Download - Two Success Stories: Athens Metro and Rio Antrion Bridge




Richard-Nicolas LACROIX

Researcher, Business Consultant

[email protected]


Με ηε ζεκαηηθή ηεο ελφηεηαο ‘‘Project Management: Real Cases (Success & Failure

Stories)’’ ηεο παξνχζαο εκεξίδαο επηδηψθεηαη ε αλάδεημε ηνπ αληηθεηκέλνπ, ηνπ

ραξαθηήξα θαη ησλ απαηηήζεσλ ηεο Γηνίθεζεο Δξγνπ, κέζα απφ πξαγκαηηθά

παξαδείγκαηα, πνπ είηε επέηπραλ κεξηθψο ή νιηθψο, είηε φρη, απνηεινχλ ζεκαληηθή

εκπεηξία θαη θνκίδνπλ πνιχπηπρα δηδάγκαηα ζηνπο ελδηαθεξφκελνπο.

Δκπινπηίδνληαο ηε ζπλνιηθή πξνβιεκαηηθή έρνπλ νπζηαζηηθή ζπκβνιή ζηε

κειινληηθή απνηξνπή ζθαικάησλ θαη αζηνρηψλ θαη ζηε βειηίσζε ηνκεαθψλ

δηαδηθαζηψλ θαη πξαθηηθψλ.

Η ηήξεζε ησλ άξηησλ ζρέζεσλ κεηαμχ ησλ παξαγφλησλ ελφο έξγνπ (ρ.1)

επηηξέπεη ηε βέιηηζηε επηινγή. Βαζηθφηαηε είλαη ε ηήξεζε ηνπ πξνγξακκαηηζκνχ

(Lee) ηφζν ηνπ ρξφλνπ φζν θαη ηνπ θφζηνπο θαηά ηελ εθαξκνγή ελφο έξγνπ (LCPC,

SPG Media), κε δεδνκέλε, αζθαιψο, ηε κέξηκλα γηα ηε δηαζθάιηζε ηεο πνηφηεηαο

απηήο θαζεαπηήο.

Η ππέξβαζε ηνπ ρξφλνπ θαηά θαλφλα επηθέξεη ππέξβαζε ηνπ θφζηνπο (MRAD

Corporation) πνπ, ζπρλά, ζηελ πξνζπάζεηα, κάιηζηα, ζεβαζκνχ ηνπ παξάγνληα ηεο

πνηφηεηαο, θαζίζηαηαη ππεξπνιιαπιάζην ηνπ αξρηθνχ (Πηλ. 1), κε ζπλέπεηα ηελ

επηβάξπλζε ηνπ θξαηηθνχ πξνυπνινγηζκνχ θαη ησλ θνξνινγνχκελσλ πνιηηψλ.

ην παξφλ εμεηάδεηαη κφλν ε δηάζηαζε ηεο πνηφηεηαο ηνπ έξγνπ κέζα απφ

κειέηεο πεξηπηψζεσλ: ην Μετρό της Αθήνας θαη ηελ Γέυσρα τοσ Ρίοσ-Αντιρρίοσ1,

θεξψλπκε ηνπ Μεζνινγγίηε πνιηηηθνχ θαη Πξσζππνπξγνχ ηεο Διιάδαο Χαξίιανπ

Σξηθνχπε, πνπ πξψηνο νξακαηίζηεθε2 ηελ πινπνίεζή ηεο θαη ηε ζχλδεζε ηεο

Πεινπνλλήζνπ θαη ζπγθεθξηκέλα ηεο Αραταο κε ην δπηηθφ ηκήκα ηνπ θεληξηθνχ

θνξκνχ ηεο ρψξαο (Gefyra S. A., Kathimerini News, Combault, SPG Media).

