Pengertian future perfect tense dan contohnya

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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simple future tense

Transcript of Pengertian future perfect tense dan contohnya

Pengertian Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk

mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada suatu titik waktu di

masa depan.

Rumus Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb will dan have, dan past participle (verb-

3).Have digunakan baik untuk singular maupun plural subject. Sedangkan past

participle dapat berupa irregular maupun regular verb.

Dengan demikian rumus future perfect tense untuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif

adalah sebagai berikut.

Kalimat Rumus Future Perfect Tense Contoh Future Perfect Tense


(+) S + will + have + V-3/past participle

The students will have come

Meri will have eaten


(-) S + will + not + have + V-3/past participle

The students will haven’t come

Meri won’t have eaten


(?) will + S + have + V-3/past participle

Will the students have come

Will Meri have eaten

Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense

Beberapa contoh kalimat future perfect tense dengan dua macam fungsinya adalah

sebagai berikut.

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect

tense untuk


suatu aktivitas yang

akan sudah selesai

atau terjadi

sebelum aktivitas

lain dilakukan di

masa depan.

We will gather on the road at 8. We will have gonewhen you come at 9.

(Kami akan berkumpul di jalan jam 8. Kami akan telah pergi ketika kamu datang jam 9.)

Before he comes, the table will have been prepared.

(Sebelum dia datang, meja akan telah dipersiapkan.)

[passive future perfect tense]

Future perfect

tense untuk


bahwa suatu aksi

akan telah selesai

pada suatu waktu di

masa depan.

At this time next month, I’ll have finished my driving course.

(Pada waktu ini bulan depan, saya akan telah menyelesaikan kursus mengemudi.)

By this time next week, we will have lived in this house for 2 years.

(Pada waktu ini minggu depan depan, kita akan telah tinggal di rumah ini selama 2 tahun.)

The mechanic will have repaired my car tomorrow.

(Montir akan telah memperbaiki mobil saya besok.)

On the 15th of May It will have been two months since we met for the first time.

(Tanggal 15 Mei akan menjadi dua bulan sejak kita bertemu pertama kali.)

Future Perfect Tense (with Examples) The future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will have been completed at

some point in the future. It is often used with a time expression which identifies that

point in the future.

Examples of the Future Perfect Tense

Here are some examples of the future perfect tense (shaded):

By the time you arrive, we will have finished the meal and the speeches.

(Note: "By the time you arrive" identifies the point in the future.)

I will have read every magazine in the waiting room before I see the dentist.

(Note: The clause "before I see the dentist" identifies the point in the future.)

Of course, you can also have the negative version, which is formed "will not have" +

"[past particple]":

By the time you arrive, we will not have finished the meal and the speeches.

I will not have read every magazine in the waiting room before I see the dentist.

And, the question versions:

Will you have finished the meal and the speeches by the time I arrive?

Will you have read every magazine in the waiting room before you see the dentist?

Forming the Future Perfect Tense

Here is an infographic explaining the future perfect tense:

Other Future Tenses

The future perfect tense is one of four future tenses. They are:

The 4 Future Tenses Example

simple future tense I will go

future progressive tense I will be going

future perfect tense I will have gone

future perfect progressive I will have been going

Forming the Future Perfect Tense The future perfect tense is formed: will have + [the past participle] For example:

I will have completed my assignment by 3 o'clock. After this event, Simon will have walked over 10,000 miles in those boots.

Forming the Past Participle (Regular Verbs) If it's a regular verb, the past participle is the same as the simple past tense. In other words, it is formed like this: Add ed to most verbs:

jump > jumped paint > painted

If a verb of one syllable ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], double the final consonant and add ed: chat > chatted stop > stopped

If the final consonant is w, x or y, don't double it: sew > sewed play > played fix > fixed

If last syllable of a longer verb is stressed and ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], double the last consonant and add ed:

incur > incurred prefer > preferred

If the first syllable of a longer verb is stressed and the verb ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], just add ed:

open > opened enter > entered swallow > swallowed

If the verb ends e, just add d: thrive > thrived guzzle > guzzled

If the verb ends [consonant + y], change the y to an i and add ed: cry > cried fry > fried

Forming the Past Participle (Irregular Verbs) If it's an irregular verb, the past participle is formed in all sorts of different ways. Here are some examples:

arise > arisen catch > caught choose > chosen know > known

You just have to learn them.

Simple Past – Present Perfect Simple Form

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

irregular verbs: see 2nd column of irregular verbs Example: I spoke

irregular verbs: form of 'have' + 3rd column of irregular verbs Example: I / you / we / they have spoken he / she / it has spoken

regular verbs: infinitive + ed Example: I worked

regular verbs: form of 'have' + infinitive + ed Example: I / you / we / they have worked he / she / it has worked


Exceptions when adding 'ed': when the final letter is e, only add d

Example: love - loved

after a short, stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled Example: admit - admitted

final l is always doubled in British English (not in American English) Example: travel - travelled

after a consonant, final y becomes i (but: not after a vowel) Example: worry - worried but: play - played

See also explanations on Simple Past and Present Perfect Simple Use In British English, the use of Simple Past and Present Perfect is quite strict. As soon as a time expression in the past is given, you have to use Simple Past. If there are no signal words, you must decide if we just talk about an action in the past or if its consequence in the present is important. Note that the following explanations and exercises refer to British English only. In American English, you can normally use Simple Past instead of Present Perfect. We cannot accept this in our exercises, however, as this would lead to confusions amongst those who have to learn the differences. Certain time in the past or just / already / yet? Do you want to express that an action happened at a certain time in the past (even if it was just a few seconds ago) or that an action hasjust / already / not yet happened?

