Post on 16-Jan-2023

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Автор: Хоцій А.А. – викладач іноземної мови, спеціаліст 1 категорії

Мельниченко С.Л. – викладач іноземної мови, спеціаліст

Черкаського професійного автодорожнього ліцею

Рецензент : Сокол К.М. – заступник директора Черкаського ОНМЦ ПТО

Скрипник В.С. – заступник директора з НР ЧПАЛ

Посібник містить мовленнєві кліше для розвитку навичок усного

монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.

Пропонується викладачам іноземної мови ПТНЗ для удосконалення

усного мовлення учнів.

Затверджено методичною радою ОНМЦ ПТО

(Протокол № _____ від _______________)

Видання підготовлено до друку та віддруковано навчальним відділом

Черкаського професійного автодорожнього ліцею



1 Вступ ……………………………………………………………………… 4

2 Мовленнєві кліше

2.1 Addressing people in modern English oral form ……………………….. 5

2.2 Starting a conversation …………………………………………………. 6

2.3 Expressing gratitude …………………………………………………..... 8

2.4 Suggestions …………………………………………………... 12

3 Різнорівневі тести

3.1 Variant 1 ……………………………………………………………….. 13

3.2 Variant 2 ……………………………………………………………….. 15

3.3 Variant 3 ……………………………………………………………….. 17

3.4 Variant 4 ……………………………………………………………….. 20



Метою навчально- методичного посібника та одночасно засобом

досягнення цієї мети є розвиток та удосконалення мовленнєвих навичок


Посібник складений за тематичним принципом з використанням

розмовних кліше. Посібник складається з двох частин. У першій

представлені матеріали для розвитку діалогічного мовлення: питання,

відповіді. Друга частина складається з тестів, які тематично пов’язані з

окремими розділами першої частини. Це дає змогу перевірити ступінь

розуміння прочитаного тексту, систематизувати знання з граматики,

опрацювати лексичний матеріал та підсумувати успіхи учнів у формуванні

вмінь та навичок монологічного та діалогічного мовлення.





Teacher – Pupil by Christian


Teacher – Pupil

Mr. Brown, Miss Brown

Pupil – Teacher

Mr. Brown, by Christian names

Pupil – Teacher

Mr. Brown Mister, Sir

FRIENDS Ann, Pete, Brown

AQUAINTANCE by Christian names Mr. Smith

Mrs. Smith (married)

Miss Smith (unmarried)

Ms. (married or unmarried)

SERVICE Excuse me, can you…? Excuse me, Miss…

Excuse me, Mister…

ARISTOCRACY - Lord, Duke, Prince

CLERGYMEN - Reverend (a priest)

Right Reverend (a bishop)

OFFICERS - Lieutenant, Colonel




Beginning of a letter Dear Ann

My dear

My dear Sue

Dear Sir

Dear Mr. Brown

Dear Mrs. Brown

Ending of a letter Best wishes


Your friend

With my kindest


Yours affectionately

With my best wishes

to you and looking

forward to your


Yours, sincerely (if you know the

name of the addressee)

Yours, faithfully (if you don’t

know the name)

Yours, truly (is going out of


Yours respectfully

Greetings Possible Replies

Hallo, haven’t seen you for ages. Neither have I.

It’s a long time since I saw you last. So did I.


How are you doing? I’m doing fine, thanks.

How are you? First-class! (capital!)

Quite well, thank you

Never better

How’s things? From bad to worse.

How are you getting on? There’s nothing to boast of.

How’s yourself? There’s nothing to complain of.

How is it going? So-so (Middling).

How’s business? Topping! (Can’t be better)

Good bye! Cheerio (All the best! Best of luck!)

Well, so long, old man!

We shall miss you badly!

Thank you for your coming.



Situation Starting a conversation Possible replies

Weather talk What a lovely day it is, isn’t


Yes, it’s lovely…

It does make a change.

Nice weather, isn’t it? Let’s hope it lasts.

What splendid (glorious)


Nasty weather, don’t you


Yes, it’s dreadful. But it’s

going to be better, so they

tell us.

My goodness, it’s really

freezing in here, isn’t it?

It is. We are really fed up

with cold weather.

What a gloomy day

It is rather chilly, isn’t it? It’s beastly wet.

Hard wind is blowing.

Frost is expected at night.

How bitterly cold it is!

Have you heard the weather

forecast for today?

Why, certainly. We are

going to have a clear day.

The weather forecast is


It will be cloudy with rain

in places.

