Ashtadhyayi of Panini on Bhagavad Gita part 2

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Transcript of Ashtadhyayi of Panini on Bhagavad Gita part 2


सू�-सू�चः part II

ओ३म ्

October 8th, 2011

423) 7-3-74 शमाम�ाना ंद�घ�ः �य�न

व�ृ�ः शमाद�नाम�ानां द�घ� भव�त �य�न परतः। The eight verbal roots beginning with √शम ्(शमँु

उपशमे ४. ९८, तमँु का,-ायाम ्४. ९९, दमँु उपशमे ४. १००, 0मँु तप1स खेदे च ४. १०१, 3मँु अनव5थाने ४.

१०२, -मँू सहने ४. १०३, 9लमँु ;लानौ ४. १०४ and मद�= हष? ४. १०५) take a द�घा�देश: (elongation)

when followed by the �यन-्DEययः ।

उदाहरणम ्– शाGय�त √शम-्धातुः (IदवाIद-गणः, शमँु उपशमे ४. ९८, धात-ुपाठः # ४. ९८), लँL, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

The ending उकार: (which is an इत ्by 1-3-2) of ‘शमँु’ has a उदा�-5वर: in the धात-ुपाठ:। Thus

the √शम-्धातुः is devoid of any indications for bringing in आEमनेपद-DEयया:। (Neither 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्nor 1-3-725वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-

3-78 शेषात ्कत�Mर पर5मैपदम,् the √शम-्धातुः, in कत�Mर Dयोग:, will take the पर5मैपद-DEयया: by


शम ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= शम ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= शम ्+ �त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �त gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= शम ्+ �यन ्+ �त 3-1-69, �यन ्which is a 1शत,् gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= शम ्+ य �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8

= शाGय�त 7-3-74

424) 3-1-73 5वाIद]यः ^ुः

व�ृ�ः शपोऽपवादः । The ^-ुDEयय: is placed after the verbal roots of the 5वाIद-गणः, when followed

by a साव�धातुक-DEयय: that is used signifying the agent. This सू�म ्is a अपवाद: (exception) to 3-1-

68 कत�Mर शप ् ।

उदाहरणम ्– सुनो�त √सु-धातुः (5वाIद-गणः, षुञ ्अ1भषवे, धात-ुपाठः # ५. १), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

Since this धातु: has ञकारः as an इत,् as per 1-3-72 5वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले, it is उभयपद�।

Let us consider the case where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।


सु + लँL 3-2-123

= सु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= सु + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= सु + �त 1-3-3

= सु + ^ु + �त 3-1-73, ^ु which is a 1शत,् gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= सु + नु �त 1-3-8

= सुनो�त 7-3-84. Note: Since the DEयय: ‘न’ु is a साव�धातकु-DEयय: which is अ�पत,् it becomes Sङत-्

वत ्(as if it has ङकार: as an इत)् by 1-2-4 साव�धातुकम�पत।् And then 1-1-5 ि99ङ�त च prevents the

गुणादेश: for the ending उकार: of the अ,गम ्‘सु’ which would have been done by 7-3-

84 साव�धातुकाध�धातकुयोः।

425) 3-1-77 तदुाIद]यः शः

व�ृ�ः शपोऽपवादः। The श-DEयय: is placed after the verbal roots belonging to the तदुाIद-गणः, when

followed by a साव�धातुक-DEयय: that is used signifying the agent. This सू�म ्is a अपवाद: (exception)

to 3-1-68 कत�Mर शप ् ।

उदाहरणम ्– तुद�त from √तुa (तदुाIद-गणः, तुदँ bयथने, धात-ुपाठः #६. १), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


The ending अकार: (which is an इत ्by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजननुा1सक इत)् of ‘तुदँ’ has 5वMरत-5वर:।

Hence by 1-3-725वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले, this धातु: is उभयपद�। Let us consider the case

where it takes a पर5मैपदDEयय:।

तaु + लँL 3-2-123

= तुa + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= तुa + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= तुa + �त 1-3-3

= तुa + श + �त 3-1-77. Note: Since the DEयय: ‘श’ is a साव�धातकु-DEयय: which is अ�पत,् it

becomes Sङत-्वत ्(as if it has ङकार: as an इत)् by 1-2-4 साव�धातुकम�पत।् And then 1-1-5 ि99ङ�त

च prevents the गुणादेश: for the penultimate उकार: of the अ,गम ्‘तaु’ which would have been

done by 7-3-86 पुगeतलघपूध5य च।

= तुa + अ + �त 1-3-8, 1-3-3

= तुद�त

426) 7-1-59 शे मुचाद�नाम ्

व�ृ�ः मुच-्1लप-्�वa-लुप-्1सच-्कृत-्fखa-�पशां नुम ्5 यात ् शे परे । The eight verbal roots √मुच ्(मुच ॢँ

मो-णे (मोचने) #६. १६६),√लुप ्(लुhँ छेदने #६. १६७), √�वa (�वद ॢ्ँ लाभे #६. १६८), √1लप ्(1लपँ उपदेहे

#६. १६९), √1सच ्(�षचँ -रणे #६. १७०), √कृत ्(कृती= छेदने #६. १७१), √fखa (fखदँ पMरघाते

(पMरघातने) #६. १७२) and √�पश ्(�पश ँ अवयवे #६. १७३) get the ‘नुँम’्-आगमः when श-DEययः



Note: The eight verbal roots √मुच ्etc. are the last eight in the तुदाIद-गण:।

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– lोकः Bg18-35 – मु[च�त from √मुच ्(तदुाIद-गणः, मुच ॢँ मो-णे (मोचने), धात-ुपाठः

#६. १६६), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

The ending ऌकार: (which is an इत ्by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजननुा1सक इत)् of ‘मुच ॢँ’ has 5वMरत-5वर:।

Hence by 1-3-725वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले, this धातु: is उभयपद�। Let us consider the case

where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

मुच ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= मुच ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= मुच ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= मुच ्+ �त 1-3-3

= मुच ्+ श + �त 3-1-77

= मुच ्+ अ + �त 1-3-8

= मु नुँम ्च ्+ अ + �त 7-1-59, 1-1-47

= मु न ्च ्+ अ + �त 1-3-2, 1-3-3

= मंुच�त 8-3-24

= मु[च�त 8-4-58

427) 8-2-21 अ�च �वभाषा

व�ृ�ः �गरते रेफ5 य लो वाऽजादौ DE यये । लकारः is optionally substituted for the रेफः of the

root √गॄ (गॄ �नगरणे #६. १४६) when followed by a अजाIद-DEययः (affix beginning with a vowel).

उदाहरणम ्– �गल�त (√गॄ, तदुाIद-गणः, गॄ �नगरणे, धात-ुपाठः #६. १४६), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


In the धात-ुपाठ:, √गॄ does not have any इत ्letters. It is devoid of any indications for bringing in

आEमनेपद-DEयया:। Hence as per 1-3-78 शेषात ्कत�Mर पर5मैपदम,् it takes पर5मैDEयया: by default.

गॄ + लँL 3-2-123

= गॄ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= गॄ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= गॄ + �त 1-3-3

= गॄ + श + �त 3-1-77. Note: Since the DEयय: ‘श’ is a साव�धातुक-DEयय: which is अ�पत,् it becomes

Sङत-्वत ् (as if it has ङकार: as an इत)् by 1-2-4 साव�धातकुम�पत।् And then 1-1-5 ि99ङ�त च

prevents the गुणादेश: for the ending ॠकार: of the अ,गम ्‘गॄ’ which would have been done by 7-

3-84 साव�धातुकाध�धातकुयोः।


= गॄ + अ + �त 1-3-8

= �गर ्+ अ + �त 7-1-100, 1-1-51

= �गल�त/�गर�त 8-2-21

428) 1-3-61 1qयतेलु�, 1लङोr

व�ृ�ः लुS,लङोः 1शतr Dकृ�तभूताeमङृ5त, नाऽeय� । The verbal root √म ृ(म,ृ DाणEयागे #६. १३९)

takes a आEमनेपद-DEययः only when लँु,, 1लँ, or 1शत-्DEययः is used, not otherwise.

उदाहरणम ्– 1qयते (√म,ृ तदुाIद-गणः, म,ृ DाणEयागे, धात-ुपाठः #६. १३९), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,

एकवचनम ्।

As per 1-3-3 हलeEयम,् the ending ङकार: of ‘म,ृ’ is an इत।् Hence, as per 1-3-12 अनदुा�Sङत

आEमनेपदम,् this धातु: is already set to take आEमनेपद-DEयया:। This being the case, the सू�म ्1-3-

61 is �नयमाथ�म ्as per the पMरभाषा – ‘1सsे सEयारGभो �नयमाथ�:।’ 1-3-61 limits the cases in which

‘म,ृ’ takes आEमनेपद-DEयया:।

म ृ+ लँL 3-2-123

= म ृ+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= म ृ+ त 3-4-78, 1-3-61, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, त gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= म ृ+ ते 3-4-79

= म ृ+ श + ते 3-1-77

= म ृ+ अ + ते 1-3-8

= म ्Mर, + अ + ते 7-4-28, 1-1-53

= म ्Mर + अ + ते 1-3-3

= म ्र ्इय,ँ + अ + ते 6-4-77, 1-1-53

= म ्र ्इय ्+ अ + ते 1-3-2, 1-3-3

= 1qयते

October 22nd, 2011

429) 3-1-78 OधाIद]यः ^म ्

व�ृ�ः शपोऽपवादः । The ^म-्DEययः is placed after the verbal roots belonging to the OधाIद-गणः,

when followed by a साव�धातुक-DEययः that is used signifying the agent.

This सू�म ्is a अपवादः (exception) to 3-1-68 कत�Mर शप ् ।

Note: The purpose of the शकार: (which is an इत ्by 1-3-8) in ‘^म’् is in order for पाfण�न: to be

able to refer specifically to this DEयय: in rules such as 6-4-23, 6-4-111 etc. It is not for getting the

साव�धातकु-स[\ा (by 3-4-113.) Since this DEयय: does not follow the अ,गम ्(it is placed inside the

अ,गम ्as per 1-1-47), it cannot act on the अ,गम ्and hence no purpose would be served by

assigning the साव�धातकु-स[\ा।


उदाहरणम ्– Oण�s (√Oध,् OधाIद-गणः, O�धरँ ्आवरणे, धात-ुपाठः # ७. १), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,

एकवचनम ्।

By the वा�त �कम ्– इर इEस[\ा वाtया, ‘इर’् of ‘O�धरँ’् gets the इत-्स[\ा । The इकार: of ‘इर’् has a

5वMरत-5वरः here. Hence by 1-3-72 5वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले, this धातु: is उभयपद�। Let us

consider the case where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

Oध ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= Oध ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Oध ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= O ध ्+ �त 1-3-3

= O ^म ्ध ्+ �त 3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(उकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Oध’्

= Oनध ्+ �त 1-3-8, 1-3-3

= Oनध ्+ �ध 8-2-40

= Oनa + �ध 8-4-53

= Oण�s 8-4-2

430) 8-4-65 झरो झMर सवण?

व�ृ�ः हलः पर5 य झरो वा लोपः सवण? झMर । Following a consonant (हल)्, a झर ्letter is optionally

elided if it is followed by a झर ्letter that is सवण�: with it.

उदाहरणम ्– Oeध:/Oes: (√Oध,् OधाIद-गणः, O�धरँ ्आवरणे, धात-ुपाठः # ७. १), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, Ivवचनम ्।

Oध ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= Oध ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Oध ्+ तस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, तस ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113. Note: 1-3-

4 न �वभwौ तु5माः prevents the ending सकार: of ‘तस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा

= O ^म ्ध ्+ तस ्3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(उकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Oध’्

= Oनध ्+ तस ्1-3-8, 1-3-3

= O न ्ध ्तस ्6-4-111 (Note: Since the साव�धातुक-DEयय: ‘तस’् is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it behaves Sङvत ्–

as if it has ङकार: as a इत।् This allows 6-4-111 to apply)

= O न ्ध ्धस ्8-2-40

= Oं ध ्धस ्8-3-24 (Note: 8-3-24 is an earlier rule in the अ�ाxयायी compared to 8-4-2. Hence as

per 8-2-1, the णकारादेश: which would have been done by 8-4-2 is अ1सs: in the eyes of 8-3-24.

Hence 8-3-24 applies.)

= Oं a धस ्8-4-53


= Oन ्a धस ्8-4-58 (Note: 8-4-2 cannot apply now because as per 8-2-1, the नकारादेश: done

by 8-4-58 is अ1सs: in the eyes of 8-4-2)

= Oeध:/Oes: 8-4-65

431) 8-2-75 दr

व�ृ�ः धातोद�5 य पदाe त5 य 1स�प Oवा� । ‘Oँ’ is optionally substituted for a पदाeत-दकारः (the letter ‘a’

occurring at the end of a पदम)् of a verbal root when 1सप-्DEययः follows.

Caution: Do not confuse this सू�म ्with the identically worded 7-2-109 दr which we studied

when declining the Dा�तपIदकम ्‘इदम’्।

उदाहरणम ्– अOण:/अOणत/्अOणa (√Oध,् OधाIद-गणः, O�धरँ ्आवरणे, धात-ुपाठः # ७. १), लँ,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम ्।

Oध ्+ लँ, 3-2-111

= Oध ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Oध ्+ 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105, 1सप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= Oध ्+ स ्1-3-3, 3-4-100

= O ^म ्ध ्+ स ्3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(उकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Oध’्

= Oनध ्+ स ्1-3-8, 1-3-3

= Oनध ्6-1-68

= अL Oनध ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अOनध ्1-3-3

= अOणa 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-39

= अOणत/्अOणa 8-4-56

Optionally -

अOणa = अOणOँ 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-75

= अOण: 1-3-2, 8-3-15

Thus there are a total of three forms अOण:/अOणत/्अOणa।

432) 6-4-23 ^ाeनलोपः

व�ृ�ः � नमः पर5 य न5 य लोपः 5 यात ्। A नकारः is elided when it follows the ^म-्DEययः।

उदाहरणम ्– Iहनि5त (√Iहeस,् OधाIद-गणः, Iह1सँ Iहसंायाम,् धात-ुपाठः # ७. १९) लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम ्।

The इकारः at the end of ‘Iह1सँ’ gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-2. Therefore this धातःु is an इIदत ्and by 7-

1-58 इIदतो नुम ्धातोः, it gets the नुँम-्आगमः।

Iह1सँ = Iहस ्1-3-2 = Iह नुँम ्स ्7-1-58, 1-1-47 = Iह न ्स ्1-3-2, 1-3-3 = Iहeस।्


The ending इकारः of ‘Iह1सँ’ has a उदा�-5वरः। Thus it is devoid of any indications for bringing in

आEमनेपद-DEयया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनदुा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ् nor 1-3-72 5वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये

VWयाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात ्कत�Mर पर5मैपदम,् the √Iहeस-्धातुः, in कत�Mर

Dयोग:, will take the पर5मैपद-DEयया: by default.

Iहeस ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= Iहeस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Iहeस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= Iहeस ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= Iह ^म ्eस ्+ �त 3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(इकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Iहeस’्

= Iहनeस ्+ �त 1-3-8, 1-3-3

= Iहनस ्+ �त 6-4-23

= Iहनि5त

433) 8-2-25 �ध च

व�ृ�ः धादौ DE यये परे स5 य लोपः। A सकारः is elided when followed by a DEययः beginning with a


उदाहरणम ्– Iहिeध (√Iहeस,् OधाIद-गणः, Iह1सँ Iहसंायाम,् धात-ुपाठः # ७. १९), लzL, मxयम-पुOष-


Iहeस ्+ लzL 3-3-162

= Iहeस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Iहeस ्+ 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105, 1सप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= Iहeस ्+ 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= Iहeस ्+ Iह 3-4-87

= Iह ^म ्eस ्+ Iह 3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(इकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Iहeस’्

= Iहनeस ्+ Iह 1-3-8, 1-3-3

= Iहनस ्+ Iह 6-4-23

= Iहनस ्+ �ध 6-4-101

= Iहeस ्+ �ध 6-4-111 (Note: Since the साव�धातुक-DEयय: ‘�ध’ is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it behaves Sङvत ्–

as if it has ङकार: as a इत।् This allows 6-4-111 to apply)

= Iहन ्+ �ध 8-2-25 = Iह ं+ �ध 8-3-24 = Iहिeध 8-4-58

434) 8-2-73 �त{यन5तेः

व�ृ�ः पदाe त5 य स5 य दः 5 या���प न E व5 तेः । दकारः is substituted for a पदाeत-सकारः (the letter ‘स’्

occurring at the end of a पदम)् – with the exception of the सकार: of the धातुः √अस ्(असँ भु�व #२.


६०) – when the �तप-्DEययः follows.

This सू�म ्is a अपवादः (exception) to 8-2-66 ससजुषो Oः।

उदाहरणम ्– अIहनत/्अIहनa (√Iहeस,् OधाIद-गणः, Iह1सँ Iहसंायाम,् धात-ुपाठः # ७. १९), लँ,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम ्।

Iहeस ्+ लँ, 3-2-111

= Iहeस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Iहeस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= Iहeस ्+ त ्1-3-3, 3-4-100

= Iह ^म ्eस ्+ त ्3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(इकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Iहeस’्

= Iहनeस ्+ त ्1-3-8, 1-3-3

= Iहनस ्+ त ्6-4-23

= Iहनस ्6-1-68

= अL Iहनस ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अIहनस ्1-3-3

= अIहनa 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-73

= अIहनत/्अIहनa 8-4-56

435) 8-2-74 1स�प धातो Oवा�

व�ृ�ः पदाe त5 य धातोः स5 य Oः 5 याa वा 1स�प। प-े ज�Eवेन दः । ‘Oँ’ is optionally substituted for a

पदाeत-सकारः (the letter ‘स’् occurring at the end of a पदम)् of a verbal root when 1सप-्DEययः

follows. Alternatively, as per 8-2-39, दकारः is substituted for the पदाeत-सकारः।

उदाहरणम ्– अIहनः/अIहनत/्अIहनa (√Iहeस,् OधाIद-गणः, Iहसंायाम ्, धात-ुपाठः # ७. १९), लँ,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम ्।


Iहeस ्+ लँ, 3-2-111

= Iहeस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= Iहeस ्+ 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105, 1सप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= Iहeस ्+ स ्1-3-3, 3-4-100

= Iह ^म ्eस ्+ स ्3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(इकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘Iहeस’्

= Iहनeस ्+ स ्1-3-8, 1-3-3

= Iहनस ्स ्6-4-23

= Iहनस ्6-1-68

= अL Iहनस ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अIहनस ्1-3-3


= अIहनOँ 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-74

= अIहनः 1-3-2, 8-3-15


अIहनस ्= अIहनa 1-1-62, 1-4-14, 8-2-39

= अIहनत/्अIहनa 8-4-56

So there are a total of three forms अIहनः/अIहनत/्अIहनa।

436) 1-3-66 भुजोऽनवने

व�ृ�ः तङानौ 5 तः । The root √भुज ्(भुजँ पालना]यवहारयोः # ७. १७) takes आEमनेपद-DEयया: except

when used in the sense of protecting.

उदाहरणम – भुनSw/भु,wे (√भुज,् OधाIद-गणः, भुजँ पालना]यवहारयोः, धात-ुपाठः #७. १७), लँ,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम ्।

The ending अकारः of the √भुज-्धातुः has a उदा�-5वरः। Thus it is devoid of any indications for

bringing in आEमनेपद-DEयया:। (Neither 1-3-12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ् nor 1-3-72 5वMरत�ञतः

क��1भDाये VWयाफले applies.) Therefore, as per 1-3-78 शेषात ् कत�Mर पर5मैपदम,् the √भुज-्

धातुः, in कत�Mर Dयोग:, would take पर5मैपद-DEयया: by default. But as per 1-3-66, it takes

पर5मैपद-DEयया: only when used in the sense of अवने (protecting.) When used in any other

meaning it takes आEमनेपद-DEयया:।

अवने प- े

भुज ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= भुज ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= भुज ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= भुज ्+ �त 1-3-3

= भु ^म ्ज ्+ �त 3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(उकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘भुज’्

= भु न ज ्+ �त 1-3-8, 1-3-3

= भुनग ्+ �त 8-2-30

= भुनSw 8-4-55

अनवने प- े

भुज ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= भुज ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3

= भुज ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-3-66, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, ‘त’ gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-


= भुज ्+ ते 3-4-79


= भु ^म ्ज ्+ ते 3-1-78. ^म ्is a 1मत।् Hence as per 1-1-47, it is placed after the last vowel

(उकार:) of the अ,गम ्‘भुज’्

= भु न ज ्+ ते 1-3-8, 1-3-3

= भु न ्ज ्+ ते 6-4-111 (Note: Since the साव�धातुक-DEयय: ‘ते’ is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it behaves Sङvत ्–

as if it has ङकार: as a इत।् This allows 6-4-111 to apply)

= भु न ्ग ्+ ते 8-2-30

= भंुग ्+ ते 8-3-24

= भंुwे 8-4-55

= भु,wे 8-4-58

437) 6-4-108 �नEयं करोतेः

व�ृ�ः करोतेः DE ययोकार5 य �नE यं लोपो G वोः परयोः । The उकारः of a DEययः following the verbal

root √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे, # ८. १०) always takes लोप: (elision), when followed by a वकारः or मकारः।

Note: 6-4-108 is an अपवादः to 6-4-107 लोपrा5याeयतर5या ंGवोः।

उदाहरणम ्– कुव�ः √कृ (तनाIद-गणः, डुकृञ ्करणे, धात-ुपाठः # ८. १०), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, उ�म-पुOषः,


The ‘डु’ at the beginning of this धातुः gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-5 आIद�ञ�टुडवः। The ञकारः at the end

gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-3 हलeEयम।् Both take लोप: by 1-3-9 त5य लोपः। Since the √कृ-धातुः has

ञकारः as इत ् in the धात-ुपाठः, by 1-3-72 5वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले, the √कृ-धातुः is


Let us consider the case where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

कृ + लँL 3-2-123

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + वस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-107. ‘वस’् gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= कृ + उ + वस ्3-1-79

= कर ्+ उ + वस ्7-3-84, 1-1-51 (Note: Since the साव�धातकु-DEयय: ‘वस’् is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it

behaves Sङvत ्– as if it has ङकार: as a इत।् Hence 1-1-5 prevents the गुणादेश: for the उकार:

which would have been done by 7-3-84.)

= कुर ्+ उ + वस ्6-4-110

= कुव�स ्6-4-108

= कुव�ः 8-2-66, 8-3-15

Note: 8-2-79 न भकुछु�राम ्prevents the द�घा�देशः (elongation) of the उपधा (उकारः) of the अ,गम ्

‘कुर’् that would have been done by 8-2-77.

438) 6-4-109 ये च


व�ृ�ः कृञ उलोपो यादौ DE यये परे । The उकारः of a DEययः following the verbal root √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे,

# ८. १०) takes लोप: (elision), when followed by an affix beginning with a यकारः।

उदाहरणम ्– कुया�त ्√कृ (तनाIद-गणः, डुकृञ ्करणे, धात-ुपाठः # ८. १०), �व�ध1लँ,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

कृ + 1लँ, 3-3-161

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= कृ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + त ्3-4-100

= कृ + यासुL + त ्3-4-103

= कृ + यास ्+ त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + उ + यास ्+ त ्3-1-79

= कर ्+ उ + यास ्त ्7-3-84, 1-1-51 (Note: As per 3-4-103, यासुL is a Sङत।् Hence 1-1-5 prevents

the गुणादेश: for the उकार: which would have been done by 7-3-84.)

= कुर ्+ उ + यास ्त ्6-4-110

= कुर ्+ यास ्त ्6-4-109

= कुया�त ्7-2-79

Note: 8-2-79 न भकुछु�राम ्prevents the द�घा�देशः (elongation) of the उपधा (उकारः) of the अ,गम ्

‘कुर’् that would have been done by 8-2-77.

November 12th, 2011

439) 3-1-81 ~याIद]यः ^ा

व�ृ�ः शपोऽपवादः । The ^ा-DEयय: is placed after the verbal roots belonging to the ~याIद-गणः,

when followed by a साव�धातकु-DEययः that is used signifying the agent. This सू�म ्is a अपवाद:

(exception) to 3-1-68 कत�Mर शप ् ।

उदाहरणम ्– W�णा�त √W� (~याIद-गणः, डुW�ञ ्�bय�व�नमये, धात-ुपाठः # ९. १), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

The ‘डु’ at the beginning of this धातुः gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-5 आIद�ञ�टुडवः। The ञकारः at the end

gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-3 हलeEयम।् Both take लोप: by 1-3-9 त5य लोपः। Since the √W�-

धातुः has ञकारः as इत ्in the धात-ुपाठः, it is उभयपद�।

Let us consider the case where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

W� + लँL 3-2-123

= W� + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9


= W� + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, �तप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= W� + �त 1-3-3

= W� + ^ा + �त 3-1-81. ‘^ा’ which is a 1शत,् gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113. (Note: Since the

साव�धातकु-DEयय: ‘^ा’ is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it behaves Sङvत ्– as if it has ङकार: as a इत।् Hence 1-1-

5 prevents the गुणादेश: for the ईकार: of the अ,गम ्‘W�’ which would have been done by 7-3-84.)

= W� + ना �त 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= W�णा�त 8-4-2

440) 3-1-83 हलः ^ः शान�झौ

व�ृ�ः हलः पर5 य � नः शानजादेशः 5 याsौ परे । After a verbal root ending in a consonant, the affix

‘^ा’ is replaced by ‘शानच’्, when the Iह-DEययः follows.

Note: As per 1-1-55, the entire term ‘^ा’ gets replaced.

उदाहरणम ्– गहृाण √��-धातुः (~याIद-गणः, �हँ उपादाने, धात-ुपाठः # ९.७१ ), लzL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

The अकारः at the end of ‘�हँ’ gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजनुना1सक इत ्and takes लोप: by 1-3-

9 त5य लोपः। This इत ्letter has 5वMरत-5वरः and hence this धातु: is उभयपद�।

Let us consider the case where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

�� + लzL 3-3-162

= �� + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �� + 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105. 1सप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= �� + 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �� + Iह 3-4-87

= �� + ^ा + Iह 3-1-81

= �� + शानच ्+ Iह 3-1-83, 1-1-55

= ग ्ऋ अ � + शानच ्+ Iह 6-1-16. (Note: Since the साव�धातुक-DEयय: ‘शानच’् is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it

behaves Sङvत ्– as if it has ङकार: as a इत।् This allows 6-1-16 to apply.)

= ग�ृ + शानच ्+ Iह 6-1-108

= ग�ृ + आन + Iह 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= गहृान 6-4-105

= गहृाण 8-4-2, वा���कम ्(under 8-4-1) – ऋवणा�eन5य णEवं वाtयम।्

441) 7-3-80 {वाद�नां �5वः

व�ृ�ः पूञ-्लूञ-्5 तॄञ-्कॄञ-्वॄञ-्धूञ-्शॄ-पॄ-वॄ-भॄ-मॄ-द-ॄजॄ-झॄ-धॄ-नॄ-कॄ-ॠ-गॄ-� या-र�-ल�-b ल�-{ ल�ना ं चत�ुव�शतेः 1श�त

�5 वः । A short vowel is substituted (in place of the long vowel) of the twenty-four verbal roots पूञ ्

etc., when a ‘1शत’् affix (an affix having the letter ‘श’् as a इत)् follows.


The following are the twenty-four roots:

(1) पूञ ्पवने ९. १४

(2) लूञ ्छेदने ९. १६

(3) 5तॄञ ्आtछादने ९. १७

(4) कॄञ ्Iहसंायाम ्९. १८

(5) वॄञ ्वरणे ९. १९

(6) धूञ ्कGपने ९. २०

(7) शॄ Iहसंायाम ्९. २१

(8) पॄ पालनपूरणयोः ९. २२

(9) वॄ वरणे | भरण इEयेके ९. २३

(10) भॄ भEस�ने | भरणेऽ{येके ९. २४

(11) मॄ Iहसंायाम ्९. २५

(12) द ॄ�वदारणे ९. २६

(13) जॄ वयोहानौ ९. २७

(14) झॄ [वयोहानौ] इEयेके ९. २८

(15) धॄ [वयोहानौ] इEयeये ९. २९

(16) नॄ नये ९. ३०

(17) कॄ Iहसंायाम ्९. ३१

(18) ॠ गतौ ९. ३२

(19) गॄ श�दे ९. ३३

(20) �या वयोहानौ ९. ३४

(21) र� ग�तरेषणयोः ९. ३५

(22) ल� lेषणे ९. ३६

(23) bल� वरणे ९. ३७

(24) {ल� गतौ ९. ३९

उदाहरणम ्– पुना�त √पू (~याIद-गणः, पूञ ्पवने, धात-ुपाठः # ९.१४ ), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


The ञकारः at the end gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-3 हलeEयम ्and takes लोप: by 1-3-9 त5य लोपः।

Since the √पू-धातुःhas ञकारः as इत ्in the धात-ुपाठः, by 1-3-72 5वMरत�ञतः क��1भDाये VWयाफले,

it is उभयपद�।

Let us consider the case where it takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

पू + लँL 3-2-123

= पू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9


= पू + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. ‘�तप’् gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= पू + ^ा + �त 3-1-81. ‘^ा’ which is a 1शत,् gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= पू + ना + �त 1-3-8

(Note: Since the साव�धातकु-DEयय: ‘^ा’ is अ�पत,् by 1-2-4 it behaves Sङvत ्– as if it has ङकार: as a

इत।् Hence 1-1-5 prevents the गुणादेश: for the ऊकार: of the अ,गम ्‘प’ू which would have been

done by 7-3-84.)

= पुना�त 7-3-80, 1-1-52

442) 3-1-25 सEयापपाश�पवीणातूलlोकसेनालोमEवचवम�वण�चूण�चुराIद]यो fणच ्

व�ृ�ः ए] यो fणच ्5 यात ्। चरुाIद] य5 तु 5 वाथ? । The affix fणच ्is used after these words – ‘सEय’

‘truth’ (which then takes the form of ‘सEयाप’् as exhibited in the सू�म)्, ‘पाश’ ‘fetter’, ‘�प’ ‘form’,

‘वीणा’ ‘lute’, ‘तूल’ ‘cotton’, ‘lोक’ ‘celebration’, ‘सेना’ ‘army’, ‘लोमन’् ‘hair of the body’, ‘Eवच’ ‘skin’,

‘वम�न’् ‘mail’, ‘वण�’ ‘color’, ‘चूण�’ ‘powder’ and the verbal roots belonging to the चुराIद-गणः।

उदाहरणम ्– चोरय�त √चुर ्(चुराIद-गणः, चुरँ 5तेये, धात-ुपाठः # १०. १), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


The ending अकारः of ‘चुरँ’ gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजननुा1सक इत ्and takes लोप: by 1-3-

9 त5य लोपः।

चुर ्+ fणच ्3-1-25. ‘fणच’् gets आध�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-114

= चुर ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7

= चोMर 7-3-86

‘चोMर’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Continued below

443) 1-3-74 fणचr

व�ृ�ः fणजe तादाE मनेपदं 5 याE कतृ�गा1म�न VWयाफले। The verbal roots that end in the fणच-्DEययः shall

take आEमनेपद-DEययाः when the fruit of the action (VWयाफलम)् accrues to the doer (क��1भDायम ्=

कतृ�-अ1भDायम)्। In the remaining case – when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the doer

these verbal roots shall take पर5मैपद-DEययाः।

In reality though, this distinction of the fruit of the action accruing to the doer or not, is rarely

honored in the language. So as a practical matter, a verbal root that ends in the fणच-्DEययः will

take either आEमनेपद-DEययाः or पर5मैपद-DEययाः regardless of whether the fruit of the action

accrues to the doer or not. In short, it will be उभयपद�।

Continued from above.

Let us consider the case where ‘चोMर’ takes a पर5मैपद-DEयय:।


चोMर + लँL 3-2-123

= चोMर + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= चोMर + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= चोMर + �त 1-3-3

= चोMर + शप ्+ �त 3-1-68

= चोMर + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8

= चोरे + अ�त 7-3-84

= चोरय�त 6-1-78

444) 6-4-48 अतो लोपः

व�ृ�ः आध�धातकुोपदेशे यददe तं त5 यातो लोप आध�धातुके । When an आध�धातकुम ्affix follows, the

अकारः at the end of a अ,गम ्is elided if the अ,गम ्ends in a अकार: at the time when the

आध�धातकुम ्affix is prescribed.

445) 1-1-57 अचः परि5मन ्पूव��वधौ

व�ृ�ः पर�न1म�ोऽजादेशः 5 था�नवत,् 5 था�नभूतादचः पवू�E वेन �� ट5 य �वधौ कत�b ये । A substitute of a

vowel caused by a term that follows, should be regarded as that whose place it takes, when a

rule would else take effect on what stands prior to the original vowel.

Note: We could not have used 1-1-56 to get 5था�नवa-भाव: for the present purpose because of

the exclusion ‘अनि�वधौ’ mentioned in 1-1-56.

उदाहरणम ्– कथय�त √कथ (चुराIद-गणः, कथ वा9यDबeधे, धात-ुपाठः # १०. ३८९), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

The ending अकारः of ‘कथ’ is not a अननुा1सक: and hence does not get the इत-्स[\ा।

कथ + fणच ्3-1-25. ‘fणच’् gets आध�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-114

= कथ ्+ fणच ्6-4-48. Note: As per 7-2-116, the fणच-्DEयय: would do a व�ृs: substitution in place

of the अकार: of the अ,गम ्‘कथ’्। But this does not happen because as per 1-1-57, the लोप: done

by 6-4-48 has 5था�नवa-भाव: (it behaves like the item it replaced – अकार:) when it comes to an

operation (व�ृs:) that would be performed to the left of it. Hence as far as 7-2-116 is concerned,

the उपधा of the अ,गम ्is the थकार: and hence it cannot apply.

= कथ ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7

= क�थ

‘क�थ’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

क�थ + लँL 3-2-123

= क�थ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= क�थ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= क�थ + �त 1-3-3


= क�थ + शप ्+ �त 3-1-68

= क�थ + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8

= कथे + अ�त 7-3-84

= कथय�त 6-1-78

446) 1-4-54 5वतe�ः कता�

व�ृ�ः VWयायां 5 वातe �येण �व�व-तोऽथ�ः कता� 5 यात ्। Whatever the speaker chooses as the

independent, principal source of action is called कता� or agent.

447) 1-4-55 तEDयोजको हेतrु

व�ृ�ः कतु�ः Dयोजको हेतुसं\ः कतृ�सं\r 5यात ्। The one that propels the कता� (doer) gets the स[\ा

of हेतु: (cause) as well as कता� (doer.)

448) 3-1-26 हेतुम�त च

व�ृ�ः Dयोजकb यापारे Dेषणादौ वाt ये धातोfण�च ्5 यात ्। The affix ‘fणच’् is used after a verbal root,

when the operation of a causer – such as the operation of directing – is to be expressed.

उदाहरणम ्– भवeतं Dेरय�त = भावय�त। √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १), लँL, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर


भू + fणच ्3-1-26

= भू + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= भौ + इ 7-2-115

= भा�व 6-1-78

‘भा�व’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

भा�व + लँL 3-2-123

= भा�व + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भा�व + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= भा�व + शप ्+ �तप ्3-1-68

= भा�व + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= भावे + अ + �त 7-3-84

= भावय�त 6-1-78

November 26th, 2011

449) 7-2-35 आध�धातकु5ये� वलादेः

व�ृ�ः वलादेराध�धातुक5येडागमः 5यात ्। An आध�धातकु-DEयय: beginning with a letter of the वल-्

DEयाहारः gets the augment इL ।


450) 6-4-51 णेर�नIट

व�ृ�ः अ�नडादावाध�धातुके परे णेल�प: 5यात ्। The ‘fण’-DEयय: is elided when followed by an

आध�धातकु-DEयय: which does not have the augment इL।

उदाहरणम ्– चोरय�त (चुराIद-गणः, चुरँ 5तेये, धात-ुपाठः # १०. १), लँL, कत�Mर हेतुम�त, Dथम-पुOषः,


The ending अकारः of ‘चुरँ’ gets इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-2 उपदेशेऽजननुा1सक इत ्and takes लोप: by 1-3-

9 त5य लोपः।

चुर ्+ fणच ्3-1-25. ‘fणच’् gets आध�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-114

= चुर ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7

= चोMर 7-3-86

‘चोMर’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

The �वव-ा is हेतुम�त। Therefore -

चोMर + fणच ्। 3-1-26, ‘fणच’् gets आध�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-114

= चोMर + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7. Note: The DEयय: ‘fणच’् (which is an इकार: after removing the इत ्letters)

is a आध�धातकु-DEयय: but it does not begin with a letter of the वल-्DEयाहार:। Hence it cannot take

an इL-आगम: by 7-2-35.

= चोर ्+ इ 6-4-51

= चोMर

‘चोMर’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

चोMर + लँL 3-2-123

= चोरय�त

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– कुव�eतं Dेय�ते = काय�ते।

काय�ते �वशः कम� सव�ः Dकृ�तजैगु�णःै || 3-5||

√कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् कम�fण हेतुम�त।

कृ + fणच ्3-1-26

= कृ + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= कार ्+ इ 7-2-115, 1-1-51

= काMर

‘काMर’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

काMर + लँL (कम�fण) 3-2-123

= काMर + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= काMर + त 3-4-78, 1-3-13, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. ‘त’ gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= काMर + ते 3-4-79

= काMर + यक् + ते 3-1-67. Note: The DEयय: ‘यक्’ is a आध�धातकु-DEयय: but it does not begin with


a letter of the वल-्DEयाहार:। Hence it cannot take an इL-आगम: by 7-2-35.

= काMर + य + ते 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= काय�ते 6-4-51

451) 7-1-101 उपधायाr ।

व�ृ�ः धातोOपधाभूत5य ॠत इE5यात।् A ॠकार:, when it is the penultimate (उपधा) letter of a धातु:,

takes the इकारादेश:।

उदाहरणम ्– क�त�य�त √कॄत ्(कॄतँ संश�दने १०. १५५), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

कॄत ्+ fणच ्3-1-25

= कॄत ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= Vकर ्त ्+ इ 7-1-101, 1-1-51

Example continued below.

452) 8-2-78 उपधायां च ।

व�ृ�ः धातोOपधाभूतयो रेफवकारयोह��परयो: परत इको द�घ�: 5यात।् A इक् letter is elongated if it is

followed by a रेफ: or वकार:, provided the रेफ: or वकार: is the penultimate letter (उपधा) of a verbal

root and is followed by a consonant.

