. ec: o orH ng. lnacler· for the r.venlng. Shn pre· afternoon guests of Mr·. and Mrs. He welghecl 8 lh. ~ ()~. Jr. llill'l'isnn to llllltl llliiSiii'OOmS. Civic' CPntm· in Lnnslng. SI;~~~~~~C'e~r::~~:~~ II~OI~~~~rp r~ ~:i JOS(!flh Ct'llln]Py, ~~~ muldng his scnlerl Mrs. .John w. Bullol'l{, Leroy Nnrris of BI'Ooldleld.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. 0. D. CampltP!I . ____ -·--- Mt·. ancl Mrs. Bcl'llarcl Otis flllll report to tlw vlllagr., .~uggestecl who, ac:companir.1J hy her son, Almn Pur~r•llls !tome fmm her•

·of Lalw Worth, l•'lorlda, :nul Mrs. Mr. ami Mrs. Holwrl Carts :JltencJ. 11 : 30·---~----------- tbnt within lhe next ·12 months ,John Emerson Bullock, sang 2 work In Lansing.

Lulu Whipple of RlvursiriP, Cali· f't 1 bu g r•tl a surprl~e hit•Jhc!ay purty for tlw villagl' have nne of the: sug- numbers. In Jntrodtielng the Zlm· (Ol'nla, wer·e hoUS!' glll'.~ts (Jf Mt·. I c 1 r Mrs. Ar·]o Fon!man l•'ric!ay I'Ve· South Leroy gi!SICll new well~-: llllriPI' r•nntmct .. mers, Mrs. Sll·ange revcnlr.rl thnt. PlaJ'nfJ'eld llllll Mrs. lTiuTls Bullrn tills WI'Pic MJ•s. J.ylr~ r.r·ow nlng, The sr.c•onrl nne should I hen hr the trip to tho summer musk · Mr. unrl Mrs. Mr•rlon Irish an11 Mr. anrl Mrs. Donald Howe 1\Jr·s. lUerum Uice stnrlec! upon the ('Olllplrllon of festivals at Europe was a honey-son or LaJtslng ealkd at tlw lwmr! Filr·hhlll'g• WSCS will meet Ft·i· spent Saturday cw•ning with Mr. the first, lte said. moon r

01. the Zimmers. ~Irs. lfnz~·l SW.J!llens (If til" forrnc•t·',c 1,,.11.flnts, Mr. and rl:1y nfll't'llnon nl 2 al tho horne ',tncl Mr·.··. 13ertl,'lrel OtJ'." allrl sr>ns. Mr. and Mrs. M!!rlon Illcc nnd C

1 . .

1 1 1 " ·~ · ~ ., M 1 M c 1 Gl 1 rum ny sntd 1 wns nn error Mrs. ·lar o Smith gnvc n slory Members of the Friendly Blhle Mr

". Clnt'f.'lic·n lt",'."ll, ,"'tlnrl:t,',' ol Mrs. J•:mmn Bw•lwr·. There will I.,'ll'l'Y ,·1ncl Drlll"lll.u Ot't•.·· ."'petll r. 01111 I rs, .alTo ynn n. 't II 1· t ( J I f I I """ '

n " ·~ '' _ ,., ~ ,, ,, t 1 1 t f 11 to perm1 H! sewer mrs o run o t 1e 1ymn o 110 mont t, ,, ntr· nl,".'','' \Vt'll meet. at t.lle J111

me CJ( Jll"']ll. IJp PIPr·lion i1f o!Tieet·s. one r:e 1e mee 111g o 1e com· c.,,,,,

, Friday night with their grand· 1 1 r· S 1 so close to the watPJ' systmn :111cl es.t Lord Jesus." Mrs. Yolnnrl Josie Dyer Salurrlay aflr!rnoon, MI .. ,'tt1el "lr.'· .. lltll.·trl I •. "Oil .ntlrl f~rl MPars of Lansing wns n n,'ll"''nl•.··, MJ•, •"llet Mrs. "'rn.l] m ss on on mancc une ay eve· I ]' . II I t 1 M t l II I I 11

" .~ ·' ,. L ,, .. - ,. " • 1 1 1 f M 1 t 1!! cone ttmn wou c mvn o 1c 1 c.1e . nccomp. an 01 Jose pres- May 11, for husiness meet in::..•.

"on r.·,·til"ri 1111 Mt·. ,· 1111 1 '·frH .. 1. n. ~IIJlfll'I' gul'sls of Mr. and Mr~. mng a t JC wme o I', anr 1 1


a ' " c 'I I' 1 1 L' 1 •rc Quinn ton of Rives. Mr~;. Dorn Diehl in DanRvlllc. eot't'ef'IN · ont Ln smg ng IL. Light refreshmenls will he Lyo

.l1. L''tlnrl,•tv nftrrnoolr. . il/'e/ICI' <.ii!H' { HIH tr I' ,. ars Ml', ,•ncl Mt','', Wyllt's• Arlnms I t I I' Ml''' My II Byrt1m n 1] Mt• '" " · 'V 1 1 · 1 1 " " - Mr. nnrl Mrs. Fred Graf anrl It was suggester 1at. npp1ca· •'· 1' e .. 1 r s. served.

Mr. anrt M1·s. Hoy M:t.inr nl t:t~l1 ' 1 ' 1 , 1~;:-sr ay ntg 11· IV c·ert' wPre among parents attending clnLIIYhJct• of White Oalt visited lion he made Jo the health de· Meredith Pntterson were hnst· Nom Hoffmeyer and daughter Fljllt .

"PP.ltl lltr• IVI'I'i< l'lld at till' IY \'l'a "ll'f!miln, \V 10

as ,, .. lit~ IJ,'tnntl!'t ofvn.l1 i.Jy IJJC J.cslt'e " t I • tl L II cssn" for· !Ito eveJll'ng 'l'ltey IJ"el I v L . II 1° " ,· · • 1 · t 1 1 1 ~ ·• " " - Mr. nnd Mrs. Dotwln Williams pnrtmcn · o permtt. H' es e · • ~n • • • u E lu Mae oss of nnsmg, ca ee

llornn of lite ]all fir's ~isiC'J', Mrs.

1'1'S ,\' III,Jtlrrr Ill an au

0 aec

1 en r,'I"A ,·tt. J.e."ll'e 111'~11 ,''e.•IJon] ],"st. t J · 1 clccot·~t~e] tl1n mti"IC room of Ill" w 1

" ' ·1 .,., · t'JJ tl 1 t Fo lo ,, - ·' ·' " " and Patrice Sunclny evening. wntor sys em to Je cat'l'll!r on "~ ' ~ " on Florcrwe Dutton r:c nesdcty Mar·gtwrlte David. "Jl



1 --·Is s1

1 a 11~ 1 (!1: a. '

0 weelt. Mrs. Paul West nnrl son were with n minimum of repuh· ~llffi· high school with bouquets of afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. W:tl!l't' c:an:twil.l' !.ll!·:pital, .lne·,<son. '1 wt 1"1

1011Jll'OV· ----- taken to the homo of her parents, dent to lwep them going. If re. spring flowers. Fred Rose rnllecl on Mr·. nncl

vl:;itert al t hr. home! of I ht• for· 11


11 "~~' atH r:o:pre s 11

w mme W l A I' Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Mom·oc, pairs were not feaRiblr that. 11 tur· Mrs. Kraft presented ¥rs. Zim· Mrs. Rnymoncl Stephens Wcdnes· mm·'s neplli'WH, Mr. illld Mrs. Ff!llll. . es ure IUS from Mason General hospital. hlne pump he purcl1ased that mm: with a token gift Ill nppl'E· clay evening. Lloyd Brnwn and Mr. anrl Mrs. 1\1<•1 !'Y H:tnC'k of DPirolt spt>nl J.urlht 1\Hnk Mr·. nnd Mrfl'. I·Im·old Monroe could be transferrer! to the new C!lalJOn for her nppeamnce. 0. D. Curr of Williamston, who Rulph Bmwn in B:tlliP C'rPPicj :·itlttd.ty willt IH'l'JHtJ'Pnts, Mr·. :ttHI called on his fnther, Ivan Mon- Wl'lllater on. Mrs. Paul Simpson onterlnlncd has II broken hack as the result Suncl!ly."<. !'l<tl'l'ltr·p Hanclc Ml·. ancl Ml'fl'. Law renee roe, who is seriouRiy sic!\ at Spnr. 17 ·memhers of tho Patient Worle- of a full, is being cared for hy

Mr·. and Ml's. Kc>nnelh J·;ifr>t·t Mrs. Jo'llrPxt liHrtlr•y ami snns, Schnepp returned Thursday from I'OW hospital in Lansing Sunday. Sunny. Sanders Sistet•s exton· ers circle with Rev. John W. Bul· his sister, Mrs·. Agnes Relyea, nt m1d dmrghtor, C:lt'oi, WPnl lo Lttd· :Vll's .. Willi<tm Wilson, Douglas their honeymoon at Niagara Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dickerson sion cluh met. at the home or lock ns n guest. Mrs. Flnyd Cox her home in Plainfield.

. ington, Saturday lo hunt mush· :.nrl r,ayl', Mrs. r I ugh Morehouse, Falls. Several members of the nncl family were Sunday guests Mrs. Myrtle Byrum last week. was co· hostess. President Mrs. L. f'Lmeral services were con· rooms. M1·. nnrl Mrs. Dr!los r,r

1·· "


" Mrs. Ilarolrl M?rehouse, fumily who weren't. able to at· of her parents in Howell. Mrs. Vclmour Dayton gave the A. Gearln.g conducted the husl· ductcd for Roy Pnlmer of Spring. Strnyer of Springport :tc'I'Oill·l Mr. anrJ lvlrs. llullcrt hnol t and tend tfw wed cling because of the Mr. and Mrs. L. P. William~ Jesson on me~ I planning. Mrs. ness meet mg. Mrs. Glenn Ab.bey port, brother or Mrs.·~ ]Janiecl them. •

1 .:~ 11111 ~'· Mr. and M.t:s. G~raltl ?a~- distance, gathered at the Schnepp ancl Donald were Sunday dinner Arnold Banmstor and Mrs. gave a chapter of tho Patwnt II o I me s, Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry hctlflrman field .tlld sons, Mrs. Le,tll Gtoss· home Sunday afternoon to see guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dmwin Marian Clark were guests. There Worlters circle study book, "Mis· 13urlnl was at Plninfleld. Mrs.

called on Mrs·. Millie Pnintc!t' Fri.lltans anc~ fatllli_Y. Mat·y Mm·garcl movies talten at the wedding. Williams and Patrice. They all were 18 members present. They slons, USA." Yoland Mitchell led Holmes, Dnle Holmes nne! fnmily · dny aftr.rnnon. · Ycrl\s, hnye Sampson, f1:1r. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Veltman cnlled ·on Mr. and Mrs. Ivan attended achievement clny ns a the devotions. and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Miller

M1·. and Mrs. Alilcrl Tomlin Mrs. Lyle Crow and Marwn ami called or, Mrs. Jessie Baumer in Rice and Janice near Bath in the group in Lansing at tho Civic of Lansing nttondecl. They were viR1tecl at thP home of M1·. and Mr .. anri Mrs. Wendell 9ce and Lf'slle sunday. afternoon. Center 'fuesday. H "II supper guests nf Mr. nnd Mr:;. Mrs. Joe Peters, Friday. t:mlJiy attenrlr!rl the MY!< supper Harry Hardy left Friday morn· Mrs. Paul Bowen entertained Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Charles D. Oy.tYJ e Iloy Gladstone.

. Kenneth Davis and son, Ken· ;II thP ~lcas:ttlt'lake church Sat- ing to make his home with his several children Saturday in hon· w. Canham. of Arlington, Vir· Nancy Purcell Mrs. Nettie Peterson of Grand lll'th, of Battle Creel\ eallrd on l'l'rlay night. , brother at Salina, Kansas. Some or of her daughter, Susie, on her glnia, we)'o guests of General Ledge spent the past week wi1!J tile former's parents, Mr. and 1\lrs. l~mmanllel l·relermuth of the neighbors gathered at the birthday anniversary. Canhnm's aunt, Miss· Gertrude Mrs. Robert Haigh and Mrs. her brother·, Roy Gladstone, and

If you 11rc 11 "Cnrcful Driwr" nnd u8e your cnr for drivinK to \York nnrl for plrn.<ure .. , Stnle Fnrm insurnnc" mny ~ave you mon~y. Cnll me for rornplcte information nbout State Farm rnt~~.

II poy1 to hnawyaur STATE fARM Atont

II Bernard E. WILSON Mrs. Dnvid Davis, Saturday nJ'Icr.! ltns _returned horne from Foote home of his uncle, J. Klink, for a Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Williams, Canham. and brother·in·law and Guy Mend attendee] the achieve- family.

noon. l:(>spltal, Jackson. farewell party Wednesday eve· Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowen and sister, MaJor and Mrs. Walter S. ment day In Charlotte last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gnr•th Richnrcls Mr. und Mrs. Rnlph Furtncy, Husscll Earl re.turned t.o worl{ ning. children nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Strange, of Stockbridge Sunday. Mrs. Mnude Roger was in De· visited their pnrcnts, Mr. nnd ·s~.weredinnergu~~ofthciJ' 1\~n~y ~~~~ ~~~ ~n~~ ~ M~R~a~inlt,M~n~M~ TH~attM~dab~ili~y~My·------------~-------------------------------------~ son·ln·lnw nnd daughter, Mr·.·ancl his home with the flu for the past Luman I(Jin]{ and S/Sgt. William at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil·

Mrs. Kenneth Roger~ and family, 2 ll'ecl\~. . Klink and children spent Sunday !lam Bowen near Millville Friday In Holt Sunclny. Donald Omen~: wa~ u in Ann Arbor visitlnq relatives. night.

M1·. and Mrs:. Art hut• Hartig f'ootn hospital,.,.Jaclts.on, a· fc~w S/Sgt. and Mrs. William Kllnlt Mr·. and Mrs. Harvey DeWaters

315 E. Ash, Mason fhone OR 7-8152

.. Last:. Dar.s of This Price ·Riot. nncl family wero 'dinner guests of clay~ l:tst week lor treatment and and children left Tuesday morn· of Jackson called on Mr. and tile former's parents, M1·. and oi·.~Cl'\'ollinn. lie .is lwme now. ing for their new home at Tyn. Mrs .. Merton Rice and Kenneth Mrs. Alvin Hnt·lig, Sunday. Plan~ Jll'C berng made for !1 clall air force base near Panam'\ Sunday afternoon. .

Mr. and Mr~. Charles Hnising: progmm fm Mother's Day at !he City, Floridn. 'rheir house!)olrf Mr. and Mr·s. Claud Reynolds of ton of Lansing cnllcrl on Mr. nnrl l•'ikhburg church during Sunday goods were taken Thursday by Williamston visited· Mr. and Mr~. JI.Jrs. Walter Ganaway Sunday sl'iwol !his Sunday. moving van. . L. P. Williams Monday evening. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ilany Warner Mrs. Frank Bunker, Mrs. Jer/

Mrs. Dnvill Davis is sick wit II it I HI, Dellllrail, Mrs. Bertha Warner old Topliff and. Mary Ellen anrl strep thront al her home. HIHI IIarold WnrncJ• and Mal'11 Mrs. Dewey Rose spent part of

Mr. and Mrs. Hat'l'is BuiiPn r·alled on Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Grow last week fishing at the Bunl<er were guests nf I heir snn and 1 :111d Marion Sumlay evening. I collage.

Drive wilh core .•. cvorywhcrc!

come tty ·Cllev1·olet.~ new

ThP. millions and millions of prairie chickens of pioneer clays have dwindled to ahout 360,000-­protccted, and on reservations.

. •. ?. '. ..:!, :. ,·, < .... ')~·: 1!- ;\_.·' . ! ~\ ;;(.;:}' ; ~~ ·;·~i;; ~l : .. ," ... :~; .. :_,,.,f'~l·.:,:,·,~·,l(~\:i:-~~~ 1iiJ2le -TlirlJiTte ~tdke-Q[ft·,.,;', .,.,,_,:, ... '

I -"' ,,

&veet, Smnlllll rtntl StmJ':-Ihol's Chevy 1 Mntlnl illndrnl...t '"A Dol Air Sport Sedou wllh. Dcdr by·flshor,·

'l'nrhoglirlc is.iltc fit;st and ·ottly.rt:i'ple­

ttirhinc transmission! You 'can feel'. the ... - . \

~ifl'ercncc from your very first tilkq4f!

Just slip Turboglide into "D" for "Drive" and pay 'it no mind, .}:here is no "Low" or other positions to worry about.

For this is the autotmiti~ with 'triPle turbines. 0ne for quicksilver stiuts fi·om a standstill. Another for cream-smooth cruis­ing. And' a third turbine for passing

response that's safer au.tne way.·

In Gn (Grade Retarder) pos\ti«?n Turboglide. helps slow. you down-saves your brakes on long, steep hills. ·

When · .you team. Turboglide with Chevy's new Positraction rear .. axle, you've really got it made! .YQu· have­surer,. safer control on any; roade surface. ·

, ~ Try a 'sWeet, smooth and sassy:Chev· · . . rolet with these two. new ex,tr~~cost. GET .A WINNING m~,u, ON options fit vour Chev:olet dealer's. TilE cirA'I\n>JONI.

j . .' . ' r ·~

PX MOVING SALE Hurry! - Last Chance! ~ Choice Barg~ins!

Moving· to ·New Location Soon! l ·. All Ohl Stocl' to Be Sol11 at Cost and Below! Nothing to He lUo,•etl -New Spring a~tl SummcJ' Goot1s Coming Soon!

Household Items ffiONING PAD AND COVER- $4.95 Value - Now Just ............ $1 each IlEA VY CANNON TOWELS - 20x40 .............................................. each 39c FACE WASH CLOTHS, Cannon, 12x12, el~ou~where 15e .............. just 9c.

Specials For Men Big White·llankys, P. X. Steal, 12 for $1, Big RectHanclana.

Hanlcys Save lOc - Only 19c _ SWEAT SIDRTS- Heavy ............ Save 70e ......................................... $1.29

' 911. CIIAMBRAY SHffiTS - Reg. $1.49 ................................................ now • • c MENS T-SWRTS - S-M-1.. .......................................................... o 1 • • ' . 2f•$100

SPORTSMEN SPECIA·LS SMELT DIP NETS Large-wire Mesh ...................... ~ .................................. $2.98 PLASTIC WADERS Reg. $7.95 ................................................................ $4.98 FOWING ARMY COTS ............................................................................ $4.9S COLEMAN LANTERNS .......................................................................... ~i'l2.95 GAS Si'OVES 2-burner .............................................................................. $9.!J5 GAS STOVES 8-burner ............................................................................. $16.H5

. AIR MATTRESSES .................................................................................... $2.9H HIP BOOTS Sportsman gwn rubber- ......................................................... '~'' .. • . ~C) 95


-PAINT BRUSHES ............................................................... :.· ....... 25% Discount PAINT ROLLERS AND PANS- Save 70e ............................................ 89c

G GE 'L p 1 -- 2r:: 01 Discount r.tJG A I- ow rce ............................................................. ~/() ALL JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, Batteric~s, Flu.<thlights, Lanterns,

Camerus, Ice Fishing Equii•meut, Tools, Tackle Boxes, Knives, Wallets, Novelties, Lighten, etc ....................................... 25% Discount

TARPS AND TENTS .......................................... : .................. ,, .............. M OFI~ TARPS, 10-ounce- Farm aml General Use ...................... : ........... Savo 2ii%, PAINT -Inside wad Outside- Walter Billie o·r Oil ..................... Gal. $2.88. BINOCULARS ........... ~ ..... , ............................. : ................ ! ........................ * OFF.

. . . , . . . l/. OJ'F' ALL· LUGGAGE ...................................................................................... r;.a FOAM RUBBER .......... ; ........ : ................. : ...................... : ................................ lb *1 . ' .


Dish Towels Ne'w Style Turkish - No Limit

, Twice As Absorbant

Price Elsewhere 69c Ea.

PX Price. 39c e •.

To Match

81x99 Sheets

BlxiOB Cannon Sheds

Pillow Cases 2 for


Paint Flat-Enamel

· Varni!h ALL COLORS $5.9S ,Yalues

99c Qt.

s2.a8· Gal. ROBIIER

.KNEE BOOTS ,Savo $1.18

$4.81 " _;.;..........;.....:.:.._, _____ _


SHIRTS ·.;·:'. ~t~29· & 99c , ~ ' . ' . . '

,!· Scime· Others, Too!. V . ·LADIES 51 GAUGE ;j ·. NYLONS ~jFirst Qu11ify Reg. $1.49

:;~ 68c ~:~

lnoham County News May 9, 1957 Page 3

G.rovenburg !UrH, Irowrml NorLh

Mm. Lily .Turvlij nnd Mbs Ivn Muy Slrolwl callorl Sunrlny on Mt·s. Myt·tlo Owens In Leslie. Siw ill nt home ufler some time sponl In the lwspitul hccuusc or u brolwn leg.

Mr. nnd MrH. Clayton Swift anrl children of Woocllnnd were guests Sunday nt the home nf his pnl'· enls nnrl mturnerl home Mrmrl;1y. The dinnm· was in honm· of hls blrtiHlay nnnlvenmry whlel1 WIIS

Thm·sday of this wcelt. Ice eream 1 nnrl culte were set·vcd in llw cvo·

nlng. Miss Donna llauseh of Entoit Hapids wns nn evening visitor. ' Leon North · attoncled the nn· nual business meellng or region 7 !Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois unrl Indiana) BSA In Chicago Snturrlny.

Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs . . Bnwo Sahlin wore dinner gltestH of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anrlers<m. Friday evening they harl Mr. and Mrs. Fmd Bnlley as guests at rilnnrr. Saturday Mr. anrl Mr~. Tom Mnt·lln of Lansing enllcd at the Andersen home. Saturday

'ng !he Andct•sens nnrl Mr. Mrs. Carl Evanoff had rlin· togctlwr.

Wcrlncsrlay evening Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Br•rllw

Sah , Mrs. 'Colleen Cu r·J.Is ;md Mt·s. Barbara Harl<us had dlnnm· ntl11e Dinr.s In Lansing with Mr.,, Hettie IIamelinl< as honor gt'ICst.

-lGA. Whole Stewing or Frying

CHICKENS Beef Roasts


Choice Chuck Cuts

lb llc lb 33c

She hnrl lJCP.n visiting In Mlehl· gan anrl left Saturday for her

Del Monte

Catsup· Pork Roasts HOME GROWN

La29c AS'PARAGUS Large Bunch 19C home In Minnesota.

PETERS GRADE I Mrs. Bes~ic Moon anrl Miss

Hazel Moon from Millett visited their cousins. the Norlhs, Sunday afternoon. Evening callers of Mrs. Mildred Nnrlh were Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Sl.ricl<ling and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark and 3

5 for

$1.00 Bologna 3 LB '$1 15 LARGE SOLID '


sons of Lnmh road. ' ,

1 Mr. and Mrs. Rnymnnrl Str.­pluons from Remus nnd Mr. anrl Mrs. Lennard Stephens of Lan­sing visited at the home of their unelc, Hugh Angeli, Sunday nfl.· ernoon. Mr. anrl Mrs. Angell hnrl their daughters, Mrs. Marvin Hosl<ins and Mrs. Ted Battin, ancl their daughters ns dinner guests Sunrlay in honor of Mrs. Battin's

Pig Hocks LB 29c U. S. NO. I .




Hearts -Tongues lB 23C LARGE SIZE - FRESH

15-Lb Pock 49c



Spare Ribs 2 For 59c Coffee

birlhrlny .nnniversnry. Last week's callers at the home

of Mr. anrl Mrs. A. L. Tool<er in­clurleri Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Ml'· Dani!!ls of Lansing, Mt·. and Mrs. George Bullen,. Mr. and Mrs. La­vere Tooker and Mr. and Mrs. Franlt Olney of Eaton Rapids. Mr. anri Mrs. Tooker cnllcrl on Mr. and Mrs. Guy McCue last week.

Mrs. Emma Tlwmpsrin anrl Mrs. Lily .Jarvis wrt·e dinner guests of Mrs. 1'11\Zel Sl.rol)Cl Sun· ·day. Thursrlay Mrs. Strobel anrl Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ant:"ell at­tenrlerl funeral serviees for Mrs. Julia Woneh or Milson.

Mr. anri Mrs. Ch;Jl·lcs Frnnl<iin '·were supper J.(ucsts one evening last woel< flf Mt•, anri Mrs. Nor· ris IIolchldn in Lnnsing. Sunday they were entertained for rlinner 11t the home nf Mr. and Mrs. Som Lescncy in Dirnnndalc. Mr·.


Franl<lin eclehralcrl · his 83rd' bir·thday anniversary M11y l.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Erlmond Schl11g of O!ivl!t nncl the former's sister visited Mrs. Emma Thompson

.., Thursday of last week. Mr. nnrl Mm. Leon North, DP.n·

nls ami Diane went to Toledo Friday, where they allenrled fu; neral serviees for Mrs. George

· Ruseo, wl1n died surlrlcnly of a heart allack.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Rice had as dinner gt1ests Sunday Mr. anrl Mrs. Ernest Farmer and son, Russell, and Mr. Farmer's broth· cr, ·Waltet·, all of Dclroit, anrl Mrs. Evelyn Cady of 'East. Lan· sing.

Mrs. Robert Cooper and Stevf!n arrived horne Salut·day evening

b-Oz. Jar



Orange ,: Drink,


a.fter visiting relatives in Call· . ·r···-fornia.


FRAN.KS l1-1b Pkg. 98c


, II Honey




The Jack Dempsey story

. · · . .·. All you need do lo no~inate your: choice for the starring role in this great forthcoming motion picture is to select someone who is between the ages of

. 1Q .'~"d 25, and is 6' 1" and weighs about185 lbs. . ----_--., Mr. ami Mrs . . T. C. narret.t nf I

St. Johns spent Sunday afternoon I rJ•r. ·o· UT. . c· ·o· u· PON. nne! evening at the home of his AI bmther, PPrcy,

t ,Mr. anrl MrR. George Conarton. 1

: ... M .. EDIATELY! Richard and Carolyn went to AI-

. mn Sunday. 'l'hey visited Mr. Conurton's sisters, Mrs. Marvelyn . I h _ Matthews and Mrs. ;Irene Haw- T e man I nominate to play the role of ley, and a niece, Mrs. William I Stewart .. anrt her hushand. Jack Demp$ey in the forthcoming motion

James· Hart has heen suffer- •. · lng from an car infection. Call· · picture, "The Jack Dempsey Story/' is:. ers at the Hart home last. week •. · ' I included Mr. and Mrs. William Clnrl1 of Mason, Rev. Francis Jo· I

· hannlcles, Mr. rind Mrs. Ralph I Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rinltle I I

-from Dimondale and' Mrs. Anna Nam•-------:---------' Lesency, who was a.dlnncrguest Sunday. In the afternoon Mrs. I· Street __________ __.____ I Hart and Mrs. Leseney called on Mrs. Rose Cole In Lansing,) who I I

''Is slcl1. ·· · · . · T~l~phontl ___________ ..;.._ · \ · .. Mrs. Arvide ·North; called· last ·

· .week Tuesday afternoon on Mrs. I . · I ·, Mllclrccl North, Mr. North called · · · Cily _______ ..;.. __ . Zone_.....;.;,_


BOLOGNA l 1-lb Pkg. 9 Be

F . 1 For Baking or rylng · IGA PURE VEGETABLE



3 lb 83c

Quick-Meal ,Suggestion' -IGA FANCY CANNEr

Spaghetti 303-Size

·2 for 23c

Stecun treat~ for Your Protection 1 .


Toiler Tissue 4 Roll Pko. 3 5c ..


rr , deal Dessert T - 1 IGA, reat/·


t!eatltes-) Halves or Sliced ' '

For Tastier Salads! ~ !' ~ .,...·; ....


~ineOpple / IGA No.2 llc

12oz. 4Sc

Chase & Sanborn


Dog Food

Reg. or Dl'ip 1-Lb Can

lb Can 89c 15 FOR $1


-Smoked Picnics ta 37c CENTER CUT

Pork Chops !Ln 69c · ARMOUR CRESCENT .

Sliced Bacon ;.n 39c YOUNG BEEF OR PORK

Liver ·ts29c

oil his mother Thursday after- I. . . ' I no~~: .and ~rs. Lee Bates of . . .• Stall '. I' 'Surprise your pals !It squirts water Dimondale called Sunday after· · Get one F~EE in each special package or . O .

~~:.:,::~: H•"'Y ~ Ago...,. __ 'Height·-··-.-. Woio~---- ; ~RIC£KRISPJES J7~

J~~~~~~~t~i .. -~e:c •• e~ .. ~.v ' ... ~c .. !l;_,_ :0 E' N S M,. 0 R E ' S, I G A , 'F .0 D L I N E R -s .. ·<·~:.~' ·,. _ _.· .. ::~··~~:.: '·' ,. .... . j .:r . .··· ·-~.~, --:: ''<~··· 1 •••• ,.

Mother·~ -Day, .~andy·. . . . . .

· 79c .:._ s2

. "

Interesting Items ahout People ;1 urelius Cou]Jle Observes 60th WecltlinB· Anniversary


Style Show Is Tuesday

MOV'!Fl. WTLL HIT: SHOWN' . s l, l. · i l A 40·miniiiC! mnvlo, "Gocl of tiJu tocn~ 'Jrl(-:1. _,,.e . (/inoJlf-! . Is

Alom," will lm shown nl MnHDII f.") .I· ·•· DatJIIst ciJUt'C'h ,'illlJr]ny. evenlnrr, A lovely ~pl'ing wedding ' May 12, al 7!rl0, l•'rmturerl nre, "X· solemniwd ::>nlunlny 1\1 ·I . 1 chtsivH phnlogrnplm of equip- . , . . ' oy ' a mnnt userl In utoml1! respill'r•h us · SS Cmnellu~ flllci Cypriun Cui ho· well 11s uelunl pit!ltlre~ of the lie r!IHII't!h, 13tlnlter Hill, Wli<'n Nngnsnld anrl J311;1ni explosion~ . .Ml~s PhyJiis Ann WildrJ, youngesl 'I'Iw film Is· highly-reenmnwnde(j rlnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. At•thu · fni' thosrJ of high school ngu · . r through nrlull. Wilcle, wns united In mmTIH!!,H to

On Sunday, May fi, 11 liu·go num· i Jr1hns, .Jackson, 1 Incilnnn; Florida her of rPialll'ro'r and friPrHis !'Oil· und Mason. I•' II'£! of I he guests fii'IIIU!ntl'rl Mr. awl Mrs. H. H. wror·e also preuont at tile werlcllng !.'lolrl 11f Edgilr rnari on lhoh· liOth till y('ars rtgo. '!'hey were Mrs. wedding anniversury. '!'lw r:ouplr! Lulu Jlarrlnglon, Miss Mnrtlw wns honm·r.d ul an oJWil houscJ Tiwyer, I' Miler W. Orr, .John fwm 2 to 'lui Anrr.lius town ilall, llrmuns and Burris Ilemuns.

Ynung ndttlts of the Pre~hylcrl· nn church mel nt the home of Rev, und Mrs. Paul Arnold Sun­rluy evening. Rev, .Tack IIurl'lson was speal1e1' for tho evening, He· is from the Westmlnstm· !Otlndn· finn of MSU, There were 25 pres· enl for the meeting.

Dinner Honors Mrs. Craft, 75

Final OJ'l'llngements hnvc heen mucic for St .. Tnmco Rosary 1111d Altar Soclety'H third nnnuul slyl•• show and cm•rl party, an event of TueBdny, May 14, nt t hi! Ameri­cnn Legion building in Mason.

.Models will pumde down u fiQ. ft. rump llnniwd with spring flow· ers and decomtions In keeping with the theme of "Belles an:l Benux." M1·s, George Whyte!, .TI'., will .model a lovely wcrlrlin~ gown from Lambcrts 13rlrlal Shnp of Lapsing. Jack Davis Is thr~ bridegroom. !Torty-two I o c u J models will complete the gmu p.

Terry ,J, Wrml, son of Mr. anrl

d MI's. Harold Warr.J, nlso nf SlocJ.:. Ma · Hatters Have bridge. Rev. Fr. Erlward Gut1i:1

B'l'rthday Dl'nner officiated at the rlouhle-rlng ser'.·· lee at one rJ'elock.

J\.rumbt!l'f; nf tho Marl Hntter·s The bride woi·e a walt~·lcngth whif'h wns rlr•r:omtPd with tulip:; Mr. nml Mrs. Pielrl were mar· unrl hrirlnl wrealh. ried 111 the farm home of her pur-

A hrnulllul 4·11crf'rl werlrllng Pill~. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Parlwr 01'1', crdw crmtcl'ing tlw J:nfrP~iunrnt Ononrlagn lowm;hip, on Mny. 5, luhie was Sf'I'Vf'rl With (lllllf'h., lf!fl7. They have spent their. entire lfm;ts for tile nr·<·asion 1VI'r1• 1\11• .. lil'r.s on farms in the viclnily, fiiHJ Mr~. Charlc!s Clh:l\ncr of L:tn·[ For !i5 yenrs, M1·s, Field hns sing-, Mr. and Mrs. r:t•ralrl l•'ir.>ld hf'<'ll u vonespnnr!cnt for the Ing· ol Holl, Mt•. and Mrs. Os('fll' Ver· ham CoLlnly News, the Leslie hnrg of .Jal'l\son, and Mr. and Locni·Repu!Jllc:an and the Eaton Mt·s. Donnlrl Hlrlrllf' of St. .fohns, f~:tplds ,Journnl. She plans to cnn· nil nlt!r:es and llf'plwws of M1·. and I inuo us long ns her IH!alth will Mrs. Flclrl. pr•J'miL

Gur.nls attmulr•rl from Lr•,IIP, 'I'IJr. Pouple n:ccil'e'tt mnny al·

A dinner was served Sunrlay nt ilunlwr Hill town hull in· honm· of Mrs. Victm·ln Cmft's 7!it h birthday unnlversm·y. ller 7 sons and duughtcrs-in-law nnd n number· of grandchildren and great·gmnrlehildt•en spent the day with her.

Eaton llnpitls, llolt, Lan:;ing, St. llllf'ili'P gifts and money; ·

Latvrence ScluzeJJP Clai1ns Marquette Girl for Bride

Those present were: Mr. ami Mrs. Dewey Craft and· dnughlers, .Juriy and Wilma .Jean, of Dons·

' ville, Mr·. and Mrs. Creed Craft nnd daughter, Kathryn, of Chel· sen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Croft and chilrlren, Hex, Raymond,. Rogm· ami Brenclu, of Bunl}er Hill, Mt•. ami Mrs. Everett Craft and chi!· rlrcn, Lole Dean, Donald, Dorothy anrl Auron, M1·, nnd Mrs. Blail)u

Lawt•r.JJ('C Schnepp, so11 of !\Irs. nnrl wn1·r~ an identical 'gown of Craft and .children, .Tames, HIJ'da, IIcnry Vcllnwn of 1·::~11,111 Hapids, IIhW. They wore.crowns m11 tching- Hamid and .carol, ·or .Fitchburg, elaimcrl Miss Mary Dd'oolt, their dresses <tml eanicrl c:nlnnial Mt·, and Mrs. Woodrow Crnft and rlnughter nf Mr. and Mr ..... Pf'll'r llr,uqucts or carn111 Ions anrl sweet· children, Lois, Luther, .Joyce ancl D C I f M II J J . Sherry, C! oo c o ill'(jliC P, or liS peas.

