Blood Of God Prologue From Main Internet Area

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Transcript of Blood Of God Prologue From Main Internet Area

Blood of God or Meaning Of Life

". . . The limits of a man or woman's language are the limits of a man or woman's world. . . ". Ludwig Wittgenstein

ForewordRelevant to the prior quote of Ludwig Wittgenstein in relation to this specific

somewhat philologically complex and sometimes semantically onerous tome [ 'Blood of God' ] please note the attached glossary and bibliography. The

attached collection of glosses and reference books will certainly assist the laity with the in toto comprehension of this current quasi clinical neuroscientific


PrefaceThe raison d'etre of this somewhat noetically onerous tome is quite simply to

make you see [ ie. :- the semanteme 'see' meaning - to make you 'understand' ] that when you perish you will enter the chemo-electro-neurological void of

absolute non sentient accessed nothingness.

Prologue". . . but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it . . .

for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eye's shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil . . . a tree to be desired to make one wise, . . . and the eyes of them both were opened . . . and the Lord God said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil . . . ".

The Bible Genesis 2-17, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7, 3-22

1. The myth of the tree of knowledge, the conceptual myth of religion itself, the illusory noetic constructs of sin, martyrdom, saints, devils, angels, heaven, hell, good, evil, god's [ ie. :- polytheism ] or of a god [ ie. :- monotheism ] are all extremely potent. As too are the culturally relative plethora of the also illusory noesis of the mirage-like notions of [ for example ] subjective immortality or of subjective reincarnation [ ie. :- metempsychosis ] etc. , all of which are, once again, extremely potent. By potent I mean 'subjectively noetically potent'. That is 'potent' relevant to the fact that even though this illusory subjective noesis is in 'reality' a mere subjectively determined and noetically constructed conceptual mirage. I must stop for a moment at this time before continuing in order to outline the crucial concept of objective reality or of non subjectively relative noetic reality. I thus must digress or divagate for a moment in order to noetically impress upon the reader that the crucial concept of objective reality is 'reality'. That is reality as existing as or as extant as that which is extrinsic of subjective noesis. That is extant as a 'real' per se external sphere of activity or existence and not a mere subjectively noetically

constructed and subjectively noetically projected illusion. That which is merely subjectively noetically constructed and a subjectively noetically projected illusion is therefore an objective faux pas or objective false step which is merely relative to a sentient accessed and posited cloud cuckoo ethereal sphere of activity [ eg. :- after-life existent or ethereal area or heavenly territory of a subjective so-called 'eternal life' ethereal domaine ]. An ethereal sphere which is in reality a noetic desire or need which has been subjectively noetically constructed via that which one has had access to via sentience over the particular subjective life span within specific culture. Thus even though that which I have previously stated relevant to non mythological reality is in fact reality per se these sundry 'subjectively noetically potent' illusions, in relation to the myths of all cultures [ not merely Judaeo-Christian culture ], nonetheless are noetically extremely 'potent' or profound from a subjective perspectivism. That is 'profound' when this, albeit objectively illusory, concept [ whatever specific concept it may be ( eg. :- devils, angels, heaven, hell, etc. , ) ] is interpreted as a fact or as an actual extrinsic existent or external reality by the ubiquitous and massively vast noetic ocean of this enfleshed noetic plethora comprising the 'ignorant' masses of the globe. 'Ignorant' masses who are [ unfortunately ] noetically prone to be apparently eternally beguiled by these sundry absolute noetic illusions. Thus it must be always kept in mind that the immeasureably sacred flame of the evolution of the absolute truth of a precise and accurate objective knowledge must never be subjected to nor forced to noetically compromise with nor kowtow to the idiocy of various other absolute noetic illusions. Of various other absolute noetic illusions, illusory noetic constructs, illusory noetic projections or that which are merely the objective false noetic steps of mindless myths, religions, superstitions, etc. , .

2. By 'potent' I also mean extremely 'dangerous'. That is 'dangerous' relevant to and applicable to these 'ignorant' masses. 'Ignorant' masses who, unfortunately, comprise this quasi immeasureably vast majority of this expanse of the enfleshed organic ocean of this currently [ ie. :- 2007 A. D. ] apparently more than six and a half thousand million individuals who comprise this physical and noetic collectivity. A collectivity of a massive enfleshed quantum of 'inept' consciousness comprising this condition humaine.

3. Via the utility of the semanteme's 'ignorant' and 'inept' I both mean and I am referring to the collectivity of the mass collective consciousness of the condition humaine. A mass collectivity of a subjectively noetically and physically constructed consciousness which has been incessantly [ over millenia ] subjected to [ via sentience ] that which is a non circumspect, absurd, uninformed and thus unrefined noetic construct. This illusory noesis has been constructed via the extrinsically sourced medium of suggestion [ over millenia ] vis-a-vis the certainty of the existence of a sentient relative and accessed/posited matter which was, and still is, comprised of ridiculously fallacious and 'puerile suppositions'. By the utility of the semanteme's 'puerile suppositions' I mean that which are absurd suppositions and fairy tale-like unproven and untested [ and indeed untestable ] assumptions. Untested assumptions relative to that which the subjectivity of sentient accessed mass collective consciousness is exposed to.

4. I am referring to a 'subjective sentient accessed consciousness' which actually

bestows noetic credence upon these various absurd noetic illusions which are posited as possessed of absolute veracity by some hierarchically relative institution, or religious, or even lay, and also puppet-like, 'fool'. An also puppet-like 'fool' who is/are more than likely acting by proxy on behalf of the absurd dogma of this specific institution [ whichever unproven so-called 'dogma espousing institution' it may be ] who is/are socially situated in positions of social power or authority. By the semanteme's 'subjectively sentient accessed consciousness' I mean a limited or restricted consciousness of access. A limited consciousness of access relative to these sundry puerile ignorant individuals vis-a-vis even the lack of access to a simple representation of the understanding of, and the absolute lack of the complex in toto comprehension of, the physical per se dynamics of clinical neuroscience. All of the aforementioned physical clinical neuroscience dynamics, of course, are relative to the objective impossibility of the existence in reality of each and every one of these prior mentioned sundry myths and all other also absolutely absurd myths and non valid suppositions.

5. As previously noted relevant to the semanteme 'potent' in relation to the semanteme 'dangerous' I also mean that these myths are too extremely psychologically alluring for these sundry ignorant and, also almost certainly [ indeed concomitantly ], economically disadvantaged masses. Masses who blindly accept these illusory non existent mere noetic constructs in relation to sin, devils, angels, heaven and hell amongst a vast plethora of many other myths and myth-like noetic constructs without even questioning the existence of these mere illusory and in fact non existent yet, at times, quasi universal notions. These masses are both psychologically and economically disadvantaged and non thinking masses. These masses are collectivities which actually believe that they each will, when inevitably subjectively deceased, viscerally first transmogrify and then transubstantiate into another sphere of existence or afterlife.

6. An extremely minute quantum of these masses of noetically deluded individuals will even commit mass murder relevant [ partially ] to the consequential or effect dynamics of that which is posited and labelled via the semanteme 'martyrdom'. The current era relevant ubiquitous and indeed quasi universally constant example of this 'martyrdom' is to be found within the present global situation relative to that which is anathema to and absolutely incompatible with all Western liberal democracies [ whether left leaning or right prone ]. This Western liberal democratic anathema to which I am referring is known via the semanteme 'Islam'. This specific illusory religious concept constantly avails itself of the utility of the semanteme 'martyrdom' with which to posit that the consequences of the mass murder of various relatively significant quantums of Western individuals will eventually be the ethereal reward of a sentient based pleasure dynamic. A sentient based pleasure dynamic within another sphere of transmogrified-transubstantiated ethereal existence where yet further rewards, again of a sentient relative dynamic relevant to tactile sentient based pleasures with virgins, comestibles [ eg. :- honey ], etc. , are awaiting these sundry gullible Islamic fools.

7. An example relative to this aforementioned noetic nonsense relevant to the partial consequences of this concept of 'martyrdom' is as follows. The aviation hijacking by the deliberate preplanned and premeditated flying of various wide

bodied passenger jets into five hundred metre high densely populated buildings within the centre of a major Western liberal democratic and globally salient city. This objective 'act' of mass murder is enacted because [ in part ] of the psychological allure of an afterlife for so-called 'martyrs'. A so-called 'afterlife' where a full bevy of seventy two virgins viscerally awaits each of these 'martyrs' with the flesh of each of these virgins' unused birth canals which are posited [ via the medium of the noetic seed of sentient sourced suggestion ] as esuriently awaiting ethereal coitus with each of these martyrs as the ethereal reward for each of their martyrdoms. Absolute unmitigated barbaric bestial nonsense which had been originally noetically designed for the subjective comfort of prior mass murdering fools aeons in the past relevant to a more primaeval world where it was perhaps understandible as to why these idiotic beliefs existed. But not in the modern world. Indeed in the modern world it is impossible to compass [ for a Western educated individual ] that these barbaric bestial fools and perpetrators of mass murder actually believed prior to each of them being vapourized [ ie. :- consequent upon the guiding of these various wide bodied passenger jets into these five hundred metre high densely populated buildings ] that an imminent culturally relative so-called 'heaven' of virgins awaited each of them. In a more noetically primaeval era [ such as prior to the nineteenth century ] one could perhaps excuse these individuals for possessing the noetic temerity to believe in these absurd noetic posits relevant to seventy two virgins and 'martyrdom'. But definitely not to excuse this absurd belief system of these mass murdering fools in the post twentieth century era of modern temporal questioning of the veracity of all posits not merely absurd and superstitious religious posits vis-a-vis 'subjective immortality'.

8. I must even now at this somewhat early stage of this petite tome digress and divagate for a moment. I digress in order to explain to the reader that by using the semanteme's 'subjective immortality' or 'subjective reincarnation' I mean a specific but impossible physical per se dynamic. This divagation is relevant to the aforementioned illusory noetic constructs of 'sin', 'heaven', 'hell', 'martyrdom' etc. , which are ideation proffered by sundry religions and which all and every religion in every corner of the globe is guilty of noetically peddling, to some extent, to the ignorant masses comprising the condition humaine. The impossible physical per se dynamic which I mean and which I am currently referring to is that which is implicit in relation to 'subjective immortality' relative to 'subjective viscera'. The impossible physical dynamic which I thus mean is that which is implicit where via an ethereal mode an incipient physical transmogrification process is initiated where a physically based visceral transfer occur's to the individual in situ when deceased.

