THE JOHNS NEWS. iu^llSES! mlLsli - Clinton County


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Transcript of THE JOHNS NEWS. iu^llSES! mlLsli - Clinton County

THE JOHNS NEWS.Toli'mb X.—No. 20.

iu^llSES!^yor Tfwrii Writes a Letter

Regarding Them.


Says They Were Very lUdly ■!»- represeated

By M Artkk i* The ly News*

TSe Batlix BM4cd Debt ol tW VIlUft UAbo«t 9134400.

Mayor Titiria Ima addw’wrl tlH*foilo«r' iW ouininanir«ti«iii Ui Thk Nkwm rananl* iiMC HO iirtida which appramt in the SuntlHT Nawft-TribuiM* tbi« week;

“Will you allow uh* tnatate a few facta in rrlrrww U> an articia |Hil>li«ilie<l in The Sunday Newa-Tribaae ImnuIc*! “In th»* Hark," by apacial r<»rnwfM»u*leiit from St. Joliiw?

It ia lair to |>raaain«' that aoch corraa- |M»B«lent haa not taken luuua to initimi himaalf mm rawanla (acta, alao that ha diM* not taka tnneh iniaraat in tin* wall- lara of his home town to try iiuii infortn the |a^»p|a of the aU*t** that S|, Johna ia abfint Iba pooraat |ilaca for any one to loaatain. In the llrat phw'a bia article MwnnHw that the present board are re- aponsible for all the arrore which may hatra been made in tbe |HUit.

(M tba pa»t lioanis action, I harenoth- init to any tbair pniceediaiiB were ai- way a iMihlieheil, iMitbat the |wople know as niocli alMiut thetr pmesedinica as I do. For the present year tbe Council pro- I'eediniis hara not lawn pnbllshad, (much iiitninst my wish,) so it is (or this year only. 1 wisbetl Ui call your readers at­tention. When the present boanl tiM>k |M*nsassioa. not i|uite a year a|Co, wa were confronte«l with a rather serious situation. The villaK»‘ treasury was ♦•mpty. Wa were presented with a float- inK <icbt of about fld.tMHi, of whs'h 9fl..~i(Ni was ol sumail orders, heldlaiwely by the laboriuK men. Ttia Imnks re- luseii any further loan, so that wa started in, under rather set ions circum­stances.

TliesituaiUHi was this, shut down the Water and Klactric U»rht plants, cut idf all Tillage ax|s*nsaor ico to the axisaias of about **HUiDK a s|srial Hi-ctioo.Tliabauks wan* Ictfiilly ndrisa*! that they could not loan any mouay to the new iMiard to do business on. In coro|uiny withaviTv nianils*r of the \illaip'board, water Ist'anl and villjim* trsasun*r wa sijtnnl a note lor 9."».iMHi at the St..lohns .Naiioiial Kank to tide ovsr the ▼illato* affairs until such money conid Is* lefcally miseil.

Had tins corresiKMiilsut taken the troubk*, lie could have easily found out whaile*r this w«*n* true or not. This s<*timloiis attack is the only rar«»m|smsa W»* aver racaivail for it. Ha doss not slop to ••onsidar that tbe |iso|>la TOtnl by a ma)oritv of about niu** out of tan to buy the ••In'tnc liuht plant, and the pt*o|>i«* also rotaii the t'ouncil to put in tin* sewers. Ha saeins to think that Iba water and alartrtc liuht |>lants are not run prt»|s riy. Thasa plants an* under the supervision of Messrs Vautchan, ilundav and Tromp. who no doubt would Is* uIh«1 to be by any one whonniid maniiip* them tiatter.

The tndehtatlness til the rillaire at t he time wa iiMik holtl ol it. abtnit a .yaar tiifo, xvas. bondatl 91-o.ii****. Hoaiinu. aiMiut flii.tNNi tiiakiuK in all ai*<int

MMi Today tin* Iniiiilatl liatd is 911*1..‘tiNi no tiosiiutf dalil, intarast anti all ilabts are |ihii1 u(» and wa have aleiul 97.INMI III tha liank.

Tha pnetsdiiiws ol tha board an* public pn»i*arty for anytMH* to examina. Tin* i tiuncil naims an* always ofian tlur- tntr iaa.*liiufs lt»r any Htiraii wh«» is in- tarastad aiiouuh tti iittt*nd.

Tha pns'aatlinics liava not lisen pub- lisla^i on acetuint t»( the expansa, liow- arar, I think that |ss»r erontimy. In ra- jjnnl to the ntaessity ol a ifrantar water supply. Then* an* alnnit two mtxiths in thasiiinmar whan it is usatllor lawn MpnnkliuK, tha supply is not siitti riant for tin* pnilcrtion. .'■Ihtmhl the people wish to roniiniH* lawn spnnkllnirthere will iindouhtatlly have tti Is* s«ima arraiiicaiiiants matia for an incransatl water supply. This Is a matter which I h«i|e* will Is* left to u future hoard, which

to be be publiubsd hmm lud a irrewt aMuy people to tbat it iu rswtlUK • fCnmt dsiU UMMw thun tbe council expeeted.

Tbis town ic now as much In debt nc may ti*wa of its ciar ia Miebicmi. and sbonM not go nay farther. If this council keeps on. tbe town will pmbwbljr be in <)ebt over fl.'MI.iNN) in a year’s time. Tbe taxes are now very bisb, and tiiximyers an* kiekinu.



On January Hrst .trthur B. Wilson severed his nmnection with tbeHt.J«*bws Nalionul Hank as sariiiBs teller and dis- •ouni I'lerk to enter tbe HotbiuK llnii of Wlleon A Hon. Ha purrhnsert tbeintecest i»l the fwtnte and the lirm will bemUtar be known us “Wilson llnitbars." Hr. Wilson had been witb the bank for sev- era! Tear* and wae an oblifpiiB, courteous official. HU work was aorumte and always neatly doaa. With hU brother. K. H. Wilson, tbsy will make a stninit team. Tbcir store has uiwnys enioved the reputation of carryInK the better irmdes and qualitUs of all kinds nfdoth- iniC and <ents fnmishiiut kckmU, and by shrewd buyiaff Mr. WiU»»n has been able to sell these standard ipstds at the low iirtres usually asked for cheaper kinds. The new Hrm is sure to continue the s|ilendid business which th«* house has an)oyad in the imst and to enlarir* it.



Four-year-old Donald Matre» ty, son of llev. llavaaty, forroarfy jiastor ol tbe Ovid MethodUt church, standing alone oil tb** rostrum ol the Methodist choreh Hiinday aveniotf and comiislled to Inca the uudiaoca as well ns tm* dismav of haviuir fornotten hU "pUea”, axibitnl tba same brand of self reliant couraice which inspired Homtiueto keep the TIhwbridBi* and Hobson to sink the Memmac. He calmly stood and looketl tbe audUoce straight iu tbeeyes while ha used bU bead. oiTordinK totha.tlliion Kecord. Herame there to fomUh )Mirt of t be eotertainiueot and be did not intend to be queered by any sucdi loeiiniittcunt disaster as foniet- tioK hU piece. He would he a man and put up toe fleet )h* had. tb* heipive “Ut- tla Jack Homer" with Keuturre. made a iircnt hit.





Tbe oci aamiufp* of the State Hank, of St. Johns, for tbe UMt six inoiitlia wan* •iuht per cent. Tin* lauik ile*-liiml ii diviifend of tlve i»er «wiit, and cnrrieil tlia baliiiic)* to tin* sun*lus fund. For the first Mix nioiitba of this year. Us* liank

ftuir (su" «'ant. m«i that tha net •*aniiiiBs for tha y*nr ware twaive |s*r I'ant. Over 9^*i**,****^f U ileiMsutM in tin* tmiik. and it lias never l•aen in as Moiiml iVMidition as at present. Tba St. Johns Natioiiiii Irnnk als«» declared a ttva |ier «-eiit diTuleiid. aisl has a iCO«>d sIkov- iiqr for tls* y.iir I'andul, <t»nservati%a tiiunHBatiiant telU tha story.



John Rtchnioud. aired tw«*nty-ona years, who lived uorth id Klsic, mat with a ter­rible meidsat last n»vx, from lliecflacts of whicli be dia»l. Ha was ciittiuK wo«mI on his father's farm. \ tree was felled which hsifceil in the hmnchtw ol another free. limb broke off, and rafsiundinir with tarrilfc forra, struck voiinir Uich- iiiond on Ills Invwl, cnishinit in his skull. Th«*younit mnn wastakaii homa and was under the i-an* of physn-iaos fn*m (Ivid ami Ithaca all nurht. H«* was ls>yond all liHp aotl died at !i o’clock in the moreinir. lie was one of tbalswt known younir men near Kiss*, and his untimely death is la­mented by many friends.



lA*wis Whitney, the 14-yearoid son «d M . C. Whitney, was accidmtly shot by a cftnipnnioii in a iMece oi w<Mids in Hath township nt ihkiii Tiiestlay while hunt- inu- The latter had Mtep|s«<f onto a pile id rails, wh«*n his ftKit slipissi and in some manner tin* shot (Cun discbnnce*!, i-mptyinK the Itiatlinto younir N^hitney s

^ ........... ....................... arm and siile. The arm was t1lla«i withwiM soon Is* eltvOsl to take the piac<- of | shot and It is feare«l amputiilion may Is*

ON A BIO SCALEBusiness is Done by the St. Johns

rianufacturing: Company.

Few |H*ople renlize the large voliime of buHineiiK of the big table plant here. The following tigures from the statement iBsued by Receiver D. S. French, covering the period iiincc the company was placed in his hands, will give Rome idea :

For the factory purchase account $335,006.08Labor................................................. 140,309.08Factory expenses............................. 4* i77*33Power and heat.............................. 1 i,686.i 5Office and incidental expenses..... 30,844*^4Taxes for 1806, 1897 and 1898...... 3«934*h7Insurance for i8q6, 1897 and 1808 7,683.34Advertising....................................... 4,104.08Dividend paid creditors................. 13,500,00Commission paid salesmen......... 30,535.41


FanaerB Win Raise Beets Sare To ^lake It

ritM lartarUs am taiUt to uibIh a mark' mt for tb* crop at $4 to fn a tOB.

“In tbU moat pnMnUlnB aSort U tbnrr- for* urunl. The wfUMUtw far. tbe east fsuMSta of tbe iaduutw, tbe pikTiafr tn oBr own fwopU of the ^(Ni

‘ rfor hare

protestaBaJiwt sacriSce to proiluce from tbe

I I tniplcs to make iNiMi noteworthy for tlie_ ' laricMt devehmeiaeot of u new industrySiys E. P. WftldrOS, Who Hss loves- ever Meea in .4iuerira.

K\ ef^ne who wishes to itrow lieets, or

liW.viair uwr tfwii {isopw n, loe w*'*titlO,llAd heretoforesentiUimad yearljrl imnt>rted su|tnr—all these factors Tin • miy to unite in on IrrssUtable prop

tlfited tlie Sn^ect.

lx Sare They WobM prove prelitiUr to


Bren If a Factory Sba«ld Itot be Secured Here.


RfBardiiiK bie iwent visit in Hay < Ity to iDspert tbe workiofp* of the suitar lieet iaidnry, K. I*. Waldnwi sawl int*on- versatiou with Thk Nkwm this week:

“The few houm tliat I ba<l there. I put iu to as lOMid adrantaBc us was |mis- sibh*. toas«<ertain what I could retotirt* to the Mubject id tin* nuipir ls*et fbi-tory, and if in the event tliiit such an under-

to sei*ttre a sugar fa<*tory in his locality, or to invest in such an enterprise, is urwed to write direct to liotb his setmlors at M'asbinirton. and to hie irqiresentatirs in the tiouae, askioB that tbaiw icreat and pnimisiair intersets Is* not jeoparixed .4Un coiiimunicnte witb tbe Americiiii Huirar flmwem societv, Manpiette laiild- ittK. l'hica|p>. III., so tbat its rerord oftbe iiioveiiient will ls> coraplete.

“Arramremenfe hare lieen corapleteil with tbe Omiup* Judd (ompany to pul lieh n iww edition of the book on .4mer- ka's sugar industry, by its editor, Her liert Myrick. This new work ia to Im ready in January, ami will present n comprebeneire statement of tm* wb«»le iodnetry. A 'opy ie t<» hepemonally pre­sented to each senator and reprseentatire inttingrees. It is hopwl that tbis exhibit will In* Ml conrtDcing as to iiunin* fair imitment in t oiurn-ss. and thus c<»ni|s*i the imiiieiliatedsvelnpement <d thisgTeal industry. The name of errry pla<*e that wants n siiBar factory is entitled to freetakiiitt should not Is* siiccesaful in Ht.

Johns I .leeirwl to form ns intsiliamt f**? ‘'V***^ nil opinion as ptawilde ns ti* tbe imdlt-


most ol the pressnt iMiant. Thaiikini; you lor vtMir valuable s|m«*e in allow, inir ms to make thiscxplunation. Yours frulv.

F. Tiiavis, I'ren." Tb»* article to wliich the Mayor ph*ts.

ap|s-Mre«i last .Huiidav in the \ews Tri- hiiie- and remis as fidlows:—

Ht. J«»hn" |ss»|»ie have ls*sn kept in the tlark for als»ut •*tBht months now as to the mnninv ex|s-nses and the llniinetnl condition of the th**tow n. The last that anyone knew alatut the tiiiau- cial cnnilition, tb«* town was in debt a little over 9l‘J&,<NMl. When th** water plant was put in the town Iwmdsd itself lor piMi.iNNi. then e pRiMNNl sewer was

Snt in, and nftsr the fnrtory of U. M.tsri bumeil, the town Imndeil itself for

pit.'.lMNi more in order to help Mr. HtsH.The villaBe counril here are a savtnit

lot, so tbsy think, but as it hap|ietMi m«Mt oi ths Ht. Johns psopie think differ- «ait. .\bnat a ysar aB«> tbsjr nod tbs water ami sisctrir light plants unitsil. tbinkiiur that Umy would save quits a bit of mnasy. In tbsir swtimatioa it would only enut H,.'*tHl u> have the two iiuited, but. however. It rout fivtwsen fH.iNNi and .\ftw nuitiuKtbws* tbev ordemd tbe council prorved- lugs not to be poWiubsd. Home tbiuk tbat it was to bliad the psopie, so tbat tbsy would not know whutbev It saved exfNuws or not.

Homs of tbe couBcilmso rtoim that in order to bnvs tbsns unitsd, tbsy hml to give their own iterMinnl notus. IM c^mrse tbis in donhtsd by mow! of ths psopis who have heard it. Now tbe cnaanl- maa have got It into tbsir heads that the water snppiy is not Inrge sBough, nnd nrs abMt to order n new oMHMwtoa. wbirb tbaysoy willcost ab«»at fS.OtMi, and wbieb will, moat likely, anst nuBVsr double tbat-

IMore unitiag tbsns two piontn tbs wotorsuppty was picaty larir'«»todi. Home tbiak that tbs mnuugvmpnt o4 tbs rwouurn hi not what it sboald bs. Ths aaoBnll ontoving tbH* m n Hiding not

A LECTI UE (’(irilSE.sri.KNUii) oNs: vKriTHKit roK ht.


It hardlv seems p*issible that a satis­factory l«H*tiir»* •Hium* could Is* offere«l for anything less than a ib'llar a ticket, tint one of unusual m**nt has Iweo s** cuiefl for the )s<«i|4* ol Ht. Johns and vi­cinity and lor six s|»iendhl leeturew ami snte^aionients it is pro|Hiusd tot-barge but sixty cents. Full partimlars an* given tm the eighth (iag»* of this issue. .\o man, woman or child in Ht. Johns sboald miiM tbis ssrim.

On His Msfer*, Hlrtlwlsr (Hi Frtdav lust on eight pnnnd son was

bom to Mr. and Mrs. I'aseh. Just flrs ream previous tbe some day n little dai^tsr came to gladden their home. With iTbristmas five dnvs pre­vious it is sols to predict that Puna Paueh's pocirt book will now be heavily drawn tm tbe lattar part of iJs- retnber each year.

It BwsVgmt John

fitted up n The News «»i

• TUinus Bslllug.W. Ha.vder has rsesntly

lorgt* *’**■11 hsatiug stove in Ree with a •Hoehiotsr Radi­

ator.” After a fair trmi, tbe typsustters all iNtme tbat the room is an hot nw ■ tbe title of noe of the soipkiysss. Not sn moeb cool is burned as prsvioasiy.

TWrwww gfwwt Mis Mwogv.lUibsrt Mci'ouksy, supsrvisnr of Rath,

was thrown from bis buggy Hundoy nod quits badly hmtusd. Hs wan not ssrioosly iafurrd but tsiepbnasd over tbat bs was uftabis to attsod tbe tweetiugs of the Hoard of Huperviuom. tbis wnsk.

Have .Tour furniture rugairsd at II. W Morriu .* DpponiXe Pout a«m.

If there in any eulMtantinl foundation for tlie following s|«eriul fnmi Ionia. Ht. Johns bomness tnea will want to kee^i thsireym Often for devrltipmeots. The reference to tbe ('hkogp ntod in tbe im­portant inulum. TUe dinpateb rendn:

Ionia in after a new railntad. I’npitnI- ists and haainenn men an* in «*ommooica- tion with intermte«l iwrties to secure tbe Lei well A Hnsiings nirnl toivinnert with tbe Detroit. Urand Hapids A Wsntem road Ilf Elmdale on om* eoil ami Ionia on the other, makiug a diiect mute imm Haginaw with (Iraiid ilapnls ami I hi- ciigo. tleneral MiinHg»*r lle«»ld. of the Detniit, tirand Hapids A Western and West Mirhiguii systems, sill hold a «*oii- ferrno* with Ionia business men on Tner. day. .\notlier giMsI thing they an* after is II |iro|iose«l ronii from M oodbiiry. con- uecting with tbeP, A K. S. running north to Ionia. O.TStal I-ake. I'Mrsoii <'ity and thence to Huuinaw. which has IsM-n c«)n- teroplat*Hl via. Ht Johns


I.ANSl.Nli 1‘AI'KK

roininissionsr U. M. W'instoii, asks th** .Nicas t«»«H»rrect tin* stiit*-m**nt ms*!** by the I.ansiiiK Jtiurnal that he Hdv<N*ateii the biriLg »•( all assistant *‘<imniiesioner of srluNds. This was not true lie says | that the law now pmvides bir an **xi»en- j Hture*»l9fMiiiy**Hrfor an assistant visitor • of srb«Mtls but as the r«iii?missioii*Ts all ’ pr*>fer to limk alter that |M»rlion «»l the i work fhemeeivesihev pMsse*! a reMilulion asking that the las Is* amemled so that I this allowao**** ma> Is* use*l f«»r clerical j work in tin* offb***. Th«* c*immissn»ii**rs ' were all agre*«d «in this pro|Haiiti«in.

(’((MINC EVE.NTS.The lutdln*' IJlersry nsh will awet with

Mrs. H K tllllssi next \Vertne«*tar erenis*.The Kina's llsuflitees will west with Mrs.

)*liM. I* llsker neii Monday eTrnisg Jonn arr 0, st 7 Mio'eloek.

The Indies* f'hrtstlsn shl soeletv will meet wlih .Mrs. W, A.HIlTemsIl. We*laes<la>, Jsmu- arv IP, St ton. in. shart*. All sre ronllallv lnille«l

The lt*nual oal*»n shl s,,elMy will meet with Mrs lllasr> 1,von Wedses*fs> . January nth, at IP a Ol An nnreat Invitation Is esleoded to all

The •«roa<l dlvUlon of the woman's uuihl. of HI. John’s t-hareh. will meet with Mrs K. r WahliMiM. M«»«*la.r evealaic. .laanarr l», at half post seven.

"('an the |*heno*sean of Hplrtluallsai lie Proven hv the lllbte**' The sah|ert w!ll he ,llM-uMe.l by Ke» Mrs. U A. Mals*e. Haotlny. Jnnnnry h, tsta*. at M’. K. llamlll*»a'B .»lUee. |i.M»rs otam at aa<l o'ehiek. All are cirdlnlly Invited

The K tl T M. nn.l I.. t|. T M will hol.l a joint pnNIc ls«iallallon of olBrers at the

n**ase Januarv IU liettnty *lrewf I ommaniler tVlihrow and tlrent I.a4v <'om. maieter Kraneh* llnroer will he present to twke harwe of the i ereinonles.

The Itapilsl iMMlor fd this plnee. hasls*unn niwrtesfif speelnl meetlaus and fakes this op|M*rtnntiy of Invlllnv the puldir i<i the seeview*, everv eveatn* eveept Hnluntay Hut*.jeri aeii Hnaalnv momlax “The Hahl>sih. What Is the sabhatb ” K«e«lac 'The Atoaemeut ”

New OIUi • es.Tur follnwing sr»* the «ifllci*rs ot the D.

of If. ••♦erted lt»r iHetarauing .vear*P, O. of II —Mrs. Adetahie llarrts.C. of M.—Mrs. Jnlin Holrhhios.U. *il II.—Mrs Kvn MemIr;. of t'.—Mrs. I JhMr Rke.Rectirder—Mm. I. Weaiherwai.Hevetver—Mm. Mnrv Holbro«»kKloaorter—Miw. t'arrte Hmllh.ITsher-Mm. Mary Wo<.d.I. W. —Mm. Nnorv HeynoldaO. W.—Mm. Jewuie Keewav-

WoSov TwBers Nwtloe.Water ratus are doc ami will hr le-

evived at tbr <»*cc over tbe IItv engine house, from Jonuarr lOth to January Jlnt. alter which all tbat are not paid will bs shut ntl,wR H. Tows. Hupt.

Tbs following luurriagi licaasss bars busn groatsd duriag tbr fiout wssk by f'ounty iTsHi Wai. Ii. Hndth: nom. MUiue. Ag*Dm. XI, <Tmm> n. t'urwasM. I'hosawlaa. —U"

RUn M. IAmms. Klelov----------- XnDm. 41. rrwsk N Nryau. WmH. -------- M

firuse U. TaMsms.ifiiglr. ——. -El

TWt Bwwh Oose.Pirait PfMirt wrill lonvsue Monday

moroing. Tbe cans on coil is tbat of tbeTbird Natioaal Honk to. Hvo. A. Rteei. TMs is on important cose invoiviog a large som of moauy. Judge Doboll wHI

Married, in Elsie, at tlm resiflstic** of bride's mtitlmr. Mm. Susan f’oblt. on Tusnda.r afternoon, Dervmber 27, IHOH. by liev. H. D. Hkinner.. of tb«* M. E. rhiirrb, .Miss lAiila Dell t'obb to Prol. E. fi. VauDeventer. Tbe wvddiug was a <|uiet affair, only a few intimate friends tming )>reueat. Tbev left on tbe evening tmin lor laiints in tbe noatbum |iart of tbe state for a short bridal tour when tbev will return and moke tbeir home in Elsie where Prof. VauDuventer will continue his duties as principal ol the Elsie high school. In a report of tbe wedding tb** (iratiot llerokl says: "It gives us no little i^eosure to rwfstrt thi- mamagt* Iwcaus** of the immt splendid (lualititw of th«* contracting luirties 'rhey an* tletightful young |s*<nile ami w<* hop** tbev may reolif.* the hapfuness to which their excellent iiaturse an* justly entitled. If the rntmt *nm**st am! Iievirfy <*ongmiulHtit>ne w** can **xt**ml to Mr. ami Mm. VaiiDev*-iit**r will rontribiit** to the jo.v ami happltieee nt this pi**««eitiu **veat, we shower them over ami aixive all the surroumiinge of this <M*casioii."

