Download - The Visual Language of Fortification Facades: The Walls of Thessaloniki



i t s pa t ron in the i l l umina t ions o f tbo Sk ,v l i t zes\ lanuscr ip t , imagc I32 { fo l . l l l v ) and image 257( f o l . 2 l 7 b t . A . G r a b a r . \ 1 . N l a n o u s s a c u s . / - 'illustration du rllirnuscnpt de Skylilzis da la llilyliothique i\tationale de lladrid, Vcnice 1979. 12.

46. On the' represcntotion of St. l )ernetr ius inI l yz r rn t ine Ar t . sec . N. Theotoka, "O er rovo lp<r -qrx<iq rfnoq rou Ayiou Aqprlrpiou otrporr<orrxou xoretpfnnou xnr or olerrxdr.; nopo66oerg r,cov Oouprirtrr ' ' .I lenpayptva tou O' Artevouq Bv(avrrt,o)o1'txouEut'cdpiou /95& r 'ol . I , Athens 1955,4ti2. Kostnn-takopouIou , X t i tpoq xu rdco , lo f io ,30-35 .

47 . Lemer le . - \ I i rac jes .51 . l -1 -15 . A . Kos tan-takopou lou . - { r . rpog ro r I6eo, lo1- ro . 18 .

4t1. "...ryteiq di ro cid4,lov ttitv ttttoqt0an'dr'rorl6pdvttt; xoi r4r' dogd)t:nv lri,l,lou tiq eiruplaetosnpoxpivovwq ixti rairuq notciv BouAeudpe9a xaireiy1 ntpt$aAcir. . . ." , Avr,rr '0pou, I l tpi trpat4yiaq.Three l l i l iLrr,y Treafisc's / text. translat ion. andnotes by Gcorge T. Dunnis, Washington l) .C. 1985.32 l l . 29- 32.

49. l{ . Saradi. "The Ka.l los of the ByzantineCi[y: The l)c.r 'elopment ol ' a Rhetoricl l Topos and


Il jstorical l teal i t l ' ," Ge'sta 3l/ l (1995) (from norv on:Sar ad i . " l(al los") 37-56.

50 . IL \ lagu i re , "The I leau ty o f 'Cas t les : A' l 'enth Centurl ' lnscript ion of a Torver at Constan-t inople". Ae' l t iot- rqq Xprcrr lvtK1.: Ap)iatdoy,tx4qEratpiaq 17 (1993-4): 2l- 24.

5r . ib id .52. C. Foss, I icac.s A Byzantine Capitd and

i l .s"-. Brookl ine \!assachusetts 1996. {fromnorv oni !'oss. rVicaea).

5 3 . K . S t t h a s , , ] I c o o t o l v t x 4 B r B A t o 9 i x n , l -VII. Venice Ltl72-77, l4-l l. 14. Also, Saradi. "liallos",

15-4ti. Foss. .\'icaea. 174-5.5 4 . \ i k e t a s C h o n i r r t e s , N r c e l a e C h o n i a t a e

Historiac, ed. J. Van Dieten. Cf'HB. Series Beroli-ncnsis ( lJerl in, 1977). 434 l . 13, 287 l l . l6- l?. Ont r lanue l Chrvso lo ras ' re fe rence, see. \ l i gne . PG,QLVI/ 2. col. 45A. l 'or the Vita of St. Diomedesu, r i t ten by \1 . I ) lanoudes, see, L . G. Wester ink ,"Trois Textes in6dits sun Saint Diomdde de \ ic6e",.4nalecta Bollandiana- LXXXIV (1966): 182.

55 . I r i s r rn , "Urban l ienersa l " .23- 25 .