_. hride Salurdny morning-, April 27, Mr. anrl Mrs. Wilson Craft nml _ Gerald f3ussineau served as Rons·, Stanley "Jld Wnllace, ,·1r at St. Mlt'lwel's C'alltollr: l'lllirf'h u

I M lwst mnn, nnrl Cl)arles VanAken f3unlwr Hill, Mr. ancl M1·s. Ricil·

Showing- lhc latest spt•lng nml summer fashions will be Jot~ Gmhnm, Agnes Simone, Barbara VnndcJ·Veen, Tom Palmer, Mr. and .Mrs. Max McCarn, Mr. and Mrs; Dick Jewett, Pamela Schmiclt, Sue Tomllan, M1·s. Loui~ Still, Jane Guel'l'lcm, Charles Schmitter, Dorothy Ross, Donnie Raymond, Mrs. H. G. Wnlt, Mrs. E. G. Mlllnrcl, Mrs. Glen Dtillll, Mrs. Wil!Jnm Thorburn, Gail Swift, Mrs. James Inghram, Del:· nis McKenzie, Jim Bh'ney, Mil'c Trudemt, the Harold Lnvifi fam­Ily, Victor Borcjku, Mrs. Willlnm Dabb, Mrs. Met·lln Green, M1·s. Elwood Hilgert, ,Joe Slid, Connie Palmer, Debbie Pnlmet·, Mt·s. Richard Hnyhoe, Margie Barr, Bnl'l'y Wentland, Nancy Bcrgeon, Mrs. William Dart, Joan Spenny, and the Brenner and Evn ns twins. Mrs . .John Dart of East Lansing is acting consultant for the show.

11 , nrqttelle. W. Hf'v, J\1sgJ·. '' .Joseph L. Zryd otrif'ialf'rl :tl iiH• was g1·onmsmnn. Max Grimes and mom! Bniley anrl sons, Larry and

11 o'clock riouiiiP·ring •·errm 11 ny. llonald 13lar:k were ushers. Paul Neal, of Holt, Mr. and Mm. Mrs .• Joseph Jo'aiTt'll play£•d tilt• Out-of-town guests were from Sammie Craft and sons, Ricl<y

I I . nne! Dennie, o[ Lansing, Mr. and .. organ pr<! uriP fiiH nuptwi musil'. NPwbr.ny, I r nnw on d, Cr"slul M J rs, Eugene Craft of Jacl1son,

The bride, wlto was giw•n in Falls, L:mslng, Holt and Ealon Mrs. Opal Cole am! daughters, marriage by her father, wore a rtaplds. Geraldine and Wanda, Mr. and

" floor·-length gown of <•mbroic!c•rerl For the wedding, tho bride's Mrs, James Massey and Phyliss, nylon fashioned wilh vnp slt'e\'rs mother wore an aqua Jlowcred M1·s. Norvell Massey nne! Herman

~ and square nel'ldine. i\ I lam nf · rh·ess and white accessories. Mrs. Shull!:! of Stocl1brlclge and Mt•. seed pearls liPid in plal'e lwr Veltman chose a dusty rose lace and Mrs. Dale Renfro and daugh­fingcrtip veil. She caiTiPd a r:o· rlress with matching accessories. ters, Mm·y and lone, also ot

Clothing will be furnished l;y the! Kent shop, Mills store, Dancer Co. and Davis men's store. Zimmerman's will provide .Jewelry, and hail· styling is by the Elite beauty shop. F'lowers will be ful'llished and at-ranged by Dicit Jewett's flower shop, ·;~ l?nial bouquel o[ whiiP r·aJ'Ilil· A wedding dinner was served at Bunl<cr Hill.

11011~ and rerl rnsPs. l Northern .Michigan college fo<· ~ • '' Prizes during the evening will Include vacations for 2 at Guste­ly's Sandy Beach resort on Grand Traverse Bay nnd at Rainbow Inn on Lal<e Charlevoix, and 2 dinners at Dines Terrace Room, Lansing. Other pt•izes will be given by the stores· furnishing fashions.

Mtss Peggy DeCo11k wns hrt· lhe bridal party and immediate Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wasper anrl ,. sister's maid or honor. llr!r gown fnmilies. Afterward a reception Howery were at Brndner, Ohio, ·• was yellow cryslal<'lle styled wit it trook place i1t the home of the Sunday to attend the Cunning.

a ballcrina-lenglh l."'"P sltirt with bride'~ parents. Miss Betty Bolaf ham reunion. There· were 91 a butterfly bow 111 haf'J,. Mrs. poured coffee, and Mrs. Hobert present. William French also cele·

·~ Charles Vnni\l<cn was hrir:esmaid Saetacrt served wedding cake. bratl!cl his 80th birthday unnlver-Miss St1sun 131nck ami Miss Alyce snr·y. He is a cousin of Mrs.

. , Grimes presided at the punch Wasper. •• llO\V (111RIS'l'li\N SCmNGg howL Mrs. Colonel Wecsen open· Mr. and Mrs. Edward Muries of Tickets have been aonated by

Mnson Food Land and may b<' purchased at the door or from club ·members. The A & P store In Mason is donating food.

: JII,~AT_JS ec! the gifts. - Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mr:;, The bride is a gra£tuaie of John Vnughn McKinch and family of


. ,


"Victory Over Rewrring Illness" \VII.'S

MAY 12, 1957

D. Pierce high school and St. Lansing were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1~. A.

Lul<c's l10spilnl school of nursing Balderson. at Marquette. The bridegroom is a graduate of Eaton Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Hedglcn llils a refrigeration repair service. spent the week end In Marine Okemos Church

Schedules SpJaker !J:,IIi !1. Ill,

City as guests of Mrs .. Hedglen's Por traveling the bride wore a parents, Mr. and Mrs. LornQ

gray suit with navy blue aeces, Bcnne1'. Mr. and Mrs. Hedglen

llsiJries. Upon returning from their were Sunday afternoon guests ot wedding trip, the newlyweds· will their son·in·law and daughter,

13:!0 on your 1linl reside at 1505 Gale roacl, Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Droulllnr •------------~' Hapids. of Algonac.

Rev. Abe Mlller, missionary to Japan under the Evan'!!,e!lcal; Al­liance mission, will speak at Qltemos Baptist church Sunday morning and evening,· May 12. During the evening service col· ored slides will be shown of his worlt.

ECONOMV1 She'll snve on laundry and pressing bills, have fewer medical expenses,


You give your wife THUEE GIFTS IN ONE

with au


De l.uXtl 1\lodt•l

Her~'s n gift that will show your wife .that you real1ze that homemaking is a full-time job-and th~t you want to spare her needless drudgery and fatigue.

Where else but with an Ironrite can. you buy her threefold benefits of increased leisure better health, and e.cOJ~omy-all in one packag~? Yes, when your Wtfe 1rons the healthful lronrite way s]1e'll feel better, look years younger, have more trme for her family-all while cutting down on laundry and doctor bills.

Do~lar for dolll!r, there's no bett!)r buy than Irmm te, the only Ironer that cuts her. ironing timt by two-thirds, that irons ariything she can 1vaslt.

. Ask al1out these exclnsi\'c·.Jt•ourite featua•.es: \ • Two completely' usablo ·open ends that permit

you to Iron. anything . .·, . • Handy Do·alllroning points that gellnta every

luck, ruffle or gather e· Genuine ·.cael-iron shoi that ·givll ovon heat

along full length at .. shoe . · . • Convonionl knee cont;ols fonlmple. operation


Mr. Miller has just r.eturned to the Sl ales aLter spending 5 yeat·s in Japan. He anrl his wife, Na­rlyne, went to a new mission station nnd established a church Wh!:!rc one had nevet• before been organized. Out of 63 natives who have been baptized, 40 to 50 are regulo.rly attending the weekly meetings.

Mrs; Miller,. while in Japan, c01itrncted ·Japnriese sleeping sicJ,. ness. After 12 days of sici<ness Rhc died on Septembet• 7, 1955. i\ 11\)W church building in her mem­nry has been provided nnd a native worker and his wife are now in charge of the wori1 while Mr. ,Miller is home on a year's flii·ld.tfgti. : ·::

·The Oltemos Baptist ch'tirch is located at Moore street and Hum­ilion rand, Services begin at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The pastor, John Bool<o, invites the public to attend.

PAT EDGINGTON IS 7 Thursday afternoon Mrs. Don·

aid Edgington entertained at a party for her daughter, Pa 1, on her seventh birthday anniver· sary. Guests were Jean Ann Roe, Kathy I<ennetly, Jean Gilpin, Betty Michitsch, Mary Finlt, Deb­bie Frcw and Pat's sister, Pamela. Games were played nncl Mrs: EcJg. ington served birthday cal;e, jello and punch. Pat received mnnv nice gifts. '

Mt·. and Mrs. Robert Birltetl and chlldren and Mrs. Aug11st. Hoppe of Lansing were Snturrlay visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Russ0ll Birlwtt. M1·. and Mrs. Dale Peas· ley of Lansing were Sunday vis· !tors at the Birlt'ett home. .

Mrs .. Robert. Russell of East Lansing and Mrs. Ray Bullen at· tended the antique show in Flint Sunday. . .·

Mr. and· Mrs. Jay Coffey wel"J Sunday visitors of Mr, an·d Mrs, John Coffey and Mr. and Mrs. L D. Coffey of Fowlerville ..

MJ', and Mrs. James · Arnold and family of Brooklyn wm·c guests at dinner Sunday· of Mr. and Mrs·. C. I. Pierce .. 1';1rs. Wynn

' Smalley and Mrs. Kate Gerard· of L~tnslng were Sunday afternoon callers at the Pierce home •. . Mi·s. J,. A. Dart and Mrs. R.

Henson attended • the spring I br·ealcfnlst, for the matinee ·musi,. · cale at the WMCA' Wednesday.

Mrs. Clayton Kerit and Mi·. and Mrs. Burylyn Collar were Sunday callers of Mrs.· Elizabeth Collat• Potter. Everett Collar called ·on·

c!uh lwd dinner 'l'ucstluy cvPnlnr: gown with an !:!lnngnled hodlce nf at the F'n mou~ Grill In Lansing. !nee·, ·Jong pointecl. sle!:!ves, sronp

Thnsr. nttl'nrllng were' Mrs. necl11ine and a bouffant slllrt. of Pranl1 Hoyt, Mr·s. Archie Won· gnthered chiffon over tnffetn, A nonbm·g, Mrs. Hnzel Fluallen, lace JIIHI seed pearl hr:mdrlresH Mrs. Lois Kr.rlwia, Mrs. Don helcl her shoulder-leilglh veil. Sire Winzeler, l\lrs. Puul Phillips, Mrs. enrrled nn mTangeinent of ·while Mary Wat.t, 1\-Jrs .• lames Cal'llet''fealhereri C!ll'lllltions · nnrl gur-nnd Mrs. Hulh Seri!JtlCi'. denlas.

The blrl hrlay annivet·saJ ies ·rtf .Joan Ward, slstet' of the bride!· .Mrs. Cnrill'r and Mrs. Wall wer•J E(ronm, Wlis mnld of honol', wear-. observer!. They recl•lvrJd mnny ing a wnllz·l£mgth gown of pelnl nice gifts. · Pliti< nylon sheer, wilh l'Oillrast·

· .,, "' "' · ing pink punels, m,d carried hlue Mr. anrl JVirH .. Jnllll Lay wet., Clll'llntlnns,

Sunday dinner gtiP~ts of. tJH:ir. ~)onnld .Jo!t.nslon was hest man, son-in-law and dnuglitm·, Mr. nnd . l'he hrirles mothm·. wore n MI's. Hobert Dr•nsmorc, and ram· gown ~~f beige shctlJ• wllh duster, lly. lnn!lCI'IIle accessnrlt•s 11nd a cot'· MH. AND .MilS.'TEHRY ,J. \Vi\IW

G K I ft T I I I sage of 'l'allsmnn rosl's. 'l'lw. us can e · uesr ny W I 1 H bridegroom's mr I her w I r ll 1 ·I 'I 1 1

party of J!i from Toledo anrl ,0 · ·, ', ... ~r~ 11 g_rny e~· .0 • w ll:l!.c, "ar lyn Kisi!P~',In~·r! graduates of Stof'lthrlrlge Arlrhit f•Jt' 't flsllill" lt'I.Jl 1'r1 M'llti· g wn with \\hltc nc<essoJies .lihl M,nlihll!ow.url anrl Jnne Barhcr, lllgh selwol elnss of l'l"'"' Sill'

' • ' n ' 'I r•rJrS'lgc of yellow . M )( I D \ ,. ' ' . . '. . . ' lohn, Canada. !Te expPcls lo he ' Af ·•. · , , , 1 mws. . rs. . PntWll e \ tl.l, aunt. r,lf is n pract leal nursr: nl !~note hns-gonc ,3 \VN'!ks. ,· . let the:-~ 1cmony a reecp11on the Imrie, had cha!'ge of the gur!!·l pita!, jadlson, anrl IH' Is em.

.. .. . . \\~s given .tt the home nl IIi~ register. . 1 pinyerl by Bell '!'PIP lhorw c1 Mts, I <'mpic ChrtsiHln, Celeste lll'lr!c's pat•ents for 200 guPst~. Fot· u wcr\rling- trip to 111f• Afl . M· , 1'' 1j 1 · '·

and G_regory mlled on. IJJC Alv:1 Wedding calte and groom's cnlw, Smokl'y Mountains the hri£1~ will ~~~ . t~h -~ 1 ~' 1Y71~~;}(~ ~t\ 1~~! Chrisl111ns in Fowleri'IIlc, Sun- puncll, coffee and Ice cream wro1e donned .1 rf'd 'lrlrl' gl"l'' £ll'nco.' '·\' Ill '1·1 •H c ol • - '. • '· rJa , , - ' . ' ' J "''flo Y 1'1 f ng S 10\VC!rs Wr>rc giVCil h)' 'y, 'SP.I veri by Mrs .. Jack Harland, sJs., gray rlus.tei', l'f!d fH'eessnril's ;p·ld Mrs. J{enneth o1•Will, Mrs. Wii·

a garrlrtwt puJJ.out r•or~<flge fmr,n,linm Kel'lls, M1·s. i\rlllur Collins, • h !tel~ werlrllng _lluwpiPI. . ' ,Joan W11rd, Mnrllta llowarrl anrl Munlt. wscs Stages l~olh :i.IC,hl'ld:· an:! h~'Hicgrno~-'-·_ra_n_e_I_3r_lr_h_r!i_'· ______ _

M h h MEN A I CONI• EH.hNC.E 1 I Mrs. Paul Dr.kl<cr and C'hllr!ren,

Ot er-Da ug ter Banquet Hrov. Paul Al'llnhl and ·I eldr:rs Leslynn lind Midlfif'l, of Grand o_,£ the Presh;:tel'iHn r•lntrch, Sf'i·m Rar.Jirls WCI'l! Saturdny guPsts nf

Women's Soeiety or Christian St:!rvice of Munith .Methodist dllm:h staged Its annual mother· rlnughter banquet Thursday eve­ning at the church hou~c with more than 200 in nttendanC'e. Men or the church served dinner.

Mrs. Eldon Katz played a musi· cal selection as mothers and daughters marcher! in from lh~ chun:h and were sealed at deco· rnted tables. Mrs. Lloyd Han, a pnst presiclent of tho WSCS, gave tl1e invocation. IV!rs. Loren Stowe !eel group singing.

Mrs. Harold Harr gave a re· port on the many pmjects com­pleted by the Society this year, which included giving more than $618 to missions.

The girls choir of the church entertained with a vocal selection.

Cotton, !lall11• IImlowss, Pcrer the1r grnnrlmotiH'I', Mrs, i\nn:t Mrs. Gerald Dixon, president, Ron1,1 and N. S, Davis, attcnde•J a Wilson. , , . , . , . , mens conference rJn slewanl~lup I M1·. nnr! Mrs. J. B. Dr•nn ailrl

gnve the \\elcon;r. ctncl Mrs. Shel· at the PrPshyterian synod crlmp Mr. anrl Mrs. M<tt· Dt•an visited man Hartman, vtcc-president, wil? ncar Greenville Frirla,l' eve1 ~ing Mr. <lllr) Mrs. Denn l'at'S<'aridcn n[ had charge of tile program, gave and Saturday. / Detroit Tilursdav.

n ~ ~ ' the tribute to mMheJ·s. Life mem· M .. 0 . A.l '

1 , • ; William Ranrl:ill, who nas !wen

hcrship pins were presented Mr~. 15 ' .. 11 ct :no:I~ ws wtm~n£:~ ,staying with his son-in-law and Fred Hamlolph, Mrs. Robert Jiar· to IVJ,tson '1ftcJ spemllnr~ 1 daug-hter, Mr. and Mrs. Mac l.l·s M1·s Lnl" BLil'gn•· M II 1 montl2s at lite home of her gr~ I lid· DPan, returned to his ll!Jin" i11 ·' ' "" -.~s, rs .. ug 1 sc 11 I '1'11'11 Gnyl I M AI I " r Sweet·, Mrs. Fred Harr ancl Mr:;. : ' ' ~ . 1 " · orr · rs. r; on< Jnni<t for llw summer. Clwrlcs Pickell. ts malong her home Willi l'vlr, and Brnrl!cy Jlourl;mrl of Lansinu

Mrs. Vcr!c Stowe presented Mrs. Glenn Webster. f spent ttie week end with Rid~l gifts of recognif ion to tlw HJ:i7 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Coon Wcr<~ ami ilecki Iloarlley. graduates. Mrs. Pord Miller; Sunday visilnrs of their !·lon-in· Mr. ami Mrs . .James A. Dart toastmistress, presented Kalhi law and daughter, Mr. unrl Mrs. were in Delrflit [rom Wcdnesdav Proctor, who recently moved with Clifirml Sible, anrl family of!' Hull· until Sunday fur the r:onventinit her parents to .stockbridge, with barclson. . of tile Michigan Assr)('iation of a junior membershi!l in the so· Mrs. Ora Brndman n[ Lu:nsing- Plum\Jlng Contractors. Mr. Dart cicty. Mrs. Gordon Arnold, the visiter! Mrs. Clam .T. W~.ipple is the state seerctat·y and lreas· pus tor's wife, gave the motheJ'· Sunday. l lll'er of the organiza Lion. daughter address. The banquet c!osecl with group s!nging .

. ·.Whole · Frying -I ,s+eWinc)~~:~


Chickens lb33c


Smoked. Picnics-LB 37c

Choice Blade Cut

Dog House

'DOG FOOD Swans Down·

Head Lettu~e 2 For 29c . ,• '

\ U. S,:No. I

Potatoes 15-lb Pk. ·:49c

Large Size


Die~ Monte


Angel. Food Mix 2 Far 7'c 3 Flav'ors ·! ·

IGA ICE CRE~M 1f2Gal 69c·

·.NYLONS ' .. SI·.GAuge · 15 .Denier .2 Pr.$1.09·


\ /.


:• ''. I. ~

·' '

I f

! f [

'( I I.

~ . ' f. ~ ' ! l



ENTERTAINMENT SECTION ''!low and Where to Enjoy Yourself''


selonco-t.<m·or, "Not of this Enrllt"


THEATRE HITS Hunter nnd Nntallo Wood Is bncl> In "The Girl He Left 13chlnd."

· and "Ailuek of the Crnh Mon· .~ter·s," hoth Allied Artists' re· lcnsas,

After he rehnbllllates alcoholic nrchitec£ Edmond O'Bt•lcn, lllfl tmh· .Join forces to pulld a now Kunsas town with a wlwat-cnttlc empire. 'l'he heavies employ !:!Very device to thwart th!! project, even unto murdering O'Brien. Ulll· mutely, Larld outwits nnd kills lilCm, llnlshlng with his new rnll· l'Oad eomrmmlty nnd whining CI'Brlen's slstor, Vlr~lnlu Mayo,

tesllllcs Cot• Mltclwll. Coopea• I:! quietly convlndng us Mltdwll, but he Is ovcrsiHiflowed hy Rnlph Bellamy, who returns to the screen to give n colorful pot'· tmynl of Congressman Reid. Rnd Stqlger nnd Fred Clark nlso stand out. '!'he cnrllng Is an unhuppy

Ingham County News Muv 9, 1957 Page 5

lk.~lgning Wtmmn Snnduy-i\ronday "DeHignlng Woman," slnrrlng

Gregory Per· it, Luuron I nnrl Dt!lnrr.s Gmy is a new M·G·M ChwmHSI'flpc nml color film.

The story tells of 11 lending New York spnrlswrller, Mllte Hagen (J'r•l'i<), who l'OVI!l'H a golf lnllt'lln· mr.nt In l!oilywond, Jails l n loVl' wllh Marilin !Lauren Bac·;dl J, mnrri!!S ho1· 11flm· 11 wllit·lwlnrl :l· clny courtsltlp llJHI on lilf! planf' linrlt oasl that his wife• Is nne of New Ynrlt's top fashion rlr!signers.


Wurner Bros. has te;unerl thr. twosome in Marion Hargrove's comedy of tlw life of an lndLICieo Jn tlw new pe:w!!llnw nrmy.

lJIH:ic Sam's JlC1te!!llrnc urm~· 11n<i Its lmiJW!'H who leat·n sol· rlh!c'lng under the new lrcal·'em:· polite: nwtiHirl Ill'\! the subject. rll' llw r·r:mPdy-dt•nmu IHisr!rl· on !.liP Just-puhllslwrl nov<'i hy Marion Jlnrgrovr!, who wrote tllr. World Wr11• IT besl-soller, "Sec Hen~, Privati! IInrgrove."

FOX Altcwlt uf Cc•uh :\tonslet•s Not. ol' ·I his l•;ut•t.h ~1lll'S,•\VI~il..'l'hlll'S, 'l'luo Gia•l lie• LPt'l I!Phicul

'l'hnc•s,·Fa•I.-Sut.. 'J'IJe mmnntlc team of

J<:mi h Is invaded from 2 mon· '1'11h ster worlds In the com!Jinntlon Df

I . .

'[1[~1) :) :I•]: [; lb'Hi

Dancing Every Saturday Night

"Not of this· Enrlh," sturrlng Pnul Birch, Bevorly Garland and Morg1111 Jones, Is the sclcnllfle shnC!lwr I hat conccwns n vlsltm• from nnother world, hcmt upnn drulnlng manltlnd's hloorl, to I'C:· pluce ttwl being lost by people m1 his own plane!.

Birch Is sinned us the extm· tet•t·estrlal rnunlercr, unrl , M!Hs Gnrlnnd us the nurse who llrst suspects his evil rnlsslon. Jones porlrnys a iiollce officer.

From the caves of u dOOQ1ed Is· land In u rndlo-ncllve sen, cnrnr! the ct•ceplng, crushing, frighten· Jng "Attaci< of the Cmh Mon· stcrs."

AltCAm: l'ialnduy-nlmulllY Dt'IIIIJ:'O At the wna·'s end, Mn.lor Jeff.

Chumller is assigned '1is mlliln1y '. 'l'IIOSE rolling bones gather no governor to a Georg-la community. moss In "The Girl He Left Be· whlc11 previously his troopers iilnd," Warner Bros.' latest T~1b luacl burned and plllngcd dm'lng Hunter-Natalie w 0 o d starrer, Gcneml Sherman's march to the. whleh opens Thursday at tho Fox sen. He is determined, through theatre. ltinelness and understanding, to .. -------.. ·~·------·- . -·--·-··­bring pence nnd prnrluctlvily to Nancy suhsequently leat'l)S that lhc people who so thoroughly her own mother harl hecn a no­despise him anel all northerners. tnrlous juven!!c criminal. Hence, An unfortunate decision In his Nancy be!gins fn associate the llrst. prohlcm re~ulls In I he lynch· ltcreditary line. Meanwhile, her

Clti<:H'I' I•'r·lday nnd l'intau·chLy Gout·t·l\laa·tlal of Jlilly l\IH<•h<!ll '!'his Is a Iuctunl drama dealing

with the famous court-martial of Billy Mitchell fot• sin mlcrous slnlements against the war nnd navy departments In 1925. Almost the entire action lnlws place dur­ing lhr. trial, In slmllm· fashion ·ro the rm:ent singe version of


School Plans Program Sler•lt! Stnml ami· .Teffl!l'Hnn

Sit'ccl l'l!!rncntnry sdwnl young· HlerH will rn·csenl Fun ami Fan­tasy, a vocal concert, at the Me· srm sclwol nuclltorlum Frirluy, May lll, nl 7::~0 p. m. Directed by-Miss JoAnn Mr.nnch anrl Sui! Mills, the Jll'nl,(ram lndudcs num· bl!l'S by 7' gmrl<!s, Ar!mlsslnn i:; free,

EDRU ROLLER SKATING ARENA South of Trt~ffic Light at Holt

Wednesday- 7:30-10:30 P.M. Friduy-Saturday - B-11 P. M.

S,1turday-Sunday - 2-4:30 P. M.


Wo'ro Opon for PM!Ius on Sundny, Mondny, TI.\PSd•'Y ond Thursdny Ni9hts

c,,jj Holt OX 9-2436 for Cln11 Schodulos

.Sell 'It' With a W ani Ad "'l'hc ·Caine Mutiny Cnm•t Mat'· ,-;......----------.. "'~•••••••••·•~!IEDRlllltml~~--c;.IIJi·•••••ll llal." · For n Taslo Troal in I

The' plcttmi .gives a hrlcf·baelt· GMclous Dining grnlltltl of Mitchell's dlfflc\lltics . .TURNE' v·s· with navy offlcluls.ahoullhc lm· portance of ulr power. The actual D • • R trial brings In such real-life char· a1111ng 00m actors· us . Geneml ·,MacArthur, Capt. Eddie !llcl<enlmcker, Floret- At :·he Village Square In LaGuardia and President Cool· Stockbridge

Spocl~lizing In Chicken Dinnera Sicaks - thops

Se,, Foods

Opon E~ery Day 0-8

CRES11 Fri. • 3 • Hits

Drive-In Theatre US-16- 5 Mlnuto Rido Sat. c 4 ~ '-ll'ts

East of the Campus r

No One Under 21 Yo.•ro of Ago Admitted .ing by his neigltbors of Morris ~vidence a~cumulates on Patty

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·Ankrum and generates the scorn: until, convinced of the child's , 1 nf the latter's daughter, Joanne guilt, she gives Patty slecplng-

ldge, all· realistically portrayed, and shows how Mitchell pre· cllctcd the Pearl Hat·hor disaster. The only feminine touch Is sup· plied by Elizabeth Montgomery, a~ the widow of a naval hero who


Music by Bill Sova ~nd His Ranch Boys



Browne-Cavender ?ost Nci. 148

AMERICAN LEGION Refreshments Available

North of Mason off US-127 Admission 75c

Dru. Despite appat·ently insur· Jlills and shoots herself. However, mountuhle oppos!Uon by the both recover. Subsequently, the townsfnli<, us well as his own lethal child is l<illcel tltmugh an mmmanrling olriccr, Cl1nnrller !wt of divine retribution, ultimately wins their respect and Clti~S'l' mopemlion. · 'J'Iw 1111-\' J.allll AltCADI~ 'J'nes.-Wed.-'J'hurs. Jo'rlduy·Sulnr!luy Following the Civil War, con· 'J'Itrr~1~ Violent l'!~nJJI11 federate ·veteran Alan Lndd and At the Civil War's end, Chari· his Texas neighbors have no mar·

ton IJeston rctums to Texas to 1\et for the herds. Lacill spm-1<­plek up ,~orne monl:!y nnd, when plugs a cattle drive to Missouri, Anne Baxter arrives in tow1r where tllcy arc victimized by a dressed llke a lady, . he rescues villainous cattle buyer. Resultant· her from ruffi<~ns. She tal{es his· Jy, Lucld Is estranged from his money when he Is knocked ouL fellow ranchcr·s and stays behind. I but later returns it realizing that lw is a good matrimonial prospect !or the dancehnll girl she really "COME HUNGRY I is. Without telling him .the truth, AND EAT ALL she accepts Heston's proposal and YOU WANT"

ARCADE Til~ Frie11dly Tlwrilre


· FRI.-SAT., MAY I O-Il SU.t-lJ:¥..9.~ .. ~A Y ·12-13

t\\~~i"' ~~\t\ .· t~"\\.\'I.W ~\~ . ~\\\\.t"' "·

~l4~~~DN· BAXTER

No. 4 Sat. .. Rhond, Flcming-MacDonold

C11roy in


The Girl Can't Help It with

1 .• ··Jayne Mansfiuld-Tom Ewell CincmaScopc and Tochnicotor


Rhonda Fleming·M<lcDon,,ld C<Hey in


TUES., WED., THURS. - 2 COLOR HITS goes to live with him in his ranch·, where his one-armed · younger

share of the ranch money, Later, Country Styln I·-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ ·ln·othcr· turns up and wants his:

John ·Harmon, with the provision· C K' h ---- .

~AaAn v(RG:nrA lDMIHm-"1 \""' GU.PB.DEjwl11iAMS ~~~ ~:Gvo .• ol~~~J u~ol!nENT •. ; .• ,

Man, 'ruo. Wad. Thur. 2 Showo from 7 P; M. Frldoy.Soturday :i; ohowo from 6:30 P. M,

Sunduy ahows contlnuoua from 3 P. M..

Thurscay-Friday-Saturday, M~y 9~10~11 tlfi BiG HAPPY looK ATTHE N£w.Iook PEACETiME ARMY!

T,AB . HUNTER , (In 'Dull to' drm ~Saini).


~·r.:~~ He Left Behind··

, ... aUT NOT TOO FAR Of/fiNO/


Wild Bill Elliott. in

CALLING HOMICIDE and Bugs Bunny .Cadoon

Tuesd~y-Wednesday-Thursd~y, .May· 14-15-~16 DOUBLE THRILL· SHOW


at goyernment •. recognizes Anne . OUntry,. ltC en . from . her dnncehnll past and l003 N. Lansing Mnson . Sunday Shows at 5-7-9 p. m. Heston orders her out but then Phone OI} 7-2701 ·Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. ' Monday at 7:30 Only ll••••••••••cl!£t!lll11Pmla!l:ilt~&WJ•Jl.~'t:1.-~·rnm!:!ll:•••-.1

n~ lii'1 lilat'\'l'ill# -~ ti~DER WAI'!NE:.""f'!COwCr~.-c- =:!;'~' ~===----..1

learns she is to have a bally.'-:===========!.:=======================::!.--~------~-~~---·~~"··~-------; When Heston and Tryon come to ~~ a :-:howclown ovet· stolen cnllie, they try to shoot it out but neilh· er can lll'ing himself to Jd!J the other. But Tryon is i<iller.J by an­other man and Heston is reunited with Anne.

CIU~S'l' 'l'he Bad Seed Frlduy-Suhll'lluy Eight-year-old Patty McCor:

mack is the daughter of Nancy Kelly ami William Hopper. Aflet< a series. of tl'ligedies occur-In· volvlng a ~choolmute, an elderly lady and' :t janltor--Pally's rnulh·. et· becomes · suspicious of her .


.. ~te~~s·,a·n~ 1Chicken Ch Jps and Spr1re Rlhs

Lindy·' s Drive-In

NortlJ of Mason on US-127

Home Made

Baked Goods At All Times

Chlclten - Steaks - Chops

Barbecued ltibs. and Chlci{Cll to Take. Out

13ILL'S BAI<ERY AND GRILL Blocl< North of Light in Holt

Phone OX 4-3351

Ledges Playhouse



-10 Admiuions for $12.00-. BU't'' 8' TICK~TS-GET- 2 FREE'

Sev.o Th~oe Doll,rsll

• • ' • •I * 1 ·King. of Ho~rls ·

Oh, Monl Oh, Womoni' · Tho H~ppy Timo

Picrlic Will Succlis ·Spoil Roc~. Hunter?

· T~~ Doik. Set To~ ond Symp4lhy · . · Teehouse-of• tho August Mo~n · Timo Limit .. · Tho Loud Red Pdricl Bus 'Stop ' .. · · Janus ·. , .. . . · C::hamp'o'lno :coinpleK ·. ·

·Mail' Order~:.,,; .Nowll!· · • ... s~nili check; or •'mgnoy ord~r to: .. ·

PLAYERS' ·. Vormanlililllll.

.. ·. ·.,- NYLONS . '.

Seam~free legs iii Hbleproof nylbns aa·e

;the prettiest ,leg~ of nil .. iioiepr~~fsearnless. · \ . . . . . . . . .. . ,.nylons give jus~ n ·trn~sparenr film of.

r(o!or':::~t colo~· thafs blend~d: til cqnipl~m~nt .. ,•, ... ' . ,. .. .. · ,_· ·(

your ou:~ skm rone. •· They· even· feel. · ·,~er. bet~us_~~tll~~~ :se~anle~~inyloris·: fie you' . · . . ' . . ·.· ,);1e~b-~rly: nt :·~;l~lc, c!Uf, 'thigl.t!l. ' . . .- -.~ .. -:;·~···~;·~·:;< ' ' ' ·~ ' ;

· .·others'•·frbm:>$1>.~:::<,::·, · . ' ' .: '' ' ' . ' -'~' ' ·.·• .. ~ ' ; ' .' .. " •.


S·liPs ·$2.98~$5.98 Rayon - Nylon·-. Cotton Sizes 32-40

WHITE- PASTEL- .ST-RAW. ...... .

Purses $1.00-$3.98 BILLFOLDS -'- $1-$5

I I 'I

Costume Jewelry $1 up




Bu·lky Knit. Shr~gs Perfect for Co.ol Evenings with Summer Dr·esses


: ,~Samsonite. Luggage : · $l5.QQ to~$27.50 Initialed ~,rcc I i': . I

L \' ····-·-·.-.-.-- ·---- -·~ ..

. ' l :'


lnuliam County News ', •II ,

Mav 9, 1957 Pooe 6

Stockbridge· News County OES Meets

. In ·stockbridge Dansvjlle nnrl Lnnslng Red Cc­

rlnr chapters wore co-hosts with t(lo Slocltbrldge OES chnplor for t(le Inghnm County As~oclatlon

Onondaga Mrs. B11rton Baldwi,. ·· · .

Herrick ~~:: Archie . House t)lls weelt Okemos and Vicinity l\lr~, Or!rluml~tnln Mr, nnd Mt•a .• lncnh Slrnhel nnrl l\11·~:~, Wallor J!rmt.luuun Mr~, AI RAin)cn nnrl Hon~ ~nnul f!hlldren fi!HI Mr, anrl MrH, r~rl·

the weelt end <It the Eldred House WRJ'c) Stmhnl, Llnrln nnd S11nrlm home, Mrs. , Ger111d Dully ancl vlsltcrl relatives In Detroit on Mrs. Helen Beeman

Culture Club ·Has May Meet

Lll.•rlun Will llitVe SjU!IIIter Dorothy W. Pearl rif Baltic

Crcclt, naflonnl president of tho American Legion Auxiliary for l9,JIH7, hns been sccurod ns spcultcr for !h(! Memorial Dny servlcr.s In Stockbridge 'l'hursday, Mny 30. Mny 13 Is the monthly business meeting. Plans ·for Me· moria! DiiY and the carnlvul wlll be made. Refreshment commltlec is I-Inrold Ludlltc nnd Roland Stoffer.·

'lf the Eastern Stnr Mondny, The meeting wns In chArge of

1 wor·thy mat.mns, Mrs. Beverly r.nslmy of Stoclthrlclgc, Mrs. Maude Hill from Red Ccdnt •!hapler nnrl Mrs. Erlnn Glover of the Dnnrwlllci chapter. l

A m on g the dlsllngulshr.d' guests Introduced were Mrs. F:sthrr Carpenter, grand organ­hit of the Grnncl chapter of Mlch· lgnn OES. Thirty star points were csr.ortcd to the Eust where they wem paid tribute and presented with a plant.