EAT NETTLE SEED.110 THi-: iiindh wMit;|i arr ai'on

CHOirK hatUno

Thk News dislikes lo t**ll it. It hates tt»call the attention of such lovers of the “i|uaii hunt,"as Fretf Jackson, Hugh Mtirris. Frtnl Miinlock, E. H. Wilson,P. VaugliHii ami othem, but in duty to tb«* farmem if must lie n*lated that tw*» quail w«Te sent to tbe .Agricultural Pol­lute iij- a farmer who wrote that In* kllleti th**m lieraiiw* they wen* **Hting his gnun. lie wishe«i an exiiminalion of the crops of the birds made, which has Iteeti ilone, nnd the rewiilts made publk*. In netth«*r cnip was found any grain, but in *»ne «»f them w**n* hImiiii 1,.’*ih> s****ds of the false netti**. a very imiiblemmi**wee»l. Which go**s to show that the *|iiail. in- stiHt«l of Iwing an *N»emy of the farmer, is111 reality a great help. I*n»f. Harniws, of tlie .\griciiltuml I'olh’g**. says that quail eat a very larg*> variety *»f wml s***ds, besides grasshopiwrs. chinch bugs and other iiqnnous m*ws*m. !l** «nps* •*xamiiie<l a (luail’s crop ami fuumi it rtlhHl to its iitnuMil ca|Nictty with s|ian worms ami measuring worms. Imlh ol which an* amtmg the farmem numenms **nemies

A rieasam Kvewlwu.f>n TiieMday evening. January •’{, at

A. O. I\ AV. hall, was lield the ioiat in­stallation ol otflrem **f th«* .A. D. I . \A . ami D. ol II, Imigm. P. M. AA'., VA'. K Hamilton, lustalliug llm #»ttlcem «>l the .A. D. i:. AV.. and D. P.P. of If.. Afrs. Fannie Hlasiiis. of I-ansing. in her usual ideneing and imt>rrseive way. instnlle*! the Otticem ol th«* D, of 11. .Alter th** in- stallation cen*moni«Hi, Hev. .Allen, (lastor o(th«* Ibtptist church. D. II. Haxter. of Fowler liidge. Mm. Hlasius and AA'm. P*irhnin. each mad** very Hiting remarks In favi»r *»i the orders. .All theti w**n* in- vitmi to tin* Lihrarjm«»ms. wh**resii|>- is*r waeserv*s| toiilHiiit 12.* i»em*»ns. and hen* IS where tin* bn»them dni thetr work th** Ismt. AA'e would mit forget th«* Mamlolin PItib, who enteriutmHi us with some<»f tliHr rtnesf selertbms diinng the siipiter h*»ur. .As the coinfiaiiv ibqairteil. iIh* imanimtms *|eiHsi*m was that the f retting ha«l li*H*n |•b••aantly iMid jtnitlt- ahly sfient. ltKM>KnKK D. «>i II.

A aweeessfwl KfwrtlHwwer.The pe»*pie ol Ht, Johns and vietnltv

have her*am* <|nite familiar with the name of I»r. W. (?. Walker, thv ••miiienl spseiolist, who has mod** regular proles stoual visits hers (or ssveral yearn post, ami wbtise nurriws is so well koown. The D etorsars nearly all chronic <Hseases are corabie. il properly underatood ami tiwated. It storuld be rsmerabend that Ifr. Walker him given upeeial stody to tbe causa ami cum of aH such noses, oml tbous uuSsriug trnui mmy obstioat** or loag stoading trouble, should masult him without dnav. His nsxt vMt to Ht. Jnbas. at HotsI Ht. Johna. is Haturdo), JoauarT 14ib. (Mflee laHini from n a. m. to 5 p. m.

A WawSagwie HIM.(Prwui Tbstlwnssr* Argus.|

lien. M. firabum. diutriat agoat for tbs MePormiak Hurvwatsr f’o.. sojojed a very pieosout surprise at bis houm In Ow«i«M> tbsHaiurday night haforeChrist- toos. Mswsm. Hsary Hsurman. of How. oU. who wwi in Ht. Johns lout year. R H. Armour, of Elsie, and J. H. Htooe. of DeWitt. who work in this territory un­der Mr. (irobam's dlreetion. pres* ntstl him with n very bnadsome travefing oalebel. a valnobir and aeesptable pre­sent. TbegMtls gruotly apfwsriated by Mr. flrobom.

ubleiiesH <tl rmsing Iwets ami shipfiing tlieni to the mcMt convenieni fm*tory, imI varily Itelieve then* will he focDiriss near us. if not in Ht. Johns. One is im- prassnl with going thrf>ugti a sugar fartnry with the immense lunount of niarhinerx' **1 a «*«istly and intri«*al«* na­ture it contains, and is sHtiabeil that it mniwssnte the full amount claime*!.

It will rei|uim iihHiges from tbefanning cfimmiinity to plant fully .T.tMMi t»» •’L.'MHi a*-res t** make the **nfeqirise a sih*eess frt>m tliat standpoint. It miuires pum water, ami (denty of It. .At Ha.v llt.v they daim that they use two millhm gnliotis |ier day. Isit that is pmiMbly owing t<» the fa**t rhat tbsx* have a*'**sss tn tbe whole of lake Huron, with but very small (*<Mt indeed. In fart tha.v have only to bring it in fiom wliat they term tlidr “intiike" from the Hnginaw llay, the soiin'c of which is six miles oat. but the sugar |ieo|de tap this ‘'intAke'’ only a short distance from thefac|pr\. b^'nceyoust^etbey **an well afford t*il>elll>- eral with their water supfdy. using it u» run *l*»wn their Isvts by water, which woiililiiot rsallj- lie noHHsmrx' livre. .vet it *li»es lidp t*i wash the tM*etM. which wiishing is. alts<ilutHv no'twsjiry befor** tliey an* gnmnd into |Hiip.

I luul tie* <qi|Nirtunity of talking withII g*MMl many farmem. wlm wen* unani­mous in tlivir high pniis**s of the business **f raising ls*ets. wliether tliey owtmi tli*Hr faniis. or rente*! |miI«*Ii*w of gnmnd for niisiiig tliem e\clusiv**ly. Tliey all have alsmt th** sain** story t*i ndat**. that is tliey raise fnaa thirt*HHi t*> four­teen toil to the jM-n*. .-Mill it t*s*ts iilwait I.'IV^ |sw lent, »M* an avenige. Thestat** la%v pmvides that for lieets testing 1*’P» tie* hn fory must pay 94..'t<t |ier ton for the lss>is, ill i>nler t«> sei-un* the Isiunty.

I iMcertaiiied that in Palifomia. .W bniska, and otlier stat*s* when* fa<*tori**s liave lie**n built they an* (Ni.ving now 94..'>b tint for sugar ls*ets per ton. but all s**eni to Is* siilistte<| with tlie testing of tlie sugar making quality of tlie lieets at Hay Pity In fai*t It stimulates them t«i take th** pm|s*r •*iin* *»f tlieia to get the Iswt rmiilts. It costs alsmt $211 an a* n*. all told, for all lalsir *>f every kind ami every natun*. at a very lllienil **sti- mate «>f «H*Ht. inclmiiiig fn*iglit at ."iIN* per ton This allows tie* fanner, |Miy for his own w*irk, at a pnn* that will Is* tie* siitm* Jis he c«>ul«t bin* it *|oie* for. Thus, you s****. there is a v**ry lilienil prollt in raising Iswts and shipping, even if we shoiiiii Ite uiifortiinat** enough to Is* iiii. leiMful ill •air**ff*»ns to s«*i-un* ji factory at Ht.Johiis

TIh* Hay Pity |sHipl** have alsmt l.Dsi customers this yevir. which you will see wtaild a%**rage altniit thm** a*-n*s apHse.III alm*»st every iiistame they want t«i raise a larger acretige this y**iir, lieme tliey will cut *b*wn tie* luimlsfr of j*a- tnms. ami owing to this fH<*t, it has giv**n em-ouriigetneiit t** iinin* capital t«» start anotlier factory within a very short i|ist4in<e of the om* in operation, and tlien* is still amithcr going in AV**st Hay Pity, s*! y*ai see how It Is o|s*m- ting at that {Niiiit. and it is in no lietter I<s*ati4iii. or has no lietter s*dl than has PIiiit*m c**anty tin* only dlfleten*e lieing. |s*rha|*s. an athantage over us in **l*- tainitig 41 llls*ntl -upply «»f (iiite water, 4it 41 ch**4iis*r ***»st

book, proraledtlM* natiieis given liysntm* OOP man tn wliom im|uirt«*s may In* di. rectad The largertlie list 4ind th# gr**at- er tb«* int**nHit. tlie nion* |s>w«*rfiil will lie timexibit.

“The i*aiie sugar industry of I<oui«anu. Klorida lUid Texas •v>-*>perat«s heartiJ^v in this work. Their interest* are identi­cal writh tb«we 4if the Iwet grower and sugar manuiacturer. The su*v*ess of this iiiovenieiit laeaus a voat development in tiMM* soiithemututes. aswell as through- out the north ami w*eet.

ITie sugar rettnem’ trust, and the .Hfianish aiwl other property holdem in I'ortn Rico, Ptilsi iind tbe Philippineu, wlio want freeatvwMs to th* Ani^<*an market (or tropical raw sugore, are our iirineipaJ foes. Wecaiilient tbeni now , just a* in lMiNi.7 the farmers won tbeir great tlf^t in congrses 4i^twt tbe tiwt with its millions. AA'ith right on our side, our cause lietter underetofMl ami **om- manding tbe uniiniinoussupport of farm- emand their friends, su******* is iwrtain if «ve pull together in the simple manner 4ihove snggest«Hl.THg UBBATIMT OBATHB IN AMBBICA

Nev Ttesmss lllion Jr., Jmmmmry 11, st lOe MethMlIel Ctiurph.

For annoiincemeots of tbe IVopiss .Htar course se** Iwtck |tage. Dallas D^ly News says: “Y**stenlay morning then* arrived in Dallas a man well roh'nhitsd to attract Htt«*ntion in a crowd. He was about R feet *4 inches tall, weight about ttM» fNiunds, on an unfed iMteto, fdack hair, |M**rring black eyes, smootb- shav*Hl, anti a com|dexiun 4ibout four shades lighter than Harney tlibbs. .As Ih* walk«H! along the street, meu won- itersd who he was. what he was here for when* he cHim* from, and thought tbat on 4t|ifSHtraiM*e any h<itel would be justi- He*l in charging him 9lti aifay—belookinl mst that hungrv. Such was Rev. Thoe. Dixon. Jr., the famous |iastor of the l’*H»ple’s Phurch, N’ew York. Everybody knows Dixon n*»w. For seven or •*i«bt y*‘nm In* has b«*eii nationall.v regarded as a the«>iogical huu-saw and a pootoriol hornet. He is one 4>f the mcMt unique oratom of the present 4lay. was H2 y*Him «d(l yestenlay, 4iiid can li«dd an 4iadiemH* as long as he can talk. He talks os fast HS a nervous wom**n in a church sewing circle, nnd ie a master ol 4dl tbr arts of iimiory. In om* nitmient he blai*w like a iiM»teoi, in the next he thunders like a crest of IwdehiDg liattenes; again, he ilnxxles hie nudieiN-es with a prTtdigal ecattering of gems of thought, nnd then iioiinibi them with a liaileUimi of logic. If there ie a 4lnuble iNiek-artion. rev**rw- ble par»*ot-lever. *-ighteen-camt, sreb-fier- lerting. self-«**s*king. thoroughbred dle- |sHmer of orginnl chin inueic in thie country, it is Tom Dixon. His lecture 4in“M«Mlem Habylon" was tin* attrac­tion that tilled th** aiiditoriuni of the < Ity Hall last night. Every seat was ocrapie<i, ami for tw*i hours every per- s<in present listene*! with iutene** ioter- ••st. '

IliMrthniarr Metier t The annual imwtiitg of Tbe Ht. Johns

Hnilding A I.4Min .Ass*sHatlon will b** l»«*hf at Deo. Marshall's office on thessroiid ilav of January iHlMf at half i*a*t seven 'oebtek in the evening lor election <»( ♦ heir directors an»l sncli iilher business

AVIiih* I was 4it th** fa«'ti>ry then* were , ^ muj- projieHy «**>m** beion* it.17 w-.'lforty-tlvc fanner^ indo4iiiing ami alHuit

Its many more waiting for tlieir turn tn aiilna4i.”

During the past few weeks •.eviawl *-*in- i ^’’*1**** (er**tN'es hitve l*een hehl ill Sail Fram*iec*» I • ^ * '* ami .\**w Y*'.”k to **onsi4ler sfssHly dev**l- **pm**nt i»f .Ameniits’ l***ei sugar imliistry.TIi*-»h* iiH<etitigs have ls***fi alt**n*le*l by

F. M. Hi*Alti.iu.vo..Her’y.

(•«mn1 piano (or sale. EiN|uin* at Tub

Th»* winter ipmnIs must go this month, if |irtces will im»vc th**iA, If .▼•»** at'* it**

laniNTs. riipitiiiists. *»ltl*-**rs of Its* .Aun*!*- I m good ralutv* ali^w prices youi*-an H»igar Untwers’ s*s-iefy and of tin*' ^j|| ,he st^^ofHeel Hugnr Mamifai taterH’ ass*N*mti*iii, j NoHi.r m'ENETT.makers of siiflar miN-hinery ami lalstr fv-1 ------------


pre*wHituiiv**s. Tiiey rsmilteil in a joint r*>nlen*mvat PhiciMCo at the*»tll*'e of tin* .American H«igar limwers’ s*s*iety in the .Aliiri)uette which tie* various interests wen* fully reprseente*! by iWe- gtitee or pntxies. .After iliecusstng tb«> situation awhile, luid learning the views that prevailnl in the Middle ami Pai’ill** states, as well as the Pentral Weet, tbe conlereoc** expreem d Its cnariiMintis as fnihtws:

“To protect m«Mteameetly against any sorrMbH* iA the interests of farmers, labor or raidtal for the licfietlt of tropirwl re- ipons either within or without the union. The jMuedldlltj o( annexation, (’okinita- lion or free trade lietwsen the East Indlos or the Weet Indlee and tbel'niteil Htales, isfmnght with gmrset ttonger to our diimesth- stgear indnetry, os well ae tn agr^ilture and labor generally, u> ear nothimr of tbepolitiral and other dangers involved.

“lict Poogrsssat onesderlare that trop- irol eogars and pmdnee sboil <-oatinne to pay tbr Muae duties In tbe fntuiw as in tbe poet, ami tbe imit uncertoiaty will Iw mrnired Then millions of capital will (low into the beet sugarindnstry in erery state (mm New York 4«iid Virgtoia to ths l*aeWr Humlmle of rtwnmaalties are now straining evwey uerrs to eurufe on* or more Iwwt sogarmills Experieorsha* conrlusively liemonstmteil that tbe in­dustry Is a profitable ooe for capital ood labor'aoil of extronniiaory voJne to tbe town or county in which it iu Ineotml. .Agricultnrially. the sugar beet iu the most pmAtahle etafde crop that con ha gmwn in the regioBe udap^ tn it, pm-

Me*4s ^The greatest m*H|i< i^fn*coTery of th**

4ige, imr>H« all ibs**neug^iuseii by impur** bliHNl. Thirty <laYs fbeatment trse at

Vii.nwi A Mii.i.max's

do to 11. W. Morris’ for furniture pie* toriw. ideture frames, etc. OppoeitsPout

Tbe great Mexicaoi blood and nerre tonic ie n pnrely vogetable compound, free fmm all min^l ppieoo. It ciuoauss the bItNMl, leetores wnakrged ronuMta- tioas. toauB the aenrsi aad < rsatea on appetitu. Frea for tbitw da.Tu at

Ptl-OBmA Mtl-BMA.N'U.

Hfevciee stored Irsoptmin, n. (ViorEn'a.

In bie new efnarteru. opposite the oM •tand. buys He* ponltrr eeery wuek day iu the rear the bigbeat nuukut priue. Ijet Ik Iw know n **eerTwbere that tbe old firm of iWrh A Donley boe long •dace haea dasotoed oad that I am doing baeiueue oa toe oopoeite side of tbeatreei Iroai the old ton4^ HrnnM Dxbuit.

OseX mt TtMMMi*.We •stead our Muew* iImmiIw tn 401 tEae*

wEn so klmll V seetetwl ae riurtug twr ewMit


mlLsliIM nM rut IMpBrOMSI WMK

of Lift Yetr.

Losses Were SUflit sod Senrtoe Bxcelleit.

Wa. Crtoh Etoctod Chtof at tia Ao-

OcpofiaMat la Harmoatoat Coodltloa and Goad Workliic Trta.

MB.’*ss MBS 11 AUwrilll.DBRN

W. Mll.LBIt

What to

Ht. Johns W4UI imrticiilariy fortuoat* lost .rear in suffering Imt slight loos by (Im*.

< htly six colls were mode on tbe Fin* llepartiiient ami tbe liseuw were slight. The Hteel Imm 4iml the itoge coldstitrage wen* the onl.v ones where the loss tm-

hI*h1 a htimlre*! ‘dollars Tbe service from the itefiarttneat was cxivdicat. iumI tlie harmonious work ami splendid dis­cipline are unusual in a volunteer or* ganiiatioii. Tliere has lMH*ti nocoiiltision 4it Hrss nml tbe onlers are alwayn promptly 4iml <iuietlr ols*yed 4um1 tbis sfieaks volumes lor th** chief and **very man in th** service.

Chief I'rich is **ntenBg «in hi** seventh y*>ar. He takes a great ileal of interest in the w4*l(Hn’ of the departm<*nt. The *M|uiproent is always in gmal order and the apjmratae rnMi.v to do its work wlien needeil. Hut few towns in tbe state, tb** site of Ht. Johns, on* <m well suppliml with fin* tight log material as thw town. AA’ith the hook and ladder truck, the lln* **agine. three hiss* i*orts and an abumiant sup|d.v of hois* in re­serve, *uid iMckeil up hy on •*xcellent svstem of water works, tbe residents of the town liave regeiiii to (eel reasonably

cun*..At the annual meeting tbe following

officers w*ere *'leeted:President—duo. 1.. Tinkrom.A’iee Premdent—(Jeo. D, Hmith.Herretary—John O’Hryne.Treoaurer—Cbas. ilulse.First Foreman—Lyman .Alword.Hervtnd Foreman—Wm. Halbert.First Assistant Foreman—Frank Ols-

son.Heeond .Vaeistant Foreman—John T.

Hopson.Firet Pipeman—Wm. N’eleon.H*«oml i1|iemaii—deorge Ijinnsbary.First .Aesistanr l*ipeman—,I(M*ph list-

tier..Heeond .Assistant Pipeman—C. A. Moek.Third .Asaistant IMpemon—Henry Hrla-

tol.Fourth .As-istant Pipeman—Hamnel

Weatherhy.H.rdrant Mm—P. Aloek, J. T. Hill. M.. .M.rers, E. H. Krepps.Flaance Ciimraittei^Wni. Ilnlbert, W.. L.ron, J. T. Ho|miou.Presldeiit--<ieo. W. Estes.Vkse Preuidmt—Eugem* llowe.Seeretar.>—John O’llryne.Treasurer—M. .A. Ilulse.Chief—AA’m. Ciidi.Awaetant Chief—Itiehard tiuy.Hteward—.lohn Crichton.Fioonop (’ommittee—de<i. I). Hmith,

deo. WiKidniff, Chas Huiee..Arbitrating Committee—deo. Hulbert,

Wm. Mulder, Lyman .Alward. r.agea4* Howe.

The I'lt.v Hall cigar is aIwa.ts tbe same. Hence their popularity.

Hov Toursho**s of AViMiimirKKA Thomp.

Nstlee.The annual m**etiog of th«* Farmers’

Mutual Fin* Insurance ComfionT, of Hin­ton county, will Is* hdd in Fireman’s hall, in Ht. Johns. «in Tiifwlay, January 10, I HWl. at I o’Hiwk p. ni., for the •deetion of iitllcers and the • onsidemtion of on iiincndment to .Artsde .'I, of I’barter, ex­tending the lightning clause therein to cover Hr** stiwk anywhere in the cfiunties of Hinton and dratint.

Dated. Januarv U, A. I). IHOU, Chas. H. diKFRiJ*. .Hee'y.

Huy your «hiN*sof AVooDm'ri'ATKOMP.

.My sl«s*k of |jidN*s\ Jm'hXts and Ca|ias ami Misses Jackets is buiie complete and they mnst go this mtiMh. If \on wont them at about S thetr>^alae come and get one while the a«gnrn^it Is gtNid.

.No^k IlfR.NItTT.

Huy yfMir sh*s<s«»( W*s»iiKcrt'&TmiMP.A’om WonUer

AA'hy w** can make y«*at dress skirt free ol charge. Come to <Mir st«»re and sre will show you. Tin; MnnrANTiLKCu.

Hewing Mnehinre rej»aire*l *ind work gnaraot*'*<d nt dKoeW. Coopku’s.

Hnv Tour sb«*ss of W*»r ' AThomp.

Dress skirts initde Fres. Jjall aa<l get imrtiraUrs. Tmk .MKBdANTii.K C-ti.

If you want *• r**ady made dress yon can Hinl 4i gtHsi assort tt^ very qbea|t

nt .N'oiito HrHvrrr’s.

Hoy your shis*s of Wooimrrv A TnoMP.

Miielin underwear at*rHK .MBnrAimi.»: ('ai.

Biryeles caamelsd, atiyagfor, atdaKl). CjNfPKg'e.

W’atch (or tbe new spitolg gmid*. hat do not (oil to take iidtyingr of tbe low pricenon thoaegoing^mt to moke mom for them at . ?tobi.k Hi nMRTT's.

Roy your shoes of Wfs»Bnt'PP A Tbomp

Don’t be aatodled with mmy oM tbing when bnylag aeigar. .Auk fora Hty Hall.

Uam* torlydet tbe (Imt eeleetlon ood bare romt

drme itolrt mode free of cborge-Tbk MgBfiimLK Co.

Hpeciol .‘Mb* priae oa amm lot colorad all wool Corarta and HultiagE.Goods wall wnrto from «’A(lr to 7Re pur mrd nt NnBt.R Rrmnrrr’n.

