Download - THE JOHNS NfiwS. - Clinton County



NOWCITVIEIIIERfMidi Carriers Be Secured

for St. Johns.


And WHl PrataMy RmcIi the SltJli Hath the Cmalmg Year.

Will Then Ic PMSlNe lo Bare • DcllTery of All Hall Matter.



UUAI. inafl lt•Hrrr>’,mmy mit Im* thr only

I* ilrllrrry «»f On-'^elt* ^iaul'H Irttrm nnd pnprnt and iwrrcda in thia NTCtion, tor tn«rr appears to hr;Tillair** dviivrrv III ■ifrht for St. .lohna. ;At loaat l*oatniaat«*r

lllrunaoii tninka tht* ohancr.. for atwurinH it an* cxi'«*lirnt. anti

la irninH t<» tiy and piact* tlw luattor,In auch shapt* that thr pr«ipl«* of th** town may obtain tht* <*airit*ra for ril* iaip’ ilt*llvfrj* if thry want thorn.

Tht* tlaoal >t*ar for th«* pitatolHci* «lf- ] part mrnt rioaen .\pril Hrat and fmni I thi* rrcripta now in liand it ia found that tht* amount ia orrr S7<mi utm* than laat y«*ar and tht* ttital amount will rcia(*h over Sw.imri. With the three free rural delivert nuitea for extra ft*e<lera ' the p>tatmaater ia of the opinion that the reeeipta of the oftiee the e«>min|r ^ year will exeeeti SKi.ihhi. Thia ia the . minimum amount neot*naarv for ortie«*a i‘**'"'**^**

ineh tioard thr aamr aiae of thr box ahuttld hr nailad upon thr puat. to whieh the Iku ahuuld be aaeurely faal- enrd. It ia alau well to leave a ahtmlder of the poat to mo up on the Iwch aide of the box, to whieh it may be faatenrd.

It will be noticed that the earrier haa a tiaily drive of over tweato-aeven miiea to make. Thia rendnra It abeu< lutely neceaaary that thr iwrriev ahall not lie delayed an inatant at any plane on the mute uninaa it ia neceaeary. Stampa and poatal oarria and envehtpea ean In* purehaaeti of the carrier at any time, init it ia adviaed that a aupply lie purrhaar«i of him ami kept on hand, aa in no oaae will thr oarrier wait while (*arda or Irttera are writ* ten or addrraaetl. He will alau imrry money order applicationa for th«iae alonit the route whieh hr will brinir Ut the poatolHce and have money ord* era iaaued. Kaeh patron muat furniah hia own Imix. Thoae livinir off the nuite who wiali their mall delivere<l at any ptdnt on the route muat place their Imix at aueh place.

When you have mail you wiah Uie carrier t«» collect place it in the mail Im>x and put up a tlafr on thr Imix or hanff a cloth out of the Imix. He will not atop unleaa yon have the MiK- nal out.

Thoai- on thia route who now ffrl their mail at another <illlce ahould at once notify their i*orreApondenta and publiahera of their {lapera to chanip* their addreaa to .St. Johna, Michifraii. U. F. 1).. No. J, tir U. F. 1). N«». 3. aec«inlintf to the route on which you ffrt your mail. Thia ia important, aa. if you do not do it. you are not mi Him* to ffrt your mail promptly. Koiite No. ia the one runninff Mmth w«>at from St. Johna, and Itoute No.3 ia the one runninir northeaat.

Thoae who wiah their mail delivered ahould make out a Hat, U*ffibly writ­ten, of all the fierauna atayinff nt your place, inchidiiiir the namea of all the

and hand or nend the Hat to



WILLBEINFORMIILHen Nnve Been Selected hy Cm>


■I laBaili Partiw.

Batlcr Leads the RepaMIcao Haste sad Keys the DcaMcrats.

where fret* delivery ia in vo|rue. When an olWce ahowa thia amount freetlellv- erj- may Im* aecuretl hy petition if thei people want it.

rhairman Waldmn. of the .St. .Itthna l.anti romany. retumeti .Mtmday fnun a trip to Woahinirttui relative to ^ ehanirra in the puatodiee huiiilinif tie- taila of which wen* oiitlineti in Thki Nxwa two weeka 0^0. The matter' luui lieen previoualy eanvaanetl anti | an inapeettir hoti inveatiiratetl the mat-; ter anti Firat .Vaaiatant I'tiatinaater Heneral I'erry Heath inftimietl .Mr. . W’aldnm tiuriiitr hia viait that he! wtiulii make a formal tinier pnivitiint;; for the chanirea.

The matter will Im* larfrely left ttii Foatmaater llruiiMin. anti the Httletle- taila will ntit In* arraiiirctl until aome inveatiiratlun ia made. The huildintf ia tti lie exteniieti ftirty feet anti a: vault erectetl anti a private tittlee ftir the poatiuoater pnwitUtl in the n*ar of thi* iiuiltiiiiR.

Fniviaitin will lie moile in the atidi* tion ftir the thn*«* new rural earriera ’ and no tioiibt the po*>HibiIity tif villas* ticlivery will lie eonai€lcn*tl while the ehaufn*a an* lieintr made.

The larm* iiiereoM* in liiiaiiieHH in the tifWee. whieli ia an exeellrnt in-, dex to the ita-ai etiiiiHtioii, inenetiur-1 airtnir and eonlain.a .Mime maatm for enntrmt ulation.

An onier liaa lieeii n*e»*lv€*«l fniiii

the jMiatmaater at St, .Itihna at tinac. .\|mi atati* when* your Imix will 1m* lo- i*ated tin the mail, anil the tlat4* when your Imix will 1m* up. Ikin't wait until .\pril Id. Itaai, hut aend in the Hat he- ftin* that time. Unieot* the Hat ia fnmiaheti we shall 1m* unable Ui de- llver,your mail.

Strict attention to the ahon* rulea will faeilitate the arrrice anti make it popular anti t*fTe»*tlve.

.\ny minplainta ahoultl )m* math* tti the fMistiuaater anti will receive pmiiipt .-ittentitin.'*


.AN KI.**IK t'lTlSKS. |

An Klaie writer Mcnda out the ftil-i lowing: “<ieti. W. Itatca. a oitixen tif tliia villain*, ia lielicvcti to htdti the | re«*finl tin lieinir the oldeat eontinuiiua | juatlct* of the jieoet*. and the father of ' the larircat lint* of Maaona in Miehi-1 trail. .Sir. Itatea haa aerrrti oontinii-i tinsly aa jiiatice in iMiplain townaliip for thirty-two yeara anti haa lM*t*n ai meiiiliertif Klaie'a achool Inianl twenty- , aeveti yeara, Hllinir the tiflice aa preai-j tlent every year hut one. He waa a ! charter memtier and ollloer of Klaie iiMlire No. 3.3a, F. .V A. -M.. inatituteti in lati.'t, and haa Hlletl all the Ii*atnntr

The tilepuhliMn cuueua for the miml- nation of townahip tifHcera and delc- iratea Ui the taiunty mnventitm waa cailetl to tirder ut a few minutea after two ii’rltMik Saturday aftemomi hy ('hairroan .Swain. W. H. lirunaon waa electetl chairman and puahed the work with diapatch mi that n«it tiver a half hour waa t*iiDautue<i in inakinir the iiominatiun and ailjoumiiiir. C'.

Vauirhan waa electetl Nccrrtarv anti \V. F. Trump. H. H. Hunt and .Si. .\. Knittin appointetl tellera. The at- tentlanct* waa liirht for a Itepuliliemn ttiwnahip eaucuK. not many over a hundriMl vutera licinir preaent. With the exceptitin of hiifhwuy isimmia- aioner the iitiminationa wen* all made liy ocelaiuation aa followa: .Sii|M*rrinor. Thomaa Itutler; clerk. .\. l*utt; trcaaurcr, JtHicph Cramer; schtMil in* npector. liertmde .Merrihew; juatiei* tif the pcat-t*. full term, lietirm* 11. Manthafl; thret* election inHpectora for liiatrict numlicr thret*. Frcti K. .Swain. WillanI Lyon and T. 11. Clark : raeinlM*r tif the Utani tif review, Frank .Merrihew; ctinMUiblt*a. Itetirm* Hul- licrt. W. M. .Sttiekcr, T. H. Clark anti AnMin Clark.

Tht* tinly contc«t waa on the hiifh- way t-ommiMtioiienthip anti the vtitt* HttMMi aa ftillowa:Stephen K. Hicka........................................(UKufrt*ne Shultcra..........................................4-I

Twelve tlcleinttca wen* electetl tti tht* county t*nnvcntitin which ia to aelcct tlclcipitca to the staU* and cxuiirrra- aitinal eunventitin aa (uilowa; W. .M. Smith. C. C. VauirhaBC, W. H. Ilrun- sun. IL M Winaton. Warner Hiiiitiay. .s. li. Hakoll. Frank Swain, W. .Si. I.M*land. Munlti McDtinaltl. II. I*. Haip*, I'ctcr i'tmmor and 1). 11. Hunt.

ChainuAD BriinMin appiintetl I). H. Hunt, 11. F. liairr and (•. .M. Fetrie aa inembera of the tiiwnhip etimmlttct*.

.\t the Hcmticratic eaucua hchl .Mtin- tlay nfterntNin A. W. |>urki*f waa elet-ietl chairman. <fetir|rc S. Corhit aet*n*tary. (t. Fennell and Williaui Iteifler were ap|a>intetl tellera.

I “When a man haf oner felt the im- I pular of a ItMMUMHlve move Mutmihly I alt»a|r the rsHa at Uie umeh uf hia haou tin the lever, it la hard fm* him to ever betMNue etiutented in a bakery

i tn* anywhere elae. for that matter,: Imt up in the cab in the aoMike and I (fream-. **

It waa (teonre lluberta who apukc., and hr continued: “Kver aintse I left ! the railnuMt 1 liave lawn uneaay ami I diaountented and have airtually not tlared to iret near an enirine for fear I wtiuld aak for a Job the next liav. 1 have heard every train enter and iravr

; our yard here, when other people an* i utterly obllviuua to them. “ .Mr. Kob- erta waa a locomotive eoirineer for aev-

I era! yeara. He had a Umir run out of jChicairo for a tinn* ami afterward ran ' an cnirinc on the Ann Arhur road. He I (rave up the niad after he waa mar- I rir«l ami purehaanl the liakery next to thr pmUoMct*. which he haa Juat

I Hold to Kmcat Clark. '‘There ia a faM*ination tn rmilniadinff, however, which few men ever witiiatand, and 1 know many of my frienda who have trinl other linen of work but they eventually Hoat hack to the noiac and

Idirtami excitement. Of eoume thia I IH iiarticularly true of the euirineerH. “

Mr. Ihilierta viniteii I>urand one dav I laat week and came home with a JoWj I in hia inaidr pocket. He will liavc toi I atart aa ttrrmaii for a time hut will * I Hoon lie ffiven an enirinc. aa he atanda; I well with the Ann .\rliur mail when*' he ia to work. Hr tiaa alrraily moved to the Junction City. .Mr. ami Mra. Itolicrta have made many frienda In. .St. .lohna who reffTct their departure, and they leave with the lieat wlahea

i all ae(|uaintam*ea.

Tint SpBciri Heettaf of Board of SoporvioorB.


TO CONVENE WEDNESDAYM •! m Nstv Pmtmm ti Law Are la be Takaa Up

Tofelhcr WIOi Ur DcstrabUlty of rtnac St aa Eqaltsbk Baste.

on proporty in oae oouiit3’ l*y teaidenta of another county, cunaequently they have eaeaped taxation through neither

pettinir th^. All mortipiirea ahould be taxeil In the county in whieh the holder reaMea and w/pru-1 pom U> put them on the iwlla. V.hi J JMuJd he aurpHaed to know tiow tmre- !??*P^V**,*** *«*imrdlnp murtpuana- : We and hundreda of m'Ttqaifri which Imvr lieen paiil off but no recoid of: ^ aame haa been made, or perhapa j they have Iwen partly paid off. Suom- thi^ may liappen to the man who; m^ the muttiraire and hia widow or i relatlvca do not know that the mort- iratir haa been paid ami after a iwrUin ******ber of vewra the mortfrniP' la re­newed on the hooka and the widow or - relativea Hml


Two Hreo.


Cose by


il ia expected that an informal ape- rial neaaiun of *the Hoard of Supervi- aura will Im* held next week Wrilnea- «lay, to conaider the tax queatiun and to allow the newly elected Huperviaum i

themaelvea hurdennl with thr mortirairea which have Iwen paid. .Many oaaea of thia kind have ueeurrrd. The cheokinir over of mart- ffaifea whieh we are doini^ miw will cki much to atraifrhtcn out thia matter, •a we will look them up to aee why

■re not retumeil for taxation ami th«* reault will he that a reeurd of their payment will be made.

“The people do not

He Declined !• Hare Aaytbinc lo 4o WMB It In Any Shape mr Mawer.

an opportunity to mnfer together and i atand that the preaent law ia «leaiime<i id^'at once

Attorney J. Karle llrown, of thia city, reoeired a telenram laat Saturday

^ from Norman Fowem. of Detroit, to under-1 aayinif that he waa wanted in I.An*

(liacuaa the new featurea of the law and to arrive at Home delinite under- Htandlntf, whereby the name baaia for eatahHaninf valuea may obtain in all the tnwnahlpa.

It will In* rememiiered that the liuanl took af*tion at the January meet ini; and pgaaed a reaolution ree- ommendinir that the newly eleeteii

taxto make it eaaier fur all. The onmmiaaiun doea not want to inereaae thr burden hut Hfrhten it, and if everylMNly inakea a true return they will be Hurpriartl at the reault^ Three retuma will Im* fcinml a ipmmI thini; for they will brini; the -i—rnnirr ami the taxpayer tu|;aShrr in many

Anythin}; which the taxpayer!inemben* meet on the day folluwini; brlieven nhould not Im- on the rollaiwn'eiretion ill npeeial neaeion. and neveraLtbe eaaily adjuateil with the-----------r

If Hueh ia the eaae. Tberi* an* iwarti,tf thr older nuperviann* who an* quite oonHdent uf election an* ver^* lieaimua to have every HUprrviMtr at the meet- ‘ ini; next \V<*dneaday.

Then* ia a feelini; prevalent on the; part of many taxpayers whom Thr i

when* theei* )



At the annual uieetiiii; of the l,adit*a’ Lihrarv .KaaiMriatiun .Mn*. W. A. Nor­ton waa eleeteii prraiflent for the mm- Ini; 3*»-ar. .Mra. 11. .M. Steel viee-preal- ileiit, Mra. K. 11. L.yon aeen-tarv oml Mra. H. K. Mack tn-aaurer. Mra. C, O. Dulkiia and Mra. Cliaa. Fowler Were eleetnl tnen^liera of the exeeutlvi* iMNini for one year and .Mra. (I. \V..Muti|;«*r and Nlm. Kudolph lioette im*mlM*ra of the aaim* iMianl for two yeara.

Knini the report aubmittni hy the Hceretary, .Mra K. 11. Lyon, it waa found that durtiii; the paat year lirj new iMMika havi* iM'cn oildnl to tin* li­bra rv, inakini; a total of S.'.i-T** red- iimea now on the ahelvea or loaiieil out. Then* wen* 3. •dn* iMMtka drawn

if I l^WH haa interviewed, that auch oounu* would he M very excellent thini; fur* the people who pa^* tht* hilla. .\a one ^ man aaid yeaterday: j

“The aaaeaamant nhould he made in every township on exaotl.y the name Itania. Of eoume, we all know that> the law pnividea tor the manner of * takini; the aanenament, ami it ban for' yearn, but nevertheleaa then* haa lieen i a i;rcat <ieal uf latitude taken h^* the aaaeaainK •ifHcera all over the ntate, ' with the reault Shat, in Mime townh, a point much nean*r the eaaii value* liaa lieen the liaaia than in other towna. | Ilf eimroe. thia wnrka an unfair e<|ual-1 ixation on the town wtien* the prop- j erty liaa lM*en aaaeaaeil nrarent to the; true \*alne.


He l>le«l

It waa evident that no nlate liad , during the yi*ar with an averaip* mem-, lieen madi* up and the wtea wen* seat- j lM*mhlp of To meinhem. ahowini; alMiiit terttii;, * ■♦*• iMMika per iuemlM>r. Two new .

For viiperviMir the luillot waa reail ' mrinlMTa wen* aiiiletl dnrinir the year. * Ha folIowH: 11. F. Keya 7. KH .S. Then* wna received from iueiniM>r-: .\dama 1. H. J. I’atterMin 1. It. Fen- lahipa, ilue.a and tinea durini; the year, nell 13. .\. Wheat 4, A. *^V. Durkt-e 3. = •*•3. m», .mil fnmi rent of the najm.

The burial of Ktiwani L. Fvnehon. a former rrMident of St. Johna. which oceurml at Denver laat week, waa made amid exceptionally pathetic clr- cumatancea. Mr. Fytiehon will be re- munlieretl hy many of the older rrai- flenta in .st. Johna ami vicinity, hav-

. J ,1. 1 1 .1. I •**» made hia home with C F. 'WirkeHThe changea in the law and Liw j of the burial the lt<M*kvHharp lookout the Htate tax ,*ommia-j ;vi„untain Nrwa aaid:Mion ia ipiini; to take la iMiund to i-auaeinon- thoniugh and paimiUkioi; work | th.. memhera of theon the part of the Huperriaon* in all ,,a„ regiment in thia city have lo-en i the <*oanttea. , . - omlled upon to attend a funeral of one j

"3 CM. I expect the Ilmnl oi j their depart til .ximnuira. Sad ex-vlwmtomeet in Hpeeial j^.on next cpHonally nail, waa thr funeral aer-j Wi^neMiay. *mld (ounty Clerk SmlUi the n*maina of Frlvate l-kl-

Tiii^xwh hia week, “and nhall be | ^,„1 L. Fynehon. a member of Com- prepai^ to of them when k. which wen- held at thi* Hlen-ithey arrive No official renird of the Htm*t armory yeatenUy after-|tneeilug will he made, aa It waa the Then- waa notintention for the inembera of thr

The tone of thr mea- Haffe waa imperative ami Mr. ilnwm waa surpriaed on arriving in I,anainff to find that he waa wanted h)* the de- fenae in the .Mamh oaae, to act aa go- lietwren for the attomeya and the pnMMHmtiug attorney. The following Hoecial fnun I,anaing explains the aituation:

“Mon*- detaila of the efforta made to get Fruaecuting Attomei- Tuttle to curtail (*ertain IJnea of ilickeratalF’s

exemptiuna an* due and in 1 *•*•»*».'• la-came puldic tialay. TheylacH the return will show the mnke clear one of the imivee

• . that apitarently had for Ita purpoiethe exercise of iiitiuence on Fniseeutor Tuttle, to weaken hia determination that the guilty partiea ahould get their drserta. Fkirl ilmwn, an attorney at St. Johna, Mich., who waa nent for with the idea of having him see l*raa> i*cutor Tuttle, ia a memiMrr of the name eollegi* fraternity aa .Mr. Tuttle—the sigma * Alpha Kpailun. Norman Flowers, son uf Corporation Counsel Flowera. and an offic** aaaociate in De- tniit of Kli U. Sutton, ia alau a mem- lier of that fraternity. All three were in Ann Arbor at the nami* tim**. Karl Ilmwn waa net for and the matter was laid liefnre him with the intimation that, oa he ia a friend of Tuttle he might want to go u> Tuttle and tell him what the defeiiae had to preaent in the matter uf the interview had by Tuttle. llliekemtalT and Hunter. Mr. llrown alloweti hia Ann .Xrlmr frater­nity piedgi* to inffuence him to the ex-



Orekau WIlkoMl Kin Risk red In Wenp nr In May


a relative, not. . 1 ; < II 11 , coeii the miMt remuU*. preaent at theiIkMini lo meet and informally dlaeuaal u^arrml. Thia waa m. for th»

new law. ami to* tji.. deeeaseii haii

•• fh.. -.uai ! ^*** '‘■.vlng ffatly that, aa he iaMr.. »***>?■»>*! Tiittle’a friend, he would have noth-

rlrat (.olo-. with the matter. Ilmwn,it ia aaid, waa aent for by one of hia claaamatea. “

Mr. Ilmwn aaid to Tiik Nkwh yea- tenlay that he iM-liernl that young .Mr. Flowera waa aetuateil hy motivea i-ntirel3' pmper. hut that lie did not Hee an^’ reason why he (Ilmwn) should carry an^* mesasgea or auggea- tioUH of any kind to .Mr. Tuttle.

Li*on Itatea, ami two grandMtna. ('. <1.; and C. (t. ilatea, an* hImi meuilM*ra of' Kiaie liHige. The M|uin* ia uImi a. inemlier of Klaii* village muncH. Tin* auhJiM't of thia aketcii waa lairii ill Norwich, Coiini*eticul. iK-tolier 33. la.’3, wHa marrii*il to Emily KohiiiMin in Ohio in lapi. und haa lieen living at Klaie aiiiia* la*,!. Mrs, Ilatea dii*ii, agtai To. ii -.hort time ago, the tirat to l»Raa iivvny of their family of four ehililn*M mill ti*ii grandehildn*n. The old geiitU*man ia hale mid hearty .*ind liida fair to Ma* a giaiil |Mirtion of the t\vt*ntieth la-ntiiri'. Hia |M*n*»*ption of Inifior and jiialiia* ia mi gn*at that he' ia and ha» 1^1*11 the great arbitration iaiiniiiittt*e of tlila whole aection

uVlirs TA.X ItETI UNKl.air. i*.%l‘Klt IlHOtVN

IM K.IC IT.KtftmiU a|

The Kiaie Sui) tskea a fallout Ilf the jMaipJe of t»vid townahip by a little giHMl-natiireil rnllery at the manner in which Diiplain taxnyera |uiid their taxea. The item in qiieation reaiU:"In the delinquent tax list laime-

another i*i*ho fmin tin* gn*at wave of pmaperity that haa •.truck t»rid. iSir {Naiple havi* not lieen iMiaatiiig of their .rn*at welath. Imt just the aame they have lin*n aide lo {tai* the tax aaaesw-il to Itiiplain in l-w. ex**ept 9:i dog tax Hut our neighlaira to the aoiith wen* evidently* mi buHV lamgratiilating each other on thi* greatly enhaneeii value of their pmperty that they overlookeii the exiHteni*e of aueh all every day mortal aa a tax mlleetor. To judge by tile laiiiiity treaaiirer'a report one would In* leil to lieliere that ttviii pmperty haii greatly depreeiati*il in valiii* or ita )te<iple wen* not very thrifty, which ineana the aame. as that townahip haii •73.3.ft- of lielin- qiient taxea ‘relumnl,’ while llitig* ham. will a mueh larger valuation, re­turned but 9.M4.<33. Westphalia, the boim* of the pmviileiit Iterman. ahoweii every dollar ndlreteil. t-ktsex and Victor returneil but 93 ami 94 dog tax iintailleetnl. W. D. lAtia haa maile a moat enviable record in the two 3*eara he haa haii thr task of ml- Ireting Diiplain township taxes, oa but ••■> or 97 waa returned in 'le*. That's far fmm 973.3. though.**


Washington by Fostmaater llrunMiii !'*!*■• •"**■ Three Mina, L. ti.. C. H. anil to l»egin •s-rviei* on the two new rural mutes April IG. and tin* work of get­ting readi for the new earriera. Chant and Kelly, ia going on aitai*!*.

Fostinaati*r liriinMin iiaa issui*il tin* following letter of instnietion n*ganl- ing the two new loiitea, mention of which haa lMt*n made.

‘i{tiral fret* mail d»*livery will U* In* augumt«*il iit .'tt. Johns on Monday.April Hi. H.aio, on mutes ' .-ind 1.Koiiti* ia lii'M’rilHil as follows,

lli'giuiiitig at the jiostottice in St.Johns theni*i* south on Lansing stni*t two miles, then<*i* east one half niib*. theni*c south threi* inili*s. thi*ni*t* w»*st thr«*e and one-half miles to the soutti- west corner of -.eetion 1. Itlley. thcni*i* north two miles, theiii-i* west one mill*, themi* north one mile, them*** w«-st nn«* mill*. thi*nct* Muith om* mile. theiK*i* west lw«> miles, theiici* imrth two mil«*s then<*i* east to the fair ground ••«*v«*n miles, them*** noith one mill* to the |a»stortii*i*.

Two I'nitiHl .stati*s iron t*ollt*t*tion boxes will l*e plat****! on this route, one seven mili*s west of ,*>1. .lohns on StewanI's lorner. ;ind thi* other on the I'tirner near oral |atstottii*i*.

Ilouti- No. 3 is des<*riIniI as follows;lii*ginning at the |H>stottice in .st.

.lohiis. theiiis'east on .''tala stn*«‘t t**A. W Diirki*t*'s a*orn«*r, tluTica* nortli on .s«*«itt mail one-half mlU*. thent*i eOMt one milt*, thems* north a*na*-hMlf mill*, theius* esHl *>ne mile. tlit*n<*i* north thret*-quartera of h mile, tb«*ni-e weal on thi* angling road tw-o luiit-s. thenct* north to .SberwtsMl M*hiNil htuiM*. tireenbusb. faaiir iiiiii tbn*i*- qnarters miles, thems* eaat to i-logte nehtad Iioiim* two miles, tbeiiee south iHie mile. theni*t* west atne-lialf mill*, thenis* south tuie and one-half miles Ui Heelte isarner. tbenis* east om* mile, theiiee MUith one milt* to Uaawell aehasil hoiiHi*, thence east one mile, tlienei*

smith one and one-half miles. Iheni'i* west one mile, themv* •anith one mile, thenee west to postoffif*e four miles.

Tw#» I'niteii .States iron t*idleetion boxes will Is- plaeni am this raaiiti*. a»iie at SlierwisMi sehiMil house, tlreenbiish. anal the adher at M'Uey’s i*orners, livid ' township.

The mall will leavi* .At. Johns every ^ day except Sunday and legal holidays at nlMMit m a. m. standanl liim*. ilur- ing the slimmer. Next fall or winter the time may Im* changeii to atii-arlier hour. The mail t»n mute No. I will begin Ui leave alMiut the same hour at about that time.

Mall will lie dellvemi to every fhmily on or ailjoeent to thi* alHive mute free of cost, no matter if yi 11 live two miles or mirr off the mute provided only that a suitable Imix Ui reeelve tnair is put directly on the above mute in a place that can l>e convenientiv reached hy the carrier without alighting from his buggy.No mail will he delivered unless a •nitable Iwix is pmviiieil as almve.

O. F. DeWltt 1.There iMiing ma uhoiei* the second

was calitsi anti staaaMi os follows. Kli .S. Adams 31. H. F. Keys 31. Scatter­ing 4.

Mr. Keys was nom1natt*il am the - thirvi liallot as fadlowH: 11. F. Ke^-s 3.3. | Kli .s. .\dams *33. '

The first Itallait fair clerk resulteil as follows; Henry Farr 3. Kli S. .Adams 10. C. K. Van Sickle li. .M. F. Wash- bum *». A. .A. Chick 13.

Tha* secailifl iNlllait for cli*rk stasKi as ! follatws. M. F NA’ashburn •!. L. Farr 3. Kli S. .\tiams j, .\. .\. Chick P.C K. Van Sick la* 3u.

.Till* thini laallait faar clerk stasMl as follaiws, nauninating .Mr. A’an Sickli*:C K V.'in Sickle 4s. A. Chick 3,

The vote for ln*asnn*r follaiws; W K. taa-gler .1. K. C. Ib-xter 1, iteorgi Knn*her I. Kli S. .\daiiis H..1. .\. A. Chick 4. Carl Wih-aix D. Farr 3, .\lfnil W anl 14.Fnrr 7.

Mr. M'ilt*ii\ wMs iiaiininatiHi aiml Itallait.

The faillaiwing aartlcers Wi*n* by aa-i-l.’itiintiain . .Iiistii-e aif the |M*ai*i*. tieorgi* W Ksles; election inspeetona. .\, D Mci hIh*. \N K. taa*g|«T and H, •I. Fatti-rsoii

the features of the arrive, if piNwiible.•143. making 930h.fio in all. .Mrs. L.

L. Conn, the Irmnir-rr submitteil tht* following re|Mirl .*Ualanee ain hanal Marrh t.lHtm......$ !I4 o5 : , ,, ...Ita^lTsal fraaiii laem-tary ilnrlnx year, ^os ho Jiaraphemnlla. ami It w

......................... 37 <Mi ineonvenieiice for thetIntenHii am nairtcsici*.

Ta.lsl....................Hlaliursrtnenla ............................I'ash am banal Marrii to, IlMMi

llesefTr Funal.Aniaiunt tn KavInK* bank .......

froin Mrs. H Klp|> ......Tfitsl tn maervr

.••JIM* Hft. HiT'.M• lot •«4•4)a 07

.fPla'I 07

THE OMEiNA I.VNTO in’: 4-ONIM'l-TKIi lit HT. .lOilNs


tfiHirgi* W. Ftilfrey has elosiHi a i-ain* tract for the managi-ment aif the tmiena Inn. at (•nieiiM village up alsive TrnverM* City and aemss Trareme Hay fmm Charlevaiix. it is a pictiireM|ut* HfMit ami the liaitei is Hlleil with tour- isUi fmm all |Mirts of the I'niteii Mates t*aeh summer. The Inn, whieh was i-n-etiHl in IsaMi. was thought to Im* sufficient for Mime timi* to come, hut it pniveil entirely inniltH|uate to ae-

im-iiilier of the laiani of ' iionimMlati* the influx of reMirters whi

Farker 13, L. Henry


at an (H|uitalde liaais for assesnnient. A’uii know the.v ban* to coim* in during the week in any event for their rolls and taxing

ill thus Im* no them and Hurely

world. He

reason 1 not a relative'

was truly an or- j

review. Falwan) Ilmwn; i*i>nstaliles. Charles l(i*eva*s. .lohn Crichton. Walter .*sniith ami .\mtis Falmer.

Thi* following ilelegales to thi* isiiinty isinventlon wi*n* a-leefiil; .1.H. Feilewu. W. H, I'astle, .\. W Dur- kee, 11. .1. Fatti-rMin, .1, Fkirb* Hmwn, l.yinan Farr and A. .\. Chick.

L. D. Farr. M. F Washburn and H. tianiner iven* eleeti*il townsbip isim* initti-i*.

Hr tVa* m *M*l«tlrr,Till* sudden death of D«*vter It.

Fmper. of ttrid, tvas mentioiieal In la%t wi*ek *s News. Air. I’mper was Imm in Uoyaiton. Niagara t-ounty. New A'ork, Xovi-iulier '314, |s'3tl. itn .Inly 1. I*i4l*.he was inarrieii to Itiiena D. .Maynani, of .Aliliville. New A’ork. In the fall of 1H.33 they inoveil tii .AI iiliileburt'. Shiawasaei* county, where they residni until 1H7I when they remoreii tnttvid. Mr. FrofM-r enlisteii in t ompany K. 34th .Mich. Vol. Inft. in I<«ii3 and serveil his country until honoarbly disehargril at the rloMe of the war. For yearn he has lieen a mem tier of tieo ,V. AVinatis Font and hail many frienits among the Mildiers as well as in other circles He leaves a wife ami thret* ehililreu, Clarence K., of ( hesa- ning, J. Frank, of ttwiMwo, ami Airs, ts. I'armenier. Another son. Jay. dinl in infancy. The funeral was ninducted at the hoim* .Moniiay after- niMin. Ih*. .AI. M. .Martin ofHciaing. Interment in Maple tirove.

; Miught its shelter, and at the cIom* of : last seaMin extensive alterations and j improvements wen* nt onei* liegiin. 'Phe capacity of the dining nMun has liet*n doiibliHl, a largi* niitnlier of spa-

: cioiis sleep!ng moms and Hh> feet of linmii veranda aildeii. In-sides inanx other i-haiiges. Itmena Inn is lin-ateil close to the lieach anti lias always lieen diHtinguiHhiHl for its excellent

ought Ui lieargiMNl fruit.**’Phe ta.v mils this year differ very

materially in one reapeet fmtti thost* of past years, that is, haring an atl- ditional ndiimn on the page for the fixing of the valuation by the state Isiani of tax (-ommisHioners after the Uianl of review has paHstti upon the aaM-ssmeiits. Hy this thi* tax|Miyer has an .appeal after the iMiani of re­view luu> passtHl upon his assessment. If hi* is not satisHeii tlie matter can Im- plac-isl liefon* the stati* iMiani of tax commissioners, who will n*vit*w the matter, and if they consider that the matter has not lin-n i*orreetly assesseil. the reriM-il assessiiieiit will In* plac«*il in the new column for that piirpoM*

If the state Iniani of assessors liniis that an osM^ssing offlt*er has not done his duty in the .assessment of mort­gages. etc., reportinl to him hy the stall* iMiani. it has the authority* to go over the mil and place the matters on the mil whieh he may have ainiittiHl. The as*it-ssiiig ortii*«*rs ttimiighoiit tin* state will, however, attempt to aoin- ply with thi* law ami the nH|uin*ment <if the stall* iMianl.

The tax cvtramisNioti is investigating the work of the siiperviMirs and asM‘s> sors in all tin* mon* iiu|Mirtant mnn* ties of till* state. In liiM-ussing the tax problem Cummissioner llobt. Oak- iimn said:

“A'ou woiiltl he surprisdl to know the -ichenies ami methiMis iiseii to es-cuisim* ami miMiernti* rates

•Mr Fulfn*y and family will open e«|M* taxation, and kinds of people wImi the houM* Mitm* time in Ma\. the exact attempt to evaik* taxation. Thev alltime de|M*nding to M>me extent on the HeOMin. They will lean* .st. Johns with the lM>Ht wishes of their many frienda. The hotel will make a de­lightful place for .St. Johns fMHiple to HU»p.

“(MT OF si(;iirIs Al.l. tIik RRAT in l*ri.lUIMAHR-s



a dwelling house ami ftnir lots at an Hueh a Is.x should be of galvaninst 1 ■dvanee of ffTtv* from the price he Iron eighteen inches Ittng. seven I P®*** •<*** •**»« .'•*•»■ air* Besides,inches high ami water tight, with an r^rrtm ais»nt eight acresIron bar Udted on the under side of! ••"«** which will pmlMihly hethe lid at the botUmi Ui keep the lid |d«t‘ril inUi village lota, tither prop- from blowing up. I win also approve *‘*^y *»• ■» higher ffgnrrs than aof the tsixes whieh are mm kept by i ^♦*'» years agit ami we have reosim to Hpaulding A Co,, and Fowler .1 Hail in Nt. Johns, which I will md at­tempt to describe, as it will tokr tiMt much spare

The top of the post uptm which the mail box staods shoulil l>e four feet ,from the level ground upon which thei B«ru, U» Mr. andanrrier'a hm$tty oUnthi when he iaiff*' Dr—nhnahgntilng thr mail into the bos. An

Cl—rettes al Mae*** naetto.According to the .Maple llapids Dis-

■ ■' patch two youngsters in that villageIn mnvrrsation with a resilient of * are said tit be sick from cigarette

Maple Kapids thia week he—id lo Tiik Mm*king. Neveral others are pale as .Nrws*. “K—I estate has advanceil ghoaU. and th—physicians say it ia wonderfully in our village daring the «*••“»«• >».▼ exeesaive indnigencr in IMxst year. ' Hidirrt C. Ume rceantly »«haeeo. Not long ago. says the Dis- Mdd a pieer of property cnnalattog of patch, the son of a well known min

feel that our town ia Impnwing imtrr wava than one All we want now to, moWe a miNlel little rraidener village, is the eleetrir ruin ad fnun l«anaing. *'j

A TVa KssaC ns«.

ister in a neighboring community practicest the Itablt U> such an extent that he ahiMtli like a leaf when he ernae from his heil of mornings, and aould not drms himself until he hod steadied his nerves with a pmlimged smoke. After inhaliog a tmlf doacn cigarettes he wiMild he os gay as a lighting chicken, amt his parents srerr 1*^ to Itelieve It was simply on exu- lieraner of mhust health.

