A New Town Connect I Cut Slaughter of the Innocents - Eye Of ...

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Transcript of A New Town Connect I Cut Slaughter of the Innocents - Eye Of ...

Twenty Angels in a Manger Forever


Copyright © 2013 SU International.

All rights reserved. First Posting: January 24, 2013 Last Update: January 25, 2013

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A New Town Connect I Cut Slaughter of the Innocents

Copyright © 2013 SU International All rights reserved First Posting: January 24, 2013 Last Update: February 14, 2013

A New Town Connect I Cut Slaughter of the Innocents

Copyright © 2013 SU International All rights reserved First Posting: January 24, 2013 Last Update: February 14, 2013

Table of Contents

A New Town Connect I Cut: Slaughter of the Innocents Page 3 to 52

Intermezzo I: The Curse of Obama Care Page 55 to 71

Intermezzo II: Mark Mattioli Responds in Truth Page 72 to 95

Intermezzo III: The Hieros Gamos of 11/28/2013 Page 96 to 156

Post Intermezzo A New Town Connect I Cut: Slaughter of the Innocents Page 157 to 226


A New Town Connect I Cut: Slaughter of the Innocents

Go to Intermezzo


Evel Knieval, Sunday April 1, 2007 upon baptism at the Crystal Cathedral by Dr. Robert Schuller expressed his conversion with the words,

"An atheist does not believe in God because he does not want to. But a Christian wants to believe."

Mortal Life has and End Time, and understanding its coming to those who have lived a full life is easy. But, when it comes to an end for uninitiated youths it is incomprehensible

because we cannot bear the perceived loss at that time.

Mark Mattioli's Answer1/28/2013

1) I think there is much more promise for a solution in identifying researching and getting

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solutions along the lines of mental health issues.

2) It is a simple concept. We need civility across our nation.

3) Parenting is where we need to focus our attention. We do not need complex laws.

Job 32:12-1412 And as long as I thought you said some thing, I considered : but, as I see, there is none of you that can convince Job, and answer his words. 13 Lest you should say : We have found wisdom, God hath cast him down, not man. 14 He hath spoken nothing to me, and I will

not answer him according to your words.

John 16:1-12 (DRA) 1 These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized. 2 They will put you

out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God. 3 And these things will they do to you; because they have not

known the Father, nor me. 4 But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them. 5 But I told you not these things from the

beginning, because I was with you. And now I go to him that sent me, and none of you asketh me: Whither goest thou? 6 But because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow

hath filled your heart. 7 But I tell you the truth: it is expedient to you that I go: for if I go not, the Paraclete will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 And when

he is come, he will convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of judgment.

9 Of sin:

because they believed not in me.

10 And of justice:

because I go to the Father; and you shall see me no longer.

11 And of judgment:

because the prince of this world is already judged.

12 I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now.

What follows here is a description of the cosmic synchronicity occurring during the massacre an Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012 at 9:36 am that shocked the nation, and indeed the world. The murder of twenty 6-7 year old first grade children is the kind of event that captures the attention of any sensitive human being and it causes instantaneous grief, terror, anger, and sparks vengeance against

imaginary demonic forces because there seems to be no rational and acceptable explanation for the horror. Without a basis for comprehension people will acknowledge evil in their

presence and deny the Divine Force that is the Holy Ghost of the Lord of Heaven who sent the Son of Divine Cognition to redeem all who believe of Him. The Father is the Elder

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Intent that sends the Younger Guide because the Elder must remain a Ghost for those who are to become self guided. When the self guided mortal take charge, they choose to deny

Death knocking at their door. That is why the Divine Guide must leave, or the Light of the Elder Intent cannot return with the Holy Spirit. Life is a gift to those who accept life. Life is a tragedy to those who reject life. Denial of the Elder Intent in favor of Demonic Chaos is a

temptation that must never be allowed, or LIVE and LIVED are read from right to left. Selfish reaction was the torment of Job until Elihu said,

"God hath cast him down, not man."

As this conscious reaction takes its course the appearance of evil causes greater evil to become evident as good. This is the Coming of the Son of Man, for the Lord in Heaven is

pure abundant love and every Son of Man fails to sense the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Comforter during moments of grief when the Face of God passes by. We are cautioned by our human religious heritage over 30,000 years not to allow our minds to be

tricked by such powerful emotions that we witness the End of the World in our hearts, because we see that the Son of Man has come. The Son of Man is a paradox of Da Vinci's

rational emotional body and Zeno's entrapment when the mind and the organism are slow to comprehend that the human race is an eternal competition toward the vision of oneness in a

place where the Prince of this World is a formidable competitor.


Mark 13:1-27 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

1 And as he was going out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him: Master, behold what manner of stones and what buildings are here. 2 And Jesus answering, said to him: Seest thou all these great buildings? There shall not be left a stone upon a stone, that

shall not be thrown down.

3 And as he sat on the mount of Olivet over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him apart: 4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the

sign when all these things shall begin to be fulfilled? 5 And Jesus answering, began to say to them, Take heed lest any man deceive you. 6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I

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am he; and they shall deceive many. 7 And when you shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, fear ye not. For such things must needs be, but the end is not yet. 8 For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be earthquakes in divers

places, and famines. These things are the beginning of sorrows.

9 But look to yourselves. For they shall deliver you up to councils, and in the synagogues you shall be beaten, and you shall stand before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony unto them. 10 And unto all nations the gospel must first be preached. 11 And

when they shall lead you and deliver you up, be not thoughtful beforehand what you shall speak; but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye. For it is not

you that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

12 And the brother shall betray his brother unto death, and the father his son; and children shall rise up against the parents, and shall work their death. 13 And you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake. But he that shall endure unto the end, he shall be saved. 14 And when you shall see the abomination of desolation, standing where it ought

not: he that readeth let him understand: then let them that are in Judea, flee unto the mountains: 15 And let him that is on the housetop, not go down into the house, nor enter

therein to take any thing out of the house: 16 And let him that shall be in the field, not turn back to take up his garment. 17 And woe to them that are with child, and that give suck

in those days.

18 But pray ye, that these things happen not in winter. 19 For in those days shall be such tribulations, as were not from the beginning of the creation which God created until now,

neither shall be. 20 And unless the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect which he hath chosen, he hath

shortened the days. 21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; lo, he is here: do not believe. 22 For there will rise up false Christs and false prophets, and

they shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the elect. 23 Take you heed therefore; behold I have foretold you all things.

24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. 25 And the stars of heaven shall be falling down, and the powers that are in heaven, shall be moved. 26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds, with great power and glory. 27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of



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Adam Lanza's Guns

Was Adam Lanza's Model for Success, Future First Person Shooter?

Do guns and other weapons kill innocent children? Or, when the Son of Man comes in the place of the Son of God, is that the time to gird oneself against the tricksters from the depths

of Hades and Xibalba that decapitate human consciousness with unthinkable fear? In the YouTube video above the "First Person Shooter" killed nine individuals in 36 seconds or about one person every four seconds. According to a Huffington Post online report the

shooting at Sandy Hook lasted approximately 2 minutes and six women and twenty first graders were executed in the style of a First Person Shooter. That is a kill rate greater than

one every five seconds. The video allows the First Person Shooter time to seek out his targets. After the six women were executed, Lanza had the sheep corralled in two

classrooms waiting for their execution. The children barely had time to be afraid. And Lanza had no time to think. It was a video game he was playing out as his final search for self

identity, the Son of Man.

You are being asked to witness the story of Sandy Hook Elementary School told here as a

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Sign of the coming of the Holy Ghost. Surely the End Times in the shadow of the actions taken by the body of Adam Lanza that included the Maya 13 Baktun calendar ending on

December 21, 2012, the on going destruction of the American economy from 2008,

the terrorism inBenghazi on September 11, 2012,

the destruction brought byHurricane Sandy in October 2012,

and the retrograde of wisdom at theUSA election of November 6, 2012,

all add up to a Shock and Awe of the Lord's Shekinah in a Synchronicity of Cosmic Destruction.

These events play out like the plagues of the Book of Revelation to the uninitiated. What will be shown here is that the Hand of God has been lost in modern human cognition and it is sorely needed. The way to bring about cognition of denial of the Holy Ghost is to test the

faith of the living. The events in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012 between 9:36 and 9:38 am are just that, a Test of Faith in the Lord.

In the New York City area the hundred years storm and the slaughter of the innocents with the same name association, Sandy, represent cataclysms of cosmic proportions to those

people who endured them. It will be shown in this essay that these cataclysms were all part of an event where "A New Town Connect Is Cut." The New Town is the City of the Sun,

where the Wandering Woman called Mother Earth travels the road to a New Jerusalem above the Maya Ball Court of the Xibalbans to the burial place of Rachel, the ideal wife of

Jacob bin Israel. And the many ancient City of God complexes around the world all chime in the harmony of the End Times that occupied the brain of Adam Lanza. The evidence

provided should lead many to a new realization regarding the NOUS of the cosmos and the nous of Nancy Lanza that was here as a Mother's Son, a Son of Man. What Adam Lanza

could not say verbally was that the Holy Ghost had retained control of the cognition of his flesh. Yet, all the actions surrounding his End of the World event demonstrate what the

Ancient Temples all predicted.

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The image above shows a model for the residence of the Son of Man. Within the halls of the brain matter events take place and these events require that the halls of the human mind be occupied by the Son of God. The Son of Man must leave the confines of the brain matter

and allow the Holy Ghost to present the Son of God to the substance of the material organism.


In their book The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism Karl Popper and John C. Eccles show evidence of the mapping of brain activity in the brain. The model shows the

proportions of activity, and thus, nerve interactions, spread around the brain matter. It is

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interesting that the tongue seems to be separate from the rest of the body. This is a paradox for modern man because of the dominance of the tongue in modern life. Yet, this has been

reported as a serious concern for Adam Lanza. His autism resulted in his inability to express his feelings in words and actions such that he was withdrawn from social interaction.

Withdrawal is evidence of fear and fear is evidence of a breakdown in communication within the synapses of the brain. This is the Son of Man and it gives birth to the ego. Ego is

a Latin word that means "I Am" and Sigmund Freud used it in his trinitarian mental mapping of Freudian Psychoanalysis. It is important with regard to Adam Lanza that his fear was not ego driven. His fear was caused by failed connections within his brain. Whether these were disconnects caused by emotional events, and they were serious, or by genetic or nurturing

events will never be known with certainty. For our purposes, we will assume that the genetic organic disconnects began development in utero and they compounded in nurturing

emotional disconnects as his tragic life unfolded.

Popper Epistemology

The classic "Ego Trip" is illustrated by the ouroborus wrap of the Popper-Eccles brain model where the foot-in-mouth syndrone results in an unstoppable talking disconnect around the

tongue. Ego trips result in a Son of Man with a multi-edged tongue, or as in President Barrack Obama, a double edged sword reminiscent of Revelation 1:10-16 and Revelation

19:10-16, among others. Never in the history of the United States has any president pursued an agenda to fulfill a pastor's edict, "No no not God bless America, but God damn America."

When we stand back and look at how the American Culture has changed over the last century and since JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you

can do for your country." The "father's son" psyche of JFK and the "mother's son" psyche of BHO are a disconnection that has come to the collective psyche of America that reveals

itself in the process of democratic selection. Consider the Curse of the Second Obama Oathand decide for yourself whether the American Way has become a Popper Epistemology.

And the evidence available so far is that Adam Lanza was influenced by the End Time conditions of asking God to damn one's own country. No mortal is entitled to Divine

Longevity. Yet, the Immortal NOUS will allow mortals to bring forth on this Earth the

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potential of a Legacy of Eternal Life. The mortal life is limited, but of the legacy of a mortal life, only God and Time will tell. Adam Lanza was a "Sign of the Times" and the collective

psyche of America must not deny his message in the grief for the innocents of Newtown. Though each was innocent in their moral body, the collective psyche of America is filled

with the guilt of what it has done, and for that act, there must be a remission of sin.

Adam Lanzas

The Lanza family suffered severe crises that were sufficient to cause a cut in the corpus callosum (Latin: tough body) that connects the two hemispheres of the brain. The knife of nurturing that splits the left and right sides of the brain is a rational-emotional judgment of

consciousness without cognition. As such, it can be healed if damage is minor and appropriate affections are received to mend the rational emotional disconnects. Adam Lanza

demonstrated rather severe depravation in his social skills, and some reports say the degradation intensified after his mother Nacny Lanza divorced his father Peter Lanza. If the divorce of his parents caused a severe disconnect by the loss of a mother by her self will and by the loss of a father by the action of the mother, then Adam Lanza was a Son of Man that would carry out an End of the World scenario without normal social inhibitions, for he had

nothing to lose. He was already dead at heart. Normal social inhibitions are the common sense affects of love and comfort that can heal a distraught psyche. The available evidence

suggests that Adam Lanza was experiencing a corpus callosum bisection by repressed affection not in his control.


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The Parasagittal MRI above shows many slices through the brain substance. It does not show the affect on the mind substance, something the Greeks identified as nous.


The human brain is organized around two hemispheres in which the active section is opposite the sensory section for most pathways. The right brain is known for its sensitivity and its creativity. This is the "divine" side where the human can be creative. The left brain

has become dominated by the rational forces required for speech and reading and intellectual activity.

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This MRI shows the unbalance that appears to be present with autistic persons. There is a disconnect regarding the relative activity. This is a gross over simplification, but it is helpful

in discriminating schizophrenia due to psychological behaviors of split personalities and brain matter disconnects. In America, and apparently in Adam Lanza, there are organic disconnects at work that may have causes due to nurturing deficiencies. America is not

simply schizophrenic in the JFK versus BHO father versus mother personalities. America no longer has the capacity for either holistic universalism or segmented nationalism. The "Greatest Generation" begat the "Me Generation" that begat "Generation X" that begat

"Generation Y" were preceded by the Oxymoron Generation of the Age of Enlightenment.This so-called enlightenment is a perennial infection of the collective human soul. It is

always present and yet it never rises above consciousness because it is pure psychic darkness under the pretense of enlightenment. The ultimate accomplishment of every Age ofEnlightenment is the repression of commonsense provided by prior generations. This is the

"cause" of the massacre at Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012, and it is, through the Divine Will, the cause of many of the demonic natural events leading up to

the rampage by Adam Lanza.

For most of the history of the USA the citizens strived to achieve the motto, e pluribus unum, out of many one. Two significant forces are at play, the civil rights changes and the loss of the ideal of conserving American values. In his book, Dreams from My Father: A

Story of Race and Inheritance, Barack Obama demonstrated lack of a paternal model and a vengeance against paternal colonialism. His lack was so severe that he refused to provide

support for his destitute half brother because the half brother favored colonialism in Kenya. In Dreams from My Father are the prescient motives for social change such that all people

would receive the benevolence available without regard to creative construction. This "state of bondage" is classical Mother's Son perception based upon the memories of abundant


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Obama was a motivated and industrious person, but his first million dollars did not come as a result of his financial initiative. Rather, his initiative made him the first quasi-black man to

be president of the Harvard Review. It was that accomplishment that led a publisher to approach him regarding a book deal. The publisher knew what would sell, and they paid Obama for two years to give them a book to sell. That why Obama could say in the 2012 election cycle, "If you have a business, you did not build that." Obama knew that what he

gained he had not earned because it was his publisher the built Obama. Rather, Obama learned that there is greater empowerment being a black man that being a half black man.

The rest is "his story."

Do not assume that these words are criticism of Obama, for he rightly maximizedopportunities given to his insight. But, the collective psyche of America was poised to boost

such a Son of Man as soon as it would emerge from the quagmire of the American Black Family. America wants Equal Rights to be Equal Accomplishments because the collective psyche of America has morphed into a bleeding heart liberal enlightenment of immature

mortals who feign any attempt by God to reestablish cosmic order that would temper dreams of entitlement. This is the false nurturing of every Age of Enlightenment. The mind becomes the cause and the body becomes the barrier to cosmic significance. Commonsense, which is

the body's way of social interaction is always denied by liberalism when conservatism becomes lethargic mental ritual.

Barack Obama has implemented severe destruction on millions of people and he is touted as a messiah as referenced in Mark 13:6, "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am he;

and they shall deceive many," in the classical form such messianic forms have always taken. The problem occurs when the abundant breasts are no longer filled by the youthful providers that fail to seek the paternal role. This is not simple immaturity. It is more the essence of a corpus callossum bisection that prevents the union of mind and body by adequate paternal

and maternal experiences as rational liberalism (enlightenment) decimates conservative family values (commonsense).

If the Cosmic NOUS guided Adam Lanza, we must also assume that the Cosmic NOUS guided Barack Obama. In both cases the individual did not have access to the Divine Pathways so that they could realize that the mortal nous and the Cosmic NOUS are

interacting. In order to think with the heart it is mandatory to balance desires of the heart and desires of the mind. The Body Mind relationship must remain connected and each

hemisphere must interact with the other to achieve homeostasis.

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The modern technology in medicine has created many marvels verging on miracles. The cost of the medical miracles is enormous. The loss of simplicity is also lost because the

technology promises unknown cures and the dream of cures empowers the whole system. Science has corrupted the medical system because desire for wealth and deasire for health

are both out of balance with regard to Cosmic Harmony. Today America is about to go bankrupt before the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (PPACA) forced through

congress during 2008-2009 under Democratic Rule of the Legislature and Executive branches were Social Welfare dominated and commonsense Fiscal Responsibility was

repressed. As president, the PPACA was nicknamed Obamacare. Without the anti-Colonialist mind set cooler heads would have prevailed. The PPACA medical program laws actually go into force between 2008 and 2014 and the costs to the states stabilizes thereafter.

When they do go into force they will end the "Colonialism in America" that caused Rev. Wright to ask God to destroy America and Barack Obama to carry out the edict. No healthy minded person could ask God to be a Destroyer, for God is by definition The Creator and to

ask God to be a Destroyer is a usurpation of the NOUS by the antinous. The result has always been chaos in the mortal nous and disharmony in the mortal body. Nevertheless,

modern science has experienced the same corpus callosum bisection experienced by Adam Lanza and Barack Obama and it is empowered to eliminate the Cosmic NOUS from human

endeavors so as to eliminate the Universal Order known as Common Sense.

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As evidence, consider the US Population Employed data that shows the effect of the 2003 Bush Tax Cuts in restoring the growth in jobs. After the 2000-2001 economy stalled it was clear that some relief was needed to boost the job production. The Jobs and Growth Tax

Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 ("JGTRRA") clearly accomplished the goal of restoring job growth. However, when the Liberal Democrats captured both houses of congress in 2006

they supported a path for the American Dream for lower class citizens using government backed welfare programs. This could be called "Mommy Gate" because it stripped the self supporting work ethic that made America what it once was. Easy mortgages were further supported so that banks could relax their more conservative loan criteria and pump up the

housing market by "give away" mortgage programs as "Mommy Gate" stole all incentive to seek self interactionism in the populus. But, there was a common misperception (misguided

desire) that was widespread in the government and the Federal Reserve under Allen Greenspan "that national bubbles in real estate simply do not happen."

This scenario is well identified by Michael Burry, known as the first financial analyst to predict America’s financial crisis. Interestingly, Burry claims that he "was diagnosed with

Asperger’s syndrome as an adult, which he credits with helping give him a unique perspective on the economy and financial markets. As Lewis has said, Burry “has a great

ability to concentrate in just raw data.” It is important to note that Asperger's syndrome has the potential to give a person greater insight (right brain) into life problems than normal

people. Genius is thus a form of "mental illness," and "normal people do not become nerds because social interaction is central to their self actualizing desires. A nerd, or genius, denies

himself, or herself, in pursuit of a non-personal accomplishment. Usually, as with Albert

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Einstein when he joined Princeton University, when they are acknowledged as above normalcy, they lose their genius potential. In religious terms the power of charity towards others stabilizes the base of social interactions. But, a genius or an autistic mind does not focus on self identity and that is where the "unique perspective enables a great ability to concentrate in just raw data." They seek the "forbidden knowledge" that comes from the Cosmic NOUS without interacting though self identity. They do not know that they are

under the cosmic power as compulsion supersedes gratification. The compulsion to tend to details is the antisocial behavior that leads to great discoveries.


We are attempting with this essay to show that personal consciousness and cognition are not sufficient to identify what a person thinks and does. There must exist an external mind that

influences the individual mind through the mind-brain interactionism represented by Popper and Eccles. Popper was opposed to the External Dialog, while Eccles declared it to be

mandatory. To Eccles, this means that the Cosmic Self interacts with the biological mechanism through the body of brains of creatures. This point will be demonstrated to be

the focus of all Cosmic Religions and the associated theologies. Whether other animal species have this same interactionism is assured by evolution's paths, e.g., a whale as a sea

creature then a land creature then a sea creature again because the interactionism of the whale brain communicated with the sea in an autistic manner. This Cosmic NOUS acts like

a puppeteer through the synaptic connections in the brains of organisms. The whale goes with instincts and learns and then by repetition changes the whale organism.

Humans are unique in that their left brain adaptations have allowed them to recognize the external NOUS and then defeat it by rationalized and internalized laws of mind. Humans, in general, despise external mind control and seek pure self control. But, as with Adam Lanza and Michael Burry, obsessed humans are not provided with the certainty of Cosmic NOUS

interactionism. To pass on this Sacred Wisdom for over 30,000 years humans have built Cities of God, or temples where humans can become God. To the normal mortal cognition these are clearly mythical apparitions. But, to the adepts these are the Stairways to Heaven. By belief in the myth the essence of the myth becomes a physical reality when the organism

leads the mind through the abyss of emotions by compulsions.

Now we will briefly examine the archaeology of Cosmic NOUS Interactionism in human civilization and tribalism. This review is necessary to reconnect Adam Lanza's corpus

callossum to the Cosmic Nous. It is fully understood that modern science denies the Cosmic NOUS (God) beginning with the students of the Greek Father of Science, Thales of Miletus.

It can be clearly demonstrated that modern science is a result of a Commissural Section caused by the final rejection of catholic tenets (ancient cosmic universalism) after the

European Renaissance as empowered by the discovery of the American Continents and the establishment of Christianity under Nationalist criteria. Nationalism did two things critical

to the "evolution" of Adam Lanza and most assuredly, Barack Obama. First, and most critical, it breaks the emotional spiritual bondage to the Dark Matter that is the substance of stars and all of creation by enforcing rational material dogma. Second it repeals the Roman Catholic tenet of separation of Church and State. This is critical, because modern science kept the universal interactionism and the individual state used religious tradition to then

empower nationalism that gave birth to colonialism, and the compulsions of Barack Obama.

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Lascaux: Where Cows Come Home

In Lascaux, France there is a Magdalenian cave dated to 17,000 BP (15,000 BC) that has been demonstrated to contain images taken from celestial patterns. The cave is the form of feminine reproductive organs in a mountain. With a long entrance and a substantial open cavity it represents Mother Earth. The virgin walls have white chalk deposits which were

well suited for ancient artists to use for recording impressions that are now the Legacy of the Magdalenian culture. Some of the impressions exhibit high quality realism, for example the

Leo Bull #9 and the Taurus Bull #18. Franklin Edge, the discoverer of these celestial correspondences, presented them in Aurochs in the Sky, Dancing with the Summer Moon

(Society for Scientific Exploration 1996). An essay "The Search for Common Sense"summarizes the Cosmic NOUS represented in the cave art. When we combine very ancient

archaeology and astronomy were come to a realization that the ancient humans were seeking a property we call "common sense." But, they interpreted the property as an immortal andimmaterial substance called "spirit." The cave art transferred the "Spirit in the Sky" to the

"Spirit in the Cave" and realism was simply the common sense of both spiritual representations.

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Once we find that there is a "connection" between the sky and the earth we stand at the threshold of the Divine Mind. The key to the Divine Mind is a mental faculty called belief in

a dream. Without it there can be no connection. For this reason skepticism and ultimately atheism are demented forms of a compulsive psyche. Why would Ancients transpose the

Spirit in the Sky to the Womb in a Mountain? You do not have to be autistic to realize that they were recordings for posterity of prior cognitions. The cave art, and most rock art, carry the history books of ancient schools of thought, from which modern science experienced a

partial birth abortion with the cosmic surgical tools of intracranial decompressiondeveloped during the latest Age of Enlightenment. The Key to the Bottomless Pit was

compulsive belief and the result of compulsive belief was post mortem commonsense with the Cosmic NOUS. They were reading the Mind of God before they were cognizant of the

Cosmic NOUS, which could only be accieved by loss of self cognition. Modern Science has lost its capacity for "peer review" with Cosmic NOUS and to retain the tyranny of rational order the "peer groups" have exorcized the Spirit in the Sky so as to prevent the waters of

the emotional abyss from washing away inferior rational perception.

Luke 4:4And Jesus answered him: It is written, that Man liveth not by bread alone, but by every word

of God.

The bread in Luke 4:4 is the Cosmic Manna from the heavens. The word of God was the expressions by the Cosmic NOUS. The expressions in the form of the cosmic manna

provided wandering tribes, such as the Magdalenian who followed the herds of ancient aurochs, with celestial navigation knowledge that guided the body and the soul. Science

subsequently denied the existence of soul for the sake of rational discourse with the self. By the stars Ancients could determine night and day, summer and winter, and all manner of

"scientific" expression. However, these ancient humans had belief in the Spirit in the Sky, the Great Spirit, the Heavenly Father, etc. Their corpus callossum allowed them to connect the spiritual-sensual right brain hemisphere to the rational causal left brain hemisphere and

because they held belief in the Spirit in the Sky they were guided by the Cosmic NOUS emotionally1, materially2, rationally3, and spiritually4 to mature in the wisdom of the Light5

of Day that is the first Intent of Divine Cognition. These five entities are the seeds of metaphysics. The evidence of this Divine Guidance is the incredible accomplishments they completed in the Cosmic Temples they built that modern archeologist treat as astronomical observatories because modern archeology denies the Spirit in the Sky. The Ancients were not hung up on the lights in the Black Land, i.e., stars, they longed for the days when they would be granted full access to the Black Land. The Black Land has come down to us as

Egypt and as the Cosmic Mother. That is why we see in the Temple to Hathor at Denderah examples of the stars of the modern Cancer as the origin and the destination of the Journey

of Life; the Alpha and the Omega.

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Possibly the most famous City of God is the Giza Complex shown above. The intricate details of the complex, including five boats each over 130 feet in length, provided

generations of Egyptians with the Stairways to Heaven. An adept could follow the cues and they could put together the ancestral experience, and more importantly, the destination of the progeny. See "A King is Reborn of the Virgin at Rostau in 2378 AD" for evidence that the

Giza Complex marks the return of Hapi when the vernal equinox will reside in the constellation of Aquarius, which was the constellation of Hapi to the Egyptians, and the

north pole will reside in the house of the King of Kings (Cepheus). This is also why Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land of the Israelites until the transfiguration of

Moses as Jesus and the sacrifice on the cross of blood and water for the Israelites under the Ark of the Covenant of Love and Understanding.


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In this famous Egyptian vignette of Nut and Geb we are shown the Spirit in the Sky in a fully developed seven part metaphysics. This same seven part metaphysics can be found all

around the world in the ancient cosmic temples. Yet, modern science denies the ancient metaphysics, and that fact, has a lot to do with the massacre of twenty virgins, six maidens, a mother, a mother's son, and the peace of mind of the father of the mother's son at Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. The anguish of Peter Lanza, the father of Adam Lanza, is incomprehensively multiplied by the loss felt by the families of all the individual victims and by the whole human race that receives cognition of the Sandy Hook Elementary School


According to the ancient metaphysics the Demiurge, or prime mover, represented as the Eye of Re, or the Utchat, was stimulating himself and out of his loins came Shu. Shu was the

quality associated with metaphysical Air and Shu was the thoughts or rationalizations of the demiurge. This quality of Shu is very well developed in humans today, especially politicians and media pundits. Then the abyss that the demiurge was in brought forth a tempest and the

demiurge, Re, spewed Tefnut out of his mouth. This action eventually becomes the anguished cry of all creators, "Is it water? Is it fire?" The tempest was caused by the self stimulated Shu disrupting the harmony of the abyss as illustrated in the ouroborus of the Popper Epistemology shown above. Clearly, Tefnut represented emotions, and she was

dualistic. Harmony in Darkness had the become Disharmony of Enlightenment. Shu on the other hand was perceived as monistic because rational being could not be irrational being and Shu came out of the abyss of darkness as a form of enlightenment, but not the True

Light. Shu was simply a reflection of the Light as self righteousness.

John 1:6-9 (DRA)

5 And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. 6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 This man came for a witness, to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but was to give testimony of the light. 9 That was the true light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh

into this world.

Because hot metaphysical Air and and tempestuous metaphysical Water had been brought forth from the Creator, it was necessary to stop the creation process for the sake of lost

harmony. Shu and Tefnut, were siblings and they would be consorts to each other when the "mourning" was complete. But, the Creator recommended that they not repeat the generation process so as to conserve harmony. However, this very action caused cognition of potential for the two siblings to mate and they had the offspring implied by the Creator's command.

A Creator cannot avoid creation by declaration of unrighteousness action because the declaration is the Intent that Creates; the metaphysical Word. Thus, the Creator maintains a

"code of silence" so that disharmony does not degrade into chaos by any misunderstood declaration of the Creator. Silence leaves the beasts of the Creator free to resolve their own

manifest destinies.

When finally resolved this process of the Creator's offspring is actually the ancestral sequence that gives birth to the creator. Shu and Tenfut, are the rationalized emotion that is

the source of the offspring that is the prophetic Creator. Thus, Re gave birth to his own parents. This is the ouroborus aspect of all metaphysical conjuring. It is how Truth is

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conceived as "re-cognition." But, it is not myth, because myth carries the potential to not believe. Truth exists prior to conception and the offspring of true conception is truth. This is

the serpent in the Garden of Pleasure that a Help Meet understands and a First Born Son cannot comprehend in rational form. That is why the creative spirit always anguishes, "Is it

water? Is it fire?"

Divine Light of Shekinah

The "no offspring" command was to retain the mundane quality that came out of the abyss, and that quality was called Geb and he was the representative of the elemental metaphysical quality called Earth. Of course, Tefnut was not finished with her tempest and this caused the Creator to bring forth divine perfection from her as something to draw the mundane son of

Shu and Tefnut to the higher perfection and she gave birth to Nut, who was heaven itself. By so doing, the metaphysical element of Water had brought forth the metaphysical element Fire from the primordial abyss when the Demiurge said, "Let their be Light" and was self

conceived as Shu, the rational enlightenment in the first Shekinah. The vignette shows Shu with his own firmament above Geb and under Nut where he bounds the light at the navel of

Nut with upraised arms between a vulture and an eagle, representing death and life. Shu appears to be the Master of the Light, enlightenment, but his firmament is above a Feathered Man, a dreamer, and the Utchat sits above the celestial manna represented in the glyphs for

"star bread" under the firmament of the Utchat, which is the Eye of the Creator.

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Renaissance Nut

The Feathered Man is an ancient Don Quixote in pursuit of the Impossible Dream of Jacob for Rachel, who is Heaven Above. The two bodies represent a Hieros Gamos, or Holy

Marriage. The Feathered Man, Geb, seeks Heaven, Nut, not as a mortal being, but as Eternal Life with the Love and Understanding of Neith. Botticelli depicted the Renaissance Nut as Venus floating above the Sacred Lake on a shell of her appearance with Shu and Tefnut in

an airborne embrace attempting to blow out the candle of the Renaissance Nut. The two scenes represent the Language of the Birds and the Spirit in the Sky.

The Impossible Dream of Eternal Life is the message of the Sandy Hook holocaust. Those who were directly involved, in the flesh, know the meaning of Matthew 24:28 (DRA), "Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together." The

Impossible Dream is that ascension of a man of dreams into heaven. There can be no doubt that the twenty virgins were taken up on the wings of eagles where they will always be remembered for the virtues they left on earth in the Holy Spirit of the living. This Holy

Spirit is the Eternal Sentiment of a love lost on Earth and retained in the heavens. This is the Justice for which the Son of Man dies and the Son of God returns to the Heavenly Father.

Although no mortal would choose this path, it is assured that after they have gone, no mortal will let go of the souls of the Dearly Departed. This is the Shekinah of the Journey of the Light of Eternal Life that is the Passover from the vulture to the eagle. The message has

been repeated throughout the ages, "Out of Egypt have I called my Son." When the metaphysical water of earthly compassion is inspired with a life perfected, that converts the

Water to Fire.

Manna of Shekinah

Nut's elemental quality was the perfect spirit and this is called Fire and is unreachable by mundane qualities because rationalizations by man yields enlightenment within the darkness of the Tomb of the Cosmic Womb. In this way, the Creator, that was Cosmic NOUS and the

Vision of Creation, demonstrated the qualities of Cognition that were present in the primordial abyss. The birth of Geb and Nut did not go against the "no offspring command". Rather, as Re conceived his parents, his parents conceived their parents. This is the meaning

of renaissance.

In the rational mundane existence of Shu and Geb this sequence is troubling because of the overarching mountain of ideals represented by the body of Nut, and that is the cause of the tempest, "Is it water? Is it fire?" These two, Water and Fire, are the feminine generations that function without material enlightenment in the higher physics called metaphysics. Without them there can be no Love Boat of the Creator and no Journey of Life and no

Sentiment of a Dreamer reaching toward the manifest destiny of Love and Understanding. From this dream comes Thanksgiving in the communion of the Eucharist.

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In order to make the darkness comprehensible the Light needed to be discriminated with respect to cognition and sequence (time). The True Light sails over Nut's Mountain of Ideals with two passengers, Foresight and Hindsight. It is these qualities given to Intent that is the

True Light of every Immaculate Conception. Cognition is the quality that metaphysical Light represents. This Trinitarian Light rose out of the dark abyss by the power of the Dream of Maat. She is the prescient illumination that looks away from the future before the bow of the Barque of Light to determine where the Barque is going. She does this by perception of Intent of manifest destiny. The message is that prescience does not look forward to see what has not yet been intended. Like any godmother, she has eyes in the back of her head because She Faces Her Lord. A mother assumes the birth process has a manifest destiny, or she will not give birth and will abort the next generation and remain just a woman. If death should

come to the mother in the person of her child, then she will know what it truly means to be a mother.

Cosmic Prescience faces the Lord of Intent and from the prescient spirit of the Lord of Intent the Cosmic Prescience gains foresight. A godmother knows the pain of losing a child, and

that is what makes her a mother to behold. Maat sees the great ankh on the knee of the Lord and she acquires a small ankh because she did not seek to cause prescience, but to receive

the gift of a new life, as represented by an ankh. This is the essence of all immaculate conceptions. They come when the woman knows not a man. The rational science comes

after prescience gives birth to cognition when that cognition is the Son of God, the Cosmic Truth, at each Dawn of Creation. Without this Help Meet, every Adamist Man is simply a

recording of what once was, or a dream of what might have been.

In John 1:6 this quality is "he was not the light, but was to give testimony of the light" that was to come. Thus, we can see that the Beloved Son of Christianity, St. John, was the

Prophet of the Light of Creation and the Maat of the Cosmic Prescience and the message was, and is, that the Cosmic NOUS has established cognition of Cosmic Intent within Man;

Emanuel. Man can prophesy the future from the experience of the past.

Behind the Demiurge sat the Lord of Hindsight. In the region of the darkness coming out of the abyss the Hindsight is hunkered down at the helm without experience of the destination,

and Hindsight is not only useless when it is ahead of Foresight, it is bondage to past self desire.

After the vessel of Light passes over the Light of Shu, the Hindsight acquires great powers of steerage. And when the Sailors of the Barque of Re come down the other side of the

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mountain they all have the same size ankhs and the Dream Feather of Maat is fulfilled at the helm of the Barque. Hindsight, which is rational wisdom, and is called Thoth, leans back

with the ankh and a scepter of flint on his knees and a stylus in his lap knowing by experience that his consort was the Help Meet of the Lord known as "She who faces her


The stylus represents the means of recording the accomplished dream of the Sailors of the Barque of Re. The Captain's crown has been discriminated for the Light of Re and the

Serpent around it are separated. The Serpent has a crown, that it did not have on the back side of the Mountain of Idealism before the Dream Boat of Maat accomplished the Passover

of the Light of Shu.

At the bow, Maat, prescience, has a small wrinkled (wet?) feather that represents a new dream for the next journey out of the Abyss of Darkness. She has this new daydream feather

because the Sailors of the Barque of Re are descending into the net of Neith and foresight was intended to precede the hindsight of future dreams. The body language of Neith tells

where the Sailors of Re had traveled in the Passover of the Mountain of Ideals.

From the abysmal tempest of Tefnut, they had come to fall into the arms of Neith, the Galactic Mother, that was standing such that her legs were below the western horizon.. In this way the initial tempest of Disharmony had been transcended on the other side of the

Mountain of Dreams as Love and Understanding. That is the Manifest Destiny of the Cosmic NOUS and those who travel with him receive the promissory materialism (Promised

Land). The Promised Land is the ancestral place where the travelers came from and it was the hidden place where they wanted to return to before passing on Love and Understanding

to the next generation.

Genesis 35:16-21And going forth from thence, he came in the spring time to the land which leadeth to

Ephrata: wherein when Rachel was in travail in Bethlehem.

Harmony had been restored after the darkness comprehended the Light Coming out of the Dark Abyss. This occurs in Synchronicity with the travail of the virgin expressed by the cry

of the Creator, "Is it water? Is it fire? Only when the Mountain has been crested can the Sailors of Re see the manifest destiny. Then, as the sailors return to the dark abyss of the

Material Creation, the Black Land, the Dark Matter, the Dark Mater, Egypt, they pass through the Net of Neith and the harmony of Love and Understanding is restored as the

sailors rest in peace. This is the paternal journey of the Hieros Gamos, or the sacred marriage, of the Cosmic NOUS and the Dark Matter of the Cosmic Mother. It is of the

Cosmic NOUS because it was conceived before the journey began.

After the death of Amenophis III his wife Tiye and her priests established a New Egypt based upon the Hieros Gamos of Nut and Geb under the Aten, or the Divine Light, from whence the Shekinah of Israel was conceived. The priests conceived of a Son of Shu that

would retain the throne of the Egypt of Amenophis III in the form of a Son divined from the Word of Shu regarding Amenophis III. The Pharaoh's name was Amenophis IV, more

commonly known as Akhenaten. The Queen of Heaven was Nefertiti.

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The evidence available is that Akhenaten was a priest that acted in his place, a Vicar of the Aten. Likewise, Nefertiti's physical existence is questionable. What is not questionable is the Monotheism of the Atenists and the fact that the holy name of the Aten means Divine Light, or Shekinah. Much of the spirits of Geb and Nut are kept in the sacred vignette of the royal couple and their three daughters and no sons. The model of the children was based upon the fact that boys and girls are sensitive and emotional and the boys do not become rational until after puberty, while the girls stay sensitive and emotional. To preserve the sensitivity in the males the masculine model was shown physically and spiritually with feminine attributes. The effect was to give Shu the feminine qualities missing in the metaphysics of the older

cults of Egypt. The Aten Cult became the Cult of the Heretic, and their affect on Egypt and civilization was enormous.

Exodus 1:8 & 22In the mean time there arose a new king over Egypt, that knew not Joseph. Pharaoh

therefore charged all his people, saying: "Whatsoever shall be born of the male sex, ye shall cast into the river: whatsoever of the female, ye shall save alive. These words tell us that Pharaoh Akhenaten had usurped the dungeon of Joseph, from which the first born son of

Rachel interpreted an earlier Pharaoh's dream in Genesis 41:37-44.

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Washington's Dream of a National CityThus, on the capacity for the Interpretation of Dreams all nations rise and fall, including that

founded by George Washington and his associates. Washington knew the price that his country would pay for slavery, and in the shadowy corner of his map room he depicted the Pharaoh's faceless butler who would come as the sun set on his dream of a National City.

Washington tired to warn the nation of his dream, but the Age of Enlightenment would not listen, for they knew not Joseph. So he encoded his dark secret in the urban grid of his

District of Columbia that was a reflection of Ephrata and Rachel's resting place in Bethlehem where a pillar was set up in the memory of them both, George and Rachel.

This holistic astral image was summarized in his book The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day on page 193, in E. A. Wallis Budge's "Negative Confessions," with the words of a man

who had purified himself in the Maat; "I have been to the Field of Grasshoppers. I have bathed in the pool wherein the sailors of Ra bathe. I have found the Scepter of Flint in the

furrow of Maat."

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John 1:27

These words portray, in gloriously poetic inspiration, the whole cosmos, as seen from terrestrial Egypt and expressed in cosmic art. This celestial vision is paraphrased by the

reference to the Field of Grasshoppers, which is the modern constellation of Coma Berenices and the Elysian Field at the top of the galaxy in the heavenly District of

Columbia. The bathing pool of the sailors of Ra is the path of the equinoxes of the sun under the Milky Way from Orion beneath Taurus (Hathor) to Thoth (Sagittarius) under Ophiuchus, where Joseph had been confined. This is the cosmic correlation to the Baptist, St. John, and

many other water immersion rituals. The Ancients understood that experience came at a price. The price was that there is no gain without pain and the painful journey crossed the

Deadly Sea.

Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhaten-amun

At the bottom of the galaxy is the constellation of Sculptor (2), the ancient Geb and the Spirit Man with the scepter of serpent power, the scepter of flint. The crown on Akhenaten's

head (1) represents four Maat feathers. It says for Akhenaten "I have been to the Field of

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Grasshoppers. I have bathed in the pool wherein the sailors of Ra bathe. I have found the Scepter of Flint in the furrow of Maat." Akhenaten is thus the merger of the four

metaphysical elements, Water-Tefnut, Earth-Geb, Air-Shu, and Fire-Nut, in the embodiment of.the asterism of celestial Geb. He represents the First Man who is not totally masculine (Ouranos, Uranus). The hat on Nefertiti's Head shows the point of the rising Vernal Sun along the ecliptic. The location of the Aten Regime was at Akhetaten, the Horus of Two Horizons. This is where the axis of the galaxy, Divine Horus, passes over the local earth

horizon of the Mortal Horus when the Vernal Sun begins to rise, circa 1998 AD. It represented the perpetual harmony of Neith and it empowered the female gender over the

male gender in a retrograde of Western Civilization back to the Mother Earth cultures of the Magdalenian hunter gatherer wanderers with Nefertiti (Venus, Virgo), the Beautiful One Has come (3), being a fulfillment of feminine dreams. Akhenaten was the Dream of an

ancient Mother's Son and it replaced the Shamash that had come south into Egypt from the Fertile Crescent of the current Middle East when the Pharaonic Dynasties were established, circa 3100 BC, with the guidance of Joseph, whom Akhenaten usurped by the hand of the Queen of Sheba. These people were known to the Egyptians as Asiatics. The Nefer Rohu

Prophesy, attributed to the time of Pharaoh Snefru (ca 2600 BC), told a story of an Exodus from Egypt back to Asia due to the corruption of Egypt by the Asiatics who came down into Egypt. The prophesy was both celestial and cultural, "As Above, So Below." It was Joseph's

interpretation of dream of abundance and famine. However, the regime of Akhenaten did not believe in famine, for the Shekinah of Aten would always keep them well fed, or so their

Enlightenment told them.

The Regime of Akhenaten fulfilled the Nefer Rohu Prophesy around 1370 BC when his regime destroyed Egypt economically after Amenophis III had secured the empire that ruled

the whole world from Persia to Macedonia to Libya and Ethiopia. The prophesy papyrus was recovered in archeological discoveries of the late 18th Dynasty around the time of

Amenophis III or Amenophis IV. However, when we consider the celestial alignments in the Giza complex started after Pharaoh Snefru's dream, we find the same prophetic message of a

messianic resurrection and a return to the Promised Land in the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father where the boats of the four elements were prepared on the corner of the winter solstice, and the boat of the light was placed on the corner of the summer solstice. The

causeway of the Mother Pyramid points to the same star where Rachel and George have pillars.

The Giza complex points to Aquarius, and the complex rests on a Sacred Lake. The last words of Nefer Rohu are telling; "The learned man will pour out water for me, when he sees what I have spoken come to pass." These words speak of Hapi and the First Father of Egypt who was not totally masculine but retained much of the youthful sentiment of Ganymede,

who had yet to be conceived.