Travel Talks Given at Meet Tlmrscl~y, Mny 2, at 10 n, m.

the Knowledge Secltcrs club met at the home of Mrs. Marguerlt~ Smith !pr n May brealtfast, There were 12 members present, Roll r.nll \VIIS on notable women of Michigan. Travelogues were giv· en by Lura Teny on the Irish I-Illls, Beatrice Overdorf on the Thumb district, and. Floy Hay­ward on the 'rullp land at Holl. nne!,

Unnquet Dute Set · The annual molhor-rlaughtcr

banquet wll.l he at t.he Onondnga town hall on Frldny ovenlng, Muy 10, at 6;30, Those attcnrllng nrc to talw n dish to pnss. Ham, po· t.atol!s, rolls and coffee will be furnished, The spealtcr of the evening will be Miss Bossie Kay of Brooltlyn, a former teacher and missionary In Alaska.

Mr. and Mrs. Armin Pawlosl>l qf Eaton Rapids ami Mr. anrl Mrs. Robert Noble were Sunrlny guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mattison of Jacl\son.

Knthy were guests of Mt•, nnrl Sunday, i . ·----·--· ---------- Mrs. Archie House Ia staying nl.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Emil Therrien nncl tho Ivan 'llnuRo home for n fr!W fnmlly of Lansing, Mr. nnrl MrH. rlays during the slclmcss of Mr~. Wllllnm Coole of Dnnsvlllo nncl Ivnn House, Mrs, Erwin Porcmnn of Wllllnms· Mr. nnd Mrs. Darwin Slw(llcr ton, 1 nnd chllrlren, Mr. nnd Mr·s. Loyal

Mr. nnrl Mrs. RohP.rt Hutdwr 11 r Shr.pler, Jr., anrl chllrlrr:n anrl Mr. Oltemos wrrc Sunclny visitors of nncl Mrs. Albert Trenrlcll nnrl Mr. and Mrs, Scelnh T-Illis. daughters were Sundny callers at

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Lee Hnlndcl were the Eldred House homo. Runday visitors of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Art Johnson T.ylr. Cnmpbell. called nt the Victor Cheney home

Wheutnclrl 4·H club members on Sundny nfternoon, nnrl Mrs. Hnrold Glynn were Sat· Mr, nnd Mrs. Clnrencc Me­tmlny gueHts .of Mr. nnrl MrS'. Er- Laughlin and chllrlrcn ntlcncled n win Cooley nnrl family. . birthday dinner at New Hudson

Mrs, O. r;'myell l~rlwnnls of Lr.xlngton, f{rmluclty, llJWni. il f4lW clnys last W!!<!lt with ho1· !Jill'· ents, Mr. anrl Mrs. Wllllrun Nh•l1· ling of Olwmos.

Mn;. tdke Moon~ of Lnnsln~ SfH!nl lust wrwl< lwrrl will1 Mr. anrl Mrs. Gcmlrl J\loot·o.

Mrs. Erlllh Holwrts, Mary lllrl· well, Tria .Jndtsnn, Vloln Miles ami Snrah llr•Humonl spt~nt n rluy recently with Mr. und Mrs. Hun')' Buchunnn of Bellevue.

Mrs. Surah Hl!<lllmont relu1·nerl lnst. 'l'itesrlny nfler ~Ja'llding a few days with he1· so11 and rlaunh· tcr-ln·law, i'l'lr. nnd M1·s. Cluo Benurnonl, Hllrl 'duughlers of Mus!tego11,

i·Iomc Cullure duh hncllts May meeting last l~rlday uftcrnoon with Mrs. Ophelia Culver. Prcs!­dimt Helen Molcho led the group In the r~nllcct, and conrluctecl lhe business meolln~. It was rlccidr.rl to give $5 to tho ennecr rh·lvc. The treasurer reported n hnlunec of $24.00. A card of tlwnlts from Glarlys Wright wns rend. f!.ulh Dancer prcsentod the names of Mrs. Alexander Stenhouse, nnrl Mrs. Arrllc Collins as new· mem­bers nnd Mrs. Culvr!r prescnl!!rl !\Irs. Gusllc Bethards for mcm· bershlp.

Group Stages 31st Convention

Inclucled In the entcrtalnmont were selections by the Melo Dears nf Dansville and the 3 Schrccr· sisters of Stockbrlrlgo who sang and plnyr.rl plano nnd accordion selections.

Refreshments were Rerverl. The 31st annual convention of Spring nowcrs were used In dtlc·

Livingston county branch o! the orntlng the chuptcr room, Intcrnallonnl Order nf hlngs

Mrs. Bertha Wells of Eifert road wns an unexpected caller of her cousin, Erma Baldwin, Tucs· day afternoon.

Thn club voted to mnlte n do· nallon to the Marlene Beaumont telephone fund. Mrs. Evelyn Rhodes Is chairman of maldnr.: arrangements for n tour nnd '

Beverly nnd Mnrllyn Hills were rm Sunrlny, honoring hor mother, Mrs. Agne~ Young of Flint nl· Sundny guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr·s. Don West. tenrlerl funeral Hl!rVIr·r•s of hel' Robert Bulchet·. · Ronnie Hnrnlln spent the weelc son-In-law, llm'ntDII Galvin, at

Sunday guests of Mr. nnrl Mr~ end nt Higgins lake nttendlng the lhe Gorslindlundmon f11neral Virgil Renm were Mrs. Renm's FFA meeting. horne In Lunsl11g lm;t 'l'ttr•srlay. fnther and brother !rom Lnnsln[l' Mrs. Leo Gerhardstcln nml Mr. Comrn11nlly <'lntrdt f n rn II.V

Dora Hall, leader, lnlroclueccl Glndys Myers, who gavn a paper on "The Garden Gate." Mrs. Culver sang anrl rend scvcml poems. Mrs. Ruth Howard also rearl some poems, unci gave a pnpcr on Mothct·'s Day, Helen Beeman plnyccl 2 pluno sclocllons. Roll call was answered by 15 members and one guest.

luncheon In Lansing May 23. Pollok School nnrl Mr. nnd Mrs. Alden Ream nnd Mrs. Glen West were nmong night will hulrl lis anllllnl plenlc and fnmlly of Grand Ledge. those attending the funeral nf ut l~erguson park l•'rlilay night.

Daughters and Sons, was conduct­Nt at the Mclhndlst church last Wednesday with the Stockbridge circle as hosts.

. Meeting Dates Set For Kindergarten

'rhc meeting opened nl 10 a. m. Mrs. Lenora Milner prcslrlerl at 1{lndcrgartcn pupils, who' ex· thc organ. Rev, Cochrnn gnve the nect to enter school next fnll, anrl

Cluss VIsits in Lllnslng

· The hostess served refresh· ments at the close of the meeting.

their parents will be given an op­rlcvollons. Mr·s. Merwin Campbell portunlty to meet the teachers of Pinckney, county president, and register next weelt. Teachers o(lcned the convention. Miss Em-ma Sml(h gave greellngs from will briefly discuss the Jlindm·· Stoelthrid«e drclc, nnrl tho pro- garten progmm and materlnl:;

The sixth grade room of River· side school went on a flelrl trip last Thm·sday. Thoy toured the capitol building and museum, and the MSU museum. Mrs. Erma Tromon accompanied the group, nnd other drivers were Be!'lllce Marlin, Ruby Ekins, Mrs. G. Taul and Bernadine McMichael,


.PTA Conducts Regular Meet

· · Stocldll'ldge PTA mel \Vedncs­rl<iy evening. Entcrtalnmcnl eon· slstecl of several selections by the concert junior bnncl led by I-Iar· hind Nyc. Offlcci'S for both groups were lnstnllcd by Hobert Camp. The trcawrer gave a re· 110rt of $337.93. It was voter! to gl,ve $30 to the summer rccrea· lion project. "-There will be a join! meeting iit the executive councils to di· vide the l!nanccs anrl dishes. A chorus Is being organized, direct· erl by Miss Nellie Stephens. Any­one Interested may contact Mrs. Wllrnn Burgess.

The new slognn for the PTA ls. "Your· Cilllrl, Your Rcsponslbll· HY and Your PTA." "•Refreshments were server! by Oma Faber, Frieda Boring, Mar­guerite Stanl!cld, Rena Por;.:solt and Grace Collins.

·PTA officers arc: Senior presi­dent, Mrs. Franlt Burgess; vice­president, Martin Hanncwald; teacher vice-president, Rolland Fl1111}orc; secretary, Mrs John Taylor; nnd treasurer, Mrs. Paul Spadafore.

" USCII. gmm presentation was by Mrs. Parents are to talm tholr chll· Ruth Howard, general chairman. rlren's birth certificate. They may f!.cporls were given by 10 senior attend one of the meetings mofit drclcs. Report.s were given by' eonvcnlcnt to them. Meeting the countr olflcers, and Mrs. times anrl locations are: Grace Collins snng 2 solos. Tuesday, May 14, Eldon E.

Onc hundred thlrty.onc tlcl\ets I<atz school In Munith, 2 p. m.: were sold fqr lht:! noon luncheon Wednesday, Mny 15, Gregory served by the WSCS of the Mcth· school, 2:30 p.m.; Thursday, May orllst church. 16, Emmn L. Smith elementor·y

At the nitcrnoon session Mrs. school, Stodtbrldge, 1:30 p. m.; Huth Howard gave the devotions. and Mondny, May 20, Fitchburg A memorial service for all coun- school, 2:30 p. m. t:; members who died during the )last year was conrluctccl by M<•r· ion ancl Insco circles. Rev. David Hills, guest spcaltcr, told of his pastorate in India nnd showed pictures. The theme of the con­vention was "The Lord Will Give Strength."

County officers for next year arc: Pr·csidcnt, Mrs. Merwin Campbell o~ Pinclmcy; first vice­president, Mrs. Claud Burkhart of Howell; second vice-president, Mrs. Harry Lee of Lakeland; secretary, Mrs. John Taylor of Gregory; nnrl treasurer, Mrs. Fmnl\ Knight of Marion, Mrs. Ralph Glenn, state president, ga vc the charge to the new off!· cers. The Gregory circle's offer Ior the 1958 convention was ac­r:eptecl. The convention closod with the prayer of the order.

l'UJllls to Give Festival Approximately 1,000 pupils will

be heard in the second annual muslr! festival of the elementnry ~:rades of Stockbridge community schools Thursday, May 9, at 8 p, m. in the schoor gym. Mrs. Paul Ramsdell Is the director. Mrs. Bruc~ Reid of Gregory school wlll be accompanist, Spe· cia! donees will be performed. The public may attend.

Club EI4!Ctl! Officers At the regular meeting of the

Riverside Community club, offl· cers were elected for the coming year. They arc: President, El· myra Munro; vice-president, Ruby Ekins; secrotnry, Florence Franklin; nnd treasurer, Doro· thea Dwight. The annual school picnic was scheduled for Wednes· day, May 22, at Potter park in Lansing. Committee chairmen appointed were: Ice cream, Ber­nadine McMichael; beverage, WI!· Ia Schutte and Laurene Stine; and transportation, Alberta Parr.

Club lUI'Jnbers l~nroll

'J:he monthly meeting of the Onondaga Community Farmers 4-H club was conducted at the town hall Monday evening for the purpose of en'rolling for summer projects. The meeting was called to order by vice-president, Bill Byrum. The club voter! to donate to the Marlene Beaumont tele­phone fund. There were 40 rnem· hers enrolled for the projects and there were 5 leaders present. The next meeting will be Mny 27.

Pastor Will Stny

Officers of the elementary PTA Lions Club !Ueet.!!l arc: President, Duane Forrl; vice-/ W. Nleholns Kerbawy, goneral presi'd!!nt, Mrs. Edward Weddon; manager of the Detroit Lions, teacher vice-president, Mrs. Paul ndrlrcsscd the Lions club at the Hamsdell; secretary, Mrs. George Tuesday meeting. His rcmarlts Stephens; and treasurer, Mrs. concerned the Detroit Lions and Duane Baldwin. his experiences in Stockbridge.

8tod\br·ldge Preshytlwla.n, Rev. and Mrs. Alexander Stenhouse moved Into the manse last week. He was accepted In this Presby· tr:ory at Albion. Sunday evening, May 12, at 7:30 the Installation for Rov .. Stenhouse wl11 talce place. Mr. Shlnaberry, of Jacl<son, moderator of the Lansing Prosby· tery, wlll preside. Rev. William Wimberly, moderator for the Synod of Michigan wlll give the chnrge to the congregation. Rev. Paul Arnold of Mason, Rev. Vern· on Smith of Holt and Rev. Hor· ace Thomas of Shelbyville, Ill., will preach the sermon. The wor· ship association of the church plans a reception after the serv­:ce.

The Community church cabinet has announced that Rev. Robert Brubalier will be able to rcmaiu as· pastor of the Onondaga Com­munity church for the summer months. Plans arc In progress for a Blhle schoo1 early In June.

Caskey's ambulance took Mrs. Pearl Still to Foote hospilal and

-back to her daughter's at. Dans­ville after X-rays last Tuesday, On Wednesday they took Leon I<:ceper to his homo from . Foote hospital, and on Thursday took Otis Carr to Foole hospital and then to his sister's, Mrs. Agnes Relyen.

The Jack Frlnlwls and the Cedi Camlllls spent Su11day at Lacy Watson's. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Brown, Jr., and twin sons spent last Wednes­day through Saturday at Macl<i­nnw City, The gh·Is· spent the same time with their grandmoth· er, Mrs. Mary Brown.

Mr. nml Mrs. Leonard Eseh went by plane to New Yorlt and .spent n week end with their son, Jim, at Hamilton college. Boll Esch of Notre D<~me and 2 enllcge 1rlcnds spent part of their Easter vacation with his parents.

The bqard of directors will meet at the home of Linwood Lantis Tuesday, May 14.

Mr. and Mrs. Harolcl Paul ancl d;1ughtcr and Mr. and Mrs. Wil· lntr· Hnwxhurst nnrl daughte·r had S11nrlny dinner at the Country I<llchcn and thon went !'Oller ;:i<ating at Holt.

Mr. and Mrs . .John Osborne at­l.endccln house warming Saturday e1·cning fot· lhc Roy. Monroes ut Wcbbc•·vlllc.

James Coal<lcy is able to get <•round town in his wheel chair.

Mrs. Blanche Lantis returned home Friday after spending 5 WC{}ks visiting In California.

Rev. A 1 ex and e r Stenhouse,!s f!.owlnnd and Wayne Col· lier attended a men's meeting at the Presbyterian church in Jacl\· son Sund;Jy. .

Mrs. Adc11a Brown llns re­turnccl from visiting her sister at St. Louis, Mo. -

IF • • • You've got a

1935 Dime . .

Stncltbrldg-e Baptist, James E. '~ombard, pastor. 10:30, worship ~crvlcc, there will be dedication 'Jf children; 11:30, church school, Sordon Keeper, superintendent;

Brhlul Shower Given J,aVonda Parr, Carole Bush and

Shjrley Barlond were hostesses at a brlrlal shower Wednesday eve­ning at the Bnrlond home, honor· lng Miss Shnron Baldwin, who ls · to be married June 2. There were 21 guests present. The evening was spent In playing games and visiting .. Refreshments of calce, .lelia and coffee wer.e served after ::. Miss Baldwin had received many lovely gifts. ·

'':l!i, junior BYF, Mrs. Marie Two new students were 'en· Rockwell, director, senior BYF, rolled at. Riverside school last Rev. Lombard, spealcer, adult week. Thr..v are Rose Ann Allglre; '.Inion, John Prentice, spealter, second grade, and Judith Marie 1ubject, ·"Solving Family Ten- Allglrc, sixth grade .. Their par .. slons;" 8, evening service, close ents are Mr. ·and Mrs. Theodore the Lord's clay in the Lord's Owczarzak froni Toledo, . Ohio. house;' Monday,. ·4, .Junior choir They·ar.emaklng their home with practice; Thursday, 7:30, mid· Mr. and Mrs: Charles Ryan. · week service, study In the boo!< Warren Conard arrived home .oi f>cts and prnyer; 8:30, senior Wednesday after completing 6 :· cho1r practice; Friday, 2, WCTU months active training with th.~ meeting In the Baptist church u. s. army at· Fort Leonard parlors. Wood,· Missouri.

Mr. and · Mrs: Rube Giddings Stocltbr•ldge Met.hodlst, David spent Monday and Tuesday vislt-

W. Hills, minister. Morning wor- lng Mr. and Mrs. Macl< Norton of ship, 10:30; church school, 11:40; Cassopolis. Intermediate MYF, 7; Senior MYF, 8; choir rehearsal, Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Foote spent clay, 8. The annual mother and Sunday In Milford visiting Mr. claughtl)r bnnquet sponsored by and Mrs. Don Vlclters and famll~·. the WSCS will be at the church Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bush Friday evening. Miss lone Palmer spent Sunday visiting their ~Is. wll! be speaker. ·There· are no ter, Mrs. Lucille Kimball, at 'I'o· ticltets available but the program ledo, Ohio. · . Is open to anyone who wishes to Mr. and Mrs: Lawrence Stan· attend. The banquet wlll start at ley of Lacldand air force base. 6:30. Texas, were Monday evening vis·

. \ it will buy a

!tors of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Rev. and Mrs. Glen D. Jones Baldwin and family.

'and daughtei·s of Jacl<son and Mr. 11nd Mrs. Jack Wright and their son and daughter·ln·law, daughter, VIrginia, ,and Richard 1\lr. nnd Mrs. Everett Jones, and Hamlin of Jackson, were Sunday daughters of Columbia, Pa., were guests of Mrs. Esther Bodell.

SODA (Your Favorite Flavor) ·I

This Week· Only


Strawberry-Marshmallow · ·

lnst Frldny dl11ner guests of the - Mr. and. Mrs. Edward· Hender· · Masseya and Herman Schutt. son 'lind family anrl Miss LoriP. .

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ward and Lee Stewart of Holt visited Mrs. Jean spent Sunday lit St. Clair Blllle Weller Sunday. ·. . ·. · Shores . · . . · Mrs. Sarah Boese ·and . Ml'S.

Mr 'Ruth Griffin· spent the Paul¢1 friend of Detroit . s. were Sunday guests of Mr. and·

week e~d ~ltlt her par~nts, Dr. Mrs. Joe Franklin and family, · and Mrs. G. D. Culvet•, . . · Mrs. Bertha Childs Is a patient

Mr. and Mrs. \Ylnston Dancer at Stimson hospital, Eaton Rap; and M1·. and Mrs .. James Frew of Ids. Her co·ndltion Is reported to Mason and Mr. and· Mrs. Gurn be: some Improved. . · · .. . Dancer, and Mr. and Mrs •. Bill Mrs. Bergle ·Keeler was.;.a .guest ; Dancer attended the I<entucky ·at •. the home'of · Mrs. Ruth · M(·· · .Derby horse races .at Louisville. Namara in Eaton Rapids Tuesday ·

. Thursday through .Sunday. · . . evening and . ·wa~. an overnight: . · . Mr. al'\d Mrs. John Osbor11e at· guest . of Mr. and . Mrs. Ford . ~ended the Hawaiian club style Keeler. · show at the Uplon building, MSU, Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl· Moyer of .

IUrs. l~rdman LlJlsh·llW Thosl! receiving A In spelling Mrs. Edith Roeser In Williamston at U p. m. . were: Judy Glynn, Mnrllyn Hills, Sunday nftcrnoon. Mr. nnrl 1\lrs. Hnlpll Slillrnnn,

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rimlflclseh Donna Yngcr, Donn is Cnmpbcll, Mrs·. Alton Hefty vlsltcrl Mrs. l"r.m i(el!slr!r, Mrs. l•:rllt h BcarliJl and family called on Mr. nnri/Dnrlcne Hills, Bobby Cooley, Terl· Glen West one day last wcelc. and Nr1V11 Whiling were Sunci<IY Mrs. Julius Rindfleisch and Carl dy Glynn, Danny Hartwick, Lee dinner guests {)f 1\lr. anrl Ml':i. Sunday evening. Ann Rindfleisch, Carol Kauff· The Champs Elysccs, n street Rnl[lh Hurlsnn.

Larry and Ruby Foreman spent: mnn, SDnny Hills, Lynn Donn In Paris, wns built by Henry the RPv. A. Milil'l', rnisslonnry to Sunday evening with Ann nnrl' Bowne, Nancy Cooley, Julie Rind· 4th of England, In 1GG7, .so thnt Japnn, will be II H(IP<'ial spcalwr Jurly Glyrin. Sunday visitors oi flclsch, Sandra Hartwlclc ami his queen could ride over "one nl the Baplisl ciHII'dJ rnr the Mr. and Mrs. Rlet;.: Glynn were Jctr Shcelc. J smooth street." .morning ami cvcni11g sct·vkcs,

I .

1 I

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Air Conditioner

Reg, $349.95

$160 Our Cost

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Uprig,ht Freezer

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$249.32 Our Cost

Portable TV TWO IO·IN.

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ONE 17-IN.

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577.68 587.74



Open Friday Nights or Any Time by Appointment

USED WASHER and DRYER Used Only 4 Months

$125 Each

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Here's lhe secret of Its greater gas mileage, ·

In J-2 Rocket a single two·bamil ccar• burotar servos lho engine, at· peak efficiency, for· a if your ordlncary power noed.s. · YOII chaase your own kind of performa~c~..;. · .'you're In oconomy range up to ~A lhrottlo, Yet · . you enjoy famous Racket action all tho way,

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All throe carburotara : (six barrels) go lnta






Greater economy for ~II norma\ bring two additional curburctot·s driving! A greater reserve, .of ,extra, . into use. This gives you gas-saving safety power for the exceptional· performance over a 50 percent

situation! That's why Oldsmobile's broader. operating rangD plus a new J ~2 Rocket Engine* is like t~o · . reassuring · reserve of power . that

. engines in one; And you, the driver, . means added safety. If you have .

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. ~riving needs, you enjoy the fuel· vitcs you to come in for .a drive·

saving economy of a single cnrbu·. soon. Be his guest for n J-2 .test.

' c last Friday evening.. . . Tompkins were Tuesday evening ·.

Mr. and.Mrs. Wynn Boyce and callers of. Mr.· and:. Mrs. ·Harold . family and M~s. Beulah Boyce Bartoli. Sunday eve'nlng, I Mrs,': called on, the Lloyd Boyces, at Emma Moyer, Mr. and .. Mrs .. Dil· . ' Dexter .Sunday eve~lng. . . . . . · Watne Blenz and daughter, Cas·,

: aiiiloii, aulaniatlcally,. whenever tho occatlon d•mcindt. Push )'9Ur foal to tho ftaor, and

. you hcave exira scafoty pawor on tap to · · Wlilik yau up tho stoop.od :llrcido, or· aut of

. ·tho' pcath 'of dcanger, Hero's ale'rt action for . ·a~~od acafety In .any driving altuatlonl '

retoroOr,.~· touch of the accelerator You'll find it is u totully new and :past' the'threc-quartera mark .wiU wonder£~) ,dri··;:-" c>"P•···- .. ~e

•oioti~,;, ai ui..G co1i •• ""· 0/~ ... .t.H •... itole. Mrs. Mlna. GoQ(llich spent the per Giiy of :Lansing ·aild . Mrs:.

week end with her brother and Vivian Steffey: of En ton Rapids. slster·ln·law, M~. ond Mrs,\ Cllf· were guests- of the Earl· Moyers; ford Lantis, . . . •: · • . · · The occasion· was the birthday,.·

.;Eden· Rebeceah ·lodge .245. will anniversaries of Mr. Gay and Mr. have vlsl,tatlo~l )!'rldny · e\!e(llng, M!lyer. ·.Mrs. · May. 10. rllOSe attending .are to. been 'c)onftned cto becl.~e.e,uliei.·.cif

'. tnlte)ell~ ·~nd. cillce;· .· · · . 'i sl!)~ness:~!>r · : · • • : ·, ~ "' '. "· ··-~ ,. • ; ',' ·, 1

.·.· ....... ·

::a· ... ·,.· .. ·· .. · ·~.....· · >c· · · •' . I ''' . . . . ' ·.::.\,' . ',·, . . . •'

. I

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• • • ... 0 u " A u T H 0 .... z .• D .

SMO.e.·J.L.e . ' . . ; Q U'A ..... T .Y '' D li A L. • " .·

' . . ., ·: ' '- .


. ~ 't

• ' IJ

The'lngham County News Milson, Michigan Part 3 ·

Hospital Plans H . ·1 PI d w 11

d ~~~,~~:~,,~,~~~:... . osplta e ges i Be 1l~.:~,~~1lf~!I~W:~~~i1·-By. Cond;·t· 01ons of · I nd··lvt.dual Donors come, doclnrs nml nurses snld. I Aft or the tours llgh t re!n~sh· ments will IJ() served. "

A feature of the open house this year will he tho stressing of career opportunil ies ofl't•red hy lite hospital In nur~;ing, dietetics, and· lubol'ntory and X·ruy tech· nlques. High school sludcnts nnd r,tlwr young people will he Intel'· ested in sqeing at first hand how

VISI'l'ING l?lnJ~l\mN paid a call on tlw Mason fire department Friday night. But the these and other hospital depart·

21 who did the visiting weren't stmngcrs by 01.11y means. They arc all former Mason fire­men. From the left arc Frank Hilclorf or Lansing, Eric Spenny of Mason, Marvin Salis­

bm·y of Chicago and Bob Colby of Mason. Sp~nny is now a member of the department.

SaiisiJury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Em·I Salisbury, made a special trip to attend the party. Hi!-


ments arc sta!Tccl nml operated, staff exoeutlvcs salrl.

Mrs. Hazel Thomsen, hcrH! nurse at liw hospital, will be In charge of the tours.

dorr was formerly with the IIaii-Siagh Chevt'Oiet agency in Mason. The visitors included

Cm·y Whipple, l3ill Gregr~. Claude Penin, Wallet' Carven, Dick Gretton, Cliffol'd Smith,

13oi.J Knight, Kenneth IIi II, Floyd' Taylm·, Don Doolittle, Har·r·y Spenny~ Dean Tayl'or, Dt·.

L. A. Wilcclcn, Tieuhl Kruse, 1 I. M. Silsby, Haymond Parker and Earl Dunsmoi'C. Guy

Sll'icldand was the oldest chief to attend. i\Iason firemen showed a wildlife film und served

Panel Discusses Safety Program

a buffet lunch. (Photo by l3abs.)

. ~~


There Is No Prescraptiem For Pea~fec·t ~ieaHh . . . Thcro is no lwei and fast rule th,, t can guide us .to continuous prosperi!y, health, or well-being. With us, with you, w:th everyone, it is a set of pcr­ efforts, a collection of individual ex. r:crionccs. The net result may be bcHcr or poorer health,

There is one ft1cior that is always constant, your doctor's advice and guidance is always best. Let him prmcribo-and then use the medicines as di­rected, This is your good guide to good health.

Copyright 1957-A, C. Hamuker

Prt.Jcrlplio, PkaTinlldJII L••ho, Mlchl;a1


icture ofgood groontrng

You're al~ays right in focus when you look your ~eil-groomed best! Let us holp by keeping all your clothes as s'potlessly clean and fresh as they ':"ere t~~ day you· bought 'em!·

'You'll-like our pr~·mpl pick-ups . 'and deliveries, our moriesf p~kes!

. and Free ~othpr~~fh1g •. Too · Ph~n.e OR :7•1511 .

, '\ ~ I .' , , I

Everett Kiwanians Book Boat Races Lansing will once again for the

third successive year he the mcC'ca for an cxpcclccl 325 out· hoa rrl motor racing craft from Miciiigan and surrounding states nn Saturday and Sunday, May 13 nnd 19, as the Hl57 curtain goes 4P on the racing season in the midwest.

'I'IIc stock outboard racing drivet·,; wlll be skimming over the Grand river course competing !or 30 trophies donated by L11n,;lng businessmen.

Preliminary heats will ·be run Saturday with the 9G fastest boats, 12 in each of 8 classes, racing for the honors on Sunday.

The Lansing Everett Kiwanis club is for the third consecutive year sponsoring the regatta. The elub members will man conccs· sion ~lands and handle other de· t;dls. Any profits derived· from the concessions will be used in the promotion of boys and girls work as well as underprivileged chil· clren's wor]{ in the cqmmunlty. ·

Pine· Sawflies Are HatchinCJ

Publlc officials and officers or the Safety Council of Gt·aater Lansing will discuss a safety program at Mason Thursday night. The meeting will ba in the court room, beginning at 7:30.

The pnrposc of I he conference, said Harold F. Lillie, the director, is to give public ol'f!cinls responsi· blc for traffic control the oppor· tunlty to· inform people about prohlcms facing their depart· mcnts.

Edward L. Warner, Jr., pub· licity director of Oldsmobile, anrl a resident of Okemos, will serve as moderator of !he panel. He i~ president of the Safely Council. Panel members will consist of Willard P, Barncsj sheriff; Allcm Stroud, county superintendent of schools; Frank K. Evans, high· way engineer; · Jack Warren, prosecutor; Robert L. Dmlw, judge of probate; ami W. Hobert Wood, justice of the peace, Wil· liamston.

Lillie expressed. hope that enough interest will be gcneralccl so that safely programs will be organi;wd in all sections of the county.

Leslie: Chap,ter :: Is Given Award Leslje chapter of the Future

Farmers o[ Am~rica has won a g~ld award as a result of com·

Hatching of the eggs of the pctlng in the soil and water con· Europran pine sawfly· is nearly scrvalion contest sponsoretl by completed in t11is area, reported the Kellogg company of Battle Ell.on 'fwork, district forester, Cree]( and the· Michigan chaplt!l'

The little . black and shiny of the Soil Conservation Society of America. headed, ·greenish worms which cat

I he needles of the pines nre the The Les~ie chapter placed wilil first stage. Each cluster of worms 4 others m. the rcgwn.a!s· :~he will usually defoliate the branch contest cons1~t~ of par!Ic1patuon on which they have hatched, in.chaptcr actiVIliCs 111 t.h~ field of Iem·ing an, unsightly tree. Tile so1l and water cons.ervatlo~ sur;h Ian•ac mny be found 011 all spc· as hours of ~lass mstr.uctlon. ltl cics of pine but prefer Scotch, soli conservation, class field tnp!:, Mugho, red and jack pines. lmanageme~t of school forests,

'l'hc larvae arc more easily con· and, ~stabllshme1~t on ~he· farm~ lrollccl while they arc small ahd o.f FFA membets of such pm.c· before much dama~e has been ·tJccs ?S' s_od w.atcrways,. stnp dono. However they~ are difficult ~roppm~, tile d:mnage, tree plant· to locate at this stage. mg and terracmg, . . .

Twork tells how to spot the This year 67 schools lfl MIClll· insect:;. He said, "Inspect your gan ?ntcrcd t~lC cont~st. Scho~ls [Jines, looking at the ends of the nrc .. 1url~ccl on a :egwnal b~s1~, branches as this is where the lhmr bemg 3 regiOns m Mwlu· eggs arc usually placed. When gan. very small the larvae do not com· I Award·winning chapters will pletely consume the needles but send 5 members and, the chapter !rave the mid-rib dried up and J ~dvlsor ~o a 2·.d~y summe~ ~amp curled slightly and Iooi's lil>e a m June 111 acldllio~ t? rcce1vmg a piece of dried gril'Ss, This is. a 1 scroll from the Mwhtgan chapter.

givc:away sign ami you will" find 1·------------. the larvae close by. After there ·

is more dcfollation the bare limbs !Jr~·~l'fTO~ A(J will indicate where they are feed· lng.

"To control this ln'scc.t spray with DDT, 50% wettable powder, or lead arsenate at the rate of 3 lb per 100 gallons of water. For small quantities usc ·3 table· spoons to a gallon of water.

· Mrs. Ahrens Dies , • L

·' . Mrs. Elizabeth Ahrens, 78, of Jackson, died last Thursday 'in a hospital at Col')cord. ·For many years she lived 'in Holt. She was horn in Scotland. She is survJvecl by twin . sisters, Mrs. Jennie Stl·ope of Mason and Mrs, Jean Miller o·f Holt, and a brother, Archibald Lang of Chiulotte. Fu· neral services were· conducted at lhe Estes·Leadley· chapel in Holt Saturday afternoon with burial in Maple Ridge c~mete~y at Holt.

~Latter Day .Church Opens , ~ervices ·. ot . the Rem·ianized

Church of Jesus Christ; . Latt.~r Day Saints, . ~re · conducted eaei1 Sunday at the 1,\(illlamston Arrierl· can· Legion buil~lng, ·according to Rev. Rob!)rt ~mi~h of Ijoit, lpas· tor of the cll'ngregation,' In last weel<'s Ingham· News il was Incorrect!~ · that' the

· services were Iii · build· . at· Mason.· '

at aml· .at'

17~ CHAPP~tL · '/' 11NSURANCE

An Gccident on y~ur' ~·roperty c<111: bo on Gwfui loll to y.our bonk bol­onco, ·if you. Gien't covered with Lio· bility lnsuronco. Bettor check to soo. just. how fully you .. Gre covorod •.

While plerlgo carcls usccl in llw In help people, nnd In sucl1 elr· Mn.'mn hospital cnmpalgn may he I cumslanccs once the fuels were 'egally blndinr,, there is no· lmo\v.n, the hospital hnurrl would l.ion by 1 he hnspilnl to enforc~ ccrtrunly wnlvc any ful Lire pny· navmcnt. in ea:;c:; where lnrlivlrl~ Inf!llls and consider the mutter nni un fnrrs'r.en hnrclship cqncll· dosed. lions arise :n the future, Ilowan.l "We IHlVC! hr.anl of tnslnnf'es In li', Sc~llwrt, general chairman of nllwr nrens, Jwwcvel', where, for the enmpalgn, anrl preslrlent. of cxnmiJlc, a business was snlrl, nncl the hnspllul's llonrd of dlreclot·s, althoLigh the new owners had tak. said. c•n nwr all r1f llw business llnbili·

Sclhert snld lint: lhe quesllon has lwc~n IIBkccl llllil IIHit while II harl been answered severn] times before this at. meetings oL c·nm· patgn wnrlwrs the jJolie,Y o'f the campaign leadership ancl the hns. pltal bonrrl Is In give the Jltibllc in llw hospi!ul's Hei'Viee area a full nnrl frank answet· to any qL1cslion which may arise.

"Thr. hospital hoth in its every· ·Jay oprrations and in its prcsr>nt ·:ampalgn to raiof! $~0[),1100 for lhe building anr! equipping of a new 3G·hed lwspil nl JTIUsl conrltwr its affnirs in a llllslncsslilw mmv ncr," Seibert added.

lies as well as nil of Its nsscls, anrl althougll told of the nbl!ga· linn to the local hospllal, the IWW owtwrs later flally refused to PllY the haluncc on the pledge. This sort of situation Is ~rossly unfail' to 'all other C'Onlrihutors nn1l some protection must. he affnrrlr;cJ them fiS well as the hospital to meet such a situation should it m·isc.

