بهروز وحیدی - دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر

Post on 10-May-2023

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Transcript of بهروز وحیدی - دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر

ریبکریما یتعنص هاگشناد ( نارهت کینکت یلپ )

یدیحو زورهب داتسا

قرب یسدنهم هدکشناد تردق یشزومآ هورگ

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یرتکد یاه هلاسر

همان# نایاپ خیراتطسوتناونع عافد

ییایمیش1 رمع نیمخت یاه لدم بیکرت زا هدافتسا اب تردق یاهروتامروفسنارت رمع تیریدم یترارح یکیرتکلاو -

زورهب یرومیت و ناکشا یدیحو


دیلوت2 فرصم و تیریدم زا هدافتسا اب دنمشوه عیزوت هکبش تازیهجت رمع دوبهب زورهبلیلحت و یناقهد و دماح یدیحو


3AC یاه هکبشزیر رد اطخ یدنب هقبط صیخشت و یدنب ، هیحان لماش هنیهب یتظافح یریما وحرط یلاعم نافرع یدیحو زورهب

ید 1400

4Resiliency Constrained Coordinated planning for Electricity and Natural GasNetworks under Uncertainties

دیجم دیمح رامع زورهب یجاردلا و


رهم 1399

یاهوردوخراتفر5 یریگرظنرد اب دنمشوه یاه هکبش رد اهروتامروفسنارت یاطخ لامتحا شهاک یسررب هدنکارپ تادیلوت ناکم یکیرتکلا و

زورهب هزمح و نسحم یدیحو

ریت 1399

6Facts تاودا روضح اب طخ و هدرتسگ لدم ساسا رب یا هنایاپ هس طوطخ رد اطخ یبای زورهبناکم یئازریم و یدهم یدیحو

رهم 1398

نامدیچ7 زاجم ، نایرج اهرتماراپ ، تیعطق مدع نتفرگ رظن رد اب ینیمزریز لباک متسیس هنیهب یحارط یداصتقا یاه دیق و

زورهب ینابعش و دماح یدیحو

ریت 1398

هدنور8 شیپ هخاش یبیکرت لدم زا هدافتسا اب یوق راشف یاه تسپ هقعاص ربارب رد تظافح یحارط یدعب هس تروصب لاتکرف شور هقعاص و

داژن یمیحر لضفلاوبا یدیحو زورهب و


اهروتامروفسنارت9 ینیزگیاج نامز نیمخت یور رب یداصتقا ینف و یاهرتماراپ رثا ینیدلایزاسلدم نیز دماح یدیحو زورهب دنمیم و


یاهدیق10 ، تیعطق مدع نتفگ رظنرد اب ینامیس تکاد نورد M.V ینیمز ریز یاه لباک یزاسلدم هنیشیب ینایرج تیفرظ یارب هنیهب شنیچ هب یبای تسد تهج لباک رمع لوطو یداصتقا

یچراز و یبارتوبا دواد یدیحو زورهب


رد11 یبیکرت یاه هدننک ناربج یحارط روظنم هب یکیرتکلا سوق یاه هروک راتفر لیلحت یزاسلدم و ناوت تیفیک یاهرتماراپ دوبهب یاتسار

نایبارت یدهم زورهب یناهفصا و


ید 1393

سناکرف12 هب هتسباو یوکوف تافلت نتفرگرظنرد اب ارذگ تالاح یسررب تهج نایمالسا وروتامروفسنارت یضترم یدیحو زورهب

ریت 1393

هقلح13 یکیمانید راتفر نتفرگ رظن رد اب ناوت تیفیک تاعلاطم تهج زاف هس روتامروفسنارت یزاسلدم هتسه رد سیزرتسیه

هداز و یقن یلعناضمر یدیحو زورهب

رهم 1391

متسیس14 یکیزیف هتفای میمعت لدم زا هدافتسا اب لاقتنا طوطخرد دراگ یاه میس نتفرگرارق لحم نعت یدعب هس یاضف رد تکرح یاربرمیرتسا ردیل -

یلکوت کناب اضردمحم یدیحو زورهب و


تردق15 یاه هکبش رد ریگقرب یتالامتحا هنیهب یبایاج بسن ویزاسلدم و یتعیرش اضر یدیحو زورهب

ید 1387

دشرا یسانشراک یاه همان نایاپ

همان# نایاپ خیراتطسوتناونع عافد

تیدودحم1 نتفرگ رظن رد تردق و کینورتکلا تاودا زا هدافتسا اب ویتکا عیزوت یاه هکبش ییارآ زابیتظافح یاه

قیجدومحم و یزیزع یلع یدیحو زورهب


یاه2 زاس هریخذ روضح رد راب ییوگخساپ یریگرظن رد اب تردق متسیس یداصتقا هنیهب یزیر همانرب تیعطق مدع دوجو اب ینژوردیه

زورهب یلیلخ و اضر یدیحو


یانبم3 رب یریگ میمصت یروئت زا هدافتسا اب تیعطق مدع دوجو اب یژرنا باه هنیهب تیریدم یتاعالطا فاکش

زورهب یبیرغ و اضر یدیحو


دیلوت4 یاهدحاو یاه هلر سناکرف رغت خرن نتفرگ رظن رد اب یسناکرف راب فذح بسانم حرط هدنکارپ

تلود یناهج اضردمحم یدیحو زورهب دابا و

رهم 1400

همانرب5 روضح رد اه و تیعطق مدع نتفرگ رظن رد اب دنمشوه یاه هکبش رد یژرنا هنیهب تیریدم راب ییوگخساپ یاه

زورهب ول و یفص رداقلادبع یدیحو


هدنکارپ6 تادیلوت یا هریزج دض تظافح طسوت هدش داجیا ژاتلو شلف شهاک یبیکرت لح هار هدازهیارا نسح داوجدمحم زورهب یدابا و قحسا



هقعاص7 دروخرب یزاس هنیهب متیروگلا زا هدافتسا اب عیزوت هکبش کی رد اهریگقرب دادعت یزاس زورهبهنیهب این و نسح داجس یدیحو


تردق8 متسیس رد هنیهب راب شخپ روظنم هب یژرنا یاهزاس هریخذ هنیهب زورهبدرکلمع یحالصا و دالیم یدیحو


9DC یاه هکبشزیر رد یا هریزج تلاح یاطخ یدیحوصیخشت زورهب یروت و نمهبدیما 1397

اطخ10 نایرج یاه هدننکدودحم کمک هب یتظافح یگنهامه زورهبظفح یکاین و هدازربکا یلع یدیحو


11DC یاه هکبشزیر رد اطخ ینیدلا وصیخشت سمش یضترم یدیحو زورهب

ید 1397

میقتسم12 نایرج یوقراشف طوطخ رد اطخ یبای نالیگداز وناکم تمه هواک یدیحو زورهب

ید 1397

تردق13 یاهروتامروفسنارت رد اطخ لحم صیخشت یدنب و هقبط یارب یبیکرت یمتیروگلا زورهبهئارا یدمحا و نیسح یدیحو


یدورو14 یاهردیف زا کی ره زا یشان نایرج ژاتلو و کینومراه یگدولآ مهس نازیم نعت هبساحم و عیزوت قوف لاقتنا و یاه هکبش رد یجورخ و

یدرکاروپ و نموم داوج یدیحو زورهب

رهم 1396

هب15 دودحم یاهاطخ رد ( TRV) ارذگ یتشگزاب یاهژاتلو لیلحت هیزجت یزاس و هیبش (TLF) روتامروفسنارت

زورهب یرومیت و ناکشا یدیحو


یریگ16 رظن رد اب عیزوت یاه هکبش رد ییارآزاب هارمه هب هدنکارپ دیلوت عبانم هتعاس یزیر 24 همانرب هکبش دنمشوه تلاح اب هسیاقم تیعطق و مدع

زورهب ولباروج و رحس یدیحو

ریت 1396

نیکرتشم17 هافر هنیزه و رب تساوخرد تمس تیریدم یاه همانرب یارجا زورهبریثات هاوخداد و ربکا یدیحو


نتفرگ18 رظن رد اب هکبش یفرصم یژرنا یزاس لقادح یارب یقرب راطق تعرس لیافورپ یزاس هنیهب یزمرت ییایحا یژرنا

زورهب یرون و باون یدیحو


رد19 هدنکارپ دیلوت عبانم رب اطخ نایرج یاه هدننک دودحم بصن لحم ریثات لیلحت یسررب و هکبشزیر

یهللا تمعن یغورف نیما یدیحو زورهب و

رهم 1395

شیارآ20 دیدجت زا هدافتسا اب دنمشوه عیزوت هکبش ژاتلو لیفورپ دوبهب نانیمطا و تیلباق شیازفا هنیزه یریگرظنرد اب ریذپدیدجت و یژرنا دیلوت عبانم روضح رد نیبروتورکیم یزیر همانرب هکبش و


زورهب یزرمارف و دواد یدیحو

رهم 1395

هدافتسا21 اب میقتسم نایرج یوق راشف لاقتنا طوطخ یارب هقعاص زا یشان یاه یعطق هبساحم ی یضرف یاهراب شور هدنور و شیپ هخاش ی لدم زا

زورهب یدمحم و اضر یدیحو

ید 1394

22HVDC و HVAC یاهتسپ رد هقعاص زا یشان یاهژاتلو هفاضا یور رب ءازجا لدم رثا زورهبلیلحت یمرحم و دازهب یدیحو

ید 1394

هبساحم23 یارب هدنور شیپ هخاش ی لدم شور یسدنه و یکیرتکلا - هتفرشیپ ی لدم هسیاقم ی لاقتنا طوطخ هب هقعاص دروخرب رثارب SF زا یشان یاه یعطق

زورهب نایمشاه و نامژپ یدیحو

رهم 1394

اطخ24 زا یشان رایس جاوما زا هدافتسا اب لاقتنا طوطخ رد اطخ یبای تشگناکم یرگسع سیوا یدیحو زورهب یناخدور و

رهم 1394

عیزوت25 یاه متسیس رد اطخ لحم نعت یارب ژاتلو شلف زا بسن وهدافتسا یلیعمسا اضریلع یدیحو زورهب


ورتم26 یاه لنوت رد یتشن نایرج زورهبهبساحم یلباز و نیدیآ یدیحو

ید 1393

عبانم27 ریغتم و یاضاقت نتفرگ رظن رد اب تافلت شهاک روظنم هب عیزوت یاه هکبش شیارآ دیدجت هدنکارپ دیلوت

جزید و یدیجم یدهم یدیحو زورهب

رذآ 1393

داب28 تعرس ینیب شیپ ساسارب یداب یاه نیبروت یجورخ ناوت ناسون زورهبشهاک هداز و ینارا یلع یدیحو

رهم 1393

عبانم29 نایرج و تظافح یاه هلر روضح رد عیزوت هکبش رد ( FCL ) اطخ نایرج زاس دودحم یبایاج هدنکارپ دیلوت

زورهب یئاقب و دازرف یدیحو

رهم 1393

زا30 هدافتسا اب تردق یاه سنارت رد یلخاد یچیپ میس یاطخ یجراخ و هاتوک لاصتا نیب زیامت یبصع یاه هکبش

زورهب یزایا و رصان یدیحو

رهم 1393

لدم31 زا هدافتسا اب لاقتنا طوطخ رد Shielding Failure رب یوق راشف طوطخ ژاتلو رثا یسررب (leader progression model ) هدنورشیپ

زورهب ولگباباب و امین یدیحو

رهم 1393

مدع32 نتفرگ رظن رد اب دنمشوه یاه هکبش زیر رد هدنکارپ تادیلوت تکراشم هفده دنچ یزیر همانربیژرنا ریذپدیدجت عبانم تیعطق

زورهب یلیعمسا و دیعس یدیحو


یوجتسج33 متیروگلا کمک هب تافلت شهاک راب و یزاس لداعتم فده اب هکبش شیارآ دیدجت ینومراه

یدیحو زورهب یلامک و تشهبیدراامین 1393

دیلوت34 عبنم عون نیدنچ دوجو عیزوت ا هکبش رد یا هریزج دض تظافح یاهشور لباقتم ریثات هدنکارپ

زورهب یقداص و یدهم یدیحو


یاهراب35 شور زا هدافتسا اب راطق راطق و هیذغت ییاوه طخ هب هدننک دروخرب یاه هقعاص هبساحم یضرف

زورهب ینشور و هللادسا یدیحو


یبصع36 یاه هکبش کمک هب یرادرب هرهب فلتخم طیارش رد اه هکبشزیر راتفر زورهبیبایزرا داژن و ناریا هقئاف یدیحو

رهم 1392

37pmu تاعالطا زا هدافتسا اب راب یزاس زورهبلدم نیوگ و شرا یدیحو

رهم 1392

ناوت38 تیفیک یاهرتماراپ یور رب تردق هکبش هب یداب یاه هاگورین لاصتا زورهبتارثا یدحا و نیمرآ یدیحو

رهم 1392

رازاب39 یلداعت تمیق نعت روظنم هب قرب رازاب رد یداب عرازم ناوت ینیب شیپ تیعطق مدع زورهبیسررب یناقهد و دماح یدیحو

رهم 1392

زا40 هدافتسا اب یداب نیبروت کاتلووتف و یژرنا عبانم لماش هکبش زیر ناوت تیریدم دماج تلاح روتامروفسنارت

زورهب یلیکودنز و یلع یدیحو


هدنکارپ41 دیلوت عبانم دوجو اب راکدوخ یاهدیلک هنیهب یبای یلیلج وناکم ریما سابع ریما یدیحو زورهب


42DG هدنکارپ دیلوت عبنم ناونع هب ریگداب قیرط زا یکیرتکلا ناوت دیلوت یجنس یدزیرادملع وناکما یبتجم یدیحو زورهب


اه43 هکبش زیر یتظافح حرط درکلمع یور اه FCL تارثا هلموک ویسررب روپ میهاربا دیجم یدیحو زورهب


ژاتلو44 تیبثت راب و لداعت یریگ رظن رد اب دنمشوه یاه هکبش رد راب تیریدم یزاس زورهبهدایپ دار و یسایق دالیم یدیحو

رهم 1391

اب45 هدنکارپ دیلوت عبانم یاراد یعاعش عیزوت یاه هکبش رد ( هاتوک لاصتا ) اطخ عوقو لحم نیعت کجوم لیدبت زا هدافتسا

زورهب یزردوگ و دمحم یدیحو

رهم 1391

کجوم46 لیدبت زا هدافتسا اب یداب هاگورین یا هریزج تلاح یزاس زورهبراکشآ ینابعش و دماح یدیحو

رهم 1391

ژاتلو47 شلف دوبهب نتغرگ رظن رد اب عیزوت یاه هکبش رد راب زورهبتیریدم یبتاک و نیما یدیحو


ایرد48 رد یرافح لکد رد لزید اب یبیکرت متسیس زا هدافتسا یجنس زورهبناکما یزمره و میهاربا یدیحو