Throughout the ages there have arisen cults of the Mother's Son, and the modern Bible presents a number of them. In every case the rise of a Mother's Son has resulted in the destruction of the Tables of the Moneychangers. If we are to understand Adam Lanza's subliminal motives we need also to understand Nancy Lanza's subliminal motives. She

demonstrated her Queen of Sheba archetype by divorcing a successful husband. Then, after being away from Sandy Hook and apparently looking for institutions where she could place

Adam Lanza he puts four bullets in her face. There is no doubt that Nancy Lanza was

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putting the "final touches" on a Mother's Son. There is no doubt that Adam Lanza had subliminal drives to be a Father's Son, but he could not actualize them because his father

was gone and his mother was dominating him to the point of taking him out of high school in the middle of tenth grade and home schooling him rather than preparing him with more effective social interaction skills. There is no evidence that Nancy Lanza attempted to get

professional help for Adam Lanza, or more importantly, for herself.

There are no reports of any religious affiliation of the family. All of these Queen of Sheba aspects imply the potential for Adam Lanza to enter a strong paranoia of being controlled and his "Future First Person Shooter" was precisely what he needed to break free from the

Zombies he was surrounded by. These events would allow a man-child with superior intelligence and weak social interaction skills to explode into a final escape route. That route would carry the life force of Nancy Lanza's assault arsenal and Adam Lanza's "Future First Person Shooter" archetype. Once Adam knew that his mother was considering locking him

up, he would have established the barriers to defend himself as the First Person shooting and move to a higher level of existence. It begs the question as to why Adam Lanza was not

exposed to the finer arts of other individuals with autistic talents.

The guns and the war games Adam Lanza understood were not the cause of his need to break loose from a Queen of Sheba. It was the existence of the Queen of Sheba that would

cause the disconnect of the self administered "Commissural Section".

This background has been provided as an introduction to a later discussion of how human civilization degraded to the conditions that gave birth to "A Future First Person Shooter" in the autistic mind of Adam Lanza. Jungian archetypes have proven to be very valuable in the identification of human subliminal behavior, and the archetypes of the Egyptians were the

first great expression of catalogues of human behavior, as Washington's Monument confirms.

When we look closely at the throne chair image from King Tut's tomb (5) we see the cause of the emasculation of the archetypes of Western Civilization at the end of the 18th Dynasty.

King Tut has two left hands, while his wife, Ankhesenamun, a.k.a., Ankhesenpaaten, is putting on the "finishing touches" of her consort. She has the forward right sandal of the pair

and her feet are active on the ground while his feet are passive on a footstool with the left foot forward. She is a daughter of Amun, the masculine Invisible One, signified by the

double feathers between the bovine horns of Hathor enlightened by the Sun, Hathor's Son. As such, Ankhesenamun is the Goddess of Righteousness replacing the Lioness Sekhmet,

and she is preparing the Boy King to do the work of Amun with the life power of the Unknowable One. The eleven solar orbs on his crown tell that Tut is the Last King before

the Sun begins to rise.

The Aten arms reach between the royals of the Hieros Gamos giving them the life force required to determine the Earthly Affairs of Aten and Amun, the Knowable One and the

Unknowable One. Behind the crown on Tut's head are the cartouches of his names, left to right, they are Tutankhaten and Tutankhamun (Neb Khepheru Re). Finally, the crown contains six "Eyes of Re" as rising Solar serpents and there are six places for sun discs

between the tall feathers in the upper section of his crown.

These twelve solar locations represent the sections of the zodiac with one section still to be "enlightened." However, the location of Akhetaten tells us that we are talking about Virgo,

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rather than Pisces, for the lower six Sun orbs are complete. This is a representation of the ascension of Israel and Rachel from the house of Jacob and Leah, of Nut above Geb, of

Benjamin above Joseph.

Thus, Queen Ankhesenamun is preparing the King of the Last Age. The diadem (4) of Tutankhamun reveals the location of Akhetaten. The circular band is the Milky Way. The

Eye of Re as a crooked serpent in the Upper World, or the Land Above the Land to the North, splits the corpus callossum of the Lord of Heaven. The vulture, Nekhbet, represented the dead and the necropolis of the Under World to the South where mortality reigns. South was Upper Egypt to archaeologists and Lower Egypt to Egyptians. The difference being a

matter of Earth and Sky. The dual central tails represent spirit beings, or souls of the Upper and Lower celestial domains. The rising serpents by the ears represent the Word of God

regarding love and wisdom, the Hebrew Covenant. The whole diadem represents the mind of the king and the mind of Ra-Horakhty (Ra, who is Horus of the two horizons), the

Creator, or God. The split of the brain by the body of the Eye of Re is so similar to the actual brain structure that to assume that the Egyptians were showing the Eye of Re connecting the Living and the Dead would not be a stretch. In this case, the living are the left brain and the

mortals are the right brain.

Reflecting back to the situation Adam Lanza found himself in prior to December 14, 2012 we are led to believe that the Nekhbet side of his brain was in full control and Adam Lanza

was in full survival mode. Yet, he was very intelligent. His problem was a deficiency of maternal affection (Aquarius) moved to the extreme realization that his own mother was about to end his freedom. The survival mode of Adam Lanza's unconscious (Nekhbet)

sensitive hemisphere shut down all connections to the conscious (Aten) rational hemisphere and his body was turned into an anti-zombie zombie. Everything that happened after that

fateful decision was "manifest destiny." The program would play out as orchestrated in the past by his mother, his father, his brother, his fellow students, and his inability to access powers of affection and sensitivity, which were never developed based upon the lack of

Maternal Graces. To Adam Lanza he had to become a Future First Person Shooter. In that world, the person who shoots first survives. There is no affection and no journey to love and understanding. When the time came in the midst of the "Call To Duty Zombies" he would be

the first person to shoot himself. It was a suicidal quest powered by revenge and paranoia and rage was under full control of his program. Adam Lanza would defeat his enemies and

deprive them of the honor of being a First Person Shooter.


Would Adam Lanza have avoided this end so horrifying to others if his mother had successfully penetrated his psyche with love and affection and understanding? The answer is yes. But, could Nancy Lanza fulfill the role of a loving mother in her self willed disaffected self identity? Love never fails unless love never returns. In Adam Lanza's world there was no redeeming mother and no Rescuers Down Under. His only solution was to be a Future

First Person Shooter..

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The archetype of a young boy being saved from destruction after falling off a physical cliff by a mother eagle is very ancient. It is the Flight of Isis. The oldest known source of this archetype is that of the constellation of Aquila, the Eagle, as the Kite of Isis. A Kite is a

form of falcon. As a Kite, Isis flew over the abyss of the Duat of Osiris until she found his dead body. There she performed the miracle of sentiment and restored the member of Osiris

in their son, Horus. In this way, Osiris was re-membered. She then flew back up to the Elysian Fields and her son by the dead King Osiris restored the Kingdom of Osiris in the

Heavenly Field. The clear inference in the Vignette of Nut and Geb and the Legend of Osiris and the Kite of Isis is that of a Sentimental Journey. The Eagle story of Rescuers Down

Under is in the Nefer Rohu papyrus, and Ezekiel 17:1-9.

The origin of that journey is not the endopsychic vision of Carl G. Jung expressed in his analysis The Mass And The Individuation Process, where Jung made the clearly false

statement, "My idea is that the symbol of the cross does not originate from any external form, but from an endopsychic vision of the primitive man." In other words, Jung, and by

example all Jungian psychologists, divine the source of human memory as psychic dreaming rather than visual recording; Jung did not know Joseph, Rachel's first born. As long as

psychologists claim that such preposterous statements are science because a group of peers accepts the statement, then the practice of psychology will remain pure deception of the self

identity and prone to charlatan skullduggery.

The archetype represented by the boy on the back of an eagle who flies through the clouds is not endopsychic. It is the message that there will come salvation in the cosmic abyss by the

flight of a sentimental mother, something that never came to Adam Lanza's rescue. The flight of Isis over the body Geb and Osiris, and Akhenaten, is shown below.

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The boy on the eagle is the constellation Antinous, meaning not Nous. This is the Son of Man, meaning a mother's son. The stars and the connections are not endopsychic because

their positions and relationships (connections) reveal Intent of the Cosmic NOUS. A mortal that needs salvation is one that fails, or refuses, to believe in the Cognition of the NOUS, the

Son of God.

John 16:9 (DRA) 9 Of sin:

because they believed not in me.

Where modern psychology fails miserably, and thereby, shrink the human identity is in the tyrannical rationalization that attempts to put all memories into perfect fitting boxes where

they can be piled like so many bricks in the false edifices of the false science of Psychoanalytical Methods. Had Freud and Jung, and their minions, not fabricated their own reality, then psychologists would not be called shrinks. What modern psychology has done is bind the Cosmic NOUS to a cross of their own endopsychic decrees. If humans had real sensations in the right brain then humans could resolve all psychological problems by the

coming of the Paraclete. One of the most ancient names of the Paraclet, besides Holy Spirit, was Common Sense. Modern Science, and by faith in modern science, forces all scientists to

deny Common Sense in favor of a judgment of peers. Any person with a lick of sense will realize that the Universal Sense is expansive not repressive; the Universal Soul is a learning

venue. Psychologists would have no purpose for existence if humans did not have the potential to be repressive by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In fact, psychologists make more money form humans whom they can place into a state of

repression. Common Sense says such practitioners are shrinks. Truth says they are simple humans feeding off the weaknesses of other humans. Humanity had known for well of 30,000 years that religamentation required a path to the Greater Reality, i.e., Religion.

The scepter of flint in the furrow of Maat is in the depths of the cosmic sea under Pisces in the resting place of the constellation of Sculptor where Osiris, Akhetaten and Moses were

interred. At the bottom end of the scepter is the flame in the furnace of Fornax at the feet of Sculptor. This is how Isis kept the feet of the son of the King of Byblos to the fire of her

sentimental inspiration that would give the man-child eternal life when the man-child rises

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on the wings of the kite (eagle).

Revelation 12:14 (DRA) "Flight of Isis & Rescuers Down Under"

13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman, who brought forth the man child: 14 And there were given to the woman two wings of a great

eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

At the bottom of the Cosmic Sea is a flint staff that causes all creative action by mortals to question the power of the Divine Dream; "Is it water? Is it fire? Those who find the Scepter of Flint are inspired to take the journey with the Sailors of Re across the Reed Sea of Egypt

in the baptism of Osiris where the sentiment of Isis restores the Spirit of the Body of the Dead.

Matthew 24:28 (DRA) 28 Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together.


Before rising on the Barque of the Trinitarian Light we must visit the Lord of Darkness. He is the third son of Nut and Geb, Seth. The children of Nut and Geb were born after Re told

Nut and Geb that they could not have any offspring on any decan (ten days) of the year. Thoth, having the hindsight of the births of Shu, Tefnut/Neith, Geb, and Nut, knew that the calendar of days included the 36 Decans of ten days each. He informed Nut that she could

have five children born in the days that were not of the annual 36 Decans. These epagomenal days are an intercalation to achieve 365 days in one solar cycle. The sequence of the immortals born on these days were Osiris, Horus the Elder, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys.

They are a repeat of the genesis of Re, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, and Nut, but not in the same metaphysical order. Since Shu, the Lord of Rational order, was empowered in the Days of

Prescience, the children of Nut and Geb represented perfected Spiritual Paternal Experience in the gestation of humanity as Osiris, the Lord of the Underworld and the Father of all Archetypes of civil order. Horus the Elder, was never an active lord in Egypt, for his

primary aspect was simple consciousness or awareness without physical intent. Seth, the third son of Nut and Geb was sequenced by the repetition of the order of Shu that rational

self perception should righteously precede the coming of the two daughters since awareness (Horus) did not take control. Shu is the Lord of Rational Order, and because Seth was a descendant of Shu and Geb after Cosmic Order (Osiris) and Cosmic Awareness (Horus)

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Seth's aspect was rational material identity (Shu + Geb). Seth was also the third son of Adam and Eve and this Seth replaced the loss of rational physical order caused by the banishment of Cain after the death of Abel. It is for this reason that Nut's Seth is most

famous for putting the Civilizing Experience that was Osiris into a "perfect fitting box" and sending the Body of Osiris down the river of Egypt. The Book of Exodus repeats this

journey on the river of chaos in the birth of Moses when his Hebrew mother sends the baby Moses down the river of Egypt. Nut's Seth and Eve's Seth deliver pure rational identity.

Eve's Moses-Seth delivers rational control and at the depths of the Cosmic Sea Moses defies faith in the Creator by smiting a rock to give water to the indignant Israelites. To smite a rock is to repress material identity. To deliver water is to increase emotional identity. The

Seal of Soloman is the Shekinah distorted as emotional materialism by Moses in the Sea of Contradiction, Promissory Materialism, that represses emotional inspiration of the Shekinah.

Moses led the Israelites to the Promised Land rather than the Promised Heaven. For that misdirection, Moses was banned from entry into the Promised Land before the Hebrew

Messiah should come. The scepter of flint that Moses used on the rock in Meribah Kadesh was designed to inspire the repressed emotion of the Israelites, and Moses failed to talk to

the rock as YHWH directed. Moses, like Adam Lanza, had a speech impediment (autistic?). Neither individuals could talk effectively, so they resolved to use force. The disharmony of

the cosmos cannot be restored by force. That which restores harmony is the balance of desires for water and fire.

After Seth came forth from Nut came Isis, and she was the water of sentiment which is well documented in her search for the dead body of Osiris out of which she acquired seed of

Horus, the Child. Isis wore a throne on her head and Osiris was represented by an Eye on a Throne, thus, Isis was the sentiment for all overseer archetypes.

The last child of Nut was Nephthys, who wore a house on her head. She was the House Wife of Seth, and in some legends she gave birth to Anubis by Osiris. But, at no time did

Nephehys have a child by her consort, Seth. These two, Seth and Nephthys, were the elements air and earth and represent rational material being. As such, Seth was impotent to

seed a rational child in a material mother. Seth had no fire and no water to be heated by fire. Seth is the equivalent of the rational material archetype of modern science and philosophy. It

forbids sentiment and inspiration, because they have no rational material basis. Thus, modern science and philosophy, and by sequence, psychoanalysis, are spiritually impotent. Like Moses, they can deny materialism and bring about tears, but they cannot inspire divine


Nevertheless, Seth is the power of the abyss. As the vignette of the Seth Boat shows, he cannot sense why the Seth Boat is moving or what is moving it. His focus is on the threat to

his own little bird (flight of fancy) by the Crooked Serpent under the Seth Boat. By repeatedly shoving down the head of the beast, Seth can pitch pole the boat on a journey to

somewhere. Seth, being guided by fear is all egocentric motive, and is driven by the survival instinct.

Survival Instinct is Seth's little bird and he will do whatever is required to save his little bird. The result of egocentric self defense is that every repression of subliminal supporting

physical motive force causes folds in the motive force and the boat is stuck from forward progress by the last fold of repression. Nevertheless, this is the means of motives by progressives that deny the rest of the occupants in the boat, Intent, Conscience, and

Hindsight of Foresight.

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To the sentiment of Isis, Seth is not a lovable sibling. But, the occupants in his boat are well organized. First behind Seth is the Creator with the scepter of flint and an unresolved Light in the subliminal wrapper of the Serpent of Re. Behind the Creator that has no intentional

action on his knees stand Horus and Thoth. This Horus represents consciousness and Thoth represents science, which we learned above is the hindsight of foresight. Together, Horus

and Thoth represent the union of consciousness and science and combined these words and symbols mean Conscience. Furthest aft and at the helm of the Seth Boat is the Utchat in the

position of steering by Hindsight. The problem with Seth is that his Hindsight is aft of Conscience which is aft of Intent lacking Cognition. All this means that Seth is the

knowledge of past accomplishments without cognition of a manifest destiny, which is the course of Chaos. It is this journey without cognitive intent that makes Seth the Lord of Intent

without Cognition, All of Seth's actions result in Chaos because he has no foresight. Progress is measured by the distance that blame is pushed under the vessel of progress, i.e.,


Before the bow of the Seth Boat are the visible and invisible urges to move the bow forward one step at a time when Seth represses emotions that hinder his vessel; blame game. Seth

cannot see beyond the tow lines because his focus is on the current problem threatening his little bird. And, because Seth has full control of the movement of his vessel he is progressive

and he is constantly changing focus as each fold of the Crooked Serpent is repressed it hinders progress of the vessel.

The Seth Boat rides on the hieroglyph that means Heaven with the Crooked Serpent beneath holding up heaven and Seth's Boat. But, the only thing between the Seth Boat of Heaven and the bottom of the sea is the repressed emotions of the Crooked Serpent. The journey of the

vessel of Seth is supported by repressed emotions and the only intent of the journey is to not die.

In this essay on the Sandy Hook Elementary School we have arrived at the motivational power behind Nancy and Adam Lanza.

Revelation 12:9-12 (DRA) 9 And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan,

who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they

overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell

therein. Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time.

Based upon what is known at the time of this writing, Adam Lanza was pushed to the edge of his life by circumstances of genes, nurture, fractured family affection, and external

programming for which he had no defense. It is evident that in his synaptic disconnected cognition Adam Lanza was playing out the last stage of an heroic novel that he and God

alone were participants. Now we must consider how to visualize "A New Town Connection I Cut" from the perspective of salvation of the human race that trains its offspring to seek

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out First Person Shooter ideals. Had the culture of Adam Lanza understood the Thau mark in Ezekiel 9:3-7, or the marks, images, and characters of the Beasts in Revelation 13 the

events at Newtown would not have occurred. The tragedy of the life of Adam Lanza spilled over into the tragedy of Sandy Hook because the cultural seeds had been planted in Adam

Lanza and the cultural remedies were not given to him. Revelation 13:10 reveals the Newtown tragedy that came out of the autistic disaffected mind of Adam Lanza: He that

shall lead into captivity shall go into captivity: he that shall kill by the sword must be killed by the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

Heroism versus Salvation

The culture that armed Adam Lanza, as Perseus, restored the Angel of Death in Sandy Hook where the Graeae stand on the entrance to Hades. Perseus took the head of the Medusa and

acquired the identity of the Angel of Death. Perseus and the Medusa are symbols for the opposite extremes of single-mindedness and the apparent schizophrenia of multifaceted

consensus. Adam Lanza was destined to take the head of his mother, Nancy Lanza, for she walked upon the pool of the three Graeae on the River Styx that shared one eye and one

tooth amongst them. In other words, Nancy Lanza had the secret for mastering the Medusa given to Perseus by the Graeae nymphs. Perseus was the great Greek hero whose capacity to kill was unmatched, but we must not forget that Perseus was born of the union of Zeus and Danaë after Zeus came as a shower of gold on the mother of their Golden Calf. Perseus is

the symbol of focus on the control of material wealth without concern for emotional or spiritual state of life. The shadowy origins of Perseus (perthein) mean “to waste, ravage,

sack, destroy." This is the archetype of thieves and robbers and modern Islamic Extremists. The country Persia has its roots in Perseus and the implied objective of conquest of irrational force by rational force. However, if the Golden Calf was born amidst raining gold, we have

to consider what is actually in the dark wallet of the Golden Calf.

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Golden Cal

The Golden Calf is not the Bull killed by Perseus in his alter ego form of Ahriman (AngraMainyu). The Golden Calf is the First Born Son, the man-child of singing and dancing

without a care in the world. It is Perseus, the Prince who would be King. He is the Angel of Death, and it was the First Born Son of Man that must be sacrificed on the Sacred Altar of

the Mesopotamians including the Chaldeans, Zoroastrians, and Hebrews. The Golden Calf is the arrogant man-child that assumes that the Kingdom of Heaven is his inheritance, and he

will kill his own brother, and if need be, his own father, to acquire the kingdom. The Sign of Death is the cross in the bag of Perseus.

Perseus Gate

This is the meaning of the ritual of circumcision prescribed for the second born of Abraham and the first born of Sarah at eight days from the womb in Genesis 17:8-21. The purpose of the circumcision at eight days was to tame the soul of the Wild Man as a reminder for the

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sake of the covenant of the Promised Land. A Wild Man cannot master his physical urges and the result is the loss of the High Mountain of God, Olympus, Israel, Elysian Field, etc.

Botticelli identified the "Party Animals" in the Birth of Venus.

Perseus, L.L.C., a George Soros investment group shows another side of the Perseus archetype related to acquisitions with a take no prisoners attitude. The artwork at Perseus,L.L.C. is worth reviewing to understand the billionaire's financial dealings and the World

Obsession with the First Born Son. Emotion has no place in these perspectives of the Golden Calf. It is the same perspective as Herodias the wife of Herod the Great in Mark 6:14-29,

whose potential for wealth was threatened by John the Baptist. And the Apotheosis of George Washington in the rotunda of the Capital Building also reveals the Golden Calf of Perseus hidden behind the mask of Hermes (Mercury) passing the "shower of gold" on to

Robert Morris, the financier of the American Revolution.

David slew Goliath by turning the Philistine's head into stone. In taking the head of the Philistine the Greatest King of the Hebrews was of the Golden Calf of Perseus. The

difference between the “waste, ravage, sack, destroy" motif of Perseus is the salvation of the Army of the Lord. This manner of transfiguration of the Heavenly Hosts is evident

throughout the Hebrew Bible, including the beast Cetus that became Jonah's salvation. The message is that “waste, ravage, sack, destroy" are not the only means to the Promised Land.

The Promised Land belongs to the circumcised, for the uncircumcised are uncivilized.

The Hebrews read the same stars of the Prince of War and they revealed the shepherd David who represented extreme bravery and the same take no prisoners attitude as reflected in the story of Goliath's Head and in the restoration of the New Town of Jerusalem in Ezekiel 9:3-

7. Young men modeled after Perseus had the emotional insensitivity to fly jumbo jets into the World Trade Center skyscrapers in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.,

and into the ground in a field in Pennsylvania. This insensitivity is engrained in these youths with the belief in Promissory Materialism in an afterlife.

Adam Lanza could not be cured of his distress due to the Medusa like behavior of Nancy Lanza when she sued Peter Lanza for divorce and then left Adam Lanza without any viable

role model that could have brought him out of the Cave of the Graeae where his autistic condition festered. Once Adam Lanza realized that his own mother would seek to run from

her last family responsibility as she did in the divorce four years earlier and have Adam committed to a mental health institution, Adam had no alternative but to become the First

Person Shooter that he became. Adam Lanza became the Medusa and Angra Mainyu archetype.

Maturing in America, where family values are now taboo is difficult enough. Children of divorce are subject to extreme emotional identity crises because they come to all youths, but

without the parental role model, they must seek other gods to follow. With the troubles Adam Lanza had to deal with, his manifest destiny was to become the Angel of Death.

Ultimately he took down the Medusa in Nancy Lanza as he excaped from the galaxy through the Perseus Gate. Once that was an accepted route to eternity there was no conscience left. Adam had to carry out the role that was his only escape from incompetence in social affairs

caused by an uncircumcised alter ego.

To The First Person Shooter in Adam Lanza the women at Sandy Hook had to be removed like enemies in a video war game. To The First Person Shooter in Adam Lanza the Sandy

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Hook children were more like the Call of Duty Zombies that must be corralled by barriers to allow mass destruction of them before personally escaping. It is not out of the question that The First Person Shooter in Adam Lanza had planned to go through every room executing "Call of Duty Zombies" until the Perseus Gate was opened before him. Adam Lanza was

trained by his society to take the Perseus Gate after total repression of emotional correspondence that came when he conquered his fear of death. Death is the same as live

backward, evil. Past life is the Devil backward, lived. Adam had conquered fear of death and was uncircumcised in the heart.

In a report provided on ABC's Good Morning America by the school nurse, Sally Cox, she hid behind the barrier of her desk and The First Person Shooter stood with his boots visible

20 feet away while she peeked through a computer cable hole. Whether Lanza missed realizing Sally Cox was in the nurse's office is not known, but in his frenzy it would be a

situation where he would not breech her barrier, or according to the Call of Duty Zombies guidelines he would leave a single zombie survivor or he would keep moving. The terror

that Sally Fox felt became an individual experience of the cosmic journey between the Land of Bondage at Andromeda and salvation back to the Land of Rapture by a "Flight of Isis &

Rescuers Down Under".

Rescuers Down Under Throughout the Ages

The stars have revealed the glory of Heaven and the tragedy of the Abyss at the Bottomless Pit for tens of thousands of years. Through the stars humans discovered a Ladder that would

lead all who could climb it back up to a Promised Land.

On the pronaos ceiling of the Temple to Hathor at Denderah, Egypt the ladder, or stairway to heaven is revealed. It is a scientific and a metaphysical presentation of the journey of time

and soul.

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Looking above upon and entering the temple on the east side the symbol of the constellation of Cancer sits on the knee of Nut, the Cosmic Heavenly Mother. From her womb the Sun reigns down the Light of Day (Aten) upon the jug head of Hathor. The spirit of Cancer is derived from the behavior of crabs on a seashore. In the murky waters of the shore a crab

will feel its way through the rocks and plants in the foam of the sea. As such, the "star bread" provides the source of the rational expression of the region around Cancer. It was to

Cancer that the Magdalenians of Lascaux said this is where the Cows Come Home. The Rain of Light and Reeds into the Jug Head of Hathor is "divining" a Mother Earth and the Rain from the Birth Sun is a symbol of divine light, an Aten, a Shekinah, and the concern,

"Is it water? Is it fire?"

Revelation 13:1-6 (DRA) 13 And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea [a], having seven heads and ten horns, and

upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. 2 And the beast, which I saw, was like to a leopard [b], and his feet were as the feet of a bear [c], and his

mouth as the mouth of a lion [d]. And the dragon gave him his own strength, and great power. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death's wound

was healed [e]. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. 4 And they adored the dragon [f], which gave power to the beast: and they adored the beast, saying: Who is like

to the beast? and who shall be able to fight with him? 5 And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things, and blasphemies [g]: and power was given to him to do two

and forty months. 6 And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

In the words of Rev 13:1-6 we are being told where to look for the place where the Cows Come Home. The cows are guided by bovine behavior that is a combination of genetic

wisdom (instinct), learned wisdom (nurture), and prescient wisdom (intuition). The beast that is represented by these verses can be found in the following constellations:

[a] Cancer [b] Lynx

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[c] Ursa Major[d] Leo

[e] Hydra [f] Scorpio sans Libra

[g] Leo-Cancer, Praesepe

These constellations are identified on the half sky maps above and below the whole galaxy.


The key constellation is the Scorpio-Libra constellation. Before it is divided it represents earthly desire because it grabs the earth's path (ecliptic) while its tail clings to the galactic stars. As such, it desires heaven and earth and it has unbalanced desire, or it is a beast of desire without balance. This beast is called Satan in Rev 12:9 (DRA). 9 And that great

dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Because of Unbalanced Desire paradise is lost. Yet, it does not take much time on earth

before one realizes who shall be able to fight with him will need to have Divine Powers. Nothing moves in life without desire. It is the metaphysical force identified by the concern, "Is it water? Is it fire?" that brings about all creation. As we continue around the ecliptic we

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will quickly learn that the sequence beginning at Cancer reveals the Star Bread that will instruct a neophyte to become adept at copulating with the lioness Sekhmet, who is the

Teacher of Righteousnes. This is what it means to become a Master of the Plow. In Egypt, Sekhmet was killing all the youths of Egypt because she found inadequate righteousness in them To remedy the loss of the Egyptian children, Thoth, the hindsight of Re, had the head

of Sekhmet taken off and she was given the head of the cow, Hathor, to make her more nurturing. Who has not encountered the archetype of a lioness of righteousness and a sacred cow in their life before they are thirty years of age?. Obama's gun control by executive order

has the same knee jerk reaction force.

This arc from Scorpio to Cancer is the Garden of Pleasure of Genesis and the children are sent out of the garden at Gemini because of the subtle voice of the serpent under the woman and lion when the serpent rises and adds subliminal meaning to the voice of the lioness. The

combination of righteousness from the lioness and the subtle subliminal motives of the woman can cause the woman to become a Harlot of Babylon. When this happens the Garden of Pleasure becomes a brothel of Unbalanced Desires and the Great Red Dragon establishes

the course of feelings in the pathology of irrational order. This path is the source of the words of Rev 13:6, blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name. It is one thing to

seek pleasure without balance that is a threat to the flesh. But, to blaspheme his name is to deny God and know evil. The implication is that the Creator of All also is the Creator of

Evil. This is the blaspheme for which Adam and Eve, and the twins of all cosmologies are cast out of the Garden of Pleasure into a Lake of Fire or a Deadly Sea. The beast coming up out of the sea [a] is clearly the constellation Cancer and the attribute of such an archetype is Feelings. Thus, this is the beginning of all life, including man and woman. Mortals that are alive have feelings. Mortals that are dead do not have feelings. The Leo-Cancer Gate is the

Gateway of Man, males and female created He them.

The archetype of Adam Lanza on December 14, 2012 was a beast without feelings who had rationalized his life and carried out the creation of his legacy and he was beyond the shore of

the sea at Cancer. The evidence suggests that Nancy Lanza, at best, was powered by a Sekhmet archetype in that she exhibited more righteous physical action than Peter Lanza or the Newtown High School system in her approach to teaching Adam Lanza the righteous

course of life. It is tempting to believe that Nancy Lanza was killing Adam Lanza spiritually and Adam was finding life in non-social relationships where he held the mace of


But, it is not our purpose to judge why the events of December 14, 2012 occurred. Our purpose is to demonstrate that those events were guided by the Creator and the Lanza family was simply a tool in the hand of God, possibly a mace, to instill a search for righteousness in the United States and the whole human civilization. So, as we leave the Garden of Pleasure

where Adam and Eve, in the form of Peter and Nancy Lanza, lived spiritually we must begin at the place where bovine behavior comes home. In an attempt to analyze the "intent" of action we must first determine what feelings were involved in the action and whether the feelings were the result of cognitive judgment with the prescience of the Son of God, or

subliminal judgment with the presence of the Great Red Dragon commonly known as Satan, the father of evil. For sure, the vast majority of people who have witnessed the Newtown tragedy identify the subliminal EVIL of the tragedy. We are cautioned by the directive to Adam, the consort of Eve, by YHWH in Genesis not to take of the fruit of Knowledge of

Good and Evil. One trip around Jacob's Ladder and the Road of Jerusalem where the children of the Wandering Earth measure time from Cancer through Pisces and back to Leo

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should be enough to discover the Shekinah of the Unleavened Star Bread of the Sea of Galilee. This is the well trodden road of civilization regarding the dethroning of a Fist King

and the restoring of the Legacy of the First King.



As we climb down and then back up Jacob's Ladder there will be GN links to the artwork of the Star Bread to restore the path of the ladder and the pathology of humanity where the high and low roads of the Celestial Hebrews, the Planets, and of the Earthly Hebrews, the Human

Beasts and their siblings, follow the Israelites back up to the Promised Land. The Sea of Galilee is the Low Road through the Reed Sea of Egypt, and our goal is to Capture the Flag of Egypt as we reenter the Elysian Field for another Roll in the Hay of Heaven Above. After

we return to the Rose of Sharon and the Red Pandanus of the Hawaiians, we will seek current scriptures to ensure that we have not gotten lost on the Celestial Road PZ identified

at the Pronoas Ceiling of Hathor's Monument in Denderah. The links GN PZ can be alternated to check and ensure progress. When the journey is complete we will venture into

an Upper Room where a Table has been prepared to Kill the Passover and establish the reign of the Son of God. Hang on, for this trip has not been taken for a very long time and it

travels close to sheer cliffs and through deadly seas and wormwood grows everywhere along side the Road of Jerusalem and the New Town to which the road leads..

Number 2 is Gemini, where the stars Castor and Pollux are the brilliant heads of the twins, which are interpreted by various cultures as twin brother heroes, or the original female and

male humans, such as Nut and Geb, Adam and Eve, etc. The easily determined cosmic spirit GN-2 of the constellation of brilliant heads is "I Think" PZ-2.

Number 3 is Taurus. The Bull of Heaven represents bovine behavior symbolized by the beast GN-3 running with the planets rather than with the seasons. Turning the beast of

bovine behavior around has been a common goal of all civilizations. The cosmic nature of

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the beast is "I Have" PZ-3 meaning both the program of Gemini, I Think, and the sensation of Cancer, I Feel; I Have I Feelings that I Think about..

Number 4 is Aries. This is the Golden Fleece derived from the union of the prior three cosmic spirits I Feel-I Think-I Have into the self awareness of I Am. This cosmic spirit GN-4 of Aries is derived from the Lost Sheep that attempts to jump over the fence in front of it

and leave the bovine road behind it. Independence and freedom are the quest of the Lost Sheep and for this reason it became a Sacrificial Lamb PZ-4.

Number 5 is Pisces. This is the Valley of Death at the Deadly Sea where many legends of Bound Maidens and Youths have been read throughout the ages GN-5. This region has

brought much paranoia and trepidation to cultures of the Earth. The Maya saw a Ball Court of Xibalba where one player takes a hip shot and the bounce of the ball can be seen

throughout the ages. There is a temple at the circle of the ball and the asterism of Pisces was known as a thorn branch with the power to cause Rebirth of the Sun. At the temple under the ball of the Maya Ball Court is the location at the bottom of cosmic sea where the falling sun

enters the Land of the Rising Sun under the Circlet of Pisces. Because of these powers of rebirth, the cosmic spirit of Pisces is dual. The first line at the Aries boundary has the spirit

"I Doubt" that the Hip Shot will score the goal in the Ball Court or that the Thorn on the Aries branch can result in Reborn Man. The second line shows that the goal was achieved.

Gilgamesh Sleeps Among Sea Serpents

When Gilgamesh recovered the thorn branch in the bottom of the deadly sea he fell asleep on the seashore with the thorn branch called Reborn Man in his hand. Two sea serpents

appeared and they acquired the Thorn Branch intended to be Reborn Man and the viper in the temple shed its skin to become a Reborn Viper. From this cosmic experience we have

heard the echo of the Son of Man.

Matthew 23:32-34 (DRA) 32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. 33 You serpents, generation of vipers, how

will you flee from the judgment of hell?34 Therefore behold I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them

you will put to death and crucify, and some you will scourge in your synagogues, and persecute from city to city:

Whether we doubt the value of thorns and vipers or we affirm the hip shots of salvation and Reborn Man, the cosmic spirit of the Land of the Rising Sun is "I Believe" PZ-5, for doubt and skepticism are demented belief derived from a fear of loss of the wisdom gained in the

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journey through I Feel, I Think, I Have, I Am. In the Valley of Death where the Sun begins to rise, the Cosmic Truth tells us that I Believe is the path to salvation. The Fishes, or

Vipers, or Thorn Branch, or Vines, or Olives, or Reeds, or Nazarenes, all tell the Cosmic Consciousness that belief is the foundation of life in the Sea of Galilee, and one day when Judgment of the Father has come in the Kingdom of Heaven Above PZ-5, the subliminal

beast under the Woman in the Garden of Pleasure GN-5 will be raised up by a Judgment of True Intent regarding the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem when vipers stole the

Thorn Branch of Reborn Man.

Number 6 is Aquarius, the Good Samaritan. Having reached the depths of the Sea of Reeds GN-6 where the Deadly Waters cover the gates of Hades and the Bottomless Pit entered by doubt and skepticism the Journeyman is in need of Life Giving Waters. To pour water on a drowning man is the solution to bring the man out of the abyss of Life Taking Waters. As with fruit of Re, Shu and Tefnut, being wet with depressing emotion is neither rational nor irrational, it is simply a state in need of the flaming desire of love and understanding. Thus, the Cosmic Master places a Good Samaritan at the point of the Rising Sun to pour the life giving waters of the Cosmic Gardener. The Life Giving Waters are those of compassion as

revealed in the empathetic words "I Know" PZ-6 by Aquarius.

At this stage the Journeyman in the Temple to Hathor is led to an Upper Room to Kill the Passover, but for the sake of sequence we will refrain from entering the Upper Room where

a Table of Salvation has been prepared and complete the Circuit of the Ages. After the circuit of the Ages has been completed once, we do not have to question prophesies on the

table in the upper room. Rather, we can come to the table with the hindsight of cosmic wisdom knowing that our feet were washed completely in the first passage through the

Deadly Sea.

Number 7 is Capricorn, the Sea Goat that escaped from the Deadly Sea that used the physical qualities of a resurrected body, her whale's tail and her goat horns, that were

empowered by the Life Giving Waters of the Compassionate "I Know." The Sea Goat GN-7follows Aquarius and will carry the body of the Reborn Man into the Inn above the Circle of

Pisces through the Great Square where the Bound One's head is rationalized and the King and Queen of Ethiopia look down upon the plight in the Sea below from the Foam of the Sea

above. Clearly, a beast that uses its physical gifts has the knowledge of the compassionate waters to say "I Use" PZ-7. Now, on the west side of the temple we can hear the Savior's

voice echoing out from the upper room:

Matthew 26:29 (DRA) And I say to you, I will not drink from henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day

when I shall drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.

Number 8 is Sagittarius, and by now the Journeyman can say, "I See" PZ-8, for the house of the resurrection has been visited. At the Bow in the Cloud of the "I See" to the right in the view of the foam of the sea is an eagle with a man child on its back GN-8. This man child is

not the Cosmic NOUS, for he did not have the cognitive power to save himself on his journey through the Deadly Sea. But, as with all Rescuers from Down Under the raptor of the skies provides the rapture of the souls of the dead when they have fallen from a cliff

during an heroic act of salvation by the raptor of the skies, the She Eagle that is the Kite of Isis. The cosmic message of salvation is in John 15:13, Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Having performed the only feat that guarantees

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eternal life, the Sage is a witness to the Cosmic Apparition of salvation. And that is why the Wise Men sing "I See" with abundance and great joy as they bring to the child in swaddling cloths gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The gold provided the child of salvation with the material wealth of the Earth. The frankincense provided the child of salvation with the

smoke of the cosmic Fire. The myrrh provided the child of salvation with beautiful fragrance in the Air as Harmony is Restored because the man-child had employed the judgment

required to transit the deadly sea. Not that the man-child would do it alone, but by his saving graces, he would be saved. He brought compassion for the down trodden and gave his

physical Water with the Fire in his heart. By saving the unredeemable, he gave Blood and Water and the Mithrasian Soldier said, "This truly is the Son of God."

Mark 15:37-3937 And Jesus having cried out with a loud voice, gave up the ghost. 38 And the veil of the temple was rent in two, from the top to the bottom. 39 And the centurion who stood over against him, seeing that crying out in this manner he had given up the ghost, said: Indeed

this man was the son of God.

Matthew 27:50-5450 And Jesus again crying with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And behold the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top even to the bottom, and the earth quaked, and the

rocks were rent. 52 And the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints that had slept arose, 53 And coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, came into the holy city, and

appeared to many. 54 Now the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus, having seen the earthquake, and the things that were done, were sore afraid, saying: Indeed this was

the Son of God.

Death of the Bull Slayer and Enlightenment of Mithras

The words of Mark 15:37-39 and Matthew 27:50-54 differ in the timing of the declaration by the centurion, who would have been a Mithrasian Soldier. In Mark the statement "Son of

God" occurs at the death, while the Evangelist Matthew places the statement at the resurrection. The Mithraic Mysteries represent the Death of the Bull of Heaven at the hand of the redeemed Perseus. The Bull of Heaven represented the God of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob and the Zoroastrian Demiurge Zurvan, who was essentially "All Time and Space and Substance" who brought forth two states of mind, the Malevolent Spirit (lit: Angra Mainyu)

and the Benevolent Spirit (Spenta Mainyu, identified with Ahura Mazda). Zoroastrian theology had a significant affect on the Egyptian and Israelite Captives. After Alexander defeated the Zoroastian Persians the cult of Mithras arose in Tarsus, the birthplace of St.

Paul. The Mithraic Mysteries represented a wisdom route for soldiers and men and it

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excluded women and children. It taught the celestial vision of the Zoroastians after Mitra (Ahura Mazda) had shed the alter ego of Ahriman (Angra Mainyu). The Tauroctony of

Mithras has the same spiritual aspects as the apparition of St. Paul on the road to Damascus. Both Mithras and Saul were killing the Hebrew Bull and both witnessed the Father of the

Hebrews as the Bull of Heaven.

John 10:29-3129 That which my Father hath given me, is greater than all: and no one can snatch them out

of the hand of my Father.30 I and the Father are one. 31 The Jews then took up stones to stone him.

As a result, the Synoptic Gospels of Mark 15:37-39 and Matthew 27:50-54 are in agreement with the Gnostic Gospel of John 10:29-31. When mortal chose to reject the Cosmic Father, they die because of the sin of Adam, Knowing Good and Evil. The Mithras ideal rejects the

potential for evil, Ahriman and conforms to the command of Genesis 2:17 regarding the immediate death for knowing good and evil. The Teacher of Righteousness is not the Bull of

Heaven, but the Cow of Heaven, that was the replacement of the Lioness of Heaven, Sekhmet, whose righteousness was killing all the children of Egypt. The lesson is that

Mother Nature and Mother Earth represent the Teacher of Reality as Conceived by the Bull of Heaven. In Reality there can be no evil. Learning this lesson is the most difficult for any mortal because the survival instinct overrules the perceptive processes during subliminal

judgments that never reach the cognitive level until the Hour of Death. Between Perseus and Aquarius is the Sacrificial Lamb and the Valley of Death (Aries and Pisces). No mortal can return to the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth without passing through the Sheep Door and the

Tomb of the Resurrection. This is the passage of the ritual of purification of the Jews that traverses the Arc of the Covenant from Taurus (I Have) to Sagittarius (I See).

The journey back to the Heavenly Father requires that the man-child within the upper regions of the psyche acknowledge the woman-child within the lower regions of the psyche

and that acknowledgement always begins when Common Sense is declared to be a blaspheme of the Name of God. That occurred when Isis laid a beast on the path of Re and

the beast, which was affection and sentiment for the memories of creation, caused Re to cry, "Is it water? Is it fire?" After the Father's Son joins the Mother's Son, then Harmony in the Kingdom of God is restored. It is the Greatest Story Ever Told, and as this journey has just proved, Man did not write the story, it was revealed to Wise Men by the Heavenly Father.


With Sagittarius we have completed the journey of the Flood of Noah and the passing through the Reed Sea with Moses. We will revisit these passages, but for now we must

realize that "A STAR SHALL RISE OUT OF JACOB" and we have to follow the journey ofthat westward leading still preceding star to Bethlehem. The link GN+ takes us to Bethlehem

on the Road to Ephrata where Israel set up a pillar to his beloved wife, Rachel. This is the hallowed ground where Moses communed with the Burning Bush. Entry into the Promised Land is critical and all potential for sensitivity must be available, so remove your shoes and

feel This Land.

Revelation 12 (DRA) GN+

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1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And being with child, she cried

travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered. 3 And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head

seven diadems:

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she should be

delivered, he might devour her son. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God, and to his throne.

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that there they should feed her a thousand two hundred sixty days. 7 And there was a great battle in

heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels: 8 And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and SATAN who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were

thrown down with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell therein. Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted

the woman, who brought forth the man child:

14 And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman,

water as it were a river; that he might cause her to be carried away by the river. 16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the river, which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went

to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 18 And he stood upon the sand of the sea. GN+


Now that salvation has been witnessed by the Wise Men we can understand what the Archer, Sagittarius, was shooting at. Many priest feign the role of The Righteous until they are Born of the Virgin. That is when they witness that the Dark Mater is a shadow because

the Sun is behind her and her shadow, the shadow of the Cosmic Mother, is cast by the Light of the First Day. The death of the Great Red Dragon seems the most righteous target for the

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Archer until the Apparition of the Virgin reveals that all children are born with Unbalanced Desire because their brains are instruments of God and their self identity has yet to witness the Light of the First Day. Thus, killing desire kills all the children of the successful fathers. The Apparition of the Virgin causes cognition within the wise Archer and the target is to cut

the Great Red Dragon in two. The Desire remains, and Balance is brought forth from the Woman Clothed in the Sun with a crown of Twelve Stars. Now we can proceed with the

Journey of the Twelve.