Απφ ηα ζηνηρεία ηνπ Πηλ. 2 φπνπ αληηπαξαβάιινληαη ηα ηερληθά

ραξαθηεξηζηηθά ησλ έξγσλ ησλ δχν θαισδησηψλ γεθπξψλ, νη ρξφλνη θαη ηα θφζηε

θαηαζθεπήο ηνπο, γίλεηαη κηα πξψηε ζχγθξηζε κεηαμχ ηεο Hangzhou Bay Bridge

ζηελ Κίλα (κέρξη πξφζθαηα κεγαιχηεξεο γέθπξαο ζηνλ θφζκν) θαη ηεο 13 θνξέο

κηθξφηεξεο απηήο, γέθπξαο ηνπ Ρίνπ-Αληηξξίνπ.Η ζχγθξηζε ζαθέζηαηα επλνεί ην

πξψην έξγν θη φρη κφλν αλαινγηθά, αιιά θαη ζε απφιπηεο ηηκέο. Δλδεηθηηθά ν

νηθνλνκηθφο ιφγνο ήηαλ πνιχ πην ζπκθέξσλ, κε θφζηνο αλά κέηξν δέθα θνξέο

κηθξφηεξν θαη ρξφλν αλαινγηθά πνιχ πην ζχληνκν σο απνηέιεζκα ξπζκνχ

1 Ο ζπληάθηεο δελ έρεη νπνηνπδήπνηε είδνπο επαγγεικαηηθή εμάξηεζε κε ηνπο θνξείο δηαρείξηζεο ησλ

παξαπάλσ έξγσλ ή κε ηηο αληίζηνηρεο εηαηξίεο κειέηεο θαη θαηαζθεπήο ηνπο.

2 Σελ 29 Μαξηίνπ 1889 ν Σξηθνχπεο αγφξεπζε ζην Κνηλνβνχιην (Παιαηά Βνπιή) ζρεηηθά κε ηελ

αλάγθε γεθχξσζεο ηνπ ζηελνχ Ρίνπ-Αληηξξίνπ (Gefyra S. A.).

θαηαζθεπήο 15 θνξέο κεγαιχηεξνπ. Πξέπεη, φκσο, λα ιεθζνχλ ππφςε νη ηδηαίηεξεο

δπζθνιίεο ππνδνκήο πνπ αληηκεηψπηζε ε θαηαζθεπή ηεο γέθπξαο ηνπ Ρίνπ-

Αληηξξίνπ, ζε πεξηνρή ζεηζκνγελή (Cordis Project, Bell et all) κε επί ηεο εθαξκνγήο

βειηίσζε ηεο ζεκειίσζεο, κεηά απφ απξφβιεπην πεξηζηαηηθφ αζηνρίαο εμαηηίαο

ζεηζκηθήο δξάζεο πνπ είρε σο ζπλέπεηα ζνβαξή θαζπζηέξεζε πινπνίεζεο (Basile,

Bell et all, Pelissie du Rausas, Hytiris & Kominos, SPG Media). Σν έξγν, πάλησο,

νινθιεξψζεθε θαη εγθαηληάζηεθε ηέζζεξηο (4) κήλεο ελσξίηεξα ζπγθξηηηθά κε ην

αξρηθφ ρξνλνδηάγξακκα. Πέξαλ ηεο αμηφπηζηα αληηζεηζκηθήο θαηαζθεπήο (Infanti,

Papanikolas et. all), επηζεκαίλεηαη ε πξνβιεπφκελε αληνρή ηεο (Pararas, SPG

Media) ζε αλέκνπο ηαρχηεηαο 250 ρικ./ψξα θαη ζηελ πεξίπησζε πξφζθξνπζεο

κεγάινπ ηάλθεξ ζην ζψκα ηεο γέθπξαο (Gefyra S. A.).

Η Γέθπξα Ρίνπ-Αληηξξίνπ (Δηθ. 1, 3α,β,γ) νινθιεξψζεθε ην 2004, κεηαμχ Ρίνπ

(πιεζίνλ Πάηξαο) θαη Αληηξξίνπ, ε νπνία ζπλδέεη ηελ Πεινπφλλεζν κε ηε δπηηθή

επεηξσηηθή Διιάδα (θαη πξνο βφξεηα κε ηελ ινηπή Δπξψπε). Καηαζθεπάζηεθε απφ

ηελ Γαιιηθή εηαηξία Vinci. Έρεη κήθνο 2.280 κ., ελψ καδί κε ηηο πξνζβάζεηο 2.880 κ.

Η γέθπξα πεξηιακβάλεη θαη πεδφδξνκν/πνδειαηφδξνκν, ε ρξήζε ησλ νπνίσλ

απαιιάζζεηαη πιεξσκήο δηνδίσλ. Η κφληκε ζχλδεζε κε ηε γέθπξα εμαζθαιίδεη:

κείσζε ηνπ ρξφλνπ δηέιεπζεο ζηα 5 ιεπηά (ζε ζχγθξηζε κε ηνλ κ.ν. ησλ 45 ιεπηψλ

κε ηα νρεκαηαγσγά πινία πξηλ ηελ θαηαζθεπή ηεο γέθπξαο), δηέιεπζε κε άλεηεο θαη

αζθαιείο ζπλζήθεο θπθινθνξίαο, ζπλερή ιεηηνπξγία αλεμαξηήησο θαηξηθψλ

ζπλζεθψλ. Η ζεκαζία θαη ε αξηηφηεηα ηνπ έξγνπ (Fig. 2a, b, c) αλαγλσξίζηεθε θαη

κε ηελ απνλνκή ηεζζάξσλ (4), έσο ζήκεξα, δηεζλψλ βξαβείσλ ζηνλ θαηαζθεπαζηηθφ

ηνπ θνξέα.