In a cafe Excuse me, is anyone sitting


Oh, no, no. I’ll just move

my handbag.

Is this place vacant? Can I

take it?

No, I don’t think so. I’m

afraid it’s occupied.


What have you for dinner


What cold (hot) dishes have


What do you want for desert?

What can you recommend for

the second course?

I should like a chicken


I should like one


I think I’ll have…


conversation with


Excuse me, haven’t we met

somewhere before? No, I don’t think so. Your

face doesn’t look familiar

to me.

Excuse me, have you got a

cigarette by any chance?

Here you are. Do you

want a light?

Er, excuse me, can you tell

me the best way to get to the

station, please?

Yes, actually I’m going

that way myself. You

could keep my company

if you like.

Teenagers try to make

friends (informal)

Hi, what’s that book you’re

reading? Looks really


It’s called “Life on

Earth”. I got it because of

that television

programme. Did you

watch it?

More formal situation Excuse me, do you happen to

know what’s on today? I’m awfully sorry, I really

don’t know.

I wonder if you could

possibly tell me, if this film is

worth seeing?

I’m sorry I’m really not

sure, you’d better ask


On a train, on board a

plane or a ship, or

sitting on a bench

reading in a park

These trains seem to get more

and more crowded, don’t


Yes, more and more

people go travelling


Just look at the way those

fellows are dressed.

Yes, you see some very

strange people around


The service on this plane

seems to get worse, doesn’t


They don’t think about

customer care, do they?

On a bus - This seat taken? – Mind if I

sit then? – You going far? –

Me too. You live round here,

don’t you?

- No. – Help yourself. –

Only as far as Grinsby. –

No, I’m up on holiday

actually, staying with my

aunt. In the street - Excuse me, you got the

time? – That’s all right then,

I’m early. – Yes, just up the

road there. – How do you

- Yes, it’s half past nine.

- Live around here, do


- And I’m here on


mean? holiday. Funny sort of a

place, isn’t it? Will you tell me the best way

to the railway station?

Certainly. Take tram

number 10. It will take

you right there.

How long will it take to get there?

It will take you 15

minutes, I suppose.

Where the nearest bus stop?

Is it far from here?

It’s quite near. You only

have to cross the street.

Where do I get off? (Where

am I to get off?)

You must get off at the

last stop(at the last stop

but one)

Trade. Occupation.

Profession. Work.

What is your work?

It’s a very fine profession

(occupation, trade), isn’t it?

What can you do?

What will you do after living


Where can you get a

professional trade?

Technology is his calling,

isn’t it?

Are you pleased with your

new job?

I work as a driver, a fitter,

a tractor-driver, a


I can work I think I will

go work as…

At a secondary vocational


Oh, yes. No doubt he’ll

make a good engineer.

He is an experienced


He is out of practice.


Thank you very much, indeed. That’s O.K.

Thank you ever so much. That’s all right.

Thanks a lot. Not at all.

You’ve been very helpful. You’re welcome.

I’m terribly grateful to you. It’s a pleasure.

You’ve done a lot, thanks. The pleasure was all mine.

That was very kind of you. Any time.

Thank you for everything you have


Don’t mention it.

I really appreciate it. Sure.

Thank you for taking care. No problem.



Asking for someone’s opinion Giving your opinion

What do you think of… Actually I enjoyed it greatly.

How did you like… In my opinion, it was really exciting.

What’s your opinion of… As for me, I didn’t like it, actually.

Did you enjoy… As far as I am concerned, it didn’t

impress me at all.

What’s your impression of… If you ask me, I would say it was rather

boring (absolutely fantastic).

Do you think it is worth seeing (reading,

listening to)?

To my mind it’s worth seeing (you

shouldn’t waste your time on it).

How did you find… It seems to me, there’s nothing to speak


You’ve got a part-time job, I hear? Oddly enough, I have made up my mind

to take it.

Why don’t we go to the seaside for a


I’m not all that keen really, I’d rather


The best thing about a holiday is… isn’t


Naturally, it is.

How did you accept the latest news? It took me by surprise.

Apologizing Possible replies

1. I’m awfully sorry. That’s O. K.

2. I beg your pardon. Never mind.

3. Excuse me, if you please. I don’t mind.

4. I hope, you don’t mind. It doesn’t matter.

5. I must apologize. It’s not worth speaking about.

6. Excuse my back. Oh, don’t you worry.

7. I am sorry to interrupt you, but may I

speak to you for a moment?