"Wa rlo nol believe such H

sit ua I ion would arise here, but since plerlgPs c!xlencl over a ao. nwnl h period, it coulrl happen. In tiwl event some !-;leps might' have to he tulwn to enforce pa>·· mcnl of I he pledge. Oliwrwisc, olhc1· contributors might fcl:'! that it was unfair to asl< them to c·ontlnuc payments.

someone stepping forward to IIS·J only I hen in tim mosl. flngrnnt stune personal linhilily for the cnscs of a hrc'ach of good !nllh," enntnwts, lnstcnrl of each of us Seibert sntcl, assuming our Inlr share througll lJierlges we nLII'sclves m11IW."

'J'Iw form of pll•dg-e enrd heln~:· usi•d In flu~ t'lliiiJillig-n is llw SIIIIW form nsPcl In IIClspihtl 111111 oiiWI' COillllllllllty l'IIIIIJlllii:'IIS in hUll· lfi'I'IIS OJ' olhi'I,' l'lllll(lllig'llS UCI'O!,S

tlw C'lllllltr,y '"'''".Y ~'''Ill', iil•lherL suid. Hl!g'lll'llh•ss ol' wlwtlwr Ol' not 11w (lll!dg·n l'lll'cls am h•g·all~·

hincling- instt'llllll'llts, institutlmm, wlll't·h'''' pwy •u·n hos(lilal, l'!IJU· mmuty eht!Sts, Yi'\ICA's III' similur Cll'g'lllliZILtions Whirh SI'I'VIl J]m (lllhlil! lll'll l'IIIISI'illllS that (JCO(Ill~ whn mnlw I•lelig-es to tlwst~ rom· lllllllity ClllllJlllig'IIS de: SO Vllhlll· tm·ily 111111 with e\'I'I'Y lutentlun of paying- l!wm in full.

"Tlwrefore, it Is only In the extremely mrc inslanec that. they would even consider taking legal steps to enforce payment, anrl

Kean Goes Far North

"Community cnmpnlgns nrc, of course, t!nllrPIV different from chureh cnmp;tlgns. In church campaigns, w lwtc•ver I he <lenom· illrtllon Of lhe C'illll'l'h, tho o!J!ig!l• linn I o' 'mnlce good on a pledge Is lmserl on strong splrltunl grounds. Eve11 If tho pledges enn110t he consldererl legnliy hlnrllng inslrll· ments fmm a ledmlcnl leg•1i viewpoint, I hr. church, hci'HUse of ils very naiUI'e, still exerts a sptrllual _pnliclng over· Its con· gmgatlon whether the church Is conscious o[ It. or not.

"'l'he linsJlitul belongs tn l!VI'I'Y man, womnn mul child in il"' UI'I!ll, tuul it is fm· thdt• lmnHI'it thut it is lu•ing l!llhu•gptl and moclt!I'nizml so llmr1• will ht~ hmls und ollWI' II(J·to·dutl~ faeilitics l'or their use wlwn they twctl it.

"Unr!oublrrlly before the plcd~c Gus Kenn left Mason at •1::30

'"l'hp t•onll'ihli(OI'S (o t.ho lUll· s1m hm;pltul l'lllll(llllgn lll'll fricmd!l and lll'ighl)()l'S, Wtl urtl all worlc· ing tuwat·cl lh1• same mul-1~ new hOSJlltul for tlw who!o com· nmnily, All ol' us in signing IIlli' (lil'dg·ps do so in g-uod fuith, 111111 with the ri1fl t•xtu!;·tutlon that wu will (III,Y lhmn in tho IIUllllleJ' !hut we om·sdves huve~ Sill. No onu will sni'I'I~I' any luu·dshltJ OI' In· l'OIIVIlllh•IH'ti l'tll' having dnne so. Yon t•an he Slll'll uf thut.

"We arc all proceeding in this campaign on faith in each other. No ona who loses his job, has fl. nancial reverses or who moves ;tway from the area necrl havll :my [cal' thnt he will be held slric•lly to the leiter of the Jaw In the C'nllection of the balanca due on his pledge. We arc trying

pr.l'iod expires the hospital board Ttwsclay afternoon, hcarlcd for th•" will want t.o let contracts for the Far Nnrth. He 1111d a groliJl of building o[ the new hospil!d. men went. to Sault Stc. Marie, On· They woulrl be unahk to do so if larlo, to hoard a Camdian Pacific they did not have reasonable as· ship bound for· Port Arthur on sumncc that I he pledges in hnml the northwest shore of Lake Su· at that lime would be paicl. Builrl· perior. From there they were crs have to be paid fot· their work driving z;JO miles north t.o H.erl ami unless we knew the funds Lake. At Red Luke, which is· the would be available we could not end of the trail, they were to IJ,~ let the contracts. Otherwise it. flown in to a lalw 100 miles !::n·· woulll become a q ue~qon of Jther north.

"Our $:ifl0,00fl goal is what wo ncltlally need l.n huilrl and cqu[p the hospital. Every r~crmomy that. experienced hospital builders could incorporate consistent with good service has been put into our plans. It is a project close to our hearts, anrl we would be !'OJ· miss~ in nuc duty to the hospital 11nrl lhc public If we did not con· duct it in a busincsslll<e way,"

1lhird (Generation at the \\Vheel ! "Like father, lilte son", the poets say.

Ana ne~et• was it truer than in the case of a great many tine Cadillac families.

Fm· there are, in OUl' land today, a nl!mber of families that currently boast as many as three generations at the wheel. .

We menti~n this simply to •underscore a great and dramatic truth about Cadillac-that, of course, is fts wrchanglng go~dncss ami quality,

For fifty-five years, the · Cndilla<;: name has signified on~ and thd ~nme thing · to motorists ·everywhere-a motor cat' ~rented at the highest Ievell, that· automotive science would permit.

Ove't• that time, Cadillac has attr·actcd t~ tl{e · ·,ranks of its' ow~~~·s the finest list of na~cs to be

- -·h;,_:-7 '-

found anywhere on the American motoring scene, And, those who have followed the path to

Cadillac in 1957 arc enjoying the 'mos't abundant blessings of tlJis ceaseless crusade fot• quality,.

The new "car of cars", with coaclidt·aft by Fleetwood, is -beau.tiful and luxurious to an un·

.~·~recedcnted degree. And its pet'formance and 1andling ease at'C a revelation! ·

Certainly, the Cadillac car hns now become an even wiser investment for an even wider circle of ~~eden's motol'ists. .

If you ha vc yet to acquaint you1·sclf with these, ;rilliant' Cadillac virtues for 1957, yout• dealer will

~e delighted to tell you how easily you ca~ n1akP

Cadillac a fine family 'custom of'yout• ownJ. . . .. :.. .. •,


Legal Notice

Legal Notices

WILL IT LIVE?-Joscph Allewclt JS nn engmeu not n dodo1 ~nd he s using that stathoseupc Ill e lnstrumcnL to check the 'henri oeat of n complex gear-molot In n Pntc1 ~on N J plunt Only the 11 nlned human car cnn 1 ccognlze und ncc11 ntely dlngnosc lmpcrfecllons in these lnvolvc,J un1ts

Rexinc Gls nn

The Wlgwalicm s I tom tlli! Wheatfield 4 H club Will talw pnrl lh the ~II talent show Sa1UHlay evcnmg M1 s II 11 ole! Glynn h 1s taught lhem

A lll Pllse o rlhcl y party \HIS g1ven J IJ(Iay evemng at lhe home of M1 and Mts Robert F'oremun 111 h JnOI of Mrs A1lo PI 1eman llr!lul1y um versu1 ~ fhose a lenrlu g were Mr md Mrs Nm mail Hector M1 nd Mrs Bern ard Ot s Mr 1ncl Mrs Arlo f.OJ n

mnn Mr and Mrs Robell Cart, am! Mr and Mrs Hatold Gljnn

M1 s bO J Price anrl ::h1ldren v s tied M1 and M1 s Leo Glynn SIt ur day

Hogei Lmlnlgcr s stnymg w1th the II 1rold Gl; 1 n fam1ly to help v,!th the fat m work

Helen Wntkl1s Will try out for sl tie dan y pnncess honors MaY 8 tt East Lansmg S!Je tlso plans

n the Mason senwr tnp JoLott the~JI

ex len

Records for enemy s!upplllg sun]{ by US submarmcs are held by the USS Flasher whl< h sanlc 100 231 tons oi Japmtcse sh1p ping 1Wh1le the USS I1autog holds the reco~d fm the mo~t shlps-26

The Incas of South America bmlt 10 000 mtlcs of paved roads often 0\ er passes l 5 000 feet high

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed propo1als woll bo rcceovod by tho Board of lnghom County Root! • Commoss one" unll I 30 P M Fr day Moy 24 1957 ot wh ch lome they w II bo publocly opened ol the r ofloco n Mason M ch gon far furn sh ng tl o fallow ng


Pions spec f cal ans and b dd ng prapasols may bo obto ned at tho off co ol the lnghom County Rood Comm IS on A corl food or cosh or s choc' on on open solvent bond on tho omount of 5'}'0 of tho total amount of b d payable to tho Ingham County Rood Com miss on must occampany eoch b d as • guoranloo of good foolh The checks of ell but the lowest b dder w II be promptly returned

The roght s rosorvod to roJecf ony or all proposals ~nd to accept tho pro po ol that n the op non of tho Board s to tho bost nlorest of tho lng hom County Road Comm noon


Bituminous Aggregate Surfacing


Soolod propo als woll bo rocoovod by tho Board of lnglom Coynty Ro~d Comm slonors unto! I 30 p m Frod•y May 24 1857 at wh cl hmo thoy woll bo pub! ely oponod at the r offoce on Muon M chogan for tho follow ng proJect

8 m los of B tum nous Aggregate Syrf•c ng on dos gnotod Ingham County M1c~ogon

Plans spoc f1catoons and boddong proposals may be obtooncd at tho off co of tho Ingham County Road Commlssoon

May 9, 1957 Page 3

Leslie News Mrs. Clara Strange


·PTA Conducts Closing Meet Not only wns the May 1 meet·

lng of the Stor:ld)rlrlge P'I'A tlw Just moot.lng of the scnsnn, It wns ulso tho last meeting of the

Leslie School Honor Roll

1\lnry llll'llllrrlslln• Charles filch· gro11p ll!l a unit. '!'here will he 2 mor1rl, .Janet Smith, Carol Stiles groups this coming fail, One will and Marvin St!leH; rcpt·esent the !'!lementnry parentG

Is Announced

I~levcnth, Cui'OI Bnlrlwln, nex· nnrl teachers, and the other will amw Beaumont, Arthur BIHeilD[r. he fill' junior und senior high .Joan'cnton, Lois Chesley, Ro~· school. rmnr. Cowing, Ruth DeLeeuw, Retiring Pres I rl on t Roher! JJernell Dulm, Gerald Hamilton, Carnp performed the. Installation

Lm;ile HlgiJ School Prlndpul Charles Hutchinson, Bob McDow· ceremonies for ljoth groups of in·, Gnry Moses and Snnrlra r.oming officers. Tlwre will he n

Olio JicdtHei nnnouneetr the fol· Wln('hell· nnrl jnlnl meeting of the executive lmvjng hOIHII' mil fol' lhn SI'COIIri 'I' . wi Mike Allen Jnnet councils nf lmth groups to rll· :;t•nwster ily grndt!s: Wn~~r, ~odney .Walko~, Jnne vld(J tile money, The treasurer's

Sr.wntli, 1\!ary AtHit·mvs, J•:lizn· Warner, Guleetn Whitney, Sue I rcpnrl siwwed a balance on hnnd '/j ht!lh llnldwln, nJII llyrttm, Honnie Minor, Evelyn 'Gillett, Cntherhre I of $3:!7.93. · Clll;!~rovc, Phyllis Holloway, Bill Miller, Richard Lamb, John . The program consisted of musl~ Jt!\vell, Bob .Tupp, Pornlhy Kling· I<rafl", Larry Kenzie, Dnvld Hns· hy lhe junior bnnil under the rll· Jer, Larry Lillie, Honnlr! Schmit !tell, Rltn Hamilton, Kathleefl rectlCJn 'or J.Inrlilnd Nyc, Bus'ne~s 1

nnd Mury Wlnider; Gunder, Shirley 1Fogg, .Judy' tmnRactcrl lncluderl the voting nf Eighth, nouglas Ba•·nl!tl, Ironc Chapman, Carole Bush, Melvin $30 to he ~lvcn to the summrJ•

Chn11Piewsl<i. Llltiwr CJ•afl, Wal· Benson and Sharon Baldwin. recreational progrnm~ hwe Craft, Ellen Dawson, Chip MJ·s. Franlt Burgess, Incoming Fogg, llarry Green, Carolyn

1 pre~idenl of the junlor·scnicfr

GrieVI!S, Charlr!S Gntnder, Tonia HI' story c ass high school PTA, I old of plans In· Kolonir'li, llr!lty Mnrl1s, Susan clmllng their slogan for the com· Monroe, Ro.~emary Smilh, Hill,\' y· , L , lng year, "Your Chllrl, ,;our. He·

525; Insurance, rent, etc., $3,000; maintenance, $11,000; Improve· mcnts nnrl equipment, $12,412; and general fund balances to siHJ't new year, including the $20,000, $28,130.90.

nlng guests of r. and Mrs. Tc·r· rill. Friday evening the Terrill!; were dinner gueHis of Mr. and Stnr:y, ,John ToWJ1, .JnmeB WciJCI' ISitS ansJng sponsihllity, Your PTA.

and ·Nonrla Wl11lnoy; Refreshm!!nts were server] by Mrs. Rlchnnl Lyons. Ninllt, Sharon Andrew~. Bet It! Mr·s~ Russell .Miller nnd 4? Mrs. Om a !~a her, •. Mrs. Frier! a

Albright, Char I o I I c Tlnlrlwln, memhcrs of Henrietta scho,JI Doring, Mrs, Margucrlle Stanfield, Gt•orgr! Beaumnnl, Dennis Char•· Michigan history classes toolt ~ Mrs, Rena Porzsalt and . Mrs, pPII, Hoger Davison, Pat Ewers, field trip t·o Lansing lasl week, Grace Collins.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Wayne ncnjnmln nf Williamston were Sunday rrucsls of M1·. and Mrs. Lawrenci'

,Jr!I'I'Y ,Jackson, Hodncy Lent1., Ten mothers provided transpor· 1 (Jil'n Lewis, Gcnrgccn Luecht, tallon.

Mnry Mltehell. Linda Par)(0r, W. T. Foll<s, state r!!prescnl:t· .Twli• PrPslon, Trls Hhines, LmTy tive [or Jienrietta, lntroduecrl the llot;si!, llmvard Snt!ll, Dale Van· [(l'OUIJ in the house. Senator Has· derLinrlen and Shirley Bannister; IH•II ·Niehols presented them lo

'J'Pnli1, Charles Adams, .Jim AI· lhe senate. The group attended len, .Jttrl~· Amhs, Frnnlt 13alrlwin, sc!ssions In hoth houses. A(ter .Jnmir. Bullock, .John Buxtnn, which they were tal1cn on a Cameron Cartl'r, GPot·gc Causit•, guided tour of the capitol build· Norman Chrnielewslti, Stanley ing. '!'hey had lunch at Nick'~ Cmft, Lester Dayton, lllclmr,J cn[eterin In the Ell(s hullding. Ellins, GIPnn Fauser, Clwrlntl·~ Those driving were Mrs·. Lllllnn Fogg, Marilyn Giles, l~ialno Hnm· Marshall, Mrs. Max Fay, Mrs. Ilion, J~Joren('C Jlnslwll, Knrrn William Hoyle, Mrs. Keith IIawk· Hoenig, Sharon Ingnlls, DeWayne ins, MrH. Cassell Pursell, Mrs. .JenJ(s, Sanrlrn Karns. Bevr.rl.v Wynarrl Dodge, Mrs. .James Kelley, VIJ•gil Kenl, Mary Mon. Clarlt, Mrs. K E. Wood, Mrs. Wil· roe, Phyllis Pierce, Pat Haymond, Jiam Clark ami Mrs. Miller.

HA'<RY C. BAlLI'' Jill E. Ave,

Lnnslnf!, Michl~tnn l,hone: IVnubor. 0·3004

J I d N d Oesterle. . A exan er arne Mr. and Mrs. !Iarvcy .Tohnsnn

and son of Lansing were Sunrlf:.v

Board Approves Assembly Member rllnner guests of Mt•, and Mr.~. Floyd Welrlon .

S h I B d Tlte retiring president of Ing· Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Weldon n[

C 09 U get ham cnunly hranch of ~he Mlch· Dansville cnllerl on Mr. anrl Mrs. ". , , ignn f~ducalionnl nssoetation, ,J.

1 Flnvrl Wclrlon Sunday.

I he propm;ed b;tdgel for lhu '·Douglas Alexander, was named Mr. and Mrs. Dnnalrl Batdwlnt' coming school yem of 1 he Leslie a~ one of the 2 members to the nnd family of . Plainfield were puhiic schools will he $.12:1,176.88, rctJresenl'ttlve asscmhly Alton 1 f M N 111 s n 11

I · 1 • roved t1y tl1e · · ' ' .. · · rues s o rs. e e . pr, g e w 11c 1 was ,tpp · Sllne o[ II oil was second. Sunday. · school l)oarcl and has ~con st~ll· Officers elected for the 1!lfi7·ri8 Mr. anrl Mrs. Dnnalrl Wilrnx mltt~d lob the1 Ingham county <~I· year nrc: President, John Post, and family were callers at the loeal1011 oarc · Haslett; vJcc.pJ•esld~nt, Elliott home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay C.

Included is $20,000 to ray of! Tyler, Horsehrook; treasurer, Sprague Sunrlay. the tnx anticipation notes l~llr· Margaret Livensparg-rr, Holi; nnd Mr·. and Mrs. Ellis JTnynPs ii!Hl rnwcrl to meet expenses, rhmn~[( sr.erctnry, Pauline C<tslle, Pleas· MrR. Bernlr~c Warfle arrived hnme the school ye:r. Last years .hurJg. ant Grove. from Florida Wednesday . et was ~286,1.14.13. Inclurlerl Ill the Hegional eoundl de I e g n t e s Mr. and Mrs. George Burgn~~~ $40.000 mcrense over last yenr, In n<tmcd were: Marian Rat.hhone, hnrl Rs Sunrlav dinner guests Mr·. addition to the above namerlno~~ Oltemos; Dollie Anderson, Hoi I; nnrl Mrs. William Carl ami !am· I will be,. Increases o! '$100 }1' 1 Zarla Buys, Lansing Nol'lhwest· ily. teachers salary, and mcreases to ern; Wessells Bohnet., Dansville; Mr. aml'Mrs. Lee Carl anrl fnm· administrative salaries, s·ecretar· Doryce Cogswell, Lansing North; ily were Sunday evening callers les and custodians. . Pnrl Eldon Ross, Webl!erville. of Mr. anrl Mrs. Paul Carl. I

There Is an antlcJpated lllcrease Repres~ntntivr.s to the rlepart· Mr. and Mrs. Stun ley LaGuirt! In evaluations from ~0 to 20 per mont of r:tassroom teitclwrs, Area and Mrs. W. J. ~ciiquham called cent due to equalization. F are: IIowarrl Oesl.erlr., Leslie; on their mother, Mrs. Lula J.l

.A hreakrlown of the budget in· llnr·ol~l 'l'euclwut, Leslie; and LaGuirc, last woclt, eludes eslimatf'd rf!ccipts from: Vaneitta Hosdail; and Erma Sloll, State funds, $198,165; vocational Olwmos. SCmNTIS'fS RIWOitT VAJ,UJ<; education, transportation and An executive meeting has hecn Michigan Stale university seicn· driver training, $25,625;. tuitions, tentatively set for Jv!ay 28. Rcgu· lists have reported a new value $16,000; and local laxatiOn, $75.· Jar meetings will be resumed In for .the density of natural lithium 126.78. . tho fall. which is expected to replace lhc

Disbursements as estimated value accepted for 50 years. Dr. are: General control, $17,975; Donald .J. Montgomery, professor salaries and supplies, $198,433.9il; Housel of physics, ami Donald D. Snyder, auxiliary and 'co·ordinate trans· lecturer In the subject, reported

$22 700 tl f lUrs. licnncth Ral1cr portation, • , : opera on ° their findings · to the American

Stockbridge News Mrs, •Jelen Beeman

Honor Students At Stockbridge Are Announced

Poole, Dru·iene nlsrwr, Bill How· land, Slth·Jcy Scilrcer, Gt!nnle Herglson, Dennrm Siorldnrd, nnd Sharon Stoffer;

Nlnih, Sally Ahlmll, rtufh !JD(!Hillnlc, Bnrh flroolts, flill Cam· IJilrn, · Dtln C1trlcy, Phyllis Cur· pontor, Hltorla Dieterle, Bob Jlannownlcl, Sharon Hansen, Mltry

Aubuchon, Douglas Hnrlon, Doro· f hy Curley, Suo Dldtlnson, Phil• lip fo'rr!rlenhtu·g, Barham Orccnll, Nm·mn Httrlsrin; ftl1hy Hulchln· Bon, Mario ,Jnpohs, Frlerla Kunze). man, Mnrllyn Liehccl\, Murllyn Lyfle, Phyllis Monrehmtso, Mf\l'Y· nnn Musolf, Joan Pralel', BeveJ•Iy Jllchnl'llm!ll, Bc!l'IUII'!i lllsnm·, 1~1· IIlllS niHilCI', anr·y Smith und .Ter'l'Y Smith,


Youth Center Enlarges Scope

High achievement ratings were 1 rcehl, non llorrman, Christine gnlned hy many Stucl<ht•irlgo Jlll· rr 11 w 1 e t 1, Ann I~lmbernuslms, plls lor t IJC last marldng perlorl, 1\!ary Ellen Knott, Elnine Mar·

Those on honor rolls in f he Hltttll, E:vonnc May, flnrhal'il Mur· 'rile program orlglnully culler! .Junior nnrl ~cnloJ• higit schools, phy, Marilyn Pnller, Dick Hams· tlw Stocl1hrldge Youth Center has arc: Sevcrith, Jerry 13arhmn·, llos·j dPII, ,Julm Jlcllly, Jerry nunc!· been enlarged lo the ~cu1m of the uiyn Boyce, Junnlin Brnnlmm, mnn, Linda Sclwcr, Cal'lllyn ~Hor:ilhrlrigl! Communlly Conter. James Cowan, .roan I~riermuth, Slwrland, Micltcy Sillnl\cvlch, Reorgnnlzntlon huH hccn ef· Clen Gauss, ·Noreen Grumelol, ,Janel Siflnflelcl, Kenneth Stoffer, fcclerl. In addition to tile G sets Pat Gulick, Mllte Harvey, Vernon Gerald Tater, Bill Tower, Mnry of [mrcnls and the •l high Bchool Hoard, Ronnie Lewis, David Wnrdttml Janet Wild; JTICI11hers nnd their nllernatcs, Llnrle~~r, .T•,IIlet Messner, Paul Tenth, Berry Boring, Peggy, offl<!ers nre: President., Wendell Minix, lim 0 Brien, Dnvld P11ttun, Cm·pcnter, Merna Casstdy, Kat·un. Bm·bor; vice·presltlenl, Mrs. Syrl· Pnul Pntlon, hlllhleen Paul, pes· Clarl(, Diane Collier, Hoher·t Col· ·ney Beckwith; seerettu·y, Mrs, :;le Peters, Panzie Pctcr·s, Ellwl I ins, Hyrela Dixon, ill II Donohue, Ann I!owlett; treasurer·, Mrs. Dun Wunsdcll, Jnmcs Hellly, Luther 13at·ha!'a J•'Jnclt, David Glynn, Bnrnard; and sl'cond vlce·preHi· . .inlyr!I'S, Keith Sharianrl, LatTy Mary IGilen Heeney, Anne Ilow· dr-nt, Tony .Jni'Oid. Bubl'J', Evu LtJII Streets, Gurdon lett, Ridlllnl Hutson, Martin MDJwy iH!ing an all·timo requl· '~'aylor, Sharon Titus, Ed Trapp, .fohnson, Vc~ronlca I..:imbentusitaH, site, 2 big car·washing events will Connie Ward and Ed Wnt~on: Suruh Liming, Larry Llndemr.r, he Htagerl. One on May 11, the

Eighth, Bill Acltiey, Belly .John Mason, Lorraine Mills, .'I'unl ~econd on May lil. The street be· Bear:ltamp, Dennis Boo~, Naney Mills, .Jaek Pol ts, ,Dorothy Hi~ncJ•, l\V()cn till! Sinclair Service stu· Boring, Naney Brool<s, Donna ~lary Ryba, Hoger Slone, Mary lion and lite D and G warehouse Carley, Sheny Clarl<, 1\uy Coait· .Jane [:;mitiJ, Connie Soher, Joe will he roped oil'. Water from the lr!y, Bill Cullins, Domlhy Cr~tfl, Taylor and Mym Wir·eman; ffrn hydrants will be used. Delores Derossett, Mary Jo Dick· Eleven! h, Donna Bauer, F'ran· ,Junior and senlo1· high school lnson, Dana Dieterle, Cherie Dix· ces Ileckwilh, Jean Burgess, students, uncleJ• the direction of on, .Jurly I•'inch, 1\aren Fink, .Joan Dwine Carley, Jlalph Carley, Bon· George W. "Bill" Moyer· unrl his Ffaef(, Gary Gee, Marcia Gllmom, nie I•:arl, Alice Fny, Beverly commit lee, Sandra Stoddard, .Tacl< Gloria Grosshans, Stte Harvey, Glynn, Cam! llannewald, Vonelta I O'Brien and Pat Long, will do the Barbara l!ollis, Linda Horton, Ben Harr, Ka lltcl'ine Horning, Die!< work. llowlett, Maxine Hudkins, .Joanne lluttenlodter, Fred Mills, Pal --------· --Huston, Bill Jcnltins, Gus Kasper, Moecl<el, Benny Penn, Dorothy Afr•ican pygmies nrc so skilled Haymond Knott, Pat, !tick, P01t Sdtull:.:, Diel1 Soher, wili1 lite hCI\V unci arrow that tlwy David Marslrail, Carolyn McCICI!I', Paul Spadafore, Helen Stanfield can have a third arrow in I he nlr · Jncitie McGee, Joyec Oaltley, and Bill Withi'DW; befoi'C the first or second hits the Elaine Osborne, Don Elaine Twelflll, Jeun .Ackley, Jean marl(.

Why Not Spend MOTHER'S DAY in Church? Flants will bo awarded to the oldest mother, tho youngest and the mother having the most children present. ·

Morning Worship Service Bible School

10:00 A.M •. 11:15 A.M.

How Can We Prepare For Great Disasters? See for yourself actu<tl. pictures of the Nagasaki and Bikina explosions.

Come Sunday night at 7:30. Wo will show the Moody Bible science film "God of the Atom,"

FIRST BAPTIST CIIURCII; schools, .Janitors, fuels, etc,- $31,· Crossroad Farmers 4-I-1 club Physical Society. Their study is

~--•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••··~--~~~m~Thun~yew~~M~w~ort~~~rt~~A~mic R~mAR~NCEWD~~rl~ I 1~ at Sco~llc school. Energy Comm~~on. · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mason


I 11:1\'in~ sold the residence of the late Ella l\1. CrO\i·I, the undersi~ne1l

will sell at public auction the entire; 11ersonal ~ropet•ty a~ tile .f~rm 6 m1les southeast ol' ~la .. o;on on Dexter ·Trail, or ~ m1lc west of l\lertdmn road on Dexter Trail, on

Saturday, May ,18, 1957 One. o•clock Sharp

HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2-bm·J~rr Apartment:-size Stove witll o\•cn Jloovcr Electric Swee(Jer Whit.t! 1\itchen Cabinet Quantity of Blanl{ets Yellow Chrome Rrt~a){fast Set with 4 Quantity of Doilies

· chah·s to match, nearly new Electric Blanlmts Wl~stinL.•·howm lljJectric Clothes Dryer. P'll

"' Bed Spreads , I ows Bendix Automatic Wa .. 'lher Rlack Chrome Brcald'ast set with 4 chairs 9x15 Rug 7x9 Rug Electric Iron ' Icc Cream Freezer Some Throw Rugs . Quantity of Dishes Small Oil Burner \Vitl1 (li11e !J.llll draft Pots and Pans control Daybed and Settee, nearly new 3 Step Ladders · . 6 Nearly New Dining Room Chairs One-section John Deere Drag Dro11ll~af Table 2 Small Radioi'J Lawn Sweeper . · 3-gaUon S_pr~yer New Jmceti·ic Toaster 3 Rocking Chairs Yardman Reel-type Power Mower, 21-meb 2 Occasional Chairs Reo 21-incll Reel-type Power 1\lower Singcl' Sewing !\lachine Miller ~{!-inch Ha.n11 Drill · . . Now Clothes Uar . Portable Lawn SJ!ra.yer . Lawn Cha1rs 2 Small 'l'ablcs T~le11hone Stand . Quantity of Pipe and ~fittings . Picbll'cs !Uirrorl'l Garden Tools Garden CultiVator Couch Bench Vise Grimier Red, St•rin.f.\s a111l 1\lattress : Rose Trellis ' . . Some .Clothing · . TV Antenna wltll bowtie and lead-in wire, . Birdseye !Uallle Chest of Drawers and ~·complete

mlrro1· · · Crocks Cans · Potatoes

. AIL the 1\bO\'e listed it.c~n~·are extra.~elean and represent a IUetime's ·accu'n1u-; . httion: · · · ·· \ · ·

I . .l5~ooo feet or ne\v lumber, sawed to build a .new liouse;

LUMBE. R. . · . 2x6 anti lx6 · . . ·.; ·· Enough Oal' and Basswoml tO finish bouse . · New Stantlard Birch Door· · · ·.

•ncludcs 2x8,

. '·

TEUI\IS:-Casll. All be settled for day of sale before reino:val •. Not' respoll· siblc for accidents; · '·· .~ · .I ' · · ·

Mr .. and Mrs. Enos Carl an· nounr:e the arrival of a daughter, Sherry Ann, born Wednesday, May l, at M:1son General hospital.

Janet Jact<son, a member of tho cross road Farmers 1·H Sew· ing club, appcnred in the dress revue at the Ingham county worn· ~n's home dcmonstra lion achieve· mont day Tuesday ut the Civic :entet• in Lansing.

Gale Pierce cntereCI t:'uote· hos· 'I tal, Jackson, Monday for 'ob· ;crva1ion and treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Causie and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Causie anrl Sheryl were Sunday dinner guests o{ Mr. and Mrs. Mer! Van,Dorn. at Parma.

Ingham-Vevay l'llrs. I•aul· Carl

Mrs. William Carl anrl children were Saturday evening callers nf Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Carl.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kinnamon had as S1indriy guests Mr. and Mrs. William Kinnamon and .fatn· ily from Rochester nml. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cooper and family,

Mr. and Mr$. Ami Terrill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and

Charles Lange In East Lan· sing. Mr. and Mrs. LnVe~ne Soule of ~illiamston were Sunday eve·

,! .

UllJ· ..


' II '


12.4 cu. ft. of matchless


for only

$139.95 with tr~dc

MORE .IORAGE SPACE- MORE . FINE FEATURES _ than refrigerators lolling for $100 higher!

. ~~'*'~ -~~ '!~,



.~., Not a stripped" s .

Jl/ast-yellr'~ " 'Pectal/ Ollt/ "·e. ~ close •

· ~new /JBclrert '57 Fr: --feature. Loo/( S/ylert jUirlalre Sheer

... eauty

··-· . '" .. £. , &Sii fliA 'fUR£ •

coMPA~~ ,~'\reoser c~e~rot~~' . ~~!nn~~~~~=~~~~~~v~~~k~~en . G\AN't ., ·.n.'ename\edd. Ytla\t~5he\f

· . . 2 Porte aJ • and tlan Y \ 0.o0r a ·custom look without costly· remodeling, puii 1 · . ·null'l She\ve• 5 te;y.Sea 1 you years ahead of the style parade, \ 3 ,\\ull'lc' mP. artmenl • a traY' . . . .. "er . o Q. 'cku'oe . . .

~~:pU::~:fa:li'I:O:U:S~·:U;I~~~W~,~~::::~::: ) · .. · · ' ' Color at no extra cost. . . , · .

· · ACK A~ H;if:' Price Offer on Qulckubo Tray I ' . ' . .

' ..


ln9ham County News · · Mav 9, 1957 Page 4 l'l'llQl'lllll Is PhtiiiWil A Mother's· Day program Is he­

--------------------~----- lng plunnerl for Sunr!ny morning,

Dansvolle News Helen Young MA 3-3931


Muy 12, ut thr. FrerJ Methorllsl ehul'ch. Members of the ,Joy cll!ii~ nt·e In dwrge of the pmgmm, whkh will hr. pt·esenled nt tho elosr. of the Sttnrlny school hour, Special gifts nre holng urrnngml for mollwr~ present.

Church Plans To Mark 50th Anniversary

Children's Day Is Observed

,Joint l\Jnr~Uu~ Is Fir•h1~dnl1~d

Mother-Daughter Banquet Date Set

Monrlny, Mny 13, memhars of tho Dansville nnrl Vnnlown off!· l'inl honrrls will IHIVC a .Joint meet· lng at R n'c·lnck al llw Mathoclist pnrsrHmgP In Dunsvllll'. 11 wlil hr

Chilclrrn's Day wus ohsl'rVl'cl Llw llnal linard meating- of lh~ Friday evening, May 10, Is tha

Plnns rirc unrlerwny f01• rele· bmtlng the 50th anniversary of

' till! Free Met hodlst dHH'C!h, whleh wlll.lw Sunrlay, M,ay lfl, Tnvlla· lions hnve been sen! to nil living forme1· pastors and other mr.m· her~ nml frlenrls who hnvc mover! In olhet• communl1les,

SliiHllly morniur.: nl llw Mothodi~l c•onfm·cnr•r! ycur and will be pre· duto for lho annual mother· f'hun:h. 'l'lw lwginnr>rs slr!Pd nveJ' hy the pastor, Ruv, daughter banquet sponsored ny thPIJ' bnncl lnslrllmPnts and sung, Clwrlos Gross. sunrlay morning, lhe Woman's Society of Chris· dirrf'lccl hy 1\lrs. ltmwnP Arnold. Mill' 12, 1 hr. children in tile pr!· tlan Scrvlca, Dinner will he

'I'C>Miwrs or II,H• primary de· mni·y I'!JOiJ' will sing during 111•! served nt 7 o'clocl\, 'rhose who Jlfll'lnwnt PXpi:JillPd lilr• Wfll'l< nf worship snrvlce at t1111 cllm· ilnve uol ll!.!Pn snllcilerl are re­llwll· classes. 'l'l1r •·hildrrn or tlH' 'l'liP choir Is heing rlirr.clecl by qur.Hiecl to talm relishes or .Jello. clrpnr1mrn1 ~Ill% rlirrr·lrd l1y J\lrs. Holw!'l 'l'lwmpsnn anrl Sully After <lltllH!r· thet·e will be n Ml's, Ttolwrl 'J'hompsrlll. Tlw jnn· 'J'IHllllpknn. short program, which will con· inrs oprnrd llir>ir pllrl or llir pro· sisl. of a ton~t to the daughters gram lly sinr, in~ "Sn ft ly iliHI Tr• n· lly Mrs. Roscoa Arnold, toast to c]C;rly." JHJW Md ':tiJI' PXIIillill'rl J • 5 • the mol hers hy Miss Marlene 1lwpos1erswhkh1111'y1Hiilllladr> Unlor- enlor Swan, a piano solo by Rebecca while studying I he J·:aslcr sym- Dlchlnnd a song by the Harmon· hols ami she explllilll'rl IIH' llll!llll· Prom Is Giv. en naires, Evelyn Townsend, Dol'O· Jngs of IIH' symlwls. Cary c:rancly lhy Dunsmore and Luclll£> Wheel-reporlrcl on I lie lr.FsnrJs fot· I he '!'hr. lar~r. gymnasium of the er; quarter and 12 nwmln•rs of llw Dansville A~rlcultural scholJi was , rwo film!) will als,? bl! shown, rll'partmenl wlw pari il'ipall' In t lw li'ansformerl Into "The 13lue A Chance 1~ Gr~~v and "Jar.k Carle! hanrl playr•cl "(;oil nf Oil!' flnom" for the junior-senior re· and the 13eanstnll1. Fathcro." c·0ption I•'J•Iclay evening. Regin:ild '

An exerr:ise, "Tiw .!rowel Box" Wyman and Duane Lininger, FFA B Att d ('!'he 131blc l, was ~lvcn hy Gordon sophomores, acted as doorman OYS en Grundy, Kenneth Woods, Tommy illld host for lhe reception. Training Camp Murdocl1 and 11oiJPrt Brown. Slnl'l'cd htue rrepc paper was Linda A<'i<ley and Barhara Clill· rh·apc!d arounri !he walls except Leland Townsend, Roger Cool< son pt·escnlerl a dlalo~:uP, "\Vc for 1 he scaling area where strips and Robert Mead accompanied by Like Sheep." Haymonrl 'l'own~end ref lwistcd ('L' papet• were used their nrlvlsor, Cat-rett Wheaton, cxhlblled and explained a posi!'L' 1o (!rcalro a !:else wall. For aeccnl, attended the leadership tralnln~

CAMPUS ROYAL TY-Prc(ty Linda Kilticl, W, makes an attmcllvc pielure framed by college pennants and ivy. She's been named ''Hunter College Queen" and tl)e juni!Jr at llw New York City school will compete! against girls from all c,ver tha i1nt1on in the llfth Jllllllul National College Queen Contest.

