Mengelola dan Mengorganisasi PTK secara Efektif dan Efisien

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Mengelola dan Mengorganisasi PTK (Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan) secara Efektif dan Efisien dalam Era Desentralisasi dan Globalisasi

Transcript of Mengelola dan Mengorganisasi PTK secara Efektif dan Efisien

Revisiting PTK(Mengelola dan Mengorganisasi PTK secara Efektif dan Efisien dalam Era Desentralisasi

dan Globalisasi)

Mohamad AdriyantoNIM: 11702261012

Program Pascasarjana Universitas negeri Yogyakarta

Mohamad Adriyanto @adriyanto


• Presentasi ini mencoba menggali pengertian tentang PTK (pendidikan teknologi dan kejuruan) yang dipakai di Indonesia dengan referensi dari luar Indonesia.

• Harapannya setelah definisi ini jelas, maka akan lebih mudah menjabarkan dasar-dasar pengelolaan dan pengorganisasiannya.

• Namun materi presentasi ini tidak sampai mengupas masalah pengelolaan dan pengorganisasian secara detail.

Terms & Definitions

• Technical Education TE• Vocational Education VE• Technical and Vocational Education TVE• Vocational Training VT• Vocational Education and Training VET• Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVET• Technical and Vocational Skills Development TVSD• Occupational Education OE• Apprenticeship Training AT (Training of Learners of Trades or

Crafts)• Career and Technical Education CTE

Technical and Vocational Education (TVE)

• Educators hardly differentiate between the terms Technical and Vocational Education while society has been led to believe that Vocational Education is for those who are incapable of pursuing technical academic programmes.

• Vocational education refers to skill-based programmes designed for lower level of skills education and focuses on a specific vocation for workplace entry.

• Technical education facilitates the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic technical and scientific knowledge.

• Vocational education is designed for a particular vocation, technical education does not target any particular vocation but gives general technical knowledge.

• Thus, while every vocational education programme is technical in nature, not all technical education programmes are vocational.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

• The merging between the Vocational Education and the Vocational Training.

• There are fundamental differences between Vocational Education and Vocational Training and especially between the objectives of the two systems.

• VET suppors the idea of Continuing or Life-long Education, and thus not only unskilled but also skilled workers have to be involved in continuous retraining.

• The current trend is that Vocational Education and Vocational Training are both covered in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) System.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

• Internationally, the term refers to vocational education provided in secondary school programs, in vocational training centers and in post-secondary institutions.

• It refers to non-academic technical education and practical training that develop the skills and knowledge of apprentices (learners of trades or crafts) working in different sectors of industry and trainees/students trained in different technical vocational institutes, centres and schools.

• It is part of the education system that:– provides courses and training programmes related to employment with a view to

enable the transition from Secondary Education to work for young trainees/students (social objective)

– supply the labour market with competent apprentices (economic objective).• It is designed to prepare students for direct entry to a particular occupation

or trade, and usually lead to a labor-market vocational qualification that is recognized by relevant authorities.

Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD)

• The fast pace of change in technology and in workplace environments means that a narrow set of skills relating to a specific trade or occupation will not be enough in labor markets that are constantly changing.

• Many employers, particularly those in the formal sector, are looking for employees with transferable skills including problem-solving, decision-making, communication and team-work.

• The new term indicates a move away from a school-oriented approach and includes non-formal Skill Development Programmes which may be delivered in the workplace and which do not lead to formal qualifications.

• This also includes training acquired in the informal and non formal economic sectors.

Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD)

• Formal continuing TVET and lifelong learning consists of learning that occurs within an organized and structured context (formal education, in-company training), and that is designed as learning. It may lead to a formal recognition (diploma, certificate).

• Non-formal continuing TVET and lifelong learning consists of learning embedded in planned activities that are not explicitly designated as learning, but which contain an important learning element.

• Informal continuing TVET and lifelong learning is defined as learning resulting from daily life activities related to work. It is often referred to as experiential learning i.e. learning derived from experience and can, to a certain degree, be understood as accidental learning. It is not structured in terms of learning objectives, learning time and/or learning support. Typically, it does not lead to certification.

PTK di Indonesia (TVE)

• UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, Pasal 15. Pasal ini berbunyi: “Jenis pendidikan mencakup pendidikan umum, kejuruan, akademik, profesi, vokasi, keagamaan, dan khusus.”

• Dengan dasar UU, ada 3 jenis pendidikan yang masuk kedalam kategori PTK yaitu pendidikan kejuruan, profesi dan vokasi.

PTK di Indonesia (TVE)

• Pendidikan Kejuruan didefinisikan sebagai pendidikan menengah yang mempersiapkan peserta didik terutama untuk bekerja dalam bidang tertentu.

• Pendidikan Profesi adalah pendidikan tinggi setelah program sarjana yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk memiliki pekerjaan dengan persyaratan keahlian khusus.

• Pendidikan Vokasi adalah pendidikan tinggi yang mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk memiliki pekerjaan dengan keahlian terapan tertentu maksimal setara dengan program sarjana.

Pembagian Peran PTK (TVE & TVSD)

• Kementerian Tenaga Kerja mengemban amanat UU Ketenagakerjaan tahun 2003 yang mengatur tentang pelatihan kerja dan pemagangan, dua hal yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan PTK.

• Jadi Kementerian Pendidikan mengatur masalah "education" dan Kementerian Tenaga Kerja mengatur masalah "training", kesemuanya bersifat vocational atau berorientasi pada "pekerjaan".

• Indonesia telah memiliki PP 31/2006 tentang Pelatihan Tenaga Kerja. Pelatihan kerja diselenggarakan oleh lembaga pelatihan kerja pemerintah dan/atau lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta. Pelatihan kerja dapat diselenggarakan di tempat pelatihan atau tempat kerja. Ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik/latih untuk bekerja pada bidang tertentu.

UU Ketenagakerjaan vs UU Sisdiknas (TVE vs TVSD)

• Dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan, pelatihan kerja dapat diselenggarakan dengan sistem pemagangan, definisi pemagangan adalah bagian dari sistem pelatihan kerja yang diselenggarakan secara terpadu antara pelatihan di lembaga pelatihan dengan bekerja secara langsung di bawah bimbingan dan pengawasan instruktur atau pekerja/buruh yang lebih berpengalaman, dalam proses produksi barang dan/atau jasa di perusahaan, dalam rangka menguasai keterampilan atau keahlian tertentu.

• Pemagangan dapat dilaksanakan di perusahaan sendiri atau di tempat penyelenggaraan pelatihan kerja, atau perusahaan lain, baik di dalam maupun di luar wilayah Indonesia.

• Yang menarik, pemagangan ini diatur cukup rinci dalam UU Ketenagakerjaan, namun tidak diatur dalam UU Sisdiknas. Padahal pemagangan adalah metode pembelajaran mutlak yang harus diterapkan dan diatur sebaik-baiknya dalam PTK.

References1. Vocational Education VE 2. Technical and Vocational Education TVE Vocational Training VT Vocational Education and Training VET

References5. Technical and Vocational Education and Training Technical and Vocational Skills Development TVSD Career and Technical Education CTE