یزاس49 هنیهب یاهشور هئارا طسوتمراشف و یاهولبات رب هاتوک لاصتا نایرج تارثا یزاس هیبش تارثا نیا شهاک تهج

مدقم و یرفظم نامیپ یدیحو زورهب


نینج50 اصوصخ ناسنا ندب یور رب ییاوه طوطخ یسیطانغم نادیم تارثا زورهبلیلحت ینودیرف و اضریلع یدیحو

ید 1390

رجف51 یمیشورتپ هاگورین قرب هکبش یرادیاپ یزاس هیبش ینجورت ویسررب و یمالغ یلع یدیحو زورهب

رهم 1390

ناوت52 تیفیک یاهرتماراپ رب هکبش هب یداب هاگورین لاصتا ریثات زورهبیسررب یلیجنم و یریما هط یدیحو

رهم 1390

ناریا53 رد ( caes ) هدرشف یاوه یژرنا یزاس هریخذ هاگورین یزادنا هار یجنس زورهبناکما یرقاب و داهرف یدیحو

رهم 1390

54 - نامز هزوح زیلانآ زا هدافتسا اب یکیرتکلا یاه هکبش رد ناوت تیفیک تاشاشتغا یدنب هتسد سناکرف

یتفت و یناقهد نیسح یدیحو زورهب

رهم 1390

شور55 کجوم و یریگراکب قیرط زا عیزوت هکبش ساسح یاه ساب یور رب نزاخ ینز دیلکرثا نتفای svm

یئابطابط و یفطصمدیس یدیحو زورهب


نآ56 یزاسناربجو pso یبصع و هکبش زا هدافتسا اب نایرج روتام روفسنارت رد عابشا یزاس یجاح وراکشآ یمیقم یسوم یدیحو زورهب


رد57 یاه هداد زا IEEE ESST1 وIEEE ESAC1A کیرحت متسیس یاهلدم یاهرتماراپ نیمخت یشزومآ شور کی ناونع هب سرتسد

یناراد و رتسگداد دماح یدیحو زورهب


یبیکرت58 لکیس یاههاگورین اب هسیاقم رد یدیشروخ یبیکرت لکیس هاگورین ثادحا یداصتقا یبایزرا هاگورین کی یدیشروخ شخب هنیهب تیفرظ نعت لقتسم و یدیشروخ و

لامج نسحدمحم دیس زورهب یدابازع و ینیدلا


رهم 1389

اه59 یرتکاب متیروگلا زا هدافتسا اب یوق راشف یاه گنیشوب یحارط یزاس یسمج وهنیهب یهوک ملسم یدیحو زورهب


نآ60 هطقن نیرت غاد یامد هب هجوت اب تردق روتامروفسنارت زورهبیراذگراب یبسامهط و دادرهم یدیحو


یاه61 چیپ میس رد نراقتمان هاتوک لاصتا یموجه و نایرج زا یشان یاهورین هبساحم یدعب هس دودحم ناملا شور طسوت روتامروفسنارت

زورهب یرافص و هژینم یدیحو

ید 1388

یقیاع62 تماقتسا لیلحت تهج ( fem ) دودحم ازجا شور هب حورشم لدم یاهرتماراپ هبساحم هبرض جوم ربارب رد کشخ یاهروتامروفسنارت

زورهب نایمالسا و یضترم یدیحو


یکمک63 تازیهجت زا هدافتسا اب یوق راشف لاقتنا طوطخ رد زاف کت تسب زاب یاه هلر درکلمع دوبهب اطخ صیخشت زیلانآ و

زورهب یتنج و نسحم یدیحو

رهم 1387

64Wavelet لیلحت زا هدافتسا اب روتام روفسنارت یلخاد یاطخ یموجه و نایرج نیب زیامت HMM متیروگلاو

زورهب یبذاج و دیعس یدیحو

رهم 1387

جاوما65 نتفرگ رظن رد اب ریگقرب اب هدش تظفاحم یاهلباک رد ژاتلو هفاضا ممیزکام لیلحتو هیزجت نآ ناکم ژاتلو و هفاضا نیمخت تهج یبصع هکبش زا هدافتسا Backward forward و

برد یعیفش یدهم یدیحو زورهب یبایسآ و

رهم 1387

هکبش66 رد ژاتلو تارغت راشتنا یگنوگچ رب روتامروفسنارت تالاصتا رثا یزاس هیبش یزاسلدم و روتامروفسنارت عابشا نتفرگ رظندماب

زورهب یلیعامسا و ناسحا یدیحو


عیزوت67 لاقتنا و یاهلباک یاهرتماراپ رد هیالود نیمز ریثات یزاس هیبش زورهبیزاسلدم و نایتمه و مانهب یدیحو


68FEM کمک هب فلتخم یطیحم طیارش رد تردق یاهلباک نایرج تیفرظ رغت یاهروتکاف زورهبنعت یدومحم و نیما یدیحو


لیدبت69 کمک هبالاب سنادپما یاطخ سوق لدم نتفرگ رظنردابالاب سنادپما یاطخ صیخشت یبصع هکبش کجوم و

زورهب هدازرافغ و دیون یدیحو


کینوسارتلوا70 جاوما طسوتاه قیاع بای بیع هاگتسد لیلحت زورهبتخاس و یزردوگ و ناسحا یدیحو

ریت 1386

هیبش71 کمک هب تازیهجت روضح رد لاقتنا طخ هب هقعاص دروخرب زا یشان یاهزاتلو هفاضا هبساحم ولراک تنوم یزاس

زورهب طارق و نسحم یدیحو


یضرف72 یاهراب شور زا هدافتسااب یوقراشف طوطخ SHEILDING FALTURE زیلانآ یدابآ ویسررب و ییحی یفطصم یدیحو زورهب


کسید73 عبات زا صخشم حطس کی یارب تردق هکبش رداه ریگقرب هنیهب لحم یلکوت ونعت کناب اضردمحم یدیحو زورهب


ینز74 دیلک زا یشان یوق راشف یاهتسپ یریگ هزادنا تازیهجت یور رب یسیطانغمورتکلا زورهبلخادت یخرف و باهش یدیحو


هدز75 خی هدولآ و طیارش رد AC یاه هرقم یور رب سوق یزاس زورهبلدم یمیلس و راتخم یدیحو


اهروتامروفسنارت76 نغور ندش رادراب لیلحتو دابآ ویزاسلدم مشاه یلوسر رداق یدیحو زورهب


77MEF کمک هب nZo یاهصرقرد یترارح ژاس ژاتلو و عیزوت یزاس هیبش بسن ویزاسلدم و یتعیرش اضر یدیحو زورهب

ید 1382

صاخ78 طیارش رد نیمز متسیس زورهبیحارط یناطلس و اضر یدیحو


اه79 هقعاصردورین لاقتنا طوطخروبعریسم یرفعج ویزاسلدم بهذم یلع یدیحو زورهب


هقعاص80 هدننک فرحنمدرکلمع شیامزآ یناخ ولیلحت و یقت یلعدمحم یدیحو زورهب



نامجرتمناونع# / رشانناگدنراگن خیراتروشک راشتنا


لاتروپ رد هدش تبث یاه هداد

1Numerical Methods for Energy Applications:Chapter 16: Techno-Economical Analysis of

Energy Storage Systems in ConventionalDistribution Networks

, داژن یمیحر لضفلاوبا یهللا , تمعن یغورف نیما یدیحو زورهب


تردق2 یاه متسیس ندرک یلبازنیمز نیدیآ یدیحو , 14001ناریازورهب

3Artificial Intelligence Applications in ElectricalTransmission and Distribution Systems

Protection: Chapter 14: Artificial IntelligenceApplications in DC Microgrid Protection

یدیحو زورهب ینیدلا , سمش Unitedیضترم Kingdom


4Power Cables: Theory and Applicationینابعش دماح یدیحو , 14001ناریازورهب

5Multi-Objective Combinatorial OptimizationProblems and Solution Methods: Chapter 5:

MOGROM: Multiobjective Golden RatioOptimization Algorithm

, داژن یمیحر لضفلاوبا یهللا , تمعن یغورف نیما یدیحو زورهب



6Lightning Protection Methods of PowerTransmission Lines

یدیحو 13991ناریازورهب

7Quality Confirmation Tests for PowerTransformer Insulation Systems

یرومیت ناکشا یدیحو , Switzerland13981زورهب

8Demand Response Application in Smart GridsConcepts and Planning Issues–Volume 1:

Chapter 5: New Demand Response Platformwith Machine Learning and Data Analytics

هاوخداد ربکا یدیحو , Swaziland13981زورهب

9Demand Response Application in Smart GridsConcepts and Planning Issues–Volume 1:

Chapter 3: Linear and Nonlinear Modeling ofDemand Response Programs

یناقهد دماح یدیحو , Switzerland13981زورهب

دازآ10 یاهرازاب رد ناوت تیفیک یاه یناهفصاصخاش نایبارت یدهم یدیحو , 13971ناریازورهب



.آ ایادا , .ک گناهوز , .ج .س گنز , .ر یه , .ل .ژ , یسوم .م .ا ینیتنایپ , .ا یتهگ , روب .آ یناتمآ ,

.ج ودنیش , .ت یدیحو , زورهب سیسآ , یس .سا یچون .آ .س وه , .ک .ز رفرودنید ,


تردق و12 هکبش رد اهروزاف نامز مه یریگ هزادنا نآ یاهدربراک

یدیحو زورهب یلکوت , کناب اضر 13961ناریادمحم

یارذگ13 جاوما ربارب رد تظافح ظافح و ندرک ، نیمز لرتنک قیقد و رازبا یارب یکینورتکلا تازیهجت

یدیحو 13951ناریازورهب

تردق14 یاهلباک رد یسیطانغمورتکلا یاهارذگ داهرفیسررب ناینیسح , نیسحدیس یدیحو , زورهب یدزی


یاه15 متسیس رد یسیطانغمورتکلا یارذگ یاه تلاح تردق

اضر دمحم یدیحو , زورهب بسن , یتعیرش اضر یلکوت کناب


یاه16 متسیس رد یسیطانغمورتکلا یارذگ یاه تلاح تردق

اضر دمحم یدیحو , زورهب بسن , یتعیرش اضر یلکوت کناب


یعون و17 - یداع یاه نومزآ ) تردق یاه روتامروفسنارت ( صوصخم

یرسنادنبا یناقح لداع یدیحو , 13871ناریازورهب

18, روتامروفسنارت روتارنژ , ) تردق هکبش تازیهجت یزاسلدم ( دیلک ریگقرب و لاقتنا , طخ

یلکوت کناب اضردمحم یدیحو , 13871ناریازورهب

19( لوادلج ) تردق یاهمتسیس ,یسررب یلکوت کناب اضردمحم یدیحو , زورهب بسن یتعیرش اضر یزربلا , داوجدمحم


20( موددلج ) تردق یاهمتسیس ,یسررب یلکوت کناب اضردمحم یدیحو , زورهب بسن یتعیرش اضر یزربلا , داوجدمحم


21I تردق یاهمتسیس یزربلایسررب داوجدمحم یدیحو , 13840ناریازورهب

لانروژ تالاقم

لاتروپ رد هدش تبث یاه هداد

1 Hamed Dehghani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Evaluating the effects of demand response programs on distribution cables lifeexpectancy", , Vol. 213, Num. 1, Page 1-14, August 2022,ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH

2 Ashkan Teymouri, Behrooz Vahidi, Peter Van Der Wielen, "A Novel Methanol-Based DP Estimation Method with aNew Methanol Peak Detector Index for Aging Assessment of Power Transformer Insulation Paper",

, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-8, July 2022,IEEE


3 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "3D FEM analysis of induced current in the shield of the buried cable bynon-vertical channel", , Vol. 212, Num. 1, Page 1-12, July 2022,ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH

4 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Investigating the effect of lightning channel inclination on the inducedvoltage in overhead lines in the presence of horizontally stratified ground",

, Vol. 208, Num. 1, Page 1-10, April 2022,ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS


5 Ashkan Teymouri, Behrooz Vahidi, Peter Van Der Wielen, "A novel life management model consists of chemicalaging model and electrical thermal aging model for power transformers using a new activation energy calculationmethod", , Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-19, April 2022,CELLULOSE

6 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analysis the effect of an ocean-land mixed propagation path on theinduced voltage in overhead lines due to inclined lightning", , Vol. 206,Num. 1, Page 1-15, February 2022,


7 M. Hamzeh, Behrooz Vahidi, "The impact of cyber network configuration on the dynamic-thermal failure oftransformers considering distributed generator controller",

, Vol. 137, Num. 107786, Page 1-10, November 2021,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER &


8 Hamed Dehghani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Transformers loss of life management in smart distribution networks using anew hybrid method based on optimal demand response programs and cost–benefit analysis",

, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-16, November 2021,ELECTRICAL


9 Milad Eslahi, Behrooz Vahidi, Pierluigi Siano, "A Flexible Risk-Averse Strategy Considering Uncertainties of Demandand Multiple Wind Farms in Electrical Grids", , Vol. 1, Num. 1,Page 1-9, August 2021,


10 M. Yahyaabadi, F. Aslani, Behrooz Vahidi, M. Sadeghi, "Determining Lightning Vulnerability of Corner Points of TallBuildings by Evaluating Their Relevant Risky Regions", , Vol. -, Num. 0, Page 1-10, June 2021,


11 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Hossein Shahinzadeh, Hamed Nafisi, Behrooz Vahidi, Yassine Amirat, MohamedBenbouzid, "Sizing and Sitting of DERs in Active Distribution Networks Incorporating Load Prevailing UncertaintiesUsing Probabilistic Approaches", , Vol. 11, Num. 9, Page 1-22, May 2021,Applied Sciences

12 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "The effect of the inclined lightning channel on electromagnetic fieldsand the induced voltages on overhead lines", , Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-14, May 2021,ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

13 Mohammad Amini, Amir Khorsandi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Ali Malakmahmoudi, "Optimal sizing ofbattery energy storage in a microgrid considering capacity degradation and replacement year",

, Vol. 195, Num. 0, Page 0-0, March 2021,ELECTRIC POWER


14 Hossein Ahmadi, Behrooz Vahidi, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, "A simple method to detect internal and external short-circuit faults, classify and locate different internal faults in transformers", , Vol. 103,Num. 2, Page 825-836, March 2021,


15 Hossein Ahmadi, Behrooz Vahidi, S. S. Aghaee, S.Hossein Hosseinian, A. Mossalanejad, "A New Load-Flow Methodin Distribution Networks based on an Approximation Voltage-Dependent Load model in Extensive Presence ofDistributed Generation Sources", , Vol. 52, Num. 2, Page 133-146, December2020,

AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering

16 Milad Eslahi, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Day-Ahead scheduling of centralized energy storagesystem in electrical networks by proposed stochastic MILP-Based bi-objective optimization approach",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-13, November 2020,ELECTRIC