Σν 1991 μεθίλεζε ε θαηαζθεπή ησλ δχν γξακκψλ ηεο «Αηηηθφ Μεηξφ» (ηφηε

Κνηλνπξαμία «Οιπκπηαθφ Μεηξφ»). Γεκηνπξγήζεθαλ νη δχν γξακκέο Μεηξφ (2 θαη

3), γλσζηέο σο «κόκκινη» θαη «μπλε» γξακκή, αληίζηνηρα, νη νπνίεο ηέζεθαλ ζε

ιεηηνπξγία ην 2000 (Χάξηεο 1). Η νινθιήξσζε ηνπ (έσο ηφηε) έξγνπ είρε

πξνγξακκαηηζζεί γηα ην 1997, σζηφζν δπζρέξεηεο ιφγσ απαηηήζεσλ γεσινγηθνχ

ππνβάζξνπ, αιιά θαη νη επί ηεο εθαξκνγήο ηξνπνπνηήζεηο κε ζηφρν ηε δηάζσζε ή

αλαδήηεζε άξηηνπ ηξφπνπ δηαρείξηζεο αξραηνινγηθψλ ζεζαπξψλ ή ηνπ αξραίνπ

πδξνδνηηθνχ θαη απνρεηεπηηθνχ δηθηχνπ, ζε ζεκεία πνπ δελ ήηαλ επρεξήο ε εθ ησλ

πξνηέξσλ εθηίκεζε, νδήγεζε ζε θαζπζηέξεζε ηνπ έξγνπ θαηά ηξία έηε. Δλδηαθέξνλ

παξνπζηάδεη ε εμέιημε ηεο θαηαζθεπήο ηνπ κεηξφ, κε επεθηάζεηο θαη ζηηο δχν

γξακκέο ηνπ θαη ηε δεκηνπξγία επηπιένλ ζηαζκψλ έσο ζήκεξα. Σα ηερληθά

ραξαθηεξηζηηθά θαη νη θαηαζθεπαζηηθέο ιεπηνκέξεηέο ηνπ κε ζηφρν ηελ αληαπφθξηζε

ζε ζεηξά απαηηήζεσλ (εμππεξέηεζε θνηλνχ θαη πξφβιεςε γηα κεηαθνξά πνδειάησλ,

ηθαλή ηαρχηεηα, πγηεηλή θαη αζθάιεηα, πξφζβαζε ΑκεΑ θαη εκπνδηδφκελσλ,

αλαθαίληζε ζηαζκψλ θαη ηδηαίηεξα ησλ ζηαζκψλ αληαπφθξηζεο, δεκηνπξγία λέσλ

ζηαζκψλ ή αλάπιαζε ππαξρφλησλ ζηαζκψλ, ειεχζεξσλ ρψξσλ θαη ρψξσλ πξαζίλνπ,

δεκηνπξγία νξγαλσκέλσλ ρψξσλ ζηάζκεπζεο ΙΧ θαη πνδειάηνπ, ελίζρπζε

ζπζηήκαηνο ζπλδπαζκέλσλ κεηαθνξψλ, δηαρείξηζε θαη πξνβνιή αξραηνινγηθψλ

επξεκάησλ, θ.ά.) ην θαζηζηνχλ έλα απφ ηα κεγαιχηεξα ζπγθνηλσληαθά θαη

πεξηβαιινληηθά έξγα ζηε ρψξα.

Κχξηνο ζθνπφο ηνπ έξγνπ ήηαλ ε κείσζε ηνπ θπθινθνξηαθνχ θφξηνπ ζηελ

Αζήλα, ε απνθπγή ζπλσζηηζκνχ ζην θέληξν θαη ε κείσζε ηνπ ρξφλνπ κεηαθίλεζεο

κέζα ζηελ πφιε, ην νπνίν επηηπγράλεηαη κε κέζε ηαρχηεηα 80ρικ./ψξα θαη κε κ.ν.