9. All of the aforementioned nonsense [ relative to this nonsense of so-called 'heaven', 'hell', 'martyrdom', etc. , ] is causally religious based and posited. A posit which the gullible masses are noetically subjected to because of a noetic ignorance relevant to an astonishing but illusory illation. An illusory illation whereby these sundry ignorant individuals are expected to actually believe an astonishing noetic illusion. An illusion whereby via the ethereal transmogrification of a magical mode of the droll transubstantiation of human viscera, blood, bone, etc. , a viscerally enfleshed and constituted human being is thus transmogrified-transubstantiated into a so-called 'after life'. This process of transference or transmogrification-transubstantiation apparently utilize the aforementioned

transference ability of the initial mode of this impossibly arcane and superstitious magical thinking vis-a-vis this transmogrification process. A magical process which is relevant to these absurd noetic constructs of the human consciousness of the condition humaine. This transmogrification-transubstantiation process of sundry subjectively relative viscera into the ethereal sphere of a specific 'place' of another so-called 'world' of an ethereal afterlife in relation to these sundry individuals comprising the condition humaine is an immeasureably potent myth.

10. It is axiomatic for all individuals who possess even but a miniscule quantum of logical syllogistic nous or common sense that the prior quote at the beginning of this prologue is, of course, nonsense. All logical individuals who possess this minute noetic quantum of common sense or non misologistic intelligent cerebral tissue know that this Judaic-Christian biblical myth is false. If one has even the smallest quantum of common sense one must know that this ancient biblical quote noted in the opening of the prologue of this petite tome [ relevant to this tree of the knowledge of good and evil ] is comparable to a child-like fairy tale designed for ignorant adults millenia in the past. In a word it is false. It is a lie. It is an illusion. It is an illusory noetic mirage which is indeed somewhat akin to a mere dream. It is a mere noetic lie.

11. Plato also sagaciously noted that religion too was - ". . . a noble lie. . . ". But Plato should not have allowed himself to be noetically seduced by nor indeed to allow others to avail from this distorted semantic utility. A distorted semantic utility where and when he was tempted to use [ and eventually noetically seduced into actually using ( because of somewhat obvious historical era relevant motives ) ] this specific semanteme 'noble' in this context relevant to these other semanteme's of 'lie' and 'religion'.

12. Plato, unfortunately, had thus eventually allowed himself to succumb to this temptation to embellish this once pure contextual semantic which incipiently would have been simply 'religion is a lie'. He thus contextually embellished and distorted the absolute clarity of the semanteme 'lie' with the contextual semantic obfuscation of the semanteme 'noble'. Plato should not have allowed the semanteme 'noble' to enter into the graphic [ ie. :- written ] contextual vicinity of this specific semanteme 'religion'. 'Religion' is not 'noble' and nor is a 'lie' 'noble'. 'Religion' is the ignoble illusion or illusory noetic dream-like psychological construct par excellance which noetically panders to psychological ignorance, doubt and need vis-a-vis the subjective noetic comfort of the masses of the condition humaine in situ.

13. Indeed Plato should not have allowed literally any and all mitigating contextual semantics relevant to this specific posit vis-a-vis religion being a mere straightforward 'lie' pure and simple. Plato's contextual semantics unfortunately thus 'ennobled' or semantically elevated to a higher semantic plane, level, stasis or state that which was merely the pure and simple 'lie' of 'religion'. Indeed Plato's posit vis-a-vis 'noble lie' is possessed of a somewhat confounding semantic contextual stasis or state where the droll paradoxical juxtaposition of both 'noble' and 'lie' exists. That is a 'lie' is quasi never 'noble' and is definitely not noble relevant to this specific illusory noetic construct called 'religion'. Indeed, relevant to such an intellectually void, vacuous, deceitful and illusory noetic construct as that which is

universally referred to as 'religion', it can never and must never be referred to as 'noble' nor referred to via the utility of any positive semanteme whatsoever.

14. Plato had therefore allowed the semanteme 'noble' to contextually semantically interfere with the posit that religion was a lie. The semanteme 'noble' was thus allowed to contextually taint the semantic clarity of the posit that religion was a lie. The semanteme 'noble' therefore contextually detracted from the accurate semantic efficacy of the semanteme 'lie'. Thus the potential for precise noetic extrapolation from the absolute clarity of the basic provable axiom that religion was a lie or myth or adult fairy tale had been slightly thwarted by this specific semanteme in context 'noble'. Thus the semanteme 'noble' [ in this instance ] is possessed of the contextual utility of the semantic obfuscation of the semanteme 'lie'. It is also somewhat obvious why Plato allowed this semantic obfuscation via the juxtaposition of these two semanteme's 'lie' and 'noble' relative to the noetic myth or illusion of the abstract concept of 'religion'.

15. I myself will, over the following pages of this petite tome, logically prove to all and every individual who is not a misologist a specific noetic axiom. This soon to be proven axiom is simply that it is objectively one hundred percent certain that all religions everywhere and that all culturally relative noetic constructs of myths relevant to good and evil noetic constructs are all mere noetic illusions. I shall soon prove that all myths and that all religions in all era's past, present and future are merely a 'lie'. A lie full stop. A lie which does not warrant one iota of semantic 'ennobling'. A lie like the aforementioned 'tree' which is also without an existence or basis in reality as are all religions everywhere.

16. Relevant to this mythological 'tree' and the noetic illusion or noetic mirage of religion [ as previously noted ] it must be noetically appreciated by all non misologists that both noetically exist as mere dream-like illusions with absolutely no basis in reality per se. Thus this so-called 'tree' obviously has never existed, currently does not exist, and will never exist in hard matter relative reality. It is a mere story which has been noetically constructed for a particular era relative human amalgam of individuals which was once comprised of sundry stupid ancient adults. All of these sundry stupid adults were relevant to the condition humaine of this prior era. All of whom, unfortunately, were completely devoid of or lacked an adequate degree or extent of noetic circumspection.

17. These prior era relevant stupid individuals probably actually gave absolute noetic credence to the in toto illusory narrative or story of that which the specific quote from 'Genesis' [ The Bible ] refers to inclusive of the so-called 'tree' noetic construct. These stupid ancient individuals would have been completely ignorant of the reality that this 'tree' narrative was in fact a quintessential myth per se. All of that which is in reference to this so-called 'tree' is but a mere fairy tale. It is in fact, in hard tactile reality, merely an allusive mythological anecdote. It's intentional semantic is some rudimentary noetic type of written or spoken primitive noetically sourced referent determinant for the specific ancient masses. A primitive noetically sourced referent determinant which had been doled out to these ancient masses by sundry priests aeons in the past.

18. This 'tree' myth was/is a primitive noetic referent determinant for a specific behavioural choice vis-a-vis knowledge of good and evil and of ergo then possessing the noetic acumen which subsequently noetically transforms an individual or noetically changes an individual into 'one of us'. That is via these semanteme's 'one of us' is meant 'become' or 'change into' that which is 'an individual entity which is akin to anthropomorphic deity'. Thus existing as akin to anthropomorphic deity the individual has at this time now been noetically endowed with 'anthropomorphic deity noetic powers' which bestow upon this individual the 'knowing of all of the causal dynamics' relative to 'good and evil'. The myth is therefore merely a form of an extremely noetically primitive moral-ethical specific relevant 'knowing' noetic warning system for individuals possessing the temerity to pursue this 'fruit' [ of this specific 'tree' ] to beware of the consequences of this knowledge pursuit. To thus beware of this knowledge of the aetiology of [ or causal ontological dynamics of ] that which has this specific effect of either an ontologically good or evil outcome relative to the condition humaine.

19. Another segment of this 'tree' myth is the 'tree of life' segment [ which follows the incipient primary 'tree' story ]. This is where anthropomorphic deity thwarts any further/future possible [ indeed highly probable - when one considers the incipient transgression relevant to the so-called 'tree of knowledge' ] contingency relative to a successful attempt at the consumption of the apparent immortality bestowing comestibles of the second noted 'tree' [ ie. :- the so-called 'tree of life' ]. The biblical narrative notes that this second 'tree of life' is possessed of comestibles which [ consequent upon the consumption of ] would ergo enable or empower mere mortal enfleshed individuals to transform or transmogrify-transubstantiate these individuals into the stasis or standing of that which is immortal. That is the human individual would be then automatically bestowed with the 'live for ever' supernatural or superhuman standing of the immortal stasis of anthropomorphic deity.

20. That is enfleshed humanity would be implacably transmogrified-transubstantiated into the stasis or standing of an infinite ontological continuum of existence following the consumption of the fruit of the second specific 'tree'. An arboreally sourced comestible which is the sole causal determinant for this immortal stasis or standing. But apparently [ according to the myth of this second 'tree' relevant narrative ] this posited anthropomorphic deity [ relevant to this specific segment of this second 'tree of life' myth ] did not desire enfleshed non immortal individuals to unjustly [ it must be also noted that the semanteme 'just' is an 'ability' or 'power' relevant noetic construct ] usurp or sieze this unwarranted immortality. An apparently undesired and unwarranted immortality [ from this mythological perspectivism of this ancient scribe or writer attributed vis-a-vis this already in situ anthropomorphic deity ] where the condition humaine is not wanted to co-exist as also immortal with this illusory deity which is already in place. Already in place and thus apparently jealous of sharing immortality with these mere enfleshed mortal usurpers comprised of this condition humaine.

21. Both of these mythological noetic constructs are, of course, primordial noetic nonsense. Noetic nonsense which has been specifically intellectually posited or noetically constructed because of a particular type of noetic motivation dynamic itself sourced in some obscure motivational obfuscation vis-a-vis noetic form which

seems to be noetically akin to or analogous with a mode of absurd dream-like noesis. A surreal dream-like noesis which would be somewhat interesting to ascertain the specific causal motivation dynamic relevant to this droll ancient primitive noesis. Indeed it was probably an economically motivated dominant class/caste created myth in order to attempt to ensure the ontological continuum of this specific class/caste which in this specific primitive era was probably a priestly class/caste operating in conjunction with a land owning class/caste. This specific 'tree of knowledge' myth was almost certainly directed towards the slave class/caste in order to noetically thwart any form of mass collective ideation in relation to a desire for knowledge [ ie. :- the non superstitious analysis vis-a-vis 'the knowledge of good and evil' ] which may have noetically evolved vis-a-vis this subjugated or oppressed slave class/caste. To thus thwart a desire for knowledge or wisdom the consequence of which may have been a collective inclination towards usurping the dominant class/caste positioned power. Itself held in power via knowledge or wisdom, etc. , . If the collectivity of this slave caste/class had noetically desired to acquire this knowledge or wisdom [ which would have lead to both their noetic emancipation in conjunction with their economic emancipation ] the consequence of this acquisition of knowledge or wisdom would also have been the following. That is the consequence of the noetic realisation of the non real existence of the mere noetic projection or mere noetic construct of the noetic illusion of the concept of 'the tree of the knowledge of good and evil' and 'the tree of life'. And finally [ after the noetic elimination ( via the acquisition of and via the subjective logical thinking through of this knowledge ) of all the other myths and noetic nonsense which the condition humaine has been implacably subjected to for aeons ] the ultimate noetic elimination of the class/caste illusion of noesis vis-a-vis anthropomorphic deity, religion, etc. , .