· Finals will talce place at AsbUI'Y Park, N .• r.; io .June. Qualificn. lions are based half on beauty and hal£ on brains. ·

on "The Lcn·rl's Prayer" made• hy houquPts of artificial roses su1·· camp Ior region 4 of the FF'A at 1\Iothm·-Dnughtet• -Jinnquct Giwu Llnrla and Sue AddPy. , J'OlllldQcl hy while angel hair were Higgins lal<e Saturday anrl Sun· About 50 mol hers nnd r'lnugh·

The progr::un l'onl'lniiPcl by 1IJP lllsrrl. fllue lwlloons were hung day. ters attended the OES mother· congregalion rrpL•alln~ lh(• Lord's from lhe ceiling and blue crepe Eighty-five boys representing- dnughter banquet Sunday mom· !'royer. piiper r·ovcrc•rl !he lighls. The !~FA clwpters of region 4 were lng nt the town hall. On the com·

I' c•putc1· or interest was a fountain present. Saturday gl'OUp meetings miltee for the banquet were MrF. Sub·DistJ·ic1 Hall,y !Jul., :-ict. sprinkling- hlue water, which was pertainin" to chupter problems Lawrence Bal;er, Mrs. David

The regular llllsiJH!SH mecl i ng u~rrl 11s a lwC'kgroun<l for picture were co;ductecl. 'fhe boys also Woods and Mrs. Ronald Mor~c. of the MY!~ was cotHIIJI'lcd Sun· lal<ing after the dinner. went on a tom· thl·ough the state Tables were decorated w1tn day evening al llw l'hut'('h. PlnJ1~ The lahlns were covered with pine tree nursery ami the conser- spring flowers·. Gue~ts were pres­were made for IIH! suh-cli~trir·l wllilc in t11a junior-san lor motif. I vation fire fighting equipment ent from Slockbl'lllge, Mason, rally, which will IJe Sunday PVr:· Hunning rlowi1 the center were factory at Roscommon. »'lllla!Uston, and East Lansing ning ~t 7:3~ in Dansville. 'l,'hc red roses, myrtle ami blue angel Sunday chapel services wert: Jn~ludmg Mrs. ~stller Carpe~te~. worship serv1cc Will be eonc!ul'!cd 1 hair given with the boys parliclpatlng. OES ~ounty presl<l~nl and gtanJ hy members of the MY!o' of the In. :ul<liiJon to the seniors, the Farm forum impromptu contesls orgamst. Mr·s. Lewis Woods gave Livingston circuit. 'l'lwrc ll'ill lw took place afterwm·d. · the toas.t to the daughters and n !ilm, games ami rrfrPsluncnts. r n r·ull Y members and their Carol Wmg tile toast to the moth·

~pouscs, board of education mem- , -- er• Later the group •tltcnderl Each MYF member is requeslecl bcrs nnd their wives and Rev. aml li'JIU Ifos Gothca·ing ... ' to take 3 rlozl"n ('ool<ics. Hecrca· Ahout 35 members and friends services at the Methodist church. tion will be in ch·11 . •c of 111,. M1·s. llarry Moore were guests or N l L I I ' .~1 , G. , ; the junior class. The dinner was of the FMY had n social gather- Fifth Grado lias •rom•

ort l am nne S.t em '' 01 '-


. ., 1 1 i . f tl ing at the town hall Friday eve- · MY!o' groups. t~~~~~~c cluJG a~f'~:~~!d ~Y u:~ ning. Games and group singing P~plilsbin tthi e.~ftltl gral d~ accMo~J·

-- ,. ' 1 · · 1 provided entertainment, On the pamec Y 1e n ea(! Jet, 1 s. Conununity i\h~Uwrlist nf nuns- ~cp wmoJ ~ glr s. . committee for the party were Clara Crossley, aml several moth·

ville and Vnntown, Hc1•. Cll:u·lcs Afler dmner, D1cl;: Lampman Mary Jane Emerson Larry Cool;: ers.made a trip to Lansing Mon· n. Gt•oss, pastor. 10, church al'lerl ns masler. of ceremonies. and Bud Hedglen. ' Jacll Cool\ day. They visited the capitol school, Dansville, G. E. Manning, BeveJ.'lY. Hencsle1t, president of acted as master of ceremonies at building, ate tlteir lunch at Potter superintendent; 11:1;), worship the .JllnJor class, welcomed the the "I've Got 11 Secret" program. park, then went t~rough the mu ~ervice wilh a message hy the g~rest~ and the response \~us Refreshments of punch, cookie,; seum at East Lansmg and, WKAR pastor; 10, wot·ship service a! g1ven by . Don M,cCnbe, . semor and ice cream· bars wet•e served. radio station. Mothers who a_c Vantown; 11, church school, Mrs. l'lnss president. fhe trJO, con- ___ companied them were Mrs. Ron-Carroll Glynn, supcrin1cnden1; sisting of Jill Briggs, Sally Nemer Birthday Is nouoJ'ed ert Newman, Mr_s. Harold Charrl, 7:30,. MYF service, suiHiistricl :~ncl Rosemary Brave_ncler, sang. Forty-five members and friends MJ·s. Harold Wtng, Mrs. Lloyd rr.Jly. They were accompamed by Mrs. of the Free Methodist church Brown, Mrs. Loal Townsend,

Dor~ DiehL Several .~embers of ~athered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Mitchell and Mrs. Dansville l•'J•ee i\Jethndist, Rev.

H. E. Moore, paslor. '10, Sunday s1·hool, Genevieve rrcer, superi n· 1endenl, Mother's Day program; 11, preaching service; G:4!i, FMY service; 7:30, evening mr~ssagc, Prayer meeting. Wednesday £>\'a· ning 7:30 al church.

the .JUmor class part1c1pated In a Mrs·, Wnyne Freiermuth last jDe.xter. 'f.hornton. : .. ;. . hum o I' o.u s ~lyle show ami Thursday evening .. The occasion i · ~ i sl<etclle~ mvolvmg .members of was in honor of the birthday an-~ Mr. and Mrs .. ·Roscoe Arnol<! the senwr class, wh1ch concluded nlversary of William 'Freiermuth. were Sundn_Y chnner guestS' 01

11Je program. Visiting was the diversion of the Mr. ~nd Mrs. Harley A_llen of Mn-'fhe Clare Boughton orchestra evening and ice cream and cal<£> s~n m honor of ,the lmthday an:,

o£ Jackson furnished music for were served as refreshments. mversary of Mr. Allen. dancing. Mr. Ft•eiermuth was presented a Miss Mildred King of Howell

Mr. nnd Mrs. Rus~ell F'risell unci family were Sunday dinner gucsls of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Robert F'en·ier.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Town­semi am! family of Northwest Stoekbriclge were Sundny visitors ol Ml'. and Mrs. RC!X Townsend.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yaeger of East Lansing and Mr. ancl .,Mrs. Floyd Milehcll wera guests at clinneJ' Sunday of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell.

Merle Ot'is of Lansing was a Monday dinner guest of his moth· cr, Mrs. Mina Otis.

Mt•, and Mrs. William Musolff and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Musolff were in Battle Creek Sunday on account of !he death of their cousin, Mrs. Lewis Shaw.

Bishop M. D. Ormston of Spl'ing Arbor will he guest speaker nt the morning worship service nml at the ndernoon sarvlce. When Bishop Ormston began his cureer In the ministry Drmsvllle wns hi~ llrnt pastorate. He is now bishop of the northem lll'l!ll of the l•'ree Methodist church. Alfred Sherman and M1·s. William Freiermuth are on lha lnvltntlon committee, and MrH. Lloyd Hny· hoc, Ml's, Clyde Curtis ami Mrs. Edmund Young are on the dinner committee .. Tiwre wlll be a c.linner at 11Je town hall for the guests.

New cement stepH with a wrought Iron raillng replaeed the old ~teps lust week, and several evct·grcens at the front gnve !he church a new Iaol1. The mamber:;

. of the Woman's Missionm·y So· clcty m61 at the church last 'flnirsclay to clean il, and !hey expect to finlslJ the job this week Thursday,

Mrs. Wlllinm 'Mtisolff attended a meeting ~f the district boarcl at the Firs! · Methodist church In Ann Arbor Tuesday. The purpasr. of the mcctlng was to plan the seminars for the SlllpmcJ', ·

Mr. and Mrs. Geralrl Powers nl'l'ived home Friday after spend· ing the winter In Fort Lauder· r!aie, Florl~a. '

Dr. F. A. Lenclrum underwent an operation Monday morning at !he Providence hospital in Detroit.

Melvin Gene Utter had sttrgery on his arm last Friday at Spar· row hospital in Lansing. He is recaVel·ing nicely,

Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Clements of Lansing, Mrs. Mattie DeForest, Mr. and Mrs. George Lucns ancl Mr. and Mrs. Higdon Tyler of Fowlerville were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Bessie Turnbull and Mrs. Sm·ah Clements.

. · 't\fp;, ,'jj:f: lJ',i irHil.l ill IIi • hilril ell' &111', ,•II ·.Ti,•]\~clli.. NJ I>~ Mia I kr. 1 of l\1fl~flll WAl'f! Mnnrlnv visl(orH' Howe~ or Mflson (JJI<l Mls,; Revorlv of hor pru·;•tJls, MJ•, nnct Mrs, A. C, [)()n~•·lull 111' Wcnl!mvttll.~ WPu·1 Hrll'ger, Sunrluy rllnllt'l' IJLU!IIl~ •nl' Mr. illlU

MI'S. Hnrohl Dnldn uf Union· Mrs. ArthuJ' Hronl~,;, vii In spnnl '!1 ruw rlnys last week Mr, nnrl Mrs, .ruck Brnmnn unci wllh he1' prtrents, Mr. un<i Mn;, Dunr.ll spent seVlll'lll rlnys last A. c. Dowling, weelt Vllcntlonlng In WnHitlngton,

Mr. unci Mrs. Lewis Freer anrl D. C, family were Sunday vl~ltors of Mr. and Mrs . .Iumes Crumbnlmt• 1\lr. nnrl Mrs, Hoy Caswell of Pol· und fnmlly \VC!l'e Sundny vlsliora tl'L'Ville. ol tlw hitler's pnrents, Mr. and

Mr·. ami Mrs. Lawton .Gauss Mrs .• Tolin Hlchardson of Detroit, wem Monclay evening dinner '!'hey 111 tenrleli sorvlces nt the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Llherty 'l'emple i'lllll'Ch In Detroit. Ifolrlen of !Iowcll. Mr. nncl Mrs. Roscoe Whcelel'

Mr, nnrl Mrs. A. 0, Greenough llllrl fnmlly of Grand Rnplds, wern Sunday visitors of M1·. nncl Scn11 Wheolet' of Jackson nnd Mrs. Ilnrry Lead1 of Arm Arbor, l~nrresl Whe£>1et· nf Lansing were

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Leste1· Anclerson Sunduy dinner guests of their 1111<! Mrs. Emesl Jones £llHI clnngh. mother, Mrs. Bernice Wheel£>r, ten1 o[ Willow Hun and Mrs. Mrs. Ell'lo West. returned home Tnnn Bellmnn and Mr. nnrl Ml'o, Monrlay J'rr)m spending several Om AnriPI'son of: Lansing were duys wilh MJ', and Mrs. Grnr .. I !'htnrlay vlsltor.s of Mrs. Ros£t Dunsmore of Clinton. 'Ill! Anderson. Mrs, Gt·nr:e !{!nne anrl Mr. an<! Mrs. Wesley Shopbell MrH. Laut·a Bachman were Tues- ultendcd t lw liOth wedding annl· day visitors of: Mrs. Anderson, versm·y of Mr. and Mrs, B. II.

Donal(! Kelll'll!> of Detroll £LIHI Fields of Alll'CilliH Sundny after· M1·s. LaJ•rie Lininger of Mason noon. \\'Pre 'i'uc~day vlslto1·s of Mr. and MI'H. A. ,T, Millet•, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Yuhasz anrl !:unily a! Holt. were Sunr!ny vlsilom nf the Mil· lcrs.

Mr. nne] Ml's, ,Jess Staats ami

'l'he Conr.sloga wagon lnnmNI for a vallr!y In Pennn.l was Hl feet long, had wheels 6 feet hlllh and a bed what would flout the wagon nnrl Ioml across st renm;;,

Spring Evangelistic Campaign ' .

Okemos Church of the Nazarene I I

Temporary Location: Odd Fellow Hall


Every Night Through May 19

7:30 P. M. Nightly

REV. AND MRS. WM. SCHMIDT Special Workers

Spcci•l Music and Sccne·O-Folt Pictures ot Each Service

10 A, M. II A.M.

7:30 P, M.

You Are Cordially Invited to Attend!

REV, C. A. BRUCH, Pastor


Dr. W. B. Dakin of Los Ange­les, Ca Iii., was a week end guest nt the home of his niece, Mrs. Gertrude Bohnet. Mrs. F'loJ•ence Moore o£ CoJ'Ltnnn, anolher niece o! M1·. Dakin's spe11t !1a1urrln~· with Mrs. Bohnet.

gift from the group. ' visited Mrs. Elizabeth Baclms and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams Miss Rosamond Backus Saturday.

anrt Miss Rulh Earl of Barryton M1·. and Mrs. Roger Bater of Rev. and 1\frs. Harry Moore, were week C!lld guests of l,\1r. Lansing were Sunday visitors of Miss Suzanne Moore, Mr. ancl and Mrs. Roylyn Miller. Mr. and· Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Braman and Mrs. Orvllie Emerson and son. Mrs. John Kelly of Lansing were family. Orville, Dick Hedglen and Miss

Powwer Package fo·r Going~~. ' . .

Mr. and Mrs. Ccm·gc Vogt, .It·., ~nd Douglass Wf'r<! wPcl' <•ml J!Ucsts oi Mr. and Ml's. Hobert Anderson of Blisstielcl

Mr:;. Mina Olis was n Sunday dinner guesl qf 1\lr. and Mr~. Harold Wing. Mr. and Mr~. Ray­mom! Raddit:t. and f:uniiJ nf Wil­liamston. and Mr. nnrl Mrs. David Woods and family were evening guests of the Wings.

Mr. unci Mrs. Earl Fali and .f.nmlly of North Adams, Mrs. Loi~ Baker ancl :>on or Willinmslon, Mr. ami Mrs. Everett Baker oi Stockbridge and Mr. and Mr,, Clifford Mull o£ Lansing wee.:: Sunday visitors of Mt·. nml Mr~. David Baker.

also dinner guests Sunday of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Acker o£ Loretta Craddock attended lile Millers. Jucl1son were guests at dinner FMY spring banquet nt the Wom-

Mr. and Mrs .. Harold Ra_de- Sunday of Mr. and· Mrs. Ernest en's club house in Lansing Satur­mal<er nncl fam.ti.Y of Lansmg Stetler. In the afternoon they 411 day evening. wPre Sunday clmner guests o[ visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayhoc Mr. and Mrs. Don Leonard. Beatty of Lansing. and famiJy of Haslett and Mr.

Mrs. Bob Pri~c and chil<lre:n Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stttrman and Mrs. Lloyd Hayhoc, Jr., anri were Sunday viBJ1ors of lwr par- of Mason and Mr. and MrS'. Ed· family of Mason were Sunday 0n_ts:.Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glynn, of ward Cle~er, Mr. nl'd Mrs. Rob: dinner guests of their parents, \Vilh<~mston. ert Hube1 and family and Fmnl'. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hayhoe, St·.,

.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grab!e of Clever of Lansing were Sunday in honor of the birthday anniver­Dnnonclu_Ie were Sunday dmne•· visitors of Mr. and Mrs. William saries of Robert Hnyhoe and guests of the latter's parents, Mr. Muench. Lloyd Hayh

9e, Jr.

nnrl Mrs. Edgar Scrlpter. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green of . · d M · N 11

L r. f Mrs. Philip Scripter and family Pinckney were Saturday visitors Mr •. ~n q., . a :an .. :.11! Js .0

were Monday dinner guests of the of Mr. anh Mrs. William Musolf£. Mason were Tuesday evening dt!l· Scriplers. Mt·. and Mrs. Aethen Witt at· ner guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. W!l·

Mrs. Ona Almond returned to tended the weddln~ of their liam Niswong~r and_ Lloyd 111 her home in Mason Sunday after niece, Miss·.Sheila Witt, and Rob· .honor of the CJghth b_Jrlhday an· spending 6 months with her ert Broclt at the First Methodist mversary of Lloyd Nrswonger. grandson, Erwin Gaylord, at church In St. Johns Saturday eve- Mr. and . Mrs.· Willard Nis· Santa Anna, California. nlng. wonger and Linda Cheney of Ma· ·-------------------------·1 Mrs, Earl Grable of Dimondale son ·were Sunday evening dinner

and Mrs. Edgar Scrlpter were guests of the Wiiliam Niswon·

AUCTION Having sold my home and moving to Florida, I will public auc·

lion, located 205 West Evoroii·Dale, Lansing, Michigan, on

S·aturday. May 11. 1957 Commencing at I :00 p. m, tho following described properly:

1956 Amana 18.6 cu. ft. freezer and. refrigerator combination, 1955 Hat­point automatic washer, 1955 Norge' dryer, Admiral blond eonsolo radio end Hi·Fi, Cold spot 9 cu. H. refrigerator,. Universal •lee! ric stove, new 2· piece soclionol sofa, 3-pioce maple_ bedroom suite with box springs and maf. tress, 3-piece bedroom suite, 2·pioco living room suite, china cabinet, table and 4 chairs to match, mahogany desk and chair, 2 Hoywood-Wokofiold and t~blos, Hoywood-Wakefiold coffee table, 2 borrol·back TV chairs, tilt·bock chair, sewing machine, buffet, dinotto sol, choir-bed, 2 slonds, lamp, maga·

, zino rack, twin bods, dresser, coffee tabla, pion! slond, Thor mangle, 2 an· tiquo clocks, antiquo leva scat and 2 chairs, antique school desk and chair, antiquo rocker, antiquo stand, now punch bowl with 24 cups, dishes ond ulin· sols, lamps, 2 \14 h. p~ electric motors, 2 slop ladders, gordon fools,. gordon hose, 2 sleds, boys' bicycle, child's wor~ bench, lricyclo, roller skates, ico s~atos, largo quantity of toys, 16 g~uge shot .gYn, l~rge amount of mit·. cellanoous itoms too numerous to mention. '

Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. gers. · . A. C. Berger. Lucille and Louise Woods spent

¥r. and Mrs. Thea Cliclmer Wednesday and Thursday with were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Dei'· their grandpar~nls, Mr. and Mrs. Ia Pulling of Dexter. Charles Patterson, of Lansing.

Mrs. Helen Warfield of High· Mrs. Kennet11 Slusser of Leslie land Purl< was a Sunday guest spent Tliursday with her parents, ~f her mother, Mrs. Vola Laugh· Mr. and Mrs; David Baker. Mr. lm. Mrs. Laughlin returned to anc1 Mrs. Will Blanchar[l of Wil· Highland P?rk .with her daughter llamston were Monday visitors of [or a weel1 s VIsit. · . the Bal<ers.

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wttt Mrs Fred Steadman and son and son of East Lansing ami oi W~bberville call~d Sunday at Mr. and Mers. Herschel Jewett. of the home· of Ml". and Mrs. Jedson Mason w re . Sunday evenmg Felton. Mrs. Fclton.was a Thurs­~;uests of Mr. and Mrs, Warren day visitor of Mrs, Floyd Backus

M~~:er~nd Mrs. Arthur Brooks and Mrs. Albert Backus of Wll· and Diane were Saturday evening ll~mston. , . guests of Mr. · and Mrs. Jess . Mrs. Maud Shannon and Mrs. Staats· of Jacltson. Mr. and Mrs, Ada Tho~1pso11, em·oute home Robert Brooks. and son unci Mr. from Flonda, were Sunday eve­and Mrs. Leonard Brooks and nlng guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben· family of Mason ·and M1·. and nett Taylor. . . Mrs. Mike Cosgray and family of Ml'. and Mrs. George Merlndor! Stockbridge were Sunday evening and son of Eden and Sam Wll· guests at the Brooks home. 'Iiams of East Lansing. were Sun·

Richard I<lmble of Dayton, day visitors pf their parents, Mr. Ohio was a Sunday dinner guest and M1·s, Sam Williams. of Mr. IJna Mrs. Myt·on Corwin. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Bush and.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clerllk of sons WC!re Sunday dinner guests Grund Ledge. were Saturday vis· of· Mr. aqd ll:fJ's, Raymond Bush !tors of M'r. arid Mrs. J. B. Dal· ol Jackson. ton. · .Mr. and Mrs, Pearlle Beach of

Miss Barbara Anderson of De· Williamston were ·Sunday dinner trait spent the . week end as a guests of Ml'. and Mrs. Ray ~uest of her' parentS', Mr .. and Hartshom. ' · Mrs. F. C. Anderson, Sr. Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and c. Anderson, Sr., ·spent several fumlly of Lansing visited the !at· days Iast w~k in :Qetroit becanse ter's parent~, .Mr. nnd,Mrs. Myron of the sickness of her daughtet·, I<lrby, ThUI'sda)" evening. Miss Ruth Ann· Anderson. Mt'. and Mrs, Loren Stld an'd

,Mr: and.Mrs. Floyd MCCain and tampy and Mr. ,·~nd'.'Mrs .. Fran!( soil of Flint were .. Sunday dinner Stld.were. Frld!!Y·evcning visitors guests . of :Mr.:.and Mrs. Alfred of Mr; and Mrs,:Ceell Howci'Y of :

:""~~----~---...,...._ .... _..._.._..._ ... ~-.;..~...,ISlierman,": ·: ... ', . , ... · -. '· : ·' .-. - Mason;,; :· · · _. :. , · : .. : ... · . , . : _ . ,' }•. :' • :. ,/'··,.·,I .. 'I~ •. , • , , 1 ,;·


.,..·and StOp~ing

' . l&u never -be'ole h•ndJed

a. eel'! /lice 'fbi• -Buick I

SAY you like to grip the, wheel of a reallv nimble handler, · ·

'Say you like to push the treadle on a sweet and lively performer. 1 .

I , •

And say that along with this kind of going-you like your stopping:neat, solid, and sure

If s~ch is the case; then this beauty comes gift· ·wrapped for,you. '· ·

It's the 1957 Buick we're·talking ~bout-po~er package fi1'st class -.with perfoi'rnance that's a joy, a thrill,,pure,pleasi.ll'e all:the waY..: ·


This-y~u'Jl find: Yott'oe neoer befo1'e handle~ a car lilw this. .

\ I

. With its new 364-cu bic-inch V8 -with its new . instm;t Dynaflow; with its new bral~es, new .riqe, new steerini;piew roadability, new eoery· ~hing-this one makes driving more wonderful than you've ever known it.

it's like silk. Like honey. Like a lark on the win~ or an armw on its way .. It's like nothing else Olf

4 wheels/

r ..




,,. II

' ' I ~

' I ~ I

'J .:'." ,·.:

;; ;

' '


,., . 'r ~

•, ..

'j ' I, ,• Y.

! l I . l ... ·



fnafiam Coiintv New~ May 9; 1957 . ' Page 5

Williamston Mrs. Reah Horstman

Girl S~outs Have Meeting

I Fly up er.rr.mnnles for grnduat·

lug ilrownles were cnnrlucted nt tlw M ethodls1. cl1urch Monday night, April 2!J, 'J'he 2 troops eligible' to become Intermediate Gil•! Sr.outs, briefly desm·IIJed I hr.h• nc11vltles and !llsplnyccl theh· handiwork completed clur· lng the year.

ScvcJ·nl nrownla songs were sung for the entertainment of the parents .• Jeunetta .Tones opened the prog1·nm with nn Introduction ot lenders, M!'S. Earl LechlPr, Mrs. Charles I·JIII, Mr11. Raymond Rnddatr., MrR. L. A. Cheney and Mm·guret Wheeler. The ~-:Iris ln· traduced theft• parent~.

Receiving pins and' badges for theh• yeur's work were: .Judy Bancroft, Kathy Balwr, Mary Beard, Beth Casscn, Llnd11 liili, .Jennetta Jones, Su:mn Hartwell,

I enrol Kennedy, Kerry Kurol<l, Beverly Perl<ln, Snnd!'ll Christen, son, Slluron LII!'Son, Shnl'Oil 'l'hrqshm·, ,Judy VanAlstine, ttox anne Cheney, Cyntllln Nixon; Llndfl Lightfoot, Lyndn Wl'ight; Mm·gqret White, Mnrle Anr1 Clll'isly, Janenn Rncldutz Hill! Sh lrley Su WYCI'.

Cookies and punch wrirr> served nt the close of the ceremonies,

Mr. and Mrs. Gmnt Put nm the parents of a son, l!OIT' Wcdnesdny, April 2'1, nt Me· Laughlin hospltnl, Lnnslng.

Mr. and· Mrs. Pnul Miller and sons of Deti'Oil. spt'llt lnsl weel< ~:nd, with Mr. nnd Mrs. !•'red Mil· il'l'. •

Mm. Clyde Me!Tifielrl under­went l!lll'f{ery ul Sl. Joseph's has· pi lui,· Ann Arbor, last Tuesdu) morning.

Pic. J(enneth Corl stationed at ilclle Isle, Detl'Ol(, visited ovet the week end ut the r~raiJCes Odel) home,· '

: : :·. : ..

Archy's Photo•s

Mrs. VICJlet Lentz lind her par\ en Is,, M.r. ·and Mrs. ·Jesse Horst ' man, spent· the wee I< end wltll Mr. and .Mrs. Virgil Miller of Al{ron, Ohio. Mrs. Miller is the I-i:orstmans' daughter.

LEAF FOR HER BOOK-An orlglnnl way o! sendh1g greet­:ngs·brings a smile dC plenSUJ:e to the face of ·reciplent·Mnrln :;ossl'or Rome, Italy .. Sending "best wlslies to all and to Peter," on .n· real. mngnolln leaf, the friend wrote with China Ink.·

Developing * Enlarging * Printing

Portrolts o Specialty

Archy Ammerman

235 Mechanic Streol Mason

Help Us Go On Our Canoe Trip!

Mrs. B!!rtha H1tggadone was taken to Sparrow hospital Satur: day forenoon ·after having a heart attack at D1·. Reynolds' office. She was ~;·eported as being !Jetter on Monday.

Since God couldn't he every. where at. once he created moth: ers. ·

Mason Explorer Scouts•

Angel Food

CAKE SALE 65c Each 2 for $1

Here's your chance to buy delicious· ong~l food cakos, ospocio.lly homo­bakod for this evoot, and At the some limo· ouist Meson Explorer Scouts to ocquiro tho necessary equipment they need· to slort its hiking, cooking, camping ond outdoor progrom. ' ·

'l'ou neve; t;stod .finer .ong~l food. coke · .. · ,· .' it'$ gi~nt·high,- cioiicious ·and delicalo, made with gonuine Swons Down coke "flouc. Eoch coke woighs • full 10 oz. ond is delivered to your door in an aluminum pon-roody to cot or freeze, as you wish. T~esc cokos Aro not moss produeod-'-thoy 'oro · genuine home-modo cokes bokcd to the spccili,cotions of the· Post Commit· tee.

Post sponsored by Kiwonis· club.

We Will Take House-to-House Orders Friday and Saturday

We'll Deliver May 24-25

Whitedog District 1\Irs. l\1, V. Uutlcr

Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Smith s'pent the week end near Hale. ·· Mr. and Mrs. Lloycl Mlllcr nml fnmlly _spent Sunday and Monrlay at Mlo.

Mr. and Mrs, Theo1lorc Butler und Teddy, Mrs. Canie Rig~-:s anti Ncvn Butler were dinner guPsts Sunduy of Inn Butler in East Lan· sing.

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Is living in her trailer home at tiJC L. T. Smith home. · Mr. und Mrs. Earl Showerman

and Ray and Bertha Showerman were guc£ts Sunday of Mrs. Tillie Pratt. : Mrs. Paul Bnur and Linda spent ~cdnesday in Grand Rapids with Rev. A. W. Klaiber, Mrs. Bnlll·'s father.

Wheatfield Center · ~Irs. Bertnn Johnson

·· Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnsrm 1alled on the Berton .Johnson family· Saturday evening. • :. Mr. and Mrs. AI Mingus nml . ramlly were Sunday evenll~g guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. ~e,aver and D_iane. : Mr. and Mrs. Berton· J~hnson attended funeral. services for their· aunt, Daisy Fulton, Tuesday Utenioon In Perry,. · · ' Mr. ·and· Mrs. · F. C. Weaver ivere Sunday guests. of Mr. ami Mrs. Arpiur 'fhompson at Lal<e Lansing. ', Mr. and Mrs. Berton Johnson ~n'd Jean . \lisited Mr. ancl Mrs. ]3111 Burke· and son, Kevin Shawn, Simday, Roxanne, Kim and Rr~x Bu.rl<e returned lwme after spend­ the past wee!<. willi thfir grandparents .. OR ORDER BY PHONE:· .

Mason ·OR 6·1711 or OR ·6-1241 -I

: Mr. m1d Mrs. F. C. Weaver en­~ertalned Mr.· and Mrs. Kenneth Weayer and family Saturday eve­ning ..

If You're Like Me··

You didn't imow that you p1~rsonally <!1111 mnlu~ nn ur· rest, but it's true.

There are 3 different circum­stances UtHicr which you us a private citizen can arrest another person. One time is when a felony is committed in your presence. A second is when the person to be urrestcrl has com mil ted a felony in your rn·csetice. And tile third Is when you nrc aslwd by any peace officer to asolst him in mak­Ing an atTest.

Now, please don't lake that In· formation too much to heart and start going about looking for criminals. H you arrest a person for a felony not committed in your presence you must be pre­pared to justify the arrest by showing that a felony had been committed. Circumstances must he such that uny reasonable per­Eon, acllng without passion or prejudice, would have fairly sus­pected that the person arrested had committed the felony .

In case you're interested in what a "felony" is, about the best I can say is that it is an .offensl) wllich is punisllable by imprison· men( In the state penitentiary. .

·In general, then, the facts In­volved that are necessary to up­J,okl nn arrest without a warrant must be sutriciently strong to support the issuance of n waJTant fm· nn arrest. The law follows the tmttern tl1at no one, officer or private person, has any right to mal<e an arrest without a wnJTant In the absence of probable cause to believe in the guilt of the arrested person. ·

(]range 1neets Tuesday evening,

~=======================:· May 14, at ,8 .. The 4:1-I.Flying 1• · Needles- girls will present a style

That mal1es pretty gootl sense to me and after all, Iool1ing at the other side of the coin i l's appar­ent that l.f there weren't some necessary circumstances involved, follts could ,iust go around arrest­ing each other for the fun of it. In which cnse, 1;ome of yom' practir~al-jolH!l' fl'ientls miglll have you behind bars!

• let us demonstrate this

: ~-! :~ ~ .. &.. ... ~.;;. .:·~ ;;. ''::-~a~~~~~..,r~,~ ·i.'i

, powe~·lpropellld • · ROTARY M.OWER

Johnston Power Prapoltod Rotary Mower wllh big 4·cycto onolno and recall starter

$169.95 · Features that make this tho best buy In a

S.lf Propelled Ratary · ' .'

• ludu• for yourulf with o d1m• , clvoldaacolptnulawna. onotralion an your lawn. a front, aide discharge, ch~lt fer

• Easy to handle on ci.flne 'tiwn evlntprayfnaofcllpplnga. or In loll w11da. · · · • Suillon 1111; full. hwrdened. 1tiet

• Varl•lpttd lrantmlialon 'for cuner bar_...;renralllle for double apleda lrolil f.tta4mflh.lncludti: duty. · noutralpnlltonfertrlmmlnil. ·•ttfl tide trim 1101 for trimming

• ,Stogg11ed, all'11111 wh1111· with right up 11. wallur fencu; . . · traction grip, long life llr11-.... , ' : , : : c . · /· '.

N~Uonanr Advertised In IJID ~n~ POST I . I ' ' . ,•,. '

G-o trM·Io.rr.-~ _ _,...,.,., .,,;,.,_..,,.,

We Service and Repair Alf Types of Law'n ~ciwers ·and Put. board Motors, · , '• ;. ·. · · .· , .· :, ' · · .

'revue and the lJoj1S Hanrlicra rt ,club will display projects. Those ,attending are to tulw .. cal~c .o1· jello. ·

The.,. t:Jss· Holial)d, which be·. United Stales submarines de· came tlic' 'lirst'''Lu~ilcrma crafl tn stmyed a total of 214 Japanese be commissioned bv tht2 US nJvy, naval ,o;hipt; r.lui·in~{ World War \vas accepted on April 11, 1900, II, including one battleship, 8 air­.for a p!'lce of $150,000. Today's craft carriers, 15 cruisers, 42 de­atomic RUbinarlnes cost allm1t strayers an!l 23 submarines: $30,000,000 ·exclusive of tile pow. Against this score, 52 US suiJ. ·eJ~ plant · marines were lost.

· Aitend The



Tuesdayt·May 14· · 1 I . . .

8:00 P.M.