17 Milad Eslahi, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Day-Ahead Scheduling of Centralized Energy StorageSystem by Proposed Stochastic MINLPBased Bi-Objective Optimization Approach",

, Vol. 192, Num. 0, Page 1-17, November 2020,ELECTRIC POWER


18 Hamed Shabani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Co-optimization of ampacity and lifetime with considering harmonic andstochastic parameters by Imperialist Competition Algorithm", , Vol. 96, Num. 1, Page1-15, November 2020,


19 F. Aslani, M. Yahyaabadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new-intelligent method for evaluating the lightning protection systemperformance of complex and asymmetric structures", , Vol. 190, Num. 1,Page 1-11, October 2020,


20 Ashkan Teymouri, Behrooz Vahidi, "Power transformer cellulosic insulation destruction assessment using acalculated index composed of CO, CO2, 2-Furfural, and Acetylene", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-14, October2020,


21 Javad Momenpour Akerdi, M. Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New method based on crossed frequencyadmittance matrix in order to determine harmonic contribution of customers on harmonic distortion ininterconnected networks", , Vol. 17, Num. 2,Page 33-41, September 2020,

Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

22 Ammar Hameed Majeed Aldarajee, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A secure tri-level planner-disaster-risk-averse replanner model for enhancing the resilience of energy systems", , Vol. 204, Num. 117916, Page 1-15, August 2020,


23 D. Abootorabi Zarchi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Hong Point Estimate Method to analyze uncertainty in the undergroundcables temperature", , Vol. 124, Num. 1,Page 1-8, August 2020,


24 Morteza Shamsoddini, Behrooz Vahidi, Ramin Razani, Hamed Nafisi, "Extending protection selectivity in low voltageDC microgrids using compensation gain and artifcial line inductance", ,Vol. 188, Num. 1, Page 1-11, August 2020,


25 Ammar Hameed Majeed Aldarajee, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Shahab Dehghan, "Security constrainedmulti-objective bidirectional integrated electricity and natural gas co-expansion planning considering multipleuncertainties of wind energy and system demand", , Vol. 14, Num. 8, Page1395-1404, July 2020,


26 Javad Momenpour Akerdi, M. Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Procedure for Identifying and Determiningthe Contribution of Each Feeder Connected to A Bus in Harmonic Contamination of the Bus Voltage in RadialNetworks", , Vol. 50, Num. 2, Page 889-898, July 2020,Journal of Electrical Engineering

27 Mohammad Sadegh Mohebi Nazar, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "TNEP and the e?ects of windgeneration on market prices, network reliability, and line failures in TNEP",

, Vol. 123, Num. 1, Page 1-9, June 2020,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF


28 Erfan Maali Amiri, Behrooz Vahidi, ": Integrated protection scheme for both operation modes of microgrid using S-Transform", , Vol. 121, Num. 1, Page 1-16, May 2020,


29 Javad Momenpour Akerdi, M. Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Model of Electric Arc Furnace Based onActual Measurements for Power Quality Studies", , Vol. 50, Num. 1, Page 443-449,April 2020,

Journal of Electrical Engineering

30 Javad Momenpour Akerdi, M. Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new approach for quantifying the voltage andcurrent harmonic contribution of each harmonic source in interconnected networks based on maximum harmonicamplitude reduction", , Vol. 50, Num. 1, Page 433-442, April 2020,Journal of Electrical Engineering

31 Akbar Dadkhah, Behrooz Vahidi, M. Shafie -Khah, J. Catalao, "Power system flexibility improvement with a focus ondemand response and wind power variability", , Vol. 14, Num. 6, Page 1-9,April 2020,


32 Morteza Shamsoddini, Behrooz Vahidi, Ramin Razani, Y. A. R. I Mohamad, ": A novel protection scheme for lowvoltage DC microgrid using inductance estimation",



33 Navid Shiva, Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "An application of LAPO: Optimaldesign of a stand alone hybrid system consisting of WTG/PV/diesel generator/battery",

, Vol. 7, Num. 1, Page 67-84, February 2020,Advances in Energy


34 Javad Momenpour Akerdi, M. Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Procedure for Determining CurrentHarmonic Contribution around an Operation Point at PCC Using Load Modelling Based on Crossed FrequencyAdmittance Matrix", , Vol. 51, Num. 2, Page 191-198, February 2020,AUT Journal of Modeling and Simulation

35 Ali Asghar Khodadoost Arani, Hossein Karami Porzani, Behrooz Vahidi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "Improved hyper-spherical search algorithm for voltage total harmonic distortion minimization in 27-level inverter",

, Vol. 26, Num. 10, Page 2822-2832, December 2019,Journal of

Central south university

36 Behrooz Vahidi, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, "Physical and Physic-Chemical Based Optimization Methods: A Review",, Vol. 3, Num. 4, Page 12-27, December 2019,Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering

37 Mahdi Choopani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "New Transient Stability and LVRT Improvement of Multi-VSG Grids Using the Frequency of the Center of Inertia", , Vol. 0, Num.0, Page 1-10, November 2019,


38 Reza Mohamadi, Behrooz Vahidi, A. Rahiminejad, "Estimation of HVDC transmission lines shielding failure usingLPM method and an adapted SLIM model", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-7, November 2019,


39 Mahmood Narimani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A Method for Harmonic Power Tracing by UsingUpstream and Downstream Distribution Matrices", , Vol. 0, Num.0, Page 1-11, November 2019,


40 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Hamed Nafisi, Behrooz Vahidi, Seyyed Amir Hosseini, "Allocation of Distributed EnergyResources for Microgrid Optimal Scheduling Considering Uncertainty",

, Vol. 8, Num. 16, Page 1-10, November 2019,Iranian Electric Industry Journal of Quality

and productivity

41 Ashkan Teymouri, Behrooz Vahidi, "Estimation of power transformer remaining life from activation energy and pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius equation", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-12, September 2019,CELLULOSE

42 Javad Momenpour Akerdi, M. Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Method to Reduce Harmonic MagnitudeBased on Simultaneous Determination of Maximum Voltage and Current Harmonic Contribution in InterconnectedNetworks", , Vol. 47, Num. 8, Page 691-703, September 2019,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS

43 Ali Aranizade, Aydin Zaboli, Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Wind turbine and ultra-capacitorharvested energy increasing in microgrid using wind speed forecasting",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-7, September 2019,Engineering Science and Technology, an

International Journal

44 Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Incipient Faults Monitoring in Underground MediumVoltage Cables of Distribution Systems Based on a Two-Step Strategy",

, Vol. 34, Num. 4, Page 1647-1655, August 2019,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER


45 A. Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, Jinliang He, "A fractal-based stepped downward leader model including branchedchannelcharge distribution and branch fading", , Vol. 176, Num. 0, Page 1-10, August 2019,


46 Ammar Hameed Majeed Aldarajee, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Shahab Dehghan, "A coordinatedp;anner-disaster-risk-averse-p;anner investment model for enhancing thr resilience of integrated electric power andnatural gas networks", , Vol. 0, Num. 0,Page 0-0, July 2019,


47 M. Yahyaabadi, Farshad Aslani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel hybrid method based on teaching–learning algorithmand leader progression model for evaluating the lightning performance of launch sites and experimental tests",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-15, July 2019,ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

48 Mahdi Mirzaei, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Accurate fault location and faulted section determinationbased on deep learning for a parallel-compensated three-terminal transmission line",

, Vol. 13, Num. 0, Page 2770-2778, July 2019,IET GENERATION


49 F. Aslani, M. Yahyaabadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "An intelligent-reduced time method to analyze lightning performance ofcommunication towers and validation using experimental tests", , Vol. 173,Num. 0, Page 143-152, June 2019,


50 Pezhman Hashemian, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel approach for optimal DG allocation indistribution network for minimizing voltage sag", , Vol. 6, Num. 1, Page 55-73, June2019,

Advances in Energy Research

51 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, A. Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel meta-heuristic optimization method based ongolden ratio in nature", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-33, April 2019,SOFT COMPUTING

52 Ashkan Teymouri, Behrooz Vahidi, M. Eslamian, "A comparative review of different transformer modelling methodsin TRV studies in case of transformer limited faults",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-10, December 2018,Engineering Science and Technology, an International


53 Hamed Shabani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A probabilistic approach for optimal power cable ampacity computation byconsidering uncertainty of parameters and economic constraints",

, Vol. 106, Num. 1, Page 432-443, November 2018,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL


54 Mostafa Mirzaei, Majid Saffar-Avval, Behrooz Vahidi, Amir Abdullah, "Theoretical and experimental modeling ofEHD conduction in porous conductive material inside a tube", , Vol. 97, Num. 0,Page 15-25, November 2018,


55 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, A. Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel multi-objective optimization algorithm based onLightning Attachment Procedure Optimization algorithm", , Vol. 75, Num. 0, Page 404-427, November 2018,


56 A. Rahiminejad, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, S. Shahrooyan, "Optimal Placement of Capacitor BanksUsing a New Modified Version of TeachingLearning- Based Optimization Algorithm",

, Vol. 50, Num. 2, Page 171-180, October 2018,AUT Journal of Modeling and


57 D. Abootorabi Zarchi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Multi objective self adaptive optimization method to maximize ampacity andminimize cost of underground cables", , Vol. 5, Num. 1, Page401-408, October 2018,

Journal of Computational Design and Engineering

58 Hamid Rezaie, Kazemi Rahbar, Behrooz Vahidi, Hassan Rastegar, "Solution of combined economic and emissiondispatch problem using a novel chaotic improved harmony search algorithm",

, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-21, October 2018,Journal of Computational Design

and Engineering

59 Mohsen Hamzeh, Behrooz Vahidi, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, "Optimizing Configuration of Cyber NetworkConsidering Graph Theory Structure and Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization",

, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-8, September 2018,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON


60 Amirreza Hassani Ahangar, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Evaluating smart grid reliability based onimpacts of cyber (control, monitoring and protection) network and its different topologies",

, Vol. 9, Num. 5, Page 1047-1056, September 2018,International Journal of

System Assurance Engineering and Management

61 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Arman Safaei, "A newevolutionary-analytical two-step optimization method for optimal wind turbine allocation considering maximumcapacity", , Vol. 10, Num. 1, Page 1-18, September 2018,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

62 Farshad Aslani, Mostafa Yahyaabadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analyses of launch sites lightning protection systems by 3Dnumerical modelling and experimental tests", , Vol. 12, Num. 8, Page958-964, August 2018,


63 Mahdi Choopani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel comprehensive method to enhance stability ofmulti-VSG grids", , Vol. 104, Num. 0, Page502-514, July 2018,


64 Mahdi Mirzaei, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Fault location on a series-compensated threeterminaltransmission line using deep neural networks", , Vol. 12, Num. 6,Page 746-754, July 2018,


65 O. A. Gashteroodokhani, M. Majidi, M. Etezadi-Amoli, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "A hybrid SVM-TTtransform-based method for fault location in hybrid transmission lines with underground cables",

, Vol. 170, Num. 0, Page 205-214, May 2018,ELECTRIC POWER


66 Pezhman Hashemian, Behrooz Vahidi, Abolfazl Rahiminejad, "Improved electro-geometric model for shieldingfailure analysis of transmission lines", , Vol. 12, Num. 4, Page 542-547, April 2018,


67 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "Fractal-based lightning model for shielding failure rate calculation oftransmission lines", , Vol. 12, Num. 6, Page 719-725, April 2018,IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY

68 Nima Baba Baglou, Behrooz Vahidi, Abolfazl Rahiminejad, "Investigation of Sinusoidal Phase Voltage Effect on SFRCalculation of HVAC Transmission Lines", , Vol. 11, Num. 1, Page 1-22,January 2018,

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

69 Akbar Dadkhah, Behrooz Vahidi, "On the Network Economic, Technical and Reliability Characteristics Improvementthrough Demand Response Implementation Considering Consumers’ Behaviour",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-10, December 2017,IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION


70 Mohammad Mahdi Hosseini Biyouki, Sajad Jashfar, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Impact of OptimalUnified Power Flow Controller in Electrical Transmission Systems in Reducing Transmission Cost",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-12, December 2017,ELECTRIC


71 Hossein Bahramian Habil, E. Azad Farsani, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Gevork B. Gharehpetian,"Fault Current Limiter Placement Using Multi-Objective Firework Algorithm",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-12, December 2017,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND


72 Hamed Dehghani, Davoud Faramarzi, Behrooz Vahidi, M. Saeidi, "A probabilistic method for cost minimization in aday-ahead electricity market considering wind power uncertainties", ,Vol. 9, Num. 6, Page 1-14, November 2017,

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

73 A. Afsharian Zadeh, Faramarz Samani, Behrooz Vahidi, Jafar Milimonfared, "Mathematical Modeling of Phase-Controlled Converters Considering Discontinuous Conduction Modes",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-14, November 2017,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND


74 Khadije Moosavi, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Amin Forooghinemtollahi, "Intelligent Control ofPower Sharing between Parallel- Connected Boost Converters in Micro-girds",

, Vol. 9, Num. 6, Page 1-16, November 2017,Journal of Renewable and

Sustainable Energy

75 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Control for Series Compensation of UPQC to Improve VoltageSag/Swell", , Vol. 49, Num. 1, Page75-84, July 2017,

Amirkabir International Journal of Modeling, Identification,Simulation & Control

76 Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Behrooz Vahidi, Aydin Zaboli, "Time-time matrix z-score vector-based fault analysismethod for series-compensated transmission lines",

, Vol. 25, Num. 0, Page 2647-2659, July 2017,TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND


77 Sajjad Hadavi, Ali Zoghi, Behrooz Vahidi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Optimal Allocation andOperating Point of DG Units in Radial Distribution Network Considering Load Pattern",

, Vol. 45, Num. 12, Page 1287-1297, June 2017,ELECTRIC POWER


78 Amin Forooghinemtollahi, A. Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel physical based meta-heuristic optimizationmethod known asLightning Attachment Procedure Optimization", , Vol. 59, Num. 0,Page 596-621, June 2017,


79 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "An Application of Fractal-Based Lightning for SFR Calculation of HighVoltage Substations", , Vol. 10, Num. 15, Page 1-12, April 2017,Indian Journal of Science and Technology

80 داژن یمیحر , Davoud Faramarzi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "An effective approach for optimal placementof non-dispatchable renewable distributed generation", , Vol. 9, Num.0, Page 1-16, February 2017,

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

81 Hamed Dehghani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Wind farms participation in electricity marketsconsidering uncertainties", , Vol. 101, Num. 0, Page 907-918, January 2017,RENEWABLE ENERGY

82 Ashkan Teymouri, Behrooz Vahidi, "CO2/CO concentration ratio: a complementary method for determining thedegree of polymerization of power transformer paper insulation", , Vol.33, Num. 1, Page 24-30, January 2017,