How we eomam o«t. tbat to oar loo^ out Ita m toet. bowaree. tbat wawtUmeike your dreas skirt ftW of ebarga to tbe lateut styla, H you buy ynwr goodx and linings of uu. ‘rBB MnncAimuiCto.*

Harggius In Comem % etou* odd loto, HfteaodSI goods fordto at

fkmjt RnBBBTT’n.



5;|lEErsn^T.N«ws from All Pmrto of tho OrMt



All IlM Ui>—« Ummt Pi flawWMaA Av* ml Ummmtml imtmmmmt, IHmmm- tmmm, Vmtmmm mmA OlAir MmMwAi OIiimI*

WANI .AluauoAM WA« acai

l» Haaltoc TWWlkuo^BS ro««li li rttHMiat \m M

cMdtT. tmmmr rmmni |m>vfa« lAtal. n—ti l fllli MrktMili will iw rliMMl.

la OMMi TImiIVofito owHookid tlw importAsei* of

panwioMitiv baaHMal rllmiU aad w«rp MttolkNl with aetion; hat nowtiMit it b |CiiAi nU?y known tiiAt Myrap uf

I wilt {wviMMwU.T ovMtxMwa hwhitOAl

C. L. miiaon pniwIaMit ImmImw waa UlvrurlUt-. white waiklac h»Ma*- .IlnM^I mail Ml, brrahlaa bte aakte.

Dr. Ball*! <*€»a«h Mrrap will ^rr throat aa4 laaa irt.abte wltte-at l•^^. F**' laAaratn aad a te»|»-iwatr«l roach or roWLIt te tbr h«*l rraw^t.T oamNl to thr pabMc. TM Aoa • arr iiaall aad a bottte «*•!• oaly JOt.

in Braarh roaaty laat yrar 254 •»*"***? wf>rr I—wwl. •» ro»|*«rr«l with ma

im IHV7. ____________

Two rniilinn .\tiMNicaiMi tor-taniic |Mtii|ca «if ilyi»(Ki*«iii. No n«<«l to. Baniir k MIimmI BittMx com*. .\t aii.v druc at on*.

Tbr f'aiMi h«>aar at rtaalnaw waa rlfwad Moadar. Thrrr U Mtiar troubte ahoat thr nwarr>^hl|> of tbr famlturr. which will In* arttteit lu the roart*.

■CaaaiaTaar Bawali WlUi ClaiiarawiOaady Cathartic, carr roaatihatinn forarar. If C C C fail, dmariata rrfnad niaaay.Hiandlah rtevaior* haadl**«l

of wheat tail Tear.rrt.OCNi huahrto

Itnimaaibi** toforraoi* nn itrriitent. impoaaibk* tn he pretair«<d («ir it.Tltomaa' Ectectrk pwiii

I lii. Monnrrh over

Coouwnr M. TaMh Unllad OUitea In* faatnr, wmm ttred upon hy rkidBc Cu> bena and BoAnlArdo.white tryloA to ra* •tor* unl«r. Tb* Are woo raturwad and um Oponlard wwa klllad and aaaanU Cnhons and AhAntarda wounded. No Americana wara hit.

Waahtneton oAhetate ara anslotta otrar the situation as It la at present In the Phlllpplae islandA The Insursants now

_ ,_________ Hollo Tte# Bnonloridfl oMrclidlBoustiputiou, wall-iiilomwd people will I cava uo the town before ourM>t boy other laiatirrs, wbleli net lor a ' arrived. A cable from Oenaralthwe, bat Anally iniora the systsm. IJay t euccestlons of trouble,theifenaine. made by the (nilfomui rUfi pmcuity is also looomtnc up recardlnc••ympCo. ______ I the surrender of Spanish prisoners held

by Aculnaldo.The wsr department has Issued orders

. asslcntnc Msi^or (lenaral Lawton to oar*: vice In the Philippines I Private John Hack. Battery A. Sec­ond United Statea artillery, of Beloit.

I Wla.. died Monday at Huntsville. Ala..I 3f pneumonia.

At the requsat of llsnerals Brookeand Ludlow the Cubans have puatponed the celebration they had Intended to com­memorate the evacuation of the Island by the Spaniards. It was feared there

' would be trouble between Cubans and Spanlah tri>ops all o2 whom have not left for home yet.

FlUpInus at Hollo are ucly and de­clare they will prevent the landinir of General Miller's for*'*. Trout Is Is aa- pe* ted.

The itars sod stiipei ware raised oy. er llavsr.a New Tear's Day and .Span­ish sovereianty over the Island of Cuba | Is a thina of the past. There waa much I enthusiasm ami-nif the Culwns. I

Hantlaco de Cuba celebrated the birth i of Cuban Independence. Crowds I marched. rUnidnif and rheeiinx fi*r I Cuba and the ITnIted Statea. while | bands played exhilaratinir music. j

TMK CRIMINAI. HkCTORU.At Duluth Mra. H. L. Borplund shot

< and killed Peter Hanaon. a tailor, and then cut her own throat, but will prob-

j ably recover. She was madly Infatuated . with Hanson.I Captain John M. ToMn, of Boston.' recently quartermaster of the First bri­

gade- of Ihs division at ('amp Poland.' rommittsd suicide at Knoxville, Tenn.

Mrs. Kate J. Adams, a wealthy New Tork widow, was poisoned to death by takinx a doae of brem*>-seltser sent as a Christmas irtft to her nephew, Harry Comlah, tho well-known athlete. There

' was cyanide of potassium mixed with the medkiiw.

Michael Milner, axed 26. committed suicide St Inwood. Ind.. by hanclnx

. himself tn the barn.I Because her lover Jilted her on the day before their weddlnc Miss MInnis

' Lanr of Weaver, la., committed sui­cide by cuttinc her throat.

Ira Sexton waa hanped at Princeton. Mo., for the klltins of Nathan Stark, a younc farmer. Oct. n, IMi. He died protestlnp innocence.

nic Wells-Parto RspteUs company at San Antonio. TVx., Is out s parkaxe contalninx MO.OM and a trusted mes- senxer Is mlsslnx

H. F. Bailey, cashier of the Cole- brook National bank of Colebro«>k. N. H., has iieen arrested, charxed with a shurtaxe of over 124.000

In a quarrel at Marrellus. Mich.. Samuel Harris stabbed John Allen In the neck. InAlcttnx a fatal wound. Har­ris escaped.

. At Kuriey. twelve miles north ofHobsn I'rssltin «a«l kdwsnt < srtU were *rK«mm. n,...,. wiil^bwmxl by tbr niNM^on • Kml. TnuitiM Gr^#nr kIIimtask SI the Mtehiaaa. Portlaml <>m* at i’o'b , bis wife and then shot himself. He will

The dry kiln of the Bay lity Maaatartnr lax <*<>. WMB iteetreye*! by Ore.

fv* rare fVastlowtl**** Forever. Take rrsesrett Csadr Ostbsrtic lOr orfte

f C. C. C. fail lo cate. dnMKisu. refssd laaacr

N. A 11 Mlltersperi lo wlad up tbetr lam- berlsx i>peistlos« Is An-sar rou*.ty tkte wlBl»r.

“Little I’olile” nvuhcted—tlmusands of livei* mtcriAenI f*ver>- ymir. Hr. WimmJ’h Norway IMiie Syrup '-arm* little cohie— eursM culdu too. down to the very- very of I'onwamptiim.

i:. II. Iteoedlrl. « braiieaiati uu the F. A P. M. ralirtMid fell oF tbe lup of w rar at I ax*-r« sod wse sereretr hraWed

To Coro CowBlItmtioo Foroeoe-^kc ('.uasrow (.Zstidr Cstbsrur lUe or Ms.

If C, Q. C isil to cure. dnixx<eUi refsaa bmmmv

Mlltoa Brsse. of Filst. was ■erlooely Is- Jsved Is s rasaway sTfidesi.

Terrible plasosw. fhoae itchinfC. fwoter-1 iofc dioeneeN of the skin. I*ut an •*ud to ' mioerv. (h au'e f'Nntmentcarew. At any j drug afore.

J. r. RobMae. a well kaown xroeerymso of Poatlae. died ■addesly Waadny.

■oautF la ■load Dsap.Ossa blood maans a clean skin. No

hsaaty withont it. Csacarsts, Candy Cathar­tic dean )NMir blood sad keep it clean, b) stirruix up the ias)* liver sad driving all imCntisa from tbs body. Bsgui to^y to

nish pimples, botls, MotdMs, bUck' aad that sicxlv bilioiis complexion by i Useesrets,—beautV for ten cents. All dmg- psts, sstiaiactioa guaranteed. 10c, 2Bc, SAc.

works at •’ok!water.

Rx|Kisare to roouh weather, dampin as. exirvnir cold, etc., is afil to tH-iOK on an attack of rhsamatisui or osamlina: fluippeil bands and face, mo-ked li|m huiI vio^t ifetilnK of the wkiu hIwi owe their oriftiii to cold we.ither. I>r. J. M. Mc­Lean's Vokaoir <HI lAiiinient should ie- kepl o I hand at all times fur immrdiat* ai^ioatioa when froahiws of this nature Npfienr. If is a soveraiKB retnedy. Priii- 11^, SM>r. and 91 a bottle.

John Vickery, of ('harlotte. was serfossly lajared Is a nisuway arcidest.

die. Jealousy la the allsaed cause.Dominique KrathofskI was hanged at

Bprtngfleld. Mass., for the murder of his stepdaughter. Victoria Pinhus. 12 years of age.

’niieves broke Into the Lookout Mountain (Tenn.) Baptist church and stole the church organ, the altar and the Bible.

Mre. Majorte Helen Cmeby and her It-year-old eon, Thomas O. I'roohy. were Indicted by the graitd Jury on the charge of the murder of Deputy Bheriff Frank R. Nye. They are both la Jail.

LATMrr riMunoB nkwaThe London Timea editorially repudi­

ates the statement that Don t'arloo will gel any support In Knxlan*!.

Mme. Paulmeyer. who shot the wrong man In a Parts newspaper ofAce some time ago, has been acquitted. Her tsr* get recovered.

M. LepU of the staff of Les Droits d’Homme, was severely wounded In s duel with Max Rsgls. the antl-HemIte ex-mayor of Algiers. In s duel fought at Paris.

A duel was fought between M. KuMk. a son-in-law of M. Hstnwsaky. and H Kenedl. a Joumallat. at Itesda Pest Awords were the weapons and both men were woundod.

Ituasla Is reported to be negotiating for her loan of 2160.900.020 with the Rolhachllds.

The late Baron Ferdinand Rothachlld left CI20.M2 to the Kveltna Hoepital for

I children, founded In memory of hla wife.

Baron Curaon. of Kedleoton. the new ' viceroy of India, and Lady t'uraon., with her rhlMren. have arrived at Bom

bay.An oAlrtal coatradk-tlon Is given to

the report that the bubonic plague has broken out la the Delagoa hay district.

■mperor William Is coaAned to hie bed by an attack of laffuensa.

The BpaaMh cabinet has decided to

Parsnip Complexion.It does not ivquir** an expert to de

itct the sufferer from kidney troubU-.Tl>c hollow cheeks, file sunken eyes, til*^rk puffy circies under the e\eM, tin- sallow- |Mir«ni|*-cul«tre<| (vimplexion indi- e»t*w it.

.\ phyeictan wouhi oak if you badrheu mattem, a dull |iaia or itche in tlie liack or over the hips, stoiiiaeh traufite, de , sire to uriuate often, or a httmibg in passing it; if alter passing there is an an-' satioAed feeling as if it must be at nace repeated, nr if the uhas has a brick dust dmistt, or stmag odor.

Wken there symptome are premiit. n«> time shonhl be lost in rrmoving the

Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of; the blad*jer, iiiAamuMtion. oaueing stop , page, and Mimstlmsn requiring tin-1 drawing oi the uriue with instruments,: or many run into Bright’e Dtssaae, fb* :OHMit dangerous stage of kidney tmabh* '

Ur. Kilmer’s Mwamp Root, the great . dirroTrTT of the endnent kidnev aa<l Madder apsrlalist, is a positive rsosedv fpr such dissaess. Its reputatina is xrorM-wide and it in so eaoy tn get at aay drug store that an uac need suAet aay Uagth of tim* for want of it.

However, H you pteder fo Arst test Its 1 woadi ifal merits, msatioa The Bt open a crsAlt af 26.22M20 pesetas for the Jogg* News aad write to I)r. Kilmer A repatriation of ApanlarAs in Cuba and Oo.. Riaghamton. N. Y.. for a sample the Philippfaea.bottle aad hook tsfliag all ahoat it,, m. Hernaoky, asemher of the lower both seat abaoiotsiy fere by mail. ebamher of the Huagartan diet, who

, . _g■■gMBggrr rereatly called Baroa Banffy. the prem­ier, a "cheat aad a traitor.*' hao aawchalHagoil the preasisr to a dual.

Montreal aad New Tork capitalloia ^ve purehoasd the Havaaa etreet rail- eray aad all Ita fraachlaea fhr 21.2tt.2Mi

W. W. Bapa haa been appoialad ra-


The latent truot la a caaaalidntloB of Iho three great thread laaniifacturn CO ace me which practically coatrol the thread baalaeas of the oouatry.

The dtrectovo of the American *robac' eo company have declared a 2 per cent dividend on the common and preferred stocha.

A statemeat juot coaipllod shows thatthere are now UMM head of cattle being fad for marhet oa the line of Gulf. Colorado and Aanta Ft railroad.

PIshel Broa.. formorly In tho cloak buslaeos In Bootoo. have Alod a poll- Itoa of Inoelveary. LlaMlItloo or# Ml.- IM. 2tt.2t2 unaocurod: aoaoU. ILMO.

B. Lowetwteln * Bran., daalers In mulea and huroee at Aodalla. Mo., aa- slgaed for the beaeAt of eaotem ersd- Itor*.

The Aooabot Manufacturing company, of Boaton. ban made an aoalgnment. LlaMllllea are heavy.

The Central Aavings bank, of Bt. Jo­seph. Mo., baa suapendsd. and gone Into voluntary liquidation. It will pay In lull. The bank waa Involved In Glllott's failure.

MUNIAPa AMO DlGrover, aged 12; Lucy, aged I. and

Pearl, aged 2 yearo. chIMren of Dewitt Goary, broke through Um Ice at Waoh- Ington. N. J.. and drowned.

Mamie and Katie Bradley, aged 16 and 17 ycara, were drowned in Atinaoo creek, near Fulton, Mo., by being thrown from a horae Into the water.

Mrs. Caroline Barger, while visiting at Dwyer's Station. O.. was run over by a street rar and hilled.

The Jail at Hummitville. Ind., was burned, and Fred llorlln. of Anderaon. Ind.. Incarcerattd for dninkennaos, was burned to death.

Cornelias MrGanney and ten hof were burned to death In a fire which destrnye*! a two-story brick and frame stable St New York.

Rlx miners fell 520 ftel down the shaft of the Lak«- Buperlur mine at Ishpeminx. Mich., and were daobed to death.

Hoy Kaierxreen of Carpenteravllle. Ills., shot and probably fatally wounded Wallace Miller with a rifle while at play. Miller la aged 7 and Bstergren 16 years.

(Hear Anderson, an employe of Deere A Co.. Miltne. Ills., was crushed to deatli Iwtween s freight car and shed.

William Leehmau. rsaldinx near Val­ley Mills.. Ind.. caught his left arm In a fodder-shredder and It was frightful­ly tom. necesottatlng amputation at the shoulder.

WAaMIMOTIIN NUTBa.The venerable Henator Morrill of

Vermont Is dead from an attack of the grip

Ambaaaadur Komero. of Mexico, la ae- liowly 111 with appendicitis In his real- dence at Washington.

Ambasoadur Romero of Mexico Is dead as a result of an operation for appendicitis.

Allison Is now "father of the senate,'* having ser^-ed nearly twenty-six years

It Is said Kx-Gov. Meirlam of Minne­sota. Is slated to succeed Secretary llttchmck as smbaaoador U> Kusola.

The Nicaragua i-anal tommlsoion fa­vors the Lull route across the Isthmus In preference to the Maritime com­pany's mute, and estimates the cost of s canal on that line at 2126,002.200.

Former Governor Merriam. of Min­nesota. has purchased a winter home at Washlnxton. _________

nillW) AND KNIta.The Sherman Opera House at New­

ark. N. T.. was destroyed by Are. The building cost 226.020.

Joe Gans won the tight fmm Jack Daly at New York last night on points They rinlshed twenty-Bve rounds

Right stores, three lealdences. the poslofllce and the Deposit bank were destroyed by fire at LitchfleM. Ky. Loss. 1120.020.

At the session of the American Cbem- Ical society at New York Dr. EMward Moriey, of Adelbert college. Cleveland, was elected president.

Andrew Allen Bonner, the eldest son of Robert Bonner, proprietor of the New York Ledger, died yesterday of pneumonia at New Tork.

Returned prospectors report an ample food supply St Dawson City. The cost of living there haa greatly deersaaed. g.od meals costlag but a dollar.

Mercedes Garcia, daughter of the late General Callxto Garcia, died at Thom- asvllle. Ga.

Bight stores at LsttrhAeld. Ky., were burned. TT*e loss Is 2190,220.

Lord Snilsbury basprop«>aed to France that a Joint (-ommlaslon be appelated (or the delimitation of fmntlera In Africa.

(jueen Victoria Is said to be the only woman sovereign of Europe who never patronises Worth. All her rostumee are made In Kngland by Kngllsh and German worker*

The Populist railroad bill haa been paearil by the lower heuse of the Kan­sas legislature.

The Duke uf York, who will take a prominent I'ari in the reception to the American equadron. will soon be made a rear admiral.

The Kansas eewale has paooed therallrowd Nil iqr a vote of 22 to II.

The Naihinai Eisteddfod Is In session at Milwaukee, with 1.020 Weloh sinkers m attendance.

George Medlock. aged *77. a well- known pioneer citlaen of Omaha. Is dead. Hr emigrated from Illinois to Nebraska forty-iwo years ago.

Frank A. Parker, the son of wssltby Chicago parents, was held in police court at New Tork for examination on the charge of forgery.

Duke Cyril, cousin of the esar. at Omaha en route east, predicted troahle for the United States In the Philippines.

Governors Scofield of Wleconsln. Pin- grer of Michigan, and Roosevelt of New Tork have been Inducted Into of- Ace

The Chlaeae de'.cctive force Is a eecret body, and the beat organlaed In the world.

The Peruvian forces under Ueaaral Aagaota have roaspleiely cat up the •atoiutloalou on the frontier, and thay were unable to advaaer farther,

qnil mi Wlnn4e Bnela.Whan the will of MIm Wiania Oavlh

tha **DBaglMar at

The lib of Children.Af. Wiai fsa Mi mdme* $• pmnmit «a /Ar trtmimunt if cmtgk* mmd C9id».

Moarljr all tha ilia at ehildrin kafte arlth taking oolA. If jroar

ohlld aatohaa oohl don't wait n moaaoi buloaa attaahing thatoold.

Tto the igaovaaea or asglaat at patanto la daa tha tetal tarailnntioa of navij ulilWWan^ ooAb*

plaiata.If joa aia not InioWMii Mtotha

proper ooaraa to painaa to drive oM a ohild’a oold. wrHa to Dr. HarUnaa. praaiilsnt of tha (hvgiaal Hotal. Columbaa, O., for adviea, aad oak for BOOM! of his frsa hooka whioh ooataia the nwoi portlaaoi faaia ahoat eolda

/ i aad coughs and allcatarrhaldlaaanaa.*// ^ IV-ra-aa, Dr. Hartawm'hgrant pta

whalljr TBgatablSi It wards off eolda aatlraljr If tahan at ihs boginninff in pTopar dooao. Itbtaaka ap astUad eokla fpMohly: li la aeiaatitp and aalo; thars ia no naya- tary abaat it. Dr. Hartmaat books tall jaot kow it aats and why. All draggiota sail it.

Mia.C.T. Bogan, Elgin, DL.saya: Dr. S. B. Hmrtmam, CrimmMu, O.

Dean Mnu—“ Your nsadleiaa aavad my baby'slifa. Wostoppodall trsat- mont bat yoars, aad now he is a baautllal boy. It waa oaitainiy a miraelo.**

Mrs. Bcoklng, Baat Toledo, O., writes to tho Pc-m-na Medicine Co.:

Dkak tkaa: ** IV-ra-na is the bast medicior I ever had in my honsr. My children had a bod cough, and one of them had the lung fever. 1 cured them all with Pe-m-na.”



Proper knowledge of the treatment of ooogbs and oolda ia of the Arst importanr** to parents. This knowledge Is offciad

All oatarrhal diaaasrs snecumh to P^ni-na.

bhmaePs C labs asThoffonrsaieg ot ihe IsgUlaturr la r«*g-

okir bi ranial osasioa, eaaam tbc averane I oHiosa to aok bkaoeif, wbat will be f ba ivaalt ? Wlllsaeb laws bs eaactad, and

I aaob fcxiatiag laaro be rejaalid. aa aball faaolt ia real bettemwat to tbe iMople ol tha otate?

Tbsre are two important maanatsw wbieb tbe A0,i)UU monibatw of tbe Panii-

I er a (laba uf tbe olata are vary dsairoas I to bare naneted iau* law. Thaoe aiw the I Coonty Halartea Msasarv aad K<|aal Tax- ' atkm Meaoarv. Tbe former, it will be ' rsmeaib>*rsd. waa before tbe legialainre of I twoyeofa siane. aad poosed tbe Hoaae I aad by sa almost aapmewdsated major- ! Dy. hat failed in tbo Bsante. There hM I bM a staady growth of poblic sratloMat ia its favor, aad it ia coaAdently believed that the paasat Isgialatare will pUeetbte OMasare npoa tha stntnte books. Its uriarfpal may be epitomised as reqnir- tag tlie paying to all fxianty oflloim a Axed salary. In Ikui of fess uad salary, or fsta alone, aa tbe law at urssent rsquiras.

The Kiiaal Taxation Meaaare. it woold norm, moat randlly commend ita>*tf to every (air-minded iM-tmtu. Tbe miniriag uf all wealth, ol wbateverkind, Hint saro and every dollar shall imy an eqnal share towards the support of tbe govemmeat, whose ski and |•roterion it asks in time of nssd, onnnot hqdcaily ha <lssaMd an ioinatiro. To aid in making effecttve witli tbe Irgielaturv its advocacy of tbeae messores, iIh* Miat«*.\ss«jciiniioa of Farm­er’s Ctohs, lit its recently held Ath annual meetiog. selected n Icgislatire committee (NNnptsstlasfolkiws: J.T. Danielle, IJiiioa Home. Hon. .t. C. Hird. Highland, Hon. .t. N. Kinoa. Wixuni. Hon. .4. L. Beiuie,. ('arson City. Jodire j. W. Fdgar, (Ireen ' < Ink. Friends of tbe ab< *ve imMsnres are asked to communicate with any member of this committee to tbe t-nd that the

I nrinciisil involved may he etuicted into law. J. T. l)Agigi.ui.


la daa aoi oaly to tha origiaalliy aad oknpUoity of tha coaiMBatioo, bat^ to tha saga aad skill with whioh It la fkaaihatarsd by sMantWe prosoaaaa haoam to tha Csupoobia Fm Hraop Oa oaly, aad we arlah to Impram npoa hU tha Importnnns of parohaalag tha trao aad origlaal rsowdy. Aa tha fftnalasRympof Flgaiomaaaihakaved by tha CAUFoaaiA Fm Sracp (>>. only, a kaowladga of that foot will A*2bd oiM in avoidiag the wnrtblaaa hattattops amaafaetured by othar par- ttaa Tha high standlag of tha Cau- POBglA Fm SracF Co. with tha madi- aal profaaaiuo, aad tha sattafaetlao which tha ganuina Syrnp of Figs haa given to Bdllkma of fnodliaa, makaa tha naiaa of tha Company a guaranty of tha agarllanoe of ita remady. It ia far in advance of all other laxativea. at it acta on the kidneys, liver sad boareis without irritating or weaken­ing tham. and it does not gripe nor nauasnte. In order to get its beneAciai effects, please remember the name of the Company —



pouonvo BY THXLife

arao probated a2 Near Dvfaana 12aa fhllows.