Example continued from above -

Vकर ्त ्+ इ

= क��त � 8-2-78

‘क��त � ‘ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

क��त � + लँL 3-2-123

= क�त�य�त

453) 7-3-36 अ�����bल�र�9नयूी�मा�यातां पु,णौ

व�ृ�ः अ�त � �� bल� र� 9नूयी �मायी इEयेतेषाम,गानामाकाराeतानां च पुगागमो भव�त णौ परतः । The

augment पुक् is added to the roots √ऋ (ऋ ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६, ऋ गतौ ३. १७), √�� (��

ल�जायाम ्३. ३), √bल� (bल� वरणे ९. ३७), √र� (र�, 0वणे ४. ३३, र� ग�तरेषणयोः ९.

३५), √9नूय ्(9नयूी= श�द उeदने च १. ५५८), √�माय ्(�मायी= �वधूनने १. ५५९) and to a root ending

in a आकार: when the causative affix ‘fण’ follows.

उदाहरणम ्– ऋtछeत ंDेरय�त = अप�य�त। √ऋ-धातुः (ऋ ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः,

एकवचनम,् कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

ऋ + fणच ्3-1-26

= ऋ + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= ऋ पुक् + इ 7-3-36, 1-1-46

= ऋप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘पुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)


= अ�प� 7-3-86, 1-1-51

‘अ�प�’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

अ�प� + लँL 3-2-123

= अ�प� + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ�प� + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= अ�प� + शप ्+ �तप ्3-1-68

= अ�प� + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= अप? + अ + �त 7-3-84

= अप�य�त 6-1-78

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्1-21 – �त�eतं Dेरय = 5थापय। √5था-धातुः (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७), लzL,

मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७ = 5था (6-1-64, ‘�न1म�ापाये न1ैम��क5या{यपाय:’)।

5था + fणच ्3-1-26

= 5था + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= 5था पुक् + इ 7-3-36, 1-1-46

= 5थाप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘पुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

= 5था�प

‘5था�प’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

5था�प + लzL 3-2-123

= 5था�प + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5था�प + 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105. 1सप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= 5था�प + 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5था�प + Iह 3-4-87

= 5था�प + शप ्+ Iह 3-1-68

= 5था�प + अ + Iह 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= 5थापे + अ + Iह 7-3-84

= 5थापय + Iह 6-1-78

= 5थापय 6-4-105

454) 6-4-92 1मतां �5वः

व�ृ�ः घटाद�नां \पाद�ना ंचोपधाया �5 वः 5 या� णौ । A short vowel (�5व:) is substituted in place of the

penultimate letter (vowel) of a verbal root which is 1मत ्(has the letter ‘म’् as a इत)् and is

followed by the causative affix ‘fण’। Note: Any verbal root belonging to one of the following two

special sections of the धात-ुपाठ: is considered as a 1मत ्(having the letter ‘म’् as a इत)्।

1. Beginning with √घL (घटँ चे�ायाम ्१. ८६७) and ending with √फण ्(फणँ गतौ १. ९५५)


2. Beginning with √\प ्(\पँ \ान\ापनमारणतोषण�नशान�नशामनेषु १०. ११८) and ending

with √�च (�चञ ्चयने १०. १२४).

उदाहरणम ्– घटमान ंDेरय�त = घटय�त। √घL (घटँ चे�ायाम ्१. ८६७), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर


घL + fणच ्3-1-26

= घL + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= घाL + इ 7-2-116

= घIट 6-4-92

‘घIट’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

घIट + लँL 3-2-123

= घIट + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= घIट + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातुक-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= घIट + शप ्+ �तप ्3-1-68

= घIट + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= घटे + अ + �त 7-3-84

= घटय�त 6-1-78

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– bयथमानं Dेरयिeत = bयथयिeत। √bयथ ्(bयथ ँभयस[चलनयोः), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः,

बहुवचनम,् कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

यं Iह न bयथयeEयेते पOुष ंपुOषष�भ |

समदःुखसुख ंधीरं सोऽमतृEवाय क�पते || 2-15||

455) जनीजॄ�9नसुर[जोऽमeताr। गण-सू�म ्(in the धातुपाठ:, below the गण-सू�म ्‘घटादयो 1मत:’)।

व�ृ�ः चश�दािeमत इEयपे�यते। जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४, जॄ वयोहानौ ४. २५, 9नसँु �रणद��योः ४. ७ –

Iदवादय:। र[जँ रागे १. ११५४ – भूवाIदr। ‘अम’् श�दोऽeते येषा ंते ‘अमeता:’, यथासGभवं सव?षु �वकरणेष।ु

ते च 1मत: । The verbal roots √जन ्(जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४), √जॄ (जॄष ्वयोहानौ ४.

२५), √9नस ्(9नसँु �रणद��योः ४. ७), √र[ज ्(र[जँ रागे १. ११५४) as well as any verbal root

ending in ‘अम’् are considered to be ‘1मत’् (having the letter ‘म’् as a इत)्।

उदाहरणम ्– जायमान ंDेरय�त = जनय�त। √जन ्(जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,्

कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

जन ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= जन ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= जान ्+ इ 7-2-116


= ज�न 6-4-92 along with the गण-सू�म ्above.

‘ज�न’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

ज�न + लँL 3-2-123

= ज�न + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ज�न + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= ज�न + शप ्+ �तप ्3-1-68

= ज�न + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= जने + अ + �त 7-3-84

= जनय�त 6-1-78

उदाहरणम ्– गtछeतं Dेरय�त = गमय�त। √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७), लँL, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर


गम ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= गम ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= गाम ्+ इ 7-2-116

= ग1म 6-4-92 along with the गण-सू�म ्above.

‘ग1म’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

ग1म + लँL 3-2-123

= ग1म + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ग1म + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. �तप ्gets साव�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-113

= ग1म + शप ्+ �तप ्3-1-68

= ग1म + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= गमे + अ + �त 7-3-84

= गमय�त 6-1-78

456) 6-1-45 आदेच उपदेशेऽ1श�त ।

व�ृ�ः उपदेशे एजeत5य धातोराEवं न तु 1श�त। The ending एच ्(‘ए’, ‘ओ’, ‘ऐ’, ‘औ’) letter of a verbal

root in the धात-ुपाठ: is replaced by the letter ‘आ’, but not in the context where the letter ‘श’् which

is a इत ्follows.

उदाहरणम ्– गायeतं Dेरय�त = गापय�त। √गै (गै श�दे १. १०६५), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर


गा + fणच ्3-1-26, 6-1-45

= गा + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= गा पुक् + इ 7-3-36, 1-1-46

= गाप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘पुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

= गा�प

‘गा�प’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।


गा�प + लँL 3-2-123

= गापय�त

457) 6-1-48 W�,जीना ंणौ

व�ृ�ः √W� (डुW�ञ ्�bय�व�नमये ९. १), √इ (इ, अxययने – �नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१), √िज (िज जये १. ६४२),

इतयेतेषां धातूनामेचः 5थाने णौ परत आकारादेशो भव�त। When the ‘fण’-DEयय: follows, there is a

substitution of आकार: in the place of the एच ्letter of the following verbal roots – (डुW�ञ ्

�bय�व�नमये ९. १) ‘to buy’, (इ, अxययने – �नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१) ‘to study’ and (िज जये १. ६४२) ‘to


उदाहरणम ्– अधीयानं Dेरय�त = अxयापय�त। √इ (इ, अxययने – �नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१), लँL, Dथम-पOुषः,

एकवचनम,् कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

अ�ध इ + fणच ्3-1-26

= अ�ध इ + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= अ�ध ऐ + इ 7-2-115

= अ�ध आ + इ 6-1-48

= अ�ध आ पक्ु + इ 7-3-36, 1-1-46

= अ�ध आप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘पुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

= अ�ध आ�प

‘आ�प’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

अ�ध आ�प + लँL 3-2-123

= अ�ध + आपय�त

= अxयापय�त 6-1-77

458) 7-3-32 हन5तोऽ�च�णलोः ।

व�ृ�ः हeते5तकारोऽeतादेश: 5यािtच�ण�वज? �ञ�त fण�त। The ending letter (नकार:) of the verbal

root √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २. २) is replaced by a तकार:, when followed by a DEयय: (other than

‘�चण’् or ‘णल’्) which is either �ञत ्or fणत।्

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– �नeतं Dेरय�त = घातय�त। √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २. २), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,्

कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

कथं स पOुषः पाथ� कं घातय�त हिeत कम ् || 2-21||

हन ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= हन ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= घन ्+ इ 7-3-54

= घत ्+ इ 7-3-32

= घात ्+ इ 7-2-116


= घा�त

‘घा�त’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

घा�त + लँL 3-2-123

= घातय�त

459) 7-1-63 रभेरशि�लटोः ।

व�ृ�ः रभेनु�म ्सयाद�च न तु शि�लटो:। The verbal root √रभ ्(रभँ राभ5ये १. ११२९) takes the ‘नुँम’्-

आगम: when followed by a DEयय: (other than ‘शप’् or ‘1लँL’) which begins with a vowel.

उदाहरणम ्– (आ)रभमाण ंDेरय�त = (आ)रGभय�त। √रभ ्(रभँ राभ5ये १. ११२९), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः,

एकवचनम,् कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

(आ) रभ ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= (आ) रभ ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= (आ) र नुँम ्भ ्+ इ 7-1-63. Note 7-1-63 applies regardless of 7-2-116, whereas 7-2-116 cannot

apply once 7-1-63 has applied. Hence 7-1-63 is a �नEय-काय�म ्(an invariable rule) compared to 7-

2-116. Hence 7-1-63 applies first.

= (आ) र न ्भ ्+ इ 1-3-2, 1-3-3

= (आ) रंभ ्+ इ 8-3-24

= (आ) रGभ ्+ इ 8-4-58

= (आ) रिGभ

‘रिGभ’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

(आ) रिGभ + लँL 3-2-123

= (आ) रGभय�त

460) 7-1-64 लभेr ।

व�ृ�ः लभेनु�म ्सयाद�च न त ुशि�लटो:। The verbal root √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०) takes the ‘नुँम’्-

आगम: when followed by a DEयय: (other than ‘शप’् or ‘1लँL’) which begins with a vowel.

उदाहरणम ्– लभमानं Dेरय�त = लGभय�त। √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,्

कत�Mर हेतुम�त।

Steps are similar to those shown above for (आ) रGभय�त।

461) 6-4-90 दोषो णौ ।

व�ृ�ः (दषु इ�त सुवचम।्) द�ुयतेOपधाया ऊE5या�णौ। The penultimate letter (उपधा) of the verbal

root √दषु ्(दषु ँवकृैEये ४. ८२) takes the ऊकारादेश: when the ‘fण’-DEयय: follows.

उदाहरणम ्– द�ुयeतं Dेरय�त = दषूय�त। √दषु ्(दषु ँवकृैEये ४. ८२), लँL, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर



दषु ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= दषु ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= दोष ्+ इ 7-3-86

= दषू ्+ इ 6-4-90

= द�ूष

‘द�ूष’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

द�ूष + लँL 3-2-123

= दषूय�त

462) 7-3-43 Oहः पोऽeयतर5याम ्।

व�ृ�ः Oहे: पकारोऽeतादेशो वा 5या�णौ। The ending letter (‘�’) of the verbal root √O� (Oहँ बीजजeम�न

Dादभुा�वे च १. ९९५) optionally takes the letter ‘प’् as a substitute when the affix ‘fण’ follows.

उदाहरणम ्– रोहeत ंDेरय�त = रोहय�त/रोपय�त। √O� (Oहँ बीजजeम�न Dादभुा�वे च १. ९९५), लँL, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर हेतमु�त।

O�/Oप ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= O�/Oप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= रो�/रोप ्+ इ 7-3-86

= रोIह/रो�प

‘रोIह/रो�प’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

रोIह/रो�प + लँL 3-2-123

= रोहय�त/रोपय�त

463) 7-3-37 शाtछासा�ाbयावेपां यक्ु ।

व�ृ�ः √शो (शो तनकूरणे ४. ४०), √छो (छो छेदने ४. ४१), √सो (षो अeतकम�fण ४. ४२), √�े (�ेञ ्5पधा�यां

श�दे च १. ११६३), √bये(bयेञ ्संवरणे १. ११६२), √वे (वेञ ्तeतुसeताने १. ११६१), √पा (पा पाने १.

१०७४), इतयेतेषां युगागम: 5या�णौ। The verbal roots√शो (शो तनूकरणे ४. ४०), √छो (छो छेदने ४.

४१), √सो (षो अeतकम�fण ४. ४२), √�े (�ेञ ्5पधा�या ंश�दे च १. ११६३), √bये (bयेञ ्संवरणे १.

११६२), √वे (वेञ ्तeतुसeताने १. ११६१) and √पा (पा पाने १. १०७४) take the ‘युक्’-आगम: when the

‘fण’-DEयय: follows.

उदाहरणम ्– �पबeतं Dेरय�त = पायय�त। √पा (पा पाने १. १०७४), लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् कत�Mर


पा + fणच ्3-1-26

= पा + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= पा यक्ु + इ 7-3-37, 1-1-46

= पा य ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकारः in ‘युक्’ is उtचारणाथ�ः (pronunciation only).


= पा�य

‘पा�य’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

पा�य + लँL 3-2-123

= पायय�त

December 10th, 2011

464) 6-1-56 �बभेतेह?तुभये ।

व�ृ�ः �बभेतेरेच आEवं वा 5याEDयोजका य ंचेत।् There is optionally a substitution of the letter ‘आ’ in

place of the एच ्(‘ए’, ‘ओ’, ‘ऐ’, ‘औ’) letter of the verbal root √भी (�ञभी भये ३. २) if the हेतु: (ref. 1-

4-55) is directly the cause of the fear.

465) 1-3-68 भी5Gयोह?तुभये ।

व�ृ�ः �यeता]यामा]यामाEमनेपदं 5याsेतोrे य5मयौ। A आEमनेपद-DEयय: is used after the causative

of the verbal roots √भी (�ञभी भये ३. २) and √ि5म (ि�म, ईषsसने १. १०९९) when the हेतु:

(ref. 1-4-55) is directly the cause of the fear/astonishment.

466) 7-3-40 1भयो हेतुभये षक्ु।

व�ृ�ः भी ई इतीकार: Dिl�यते। ईकाराeत5य 1भय: षुक् 5या�णौ हेतुभये। The verbal root √भी (�ञभी भये ३. २) – when it ends in the letter ‘ई’ – takes the augment ‘षुक्ँ’ when the affix ‘fण’ follows and

the हेतु: (ref. 1-4-55) is directly the cause of the fear.

उदाहरणम ्– �ब]यतं Dेरय�त = भापयते/भीषयते। √भी (�ञभी भये ३. २), लँL, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम,्

कत�Mर हेतुम�त हेतुभये।

आEव-प- े

भी + fणच ्3-1-26

= भी + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= भै + इ 7-2-115

= भा + इ 6-1-56

= भा पुक् + इ 7-3-36, 1-1-46

= भाप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘पुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

= भा�प

‘भा�प’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

भा�प + लँL 3-2-123

= भापयते 1-3-68

आEवाभाव-प- े


भी + fणच ्3-1-26

= भी + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= भी षुक्ँ + इ 7-3-40, 1-1-46

= भीष ्+ इ 1-3-2, 1-3-3

= भी�ष

‘भी�ष’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

भी�ष + लँL 3-2-123

= भीषयते 1-3-68

So for example जIटलो भीषयते/भापयते – The ascetic with matted hair scares (someone).

On the other hand धूत�: कुि[चकया भायय�त। The rogue scares (someone) by means of a broom.

Here the हेतु: is himself not the cause of the fear and therefore we don’t get the forms


467) 1-3-87 �नगरणचलनाथ?]यr

व�ृ�ः �नगरणाथ?]यrलनाथ?]यr धात]ुयो �यeते]यः पर5मैपदं भव�त। When used in the causative, a

verbal root which has the sense of ‘eating or swallowing’ or ‘shaking or moving’ takes a पर5मैपद-


Note: There is a वा���कम ्on this rule which states that अदेः D�तषेधो वwbयः – The verbal

root √अa (अदँ भ-णे २. १) is exempt from this rule.

उदाहरणम ्– बालक ओदनम^ा�त। माता बालकमोदनमाशय�त।

व-ृ: कGपते। वायवुृ�-ं कGपय�त।

468) 1-3-88 अणावकम�कािtच�वEकतृ�कात ्

व�ृ�ः अ�यeतो यो धातुरकम�किr�वEकतृ�कr त5माa�यeतात ्पर5मैपदं भव�त। When used in the

causative, a verbal root which in its non-causal state is intransitive and has a sentient being for

its agent, takes a पर5मैपद-DEययः।

उदाहरणम ्– 0ीकृ�ण: शेते। गोपी 0ीकृ�ण ंशायय�त।

On the other hand -

शु�यिeत ¡ीहयः। शोषयते ¡ीह�नातपः।

देवद�: कटं करो�त। �पता देवद� ंकटं कारयते।

469) आकु5मादाEमनेपIदन:। गण-सू�म ्(in the चुराIद-गण: of the धातपुाठ:)। The verbal roots

beginning from √�चत(्�चतँ स[चेतने १०. १९२) and ending with √कु5म ्(कु5मँ नाGनो वा |

कुिEसत5मयने १०. २३६) shall take आEमनेपद-DEयया: (only.)

उदाहरणम ्– तज�यते। √तज ्� (तज¢ सeतज�ने १०. २०१), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्


470) आ धषृाvा। गण-सू�म ्(in the चुराIद-गण: of the धातपुाठ:)। The verbal roots beginning

from √युज ्(युजँ संयमने १०. ३३८) and ending with √धषृ ्(धषृ ँDसहने १०. ३८८) take the fणच-्

DEयय: only optionally.

उदाहरणम ्– माग�य�त/माग��त। √माग ्� (माग¢ अeवेषणे १०. ३८४), लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


471) 3-2-115 परो-े 1लँL

व�ृ�ः भूतान�तनपरो-ाथ�व�ेृधा�तो1ल�L 5 यात ्। The affix 1लँL (Perfect Tense) comes after a verbal

root in the sense of the past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator.

उदाहरणम ्– बभूव (√भू-धातुः, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम)्।

भू + 1लँL 3-2-115

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108.

Example continued below -

472) 3-4-115 1लL च

व�ृ�ः 1लडादेशि5 त,ङाध�धातुकसं\ः । A �त,-DEयय: which comes in place of 1लँL gets the आध�धातकु-


भू + �तप ्As per 3-4-115, ‘�तप’् gets the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-68 does not apply.

Example continued below -

473) 3-4-82 पर5मैपदानां णलतुसु5थलथुसण�वमाः

व�ृ�ः 1लटि5 तबाद�ना ंनवानां णलादयः 5 यःु। When they come in place of 1लँL, the nine पर5मैपद-

DEयया: – ‘�तप’्, ‘तस’्, ‘fझ’, ‘1सप’्, ‘थस’्, ‘थ’, ‘1मप’्, ‘वस’् and ‘मस’् – are substituted by ‘णल’्, ‘अतुस’्,

‘उस’्, ‘थल’्, ‘अथुस’्, ‘अ’, ‘णल’्, ‘व’ and ‘म’ respectively.

Example continued from above -

Note: The लकार: at the end of ‘णल’् gets the इत-्स[\ा by 1-3-3 and is elided by 1-3-9. But the

णकार: at the beginning of ‘णल’् does not get the इत-्स[\ा until ‘णल’् actually replaces ‘�तप’्। Only

after the replacement, ‘णल’् gets the DEयय-स[\ा by 1-1-56 and then 1-3-7 applies to give the इत-्

स[\ा to the णकार:। But as long as ‘णल’् is only an आदेश: (substitute) and not a DEयय:, the णकार:

is not an इत,् and hence the आदेश: is ‘ण’ (not ‘अ’)। Since ‘ण (= ण ्+ अ)’ is अनेकाल ्(has more

than one letter), 1-1-55 applies.


भू + �तप ्= भू + ण 3-4-82, 1-1-55

= भू + अ 1-3-7, 1-3-9

Example continued below

474) 6-4-88 भुवो वु;लु,1लटोः

व�ृ�ः भुवो वुगागमः 5 यात ्लुS,लटोर�च । ‘भू’ gets the augment ‘वुक्’ when a vowel-beginning affix of

लँु, or 1लँL follows.

Example continued from above -

भू + अ At this stage the question arises as to whether 7-2-115 (which is a later rule in the

अ�ाxयायी) should be applied or 6-4-88 should be applied. 6-4-88 is an invariable rule (�नEय-

काय�म)् because it applies regardless of whether 7-2-115 applies or not. On the other hand, 7-2-

115 cannot apply once 6-4-88 has applied. Hence 6-4-88 takes precedence as per the following

maxim – पूव�पर�नEयाeतर,गापवादानाम ्उ�रो�रं बल�य:।

= भू वुक् + अ 6-4-88, 1-1-46

= भूव ्+ अ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘वुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

Example continued below

475) 6-1-8 1लIट धातोरन]यास5य

व�ृ�ः 1लIट परेऽन] यासधाE ववयव5 यकैाचः Dथम5 य vे 5 त आIदभूतादचः पर5 य तु Ivतीय5 य । When 1लँL

follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the

verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel)

begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: There are three possibilities as follows:

(i) The धातु: has only one vowel – this is a straightforward case – the entire धातु: is duplicated.

For example, in the case of the धातु: ‘भू’ or ‘गम’् the term to be duplicated is the entire धातु: ‘भू’ or


(ii) The धातु: is अनेकाच ्(has more than one vowel) but does not begin with a vowel. In this case,

start from the beginning of the धातु: and go until the second vowel is encountered. That is the

part that will be reduplicated. For example, in the case of the धातु: ‘जाग’ृ, the term to be

duplicated is ‘जाग’्

(iii) The धातु: is अनेकाच ्(has more than one vowel) and does begin with a vowel. In this case,

exclude the beginning vowel and then apply (i) or (ii) above, as appropriate, to the remaining part.


For example, in the case of the धातु: ‘आIट’ (which is a causative root derived from √अL (अटँ

गतौ १. ३३२)), the term to be duplicated is ‘Iट’।

Example continued from above

भूव ्+ अ = भूव ्भूव ्+ अ 6-1-8

= भू भूव ्+ अ 7-4-60

= भु भूव ्+ अ 7-4-59

Example continued below

476) 7-4-73 भवतेरः

व�ृ�ः भवतेर] यासोकार5 य अः 5 याि� लIट । अकारः is substituted for the उकारः of the अ]यास:

(reduplicate) of the verbal root √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १) when 1लँL follows.

Example continued from above

भु भूव ्+ अ = भ भूव ्+ अ 7-4-73

= बभूव ्+ अ 8-4-54

= बभूव।

December 24th, 2011

477) 1-2-5 असंयोगाि�लL Vकत ्

व�ृ�ः असंयोगाEपरोऽ�पि�लL Vकत ्5यात।् A 1लँL affix which is not a �पत ्– does not have the letter ‘प’्

as a इत ्– is considered to be a Vकत ्(as having the letter ‘क्’ as a इत)्, as long as there is no

संयोग: (conjunct consonant) prior to the affix.

उदाहरणम ्– चWु: (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

कृ + 1लँL 3-2-115

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= कृ + उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

‘उस’् is a Vकत-्DEयय: as per 1-2-5. Hence 1-1-5 prevents 7-3-84 from applying.

Note: If 6-1-77 इको यण�च (which is a later rule in the अ�ाxयायी compared to 6-1-8) would apply

here (before 6-1-8 1लIट धातोरन]यास5य) there would be no अच ्left in the धात:ु and 6-1-8 would

become inapplicable.

Example continued below -


478) 1-1-59 Ivव�चनेऽ�च

व�ृ�ः IvEव�न1म�ेऽ�च अच आदेशो न IvEवे कत�bये। While reduplication is yet to be done, a

substitution shall not be made in the place of a vowel on the basis of a vowel that is the cause for


Note: This rule only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once

reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place.

Example continued from above -

कृ + उस ्= कृ कृ + उस ्6-1-8

Example continued below -

479) 7-4-66 उरत ्

व�ृ�ः अ]यासऋवण�5यात ्5यात ्DEयये परे। A ऋवण�: of the अ]यास: (reduplicate) takes the अकारादेश:

when a DEयय: follows.

Example continued from above -

कृ कृ + उस ्= कर ्कृ + उस ्7-4-66, 1-1-51

= चर ्कृ + उस ्7-4-62

= च कृ + उस ्7-4-60

= चWुस ्6-1-77

= चWु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

480) 7-4-70 अत आदेः

व�ृ�ः अ]यास5यादेरतो द�घ�: 5याल ्1लIट परतः। (अतो गुणे पर�पEव5यापवादः।) A beginning अकारः of

a अ]यास: (reduplicate) takes the द�घा�देश: (आकार:) when 1लँL follows.

Note: This सू�म ्is a अपवाद: (exception) for 6-1-97 अतो गुणे।

उदाहरणम ्– आतु: (अतँ सातEयगमने १. ३८, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, बहुवचनम)्।

अत ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= अत ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अत ्+ fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= अत ्+ उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= अत ्अत ्+ उस ्6-1-8

= आत ्अत ्+ उस ्7-4-70

= आ अत ्+ उस ्7-4-60


= आतुस ्6-1-101

= आतु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

481) 7-4-71 त5माeनु� Ivहलः

व�ृ�ः Ivहलो धातोद£घ¤भूतादकाराEपर5य नLु 5यात।् A नLु augment comes to a term that is preceded

by an elongated (by 7-4-70) अकार: of a verbal root which has two consonants.

(Note: The use of त5मात ्in this सू�म ्is similar to that in 6-1-103 त5माtछसो नः पु1ंस।)

उदाहरणम ्– आनचु�: (अच¢ पजूायाम ्१. २३२, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, बहुवचनम)्।

अच ्� + 1लँL 3-2-115

= अच ्� + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अच ्� + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= अच ्� + उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= अच ्� अच ्� + उस ्6-1-8

= आच ्� अच ्� + उस ्7-4-70

= आ अच ्� + उस ्7-4-60

= आ नुL अच ्� + उस ्7-4-71

= आ न ्अच ्� + उस ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in नLु is for pronunciation only (उtचारणाथ�:)।

= आनचु�: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

482) 7-1-34 आत औ णलः

व�ृ�ः आदeताsातोण�ल औकारादेशः 5यात।् The ‘णल’्-DEयय: is substituted by a औकार:, when it

follows a धातु: that ends in a आकार:।

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– दxमौ (xमा श�दाि;नसंयोगयोः १. १०७६, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम)्।

1सहंनादं �वन�ोtचःै श,ख ंदxमौ Dतापवान ् || 1-12||

xमा + 1लँL 3-2-115

= xमा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= xमा + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= xमा + णल ्3-4-82, 1-1-55

= xमा + औ 7-1-34

= xमा xमा + औ 6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 6-1-88.

= धा xमा + औ 7-4-60

= ध xमा + औ 7-4-59

= धxमौ 6-1-88

= दxमौ 8-4-54

483) 6-4-64 आतो लोप इIट च


व�ृ�ः अजा�ोराध�धातुकयोः ि9ङIदटोः परयोरातो लोपः। The ending letter ‘आ’ of an अ,गम ्is elided

when followed by a vowel-beginning affix that has the designation आध�धातकुम ्and has either:

(i) the augment ‘इL’ or

(ii) the letter ‘क्’ or ‘,’ as a इत।्

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– दxमु: (xमा श�दाि;नसंयोगयोः १. १०७६, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

सौभ�r महाबाहुः श,खान ्दxमु: पथृ9पथृक् || 1-18||

xमा + 1लँL 3-2-115

= xमा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= xमा + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. ‘fझ’ gets the आध�धातकु-स[\ा by 3-4-115.

= xमा + उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= xमा xमा + उस ्6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 6-4-64.

= धा xमा + उस ्7-4-60

= ध xमा + उस ्7-4-59

= ध xम ्+ उस ्6-4-64. Note: As per 1-2-5, ‘उस’् is a Vकत-्DEयय:। This allows 6-4-64 to apply.

= धxमु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

= दxमु: 8-4-54

484) 6-1-17 1लLय]यास5योभयेषाम ्

व�ृ�ः वtयाद�नां ��ाद�नां चा]यास5य सGDसारण ं1लIट। When a 1लँL affix follows, सGDसारणम ्

(ref. 1-1-45) is done in the अ]यास: (reduplicate) of the verbal roots (वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८ etc.)

referred to in 6-1-15 as well as in that of the verbal roots (�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१ etc.) referred to in 6-


गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– उवाच (वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम)्।

वच ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= वच ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वच ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वच ्+ णल ्3-4-82, 1-1-55

= वच ्+ अ 1-3-7, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वच ्वच ्+ अ 6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-2-116.

= व वच ्+ अ 7-4-60

= उ अ वच ्+ अ 6-1-17

= उ वच ्+ अ 6-1-108

= उवाच 7-2-116

485) सGDसारण ंतदा�0तं च काय� बलवत ्– पMरभाषा


A सGDसारणम ्(ref. 1-1-45) operation, as well as an operation (6-1-108) which is dependent on it,

possesses greater force (takes precedence over other operations which are simultaneously


उदाहरणम ्– �वbयाध (bयध ँताडने ४. ७८, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम)्।

bयध ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= bयध ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= bयध ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= bयध ्+ णल ्3-4-82, 1-1-55

= bयध ्+ अ 1-3-7, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= bयध ्bयध ्+ अ 6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-2-116.

= व ्इ अध ्bयध ्+ अ 6-1-17, 6-1-37. As per the पMरभाषा above, 6-1-17 (which is an earlier rule in

the अ�ाxयायी compared to 7-4-60) applies before 7-4-60. Note: If 7-4-60 had applied first, the

यकार: (in the अ]यास:) would have taken लोप: and we would have ended up with an undesirable


= �वध ्bयध ्+ अ 6-1-108

= �व bयध ्+ अ 7-4-60

= �वbयाध 7-2-116

January 14th, 2012

486) 3-4-81 1लट5तझयोरे1शरेच ्

व�ृ�ः 1लडादेशयो5तझयोर ्‘एश’् ‘इरेच’् एतौ 5तः। When they come in place of 1लँL, the affixes ‘त’ and

‘झ’ take the substitutions ‘एश’् and ‘इरेच’् respectively.

उदाहरणम ्– ववतेृ (वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम)्।

वतृ ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= वतृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वतृ ्+ एश ्3-4-81, 1-3-10, 1-1-55

= वतृ ्+ ए 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्वतृ ्+ ए 6-1-8

= वर ्त ्वतृ ्+ ए 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= व वतृ ्+ ए 7-4-60

Example continued below -


487) ऋदपुधे]यो 1लट: Vक¥व ंगुणाEपवू��वD�तषेधेन – वा���कम ्

When 1-2-5 असंयोगाि�लL Vकत ्and 7-3-86 पुगeतलघपूध5य च are simultaneously applicable in the

situation where a 1लँL affix follows a धातु: that has ऋकार: as the penultimate letter, 1-2-5 (even

though an earlier rule in the अ�ाxयायी) shall prevail over 7-3-86.

Note: This वा���कम ्is required only in the case where a ऋकार: is the उपधा (penultimate letter) of

a धातु:। In the cases where a इकार: or उकार: is the उपधा of a धातु:, no वा���कम ्is required

because in these cases 1-2-5 is a �नEय-काय�म ्(it applies regardless of 7-3-86) and hence

prevails as per the पMरभाषा – पूव�पर�नEयाeतर,गापवादानाम ्उ�रो�रं बल�य:।

Example continued from above -

व वतृ ्+ ए As per the वा���कम ्above, 1-2-5 applies first (before 7-3-86) and makes ‘ए’ a Vकत-्

DEयय:। Then 1-1-5stops 7-3-86. Note: If 7-3-86 (along with 1-1-51) would apply first, then we

would have a संयोग: preceding the ए-DEयय: and hence 1-2-5 could not be applied.

= ववतेृ।

Similarly वव�ृतरे (वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

Note: When 1लँL is used in कम�fण Dयोग:, we cannot apply 3-1-67 साव�धातकेु यक् because of 3-4-

115 1लL च। Recall that as per 1-3-13 भावकम�णोः, only आEमनेपदम ्can be used in the passive.

So for example द�शे (�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३, 1लँL, कम�fण Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम)्।

488) 7-2-10 एकाच उपदेशेऽनुदा�ात ्

व�ृ�: उपदेशे यो धातुरेकाजनदुा�� च तत आध�धातुक5 ये� न। A “इL”-आगम: is prohibited for a आध�धातुक-

DEयय: when it follows a धातु: which in the धात-ुपाठ: has only one vowel with a अनदुा�: accent.

The following couplet gives a list of those verbal roots which end in a vowel and are NOT


ऊददॄe तैर-्यौ�त-O-�ण-ुशी,-5न-ुनु---ुि¦-डी,-�01भ: ।

व,ृव[ृ] यां च �वनकैाचोऽजe तेषु �नहताः 5 मतृाः ।।

In the धात-ुपाठ:, all the verbal roots which have a single vowel and which end in a vowel are

अनदुा�ा:, EXCEPT the following:


(1) Those which end in a ऊकार:। For example, √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १), √लू (लूञ ्छेदने ९.

१६), √पू (पूञ ्पवने ९. १४) etc.

(2) Those which end in a ॠकार:। For example, √कॄ (कॄ �व-पेे ६. १४५), √पॄ (पालनपूरणयोः ९.

२२), √गॄ (गॄ �नगरणे ६. १४६) etc.

(3) √यु (यु 1म0णेऽ1म0णे च २. २७)

(4) √O (O श�दे २. २८, O, ग�तरेषणयोः १. १११४)

(5) √�णु (�ण ुतेजने २. ३२)

(6) √शी (शी, 5व{ने २. २६)

(7) √5नु (�ण ुD§वणे २. ३३)

(8) √नु (ण ु5तुतौ २. ३०)

(9) √-ु (टु-ु श�दे २. ३१)

(10) √ि¦ (Lवzि¦ ग�तवaृxयोः १. ११६५)

(11) √डी (डी, �वहायसा गतौ १. ११२३, डी, �वहायसा गतौ ४. ३०)

(12) √�0 (�0ञ ्सेवायाम ्१. १०४४)

(13) √व ृ(व,ृ सGभwौ ९. ४५)

(14) √व ृ(वञृ ्वरणे ५. ८, वञृ ्आवरणे १०. ३४५ (आधषृीय:))

In the धात-ुपाठ:, among the verbal roots which have a single vowel and which end in a consonant,

ONLY the following 103 are अनदुा�ा:। The list is organized in alphabetical order of the ending

consonant of the verbal root.

(1) काe तेषु श9 लेकः । (Note: श¨ + एक = श9लेक:।) √शक् (श¨ँ शwौ ५. १७).

(2) चाeतेषु पच-्मुच-्Mरच-्वच-्�वच-्1सच: षL । √पच ्(डुपचँष ्पाके १. ११५१), √मुच ्(मुच ॢँ मो-णे ६.

१६६), √Mरच ्(Mर�चँर ्�वरेचने ७. ४), √वच ्(वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८ as well as the substitute “वच”् which

comes in place of “©ू” by 2-4-53 ©ुवो व�चः), √�वच(्�व�चँर ्पथृ;भावे ७. ५) and √1सच ्(�षचँ -रणे ६.


(3) छाeतेषु Dtªयेक: । √Dt« (Dtछँ \ी{सायाम ्६. १४९).


(4) जाeतेषु Eयज-्�निजर-्भज-्भ[ज-्भुज-्35ज-्म5ज-्यज-्युज-्Oज-्र[ज-्�विजर-्5व[ज-्स[ज-्सजृ: प[चदश

। √Eयज ्(Eयजँ हानौ १. ११४१), √�नज ्(fणिजँर ्शौचपोषणयोः ३. १२), √भज ्(भजँ सेवायाम ्१.

११५३), √भ[ज ्(भ[जz आमद�ने ७. १६), √भुज ्(भुजz कौIट�ये ६. १५३, भुजँ पालना]यवहारयोः ७.

१७), √35ज ्(35जँ पाके ६. ४), √म5ज ्(टुम5जz शुsौ ६. १५१), √यज ्(यजँ देवपजूास,ग�तकरणदानेषु

१. ११५७), √युज ्(युजँ समाधौ ४. ७४, यिुजँर ्योगे ७. ७, युजँ संयमने १०. ३३८ (आधषृीय:)), √Oज ्(Oजz

भ,गे ६. १५२), √र[ज ्(र[जँ रागे १. ११५४, र[जँ रागे ४. ६३), √�वज ्(�विजँर ्पथृ;भावे ३.

१३), √5व[ज ्(�व[जँ पMर�व,गे १. ११३१), √स[ज ्(ष[जँ स,गे १. ११४२) and √सजृ ्(सजँृ �वसग? ४.

७५, सजँृ �वसग? ६. १५०).

(5) दाeतेष ुअa--ुa-fखa-�छa-तुa-नुa-प�-1भa-�व�-�वनa-�वea-शa-सa-ि5व�-5कea-हद: षोडश

। √अa (अदँ भ-णे २. १),√-ुa (-ुIदँर ्सGपेषणे ७. ६), √fखa (fखदँ दैeये ४. ६६, fखदँ पMरघाते ६.

१७२, fखदँ दैeये ७. १२), √�छa (�छIदँर ्vैधीकरणे ७. ३),√तुa (तुदँ bयथने ६. १), √नुa (णदँु Dेरणे ६. २,

णदँु Dेरणे ६. १६२), √पa (पदँ गतौ ४. ६५), √1भa (1भIदँर ्�वदारणे ७. २), √�वa (�वदँ स�ायाम ्४.

६७), √�वa (�वदँ �वचारणे ७. १३), √�वa (�वद ॢँ लाभे ६. १६८)*, √शa (शद ॢँ शातने १. ९९१, शद ॢँ शातने ६.

१६४), √सa (षद ॢँ �वशरणगEयवसादनेष ु१. ९९०, षद ॢँ �वशरणगEयवसादनेषु ६. १६३), √ि5वa (ि�वदाँ

गा�D-रणे | �ञि�वदाँ इEयेके ४. ८५), √5कea(5किeदँर ्ग�तशोषणयोः १. ११३४) and √हa (हदँ

पुर�षोEसग? १. ११३२).

Note: The का1शका does NOT include the धातु: √�वa (�वद ॢँ लाभे ६. १६८) in this list.

(6) धाeतेषु Wुध-्-ुध-्बुxय-बeध-्युध-्Oध-्राध-्bयध-्शुध-्साध-्1सxया एकादश । √Wुध ्(Wुध ँWोधे (कोपे) ४.