83 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, M. Akhavan Hejazi, ُ Shohreh Shahrooyan, "Optimal scheduling ofdispatchable distributed generation in smart environment with the aim of energy loss minimization", , Vol.116, Num. 0, Page 190-201, October 2016,


84 Hossein Karami Porzani, Behrooz Zaker, Behrooz Vahidi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "Optimal multi-objective number,locating, and sizing of distributed generations and distributed static compensators considering loadability usingthe genetic algorithm", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-11, October 2016,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS

85 Amin Foroghi Nemat Allahi, Akbar Dadkhah, Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Optimal sizing andsiting of DGs for loss reduction using an iterative-analytical method",

, Vol. 8, Num. 6, Page 1-19, October 2016,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable


86 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "LPM-Based Shielding performance Analysis of High-Voltage Substationsagainst Direct Lightning Strokes", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-9, October2016,


87 M. S. Mohebi Nazar, Behrooz Vahidi, "ANALYSIS OF A SPEED CONTROL SYSTEM OF INDUCTION MOTOR FED BY AZ-SOURCE INVERTER BASED ON V/F SCALAR CONTROL", , Vol. 7, Num. 3, Page 295-302,September 2016,


88 Hamed Zeinoddini Meymand, Behrooz Vahidi, "Health index calculation for power transformers using technical andeconomical parameters", , Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 1-8, August 2016,IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY

89 Hamed Zeinoddini Meymand, Behrooz Vahidi, ": Techno-economical lifetime assessment of power transformersrated over 50 MVA using artificial intelligence models", , Vol. 0,Num. 0, Page 1-8, August 2016,


90 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Sh. Shahrooyan, "Simultaneous DistributedGeneration Placement, Capacitor Placement, and Reconfiguration using a Modified Teaching-Learning-basedOptimization Algorithm", , Vol. 44, Num. 14, Page 1631-1644,August 2016,


91 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Computation of Self-impedance and Mutual Impedance of TransformerWinding Considering the Frequency-dependent Losses of the Iron Core",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-13, May 2016,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND


92 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Dynamic Intelligent Time Domain Arc Furnace Modeling based onCombination Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System and Chain Code",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-17, May 2016,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND


93 Aydin Zaboli, Behrooz Vahidi, Sasan Yousefi, Mohammad Mahdi Hosseini Biyouki, "Evaluation and control of straycurrent in DC-electrified railway systems", , Vol. 0, Num. 0,Page 1-7, May 2016,


94 Mohsen Hamzeh, Hamed Hashemi Dezaki, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi,"Risk management of smart grids based on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles’ charging considering transformers’hottest spot temperature-dependent aging failures", , Vol. 8, Num. 3,Page 1-18, May 2016,

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

95 Ali Aranizade, Behrooz Vahidi, Abolfazl Rahiminejad, "Wind Turbine Power Output Smoothing in Microgrid usingUltra-capacitor with Continuous Wind Speed Forecasting and Online Supervisory Control",

, Vol. 8, Num. 3, Page 0-17, May 2016,Journal of Renewable

and Sustainable Energy

96 M. Jannati, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Guo-Jie-Li, "ADALINE (ADAptive Linear NEuron)-basedcoordinated control for wind power fluctuations smoothing with reduced BESS (battery energy storage system)capacity", , Vol. 101, Num. 0, Page 1-8, April 2016,ENERGY

97 Mohammadsaeed Mahdavi, Behrooz Vahidi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "A Novel Optimized Fuzzy Approach Based onMonte Carlo Method for System Load,Wind Turbine and Photovoltaic Unit Uncertainty Modeling in UnitCommitment", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-10, April 2016,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS

98 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Electric arc furnace power quality improvement by applying a newdigital and predicted-based TSC control",



99 R. A. Naghizadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "An adaptive approach for simulation of inrush current inthree-phase transformers considering hysteresis effects", , Vol. 0,Num. 0, Page 1-10, March 2016,


100 Saeed Ahmadian, Behrooz Vahidi, Jahandar Jahanipour, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Hassan Rastegar, "Price restrictedoptimal bidding model using derated sensitivity factors by considering risk concept",

, Vol. 10, Num. 2, Page 310-324, February 2016,IET GENERATION


101 Arman Safaei, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, E. Azad Farsani, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "A Two StepOptimization Algorithm for Wind Turbine Generator Placement Considering Maximum Allowable Capacity",

, Vol. 92, Num. 0, Page 75-82, February 2016,RENEWABLE ENERGY

102 Peyman Karimyan, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "Optimal dispatchable DG allocation indistribution network considering load growth with a mixed-PSO algorithm",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-17, February 2016,TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL


103 Mahdi Mirzaei, Behrooz Vahidi, "Feasibility Analysis and Optimal Planning of Renewable Energy Systems forIndustrial Loads of a Dairy Factory in Tehran, Iran", , Vol. 7, Num. 6,Page 1-11, November 2015,

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

104 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A probabilistic three-phase time domain electric arc furnace modelbased on analytical method", , Vol. 47,Num. 1, Page 1-10, November 2015,

Amirkabir International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

105 Dawood Abootorabi Zarchi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Optimal Placement of Underground Cables to Maximize TotalAmpacity Considering Cable Lifetime", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-7, October 2015,


106 Mohsen Jannati, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Guo-Jie Li, "A significant reduction in the costs of batteryenergy storage systems by use of smart parking lots in the power fluctuation smoothing process of the windfarms", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-14, October 2015,RENEWABLE ENERGY

107 Soheil Kharazi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "OPTIMIZATION DESIGN OF HIGH VOLTAGE SUBSTATIONGROUND GRID BY USING PSO & HS ALGORITHMS", , Vol. 27, Num. 5, Page 4011-4018,September 2015,

Science International-Lahore

108 Mohammad Vedadi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "AN IMPERIALIST COMPETITIVE ALGORITHMMAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKER FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC STRING OPERATING UNDER PARTIALLY SHADEDCONDITIONS", , Vol. 27, Num. 5, Page 4023-4033, September 2015,Science International-Lahore

109 Akbar Dadkhah, Navid Bayati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.H.H. Sadeghi, "On the Stability of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids inVarious Loads and Short Circuit Faults Conditions", , Vol. 27, Num. 4, Page 3099-3104,September 2015,

Science International-Lahore

110 Navid Bayati, Akbar Dadkhah, Behrooz Vahidi, S.H.H. Sadeghi, "FOPID Design for Load-Frequency Control usingGenetic Algorithm", , Vol. 27, Num. 4, Page 3089-3094, September 2015,Science International-Lahore

111 Sina Salehi Dobakhshari, Behrooz Vahidi, Jafar Milimonfared, Medgdad Taheri, Hadi Moradi Sizkohi, "Analysis anddesign of an interleaved current-fed high step up quasi-resonant DC-DC converter for fuel cell applications",


112 Sina Tonekaboni, Behrooz Vahidi, Masoud Mohammadalizadeh Shabestary, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Gevork B.Gharehpetian, "Sensitivity Analysis on Ladder Network Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Power Transformer",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-10, September 2015,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS

113 Erfan Maali Amiri, Behrooz Vahidi, "Double -Deck Buck-Boost Converter with soft switching operation", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-7, September 2015,


114 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A Predictive Reactive Power Measuring Based on Time Series and DLSLAlgorithm for Compensating Applications", ,Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-11, August 2015,


115 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, "New Equivalent Circuit of Transformer Winding for the Calculation ofResonance Transients Considering Frequency-Dependent Losses", , Vol.30, Num. 4, Page 1743-1751, August 2015,


116 Hesam Rahbari Magham, Erfan Maali Amiri, Behrooz Vahidi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Mehrdad Abedi, "Superiordecoupled control of active and reactive power for three phase voltage source converters",

, Vol. 23, Num. 4, Page 1025-1039, July 2015,TURKISH JOURNAL OF


117 Hossein Khazaei, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Hassan Rastegar, "A Two-Level Decision Making Model fora Distribution Company in Day-Ahead Market", , Vol. 1, Num. 1,Page 1-8, July 2015,


118 Seyed Amir Hosseini, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, S.H.H. Sadeghi, M. Karami, "A Seven-StateMarkov Model for Determining the Optimal Operating Mode of Distributed Generators",

, Vol. 7, Num. 3, Page 1-14, July 2015,Journal of Renewable and

Sustainable Energy

119 Sina Beydaghi, Behrooz Vahidi, Yashar Ankouti, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "SIMULATION OF IMPROVED PERTURBAND OBSERVE MPPT USING SEPIC CONVERTER", , Vol. 27, Num. 3, Page 1869-1873,June 2015,

Science International-Lahore

120 Alireza Fereidouni , Behrooz Vahidi, F. Shishehgar, "INDUCED CURRENT CALCULATION IN EMBRYO DUE TO HIGHVOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINE", , Vol. 27, Num. 3, Page 1855-1859, June 2015,Science International-Lahore

121 Mohsen Hamzeh, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Reliability evaluation of distribution transformerswith high penetration of distributed generation",



122 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Development of Optimal Shunt Hybrid Compensator Based on Improvingthe Measurement of Various Signals", , Vol. 69, Num. 1, Page 250-263, May 2015,MEASUREMENT

123 Arman Safaei, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Fault ride through capabilityimprovement of doubly fed induction generator based wind turbine using static volt ampere reactive compensator",

, Vol. 7, Num. 0, Page 1-14, May 2015,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

124 Arezoo Hasankhani, Behrooz Vahidi, Gholam Hossein Riahy Dehkordi, Mojtaba Bishe Niasar, "IRAN ENERGYBALANCE INVESTIGATION IN TWO SCENARIOS: WIND AND HYDRO POWER PLANT FOUNDATION",

, Vol. 27, Num. 2, Page 1101-1106, April 2015,Science



, Vol. 27, Num. 2, Page 1011-1015, April 2015,Science International-


126 Hamed Shabani, Behrooz Vahidi, R. A. Naghizadeh, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Islanding detection in unbalanceddistribution systems with doubly fed induction generator based distributed generation using wavelet transform",

, Vol. 43, Num. 3, Page 1-13, February 2015,ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS

127 Farhad Safargholi, Behrooz Vahidi, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "Improved algorithm for harmonic load flow solutionin radial distribution networks", , Vol. 27, Num. 1, Page 97-103, February 2015,Science International-Lahore

128 Hadi Moradi Sizkohi, Behrooz Vahidi, Jafar Milimonfared, Sina Salehi Dobakhshari, "A non isolated interleaved highstep-up switched capacitor converter for distributed generation system", , Vol. 27,Num. 1, Page 77-85, February 2015,

Science International-Lahore

129 Sajjad Mohammadiyangijeh, Behrooz Vahidi, Mojtaba Agha-Mirsalim, H. Lesani, "Simple nonlinear MEC basedmodel for sensitivity analysis and genetic optimization of permanent magnet",

, Vol. 34,Num. 1, Page 2-25, February 2015,


130 Mohammad Goudarzi, Behrooz Vahidi, R. A. Naghizadeh, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Improved fault location algorithmfor radial distribution systems with discrete and continuous wavelet analysis",

, Vol. 67, Num. 2, Page 423-430, February 2015,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF


131 Alireza Esmaeilynasab, Behrooz Vahidi, "Prediction of Power Transformer Insulation Length of Life Using ThermalModel and Pareto Distribution", , Vol. 26, Num. 5, Page 1953-1957, December 2014,Science International-Lahore

132 Ghadir Hosseine, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Hierarchical Voltage and Frequency Control of MicrogridBased on Neural Network", , Vol. 26, Num. 5, Page 1977-1983, December 2014,Science International-Lahore

133 Atena Darvishi, Seyed Hossein Akhavan Hejazi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mehrdad Abedi, "Co-optimization of Energy and Reserve Considering Demand Response Program", , Vol.26, Num. 5, Page 1931-1940, December 2014,

Science International-Lahore

134 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Computation of the inductance matrix of axisymmetric windings for very fasttransients studies in transformers",

, Vol. 33, Num. 6, Page 2082-2100, November2014,


135 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A Novel Delay-less Control of Unified Power Quality Conditioner toEnhance Power Quality in Power System", , Vol. 42, Num. 16,Page 1776-1791, November 2014,


136 Amir Khaledian, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, "Harmonic distorted load control in a microgrid", , Vol. 12, Num. 4, Page 792-802, August 2014,


137 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Matin Rahmatian, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Mehrdad Abedi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, BehroozVahidi, "Social welfare maximization in AC-DC power systems based on evolutionary algorithm: a new of HVDClinks", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-22, August 2014,International transaction on Electrical Energy Systems

138 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Ali Aranizade, Behrooz Vahidi, "Simultaneous distributed generation and capacitor placementand sizing in radial distribution system considering reactive power market",

, Vol. 6, Num. 4, Page 1-14, August 2014,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable


139 Abolfazl Rahiminejad, Arash Alimardani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Shuffled frog leaping algorithmoptimization for AC-DC optimal power flow dispatch",

, Vol. 22, Num. 4, Page 874-892, August 2014,TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND


140 Mehrdad Fassihi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Reconfiguration of distribution systems by implementation of shuffled frogleaping algorithm for loss reduction", , Vol. 26, Num. 3, Page 993-998, August 2014,Science International-Lahore

141 Vahid Safavi, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, "Optimal DG placement and sizing in distribution network withreconfiguration", , Vol. 26, Num. 3, Page 1071-1077, August 2014,Science International-Lahore

142 Mohsen Jannati, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Guo-Jie Li, "Mitigation of windfarm power fluctuation byadaptive linear neuron-based power tracking method with flexible learning rate",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-11, August 2014,IET RENEWABLE POWER


143 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, Franaz Shishehgar, Tahoura Hosseini, Mahdi Tahmasbi, "Human body modelingin the vicinity of high voltage transmission lines", , Vol. 26, Num. 3, Page 1017-1031,August 2014,

Science International-Lahore

144 Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Calculation of inrush current using adoptedparameters of the hysteresis loop",



145 Atena Darvishi, Arash Alimardani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Bacterial foraging-based algorithmoptimization based on fuzzy multi-objective technique for optimal power flow dispatch",

, Vol. 26, Num. 3, Page 1057-1064, August 2014,Science International-


146 Masoud Fatemi, Mehrdad Abedi, Behrooz Vahidi, Sajjad Abedi, Hassan Rastegar, "A novel and fast voltageestimation scheme for assessment of power system component outages",

, Vol. 33,Num. 4, Page 1-33, August 2014,


147 Aref Behnood, Hani Gharaviahangar, Behrooz Vahidi, Gholam Hossein Riahy Dehkordi, "Optimal output power of notproperly designed wind farms, considering wake effects",

, Vol. 63, Num. 1, Page 44-50, July 2014,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER &


148 Hossein Fallahzadeh Abarghouei, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.H, "Optimal Expansion Planning ofDistribution System and DG Placement Using BPSO", , Vol. 9, Num. 4,Page 1404-1414, May 2014,

Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture

149 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new optimal approach for improvement ofactive power filter using FPSO for enhancing power quality",