22. But the modern reader of myths in the second-third millenium [ A. D. ] noetically knows that in the real world of tactile organic matter the secrets of this ethereal mythological aboreal surreal analogy vis-a-vis this aforementioned so-called 'tree' are somewhat prosaic. Though nonetheless the modern reader also knows that this so-called 'knowledge of good and evil' is sometimes an extremely complex knowledge [ ie. :- the sometimes horrific indeed quasi ineffable consequences relative to an individual smitten with, for example, the particular so-called 'evil' form or type of mental aberration or mental sickness of Aspergers syndrome ]. I am, of course, referring to all mentally unstable individuals who are, unfortunately, referred to as 'evil' when, in reality, no such so-called 'evil' exists [ eg. :- the individual who murdered en masse approximately thirty six adults and children in Australia ( ie. :- Tasmania ) in 1996 ]. Also the modern reader must too be noetically aware that one noetic aspect [ of this noetically absurd and quasi child-like fairy tale-like narrative vis-a-vis a specific comestible of a particular one type of aboreal existent or 'tree' ] is to induce fear or caution within this slave class/caste. To noetically induce fear or caution within this slave class/caste relevant to the consequences of noetic temerity vis-a-vis a so-called 'god' or anthropomorphic deity. The consequences of this noetic temerity relative to disobedience to a command of a so-called 'god' or anthropomorphic deity is noted as not being ideal. Indeed as being extremely noisome relevant to undesired consequences for these other mythological individuals comprising the incipient masculine and femimine entity of the planet Earth [ ie. :- from a Judaeo-Christian mythological

perspectivism ]. Fear is one noetic aspect which comprises the somewhat obfuscated in toto covert intentional semantic behind this mere child-like overt arboreal analogy relevant to this so-called 'tree' of the knowledge of good and evil.

23. One noetic aspect is merely just to instill noetic fear within the cerebral tissue of ignorant ancient adults. 'Fear' vis-a-vis noetic inquiry into the absolute ontological marionetted truth in relation to the in toto universal constants relevant to the determinants of good and evil. 'Good and evil' vis-a-vis the objective analysis of the subjectively relevant [ but still universal constants relative to the plethora of causal antecedents relevant to good and evil 'acts' in relation to the condition humaine ] determinants of behavioural choice in toto of the condition humaine in situ.

24. Other covert motivationally sourced noetic aspects of this so-called 'tree of knowledge' myth are almost certainly class or caste sourced as I have previously outlined. That is the ancient priestly caste or class. This specific myth of the 'tree of knowledge' is too economically sourced as also alluded to previously. In order to maintain the class or caste, rank, order, dominance or superiority of this particular priestly segment of their social position relative to their specific hierarchically relevant higher social placement or dominance within this particular ancient societal system many specific noetic tools or noetic instruments were requisite.

25. Merely one of these requisite noetic tools or noetic instruments was the culturally ubiquitous universal constant of the so-called 'myth'. An example of this particular noetic tool or illusory noetic construct was the specific 'myth' of the so-called 'tree of knowledge' myth the raison d'etre of which was almost certainly sourced within and had thus been noetically constructed by this priestly class/caste for the purpose of the maintenance of social dominance relative to those who would dare to usurp this priestly caste's 'wisdom' or 'control'. That is in order to socially and economically maintain and attempt to economically and socially enhance the particular quantum or level or rank or order or extent or degree of dominance of their social caste they quasi certainly noetically created this 'tree of knowledge' myth. A myth which had been thus created merely to instill noetic 'danger' or noetic 'awe' within the noesis of the ignorant masses in order to ensure none of whom could perhaps at a future moment be possessed of the desire for the noetic acumen which knowledge of good and evil would inevitably endow them with. A noetic acumen and sagacity which would inevitably endow this lesser hierarchically relative caste with a much greater social and economic dominance with a concommitant noetic temerity [ ie. :- a 'temerity' as viewed from the somewhat biased perspectivism of this priestly caste ].

26. A concommitant noetic temerity with which this economically and socially lesser or lower caste could perhaps usurp the once restricted and current but ancient sourced status quo of the social and economic 'rank' of this priestly 'caste'. And all of this social and economic caste/class noetic engineering, within this Judaeic-Christian particular era and beyond, had been accomplished via the intellectually relatively facile noetic utility of a mere ludicrously absurd and quasi child-like noesis using a fairy tale-like ethereal noetic 'danger' construct. A noetic 'danger' [ ie. :- relevant to this specific 'danger' of the myth of the 'tree of knowledge of good and evil' ] construct in order to safeguard and ensure the maintenance of

this particular priestly caste/class economic and social interests as a conscious biological collectivity in situ. This mere one specific myth was thus the noetic construct system of a specific caste or class for the raison d'etre of the dominance of another caste. A both noetic and material per se physical economic and social dominance which was accomplished via an illusory noetic dream-like construct.

27. A dream-like noesis which had been noetically constructed for the covert purpose of [ and too covertly directed at the maintenance of ] the security of or the position of strength of an earlier era relative class which still currently exists in the twenty first century A. D. . And indeed which still possess's social and economic status quo dominance over another particular and somewhat noetically inept rank of caste or class. A particular dominance of that which exists as the noetically lesser rank, order, hierarchical position of this noetically lesser class or caste which was/is dominated by the priestly caste/class over these ignorant masses comprising the lesser caste/class.

28. Indeed the myth of the so-called 'tree of knowledge' was/is a covert noetic system of a social [ ie. :- in group ego ] rank and economic dominance motivated 'myth' which was/is of both a graphic [ written ] and verbal [ spoken ] dynamic of 'suggestion'. A dynamic of sentient accessed suggestion which was/is accomplished via a consequent era relative superstitious 'fear' noesis or a noetic era relevant 'awe' construct. Indeed it was an era relevant noetic 'fear' or 'awe' construct. A superstitious noetic suggestion which was directed towards, and which was an attempt to create within, the collective consciousness of the collective noesis of the mass group noetic dynamics of the masses of a particular class/caste, which was comprised of these sundry ancient ignorant adults in situ, that which was per se an illusion par excellance.

29. I must divagate or digress for a paragraph or two at this particular stage or segment of this petite, but still somewhat complex, tome in order to illustrate a universal constant vis-a-vis the illusory noesis of the concept of so-called 'good' and 'evil' relevant to the previously stated axiomatic posits. I shall illustrate this universal constant via a specific example which aptly manifests that group noetic dynamics vis-a-vis the myth of so-called 'good' and 'evil' acts are certainly not restricted to only the imagination of these previously noted sundry ancient ignorant adults in situ thousands of years in the past.

30. It must therefore also be noted that there too exist [ unfortunately ] much more modern ignorant adults. Modern ignorant adults who consistently avail themselves of the also illusory semantic utility of the apparently more modern noetic resurrection of this ancient myth of the absurd noesis of this modern illusion of the noetic concept of so-called 'good' and 'evil'. For example [ relevant to this much more modern context ] many adult ignorant individuals refer to Israeli individuals as 'evil' when these sundry individuals destroy an automobile or vehicle of some type where various Palestinian adults and perhaps children are burnt to death. Conversely many adult ignorant individuals refer to Palestinian individuals as 'evil' when these sundry individuals destroy a bus or some other vehicle of some type where various Israeli adults and perhaps children are too burnt to death. When in reality no such so-called 'evil' exists vis-a-vis either the Israeli perpetrators or the

Palestinian perpetrators of these determined 'acts' where each group of either Israeli or Palestinian individuals are merely the quintessence of the universal constant of ontological mere marionettes. Both these groups of individuals' are neither 'good' nor 'evil'. Both of these groups of individuals are each merely comprised of subjectively enfleshed, culturally, geographically, politically and socially [ the semanteme 'social' is philosophically equitable with the semanteme 'moral' ( ie. :- 'right' or 'wrong' or 'good' or 'evil' ) ] formed individuals. The individual who is socially embedded within an Israeli social milieu will form the social or moral perspectivism of a so-called 'good' or 'evil' act or event which will dovetail with and form along the same social alignment magnetic field-like 'lines' or perspectivism of his or her particular social amalgam. Likewise the Palestinian individual will too dovetail with the socio-moral perspectivism of his or her particular social amalgam.

31. Indeed these aforementioned individual 's are merely determined representatives of the quintessential universal constant of the condition humaine existent as just enfleshed ontological marionettes per se. Mere enfleshed ontological marionettes per se relevant to the aforementioned components of social-moral, cultural, geographic and political composition vis-a-vis these mere puppets. Mere puppets where these individuals operate according to the subjective dynamics of the aforementioned impingements sans any illusory socio-moral relative noetic concepts vis-a-vis so-called 'good' or 'evil' behavioural posits relevant to either of these two groups of individuals when noetically viewed from a purely objective perspectivism.

32. After having thus illustrated the illusory nature of a so-called 'good' or 'evil' behavioural posit in a modern context relative to the aforeposited example vis-a-vis the Israeli-Palestinian dynamic I shall now return to the incipient general analysis. To the initial and much more non specific and much more general explanatory analysis. That is to the non specific and general explanatory analysis relevant to the also illusory incipient Biblical posit relative to the somewhat more non enfleshed but nonetheless still arboreal bestowed dynamics vis-a-vis 'good' and 'evil'.

33. It is also thus somewhat axiomatic relevant to the obvious veracity of the aforementioned explanation relative to the covert motivation behind the creation of this graphic [ written ] arboreal myth of the so-called 'tree of knowledge' of 'good and evil'. But relative to the arboreal per se noetic endowment qualities of the comestibles of this myth of the tree of the knowledge of 'good and evil' this, of course, is a mere lie. A mere myth of a lie which was and indeed still is comprised of this noetically absurd and quasi child-like fairy tale-like narrative vis-a-vis the bestowing of a specific noetic endowment via the utility of an apparently ensorcelled arboreal entity. Indeed to be bestowed with an apparently super-man/woman or superhuman [ or to be bestowed with a so-called 'God'-like ] noetic endowment merely because of the consequence of the consumption of the comestibles of this so-called 'tree of knowledge' of 'good and evil' is, of course, absolutely ludicrous and risible. It is thus absolutely laughable that an apparently ensorcelled arboreal entity which somehow endowed an individual with profound sagacity following the consumption of this 'tree' of the 'knowledge of good and evil' comestible could even possess a mere incipient existence in reality. Indeed risible

and absolutely ludicrous that all of this physical per se nutritionally acquired or magically bestowed profound sagacity emanated from the apparent noetic nutritional composition of a mere comestible of a particular one type of 'tree'.