O. K. I’m all ears.

8. Excuse my disturbing you… Well, can I help you?

9. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Never mind!

I’ve got used to it.

10. It has slipped my memory that I

promised you to do it.

It’s a lame excuse.

Promises must be kept, not broken.

11. Pardon me for calling you up so late. Don’t apologize.

What has happened?

12. Am I bothering you? Oh, no! Not in the least!

13. I am sorry, I’ve broken your pen. I’ll

buy a new one the first thing in the


I won’t hear of it!

It’s quite out of the question!


14. Oh! I do apologize, I’ve split coffee

on your jeans!

By gosh!

Nothing doing!

15. I’m so absent minded today. I’ve

burned a hole in your rug, I’m afraid.

Oh, my Goodness!

It’s going too far!

16. I am wanted on the phone. I’ll be

back in no time.

Don’t hurry! Take your time.

Watch your step! 17. I have stepped on your foot, I’m


18. Sorry for having pushed you. Oh, no! It’s my fault!

19. Sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt you. No, no!

Not in the least!

20. Excuse my disturbing you, but it’s

very urgent.

Oh, brother! (Oh my!)

Can’t it wait till I am free?

Be polite! 1. Achihoo! Sorry! Bless you!

2. You have taken my pen, I’m afraid. Oh, have I? Sorry, I didn’t even notice


3. Can I borrow your pencil? Sorry, but I am using it at the moment.

4. Could you lend me your pen?

I’ve left mine at home.

Certainly, I won’t need it till the end of

the day.

5. Excuse me, can I leave the room? Sure, but don’t be long O. K.?

6. Excuse me. (Before you are going to disturb


7. Sorry. (After you have done something to

disturb someone)

8. Excuse me, but you are wanted on the



9. Come in, please. After you, thanks, (ladies first).

10. Could you help me over the road? Certainly (Sure). There’s a zebra over


11. Let me help you across the street. That’s very nice of you.

12. Have some more cake! (Help

yourself to some more cake!)

Thank you, I’m full. ( I’m sliming)

(I am trying to lose some weight)

13. Could you help me to carry my

heavy bag?

Why not? I don’t think it’s too heavy.

14. Are you going my way? Yeah, can I join you?

15. Shall I walk you home? It will be nice. You will keep me


16. Shall I give you a lift? Sure. Drop me out near the Metro


17. Could you do me a favour? Yes, go ahead!

What is it?


18. Could you be a little less noisy? Sorry, I’ll try.

19. Could you keep the noise down a


I thought you didn’t mind.

20. Could you repair my bag?

I don’t want to open.

I’m good at repairing things, you know.

21. Could you fix this lock for me,

please? It doesn’t work.

I’m not an expert at locks, I’m afraid,

but I’ll try.

22. I wish you didn’t speak so loudly. Sorry! Were you trying to sleep?

23. I have mispronounced your name,

I’m afraid.

It was a slip of the tongue, I think.

Agreement Disagreement Exactly

Exactly so



I am of the same opinion

I am positive it is so

Count upon me

It goes without saying

It is beyond any doubt

I feel just as you do about it

To a certain extent

So much the better

It seems to me you are wrong

You are mistaken

I cannot believe this

We differ in opinions

One never can told

It makes no sense

I am against it

Just the other way round

Far from it

Not for the world

By no means

Giving Advice

Direct Phrases Take my advice (and go there)

Don’t take too much to heart.

You had better go now.

Try and come early.

I do advise you to make real effort in…

If I were you, I would not do that.

Be less in a hurry.

I really do recommend that.

A Suggestion Why not buy a few bunches of roses for her birthday?

What about a bottle of French scent?

How about baking a tasty cake for her?

Why don’t we go there together?

What about going there together?

Do you think it might be an idea to…?


Warning Don’t do that or I’ll tell your mother.

Don’t let them down.

Never do it next time!

Always wash up your hands before you eat.

Careful with that chair!

Encouraging the


I think it’d be a fantastic idea to… (go and see this


I’ve got a terrific idea: Let’s… (change this thing for


Hey! I’ve got this amazing idea: you must go and see


Listen! This’d be great if you went there.


(Offering and Arranging Things)

Suggestions Possible replies How about coming out for a cup of tea

with me this evening?

I’d like it very much. Thanks you.

Do you feel like going to the cinema


No, really, I’ve promised myself an

early night.

Would you like to joint us at a party


That would be very nice, thank you.

Why don’t we just go out for a cup of


That sounds like a good idea, thank you.