, Vol. 69, Num. 1, Page 188-199, May 2014,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER &


150 Arezoo Hasankhani, Behrooz Vahidi, Gholam Hossein Riahy Dehkordi, "Replacing diesel generator with wind turbine& LI-ion battery in virtual power plant", , Vol. 26, Num. 2, Page 583-587, May 2014,Science International-Lahore

151 Mahsan Sadoughipour, Behrooz Vahidi, Gholam Hossein Riahy Dehkordi, "Modeling and simulation of a dynamicvoltage restorer for voltage sag mitigation and harmonics elimination", , Vol. 26, Num.2, Page 627-631, May 2014,

Science International-Lahore

152 Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaei, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "Locating the effect ofswitched capacitor in distribution systems using support vector machine", , Vol. 26,Num. 2, Page 605-611, May 2014,

Science International-Lahore

153 Mahmood Narimani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A modified methodology in electricity tracing problemsbased on Bialek’s method", , Vol. 60,Num. 1, Page 74-81, April 2014,


154 Seyed Amir Hosseini, Reza Eslami, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, S.H.H. Sadeghi, Kazem Mohseni,"Installing distributed generation units and capacitors simutaneously in a distribution system considering economicissues", , Vol. 6, Num. 2, Page 1-16, April 2014,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

155 Hamed Dehghani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Wind farm power prediction and uncertaintyquantification", , Vol. 26, Num. 1, Page 185-190, March 2014,Science International-Lahore

156 Adeleh Shahinpur, Behrooz Vahidi, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "THD minimization applied directly on the phasevoltage of multilevel inverters by using ICA", , Vol. 26, Num. 1, Page 57-63, March2014,

Science International-Lahore

157 Kiarash Shaloudegi, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Fassihi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Stochastic short term operationalframework for DISCO with significant wind penetration by employing novel scenario generation and reduction",

, Vol. 26, Num. 1, Page 75-84, March 2014,Science International-Lahore

158 Masoud Mohammadalizadeh Shabestary, Behrooz Vahidi, Shahed Mortazavian, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "Stabilityindex improvement in power systems by UPFC based on smart coefficients algorithm",

, Vol. 26, Num. 1, Page 91-95, March 2014,Science International-


159 Abdolaziz Ashrafian, Behrooz Vahidi, Mojtaba Agha-Mirsalim, "Time-time-transform application to fault diagnosisof power transformers", , Vol. 8, Num. 0, Page 1-12, March2014,


160 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, "Enhancement of power system dynamic stability by designing a new model ofthe power system", , Vol. 9, Num. 2, Page 379-389,March 2014,


161 Faegheh Irannezhad, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, Hamed Dehghani, "Optimal design with consideringdistributed generation in distribution systems", , Vol. 26, Num. 1, Page 51-56, February2014,

Science International-Lahore

162 Dawood Abootorabi Zarchi, Behrooz Vahidi, Moosa Moghimi Haji, "Optimal configuration of underground cables tomaximize total ampacity considering current harmonics", , Vol.8, Num. 0, Page 1-8, February 2014,


163 Atena Darvishi, Arash Alimardani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Shuffled Frog- Leaping algorithm forcontrol of selective and total harmonic distortion", , Vol. 12,Num. 1, Page 111-121, February 2014,


164 Mohsen Jannati, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Guo-Jie Li, "A survey on energy storage resourcesconfigurations in order to propose an optimum configuration for smoothing fluctuations of future large wind powerplants", , Vol. 29, Num. 1, Page 158-172, January 2014,RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS

165 Saeid Esmaeili, Behrooz Vahidi, M. Parvizimosaed, F. Brahman, "Development of a thermal and electrical energymanagement in residential building micro-grid", , Vol. 6, Num. 1, Page1-14, January 2014,

Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

166 Iman Niazazari, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Loss Reduction of Wind Turbine with Optimization ofBlade Length Using Genetic Algorithm", , Vol. 24, Num. 4, Page 807-811, November2013,

Science International-Lahore

167 Mahmood Narimani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Harmonic Contribution Determination by ElectricityTracing Methods", , Vol. 25, Num. 4, Page 751-756, November 2013,Science International-Lahore

168 Hessamoddin Jouybari Moghaddam, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Grid Reconnection Detection forSynchronous Distributed Generators in Stand-Alone Operation",

, Vol. 24, Num. 1, Page 1-17, November 2013,International transaction on Electrical Energy


169 Mohammad Javad Farah, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Effect of FACTS Devices on MeasuredImpedance by Distance Relay", , Vol. 25, Num. 4, Page 801-805, November 2013,Science International-Lahore

170 Hamed Dehghani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Nargess Dehghani, "Digital Control and Transformfunction of Pulse Frequency Modulated Full Bridge DC/DC Converter with Series Boost Capacitor",

, Vol. 25, Num. 4, Page 707-711, November 2013,Science


171 Faegheh Irannezhad, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, Mohammad Rashidi, "Comparison of Using SVC andSTATCOM to Provide Reactive Power for a Grid-Connected Wind Power Plant to Stablize the Output Voltage DuringStartup and Fault Conditions", , Vol. 25, Num. 4, Page 703-706, November 2013,Science International-Lahore

172 Atrin Tavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Javad Sanjari, Hossein Karami Porzani, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "ANovel Control Approach of Isolated Power System to Reduce THD", , Vol. 25, Num. 4,Page 769-775, November 2013,

Science International-Lahore

173 K. Naqshi, Mohiyeddin Rahmani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Power Oscillation Damping Using Lead-Lag Controlled SVC", , Vol. 25, Num. 3, Page 451-456, July 2013,Science International-Lahore

174 Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaei, Behrooz Vahidi, "Optimum Management of Hybrid Distribution Generations in MicrogridUsing Bacterial Foraging Solution", , Vol. 25, Num. 3, Page 487-496, July 2013,Science International-Lahore

175 Hamed Zeinoddini Meymand, Behrooz Vahidi, R. A. Naghizadeh, M. Moghimi Haji, "Optimal Surge ArresterParameter Estimation Using a PSO-Based Multiobjective Approach", ,Vol. 28, Num. 3, Page 1578-1769, July 2013,


176 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammadhasan Ghodusi Nejad, "Matlab-Based Software for Teaching Some Concepts ofInsulation Coordination of Substations to Undergraduate Students", , Vol. 25, Num. 3,Page 469-475, July 2013,

Science International-Lahore

177 Hamed Dehghani, Behrooz Vahidi, B. Yousefi, Faegheh Irannezhad, N. Dehghani, "Distance Relay’s Fault Detectionin Presence of Resistive Fault Current Limiter Using Superimposed and DC Component Methods",

, Vol. 25, Num. 3, Page 425-432, July 2013,Science


178 Majid Ebrahimpour Kumleh, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Hybrid Superconducting Fault CurrentController for DG Networks and Microgrids", , Vol. 23,Num. 5, Page 560430-560430, July 2013,


179 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, T. Hosseini Mehr, "The Impact of Solid State Fault Current Limiter on PowerNetwork with Wind-Turbine Power Generation", , Vol. 4, Num. 2, Page 1188-1196,June 2013,

IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid

180 Matin Rahmatian, Behrooz Vahidi, Ahmad Javid Ghanizadeh, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Hasanali Alehosseiny,"Insulation failure detection in transformer winding using cross-correlation technique with ANN and k-NNregression method during impulse test", ,Vol. 53, Num. 1, Page 209-218, June 2013,


181 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, Tahora Hosseini Mehr, Mehdi Tahmasbi, "Improvement of low frequencyoscillation damping by allocation and design of power system stabilizers in multi-machine power system",


182 Hamed Hashemi Dezaki, Ali Agheli, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Optimized Placement ofConnecting the Distributed Generations Work Stand Alone to Improve the Distribution Systems Reliability",


183 Moosa Moghimi Haji, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Current Transformer Saturation Detection UsingGaussian Mixture Models", , Vol. 11, Num. 1, Page 79-87,March 2013,


184 Mehdi Amiri Dehcheshmeh, Behrooz Vahidi, Mohamad Ali Vali, Hadi Givi, S.Hossein Hosseinian,"RECONSTRUCTION OF CONTINUOUS SIGNALS USING MODIFIED ZOH TECHNIQUE", ,Vol. 25, Num. 2, Page 195-198, March 2013,

Science International-Lahore

185 Farhad Bageri, Behrooz Vahidi, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "COMPRESSED AIR ENERGY STORAGE POWER PLANTPOSITIONING IN EAST AZERBAIJAN, IRAN: A CASE STUDY", , Vol. 25, Num. 2, Page229-233, March 2013,

Science International-Lahore

186 Farhad Bageri, Behrooz Vahidi, "Small-compressed air energy storage system integrated with induction generatorfor metropolises: A case study", , Vol. 21, Num. 3, Page 365-370,February 2013,


187 Saeed Jazebi, Francisco De Leon, Behrooz Vahidi, "Duality-Synthesized Circuit for Eddy Current Effects inTransformer Windings", , Vol. 28, Num. 2, Page 1-10, February 2013,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY

188 Mohammad Goudarzi, Behrooz Vahidi, Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, "Optimum reactive power compensation indistribution networks using imperialistic competitive algorithm", , Vol. 25, Num. 1,Page 27-31, January 2013,

Science International-Lahore

189 Navid Ghardash Khani, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, "A new approach to improve distribution power gridsstability by using ultra capacitor beside DSTATCOM", , Vol. 25, Num. 1, Page 41-47,January 2013,

Science International-Lahore

190 Hossein Dehghani Tafti, Behrooz Vahidi, R. A. Naghizadeh, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Power quality disturbanceclassification using a statistical and wavelet-based Hidden Markov Model with Dempster-Shafer algorithm",


191 Moslem Kohy, Behrooz Vahidi, Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Optimum design of high voltagebushings by rational Bezier curves",

, Vol. 31, Num. 6, Page 1901-1916, November2012,


192 Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Modelling of inrush current in transformers usinginverse Jiles-Atherton hysteresis model with a Neuro-shuffled frog-leaping algorithm approach",

, Vol. 6, Num. 9, Page 727-734, November 2012,IET ELECTRIC


193 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, "New Methods fo Computation of the Inductance Matrix of TransformerWindings for very fast transients studies", , Vol. 27, Num. 4, Page2326-2333, October 2012,


194 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Stochastic Model of Electric Arc Furnace Based on HiddenMarkov Model: A Study of Its Effects on the Power System", , Vol. 27,Num. 4, Page 1893-1901, October 2012,


195 Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Reconfiguration of distribution networks to mitigate utilities power qualitydisturbances", , Vol. 91, Num. 9, Page 9-17, October 2012,ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH

196 Hamed Shabani, Behrooz Vahidi, Majid Ebrahimpour Kumleh, "A Robust PID Controler Based on ImperialistCompetitive for Load Frequency Control of Power Systems", , Vol. 52, Num. 1, Page 1-8,October 2012,


197 Hessamoddin Jouybari Moghaddam, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Rotational invariance technique forevaluation of perturbed lightning impulses", , Vol. 28, Num. 1, Page 1-3,October 2012,


198 H. A. Hejazi, Ali Roghani Araghi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mehrdad Abedi, H. Mohsenian-Rad,"Independent Distributed Generation Planning to Profit Both Utility and DG Investors",

, Vol. 28, Num. 1, Page 1-9, October 2012,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON


199 Hadi Givi, Mohammad Ali Noroozi Dehdez, Behrooz Vahidi, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, Mohamadali Vakilianzand,"A Novel Approach for Optimization of Z-Matrix Building Process Using Ant Colony Algorithm",

, Vol. 2, Num. 9, Page 8932-8937, September 2012,Journal of Basic

and Applied Scientific Research

200 Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Modeling Hydro Power Plants and Tuning HydroGovernors as an Educational Guideline", , Vol. 5, Num. 4, Page1780-1790, August 2012,

International Review on Modelling and Simutation

201 Ali Behdashti, Majid Ebrahimpour Kumleh, Behrooz Vahidi, Vahid Omidipour, Aziz Alizadeh, "Field Experiments andTechnical Evaluation of an Optimized Media Evaporative Cooler for Gas Turbine Power Augmentation",

, Vol. 10, Num. 3, Page 458-471, June 2012,JOURNAL


202 Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Parameter identification of Jiles-Atherton modelusing SFLA",



203 Behrooz Vahidi, Amin Mahmoudi, "Determination of the ampacity of buried cable in non-homogenousenvironmental condition by 3D computation", , Vol. 7,Num. 3, Page 384-388, May 2012,


204 Ehsan Goodarzy, Behrooz Vahidi, "Hole Location Determination in Insulation by Using Ultrasonic", , Vol. 5, Num. 2, Page 1115-1121, April 2012,

InternationalReview on Modelling and Simutation

205 Ayoob Kavoosi, Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Salehi Sharafdarkolaee, Mohammddkazem Bakhshizadeh, Naeem Farokhniha,S.Hamid Fathi, "Application of the Bee Algorithm for Selective Harmonic Elimination Strategy in MultilevelInverters", , Vol. 27, Num. 4, Page 1689-1696, April 2012,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS

206 Vahid Farahani, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Reconfiguration and Capacitor PlacementSimultaneously for Energy Loss Reduction Based on an Improved Reconfiguration Method",

, Vol. 27, Num. 2, Page 587-595, April 2012,IEEE TRANSACTIONS


207 Saeed Jazebi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, "Time domain single phase reclosurescheme for transmission lines based on dual-gaussian mixture models",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-8, February 2012,ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF


208 Mostafa Yahyaabadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Estimation of Shielding Failure Number of Transmission Lines for DifferentTrace Configurations Using Leader Progression Analysis",

, Vol. 38, Num. 1, Page 27-32, January 2012,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER &


209 Ali Roghani Araghi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Employing TCPS forSuppressing Oscillations in Two-Area System Constitute of Wind Farm and Thermal System",

, Vol. 7, Num. 2, Page 130-135, January 2012,IEEJ TRANSACTIONS


210 Mohsen Jannati, Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Novel Algorithm for fault type fastdiagnosis in overhead transmission lines using Hidden Markov Models",

, Vol. 6, Num. 6, Page 742-749, October 2011,JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING


211 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, "A Metamodeling Approach for Leader Progression Model-basedShielding Failure Rate Calculation of Transmission Lines Using Artificial Neural Network",

, Vol. 6, Num. 6, Page 760-768, October 2011,JOURNAL OF


212 Behrooz Vahidi, Seiedjamaloddin Hosseini, "Partial Discharge Simulation in Solid Insulation at AC Voltage onMatlab-Simulink for Educational Purposes", , Vol. 4, Num. 4, Page1844-1849, August 2011,

International Review on Modelling and Simutation

213 Behrooz Vahidi, Vahid Farahani, "Modeling and Simulation the Current Transformer for Measuring CurrentHarmonics Using Matlab-Simulink", , Vol. 4, Num. 4, Page 1563-1571, August 2011,