Will itoea R«m*

T. Kwing'a

Kvery M-rap of meat in Fflegharr*s market is now kept in the cold sUir- age The rocks have lieen taken ilown amt the place might Is* mistaken for a ston* of Mime kind if it were not for tiu* stock whieh can Im- Hern thritugh the windows of the big re- frlgeraUir. “This is thr latest meth- imI of earing for meaU of all kinds.** said .Mr. Ffirgharr. “All of the large city markets have adoptni this meth- )n1. It is so much cleaner and better. When thr sweeping is ikme all of the meats are away from thr dirt in the air ami thus sweet and el—n when wrappeii up for customem. .Ami what is very important is the fact that the meats ck> mit liecome dry on the out­side si> that they conk uneven, but they are moist ail the way through oml are tender amt smooth. Mr. Wil­liam IkNid. who Just rvtunwd from Knglond, says that all of the better markets In the metropolis are thus ar­ranged oml that m> m—t Is kept out on the rocks or hooks. We feel that lA is cleaner and better in every way and that our eustomera will appreciate the change *'

take a wrong light of the matter. They do not seem to understaml that when all an* assessed alike the bunleii

I will not he Ml heavy on the individual.I ThcM- tax diNlgers an* the fellows we an* after ami if they iki not i-oim* up to time we will make them. Thest* new statements." said Mr. tNxkman. referring to a list of twenty-five ques-

i tions, •-cover the matter very i*i»m- pletely. and they must )m* sworn to. They will Im- sent to everyone and then* Is almost m> one who will not have Munething to return iimler the seheilule. <tf course there are exi-ep- lions. such os the limit of 9.34h» on household fumitun*. •KMt on me- <*hanies' tiM>ls ami others, m* that in many ivutrs the return of theM* blanks will m>t mean taxation, but it is the large Hsh that we are more particu­larly after. Why. then* are firms do­ing business whimt in the post it has iMM-n aloMMt imptswible to assrm. A’on couid go into their stores, siaej up their stock and they would tell you it was worth, say itoai. but they would ftcelare that m m>U* for the full nNild not he taxeii

' in the ' phan.

.Another very- impresaive fcatun* of the funeral of the Mddier was that the some officer who leil the ohargi* of the

■ iNittli* of Mariquina in the Fhilip- ‘ pines, in which Fynehon reex-ived the wound whieh ws’t him his life. Ini the priMVssion which escorteii the rv-

' mains of the gallant young soldier to the grax-i* at Fnirmount eemeterx'. This officer was Lieutenant Ixtwfs. He was in eoramand of Company K on the day of the liattle. and Ini the charge on the insurgents when Fyneh­on fell mortally woundeii. Lieutenant Lewis walkeil by the side uf Hrigaiiier (trneral Hale at the heail of the one hundml mcnilM-rs of the First Colo- raiio volunteers and the other military organi/atioos whieh foilownl thet«is- son iMNiring the remains.

The funeral servlt-es at the annurx' were ixmdueteil hy Key. Thomas A. I'xzeil. of the Ftstnle’s talN-rnaele. and the choir of the ehureh sang several numbers. Kev. .Mr. ('zxelI spoke touch­ingly of the young man who had given up his life for his <H>untrv. He spoke of his exemplar^ civil life licfore he joineii the regiment whieh he aeeom- IMtniiHl to the far aivny islands of the Fhilippines.

The funeral was t*onilueti-d with military honors thri»ughout. liiiards wen* stationeii at the casket fmm the time it n-aehi*il the armory until it, was removeii. The Horal' offerings were iuan>. the iNxsket iwing hidden iN-neath pillows and other designs.

The palllMNin-rs wen* isimiMiseii of two memlu-rs of ('ompany K and four civilian frienits of the <iei*easeil. I*ri- vates lleltim ami Humphrey and ■ .Mesars. .steailley. .Sehontx. i'iannon , anil Senu. The tiring M|uail was made up of eight raemlwrs of the First ('okmuio volunteers in ehargr of (’or-: piual Vanei-. “ 1






i-kiwin R. Sanford, a former rcoi- dent of .St. Jithns. dieii suddenly at his home in (twosMo yestenlay mi»m- ing. AA'hile Mr. .SanfonI iioil iMwn in |MMir health for Mtme time he was at work as usual during the morning. He ate a hearty breakfast and waa token MM>n after with neuralgia of the stomaeh. He was engagni in Nt. .lohiis in the shiH* business and rr- iiioveii to OwoNMt alMMit fourteen years ago. He was an active metniN-r of the Mom mil* fraternity, hoiiiing a mem* lN*rship in the .st. Johns liltie ■..iMlge and ('hapter. No arrangements have l»een made os vet for the funeral.

lN-«ru. itlHer* l*s>' for It.A thing worth knowing is how to

make iMtstrx- like mother um*i1 to make, 'rheri* is at The Hig ston*. a tsstking ex|M-rt who is n-vealing the cliNicst- kept sei'n*ts of jmstry t*ooking. She is then* oiivertising None-Sueh Minor .Meat and Frepanxl Fiimpkin. to Im sure, hut she is an aix-omplishni |iast- ry ixM>k and knows the art of telling others what she kiii>ws. She is giv­ing away information that ts>st money

a lot of it hut it is dime so gra- eioiisly that the learner does not feci at least under ismipllnient to the origin­ators of this unique ailvertisement. It is really womlerfiil the iM-neflta the puhlir derive fn>m latter-day inethiMla in eommereial i-ompetition.

The Mkri'antii.k Co.

As far iMkck as thirty years ago, when H. S. (Hhbons was postmoater, I-emy ('. AA'bllney was ilepiity post­master. Shortly after that he left St. Johns ami has since reoMinl in rari- ons places, his present home Iming at Flint. This week Im- retumeil for the flrat timi* since leaving, ing in the interest uf Auxiliaiy of the leiyal Duarda. Tues-

ilay evening, after the regnlar sessioniff thr order, an open meeting was

_ held at Macealme hall. Mr. AA’hitney. 1 i who is Hnperior t'aptaln Dencral iff this order, gave on interesting ad-j

it wasmveml hr ; ‘»‘,»"hich he spoke of the tmne-1aimmnt. so that h I

They wimld re- ‘n f»ror of

Tke Ttiree <4wsrt4snM>n.The priNluetion of “The Three

(iuantsmen** at .AIIiMtn’s opera houar .Afomtay evening lirew a fair honav, hut ni>l as giMMi as It deserveii. The play was well preM>nteil hy .Air. DrifftUi ami his «x>mpany of players. The pm- duetinii of high class entertatnuienta shinilti Im* eneiuirageil ami nothing will inspirt* Manager Allison to seeure this class of plays like a full hmiar. Flays and tximpanies of this kind e—t considerable money and at the low

{iriers prevailing here the nsmi must N* tilled to make it pmHtahk*.

A New Ksterfirtse far Ml. JmliNS.William Drey, of Detroit, who h—

l>een interrsteil in thr organ manu- Hr is work-i faeturing hnaimMis for many years, the Imdics* has alM>nt eliMwii a d—I fm* the por-

of the Hhaw A MsHerx* pnrpcrtjrHe

ohosi* iM-ar the railroad in Nt. Johns.

fuse to give the name of the holder .rf i '.’r*"* ^ rendr^the mite oml thns evade the law smi I **”***^' ami literary pnigr—n addeii the stock would not hr taxisl. If a wi^.vment of the cve^ savs to us m*w that his stiM-k is farther supplemented by

Mrs. J. T. Kwing'a kitMtergarten Mra. Bert Kenin-1 elaao, whieh has enjuved a wvmk's ea< Tursday, a tun ; —tioa, will eouveue offuin nest Mou*

day,April 9.

Nstlee M» Wster Tutors.Water rental for quarter ending

July I, will Im due April 1st. pavable at ('ouncH Kimnu beginning April 3 and including April 14, I0nn. (HBce hours 7:90 to 11 :ao a. m and I to 4 p. to. Maturday evnning, 7 to 0.

M. MitDonaU), 8—'y.

covered hy a note he must uame the bidder, whieh will mean that the note will he taxed amt then the holder of the mrte con fail hock i>n the merehant If he wants to. Then these fellows who refuse tn moke returns at all we will bring up with a short turn. The law is very strict on this point ami we have full pi»wer to compel the retnm. and if false returns are mode or the returns refnsnl tines and imprison­ment are proeided.

“The taxation of mortgages is one of the matters which we are trying to untangle at the present time, I There are thou—nda iff mnitguges which have nevet burni rntumed for to—tlou. Many of thucr are huM np-

frsshrtMmts ami daiming.

AwetleM —Ii

Dn Tuesday. April in. I shall sell t—e mile

st of thi* 31. stock Nale will

at public auction at mv farm south aud iNW-half mile we (dive town hail, on seetiitn aud farming implements. crunmeiMse at in o*elimk. ami If the I tiay br stormy will he piMtonued until j the following day. I shall offer for —le 73 head of cattle. 7 work horses.3 colts. An ewes with lomha by side. i ami Tn esres to lamb. 4 briHMi sows. 79 j ti»ns of hay, 4nu bushels of com. eto. | together with full outfit of farmiugi imptsuMUls u—rly uetv.


iMinteirplates starting a lumber yard aiMi will rumufocture sashes. dcHira, blinds, etc. The deal was made through the .Streeter A Dnrkee agency.

Awsttor lee Hsm.As ice has Imen advertiseii at 19

cents per hnmireil we wish to —y that we are neither catting nor ci>mering the price of ice. but having j—t tin- iaheii and tllleil <nir icc house, we ate

firepumi to serve our ensto—ers faith- nlly and well. As to the eleuniinu—

xml purity of our ice, natnie hoc V-Ipwi ns Mt that srr are able in thoA rxAUset to ehallengr eonipetitina.

AA. A. Ht'irr.

9*111 Nee to VUeeU si Reensyr**.(*arl IwHamn will begin work for

AA’smei Hnmlay the ffrst of April, having enguml to take the pla— made vacant by the removal of Jam— Henderson to Dlieei. Mr. ImBoma la not only a jovial, agvevahle nma. hut he Is on oeenmmodatiag ginis'i lumn. well posted in the buslwsm and will moke a valuable oddUlua to Mr. Mon* day’s favua





Mllforti l*rp*hytrriiui» will ilf<«iU«t«* thrir nrw ohurrh on Knst«r .SunUny.

iMns Itown Hill !IV«>plr AufTrrinK from khinry (Its- j

ensTA fr«*l n Atrmly Iom> of'vitality. TlM*y Aliuuid Iom* no tiim-: in tryinir Koivy’h Kidnry ('tin*. It is I Ifn«mnt4<«*<l. !

Yait* will pmlialily liavt* another { hank as MN>n as a new huildintr (wn ' hr «*rrrt«*<i for its accommodation.

IlMare o| HrcipnllreIa worth a |Miun«l of <*an*. Try a'

buttle of l)r. (’aliiwelTA .Syrtip I'epAiii | ami. if pnipeily taken, it will ituai-! lively prevent rheumatiHm or any: other kindreti trouble ariaiuir from a j torpid <*ondition of the iHiweU. liver' ami kidneys. Trial sisrA Ka*. other I aiaeA .%Ur ami Sl.(Ht. At ('. K. Van* ^ HickleV j

A nnivement is on f<Mit at Midland ' t4> oriranin* a htiAinesA men's asAticia*; tion t4i whtMtp ‘er up for the town.

(irrnt op|Mirtunity olTereil to tfiNNl. reliable men. Nalaiy’of 8I.'» i»er week ‘ and exfienses for man tvitb ri^r to in* tnaluet* our I’oiiltry Mixtnn* and In* | arct llestroyer in tbe »*ountry. .seinl i alanip. .\ineriean Mfjf. ('o.. Tern* Haute, Iml.


Walter Hark haa ifoae aurtJi. |Roy Tnraer haa typhoitl fever, lirandnsa Uuaaell ami .Mrs. .Myra i

linrk an* on the airk Hat. |(teorvr Hmith. of Kaarx, waa a Nun* |

<lay irarat at Walter ItariiA. |C. A. l*Qtt. of Nt. Johns, was a Nun* I

day irneat at I>. U. Kaifte'a IThere will he Uaater aervioe at the I

KvauHelioal ami t'hriatian churehes. |Wm. Ilodire and wife, of Nt. Johns. '

viaiteil at J. J. Keiaer’s laat Toenday.(I. L Hriatol and Karl Kir^-were in

llannister on buaineaa laat Thursday, j Charles KurlT has moved into the I

llanimond htmse vaaate«i by Dorm |IViat.

Mim l.illie Cleland. of the l.iain|pe ' burir hi|fb sehoul. is at Iioum* for a I week's vacation.

Mrs. I.innie l*utt ami two ehildren. j of Nt. Johns, are visiting her iwrents. I Mr. ami .Mrs. I). L. Kaffle- !

Wm liriftitb has tra«ie«i his tenant | house U> lliirden Teets for his house i business trip to the Miuthweatem part ami lot near the srhtsil house. ! **f if*** state.

Dorm l‘ost haA MsiiMTht llenn De* i ‘ harles Itamtow. wh.i wasVnes' house and lot and m«»v«l his | stricken with parayais durinK tlie past family int** their miw home last Kri* day.

T|h* I*. D- Mite Siiciety will meet with Mrs. I.. A. .IelTn*VA Thurmiav.

Map!.-* MHfar is aa yet a w ole in this vicinity.

iteorgv Uandolj^ has Iwen appidntvii doff warden for Rssex Uiwnahip.

Mrs. K. W. Kedfem was under the •kieior'a care dnrinif the past week.

Miss KMe Danielson made a viaitinir trip t4i lleldlnir durinir the past week.

Mr. and .Mrs. Ik N. Iluhbell visitril friends at Carson City on Naturday last.

Mrs. Dr. Harrison, who has been se* riously 111 'for some time, is somewhat lietter.

Miss Anna Phillips, of Nt. IjouIs. is tbe irnest of her txNisin. Mias Urace .tnnis.

Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Nlx*»n. «if Kind- lay. Ohio, are visitinir friemis in this vicinity.

•Mrs. .lohn W. I>rake. wIm> has iieen seriousli* ill fur *vHm* time, is aIowIv impivwinif.

O. tl, Perr\- has retunietl fn>m a

Aeroniiiiif t«» etiiiAt*rvativ«* I'stiiiiHte*. mit less than l«ainew Imhim-aand other huildiniT'* will Is* ere(*tt*<l in Itowatria** wortli th<* ivimin^ season.

Aifeiitx <»n salary of 81.'» |s*r w«s*k and . exp«*ns**H: tin* jfreatest aifeni seller «*v er ptssliHsil: evi-ry st,H*k ainl fsniltry mii*«*r hn,\ s it on si^fht llnstl«*rs. wantini. Ib*ferein*t*s. .\«ldn*ss. with , stamp. .\nn*riean 'Ifif. Co.. 'ri*rT«*4 linntt*. Ind.

.Vpril .’i, at III,a. m. A cordial invita­tion.

Vcma Morris, of .Nt. .Itihns. was a (fUest of her t*«>usins. the Misses Itrais* and Nana Post, a short time last Nat* unlay.

Hurt 1‘kMrle and Kre«l Itotsfnnl went t€» Itannister last We«liieMlay to view the freiifht car wre«*k on the T. A. A..\. naui.

Mr. ami .Mrs. Frank Vouniflovc went to .tshley last Kriilay t4« see their s«in*in*ln«v. Charlie Massey who was seri■ I township of Kssev will ntnvem* at • iiisly hnrt^by a fallinir tre«* near that , Perry's hall in this villaift* on Natiir* pim-c. I day next, .Man*ii 31.

I.biyil Westbr«M>k. wif»* and daiiifhler. i Mrs. .1. K. .Ii»nes ami miii. I.yman. of Pom|M*ii. and Mr. ami Mrs. Clark'(****'*"iipanie4l Westl»ns»k. of Ovid, were .Niinday i jfu«*stA «»f ^their mother. Mrs. \\a«ls*'

week, is stmiewhat lietterStephen M. Parr, one of the old pio­

neers of Kssex ttiwnship, is scrionaly III at his home in this villaire.

(Tlytir Weila. whti lias lieeii seriously ill for a lonir time fmm the effects of pneumonia, is airaiii aide to la* Put.

The tallies Miriety of the Chriatian church will tue«*t at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. It. H. I.oD|f tomomiw (Fri­day > aftermsin.

.Mim l.ibbie Kniekerlss-ker and Mins Winton. of Itiiaca. were tlu* truests «if .Mapie*ltapids friends the fon* |Mirt of the week.

The Isianl of repistration for the

time apmit wImh timy diaaovavvd timt Umv hml aold atewn' of thwai? iitupm. ami when we think of the thnw flar daya. the well avrved luneh and the interest shown by tin* people in the iiUBeraii tif o«r two home boys we are fUut with others of their sueerea.

Kev. D. D. Kox. wHtinir from Poo­na, India, under dnte of January 96. Maya: ‘Theae are dark tiays for India. T^ famine la Um* severeat ever known ainoe tbe Knifllah came to India. Four months a^fo then* were SU,4MM>,(MHl people included in the famine area, nut later information inerraaes the number to M.doo.tiou. The sufferinir of childhood haa aaanmed fearful pro­portions. Famillirs are broken up ami children seatteml or ahandoaed. Prices of fiMid are uxeeedinifly hiffh. Th«* government is tryinir to help the people liut it will lie impossilde to iric ade«|uate relief to all the suffer­ers. *’ .\ relief committee with Rev.A. T. I.uther chairman, has Iieen or- iranimi in our vicinity. Those of our citixens desirinir Ui semi relief to these helpless sufferers may hami their mntrlbutbins to Mrs. (dive Whititviek or Mrs. Marcus Jolle. of Orrenbush, (>e«irire Campliell. of Ks­sex, U. C. Iaiwc. or F. I,. Convis. of .Maple Itapids. Twenty-thm* dtdlars has already been forwarded by the committee.



lERVITA PUSRwSarc VltaNtir. LmI Vlfar aa6 MaabaaR

Cais lapotaoey. Nicbt BwiMioo* Los* of Mms* . onr. all wsAtiae dtassaM.I all sffvel* of •elf-sbuAA fir

sis) intliacrvdoa. narvs tonic and

^^blofxt tmtldar. thinp wMetho pink flow to pale

cbosli* and rwlorv* tlw uf Tualb. By mad

■ Doa. 6 hoiaa forpar IRB nr with our bankabis iraunmtes to ciua

ruiaror rafttad amt copy of nor

tba mooay paid. NaimI for cirev [ nor (iauka(ir<- guarantea fauod.


. Amm., lanartlaie R»MHtfTU.tXIW L.ABai.1Poaitivslf marantwsi rate for Lua* of Power, Yarlcneele. UodevekipAd or Nbrnnkeo Orraiu. Pareno. LucosM4or ttaxia, Nervfio* Pr«wtra- Uofi. fiyriana. KiU. Insanity. Paralysts and tha RaanlU •>( Kaces-ivo Uasof Toharro. (teinm nr Llqnor. By mall in plain lutckage. B 1.00 a box. O for B6.00 with our hanbubto nuur- antae bond to oars In 80 dnpa oe rahmd manay paid. Address

MeiivrrA mcdical co.CrnmnAJmotuon ONIOACO, IkU

Disease. Slairi Back!II. Ml I. RsMil.



Lewis lluck is puttintf down a tile wt*ll for Mrs. ituinit.

Win. Kverls is out airain after a se­vere attuek of •(uinsy.

.Miss Nina Chap|s*ll is tai teaeii the sprintr term in district Net. .*■.

.Mrs. .\ekf*r. afl«*r atn illness teen we»-ks, is n«»w •.oniewhnt

»/ ffiiir- ls*ttf*r.

Kr«*fl Kldrifljfe n*-«i|s*ns ^eiuMd testay for the spring' term in the Dnttfin district. Dallas

AllH*rt .Xrnistrfiiijr Hnisht*fl sawing.' Friday at (»rt*l (traiiirer’s and will now move liis mill liome

TbefNiore I‘as4*ii has |mrt*hasefl .Mrs. HeU'ler's farm, one mile east of Fftwier. ami has tatken |ioss«.ssion

.Mrs. ( K. .>towelI trnvf* an old.fnsti- iotiefl i|uiltin|r |>srty ti> a doreii of her imim-eiiate nf*iirlils»rs last Thnrs^iay

.lohn Parker and wife have move-ei from tlieir «dil li«>nie wlien* they have liveel many, many years. t«i a new one tliet have piirf-hasefi in liratiot countv

A Mendisli kllarli..\n atttaek was lately madf* on C. F.

Cfdller. of ( bcrokt*e. lotva. that nearix provtfl fatal. It <’aine tbr«iu(rb his kid­neys. His tiaek (pit sfi lame be eotilfi not stfMip without trrt*at iiain. nor sit in a ehair f*.\eept propi»e<l bvi-nsbions. No reint*<iy belpe«l him until in* trierl Kleetrie ltlttf*rs which etfeetefi siieli a wonderful elianire tliat In* writes be fe«*ls likf* a new man. This toarvf*|onA ine<iirine eurt*s liaekaebe and kiiiney troiible. puritii*s tin* IiIihmI ami bntlils u|i your henltti (inly .Vi f*ents at Kil- dew ,V .Mlllinan's druir store

'I '

’>\ 1

Tin* business men of Nll«*s se«*ni to have uaki*fi up tinally. and an* btist- ilinr in tbe mten*sts «»f the eity. ."s,, far tliis season four neu fa<*1ories have lA*en sei*nrefl Ifi l•N*atf* (h»*rf*, tin* la­test lieintr a knittinir mill that will (five em|iloyment to l.'ai (firls.


CtuiA. Smallcv ami wife, of liunainir, Nunda>*efl at Wm. Terbuah'a.

Mark Pennell went to IlufTalo with a <*arl<Mul of Mheep lust Fritlay.

K. M. Webb and .Monna* Cole were in St. Johns on husinetiA laat week.

MIiim .\lta tiunnison. who has Iieen teachinir in Kaifle. is Imme on a vat*a- tion.

.Mark IlniAh has haii an operation on his eye. Dr. F. II. Kllis ilid the oprratinir.

.Miss Merit* Mclaiuth. who Im attend­ing eolleite at .\Diion, is at home for a few «ia3ra.

Mrs. Henry N. Webb and .MisAdlive .\verill nuMie a trip to St. Johns <in .Natuniay last.

ia*ster Ferrier, who has Iieen sick at tbe home «if his brother. Charles, is miieii lietter.

CliUA. Hammond is preparini.''to open a jewelry rt*pair shop in (*onnef*tion with his Imriier simp.

Ilenrj* N. Wells, who still continues to attend isiurt in St. .lohns, !sundaye«l at home, retqminir .Monday.

The clcithin^r store o|a-nist a few •lays a^fo by tirand lasiip* pe<iple can miw la- nuiiiberefi amon^r the thinifs of the |MUkt.

The younir people’ uf Dm* Kpworth la'aifue an* busily eiiiramsl iiiakintr preparations for tbe entertainment to In* (fiven .\pril .3.

Mrs. It. S. Wrijfht, of northeast Pennsylvania, who has lie«*n sufreriiitr for some time with a tumor, under­went a delieate ami eritit*ai operation at a hospital in ltia'h«*ster. New York, Wislnesiiay. Man*li M. Hma-s an* now entertaine«i for her nasivery. Mrs. \Vri(rbt was a finnier resident of De- W ltl aiul a sister of Mrs. Henrv N. Webb.


THE BIG STORE.Ladies* 5uits.

A Large Assortment here to choose from. We believe we can supply you with anything you desire in good service­able suits at reasonable prices.

LndiM’ Tailor Mode Suit, now oprinc (Hyie. Hood in mood aorvicroblo poreoiloo. doubio brvwoc ed Juckot, uouolly xold for tB tJU aoeb. Caob w boo you buy. Pnoo boro cocb mt...............

Lodioo* Tailor mako auita uMially aold for $10.01) Wo bare a xpocial offer of caob wboo >ou buy. Km:liat....................................................................... ..

Otbor ouito io Baton Sbiold Proot aod double broaatod effocta, made of SorRo, Camol'o

I Hair, Cboviot, INwble Cbevioto (uid CovertChMbo, raoR(OR ID pricefrom ............

We know we cao auit you$7*50 to $25.00

Watch for

Mrs. C. |{4*iit*«iict ami iautrbtcr. an* vlsltintr friends at Clii-

eairii tills w«**‘k..lohn lt****<l. who has )ir«*n visitintf

n*lativcs in this vicinity f«ir siimv time, rrtumtil tii bis home at Kvnrl diirintr the |iast w*«*ek.

Ilraytoii Hritten and Hiram lliick- ie,\ havt* n*turn«*«i fnitii Dnintb, Min- nn«*sota. when* they bav«* iieen empbiy- i*«i duriiitf the winter in a lninlN*r camp.

Th«* Kpworth lAWDfm* jrav** n •xarial at the resl«lcm*«- of -Mr. and Mrs. Itob- ert laiwe on Fri«lay eveiilnjf last which nett«*«l the siN*iety alsiut six 1 dollars.

A suirar s*N*ial for the lieneflt of thej M. K. iMN*iety of this villain* *vill In* i lfiv«*n at tin* resiilcnn* of .Mr. .stone-j hnHik. live miles northwest of Maple!Kapids.

The K. <». T. M. and L. (». T. M. !(fnv«* a inast|uerade Micial and supper , at Itliss haii on \Ve4ines4iay eveniniri last which was «|uite illN-rully |i«t-l niniyA*«l. |

.lames K.*Davison.*of Northeast Ks- j S4*x. held an nnetion sale at his farm . on Ui*«ines4lMy last. Mr. Davison will ' lie«s>me a rt*sident of the villagt* at iiii early day.

.Mvnin s. .Moss, of this villairi*. has. a fiiiir*y«*ar*olil .lersi*y i-ow that is tlie'iiuither of five healtliy .'ininials of her I Friday mornini; we heani the wel-kind. hesities lN*iii|r irrandmotlier to 1 (Nune sonir of tin* nihin.anotlier one. i |{o|iert VerPlaiiek and family risittni

(•Id lm|uisltlve. who lias lM*«‘n |»e4*r* 1 his hnither in the Capital City Thurs- inir int«i *Nime of tht* mail Isixes on i day.

Buy Your Groceries WhereYou Can Save Money.

Our Cash When You Buy Plan is Proving to be a VerySuccessful System.

A Few Hot Ones for Cash.H A K. (IraanlxUiH Sugar

iwr Ih .Kstra C Stagar

par lbS bbl. Hsat Moraing (llorr

intNir.. ^S Mil. Hon«)r-C.<i«ili

FlourArm A Hamaisr Snita

par lb ___5 Iba. JaKr rurvit \pr(««it»

for3'} lbs. Kaorr Driad 1

rsachasI* to Ham Santa (Mans

Soap2 llw. Faacr Clapnod (.'ur

rants ..6 lb* (ItMxl Kim*

for ___

Our Millinery Announcement

Houtt* No. 1, IL F. D.. may timl out S4iiue day that it won't do to fiNil with your rneli* .'»aiii.

It is r«*|Mirti*4i that a rrshlent of the villam* i»*s just fallen ll•*ir to a for- tuiM* anioiintinir to nearly on«* liuntlreti thousand dolllars. Further (uirtieu- lars at an early day.

.Mr. ami .Mrs. T. P LaSelle, of I'alo. will lNt*»»ro«* resi«h*nts of MnpU*Itapids at an earlv day. having pur-j , . ... ..ehasetl the pro(»ertv owncti and orcu-j .p. *"*'*'! * * (sepi,*41 hv Mr. ami Mrs UolN-rt C. l.owe. Thnn-lay until Satunlay.

Win. (ireRg •‘*mi mot tier visittNl friends in Dnplain Fritiay ami .'*atur- •lay.

.Mr. (frt*ir<iry. of .Missaukee, visited at l(olN*rt VvrPlanek's last we«*k. He formerly Ilvcl here.

Ijtst Sunday at half |iast ten a Snn- tiay schiNil was orKmiix/cl at the U«*w- iNittoin schiHil hotis*-.

.Mr. and .Mrs. A. I’alinei visite,!KIsie and Duplain fmm

Tuesilay eveiiintr tin* (rranffe at Pries* will holei o|M*n tn****tin(r so as to takein charter nieinlNTs. Tills is <*lian<s* to (fo in as a <*liMrter


your last tneinlN*r.

^ ti'

IIK Wll.l. UK I.N NT. .KHI.NN,


Thorsday, March 29th,ONE DAY EACH NONTH. Office

Honrs from 9 a, m. to 7 p. m. rt)NH?'I.T.\TI(»N. KX.\MINAT|(>.\.\NIi

ADVK i: niKK

Dr. .ncDONALD |u nmr of IIm* (trsatsv, lAviag Nperlalls,* IP tkv trvainteal nt all ( bmalr IHiwa*p» Ilia ggtsaalvr prarttrs aad auperMir ka«iwls<tar aaah»r htM to rars srrrv raralits «llasai ■. All Hirontr itMvaaaa of tbs Rrata sptav, .Xsrvsa. BImmI. Mila. Ilaart. l.aB|ia. lAvsr. Stowarh. KMasta. aad Ibiwlaa, a^taatldrallt aaU aar- aaaalail* traatad.

Uu M< l•«•M•t.l•‘a aarraaa la tbs trsnimsat oT Paaiats lUaaaais In stiaply BMrTsbtua III* tvaattasNi wabss atsfcly woawanimbg. lisaa- Utal aodattmrtiva. Wsak aM>a. nMor .Tnaaa. aupwl la svsvy raas aad aavsrt fmai a IPs of auBkfiag. Iksafbaaa, Hbsaaiattaai. aa<l Par- alyaka rursd tbr*iagb bbi rslsbratau IIIimmI ' amt bsws Hsaisdlsa aad Knasat lal I Ilia r banml wttb aPartrlrtty Tax SRAt m*nc To aaaa ! I Twa iwkMV Tn wami ' Catarrh, Tbroai aad laMV IHaaaas rarsd. Dr MrDoaald sarsa llta . awd Nsrvoaa IHaraaaa Kraaaia aad all Mila | naavMwa rarvd.

Da. MrDoNAi.P haa basa raUat tbs WiMrd at tbs tisdisal PmWaaliiB. tiara aa* bs raada all dWaaasa at a gtaari. wttboai aahlag aav aaaatlaaa Mrk fMk, rail oa Dr Uriktaabf. ft la a ptaaawfs l«i n»aat Mai ID MrDoaald aavar taran tbs nioir tmai bl« door

fV».VlM’LTATI»>b KKKK TBoas abaMr to rail raa addraaa

DR. D. A. HcDOllALDr


Look it your tongue. Is it costed ?

Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, and food dis­tresses you. You have frequent hesdsches and are often dizzy. Your stomach is weak and your bowels are always constipated.

There's an old and re­liable cure:

Doa'f cake a cathartic done and then stop. Bet­ter take a laxathre dose each night, fust enough to cause onegood freemove- ment the day following.

You foal better the very next dey. Tour epptetlte returns, your dyspepsia la cured, your headaches pass away, your tongue clears up, your liver acts wall, and your bowels no longer ihre you trouble.

••1 kbva Ibbau A^ap*! FBI 1 ramtdxr tamm t

fmdm. Dm pill dwa MR BM Mm bblf • bax af aapMbM hbPbft tHad.**

mm B. B.TAXMV.

\Vin. .'-i’liHvey. Dr. .1. K. IlinkMiii anil C • WiMNlrnff wer»* •*h*,*ti",l tl«*le* Hift,*- to att«*n<l tin* •'•ninty t*«inventiiin .\pril Hnlnie** T Clark. AllN*rt I,.Hart ami (teri. , Watwui w«*r,* t*lr,*te«l to atteiiil a eountv i*onvention whieli -i'litii* ilelegnto to state convention for the pur|NiM* of noininatin^r stati* o(li)*t*i>. Tin* following town*«hip «*om* mittee was eh*,*t,*,l: ( . ( \3«NNlr,ilT. H. T. Clark. AU I Hill.

.\t tin* Keptihliran eaueus hehl on March Vl fhi* following tiek«*t w.isput in nomination: .'’•n|N*rviMir,Holnn*s T. Clark: clerk. .VIIn*!*! L. Hart: tn*asnr«*r, Daviil II. jnstl,*,* (jnln«*y. L. Taylor: iviin III isai oner. Tln*iNlor,* s,*h«Hi| ins|N*«*tor. Fr«*,l L. iuemlN*r iNiani of n*vl,*w ,(ipiienlainicr: i*oiistahlc»..Dyk,*. Frank Kaston. (o*,i.Chat,. Sumniem

HiNlgi-H:liighw nv

Stoll': ('orhin:

Frcleriek Chaa U. Drinohl.

pi«*«lU«*s« lint ions einiorsing the eainii<la«*y

of IL M. Winston for su|N-rint,*n,l,*nt of public iiistniction wen* tinaiii- inoiisly a<lopte<i at tin* Uepuhliean «*ain*ns hei,l in this villagi* on .satnr- ■lay last.

The following were nominati*,l hy the I nioii .silver |u«rly at their can- ells lield in this village for tin* town­ship of Ksim*\ oil Friiiay last ; .snjN-r- vi*.or, T. T. Ni*wion. i*lerk. Klisha Minlgi* trensun*r. .1 M. l{olN-rts . high­way «*ommis.sioin*r. Kiigi*nt' Parr; s<*inMi| iiis|N*ctor. N\ 111. Mo-ss; jiistiei* of tin* |M*ai*«* N,*lsoii .l«*nin‘, ineiniN-r iMKini of n*vli*w* .los«*p|i Cainp)N*||; i*o,isiahles. Orlatnlo HnllN*rt. .los«-p||I ploii. Ilyroii .'*owle. HerlN*rt Parr.

The Ki-|ttihlieans of Kns«-\ met in eaueiis at Perr\ s hall on .Natuniay last .iini plais*«l in nomination the follow ing tl,*k«*l . .'»iip,*rvisor Munson Chnai*: clerk, (icinalia IL (InNuii. tn*asiin*r,KolN*rt .Xinlerson. highway eouiinis- sioner. .Ia,s»h lliNiver*. scHiniI Inspe,** tor. Lnana Fauhle; jiutiit* of tin*(tea,*,*. .1. T. Daniells; iMianI review, one year. .L K. Davison: laianl re­view. two years. m. (J. .Xinlerson:<*onstahl,-s. Foster F. (iwen. Wilton Xinlerson. KImer .Inry. .Xlexaniler X|e- •Vell . ilelegates to tin* mming t*ounty <sinv«*ntion. K. XX'. Ki*«lfern. ThcNhm*Townsemi. Ili(*hanl D. ( arns, .lohn T.I >aniel|s.

The High .s«*ht"il l.ilerary S,Nriety gave its last entertainment XVe«lnes- •lay. .Mareli •.*1. Its in«*tn)N*rs tricl in every way to make it a sMe,*»*ss wortliy* of the last nn*etlng. (nir first rat*etlng was belli on Noveinlier •.ti, J-td*. ami slnei* then a great Impmvement has inanifestf*ii itself. Lith from a Hnan* rial anil an Intellectual sUnnlpoint.XXe think our (latnins <*annot hel|i hut to SIN* the impnivement ami we are siin* you will set* a still greater one in our lie-Xt seri,-s. which will la’eur next winter. \Xe tinly thank every*on«* who has kimily given us lw»th their attention ami ironey. All In- sure ami come next year ami regret nothing.

,X steel range exhibition waa given at the haniwan* store of II. XV. ami I.K. Hewitt, aaalste,! by Mr. Moran, a IVninsiitar Steel ilangt* expert of IV- tmlt. A Peninsular Steel Range was l»nt In operation ami a free lunch, cxinslatlng of ,*ofTre, iloughnuta. waf­ers. biscuits ami special orders of eaki*s ami pies waa served to alMmt Hvi* humtre«i persona. Mrs. H. XV. and Mrs. 1. B. Hewitt made the coffee am) did the aerxing while Mrs. .1. W. | turn been organlaed with the following smith showril her ability along the | olHcera: Superintendent. A. Fergmain ; line of laiklng. TImm* antiripating aaaUtant super!ntemlent. XV. L purrhaaing a Steel Uang<* were imwe tiregg; secretary. I.villa XVeldIa; than pleaa»*il with the workings of thi*' treasurer. Minni,* lllaek. The ncImwiI«tove when they found that the IV* | will open at to*** o'HoeW ami everr- ninsuiar Nte»*I Range would hake hla-1 hniiy interealeil in th«* wi»rk la eowll- etilis in three miniilea and hake them * ally invite,! t,i attemi and take part in

, perfeetly on the upper grate, haaides ( work,1 the other anperltir ,|oalltiea too numar-!ima to menthm t»nly th,wr who are ' Hurtinak llhaal HHtcra glvaa a man fortunate emnigh to puaaraa one know i a clear hand, an artlae brain, a atmng, how to appre^ale tham The Brm | aigor,»na hndy- mnkaa him St for the

1 fani wall ^d for tbalr hard work aad taattle of life.

Peach groweis annind .Sarana,* say that the fruit is nil right in favore,! localities, hut on low ground the hu,ls have lNN*n unite gi*nerally Injure,! by frost.

