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Mata Kuliah :


TAHUN AKADEMIK 2014/2015 Jl. Bangau No. 60 Palembang 30113 Telp. 366326

Mata Kuliah :Bahasa Inggris I

Kode Mata Kuliah :IF-22102

Program Studi :IF/SI/TI PAGI

Semester / SKS :II / 2

Sifat Ujian :Tutup Buku

Hari / Tanggal :Selasa / 9 Juni 2015

Waktu :08:00 wib 10.00 wib

Dosen Penguji :Dr. Sr. M. Yustien FSGM, M.Pd

Petunjuk :

1. Berdoalah sebelum memulai !

2. Bacalah soal sebelum mengerjakan dan buatlah semirip mungkin.

3. Dilarang saling bekerja sama, dan membuka file file yang ada dikomputer bila diketahui, maka ujian akan dianggap gagal dan nilai akan diberi E !

A. Reading Comprehension : Read the following text carefully!

Getting to know the ComputerWhat is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You can use a computer to type documents, send email, and browse the internet. You can also use it to handle spreadsheets, accounting , database management, presentations, games, and more. The computer is no longer a novelty today. It is something that is highly functional and useful not only to scientists, managers, businessmen, professionals, and government officials, but also to students like you. The world is changing because of the computer. The computer can do almost any routine or systematic or operation involving information, so that people can have more time to do what they do best think.

The term computer has many definitions. The easiest to understand and remember is: a computer is an electronic device designed to manipulate data so that useful information can be generated. Data may be defined as any collection of facts. By this definition, data may refer to both numerical and non-numerical information. Data processing is the manipulation of data into a more useful form. It involves the collection, processing, and distribution of facts and figures to achieve a desired result. It may also involve the classification of data and the transmission of data from one place to another. All the operation involved in data processing may have been performed by some kind of a machine or a computer, although some of them could have been carried out manually. Data processing system refers to the equipment or devices as well as procedures by which the result is achieved. In short, a computer is part of a data processing system.

A computer accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instruction on how the data is to be processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data ( including the program, which is also a form of data) for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and built into the computer ) and called logic circuitry as it is on microprocessors) or different programs may be provided to the computer (loaded into its storage and started by an administrator or user). Todays computers have both kinds of programming.

What are the Different Types of Computers?

When most people hear the word computer they think of a personal computer such as a desktop or laptop computer. However, computers come in many shapes and sizes, and they perform many different functions in our daily lives. When you withdraw cash from an ATM, scan groceries at the store, or use a calculator, you are using a type of computer.

Desktop Computers: many people use desktop computers at work, home, school, or the library. They can be small, medium, or large in style, and usually sit on a desk. Once you add a monitor, mouse, and a keyboard, you have what is typically known as a desktop computer. Most desktop computers are easy to upgrade and expand, or add new parts. Another benefit of desktop computer is the cost. If you compare a desktop and a laptop with the same features, the desktop cost cheaper than laptop.

The second type of computer that you may be familiar with is a laptop computer. Laptops are battery or AC-powered personal computers that are more portable than desktop computers, allowing you to use them almost anywhere. Since a laptop is smaller than a desktop, it is more difficult to access the internal components. That means you may not be able to upgrade them as much as a desktop.

Manipulate = mengolah novelty = hal yang baru;numerical = yang berkaitan dengan angka sequence = rangkaian;means = sarana; portable = mudah dibawaI. Answer the following question:

1. What is the easiest definition of a computer?

2. What is the ability of a computer?

3. What are the uses of a computer?


4. Why is the world changing because of the computer?


5. What are the different between a desktop and a laptop?


II. Translate the first paragraph of the text above !


B. Grammar :

I. Berdasarkan jawaban panjang dalam kurung, buatlah pertanyaan yes/no questions yang tepat, dan jawaban pendek untuk melengkapi dialog dibawah ini:

1. A: .

B: No, ( I dont know your father).

2. A:

B: Yes, ( Birds have legs)

3. A: .

B: No, (A dog can sing)

4. A:

B: Yes, ..( John will go home)

5. A:

B: Yes, ( He cleans the room everyday)

II. Lengkapilah kalimat berikut dengan Tag questions

1. He sings a song everyday, ?

2. Nina can play a piano, ..?

3. You bought a book, ..?

4. Mr. John is not a teacher, ..?

5. She was born in Medan, ..?

6. My father wont come here, ?

7. The children play kites everyday, ?

8. Mary called you, .?

9. A bird lays eggs, ..?

10. They have not written a letter,.?

III. Change the sentences below into negative:

1. She cleans the plates every morning.


2. They waited for us last night.

3. The men work in the garden everyday

4. You may visit us tomorrow


5. A computer is very useful for our jobs


IV. Underline the Verb in each sentence. Add final s/es to the verb, if necessary

1. My mother cook a cake everyday.

2. My father and my mother watch game on TV every evening

3. Mr. John teach English at the University

4. Water freeze at 0o C and boil at 100o C.

5. Airplanes fly all round the world.

V. Add to where necessary. If no to is necessary, write X

1. A good book can be a friend for life

2. I have got go to the market today

3. May I ..visit you tomorrow?

4. The students must .finish their works well

5. Handy has .go to the hospital for an operation

VI. Correct the errors

1. I should to go to the post office today

2. You ought paying your bills tonight

3. We have better to call the doctor today

4. Mr. John ought found a new house.

5. The students dont should stay up too late tonight

VII. Add so or but

1. It began to rain, .I didnt open the umbrella.

2. I didnt have an umbrella, ..I got wet

3. The water is cold, ..I go swimming

4. I didnt have an umbrella, ..I didnt wet because I was wearing my coat.

5. The water was cold, ... the students didnt go swimming.

VIII. Complete the sentences by adding appropriate auxiliary verbs. Add too and either as necessary.

1. John cleans his room, and his brother

2. Tigers arent domesticated animals, and lions

3. I dont go to college, but my sister

4. Nina went to the beach, but Nana

5. Mary cant sing well, but Jose.

IX. Complete the sentences by using : too, so, either, or neither

1. He is happy today, and .(you)

2. Helen lives in Medan, and ( Novi)

3. Reza doesnt go to college, and .( Tom)

4. Lina wasnt in class yesterday, and (Tuti)

5. The girls are diligent, and (the boys)

6. Salts isnt expensive, and sugar ..

7. Snow is white, and clouds

8. Monkeys cant swim , and cats .

9. We bought some books, and the teacher .

10. We wont visit the museum tomorrow, and they

X. Ubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi Kalimat seru (Interjection): Mulailah dengan How.. atau What ..

1. They study diligently:

2. The girl is very disappointed: ..

3. She is wearing an expensive dress. ..

4. The children are very confused.

5. He has a beautiful daughter .

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Kaprodi Informatika

Dr. Sr. M. Yustien FSGM, M.Pd NIDN: Sri Andayani, M.Cs

NIDN: 0222077601

Mata kuliah / Semester / Tahun akademik :Bahasa Inggris I / II / 2014-2015 Halaman 5 dari 5