34. Indeed the noetic concept of a 'god' itself is quasi certainly an ancient priestly caste or class noetic construct. A noetic construct which was deliberately created by a priestly caste or class comprised of these socially parasitic type's of individual's whose raison d'etre was subjective self interest. This subjective self interest of this priestly caste or class of individual's was, of course, in conjunction with the noetic desire of the gullible masses for the subjective psychological comfort of these masses. That is to noetically 'feed' the gullible masses that which they desire via this superstitious noetic consumption. A noetic consumption of the gullible noesis of the ignorant masses via the somewhat limited noetic nutritional intellectual gullet of these masses. Thus the dream-like illusion of the noetic concept of a 'god', and this concept's noetic concommitant of the ethereal and, unfortunately, somewhat ubiquitous concept of the condition humaine relevant to a so-called 'after life' continuum of this subjectivity in situ, is eternally noetically 'fed' to these ignorant masses.

35. But this dream-like ethereal continuum relevant to this so-called 'after-life' subjectivity potential of that which was a once viscerally enfleshed subjectivity is neurologically impossible. But, unfortunately, certain religious dogma posit that the enfleshed viscera of the condition humaine is apparently also ethereally possessed and control led vis-a-vis some form of transubstantiation potential. A transubstantiation potential which is apparently accessed via the transmogrification of this human viscera into a so-called 'after life'. A so-called 'after life' the criteria for entry into that which this 'after life' existence is per se and comprised of the contingent dynamics relevant to either a subjective ontological relative comfort or discomfort [ ie. :- so-called 'heaven' ( vis-a-vis 'comfort' ) and so-called 'hell' ( vis-a-vis 'discomfort' ) ] is directly dependent upon the following. That is is directly dependent upon an individual either meeting or not meeting the criteria of sundry posited religious moral variables. Sundry posited religious moral Variables which are directly relevant to the religious dogma posited subjectively requisite noetic and behavioural attributes for the contingent ethereal transmogrified human viscera, bone, etc. , 'entry' into this so-called 'heaven' or 'hell'. A so-called 'entry' into either ethereal sphere of the existence dynamic of each of these droll mythological noetic imaginary moral 'zones' or 'area's' is ergo dependent upon the apriori subjective possession of a specific socio-moral/culturally determined criteria. A criteria the subjective fullfillment of which is directly relative to the subjective noetic ability or noetic power of a specific individual in situ. A specific individual in situ, noetically possess's, in a particular social class or caste, a particular level or degree of education and degree of objective consciousness of subjectively relative ontological variables pertaining to behavioural choice and the probable and possible consequences of specific behavioural choice. All of the aforementioned degree of noesis invariably occur's within the particular dynamics of a specific culture which is also relevant to the fullfillment of these behavioural criteria vis-a-vis religious socio-moral dogma and the consequences to subjectivity per se upon transgression of this socio-cultural/religious dogma. A socio-moral religious code which is directly relative to the social guidance of or direction of human behavioural


36. Relevant to the aforementioned posits if, for example, an autistic individual casts another individual from the tenth floor window of an apartment block he or she is not meeting the criteria for the so-called eventual transmogrified 'entry' of his or her transubstantiated viscera, bone, etc. , into a culturally relative 'heaven'. This is because, quite simply, he or she has committed a deliberate murder. Albeit a deliberate murder which was obviously sourced in and was ergo because of an egregious lack of noetic power, ability or acumen vis-a-vis the horrific consequences of such an act as the casting of an individual from the tenth floor window of an apartment block. Also relevant to the aforementioned posits if, for example, a poverty smitten and education devoid female Iranian teenager consistently engages in culturally non apposite so-called 'immoral' sexual activity or behaviour [ which in a Western culture would have few ramifications relevant to cultural moral transgressions and punishments ] with male individuals. If this poverty smitten Iranian female consistently engaged in this behaviour [ as has recently occurred in reality within a small northern Iranian town in the early years of the third millenium A. D. ] the religious cultural sanction would be death by hanging from a crane in the town square for this specific hapless female sixteen year old orphan. A hanging which actually occurred to this luckless sixteen year old. A now legally murdered [ by the omnipotent State ] Iranian sixteen year old who, had she had the cultural luck to have had her nativity and life span immanence within the territorial and cultural confines of an industrialized Western nation State, would merely have perhaps been socially designated as sexually promiscuous. Indeed perhaps she may not have been even designated as promiscuous in this day and age within an industrialized Western state let alone legally murdered via the cultural socio-religious dogma espoused by the mullah's, etc. , of Iran [ ie. :- an Eastern economically non developed nation ].

37. Relevant to the ethereal transmogrified and transubstantiated apparent 'transfer' of sundry individuals into an ethereal sphere of a so-called 'heaven' or 'hell' it must be noetically noted and understood in toto that this specifically posited neurological dynamic is in reality an absolute neurological impossibility. As stated previously this illusory noesis relevant to the condition humaine potential in relation to this dream-like ethereal continuum relevant to this so-called 'after-life' subjectivity potential of that which was a once viscerally enfleshed subjectivity is neurologically impossible. But, as I also stated prior, unfortunately certain religious dogma posit that the enfleshed viscera of the subjective condition humaine is apparently also ethereally possessed and controlled vis-a-vis some form of transmogrification-transubstantiation potential. A transmogrification-transubstantiation potential which is apparently morally determined as to exactly where one will be transmogrified-transubstantiated to [ ie. :- either to the comfort of a so-called 'heaven' or to the discomfort of a so-called 'hell' ].

38. Thus the transmogrified-transubstantiated individual is subject to the temporal immanence of and then next undergoes an apparent ethereal 'transfer' vis-a-vis this subjective viscera, bone, etc. , all of which is relevant to so-called 'good' and 'evil' behavioural dynamics relative to the subjective individual in situ. A subjective human viscera, bone, etc. , which, in hard tactile neurological matter, cannot, under

any conditions whatsoever, transmogrify-transubstantiate itself beyond itself. It is a neurological impossibility.

39. The subjectivity of any individual whatsoever cannot continue into some cloud cuckoo land or droll sphere of ethereal activity. Human subjectivity cannot continue into some droll ethereal activity which is posited as extant by these sundry priestly castes or class of mullah's who posit contingent moral dogma which is transgression relative to some odd cloud cuckoo land of a so-called 'heaven' and 'hell'. Some droll cloud cuckoo land of a so-called 'heaven' and 'hell' which is apparently located somewhere within the clouds or heavens or the cosmos of distant galaxies. It must always be kept in mind that that which was once visceral enfleshed mortal subjectivity yet is now apparently immortal after death is also a mere myth or lie similar to the so-called 'tree of knowledge' myth or lie. And definitely not, under any and all circumstances, is this myth or lie of the potential for transmogrification- transubstantiation of the enfleshed viscera, bone, etc. , which comprises the in toto subjectivity of the condition humaine a so-called 'noble lie' [ as Plato seemed to apparently think it was ].

40. But it must be always remembered that this axiomatic lie of religion is possessed of a material economic social survival per se utility dynamic for the so-called priestly, mullah, etc. , caste or class. A caste or class which was, and indeed still is currently, undoubtedly the incipient noetic origin of this concept of both 'god' and good and its droll noetic concommitant of subjective immortality. The economic determinant for this incipient behavioural phenomenon of this specific lie of religion is somewhat obvious. The occupation of this priestly, mullah, etc. , caste or class espousal of a 'god' and of a good temporal socially relative behavioural concepts together with the religion specific concepts of the concommitant lie of subjective after life immortality vis-a-vis so-called 'heaven' and 'hell' enables the following. It enables these various priestly, mullah, etc. , caste/class individuals of all cultures the luxury of not labouring for their living. That is of not labouring for their living in the normal mode of the masses. That is without the need or neccessary requirement to labour for their living in a mode similar to the caste or class of individuals comprising the supposedly less sagacious masses which this priestly caste was surrounded by and parasitically economically 'feeds' off. The myth of the concept of god, religion, etc. , was thus created probably in order to maintain and enhance the raison d'etre of this standing or social and economic existence or rank stasis of this otherwise utilityless, social parasitic caste of priests, mullah's, etc. , . A utilityless and parasitic caste or class when compared with [ and indeed when noetically viewed or observed from a pure objective perspectivism ] the immeasureably more productive class or caste of the ordinary masses.

41. Relevant to the aforementioned axiomatic posits relative to religion, priests, mullah's, etc. , it must be always kept in mind that all sane human enfleshed subjectivity is essentially concerned primarily with itself and nothing else except that which, of course, has a consequence in relation to this subjective concern for the self. And also [ as a consequence of the logical extrapolation of this universal constant vis-a-vis the condition humaine relevant to subjective self interest ] subjective concern for the self is directly related to that which is crucial to/for the maintenance of or social-economic survival of this subjectivity in situ. Indeed this

essential subjective narcissistic dynamic exists regardless of the specific caste or class within which the concatenations of circumstance and genetic links have placed this subjectivity of individuals in situ. Hence the aforementioned priestly, mullah, etc. , caste comprised of various subjectively concerned individuals would certainly too be very keen to maintain and, if possible, enhance each of their economic-social stasis or standing or labour inequality dominance within the specific social schema where ever such a social schema may exist.

42. Indeed it is in every society's interest [ I am now paraphrasing Martin Herbert who was writing in reference to Abraham Maslow's study of individuals in a chapter entitled 'The Need to Know and the Fear of Knowing' ] to combat the forces [ ie. :- referent determinants of behavioural choice ] that produce the illusion of religion, priest's, mullah's, etc. , and too the following type of individual. To combat the forces that produce the person for whom the unfamiliar, the mysterious, the unexpected are threatening, the person who lacks spontaneity, possess's a banal grasp of reality, no richness of emotional reaction, poor relationships with other people, an undemocratic character, lessened creativeness and a poor level of acceptance of themselves and others.

43. Know this as an absolute truth and a universal constant of the cosmos in toto and be sure in this knowledge. That when you die you will not suddenly sprout and grow ethereal non matter neurons to support sundry neuron dependent sentience relevant to access to the transmogrified-transubstantiated sentience of an illusory after life where your nouveau ethereal body will have access to virgins etc. , . Nor when you die will you suddenly sprout the ethereal non matter neurons which are requisite to neurologically support and maintain the function of apposite wings or horns of either an angel or devil within some other culturally constructed and relative heaven or hell.