Death of the Bull Slayer and Enlightenment of Mithras

Number 9 is Scorpio. Clearly, the Scorpion still has a hold on the Earth at the ecliptic and a hold on the Third Part of the Stars of Heaven at his tail. GN+ The Cosmic Spirit that applies is no longer the Great Red Dragon of Unbalanced Desire (I Devour, Ahriman), but the beast

of desire (Scorpio), for civilizing Judgment by the Father has come. The name of the circumcised beast is "I Desire" PZ.

Number 10 is Libra, and it does not take more than simple common sense to realize that the Cosmic Spirit GN+ of Libra is "I Balance" PZ. The most profound of all the 12 Stars in

her crown is the star of the Man-child of the Woman Clothed in the Sun called Libra. Revelation 12 describes how harmony was restored to the heavens, and the Great Warrior of the Aztec Empire understood the Woman Clothed in the Sun as the Mother of All. With that conversion, the Virgin brought more faithful to the catholic faith, meaning universal church, in a single Apparition of the Virgin than at any time in the history of the world. It was not a

submission to the Spaniards, although that had already occurred, it was the acceptance of the Apparition on December 9 & 12, 1531 of the Virgin of Guadalupe as the Woman in

Revelation 12 being the return of Quetzalcoatl and Coyolxauhqui, as the Ancestors of the Americas foretold for well over five thousand years. By acceptance of the Virgin of

Guadalupe the Native American cultures raised their ancestors from the grave just as Isis had raised Osiris well over five thousand years earlier, and Jesus raised Lazarus one and a

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half millennia before, as well. Subsequently, on April 20, 1586 Isabel Flores y de Olivia was born with the manifest destiny to be canonized Saint Rose of Lima on April 12, 1617.

Because she had her hands in the fire of Adam Lanza's youth, a church of her name was threatened on December 16, 2012 as being complicit in the massacre in Newtown two days


When she was Adam Lanza's age at death, Saint Rose listened to a voice inside her that told herself that she must suffer for the sake of human love. We know that Adam Lanza listened to a voice inside himself that may have had an echo of Saint Rose, for he had attended the

St. Rose pre-school in Newtown for a short period, and the inner voice he heard told him of suffering to come such that he could not develop socializing skills because no one heard his

inner voices.

Adam Lanza did not understand the need for self sacrifice as the path to social skills and his soul was lost in the lonely pathology of personal survival amidst autistic messengers. Saint

Rose heard the balancing voice of the man-child with the rod of iron from her youth and that voice swayed her autistic messengers toward saintly action. The peace of Jesus saves!

Adam Lanza never found the homeostasis that comes when external voices and internal voices reach the House of Libra. For a Great Red Dragon consumed the Man-child of the Iron Rod before Adam Lanza could hear of balancing desire from his own mother. This is why there was not made for Nancy Lanza "two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a

time, from the face of the serpent." The voice of the serpent was not understood by Nancy or Adam Lanza, and that is the greater reality of the tragedy that led to the massacre in

Newtown on December 14, 2012. On that day the Great Red Dragon consumed the Heavenly Virgin's Son and the consequence was terror beyond comprehension in rooms

filled with twenty virgin children before they reached the age of reason.

The message of Newtown is simple.

Give children guns and experience using them, and they will.

But, depravation of potentially destructive force is not the way to prevent destruction, for every nation that has been denied deadly force has succumbed to tyranny by those who keep the deadly force of Perseus in hand. There is only one way to achieve homeostasis in a child.

The child must be shown the potential for good and the potential for evil and the means to balance these autistic voices when they come without cognition. The need for training in the act of balancing inner voices has been well known for over 30,000 years. The Ancients all lived in a world of jungle beasts. That is why they established rituals to give inexperienced youth the balancing power when they come to know the later traumatic events of their lives.

The culture of Nancy Lanza had come a long way with the 16th Century Heresies in the progressive movement of enlightenment with repression of ritual. Lack of the balancing

rituals of religious training results in the collective unconscious of man becoming an uncircumcised beast such that desires find no need for balance. The actions of December 14,

2012 are written at the Gateway of Gods and echoed in Revelation 12 and 13.

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The Modern Scientific Culture bound by the Socratic Non-sense of Rational Tyranny shot and killed twenty children, six women, a mother, and an autistic son, as sure as the Winter

Sun rose above the Gateway of Gods within a week of the shooting for the first time in 26,000 years. Adam Lanza was a victim of the culture that denied him his manifest destiny

to access the Gateway of Gods where a STAR RISES FROM JACOB.

The solution to Newtown is simple.

Give children harmonizing orders and experience using them, and they will.


Basel Cathedral to St. Rose Church

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Before leaving the House of the Man-child with the hand of an iron rod, we must restore meaning to the words "A STAR SHALL RISE OUT OF JACOB" and witness the Shekinah of the 16th Century Aztecs and the Ancient Hebrews when Moses went upon the Mountain

of the Lord.

This land has been held sacred by all ancient tribes of the earth since before the Cows Came Home at Lascaux. The distance from the Judgment Hall to the top of the Mountain is Great, and yet, in 2013 a Love Light will come to guide the way. Modern astronomers have seen the light and they have laid out its path, even though they do not have the autistic skills of

Isabel Flores y de Olivia or Adam Lanza to receive the Word of God.

Number 11 is Virgo, the celestial woman clothed in the Sun at the Top of the Mountain of

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the Lord, and her daughter was Mother Earth, who is also clothed in the Sun GN+. Given that the Man-child of Libra was now taken up to the Throne of the Heavenly Father, it is for the Teacher of Righteousness to weigh and analyze the state of the Balance. That which uses

the Balance is one who can say, "I Analyze," after a Day of Judgment has come PZ.

Thus, before proceeding to the 12th Star in Virgo's Crown, was must do as her Word of God demands. We must stop our journey to the Kingdom of Heaven and analyze where we have been and determine whether we are on the path of Isabel Flores y de Olivia or Adam Lanza. The answer was illustrated in the Sceptre of Israel, but we must analyze that sceptre in detail or we could fall into the Lion's Den with Daniel's betrayers and be consumed by Apollyon,

the angel of the bottomless pit.

Daniel's Redemption21 And Daniel answering the king, said: O king, live for ever! 24 And by the king’s

commandment, those men were brought that had accused Daniel: and they were cast into the lions’ den, they and their children, and their wives: and they did not reach the bottom of

the den, before the lions caught them, and broke all their bones in pieces.

Go now to the Sign of Divine Parenting that represents the solution to the sacrifices of the twenty virgins of Newtown.

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The Curse of O-Ba-Ma Care

In some African and Caribbean countries, a similarly obscene gesture is extending all five digits with the palm facing forward, meaning "you have five fathers" (thus calling someone a bastard). The First Obama Oath of Office in the sequence it was spoken: I Barack Hussein Obama I Barack do solemnly swear.I Barack Hussein Obama do solemnly swear.

The First Obama Oath of Office by the two participants: Roberts: I Barack Hussein Obama . . . Obama Interrupts: I Barack . . .Roberts still on his pace: . . . do solemnly swear.Obama restarts: I Barack Hussein Obama do solemnly swear.

SEIU-Takedown-Obama-Swears-Bastard.mov(Main images follow.)

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1. The force that destroys all Great Nations is rational judgment based upon fear of conquest. 2. The reaction to fear is rage and temper tantrums that become “Liberating Strife.” 3. A new leader is “created” who can steal the hearts and minds of the constituent base. 4. In short order his handlers carry out the order, “Let Them Know,” to bond the

constituents. 5. Only the constituents know the Secret Code because “loose lips sink ships.” 6. Truth cannot be hidden or destroyed. Truth can only be denied. That which is before the

face is truth and the mind of good conscience can read the body language truth inspires. 7. The first of the Great Nations to Fall was Atlantis, the global Aborigine Culture sensed by

Plato.8. Egypt held the fort for an impossibly long period of time because She taught reincarnation

of the Spirit in the Sky and resurrection of the Body on Earth. This Tenet is the only order that can restore the Order of Truth. All other forms of orders are mortal dementia guided by Lords of the Under World who claim to be Real Men by virtue of their total lack of virtuous understanding. They are what they say they are not, and their body language reveals the Spirit in the Sky that is Universal Truth even through deceased flesh, i.e., senselessness.

9. Israel saw the “hand writing on the wall” and they took the Manna from Heaven and made it the Law of the Land for the sake of the Land Above the Land. This caused Egypt to slide beneath the Abysmal Sea, as she predicted would occur when the Asiatics descended into Egypt. But, Egypt had an ace up her sleeve in the Abyss. Egypt understood reincarnation of the Spirit in the Sky and resurrection of the flesh in the Life to Come, i.e. intuition. It was this very doctrine that the Men From Ur have despised since civilization began. Every time these Lords of Darkness usurp the Light of Day in one land of achievement, the Light of the World is reincarnated elsewhere and resurrected each day.

10. Alexander defeated the Men From Ur and established a New World Order aimed at the raising up of the Celestial Virgin in the Tenets of the Hellenes. The death of the Hellenes was the death of the primordial Christians. The Hellenes, composed of Egyptian, Hebrew, and Greek legacies resolved to keep the Faith in the Man-child of the Wonder in Heaven alive without reincarnation of the ancient Spirit in the Sky. By resurrection of the collective body of experience, this magical feat was accomplished as faith, hope, and love empowered by the Belief in eventual Rapture and then Reincarnation of the Son of God. But, before this could happen the King of the Men From Ur would have to be removed from real consciousness to protect the Cognition of Truth hidden behind the veil in the Temple of Man. There can be no doubt that the Aborigine, the Egyptians, the Hebrews, and the Hellenes believed in an Afterlife. But, the way of the coming Cognition of the Creator had to be hidden so that the Children of God could come to know the meaning of impoverishment of Cognition of the Spirit In The Sky. This process became the Age of the




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Dead King of the Jews, raised in a Sea of Reeds by the sucker roots of the Tree of Life, the Nazarenes of Pisces.

11. We are now at the point where the King of the Americans must be destroyed so that impoverishment of substance can be joined with impoverishment of spirit as the Apotheosis of George Washington is denied for the sake of Progressive Ideals. This form of impoverishment is Pure Chaos. In every cycle of the Phoenix the demise of the Civil Order is brought about by Progressive Idealists who see through fear filled eyes because of their own incarnated anger induced by False Expectations Appearing Real (FEAR) created as a vehicle for control. This was the same Heresy that took down Atlantis, and Egypt many times, and Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Rome. When cultures are focused upon these rationalizations of FEAR, the leaders are the ones who control the FEAR of their beasts of burden who are the minions of Progressive Fantasies. This is exactly what the minions expect of tyrants, but because they turn their backs to Truth and fill their faces with FEAR they cannot separate any subliminal feeling from its sensible source. The FEAR Mongers are the Masters of Deception that offer wealth and personal satisfaction as they put the minions in bondage. The number of such FEAR Mongers is great, but they are an incredibly small portion of the FEAR witnessing minions. The result is power given to the few revolutionaries eventually percolates up to a Single Boss. The FEAR of that BOSS is what the FEAR Mongers teach the Minions to sing. The Minions then feel the comfort of the song, “My Darling,” and do not comprehend the rationalization that caused the loss of their own souls. The FEAR Mongers are the soldiers of the Great Red Dragon of Unbalanced Desire who upset the tranquility in the Minions and then bind them to addictive salvation as the FEAR Mongers rise to become Kings of Kings until eventually one masters fear better than all the others and becomes The King of Kings until eventually one masters FEAR better than all the others and becomes The King of Kings riding on a donkey with the head of a woman, the tail of a peacock and the wings of an eagle, i.e., an arrogant egotist. In spite of the shenanigans of the deceptive Progressive Tyrants, there is one King of Kings that no mortal can rise above. This is the Truth that is the Spirit in the Sky and it was to this King that George Washington ascended in his Apotheosis. Any Progressive Agenda that denies Truth must deny George Washington. Of Washington, all his peers revealed his core belief, “A friend in deed is a friend indeed.” Being of Anglican and Masonic tradition Washington understood the Mithrasian matra, “Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friend.” It was this very core belief that resulted in the Apotheosis of George Washington in the Temple of Liberty in the District of Columbia, i.e. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

12. A man from Tarsus, where the Mithrasians began, fell down to Earth two millennia ago and from his humbled position he saw the Light of Day. Like a bolt from Zeus this man from Tarsus and all the men who followed Perseus in the form of Mithras came to see the Face of God. Like the Benjaminites taking the daughters of Shiloh and the Romans taking the daughters of the Hills of Sabina, the Mithrasians eventually came to realize that they had Raped the daughters of Demeter and by doing so had angered the rightness of Mother Nature. In the minds of boys, rape is simply a process of becoming a man. So it is that the Progressives have gone to the daughters of Columbia and justified their actions under the tenet, “boys will be boys” as "they do what is right in their own eyes."




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The concept of rape in the minds of mature men is well defined in the words of Revelation 12, where the Wonder in Heaven travails to give birth to the Man-child of the hand of iron. The gift she offers is threatened by the Great Red Dragon, whose claws are the Symbol of Justice and also the Man-child of the iron hand. What we see when we see the Rape of the Daughters of Columbia is a Progressive Mind doing what is “right in his own eyes.” These eyes do not sense with a conscience nor do they have cognition beyond personal desire. The Progressive Mind is a beast known as the Great Red Dragon. It is always veiled as a savior of “hope and change,” but when the End Times come, it is clear that the veil covered unbalanced desire that consumed Liberating Common Sense under the guise of Social Justice.

A man named Saul came to this Light of Cognition of Truth and followed it because the Light of Cognition delivers True Justice rather than the Herd Justice of the FEAR Mongers who cry, “Love Me!, Kill Him!” for the sake of Social Justice. When civilization sets its goal to rape Mother Nature, there can be no Social Justice because the Garden of Eden has born the fruit of destruction. Anger is no virtue even when it is disguised as a minion of SEIU.

The moral of the story? Never send a Wooden Boy to do a Real Man's job. The ego desire, "I can't wait to be king," destroys the solemn occasion of a child's accomplishments. Obama did not have teleprompters just four words, "I," and "Barrack Hussein Obama," which are one word to an arrogant boy, were beyond his capacity to "Think on his Feet." This is the meaning of the total solar eclipse at Easter Island on July 11, 2009. The four Moai without eyes have lost their sense of vision. The fifth Moai is the Light of Day because he sees what enters his eyes. Obama did not make a mistake in timing, for in his Pinocchio like mind, he did not know enough to listen until he is asked to speak. That was the very last message of Senator Obama. The inference is that he was a puppet created by a constituency with an agenda beyond the wildest dreams and fears of Americans. His goal was to put America in the same place as Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Christianity. His puppet masters were going to install a Progressive New World Order.




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The reaction of the Obama political machinery to their puppet's slip was anger and blame because their boy could not stand like a real man and solemnly swear allegiance to the community of his Bosses, the American People. The anger was clearly expressed behind the veil of the 2nd Oath for which video cameras were excluded and a pose choreographed by the political machinery was all that eyes would see. From that time on the Puppet would never speak without a Teleprompter.

It is likely that Obama never understood what his handlers told their constituents. The hands tell the story as Obama called Chief Justice Roberts and Benjamin Laponte bastards. The dream of the First Black President in the Eyes of the Moai in the Island of Columbia was that America had matured and was beyond racial bigotry and the "misguided" youth of the country. However, to swear allegiance and then call America's Forefathers and Justice System bastards on the first day as president clearly demonstrated a hidden agenda. This Political Machinery from Hades had a single objective in a distorted e pluribus unum. The objective was to "execute the office of president" and create a new constitution based upon demented Progressive forms of slavery. The following two years verified that the objective of America's Destruction was being accomplished. The Progressive mentality is that of a baby suckling at its mother's breast with no comprehension of how she provides her milk. The SEIU and other Labor Focused organizers had the power of children who suckle by the misguided voting. Progress will mean the destruction of a responsible course for America and the End Times of a Democracy worn by Time and Strife.

This childish behavior is not the result of immaturity, however. It is a direct result of vendettas against the Founding Fathers of the United States of America by a labor movement equivalent to that which brought Ancient Egypt to its demise 3380 years earlier when Progressives established a New Heaven and a New Earth in Egypt under the Atenist suckling heresy. The bankruptcy in moral and material values in Egypt resulted in an Exodus of the destroyers and a veiled propaganda mill like the world had never seen was set up to deny the benevolence of Mother Egypt. The virgin goddesses called America, Liberty, Justice, and Columbia were raped for over a century of Progressive Heresy and they finally collapsed into the thin film over the River Styx during the Obama lead disintegration of the United States for the sake of a New World Order without poverty or wealth.

The Perseus dream was to become king by treachery of fate. The Aquarius dream was that salvation would come when people cared for each other. These were the Spirits of the Father's Son and the Mother's Son. Hidden behind the veil of every Father's Son propaganda is the desire to control. Hidden within the Life Giving Waters of the Mother's Son prophesy is the potential to




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care. In the Obama Political Machinery the dominant figure is George Soros, who declares himself to be a Follower of Perseus in his funding through Perseus LLC.

Now we have the constituents of the Obama political machinery singing the song of Obama's Perseus Curse in the disguise of O-Ba-Ma Care. Just remember that SEIU and all the Soros funded groups are about control and compassion must be prevented. When they sing "When the boss comes callin' don't believe their lies" it would be very prudent to avoid the false paps and understand that "The Boss" is the American public that is the real funding source of the Obama Political Machinery. Progressives have always sung about redistribution of wealth, and they have always delivered the children into poverty. This time will be different because of the rage in the lack of success in Progressive Agendas for the last 100 years. The result will be a Biblical End Times. These End Times are precisely on schedule with the Manna from Heaven and all the ancient scriptures of human civilization. The puddle upon which the American Virgins stand is the entrance to the Black Hole of the River Styx and Hades. And the Progressives proudly sing, "We gotta take the bastards down."

Exodus 2:5-6 And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it. And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrews' children.

Exodus 2:11-12 And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.




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The Overseer of Egypt was Osiris, and the Men from Ur known to the Egyptians as Asiatics destroyed the beneficent Egyptian culture that raised the Asiatic Father's Sons out of the waters of the Styx and gave them potential for Eternal Life. The Pyramid complex at Giza was constructed as an End Time Memorial. The Egyptians, as clearly shown in the Nefer-RohuProphesy, were dedicated to the Coming of the Age of Aquarius. They knew that the Heavens declared the Glory of the Creator and that the heavens also carried the Grapes of Wrath of God Angry Eyes. Before the coming of the Compassionate Son, there must be total desolation of Egypt, Persia, Greece, Israel, Rome, and America. And, with this wisdom the Giza Complex was designed to bring the Living who were Dead to the Necropolis of the Dead who were still Living so that the Generations of Man in the future past the cyclical End Times would understand how to defeat the sting of mortality and cross the River Styx.

The Legacy of the Men from UrThroughout human history the Battle of the Gods has witnessed cultures raised from an abyss by the Man-child of an Earthly Woman and the Heavenly Father. What the Man-child of the Earthly Woman achieves goes to his head and then the Men from Ur, who are born of an Earthly Father and an Earthly Mother move into the successful civilization of the Mother's Son and Take the Bastards Down. That is the legacy of the July 22, 2009 solar eclipse at Varanasi and the July 11, 2010 solar eclipse at Easter Island. Easter Island is at the omphalos of the southern heavens and the most southerly point in the galaxy as observed from the Solar System. In July 11, 2010 the Moon, whose light is a reflection of the Light of Day, killed its Father that is the Light of Day as the orbs passed over the Land Under the Land at the bottom of the universe. The Moon took the Sun down over an island named after the Day of Paternal Unity of the most famous of all Mother's Son. Easter Sunday was the day the Mother's Son determined to return to his Father in Heaven and leave the mortal confines of his Earthly Mother.

Every week there are seven days that go in the sequence, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venus, Saturn, Uranus. Each day is a day of a king. On the Eighth Day the Journey of the Children of the Son return to the First Father. His name is Uranus or Ouranos or Sebek and he was the Father of Time, who was Saturn, Chronos, Shu. We do not celebrate the Eighth Day of the Father because after the Seven Periods of Enlightenment, the Son and the Father become One and it is Sunday, again. The child finishes the mortal journey at sunset on the Sabbath of Saturn Day. The Grim Reaper consumes all youth. But, to the Man-child of the Earthly Mother who can return to the Heavenly Father there will be given Judgment and Justice.




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The Signs of the Times

1. The position of Saturn during total eclipses of the Sun and the Moon between July 22, 2009 and March 20, 2015.

2. The Masonic representation of the American Goddess, Virgo with Saturn in her hair on July 4, 1776, a date to remember.

3. Combined Masonic craftwork with Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and the Great Red Dragon. Note that the “Wonder in Heaven” has Saturn at her back. On 11/3/13 an annular total solar eclipse will cast its shadow at the equator and the Greenwich meridian (Zulu) from the boundary of Virgo and her Man-child of an iron hand, Libra, conjunct with Saturn. The Halo of the Sun will announce the Time of Judgment for the New World Order.

4. When the Grim Reaper comes he takes away her flower of idealism and inters the remains of the dream of E Pluribus Unum.

5. After Judgment Day the Virgin child must restore the temple of Columbia, Freedom, Liberty, Justice, as America studies the legacy of history with the dream of betterment restored.




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The current End Time is exactly as prophesied in the great scripture of all Lost Civilizations. The current cult of arrogance is the American Way that was usurped when the Great Shepherd of the Progressives smote the Egyptian-America, Benjamin Laponte. It is again as Nefer-Rohuindicated.

This land is helter-skelter, and no one knows the result which will come about, which is hidden from speech, sight, or hearing. The face is deaf, for silence confronts. I show thee the land topsy-turvy. That which never happened has happened. Men will take up weapons of warfare, (so that) the land lives in confusion. Men will make arrows of metal, beg for the bread of blood, and laugh with the laughter of sickness. There is no one who weeps because of death; there is no one who spends the night fasting because of death; (but) a man's heart pursues himself (alone). (Disheveled) mourning is no (longer) carried out today, (for) the heart is completely separated from it. A man sits in his corner, (turning) his back while one man kills another. I show thee the son as a foe, the brother as an enemy, and a man killing his (own) father.

Every mouth is full of "Love Me!", and everything good has disappeared. The land is perished, (as though) laws were destined for it: the damaging of what had been done, the emptiness of what had been found and the doing of what had not been done. Men take a man's property away from him, and it is given to him who is from outside, I show thee the possessor in need and the outsider satisfied. He who never filled for himself (now) empties. Men will [treat] (fellow) citizens as hateful, in order to silence the mouth that speaks. If a statement is answered, an arm goes out with a stick, and men speak with: "Kill Him!" The utterance of speech in the heart is like a fire. Men cannot suffer what issues from a man's mouth.

The Legacy of Buraq ObamaAfter two years and a mid-term election that demonstrated that American's desired a Mother's Son to bring civility back to the Land of Columbia, we hear a song dedicated to the destruction of those who create wealth as the Progressive Objective moves forward toward sure destruction under the edict of Redistribution of Wealth; "Men take a man's property away from him, and it is given to him who is from outside, I show thee the possessor in need and the outsider satisfied. He who never filled for himself (now) empties."

The fault does not lay in the lap of Barack Obama, for he was just a lost child of a father who ran from his own senses just because he could see his own rightness and was blind to all other.

Judges 21:24-25 (King James Version) And the children of Israel departed thence at that time, every man to his tribe and to his family, and they went out from thence every man to his inheritance. In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.




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If ever a warning of the approaching End Times of a culture has been made by a Great Usurper, there can be no greater ironic honesty than the Second Oath of "I Barack." He raised his hand and said, "We gotta take the bastards down." He did this, not of his own hand as the photo suggests. He did it because he had no cognition of the Cosmic Hand. Through Barack Obama and his political machinery, God has taken down Columbia's Sons and the Book of Revelation is now history. But, heed the warning of Genesis 2:15-17 (King James Version).

And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

America cannot recover from the plagues of Egypt, any more that Egypt could. The alien workers cried, "Love me! Kill him!" before Snefru guided the prescient construction of the Giza Complex. Why was it so important to build an edifice to the Cup Bearer, Aquarius? Because America cannot recover and a New World Order must take its place. But, history also tells us that there will be many years of devastation as those who do "that which is right in their own eyes" destroy the greatest civilization on Earth, again. Once the successful children of Mother Earth have been destroyed, then Mother Earth, through the benevolent intent of the Father in Heaven will conceive a new man-child and the regeneration process will start all over again. No religion known to man has ever survived the Holocaust caused when alien laborers "take the bastards down."

Two millennia ago the Hellenes felt the sting of the Phoenix as it entered the fire. They had lost the dream of Alexander's New World Order. So, they licked their wounds and attempted to record a legacy of what had happened to them. This time they would take a universal approach named catholic. In the New Covenant the Mother's Son would die at the End Times, not to prevent the End Times, but to save the lost souls who did not heed the warning of the Phoenix.

After the holocaust the Phoenix becomes a Worm and begins to cultivate a new World Order in the Earth. The Gaudy Bird that ate the Worm preyed upon himself as man consumes mankind. And when the Worm Turns, then a new World Order will rise from the ashes in exactly the same form that went into the fire. The Mother's Sons will take compassion on the fellow travelers and together they will build order from chaos. This too will pass away for the Phoenix and the Worm represent a never ending cycle under the Rock of Ages with the Face of the Illuminati.




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Regardless of the nature of any New World Order, the evidence of Kilroy never disappears. Many children look over the edge of life's container wondering what is happening as they write their own empty legacies and their children are doomed to misery until God Angry Eyes witnesses the sounds of the children to come. It is this event that results in salvation.




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When Mother Nature hears the cries of her children, with their heads on straight, her Angry Eyes become Smiling Eyes. She is sensitive to the needs of the frowning children. They need a comforter, and for that task she was created. She sent her Beloved Son ahead so that when the End Times came he would turn the waters of compassion into the wine of celebration.

When we examine the religious cults that are empowered around the Earth today, we find a paucity of Comforters (Aquarius) and an abundance of Warriors (Perseus). Even Jesus came into town riding on a donkey before his anger disrupted the Holy City of Jerusalem. Thus "I Barack" follows the most ancient of all traditions even though of him and his political machinery it can be said, "They know not what they do." And that is exactly where we are today. From the solar eclipse in Varanasi on July 22, 2009 to the solar eclipse of July 11, 2011 at Easter Island and many events filled with Synchronicity since, we have been told that the Father in Heaven was "taking the bastards down." Man has divined righteousness from the evil of self perception. This is a deadly combination for which Adam was warned. It means that the Aborigine understood why people fail. It is only the people who fail that cannot read the Hand Writing on the Cosmic Wall. The current generation of humans has no idea that there is a Cosmic Wall, much less that it is the chalkboard of the Almighty upon which the Spirit in the Sky is of Universal Care. With global positioning systems in their cell phones and planetarium programs depicting where on Earth the cell phone is relative to the heavens the modern Pinocchios simply turned to donkey boys headed off the Pleasure Island and Hakuna Matata. All the high tech devices that have come from the invention of writing and other forms of Secret Codes take human conscious to a rational material universe in which there is no Spirit in the Sky.





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It is time to board Noah's Ark once again, for Benjamin Raves again.

The Sunset of the Easter Island solar eclipse showed that the Heavenly Father of Egypt and Israel came up out of the darkness with his head upside down. That is a very powerful message if there is a Spirit in the Sky. Even if it were a matter of coincidence it would be a profound moral. But, because it is a profound moral, only a fool on a donkey would claim to be in a place without the Spirit in the Sky. The Heavens declare the Glory of Creation in a Synchronicity, though equivalent to mere human conversation in coloring books, the Heavens are on a Journey. They seek the sings of the Gemini Twins whose heads are their brightest stars and whose heads define the direction of UP for all the inhabitants of the Earth,





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The Curse of Obama Care is the inheritance he gives the Children of Mother Columbia and Mother Earth and Mother Nature.

The Truth about Obama Care is that there will be no one to comfort the children until the End Times have passed away.

These are the ones who will carry the oath of the SEIU song in empty souls.

Let them know We gotta smash 'em to the ground

Let em know We gotta take the bastards down

The destruction of the Little Bastards is the effect of Obama Care, for he bows to Kings in Arabia and curses Founding Fathers of Novus Ordo Seclorum as he dreams Progressive Dreams of a New World Order. Ecclesiastes was correct, "There is nothing new under the Sun." But, Ecclesiastes missed the Boat of the Sun on which Reason rode over the mountain of rational material existence into a legacy of Love and Understanding. Al Buraq Obama and all his institutionalized constituents now rock the Boat of the Sun as they echo Nefer Rohu's refrain, "Love me! Kill him!"

So be not afraid of these End Times. Rather, be prepared to witness history repeating itself as the Phoenix rise from the ashes once the Worm has turned.





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Return to Benjamin Raves Return to Eye of SiloamSU International

43430 East Florida Avenue, #F331 Hemet, CA 92544

Copyright © 2011 SU International. All rights reserved. First Posting: February 24, 2011 Last Update: February 26 2011

Dropkick Murphys - Take 'em Down Song Title : Take 'em Down | Artist/Band : Dropkick Murphys

When the boss comes callin' they'll put us down When the boss comes callin' gotta stand your ground When the boss comes callin' don't believe their lies

When the boss comes callin' his take his toll When the boss comes callin' don't you sell your soul When the boss comes callin' we gotta organize

Let em know We gotta take the bastards down Let them know We gotta smash them to the ground Let em know We gotta take the bastards down

hen the boss comes callin' you'll be on your own When the boss comes callin' will you stand alone? When the boss comes callin' will you let them in?

When the boss comes callin' will you stand and fight? When the boss comes callin' we must unite When the boss comes callin' we can't let them win

Let em know We gotta take the bastards down Let them know We gotta smash 'em to the ground Let em know

We gotta take the bastards down

We gotta take the bastards down

When the boss comes callin' they'll put us down When the boss comes callin' gotta stand your ground When the boss comes callin' don't believe their lies

When the boss comes callin' his take his toll When the boss comes callin' don't you sell your soul When the boss comes callin' we gotta organize

Let em know We gotta take the bastards down Let them know We gotta smash 'em to the ground Let em know We gotta take the bastards down

Let em know We gotta take the bastards down Let them know We gotta smash 'em to the ground Let em know We gotta take the bastards down



Mark Mattioli Responds In Truth (Printable PDF)

Allow time for the Mark Mattioli excerpts to load.

Mark Mattioli, father of the one of the Newtown Sandy Hook shooting victims, testifies before a gun violence task force in Hartford, Connecticut on 1/28/2013.

Fox News: Mark Mattioli Testimony Excerpts 1/28/2012, 5:11 minutes

Fox News: Mark Mattioli Testimony Excerpts; Megyn Kelly, Brad Blakeman, Juli Roginski 1/28/2012, 10:52 minutes

1/28/2013 Mark Mattioli,

I think there is much more promise for a solution in identifying researching and getting solutions along the lines of mental health issues. It is a simple concept. We need civility across our nation. Parenting is where we need to focus our attention. We do not need complex laws. Return

Parenting Once Required Maternal Affection

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INTERMEZZO II: Mark Mattioli Responds In Truth


A Conservative White Perspective based upon literal interpretations of the Bible and the Conservative Black Perspective tainted by Black Liberation Theology of Rev. Jeremiah Wright are the essence of the loss of civility in the Christian Community in America when words rather than creation are the focus. The loss of civility in America has always been a concern for which Democracy was the solution, but when basic human beliefs are decimated and trashed by liberalizing tyranny, Mattioli's concerns become an Impossible Dream.

All governments based upon words are guided by Lords of Darkness. This also applies to all religions where the root intents of the religion are veiled to hide the "religamentation" of Horus to Osiris by the sentiment of Isis, as shown in the northeast wall of the Hathor Temple in Denderah, Egypt, circa 120 BC. All Bibles, Old and New, Hebrew, Catholic, Protestant, and Mormon, are derived from experiences of tyrannical repression by governments. This should be self evident because tyrants never reveal what they are doing when they control the heart strings of the people. Governments cannot avoid tyrannical pathologies because the people, freely or otherwise, give control of their own souls to their Governing State Parents that must lie, as Rev. Jeremiah Wright concluded, and BarackObama has confirmed. When Mark Mattioli cries that "parenting is where we need to focus our attention" there is a not so subliminal tear that comes with the quiver in his voice because he knows that individual responsibility is a personal cross that only an individual can bear. Teaching that lesson is an "Impossible Mission" because the children desire a Mother's Abundant Breast Milk or to be dancing as the Golden Calf of the Father as the Chosen One.

The Liberal Perspective is color blind and truth blind on the surface, but behind the veil of liberalism is the destructive mind of the Great Red Dragon (unbalanced desire). In the liberal mind the debate is a matter of strength of verbal will because truth can never be shown to a mind that frees itself from sensible truth. The Liberal Perspective thrives, not on its own lack of creative skills, but on the divisive creative skills of Conservative Perspectives, the Medusa's Head. The many Conservative Perspectives desire to conserve what they have never witnessed accept by faith in debatably false promises. When full blown war breaks out the divisive Conservative Perspectives experience a unifying Renaissance to conserve life and the sentiment of Isis is empowered to religament the frayed connections of the heart strings. That removes the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Fruit of the Tree of Life empowers a unified Conservative Perspective, i.e., the Key of Heaven drops from Andromeda's free hand and reveals that Father, Mother, and Son are One in a Sacred family Trinity.

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Barack Obama is leading the dancers at the Golden Calf because he sees no value in conserving Life in the Status Quo. Obama is a man of two colors and his dark side has killed his light side for personal gain. Only the "Face of God" perspective can resolve the real struggle of Creative and Destructive Wills. It should be clear that Liberal Perspectives are empowered by the Angel of Death and Conservative Perspectives are empowered by the dream of the Redemption of a Lost Kingdom of Forefathers. This is Obama's dilemma and America's legacy. The Angel of Redemption comes in the Afterlife of the Angel of Death. This is the Manna in the stars "on Earth as it is in Heaven." Will America survive a boy's dreams of his Black Father when the boy does not know that there is no difference between a black and white boy when parenting is the goal and the mother does not acknowledge that children cannot mature without both male and female parents? Where was the paternal parent of the black boy in Barack Obama? The maternal parent left the world with her Golden Calf where the children of America dance and sing. Like Adam Lanza, Barak Obama was raised to become a Future First Person Shooter, but Obama placed a twist in the path and became a Future "Former First Person" Shooter.

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Obama shoots left and blows smoke to the right. Both of these famous photo releases were prepared for the specific need to corral the American sheep into a wolf's lair. After interrupting Chief Justice John Roberts at the inauguration on January 20, 2009 the Chief Justice was stammered and the result was an Oath that twice said, "I Barack." The new government was outraged at what the Chief Justice did, but their motto was, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." The meaning of this is that people are attentive to moments of crisis and that is when it is most feasible to burn an image into their minds that they will not forget. The second oath photo was staged to illustrate precisely what America was in for. Reading between the fingers Obama flipped off the Mason architect of the White House, Benjamin LaPonte and simultaneously associated both the Forefathers and the Supreme Court with bastards in African-Caribbean code. Then on February 1, 2013 after the Newtown massacre and two days before presenting his case for gun control in Minnesota, Ahriman Obama released a photo of the gun loving Future First Person Shooter. The noise protection says he cannot hear. The sunglasses say he cannot see. (Sunglasses are a detriment in skeet shooting, although eye protection is desirable.) But, the 12 gage over under shotgun reveals the true motives of the Future First Person Shooter. The barrel blows smoke to the right. And in virtually staged photographs by the Obama White House the objective is to hinder the vision of rightness, and or, Conservative Perspective on the Right. The Future First Person Shooter is clearly taking aim at the destruction of the First Persons of the American Government, which indicates to those who can read the dark side of his soul that his objective is to become the Future "Former First Persons" Shooter. This is what drives all liberals. They must destroy the successfully icons of the past for the sake of Progress in their own perspective. Coincidence? Synchronicity? Reality? When we add up

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all the "actions to obtain power" by Barack Obama we see a being with an overwhelming power seeking sinister side. But, this is not news, for Barack Obama declared war on colonialists in his first book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. IfAdam Lanza was trained by his parental conditioning to become a Future First Person Shooter for the sake of survival, the Barack Obam was trained by his parental conditioning to become a Future "Former First Persons" Shooter.

Nancy Jean Champion Lanza and Stanley Ann Dunham Obama were both Andromeda's that dropped The Key of Heaven, "Father, Mother, Son are One," and gave life to an Angel of Death. Obama's goal of taking wealth from rich kids and giving it to poor kids, besides being a deception, is based on lack of Paternal Parenting Experience, otherwise he would give the poor children Paternal Parenting rather than the example of a Future "Former First Persons" Shooter. Adam Lanza lost his dream of life and took the dreams of living children with him. Barack Obama sought an identity in his white man black identity and killed the white ancestors because there was more to gain by being wholly black. Both children acted on belief in evil, not on belief in life.

Where is the Father in the Obama White House? O-Ba-Ma is the sacred sound of a Nanny Gate Government; "Cry and be fed, for you are entitled to have whatever you desire." Unfortunately, had Obama studied history of such unbalanced desires he would have realized that every such socialist enterprise has failed for a simple reason. Nations are built by what children put into them, not by what children take from them. This lack of paternal maturity has, and will, always result in fiscal irresponsibility and excessive emotional reactions. Like Jacob becoming Israel, it is mandatory to do the right thing before one teaches the right thing. Jacob did what was right regarding his children while under his father-in-law's direction. After Jacob heard the voice of God and became Israel his beloved wife died in child birth and Israel raised Benjamin by himself. Benjamin means son of the right hand.

These are psychological pathologies that are the focus of all religions that promise a return to the Father, rather than a return of the Father. But, if the man-child is chided into "growing up" the result invariably is the opposite. Without mature mother and father images the child is lost in a bottomless pit where a "destructive mind" is the best defense in a debating environment where "reason without passion" is complex law. The successful Parental Example is the bearing of the cross of personal responsibility even if it means death to the heroic dream example. Without the Hieros Gamos of a paternal-maternal-child ideal, the Gate of Hell swings wide open. This reveals the only solution to the mental health, civility, and parenting issues. Mattioli knew in his soul by genetic wisdom, religious experience and career training that the problem was a society that could not mature regarding personal responsibility, the Cosmic Cross. His tear was for the hopelessness caused by the loss of Paternal Parental Soul, the first Tenet of all religious pathology. Without the paternal parental cross as an example then killing elementary school children or placing cosmic fiscal debt on them represent good cultural politics for the generation that desires to destroy the past generation for the sake of progress in consumption of the next generation. An child abandoned by its mother or father knows sinister examples and that is how children learn, by example. In the Ancient metaphysics the word for sinister meant leftist, or left handed.

Obama, Barack (2007-01-09). Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (Kindle Locations 2758-2767). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

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The day after the rally, Marty decided it was time for me to do some real work, and he handed me a long list of people to interview. Find out their self-interest, he said. That’s why people become involved in organizing—because they think they’ll get something out of it. Once I found an issue enough people cared about, I could take them into action. With enough actions, I could start to build power.

Issues, action, power, self-interest. I liked these concepts. They bespoke a certain hardheadedness, a worldly lack of sentiment; politics, not religion. For the next three weeks, I worked day and night, setting up and conducting my interviews. It was harder than I’d expected. There was the internal resistance I felt whenever I picked up the phone to set up the interviews, as images of Gramps’s insurance sales calls crept into my mind: the impatience that waited at the other end of the line, the empty feeling of messages left unreturned. Most of my appointments were in the evening, home visits, and the people were tired after a full day’s work. Sometimes I would arrive only to find that the person had forgotten our appointment, and I’d have to remind him or her of who I was as I was eyed suspiciously from behind a half-opened door. Return

Skeptics, empowered by Ahriman the maleficent deity of Zoroastrian theology, lurk in the darkness to destroy advocates who speak of things they have not seen. The Lord's Prayer was not an endopsychic fabrication of the Ancient mind that has come to reside in the Collective Unconscious as Jungians now believe. As you will be shown below there was an example of rightness given to them through the Journeys of the Celestial Hebrews. Ancients saw what they wrote with their own eyes long before they had learned how to verbalize what was before their faces. And very much earlier than when they fabricated the secret codes of writing they used hand signs such as five raised fingers means you have five fathers, i.e., you are a bastard. It is this visual memory aspect of the Collective Unconscious that is the Egyptian Osiris, the Unknowable AMUN and YHWH, that is the challenging cross to the rationalized light of Shu, Aten, Adonai, Ahura Mazda, Christ, and many others,. that preach that revelation is an aspect by which Truth comes down to Earth. The Shekinah of the Religions of Revelation is based upon prior sensation, not prior imagination (endopsychic) of the Divine Light. Let me repeat for emphasis. Commonsense is not a debatable sinister plan, it is that which is "right" and "before the face." The Ancients did not make up what they saw.

The successful Ancients, which are the only ones that reach eternal life, put rational expressions to real experiences for us to interpret. This very idea within religion implies that children can be led to see what they will not be allowed to open their mouths to reveal while they are alive. Religion must place a veil before the face of all prophets because the Face of God cannot be witnessed by those who seek an Individuated Life. The Individuated Life, an offspring of ego, must cease to exist as the soul of the mortal unites with the Immortal Soul. This process of revelation is, simply stated, facing reality. Love and Understanding are the Manifest Destiny of Rational Creation, and the Eternal Legacy of successful parenting..

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In the Biblical story of Jacob, his dream wife does not come to him for decades. Yet, Jacob loved the ones he was with and they all became wealthy. Then Jacob hears the voice of God and he is given the name Israel and sent off to Israel with his dream wife, Rachel. But, Rachel dies on the road to the Promised Land while giving birth to her second son and has twelfth son. As she dies she calls her second son Benoni, meaning "Son of my Sorrow." But, Israel gives the child a new name, Benjamin, meaning Son of the Right Hand. The moral is that Jacob did the "right thing" in becoming the Paternal Parent of righteousness as Israel because he had been a righteous father from the beginning of his paternity. The second child of Rachel ravens like a wolf in his youth because he knows not his mother, and cannot control a desire that he never fulfilled as a youth. Yet, at the right hand of Israel this man-child becomes a star out of Jacob that rises to the highest mountain in Israel. Eventually, the Hebrew Messiah is born at the burial place of Israel's Dream wife and the mother of the Righteous Son. The return to Bethlehem represents the return to the place where righteous children are born from the tomb of the righteous mother. In other words, the Sentiment for Rachel survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Land of the Rising Sun was restored by the Beloved Wife's Son. The Manifest Destiny of the Egyptians and the Hebrews was Love and Understanding and that was Rachel's Legacy.

Telling the uninitiated that they must die in order to live, is "debatably" false, and yet, it is experiential reality of the Manifest Destiny in the Promissory Materialism of all religions that demonstrate successful legacies. There is no debate when it comes to Cosmic Truth, for Cosmic Truth speaks for itself. The debate is over the possibility that falsehood can become truth by force or by redemption. Clearly this process is an objective of an "Impossible Dream" for the vast majority will never face reality because they fear the unknown afterlife because they have no offspring. Faith in the beneficence of the "Impossible Dream" results in conservative perspective. Doubt of the "Impossible Dream" results in liberal perspective. Psalm 105:32 describes the liberal perspective, "They provoked him also at the waters of contradiction: and Moses was afflicted for their sakes." These are the Waters of Contradiction between Leo and Aquarius, through which Moses, then Jesus, led those who would seek True Liberation beyond the veil that is before the Face of Truth as the sacrifice of the Bound Effeminate Soul. The Lanza (lance) of Pisces is the Roman spear in the side of Andromeda. The "sting of her" death is endopsychic fiction derived from the bondage

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situation of Andromeda and the experience of youths as Jacob or Cinderella, who work for tyrants and escape in goats and pumpkins. These revelations of the Word of God are commonsense in the flesh as demonstrated by the life of Alexander the Great. Achieving the highest level of commonsense is rare, but the mortal soul does not change by witnessing the Face of God. The mortal soul moves into the after life where all experiences are available as commonsense in the life to come; a legacy. Jacob's legacy was the Star of Bethlehem where the King of Kings that would save Jew and Gentile was to be born after the Father and Mother. Joseph and Mary returned to the Birthplace of the Star that rose out of Jacob. That star is the Sun, and its living place is the Solar City of Jerusalem and its Eternal City is Bethlehem.