Free Vacations for 2 at Gustely's Sandy Beech Resort on Grand -. Traverse Bay: R<'linbow Inn on Lake Ch.,rlev.oix · I , , .


·~..., ..

. Mic.higan S'!mmer Resorts!

"Plus Other Prizes

Munith. J.lmJ~ Elect Ofl'lc!!l'fl

Munith Lions cluh uleclei.l nffl· cer~ Jnsl 'T'ue~dny night nl tlwir nnnupl meeting. I~lecterl wew: President, Vel'lw Mneclde; seen•· tnry.- ·Willlllr Hltchcocl>i ll'easm·· er, Lesler· Musbnch; first vii~·~· president, Lloyd Hun; sr.eontl vlcr.-prp~ldent, Hnymond Lnn~; thircl vice-president, Lon F'l'IW lllttth; Lion tnme1·, AI Mnr~h; tall twlsti!J·, Gerald Dixon; cllrel'lnrH for one yenr, Wllllnm Archen­bronii ami Robert Titus; and rli· reclor·s fo'r 2 years, Melvin Le:;Hur n!HI Gcome Liehecll.

llridnl ShnW!!I' OIV!!II Mrs, fi'rcd I~ord nnd Mrs. Wll·

linm Hose entertained nt a hrliltll showr.t· hnnorlng Peggy l'nlnwr Monday .evening at the fi'ort! home. She wlll become the ln·hJ,, of Lurr~· Cornish of StnckhrldJ.:e June 22. Thr honored gttcsl re. celved ·mnny gifts.

tenchllfl In Tolarlo's Ottnwa f·fllls· Masonic tcmr1le In .T~~r:l(snn. lnsl tlw home of hrt• rliiUghlet•, .1\11'13, aciJooJ~ · We<ine~clny were MrB. Cllffrml Vu1·Je mnwu, Miss 13lulw111UJJ WllS

Mrs, Vcl'io Stowe expects hnt• MusillH'h, Mr~. 11'11 Slnnflclrl, Mm. u siRICJ' of llw lutn Hm·h Blalw· rltHighler, Mrs, John campheJI, Herbert Ren1ly, M1's, Wcstn.Y 1111111, Jnng-thne 1'11Sident of and Kevin to nrrlvn Hnon hy plunu Moeclwl, Mt·s, ll<tsscll Curley, 1\lunllh. from Cnllfornlu to spenrl several Mrs, At·chle Shnw nnrl Mr~. Mrs, lle~sie Mitchell, tenchol' 111 months with her while I.,t, Cump· Ethelyn Shlslm•, Slnl'kll)'ltlg" :;d)ools, was slclt lu~t bell Is ut sen Itt lhn nnvy. Mrs, J.,croy McCIInclwy nntl ~ wr>elc · ·

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Hlchard Cooper' d~ughter~. who huvc he1m Hpnnil· 'l'lw llit•fhrlny nnnlv!!rsnrlr.s uf and fumlly .of ChuriOIIc wore Sun- lng the pa~l wee>lt witiJ IH!I' mofil· i\lllrlt·c•rl, ill'lll'<' uml 'l'ommy cluy guest~ of th"il' purcnts, Mr. m·, Mr~. Verln Stowe, huv<; ,., •. l'l'ilr'l!llrrl rl!trl lllll, HosC! und nnd Mrs, Glenn Mnyer. turned lo tlwll· homf.' In Strw!;· .f;mt'l Monlaguo Wl'ro observed nl

DannY Tfowr., son of Mr. mul bridge. a rnrnll.v rlillttl!l' nl lhu I•'OJ'd Millet• Mt·~. Wnlte1' llnWI! of Euton llnp· Mr. nnrl Mrs. Chnrh·s Snllv honw Sutulny. Ids, rell!l"IWrl home with his pur- were Surulny dinner gue~IH of 1\Tr!i. Lloyd Ifill'!' wns ·guest r.nls lnsl week ft•om University their son-ln·lnw nnrl daughter, Ml', spenl\r.~t· at a nwr:tlng ,of the Inf(• hnspilul, Ann .t\rhor. Danny hns n and Mrs. Martin 13ttsh, nf i\ttJt slt>l' WSCS In lito Christ Melll· twin h!'olhr.t•, Dougle, Arhm• aftct• visiting a l'OillPII'l'Y, nrllst <'lttii'Ph 'l'unsduy evening,

Mrs. Orson Gnn·ls nnrl her 3 In Snlhw, where thel1· son, Haiph, 1 :iho was ac·t•ompattiPd hy Mrs. Ei· ~istcrs, Mrs·. Rose Giger, Mrs. Is burled. don I\ntz. . Mm·gurel Phillips anrl Miss Lucy Bl'!'enn Sundny scl1noi r'in,;s Mm. Bymn Stnnfloltl tiucl Mul'idnrlc!·, all of .Tacl<son, nrc meeting place IItts Phnngrorl. .Johnny ;u.·c·,rnpnnlrrl her mother·, tnl<ing n trip to Florida. 'l'he meeting wlll~Jt! wllh Mt•. nnrl !VIrs. Lloyd linn·, In En ion· Htip·

Mr. and Mrs. Tlarold !Ial'!' hnil Mrs. Harold Hmr nt 1lw Ifarr- iris SIIIHiay "venlng whet·e thay ~~~ SutHiay dlnnnr guests Mr. and lands on l•'rlrlay night, May 17, vlsil<!il Mr. llllrl Mrs. Walter HoWe Mrs. Tiru·olrl Cnrhllngton of JacJ,. wilh oupper nt: 7::30. Tht•!'<! will atsrl twin sotss. son, Mr. nnd MI'H. 'l'hPrnn IJmT of be n business nwetlng anrl Jll'll· ...... _. ___ _ Del !'lilt and 'l'nlrtlo, Mr. lllltl Mrs. grnm. Tile ~;fnt'ilJ.:<' c•liargt•s· on govern. Dnn Knrn of .Jackson and Mr. Miss Eva Blnkcman nnrl Mrs. mr•til·oll'nr>il surplus fm·m crops and Mrs. Halph Ford. Barnard of .Tncl;son wen! t'C!e!·nl Is .:osling till' tnxpnyers nbout 11

· Waterloo Neecllr.worl< elub will Mnl'llyn Lyilc parliclpuled In callers of Mrs. Lila Burgess a1 million dulla!'s pm· dny. meet Wednesday, Muy 22, ut titP tho slnlt! dairy qucen'cnntcst lnsl home o( ,Mrs. Verle Stowe In 'i'uesrlay evening ln East Lnnslng. Munlih.. · Slie wns nceompunlcd by her

Mrs. Rnlph t~ord wus ln Albion mother, Mrs. Elmer Lytle. recently visiting the Bob Glldurts. MI'S, Lloyd HurT attonderl ihe M1·. Glldm·t·Js nn Instructor at 1\1· dlstrit-1 hourd meeting of the bio1i-'.ool!eg·e · · WSCS at Ann Arbor Melllodlst

•• · · . • J . • · • • • church We1lne~dny evening; Mr,;.

Can anybody r£member when the times wero noi· h<Jrd and money not scarce?

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mt,-.nntl·.Mrs. The1on IJ,m of Harr Is president of the district Dett·~Jit !:IPP.I'\f the weelt end n~ society. . · , · Sun lifo As~urancc Co,. of Canada guests.,of,.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Those who attended the .Jack· i 13 W. Michigan, Lnn•inp


Harr ... ·at· ~iAr.rlnnds .. The~·on H~ IT /son r>ouiJty Hllllllal home rlcmoli· Phono fV,,nhoo ?·903 t Is n-.. tr.nd~eJ fit .. Wllplll Wright stratlon achievement clny at the '-~--~--------------------' scho~,l ·in, I;l.etrq)t! and his. wife . ·





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. Crisco SHORTENING 3 Sliced Cheese




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May 9, 1957

Go To Church This Su nday Following firms and Individuals This Message Is Brought to You

as a Public Service by the

Morse's RestauKant Mason '

This Message Is Brought to '~ou as a Public Service by the

Following Firms and Individuals

Van'~ Service - Sinclair Mason

C. W. Glenn & Sons CHEVROLET & BUICK


ongr er • • Dart Na tiona I Dan It Mason

Wilde's Super Food Market Stockbridgll

Da;t Manufacturing Co. Mason

George's Food Market Mas am

Ma~on Dairy Mason

Consumers Power Co.

Lindy's Drive-In Mason Heights

The Peoples Bank of Leslie


Ken's Marathon Service South Cedar Street and Eifert Ro11d


!IInson 1\lnthocllst, R11ymond L. Norton, minister. Sunday wor· ship, 10, sermon, "The Famlly of God," supervised nursery; Sun· day school for all ages, 11:15; .Tunior High Fellowship, 5; Senior Youth Fellowship, 6:30; mother· daughter banquet, Monday, 6:30; official board meeting, Tuesday, 8; prayer groups, Wednesday, 7, and Thursday morning, 6:15 and 9; choir rehearsals, Thursday, junior choir at 6:45 and seniors at 8.

First. Chm•dt of Clll'ist, Selen· list, Mason, has services at the church, corner of Oal1 ancll3arnes streets, every Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school during the service for puplls up to the age of 20. Wednesday evening meetings at 8 Include tesHmonies of Christian Science healing. A public reading room Is open at the church Wednesday and Saturday from 2 In 4 p. m. "Adam And The !~allen Man" will be the sttbjeel of the lesson-sermon In all Christian Science churches throughout the wot·ld Sunday, May 12.

Bunlmt• IIIII Sevcnth·Dny Ad· ventlst, L. H. Sicldes, pastor. Sab· bath school, 10 a. m.; worship set·vice, 11. The pastor will give the sermon Saturday, May 11.

1\lason Prcsbywrian,· Paul L. Arnold, pastor. Sunda:~<, 10 a. m., worship service, sermon, "The Heart of the Family;" 11:15 a.m., church school; 5:30 p, m., Junior high WF; 6 p. m.,' Senior High WF; Tuesday, 7:30p.m., session; Wednesday, vacation school staff meeting at Mcthorllst church, 7:30 p, m.; choir, 7:.30 p.m.; Thursday, May 16, 6:30 o. m .. mother·daugh· ter banquet; May 24·25, rummage sale.

Okemos Baptist, John Boolco, pastor. Sunday morning service, 10 o'cloclt; Sunday school, 11:15, classes fo1· all ages, beginners

. church for chlldren 2·6, and jun· lor church for those 7·1'1. during the morning service; Christian Youth Fellowship at 6:30; Junior Youth Fellowship for ages 9·11, 6:30; evening service, 7:30, junior church during the' service; Bible

· study and prayer meeting, Wednes~ay 'evening, 7:30. Nurs. ery Is open, ~luring all servlces.


After the bleakness of winter comes Spring. Fulfilling a promise of long ago, the seasons follow one another in divinely planned succession.

All around us we see evidence that evil prevails through· out the world, but the Church gives positive assurance that God is ever present. As Spring brings new life to nature so God, through the Church, brings more abundant life to human beings.


Consider· the daffodil~its freshness and bea~ty. speak of hope. Consider the Church-its steadfast faith reaches out to undergird and strengthen mankind. God creates daffodils without our help, but intelligent cultivation makes them even more beautiful. Likewise, He depends on us to work in His Church, helping to spread its influence1 to broadcast its message, to make a better world.

Let us accept this tremendous challenge and become a part of God's Church toda:'(.,. ·

lnghnm Ch·cult lilt! t h n II Is t, Frank B. Cowlcl\, minister. North· west, morning worship, 9 a. m.; church school, 10:15 a. m. !IIlli· ville, morning worship, 10:15 a. m.; church school, 11:15 a. in.; M. Y. F., 7:30 p: m.

Assembly of God, W. B. Kollm· da, pastor. Services at the Vevay town hall, Mason. Sunday school, 10 a. m.;, morning worship, 11. a. m.; evening evangelistic service, 7:30.

Gt•ucc Bnptlst of Onomlngn, next door to town hall, Rev. Mal Hoyt, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; evangelistic service, 8 p. m.; prayer meeting and Bible class, Wednesday morning 10 to 11.

Uolt Nazar.eite, Rev. William Kelley, pastor. Sunday school, 10 •. a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.;

· N. Y. P. S., 6:45 p, m.; evening evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting each Wednes· day ,at the church at 7:30 p. m.

Aut•ellus Dnrttlst, Rev. Robert Worgul, minister. Church scrv· lee, 9:45; Sunday school, 10:45.

St. 1\lic:hncl's Episcnpnl 1\lls· sion, Rev. N. F. Kinzie, Ph. D., vicar. Services Sunday at 10 a. m., North Elementary school, Curry lane, off Miller road. Prayer and sermon with Sunday school and nursery.

Willlnmston West Lm:lm, Wcs· leynn 1\Jt:thodlst, Rev. Delos Tan· ner, pastor .. Church school, 10 a. m.; worship service, 11 a. rri. and 8 p. m.; Wesleyan youth service,· 7:15 p. m.; prayer servlce;·­Weclnesday, 8 p. m.; 1 missionary meeting every second Thursday,

·---.--- St: 1\ntherlne's Chnpel (EJtiS· coiJJLI), Rev. Derwent A. Suthers, vicar. Meridian road, half-mile north of US·16. Sunday services: 9:15 ·family morning prayer and Instruction, followed by Sunday school and adult Bible . class; 11:00 a. m., morning prayer and. sermon, followe<l by coffee hour. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., evening !)rayer.

' Ascension E\•imgeliclll Luther· nn, services at Bailey school, 300 Bailey street, East Lansing. Rev. George W. E. Nickelsburg, pas· tor. Sunday school, 9:15; worship service, 10:30.

Dunker 11111 Nnznrcne, Rev. Carl Barnes, minister. Sunclay school, 10:30; morning worship service, 11:30 a. m.; Young Pea· pie's service, 7:30 p. m.; evening evangelistic service, 8 p. m.

Wllllnmstou Free ~lctholllst, Rev. A. D. Hoclmday, pastor. Church school, 10 a. m.; worship service, 11 a. m.; FMY, .7:30 p. ' m.; worship service, 8:1.5 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. I ,

' I-' Wheutfichl Ill c t'lt o d I s t, Cecil

Pollock, pastor. Worship service, 10 o'clocl~;. Sunday school, 11.

Uolt Presbytcrinn, Rev. Vernon T. Smith and· Rev. Ralph Miller, pastors. Morning· worship, 10 a. m. and 11:30 a. m.; nursery and church school during both ser·v· lees; Young People's meeting, 7:30.p. m.· ·

.,·-. 1 St. Jnines . Cutltollc, 1020 S. Lansing street, Fr. Paul DeRose,

. plstoi', 235 W. Elm street. , Masses: Sunday,, 8.:30 and 10:30

' Mnson Church of the Nazarene, Williamston Nazarene, Rev. Roy Mumau, . pastor. Sundhy H. L. Woods, pastor. Church school, 10 o'clock; preaching serv· school, 10 a. m.; worship service, lee, 11 o'clock; N. Y. P. S. serv· 11 a. m.; Young Peopies service, lee, 6:45 o'clocl\, song and praise. 7:30 p, m.; evangelism, 8 p. m.; Evangelistic message, 7:30. Pra:, , prayer meeting,· Wednesday, 8 er meeting Wednesday evening p. m. at 7:30. ------

LP.sllc Free l\let11011lst, Rev. Harry Cummings, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; morning. wor· ship, 11 a. m.: FMY service, .7:30 p. m.; evening service, 8 p, m.; Wednesday, prayer service, 8 p.m ..

1 llolt Dnptlst, Re.v. C. James Pasma, pastor. Morning .woi·ship, 10 o'cloclt; Sunday school, 11:15; youth groups, 6 p. m.; evening service, 7:30; Mid·weelt service,. Wednesday, 7:30 .p. m.; choir. practice, Thursday, 7:30 p. m.

WIIIinmston Community Meth· Oclist, Rev. Louis 'Ellinger, pastor. Churcij school,. 9:45 a. m.; wor· ship service, ,11 a. m.; supervised nursery during services: Inter· mediate M. Y. F., 4 p.m.; Senior M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m.; Wednesday, 7:30, ·simior choir; Thursday, 3:15 p. m., 'cha1,1cel choir practice.

' Dansville Free Mcthocll~t, Rev. H. E. Moore,·· . pastor. Sunday school, 10:00, ·Genevieve Freer, superintendent; preaching service 11:00; : Young, Peoples service, 6:45; ! evening message, . 7:30. Prayer m·eetlng Wednesday eve· •

. ning at. 7:30 at' church •.

The Farmers Danl1 Mason

Robart Nursing Home Mason

Collins Electric Stockbridge

Ace Propane Gas South Cedar Street


Mitchells' Dept. Store Leslie

The Ferris Company Mason

Estes·Leadley Funeral Home Holt - Lansing

Wolverine Engineering Co. Mason

A. A. Howlett & Company Mason

Bement Feed & Supply Service Mason

* 1\lnson HaJJtisl', Clrmmcc Rorld,

pastor. Wor~hip service lwgins promptly at 10 a, m. Message hy the pastor, special music by the youth choir; 11 :15 a. m., Sunday SC'hool under the superintendent, Paul Richarrls; G::JO p.m., Baptist Youth Fellowship; 7::10 p. m., evening s,ervicc, siJuwing of a Mqody Bible institute filn1, "God of the Atom;" Monday the annual meeting of the assodation will be at Cement Cil.y; Wr!dnesday, G::m p. m., youth choir n!hem>;al; 7::.10 p. m., prayer amlBihlc stticly.

Reor·guniZPII Chuwh ul' ,fl•sus Christ of I.athw llay St1i11ls, I lob· ert Smilll, pasloJ', Mer. I it II{~ 01rc conducted at tile Le~:ion building, 310 South Puiman st1·cct, Wil· llamston. Sunday school, .10 il.rn.; preaching, II. Topic for Sunday, May 12, "God Cares What You Believe." There wi II he a spedul Mother's Day program.

llousei Unit.l'd l't'l!lhr·cn, Vct·n· on H. Benrclslcy, mini:olr.r. Chur~h Sl'hool, 10 a. m.; worship, II, scr· mon subject, "The WcJt'lrl's Great­est Woman;" Chri~thtn Enrlcnvor, 7 p, m.; Bible study from lhc hook of Genesis, 8; Wcclne~c!ay evening prayer meeting, 8.

'---Gr·ovcnhut•g !Uelhmlist, Groven.

burg road, Rev. Francis C. Johan· nldes, pastor. Friclay, 8 p. m., Good Neighbors class meeting at Mrs. Crystal Skinner's; Sunday, 9:45, worship, message, "MC!m· aries Treasure-Mother's Faith;" 10:45, church school, Asil Tows­ley, superintendent; Monday, 7 p. m., youth sponsorctl roller skat· ing for the entire family at Ilolt; Wednesday, 8 p. m., Bible stLidy; Thursday, 11:30 a. m., Woman's Society of Christian Service at the church.

Robbins 1\lcthotl!st, Bunker Rd., Francis C. Johannldes, pastor. Sat·

- urday, 8 p. m., oJ'flcial board meet· lng at the church; Sunday, 10 a. m., church seliool, sUJ>erlntcndcnt Lute Hartcnburg; 11 a. m., wor· ship, message, "Mi:m10rles Tt·eas· ure-Mother's Fallh ;", 7 p. m., youth-sponsored rollet• skating -for the entil·e family at Holt.



Rr~qd Isaiah 55:Cl-13. , l"et the wlclwcl forsalm his way, and tlw unrlgldflous man

his thoughts; and let him mturn unto the Lord, lllld he will have mercy "l'on him; und to our God, for he will ulnmdantly t•ardon. · (Isa ah 55:7.)

May 9, 1957

Fulbright Act Offers· Study

The ,Ingham County News Part 4

""•-.••-·-·-~··•-·--, n, .• • ·~··•·•-•·••~

HOspitals Offer Job Opportunities Hospltnls, too, am placing an

11rront on yrlllth! Theil· officials want young men

and women lrt turn lo tlw well· paying careers that are now ntwn to them In Increasing numbers.

In 1957 und he completed In 1958 OJ' early l !J5!l,

Many years ago a man of bad mputation lived in our rural community. His ncighbm·s had good reason to doubt his uprightness. He did an unusual thing, He sewed to the

, ';outer garment on his back a white cross, which he thcrcaftet•

Applications !or graduate study abroad under the Fulbright act, for the year 1958·59, may be made now until October 25, nc· cording to Dr. Thomas H, Os· good, dean of the school !or advanced graduate studies at Michigan State university. · Eligibility requirements for the graduate awards, include U. S. cltl~enshlp at the time of nppl!ca· tlon, a college degree or Its equiv· alent before the beginning date of the grnnt, lmowledge of the lunguuge of the country of appll· cation, and good health.

It's the !heme of national ilrls· pital wccl1, which lnstllutlons In central Michigan '·nrc getting ready, with the help of IIU"II· iln·ies, to marie May 12·1 !J.

In Lansing, St. .fohns, Mason, Howell, Cllarlotte, Eaton Raplrls, Alma, Mt. Pleasant, Clare, Owns· so, Carson City an1l otllcr dtles, imporlancc of' hospitals to tile economy, health, welfmc ami happiness of dully life will he em· phaslzed.

1$1,000,000!, Mason ($500,000), Ml. Pleasant ($33,J,OOOl, J~aton Haplrls 1$250,000!, Clnrc ($100, OtlOJ, nnrl Carson City i$285,000), These bull1llng projects will boost !Jeri totals hut gt·owlh in rlemanlls nn these inslltutlons due In 'ex· pan~:lon In hospital and surgical lnsumnce pror,:rnm~ lnctlcates these new fndlltlcs will soon be inadequate,

Ker.plng n!Jrcasl: of hospital rc· qulrcments is n problem clue to Increasing opemting-, t:qulpment and supply costs. Even lnereased dally hospital fees don't JH'ovlctc n·placcnwnt reserves for build· lngs and equipment, and in each of the cities fo~tcrlng bulhllng programs (Woplc arc conlrllJullng their dollars to mulm addlllonal ltospltal facilities available on demand.

necnusc of llwsc expansions, centml Mklilgnn hospitals nrc plnclng emphasis on career op· porlunitlcs for young people In the hospital field. '!'he theme I~ "Career~ that C,ount," Intended to nflrnct youth into nursing, m!!dl· · rnl h'chnologist tlclrl, X·my tech· niclnn work, physical themplat profession nnd pharmacist field. All nf these offer attractive snl· aries tn beginners, Incomes that grow, nnd O(Jilot'lunltles to be· come supervisory employes at even greater sal a ric~. Besides these .lob nppurl.unltles, there nrc

WOL'e, . , , His youthful nephew said to him: "Uncle, I've heard of

the thief on the ct·oss, but I never before saw n cr·oss on a thief."

A sact•ed symbol used falsely deceives neither God nor the person himself. Unless what we at·e from day to day con­firms our Christian profession, om· lives are out of harmony with the eternal God.

Also, preference will be given to applicants not more than 35 years old.

Despite increasing shortages of personnel due to climbing patltmt loads and employe turnover nnrl :<IH·Inlclng faelllt!es, hospllals in centl'al Michigan usc tllelr facill· tics In care for at least one out of every 7 persons annually that rc· ~>Ide In the area served.

n I. least J 95 more Job classHicn· lions In the field that should bu attmcllvl! to youth, hospital nd· mlnlstmtors said. ·

Hypocrisy, deceit, and sham were disdained by our Lord, for they have no place in the gospel of bl'Otherly love. In its noblest meaning, charnctm· is Christlike. Tho Ct'OSS sym­bolizes the finest In our Christian religion -God's gift of love revealed to manldnd!

l'HAYim Our Futhet·, Wtl tluml• 'l'het! fnr mulling lmown to UN tlw trnlh

t1111t IIIII' dh;cl(tltlshiJI dem:uuls IJJ'nnf In the way we IIVt!, CII!IIIISil f m; of hypocrisy, dlleelt, and !iham. IlclrJ liN io duVtllOil ChrL<st·

' llko cluu·acwr. In Ills 1111mc we uNI' it. Amen.

Other aspects of the program Include spcclai opportunities for medical doctors In teaching or research; positions as secondary school asslstan ts In Germany; ex· perlence in the fields of adult and wm·lters' education and social worlt In the United Kingdom; and research In British colonial areas.

DOC PARSHALL'S SON is-adding new Justel' to the name. The name is one of the best known-in harness rac­ing circles. In the 20s and 30s, Hugh M. (Doc) Parshall drove pacers and trotters on the gmnd circuit. He dr·ove Peter.· Astm and Billy Direct and many other good horses. Now the name is back again. The seconrl Hugh Parahall of Urbana, Ohio, is now handling Billy Adios Clay, one of the best pacers of the day. Bud Parshall is now racing his horses at Northville Downs.

Though the averag-e llospltal heel occupancy In the stale Is 83'A by the Michigan Hospital assocla· linn, central Michigan hospitals utilize tllclr beds, equipment and ancillaries at a pace that aver· ages approximately D8'A. of ca· pacity.

Best example In support ol the financial picture Is the average income and cost ligures for 1!J5G us complied by the Michigan Hos· pi tal assorlatlon., For last year, lhe a~sociatlon said gross npemt· ing revenues appmximat lng $30 pet• dny as compared to more than $28,50 per day operating ex· penscs.

In mnny of the communities, open houses arc being scheduled fur nullonal hnspltnl week und . youth is being especially Invited to inspect tile hospitals with eyes poinle1l toward careers In this · lie! d. Displays n I so are being planner! !Jy auxiliaries, which arc heading up I he observance.

THOUGHT FOR THEDA Y Discipleship demands that I be in accot•d with the will of

the infinite God. Clyde 0. Law, Insurance {West Virginia)

Those at Michigan State Inter· ested in the program may obtain ~.ddltional lnfoz·matlon and maim appllcatlon to Dean Osgood. Others. in the central' Mlch(gan area also may contact Dean 'Os· good for information.

Communities arc experiencing increasing difficulties in caring for the sic!< and injured. There are approximately 1,500 hoiipltnl

As an mnployer, the hospitals have approximately '1,000 men and women who depend on tlw 15 main institutions for their llveli· hoods. This number of workers is not adequate, administrators said, and add!! ion a! hundreds will he required tu staff the new hos· [Jltal Jacilitlcs scheduled to start

l'ltOFI•:SSOI~ GOI•:S AllltoAI> Dt·. .Jo~cph G. LaPalomhara,

nssociate professor nf political science nt Michir,:an State unlver· sit.y, ha~ been awarded a $10,000 grant by the Social Science Rc· search Council for a year of rc· ·search in Italy on pressure group behavior.

. ' . ' I~F you re


looking in the low-price field •••


s out ol 10. sm·aller .cars wear a Pontiac Price .Tag

-yet none give you Any ol

Pontiac's Advantages.··


,, .• ;,· ., · , . :Not. one of the smaller cars can give you .··. ti1~ heavy-duty construction, the road·

hu1111in11 heft and solid security that sur· round you in every Pontiac. Yet Pontific's the nimblest heavyweight you ever managed-and your Pontiac dealer can .show you more than six dozen· advarwed-engineermg reasons why! Pontiac has gone all out to make this genuine big car the most docile package of might you ever had the pleasure of bossing. You'll find Pontiac's exclusive Preclsion·To~ch Controls make steering

. ~nd b~aking the surest, easiest you've . ever ·e~perienced! Park it, cruise it, try

. . · · it in stop-and-go traffic ••• this is driving the smaller jobs can't possibl>' equal.



Not one of the smaller cars can measure up to Pontiac Performance. Whether you judge a power ,plant by engineering statistics or on-the~road performance, Pontiac's Strato-Streak V-B stands head and shoulders above anything in the low-price field. Your Pontiac dealer will be happy to show you a· foct, ... nd· flguru comparison-then an eye-opening test drive in traffic or out on·the highway will supply all the heart-lifting proof you need that Pontiac has separated the men from the boys when it co.mes to per· furmance! ·


. ·, ...... The small cars extend '·bumpers an<t Maybe it comes as a surprise to you that

. ." fenders 'to look big-but Pontiac puts so much more car can be yours at the same : ·. ·. '· ' ·, · . : the extra length where it counts- price you've seen on the smaller care. But

: between the wheels! Here's extra length there's the facti And Pontiac Ia • wander· th~t brackets the bu.;,pslnstead of rldln11 on ful Investment, tool All you know, it has

•. ·. . ··.them. And this extra length shows up always commanded a . top trade-in, & ·<: '' · · inaide, . too, in stretch-out space for six why not step out of the small-car cl8ail

·footers. Add to Pontiac's bonus in length and irito a Pontiac • , .• there's nothing in· . ; , . its .all-new suspensiozt' system and you your way. Your Pontiac dealer has t!1e .

' ·' · · · htlve .an exclusive Level-Line Ride no car keys and an eye·openi!l&.!>fGr. wa.\,tins

' :. 0:'' atanypJ:icecansurpass, .. andab~ilt- for you right nowllk· .. :. 'd.·;·~~~. -~··.k, .•. · .. . :·.:·.: :_.~. ··m. iewle: Of direction and security ·that So why not oo an · 1ee ·. 1 e ... a.

: will spoil you for the smaller cars forever! million-instead of ·a . million .. other&? . ' . ·. , .. : .. ,' . . . '. ' . . '' ' . . . . .:·: ... ~~ : ... •. "Can You Sect, Stttr, Stop Safely? , , , Check.' Your Car-Ch~ck Accldente,

• I ' . ' '

-----------~-:------------- lll'rls to serve the area's half·mil·

Book Talk llourR onc·n to tho t•uhllr. nt Ifni!

Mcmnrinl Ht•nnch ffl!-:'hnm County Ll· brury: Monduy thL'nuuh s,~lurday, 2~fi l.l· m.; 'l'umnhLy, 'Vf:1lnu~:tduy nncl l•'l'iclnyK, 11 ::!0~12:311, CdUI'Ins.: school ycur): TucHdny und 'l'hur~:~duy, 7•0 p. m.; und Suturduy, 10·12 u. m.

reclwn~ the end ortllat era to he lion. The need is for at least doll·

May 6, 1937, when t lie giant clirl· .r~~. tl:~~c~~Jii'~dotodrJ c::~ 1~1:,1~~~~~~~~ glblc HINDENBURG burned at made on statistics compiled by its m\)orlng mast: In New Jersey. stat£! and national hospital author· Toland writes with gt•eat intensity !tics. of thn spectacular tragedies In· For the st,11c, the avemgf! stay volving dirigibles, such as the of a person In the hospital was Shenandoah, the Italia, the Ak· slightly more than a wee!< in l!J:i(i. ron, The C· 5, R·38, R·101 and the For central Michigan hospitals, In the beginning the canteen •t "aeon. tlte stay was even shorter. I•'ot· ex·

seemed Ilk£! "!tit stuff" to the boys Samuel Goldfish started Oltt ample, patients were discharged and girls of Cha.grin Falls, Ohio. witll great hopes in 1916. AI· after an average of 5.8 days at

There the problems of tcen.agers though he got hooked a few Edward W. Sparrow hospital in included racial segregation, nar· times, he always came out on Lansing. That's because of an cotlcs, liquor, and gang wars. In top. How he managed it is spelled acute bed shortage which in an· PRATNERS WITH YOUTH Dora· out In THE LION'S SHARE by other 18 months will be partially thy Roberts reports that the Bosley Cmwther. The fantastic overcome lly a $7,500,000 building Woman's club of Cllagrin Falls fortunes of Metro·Goldwyn·Mayet· program to be accelerated this and the teen·agers made a success are traced to the Golden Age of year by the Lansing United Has· of their canteen. She also reports the 1930's and to the lean tele· 't 1 E I F I I t on similar projects io Clarlcston, vision years. It was Sam Goldwyn §~·~rro~~.p~~~ ~1wr~~~~· at~rf''rd~: Washington, and state·wide pro· who started out as Goldfish. The Laughlin Osteopathic hospitals. grams in Indiana, Wisconsin and careers of many famous stars Another $2,500,000 expenditure Mlchignn. arc incllided: Marian Davies, Joan fat· additional hospital space is

WAYNE and LUXAIRE Home Heating Equipment * Furnace Cleaning - A Specialty * Summer Servicing- On All Makes

Free Estimates



PARTNERS WITH YOUTH Gilbert, Jean Harlow, etc. planned or underway in Howell leaves the impression thul too .:.:::..::..:;:.:==:..:::. __ ...:,:::;:.:,~_:=:,::.:_:::_::,::,:~======:;;::================= many· people tallt about the pi'ob·

2202 Dortha Stroot, Holt

WILBERT REYNOLDS, Ownor Phono OX 4.242 I

lem,s of youth and too few do anything about it. It is a new bo:ak at the Ingham county· Ji. brary. . · The· involvmcnts of adopting -it

child . from a state controlled agency Is written up as a person· al' experience In FOR LOVE OF MARTHA. The book Is Intended both as a guide and a warning for those planning to adopt chil·r drcn, and pleads for a nation·widc reform in adoption laws and ad· ministration.

Frances L. Ilg, Director of the Gesell Institute on Clllld Develop· ment, has come forth with help· ful suggestions in HOME PLAY FOR THE PRE·SCHOOL CHILD. There are more tllan 40 different crafts described, all requiring In· expensive materials. Quiet games are recommended for rest periods or while traveling.

Adult education seems to be ap· preaching Chatnuqua dimensions. Wori{shops and conferences come under that heading. If you're ever involved in one, as parlici· pant or planner, remember Rich· ard Becl<hard's HOW TO PLAN AND CONDUCT WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES.

It may not be mentioned during Michigan Week (May 19·25) but Michigan played a part 'in the history of the Communist party In' America. Theodore Draper, in THE ROOTS OF AMERICAN COMMUNISM, writes that in the beginning, Michigan Communists couldn't get along with the na· tional party. In August, 1922, the Communists held a lnrge con· ventlon at St. Joseph. It was their last underground co1wentlon, and was successfully raided, · If you don't llltc those apples,

try cooking a nice big . red one. During the month of May, if you have any apples, this Is what you can make of them: Amber pud· ding; Ft:iar's omelet, fried apples with bacon and potato, lemon and apple marmalade and spiced apple calte. That is from Gei'lrudc Mann's APPLE COOIGNG.

It's a bit early for shaldng flip· pers, but l;eep in mind that sldn diving Is something you can really throw yourself into. THE UNDERWATER WORLD by J iil1n. Tassos. presents the: ABC's ot.' existing and · moving under water; as well as describing the proi>er equipment and Its use .

''Broadway Bound" 1957 INGHAM COUNTY

• ow \


Mason School Auditorium 8 o'clock p. m.

Bring the Whole Family· I

* Band Music * Singing and Accordion S.olos

* Twirling Solos * Acrobatic Dances

* Ballet Dances * Drill Team · .

* ·Highland Fling * .Nov~lty Song and Dance Act

Top-Flight T~lent f~om All· the. County

PUBLIC' INVITED Adults-SOc Children Under ·12- 35c

Remember when $1 a day was the. prevalllng wage? Now It's considered an accomplishment to pay:· that much for clothing . That:s according to, .Boa Dan· ville's HOW TO DRESS• WELL ON $1 A DAY. Described as an experienced fashion editor and \ Sponsored by designer, the author has worked ' .