44. Note also that if you are of the masculine gender and of the Koranic or Islamic belief system and thus too possess an uncircumspect noetic temerity as also do the Christian's, the Hindu's, etc. , ad nauseam. Note that if you possess this uncircumspect noetic temerity to imagine within your wildest flights of fantasy vis-a-vis magical thinking or imaginative thinking. To imagine and to actually believe in a thought process where you think and believe that you will somehow be transmogrified-transubstantiated corporeally into another also sentient dependent dimension beyond your current culturally and blood [ ie. :- vascular ] dependent dimension. To thus believe in this illusory noetic construct unfortunately indicates that you will one day be very disappointed indeed. If you are of the Koranic belief system and believe that which the Koran posits vis-a-vis an individual of the masculine gender transmogrifying into a so-called 'Heaven' where he will be sentiently dependent upon and subjected to the attention of virgins. Indeed subjected to the attention of seventy two so-called 'Houri' [ pronounced 'Hooree' - ie. :- a beautiful pink coloured virgin of the female gender ]. If you believe this then you should read about that which is entailed relevant to understanding all of that which is germane to clinical neuroscience vis-a-vis sentient access to one virgin per se let alone seventy two virgins. After reading and completely understanding this material vis-a-vis clinical neuroscience I guarantee there would not be one male individual or indeed even one female individual who would then anticipate

corporeal transmogrification into a cultural and religion specific heaven or hell. It is also somewhat revealing that this corporeal transmogrification process and transubstantiation into the droll ethereal sphere of a heaven or hell is gender biased and discriminative in favour of the masculine gender but biased against the female gender. That is, according to the uncircumspect Koranic or Islamic belief system, a deceased and then transmogrified individual of the female gender would be discriminated against in a Koranic relative heaven. A transmogrified feminine gender who would, curiously, and too also somewhat logically [ ie. :- because the masculine gender was the dominant gender and the source of the tome of the Koran ], merely have limited sentient access within a Koranic specific heaven. Indeed a transmogrified feminine gender which would merely have limited sentient access to [ not to seventy two virile masculine gender virgins ] but the same pathetically repetitive transmogrified temporal husband within this specific illusory ethereal Koranic heaven dynamic. All of the aforementioned noetic nonsense is mere masculine gender control of the noetic constructs of a particular illusory religious belief system which serves masculine gender interests relevant to the both temporal and religious control of the female gender.

45. I can objectively guarantee one hundred percent that there would not be either one female or male in existence. That there would not be any individual in existence either upon, beneath or high above the planet Earth who would possess any religious belief temerity whatsoever. Let alone the religious belief temerity to deliberately fly and guide a wide bodied jet into a high rise building in anticipation of the illusion of this aforementioned ethereal reward. I can objectively guarantee this if the following noetic dynamic were to exist universally for the in toto condition humaine.

46. That is I can objectively guarantee the aforementioned posit if all male and female individuals on the planet Earth were to be possessed of the wisdom of clinical neuroscience. And who were also possessed of the knowledge of 'good' and 'evil' dynamics vis-a-vis referent determinants of behavioural choice relative to all crimes. For example the crimes of the so-called 'Shoah' or 'Holocaust', the Armenian genocide, the Pol Pot so-called 'Year Zero' era mass murder, the Hutu- Tutsi mass murder, etc. , . And thus not merely relevant to the carrying out of the specific act of mass civilian murder which, unfortunately, occurred on the eleventh of September in the year two thousand and one [ as mensurated via the Christian era annual chronological measurement system relative to the birth of Jesus Christus ].

47. With this wisdom of neuroscience no individual within the sphere of the entire globe would have the noetic anticipation of any Nirvana whatsoever [ be it a Koranic or Christian Nirvana or Buddhist or Hindu so-called Karmic relevant Nirvana ] relevant to virgins. Or relevant to literally any transmogrified ethereal matter whatsoever. Or indeed any 'thing' per se. With this wisdom of neuroscience no individual whatsoever would possess even one iota of noetic anticipation of any Nirvana whatsoever prior to this subjective gender-chance determined, implacably enfleshed and Pascal bestially bound 'he' or 'she' being, for example, vapourized. Vapourized as occurred to certain individuals who anticipated a Koranic Nirvana prior to being first instantly crushed to death and next vapourized as happened on

the eleventh of September two thousand and one A. D. .

48. Thus no individual with the aforementioned knowledge would be possessed of any illusion vis-a-vis a post mortum Koranic Nirvana nor Christian Nirvana nor any other religious relative Nirvana prior to being first instantly crushed to death and then instantly vapourized. Indeed prior to being vapourized in relation to the enormous neurologically destructive efficacy via this previously mentioned example relevant to the neuron destruction vis-a-vis the assistance of aviation kerosine contained within a fully fuelled wide bodied jet.

49. It is somewhat interesting to note that human so-called magical thinking relevant to the possibility of human subjective corporeal transmogrification and transubstantiation into the Nirvana of a so-called after-life or similar dynamic of subjective transfer is, unfortunately, somewhat common. Somewhat common relevant to much of the vast enfleshed subjective quantums of the in toto condition humaine. Ergo it is of great concern that, unfortunately, many of these sundry individuals who are subject to the determinants of this magical thinking vis-a-vis subjective corporeal transmogrification and transubstantiation are actually guilty of noetically constructing an absolute impossible illusion.

50. Indeed it is an absolute impossible illusion which is similar to a dream yet where this 'dream' of magical thinking, for these various individuals, is perceived as possessing actual validity in external corporeal transmogrified reality of the transubstantiation of viscera, neurons etc. , to yet another reality. But another more ethereal magical reality. To another reality or so-called 'afterlife' where a major, but not sole, referent determinant for the behavioural choice of, for example, flying a fully feulled wide bodied passenger jet into a skyscraper was this very same expectation of transubstantiation of viscera, neurons into another reality or so-called 'afterlife'.

51. Indeed the mind boggles at the madness of any noetic belief system whatsoever where this specific or general belief system has no basis in fact. Indeed it is almost as if these individuals [ ie. :- individuals who believe in anything whatsoever which is without any basis whatsoever in reality ] are subject to an extremely serious mental construct aberration sickness. A cerebral sickness where noetic illusory problems which are noetically akin to a dream-like mental stasis or a wish or a desire per se mental stasis which is actually noetically projected or believed to be extant beyond the current material per se subjectivity of an individual. Where this subjectivity is actually subjectively projected into the future 'event' of a 'beyond' or 'above' or 'below' noetic stasis [ ie. :- 'above' relevant to a so-called 'heaven' and 'below' relevant to a so-called 'hell' ]. A noetic stasis or noetic standing of illusory material subjectivity. Where the subjectivity of an individual agent is magically believed to be transmogrified into this 'beyond' or 'above' stasis or standing without an also transmogrification of the nutrients [ ie. :- chemicals ( eg. :- salt, water, etc. , ) ] upon which this illusory noesis of subjective human viscera, neurons, etc. , is dependent.

52. Ergo transmogrification of nutrients is thus requisite for a noetic continuum of these sundry noetic constructs to be viable within this illusory 'beyond' or 'above'

neurological stasis of the subjective individual within transmogrified and transubstantiated chemically dependent neurological stasis. Nutrients which are invariably dependent upon economic and material per se dynamics which give sustenance [ enabling function ] relevant to these aforementioned noetic constructs [ illusory or otherwise ]. Nutrients which enable the function of noetic neurologically based constructs of the brain-corporeal bind which are dependent upon these material per se dynamics in order to merely function. To merely function within either this world or indeed within any other imaginary transmogrified-transubstantiated world whatsoever.

53. It is also important to note the following relevant to noetic constructs vis-a-vis the condition humaine. Without consciously realizing it certain individuals are implacably prompted to perform a certain behavioural act because of unconscious homeostatic desires which are interacting with various sentient accessed extrinsic realities. As well as interacting with various other causal impingements too. That is these individuals are unconsciously prompted to perform the conscious volition of sundry acts because of an unconscious or non conscious desire for psychological tension reduction relevant to the unconscious wish, desire or hope of a specific relief from a psychologically unpleasant determinant. Whatever this determinant may be. For example an individual may consciously choose a specific occupation because of an unconscious desire for a relief from consciously perceived subjective inadequacies or inferiority's. Likewise within the unconscious psychological dynamics of dreams. An individual who consciously perceives him/her-self as, for example, of not being of a very high social-economic status may noetically construct an unconscious dream illusion of an apropos noetically compensatory desire relevant to this specific perception. An unconscious dream illusion where the individual is noetically compensated for this consciously perceived social-economic inadequacy via the unconscious noetic construct of an association with very high social-economic status. All of which is a mere unconscious noetically constructed illusion par excellance.

54. It must also be noted relevant to the condition humaine that this aforementioned unconscious desire or wish or unconscious volition which is eo ipso an unconscious compensatory desire ad hoc in order to mitigate or obviate the conscious tension or anxiety associated with this lowly status. For example an individual may have a not very high status of occupation. He or she may thus unconsciously [ eg. :- within a dream ] compensate for this not very high rank of occupation via noetically constructing that which is an illusion per se of an unconsciously [ dream ] satisfying encounter with a high ranking entity. A high ranking entity within the unconscious which is a non conscious psychological manifestation in an illusory form of, for example, either a princess, prince, queen, king or even a noetic illusory conceptualisation of a culturally relative God [ ie. :- anthropomorphic deity ] itself. That is via this [ unconscious ] association with this king or God, etc. , one is implicitly of considerable high rank and status because a king or God, etc. , would only associate with similar elite and high ranking individuals. Thus one is unconsciously compensated for this conscious perception of low rank.

55. The desire for a so-called after-life transmogrification-transubstantiation of the

subjective brain-corporeal [ ie. :- neuron-viscera ] bind may also be sourced in an either conscious and/or unconscious desire for an elite god-like noetic stasis or standing or rank relative to a fear [ ie. :- of thanatos ( death ) ] homeostatic-like compensatory desire. A noetic desire which subjectively offers the potential to transcend the finalty and nothingness per se of mortality.

56. All of that which I have previously posited is a ubiquitous universal constant vis-a-vis the condition humaine [ ie. :- relevant to the neuron-viscera bind ]. Know this also as an absolute truth and universal ubiquitous constant that when you die and encounter the sentient void of the vapid nothingness of the thanatos dynamic you yourself and everyone who will die will become absolute conscious and unconscious nothingness per se relevant to neurological activity. You will not even know that you are dead let alone know that you are dead and have been neurologically-viscera transmogrified-transubstantiated into some culturally relative nirvana or anathema. If you believe otherwise then you have absolute equity with the superstitious fool who believes in the tangible material per se 'reality' of the visual, auditory and tactile 'substance' of the 'matter' manifested within the illusion of dreams.