"1 fiva aad baqnoaih to ay bafovod maMwr, Variaa Bowall Jaffbrtoa Davla avarytbtag 1 bava, boAb laal aad pav-

il pmpavty. and any

The Pennaylvaala railroad will aarard In a few daim caatrnats far 126.2M t*af steal raUa to ba daMvarsd la lA

'I big bar 20 gtva a voomoat of my jawalry lo my Aaan Hmltk. aad to my daar oM a< Mary Akara. My motbar la lo Jodgs wbat Mm woaM like to give lo my daar


AttsM*r( te Kill ss Athlete gad* the efs WeMMMi.

Near York. Dec. 22.—Mystery sur­rounds an unusual case of fatal poison­ing which followed the receipt of a I ('hiintmas prt-sent. Mrs Kate J. Ad- { gins was the victim and the police think ' cyanide of imiasslum killed h*r. Mrs. Adame, who had a severe headache, went Into the room occupied h>- Harry Cnrnlsh, the well-known athlete, and member of the Knlikerl-ockcr Athletic club, who Itoards with her. f'ornlsh had received as s ChrSnmss present, from Is not knov. n. s small silver rase rontalnlr.g a tottle of what ws* supposed to be brons* seltser. It was to get the medicine that Mrs Adams went Into the room. She found the rase and took an ordinary dose <.f the powder from the bottle. A litth while later she became violently 111. and al­though ever>’ known remedy was re­sorted to she died.

Dr. Hltrhc*K-k. who attended her. asked for the bottle, and when It was handM to him tasted the rontenta and pronounced It to be cyanide of potas­sium. He w-as made slightly sick. Corn- i Ish said he had received the medUine caae of sliver containing the bottle as a ('hrtstnnas gift at the club through tbe , mall. Dr, Hitchcock said Cornish was also suffering from s doae from the same bottle when the physician reached ' the house. "Mr. Cornish told me he had no Idea who sent him tbe cooe, hut said ' that he Intended to go through his cor- j respondence to see If any one who wrote | to him spelled 'forty' with a 'u.' " mid the doctor. The police may make some arrests.

According to tbe statement of the of­ficials who are seeking the cause of the death of Mrs. Adams, there were no new developments In the rase yeater- day. The coroner's phyatdan said that ke would perform an autopay. The Rog­ers family and Cornish denied them­selves to all visttvrs. Dr. Hitchcock, who attended Mrs. Adams and who himself suffered from the poison, said that he still l.elleved tbe hrnmo seltser bottle contalne*! cyanide of potassium. If the dlstiict attorney's office or the police have any clue aa to the identity of the fteraon who sent the bromo selt- aer bottle to Cornish they keep It care­fully to Ihemselveo.

McIntyre said that during Wednes day night Cornish was taken violently in and that two phyalclans were hur­riedly summoned to attend him. Corn­ish wssbelteved to be out of danger and heller yesterday, but whether his Ill­ness was rauseil by tasting the poison that killed Mrs. Adams or by other causes McIntyre did not state. McIn­tyre aiao refuaed to stale the preoenl whereabouts of Cornish, and so cloaely Is this secret guarded that It Is scarce­ly certain whether or not Cornish is still In this city. The report that Henry C. Barnett, a member of Knickerbocher Athletic club, died from the effects of srasntr sent him through the malts under guise of harmisas medicine Is not harm out by the phyatclaasjn the caat.


die#, while hack of the line stood many ladles from army, navy, congresalonal and Judicial i-lrcles. Among the most notable Hgures In the line of callers were the foreign smlwasadors and mtn- Islers In their rich diplomatic uniforms. Officers of the army and navy alsti were In full uniform, giving a hfillian<*y and dash lo the (KH^aslon. The army group which attracted most attention was one made up of Major Generals Miles. Shaf- ter and Lawton, and Brigadier General Corbin, who, after greeting the preal- dentlal party, were Invited to Join the receiving fiarty. The reception lasted something ovar two hours and waa In every way s successful and happy uah- eiing In of the new year.

(iessrwsr Messsvelt. ml New t'oek.Albany. N Y., Jan. 2.--*nie<»dore

Rooae.elt tiok the tath of rflie«- as gov­ernor of New York St itoon Saturday. There ws* considerable riva ry for the pen with wh'Th Colonel RcKiaevelt signed his name. He settled the strife by handing It to William J. Youngs, his private secretary. The BlWe uaed during the ceremony was presented to Mrs- Roosevelt. '

Beesleer far ttee B. awd O. SaalliWssisra.Cincinnati. Jan. 1—The circuit court

of the United States at Cincinnati Sat- j urday. on application of the Mertantite ' Trust company, of New York, ap- ! pointed Hon. Judson Harmon, of C|n- | clnnatl. former attorney general of the | United NIales. receiver of the Balttmor** ' and Ohio Southwestern Railway com- j pany.

trsalb ml Aimhmmamttmr Hamers.Washington. Dec. 20.—Ambassador

Romeru. of Mexico, died this morning St 4 o'clock, from the effect of an op­eration for appendicitis, aged 22 years

Cbristawlug Battlaahlps.It is not balievecl that tbe origin of

chriMontng tbe warsbip was dne to an net of irrevstanoe as a mock baptisin. bat that its enriiast inoeptlon was tbo bnman sneriAos. than tba libations at wine of iirmcm and tbe nortb, and. with tbe ■ptnad of tbe (Kristian relipion. tba hlrasing of tba battlaobip, a oostatn ob- sarvrd today in all Roman Cntbollo oonntriaa Tba objaot was tba snine in both tba pagan and Cbristiao rttaa, tn make tbe oarear of tbe ship sacoaasfnl by an appoal to tba protection of on- known powaga Evan tbe saparetitinns at tbosa oM days ooom down to ns. We nmy not steal wood to omke a swift ksal ftnr oar new ship in tbe nigbi. on tba principle that tbiaves ron fast in tba darkneoa, bat ships sail oat of Mar- blsbaari today with a broom nailed to tbe mast, and no crew will start oat on a Friday nnlasa under compaision.— Cbiongo Timas Herald.

Lassaa Will Whltaw (tea Haago.For tbe bands tbnt have bacotne tan­

ned or sauborned just before going Co hed bathe them in warm water and sonp. Then rinse them in tepid water ontil all tba soapy water basdimppsared, and then dabble tbani with lemon Jnioa. If yon; skin is very saositiva, dilate tba lemon jaioa, hot when it is applied al­low it to dry on tba bands. Hlaap in gloves, and aftar tba third ntgtat's oars your bands will ba as fair and soft si tbe ip ndv of any oos of Bbakerpaora's berotnss. —Ladies' Hosm Joamal.


New riarket.

A SOCIAL (HIEEN.**Wbo would ever believe that sbr is tbe

OKHker of five children." These were tbe word* that raogbt tbe ear of tbe Wonum BepoTter as Me nwved ■■nag the throag St s fssbioasbic reeeptisa lust befoer ber stood the haatess. s yoaag-iookiag, band- some wooMB rcceivi^ ber gneets with that sir of hearty vivacious eiqoynwnt which all tbe world csnsidtri as Ibc spscisl pee- ranmivc of yomb

There was m^^kte ia ber eyae, a aoA clear aatuml ooler ia her ebeaks; she bad

I Have Opened a.


East side of Clinton Avenue, Ijclow Judd’s Taylor shop^ and stocked it with

Choice Heats Hams and 3ausage.

Which I will sell at “live and let live” prices. Give us a call.

A. Griswold.a inn and romided fom. and that steady easy poise of tbe whole body which be­tokens strung Ihnbs aad healthy nerves.

It wns tbe Repotter** bneintss to be enri- oos; morrover. she was a woman; and rs- ceivtng gractons permimion to call oa the followiog day, sac duly presented bcrsclf

with s hundred isneb qiwstions as

- I

2.—The prsaMaa*Von

Washington. Jan and Mra McKinley son's greetings yesterday frtm tbe great throng of ctBlera repreaes ting ev­ery branch of puMk life which ottendod the White Hoaae recaption It sroa the Arst ttoie since the prasent adm ntatra- tlaa began that clrcomstancea fannlt- tad the otoaervmnea of thta roototv and thia as well aa the happy dnO wr*t Itloaa ctrcamatancea under which the yatr ha

Dntleo of CMtavnetelp.No citiaso baa a right to eritieise

poblio affairs or bawsil ovil rxmditiaas wbieb may exist nnloos ha ia willing to work, aaall citiaetM sboald. to baHar tbuar ooaKlitiaaa. Let him ask bintsalf ^ ba bos dooa bia own doty bafore ba laoMOta tbo fact that otbors bavo failad in tbeira. Lat him ba oartoiu tbnt be aaderatandr tbo dntloa of ettiaeasbip in bia eooKtry. Fow prrfoetly nadsrstanri tbair obliipitiaaa as citiaaas. allkoogb tbo sab^aet is noo to which ovary frao- man sboald dornto onrafnl study. Tbay woald tbao ba onpnblo at aottva aad in- talligant affort and woald ptreaivo tbe folly ai iMo oritieism. Tbay woald than know that llbarty, Him all tbiags traly voloabla, nnaaot bs gained or kapt with oat grant affort aad that it toaadaa not loag with tba oadaaarviag.—Bpasd Moaby in North Aamrieoa Bnviaw.


Mr. Kihtchi>-ft Imn hsonargnadbv tb«* nmat taWafed

aad host inlurmsd msmbsos of eongre so \ am tariff iegisfati na. ot wbieb Uw late i

armed only I“Ves, I have Ave children" said tbe

bostem. with s tons of earntet happy pride; "hope 1*11 have Ave more. 1 lore every ame of them. They are good childiaa too, and a comfort to me all tbe ttOM ”

'* You can't uaderstaad it of conrsc, aad my Mends wonder that I keep ay health OM strength and do my work; Imt that 1 take care of aymif tothc reassa. I never need to be strong. 1 was thongbtless aad csrelsm. Alter sty first bshy oaare 1 wos all broken down aMl prayed tkat I might never have saother. bat I hare Iswncd better aad I am strengsi aow than 1 ever was in my life."

"Women break dosvn beennse they go withont the little extra help they need to tide them over bard pisesi. When s wom­an expects to become s mother she onght to be St her very bvst. Bnt that is exactly the flow when most warns a feel sreak sad sick ami atacrsbic. Thev grow melan­choly ssmI anxions as the time approaches aad when it comes they bare oo strength at siamias of body ar adad to go tbrnngb tbe ordeal "

"No tsonder they sndbr aad swarly die sometimes, aad are all broken down for asoatbs or yeoss. If they woald take the right care of tbessselves sad strengthen themselves la s aainrsl way. they woald never snAbr as thev do; sad instead of dresMiag to have children they woald wel- cosoe them as s real Messing.

" It is siteply s rase of s ' stitch in time saves aiae * or nther niac hnadted A lit­tle natnral reiofercement at the tiore when baby is expseted will save months, perhaps ysnrs of anBeriag and waakaeas. At sack s time 1 sHrsy* take Dr. Fierce’s Favorite Frescriptloa; it invariably gives me the ra- tra strength sad healthy nerve-power which a wnmaa nveds to bring ber baby talo Bw world safely and comfortably."

"It Is tbe mast woaderfol thing in tbe wnetd to baild ap a woman's nervnos sys- ism sod strengtlwn tbe special oegHiam of saoUicrbootr It gives yon tbe reenper. aBre posrer tbat s woman cannot get bi any other way. It carrle* yon tbrongte tbr nnising time beantlfbUy; It belps yon to nonrlsh tbe baby sad mMe him beany and

soger cteMdren ore you ever aaw. Tbte

sd ' Favorite Prescription * has tbe hvsithy. baopy wotbcf 1 am” tell yon M s dsorn wsmtn wbo

hare bad slteast tbe same exprriewce siiae. 1 eaw a tetter written by Mrs J. Jnchaoo. wteo livvd at • Co, Vown words: I have errjoped better berdth store tahiag Or- Fleree's stedtcias tban I

1 bare been marrliri I

H. A. STEPHEN’SagarManufactory*

Cross* Lunch Room.Try a box of

H. A. S. OGAIiSforan XmitsGift. They will

pleam; your iViends.


SO fully nml fairly prevent)* the opiniooo • )( th** lending writers and thioken* <-n all (inestioiMof |>ablicintrirstNs Tok .Voittm .\MCiiirAN HRTign.—Rovton Journal.

strsiM tem. My feartbsaardlaa'


lemwc Wbarf.

Tteeas are bar

s vsato* Mcwrill wim promiasut, tbat a i wock bard all day and sleep irell a aigiMtariff ol 91.00 on lamber waa (uaftfo nod aoflMvat iwoiswlioo tn tbe lamber inter- sots and ia now gsaeralty rnoei'dvd and nrognimd. The $U tm tariff is exresniv) and n damnable pim nndsr eovrr to til I tbe pnaheto* of the Inmher hnrniw at the axpstesi ot tbe pesfple. If U. H. seimlnes

gtite added to tbe Intereat and enjoy- f were efoeted by tbe popokir rote ot tbe ment sarroondliM tbe evont. It sens nn people, Iff.OO lamber tariff rkampioa. Meal mkl-wtnter day. tbe oJr crisp aad Barrows. woaM he overobskoiogly de- brnclng and tbr groond covered with feafrd aad rettrsd to pdviMe Hfe (nr the snow. The exeentive iwansmw wiw slab- Nbamkws oat. Heware ( The day n< orately decorated for the evvat. a I jndgnwal oonaily ov ■rtahaa loitMnm leg- wsnith of mt Aowere. palsso. patted : udatofo, who gife oat id tnoeb nitb tbe plants and ferns ironoformtng the fonpls, and get iatn Inoek otlb tbe pan apartments Into bowers of sterahteery i life's dmpniWm. nod they hrrrmi inenr and Moom. i inhiy the rfetime n( thrfe nsm (lfev(*>mt

la the rscmvlng line with tbe presd- obfeloHy, aad tbasoms rofe oppifew to- dant sod Mrs. McKinley wore the mom- j iniHDrnl imrtfea. U. Ilgt uia.hors of tbo rnblaot, and tba ontetnot la- l Fowler, Jmmmmrj A, IIIQB.


te DaHor

lily. hot. thank tbe Lord. Iem rory well asm. My dseter ^ nm bare T fobb fe ' patent medieteea * hot

1 tried Dr.Tbe Am bsKle go

eis bolt fee of

and mx ’■ nsml-

stripliaa * and I feel m srefi m oerr la my life, and eon sraeh baid all day and do m mneh walking m I ever did I ssm aatbing brn s sbsOsten 1 wm so tbia in Assh that M hnvt me to lie dosro "

"1 tbMk Ov. Pfetoe hm done more M making healthy, happy womsa than

any other man ia this mantry."* ff ron svam s heavy clsth hsmid copy

of the hnok. like tbfeana, (pfebteg npaS (sthHtngtetbs Bsportera tespo hsaaWAdly


North Amalcan ReviewTOL’ WILL ALWATS PI.NII

The Right Topics,By the Right men*

At the Right Time.It ie ereeniial tn every )mrfi(ian

tvodre who wtehee In kreft np ntth tbo ttmrn. Tfe- AVer Ford .Sun )* nf It r •Tw: .Xnimt .lifFNiTAN Ricvnrw oon- stontly «4fere tn the pnlilic a prcqirnmme ot writers and to|N*Bi that excite tbe

"ihI gratify tfe* iatidlsrtatti appe­tite. In thfe resfswt there ie nn other mngnsiHe that apfwvawhns tbe Nootk .iMkanuR Rkwn.*'

It te nsitber n pnrthma nor a tniilnring paMfeatioa, bat

ALL SIDES OP ALL QUBSTWm in wbieb intetllgoat r>w(fem an ianoaot- ed are pn»n*plly dwaaosad bi Ita p^pa. and Inste oinI argnnwntn ore prrasalsil oltb all tbe ability ainl logfeal (ntae of tbe meat mninsnt writsre In tbe isorM.

Mahjreta tbnt rnnesrn tbe inOorvota of AMERICAN WOMEN

rrnsiro •'onotnat nod spar ini atfeatkm.

ffg CgMts a NuHMMr, a Vaar*





Hmo Hi ■Minw Mdifiditli UilWit wvn> t ItrewMbar 9MS. ml H u’oloak p. m.. !

at the bum*of tW bridwa parniu. Mim I Maarh I'aicvfvTt of AIom, |tUjr«d tb* iM<d- ‘ diaic iMarDlt, wbilr tbw brida aad urmna I atmrrhmfi amdur a bvaPtilal aaao|ir oft wliiivlae* wImt** liar kaot wan bj Kov. H. of Carwu Citjr. WiUardfKiIvtt, brolbvr of iha bridt*. aetad aa uiihrr IIm bHdt* waa attlrad iu |Mak ; baanatta trlaiOMd with obilltHi aail Mlk, I aad won* white I'araatioa*. Th» bride’a' luaid. Maw Jeaaa* llaaMim»rp, waa attiml io ofd rua* uaahamv. tHatuird wiUi abila I iaep tuul woTB piak nariMlioa*. Tba I KTOoai aad bia attaadtvi, William Meig-1 Kvr u eradreaavd iu tbecuurrattoaal black. | tba KTooBi weariiiK white oamalioaa and tba ati«MMlaat |auk earaatioua. .\ft«Ttbe| <arHnuo.v, a amnd banquet waa apraad. | Many baaatllui aad apfiropriate |ir»aeata wata made, of abicb i ba folluwina ia a liat: Mr. oud Mra. Uillact, cbamberaat. kaiven nod forka, a|iooBn and toaela, Willard (lillatl. taa pot ; Mr. Utanaiore; aat of dbibaa. lUU piaem; Mm. lleauaion . table doth; Jaaaie tiuaaaMMr. aaiiee dinbea; Mr. aad Mm. Hidaaour. alaaa wober aac; Mr. aad Mm. iiayaol^ taa art; Mr. aad Mm. Will (lark, diver tra aat, aai of aad iroaa, aat of ailver apoona, a bread koifeoad faaey glaan diab; Mr. aad Mm. I*uipdey aad daui^tar, Blancb. Oliver moat fork; Mr. aad Mm. Cuumer. a quilt; Mr. aad Mm. fhuabro, counter pMu*; HIrt oud Linda I'baabru, (tickle diab; Mr. and Mm. llo«ie, oeduioid atu- tioaer>- caae; .Mr. and Mm. IVtera. act direr a|iooiia; Mr. aad Mra. l^ann*. fniit diab and (Mir of tnweiN; Mr. and Mra. .\lfrad lauiee. fruit diab; Mr. ai«d Mn>. <>. .t. <‘am|ihdl. china aaua*- diab and amall aanoe diabea; Mr. aad Mra. W«mm1. font neat and frame for ivrtitimte; Mr. and Mm. (leo. l.iaiid, butter anile and auKar abeil; .MianMa*- I'>‘rkina.fniit diab; Mr. and .Mra. lime*-, and ten (• it: |Mr. and Mra. Itronditeek. table Hotb and i fruit diab; .Mr. and .Mra. .1. W I'nyne, [ luini*; .Mr. hihI .Mra. Frank llinea, aot | na|»ktoa; Mr. an<l Mra. Charley Webater, j a laaiutHul (larbir lamp; Mr. and .Mra. I l««iu. (Ireeu, (lilloa ahama; .Mr and Mra. Seaver, a praaeat; .Mr. and Mm. Ilixby. a (irenaot. Thiaw- frttni abroad were, Mr. aud Mra. Itidenour. Ntirth Star. Mr. anti Mm Revuolda and Mr. and Mm. Will flark, lauainic. -Mr. ami .Mra. Fuataley ood daughter, Itlaneli..tlina, Mr.aod Mra. Cooioer. of Itbara.

(tXK W«o W’xa Thkuk.


Miaa (trace Skiuuer ie borne from Chicairo.

Ilenr>' Welter baa built an addition to Ilia houae.

I.emy i'ope nod (tupila etijoTed a vaca­tion laat week.

Fre*l C. Kmat hurt Ida ellMitv quite aer- ioualy by n tail a few daya airo.

I'red ilulter ieit Monday to eoKniT''in bauiinK lumber (nini llanuMter to .St. Jolina.

Mra. .|oae|i|i Theleii ia quid* aick and .Mra. Jacob Hiller ia very jatorly ihia winter.

F!o\d Foatera(H*nt I'hriatniaa and aev- eral daya laKidc. viaitiiiK iiU mot her at I'diiioo*.

.<*-h«ail l♦•o|a*n»Hl Monday at (lie Center. Tie- teacher, Miaa CiMtk, afa-lit iIm* w*^k in Hiiplain

.Mr. and .Mi>. K idie Itroan ami laiuily are vi-iiiiq; Ida |)areiita. Mr. and Mf>. ,loliii liroaii. at Mcitain.

.\ lanfc c«)m|»any ipive Miaa I’e irl .lury II »ur|»nae Friday evening. Inafinta-r‘J.'l. .\ very eiqoyabh’ time ia ra|Nirle<i.

.Miaa I'eiiri -lur.v, who ia home from Y|a>iianti, for th*‘ holiday varntion. aaa tlie (Oi*wt of Miaa Nettie Walker, Christ- m»«.

lierla-rt Teni|tie of iirtttnii, lAniaaee county, haa la^i viaititiK hia aiatera and calliiiK on other frieniL in ItenKol, (tart ol tile (Miat week. He leav«*a htr home ulaiut tin* middle of thia week.

(»eo. K. Iloutfhton, of .Vlma, ppontly calleil on Tyler Hill while on Ida way to visit hia hrollier in Olive. Tina ia hia flrat visit to Clinton county aimv he movial from llilcy some yeara airo.

■Mra. .lohn Mahar verv recently iit- tendeil the funeral of her bnitherin-law. Ile\. L. M. tiitritc. at .\lbion. wlien- he haa reakifai h niimlier of yeara. lb* waa well known luid Idirhir ewteeined in tida vicinity, wlicre he aerred aa (laator aome yeara iqro.


