14 Online Income streams for Tattoo Artists - Electric Linda

Post on 12-May-2023

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Transcript of 14 Online Income streams for Tattoo Artists - Electric Linda

Want or need to make some extra income besides tattooing? As a tattoo artist, or tattoo apprentice, we usually have quite the experience in different fields, and this is the ultimate list of great ideas for ways to make some dollars on the side, without too much effort. I have personally tried every tip in this book, and I must say, maybe not all of them will suit your taste and style, but at least try one or two!


This e-guide is written by Electric Linda for InkMentor.com - a place where Electric Linda shares everything she knows about tattooing, with over 20 years experience as a Tattoo Artist, over 50 tattoo awards and the wounder of Scandinavias biggest tattoo shop - Attitude Tattoo Studio.


•Physical Complications - back pain, neck pain, shoulder issues, tennis arm etc.

•Mental Complications - just sick of people and the «How much for a sleeve» in DM’s.

•Local or international financial challenges (like a Covid’19 pandemic a la 2020)

•The passionate interest of expanding the income streams just because you can!

WHY WOULD YOU NEED AN EXTRA INCOME STREAM?Yes, I guess many people just want more money, but right now I am focusing on the tattoo artists and apprentices that could use one or two extra income streams, whatever the reason. After 20 years as a tattoo artist working full time, I personally have or had these reasons at some point myself. And with time, the list of reasons will most likely grow even longer.




ONLINE INCOME STREAMS FOR TATTOO ARTISTSTake your tattoo bookings online. It can be hard for clients to know what to book, so if not listing all your services, at least list consultations and/or video consultations! I personally recommend SIMPLY BOOK ME, after testing out about 35 different online booking solutions for tattoo artists. You can also list services like workshops, classes, or any other thing you would like to do besides tattooing.

GO LIVE - Live stream while tattooing or drawing, painting or gaming or whatever you want on Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook or any other platforms. Get donations from viewers and paying subscriptions and make money on ads, sponsors and affiliate links (recommending products and getting a cut every time someone buys via your link). For Mac users out there I personally recommend ECAMM, and for PC I would use OBS live from Stream Elements, where I get my alerts and streaming widgets. Want cool overlay themes? Check out NERD OR DIE. Want to be able to multi stream on all your favorite platforms simultaneously? Use RESTREAM!



Sell Downloadable Tattoo Designs - Make those old "up for grabs" tattoo drawings (and hopefully new ones too) into digital image files and sell them as printable tattoo designs on ETSY, SHOPIFY or your own website.

Sell digital gift certificates for your tattoos, also available on the recommended site above. Or you could also try GIFTUP if you don’t want to have online booking, just sell gift certificates online.

Create Custom Tattoos for online clients - Use for example CREATE MY TATTOO to take requests for custom tattoo designs. Requires some time and effort for every client, but it’s still something you can make a good amount on money on if you love drawing tattoos.

Create Custom ART for online clients - Like the one above, but instead use platforms like FIVERR, FREELANCER or UPWORK to take requests for custom drawings, paintings, illustrations for books or whatever you feel like doing. A great earning income if you love drawing, painting or digital designing in general.

Sell Printable Wall Art and other Printables - those old "up for grabs" tattoo drawings can also be sold as more printable downloads, for example: Birthday cards, Greeting Cards, Holiday Cards, Coloring Pages and Coloring Books, Beautiful Planners, Stationary, the list is looooooong… The best places to sell your printable are on ETSY, and SHOPIFY.



Print On Demand - Upload your artwork to POD platforms like REDBUBBLE or ZAZZLE and have your own apparel shop that prints and ships for you. No need to hassle with printing, ordering, shipping or anything. Just upload and make a cut every time someone buys a shirt, sticker, poster, apron or coffee mug.

Create and sell Lightroom presets - Do you use Lightroom? You have probably made your own presets then? These can be sold to others that don’t know how to make presets, or don’t have the time to create them. Sell presets on ETSY, CREATIVE MARKET or SHOPIFY.

Sell stock photos - If your photos in general tend to look great, you can actually make a great deal if you upload and sell. All kinds of photos are needed and sellable, like landscapes, someone tattooing, someone painting, a hand holding a pen… You get the idea. Try for example ISTOCKPHOTO or SHUTTERSTOCK.

Teach online - You probably know some things you could share with those who don’t, if you are the sharing type! Make online courses, webinars, workshops or ebooks! For my inkMentor content, I use PODIA, an all-in-one digital storefront. The easiest way to sell online courses, memberships, and downloads, no technical skills required.



Make Videos for Youtube. Requires writing (planning), talking and being comfortable in front of the camera. Monetize using ads and affiliate links - Need help with Youtube Management? TUBEBUDDY helps you to manage, optimize, and grow your channel.

Start a Podcast - For those not that comfortable in front of the camera, but still likes to talk: Talk about what you love, interview other artists, educate or entertain and make money on ads and affiliate links.

Create a Tattoo Blog - For those not that comfortable talking on camera or microphone, or as an addition to the above. Write about what you love, and make money on small ads and affiliate links. Also post these blog posts on MEDIUM, REDDIT and so on.

There are probably a lot more great ideas for online income streams for tattoo artists, artists, photographers, and other creators. But I personally use, or have at least tried, every single tip on this very list. Maybe not all things listed will work perfectly for you, but maybe one of them will become that big break you always wanted and make you a Millionaire! You never know, unless you try! Right?

Good Luck!

And most of all have fun!

Oh… And there’s more….


BONUS TIPS!To be able to make money from any of the tips I have given you, you will need to keep building your social media platforms, and engage even more with your followers. There is so much info about this topic all over the internet, that I won’t put too much of it here. Just research social media marketing, and there is an ocean of awesome tips and tools to use.

I will give you my 2 game changing bonus tips though.

For those who needs a stronger system for posting on social media, try using a post planner app. After testing all of them, I personally recommend PLANOLY, a visual planning tool that allows Instagram users to create calendars to plan their content, curate the content of others, schedule and auto-post posts and stories, analyze engagements.

My second important tip is to auto-post your Instagram posts to your Facebook page and groups, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Patreon, Mailchimp and actually thousands of more available apps by using ZAPIER.

Keep up the buzz!


WHAT’S NEXT?Want to know everything I know about tattooing?


If you’d like to try new techniques, rutines, and smarter ways to work to make your income more solid while tattooing, you have come to the right place!

After 20 years of tattooing, I am finally sharing all my tricks of the trade.

As you know, there are no shortcuts in quality tattooing, but there are ways to make your workflow richer, your day smoother and more effective, your tattoos crisper and more solid, and your cash register full of money.

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