57. But in this secular tangible material world of sentience accessed matter heaven [ and good ] hath many names. As doth hell [ and evil ]. The names of both are determined by many impingements. Both intrinsic [ ie. :- neurologically/viscera sourced ] in conjunction with that which is extrinsic [ ie. :- ambientally/socially sourced ]. And it is impossible to unentwine the intrinsically sourced from the extrinsically sourced determinants of a particular subjective heaven or hell. Both determinants are inextricably interwoven and implacably enmeshed. As also is sentient accessed consciousness enmeshed with the unconscious mind of man/womankind. But consciousness, according to Sigmund Freud, is a mere sub-set of the apparently omnipotent unconscious mind of mankind which is [ ie. :- the unconscious ] also a universal constant whilst the individual is possessed of cerebral neurological activity. In the simplistic parlance of the masses the unconscious drives and the ego [ consciousness ] guides. The truth is a little more complex than this though. The ego of the buccal-like consciousness of the sentient accessing mouth-like orifice of this consciousness in fact noetically 'feeds' the massive noetic turbine-like power system of the unconscious bestial-like noetic stomach of this belly-like noetic dynamic of the unconscious mind of the condition humaine. This power-energy producing noetic belly-like analogy dynamic relevant to the Ucs. [ unconscious ] is apropos. This analogy is apposite because the ego of consciousness in fact noetically 'feeds' the insatiable noetic hunger of the unconscious mind of the condition humaine with the sentient accessed and creatively imagined viscera-neurologically constructed noetic 'food' of sundry phenomena. The ego of consciousness establishes sentient mode and noetically mensurates this type and quantum of that which it [ the unconscious ] has access to via sentience. Access to via sentience whilst this giant noetic turbine of the unconscious is both 'fed' by and drives it [ ego ] and implacably noetically pushes it [ ego ] onwards towards its eventual oblivion. To utilize somewhat more simplistic prose to illustrate the prior posit it is axiomatic that the unconscious activity of individuals born deaf or blind never contain either auditory or visual unconscious noetic constructs.

58. Know this also relative to this secular tangible material world that all and everything upon it has been placed upon a physical per se waiting list relevant to fate. Know too that any and every individual cannot simply extricate himself or herself from the ubiquitous and universal constant of this matter per se [ ie. :- relevant to tangible existence ] dependent and absolutely corporeal based queue. Know too that every individual masculine or feminine entity is determined [ via the relative interaction of forces from within the organism with forces extrinsic to the organism ] to be smitten as a specific ontological marionette vis-a-vis all aspects of existence. For example the ubiquitous universal constant of masculine or feminine intrinsic hormonal and extrinsic social sourced forces of the gender relative referent determinants of behavioural choice.

59. Know too, relevant to fate, that each and every masculine or feminine entity is causally subject to be thus ontologically enslaved and subjected to the dynamics of this physical per se queue relative to mortality. This universal constant of a mortality which eventually occurs whilst one is implacably being marionetted relevant to this ubiquitous and universal constant of the waiting list of fate. Ergo the individual masculine or feminine entity will be subjected to these sundry ontological and gender relative dynamics whilst he or she move either very quickly, or indeed somewhat moderately, or perhaps even very slowly, towards this subjectively determined but still universally constant void of absolute sentient nothingness.

60. Whilst the individual masculine or feminine agent is waiting upon and moving along this queue of fate and mortality his or her specific turn at mortality position will be irrevocably determined by still other individuals [ as well as by events within extrinsic Nature ] who will also be on this queue. Thus everyone's position of interaction vis-a-vis oneself will determine when your very own specific subjective turn at the turnstile of mortality will manifest. Indeed the French philosopher Jean Paul Satre was correct in his posit that - 'hell is other people'. Omar Kiam too was correct when he noted that - ". . . I sent my soul into the invisible some letter of that afterlife to spell and by and by my soul returned to me and said 'I myself am heaven and hell'. . . ".

61. Thus we are all positioned upon a physical per se waiting list or queue towards that dark abyss of a sentient devoid nothingness of an absolute motionless and decay prone mortality. But the illusion of immortality is a potent one [ in part because of the past superstitious based knowledge of the specific ontological dynamics of one's race and one's particular cultural-historical weakness's ] for an egregiously excessive quantum of masculine and feminine individuals globally.

62. The good, evil, heaven, hell illusions as well as the immortality, martyr illusions, etc. , are therefore quite extensive [ relevant to an egregiously large percentage of the in toto condition humaine ]. These sundry illusions and indeed many others too are also extremely potent illusions and extremely dangerous illusions relevant to the inexorable global dissemination of technology relative to mass destructive technology. Unfortunately this illusory religion/immortality sourced noesis of these individuals is co-extensive with the noetic passion of the purest form of hate per se. Especially in relation to the Islamic individuals hatred vis-a-vis Jewish individuals.

Thus when these esoteric but illusory noetic immortality constructs, etc. , dovetail with this noesis of the intrinsic passion germane to the purest noetic form of the noetic construct of a specific hatred per se relevant to this mass destructive weapon technology hell on Earth is its consequence. Hell on Earth for that which has the temerity to be uncircumspect enough to encounter these forces of the illusion of immortality, etc. , coupled with the noetic construct of hate linked with a massive global technological dissemination whilst in a noetic and physical state of unpreparedness pertinant to this contingency in these matters. And, of course, the greatest contingency which even goes beyond the greatest tragedy currently known to mankind is that this hell on Earth is based upon a mere bronze age myth or illusion. It is thus comparable to basing one's life and total existence upon some noetic nonsense or madness contained within a mere dream. Thus basing one's life and in toto existence upon the noetic chaos of the irrational nonsense of mere noetic chaotic desire.

63. I shall now illustrate the absolute veracity of all of these prior postulates vis-a-vis illusory noesis relevant to heaven, hell, etc. , as well as general immortalitiy illusions and expose the illegitimacy of also much more illusory noesis via a narrative which will intertwine clinical neuroscience with a tale of nine human beings. I do this because clinical neuroscience eo ipso or of or by itself is somewhat noetically difficult to outline the in toto noetic dynamics of to a lay person in this modern and rushed world within which we live. That is no individual possess's the luxury of time to continually refer to a medical dictionary whilst reading a book while also rushing from point to point performing daily rituals, etc. , relevant to various labour, domestic, etc. , engagements and tasks. It will thus be a somewhat facile narrative mode of understanding the dynamics of clinical neuroscience as well as understanding the dynamics of the impossibility of the objective existence of specific illusions and phenomena in the natural world. It is thus a narrative which is a paedogogically intended tale of the lives of nine human beings and each of their final deaths on each of three continents.

64. The story appositely commences with the material per se illusion of the unconscious noetic sentient accessed cerebral neuron construct of a dream by one individual comprising a singular human aspect of the unique subjectivity of one these particular nine human beings. Indeed this dream begins with that which is in reality the mere illusion of a noetically constructed 'mind mirage' [ or dream ] of the human brain comprising a vision of a non specific or generic image of an automobile [ ie. :- that which the specific individual has had access to via the particular sentience of vision ].

65. Let us now begin with our tale of the neuroscientific and sentient accessed voyage of these unique yet still universal human journeys of these nine individuals commencing with the partial neuroscientific analysis of and eventual in toto explanation of the neurological illusion of the dream of one of these persons. The dream is, of course, both relevant to and incorporates into it sundry aspects of all of the nine individuals inclusive of the actual dreamer. The date of this particular dream is of particular significance vis-a-vis both Western and Eastern culture. I write this relevant to the fact that this specific dream occurred on the eleventh of September in the year 2001 A. D. [ Anno Domini ]. That is the year 2001 of the

Christian era and thus of an era as mensurated relative to Christian perspectivism apropos to this specific passage of time calculation.

66. From a psychoanalytical perspective this dream contains, amongst other neurosentient accessed dynamics, that which is commonly referred to as 'day residues'. These so-called 'day residues' are merely the psychological remnants of sentient accessed experiences which occur over the life span of a specific individual and which play a part, together with other neurological et al dynamics, in determining the particular content of various dreams. It is also quite probable that sometimes these so-called 'day residues' [ which comprise some of the particular content of dreams ] function [ unconsciously ] as a type of psychological homeostatic [ or tension reduction ] mechanism. An unconscious psychological tension reduction mechanism apropos to sundry anxieties or concerns which the individual has been consciously worried or concerned about.

67. It is important to also note, as too does Plato relevant to his posit that 'religion is a noble lie', that both all dreams and all religions are merely nothing more than illusory lies vis-a-vis the matter per se validity of the illusion of these noetic constructs. Religion is a mere lie. Not a noble lie but just a lie pure and simple. An illusory lie comparable to a mere dream. A lie which is socially noetically constructed for the subjective noetic comfort of a given people within a given historical era. Religion has no basis in material fact. It is the noetic illusion par excellance of the condition humaine. It is the supreme ultimate illusory dynamic which the condition humane has been subject to for aeons and it is time it was thrown into the evolutionary waste bin of superfluous and de trop nonsense where it belongs. It is not a noble lie. It is a superfluous lie which hinders the evolution of the condition humaine to an egregious extent. Good and evil do not exist from an objective evolutionary standpoint. The concept of a so-called 'good' individual and a so-called 'evil' individual is merely a peurile noetic construct. A peurile noetic construct which has been noetically created. Created because of the raison d'etre of an extremely simplistic explanatory dynamic. A simplistic explanatory dynamic relative to the reason for, or causal dynamics relevant to, for example, why a handful of so-called 'evil' individuals would guide a fully fuelled wide bodied jet aircraft into a five hundred metre high building. Thus killing three thousand other innocent 'good' individuals. The reason is simplistically because these individuals were 'evil'.

68. It is therefore crucial to note that so-called 'good' and 'evil' do not and cannot exist from an objective evolutionary perspectivism or standpoint. The inept consciousness of the religious brain-washed masses who noetically possess credence vis-a-vis so-called 'good' and 'evil' also possess a noetic disability. A noetic disability which allows these consciousness inept individuals to be susceptible to the insidious noetic illusory poison of non valid suggestion vis-a-vis superstition, religion, etc. , . Indeed this inept consciousness of the ignorant uneducated masses is comparable to that which occurs relative to the consciousness of individuals who are subject to the influence of, and ergo efficacy of, a consciousness altering drug-like effect. A distorted inept consciousness where the reality of external reality is not perceived as it is per se precisely relevant to extrinsic reality but is perceived as it is noetically constructed subjectively by the

distorted or inept consciousness of these noetically inept individuals.

