Materi Refreshment SharingSharing----ForumForum KPPU...

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MateriMateriMateriMateri Refreshment Refreshment Refreshment Refreshment disampaikandisampaikandisampaikandisampaikan padapadapadapada SharingSharingSharingSharing----ForumForumForumForum KPPUKPPUKPPUKPPU

Jakarta, 13 Jakarta, 13 Jakarta, 13 Jakarta, 13 MaretMaretMaretMaret 2014201420142014

Tri Widodo W. UtomoDeputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN

Urutan Penyajian

1. Beragam Definisi Governance dan Good Governance;

2. Riwayat GG dan Kritik terhadap GG;

3. Indonesia Dalam Optik GG;

4. Karakteristik dan Esensi GG;

5. Bagaimana Membumikan GG dalamKonteks Organisasi & Pegawai;

Bagian 1

Beragam Definisi Governance danGood Governance

Beragam Definisi Governance & GG 1

Sumber Governance Good Governance

World Bank The process and institutions through which decisions are made and authority in a country is exercised.

Inclusiveness & accountability established in 3 areas: � Selection, accountability & replacement of authorities (voice & accountability; stability & lack of violence);

� Efficiency of institutions, regulations, resource management (regulatory framework; government effectiveness);

� Respect for institutions, laws & interactions among players in civil society, business & politics.

UNDP (1997) Exercise of economic, political & administrative authority to manage a country's affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms, processes & institutions through which citizens & groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations & mediate their differences.

Characterised as participatory, transparent … accountable … effective & equitable … promotes the rule of law … ensures that political, social & economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of development resources.

Beragam Definisi Governance & GG 2

Sumber Governance Good Governance

IMF (2005) Limited to economic aspects of governance … in two spheres: improving the management of public resources …; supporting the development & maintenance of a transparent and stable economic and regulatory environment conducive to efficient private sector activities.

Ensuring the rule of law, improving the efficiency and accountability of the public sector, and tackling corruption.

DFID (2001) How the institutions, rules, and systems of the state – the executive, legislature, judiciary and military –operate at central and local level and how the state relates to individual citizens, civil society and the private sector.

7 key governance capabilities: 1) to operate political systems which provide opportunities for all people … to influence government policy & practice; 2) to provide macroeconomic stability … to promote the growth necessary to reduce poverty; 3) to implement pro-poor policy; 4) to guarantee the equitable & universal provision of effective basic services; 5) to ensure personal safety & security; 6) to manage national security; 7) to develop honest & accountable government.

Beragam Definisi Governance & GG 3

Sumber Governance Good Governance


The ability of government to develop an efficient, effective & accountable public management process that is open to citizen participation and that strengthens rather than weakens a democratic system of government.

Democratic governance: transparency, pluralism, citizen involvement in decision-making, representation & accountability; focusing particularly on 5 areas: legislative strengthening, decentralization and democratic local governance, anti-corruption, civil-military relations & improving policy implementation.

Kaufman (2003)

Exercise of authority through formal & informal traditions & institutions for the common good, encompassing: (1) process of selecting, monitoring & replacing governments; (2) capacity to formulate & implement sound policies & deliver public services, (3) respect of citizens & the state for the institutions that govern economic & social interactions among them.

Can be measured along 6 dimensions: 1) voice and external accountability; 2) political stability and lack of violence, crime, and terrorism; 3) government effectiveness; 4) lack of regulatory burden; 5) rule of law; 6) control of corruption.

Beragam Definisi Governance & GG 4

Sumber Governance Good Governance

Hyden, (2004)

The formation & stewardship of the formal & informal rules that regulate the public realm, the arena in which state as well as economic & societal actors interact to make decisions.

Can be measured along 5 dimensions (participation, fairness, decency, efficiency, accountability & transparency) in each of 6 arenas (civil society, political society, government, bureaucracy, economic society, judiciary)

Hewitt de Alcántara(1998)

Exercise of authority within a given sphere … efficient management of a broad range of organizations & activities … involves building consensus, or obtaining the consent or acquiescence necessary to carry out a program, in an arena where many different interests are at play.