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

certain time in the past Example: I phoned Mary 2 minutes ago.

just / already / not yet Example: I have just phoned Mary.

Certain event in the past or how often so far? Do you want to express when a certain action took place or whether / how often an action has happened till now?

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

certain event in the past Example: He went to Canada last summer.

whether / how often till now Example: Have you ever been to Canada? / I have been to Canada twice.

Emphasis on action or result? Do you just want to express what happened in the past? Or do you want to emphasise the result (a past action's consequence in the present)?

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

Emphasis on action Example: I bought a new bike. (just telling what I did in the past.)

Emphasis on result Example: I have bought a new bike. (With this sentence I actually want to express that I have a new bike now.)

Signal Words

Simple Past Present Perfect Simple

yesterday ... ago in 1990 the other day last ...

just already up to now until now / till now ever (not) yet so far lately / recently

Simple Past - Simple Present Sempurna Form Simple Past Simple Present Sempurna kata kerja tidak teratur: lihat kolom 2 verba beraturan contoh: saya berbicara kata kerja tidak teratur: bentuk 'memiliki' + 3 kolom verba beraturan contoh: I / anda / kita / mereka telah berbicara dia / dia / itu telah berbicara kata kerja biasa: infinitive + ed contoh: saya bekerja kata kerja biasa: bentuk 'memiliki' + infinitive + ed contoh: I / anda / kita / mereka telah bekerja dia / dia / itu telah bekerja pengecualian Pengecualian saat menambahkan 'ed': ketika huruf terakhir adalah e, hanya menambah d contoh:

cinta - mencintai setelah singkat, menekankan vokal, konsonan akhir adalah dua kali lipat contoh: mengakui - mengakui l akhir selalu dua kali lipat dalam British English (tidak dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika) contoh: wisata - berwisata setelah konsonan, y akhir menjadi i (tapi: tidak setelah vokal) contoh: khawatir - khawatir tapi: bermain - bermain Lihat juga penjelasan tentang Past Simple dan Simple Present Sempurna Gunakan Dalam bahasa Inggris British, penggunaan Simple Past dan Present Perfect cukup ketat. Begitu ekspresi waktu di masa lalu diberikan, Anda harus menggunakan Simple Past. Jika tidak ada kata-kata sinyal, Anda harus memutuskan apakah kita hanya berbicara tentang tindakan di masa lalu atau jika konsekuensinya di masa sekarang adalah penting. Perhatikan bahwa penjelasan dan latihan berikut mengacu ke British bahasa Inggris. Dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika, Anda biasanya dapat menggunakan Simple Past bukan Present Perfect. Kami tidak bisa menerima ini dalam latihan kami, namun, karena hal ini akan menyebabkan kebingungan di antara mereka yang harus belajar perbedaan. Waktu tertentu di masa lalu atau hanya / sudah / belum? Apakah Anda ingin mengungkapkan bahwa suatu tindakan terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu (bahkan jika itu hanya beberapa detik yang lalu) atau bahwa suatu tindakan baru saja / sudah / belum terjadi? Simple Past Simple Present Sempurna waktu tertentu di masa lalu contoh: Aku menelepon Mary 2 menit lalu. hanya / sudah / belum contoh: Saya baru saja menelepon Mary. Acara tertentu di masa lalu atau seberapa sering sejauh ini? Apakah Anda ingin mengungkapkan bila tindakan tertentu terjadi atau apakah / seberapa sering suatu tindakan yang telah terjadi sampai sekarang? Simple Past Simple Present Sempurna acara tertentu di masa lalu contoh: Dia pergi ke Kanada musim panas lalu. apakah / seberapa sering sampai sekarang contoh: Pernahkah Anda berkunjung ke Kanada? / Saya telah ke Kanada dua kali. Penekanan pada tindakan atau hasil?

Apakah Anda hanya ingin mengungkapkan apa yang terjadi di masa lalu? Atau apakah Anda ingin menekankan hasil (konsekuensi tindakan masa lalu di masa sekarang)? Simple Past Simple Present Sempurna Penekanan pada tindakan contoh: Saya membeli sepeda baru. (hanya mengatakan apa yang saya lakukan di masa lalu.) Penekanan pada hasil contoh: Saya telah membeli sepeda baru. (Dengan kalimat ini saya benar-benar ingin mengungkapkan bahwa saya memiliki sepeda baru sekarang.) Kata sinyal Simple Past Simple Present Sempurna kemarin ... lalu pada tahun 1990 hari lain lalu ... hanya sudah sampai sekarang sampai sekarang / sampai sekarang pernah (tidak) belum sejauh akhir-akhir ini / baru-baru ini