International Review on Modelling and Simutation

214 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, Alireza Eslamian, "Thermal analysis of cast -resin dry-type transformers",, Vol. 52, Num. 7, Page 2479-2488, July 2011,ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT

215 Saeed Jazebi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "DSTATCOM allocation in distribution networks consideringreconfiguration using differential evolution algorithm", , Vol. 52, Num.7, Page 2777-2783, July 2011,


216 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Analytical calculation of detailed model parameters ofcast resin dry-type traqnsformers", , Vol. 52, Num. 7, Page 2565-2574,July 2011,


217 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, T. Hoseini Mehr, Mehdi Garmroodi, "Enhancement of power system transientstability and power quality using a novel solid state fault current limitter",

, Vol. 6, Num. 4, Page 474-483, July 2011,JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING


218 Moosa Moghimi Haji, Behrooz Vahidi, "A Solution to the Unit Commitment Problem Using ImperialisticComprtitionAlgorithm", , Vol. 26, Num. 4, Page 1-8, June 2011,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS

219 , S.Hossein Hosseinian, Poria Hasan Por Divshali, Behrooz Vahidi, "Stability constrained optimal power flow inderegulated power systems", , Vol. 39, Num. 8, Page 713-732,May 2011,


220 Behrooz Vahidi, Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaei, Mohammad Mahdi Baharloo, "Power System Lightning TransientSimulation on OrCAD with Corona Effect Consideration for Educational Purposes",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, May 2011,COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN


221 Javad Ebrahimi Jozdani, Ghassem Mokhtari, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Switching Technique and OptimumComputation of DC Sources in Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter", ,Vol. 4, Num. 2, Page 478-484, April 2011,

International Review on Modelling and Simutation

222 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, Toba Hosseini Mehr, "The effect of solid state fault current limiter indistribution grid with distributed generation", , Vol. 4, Num. 1,Page 228-234, February 2011,

International Review on Modelling and Simutation

223 Amir Khorsandy, Arash Alimardani, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Hybrid shuffled frog leaping algorithmand Nelder-Mead simplex search for optimal reactive power dispatch",

, Vol. 5, Num. 2, Page 249-256, February 2011,IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION &


224 Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "A novel approach to adaptive singlephase auto-reclosing scheme for EHV transmission lines",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, January 2011,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER &


225 Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaei, Behrooz Vahidi, "Bacterial foraging solution based fuzzy logic decision for optimalcapacitor allocation in radial distribution system", , Vol. 81, Num. 4, Page1045-1050, January 2011,


226 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Hassan Khalkhali, Navid Ghaffarzadeh, "Matlab-Simulink-Based PowerQuality Simulator for Educational and Research Purpose", , Vol. 26,Num. 6, Page 0-0, December 2010,

International Journal of Engineering Education

227 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Salehi Sharafdarkolaee, Naeem Farokhniha, Mehrdad Abedi, "Harmonic Elimination andOptimization of Stepped Voltage of Multilevel Inverter by Baterial Foraging Algorithm",

, Vol. 5, Num. 4, Page 0-0, November 2010,Journal of Electrical

Engineering and Technology

228 Behrooz Vahidi, Yahya Kabiri Renani, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, "Effects of photovoltaic and fuel cell hybridsystem on distribution network considering the voltage limits", ,Vol. 10, Num. 4, Page 0-0, November 2010,

Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering

229 Behrooz Vahidi, Ehsan Esmaeeli, "Matlab-Simulink -based simulation for digital differential relay protection ofpower transformer for educational purpose", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page0-0, October 2010,

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

230 Behrooz Vahidi, Morteza Taherkhani, "Teaching short circuit breaking test on high voltage circuit breakers toundergraduate students by using Matlab-Simulink", , Vol. 0, Num.0, Page 0-0, October 2010,

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

231 Behrooz Vahidi, Saeed Jazebi, Mohsen Jannati, "A Novel Application of Wavelet Based SVM to TransientPhenomena Identification of Power Transformers", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0,October 2010,

Energy Conversion and Management

232 Navid Ghaffarzadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new protection scheme for high impedance fault detection using waveletpacket transform", , Vol. 10, Num. 3, Page 0-0, September 2010,Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering

233 Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, "Estimating the parameters of dynamicmodel of drum type boilers using heat blance data as an educational procedure",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, September 2010,IEEE Transactions on Power


234 Delaram Fallahi, Mehdi Rafizadeh, Naser Mohammadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Effect of applied voltage on surface andvolume charge density of the jet in electrospinning of polyacrylonitrile solutions", ,Vol. 50, Num. 7, Page 0-0, August 2010,

polymer engineering and science

235 Mostafa Yahya Abadi, Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, "Estimation of shielding failure number ofdifferent configurations of double circuit transmission lines using leader progression", ,Vol. 92, Num. 2, Page 79-85, July 2010,


236 Nima Yousefpoor, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hamid Fathi, "Voltage and current harmonics reduction in series-connectedrectifiers for HVDC transmission system", , Vol. 3, Num. 2, Page0-0, April 2010,

International Review on Modelling and Simulations

237 Behrooz Vahidi, Ghader Rasouli, "Transformers oil static electrification analysis by closed cycle system", , Vol. 39,Num. 1, Page 57-66, April 2010,

238 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Determining Arresters Best Positions inPower System for Lightning Shielding Failure Protection Using Simulation Optimization Approach",

, Vol. 20, Num. 3, Page 255-276, April 2010,EUROPEAN


239 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, "Transmission lines shielding failure rate calculation by means of3-D leader progression", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, April 2010,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

240 Behrooz Vahidi, Morteza Eslamian, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Transient simulation of cast resin dry-type transformersusing FEM", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, April 2010,European Transactions on Electrical Power

241 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, "Statistical analysis of lightning performance of high voltage OHLsusing dynamic simulation of lightning leaders movements",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, April 2010,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy


242 Behrooz Vahidi, Amir Khorsandy, "Simulation of effect of voltage sag on inrush current using Matlab-Simulink foreducational purpose", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, April 2010,Computer Applications in Engineering Education

243 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, "Shielding failure rate calculation by means of downward andupward lightning leader movement models: effect of environment conditions", , Vol. 68,Num. 3, Page 0-0, April 2010,

Journal of Electrostatics

244 Morteza Eslamian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Combined analytical and FEM methods for parameterscalculation of detailed model for dry-type transformer", , Vol. , Num. 18, Page 0-0, March 2010,

245 Behrooz Vahidi, Navid Ghaffarzadeh, S.Hossein Hosseinian, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "An Approach to Detection HighImpedance Fault by Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Network",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0,March 2010,


246 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Wavelet-based Method to Discriminate internal faults from inrushcurrents using correlation coefficient", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, February2010,

Electrical Power and Energy Systems

247 Behrooz Vahidi, Ali Agheli, Saeed Jazebi, "Teaching Short-circuit Withstand Test on Power Transformers to M.Sc.Students and Junior Engineers using Matlab-Simulink", , Vol. 0,Num. 0, Page 0-0, February 2010,

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

248 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, "Standstill Frequency Response Test Analyzer by Using ExcelMacros for Educational Purposes", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0,February 2010,

Computer Applications in Engineering Education

249 Behrooz Vahidi, "Teaching Current Tests on Surge Arresters to Undergraduate Students Using MATLAB-SIMULINK",, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, January 2010,Computer Applications in Engineering Education

250 Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Novel Discriminative Approach Based on Hidden MarkovModels and Wavelet Transform to Transformer Protection",

, Vol. 86, Num. 2, Page 93-107, January 2010,SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR


251 Reza Shariatinasab, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "probabilistic evaluation of optimal location of SurgerArresters on EHV and UHV Networks Due to Switching and Lightning Surges", , Vol. , Num. 4, Page 0-0, October2009,

252 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, Alireza Mirzaee, "a simplified model to approximate inceptioncondition for positive upward lightning leaders initiating from ground structures", , Vol. , Num. 4, Page 0-0, October2009,

253 Behnam Hemmatian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Earth Return Path Impedances of Underground Cablefor Three -Layer Earth", , Vol. , Num. 10, Page 0-0, October 2009,

254 Behrooz Vahidi, "The effect of wind farm to AC grid connection type on overvoltage due to lightning", , Vol. 2, Num. 5, Page 0-0, October 2009,

InternationalReview on Modelling and Simulations

255 Jamal Beiza, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Fault Type Estimation in Power Systems", , Vol. , Num. 3,Page 0-0, September 2009,

256 Behrooz Vahidi, "Dynamic Simulation of Lightning Attachment to Earthed Overhead Transmission Line Structures",, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0,

September 2009,Simulation-Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International

257 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "Three Dimensional Analysis of ZnO SurgeArresters", , Vol. , Num. 4, Page 0-0, August 2009,

258 Jamal Beiza, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Voltage Sag Indices Monitoring in Power Systems", , Vol. ,Num. 4, Page 0-0, August 2009,

259 Poria Hasan Por Divshali, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Ehsan Nasr Azadani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Riliable Prediction of HopfBifurcation in Power systems", , Vol. 0, Num. 91, Page 0-0, August 2009,

260 Morteza Eslamian, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Bacterial Foraging -Based Solution to the Unit-Commitment Problem", , Vol. , Num. 3, Page 0-0, August 2009,

261 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, Wolfgang Gawlik, "An Educational Guide to Extract the Parametersof Heavy Duty Gas Turbines Model in Dynamic Studies", , Vol. , Num. 3, Page 0-0, August 2009,

262 Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Magnetizing inrush current identification using waveletbased gaussian mixture models", , Vol. , Num. 17, Page 0-0, July 2009,

263 Poria Hasan Por Divshali, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Ehsan Nasr Azadani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A New Approach for HOPEBifurcation Controller Design Based on PSO", , Vol. , Num. 4, Page 0-0, July 2009,

264 Behrooz Vahidi, "A Software Based on MATLAB for Teaching Substation Lightning Protection Design toUndergraduate Students with Emphasize on Different Striking Distance Models",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, June 2009,Computer Applications in

Engineering Education

265 Behrooz Vahidi, "Teaching Ferroresonance in Power System to Undergraduate Students by Using MATLAB-SIMULINK", , Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, June 2009,Computer Applications in Engineering Education

266 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mokhtar Slimi, "plluted Insulator Flashover Modeling and Simulation UnderAC Voltages on ATP Software", , Vol. , Num. 3, Page 0-0, June 2009,

267 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Novel Approach for Determination Worst Loading Direction and FastPrediction of Stability Margin in Power System",

, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 0-0, May 2009,Simulation-Transactions of the Society for Modeling and

Simulation International

268 Delaram Fallahi, Mehdi Rafizadeh, Naser Mohammadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Effects of feed rate and solutionconductivity on jet current and fiber diameter in electrospinning of polyacrylonitrile solutions", , Vol. 0,Num. 104, Page 0-0, April 2009,


269 Behrooz Vahidi, Samad Taghipour Boroujeni, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "An Investigation of the Applicability of BardedShield Wires to Protect Transmission Lines Using Charge Simulation Method",

, Vol. , Num. 1, Page 0-0, February 2009,International Review of Electrical


270 Behrooz Vahidi, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "Delamination of Laminates Governed by Free Edge Interlaminar StressessUsing Interface Element", , Vol. , Num. 1, Page 0-0, February 2009,

271 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, "Simulation of Synchronous Generator on Matlab-SIMULINK forTeaching Performance Characteristics to Undergraduate Students", , Vol. , Num. 2, Page 0-0, February 2009,

272 Reza Shariatinasab, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Statistical Evaluation of Lightning-Related Failures forthe Optimal Location of Surge Arresters on the Power Networks", , Vol. , Num. 1, Page 0-0, February 2009,

273 Behnam Hemmatian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Fast,Simple and Accurate Numerical IntegrationMethod to Calculate Farth Return Path Impedance of Underground Cables", , Vol. , Num. 2, Page 0-0, December2008,

274 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohsen Jannati, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A Novel Approach to Adaptive Single Phase AutoreclosureScheme for EHV Power Transmission Lines Based on Learning Error Function of ADALINE", , Vol. , Num. , Page 0-0,December 2008,

275 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Discrete-event simulation of the shieldingfailure of the arrester protected overhead-lines to evaluate risk of flashover", , Vol. , Num. 30, Page 0-0, December2008,

276 Delaram Fallahi, Mehdi Rafizadeh, Naser Mohammadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Effect of applied voltage on jet electriccurrent and flow rate in electrospinning of polyacrylonitrile solutions", , Vol. , Num. 57, Page 0-0, December 2008,

277 Behrooz Vahidi, Behnam Hemmatian, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Monte Carlo Method Application to Evaluate TheInfinite Integrals of Underground Cable Earth-Return Path Impedance", , Vol. , Num. 6, Page 0-0, December 2008,

278 Reza Shariatinasab, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Optimization of Surge Arresters Location on EHV andUHV Power Networks Using Simulation Optimization Method", , Vol. , Num. 12, Page 0-0, December 2008,

279 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "Leader Progression AnalysisModel for Shielding Failure Computation by Using The Charge Simulation Method", ,Vol. 0, Num. 4, Page 0-0, October 2008,

IEEE Trans. on power delivery

280 Behrooz Vahidi, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi Agah, Naghi Moaddabipirkolachahi, "Optimum Parameter IdentificationTechnique of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester Model Using Genetic Algorithm", , Vol. , Num. 4, Page 0-0, September2008,

281 Behrooz Vahidi, Ghader Rasouli, "Static electrification invesigation of transformer oil by using open cycle system", ,Vol. , Num. 2, Page 0-0, July 2008,

282 Behrooz Vahidi, "Influence of Measuring Systems on Fast Transient Modeling of Zno Surge Arresters", , Vol. 0,Num. 0, Page 0-0, May 2008,

283 Behrooz Vahidi, Hadi Tayebifar, Mohammad Javad Alborzi, "Application of charge simulation method forinvestigation of effects of the trees on lightning protection of structures", , Vol. , Num. 66, Page 0-0, March 2008,

284 Delaram Fallahi, Mehdi Rafizadeh, Naser Mohammadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Effect of LicI and Non-Ionic Surfactant onMorphology of Polystyrene Electrospun Nanofibers", , Vol. , Num. 56, Page 0-0, March 2008,

285 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Wolfgang Gawlik, "Determining Parameters of Turbines ModelUsing Heat Balance Data of Steam Power Unit for Educational Purposes", , Vol. , Num. 4, Page 0-0, November2007,

286 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Evaluating Optimum Arresters Locations inHV and EHV Networks Using Simulation Optimization to Suppress Switching Surge Overvoltages", , Vol. 0, Num. 0,Page 0-0, July 2007,

287 Behrooz Vahidi, Abbas Mohammadzadeh.Fakhrdavood, "Application of Charge Simulation Method to Electric FieldCalculation in The Power Cables", , Vol. , Num. 0, Page 0-0, December 2006,