I»ma- It Pa> 11 Huf ('b-ip ?.X einvip remeiiy frireougliH and ciUls ia j

idi ngiit, but y,»u wiuii Miiiietliing thiit nill relieve iiiid eiir»* the unsit Mweii* ami dnngeniiia reaulta of throat and lung troiiiiVa. XVhat shall you d,i7 Ho fit a wanner and Sion* regular climate? Yes, if (Miaaib),*. if Dot |Mtaail4e for you. then ill either i*aae take tin* iiXl.V rsimvly that has Iwexi intr,Miiii*e,| in all nvihse,! ihiiiii- tries with suei*ees in seven* ihnmt umi j luugtr,»uhles.'*|tosehee's(ierinan Nyrup.” j It not only heals and stitniihitss the tis­sues t,i iksitroy the germ dissnai*, hut al­lays iriHumination, i*niiaes ••aay exiss-to- ratioii. givm n giMsl night's rest luid cures the jiatlent. Try o.xk b,ittli*. Ilee- oinnieni|r,l many ytxirs by all druggists ill the w,)rid. I^ro|*k* iMttties at Filpew «k's.

The |te4ipl,* of Liidington will vote n,*xt wi*ek on the pni|Nisiti,jn to change th,* name of th»* city liaek to iVn* Manjuelte. as it was originally j know*!! yi*ars ago.

Dr. XX'innI's Norway Pin,* .'xymp' •leem** ,*spei*ially adapt,*,! to tin* n,*,*ils of the ehlldn*n. Pleasant to take., •sNitning in its intliienee. It is tin* ri*im*,ly of ail r,*m,*«ll,*** for i-vi'ry form , of throat an,i lung diseas**

.s|iarta'N s**hiMds an* so emwiUil tiiat no ni*w pupils can In* admitt,*,! nt the lieginniiig of tin* spring tenn, hut will have to wail until next *»ep(i*m* lN*r to com,* in.

What are Necessities?It is a Matter of Opinion!

**Thc kamed k happy oahM to expiorc.

The fool u happy that ha know* DO laarc.**


**I*Te got ererytlUiig I need. Pre Jtut had my Breakfast.*'**' Hy Idee of 'necessity Is to bare plenty to eat and a dunffc of Clothes.* 'Whea

1 went to school I lamed readin, riten and rettunetlc, and that's all I need.* 'They say that Iffnorant people wont stand eny show at all in soclty In a flew yean firom now. I wonder If that wtll be the case.'"

EdKiMiM-b^da t^aa "ot a luxury but a prime necessity to the laboring man of tn-ilay. I want amusement but that does not exclude improvement. When a man is engaged in study

— there is labor, but it is so associated with interest all dong that it is forgotten in the delight which it carries in its performance. Children, f left to their own impulses, will .isk questions, and if you provide means of mswering vou will encourage them, and cause delight and pleasure in research. It is low' possible to go straight into the very heart, the very sanctuary, of the temple f teirning and bet.ome acquainted with the best works that men of genius have ToduCed.


Henry l.nn*nx hiat ii Hm* young »*ow IbNt wi**-k.

XIr. Nnil .Mr- XX'. S DilU viniteil at X*arn,*y P,*are,*'h la-t .Sunday.

.XItn. K. D ( oil* an,i *4111. of Ionia, an* vi-iting frieml*- Hn»un,l hen*

.lohn .Xpth,»rp. of Riley. ha,i the iiiiNfortiim* to lo-«* hi- onij hor-** laat week,

.X concert will la* given at iVXX’itt .M. K ehiiieh Timialay evening. .Xpril i. Thin eloN*-N tiM* It^un* muna*.

The tw,i immth-' ol,l ehihl of Fml Knapp, of Rlh-y. did fn*m whiNiplng cough laat week. Fiinei'al at the honae ThiirNdav. Interment in IV- XVitt i*emeterT.

.4 l.lltir Kimiwii iNrI.That the inujorltV of M*riou-dlM*a*<****

originnti* in di-onier of the kidneys. Foley 's Kidney ( iin* is ;r,iarant,*i*,l. Trj It tiMhty if vou'n* not fi*eling well. At I'lldew .V Xlilliiian's.

Ti‘11 thoiisMii,| demons gnacxing .•»w.*,y .*,1 one's vitals muldn’t lie mnel, wors,' than tin* tortnn*s of Itehing piles. Yet then*'s a t*nn*. Doan's (•Intiimnt never fails

.XIon* hnilding o|M*rationN havi* lN*,*n nianneil at lieliiing than the local ear* filters can attend to, and it ia likely hat oiitsi'le mechanics w*ill hav,* to In* tmportcl.

Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable

Kidney Trouble.

Ik OIDole mortd sifgreed tlun K CNcydoiNtdla Biitamica

isilitBm. Uhv?

B*cnisr all the recorded wisdom of «!;e.xt writers, past and present. Is con- lined III the NHW WHRNER HNCYCLOP/EDIA BRITANNICA. so that every :i.ide of taste can find Its liking, v.'nether to learn the distance to Mars or how tu e .1 square knot in a rope. A>' ‘out the .indents liave achieved is before us. Th^ .vfienences are at our and command

I o every one who takes advantage of our marvelous offer and secures a act of I '.'s, the latest edition ot the famous reference library, the thrift of time will repax* in I I ter-iite with usury of profit, beyond his most sanguine dreams. Get know ledge.' II vou can. and remember that the KNOXVLEDGE of all time is contained in TLE I ,£W WERNER ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA.

This edition of the Britannica contains 21,400 pages of two columns each, 46,800 j olunins, 36,000 feet of knowledge and information, 40,000.000 words, 3)8 full-page I ngraved plates,671 maps) all new) and plans including 237 colored maps, over 12.000 ! liustrations. over $,000 biographies of eminent men and women of whom no mention I s made in the latest English edition of the Encyclopaslia Britannica, or its reprints.I It is unanimously endorsed by all competent judges and scholars.

Best of all, the complete set, SO lanrc superb octavo volumes with , an Oak Book-ease and a Guide to SvstHmatlc Readlrg Is delivered free, i freight charges prepaid, to any point In the U. S., upon receipt ot only


Thr South (lllvr .M. K. aid s*irivly will meet at th** h«MM* of Mr. mihI Mrs. VaVntiiM* NrlVr. ThunaUy aftvrniNin. April .V

Thrn* will ht- m .Sunday Nrh,iol or- agnlnfsi at South (lllvr XI. K. chnrrh nrxt Sumlay, .April 1. at onr o'Hork in thr aftri^Hifi.

A Nuntlav Nrh,N»l for I hla lorallty

Kidney troeMe preys upon the mtad. dle- Qourages end leeeem ambition: beauty, vigor

and cheeriulnees eooo diaeppear xrhen the kid­neys are oet of order or diaaaaad.

Kidney trouble has become so prevalent

V that H Is not uncommon for e child to be bom

' affllctad with week kid­neys If ths child urtn- SMS loo often. If ths

urlns soelds the flesh or If. whsn ths child rsichas an age when it diouM be ebis to oontrol the peaaags. It le yet sinicted xrtth bed wetting, depend upon It. the ceuee of ths dMflenlty Is kldnsy troeMe. and ths flret step should be towards tbe treatment of these impertsnt organs. Thts unpleasant treeMs Is dee to a dtaaaasd ooedWton of ths kidneys and Madder and not to a habit aa moat peopls seppoee.

Women an xmII aa men are made mlB- srebls wtih kidney and bladder iroeMr, end both need the aame greet remedy. The mtid and ths immediMs affect ot BeeBBip-R—t leeoen reeltsed. It la soM hy diaggteu. In flfly- oont aS one doller, ataos. Yoe may have e|HffipiQ POfllP Uj ffvMWfree, eleo pempMst I Ing eU abeet M. tr thoeaMMs of tootir

Ohe Dollar {$1.00) Cash,_____'ZALL AT OUR STORE TO-DAY AND EXAMIN

Travis & Baker,Balance in Sntatt Monthly Payments


St. Johns. Mich.

many of tbe


kCe..1 eared. In xwBlng Dr. KNmor umen. N. Y., te am* md

of Herd, prwtlrsl woik m tkr msaafsiiarr of XX'rNnm's Skova proves, hwnuH A .|av«(ion that tkr lirrririt .SImm* ia not an i-aprnmmt.

Fiprnrwrr w a artar taiwhr, artikoal it tkr raav, «tylMlt. wril-madr Hrrrick Skoa totUd nrvrr havi- Iwan fimdain! Thr nawM,lirtnvk. hex stood tbe unequalled toet of time, hnfwvt »hoc d«.alm rvvrywkvra aill til! vox that. Tha anov of Katudde t.imlity ikv ** Laay StMw** for wrmasn. X uar ckutce of tkraa good gnutsa, and aach owv gaanmtvad d.*.jo d.3-«> dj-S®-

The Herrick Shoe.Oatarda. V Caaw par t«ir laas ikan aSava irtaaa

SrKCtAL ffOTK'S.— .Nnar rW tmrmfmd



A wmamuble gift.

U.. B.. OKwTWOaNarsMiEaNaMWwtli^ Nto rw^i^i Nwk

Much rviMkabl** irriMTuoity h«» arl* dom. if f*Trr. lMN*n hv a |»h)r»i>cian. It will l•nahl•‘ many thoiwand* of prupir MUlTt'rinK fnnn linipTinK dimwrn uf tbr nrrmi. brain, hrart. llrar ur Moranch U* obtain nicHilcinr frr«* uf i'hariri* «ml Ui trat thr tnanrel- oBk uuratin* pntprrlirM tt1 IH*. MUra’ latmt IVrMUual trratmrnt.

Krw phy»ioiaui> will prrmil ewrv <HM* f>f tht*ir |>ati«*nU> to t«>«t th«ir Hkill and timir trf«tuM*nt frw of charRf. | bcteaUM* frw havt* Hiudi uiiliuiit«*«i oon* fIdrtMH- in their reuMNiira iMtrn of wontierfnl »uee\*«w>. What I'aii Im* fairer anil mure lilieral?

>lany huitdreiii> of referenet'n from ltlldlop^. Miiii>iten>, lluaiiiemt Men. Parmer» ami their wive»» neiit free, I>r. Mileh’ new IVrMinal Treatment ha^ eureil many hundreiiit of eaM'> pro-1 notitK'eii •• liienrahle*-. ” It it a iiMe*t rpuutrkahle improvement on the iiauul treatment ami ih eminently heieiititiie.

The eminent divine and eiiitor, llev. Wm' M. Hell, of Ihtyton, tthio. ^y»* editorially In the .Sunday Ni-hiMd Tnion: “We de»in* to htnte that from prnMtnai arsiiuiintaiuv we know Hr. Mtle^ to In* a inoat skillful i>p**eialiat. a man who haa simreil neither lalMir nor money to ki*ep hitiiM’lf ahn>asi of the trn‘at iMlvaiieeiiient in nuHlieal sei- eni*e. lie Ik withal a thoron^’h .iiid conM'ientioiis (fentlemaii, and his of- His-k an* isiiisiantly thn>iitr«‘il with |M*ople who mine from ail ]tarts of tin* contry to avail theiiisi*lvi*s of his v«*r> irn*at skill.

Mr. .Inliiik Keister, of l.Vi .Mieliitrnn Mveiine, ('hieatro, ti*stilii*s that .Mr. Miles eiinnl him after ten able phvsi- eiaiis hail faili*il Mr F lli*ld. Tt* Flirt is stn*»*t. ttrand Ua|dils. eun*il after failiin* of eleven physielaiis. Mrs. Li/r.ii' Uenfn*w. Wedinirtoii. Ark.. .Mrs. W. .\. Wari-eii. «»f .laini*s- ton. X. Y.. w«*n* entin*ly eiiri*il.

l>o not fail to write to The Hr. Miles' .Meili(*al .\ss<N*iation. voi-vo*! Stnti* .stn*«*t. I'hieairo. for i>\aiiiina- tion blank, and ;f.'..’tO worth of Tn*al metit Kn*»*. just siiiteil to y^uir eaM*.


Old as the ffiUsat* tha paiaa aad acbaa of


Bare aataaa* U the caiaaltaambr

St Jacobs Oil

A t'ant.M’l*. the iiiniersiicneil, do hertdiy (ijfre«*

t4» rHiind the money on n r»tl.e»*n"t Isittie of tireene N Wiirrntiteil .Synip of Tar if it fails to eiin* yoiir emi^h ormid. Wealso iOiHmiitis* II ^.’'Mviit lM*ttl»*topn*ve satis- fartory or inoiiei n*fiiiide<i.

F. K. VanSiekle. .St, .loliiis. Trnvis ,V linker, St. .lohna, (itto lliillis. Maple Hapids J. K. .lerow, Ovid.II, K. Kimk a Fo.. Fowler.

A robin was —on at tiidland a few days aifo. luit tin* 'sun sa\s he was auff«*riny fisan 'iieh a s^m- throat that he was unable to aniioiiiHS* his hy'his eiistoiiiarv wartde

Foood A Gold Mios

It W'iits ill Hisi

IV )t 111 rv i r( 1.

nan in Iowa Uses a Compound tbat makes bis hens lay douMc the usual number Summer and Winter. Secret of his success.

Ktntnd IliwiMr aeh«iul ia vIommI for ra- ration.

Merle ttraaiun* apent Sunday at ttetirife Uiawsisran'a in North l^ehanon.

Mr. and .Mra. i£rn«iat .Martin will move into thr Aldrich honae in North- raat ia»hanon.

Jereimah Kiahvr baa traded hia farm for one ovrncd by llanicl Htoudt, went of lluhhardaton.

Thr Blite Muoiety met at Frank .\bbott’a laat Friilay. Thia ia their laat meetinfr for thIa seaaon.

Miaa Irma Semiona went to tirand Uapidk thia week aa a tieletrat** to the Stat«* Ftinventlim uf the Y. I*. H. C. K.

Fklith, daiiifhter uf tietirip* Warner, has lieeii viaitinir frieiida in this vi- eiiiity. She liaa a home at .Mr.Shalley's. in lk*iiiral.

Tile ftdlowiatr <irtU*ers wen* 'eleetnl fur the t*iisuiiitr year in the la*iiatioii I'nioii .Suiulay schiHd: Su|ierintenil* eiit. Mra. M. A. Ilt*iija«iin: aaaistnnt sii|a*riiiu*iiiletit. Mrs. May-Messer: sec­retary. Kd^rnr Frank; tnmsiin*r. Mrs. 1*1411^ .Siiiitli: librarian, .Mias Iva Winans

la'Ikaiioti Farmer’s Flnh will mt*et at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Kmerson Vane**. Thursday, .\pril The pn»* Ifram is as fidlows; Miisie; ininiitt-sof last in«*t‘tiHIT; mis**ellaiie«ins husiiieas; r«*(*itutioii. .Munlo llanemft : |*a|N*r. C. .1. .Miindell: music: dinner: miisie: ndl enll: |»a|»er. Fr***l l.amph**n‘; re«*i- t at ion, .lay S4**o,ions; asMM*intion topie Harwiii llaiicroft ; iiiteniiiKsioii; ipies- tion Im>x; niiisie. t'oniinitt**** on ninsie. MisM-K Itnatks and llowanl. Tahit* eommitt****, .MeMlain«*s Itaiirntft. .\l»- >Nitt, .'sinitli ,'iiid .s«**w.ions.

Tin* followiiii.' an* ii«unin«*<*s for township ollims; K«*pnhlieaii .Nu|N*r- vis*ir. H. .1. MeV«*i>fh: eb*rk. II. I.. Ilitreli; tn*.'isun*r. II. S. Fatriek : liii^hway t*oiuirissioFier. It. <>. loMdtli- rlt**: jusii<*«*, F. Hall: selusd lns|N*4*- t«»r. F X, Harris; Isiani n*view. .\. S. Harris: **oiiiiiiitt<*«*, H. .\. Hale. ,\. \, Killaiii. ti. F. Striekliiiif. .1. .latpiisli. m*iii«K*ratl»* sinN*rvis4»r. F. M. I’ijrjfott . «*b*rk. Fn*<i II. I.iiilwi«*k: tr»*;*sun*r. <!. K, lbdt*iidcr: lii^^hway *’oiuiiiis.*.{oii«*r. H. 11. t'tda*: Jiistiet*. Mib> • inwi*: s«*h««d ins|N*clor. Kttu .M. StiHldard: Iswinl iwi«*w. .1. K. I.inl- wiek . eoiiiiiiittee. K. C. < atliii, •!. H. I,atl«*r, Otis .smith. Frank Kliiley.

H. 11. Thornton, U. F. H. mail (*ar- ' rit*r fiom Fiovler. wt*nt o»-er the roiiti* tin* fon*|»art of this w****k t*» se«* tlie|uitr<iiio ami inaki* arraiiireiiients in n*f»*n*m*e t«i Inixin.. ete. It Is mueh to In* desin**! that all within n*a*'h of this route will In* pnuupt in having; their mail pr«i|N*rly elian)re<l an«l«loalI that is r«*«|nin*<l t«> re****iv** mull t*aeh day. S*»m«* of ••♦uirs**. will eritieis** tin* n>ut«*. ami if it d<N*sii't ifi* riifht by their d<M>r tuai* think they have a irrievam*«*. .s*>mt* ehan(r«*s wen* made tliat I tlial not think desiraide hut am f**«*Hiij.' very thankful it is as >vell as it is. .\ Imi\ om* mile fmni n*sidt*ii«‘«* with daily mail will In* a trn*at im­provement over the piesent mndition. la't iis all show I'nch* .sani that w** appn-<*iati* this mail niiit** ami not hy any nejfliifem*** or imlltTflen*ne** run a ehane<‘ of havinif it tak«‘n fnun us.

WHnI's \tiiir Kse.- IVorlli?Sometimes a fortune, hut never, if

you have as.**! low eoiu|>l(*xioii, a jaiin- dieisl liMtk. moth |iatoh<*s :ii)d h|ot«*hes on tin* skin, -all siyns of Fiver Tn»u- bb*. Hut Hr. Kiiijf s Xt*w LIf** Fills jfive Fl**ar .skin. K«»s\ (’h*s*ks. IHeh Foiiiplexion. Only «***nts at FiUlew ,v MHItiian’s druif stim*

T«n> iiian\ |Nsipb* liNM* valuable time in eX|N-riim*ntInir w-ltli «*«iuirh and ndd eun*s. They should take Foley's Hon- e\ ami lN*fon* it is t*Mi lat** .\t Flbh’w MHIinun's drufr st«»n*


Leslie .ion<‘s. of Wa4*«Mistn. <*all4*4l on fri«*mls ill Kss«*\ on .satunlay last.

I kirn, to tlr. an*! Mrs. Irwin Skin­ner. Friiiay. .Nlan*h a son

.M r. * ami ■ Mrs .Inim-s Lainide. 4it l.etiaiioii. visit4*4l at Mrs l\entti4*|iFs .Sunday

^llss loiu- t asi4*rlin4' is siN-mlitii,'Ii4*r va4'ation with Ii4*r imttiu-r, Mrs W It.< ast4*rlimv‘Mrs loMiii'e * Ii4*s4*bn> ami iiaut.'ht4*rx

visit 111 liet mother. Mrs F<»si. last w»***k.

Till- L.'iilii's 2\*‘l .s«N*i4*ty of till* Low«* M K ehuii‘h will im*«*t with '1is .\, T. LutliiT. Momlay. April :.’,T.^Thi* annual elc****tion of ottl4*i*r.s* «if

till- Lowe .M F. >undn\ si*h<Md iN***ur- reil last .siiiidai T’lie foliowiiti' wen* elietiil. >u{N*rinti*mlent. H. F. WanI: .-issistant su|N*rinti*mleiit. Filwanl Smith; sii*retar\. Flo\d .\nderson; treasurer. Isaae smitii; librarian.• leortfe llreiiiii'r: ortranist, Ko-a Lyon.


jMcrr ur MAmiMt.

F«ni|»1i* III the iieiKhlMtrhood of i nviioii. lown, nn* nitmteit at lie* niimlierof eiius that thia man ilnvm to market with When iiakeil what wiim tin* i*aaw of his hnis iNaiiK NO nnditle, lieatateil it waa ail III a errtain enin|N>nnd h** wna tisinx.that kept hia hens in itihnI eondition and fur iiiaheil theiii with th«* |ini|i**r atimiilua to adc pnMfartioii. .\meneAii Foultry .Mix* tnn* IN the iiHiiie uf It, and ia maife hv Anieni*aii Mf«. F<i.. Terra IlHiite, Iml. Kvary mini iii th** |Niiiliry huaineNe la in- termieil in thr limlth ui hia heiia anil their In.oinr caimrity. In the etars lie hir prnttta. Thia mix t lire ia Knurnnti<eii to in- rrenae tin* pnaturtiun of etopi HMiprrerot or motley i^nndeii, ft will do mon* than thm- timra aa iiiueh aa the aiuiie amnuiil of any other enmiamnd It ia* eonem- Tratrd in form aad the mault of venrH of praeliral rxt»erirne»* m the (Ninltry biHii- nraa. TTien* ia alawihitrly no doiiht aa to what it will do, ami you an* invite*! to tri it at therxiienar of the eompanv. Send f1 .tMI for I* aample iiarkiur'' nnd if it doea not do tin* work von itrt yonr money hnrk. Thia la fair and n* made to indtier

rraetieal lantlirymtai to irivr it a tnwl t ia alao a ann* preventive of aiieh dia- raaes ae the terrihle eholera ami niiifi

which errali* anch havra* in nil |Nfrta of tin* eonfitrv It acta direetlyoii th«*cra«* and iiitiard and ia n tlionniirhiy arten- tifk* pretiarrttiiHi.

The inannfH* tnraa irnnrnntee every pnekac- ur refund t»nrehae»* imntev. 1' ywnrdrnicinatdon'taeil.\inertenn Foultrv Mixture. Iie'a liehiiMl the aa* In that raae order direct fnwn Ameriraii Mann- fBClartair Fo.. Tarre llaate, lad. (I)

Mfi iadieale a wnak heart They anally fellow palpMatinn or faUeni^

' hrntk. inesolar or talar- mtctaal pulao. Whan the heart nnn eln aia ovrwnlHd or eihaaated theyc lolax, the flaw of blood to the brain li iatCfTopaad, aad tacooacioaaacw

Iowa. Sho^ rolnnauon cootiaae cwplataly far two or three winotea, ■iddandoadiliChniaMlt Theawofa

1 hart fOOMdy far ovatworkod and

Heart Gctfe**My haart traohle begaa aaveral

year* afo wrth palpttatle^ ahortaaaa of oreath aad MiKithcria& Then 1 hr eon to have fataliac apoiia aad waold tall overon the itreot or whcterci 1 hep- Beard to he. I woo aaahlr to attend to a^r bnUacaa and dare not vetinne away froai boeae. Tha doctora fatted to Mdp aad aeeif an advrwi nwTit of m. Miles’ rfeart Core I hniifht a boula. Tha 6m few doaM teoppad tha tefattno ■pclk aad ia a fnr weeha mf heart wm woiktaf all rtcht" E*w CotvN,......... !. NVT.Mkldtehaqr,

Dr. MItea’ Heart Core It aoU at ail drninFrta ra a poattive yaaraa- ter Write for free advice to

Dv. MNoo MoBfaol Op., IIMiort, lad.

In hia avrniuo a week rnfftt laat Sun­day on “Uapliatti.'’ Bev. K. K. Wright, *if the llaptiat ohureh. aaid:

*rhe wurda found In Matthew 90 were ap*iken by Chriat only a Nhort tioH* Iwforr he left the world to aa- cend to hia Father’a throne and glory. For nearly three yean* he had m«»v^ anning men. a inatehieaa ami iinperiai l^eader. one who had demonatiate*! hy

j many infalilhle proofs hia right to ! aovereignty over the human hrart. ttfteii had he Inm-ii appmaoheii Imtli hy th** caviling, skeptiral I'harisee »n«i the devout diaciple as t«i the nature Ilf ills kingilom. nnd the laws hy

i which his subjects were to la* gov- i erni-ii. nn«i just ns often iind he s|Miki*n i in distinct and iineriiiiviiratiiig terms I I'onivrning tin*!*** miaii inten-stlng i i|u«-stii>ns. Mini hy iinrnhlennd luiracl**.I in which were cpitomixeil tin* great truths of his newly i*onstrnct«Nl cm-

I pin*. iiupn*ss(*ii u|Mm all who assein*' i»l**d to listen to him. not only thela-auty ami il**sirahility of this king-

II loin, hilt what man must do to las'iim** a snhjrct of it and the laws hy which he must In* governed.

Christ came into the world to estub- Hsh a kingilom. or to set into o|N-ra- tion a iiioveiiieiit wiiich in time would aetiialiM* th** Kingtiom of ImmI ii|Min earth. This kingdom is |M-«*uHar to itself. |>artakitig as it dta*s of tli|* na­ture of tile King, and tin* laws laid down iiy tilt* Killer of this spiritual einpin* an* not siibje*‘t to change, hut expn*ssiiig as they do th** mind of the King must l■omnlaml th** res{N*et and olN‘iiit*ne** of all who lN-«*ome the suh- i*ets of it. Heiiee Christ said. “Ye an- iny frieiiils if y«* do whalsiN*ver I i**uii* maud yon." and .lohii says in tin* Kevelatioii. “If any man shall take ;iway fnuii the w-onis of tin* IsNtk of this pntph(*ey. HimI shall take away his |Mirt out of tile UMik of life, and of the holy^-ity. and fnuii the things w hich an* writt**n in this InniU. "

Hismissing fnun pn*si*in isuisidera- tion till* isiiiiii and to pnuniilgnte the gos|N*l 1 desin* to e*mHm* my attention to tilt* oniinHn*'i* of liaptism.

.My first pni(Ntsition is this; That Christ institnt**«l for his dis**ipl***. an «*xternal rit** eaH**il l>aptisiii. Tin* first meaning of the wonl “institiit**" JO- gi%'«*n hy \\ «*hst**ris “to**stnhlish," “to appoint," “to i*na**t." to form and pn*scrilN* 'as to institute laws t** institute rules and n^gnlatlons. “ Th** id**a is two-fold. It is tliat of Isith apiNiintmeiil ami n*«|uirement. it is to designat** s*init- act and isumnand its |N*rformnnee as in legislation. .\n

. enaetiiieiit of isingress is not simuly : description, but also law. In this I SCUM* Christ in-stitut***! for his diiwi- ples an ontwani rite which was eallc*!

' iiaptisin. H<* Isith pn*s*‘rilNNi or desig- ' Mat«s| the rit** anil l■omIllalld4‘4l its oh-

s**rvam***. He d**t**rmini**l the outwanl I rit«* ami made it law. This is not to say that he originatnl the act. iMir

i IS ingress may enact a law, which in ' ever\ essi*ntinl featun* was iifNin the ; statute InmiU of the obi Hebn*ws or of the l{oinnn l{epiibilc. or of the etnpin-

I of iTiina. It matters not when it was frnmi*d. If It is sis*n to int*i*t thi* wants of our own nation, as a wise and just iiieasnn* it is taken, ailopted ami made tin- law of the lanil. Tin* ditTeri*ms* in the origin of laws in no n*s|N***t afTiH*ts thi*in afti*r eiiaetinent. Ity enact uient im*asures an* made laws and the w’hole ipiestioii of ola-iiienn* is s«‘ttii*il. .'mi of a rite institutisi hy our Uml, We raisi* no i|Ui*stion as to Its origin. This is true as to prone* lyti- iMiptism. whi'ther it diil or did not e.xist. and was in praeti**!* among tin* .lews lN*fori* tin* Christian era. critical and exhaustive exaiuiiiation of this suhj«fi*t has In-cii made hy an eminent Herman scholar and he pm* iiouins*** iigaiiist tin* earlier origin of the custom ami In* carries witii him the isinsi*nt of the Is-st s«*holarship of tin* age Kut this diN*- not mutter. My only jNiint is this. That a rite known as baptism, derivisl form Muin* original soun*e. pn*si*rHM*d by our .*Savior and its obsi*rvams* ns|uin*il by his followers.

M'. sissuid pro|Misition is this; (Tirist instituti*il this rite as a ]N*rinain*nt. |N*r|N*tual one This In eb*ari,\ s«*t

! forth in tin* isiminand of t'hrist ; “tio make dis**ipb*s. then l*a|»ti/.i* thi*in." FiirthiT \ ean*ful study will, it si-eiiis to me.iuipr**ss witfi the thought that oiir «s>nii*uiplnti*s tin* pro- is*ss of evaiigi*H/Jitloll as (siiitiiiuiiig thniiigh time, and that In* eonti*in-

> plati-s till* adininistration <if liaptism ,-is isi-**\ti*iisive, in iHith s|»ai*«* ami linn- with evangeHiatioti Heiin* says • Tirist. “He that lN*Hi*veth and Is b.vptiri’il sfiall In* saviil." It is further

! to In* ohsiTViil that this thought is eiiilNalii*il in Faul's epistle to Tim* >th\ -‘The things which thou hast

luMini of me. among inan,\ witiieas, the same isuninlt thou to faithful men

I who shall In* abli* to ti*aeh others also Tin* I•*tt4*rs of tin* a|Niatli* show

; that om* of thi'si* tilings whieii Timo­thy had lieanl of his spiritual Father was tin* law of liaptisiii. This In* was to kei*p and isunmit to others ami thus

' make (icrpctual the oniinain*** This imsition is .’llso siistniin*«l by tin* ism- sent of all Christian denominations.

My thini pro|N*s|tion Is this; That this rill* as originally given was tin* |N*rsoii's iinnn'rsion in water. It does not He within the piirfHme of thepren- i*nt illsisuirs** a-s to whether the riti* was ehangeil or as to the time hut to insist that, as originally given, it was iminersion. The sonrres of my argiiiiient ar**: The ohvbms meaning of the wonl liaptlw*." the ttNitimony of the world’s sehidarship and th**sym* iNilism of liaptisni, which demands im­mersion as ii*M*ntial to the scriptural ineanittg of tin* riti* The Hid Testa­ment is altogeth«*r silent n|ion the i|nestlon. Xo scholar will appeal to |Its (Miges for this pnrpost*.

It is interesting and instmetive to note the faet of divine wiMlom in se- l«M*ting the Hreek language as the n»e- diiim of iviinmnnirating the great truths of thi* Hosp»*l to th«* worlil. It maile th*' gospt'l acc*-ssihle to the then known world ami ita alimist snprem*- expressivenesa made it possible to con-

i vey to thr human mind every shade of ' thought, ."ki yon will find that words were selected to convey the exaet meaning of the Inspired writers. The ltr«-ek woril “liaptlao" Is found eighty times in the X**w Testament, ami in nearli seventy It is iise«l tri ilesignate the r^tc of liaptism. ’’Ilapto’’ is found three times in the New Testament, ami thia alao tnrans “to dip." Hut It is never applied to baptism Iwranse it has ollH*r meanings alao. With this wonl the rite might very- rasily Is* inisnnderstiaal “Nlpto’’ means “to waah.*' hnt to wash the extremities, aa the ftw-e. hands or faet. as distin­guished fnrm Imtliing the wh«ile Imii}-

1 This word is never applied to baptism. I “Kantian" means “to sprinkle. “ amt

la ftMiad In the New TeaCaowat fomr tioMw, and dona it not iieear to the oaiMlid mind that thia wxrald be the w«Hnd aeiertetl U> deoignate the Hie. if, oa sooM* alhnu. that rite la prumpriy pvrfurtnrd by sprinkling? “Keo*^’ means “to pour." and ia found many timea in ita vari«ma cumbinatiuna. but ia never applieil to liaptiam.

Upon (|ueations of impertonc**, the iiumnirring teatimony of men *ioaapr- tent to Jnoim ia accepted oa neceaearx* and final. l*ermit me ont of thr many aneeimena to pnaluee a few: “Tohap- tiar aigniflea to plunge oa la granted hy all the world.’’—Huoaent. (Ko- man Catholic.! “in the primitive church Imptiaui was a total inuueraiun or burial.’’—liechau. ( Futheran. i “The poaaagt* i lloni. 6:3-4) cannot lie iindersttHMl unltiMs it is Iwrne in mind tliat the primitive liaptism was hy iinmersUm. " -Omylirar an«i ilowson.< KpiMxipalian. I “Kurie«l with Him." (alluding t«i the an*’i**nt nuiniier of itaptising-John Wesley. (.Metlio- ilisL ) “'rile very woril'liantixo’signi­fies 'to immerss*.' " - John Calvin.: Fr*-shyterian. ) “Kespe**tlng the form of liaptism, then*fore. the impartial historian is e«itu)>elle<i hy ('xegesis anil history sulistantiaHy t4i yield th** |>oint t«i Kaptists as is dom* in fact hy miwt (lermaii M*holars." FhiHp ^halT.( Fr«-shyt**rian. ) MiMlieim's Church llistorr says, sp**akiiig of primitiv** m<Nh*: “i'h** eamlldates wen* ini-m*‘rse*l under water." Hraii Stanley in the .Nineteenth Century .Xct. IHTtl. says: “liaptism was a liath. a piling**, an entin- immersion in the d*M‘p wa­ter." .Xdam Clark, th** Methialist (siiiimeiitator. says: “Kul as th**y re* i*eiv**4l iMtptlsin as an emhl**ni of death in vidnntarily going und**r the wat**r. so thi*y re**eiv** it as an emhiem of the n*surre«*tl*m unto eternal life in ixiin* ing lip out of the wnt**r." .\ix*or«ling to the iN-st Ni'holarship. tin* chang** from imm**rsion to sprinkling was mad** Hrsi, .'ts .staiili*y indieatt-s. as a inutt**r of i*onv**niem***. ami se**«indly, lN*«*.'tns** of the iN'iief in itaptismul r**- g**nerntioii. ( .'m*«* Salma.sius and Fame- lins. Burly ( hiiri'h Fath**rs. )

X«4l«s* till* syiiilaiHe U*Nchiiig of the rite. I Se*- iloinnns *i:.'l-4. I "It is dirtleiilt." --ays tin*‘tnest in the.sintra- iiiaii of Flato, “fully to i*xhihtt ths gn*at**r things without tin* ns«* of |»atterns." anil lainl liaixm d**«*lan*i* that, as hi*‘rogiyphi(*s eaiin* )N*fon* letters. (Utraides came liefon* argu­ments. "Truth uin*.xpn*sseil is to hii mail iN'ings as thoiigli she wen* not. Trillii I'xpressed is the eniwinnl 1*00- • inenir of the i*ternlti**s and symlails an- her ivinmatlon rola-s." Xotlee our l.oni's wonls in n*feiein*i* to tin* eom)tanion onlinanc**: “This do in re- menilirainx* of me." He instituteil no meaningless rite. Ilaptiani sfieaks in no unmistakahle language. S|taii* *vHI not permit im* to disi'iiNs the spiritual ns|M-ct. I simply n*iuark in this con- iH*ctioii that it speaks of th** fact of sin as that of death: “Ye hath He i{niek**neil who wen* deail." Xotici* this also. It speaks of the burial and n*snrn*etion of t'hrist. (S«m- Uonuins •IColossiniis 1 It expn-ssesalso on the (tart of those who folloiv their in this ap|NdntiHi rite, their full Is'lief in their final (tliysieal { resiirn*etion. Thi*s«* things cannot In* .symlNdi/.e<l hy sprinkling, ;tnd they an* I til** (tlnin and e\|dieit teachings of I Scri|>tnii*. So says fhi* schidarshiit of i the centuries. |

Filially. This view iIin-s not ailmit | of the small talk .vlNuit ''non-i*’-si*ii- I tials” and “inutt**rs of iiiiHfTen*ni***. " It n*moves the «-vssiim|ttion that thi*| lk*|itist (Nisition is uiicharitahU* and | uiiM'riptnral. I assume this as an im-| [in'gnnide (Mtsition. that no one (m»s- • si-*o«iiig an un|>n*juiiie*‘il mind nnd fair d**gns* of •a'holarly attainments, with o|M*n Kibli* anil devout study of its ismtents will undertake to say that our (Nisitioii Is wnmg. For this (Nisi- | tion wi* «*ont4*niL I'ontent rather to fol-; low the (Nith the .Muster inarki*ii out ' than soini* man di*v|seil rite.

The proinisi- of t'hrist's |>resi*ni*i* i- maile u(atn tin* isinditioii of olNslii'iiae. Thrii-i* bli***.si*il an* they who uniler-’ stand this.

CAMCERNo OMtlBf 1k>w vitm B

Dobs boC thfa nooB ooBctaMoaly that Caaesr fa a ! blood trottMo cutting or hu^ng oat tha bobb, tlmpofaoBf

CBBCBT VBM 1b faBdliSB thfOttgll OMBTIlflM to ba atffalma wMi tfaa daadly aaladp.

oaflMBBtori aad that It fa foil jr to attai aU, fa only aa otttwatd

t poittt, olwajra ia a'; to eofB thfa daa^oaatad I of tha dfaaaBB—g plara of ottitl

lan afBfatod xrith it OM Ifahto at a

MilTiimiliifiiDImImmUm ItAmUmtOT lllMi Ml MMIMM 11 MMM-dtttthBT proof that Oattrar fa a dfaaaaa of tha blood.

To cttfo a blood dfaoaoa likothfa yoa moat core tlw oaUra blood Iorary tiaooof tha] NothiagTO cttfo a Mooa aiaaaaa lumtiua too moat ct Cmmar cflcctnally aad narmattantly but 8. 8. 8.