69. Comparable to the inept consciousness of an illusory noetically created consciousness altering drug where, for example, so-called 'eternal life' is actually feasible relevant to these masses relative to the transmogrification-transubstantiation of the condition humaine into a posited extra-terrestrial sphere of existence. Indeed consciousness altering drugs also noetically create that which is in objective reality a mere noetic lie or a noetic illusion similar to the illusion of religion.

70. Thus the objective existence of so-called 'good' and 'evil' is an illusion. It must be remembered that there is no existence of, for example, the matter per se which is contained within a specific dream content in reality [ ie. :- the dream content is a mere illusion which is a representation of matter ]. The credence of a massive quantum of human consciousness in the noetic concepts of religion, good, evil, etc. , is comparable, as previously posited, to consciousness altering drugs. Consciousness altering drugs which are the causal antecedent of noetic illusions vis-a-vis that which one subjectively has been or is currently sentient of in reality but where the reality is distorted or exaggerated as extant yet within objective reality the subjective reality does in fact not exist.

71. Ergo this massive global quantum of noetically challenged individuals who are egregiously susceptible to superstitious religious suggestion vis-a-vis so-called 'good' and 'evil', etc. , is comparable to vast quantums of individuals who are under the influence and effect of consciousness altering drugs. That is individuals who are susceptible to superstitious, religious, etc. , suggestion are comparable to individuals whose consciousness is noetically constructing hallucinations vis-a-vis so-called 'eternal life', anthropomorphic deity, etc. , . It is as if this massive global quantum of these sundry noetically challenged individuals are effected by consciousness altering drugs which have artificially noetically constructed within each of their brain's that which is perhaps optimumly designated as a type of credence hallucinogen. A type of noetic credibility hallucinogen where one is subject to various chemical determinants which cause a noetic hallucinogenic dynamic where one will apparently literally believe anything whatsoever. That is it is as if these individuals who are apparently under this chemical influence of these sundry consciousness altering drugs which are subject to this chemical distortion of the normal true and exact logical noetic functioning of and perception of that which the cerebral dynamic process is per se under normal noetic conditions. The philosopher Karl Marx also noted this droll noetic aberration or anomaly relevant to a nexus between consciousness altering drugs and religion when he posited that religion was the opium of the masses. Karl Marx should have posited that religion is the noetic opium or consciousness distorting noetic drug which is 'fed' to the noetically challenged masses simply because their noesis is underdeveloped or indeed undeveloped. This religious noetic 'drug' is thus a facile noetic 'food' vis-a-vis noetic acceptance of a peurile credence in an alogical child-like dynamic of comprehension with which to noetically 'feed' and probably also noetically placate and control these mostly both economically impoverished and noetically impoverished individuals.

72. Therefore the philosopher Karl Marx correctly noted that religion has a nexus with a quasi drug-like consciousness noetic stupor dynamic relevant to his somewhat notorious posit vis-a-vis religion is the opium of the masses. A posit which, incidentally, Napolean Bonaparte had uttered some years prior to Karl Marx. But it should also be noted that religion is too the poor man's or woman's institutional power or social hierarchic relative impramatur. The social impramatur or sanction that the uneducated or noetically impoverished subjective masculine or feminine entity is potentially possessed of the possibility for the subjective transmogrification-transubstantiation of the brain-body bind into a specific zone or area within the ethereal sphere. Into this ethereal sphere of a child-like fantasy of transmogrification-transubstantiation of the brain-body bind.

73. Ergo religion is essentially a peurile fantasy where the specific quantum of a scientifically droll, non tangible, ethereally relative yet temporally sourced moral value system of a specific religious morality value system is extant. Also it is extant as a specific religious morality value system which indeed is often different from a similar religious value system [ eg. :- the Islamic moral transmogrification-transubstantiation criteria as being dissimilar to when juxtaposed with the Christian transmogrification-transubstantiation criteria ]. That is the criteria for this transmogrification-transubstantiation occurring into this other sphere of ethereal reward is religion relative precisely because of this different temporal criteria posited moral behaviour requisite for this 'transfer' into this other droll ethereal realm. Indeed this ethereal transmogrification-transubstantiation thus somehow occurs beyond and apart from and thus separate to the basic laws of nature and is ergo apparently more powerful than the temporal transmogrification-transubstantiation of other non human matter per se value.

74. Thus the mere subjective recognition of religion is posited to endow individuals with and is therefore supposed to possess the magical ability to endow the specific subjective individual with the illusion that he or she has a matter transmogrification-transubstantiation potential. A somewhat droll potential where apparently the sentient relative 'direction' of the degree of 'reward' and 'pleasure' or 'punishment' relative to [ ie. :- the noetic illusions of a so-called 'heaven' or 'hell' ] each is solely based upon a particular institutionally posited specific criteria of moral value. That is solely based upon a culturally specific criteria of temporal moral [ ie. :- social ] value which apparently determines this post mortum transmogrification- transubstantiation 'direction' into the ethereal sphere of either a so-called 'heaven' or a so-called 'hell'.

75. Therefore the noetically impoverished and the materially or economically impoverished peurile masculine or feminine entity who comprise the greatest quantum of the vast enfleshed masses of the ubiquitous religious credence individuals of the globe are subject to the suggestion of the reality of a bronze age myth. Subject to the suggestion of a mere myth-like illusion. Subject to the suggestion of that which is an apparently noetically ensorcelling suggestion for these noetically and economically impoverished individuals of this also apparently consciousness altering drug-like concept of religion. An apparently noetically ensorcelling suggestion dynamic where a posited ethereal domain exists vis-a-vis sentient relative compensation in exchange for [ ie. :- a temporal and ethereal

juxtaposed moral-sentient relative pleasure-pain quid pro quo ] a specific religious relative moral behaviour. Indeed that which is posited as a genuine psychological and sentient relative ethereal compensation for mere temporal material economic poverty [ relevant to a specific Judaeo-Christian religious posit ] and its concommitant of noetic poverty. Indeed a sentient relative ethereal compensation also for this noetic poverty extant within this mere temporal reality [ which in reality is the only reality ] if an individual masculine or feminine entity adhere's to a specific religious relative moral behaviour. Indeed the mind boggles at the idiocy of the noetically impoverished masses who actually place noetic credence in these myths, illusions, etc. , .

76. Thus the conceptual myth of many specific religions is possessed of a psychological and physical per se compensatory noetic suggestion dynamic of value [ ie. :- economic value relative to moral ( ie. :- social ) value ( quid pro quo ) ]. A religious noetic value dynamic where either a masculine or feminine entity's temporal indigent or non indigent economic status [ ie. :- relative to Judaeo- Christian religious suggestion dynamics - eg. :- ". . . it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. . . " ] determines an outcome. That is determines the specific outcome of [ in this particular instance ] an enfleshed subjectively particular and unique matter transmogrification-transubstantiation 'd irection'. That is the particular transmogrified-transubstantiated specific 'direction' of and eventual arrival at either a religiously relative particular 'heaven' or 'hell'.

77. The non indigent individual thus is subjected to a suggestion upon his or her temporal consciousness where his or her psychological potential ethereal transmogrification-transubstantiation sentient relative comfort status is noetically threatened as a non occurrence if his or her wealth is extant upon becoming deceased. Where his or her future comfort status of his or her future ethereally enfleshed temporal constituted psychological value has been religiously posited as based upon his or her temporal economic quantum of value. Thus a specific non indigent individuals potential subjective transmogrified-transubstantiated psychological moral [ social ] value is ergo based upon an intrinsic subjectively relevant economic quantum of value. But, of course, this moral [ social ] value is based upon an economic value. An economic value which has been institutionally posited via a specific Judaeo-Christian religion for the somewhat obvious ulterior motivation of hopefully influencing non indigent individuals to bequeath a substantial quantum of their wealth to this specific religious organization. All of which would be optimumly bequeathed and thus accomplished via a legally binding last will and testament prior to the inevitable subjective demise of these non indigent individuals [ much to the chagrine of their first, second and third degree kinship links who once would have also been eagerly awaiting their imminent demise ].

78. Therefore this specific Judaeo-Christian religion posits an ethereal nexus between moral [ social ] value and economic value because of a blatantly obvious motivation which, of course, is relevant to temporal economic gain for the individuals comprising this specific religious institution of this particular Judaeo-Christian mythology. A wealthy individual is ergo dogmatically posited as being

possessed of a lesser moral [ social ] value [ ie. :- within the ethereal transmogrified-transubstantiated sphere of the so-called 'after life' of a so-called 'heaven' ]. Dogmatically posited as possessed of a lesser moral [ social ] value which is, coincidentally, inversely coextensive with his or her greater or excessive temporal economic value based upon this particular criteria of this specific religion.

79. Thus this religious posited ethereal dream-like illusion in relation to specific moral criteria with an economic dependent nexus with this moral value ergo subjectively would appear threatening to a superstitious individual in imminent fear of his or her mortality when he or she is on the verge of death. Indeed conversely this religious posit would seem [ for the indigent superstitious individual of the Judaeo-Christian religion ] somewhat more noetically alluring and comforting because implicitly a materially impoverished individual should find it facile to 'enter' the so-called 'kingdom of heaven' because they are not 'rich'. Therefore we have the droll noesis of temporal per se economic quantums of value [ because of a somewhat obvious motivation ] actualy determining religious dogma relative to this desire for religious institutional economic gain and profit. It is crucial to also note that this moral nexus with an economic dynamic has great significance. Indeed much of the time sundry economic dynamics actually determine moral temporal relative behaviour vis-a-vis the condition humaine.

80. Ergo an ethereal dream-like 'moral [ social ] consequential value destination' [ ie. :- 'heaven' ] of the subjectively transmogrified-transubstantiated individual has been posited by this Judaeo-Christian religion as possessed of an economic dynamic vis-a-vis this ethereal 'destination determining' nexus. A Judaeo-Christian religion juxtapositioning of an enticing economic-moral noetic illusory nexus of this magical transmogrification- transubstantiation future comfort potential of non indigent subjectivity if only these various wealthy individuals would divest themselves of this wealth prior to each of their inevitable arrival into the abyss of mortality. If only, that is, they would each divest themselves of this wealth in yet another specific Judaeo-Christian religious institutions direction.