Let’s go skating, shall we? I’d love too, thank you very much.

Feel like having a stroll in the park? No, if you don’t mind I’ll stay in


Do you fancy a game of tennis? With pleasure. I’m keen on it, actually.

How would you like to come skating? I’d rather go to some movie. A good

movie would do us good.

We are going out tonight, aren’t we? We are. We have arranged it, haven’t


I can’t keep my appointment on Friday

at three.

You can rearrange it for some other day.

Will you be able to keep me company? I’m not really certain, let’s do it some

other day.

I was thinking it might be a good idea if

we asked somebody famous for the


Well, why not? I’ll be most delighted.

Have you joy anything special for this

evening? If not, shall we go to café?

Well, perhaps some other day, shall we?

What do you say to a game of bridge? That’s fine!




1. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді

1. Не was taken to hospital ... taxi. a) in b) on c) by 2. They have their English ... hours a week. a) much b) many 3. Did you have ... time to go to see him yesterday? a) no b) any c) some 4. They ... go to the theatre last night. a)were able to b)able to c) be able to 5. You ... have much work to do tomorrow. a) are going to b) be going c) will be going 6. Your brother hasn't finished school yet, ... a) hasn't your brother b) has he c) did he 7. Let's go there together, ... a) don't we b) do us c) shall we 8. As soon as I ... your article I'll ring you up. a) shall find b) shall have found c) find 9.He ... that my daughter still went to school. a) was told b) is told c) was being told 10.I was asked how I usually ... to the Institute. a) getting b) get c) got 11.This house is ... than the one we live in. a) taller b) the tallest c) more tall 12.The doctor didn’t expect that he … badly a) feels


b) to feel c) feel

2. Знайдіть речення без помилок

1. She said she was right. 2. He said her friends had been there for a month. 3. She knows why was the waiter absent. 4. The doctor asked her where she was going. 5. The journalists asked what time would the President arrive. 6. The professor informed the students when would the test be given.

3. Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання A man received the following note from his son, who was an actor and had joined touring company: "I have made a great success. Will you send me $25 to pay the landlady? Your devoted son, Algy." "P.S. Since writing this letter, I am ashamed to ask you, so I ran after the postman and tried to get it back. I pray it does not reach you." The son was surprised when he received this reply:"Dear Algy, your prayer was answered. The letter did not reach me."

- завершіть речення, використовуючи the Passive Voice

Example: His son ... a job in a touring company. His son was offered a job in a touring company.

1. The following note ... from his son. 2. $25 ... to pay the landlady. 3. The letter ... by the father of the son. 4. The son ... with the reply. Keys: to receive, to surprise, to ask, to receive. 4. Прочитайте текст

Nasreddin sat drinking coffee and talking with some of his old

friends. One of them said, "Well, Nasreddin, you are a very clever man. What do you consider the most valuable thing in the world?"

Nasreddin gave a very quick answer, "I think advice is the most valuable thing in the world." His friends thought about it for a few minutes, and then one of them asked him, "And what do you consider the most worthless thing in the world?" Again Nasreddin replied very quickly: "Advice".

- виберіть правильну відповідь

1. The word "valuable"in the text is very close to: a) effective; b) of great worth; c) something that estimated money. 2. This text is a) a joke; b) a document;


c) a kind of recommendation. 3. If a man is giving an advice, when should he say that it is the most worthless thing in the world? a) when he gives someone an advice himself; b) when the man takes an advice; c) when he doesn't take it.


1. Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді

1. I always go ... school to take my daughter. a) to b) in c) along 2. I ... just ... to sleep when something woke me. a) had gone b) gone c) has gone 3. He doesn't usually ask ... questions in class. a) many b) much

4. I hadn't ... interesting English magazines last week. a) some b) any c) no 5. He ... translate these articles tomorrow. a) will able to b) will be able to c) can to 6. We … for a walk in the evening, we’ll be watching TV. a) are going to b) shall be going c) won't be going 7. You've got a brother, ... a) haven't you? b) did you? c) have you? 8. Let ... work with foreign tourists. a) her b) she

c) hers 9. Kate ... if she'll find Peter's address at home. a) know b) will know c) doesn't know 10. They were told that they ... to see an interesting exhibition on Sunday. a) would be taken b) were taken c) will be taken


11. I've been asked which subjects we usually ... at the Institute during this semester. a) took b) take c) have taken 12. Yesterday was ... day in my life. a) the happiest b) most happy c) happier

2. Знайдіть речення без помилок 1. Geologists cannot say when will the next earthquake happen. 2. She is beautiful enough to do whatever does she want to do. 3. Your mother can tell you what will you buy in the shop. 4. The father asked me if he could watch video. 5. The teacher asked pupils if they cleaned their classroom regularly. 6. The director wondered if the guests were having a good time.

3. Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання Recently they've built a lot of skyscraper blocks here. I think they've

made the town look ugly. And they're going to build more. They're going to demolish an area of terraced houses, and build flats, offices, a car park and a shopping area. In fact, when I walked past the area yesterday they were demolishing the first house. They're destroying the town, these council planners. People have seen hundreds of protest, but it hasn't had any effect. They've taken their decision, and that's that. They're destroying the quality of life in the town.

- завершіть речення, використовуючи the Passive Voice

Example: Their decision ... Their decision has been taken. 1. The town ... 2. An area of terraced houses ... 3. When I walked past the area ... 4. Hundreds of protests ... Keys: to demolish, to see, to make, to destroy.

4. Прочитайте текст

PRACTICAL JOKES A practical joke is not something which is said, but something which

is done, and it is usually done to make people laugh at somebody. Practical joking is fun. You may hide a friend's books, and you like to watch he looks everywhere for them, and you laugh together when at last he finds them and learns who has hidden them and why. But if you pull a chair away just as your friend is sitting down, or put something for him to fall over, he may be hurt. Such practical jokes are not good.

The best kind of practical jokes is one which is not a cause of trouble to anybody, but which everybody can enjoy.


In England, and in some other countries, such practical jokes or tricks are usually played on the first of April. If one is successful in tricking somebody, he laughs and says, "April Fool!" and the other person laughs too.

Once on April 1, a country bus was going along a road when it suddenly slowed down and stopped. The driver turned switches and pressed buttons, but nothing happened. Then he turned to the passengers and said, "This bus is getting old. It doesn't go as well now as it went before. There's only one thing to do if we want to get home today. I shall count three, and on the word "three" I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. That will make the bus start again. If it doesn't, I am afraid there is nothing else I can do. Now all of you lean back as far as you can in your seats and get ready." The passengers all leaned back against their seats and waited.

Then the driver took his place and asked, "Are you ready?" The passengers answered, "Yes." "One! Two! Three!" counted the driver. The passengers all leaned

forward suddenly - and the bus started up at a great speed. The passengers began to smile with relief. But their smiles turned

to surprise and then to laughter when the driver merrily cried, "April Fool!"

- виберіть правильну відповідь

1. The word"practical"in the text most nearly means: a) clever at doing and making things; b) useful; c) concerned with practice (contrasted with theoretical).

2. Who made the practical joke in this text? a) a friend; b) a country bus driver; c) the passengers

3. The purpose of this text is a) to inform; b) to entertain; c) to persuade


1 . Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді 1. He reads ... French books. a) few b) little c) some 2. ... people don't like to spend summer in the country. a) any b) some c) no 3. She ... finish the work tomorrow. a) won't be able to


b) won't able to c) cannot to 4. Next year we ... Kiev. a) be going b) to be going to c) are going to 5. They had time to come to see you, ... a) didn't they? b) hadn't they? c) had they? 6.I ... go and see Petrov tomorrow if you give me his address. a)am able to b)shall be able to c) be able to 7. They ... which foreign language they were speaking. a)are asked b)were being asked c) were asked 8. I was asked what article I ... at. a) was working b) works c) worked 9. This is ... plant in our city. a) most new b) the newest c) newer 10. You don't expect me ... in such a long queue, do you? a) stood b) to stand c) stand 11. ... the only child in the family he was very spoilt. a) being b) to be c) be 12. I don't agree with him. - Neither ... a) my friend does b) does my friend c) he

2. Знайдіть речення без помилок

1. The book doesn't say where did the man in character live. 2. The woman asked me what did Sally see. 3. His sister wanted to see where he lived then. 4. I wonder when the snow began. 5. She asked me where shall I go. 6. The lawyer ask her how she is feeling.

3. Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання

On little George's birthday his father presented him a hatchet.

When father returned home that evening he discovered that his

favourite cherry tree had been chopped down.


"Who chopped down my favourite cherry tree?" he asked angrily. Little George went up to his father and said, "Father, I cannot tell a

lie. I did it with my little hatchet."