Faith in the Shekinah empowered by the Face of God in the presence of destructive, and or, domineering intent that Zoroastrians represented by Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) destroying the Bull of Heaven. Upon turning his head he becomes Mithras, the new name of Ahura Mazda after Alexander the Great killed Angra Mainyu, and the Great City of Babylon became the New Jerusalem, again. When an Angel of Death sees reality, he changes course and ceases to kill God the Father as he becomes One with the Divine Father. Liberals believe they can destroy the Bull of Heaven by endopsychic denial (destructive mind) because their view of the Bull of Heaven reveals fictitious nonsense. Is Perseus the Angel of Death or the Golden Calf? Is Cetus, the sea monster, the lion Angra Mainyu, or the Behemoth, or the Golden Calf before destruction of the Individuated Life? Are the Waters of Contradiction the Reed Sea under Pisces? The answer is revealed beyond the Milky Way for Perseus is headed toward the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth by leaving the Milky Way. But, Perseus will never cross that celestial boundary because the mortal bull of man cannot destroy the Immortal Bull of Heaven by escaping from Cosmic Reality. Cosmic Reality is the beneficent Son of God, the Cosmocrator, Jesus. Perseus can destroy his brother, as did Seth of Osiris, and Cain of Abel, and Romulus of Remus, and Herod of Cleopatra, and Judas of Jesus, and Obama of Romney, etc. As above, so below. Life on earth is an echo of the memorial bread of heaven. The Eucharist is the thanksgiving for that heavenly manna received by the Faith Full, whether Jew or Gentile. When the mortal looks back from the Face of the Heavenly Father the mortal sees reality and the dream of heaven vanishes as the dead seek paths to reincarnation in scapegoats and pumpkins.

John 10:110 Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber.

Faith is the Ahura Mazda (Beneficent Experience, Jesus) of the "beneficent mind that comes again" that shepherds the children of heaven. Doubt is the Ahriman (Satan) of the

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"maleficent mind" that slays the Bull of Heaven, the Heavenly Father that is the Ghost of the Pantocrator. Read what is "Before the Face" in the animated image below and determine whether your Individuated Self has a soul of faith or a soul of doubt. Ignorance cannot be an option for manifest destiny. We are all born captives of the genetic wisdom of flesh until personal victory over the death of our Individuated Self allows us the Freedom of Mind that only comes with a Mind of Cosmic Truth, i.e., the beneficent Cognition of the Heavenly Father, whom we can never fully know. If we acknowledge this simple fact, then we understand why mortals cannot see the Face of the Pantocrator and live for that would be a sinister falsehood, not the Divine Light. Then we can witness the Messiah of Redemption and not be concerned by our lack of omniscience of Cosmic Cognition.

There is only one way to achieve omniscience in the mortal existence. The mortal mind must dictate science and reject ignorance by liberal perspectives and by denial of the Bull of Heaven and misrepresentation of the man-child of the Cosmic Truth that is the Star that shall rise out of Jacob. As Mark Mattioli says, "I think there is much more promise for a solution in identifying researching and getting solutions along the lines of mental health issues." But, the plough struck "pay dirt" thousands of years ago when Moses ascended the Mountain of God from which Adam fell and two thousand years ago when Jesus fulfilled the Law as the Reborn Adam. Further research in mental health is futile until we redeem, and then conserve, what has been denied by the liberal perspectives of politicians who are hired to be shepherds but take the path of thieves and robbers, for they are the raving wolves that tend the flock of children conserved from abortion's unbalanced desire by Sinister Hands.

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The Heavenly Father is All Truth, which implies Beneficent and Maleficent Intent. Yet, evidence in Cosmic Reality and on Earth is that Maleficent Intent is not part of the Heavenly Father's Cosmic Domain, just the intent prior to the coming of his creative conscience in Time. Humans had to imagine what a Destructive Lord would be like, and for that they read the genetic wisdom of Eve using a false expectations appearing real (FEAR) approach to gain control of that which God had not conceived. They declared the "fact" that the Heavenly Father must have evil intent because humans were just mortal creatures who would die. Since death was the presumed wages of sin, God was evil to the core because mortals must die. Fear of death is the nightmare that drives all ego defenses. Nightmares are no more real than Daydreams. Cosmic Truth is the Messiah that arrives when a dream ceases to be unreal as it restores the manifest destiny as commonsense on the top of the Mountain of Motherhood where the Ideal Wife succumbs at the birth of a righteous son. Truth never stops coming to mortals that keep a hand to the plow, for death is not a coming, death is a passing on. At the time when the Individuated Self arrives the plow is released from the right hand and the potential for immortality ceases. The Impossible Dream dies because the Individuated Self liberates the dream from the destination and doubts that the journey is worth the effort of keeping the hand to the plow. Yet, where does skepticism and doubt lead if not to the Bottomless Pit of Darkness?

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Luke 9:6262 Jesus said to him: No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Carl Gustav Jung

Stein, Murray; Jung, C. G. (1999-09-22). Jung on Christianity (Encountering Jung) (Kindle Locations 3322-3349). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition. (Emphasis added.)

The Mass is the summation and quintessence of a development which began many thousands of years ago and, with the progressive broadening and deepening of consciousness, gradually made the isolated experience of specifically gifted individuals the common property of a larger group. The underlying psychic process remained, of course, hidden from view and was dramatized in the form of suitable “mysteries” and “sacraments,” these being reinforced by religious teachings, exercises, meditations, and acts of sacrifice which plunge the celebrant so deeply into the sphere of the mystery that he is able to become conscious of his intimate connection with the mythic happenings. Thus, in ancient Egypt, we see how the experience of “Osirification,” originally the prerogative of the Pharaohs, gradually passed to the aristocracy and finally, towards the end of the Old Kingdom, to the single individual as well. Similarly, the mystery religions of the Greeks, originally esoteric and not talked about, broadened out into collective experience, and at the time of the Caesars it was considered a regular sport for Roman tourists to get themselves initiated into foreign mysteries. Christianity, after some hesitation, went a step further and made celebration of the mysteries a public institution, for, as we know, it was especially concerned to introduce as many people as possible to the experience of the mystery. So, sooner or later, the individual could not fail to become conscious of his own transformation and of the necessary psychological conditions for this, such as confession and repentance of sin. The ground was prepared for the realization that, in the mystery of transubstantiation, it was not so much a question of magical influence as of psychological processes— a realization for which the alchemists had already paved the way by putting their opus operatum at least on a level with the ecclesiastical mystery, and even attributing to it a cosmic significance since, by its means, the divine world-soul could be liberated from imprisonment in matter. As I think I have shown, the “philosophical” side of alchemy is nothing less than a symbolic anticipation of certain psychological insights, and these— to judge by the example of Gerhard Dorn— were pretty far advanced by the end of the sixteenth century. Only our intellectualized age could have been so deluded as to see in alchemy nothing but an abortive attempt at chemistry, and in the interpretative methods of modern psychology a mere “psychologizing,” i.e., annihilation, of the mystery. Just as the alchemists knew that the production of their stone was a miracle that could only happen “Deo concedente,” (God concedes) so the modern psychologist is aware that he can produce no more than a description, couched in scientific symbols, of a psychic process whose real nature transcends consciousness just as much as does the mystery of life or of matter. At no point has he explained the mystery itself, thereby causing it to fade. Hehas merely, in accordance with the spirit of Christian tradition, brought it a little nearer to individual consciousness, using the empirical material to set forth the individuation process and show it as an actual and experienceable fact. To treat a

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metaphysical statement as a psychic process is not to say that it is “merely psychic,”as my critics assert— in the fond belief that the word “psychic” postulates something known. It does not seem to have occurred to people that when we say “psyche” we are alluding to the densest darkness it is possible to imagine. The ethics of the researcher require him to admit where his knowledge comes to an end. This end is the beginning of true wisdom.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud before him have misled many Sons of the Age of Enlightenment into the densest darkness it is possible to imagine and then threw away the plow of truth on the assumption that the end of the search for self knowledge is the beginning of true wisdom. That decision can be made at any step along the furrow of cosmic truth (Maat, Rachel, Mary), and invariably that is why personalities are different in a place of Universal Commonsense. The ancient maps of the heavens totally dispute everything Jung has said in the excerpt above. Jung strived for the liberal perspective of science advocated by Obama and other Lords of Darkness that turn away from the search for truth when they arbitrarily and capriciously proclaim the possession of true wisdom and release the plow of the furrow of truth..

There is one way to achieve omniscience in the mortal existence. The mortal mind must dictate science and reject ignorance of truth by the action of liberal perspectives, i.e., No Bull of Heaven. Carl Jung was one of the advocates of the Bull Slayer. But, the Ancients did not desire to kill the Heavenly Bull, and Enkidu told Gilgamesh thousands of years before Zoroaster that the deed of killing the Heavenly Bull was the undoing of Gilgamesh. Yet. it was Enkidu that must die as payment, because Enkidu know in his heart that he was fabricated by the Bull of Heaven and Gilgamesh was just a man-child in a diaper. In this way the rational Gilgamesh survives and the autistic savant Enkidu is lost. The grief felt by Gilgamesh was his loss of access to commonsense. The goal of the Ancients was to participate in the heavenly manna that is, and always has been, and ever shall be, the Body of Christ, as prepared by the transubstantiation sacrifice of the cosmic Mass. The names have change, but the sacred ritual of sacrificing the Divine Child goes on.

John 6:30-4830 They said therefore to him: What sign therefore dost thou shew, that we may see,

and may believe thee? What dost thou work? 31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert, as it is written: He gave them bread from

heaven to eat. 32 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say to you; Moses gave you not bread from

heaven, but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is that which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life to

the world. 34 They said therefore unto him: Lord, give us always this bread. 35 And Jesus said to them: I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall not

hunger: and he that believeth in me shall never thirst. 36 But I said unto you, that you also have seen me, and you believe not. 37 All that the Father giveth to me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I

will not cast out. 38 Because I came down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him that

sent me.

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39 Now this is the will of the Father who sent me: that of all that he hath given me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day.

40 And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.

41 The Jews therefore murmured at him, because he had said: I am the living bread which came down from heaven.

42 And they said: Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How then saith he, I came down from heaven?

43 Jesus therefore answered, and said to them: Murmur not among yourselves. 44 No man can come to me, except the Father, who hath sent me, draw him; and I will

raise him up in the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets: And they shall all be taught of God. Every one that

hath heard of the Father, and hath learned, cometh to me. 46 Not that any man hath seen the Father; but he who is of God, he hath seen the

Father.47 Amen, amen I say unto you: He that believeth in me, hath everlasting life. 48 I am the bread of life.

The "sign" that is the "bread of life" is the whole cosmic reality. On November 28, 2013 a comet will come to remind the world that the "sign of the bread of life" has been denied and forgotten since the Dreadful Comet of 1680 came as a sign of the rejection of Satan from the House of Bread where Rachel's Pillar marks the axis of the galaxy and where the staff of Moses joins the axis of the City of the Sun called Jerusalem in the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. The messages of the comets are temporal and specific for the times of their coming. But, the Heavenly Hosts are the Handwriting on the Cosmic Wall that says there was Cosmic Intent by a Pantocrator and Cosmic Cognition is the Cosmocrator, the Father and the Son are one. The Israelites received this Manna from Heaven as Moses promised, but they did not shed the Individuated Self of the mortal being to transubstantiate into the Universal Self of the Living Bread. They simply exchanged mother's milk for father's bread. The stars reveal the message that is life. So does the stardust that is the mortal body. These are one in substance. But, the Individuated Soul brought out by Carl Jung's heuristic method is not cosmic because Jung declares that wisdom comes when the Individuated Self drops the plow of heaven into the densest darkness it is possible to imagine as proof of the beginning of true wisdom. This is the modern Liberal Perspective that makes mere mortals into gods of self righteousness and Sons of Darkness.

Liberals jump at that "worldly lack of sentiment" in order to seize control of the innocence in humanity. And they do it for political gain. To Liberals it is always about empowerment, which the world has had no sentiment to give the Liberal. Can such gain ever be revealed by the perpetrators that are thieves and robbers? Of course not, for then it would result in the loss of political control. Religion and Politics are the twin brothers of the Zoroastrian Chronos called Zurvan, who brought forth Ahura Mazda and Ahriman, whose endopsychic aspects are Religion and Politics, the Sons of Time. But, revelation in the heavens denies the existence of politics because the heavens are free to all who can master the plough with the "Horns of Moses" as the Shekinah of Divine Intent and dig for commonsense truth under the Eternal Signs of Rightness of the Crosses in Heaven until they become a Master of the Plow and become the Bread of Life.

Genesis 31:17-20, 31-35

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17 Then Jacob rose up, and having set his children and wives upon camels, went his way.

18 And he took all his substance, and flocks, and whatsoever he had gotten in Mesopotamia, and went forward to Isaac his father to the land of Chanaan.

19 At that time Laban was gone to shear his sheep, and Rachel stole away her father's idols.

20 And Jacob would not confess to his father in law that he was flying away.

31 Jacob answered: That I departed unknown to thee, it was for fear lest thou wouldst take away thy daughters by force.

32 But whereas thou chargest me with theft: with whomsoever thou shalt find thy gods, let him be slain before our brethren. Search, and if thou find any of thy things with me, take them away. Now when he said this, he knew not that Rachel had stolen the idols.

33 So Laban went into the tent of Jacob, and of Lia, and of both the handmaids, and found them not. And when he was entered into Rachel's tent,

34 She in haste hid the idols under the camel's furniture, and sat upon them: and when he had searched all the tent, and found nothing,

35 She said: Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise up before thee, because it has now happened to me, according to the custom of women, So his careful search was in vain.

Hear the words regarding the Clear Eyed Rachel and understand that the Mesopotamian Laban had gods that were under camel furniture and under Rachel. The gods of Mesopotamia we many in name, yet all were of Persia, and of Perseus, who Rachel places under the Camel and under the Galactic Tent. Thus, the Clear Eyed Rachel was maintaining control of the Angel of Death to keep it out of Heaven Above, for she had been raised under the gods of Laban and she was concerned regarding the preservation of the "custom of women," which is to say, Motherhood of Rightness. To this day, the women of Mesopotamia have no custom of women in rightness and they are chattel to Sons of Perseus, so Rachel, who would die giving birth, did what she could to save the legacy of maternal rightness.

Mental health, Civility, and Parenting are the essence of all cultures that struggle to thrive. The positive sides of these three dreams are religious. The negative sides of these three dreams are political. The only civil solution is to keep the Brothers apart by Separation of Religion and Politics. The liberal mind interprets these words to mean separation of Church and State, which is not a delusion, rather, it is a power grab that the Religious People submit to because they pay lip service to the timeless burden of the Cross of Civility. In modern American politics the designation of the beast of burden fits the liberal perception perfectly, as it has for thousands of years; the lords of liberty are in need of those that cover their asses. The pachyderms of the conservatives have too much trash in their enormous ears for them to re-member what details they are conserving, i.e., honesty, civility, family, or as I Corinthians 13:13 says, faith, hope, and charity.

Luke 20:25 tells us, "And he said to them: Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's: and to God the things that are God's." This is not a separation of State and Church edict. It is a separation of Politics and Religion command. The politicians stand by this rule and amplify it to declare "by action" that the State is all Political Affairs. The religious flocks yield to the politicians because they cease to bear the cross of their own circumcision.

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The original purpose of the ceremony of circumcision was to tame the wild man and establish civil order. Thus, from the very beginning, religion represented Civil Order. Once civil order became the goal, the Bull Slayers came and changed the meaning of circumcision to "No Bull" as they proceeded to spread bovine excrement wherever they talked without walking, teleprompter or not. That is when Mark Mattioli's "mental health issues, civility across our nation, and parenting" yielded to "complex laws." Commonsense laws are, for most practical cases, genetic wisdom, the sentiment of the beneficent Isis. Complexity in rationalized laws is required to dement the collective unconscious so that cognition of Manifest Destiny becomes a myth and political realities become the False Promissory Materialism that runs rampant in America today. So, "'God bless Politicians!' No, no, no, not God bless politicians. God damn politicians! No Bull Slayers!"

Revelation 11.9

And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan.

The pathology of the Dreadful Comet of 1680 traces Revelation 12, as opposed to the Lord's

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Revelation 121 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon

under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered.3 And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having

seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems: 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth: and

the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she should be delivered, he might devour her son.

5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God, and to his throne.

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that there they should feed her a thousand two hundred sixty days.

7 And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels:

8 And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven.9 And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and

Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.

12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell therein. Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time.

13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman, who brought forth the man child:

14 And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman, water as it were a river; that he might cause her to be carried away by the river.

16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the river, which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

17 And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

18 And he stood upon the sand of the sea.

"Mental health issues, civility across our nation, and parenting" yielding to "complex laws" is evidence that Revelation has been denied by the Age of Enlightenment. The Newtown Massacre and the election and reelection of Barack Obama are the consequence of a Future

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First Person Shooter syndrome bound to the gods of Laban under the Camel. The Dreadful Comet of 1680 touched the Medusa Cross and the foot of Perseus that steps on the Pleiades to before cutting his way through the galactic foreskin. Mattioli's symptoms of a greater problem are a result of the denial of the Wisdom of the Ancients. If democracy is to succeed, it must acknowledge that the Unborn have a vote in a True Democracy. Below, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's Minister for twenty years claimed the following.

"[The United States] government ... did not even believe that white women were created equal ... still thinks a woman has no rights over her own body," she put Indians on reservations ... Japanese in internment prison camps ... Africans in chains, auction blocks and cotton fields inferior schools and housing" and bound Africans to " positions of hopelessness and helplessness."

In spite of these clear failures of Motherhood, the professional basketball courts, professional baseball fields, and professional football fields are dominated by the sons of Africans, and the professional tennis courts are dominated by their daughters. But, the African family is still dominated by African daughters, for the Patriarchy that led to enslavement failed to catch hold in the African family. The African family is dominated by the gods of Laban, and Obama is their King arriving as the colt of a she ass. The truth about the Obama agenda is that democracy works if you have the power of life, but if you are not empowered with life, yet, then the Nanny State Democracy of our times carries the stigma ofthe Age of Enlightenment that denies the freedom to be born. The freedom to be born is a sacred right of passage. The Nanny State Democracy is a Sign of the Times and the racial prejudice in the African American Community supports organizers who know what Barack Obama had come to learn in a fatherless youth. "Issues, action, power, self-interest. I liked these concepts. They bespoke a certain hardheadedness, a worldly lack of sentiment; politics, not religion." The symptom that Mark Mattioli did not express, for fear of persecution, is that it results from a "worldly lack of sentiment in politics that must destroy religion." This is not a new revelation. It is the same revelation that comes when nations die because they consume the wealth and potential of their own children. Adam Lanza did not come close to the destruction of children that the Age of Enlightenment has brought upon the Earth. It has given virgin girls the right, and obligation, to kill unborn children. It is already far worse than imagined in Luke 21:20-27

Luke 21:20-2720 And when you shall see Jerusalem compassed about with an army; then know

that the desolation thereof is at hand. 21 Then let those who are in Judea, flee to the mountains; and those who are in

the midst thereof, depart out: and those who are in the countries, not enter into it.

22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things may be fulfilled, that are written.

23 But woe to them that are with child, and give suck in those days; for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people.

24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword; and shall be led away captives into all nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles; till the times of the nations be fulfilled.

25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of

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the sea and of the waves; 26 Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the

whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved;27 And then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with great power

and majesty.

When the Future "Former First Persons" Shooters come it is a Sign of Times of tribulation and trepidation. When enough suffering has come because of the vision of the many Sons of Man, then a Star shall rise from Jacob. That star is the Light of Day called Sol. All the people that have the sentiment of Isis for Heaven and Earth will drop what they are doing and prepare the way for the generations to come. That is what the symptoms spoken of by Mark Mattioli reveal. What Mark Mattioli saw, with the death of his son James, was the Face of the Lord. Yet, no congressional committee could speak to his grief. They were too busy looking for asses to cover for the sake of their own back parts. The Newtown Massacre and many Signs of Our Times over the last four centuries are telling us to pay attention to the Wisdom of the Ancients. They lived through what we are going into.


Rev. Jeremiah Wright was right. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent. Yet, in his self conceit, his words do not carry the fact of liberal evolution theory. All humans are of African descent. It is not a matter of genes or gender or nurture or education or age. It is a matter of mental health issues, civility across our nation, and parenting without focused attention because we are given complex laws when what is required is for the Sun to be a Star to rise out of Jacob. The hidden purpose for complex laws is to prevent America from becoming the Land of the Rising Sun again by the tyrannical will of Future "Former First Persons" Shooters.. The complex laws have always been replaced by commonsense when the death of nations calls to the nations to place a New Aeon in the Manger in the House of I Conceive.

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A Conservative White Perspective

I: "To support and encourage the Tea Party and other conservative Americans because they are the people who will guard America’s freedom and heritage, ensuring that the United States will continue to be the greatest nation in history."

II: "To promote Biblical values and remind American’s of the importance of faith in God,

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His Son, Jesus Christ and His written Word, as our ultimate guide to all of life."

III: “To speak out boldly on the most important issues of our time, with just the right amount of humor and satire to keep it interesting."

IV: "To keep America as one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all" Return

A Conservative Black Perspective Rev. Jeremiah Wright "'God Bless America.' No, no, no, not God Bless America. God damn America — that's in the Bible .." Job 32:12-14 "'God Bless Job.' No, no, no, not God Bless Job. God damned Job— this is in the Bible 12 And as long as I thought you said some thing, I considered : but, as I see, there is none of you that can convince Job, and answer his words. 13 Lest you should say : We have found wisdom, God hath cast him down, not man. 14 He hath spoken nothing to me, and I will not answer him according to your words.


Most of the controversial excerpts that gained national attention in March 2008 were taken from two sermons: one titled "The Day of Jerusalem's Fall" delivered on September 16, 2001 and another, titled "Confusing God and Government", delivered on April 13, 2003.

"The Day of Jerusalem's Fall"

In a sermon delivered shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001, Wright made comments about an interview of former U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck he saw on Fox

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News. Wright said:

"I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday. Did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox News. This is a white man, and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out — did you see him, John? — a white man, he pointed out, ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Muhammad was in fact true — America's chickens are coming home to roost."

Wright spoke of the United States taking land from the Indian tribes by what he labeled as terror, bombing Grenada, Panama, Libya, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, and argued that the United States supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and South Africa. He said that his parishioners' response should be to examine their relationship with God, not go "from the hatred of armed enemies to the hatred of unarmed innocents." His comment (quoting Malcolm X) that "America's chickens are coming home to roost" was widely interpreted as meaning that America had brought the September 11, 2001 attacks upon itself. ABC News broadcast clips from the sermon in which Wright said:

"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye... and now we are indignant, because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."

Later, Wright continued :

"Violence begets violence. Hatred begets hatred. And terrorism begets terrorism. A white ambassador said that, y'all. Not a black militant. Not a reverend who preaches about racism. An ambassador whose eyes are wide open and who is trying to get us to wake up and move away from this dangerous precipice upon which we are now poised. The ambassador said the people that we have wounded don't have the military capability we have. But they do have individuals who are willing to die and take thousands with them. And we need to come to grips with that."


"Confusing God and Government"

Clips from a sermon that Wright gave, entitled "Confusing God and Government", were also shown on ABC's Good Morning America and Fox News. In the sermon, Wright first makes the distinction between God and governments, and points out that many governments in the past have failed: "Where governments lie, God does not lie. Where governments change, God does not change." Wright then states:

"[The United States] government lied about their belief that all men were created equal. The truth is they believed that all white men were created equal. The truth is they did not even believe that white women were created equal, in

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creation nor civilization. The government had to pass an amendment to the Constitution to get white women the vote. Then the government had to pass an equal rights amendment to get equal protection under the law for women. The government still thinks a woman has no rights over her own body, and between Uncle Clarence who sexually harassed Anita Hill, and a closeted Klan court, that is a throwback to the 19th century, handpicked by Daddy Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, between Clarence and that stacked court, they are about to undo Roe vs. Wade, just like they are about to un-do affirmative action. The government lied in its founding documents and the government is still lying today. Governments lie."

He continued:

"The government lied about Pearl Harbor too. They knew the Japanese were going to attack. Governments lie. The government lied about the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. They wanted that resolution to get us in the Vietnam War. Governments lie. The government lied about Nelson Mandela and our CIA helped put him in prison and keep him there for 27 years. The South African government lied on Nelson Mandela. Governments lie."

Wright then stated:

"The government lied about the Tuskegee experiment. They purposely infected African American men with syphilis. Governments lie. The government lied about bombing Cambodia and Richard Nixon stood in front of the camera, 'Let me make myself perfectly clear...' Governments lie. The government lied about the drugs for arms Contra scheme orchestrated by Oliver North, and then the government pardoned all the perpetrators so they could get better jobs in the government. Governments lie.... The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. Governments lie. The government lied about a connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein and a connection between 9.11.01 and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Governments lie."

He spoke about the government's rationale for the Iraq War:

"The government lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq being a threat to the United States peace. And guess what else? If they don't find them some weapons of mass destruction, they gonna do just like the LAPD, and plant the some weapons of mass destruction. Governments lie."

Wright then commented on God and government:

"And the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian descent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese descent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating her citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. She put them in chains, the government put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton field,

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put them in inferior schools, put them in substandard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education and locked them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, not God Bless America. God damn America — that's in the Bible — for killing innocent people. God damn America, for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America, as long as she tries to act like she is God, and she is supreme. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent.."

These sermon excerpts were widely viewed in early 2008 on network television and the internet.


Trinity United Church of Christ 1972 to early 2008: under Jeremiah Wright

Jeremiah Wright, the son of a long-tenured Philadelphia Baptist minister, interviewed for the Trinity pastorate on December 31, 1971. Jordan recalls that Wright exuded excitement and vision for the church's new mission statement, and that Wright's response to the question "How do you see the role of the Black Church in the black struggle?" indicated he was the only possible candidate for Trinity. With the church also impressed with Wright's educational credentials—Wright held graduate degrees in English studies and Divinity and was studying for a doctorate in religious history—he was shortly confirmed as the new pastor.

Context and challenges

Speller points out that Wright's arrival at Trinity coincided with the height of the U.S. Black Consciousness Revolution (also see South African Black Consciousness Movement) and additionally contends that Wright was keenly aware of the challenges that this deeply racialized context presented to Trinity. During graduate school Wright, as Bayassee notes, argued strenuously against radical black Islamic groups who had been drawing blacks away from Christianity by asserting that the religion was inherently racist and only for whites. To recontextualize the Christian message for the new context and time in which Wright perceived the church itself in, Wright, the author claims, anticipated that he would need to co-opt the positive elements of the Black Power message, while rejecting its philosophies of separation and black superiority—an idea around which a larger Christian theological movement had been forming, as evidenced by a full-page New York Times ad entitled "BlackPower" run in November 1967 by the National Committee of Negro Churchmen, and BlackTheology and Black Power published in 1969 by James H. Cone.

Youth choir

The first change occurred in late 1972 when Trinity's youth lobbied for a greater role in the church. Under a dynamic new choir director the youth brought in, they led musical worship

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using gospel music for the first time, while incorporating dramatic visual props. As Speller describes it, the youth choir "ushered in a new day at Trinity Church, and through their music they ignited the flame that would burn off the dross of black shame to reveal the refined gem of self-love." However, with call and response increasing and the PilgrimHymnal no longer in favor, some of Trinity's congregants left because of what Wright described as "fear of change—change in the style of worship but, more importantly, change in the kind of members that would desire to join our church."

From social enhancement to God-consciousness

As Wright philosophized of this period some thirty years later, 'Having a witness among the poor and having a ministry to the poor is one thing, but making the poor folks members of your congregation is something else altogether." Wright further explained, "Failure to have the black poor at the table with you as equals means you are doing missionary work," while having "poor black folks" who "sit down at the table as equals" means you are "serious about talking or doing [...] black theology." As Speller explains, Trinity's congregants "began to slowly move away from the concept of church as a place to enhance and validate their social position to one that appreciated the church as a place for spiritual formation." In sum, Trinity began to more fully move away from its earlier purpose surrounding "middle-classness" to one where devotion to God and the poor took much greater prominence.

God has smiled on us and freed us up to be God's people—unshackled by stereotypes and the barriers of assimilation, unshackled by the fear of joining in the struggle for liberation, and unshackled by the stigmas, defeats, or victories of the past. [God] has freed us to be the Church in the world—[God's] Children! Black, Christian and proud of being created in [God's] image and being called by [God's] name.

Speller asserts that the statement indicates that Trinity had journeyed "from assimilation and fear to liberation and courage", and argues how the freedom expressed concerns a freedom to be black as a matter of cultural identity, and to be Christian as a matter of purpose and belonging to God.

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The Hieros Gamosof 11-28-2013

ShekinahThe majestic presence or manifestation

of God which has descended to"dwell" among men.

This is the story ofComet C/2012 S1 (ISON) Independent

'Brighter than a full moon' The biggest star of 2013...

could be Ison -the comet of the century

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INTERMEZZO III: The Hieros Gamos of 11/28/13


Comet of the Century

Metaphysics vs Astrophysics

Shell of a Mountain ManThomas Edison:

"There is a great directing head of people and things — a Supreme Being who looks after the destinies of the world. I am convinced that the body is made up of entities that are

intelligent and are directed by this Higher Power. When one cuts his finger, I believe it is

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the intelligence of these entities which heals the wound. When one is sick, it is the intelligence of these entities which brings convalescence. You know that there are living cells in the body so tiny that the microscope cannot find them at all. The entities that give

life and soul to the human body are finer still and lie infinitely beyond the reach of our finest scientific instruments. When these entities leave the body, the body is like a ship without a

rudder — deserted, motionless and dead."

"My mind is incapable of conceiving such a thing as a soul. I may be in error, and man may have a soul; but I simply do not believe it. What a soul may be is beyond my understanding."

"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."

entities that give life and soul to the human body beyond the reach of our finest scientific instruments.

Man loses soul by rejection of the fact that soul is the essence of essence. The Age of Enlightenment represents the rejection of the soul of Man and Cosmos and the creation of a soulless material science for the sake of

material consumption.

Shell Of Naked Love Sandro Botticelli:

The work of

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Cave Of Blind BirthPrehistoric Commonsense:

The Face of God, as represented in the Maternal Creation called Mother Nature, the mortal ceases to exist and that which lived between birth and death acquires access to Eternal Life. The soul that the mind of Thomas Edison was incapable of conceiving the ancestral Cave

Men witnessed on a daily basis. Between the Venus of Willendorf and Thomas Edison there has occurred the Fall of Man and one complete cycle of the seasons from the center of the galaxy around to Orion's missing head and back again to the Maya 13 Baktun terminus of December 21, 2012. The Maya ancestors determined that the End of the Ball Game with Diabolical Lords of Xibalba would come as the Souls of the Ancestors ascended to the

Heavenly Heights.

So, let us strive to do what Edison decreed. Let us take the time to experience the perspiration that comes after inspiration. Let the Shekinah be the Inspiration that has

revealed the Face of God for uncountable ages to mortals that do the Work of Creation for Edison's Higher Power.

Like Edison, scientists, in particular astronomers, are noted for implying omens where they personally do not acknowledge the essence of omens that is the soul of cognition. The

ultimate modern omen of astrophysics is the Big Bang Cosmology. It is pure mathematical correlation that cannot be demonstrated until the lifespan of an intergalactic photon is

established. If the lifespan of an intergalactic photon is less than the radius of the cosmos, then an Expanding Universe will remain as the best local solution to the rational material

sciences behind astrophysics.

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The Big Bang Cosmology is based on a mathematical paradox that has forced the sciences of the Age of Enlightenment to deny commonsense. The mathematics of the Europeans was stifled until Charles Martel defeated the Moors at the Renaissance mathematicians invented the square root of minus one science was bound by commonsense. Here is the "root cause"

that split science and religion.

Cogito ergo non sumThe letter used to name the irrational nonexistent entity is the same letter used to identify the

self, the ego, although it is not the arrogant I, but the humble i. The equation cannot work because the entity is not real. It represents an imaginary realm that even Descartes found

difficulty in identifying. This is the realm of , and the proof of, a Pantocrator. Its existence is totally a result of the desire for it to exist and necessarily it cannot simultaneously exist and not exist, yet it has an essence of being equivalent to soul. To say that the square root of one

leads to "

Yet, nearly every phenomenon of the cosmos can be predicted using the complex numbering system and that implies the existence of the nonexistent entity. It is because astronomers got lost in the wilderness of complex numbers that commonsense came to be a form of scientific

heresy. Yet, the Venus of Willendorf and the Hall of Bulls of Lascaux reveal that commonsense was the ultimate Cosmic Quest until the Age of Enlightenment when Man said, "Let there be light" as the square root of minus one took form. Modern Science is a

New Age Religion drastically disaffected by the European Renaissance and the birth of the religion of the Age of Enlightenment called "exact science" based upon rationalism of the

complex number system. It is approved by peers of science to address complex numbers as measures of reality and it is disapproved by peers of science to address complex sensations,

omens, as measures of reality. The devolution of the human mind caused by the Age of Enlightenment has put human civilization on the verge of self destruction as science loses it soul and drags humanity down a black hole. Soul is that entity which commonsense proves. The eternal nature of soul is evident when long dead ancestors reveal themselves thousands of years after Edison's paradox. "The entities that give life and soul to the human body are finer still and lie infinitely beyond the reach of our finest scientific instruments. When these entities leave the body, the body is like a ship without a rudder — deserted, motionless and dead." If the body is rudderless, then why does one Pharaoh stand out above all others in the

form of Tutankhamun. The soul of Tutankhamen still guides his Ka, the substance of his body.

The Shekinah of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON is an omen of commonsense Divined by the Pantocrator and produced through the Logos of the Cosmocrator to demonstrate that the

Ancient Viziers were not blind to the existence of the human soul and that they could hear the sounds of virtue and rightness implied by the imperishable soul when the dead return to

their Ka. The Comet draws attention to the Tables conceived by the Pantocrator and delivered by the Cosmocrator to guide all human souls back to the Throne of Heaven Above

where Divine Soul is Cosmic Sense in Common.

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In a Cow's Eye

This statement, Cosmic Sense in Common, may seem redundant, but it is intended to be Synchronistic and the virtue of Syncretism. The latter is the result of merging and redrafting rationalized experiences, i.e., religion. The former is the process that occurs when Universal

Cognition, Edison's Higher Power, and human cognition share a common sensation at the same instant. No communication can occur until Synchronicity has been intended. When the

Face of God appears there is a Synchronicity, a Shekinah. But, we can have prescient dreams that intuit the communication event and we can recall the event as a rationalization.

As the event comes and at the instant it passes we cannot "see" the Divine Intent. The meaning of "see" is the gnosis in respect to understanding. To understand any event we have

to "see" the event in its relationship to our personal soul, where meaning is derived. The "Shekinah" is the "I Am That I Am" and we must evaluate it after it has passed to establish any rational correlation without current sense based input. Additionally, we must avoid the

desire to judge the event based only upon what we already know. If self knowledge dominates the relationship there will by self talk triggered by an Unknown One, e.g., Amun, YHWH, etc. But, in the Cow's Eye there is the integration of the Medusa that visualizes the Oneness of the self and the "I AM THAT I AM." We simply choose to not believe that our

Holistic Identity is our Universal Soul. That is what Doubting Thomas said, "man may have a soul; but I simply do not believe it." That is why the head of Sekhmet was replaced by the head of Hathor. Mother Earth knows better than any teacher of righteousness. When mortals come down to Mother Earth, they will also come up to the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.

This is the Shekinah of the Great Comet of 2013.

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For at least 6000 years astronomy and metaphysics have been tied together by the "omens" of celestial events. At the time of the High European Renaissance in the early 16th Century

the correlations between metaphysics and astronomical observations peaked to a level where the hidden voices of Ancient Astronomers had become comprehensible again as proof of

Eternal Soul.

This essay will illustrate a direct correlation between Comet C/2012 S1 ISON and the European Renaissance. The timing is not arbitrary because the modern European culture,

and its New World offspring, has gone the way of the Golden Calf of Exodus. Additionally, it will be shown that Comet C/2012 S1 ISON came into the inner solar system on nearly the exact same path of Comet C/1680 V1 Kirch when it told the Europeans that they had chosen

to deny Commonsense and Divine Providence for the sake of demented material science. The pathology of the Great Comet of 1680 was rejected under the feet of the Heavenly

Father and sent to the Land of Bondage where the only salvation would come at the hand of the Angel of Death. These two Signs from Heaven are telling modern humans, in no

uncertain terms, that the evolution of Modern Science was not the accomplishment of Mortal Humans, but the fulfillment of the will of the nonexistent Pantocrator and the actions

of the universal reality of the Cosmocrator. November-December 2012 was an ominous period for the Age of Enlightenment, for the advocates of Soul Liberation were shown the errors of their ill conceived demands. These Lords of Darkness who hold high the light of

false witnesses will be destroyed as a result of their singing and dancing around the Golden Calf at the foot of the Angel of Death. The result of the destruction of Soul Liberation will

be the promissory materialism of the Collective Soul of humanity.

Truth versus Lies versus Dread

This is not a time to be afraid. For the Shekinah of the Hieros Gamos Comet of 2013 will redeem humanity from the Lucifer of the Deceptive Comet of 1680 that was the Unbalanced

Desire of the Zaniah of the Dreadful Comet of 1680. As Death approaches, we need only remember the Venus of Willendorf to realize that abundance is about to give birth, again, as

the Renaissance of 2013 begins the prophetic Age of Love and Understanding. There are three comets that will come in 2013. The first two are the Deceptive Comet of 1680 derived

from the duality of its timing and the Dreadful Comet of 1680 as first illustrated by its discoverer Gottfried Kirch. These come from nothing and return to prove the existence and non-existence of soul. The third is the Great Comet of 2013 that restores the Ancients' Love of Heaven and Earth. The cause of all the distresses of human civilization is the Will of God.

When humanity denies the Will of Gad and takes creation as the consequence of "Cogito Ergo Sum" the result is rejection of the Pantocrator, the Cosmocrator, the Holy Ghost of the

Pantocrator, and the Mother of God, while the Harlot of Babylon binds human souls to Unbalanced Desire. The Great Comet of 1680 told the Europeans that their path was

erroneous. Yet, those who identified the Catholic Church as the "Birth enemy of Christianity" waved a banner "Don't Tread on Me" and "Sin Boldly."

Philipp Melanchthon

“If you are a preacher of grace, then preach a true and not a fictitious grace; if grace is true, you must bear a true and not a fictitious sin. God does not save people who are only fictitious sinners. Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly, for he is victorious over sin, death, and the world. As long as we are here [in this

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world] we have to sin. This life is not the dwelling place of righteousness, but, as Peter says, we look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. It is enough that by

the riches of God’s glory we have come to know the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. No sin will separate us from the Lamb, even though we commit fornication and

murder a thousand times a day. Do you think that the purchase price that was paid for the redemption of our sins by so great a Lamb is too small? Pray boldly—you too are a mighty


The misrepresentation of Paul's third letter to the Romans in verse 28 is the Omen of Lucifer in the Deceptive Comet of 1680. Luther focused on Romans 3:28, "For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law." Luther acted as the Great Red Dragon of the Zaniah of the Dreadful Comet of 1680 and denied all laws except the Law of Faith as the

means to justification of the soul. The context in Romans 3:25-31 indicates that the arrogance of man is a misrepresentation of personal faith as the Force of Divine Law. This misrepresentation gives mortals the power to "Create Immortal Law." This is not a humble position and it is a trick of logic worthy of the Light of Lucifer, which is precisely what it

represents. But, the Protestant Bible says through John 14:6 that any faith in Christ must be based upon faith in Truth, not faith is personal justification. Faith in personal justification

caused of the fall of Lucifer (Seth, Ahriman, etc.).

Google Translation Jesus saith unto him, I am the way and the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father

except through me.

If we examine the The Protestant Doctrine on Justification according to the Catholic New Advent Encyclopedia and filter all theological conjectures with the Source Document of the Laws as written by the hand of God for Moses before Moses broke them, then we will see the Shekinah of the Hieros Gamos Comet of 2013 that restores Truth as the Logos of the Pantocrater brought to Earth as the Cosmocrater in the form of the Manna from Heaven

where Heaven and Earth are United in the Vesica Virgo centered on the Upraised Hand of the Great Shepherd (Theta Bootes). The trespass of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON from Regulus

(Apollyon) through Zaniah (Harlot of Babylon) in the Virgin Birth Canal (Spica) is justified by the Circumcision of the Man-child of the Iron Rod (Libra) by the foot of the Father

(Ophiuchus) before the comet reaches the Heart of the Great Red Dragon (Antares). The location of Ares (Mars) at the head of Virgo (Zavijava) implies rational conception and the location of Venus behind the head of the Sage (Sagittarius) under the child on the wings of

the eagle (Antinous-Aquila) means that rational love does not come from Unbalanced Desire. Rather, Rational Love comes from Balanced Desire where Justification is by the

Pantocrator Father of the Cosmocrater Son through which we are led "not into temptation" to seek the waters of emotional love at the Red Dragon's heart, Antares, which means "Not Rational," and to submit to the fire of Spiritual Love that is the Holy Ghost of The Father, which cannot be revealed in passing, but only by acceptance of Divine Rational Intent to Love the Holistic Being. All of these alignments occurred while "The Lord of Darkness," Pluto, was "In the Face" of the Archer. It was at this location that Moses was allowed to

"See the Promised Land." But, because he gave the Israelites the waters of emotional love, he was banished until the Messiah should be seen as a star rising out of Jacob.

Martin Luther understood Divine Forgiveness, but the Reformation of Protestation against the "Birth Enemy of Christianity" was a rejection of the Mother of God and her church.

Martin Luther opted for rationalization based upon Man's "right" to interpret the published

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scriptures of the Manna from Heaven. This "right" requires the "sin boldly" guidance, for all scriptures of Man are rationalizations of Divine Righteousness. When we return to the First


"I am the manna from heaven."

From Jupiter in the Mother's Son of Gemini through Apollyon and the Lunacy of Zaniah and birth at Spica to Saturn in the Judgment Hall with Mercury to the Achilles Heel of the

Heavenly Father to the feet of the King of Kings and up to the Top of the Heavenly Earth at the feet of Cepheus on to the Good Shepherd of the Charioteer is the story of the Son of God

the Father called Jesus Christ. This Manna is subject to rational interpretation, but it is not subject to the whims of conceived reality, for it is intended commonsense before Time

began its journey to the Judgment Hall where the Justification of Man occurs at the Right Hand of the Father. Righteousness has never been a choice deemed in the rational fantasies of man. Righteousness of and in Man is subject the Greater Reality that is presented by the

Manna from Heaven. Righteousness is now and always has been the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This is the Shekinah of the Great Comet of 2013.

With this Manna from Heaven in mind we can witness the meaning of the omen of cognition of Moses. Hirch's denial of the "birth enemy of Christianity" demonstrated darkness in the

pathology beyond the union of Heaven and Earth.

From the knee of the Heavenly Father the pathology goes through child on the eagle (Antinous-Aquila), and Huitilopochtitli, the "Hummingbird on the Left" of the Aztecs, on

through Al Baraq, the flying steed of Muhammad called Pegasus, into the body of Andromeda, the house that Perseus who cut off the ear of the soldier in the Garden of

Gethsemane that Mother Nature restored to Venus-Andromeda in Botticelli's master piece called the Birth of Venus.

The entrance to Heaven and Earth requires Perfect Sight and Perfect Pitch, and the three depicted comets follow the prescription of Dreadful Comet of 1680 that Kirch denied, even though he knew precisely the path of the omen. These two comets tell the story of the 16th

Century Heresies and the Age of Enlightenment that set humanity back farther regarding the Manna from Heaven than the Dark Ages that preceded the Renaissance. So, it is fair to say

that the prescription to "Sin Boldy" has accomplished precisely what Martin Luther prophesied. But, the Manna from Heaven in 2013 says that it is time to stop the slavery to human self justification and restore the ways of Heaven and Earth as they were given to

Moses on the two Tables of Heaven and Earth that showed the way to the Promised Land before the Israelites sang and danced with the Golden Calf. The Great Heart of the

pathological omen of 2013 is that Man should love God, alone, so as to avoid deception of a material science divined by Man in the Golden Calf between Jethro's Well (Hyades at

Aldebaran) and his seven daughters (Pleiades) where Moses began his journey to bring the Hebrew Children back to the Promised Land where the First Dawn occurred..

