An open-economy new Keynesian Phillips curve for the U.K

Post on 25-Feb-2023

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Transcript of An open-economy new Keynesian Phillips curve for the U.K

AUTISMThe life of autism


I have heard many people ask, what is autism. Scientist say autism is just a mental disorder, when someone has an extra D.N.A ladder. A person is usually diagnosed with autism as a child. ASDs effects one out of every 68 children in the U.S. It occurs more often in boys then girls. some signs of autism is social interaction, communication, behavior, and interests.

TYPES OF AUTISMOne of the most mild but common disorders of autism is Asperger’s syndrome. Children with AS frequently have normal or above average intelligence. As a result some doctors call it “high functioning autism.” One thing you might recognize in your child with autism is their social skills and imagination. So having autism is not always a bad thing. And autism is not you, its just something you have.


Autism makes communicating, and interacting with others difficult, not impossible. I have heard parents ask their self this over and over again, what did I do wrong or is this my fault? Well its not your fault and your child is not hopeless. Autism can be made a tool, tool that only that person can use. From how I see it you can not let autism own you, you have to own it.


One thing I don’t understand is why are kids being bullied over having autism? Why do it. Does it make you feel good about yourself, hope not. Teachers, adults, and students need to stand up. Encourage that student. NOBODY IS PERFECT. No movie star, singer, or president is perfect. So stand up and support people with disadvantages. Be that person that tells them they are not useless. Tell them their important. Many of our worlds great heroes and scientist had autism. So be encouraging.

ABOUT MEMy name is Brian Jackson. I live in Shawnee, Oklahoma. I am 12 years old and go to Shawnee middle school. I have two brothers, and a sister. I was diagnosed with autism at 4 years old. When I was in pre -k my teacher thought I was slower and was having problems learning. Later own I was tested and was the smartest in the class. My best

friend is Jacob Jennings, he has autism to I forgot what type but he has it worse than me. Sometimes he has high anxiety. But I can always count on him through anything. Jacob helps me with my problems a lot and I help him. Me and him are like yin and yang, and will always be best friends. My favorite song is promises by Sanctus Real. I am a believer in Jesus and I think that’s is what has been helping me too.. I can get so confused on what

everybody else is doing that sometimes I loose myself. And yes I do have a really good imagination, and

sometimes I loose grip on reality. But I still am capable of so much more. Autism is not holding me back and it

doesn’t have to hold you either.