I i

Lilly Dache · and Charles · ·

nn••~.Pvn.,·,:~h!~~~~:.~b!~~ lnghall1 CollntY 4-H Ser.viCe ClUb · spectacula·r lnven· · · · · · · · - · 1 · •

~:Ju~~~: CoO rative Ex:tens, ·,Service·.· '(oli!~~O,i(~~~S.I~IP:S, IN ••'{HE Sl~f ,_ .... ......,....._ ..... __, ........... ....,. ..... ~oli.oiil~.....,.o...;,--..---.,--;.;,;_~~ioltilioi--------~...-.------'"!"i"-~

·[ngham· (/ou11ty News Editorial Page

. A.Good Rule Both Ways Ingham county is going f.o rlo somethit1g about

retarded and othcrwiRc handicapped children. Up to now the educating and tminlng of such children has been luJ•gely lel't t.o puJ',:nts, unless chlldJ•en we1·e retnt·ded 01' handicapped enough tq be inslltut!onnllzed. ·

In the tnldng of t.he mmuol sdwol census this mont.h the hondlccippecl and retarded chlldren m·e going to lle counted, 'rhen when thclr numbet•s are known plum will be made Jor un educatlonnl and training pt•ogmm fm• them.

Such n program is wnrl'llntcrl.

Also wnt'l'nn1~d is tlw wol'Jdng of t.he l'llle the othct' wny. The nnt.lonalrate on retarded rmd handicapped childl'en is about 2%. Tht! fi\line rate holds on children listed as geniuses OJ' at. least far above· the avCJ·age.

If we should do more with the bottom'2~r., we should cer­tainly do mm·e· to seck out. nnrl develop to I'llll cupueity the top 2%.·.

A good rule Hhonlrt wm·k holh ways.

·Geography· Is Shrunken .. : ' iran and Imq have balm only 4-lc•t1 Cl' name:-; or counil'ics oomeUriles used in crossword puzzies; · But now they have mean­ing to people here In Ingham county. : .. : .• ;.·on the same page.of U]e,Ingham County News lnRt week \Vimi' 2 l)toi·ies, o11e about'Mis~ Mahin Dolch I: Aghevli of Iran ar­J'lvlrig, to stay at an Inghnm'farm, tl1e other about Mr. and Mrs. Kcnrieih Tieclkc and their ·son· of Mason departing fot· a stay in' Iraq: . ·.: ·, 'fo Americans· here in Ingham county Iran will no longer t~ a 4-letter word. It will cat·ry new meaning. To them it will rio~v :mean the homeland of a gracious visitor with charming manners. To Mahin the United States will not be a land of h1g ·guns, big cities, big faatol'ies. It will be a land of people she· !mows as fl'iencls: ' .

·Iraq will take on new significnrice fo1· the Tiedlces and their • friends het·e. And the people in Imq who meet the"Tledkes

Wllllearn that Americans neither look nor act as they appear • to rio In Hollywood movies.

. w~ have sent. millions of men t.o the far corners of the ca.t'lh to shoot guns, dl'Op bombs ancl ntt.ehd conferences. They have gained command and control but few have gained undel'­staocllng.

. Out· hope of lusting peace in this world does not rest wjth weap()ns. It rests upon mutual acquaintance which leads to 111l\ti.Ja]understanding. Nothiflg we have clone encourages and

·· nourl~hes this understanding more than the International Farm Youth Exchange pmgram and the so-called sclf-)'wlp pmgrams Liridr.i· which Amet·icans arc sent to othet· lands to give needed ~~' . '

'. Our· geogmphy has shl'lll1l<en.' B111 ntll' unrler·stanrling lm~: expa t1 rlecl.

Keep'em in the Car · · There's little point in editorializing on the dangers of pel'·

mitting youngsters to ride in trailers towed behind cars or · .l~tt'ing ·them dangle, .out: the. back ends ,or s~ation wagons. or .' ~l;!{s. Most folks agt;ee that the danger of S!JCh fun doesn't . offset the injury and sometimes deai h of such riders. . Most fathers, maybe remcinbering thcil· own childhood, at: . SOm·e time ot' other l.JSUally give in to youngsters unci let them

rlde in a.. trailer. Such was the case of .Timmy and Jameen Lea­sure 2'weel{S ago. Wanting to please the youngsters, their Ja­thel·.'let' them· ride in a t rniler towed by a tractor. But the ride ended ih tragedy as the trailer l:iecame unhitched.

. :. The. resulting crash put Iii. tie .Jimmy on the hospital critical list fol' ,several qays and his sister was cut and bruised. It could ·have been mttch wo1·sc. . . . . . :· ·.·With spring and summer upon us, the to enter­tain .yotmgsters ·with such rides will be great:. But don't do it. The possible tragedy will not offset the shmt-Jiverl fun.

-~ Down by ihe

SYCAMORE If you Joolt sharp, you'll see

some clwnges In the Ingham County News this weelt: Ne1(1. week tho•·e'li he many, It wlil tnlw n weelt for llll lwre nt the Ingham County News ·to· gr!t up nerve enough . for the r·hnnges,

'J'hl.~ Wl'elt hnv~ u· lnst Joolt nt jim. dashes <·--. I 110· rln~hr.~ <- l and stn1· dllshes <~ '' '').No long· f't' will people havJ to rend them, Readers wlll see elenn whlle sprwe Instead.,

Oul. will go 3·11111~ heads. J{l!:lwr lines will be Jlush Jell. 'l'here'il be even more horizon· lal mnlmup and there'll be some changes In pngeJnyout11. Starting this week we're going to usc more snntches of bold rypc Jn news stories.

All' t.bis lA. cinniJag · a~rmt •IIC-. . .. ' . '· ,, 1'11\!Sil· of n. trl]l to' Frunken·

. , .. . • '"I .. muth · Sntnrdny, · to 1. B" · cll.nlc \Vhere p~lnterfl ·~i at :.tho' &~t of· llll expert,. J~(timutd .Arnoid of· Fl>qJllte~mlith ·Md,: B~ooit·' lyn. At Brookiyn (N;V.). Ed iH · sty!e. u.nd mukeuJ,:. ciinsul(liJit wUh tht' !Uergenth~&lm· .-Lb·.o. ty]l!l Co. Ire Is sUII c0:JIUbllslter of the 'l•'i:~nkcmmuth NmvN: .,'

It was .. my .. first trip ·.to Franlmnmuth and· I ln~end ·to go again soon . .''r'he :food. is good, , yet more than food ·is offered: There ls .atmosphere...,. mostly Germanic. People eat hearty. They tallt about some­thing besides their diets. Our party ate at z'ehnders . hotel. There are other restaurants In Franltenmuth - Fischers, for· instance, and German sausage shops and cheese shops and'.2 brew:eries. Carlings, recently bought 'out . the old ']i'rariken-

According to Hensley, lhc snal<e wn~ not about to give birth to its young m· Juy eggs.' It Watl just exhibiting the ~amc curiosity about me ns I was exhlhlllng about it. Snaltes have an inqulsilive nnturr., i]lc pt•ofcssor said. While he wns taJidng to me ovr.r· I he tcie· phone, he decinrerl, 2 snalrcs In his oll'lee were no I ll 11ly lonlting at him btil liRirnlng to I he eonvet·satlnn.

1Ulehlg1m NIUlke~ t'IIIJ. (m· m-awl) alHiut 50·1lil lmtwl't~H being OVi))llrOIIS IUIII Vh'i]IIIJ'· OIJJj, Ovi111trouH snnlws luy ''A"~ IUJd tho lltUo snulw11 ilntd1 OUtHitltl tiLO lmdy of tho lllOIIII'I' mJBko. Vlvlp11rous sn11ltcR JII'O· duce living younJ.:·,

· Blue racers nod pine snahes lay eggs, 60 or 70 in 11 rlulciJ. Cartel' snnl<es ntHl moRt wnt~r snakes give hirlil to living young· with litters ri111glng !letwr>en · :-10 nntl <10. Whrt hr•r· 'o.vJr~rous. ot· vi vi pat' o u ;;, snal1es show little ot• no ln t cr· est.: h1 .their young. All this iallc ·about snakes protecting their' young by swallowing them in time of danger, or guarding their eggs, is bunic, the professor explained. Some co!Jl•as In India guard lhcir eggs for a few days and thet·e are hail constrictors which arc said ·to watch out for theil' young, Prof. Hensley said. Maybe the reason why snnkes turn out to be snakes is that parents pay so lillie attention to them.


There's IUIOther thing t.lill

Jlrofessor 1mid tlmt; lniAll'ests me. Even tho snnlces whllllt llt;v oggs 'seldom l'lll!lde,

Yeste1·- Years muth brewery. I ~Jdn't . !lee. One Yeur Ago Mahel with' her blaclt label.··· · What's left of the Capital Fmnk~umltll br~wer11 : 'are Cir~ult has invited Lansing St.

Jlllllnly worried over Goobel'~ Mnt•y and Re~un·eclion to tal<e diseovmy and Ita promotlou·of the places of Eaton Rnpicls 1

· · · · Charlotte· and Grand Ledge. CrysUllt>.d . water. CU!itVmem The Eaton teams arc dropping aren't s-i\1tclalng froni Carllngs out, leaving Mason, Holt, How­m· otJJer.brewfl to.GOObel':J: The ell ~and Everett. ,.;wltt·h Is .all· Ute ·\Vay...Jtrom Fire caused by lightning htwr to water.· A lot· or peOple leveled the barn on the E. 1'11. hiuin't J't~allzed .110\V S.tlsfyi.Jig steve s place near Eden wabw is 'ns II.' bt!Verage ulitn Wednesday afternoon. Anothcl' Gotlliel's strucl• ··their new 'vefn bolt struck the barn on the of' wnter. . . '· ·:, Martin Allen farm In Alate·

At the rate of..sttliu.rhan:·d~- don. Fire consumed barn ·ami velopment . ali ..,•tlw : wpy,·. from , ~ofJ:.l!~Ys. rain'hJ:-ive 'furthct· Mason to Franlteilmuth; · th~ soil' bank will"' soon 1mve. tp !lelayed farm worlt. release some .oL its· farni :de· It. will be ·another week hn· ]Josits.:Aro.und Laii,sing· .'.0~.·0,~: fore peach trees bloom, orclt·

• 11 ardisls say. so, Flint and Saginaw suburJJ·

an dev.elope. r~ .. :irc; en. rving .1.·,·n . 'Benjamin D .. Rithoi;.: of Chi· r cago went on· trial in Ingham

some of the· hest!arm lami:,r)jl cit·cuit court ·Monday, charger! l)jlsearth, . ... :. ~· ::.(' .•: ·,···} with ·.bribery of the state 0.11·

The. jo~n·ney. up 'WiJ.S: m<~,~c . toir!eti·y !marc! . by\vny .of 47;.78,:'13;.'57.un1fsa,. :. Joyce Madden· of Wiillams­the·returi1 by·' way ofCorithnn, ton:. Ullcl .Elaine Ft•ederick and Shaftsliurg ·and· Willl~mstim:'> Joyce· Wilson of Mason have

. .. . · .. · : .·· ' · 11c'ceived Michigan State schol· 'There's a. close-'rescmblri.tice arships ..

hetween. the. Shltiwui;.~ee ··cOuf,l. 10 .Ye.BJ'M Ag-o-10,17

. I· ''· \ ' ...

unli tlliti 'ii"" 'i"ar:~ing ~'IIY i!f!IIIIIJ r'lo].;u•l rr.urtl. merge .fu)y I.

']'Jt(l di.y COliiH!ll hn~ l'P.I!LIC!CI] frntn lji:Jo In $~:i lhn mnnthl~· nmlai of llw VPtri·nns housln~. 1111ils.

'J'I10 Mnsnn sr.nlnt• dnas, ne· t!OlllJIIinletl hy Mt'. and Ml's, .I hit'lnn llall and Mr, ami Mr:;. Gihhil1s Howinlt, are pnddni( for t holt· Detroit to Mncltlnar! 1Hianrl nntl· relurn lnlw trip,

,SnnW fell Wr.rlnr.sday nmi ThU!'Hdny. '

Drnfl l1oard Illt~H hnvn Jwrn pnclwrl nwny.

• 211 Yt'lli'H AJ.:H-Jil!l7 Dt•. D. 1~. Caswell anrl tltt!

cnth·e ;;lnff nl llw stat.a gnine farm art• juhllunl ovt~l' 11telt' succCHH In hntrhing 5 Cannrllau r:uoHf! C!f:gH In the gnme farm int:llllfltOI'.

Sl!Jlr.t"Vl~ol's' l!ecirletl to dis­en rrl t lw t!otlt'l house boiim·s and lwa I hot h the court house and jnil wllh, srr.nm from the jnil hoil!'rs.

TJte county fait· hoard is lu· stalling flood Jtghts at. lhl' WPA piuyllclrl.

William H. Swnt•lout ha~ IH•cn nppolnlel!, pro,lr.ct. l!uper­vlsnr of till! WPA'CI'ews work· ing . on ·tiw Legion Memorial lluiirling. Wnrlt slartcrl Tues­dlly,

Fire rleslmycd ·lhe 'IIel)ry Siegrist farm home on Hurpr.r road Monday aflcl'lloon ..

Stanley Frocdert, Eugettc Hadwin and Dnlc Grelton won top honors in u grnln judginr,: conlesl at Michigan State. There were 170 high s'Citnol Judging teams entered. Mason was first and Wllliumston was second.

:10 Yent·s Ag-o-1027 Mason raised $300 for flood

victims along the Mississippi. Michigan Slate college crews

made n demonstration land· scape piantinf:{ at the Plnlt school Saturday. '

F'ire destroyed the larga harns on the L. H. Minnis !a1111 in Alaicdon .Saturday night. Tiw fire stnrtcd in a straw stack.

By a vole- of 20 to 10, the stntc senate de.feated the denth penalty hill.

Mrs. Letha Cremer, teacher at the Nichols school, took her eighth g:·ade pupils . thmugh the eapiloi Wednesday. 'fhe group included Mary Bullen, Marian Nichols, Mar g n ret Mire, A-rthur· Janecltc nnd Earl Nichols.

fiO Years Ago-1007 More than lOO,OOO.Jb o.f wool

has been marketed in Mason this spring.

C. H. Hinkle of Cambridge has· opened his new store ahd· meat marl<et in the Nice build· Jng on C'olumbia, near the M.· C. depot. · .

Prcsiden t Theodore Roose· velt. has senl. word he will ylsit Michigan Agricultural college May :il.

William H. Porter of Co· lumbus Grove, Ohio, paid $3,· 500 for 20 horses bought Jn Mason nml malting' up n solid carload. Most were .drlv.lng horses. .

A Boston firm bought 3,00n dozen eggs from . Dansville dealers last weclt. ·

Fran it Beeman · of · StoClt· bridge has bought an automo· bile, which now maltcs· 3 with·

:.,1 ·School Facts vs. Fiction

house ln'Cortutnii.and·tJie Ing- , Di~.·.Roelo! Lanting will be· ham court hotfse ln Mason. Ws conie.hcad o.f the county heall.h more than.a coincidence: Both department when the cnw1t·y com·l.hnuses wcre.:'huilt ahoilt ..... ~ _______ ...;, ____________ ~ !he same. time· .ii.nd llie. pla.ri!i ·,ll.i..·.

In the villuge,

were druwn by tthi same. ar.clil· .rll< School officials who el'Owded around legislators in Lansing iecl .. In ~~!awassee;~oU,nty::n1e . It>

afewdays ago to demand additional school aid from state funds money ran ,OU~ b;!!fore,,.',th~ Wh t' YOUR H bb '\' · d . ma~ ~~~!!~ .. ~~~.!£~¥~ ,f?.ITe.t·e') .. , ;: .'. .1 ; , •• , 1! ••

' ' I ~

·· ...

, t j' .! 1,'1 . ·~ ' .

· He loves to follow in

your footsteps. Be sure

to. make him a "saver" too!

3°/o Interest Paid on Savings Accounts

L u ·~ ... ICtA.I~t 1r MIMIIIII




Select Your

·.·Wedding lnvitat.ions ··From Our COMPLETE Selection

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. . . . . .

the INGHAM COUNTY 'NEWS Office Supplies * Adverti~ing Servico * Commercial Printing

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WQUld have the Jmblic believe that schools are' being· deniecl hulldipg_ w~~· ~O.Jlf~let~Mt·.aytcl !l, · a s 0 y f pt;omised fun s. ;. ;, .; ... · · ·, ·: . ;., ~: ;::,;:.' · · · , .. ·to:mako:a.;li'mm.\~t.compJ.eie Hit:::.~ 1,.~~:r:~.w·21

1·: i' . ; ; .

1 : ,., · 1 • , ··: 1 •• • , l: ···· I

,. :.· ·· ' · · ~ .. ~ ·: " .·· ... · · job: I-ie~;j:>uhln'·$ltl)1t1QiJ.~ (a tql·"": · \> '·: ,~:~'~ . ,. 1 • • ·.<:~ '1 , :., Leglsla'torll:.know t.htY.;rieeds ,of Michigan schools. Educa- ·tune.·Jnl those' 'illl';[;)\,·ar·t·'·•·'t"'"·~··•.;.!' . , ~; ,~ , 1 11 , •'. ,:.'

1.:·.,, ,:

1:J ''·';~··:·.~4~):;~~'\:\ ticin has al1vays occtipied a favored place in the·Michigan tax pic- J" u "

.'.'.· ture:.·. · county:nevei·.:pald him haclt.·A ' park. was .. :named': for '• 'him

.: · This.year the state of Michigan and local school distl'icts histend: . · · ."' ··-: .· · · . ·~ are .. spending $600 million for the education or youth. :::. · · · some school authm·ities would have the people-believe that ; education is treated like a stepchild here in Michigan. On the

;:; contrary, Michigan ranl<s among the top .1 !'ltates in ihc m:nount of money s~ent for education. ,.,.

"! · In 1956 Michigan spent $51.55 per capita fm~ education. ~ Illinois spent $20.88 and Ohio spent $22.48.

~ Sales taxes in Michigan have fallen shmt of expectations. "' They have never fallen short of any promises ·made, because , i thet'C have been no promises ·made by the Jegislatut·e. "' Sehool officials should be exceptionally careful to separate ~ t'nc:ts from fiction. ·

Many of ttios'e·NoJ'\Vay :pine:~ which had atta1tied 20' ycat•s g( growth along M·7B .had to··b'e ,iel•kccl out to ,jwoylcle room for widening. Frolll East Lahs)n'g cast for 5 miles :.'or so·: ihe widening is on the not,th of the present 2·1ane pavement. Then it swings over to the south.

Whatever it. is=-chances are y~u use so~e ~ind of equipment to. pursue that hobby. Pro"iding ihe needed protection for

:this holiby equipment is part of our b~sine$s.l

. ilut BOATING is no longer just a hobby in this gran.d coun­try. of ours. It's a way of life! It several hobbies! Fishing, water skiing, swimming, divin:;~, or just "cruising down the driver on a Sunda~ after~'oon."

·last-but not least-BOAr!NG is a,n invesiment. And in­v~stments need protection.

· Our re.,sonable full mari~e 'insura\ice will give you nee,ded prote'ction on your beE.·:·, motor, and trailer, and give' you the

. '·peace of mind you need to rflally on joy :YOUr .leisure .time .

. ·'. 1 .. ' ..

· J)art lnsurcinc~ Agency .· :' · 'r .f, . · · ' .' • ' 1 ; • ·: • : r' •• • • .. •• ' , •

, Phcirie ·Mason OR 7 -~05 r ·· ·· . . · · .·. ·. · · M.,son



I '! ..



J,'. ' ' ' •.

Some Farmers Are 'Us1ng Mi11imum .Tillilng, ftfethods Many farmers nre using mini·

mum fillngc or SO·CniJcrJ OnCC·OVer 1jllnge fur planting crnps, espoc· lnlly com. Minimum tlllngo saves lime nnrl m;penso In soil pr·epur·n· tlon. II ylclrls as gnorl nr huller than with the eonvcmllonnl sys· tcm. Wnlcl' from ruins Is lllltcn up more rnpldly nnrl held In lnr•gcr· amount!;, Beller soli comll· lion ancl structure arc promoted since tractors and heavy. equip· ment are run over the ground lr:ss. II provides easter and better WC!t!rl conlml.

For· corn on minimum tillage farmm·s usr! cllhPl' plow ;done or tmller lilting tool hclllndllw plow

I: SIIC!t as spll<o·tooth IHIITOW SCC!•

Uon, plow pnclwr r·ntnry hoc culllpacltcl' or special tandem tiller. ll Is best to plant In lho trailer tracks sn that the rows will he comiwcled hut tho soli will lle loose outside nf the row Itself. A goocl system is that followed by many ftu·mm·s, 01 1 of whom Is Carlyle Waltz of Mnson, whli

weed control on corn for lfl5B, necorrllng to revised Information from Buford Grigsby of Michigan Stnte university, Is to use one pnu ncl of :.J·4D Estm· just as the enrn comes through the gmund, Ilc says this should mnlm It necessary to only cultivate once, nnrl thnt. qulllvat.lon just before the corn Is ready to lay by or at the time farmers may want to pu I on n cover crop. ·

For details on chemical weed control on all field crops the coop· crallvc extension scrvke now hns the revised folder, Extension l<'olrler F 222 available at the ofCicc.

Soil Testing· Pays Profits In Gardening

plows, !railing a clml·h~lsler and People can save some money then plants Immediately. 'l'hls anrl get better crops from their nwthorl gets IIJC corn upnltP.arl of gardens this year If they hnve tlw weerls and conserves the tho soli t~sted before applying molslurc. fcr·tlllzer, , This lll'lngs up 1110 question of If the soli has not been tested,

weed control. A suggestion for 1 they won't luww what It needs ------------, and the money and time spent

Wrllo, Phono, Drlva Ia or Fly Ia

l.t•ndlng 8rtocd11 . WHI'rg ltOCI{S Hlltchlnr A11 .Summer


Phono Jilcl"nn ST 2·4H09 4020 .;, Berry Rd. at Henrietta

R. 1, J.Uvca Jum:Unn


fertilizing may be wasted, points 911 t James Porter, extension soils ·specialist at Michigan State unl· vcrslty, He says there Is still time to test those por'llons of gardens not planted to very early vcgc· tables .

A typical recommendation Is 20 1 lh per 1,000 square feet, broad· cast, and a teacup per 10 feet of each mw at planting tlnic. An analysis of 6·12·12 Is the most :ommonly recommended.

·On testin~, gardeners will lmow how much of what analysis fer· tlllzer Is needed, as well as the lime requirements. 'Too much of either ean actually harm growth.

A good balanced fertilizer will be recommended by the county r.grlcultural ar:ent.

Gardeners can talte their own samples.

They need a clean pall; a spade Gr trowel, and some clean paper bags or pint jars.

Taite a sample from each differ­ent part of tho garden or plot by tal<ing a slice of the soli about plow depth, and put It In the pall. Mix these samples togetller,. ancl taltc a hag or jar of the mix· ture to ·the county agricultural

.r 'l

on New FORMula Wayne Calf Starter

Grow your calvas faster on less feed than ever ·before with new FORMula Wayne Calf Starter. No growth lag after weaning! Antibiotic fortification helps pre-. vent scours. Manufactured in new, c:o11ne, uniform taxture calv~s like.

agent's office. . . . · And follow the· directions that

the ar:ent gives. Usc enough fer·. tillzer, but not too much.

Federal Land B~nk Loans



Credit Lifo lnsuronco Pion Available

Low Interest-Long Term

. BEMENT Feed & Supply


138 W. Ash Stroot, M5son

Phono OR 1·6091

M5in Offlce-415 S. Cochran

Charlotte, Michigan

Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Vent-Air Contact Lenses · ·

Dr. Haro.ld A. Shnider Optometrist


No Appoinlmonl Noodod

Open Evenings Monday, Thursdoy, Fridey


Phone 0/lico IV 7-5358 Residence IV 5·3998


Let the COOL Air · in




With Aluminum· Screens . and Screen Doors ..

Also Combination Storms and Screens.

• NO RUSTING - Al,;minilm screens novor rust, pit or· corrod~ , •• you got thom for I ow lnitl5l cost, h5ve no uphep.

' . ' . • NO WARPING - Eosy to pui up end easy to tah down • · •• and

!hoy koop thoir shape indofinjloly. . . ·.. ' ·. . . .

• NO PAINTING - Tho bo5uly of- 5lumlrium r.omains ·constant year'· 5llor yoar • , , and your painting problems are over. · .

\ .... ' . '


MILK IS FOR D- U.S. Navy Chief Radioman Lamon L. Glenn, Md., caught this feathered felon during a tour ol duty wnich tcolt him to Copenhagen, Denmarlt. Glenn set out to get photographic evidence proving thnt some-

. o·nc was tampering with his mill< each morning, und got the · bird for· his efforts. He also snapped n prize-winning picture.

:: Jt won an award In the Army Tlmes·Photo Contest, and was placed. on display during the lntcrnntlnnRl PhotoJrrnpblc Ex­position In Wnshln~tton, D.C.

·.country & ·: .. ···· Town·

. • ~··.

~ By Jitn Brown

Mr. and 'Mt•s. Herbert Bailey of Leslie were so anxious to reriew their subscription to the News last week, that without telling each other,· one sent !1\4 by mail and the other stopped in to pay $4 in cash. It all happened the same day so we didn't catch the dupli­cation until Mrs. Bailey stopped in Saturday to get her money bticl<.

· ·A $4 subscription lasts 2 years or 24 months or 104 weeks. The per week price on a 2-year subscription amounts to 3.8c per copy. .

A one-year subscription costs $2.50 and, you guessed .it, lasts 12 months or 52 weel<s whichevet• you prefer. The per copy price on a one-year subscription basis is ;4.8c .. Newstand copies are 7c. ".'i YotJ can save 2.2c per c'opy over the newsstand price :_if you s~bscribe at the p1·esei1t yearly basis of $2.50. And ·the, saymgs are 3.2c per copy over the newsstand price . when you tql<e the 2-year deaL But any way you buy it, .. r~st assured you are ·getting your money's worth -a ,28-page copy of the Ingham · County News weighs 8 ·ounces and contains 3.75c worth of newsprint alone.· ·· : ,~'

Mason Kiwanians will need a circus tent to house the ·merchandise now being collected for next fall's com­. munity sale. Mason Kiwanians picl<ed up a stake true]{ full ·of clothing, furniture and bool<s from East Lansing ]{iwanians Saturday afternoon. There's enough on hand ·right now for a community sale, but President Jim Glotta sez we gotta have more. . . .

. There's a common denominator for all of us. Mark Twain realized'.it when he gave this toast at a banquet honm:ing General U. S. Grant in Chicago in 1879: We haven't all had the good fortune;! to be ladies: we haven't all.· been generals, poets or statesman: but when the toast works dowri to the babies, we stand on common ground. · : Here in the Mason area, we have a least 2 common

.denominators:· : · ,. We'v\0! .aiLbecn ·babies and most of us will make use of the proposed Mason General hospital. . The hospital ch'ive, if it is successful, will succeed only because enough

·· peopl~ have felt the common bond of self-help. It will succeed only if enough of us realize the importance of an adequate hospital in the community. The common ground in the case of the hospital is not the desire for ex­pensive luxury quarters, nor a marble memorial nor a us.eless object of art. Rather, the common ground is the common desire for good health and good care when 'sick A hospital such as is proposed for Mason is a basic re­quirement for the p1··· of good medicine. Without an adequate hospital, Mason area folks will not be able to have the very best help that modern science can offer. There is no argument against such a hospital planned

. for. M;ason. There are many arguments for it; * * .. ')

:. . :T,le edito'r went to a newspaper school Satm·day and · found out from an expert what we had suspected all along .·~that newspaper pictures· containing 5 m· rnore people

··'just' f!.ren't intere3ting except possibly to those in the .. · pJctui·es. That's why, it will ·now ·have to be something ·. pr~tty !3P~cial befor~ pictures containing mot·e than 4 .·:persons. wtll appE!a,l'ln the Ingham County News. The · .. exp~r.ts also sugg~sted cropping news pictures off at the ':,ind~vidual'~ waist or higher ratl~er than · to print .. the , en!Ire:skeleton. · -There are except1oqs1 however, Marilyn

. ;:i·M~IH'9e, Jack Benny and some girls undet• 17.

Dr~·c.·J. Hubbard· ::;.:, :··.'·:VETERINARIAN · · ) ' · .. ··.. .

·,,,: <:11!18 s. Lanalng s~ ,', · : .Phone OR 1·8201

:!:-~c~va,ting . .~ ~nd. :init~llati~~ . of . ' footings,. ~r.ail): til",'. septic:. hrn•$• water pipil, ·plu!Jlbi~cj.· drain fieldi •. · . . DOZIN6 2: LOADING .

· : ' . ~rea. tt:1tim~•te&


' ' ,· NEED REP.AIR,?

·Expert repair servlct 11 • . . 111 m1kes; ·

,NEED 'SALT? Dellv1ry sartlci of proper

ull for your, soflener.

CALL CULLIGAN.,·: .. ··.OR\7·2311·.,· '··

' ~ .. , . \ ' ..

norenge, But tll(! rrrolltn~lllty Qt this rh!JH!Ililll on lnhor· unci wutCI' HIIJIJII;Y unci locnl rnnr•)li!IS, Irrigating Forage Sometimes Pays

I.Iogluncl nlnn c!ommcnls uiJOut' them to mnl1c a careful atudy of the nrgurncnt thnt hTigntlnn re· how lrrigntlon will fit Into thHil" suit~ In morn rnlllt prnrlt!c•r.d titll'• fnr·mlng operation nnrl hnw much In,:: the pnsltll'l! period. This will. money It will return over ex· pmhuhl;v hn ·true If lhe fnrmor pen~os hrfnre lnvcsllng. mulws no Ullr!mpt to ~upplemcn~

Drtlry fnrmer~ who hnvc uj enough forngo !or fJ extra cows, llmllecl ncr·enge of light soil anr11 his Investment would he ltwrenscd nrc Increasing herd size fasl~r


by only $4,500, About $1,090 lhan feed supplies nrc most llltcly would be nddr:!rl to not Income, to benefit from Irrigation, 'rhus,. the renting of more crop·

'l'hat'~ li)c belief of Rny Hog· lllnncl Is nt lcn~t as prolltahlc as lund, farm economist nt Michigan lrrlgnllon, . Stnlo unlvcr~lty, Of course, llnglunrl points out,

Most dairymen will lll<cly lind not ull dnh·ymcn c:n'n work ·out II. more , prolllnble lo Ion!{ for sntlsfru:tory rentals In their neigh· other• ways to hoollt net Income. Renting more cropland and lm· horh?ncl ami must. ttRe ways ~ucll

Snmn clnlrrmcn ll'l'lgutc 11 C!Oill· the 1111slun:s wlwn lhi'Y hecomc · tlnprnrltwtlvu m• lc!ss pa lntublc, He

hlnallnn of [r:!ccl r!I'O[IH ancl ltlgh hrllr:!VI!~ lilnl tnlllt lll'rHitlr!llon cun vnlue r·rops sudr ns sll·nwlmnlc!n, Ill' lwpl ul snlisfJwlory lcveiH by· ctJcnmllers or· polrrtocs In orrlor• frrrllng silage or lw~· clurlng these ta spread costs over n larger crltlcnl pnstttre lJCrlods.

proving forage production prac· Its II rlgnlion to boo~ I ylolcls on

I tices me 2 _ _nltr:!rnatlvcs. their present croplnnd. He urges Ingham County News May 9, 1957 Page 3 Hog~nd poln~ out 'tlmt U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

lrrlgittlon Is to show u profit, tho vnl uc of the Increased production must he largr:!r tlHIII the lola! expenses of applying wnter, extra fertilizer·, seed and labor and n ddlllonal harvesting. I~ecrJ ct'OllS arc low In value compared to small fruit ami truclt crops, high vulue ·crops that can mrtke profit· able usc of lrrlga lion. ·

Hoglund cites a study he Is malting of the usc of irrigation on a dairy farm in southwcstcm Michigan having 102 ucr·cs of suncly loam cropland. Using. a centrally located reservoir, this farmer Invested $5,600 In an lr· r·lgatlon system. It was user! to apply 4 to 6 ncre-lnchcs of wa tc1; t'n 24 acres of nlfalfa·brome·gmss, 15 acres. of Sudan grass and U! acres of corn. All of the crops were harvested for forage. · If the Irrigation mlsed forage yll'lds by 40 per cent and cmn riclds by GO per cent, cnour:h f(,~d would be available for 36 cows. The extra D cows plus the cost of the system mal{es an Investment of $10,300 over no Irrigation. This alternative would add $940 to ·net income.

But If this farmer could rent 4fl acres of cropland . to grow

Scientists Work 0" Cattle Bloat

Ingham county ex tensIon agents are working with Michl· gan State university on control methods for bloat In dairy cattle on pasture. Several herds in Ing· ham county are being fed experl· mental ration while on pasture this summer. · Part of the herdsmen will be

feorllng salt containing penicillin ancl others arc fcr:!dlng penicillin In their grain each day ..

It Is believed that the penicillin ral.lon wlll control bloat on pas· ture but researchers want it tried on a farm program to get definite results.

There will be about 275 da lry cows In Ingham on this program

· on farms where scvr:!ral cows had I bloat last year.

Will You Be Worth Your Salt? Granted, you are doing a good job for your employer and thus arc "worth your salt," as they say. Our question is: What kind of a job are you doing for your­self? Pick any date in the future. Will your financial worth then be commensurate with the money that you will earn in the years between i To get "Yes" for an answer "salt away" part of every pay check in your savings account here. '

THE FARMERS BANK .Member of F. D. I. C. Mason Oldest Bank in Ingham County

llaving been ILJlpointt~d mlministl·atoJ' of the Bettie A. Mitchell estatt~, I will sell the following described pro]Jerty at tmblic awction at the 1J1acc 44U Uacc street, Leslie, or fourth house, east of railroad tracl•s on north side on nace street.

.lp. ··m. Saturday,.May 11, 1957 1 p.m. . '

Phone Mason

OR 6-5754

Price Brothers Phone Stockbridge UL 1-3342

Household Goods Antique Chest of Drawers Reed Rocking Chair Wood Bed, .SJwings and l\lattress

Onll Dresser

Antique Couch · · · · · Large Wall 1\lirror · 3 Rocking Chairs . · · Library Table Combination Writing Desll and Bookcase 9xl5 Rug .

: , 6 Dining Room Chairs, extra nice 2 Antique Stamls . . Antique Talble Lamp Child'i' Cane-bottom Chair .Oak Dining Room Table Antique Side Board · Round Oak Heating St.,ve Lowe Sewing Machine

, Chhia Closet I I

Antique· CommOlle.

Antique Drop-leaf 'l'ablrl 8-!lay Mantle Cloclt 2 Antique 1\itchen Chairs Antique Chhm Closet Antique Chamber S(~t Antique Settee Antique I~ocl>ing Chair Qua.ntity of Thl'oW Ungs Qtmntity of Pictures Stove Uolle•·s Quantity of Blanlmts Step J .. addm· . Quantity of Dishes Some Antiques Cooldng Utensils

Antir1un Flat Iron Small Commode

' · Tool Box. · J.~aw1~ Mower

Numerous Other Jlouseholtl Articles . . y

'' . This ·home is for sale and bids will be accepted day of 'sale by C •.

L. Johnson ~gency, phone Mason· OR,7-4985. · ·. · ., I. . · ·

' '

TERMS:~Cash Not · Re$ponsible for ~Accidents . I . . . . . . . .· .. . . . . ~ ......... ..

\. .·. .\ ' .

Bettie, A., MitChell Est.: ·'',

. ~ . .

'. '.'