.\lvah I'erk of Livonia, ia vimtinff rela- tivea here.

Hennc*' Holton, of Hrica. (tailed on fnenda h«-re h'riday.

Mra. Sarah Sooiorfl afient laat w**ek with Mra. W. itowreii.

M’alter .tilania afieiit bia vacation with Ida aiater. Mm. Kiaa* Parker.

I^evi .\dama of New York, ia viaitinir hia aiater. Mm. Iloae Parker.

Mm. WIlea ol (’anton, M’aym* county, vtaitfsl at Wm. Iloweti’a .Monday,

Willie Pillraore.of Mt. Pirnaant, ia back atayiuK with bia ((raodmother. Mm. William Pillroore.

Heentur Hnaia haa KOiie to St. Jobna to live. He haa rented hia (dace to Charlie Dean for the coiniaft year.

Ladies’ 5kirts ITade Free!The Mercantile Company's Dry Goods Department,

For the Week Commencing Tuesday, January 3d,Every Dress Skirt Purchased of Us, Costing 50c a Yard or Over, Will be Made Free of Charge.

Every Garment cut and made in the Latest Style to your order. (We have Sample Skirts in stock, showing how they aremade up.) It is our desire to materially reduce our Dress Goods Stock previous to

Inventory, and cost will cut no figure.


will be shown at this Sale, the Largest Stock in Clinton County being at your disposal.

_____YOU MUST NOT MISS THIS CHANCEIt will pay you to make an extra effort to attend this Sale. Dewey Flounce Skirts will be included in this offer at an extra charge of 35 cents.

The Alderton flercantile Company. |Special Inducements in Huslin Underwear. Examine the Accompaning Announcement.


WK«i m Wwll.liWMwn UlllaM, mf Kmmalmg.Mlrh . awv. mf Itrwiiw'.

Uwr* mmtt NM*«vwr.

*’I ban* hati d.m|i»qMda lot ««irhtwwn jwam. My tniuld^ wwrr iadiirmtioa, •ovr »tuntaeli. arid irnawutatlon. |Milpa- tatkHi ol tbw bmrt. wlnwplwwumii a^ tvr- riM*>aiek-bwadariH*. wbieh at (imm would fiitirHy unfit nw* for bnwinwMi. I bam had gpiirial trwatown t by yrmn (diywlelanw, and it mmmm mm tbuuab I hamtriHl wmry kaown or wappuiMl mnedy. writh aonir littiv r«4icf. bn' would woon rHnm to tW (dd oondfikm. 1 rommvamd to um Hraka’w Dynpapnia ('urn uud Nwrm R<>- ■tomr o faw wmkw afp), bam uaad about two and ona kalf bozaa wbMi bam doar mw mom rwal anod tbaa all tba tmatmant aad iwMmllad rwaadlaw I ham war takan. I wonM adviaa nay (lamon aflllrtad with HtoaMMh tmablga. dyapapala. or aarm troabMa, to try tbia tmatmant.

'‘fUapmtfally.''KiiWAao N. WiMM*.

**Nortb I.4Maiafr. Mieb. ‘*Mareh 22. INW.”

Hraka'a Hywpapaia Cam aad Narm Ha- atorar ia aot nroppad up by llelittoaa toataaioaiala. nut In diunonatratluir ita roimtim (Miwar army <lay, la ntubbom naam of aaata. abroatr ami awrvnan dy* ■pnfada. A trial wdl aabataatlata all tbat tadalaiad forit. Foraala by Travin Jk Bairar. Inadbuc draniiata of Ht. Jobaa.

A book oo atoBwmh aad airmtmabtm. tbMr aypto*— aadrorm, alma for tba aaktOK at tim abom atonal


Th** fviarri'tl daiK*** iim) |'r,lni(Mirty III l*n»ui>miv«* iiall i- ii Hur»* thiiiu

.‘Niturdil.v ♦-vriiuiK »if till- week, (irnth*- iiirii mid thrir wi%'m an* I'onliully in vitrd.

TIm* 1 II. (>. F. mid llrln-kiih lodorH hold n joint inniHlIatton t>l utfivrrx n**x( Stituniiiy «*%-rnin|i. .\bijah t'oii tnkm th«* N. (i. I'hair in tli«- wulMintimitr lodir** and Mi>. Mary .\Uanl in th«*'lt••i•rkall liHlfn*. Thry wind up willi mi oynirr nuiqirr.

Till* K. ti. T. M. and L. O T. M. mmIw- ti«*M hold a joint iimtallution ia tbnr nrw fuit ol nMtiiiM iu I'roarmnirr hall, Friday ••vvniuK, Junuary l.’lth. Thr two trarh- •Tn iu thr hiRh nrhiMil. tiro. (i. Smith and Humin* t|o«Nin<*h, till tin* <*oiiiiiiHudrrw rhaim. Thry olmi liavt* aiioyntrrnuiqirr.

.Mu. FniToii of Tilt: St. .loii.xn Nkwh: I winh you a hH|>py Nnw Yi*ar, .-ind liy tin* way I tiavr notiml for a time tbat nrv- nrai Itatli (*urn*n|Hindrntn of Tiu: Nkwx havi*<lN’<i out, or hum not lw*«ui ln*artl trom, and IniOK vouiik and luiibitinun to lM<<*«ifiM‘ nnti*«l III* A Kiiiithl of tin* i(uill. I thought I would Mlart in mid may br you would Kiv«* iih* a n(»Hr»* in oin* of your columns to tIH. and now Mr. Editor if you don't, it may In* th** miuatiuu of my ambition. Thin inomiuK <•« I ha|qnuH*d to In* uoioK down ntrvHt I notir**<| thr Nnw Yearn new rewulutionn on >V. \. T***4'h ntore; Itenoived, Toutteudntnrtly to buniofm. Small (irotltn and <|uirk iv- luriin. J. Havin' ntore wan reached next and there; llenolved. To weiffh by the (tnee on our new ncalei* anil not line a |n-ucil and fMi(ier any moti*, meaning dinfiatcb in buniu'*i«n. The next (dam InduK tDe dru|C nton-. ami wnuderiiife what J«>y would hare, juni imaKiueour fUrfirine'; Itenoived. That (UK and laittle niirkem munt iro to Laiumibanc. l-aoMiiit or IfeWitt, after thie «lale, to iHirron a «*ork nemw. CoinitiK U|i ou th** other (title of thentreet, at the hotel door: Re- Mslved, To be r-ourtenun aud rlever ami iiiiike all the money I nau. _ Mv leane«*x- (•iren next fail and J. C. M'«M»diiiau will not ••xtiaid it. Tlie next diwir won the (MMtottli'e. No new iwimlation ruuld we nee hHafftuit out and it beiuic a Inffal holi­day, the dotir wan (*l(Mwd iuhIforliad** our etiterfiiK. Then came the two meat marketn and two barber nbo|in. They munt bam bad tb** itaiue dream the niitbt heforv*. for there in large type wan: Kenolred, Moo-buninenn and liifm* (lay or w*> nhall more away. M’HI now the dortom two, what ham they new? Rnnolred, ToKimanMilen(iatf«it where tbw lao iloabi** tbefr money. ilnnJfb. w^Ui and (irosperity hannimefc the town and Ivt the rkietom down. Home rnncal bad put in red lettem (unt lieoenth "Pam the bat.” The laat, bat not loaat, were the three lawyem. Hwmaoy ft t 'uabauui |rim to their pat- man: Ronolmd. To give an mom ad- rloe wrttboat the reiaianr’n bw in ad- raaee. How appropriate. Thn third, near thn Kooe rha^, ww hear from oel- dom, ae the wind in not in the noatbeaat very often, bat alter be getn bin .New Ynarw dream latarpmmd he will favor the Hute Bopablieaa .with a cbanMteriatir artiele and we nan rend it andoareabout a ton iniie walk.

Ira. tlie litth* niMi of Mr. mid Mm. .M, M, .M*-n^**r, wiM. iiiidet fin* (lo<*f*ir'(» <-*ttre l«nf w***di. l»ut in l»ett« r tit |»n*e.-iit.

t’linn. tiillmniiNini fiiniily, of .Si. .|i>|iiih, ar>* vinitiiiu in tlt<*hoiiii* of Min.tiillmau'n (Mr«*ntn. Mr. .-lud Mm. Md«t (inive.

.MiMM*M LicxK* and Nont Piiin; uimI tli<*tr bnitlier Frank, of \V«*,>t(i;tnlia, (*penl New Y**Hr(* with their uncle and aunt, •Mr. and Mm. .lohn Miller.

It. V. (iailatfher. who win* at hie Itiiey home lor the liolidiiye, vieite,! bin ninler .Mm. Jay .S,>H>»ione. laet week. He n*- tiime to th** Mirliigaii t'uilege ot M*<dii‘iiie at iietruit. thie w**ek.

Tb«NH- wiiu enn. nhouiil attemi the Fnmiem'Iimlitute to l>e nel«l in .Mu|>i«* Ita(»i4le. Tu*w*iny of next w***A. Tb*w** meetiijge an* full of iiit**mnt to every niemlter of a farm home, and nhould re- «*«-ive hearty Mup(Kirt amL-nciiuragement.



Killam vMted ir Ct CItTIlaat week.

Miaa Ijydm Mmnrr npoat (mrt of laat wmk with Mnpie Hapidn frieacin.

Poatral Farnmrn' Hub will meat with Mr. aad Mra. Wm. Kemp Wedamdgy Jaaaary 11.

Mian BMIe .NoU, of Cavbar aaole aad aaat, Mr. man Uaddy laat wrak.

City, rMind id lira. Her-

Mm. F. E. Burt line levui rmtiUK rein- tiven in \'ietor the (lant week.

Minn I.ouina (liblmrd banKuiieto Mum- imiuu to njwmd the \vinter with her niater, Mrn. 11. Fn<emau.

Minn Mary I'raoe, who atteadn nchoul at .\lbiuu. n(ient th** iwMt week with her brotli*m. nint*^ and her fAtb<*r.

Huntem, in thin nwtion of the country. on* Huctreneful iiuMtiy iiikilliuK time, iiow- erer, the gam** warden doenii't iiiobwt.

We ore n*»rry to leani that I'ban. She**, lien, who w**nt to .Vlliee to work in the wcMjdn. accid«>nlall.v got bin knee badly eat with a naw tiaith.

The traanurer of the W. H. M. nociety gtvm thefollowiog aorountoftbe ttoanciw of the (NWt year:

Hr.ICnlne.1 rrom entertnlnmenta.............. bl7..‘UtKnin inbte t-ultocllona................ ."..AtV.Ueniliemhip <t««n................................. II 7AToinl reretred...................................... 904.7a

fr.PnM lownnt |>«tnilna tberburrh..... 9 U.lNiHent Mm. Urn.TMIl............ 11.35For Mlnnlonar> Ilirmtnm.................. 1.50For MIntoirr'n nmnry........................ 13.00For Innlior.................................... a.oi*r«»ntinaMit Inndn <»n ImumI............. . 4.toMtanUinnrT dnen nn band............................. .V*l’<■•tnae ..... ................ ..'P«Tuint pnltl oni 99*1. t a. nn band 914.00................. 9a4.7a

New Yearn, our Sunday ncbfMil m-or- ganiied. eiertiag: L. H. .Vlieo. Supt; <*han. t'baiiiu. .Vnn’t Supennteodent; Minn Math* Hibbard, Orgaaint; Minn Ktbol Underhill. Sorretnry; .\rtbar Joann, i'raaaurer aad Librairian; Mra. L. .\lbee aad Mrn. K. I). Pont, Primary tearbnrn; F. II. Joaen aad Mra. H. Voorbien. intermediate tnoebarn; (lian. (liapiu, yoaog (leoplen Mbie niaan: (). L lUak- witb, Mbie clam; Minn I). iimaaou, MbIe rlaon; Mrn. (Xntin, biMerlaon tnacbem.


oalUd onHarry Hownoo, of Boagal reiatimn been Tnraday.

Pnrry Lnwin aad family npnat Hatarday with bin father in St. Jobnn.

John Vangban aad family rWtad rola- timn in Hrntiot n fiortioa «>f Inat wank.

Fetor .NoSer aad WaUaoe Hamiatt mrm f*aeb (Nwparing to balld a aow barn bi tba npriair.

Martin Mnlbart. of Maple Rapida, ban moved into John Jaeoh’n bomn*. He will work for Mr. Jacob tbe coming year.

John Strong ban goae to Hrntiot coaa-

3, whom ban (mrehaod a tract of timbor.r. AraMtroofC haa oKived Ma mill tbore

to naw Itnat.Tbe ('rggadrra otill ooatiaan to labor ia

tbia plaea. TiMy ham a (abtloe mentlag Friday nveaiag. wbon aad adtnianioa foe of taa raatn will bt i harp il.


j .Mm. Anrhb* Parke in on rhenH-k iim.I .Minn Kllti'* peileWH in «»n tlie nick lint.I The drug nton* huniiiov*-d into the new i iihek.I Minn Eva H*‘ller n((ent (.'brintnian in St.I .lidllln.

Pmfennor Blank in viniting frietidn in •Maiite IUi|>idn.

. John Piitterwin won iu Si. .loliun, : Tliunnitty on immiienn.

•Mm. .l«iMe t'ulflii in viniting ioa* nintem, . Kitth* and Haioy Kiiiiey.' Bom, l>**eemiier J4tb, to ('ban. I)«o<* i mid wife a teii-(Hiuii<l Ixiy.I .Mr.iinil .Mm..VB»ertHMiidyniieiit('hrint- I man with Mr. aud Mm. John Maukey.

Mm. IVani aud daughl**r, Ellen, vin- I ited iu Ihmgal dunug the (•ant week.

Mr. N**!!. of McBridm, i** n(iendiiig a few dayn wtlb .\iitliony .Martin oud laiuiiy.

j Minn Aggie Sage in n(iendiitg tbe week I with her (lareiitn. Mr. and Mm. Wm.Sag**.

Mrn. Fannie Hay n(ient the latter (mrt I of loot week at the home of John Patter- I M»n.

Mrn. Nom Kianter, of Pewiuno, n(ietit a few ilayn with her mother, .Mrn. .Viiaa

, Henry.Jonofili Plowman, tlie noldier orator,

: n(M>keat tlietown Iiall Tuenday night,on I Cuba.

•Mrn. Jamee I.4UK'** wan taken Thurnday I with a (larmietir otroke auil her recovery ' in douhtfui.j Mr. aiMl .Mrn. .\. Stairaad ('hildren were ' theguentn of .Mr, aud Mra. Jamee Brigge,I Sunday.I Mra. Freea Kanper calle*! on friondn in I Pewaino aud attende*! the manquerade I Iiall, Monday.

Mra. Wbetntone, oi St. .lohua. n(ieiit ('brintnian with bar lairenta, Mr. and Mra. ('haa. Heller.

Mr. and Mrn. Jamen Briggn and daugh­ter. Bertha, nfient (^hrintnian erith frivndn iu Mafih* Ka(i*dn.

Mien Martin, teacher of tbe (wimary de- (lartment, in nfiendiog her vacatiou with fnendn in Portland.

.Mra. Fred Waild, of loala. npoat Chriat- nfieat Chnntmao with bar (lareotn. Mr. and Mra. Frail Myera.

Mr. aad Mra. JiMio Hay atteadod the fnaoral of Mr. and Mra. Wm. I/orn’oiafant child, at Portland. Sunday.

Mra. Hr. Kuoa, of I^akoOdima, aad Mra. Hattie Ihirat, of Chicago, are caring for thofr mother, Mra. Jamen l«aaea.

Mr. and Mra. (Ima. F. Meyor and non, Haymoad, spent Now Yearn with Mr. aad .Mra. Sehnoidarwind. of St. Jobna.

Mr. aad Uaah Hhaikniton, of Hraad Rapida. bam boon riottiag Mra. Shaek- eltoa’n (laraala, Mr. aad Mra. Q. U. Max­tor, daring tba post weak.

Mr. and Mra. B. Cooao. of Karaka, Mr. aad Mra. T. Taylor, of Synuaora. t)bto, Mra. A. U. (iUoon nod cbiidreo, at St. Jokao, aad Mr. and Mra. Kooomraad danghb r, LiiNo, ot Baa|ml. opoat (Thriot- inaa with Mr. aad Mra. R. Kooaa.

(iraa Parks, aa old aad raapaetiil raoi- doat of thin eoanty, died with naarer of the ntomaoh at tbe bomn of Mo non near Ithaea. Hin rnmaiao wore brnaght bare Hatarday. The fnaoral oarvieoe were hefd Sanday at tbe M. R. ebarrh, tbe rnaiaian ware laid bmidi hlo wMo ia (ink lUdgn cemotory. Tba dosoasad was 7M ynara of aim and loamafoar aonannd tktm daagk- tora to monra bin loon.

Thin eiitir** i-«imniuiiit,v uim *>h(M*k«*<l Tu>*<Mlay inoriiilig, iviieii ther** I'/lllle over town Hie null mt*iligen*>* that .Vrti«* .^wiirtz, of loiiiM. Itiid <li<*«l viTV Kiniileiily of ilinlolen. It wnn noi kuown that h<* WHM dmig*‘r<>iini.v lii.altlioiiKh li»* hH«lln**ii •‘onqihtiuiug for noiiie <layn (irevioiin to hi*< iltnitli. The nhock riime likealliuii- der-lwiit to th** gn**»-nirick*Ti (»ar*nitn. The i|eneMe**i| won tllirt*n*|i y ••am of >lg«‘, and a Iniy of excelleui (‘iiHrnrter and ex- t••****lingly• bright proe(nTin. Hin early i*(iihl-liiMMi wnn n(»ent in Ionia. wh*wt* lie ban many fnendn, who unit** with bin rowing (lamitn ill thin. tli**ir gnvtt attlir- tiou. Tlieiiiinininerviiwn werer«»nduete<l III the M. E. church, TliurMlay, and the reiiKiiiin laid to rent in the Oak llidge ei'Uieirry.


Marvin S(iriiignt**-ii'H naw mill wiilniHiu in* JiM*ated on .Mr. .Iiitting'n (dai***.

No. 2 (iH*tur** gallery ntmek town lant Week and eanie to a nto|i on .Main ntreet w*xt.

•Mm. .Iiilia .Scott in nufferiug with an .‘ittnck of lHgri|i|n< ht the bom** of .\lm. K. .M. W.4.b.


Mark .N'«irrin in much Imiter.Minn Kttu Webh in on the nick lint thin

week..Milen I'haiiman will work for F. Scott

the •*omitig year.Hugh HnnniMiii wan hom** from the

.M. C. lant week.liom, to Mr. mid Mm. H. Simmoan.

Hrreralier •II, a daughter.Uev. Buell (*«immna<*en rerival meetingn

in Huniiinooville, thin week.Minn Fannie Naracon iqient the holi-

dnyn with frumdn at thin plac<*.The infant daughter of Mr. and Mm.

H. Siminuun wan buried Jiuiuary 1.The IJiiirenuiiint MIt** Society will meet

with Mm. Hattie VaiiFInet on Thurnday, January 12. \ (lienic dinner and emry-Iwidy inviteii to attemi. led every mem- btn* cfim** (ire|iare<i to annint in a program alMiut the new yoar.

.V lieautifnl nonvenir card mntainiog the iiamen of each grad** and every nchoiar therein, with the (ihoto of **aeh teacher and name of director, wan (ire- nented to each nchoiar Monday morning. At tb** «i|inaiiig nennitin.

Mr. and Mm. .K. Cbatmian entertained fn«>tidn Saturday. .Vmoiig the gnente were Mr. and Mm. H. Pratt aud ilaugii- tem. Mr. ami Mm. .V. laMice ami daugh­ter, Mr. and Mm. Albert Chapman and non Milen, Mm. II. Kobtnoon ami non Hartd, of lliioy. and Mr. and Mm. E. HrinoM of Hraa<l licdge.

P. If. Hibbn ban retomod fromaweok'n riait at bin home in Raton Kapidn.

Mm. Hoo. Keek aad voung non, of Watertown, npoat Sanoay with Mra. Jaaaie AvwW.

A. H. .iloxandar han rororored front an attaek of lagrifipe aad in oaee okhw abla to be out again.

BnWitt baa a tobiirataii. loeatod oa K. Vaa FlenC’n piano. (Trmt amoaomoat is dorivod from thin by oar young (laople.

.1 Fanaorn Inotitute will bn beM at Maaontc ball, BoWitt, Friday, Jaaonry 18. Tile followiag M tbe (Mugrani com- mnaeing at 10:80 a. m.: Bong, cboir, Kemarko, l*riaiding (MReor: **i^ Hb-

of the Oao Bay Mootiag,** Prof. J. D. iwar; Song, Cboir; "Waotanoad Wear

oa Farm," 1*^. J. D. Tnwar; Bioean- Moa. Pioair dinner at aooa. .iftoraooa nnanina oallod at 1:80. Hoag. Cbotr; “Itotatioa of t'roM" Jerome ^lln; iNo- oaooion; “(Vkteb (iwpa aad Hreoa Maanr- iag an men an uf kenpiag up Soil For* ttiTty," Prof. J. B. Townr; INoeaanioa; fiocitatioa. Minn Joaophine Poarm; (|aa»- tioa Box, ooadartnd by ntate apnakor. .411 ara laritod to attoad aad take oart. Fairaarn nboald be iatornatod ia tba ia- otitate work for it io a oobool to tbom. Cbow aad bring your luuob bnoboko.

Mine Ktiiei Pinch in ^(lending thir* week in St. Johnn.

TIk* F. B. .Mite (Miciety meetn with Mm. HeVriee thin week Thurnday.

Wiilnni CahiNin npent lant w**ek with hiM gniiiii|>Mreote at Saranac.

.Mi*>H Hertie Youngiove returned to her home in .Milfonl last Tuenday.

Bice .Vrnett ami wife, of California, an* viniting hin mnter, Mm. Phelie Kirtiy.

P«*arl .McKinntrey, of St. Johon, vinited fnentln liere the latter (lart of lant week.

Itnv. K. H. I<4iiig will (ireach an the Chrintiaii church next Sanday at •'! (i. m.

Kelhiwnhi|i meeting at tbe Humka Chriniiaii church next Saturday at 2 (i. in.

('. C. Warner and non. Lanian. of St. .lohne. were t'allem in Eureka laat Fri­day.

.\rthur Brown and l>r. .4. H. Hart, wife and ImiIiv, <*f Ma|»i*‘ Huiada, Sundayed at Hr. H. Hart'n.

Mm. Pmrl SiHiTmau, of St. Johnn. j niient (Mirr of iant weak with her (larentn Mr. and Mm. .1. FJ. Kirby.

I Prof. S. B. Hmve nnent hin rai’atioii at i |h<iinein Pewaniu. He retnnieil to bin j nrhool in thin (itao* Monday.

I The ladi*w' Chriatiao aid norinty will I m*'et with Mm. .Nolu :Klv**rnail Wedne**- I day January 11, at lu a. m.I Bom, to Ed. Hmwer aad wife Monday j January 2, a girl, aud to I.n»win Barber,{ and wife, last week, a daughter.I Minn Ethel FTach eaterTaioe«l anremi of her young friendn FIrida.v evetiiiqE in.