Dreadful, Deceptive, Great Full Metaphysics vs Astrophysics

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In summary, this journey through metaphysics and astrophysics was intended to demonstrate contradictions and how the Cosmocrator corrects deceptive omens of dread and

deceptive omens of self identity to redeem those who follow the Truth wherever it takes them. The problem is that mortals are bound by time in their search for Eternal Life. The

paradox is that Eternal Life is not bound by time and the length of mortality is not relevant to success. On December 14, 2012 twenty first grade children revealed the Face of God, as did six women of various ages and a mother and her son. Some would judge the passing of the Face of God with dread and denial. The Truth carries on and the Truth comes again by

Divine Intent eternally sentimental to the course of Creation.

When we can discard our convictions regarding self justification, we are before the Face of God, and yet, we cannot understand any passing cognition while it is passing. It is only

when the Truth has passed us by that we witness the "back parts" of Divine Cognition. Truth will always Come Again to those that retain faith in Truth. Prescient Cognition is the virgin

daughter of Divine Cognition and Post Cognition is the redeemed son known as Recognition. Truth can never be rationally understood until it comes again with the robe of

Venus that is the Perfect Pitch in the hand of Mother Nature regarding Perfect Sight of Intuitive Love.

The message is that there is only one purpose for life. Without that purpose there are only the falsehoods of dread and deception. The purpose that redeems is Universal Eternal Love from the Pantocrator through the Cosmocrator by the Conception of the Holy Ghost within

the Virgin Mother of God that is Mother Nature delivering the Holy Spirit. Sometimes Love hurts, and when it does, that is precisely when the Face of God is passing. If we are

insensitive to love we cannot perceive the sentimental times. The guidance to balancing our perceptions is the Manna from Heaven revealed to All, and demanded of None. Out of None comes Love in accordance with the Will of God and when Love proceeds from the shell of

her birth, words are impotent to describe the beauty and harmony of Creation that is the Birth of Venus.

While conjuring these mysteries this author went to a bedroom window on the morning of 1/13/13 and saw Venus standing above the chimneys on the house to the southeast. The angle made by the planet and the two chimneys showed a profound relationship of an

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equilateral triangle. Upon examination of the photo it was realized that a flock of a hundred ravens was crossing the right leg of the triangle. It was upon waking that the spirit of

Botticelli's Birth of Venus came to cognition. The robe that is being placed on Perfect Sight is the robe of Perfect Pitch and when True Love comes to a mortal the Face of God is visible

as Perfection of the Soul. As for the birds, well that is what metaphysics has been called throughout the ages, the Language of the Birds. When cosmic Synchronicity happens to a person, they no longer seek life, for life has found them. Examine Botticelli's masterpiece

and count the number of one & three sets in the fingers and the toes to understand the Trinitarian consort of Mother Nature in the Hieros Gamos of the Sacred Marriage in a place on Earth as it is in Heaven. Now fathom the Cosmic Synchronicity that the date stamp was 1/13/13, the same numbers as in 1 Corinthian 13:13 NJB; "And now there remains faith,

hope and love, the three of them; and the greatest of them is love."


In Greek mythology, the Phoenician princess Europa was abducted and raped by the king ofthe gods, Zeus. But her image will from next year replace pictures of windows and doors on euro banknotes as a security and decorative feature. She will first appear on the €5 note in May, with other notes introduced in ascending order in the next few years. Such is the press

release provided by the chief of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, on Thursday (8 November 2012) according to Bloomberg in a EUobserver article.

New Euro Image

What the Great Shepherds of the Euro do not tell us in the headline "New euro notes to show tragic princess" is that the Greek mythology was not about rape, it was about a Venus Transit, exactly like the one that occurred on June 6, 2012, just five months before the New Euro Image was decided. Since 678 BC there have been eleven Venus Transits occurring on a 235 year cycle in Taurus and between the Taurus transits of Venus there were Ophiuchus transits on the same 235 year cycle spaced by 130 years from the prior Venus transits. Also,

Venus transits occur in duplicates spaced by eight years. If a central transit occurs, then there is only one transit rather than two since Venus would not transit within the orb of the Sun on either eight year side of a central transit. As the image to be placed on the €5 note

shows, Venus-Europa is moving opposite the Sun in Taurus, because all Venus transits occur with Venus in retrograde motion. We know that Europa is Venus because the Son of

Venus, Eros, is whispering into her ear.

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Why is this trivia important?

Venus Transits 427 BC to 4061 AD

First, it is important to realize that the Venus retrograde movement that causes a transit to occur spans forty days and forty nights and represents one of the more important Signs of

Metaphysics as the time when the Great Shepherds of Cosmological Cultures have Wandered in the Wilderness.

Genesis 7:12 Exodus 34:28 Deuteronomy 9:11 Deuteronomy 9:25

1 Kings 19:8 Mark 1:13

A Venus Transit represents the Love Light of all such cultures when ancient questions regarding Creation are asked. "Is it water? Is it fire?" The objective of all Ancient

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Metaphysics was gnosis with the destination being Love and Understanding as the Manifest Destiny by the Word of God. Thus, a Venus Transit represents the ultimate beginning and ending, the Alpha and Omega. A Venus Transit at the east gate of Olympus represents the beginning of a Morning Star within the Land Above the Land, and a Venus Transit at the

west gate of Olympus represented the beginning of a Morning Star in the Land Beneath the Land. These are called Israel and Egypt today. The principle theme of the Polynesians were

the passages through three lands in paradise, one above, one below, and one in between, Havaiki i ruga, Havaiki i raro, and Havaiki i Taputapuatea. All of these mythical places

represent the Cosmos, with Middle Earth being where life is lived.

The first Venus Transit in the Hellenistic Age occurred on November 23, 306 BC just above the galactic plane but in the modern constellation of Sagittarius and 25 years after Alexander

became the first Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynasty before he defeated the Persian Empire. The first Venus Transit in Taurus of the Hellenistic Age occurred in 184 BC as a central

transit 142 years after Alexander the Great died. Between the 306 BC Venus Transit at the Gateway of Gods in Sagittarius and the 184 BC Venus Transit at the Gateway of Men in

Taurus the Dynasty of Alexander the Great had published the Septuagint Bible and laid the foundation for the New Testament at the end of the Age of Aries. However, when the End of

the Age came, the civil order had descended into the Tyranny of Babylon again with the assassination of Julius Caesar and the subsequent building of the 2nd Temple of Solomon by

Herod the Great. The political intrigue around the regime of King Herod represented a termination of the Hellenistic Age. Then the Roman ally of the Jews turned against the Jews and the Mithrasian soldiers destroyed the temple in Jerusalem and drove the Zealots off of Herod's retreat at Masada in 70 AD. Two centuries later Pax Romana had created a culture

of the Angel of Death and civil unrest could not be restrained until the Apocalypse of Constantine I united the Roman Empire under a new religious order in 312 AD that was the

Ancient Universal Religion restored from the pool of the Graeae.

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ShekinahThe Gateway of Gods represents the eastern boundary of Olympus in Greek mythology. It is

the location where Heaven and Earth are united on December 21, 2012 at the End of the Maya competition with the Lords of Xibalba. This was the Shekinah of the Native American Metaphysics when the Dead (winter solstice) would ascend into the Heavenly Height where

Quetzalcoatl revealed the Land of the Rising Sun in the Happy Hunting Grounds. In common sense terms, at First Sun Rise is a New Dawning of Love and Understanding after

the diabolical games of darkness are finished..

The Ancients used such unique events to lock their metaphysical observation to a measurable cosmic event, and thereby, to Time. When Julius Caesar locked the Roman

Calendar to the Leap Year, it became feasible to measure time by numbers. Then in 1582

When humans lost contact with the Heavens and Sol Invictus ruled the seasons, the Original Tables of God given to Moses were muted. The Original Tables of God given to the

Shepherds of Human Civilization were the Table of the Milky Way and the Table of the Solar System. The Milky Way represented the Emotional - Spiritual metaphysical elements

of Water and Fire. The Solar System represented the Rational - Material metaphysical elements of Air and Earth. Perfection of the Solar Calendar of Gregory XIII had the effect oferasing the celestial correspondence of the Heavenly Hosts. This translated into a Rational -

Material existence identified as the Age of Enlightenment and enforced by the rationalization Sola Scriptura by the 16th Century Heresies. At the same time Spain, Portugal, and to a lesser extent Italy, were undergoing extensive defensive actions as

Inquisitions. In Spain the Inquisitions were determined by the Royal Rulers as if the Jews and Muslims (Moors) represented threats to the kingdom. The Inquisitions empowered

actions against the "rationally" defined heretical threats to Spanish Catholic Church, which,

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though orthodox as Papal, was secular by court deliberations under Spanish Laws. Nationalism was the main force in Spain as it was elsewhere in Europe. The heretical forces and the defensive reactions became foundations of the Righteousness of the Enlightenment based solely on scriptures. But, the enlightenment represented repression of the Spiritual - Emotional correspondence between Man and the Cosmos, and Thomas Edison would say

four centuries later, man may have a soul; but I simply do not believe it.

George Washington's Warning

The Protestant Reformation was empowered by nationalism and materialism and the core spiritual and emotional tenets of Western Europe were repressed by rising humanism that

was dominated by rational and material tenets. Modern Science was dramatically elevated in Western European Academia. These movements were similar in result to those that rose after the demise of Hellenism. The New World Order was establish in Protestant North

America at a stream called New Rome, where George Washington created a City of God in the District of Columbia called National City. The celestial and solar system correspondence

of Washington's City of God were the Greek Heaven and Earth between the Gateway of Gods and the Gateway of Men. In the urban grid design there is a message of profound

intent. The axis of the Mall points to the azimuth of the rising of the star Zaniah at the back of the head of Virgo. Zaniah was called the Harlot of Babylon by the Arabs. Thus, George Washington was pointing through the Capitol Building toward the Harlot of Babylon as a warning to the citizens of the USA. It was a warning that the living must never lose site of

the potential for the rise of Angra Mainyu if the members of Congress do not carry the cross laying upon the mall of the City of God he left as his legacy.

Western Civilization became dependent upon Darkness and Rational - Material Science and the Men from Ur claimed that the Land of the Enlightenment was ruled by the

Is it water? (Emotion)

Is it fire? (Inspiration)

When these two questions are properly answered the Cosmic Alchemist has turned Lead into Gold.

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Circumcision ofUnbalanced Desire

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Revelation 12:1-5 (DRA) 1 And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered. 3 And there was seen another sign in

heaven: and behold a Great Red Dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems: 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast

them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she should be delivered, he might devour her son. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God,

and to his throne.

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Khephera's HeartRevelation 12:9-12 (DRA)

9 And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down

with him. 10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they

overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you that dwell therein. Woe to the earth, and to the sea, because the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath,

knowing that he hath but a short time.

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Vesica Virgo inHeaven and Earth

Revelation 12:13-18 (DRA) 13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman, who brought forth the man child: 14 And there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the desert unto her place, where she is nourished for a time and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman, water as it were a river; that he might cause her to be carried

away by the river. 16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the river, which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 17 And the dragon was angry against the woman: and went to make war with the rest of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. 18 And he stood upon

the sand of the sea.

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Hieros Gamos Conception in Heaven and on Earth

This is the North portico of the Marienkapelle, Marienplatz, Würzburg, Germany showing a vesica pisces with God the Father (Pantocrator) within it was built between 1377 and 1477 in Gothic architectural style during the Dawn of the European Renaissance. It was a small

chapel off the Marienplatz marketplace. The celestial region between the intersections of the ecliptic and galactic planes makes a vesica pisces and this region is the highest union of

Heaven, the Milky Way, and Earth, the Ecliptic Plane. The north poles of the galaxy and the solar system are in the middle of the celestial vesica pisces. The pisces designation is used

because the tails of the two circles can appear to be a fish. However, the Celestial Throne of God shows the Virgin on the Earth and opposite her the King of Kings, Cepheus, kissing the heavenly boundary conjunct with the head of John the Baptist as a message of redemption of

King and Pauper. In Ancient Greece, this is the region of the heavens ruled by Zeus who was given Heaven and Earth, and the north portico vignette of the Annunciation and

Conception of Mary carries the message of the celestial journey of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON. There is temptation to go down under the Earth behind the Virgin and before the Great Red Dragon. However, the Comet shows the path of redemption from the Achilles' Heel of the Father to the Good Shepherd of Auriga above the Golden Calf of Taurus, where Mother

Earth sat at perihelion.

The Comet Pathology, in the form of Libra born of Virgo, and the North portico vignette show God the Father is sending His Word in the form of a baby half way down the sound tube in his right hand to Mary's left ear where a dove "speaks" to her. This pathology was

echoed by Botticelli in his Birth of Venus with Mother Nature giving Venus an ear of rightness to her left temple, also.

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This is a very ancient theme of metaphysics represented by the blind Venus of Willendorfand by the gift of harmony given by Nefertiti to her third daughter in the vignette of

The process is Divine Intent sending Divine Cognition as the Divine Spirit is Conceived in the Flesh; Father-Son-Holy Spirit-Material Being. The Holy Spirit is the Holy Ghost by

virtue of it being prior cognition of the Father. The Son coming again is cognition coming again as Recognition of Prior Intent. For the process to Conceive it must be Loving Intent, the Holy Spirit. Divine Cognition is the union of the Pantocrator Intent and Self Cognition

necessary for Divination. If the Pantocrator is not Self Cognizant, then the Pantocrator must be Chaos, which is impossible as a cause of intent. Chaos is, by definition, lack of intent, a

common trait of immature humans. Cognition of the intent of the Pantocrator is the Cosmocrator and the Son that is made manifest in the dark matter of the Cosmos, which is the Mother of the Son of the Pantocrator by virtue of the power to Love the dark matter by

the Pantocrator. Prior to this Immaculate Conception the Pantocrator must judge self consciousness as to its Cosmic Potential, and the birth of Libra separated from the Jaws of

the Great Red Dragon represents the Judgment of the Father. All action on the dark matter is a conception by The Holy Sprit that is the Sentiment of the Ghost of the Pantocrator.

Without the sanctity of the Holy Ghost the conceptions of the Holy Spirit will not manifest Divine Love and False Judgment by the Pantocrator would exist, which is an impossibility due to chaos being failure to intend. The Manifest Destiny of Divine Love is the man-child

of the Pantocrator. The man-child is the Cosmocrator, and the Man-child with the rod of iron, Libra, is its cosmic metaphor, or Logos. It is a Man-child because the judgment

represents a rational from of truth rather than an intuitive form of conception. Rational Truth must become manifest after cognition and it is, therefore, the second coming, or recognition

of the Father.

This is the major advance in theology accomplished during the Hellenistic Age. The development of the theology began with the Septuagint being published by the first two Pharaohs of the dynasty. By the time of Cleopatra VII the theology was complete in the

Gnostic temples to Hathor at Denderah and to Horus at Edfou. However, as the New Testament reveals the Roman Empire backtracked to the Rapture of Persia represented by

the masculine salvation theology of the Mithrasian Mysteries. This had the effect of empowering the Hathor Temple theology regarding the Cosmic Dark Mater and the

Prescient Inspiration of the active consort of Thoth. She was called Seshat and she was present throughout Egyptian history. She mutated under the Greco-Egyptian gnosis as

Sancta Sophia in the Egyptian Coptic Church. Through her the revelation of Christianity became a spiritual reality. Her miraculous wisdom resulted in many people experiencing the

Cosmocrator in the flesh. This took full force after the destruction of Jerusalem and many Jews came to a "reconciliation" regarding the deception of Herod and his scribes. The loss of

the homelands of Egypt and Israel required that the New Theology be composed into a sacred book. During the next two centuries the Egyptian Coptics morphed into an Hebrew Messianic Culture that was spread throughout the Hellenistic World. The holocaust of the

Christian Martyrs eventually proved that blood was thicker than water and the Transfiguration of Elijah and Moses into Jesus was complete.

The Transfiguration of Jesus was not to take place until the time of the Rising of the Son of Man during the Age of Aquarius based upon the Giza adaptation of the Nefer Rohu

Prophesy. But, Moses was rejected from the Promised Land for delivering water from stone to pacify the Israelites. The destruction of Jerusalem and the sacrifice of the Martyrs became

the price of salvation and these experiences were not simply cosmic fantasies. The Manna

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from Heaven had become flesh. The salvation of the Jews then expanded to save all the Peoples of the Book. Jew and Gentile had tasted the Passover Passion of the Last Supper and

the Messiah had come before His time.

John 2:3-103 And the wine failing, the mother of Jesus saith to him: They have no wine. 4 And Jesus

saith to her: Woman, what is that to me and to thee? my hour is not yet come. 5 His mother saith to the waiters: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye. 6 Now there were set there six

waterpots of stone, according to the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three measures apiece. 7 Jesus saith to them: Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled

them up to the brim. 8 And Jesus saith to them: Draw out now, and carry to the chief steward of the feast. And they carried it. 9 And when the chief steward had tasted the water

made wine, and knew not whence it was, but the waiters knew who had drawn the water; the chief steward calleth the bridegroom, 10 And saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth

good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now.

The first miracle of the Hebrew Messiah came at the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. The Jews had betrayed their Hellenistic Brethren and their temple was destroyed. Now Judas

had blood on his hands. Because of the reconciliation of the Jews there was a need for the Messiah to come before his time. That meant that Aquarius would have to come at the time of the Waters of Contradiction and provide the salvation prophesied in Exodus when Moses smote the rock to give water to the Israelites. So, the Mother of Jesus tells Jesus, "They have no wine." The Messiah claims that it is too soon for him to begin his works. This extremely

profound interaction tells us that the Cosmocrator is subject to the will of the Cosmic Mother.

The order of the purification of the Jews begins with Cancer and passes through Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, to Aquarius who holds the sixth jug of water. But, Aquarius is also the

vintner and vintner makes wine out of water by gardening the vineyard. Thus, the Cosmic Mother "knows" that the Messiah must learn His trade early. Moses delivered water on the way to the Hieros Gamos, and was banished. The Messiah of Giza, who was to come at the time of Aquarius, begins before the Ending and is, thus, the Alpha as the Omega. Jesus' first miracle delivers fire from water. The spirit water of wine serves the Hieros Gamos in Cana. The sacred marriage is between the Pantocrator and the Cosmic Mater. Mortals are subject to both Divine Parents and they say, Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye. The mortals can

only see the "back parts" of the Pantocrator as rationalizations of presumed intent. But, mortals can see all parts of the Pantocrator's Spoise by mortal sensation and intuition. The message in Father Heaven and Mother Earth in all its forms is the Cosmocrator that is the Re-Cognition of the Holy Ghost of the Father that brought about Sacred Conception in the Body of the Cosmocrator, that is the Body of Christ. In his last miracle, Jesus will provide the miracle of giving water and blood to the Israelites and the Gentiles. These two miracles transfigure the Heavenly Host of the Most High Mountain from Moses the Law Breaker to

Jesus the Law Fulfiller and the anticipated Hebrew Messiah restores Moses to the Mountain of God. Jesus does what Moses promises. Jesus defeats Death and delivers on the promise ofEternal Life. The missing ingredient was the visual evidence of the Holy Spirit, and Comet C/2012 S1 ISON delivers the visual evidence to those who can avoid allegiance to the Lord

of Darkness.

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Not until the discovery of the Americas did any significant change in Cosmology occur. And then, the dominant change came through the Spanish Conquests that resulted in a conversion of the Pachamama of the Americas into the Mother of All as the Virgin of Guadalupe. The conversion followed a long held tradition of many of the Native America cultures in what

came to be known as Latin America. In Protestant America there was no great conversion of the Native Americans to the Protestant Reform. However, there was a conversion, or at least a syncretism, of the Native American gnosis into the Protestant Reform by the Church of the

Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints in their sacred text the Book of Mormon. The syncretism that occurred in the Americas followed the Warrior and Maiden paths of Ancient

Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Four Orientations of the Soul

Thus, the Cosmocrator is the Word and the Manna that descended from the Throne of the Pantocrator Father. The Name Soul still occupies the highest regions of the North. North is the Ancients' orientation of the "Eternal Essence" that is Truth of Cosmic Soul, for the north

stars never set in the northern hemisphere. Within the overlaid regions of the Celestial Heaven and the Celestial Earth are the heart and soul of the Lord's Prayer.

Comet PathologyOur Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

North portico vignette

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Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

The daily bread is derived from the Burning Bush which holds the north axis of the galaxy at the hand of Virgo. The forgiveness comes after judgment at Libra where the Father's Foot is

pushed down on the Unbalanced Desire to separate the Balance (Libra) from the Desire (Scorpio). It is this putting down of the foot of the Father to cause the separation that sends the Unbalanced Desire of the Great Red Dragon into the wilderness outside of the vesica of Heaven above. Comet C/2012 S1 ISON then rises northward to the top of the Table of the

Sun as it completes the circuit around the Table of the Galaxy. This is the Manna from Heaven Above. The vesica pisces is the common region of Heaven and Earth; "For thine is

the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever."

The Lord's PrayerMortals cannot comprehend this prayer because mortality is bound by death and fear of

death. When the Bread is consumed the temporal being becomes one with the Eternal Being and ceases to be mortal by tasting the Manna of Manifest Destiny. This is the essential mystery of the Divine Identity that has passed through the Ages in Western Civilization

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from Mesopotamia through Egypt, the Levant of Israel and Greece, and Europe until the Protestant Reformation. The Cosmocrator is the Redeemer who releases the bondage of mortality to impending death. Once a mortal is willing to Love without conditions, then

death has no sting.

The Protestant Reformation made the inspired scriptures the only source for divine revelation in the tenet of Sola Scriptura as it broke the relationship between Holy Scriptures

and their origins. This was not done to aid in the revelation of Cosmic Cognition, but to control the Manifest Destinies of the advocates of the 16th Century Heresies. Renaissance Man was dead and Protestant Man was about to put the European civilization into bondage as the Angel of Death appeared above the Molten Calf of Taurus with sword in one hand

and the Medusa's head in the other.

This gate was closed by the scriptures, but because of Sola Scriptura it was incomprehensible for the Protestant Reformation had the objective of preventing the Coming

of the Good Shepherd before the End of Time.

John 10:1-3 10 Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but

climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. 2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice:

and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

The Burning Bush of Moses

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"Annunciation at Marienkapelle in Würzburg we have a very direct correlation to the Original Tables given to Moses on the Highest Mountain where the Burning Bush was an Illustration visible from and of Earth, the Promised Land or Promissory Materialism. The

Illustration represents the Word of God, as the elder Pantocrator and the youthful Cosmocrator, Christ the Redeemer, entering the Cosmic Matter and causing the Conception by the Holy Spirit of the Cognition of the ghost of the Father. The Cognition is the Son of

God conceived as recognition in the precognition of the Mother of God (Help Meet, genetic wisdom, intuition, instinct). She is the Dark Matter in which Light comes into Being, again.

This is the Light of Baptism by John. Mortals must baptize Jesus in order to receive the Holy Spirit through the Son of Man, intinctionem cogito ergo sum, (sentio, cogito, ergo sum) "I feel, then I Think, therefore, I Am." The man-child of Aphrodite (Venus) must

precede cognition. The man-child is the Eros of the organism that provides identity after feelings of common sense. If the feelings are not in common with the Cosmocrator's

cognition, then chaos takes the form of unrevealed Truth and understanding of intent is destroyed due to Unbalanced Desire. The pathology is the process of communication for the

purpose of sharing sentiment and establishing commonsense.

The Pantocrator is the Ruler of All, while the Cosmocrater is the Ruler of the Cosmos through and within which Redemption is accomplished by the movement and power of the Hoy Spirit. Typically the Cosmos is represented by a Sphere and The All is represented by

Heaven and Earth in the form of a vesica pisces.

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Hieros Gamos Restored in Heaven and Earth

The up raised hand of the modern Bootes at Theta Bootes is located with visual precision at the center of the span between the two north poles and these are the axes of the two "Tables" given to Moses, the galactic and ecliptic tables with writing above and below the respective planes. Only the Hand of God can place stars so that when connected according to Divine

Intent they reveal the Pantocrator's Intent. The seasons are identified by the cross within the ecliptic polar circle. The ecliptic polar circle is the path of the North Polar axis of the Earth

around the North Polar axis of the Ecliptic Plane. The rate of the movement of the north axis of the Earth around the north axis of the Ecliptic Plane is once every 25780 years in 2012, and it was 26000 years when the Ptolemaic Temple to Hathor was constructed in 120 BC

and it was dedicated to the science of precession. The "Number of the Years" of the precession cycle has been decreasing with an average rate of decrease near 110 years every thousand years. The effect is similar to a spinning toy top as its gyroscopic forces decrease and it starts to rapidly precess before tumbling over. As a result, the current location of the

Winter Solstice at the intersection of the ecliptic and galactic planes near the Galactic Center has occurred approximately 27,250 years since it was last at the same location, or

approximately 25,237 BC and within 1,500 years of the archaeological date of the Venus of Willendorf. Thus, the

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The Annunciation of the arrival of the King of Kings to the polar axis of the Earth is Memorialized by the Heart Shape Path of Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON), which has been called

the Comet of the Century, if not the Comet of the Second Millennium of the Age of the Nazarene and possibly of All Ages. This image is the Shekinah of the Judeo-Christian

Scriptures. It means that the Purpose for Life was Love from the beginning. Anyone who actually sees this Illustration will have seen the "Face of God" and that vision will result in

the death of the individual as they become One with the Shekinah of the Light of the World. Whether they are cognizant of this correspondence or not, their self identity will cease,

either by death without recognition of the Shekinah, or by sacrificial love with recognition of the Shekinah. Cosmic Cognition and mortal cognition become One when the mortal

cognition voluntarily denies mortality to receive the Martyr's Crown from the Cosmocrator.

The Martyr's Crown is a circle tangent to a line, where the circle represents the Eternal Cosmic Cycle, or Life of the Cosmocrator and the line represents the terminal bounds of

mortality. A mortal can Know the Unknowable Cosmocrator at the tangent point of mortality and immortality. Cognition is fleeting and we sense its coming but we cannot live

for the instant of its passing because the instant Now has no measure of Time. Yet, when cognition returns we acquire recognition of what had passed at the tangent point of Cosmic Cognition. The master on the Judgment Seat determines whether we live and die as mortals,

or whether we accomplish recognition of a tangential cognitive cosmic spirit.

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Metaphysics, the Higher Science

Based upon archaeological records there is a clear thread leading back more than 6,000 years. The Judeo-Christian Bible implies that Adam was made of clay approximately 6,000

years ago. The meaning is that Adamist Man began to utilize the rationalizations of Metaphysics on the order of six millennia ago. Neophytes argue over the meaning and time frame of Biblical creationism, but the argument is always off topic. The question is, "When did the material universe become rationalized by the Peoples of the Book?" Or, when did Man cease to ask "Is it water? Is it fire? and declare the rational material form of human

cognition. The historical record is quite clear that the culture of the West has its origins in the Metaphysical Conjuring of the Men from Ur during the Face of God.

Ascending Mount SinaiThe mount was covered by the cloud for six days, after which Moses went into the midst of the cloud and was "in the mount forty days and forty nights." (Exodus 24:16-18) Forty days

and forty nights in the mountain above the galaxy is a Venus Transit under Ophiuchus. Thus, Moses saw the Shekinah of the Divine Love Light and the Mortal Recognition of the

Shekinah became the identity of Moses before he came down from Mount Sinai in the manner that Venus returns from retrograde.

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Sinai is a word that speaks of Sin and Ai, the latter meaning Love. Thus, if the spirit of the Word is only words, then the Maiden is the Harlot of Babylon. Sola Scriptura is the cup of

the fornications of the Harlot of Babylon whose man-child is devoured by Unbalanced Desire, the Great Red Dragon. Moses lost his grip on the Tables of God's Finger and he created the Ten Horns that were in conflict with the Seven Heads and Seven Crowns of

Unbalanced Desire in Rev 12:3. And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a Great Red Dragon, having seven heads, and ten horns: and on his head seven diadems:

This Moses did, not by cognitive intent but by the mortal emotion of the fear of the Shekinah against the Children of Egypt. Man's Laws, the Ten Commandments, overruled the Seven Spirits of God and the Seven Days of Creation. The desire for righteousness hears the

"sounds of war" coming from the "sounds of singing and dancing." Righteousness and responsibility, the Call of Moses, are in conflict with singing and dancing of children and

youths. In the heavens at the Gateway of Gods there stands a Vizier (Sagittarius) with a Bow in the Cloud that aims to kill the Cosmic Beast of Desire (Scorpio + Claws-Libra). High

Priests of all cultures guide their flock away from the destruction of self indulgence.

At the perihelion of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON the Balance of Libra will contain Saturn and Mercury, as if to say, "It is time to balance wisdom and desire (Saturn, Libra, Mercury,

Scorpio)." Behind the Vizier, Sagittarius, sits Venus as if the Archer is her son, Eros. Yet, as the pathology of the comet illustrates, the Heavenly Father "put his foot down" to cause the

comet to go to the right and head to the top of the Earth. This prevents the Great Red Dragon of Unbalance Desire from consuming the Man-child of the iron rod born of the woman

clothed in the Sun with the crown of twelve stars, i.e., the zodiac houses, Jacob's sons, and the twelve Apostles of Jesus.

The Pathology of the Comet is precisely that of all the cultures of the Peoples of the Book regarding righteous living. The comet rose directly to the feet of the King of Kings and then circled back at the Good Shepherd. This was what Moses saw the Finger of God write upon the material of the galactic and ecliptic tables from the Mountain of God. And, that Shekinah produced the horns of Moses as he became identified with the Great Shepherd, the modern


The force of this cognition is so great, that a Code of Silence is required until the Son of Man has risen. The rising of the Son of Man is an individual journey by each mortal that

passes through the Manger of the Lord in Cancer and returns through the Judgment Hall of Libra to stand upon Mons Maenalus (Arcturus), or Mount Olympus, or Mount Sinai, where

Moses received the Tables of God's own Finger.

These same locations are identified in the design of the Mall of Washington, D.C., where the stars Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus represent the Kingdom of Heaven that Washington called

the District of Columbia where he built a Shining City on a Hill, a National City memorializing the birth of a nation.

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This is the Pathology of the Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) prior to perihelion. The District of Columbia has become the bordello of harlots of unbalanced rational desire. This is the same

cognition that Joshua brought to the attention of Moses in Exodus 32:14-20 (KJV).14 And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. 15 And Moses

turned, and went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testimony were in his hand: the tables were written on both their sides; on the one side and on the other were they

written. 16 And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables. 17 And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, There is a noise of war in the camp. 18 And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but the noise of them that sing do I hear. 19 And it came to pass, as soon as he came nigh unto the camp, that he saw the calf, and the dancing: and Moses' anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands, and brake them beneath the mount. 20 And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strawed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it. The original tables were now lost to

the Israelites and Moses was required to ad lib based upon a mortal's memory devices. Here,

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again, are the original Tables of the Lord.

Moses, who walked the Venus Transit in Ophiuchus, became the Venus Transit in Taurus during a retrograde. Down from the mountain of The Lord into the Sacred Cow. The Cow

was destroyed as Hathor became Taurus and Venus dropped to the Well of the Hyades before going back up the Mountain to seek the Lost Word. But, The Lord does not serve

those who rise on the Chariot. Rather The Lord causes them to speak their own Words at the Gateway of Men as the Good Shepherd in the Sacred Camp. These Good Shepherds then

become the Masters of the House of The Lord speaking words of wisdom and giving legends of Paradise Lost as a Promised Land where a Transfiguration of Divine Cognition is

all they can reveal.

Mark 9 King James Version (KJV) 9 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. 2And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and he was transfigured before them. 3 And his raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. 4

And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus. 5 AndPeter answered and said to Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three

tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 6 For he wist not what to say; for they were sore afraid. 7 And there was a cloud that overshadowed them: and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him. 8 And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves. 9 Andas they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead. 10 And they kept that

saying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean.

Comet C/1680 V1 Kirch Death of Renaissance Man

November 28, 1680

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Victories over the birth enemy of Christianity

Victories over the birth enemy of Christianity

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Victories over the heresies of Christianity

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An Omen for Rising from the Dead

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Righteousness Prevails in Heaven and Earth

So, do celestial Omens have meaning and consequences? Listen to the comments made regarding the Dreadful Comet of 1680.

Gottfried Kirch, of Koburg, Germany, listed as a famous Lutheran scientist discovered the Dreadful Comet of 1680 and expressed its omen with the words. It is worth noticing that the

comet was seen all over Europe, in Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Poland and Moscow, and even in Turkey. Men oflearning, among them the Professor Juris Primarius of the principality of Hesse Johannes Tesmarus (1643-1693) in Marburg shared their thoughts on this star with the world, and

where similar heavenly signs are considered evil and pernicious by almost everyone, these men pointed out and showed from old and new writings that, to tell the truth, to their

opinion, from future vision neither misfortune nor change of regime could be concluded.Yes, even that from it sometimes more good times as bad times will come; Thank God, this great comet appearance only led to many fruitful years, no less, and sweeping victories

over the birth enemy of Christianity."

The truth is somewhat different from the hindsight perspective of 333 years. "Sweeping

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victories over the birth enemy of Christianity" is a very clear statement early in the Age of Enlightenment against the Catholic Church, and ultimately against the Lutheran Church of

Athanasius Kircher died He was , a Roman Catholic Jesuit scientist and a major force in the "Birth Enemy of Christianity." Edward W. Schmidt, referred to Kircher as "the last

Renaissance man". The Omen of C/1680 V1 Kirch is that it signified the end of the Science of Common Sense that had its roots as far back in history as the records provide, including

Rome, Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Magdalenian Culture of 15,000 BC that created the Hall of Bulls at Lascaux, France. It was the beginning of the Age of

Enlightenment during which rational material science would repress all forms of emotional spiritual science, which is the heart and soul of metaphysics.

The correlation of the omens of C/1680 V1 Kirch and C/2012 S1 ISON is that the former was driven out of the Cosmic Heaven into the Land of Bondage and to the Angel of Death, Perseus, before returning to the cosmic realm of Heaven and Earth known for over 17,000

years as the Promised Land through the Good Shepherd's Gate. This is directly related to the Gospel of Mark 9:9-10.

9 And as they came down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead. 10 And they kept that saying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead

should mean.

Redemption of Common Sense

A comet passed the Sun within a fortnight after the Last Renaissance Man died on November 28, 1680 and the same route to the Judgment Hall of Revelation 12 was taken by a comet on the 333rd anniversary of the death of the Last Renaissance Man. Of the Dreadful

Comet of 1680, the Illuminati claimed to their opinion, from future vision neither misfortune nor change of regime could be concluded. Having the hindsight advantage of

333 years of "future vision" rather than self rationalization, it is beyond comprehension that the two comets have the Omen of Mark 9:9, "And as they came down from the mountain, he

charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead." Both Comets came down from the mountain and the former went

to the Angel of Death, while the latter went directly to the King of Kings and the Good

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Shepherd's House without visiting the Angel of Death. The implication is that the life of Gottfried Kirch is worthy of being nailed to the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg,

Germany with the The Ninety-Five Theses of Martin Luther Luther's Heretical attack on the "birth enemy of Christianity."

These two comets are telling the Children of the Renaissance that they were misled for the sake of rational material greed as identified by the locations of the two perihelions of the

comets. Comet C/1680 V1 Kirch passed perihelion at the Heart of the Great Red Dragon, the star Antares, with the meaning Not Mars, or Not Rational. It was cast out of the region of the

Mountain of Heaven. Comet C/2012 S1 ISON was stopped from reaching the Heart of the Great Red Dragon by the foot of the Heavenly Father and a circumcision was performed to reveal that the Claws had been severed into the Man-child with a Rod of Iron as Balanced Desire ensured that the Great Comet of 2013 would return to the Good Shepherd's House

and never leave the Kingdom of Heaven.


Astronomical ProphesyThe artist rendition above is based upon the work of Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonokwhich shows the horizon after sunset a day or two after perihelion when Come C/2012 S1

ISON is near the horizon. The astronomers provide the artist rendition of the tail of the comet as a direct line from the sun. Comet tails are always blown away from the sun by the

solar wind, and whether the tail would have achieved the prominence shown is questionable,

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but for the sake of the potential of the Comet of the Century it is understandable to amplify the image.

Cosmological ProphesyThis image from The Sky planetarium program for a Zulu location (0 E, 0 N) the lines directed away from the sun through the comet are shown for sunset -2 through +3 days

around perhilion.

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Metaphysical ProphesyOverlaying the two images and scaling them to the planets Neptune, Venus, and Pluto we can illustrate that the artistic rendition is a worthy Renaissance concept if not Renaissance workmanship. Both astronomical representations indicate that the tail of the comet, or at

least the projection through the comet from the sun, will encounter the constellation Bootes as it crosses from the Crook in the left hand to the leashes in the upraised hand. Bootes is depicted moving up and away in the view from Earth. In other words, the Great Comet of

2013 will project its first light after passing the sun through the location where Moses received the two Tables of the Lord.

The metaphysical implication of this Shekinah of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON is bewilderingly simple; circumcise the beast and restore the Laws of Heaven and Earth. The Comet C/1680

V1 Kirch represents a denial of the Laws of Heaven in favor of the Unbalanced Desire of the beast on the Earth.

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Khephera's Timeline Over 2343 years ago a man named Alexander set about the establishment of a free

Greece by overthrowing the Persian Empire and eliminating tyranny from the Middle East. When he successful accomplished the task with the help of his ideals of Achilles

and Hercules a new epoch of civilization began called the Hellenistic Age. On a scientific and theological level the Hellenistic Age surpassed all prior ages by a great margin. The fact that one man could set a goal to overthrow the Persian tyranny and

centuries of Greek philosophers could not represented a major break through in human understanding and accomplishment. After Alexander died unexpectedly the Ptolemaic Dynasty was founded by one of his generals, under the name Ptolemaic

Kingdom there were two great temple constructed to protect the great accomplishments of civilization, the Temple to Horus at Edfou and the Temple to

Oedipus Aegyptiacus, Kircher argued under the impression of the Hieroglyphica that ancient Egyptian was the language spoken by Adam and Eve, that Hermes

Trismegistus was Moses, and that hieroglyphs were occult symbols which "cannot be translated by words, but expressed only by marks, characters and figures." This led

him to translate simple hieroglyphic texts now known to read as dd Wsr ("Osiris says") as "The treachery of Typhon ends at the throne of Isis; the moisture of nature is

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guarded by the vigilance of Anubis."

According to the Egyptologist Sir E. A. Wallis Budge:

Many writers pretended to have found the key to the hieroglyphics, and many more professed, with a shameless impudence which is hard to understand in these days, to

translate the contents of the texts into a modern tongue. Foremost among such pretenders must be mentioned Athanasius Kircher, who, in the 17th century, declared that he had found the key to the hieroglyphic inscriptions; the translations which he prints in his

Oedipus Aegyptiacus are utter nonsense, but as they were put forth in a learned tongue many people at the time believed they were correct.

Although E. A. Wallis Budge was a master at reading hieroglyphs, he was far to academic to understand the graphical implications of hieroglyphs, which Kircher took a stab at. Kircher, probabaly due to his Jesuit background, would evaluate hieroglyphs

on the basis of cosmology and theology and through these associations Kircher came very close to unraveling the mystery of the Ancient Egyptians, and all Ancient Peoples.

A metaphysical cosmological premise dating back to the Magdalenians at Lascaux is that the beginning of the cosmic cycle began at Praesepe in Cancer. Praesepe is Latin

for manger and Kircher would have understood precisely what that meant. In fact, the evidence from Renaissance art and sculpture is that this was "common knowledge" to

the Renaissance Man.

Thus, when we examine the orbit of Comet C2012 S1 ISON using Khephera's Timelinefrom the Denderah zodiacs we can see that the comet began its journey at the cusp of

Auriga, Gemini, and Cancer. At the bottom left is an image from the circular Denderah zodiac showing Cancer above the head of Leo and Hydra. The star chart

shows that Cancer is before the faces of Leo and Hydra. All Egyptologists are dumbfounded by the clear misplacement of Cancer. But, if Egyptologists understood

anything about the stars they would have realized that Cancer was the House of Khephera and represented the Dawn, or the bringer of the Light of Re (Sun). This the

same meaning of Cancer in the Hall of Bulls at Lascaux. But, the Denderah zodiac shows Cancer as Khephera in his highest position. Examine the shape of the Cancer icon and then examine the shape of dark region above (north) the galactic plane. To help in the association an enlargement of the Cancer icon has been placed at the top

left after flipping and rotating it. The Cancer icon represents the Dung Beetle, Khephera, that is the appearance of the dark region in the highest location of the

Milky Way when looking up. But, the Cancer-Khephera icon is illustrated above Leo as viewed from above the galaxy, as can be discerned by the large claw and the small

claw of the beast and the Dark Region.

On the back of the Leo Icon sits a youthful king with a flail on a throne looking due east into the face of Cancer-Khephera. The meaning is simple. The youth is facing the

Dawn of the Dawn, or the First Day and he is doing so while facing his feelings and cosmic feelings. Cancer was identified with feelings for well over 17,000 years. All

communications begin with feeling, that is if one is not a child of the Age of Enlightenment when feeling are nonsensical and taboo.

This information is important because the Bible tells us in

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"My mind is incapable of conceiving such a thing as a soul. I may be in error, and manmay have a soul; but I simply do not believe it. What a soul may be is beyond my


This came from a man who arguably was one of the most creative men during the whole Age of Enlightenment when the Protestant Reformation began the divergence

away from metaphysics by Martin Luther advocating "Sin Boldy."

Luther's error deserves repeating. The context in

Romans 3:27 Where is then thy boasting? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith.

, , ,

Romans 3:31 Do we then, destroy the law through faith? God forbid! But we establish the law.

The words "I simply do not believe it" represent a boasting statement of negative faith. In the wisdom of metaphysics it is forbidden to tell the stars what to do. In the wisdom of rational material science it is not forbidden to tell the stars what to do, and the 16th

Century Heresies told the stars to Go to Hades! The Heavens responded exactly on topic by demonstrating the route by which the 16th Century Heresies would need to follow to regain the Commonsense of Heaven and Earth. It is a very powerful omen and the solution was demonstrated at the end of the Age of Enlightenment by Comet

C/2012 S1 ISON, which never strayed from the bounds of Heaven and Earth.

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Actaeon's MetamorphosisThe Fall of Man is one of the oldest stories of mankind. The Metamorphosis of Actaeon

(and many other names) was well know to the Ancients and they designed their metaphysical scholarship around the idea. Actaeon, while hunting for deer came upon Diana (and many other names) and was taken by the exquisite beauty of this Venus in the sacred meadow. She splashed her bath water at him and as a youth, that was his downfall. He grew horns and became a deer and his hunting dogs tore him apart. As

time went on the antlered beast went through a metamorphosis and became a centaur. Greek legends say his name was Chiron and he became the mentor of all youths

aspiring to greatness, for he had the experience of having been on top of the world before temptation. Chiron became a ferryman and would take dead souls across the River Styx in the hope that they could be redeemed of their condition. Descending to

the bottomless pit on his raft it crossed the River Styx and headed back up to the Kingdom of Heaven. There the message of the Swan Song of the King (Cygnus, Lyra, Cepheus) was played to all the Living and the Dead. If they approved the refrain, then the Dead Soul would be given a Legacy and returned to the Land of the Living. At this point, Chiron, the centaur, underwent another metamorphosis and became an archer with the message being, "I See." The dead soul would be carried aloft by the Wings of an Eagle and if Divined to be a True Prodigal Son, the Father in Heaven would take

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the Spirit (Serpens) of the dead and restore it to Actaeon's Field.

This may seem to the uninitiated as pure myth. But, to those who have experienced the loss and restoration of true love after arrogant passages, this message is the Wisdom of

the Ages.