8. a8.aiit<tBthadreutotiott, aaarchaaotttattdfutnnoaaaUtait^attdatopathafonBatioB of nanernma oaUa. No more tooli or ordinora blood madieinc oaa do thfa. 8. 8. 8. goea down to tha rary roou of the dfaaMe, aad forcoa o«t the deadly pefaaflk ailewiag^M aore to heal naturally oadnennaaentiy. 8. 8.8. at the oattie time nuri^ tha blood aad buikfanp the general naatt.

A little pimple, a harmfam looking wart or mole, a lamp in the braaat, a cut or brnfae that rcfMaatB haal under ordlnmy traatawnt, •boold all be looked upon with —*Tr4i4*'it. aa thfa fa often the ba^nnii^ ofa bad form of caaoar.

Mr«. aaimb M. g»MHee. to wwMor Avc^ BrW mm 4t ymmn oM. aad for tlUM jrean had mitrad wkk • whom fona of Gooeov oa my faw, wMeh tbo doctors ia tkte etty mid wm iacarobte. oad that I rrrH n~t If-Tw-rvtlw riv lanarkc T ■inrTrtcil tkttr ■lonnot m inM, aud hmi ghmm «p rtl .kopo of over bring wrtfa^ta. wbm ay dn«^ gim, Imowiaoof ay -rnaiMrtBo. rcrnaait tedB. a. B. After tekioe a f«w botUa tbo oore boaa to beri. woefa to Ibo a»yi4a of tbe pbyri^M, sod in g abort tiao acdo « coapicte cma. I bow oriaod la Boob, av aDaotne Uopteiriid. temp U rifacbfag-hi fact, oa pc^bStthT^

Onr medical deportment fa in chorM of phyacaone of long experience, who are capcctolly akilled m treating

irantfil irr mabr ni -hargr ~nrhatrrrr fnr thfa miilH.other blood dfa

THE SWIFT sreoiFfcWrite for aayaiMea


Bfkrtkfiiiik xA . A. aA . iAtedrikfAlii


■' ' «- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

HFIIF an* 21 leftera amiiigeii in a jumble. Taken an they iiiifNiiir the3'inenniiothiiiK,hiitif|in>|a*ri.viir- raiige I III wurda they a|a*|| three gnxit atnteamen, Om* of them will In* the next (in-aident of the I’liitnl Stiiies, ilie other tilao a i-iiiMlidiite lor the office, file thini ia ukHi a |in>ininent atnti*amHn who fought in tin* S(Htuiah war with the Uoiigli-riderN. In milking the tlirei* nHinea the lettera ran only In* uae«| im many tiniiv* aa they iip|H-iir I ml no letter •-Nil In* iiaeil which dom not iip|N>ar. .\fter you have found flu* thns- correct iiauim you will have iiseil t*very letter in the 21 exactly oa inuov tiinm as it iiiiiienrH. Fomihly you eon find

hut two of the nuinm, ill any I’ll ae however, if you can Hiiii iiion* than one, you will nx*eive u a|MN*ial (irixe worth #1 .«M!. Now we iiak that you iiiake a a|ie«'ial effort to anawer thia puxzk*. 'Then* will lie a lucky aiiawer and it may In* you. XXe rfs|uin* no money in advance, ttil we aak ill that pnividing yon win a prin* yon will aw-un* oneyrariy KutNW'rilier to ilome Fife, our great fnmily luiiier. Thia magazine ia only *i,'’i e*niia a yenr and you will have no tnmhle ill Mx'iiriiig it. .X valiiahle (irtzi* ia wiiliin yonr rra**h oa we nhoil ex|ienii fll.tMMl in some of th«’ lieat articim. Imth tiaetiil and oniaiiK'iital. that can In-HW'ured. Fill on your tbinkiug '-ap and reinemlNT that hy ttnding only two of the nainm you amiin* a valuable prizi-. We have n|i|Niintix] a a|ieriHl iximmitte** who will m*eive all aiiMWen* and aw ard all (iri/eii. Thia yon will agiss* im an honeMt way of conducting the eootmt. Hiatiuiee mnkea no iliffereme, if you live in f'nlifornia you atand aa much ••haoi*** ae a reaident of Michigan. After you have amiitgixl the jumbled letters into the threi* great Statmmeii put them in your letter encliMN* a two «-ent Mtainp for reply and you will at oiiii* learn if you have laen ainxrawfnl in thecoiiteHt. .Xnawer at once. Addrem]




Mr. and .Mrs Mahar an* moving on their new- farm.

Heo. Wilhelm intends to visit friends in tiratiot miinty

•Mrs. K. Wilhelm, who has l•e<*n sick for the (Nist three wi*eks. is re|Nirti*il iH'tler at this writing.

Xlivs Flora Feltler is istntem|>lating s(N*nding a few wi*i*ks with Mrs. .La* Feltier. of Klsie. in the near futnn*.

j Xlr. and Xfrs J, I'eltii-r. iif Klsii*I visiti*ii at the home of tfieir |Miii*nts I tin* latter (lart of the w«*«*k and re- I tnrneii to their home .'*iituniay. ae- eom(Minieii by .M iss .'smll,* Knnni*y. who will visit with them a ennple of wi*eks. I

IauiIs Voisinet s|N*nt .'satunlay at I home and returtieil Sunday to his! M'hiad in Hnllns townshifi. He will

I Hnisli his lalairs \\ islni’siiay. .Man*h ,’s } an«i will enjoy a isniple of ilays' vaca­tion nnd will r»-siime his diitii>s as ti*aeher in the Kincaid si’hiad. UHi*y.

Fast ThiirsiUy evening alamt tifty ; guests fnmi Hath sprung a snrprisi* U|Nin .Mrs. .Mien Hryer to remiml her of her birthday. Uefr**»hnH*nts wen* servi*il, i*onMisting of all the gmailes neecssary to satisfy tin* n|>pet{tc. Tin* lailies enoyt**l till* sleighing very iniieli, “hnt what alNint the walking',’"


Hoy Hnyrk is the delegnti* to the Stall* Convenlion of the Y. F. .S. C. K. i

Mina l.«*«irn I'hapin will spend a{ week with her (arenta. returning t«> A'pailanti opril

Master Kiiwanl A. Karnes viaited Moaters llowanl ami lemis WiaNlrnff laat Satnnlav and Siimlav.

Jerry Fisher has -add his farm near | Kenjamin church and will move to a fnnii near Fnlo I

Miss Inna .**essioiis will attend the' .stat** Christian Kndcavor convention held in tirnnil lta(iiiis this week

The annual election of otheers in the Kenjamin .Suiulay s**hiNil r*-Nnlt**il as follows: .Superintendent. .Mrs. .M, ,\, Ik-njamiii. lowistaiit superintendent Mrs. .May Messer: s«*en*tary. hklgar Frank: tn*asim*r. .Mrs. .\da llowanl; lihrnrian. Iva Winans.

At the Ue|)iihliean eaneiis tin- fol­lowing nominations wen* inaiie: Sup* i-rvisor, K. .1. .Mi’Vi*igh ; eli*rk. Hayes F. Kiireh: tn*nsiin*r. K. s. Fatriek; justin* of till* |N*aci*, Francis Hall: s**hiMi| iiis|N*etiir. Freil X. Harris: Isianl of n*view. A. N. Harris: i*on- stahles, tiidi*on .strickling, .lohii .\. .Ia{*i(uc, AHa-rt .\. Kiilaiu. HHU-rt Hale; delegnti*s to county nominating eonvention, K. .1. .McVeigh. \. S. Harris, F. L. Kun*h : delegnt«*s ti» thi* eonvention to iioniinat** iiel**gati*s to stati* nominating convention. s. Harris. F. L. Ilun*h. K S. F,xtriek: townshi|t eominitte*’. K. •!. Mi’Veigh. Hay«*s F. Kiireh. Frank Lum(ihen*. I'nuens indorsi*<i the eaniiidHey of IL .M. Winston for the offli*i* of saiN-rin- teiident of |uil>tie instriietioii. .

f'aiarrali t'anmii b«* (‘iiml (vitli liN-fil ll|t(•licl|tion••, aa tbev cannot nxirh thew-atof thedi*N*iiMi-. Catarrh in a IiIimmI or constitutional diaease, and in onier to cun* it you miiat take int<-rnal reni*ilii-N. HhU’m Catarrh Ciin* ia taken iniiTiiidIv ami neta din*rlly on th** I>I<mmI and iiiiieouH Murfaeeti llall'a Catarrh ( iireiMiiot u r|naek innlieiiie. It was lirmi*rilN*t| by one of tbe bmt. phyaieimiM III tbiMcountrv for veara, nnd in a ngu- hir pn*Mcription. If iMcotii|MNN*il of the Is-at tonii*M known, roinbituxl with the lNN*t IiIimhI puriflera, acting din'«-tly on thernueoiia siirfacm. Tin* |N*rfei-t<*oni- hination of the two iiign-ilientM ia what l»n*dtie**N such wonderful reaiiltain inriiig • 'aiiirrh Si*nd for tmtinioiiiala fn-*-." .1 CIIF.NFY Ac CH . Fn.|N.. Tolnlo. O.

Sijii b,V dnigitiata, (irim 7,'m*. 12

When''an ii|i(N*r (N'liinsula jndg«* | makes a decision the litigants a|>|Mr- ! ently take it as eoiieliisive. tint iif I II'.' easi-s oil till* .\(iril diN*ket of the i siipn'iiie ismrt hnt threi* .m* fnmi the i nfifN’i |N*tiiiisula. I

l.lnaerlMa !.« Orippr I o*iali.t! Vaehi-r. L'»7 Hsgiaal slrt-«*t. < hi-i

eogo. sMVs: “.Mj wife haii a very s**-1 ven* i*«si* of la grlppi*. and It left her with a verv l»ail ixmgli. She trie*! a iaittie of Foley's llon«-v anil Tar and it gav«* imm**<iiate relJef, .\ Ml rant imttle ••uml her ixiiigh entirely." Frice 'Jik* anil .'•<> rants. At FHde*v .V MHImaii'a.

\ factory for thi- mannfactnn* of ice cream freezers will shortly In- startni at Flnckiiey, The eom|Niny will give employment to several hands and the villagers an* rejoicing.

$ Laundry—SAY, Our foreman, Mr. Sam Dick,

has had years experience in laundries and if you are in a luirrv for some work, try us, lie will not disappoint you. We wash every day anil can if necessnry jjet work out on a day’s notice. Don’t wait until you hnA’e to come hut jrive us your bundle now and help a j'ood enterprise alon^,



w[> > KVJLxmmyTjfyynwma


Mlaa Hrae** llailley la vialtlng her! aunt .Mra. F. li. .Mien nnd heraiaten*. , Mra. F. K. Ilrean, Mra. li. lamgwell and .Miaa Fannie llailley.

.\. l.iiH'oln Kirk, imperaonator. will give an entertainment at the Firat t ongregational Church of Victor. Fri-, day evening. Match .to. Mr. Kirk i*«niH-s well recoinmendeil an«l a pleas­ing ami inatrnrtiv** evening is antici­pated.

Wherever it haa lieen intmdncv*!, Ih-. Caldwell’s Svrnp Fepain leads ail other remeilies In curing ixinatipation. indlgentinn and aiek hradoehe. It on­ly ixMta lOc for trial aiar* ( lOihiaea itici. lArge aize .'air ami fll.iin. At C'. K. VanSiekle’a.

to a aartaaiag, aeothfoir. rafraabtag wbteh ts to ba app(la«t aa-feh ts to It pra

ad discbaappti Its all of tba

Sturgis ia liahh* to |im«* its shear faetorj- nnlesa a rash lamna Is forth-

leiintlng. In return for the iNinna, however. If It la given, the isimpany , will donhie the rapacity of Its fuetiwy. j

' thus giving emphijment to many nnwr

llatiteraally. . dsmgars a»d dlaeeasfavta of prag- Booey. Ramaasbar. Itfs to Im ap- pllad aataraally. Cosaama ssass will tall yon ibat aaytbtag tabaa lotarnally ta Intaiioas. It wfU not aoly waaban tna nuvtbar, btit will aaifsagar tba otbar littia Ufa wbtab ta to eeosa. If yoa will tbinb tba asattar o«t fairly, yoa will ato tbot aaythittg wbteh gfvaa tba ssasclaa alaatirity and straagtb Is boaad to do away wtUi patn aad toasabo labor sbort aad patalas* Tbls te what llBflABP^ FHiBM# will ^ H uadrads of waoisn bava taaUBad tm (ts graai valoA talooyii aatrif.

An Ideal Sitring ^ Vacation Trip ^

via. JWabash $

Railroad $>WMryx«xxx*X(x:r<.rx> • • • • xy xxxNii^ Louis, ^NlissisAippi River, by boat to Cairo, thence Ohio River to Paducah, thence Tennessee River to Florence.An Ideal Spring Trip of Two Week’s Duration

For Little Expense.See the famous hnttle-ticlfls, Fort Henry, John-

sotivillc, Snvnnnnh, Pittshurp Landing and Shiloh. Golden opptirtunity for research.—Good company, splendid scenery.—Hcnr that music flontinp through the moonlij'ht.

Party Leaves Chicago April M. NM.Write For Circular.

♦ R. S. GREENWOOD, H. P. A.7 Q7 Adams 5treet, Chicago. 7


The News

tm §T. Johns news.


rvMJBATtoM Urvim. Walker IM. Kaak.

Trki—^ rel 1^1#one TMAK............. ........................ ......MX MoirniM—. . ------ ----------------THSKK MONTUM--------------- -------------

Twi M«w» will ssMalaUy rmM»r» all aaaleatt4>B> <>( loeal or ararral lakrtart wkra ••aoapaBlr«l by tbr wrArr'r naMr.

Tbls iMMwr la tally rqalMwd (odn)obaatt aaaiawrHal prtaUas Its MalarlaU ar* of Mw latrataiyW. aad tbsworkaiaasklblagaar- aaUiit ol tbr hUtIwsi. qaaMty.

Aarmrttmrrm attest to tbe Mw4leat»rTW fiailiri I by Tae Newa lu rtiralatloa Is boaa Mr. aa4l Its sebanlptloB Itet te always ease to laepsrttue


WHAT IT l>B«»TII»KM.Nil public qncutton is attractioK

oKirv attaotion at the present tiiw than the l*nerto Rican Uriff bill that recently paseed the natiunal house of reprearntatlTea. and whieh i*» now pandinir before the senate. Thk Nkws publiahe*. below the proriaions of the measure:

“Be it enacted by the Henate and House of Rwpresentatieeaaf the United States of America in Tonirreisi asaem- bbad. That the proTiaions of the act shall apply to the island of Ihierto Rico and to the adjacent islands and waters of the islands lyinir east of the aerenty•fourth mcri«liaii of lunffitude west of (treenwich. which was cede<l to the Unitetl States by the liorem- ment of Spain by treaty concluded April elerenth. eiifhtoen hundred and ninety>nine: and the name l*uert«i Rico, as used in thik act. shall !»»• hehl to inclmie n<»t only the island of that name, hut all the adjacent islantls as aforesaid.

That «»n and after the passaip- of this act the same tariffs. cnst*»ros and duties shall la* levie«i, collccte*! ami paid up«>n all articles ini|Mirt*sl into l*uert«i ItUsi from p«»rts other than thoM* of the rnlte«l States which are re«|iilrrtl hy law to la* «sdU*cte«i np<m articles iiniairttsl into the I'nittsi States from foreiirn tsiuntries.

That <»ii ami .after the jaissairt* of this act all merchandise «simin|f into the l’nite«l .States fnnn Puerto Kitsi and isitiiinir into Puerto Uiisi from tlie I'niteal States shall la* entere«l at the aeveral pi»rts of entry iifam |»aymenl of fifteen |a*r ts'nt'ain of the «inties whieh an* rt*«|uireil to la* levitsi. j » iceted* and iwid up«iii like articles of merchandise imiatrteii from foreiirii oiuiiitries. ami in addition thereto up­on artieles «»f inerchamlisi* of Puerto Rican maiinfaoture (smiinir int«i the Uniteii States enstoins linties <s|ual in i rat** ami amount to the internal n*v-1 enue tax which may la* iin|Maa*«l in thej Unitetl .States upon the same articles^ of merchamiise of domestic manufa<**i

baa hmnt haaitl—to •■■■■• ia adwMMathat ha U fuilly of hiffh arlaMa ami laiwIaiaaaanrB ik a proaaadlatr ao pa- taatly uajaat that auMt paaplc will aaauaar Boat to ha the tnaapHii riotlm of partiaaB *mallar aad gj/g aa UMmt attcatioB to tha mattor. H 41 tbua that3 the political supcrIiillilaiilifeaeoilB upon him who aaaa it. THa Mfv riu- laacr of the daottaeiatioa ia aa proof that It la unwarraHtad.

<Hir aacitablc atatcamen of halli par­ties need the roet ourv. Polltiaai rio- toricB arc' not to be won hj* public ex- hibitiima of epileptic hyateria and the Atneriran people are eery, eatj- tired of Winn Bet thiwn as idiota to be im- preeeed hr mere Monmi and fury, aiif- nifyinir nothing. The ireaat iaanes of the day are clearly defined. No new ones will he raised hy the praaetis of thmwinir flts in couRTcea or aa3rwhere else.


.Says the ('hioaRo I'hruniala in a re­cent inaue: “If the Sheldon newupaper experiment were allowed to drop into the oblieion it has cameil a patient readiuR public would lie the Rainer.

Hut. as was ineritable, the hybrid sheet was m> sooner launched in a whirlwind of adTertiaioR notoriety than a boat of equally blasphemous imitatofH heRan tft sprinR up. The mayor of .Moundsrille, NV. Va., now announces that he will adopt the Shel­don plan for municipal ROTemment. ami will run the city ‘as .lesus would.' We Wi* proliahiy in for an epidemic of cruaades. e«>Dceired and carried out by impractical enthuaiaais, in which the name of the lowly Naxa- rene will lie draRRetl into Hippantand hlaNphemous pmminence. It is a trib­ute to the Rrnrral oonaervatism of the minisU-rial profession that the minis­ters' associations. alm«>st without ex­ception. repudiate*! Sheldon ami his freak newspaper, and «leplore<l. as all devout men must have deplore*!, the travesty upon the ludiest of all names. “

One of the very hriRht*-st «laily pa­pers in MiehiRsii is the .SsRinaw HveniiiR News, and it d«aterves the spien«iid su(3eess it is meetinR with, in the .Saturday issue last week it (s>ntaine«i thirty-four (**dnmns of a*l- vertisiuR. «uu* of the evideiu^es of ap­preciation on th«‘ (lart of a tiiscrimi- natiiiR aiivertisiuR ellneleh*. The |tM|M*r was also till***! as it is everyday witli tstmplete ami ats’iirat** a4*<siiints

! of the w*irld's doinifs in Rcneral ami «if .SHRinaw valley in |>articular. to-

jRi-tlier with <’atidid islitorial expres- : sion on ini|>ortunt t*»pi«*s. TypoRra- phieally the |Mi|M-r is the nearest ap-

I proach to (terfeetioii of any daily in : MiehiRHii. Its presswork tells the I story n*it only of liiRh Rraiie tnaehin- ■ «-ry hut of tin* l««o.t skill in stervsityp- j iuR ami in the manipulation of a (ler-

feet I UR press. .such papers as the I .NaRinau KveninR News an* acre*lit t«i. the fraternity in MiclURan.

States tnanufactiin- etiminR into I'uerto |Rico eust«»ms duties t-*|uat in rat** ami j Tm.; yfKws c.xt**mis its wani»«-si mn- amount to tin* internal n*'»*nn«* tax i jfr}|tn|j|ti«»ns t«» ne*irR** W ltat«*s. «»f which may.h*- iin|NMe<i in Unert*. Uin,}upon th»* samt* articU-s of l*uerto Uiean 1 .\ny man wh*» can hid*l themanufactun*. ortits* of jnstic*- .if th«* |H-a*s* for thirty-

two years an*l still «sintlmn* to Is*

Howardweak In LanalnR.

Lawla Fox ia ebdUBR friawda ai SfMiUi Band. ladUum.

Mias Nora Huatcr, of Si. l<oula, ia ▼iaiilBR friimcU in tlriiL

<*corgr PhiliuRur haa aaeepiad a po aiiion at the Stutc Hank.

l*rofcaaor Kaufman waa In Si. Johna laat Thuraday on bnai

Miaa (Irimca. of Dairoli. U riaitinR her sisicr, Mrs. Fred KTcrati.

Mias L. Whaaloek ia atUmdinR a church oouTcntion a Anu Arbor.

Rev. W. 11. Johnson Rave a talk Ui tbr Bible clasa Monday cvenInR.

J. K. Jeniw intends to oioar out hia stock of Rrocrrica, and handle druRs alone.

rhaa. .Morae and Jerrj- Baker talke*l in the Baptist church laal Sunday niRht.

Rev. Johnson preached in the M. K. church at Shepardsvillc Wednesday niRht.

When you (»me to fhrid. Rct your lunches or warm meals at Ijewia* Bakert’.

William and Ktta KerReaon. stud ents »»f Ypailanti ColleRr. are visitinR friends in (Krid.

Mias Pends .Martin, who atteD*ls Alma College, is spendinR the vacation with her parenU.

Allen Kline, on account »>f p*ior health, lias Riven up his work at ool- laRV for the <»minR year.

The liand held a meetinR at the liand hall Monday niRht. to elect oMeers for the cominR year.

Miaaes Krroa Arnold. Kdith Ranch. Mabel Cross and Kate Plunkett. wb«» an* attendlnR collcRe.wlll spend vaca­tion at hoDH*.

Mrs. John Ruiiaon has returned from Flint, when* she has been attendinR her mother. Mrs. Stlokney, durinR her recent illness.

Miss Jessie Clark. wh*i luu. lieen stiidyinR music in Iletniit. has pc- turne*l horn** for a while, on acniunt «»f her imither’s illness.

IKviRht Ihinly, wh*i w*irked in the WsRoii W*>rks at Flint, which recent- ly hume<l. has relume*l to the horn** «»f ills |>arenls near tlvi*i.

C. I). McC*inniok Ims move*! his sl*ick *»f harness sundries int*i the Clark cnrriaR** st*ire. where he will act as salesman for .Mr. Clark, am! uls.i earry on his *iwn husin»*es.

Willis Johns<in has rentc*l the ston* now «s.*cnple*l hy .V. Sl*ine. an*l will stMiii imive his harness liusln«*ss t*ithat platx*. thi one siile of Ih** hulldinR. Krr*l Losey will have a meat market.

Miss Kllen Knapp nml Miss .Maud I.ake.of .St. Johns, wen* Riven a re**ep- tion hv Klleii's <siusiii. Mrs. Riehanl


hla Orld Onr grangi Is hagining to loah llhn It uaad to—a fall honaa

imtr tha' Tbam ware eight new eaadldataa initiated Into the gmaga laat Haturday night.

We are piaaerd to see milder weath­er, and hope we will soon have what we call spring.

Hehool oiosed laat .Satuiday for a two weeks’ vaaation. Mr. lialaghcr haa been hired again to teaeh the spring term.

There are six new candidates to be initiated into the Rrange turder next Naturday tteeniuR and eight to take their laat «lagreea.

I,eelie Feaael ami wife, of Ht. Johns, llaniel F«*aael ami wife and dauRhtrr, BtMHftie. of Maple Kapida. Harvey Kea- sei and family, of Iwhanoii, John Fea- xcl and wife, of ImnaiuR, were here last week to attend the funeral of their father, Samuel Feaxel.

rkimncl Kcaxel died of paralysis at the h«MBr of his daughter. Mrs. Septi­mus .Miller, in South Riley, at the age of TA years. Decease*! was liom in Wayne txmnty, Dhio, January 10, IMS-l, ami waa married to Rlisabetli Kime. August 53, 1H4W. He emiRrate*! to Michigan in Ina& ami settled tm see- ti«in 30, Riley, where he resided until IMHM. then sold his farm and mtived to tiratiot txiuniy, retnaining there three >'ears. then returning to Clinton (xiunty. where be resTdtiri until hia death, which occurred March 30. He leaves an aged wife, four sons and one daughter besides a host of friends tomourn his U He <i awav

That thi* ensioniN <tuiii*.s .iille**t»**l in Pa«*rt*i l{i*xi in pursnnm*** of this act. less th«* «**e«t of *x»lle«*tlfiR tin* >-aiii«*. and the Rros*. amount of all <*olleetions *»f eiisttmis in th«* f'nite*l stat«-> n|>on artit'les of mcrchan«li*4* eoiniiiR ftoni l*nt*rti» llii*o shall n<»t Is* i**»vere*l int«i the Reiieral fiiinl of the treasury, lint shall Is* hehl as a sepamt** fund, aixl shall h«* ptat*e4i at th«* disposal of tilt* l*re*.ident to lie iim**! for tin* govern- ment ami li**netit of Puerto Uiixi until otherwis** pmvld*-*l hy law.’’

MtK THK KXTHKMK.The extravagant use of a*ljective*»

hy many {Militicians, :tnd it must Is* admitt***!. hy s4ime news|iaper men and *>thers. too. ia >Hi« *4 the dephiralile features «if the present time, it seem* to In* n«»cx»saary to the happiness of some individuals to always dwell on every sulij*rct they treat In the super­lative. It app*-ars that nothing can he foumi which is fairly rimmI or iwr- (kmalily ha*i. It is<>ither th** emiMMii- nwnt of perfection or the ntt«*rly In- i(|uitons. The langnag** of exaggera- linn is (ximpletcly exhanate*! in sick­ening laudation or the well of ix>n- *lemnation is pumpe*i dry. when a asen* eupfni would have suffice*! Ilrix* we have .Senator Turner, of Washing­ton, f«ir instan*x‘, iNtmlianlinR the see- reiar%- of war with a«ijectives like “shameful.'* “scamlalons" an«l dis- RrmefnI." It would naturally be in- farr***! by anyone mit familiar with ih*' political superlative that Mr. Ko*it bail tieen lieating his wife <»r getting drunk piihlicly or passing counterfeit aaoney at th«* rer>' least. Hut what is the real iirtwsion ftir the senator’s in- dlgnati*>n? S<»melMMty has told Mr. Tamer that soaie*«ne else t*»ld him that Me**retary Hoot has issue*! a per­mit to dredge for gold in the bed of the w* near Cape Nomt*. Alaska. Cim- aeqnently Mr. Turner intixiduves a rMs*lati(»n ilemandlng inf<irmati*m re- apacting the matter. Bnt pending the receipt of such infirrroatitm with*>nt

eleet«*<t is clos<-r to the human heart ami a tN*tter jti<ige of right than m«*n ar*‘ usual IV iillowt**! to lie*'om**

.\ml n«iw city tlelivcry is to In- adilc*! to the list of largc-**lty lH*netHs w** art* to enjoy. .Ml that is |a**king at pr«-s«>nt is a IsMMlh* -4*.*uHlal im the IsMirti «if aldermen t«t a<l<l the real ele­ment of met ro|N til tan ism to the plsgr.

N«i doubt iteorg** Kols-rts eon**lii*lr<i that as lonx as coal smoke was nMm* • Nioriferoiis to him than s«nIm water, he ha*l iN-st get ii«‘Xt to it an*l enj*iv iif**.

Although ther*- will In* a lltth-w«irk in it. Mr. Pnlfrey ami family will en­joy the pleasures *»f ixmtinuous sum- iner-rewtriing this season.

In any event, the superviMirs may i*«»ngratnlate themselv«*s next We*ln«s- <lay. if they find the tax queation to** lalNirious t*i Milvtv

.Speaking l*Mxilly, it is oliaervtHi tbjlt the <xtmpetiti<ui promisaa to in* SHbIi that n*i om* in particular ishankeriug t*» In* the ire man. r

<|uietly and his friends and neighbors laid him away in the South Riley tN>inctcry beside a daughter who pre- c<?dcd him twentv-one yimrs ago. Rev. Dotty, of the srf. K. chmeh «j< Wa- «x>usta. ollieiated.

Card of Thanks.—We daaire to thank the friends and neighbors wh*> so kindly aaaiste*! us during the sick- ness and death of onr loved husband anil father. We an* ixipecially grate­ful to the pastor for hts iximfo^lng words and the choir who fnroish«rd the singing. May all who so kinidy remetniN-mi us have the same sympa­thy and help in the time «if somrw.— Mrs. Samnel Feaxel and chhlren.

Want a Realr al BIste.P(N»tmaster B. M. WiN>ley. «if Klsie.

has forwarde*! a petition to the ptmtal authoritiew at Washington asking for the i-stahlishment of a rural fre«* mail *lellvery ntuU* tunning south and w«*st fmni Klsie and «x»vering twenty eight miles.


Bingham townahip hna kaati mom than ganrroua—she ha* hoon lavish. F«>r yoava a large amount of mousy has Imwo raised aad expanded fur “gravel,'* (?) UMiatly fine MUMi. At flrat It was a banaBt tm olny mmla. Taxpayers were indifferent and the reeult has been that each year a tax of tlwiuoands «if dollars- -mure or loea— has iNfon votod «ja the township. Imte years much of the grnml has lieen put where it has Inmhi a damage ratWr than a benellt. A little sand made clay roads better. An excess of sand converted hard nuMls into “sand hills." All voters in this township know that the road for one mile went from “C*inn's iximer’’' was tmistly a santi rxuul. lAwt year sao*l *if almoat precisely the same ({uallty was hauled for miles, from the pit. and plltNi in a riiige in the «*enter «if the rued for that entire mile! Hand has been hauled and «iumped on Clinton avenue, even in such excessive quantities as to neoessitalr a re-grading at two different tinuMs The last time a whole ffMit in *iepth of thin excess of Hand was remuve*t from the upper end of saiti avenue. IjcI the taxpayen* be at the voting precincts next Mtinday at 13 o’ohiek n*Hin and vote d*iwn, fur this one year at any rate, everx* ihdlar of money prupNMxl for purcliase of “gravel’’—sand. I’roliably there is mit one mile of roa*l in the township that could n*it lie put in perfect repair bv taking from the ditches all inat**- r{al necessary for fiiiiug ruts and re­storing a pmper txintour to th«* sur­face in general, l^et us try it for one year and watch the result. Don’t fail t*< be out ami vote. T<mi much money has already been M|uan*iere*l.



In. liateM. gtWiiilarfy, B. 1.

In nletlm to Dr. Hartman ooMemlng I other remedy can approach In goodtto be HMrils of IVm-na, Mrs. Brewsr mits tha action of Pe-m-aa. It meato

Is HNsIsesa for Hliaaelr. |Harry Bradner has purchase*! a half I

inter«Nit in a furniture anti undertak- j ing estahlishment at Union I'ity. and | left f«ir that place .Momlay evening, j Mrs. Bradner and children will leave ' St. Johns ill a short time. au<i they wilt make that citv their home.


Ltiuisa B4N.*ker hy sdmr. to Thos. A. Shirts ct al. •• .11* a of w .M* a of ne fr

.See 1. l-higle. Sl.Ps*.

Now m Lima Bay WmmWariiington, D. C. —“Whan onr

boy waa about 16 months old he broka out with a rash which waa thought to be meaalea. In a few dajrs be had a •welling on the left side of his neefc a«Mi it waa decided to be mumps. He yraa girm medical attcndan«*e for about three weeks when the doctor mid H waa scrofula and ordereil a oalvc. He wanted to lance the aore, but I would not let him and continued giving him medicine for about four montha when the bunch broke in two places and became a running aore. Three doctors said it waa acrofula and each ordered a blooit medicine. A neighbor told me of a caae somewhat

wrltoo, amoag other thtnga tWasraai-T, R. 1.

**I>ear Dr.Hartman—I ilnd Pe-m-naa aore ouva lor all eatorrhal affections so oommon in tliirpart of tha (*ountry. It euieaaealdatoiiec. Thars la no f‘<iagh mad IcUm that eaa at all aquahPe-ru-na. Aa for la grippe, thera la no otbar ram- ady that <ma at all compare with Pe- m-na. ,

**I am among tha alek a graat daal In our oltfr aad have auppllad many In­valids xrlth Pe-ru-na, simply bacausa 1 am anthuslastic (n my faith as to ita re. anita. 1 bava never known It to fall to quickly and parmanantiy remove that demuralla«l, ataia of the numao syatam iMlich followe la grippe.

^^n all caeas of extrema waakuess 1 uoa Pe-m-na with parfaet ooafldant*** of a good raault. In oaaaa of waaknaas paeullar to my aax I am aura that no

all tha had symptoma to which famalm are subject. The liragolaritlae and na^ vooanaas. the debility aad mlaarlm which alBiet more or laoa tha worn— from girlhood to change of Ufa, are <iHa and all mat and ovareoma by this am reliant remedy. 1 wlah every yoaaig lady In uor city oouJd leod your bo<ik.

* Mrs. Ussto M. Brewer.'*Pa-m-na will cure tha worst eaaeaof

iwtarrb. La grippe la acuta aplrtawte catarrh, for which Pa-m-iia la a spw clflc.

Mrs. J. W. Reynolda, Naw Llaboto Ohio, sullarad for many jraars with chronic catarrh of tha luaga, band ami throat; *»ntinacHia ooogh; many phyai clans failed to <uira. Permaaantly ouiud by Pw^ru-na. Thonaamds of taatimonlale could ba prodiM»ad. A valoabla traaMm on catarrh sant frea by Tha Pa ra an Hadlctaa Company, Colambaih O*

llnyt^; last ? Iicrnanl Herr .-t »l hv gnin. t*. Fr*-*! Mike oor baby’s which waa cui^ byix.iipU* have game*! man> «ami frit j ..f\e ** an.l s K* | Howi’a Sarmparilla. Idecldeti to

I a of s*- *4 «if ne *4 >ee. 1’.’. Westphalia, give it to my boy and in a abort while! i:>. hia heaitli improved and hia neek

iteorgt* It. Kint-aitI t*» I’arri*- I. Kin- ■ liealed ao nicely that I stopiied givingeaiti. pt of ne '4 of n** *4 See. 31. him the medicine. The sore lirokoIHley. i ont again, however, whereupon I again

Kii/alieth .MilU*r et al i*i Fre*l K. 1 gave him Hoo<i’a Sarsaparilla ami luFel«l|Nius*’h. n of M* *4 and s .l<* a of I peraiatent use ban acoompliaheda com*se ‘4 ‘*f «»• *4 S'*’*’- I -’. " eMphalln. , pi*tecurc. I do not think there will be81.713.

Catharine A. I’lark to Noble Bur

in Ovi*!.I will -N»n In* at my nt*w stand,

next t«» K. K. Cowan's clothing store, and will ttarrj- a largel ineof harn**sM. whips. n*lN*s. hlank«*ts an*l <ither ••un- dries. Also tvill d*» harness repairing. Call anil l«Nik over my '•t«N*k. Triil.v yimrs. Willis Johnson.

“The Merrj- MUkinaicIs. ” given at th»* opera house We*liies«lay night, was an entin* success. It was given hythe v.iung people of the Kpworth i nett, nmlivideil 1-7 lots lo. II and 1*,*, 1 la-sgiie. and the pn*«ee*ls will go for j hik 71, St. .lohns. (q c) 8Hs». the lN*netlt of this MNri«-ty. Kvcr>'*»n«* 1 l.uke II. HIttks et al to .Minor .\. j plav<xl his |»ari well, an*l Ih** many l |li<*ks. laiul on w y of sw *4 Se«*. 1*3. 1 listeners wen* all pl«*as«**l. This can-1 Mvlil, <*| e) 81.tata was suiN-rintonde*! hy Miss Julia |*a|tha I’. Tnvlor t*. Minor A. Illeks. Hntss. a musie teacher of St. Johns. ^ ,,jr j., ovid. j

.Miss Hattie I’hinkett will givt* her ■ 8*,xi,leetnr*-, “Tw*! (Jirls* Travels In Kn- n(|N- "at the Congn-gatlounl chnreh Friilay **vening. .Miss l*liink<*tt has made quite extensiv** travels through Knnipe. an«l her talk will surey In- interesting. .\fl**r th** l»*t*ture, thi* Christian Kmlenv«»r ^soe^ety will give her a r«x*eptioii in th»* jiarlors of the olinreh. The Kpw**rth I.«*agne and H. V. I*. C, of oth«*r eknu*hes will In* pres»-nt.


ou the sick

David (i. Itaxt**r and wife to I’cteri T. .Ii*ll»*y. t* D* a of s of s of nw ■ *4 See. i'J. Dallas. 8.MH1.

Minor Hicks to l,uk«* 11. Hieks. i land on sw ‘4 >e«*. 13. livid, 8l..'i*si.

Fre*lerick Italli and wife to .ViUdph I4. Il**rnar*l, e Vy of e , of ^w *4 ;se**. 3. Wnt**rtown. 83.*mn*.