288 Behrooz Vahidi, Ali Mazhab Jafari, S.M. Ahadi Sarkani, "Modeling The Effects of Trace and Parameters ofTransmission Lines on The Lightning Stroke", , Vol. 0, Num.2, Page 0-0, July 2006,

Iranian journal of electrical and computer engineering

289 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Javad Alborzi, Hassan Aghaeinia, Mehrdad Abedi, "Corona Detection on Surfaces ofInsulators using Ultrasound Sensors and Fibre -Optic Transmission Systems", , Vol. , Num. 15, Page 0-0, October2005,

290 Behrooz Vahidi, Rezvan Rashid Bivarzan, [en-name N/A], Farzaneh Vahabzadeh, Esmail Jamshidi Meidandar, "Kv40Impulse System for Decontamination of Liquid Food", , Vol. , Num. 2, Page 0-0, September 2005,

291 Behrooz Vahidi, Alireza Shaddel, "A New Approach to Lightning Protection of Wind Turbine", , Vol. , Num. 1, Page0-0, May 2005,

292 Behrooz Vahidi, Jamal Beiza, "Using PSpice in teaching impulse voltage testing of power transformers to seniorundergraduate students", , Vol. , Num. 2, Page 0-0, May 2005,

293 Behrooz Vahidi, "Corona detection on switalon of insulation using atsasound", , Vol. , Num. 14, Page 0-0, December2004,

294 [en-name N/A], Siyamak Porkar Koumleh, Behrooz Vahidi, "Power transmission lines magnetic field reductionmethods", , Vol. 0, Num. 55, Page 0-0, June 2003,

295 Behrooz Vahidi, Abbas Mohammadzadeh.Fakhrdavood, "A new method for analysis and design of insulator stringgurd electrods", , Vol. 0, Num. 51, Page 0-0, September 2002,

سنارفنک تالاقم

لاتروپ رد هدش تبث یاه هداد

1 Reza Behkam, Behrooz Vahidi, Mahdi Zolfaghari, Mahdi Salay Naderi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "HBBO-basedIntelligent Setting and Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Considering Different Characteristics ", 28thIranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2020, August 2020

2 Kaveh Hemtzad, Behrooz Vahidi, "Fault Location in HVDC Transmission Lines Using S transform ", PSC 2018,October 2018

3 Morteza Shamsoddini, Ramin Razani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Supercapacitor Capacitance Reduction by Modified ActiveControl in Hybrid DC/AC Microgrids ", 26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2018, May 2018

4 Morteza Shamsoddini, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Ramin Razani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Enhanced Energy ManagementSystem of Hybrid DC Microgrids with Pulsed Power Load ", 26th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE2018, May 2018

5 Erfan Maali Amiri, Behrooz Vahidi, Hamid Simorgh, "High impedance arc-assisted fault isolation in microgrids withhigh penetration of distributed generation units ", smart grid conference 2017, December 2017

6 Amirhossein Solat, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analysis the effects of capacity and location of wind turbines with DFIG andfault location on transient stability of power system ", 5th Iran Wind Energy Conference, October 2017

7 Ali Aranizade, Majid Niknahad, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analysis and Comparison of HarmonicReduction Value between Scott and Roof-delta Transformers in AC Traction Systems ", 32th International PowerSystem Conference, October 2017

8 M. Siavash, C. Pfeifer, A. Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "Reconfiguration of Smart Distribution Network in thePresence of Renewable DG’s Using GWO Algorithm ", 2nd International conference on Green Energy TechnologyICGET 2017, July 2017

9 Navid Bayati, Akbar Dadkhah, S.H.H. Sadeghi, Behrooz Vahidi, َ Ali Eftekhari Milani, "Considering variations ofnetwork topology in optimal relay coordination using Time-Current-Voltage characteristic ", 17th InternationalConference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, June 2017

10 M. Siavash, C. Pfeifer, A. Rahiminejad, Behrooz Vahidi, "An Application of Grey Wolf Optimizer for Optimal PowerFlow of Wind Integrated Power Systems ", (18th International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering(EPE, May 2017

11 Akbar Dadkhah, Behrooz Vahidi, Amin Foroghi Nemat Allahi, "Demand Response Programs ImplementationConsidering Customers’ Comfort for Cost Minimization and Reliability Improvement of Power Systems ", 4thInternational Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, January 2017

12 M. M. M. Tavakoli, S. M. H. Hosseini, Behrooz Vahidi, "Modeling of Electric Field and Potential DistributionsAround an Ice-Covered Silicon rubber Insulator in Clean and Heavy Polluted Condition ", PSC 2016, October 2016

13 M. M. M. Tavakoli, S. M. H. Hosseini, Behrooz Vahidi, "Investigation of effect of hyrophobic and dry region onelectric field and potential of silicon rubber insulators in polluted conditions ", PSC 2016, October 2016

14 Erfan Maali Amiri, Seyed Saeid Heidari Yazdi, Sirous Riahi, Behrooz Vahidi, Hesam Rahbarimagham, "Application ofMultivariable PI-based Current Controller in Decoupled Control of Nonlinear Loads ", international conference onelectrical engineering, June 2016

15 Akbar Dadkhah, Behrooz Vahidi, Amin Foroghi Nemat Allahi, "Customers cost and Network Peak ReductionConsidering Demand Response Programs and Customers Behavior Pattern ", International Conference on ElectricalEngineering, June 2016

16 Amin Foroghi Nemat Allahi, Akbar Dadkhah, Behrooz Vahidi, "ALO optimization algorithm for optimal capacitorlocation with the aim of reduction of loss and yearly cost of radial distibution systems ", 1st InternationalConference on New Achievements in Electrical and Computer5 Engineering, May 2016

17 Mohsen Hamzeh, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Assessment of Effect of PHEV Charging DifferentScenarios On Smart Grid Reliability Indexes Using Monte Carlo Simulation ", 1st International Conference on NewResearch Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICNRAECE), May 2016

18 Amin Foroghi Nemat Allahi, Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analytic-Iterative Method for Determination of DGs Size and Location in Distribution Network in order to Reduce Losses ",30-th International Power System Conference, November 2015

19 Mohsen Jorjani Damghani, Davoud Faramarzi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Behrooz Vahidi, "Application of aParallel-Resonance-Type FCL for Maintaining the Recloser-Fuse Coordination in a Power Distribution System with aDispersed Generation ", 30th International power system conference, November 2015

20 Reza Mohamadi, Behrooz Vahidi, Pezhman Hashemian, "Comparison of leader progression model and EGM forcalculating SFR of HVDC lines ", 30th International Power System Conference, November 2015

21 Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Amin Foroghi Nemat Allahi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Fault location in overheadtransmission lines based on S transform, SVM and DEA ", 30th International Power System Conference, November2015

22 Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Application of Imperialistic Competitive Algorithm to Fault SectionEstimation Problem in Power Systems ", The International Conference in New Research of Electrical Engineeringand Computer Science, September 2015

23 Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Behrooz Vahidi, Asghar Gholami, "A new method for analysis the fault in thyristorcontrol series componsated transmission lines by using TT transform ", The International Conference in NewResearch of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, September 2015

24 Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new hybrid method based on TT transform and SVM and PSOalgorithm for fault location in overhead lines conected to underground cable ", The International Conference in NewResearch of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, September 2015

25 Aydin Zaboli, Behrooz Vahidi, Sasan Yousefi, Mohammad Mahdi Hosseini Biyouki, "Effect of control methods oncalculation of stray current and rail potential in DC-electrified railway systems ", 4th International Conference onRecent Advanced in Railway Engineering, May 2015

26 Behrooz Vahidi, Abolfazl Rahiminejad, F. Saljoughi, Hamed Dehghani, Ehsan Pesaran Afsharian, Mohammad SaeedMoti Birjandi, "Design of simulator and calculator software for computation the energy consumption in residentialbuilding and office for improveing the managment of enenergy consumption ", 3rd national conference ongeographical location , building and optimization of energy consumption, May 2015

27 Pezhman Hashemian, Reza Mohamadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Comparison between Advanced EGM and LeaderProgression Model for calculation the SFOR of Transmission Lines ", National Conference of Technology, Energy &Data on Electrical & Computer Engineering, May 2015

28 Reza Mohamadi, Pezhman Hashemian, Behrooz Vahidi, "SFOR Calculation of HVDC Transmission Li nes by usingLeader Progression Method ", National Conference of Technology, Energy & Data on Electrical & ComputerEngineering, May 2015

29 Pezhman Hashemian, Peyman Karimyan, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehrdad Abedi, "A novel method for analysis of effectsof DGs on reduction the area of region which affected by voltage sag ", PDC 20, April 2015

30 Erfan Maali Amiri, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Fault Classification in Distribution Networks with HighPenetration of DGs ", 9th Power Systems Protection and Control (PSPC 2015), January 2015

31 Hamed Dehghani, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Study of Effect of Wind DGs Place and Uncertainty onReliability Indexes in Distribution Network ", 9th Power Systems Protection and Control (PSPC 2015), January2015

32 Hamed Dehghani, Sina Salehi Dobakhshari, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hamid Fathi, "Inductive FaultCurrent Limiter Effect Analysis on Distance Relay Protection First Zone and Fault Detection Using DC Componentmethod ", 9th Power Systems Protection and Control (PSPC 2015), January 2015

33 Sedigheh Igdar, Reza Shariatinassab, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analysis of performance of overhead transmission linesagainst lightning with considering the corona effect ", 29th PSC, October 2014

34 Oveis Asgari Gashteroodkhani, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new method for transmissionexpansion planning based on Vikor method ", 29th PSC, October 2014

35 Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini, Mohammad Akram, Behrooz Vahidi, "PD location in transformer winding usinglinear regression method ", The 5th Partial Discharge Conference in Electrical Apparatus, June 2014

36 Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini, Payman Rezaei Baravati, Seyed Mohsen Akjavi Madar, Behrooz Vahidi, "PDlocation based on transformer detailed models and wavelet transform ", The 5th Partial Discharge Conference inElectrical Apparatus, June 2014

37 Nima Kamali, Behnam Bayat, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Power loss reduction in distribution systemsby capacitor location and reconfiguration ", 19th Electric Power Distribution Conference, May 2014

38 Sajjad Mohammadiyangijeh, Mojtaba Agha-Mirsalim, Hassan Rastegar, Lesani, H, Behrooz Vahidi, "A neuralnetwork based saturation model for dynamic modeling of synchronous machines ", Power Electronics, DriveSystems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2014 5th, February 2014

39 Saeid Esmaeili, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, Mehdi Parvizi Mosaed, "Residential Microgrid EnergyShrort Time Planning to reduce Losses and Polution ", 2nd Regional CIRED Conference and Exhibition on ElectricityDistribution, Tehran, January 2014

40 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Introduction delay less reference current for paralel compensators inorder to improve power systems operation ", ICCIA 2013, December 2013

41 Mohammah Dehghani, Mehrdad Abedi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Surge arrester modelling by using Hammerstein model ",28th PSC, November 2013

42 S. M. H. Hosseini, S. M. H. Bafghi , Behrooz Vahidi, "PD location in winding of HV motors by using detailed models", 28th PSC, November 2013

43 Faegheh Irannezhad, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mehrdad Abedi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Using the instantaneous power theoryin order to control the current in the parallel active filter to compensate reactive power and reduction of harmonics", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems PEDES, December 2012

44 Hamed Shabani, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Impact of HVDC Connection Offshore Wind Farms onTransient Stability of Power System ", 27-th International Power System Conference, November 2012

45 Hamed Shabani, Behrooz Vahidi, Ramezan Ali Naghizadeh, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Islanding Detection approachWavelet Transform for Wind Turbine (DFIG) in unbalanced network ", the International Power System Conference-27, November 2012

46 Hessamoddin Jouybari Moghaddam, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Automatic Local State Detection forSynchronous Distributed Generators ", 17th Electric Power Distribution Conference, May 2012

47 Hessamoddin Jouybari Moghaddam, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "An Introduction to active distributionnetworks islanding issues ", 17th Electric Power Distribution Conference, May 2012

48 Hossein Karami Porzani, Behrooz Vahidi, Mahdi Salay Naderi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Mohammad Reza Vatani, "ANovel and Practical Solution to Mitigate Voltage Unbalance in LV Networks by Connection and On-line Control of aSingle Phase DG ", 17-th Electric Power Distribution Conference, May 2012

49 Hessamoddin Jouybari Moghaddam, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Smart Control mode selection forproper operation of synchronous distributed generators ", 2nd Iranian Conference on Smart Grids, May 2012

50 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, Behrooz Vahidi, "ُStudy of Partial Discharge Phenomenon on Solid Dielectric of PowerCable ", Third PD Conferences in Electrical Apparatuses, March 2012

51 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, "Analysis of effects of Low Electromagnetic field of High Voltage TransmissionLines on Body in Open Environment and High Voltage Substations ", 4th Electric Power Generation Conference,February 2012

52 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A model for design of three-phase APF in powersystem with EAF ", 26th International power system conference, October 2011

53 Moosa Moghimi Haji, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Saturation Detection in CT by Using OptimizedArtificial Neural Network ", 3rd Conference on Thermal Power Plant, October 2011

54 Alireza Fereidouni, Behrooz Vahidi, "Biological effects of low frequency electromagnetic field on human body ", PSC2011, October 2011

55 Hossein Dehghani Tafti, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "identification and classification of power qualitydisturbance by using Hidden Markov Model and Wavelet ", PSC 2011, October 2011

56 Mehdi Torabian Esfahani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A proposed method for reactive power measuringin TCR for power quality improvement in power system ", 26th International power system conference, October2011

57 Mohsen Jannati, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Suggestion of New Method inOrder to Reduce Dead Time of Reclosers in HV Transmission Lines with TCR ", 19th Iranian Conference onElectrical Engineering, May 2011

58 Hossein Hakimelahi, S.Hamid Fathi, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Cascaded Multi-Level Multi-phaseInverter: An Effective Tool for High Voltage and High Power Applications ", 3rd International Conference onComputer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010), November 2010

59 Alireza Fereidouni, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Tahora Hoseini Mehr, Behrooz Vahidi, Mahdi Garmrodi, "m ", 25th,November 2010

60 Seyed Mostafa Tabatabaei, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Bactrial Foraging-Based Solution for OptimalCapacitor Allocation in Distribution Systems ", IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2010,November 2010

61 Ali Shagerdmootaab, S.Hamid Fathi, Behrooz Vahidi, "State space tranient analysis of corona for AC impulsevoltage ", , November 2009

62 Hamed Hashemi Dezaki, Ali Agheli, Behrooz Vahidi, Hossein Askarian Abyaneh, Amjadi, "tt ", 15th, May 2009

63 Behrooz Vahidi, "Differential evolution algorithm approach to design of an optimal acive power controller for AC DCtransmission systems ", , November 2008

64 Hamed Nafisi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Corona and electromagnetic transient study in overhead transmission lines ", ,November 2008

65 Behrooz Vahidi, "Application of artificial neural network in cable life time estimation and its failure rate per 100 km", , November 2008