. ""'

Benson Asks lower · Price Supports II,Y C !AHL CJOLLJN Jllll't;rl wltlJ f!O'A tl1c month hr!fn1'1! I lllglw•· retail fonrl prlcos IJI'!.!

und 8[l',, H ymll' cm·llr!l'. likely Flo!' tho next few monti1H, Sccrf.'lary l!:zm Benson, with 'l'ho Jll'Oposnl to ]lilY clult·ymr.n cornpul'l!d to 11 ynu1' n,::o, The gol'·

lllO Sllj1illll'l of fhn jJI'CSlrtent, hnH 11 SUIJS!dy r!OOHII't llllVI! lllllt'h of 11 Cl'llnll!nl'H fqnd jll'iCe lnf)CX WaS uutllncrl C'lwngr.;: Ill! wuniH In Ill!! ehnnce, nt least right 110\V, SpOil· rjll, hlghCJ' I hun In' lflfi(] clUI'Ing l'nnn prugmm, He wunts moJ'n sm·s of 11w Idea figure II wonltl tlw Ill's I qunrter of t Iris yenr•, al· fi'C!I!tJom to SC!I lll'ir:e suppor·ts low he a leHs expensive wny to l'lll lhough less than II1C pl'lr•n lr.vels Cllllllgh to moVC' r:rops Into coil· clown mill< [ll'ndtwtlon. '!'heir of l!l5rJ and 1055, Economists Sll)' sum)ltlrlll 1111d avoid stJrpluscs, Ho 1 pinna would he financed fl'Om lr.It· I he hlghm· level of prices r'l· hn~ Jll'Opo~e:l ellmll,llltlo~ o! flo~~· ovr.r soli bunk funds, Tl'H high!~· lllor!IP.rl mainly continued stro11l: hit t.s th;~t JCrJl}! 1c hi~. "~ tmprobaiJic tltnl congr·c~~ would consumer· demnnrl fm· !oar!, mocl·

.. huo~t Jll <IJlo tcm .trrl 90 ,., nf p.utt~ go for such n major ciJnngc In crately smnllcJ' supplies of ment, us tl1r~ sur·pluses nrc rr.dut·~rl. lie• the dairy prugr1m1; at least 1ht.-; ntHI to a lesser degree, gradual ulso hns aslwrl for rn_lllwnty. In. year. lrwhlng up of pmcesslng nn<i dis· Nil ~upporls hclow ?fi'11 of panty. , ffl 1 1 1 1 1 trlbullnn l'lllli'"I'S I• ur·m o cas cont nue o 10 b .. •

Jlonson nrlrnlls lhnt l!lll'l'cnl more anrt IIIOI'f! npllmlslle about I Huslnnss Lfnlts In agriculture f~mn :)ll'ogrmm um, r~: 11 .w~n·l~lng. the r!gg (H'ice nutlnol<. Poulll'Y will gel hlggrH· nnrl bigger, with Luths Oil rntljllll, he so~ys, '.tru nnt specialists sny tiJCre's sill! no still larger amounts of l'npllnl re· elf'Hr!IIW ht!r·mtsr! of gl~mtel\s In sign nf ;my big rush to huy Pgg·jCJllircrl. ThiR trr.nrl cannot he

· · i!H• luw und the lcl'llllJC'al ln'lHl typr. retJinecrnrmt chlclts, llntc·h· stoppr!rl, said !~uri Butz, assistant to\\'lll'ri · lnt~rcaserl Ylr!lrls per ner.!, cries point to pmductlon of rr.· Hl!l'retary of agTICutturc, t•ccently ll1'11Hon's Pl'nposals arc sure !0 Jllur:r.ment chic•k;; this last monlh to tho Americnn Feed Mnml[9('· run Info piP11ty of OJIJHisltlon m 111 l:i'k to 20',1,· unclm· a year nt:o, turers eonventlon. He> snid rJQm· mngross. nnrl April 1.4 ll'nrlltlonnlly 11 ilif.( men•lnl family frll'lns will In·

IJcjw c•nngl'Css will hatHllo til(' month. · c•rPasln~:Iy talw on the elmmctrr· .~r~t·l-elnry's rPC[ll£!sl for nw,lor , lstlc•s of u business or·gnnlzntlnn. dtnngr.s In tlw price support prn· Dtll~l.n~ ~lw ,llrst ,J, m~n~l.Js nf 'J'he pcrc·cntnge of •gr·oss reeclpts gJ'IIIll will ill! lntm·rost In f.(. Wn~h· t.IIC .yr. dl '. of I rr,': 1 ~·elllf!l~l mnsunwd hy jll'lldlletlon cxpensrs hwtnn reports rc>fPI' lo the hrl'al{· 1 hlclts w.ts <~rnumt 2·'''' thme will rise even highr.r 1111111 torlny, 11/1' 'In tlw otwe·powerful farm hnve IIC'cn mpm·ts of.1H'etty heavy The f11rrn will o1wr~tr. on n 1111.1'·

, ,•J I,' f ,I I!

'· · I .,, '. 1 • • f • ' \ .J. '

S' .. ' I" t • · L d ' ., ·• •• lhuy ill'l' '"l)"lllli u1u1 ti' \Vli"• j;1) pec1a IS s 1n an s~ap1J19 · IH!CO~~f~~·~· ,,, •lllr·w SI·IWI .. ~,,., M k PI t• S · 1•. growth, "~oll!l·t• ,H'r!o1nlr.p; .l. a e an 1n9 . ugge,.~ ~~.ns 'to ttw ~lze you Wiilll WIWr1 lllil·

" . . t ure," Cox :;nid, "If yuu lmvn n · A •number nf pnlt\lei'S · wm·e rlnwn prw po\nl~l· ·hifl io\V~I:*" tho low houso you will wnnt low

hrouglll 0111 111 tim lunclscnplng quulll;v ns fnJ·,.~~.II)c ldw,rrls con· gmwlng trees m· plunts l'ntllrlr ellnle nt the Deihl town hall 111 comed. ' ' '•' · ·• 1111111 large mupleH Ill' dms shwe IloiL Pointers were hrought out FcJ•tlllznlioil lcnn:,rlil/ ml;~h fm· they woulrl dwm·f tlw hoUHl!, hy 3 speakers from Mlehlgun lawns, Nitrogen Is the plnnt food J(ocr plunts lrlrnmcd the ~eslmrl Stntc university-Jim Tyaon of which gms11-.. ,needs , 111ost, .. A size, It Is Important to trim ever· the soil science clepurtmcnt, Joe stmlght nltrogrm nppllc~Uon Is flrer.ns 11s wellns dPclrluous tree~, Cox of ,the lnndscnplng depurt· sntfsfnctory 01• 11 tertlllzm· high' In (o shape the trooH, to malw thom ment illlcl Fred Wlclmoyer, home nltrogeq sug)t 118 ll 10·3:7· thlclmn ur nnd lo Increase the gnnlcn speclrtllst. Tyson llUggilstei'l 11111 t ,hluegrnss brunches c)nscJ' to the ground."

Tyson discusser! seeding the he mowr.d l)pt · lo~s thdri 'm1e i111tl Arrange plantings with lnrfleHI lawn, the ldncl of seed to usc, one-half jnclt~s i'll'·lcngtlj .. Sl\ndy growing plunts nt the rear of tlw fertilize!', mowing nnd nlso nn· lnwns ·be lafto'2 lij{lhcs ·In, length. plnntlng, Cox suirl. 'l'ree11 shoulrt swererl questions from the mull· Too cloHc ~uttlp'g :•hurts the he nt the baclt of the plnnting ence. gi'Owth tlssu'e; lllteeps llii! )enves with shrubs In fmnt and low

. He said thnl the hest time to too short to develop ,roots nnd· 1~1·owlng shrulm 11nct plunttl dos· mnlte a lnwn Is In mid-August then when the dry spell comes est to tho lnwn. lie suggcc!tccl not when tho annunl weeds have died the grass dies down/he iinld; An t1slng straight line;; but grcntplng~; tlown anrl will not come up uguln excopllon fo·thlit· bent of plnnts nnd lrrPgulnr 111111 1 1 thnl season. Up untll.that time If gras~ which must ho ]{cp(mpived curved lines, the lnwn Is a new one he 8 ug· e!ose because it. mnj,es .lfR·,grp~vth The. coopcmllvo I!Xtonslon sen•· gcsted putting on rye grass and by spreading. 'l'he closo ·.mo}Vlllfl Icc now has 5 new cl•·culnl'S on than ldlllng the rye grass with n rlocs not injure the gr~ss, ·.';Bent lnndscaplng unri plnntlng the weed control herbicide 01· cult!· fll'ass will spreml.lnt,o shrubbery home r:•·ounds. '!'he list Is ns fol· vutlng 11 Into the ground. '!'he hor·ders anrl !lower beds unless lows: lnll free! nrc Lnnds!!llpe socond hcst time' to seed Is early, l{{•pt· ttncler·. cont•·oJ. . Plnnnlng frll' Resldentlnl Prop· ;;prlng before Muy 1. Cox discussed ·the landscaping m·tles, Ch·culnr E 2; Lundscnpr!

program and gave sped!lc point· Planning for· Hul'lll Homes, Clr· .. II oe. It's so split a.long eommoil· I!;JIIin~ too. garller cst.lmnt?s 0 ~ 11 rower mnrflln pet· unit pc!J' nul· . lty nnrl pnrty lines 1t Pannnl opel'· f) A reduction In replnccmcnll put. 'l'his means thnt volume

nte. lis' 11 powerful mlnol'ity. fl chlclts this year might he VCI ,Y must lncrense In ot•dcrto lncr·r.nsr! hns')itst Its pnwc1· to pass mn.Jor cnnservntlve. All of which woulrl profits. Jeglstli~ton. However, It mn still ac!c!. up to het ter egf.( pl'ices Inter MISCE• LI ANY ·r ·.I. . . SHOULD BE ASHAMED-This little d~cl!ling'ln. ugh.s":b~forc '

·•· .. · nor'. f . '·on Ill the.ye11r.. •· · • · · · Ojn 111 hlon!~ 1 1t. Hcprnts say ;o 11 o P•ll vestment. per· fnl'l11 In the· u. s. trying out his webbed feet in Toll"Clo, Ohio,'w.i.'n.ring, n, life

He- suggested using only one e1·s In adclltlon to many~.otlwr culnJ' E 1; Ornamental Shr·ubs for ldnd. of lawn s~ed, w_hen severa~ thing~. He said In lnylng ottt your Mlel1lgan, Circular I~ 5; 6mnmrm· ldnds. r>f seed rue. ml~e~l .togc:hel 'planting, to allow;·plenty of sp,ac·· tal Vines for Michigan, • Clrculm· ~hal s~ed which Is l~est. ,t~cllrn.tte.rl lnr.: between ·house ·and, plants .. ~; 3 nne! Outdoor Llgh'(lilg I'm• .tnd usually the lmgeRI <~nd most lJsunlly plants arc set' out. \Vhen Tfome·GJ'O\Illrls C'h·culm•I{I; 4. ~ggt·esslvc will tal<e over nnd that · · . • · • ... , •.. : _. .. · · ·' . '. . ., .

Jty ·pt·jce suppm·ts no longet• lnn:n Wlrlr.sprcarl m o 1st u r· e hns now averages $:11i,OOO, This. in· preserve1·. 'rhe rainy spt·ing· weather en used. nature'si u·m-.~s .IJI,t~'Nn, 1 farm prohir.m In c·on· pepped up wlntoi' wheat PI'03· eluclcs n lot of smull part·tlme or phlblon to distrust his own n~tu1·al , ::.

will be what the lawn will ccm· : .. slst of. For example, If tall fescue · · !·'' ''

gre~~;;\Intcrcst tlwre now center:; peels ennslderubly. Private l'P· suhslstcncc farms. fo'lfteer(·years ------,.·----------,--------~--011 ~~.n:plus tllspo~n), mu.l ?n maJ;. pnrts put the crop as of May 1 ago the average fn'rm hnrl· about · ' ·· · lngfP~.oductlon .c~:~~~ols d~Ul .~he Ujl as hig!1 llS 700 million hush· $3,500 invested in land anct.equip· Farm ·and Bus··n· ess.· .. Gr·'"oups cons~lvutlon lesr.r\r. JllOgl.llll cis. USDA s estimate a month ngn mcnl for· cnch fnl'm worlior· to·

nnrlrcd top nrc in the seed ·along . ;.D.· .. 0· .lle .. d ..... H· ·e· ·r·e· ford ... · . ·~: .. with a higher quality seed which r. 1"': doesn't. grow quite so fast... such . . ns mel'io.n blue gruss or Kentucky ·' .. · . . '. ·· ·

blue gr·ass, tllC fescue will be 11 DIS.P.ERS'A'L · SALE· majority of the grass which will stay on the lawn,

'";ol'}<~:?f cour~e, ~r.l_c~dng .of .~h:· was nr~uncl GGO ~ill!on busbel~: clay it's mnn• than $1il,OOO . .'. A PI G 1• c f · · h.ghe!,. suppmf pllfC )ll Ofll dl.l With piospccts g<~lnmg, USDA s major manufacturer of 'paper. an ray I ng on ere nee coul;l''(lllll s:~~~.loose ends of IIH! h?pc of reducing th~ surplus br·lear.tons reports that his output ' · ... · hlo~. ·.' ... r~g. ethu. I lmc will tell. ,::1ns to fade matcr.tally. It W<l.~ of haJf.rrallon mill\ container~

1 11 , Bnckcd hy the Northern Michl· l~::irmers generally gained a hoped that prm uct10n t 1 s ycm· jumped 29','<· last year, quarts gnn Development Couneil, a mC!cl; littlc'.1,::founrl in the month endC'c! could he reduced !'1 a level ;vh.IC'h fell 3',; .... B11 tchering of· both

· Aprlhlil, as prices climbed morl.' would make possible a whittling cattle nncl horrs· last 111011·1h, wns ing will be conducted at Grayling · · f 1 1"" 1111 b 1 1 h May 15 to dlscus·s resources nnd thati ,costs. Prices the Jarmcrs 1.·e· <J nroL!m -" m 011 · us 1e s njJproxlmateJv · 7','. under. AIJril,

I 2 ' 1 1 f t m t 1 1 1 " development progmmo. celvc!l · rose u most ',,, w 11 c rom cunen gowrn e~ 10 t · 1956. Sheep and. lambs wcro cost~?. went up 1 ~~. Till' parity lngs acqulrcr.tuncler the prtce sl1Jl· clown 12~;, calves off 3•

1;. Purpose of the meeting Is to

... ratio mitl·Apt·ii was 81 ','r com· port program. provide county nnd community

Ingham County News May 9, 1957 Page 4

Warehouse Clearance ··.

~/AUCTION .. '•

'.' ·~ .. ' •, ... ,. . '

... •.,: ~ l, • '

.:·,;· {

. ,.

:;:::::,~ ~~ : .. '

Wolverine Livestoclt Sales Pavilion 2M miles west of Williamston on US-16

Saturday May 11~ 195.7

7:00P.M .

$25,000 New Mer(handise ~··;;:'; Save 1\fonoy - Everything 1\fust Btl Sold

Po\vtlr Port:thle Saws - Elceti•ic Drill'! - llartlwarc < .~: ;; ·~oi~ls - Soclwt Sets - Open Entl Wrench Sets - Etc.

Jii;;lst~hoJrl·I~<JIIiiJIIHmt - Paint _:...Toasters - Electric

&!:~i<l:un Irons - Coul\ware - Dinette Sets - Elcctri-_.;·':. ci~(,· Appli:tliC:l'S - biixmasf.tli'S - Dishes - Portable : -~~: .~

S!!\\'ing 1\J:whint•s - J,u~~:t!1,'<l - J%wtric llmltllrs - Sills - Cine!' I~:ulins - W:Ltchtls ·- Ji~wdt·y ·'· .. ~·~ .

'11~~1~1\18:-Cash I•'J'<'B P•·i:ws t.o All!

H·all of Distributors · G. K. SMITH, Manager

·on 20~.J.o.s. ... •:feed* ' '

IJ·In •.... , WIJH.

'·, *Iowa Te5t-Hieh Corn. Ration.


Got them no~ ar ·• .-. '-

I , t' '

MAsoN E~EVAtoR i .. . .. PHONE•OR.6-134V '

- ' ......... -~ ... _....._____., --Dangerous Potato· Pest Is Run Down

GJ'Hmt Vtlt.erin:try Ilo~j;ital orqrn Jluim;: 7:!1' Jl. m. ,!\,em.·

Jt'ri. - J.!J (1. m. Sut .•

Dr; .M. J.. Green 752 N •. Cedtii•, l\l·;lsoi1

Phone Olt 7-!Ji!Jl

lcadeJ's with ideas, suggestions, and other tools to assist nren groups nnd organizations in mnk: ing tilelr communities more pro~· perous am! hetter places in which to live.

The land on which the· potntocs were planted has been staked, and will be fumigated to destroy any nematode that might have left the seed potato and gone into the ·soil. Other thnn root crops will be plantccl on the !:mel tliiH year.

1\ (JOOJ, SUJ\11\mlt Two Michigan Slllic universil~·

~r·icntisis will spend the summer nl the International Geophysical Year camp near Mt. Michelson; Alaska, to malw a study of Arc· tic plant life. Dr. John E. Cantlon, associate professor of botnny and plant pathology, and William T. Gillis, Jr., graduate assistant, will be working under a grant from the Arctic Institute of North America and with lonn of equip· ment from the Arctic Research Labomtory.


Selling Since 1937 . M~lon Phone OR 6·5682 or

Ecton Rapids 982(. . ·

D Brothers

LIVESTOcK· Sale· Each



' J7oa· Belden Roed . · , .:\ Jac~son, Michigan ·.

Phone ST ~-IBll .

JIIOR'J' NEI•'F will be one of the headliners at Grayling May ]5. .

He suggested the followlnrr seeds: Fo1· a shady lnwn, creep· lng reel fescue or fon trivia lis; tor· a· general lawn, nita fescue, which will staml 11 lot of recrea· lion by youngsters. fo'or the high· est quality lawn merion blue grass or· Kcntucl<y blue gmss Is best. IIowcver the merion blue· grass requires more careful handling that the Kentucky blue­grass.

Hc salcl bc1il gr·ass •·cquims excellent care and fertilization or the lmvn will have brown spots. He suggested a lawn pl11ntcd to the type of grass to grow the idnd of a lawn the owner Is Will· In,:: to tnl<c cure of. He brought out the fact that mixtures of grass have a lot of cheap fillers

. At George- Lundberg's Melody Farms, at west village· limits of Lowell, Michigan, ori US-21. , . .

SA·TUR'·DAY.· MAY ll· I ,

59 Registered Females A; good herd of i:~ws with m11ny having a calf at foot, sired

by the great b~ll, Sup~r ~ossy· Plato. . ·

. ' '

Also:. Open Heifers '.SAle St.,rts 11t I P. M.

GET .CATALOG FROM ·JAMES CURRY S<'to'dusky·, .MichigcJn

lgan State; and P·aul· Miller, eli· rector· of. extension at Michigan State; will· participate In' the ells· eussions. which bring the cost of the ,::rass !..------------------------' r

·G~t that "new car feeling" with Ashland Detergent

Ousoline~!Titey drive out harmful engine dirt while you

drive. You'll get tpat clean power. . .. ,

Highest Octilhe Ever gives you more getaway on tile

straighta~ay, more gasoline mileage, too. Old cars;

.·-new ca~s. all ca~s can m powerfully clean. Whichevet>

your car requires, Ethyl or resulilr, try a t~nkful of .

ln Ashland Deterge~t, Gasoline totl;ty I · · ' .L ' '

, ASHLAND :~IL. & "REFIN,ING COMPANY . , ' , . I , .- , . • . . ,,.

ina! ' 'I '

Budget ·Battle May Help Taxpayers 1·

services. It. Ia· humrlll nature fol'llng" efrect, With mast a·gcnc;lcs p· ROF. ESSIONAL. li,Y JnJ,JUJm Ia, Wlfl1'1~ JU!nhJg·nu l'riiHH AHSOililltlllll

Tills year',; hnttl!! over tho budget mny .well l>nnetl t the pr.o· p)e of llw ~laic, On tlw nrw hnnrl is the governnr with rnqueHts for incr!!Rscrl llppr·nJH'Iittlorm. He IH nsl<lng more than $·HHI million. In hlij nplnlon tiJIH IH tlw nmount t'!!qulrerl to JICI'form sr.J·vlees needed hy Michigan residents.

each rl!!pnrtment· henri to want to uslcln~ tor more ench Y!!flr, ex· rio his hc~t joh, More money prn· Jl!!lldll ur·cs grow with every new

vldes him the lwy. budget. BUS IN E s·s ) SERVICE And wlwn an agency receives Only 2 groups eun ch!!clc the • urldltlonul funds, It. lru:reu~!!s the unncccsaury expenditures. One Is pre:;tlge unr.l power of Jl:; director th!! office of the .stat!! contmller- ·

On the other hand is the leglij· lature unrlcr Repuhllr:an control. GOP lenders loolt at the hurlgel cllffcrcnlly. They lry to figure how much money will be foJ•th· coming from Ill'escnt. slate taxes and to allocate this money wisely nmong the various udmlnlstra!lve depnrtmcnts.

• • • Aclmlnlstr·atlve ll!iCtH:Ics can he

cxpcclcrl to lmllevc llwy must haVC! mom funds tu provldo t.lwlr

and his Jmnmnnel, . which prepures the gov!!rnor's Sinec cnch rlepartmrmt prepurcs pi'Oposed budget from pr•cllml·

It£ own preliminary hudgct u com· nnry budg!!t r!!qU!!sts pr!!sented 1110n procedure Is to: hy th!! rl!!partm!!nts. ·

1. Asl' for more than Is ex· The other Is the l!!glslature. pect!!d. If th!! department Is Since legislative dutjes Include! turned down on some Items, noth· not only djstrlbutlng funds ·to lng Is renlly lost. If, on tlw other agencies, but also finding ·ways lwnr~ the department receives of raising the money, legislators Uw ndrllllonnl money, extra serv· quite normally consider extensive! ·~es ure pt·ovlded and more help cuts In budget. ~a~1 hr. hl!·erl. , The 1957-58 budget points up

2. Spend nit the money received. the adminlstratlve·leglslallve con· ~gcncles rarely retum unneeded trusts more sharply becnuse: • Llnds, R l h fill d • • * 1. equesls canna e C!

'!'he sltuatiun has a "srwwbnlt· .wllhout addlllonal taxes. ·The


Beebe's West Side "Your Friendly Neighborhood


Open Evenings and Sundnys 'fexnco Gas-Oil

201 N. Cedar Ph. OR 7-4151 We Give Gold Stamps.

Vofe1·s in Sixth Disfricf Register Their Opinions

GOP-controlled legislature feels the Michigan tux burden should not bC! Increased. The only alter· native Is to limit spendli1g,

2. Legislators sincerely believe that many of the departmental

"We Bnrbecu!l In the Store"

George's Market requests contain unnecessary ex· We deliver on orders of $2.00 or

pmvcd the president's conferring pendllures. lltaltes sharp eyes to more with heads of unfriendly nat.lons. plclt out all the llems that mld Some 58';1, of the replies sup· .costs but provide few benefits. 424 S. Jefferson ported continuance of foreign 11id 3. '!'axes proposed by the gover· Phonll OR 7·7151


Livestock Trucking ,Charlotte - Monday

Battle Creelt - Wcdnesclny Also general lor.ul trucltlng

Charles Cooley Phone 0Xt4.8349 or OX 4·1371

Bottle Gas

Phil gas Bottled Gas

labs• Photos Complata Pharagr~phy Sorvlc~


834 S, Darnos Mason

Phone OR 7-~391

Farm Tools


Oliver Farm Implements

I<lng-Wise Eleva tors Lincoln Welrlers

in Chore·Boy Mlll,cr Parts

2D·Ib sclf·Servlce Cylinders Francl's Platt lOO·Ib Delivered Cylinders


Also concrete septic tnnlts for sale.

Francis Sloan Williamston, ltnute 2

Phone G7l·W

Prescriptions "Prcscrip1'lons Are Our


Hitchens Drug Store

Courteous Service

Upholstery We cusl.nm·hlilltl furniture to ymu· laHir.. lluvc lovely new snmplns of nil l,ypr.~ of fabrics. Will call at yuur· home lo give csllmnlcs. We plclnrp · nnd de· liver.

Mathias Upholstery Corner CniiPgr! roar! anrl US·l27

Pi1nnr! art 7·'182L

Kean' s 5-10c-$1 Store Yr.rwtlnn Bllnrls

PaJH'l', Plastle nnrl Cloth Window Shades

ltepah· Venetian Blinds Phone OJ~ 7·5<191

------.. ·----·--·-··---


Congres~man Charlef: K Clwm· berlaln <mnounccd In Washington that returns from a qucsllonnalm mailer! to more than .12,000 fam· Illes In Michigan's sixth congrcs· slonal district Indicate people have confidence In President l~i· :;enhower anrl suppnt·t maJor ad· ministration policic~.

In resisting cDmmunlsm, though, nm· would fall directly on busl· ·-----------­mnny accompanying comments ness groups, one of the chief sup· lndlcnte that people want careful porters of the Hcpubllcan party. anrl effec!lvc use o[ Jorelgn aid It. is generally agreed that all mon!!y. taxes ultimately ure puld by the Flowers

Both arc automatle systems 1 mile north of\Muson on US·127 ______ I;.;-I;.;;o.;.;lt ____ _ Lower rates for dual appliance _____ ...;...; ____ _

gJr!clrlcal Sales - Service - Installations

Chamberlain reporter! a ret urn on 20'/r· of queHtlonnalres sent out. He said lhat while he woulrl ultlmutely exercise hls own Judg· ment In mal<lng decisions tJil these questions, lw appreciate.! thC! help of the questionnaire rc· suits ns an lnrllcation of the thlnltlng of people in the t!lstrlct.

Approval of Pmslr.lent Eisen· hower's rlomcsllc policies was in· dlcated hy 8:1'/t, of those return· lng the questionnaire. In the arcn of foreign relations, 77'A· also voterl approval. Aslwrl about con· tlnued relinnr:c on the United Na· tlons In the Middle East crisis, 83';1, voted yes. Approximately two·thlrds of those replying ap.

Ingham County News May 9, 1957 Page 6

. USC!rS

"Ji'r·om these figures I conclude consumer. COMPLETE FLORAL


Cinstallatlon. Conversion Bottled, Gas Appliances that penplc ~till 'like Ilw' awl

have conllrlence In his aims anrl judgment," Chamberlain said.

Responses lo ques!lom; on t:11c IJ\Irlgel and taxes indicate that people arc t.ldnltlng carefully on these subjects, Chamberlain ob· served. Asked ahout budget cutd "even if it. means curtailing or ellminnling wot·thy federal serv· ices ami projects," 58'/.. voter! yes, .1R';(. voted nn, and 1'/r• were undecided. Chamberlain said lhaf while his response agrees with comment of his mail unrl newspapers, he Interprets It to mean that public sentiment ric· mands budget rcriucllon but the people want the euts to be based upon reason. Approximately :i2'/r, of the returned question· nalrcs favored tax reduction for small businesses and individuals, but 41 •;;, voter! to defer tax reduc· tion and apply surplus funds to debt rerluctio11. Elghty·one pr.r cent voted against a tax cut If It would unbalance thC! budget.

Regulation of union welfare funrls, increased postal rates, and enactment of civil rights leglsla· lion nrc all strongly supported by questionnaire responses. Federal grants for school conslructlon is the only major administration proposal on which sC!ntlmcnt is almost evenly divided. On thls q Ltestion, 51 '/r. were opposed, 45•;;, fuvombie, and 1'/r, undecided.

Of thC! 16 questions, the most decisive response was in support of legislation to safeguard union welfare funds. Nlnety.two per cent favored this proposal, with only 4'/;, opposed and 4'/r, undc· cided. The congressman stated that this response was a definite reaction to revelations bC!fore thll senate committee on labor and management practices.

Chamberlain noted too th~ strong support for increased postal mtes to eliminate the half· lllllion dollar annual deficit. He added, however, that hundreds of

• * * Each decision Is dltiicult. To

determine whether more funds ~hould be spent requires balanc· lng need against a limited income.

With these 2 factors now al·· most equal, public opinion will play a der:lslve role in the final determinations.

Some Republican legislators feel the Democratic sweep in the

Weddings Funerals • Parties DC!llvery Service

Clements Flower Shop 1982 Walnut Ph. OX 4·1791

Holt spring elec!lons Indicates the peo· -----------­plc want C!Xpendlturcs 'Increased. HowcvC!r, the majority seem ready to hold the llnC! against levymg new taxes. ·

They point, as evldC!nce sup· poruug tue1r posHIOn, to the large number of local tux proposals turned down by voters In recent

Well Drilling

Mason Home Appliance

120 W. Maple Phone ORchard 7·5911


At weel{'s end there was evl· dence that some appropriations would be Increased somewhat; that the 1957·58 budget will be lower than the governor wants.

3· and Hnch for farm and home, . 6· to lO·Inch for air conditioning and Irrigation. MASTERS

* • • One of the biggest problems

faced by safety officials Is lng to the people tha't traffic arc designed for their protection, not to limit their freedom.


. " .... :I'o)' needs ... Sold 11nd Installed

· · .. · · Roy.·c·.- 'i-fa~t 1328 s; ~eir~r806 . Phone OR 1·2231 l .·

It's a problem of public atti· tude. S. W. Hart

Too many people too often "feel sorry" for the driver pulled ov{!r {nt 80Utll city limits)

Bottled Gas ond Appliance ' ' 233 Braokliold Dr.

. EAST LANSING · ' Phono ·ED 2-320~ or IV 2·5861

. '

!iW-Bottled Gas

In to tne side of the road . by the . 133( 8. Jelfjlrson , pollee officer. Actually, enforce· .. ..-.;....;.P..,;,;ho_n_e_o_n .... 'J_.o_t_3_1_ .... _

1 ment Is the only way roads can lie made safe for all.

20·lb Self-Serve Cylinders 60·1b Cylinders

',J .. ew. el.r .. ·Y· .· A better understanding of rea·

sons behind traffic regulations ----~----------­will help promote their safety experts believe.

100-lb Delivered Cylinders . Lower rates . for dual appliance

users Inquire about


They suggest all motorists get the pocket booklet "What

aulova • Eigin • Hamilton • Wyler today!

·Rings • ·Bracelets · Orange Blossom Diamond DrlvC!r Should Know" as an ·

cellent outline! of trafric reg lions. More Important, It exr>Jatns 1 what can happen when these ulatlons arc violated.

William Fink

Clean,. trouble-free and modern llvlng at lower cost! You do not hiiVe .. to buy the tank. Bull~ In· stallation of 500, 650 and 1000 gallon. capacity.

comments accompanying the questionnaires showed· wide· A few minutes spent with

I spread resentment over thlrrl boolt may prevent an class mail as a contributor to the. even· save II life.

·. :Leslie Appliance , . '210 E. Bellevue

.. Phone. Leslie JU 9·2811

. .. ,\•; ···' deficit. pC!r cent of the Material In· thC! bool>let Is returns favored increased postal able for condensation i'nto a l·at.ns. report at club meetings. . . . . . , . .

Cl~amberlain said he expected can be ribtulned from most · i''' · · · · · ' . . to usc the questionnaire .on ap. stations, or if. unavailable, · • Yillir· ·clothes: iire. ~afe' · · \.' ~ :;;·, Botfled G~s · ·

\"tl'tlng tl t·et y f t"t liarids. We get them so<trKJIJmz propriate future occasions. AIRo, ' · le sec ar 0 s "e, Installation, conversion and ap· lln _5 ,.11·rl JJn. wt'll endnavor to ex· Lansing. . clean, . beautifully pressed . I II

" - " " t · t N hi 1 1 · pllances; County·w de de very. tenrl the coverage in order to give Requests from any Michigan II mos care. o · g l•pr ce wor· more people! a chance to express organization for extra booldets to ries either!· their views on vital legislative be passed out among members or questions. the public will also be filled.

We Never Refuse ' /

In the years since our organ·

iz11tion came into being .• we h11ve

never refused to serve 11ny deserv­

ing family-in other words, money

is nov~r an object so far. as the

avail11bility of B11II·Dunn service

is concerned, This is t~e prectical

appliclltion of our way, of doing

busin'ess.: by. tho. Golden .Rule.


The Sweeper Shop 2608 s. Logan, Lansing

. Phone IV 5·9005 Week :Days - 5 p. m.·9 p. m.

·All Day·saturdays Hoover .and G .. E. Dealer

We. Repair 'All Makes Free Pickup and Delivery .

Hill's Bottle Gas 3135 Ol~emos road, Okemos Phone Lansing ED 7·7849



Ope~·. Tue.iday ihrourh ll•turday Wedntadar·Th'tiraday.frlday ovonlnso b)

. _appolnt"'ont · Cloood Mondaro

. ' , • iPhcina Muoon OR 6·5707 t.Uniber NHCA · aoid Mlchlron ColQuro , " · Guild .

·Ample .P•rkln1

Nursing Home

The E. R. Lilly Nursing Home

Corner of State anrl Purl,-Mason Phone OR 6·5552

" Fine Home-Coolced Meals • Registered Practical NursC! • FlfteC!n Years of Experience

Information and References Gladly Given


MultJ.color Flecl~ Painting Homes - Rooms - Offices

Furniture! Free Estimates

Walt or Jacl< Hetzer OX 4·2861 OR 7·8701


No Dry Ends Mal'e appointment no"'(. Get own personal halrdress b!!fore hot weather.

Jean's Beauty Shop 1904 Maple Street

Holt Phone OXford 4·8702

Linoleum Floor Tile

Linoleum and Fl_oor Coverings

- Armstrong's ·Linoleum Expert Laying Service

Bigelow and Mohuwl~ Carpets

Baii•Dunn Floor Coverings

Mason Phone OR 7·0231

Hardware Hardware Lennox Furnaces

Air Conditioners

Sporting Goods


Cady Hardware PI Uf11blng and Heating

141 W. Ash Mason

DuPont Paint · Evlnrude Motors .

Glass Glazing Tools


Perkins Har~ware

Refrigeration Domestic nnrl Commcr·eial

Refrigeration Service

Lawrence Schnepp Phone Eaton llnplds

3771 or 'l·2flH


Glenn Casey Auctioneer

Williamston, Michigan

Phone Collect 53!l·J or !l·W

Home Service

A vallable Everywhere

Phone OR 7·2311 246 W. Maple Street


RON LEWIS l'hnnrs OTt G·l fl7.1 or OR 7·2580

Luxaire Furnaces • MC!tal Worlc • Estimates Gladly Given

Wiljax Heating Co. Willwrt. Hr!ynolr!R, Owner 2202 Bertha Street, Hoi t

Plione llol! OX <1·2121


Rn••kct Ahead with

Oldsmobile For Beller Buys In

New and Uned Cars SeC!

N.cCarn Oldsmobile 222 S. Cednr

Plwne OH. 7·9G81


Bud's Auto Parts "Central Michigan's Largest

Dealer in La!!! Model Salvage" f'hDJlC! OX !J·21.54

South of Holt · 2 Miles · North of iVId~uu

Office and Home

Bookkeeping_ ---=S;;.........=.;;upplies ·



Complete Office Supply System


We Deliver Phone Mason OR 7-9011

You Can Be.

One of the Family




to' the

Ingham Cou~ty News .. . '

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