ρξφλνπ κεηαθίλεζεο απφ ηνλ έλα ζηαζκφ ζηνλ επφκελν κφιηο 1ιεπηφ.Παξάιιεια,

ράξε ζηελ θαηαζθεπή ηνπ κεηξφ πινπνηήζεθε ε κεγαιχηεξε αλαζθαθή ζηελ

πξσηεχνπζα (79.000 η.κ. έσο ηφηε) πνπ έθεξε ζην θσο πεξηζζφηεξα απφ 50.000

αξραηνινγηθά επξήκαηα απφ ηε λενιηζηθή έσο ηε ζχγρξνλε επνρή. πλαθφινπζα

εληζρχζεθαλ επίζεο νη ηνκείο ηνπ πνιηηηζκνχ θαη ηνπ ηνπξηζκνχ.

Καη ηα δχν απηά ζπγθνηλσληαθά έξγα, εθηφο απφ ηα ηερληθά ραξαθηεξηζηηθά,

ηελ ηήξεζε πςειψλ πξνδηαγξαθψλ αζθάιεηαο θαη αληνρήο, θαηαζθεπάζηεθαλ ζε

πνιππνίθηιεο (εδαθηθέο, ηερληθέο, ζεζκηθνχ πιαηζίνπ, γξαθεηνθξαηηθέο, αληηδξάζεηο

κεξίδαο ηνπηθψλ παξαγφλησλ, θ.ά.) δπζρεξείο ζπλζήθεο, ππεξθέξαζαλ αξρηθέο

αηέιεηεο, αζηνρίεο ιφγσ αλσηέξαο βίαο επί ηεο εθαξκνγήο, αληηκεηψπηζαλ ην

απξφβιεπην, αιιά εμππεξεηψληαο πνιχ ηθαλνπνηεηηθά ην θνηλφ, ζπκβάιινληαο ζηελ

αληηκεηψπηζε ηνπ θπθινθνξηαθνχ θφξηνπ θαη ζηε κείσζε ηεο ξχπαλζεο θαη ηεο

ερνξξχπαλζεο θαη εληζρχνληαο άκεζα θαη έκκεζα ηελ πεξηθεξεηαθή αλάπηπμε,

αλήθνπλ ζηα πην δεκνθηιή ηνπ ηνκέα ηνπο εληφο Διιάδαο θη φρη κφλν,

δηθαηνινγψληαο θαη ηεθκεξηψλνληαο απνιχησο ηηο ηζηνξίεο επηηπρίαο ηνπο!


Athens Hilton, 17 December 2011


Richard-Nicolas LACROIX

Researcher, Business Consultant

[email protected]



τήμα 1. Οη ζρέζεηο ησλ παξαγφλησλ ελφο έξγνπ ΠΗΓΗ : J.Bouris & R.Lacroix


(ην παξφλ εμεηάδεηαη κφλν ε δηάζηαζε ηεο πνηφηεηαο ηνπ έξγνπ)

Πίνακας 1

Έργα Ολσμπιακών Αγώνων Αθήνας 2004 –κόστος και σπέρβαση 1 από2

ΠΗΓΗ : Καζεκεξηλή 03.03.2007 θαη επεμεξγαζία ζηνηρείσλ απφ J.Bouris & R.Lacroix.

Έργα Ολσμπιακών Αγώνων Αθήνας 2004 –κόστος και σπέρβαση 2 από2

ΠΗΓΗ : Καζεκεξηλή 03.03.2007 θαη επεμεξγαζία ζηνηρείσλ απφ J.Bouris & R.Lacroix.

Πίνακας 2


Υάρτης 1.Σν 1991 μεθίλεζε ε θαηαζθεπή ησλ δχν γξακκψλ ηεο Αηηηθφ Μεηξφ (ηφηε

Κνηλνπξαμία «Οιπκπηαθφ Μεηξφ»). Γεκηνπξγήζεθαλ νη δχν γξακκέο Μεηξφ (2 θαη 3), γλσζηέο

σο «κόκκινη» θαη «μπλε» γξακκή, αληίζηνηρα, νη νπνίεο ηέζεθαλ ζε ιεηηνπξγία ην 2000.




The railway line in Athens dates from 1869. The first subway line in

Athens – and its only subway line until 2002 – dates from 1930. Then the

population of the city was 450,000. Today 2011 the population is

3,500,000 – of whom 900,000 live in central Athens.