Processes through which there is incorporation of more creative and less technical understanding of reform, more dialogue about institutional and programmatic change, more concern with the public sphere (state and civil society) and how to strengthen it, more integration of economic policy & institutional reform, more attention to both national & international factors that affect governance.

Sumber: Merilee S. Grindle, “Good Enough Governance: Poverty Reduction and Reform in Developing Countries”, dalamGovernance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, Vol. 17, No. 4, October 2004

Bagian 2

Riwayat GG dan KritikTerhadap GG

Riwayat GG & Kritik thd GG

� GG lahir akhir tahun 1980-an sebagai respon terhadapgovernance crisis di dunia, terutama di Afrika (World Bank, Governance and Development, 1992) � Big government is bad governance; good governance is less government; good governance is better government.

� Dalam perkembangannya muncul beberapa varian sepertiGood Enough Governance (Merilee S. Grindle), atau Great Governance (Jim Collins), dan Sound Governance.

� Grindle: “Good governance agenda is unrealistically long and growing longer over time. Good enough governance” may become a more realistic goal for many countries faced with the goal of reducing poverty”.

� Collins: “We don’t have great government, principally because we have good government”.

Governance Problem

� Grand Corruption: State Capture o Leaders plundering state assets (Mobutu, Abacha);o Powerful “oligarchs” buying state officials;o Corrupt leaders colluding with corrupt investors: non-

competitive, non-transparent award of contracts (oil & gas).

� Nepotism and Patronage in Public Serviceo Political pressure for award of contracts, appointments;o Politicized transfers (South Asia).

� Administrative (Petty) Corruption & Inefficiencyo Bribes for licenses, permits, government services;o Diversion of funds for public programs;o Inefficient and ineffective service delivery.

Sumber: Sanjay Pradhan, Improving Governance in Developing Countries, World Bank.

Kritik thd GG

1. Sebagai konsep imperalis dan kolonial, serta konsep yang dipaksakan oleh negara-negara donor/kekuatan barat/perusahaan internasional maju terhadap negara berkembang dan terbelakang (Julius K. Nyerere, mantan Presiden Tanzania, 1998).

2. Nilai-nilai dan karakteristik GG sulit dilaksanakan karena selain terlalu ambisius juga tidak realistis.

3. Agenda GG sangat banyak dan tidak memberikan petunjuk tentang “apa yang penting dan apa yg tidak”, “apa harus didahulukan dan apa yang harus diikuti” atau agenda GG dapat dibuat lebih realistis.

4. GG sbg ramuan pembangunan internasional, namun gagalmengatasi krisis pangan global.

5. Secara konseptual seharusnya keberhasilan penerapan GG di berbagai negara dibarengi lbh menguatnya fundamental ekonomi rakyat, tetapi kenyataannya sebaliknya.

Bagian 3

Indonesia Dalam Optik GG

Indonesia dlm Optik GG 1















Rank (0-1


Voice andAccountability

Political Stability &Absence ofViolence/Terrorism


Regulatory Quality

Rule of Law

Control of Corruption

Sumber: Asclepias R. S. Indriyanto, States, Regional and Global Governance, Singapore, 2008

Indonesia dlm Optik GG 2

� Indek gini rasio


pendapatan) 0,38

tahun 2010;

� Pembajak

software ke- 3

setelah China dan

Vietnam (88%

software bajakan);

� Peringkat 102

Kebebasan Pers

(Worldwide Press

Freedom, 2005);

Sumber: berbagai referensi, diolah, 2013.

Indonesia dlm Optik GG 3

6597 98 2010

Good Governance?

Indonesia: Asian Miracle

Economic Crisis


Consolidation of democracy



End of BR Grand-design &

Long-term Development


Bagian 4

Karakteristik & Esensi GG

Unsur / Karakteristik GG (UNDP)

GG: from Government to Governance


Civil Society

Private Sector

State/ Govern-ment

Facilitating Facilitating Facilitating Facilitating sociosociosociosocio----political political political political interactioninteractioninteractioninteraction

Creating enabling Creating enabling Creating enabling Creating enabling environment for political, environment for political, environment for political, environment for political, social & economic affairssocial & economic affairssocial & economic affairssocial & economic affairs

Generate jobs Generate jobs Generate jobs Generate jobs and incomeand incomeand incomeand income

v a l u e

v a l u e

v a l u e

v a l u e

v a l u e

Common interest,Shared responsibility among actors

Governance dlm Pertandingan Bola

State: KONI, wasit, petugas keamanan, dll;

Private: pemilikklub, sponsor, agen, pedagangmerchandizer, dll;

Civil Society: pemain, pelatih, penonton, pemasang iklan, petaruh, petuagskebersihan, dll;

Values: fair play.