66 Amir Hesam Hesaminia, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "A novel approach for optimal power flow in powernetworks including FACTS devices using PSO ", , November 2008

67 Mahtab Davari, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new analysis of VFTO on transformers based on DM considering frequencyvariable losses ", , November 2008

68 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Three phase transformer modelimg with consideration the core effect ", ,October 2008

69 Masoud Shafiee, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Using artificial neural network to estimate maximumovervoltage on cables with considering forward and backwad waves ", , September 2008

70 Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Masoud Shafiee, "A combinatorial approach based on wavelettransform and hidden markov models in differential relaying of power transformers ", , September 2008

71 Mahde Shafiee, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Senstitivity analysis and determination of peak value andlocation of maximum overvoltage in the cable by using forward and back ward waves ", , May 2008

72 Behrooz Vahidi, Morteza Eslamian, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Leakage current computation on the surface ofwindings of dry type transformer ", , May 2008

73 Behrooz Vahidi, "A new stochastic method based on hidden markov models to HVDC LINE fault DIa diagnosis ", ,May 2008

74 Saeed Jazebi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Performance comparison of GA and DEA in solvingdistribution system reconficuration problem ", , May 2008

75 Hamidreza Baghaee Kashi, Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Improvement of voltagestability and reduce power system losses by optimal GA based allocation of multi type FACTS devices ", , May2008

76 Mohammadreza Ghorbani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Application of ant colony system algorithm todistribution networks reconfiguration for loss reduction ", , May 2008

77 Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A novel approach for optimizing dead time of extra highvoltage transmission lines ", , May 2008

78 Saeed Jazebi, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "A new stochastic method based on hidden markov modelsto transformer differential protection ", , May 2008

79 Reza Shariatinasab, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Application of ANN and Genetic algorithm forevaluation the optimum location of arresters on power networks due to the switching overvoltages ", , May 2008

80 Poria Hasan Por Divshali, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Modified fast indices for prediction of HOPFbifurcation by matrix reciprocal condition number estimate ", , April 2008

81 Hamidreza Baghaee Kashi, Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Saeed Jazebi, "Optimal multitype FACTS allocation using genetic algorithm to improve power system security ", , March 2008

82 Mohsen Jannati, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Hamidreza Baghaee Kashi, "A new adaptive single phaseauto reclosure scheme for EHV transmission lines ", , March 2008

83 Amir Hossein Ranjbar, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Effect of paralleling switches on reduction ofreliability of fuel cell DC DC converters ", , February 2008

84 Behrooz Vahidi, Saeed Jazebi, Hamidreza Baghaee Kashi, "Power system stabilization improvement by using PSObased UPFC ", , January 2008

85 Hamidreza Baghaee Kashi, Behrooz Vahidi, Saeed Jazebi, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, "Power system securityimprovement by using differential evolution algorighm based FACTS allocation ", , January 2008

86 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, [en-name N/A], Gholam Hossein Riahy Dehkordi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Evaluation of theeffects of wind farms near thermal power plants ", , November 2007

87 S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Transformer no load current wave shape considering core loss ", , October2007

88 Behrooz Vahidi, Omid Alizadeh Mousavi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Lightning overvoltage analysis in wind farm ", ,October 2007

89 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, "Effect of transient model ofarrester on transinent recovery voltage ", , October 2007

90 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohsen Jannati, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Compatison between different models during shortinterruption test of circuit breaker ", , October 2007

91 [en-name N/A], Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Selection of station surge arresters based on the evaluationof failure probility using artificial neural networks ", , September 2007

92 Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Discrete- event simulation to evaluateshielding failure risk of flashover in an arrester protected overhead line ", , August 2007

93 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], [en-name N/A], "Overvoltage calculation on bam substation by monte carlo methodwith accurate substantion copmonents modeling ", , July 2007

94 S.Hossein Hosseinian, Ehsan Nasr Azadani, Behrooz Vahidi, "Simulation of nonliner elements within the farmeworkof time domain ", , July 2007

95 Behrooz Vahidi, Jaber Merrikhey Ahangar Kolai, [en-name N/A], "Induced current in the brain of embryo due toshort circuit curent of power system ", , May 2007

96 Behrooz Vahidi, Saeed Jazebi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Mehdi Shafiei, "Disk to disk fault diagnosis during impulsetesting by using wavelet transform ", , May 2007

97 Jamal Beiza, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Design of degical flicker meter according to IEC 868 ", , May2007

98 Behrooz Vahidi, Mehdi Shafiei, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Saeed Jazebi, "Comparison between operatingcharacteristics ZNO arrester models ", , May 2007

99 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], [en-name N/A], "Comparing vortage control and current control switches inmodeling of flash on insulator string ", , May 2007

100 Behrooz Vahidi, Shahab Farokhi, "Electromagnetic interference on measuring equipments of HV substation Due toswitching ", , March 2007

101 Behrooz Vahidi, Jaber Merrikhey Ahangar Kolai, [en-name N/A], "Induced current in the brain of embryo due to highfrequency magnetic field ", , March 2007

102 S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Effects of core- losses on the no-load current wave shape in a single phasetransformer ", , March 2007

103 S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Development of a general circuit oriented program for linear networkanalysis ", , March 2007

104 S.Hossein Hosseinian, Behrooz Vahidi, Jamal Beiza, "Frequency dependent network equivalents for harmonic andtransient studies ", , November 2006

105 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "An algorithm forevaluating inrush current in transformers using Jiles-Atherton theory of ferromagnetic hysteresis ", , November2006

106 Behrooz Vahidi, Iraj Rahimi Pordanjani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "performance analysis of capacitive dividersubstation ", , May 2006

107 [en-name N/A], Behrooz Vahidi, "Reducing the switching overvoltages in the electric arc furnance system ", , May2006

108 Behrooz Vahidi, Shahab Farokhi, "Electromagnetic field inside the building due to lightning ", , December 2005

109 Behrooz Vahidi, Saman Ghahghahzadeh, "Study of SVCs fire angle variation to enhance capacitor ", , December2005

110 Mohammad Mohammadi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Model of corona for transient study ", , November 2005

111 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Three dimensionalanalyses of electric field and voltage distribution on Zno surge arrester with broken sheds ", , August 2005

112 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], Amir Kashi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Overvoltage on HVDC line due to firing angleand line length ", , August 2005

113 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Mohamad Amiri, "Analyzing the protec behavior of long flashover arrester byATP ", , August 2005

114 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "Analysis of electricfield and voltage distributionson zno surge arrester for palluted condition ", , August 2005

115 Shahab Farokhi, Behrooz Vahidi, "Deicing of medium voltage power transmission lines by joule heating method ", ,June 2005

116 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Reza Banktavakoli, Muhammad Hosein Hashemifard, [en-name N/A], "Transient in theoperation of induction and synchronous motors with vacuum switches ", , June 2005

117 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, [en-name N/A], "Computation of currents and lossws in the shields of cables ",, June 2005

118 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Saman Ghahghahzadeh, "Modeling of lightning transient overvoltage by usingdifferent models of grounding system ", , June 2005

119 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Saman Ghahghahzadeh, Ehsan Abedi Gheshlaghi, "Ferroresonant overvoltageinvestigation in Wye-Wye transformers on transmission system by using MATLAB ", , June 2005

120 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Harmonic elimination and flicker compensation methodsfor improving EAF operation ", , May 2005

121 Behrooz Vahidi, "ferroresonant overvoltage investigation in wye - wye transformers system by using matlab ", ,April 2005

122 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Electric field and voltagedistribution an zno surge arrester ", , November 2004

123 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, "Effects of different parameters on transformer electrification ", , November2004

124 Behrooz Vahidi, Siavash Taghipoor, Amir Kashi, "Applications of chasge simulation method to compute theion flowunder HVDC Lines ", , November 2004

125 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Mardaneh, [en-name N/A], "Overvoltage Dueto suitching of capacitors Band inDislribution system ", , October 2004

126 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "Computation of capacitance network of znosurge arrester by FEM ", , October 2004

127 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "Analysis of heaf distribution in zno surge arrester", , October 2004

128 Behrooz Vahidi, Mojtaba Meidansharafi, "Effect of stroker to tronsmisian lineson Distribution cable systems ", ,September 2004

129 Behrooz Vahidi, Alireza Shaddel, Amir Kashi, "Application of chasge simulation method for wind tusbine lightningpsotection ", , September 2004

130 Behrooz Vahidi, Reza Shariatinasab, Javad Shokrollahi Moghani, "Effects of grading rings and spacers on pohentialdistribution of zno assester ", , September 2004

131 Behrooz Vahidi, Mojtaba Kousari, [en-name N/A], "Effect of switched capacitorion Adyustable specd Derinessystems ", , September 2004

132 Behrooz Vahidi, Maziar Heidari, [en-name N/A], "Effect of cable models on lightning oversvoltaye tremrfer fromtransmission lines to Distribution system ", , September 2004

133 Behrooz Vahidi, Arash Ghatreh Samani, Amir Kashi, "Shunt reactor switching simulation by EMTP ", , May 2004

134 Ali Kalantari, Behrooz Vahidi, "Ruptuse of the sfb ciscuit Bseakers ", , April 2004

135 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Javad Alborzi, Hassan Aghaeinia, Mehrdad Abedi, "DC Corona detection on Surface ofinsulator using sound . ", , August 2003

136 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammadreza Soltani, "Effect of Two near by grounding system , on each othen during fault insubstations ", , August 2003

137 Behrooz Vahidi, Ali Reza Ghanbari, "High Voltage Statitical Analysis Software ", , August 2003

138 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Ali Taghikhani, "Theosetical and Experimantal anulysi of thunder Disper in....Psenence of spuce change ", , August 2003

139 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Javad Alborzi, Hassan Aghaeinia, Mehrdad Abedi, "Acouatic Diagnoses of AC Coronaon the Surfaces of insulatoz ", , June 2003

140 Behrooz Vahidi, Abbas Mohammadzadeh.Fakhrdavood, "Elecric Field Calculation on insulatoz shell surface withshed in highvoltage system ", , January 2003

141 Behrooz Vahidi, Mohammad Ali Taghikhani, "Comparison between theoretical and experimental simulation ofthunder disperser ", , September 2002

142 Behrooz Vahidi, Esmaeel Naghibi, "Tower model for lightning over voltage analysis by EMTP ", , September 2002

143 Behrooz Vahidi, [en-name N/A], Abdolali Abdipour, "High voltage E & M radiation effect on human body (in persian)", , May 2002

144 Behrooz Vahidi, S.Hossein Hosseinian, Hamid-Reza Kamankesh, "Optimizationof forces at filexible bus_bars in higvoltage substations ", , November 2001

145 Behrooz Vahidi, Ali Mazhab Jafari, "Effects of Near by trees and uidthot limeon lightning stsoker . ", , August 2001

146 Behrooz Vahidi, Abbas Mohammadzadeh.Fakhrdavood, "Effects of floating ring on voltage distribution across H.V.insulator CHAIN ", , August 2001

147 Mohammad Macktobian, Gevork B. Gharehpetian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Optimal design of linear transient overvoltagelimiter (persian) ", , May 2001

148 Behrooz Vahidi, Ali Mazhab Jafari, "Application of electrogeometric model for analysis the distribution of currentmagnitudes of Lightning strokes to structures (Persian) ", , February 2001

149 Mohammad Macktobian, Behrooz Vahidi, "Optimum design of grounding grid of high voltage ACsubstations(Persian) . ", , November 2000

150 Yousef Mohammadzadeh, Behrooz Vahidi, "Semiconductor foils as a solution for uniforming potential distributionin HV bushings ", , November 2000

151 Behrooz Vahidi, Ali Mazhab Jafari, "A new approach to distribution system lightning outage calculation ", , March2000

152 Behrooz Vahidi, "A New method for fast_fronted lightning current test on arrester ", , March 1999

153 Ali Mazhab Jafari, Behrooz Vahidi, "A new method for calulating transmission lines outage due to direct stroke ofLightning to phase conductor (Persian) ", , March 1999

154 Behrooz Vahidi, K.J. Cornick, D.A. Greaves, "A New approach to fast transient respons of ZnO surge arresters ", ,January 1998

155 Behrooz Vahidi, K.J. Cornick, D.A. Greaves, "Effects of multiple stroke on ZnO surge arrestors ", , January 1998

156 Behrooz Vahidi, K.J. Cornick, D.A. Greaves, "Plasma gun_opto electronic control firing system for single andmultiple sronke impulse generator ", , January 1998

157 Behrooz Vahidi, "Lightning induced voltage evaluation using simple ", , January 1991

هدش هئارا سورد

# سرد ناونع سرد فیصوت لصفرساه


1 High VoltageTechnology

هتفرگ راکب تازیهجت تست تخاس و یحارط ، یژولونکت هب تردق دشرا یسانشراک نایوجشناد یئانشآ یوقراشف هکبش رد هدش


2 Power SystemTransients

Introducing power system transients to M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Spring2022

3 Dielectrics &High Voltage

This course introduces the fundamentals of high voltage engineering and physics ofinsulations as well as discussing breakdown theory of insulations.


4 PowerSystemsAnalysis (I)

یسانشراک نایوجشناد هب هطوبرم لئاسم شزومآ یکیرتکلا و یژرنا عیزوت لافتنا و یسررب Fall2021

5 High VoltageTechnology

هتفرگ راکب تازیهجت تست تخاس و یحارط ، یژولونکت هب تردق دشرا یسانشراک نایوجشناد یئانشآ یوقراشف هکبش رد هدش


6 Power SystemTransients

Introducing power system transients to M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Spring2021

7 Dielectrics &High Voltage

This course introduces the fundamentals of high voltage engineering and physics ofinsulations as well as discussing breakdown theory of insulations.


تنتپ تبث تاعارتخا /

عارتخا# تبثناونع هدننکهرامش تبث تبثناراکمهروشک اضقناخیرات خیرات

لاتروپ رد هدش تبث یاه هداد

اب1 یکیرتکلا یاه قیاع بای هرفح هاگتسد برخم ریغ تست شور

38604413Iran (Islamic(Republic of

زورهب یزردوگ , ناسحا یدیحو


لاتروپ رد هدش تبث یاه هداد

لح1 يارب ديربيه ياطخ نايرج هدننک لرتنک يکيرتکلا هکبش زير يتظافح لکشم

88947Iran (Islamic(Republic of

- هلموکروپ ميهاربا ديجم ناینیسح نیسح دیس


لاعف2 ريغ ناوت دنمشوه نيب شيپ متسيس يقفو ياهرتليف رب ينتبم

81975Iran (Islamic(Republic of

یناهفصا نایبارت 1392/11/191412/10/1یدهم

ياهراب3 راتفر دنمشوه يياسانش متسيس يزير همانرب تاعلاطم تهج يکيرتکلا

81972Iran (Islamic(Republic of

یناهفصا نایبارت 1392/11/191412/9/30یدهم