Fretlerick Martin anil wife to Wil­liam .Martin, n , of e of •n* *4 .'•ee. s. Ileiignl. 81.300.

Walia*s* .S|at«*r an*l wife to iVrry D. Shelilon, s of s«- *4 of s«* '4 .'w**. I,UH*-y. 8*'*'0.

Joseph .'■k*hn«*elN-rger to Freil S<*hnor-; **r et al. lanil on sw '4 of sw ‘4 >e**. 1

ATonaacar left. 1 cannot apeak too highly of Hood’s Sarmparilla and 1 reo* omraeud it everv'wbere I get a chance.” Mas. NrrriK ('bask, 47 K St., N. £.

LHto Maslo.“ A com|ilicatioii of tronblea, dya-

pepaim. chronic lAtarrh ami inflam- mation of the stomach, rheumatism, etc., made me miserable. Had no appetite until I took Hood’s 8araapa> rilla, which acted like magic. 1 am thoroughly lured.” N. B., 1874 West 14th Ave., Denver, Col.

If you Imve failed to get relief from ofher remedies tr>’ Hood’s .SarMpa- rilla. It cures when all otliera (ail, beoauae it ia Peculiar to Itself.


I The Real Thing!That 18 what everyone pronounces

our cnni])lete lint* of Iron Beds. Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Lounges, Bookcases, Hall Furniture, Fancy Chairs, Tables, Diners, etc.

The spring* styles arc arrivinf; daily.We will lie pleased to show them to you.

Onr line of Baby Carriages and Qo- Carts is the most comjilete ever shown in town.

Cfoods delivered in the eountry


B. I. Hull,Fmural*' ' .


m16 Cllnten Avenue.

.\ntoii «’.'4 of MW ^4


MImm Bn»h. of WacouMta. is viMiting her Mister. Mrs. C*>wI«n,.

.\ugUMt Miller is preparing t*i move t** his new fami in Bengal.

.lohn T«*rople. of Tecnmneh, visited his mother, .Mrs. Temple, last w

Balph C«twleM passed .Sun*lay with his brother. C N. C<mles. on his way home t«i Kasex friun the M. A. C.

The l,a«iirM’ Aiil Society will meet at the home of Mrs. S. 11. WHIiama. April .1, at I o’chiok. The w«N*k|y prayer meeting will In* held at tkia cirMe of the Noclely meeting.

The township tiekets to he «n$- mittexi to the electors .Mrmday are aa f*dl<TWs: Silver SuprrviMir. J. B. Knapp: clerk, Robert l,an<lerM; treas­urer. IVtrr i'nng: instier. A. H. Bnms; highway nunmtMhmer. Angu^^ Sehrader; Isiard of review, John

, Plnglr; *N»oatobleN. Th*nMM Day, John anything save gomip upon whi*^ to Kohwm. W. S. \Velt,i^:

sehtHtl inspeetor, W’lliiam NelHm. Itq-his dennmdatitms Senator Tnr- ■er tears pasaitm to tatters and In­vokes the wrath of heaven npon a man wIm* hasn’t had an opportunity to an­swer the nenatorial Inquiry.

This kiml trt thing defeats its own purpiwi. Mr. Kant may have granted a permit t** drvxige ftw gold itff Cape Noose aad tto grantlimtof oneh permit ■my conatit^ a shammil, seandaltoiM mmd disgraceful aetl*m, thtingh its turpi twdr la wn^kBi^B. Rut to con

puhliean Snprrvisnr, H. N. Csrpan ter; clerk. M. A. Hiff: treasurer. WHIIam Htoy; jnstlcN*. (1. F. iNtmagt highway (vimmlasi*Nwr. K. C. I’ralTl hoard of review. H. S. lUisa; oansto- hic. Charles .Schrader, WiHkun Stoj, R. II. Kincaid, tlmrge Ash: nrhiAB inspector. Lueinr Hturgia

AUverttsea l^ettpr*<1. Bennett, U M. Onehran. Mra.

Hertlc Hildreth, Mr. Nam C«M>him. J. W, Mtawe. Mioa Ketto Matthews, Mioa Mary i*alaMr. TImol A. Prari. Mioa

hatorr he Fhwa ttmrp. Hart Tngrkw.

Mrs. .1. MHlilliowidv i*.HmI.

Kri Cideman is visiting frit-mis in 1 3^^ DelVltt. 8l.47f».Howell. .liMcph SMehii«*«*lN*rger t«i

.Mlhs Kva hkiwani*. is h*»m«* f**r a two j .Sehn«f*Tg*T. !**», a on sw weeks’ vac-atl*m. ! Sec. 34. DeWltl. 81.

Mrs L. I,awrentx*. of <iaiiies. is! ‘h-tti** HelN-ler t.i The«Nlon* J.visiting friends here. ‘ Pa'-’h, nw of nw '4 Sec 1-, lien*

\V. H. NVliiHehl has renl***i the |Walker plac*- ami Is morintr this week.

Th** W. F. .M. S. will in«N*t withMrs. Charles Daley. We*lnes«lay. .tpril 4.

Mrs. WiNsien and chihlreii of ttwos- Mii. visiU*d her in**ther, Mrs. Xokes. this week.

Miss .Vita Brown and brother. Bert, of near Kisie. ••pent Turxsiay at J. J. WlnHel*l’s.

Miss Ksther I,*»ve. of Klsie. visited her r*(Usin. Mrs. .1. H. .\ldrich. the ttrst of the week.

Miss Kleeta Smith, of tlvlil, was the gn«*Mt of her brother, ti. F. .Smith an*i family over Numlay.

Miss Kmma WlIkiNun has retuine*i from her visit with her sister, Mrs. I.udinm. of St. l,ouis.

11. Daley, of Viekahurg. Michigan, spent last week with his parents. Mr. an*l Mrs. Charles Daley.

Drant K«-shy luu* sold his interest in the iNtrls-rshop in <lvi«i an*i will work the farm of his father-in-law. N. M’. Lonnshiiri*.

J. W. Dnnkel, of Brailner. Ohio, who recently p«ireha*e«l the farm of O. ti. Carpenter. m*ive«l his family here laat week.

Mr. anti Mrs. .1. I.uekhurst and iilaughter, Mrs. 11. Bailey, of Burton, risite*! their son. F. K. I.uekhumt lami family Wednesday.


Milo Blixaard waa in Wacunata Fri­day.

K**hert Pealaidy. (vf ijonaing. is ■pending the week im his farm.

^ William Reaves, of Wmnmmtm. vla- :lte«i at the home of hia parents last week.

Mrs. William Reavea.w ho haa Iwen oaring for her moUier the past few weeka. haa returned to her luimr in Waronata.

About seveaty-ffve friends and rela­tives of Mr. ami Mrs. N. M. Hant««on met at the home of her latdher on the snth and. gave them a farewell mir* pri«e. Mr. Oalligher. in Iwhalf of those preoeni. presented them with a fine rneher. Dancing and onrri play­ing srere the enjoTmeni of the even­ing-

The*Nlon* J I’aseh an«l wife t*» WH- Hso) I'sMch. w *x of nS of s of nw fr ‘4 Ne**. II. ItengnT 873.^.

t*«nrgi* K. Wi-atherwax and wife to UolN-rt Brown et si. e *, lots 11 and t'3. bik 117. Nt. Johns. Sl.l.Vi.

kydb e.

K«>K NAt,K.

FV*ll HAI.K—Three uprlaK Cftvrrr«l witxon MNiUtoh* *iir iNMil tirliirrv or milk sa,,.

on , Kniiulre of II A. S4111rtiiK SALK'’ilKAl'.—l.ot« 1 asd n, J.riifl'a r n*lil . loratol on l.snalntf ■trxet. near rall- roa«l. known n* .N V. llarrU i>ro|>rrt)r .Vd- I ^ tlreaa Mss. MiI’aims. Itowtinx (<r«en,Ohio. xhwH|i

two milei I a Kn.|ulrr at :

.XMnnrw Wkiwtkm

iLt^.NInelv nrre lai heaat of SI. John*1 nor*

premlMes i>f.'11 tf

Fl'olt SALK.—.North or Miuth half of my ' laail sitli tir without the hull>llnx>-

■tpHy on the |ireml«H**w:f|i

to Mns K'tirrKX, Trowhrftix** Nt.

ryi lit MaLK lilt IlKNT.—llo«»r anil two j r arte* of las*! IT. miSMte* walk fr«>Bi | table tartory. Ksnaire of M. A. IbiASiiMAM


FltiKSAl.K—lUgSty acre farm <»se mile MtMIhasil one mile Weat of Kowler.

known aa the Itnfton as«l later aa tha Nrhasrk farm. Will be aolil rlteae If ante ki made at on**e. Ks«|Ulre at the loeista-a or of Thomaa llromley. Jr orrharlea S<iule at The Merrantlle ai«»rea, St, Johns.

For MALK.— liosar anil lot ami a half on le>s|a atrret. Ilam on iirrmlaea Will be

etbl for 8N.Ni*. Km|«lrr ofII. A Tsitur.

FMIR SALK.—Hay, Straw aaii f’ors.JoKI. WAOAU. Kowler.


Bank Mourn OfdeitI’liynhle nil |Mtrfs of th** Uniteil NtHtw* or Cnuada

lit tile

STATE BANK OF ST. JOHNS.■ Orden for any amount up to $10 for 5 cents.Orden fmr any amount above $10, 10 cents a hundred-

SAFE, CHEAP AHO EASY.IVheti you wiah H* remit money in smiill or lurge

nniounUi gel a bank num*y order nt thenil N IT. m.Porter K. Perriii, Pres. J. H. Cortrtt, Vice Pres.

J. W. Fitzgerald. Cashier.


FMIR SALK—Ho State atreet.

place. Iminlre at Ihia oNlei*

iNtm nml four lota os ^ Jtihaa Very .lealrsMe Businksr Dikkctoky.

RKAL FMITATK Kflll SALK—Anyomrilaair Inx a hulMIsxlot. tarsi oiy»la«*eot l.ualnaaa attornkyh.

will do well to, I KWIS MKVKRANCK, a. II., Allorjmy.

. ____ .! li iNomaaSoesml Mollrltor, Nt. John*. Mlrh.riMtk, one aerornl '

rook, four waltrraaaa. and <Nm dWi , ...........«. iwuki ivaiwnaher to xtt to Hay View. Mtrh., lor the ' kJI AULOINU, >I4»KT1^^ A IHMILIMI, Ot- aemMut Iwalnnlsa July Srat For partirulars addrrua Usa J. C. Kmaim,

790 K 49 Street. t'hlriMP*. Ill


PALMKR * HI’f’K, I’hvalrtaaa ami Har- ■wise. Illaaaaaa id the Kye. Kar. Nims

I ami Throat a Sneelalty iiMlee orer llsat’a ' Itrux Ninre. St. Joksa. Mirhiasa.

vv AN'TKP—use Srat. J. V. INNILIMI. I'hya4rlsn aad aeon. Nt Johsa. MIrhtimii. OMevII* .

he ' Ul’AULOINU. .N4»RT1»' * immii.i.-xii. ,,h Allla..B a Jewelry Nforrm.ovm.’totAimalHa.k. waIIY I*. IIAVKNH. M. I». once

' In N«iMe Hursetl’a Ntorr. Nt. Johan. 1 WALHHIIMIK._ Attorneys st j Xosr*. t* U» 11 a. m. and 9 to ft p. m.kpkwa aiNUee owe t'orser Ursa NOire.pKHK

f>NKV Tf* M>AN—Kmlewa A Walbrl.lirr : bias mosey at low rstm ol Istermt on j

owl estate aeeufit v ts any auma daatrnl _ i

FKKII MIL1-—I have parrhaaeil a feed ' ■rlmllsa marhise ami am miw

19^'ILL H. IIIO;.Hl»l».N. AttofTV ai.Jaami. MtoMgsn

SM. l*«MtT. M I*., PNyatrtaa ____ _ , ami Xotarr PnlNlr oStoe •■TK

L^rrralv IMFT |MirrMMFII m ir arlmllsa marhise ami am miw .wveare*! 1 h, m. Psaam. o grlml toetlTaamlaya ami Krtdsya of **»eh 1 nirantaa -a reek at my mill Prto^ low aa<f aatMae 1 krs gaarantee*! K. LKACII. *IwCXf. Ksreha. MIeMaaa

___ ami X«»tarT PnhMr I’tflhr orer1U4 i sef'a Meat Market, .Mo. 14 Hinton aream.

Weatdesre rorser l.nsalstt aa*l Koaets •Ss. Mt. Johnm MIehIjtan.

K dernre to eeesrr tlw aerrieea of a rvMs- I TV Me asiwmaii Is your rtrtstty to bamlle |

oar Inbrteatlaa «tUa aad graa aa. IJheral | proposition itad farorsMe pfiree A.btreas ' wit h rafrrraees . Tan Autum-aN PnNoi.Bt-Mi |Nhmmv*t I o.. Findlay, iHdu.

P. K. Pssmx A. J. B*i.i*wis. ____IIALI1WIN. Att*>rseya st i V ^ftoHrltora Is I'hnseery. rral aa- IkH. II. h Ntjl AIK. IJiyidr^ aa*l Uar-

rosvejraseers xml m«»aey Iims- , 1/ *rv<»s«l to**! iltstoa Idash.res. exsmtse tltlea. pay taxae. exernte |wa , "t Johns. Mirniasu. a4«m tmpeva oonI nmlm roUertlose. All btml —————asm prrMS|d|y amt asrsralety atteailed to. I j 11LlJtM A NLKItlllT. Phymriasssail Mar- 11 Sir. ovsi laapmas** Nhor Nt*>re, .Mo. 11 . |T arose 1 ithre aad reM4es*i west stiSs of rytstos areas*. Nt Johm. MIehlann. (‘osrt iloase si|**re iMAre hoars 1 to Ik

rANTKI*.—Men with rtg to asll opr Potd- try Mlatare stratahi satlarv. lA weekly

amletpetmss Addrem, with stamp. Kt'ssst Mr«i. t'o.. Hast Nt. laMda. III. HOwd.W

rWo• HKNT.—Karstshe*! Farm of Itio artea or Farm *>f ga** aetss. Kapato .ilJ. a.


LiNtT—<Ni lUatos avease iw r«*ad or im atrvste laadtax to

aoath apprnath to towa. last evet eilMMtk aab mag. Rewanl lor prnparty to Taa Maws uMse

EnffJf H. LTfl.M, Attoraey at Imw. Nt. JolTba. Mieklaw

SB. HMITH. Attoraey al Imw. Nt. Johm. Mtrhlaan iNAee al I'osrt Iloase

j every afiera«MHi.

nK J. W. PtiLlJkRIi. M. I).. Phyto aad Narwraa. Nt. Johm. Mtehtgaa.

I Are over State Nash.OC.

.1. HABLKwith R H. I,yii

lay ata, Nt. Johm. MIeh.


rRs UK. ntilMiK, Trmhsr *d Ptaao. Or- m, V<mal Msatr ami Hanaoay.aaom over NpaMMtaa'e Hardwaar.


I[4 I. IIULL. I’adertaher. .Mo. la (3 '4, Ave. Healdeaer UtMi Ntaie HI. wm

11; H ONUOttli. Psaeral INrsator, VV . alke Pnrtiiftoi.

MyAmwsr «aBaIt

la akglit aad dog.NaTTttt



Forfc5.WearesHH Sel­

ins' Knives andForks at $2.75 and $3.00 per set.


Or. W. C. WalkerTbe KiniiM^t rtpreialMt, i4 DrtroM.IIMt.,

fonmvty of Now Yo*k, wM tlMfol|«>iriB|r Koiruiar lioathl)^ :


a H. nnt Moartsy in

la Mair on ImmU*

Knives Forks and Spoons atAllison^s



Am wo «>nt<T u|Kin our Hftoontii ymr in InisiDtw wo wioii Hml of hII to thunk tko potiftlo of Orid. Klaio, I.HiiiKMbnrK. I>a|>l^n. .*>hoiiAr(kiTillo, Iturtoii, rlntpin. UanniMtor. St. Johno uiul Owommo uiitl 11 ourolior Htill boynncl thow* tow no for thoir liborai nntronua*' which hno Hnubloii um to huiln lift oiH* of th«> iiirKoot Iticyrio ItuniDWMMw in <*«*ntml Mirhiiriin. \V«< wild) to luiiiounc*' to ull of our ohi coo- toincrx lUiif to now oiioh tiiat wc iiro in u bottor (MMiitioii to tuk)' larc of your iu-ciIk thiM year than oror f»ofor»-. \V»* huvo ••n- laryroti our ffcMtr Hpan-. iiihti^l oomc iihm tooio to our rofmir )f»*|Mirtn)ciii. mliiripil our Htock of Suiiilrioo Nint Icn^rthonoilttur iiat of WhoelM, oo ttiut wc <vui miv with out lioiuitinK thf.t \vc huve one of the larK>‘ot liiM'of Whitdi. to noiert fnini in the Mtutc of .MieiitK-tin, VV»< invite on** luicl ull to cull uinl •M.eoiir xt N*k whether ynii winh to hiiv or not. full iiikI iret cutuloipioM. \e to |>rieeo. we an* in on the ifroiind rtinir. We (*oiitrHi‘t«*«l eurlx, liofore the itiivunc** in pneoe. uixl we are onw Jibh* to Mell at pricew um low um luet eeaeon. .V^uin thuukin^yoii and eolicit* iOK a eoiitiniiunei* of your fiivore. )%‘e .in*

lteM|ie<‘tfullv voure,


By the Fountain. |


Our tiullery hlielieen ull newly pu{>ered reiNunteii luiil renovated Ihroiiuhoiit and we extend u **0011111 invitation to the public to i’hII uimI iiiMt'O't our ennipieM and work.

I hare It complete new lin** of

Backg^rounds and

Accessories.Anti w*‘ an* etptipf.««l f«,r tiirriiiifr <»«t

tbe beet work.We lit* not ileiiend entirely on |the tt'cb-

Dical'ffoinh of tbe work ♦•ither, ftir we hove Mtiidieil tlw* art of |MM»inK untf hnre new idetw> to offer. We etiMlI lie ph-iteed to meet callerx.

M. A. Watson,5T. JOHNS, WICM.

Auccaeaor to A. L Atacc.

Backeye Bith Cairiiei Best in tke World

County Awrent

ST. JOHNS, Hotel St. Johns, Saturday, Aiiril Mth.

I OFFirK HOI'liS, U a. m. t» .5 p. m.

Consultation Free to aU. j

The .Mont SucceMMful Methudn i^ the Treutmeiit of .All 1 heiwMeMandI>m-

formili*^ Known to the ^

latfMt .Medkaf uofl Siiraicnl itkill.

Dr. Walker will not treat any unless There is a Possi­

bility of a cure, and will so inform you.

Ily ll>elAle«l M-fentlll,' reMrarrhr* liyim)>r,>vr«l luiMriiii.rni. amiI iiirtbiMl. tnr iMM'lor I. eDMltlci to <IUeovrr Ihr irtle nAture of Ibr lil.cAiM', aii<l liK'Ale tbe orCAIi or itArt. aife«'te,l Aa«i mnny > nu«l roinpll- cAtlon. wbtrli hAVF herelorora |irovr<l roiMt olMtlAAtr to the MeallrAl ProteMilon yleitl like luAMtr UDtler bla .kill Aixl •▼■tetntr ireAlinenl

Tliere I. no iiee<l to live In roii.iant inlaery. It ro.1. niObtiiK tfi MW htia. t<,r ron.ullAtlon 1. free anil hi. iinre. lortreAtment are within the reAcIi of all lie la a liientl l«> the affllel. F«l anil will turn itoiie awav unalile,! The luerrhanl iiiluicle. with the while Meklnit relief at III. hanil. anti hundred, are cure>l ever.) year


MIm, Anna Keehao. *»f Ml John*. Ml«h.. write. «n«trr dale >f ) K*tolwr lo. IHHW !*he ■av.:

Ihcar nocTOH W Ai.ikKU—I am very Ihankfal lndee«l. that I , aine lo you for ireAlin, nt. for I iMilere voii .are<l mr llle Am very itiate- rul to you f<*r li. 'thrrr are iiianjr In Mi. John, 'who knew how tnlM>ral>le I had lieen for n louK lime iMdore applyiluc t<* you tor treatment I ron.lder my recover, remark- aide. You may puhll.h fbl. In tbe Ml. lohn. paiM-r. for I want all afl1lrle,l one. to know theirreai ic<mm| I have reeelVMl AImi .ball lie t(la<l ti> tell anyone permonailt who may wlafi to rail at my home.

fMlffne,|] MI.M*t ANNA FKKIIA.N.Itll I'loral Ave.. ■‘•♦t. John*. MIrb.

Mr ti,lwln >i|wrrv. ,i well known rltlsen <4 .*41. John., .ay..'*1 wl.h to puMtrlly eKpreM, my itratitude to Dr. Walker for the irreat ,{tMMl I have rerelve,! thri>«irh iMe treatnieal. I had 1.^1) ninirtr^l with catarrh of lh« bea,i, throat. nn<l .lomaeh far year. liatlnx trle,l a tiuiulwr ,11 other *locior. wtlh<Mit any twrinaiienl relief I deel,le,| lo rtin.uir Dr. Walker, wIm lirl|ie<l me rlfhl alonx. and I ani now nleaMHt to .ay i am enlotinx x<nmI health I rheerfnilv reciininenti the iltwltir lo all .Imllarly al1llc,ri|. SIxned,

KDWIN MDKIlItV.Mt. John., Mich..

The lie, U <■ \anllunrer. who reaXte. near I-alaxahurK. MIrh. v,,luatarlly itl^« the f- llowlnx ie.ilm«,nlal («,r |,uldleallon Hr .ay. **1 have Iwen a «nlt»rer for year* from heart dliwaw and .pinal weaknem, ami for the pa.i year have iwaa vm, nrrvou. and hate tremtdMl mi I loultl iwarrely hold a iMMik or pa|wr .leady eartinrh to read and roulit not wrltr with a |ien. I tell .Irk all over and wa. entirely iinSt for hii.laea. Aftar three month, treatment with Dr. W t'. Walkir. of Detroit, all difirrent and I am tietlerthani have Iwen In nil year. Am workinx evert day ami urearhinx every .*<unday All thank, to Dr. Walker.

(Sl«ne«l) W II. VANRI’KlIKiLMr*. M. W ItiMe, of Ovid, rur,d <d rnlitBh

of the .lomarh of fifteen year. .landlOK..None, (wrhapa. feel more xratefnl to Sm

diwtor than diw. Mr*. J. II. DennI., of i Mhe.ay.' **I wl.h every ptotr .ufferer tnl| know tbe iruod I have reretved uniter Walker', treatment and pmllt from iny fwrlence. There are many. In OvW vlrlnlty who know how idlnernble I h< lieen .afrerlnx with a eompllratlonofdiM-i which Meme<l to rr.1.1 all fi,e«ltc*U .kUi I ■■on.nlle,l Dr. w„||irr .Now I feel llka^ _ •Itfferent perwin. I feel very xratefnl to tile d«wlor and offer thi. leatlmonlal e«dni,larlly for the benefit of ail chronic .nfferar.,**

MItH. J M DKNNIMMr.. Thoinn. I'rolty, of Os How, Mich.

alM> xlve. teallmony Nhe Miy.: '*i>r.Walker iMive«l my life. Three phyatrlaii. told met bail cancer of the Imwet. anil advimil an opernilon Hrfore n»n.eailn|L, lo (hi. I •lerldnl to .-omoilt Dr. W D. WitIBvr, of De. tndt llelnx rnnflne«i lo my Ned. I lete. xrnpbe«l the apwlor. Alter a a-arefnl esam. Inailon Dr. Walker iol,i me I hml im, cancer, hnt my tronide. were rhr«>nlr ila.lneDnol- enni t'atarrh, iuM«K-in<«tt with .N'eiimtxia. The diwlor Mwm rellevr<l me and In a .hort lime I waa ewilrely rure<l *'

MIIH THOMAKI'HOTTV.Mr. I.. Pearl, who llvn> near Hi. John*.

alM, Mty. After trealinx with Dr. Walkrr tor f>ne month I hnvr mil twen nt, wWI lor renr.

Mm. f* M. Htntanian rntwd of MoimI and Mkln dl»ra.e. of t weire ream mandfnff.

Mm I. R l-amherf rnml of t arfcom* nirer. on llmh.

O^ood, Mm. Klla Oane <nd tunic dmenne

need of Hroachtal imnMe

Undertaker.St. Johns.

MIm it II. ettiwd td fhaiat. weahnea. after heinx treated by many .omd phvwtetana.

Dr. Walker*, adraaretl method, fur the I real meal aail ram <d ul earn. peenHar to women are uaenrpamed. ' Mo mna .nShrinx fr,,m the eeil eiSeta of vnnihfni ladlnrrelXtn.. ra«*lax Impalreit rttalllv. aerv onnamw. heart temMe Xm. <d memory, 'leepoadnaxy. Mr., all tmaled hv the leal metb«el. kauif n to medical mdrarr. t'oaanll Ihe MpeetaUnt that

Mine Mary .Mtark 1. .pentilnir h imiu-I pi** of weelin with frieiwl. in llxrton.

The *iatc fi»r the lllltrrt Male i|nar-i U*t f’onccrt baa law*n <'hanirr«l to Twe.- day niffht. April 1.

Horn, to Mr. an«i Mm. .Ii»hn IMrliett. fW Waahinirton tnwnnhip. Tiirmlay. a ilanffbler.

Mlaa lyah l•a^txrwt«, rrtiiriHMl ym-j txrday frvNn a *r«ffk 'a riait with hxr! aiator. Mm N. J. HtrerWr, uf llraml j

RSMBMOBH Dr Walher haa made a ape- rlaliT of rhmatr dtamam for many yearn, awd i*m .nemna m we«l kanwn

■0*1 wilt xlen aperial aitmtioa to dinenli raaa. nad In raam other phyatrHmn ham fail­ed to rare Hank r,f,r,nri a.

l*erM>na applyInx In* trenimnni will ptmaa brlnx fmm two to lonr onaem of niiae. Ami naaaed In Ihe mnrninx. for aaalmk*

(Jh*wf>.>h Nanka aant <M, nppMratloB. Ilo rinae atnmp for renly. TiHwe uanMe to ana the -loetor raa addrima.

W. C. WALKER, m. D.BOX 70. OCTRorr. MICH.

W. M. I itMlfl ■a Fridsy.Chaa. Hlabop waa iu luaia on busi*

Dxaa Friday.Juaiah Upiun waa In Wmun on

Imainaaa Monday.Hr. II. M. ikMin waa in Ftmlar on

ImaiiMMMi Mnturday.J. J. Hhindurf and littir nun. laro.

w«n* in Flint, Friday.Mra. Klla Thuma. of l*rwainu, npant

Naturday in Ht. Jobnn..Mra. A. K. Ilntcber ap«nt Salunlay

and Sunday in flwtinnu.Mm. J. .Simiuona is appndinir the

work in (iranil llapidn.S. II. Ilaboll and V. C. Vanffhan

were in iJetroit Tunaday.Mm. C* I*. Ilakrr waa thr ifural of

firand itapida frirnda Tnewday.R. L. NiehuU la atu»ndin|f (irand

Ixidifr F. and A. M. at Comnna.\V. T. I'ranv. nl Ilptroit. waa th**

tnimt of Mlaa Ota l.««Haron Sunday.N. A. Sturffia waa in St. Charlea the

latUrr part of the w«wk on bnninraa.Mm. II. L. Kendrick and little M»n,

('harica. an* rinltinif relatlvea in Klaie.Mlaa S. Tailor left .Monday muminif

for l.ain|fabarK. where ahewill reside.Mlaa Ida (inwa. of F’owler. ia riait*

in|f her aiater. Mra. A. J. .\ffhulter.Miaa Maude Little and niece, Edna

Little, are apendinif the week at Held* in»r.

.Miaa Ijeah Tirrell, uf l.ainiriiburff, ia the truest of .Miaa Hena ('lark thia week.

.Mm. .M. C. Torr\*. of Durand, waa


ia m.

dMriaa PlyMi

Nall Him. of fHrld,Johna on bnaiaMw Monday.

Mlaa Mary i'uaniiiBhaaD ia rialtiuir frianda in (Hraad Ka^da thla week.

W. II. Uubaon. of Drid. waa a caller in Ht. Johns the foer part uf thr week.

Mliei (Hire Mnnfrer is apeadinif the week with Miaa Kthel lluom*. of


Lannk Hayioa ia the aialc

.Mrs. K. .1. Mattuon ia the of.Mr. ami .Mm. Fred lx*wia, uf Ilyrun, for a abort tine.

Mra. T. (L Itevnulda and twodauffh* temof Toledo Dnio, an* ifneata of her mother. .Mm. ('. II. Mueher.

.Mm J. J. Shindorf ia apendinir a few days in Oraad Uapida. tbe trueat of lier alater. Mm. D. Coffey.

Miaa Ketta Chaae, uf Ithaea, ia the truest of Miaa .Inlla .McCracken and Miaa Irak l*ulfrey thla week.

The W, K. C. will aerre warn neala fmn 11 :><» to 7 p. m. at 11. A.K. hall next Monday at 15 oenta per meal. •

The retrular immthiy meetintr of the Hi. .lohna tire licpartueiit will he held at Fireman's ball Monday ereninB.April m*voiid.

Dr. (iohn ia riaitintr hia old home in Canada thia week. He will attend the cloainir »*xerciaeK of the mileire whe»e he tr rad anted.

Thomas Hninley, Jr., ia in Detroit aiiil .Satrinaw on tniaineaa for a couple of (lava. He waa aceonpanied by hia (iaufrhter. i I axle.

There will Im* a warm aumr and penny aocial at A. D. I*. «. tiallYVedneaday ereninfr. .April 4. .Admia* aion, lo cents.

Mm Henry McFarian. uf .Maple the truffst of frienda here a part of last I llapida. left yesterday for Durand, week. i where ahe will spend the remainder

Miaa Lulu Chaae left Monday forl.aiiitrahunr. when* ahe will H|ien«i ( Mlaa .Marie Olcott, who haa lieen aoine time i apemlln|r the paat two weeka in the j

|•nmecutinK .Attorney Smith >*|Htnttlie latter part of the Week In Toledo returned Tuemlay to Draml l.ed|re. | and Detroit. i Maw*! lUeharda. who hi^ ^ ------ -

M. Seifert ia apendli.K I“••' P*"* "T ~..Te^‘I r i »*' l»' ^ sum. Mm Warren »>ood. rrturnetl Ui i -Mra Chaa.

.Mra. K.time with her mother.Kuaaell. of Fowler.

I. I. shaver and ifraiidaon. iJeorjre , Shaver, are viaitinff relativea in «irand ; Itapida thia week. ,

It. li. .\lliMin waa the ffueat of hia J |Mr,*iita. Mr. and Mm. C, S. .Mliaon, i ,if tlwoaa,,. Sunday.

.Mlaa V(*ata \V«aalhiiry. «»f the .A|. .t. 'I .. ia afM'ndiiiir the \*aeatioii at her home near .St. .lohna..

-Mra. M. F. Itiehinomi waa the (rueat of her ilauirhter. -Mra. Frank Suttiii. of iiuoaao, over Sunday.

Mra. I . K. Knapp ia the ifiieat of llev. and .Mm. W‘. L. Ilolmea. of'I irand Itapida. thia W(*ek.

.Mla-a Maidie Newton, of the .St.•lohna lllirh Sehtad, ia the fftieat of frienda in .st. lamia thia week.

Mr. and Mm. Chaa. saife and little dauirhter. Thelma, arv the >riie*-ta of r,*lntivea in I’ort Huron thla week.

Mra. M. Ilurtmaii returned ti* her home in .Muir .Satiinlay. after riaitintr Mra. Lealie ttoM*nkrana a few daya.

Mra .1. Mta»re and dauffhter. <»f liwtnow,. were jrueata (*f .Mlaa Kraiie Hiahop fnun .'♦atiirdaj until Tiie*alay.

■Mlaa Klla .Smith left Tueailay in(»rn* inif for Weat Salem, where ahe will a{M*nd the a«*aMiti in a millinery hoiiae.

.Mr. and Mra. .1. .M. Itarlow. ofE'lint. .'ire ifOcata '»f .Mm Ilarfow a hrotli«*r. Seth Drake, and wife, thial week.

Mlaa .'atella Uaker left Tueaday moriiintr f«*r a ah«»rt visit with frienda in I •rand Itapida. .*4011111 llui'en and I 4Ma«*(fo.

Ite\. \V L. laiufiiian delivered an addreaa |M>f,ire the Woman'a Foreign .Miaai«mnrv S(K*iet\ at Ithat'M Tueaday eveiilnir.

Mra. .'I. Weller and xui. Curl, are sf»endin|f a jwirt of tl,»- vueation with ,Mra W«-ller a aiater. Miaa Nealie Cul* frey. at Adrian.

.laiiK'a M(*nd('r*.««n lt“ft Ahuidai morn inif f'»r olivet, wher,* he inteiida to run a ffriat mill. latter hia family mat leiimve then*.

Miaa Maude l.aki* and Miaa Klleii Knapp are a|H*ndiiiff tin* vueation with , the latter*a eoiiairia. Mr. and Mra. Itiehnnl Mnyea. •»{ Ov.d.

W. .\. Newt(,n and I. K. Whitney, inatnietora in tlie eit\ *a*h(a,la. ar«* ap(*ndiii|f the vaeatloii at .Mr. W hit- net a home in Martfonl. Michigan.

Mlaa l.(»a Travia. teaehcr in the pul, lie aeh(Mda at latuainif. ia tlie ^tieat of her i»Mn*nta. Mr. and .Mm. Chaa.'Pravla. of Iteiiiral. diirintr thla week.

'P. D. .\hl»ey la M|M*ndinff a few daya tiiia \v,t*k wltli hia nleet*. .Mlaa .Mart Cline, who ia a pupil at the M(*l.arh>Ian Ituainena College, (irand Itapida.

Mlaa Florent*e Tewehimt retiirnrtl to her NehiMil work at KulaiuauHt .Monday morniiiK. having spent the i»aat week with her in,»ther. .Mm. A. Teachout.

Then* will la* a tnaai|ue*a<le liall held nt odd Fellows' hall. Tueaday eventnir ne.vt, .Vpril J. .\1I an* lnvlt»*d •J.% ernta ja*r eoui)!,* and ten cents for apeetat(*n*.

li. S. Hilton and Fkltvard Thorp, of the ltolM*rt .smith IVintini; ('ompany at I.anainir. wen* visitors in St. .lohna Mondat. Thev ina<le TilK Nkws a pleasant (*all.

Mm. .1. K. .stone ia attendiiitr. aa delejrnte. the (vtiiveiition tif .siati*Home and Fon*lirn .Mlaalimary a,a*l* etiea. which ia in -eaidon at .Ann .\r*Iwir thia week.

Mm. Frank S|a*ncrr i»nd two little Mina retume*! to their iiome in Chl- (*a|ro FHdav. after apendinir the |Mat | t«Hith six weeks in the home of Mr. and Mm. K. I. Carmenter.

Mm. A. J. ('lark and dauirhter. Ilea- aie, who havi* Iwen apendinir the past three months with .Mr. ami Mm.IHviirht MorriMin. of I'nion lioim*. re* tumral to their httme at il«mrard I'lty, Friday.

Attention ia (*alied to the advertiM** ment of t'orhit .% Valentine on another pair>* with ruts of ‘*the only Maiiea* hi,*" made by the Mallrahie Steel Kauire t'ompany. at South Hend, Indiana.

Miw* Marirerv and Mlxa Neenah W'il*MHi. dauirhtem of Mr. and Mm. K. II. W'ilwm. left TueMiav roominff foi Du­rand. where they will apemi the week with their aunt. .Mm. L. 1.. ('onn They were acoonipanieii by their moth­er. wh«» retumeil Tueaday evening.


John L’lrlah waa in Hi. Juhna W’ed-iiMxIny.

Mra. Fllo Farka ia very Icm at thia writinff.

I>r. Hay, of I'ewamo. waa in town .Alundmy.

|>r. (leurirv .AleFhemuii ia un the aiok Hat.

A. .A. Fenkvr, uf Oxford, waa in town W'edneadny.

J. Kedewa. of .St. Johns, wna in town W'ediMsaiiay.

11. !M. Iluemer. of Ht. Johna. waa ill town We«ineaday.

Charles J. Weitxal made a huaineaa trip to Ionia .*aaturday.

C. H ruler spent Wednesday and ThurMlay in (irand Kapida.

John I*. Hauer ia prrparinir to build a new houae in the nenr fntnre.

.t. C. I.ibey, of St. Johna. mode a luiaiiiew. trip to Fowler Tueaday.

Miaa Josephine .Alartin ia Moeudinir the week at her home in I’nrtland

E. S. Kasina ia movinir in the Jaeoh Diller house in the north part of town.

Mim l.illie ('iMuner, uf St. .lohna. ia the truest of her aiater. .Mm. K. S. Koona.