Moses had experienced the Fall of Man when he was the Shepherd of the Israelites. Upon leading the Israelites through the Sea of Contradiction (Meribah Kadesh, Pisces) Moses gave into their pleading and smote the rock that delivered water to the Israelites (Aquarius). But, when Moses reached the Promised Land, the Lord told him he could not enter therein because he had "Earth as it is in Heaven." When the people desired

the Compassion of Aquarius rather than completing the journey to the Pormised Land, their shepherd gave in to their demands. Good Shepherds guide their flock rather than

being guided by their flock. The 16th Century Heresies witnessed an age where the flock desired personal satisfaction (nationalism) at the expense of universal satisfaction

(catholicism) and the shepherd, Luther, et. al., gave in to the flock. The rest is the history of the Age of Enlightenment that led to the incredible statement by Doubting

Thomas Edison, "man may have a soul; but I simply do not believe it."

Pope Julius II Memorial

The decay of the human soul has accelerated since Edison with the advent of

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psychoanalysis as justification of human repression. In THE MOSES OF MICHELANGELO, Sigmund Freud demonstrated the incompetence of the Age of

Enlightenment and it offspring, Psychoanalysis. "I may say at once that I am no connoisseur in art, but simply a layman. I have often observed that the subject-matter

of works of art has a stronger attraction for me than their formal and technical qualities, though to the artist their value lies first and foremost in these latter. I am

unable rightly to appreciate many of the methods used and the effects obtained in art. I state this

so as to secure the reader's indulgence for the attempt I propose to make here."

The statement, particularly the underlined emphasis added shows that Freud and Luther had a common characteristic regarding the Law of Faith and the human

potential for self conceived esteem. In Freud's analysis of Michelangelo's Moses he demonstrates a mind boggling lack of religious motive in Michelangelo's masterpiece. This was not a fault of Freud's lack of knowledge regarding Judaism, for he always

claimed to be a Jew. But, the claim is incredibly shallow with regard to the religion of his own ancestors. In this respect, Freud was a pillar of the Age of Enlightenment.

In The Future of an Illusion (1927) Freud refers to religion as an illusion which is "perhaps the most important item in the psychical inventory of a civilization". In his

estimation, religion provides for defense against "the crushingly superior force of nature" and "the urge to rectify the shortcomings of civilization which made themselves painfully

felt". He concludes that all religious beliefs are "illusions and insusceptible of proof."

The words "insusceptible of proof" were a lock on the mind of Sigmund Freud. All that has been presented above represents "susceptible proof" that requires the "Law

of Faith" to establish. The agent of sin is that defined in he crosses the boundary between physics and metaphysics, between nature and divinity. Yet, as he does so he

denies that the action of divining on his part is part of the the power of the Cosmocrator. If humans are pare of the Body of the Cosmocrator then they must have

the power to divine, and with regard to psychoanalysis, his own cohorts claim a religious environment. The book The Future of an Illusion expressed Freud's "hope

that in the future science will go beyond religion, and reason will replace faith in God." But, the Age of Enlightenment, also considered the Age of Reason is based upon the

Divine Righteousness of the human rational mind, and not on reason. A rational form of mind can be truth and falsehood. In psychoanalysis the search within an analysand is to find the false rationalization (phobia, false expectation appearing real) and then

demonstrate its falsehood to "shrink" the reaction behavior around the phobia. Reason is not only rational. Reason is intentional and reason is purpose in any form.

Thus, all acts of reason are power of the Cosmocrator. On the other hand, the Pantocrator does not have to be reason, for the Pantocrator is the master of all,

whether existent, or not. It is this power that make God the Father difficult to discern. Religion is the structure that allows the "believer" to identify with Reason and Purpose (Love and Understanding) of the Cosmocrator. As for the Pantocrator, all the cults of

the Ancients claim that the Pantocrator is Unknowable. But, the experience of Moses in Exodus reveals how to commune with the Pantocrator. It is a process that requires that

the Pantocrator pass so that the "back parts" can be "re-cognized" and when that occurs, the person communicates with the self that was not present prior to the passingof the Pantocrator. In other words, the self is the consequence of the rationalization of the passing of the Face of God (Father). As for the Cosmocrator we need only identify

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that which is in reality to see the Cosmocrator. If we cease to believe in the Cosmocrator, then we lose contact with reality, as did Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

Dr. Jung said in The Mass And The Individuation Process: "My idea is that the symbol of the cross does not

originate from any external form, but from an endopsychic vision of the primitive man." This act of divination is not acknowledged by Jung, just as it was with Freud. In

Actaeon's Metamorphosis we can see the Fall of Man as the transition from the rational objective of hunting to the irrational objective of flirtations with Diana. But, to

say one is rational and the other is irrational is an act of judgment and divination. Consider the destination of Actaeon after he became a Stag on Golgotha.

Metamorphosis of Actaeon into ChironThere is nothing endopsychic about the "Place of the Skull" in the Milky Way. The

cosmic artist created the "illusion" of a skull, and it does not take any depth of imagination to see what it appears to be. But, if a child of the Age of Enlightenment

should see it their rant would be, "It is not intentional, and therefore, it does not prove that it has soul! I simply do not believe it." So we have the crux of the variance between metaphysics and astrophysics right before our face. It is a soul if you believe that and it

is not a soul if you believe that. The question of sin, a.k.a. mistake, is whether the Cosmocrator revealed what was believable and whether in the judgment of man the revelation was not believed. However, such a simple truth does not fill the coffers of psychoanalysts and they must shrink and warp the obvious such that commonsense

becomes blasphemy.

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Khephera's HeartIs it so difficult for the sons of the Age of Enlightenment to comprehend the difference between commonsense and blasphemy? Over seventeen millennia ago the migrating

Magdalenian culture had the need to know the stars so that they could use the "Language of the Birds" to predict the times of migration of the great herd of aurochs.

Evidence in the migratory behavior of birds was reported in Scientific American in August 1975 in an article entitled, The Stellar-Orientation System of a Migratory Bird,

that birds used the stars to migrate from pole to pole. It is hard to accept that migrating humans were less capable of such celestial illusions for guiding their lives. But, what is impossible to accept, and yet it is demonstrated all around the modern world of the Age of Enlightenment that humans cannot comprehend what birds do

instinctively. Commonsense is that ancient skill of communicating with Mother Nature in "Perfect Sight and Perfect Pitch" in the Light of Love.

Revelation 13:1-3 (DRA) 13 And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. 2 And the beast,

which I saw, was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth

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as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength, and great power. 3And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death's wound was healed.

And all the earth was in admiration after the beast.

Pope Julius II Sees the Face of God

In describing his feelings regarding great works of art, Freud made following comment in THE MOSES OF MICHELANGELO:

Works of art do exercise a powerful effect on me, especially those of literature and sculpture, less often of painting. This has occasioned me, when I have been contemplatingsuch things, to spend a long time before them trying to apprehend them in my own way,

i.e. to explain to myself what their effect is due to. Wherever I cannot do this, as for instance with music, I am almost incapable of obtaining any pleasure. Some rationalistic,

or perhaps analytic, turn of mind in me rebels against being moved by a thing without knowing why I am thus affected and what it is that affects me.

This has brought me to recognize the apparently paradoxical fact that precisely some of the grandest and most overwhelming creations of art are still unsolved riddles to our

understanding. We admire them, we feel overawed by them, but we are unable to say what they represent to us. I am not sufficiently well-read to know whether this fact has already been remarked upon; possibly, indeed, some writer on aesthetics has discovered that this

state of intellectual bewilderment is a necessary condition when a work of art is to achieve its greatest effects. It would be only with the greatest reluctance that I could bring myself

to believe in any such necessity.

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I do not mean that connoisseurs and lovers of art find no words with which to praise such objects to us. They are eloquent enough, it seems to me. But usually in the presence of a great work of art each says something different from the other; and none of them says

anything that solves the problem for the unpretending admirer. In my opinion, what grips us so powerfully can only be the artist's intention, in so far as he has succeeded in

expressing it in his work and in getting us to understand it. I realize that this cannot be merely a matter of intellectual comprehension; what he aims at is to awaken in us the

same emotional attitude, the same mental constellation as that which in him produced the impetus to create. But why should the artist's intention not be capable of being

communicated and comprehended in words, like any other fact of mental life? Perhaps where great works of art are concerned this would never be possible without the

application of psycho-analysis. The product itself after all must admit of such an analysis,if it really is an effective expression of the intentions and emotional activities of the artist. To discover his intention, though, I must first find out the meaning and content of what is

represented in his work; I must, in other words, be able to interpret it.

Freud, as with all so-called rationalists cannot sense the Birth of Venus. This discussion is presented to demonstrate the "demented" condition of modern human senses. The 16th Century Heresies erased commonsense from it eternal journey in the collective soul of humanity. Rather than spend money establishing the psychological causes for the behavior of a child like Adam Lanza in the Newtown, Connecticut massacre, we

should be giving children the most basic experiences of life. Commonsense experiences that allow the right brain creative interfaces with the senses to communicate with the

left brain tyrannical rational domination of the senses. It should not be wrong for creativity to be advanced in early and post graduate education. Clearly the

Renaissance culture had substantially greater access to the creative soul of the human experience.

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Moses Sees God

If Freud had simply understood that the movement of the head of Moses was caused bysomething that passed by him, the Freud could have asked more clearly what it was

that Moses had just seen. This would require that the viewer, Freud or anyone, to take in the whole lower register of the memorial wall to Pope Julius II, after all, the life of

Julius II was the subject of the sculpture, not the story of Moses. The uses of Moses and

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Rachel and Leah represent obvious metaphors that any shrink should have identified. But, for Freud, his Jewish heritage blinded him to the work that Michelangelo was


Pope Julius II Sees the Face of God

On the left, which was to the right side of Moses, is the statue of Leah. She was the desired wife of Jacob, that Michelangelo depicts as the "ideal" woman in a pious

position. The left leg of Rachel, according to Freud had "been executed on the tomb as it still exists in its sadly aborted form." But, the work began in 1505 and Julius II died

in 1513 and Michelangelo did not finish the work until 1545. Michelangelo did not leave Rachel unfinished, for the leg give the impression of a "peg leg" and the

rectangular pillar and base were not enough material to complete the full composition. This may appear to be an aborted work, as Freud suggests. But, it could also be a

message that Julius II attempted to support the piety of the Mother Church during an incredibly difficult time for the Catholic Church. Julius II was noted as the Warrior Pope because he went into the battlefield leading armies to maintain the Church in

Italy. The bent right knee represents weakened righteousness, and the sinister left leg represents an artificial support. SO it tells the observer that Julius II had propped up

the Ideals of the Church, which he did.

The real story of the Church is shown in the statue of Leah. First, Rachel only had one

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son, Joseph while alive, and she died giving birth to Ben Oni, the Son of my sorrows, whom Jacob had impregnated and subsequently saw the Lord and changed his name

was changed to Israel. Israel named the second son of the ideal wife, Benjamin, meaning Son of the Right Hand. To understand the two sons of Rachel, Joseph and

Benjamin, we need to "ascend to heavens" with the father of the Hebrew Tribe after the Genesis 35:16-21 The pillar of Rachel’s monument to this day is the Hieros Gamos

at Bethlehem and the Flock Tower of the road thereto according to the Shekinah of Israel and Khephera's Timeline.

In the Hands of Leah

Now, back to the real story of the Church that is shown in the statue of Leah. What Freud failed to do was realize that in the rapid turn of his head from Rachel as the Face of God passed by Julius II, the beard of Moses was caught in his the Finger of

God and that left the lock of his beard closest to his heart exposed to all observers. In Rachel's "Hand of God" there is a vessel of the cremains of Moses-Julius II and the

lock of the beard that was closest to the heart of Moses-Julius II. The bleary eyed wife of Jacob come Israel looked mournfully toward the cremains of the beard.

A Hand of God in the Renaissance was one that showed the one and three identity of the Catholic Deity. In the Birth of Venus, Botticelli used it on both hands of Venus, the right hand of Mother Nature, toes of the winged lovers, the clasped hand of the female

lover, and probably in the feet of Venus, as well.

When Moses-Julius Sees God his hands also carry the message of the Holy Trinity, with three and on in his right hand, and on the bitter belly of Moses-Julius II there is

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simply the count of three. Moses-Julius II is clearly shown as a divided man. His rightside is the mirror of Rachel firmly gripping the tablets and a sandal on his right foot. His left arm is over his belly suggesting the bitterness of the mortal condition, and his left foot is without shoe being prepared for the Sacred Ground where Moses had been given the two Tables of the Lord on the highest Mountain in Israel where he led the

Israelites back to the Promised Land and was rejected at the Eastern gate because he had betrayed the Lord at the Waters of Contradiction.

Angelic Virgo Leah

Now consider the statue of Leah in the light of the sketch of Virgo by JohannesHevelius just three years after the Dreadful Comet of 1680, which he observed after repairing his astronomical equipment burned in 1679. Behind the back of Virgo she

holds a sprig of wheat, representing the star Spica. Her right hand is raised at the tail of Leo with the constellation Coma Berenices to the side. Opposite is the constellation Crater with a face on it. The hair of Berenice and the face in Crater are replicated in Leah's right hand, while her left arm is in the position of Virgo and it holds a ring of

what appears to be braided wheat. The inference is sufficient to indicate that Michelangelo was sculpting Leah as the Virgin.

As we examine the garment of Leah it is clear that her skirt had been raised. The implication is that Leah had been taken. Yet, Michelangelo shows the lifted skirt

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forming a flower at her womb. Thus, Leah represents the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Mother of God. And that is what Moses-Julius II had seen when he became Pope. Pope Julius II ceremoniously died upon becoming Pope and understood why it is that no one can see the Face of God and live. The Glory of the Lord is so powerful that even mortal desires of the flesh and personal identity leave the dedicated soul. Mose-Julius II had witnessed the passing of the Face of God from the Pious Rachel-Mary to the Mother Leah-Mary and these were the two wives of Pope Julius II, as was the case

for Israel-Jacob, as well.

Hieros Gamos of Bootes & Virgo

When Michelangelo finished the monuments he said, "There is nothing left in the stone except life." Whereupon he struck the knee and said, "Now speak!"

Freud never mentioned the Horns of Moses on Michelangelo's masterpiece. Most likely, Freud saw the horns as some religious illusion. But, if Freud had spent more

time stargazing and less time collecting his fees, he would have been able to understand that the religious illusions of all generations are identified in the magnificent marble that Michelangelo taught how to speak. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then

Michelangelo's triad are worth a full twenty-six millennia of years. They tell the fundamental story of life if a person achieves that Hieros Gamos where the rational

man meet the material woman and cries out, "Is is water? Is it fire?" It is simple what

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Michelangelo saw, but the work he accomplished is incomprehensible for its precision. What Michelangelo saw was the tales of two comets, the Dreadful Comet of 1680 and

the Hieros Gamos Comet of 2013, even though he died 116 years before the former and 449 years before the latter. How can this be so? It is simple. The Hieros Gamos of

Bootes and Virgo was the foresight of the Pantocrator, the sight of the Cosmocrator, the power of the Holy Ghost of the Pantocrator, and the conception in the dark matter of the Virgo Cluster who gave birth to the Milky Way of Galilee so that the story of a child in swaddling cloths placed in a manger could become the Greatest Story Ever Told to the children of a wandering Mother Earth who desire to live where Moses

found the Horns of Actaeon as an illusion of Perfect Sight, Perfect Pitch, and Perfect Love. There is no religious illusion in all the Earth. There are only those who seek that

perfect relationship that represents the reproductive union of God and Mammon.

What better reason to draw a heart within the Kingdoms of Zion and Jerusalem around the cosmic lovers than to declare

"the purpose of life; Is to Love."

Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillmentby Marc Gafni (Jan 29, 2002)

Excerpt from Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillment by Marc Gafni


What experiences tug at our soul prints and move us forward in the world? What are the primal passions that beckon us, irresistibly shaping and forming, consciously and

unconsciously, the paths of our lives?

Just as philosophers and God-seekers find differing answers to the big meaning-of-life questions, so do thinkers draw different conclusions about the forces that stir us to seek

personal meaning in our lives.

Sigmund Freud said we are driven by the libido—basically a technica1 synonym for the sex drive. Sexuality, said Freud, expresses the fundamental life force that courses through our

lives and catalyzes civilization. Freud did not invent this idea. A fifth century passage from the Babylonian Talmudic wisdom masters tells a proto-Freudian, once-upon-a-time tale:

It was a hot afternoon along the Euphrates…sexuality seemed to swarm through the village as surely as flies around the riverside. Problems propagated in the sultry air: affairs, jealousies, idolatries, and all sorts of questionable ecstasies. The communal leaders knew no other course of action but to gather in the shade and pray, pouring sweat and tears into each word until at last their voices broke through the heat, soared past the flies, and penetrated the heavens with their protest. "Master of the Universe,"

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they cried, "have mercy on your children, and destroy this sexual drive that so enslaves us. Uproot this fester of indecency from our midst, and free us from these ecstasies!"

With open ear and arched eyebrows, God looked down and answered "I have hearkened to your prayer; but tell me: my children…Are you sure?"

With unanimous nods and articulations of joy, the leaders responded, "Yes! Yes!" and collapsed from the fatigue of their efforts, exhausted but victorious.

Morning broke, and the leaders woke expectant. They search the town for signs of release from the sexual drive. Indeed, an air of peace pervaded the sunburnt streets. No problems peeked from the windows, no bickering echoed from behind closed doors. In fact, they heard no noise at all.

They found their families lolling in bed, contented and calm. They checked the markets—empty stalls. They ventured into the barns; no chicken had laid an egg. No dog barked; no heart stirred in a heaving chest. The world was at rest, and it would not rise.

The leaders gathered again in their shaded alcove and prayed with a deeper pain than before, "Master of the Universe, restore our passions, lest we waste away to dust and tired dreams! Rekindle our drives!"

It was out of this tradition—one passed down in Freud's own rabbinical family for more than twenty generations—that the great doctor developed his notions of the motivating libido.

Yet critics have spilled much ink to say that the fundamental human drive cannot he reduced to sexuality—essential as the urge may be. Indeed, the most blatant fallacy of the Freudian

version of this position becomes clear when Freud claims that maternal love is really a manifestation of a mother's repressed sexuality. Freud went too far. Intuitively we

understand that the wonder of a mother's love for a child cannot be reduced to a repressed sex drive.

After Freud, psychologists Abraham Maslov and Alfred Adler declared that the basic human drive lay in the attempt to achieve self-actualization or self-esteem. Yet these important

teachers sometimes forgot to tell us what these terms really mean in our lives. What is self-actualization? How do you know when you’re actually actualized? Are we actualized by the same things? If we consider the drive for self-esteem as the motivating force in our lives, we

face versions of those same questions.


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In the Face of Godis the Hieros Gamos of

Father Nature and Mother Nature

The Great Comet of 2013 promises to be a magnificent sight in the northern heavens. It will stay within the region of Earth as it is in Heaven except for its passing under the Virgin and

conjunct with Spica. Then passing through the Judgment Hall it will reach perihelion on November 28, 2013 at the heel of the Heavenly Father, where it will make a hard turn to the right and complete the Lord's Prayer. The prayer is draw out as a Valentine Heart squeezed

on the Earth between Gemini and Scorpio and then opened up on the heavenly heights at the mouth of Khephera, the Black Land of Upper Egypt. Traversing the upper heights it will turn away from the Golden Calf of the Mesoptamians that is the Angel of Death and then return through the house of the Good Shepherd and work is way back to the oort cloud by the heads of the twins. The number of omens in the Heart of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON are

beyond description. But, the pathology of "the purpose of the comet's life" is unmistakable.

It is an ode to Love."

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Rachel's Pillar was the Lord of Dawn

Read it if you can. Just remember that in the “Darkness Above,” the Dung Beetle lays an egg for a future generation and then gives up the life that planted the seed for the sake of

Life to Come. Star after star succumbs in its own time. Yet, from the dust of stars, Mother Nature keeps coming back, again and again and again . . . . . . . . .

A Picture of Ten Billion Lives

Botticelli’s Birth of Venus1 Corinthians 13:13

The Greatest of These is Love

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Mother Nature places a Robe of Soul prints under an ear of Perfect Pitch on the image of Perfect Love. The robe is to protect her with Harmony from the ill wind of Red Faced Lust

that perpetually blows to extinguish the candle of Perfect Love. Botticelli captures in art what Marc Gafni captures in words. Similarly, the quest for “self-actualization or self-

esteem” is Gafni’s concern. Where in the painting of Venus and in the photo of the planet of Love over the symbol of fire and the flock of birds of morning is Father Nature? The

“Babylonian Talmudic wisdom masters,” referenced by Gafni, tell us where the true Soul Prints toward our fulfillment can be found. They prayed in ignorance for relief from the search for “Sex, Money, Power, and Meaning,” and when it is granted, they prayed in

ignorance for the relief from the famine that came from the rejection of lust.

Botticelli tells the story and he shows what “Is in the Face” of Father Nature. Reality is always before the Face of God. Although, to see the Face of God is to die, for to know God

is to be looking at his back parts as reality passes by. God has already done whatever we come to know. When we come to know Truth, we are one with the Father and the Divine Soul Print is ours. The accomplishments of Mother Nature are the Soul Prints of Father

Nature yet to be found as Manifest Destiny should we seek and find the harmony in the robe of Venus and not get caught in the bondage of lust for “Sex, Money, Power, and Meaning.”

The Soul Print on the garment of harmony were black, suggesting that they would be colored by the experiences of Perfect Love. Mother Nature is the filter through which

Eternal Life passes wherein is Perfect Love. The lusting couple drop floral objects intended for use in conception into the abysmal sea where Moses had taught the Israelites to cross

without looking back on their way to the Manifest Destiny of Promissory Materialism. Yet, lost objects for conception can harden one's heart, and that is why the Great Comet of 2013 is coming. It is telling not to forget that lust and love are not the same thing. Love creates

and it never fails to conceive its purpose.

To see the Face of God in the Birth of Venus we must do as Botticelli did. The Master of the Universe is Father Nature, and when we find his face, we truly understand the Impossible

Dream of man becoming God. Our quest for “self-actualization or self-esteem” is not about sex, it is about giving back to life what we were given in the First Place when Father Nature and Mother Nature got together in an act of Cosmic Conception after the Wedding Feast in Cana and the walk along the Cosmic Shore. If you have an ear for harmony you can hear

them talking as the walk along the shore hand in hand as the Twins of Creation.

Mother Nature: “I won’t let you do that?”

Father Nature: “What won’t you let me do?

Mother Nature: “Destroy the Soul Prints of my offspring by showing your Face.”

Father Nature: “My Face! Why is my Face forbidden?”

Mother Nature: “Until they see Me, they cannot see your Face! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder not in the dream of the Creator. My children must choose the Life before

your Face.”

Father Nature: “They will never see it My Way!”

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Mother Nature: “Let it be!"

The heavens declare the Glory of God the Father through the majesty of the Mother of God. So, regardless of any moment of tears or joy, we must remain cognizant or the Son of the

Hieros Gamos will not come down to us and lead us back up to the Hidden Father. The Holy Spirit is optional for us, but the Holy Ghost is not optional. The Ghost of the Father is sent

back to us when the Father and the Son become One as the Holy Spirit, which is the Cosmic Harmony for which life is created in the Substance of the ever virgin Mother of God. With this experience we can venture into the Lion's Den without fear of being consumed. The

Logos of the Father says, "Watch." The Logos of the Mother says, "Listen." The price we must pay to reach the Kingdom of Heaven is our undivided attention to the Beauty and

Harmony that surrounds us.

End of the Intermezzo Return to:A New Town Connect I Cut:Slaughter of the Innocents

The legend of Actaeon

Ovid. Metamorphoses. Book III

Sigmund Freud on theHorns of Moses

Eye Of SiloamCopyright © 2013SU International.

All rights reserved. First Posting: December 27, 2012 Last Update: February 5, 2013

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INTERMEZZOReturn to top

Finally, the last star in a journey that began with Common Sense reaches Number 12, LeoGN+. Leo is the essence of the Kingdom of God, and the Lioness of Egypt, Sekhmet. and the Lioness of Greece, Demeter, all share the wisdom of the Virgin that Common Sense is

provided to a child in the womb. What happens after coming from the womb is child's play. Having crested the Cosmic Summit the Lion deserves the Pride that comes with Nike and

the new name, "I Will" PZ.

The true King of Beasts knows from experience what it takes to be a Master of the Plow with a Teacher of Righteousness. The Master is in need of the She Ass and her Colt, for if

the Master's Pride exceeds the Master's Common Sense, then the axiom, "Pride goeth before the fall" becomes an echo of the Great Red Dragon who lurks in the dark crevices where Common Sense always fails to take hold and the lack of it takes down Daniel's betrayers.

This Journey to the Kingdom of Heaven has come full circle and the Heavenly Field where the Hieros Gamos of Holy Marriage between God the Father, and God the Mother echoes

throughout the Cosmos where the Paternal Intent of the Pantocrator together with the Cognition of Paternal Intent in the Cosmocrator of the Divine Son sends the Holy Spirit to give Common Sense to the Dark Matter of the Cosmic Mother so that Eternal Life can be

brought out of the Dark Abyss. Commonsense is that a Love Light is the Purpose of all born of the Heavenly Virgin.


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At the Hieros Gamos the Lord of the Dawn, Khephera is present and presides over the Heavenly Field. When this Journey through the body of Nut began there was the breaking ofthe Solar Rain in the Aten of the Shekinah that a Son of the Sun was given to the Heavenly Virgin by the voice of her Anima in the Crab on her knee. PZ-1 This Crab is the animal of Khephera, who is Re at Dawn and the Morning Star of Revelation. After completion of the

Journey around the pronaos circuit the womb of Nut is a single wing of Khephera in the form of the Heavenly Father. PZ-12 Thus, the Animus of the Heavenly Mother leads the

Way of the Journey out of the Temple of Mother Earth to the Right Hand of the Heavenly Father through the Heavenly Virgin. Hathor became her new name, and righteousness was still her fame, without the righteous indignation of Sekhmet, for the Cosmic Mother never repeats any process exactly because time always renews the womb of the Heavenly Virgin.


There is an upper room in the temple to Hathor that we must now go back to in order to participate in the Feast on the Table that has been prepared for the Cupbearer. Before we go there, let us review what circuit we just transited. In the face of the Crab-Khephera there is a

Manger where the child wrapped in Swaddling Cloths was laid because the Inn of the Twelve Houses was full. The child was the sentiment for the ancestors found in the Rescue

from Down Under, for they had walked where we now walk thousand of years and an untold number of times before. From the House of Feeling in Common the journey went down to the dark depths of night of the bottom of the Cosmic Sea and in the Reeds at the bottom the path turned upward to the Elysian Fields where grasshoppers play in the region called day

where we discover the Heavenly Dung Beetle welcomes all travelers. The star that shall rise out of the staff of Jacob is the Sun, and it rises to the Heavenly Rose where a pillar was set for the body of the beloved wife of Israel, Rachel, was buried in Bethlehem. Thus, the Star

of Bethlehem is the Sun, the Light of Day.

To enter the Region of Day in the Land Above the Land it is necessary to circumcise the Virgin's Son so that when Judgment Comes the Virgin's Son will be cognizant of the civilizing cut. Then when the Judgment Hall opens the way, the Father in Heaven can

determine what has come out of the abyss and judge whether the man-child must return with the Jackal, or proceed to be Born of the Virgin. When Judgment Time has passed, and the

Man-Child is an heir to the Throne of Heaven, he becomes the Prince of Peace in the saddle of the Royal Beasts of the Lion and the Sea Serpent that keep pride in check.

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As we review this Road to Holy Jerusalem we can look back at Nancy Lanza and Adam Lanza to determine if there was a Teacher of Righteousness to guide a son through the

journey of Common Sense to the Field of Heaven. The evidence suggests that Nancy took to Home Schooling because she considered herself more righteous than the Matrons of Public

Schooling. It would be easy to fault Nancy for selfish pride, but as we will see later, the Matrons of Public Schooling had not advanced beyond the bovine star in the Crown of the Virgin. The Public School System has been stripped of all Cosmic Spirit and is no longer

capable of identifying where the Love Boat sails any more. Political Correctness has dominated the Public School Systems with ideas that are totally at odds with Cosmic

Common Sense practically since the beginning of the 16th Century when the last Renaissance Man died. Thus, Nancy Lanza was at a crossroad where "I Doubt" meant she

must shoot from the hip in the power of the "I Believe" to home school her underdeveloped, or more properly, crossed developed son.

Judgment Hall of Sekhmet Nancy Lanza

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It is not feasible for a righteous woman to break a child's home on the grounds of irreconcilable differences with the child's father without casting the child into the cosmic

abyss. While struggling to survive with necessarily flooding subliminal emotions of imminent destruction, Adam Lanza retreated from social contact to avoid the sound of

disharmony that wrecked his soul. This is not an option, because the Cosmic Spirit has a path that all must follow to reach the Elysian Field and it is beyond doubt that Nancy Lanza did not understand the need to defeat Unbalanced Desire. She cast her second born son into

the lair of the Great Red Dragon. Being without sufficient experience to be cognizant of what was happening Adam Lanza had to retreat to inner homeostasis to find peace within

himself. When Adam Lanza encountered external social situations, he could not transfer the affection he had not acquired from Nancy Lanza to the situations. A child that cannot trust

its own mother is in dire need of the Cupbearer whose name is "I Know." PZ-6 No such Cupbearer ever came to Adam Lanza and he had to rely on the experience of a child isolated

from the Common Sense social interaction between the identities of a second born and a Mother's Son. All of the family significant actions taken by Nancy Lanza simply drove

Adam Lanza further away. His own brother treated him like Cain did Abel. And his father? Why he paid for his family like a modern divorce father should. But, money does not teach

social skills and provide other needs of a child. Adam Lanza was doomed to perdition by the failure of the Hireos Gamos of the Lanza legacy, and Adam understood that destiny in his genetic world cut off from the socializing skills of Aquarius that might have set him free

from his bondage.

Nancy Lanza could not restore the family, which is the Kingdom of God, to her second born. And her version of Home Schooling would drive her son to paranoia and schizophrenia like

a Medusa. Adam demonstrated at least two strong personalities. He was a "genius" with technical skills. He was incompetent at compassion and skills of affection that are critical for

social interaction that are learned in utero and until weaning from affection long after weaning from mother's milk.

Nancy Lanza never had the Dream of Heaven Above for Adam Lanza, and he knew it. His instincts were well advanced and they told him that he was not to inherit the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father. So, he did what he was designed to do, he became a "First Person Shooter" because he was not raised to be a Prince of Peace. Adam went with the sons of Seth and the

sons of Perseus to follow Angra Mainyu into perdition.

The Hieros Gamos of Adam Lanza

Adam must have come to hate the youthful child he was before his parent's divorce. The face of young Adam Lanza would have fit well with the faces of the twenty virgins he

massacred on December 14, 2012. Adam was killing the Medusa inside hime that he had come to know. The joys of his childhood were feelings without thought that said, "I Feel, therefore, I Am." The despair of his final days were thoughts without feelings that said, "I

Think, therefore, I Am." Adam Lanza had become the man-child of the 16th Century Heresies and the Age of Enlightenment that followed, and as such, he could not answer the

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cosmic quandaries, "Is it water? Is it fire?"

Adam Lanza never made it through the Gateway of Gods and he never witnessed a Day of Judgment in his short life until December 14, 2012. On that day, Adam Lanza became the

Pantocrator of his Cosmocrator identity. He created the identity he had judged to be his Gateway of the Gods. He did this without proper preparation, as is the case with practically

all mass murders who react to motives that are derived from the internal Divine Paternal Desire. In all such cases, the judgment favors death rather than life, and quite often it is the

Day of the Last Judgment.

Michelangelo depicted the day of the Last Judgment as the rapid passing of the Face of Godin the triune personality of Pope Julius II as the ideal Rachel, the judging Moses, and the

living Leah. Success in the Last Judgment always results in Virgin Birth. Failure in the Last Judgment results in reincarnation, or death. That is why Michelangelo gave Leah a royal

diadem held by the Virgin to give to Julius II.

Isaiah 62:1-5For Zion’s sake I will not be silent,

for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet, until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch. Nations shall behold your vindication, and all the kings your glory; you shall be called by a new name pronounced by the mouth of the

LORD. You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God. No more shall people call you "Forsaken," or your land “Desolate," but you shall be called "My Delight," and your land “Espoused.” For the LORD delights in you

and makes your land his spouse. As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you; and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride so shall your God rejoice in you.

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Judgment Day of Adam Lanza

Unlike Pope Julius II, Adam Lanza did not see the Face of God pass by on a Day of Judgment, for the soul of Adam Lanza was consumed by darkness in the Lion's Den. When

he carried out the rampage of Sandy Hook the first responders found that Adam had plugs in his ears. Why? The nature of autistic, or disaffected children is that there are too many signals coming to their consciousness to process in real time. Children who are given

consistent clues from parents and siblings in the form of friendly faces, smiles, and sounds of harmony strengthen the hypothalamus proficiency that provides homeostasis. When the signals are inconsistent the amygdala maintains defensive control as the survival instinct

mechanism in the brain. All of this occurs beneath the conscious rational perception, and as such, has direct communication links to the right brain. From the stage of the blastocyst

through the age of reason the brain is adapting to the physical sensations with the rational identity, As rational identity is empowered the chemistry can be altered by rational choice;

soldiers repress emotion using self sacrificing external affection for the sake of their comrades in arms. At any time during the nine month stage in utero and the first seven years

post birth the coordination of the left and right brain functions can be disaffected. To the person with the disaffections there is a "War of the Worlds" going on in their unconscious and that war dramatically affects the healthy development of a conscience. The ability to

judge right and wrong is confused with the signals of left and right and the conscious cannot reach homeostasis in a timely manner. External events are "judged" based upon the

underdeveloped internal signal processing system. Left alone, these troubles do not occur and the individual actually develops vastly more mature interaction between the two halves

of the brain. This writer can confirm this development because of personal experience lasting over forty years struggling to develop the judgment speed for external and internal

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communication processes. Once the individual realizes that the trouble with in utero and childhood external experiences does not mean that the person is mentally incompetent, but

simply lacking the skill of "normal physical sense correspondence," the individual can actually choose to identify "commonsense" within themselves. Biblically, this is when a star

rises out of Jacob and Israel does the "right thing." This makes the external socialization skills advance rapidly. As this occurs, the individual so delayed realizes that they have

greater "non-common experience" capability developed during the stage of delayed development when external self identity was not dominating their communication processes.

As a result, the poor socializing skills of the nerd gives the nerd higher commonsense capabilities with uncommon experiences than children with normal socializing skills

identified as normal common sense. In regard to the capabilities of the nerd, the normal person has delayed experience. The nerd is falsely treated as a genius because of a highly

developed personal skill that the normal person has not achieved.

In metaphysical terms, the struggle between the rational left brain, son of man, and the spiritual right brain, son of god, reaches a Day of Judgment. When the ego is rejected as a viable form of self identity, the son of man, Jacob, dies and the son of god, Israel, lives in

rightness. The transition requires a trauma of sufficient magnitude to allow conscious judgment. Modern psychoanalysis cannot address this reincarnation of the Son of God because modern science based psychoanalysis forces left brain activity as if the rational

ideals were the Laws of Moses that were written by the hand of man based upon incomplete communication with the Mind of God. In other words, psychoanalysis smites the material

reality and delivers emotional (eros) salve. All religious laws are rationalizations of the psyche regarding the Mind of God. The Laws of Science are the real Laws of God. The

schism between the Laws of Science and the Laws of Religion is caused by redaction of the Metaphysical Laws of God that are fourfold; emotional, material, rational, spiritual. When

the Four Corners of the World are rationalized into a circle, the ego identity is "well rounded" and imitates the Universal Identity.

Luke 2:25-35 tells us how the trauma will result in the salvation when the "son of man" dies and the "Son of God" is restored to the living flesh. This is the greatest mystery of the New Testament. Lk2.34 And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be

contradicted; Kk2:35 And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. Nancy Lanza did not accept the sword that pierced her soul

because Adam Lanza was a sign of contradiction. Salvation cannot occur until the Son of Man dies and leaves the material soul (ka) as a House for the Son of God.

When does the Son of Man die? When the Son of Man can no longer be distinguished from the Will of God. The death of the Son of Man occurs in the Valley of the Shadow of Death in the Garden under the Bound One. Matthew 26:38 & 39, "Then he saith to them: My soul is sorrowful even unto death. Stay you here and watch with me. And going a little further, he fell upon his face, praying and saying: My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass

from me. Nevertheless, not as I will but as thou wilt." After the release of free will the Son ofMan is dead. The rest of the pathology of salvation is performed in the realm of the material

reality until the flesh is reincarnated by the spirit of the Son of God. It is a very dreadful passage to those who do not submit to what they cannot see. Yet, for those who accomplish the pathology without looking back, the rational domination of their past experiences will

cease to dictate their future experiences. This is the meaning of salvation. A soul saved

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moves in the direction of rightness for the sake of righteousness, rather than in the direction of righteousness for the sake of rightness. When rightness has been achieved there will be no

judgment to follow. When righteousness is attempted, it must be judged for it rightness.

A Star Rising out of Jacob: Son, your mother cannot be with you any more.

"Nancy Lanza was'very devoted'

to her sons"Today News December 17, 2012


Adam Lanza, 20, was described as a “recluse’’ by his mother to friends. Nancy Lanza divorced her husband, General Electric executive Peter Lanza, in 2009, and he left her their spacious 3,100-square foot home in Newtown where Adam spent the majority of his time.

“He was clearly a troubled child,’’ said Hanoman, who was the only one of the four friends to have met Adam. “We know that he had Asperger’s. Nancy mentioned that to me several

times. He was very calm, very withdrawn, much like most kids with Asperger’s are. He was typical in that regard.’’

“Sometimes he would isolate himself, things like that,’’ Adriani said. “She was very conscious of how she would react to him. For an example, one time he was ill, and he just

didn’t want her in the room, so she stayed outside of his bedroom all night on the carpet, and he periodically would say, ‘Are you there? Are you there?’ And she’d always say, ‘Yes I’m

here.’ So he wanted her there to some degree, but not in his exact, immediate space.’’


Nancy Lanza may have appeared to be "very devoted" to Adam Lanza, but her decisions clearly caused disintegration within his "immediate space," for like Peter and the two sons ofZebedee, she fell asleep at the door to the garden of paradise. Nancy Lanza never discovered how to get through to Adam so as to allow "this child is set for the fall" to meet his maker.

In all rituals of religion the "bovine behavior" of the ritual is performed so that the "immediate space" is a safe harbor. Adam never found a safe harbor in his mother and her

actions, together with those of her husband and elder son, did not do right regarding the need

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for safe harbor. Adam was clearly judging his mother as the cause of his signs "which shall be contradicted." Salvation is excluded when a safe harbor does not exist for the forming

identity to return to. It may have been an "impossible mission," but Nancy Lanza should not have played the part of the Righteous Lioness because that caused at least as much

apprehension as comfort in Adam. Nancy had to fulfill the role spoken of by Simeon, "thyown soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed." A

mother's is to set up the child for the revelation of contradictions without binding the child in self righteousness. This condition is now epidemic in the post Age of Enlightenment that

delivered water in the Sea of Contradictions (Pisces).

When the Judgment Day of Adam Lanza came, the only "safe harbor" was in his "Call to Duty" as a "First Person Shooter." All other avenues of his salvation were closed and he

attempted to copulate with the Teacher of Righteousness standing upon the book of his own psychokinesis that he believed would cause his sun to rise.

Adam Lanza had no chance of becoming a Master of the Plow in reproducing the Offspring of Righteousness. It is precisely this failing in Adam Lanza's youth that is the microscopic

state of the macroscopic state of the culture of the late Age of Enlightenment. This does not mean that any specific religious ritual is righteous and others faulted. It means that the use of

ritual safe harbors in the development of the adolescent human psyche as identified in the Cultures of the Ancients far exceeds that maternal value needed by the offspring of every

Age of Enlightenment. The Age of Enlightenment denied the Perfect Pitch required to robe the Perfect Sight at the Birth of Venus. Enlightenment always leads to decay of the

individual and when collected together the decay of the Collective Unconscious, i.e., Osiris.


Temple to Hathor, Mother Earth

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The Ptolemaic Temple to Hathor represents the Sentiment of the Cosmic Mother that requires ritual preservation of the cosmic human experience. The goddess Nut represented

the Cosmic Mother. The goddess Hathor represented Mother Earth. The goddess Isis represented the sentiment for the eternal human experience that is the collective unconscious identified by Carl G. Jung. The important point regarding the maternal reincarnation of the temple is the lack of the holistic maternal spirit in Nancy Lanza as a result of loss of ritual

preservation. The Upper Room with the Tables of Moses prepared for the killing of the Passover was located in the east Osiris Chapel on the level of the mezzanine open to the

stars except at the enclosed chapels where the stars had come down to the temple to Mother Earth. The northeast chapel contained the Original Tables of the Creator given to Moses

when he ascended the Mountain of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These tables are pure metaphysical science and they contain the rules for charting the Ages. The stone is the Philosopher's Stone of Alchemy, (Kemet, Egypt), and the Rock of Ages of the pre-Christian

Western Civilization. Most important is the preservation of the ritual wisdom of the maternal cosmos. The eight foot diameter of the Rock of Ages is shown to scale in the

northeast Osiris Chapel overlay and expanded in the pronaos overlay with the head on the body of Nut oriented to the temple south direction of the original installation. To understand

ancient temple is is mandatory that the ego child die so that the cosmic child can be reincarnated.

Osiris Chapel InscriptionOn one of the north east chapel walls is the engraving depicted above. It shows Osiris, Isis,

and their son, Horus. The Horus Child has a robe with concentric rings about the central focus at the ear of Isis. This is another way of indicating the Venus of Willendorf and the

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Nefertiti power of cognition without enlightenment that is equivalent to the robe of "Perfect Pitch" of the Renaissance Nut. Isis hears the presence of Osiris and it is through the

sentiment she hears that she restores the kingdom of Osiris within her son, Horus. This is the ultimate purpose of a righteous mother, the reincarnation of the soul of the builder of civil order as "His Story" of rightness. It is not the mother's role to do rightness. She must be the

vessel of righteousness so that the child can become a doer of rightness..

The Osirian Chapels on the Roof of the Hathor Temple have been interpreted by Egyptologist Sylvie Cauville as illustrated in the composite image above. The following is a Bing.com French translation of Cauville's interpretation. ___________________________

NORTH EAST WALLThe large, impressive and efficient powers divine, master of the property in this country, the Lords of eternity to names where temples are engraved, be masters of the four winds to the

living, the gods are satisfied with [...].

Osiris: Lyrics to say by Osiris who presides over the West, the great God that takes place in lounet, the King of necropolis, the Governor of the banks, the great among the greats, the master of the places of worship, master of Busiris and Nome early dynastic, for the statues

which were founded originally gods of the temple.

Harsiesis: Harsiesis, < son > Osiris, which comes only, which differs from the number (of the other gods),.< I am your heir, (your) living flesh in front of you, the ruler of the living

divine forces. >

Isis: Lyrics to say by the Isis, the mother of the God, mistress of latdi, which takes place in lounet, which places the son of his brother on the throne of his father as King of the gods,

Lord of eternity:

< Your ensevelisseur (Enemy), I put it in the world to Botha, gods and goddesses are your protection. >

Harsiesis: Harsiesis, son of Osiris, King of the gods, Lord of the Ennead.

(Ensevelisseur): >> grave digger, wrecker, breaker, plunderer, i.e., Seth;antonym >> savior, benefactor, liberator


Interpretation of the French translation leaves a lot to be desired, but the essence is that the triad, Osiris, Isis, and Hariesis (Horus) results in the coming of a Savior by the Conception

of Isis. The meaning of the Messiah as the Son of Osiris is that Osiris is the equivalent of the Jungian Collective Unconscious and Horus is the Cognition of the Light born of Osiris and

Isis during the times of the primordial gods (Ennead). Isis is the goddess of universal sentiment, who has the power to restore the eternal soul to living organisms, i.e.,

reincarnation. The consort of Osiris, the creator of civil order, is Isis, but she does not come into action while her consort is doing his work. But, when the ensevelisseur, Osiris's brother Seth, binds the creator of civil order, the sentiment of Isis restores the Lord of Cosmic Order

to the throne of civil order with the power of the Cosmocrator.