८६), √-ुध ्(-ुध ँबुभु-ायाम ्४. ८७), √बुध ्(बुध ँअवगमने ४. ६८), √बeध ्(बeध ँबeधने ९.

४४), √युध ्(युध ँसGDहारे ४. ६९), √Oध ्(O�धरँ ्आवरणे ७. १, अनो Oध ँकामे ४. ७०), √राध ्(राध ँ

सं1सsौ ५. १८, राध ँवsृौ ४. ७७), √bयध ्(bयध ँताडने ४. ७८), √शुध ्(शुध ँशौचे ४. ८८), √साध(्साध ँ

सं1सsौ ५. १९) and √1सध ्(�षधु ँसंराsौ ४. ८९).

(7) नाeतेष ुमeयहनौ vौ । √मन ्(मनँ \ाने ४. ७३) and √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २. २).

(8) पाeतेषु आप-्­-प-्छुप-्तप-्�तप-्त{ृय-�{य-1लप-्लुप-्वप-्शप-्5वप-्सपृ®योदश । √आप ्(आhँ bया�ौ ५.

१६, आhँ लGभने १०. ३७६ (आधषृीय:)), √­-प ्(­-पँ Dेरणे ४. १५, ­-पँ Dेरणे ६. ५), √छुप ्(छुपँ 5पश? ६.

१५४), √तप ्(तपँ सeतापे १. ११४०, तपँ ऐ¦ेय? ४. ५४, तपँ दाहे १०. ३५० (आधषृीय:)), √�तप ्(�तपृँ -रणे

१. ४२०), √तपृ ्(तपँृ Dीणने ४. ९२), √�प ्(�पँ हष�मोहनयोः ४. ९३), √1लप ्(1लपँ उपदेहे ६.


१६९), √लुप ्(लुhँ छेदने ६. १६७), √वप ्(डुवपँ बीजसeताने | छेदनेऽ�प १. ११५८), √शप ्(शपँ आWोशे १.

११५५, शपँ आWोशे ४. ६४), √5वप ्(�ञ�वपँ शये २. ६३) and √सपृ ्(सhँृ गतौ १. ११३८).

(9) भाeतेषु यभ-्रभ-्लभ®य: । √यभ ्(यभँ मैथुने (�वपर�तमैथुने)१. ११३५), √रभ ्(रभँ राभ5ये १. ११२९)

and √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०).

(10) माeतेषु गम-्नम-्यम-्रमrEवार: । √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७), √नम ्(णमँ D�Eवे श�दे च १.

११३६), √यम ्(यमँ उपरमे १. ११३९) and √रम ्(रमँु W�डायाम ्| रमँ इ�त माधवः १. ९८९).

(11) शाeतेषु Wुश-्दंश-्Iदश-्�श-्मशृ-्Mरश-्Oश-्1लश-्�वश-्5पशृो दश । √Wुश ्(Wुश ँआ�ाने रोदने च १.

९९२), √दंश ्(दंश ँदशने १. ११४४), √Iदश ्(Iदश ँअ�तसज�ने ६. ३), √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १.

११४३), √मशृ ्(मशृ ँआमश�ने ६. १६१), √Mरश ्(Mरश ँIहसंायाम ्६. १५६),√Oश ्(Oश ँIहसंायाम ्६.

१५५), √1लश ्(1लश ँअ�पीभावे ४. ७६, 1लश ँगतौ ६. १५७), √�वश ्(�वश ँDवेशने ६. १६०)

and √5पशृ ्(5पशृ ँसं5पश�ने ६. १५८).

(12) षाeतेषु कृष-्िEवष-्तुष-्Ivष-्दषु-्पु�य-�पष-्�वष-्1शष-्शुष-्िl�या एकादश । √कृष ्(कृष ँ�वलेखने १. ११४५,

कृष ँ�वलेखने ६. ६),√िEवष ्(िEवष ँद��ौ १. ११५६), √तुष ्(तुष ँDीतौ ४. ८१), √Ivष ्(Ivष ँअDीतौ २.

३), √दषु ्(दषु ँवैकृEये ४. ८२), √पुष ्(पुष ँपु�ौ ४. ७९),√�पष ्(�पष ॢ ँस[चूण�ने ७. १५), √�वष ्(�वष ॢ ँbया�ौ

३. १४, �वषु ँसेचने १. ७९४, �वष ँ�वDयोगे ९. ६२), √1शष ्(1शष ँIहसंायाम ्१. ७८३, 1शष ॢ ँ�वशेषणे ७. १४,

1शष ँअसव�पयोगे १०. ३४९ (आधषृीय:)), √शुष ्(शुष ँशोषणे ४. ८०) and √िlष ्(िlष ँआ1ल,गने ४. ८३).

(13) साeतेषु घस-्वसती vौ । √घस ्(घस ॢँ अदने १. ८१२) and √वस ्(वसँ �नवासे १. ११६०).

(14) हाeतेषु द�-Iद�-द�ु-न�-1म�-O�-1ल�-वहोऽ�ौ । √द� (दहँ भ5मीकरणे १. ११४६), √Iद� (Iदहँ उपचये

२. ५), √द�ु (दहँु Dपूरणे २. ४), √न� (णहँ बeधने ४. ६२), √1म� (1महँ सेचने १. ११४७), √O� (Oहँ

बीजजeम�न Dादभुा�वे च १. ९९५), √1ल� (1लहँ आ5वादने २. ६) and √व� (वहँ Dापणे १. ११५९).

अनदुा�ा हलeतेषु धातव¯य�धकं शतम ्(१०३)।

489) 7-2-13 कृसभृवृ5ृत�ु§ुु0वुो 1लIट

व�ृ�ः WाIद]य एव 1लट इ�न 5यादeय5माद�नटोऽ�प 5यात।् A 1लँL affix shall be prohibited from taking

the augment ‘इL’ (by 7-2-35) only when preceded by one of the following verbal roots: √कृ (डुकृञ ्

करणे ८. १०, कृञ ्Iहसंायाम ्५. ७),√स ृ(स ृगतौ १. १०८५), √भ ृ(भञृ ्भरणे १. १०४५, डुभञृ ्धारणपोषणयोः


३. ६), √व ृ(वञृ ्वरणे ५. ८, व,ृ सGभwौ ९. ४५), √5तु (�ुञ ्5ततुौ २. ३८), √� ु(� ुगतौ १.

१०९५), √§ु (§ु गतौ १. १०९०) and √0ु (0ु 0वणे १. १०९२).

उदाहरणम ्– बुब�ुधषे (बधु ँअवगमने ४. ६८, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम)्।

बुध ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= बुध ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= बुध ्+ थास ्3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105. As per 1-2-5, ‘थास’् becomes a


= बुध ्+ से 3-4-80

= बुध ्+ इसे 7-2-35, 7-2-13. Note: In the absence of 7-2-13, the ‘इ�’-आगम: would have been

blocked by 7-2-10.

= बुध ्बधु ्+ इसे 6-1-8

= बु बुध ्+ इसे 7-4-60. 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86.

= बुबु�धषे। 8-3-59

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– अनुशु0मु (0ु 0वणे १. १०९२, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, उ�म-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

नरके �नयत ंवासो भवतीEयनशुु0ुम || 1-44||

0ु + 1लँL 3-2-115

= 0ु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 0ु + मस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-107. As per 1-2-5, ‘मस’् becomes a Vकत-्DEयय:।

= 0ु + म 3-4-82. Note: 7-2-13 stops 7-2-35 and 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84.

= 0ु 0ु + म 6-1-8

= शु0ुम 7-4-60.

‘अन’ु is the उपसग�ः (ref. 1-4-59 उपसगा�ः VWयायोगे।)

अनु + शु0ुम = अनुशु0ुम ।

490) 7-4-61 शपू�वा�ः खयः

व�ृ�: अ]यास5य शपू�वा�ः खयः 1श�यeतेऽeये हलो लु{यeते। If a अ]यास: begins with a शर-्खय ्conjunct

(a conjunct whose first letter belongs to the शर-्DEयाहार: and second letter belongs to the खय-्

DEयाहार:) then the खय ्letter is retained and all other consonants of the अ]यास: take लोप:। Note:

This सू�म ्is a अपवाद: (exception) to the prior सू�म ्7-4-60.

उदाहरणम ्– त5थौ (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम)्।

�ा + 1लँL 3-2-115

= 5था + 1लँL 6-1-64, पMरभाषा ‘�न1म�ापाये न1ैम��क5या{यपाय:’

= 5था + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9


= 5था + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= 5था + णल ्3-4-82, 1-1-55

= 5था + औ 7-1-34

= 5था 5था + औ 6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 6-1-88.

= था 5था + औ 7-4-61

= थ 5था + औ 7-4-59

= थ 5थौ 6-1-88

= त5थौ 8-4-54

491) 6-4-120 अत एकह�मxयेऽनादेशादे1ल�Iट

व�ृ�ः 1लि�न1म�ादेशाIदकं न भव�त यद,गं तदवयव5यासंयुwह�मxय5थ5यात एEवम]यासलोपr Vक�त

1लIट। The अकार: of a अ,गम ्takes एकार: as the substitute and simultaneously there is लोप:

(elision) of the अ]यास:, when all the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) the अकार: is preceded and followed by a single (non-conjunct) consonant

(ii) the अ,गम ्is followed by a 1लँL affix which is Vकत ्

(iii) in place of the first letter of the अ,गम ्there is no आदेश: (substitution) that is based on the

1लँL affix.

उदाहरणम ्– पेतु: (पत ॢँ गतौ १. ९७९, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

पत ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= पत ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पत ्+ fझ 3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105

= पत ्+ उस ्3-4-82. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= पत ्पत ्+ उस ्6-1-8

= प पत ्+ उस ्7-4-60

= पेत ्+ उस ्6-4-120. Note: As per 1-2-5 ‘उस’् is Vकत ्here. This allows 6-4-120 to apply.

= पेतु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

January 28th, 2012

492) 6-4-126 न शसददवाIदगुणानाम ्

व�ृ�ः शसेद�देव�काराद�नां गुणश�देन �वIहतो योऽकार5त5य ए¥वा]यासलोपौ न। A अकार: which is

prescribed using the term ‘गुण’ and the अकार: of the verbal roots √शस ्(शसँु Iहसंायाम ्१.

८२८), √दa (ददँ दाने १. १७) as well as that of a verbal root beginning with a वकार: shall not be

subject to the operations (एEवम,् अ]यासलोप:) prescribed by 6-4-120.

उदाहरणम ्– ववमु: (टुवमँ उI°रणे १. ९८४, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।


493) 7-4-11 ऋtछEयॄताम ्

Note: ऋtछEयॄताम ्= ‘ऋtछ�त + ऋ + ॠताम’् इ�तtछेद:।

व�ृ�ः तौदाIदक-ऋtछेर ्ऋधातोर ्ॠतां च गुणो 1लIट। When a 1लँL affix follows, there is a गुण:

substitution in place (of the इक् letter – ref 1-1-3) of the verbal roots √ऋt« (ऋtछँ

गतीिe�यDलयमू�त �भावेषु ६. १६), √ऋ (ऋ ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६, ऋ गतौ ३. १७) and any verbal root

that ends in a ॠकार:।

उदाहरणम ्– आO: (ऋ ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

ऋ + 1लँL 3-2-115

= ऋ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ऋ + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= ऋ + उस ्3-4-82

= ऋ ऋ + उस ्6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-4-11.

= अर ्ऋ + उस ्7-4-66, 1-1-51

= अ ऋ + उस ्7-4-60

= आ ऋ + उस ्7-4-70

= आ अर ्+ उस ्7-4-11, 1-1-51. Note: ‘उस’् is a Vकत ्by 1-2-5. Hence in the absence of 7-4-11,

गुण: would not have been possible (by 7-3-84) because 1-1-5 would have blocked it.

= आO: 6-1-101, 8-2-66, 8-3-15

494) 6-4-122 तॄफलभज�पr

व�ृ�ः एषामत ए¥वम]यासलोपr 5यात ्Vक�त 1लIट सेIट थ1ल च। The अकार: of the four verbal

roots √तॄ (तॄ {लवनतरणयोः १. ११२४), √फल ्(�ञफलाँ �वशरणे १. ५९४, फलँ �न�प�ौ १.

६०८), √भज ्(भजँ सेवायाम ्१. ११५३) and √�प ्(�पूँष ्ल�जायाम)् takes एकार: as the substitute and

simultaneously there is लोप: (elision) of the अ]यास:, when the DEयय: following is either a -

(i) 1लँL affix which is Vकत,् or

(ii) ‘थल’् (मxयम-पOुष-एकवचनम)् affix which has a ‘इL’-आगम:।

उदाहरणम ्– तेO: (तॄ {लवनतरणयोः १. ११२४, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, बहुवचनम)्।

तॄ + 1लँL 3-2-115

= तॄ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= तॄ + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= तॄ + उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= तॄ तॄ + उस ्6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-4-11.

= तर ्तॄ + उस ्7-4-66, 1-1-51


= त तॄ + उस ्7-4-60

= त तर ्+ उस ्7-4-11, 1-1-51. Note: 6-4-120 cannot apply here because of the prohibition done

by 6-4-126.

= तेर ्+ उस ्6-4-122. Note: As per 1-2-5 ‘उस’् is Vकत ्here. This allows 6-4-122 to apply.

= तेO: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

495) 6-4-124 वा जॄ3मु�साम ्

व�ृ�ः एषा ंVक�त 1लIट सेIट थ1ल चात एEवम]यासलोपr वा 5याताम।् Optionally, the अकार: of the

three verbal roots √जॄ(जॄ वयोहानौ ९. २७, जॄष ्वयोहानौ ४. २५), √3म ्(3मँु चलने १. ९८५, 3मँु

अनव5थाने ४. १०२) and √�स ्(�सी= उvेगे ४. ११) takes एकार: as the substitute and simultaneously

there is लोप: (elision) of the अ]यास:, when the DEयय: following is either a -

(i) 1लँL affix which is Vकत,् or

(ii) ‘थल’् (मxयम-पOुष-एकवचनम)् affix which has a ‘इL’-आगम:।

उदाहरणम ्– �सुेः/त�सुः (�सी= उvेगे ४. ११, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

496) 6-4-78 अ]यास5यासवण?

व�ृ�ः अ]यास5य इवण�वण�योMरयङुवङौ 5तोऽसवण?ऽ�च। ‘इयँ,’ and ‘उव,ँ’ are substituted respectively in

place of a इवण�: (इकार:/ईकार:) and उवण�: (उकार:/ऊकार:) belonging to a अ]यास:, when followed by

a vowel which is not सवण�:।

Note: The resulting meaning is that if the इवण�: (इकार:/ईकार:) belonging to a अ]यास: is followed

by any vowel other than a इवण�: (इकार:/ईकार:) it gets substituted by ‘इयँ,’। Similarly, if the उवण�:

(उकार:/ऊकार:) belonging to a अ]यास: is followed by any vowel other than a उवण�: (उकार:/ऊकार:)

it gets substituted by ‘उव,ँ’।

उदाहरणम ्– इयाय (इण ्गतौ २. ४०, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम)्।

इ + 1लँL 3-2-115

= इ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= इ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= इ + णल ्3-4-82, 1-1-55

= इ + अ 1-3-7, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= इ इ + अ 6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-2-115.

= इ ऐ + अ 7-2-115

= इयँ, ऐ + अ 6-4-78. Note: 6-4-77 would not have worked here, because it only applies in the

case of a इवण�:/उवण�: that is at the end of a अ,गम ्followed by a अच ्(vowel) of a DEयय:। Here

the इकार: is not at the end of the अ,गम ्and the ऐकार: is not part of the DEयय:।


= इय ्ऐ + अ 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= इयाय 6-1-78

497) 7-4-69 द�घ� इणः Vक�त

व�ृ�ः इणोऽ]यास5य द�घ�: 5यात ्Vक�त 1लIट। When followed by a 1लँL-DEयय: which is Vकत ्(has

ककार: as a इत)्, there is an elongation of the vowel in the अ]यास: of the verbal root √इ (इण ्गतौ

२. ४०)।

उदाहरणम ्– ईयतु: (इण ्गतौ २. ४०, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, Ivवचनम)्।

इ + 1लँL 3-2-115

= इ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= इ + तस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= इ + अतुस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. Note: 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘अतसु’् from getting the इत-्


= इ इ + अतुस ्6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 6-4-81.

= इ य ्+ अतुस ्6-4-81. Note: As per 1-2-5, ‘अतसु’् is a Vकत।् This allows 1-1-5 to block 7-3-84.

= ई य ्+ अतुस ्7-4-69

= ईयतु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

498) 7-4-10 ऋतr संयोगादेगु�णः

व�ृ�ः ऋदeत5य संयोगादेर,ग5य गुणो 1लIट। A अ,गम ्which beings with a संयोग: (conjunct

consonant) and ends in a ऋकार: takes गुण: when followed by a 1लँL affix. (As per 1-1-52, the

ending ऋकार: of the अ,गम ्takes गुण:।)

उदाहरणम ्– स5मO: (5म ृ�चeतायाम ्१. १०८२, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम)्।

5म ृ+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= 5म ृ+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5म ृ+ fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= 5म ृ+ उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= 5म ृ5म ृ+ उस ्6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-4-10.

= 5मर ्5म ृ+ उस ्7-4-66, 1-1-51

= स 5म ृ+ उस ्7-4-60

= स 5मर ्+ उस ्7-4-10, 1-1-51. Note: ‘उस’् is a Vकत ्by 1-2-5. Hence in the absence of 7-4-10,

गुण: would not have been possible (by 7-3-84) because 1-1-5 would have blocked it.

= स5मO: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

499) 7-1-91 णलु�मो वा

व�ृ�ः उ�मो णल ्वा fणE5यात।् When used for उ�म-पOुष: (एकवचनम)्, the ‘णल’्-DEयय is only

optionally fणत।्


उदाहरणम ्– जगाद/जगद (गदँ bयwायां वा�च १. ५४, 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, उ�म-पुOषः, एकवचनम)्।

500) 3-1-35 का5DEययादाममe� े1लIट

वा���कम ्– का5यनेकाच आम ्वwbयो 1लIट। When 1लँL follows, the affix आम ्is prescribed after the

धातु: √कास ्(कासृँ श�दकुEसायाम ्१. ७१०) as also after any धातु: that is अनेकाच ्(has more than

one vowel.)

Note: आमो मकार5य ने¥वम।् आ5कासोरािGवधाना�\ापकात।् The ending मकार: of ‘आम’् does not get

the इत-्स[\ा (by 1-3-3). We know this by the fact that आम ्has been prescribed after the verbal

roots √कास ्(by 3-1-35) and√आस ्(by 3-1-37). (If the मकार: were to be a इत,् then as per 1-1-

47, आम ्would join after the last vowel (आकार:) of √कास/्√आस ्and adding आम ्

to √कास/्√आस ्would be futile because we would get back the same form √कास/्√आस।्)

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– दश�यामास derived from √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३). �वव-ा is 1लँL, कत�Mर

Dयोगः (हेतुम�त), Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

दश�यामास पाथा�य परमं �पमै¦रम ् || 11-9||

�श ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= �श ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= दश ्� + इ 7-3-86, 1-1-51

= द1श� । ‘द1श�’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

द1श� + 1लँL 3-2-115

= द1श� + आम ्+ 1लँL 3-1-35

Example continued under 6-4-55.

501) 6-4-55 अयामeता�वा�येि±व�णषु ु

व�ृ�ः आम ्अeत आलु आ�य इ²ु इ�ण ुएषु णेरयादेशः 5यात ्। The affix ‘fण’ is substituted by ‘अय’्

when followed by any one of the following affixes – ‘आम’्, ‘अeत’, ‘आलु’, ‘आ�य’, ‘इ²ु’ or ‘इ�ण’ु।

Example continued from 3-1-35

द1श� + आम ्+ 1लँL

= दश�य ्+ आम ्+ 1लँL 6-4-55. Note: In the absence of 6-4-55, 6-4-51 would have applied giving

an undesired form.

Example continued under 2-4-81

502) 2-4-81 आमः

व�ृ�ः आमः पर5य लुक्। An affix which follows the affix ‘आम’् takes the लुक् elision.


Example continued from 6-4-55

दश�य ्+ आम ्+ 1लँL Note: 1लँL has the कृत-्स[\ा by 3-1-93

= दश�याम ्2-4-81. Now ‘दश�याम’् gets the Dा�तपIदक-स[\ा by 1-2-46 with the help of 1-1-62

= दश�याम ्+ सँु 4-1-2

= दश�याम ्2-4-81

Example continued under 3-1-40

502) 3-1-40 कृञ ्चानुDयु�यते 1लIट

व�ृ�ः आमeताि�लLपराः कृ]व5तयोऽनुDयु�यeते। Following a term ending in the affix ‘आम’्, one of the

following is annexed:

i. √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०) followed by 1लँL

ii. √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १) followed by 1लँL or

iii. √अस ्(असँ भु�व २. ६०) followed by 1लँL

Note: In this सू�म,् ‘कृञ’् is a DEयाहार: formed starting from ‘कृ’ in 5-4-50 and ending with ‘ञ’् in 5-4-


Example continued from 2-4-81

दश�याम ्

= दश�याम ्+ अस ्+ 1लँL 3-1-40

= दश�याम ्+ अस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= दश�याम ्+ अस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= दश�याम ्+ अस ्+ णल ्3-4-82, 1-1-55

= दश�याम ्+ अस ्+ अ 1-3-7, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= दश�याम ्+ अस ्अस ्+ अ 6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 7-2-116.

= दश�याम ्+ आस ्अस ्+ अ 7-4-70

= दश�याम ्+ आ अस ्+ अ 7-4-60

= दश�याम ्+ आ आस ्+ अ 7-2-116

= दश�यामास। 6-1-101

February 11th, 2012

503) 3-1-36 इजादेr गुOमतोऽनtृछः

व�ृ�: इजाIदय� धातुगु�OमानtृछEयeय5तत आम ्5याि�लIट। When 1लँL follows, the affix आम ्is

prescribed after a धातु: – other than √ऋt« (ऋछँ गतीिe�यDलयमू�त �भावेषु ६. १६) – that begins

with a इच ्letter that has the गुO-स[\ा।

उदाहरणम ्– एधाचंWे/एधा[चWे derived from √एध ्(एध ँवsृौ १. २). �वव-ा is 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्


एध ्+ 1लँL 3-2-115

= एध ्+ आम ्+ 1लँL 3-1-36. Note: 1लँL has the कृत-्स[\ा by 3-1-93

= एधाम ्2-4-81. Now ‘एधाम’् gets the Dा�तपIदक-स[\ा by 1-2-46 with the help of 1-1-62

= एधाम ्+ सँु 4-1-2

= एधाम ्2-4-81

= एधाम ्+ कृ + 1लँL 3-1-40

Example continued under 1-3-63

504) 1-3-63 आGDEययवत ्कृञोऽनुDयोग5य

व�ृ�: आGDकृEया त�ुयमनDुयु�यमानात ्कृञोऽ{याEमनेपदम।् The verbal root √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०)

when subjoined as an auxiliary (अनुDयु�यमान:) takes a आEमनेपद-DEयय: in the same manner as

the धातु: to which आम ्is added.

Note: This implies that if the धातु: to which आम ्is added is आEमनेपद�/पर5मैपद�/उभयपद� then the

auxiliary √कृ is correspondingly आEमनेपद�/पर5मैपद�/उभयपद�।

Example continued from 3-1-36

एधाम ्+ कृ + 1लँL

= एधाम ्+ कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= एधाम ्+ कृ + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108 Note: Since √एध ्(एध ँवsृौ

१. २) is आEमनेपद�, the auxiliary √कृ takes a आEमनेपद-DEयय: as per 1-3-63.

= एधाम ्चWे

= एधां चWे 8-3-23

= एधांचWे/एधा[चWे। 8-4-59

505) 2-4-40 1लLयeयतर5याम ्

व�ृ�: अदो ‘घस ॢ’ वा 5याि�लIट। The verbal root √अa (अदँ भ-णे २. १) is optionally replaced by

‘घस ॢँ’ when 1लL follows.

उदाहरणम ्– ज-ु: derived from √अa (अद भ-णे २. १). �वव-ा is 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


अa + 1लँL 3-2-115

= घस ॢँ + 1लँL 2-4-40

= घस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= घस ्+ fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= घस ्+ उस ्3-4-82, 1-1-55. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘उस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= घस ्घस ्+ उस ्6-1-8. Note: As per 1-1-59, we apply 6-1-8 before applying 6-4-98.

= घ घस ्+ उस ्7-4-60


= झ घस ्+ उस ्7-4-62

= झ घ ्स ्+ उस ्6-4-98. Note: As per 1-2-5, ‘उस’् is a Vकत-्DEयय: here. This allows 6-4-98 to


Example continued under 8-3-60

506) 8-3-60 शा1सव1सघसीनां च

व�ृ�: इ�कु]यां पर5यषैां स5य षः 5यात।् A सकार: belonging to the verbal root √शास ्(शासँु अन1ुश�ौ

२. ७०) or √वस ्(वसँ �नवासे १. ११६०) or √घस ्(घस ॢ ँअदने १. ८१२ as well as the substitute ‘घस ॢ’ँ

which comes in place of अदँ भ-णे २. १) is substituted by a षकार: when preceded by either a

letter of the ‘इण’्-DEयाहार: or a letter of the क-वग�:।

Example continued from 2-4-40

झ घ ्स ्+ उस ्

= झ घ ्सु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

= झ घ ्षु: 8-3-60

= ज घ ्षु: 8-4-54

= ज क् षु: 8-4-55

= ज-ु:।

The substitution of ‘घस ॢ’ँ by 2-4-40 is optional. In the case where the substitution does not take

place, the form would be आद:ु।

507) 2-4-52 अ5तेभू�ः

व�ृ�: आध�धातकेु । When the intention is to add a आध�धातकु-DEयय:, √अस ्(असँ भु�व २. ६०) is

replaced by ‘भू’।

उदाहरणम ्– बभूव derived from √अस ्(असँ भु�व २. ६०). �वव-ा is 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,

एकवचनम।् We know that as per 3-4-115 the 1लँL affixes get the आध�धातकु-स[\ा।

Hence √अस ्(असँ भु�व २. ६०) is replaced by ‘भू’ and the resulting form is बभूव।

508) 2-4-53 ©ुवो व�चः

व�ृ�: आध�धातकेु । When the intention is to add a आध�धातकु-DEयय:, √©ू (©ूञ ्bयwाया ंवा�च २. ३९) is

replaced by ‘वच’्।

उदाहरणम ्– उवाच derived from √©ू (©ूञ ्bयwायां वा�च २. ३९). �वव-ा is 1लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।् We know that as per 3-4-115 the 1लँL affixes get the आध�धातुक-स[\ा।

Hence √©ू (©ूञ ्bयwायां वा�च २. ३९) is replaced by ‘वच’् and the resulting form is उवाच।

509) 3-3-15 अन�तने लुL

व�ृ�: भ�व�यEयन�तनेऽथ? धातोलु�L 5यात ्। The affix लँुL is prescribed after a धातुः when used in the

sense of future not of today.


उदाहरणम ्– भ�वता derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लँुL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


भू + लँुL 3-3-15

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= भू + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Example continued under 3-1-33.

510) 3-1-33 5यतासी ललुृटोः

व�ृ�: धातोः ‘5य’ ‘ता1स’ एतौ DEययौ 5तो ललुृटोः परतः । The affixes ‘5य’ and ‘ता1सँ’ are prescribed

after a धातःु when followed by ‘लृँ ’ (लृँL or लृँ,) or लँुL respectively.

Note: This rule is a अपवाद: for 3-1-68 etc.

Example continued from 3-3-15

भू + �त

= भू + ता1सँ + �त 3-1-33

= भू + तास ्+ �त 1-3-2, 1-3-9

= भू + इL तास ्+ �त 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= भू + इतास ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भो + इतास ्+ �त 7-3-84

= भ�वतास ्+ �त 6-1-78

Example continued under 2-4-85.

511) 2-4-85 लुटः Dथम5य डारौरसः

व�ृ�: ‘डा’ ‘रौ’ ‘रस’् एते WमाE5यःु । When they come in place of लँुL, the third person affixes (‘�तप/्त’,

‘तस/्आताम’्, ‘fझ/झ’) are replaced respectively by ‘डा’, ‘रौ’ and ‘रस’्।

Example continued from 3-1-33

भ�वतास ्+ �त

= भ�वतास ्+ डा 2-4-85

= भ�वतास ्+ आ 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= भ�वत ्+ आ 6-4-143. Note: The अ,गम ्does not have the भ-स[\ा here. But still Iट-लोप: is

done because otherwise no purpose would be served by having डकार: as a इत ्in ‘डा’।

SडEवसाम³या�दभ5या�प टेल�पः।

= भ�वता ।

512) 7-4-51 Mर च

व�ृ�: तासेर5तेr स5य लोप55यात ्रादौ DEयये परे । When followed by an affix beginning with a रेफ:,

there is a लोप: elision of the सकार: of the ‘तास’्-DEयय: and of √अस ्(असँ भु�व २. ६०)।


उदाहरणम ्– भ�वतारौ derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लँुL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


भू + लँुL 3-3-15

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + तस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= भू + ता1सँ + तस ्3-1-33

= भू + तास ्+ तस ्1-3-2, 1-3-9

= भू + इL तास ्+ तस ्7-2-35, 1-1-46

= भू + इतास ्+ तस ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भो + इतास ्+ तस ्7-3-84

= भ�वतास ्+ तस ्6-1-78

= भ�वतास ्+ रौ 2-4-85

= भ�वतारौ 7-4-51

Similarly, the form in बहुवचनम ्is भ�वतार:।

513) 8-2-25 �ध च

व�ृ�: धादौ DEयये परे स5य लोपः । When followed by an affix beginning with a धकार:, there is a

लोप: elision of the सकार:।

उदाहरणम ्– ल�धाxवे derived from √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०). �वव-ा is लँुL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

मxयम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम।्

लभ ्+ लँुL 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-5, 1-3-9, 3-3-15

= लभ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= लभ ्+ xवम ्3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105

= लभ ्+ xवे 3-4-79

= लभ ्+ ता1सँ + xवे 3-1-33. Note: 7-2-10 prevents 7-2-35 from applying.

= लभ ्+ तास ्+ xवे 1-3-2, 1-3-9

= लभ ्+ ता + xवे 8-2-25

= लभ ्+ धा + xवे 8-2-40

= ल�धाxवे 8-4-53

514) 7-4-52 ह ए�त

व�ृ�: तास5Eयोः स5य ह: 5यादे�त परे । When followed by a एकार:, the सकार: of the ‘तास’्-DEयय:

and of √अस ्(असँ भु�व २. ६०) is substituted by a हकार:।


उदाहरणम ्– ल�धाहे derived from √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०). �वव-ा is लँुL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, उ�म-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

लभ ्+ लँुL 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-5, 1-3-9, 3-3-15

= लभ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= लभ ्+ इL 3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-107

= लभ ्+ ए 1-3-3, 1-3-9, 3-4-79

= लभ ्+ ता1सँ + ए 3-1-33. Note: 7-2-10 prevents 7-2-35 from applying.

= लभ ्+ तास ्+ ए 1-3-2, 1-3-9

= लभ ्+ ता� + ए 7-4-52

= लभ ्+ धा� + ए 8-2-40

= ल�धाहे 8-4-53

February 25th, 2012

515) 3-3-13 लLृ शेषे च

व�ृ�: भ�व�यदथा�sातोलृ�L VWयाथा�या ंVWयायां सEयामसEयां वा । With or without the presence of a

VWयाथा� VWया (an action meant or intended for another action), the affix लृँL is prescribed after a

धातःु when used in the sense of future.

Note: An example of a VWयाथा� VWया being present is as follows – ‘भो�या1म’ इ�त गtछ�त – he

goes with the intention that ‘I shall eat.’ Here the गमन-VWया (act of going) is a VWयाथा� VWया

because it is intended for the (later) भोजन-VWया (act of eating.)

A VWयाथा� VWया is not necessary for using लृँL। So in the absence of the VWयाथा� VWया, the

sentence would simply be भो�या1म – I shall eat.

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– भ�व�य�त derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

इदम5तीदम�प मे भ�व�य�त पुनध�नम ् || 16-13||

भू + लृँL 3-3-13

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= भू + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + 5य + �त 3-1-33

= भू + इL 5य + �त 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= भू + इ5य + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भो + इ5य + �त 7-3-84


= भ�व5य�त 6-1-78

= भ�व�य�त 8-3-59

516) 3-1-31 आयादय आध�धातकेु वा

व�ृ�: आध�धातकु�वव-ायामायादयो वा 5यःु । When the intention is to add a आध�धातुक-DEयय:, the

affixes ‘आय’ etc. (prescribed by the prior three rules – 3-1-28 गुपूधूप�विtछपfणप�न]य आयः, 3-1-

29 ऋतेर�य, and 3-1-30 कमेfण�,) are added to the धातु: only optionally.

उदाहरणम ्– गोपा�य�य�त/गो�प�य�त/गो{5य�त derived from √गुप ्(गुपूँ र-णे १. ४६१). �वव-ा is लृँL,

कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

3-1-31 applies here because the intention is to add the affix ‘5य’ which has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा

by 3-4-114.

Let us first consider the case where the affix ‘आय’ is added.

गुप ्+ आय 3-1-28, 3-1-31

= गोपाय 3-4-114, 7-3-86

‘गोपाय’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32.

गोपाय + लृँL 3-3-13

= गोपाय + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गोपाय + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= गोपाय + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गोपाय + 5य + �त 3-1-33

= गोपाय + इL 5य + �त 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= गोपाय + इ5य + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गोपाय ्+ इ5य + �त 6-4-48

= गोपा�य�य�त 8-3-59

Similarly in the �वव-ा of लँुL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् we can derive the form गोपा�यता।

Now let us consider the case where the affix ‘आय’ is optionally not added.

गुप ्+ लृँL 3-3-13

= गुप ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गुप ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= गुप ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गुप ्+ 5य + �त 3-1-33

Example continued under 7-2-44.

517) 7-2-44 5वर�तसू�तसूय�तधूञूIदतो वा


व�ृ�: 5वरEयादे�Iदतr पर5य वलादेराध�धातकु5ये� वा 5यात ्। An आध�धातकु-DEयय: beginning with a

letter of the वल-्DEयाहारः optionally gets the augment इL when following a verbal root that is

ऊIदत ्(has ऊकार: as a इत)् or the verbal root √5व ृ(5व ृश�दोपतापयोः १. १०८१) or √सू (ष,ू

Dाfणगभ��वमोचने २. २५) or √सू (षू, DाfणDसवे ४. २७) or √धू (धूञ ्कGपने ५. १०, ९. २०).

Example continued from 3-1-31.

गुप ्+ 5य + �त

= गुप ्+ 5य + �त or गुप ्+ इ5य + �त 7-2-44, 1-1-46, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गोप ्+ 5य + �त or गोप ्+ इ5य + �त 7-3-86

= गो{5य�त or गो�प�य�त 8-3-59

So there a total of three alternate forms गोपा�य�य�त or गो{5य�त or गो�प�य�त।

Similarly in the �वव-ा of लँुL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् there a total of three alternate

forms गोपा�यता or गो�ा or गो�पता।

518) 7-2-70 ऋsनोः 5ये

व�ृ�: ऋतो हeतेr 5य5येL । The affix ‘5य’ (prescribed by 3-1-33 5यतासी ललुृटोः) gets the augment

इL when following a verbal root that ends in a ऋकार: or the verbal root √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २.


गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– कMर�य�त derived from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

Dकृ�त ंयािeत भूता�न �न�हः Vकं कMर�य�त || 3-33||

कृ + लृँL 3-3-13

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= कृ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + 5य + �त 3-1-33

= कृ + इL 5य + �त 7-2-70, 1-1-46. Note: In the absence of 7-2-70, 7-2-10 would have

blocked 7-2-35.

= कृ + इ5य + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कर ्+ इ5य + �त 7-3-84, 1-1-51

= कMर�य�त 8-3-59

Similarly – ह�न�य�त derived from √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २. २). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

519) 7-2-58 गमेMरL पर5मैपदेष ु


व�ृ�: गमेः पर5य सादेराध�धातुक5येL 5यात ्पर5मैपदेषु । When not followed by a आEमनेपदम ्affix, a

आध�धातकुम ्affix which begins with the letter ‘स’् gets the augment इL when following the verbal

root √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७).

उदाहरणम ्– ग1म�य�त derived from √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

520) 7-1-60 मि5जनशोझ�1ल

व�ृ�: नुम ्5यात ्। When followed by a DEयय: which begins with a झल ्letter, the verbal

root √म5ज ्(टुम5जz शुsौ ६. १५१) as well as √नश ्(णश ँअदश�ने ४. ९१) gets the augment नुँम।्

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– न,�य1स derived from √नश ्(णश ँअदश�ने ४. ९१). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

अथ चे¥वमहंकाराeन 0ो�य1स �वन,�य1स || 18-58||

नश ्+ लृँL 6-1-65, 3-3-13

= नश ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= नश ्+ 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105

= नश ्+ 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= नश ्+ 5य + 1स 3-1-33

Example continued under 7-2-45.

521) 7-2-45 रधाIद]यr

व�ृ�: रध ्नश ्तपृ ्�प ्��ु मु� �ण�ु ि�ण� ए]यो वला�ाध�धातुक5य वेL 5यात ्। A आध�धातकुम ्affix

beginning with a letter of the वल-्DEयाहारः optionally gets the augment इL when following the

verbal root √रध ्(रध ँIहसंासंराaxयोः ४. ९०) or√नश ्(णश ँअदश�ने ४. ९१) or √तपृ ्(तपँृ Dीणने ४.

९२) or √�प ्(�पँ हष�मोहनयोः ४. ९३) or √��ु (�हँु िजघासंायाम ्४. ९४) or √मु�(मुहँ वै�च¥ये ४. ९५)

or √5नु� (�णहँु उI°रणे ४. ९६) or √ि5न� (ि�णहँ Dीतौ ४. ९७).

Example continued from 7-1-60.

नश ्+ 5य + 1स As per 7-2-45, the affix ‘5य’ optionally gets the augment इL। Let us first

consider the case where the augment इL is not applied.