.Mrs. Alice Schemer ia apendinir the week wltli her father. Mr. Misire, of .St. Juhna.

William Doyle and .Miaa .Marx* (llaa- aer spent Sunday with friends in Mathrrton.

.Aim. James Liliey. uf St. Jolnuk spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Cora llettler.

AHiert .Martin’s pleasant faoeiaaeen Itehind the iviunter in K. S. Koona’ clotliinir store.

.Mra. John Shafer and children, of Weidtnan, spent Friday with .Mra. (teorire Smith.

.loseph Wiliren of near Westphalia, haa purchased the farm recently owned

her home in l{^a*kf^»rd. Tuesday..Mira Helen Wlieeluck ia in attend-

anc«'at the I'hristian Endeavor (vui-j veiitiun at (irand llapida. She was j sent as deie|rat(* fnuii the St. .lohna; M*ciety.

.Mlaa Eva .***t(a*klcy, of (lllvet Col-j leir«*. who ia a^aiatinK in the attnir i services at the (’onjrreirntional church | this week, is the jrucat of Mr. and Mrs. .\. .1. Ilaldivin.

Till* mcinlwra of St. .lohna T(*nt No . •jot, K II. T. -M. an* re»|uealeil to at • tend our iicx* rcifular ineetiii|r. April ^ ;i. Tlx»a4* wh(» c(»mply with thia re- (|iieat will ifo luum* happy.

Il»*v. .laiix*** lllaiMlcIl, of Olivet Col- Icffi* «*,iiiduclcr of th,* cvnnif»*Hcal mt- ! vice*, which an* Is-inir held at the Con- irnlciratioiiul church thia week, la the ffucat of Mr. and Mr*-, i . C, Vnnirhan.

SI. .lohna camp No. .’-Ai", Mo<lcrn ^ WtHHiiiicii of .\iiicrica will have a ! a|M*ciul pn^irrain Tueadax cvcninif. .\pril .1. .\doption and a|H*cial w,>rk with other attractive featun-a will inaiire a larff,* attendant*,*.

I’oatiiiuater llninaon haa n-ceived or- dera fnun Waahinirton to (Audi money : ordem whi(*h may In* drawn on any ; ortl,*e in the I nited .statea, .Ml aee- «»nd claaa ortin-a have rei*«*iv«l thia onler.

Claaa,-. niiiiilier ,*iirht and nine of I the M. E. .*'niidHy -wntsd will ifive a Hft«-en cent t,*a and a short pniirram at the church Friday evciiiiiir of thia week SiipiHT will la- served fniDi till T.

C. S. Ke,*ler left Ow,»sa«» Tueailay niirht with .'1 tadony f«»r Dakota. 11,* had no d,*tinit,‘ intentions hut iaffoinir to inveailirate th,* ,aii,,lltion in that atnl,* and ms* if he can Hnd a pioir.ia- inir ■•)M*ninir.

'I'lu* tins >un Uiaiiiir .Minatn-ls at tlx* «i|a*ra h,*ua»- on .\|>ril pnunia,*a • to la. line of the m<»at aierlinff and ; ixwel ininatn*! }>erformaiieea ever seen in this city. rix* hill (*ontaina all n,*w feat,Ifea in the hands of artists,if un«|ncationed merit. Seals on sale at Allia.>n - Friday moriuny.

Montreal Dally Witness .Mla.a Hen-) oliel has a clear and pleaaintr vol,*e j and a iixet earnest ami pleasinir way ( tif preaentintr her auhj«s-t, .\t thei coiicluaioii the lilahop tnav,*d a vote of I thanks yvhich waa enthiiaiaati,*all\ ,*arried hy the audience. .\t .Allison's (l|>em lloum* .\pril 4.

The firm of Cniss .v Weller, owners of the St. .lohna Iron Works, having' ls-,*n ,ll*<h,dve,l. the huslnesa will con­tinue under th,* aam«* name hy tin* mHnair,*in,*nt of Weller »V DairtP'tt. .Ml Isstk accounts of the old firm must he aettl**d hy cash or note hy .lime Hr*‘t. Thanklntr «»ur old ciwtomera for the fiaat |Mtronaf(v and hopiuK that they will retnemIsT the new firm in the future, we an*. <’n»sa NNeller,

Mr. and Mm. 11. C. Illank are spend- inir their viu*ati,*n with their pan*nta at Maple llapida.

Mm. .loseph .Martin and family an* apendinir the week with her slater. Mra. (iconf,* Ni*ufer.

Harold H. Henderson retiimeii Tuea- •lay ,*veninjr fnini CarMin City, where he has liet*n spendintr a few days.

.Monday Mm. I.,uiia** Hettler was summoned to Fow'ler on a«*connt of the illrieaa of her (frandaon. Carl Hettler.

Mm. (iM*ai .Yen*, of .St. .lohna. was the ifiiest of her |N(renta. Mr. and .Ylra. Lewis Muiidlt*. the latter part of Inst week,

.Ylr. Xeumnluirtfh returned Thursday fnmi YY'eidinan. when- he has l»e,-n visititiff his ilauirhter. .Ylra. Eldwin Darks.

Ylra. YY'. 11. .*'aire is helpinir t,» ,*an* I for her irrandson, little Carl Hettler. j who is very HI with intlauiination of | the lunira I

Tin* llcpuhlicaiis held their <*aucua i Sntunlay. ,*hs*tinir YY'Hliatn Y’oiinira I and Morris Dmk,* as deleirntca t«t the' ixiiinty (sinvention

.Ylra. .Iidin Hauer and dauirhter. ' Mamie. .Ylra .lohn I’lrieh and Ylra. .loaeph I’lri,*h left YY',sinea4lay for Ik'ldiiiir t,t visit frieiula. i

Mr. and Mra litsirin* Hoerner. of' Maph* llapida. were (-allcl heiv .Mon- j day hy th,* serious HI ness iff .Mra. Iher-( ner'a motli,*r. .Mra. Hilo I*arka. who i waa takt*n v,*ry aiek on YY'eilneaday of' last w»*ek. i


Made from most highly refined and healthful ingredients.

Assures light, sweet, pure and wholesome food.

Hoiiackecpers mu.xt excrc»r care in buying hnk- ing nowders. to .ivoid alum. Alum iMiwdem .ire solti cheap to catch the unwary, but alum is a |K)i- son, and its use in food seriously injures health.


BUSINESS LOCALS.Dr. YY'alker'a next visit to .St. .lohna

at Hotel .St. .lohna is .*satnTtiay, April 14. Hours from u. a. m tu.*>p.m.

I Choits* Timothy. .Alaike and .June (Clover at YYard .A Holt,m'a.

The ,dd and reliahle lleliaixs* hieyelt* at


tiendniii and

>tr .Yldri,*h a.

Clevelands the iiandaom«*at whe,*la made. .Ylliaon .V .Yldrieh s,*ll tlx*in.

Crea«s*nt Hi,*yelea with Dunlap tires are tin* moat durable whi*e|a mad,*.

Allia«»n ,V .Yldrieh.

F,*«sl l.iirhtninp’Stot'k F,MMt and your at«»,*k will always In* healthy. For sale

hy Travis A Itaker.

I Diet lire Frames at H. YY'. Morris' Fiirnitiire aton*


In tlx* spring of th,* yt*ar * every at,K*k raiser alnnild feed >toek F,nn1. There la non,* lN*tter nor ,*h»*a|ier titan the Lightning .St,M*k F<mn1. Dn,.for *.,a* For aah* hv Travis .V Itaker.

Travia .V |NU‘kage of

ltak,*r giiarant,-,- every I I liavt* a niiinlN^r of Children’s suits Lightning .*at,H*k FimmI tot worth fnnn 94 to 9*i and will give any

giv,* sMtiafaetion nr money will In* re fnixied.

Huy your Titindhy of YY'anl .v H,dton.

and C|i»v,-r seed

I lav, y,»iir furnitiir,* rejwired at H. YY'. .Morri-

mother her >*lioi,*i* out of the lot •lur­ing th,* ne.xt two weeka f»)r S'J. Them are ran* Imrgaina. Ileniemlter the plaet*. aeeoinl ihair from lieiui of Clin­ton avenix*. west aide.

.leaa«* Nulltvan.

(’lv,*one inaiirani*e. T C.,, to .Ylorria for voiir furnitiir,*

Si,-kt*la is in Durand. .*aeh,M»niiiaker is in Ith-

iinder tin* ,l,a*-

.LMrlltNt Nale.

Having rente,! my farm I will •»fTer tin* following dearrllN-d prtiperty for sale at auetl,in at my residem*,* In .*<1. .lohna. .*4atnrday, .Yprll 7. at *.’ o'clock p. m. . ttne brown mare *i years ,dd. weight pounds, one ytNtriing,v»lt. slml hy Hadg,*r .1. weight alaiiit <.NKi iMitinda. One Durham inilrh cow . weight 1.4110 p,»anda. s years ,dd. one yearling steer. « g****! sheep, mnatiy ewes, open d,,ahle Ini.x f«»r ,»ne horm* wagon and spring seat, never liecii uaril. one pair patent iNihlm ft»r plat­form wagon. OIH* (kinide platform hiiggx with carriage top. ,*n,* single Ituggv.. one w,hmI rack and ligy rack ,sin)h'iiie,i. one new loek-levar apring-

rrow’, one heating Itonnd Oak stove, (me gaMillne stove. 4 burn­ers. one plow, a ,|uantity of fene,* (xmla and nun erous other articira Terms: .All sums under f.% ensh: over that amount will allow eight months' time on approve,! tmnkahie notes.

.Andrew Hranger. Di,»p.. |.ouia Honui. anetl,H»eer.

Clinton County meet with South iiesday. .April II. tnerohera Invited fourth liegree at of hnainess until

Mi XaltreISHiMma Hi ley

willgnUNP YVtwi-

.Ml fourth degree Orange opened in

m.'Jl). t'aital order dinner. Y^flertmon

Mllllneev Itpealnx.I4n Friday ami .*4aturtlay, April rt ami

7. will oerur onr spring opening, and are invite the laiiies of the «*nvnty to mil and Inxnret our full and •'«miplete stiMdi. YVe hnve all the latest mivel- tlea and some pattern hats arhieh are livlieve will appnal to nur mnat par- tieuiar enatoaners Hemrmber the dates Mrs. L. Caafkrid.

pnafram Song, South HliBjpgnttgv: welomm* address. Hrank Uire: re­sponse. Henry N. YVehh*. song. Clara H-lie Hias: (uestion box. “Hhonld tlis- eiimions on eluent tonal work be the theme of the grange:” Answer. .\m- liers .*4Hiith: mmg. (»ra Mend: “NnaM- f,Htr points to lie ennsifiered In seteet- ing a ilairy cow:” Answer. I.ather Sihley : selecti<v*i. .A. II. Conk : unention ‘•IUNM»|va«i. That trial hy jnry sh,inid Im* alsdiahed?” .Answer. J. It. Knimp Ucvitntiuns. Hnnih Kller grange. The evening will he devoted to w,«rfc In the fifth dsgee

Mas. C. L PhAam. Iwntarer.

.Yliaa ln*n,Mrs. D. .Y

aca.Mrs. .Ylary i'lenient

tor’s ,*ur,*In*!),* italehoiia,. was in i)w,»ss,, Fri-

•lav of last we,*k.Y|csdaiiH*s E. L,*,* and C 'I'alMtr wen*

in iivi,i Sainrdav last.Alvah .Sickels was in iirand lta|>ids

• III husiix'ss last w,.ek..Yllss Nettle Harrison is in Delndt

pnr,*hMsing spring millinery..Slxte,*!) tickets w,*n* Sid,I hen* for

Dakota Tue*Nlay of this week..Yliss Hatti,’ Kester. of Elsie, has

gone to N,*w' Y'ork t'lty to trim.Nellie Lenox, of ltha,*a. is the guest

for a few ,lays of Miss lira,*,* .AltofT.Issin Hates and wife, of Thoin|NMin-

vHIt*. an- visiting in Elsie and Han- iiister.

Ihini«*l YY'lhsix. of YY‘t*st Hranch. is sfM-niiing a f,*w days at the hoin,* of E. loirgent.

li. I- Kendrick and family, of .*4t. .hdins. an* s|M-nding a few days with friends In Elsie.

Miss Dolly Myers, of Ionia is spend­ing a •sMiple of weeks with friends in Elsie ami vicinity.

Mim* YVlnnie Dayne. of Mt. Dleasant. and Herlha Travis, of Hillmial,*. are home for a short vacation.

Harley Emmons has (Hiught the Hiller farm of thirty acres, two miles Miiith ami a little east of Elsie.

N. Hightiee. living north two miles, has renteil his farm to Frank Hn-wstcr and will shortly imive int,» the vlllag,*.

riah Ui,*enN>n, of Itannister. lu-oom- |Mnied hy MIns .lennie Mea4*hem. was in KIsiwTiieMiay aftemtNin and even­ing.

.Miss .Mamie YY'hite. who has lieen under the iliN'toi's care for the past week, is Motnewhat iinpnive,! at pres­ent writing.

.Mrs. .laekstin Dag,* and daughter. Fanny, wen* eall«*,i to .’’kiginaw hv the illness and death of Mrs. iwiith Sharpe, daughter of Mrs Dage.

The IhhIv of Frank llouar. wh,i ,lie,l s,,im* time ag,i in the I’hilippines. rear he, I Elsie Kritiay last ami was harie,! the folkiwing Sunday at tha 1 'oiony.

Satunlay evening. Mareh .11. Elsie will have the privHeg,* ,»f listoniiig to the Hillside C,»llege tilee Cluh. They rvamr under the auspiiws of the .V. tV F. ami a great treat is antieipated.

F,ir f,*,*ding ewi-s iind young then* Is nothing Is'tter tlian ning St,iek F,nnI

lainhsLight •

For sal,* hy Travis A Haker.

See .1. .S. I iHgiHMl when you t,i buy Hover ami tifhotiiv see


I.,*vi Frisliie. ,if luvosso, was in I tow n yestniay.I Miss Nt'llie Y|,e,-, left yt*st,*r,la\I for 1 iwosso. wh,*n* sh,* will N|N‘nd th,* : n*iiiainder of th,* \\,t-k with Y|i..s

YY inifn*,! Y n*<leiilMirg.

YY'lien at tlx* |KM»t ottin*. step aentas the street and leave orders for your eoaJ,

I coke or wtMsi. with YY’. It. (hmoon.

.S,i(MTint«'nd<‘nt i. H. iHIliert and Driii,*i|ial F. D. Il)i,*k. of the city seh,si|s. an* in atten,ianee at the .selMsdiiiasters' CJnD. whieh is in s«*s-

^ioii at Ann Yrlstr this we,-k.


Good HealthIn the Future,


WARNER’SIt Invigorates the LIVER.It Heals Diaeased KIDNEYS.


I iQOO Model.


aptlaa MewA Hear.Mrs. liourher has Just returned fnan

Cleveland, when- ^e parrhasr«t a hrautifnl stuck of spring millinery ami mivelties. (Htr trimmer. Alias .Ygnea Sullivan, of Detndt. e-ill arrive thla week ami take eharg,- of our trimming department, thir line is full and em­braces the errv latest errationa. ns show you tKe pretta* effects for the coming iiraami Itouehrr Jk Detach.

IhNMNNi Hallinger, (if loinaing, is in St. J,»hns this week. He will suimi ■Hive to C,iloradn with his son. A. II. Hallinger. who Intends spending a acnr in the Waal.

Bicycles on exhibition at Allisons A Aldrich's.

■iwianiiM iiiiiiiaiiH^iBBi»*w|g|.T-,


You eaaaoi mmktt m ■iiflm

5,”“ CMOtCBHT v'aSiot ttoriwufclir

Tested Seeds—B—»to m99i} Taw wtt* vovotoMM


FORtHo aoUi* mnwor.

You 4om t hare to onto * lotlor. Pot m eroM (X> la taM of tte taUowtaa aRaaraa aaok oooiatalM a ooUoctloo ooatlay jrou ualjr

95 CMts& UattMoa. Ud. Kaptds 3 Hadiafc Uoag HewdC Hant ISsmjU‘Turnip w Paan Maiwaas Lit* 9 lie (IMBC tvax MeansK A whole gardoa jr (org 25c

Fottr dread Sweetl*eaa

t pkf Nastartluas1 plw. Aatrra1 pbg yjaataa

Our own mixture All tbr Sowers

you caa pfek25c

3 1 ptw eaeh: 1 pka each'9 Heeu bettuov Couatrv dealC Itailoui .Sweel ('oreg Kweel l*eaa Mix (•sane Mum Maion3 .Naaiurtluma MU i'ueu mber9 Aatara Mix l*aaay MixC laperial Jap Mom- Aster MU^ tag Ulory. bweat Peas

5 25c 25c




Or )uai Staie_^_————— •uu jrour oaoir aod uAdreak. laoioae So fttaai> laoiusr I'aat) or I*. O order to bataaoc aad mat) to

JACKSON SEED COm i^gS*®**And wewOl Keodyounttroatalorueof pop­ular raneUe* aad Flirf- aoiamall pavkri

Kckei of iteedx • of ('.heap aeed,t full •Ised packet of beat teated

fteedd that Live and Browgui/uiiuuiJiArvnjVLnJvuiru.

111 'iTiii mTtlleraef IIm dell Appreetala IIm UlUe

Weader Wwrker.

Nmr the little town id WiMMla forwern, •bout aix iniha fnim luaia. raaidrw K. !«. liemtu. A (•rtner litr iMv^iwtlon, nad like lUI ban! workiaK tillem of tbeauil be baa (oaad tbe bardaaa tbe fiaek iiiaat bear DO lufbl burden to uarrv. Ki>w lieiiiile who never live on a larm a{»|>*T* ciati’ urbat it meaoe to follow tbe idow from attlinw* to auu aet, but if tbe |>ub- Ik* III tfeueral don’t kiiott bow hard aueh work ia, tbe kidiieva do. l.oii|C houm of work of any kind laeaiie lonit houiw for

I tbe kidney a. iiml tliey enii't HiaiiUit with* out retieliiiiM:. ^Vlieii IIm* fanner eotnea

I home tiivil out at nucht, if lie only r«<a- I hod that tbe timf feeiinip* inoetly al- way e raiue Ironi tire«l kidueya. and that

I tlie little aroniier-workera. lioau’ii Kill- I iiey l‘illa, would nifht tbe wrouttbrouifbl on by over-w ork, life would la* eaeier lor

Ibini. Head what Mr. Pieraou anyra I about hie ex|ienetiee:

'*1 nollmtwhefi I •t(Hi|ie<l lltte«|iirrli*eaMll 1 ui< |MMililon i>ii«l(lrelv, early In the i»f fad I tiT IKU7. iital I wa* always rewardeil wllli > skari> ealns arrtHw the small of my liark. and In tbe m ornlnc I was s.. lame anil s«irs that I niulil srarre Krl eul of Iwd. The I wo freiiueal arllon of the kldnev* serrrtlons. ea-^

I ins'iall.r annoy luic at nlabt, lUaluly Imlleaieir •that mv kidneys were I lie cause of tbe irood Me. 1 bad often beani lioan's KIdaey I'lUw •)Mikeb niMiHI by iM.r ne**hle»rs. anil as II was I be itrsi lime I rei|iilreil sucb a pre|»am lion. I pri rureil a ini*. I nolleeil their liene belal effei is In a day or I wo and 1 conllnnnl ll»r trealnienl until luy l»aikaebe was euml ami tbe olher weakiHws was Ihoroushl.i' re- lleieil I make no inislake when 1 say that |»oa li's Kidney I’llls cure barkarhe ami kbl nev coinplalnl ’*

iloaii'a Kidney I’illa an* sold by all dmlera. I'riii’ .M*e jier Ian, or aix Ikixiw forf2..1o. Maileii liy Koater. Millnirii To., Itllffulo .N. Y. Sole liKente for the I’nlteil .Slaliw.

l{l•lu♦•Illla•r tile naiiie”l>iMiire” and take no Multatitije.


American Beauties.F. e.


On hach box.


souO Y

Noble Burnett,, * ST. JOHNS, /niCM.

GEO. H. Jl

THEState Bank of St. Johns,

of St. Johns, Nichu^an. COM/VIEKCIAL AND 5AVINU5.

Capital paid in $50,000.00

PORTER^. PERRIR. President.JOHN H. CORBIT. Vice President,

J. w. FITZGERALD. Cashier,R. A. BEEBE. Teller.

I Thns-|»er ••eiit intermit |»aid on i-ertifl- ; (Nitee of iir|MMiit and on hiiviiiks iMiok ar- ipouiita. Urtifle iaaiieii koimI III any |mrt I of the riiitei] Stalea or I'aiiaila and in the prinniutl nliew of Kiiro|m. .\ii*ouiitF of farniers, iiien'hnnta and ineelianie«i re-

I odveil on favoniiili* ternia. and every m*- > coinincMlalion exteinfeif i*oiiai«tent with ' aafe ItaiikitiK. Su|*erior faeilitiee for I oiakiDK I'oliiv'tioiiH of ail kiiida.

ioney Lotned on Approfod Socorltles.l)IRHCTOR5:

0. W. Munifcr, Jesse Sullivan.Geo. F. Marrln. W.M. Uland.J. H. Cortdt. Or. G. E. Corhtn.J. H. Fedewa. Porter K. Perrin.J. W. Fttzirerald, .lobn J. Reiser,

F. A. Travis.

Merchant Tailor,Of)|>(>sitc “Thr- Steel”.

.\11 the

Latest Novelties.

i Tin; Ul.lNTON riH'NTy SWINOS IIA.NK j ST JOHNS. Mint.,

U.kV.S .1 UKK « I;NT I.NTKItKST ON I'K- I'osITS .\M» I.oaNs MoNKY O.N .\U

IMtoV i:|i IIOMis .V\l» l>r \Ti; sK«T IHTV.

Al.111:1:1 J ItAl.liU IN. rre«tdriit.• i UKVNKI.l.. Vl.t- Urr^idcnt

I* i: U \ I..S\\ OIITII. I rea»urrrI! • hKXTKH. A«i«t. Tn-anurer

Gfandlfunk Hallway SystemNo tP . toNo I.l


w ,-T nut no rmiM .t.johm

M.-rnintr ■mil fhii-aicn Kiiiri-"*' I n luMall itlnl • hlcittlo Ltprrwa

'J |i in■ Oran.l ita|<i<U T.'P ji ro.

Knal Mr^lerii Klprei.. s i, m.'.t. 1:1 A 17 -dalU r»ii.|.t siintlay

•tally, »•' toil M.

t '•• lii-irolt s J*. ,, ni• Mall «<• I'l-ir.iH 12 «)7 p. ni.• K«eninii i:,iirr« t,i |irtr,,|i J2 |t i I raiit'l;a«itcrn Kiprrw-*•■ | 7 p in,2. ‘JO A 1 s--,l»|ly ftcrpl sun<lay

I dallyW. i| III IIKK

.kirrni.SI, Jitbna.

Dr. I mansCompound

The Leading Bliiiid Purifier

A Reliable Stomach, Liver and Kidney Cure.

Pleasant to the taste.AaK your Drut^jcists loi it.


Iforthern Michiican, Ohio and all Southern Points.

Dtrwi roBiwrtioaa at I iwoaai. Jaarflna and l»«raad with l> <1 If * M. It*y Tralaa.

T'lmti 'TaHIm.«*OIW«i .NOKTH—1.«. IlNWMMl.

DilWA.W............... awd ......... .aiAWP. ■ITor Klab>. .kablwv. Iibara. St. l.,iwl«. Alma, Mt, l*l#aaaat, lYarr Cadlllar aad Krauktort

IHIIMO sOinrH—L.V. tlurawU.

• iMA.M. awa ............r. MRnr IlnwHI.Aaa Ariwtr, Mllao, Tnladn aad

all Si.nihmi I'olata.W. It ItKNNr.TT.ii !• A.. Tolwdo. Ohio


Natkia* wlw add* •» marb ]In ikr - harwiaf -irawiaa ^tt *fw rr 1^-.■!..•, .« I hi* -.iftlf .••il­

ia' iichi from I • IKIMIV %Nmlonr Will rmain'mi' lawr. la lb* i •ri»«ii« iH, la. lant I

. IM tpf .liwnrr Tb. •♦.'f .tnrfwttto* I ; •aadl.- la, lim .Mwal—t mr tht

lamt rUlmtai* iBn.-iMm -iw, nai m,~l ••«• •>' mawMow Ma<lr in all rolar WbV aaJ ifca maai dalmai* liaia i»y1: aTANHaUI* all. IW.^Fad aald mryabma

HR layaiba aaaiaa ai oacw.■ ■■ ■ ■^Bavtaaa a i■.••>'><«. lOra.■ rr.Of Or W'i:

MMwdoaly far Pllaaaad ltraiaaoYtim|wivai«Faoa ■FFry lam la warraaMd. '•? •irjMVOW nr ••••r Imi

ary lam la warraaMd. imM <<y arjMVOW nr i lo malliairrrwiat nf arirr.aar andVI.aai WtlXJAMfi uVu nu.. Waal lhvkiJInu. u

W K l.I.S.First cuss TUBULAR WELLS made and repaired. All work Unarrantccd.

F.J.LOVE, South Riley, Mich.Natri aaor in I i). VoUBW A i t..KlmltaU.


w m A srnr. rf.ukp id whmaw farall tmublas iw«« Mar i« bar awr |^*Haad Py taull or frowi oar Aaouu Bl.OO P*r twa.viiLiMis im.Prwi.. cunuMO. om.

r. K. Van f^ioklr*. ^t. Jnhwa. Ml«*hinDn.


llfwiwnilp Hindu of a F«gltiTt» Aaong thb liHuitAiBN of Cotoraio.

PvrbaiM no •««• in ibr roantry amimd Molina, t’ltlu., ha» had aurh muah expr- rleacra in maay yntr* mm .kniont- I'aya gua. a half luYaal Mnxirau. wIh> livaal uu* til rrcrntly about «*i|tat milrm north of MoUua. on what ia i'allr<i tht- HwriPa bouin. 'rhis ia a lanp* laouniaiii aor- rouodml by an almost |««>rpFniiii'alar wall of rock aliuut 3)kl frrt high. Tlicrr ia no road to the io|i cxf'cpt a narrow trail jasi lance raoujcb for a man to •'rawl tbnuieh lietwmi the jarCF«i .^Icra of tbo rocka.

AImmii two yrara ago a baud of horaoa waa Btolcii ill < 'arlmn county, \Vy.. and driven acroaa tbv t'olorado Hoc. anya tbv Denver Newa. Imniraliately a imaae of


WAVn/m HOTEL. DETROITAmmmtOAft awe mumo^mAm ALjm.

•w VO ai.oe re aw.oo ^•awaae Maaia. nOo. uw vo owvw Oaeee

• ■aab srrwfi Tamawi,m thaw iwiM hr druBBi

tiAVAor*. N.yKmiu y>4'.yrr. arntt-d cowboy* started lu piirauit and succii-deii in rapt urine a roan of the name of White. «ine of the thierea; the other, a half hrcnl .Mexicali, waa not !•• be foumi anywhere. When While waa (jueatioiie.1 aa lu hia partner in entne. he reptiml that he waa the only one that atole the home*, but bis partner had Joinrii him a few hours afterward, not koow'ins the horaea a-erc stolen. Tbe half bri'T’ii'a name waa Anton*- I'ayaiciia. bet ter kimwii .i*. •'Two Kiujerm! Tony.”

While waa irireu u pn-iiiiiioary hear- ag aod lurn*‘<l looae aftei proousiiu: to ivave the •'••iiitiry. The Mexican wa<. badly friiciiiaiieti and. fearnii: the iron band of the liiw, came to tho. country on foot, lie ina<l«‘ hta w.ty t«i the top of tbe Itevil’s iioiue an<l •■recti':l a cabin and has lieeD iinaic there eier aini'e. No one knew the moiintMin wna iiihnbitml until re<Y-ntly. when a tiand of eowlmya. ridiuR at thi* f••<tt of the iiiountaiu. foumi him lyiui; ’••■iiaeleaa |M.|ue,.|i twti larR^ rocka. lie wua rarri<-«l i^i the iiear<>ai ranch hoiia** and pro|n-rly * are«l for. In n few days he was able to tell hia atory. and i\ moat horrilde •me It waa

.\» the wild aiiiiiiai- wore iiumerou- and lie did not |M,a«ea% u ritli-. he •Iccide*! to biiihl a hotiai- aiiioiu tin- roi-ka, mak . im; a aort of •ar*-. with a larg^’ laiwldei at th«‘ oiieiiini; to a4*r\'e na a d<xir. so that no animala could ircl in. Thia he •lid. luakiiiK u lever with ii airotic |Mde ami prying the nn k to •me ai*le wiieii h** wish ed to paaa ihnmah llie "iM-nini:. alwav- being <'an‘fni !•> cloae it after him. .Vii tone ha<l only a laiwi*- knife ami 'in n\ n« W4-*i|Hma of defena*-. Th*'»* In- U«-|»t nrai him at ail tiroes. I hiring the •iai ii*' ; hiinhal ground hog- .imi I'onie-. In- 'NHi fmal. ami •rn'T he >.n* «‘« *’*lia| m killing .t deer. few dara ago. after liSMiig walk ed all day in pursuit of game ami haring met with m» «ii«‘^-eaa. he rrtunnal to In-. • cave to timl It already occupn’d. .Va he uaareil the entrance he ilia«-.ivere4l that ■ bv had forg^Mten to pry the rock Imrk to its place after coming nut in the mom ing A low gn>w| from the ••av«* reached bis ear, cauaing him to leap Iwhind n large rock Jiiat as the ahaggy liead of :i large male grixxJy U-ar made it- appear anre Ihrougii tbe ofiening .Vfter sniff ing around for a few ininiiiea the bear trotteil off without looking baek.

Antom*. thinking hia way was now Hear, entered the cave. Isit after ad­vancing about eight feet be diacoreml that a light a.<emed to lie gouig oa in th«‘ i roar end of hia bouse. Ila«tily turning bad. be at once pried the «laur oppu. hut atornl face to face with hia prevbma vla- itor. The bear immediately nme up. pre­pared In ran<|uiab its foe in short order, but the half breerl waa ready ami struck the liear is tiie throat with hia bowie knife and lea peal imat It. Ilia leap was not neeeaaary, for the knife had done ita work Well, and the bear rolled over aod died without a sound.

Uy thia time it waa getting dark, ami growls and yelps of other animals In the woods were numerous. The lYtld waa la- anmiog unbearable, and tbe half breed knew If somethiag waa net soon done to relieve him be would be tn>aen to death and If not fmaen mm to piecea iiy wild beaata. Ho. aumnionitig up all tbe cour * age he I'oukl commaml. he again eutercl the cave. All was still inside, and. think­ing the animals had departed, he waa j jssi congratulating himself when be waa kao<‘ke,l to ••he side by a large UNly com ' lag in coatart with biro, lie started to retreat, it being a** dark that nnUiing wa< discernilde, wben be waa km*eT<M| aakte •gain, thia tiaM by tbe foot of aeaae ani­mal. the Haw* tearing the fleah from hia left arm.

nieeding ami almost frantic, ke made a Image at hta assailaat with his knife, ■trikiatcn iNine nod breaking the Made

Io the handle, llie eaeitiy turned anti Hed Ibmauh the ofietiing. iind \n

-tink th.- ffcHir in a laiiit Initn fa- turne and t-lie It.** i»f bknnl, lltin loHa be lay f here l»e d->ea not eem*tntier, but elieti he lYTaiveraal hie eenei»e fh*- ean wan nhining thnmgh the door of hmeave. . Turalag hm head, ke naw in the ranter of i

I the cave It large letnab- iiioiintniii lion j Niickliiig her ytiiinic. .liter •eterul H- * forin tfie baif iireeij siimedivl in raie n* hiiiieefl lo It aittiiig fMietun*, the I on ink ing no iMitiiv of him whHt«*vtT. Hull and without wt-npoiiM of niiv kind Antone lli-ef to get out of tile cnve. .In lie iMtVMM'eil foMard tile lionn tin* oil om* iiilen*c|ite«t him by gently piinliing him litsck with her |iaw, wittioiit ntiow-

) ing Hfiy anger.^’ayagua. mu keiking for this uuex-

j pe4-le*i turn •»f sfTsirs. ciiticsvitretj to pass. Iiiif still the Hull iicrsisictl in hia re maiuiiig III the rear. .\l tins Juncture u growl was licuni at the cniraiic,-. ami the olil lion iiirmel auti l••a•l•■ a icrritic lunge al MitiM* oli>e«-| al llic i-itiihiicc «<f 'be «ave. .\ ItMiilc cii.intl. the young lion. inesiiHhil*- abiii ng in terror. .\l iuat tbe wMiii'l. <fa»«-*l. ;ohI .Intone, sii-ppinj III tile front of III,, coil'. .a%« tile old lion ill the last agonies of deaih >in<l a huge grtxxly .lowly cmwHug le*iwe.-u a iaige crevice III Mil- riM-ks.

Anionc siarli-i| down fioin llie inoitn lain. Slowly making In. unt llirougli tin- sm>w, lie sui'c.-.sleil III leaching III!- Isdiolll. lull was llltcriy e\lial|sle,| ('rnwiing Is-iwt.-n .onie •■M-ks, be wa. ready io dn- wlien lie was pickeil up by some inwlsiys. I'ayagii. is now under u liucior'- eare and will simui Is- ubb- lo Is- aroiimi again, biii .ay. lie will ueter agiiin tenliire on ibat luunnlaiu aluue arol w'ltbuul wea|M<us.

NERO’S THEATER.ThrtlllHa 1‘reeeMlaltnn i»m < mm%mm nt

I AnlMtal Kerwelty.To luuk u|stn tbe new piciure, **.\eni's

Theater." Mt the .Icadeiny of Kiuc .irta. give, one n decnieil seiisuiiuu.

It is so large, it is so Hear cut, it is so overwhelmingly real, that the sptM-talurs stand and bnik u|mmi this Imtlle of ani laal.. precisely as they would if the great traineii Iwasts in llageulmck's were to suddenly turn U|sin each •>iher and give one of tbiNM* luitlles of the strong aluug- aide of which tbe lighting of men is mim­icry.

The picture is piai'eil reatiug on the floor, aod its gmuud iiiells into tbe gntuml of the tliMir. says the New York Journal. You feel that In lake a step fnrwani would liring you. too. into mor­tal I'orobat with the elephant and the tiger.

You unconsciously step out of the way of the puddle of blond apilltii on tbe turf of the arena.

There is something the same feeling giveii by the ctnemalugraph luciun* com­ing towanl you. as if you muai step •mt af the way to save vnur life.

The picture ia marvelously simple—ao umple that every impression sgeept Ibat of the main ivimiMMliioti fades out of view.

It is brutal, but it i* fast iiialiiig.In ita great sunlit apace on the wall,

with a vtriil blue sky paininl iM-himl it.

ON TO SIBERIA.Ito Omame la <lse Traatasowi mt Pvim

Msoea la Waaalo.From the reports which arc ciMutaatly

kelag limaght by trarelera aad •dhers from Hilwria aad idber parts of the Uua- aiaii empire there la no attempt halag amde by tbe i*sar to live up to bla prom- lae by preveatiag tke aeadlag of farther political exiles to his Aalatlc empire.

On the coatrary, the treatment of theae prlaoaers baa breoasr even more rlporoaa than at aay period lately, aod they are bring ahippeil in increaaed nurabera to that inferno which la a curse to modem ci villas I ioa.

To add to the birrmra of the aituatlaa. the government grant of .Hjimmmi ruMaa per year set aaid«‘ for tb«‘ iiiaiulenance of the imlltlcal priaooera haa been cut down to IlNi.iaai ruldea. while the number of these unfortunates grows btggcr and Mg- par. and thia means, of rourae, that many


.XRMt S -niKATKItthe two great auiuiaU chaileugi* tbe at- leutb>n of every uerve in the body. The elephant*, cyea, aroali. reroeiuu*. an* glaring up into the tnaddeniil eyes of the tiger that be boMs above him on hia pn> boacis.

You know that as far as their intrlll- genn* goes the two minds of tiger and ele­phant are glaring thrutigh their eyes try­ing lo see what move the other ia going to make.

You are iioslilTe if you only wall long enough yen will are the end. and wheu your i-onaciousnem has got ••ver tbe brutal aaaanit upon it* feHinga by tbe pirtnrr you HimI it impossible to take your eyes away from the eyes of tbe an­imala

It la in those eyes that is the raaater stroke of appeal to the speciatorv.