In 1987, a call for tenders was launched to build Lines 2 and 3. It was only

in 1991 that a contract between Greece’s ministry for public works and the

European consortium Olympic Metro (bringing together 22 Greek,

German, and French firms) was signed.

Work began in November 1991 and, according to the contract, should have

ended in 1997. However, a series of unforeseen circumstances held the

worksite back for during several months.



The project‟s main objective was to reduce traffic congestion in Athens

by opening up a new, quick transportation channel connecting the old town,

business district, and residential sectors. Subway traffic frequency at peak

hours is one train every three minutes travelling at 80 km/hr.

Extending the Athens subway was also designed to reduce significantly the emission of

pollutants that harm the city‟s archaeological sites.

Another goal was to shorten travel time within the city. On average,

travelling by car from Dafni, at the southern terminal of Line 2, to

downtown requires 30 to 45 minutes; on the subway, the same journey

only takes 9 minutes.

Construction of the two tunnels has entailed comprehensive archaeological

digs that have uncovered numerous sites of historical interest. The art

objects that were uncovered continue to be present even after the end of the

project. Indeed, three stations feature modern or antique art displays.



The project called for the construction of two subway lines over a seven-

year span: a 9.2-km north-south line; an 8.4-km east-west line; and 21


Initially, two tunnel-construction methods were selected: TBM-assisted

excavation for the most part and NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling


Unfortunately, geological and organizational problems disrupted the

established work program, resulting in delays.

As a result of multiple tectonic shifts, the Athenian subsurface soil is

complex. Initial estimations, which served as a starting point for the

project, proved to be inaccurate. Two years of further study were needed to

establish a reliable assessment of the area’s subsurface properties for the

purpose of excavation.In general, Athens schists (or levels of sedimentary

subsoil) offer good cohesion, but other subsoils in the area offer much

less uniform hold, which resulted in rock slides along the first TBMs

excavation path and a slowdown in the tunnel-boring process.



12/14/11 VINCI Construction Grands Projets - Lines 2 and 3, Athens Metro

Athens has been continually inhabited over the last 9,000 years, with

successive eras of its history preserved in incremental layers of subsoil.

The subway lines run below the historical heart of the city. Accordingly,

many precautions were taken to prepare for the passage of the TBMs

below, or in close proximity to, historical monuments.

In the process, archaeological sites were uncovered, notably a Roman

bath in perfect condition with its water basin and heating system

embedded in the floor. These discoveries were excellent news for the city,

but they did slow down work.




Work dates: November 1991 to December 2002 (133 months)

Excavation: 2,500,000 m3

Total concrete volume: 7,000,000 m3

Reinforcing steel: 45,000 t

Number of TBMs: 2 (Styx and Persephone)

TBM diameter: 9.5 m

Length of TBM: 140 m

TBM rotation speed: 0 to 4 revolutions per minute

Length of platforms: 110 m

Length of Line 2: 9.22 km

Length of Line 3: 8.38 km

Total track length: 43.2 km

Electrical feed: 750 V continuous current with a third rail

Surface of the depot: 120,000 m2



Εικ. 1. Η Γέθπξα Ρίνπ-Αληηξξίνπ νινθιεξψζεθε ην 2004, κεηαμχ Ρίνπ (πιεζίνλ Πάηξαο) θαη Αληηξξίνπ, ε

νπνία ζπλδέεη ηελ Πεινπφλλεζν κε ηε δπηηθή επεηξσηηθή Διιάδα (θαη πξνο βφξεηα κε ηελ ινηπή Δπξψπε).

Καηαζθεπάζηεθε απφ ηελ Γαιιηθή εηαηξία Vinci. Δρεη κήθνο 2.280 κ., ελψ καδί κε ηηο πξνζβάζεηο 2.880 κ.

Η γέθπξα πεξηιακβάλεη θαη πεδφδξνκν/πνδειαηφδξνκν, ε ρξήζε ησλ νπνίσλ απαιιάζζεηαη πιεξσκήο

δηνδίσλ. ΠΗΓΗ:


The Rion-Antirion Bridge is built in an area with high seismisity, Each endof the bridge sits on an opposite side of the expanding Corinthian Gulf rift zone.

Measuring 2,880 meters long and 28 m wide, the Rion-Antirion Bridge isconsidered to have the longest continuous, cable-stayed, fully suspendeddeck in the world, measuring 2,252 m in length.