= न नुँम ्श ्+ 5य + 1स 7-1-60, 1-1-47

= न न ्श ्+ 5य + 1स 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= न न ्ष ्+ 5य + 1स 8-2-36

= न न ्क् + 5य + 1स 8-2-41

= नं क् + 5य + 1स 8-3-24

= नं क् + �य + 1स 8-3-59

= न,�य1स 8-4-58


In the case where the augment इL is applied the steps are as follows:

नश ्+ 5य + 1स

= नश ्+ इL 5य + 1स 7-2-45

= नश ्+ इ5य + 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= न1श�य1स 8-3-59

Hence there are two alternate forms न,�य1स and न1श�य1स।

522) 1-3-92 वaृ]यः 5यसनोः

व�ृ�: वतृाIद]यः प[च]यो वा पर5मैपदं 5याE5ये स�न च । In the context of the affix ‘5य’ or ‘सन’्,

पर5मैपदम ्is optionally prescribed after the five verbal roots √वतृ ्(वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२), √वधृ ्(वधृु ँ

वsृौ १. ८६३), √शधृ ्(शधृु ँश�दकुEसायाम ्१. ८६४),√5यea (5यeदूँ D§वणे १. ८६५) and √कृप ्(कृपूँ

साम³य? १. ८६६).

उदाहरणम ्– वE5य��त/व�त ��यते derived from √वतृ ्(वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वतृ ्+ लृँL 3-3-13

= वतृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Now as per 1-3-92, पर5मैपदम ्is prescribed optionally. Let us first

consider the case where पर5मैपदम ्is used.

= वतृ ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वतृ ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ 5य + �त 3-1-33

Example continued under 7-2-59.

523) 7-2-59न वaृ]यrत]ुय�ः

व�ृ�: वतृुवधृुशधृ5ुयeद]ूयः सकारादेराध�धातुक5येण ्न 5यात ्तङानयोरभावे । When the context is neither

of a ‘त,’ affix nor of the affix ‘आन’, a आध�धातुक-DEयय: which begins with a सकार: does not get

the augment इL when following the verbal root √वतृ ्(वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२) or √वधृ ्(वधृु ँवsृौ १.

८६३) or √शधृ ्(शधृु ँश�दकुEसायाम ्१. ८६४) or √5यea (5यeदूँ D§वणे १. ८६५).

Example continued from 1-3-92

वतृ ्+ 5य + �त 7-2-59 stops 7-2-35

= वE5य��त 7-3-86, 1-1-51

In the case where आEमनेपदम ्is used the steps are as follows:

वतृ ्+ लृँL 3-3-13

= वतृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-3-92, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108


= वतृ ्+ ते 3-4-79

= वतृ ्+ 5य + ते 3-1-33.

= वतृ ्+ इL 5य + ते 7-2-35, 1-1-46. Note: 7-2-59 does not apply here because the DEयय: ‘त’

belongs to the DEयाहार: ‘त,’।

= वतृ ्+ इ5य + ते 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वत ्� + इ5य + ते 7-3-86, 1-1-51

= व�त ��यते 8-3-59

Hence there are two alternate forms वE5य��त and व�त ��यते।

524) 7-4-49 सः 5याs�धातकेु

व�ृ�: स5य तः 5याEसादावाध�धातकेु । The letter ‘स’् gets replaced by the letter ‘त’् when followed by

a आध�धातकुम ्affix which begins with the letter ‘स’्।

उदाहरणम ्– वE5य�त derived from √वस ्(वसँ �नवासे १. ११६०). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वस ्+ लृँL 3-3-13

= वस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वस ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वस ्+ 5य + �त 3-1-33. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= वE5य�त 7-4-49

525) 7-2-37 �होऽ1लIट द�घ�ः

व�ृ�: एकाचो �हे�व�Iहत5येटो द�घ� न तु 1लIट । When prescribed after the monosyllabic verbal

root √�� (�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१), the augment इL gets elongated, but not if the affix 1लँL follows.

उदाहरणम ्– �ह��य�त/�ह��यते derived from √�� (�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

March 10th, 2012

526) 6-1-58 सिृज�शोझ��यमVक�त

व�ृ�: अनयोरमागमः 5या�झलादावVक�त । When followed by a अVकत ्(does not have ककार: as a

इत)् affix which begins with a झल ्letter, the verbal root √सजृ ्(सजँृ �वसग? ४. ७५, ६. १५०) as well

as √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३) gets the augment अम।्


गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– ��य1स derived from √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३). �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

येन भूताeयशेषेण ��य5याEमeयथो म�य || 4-35||

�श ्+ लृँL 3-3-13

= �श ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105

= �श ्+ 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ 5य + 1स 3-1-33. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= � अम ्श ्+ 5य + 1स 6-1-58, 1-1-47

= � अ श ्+ 5य + 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= � श ्+ 5य + 1स 6-1-77

= � ष ्+ 5य + 1स 8-2-36

= � क् + 5य + 1स 8-2-41

= � क् + �य + 1स 8-3-59

= ��य1स

527) 6-4-62 5य1सtसीयLुता1सष ुभावकम�णोOपदेशेऽ�झन�ह�शां वा �च�वIदL च ।

व�ृ�: उपदेशे योऽच ्तदeताना ंहनाद�नां च �चणीवा,गकाय� वा 5याE5याIदषु भावकम�णोग�Gयमानयोः

5याद�ना1मडागमr। (�च�व ावप-ेऽय1मL।) In the passive voice, when followed by the affix ‘5य’,

‘1सँच’्, ‘सीयLु’ or ‘ता1सँ’, a base (अ,गम)् optionally undergoes the same operations as when ‘�चण’्

follows, if the base consists of one of the following verbal roots:

i. Any verbal root when ends in a vowel which is in उपदेश: (original instruction – which here

means सू�पाठ:/धातुपाठ:)

ii. √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः #२. २)

iii. √�� (�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१)

iv. √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३).

In this optional case, the affix ‘5य’, ‘1सँच’्, ‘सीयLु’ or ‘ता1सँ’ necessarily takes the ‘इL’-आगम:।

उदाहरणम ्– भा�व�यते/भ�व�यते derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लृँL, कम�fण/भावे Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

भू + लृँL 3-3-13

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + त 3-4-78, 1-3-13, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= भू + ते 3-4-79

= भू + 5य + ते 3-1-33

= भौ + इL 5य + ते 6-4-62, 1-1-46, 7-2-115


= भौ + इ5य + ते 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भा�व5यते 6-1-78

= भा�व�यते 8-3-59

When 6-4-62 is not applied the form is भ�व�यते। Thus there are two forms भा�व�यते/भ�व�यते।

528) 6-4-93 �च�णमुलोद£घ�ऽeयतर5याम ्।

व�ृ�: �च�परे णमु�परे च णौ 1मतामुपधाया द�घ� वा 5यात।् There is an optional elongation of the

penultimate vowel of a verbal root which is 1मत ्(has मकार: as a इत)् and is followed by the affix

‘fण’ which in turn is followed by either the affix ‘�चण’् or ‘णमँुल’्।

उदाहरणम ्– शा1म�यते/श1म�यते/शम�य�यते derived from √शम ्(शमँु उपशमे ४. ९८). �वव-ा is लृँL,

कम�fण/भावे Dयोगः (हेतुम�त), Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

शम ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= शाम ्+ fणच ्7-2-116

= शम ्+ fणच ्6-4-92. Note: √शम ्is a 1मत ्as per the गण-सू�म ्– जनीजॄ�9नसुर[जोऽमeताr।

= शम ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= श1म। ‘श1म’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

श1म + लृँL 3-3-13

= श1म + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= श1म + त 3-4-78, 1-3-13, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= श1म + ते 3-4-79

= श1म + 5य + ते 3-1-33

= शा1म/श1म + इL 5य + ते 6-4-62, 1-1-46, 6-4-93

= शा1म/श1म + इ5य + ते 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= शाम/्शम ्+ इ5य + ते 6-4-22, 6-4-51

= शा1म�यते/श1म�यते 8-3-59

When 6-4-62 is not applied the form is शम�य�यते as follows:

श1म + लृँL 3-3-13

= श1म + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= श1म + त 3-4-78, 1-3-13, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= श1म + ते 3-4-79

= श1म + 5य + ते 3-1-33

= श1म + इL 5य + ते 7-2-35

= श1म + इ5य + ते 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= शमे + इ5य + ते 7-3-84


= शम�य5यते 6-1-78

= शम�य�यते 8-3-59

Thus there are a total of three forms – शा1म�यते/श1म�यते/शम�य�यते।

529) 7-3-33 आतो यक्ु �च�कृतोः ।

व�ृ�: आदeतानां युगागमः 5यािtचfण ि[ण�त कृ�त च। A अ,गम ्ending in the letter ‘आ’ takes the

augment युक् when followed by the affix �चण ्or a कृत ्affix which is either �ञत ्(has the letter ‘ञ’्

as a इत)् or fणत ्(has the letter ‘ण’् as a इत)्।

उदाहरणम ्– दा�य�यते/दा5यते derived from √दा (डुदाञ ्दाने ३. १०). �वव-ा is लृँL, कम�fण/भावे Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

दा + लृँL 3-3-13

= दा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= दा + त 3-4-78, 1-3-13, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= दा + ते 3-4-79

= दा + 5य + ते 3-1-33

= दा यक्ु + इL 5य + ते 6-4-62, 7-3-33, 1-1-46

= दा�य5यते 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in युक् is उtचारणाथ�:।

= दा�य�यते 8-3-59

When 6-4-62 is not applied the form is दा5यते। Thus there are two forms दा�य�यते/दा5यते।

530) 3-4-116 1लङा1श�ष ।

व�ृ�: आ1श�ष 1लङि5तङाध�धातुकस[\ः 5यात।् A �त, affix which comes in the place of 1ल, used in

the sense of benediction gets the आध�धातकु-स[\ा।

उदाहरणम ्– उtयात ्derived from √वच ्(वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वच ्+ 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= वच ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वच ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वच ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वच ्+ त ्3-4-100. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’् has the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-

68 does not apply.

= वच ्+ यासुL त ्3-4-103, 1-1-46

= वच ्+ या5त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in यासुL is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘या5त’् has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.


Example continued under 3-4-104.

531) 3-4-104 Vकदा1श�ष ।

व�ृ�: आ1श�ष 1लङो यासुL Vकत।् The augment यासुL (prescribed by 3-4-103) shall be considered to

be a Vकत ्(as having ककार: as a इत)् when it joins a 1लँ, affix used in the sense of benediction.

Example continued from 3-4-116.

= वच ्+ या5त ्As per 3-4-104, यासुL is a Vकत ्here. This allows 6-1-15 to apply in the next step.

= उ अ च ्+ या5त ्6-1-15

= उtया5त ्6-1-108

= उtयात ्8-2-29

उदाहरणम ्– VWयात ्derived from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम,् पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

कृ + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= कृ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + त ्3-4-100. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’् has the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-79 does

not apply.

= कृ + यासुL त ्3-4-103, 1-1-46

= कृ + या5त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in यासुL is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-104, यासुL is a Vकत ्here.

This allows 1-1-5 to stop 7-3-84.

= क् Mर, + या5त ्7-4-28, 1-1-53

= VWया5त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘या5त’् has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-

79 does not apply.

= VWयात ्8-2-29

532) 3-4-107 सुL �तथोः ।

व�ृ�: 1लङ5तथोः सुL। A तकार: or थकार: belonging to a 1लँ, affix takes the augment सुL।

उदाहरणम ्– कृषी� derived from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम,् आEमनेपद-DEयय:।

कृ + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + त 3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’ has the

आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-79 does not apply.

= कृ + सीयुL त 3-4-102, 1-1-46

= कृ + सीय ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सीयLु is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘सीय ्त’


has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= कृ + सीय ्सुL त 3-4-107, 1-1-46

= कृ + सीय ्स ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सुL is उtचारणाथ�:। Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35.

= कृ + सी5त 6-1-66

Example continued under 1-2-12.

533) 1-2-12 उr ।

व�ृ�: ऋवणा�Eपरौ झलाद� 1ल,1सचौ Vकतौ 5त5तSङ। When used in आEमनेपदम,् the affix 1लँ, or 1सँच ्

is considered to be a Vकत ्(as having ककार: as a इत)् if the following conditions are satisfied:

i. The affix (1लँ, or 1सँच)् begins with a झल ्letter and

ii. There is a ऋवण�: (ऋकार:/ॠकार:) prior to the affix (1लँ, or 1सँच)्।

Example continued from 3-4-107.

कृ + सी5त As per 1-2-12 the affix ‘सी5त’ is a Vकत ्here. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84

= कृ + षीष ्त ्8-3-59 (applied twice)

= कृषी� 8-4-41

March 24th 2012

534) 6-4-67 ए1ल�Sङ ।

व�ृ�: घुस[\कानां मा5थाद�नां च एEवं 5यादाध�धातकेु Vक�त 1लSङ। The (आकारः of) the verbal roots

having the घ-ुस[\ा and the verbal roots √मा [मा माने २. ५७], √5था [�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १.

१०७७], √गा [गै श�दे १. १०६५, गा 5ततुौ ३. २६ as well as the गा-आदेश: done in place of इण ्गतौ २.

४० and इक् 5मरणे (�नEयम�धपूव�ः) २. ४१], √पा [पा पाने १. १०७४], √हा [ओ=हाक् Eयागे ३. ९]

and √सो [षो अeतकम�fण ४. ४२] gets एकारः as replacement, when followed by a आध�धातुक-1लँ,

affix which is a Vकत।्

Note: This सू�म ्is a अपवाद: (exception) to 6-4-66 घमुा5थागापाजहा�तसां ह1ल।

उदाहरणम ्– पेयात ्derived from √पा (पा पाने १. १०७४). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


पा + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= पा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पा + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= पा + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पा + त ्3-4-100. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’् has the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-68 does

not apply.

= पा + यासुL त ्3-4-103, 1-1-46.


= पा + या5त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in यासुL is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘या5त’् has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= पे + या5त ्6-4-67, 1-1-52. As per 3-4-104, यासुL is a Vकत ्here. This allows 6-4-67 to apply.

= पेयात ्8-2-29

535) 6-4-68 वाऽeय5य संयोगादेः ।

व�ृ�: घुमा5थादेरeय5य संयोगादेधा�तोरात एEव ंवाध�धातकेु Vक�त 1लSङ। The आकारः of a verbal root

which begins with a संयोग: (conjunct consonant) and which is other than than the ones listed

in 6-4-66 घुमा5थागापाजहा�तसां ह1ल, optionally gets एकारः as replacement, when followed by a

आध�धातकु-1लँ, affix which is a Vकत।्

उदाहरणम ्– xयेयात/्xयायात ्derived from √xयै (xयै �चeतायाम ्१. १०५६). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

xया + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 6-1-45, 3-3-173

= xया + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= xया + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= xया + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= xया + त ्3-4-100. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’् has the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-

68 does not apply.

= xया + यासुL त ्3-4-103, 1-1-46

= xया + या5त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in यासुL is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘या5त’् has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= xये/xया + या5त ्6-4-68, 1-1-52. As per 3-4-104, यासुL is a Vकत ्here. This allows 6-4-68 to


= xयेयात/्xयायात ्8-2-29

536) 8-3-78 इणः षीxवलुं, 1लटां धोऽ,गात ् ।

व�ृ�: इणeताद,गाEपरेषां षीxवंलु,1लटां ध5य ढः 5यात।् Following a अ,गम ्(base) ending in a इण ्

letter, a धकार: belonging to the term ‘षीxवम’् or belonging to a लँु, or 1लँL affix takes ढकार: as a


उदाहरणम ्– कृषीµवम ्derived from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

मxयम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम,् आEमनेपद-DEयय:।

कृ + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= कृ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कृ + xवम ्3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘xवम’्

has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-79 does not apply.

= कृ + सीयुL xवम ्3-4-102, 1-1-46


= कृ + सीय ्xवम ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सीयLु is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘सीय ्

xवम’् has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= कृ + सीxवम ्6-1-66. 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35. As per 1-2-12 the affix ‘सीxवम’् is a Vकत ्here.

Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84

= कृ + षीxवम ्8-3-59

= कृषीµवम ्8-3-78

537) 8-3-79 �वभाषेटः ।

व�ृ�: इणः परो य इL ततः परेषां षीxवंलु,1लटा ंध5य वा ढः। Following a ‘इL’-आगम: which is itself

following a अ,गम ्(base) ending in a इण ्letter, a धकार: belonging to the term ‘षीxवम’् or

belonging to a लँु, or 1लँL affix takes ढकार: as a substitute optionally.

उदाहरणम ्– काम�यषीµवम/्काम�यषीxवम/्क1मषीxवम ्derived from √कम ्(कमँु काeतौ १. ५११). �वव-ा

is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, मxयम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम।्

3-1-31 applies here because the intention is to add a आध�धातुक-DEयय:। (Recall 3-4-116.) Let us

first consider the case where the affix ‘fण,’ is added.

कमँु + fण, 3-1-30, 3-1-31

= कम ्+ इ 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= का1म 7-2-116. ‘का1म’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32.

का1म + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= का1म + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= का1म + xवम ्3-4-78, 1-3-12, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘xवम ्

‘ has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-68 does not apply.

= का1म + सीयुL xवम ्3-4-102, 1-1-46

= का1म + सीय ्xवम ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सीयLु is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘सीय ्

xवम’् has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= का1म + सीxवम ्6-1-66

= का1म + इसीxवम ्7-2-35, 1-1-46, 1-3-3

= कामे + इसीxवम ्7-3-84

= कामय ्+ इसीxवम ्6-1-78

= कामय ्+ इषीxवम ्8-3-59

= काम�यषीµवम/्काम�यषीxवम ्8-3-79

In the case where the affix ‘fण,’ is not added (by 3-1-31), the form is क1मषीxवम ्(8-3-79 does not

apply because the मकार: preceding ‘इषीxवम’् does not belong to the ‘इण’्-DEयाहार:।)

538) 1-2-11 1ल,1सचावाEमनेपदेषु ।


व�ृ�: इ9समीपाsलः परौ झलाद� 1ल,1सचौ Vकतौ 5त5तSङ। In आEमनेपदम,् a 1लँ, affix or the affix 1सँच ्

shall be considered a Vकत ्(as having ककार: as a इत)् if the affix begins with a झल ्letter and

follows a consonant adjoining a इक् letter.

उदाहरणम ्– धु-ी� derived from √द�ु (दहँु Dपूरणे २. ४). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,

एकवचनम,् आEमनेपद-DEयय:।

द�ु + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= द�ु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द�ु + त 3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’ has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-68 does not apply.

= द�ु + सीयLु त 3-4-102, 1-1-46

= द�ु + सीय ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सीयLु is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘सीय ्त’

has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= द�ु + सीय ्सुL त 3-4-107, 1-1-46

= द�ु + सीय ्स ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सुL is उtचारणाथ�:। Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35.

= द�ु + सी5त 6-1-66. As per 1-2-11 the affix ‘सी5त’ is a Vकत ्here. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= दघु ्+ सी5त 8-2-32

= धुघ ्+ सी5त 8-2-37

= धुघ ्+ षीष ्त ्8-3-59 (applied twice)

= धुघ ्+ षीष ्L 8-4-41

= धु-ी� 8-4-55

539) 7-2-42 1ल,1सचोराEमनेपदेषु ।

व�ृ�: व,ृव[ृ]यामॄदeताtच परयो1ल�,1सचोMर� वा 5या�Sङ। In आEमनेपदम,् a 1लँ, affix or the affix 1सँच ्

optionally takes the augment इL if the affix follows the verbal root √व ृ(व,ृ सGभwौ ९. ४५)

or √व ृ(वञृ ्वरणे ५. ८) or any verbal root ending in a ॠकार:।

उदाहरणम ्– 5तीष¤�/5तMरषी� derived from √5तॄ (5तॄञ ्आtछादने ९. १७). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम,् आEमनेपद-DEयय:।

5तॄ + 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= 5तॄ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5तॄ + त 3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’ has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-81 does not apply.

= 5तॄ + सीयुL त 3-4-102, 1-1-46

= 5तॄ + सीय ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सीयLु is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘सीय ्त’

has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.


= 5तॄ + सीय ्सुL त 3-4-107, 1-1-46

= 5तॄ + सीय ्स ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सुL is उtचारणाथ�:।

= 5तॄ + सी5त 6-1-66

Now by 7-2-42, the affix ‘सी5त’ gets the ‘इL’-आगम: optionally. Let us first consider the case

where the ‘इL’-आगम: is not applied.

= 5तॄ + सी5त As per 1-2-12 the affix ‘सी5त’ is a Vकत ्here. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84.

= ि5तर ्+ सी5त 7-1-100, 1-1-51

= 5तीर ्+ सी5त 8-2-77

= 5तीष¤� 8-3-59 (applied twice), 8-4-41

Now let us consider the case where the ‘इL’-आगम: is applied optionally by 7-2-42.

5तॄ + सी5त

= 5तॄ + इसी5त 7-2-42, 1-1-46, 1-3-3.

At this stage, 7-2-38 tries to apply. (Example continued under 7-2-38).

540) 7-2-38 वॄतो वा ।

व�ृ�: व,ृव[ृ]यामॄदeताtचेटो द�घ� वा 5याeन तु 1लIट। As long as a 1लँL affix doesn’t follow, the

augment इL is optionally elongated when it follows the verbal root √व ृ(व,ृ सGभwौ ९. ४५)

or √व ृ(वञृ ्वरणे ५. ८) or any verbal root ending in a ॠकार:।

Example continued from 7-2-42.

5तॄ + इसी5त All the conditions for applying 7-2-38 are satisfied here but 7-2-39 prohibits 7-2-

38 in this case. (Example continued under 7-2-39).

541) 7-2-39 न 1लSङ ।

व�ृ�: वॄत इटो 1लSङ न द�घ�ः। The elongation of the augment इL (when it follows the verbal

root √व ृ(व,ृ सGभwौ ९. ४५) or √व ृ(वञृ ्वरणे ५. ८) or any verbal root ending in a ॠकार:)

prescribed by 7-2-38 वॄतो वा does not take place if a 1लँ, affix follows.

Example continued from 7-2-38.

5तॄ + इसी5त 7-2-39 stops 7-2-38

= 5तर ्+ इसी5त 7-3-84, 1-1-51. Note: 1-2-12 cannot apply here because the DEयय: ‘इसी5त’ is

not beginning with a झल ्letter.

= 5तMरषी� 8-3-59 (applied twice), 8-4-41

Thus in आEमनेपदम ्there are two alternate forms 5तीष¤�/5तMरषी�।

542) 7-4-29 गुणोऽ�त �संयोगा�ोः ।

व�ृ�: अत?ः संयोगादेऋ� दeत5य च गुणः 5या�Vक यादावाध�धातकेु 1लSङ च । The verbal root √ऋ (ऋ

ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६, ऋ गतौ ३. १७) as well as any verbal root which ends in a ऋकार: and


begins with a संयोग: (conjunct consonant) takes a गुण: substitute when followed by either the

affix यक् or a 1लँ, affix which has the आध�धातकु-स[\ा and begins with a यकार:। Note: As per 1-

1-52 अलोऽeEय5य, only the ending ऋकार: of the verbal root takes the गुण: substitute.

उदाहरणम ्– 5तया�त ्derived from √5त ृ(5तञृ ्आtछादने ९. १७). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् पर5मैपद-DEयय:।

5त ृ+ 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= 5त ृ+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5त ृ+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= 5त ृ+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5त ृ+ त ्3-4-100. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’् has the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-81 does

not apply.

= 5त ृ+ यासुL त ्3-4-103, 1-1-46

= 5त ृ+ या5त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in यासुL is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘या5त’् has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= 5तर ्+ या5त ्7-4-29, 1-1-51. Note: As per 3-4-104 Vकदा1श�ष, the affix ‘या5त’् is a Vकत ्here.

Hence, in the absence of 7-4-29, the गुण: substitute (by 7-3-84) would not have have been

possible because 1-1-5 would block it.

= 5तया�त ्8-2-29

543) 7-2-43 ऋतr संयोगादेः ।

व�ृ�: ऋदeताEसंयोगादेः परयो1ल�,1सचोMर�वा 5या�Sङ। In आEमनेपदम,् a 1लँ, affix or the affix 1सँच ्

optionally takes the augment इL if the affix follows a verbal root which ends in a ऋकार: and

begins with a संयोग: (conjunct consonant.)

उदाहरणम ्– 5तषृी�/5तMरषी� derived from √5त ृ(5तञृ ्आtछादने ५. ६). �वव-ा is आशी1ल¢,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम,् आEमनेपद-DEयय:।

5त ृ+ 1लँ, (आ1श�ष) 3-3-173

= 5त ृ+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5त ृ+ त 3-4-78, 1-3-72, 1-4-100, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘त’ has

the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here. Hence 3-1-81 does not apply.

= 5त ृ+ सीयुL त 3-4-102, 1-1-46

= 5त ृ+ सीय ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सीयLु is उtचारणाथ�:। As per 3-4-116, the affix ‘सीय ्त’

has the आध�धातुक-स[\ा here. Hence 7-2-79 does not apply.

= 5त ृ+ सीय ्सुL त 3-4-107, 1-1-46

= 5त ृ+ सीय ्स ्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in सुL is उtचारणाथ�:।

= 5त ृ+ सी5त 6-1-66. Now as per 7-2-43, the affix ‘सी5त’ takes the augment इL optionally. Let us


first consider the case where the augment इL is not taken. In this case, the affix ‘सी5त’ is a Vकत ्

as per 1-2-12. Hence 1-1-5stops 7-3-84

= 5तषृी� 8-3-59 (applied twice), 8-4-41

Now let us consider the case where the augment इL is taken.

= 5त ृ+ इL सी5त 7-2-43, 1-1-46

= 5त ृ+ इसी5त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5तर ्+ इसी5त 7-3-84, 1-1-51. Note: 1-2-12 does not apply here because the affix ‘इसी5त’ does

not begin with a झल ्letter

= 5तMरषी� 8-3-59 (applied twice), 8-4-41

Thus in आEमनेपदम ्there are two alternate forms 5तषृी� and 5तMरषी�।

****** April 14th 2012 ******

544) 3-2-110 लु, ।

व�ृ�: भूताथ? धातोलु�, 5यात।् The affix लँु, is prescribed after a verbal root when used in the sense

of past.

उदाहरणम ्– अभूत ्derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


भू + लँु, 3-2-110

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= भू + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + त ्3-4-100

Example continued under 3-1-43.

545) 3-1-43 िtल लुSङ ।

व�ृ�: धातोि¶लः DEययो भव�त लुSङ परतः। When लँु, follows, the DEयय: ‘िtल’ is prescribed after a

verbal root.

Note: This सू�म ्is a अपवाद: for 3-1-68 कत�Mर शप ् etc.

Example continued from 3-2-110.

भू + त ्

= भू + िtल + त ्1-1-56, 3-1-43. Note: The इकारः in ‘िtल’ is उtचारणाथ�ः। The चकारः in ‘िtल’ is a

इत ्by 1-3-7 चुटू।

Example continued under 3-1-44

546) 3-1-44 tलेः 1सच ्।


व�ृ�: tलेः 1सजादेशो भव�त। The affix ‘िtल’ is substituted by ‘1सँच’्।

Example continued from 3-1-43

भू + िtल + त ्

= भू + 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

Example continued under 2-4-77.

547) 2-4-77 गा�त5थाघुपाभू]यः 1सचः पर5मैपदेषु ।

व�ृ�: ए]यः 1सचो लुक् 5यात।् When followed by a पर5मैपद-DEयय:, the DEयय: ‘1सँच’् takes the लुक्

elision if preceded by √गा (the substitute ‘गा’ which comes in place of इण ्गतौ २. ४० by 2-4-

45 इणो गा लुSङ) or √5था (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ) or any verbal root which has the घ-ुस[\ा (ref. 1-1-

20 दाधा �वदाप)् or √पा (पा पाने १. १०७४) or √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १).

Example continued from 3-1-44.

भू + 1सँच ्+ त ्

= भू + त ्2-4-77, 1-1-61. Note: 7-3-96 अि5त1सचोऽपwेृ does not apply here, because 7-3-

96 requires the affix 1सँच ्to be actually present. In the present example, 1सँच ्has taken the लुक्

elision, hence 7-3-96 does not apply.

Example continued under 7-3-88.

548) 7-3-88 भूसुवोि5तSङ ।

व�ृ�: ‘भू’ ‘सू’ एतयोः साव�धातकेु �तSङ परे गुणो न। ‘भू’ and ‘सू’ do not take the गुण: substitution when

followed by a ‘�त,’-DEयय: (ref. 3-4-78) which has the designation साव�धातुकम।्

Example continued from 2-4-77.

भू + त ्7-3-88 stops 7-3-84

= अL भूत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अभूत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

549) 1-1-72 येन �व�ध5तदeत5य ।

व�ृ�: �वशेषण ंतदeत5य स[\ा 5यात ्5व5य च �प5य। A qualifier by means of which an injunction

is made stands for a term which ends in it as well as for itself.

550) 3-4-110 आतः ।

व�ृ�: 1स�लुVक आदeतादेव झेजु�स।् When the affix ‘1सँच’् has taken the ‘लुक्’ elision, the substitution

(by 3-4-109) of ‘जुस’् in place of the affix ‘fझ’ shall take place only following a verbal root ending in

a आकार:।

उदाहरणम ्– अभूवन ्derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,



भू + लँु, 3-2-110

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= भू + िtल + fझ 3-1-43

= भू + 1सँच ्+ fझ 3-1-44

= भू + fझ 2-4-77, 1-1-61. Now 3-4-110 stops 3-4-109 because ‘भू’ does not end in a आकार:।

= भू + झ ्3-4-100

= भू + अeत ्7-1-3

= भू वुक् + अeत ्6-4-88, 1-1-46

= भू व ्+ अeत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘वुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

= अL भूवeत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अभूवeत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अभूवन ्8-2-23

551) 3-3-175 माSङ लु, ।

व�ृ�: मा,यपुपदे धातोलु�, DEययो भव�त। (सव�लकारापवादः।) The affix लँु, must be used after a verbal

root when used in connection with the अbययम ्‘मा,’। Note: This rule debars the use of any other

लकार: after a verbal root when used in connection with the अbययम ्‘मा,’।

552) 6-4-74 न मा,योगे ।

व�ृ�: अडाटौ न 5तः। When used in connection with मा,, a base (अ,गम)् does not take the

augment अL or आL।

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– मा भू: derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is (माSङ) लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

मxयम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

मा कम�फलहेतुभू�मा� ते स,गोऽ5Eवकम�fण || 2-47||

मा, भू + लँु, 3-3-175

= मा भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= मा भू + 1सप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-105

= मा भू + 1स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= मा भू + स ्3-4-100

= मा भू + िtल + स ्3-1-43

= मा भू + 1सँच ्+ स ्3-1-44

= मा भूस ्2-4-77, 1-1-61. Now 6-4-74 stops 6-4-71.

= मा भू: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

553) 3-3-176 5मो�रे ल, च ।


व�ृ�: 5मो�रे माSङ ल, 5याtचा�लु,। The affix ‘लँ,’ as well as ‘लँु,’ is to be used after a verbal root

when used in connection with ‘मा,’ followed by ‘5म’।

उदाहरणम ्– मा 5म भव: / मा 5म भू: derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is (माSङ) लँ,/लँु,,

कत�Mर Dयोगः, मxयम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

554) 2-4-45 इणो गा लुSङ ।

व�ृ�: इणो गा इEययमादेशो भव�त लँुSङ। When the intention is to add the affix ‘लँु,’, there is a

substitution of ‘गा’ in the place of √इ (इण ्गतौ २. ४०).

उदाहरणम ्– अगु: derived from √इ (इण ्गतौ २. ४०). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


Since the intention is to add the affix लँु,, we start the derivation by substituting ‘गा’ in the place

of √इ (इण ्गतौ २. ४०).

गा + लँु, 3-2-110

= गा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गा + fझ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= गा + िtल + fझ 3-1-43

= गा + 1सँच ्+ fझ 3-1-44

= गा + fझ 2-4-77, 1-1-61

= गा + जुस ्3-4-109. Note: Since ‘गा’ ends in a आकार:, 3-4-110 cannot stop 3-4-109 here.

= गा + उस ्1-3-7, 1-3-9. 1-3-4 prevents the ending सकार: of ‘जुस’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा

= गुस ्6-1-96

= अL गुस ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अगुस ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अगु: 8-2-66, 8-3-15

555) 7-2-1 1स�च व�ृsः पर5मैपदेषु ।

व�ृ�: इगeता,ग5य व�ृsः 5यात ्पर5मैपदे 1स�च। (The ending letter of) a base (अ,गम)् which ends

in a इक् letter takes the व�ृs: substitute when followed by the affix 1सँच ्which is in turn followed

by a पर5मैपदम ्affix.

गीतासु उदाहरणम ्– अ0ौषम ्derived from √0ु (0ु 0वणे १. १०९२). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, उ�म-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

संवाद1ममम0ौषम तुं रोमहष�णम ् || 18-74||


0ु + लँु, 3-2-110

= 0ु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 0ु + 1मप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-107

= 0ु + अम ्3-4-101. 1-3-4 prevents the ending मकार: of ‘अम’् from getting the इत-्स[\ा।

= 0ु + िtल + अम ्3-1-43

= 0ु + 1सँच ्+ अम ्3-1-44

= 0ु + स ्+ अम ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35.

= 0ौ + स ्+ अम ्7-2-1

= अL 0ौसम ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ0ौसम ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ0ौषम ्8-3-59

556) 7-2-3 वद¡जहलeत5याचः ।

व�ृ�: एषामचो व�ृsः 1स�च पर5मैपदेषु। A vowel belonging to a base (अ,गम)् consisting of the

verbal root √वa (वदँ bयwायां वा�च १. ११६४) or √¡ज ्(¡जँ गतौ १. २८६) or ending in a consonant

takes the व�ृs: substitute when followed by the affix 1सँच ्which is in turn followed by a पर5मैपदम ्


Note: The verbal roots √वa and √¡ज ्end in a consonant too. There was no need to specially

mention these roots here in 7-2-3. But if these roots were not mentioned in 7-2-3, then by 7-2-

4 नेIट, the व�ृs: substitution would be prohibited and further by 7-2-7 अतो हलादेल�घोः, the

optionality of the व�ृs: substitution would be introduced. Their special mention here in 7-2-3 tells

us that the व�ृs: substitution for the roots √वa and √¡ज ्is mandatory (�नEय-काय�म।्)

उदाहरणम ्– अपाठ·त/्अपठ·त ्derived from √प¸ (पठँ bयwाया ंवा�च १. ३८१). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

प¸ + लँु, 3-2-110

= प¸ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= प¸ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= प¸ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= प¸ + त ्3-4-100

= प¸ + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= प¸ + 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

= प¸ + स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= प¸ + इL स ्+ त ्7-2-35, 1-1-46

= प¸ + इस ्+ त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= प¸ + इस ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46


= प¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

At this stage 7-2-3 would ordain a व�ृs: substitute in place of the अकार: of the अ,गम ्‘प¸’, but it

is prohibited by7-2-4.

Example continued under 7-2-4

557) 7-2-4 नेIट ।

व�ृ�: इडादौ 1स�च हलeत5य व�ृsन�। A vowel belonging to a base (अ,गम)् ending in a consonant

does not take the व�ृs: substitute when followed by the affix 1सँच ्which has the augment इL।

Example continued from 7-2-3

प¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्7-2-4 stops the व�ृs: substitute which would have been done by 7-2-3. Now 7-2-

7 prescribes an optional व�ृs: substitute.

Example continued under 7-2-7.

558) 7-2-7 अतो हलादेल�घोः ।

व�ृ�: हलादेल�घोरकार5य व�ृsव?डादौ पर5मैपदे 1स�च । A अकार:, which has the लघ-ुस[\ा (ref. 1-4-

10, 1-4-11) and belongs to a अ,गम ्which begins with a consonant, optionally takes the व�ृs:

substitute when followed by the affix 1सँच ्which has the augment इL and is followed by a

पर5मैपदम ्affix.

Example continued from 7-2-4

प¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्

= प¸/पा¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्7-2-7

= अL प¸/पा¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ प¸/पा¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Example continued under 8-2-28

559) 8-2-28 इट ईIट ।

व�ृ�: इटः पर5य स5य लोपः 5याद�Iट परे । A सकार:, which is preceded by the augment इL and

followed by the augment ईL, is elided.

Example continued from 7-2-7

अ प¸/पा¸ + इस ्+ ईत ्

= अ प¸/पा¸ + इ + ईत ्8-2-28. Now, as per 8-2-1, this elision done by 8-2-28 is अ1सs: (not

evident) in the eyes of 6-1-101. So in order to allow for the application of 6-1-101, the following

वा���कम ्is required.

560) 1स�लोप एकादेशे 1सsो वाtयः । वा���कम ्under 8-2-3

If a single substitute is to be done, then the elision of the affix 1सँच ्should be considered 1सs:



Example continued from 8-2-28

अ प¸/पा¸ + इ + ईत ्

= अपठ·त/्अपाठ·त ्The above वा���कम ्allows 6-1-01 to apply.

****** April 28th 2012 ******

561) 2-4-43 लुSङ च ।

व�ृ�: हनो लुSङ वधादेशोऽदeतः । When the intention is to add the affix लँु,, there is a substitution of

‘वध’ in place of√हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २. २).

Note: The substitute ‘वध’ ends in a अकारः।

उदाहरणम ्– अवधीत ्(√हन,् अदाIद-गणः, हनँ IहसंागEयोः, धात-ुपाठः #२. २). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वध + लँु, 2-4-43, 1-1-55, 3-2-110

= वध + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वध + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वध + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वध + त ्3-4-100

= वध + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= वध + 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

= वध + स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वध + इL स ्+ त ्7-2-35, 1-1-46. Note: 7-2-10 does not apply here, because ‘वध’ is अनेकाच ्

(has more than one vowel) in उपदेशः।

= वध + इस ्+ त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वध ्+ इस ्+ त ्6-4-48. Note: 7-2-7 cannot apply because of 1-1-57.

= वध ्+ इस ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46

= वध ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अL वध ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ वध ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ वध ्+ इ + ईत ्8-2-28

= अवधीत ्The वा���कम ्‘1स�लोप एकादेशे 1सsो वाtयः’ allows 6-1-01 to apply.

562) 1-2-17 5था�वोMरtच ।

व�ृ�: अनयोMरदeतादेशः 1सtच Vकत ्5यादाEमनेपदे । When a आEमनेपदम ्affix follows, the affix 1सँच ्

is considered to be Vकत ्when it follows the verbal root √5था (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७) or a verbal

root which has the घु-स[\ा (ref: 1-1-20 दाधा �वदाप)्; and there is a substitution of a इकारः in

place of the ending letter of the verbal root.