I honor of Minn Hertie Youngiove..Minn IJlIie Cleland. who in attending

I nrh«Md at Ypnilanti. npent th** holidayn { j mr home with her oiafer. Mm. MymBnrii. j

.4 comfiany of young (wofde gathered I at tbe home of Mr. aiwl Mm. Hwen | Stewmn and watebe<l tbe old .vour out | and the new year ia.

Two nieigh loadn of tbe (.'hiiotian Sunday nebmd went out to L. Silvemaila lost Wednenday eroaiag. .4 very pleas aat gathering wmm eajo.vod.

Tbe dinner given lor the ncbolara of tbe Chrintiaii t^n«lay nebool at Bnanin hall last Wednesday wan a very najoy- able aflair for tbe little oam.

.Mina Eva Burk ban gone to npoad alow wonkn with her ointor, Mra. Laara Wna- ver, east ct Raaaister. Mr. aad Mra Weaver have a yoaog non.

Mr. aad Mra. Thooma Tpyior, of Byca- more, Ohio, npoat Christman week with Mra. Taylor'n imnoita, Mr. aad Mra. B. D. Kooaa aad other frieadn bora.

Mra. Aline Zwoiful nee Bentt. who was a gueot of Kxm Owou aad Mr. aad .Mra. Wlllin Tmoy during tbe holidayn re- tnmod to bar boaw in Toiodo thin wnefc.

Minn NofHe Waobington. who In teacb- iag at (Hive tbator, aceompaaind by bar frioad. Mra. Kona HagmUt eame hoow last Tbnrnday, aad tvturaod to bor oebool dutlan Monday.

FVod aad John Brown, of Owuaari. visited frioudn bore laat week. Fred kad Jaoi mtamed from tbs war. Ho wan ia tJie battia at Santiago, aad eras alao vary aMk with typhoid nmlariai fovur.

Lilli'* Etfi** L'lic Prici* if* quit** ciok withiiiil.iiimiiiiij of the iN>w•*i^,

("rtleii T**etM and will*, of Hrniid IlHpiiJii. and .Mm. Heiin»*rtii Barber, of .Sau- .lancnitu. Cal., amv*-«i at tli*ir bnither. Itigden T«*e|»*’, lant F'lidny. Mr. aid T»*etK returned home Tin^ay. .Mm. Barln-r will retnain for a more lengthy vieit with iruMidf* liere.

The Evangebcat aid Micicty at .Mm. Brii'torc hicf Wednenilay wan largely at­tended, th*a>* tn-iug thirty-*-ight prment. Oft1c**m *Hcrted: Pm.. Mm. .Mollie Jeff- reyn; riee (iren.. Mm. Bomh F'eather.Mm. Clara FI. Kirii.v. trean., .Mm. Mar>' Bryant. .V very (deaeant tint** wa« en- jiiy»**l.


Chan. F'urganon, ol i h*>wMiiog, and Minn F^iia Lioinan, oi Elme, Midi., w«*re uuitisi io tlie holy bonde of inatri- inony ou th*- ev**ning of .Iniiuary Int, at tbe home of th<* bridc'n ointer. .Mm. Har­vey Hariing, of Kiley, by Jontice N. 'T. Haoiein. Iiiiinediatdy iift*>r the i-ore- iiiuny the brtile'n fattier, .4. 1). Liiiinao, invokml the bl*>wwng of the Holy S|»irlt u|Hin tbe newly inaile tnaio, after which they all (MrtfM>k*of a bountiful i'e(iaat, wbicli won follow**d bv noine very choi<*« neleetloon «if liiuoi** No guentn were pre- neiit, excefiting th«* briden (larentn and the family of th** niagfntnit**. The happy (-outlie have tb*- lient winhon of tbdr friendn.

A UVING WITNESS.Mru. Hofhxian Dauortbnu How

Wrote to Mra. Plnkham fbr Advtoe, and Is Mow WelL

Dkab Mm. Pixebam:—Bofore ualag your Vegetabla Clumpound 1 was a great suirrrer. I have been sick for months, was tronbled with severe (wia III both aideoof abdomen, aore feeling

in lower partof bow- U also suffarad with dlTtiaoM. hoadaehe. and coaid not alsop. 1 wrota yon a Inttor daoerib* lag my oast aud

aoktag your adviaa. Too ropliod tail­ing ms jaot

what to do. 1 foUowud your dliuu-

Mona, and aannot pruiaa your modi sing enough for what it boa dona for ms. Many thanha to you tor jrmr advios, I^ydla M. Ptnkhamb Vegalabla OoBk-

amndltto mylHondo.—Mra. Vtammnm E. HorrMAB, •!> Roland Bi.. Oantun, Ol

Tba eondtHow daaarlhad by Mrs. HoC-

lota at sMk vromin atroggla on wllb thoir dally tanks dlsfugatdli^ Ika urgsii wnrnlaga until ovartnkMi by notunl oollapos.

Tbe preoant Mra. Ptekbamb onpoH- onea in trsntlng fobbUs iUn la wapaoui laUd, for yanraobe woobodoidabyaida with Mrs. Lydbt R. Plakbam. mmI ter

at tbs oorraopondanoa bar grant bualasas, tr aa many as a bandrsd

■t at

OWE YKAE.__________________ OOwtx MoirrRH___ __ ______ —------ 5uTWMK M4HITBM -------------------------- M

Tm Nswa will raratv* mU c«h»*»Tii‘—1“---- of lfw«l f»r B^iw ral laiMhaM wimi

by tba wrtur'a mmm.TMb p%par la tai'y t<q««|ipad to 4o |ob m4

aoiKWiol pHaliM. Il« malaatola ara of Mia laUof aiyla. aad wurliaiaaabli) lasaar. •Maad oi tba bigbaat qaallty.

Advrniaara atlaal Ui tba aacatlaat aaartea wirrail by Taa Nawa Ita rfrratatloa la baaa Ma. aa>l Ita aabarHptloa llat la alwaya aaaa to laaiiartloa.

HAHU map oivew tme 0« tbattmi fiMP o< Tb*; New* today

ap|a«ra ail arlieW «n»in I'raaidwt Tntvi* r^rdii^tlM* «»biart *•*»* pa«MMi laad trittair io<»rtil«la«ta. It *• wHttaii in reply to an arlicio whteh af*- paatmi in tbe rtuntlAy Sawa-Tribone an.lwbirh, unluPtuBatHy,«rrtilat«>dthrtiuicboat tba whtila of Michiaau. thaatateinant that St, Jtihaa wna in a ino*f pitiabia euadititm rtuaneially, <unl furl bar i»aintad « fiirtura at» «lark »um1 irimnny that tba araraiP* rtatder would itinrluda that tba roifcyur wna about to petition tbe riiiieil Htatee t‘«»urt, under tba new »•aokru|•tcy act t«i “hare tin* town deelareil a imuk- rupt.” It la uulortuuate that the i«l«a hae Im>« II apread abroad that thie villain* in on the blink tif an iibynn and lani tot- teriuK towartl a yawiiiutf rhanin whichthrealenn to eonull it.

We are not in a totterinir condition at prew nt.andhare’nt any tin e oloolanny doiUK tlH* “eoiruHinir act." II the .orr*- •iKindriit. who neiit iu the article, wan really eanient in thm jienm- Mieticaudnoniewhat nnlair arth le. and bati ••♦wn *oiinideruiK the iutervntn of the rHUip-. an mitfht In* im|»lie«l from the tone of hin itimnmnication, he would bareflmt iak.*n th- jminn to have vnrt fled hin annertionn, lieton* jfirinu them cunviicy. and furthermore, wouhl not bare pnblinbeil bin ntorj" at all in ii|ai|ier i of ntate itmilation.

That there hare lieeii eome eenoun min- takee made in the iiianaitcinent of tie* villaicc affaire in the |Mint. there m no d.- nyini:. «»»d there in nothiim to tie named by HU attroipt to rover up the pn-nent iodc..te«inenn, nhich in. no doubt heavy, but on the other hand, it amountetole«e than nuieri'ent of the a«een-e«l valua- tioii of the viliaire. and "•I! all l»e |»aid. ewyi-ent of it. an lant an in exmnlient.

humneen ill St. .lohlin ban not lieeli an IPmmJ io ji'am an tlim fall, and the pn»e- perte for ii ciintiiiuauce of th4- preeeiil bwtithy londitioiin an* very proniiniiitf. Ht. .loliiin in a ntnuifr town. liaek«nl uphvII ln»r>ol the lnn.t fiirnimi: .ountr>III tbe whole ntnte. and the {leople of the town ur«' neiiemlly prtin|n*roun and tbnfty. and are luokintc alieml to moven III the future which will ntill liettiTthe condition.

HeitnrdinK tlim new air lift i-ontrivaur.- which it in pniiKjnml to pun'liane lor the water plant. Thk Nkwh m not in(urm*il Then* in m» nuention whatever but that the water nufifily in innufticieiit and nomethinic mil have to U- done. It ban liern uixed by noine, that mor»* tank or renervoir ca|ia« iry. would miIvc th** prob­lem of “nhort water" diirion a few lioum each day in the warm nummer iiioiitlin They arffue that II then- m a la*k of water in the welln. all the devi.*»^ on the fare of the earth wuld nut draw from th»* earth, what wan not there to In- drawn. Thiy maiiiliuii that additlooiil tatikn would (iiminfi a ntoraice which r<iuld la* detM<iidefl on duriuK hree. and that when the water wan low duniiK the nummer, them- extra lank" •■ould le* nu|e plie<l diiriiiK the iiiKht tlim, when but little demand wan IwiiiK made on tie* w**l n. Th»: NKwn lielieven. however, that only tbone who have earefiiHv ntndieil into thi- nuention are )pialitte«i toexpmne an intelluteiit opinion on ih** iieedn of the plant, in thm )Nirlirnlar. It frunie that no iiimtake mil le* ma«fe. The nhortiuci* of water in a nerioii** prob­lem and tin* New<»-Tribniieeorree|Hindeiii in certainly In error when lie n »yn that fher»- wan jilenty of water Indore the two plaiiln wife c« nil bin 111.

The iiMnilaan of the present ••oiincil laid themeefven liable to the vifv cnli- (Uam thev bare reerive*) by rHiuaiut to fNiblinli the fina-eeilinifn of tlie iMutni in the pafiern. and any nnnilaf of tax |a»v- «fn will i-ontinue to think there wan noiii.* other rimnoii than that of #fononii. which wan offereif an llie exeuw I’reei dent Tmvin hini>wll lia« no jmlienre with tbeef-irit which ne**kn to kee|t the honi- Monof the villoire in tbe dark and ban rn^wialmlly expn'nnini in viironnin termn. hin dinapproval of the ordif dineoiitiim- inir the iwbliration of the proeeeiliiiitn in tb** newnfiafiern. Thk New* known of no other town in MichiKmi, where nweh parmmonv w iimcticwd by a vlllmt»*or etty lioard.___________

bald tlHMa, that whirb the rnllwl Htatra Nii matter who ie to blame, the year hae acromphehed ie aotbias ehort of IINM) wiU aot he a leap year, aad the woadartBl. Thefw ie ao gamttoa ahnat Eirie who bare beea baakiair oa ftmat the mealts jaatifyiait the eetimaten for Uawa aext week will be obliaed to bathe uar duoieatb; export* for tbe eietreo their dhtaapointmeat ia team, aad let it lanathe rartiag wilb the Siat of Dewiai- go at that. Tbe famlUar rale that leap brr waia 91,Uim,(JNIt,lfMl. aad with a year i* every ealeadar year with a namber Itreeaibar totai ae low a* the lowent lie- divieibte by foar wtti he broken la IMNl. neaiber meord ia yearn, oar amreEate Tbia oaiy law^peae at tba e|oan of every lor the twviva aMNithe will ewmly exmed ; taatnry. aud ite pretty ti HEti oatheEirie! that of KaEhual. The Eveat pruErme of i aow ua earth, who will be eompeihd to i oar nxp«wt trade naa beet be )adf|ed by wait uatil tiMkt. Cealeaary year* diviai- iHiaeulUaE tbe fbcarm for tbe |mhK niae ble by 4410 are leap yearn, f'oaeeqaeatly yeaia: there were HO daye in February. 194M),

Rirnnn. and the oaaie namber of ilEye will be


bbe Cbtoeae taweee la tbe ma Cbea aalewr -Japaaaee Eeetivtttee Tbn Rrwaeb Rerala Tbetr ^Hetaa Wape. Haw CHbae Allaae Vobae la tba Vaar.

While CbrteHaaeapp ■Mee la popalartty.

lie hei

IHUO_______I an 1............|H«V______IWMA.........laU4...........IMWA ..........I HualeMT..............__


Kipurl*. Over Iwiiorta . „ .•at.iot.nx'.i E'*’**' rebraary, H4NMI.

.... OTo xou.aMi

.... wm 4tfUHao

.... a7a.ioM.7Mi

.... a8.%.iini.*j4M


...l.OUA.M** 3*1 ..l.o»w.714 ao7 *


>nM.i»A7.aMA .tA?.! 1».204


||e.vk\ WATTEaaoji in the Lonieville 'xA luoTMU f^»urier-Joonial,Eolddero€jrTar. proiHjeee

Ilearey aad liue for piweidentiat oaadi- datee next year.

The reeideote of tbi* I'uunty, who bare frieadnat tbe Klondike, need not beafe prebeamre that they will have notbiiiEto do tbi* winter but to ttEbt tbe oold. ""Z l.u .

. , "I waMtravelinEthrouEb themuantain*niter bannE npent tbenummerio huntinK « i ^ j aan ..Znali....... __ ..s*_____ ^ »«rE*n»« l**i »**»*k, wiidttdruni-

Write it IHfMt, now, pieaae.


New Year'* dayto EM « ftnaer bold mtb yaar upon

tb* affatioB* at tb* Ata*rl*Ba paapi* Tbi* 1* laapaly da* to th* innwaiina aaai- ban at fotaiEa*** la oar popnlalloo CbrtatoMw IwloaEt to th* ooM ooantrtm of th* north. Tbw Year'* to Ih* warm*r laad* Th* fonaer I* KacUab aad oortb Oarmao: th* laMar heloaEi to Ih* Latin law Tb* army at Italian*. HunEMten* aad HuMtna* who aomm to oar ■bar** «itll forclMr Ineem** th* dlffctaooe tt**Brib*d All of tb*ai laam to j*l*bmt> the day in more or ka* Ammioan (aahton. but nearly rrery nationality add* enoupb at lie own eoMoata and oatamonle* to givatheday* ttavor aoob a* It woold baea la their own

for Eobl nadtlEbtinE tbeimaaiuito EMcnu ticaa. flawenti llty ban already Eotfen to Ie* n riEht ninnrt little town of nome Iti.iNNi inbabitniitn, a* n «'en*un taken only lant month indicated. It nut only lifie II daily pa|ieror two, buteonie other nietro|Militaii fmttire*.

.V ton of froBenoyeternan* now on their way to that city, and will mmhi In* on tbe market ae n dainty purchaeablc at 9H.’ a pinie or therralMMite-wliicii iea inereiiaE- iitelie wliere mi miuiy have more iiionev thiui auythiiiE eW-. .Ill pleitaurre, how ever, are not Enetninoniic, and linwMin

mer, an he liEhtrd a frreb iiEar in the office at Tbe Steel yeeterday, “and, driv- iuE to a *tniv, I ofiennl up ivinverea tion with the merchant on iMilitke be­fore introducittE niy eu(m1«.

**'What do von think of thieexpan- ••inii fever?" 1 naked.

"Wall, now. I’m rare I’m Elad yo* axed me about tbe thinR. Mebiw yo* can irive me come |Miint«. Ilo yo’ all liev it io WaehinEton 7“

"tlh, yep; we have it bad. 1 replied. womierioE what the man imaiit.

Wall, we haiiit Ent but one caM*.haHMimeecbedulwfwhlcbwilliiotlM-guite eo ..x|e.n*ivc ae the oyetere. Then- m a ^ ^ekatliiKnuk with-bMi,mire of ice ekntiM j, „„^ht la* the drofMV. Hut iterfuthae w hich are let out, and it only iHMte 11 dol- ain’t nmm for muchlar to Eo ekiitinK. Thenty hae thi- am- ,H,w’fulElaiiter a well orRcnixe,! Mwial Mile. ni.i>^ yo’al know eomethioK alKiot it. Kxfaii.- eeiifivlbytwo Hiiie., HeRi.m and Daw- ^t it. Ilo vo’al kiioaeon, )*om)MiaHil of leadiiiR men, banker- merciiaate and otticiale. The KIk- or- Eanixed to RtVe a lienetit for the IMirfeNe- It ifrfmyioK fheeick and fitncml exiwn-eH

of nifdy brother-, at which all the lenii- iiiR talent, amateur and profeNeionai, wa- re;»rH*ented. .Illfraternal oriranication-, incItidinK .XiaMoiie, tldd Fi-ilow-, KfiiEht- of I'ythia*, KIk-, WiMMinieti. Ke<i Men and rniteil Workmen, have «’oinbine<| to or- Raiiixe a Mvial Hub and ••rect a fmtertial baiiditiic. \ l•etlettt fierformamv le mmiii to lie Riven in that behalf, fap'i. Jack f'rawfnnl. a (MNit erout. hae orvamoHl a eenee of .Sunday eveiii> r <>ntertainmentH of hiRh ciaee. which men of family may IMitrnniBe.and they liiivel»e>oiiie extrem**- iiimi*’ flip iiiiiikily popular at the HU,ularpniH. of $*J..-.u Ihn.tma

any cure ler it ?""Wbni I explaiiMHl what I inrant he

war Ml HiiRTv I could not have -old Rold d«iilare for .'Ml lente »*ach.”

• • •

"(’hri*ttnae ••omee but once a yivir." HHiii a rikmI frtemi of mine. "Mur wlten il d<e*M •'«ime nomethinR ie liable to hii|e |H>n." He blew a cloud of -moke from hi- IraRraiit Havauw and continued:

“Il in thi- ciRar that remiudeil me of It. Want to hear if W,*l|, you ee»- I ir*it wind lael yenr that my wife wae me iuR to |aty iih* a prm'tical joke •‘oneiet- iiiR of the t»reeefi(Htioii of a -et of Inc* curliiiu- lor th«‘ f-trlor wiiidoe. So I made up my mind to Ret even will, tier.

Iler ticket, f’apt. Jack. tlioURh, nt tie- head of a lance inininR conceni. find- am- ph- time to devote toeullivation of a Ivt- ter MHUal atmiaipliere, and thue Rradual l,v the ealiHiti i- imeeinR aw'ay a- the chief factor in liawMin'- Miciat exi-ten«*e.

There are, of eonre,*, a Rreat many dle- repiilabie ebaraeter- etill in Haneon ami roblaoR and theiviiiR are not iufr,*iiuent. ie Rratifi iiiR to team that the lietter etriiieiit 1- able to take -uch a prominent )iart and that thin mu-hr,M»m <-ity of .liaeku le RettinR into the routine wnye of civiliration.

I.KAUiMi phyMtciaiiM of KuRiaud have deveiofied the iaet that whileconeuni),- tioii of the iuiiR-, if it may la*M, ealle,].I- on the decrea-,- ami le umier Iwtter (■ontrol th.iii ever. conMimplion of the iMIWeie, een.vSHlly ill the caee of chiMr**ti,I- HtartlihRly on the iucreae*-. An in- ve-tiRntiuii han hrouRht out the fact tliat the latter di-enee that ie mi on the iiuTeaee ie InncHy due to drinkiuR milk taken from ••owe atffict,*d with tulier- ' uloHie. Sir Wm. MroMdle*nt Roee even further and Miye that "the dieeae*- of Imii-w and jointe to which children an*Mubpv*t are prohabli' aleo traceable to \ ** „milk, humptaick, hip joint dieeae*-, and * tat*.tIn* dineniH- of knee-, elliOHH, efr., which ,.np|»te Ml many rhildieii." Tlie di-tic- tive laictllae or tula>rrie le found in the milk of the coix in oi e hIue** of the die- ••aee, and thmuRh the milk the malady IH commiinicat*d to tlieinfnnt conHiiiii«*r..\h to the direct preventive, it le boiiiiiR the milk. In fact, it le not iiece—Mry to

j mail,' the milk leiil in nr,ler to kill the i Rrrtii; a deRie,* ,»f beat miicli |n«,T than the laiiliiiR |Miitit will do it, ami will have

I tbe extm mtvniitaReof c'liiininR thenat.Ural taete of the milk. To Ret at tlie r,H»l ol th»* tnmble, of coulee, tuliervu- loHie inuet ie* -tnm|H*<I out amonR rutth*.

- mortiiuR when ale- Riive me the ln(*e rurtaiiie 1 RmvHy fire- -eiite«l her with a laix of the tine-1 re- Riiliii ciRar- I «'oald buy. SIh* wh- viai. bly <laehed. Hut I'll Iwt you cun't RUe— w fill! "he did?”

’•What did "he do? Smoke the ctRar-?“.No. but "he tiMik the Imx of CiRar- ami

every time a fticmi of the family paawrd by the hoiiee -he called him in ami Rave him one. ami to inttiniite fnemle who liapi-'iHHl to drofi in -lie riiv,* two or thr«"*. I 111. I tril you "be wa-RwneroUM. IM,ir,' niRht there waen’t a «iinirlelt. but iny lacerurtaiu- are-till liauRinR in the fair lor."

.\ Mrthmiiet miiiietrr. wlui liv— not far from Vhe lHir«lrre ol (liiitoii •■oiiiiti hae a youuR dnuRlitrr—very vouur in fad—who d,NH< not umieretaml the bnatii meaniuR in which wonf« ar-Mime umhI. Thi- Mam,' niiiiieter le amietoine,! to nmlinR every ilay from the eenpture- ami hae r«"*,«iitl.v lMH*n rcmiinR a r,m,«I deal iilxait "John, tie* Maptiet

.Viter one of the rea«liiiRe th* Rirl -aid: "l'a|Mt. the bible kecfN, -nyiiiK "ome

tiiiiiR alH,ut John the Itanii-i. Why ii,a*eirt it -ay -on-'tliiuR about the

"I want an ice lamf.” -aid the faiy"Noiiecii-e," ntilicl llie ohi niaii.

“WliHt’-tbe matter with an irewiiRoii? It'-not ,|uite M, faet, |•erha|e'. but lie )U-t Ita cold."

E • •

"My family can t iiein feefinR a litti,' proud of haviiiR le**ai cameil over in the Mii.t flower, •wod tb«* louiiR woman wh<i wii- vieitiiiR ill loeii.

"I- that aiiew,'iH"l Ih,' voiiiir

mall iiit,*reei,'«ll.v. "None of our folk- ever Went lolo tla* tlon«t bneiiie—, what brouRlil lie tlir,,URti wn- wiaait."