What we are dealing with is a pre-Christian identification of the Cosmocrator, or Deity of

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Creation. The Lord of the Ennead is Re, who was the first Horus, the First Light of Creation that was self cognizant and delivered cognition to the whole of creation as a Pantocrator, capable of Good and Evil. That cognition was buried in the necropolises of Egypt by the

cohorts of Seth who placed the body of Osiris (experience) into Perfect Fitting Boxes (rationalizations). It is this Seth that is identified in Numbers 24:17 in the words of the

Victor over Seth regarding the Face of the Pantocrator. "I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near. A STAR SHALL RISE out of Jacob and a sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and shall waste all the children of Seth.

The proof of this statement is in the Table prepared in the Upper Room of the Temple to the Syncretic Unity of the Cosmic Mother, Nut, and the Earth Mother, Hathor, and the

sentimental conception of Isis. Hathor's name means House of Horus, and she is the Mother of the Star that is surrounded by the Twelve Tribes of Jacob known as the celestial Earth, the ecliptic with the xodiac. Light of Day and the "Star that shall rise out of Jacob" is the system

of Re, the Solar System.

The moral is that humans learn behaviors and they repeat them without cognition. The rationalists then prepare records of the order and that defeats cognition of the original means of creation. When sentiment for the original builder of order, the Forefather, is restored for

generations to come, the rationalizers are defeated.

Clementine Vulgate Mark 14:13–1513 Et mittit duos ex discipulis suis, et dicit eis : Ite in civitatem, et occurret vobis homo

lagenam aquæ bajulans : sequimini eum, 14 et quocumque introierit, dicite domino domus, quia magister dicit : Ubi est refectio mea, ubi Pascha cum discipulis meis manducem ? 15 Et

ipse vobis demonstrabit cœnaculum grande, stratum : et illic parate nobis.

Translation PZ6-713 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith to them: Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him, 14 and wherever he enters, say to the master of the house, The Master saith, Where is my guest room, where the Passover

with my disciples eat? 15 And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.

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Hathor Upper Room Ceiling

In the east upper level Osiris Chapel of the Temple to Hathor at Denderah the cosmic message of the ceiling is depicted by the body of Nut stretched parallel to the axis of the

temple and quasi-tangent to the circle within the Four Corners of Creation. This symbol of a tangent to a circle is the same more ancient symbol of the Circle of Life and the Martyr's

Crown from Uruk. The tangent point represents the mortality of life and the circle represents the Universal Cycle. The Hand of Shamash is shown holding a rod and the circle of the

Mesopotamian Sun Deity of the same name is behind his hand; a symbol of mammon. The Shamash graphic was added to help demonstrate the composite meaning. Within the four

corners of the composition there is a Shamash star symbol of eight points held by the Four Maidens of the Corners and the four pairs of Father and Son Horus falcons squeezed

between the sides of the Whole Square, symbol of masculine stess. A circle represents an emotional identity and the square represents a rational identity. At the upper left side is the

hand of the Cosmocrator, Jesus the Redeemer, of the Basilica San Vitale in Ravenna holding "a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD, a royal diadem held by your God" from Isaiah

62:3. The theological messages on the ceiling are as old as Western Civilization including the Enuma Elish and Gilgamesh, the Book of the Dead of Egypt, and the Torah of the

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Hebrews. It is a philosopher's stone written in the Hand of God as the original metaphysics that included modern material science.

Table Upper Room

The Osiris Chapel ceiling provides the two Tables given to Moses within the Decans of Egypt. These are material science markers that record the passage of time. The center of the

decan circle composition is at the back front paw of the jackal (Lupus) on the small plow (Little Dipper, Usra Minor). The back front paw of the constellation Leo is the star Regulus,

the regulator, known infamously as Apollyon, the Lord of the Bottomless Pit. Thus, the monument is showing the way out of the Bottomless Pit of the Lion's Den.

A line drawn through the scepter of Harsiesis (Jupiter) through the center of the decan circle (Apollyon) and across to the center of the disc on the Man of Enlightenment represents the summer solstice axis. The circles marked with "o" letters represent the calibration reference

points for the cosmic clock. Perpendicular to the center "o" is the triangulum of a Horus Falcon and a Hapi Baboon and a Seth Goat. The goat is facing back and it is the form of the Seth Animal at a right angle to the staff of Horus. Seth represented the rationalizing mind in

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Egypt. Horus represented the cognitive truth and the falcon on the reed stalk is on the axis ofthe temple as gnosis, the total truth. The great city so represented is Busiris, where Seth

decimated Osiris and spread his body around in many small pieces. The Herculean task is to restore all the pieces in their proper functional order.

As King of the gods, Lord of the Ennead, the Enlightenment of the Son of Osiris and Isis represents the Highest Sun at the solstice and the scepter of Jupiter is the reference for the

scepters of Saturn and Mars at the top of the ecliptic axis, and a reference for the scepters of Uranus and Mercury for the celestial pole location. The positions of the ecliptic pole (EP)

and the positions of the celestial pole (CP) establish the time of the monument. It is dedicated to the Dawn of Pisce, and the vernal equinox is shown as the Utchat on the fish of Pisces closest to the Ram of Aries. All the icons within the Circle of Life are traversing in a

counter clockwise direction that is the direction of the precession of the equinoxes. The cosmic clock can identify a specific time within the 26,000 year precession cycle. The actual

date of the summer solstice is 30 AD when the vernal equinox crossed the east line of the asterism of Pisces. Very detailed analysis has been performed on the monument as reported

in Time Lines and Guide Lines in the Denderah Zodiac, Is it the Book of Q? Precise Precessional Calculations of the monument as a cosmic clock has been performed using

precision photographs of the monument purchased from the Louvre Museum of Paris Inventory D38.

Because the center of the composition represents rationalized information in the Egyptian calendar, it identifies the cosmic cognition of the priests who created the masterpiece.

Within the decan circle of time the composition is a Minotaur's Labyrinth in a counterclockwise spiral that tells the story of the mortal experience on Earth in the Heavens. All the celestial analysis employed in this analysis of the Newtown massacre of December 14, 2012 is based upon the procedures defined by the Denderah circular zodiac. It is truly a

Philosopher's Stone and a Rock of Ages. The metaphysics it presents is central to the macroscopic cause of the Newtown massacre. The microscopic events have been identified and they are only of value to the actual people involved in the massacre. But, the country and the modern civilization that experienced the events at Newtown have been given the Perfect Pitch of Venus regarding the loss of harmony in modern civilization. As a final reference to the celestial metaphors on the Denderah Monument, examine the Man and Beast of the planet Venus on the right side of the monument (east). The planet Venus is

shown as a woman walking behind the beast that is the cat Bastet. She represents the sensitivity and attentiveness of the feline beast. The Man and Beast hold scepters that point to the center of the composition. The angle made between these two staffs is 9.198 degrees.

The time of alignment of the north arrow at Capricorn is near 561 BC and the length of precession was 26,066.1 years. Thus, the angle of the Man and Beast represents 9.198

degrees divided by 360 degree times 26,066.1 years. That number is 9.198/360*26066.1 = 666 years. Nebuchadnezzar II died in 562 BC. Subsequent to the death of Nebuchadnezzar

II the prophet Daniel read the "hand writing on the wall" of Nebuchadnezzar's son Belshazzar. The finger of God wrote the words Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin.

27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. 28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

These words identify the creation of the constellation Libra out of the constellation of Scorpio and the Claws, the Great Red Dragon. To be weighed in the balances and found

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wanting means that desire is in a state without balance. This became the Judgment Day of the Kingdom of Babylon, and the Babylonia captivity ended. It was the King of Median, Darius that freed the children of Israel. The Denderah monument records that date as the

Day of the Alignment of the Earth and it was the reference date for the monument.

Queen Of The South

It was the Word of God on the wall before Nebuchadnezzar's son Belshazzar that began the return to Israel and Egypt of those people's held captive, and harmony was restored to them

in their own lands. That was the "Beginning of Time" and the temple was aligned to the heavens in gratitude for the restoration of Peace on Earth as the Hieros Gamos of the

Pantocrator and the Cosmic Mother, from whence would come the Cosmocrator, Harsiesis, son of Osiris, King of the gods, Lord of the Ennead.

In the monumental masterpiece to the struggle of Hercules with the King of Egypt in Busiris is marked by the icon of Hercules holding a mace in perfect alignment with the north-south axis. However, in the scientific magic of the monument designers the angular location of

the Hercules icon is 332 BC, the date that Alexander the Great freed Egypt from the tyranny of the Persians and the theology of Mitra and Ahriman and established the religion of Zeus-Amun in Egypt where he became the first Pharaoh of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The monument

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at the Hathor Temple identifies Alexander I as the Great Hercules who restored cosmic order to Egypt. This began the Hellenistic Age that revolutionized the theology of Western

Civilization like no other. Hellenism eventually led to Christianity and the Christianity returned to the land of the Greeks when the Greek Orthodox Church was moved by

Constantine I (the Great) with the Roman Empire to Constantinople.

Harsiesis (Jupiter)

The importance of this monument to Western Civilization is enormous. But, for our purposes here it demonstrates that while individual kings party in excess the people suffer.

But, when the kings achieve balanced desire then the people live abundantly. The Babylonian captivity was caused by tyrannical rationalizations of human mortals based upon

personal knowledge. The presence of Harsiesis (Jupiter) and the design of the Temple to Motherhood were a direct result of the loss of civil order during the Babylonian Captivity and the restoration of civil order by the Sentiment of the Past (Isis for Osiris). The temple

was designed to ensure that the Sun would continue to rise in the east and that the darkness of the Sethian Tyrants would not keep the Sun from its journey of Westward Leading and still Proceeding. The ritual words were not based upon superstition, they were based upon

the darkness caused when humans become tyrants and deny the Cosmic Presence of a Universal Being and the Wisdom of their ancestors. That is what has happened to Western Civilization, again. We are now captives of the Sethian tyrants who cannot hear the Perfect

Pitch of Isis given to her Son because progress is measured by the divinity of man rather than the Cosmocrator's Plan. Nancy Lanza clearly demonstrated that she did not have the

harmonizing spirit that Mother Nature gave at the Birth of Venus, and she was a symptom ofher culture that had destroyed the sanctity of Motherhood.

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University of Mothering

The objective of presenting the Prepared Table in the Upper Room of Hathor's Temple is to draw into focus that ideals of Motherhood wax and wane throughout the ages. From Lascaux in 15,000 BC through Old Kingdom Egypt at Giza in 2450 BC through Denderah in 120 BC

through the Roman Empire to 300 AD to the High Renaissance around 1545 AD and the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment after 1680 AD until modern times human

civilization has witnessed Mother Nature with varying degrees of perfection. It can be shown that Western Civilization began a process of elevating Maternal Ideals at the

establishment of Egypt around 3100 BC and that process came to a disastrous end with the reign of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun when King Tut was fashioned by his wife. From the destruction of the 18th Dynasty the Hebrews began, in earnest, the process of raising the children of the Wondering Woman, the Mother of all Hebrews. The Denderah Temple

contains the results of the publication of the Septuagint Bible by the Ptolemaic Dynasty and the echo of the oldest dynasties of Egypt. The icons of the Temple represent what modern

Jungian Psychoanalysis would call archetypes. The composition of the circular zodiac demonstrates the path of consciousness through the archetypes of human and divine reality.

The primary purpose of the Temple to Hathor was the edification of the neophytes in the Ways of the Cosmic Mother. Based upon what was recorded in the "archaeology" of the

Ptolemaic Dynasties and the Hellenistic Age we have access to the guidelines for motherhood, and the evaluation of Nancy Lanza and her culture regarding motherhood some

333 years after the modern Mother Church was rejected for the sake of Sola Scriptora.

Motivating a Paternal Son

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After the Mother's Business is complete the man-child must move on to theFather's Business.

42 And when he was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast. 47 And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. 48

And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. 49 And he said to them: How is it

that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be about my father’s business?

Parenting the man-child requires that he be empowered with ideals of high aspirations. The emotional power behind the aspirations is the genetic eros of the maiden behind him even if

he does not know consciously what it is. The Cocky Man struts with the flail over his shoulder indicating mastery of pain and the scepter of the fathers before him. He becomes a bullhead man and he moves toward the "right thing" that he does not yet understand. This is the moment of enlightenment when Second Nature replaces maternal physical nurture. The

mother pay obeisance to the Stiff Necked Ram (Khnum) that is the creator of Men. The meaning is that the man-child reaches the age of rational perception, which is the Father's Business. This is a very dangerous age because the man-child that succeeds will become

greatly satisfied with putting others into the bondage of his rational ideal. Yet, the making ofa Great Shepherd requires the leadership skills learned during adolescent accomplishments.

In the process the man-child loses his physical cognition and mastery of the Father's Business requires repression of emotion. Unfortunately, the man-child can comprehend the

need for repression of the feelings, but the man-child cannot perceive the difference between cosmic commonsense and personal emotion. It is during this phase of maturation that power

seriously corrupts the rational child and tyranny becomes the goal when commonsense is repressed with the sensitivity learned from the mothering experience. With regard to the

culture of Nancy Lanza the Father's Business had gone too far in the repression of commonsense and the Age of Enlightenment had usurped the Age of Reason. The result is faith in rationalization "47 And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his

answers." This is the essence of sola scriptura. The information provide in this presentation has demonstrated that the Ancients employed scientific commonsense until the Great Shepherds had created celestial laws of rational bondage. The subjects of the kingdom

praised the scribes above the craftsmen.

Matthew 7:21-29For he was teaching them as one having power, and not as the scribes and Pharisees.

Matthew 5:19-24For I tell you, that unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees,

you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

A Great Shepherd does what his words say. The "Teachers of Righteousness" say what they do not do. Yet, these teachers are needed because the journey to the Kingdom of Heaven

becomes longer with each child that adds experience to the journey. The Power Behind the youthful shepherd is the harmony of the Great Mother. If the Mother's Business is denied by a culture, it is a matter of a few generations before the Scribes and the Pharisees replace the Craftsmen and Shepherds, even if the Great Shepherds of Tyrants do not arise. Eventually,

the loss of Craftsmen and Shepherds will result in a culture that is all talk, and no walk. When that occurs the need for Mother's Milk raise and the Beloved Son must deliver from her vials of Delayed Gratification. The vials of the Cupbearer pour out compassion on the

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Bound Ones and they learn what the Great Mother had withheld. This fruit of the paps then restore the genetic wisdom that existed before the Cocky Man-child entered the temple of

the Father's Business.


The archetypes of the Rock of Ages have been color coded with eight material and psychological properties. The primary objective of the revised Righteous Mother in the

decapitation of Sekhmet and the transfer of the cow head of Hathor to the Righteous Mother is the raising of the importance of Nurture in the process of maturation above righteousness.

Righteousness is a rational aspect that gets its greatest power from the Fear of God rather than the Love of God within the temple of the Father's Business. That is why the Lamb of Aries was placed above the Man and Beast of Venus. The Lamb is the "I Am" of Exodus,

and Venus is the name of the Cosmic Purpose. Together Aries and Venus say, "I Am Love" when the Great Shepherd "child is set for the fall" as the sword of confliction pierces the

Great Mother's heart in the cocky man-child.

The grey planets represent real wandering stars and they are the Celestial Hebrews. Sun, Moon, and Earth have not been identified for this discussion, but the other six planets have

because their staffs reveal the essential scientific astronomical code for deciphering this Philosopher's Stone. The constellations of the zodiac represent the Sons of Jacob and the Ladder of Jacob, which we have traversed beginning with Cancer the constellation and ending with Cancer the Cosmic Dawn as we ascended from the cosmic depths to the

Kingdom of Heaven and Earth.

The Ladder of Jacob speaks to "Numbers 24:17" and the whole collective of a SelfRevealing Divine Paternal Being. The Face of God cannot be witnessed by living mortals. But, the identity of the living mortal can change and in that process the mortal dies and is

reincarnated in the same living flesh. However, all flesh is terminal. Human skin cells have life spans of months, muscle cells fifteen years, blood cells a few hours, and nerve cells last the life of the organism. Thus, what makes a human a human is the identity, or the ego, the I

Am as revered by the person. When the person encounters the Face of God, the mortal identity is "swept up" in the Universal Identity and a "New Name" is given. The "New

Name" is a profound identity change from which there is no turning back to the prior mortal state, which has vanished. Cancer becomes Khepher. Jacob becomes Israel. Jesus, the Son ofMan, becomes Jesus the Cosmocrator and the Son of God, the Pantocrator. One fact must be grasped by this very redacted presentation of the Rock of Ages at Denderah. That fact is that the state of the modern Cosmic Mother identity has been seriously eroded from the heights

of Rachel and Bethlehem. It is precisely as if a star fell out of Israel and took down the Ladder of Jacob and all the Stairways to Heaven with it. That Dark Star, some call it Nibiru,

is the Antichrist, Satan, Ahriman, Seth, and Angra Mainyu, and other names without the order "I Am Love."

The soul that was in the mortal organism is rejoined with the Originating Soul of the Creator by the acceptance of the "New Name." The process does not change the soul. It changes the self identity of the mortal identity into an immortal identity that is unified with the Immortal

I Am Love. Any nurturing process that does not enhance this return to Eternal Life is actually a repeat of the destructive process identified with Busiris. The organism has genetic wisdom in the form of instinct and intuition that recognizes the immortality of spirit in the

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organism. This recognition is the "Perfect Pitch" in the robe of "Perfect Sight" of NakedLove throughout the ages, for here is wisdom. It is the mark of a man and a mark of a beast and its number is 666, while its scripture is Rev. 13:10-18. How is it one of the most feared texts in the Bible tells us that on the Sixth Day God created Man and that the Image of God was that Man would say, "I AM LOVE," and thereby, become the Son of God on the SixthDay? Could it be that the identity of Man would need to be restored throughout the Ages of

Real Love because in a Day of Judgment there was no Son of God in the Son of Man?

The "Living Flesh" fights against "Perfection" for the sake of Desire. The nature of desire is selective and judgmental. It attempts to blow out the Candle of Perfect Sight as the self

satisfying lust is constantly deflowering the organism by bovine addictive homeostasis that results in nothing but death of the cells. When a "star rises out of Jacob" the result is a

metaphysical change that results in an eternal legacy in the form of a Name Given to the mortal flesh. This New Name results in extended spiritual consciousness and external

cognition for various lengths of time. For example, Plato's Legacy is deeply ensconced in the philosophy of Western Civilization, and it may last for many thousands of years as his

soul, his essence of being, that was the mortality of Plato continues to occupy the consciousness of living flesh. Establishing the legacy of the Self Revealing Divine Paternal Being is the ultimate accomplishment of mortality. But, it is not self creation by a mortal. It is Divine Recreation and Reincarnation of the Immortal Soul of the Divine Paternal Being

self revealed.

The human flesh "knows" this Truth of Origin, but it must be Nurtured by a Mother of God. The Mother of God is the cosmic substance from which stars are made. Thus, what happens to the star called Sun on the axis of Jacob and Israel is duplicated in the cognitive truth in the

soul of the mortal being. We do not lose our soul by death. We restore the intent of the Divine Paternal Being by seeking and re-cognizing the Divine Intent. The Love of God is

naked and self revealing. Mortals do not need to create a messiah for salvation. Mortals need to follow the Mother's Son, which is that intuitive genetic wisdom that is the rational intent

recorded in the evolving flesh over millions of years. Evolution proves the existence of immortal soul, the immortal essence of being. However, in the mind addicted to flesh this

"commonsense" is called blasphemy in order to blow out the candle of a more Perfect Love. It is in this regard that we must conclude that Nancy Lanza was not cognizant of the

communication processes occurring between the mortal Adam Lanza and the immortal Adam Lanza.

Nancy's bartender spoke as the man-child blowing out the candle of Venus in Botticelli's Birth of Venus. “She was a parent just like all of us, and she was a strong, kind, caring and

loving person,’’ John Tambascio, the owner of a local bar Lanza frequented, told NBC News. “There was nothing odd and weird about her. She was completely normal and tried to

help her kids just like all of us would.’’ This statement is an indictment of the modern American family and the role of the mother in the development of the children. It is

equivalent to saying that a salmon that does not make it back upstream to spawn the next generation is a "parent like the rest of us." The odds of a Hieros Gamos on Earth are nearly as insignificant as the salmon roe returning to the spawning streams to die after spawning.

This is certainly true at the lower ends of the food chain. But, after 30,000 years of spiritual ascension along the path of the "star that rises out of Jacob" the human organism has

dramatically changed the odds. That which decreases the odds of achieving the Hieros Gamos of the ancient metaphysics and the Manifest Destiny is not the non-human life forms.

Rather, it is the psychic degradation of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God

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within all human mothers; the precise message of the Table in the Upper Room of the Temple to Hathor. The consequence of the Age of Enlightenment has been the blowing out

of the Candle of the Immaculate Conception and 1 Corinthians 13:13.

Since the early 1950's with the advent of Playboy Magazine and the passing of Roe v Wade in 1973 the value of maternal virtue has been, to a great extent, erased from the public

human psyche. Fifty-two year old Nancy Lanza's candle of maternity was blown out long before her son lost his capacity for Paternal Righteousness and ravened like a wolf on

December 14, 2012. The excuse, "Everyone does it!" is the ill wind that killed twenty first graders before they reached the Age of Reason regarding moral responsibility for their

immortal souls. In this sense, and only in this sense, Adam Lanza saved the twenty virgins from lives of unreasonable disharmony, not only in their mental potential, their psyche

potential, their physical potential, but decidedly in their financial potential. Each American child had a debt load of less $3000 when Roe v Wade became law and today the financial

load on each child exceeds $52,152. The average debt to per capita annual income ratio rose from 57% in 1973 to 189% in January 2013. The remarkable fact of this debt is that the

American economic system has changed in the last decade from individual investment to individual entitlement. It was this very same state of collective unconscious that bankrupted the Empire of Egypt during the reign of Akhenaten. The breast of Isis appeared to feed the children of Egypt. But, that appearance denied how the breast of Isis was kept full for the

children of Egypt. Socialism, in all its forms, is simply the process of raping Mother Nature rather than working to keep her abundant provisions flowing with nurture. America, indeed

the whole culture altered by the Age of Enlightenment, has succeeded in eliminating the dream of Hieros Gamos when the Universal Father sought to demonstrate the Universal

Love of Mother Nature.

The available reports indicate that Nancy Lanza was aware of the degradation in the modern economic system in the West. Some reports indicated that she was prepared to protect

herself when the economic chaos went full term. That preparation included training her sons in gun use and self defense. Why didn't she prepare them for the consequence of the

epidemic of disaffection within the American family? It appears that she could not sense the disaffection because the Age of Enlightenment had taught that "God is Dead" and affection is not a real need in adults or children. The Brave New World hears, "Bambi, your mother cannot be with you any more," and cheers Hakuna Matatafor for the independence of their

own "immediate space" and then in quiet desperation asks, "Are you there? Are you there?"When Adam Lanza massacred twenty virgins on December 14, 2012, the whole world saw the Face of God because within his own "immediate space" he had come to believe that his

mother would not be there any more.

Unfortunately, the back parts of God that the Western World saw was that of Thomas Paine in The Age of Reason. "Paine begins The Age of Reason by attacking revelation. Revelation, he maintains, can only be verified by the individual receivers of the message and is therefore weak evidence for God's existence." Paine clearly confused reason and enlightenment with rationalization based upon personal knowledge. Such arrogance is afflicted by self denial

and it warps the senses as the crook of the sinister shepherd gathers ideals of a Son of Man. The flail of self infliction is the remedy for all such selfish intent. The flail in the right hand overrides the crook of the sinister hand by reconciliation when the Face of God reveals True

Intent. Enlightenment untested by physical suffering is simply a Golden Calf.

Nancy Lanza should not be faulted for her inability to witness "God's existence" in her son's

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revelations. As her bartender John Tambascio said, “There was nothing odd and weird about her. She was completely normal." Tambascio was undoubtedly correct, but what was needed was a sincere attempt to transfer to her son Divine Paternal Desire rather than the plague of divorce. Marriage was the sinister crook in Nancy's left hand that double crossed her second born because she knew not Joseph and Israel. This is precisely the meaning of the Table in

the Upper Room where the man with the pitcher of water leads the neophytes in the Temple to the Earth Mother, Hathor, because Isis inspired her son to achieve Divine Paternal Desire.Clearly, the Age of Enlightenment caused a "Commissural Section" in Adam Lanza because

the consequence of the 16th Century Heresies was God showing the truth of His words regarding the Fall of Jerusalem that echo in the flail, "A New Town Connect I Cut."

The Ladder of Jacob speaks the same message through the sceptre of Israel in Numbers 24:16-17. "The words of God were heard by anyone who knoweth the doctrine of the

Highest, and seeth the visions of the Almighty, who falling hath his eyes opened: I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near. A STAR SHALL RISE out of Jacob and a sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and shall waste all

the children of Seth. The chiefs of Moab are the Mothers and Fathers of Isis and Osiris seeking but not finding the Hieros Gamos of the "Seed of the Father" that is the meaning of Moab. The children of Seth are those who live according to the rationalized senseless Angel

of Death at the End of the River of Egypt. Being rational without senses the Mind of Seth carries out the written law and the "left running" prophesies of the zodiac, or the Solar Earth. The Egyptian Seth that was the third son of Nut and Geb and the Biblical Seth that was the third son of Adam and Eve are associated with establishing rational order as "history." The consequence of the rational order is that it cannot witness prescient events, as was the case

of Maat and the goddesses of Egypt and the Help Meet of Genesis, Eve.

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I shall waste all the children of Seth

Know that there is a Tree in the Midst of the Garden of Paradise. A Father's Son is the fruit on the left and a Mother's Son is the fruit on the right looking down to the south. This Tree

of Life can only be contaminated by choosing the first born son over the second born. For in the choosing the first is the Unbalanced Desire given to the Golden Calf of the Beloved Son rather than the Righteous Son of the Mother's Sorrows. Yet, Joseph under the tree and ladder

of Jacob looks up with the Golden Calf to the right of Joseph being Manasseh and the second born being Ephraim. Israel places his right hand on the younger Ephraim and his left hand on the elder Manasseh in Genesis 48:8-16 because Israel is viewing from above. This greatly concerns Joseph because he prefers that the elder son, Manasseh be given power of

righteousness in Genesis 48:17-22. Ephraim, is the male form of Ephrata, that means fruitful, and Bethlehem. Thus, it is Ephraim that finishes the journey of the Sons of

Abraham back to the Mountain of Moses, not Benjamin, whom the love a father was insufficient to save. Many generations would pass before a man named Joseph was given a

son born in Bethlehem, and he was the Son of God at birth that came as a celestial revelation to disprove the rant of Thomas Paine. "Revelation, he maintains, can only be verified by the individual receivers of the message and is therefore weak evidence for God's existence." The

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truth the Paine never tested was whether personal revelation was the "back parts" of God that a rational mind can recall after the passing of the word. The Cosmic Truth, that is the

Cosmocrator and the son of Joseph and Mary and the Pantocrator is the Manna from Heaven that self revealed to those whose eyes are not blocked by motes of the logos of arrogance.

There is only one cause of the loss of the Revelation of the Manna from Heaven. That cause is that the Cosmocrator is not a tyrant and the Cosmic Truth sets the mortal free to choose its

own pathology. Yet, Mother Nature places the Idols of the Men from Ur under Camel Furniture while she is in the "custom of women." What Mother Nature will not allow,

mortals fail to achieve.

Osiris-Tut reveals the origin of Israel

The crossed arms of the Patriarch, Israel, reveal the requirement that the "Seed of the Father" not be taken from the son of the Mother's Sorrow. The Crook of the Pharaohs was

held in the left hand signifying the "Sinister" power of the rational Father's Son. The Flail of the Pharaohs was held in the right hand signifying the righteousness of suffering and the need for the Patriarch to be sensitive to a Mother's Son, the son of my sorrows. Israel had

learned that lesson the "hard way" and he told Joseph, Israel's Golden Calf, to learn from his mistakes. In words, "Make the sorrows into rightness." The predecessor of King Tut,

Akhenaten, was the Pharaoh that replaced Shu and Geb and Joseph and claimed all of the upper heavens to be the Horus of Two Horizons, Re Horakti to be the Aten at Akhetaten. He built a great city with talatats at Akhetaten and these weighed 130 to 180 pounds, compared

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to the hundreds of tons of the traditional stones of Egyptian temples before and after. The talatats were eventually used by the pharaohs Horemheb and Ramesses II in the greatest

monumental construction in al of the History of Egypt, save the pyramids of the Old Kingdom. So, whether Akhenaten was Moses, as Freud concluded, is of little importance,

for Freud did not know the Pantocrator and only heard of Joseph without seeing the Manna from Heaven. The facts regarding the Horns of Moses and the Galactic Plane of Akhetaten

are visible evidence of common celestial ancestry. The socialism of Akhenaten was decidedly a Sethian concept, for the Atenists, who worshiped the Height of Celestial Moab, and the Sethians, who worshiped the dark abyss wherein they drowned Osiris, differed only

in where the abundance would come from. The Atenists were forbidden to fight, and the Sethians were the Warriors of Re against the Pythons of Apep. Socialism being an ideal of

rationalized order is decidedly a Sethian structure built to rationalize the Paradise of Aten, as the coalition of the Atenists and the Sethians attempted. Yet, these are the very "peoples"

conquered by the sceptre of Israel. The expulsion of the Atenists and Sethians is echoed in Exodus 1:5-11, and it was from this expulsion that the Israelites eventually are coalesced

under the Community Organizers, Moses and Aaron. All the Books of Moses, the Pentateuch, restore the ancient Mesopotamian roots of Egypt and explain the Exodus after the half remedy of King Tutankhamun-Tutankhaten failed. This Boy King was destined by

the priests of Amun and Aten to be the Ephraim of Egypt, but it was a destiny without a Divine Manifest. Nevertheless, the miracle of Osiris clearly preserved the Ka of King Tut, the Boy King of Egypt. His relics were preserved in nearly perfect condition because his reign was quickly repressed in Egypt by the 19th Dynasty and its attempt to rebuild what

socialism under Aten had destroyed.

The problem was that the Patriarch's of Egypt had not paid ssufficient attention to the Matriarch's of Egypt and when the Matriarchs had the chance after the death of Amenophis

III, the Egyptian King Solomon, whose Royal Wife Tiye established the Reign of Aten, they "ravened like the wolf" and brought Egypt to its knees with an Entitlement Mentality. This is relevant to the Newtown Massacre because America and Western Civilization has come full circle again to the Reign of the Aten and Seth, the Chiefs of the Moabites and the Children of Seth. A sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab, and

shall waste all the children of Seth. It is relevant that the stricken Chiefs of Moab were not wasted, for Israel became the Chief of Moab as the "seed of the father," the very meaning of

Moab, which he gave to Ephraim for the sake of the Fruitfulness of Israel, i.e., the New Moab.

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Neglected Mother's Son the Plague of Nations

The same story is shown in the Laocoon Group that represents an Hellenistic work based upon the Fall of Troy after the rage of Hera. The younger son at the right side of Laocoon

was already dead, and the elder son at the left of Lacoon was nearly free from the emotional bonds of Maternity. Thus, the Great Patriarchs of the Ancients understood the difficulty of

Cain against Abel and the difficulty of leaving the younger son to the Mother's state of affection. This was the grievous error of Peter Lanza and the whole Age of Enlightenment

that brought the Sandy Hook Massacre down upon his kin. The Renaissance Masters and the Renaissance Church carried the tradition that man is rational and emotional and the rewards

given to the Golden Calf are taken from the Mother's Son. Jealousy is an incredibly dangerous quality that corrupts the soul. The younger child is less likely to become jealous because he never had the Golden Calf position. More importantly, the younger man-child will be sensitive to the sorrows of outrageous fortune. A child that does not know defeat

cannot comprehend the Passion of the Son of God, the Pantocrator, or His Wife, the Cosmic Mater. Luke 2:25-35 tells us how the trauma will result in the salvation when the "son of

man" dies and the "Son of God" is restored to the living flesh. This is the greatest mystery ofthe New Testament and deserves repeating because the evidence is so contradictory.

Lk2.32 A light to the revelation of the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel. Lk2.34 AndSimeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and

for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted; Kk2:35

And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. Neglecting the collective Mother's Son will result in the loss of the Kingdom of her

collective. America is ruled by a Mother's Son, whose Father neglected him, so was Sandy

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Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012. The whole spirit of the Laws of Moses and the Ghost of Cosmic Paternity rise or fall upon the Mother's Son, for without the sentiment of

Isis the Eternal Father will be lost.

I shall strike the chiefs of Moab

The essential messages are those that precede and follow A STAR SHALL RISE out of Jacob The hearer of the words of God who knows the doctrine of the Highest, and sees the visions of the Almighty, who falling has his eyes opened then says, "I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not near." Humility in the Face of God is not an option. The

experience is overwhelming and no egocentric psyche can survive the passing of the Face of God for the Golden Calf will not be his brother's keeper. To resolve the Unbalanced Desire of the Golden Calf a sceptre shall spring up from Israel: and shall strike the chiefs of Moab,

and shall waste all the children of Seth. The seeds of father Joseph were struck by the sceptre of Israel giving the House of Israel to Ephraim. Ultimately, the First Good Shepherd

of the Israelites was Moses who was the younger of he and Aaron by three years andAaron's rod consumed the pythons of Egypt. But, Moses was a Golden Calf and Prince of Egypt who did not know the suffering of his own people and was rejected at the Gateway

into the Promised Land because Moses took pity without empathy and delivered water without his own blood. The Second Good Shepherd of the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, and

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Gentiles was Jesus who preached on the Mountain of God. John 19:33-35 repeats the blessing of the Sons of Joseph. 33 But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he

was already dead, they did not break his legs. 34 But one of the soldiers with a spear opened his side, and immediately there came out blood and water. 35 And he that saw it, hath given testimony, and his testimony is true. And he knoweth that he saith true; that you also may


With this background we are prepared to return to Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012 at 9:36 and look around to see if these historical and Biblical events

reveal the omens of the Dreadful Comet of 1680, the Deceptive Comet of 1680, or the Great Comet of 2013. Will the casting out of the Dreadful Comet be repeated? Will the distortion

of time be another untruth like the Deceptive Comet of 1680? Will the Day of Judgment result in the Shekinah of Comet 2013 regarding the return of the Mother's Son in the Sea of



Newtown01 Zenith Vessica

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Directly on the zenith of Newtown, as Adam Lanza fulfilled his destiny, we see the Crook behind the Head in the Left Hand of Moses. The Land of Heaven and Earth surrounded the

Zenith in a Vesica Virgo.

Newtown02 Mid-Zenith SouthBeneath the zenith point is Zubeneschmali, the Northern Claw of the Great Red Dragon with Love hanging in the Balance and Wisdom in the Scorpion. The position of Saturn under the legs of the woman clothed in the Ancient of Days marks the Time of a Judgment of Mother Love and the Desire for Wisdom. Opposite the Judgment Hall the Sun, on the knee of the

heavenly Father, is blocked from the eyes of the Archer by the Moon and the Lord of Darkness while the God of War is behind the shooter's head under the man-child on the


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Newtown03 Nadir Vessica

On the Nadir we see the Vesica Pisces that surrounds the Sea of the Seth Boat where the tears of Hathor splash against the Wailing Wall where the Phoenix of Jacob rises. Jupiter sat

as the missing Eye of the Bull of Heaven and Neptune was the orb before the foot of the Water Carrier, where Joseph had hidden his silver cup of compassion for Benjamin. Bound

to the east side of the Wall of Al Buraq was the Father of Time. Those who know the heights of heaven learn from a journey up Jacob's two ladders. His sons around the Celestial Earth are the Ladder of the Flail. The Ladder in the Tree of Life is a Dream of the Sons of

Ishmael to this very day that cry "Allah Akbar" as they thrash with the swords of the mouth inflicting the Sorrows of Hathor.

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Newtown04 Nadir Expanded

A close inspection of the Nadir point shows the two stars Acamar and Achenar that mean End of the River. The Nadir point sits in the River at the Furnace of Hades. Together with

the Zenith point in Heaven and Earth Above the location of the Nadir at the End of the River in the Lake of Fire below indicate that the axis of Jacob and Israel will speak of the Face of


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Newtown05 South Horizon

Directly on the South point is the Wolf that attacks the Stag of Actaeon, the Hebrews call Nephtali, under which the Cross on Golgotha stands. The texts of man have altered the stag making Nephtali a Doe or Hind, and giving Nephtali the House of Virgo. But, in all versions Nephtali "gives goodly words" or words of beauty or Heavenly Manna. The descriptions of the Man and Beast tell us that Nephtali has the aspects of Bootes and Actaeon, from which the Heavenly Manna descend. Yet, the stars of the stag are the stars of the Centaur, and he

carries the Souls of the Dead across the River Styx in the myths of the Mesopotamians, Greeks, and post Alexander Egyptians. Beautiful words at the Cross on Golgotha are the grave site memorials of all cultures that speak of the return to the Height of Heaven. The greatest correlation to the Wolf and Adam Lanza is that of Benjamin, the second son of Rachel born on the journey to Ephrata, that is Bethlehem. Rachel died giving birth to

Benjamin, who she called Benoni.

The ravenous wolf was the spirit of Benjamin, that was born in Israel of Israel as Benoni at the death of Rachel when Jacob ceased being a Son of Man and by acknowledging his Heavenly Father became a Son of God. This is the omen of the South where temporal

metaphysical waters are the physical flails of mortality. The temporal spirit crossing the

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southern horizon is that of Benjamin.

Let us back away for a moment to better appreciate the spirit of Benjamin versus the Spirit of Benoni. Benoni came after twenty years of the betrothal of Rachel to Jacob. Her

Mesopotamian father, Laban, had placed Jacob under the yoke of Rachel. When the beloved couple finally leave her father's house and Jacob returns to his father's house at the request

of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Rachel is rejected at the door to Israel. Was it because she brought the idols of Laban, or was it that Israel was the Land of the Fathers?

The result provides the answer. Benjamin, who was raised by Israel at his right hand, never knew his mother after being born. Yet, in utero there existed a "feeling relationship" that

represented a promised life that Benoni-Benjamin never witnessed because of the manifest destiny of Rachel. Benoni-Benjamin are the seeds of Gemini that were nurtured by a Wolf,

as were Romulus and Remus before the founding of Rome at Gilgal (Pisces). Jacob understood the success of Rachel's first born, Joseph, who acquired her "clear eyed" dual perception of reality and the "nature of dreams," which were reinforce by the love from

Jacob and Rachel.

The human organism does not forget its feeling relationships, though they may lead to entitlement inflation (ego). However, when they are repressed actively, or by lack of

consideration, or by coming before cognition while in the womb, the conscious aspect of a past feeling relationship becomes a ghost that works under the perceptive consciousness

threshold and it causes unconscious judgments to occur that the conscious sees as bewildering. The conscious strives to achieve order and that results in repression of the past feeling relationship if the maternal instinct cannot arrive at a consensus of apparitions. With Benjamin the loss of the in utero feeling relationship and the lack of the nurturing prior to

the "age of reason" meant that Benjamin could not comprehend the inner feeling relationships. The result is madness, or loss of interactive social skills, such as the Mad Dog,

or the ravenous wolf indicate, and dual or multiple personality syndrome occurs. The following chart of "Babylonian Star-Lore demonstrates the Mad Dog aspect of Benjamin

that was controlling the conscious of Adam Lanza,

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Laban's Idols

Gavin White published a book titled "Babylonian Star-Lore" in which he provided "An illustrated guide to the Star-Lore and Constellations of Ancient Babylonia." White uses an approach to recover the "meaning" of ancient words and illustrations that is equivalent to

Rachel's second born, Benjamin. Benjamin was psychologically alienated by the death of his mother and could not interpret dreams with the skill of his elder brother Joseph. The key to interpreting dreams is the feelings that create the dream, for dreams are feeling bubbling up out of the unconscious abyss of stored pathologies and prescient desires. The cause of this deprivation, that is Benoni, was the loss of the maternal spiritual proficiency identified by

the vignette on the Osiris Chapel wall at Denderah, which was lost after the death of Rachel upon the birth of Benjamin. Benjamin never felt the living maternal spirit after being born and it was a maternal ghost to him. Benoni was abandoned at birth and Israel attempted to

make the loss of a mother righteous. To this day the Islam identifies Benjamin as a "righteous youngest son" in spite of the savagery of the men of Benjamin identified as "sons of belial" (worthless) in Judges 19:22-25 and the all out war with the other Tribes of Israel inJudges 20 when the Tribe of Benjamin were finally slaughtered by the assistance of the God of the Israelites. The "righteousness of Benjamin" was that he was not subject to the ways of

women, for whom his own tribe had no respect. Like the Vikings of Norway and the Romans, they were savage lusting beasts having the dual aspects of the Great Red Dragon

(Scorpio-Claws) and the Ravenous Wolf (Lupus). Judgment Day according to Islam is when righteous men will receive 72 Virgins. Together these concepts reveal the lack of

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appreciation by Benjamin of his birth mother and from that a lack of appreciation of the "interactive social skills" of empathy, sympathy, compassion, and maternal affection that

Rachel had endowed upon Joseph.

Gavin White says:"The first stage of our reconstruction consists of a survey of all the available evidence from Babylonia itself—from this material we can restore the celestial images of roughly half the mainstream constellation figures. By utilizing the wealth of written sources at our disposal

we can also locate a majority of the remaining figures in terms of the Greek constellations—even if at this stage we cannot restore the appearances of the constellations themselves."

A Star Shall Rise Out Of Jacob

This is how the Tribe of Benjamin thinks, for they are the offspring of the Mad Dog whose birth resulted at the death of his mother and the breaking of the maternal bond before she

had finished her work. The rest of the tribes of Israel were forbidden to give daughters to the Sons of Benjamin, as a result there was the loss of maternal instincts in the tribe. This is

consistent with the aspects of Gemini associated with Benjamin and echoed in René Descartes famous words, "cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore, I am," that virtually

inaugurated the Age of Enlightenment in the 16th Century AD. Maternal instincts tell us that there is Order in the Cosmos (Paraclete) and we should commune with the harmony of our feelings (Cancer) before we think (Gemini). But, in raving wolves and mad dogs there is no harmony that can be felt in the roar of righteous indignation. Instead, there is a rationalizing

war in the mind to win or be annihilated in a debate of wits. This is the battle of Gog and Magog. This pathology of there being no maternal instincts is developed in cultures if a

culture judges that Enlightenment Comes out of maternal darkness as Shu having no mother to remember, meaning no creative seeds of wisdom upon which to depend. This path opposes the Maternal Shadow that is the Mother of God around whom the Light of

Commonsense shines as an Apparition of her source of wisdom.

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Apparition of the Venus Light

As the Light of Day comes around the maternal darkness the wisdom of harmony she provides, by filtering and shielding the harshness of direct exposure to reality, is seen by

reflection back toward the source of the Light of Day and that enlightens the visual presence of the Maternal Shadow as represented in the Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Maternal wisdom unconsciously eliminates the threat in life changing experiences. Compared to Europeans, the Aztecs converted to the Virgin Mother in astronomical

numbers when they saw their Pachamama within the Light of Christ. She brought forth the return of First Father. This was precisely what their mythos had predicted. This prescient

conception has the aspects of a Venus Transit that results in an Apparition of Divine Harmony by the Grace of the God Mother. And the Face of the God Father is the reflection

in the passive and submissive mortal being of the God Mother. It is not a fantasy. It is a transfiguration of sense based experience when the God Mother whispers, "Let it be,"

instead of a shouting, "DO AS I SAY!"

Feelings seedlings that begin the process of Revelation as the Light of Shu comes out of the Dark Abyss. The intended result is Collective Understanding of the Hieros Gamos of Father Nature to Mother Nature that comes as the Perfected Light of the Son of the Sun. We do not

see the Face of God, we sense the Mother of God in every way, including instincts and intuition and spiritual transcendence. That which comes out of the shell is the mortal that

had withheld belief in Cosmic Love because it is too Powerful to See within the naked soul. As the vignette of Nut and Geb shows, the Barque of the Sun with the Light of Shu as

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captain comes into the Net of Neith with Nut and Geb united "arm in arm" as they all descend below the western horizon in Love and Understanding. Feelings are the critical and

essential seeds to all apparitions of Love and Understanding of the Hieros Gamos that surround rational (Shu) material (Geb) being. The spirit (Nut) of overcoming darkness

reveals the Stormy (Tefnut) and Tranquil (Neith) Sea.