उदाहरणम ्– अIदत derived from √दा (डुदाञ ्दाने ३. १०). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,

एकवचनम,् आEमनेपद-DEयय:।

दा + लँु, 3-2-110

= दा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= दा + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-72

= दा + िtल + त 3-1-43

= दा + 1सँच ्+ त 3-1-44

= दा + स ्+ त 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= Iद + स ्+ त 1-2-17, 1-1-20, 1-1-52. Note: By 1-2-17, 1सँच ्is considered to be Vकत ्here.

Therefore, 1-1-5stops 7-3-84.

= अL Iद + स ्+ त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ Iद + स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Example continued under 8-2-27

563) 8-2-27 �5वाद,गात ् ।

व�ृ�: 1सचो लोपो झ1ल । When following a अ,गम ्ending in a short vowel, the affix 1सँच ्takes

लोपः when a झल ्letter follows.

Example continued from 1-2-17

अ Iद + स ्+ त

= अIदत 8-2-27, 1-1-72

564) 7-2-5 ¹Gयeत-ण¦सजागfृणºयेIदताम ्।

व�ृ�: हमयाeत5य -णादे�य�eत5य ¦यतेरेIदतr व�ृsन?डादौ 1स�च पर5मैपदे । When the affix ‘1सँच’्

(which begins with the augment ‘इL’ and is followed by a पर5मैपदम ्affix) follows, the व�ृsः

substitution is prohibited for a अ,गम ्which either – i) ends in the letter ‘�’, ‘म’् or ‘य’् or ii) consists

of the verbal root √-ण ्(-णुँ Iहसंायाम ्८. ३), √¦स ्(¦सँ Dाणने २. ६४), √जाग ृ(जाग ृ�न�ा-ये २.

६७) or √ि¦ (Lवोि¦ ग�तवaृxयोः १. ११६५) or iii) ends in the affix ‘fण’ or iv) has ‘ए’ as a इत।्

उदाहरणम ्– अहसीत ्derived from √हस ्(हस» हसने १. ८२२). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


हस ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= हस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= हस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= हस ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= हस ्+ त ्3-4-100


= हस ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

= हस ्+ 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

= हस ्+ स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= हस ्+ इL स ्+ त ्7-2-35, 1-1-46

= हस ्+ इस ्+ त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= हस ्+ इस ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46

= हस ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

At this stage 7-2-3 would ordain a व�ृsः substitute in place of the अकारः of the अ,गम ्‘हस’्, but it

is prohibited by7-2-4.

Now 7-2-7 would prescribe an optional व�ृsः, but it is prohibited by 7-2-

5 ¹Gयeत-ण¦सजागfृणºयेIदताम।्

= अL हस ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ हस ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ हस ्+ इ + ईत ्8-2-28.

= अहसीत ्The वा���कम ्‘1स�लोप एकादेशे 1सsो वाtयः’ allows 6-1-01 to apply.

565) 8-2-26 झलो झ1ल ।

व�ृ�: झलः पर5य स5य लोपो झ1ल । The सकारः (of the affix ‘1सँच’्) is elided if it is preceded and

followed by a झल ्letter.

उदाहरणम ्– अवा�ाम ्derived from √वस ्(वसँ �नवासे १. ११६०). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, Ivवचनम।्

वस ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= वस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वस ्+ तस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वस ्+ ताम ्3-4-101, 1-1-55, 1-3-4

= वस ्+ िtल + ताम ्3-1-43

= वस ्+ 1सँच ्+ ताम ्3-1-44

= वस ्+ स ्+ ताम ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35.

= वत ्+ स ्+ ताम ्7-4-49

= वात ्+ स ्+ ताम ्7-2-3

= अL वात ्+ स ्+ ताम ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ वात ्+ स ्+ ताम ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अवा�ाम ्8-2-26

566) 7-2-73 यमरमनमातां सक् च ।

व�ृ�: एषां सक् 5यादे]यः 1सच इL 5याEपर5मैपदेषु । When followed by a पर5मैपदम ्affix, the affix

‘1सँच’् takes the augment ‘इL’ when it follows a अ,गम ्which either ends in a आकारः or consists of


the verbal root √यम ्(यमँ उपरमे १. ११३९) or √रम ्(रमँु W�डायाम ्| रमँ इ�त माधवः १. ९८९)

or √नम ्(णमँ D�Eवे श�दे च १. ११३६)। Simultaneously the अ,गम ्takes the augment सक्।

उदाहरणम ्– अगासीत ्derived from √गै (गै श�दे १. १०६५). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


गा + लँु, 6-1-45, 3-2-110

= गा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गा + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= गा + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गा + त ्3-4-100

= गा + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= गा + 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

= गा + स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= गा + स ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46

= गा + स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गा सक् + इL स ्+ ईत ्7-2-73, 1-1-46

= गास ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The अकारः of सक् is उtचारणाथ�ः।

= अL गास ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ गास ्+ इस ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ गास ्+ इ + ईत ्8-2-28

= अगासीत ्The वा���कम ्‘1स�लोप एकादेशे 1सsो वाtयः’ allows 6-1-01 to apply.

567) 3-1-52 अ5य�तवSw¼या�त]योऽ, ।

व�ृ�: ए]य¶लेर, 5यात ्कत�Mर लँुSङ । In the active voice, the affix ‘िtल’ takes the substitute ‘अ,’

when following the verbal root √अस ्(असँु -पेणे ४. १०६), √वच ्(वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८, as well as

the substitute ‘वच’् which comes in place√©ू (©ूञ ्bयwाया ंवा�च २. ३९) ref: 2-4-53) or √¼या (the

substitute ‘¼याञ’् which comes in place √च-् (च­-,ँ bयwायां वा�च | अयं दश�नेऽ�प २. ७) ref: 2-4-


उदाहरणम ्– अवोचत ्derived from √वच ्(वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वच ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= वच ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वच ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= वच ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9


= वच ्+ त ्3-4-100

= वच ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

= वच ्+ अ, + त ्3-1-52

= वच ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Example continued under 7-4-20

568) 7-4-20 वच उम ्।

व�ृ�: अSङ परे । A अ,गम ्consisting of the verbal root √वच ्(वचँ पMरभाषणे २. ५८, as well as the

substitute ‘वच’् which comes in place √©ू (©ूञ ्bयwायां वा�च २. ३९)) takes the augment ‘उम’् when

followed by the affix ‘अ,’।

Example continued from 3-1-52

वच ्+ अ + त ्

= व उम ्च ्+ अ + त ्7-4-20, 1-1-47

= व उ च ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वोच ्+ अ + त ्6-1-87

= अL वोच ्+ अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ वोच ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अवोचत ्

569) 2-4-54 च­-ङः ¼याञ ् ।

व�ृ�: When the intention is to add a आध�धातकुम ्affix the verbal root √च-् (च­-,ँ bयwायां वा�च |

अयं दश�नेऽ�प २. ७) takes the substitute ‘¼याञ’्।

Note: Since ‘¼याञ’् has ञकारः as a इत,् as per 1-3-72, 1-3-78 it is उभयपद�।

उदाहरणम ्– अ¼यत/्अ¼यत derived from √च-् (च­-ँ, bयwाया ंवा�च | अयं दश�नेऽ�प २. ७). �वव-ा is

लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

¼याञ ्+ लँु, 2-4-54, 1-1-55, 3-2-110

= ¼या + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ¼या + �तप/्त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78, 1-3-72

= ¼या + �त/त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ¼या + त/्त 3-4-100

= ¼या + िtल + त/्त 3-1-43

= ¼या + अ, + त/्त 3-1-52

= ¼या + अ + त/्त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ¼य ्+ अ + त/्त 6-4-64, 1-1-52

= अL ¼य ्+ अ + त/्त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ¼यत/्अ¼यत 1-3-3, 1-3-9


570) अ5यते5थक्ु । 7-4-17

व�ृ�: अSङ परे । A अ,गम ्consisting of the verbal root √अस ्(असँु -पेणे ४. १०६) takes the

augment ‘थुक्’ when followed by the affix ‘अ,’।

उदाहरणम ्– आ5थत ्derived from √अस ्(असँु -पेणे ४. १०६). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

अस ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= अस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= अस ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अस ्+ त ्3-4-100

= अस ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

= अस ्+ अ, + त ्3-1-52

= अस ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अस ्थुक् + अ + त ्7-4-17, 1-1-46

= अस ्थ ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकारः in ‘थुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�ः।

= आL अस ्थ ्+ अ + त ्6-4-72, 1-1-46

= आ अस ्थ ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= आ5थत ्6-1-90

571) 2-4-37 लु,सनोघ�स ॢ।

व�ृ�: अदो घसऌ् 5या�लुSङ स�न च । When the intention is to add the affix लँु, or ‘सन’्, the verbal

root √अa (अदँ भ-णे २. १) takes the replacement ‘घस ॢँ’।

उदाहरणम ्– अघसत ्derived from √अa (अदँ भ-णे २. १). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


घस ॢँ + लँु, 2-4-37, 1-1-55, 3-2-110

= घस ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= घस ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= घस ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= घस ्+ त ्3-4-100

= घस ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

Example continued under 3-1-55

572) 3-1-55 पुषाIद�ुता�Iॢदतः पर5मैपदेषु ।

व�ृ�: �यिeवकरणपुषादे�ु�तादेऌ� Iदतr tलेर, पर5मैपदेषु । When a पर5मैपदम ्affix follows, the affix ‘िtल’

is replaced by ‘अ,’ when following either -

i) a verbal root from the section beginning with √पुष ्(पुष ँप�ुौ ४. ७९) up to the end of the IदवाIद-


गणः। or

ii) a verbal root from the section beginning with √�ुत ्(�ुतँ द��ौ १. ८४२) up to √कृप ्(कृपूँ साम³य?

१. ८६६)। or

iii) a verbal root which is ऌIदत ्(which has ऌकारः as a इत)्।

Example continued from 2-4-37

घस ्+ िtल + त ्

= घस ्+ अ, + त ्3-1-55. Note: 6-4-98 does not apply here because of the exclusion अनSङ।

= घस ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अL घस ्+ अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अघसत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Similarly अगमत ्is derived from √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


573) 1-3-91 �ुa]यो लुSङ ।

व�ृ�: �ुताIद]यो लुङः पर5मैपदं वा 5यात ्। पर5मैपदम ्is optionally used in place of लँु, when

following a verbal root from the section beginning with √�ुत ्(�ुतँ द��ौ १. ८४२) up to √कृप ्(कृपूँ

साम³य? १. ८६६).

Note: In the धात-ुपाठ:, the verbal roots √�ुत ्(�ुतँ द��ौ १. ८४२) etc. are अनदुा�ेतः (have अनुदा�-

5वरः on the इत ्vowel.) Therefore, in the absence of 1-3-91, only आEमनेपदम ्would have been

possible as per 1-3-12.

उदाहरणम ्– अवतृत/्अव�त �� derived from √वतृ ्(वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वतृ ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= वतृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108. Note: By 1-3-91 पर5मैपदम ्is optionally used


= वतृ ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ त ्3-4-100

= वतृ ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

= वतृ ्+ अ, + त ्3-1-55. Note: 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86.

= वतृ ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अL वतृ ्+ अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अवतृत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

When the optional पर5मैपदम ्affix is not used, the form is अव�त��।


वतृ ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= वतृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= वतृ ्+ िtल + त 3-1-43

= वतृ ्+ 1सँच ्+ त 3-1-44

= वतृ ्+ स ्+ त 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वतृ ्+ इL स ्+ त 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= वतृ ्+ इ स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वर ्त ्+ इ स ्+ त 7-3-86, 1-1-51

= अL वर ्त ्+ इ स ्+ त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ वर ्त ्+ इ स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ वर ्त ्+ इ ष ्+ त 8-3-59

= अव�त�� 8-4-41

574) पतः पुम ्। 7-4-19

व�ृ�: अSङ परे । A अ,गम ्consisting of the verbal root √पत ्(पत ॢँ गतौ १. ९७९) takes the augment

‘पुम’् when followed by the affix ‘अ,’।

उदाहरणम ्– अप�त ्derived from √पत ्(पत ॢँ गतौ १. ९७९). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


पत ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= पत ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पत ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= पत ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पत ्+ त ्3-4-100

= पत ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

= पत ्+ अ, + त ्3-1-55

= पत ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= प पुम ्त ्+ अ + त ्7-4-19, 1-1-47

= पप ्त ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकारः in ‘पुम’् is उtचारणाथ�ः।

= अL पप ्त ्+ अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ पप ्त ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अप�त ्

****** May 12th 2012 ******

575) 3-1-57 इMरतो वा ।


व�ृ�: इMरतो धातो¶लेर, वा पर5मैपदेषु । When a पर5मैपदम ्affix follows, the affix ‘िtल’ optionally

takes the substitute ‘अ,’ when following a verbal root which is इMरत ्(which has ‘इर’् as a इत।्)

उदाहरणम ्– अ1भदत/्अभैEसीत ्derived from √1भa (1भIदँर ्�वदारणे ७. २). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम,् पर5मैपद-DEययः।

1भa + लँु, 3-2-110

= 1भa + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 1भa + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= 1भa + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 1भa + त ्3-4-100

= 1भa + िtल + त ्3-1-43

By 3-1-57, ‘िtल’ gets ‘अ,’-आदेशः optionally. Let us first consider the case where the ‘अ,’-आदेशः

is applied.

= 1भa + अ, + त ्3-1-57. Note: Since ‘अ,’ is a Sङत-्DEययः, 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86.

= 1भa + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अL 1भa + अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ 1भa + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ1भदत ्

Now, let us consider the case where the optional ‘अ,’-आदेशः is not applied.

1भa + िtल + त ्

= 1भa + 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

= 1भa + स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= 1भa + स ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46

= 1भa + स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भैa + स ्+ ईत ्7-2-3

= अL भैa + स ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ भैa + स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अभैEसीत ्8-4-55

576) 3-1-45 शल इगुपधाद�नटः 9सः ।

व�ृ�: इगुपधो यः शलeत5त5माद�नट¶लेः 9सादेशः 5यात ्। The affix ‘िtल’ when without the augment

‘इL’ takes the substitute ‘9स’ when following a verbal root which ends in a शल ्letter (‘श’्, ‘ष’्, ‘स’्,

‘�’) and has a penultimate इक् letter (‘इ’, ‘उ’, ‘ऋ’, ‘ऌ’).

Note: This सू�म ्is अपवादः (exception) for 3-1-44.


उदाहरणम ्– अध-ुत ्derived from √द�ु (दहँु Dपूरणे २. ४). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


Note: The ending अकारः (which is a इत)् of ‘दहँु’ has a 5वMरत-5वरः, hence √द�ु is उभयपद�। Let us

first consider the case where a पर5मैपद-DEययः is used.

द�ु + लँु, 3-2-110

= द�ु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द�ु + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= द�ु + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द�ु + त ्3-4-100

= द�ु + िtल + त ्3-1-43. Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= द�ु + 9स + त ्3-1-45. Note: Since ‘9स’ is a Vकत-्DEययः, 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= द�ु + स + त ्1-3-8, 1-3-9

= अL द�ु + स + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ द�ु + स + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ दघु ्+ स + त ्8-2-32

= अ धुघ ्+ स + त ्8-2-37

= अ धुघ ्+ ष + त ्8-3-59

= अधु-त ्8-4-55

577) 7-3-73 लु;वा दहुIदह1लहगुहामाEमनेपदे दeEये ।

व�ृ�: 9स5य लु;वा 5या½eEये तSङ । When following the verbal root √द�ु (दहँु Dपूरणे २.

४), √Iद� (Iदहँ उपचये २. ५), √1ल�(1लहँ आ5वादने २. ६) or √गु� (गुहँू संवरणे १. १०४३), the affix

‘9स’ optionally takes the लुक् elision, when followed by a त, affix beginning with a dental.

Note: This optional लुक् elision also takes place when the affix begins with a वकारः (because the

वकारः is a combination of dental and labial.) Thus there are a total of four त, affixes which begin

with a dental – ‘त’, ‘थास’् ‘xवम’् and ‘वIह’।

उदाहरणम ्– अद;ुध/अधु-त derived from √द�ु (दहँु Dपरूणे २. ४). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

Note: The ending अकारः (which is a इत)् of ‘दहँु’ has a 5वMरत-5वरः, hence √द�ु is उभयपद�। Now,

let us consider the case where a आEमनेपद-DEययः is used.

द�ु + लँु, 3-2-110

= द�ु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द�ु + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-72

= द�ु + िtल + त 3-1-43. 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35


= द�ु + 9स + त 3-1-45. Note: Since ‘9स’ is a Vकत-्DEययः, 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= द�ु + त optionally ‘9स’ takes the लुक् elision by 7-3-73, 1-1-61

= अL द�ु + त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ द�ु + त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ दघु ्+ त 8-2-32

= अ दघु ्+ ध 8-2-40

= अद;ुध 8-4-53

The alternate form (when the affix ‘9स’ does not take the लुक् elision) is अध-ुत। It is derived

similar to the form अध-ुत ्shown under 3-1-45.

Similarly the forms for उ�म-पुOषः, Ivवचनम ्are अद�ुIह/अधु-ावIह। Note: In the form अधु-ावIह 7-3-

101 अतो द�घ� य�ञ is used.

578) 7-3-72 9स5या�च ।

व�ृ�: अजादौ तSङ 9स5य लोपः । The affix ‘9स’ is elided when followed by a त, affix beginning

with a vowel.

Note: As per 1-1-52 only the ending letter (अकारः) of ‘9स’ is elided.

उदाहरणम ्– अध-ुeत derived from √द�ु (दहँु Dपूरणे २. ४). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


Note: The ending अकारः (which is a इत)् of ‘दहँु’ has a 5वMरत-5वरः, hence √द�ु is उभयपद�। Here

we consider the case where a आEमनेपद-DEययः is used.

द�ु + लँु, 3-2-110

= द�ु + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द�ु + झ 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= द�ु + िtल + झ 3-1-43. 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= द�ु + 9स + झ 3-1-45. Note: Since ‘9स’ is a Vकत-्DEययः, 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= द�ु + स + झ 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= द�ु + स + अeत 7-1-3

= द�ु + स ्+ अeत 7-3-72, 1-1-52

= अL द�ु + स ्+ अeत 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ द�ु + स ्+ अeत 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ दघु ्+ स ्+ अeत 8-2-32

= अ धुघ ्+ स ्+ अeत 8-2-37

= अ धुघ ्+ ष ्+ अeत 8-3-59

= अधु-eत 8-4-55

579) 3-1-47 न �शः ।


व�ृ�: �श¶लेः 9सो न । The affix ‘िtल’ does not take the substitute ‘9स’ when following the verbal

root √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३).

Note: This is a �नषेध-सू�म ्(prohibition rule) for 3-1-45 शल इगुपधाद�नटः 9सः।

उदाहरणम ्– अदश�त/्अ�ा-ीत ्derived from √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

�श ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= �श ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= �श ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ त ्3-4-100

= �श ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

Note: 3-1-47 stops the ‘9स’-आदेशः for ‘िtल’ which would have been done by 3-1-45

= �श ्+ अ, + त ्3-1-57. By 3-1-57, ‘िtल’ gets ‘अ,’-आदेशः optionally.

= �श ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 1-1-5 prohibits 7-3-86.

Example continued under 7-4-16

580) 7-4-16 ऋ�शोऽSङ गुणः ।

व�ृ�: ऋवणा�eतानां �शेr गुणः 5यादSङ । A अ,गम ्ending in the ऋ-वण�ः (ऋकारः/ॠकारः) or

consisting of the verbal root√�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३) takes the गुणः substitute when followed

by the affix ‘अ,’।

Example continued from 3-1-47

�श ्+ अ + त ्

= दश ्� + अ + त ्7-4-16, 1-1-51

= अL दश ्� + अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अदश�त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

In the case where the optional ‘अ,’-आदेशः (by 3-1-57) is not applied the form is अ�ा-ीत,् derived

as follows:

�श ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= �श ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= �श ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ त ्3-4-100

= �श ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

Note: 3-1-47 stops the ‘9स’-आदेशः for ‘िtल’ which would have been done by 3-1-45

= �श ्+ 1सँच ्+ त ्3-1-44

= �श ्+ स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35


= �श ्+ स ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46

= �श ्+ स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= � अम ्श ्+ स ्+ ईत ्6-1-58, 1-1-47

= � अ श ्+ स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �श ्+ स ्+ ईत ्6-1-77

= �ाश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्7-2-3

= अL �ाश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ �ाश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ �ाष ्+ स ्+ ईत ्8-2-36

= अ�ाक् + स ्+ ईत ्8-2-41

= अ�ा-ीत ्8-3-59

581) वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-44) – 5पशृ-मशृ-कृष-तपृ-�पां tलेः 1स�वा वाtयः ।

The affix ‘िtल’ optionally takes the substitute ‘1सँच’् when following the verbal root √5पशृ ्(5पशृ ँ

सं5पश�ने ६. १५८) or√मशृ ्(मशृ ँआमश�णे ६. १६१) or √कृष ्(कृष ँ�वलेखने ६. ६) or √तपृ ्(तपँृ Dीणने

४. ९२) or √�प ्(�पँ हष�मोहनयोः ४. ९३).

Note: In the case of the verbal roots √5पशृ,् √मशृ ्and √कृष,् the affix ‘िtल’ would have taken

the substitute ‘9स’ necessarily by 3-1-45. Similarly in the case of the verbal

roots √तपृ ्and √�प,् the affix ‘िtल’ would have taken the substitute ‘अ,’ necessarily by 3-1-55.

Now this वा�त �कम ्prescribes an optional substitution ‘1सँच’् in place of ‘िtल’।

उदाहरणम ्– अ5Dा-ीत/्अ5पा-¤त/्अ5प-ृत ्derived from √5पशृ ्(5पशृ ँसं5पश�ने ६. १५८). �वव-ा is

लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

5पशृ ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= 5पशृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5पशृ ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= 5पशृ ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5पशृ ्+ त ्3-4-100

= 5पशृ ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43

Note: Now by the वा�त �कम ्– 5पशृ-मशृ-कृष-तपृ-�पां tलेः 1स�वा वाtयः the affix ‘िtल’ takes the

optional substitution ‘1सँच’्। Let us first consider the case where the substitution ‘1सँच’् is used:

= 5पशृ ्+ 1सँच ्+ त ्वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-44) – 5पशृ-मशृ-कृष-तपृ-�पां tलेः 1स�वा वाtयः।

= 5पशृ ्+ स ्+ त ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= 5पशृ ्+ स ्+ ईL त ्7-3-96, 1-1-46

= 5पशृ ्+ स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9


Example continued under 6-1-59

582) 6-1-59 अनुदा�5य चदु�पध5याeयतर5याम ्।

व�ृ�: उपदेशेऽनदुा�ो य ऋदपुध5त5यां वा 5या�झलादावVक�त । When followed by an affix which is

अVकत ्(does not have ककार: as a इत)् and which begins with a झल ्letter, a verbal root which is

अनदुा�ोपदेशः and has a penultimate ऋकारः optionally takes the augment ‘अम’्।

Example continued from वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-44) 5पशृ-मशृ-कृष-तपृ-�पां tलेः 1स�वा वाtयः

‘अम’्-प-े – Let us first consider the case where the augment ‘अम’् is used:

= 5प ृअम ्श ्+ स ्+ ईत ्6-1-59, 1-1-47

= 5प ृअ श ्+ स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5Dश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्6-1-77

= 5Dाश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्7-2-3

= अL 5Dाश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ 5Dाश ्+ स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ 5Dाष ्+ स ्+ ईत ्8-2-36

= अ5Dाक् + स ्+ ईत ्8-2-41

= अ5Dा-ीत ्8-3-59

‘अम’्-अभावे – Now let us the consider the case where the augment ‘अम’् is not used:

5पशृ ्+ स ्+ ईत ्

= 5पाश ्� + स ्+ ईत ्7-2-3, 1-1-51

= अL 5पाश ्� + स ्+ ईत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ 5पाश ्� + स ्+ ईत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ 5पाष ्� + स ्+ ईत ्8-2-36

= अ5पाक्� + स ्+ ईत ्8-2-41

= अ5पा-¤त ्8-3-59

Finally let us consider the case where the optional substitution ‘1सँच’् (by the वा�त �कम ्5पशृ-मशृ-

कृष-तपृ-�पां tलेः 1स�वा वाtयः) is not used.

5पशृ ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= 5पशृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5पशृ ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= 5पशृ ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5पशृ ्+ त ्3-4-100

= 5पशृ ्+ िtल + त ्3-1-43. 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

= 5पशृ ्+ 9स + त ्3-1-45. Note: Since ‘9स’ is a Vकत-्DEययः, 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86. Also 6-1-59 does


not apply.

= 5पशृ ्+ स + त ्1-3-8, 1-3-9

= अL 5पशृ ्+ स + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ 5पशृ ्+ स + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ 5पषृ ्+ स + त ्8-2-36

= अ 5पक्ृ + स + त ्8-2-41

= अ5प-ृत ्8-3-59

Thus there are three optional forms अ5Dा-ीत/्अ5पा-¤त/्अ5प-ृत।्

583) 7-2-40 1स�च च पर5मैपदेषु ।

व�ृ�: अ� इटो न द�घ�ः । The optional elongation (prescribed by 7-2-38 वॄतो वा) of the augment इL

does not take place when followed by the affix ‘1सँच’् which itself is followed by a पर5मैपदम ्affix.

उदाहरणम ्– अपाMर�ाम ्derived from √पॄ (पॄ पालनपूरणयोः ३. ४). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, Ivवचनम।्

पॄ + लँु, 3-2-110

= पॄ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पॄ + तस ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108

= पॄ + ताम ्3-4-101, 1-1-55, 1-3-4

= पॄ + िtल + ताम ्3-1-43

= पॄ + 1सँच ्+ ताम ्3-1-44

= पॄ + स ्+ ताम ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पॄ + इL स ्+ ताम ्7-2-35, 1-1-46

= पॄ + इ स ्+ ताम ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Note: 7-2-40 stops the optional elongation of ‘इL’-आगमः which would have been done by 7-2-38.

= पार ्+ इ स ्+ ताम ्7-2-1, 1-1-51

= अL पार ्+ इ स ्+ ताम ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ पार ्+ इ स ्+ ताम ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ पार ्+ इ ष ्+ ताम ्8-3-59

= अपाMर�ाम ्8-4-41

584) 2-4-50 �वभाषा लु,लङृोः ।

व�ृ�: इङो गा, वा 5यात ्। When the intention is to add the affix लँु, or लृँ,, the verbal root √इ (इ,

अxययने – �नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१) optionally takes the substitute ‘गा,’।

उदाहरणम ्– अxयगी�/अxय�ै derived from √इ (इ, अxययने – �नEयम�धपूव�ः २. ४१). �वव-ा is लँु,,

कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

Note: This धातु: is always preceded by the उपसग�: ‘अ�ध’।


‘गा,’-आदेश-प-।े Let us first consider the case where the substitute ‘गा,’ is used:

अ�ध गा, + लँु, 2-4-50, 3-2-110

= अ�ध गा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: पाfण�नः uses ङकारः as a इत ्in ‘गा,’ so that he may be

able to refer to it specifically in the सू�म ्1-2-1 गा,कुटाIद]योऽि[णन ्Sङत।्

= अ�ध गा + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= अ�ध गा + िtल + त 3-1-43

= अ�ध गा + 1सँच ्+ त 3-1-44

= अ�ध गा + स ्+ त 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

Example continued under 1-2-1

585) 1-2-1 गा,कुटाIद]योऽि[णन ्Sङत ्।

व�ृ�: गाङादेशाEकुटाIद]यr परेऽि[णतः DEयया Sङतः 5यःु । The affixes which are अि[णत ्(do not

have the letter ‘ञ’् or ‘ण’् as a इत)् are considered Sङत ्(as if they have the letter ‘,’ as a इत)्

when they follow either the substitute ‘गा,’ (which comes in place of √इ (इ, अxययने –

�नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१)) or any verbal root in the section from √कुL(कुटँ कौIट�ये ६. ९३)

through √कु (कु, श�दे ६. १३६).

Example continued from 2-4-50

अ�ध गा + स ्+ त By 1-2-1, the affix ‘1सँच’् here is Sङvत ्(behaves as if it has ङकारः as a इत।्)

This enables 6-4-66to apply in the next step.

= अ�ध गी + स ्+ त 6-4-66

= अ�ध अL गी + स ्+ त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ�ध अ गी + स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ�ध अगी�त 8-3-59

= अ�ध अगी� 8-4-41

= अxयगी� 6-1-77

‘गा,’-अभावे। Now let us consider the case where the substitute ‘गा,’ is not applied.

अ�ध इ + लँु, 3-2-110

= अ�ध इ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ�ध इ + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= अ�ध इ + िtल + त 3-1-43

= अ�ध इ + 1सँच ्+ त 3-1-44

= अ�ध इ + स ्+ त 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 blocks 7-2-35

Note: As per 8-2-1, we cannot apply 8-2-27 at this stage.

= अ�ध ए + स ्+ त 7-3-84

= अ�ध आL ए + स ्+ त 6-4-72, 1-1-46

= अ�ध आ ए + स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9


= अ�ध ऐ + स ्+ त 6-1-90

= अ�ध ऐ�त 8-3-59

= अ�ध ऐ� 8-4-41

= अxयै� 6-1-77

586) 3-1-48 fण�0�§ुु]यः कत�Mर च, ।

व�ृ�: �यeतात ्¾याIद]यr tलेr, 5यात ्क��थ? लुSङ परे । In the active voice, the affix ‘िtल’ takes the

substitute ‘च,’ when following a verbal root ending in the affix ‘fण’ (‘fणच’् or ‘fणञ’्) or the verbal

root √�0 (�0ञ ्सेवायाम ्१. १०४४) or √� ु(� ुगतौ १. १०९५) or √§ु (§ु गतौ १. १०९०).

Note: This सू�म ्is अपवादः (exception) for 3-1-44.

उदाहरणम ्– अचीकमत derived from √कम ्(कमँु काeतौ १. ५११). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

fण,-प-े – Note: By 3-1-31 the affix ‘fण,’ is optional here. Let us first consider the case where the

affix ‘fण,’ is used.

कमँु + fण, 3-1-30, 3-1-31

= कम ्+ इ 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= काम ्+ इ 7-2-116

= का1म । ‘का1म’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: Sङ¥वा�, । Since the affix ‘fण,’ has ङकार: as a इत,् as per 1-3-12 अनदुा�Sङत आEमनेपदम,्

‘का1म’ takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

का1म + लँु, 3-2-110

= का1म + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= का1म + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= का1म + िtल + त 3-1-43

= का1म + च, + त 3-1-48. Note: 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84

= का1म + अ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

Example continued under 7-4-1

587) 7-4-1 णौ च,यपुधाया �5वः ।

व�ृ�: च,परे णौ यद,गं त5योपधाया �5वः 5यात ्। There is a shortening of the penultimate letter

(vowel) of a अ,गम ्which is followed by the affix ‘fण’ which itself is followed by the affix ‘च,’।

Example continued from 3-1-48

का1म + अ + त

= क1म + अ + त 7-4-1

Example continued under 6-1-11

588) 6-1-11 चSङ ।


व�ृ�: चSङ परेऽन]यास5य धाEववयव5यकैाचः Dथम5य vे 5तोऽजादेIv�तीय5य । When the affix ‘च,’

follows a verbal root, there is reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of the

verbal root which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel)

begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Note: There are three possibilities as follows:

(i) The धातु: has only one vowel – this is a straightforward case – the entire धातु: is duplicated.

(ii) The धातु: is अनेकाच ्(has more than one vowel) but does not begin with a vowel. In this case,

start from the beginning of the धातु: and go until the second vowel is encountered. That is the

part that will be reduplicated.

(iii) The धातु: is अनेकाच ्(has more than one vowel) and does begin with a vowel. In this case,

exclude the beginning vowel and then apply (i) or (ii) above, as appropriate, to the remaining part.

For example, in the case of the धातु: ‘आIट’ (which is a causative root derived from √अL (अटँ

गतौ १. ३३२)), the term to be duplicated is ‘Iट’।

Example continued from 7-4-1

क1म + अ + त

= कम ्क1म + अ + त 6-1-11

= क क1म + अ + त 7-4-60

= च क1म + अ + त 7-4-62

Example continued under 7-4-93

589) 7-4-93 सeव�लघु�न च,परेऽन;लोपे ।

व�ृ�: च,परे णौ यद,गं त5य योऽ]यासो लघपुरः, त5य सनीव काय� 5या�णाव;लोपेऽस�त । The

operations on a reduplicate (अ]यासः) belonging to a अ,गम ्which is followed by the affix ‘fण’

which itself is followed by the affix ‘च,’, are done as if the affix ‘सन’् follows, provided the

following two conditions are satisfied – i) the vowel following the अ]यासः is लघु (prosodically

short) and ii) there is no elision (based on the affix ‘fण’) of a अक् letter.

Example continued from 6-1-11

च क1म + अ + त । Note: By 7-4-93 the operations on the अ]यासः ‘च’ are carried out as if the

affix ‘सन’् follows the अ,गम।्

Example continued under 7-4-79

590) 7-4-79 सeयतः ।

व�ृ�: अ]यास5यात इत ्5यात ्स�न । When the affix ‘सन’् follows, a अकारः belonging to a

reduplicate (अ]यासः) is replaced by a इकारः।

Example continued from 7-4-93


च क1म + अ + त

= �च क1म + अ + त 7-4-79

Example continued under 7-4-94

591) 7-4-94 द�घ� लघोः ।

व�ृ�: लघोर]यास5य द�घ�ः 5यात ्सeव ाव�वषये । In the context where an affix has सeव ावः

(behaves as if it is the affix ‘सन’्) by 7-4-93, a prosodically short (लघु) vowel of the अ]यासः

(reduplicate) is elongated.

Note: 7-4-94 cannot apply unless the conditions specified in 7-4-93 are satisfied first.

Example continued from 7-4-79

�च क1म + अ + त

= ची क1म + अ + त 7-4-94

= ची कम ्+ अ + त 6-4-51

= अL ची कम ्+ अ + त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अचीकमत 1-3-3, 1-3-9

****** May 26th 2012 ******

592) वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-48) – कमे¶लेr, वwbयः ।

When following the verbal root √कम ्(कमँु काeतौ १. ५११), the affix ‘िtल’ is substituted by ‘च,’।

Note: In the का1शका this वा�त �कम ्is worded as ‘कमेOपस,¼यानम।्’

उदाहरणम ्– अचकमत derived from √कम ्(कमँु काeतौ १. ५११). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-

पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

‘fण,’-अभावप-े – Now let us consider the case where the affix fण, (which is optional here by 3-1-

31) is not applied.

कम ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= कम ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कम ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= कम ्+ िtल + त 3-1-43

= कम ्+ च, + त By the above वा�त �कम ्‘कमे¶लेr, वwbयः।’

= कम ्+ अ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= कम ्कम ्+ अ + त 6-1-11

= क कम ्+ अ + त 7-4-60

= च कम ्+ अ + त 7-4-62

= अL च कम ्+ अ + त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अचकमत 1-3-3, 1-3-9


593) पMरभाषा – fणtयच आदेशो न 5याa IvEवे कत�bये।

While reduplication is yet to be done, a substitution shall not be made in the place of a vowel

when followed by the affix fणच।्

Note: This पMरभाषा only temporarily stops the substitution until reduplication is done. Once

reduplication is done, the substitution does takes place.

उदाहरणम ्– अननूवत/्अननूवत derived from √नु (ण ु5ततुौ २. ३०). As per 6-1-65 णो नः, the

beginning णकार: of the धातु: is replaced by a नकार:।

The �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः (हेतमु�त), Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

नु + fणच ्3-1-26

= नु इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9.

Note: As per the पMरभाषा above, 7-2-115 (and 6-1-78) have to wait until reduplication is done.

‘नु इ’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

नु इ + लँु, 3-2-110

= नु इ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= नु इ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= नु इ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= नु इ + त ्3-4-100

= नु इ + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= नु इ + च, + त ्3-1-48

= नु इ + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= नु नु इ + अ + त ्6-1-11

= नु नौ इ + अ + त ्7-2-115

= नु नाव ्इ + अ + त ्6-1-78

= नु नव ्इ + अ + त ्7-4-1

= नू नव ्इ + अ + त ्7-4-94

= नू नव ्+ अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL ननूव त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अननूवत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Similarly अननूवत when a आEमनेपदम ्affix is used by 1-3-74.

594) 7-4-80 ओः पयु��यपरे ।

व�ृ�: स�न परे यद,गं तदवयवा]यासोकार5य इE5यात ्पवग�य�जकारे�ववण�परेषु परतः । The उकारः of a

reduplicate (अ]यासः) belonging to a अ,गम ्which is followed by the affix ‘सन’्, takes इकारः as a

substitute, provided the अ]यासः is followed by either -

i) a letter of the पवग�ः which itself is followed by the अवण�ः (अकारः or आकारः) or


ii) a यण ्letter which itself is followed by the अवण�ः (अकारः or आकारः) or

iii) a जकारः which itself is followed by the अवण�ः (अकारः or आकारः)।

उदाहरणम ्– अबीभवत/्अबीभवत derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः

(हेतुम�त), Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

भू + fणच ्3-1-26

= भू इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9.

Note: As per the पMरभाषा – fणtयच आदेशो न 5याa IvEवे कत�bये, 7-2-115 (and 6-1-78) have to wait

until reduplication is done.

‘भू इ’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

भू इ + लँु, 3-2-110

= भू इ + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू इ + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= भू इ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू इ + त ्3-4-100

= भू इ + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= भू इ + च, + त ्3-1-48

= भू इ + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= भू भू इ + अ + त ्6-1-11

= भु भू इ + अ + त ्7-4-59

= बु भू इ + अ + त ्8-4-54

= बु भौ इ + अ + त ्7-2-115

= बु भाव ्इ + अ + त ्6-1-78

= बु भव ्इ + अ + त ्7-4-1

= �ब भव ्इ + अ + त ्7-4-80. Note: By 7-4-93 the operations on the अ]यासः ‘ब’ु are carried out as

if the affix ‘सन’् follows the अ,गम।्

= बी भव ्इ + अ + त ्7-4-94

= बी भव ्+ अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL बीभव त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अबीभवत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Note: In the absence of the पMरभाषा – fणtयच आदेशो न 5याa IvEवे कत�bये, we could have got the

same form अबीभवत ्without using 7-4-80. The fact that पाfण�नः has composed 7-4-80 gives us a

hint as to the existence of the पMरभाषा।

Similarly अबीभवत when a आEमनेपदम ्affix is used by 1-3-74.