TIh* painting is by Kri*derie Mrivll T>umo,Hl of llocheater and was palute abroad. It waa exblbitnl in tbe I'an HaliHt. where it won tbe gold medal of IKHK

The airtet WoinMaw.l-'riiBchen Papa says wre are gulag to

have a total eHipse of the moon Hnnday.Mother Ye« Iwit not unles. you are

very good children.—HiegeiMle lllatter.

mCAUT FOR SinSRIA.of them literally starve to death in tbe pitileaa deserts of the north. Particular ly ia this the case io the provini'ea of Ver- hoynnak aod Kulimak. where there is no possible way of earuing a iienuy by any means whatever. I’lider the regula­tions these exiles receive iio allowance until proof has lieen receiveil that they hare no relatives left iu Kiissia who are capable of being luada* to support them. The period rN*ctipie«! in stn-unug thia in- tomiatiou uaually ua*rupiea alsHit ll! mouths, aud iu the interim then* ia noth log bat starvaliou ahead for the exile who goes to lua fate unprovided witli funds.

The practice of branding those among these |toor wretches wh^>. according to the csiimaiiou of the exar's otficiala. are the moat •laugerous ia one of the mi>sl brutal and revidliog that the mind can deviai-.

Mru aud women alike arc aubj4*i't*d to thi> deuionbicMl puuisbmenl. which is ac complisbed by meaus of hut irons, the work being executed with au amount oX aavagery nut even met with today among the brreest caunihal tribes.

In the praacucc of his fellow criminals, who have the same horrible ortleal await­ing them, the shriukiug victim is draggeil Mrw ard aud |»inioiieil securely by brutal n»ep« rs aud held tightly while IIm laauip olatur of 'the liurniiig imu proceeds to mark the liegrualmg hrauU u|m,u his fore head. ’This ia •tticu done in the presence of other menilN-ra of the family, and the disturteil feaiiirt-s of tbe uufortuaali* creature, the smell of Imruing tleah and the heartremliiig shriek, of himself and •itbers combine to pn^iiuci* a acme which la so nauseating as to defy description. A traveler wh^i has b*wu present at <>nr of lh«*se sii-ues of torture says that he never saw a more frightful instance of barliarity evi-n at the orgies «tf the devil worahipera of tbe Hast Indies.

It has iM-en gi\cn out that the uae of the knout as a tu^ale of punishment has been forbidden by the authorities, but that is one of the many .|iecious pre­tenses with which the Uussiau govern ment seeks to ImiHis.- upon tin* cn*<iuiity of uiitrageil humanity. The kimut i« n. much in use today ns it ever was. (Inly a few day* ago .n |•l•usant at I’iettnk wh<> had lieeu driven from the district huuai* liecauiie of hi'iug susp«-cted of lN‘lnnglug to a heterodox religi^ms sect was iliacov ered by the poHn«, wlm applieil the knout ao aeren-ly to hi* luick that lie expireil from (he effects of his tN>ating.

An instance of this kind came to light at Poltava n-eenlly. .\ child pupil at one of the government sch-s^ls was •Ictecfcil reading a liook of fairy tales which it ars'itis hail iH-eti probildteil by the censor, who thought that some of the tales i-ouhl be apfdiisl to Ituaaian polltieal enndi tlon« ll’lien q‘iic«tlonisl as to where he got the IsMvk. he sialisl that it h.vd Ihi-ii loniii.l to him by the caretaker iif the ach^sd. This information raisnl the gri'nt eat dlaiurhanee imaginable. Pidlowing his pro|K>sed •Inty. the prinHpal of the achisd re|Htrtefl the caretaker’s action to the governmmt. with the n^siilt that he took an earlv depart me for Hllieri* Thia did not eml the trouble, for the school of- flHala ilenounceil the prInHpars action as being mean and contemptible, and they were promptly attended to by the gov­ernment. I'Hiig rebuked for their action by haiilahment from the province for three rears. .Vs thia •leiTei* inelndeil all their relatives. 1W> person* In all were punisheil because a harmles* lad was Been reading a harmless Imok of fairy tales which It read by children In almost every language.

A chimney sweeper who employed a large number of asslotants to keep tho Vilna chimneys clean wraa oae day tnada the victim of a vitriol thrower, but waa tiaabl.- to tell who had done him the In- Jtiry. It was simply aasumeil that tha vitriol must have Iwen thrown by one of the men working for him. as workman are always vicinn* and ilangrrous. t'oa- aeqiiently all the chimney sweepers In town were sent to Hiheria egrepting tha oae who was injured.

Pbe oaafli wfll hmf an

olUfNMda BlaeuHin esacdr the aflOM condition cfl they left the bokcFt of^Mi— criip, tendgr, dclkkNat. Eitcrf houacwiifl Aould test them, every peteon should Uale them. And the test Is in the ****1ng,’ the most wiHrfnctoffy tsst*

Uneeda Biscuittut the highest xmd best dcvelopoacnt ai the bsker's skilL Everything thAt money CAn buy contributes to mskr them good the best mAteriAls, the best mAchtnery, the brightest expert biscuit experience. They are At good AS good can be. Onlytoldia 5 cent moisture proof packages—never In bulk. Ask your grocer about them. Test by tasting.


IT IS NOT TOO LATETo j.;ct XI Model Crown Kxin>je, We wxiiil you lo lixive

one. We believe you will wxint one rifter looking them over.

Till' liillife is I'li.iitivi'lv tllf Mf

It is niude from xdl new iron; every existing wxirraiited xijzainst lire crxiek.s; it in convenient; sxives fuel;lxists binj^fcr; can’t pet out of tirder.

Do you wiiiit xiny more reasons? You exm find them hv tisinp this rriiipe. Sold only 1)3* our apeiits from wxipons. Sxdesrooiu on Clinton .Vve., nexir Kxdlroxid street, exist side.


Dray ing andTrucking

F you want it promptly and carefully done at rea­sonable prices call for

Richard Gay.Ensoirs Phonograph

Better than a Biano, Ormn. nr Mmdc Box, for it xingx and talka as well as plays, and don't cost a.a murh. It repMsIucca tliemuaicof any instrument—t>and nr orchestra—ii-lla stories and sing*—(lie old familiar liyranaa-, wellas tlie|M>pular mmga—it is always rtauly. rricra, IT.Sft t.» |1*»m»i. See iliat Mr. IVliMm's signature it im every machine Cats- logutiS uf ail di^iicni. ur NATIONAL PNONUURAFH CO., ijg Fifth Av«.. .Naw Ynak.


TttCiciit h^atncia*i$ of r^empeiiilNCORPORATEDl UMDER AN ACTOF Us l CONGRESS.

HOfiwTuriTON UIlci5inM9toii,D.C.llj3L3LPURSER HEMRY M* Me KECcahscw 'iATi:,rvn. raeiTAu OAfta

America's FratermalBewficialOiioe*lowtsT PosMir COST coNMTrrrr with vtarccT xecuairv(IXtO MOflTHLY FAVeUrtTS CarATlISO Aft (MCNairtCV fUNQ



AOWOS DAv'ID6WI(ST0M '»«0TH0N0-rARv^^iri^^NlCHIbAN.U6A*.The Kmeraeney Clerk.

•*1 ran nrmaa a clerk hert* who la worth Ills weight in gold. or. at least, lo gold liiiPka.” Mid a guiutt nt one of the hotels. "If 1 waa Id bualneaa Id New tlrieaoa. I would get tluit man If 1 luid tn chloroform and ahilnct him. The way 1 dlneoreml hia inerlta waa this* I waa standing In a store down the street, waiting for tny wife to de­cide what she illdn’t want, wben a tailor made girl walketi ap and aaketl to see some golf clubs. The roang mail liehlnd tbe counter sIiowikI her avveral. aad In a few momenta she found one that suited her and went away with It umler her arm.

*• ‘Art* there many plarera tn New OrleanaT I askeil after she had gone.

***flb. yea; i|ulte a numlierr replied tbe clerk affably.

"'liare you golf links here?* I coo- tlniieil, getting Interested

"A look of real pain croaaed tbe young man's fnee. *1 am sorry,' be mid. ‘very aorry. but tbe fact la we sold iitir laat golf lloka this inoralng. Ilowever. we have ordered a new stock.’ be sdded. htighiening up. 'slid they will b** here lo s few days. Whlcb did you wish, tbe plain or tbe—wr—faa- ey links Y

**A clerk like that Is lieyood prtes. sir. perfectly toraluahle. Ten years hence I expect to tlnd him a merebaaf pfloce.” » New Orieaaa Tlmoa-Iiama-



Beautiful Complexionsr.uaafrom rwrr. uatalntwl htnnd So pnm

l^xioa ^ Im muiMr. mnittMl or sallow if the likxMl tapurr: iti>cam)4«aMiaoan bai-taw of hlFwaSM tf tbe Mood I* ,mA pure. Mora than tbk; illaeaii panotA eaiat inalmily awp* Htail with piite hkMMt. This Is tbaorrret rrf

wiuoam of Ortrry Ktag. It maboa pure MiwhS.

tVlery Ring oarra Conattpatton. aad Nerva, fltumanh. lAvrr awd Kldaay dtasasoa. a

A Nlab Prteed ttmm.OenemI Weyler'a bmtsllty to the

country farmera of Tuba waa tbe di­rect eaiiae of the ileaperate Insurrectloa la t'aha which led to tbe Spanish war. That war coat tbe United Statsa CBO,- onn.tMlo The cost to Spain waa fSB.- OOIMVMI. exetoatve of loaa of territory. Tbe coot to f'nha In tbe way of wreck­ed plantattoas aad kwa of eomnierce. eapit'islly of |nw tobacco trade. Is roughly sstimated at fSb.noo.txiO laore. Bo Weylsr came distinctly high.—A»- sweta

tlfg IMpera at Tm .Maws Urnra.

SeMllNtewt awd Aewae.Ill--- You look gieH e*i»egh to rat.Shi- l>o you think I am send enough

to feed? II.oTr I* Woman's whole existrace, and,'

naturallv, she nvertiMdi* lea* beta in the game tbau man ihma.—Indianapolis I’res*.

mtabaaaaaSi PaHi> maoaaos DawaS.



M mmm »m iMrtT aWMtMtbs a*, waa ay anal Wa. f'

aMa.. t.a.M. ,••••• aW aaew« e»a / 1rnmmttm lasaa Tsk.

^ MaM I lUBaa t-waa^ a^f^e.,. fbWA—i..«a,niiai« «..ilii m iaa,an,> •M. rttil.aWk..



HAIR BALSJiMaT^r nnl* W Mfpft


MAUD a WIND MILLB■ 'laianreed tor 3 aesra by a rvliabW hnw

■ ». \V.- makr . wiod nill Ibal wll ^rtndand cwt fant. dwtl • ora, awd poote wairr. We oMhe « iMimp tbal wtll |Mill mill not af

jwiod oben Unk (a tall of water, aod tet it in arar alter VWM Have taken out a p*ul ot water. No fowfl baira •mrad took; per- leett, safe to ke.e nOll in gear and go !• bed, get op In moening and And Isaka (nil and mWl am of gear, fbon •atnia in nae.

bratraiSrr. we nwsr ih* reiisMe Mawd a ■ CaoH*. •< a wi>.d intll Jnw as good. X\ e baee • .. J .1 !•« I'Hry tt( Mit Ibittan mRAintf wiwsl miM«, lanka. V^V make onetd tbo-e t»nw tried. .. . M.itd ^ iwnipa reer, |a nWnmea, aad a*r \ b wind nwU reery bon,,

j -rtfci in . > imairy wbeee wtwd nSlla aad I - .in» are rnni.I f ■ - l.l-w awl onms ot iwnreat >!.enl.

XATTD • WIITD MILL * Ftnip 00..LaaMae.

For Sale ByJESSE H. (iRANIiER.

St. Johns, IVlieh.


aiiPwimQ)■ INNEAIIHBWko tnMt to Dr. Ptcree'o Goldn

a?’OOMrt blood. wi prHoctly tluo poopi

camt. of aU wlK> srft. <d dkoMo, nhMiiiafa

—rtotioB mn Btly cnrnl by

WOOk ItUHS, >—koBoo ana c

* Mr wtfr hod bMoorrhogr of tko I—write* W. A. Hoader*. Boa., of Bon. Mowmi Co., W. Vo. ‘‘;ihc iMd ten boowrTliogr*. aad the pco^ all araoiMl km laid •he wtwld nmr bo well asalo Hot abr be«aa to take Or. Pierce’* GoMeo Medical Diacoeery aod ^ aooo bapaa to pata atreopth aod daok After takiap tea bottle* ake wo* emiireiy reeU. If aoy ooe doubts tkte, they any emloee self-addrcaaed ••ttelopearHh ataoip, aod I arill aaawer.”

Sick pcfoons are inyhed to conault Dr. Pieroe by latter frt* of ckmrje. All cofTsonoadeacc strictly prirate. Addreoa Dr. R. V. Pierce,-- .N.V. ------

PKOHATK OMItKi:.—MiMc «>( Mlrhiean, (Vtuaty of Olatoii. tm. At n iii«—<«»t> «»f i

thr i*ntlw»lr I'liurt f«»r tbr iNiunly (iff’llaion. boldeti at thr l*r«>l»atr «»lbr«*. In thr Tlll/ier ««f Ht. Jnhar. <>a TtiriMlny. thr tllh ilay i»f Marrh la thr year MUr thouMtuI ninr hunilml.

I‘rrarnt, Hon. t'haa. M, Mrrrtll JihIki' of Hmhalr.

In thr mattr* of thr rrfttr o| .HAMI'KI. FOItKMAN, •Irrrnml, .tlinn It. Klurrv. ' mlaUtratiik fif raid ratnlr. Itatiuu iitnilr a|>> l>llralton for thr alhtnranrr of hrr Itnal ar. rount ami lor hrr •llarharur

Thrrruaoti It l« onlrrrtl.That.TIH'KSlt.t V. thr Utttli day of MAKt'll. A. H . Maat. at oar oVIork In thr aftrrnaton. Iw aaaleiHNi for thr riamlaalloli of anitl arrount, at llir 1‘rohair oMer In thr vlliaer of John*. And It U fnrthrr orttrrril. that nutlcr |lw eirm to thr prtiMina Intrrralrtl In Mahl mtatr i>f thr tliar and fdarr of raid lirartne l>y raaalaic a ropy of thU ordrtio lir puhlUhnl In Tar Hr. Ji>H»o> .N'rwr, a nrwapa|>rr prlnlrtl aa4l rtrrnlatlaa In «ald rounty of *'Union, for tbrrr rnremrlvr wrrkr prrvlouii to raid day of hrartaic.

<'llAltl.K.H M. MKItICiM..A IrnrropT.t Jiidarof l*roltalr.•duwa


It baa alwity* baau rlaiuird fur The Chlenpo TTIkaae that It would, in all iirolMibiiitir. paaa with thr lii*lir»t aearac* in any eocnpelill*" axaminaUcio •otuac tbr n«w«paprr* of tha Unitrd Staiaa for aserllaaer in all dapartinaatt of Jouraaliaai.

’* Uadar datr .f Ma\ 2. IM*'. thr'* uaiaha World* Hrraid rdllorialiy an*'* ■wrrlaa a Irllrr front Iniiuirrr'’* aakinc thr namrr of thr flvr t•rrt ** naw«pat>rn> in ihia rountry iKiinta ’* oat tnal a n»w»(>aprr may racrl In ** oar Wry and t>r inft rior tn rnothrr ** Thr \Vt>rld*ll<rmi<i aivrr Ji»i« undrr ** Ayr emrrtil hratilne* of Iradine ** Awanran i>rwapai>rr« diattnauiahrd '* aapmally (or rarrilaticr. mrntloMiie ** in all aoin* twenty.

TNC Fouowms ARC THE HEAOIROS:•• (I)•• (S

Moat and baal nawa. forrten and doiaratio, prraantail altrat ilvrly. Ilrot iMiaalbIr prratntailon of

a twirlty*' i3) Typuermtihtv'al aptwaranra *' 141 PtaaaiSratlon of ntwa by da* nartmrnta ** (5) Ndltortala

The t'hlravo TrlHawr la tbr " .inly nawapaprr in tbr I'ulird ittataa ■* wlllrb tbr World. Ilrrald ronrldrra " worthy of mantlnn undrr four dtftrr*" rnt hrada ■■—From tbrtirtobrr IMaln Talk.

PrsrUeMly all luefaelaaa inialllsant aawapaper raader*. ooroprif ins thr brat and iniadia claaara in ChirMo and vicin* ity. raad Tkr 4*hle«po TrIkHnr. A sraat naiority of thaai raad bo uthrr momiBs orwapapar.Tkr f’hleapa Trlbaar printa more adrartlatns yaar in aiol yaar <>at than any orwapapar In tha Waal.

A Great Advertising Medium.

HE THRASHED THE PRINCE.I dwaw CM* Taaaiia«or • •«l«>aklMP**! aad titilaod m LItolwiac KHwwd.

Tbttavermpr boy tblnka Uliuarlf lucky If be ooiues uut victor lu • tlptit with Jkai any Iny ml akeut bis owu ope aa«l Mae. aaya thr ('blcapu llrconl. .Vad It Is only uorr In awbite that a Juvralle warrior really ilUtlnpulsbea blnuclf aa James Miller uf Oakland. (*aL. did when be thrashed tbr l*rtnce of Wales. Aa Mr. Miller tells the story, the youiip prince was pretty geoerally bsttsrsd up and thoroupbly ''licked.** Tbis la

, the story, as told by Mr. Miller:‘*.\t that time I was vlsltlnp my on

rle. who llretl In old forto lido, the famous little Moot Hall pottery town on tbe south coast, oii Ike Firtb of Forth. One day I was ridtnp out ou a donkey, and the ynutijc prince was walklnp. wiien we ehancetl to meet, ami trouble followeil. The priuce approached me and. oalrhlui; me by tbe lee. pulled me from the aaddie. Id thtaw days I was a lljthter. anti liefore the younsster knew Just wliat struck him 1 had land­ed aonie (food left swlnjcs. kud be was all hut out when hla tutor, who ac- rompanlerl him. I'atiie to bis rescue. 1 cannot deny tiuit tbe prince got the tlrat fall when he pnlleil me from tbs donkey, but all the rest of tbe honora were eaally mine. It Is not of record Just wliat happened to me after It was all over, hut I liave just a haay recol- lactioii of a meeting with my aged un­cle that cnde«l in disaster for me.

‘'That tight mn«le the Prince of Wales my friend for life. Ijong after that meeting in IiotIummI be happened to learti tliat I wn* in need of tluaudal aid. and lie lost no time in sendiug mo a cheek for n prtne«*|y sum.”

Don't tight iiol<>isi you have a real prince to Imttlc with, and you will re­lieve your iiioiUer from much anxiety and save yourself s«tme hiimlliatiug ex­periences.

Sareef %’olees.There is no janver of iove so hard

to keep as n kind voice, hut it is hard to get it ami ke<*p it in the rigid tono. tine must start in youth aod Ik* on the watch night and day. while nt work niid Willie nt play, to get anil keep a vole<« which sluill siieak nt all times the thought uf a kind iieart.

itid this is the time when a sharp void* Is more apt to lie nif|uire<l. You often iiear iHiys and girls say words at play with a «iulck. siiarii tune, al­most like the snap of a whip. If any of them get vexisl. you Iiear a voice which Hounds ns if it were made up of a siiari. a whine nud a iuirk.

Hiicii a voice often sjieaks worse than the hiKirt feels. It shows more 111 will In tone than In wonis. It Is often in mirth tltat one gets a voice or a tone which Is sliart> and which sticks to him through life ami stirs up ill will and grief and foils like a dro|> RttH on the listener. Hume |)eople tuive a sliurti tioiiie vtiice for use and keep their l*est void* for those tliey meet elsewhere. We Would say to all girls and Imys. “I’s^* your l»est voice at home.” Wntcli It by day as a inarl of great price, for It will U* worth mure to you lu the days to euuie than the l»est iM>ari liid in the sen. .V kind voice is a lark's soug to the Iieart and iiume. It Is to the iieart what ligtd Is to tbe eye.

The L.l*«a.Hi-t-aus*- of a r«*d*nt act of congress

sea lions will soon In* declddlly acarce and vaiuaide. riMiti eouiplaint of the vast tishery ltderests of the I'aeiflc diast that their Industry was Iteiiig niltietl by tiiese water M-aveugers con­gress luissed a law providing for tbe wliolesale slaughter of the sea lions al­most to The ptiint of extermination.

In •»nler t«i preserv** a «n»llectlon th** maiuigemeid of the nst «>nrly o{>endi negotl.'itloiis f<ir a nuuilK«r of the I*a- I'itie <-oast lions and a short time ago receivdl a ceiiMigiinieut of !M*v«-n of tbe

A Iteasttaai MaHIva.Aaot Osrtruite-ABd what will yoa

do when you are a laao. Tommy?Tommy—I’m going to grow a board.Aukt Oortrude-Why?Tommy—Bseausc tbea I won't bava

oaariy so much Cass la wash.—Col- liar's Wsafcly.



By Arthur J. Siringar.

fill I rail I f veil VII

THE EOOK OF THE YEAR."Tbe Bow*lei;4ed Gbtst ud Other Stories.Wi»h an iniro- <1 .1 c 11 o u i.y

■r Ica‘aA mfraaitvt poat, JamM Wl


'bll- nssblUlay .ia lllua-rstMl rol- UMT «if ortipnal h u n o ru ua •batrbn. rriaa, teraU-SM psa^

»l>n» and ool- iiaira A tmok

win net OharfMsnt tbs raaUar, aa It •otara a new sad hafdofora anaxpinrad a»l<l «if httSMT. A Umk to ba rasd aksid andyear fMcnda. iVsNsIna'*T1w Pew laggrd nhsst.” "Wtwn Rem Kasg rii«t Haaa, "Tba Man Wbo

ODntdn't lAOSb.' TltKa ol Pntomknik* " "Srlltnc l*iM*kaof Hair," "No Wnosut. No md •' "Sis i*** Adramm." ale . Hr. Thia am •SHkrti laMitn la rksb pctnivd na aaira flaaK^r. andaranluiHr the twM humoanoa (■■•fc pnb-

Ksl Wartb Ck.SS, maihsi |■•l{okt for $1.00. CKdrr at <*nre. Smd for <sir saw aprrial iUae- tratsO rstslayaa rnaltad tvsa. (hvaa you U>e low- •M (.r.rrxm all siasl Addrvaaall fitdata lo

THE WMHNKR COlriPANY.tSkaakii I aa* llaaafaitsrara. AkTOO, ObSO.

ITW Wrwr Csaioasa K t.>MMBSWT takal K.t-rda.^.

Pacal Balm Cured Them.

^ i

rxKiUM. mv i.iu\shnest oOdt ever <npiurtsl Two of theae wer«- placdl in tlie huge haaiti at the xott will) iIk* surviving one of the original trilte.

Tliey are tN-siiiiful tyi»ea t»f their family ami an* Hie larg<‘st ever seen tints far away fnuii tlicir nativity. Wlien first |>tae*s| in Hie ImsIii. they wf*re wlhl ami xleioiis and fur a time made tilings ileeiilfsily iiiieomfortahh* for tiie old one. lint Hiey wen* soon taineil liy tin* k«‘<*|M-rs nnri in Hie enurat* «if a few wwkh followerl Hie example of cllnitiing to the top of the rockery in the center of thr- tiasin for their food. They are f€*«l si lilfi <laliy. earh of the lloft* ns'eiring from atx to eight lire flsh.—4'lnrlntiatl I'ommeretal Trihunr.

Hart • wbat thar wnu "SsMil aad Haoriag raatorad baated;” * Catarrh of Skaotach carad:' twastr vaari rated.' Caraa AathoM Coagba. Croap Broechitti Old aod .^pSlTittcieraa. Bcraa. Scalp aad SkmDiasaaas. Btetlosk-

"Catarrh carad:" Scro4ate HvaliaB

■Pila* lar

Fra* tIp aad Skm ntaaaaaa.

Uaad lakasaaBy aad aakaraally. •pl« Iroat draggtata rria* M csa., pkw *[nt.Laa*arFacal Baba Co

CASH FOR JUNK.I buy Scrap Iron, Raji^A,

Rubbers and all kind5 of old metalA, aliio old papers will pay the hiitbest cash price for same. I am lo­cated at iVlcKni|tht*s, in the rear part of the eleva-' tor.SAI IElCISTEIN.SLJotas.

.% PrapaaHlaa.Kmpluyer Y»ii want a Joti as flre-

mau. fkt you? Iki you kimw your btwi-neas?

Applicant—Well, istsa. If I ewn't Are yevr furnace, you can Pre roe. Detroit F*ree I’reaa.

TIkea SB* kalta. “Wbat'a TreakpaV**When a woman lias ug Iter lieal suit

and I* exprrlen<-iitg thrills lu a I'oateet at cards. sBt* thinks to herself; 'This la life. At laat I am living.”—Airblaao tllolie.

0« tbe Ttra ebelf."Thoae twin daughters of Rilltor

Bwipc are iMK-omlug rallicr latssc.”"Yr*s; Orst tsMHorts. out of print, mm It

Were.”—Philadelphia North Ainericnn.

NIa ttwesa at M.Mrs. StuMr ireadingi John, wbo are

tbe CoMatream guards?Mr. Hmith—I gaeoa they maol be Are-

aMa.-CblcMfD Newa.

I It s'as certainly Hie wmuler of tbe | ! DeighliurlMMMi. Us Hrsi apiieamitee iiad i j lieeii the one event of ilie year, nud a I i tiutter of escllenieui ran through tbe ' ! street as Its glories were dilaiiNl ou , from doorway to doorway down ilie ' little colony. Never since the |ioiiv*e

I liad rahletl t'hing Lung's laundry itad : BiN'h excitement lieeti knowu.

It was nulhiug Imt a shop sign made up of widte, or nlmcMt widte. tetierliig ;

i on a sky hlut* iMckgrouml aii«l au- i ! uouiieetl in cbaraclers of tilling ilae | . that .Mrs. iNiyle was a dealer in i*aD- i ' dies. Iionietuatle Inlilt's, eoiifeelitiuery, j , tolsicco. cigarettes and siiiidritKi The ■ : ''BUDdries” was n mystery to most of j tbe admirers of the sign, hut they as- j

i siimetl It atiMMl fur suinelhiug iiu less ' flelieinus Hiaii cacamels.; For months the dingy little shop tiad stiNsI empty. Wlicn Mrs. Uoyk* was fPuntI inysterioiisly occupying it one

I uiumlng. its dfKirs ntnl wimhiws wers wntciicfl aa only these things should lie walchetl at such a time. .V iiersoa can't In* too careful alNiiit Hunm* new­comers.

The watchers saw a tmnsfortiuitloo take place. 'Hnxes uf tiighly (*tklored mnilies npiieareti in Hk* show window. ' togeiht*r with iuigs of molasst** -sip- coni niiil stiuatf* tins of hms'ii taffy



HK COCU> snu. TA8TK IT. and rows of ciiiN'oinle mit'c s'itli elas­tic tails. There also ap|M>uri*tl a Ikix of pluk ami green marides anti a wire iMskot with seven wixened lemons In It.

The Iniuihitanls of the stn*ei vlewetl all these things with wonder :iti«i <le- liglit. At Hiiiea tliiriug the day .'ll least a tlttxeii ntlmiring imses were tlaHeiu*tt iDtiiilaitively against the little |»ani*s of the c*aiidy shop winilow.

Natumlly. then, when Master Thttin- as Hoyle mailt* his (Irst np|N*nnine«‘ on the airi*t*f wlHi Hit* tither clilltireii he was at once aiirroundetl tiy an atlmlr- iug ami Mtlieilttiis crowil. wliu. lie was asloiilahetl to find. tiNik a most kinilly and unex|N*etetl interest in liim.

Ill fact, many sly nilvaiu'es were maiii* towarti Tommie, lit* was given a hroki'ii top and a liamllnl of maritles. anil Jimmie Hirkitis nsketl If Tomntit* waiiitMl to see tlieir <*nt wht*n it wn** Im*- ing |Niisone«i It was felt to In* a gtssl thing to know a iNty wlit> ilvetl in a camiy shop .\il of tht*lr niivniiees Tommie I>«»ylt* ritvlvetl witli tilting re- aerve and illgnii>.

When lie was sillitly i|Uestluried niNiiit the amtmnt of eamiy ami taffy he was allowetl to devour ♦*tieli «la>. lie curit*«l Ills lip witli enrelt*!.*. eoiiiem|»i.

*'t’andy? I'gli! I’m sick ami ilnil of cnini). I nmr*

Nevt>r ill ail Hint* iia<l sneli a tiling he«‘n kiiotvn lM*fore .\ eiionis «if W4»n- tiering "iMis:” went up from Hit* nstmi- lalietl circle

".Ml l'\e gt*i to ilo." saltl Tommie, with a pro|N*r sense of his own iiM|Nir- tanee, "is lt( pick up a |»an ami sitdown niiii eat It. Hut i likt* 4-lMte..Snte ,mice Hie iN*st. Tliey'n* great, ain't , they? I just tiad four 4>r live of ’em 'tiefure I canit* tint.” be atiiietl. witii a |tine iitiiiclialaiiee.

The cirrie of listeners iiililgetl one anuHiek kiHiwingly ami slitstk HuMr ht*ads

Tlietr wontlering admlmHoii se«*int*d > to encourage Hh* iMty wim Ilvetl In the caiitly shop. The glory of Ills iMNiltlou iiatl never itefon* 4|awti«*tl uisiii liUii.

"Why.” he went 4»ii. "ui) mu says kiiitl of criHis' 'Tommie, you ain't luiii your 'lasses tnITv itNiay You s«*i right - 4I0WD anti rat that |ian tM-fon* you go out and play.’ .\ntl sIh* gets real mad If siie S4NNI mt* iryiu to go t>ut without I eallu a |mn or wliat'a left, so's site can wash it up agnlii.”

The elrele gasped. "Wlieii an* you goln to tiring us out a iwu?" a small Imy at the laick of tbe cmwil pi|ietl up They all preleniletl to In* Justly shock- j inI at such forwantnesa.

”M’hy. any lime at all. I guess. If you want some real liail. ADtl anine cbttcotate mice. too. eh?** said Tommie, pointing out the Inix of rodent tiellcm- eles.

A doaen mouths wateretl nt tbe thought. They fnwneil over him and showed him how to play crap*, though not for keeps, And as for Tommie, be was dmok with the conaclotianess of bis strange new power, lie walk'sl with a aort of lordly Imlepemlener among iba children of the stn*ei. for lie anw he aras already estaldisheil in the pooHlon he felt he imghi to <M*cnpy. lie hlushlngly reraemhemi that In* liad bawled for a flay when tbe iinivlng was drat begun, hot now he was a king Aofi he hod no* had to tight one stngfc- lighl!

In faet. little gifts were iirge«l iiptMi Tommie, which be took with aaonmeri rHoctanre. ait«l liny girls made linn gry aotl melHng (•ye* at him after fbastlag. in fancy, baforr ibat ever al* | Inring window. HMs ww

an IB Mte earn at Maggb* Bellljr, wBona aAMr* of the baart bad tiaao both Mmerotta and noted.

Often Tommie would come out of tba abop anacklng bla lips with great ral* tab aad say that ba could still taata tbat laat chocolate laouae. Uny by day. loa. be recounted tbe aaMUnt of taffy and idiocolaie mica bla motbar nade blm eooaume aad told bow sba fait hurt If be didn't seem to enjoy Ula aUowmace. And weak by woak bopa aad bungrr Increased among tbe raaka of bis army of worabipars. Hut nal- tber candy nor taffy nor mice wars tortbeoming. and at last aoumls of doubt and dlaoanslou aruae. All day long a buagry eyed group of cblldrea bung about tbe strap window and gaaed upon tbe daliracit** witblu. but uavur ware ibay Invltad ioslde by tbe obdu- rata Tommie. Two gbum jara. ona of peppermints aod one of red wlntar- green drops, apiiearad in tbe window and added to tbe aadoctlvenea* of tbe forbidden paradhw, and one week later 1 tbeoe were followed by a pastebonrd box Oiled witb all day suckers.

Two days after tba appearanc** of tba box of all «lay suckers Maggie llellly came into tbe posaeastonof two iiennia*. It was liellevad by some tbat such wealth was not come by hooestiy. but this statement was frowned down, not for aoy faith In Maggie Reilly's hones­ty. but simply tiacauaa curiosity cou- quare«i all other feeliogs.

With these two penules she invaded | the sacred realms of Tommie Doyle’s | randy shop. After much «lehate It liad i been deride*! that she should l*e accom- j panied by Iaiu Rlrkius. her tiosom | friend. Tbe little liell rang with an awe Inapirtag clatter as tbe two foriti- Date ones entered tbe sacred iMirtal. Once inside, they gased with wide eysa and o|ieii mouth on the slrangt* treas­ures that lay before tbetn.

In a way tbe sight was dlBap|M>lDthig. Mrs. Doyle was acnihhlng tbe lloor when they atnuiblad ami sbuin**d In, but sbe wiped her hands and arms ou | ber mat apron aud got up fruui tier | knees when sbe saw they were cum 1 tomers. Mbe was a tbin. gaunt woman ' with a slirlU voice, aud sbe frightened j Maggie Uellly so much that that star- I tied young lady didn't know whether ; sbe wanted winiergreeii drops or choc- 1 «>late mice. Hlie linally s«>lved tbe proli- j ieui by taking '■unversaiion luaenges. . six for a iN-nny.

While Hiese were being counted out | the voice of Tommie Doyle came from the little room at the back uf tbe strap.

"Ma. why can't I scra|N* out tbe lilg put?” Tlie voi**e was tremulous wttti tearful entreaty.

"IlecnuiN* you (•an't. Itiat's why, Tom­mie iKiyler* shrilly, slerniy. called iMck bis moHier from tbe simp.

"Itut I aiu't liad a taste of taffy siucc w**'vc come in this o«*w shop!” wailed liai'k the iKiy.

”.\ud you ain’t likely to get none | neither:” saiii his iiioHier Impassively 1 as she put Hie two |ieuiiies in au empty | cigar box plac«*d on the shelf for tliat t punsisi-. j

Tlie two visitors louki**! at **ach other ! with signitleaiit glances. The revela- j Hull liad 4*ouii*. Tommie Ifoyle was a l siutui ami an ituisislur. t’luiveraatloii ^ loxeiiges were forgott«*ii. aiul the little liell over the sliop iloor liad not ceased ringing lK>rore Hi** news was spreading like wildttn* down tbe street.

Wlieii Ttimmie IViyle si*»piN*d out of the shop that aftem«Hiii. smnekiiig his j lips and nilibiiig ills stoiuaeli, a Jeer of | iaiiglil«*r S4iuiiile«l through the erowded | str**»*t. I

"Ma. wliy c-aii’t I serais* out the Idu j |n>t*'” mimicked .Maggie |{eiliy. with j Ib'iiiiisli deligiit. for she fell lier feel- j lugs liad lN*eii outraged by Tommie in • ilays gone l»y. .V score «if volc*-s Irsik j up III** cry. "Mn. why can’t 1 scrape out , the l»lg iNii?" ami the taunt went ech*v 1 liig 4|44wn the sir****l.

TIm* Isiy w tio llv***! in Hi*' *’an*iy shop 1 l**am*'<l that liny in th«* «leeis*st deptlis j of his li**nri tliat Hie way of th*' irans- ;jr»-s»44tr is linrd. From "Tli*' 1.4N»ni *»f I>esnny.”l»y IVrniission *if Sninil. May- i tianl .V <’*».. I’ublisliers.

4 I’slr «•( nshr ('relte**.Though «4iil.\ a haliy H* tiioiiHis okl. 1

.MMrJ**rte Triisk is alr»Ni*ly an a***'*»m- , plislitsi liicyclist. At an age when imrst rlill*lr**ii ••an s**ar**ely In* trusted with snf**ty out *if Hi**lr iiii»Hier's arms. ; sIm* can mount ainl illsiiioiinl ami Hior- ; oiiglily 4'onirol her little steel sl**e*l. For ymiHifnl pnilirleu**y ii**r liroilii’r ' V**ni**. ng*-*! 'J'*j y«Nirs. is iindmldy lier ■ onlv rival. aii*l Hie two logetlmr form.

IlMnlk St Mk Pnputl Sak



I !' ~


Consisting of

lotdStore BiikHigs, Dwellings, Fanis, Vacant Lots and Blocks.Clinton Ave., (or **nain** street) Property.

No. l-“HotcI Steel,” one ol the tincMt hotels in Michigan, built in 18HH of brick and granite at a cost, (including fur­niture, i of over $75,0(H>; storiesand tower, 4*5 Mleeping rooms, steam heated, jicrfect sewerage. Located on lot ♦> and a ptirtion of lots 5, 7 and 8, block '1.

No. 2—South iNirlioii of the llromley builtiing i brick t, just nortli and adjoining "The Hteel,” locate*! on lot 4iii(N*k •’!.

.'I—Sew lirirk st*in* irtiiiim*nis htiildiiig,) two st*iri«*H ami bnseinent, g*MMl lociition, loi-ntMl on Nof lot 4. l>l(M*k :i.