81. The following clinical neurosientific axiomatic and proven posit must always be kept in mind though. And that is that the transmogrification-transubstantiation of intrinsic subjectivity into a religion posited potential arrival point or situation [ whether an individual is temporally wealthy or indigent ] where a neurochemical template of this implacable body-brain bind of subjectivity is apparently extant vis-a-vis this subjectivity is absolutely neurochemically unattainable or impossible. It is neurochemically impossible to migrate neurons and chemicals or to ethereally transfer or ethereally template duplicate the various dynamics of sundry neurons and chemicals from a temporal physical per se sphere of activity into another ethereal sphere of activity and to thus ethereally separate this physical per se dependent function into a so-called 'after life'.

82. It must be always kept in mind that relative to a posited sphere of separation relevant to the implacable body-brain bind into the realm of the noetic idiocy of the illusion of a non enfleshed transmogrification-transubstantiation of the specific neuro-chemical based subjective psychological dynamics of an individual into an ethereal realm which is beyond the natural world is impossible per se.

83. It is impossible for an individual to transmogrify-transubstantiate beyond the natural world into the sphere of a religious posited so-called 'afterlife'. A posited so-called afterlife where individual subjectivity is apparently suspended in time and matter and is apparently also engaging in sentient dependent dynamics of recognition, etc. , of that which has too been transmogrified and is also apparently suspended in time [ ie. :- an individuals first, second, third, etc. , degree kinship links as post mortum extant ]. It must always be kept in mind that all transmogrification of specific subjectivity into an ethereal sphere of some incomprehensible dynamic is irrevocably dependent upon neurotransmitters within the subjective brain. These neurotransmitters cannot be transmogrified into an ethereal sphere beyond the brain- body bind. It must always be remembered that these neurotransmitters are always released into the synaptic clefts within the brain via incipient determinants. These incipient determinants are comprised of a myriad of causal factors. A myriad of antecedents the genesis of which are sourced in the quasi infinite types of variables comprising extrinsic stimuli interacting with genetic determinants and one's emotional state or stasis.

84. Nothing is subjectively as noetically powerful [ relevant to objective thought ] as an ideation which one has critically evaluated subjectively for oneself [ from an objective perspectivism ]. That is an ideation which one has thought through in toto for oneself relevant to the total comprehension of this specific idea [ whatever idea it may be ]. But in this modern rushed world in which we exist [ relevant to the dynamics of the immutable and implacable natural laws of causal ontology ] not many individuals possess the time to carefully read through the various tomes which isolate and delineate a vast quantum of variables. By the semanteme's 'vast quantum of variables' I am referring to that which determines the aforementioned behavioural choice of good or evil. I shall soon compress these aforementioned tomes within this current somewhat noetically onerous tome and interweave the information contained within these other somewhat technical and also noetically burdensome tomes within a narrative. The narrative will both noetically lighten or soften and also offer a relative juxtapositioning and application for that which is posited relavant to the more technically neuro-dynamic noetic level. This mode of narrative and technical construction relavant to this current tome will hopefully thus facilitate the total specific comprehension of, and the general understanding relevant to, both the complex technical posits of this tome and too the more apparently simplistic behvioural choices of sundry individuals vis-a-vis so-called 'good', 'evil', 'religion', etc. , . The consequence of this specific interweave of the technical and narrative construction relevant to this current tome will thus give the lay reader the subjectively relevant noetic power or noetic instrument or information requisite to ascertain the veracity of various evil, martyrdom, religious, etc. , posits. A noetic quantum of information with which one can think through for himself or herself that which is posited vis-a-vis [ for example ] good and evil, religion, devils, gods, God, etc. , etc. , and thus to ascertain the in toto veracity of for oneself. Ergo to ascertain the veracity of this specific ideation for oneself.

85. The quiddity of this petite tome is thus concerned with science [ ie. :- 'to know' ] versus superstition/myth/illusions [ ie. :- 'to imagine' ]. For objective science the condition humaine is merely a mechanically based organic machine [ as Descartes

correctly posited ]. A mechanically based organic machine which is given moral [ ie. :- 'social' relative so-called 'good' and 'evil' ] direction via both intrinsic and extrinsic sourced determinants of a subjectively particular mode of nervous energy [ to allude to an also correct Nietzschean posit ].

86. It is somewhat interesting to also note that in the month of April 2007 A. D. one of the worlds great illusions [ ie. :- the religion of Roman Catholicism ] announced [ via an enfleshed minion of its so-called infallible bureaucracy within the Vatican in the city of Rome in Italy ] a particular nouveau 'reality'. And this particular nouveau 'reality' was in fact that the illusion of the noetic posit of a so-called 'purgatory' was indeed the 'reality' of a genuine illusion. Hence the infallible Vatican bureaucracy has [ after hundreds, if not thousands, of years ] finally designated that which in fact was always a mere lie as a now genuine lie and has thus finally acknowledged this falsehood [ via its abolition, from its sundry infallible dogma, of the ethereal noetic concept of a so-called 'purgatory' ]. Has thus finally acknowledged the obvious falsehood of this conceptual illusion of the post mortum dynamic of a so-called 'purgatory'. Hopefully, within another but on this occasion small quantum of years, the concept of heaven, hell, etc. , and too religion itself will also follow purgatory into the noetic evolutionary dustbin of history. Indeed an apposite noetic dustbin of history where all the other geographical and physical fallacies, such as the 'flat Earth' concept and the 'Earth centric' concepts and illusions of the solar system, also reside as the quintessence of noetic waste and religious dross and superstitious nonsense. Where resides the quintessence of the superstitious nonsense of the history of the myths of the planet Earth. Indeed a noetic evolutionary dustbin where currently resides in noetic ignominy the in toto amalgam of all of the illusory noetic myths of the entire planet Earth.

87. I shall now gently noetically walk you through this mythological noetic garden of this illusion of religion, etc. , . I shall also critically evaluate, amongst many other noetically absurd myths vis-a-vis the condition humaine, the particular prior stated example relevant to the noetic nonsense and noetic illusion per se of this myth of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And too evaluate and expose the noetic nonsense of the subjective noetic construct of and the subjective noetic projection of good and evil per se, etc. , . Ergo, hopefully, at the completion of this gentle noetic stroll through this illusory noetic garden of nonsense, dream-like illusions and sundry other illusory noetic constructs the reader shall too noetically 'see' the absolute veracity of these various mindless subjective noetic constructs and projections. Subjective socially pertinant noetic constructs and projections which the condition humaine invariably mindlessly noetically 'grows' within the limitations of this illusory noetic garden. This illusory noetic garden comprised of the wilting diaphanous noetic flowers of the noetic concept of, for example, religion, good and evil and other sundry false noesis. Ergo you, the reader, shall soon also be as gods. You will, of course, however not become gods per se because I shall soon prove that gods do not exist and are mere illusions. My covert intentional semantic relevant to the posit that the reader shall become as gods is, of course, that the reader shall become as an individual who possess's objective knowledge which is exactly the same as the knowledge which a god or gods would possess. If, of course, such a god or gods comprising the condition humaine's somewhat droll and illusory noetic projection of an anthropomorphic deity in fact existed which, of

course, do not exist in tactile matter per se.

88. The following three paragraphs are a rewrite of a previously written three paragraphs relevant to this imminent paedogogic noetic stroll through this illusory garden of the tree of knowledge of so-called good and evil, religion, martyrdom, etc. , . I rewrite these three paragraphs in order to allow the reader to recall and to thus noetically refresh himself or herself relevant to the content of these prior paragraphs before noetically commencing the second stage of this somewhat profound tome relative to the noetic comprehension and in toto understanding of illusory noetic dynamics. Illusory noetic dynamics relevant to the myth of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the myth of martyrdom, angels, devils, etc. , and the myth of the noetic lie of religion. I shall also completely expose all other noetic illusions and myths which massive quantums of noetically impoverished individuals actually unfortunately bestow noetic credence relative to [ eg. :- the illusory noetic concepts of so-called evil, martyrdom, etc. , ].

89. I shall now illustrate the absolute veracity of all of these prior postulates vis-a-vis illusory noesis relevant to heaven, hell, etc. , as well as general immortalitiy illusions and expose the illegitimacy of also much more illusory noesis via a narrative which will intertwine clinical neuroscience with a tale of nine human beings. I do this because clinical neuroscience eo ipso or of or by itself is somewhat noetically difficult to outline the in toto noetic dynamics of to a lay person in this modern and rushed world within which we live. It will thus be a somewhat facile narrative mode of understanding the dynamics of clinical neuroscience as well as the dynamics of the impossibility of the objective existence of specific illusions and phenomena. It is thus a narrative interwoven text book which scientifically destroys illusory noetic constructs and which is a paedogogically intended tale comprised of the lives of nine human beings and each of their final deaths on each of three continents with which to illustrate these sundry scientific posits.

90. The story appositely commences with the material per se illusion of the unconscious noetic sentient accessed cerebral neuron construct of a dream by one individual comprising a singular human aspect of the unique subjectivity of one these particular nine human beings. Indeed this dream begins with that which is in reality the mere illusion of a noetically constructed 'mind mirage' [ or dream ] of the human brain comprising a vision of a non specific or generic image of an automobile [ ie. :- that which the specific individual has had access to via the particular sentience of vision ].

91. Let us now begin with our tale of the neuroscientific and sentient accessed voyage of these unique yet still universal human journeys of these nine individuals commencing with the partial neuroscientific analysis of and eventual in toto explanation of the neurological illusion of the dream of one of these persons. The dream is, of course, both relevant to and incorporates into it sundry aspects of all of the nine individuals inclusive of the actual dreamer. The date of this particular dream is of particular significance vis-a-vis both Western and Eastern culture. I write this relevant to the fact that this specific dream occurred on the eleventh of September in the year 2001 A. D. [ Anno Domini ]. That is the year 2001 of the

Christian era and thus of an era as mensurated relative to Christian perspectivism apropos to this specific passage of time calculation.

92. Thus the dream of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the dream of religion and the dream of angels, devils, etc. , is noetically comparable to a dream per se. Or indeed comparable to a noetic mirage or to an intrinsic illusion or perhaps even to an hallucination. Indeed the dream of religion, etc. , is comparable to the also primordial-like myths of the so-called dreamtime of that which is posited as having occurred aeons in the past. Aeons in the primaeval past relative to the sundry myths of, for example, that egregiously resilient genetic dynamic relative to the indigenous native aboriginals of that massively vast island of the continent of Australia.

92A. Whilst you are reading this tome always remember that life is like a game of chess but where you and I are the pawns, knights, bishops, etc. , and where sundry forces beyond our control literally move us around like mere puppets upon fragile strings. In a word we are all of us mere ontological enfleshed neuro-visceral marionettes subject to forces beyond our control.