उदाहरणम ्– आIटटत ्derived from √अL (अटँ गतौ १. ३३२). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः (हेतुम�त),

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

अL + fणच ्3-1-26

= अL + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= आL + इ 7-2-116

= आIट । ‘आIट’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

आIट + लँु, 3-2-110

= आIट + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= आIट + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-87

= आIट + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= आIट + त ्3-4-100

= आIट + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= आIट + च, + त ्3-1-48

= आIट + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= अIट + अ + त ्7-4-1

= अIटIट + अ + त ्6-1-11. Note: Since the multi-syllabic verbal root ‘अIट’ begins with a vowel,

duplication is done for the second portion (‘Iट’) containing a single vowel.

= अIट L + अ + त ्6-4-51

= आL अIट L + अ + त ्6-4-72, 1-1-46

= आ अIट L + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= आIटटत ्6-1-90

595) 7-4-5 �त�तेMरत ्।

व�ृ�: उपधाया इदादेशः 5याtच,परे णौ । When followed by the affix fणच ्which itself is followed by

the affix ‘च,’, the penultimate vowel of the verbal root √5था (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७) takes इकारः

as a substitute.

उदाहरणम ्– अ�त��पत/्अ�त��पत derived from √5था (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर

Dयोगः (हेतुम�त), Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७ = 5था (6-1-64, ‘�न1म�ापाये न1ैम��क5या{यपाय:’)।

5था + fणच ्3-1-26

= 5था + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= 5था पुक् + इ 7-3-36, 1-1-46

= 5थाप ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘पुक्’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

= 5था�प । ‘5था�प’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

5था�प + लँु, 3-2-110

= 5था�प + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9


= 5था�प + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= 5था�प + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 5था�प + त ्3-4-100

= 5था�प + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= 5था�प + च, + त ्3-1-48

= 5था�प + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= ि5थ�प + अ + त ्7-4-5

= ि5थप ्ि5थ�प + अ + त ्6-1-11

= �थ ि5थ�प + अ + त ्7-4-61

= �त ि5थ�प + अ + त ्8-4-54

= �त ि5थप ्+ अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL �त ि5थप ्+ अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ �त ि5थप ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ �त ि�थ प ्+ अ + त ्8-3-59

= अ�त��पत ्8-4-41

Similarly अ�त��पत when a आEमनेपदम ्affix is used by 1-3-74.

596) 7-4-7 उरृत ्।

व�ृ�: उपधाया ऋवण�5य 5थाने ऋE5याvा च,परे णौ । When followed by the affix fणच ्which itself is

to be followed by the affix ‘च,’, the penultimate ऋवण�ः (ऋकारः/ऌकारः/ ॠकारः) optionally takes

ऋकारः as a substitute.

उदाहरणम ्– अद��शत/्अददश�त ्derived from √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः

(हेतुम�त), Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�श ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= �1श 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9. Note: 7-3-86 would apply here, but it is over-ruled by the अपवाद-सू�म ्7-


‘�1श’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

�1श + लँु, 3-2-110

= �1श + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �1श + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= �1श + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �1श + त ्3-4-100

= �1श + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= �1श + च, + त ्3-1-48. Note: 7-4-7 replaces the penultimate ऋकारः (of ‘�श’्) by a ऋकारः। This

is to prevent 7-3-86 from applying.

= �1श + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9


= �श ्�1श + अ + त ्6-1-11

= दर ्श ्�1श + अ + त ्7-4-66, 1-1-51

= द �1श + अ + त ्7-4-60

= Iद �1श + अ + त ्7-4-79. Note: By 7-4-93 the operations on the अ]यासः ‘द’ are carried out as if

the affix ‘सन’् follows the अ,गम।्

= द� �1श + अ + त ्7-4-94

= द� �श ्+ अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL द� �श त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अद��शत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

When the optional ऋकारादेशः (by 7-4-7) is not done the form is अददश�त।्

�श ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= �श ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= द1श� 7-3-86, 1-1-51. ‘द1श�’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

द1श� + लँु, 3-2-110

= द1श� + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द1श� + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= द1श� + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द1श� + त ्3-4-100

= द1श� + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= द1श� + च, + त ्3-1-48

= द1श� + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= दश ्� द1श� + अ + त ्6-1-11

= द द1श� + अ + त ्7-4-60. Note: Here there is no सeव ावः (by 7-4-93) because the vowel (the

अकारः of ‘द1श�’) following the अ]यासः (‘द’) does not have लघ-ुस[\ा। (It instead has the गुO-स[\ा

by 1-4-11 संयोगे गुO।) Hence 7-4-79 does not apply here.

= द दश ्� + अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL द दश� त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अददश�त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

597) 7-4-97 ई च गणः ।

व�ृ�: गणयतेर]यास5य ई 5याtच,परे णौ चादत ्। The ईकारः also (in addition to the अकारः) comes

as a substitute in place of (the ending vowel of) the reduplicate (अ]यासः) of the verbal

root √गण (गण स,¼याने १०. ३९१) when followed by the affix fणच ्which itself is followed by the

affix ‘च,’।

उदाहरणम ्– अजीगणत/्अजीगणत or अजगणत/्अजगणत derived from √गण (गण स,¼याने १०. ३९१).

�वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्


The ending अकारः of ‘गण’ is not a अननुा1सक: and hence does not get the इत-्स[\ा।

गण + fणच ्3-1-25

= गण ्+ fणच ्6-4-48. Note: As per 7-2-116, the fणच-्DEयय: would do a व�ृs: substitution in place

of the अकार: of the अ,गम ्‘गण’्। But this does not happen because as per 1-1-57, the लोप: done

by 6-4-48 has 5था�नवa-भाव: (it behaves like the item it replaced – अकार:) when it comes to an

operation (व�ृs:) that would be performed to the left of it. Hence as far as 7-2-116 is concerned,

the उपधा of the अ,गम ्is the णकार: and hence it cannot apply.

= गण ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= गfण । ‘गfण’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

गfण + लँु, 3-2-110

= गfण + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गfण + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= गfण + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गfण + त ्3-4-100

= गfण + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= गfण + च, + त ्3-1-48

= गfण + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= गण ्गfण + अ + त ्6-1-11

= ग गfण + अ + त ्7-4-60

= ज गfण + अ + त ्7-4-62. Note: 7-4-93 cannot apply here because the condition ‘अन;लोपे’ is

not satisfied.

= जी/ज गfण + अ + त ्7-4-97, 1-1-52

= जी/ज गण ्+ अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL जी/ज गण ्+ अ + त ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ जी/ज गण ्+ अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अजीगणत/्अजगणत ्

Similarly अजीगणत/अजगणत when a आEमनेपदम ्affix is used by 1-3-74.

598) 1-1-48 एच इ;¿5वादेशे

व�ृ�: आIद�यमानेषु �5वेषु एच इगेव 5यात ्। When a �5वः (short vowel) is to be substituted in

place of a एच ्letter (‘ए’, ‘ओ’, ‘ऐ’, ‘औ’), the substitute should be a इक् letter (‘इ’, ‘उ’, ‘ऋ’, ‘ऌ’) only.

उदाहरणम ्– अचूचुरत/्अचूचुरत derived from √चुर ्(चुरँ 5तेये १०. १). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्


चुर ्+ fणच ्3-1-25

= चुर ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= चोMर 7-3-86. ‘चोMर’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

चोMर + लँु, 3-2-110

= चोMर + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= चोMर + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78

= चोMर + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= चोMर + त ्3-4-100

= चोMर + िtल + त ्3-1-43

= चोMर + च, + त ्3-1-48

= चोMर + अ + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= चुMर + अ + त ्7-4-1, 1-1-48

= चुर ्चुMर + अ + त ्6-1-11

= चु चुMर + अ + त ्7-4-60

= चू चुMर + अ + त ्7-4-94

= चू चुर ्+ अ + त ्6-4-51

= अL चूचुरत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अचूचुरत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

Similarly अचूचुरत when a आEमनेपदम ्affix is used by 1-3-74.

599) 3-1-60 �चण ्ते पदः ।

व�ृ�: पद¶लेिrण ्5या�श�दे परे । When the term ‘त’ (आEमनेपदDथमपOुषैकवचनम)् follows, there is a

substitution of ‘�चण’् in place of ‘िtल’ when following the verbal root √पa (पदँ गतौ ४. ६५).

उदाहरणम ्– अपाIद derived from √पa (पदँ गतौ ४. ६५). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


पa + लँु, 3-2-110

= पa + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पa + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= पa + िtल + त 3-1-43

= पa + �चण ्+ त 3-1-60

= पa + इ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= पाa + इ + त 7-2-116

Example continued under 6-4-104

600) 6-4-104 �चणो लुक् ।


व�ृ�: �चणः पर5य तश�द5य लुक् 5यात ्। When following the affix ‘�चण’्, the term ‘त’

(आEमनेपदDथमपOुषकैवचनम)् takes the लुक् elision. Note: As per the सू�म ्1-1-61 DEयय5य

लुक् lुलुपः the entire term ‘त’ is elided.

Example continued from 3-1-60

पाa + इ + त

= पाa + इ 6-4-104, 1-1-61

= अL पाIद 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अपाIद 1-3-3, 1-3-9

****** June 9th 2012 ******

601) 3-1-61 द�पजनबुधपMूरता�य{या�य]योऽeयतर5याम ्।

व�ृ�: ए]य¶लेिrण ्वा 5यादेकवचने तश�दे परे । When the term ‘त’ (आEमनेपदDथमपुOषैकवचनम)्

follows, there is an optional substitution of ‘�चण’् in place of ‘िtल’ when following the verbal

root √द�प ्(द�पी= द��ौ ४. ४५), √जन ्(जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४), √बुध ्(बुध ँअवगमने ४. ६८), √पूर ्(पूर�=

आ{यायने ४. ४६), √ताय ्(तायृँ सeतानपालनयोः १. ५६२) or √{याय(्ओ={यायी= वsृौ १. ५६१).

उदाहरणम ्– अज�न/अज�न� derived from √जन ्(जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४). �वव-ा is लँु,, कत�Mर Dयोगः,

Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

�चण-्प- े

जन ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= जन ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= जन ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= जन ्+ िtल + त 3-1-43

= जन ्+ �चण ्+ त 3-1-61. Note: This �चण ्substitution is optional.

= जन ्+ इ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

Example continued under 7-3-35

602) 7-3-35 ज�नवxयोr ।

व�ृ�: अनयोOपधाया व�ृsन� 5यािtचfण ि[ण�त कृ�त च । There is no व�ृsः substitute in place of the

penultimate vowel of√जन ्(जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४) or √वध ्when followed by the affix �चण ्or a कृत ्

affix which is either �ञत ्(has ञकार: as a इत)् or fणत ्(has णकार: as a इत)्। Note: The substitute

‘वध’ (which comes in place of हन ्by 2-4-43 लुSङ च) is not being referred to in this सू�म।् The

reason being ‘वध’ ends in a अकारः and hence due to 1-1-57, we cannot apply 7-2-116 anyway.

There is no need for 7-3-35 in the case of ‘वध’। This सू�म ्refers to a verbal root √वधa्ssumed

to be in the ]वाIद-गणः।

Example continued from 3-1-61


जन ्+ इ + त Note: 7-3-35 stops 7-2-116

= जन ्+ इ 6-4-104, 1-1-61

= अL ज�न 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अज�न 1-3-3, 1-3-9


जन ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= जन ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= जन ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= जन ्+ िtल + त 3-1-43

= जन ्+ 1सँच ्+ त 3-1-44

= जन ्+ स ्+ त 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= जन ्+ इL स ्+ त 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= जन ्+ इ स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अL जन ्+ इ स ्+ त 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अ जन ्+ इ स ्+ त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अ जन ्+ इ ष ्+ त 8-3-59

= अज�न� 8-4-41

603) 3-1-66 �चण ्भावकम�णोः ।

व�ृ�: tलेिr�5या ावकम�वा�च�न तश�दे परे । There is a substitution of ‘�चण’् in place of ‘िtल’ when

followed by the term ‘त’ (आEमनेपदDथमपOुषैकवचनम)् used in passive (कम�fण/भावे।)

उदाहरणम ्– अभा�व derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लँु,, भावे Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


भू + लँु, 3-2-110

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-13

= भू + िtल + त 3-1-43

= भू + �चण ्+ त 3-1-66

= भू + इ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= भू + इ 6-4-104, 1-1-61

= भौ + इ 7-2-115

= भा�व 6-1-78

= अL भा�व 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अभा�व 1-3-3, 1-3-9


उदाहरणम ्– अदा�य derived from √दा (डुदाञ ्दाने ३. १०). �वव-ा is लँु,, कम�fण Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


दा + लँु, 3-2-110

= दा + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= दा + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-13

= दा + िtल + त 3-1-43

= दा + �चण ्+ त 3-1-66

= दा + इ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= दा + इ 6-4-104, 1-1-61

= दा यक्ु + इ 7-3-33, 1-1-46

= दा�य 1-3-3, 1-3-9. The उकार: in यक्ु is उtचारणाथ�:।

= अL दा�य 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अदा�य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

604) 7-3-34 नोदा�ोपदेश5य माeत5यानाचमेः ।

व�ृ�: उपधाया व�ृsन� 5यािtचfण �ञ�त fण�त कृ�त च । There is no व�ृsः substitute in place of the

penultimate vowel of a verbal root (with the exception of the verbal root √चम ्(चमँु अदने १. ५४०)

with the उपसग�ः ‘आ,’) which is उदा�ोपदेशः and ends in the letter ‘म’् when followed by the affix

�चण ्or a कृत ्affix which is either �ञत ्(has the letter ‘ञ’् as a इत)् or fणत ्(has the letter ‘ण’् as a


उदाहरणम ्– अश1म derived from √शम ्(शमँु उपशमे ४. ९८). �वव-ा is लँु,, भावे Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः,


शम ्+ लँु, 3-2-110

= शम ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= शम ्+ त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-13

= शम ्+ िtल + त 3-1-43

= शम ्+ �चण ्+ त 3-1-66

= शम ्+ इ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9. Note: 7-3-34 stops 7-2-116

= शम ्+ इ 6-4-104, 1-1-61

= अL श1म 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अश1म 1-3-3, 1-3-9

उदाहरणम ्– अश1म/अशा1म is a causative form derived from √शम ्(शमँु उपशमे ४. ९८). �वव-ा is

लँु,, कम�fण Dयोगः (हेतुम�त), Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

शम ्+ fणच ्3-1-26

= शाम ्+ fणच ्7-2-116


= शम ्+ fणच ्6-4-92. Note: √शम ्is a 1मत ्as per the गण-सू�म ्– जनीजॄ�9नसुर[जोऽमeताr।

= शम ्+ इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= श1म । ‘श1म’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

श1म + लँु, 3-2-110

= श1म + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= श1म + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-13

= श1म + िtल + त 3-1-43

= श1म + �चण ्+ त 3-1-66. Note: 3-1-48 does not apply here because of the condition ‘कत�Mर’

= श1म + इ + त 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= श1म + इ 6-4-104, 1-1-61

= श1म/शा1म + इ 6-4-93

= शम/्शाम ्+ इ 6-4-51

= अL श1म/शा1म 6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अश1म/अशा1म 1-3-3, 1-3-9

605) 3-3-156 हेतुहेतुमतो1ल�, ।

व�ृ�: वा 5यात ्। (भ�व�यEयेवे�यते) । The affix 1लँ, is optionally employed after a verbal root when

a cause and its effect are to be expressed. (This सू�म ्only applies in the future tense.) Note: In

the case when the optional affix 1लँ, is not used, the affix लृँL is used as per the सू�म ्3-3-13 लLृ

शेषे च।

उदाहरणम ्– कृ�ण ंनमेtचेEसुख ंयायात ्। कृ�ण ंन5ंय�त चेEसुख ंया5य�त ।

606) 3-3-139 1ल, �न1म�े ल,ृ VWयाऽ�तप�ौ ।

व�ृ�: हेतुहेतुम ावाIद 1लSङन1म� ंत� भ�व�यEयथ? ल,ृ 5यात ्VWयाया अ�न�प�ौ गGयमानायाम ्। The

affix लृँ, is employed after a verbal root to denote a future action, provided the conditions – such

as those stated in 3-3-156हेतुहेतुमतो1ल�, – for using the affix 1लँ, are satisfied and non-

completion of the action is to be expressed.

Note: The affix लृँ, has to be used in both the antecedent and the consequent clauses.

उदाहरणम ्– सुव�ृ�rेदभ�व�य�दा सु1भ-मभ�व�यत।् If there will be good rain (which clearly there will

not be) then there will be plenty of food.

अभ�व�यत ्is derived from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १). �वव-ा is लृँ,, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः,


भू + लृँ, 3-3-139

= भू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-78


= भू + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भू + त ्3-4-100

= भू + 5य + त ्3-1-33

= भू + इL 5य + त ्7-2-35, 1-1-46

= भू + इ5य + त ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= भो + इ5य + त ्7-3-84

= भ�व5यत ्6-1-78

= अL भ�व5यत ्6-4-71, 1-1-46

= अभ�व5यत ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= अभ�व�यत ्8-3-59

See conjugation table.

607) 3-3-140 भूते च ।

व�ृ�: (पूव�सू� ंसंपूण�मनुवत�ते।) हेतुहेतुम ावाIद1लSङन1म� ंत� भूताथ? ल,ृ 5यात ्VWयाया अ�न�प�ौ

गGयमानायाम ्। (The अनुव�ृ�ः of the entire prior सू�म ्3-3-139 1ल, �न1म�े ल,ृ VWयाऽ�तप�ौ comes

down into this सू�म।्) The affix लृँ, is employed after a verbal root to also denote a past action,

provided the conditions – such as those stated in 3-3-156हेतुहेतुमतो1ल�, – for using the affix 1लँ,

are satisfied and non-completion of the action is to be expressed.

Note: The affix लृँ, has to be used in both the antecedent and the consequent clauses.

उदाहरणम ्– सुव�ृ�rेदभ�व�य�दा सु1भ-मभ�व�यत।् If there had been good rain (which clearly there

wasn’t) then there would have been plenty of food.

608) 3-1-7 धातोः कम�णः समानकतृ�काIदtछायां वा ।

व�ृ�: इ�षकम�ण इ�षणकैकतृ�काsातोः सeDEययो वा 5याIदtछायाम ्। In order to express wish/desire,

the affix सन ्is optionally prescribed after a verbal root which underlies the object of and shares

the same agent with the verbal root √इष ्(इषु ँइtछायाम ्६. ७८).

उदाहरणम ्– �पपIठष�त (optionally पIठतु1मtछ�त) is a desiderative form derived from √प¸ (पठँ

bयwायां वा�च १. ३८१). �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

प¸ + सन ्3-1-7

= प¸ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= प¸ + इL स 3-4-114, 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= प¸ + इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Example continued under 6-1-9

609) 6-1-9 सeयङोः ।


व�ृ�ः सeनeत5य यङeत5य च धातोरन]यास5य Dथम5यकैाचो vे 5तोऽजादे5त ुIvतीय5य । There is

reduplication of the first portion – containing a single vowel – of a verbal root ending in the affix

सन/्य, which is not already reduplicated. But if the verbal root (that has more than one vowel)

begins with a vowel, then the reduplication is of the second portion – containing a single vowel.

Example continued from 3-1-7

प¸ + इस

= प¸ प¸ + इस 6-1-9

= प प¸ + इस 7-4-60

= �प प¸ + इस 7-4-79

= �पपIठष 8-3-59

‘�पपIठष’ has धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Example continued under 1-3-62

610) 1-3-62 पूव�वत ्सनः ।

व�ृ�ः सनः पवू� यो धात5ुतेन त�ुय ंसeनeताद{याEमनेपदं 5यात ्। A सeनeत-धातुः (verbal root ending

in the affix ‘सन’्) takes a आEमनेपद-DEयय: in the same manner as the verbal root to which the affix

सन ्is added.

Note: This implies that if the धातु: to which the affix सन ्is added is आEमनेपद�/पर5मैपद�/उभयपद�

then the सeनeत-धातःु is correspondingly आEमनेपद�/पर5मैपद�/उभयपद�।

Example continued from 6-1-9

�पपIठष + लँL 3-2-123

= �पपIठष + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �पपIठष + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-62, 1-3-78

= �पपIठष + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �पपIठष + शप ्+ �त 3-1-68

= �पपIठष + अ + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= �पपIठष�त 6-1-97

611) 2-4-48 इङr ।

व�ृ�ः इङो ग1मः 5याEस�न । When the affix सन ्follows, the verbal root √इ (इ, अxययने –

�नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१) is replaced by ‘गम’्।

उदाहरणम ्– अ�धिजगांसते is a desiderative form derived from √इ (इ, अxययने – �नEयम�धपवू�ः २.

४१). �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्


अ�ध गम ्+ सन ्2-4-48, 3-1-7

= अ�ध गम ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35. 7-2-58 does not apply here because a

आEमनेपदम ्affix is going to follow.

Example continued under 6-4-16

612) 6-4-16 अ�झनगमां स�न ।

व�ृ�ः अजeतानां हeतेरजादेशगमेr द�घ� झलादौ स�न । When the affix सन ्beginning with a झल ्

letter follows, there is an elongation of a verbal root which ends in a vowel, as well as of the

verbal root √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः २. २) and√गम ्(‘गम’्-आदेशः which comes in place of √इ (इ,

अxययने | �नEयम�धपवू�ः २. ४१) by 2-4-48 इङr).

Note: In this सू�म ्‘गम’् does not refer to √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७).

Example continued from 2-4-48

अ�ध गम ्+ स

= अ�ध गाम ्+ स 6-4-16

= अ�ध गाGस ्गाGस 6-1-9

= अ�ध गा गाGस 7-4-60

= अ�ध ग गाGस 7-4-59

= अ�ध ज गाGस 7-4-62

= अ�ध िज गाGस 7-4-79

= अ�धिजगांस 8-3-24

‘अ�धिजगांस’ has धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

अ�धिजगांस + लँL 3-2-123 = अ�धिजगांसते 1-3-62, 1-3-12

613) 2-4-47 स�न च ।

व�ृ�ः इणो ग1मः 5याEस�न न तु बोधने । When the affix सन ्follows, the verbal root √इ (इण ्गतौ २.

४०) is replaced by ‘गम’् as long as the sense is not that of ‘comprehending.’

उदाहरणम ्– िजग1मष�त is a desiderative form derived from √इ (इण ्गतौ २. ४०). �वव-ा is लँL,

कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

गम ्+ सन ्3-1-7, 2-4-47

= गम ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35, but the special rule 7-2-58 applies in the next


= गम ्+ इL स 7-2-58, 1-1-46

= गम ्+ इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गम ्गम ्+ इस 6-1-9

= ग गम ्+ इस 7-4-60

= ज गम ्+ इस 7-4-62


= िज गम ्+ इस 7-4-79

= िजग1मष 8-3-59

‘िजग1मष’ has धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

िजग1मष + लँL 3-2-123 = िजग1मष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

उदाहरणम ्– Dती�षष�त is a desiderative form derived from √इ (इण ्गतौ २. ४०) with the उपसग�ः

‘D�त’। �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

Note: The सू�म ्2-4-47 does not apply here because D�त + √इ (इण ्गतौ २. ४०) is used in the

sense of comprehending.

D�त इ + सन ्3-1-7, 1-4-59, 1-4-80

= D�त इ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35.

= D�त ई स 6-4-16

= D�त ई स स 6-1-9. Note: Since the multi-syllabic verbal root ‘ईस’ begins with a vowel,

duplication is done for the second portion (‘स’) containing a single vowel.

= D�त ई 1स स 7-4-79

= D�त ई�षष 8-3-59

‘ई�षष’ has धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

D�त ई�षष + लँL 3-2-123 = D�त ई�षष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78 = Dती�षष�त 6-1-101

****** August 11th 2012 ******

614) 3-2-168 सनाशंस1भ- उः ।

व�ृ�ः सeनeते]यो धात]ुय आशंसे1भ�-ेr उः DEययो भव�त तtछ·लतsम�तEसाधकुाMरषु कतृ�षु । The affix

‘उ’ is prescribed after the following verbal roots to denote an agent who performs an action

because of his nature/habit or sense of duty or skill:

i) any verbal root ending in the affix सन ्

ii) √शंस ्(आङः श1सँ इtछायाम ्१. ७१६) preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘आ,’

iii) √1भ-् (1भ-ँ 1भ-ायामलाभे लाभे च १. ६९०)

उदाहरणम ्– िजग1मषुः derived from the सeनeत-धातुः ‘िजग1मष’।

िजग1मष + उ 3-2-168, ‘उ’ gets आध�धातक-स[\ा by 3-4-114

= िजग1मष ्+ उ 6-4-48 = िजग1मष ु

Since the affix ‘उ’ has the कृत-्स[\ा by 3-1-93 कृद�त,, ‘िजग1मष’ु gets Dा�तपIदक-स[\ा by 1-2-

46 कृ��sतसमासाr। ‘िजग1मष’ु is an adjective which declines like ‘गुO’ in the masculine, ‘धेन’ु in the

feminine and ‘मध’ु in the neuter.

615) 3-3-102 अ DEययात ् ।


व�ृ�ः DEययाeते]यो धात]ुयः ि®यामकारDEययः 5यात ्। In order to form a feminine noun, the affix ‘अ’

is used following a verbal root ending in an affix. Note: A verbal root ending in an affix refers to a

verbal root which gets the धात-ुस[\ा by the सू�म ्3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

Note: 3-3-102 is an exception to 3-3-94 ि®यां Swन।्

उदाहरणम ्– िजग1मषा derived from the सeनeत-धातुः ‘िजग1मष’।

िजग1मष + अ 3-3-102, ‘अ’ gets आध�धातक-स[\ा by 3-4-114

= िजग1मष ्+ अ 6-4-48 = िजग1मष । Since the affix ‘अ’ has the कृत-्स[\ा by 3-1-93 कृद�त,,

‘िजग1मष’ gets Dा�तपIदक-स[\ा by 1-2-46 कृ��sतसमासाr।

िजग1मष + टाप ्4-1-4

= िजग1मष + आ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9

= िजग1मषा 6-1-101. ‘िजग1मषा’ is a feminine noun which is declined like ‘रमा’।

616) 7-3-55 अ]यासाtच ।

व�ृ�: अ]यासाEपर5य हeतेह�5य कुEव ं5यात।् The हकार: of √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः #२. २) takes a

कवगा�देश: (घकार:) when it follows a अ]यास:।

उदाहरणम ्– िजघांस�त is a desiderative form derived from √हन ्(हनँ IहसंागEयोः #२. २).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

हन ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= हन ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= हान ्+ स 6-4-16

= हान ्स ्हाeस 6-1-9

= झान ्स ्हाeस 7-4-62, 1-1-50

= झा हाeस 7-4-60

= झ हाeस 7-4-59

= fझ हाeस 7-4-79

= fझ घाeस 7-3-55

= fझ घांस 8-3-24

= िजघांस 8-4-54, 1-1-50

‘िजघांस’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 सना�eता धातवः।

िजघांस + लँL 3-2-123 = िजघांस�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

617) 1-2-9 इको झल ्।

व�ृ�ः इगeता�झलाIदः सन ्Vकत ्5यात ्। The affix सन ्is considered to be a Vकत ्(having ककारः as

a इत)् when it begins with a झल ्letter and follows a verbal root that ends in a इक् letter.

Note: The affix सन ्by itself is झलाIदः but when it takes a ‘इL’ augment that joins itself to the


beginning of ‘सन’् then the affix becomes ‘इस’ which is no longer झलाIदः। So a झलाIदः ‘सन’्

means the affix ‘सन’् which is without the augment इL।

उदाहरणम ्– �चक�ष��त/�चक�ष�ते is a desiderative form derived from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे, # ८. १०).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

कृ + सन ्3-1-7

= कृ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= कॄ + स 6-4-16. Note: The affix ‘स’ is a Vकत ्here by 1-2-9. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84 from


= Vकर ्+ स 7-1-100, 1-1-51

= Vकर ्स ्Vकर ्स 6-1-9

= Vक Vकर ्स 7-4-60

= �च Vकर ्स 7-4-62

= �च क�र ्स 8-2-77

= �चक�ष� 8-3-59

‘�चक�ष�’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

�चक�ष� + लँL 3-2-123 = �चक�ष��त 1-3-62, 1-3-78 or �चक�ष�ते 1-3-62, 1-3-72

618) 7-3-57 सिeलटोज?ः ।

व�ृ�ः जयतेः सिeलि�न1म�ो योऽ]यास5ततः पर5य कुEवं 5यात ्। The जकार: of the verbal

root √िज (िज जये १. ६४२, िज अ1भभवे १. १०९६) takes a कवगा�देश: (गकार:) when it follows a

अ]यास: which has been caused by the affix सन ्or 1लँL।

उदाहरणम ्– िजगीष�त is a desiderative form derived from √िज (िज जये १. ६४२, िज अ1भभवे १.


The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

िज + सन ्3-1-7

= िज + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= जी + स 6-4-16. Note: The affix ‘स’ is a Vकत ्here by 1-2-9. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84 from


= जीस ्जीस 6-1-9

= जी जीस 7-4-60

= िज जीस 7-4-59

= िज गीस 7-3-57

= िजगीष 8-3-59

‘िजगीष’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

िजगीष + लँL 3-2-123 = िजगीष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78


619) 7-2-12 स�न �हगुहोr ।

व�ृ�ः �हेगु�हेOगeताtच सन इ�न 5यात ्। The affix सन ्does not get the augment इL, when following

the verbal root√�� (�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१) or √गु� (गुहँू संवरणे १. १०४३) or any verbal root ending

in a उक् letter.

उदाहरणम ्– िजघ-ृ�त/िजघ-ृते is a desiderative form derived from √�� (�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�� + सन ्3-1-7

= �� + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-12 stops 7-2-35

Example continued under 1-2-8

620) 1-2-8 Oद�वदमुष�Iह5व�पDtछः सँr ।

व�ृ�ः ए]यः सन ्9Eवा च Vकतौ 5तः । The affix ‘9Eवा’ as well as ‘सन’् is considered to be a Vकत ्

(having ककारः as a इत)् when it follows the verbal root √Oa (OIदँर ्अ0�ुवमोचने २.

६२), √�वa (�वदँ \ाने २. ५९), √मुष ्(मुष ँ5तेये ९. ६६), √��(�हँ उपादाने ९. ७१), √5वप ्(�ञ�वपँ

शये २. ६३) or √Dt« (Dtछँ \ी{सायाम ्६.१४९).

Example continued from 7-2-12

�� + स Note: By 1-2-8 the affix सन ्is a Vकत ्here. This allows 6-1-16 to apply in the next step.

= ग ्ऋ अ � + स 6-1-16, 1-1-45

= ग�ृ + स 6-1-108. Note: By 1-2-8 the affix सन ्is a Vकत ्here. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= ग�ृ स ्ग�ृ स 6-1-9

= गर ्� स ्ग�ृ स 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= जर ्� स ्ग�ृ स 7-4-62

= ज ग�ृ स 7-4-60

= िज ग�ृ स 7-4-79

= िज गµृ स 8-2-31

= िज घµृ स 8-2-37

= िज घक्ृ स 8-2-41

= िज घक्ृ ष 8-3-59

= िजघ-ृ । ‘िजघ-ृ’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

िजघ-ृ + लँL 3-2-123 = िजघ-ृ�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78 or िजघ-ृते 1-3-62, 1-3-72

621) 1-2-10 हलeताtच ।

व�ृ�ः इ9समीपाsलः परो झलाIदः सन ्Vकत ्। The affix सन ्is considered to be a Vकत ्(having ककारः

as a इत)् when it begins with a झल ्letter and follows a consonant adjoining a इक् letter.

Note: The affix सन ्by itself is झलाIदः but when it takes a ‘इL’ augment that joins itself to the


beginning of ‘सन’् then the affix becomes ‘इस’ which is no longer झलाIदः। So a झलाIदः ‘सन’्

means the affix ‘सन’् which is without the augment इL।

उदाहरणम ्– बुभुEसते is a desiderative form derived from √बुध ्(बुध ँअवगमने ४. ६८).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

बुध ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= बुध ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

Note: By 1-2-10 the affix सन ्is a Vकत ्here. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= बुध ्स ्बुध ्स 6-1-9

= बु बुध ्स 7-4-60

= बु भुध ्स 8-2-37

= बुभुEस 8-4-55

‘बुभुEस’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

बुभुEस + लँL 3-2-123 = बुभुEसते 1-3-62, 1-3-12

622) 7-2-41 इL स�न वा ।

व�ृ�ः व,ृव[ृ]यामॄदeताtच सन इ�वा 5यात ्। The affix सन ्optionally takes the augment इL when it

follows the verbal root √व ृ(व,ृ सGभwौ ९. ४५) or √व ृ(वञृ ्वरणे ५. ८) or any verbal root ending in

a ॠकार: (in उपदेशः।)

उदाहरणम ्– �ततीष��त/�ततMरष�त/�ततर�ष�त is a desiderative form derived from √तॄ (तॄ {लवनतरणयोः

१. ११२४).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्


तॄ + सन ्3-1-7

= तॄ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: By 7-2-41 the ‘इL’-आगमः by 7-2-35 (which would have been

completely prohibited by 7-2-12) is optional here. Let us first consider the case when the optional

‘इL’-आगमः is not used.

Note: The affix ‘स’ is a Vकत ्here by 1-2-9. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84 from applying.

= �तर ्+ स 7-1-100, 1-1-51

= �तर ्स ्�तर ्स 6-1-9

= �त �तर ्स 7-4-60

= �त तीर ्स 8-2-77

= �ततीष� 8-3-59

‘�ततीष�’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Now let us consider the case when the optional ‘इL’-आगमः is used.

‘इL’-प- े


तॄ + सन ्3-1-7

= तॄ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= तॄ + इL स 7-2-41, 1-1-46

= तॄ + इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 1-2-9 does not apply here because the affix ‘इस’ does not begin

with a झल ्letter.

= तर ्+ इस 7-3-84, 1-1-51

= तर ्तर ्+ इस 6-1-9

= त तर ्+ इस 7-4-60

= �त तर ्+ इस 7-4-79

= �ततMरष 8-3-59

‘�ततMरष’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Now finally let us consider the case when the optional ‘इL’-आगमः is optionally elongated.

तॄ + सन ्3-1-7

= तॄ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= तॄ + इL स 7-2-41, 1-1-46

= तॄ + इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 1-2-9 does not apply here because the affix ‘इस’ does not begin

with a झल ्letter.

= तॄ + ईस 7-2-38

= तर ्+ ईस 7-3-84, 1-1-51

= तर ्तर ्+ ईस 6-1-9

= त तर ्+ ईस 7-4-60

= �त तर ्+ ईस 7-4-79

= �ततर�ष 8-3-59

‘�ततर�ष’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

�ततीष�/�ततMरष/�ततर�ष + लँL 3-2-123 = �ततीष��त/�ततMरष�त/�ततर�ष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

623) 7-4-54 स�न मीमाघुरभलभशकपतपदामच इस ्।

व�ृ�ः एषामच इस ्5याEसादौ स�न । ‘इस’् is substituted for the root-vowel of the following verbal

roots when followed by the affix सन ्beginning with a सकारः (i.e. no augment ‘इL’) -

i) √मी (मीञ ्Iहसंायाम ्९. ४, डु1मञ ्D-पेणे ५. ४ – elongated to ‘मी’ by 6-4-16)

ii) √मा (मा माने २. ५७, मा, माने श�दे च ३. ७, मा, माने ४. ३७, मे, Dfणदाने १. १११६ – becomes

‘मा’ by 6-1-45)

iii) any verbal root having घ-ुस[\ा (ref: 1-1-20)

iv) √रभ ्(रभँ राभ5ये १. ११२९)

v) √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०)


vi) √शक् (शकँ �वभा�षतो मष�णे ४. ८४, श¨ँ शwौ ५. १७)

vii) √पत ्(पत ॢँ गतौ १. ९७९) and

viii) √पa (पदँ गतौ ४. ६५).

उदाहरणम ्– IदEस�त/IदEसते is a desiderative form derived from √दा (डुदाञ ्दाने ३. १०). The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

दा + सन ्3-1-7

= दा + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= Iदस ्+ स 7-4-54

= Iदत ्+ स 7-4-49

Example continued under 7-4-58

624) 7-4-58 अ� लोपोऽ]यास5य ।

व�ृ�ः ‘स�न मीमा -’ इEयार]य यदwंु त�ा]यास5य लोपः 5यात।् The reduplicate (अ]यासः) is elided

under the circumstances mentioned in the foregoing सू�ाfण 7-4-54 स�न मीमाघुरभलभशकपतपदामच

इस ्to 7-4-57मुचोऽकम�क5य गुणो वा।

Example continued from 7-4-54

Iदत ्+ स

= Iदत ्स ्Iदत ्स 6-1-9

= Iदत ्स 7-4-58

‘IदEस’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

IदEस + लँL 3-2-123 = IदEस�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78 or IदEसते 1-3-62, 1-3-72

उदाहरणम ्– 1ल{सते is a desiderative form derived from √लभ ्(डुलभँष ्Dा�ौ १. ११३०).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

लभ ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= लभ ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= 1लस ्भ ्+ स 7-4-54

= 1ल5भ ्स ्1ल5भ ्स 6-1-9

= 1ल5भ ्स 7-4-58

= 1लभ ्स 8-2-29

= 1ल{स 8-4-55

‘1ल{स’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

1ल{स + लँL 3-2-123 = 1ल{सते 1-3-62, 1-3-12

625) 7-4-55 आ{\{यधृामीत ्

व�ृ�ः एषामच ईE5याEसादौ स�न । ‘ई’ is substituted for the root-vowel of the following verbal roots

when followed by the affix सन ्beginning with a सकारः (i.e. no augment ‘इL’) -


i) √आप ्(आhँ bया�ौ ५. १६)

ii) √\प ्(\ा अवबोधने ९. ४३ (in the causative) , \पँ \ान\ापनमारणतोषण�नशान�नशामनेषु 1मtच

१०. ११८)

iii) √ऋध ्(ऋधु ँवsृौ ४. १६०, ऋधु ँवsृौ ५. २७).