•1—Store hmldiiig. l! story irum**, (ugritniltiiral, impicm**iil and f****! st*irei ln(»t*Ni on .N ^ lot .1, bhsrk 2..'i—Store miil'iitig. i'J si*iry frasn**) I'rtMs lunch itNiin, giMwl **entrHi l«N*4ktioii. lo::uit*Nl on N ^ lot 4. hl<K*k 7.(1—Sfor** liuildiiig I 1^’liite Shoe St*ir**,) next mirth of “I’liion hl<H*k,” locate*! on .N % lot (I, h|(M*k 7. ^7—Thre** story friini** store huililing. known as th*-''I’liinn hl«N*k.’' Ilest locatiun in town for ti handsome

ottice liuiliiiiig, limited on S of lot *1, block 7.

Walker Street Property.No


M—Handsome brick iii*N*k (2 stor*saiid offices above) giMMi liN-ation, main th'iroughfar** to (Mistoffiie, liN'atsii on H |N»rtioii of lots o an«l G, iiionk 7.

It—f*i«stoff1c«- hailding.l brick, t offi***** aliov**, liM*at*Nl on lote 7 au*l S, lilcM-k 7.IH—"Nswro*. Hail” sit**. .'itlS <>P|NN*it** {MMt«>fflc<‘, (iN*tw««eii two lirick buihiings. l(M*aied on hito

11 uii*i 12. iiiiick fti.

Spring Street Property.,N’*i. 11—Store iiiMiding, fnmi**, ll•*^oIler sh*ip) on S lot b, hlisdc 7.N*i. 12—(M*l |MMil*ith«i- liiiild'.iig, (dw*4linK,i N lot b, itl<M*k 7.

Higham Street Property.N**. IB—Wareluiuse (frame| next west *if "Hotel .St*N*l.” l(M'nte4i on lotM 7 iiml M, block .‘1.Nti. 14—Dsciliiig nearly op|Mtait*' \V*>*iii’s mill, giMsi liMrati*iii, newly r»*|Mtired. io(*at**d on east Ik of lots 1.2 and 3,

liiock H..\*>. ir*—Very ilesimbie l*mition (or almost anything, directly opfNisite Wiwsl's mill, 1IH feet frontage liy Ifdi feet


Brush Street Property.N*i. 1ft—Ston* building ifmm*') I'lirtientev shop, .ind paint shop alKive, on lot *.», l>l*Nrk .1.

Railroad Street Property.\o. 17—V«*ry ileeirNhle location for inunnfacturing plant. I.".' feet frontage by I.'•b feel *lee|». Main tiHiroughfare

frien liefMit to business iMirtioii of Itiwn, IH feet ismient walk in front. I lots .'I and 4 and portions of lute 2 iiml •'», Idoek 1.

If*—Itnariliiig hous**. *ipp*>sitc defiot. t^t-sirable location ami in gcMwl r*>|iair. locntod on lot 1, Mock 2H.

Farm Property.N*


]I»_(fn** uf the liest (amis in Michigan. Iftb acres, <**x*'ept brick yard), adjoining town on the -jorthetMt. ( Hams with stone Iwsements, and sheds f«ir horses, irattle. sheep ami hogs, costing (io«>d urrhani. landin exreileiit i*onditiun. giNwi fenna* and now st«NTk<<<t with tiorsss. <*nltH. cattle, sheep luul iiogn. .V K *4 sec. b.

‘ill—ttofNi farm, ftti acres, luljomiiig town on the south**ast. I.iiikI in excelient state of ctiltiration. (to«Ni fen«*es. \Vin*i mill (no buililings.) "t»ut lot N.”

21—.'^ixty acres with streets running thmugii it, (running north and south.) laying >*ast of Hen. O. L. Spanid- ing’s r»*sidenr*'

No. '22-.\lKiut 17 acres •iisl and s*iiitli of *>*riH»fery. I^esi^uhl4■ (or «>llier purjNiseH..No. 2:1—.\lMuit 17 lo-ns* tmrtli of th*' St, .l*iiinN Tiii*l*' •'*i.’s Works. I>esirnbie (or location of factoriee. U. U.

facilities.No. 24—Tin* r*‘niaining .** ft *>f (dock No. -H*. east and iiortii lulj'iiiiiiig Harry K Mock’s residenc*'. Tlie most ilesiro-

i»le iin*i availabh* n*sid**fi*'*' iiro|K*rty in town..No '2.V-|)esiiiii»|e liuilditig lots iH'xt s«»iith of H. I. Kendrick’** lots ti. 7 and H, hl*N*k .’12.\,,, *jr.— Desiraliie l4M*ali4Ui near Hiiuin srh*Hil huil*iing, *in .s W 4'4irner of hhick 'JM, als*i on Mock ftb.N«i. ’J7—.N I) I' mer of lil*N*k .'I.'*. •■m«*i nf I' I'lilfrey’s No. 2f*—S K 4*4irner 4if liiock :i7, N W 4if I* llnniiti'r's.

'2*1—l.ols .'t iiii*i 4 4>( lilnek It). opiMMtn* LiiinMin’s 4-i4ier mill..No .’lit—Kilt if*' t»l4H*k .Nil. (2. *»*»uth *»f t’lillmlM' 4-iiurclt.N4». :il—S 4»f liiiM'k lo. iii'Xt S4uifii of Fre*l tiiirdner'**.Nil. .•1'2—iN'-irHiile liiiililifig lots, (residenc** or biisinsws.) 4.ii I’lintoii .\v**.. i tniiiii street. 1 just north of U. K. tnu-ks,

HKii just w**sf of St. .lohiis Tuhlel’o.’s Works, l*its 1,2. .’I, 4 anil hlis'k 121,

Vacant Village Lots and Blocks.VH.RY DHSIRARLH. MHIMl.n AND LOW PRICE.

Kniir.' Iibs-k. niiiids-rs 47. r.4. oH. .',b. Gtl, ft*2. fVi. 7.'l. 74. 7.'’.. 7tl. si, s*2. s.'l, sj. ;»;i, b4. !».*•. b*; tMi. HW. DH Htr*. Ibs. mil. 1 lit. 1*24. 1'2,N. l'2l* 127.


Portions of bUs-ks .".1. .V2. ftb. 102. DMi. 111. 121. 1’22, and tint Lot ‘*f. A H."

Examine these descriptions carefully, then see us. You will find very de­sirable property at prices attractive and terms satisfactory.


Liijaidating Trustees.

MUOY mn YBK wniin l•cyol»«l *louht,ttH*y*Hitigcst taudvro pair on record Sruled on their illminatlve machine. wUlch bad lo Iw sfieclally constnicte*'. for them, tliey look more like fancirul LilllputUins In up to date cfMttiiiM* than ordinary, every^y. flesh aiMl i>Io*nI Amerltan children.

Their wheeling tendencies lliej ap­pear to ioberit legtlimately rmiii IheP unrents. Iwtb of whom nre entiiiistaan. Their rather. I'harfes A. Tmidt of Jack- son. MIcb.. wIh* was their instmctor and wbo hnlli their mintatnre nwuat. la very praait of Ma precoetowa cBM- dreo

rne laan wbo peralsteatly hlowa bis «twn bora will siMMier or later coavlaee bis aodleaee of bis gmwt oftialoa of bltnaelf.—Washlagtoa l*(Mt


III sitting for n pirtnrr yon nre anx­ious that tb** iMirtmit shall he, at least, qp to tbe standard **( *itbers. Those whose pHot«igmphs we make nre nev*w at a dleodvantogr.

Excellest Ukesess. Perfect Pfatsb Pronptaes& and Rtflit Prtcea.

Tbesc are featares of our work.

Murdock’s .TARBLEAND

GRANITE WORKSIf that MosrMrxT, yon have already 4irdered of Me. for Spring delivery,

*lo*«s not suit yon. you *vin rhang*- it, yon know (or a better one. mm I have A iii'xpaicn oTHKNe always 4in hand, of i.ATBaT iHNHn.N, liest inaierial. aad loarmt prieva. all colors. The latest Is tb** Now Broaxc (1r»«a Valaad OraaMa. Fall at iuiy tiim* and ••xamiae y<iar work in its varinus »tages of '-oaipb-tioa at tie* old staml.



Subscribe For

If you iataa*l to do a mean thlag. wait till tsaurmw; If yoa lataad to a a obis tblac. do It aoa. /

.'Hamilton,dal ____ ______


The News.It Costs But $1.00 a Year.




Have You Attended tiE



In the Shoe depart­ment of the Mercantile Store. All shoes made for the old firm, Wal­dron & Hack, are beina sold at cost.

Ladies and Gentlemen,




Bffvr i* havinir •

and Girls.

A saving to you from 50 cents to $1.00 on a pair. You lose money by not buying your shoes here.

l.tirmE »ml family l<*ft Kriflay fur tu*w Iumm*.

A. ChapuMii, wh«> ha» liwn iiuitt* ^ck. i» uo th** train.

•Mark wvnt tu Iluffkiu Fri*day with a carluaU «if ahewp.

Mra. MclAWth and Merir arr hoam fnan Albi«>n thnnifh Taratiun.

Kd Mimnw »tartr«l Saturday murniuif ' tu Tiiklt hi* hKdhrr, I'harlr* M«MWk

A. I. Dunluun rrtum«d frum lllinoin laat w«vk and brouirht funr nior h4»rMw>.

Mra. lir'iru -M. I'attmauty haa h« aiok tW4i w,^kh with ifriupr hut arr pluaiMNl Ui rrpi»rt hrr Wtter.

Whilr atu>niutinir tu paaa a luad iff lu|p» (which had oapaiarri and left almuat in the tnusk t laat Mundav. Kniirh* Van Fleet’m horar irut faat in

I the luuik and it tuuk three men tu tret I it «tut. The l*eaat waa exhauaie«l when extriiwte*! and a veterinnry waa

j iwlle^l on reachinir ttiwn. He manaired ■ t4t tret luinu’ hut the hurae died )ief4>rei nutmiuir.

.laodi Van Aukeii waa laim in Sara*I nac. Alliany euiinty. New Y4irk. in I the ytwr 1M33. At t^ aire 4if IA he I oMivtMi with hia p4N>ple tu the t4iwn ut I (4*n4|ueat. ('ayauira etiunty. Mew Ynrk.; When ^ yean« uf aire he waa unit4<d i in inarriaire t4t Miaa Marie Van N4irat* i raiui wh4t liaa lieen a abater with him I all tin* aucveediiifr part 4if hia life in I all that 4<«intrihutea t4i th4* liappineaa an4l pruaperity uf the Ii4inte. Mr. an4l Mra. Van .\uken Itetran their iuarri4Ml lif4* in <'un4|ueat atul llr4Hl ther«' until |m*Vm when they m4iTe4i t4i the t4twnahip of IteWltt. Tlila liaa la^n their huim* | eeer aiiuv. Mr. Van Auken waa uauallv alninir till alamt aix reara | atru when hia lu^alth lietran t4i fail. | lie Iui4l nut au(Ter4*4l with |MM»r health ! verY' l«»ntr wh4*n fiaralyaia aet in an4l t 4-«iiitinue4l until March lU, when hiaj work liiui eartiily <*are \»'aa il4tne. Wlwii aiaiut thirty y4*ara «if aiP' h4* la** came ileeply ininreaae*! with reliiriuua | e4>nvi4‘ti4>ii, un4ler whleh h4* ylel4l4*4l j nml \gnxt' liia heart an4i life t4i IuhI aiul ilia name t4) th4‘ .M. K church. He leavi*a t4i in4ium Ilia l4iaa a wif4* an4i four ilauirhtera.

Sh«l<lon haa liottirht WailiSinUrra fnim.

l.ulu llamiltun ia Immm* fmw St. J4thna for vamtion.

Mr. anti Mra. N. .\lexnnder viaitnd at Htnmrri I^Dpr'a Sunday.

Miaa Syvia Halaay ia btune for vnoa* tion from her aaliool in Kairla.• Mr. liadt, td Ktmlar. riaited at 11. 1‘alinar'B’ the tirai uf the week.

Orrin Havia, uf llinifhaao. t4M4( din­ner nt Warren llalaey'a Tyeaday.

Edna l.uTr cloaaa her winter term ttf aehuol in the Hill diatrlet Kriilay.

Warren Haokett. 4»f tlllve. Tiaiteti hia alater. Mra. A. Chapman, urn* tiay laat wreek.

K. 1. Hull, uf St. Jtthna. ilelirered a laad of furniture iu Atiaui ilriMikman laat week.

Mr. and Mra. A. llrtM>kman hare he- Ifun htiuaekeepinir in A. Wint^icar’a t4>nant honar.

I*reachinir Nerrioea will he held at the Haptiat chnerh at lN!>irin*ninir April tirat.

J. I*. Itaker waa in thia ricinity. wtirkinir in the Intereat of Kalamaaou Ctdleire. laat week.

J. liullani anti wife anti Frank linr- Imnk and wife were called Ui Wayne laat week by the deatli of an aunt.

The pupila of the Hill nehtatl will tfire an entertainment at .lacoh Nuffer’t thia ereninK. Iieirinninfr at eiirht o'clock.

SohtNil haa citiaetl in thia diatrtet. aiui the teacher. Mr. Tyler, ia itpend- iiiir hia racatittn in Hath. Mr. Tyler rreeireti attme tine laaika aa ififta from hia pupila.

I'etTY' lA«wia muretl tu a farm near Maple Uapiiia laat Wetlneatiay. The Saturday evening Iwfun* their depart* iin\ a number of frtenda iratlierrti and

ranir a rer>- pleaaant aurpriae on ra. Ia*wia. After apeniiiiiK a vtBTY'

j pleaaant ereninir. durintr which rc* I freahmenta wen* aerretl. the (rocatatle- i |*art4tl, learinif Mra. Ia*wia in pnaaea- I aion uf a new mckiiitr chair. A <tlei|rh Itiati fnmi (Hire attendetl the party.


Nelatm Hill and family, uf Hridire-


Harid Muoer ia home from Waahinir* ton. 11. C.

Mim .Minnie Hull ia home for the apring raeatitm.

Mra. Hanry Moore ia eery aiek. She haa a nMnldnatiaP of dlaMuwa.

Alexander .MrArthur and Heneftwen go to Albitm Friday to wtwk on the garden farm of Mr. Mapea.

Miaa Kthel M. (kmk and Miaa Lualia Ileaa attended the State C. R. coneen tiun in tirand Kapida thia week.

.Miaa Hratta Owen and Miaa Inex Warren uommenee work in the milll nerr aton in St. Juhna next .Monday

The minlalera of thia eiliagr an afliietetl at the aamr time, each being unable to perform their regular Sun tiay dutiea.

Mr. anti Mra. Will .Mouie are prr paring to more to Canada. They will go aa mmM) aa Mra. Mtmre'a health la impnwed anfHciently.

There will he a augar aoeial at the home <»f tieorgr Weal. Wedneatlay night. ,\pril 4. Mr. Weal now haa plenty <•/ htioar and ham room and tsan Mceirtnmodate a large crowd. KrerylaMl)’ tMune anti bare a gtaal time.

The renwiaa of Frank Houae, whti died in the l*hHippine lalanda ten weeka ago. reached thia place Friday evening. The funeral waa heltl at the M, K. church Sunday aftemtaui. Kev. Hryant. of Klaie. ulikriating. A letter from the I'ummandlng ufHcer ttf the tieceaaetl atatke tif him aa a lira re and loral toiler.

“Thi IM| Mahili'’Steel Range.In TUE MALLEABLE steel plates and smooth mallcableu iron liter- tight form. It is a ofieration that a range water-tight. This con- complished only by Mnllealileiron possesses nacity us to allow our every joint to the point the aid of Norway rivets that a poor cookstovc wasting in other ways of food. Did vou ever


Ihirtiig thia week mam prayer meet• inga are lieiug held at the Wllaey church. Suith <»llre.

The pnvrani ftir next W. C. T. V. ! hare mtwetl tt> .Shepherd,roi'eting. .\pril A. ia entltletl • .\nna I Ferry Allen and family of Shep- (ttinltm. Vlee-Freaident nt I.j»rge. " . henl. are riaiting their part*nta. Mr.

Mra. llenrY* Mtarn* ia rer>* ill.Ilarld .Mtiore ia home from Waaliiiig-

tun tin a riait.Kd. Wilatm haa mtweti intti .luaeph

Hainer'a houae.Mra II. K. Teeter cntertaiiietl the

W. 0. T. r. Tueaday <if thia week..Mra. .Margaret Tht»mp*«tin anti

daughter, ttf St.> .luhna. ia apemling the week at the httroe of Will Mia»re.

Father Ntirttm prraehed at the Ilia- ciple church laat Sunday imtming, ow­ing U> the illneaa uf the paatttr. Itev. J. H. I,acey.

A. A. I’almer and wife, alai* Will dregg and hia mother, of Oil re. luatle Ihipiain frienda a flying riait Frltlay anil Saturday laat.

Mra. .liMwpli Hainer anti children,of .St. Juhna. alau Chaa. Currier and family, apent the paat week with rein tirea at

apent ll thia pliHUBS A Boston.

1 The cantata. - Our Flag." iiuwla- **•“ 'iruhaugh and other! Fretl Cram-m ia .m theing prejMtretl hy the Kpworth la>ague i relatirea in the ricinity. Amyr Mitchell, of the

I untler the luaiiagement «»f |•^^•fe^a^»rj The t'ongregational Society of Maple i tt»wn.

aick Hat. M. A. la

Knapp, tu In* lieltl in the .M. K. church. J llapida preaentrtl the Y. I*. H. C. K. April .1, prumiat*a tu In* a tine enter-1 uf I'niun Hume with an ice cream i taiiimcnt. tirer fifty ruiiva an* cm-' freexer. The gift ia highly appreci-! pluY'ctl. I'rioi* uf iulmiaaiun. in t'cnta. ' aii'tl and a riaing rote uf thanks given

____ - ------ ! the M K. C. H. - :WACOUSTA. I Tueatlay nearly cveiy woman for two

---------- ; ini lea an»und made a “llee line' fi»r iMra. Kirk I’unrail ia rceuveriiig fnrni; Mra. .lumea Hytle'a. The day was'

her retvnt illtieaa. I liright anti aiinny ami thev aewetl !' raga. ohatteii anti aaiig anti luul a

arc used very heavy thoroughly annealed ally welded into an air- necessfiry for perfect lie air tight as a boiler struction can be ac- ri vet ing throughout,great strength and te- range makers driving of air-tightness with It is a well-known fact by defective baking and will destroy’ a great stop to figure what this

For sake of illustration admit that awould amount to even in one short year, good range saves ten cents per day. In 3()5 days, or one year, this would lie $3H.50 for the use of a poor range. Should a range of this character last t<m years it would amount to $S(i5. Can you offord to hesitate as to which range it js best to buy. *

Come in and let ns show you this Fine Steel Range.Puritan Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stove w*

We arc able to offer the public the best wicklcss stove on the market. The most sim­ple in construction and most perfect in opera­tion.

The’Puritan is the liest and most econom­ical stove to lie had for summer cooking. It is absolutely safe and odorless.

An im]iortant feature over other stoves is, that the valves are at the side, which avoids the discomfort and danger of reaching over the luit flame to operate it. These stoves have four-inch burners where others have smaller ones, which giv<^ the Puritan great advantage in (|uick cooking. The large shelf on the stoves will lie found convenient. Every stove is guaranteed to give satisfaction.

vihitinf.' at


W. I.. ttifirtf anti in»»tlu*r wi*rt* (rot-*«tN of .Mary ll<t't»*n Fritlay.

Ikrtha lturn«>, itf Six l.akt-*.. Tisitt*ti hrr oiUNiii, Itihliop I'arkrr, om* day laat wt-fk.

.\iiMti) l><>y«*ii. wifi* ami writ* tht* lfm*stH nf lli>h«)p l'arki*r ami family laat w»*«*k.

Frank Th<iiiia». of lianni%t«*r. Iia> hinnl out t<i IU*rf l^^»h•.^lt» for tin* fom- inif •N*aMin.

Frank Kro|] Iia<i ti •«ai<* of hi.« airri- culturai implcni.'iita ThurMiay lit* luo. rt*nti*tl hi- furni to /,a<*harias .\>>h. of Ihipiain.

It s Easy To Take

Miaa fitttrtria WilMin i» till* hoiut* of Silaa (iarliNrk

I Tin* ('ontrrt*frational t*hurt*h ?.ticit*ty ! im*t at thi* litum* of Mra. Daria ttaiav.

Mra. t'liaa. Ftirwanl. wlitt la takinir I trt*atint*nt at KulainaMNi, ia rnpiilly iinprorintr.

Tin* aiiirar ^N*ial (fivt*n hy tht*M. W. A. waa wfll attomlnl ami a ifiMNl timt* la rt*|iortrtl.

Frank .Sliuart. rrt*t*ntly of l.anainv' haa atrain takrii |Mta.afaaion of hia farm ni*ar thia villairt*.

•Mra. .'ahaiitlurk haa rt*tiirnt*tl to ht*r hoiin* in thia villairt* ami will a|N*ml tin* aummer ln*rt*.

.Miaa I.innit* tiall. who haa iN-t-n a}N*nilinir a ft*w wt-t*ka with lll•raiMt•^. liaa r«*tnrni*ti hoiiit*.

.lohn Uahintii. a pupil at tin* .statt- Ntirmal, ia a|M*niiintr a trii ilay'a vHi*a- titui at hia hoiin* in thia rillaiTf

MiaN < tira itHrltN*k. wln> ia attt*iniintr at*h<M,I at Vpailaiiti. is a|N*ialin»r abort vacation at ln*r iioim* ht*pt*.

Harry .shiiart ia movintr «>n to thi* farm ft»rnn*rly <»wnrti liy Mrs. Doty. \vliit*h ia |iM*ntt*tl aiuith of ttiwti.* .\ motln*ra' mtt*tlii|r will In* ht*hl hy tin* VN. t . T. r at thrlr m*\\ hall ami a tt*n f«*nt tt*a will In* a»*rvi*it afti*r- wani. .\ tairilial invitation tt* attmil ia t*\ti‘mh*tl to all,

.\ warm aiitrnr atN*iul will U* (rlvt*n at Ylafi'alt t* hall hv tht* .'air Kniirhta. .'satiininy •*vrninif. -Man*li .11. .\ pro-(rram ia lM*in(r armntrrti f"r tin* «Nvn- aittii .Ml an* i*onliallv invitt*ti.

hoiintiful ilinnrr. lint thrn* inuat havf iMfn several tjueen lle,*s in tin* hire, for of all the hiixxinif ymi ever heani it tvas then*, and trhen they Nwnrmetl. some went (*aat. some west anti the mtt north ami soiitti, seemintr not to hare MettliMl in their minds Juat when* they woulti li(rht ne.xt time. Thirty-thm* anti one-lialf (Miunds of rairs tren* sewetl ami forty-tire wen* prea«*nt.

.Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Mon*y. nf IllY'enlah* ami ftirmerly reNldents of this neiirhlairhtNMi hart* Iteen ealhnl U* inoiin the loss of their ehlest child. Deitsa. aireti 1.1 years. .'*ht* hatl meas­les at first anil an al>s4*ess fnmieil on the liver which caustNl her death. Dewsii has always l»et*ii a little sufTeier fntm asthma and hy her <|niet .*ind lov- nMe «lisih>sitii>n hati many friends, win* deeply sym|uitliiM‘ with tin* lien'art*tl ones They will hrinjr the remains to I'nioii lioim* Wetiiiesflay. Funei*al

a ! M the home of .Mrs. .S. Ihttfanlus ( ar- UNs. Thursfiay at l<> a. m., KIdrr l.iither oflieiatiiii;. Interment at Kii- reku feifn*terv.


Thin, pale, aiuemic girls need a fatty food to enrich their blood, give color to ttheir checks and restore their t

strength. It is incariv i

%all rcfcct fat with their food. ^

health and safe to sav that thev


Ktirl Miiiistiii caim* Immt* fn>ni •*t>i- leift* last .Satunia\ and I hear will mit return.

fttsirifc I ohil has iNuiirht tht* ohl hoim*stt*ad just «*ast of KIsie and has inovetl thensiii.

The F. II. .sumla\ sehtsd is pn*par- inir a very intt*restln(f pmirram f«»r hhkster. .\pril H»

rS<iai4!!*COD I.IVE.R OIL

wrm MfPomiosptttrEs sooa

b exactly vfhat they require \ |!

it not only gives them the im- ^ portant element (cod*livcr oil ^ in a palatable and easily di-« gested form, but also the hypo- ^ phosphites Mfhich are so valua- Me in nervous disorders that t usually accompany anamia. •

SCOTTS EMULSION b a J fatty food that b more enUy v difested than any other form« of fat. A cartain amount of} flesh b necessary for health. ! You can get It in thb MMy.

Mr. (I lover, who has lN*t*u ill all winter, is no lN*tler.

.\. .1. Drink, of Victor, is risitin^ nt tht* lioint* of Dart lliilse tiiis wt‘t*k.

Mls.s .\nna Wrijrht is visitiiitf her sister. .Mrs. Krnt*st l.aikins, of Diiifr- ham.

.M«»st f*f the farmt*rs of this plats* an* intt*n*sie«l in the K*in*ka cht*es*- factory.

Mrs. losirire I'crkinsand twotiauirh- ters visittsi in VIettir .*satuniay ami .*sunday.

Uoy Drink ami wife, of MisMUiri. visitetl his sister. Mrs. Dart Dulse, laat wt*ek,

.Miss ttertrude Simth, of Dinirham.

iis staying a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. U. V. Feniitw.

i Cyrus .Smith anti <tauirhter. Mrs. .Mr. and .Mrs A. A. I'almer. of Vernie. of Dinffham, risileti his

ttlive. wen* the jfuests «,f T. N. Hain*; dMUfrhter. .Mrs. It. V. Fenner, laat . ami wife Thurstlay ami Frltlay of last j Thurstlay.

Miss l.ettie l.eech chtsetl a sut'cessfiil Henry Cohli, wht> has Iwen liviii|rterm <if srhisd laat 'I'liestlay with an

on the oltl htiroesteatl. Itas iiiovetl west | ,.|ii4.|-taininent in the ereninir. which j t»f KIsit* on the .\hies' farm. iiariDtr|all pn*sent enjtiyed. thi the laat day I iNuiirht it. I

Milttin Weat <*atiM* homt* fmm Ht. |I l.ouis laat .Satftnlay anti will not n*-j I turn until after vacation, which will j I «N*eur the Mrst week in .\prll. j

The F. D. church at their wrenant : j meetinir last Satunlay elected a tma-■

I tee ftir three years and tin* tither! tiflieers for the enauinir year, a irtsMl hlatlaii harmtmy prevailinir thnmirh

•ut the ineetlnir. They air* a lir chureh

ail pi•*f the term she presentetl the sehtNtI with a pictun* of l.onirfellow. She will beirin sehtHd hen* airain tht* arc- •md of .\pril.



Deti. Knneat is «|uit4* aiek airain.The little tiauirhter of Mra. Kuirene

llrya ia lirtter at this writing.Itams- at (Hire irranirt* hall, April (I

Warm siiirar supper. Dill, 73 ernta.Meaars. Antirew ami (teonre Wil-

—----- I helm wen* irueata in the home of Ku-Sehtad Iwpin. next Monday. !«*“"*■ Mondawand Tueaday.(tet«nre Holden ia reptutetl on the* The pnipram for (Hire Oranire for

airk Hat | March 31 will he roliintarv. MemiteraI'kitM Van llurirer ia riaitlnir rela-' P******* ***’**Hf soaaethlnir of intereat.

tirea at llew. j Mra Ku|rem* Ftirhea aod brother,/.. Sexton, whti haa lieen U) riait hiajl^^in. were in l^uiainp Thumday.

brother in llllnoia. returned htune last | -Mra. Fiwliea waa a micat In the home week i ^f* Herbert Hill for the day.


I’orter .Seaah>na left for North Da kota Tueaday. 1

.Mrs. Klmer liaiirht. of .Matherttm. I stintiaveti in town.• I

Fretl l.ewia. i>f .St. ixtuia, viaiteti i hia parents lien* Sunday. j

James and Charles i.udwirk wen* in! town on huaineas Saturday. |

.Mias Kditli Sessions was a truest of Caratin City friends laat week.

.Miss (ietinria MHoiwn, of Carson 7 City, risltetl in ttiwii .Sumiay. !

Mias .\nna MHiinn ia viaitinif her aister. .Mrs. St*t>tt, of (irami ICapida. !

Fretl ('utler aolti his farm ntirtlieast i of town ot Mr. Duma, who will take ^ ptiaaeawjtin in .\pril. ;

.Miss l.ulu Ludwiek. of the Ionia' City schools, trreeted many «»f her **141 friends here. Sunday.

.Mrs. Demlt*e Townsemi, who haa. lireti in California of late, retumetl tti this state last week.

Mrs. F. S. Iloair and .Mrs. Ktl Ses­sions. who wen* ill last week, an* much impmretl at this writinir.


Knmi llratater-Cnlon..Miss (Iran* iKiiist has tfoni* to Chica-

tro. to study branches which will ct|uip ha*r to lNt*«>rat* a inisaionary.

Tht* hitrh schtad class havt* «*lt'ett*ti I'carl Hunter, valetllctorlan: Koy W,- l{ish*y. saiutatoriaii: Katt* hhiatman. ' pniphet. ami Fannie C.’trr, historian.

(•rant Kt*al»y haa sohi his intcn*st in' the liarlier husineaa to his retviit |tart- ner. Mr. Ueaiii. (irant will work his falhcr-iii-law's farm. .Mr. l.«Minshury, , whti realties m*ar .Sht*{Ninlsrillt‘.

Thnt* familit's iNuiirht homes in drill last wt*ek. ami then* an* several riion*' who will buy when they an* aide to, make purat* ami puichaai* prlct* meet ^ on the saute Hite. Since the aitvam*t*; in rents It ia far cht*a|ter to invest in i a home than it ia to leaai* one. *

At the laat meetinir of the Are ile-. imrtinent the new memliers taken in ! wen* Willis J. Johnson, Frank C«tw-an, Frank .lenks. Sherman West ami Ivan’ Fertruaon. C. .\. .lohnson has lieeii: secretary for tht* department sinee lss«,. and has attemletl iliirinir that ! time rtfty*t»ne tires.

Haaker Koala a Hoabrr.,1. U. (larriMin, (*aahier of the hank 1

tif Thtimvllli*. (Hilo, hatl lieen mhlietl of health hy a serious luiiff tmuhle until he triwi Dr. Kinir’s New Diacov, er\' for C«inaumptlon. Then he wnite:' ••It ia the lieat medicine 1 ever uaetl for a aeverr cniti or a ImuI ixum* of Tunir tmuhle. I alwaya keep a laittlr on hand." Ikm't suiter with Couphs. Colda. or any Thmat. Cheat or l.untr tmuhle when you can he euretl sit eas­ily. dniy .V) eenta anti •l.(M>. Trial iNittles |(*i cents at FiUiew A Millmati'a tlrup attire.

NOTICE.We. the underaiirnetl. dti herrhy

I aerrec to rrfunti the moaey im two "Si i t'ent Imttles or iMtxes of Daxter'a Man- I tirake Dlttera. if it fails to cure con- I atipation, hiliouaoeas. aiek headache, j Jaundice. Inaa of appetite, sour atttm- I ach, dyapepaia, liver enmpllaint, or I any of the diaraaes for which it ia ree- ommendeti It ia hiphly recommended

I as a ttmie anti IiIimmI pnrifler. Sold 1 lli(uitl In bottles ami tablets in iittxea. i IViee $S cents for either, (hie package I of either fruaranteeti to pire satiafar- I tittn tn* tm»m*y refunded. C. E. Van- i Sickle. FHdew A Mlllman. Tntria A llaker.

Let us show you "JEWEnS’ TRIUMPH," the First and Foremost Square Steel Oven Range.

^ Full line of heavy and shelf hardware. Champion 9 Binders and Mower and a complete line of




At.Jokaa, MIrb., Marrh Jit, ItMNi. Vb-at ml and wbitv MlM)---------------- Un^OW


fpes wbvat,CYtm In sar......Oais.....................Cbiver Hswl.....Tlmoiby Hsadkvr.....................Hurk whaal.....

_______r.YMtia..... ................ :/o..................... jn..•4 «Ht... f I mixll .XA....................VI..................... 4A

IHi,waoi.aaAi.R eaoiHTE aan rartr MAaarr

Hetter............... 17^1m

................... rtOH-atwiiwlMt ...................................pi HttAkfl HAHsaaehMHi |^k^....................................$1 MiNkt>nttter aOMikstl prr lb.......... ..................Mk|tuInrtl............................... ...................................liar (laHitbv_______________ §7 •MtMfa .*•*»llav ntlsed..................... ............................ 97 iMimraw tMird........................ Vi


We have known per*- sons to paiu a pound a day white taking it


*■*. andiiawalt w tYTT A nwwa.-vm

Mrs. N. .'XUieker ami nicer, I'rewde Ihinkel, visited at Willard Nltitdcer’ T uetMlay.

Mim Myra Van llurirer ia expreteti htune frrim KalamaotHi next week. .Nhe has worked there ateadliy twtiami a half rears ami la In need of a rrat.

We are marry to rem>rt the tieath of Jamea Montairic. who died Tneedar last of heart tmuhle. Funeral waa held Nunday at the IIInrMl ehurrh. Her. Mr. Houck ofllotatlnir.

The name of the new irranp* ••nran- laad at Priee ia "Mratle. " The char­ter elorad laat Tueaday craninir with aerenty-aix laemhera. ua hope Itwill he a lire prair*.

Cbtrkeaa lire ..pfiwia „ „ ..........Turhevp ................................Ocpsr ,, ,, ............ .iHwka „ .......................Hwawas per Ih--------- .....Tallow |icr lb .....................('alt akiaa arwn .............. .Hccf bldaa........ .......................hheep ahiaa.,MM................4iwaron aklna......... ..Hccrdrcancd rwl ....... .Pnf4i drvaacd ewt ............Wood bard aad dry......^.OalvwKNm---------------------eaivss (drenmd)....

MvarmtOnwa, iall(4i.„...»....~...~.ftnwa fatted per ewt........Utecratatted, ewt ...........Hnaa per ewt........... ............I,aaiba...... ......... .....................A| pten per ba...... ------------PrsM Apples per lb.... »...Ilrtcd pAaebe* peeled . .....INitatoea ............... ............... ..IMoee Hate per bM...........flehato reel ewt per bM .....P«trtlaad ..atureo per bbl ...................... .

M 50

.•an INI

.. .hv iM

... 28«*5ti

____ .M. ...—. HO —I MO ' 5oM on


MUD FnaORANTPacKAocs 0hM.v

I have opened my ahofi afraiti At the oM stand and ahall he pind to welcuine hII mr old and ae tunny new cuatoiuera aa will catl on me. Aa heftitv* I ahall ron- dact a tinaimr and plamhiop l•««l||eaa, and ahnii ptre aapectal attention t<t aaai- tnrr plamhlap nml to sewer wtirh. lean irnurantec aathdaetorr work lUMlrraaon- ahlc prtcaa. and frnat that tbnee In need nf wftrk will pire tne a cnM. I pay caah for raps, ruhhar, roppar, stac, brnaa nad old land. WMMihM Cm.

New Model Bicycles.Racycles, Clippers, Yales, Orients, Elks, Ramblers and Ideals. Bicycle Sundries, special prices on Double Tube Tires this month. Sporting Goods, Boxing Gloves $1.90 per set up to Sg.oo.Catcher's mils

" friNn ig cents up.

TALKING MACHINES.With 1 dosen Rccordh, your choice, for $12,50, EcUkmi'*

. make. I have 1 Double Horn Tnlkhig Mnchine, Ex­hibition Model, Indotructiblc Rccorde tfutt I will «U VERY CHEAP. Cnll nnd aee H. Just the thine to give exhttitioas At school houses and churches.

FREE CONCERT.OD Edison Phonograph Saturday afternoon, March

31. from I to 3, in ewening from 7 to 9. PROORAH

t. Daarrlptlrc Halwtioa Ihittlaof Mnaila.J. ('tHnlr Hoap Mp4artHd.•Y. Rr Haml. Htddlara in fha Park.4. Plccalti Htiki .NigtiUapah* and Fmp. ft. linpptpa Hniti Dnaar llmnk Fair.6. Ihtbpi Htthi HhM*k Anirrhu7. (Thti^ (liiaww .\rtnaJ IWI rWaeta.8. tfnarftdtc. My Frmla Sar.0. (YnrttHWtta Hoht. Hwwd Viohda, Snap ami Haaca.

10. Talk, linptiani at HIcknry Ftwnar Hiarrh

Come and bring all your friends.O. G* PLUNKETTy Photographer*31 Qlitoo Aveisc. SI. JoOBft, Rich.


\ tl