- завершіть речення використовуючи the Passive Voice

Example: The tree ... down. The tree was chopped down. 1. George ... with a hatchet on his birthday. 2. The father ... the truth by his son. 3. The father's favourite cherry tree ...

Keys: to chop, to present, to tell.

4. Прочитайте текст A merry young man who earned his living as a drummer in a band,

had just married, and he and his wife were looking for somewhere to

live. They saw a lot of places, but there was always something that one

of them did not like about the places. At last, however they found a

house which both of them really liked. But they could 323 not decide

whether they should take one of the ground-floor flats or one of the

upstairs ones. At last they decided on an upstairs one - not too low down and not

too high up - and moved in. After they had bought furniture, carpets and all other things they needed to set up the house, they gave a big party to celebrate their setting.

It was a merry and noisy party, as all the young man's friends from the band came and played their instruments. The guests danced, sang and practised on the drums. After a time the telephone rang. The young man's wife went into the hall to answer it. Then she came back with a happy smile on her face and said to her husband, "That was the man who has just moved into the flat that is under our flat. I am so glad we decided not to choose it. He says it is terribly noisy down there."

- виберіть правильну відповідь

1. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

a) The house-warming party. b) Glad they decided not to choose it. c) Just married couple.

2. We can understand from this text that, in order to buy a nice flat, a young couple’s neighbor should: a) move to another flat, b) celebrate the party with a young couple, c) practise on the drums himself.

3. The word "band"in the text means:

a) flat, thin strip of material forming part of an article

of clothing;


c) strip or line, different from the rest in colour and


d) group of persons who play plays music together.


1 . Виберіть правильний варіант відповіді 1. Stanley's first teaching job was ... the institute. a)at; b)in; c) to 2. When I ran outside, my friend ... already. a) went; b) had gone; c) has gone 3. I know too ... about him. a) little; b) few; c) some 4. Have you got ... time to give us a lecture? a)no; b) any; c) some 5. He ... to finish reading these books in time. a) won't be able; b) won't able; c) cannot 6. Tomorrow he ... take his last exam. a) to be going to; b) is going to; c) was going to 7. We won't be able to leave tomorrow, ... a)are we? b) won't we? c)will we? 8. Let's go there together, ... a)shall we? b) do we? c)don't we?

9. I asked my parents if they ... invite Smirnov for dinner. a) will; b)would; c)didn't 10.Their letters ... yet. a)haven't been answered; b)weren't answered; c)were being answered 11.I was asked where else I ... to be in summer.


shall like; b)would like; c)like 12.Russian grammar is ... than English one. a)more difficult b)the most difficult c) the difficultest

2. Знайдіть речення без помилок

1. She asks me whom Ann has given this book to.

2 .The mother asks where the money is kept. 3. I wonder how much music can I listen to. 4. He asked his son how long the son stayed hungry. 5. The boy asked how far did his friend went. 6. He wondered where was the bookshelf found.

3. Прочитайте текст та виконайте завдання In the cemetery at Middlebury, Vermont, is a stone, erected by a

widow to her loving husband, with the following words: "Rest in peace - until we meet."

- завершіть речення, використовуючи the Passive Voice. Example: The husband ... by his wife. The husband was remembered by his wife.

1. The stone ... in the cementry. 2. Her husband ... by the wife. 3. The following words ... on the stone. Keys: to write, to erect, to love.

4. Прочитайте текст

A MEDICAL EXAMINATION John Poisoner, a young student, had answered all the questions

correctly. Professor Syringe looked at the young man. He liked the answered

and thought that the young student would be a fine doctor, however the examination was not over yet.

"Here is an easy question for you, " said the professor, giving the student a friendly look. "What's the dosage to be used in the case you've just described? The medicine that you suggested is the best you could think of; what I want to know now is the dosage."

"A table-spoon, " replied the student in a strong voice. "Thank you!" said the examiner whose face had turned red. "Thank

you, " repeated the Professor, and the young man got up to leave the room. But as John Poisoner was making for the door, he suddenly realized what a mistake he had made. He turned round and said:


"I'm sorry, sir, the dosage is six drops only." "Too late, " answered the Professor, "the patient you treated is dead."

- виберіть правильну відповідь

1. The word"medicine"in the text means: a)the art and science of the prevention and cure of disease; b)substance (one taken through the mouth); c) a medical student.

2. What dosage to be used in the case the student described: a) a tea-spoon; b) six drops; c) a table-spoon.

3. What is the main idea in this text? a) The dosage would be fatal; b) The professor was very strict; c) There is no easy questions in the art of medicine.