उदाहरणम – ई{स�त is a desiderative form derived from √आप ्(आhँ bया�ौ ५. १६).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

आप ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= आप ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

= ईप ्+ स 7-4-55

= ई {स {स 6-1-9

= ई{स 7-4-58

‘ई{स’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

ई{स + लँL 3-2-123 = ई{स�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

626) 1-2-26 रलो bयुपधाsलादेः संr

व�ृ�ः इवण�वण�पधाsलादेः रलeताEपरौ 9Eवासनौ सेटौ वा Vकतौ 5तः । When used with the augment

‘इL’, the affixes ‘9Eवा’ and ‘सन’् are optionally treated as ‘Vकत’् (having ककारः as a इत)् when they

follow a verbal root which begins with a constant and ends in a रल ्letter and has either a इवण�ः

(इकारः/ईकारः) or a उवण�ः (उकारः/ऊकारः) as its penultimate letter.

उदाहरणम ्– 1ल1लfखष�त/1ललेfखष�त is a desiderative form derived from √1लख ्(1लख ँगEयथ�ः १.

१७०, 1लख ँअ-र�वeयासे ६. ९२)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्


1लख ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= 1लख ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 1लख ्+ इL स 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= 1लख ्+ इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: By 1-2-26 सन ्is a Vकत ्optionally. Therefore 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= 1लख ्1लख ्+ इस 6-1-9

= 1ल 1लख ्+ इस 7-4-60

= 1ल1लfखष 8-3-59


1लख ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= 1लख ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= 1लख ्+ इL स 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= 1लख ्+ इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: By 1-2-26 सन ्is a Vकत ्optionally. Here we consider the case


when it is not Vकत।्

= लेख ्+ इस 7-3-86

= लेख ्लेख ्+ इस 6-1-9

= ले लेख ्+ इस 7-4-60

= 1ल लेख ्+ इस 7-4-59, 1-1-48

= 1ललेfखष 8-3-59

‘1ललेfखष’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

1ल1लfखष/1ललेfखष + लँL 3-2-123 = 1ल1लfखष�त/1ललेfखष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

627) 1-3-57 \ा0ु5म�ृशां सनः

व�ृ�ः सeनeतानामेषामाEमनेपदं 5यात ्। A आEमनेपदम ्affix is used after a desiderative form of any

of the following verbal roots – √\ा (\ा अवबोधने ९. ४३), √0ु (0ु 0वणे १. १०९२), √5म ृ(5म ृ

�चeतायाम ्१. १०८२) or √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३).

उदाहरणम ्– Iद�-ते is a desiderative form derived from √�श ्(�1शरँ ्Dे-णे १. ११४३).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�श ्+ सन ्3-1-7

= �श ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note 7-2-10 stops 7-2-35

Note: By 1-2-10 the affix सन ्is a Vकत ्here. Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= �श ्स ्�श ्स 6-1-9

= दर ्श ्स ्�श ्स 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= द �श ्स 7-4-60

= Iद �श ्स 7-4-79

= Iद �ष ्स 8-2-36

= Iद �क् स 8-2-41

= Iद�- 8-3-59

‘Iद�-’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Iद�- + लँL 3-2-123 = Iद�-ते 1-3-57. Note: 1-3-57 is a अपवादः (exception) to 1-3-62

628) 7-2-74 ि5मपÀू[�वशां स�न

व�ृ�ः ि5म प,ू ऋ अ[ज ूअश ्ए]यः सन इL 5यात ्। The affix सन ्takes the augment इL when it

follows any of the following verbal roots – √ि5म (ि�म, ईषsसने १. १०९९), √प ू(पू, पवने १.

११२१), √ऋ (ऋ ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६, ऋ गतौ ३. १७), √अ[ज ्(अ[जूँ bयSwq-णकािeतग�तष ु

(bयSwमष�णकािeतग�तषु) ७. २१) or √अश ्(अशू ँbया�ौ स,घाते च ५. २०).


उदाहरणम ्– अMरMरष�त is a desiderative form derived from √ऋ (ऋ ग�तDापणयोः १. १०८६, ऋ गतौ

३. १७).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

ऋ + सन ्3-1-7

= ऋ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ऋ + इL स 7-2-74, 1-1-46. Note: In the absence of 7-2-74 the augment इL would not have

been possible here because 7-2-10 would block 7-2-35.

= ऋ + इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 1-2-9 does not apply here because the affix ‘इस’ does not begin

with a झल ्letter.

= अर ्+ इस 7-3-84, 1-1-51

= अ Mरस ्Mरस 6-1-9

= अ Mर Mरस 7-4-60

= अMरMरष 8-3-59

‘अMरMरष’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

अMरMरष + लँL 3-2-123 = अMरMरष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

629) 7-2-75 Vकरr प[च]यः

व�ृ�ः कॄ गॄ �, ध,ृ Dt« ए]यः सन इL 5यात ्। The affix सन ्takes the augment इL when it

follows any of the following verbal roots √कॄ (कॄ �व-पेे (�न-ेपे) ६. १४५), √गॄ (गॄ �नगरणे ६.

१४६), √� (�, आदरे ६. १४७), √ध ृ(ध,ृ अव5थाने ६. १४८) or√Dt« (Dtछँ \ी{सायाम ्६.१४९).

उदाहरणम ्– �चकMरष�त is a desiderative form derived from √कॄ (कॄ �व-पेे (�न-पेे) ६. १४५).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

कॄ + सन ्3-1-7

= कॄ + स 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= कॄ + इL स 7-2-75, 1-1-46. Note: In the absence of 7-2-75, the augment इL would not have

been possible here because 7-2-12 would block 7-2-35.

= कॄ + इस 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 1-2-9 does not apply here because the affix ‘इस’ does not begin

with a झल ्letter.

= कॄ + कॄ + इस 6-1-9. Note: As per 1-1-59 we have to apply 6-1-9 before applying 7-3-84.

= कर ्+ कॄ + इस 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= चर ्+ कॄ + इस 7-4-62

= च + कॄ + इस 7-4-60

= �च + कॄ + इस 7-4-79

= �च + कर ्+ इस 7-3-84, 1-1-51


= �चकMरष 8-3-59

‘�चकMरष’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

�चकMरष + लँL 3-2-123 = �चकMरष�त 1-3-62, 1-3-78

630) 3-1-5 गु��ि�कa]यः सन ्

व�ृ�ः ‘गुपँ गोपने’, ‘�तजँ �नशाने’, ‘Vकतँ �नवासे’ एते]यः सन ्5यात।् The affix सन ्is employed after the

verbal roots – √गुप(्गुपँ गोपने १. ११२५), √�तज ्(�तजँ �नशाने १. ११२६) and √Vकत ्(Vकतँ �नवासे

रोगापनयने च १. ११४८).

The following वा�त �का�न specify the special meanings in which this affix सन ्is used:

गुपे�न�eदायाम ्– The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal root √गुप ्(गुपँ गोपने १. ११२५) in the

sense of ‘to censure/despise.’

�तजेः -मायाम ्– The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal root √�तज ्(�तजँ �नशाने १. ११२६) in

the sense of ‘to endure/forbear.’

Vकतेbया��धDतीकारे �न�हे अपनयने नाशने संशये च – The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal

root √Vकत ्(Vकतँ �नवासे रोगापनयने च १. ११४८) in the sense of ‘to cure (a disease)’, ‘to restrain’,

‘to remove’, ‘to destroy’, ‘to doubt/suspect.’

उदाहरणम ्– जुगु{सते is a desiderative form derived from √गुप ्(गुपँ गोपने १. ११२५).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

गुप ्+ सन ्3-1-5

= गुप ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The सन ्affix does not get the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here, since it is not

prescribed using the term ‘धातोः’। Therefore neither 7-2-35 nor 7-3-86 applies here.

= गुप ्स ्गुप ्स 6-1-9

= जुप ्स ्गुप ्स 7-4-62

= जु गुप ्स 7-4-60

= जुगु{स

‘जुगु{स’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

जुगु{स + लँL 3-2-123 = जुगु{सते 1-3-62, 1-3-12

631) 3-1-6 माeबधदाeशाe]यो द�घ�rा]यास5य

व�ृ�ः ‘मानँ पूजायाम’्, ‘बध ँबeधने’, ‘दानँ ख�डने’, ‘शानँ तेजने’ एते]यः सन ्5याद]यास5येकार5य द�घ�r ।

The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal roots – √मान ्(मानँ पूजायाम ्१. ११२७), √बध ्(बध ँ

बeधने १. ११२८), √दान ्(दानँ ख�डने (अवख�डने)१. ११४९) and √शान ्(शानँ तेजने (अवतेजने)१.

११५०) – and the इकारः of the अ]यासः is elongated.

Note: The पदtछेदः of this सू�म ्is माeबधदाeशाe]यः, द�घ�ः, च, आ]यास5य। आ]यास5य = अ]यास5य

�वकार5य which here means अ]यास5येकार5य (अ]यास5य + इकार5य)।


The following वा�त �का�न specify the special meanings in which this affix सन ्is used:

मानेिज�\ासायाम ्– The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal root √मान ्(मानँ पूजायाम ्१. ११२७)

in the sense of ‘to inquire/investigate.’

बधेिr��वकारे – The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal root √बध ्(बध ँबeधने १. ११२८) in the

sense of ‘to be disgusted.’

दानेराज�वे – The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal root √दान ्(दानँ ख�डने (अवख�डने)१. ११४९)

in the sense of ‘to straighten.’

शाने�न�शाने – The affix सन ्is employed after the verbal root √शान ्(शानँ तेजने (अवतेजने)१. ११५०)

in the sense of ‘to sharpen.’

उदाहरणम ्– मीमांसते is a desiderative form derived from √मान ्(मानँ पूजायाम ्१. ११२७)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, सeनeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

मान ्+ सन ्3-1-6

= मान ्+ स 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The सन ्affix does not get the आध�धातकु-स[\ा here, since it is not

prescribed using the term ‘धातोः’। Therefore 7-2-35 does not apply here.

= मान ्स ्मान ्स 6-1-9

= मा मान ्स 7-4-60

= म मान ्स 7-4-59

= 1म मान ्स 7-4-79

= मी मान ्स 3-1-6

= मीमांस 8-3-24

‘मीमांस’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

मीमांस + लँL 3-2-123 = मीमांसते 1-3-62, 1-3-12

632) 3-1-22 धातोरेकाचो हलादेः VWयासम1भहारे य,

व�ृ�ः पौनःपुeये भशृाथ? च �ोEये धातोरेकाचो हलादेय�, 5यात ्। The affix ‘य,’ is prescribed after a

consonant-beginning mono-syllabic verbal root to denote an action done repeatedly or intensely.

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा भव�त = बोभूयते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

भू + य, 3-1-22

= भू + य 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The affix ‘य,’ is a Sङत।् Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84 from applying.

Since the affix ‘य,’ does not begin with a वल ्letter 7-2-35 does not apply here.

= भूय ्भूय 6-1-9


= भू भूय 7-4-60

= भु भूय 7-4-59

Example continued under 7-4-82

633) 7-4-82 गुणो य,लुकोः

व�ृ�ः अ]यास5य गुणो यSङ य,लुVक च परतः । The (ending इक्) letter of a reduplicate (अ]यासः)

takes a गुणः substitute when followed by either the affix ‘य,’ or a लुक् elided affix ‘य,’। Note: As

per the पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-3इको गुणवsृी, the गुणः substitute prescribed by 7-4-82 applies only to a

इक् letter. As per पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-52अलोऽeEय5य, only the ending (इक्) letter takes the गुणः


Example continued from 3-1-22

भु भूय

= भोभूय 7-4-82, 1-1-3, 1-1-52

= बोभूय 8-4-54

‘बोभूय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

बोभूय + लँL 3-2-123

= बोभूय + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= बोभूय + त 3-4-78, 1-4-101, 1-4-102, 1-4-108, 1-3-12

= बोभूय + ते 3-4-79

= बोभूय + शप ्+ ते 3-1-68

= बोभूय + अ + ते 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= बोभूयते 6-1-97

634) 7-4-83 द�घ�ऽVकतः

व�ृ�ः अVकतोऽ]यास5य द�घ� य,य,लुकोः। The vowel of a reduplicate (अ]यासः) is elongated when

followed by either the affix ‘य,’ or a लुक् elided affix ‘य,’, as long as the reduplicate does not

receive a Vकत ्augment.

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा पच�त = पापtयते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √पच ्(डुपचँष ्पाके १. ११५१).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

पच ्+ य, 3-1-22

= पच ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पtय ्पtय 6-1-9

= प पtय 7-4-60

= पा पtय 7-4-83


‘पापtय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

पापtय + लँL 3-2-123 = पापtय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = पापtयते

635) 7-4-84 नी;व[चु§ंसुxवसुं3ंसुकसपतपद5कeदाम ्

व�ृ�ः एषाम]यास5य नीगागमः 5या�,य,लुकोः। When followed by either the affix ‘य,’ or a लुक्

elided affix ‘य,’, a reduplicate (अ]यासः) of the following verbal roots √व[च ्(वeचुँ गEयथ�ः १.

२१६), √§ंस ्(§eसँु अव§ंसने १. ८५७), √xवंस(्xवंसु अव§ंसने १. ८५८), √3ंस ्(3ंसँु अव§ंसने १.

८५९), √कस ्(क1सँ ग�तशासनयोः २. १४), √पत ्(पत ॢँ गतौ १. ९७९), √पa (पदँ गतौ ४. ६५)

and √5कea (5किeदँर ्ग�तशोषणयोः १. ११३४) takes the augment ‘नीक्’।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा §ंसते = सनी§5यते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √§ंस ्(§eसँु अव§ंसने १. ८५७).

§eस ्+ य, 3-1-22

= §eस ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= §स ्+ य 6-4-24

= §5य ्§5य 6-1-9

= स §5य 7-4-60

= स नीक् §5य 7-4-84, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘नुक्’ has been added to the


= सनी§5य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

‘सनी§5य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

सनी§5य + लँL 3-2-123 = सनी§5य + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = सनी§5यते

636) 7-4-85 नुगतोऽनुना1सकाeत5य

व�ृ�ः अननुा1सकाeत5या,ग5य योऽ]यासोऽदeत5त5य नक्ु 5या�,य,लुकोः । When followed by either

the affix ‘य,’ or a लुक् elided affix ‘य,’, the reduplicate (अ]यासः) takes the augment ‘नुक्’ provided

the following conditions are satisfied :

i) the अ]यासः belongs to a अ,गम ्ending in a nasal consonant and ii) the अ]यासः ends in a


Note: नुकानु5वारो ल�यते – The augment ‘नक्ु’ prescribed in this section (from 7-4-85 to 7-4-87)

stands for a अनु5वारः।


उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा रमते = रंरGयते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √रम ्(रमँु W�डायाम ्| रमँ इ�त माधवः १. ९८९).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

रम ्+ य, 3-1-22

= रम ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= रGय ्रGय 6-1-9

= र रGय 7-4-60

= रंरGय 7-4-85, 1-1-46. Note: नकुानु5वारो ल�यते।

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘नुक्’ has been added to the


‘रंरGय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

रंरGय + लँL 3-2-123 = रंरGय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = रंरGयते

637) 3-1-23 �नEयं कौIट�ये गतौ

व�ृ�ः गEयथा�EकौIट�य एव य, 5याeन तु VWयासम1भहारे । Following a verbal root used to denote

motion, the affix ‘य,’ is prescribed only in the sense of crookedness (and not in the sense of

repetition or intensity.)

उदाहरणम ्– कुIटलं गtछ�त = जंगGयते/ज,गGयते – is derived from √गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७) to

denote crookedness (in motion.)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

गम ्+ य, 3-1-23

= गम ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= गGय ्गGय 6-1-9

= जGय ्गGय 7-4-62

= ज गGय 7-4-60

= जंगGय 7-4-85, 1-1-46. Note: नुकान5ुवारो ल�यते।

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘नुक्’ has been added to the


Example continued under the वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-85

638) पदाeतवtचे�त वwbयम ्– वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-85

व�ृ�ः The augment अनु5वारः prescribed in this section (from 7-4-85 to 7-4-87) should be treated

as if it is at the end of a पदम।् Note: This allows 8-4-59 वा पदाeत5य to apply.

Example continued from 3-1-23



= ज,गGय/जंगGय 8-4-59. Note: The वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-85, पदाeतवtचे�त वwbयम ्lets us apply 8-

4-59 here.

‘ज,गGय/जंगGय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

ज,गGय/जंगGय + लँL 3-2-123 = ज,गGय/जंगGय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = ज,गGयते/जंगGयते

639) 3-1-24 लुपसदचरजपजभदहदशगॄ]यो भावगहा�याम ्

व�ृ�ः ए]यो धाEवथ�गहा�यामेव य, 5यात।् Following the verbal root √लुप ्(लुhँ छेदने ६.

१६७), √सa (षद ॢँ �वशरणगEयवसादनेष ु१. ९९०, षद ॢँ �वशरणगEयवसादनेषु ६. १६३), √चर ्(चरँ गEयथ�: १.

६४०), √जप ्(जपँ bयwायां वा�च | जपँ मानसे च १. ४६३), √जभ(्जभी= गा��वनामे १. ४५३), √द� (दहँ

भ5मीकरणे १. ११४६), √दश ्(दeश ँदशने १. ११४४) or √गॄ (गॄ �नगरणे ६. १४६), the affix ‘य,’ is

prescribed only in the sense of ‘contempt for action’ (and not in the sense of repetition or


उदाहरणम ्– गIह�तं दह�त = दeद�ते/दंद�ते – is derived from √द� (दहँ भ5मीकरणे १. ११४६) in the

sense of ‘contempt for action.’

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

द� + य, 3-1-24

= द� + य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= द� ्द� 6-1-9

= द द� 7-4-60

Example continued under 7-4-86

640) 7-4-86 जपजभदहदशभ[जपशा ंच

व�ृ�ः एषाम]यास5य नुक् 5या�,य,लुकोः। When followed by either the affix ‘य,’ or a लुक् elided

affix ‘य,’, the reduplicate (अ]यासः) of the following verbal roots √जप ्(जपँ bयwाया ंवा�च । जपँ

मानसे च १. ४६३), √जभ ्(जभी= गा��वनामे १. ४५३), √द� (दहँ भ5मीकरणे १. ११४६), √दश ्(दeश ँदशने

१. ११४४), √भ[ज ्(भ[जz आमद�ने ७. १६) and √पश ्(सौ�ो धातु:) takes the augment ‘नुक्’।

Example continued from 3-1-24

द द�

= दंद� 7-4-86, 1-1-46. Note: नुकान5ुवारो ल�यते।

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘नुक्’ has been added to the



= दeद�/दंद� । 8-4-59. Note: वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-85, पदाeतवtचे�त वwbयम ्lets us apply 8-4-

59 here.

‘दeद�/दंद�’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

दeद�/दंद� + लँL 3-2-123 = दeद�/दंद� + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = दeद�ते/दंद�ते

641) 7-4-90 र�गदृपुध5य च

व�ृ�ः ऋदपुध5य धातोर]यास5य र�गागमो य,य,लुकोः। When followed by either the affix ‘य,’ or a लुक्

elided affix ‘य,’, the reduplicate (अ]यासः) of a verbal root having a penultimate ऋकारः takes the

augment ‘र�क्’।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा वत�ते = वर�वEृयते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √वतृ ्(वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वतृ ्+ य, 3-1-22

= वतृ ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The affix ‘य,’ is a Sङत।् Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86 from applying.

= वEृय ्वEृय 6-1-9

= वर ्Eय ्वEृय 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= व वEृय 7-4-60

= व र�क् वEृय 7-4-90, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘र�क्’ has been added to the


= वर�वEृय 1-3-3, 1-3-9

‘वर�वEृय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

वर�वEृय + लँL 3-2-123 = वर�वEृय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = वर�वEृयते

642) र�गEृवत इ�त वwbयम।् वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-90

The augment ‘र�क्’ prescribed by 7-4-90 र�गदृपुध5य च applies in the case of any verbal root

which contains a ऋकारः (not necessarily in the penultimate position.)

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा पtृछ�त = पर�पtृªयते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √Dt« (Dtछँ \ी{सायाम ्६.१४९)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

Dt« + य, 3-1-22

= Dt« + य 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The affix ‘य,’ is a Sङत।् Hence 6-1-16 applies in the next step.

= प ्ऋ अ t« + य 6-1-16, 1-1-45


= पtृ« + य 6-1-108

= पtृªय ्पtृªय 6-1-9

= पर ्tªय ्पtृªय 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= प पtृªय 7-4-60

= प र�क् पtृªय By the वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-90 – र�गEृवत इ�त वwbयम,् 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘र�क्’ has been added to the


= पर�पtृªय 1-3-3, 1-3-9

‘पर�पtृªय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

पर�पtृªय + लँL 3-2-123 = पर�पtृªय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = पर�पtृªयते

643) 6-4-49 य5य हलः

व�ृ�ः य5ये�त संघात�हणम ्। हलः पर5य यश�द5य लोप आध�धातकेु । When preceded by a

consonant, the term ‘य’ takes लोपः when followed by a आध�धातुकम ्affix.

Note: As per the पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-54 आदेः पर5य only the beginning यकारः of the term ‘य’ takes


उदाहरणम ्– कुIटलं व¡ाज = वा¡जा[चWे – is a frequentative/intensive form derived from √¡ज ्(¡जँ

गतौ १. २८६)

The �वव-ा is 1लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

¡ज ्+ य, 3-1-23

= ¡ज ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ¡�य ्¡�य 6-1-9

= व ¡�य 7-4-60

= वा¡�य 7-4-83

‘वा¡�य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

वा¡�य + 1लँL 3-2-115

= वा¡�य + आम ्+ 1लँL – वा���कम ्(under 3-1-35) का5यनेकाच आम ्वwbयो 1लIट। Note: 1लँL has

the कृत-्स[\ा by 3-1-93

= वा¡ज ्अ + आम ्+ 1लँL 6-4-49, 1-1-54

= वा¡ज ्+ आम ्+ 1लँL 6-4-48

= वा¡जाम ्2-4-81. Now ‘वा¡जाम’् gets the Dा�तपIदक-स[\ा by 1-2-46 with the help of 1-1-62

= वा¡जाम ्+ सँु 4-1-2


= वा¡जाम ्2-4-81

= वा¡जाम ्+ कृ + 1लँL 3-1-40

= वा¡जाम ्+ कृ + त 1-3-12, 1-3-63

From here, following the usual steps (for deriving चWे) we get

= वा¡जांचWे/वा¡जा[चWे

644) 8-4-39 -]ुनाIदषु च

व�ृ�ः णEवं न । The नकारः in the terms listed in the -]ुनाIद-गणः (list of terms beginning with

‘-ु]ना’) does not take णकारः as a substitute.

The list of words enumerated in the -ु]नाIद-गणः is not exhaustive. This गण: is what is called as

an आकृ�त-गण: – which is a class or group of words in which some words are actually mentioned

and room is left to include others which are found undergoing the same operations. When we

come across a term in accepted usage (1श�-Dयोगः) in which णEवम ्(णकारः substitution in place

of a नकारः) should have taken place but has not, we should include such a term in the -]ुनाIद-


उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा नEृय�त = नर�नEृयते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √नतृ ्(नतृी= गा��व-पेे ४. १०)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

नतृ ्+ य, 3-1-22

= नतृ ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The affix ‘य,’ is a Sङत।् Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-86

= नEृय ्नEृय 6-1-9

= नर ्Eय ्नEृय 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= न नEृय 7-4-60

= न र�क् नEृय 7-4-90, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘र�क्’ has been added to the


= न र� नEृय 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= नर�नEृय 8-4-39 stops 8-4-2

‘नर�नEृय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

नर�नEृय + लँL 3-2-123 = नर�नEृय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = नर�नEृयते

645) 7-4-27 र�, ऋतः

व�ृ�ः अकृ�कारे असाव�धातकेु यकारे tवौ च परे ऋदeता,ग5य र�ङादेशः । A अ,गम ्ending in a ऋकारः

takes the substitute ‘र�,’ when followed by the affix ‘िtव’ or when followed by a DEययः which


begins with a यकार:, as long as the DEयय: neither has the कृत-्स[\ा nor the साव�धातकु-स[\ा।

Note: As per the पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-53 only the ending ऋकारः of the अ,गम ्is replaced by ‘र�’।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा करो�त = चेW�यते – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे, # ८. १०).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

कृ + य, 3-1-22

= कृ + य 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The affix ‘य,’ is a Sङत।् Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84 from applying.

= क् र�, + य 7-4-27, 1-1-53

= W� + य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= W�य ्W�य 6-1-9

= Áीय ्W�य 7-4-62

= ची W�य 7-4-60

= �च W�य 7-4-59

= चेW�य 7-4-82

‘चेW�य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

चेW�य + लँL 3-2-123 = चेW�य + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 = चेW�यते

646) 6-4-43 ये �वभाषा

व�ृ�ः जनसनखनामाEव ंवा यादौ ि9ङ�त । When followed by a Vकत ्or Sङत ्affix beginning with a

यकारः, a अ,गम ्consisting of the verbal root √जन ्(जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४, जनँ जनने ३.

२५), √सन ्(षणँ सGभwौ १. ५३५, षणुँ दाने ८. २) or√खन ्(खनुँ अवदारणे १. १०२०) optionally takes

आकारः as the substitute. Note: As per the पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-52 only the ending letter of the अ,गम ्

is replaced by a आकारः।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा जायते = जाजायते/जजंeयते/ज[जeयते – is a frequentative/intensive form

derived from √जन(्जनी= Dादभुा�वे ४. ४४, जनँ जनने ३. २५).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, यङeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

जन ्+ य, 3-1-22

= जन ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ज आ + य 6-4-43, 1-1-52

= जा + य 6-1-101

= जाय ्जाय 6-1-9

= जा जाय 7-4-60

= ज जाय 7-4-59


= जा जाय 7-4-83

= जाजाय

‘जाजाय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

When the optional आकारादेशः is not done

जन ्+ य, 3-1-22

= जन ्+ य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= जeय ्जeय 6-1-9

= ज जeय 7-4-60

= जंजeय 7-4-85, 1-1-46. Note: नुकान5ुवारो ल�यते।

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘नुक्’ has been added to the


= जंजeय/ज[जeय । 8-4-59. Note: वा�त �कम ्under 7-4-85, पदाeतवtचे�त वwbयम ्lets us apply 8-4-

59 here.

‘जंजeय/ज[जeय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

Note: SङदeतEवादाEमनेपदम ्। Since a यङeत-धातुः ends in the affix ‘य,’ which is a Sङत,् as per 1-3-

12 अनुदा�Sङत आEमनेपदम ्a यङeत-धातुः takes आEमनेपद-DEययाः।

जाजाय/जंजeय/ज[जeय + लँL 3-2-123 = जाजाय/जंजeय/ज[जeय + त 1-3-12 =


647) वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-134) – अि�व�धः सव�धात]ुयः।

The affix ‘अच’् may be used after any verbal root (to denote the agent/doer of the action.)

उदाहरणम ्– लोलुवः derived from the verbal root √लू (लूञ ्छेदने ९. १६).

लू + य, 3-1-22. Note: ‘लू + य,’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= लू + य, + अच ्– वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-134) – अि�व�धः सव�धात]ुयः।

Example continued under 2-4-74

648) 2-4-74 यङोऽ�च च

व�ृ�ः यङोऽ�च DEयये लुक् 5याtचकारा� ं�वना�प बहुलं लुक् 5यात ्। The affix य, takes the लुक् elision

when followed by the affix ‘अच’्। The use of च in the सू�म ्indicates that the affix ‘य,’ takes the

लुक् elision variously (irregularly) even when not followed by the affix ‘अच’्।

Note: There is no change in meaning caused by this लुक् elision of the affix ‘य,’। Both ‘य,’ and

‘य,-लुक्’ convey the same meaning.

Note: The term ‘अच’् used in this सू�म ्2-4-74 refers to the affix ‘अच’् and not the DEयाहारः ‘अच’्


Note: As per the पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-61 DEयय5य लुक् lुलुपः the entire affix ‘य,’ is elided.

Example continued from the वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-134) – अि�व�धः सव�धात]ुयः।


लू + य, + अच ्

= लू + अच ्2-4-74, 1-1-61

= लू + अ 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= लू लू + अ 6-1-9 with the help of 1-1-62

= लु लू + अ 7-4-59

= लो लू + अ 7-4-82, 1-1-3, 1-1-52

Example continued under 1-1-4

649) 1-1-4 न धातुलोप आध�धातकेु

व�ृ�ः धाEवंशलोप�न1म�े आध�धातकेु परे इको गुणवsृी न 5तः । A गुणः or व�ृsः substitute (which

would have otherwise taken place) is not allowed for a इक् letter when followed by a आध�धातकु-

DEययः which is the cause of elision of a portion of the verbal root.

Example continued from 2-4-74

लोलू + अ Note: 1-1-4 stops the गुणादेशः which would have been done by 7-3-84

= लोल ्उव,ँ + अ 6-4-77, 1-1-53

= लोल ्उव ्+ अ 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= लोलुव

Since the affix ‘अच’् has the कृत-्स[\ा by 3-1-93 कृद�त,, ‘लोलुव’ gets Dा�तपIदक-स[\ा by 1-2-

46 कृ��sतसमासाr।

The �वव-ा is पु1ंल,गे, Dथमा-एकवचनम।्

लोलुव + सँु 4-1-2

= लोलुव + स ्1-3-2, 1-3-9

= लोलुवः 8-2-66, 8-3-15

650) गणसू�म ्– चक� र�तं चचक� र�तं चचक� र�तं चचक� र�तं च ।

व�ृ�ः य,लुगeतम{यादाIदकं पर5मैपIद चेEयथ�ः । A धातःु ending in य,-लुक् is also considered to

belong to the अदाIद-गणः and takes पर5मैपदम ्affixes only (in कत�Mर Dयोगः।)

Note: चक� र�तम ्is an ancient name for a धातःु ending in य,-लुक्।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा भव�त = बोभवी�त/बोभो�त – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, य,लुगeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

भू + य, 3-1-22

= भू 2-4-74, 1-1-61

= भू भू 6-1-9 with the help of 1-1-62

= भु भू 7-4-59


= भोभू 7-4-82, 1-1-3, 1-1-52

= बोभू 8-4-54

‘बोभू’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 with the help of the पMरभाषा ‘एकदेश�वकृतमनeयवत’् – A thing is

called or taken as that very thing although it is lacking in a part.

Alternately, terms ending in य,-लुक् get the धात-ुस[\ा on the basis of the fact that the गणसू�म ्–

चक� र�तं च is placed in the धात-ुपाठः (in the अदाIद-गणः)। Hence ‘बोभू’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा।

बोभू + लँL 3-2-123

= बोभू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= बोभू + �तप ्3-4-78, पर5मैपदम ्is used as per the गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च।’

= बोभू + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= बोभू + शप ्+ �त 3-1-68. Note: As per the गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�त ंच’ the धातुः ‘बोभू’ is considered to

belong to the अदाIद-गणः। This allows 2-4-72 to apply in the next step.

= बोभू + �त 2-4-72

Example continued under 7-3-94

651) 7-3-94 यङो वायङो वायङो वायङो वा व�ृ�ः य,लुगeताEपर5य हलादेः �पतः साव�धातुक5ये� वा 5यात ्। When preceded by the verbal root

ending in the affix ‘य,’ which has taken the लुक् elision, a साव�धातकु-DEययः which is हलाIद:

(beginning with a consonant) and is a �पत,् optionally gets the augment ईL।

Note: This सू�म ्cannot apply when there is no लुक् elision of the affix ‘य,’ because in that case

only आEमनेपदम ्is used (as per 1-3-12) and there is no आEमनेपदम ्affix which is हलाIद-�पत-्


Example continued from 2-4-74, गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च।’

Let us consider the case when the augment ईL is taken optionally.

बोभू + �त

= बोभू + ईL �त 7-3-94, 1-1-46

= बोभू + ई �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9.

= बोभो + ई�त 7-3-84. Note: 7-3-88 भूसुवोि5तSङ should have blocked 7-3-84 here. But the fact that

पाfण�नः has given बोभूतु (ref : 7-4-65 …बोभूततेु�तwे…) as a special form to be used छeद1स (in the

Vedas) only, tells us that7-3-88 does not apply in the case of a य,-लुक् form used in classical


= बोभवी�त । 6-1-78

When the optional augment ईL is not taken, the form is बोभो�त।

बोभू + �त

= बोभो�त 7-3-84


उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा भविeत = बोभुव�त – is a frequentative/intensive form derived

from √भू (भू स�ायाम ्१. १).

बोभुव�त is derived from the य,लुगeत-धातःु ‘बोभू’।

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, य,लुगeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, बहुवचनम।्

बोभू + लँL 3-2-123

= बोभू + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= बोभू + fझ 3-4-78, पर5मैपदम ्is used as per the गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च।’

= बोभू + शप ्+ fझ 3-1-68. Note: As per the गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च’ the धातःु ‘बोभू’ is considered to

belong to the अदाIद-गणः। This allows 2-4-72 to apply in the next step.

= बोभू + fझ 2-4-72

= बोभू + अ�त 7-1-4, 6-1-5

= बोभ ्उव,ँ + अ�त 6-4-77, 1-1-53

= बोभ ्उव ्+ अ�त 1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= बोभुव�त

652) 7-4-91 O��कौ च लुVकO��कौ च लुVकO��कौ च लुVकO��कौ च लुVक

व�ृ�ः ऋदपुध5य धातोर]यास5य Oक् Mरक् र�क् एते आगमाः 5युय�,लुVक । When followed by a लुक्

elided affix ‘य,’, the reduplicate (अ]यासः) of a verbal root having a penultimate ऋकारः takes the

augments ‘Oक्’ and ‘Mरक्’ also in addition to ‘र�क्’।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा वत�ते = वव��त �/वMरव�त �/वर�व�त � – is a frequentative/intensive form

derived from √वतृ ्(वतृुँ वत�ने १. ८६२)

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, य,लुगeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

वतृ ्+ य, 3-1-22

= वतृ ्2-4-74, 1-1-61

= वतृ ्वतृ ्6-1-9 with the help of 1-1-62

= वर ्त ्वतृ ्7-4-66, 1-1-51

= व वतृ ्7-4-60

Let us first consider the case when the optional ‘Oक्’ augment applies by 7-4-91

= व Oक् वतृ ्7-4-91, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘Oक्’ has been added to the


= व र ्वतृ ्1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकारः in ‘Oक्’ is उtचारणाथ�ः।

= ववृ�त ्।


Next let us consider the case when the optional ‘Mरक्’ augment applies by 7-4-91

व वतृ ्

= व Mरक् वतृ ्7-4-91, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘Mरक्’ has been added to the


= व Mर वतृ ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वMरवतृ ्।

Lastly let us consider the case when the optional ‘र�क्’ augment applies by 7-4-91

व वतृ ्

= व र�क् वतृ ्7-4-91, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘र�क्’ has been added to the


= व र� वतृ ्1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वर�वतृ ्।

‘ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ’् gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 with the help of the पMरभाषा

‘एकदेश�वकृतमनeयवत’् – A thing is called or taken as that very thing although it is lacking in a part.

Alternately, terms ending in य,-लुक् get the धात-ुस[\ा on the basis of the fact that the गणसू�म ्–

चक� र�तं च is placed in the धात-ुपाठः (in the अदाIद-गणः)।

ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ लँL 3-2-123

= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ �तप ्3-4-78, पर5मैपदम ्is used as per the गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च।’

= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ शप ्+ �त 3-1-68. Note: As per the गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च’ the धातुः

‘ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ’् is considered to belong to अदाIद-गणः। This allows 2-4-72 to apply in the next


= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ �त 2-4-72


= वव�र ्त/्वMरवर ्त/्वर�वर ्त ्+ �त 7-3-86, 1-1-51

= वव����/वMरव���/वर�व��� or वव��त �/वMरव�त �/वर�व�त � 8-4-65

‘ईL’-प-े by 7-3-94

= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ ईL �त 7-3-94, 1-1-46

= ववृ�त/्वMरवतृ/्वर�वतृ ्+ ई �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 7-3-87 stops 7-3-86

= ववृ�ती�त/वMरवतृी�त/वर�वतृी�त

653) 7-4-92 ऋतrऋतrऋतrऋतr

व�ृ�ः ऋदeताsातोर]यास5य Oक् Mरक् र�क् एते आगमाः 5ययु�,लुVक। When followed by a लुक् elided


affix ‘य,’, the reduplicate (अ]यासः) of a verbal root ending in a ऋकारः takes the augments ‘Oक्’

and ‘Mरक्’ also in addition to ‘र�क्’।

उदाहरणम ्– पुनः पुनभृ�शं वा करो�त = चक� �त �/चMरक�त �/चर�क�त � – is a frequentative/intensive form

derived from √कृ(डुकृञ ्करणे, # ८. १०).

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, य,लुगeत-Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

कृ + य, 3-1-22

= कृ 2-4-74, 1-1-61

= कृ कृ 6-1-9 with the help of 1-1-62

= कर ्कृ 7-4-66, 1-1-51

= चर ्कृ 7-4-62

= च कृ 7-4-60

Now, let us consider the case when the optional ‘Oक्’ augment applies by 7-4-92

= च Oक् कृ 7-4-92, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘Oक्’ has been added to the


= च र ्कृ 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकारः in ‘Oक्’ is उtचारणाथ�ः।

= चकृ� ।

Now let us consider the case when the optional ‘Mरक्’ augment applies by 7-4-92

च कृ

= च Mरक् कृ 7-4-92, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘Mरक्’ has been added to the


= चMरकृ 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Now let us consider the case when the optional ‘र�क्’ augment applies by 7-4-92

च कृ

= च र�क् कृ 7-4-92, 1-1-46

Note: 7-4-83 does not apply here because the Vकत ्augment ‘र�क्’ has been added to the


= चर�कृ 1-3-3, 1-3-9

‘चकृ� /चMरकृ/चर�कृ’ gets the धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 with the help of the पMरभाषा

‘एकदेश�वकृतमनeयवत’् – A thing is called or taken as that very thing although it is lacking in a part.

Alternately, terms ending in य,-लुक् get the धात-ुस[\ा on the basis of the fact that the गणसू�म ्–

चक� र�तं च is placed in the धात-ुपाठः (in the अदाIद-गणः)।


चकृ� /चMरकृ/चर�कृ + लँL 3-2-123= चकृ� /चMरकृ/चर�कृ + �तप ्3-4-78, पर5मैपदम ्is used as per the

गणसू�म ्‘चक� र�तं च।’

= चक� �त �/चMरक�त �/चर�क�त � or optionally चक� र��त/चMरकर��त/चर�कर��त by 7-3-94

654) 3-1-8 सुप आEमनः 9यच ्सुप आEमनः 9यच ्सुप आEमनः 9यच ्सुप आEमनः 9यच ्

व�ृ�ः इ�षकम�ण ए�षतुः संबिeधनः सुबeताIदtछायामथ? 9यच ्DEययो वा 5यात ्। The affix 9यच ्is

optionally employed, in the sense of wishing, after a पदम ्which ends in a सँुप ्affix and denotes

the object of one’s own wish.