AT LAHT WE KEAI* EWltl.ANll.Koa tbefirwt tfmeinhiatnry. the Kaited

Htatee will, at tbe ctooe of thle, year lead tin* world of trade, aad KiMriaod, whicb ha* for *1, Many vearw held that enviable poMtion, will have to take emoad plane. It 1* aetimated hi tb*burwau of atatMtien of tbe treaaary departmeat. that oar ox- parte of dom-etlc la-rrbaadtee in INRh wHI amoantto over 91,Y(Mi,i)nti,iaNI, and mm tbe nwwt liberal rmtimmhm raade by ffaElanrt are for an export bawliNw* of 91,140.4l00,0tMi for that coaatrj, it m MEriily naan that wm ate RniHR to have a MaartHlwtii ftrwt plaoe. In IMMi, wb*n FaEfaiiil’* trade r-arbed tbe blpb water laaHi aad aERieEated $1.2E*t,7RH.ri4fl, wbU* oarw wa* bat 9M4r,.0Pfl,tKM. it did______ __________ _ ,, , that plolw bare been already dl-covcr*daot oeeai po—lble that wHbin tea yearw I •♦x'blaE toward a eeliare of tbe aoveva ae wnald oatwtrlp oar KaRllab coawlae, j** »• f »* be feat, li hat that 1* exactly wbat we havedoae.

Mr-. Murphy—The -wate little iMtIae-' Mre. HuRan—They do le* th<it an’ iit’-

twiiie they are.Mre. Munihy—Yew don’t eay’ .Vi ’ nrv

both iiv tbini yourn'*• • •

Smith and .lone- were tnIkinR one day iilaiut their bn*iiieMe intrieet-,'Uiye an exchanRc. S'lnth wa« a hotel man. iumI Joaee wae a niannlactuier’-aRciit “I -av," -aid Jonee, "however do yon uee each nn^em>rin«,ue quantity of |enre and jiearhre?*’ "Well,” refilled Smith, “we eat what wc can and what wreivui’t eat we ,'anf" “Imleed." eald the other; "we do alaiut tbe -ame in our baeiae— "

"How i« that?" "We eell an ord-r when WM ca# eell, aad when we can’t m^I it we cancel It."

P • •

_ ... A well-kaown lady walked with arandare iMiflennE with tbe roatady tbie week, ... mi . _______ _ a—_____ ^ j^ . . air into a niatiM, aveane droE obire a»dMd It t.. !»,», 1^ ^ It. ,,,

FBAfirEhieetdentty in a |a*Hloa* con |*ow4er. CM cviaiae what abe wanted to dftloa. The araiy dooiiaatee everytbloa to**.* »nm aapoaar-oa* tooth famder andboocarTl«ltbiiiE*witb*ohiEhabaiMl Tbadrrk wa* tea. poHte to ebow by Me that Ik dna* not daw* face fbeexpnware ia*naer that be noticed tb* break, lait that will probably follow the revlel«Hi of «*v»Tal caatoMerw ia tbe More were not the Hreyfae raae. It i* aow aaderatood •** natefal to cuaceal tbelr latrlb.

Thk anp hae amve»l. Two we**ke aRo it niruck New York ami hae -me*' been tmvelitiR wmtward at the rate oi HHi miiee a dav. TYiere ie MimcthiifR einRii- iar alMiut tbe onwani niarrti of II,i* die- eaee. .\ few* year- aRo wr.en it aiq-wmi in tbiertinntry ami cr-wt-«| m, much ill neee, laindon had lM*en -nflcrintf with it two monthe lief ore it reached New York, tiradually it spread over tbe coaiitr> and tboneande di-ii from ite effect*. Tie* Rrip i* not a hard c<dd. TIh* tmcilli which caa*ee the dweaei- ha* lieen iliacv- ered. Hut why tlnee it invariably travel mgmmmt tbe prevailiaR wind-'* The pr,- RTwei of tlie dieea*i in tbi* country i- in- varialdy from Kant to W-*t. It i# not a datiE* nia* die-aw t«, tb* -troaR aad haalthy, bat to tb* weak aad paay it ie freqneatly fatal. Maay St. Jobne p-opb*

Tb* ChlB*** do aot taka atoeb ••oek in oar chroooloEy. Tb*y do ail Chair oaln braUoE upon Uwlr own Saw Yaar'a day, wbleb oowee In the laUar park of January or the nm of Pehruary. Tb«y male* and nweive oaJU and aat n litil* table for fiiWKl*. on which the obiaf dellenei** are a few cryekalllaad frull*. a hnodful of Ui-cbl nuta, claaratt** and ciEun Io oalllnR tb*y *bake band* like tbe traakam bar bnrlaiMt or aim mbmka tbelr own bands U, show rvoard and affrettoa naeh for tbe other. Tboae wbo have white wives ro to even furtbar l•nath• To be laore aeeu- rake. It 1* tbe wive* that do tbacelebtatlOR. while the mild MonooMan busbaad stand* beipJeosly by. To all wbo eotue she offers whiaky, beer and olaars Kor bar Inti- mates she usually pn,vldaa sotn* Cblmwe "cbow," which Is tbeReoeiio word of that dlscrtot for all .Monaollan food The Cbl- ttaOB husband stay* around a Rood portion of tbe day, oat* and drink* with his Ruesta and offers a friendly opium pipe to wbo ever la piwwad to uae that fanelnattna druR He Is sorely tempted to sat ,df flreeraekeT* in tbe front street, but alonR amt unplea* ant experleooe with tbe polloenuui'a clubs io that pcacinot ovateoma* bis natural love for noise.

The little Japaoeae colony In New York aty follow the example of tbalr nelahhors with that sinRolar fiower of Imitation for which they are famous They put on tbelr best apparel and visit and receive calls with ail tbe UDotlun of an old Knickerbocker

They rather lm|wnv« upon tbe Utter In tbe decoration of tbetr borne upon the day Like US. they employ cvenrreen* ns a syiu bol of tbe reCurnltiR life of tb- year The symlwllsm Is re-enforced by one of tbetr oldest Uruiws This U n ctrele so divided by a curvlDE line as to make what Irrev arent people have called two twl|mles. In reality they an* two flsbea lytna head to tall, and so bent around as to form a cir

, olw The circle is tbe syrolnl of eternity or of tinmortallty. and the two flsheH am tbe male and feiuak* piintdplea u( tbe uni verac. The {iRure is a very Rraocful one and is worked in embrold^. painted on silk or stenciled upon paper. (Hbar de siRns Mc lUhes or paper balloons In the shapi* of fishes.

In the Frsneh <)uaitcr around south : Fifth avenue the day It obosrved by our Gallic clttsons with oil tbe ardor of true Parisian* KvavybiMly dons purple oml One llnon. colls nuuiherieos am mode, and Um* day I'loass in doncinR and a anoeral good time

Tbe ererlastinE bonhoo and the bon bonntere are everywhere The buxsa am not os extravoRant as In Paris or as in Kuue of tbe ultra fashionable wnpnriums of Urvwdway and Fifth avenu** The rea tauranta ai^ cafes ism weil patroniced hut iiy csdlers rather than ouatooiers Kv- cry one deems It his duty to run In amt bavtta aloaaof wine or a pony of beer, and sometlmeaa little atistntb, with tbe pro priecor

New Year’s among tbe French Is mark ad by tbe Mppnaranoe of various kinds of homemade liqueurs Them Is not a Fmoeh faintly houaewlfe or cook but imaeoase- sonie isnctent recipe for making themen joyable liquids Gn tbU day they am all brought <Mtt and offeced with pardonable pride to frtetKis and iwlghlawa All am very palatable and some am mally dellOtCMW

Irish reskfenta In Amoiioa make it a point whan they can to offer something In taanmny of the "okl sod ’’ .*e,ine(lmes It is pig’s head and gmen*. snmellntes it Is bac^ oml splHaeh. MUueCImes It I* pig and (wbboReor ham and iwbliogF. but it is always poteen, and lots gal<av> of it

A number of year* ago there wem sev aral Irish clubs that on New V«ssr’s dav served tbelr members with a dinner of ba con aim! green*, hut they nave liseii falling off, and 1 Iwllsvc only one now exist* It Is on Fourth avenue near Union squam oml Is still patmniml liy men who rmsmal Iht* iweao as tmiuigraota kU and 4t> years OR,’

In the llollan colonies, of which them am now thm*. If not four, tbe lUy is lom tnemorolMl very much as It ia by tbe French. Imt with mom* color oml vivacity and with (ewer and le#Hex|ien*lve jiresenta Both men and women wear tie* briRht ap part'l fieculUr to ihelr own district In Italy C.'oats of velvet. vel\,'teeti amt ,*orduro;' vesta of silk, satin and raam-IHes. hngr saolicH of e\cry Imaginable color or cuui- htnatlon of colora, Iwot* worthy of a oav airy trooper and leggings which might serve a RamekeefMW am among tb,* «trangi' Imt plctursMiueortloUauf wear which you meet at evei.. point

In deepcontraat with tbe Italian, bering color, light, music and exettament. is the MaUy ami laecar oniony It Is comptwe,! of Bsaiiien. oook* aad quartermaster* front veesrls engaged in irmHng with tbe far east aad vitries In numbor from inu to ssv eral hunUrwl tin .New Year’s day some of tbom go thmuRb a queeroetetnony that appears to haverumedown from the llroh man days of India They derorom a orooll male statue and any hofove it a tew word* wboae UMsaittiR they ihsswmlvsa do not sson, to understand ‘Tbay eell tbe akatue tlauma. and it appears to be tbe old In dtan god or dsrolRod Hama, tbe beau of tbs (auMMSS poem of tbe '’Hamayaaa.'Tbe rest of tb* day they devok* to gsm bllbRand tobaoeu and aomekttues to opium Tbe people from tb* far north of Korope Seandinavlaas and Flaa*. oelehrata tb* day very much lib* tbs tisrroaas and kbe Kniekerbaeksvs In addition they usually supply tbstaasivss aad frtssMks with laags quaaUtlos of rtwsdiab paoeb. wbieb is probably tbs moot fooMaating drink on rsonrd; Mwodiah bread. NorwsRton oake. UbrtaHanta bear, Nrwwsglan oardtaas aad okbsr qiMsr bat qalta taatbsaas* dalattos froai tbelr boms baa!

Tbs nobemiaos ors fbtaoaa tar UMr hsapItaiHy. mask) aad daaclOR. 'rbeyalen indalRs .New Yearsday Insoam very aoval eatsrtalomeat* in tbe tarm at obaiadm

tabbmus. —Naw York Herald

Tkaaysoa Wordesrortb Jlai^, DiI coasider tbe editor a jadgs oi poetry? Ab! (Looks roaad feoifally.) Yoa’r* saia be ka’i sajrwbMk abeat? Aad yea woa't bvMtbe A word to oaybodyt eeakd bear tbtai^ tbe wtadew, 11 Toa’re sare? llMik bekweea oaiaklwe (leaas forward aad wbiapsrt) tba rme baa ao Rkoro aaal forpaalry tbaaatoaaMtl

PrtaUaleiolauMT Abi (Raasbiete- gtrs tbroagb bia hair.) How doaab* priat it? Tall awtbkt. Yoaeaa’t? ITl tall yoa, tbas. Ifarderad, sir; aaitilatad beyoad lae* ogmlion; diblgatodeo that 1 aearaaly roaog- atm tb* child ol aiy braiaa! (Draioa ba glao* a* if it were peisan.)

Ail aditota do that sort of tbiag? Ya* (bitterly); tbey’rs all very omeh alike, bat ba*a tbe srotai. Take my poem ia the last number bat oaa; a baaatifid KUle lhaag. as it was writtoa. Bat when it appeared—. Look here, this is what woo left of tbe oaf*

TO A SHY MAIDEN.Pretty aaiidsn • • • why

• * * * swretest graceWhy • • • ao shy

• tboa • • • face?

* * * dainty dimpled cUe• cerulean • • •

* ruby-Uated iipa * * |Just one * * * kiab

!?•*••**•• • • • * dova.


Men of All AgesPromt tiM 3fomtli to ttm

aBmIt. CRfi ho quickly duitud

fntn our

Winter Stock of Clothing.W« bumgiit GurEfttlly and jglgrtod witli ail tlM fuqulrp- montg of tlw mmn at thU ctMmmunlty In mind.

W« art dure that wo cun givo ymi prgciugly tho dothlng you warn, ut a llftle lowor figure than you can find anywhore otao.

All wo Mk lb a ctianco to iirovo thU to you.

WILSONtb* s * •y lovol 5t. Johng, .llch.

That'* wbkt b* calls reviaioatTh* Sttb-Editor—The editor is a geaia*.

Thaev is no doubt about that. But be baa bu Utile wmknamt*. end the worst of them is that be pnsbm a priaaple too far. I rs- member, os if it were .veatordsy, how be souied when be sutxecded in r^uemg hit mode of lotorviewing contributom to a for­mula.

So eucrimful baa tbie system beea that bis patent poet-luckar is growing rasi v from dis- um, which is rather a (sty. It rcoily was a moat mgnuous sod valuable invention. It is obvious, however, that a system which is excellent for uadcMrsblc contributors may be quite unauitable for application to a saal- ous and intelligent atafl. 'That is what be fail* to ace, aa will appear from the foUow- ing interview:

Enter thdeEditor. EdHom-Who th^- what the daace do you want?

Sub-Editor—I was thinking that—er—my salary—er—

Editor—What have you got?Sab-Editor—^Tbe mere nominal stipend ol

the bmt that tbrvagb aa era of pi

we havethat ehnald tbb, be attempted the mlli- w,ii ne Mie wiaaev nv naviORtary wHIbelnaad U> have tblagp* all ita well mi dewiHE Marblaee. r._____»wa WRy. WoEwna, etc., of A. B. llAtcou

Tb- Famnaa Hewtaa Marbine (Rl ae well a* isll kinde id marbtnr ae-dlaa aad reyetlw tnE.r be fnand at my atrwe. Yiai wtll he the wlaaer hv haviOE tbeHeRfeab* ,


CHCUnCST AMO SCST Free ratstaea* All sUss.

•eees-*.ijonrs or utwoNdwron.


Editor—No!I wa* about to argue tbe matter further,

when f MW the poet-kicker qutvrnag. and I fled. I’m not a poet, but it doesn’t stand for that. If it did it would have no work at all. There’s Mch a thing os {uiahiog a eye tern too far. don't you know!

J*add> (FLarmp (of iiallymooroy)—Ed­itor ? It’s ineoeif that would like to see him. •Share it was a mane thnek eatoireiy that be pinyed upon me, and if iver oime m l-**ndiHi

! (Twirl* lus khilielagh singniticairt- h’’) ft w*a ibe afternoon before me ticket cxpoired to come back to tbe uuld counthry, wan 1 was bursting for aomethuq to do, be the iwwers, and it < sme into me momd that he|d published sn account of Ilaiiymooroy, an nirer a word of m- uncle’s shop, which IS the foincat in the pisoe. Bejabers, I an to mewif, it’s sn argument that oill be hav­ing wid him. So I ws.kcd into tbe spalpeen't other and thumped on the counter wid me htUe sthick. Show me the editor," 1 sex. ^Vnd tbe opsipeen* ran back, saviag oae purty colleen, bless her! os if they were kilt dead, and niver one said a wotvi, M here’s the editor?" I sex again, and s

smiling old gentleman esme wslking through a Mde door.

"What do you want, mv good rosn?" an be.

"I want the editor,” sex 1."Ah!” sex he, very thoughtful, “the ed­

itor uofortunstely is out; but perbsp* 1—?*’ "I’ll wait." 1 sex."I don’t think you’d care to," mz he, very

polite. 'He *—er—gone to- er France; end won’t be beck for s month."

"Then,” sn J, “show me the man who wrote that article on Usllyamoroy.*'

“The editor,” sex be, very (irmly, "is cole- •"vsponwblc. Iiuleed, he wrote it himself." It* * hose libel,” sn 1, ex plain tag ms t

ler* wid s few taps of me purty little sthick. by way of punctuation.

“Dear me!” sex be. “Very careieaaof him; very c-srelew, indeed. I’ll mention it to him as soon as be come* beck. He mlJy ought to have known better. Tba largest shop in the town, you •*)•?“

“.\nd the tincst entoircly," wx I; “and if you pro|HMHF u» defend him- ’“

“.My dear sir,” an he, “I can’t. Kelween oursetre*. he * a little—.” He shrugge,! hit khoulders and held out hi* hand* “( have to humor him.”

Tliat ■ no rsiaon for iwing s i-irty to ilsndenng me uacle,” an I; “*ad if iver he does it again—’’

-'ly dear sir," sn he, “he never shall while I’m here. Dear, dear me! Fancy liim leaving it out!”

“I don’t know but what you’re to he pitied ler having tu put up with him,” sex f. “Have you worketi with him long?"

hince he started,” *ex he. “aad never known him to do MK'h a thing before. If ever I**- djw# It sgAiu. ni—ril leave him.”

"You’re s gentlemsu. sir,” sex I. “If iver you cotae to itsilytaooroy it’s s warm wei- come enioirely that ye’ll'foiod."

"I don’t doubt it,” tex be. Then we shook batid* snd (larteti very friendly.

pleasant nun * 4irh! I nw hi* picture in a iwper next Cbnatma*. Kmth it was ao- laaly but tbe oaid editor himoeif that wax talking to me! Bad com to ium!

The OfRce Boy—Ger editor’* a fair boun­der, I tell yer sinte. Ver ’ave ter keep yn beye open when y*er desiin* with 'm an* no mietike. 'Im an’ me runs the pipvr, ao 1 «>ught ter know. Wot do 1 do toward*it? Fer <ata thing, wr always lonsider tbe coa- tnbutions together, sn’ rejeet ’em. ’Klooks

top l**gc sn’ chaeks ’em oeer ter am ter sddress the eaveiopse sn’ pat ’em in with the forms: “Tb* editor aamh rvErets that, owing to th* extrenm press*rr oo tb* space at hi* disposal, eit., ate." I ’sv* ter be m^tv sharp ter keep up with ’im, 1 tell yer,

when 1 was new ter it I got ia a hawfal sseas. Vrr see ’* was s iat aaap{>iah that day# an’ taece wo* s lot of 'em, an’ *e was re- jeettn 'cm sbart JO a aunute, an’ givin' am a tap With the ruler now so* then ter ’uiry ap. .4a’ in aiy asciteatant I pat ’em ail ia '^4^Hg- Next ammta' there was sbart an ‘undred prapiv to see 'iai. sekin’ wet ’* ataant, Tkere wsa a iwiuon wwt had seat ** "How Skali We Tium Oar Boysr an’ get knek "A Uey Week in Pana;” sn’ aa old IMy wot kad ".Soaxe Derby Hwiadba" u* ex- T—y. several paaoM oa ’Tim Ckna-ttaa Martyrs," There was a skiav. Tkc aab-Mhtor 'sd two long tibiae lid* art tor sta ter aart tb* tbiaE* art agiae, aa' at laat th^ all went art mere or lem mtidtad. Tkea Ik* *di*er seat fer em. xa'—w«U. •* wax very oapleemat. r tell yer etrite. ’*•** a very 'eavy ’sad. ’* 'aal-Sl. Phal’A

Mtsmsra'* Irww NerveM’lta iIh-rrault of his sfiiendid henltb.

Indouiitaiiie will niul tretnendtiua etiergy are not found where Hloma(‘li, Liver, Kidney- niid iiowel- nr- out of order. If, you want thee*' iiualitiee and tbe mucc-hn they briiiR, um* Dr. King’" New Idle Pill* | They develop -very laiwer of brain iiud , IhmIv. Only 2Ac at Fildew A .MiiliiiHii’N { DruR Store. (2) 1

KeutarkaKi- E-iwer. jMrs. Micha-i CurtHiii. Plainfield, !tl.. i

make* th- -tatefii-iit, that "be muRht tvdd, wbirli aettleii on herliinRH; -h-waa trentei) for a month by her family phv- niriaii, but grew wone*. H- told her -b- aoM a lio)i-ie«M victim o(<*oiNiomption and that no mediciiH* ouuld «*on* tier. H-r druRRi-l -URReetHd Dr. Kidr’n .New Die- fovery for (’onaumpiinn; Hbc laiught a lailtl- and to tier debRht lound brr—If Rreotly lan*H!tt«l by tbeflrvt dtaa*. Hb** coutinuMf ita IUM* and after taking hix liottlea, fouml heraelf -oiiiid and well:

* now doe- her own house work, and is ae w-ll ae-Se -ver WM-—Fi*»* tiini lailtlea of thi- Great DiMny-ry nt Fildew A Mlll- mnn’- Dmir Store. InrR*- liottlee .'•(Ic. and fl.nt (d)

atery nt m ataveTo IwlMiiiiid tiuud aiidfiMit for yenreby

tb- clutiu- «d dwe-H— i- tli- worst lorni ol •dnv-ry. (i-oru-D IVilliniii-. of Malichee- l-r, Mh’h.. t»*ll- how -uch a -lav*' wne Iliad-fr—. He -aye: “My wif- hne lH*-n Ml h-ipl-e-(or fiv-v-iire thnt-h- I'oulii not turn over in le-l alone. .\(ter ueiiiR two laittlee of KlivtrH' llitte»e. -h- ie wonderfully inmrov«*«l nnd abl- to do her own work." 'rhie eupmiie remedy (or female dmene—* quickly cor-wnervouanene. -I—fii—ell—e, nM^nncli.ily, hradach-. imek- nrhe, (aiiitiiig nud dixxyeji-ll-. Tide luira- cH* workiiiRiiM-liciii-iMHRiMl—ud tuweak. MH'kIy, run-down |e*oph’ Every liotll- Runrnut**-!). Only-“hi ••enie. Sold by Fil- «l-w A Millinnii. Druggi-U. («i)


luoa laonev ai low rate- of laiereei oa «^«te aerartty la any -uoi- <ieiMr-<t.

biimIrMi aa<l Iweaty orre-. ka4iwn mm thm ■"** ••■e-lislf inlise

1 ** "••..•("ha., rheap. or will isk- ia •*- (■Usage village property nr a -Mailer farm.

J. II. KkOKWA.KJR .•lALE coal slovr.oearlv oew.

Koqulrr ofO. C. fiaroer, -eruod-Ireet -ost of•IrtNit,

fi'ANTKI>-A maa with three hnodred dot- i*r- to lavest In a <*H-iaea- iluM will par JA •**T.T**Ihelaresiiwetii. This

* *"** **** Ihooiogi* -xamloailoa. Adiir— A, rare of Tax .Nxws.Ill w--2|i.

H'lMlIi H'A.NTKli—I will leertve -egisd propo-al-from ihU* date to Jaaonry lAth. iHPU. (roo) |M>rwoa- who desire to luratsh wimmI for lor -rh<M*l- of Ht. Johos. riirhty lMOi rortf- la-torh wiHei, of which Dfteea (1.11 (*ord-ran le* ItwM wood sad -itty-Ave «<f.M cord- greru lN*arh nod mapir. ooe hundred (loo ror«l« of Ibier f«Mti wimmI, -•|uai iierta of lirarh aad iitaple. Io b- dellv- -'-d hv Ih* lAlh of Mnreh. f'oairart to be mirrrd Into In writ law Uv r—|Mta-lMepani—. IllbSMV J. I'ATTKO-ox. Iltortor Hrbied 1)1*1. .\i*. 4, fUugham.

