Greeting Card

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Greeting Card

Grade IX Junior High SchoolBy : Annisa Ulfah, S.S

Greeting CardA folded card bearing a message of greeting, congratulation, or other sentiment, usually sent or given on a special occasion or holiday.

Greeting card is paper (ussually is decorated with picture) and applied to Gide congratulation or prays for someone or other people.

Greeting CardGreeting card artinya kartu ucapan yang biasanya dibuat atau diberikan kepada orang lain untuk memberikan ucapan selamat.

Greeting card ini kita berikan kepada orang lain sebagai tanda sympathy terhadap orang tersebut.

Greeting CardGreeting card bisa berupa:a.Kartu ucapan selamat atas kelulusan seseorang, kenaikan pangkat, memeperoleh suatu prestasi.

b.Kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun, peringatan pernikahan (wedding anniversary), kartu lebaran, kartu natal.

c.Kartu ucapan mengharapkan kesembuhan seseorang, dll.


Dear Lisa,Congratulations on your winning the first prize of the English debate competition. I heard it from your Mom.Love,


Questions :

1. Lisa has won …a. the first prize of English debate

competitionb. the first prize of English speech

contestc. the second prize of English debated. the second prize of English speech


Questions :

8. Ella heard  the news from  …a. her motherb. Lisa’s motherc. her friendd. Lisa’s friend

Greeting Card of Birthday

Greeting Card of Wedding Anniversary

Greeting Card of Graduation