Note: Why has the ककार: been used as a इत ्in 9यच?् Consider the सू�म ्1-4-15 नः 9ये। If the

affix 9यच ्were not to have ककारः as a इत,् 1-4-15 would have applied only in the case of the

affix 9य, and not 9यच।् This would have been undesirable. Hence पाfण�नः has used ककारः as

इत ्in the affix 9यच।् Now 1-4-15 applies in the case of both 9यच ्and 9य,।

Why has the चकार: been used as a इत ्in 9यच?् If the affix 9यच ्were not to have चकारः as a इत,्

then it would have been just ‘9य’ and as per the the पMरभाषा ‘एकानुबeध�हणे न abयनुबeधक5य’, 1-

4-15 would have applied only in the case of this affix and not 9य,। This would have been

undesirable also. Hence पाfण�नः has used चकारः as इत ्in the affix 9यच ्in order to enable 1-4-

15 to apply in the case of both 9यच ्and 9य,।

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9यच ्is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– आEमनः पु�1मtछ�त = पु�ीय�त।

The नाम-धातःु ‘पु�ीय’ is derived as follows:

पु� + अम ्4-1-2

= पु� + अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-8

= पु� + अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

Example continued under 2-4-71

655) 2-4-71 सुपो धातुDा�तपIदकयोःसुपो धातुDा�तपIदकयोःसुपो धातुDा�तपIदकयोःसुपो धातुDा�तपIदकयोः व�ृ�ः एतयोरवयव5य सुपो लुक्। A सँुप ्affix takes a लुक् elision when it is a part of a धातुः or a


Example continued from 3-1-8

पु� + अम ्+ य । ‘पु� + अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= पु� + य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

Example continued under 7-4-33

656) 7-4-33 9य�च च9य�च च9य�च च9य�च च

व�ृ�ः अवण�5य ईः । A ईकारः is substituted in place of a final अवण�ः (अकारः/आकारः) of a अ,गम ्


when followed by the affix 9यच।्

Note: This सू�म ्is a अपवादः (exception) to 7-4-25.

Example continued from 2-4-71

पु� + य

= पु�ी + य 7-4-33, 1-1-52

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

पु�ीय + लँL 3-2-123

= पु�ीय + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पु�ीय + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-78

= पु�ीय + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पु�ीय + शप ्+ �त 3-1-68

= पु�ीय + अ + �त 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= पु�ीय�त 6-1-97

657) 1-4-15 नः 9येनः 9येनः 9येनः 9ये

व�ृ�ः 9य�च 9यSङ च नाeतमेव पदं नाeयत ्। When the affix 9यच ्or 9य, follows, only a term

ending in a नकारः gets the designation पदम।्

Note: This is a �नयम-सू�म ्which restricts the scope of 1-4-14.

उदाहरणम ्– आEमनो राजान1मtछ�त = राजीय�त।

The नाम-धातःु ‘राजीय’ is derived as follows:

राजन ्+ अम ्4-1-2

= राजन ्+ अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-8

= राजन ्+ अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘राजन ्+ अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= राजन ्+ य 2-4-71, 1-1-61. Now ‘राजन’् gets पद-स[\ा by 1-4-14 with the help of 1-1-62. Note: 1-

4-15 does not limit 1-4-14 here.

= राज + य 8-2-7

= राजी + य 7-4-33, 1-1-52. Note: As per 8-2-1 पूव��ा1सsम,् the नकार-लोपः (done by 8-2-7 नलोपः

Dा�तपIदकाeत5य in the prior step) to arrive at the form ‘राज’ should not be visible to any prior rule

(in the अ�ाxयायी)। But 8-2-2नलोपः सु{5वरसं\ातिु;व�धषु कृ�त limits the authority of 8-2-1 and the

नकार-लोपः (done by 8-2-7) is visible to 7-4-33because the operation prescribed by 7-4-33 does

not come under any of the categories listed in 8-2-2.

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

राजीय + लँL 3-2-123 = राजीय�त 1-3-78

उदाहरणम ्– आEमन5तप इtछ�त = तप5य�त।

तपस ्+ अम ्4-1-2

= तपस ्+ अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-8


= तपस ्+ अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘तपस ्+ अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= तपस ्+ य 2-4-71, 1-1-61. Now ‘तपस’् does not get पद-स[\ा because 1-4-15 limits 1-4-14 here.

Therefore 8-2-66 cannot apply.

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

तप5य + लँL 3-2-123 = तप5य�त 1-3-78

उदाहरणम ्– आEमनो वाच1मtछ�त = वाtय�त।

वाच ्+ अम ्4-1-2

= वाच ्+ अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-8

= वाच ्+ अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘वाच ्+ अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= वाच ्+ य 2-4-71, 1-1-61. Now ‘वाच’् does not get पद-स[\ा because 1-4-15 limits 1-4-14 here.

Therefore 8-2-30 cannot apply.

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

वाtय + लँL 3-2-123 = वाtय�त 1-3-78

658) 6-4-50 9य5य �वभाषा9य5य �वभाषा9य5य �वभाषा9य5य �वभाषा व�ृ�ः हलः परयोः 9 यt 9 यङोल�पो वाध�धातुके । When preceded by a consonant, the affix ‘9य’ (9यच ्

or 9य,) takes लोपः optionally when followed by a आध�धातुकम ्affix.

Note: As per the पMरभाषा-सू�म ्1-1-54 आदेः पर5य only the beginning यकारः of the affix takes


उदाहरणम ्– आEमनो वाचमे�ष�य�त = वा�च�य�त/वािtय�य�त derived from the नाम-धातःु ‘वाtय’।

(See 1-4-15 for derivation of ‘वाtय’।)

The �वव-ा is लृँL, कत�Mर Dयोगः, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

लोप-प- े

First, let us consider the case when the optional rule 6-4-50 is applied:

वाtय + लृँL 3-3-13

= वाtय + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वाtय + �तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-78

= वाtय + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वाtय + 5य + �त 3-1-33

= वाtय + इL 5य + �त 7-2-35, 1-1-46

= वाच ्य ्अ + इ5य + �त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= वाच ्अ + इ5य + �त 6-4-50, 1-1-54

= वाच ्+ इ5य + �त 6-4-48

= वा�च�य�त 8-3-59

लोपाभाव-प- े

Now, let us consider the case when the optional rule 6-4-50 is not applied:


वाtय + इ5य + �त

= वाtय ्+ इ5य + �त 6-4-48

= वािtय�य�त 8-3-59

659) 3-1-9 काGयtचकाGयtचकाGयtचकाGयtच

व�ृ�ः इ�षकम�ण ए�षतुः संबिeधनः सुबeताIदtछायामथ? काG यच ्5यात ्। The affix काG यच ्is (also)

employed, in the sense of wishing, after a पदम ्which ends in a सँुप ्affix and denotes the object

of one’s own wish.

Note: In the optional case when the affix काG यच ्is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used

to convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– पु�माEमन इtछ�त = पु�काGय�त।

पु� + अम ्4-1-2

= पु� + अम ्+ काG यच ्3-1-9

= पु� + अम ्+ काGय 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The ककारः in काG यच ्does not get the इत-्स[\ा (by 1-3-

8) because it would serve no purpose. ‘पु� + अम ्+ काGय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= पु� + काGय 2-4-71, 1-1-61

पु�काGय + लँL 3-2-123 = पु�काGय�त 1-3-78

660) 3-1-10 उपमानादाचारेउपमानादाचारेउपमानादाचारेउपमानादाचारे

व�ृ�ः उपमानाE कम�णः सुबe तादाचारेऽथ? 9 यच ्। The affix 9 यच ्is employed, in the sense of

conduct/treatment, after a पदम ्which ends in a सँुप ्affix and denotes an object that is the

standard of comparison.

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9 यच ्is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– पु�1मवाचर�त – पु�ीय�त 1श�यम ्। Note: The नाम-धातुः ‘पु�ीय’ derived using the सू�म ्3-

1-10 is of the same form as the नाम-धातःु ‘पु�ीय’ derived using the सू�म ्3-1-8, but the meaning is

completely different. The affix 9यच ्prescribed by 3-1-10 is called आचार-9यच ्(9 यच ्in the sense

of conduct/treatment) while that prescribed by 3-1-8 is called इtछा-9यच ्(9 यच ्in the sense of


The नाम-धातःु ‘पु�ीय’ is derived as follows:

पु� + अम ्4-1-2

= पु� + अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-10

= पु� + अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘पु� + अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= पु� + य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

= पु�ी + य 7-4-33, 1-1-52


The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

पु�ीय + लँL 3-2-123 = पु�ीय�त 1-3-78

उदाहरणम ्– मातर1मवाचर�त – मा�ीय�त परकल�म ्।

The नाम-धातःु ‘मा�ीय’ is derived as follows:

मात ृ+ अम ्4-1-2

= मात ृ+ अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-10

= मात ृ+ अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘मात ृ+ अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= मात ृ+ य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

= मात ्र�, + य 7-4-27, 1-1-53

= मा�ीय 1-3-3, 1-3-9

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

मा�ीय + लँL 3-2-123 = मा�ीय�त 1-3-78

661) वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-10) अ�धकरणाtचे�त वwbयम ्अ�धकरणाtचे�त वwbयम ्अ�धकरणाtचे�त वwbयम ्अ�धकरणाtचे�त वwbयम।्

The affix 9 यच ्is also employed, in the sense of conduct, after a पदम ्which ends in a सँुप ्affix

and denotes a location that is the standard of comparison.

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9 यच ्is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– Dासाद�य�त कुLयां 1भ-ुः।

662) 3-1-11 कतु�ः 9य, सलोपrकतु�ः 9य, सलोपrकतु�ः 9य, सलोपrकतु�ः 9य, सलोपr

व�ृ�ः उपमानाEकतु�ः सुबeतादाचारे 9य, वा 5यात ्। साeत5य त ुकतृ�वाचक5य लोपो वा 5यात।् The affix

9य, is employed, in the sense of conduct/treatment, after a पदम ्which ends in a सँुप ्affix and

denotes an agent that is the standard of comparison. In addition the ending सकारः (if any) of the

Dा�तपIदकम ्(denoting the agent) is elided optionally.

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9य, is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– �येन इवाचर�त – �येनायते।

�येन + सँु 4-1-2

= �येन + सँु + 9य, 3-1-11

= �येन + सँु + य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘�येन + सँु + य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= �येन + य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

= �येनाय 7-4-25 (Note: 7-4-33 does not apply because the 9य,-DEयय: is used here, not the 9यच-्



The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�येनाय + लँL 3-2-123

= �येनाय + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �येनाय + त 3-4-78, 1-3-12 (since the affix 9य, is a Sङत।्)

= �येनाय + ते 3-4-79

= �येनाय + शप ्+ ते 3-1-68

= �येनाय + अ + ते 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �येनायते 6-1-97

663) वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-11) – ओजसोऽ{सरसो �नEय1मतरेषा ं�वभाषयाओजसोऽ{सरसो �नEय1मतरेषा ं�वभाषयाओजसोऽ{सरसो �नEय1मतरेषा ं�वभाषयाओजसोऽ{सरसो �नEय1मतरेषा ं�वभाषया। The सकार-लोपः (elision of the letter ‘स’्) mandated by 3-1-11 takes place necessarily in the case

of ‘ओजस’् and ‘अ{सरस’्। In other cases it is optional.

उदाहरणम ्– अ{सरा इवाचर�त = अ{सरायते।

अ{सरस ्+ सँु 4-1-2

= अ{सर + सँु + 9य, – 3-1-11, वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-11) – ओजसोऽ{सरसो �नEय1मतरेषां �वभाषया।

= अ{सर + सँु + य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘अ{सर + सँु + य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= अ{सर + य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

= अ{सराय 7-4-25 (Note: 7-4-33 does not apply because the 9य,-DEयय: is used here, not the


The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

अ{सराय + लँL 3-2-123 = अ{सरायते 3-4-78, 1-3-12

उदाहरणम ्– �वvा�नवाचर�त = �वvायते/�वv5यते।

सकारलोप-प-े। Let us consider the case when the ending सकारः of the Dा�तपIदकम ्‘�वvस’् is

optionally elided.

�वvस ्+ सँु 4-1-2

= �वv + सँु + 9य, 3-1-11, वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-11) – ओजसोऽ{सरसो �नEय1मतरेषा ं�वभाषया।

= �वv + सँु + य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘�वv + सँु + य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= �वv + य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

= �वvाय 7-4-25 (Note: 7-4-33 does not apply because the 9य,-DEयय: is used here, not the 9यच-्


The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�वvाय + लँL 3-2-123 = �वvायते 3-4-78, 1-3-12

सकारलोपाभाव-प-े। Now let us consider the case when the ending सकारः of the Dा�तपIदकम ्‘�वvस’्

is not optionally elided.

�वvस ्+ सँु 4-1-2

= �वvस ्+ सँु + 9य, 3-1-11


= �वvस ्+ सँु + य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘�वvस ्+ सँु + य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= �वvस ्+ य 2-4-71, 1-1-61

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�वv5य + लँL 3-2-123 = �वv5यते 3-4-78, 1-3-12


664) वा�त �कम ्under 3-1-11 – सव�Dा�तपIदके]यः ि9व�वा वwbयःसव�Dा�तपIदके]यः ि9व�वा वwbयःसव�Dा�तपIदके]यः ि9व�वा वwbयःसव�Dा�तपIदके]यः ि9व�वा वwbयः । The affix ि9वप ्is employed, in the sense of conduct/treatment, after any Dा�तपIदकम ्which

denotes an agent that is the standard of comparison.

Note: In the optional case when the affix ि9वप ्is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– कृ�ण इवाचर�त – कृ�ण�त।

कृ�ण + ि9वप ्– वा�त �कम ्under 3-1-11 – सव�Dा�तपIदके]यः ि9व�वा वwbयः

= कृ�ण – The ि9वप-्DEययः takes सवा�पहार-लोपः by 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9 and 6-1-67. Note: The इकारः

in ‘ि9वप’् is उtचारणाथ�ः।

Now ‘कृ�ण’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 with the help of 1-1-62 DEययलोपे DEययल-णम।्

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

कृ�ण + लँL 3-2-123 = कृ�ण�त 3-4-78, 1-3-78

665) 6-4-15 अनुनाअनुनाअनुनाअनुना1सक5य ि9वझलोः ि9ङ�त1सक5य ि9वझलोः ि9ङ�त1सक5य ि9वझलोः ि9ङ�त1सक5य ि9वझलोः ि9ङ�त।

व�ृ�ः अननुा1सकाeत5योपधाया द�घ�ः 5याE9वौ झलादौ च ि9ङ�त । The penultimate vowel of a अ,गम ्

which ends in a nasal consonant is elongated when followed by either i) the affix ‘ि9व’ or ii) an

affix which begins with a झल ्letter and is either Vकत ्or Sङत ्- has the letter ‘क्’ or the letter ‘,’ as

a इत।्

उदाहरणम ्– राजेवाचर�त – राजान�त।

राजन ्+ ि9वप ्– वा�त �कम ्under 3-1-11 – सव�Dा�तपIदके]यः ि9व�वा वwbयः

= राजन ्– The ि9वप-्DEययः takes सवा�पहार-लोपः by 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9 and 6-1-67. Note: The

इकारः in ‘ि9वप’् is उtचारणाथ�ः।

= राजान ्6-4-15 with the help of 1-1-62

Now ‘राजान’् gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32 with the help of 1-1-62 DEययलोपे DEययल-णम।्

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

राजान ्+ लँL 3-2-123 = राजान�त 3-4-78, 1-3-78

666) 3-1-12 भशृाIद]यो भुbयtवेल�पrभशृाIद]यो भुbयtवेल�पrभशृाIद]यो भुbयtवेल�पrभशृाIद]यो भुbयtवेल�पr हलःहलःहलःहलः । व�ृ�ः अभूतत ाव�वषये]यो भशृाIद]यो भवEयथ? 9य, 5यात ्हलeतानामेषां लोपr। The affix 9य, (and


not ‘िtव’ ref: 5-4-50) is used following a term listed in the भशृाIद-गणः (list of terms beginning with

‘भशृ’) in the sense of ‘becoming that which it was not.’ In addition, the ending consonant (if any)

of the term (from the भशृाIद-गणः) is elided.

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9य, is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– अभशृो भशृो भव�त = भशृायते।

उदाहरणम ्– असुमनाः सुमना भव�त = सुमनायते।

सुमनस ्+ 9य, 3-1-12

= सुमन + 9य, 3-1-12

= सुमन + य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘सुमन + य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= सुमनाय 7-4-25 (Note: 7-4-33 does not apply because the 9य,-DEयय: is used here, not the


The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

सुमनाय + लँL 3-2-123 = सुमनायते 3-4-78, 1-3-12

667) 3-1-15 कम�णः रोमeथतपो]या ंव�त�चरोःकम�णः रोमeथतपो]या ंव�त�चरोःकम�णः रोमeथतपो]या ंव�त�चरोःकम�णः रोमeथतपो]या ंव�त�चरोः। व�ृ�ः रोमeथतपो]या ंकम�]या ंWमेण वत�नायां चरणे चाथ? 9य, 5यात ्। The affix 9य, is employed

after the words ‘रोमeथ’ and ‘तपस’् when they end in the accusative case and denote the object of

‘repeating’ and ‘practicing’ respectively.

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9य, is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– रोमeथं वत�य�त = रोमeथायते। (च�व�तमाकृ�य पनुrव��त – इEयथ�:।)

उदाहरणम ्– तपrर�त = तप5य�त।

तपस ्+ अम ्4-1-2

= तपस ्+ अम ्+ 9य, 3-1-15

= तपस ्+ अम ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. ‘तपस ्+ अम ्+ य’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= तपस ्+ य 2-4-71, 1-1-61. Now ‘तपस’् does not get पद-स[\ा because 1-4-15 limits 1-4-14 here.

Therefore 8-2-66 cannot apply.

= तप5य

Example continued under महाभा�यम ्– (under 3-1-15) तपसः पर5मैपदं च।

668) महाभा�यम ्– (under 3-1-15) तपसः पर5मैपदं चतपसः पर5मैपदं चतपसः पर5मैपदं चतपसः पर5मैपदं च। Following the नाम-धातःु ‘तप5य’

formed using 3-1-15, a पर5मैपदम ्affix is to be used (in कत�Mर Dयोगः।)


Example continued from 3-1-15

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

तप5य + लँL 3-2-123 = तप5य�त 3-4-78, महाभा�यम ्(under 3-1-15) तपसः पर5मैपदं च।

669) 3-1-16 बा�पो�मा]यामुvमनेबा�पो�मा]यामुvमनेबा�पो�मा]यामुvमनेबा�पो�मा]यामुvमने ।

व�ृ�ः आ]यां कम�]यां 9य, 5यात।् The affix 9य, is employed after the words ‘बा�प’ and ‘ऊ�मन’्

when they end in the accusative case and denote the object of ‘emitting.’

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9य, is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– बा�पमुvम�त = बा�पायते।

670) वा�त �कम ्(under 3-1-16) फेनाtचे�त वwbयम ्फेनाtचे�त वwbयम ्फेनाtचे�त वwbयम ्फेनाtचे�त वwbयम।्

The affix 9य, is also employed after the word ‘फेन’ when it ends in the accusative case and

denotes the object of ‘emitting.’

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9य, is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

उदाहरणम ्– फेनमुvम�त = फेनायते।

671) 3-1-17 श�दवैरकलहा3क�वमेघे]यः करणेश�दवैरकलहा3क�वमेघे]यः करणेश�दवैरकलहा3क�वमेघे]यः करणेश�दवैरकलहा3क�वमेघे]यः करणे।

व�ृ�ः ए]यः कम�]यः करोEयथ? 9य, 5यात ्। The affix 9य, is employed after the words ‘श�द’, ‘वैर’,

‘कलह’, ‘अ3’, ‘क�व’ and ‘मेघ’ when they end in the accusative case and denote the object of


Note: In the optional case when the affix 9य, is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.

Note: The word ‘करण’ in this सू�म ्does not have the grammatical meaning of ‘instrumental case’

but the primary meaning of ‘doing.’

उदाहरणम ्– श�दं करो�त = श�दायते।

672) 3-1-19 नमोवMरविr�ङः 9यच ्नमोवMरविr�ङः 9यच ्नमोवMरविr�ङः 9यच ्नमोवMरविr�ङः 9यच ्।

व�ृ�ः ‘करणे’ इEयनवु�ेृ: VWया�वशेषे पूजाया ंपMरचया�यामाrय? च। The affix 9यच ्is employed after the

words ‘नमस’्, ‘वMरवस’् and ‘�च�,’ when they end in the accusative case and denote the object of

‘making/doing’ – specifically पजूायाम ्(in the sense of worship) with ‘नमस’्, पMरचया�याम ्(in the

sense of honor/service) with ‘वMरवस’् and आrय? (in the sense of wonder) with ‘�च�,’।

Note: In the optional case when the affix 9यच ्is not used, a sentence (वा9यम)् may be used to

convey the same meaning.


उदाहरणम ्– नम5य�त देवान।् ‘पूजय�त’ इEयथ�:। (ref. गीता 11-36)

नमस ्+ अम ्4-1-2

= नमस ्2-4-82

नमस ्+ 9यच ्3-1-19 ‘नमस ्+ 9यच’् gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= नमस ्+ य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: 1-4-15 limits 1-4-14 here. Therefore 8-2-66 does not apply


= नम5य

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

नम5य + लँL 3-2-123 = नम5य�त 3-4-78, 1-3-78

Similarly वMरव5य�त गु�न।् ‘शु0ूषते’ इEयथ�:।

उदाहरणम ्– �च�ीयते । ‘�व5मयते’ इEयथ�ः। ‘�व5मापयते’ इEयeये।

�च� + अम ्4-1-2. Note: The ending ङकारः of ‘�च�,’ is a इत ्by 1-3-3 and takes लोपः by 1-3-9.

�च� + अम ्+ 9यच ्3-1-19 ‘�च� + अम ्+ 9यच’् gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

= �च� + 9यच ्2-4-71, 1-1-61

= �च� + य 1-3-8, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= �च�ीय 7-4-33, 1-1-52

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

�च�ीय + लँL 3-2-123 = �च�ीयते 3-4-78, 1-3-12. Note: Since ‘�च�,’ is a Sङत,् 1-3-12 applies.

673) गणसू�म ्(in the चुराIद-गणः of the धात-ुपाठः) – Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ? Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ? Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ? Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ?


The धातवु�ृ�ः explains this गणसू�म ्as follows: Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ? fणच,् ति5मंrे�नीव काय� भव�त।

After a Dा�तपIदकम,् the affix fणच ्is used variously in the meaning of a verbal root; and in

conjunction with this the operations are performed on the अ,गम ्as if the affix ‘इ�न’् follows.

Note: The ‘fणच’् affix prescribed by this गणसू�म ्does not have the स[\ा of आध�धातकुम ्because

it is prescribed after a Dा�तपIदकम ्(and not after a धातुः।)

Note: The affix ‘इ�न’् is prescribed by the सू�म ्5-3-55 अ�तशायने तम�ब�नौ। Hence ‘इ�न’् is a

5वाIद-DEययः (which allows 1-4-18 to apply) and also a त�sत-DEययः। The अ�धकारः ‘त�sताः’ starts

from 4-1-76 त�sताः।

674) गणसू�म ्(in the चुराIद-गणः of the धात-ुपाठः) – तEकरो�त तदाच�ेतEकरो�त तदाच�ेतEकरो�त तदाच�ेतEकरो�त तदाच�े।

The affix fणच ्is used in the sense of ‘he/she does/makes or tells/describes that.’

Note: This गणसू�म ्elaborates on the term धाEवथ? used in the गणसू�म ्– Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ?



उदाहरणम ्– घटं करो�त – अथवा – घटमाच�े = घटय�त/घटयते।

घट + fणच ्By the गणसू�म ्– Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ? बहुल1म�वtच along with तEकरो�त तदाच�े।

= घट + इ 1-3-3, 1-3-7, 1-3-9. Note: The अ,गम ्‘घट’ gets the भ-स[\ा by 1-4-18 because the affix

fणच ्behaves इ�वत ्(by the गणसू�म ्– Dा�तपIदकाa धाEवथ? बहुल1म�वtच।)

= घL + इ 6-4-148. Note: ‘इ�न’् is a त�sत-DEययः। This allows 6-4-148 to apply.

Note: As per 7-2-116, the fणच-्DEयय: would do a व�ृs: substitution in place of the अकार: of the

अ,गम ्‘घL’। But this does not happen because as per 1-1-57, the लोप: done by 6-4-148 has

5था�नवa-भाव: (it behaves like the item it replaced – अकार:) when it comes to an operation (व�ृs:)

that would be performed to the left of it. Hence as far as 7-2-116 is concerned, the उपधा of the

अ,गम ्is a टकार: and hence it cannot apply.

= घIट । ‘घIट’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

घIट + लँL 3-2-123

= घIट + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= घIट + त/�तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-74/1-3-78

= घIट + त/�त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= घIट + ते/�त 3-4-79

= घIट + शप ्+ ते/�त 3-1-68

= घIट + अ + ते/�त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= घटे + अ + ते/�त 7-3-84

= घटयते/घटय�त 6-1-78

675) 3-1-27 क��वाक��वाक��वाक��वाIद]यो यक्Iद]यो यक्Iद]यो यक्Iद]यो यक्।

व�ृ�ः ए]यो धात]ुयो �नEय ंयक् 5यात ्5वाथ?। The affix यक् is always used after the verbal roots in

the क��वाIद-गणः (group of terms headed by ‘क�डूञ’्) with no change in their meaning.

Note: एते च धातवः Dा�तपIदका�न च । The terms in the क��वाIद-गणः are considered to be verbal

roots as well as nominal stems. When they are used as verbal roots 3-1-27 applies.

उदाहरणम ्– क�डूयते/क�डूय�त derived from √क�डू (क�डूञ ्गा��वघष�णे, क��वाIद-गणः)

First we derive the धातःु ‘क�डूय’ as follows:

क�डू + यक् 3-1-27. Note: यक् is a Vकत।् Hence 1-1-5 stops 7-3-84

= क�डू + य 1-3-3, 1-3-9

‘क�डूय’ gets धात-ुस[\ा by 3-1-32

The �वव-ा is लँL, कत�Mर, Dथम-पOुषः, एकवचनम।्

क�डूय + लँL 3-2-123

= क�डूय + ल ्1-3-2, 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= क�डूय + त/�तप ्3-4-78, 1-3-72/1-3-78


= क�डूय + त/�त 1-3-3, 1-3-9

= क�डूय + ते/�त 3-4-79

= क�डूय + शप ्+ ते/�त 3-1-68

= क�डूय + अ + ते/�त 1-3-3, 1-3-8, 1-3-9

= क�डूयते/क�डूय�त 6-1-97

676) 1-3-17 ने�व�शःने�व�शःने�व�शःने�व�शः। व�ृ�ः नेः पर5माa �वश आEमनेपदं 5यात।् When preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘�न’, the verbal

root √�वश ्(�वश ँDवेशने ६. १६०) takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix (and not the default पर5मैपदम ्by 1-3-


उदाहरणम ्– �न�वशते ।

677) 1-3-18 पMरbयवे]यः VWयःपMरbयवे]यः VWयःपMरbयवे]यः VWयःपMरbयवे]यः VWयः। व�ृ�ः (अक��1भDायाथ�1मदम ्।) पMरbयवे]य उ�र5मात ्W�णातेराEमनेपदं 5यात।् When preceded by the

उपसग�ः ‘पMर’/’�व’/’अव’, the verbal root √W� (डुW�ञ ्�bय�व�नमये ९. १) takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix (and

not पर5मैपदम ्by 1-3-78.)

उदाहरणम ्– पMरW�णीते । �वW�णीते । अवW�णीते ।

678) 1-3-19 �वपरा]या ंजेः�वपरा]या ंजेः�वपरा]या ंजेः�वपरा]या ंजेः। व�ृ�ः �वपरापूवा��जयतेधा�तोराEमनेपदं 5यात।् When preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘�व’/’परा’, the verbal

root √िज (िज जये १. ६४२) takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix (and not the default पर5मैपदम ्by 1-3-78.)

उदाहरणम ्– �वजयते । पराजयते ।

679) 1-3-20 आङो दोऽना5य�वहरणेआङो दोऽना5य�वहरणेआङो दोऽना5य�वहरणेआङो दोऽना5य�वहरणे।

व�ृ�ः आ,पूवा�½दातेमु�ख�वकसनादeय�ाथ? वत�मानादाEमनेपदं 5यात ्। When not used in the meaning of

‘to open the mouth’, the verbal root √दा (डुदाञ ्दाने ३. १०) when preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘आ,’,

takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix (and not पर5मैपदम ्by 1-3-78.)

उदाहरणम ्– आद�े । Refer to post –आद�े-3as-लँL/

680) 1-3-22 समवD�व]यः 5थःसमवD�व]यः 5थःसमवD�व]यः 5थःसमवD�व]यः 5थः। व�ृ�ः ‘सम’् ‘अव’ ‘D’ ‘�व’ इEयेवं पवूा�त ्�त�तेराEमनेपदं 5यात।् When preceded by the उपसग�ः

‘सम’्/’अव’/’D’/’�व’, the verbal root √5था-धातुः (�ा ग�त�नव�ृौ १. १०७७) takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix

(and not the default पर5मैपदम ्by 1-3-78.)

उदाहरणम ्– सिeत�ते । अव�त�ते । D�त�ते । �व�त�ते ।


681) 1-3-29 समो गGयिृtछ]याम ्समो गGयिृtछ]याम ्समो गGयिृtछ]याम ्समो गGयिृtछ]याम।्

व�ृ�ः अकम�का]या1मEयेव । When preceded by the the उपसग�ः ‘सम’् and when used intransitively,

the verbal root√गम ्(गम ॢँ गतौ १. ११३७) or √ऋt« (ऋछँ गतीिe�यDलयमू�त �भावेषु ६. १६) takes a

आEमनेपदम ्affix (and not the default पर5मैपदम ्by 1-3-78.)

Note: In the का1शका this सू�म ्is stated as 1-3-29 समो गGयिृtछDिtछ5वरEय�त �0ु�वIद]यः।

उदाहरणम ्– स,गtछते । समtृछते ।

682) 1-3-43 अनुपसगा�vाअनुपसगा�vाअनुपसगा�vाअनुपसगा�vा। व�ृ�ः उपसग��वयुwात ्WमतेराEमनेपदं वा 5यात।् When not preceded by a उपसग�ः, the verbal

root √Wम ्(Wमँु पाद�व-पेे १. ५४५) takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix optionally.

उदाहरणम ्– Wमते, Wाम�त। Refer to questions 3 and 4 of the following comment – http://avg-सर�सपृम-्nns/#comment-4134

683) 1-3-76 अनुपसगा��\ःअनुपसगा��\ःअनुपसगा��\ःअनुपसगा��\ः। व�ृ�ः अनपुसगा�ज ्जानातेः क��1भDाये VWयाफल आEमनेपदं 5यात।् When not preceded by a उपसग�ः,

the verbal root √\ा(\ा अवबोधने ९. ४३) takes a आEमनेपदम ्affix when the fruit of the action

accrues to the agent.

उदाहरणम ्– जानीते।

684) 1-3-81 DाvहःDाvहःDाvहःDाvहः।

व�ृ�ः Dपवूा�a वहतेः पर5मैपदं 5यात ्। When preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘D’, the verbal root √व� (वहँ

Dापणे १. ११५९) takes a पर5मैपदम ्affix (and not आEमनेपदम ्by 1-3-72.)

उदाहरणम ्– Dवह�त ।

685) 1-3-82 परेमृ�षःपरेमृ�षःपरेमृ�षःपरेमृ�षः। व�ृ�ः पMरपूवा�a म�ृयतेः पर5मैपदं 5यात ्। When preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘पMर’, the verbal

root √मषृ ्(मषृ ँ�त�त-ायाम ्४. ६०) takes a पर5मैपदम ्affix (and not आEमनेपदम ्by 1-3-72.)

उदाहरणम ्– पMरम�ृय�त ।

686) 1-3-83 bया,पMर]यो रमःbया,पMर]यो रमःbया,पMर]यो रमःbया,पMर]यो रमः।


व�ृ�ः ‘�व’ ‘आ,’ ‘पMर’ इEयेवं पूवा�a रमतेः पर5मैपदं 5यात।् When preceded by the उपसग�ः

‘�व’/’आ,’/’पMर’, the verbal root√रम ्(रमँु W�डायाम ्| रमँ इ�त माधवः १. ९८९) takes a पर5मैपदम ्affix

(and not आEमनेपदम ्by 1-3-12.)

उदाहरणम ्– �वरम�त । आरम�त । पMररम�त ।

687) 6-1-135 सुL कात ्सुL कात ्सुL कात ्सुL कात ् पूव�ःपूव�ःपूव�ःपूव�ः। व�ृ�ः अ�धकारोऽयम ्‘6-1-157 पार5करDभतृी�न च सं\ायाम’् इ�त यावत ्। The augment सुL is annexed

(immediately) prior to the ककारः। This is a अ�धकार-सू�म ्which extends its influence up to the

सू�म ्6-1-157 पार5करDभतृी�न च सं\ायाम।्

688) 6-1-137 सGपMर]या ंकरोतौ भूषणेसGपMर]या ंकरोतौ भूषणेसGपMर]या ंकरोतौ भूषणेसGपMर]या ंकरोतौ भूषणे।

व�ृ�ः सGपMरपूव�5य करोतेः सुL 5याa भूषणाथ? । When preceded by the उपसग�ः ‘सम’् or ‘पMर’, the

augment सुL is annexed to the verbal root √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०) when used in the sense of


Note: In the का1शका this सू�म ्is worded as सGपयु�पे]यः करोतौ भूषणे।

उदाहरणम ्– सं55करो�त/सं5करो�त derived from √कृ (डुकृञ ्करणे ८. १०) along with उपसग�ः ‘सम’्।

�वव-ा is लँL, Dथम-पुOषः, एकवचनम।्

सम ्+ करो�त 1-4-59, 1-4-80

= सम ्+ सुL करो�त 6-1-137, 6-1-135

= सम ्+ स ्करो�त 1-3-3, 1-3-9. Note: The उकार: in ‘सुL’ is उtचारणाथ�: (for pronunciation only.)

Example continued under 8-3-5

689) 8-3-5 समः सुIटसमः सुIटसमः सुIटसमः सुIट।

व�ृ�ः समो Oः 5यात ्सुIट । When the augment सुL follows the मकारः of ‘सम’् is replaced by ‘Oँ’।

Example continued from 6-1-137

सम ्+ स ्करो�त

= सOँ + 5करो�त 8-3-5, 1-1-52

= सर ्+ 5करो�त 1-3-2, 1-3-9

= संर ्+ 5करो�त 8-3-4. Note: Instead of 8-3-4 we could also use 8-3-2, but as a convention in

classical Sanskrit only 8-3-4 is used.

= सं: + 5करो�त 8-3-15

Example continued under the वा�त �कम ्(under 8-3-34) – सGप,ुकाना ंसो वwbयः।

690) वा�त �कम ्– सGपु,काना ंसो वwbयःसGपु,काना ंसो वwbयःसGपु,काना ंसो वwbयःसGपु,काना ंसो वwbयः । (under 8-3-34)

A �वसग�ः belonging to the term ‘सम’्or ‘पुम’् or ‘कान’् is replaced by a सकारः।


Example continued from 8-3-5

सं: + 5करो�त

= सं55करो�त By the वा�त �कम ्– सGपु,कानां सो वwbयः। Note: This वा�त �कम ्stops 8-3-36

Optional form सं5करो�त is derived under भा�य-वा�त �कम ्(under 8-3-12) – समो वा लोपमेके ।

691) भा�य-वा�त �कम ्– समो वा लोपमेकेसमो वा लोपमेकेसमो वा लोपमेकेसमो वा लोपमेके । (under 8-3-12 in the महाभा�यम)्

When the augment सुL follows, the मकारः of ‘सम’् is optionally elided.

सम ्+ स ्करो�त

= स + 5करो�त By भा�य-वा�त �कम ्– समो वा लोपमेके ।

= सं + 5करो�त 8-3-4. Note: Instead of 8-3-4 we could also use 8-3-2, but as a convention in

classical Sanskrit only 8-3-4 is used.

= सं5करो�त

692) 3-2-112 अ1भ\ावचने लLृअ1भ\ावचने लLृअ1भ\ावचने लLृअ1भ\ावचने लLृ।

व�ृ�ः 5म�ृतबो�धeयपुपदे भूतान�तने धातोलृ�L । In the presence of an adjoining word implying

recollection, a verbal root takes the affix लृँL in the sense of past not of today. Note: This सू�म ्is

a अपवादः (exception) for 3-2-111अन�तने ल,।

उदाहरणम ्– 5मर1स/बुxयसे कृ�ण ! गोकुले वE5यामः ।

693) 3-2-118 लL 5मेलL 5मेलL 5मेलL 5मे।

व�ृ�ः 1लटोऽपवादः । When associated with the word 5म, a verbal root takes the affix लँL in the

sense of past not of today, provided that the action is unperceived by the narrator. Note: This

सू�म ्is a अपवादः (exception) for 3-2-115 परो- े1लL।

उदाहरणम ्– यज�त 5म यु�ध��रः ।

694) 3-2-119 अपरो- ेचअपरो- ेचअपरो- ेचअपरो- ेच।

व�ृ�ः भूतान�तने लL 5यात ्5मयोगे। When associated with the word 5म, a verbal root takes the

affix लँL in the sense of past not of today, (even) when the action is perceived by the narrator.

उदाहरणम ्– एवं 5म �पता ©वी�त ।

695) 3-3-131 वत�मानसामी{ये वत�मानवvावत�मानसामी{ये वत�मानवvावत�मानसामी{ये वत�मानवvावत�मानसामी{ये वत�मानवvा। व�ृ�ः वत�माने ये DEयया उwा5ते वत�मानसामी{ये भूते भ�व�य�त च वा 5युः । The affixes which have

been prescribed (by the rules starting from 3-2-123 वत�माने लL up to 3-3-1 उणादयो बहुलम)् in the


present tense may also be optionally used to denote an action in the immediate past or

immediate future.

उदाहरणम ्– कदाऽऽगतोऽ1स? अयमागtछा1म/अयमागमम ्।

कदा ग1म�य1स? एष गtछा1म/ग1म�या1म ।