In Egypt, Tefnut was the maternal darkness that came out of the dark abyss after the enlightenment of Shu came forth from the supposed self stimulation of the Creator. Isis was

the sentiment for Osiris, the dead father of Egypt, that knew not the mother of his son because Osiris was placed in a perfect fitting box by their brother, Seth, as a rationalization of usurped historical civil order. White says, "By utilizing the wealth of written sources at our disposal we can also locate a majority of the remaining figures in terms of the Greek

constellations." What he is saying is that the stars can be identified by the written words. As such, the stars are irrelevant to the Star-Lore. White affirms this conclusion with the follow-up statement, "even if at this stage we cannot restore the appearances of the constellations

themselves." In short, all academics put the cart before the horse as Shu comes forth because of the wisdom of Tefnut they are blind to the wisdom of harony in the darkness. The

Ancients were mapping the visual characteristics of the stars using myths and star-lore as the mnemonic safe deposit boxes to retain the feelings and spirits of their celestial experiences. Oral chants and dances accomplished the same goal as humans echoed the wisdom of the

birds and the bees. It was not rational, but it was wisdom in action.

The obvious direction that maternal instincts and intuition should conjure Ancient Reality is to approach the stars in the same way that the Ancients did before they created the myths

and star-lore; walk in the pathologies of the Ancients. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke warn of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees and of King Herod as hypocrisy.

Matthew 16:1-12 tells us that book learning approaches create barriers in the written words by rational amplification (ego trip) of the source that the words are describing: Mt16:12 Thenthey understood that he said not that they should beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Mother Nature is the Dark Cosmic Harmony that

precedes and surrounds all Visions. The Son of the Divine Father is the Written Word visible on the robe of the Dark Cosmos and any Star-Lore that does not "connect the dots" is

the leaven of the doctrine of the high officials of the church or the state, i.e. political intrigue. The man-child that seeks Cosmic Truth must be held with his feet to the Cosmic Fire that is the Spirit of Truth in the Heavenly Manna and beware of rationalists that insert

the laws of man for the sake of personal desire. Thus, if any high official speaks of knowledge of the Cosmic Manna without demonstrating the celestial connections, they do not speak of constellations, but of the hypocrisy that man knew the heavens after the myths of man were projected to the stars. This leads doubters, skeptics, and agnostics to divine that Man made God. And these "sons of belial" are never yoked to a plough. It is the Man made

Gods that are the idols that must be discarded for the sake of Cosmic Harmony. All Star-Lore must come down from the heavens and "then" be preserved for the sake of Revelation in the words and the illustrations of the Celestial Manna until the Righteous Woman acts as

is the "custom of women" to put down false tyrannical rationalization and favor intuition and commonsense, as did Rachel upon ascending to Israel.

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Sign of Jonas

Because this law is easily broken by Cocky Men and Harlots of Babylon the only sign that such hypocrisy can witness is the Sign of Jonas. Jonas jumped ship and was caught by a sea monster that then sounded to the bottom of the sea. Once Jonas had reached the bottom of the abyss and the end of his life, then Jonas saw the Face of God, whose works Jonas had

run from by self enlightenment. The bottom of the "Deadly Sea" of Gilgamesh and Mesopotamia is the Pool of Siloam at Gilgal, with the logical meaning SIdereal LOAM, or fertile celestial soil that provides fruitfulness along the road that leads back up to Ephrata

where a Star from Jacob shall rise to Ephraim. The star rising from Jacob is fruitfulness on the way of fruitfulness that results in eternal life. Under the Hebrew name Shiloah,

according to the Talmud, the spring of the pool is exactly in the center of the Holy Land,which is the Galactic South Pole at the Bottom of the Galaxy (BOG) where Cetus the whale

dropped Jonas in the prescient mind of the Cosmocrator.

The first and last message retrieved from the stars is time. We can read all the Star-Lore of the Ancients once we realize that they were seeking Eternal Life. This goal requires a Hieros

Gamos, a sacred marriage, and an Ephraim on the way of Ephrata, or fruitfulness will not occur and the life of the living soul will cease at death due to forgetfulness of the spirit of Manasseh. The Sign of Jonas reveals all the epochs such as Alexander's Gordian Knot, the birth of Christ when the Eagle landed, the death of Christ at the Roman lance in the side of

the Crucified One, the Key of Heaven seen by Constantine, the Key of Heaven seen by Muhammad, and the omphalos of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun at Akhetaten. However, all

Ancients did not identify their own times as the Sacred Time. Most of them created prophetic visions as guides for their descendants to seek and find that the Ancients' "Signs oftheir Times" could be many thousands of years in the future, as was the case of Giza (2450 BC to 2378 AD), and Xibalba (3114 BC to 2012 AD, Teotihuacán (3114 BC to 4400 AD),

and Tenochtitlan (3114 BC to 3575 AD), and Revelation (30 AD to 2001 AD). The magic ofthese prophetic signs is that when they arrive the descendants will learn that they had been anticipated by their ancestors; thus reincarnating the ancestors in the cycle of life. Ancient states tended to identify their own times as the mundane time, Rome 753 BC, Alexandria

328 BC, Constantinople 312 AD, and Washington, DC 1776, which appears to be the end of the Signs of the Times. The first objective of the Star-Lore was to navigate the Earth and the Epochs of the Ages by using the Signs of the Times to reveal to their descendants where on

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the road to Ephrata to find them. Consider this when asking why those that do not seek to follow the road to Ephrata do not keep track of their own signs of the times. If these self

centered souls do not seek fruitfulness, who would they leave behind signs of their times? Does an aborting mother buy toys and save for her aborted child's education?

Ark of the Covenant in the Eye of Hathor

The heavens provide an abundance of guiding lights for the accomplishments of life on Earth. Recognizable Star-Lore has been created by human cultures for over 20,000 years. Yet, the stars and their connections are relatively stable over a period of twice that length.This fact made the Star-Lore sacred wisdom to the Ancients. Sacred Wisdom represented Love Wisdom and the Hieros Gamos of Cosmic Father Nature and Cosmic Mother Nature

and of Jesus the Lamb of the Sun in the celestial betrothal band of Mother Earth.

Rev 21:12 And it had a wall great and high, having twelve gates, and in the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. Rev 21:13 On the east, three gates: and on the north, three gates: and on the south,

three gates: and on the west, three gates. Rev 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations: And in them, the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb,

In the Arc of the Covenant there is an Ark of the Covenant that includes the two cherubs that rise above the Underworld of the Deadly Sea. The first is the elder Father's Son and the

Golden Calf of Perseus, who rides the Bull of Heaven.The second is the younger Mother's Son on the Kite of Isis called Antinous. In Laban's Idols the Perseus constellation image is

the Old Man above the Pleiades Star Cluster at the back of the Bull of Heaven. He is Manasseh, the forgetful first born. The Eagle & Dead Man at the Goatfish of Capricorn are

Aquila and Antinous. The Dead Man is Ephraim, the fruitful second born. These are the

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Sons of Joseph, who interpreted the dreams of the Pharaohs from the dungeon of Egypt. Israel, the Patriarch, gave his blessing to the younger grandson Ephraim as guidance to

Joseph and the Israelites that their feelings will lead them toward the heavenly reward in Israel and Bethlehem where fruitfulness is the eternal quest. The Ark of the Covenant is

shown looking down from Israel's perspective and by the Signs of the Times it is clear why Israel placed his right hand on Ephraim, for eternal life is righteous and rising out of Jacob

.Heavens of Laban's Idols

In Genesis 49:27 we read, "Benjamin a ravenous wolf, in the morning shall eat the prey, and in the evening shall divide the spoil." The Heavens of Laban's Idols have not all been

retrieved, but what has been conjectured by Gavin White shows Benjamin as a Mad Dog correctly under Libra with Saturn. He incorrectly shows Naphtali as a Wild Boar under

Saturn and Virgo and incorrectly as a Stag above Pisces. These "idols" illustrated by Gavin White carry the spirit of Benjamin and the spirit of Adam Lanza on December 14, 2012 at

9:36 am, for in the morning the prey was consumed and in the evening there were only spoils to divide the souls of the living because Adam Lanza could not follow his feelings to Ephrata. Adam was never shown the value of the Words of God as Israel had learned after

raising Benjamin by himself. For one day in his life he allowed the rationalizing mind a moment to take control as the raving Wolf of Benjamin. As it happens, Saturn was precisely

where Gavin White placed it, for this placement represents the Day of the Last Judgment where the Balance of Desire would be read in favor of the Virgin, or in favor of the Wolf on

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the Plough where his soul would be planted in the Earth. The 20 Virgins and 6 Maidens would escape the plough man's furrow and they would receive the Martyr's Crown held by

the Plough Man and the Frond in the hand of the priest behind the Lion representing the Seed Branch at the top of the galaxy. This is Bethlehem, where Rachel was buried and the

Tribe of Benjamin would take the Virgins of Silo (Shiloh, Siloam) for wives.

Judges 21:12 And there were found of Jabes Galaad four hundred virgins, that had not known the bed of a man, and they brought them to the camp in Silo, into the land of Chanaan.

Judges 21:12 And the children of Benjamin came at that time, and wives were given them of Jabes Galaad: but they found no others, whom they might give in like manner. Judges 21:20

And they commanded the children of Benjamin and said: Go, and lie hid in the vineyards,Judges 21:21 And when you shall see the daughters of Silo come out, as the custom is, to

dance, come ye on a sudden out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife among them, and go into the land of Benjamin.

The interpretation of the psychic process of human motives and Star-Lore are identical, because the former is of the mind of man and the latter is of the Mind of God. Contrary to the Big Bang Theory the stars have been moved to perfection by Divine Intent that can be read through the Hand Writing when God used the dust of stars. The Heavens declare the

glory of God, all other resources of a teacher of righteousness are not wisdom, but treachery. Feelings are the voices that come from the Face of God, and feelings must remain sensitive to all input for the sake of cognition of eternal life. But, before we can "know" feelings they pass us by and we "know" only what we thought we felt, which may or may not have been in the Face of God as the true feelings being communicated. The Interpretation of Dreams

and Feelings is the purpose of the conscious. Denial of feelings is a guarantee that darkness will prevail for the eternity of a mortal soul. Clearly, "It is written, that Man liveth not by bread alone, but by every word of God." Feelings are the Word of God, like them, or not.

The leaven of Carl G. Jung is of pointed interest in this regard and in regard to the motives of Adam Lanza and the culture he was raised within.

Carl Gustav Jung

Stein, Murray; Jung, C. G. (1999-09-22). Jung on Christianity (Encountering Jung) (Kindle Locations 3322-3349). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition. (Emphasis added.)

The Mass is the summation and quintessence of a development which began many thousands of years ago and, with the progressive broadening and deepening of consciousness, gradually made the isolated experience of specifically giftedindividuals the common property of a larger group. The underlying psychic process remained, of course, hidden from view and was dramatized in the form of suitable “mysteries” and “sacraments,” these being reinforced by religious teachings, exercises, meditations, and acts of sacrifice which plunge the celebrant so deeply into the sphere of the mystery that he is able to become conscious of his intimate connection with the mythic happenings. Thus, in ancient Egypt, we see how the experience of “Osirification,” originally the prerogative of the Pharaohs, gradually passed to the aristocracy and finally, towards the end of the Old Kingdom, to the single individual as well.

The Osirification is simply the process by which a culture restores the Patriarch psyche in

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the generations of his fruitfulness, i.e., physical offspring and celestial frond. The consumption of the Egyptian pythons by Aaron's rod was the Osirification of the Israelites. The concept of "A star shall rise out of Jacob" is an Osirification of Abraham, Isaac, and

Jacob into Israel, Joseph and Ephraim. When liberal minds capture the pens of the historians they invariably erase the Sentiment of Isis and defeat the reincarnation of Osiris into the

offspring of Horus as the star lore legend of Osiris and Isis reveals must come about if civil order is to be restored.

. . . (snip) Jung continued.

Only our intellectualized age could have been so deluded as to see in alchemy nothing but an abortive attempt at chemistry, and in the interpretative methods of modern psychology a mere “psychologizing,” i.e., annihilation, of the mystery. Just as the alchemists knew that the production of their stone was a miracle that could only happen “Deo concedente,” (God concedes) so the modern psychologist is aware that he can produce no more than a description, couched in scientific symbols, of a psychic process whose real nature transcends consciousness just as much as does the mystery of life or of matter. At no point has he explained the mystery itself, thereby causing it to fade. He has merely, in accordance with the spirit of Christian tradition, brought it a little nearer to individual consciousness, using the empirical material to set forth the individuation process and show it as an actual and experienceable fact. To treat a metaphysical statement as a psychic process is not to say that it is “merely psychic,” as my critics assert— in the fond belief that the word “psychic” postulates something known. It does not seem to have occurred to people that when we say “psyche” we are alluding to the densest darkness it is possible to imagine. The ethics of the researcher require him to admit where his knowledge comes to an end. This end is the beginning of true wisdom.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud before him have misled many Sons of the Age of Enlightenment into the densest darkness it is possible to imagine and then threw away the

plow of truth on the assumption that the end of the search for self knowledge is the beginning of true wisdom. Individuation becomes the goal as Satan and Lucifer become the

source of the All and self deception becomes the Name of the Game. Matt 16:21-28 23 Jesusturning, said to Peter: Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou

savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men. 24 Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,

and follow me.25 For he that will save his life, shall lose it: and he that shall lose his life for my sake, shall

find it.

That decision can be made at any step along the furrow of cosmic truth (Maat, Rachel, Isis, Mary), and invariably that is why personalities are different in a place of Universal

Commonsense. The ancient maps of the heavens disputes what Jung has said in the excerpt above, for Jung savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men. Jungstrived for the liberal perspective of science advocated by Lords of Darkness that turn away from the search for truth when they arbitrarily and capriciously proclaim the possession of true wisdom for themselves and release the plow of the furrow of Maat (cosmic truth). This

corrupts the path to Ephrata for all who follow such mentors. That corruption, though indirect, is intentional because in the professional field of psychoanalysis the psychoanalyst

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must wear a veil like the curtain that hides the Wizard of Oz. When we find the original visual apparition in the stars, we find the Face of God. Yet, man cannot know the whole

Cosmic Light. But, wisdom tells the Ephraim souls going to Ephrata that they must never cease working the plow. Jung stated, "The ethics of the researcher require him to admit where his knowledge comes to an end. This end is the beginning of true wisdom." This

statement is crystal clear in that it removes the yoke of the plough from the researcher that seeks true wisdom. Because of this statement all Jungian analysts are subject to doubt. The

"densest darkness it is possible to imagine" does not exist within the Light of the World. The statement is a cop out and it is a result of denial of a Cosmocrator.

Yoked to the Plough

Luke 9:6262 Jesus said to him: No man putting his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the

kingdom of God.

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Newtown06 West Horizon

In the West point we witness the words of Revelation 13:2-42 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard: and his feet were as the feet of a bear,and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength and great power. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death’s wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. 4 And they adored the dragon

which gave power to the beast. And they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him?

As the Twins passed down through the western horizon an ominous reminder of the fall of the Tribe of Benjamin was at hand. This tribe is the current Age of Enlightenment that denies feelings for the sake of thoughtless fantasies Also on the horizon sat the Crab of

Cancer that carries the Cross of Conception in the Manger. The Ancient spiritual motto for the Crab was "I Feel." When Common Sense comes through feeling the Holy Ghost of the Heavenly Father delivers the Holy Spirit if the Heavenly Spirits are not repressed. Adam

Lanza brought strong feelings down to Earth as the Houses of "I Feel" and "I Think" came down to Earth; "As above, so below."

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Newtown07 North Horizon

On the North point the Golden Calf, a.k.a., Angel of Death, was stopped from entering the Kingdom of Heaven because a Camel blocked his route, having passed through the Eye of the Needle over a thousand years earlier. In the hands of the Angel of Death is the Cross of the Medusa. Here is the "camel furniture" under which the gods of Mesopotamia, and Troy,

were covered by Rachel as she removed her father's idols to Israel for burial with her because of his treachery. To this very day the idols of Mesopotamia deny the sorrow of

Rachel because all the Sons of Ur are Golden Calves, except Benoni, whom she delivered at the Gateway of Gods, when Israel attempted to do Right by her and by God. Because of her untimely death, the child became a Mad Dog incapable of Balanced Desire, and a shadow of

darkness as an Angel of Death, as was Adam Lanza.

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Newtown08 East Horizon

On the East point the Kite of Isis had risen bearing the Son of Hathor with Huitzilopochtitli, the Aztec Lord of Xibalba called "Hummingbird on the Left" exactly as named. The Great Warrior Eagle was taking the souls of the 20 Innocents to the Land Above, on Earth as in

Heaven. The Water Carrier was preparing to pour out waters of compassion upon the whole Earth as the Word of God revealed the Face of God in "A New Town Connect I Cut" for the sake of the Star that rises out of Jacob. The Shekinah of Sandy Hook is the "Re" incarnation

of the Son of the Mother of God.

The Heavenly Manna indicated that when the Son of God was born there was no room at the inn. So, from the wings of a great eagle she placed the Son of God in a manger. In the case of Rachel, the Earthly Cow was on her last leg and the Mother of Time, Tauret, hobbled the

Sacred Cow. Rachel had run out of Time because of the tyranny of Laban, while Nancy Lanza had run out of time because her culture was bleary eyed. Yet, at the place of the

Eagle, there the body is also. Between the Sea Goat and the Archer Centaur is the Ancient location where the ceremony of reincarnation was performed. Between 1 BC and 1 AD, the child on the Eagle came down to the celestial equator and began his time as the Rising Son.

At Sandy Hook the man-child, Adam Lanza, acted upon his rationalized state and took

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action accordingly. There at the horizon stood the God of War, Mars, and Adam Lanza had declared war on his mother and on the dream of messianic affection he never understood.

The Eagle and the Son of Man

On July 20, 1969, at 20:18 UTC the Lunar Spacecraft Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. Neil Armstrong uttered the refrain of human cultures thousands of years earlier when he said, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Armstrong's change of call sign

from "Eagle" to "Tranquility Base" confirmed that the first lunar landing was complete and successful as if there were given to the woman two wings of a great eagle. Charles Duke expressed the relief at Mission Control: "Roger, Tranquility, we copy you on the ground.

You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We're breathing again. Thanks a lot." Although the members of the Apollo Program finished the task, the dream of a man on the moon took

tens of thousands of years to accomplish. The science that began the journey to the moon was written on Two Tables by the Finger of God that encouraged humanity to reach for the

stars. That science is crippled by hypocrisy when the teachers of the science inflate the Word of God to suit their own personal desires. Although the deaths of twenty first graders

at Sandy Hook Elementary School caused man to turn toward the Face of God for the moment, the ancient Star-Lore reveals that Humans have been periodically forced by nature to face reality for a very very long time, and it is now time to turn that way again. This is the

purpose of "A New Town Connect I Cut."

When The Eagle of Apollo 11 landed, the Moon was under the neck of the Heavenly Virgin and Uranus was conjunct with Jupiter between the stars Zavijava and Zaniah at the back of

her head. Directly above them was Pluto, the Lord of Darkness that ceased being a sibling ofthe Father of Time and the Son of the Sun by the September 13, 2006: IAU classification.

The scientific definition of a planet had been secured since humans began tracking the visible planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, thousands of

years before. The invention of telescopes resulted in the discovery of many other near earth solar orbiting bodies. On 28 December 1612, and again on 27 January 1613 Galileo

identified Neptune on drawings from his telescope surveys as fixed stars. But it was not until searching for Neptune after calculating its position based upon its gravitational effects on Uranus was the discovery of Neptune acknowledged on 23 September 1846 when it was

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discovered within 1° of where Urbain Le Verrier had predicted it to be. Pluto was witnessed several times by astronomers, but because of its "darkness" it took twenty one years before the discovery of Pluto on February 18, 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh was confirmed. The genesis of the astronomical symbol ( ) for Pluto is of interest, for it is the conjunction of

the letters P and L standing for Percival Lowell, the founder of the Astronomical Observatory of the discovery. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, would have been named after

their founders if the Spirit of God had not affected those involved in the naming process. As for Pluto, the name was deemed more acceptable because it had the initials of the founder of

the observatory where its existence was confirmed. Pluto is the only planet that has as its astronomical symbol the letters of a man. Ironically, or by divine intervention, the God of

the Underworld of rational tyranny is symbolized with rational tyranny. This action by men of science is only feasible because men of science discount the need to keep the Divine

Intent within the Cosmos. Yet, Divine Intent showed itself to be the Master of the Plough and then, the planet with a rationalized identity was removed from the list of children of the


Beware! Be Fair!

The importance of the naming of the planets is in the realization that modern scientists would have broken the Ancient Logos associated with the naked eye planets that follows the concept of instinctive and intuitive and rational order. Mercury, being closest to the Sun is a difficult planet to find because it is fast and it stays close to the Light of Day. Because of its proximity to the Sun it can be a Morning Star or an Evening Star in the Face of the Sun, and that is the essence of Wisdom. It is difficult to see because it is drowned in Enlightenment. The spirit of Mercury is that of Maat as a Morning Star and as Thoth as an Evening Star as illustrated in the Dream Boat of the Sun. The association with the Bow of Sagittarius with the Arc of the Covenant and the Bow in the Cloud of Noah is the Ancients' way of saying that Wisdom is Two Faced, but the pursuit of it cannot involve looking back for wisdom is not rational. Any child knows that its mother has "eyes in the back of her head," implying the intuitive instinctive wisdom of a mother. Prescient Wisdom, or foresight is "She who

faces her Lord." Hindsight is the wisdom that remembers what had passed by. The purpose of the cognitive intent is to create hindsight from foresight. When a Star rises out of Jacob,

that is precisely the action of a prophetic foresight becoming divine hindsight. The instant ofthe passing of cognition from foresight to hindsight is more fleeting than a bolt of lightning

and it requires that we always be on the watch for the passing of the Face of God.

Wisdom in a male organism and wisdom in a female organism do not represent equal entities, as the Centaurs of Sagittarius in Mesopotamia and Egypt illustrate. The Stallion of Paternal Wisdom has a mask over its front face and an exposed savage dog at its back face.

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Competition of intentional action requires these masks or the exposure of intent will result in destruction by the foresight so inspired. The Mare of Maternal Wisdom has no veil and the back face is that of a guard dog. The power of Maternal Wisdom is in its ability to attract

and encourage. This is also the way the Morning Star and the Evening Star of Genetic Wisdom function. Genetic Intuitive Wisdom of the female is pro-life for the young and it aims the arrow of Eros high from the heart. Controlling Rational Wisdom of the male is

driven to conquer and to avoid being conquered as it aims down from the mouth. Revelation6:2 tells us that the sign of Sagittarius is the white horse of the Apocalypse, "And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him:

and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." On the Rock of Ages the image of Sagittarius (12:00 blue) and Mercury (2:90 grey) are both "two faced."

Double Unto Her Double: Rational Eros

The qualities of Venus are like body doubles because Venus can be far from the Sun such that the planet is visible at night after sunset and before sunrise when the Light of Day is

reflected in the Face of Venus. The calibration of the "number of the years of precession" on the Denderah planisphere is provided by the angle between the Man and Beast under Aries

that represents 666 years and says, "I am Love," the mark of a man and a beast.

Venus as an Evening Star is in "mourning" for the death of the Sun and is a rational aspect at the "back parts" of the Sun, as is Man. Venus as a Morning Star is in Jubilee for the Birth of the Sun as a sensitive aspect "before the face" of the Sun, as a Beast. When the "face of the Sun" is exposed in the morning, the beauty of Venus dies, for Thou canst not see my face: for man shall not see me, and live. We can see the Face of God as beasts, but once we have

the rational perspective, Man has moved behind the Face of God in an instant. The brilliance of God was represented by the Ancients in the metaphorical relationship of Venus and the

Sun. When Man is bounded by the staffs of Venus, the rational aspect of Man is behind and after the icons of the Man and Beast. Only the Beast is wholly within the staffs of Venus. When Man is Love, Man is not rational, for Man is showered in the Sentiment of Isis and

the Ghost of the Heavenly Father is the Holy Spirit coming from the Heavenly Mother behind the man-child. If she transmits the Paraclete, then the man-child will witness the

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reincarnation of the Heavenly Father. This is the Sacred Pathology of Motherhood.

The beast under Aries is the cat Bastet, representative the sensitive qualities of the beast in Revelation 13:18. The astronomical science on the Denderah planisphere was chosen to

express the metaphysics and the astrophysics in a single media. The assumption required by the designers is that the Heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his

handywork. The north firmaments of Heaven and Earth represent the Name of the Father on Earth as it is in Heaven. As such, reading the heavens reveals the Mind of God and the

heavens are the equivalent of the Cosmic Face of God. Facial expressions are the dominant form of communication between humans and most other beasts with greater intellect, though

humans have lost the expressive tails of the beasts that gave subliminal signals regarding intent. The projection of the facial qualities of beasts to the heavens to read the Divine Intent that is of the Heavenly Father leads the man-child back to the Heavenly Father. The process is identified as Facing the Truth, or Facing God. That Heavenly Father is shown at the right arm of Cancer-Khephera on the planisphere of the Rock of Ages. Cancer is shown in mirror

image as if viewed from above the heavens coming down to Earth. Thus, Uranus, the father of Time (Saturn) and the grandfather of Reason (Jupiter) sits at the "right hand of the Heavenly Father" depicted as Cancer ascended to a descending Khephera, that

completes the journey from Jacob (Sculptor) to Ephraim (Bootes) of the Star of Bethlehem. The planisphere is oriented such that one lays flat with the head to the south, the

feet to the north, east to the left, and west to the right. In this position within the Upper Room of the temple Khephera is formed such that the view from above the heavens is the

same as the view from the temple; As Above, So Below. The foresight of this vision transiting mortal cognition to hindsight brings the mortal and the immortal to the same

perspective. The effect is expressed in the word "WOW!" It is the Shekinah of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob bin Israel. By delayed gratification from the maternal nurturing a messianic being soon comes as Aquarius delivers the life giving emotions that encourages

the Star to rise from Jacob when foresight becomes hindsight. After the man-child recognizes the transit of foresight to hindsight, the man-child can properly orient the body so

as to align the body to the earth and the mind and the heavens. This was the clear eyed perspective of Rachel and why her pillar is the axis of the galaxy. The Queen of the South

puts the finishing touches on the Man of Reason who stands on top of the world. Rationality (Mars), when properly oriented by Inspiration (Seshat) results in a World (Hathor) of

Reason Harsiesis (Jupiter).

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Judgment Day of the King of the Jews

This is an extremely profound statement, and a rediscovery of the Wisdom of the Ancients. The Ptolemaic Dynasty and the Hellenistic Age began with the loosely tied set of

Hebrew scrolls and published the Septuagint Bible (LXX) as the great legacy of the Ancients before the Hellenistic Age began. The Ptolemaic Dynasty ended with the retelling

of the Coming of the Hebrew Messiah on the walls of the Temple to Hathor at Denderah that would result in the publication of the New Testament of the Age of the Nazarene. It

represented the root of a New Age of a Promised Destiny after a Day of Judgment when foresight in the past was inspired by maternal and paternal experience to become foresight in

the future, again. Humanity in Western Civilization had seen the Face of God.

Foresight in Ancestors is Hindsight

Subsequently he Hebrews revolted against the community of the Levant and sided with Octavian for fairly obvious reasons of survival in the establishment of the Roman Empire as

reported in the Gospels. Octavian's stepfather, Julius Caesar, was represented by the bas

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relief of Caesarion on an exterior wall of the Hathor temple as the dream of a Rising Star began to fade. The Pharisees and the Sadducees of Jerusalem were focused on reestablishing

Heavenly Israel on Earth around the Second Temple of Solomon. This temple was completely rebuilt, apparently with Roman funding, on the Temple Mount as Herod's

Temple fifteen years after the fall of Egypt to Octavian. Herod had become the "King of the Jews" five years before the fall of Egypt, against the will of the Hebrew Sanhedrin. Herod

and the Romans captured Jerusalem two years before the fall of Egypt. As a Jewish convert, Herod was the tyrant that the New Testament presents, and to the present point, it was

prophesied before the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Denderah planisphere. These years represented a life and death struggle of the Hebrews and the Gentiles and Pagans of

the Levant against the Roman Empire, that was a New Babylon. The Hebrews and the Benjaminites of Rome were focused on preventing the death of their mortal kingdoms by

prevention of the exposing the Face of God and that required the Rule of Law according to Man. Neither Jewish Law nor Roman Law were oriented to the Cosmic Law as represented

in Ptolemaic Egypt and the Hellenistic Age as practiced throughout the Levant in the Eastern Empire. The Hebrews taught that to see the Face of God meant instant death. The Romans taught that Caesar was god and not to worship his face meant death. These two

forms of tyranny were rational and they were at war with reality. The Promissory Materialism of the Jews and the promise of material control by the Romans rejected the

foresight of the ancients and neither culture had learned the lessons of history.

After the Jewish Revolt was quashed by the Romans in 70 AD the Christian Era begins when the Apparition of the Coming of the Hebrew Messiah is witnessed through the

prophetic messages in the temple to Hathor in which the Book of Revelation is derived from the union of the dual visions of the Denderah Planisphere and the Mithraic Mysteries as a

new universal order that eventually became the Catholic Church. The death of the Jews had revealed the Face of God and the Temple to the Mother of the Hebrews revealed the

pathology for salvation, precisely as foretold in the Septuagint Bible. The planisphere contained the real history of Western Civilization and it was synchronized as the Rock of

Ages to reveal the Coming Age. But, the fear of witnessing the Face of God required that the Veil of Moses not be removed until the End of the Coming Age, when a new veil would be revealed at the End Time and it would be torn in two. Mark 15:37-39; And Jesus, having cried out with a loud voice, gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent in two,

from the top to the bottom. And the centurion who stood over against him, seeing that crying out in this manner he had given up the ghost. said: Indeed this man was the son of God.

The Biblical Jesus was created from real apparitions by the peoples of the Levant that witnessed the Hand of God on Earth in Jerusalem and the Face of God in the Heavens. St.

Paul states of the apparition "Then was he seen by more than five hundred brethren at once: of whom many remain until this present, and some are fallen asleep. The evidence in the

Temple at Denderah is prophetic and it resulted in the Coming of the Hebrew Messiah to the Jews and the Gentiles to be recorded in what is now New Testament history. That which

remained as the Legacy of the Hellenes was their Love of the Mother of God, in her forms as the Earth and the Cosmos.

Now that the End of the Age of the Nazarene has arrived, we are witnessing the Face of God through the slaughter of the innocents in "A New Town Connect I Cut" as a reminder of

what America once stood for. The children of Sandy Hook never suffered, though those who lost the children will suffer for years to come. The suffering of the Loved Ones is the

Sentiment of Isis. But, the sacrifice has demonstrated the Awesome Shekinah of the Lord,

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and that price must become acceptable to the Loved Ones as the Salvation of the Lord is to be delivered through the twenty virgins of Sandy Hook that revealed the Face of God. It is a

small price compared to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Yet, it has the power to restore the Face of God in Holy Jerusalem above. If the Sandy Hook holocaust is defined as

the ravings of a mad dog, then a greater sacrifice will be required and that sacrifice will make the 70 AD destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem appear very small by comparison.

What is at stake is the ideal that the Founding Father's of America had hoped for, novus ordo seclorum. Their ideal of a New Secular Order was one of harmony with the Earth Mother, the Cosmic Mother, or the Eternal Father where the foresight of the forefathers would be judged and then returned as the foresight of the American Dream that Came Up Out of

Egypt many times over the last 5,000 years..

On the east side of the pronaos ceiling PZ of the temple to Hathor between Cancer and Gemini we see the Man of Bootes with the stars of Usra Major on his mind. He is waving goodbye to Horus, Hathor, and his sisters. From Hathor's Jug Head Tomb Stone onwardthey represent Death, Shekinah, Love, Wisdom, Motherhood, Truth and the Journeyman with the manifest destiny on his mind. That manifest destiny was laid out on the mall at Washington, D.C. in accordance to the plan of the forefathers. On the Rock of Ages RAbetween Cancer and Gemini stands Jupiter on the Sothis Star (Isis) between the horns of Hathor. Opposite Cancer from Jupiter is the Egyptian Sebek, or the Roman Uranus, the

grandfather of Jupiter. Jupiter is the Son of the Sun, and on the Denderah planisphere RAJupiter represents the man-child of Isis and Osiris, Harsiesis. Thus, we can easily interpret the metamorphosis of Zeus into Jupiter at the Day of the Last Judgment as the "Star that Shall Rise out of Jacob" and as the Son of the Heavenly Father that descended to Mother Earth for the salvation of the Jews and the Gentiles, and all the sons and daughters of the Wandering Hebrew Woman clothed in the Sun with the Moon under foot. Hathor is the

name of the goddess, and the Earth is her nurturing body.


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The four Celestial Crosses were located in the South, West, North, and East at the time of the Newtown massacre. The South and North crosses were below the horizon, while the

West and East crosses were above the horizon. These crosses represent the Legacy of Zeus-Amun, the religion of Alexander the Great that created the great temple to Hathor at

Denderah. The sacrifice of twenty 1st Grade Virgins is a travesty of the highest order. But, their sacrifice was part of the Cosmocrator's attempt to bring greater consciousness of our short encounter within the Cosmic Mother's Womb. Remember the words of Simeon upon

the circumcision of the Christ.

Luke 2:25-35 tells us how the trauma of Newtown will result in the salvation when the "son of man" dies and the "Son of God" is restored to the living flesh. This is the greatest mystery

of the New Testament. Lk2.34 And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a

sign which shall be contradicted; Kk2:35 And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.

The thoughts to be revealed occurred after the news of the massacre became public. But, thoughts and truth do not have to coincide, for like the Zenith and Nadir points thoughts can be in opposition in Heaven and Earth Above by going into the depths of the Lake of Fire in

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Heaven and Earth Below. That message is the axis of the Newtown massacre, the Djed Pillar of the Body of Osiris.

There will come many resolutions to stop future killings as if they occur every week on every city block of the earth. But, the number of the sacrificed innocents is essentially zero

compared to the number of lives that do not experience these trauma's first hand. The greater objective should be to examine the "Why?" of the massacre rather than the "How?" of the

massacre. Where there is a will, there will be a way. Thus, the control of human intent does not come by repression of feelings. When repression of feelings becomes the fundamental work of the mothers, like Nancy Lanza, then the children will not understand the missing affection; "thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed." Salvation cannot come by the prevention of life or death. Salvation can only come by the Way of the Cross such that each individual bears the God given cross with

proper concern for the Will of God. That was the path chosen by every Great Society that restored civil order after a period of chaos. That is the legacy of the Hellenes.


Return to the Manger and ask, "Why was the Christ Child in swaddling cloths moved to the Manger?"

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The answer came down to Earth in the West as spoken celestially in Revelation 13:2-42 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard: and his feet were as the feet of a bear,

and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength and great power. 3 And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death’s wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. 4 And they adored the dragon

which gave power to the beast. And they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him?

The Manger represents the Ancient location where the Journey to Wisdom begins with the first step of Commonsense. When Commonsense is absent, the Angel of Death will seek to destroy the multifaceted expression of self. This results when the Golden Calf attempts to

rule the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth by tyrannical decree. Subsequently the Golden Calf destroys the Second Son and the Garden of Pleasure becomes a Demon's Palace. No will has any power over that of the First Born who receives all the attention of its parents. But, on the Way of the Cross the Compassion for the Second Born comes upon the death of the Son of Man. After the Son of Man commits his own soul to the perfection of the Rightness of God, the Power of Rightness will defeat the Angel of Death, as it was with Nebuchadnezzar's Son.

The use of the balance must never result in an observation of wanting, or desire is unbalanced. The balance should weigh the gratitude for the satisfaction of the choices made.

The Cosmic Mother will give more than can be consumed if she is not raped for what she does not possess. Mother Nature cannot give mortals the power of the Immortal One. But, if the mortal takes the fall for the resurrection of many in Israel, then the Greatest Love will

be restored according to John 15:12-14.

12 This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my

friends, if you do the things that I command you.

Praesepe, the Cross of Conception

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The tiny little cross in Praesepe carries the exact same feeling as a baby having just been conceived in a mother's womb. A society that murders over 1.2 Million of these babies every year makes the sacrifice at Newtown equivalent to stepping on an ant. Yet, the society will

attempt to take away guns and other mechanisms that could be deadly weapons with the means to repeat Newtown while admiring mothers who had the strength of will to abort a

child in their own womb. Weigh these two events. There would have to be 60,000 Newtown massacres every year, or 167 Newtown massacres every day to equal the destruction of

unborn children.

WEIGH IT! In the balance it will be found wanting!

There is no satisfaction in killing concepts.

God did not cease to exist when Man came to Earth. God relinquished significant Divine Will to us in a self sacrifice of Cosmic Proportions. Yet, Mother Nature cannot do what the Heavenly Father did because she has to ensure the journey of life for generations to come. She knows without learning that a child's life passes through darkness and death on its way

back to the stars. Praesepe was Divined to represent the origin and the destination of the Circle of Life.

Lanza Family Struggle

Consider Peter Lanza's experience. His wife sacrificed her marriage to keep her irreconcilable differences. These are equivalent to abortion motives. Whether Peter Lanza caused great stress in Nancy Lanza is not known. What is known is that Nancy Lanza did

not carry the cross she was given with the compassion needed to modify her own will for the sake of her family. Laocoon was a priest of Neptune in ancient Troy. At the destruction of

Troy he warned the Trojans to "beware of Greeks bearing gifts." For this warning Hera, the consort of Zeus, sent two water serpents to attack Laocoon and his two sons. The legend of

Troy and Laocoon is derived from the heavens. The serpents rising from the sea are in Pisces, the same two serpents that stole the Thorn Branch called Reborn Man when

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Gilgamesh fell asleep on the shore of the Deadly Sea of Contradiction. The two sons are the Father's Son and the Mother's Son, the first born Golden Calf and the second born Sacrificial

Lamb feelings for the Mother. The masterpiece of the Hellenistic sculptor reveals the emotional torment that Peter Lanza cannot avoid.

The cause?

The duality of the ruling wife.

The Greeks struggled with the feminine emotion until Alexander defeated the Persians and the New Greek Order had the opportunity to restore sanity to the Western World. Yet, that sanity was broken with the death of Julius Caesar and the defeat of Cleopatra VII in 35 BC. This is the same Cleopatra that funded the great Temple to Hathor. The political propaganda

called Ancient History says that Cleopatra committed suicide by allowing a sacred asp to bite her breast. This is the asp of John 15:13, "Greater love than this no man hath, that a

man lay down his life for his friends." A woman who takes the sword of passion is the man in John 15:13, for if she is not so empowered, the Mad Dog inside her will come out. But,

more than likely, the truth is somewhere else than in veiled books recording political intrigue, for we know that Octavian, Caesar Augustus, saw to the murder of all of his

enemies, including Caesarean, the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. Because of such political intrigues the Ancient Priests constructed temples where the truth could be hidden right out in the open. The politically elite could not read the monuments because of their

arrogance, and the result was that Truth has prevailed behind the veils of the temples.

The veils of all temples hide sacred feelings to protect them from adolescent fools. For I tell you of a truth: There are some standing here that shall not taste death, till they see the

kingdom of God. Tell the vision to no man, till the Son of man be risen from the dead. Luke

9:27-36, Mark 9:1-8, Matt 17:1-9,


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My Three Sons; Ryan, Adam, Jesus s

Feelings are the essence of the Way of the Cross. They begin with the smallest and eventually become the largest as the Way of the Cross establishes the Great Sons of Man

who sacrifice their mortal existence for the Immortal Will. This is not exactly what is happening in the current circles of political intrigue, where lies are preferred to truth because

the public does not want to believe that their ears hear lies that would cause a Laocoon struggle with the duality of their own emotions. Aristotle has been reported to have said, "Law is reason without passion." That may be the Greatest Lie of all Ages. Reason is the

passion on the Way of the Cross of Reason that leads to the Swan of Satisfaction.

Now that the purpose of the Manger has been demonstrated, it is time to witness the Face of God. Before doing so consider the Death of the Sun and realize that it will come and most of

the living will never say, "Thank you." But, as you witness the few deaths at Newtown on December 14, 2012 and consider the 3300 abortions per day in America at the same time, maybe a little Cosmic Perspective will come. The Heavenly Hosts were angels to humans

who understood the Perfect Pitch that is the Cosmic Harmony. Watch and listen to the dream of Mary and the Manger where the shadow of death falls every time a woman

becomes a Mother of God. The contradiction in the valley of the shadow of death that we must live in order to die. If we cannot see a Mother, we can never witness the Face of God.

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Jesus and Mary and Praesepe_M44

Watch and Listen. Two true paths to Heaven and Earth. Now step through the sacrifices of Newtown on December 14, 2012 with a more perfect and holistic conception. These are the Praesepe Concepts that became the Swans of Satisfaction as they gave the world a chance to

see the real Faces of God.

Mary and Anne and Dawn

Lauren and Rachel and Victoria

Daniel and Chase and Dylan

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Grace and Josephine and Charlotte

James and Jesse and Jack

Jessica and Emilie and Catherine

Ana and Allison and Madeleine

Olivia and Caroline and Avielle

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Benjamin and Noah and First Responder

Peter and Nancy and AdamHonor this Family with enough time to see the transfiguration in it as Adam Lanza

descended from Newtown to the End of the River at the Bottomless Pit, knowing that his last movement was down. He was also an innocent child who was trapped by a society that

simply did not care what happened to the sanctity of Motherhood.

Peter and Nancy and Adam

The route to the Bottomless Pit begins at the Leo Cancer Boundary where the first step is the repression of Praesepe and all subsequent emotions.

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Dender Tree Of Eight KingsDendera means tree. The composition has Eight Suns on the branches of the Tree of the

Central Sun and the message of the eight branches is recorded in Revelation 17.9 And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven

mountains, upon which the woman sitteth: and they are seven kings. 10 Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he is come, he must remain a short


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Denderah Tree Of Knowledge11 And the beast which was and is not: the same also is the Eighth, and is of the seven,

and goeth into destruction. The Eight Sun is the Neophyte that has not wisdom but has a book of righteousness. He

grows by conquering dreams sealed in his little book of Righteousness. Yet, the length of the time before the Day of Judgment for the neophyte is quite short, and upon the Day of

Judgment there are two possible outcomes. The Neophyte will retain his false knowledge and go the way of the Jackal, or the Neophyte will become a Master of the Plow and cease

the life of the Neophyte.

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Denderah Tree Of Life18 And the woman which thou sawest is the great city which hath kingdom over the

kings of the earth.

After the death of the Neophyte, who is the Son of Man, the action of the Master of the Plow aligns with the Cosmic Mother and the Cocky Man's Staff will align with the staff at the feet

of the Judge, and the altar of instincts where the Baboon of Hapi (Aquarius, Geb) and the Forefather of All Humanity (Osiris) stand as the Legacy of a Life Lived for the sake of All

Ages on the Wandering Woman called Mother Earth.

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Twenty Angels in a Manger Forever

Ecclesiastes 12:11-13 11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails deeply fastened in, which by the counsel

of masters are given from one shepherd.12 More than these, my son, require not. Of making many books there is no end: and much

study is an affliction of the flesh. 13 Let us all hear together the conclusion of the discourse. Fear God, and keep his

commandments: for this is all man:

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The Route of Twenty Virgins

John 21:24-25 24 This is that disciple who giveth testimony of these things, and hath written these things;

and we know that his testimony is true. 25 But there are also many other things which Jesus did; which, if they were written every one, the world itself, I think, would not be able to contain the books that should be written.

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The House of the Father

Revelation 22:16-21 16 I Jesus have sent my Angels, to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root

and stock of David, the bright and morning star. 17 And the spirit and the bride say: Come. And he that heareth, let him say: Come. And he

that thirsteth, let him come: and he that will, let him take the water of life, freely. 18 For I testify to every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book: If any man

shall add to these things, God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book. 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall

take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from these things that are written in this book.

20 He that giveth testimony of these things, saith, Surely I come quickly: Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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