Each of the four vertical structures are constructed with pylons that restupon 90 m diameter, reinforced concrete caissons that sit upon a gravellayer on the sea floor, 60-65 m below the surface. A typical vertical structuremeasures 220 m high from the sea-bottom to the pylon head.

By May of 2004, main construction was completed and the bridge wasinaugurated on August 7, 2004, a week before the opening of the 2004Olympics in Athens, Greece. The Olympic torchbearers were the first to crossits length.

The bridge reduces travel time across the straight from 45 minutes (viaferry) to less than 5 minutes (by car).


The project‟s total cost was 630,000,000 euros and financing for the bridge was securedby way of using 10% share capital, 45% state financial contribution and 45% from loansfrom the European Union’s financial institution, the European Investment Bank,guaranteed by a group of commercial banks (Gefyra, 2007).

On April 13, 2005, the Rion-Antirion Bridge was given “The Outstanding CivilEngineering Achievement (OCEA)” award by the American Society of CivilEngineers (ASCE). The first time, since 1960, that the award had gone to a projectoutside of the United States!!!

Other awards include: the prestigious “Outstanding and Innovative Lighting DesignsAward” (2005) given by the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD);

“The Outstanding Structure Award of 2006” given by the International Associationfor Bridge and Structural Engineering and

“The Outstanding Project Award 2007” given by the Deep Foundations Institute.


The Gulf of Corinth in Greece is one of the most seismic regions in Europe and

contains one of the fastest opening, geological rift zones in the world. The north-south

expansion rate near the project site is about 1.6 cm per year

(Cordis Project, 2005; Bell, McNeill & Henstock, 2006).

The results of a three-year GPS survey confirms that the land masses the rift zone move constantly

and independently of one another up to 5.2 cm per year (Hytiris & Kominos, 2001).

Profiles of the seabed along the proposed site of the bridge showed steep slopes on both sides and a long

horizontal plateau, about 60-65m below sea level. Geological investigations indicated that the depth of

the sediments are composed mainly of thick layers of clay, mixed in some areas with fine sand and stilt

at depths of more than 500m. Additionally, explorations of the seabed to a depth of 100m, encountered no

bedrock (Gefyra, 2007; LCPC, 2007).

Rigorous safety criteria had to be incorporated into the design of the bridge.

mitigation to ensure structural integrity of tilt in case of an earthquake,

mitigation to sustain the impact of an 180,000-ton tanker moving at 16 knots (a horizontal

impact load equal to 28,000 tons), mitigation to withstand high velocity windstorms.

A stringent design for seismic loading, set forth by the Greek government, required that the

integrity of the bridge withstand peak ground accelerations equal to 0.48 G, and maximum

spectral accelerations equal to 1.20 G for between 0.2 and 1.0 second (Gefyra, 2007).


The main bridge and deck: fluid viscous dampers and fuse restraints -mitigating the effects of wind, seismic tectonic movements, seismic activity and rift and thermal expansion.

Fig. 2a.To limit pendulum movement during an earthquake,

viscous dampers and a fuse restraint, installed in parallel, anchor’s the

deck to the top of each pier. (Gefyra, 2007)

Fig. 2b. Bridge under construction: fuse restraints & dampers installed

on a main pylon. The special fuse restraint system allows for length


(Wikipedia, 2007)

Fig. 2c. A transition Pier, the same for both the Rion and Antirion

sides, links together the deck of the cable-stayed bridge with the

deck of the approach viaducts (Gefyra, 2007)


The Rion-Antirion Bridge is truly an architectural and engineering

marvel. It is the longest continuous cable-stayed, fully suspended deck in the

world (2,252 m in length). The massive four pylons measure 220m (slightly

smaller for the outer two) from the sea bottom to the pylon heads and rise to

elevations of 155m above sea level, providing ample shipping clearance

(52m in height) at the center of the gulf between the two largest pylons.

The Bridge has been built to:

1. withstand the collision of a 180,000-ton oil tanker travelling at 16 knots

(a horizontal impact load equal to 28,000 tons),

2. winds of up to 250 km/hour,

3. deck movements from seismic activity of up to 2m in all directions

between two adjacent piers and tectonic fault spreading of about 1.6 cm

per year (2-5m in 125 years).

Lastly, with the incorporation of a stringent design for seismic loading, the

bridge can withstand ground accelerations equal to 0.5G, maximum

spectral accelerations equal to 1.20 g between 0.2 and 1.0 seconds and

earthquakes of magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.

Εικ. 3α, β, γ

Photos © C.Carayannis 2007

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