Assignment 1 - Process Modeling B

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Assignment 1 - Process Modeling B

Transcript of Assignment 1 - Process Modeling B

Assignment 1: Process Modeling Enterprise Resource Planning (CSI2602601)

2014/2015 Genap Fakultas Ilmu Komputer,

Universitas Indonesia

Soal Tipe B

(dikerjakan oleh peserta berdasarkan urutan genap)

Deadline Pengumpulan

Waktu : Rabu, 11 Maret 2015 untuk kelas A, B, C || Jumat, 13 Maret untuk kelas Ekstensi Tempat : di Kelas/Lab masing-masing


Memahami dan mengimplementasikan process modeling menggunakan flowchart dan event

(driven) process chain (EPC).

Petunjuk Pengerjaan Tugas

1. Assignment ini dikerjakan secara perorangan, dikerjakan oleh peserta berdasarkan urutan genap.

Ganjil genap? Simak “User Account”, di SCeLE

2. Tugas dikerjakan di kertas A4/folio, boleh memanfaatkan tools atau ditulis tangan. Tuliskan kelas,

nama dan NPM di kanan atas lembar jawab. Selain itu, Anda juga harus mengunggahnya ke SCeLE

pada submission slot yang diberikan.

3. Ketidaklengkapan identitas menyebabkan pengurangan nilai sebesar 20 poin.

4. Keterlambatan pengumpulan di hari yang sama (setelah dosen keluar ruangan) menyebabkan

pengurangan nilai sebesar 10 poin, dan wajib mengumpulkannya ke ruangan 3307 (Ged C, lantai 3,

sebelah MIC). Jika tugas dikumpulkan melebihi 1 hari setelah deadline maka nilainya 0.

Deskripsi Tugas:

Anda diminta melakukan process mapping dalam bentuk swimlane pada studi kasus 1 (halaman 1)

dan EPC pada studi kasus 2 (halaman 2).


1. [SIMLANE] Buatlah process mapping untuk studi kasus berikut, menggunakan swimlane.

The Borrowing Room Process

Students in their daily life sometimes want to borrow classrooms for doing their activities, like studies or

organizations purposes. To apply for borrow a room, students must first access the official website owned

by faculty beforehand. Once successfully logged in to the website, then they select the menu of borrowing

room. After selecting the menu, then he/she will see the data fields associated to borrowing room such as

the name of the borrower, the date and time of borrowing, the number of participants who will use the

room, and lending purposes. Students then fill these data and save it to the system. After that, the system

will display a notification that the system has been received the borrowing room submission.

The borrowing room submission then will be received in the division of public facility faculty. After seeing

the filling notification letter about the new borrowing room submission, division of public facility will check

the room that the students want to borrow. If that room can be lent at the time it is proposed, then division

of public facility will notify the student that he/she can borrow the room. Then, after being told by division

of public facility, then the student will take the borrowing room document .

After taking these document, students then give it to the deputy manager of teaching and student services.

Once approved and signed by the deputy manager of teaching and student services, the student will take

back the borrowing room document. Then the student can give the document to the manager of teaching

and student services to be signed. If the document has been approved and signed by the manager of

teaching and student services, students will pick it up and then copying the document. After copying

document, students give a copy of the document to the division of public facility and clerk of the room.


2. [EPC] Buatlah process mapping untuk studi kasus berikut, menggunakan event (driven) process chain


E-Recruitment Process

IT Manager of Winner Inc. want to recruit programmer for his/her department. First, he/she need to draft a Job Description and Person Specification and have it graded. After that, he/she send Email of the job description and person specification to his/her Central HR Manager along with the Relevant Factor for the job, if it is for a fixed period. The HR Manager will help by evaluating the job to determine its grade and discussing any amendments to the job. He/she will need the grading information to complete the Recruitment Requisition. He/she also have to create an online requisition by logging onto the e-recruitment system and adding a new requisition. After saving the new requisition successfully, HR will receive an online requisition for advertising. The central HR Service Centre will post all job adverts from the information provided on the requisition. They will automatically be informed of an approved requisition online, confirm with HR Managers the job evaluation, and post the advert out to the relevant sites according to the closing dates specified on the requisition. Vacancies are advertised on the redeployment site for one week. If the vacancy is not filled through redeployment then the central HR Service Centre will automatically post the advert to the external Jobs Opportunities web page and any other websites specified in the requisition. Once the job is advertised, IT Manager is able to review candidate applications online. Candidates will have been requested to submit a CV and a Supporting Statement. He/she can view candidate applications individually as they are received or in one batch following the respective closing date dan set up the interview. Unsuccessful applicants at this stage will receive an automatically-generated email from the system, two days after their status has been changed to ‘unsuccessful interview’.Successful candidates will be indicated as such on the system on candidate status and these will be then taken forward for interview. Once he/she have selected a preferred candidate to appoint, he/she should change that candidate’s status online to ‘Recommendation to Offer’. This will open up the Appointment Form, which will be auto-populated from the requisition where possible. Once he/she determined the details of the contract, he/she should contact the candidate and make a verbal offer. Once those discussions have been completed and he/she believe the offer can now be formally made, he/she can proceed to appoint. At this point he/she should complete and submit the Appointment Form. The submitted appointment form will be automatically sent to the central HR Service Centre, who will produce the Employment Contract. Candidates will receive email copies of their contract and a hard copy pack containing new starter information will be posted to them.