Governance di Pasar Tradisional

State: Dinas/PD Pasar, pemungutretribusi;

Private: pedagang, distributor, kreditor, dll;

Civil Society: asosiasi pedagang, pembeli, kuliangkut, abangbecak, dll;

Values: sistemretribusi, negosiasiuntuk mencapaikesepakatan antarapenjual & pembeli, standar harga, mutual trust, dll.

Bagian 5

Bagaimana Membumikan GG dalam Konteks Organisasi &


GG dalam konteks Organisasi

Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan yg Bersih &

Bebas KKN

1. Penegakan disiplin PNS di seluruh instansi pemerintah;

2. Penerapan pakta integritas bagi pejabat pemerintah;

3. Kepatuhan penyampaianLaporan Harta KekayaanPenyelenggara Negara;

4. Kebijakan Antikorupsi;5. Penyelenggaraan SPIP;6. Pengembangan Sistem e-

Procurement Nasional;7. Tindak lanjut hasil pemeriksaan

BPK;8. Akuntabilitas pengelolaan

keuangan Negara;9. Pengaduan masyarakat.

Peningkatan KualiatsPelayanan Publik

1. Penerapan StandarPelayanan pada UnitPenyelenggara Pelayanan;

2. Penerapan MaklumatPelayanan pada unitpelayanan publik;

3. Penerapan PelayananTerpadu Satu Pintu untuk pelayanan utama dan investasi;

4. Penerapan ManajemenPengaduan;

5. Percepatan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik;

6. Pelaksanaan evaluasi dan penilaian terhadap kinerjapelayanan publik.

PeningkatanKapasitas Birokrasi

1. Penataan kelemba-gaan instansipemerintah;

2. Penataan ketatalak-sanaan instansi pemerintah;

3. Pemantapan kualitas manajemen SDM;

4. Pengembangan & penerapan e-government;

5. Sistem kearsipan & dokumentasi berbasis TIK;

6. PenyelenggaraanSAKIP.

Berdasarkan Sasaran Dalam RPJMN 2010-2014

GG dalam konteks Organisasi

1. Birokrasi yg bersih, yakni birokrasi yg bekerja denganmenghindari berbagai tindak penyimpangan / perbuatan tercela seperti KKN.

2. Birokrasi yg efisien, efektif dan produktif, yakni birokrasi yg mampu memberikan dampak positif (manfaat) kpd masyarakat & mampu menjalankan tugas dengan tepat, cermat, berdayaguna & tepat guna.

3. Birokrasi yg transparan, yakni birokrasi yg membuka diri thd hak masyarakat untuk memperoleh informasi yg benar & tidak diskriminatif dengan tetap memperhatikan perlindungan atas hak asasi pribadi, golongan, dan rahasia negara.

4. Birokrasi yg melayani masyarakat.

5. Birokrasi yg akuntabel, yakni birokrasi yg bertanggungjawab atas setiap proses & kinerja atau hasil akhir dari program maupun kegiatan.

Sumber: Permenpan No. 15/2008 tentang Pedoman Umum RB

GG dalam konteks Pegawai

� Taat asas, tertib administrasi, disiplin kinerja, pegangteguh etika organisasi & etika profesi;

� Membongkar berbagai belenggu untuk terus berubahdan berinovasi;

� Perkuat transparansi, buka diri, dan dorong semangatberbagi;

� Jaga terus integritas diri, jadilah Good Person.

Good Person leads to Good Institution ���� Good Institution leads to Good Governance ���� GG leads to stronger

development and stronger development leads to stronger governance.

GG is a virtuous circle (World Bank).

Jakarta, 13 Jakarta, 13 Jakarta, 13 Jakarta, 13 MaretMaretMaretMaret 2014201420142014