I.(iar—Haiurda.v rvraiag. m iMtekel book roninliiiag inoary ead —wiuir tnarhlo- re- rt^ii- lleward for l-avlag -amr at tbie

fit (’Al.lX promptly aa-werv-t. Uulek aad rHial^ -ervlee. oa- «.r two xf r. four .Vir to or from traloa. Rxretleatdray-ervlee ready al oil :|iTbe HIrei. see. Telepboae

Idrasai* d*v.

THZ Jan. 5. laui*.

Wheat red............ .Wheal wblir. ........!>>*«..... .....................Oat*..........................('lover aied.. ........■rin»*»|hv —*1.........Eye -.................... ...Harkwbeat...............

--------------------- rtil...........-............ ........... (Mi......... ..................... .vnacMM

gH.vier *4'31?................................ f 1 no................. 4r.............................

W'a.VTKI). *1 oocr W ot. ('rich pay-ra*b for-erond-hanil atovee and want* -ome at oocr .lleo Iniy- roa*. ropper, ■ior, lead aad rwbhrr. Faxon A Hirhmoad bioek.

Foil .SALK at a lairgala. bou— and lot. bto'k IJo. HI, Joka-. For partirntar- roll on J. W. Flltnevald at the Hiatr Itaak of Ht.Jokw-.

Foil HALKur exekaaae for tarm near At. Jokos. the property roroer of llighnm aad Mo ring-I reel-. roo^Oag of lot- 1) aad Ilf bioek 7. bavlog n froniog*- of tOAl- fret op

. lUgham "Ireet. runtdag Imek ah feel to lA ' feel obey. Tbi" I- vaieabte property for : bueioe— purp*—*-. I.ei a»e bear from -on** ' uae. AildTeee J. M. Doteik. Montpelier, lad.

uvarriKW('ow*. mllrh............................... ggo (hi m fdh (Mi('owM latted |ier rwl..................AJ ‘if* W AH **1*Mterr- fnlled. re (......................XH .'•(• «*. *4 (Mliio«» iM-r rwt........... ......................Am ooWAM 3.*>................................... ....... ................ A*.* (MISXA4 (Mlleonh-.............................. ......................................-latli

waoi.iui4i.K rnobvcK aki* ret it mahkilt

$4 Per Day SureWant hoaorstile. -tendy empiovment the yewr round at gtoMl w-ge-. ut 'your own home nr i<* travel? It m*-end for oar whole- raie price IM and partirwiar*. We furalab fTi' of ItaMk re«erea(e". Amerfenn Tea (’«. Ueiroli. MIrb. (4am7)

I bare rented

....................................(•bee-e.......................... ....................•■Vie- .................... •—.....................................................aeon- Iter **0......................—..IWn— hand i-rke-1...............Sb«*u((ler -mohed |ier Iti........-r*l..... .......... ................

Apple- per bw..........................Urte*! apple- |«er Hi................Ilried |w*nrh— |**ae lime per bbl.................IIuEpIo cem-nt (ter bi*l........Ponlnnd *' “Stureo per bbl..........................Hay tlmoiby.............................ilay mixed...................................Straw haled..........................«...

- ....................I Js* I a................... lot* 11.....................17S( IM.................. .SAet.v*................... T.'whT,.................... M.VktIMI.............................(I...................... .%***».................. .'.ornrh— -................ MSI 4....... ... ............ ***1 Id............................... .Vl...............................Mf...................... Al 1(1...................... XM .V).................... A4(M»srAA(Mi.................... At 'Ml......................X-'i «M>

fooPER SHOP. L*::: .*..Ouklaad sad lllgbemHirtwf-.aadufieaedup m Cooper Nbop, where I have all klode

of llnrret" lor-ale. | mimt allead promptly IO oil (••ojwragr Hepolrtog. liiMip Fitlep wnnied. Will |ia.r liigterHl ra-h prtre.

E. P. Mm.. .Ikli.

I Mendon'- Mnounir temple Is rompieted.I (iliMtwin (eachete ttieel January Ji, at liipdatooe3?Tbe "lale Ireaeurr -bowed a|babiare5of fL’tT.dfii.OU St tb- rbew of IM M.

ai«rki.i.AJ»rov».(’btrken- dre-eeil (ler It*.....................• 'btrkrn-llve................................ . ••••Turkey- tire—i-il per lb. (live iW**Itf^wax |«ee Hi................................. ..Tnibiw per H> ....................................('all -kin- green .................................(teefhble- ...............................................Sheep -kin- ......... .............II—eon -kin- .. .. ..............H*et lire—«■ ' rw*...............)*ork lire—*1 rwl .......WimmI bar*l and drv........Cat— (Mvel.........................('air— tdre—-*>> ......-.....


l•s•30*1 JA

............... 3*1«

................... “H

.................... •Ih......... I A*l I (M*3.A**1<.'1 a piert

AA(‘(>*('0( X4(M *iA4.V>

. At .Vim* I 7r.

EmN Tabass* AgE aad ftash* Toav IJE Aaag.Tb eatt takas** aaiuiy (msA fersver, bn omhi

saUs. (all at Ilf*, aarve aad rtmar, tahm Ne-Ta Bos. Mta w wadST-war bar. tbos owtMM waab men ■trngg All draaxista. taserE. Cesegwaraa load Essbiat and saande fraw Addrsas Etarttag Itaamdy ua. Cbisags *r New YevE

Delicate Children

They do not complain of anything* in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and pale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength. V*ou cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them delicate.

What can be done for them ?Our answer is the same that

the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen* tury. Give them

of CW-Z.i«rr Oil with Hyfm- pkmtPkitti, It has moat re- marKable nourishing poarer.It gives color to the blood. It brings strenj^h to the muii> cles. It ados power to the nerves. It means robust health and vigor. Even deli­cate infants rapidly gam in flesh if given a small amount ^ three or four tiroes each day. a

AM. sod A« w* I ai dmoExa. iSCOTT a aowwA, Oastas, New Ysik. %

Hewore of Otatm*wta far Catarrh UuktCaai* tola Merewry,

IIH mercury will rarHy dealrn.T the aenw** of Hin-ll and oompletei.v demiiRi* the whole Hyntem when -ntetibR it throuRli the mucoua aurtarea. Such nrticira "hould never be uhmI except on |)r-m*rt|»- fioim from ref>utable pliyaiciMnH, a- tip* ilnmaRe they will do la ten li Id to the rimhI you (•fill |MMmibly derive from them, liiiira Catarrh Cure, mnniitactur-d liv F. I. Cheney h Co., Toledo, O., contaiiiH no mtwrary. nnd h« taken internally. actiiiR directly a|H>n the blood nud miMsiuaaur* (ni^of the avHtfvn. In bu.vinR Ilnll'H- I’liiiirrh Cure ia»aure you Ret theRenuine,

j It ia taken interaallyaudmHdaiD Toledo, j Ohio, by F.J. Cheney k. Co. T(*atlm(»’ iiialafrer. Hold by drugRlata, 7&c |icr j Imttl*. 4

IlMlI'f 11 n i'y 1 ilia nr*'f he he* t.

(Ml. M tta-re A*l*aM( mat! ••It

Iv SAVE^ Youf Fucl

Hr Pelb,; THE ROOM-E&TER latove p|*^*>RAOIATDd wl h ita 12f» (!f(*S8 '|I’I»**NwIm*t. .d ml. IN. of Iron get intiwdy iM»f. thuM iKakiiiff OacHfifve or (urn: i'cdoUiewmk of Tam.

A»k (befell* wire, wbo are Heteg (b(» Hedlaier, a bat tbey iMsk of It; MpHa(4l»x A Cn., (I, U na-hetl. W L. Hoar* erawH. C B. (lia»4- A B Flfcb. F. K D-tritC Wm. Bala*. A, I.. Ntoge’ Willard l.y(*w. M. P* Rabhvrd. Fred Mftrrll

I, (SMta, AtklH-v«a, ItavlHHA rv. Drop ow a emtil ta* malt-


Valsaatr Erwpllan*Are Rrnad, but okinerutitionarnb IMaof

joy. llaeklen'H .Irniea Halve earvw fkeai, alaoGM. KaaniwRiMwt KererHorva. I^leera, Holla Felona, Cotaa. Warts, Cot*. Ihifii*, Hrntaee, HroMa. (lMi|iErd Hand*. (!I)IL blataa. Heat (file rare (Wi earth l>rtvws oot l*aia* aad .Ickoa. < hily 2A eta, a Imx. UarwRatwantaad. HoM tagr Fildew A M ML

M. I>TEB*tata. (9>



Dr. W. C. WalkerEiniiMNit Ph.Yairtaii and rtarpKW. of

^Detroit. Mkdi., fornwrij of Yurk,

^ will aalM tW IbliowUm H«icalar Moatliijr Viaita.


ST. JOHNS. Hotel St. Johns. Saturday. Jan. I4th.

And Retan House, uvid. Fri> day. Jan. 13.

Tb** Moat Sor«-.^ful Maihoda in tin* Trmttnaiit of Ail l>iiM>Haaa und

IMoriiiiti*^ Known to tb.*M.-iiinkl ui“’




Dr. Walier Will Dot Troat Any Unless There Is a Possibility of a Core

And Will So iDfono Too.

Examination by Retlection.By thr lair.! ■rl.'nllflr mwarrliM. iM.ih bj

Imurovt^l iin.l n»rlh«»«|. 1. fn <l»»ruvrr Ihr true■alurr .it Ihr illarajH*, an.) bK'atr tbr ..rwaii or pari. afTmtsI anil inanv illararr. anil riimplli'a I inn. «htrh harr hrmiiflirr priivnl inii.l iilmllnalr In tbr Mnllral 1‘ri.lrM.liin Tirlil ilkr mawlr umlrr hi. .kill anil .«.l.•alalll trmltnmt. TIm* •ttiTliir 1. rniliiw-nl with Ihr woniirrfttl wID ol lirlnK abir to illaaniMw without i|ur.tliin- lua. anO will ilriM-rtlM- with Ihr arralr.! at- rtaiarjr ,rour arbr» anti pain, wlirrrrrrlti rairtl. tril. britrr how a larron Irrl. that tlN-v i-au irll tbrluiHMTr..

Tbvrr I. no ami to ttvr la ron.tant roliwrjr It roal. l.otblUK to .rr hloi. Thr fullrat r*. atninailon. arr fprr and hi. prirr. for irml- ■irni arr within thr rmrh of all Hr U a trwinl to tbr attlirtml and will turn nonr awa> uoaldnl. Tbr larrrhant inlnwlr. with tbr ariUati whtlr .rrhlna' rrltrl at hi. hand, and hundrrd. arr i-urr'J rvrry rrar


Kbruinalt.ui t'uird —Mr i ha*. Mailby. oar of tbr uiMt rr.|in-tnl rltitra. In thi. vf. Hnity Mijr. I wa. takrn with I.a Ortppr last wintrr Stioii alter Uhriiiuall.m M>t In. aSnt'na ir.T whole .y.irin. .M% .utfrrinw. at tiuir. Were Inirniw- anil In a .hurt lime 1 iMkd iin oiiir Ml rianrlalrtl that I wa. n inriv •krlrto't, and onlr hy thr aid of rmirltr.• oalil I move arviHBil at all. I tiM>k lew. than three month, irraiinrnl of Hr. Walker who roinpirtrl.'i rr.|orr<l jtr to health.

Mr. Tlioma. *'rotty aliMi atrr trailaionT Mbr .ay. I»r. \% alkrr .atrrtl iny lllr. Three i.n. told me I had i-anrrr of the ho'wri. and ail»l.r<| an o|irratloB. Ilrf ire roaerntina to Ihl. I i:rrlilnt to ron.illt l»r W , f. Walker, of Itriroll. Ilelnit rontlnnl to my linl, I leletfraphnl the latrlor .After a rarrful rtaiiilnMilon Hr Walker lolil me I bad no i-anrer. lint my tmulile. wrwrbninli' tla.lrieHiiiMlriial t'atarrh. aanM-tatrl wHh Naoralwia Tlir l-ortor Mton rrileteil me aad In a .hurt time 1 w a. entirely i uml

Mr. 1.. 1‘rarl. who llte. near St. John., .ay. aliMi After trealliiit with Hr AA alker for one month I han- not lieen .o well lor year.

Mr. tiro llairhrl .ay* .After laklns a tnarre of three month.' ireainieni of Hr Walker I Irel liken new man. Al« heart anit aloaiarh had iroanleii me lerrtbli lor a Iona time, and wa. very nervou* all the while Hr. AA alker hrliw-il me rlsht alone

None, iwrhaii*. feel more eraiefni to the doeior Ihan doe. Atr. J. II Hennl., of ttrld. Mb. .ay* "I every |MMir .ulfrrer mleht kaow the etMMi I have rreel«e<l uader Hr Walker', treatlaent and proflt from my perlenee. TItere are many In ttvld aad tI- rtaliA who know how laiiwralile I hare lireii •ufleiine with a eoti.plirall a ol dUeaww whteh •wenied to rewi.t all m'dirni .kill iiulll Iron.nitel Hr. Walker Now I frel like a dlRerenl iverwon. I feel erairful l«i Ibedor lt>r and offer tht* te«iino>atai voinntatily for the l>meftl of all rhrt»nlc .tiflWrer. ”

Mr. H. W lUtae. «d itrid. rurtwl of ralarrii ol the .loiaarh of flrir*n year, .fandlne

REMEMBER DATE OF VISIT.Mr. W' S, lt«i«er. rnred of raarer of the

brea.t. She w a. a areal .allbrer.Mr. tli.rie. J. 1‘re.ion rare«l of ratarrh ol

.loiuarli and bbool |M.laonliMC, Mr. be woHl<l not lie In hi. fortaer ntadlilua affain tor f&.tSMi

Mr. AA M— aftar belac lairrea fitr ten yaar. ray. He -nred me. W> aow have twti little f-hlldrea. saffire to aay oar boate la a bappy oa*.

Bfrtletai r tor fit.I iNtaPIvely rared by a n>- aavit arleatlAe dbworerv

TroaMmiOie .kin dl.ea..., .aeb a. erneaia. Hall Kbeuai, Kry.l|>elaa. rtr., .aeeewafallv traalml. alao .iweial treaiamnt tor waak mtmm aad woieett ami d iwaaaa of tbr aaeroaa ajtatam. Ail rarabla rmmm etMiraateoil.

Mr. 1'. M, Stnlkaiaa rared nf Blood aad ■bln HImiae of twHve year, niaadlaff.

Mr. 1. K l.aaibrrt rarad of variraaa aWam na limb.

MIot Mia tVaar rarad of hrawiblal iroaMe aad laaff diaeaae

Mia. II. H, raratl nf letaala wrakiwaa aftar balaa treated by ma.y anted fftoyatrlaaa

Dr Walker .at iraafally traatn all dlaeaaaa of the Kee. Rar, Throat. I.aapi. aad all abmate. (wfeale aad aarenaa diaaaam aad dafnrmitlmi. aa ilnuialaiad Idd^ Iteafaaaa, f'rwa. Kyaa. Iitanbarffr at tba Kara. Hma- abltla. flieoale f'iraab, tinitm hta aaebi Km trar Woraa aad I'leera. BrMtht'a iMaaaae Kbaa< aMktbNo ail dlaeaaaa of tba KMaaea aad ■baddar. Ilaart. iMoffMeb aad Narvoaa Ola. aaaa.; fborva tfft. Vltaa Oaare), Kpllaiiar •la, Haaaral OabMNy. Wtrofala. Nhla INaaaaaa. aao all dlaeaaaa dae to bad Moodi alat> rartal

M^l will fftea i^aelal attaalloa to dlMealt aaop. aad to room ntbor pbyolrlaaa bare •ailed to rate Haab ttbwaava

^wanaa appttBNr b>r troatamat wtllplaaae brtaff ffoai nae to toar oaaeea of arlaa. ffmi pgamod la tba moralaa perWrrod.lor aaalynia

(jaaatloa Maaba aoat on aafflleatloa Ka* •Iwoa otaaip for reydy. rbaaa aaabla to mm ••a daator raa addreoa

W.f WALKKK M. O..•aa 7« llairaft. MMk


Isaart* with I). L. Hunt.I). E. .'^roiea and wib* am Rucata tif .St.

John, fhvdidn thia wmk.11. .M. Ilftartier waa ill Fowlrr on buai-

iieaa yaat«*rtlby.K H. I’mdaii. ot Kumka. upriit .NW

Yettm in Hay t’ity.W. \. .Nortiiu Had W. II. liriionon wrtr

iu I.anaiiiK TiNOMlMy.K. A. Illat'knev wita in llradley tlir 111 at

of the wmk on Ituninaiat.S. M. Htlllmtn in .leNidiiw the week

writ It hi. tnolber in VKrior..Minn Hniny SliertiiHU. t»( Ionia, nfient

littliday with fnetidn in Ht. Johiin.Mine Kruiii- Itinliop aiid| Knlnii WigRine

rinitetl in tlwtomo, litnt TliunMluy.Mre. J. .\ikrfi mtumevl Tueetlay (n>ni witli H einier ill Shmi- IIIIW.

Mm. Mary Allviiter. ol Fowler. n|ienf .Montliiy with Iter .inter, Mre. Wmtiev Itonti.

Mr. iiiifl Mm. L. K. I’tiitetMin. o( .\nn Ai-lMir. .ftent Sunday with frieudn in St. .ltdinn.

Mine .lelinie llelHIiev ol 'M’ueevin. M in., wiie the tfiieot of II. L. K.ler Siindny anti Moiiflay.

Mine .leeeie .Mflltmuld, of flwoemi. wae theplieat ol St. .loliue triellde MtHlda.A anti Tiientiity.

.See what <in»r»r Thick hue tti offer on Hiititiu-r |taiC*'< Ht' h»e nttm*- priftm wtirtli tirliutc till.

Mute Mary Hiirnliart mtiinievi Tiientiay troiii II twt» week.’ with Iwr .interin Iieiniit.

Parr Itro. . tie new urt.-em. an>o|ten ftir l»l|.ilieee thin week. They have It new fmeli .lock.

Mr. iiinl Mm. .\llmtl I'Mlmer.tiff Iwoneo, wem Ulieele of Mr. Hlltf .Mre. .Vino. I*ill- nier over .Suntiuy.

|(ev. dwell U. I^tA-eioy will preHi hal the Iteliual (irtllllD* (lull lieXt Suiitlav aflerntioii at - .iKt.

Mm. Silae Wmititi. left Tiiiwday even- iiiK itir a two iiioiittie vieit with a ilauirhter in Port lain).

Mm. Liizie linker, of lAnt-oln Netiranka, in vieiliiitc If. .M. Ilriire. ol Km-x. and .\.

.Iiffmye in line i-ify.Mr. Fret! Pttntlit. of Saifiimw. wa. the

tnient of her itareiii., Mr. and Mm. .lohn S«*hne»der, over Stiinlay.

Mifte Akik*. Htit.*. who hae i»een .|»end- iiiK the pa.t I wo wi-ek. at home, n*- tiiriietl to .Mina Monday.

Mm. Win. White of dil I’itv. I'eiin.. Ava. a »ftie.t of Mr. iintl Mm. .lemw- Sulli­van the Hmt t»l the wm-k.

.Mm. C’liHe. Tn.lti ami ilauKhter Kniina tif Saiciiiaw, were |fiie.t. of her m»ii. " L. Fri.hie, over Sunday.

Mm. Frank Stnuiu, of Lvon., wa. the triieMt of her mother. Mm. 11 M. .Shielde, the tom jiart of the week.

■Mm U. fiiedte mturiirnl Tueethiy even- iiitr tnim a moiith . w ith t••lHtiA•ee in Vinleii. Ill . aiitl lietttiit

itIaiK'hie Hiitl lUthadii Huy tie. have Ifttiietti Kiilamaitoo. Itir *i .liort time, to their .i.ter. Mm. llrewer

Arthur Salinhury aud Pom E. HtiTiie. .I.Mit New V**am in tlie home of Mr. uiitl Mm. Pane, in l{iiiahani town.hip.

Mr.. .\. Fi.hlieek left for St. laniiev*. tenla.v, when* «he wa. ealletl hy them-r- nni. Ulin-.. of her mother. Mm. A.-lolin- Nttn.

K -I. Uililliuei. of Kurekit. retlimeil MohiIiia Irom Imlianu. Hi. .i.ler. Mm |{. (iay Ilian, til Klkhiirt, mturnevl w ith him.

(iertnnh* iMilMti., ol ttukley. who ha. lieen a|>en<linK ihe holi'laT. with her uriiinliintTher. Mm. S. .1 Mintetm, re- tiirnetl home Mm tlay eAeiiiiiK.

Tniii. I.iiikt-. tif flivenVHie. «|.*nl th»* latter jMirl of la.t we« k ainl th»* flr.t of till, week With In.*r. Mm. .lohn 1 Shaver ami Theioii .''haver and family.

Mm. Plnwtnr S ili-htirv miiirne«i tnmi from Fowler, Kiitlay, tiller A'iniiiuR in die holm* ol her lallier. .laiia*. Sali.l'iiry. al.o th«* Mi.>>v. Ibii.A and Kiltie Kinley

l». .NioeKer. of who ha. I.vii .lieniilliu lhe|M«.t four week, with n*lH- five. Ill St. .Itihiiw. rettirmxl Iniim* ymter liny. Mm. M X. NtiK*ker aoroiii(ianie<| him.

Mr. L. X. llarlmr, of .'Svnilhent Palifor- nm. I aleh T>ete« anti wife,of liraml lt<i|e nf.. and Mi.. Etta Teete., tif Eiiieka. Wen*Hlle.t. of l»r. Ptmt the Hmt td the week.

Mm .1. NV. HIni.iu.. ttf iain.inic. Deputy lirnmi Phief of the Deym.* tn Httimr. IlintallevI the new tifttrer. tif .**1 Jtihn. lodue Tipfiday eTetiini*. SIh- re- turiietl htime yveterdny.

I,’, P. Vaiiahan mtiirnetl Tuenday morti- inic fnim Holland, S. Y , when* he wa. i*alle«i Frida? ft? llie illtawn of hi. water HI. imither. Mm. Illley, aemmiainiad him, and will ramaiii lor a few weekn

IMti. Harden, of dvid. haa had hia penoion increaaei) from ftl.iHl to 9H.IMI jier nnmth.and Mm. .\manila E. Wehator, of .Ma|*te Hapfd«, haa Item amntwl a widow'. |w»w.t«wi of W.INI fra? mtaith.

Enna llllxxard aanounran hlmaelf aa a mndidate for t»*wnablp treaatirer tw the KvNtnbltaiio tlakef. Mr. IlHuard name within aeraa Toloa of keenrfnir the noini- nation two ywira aao lAad thinka he at aatltlwl to it aext aytriaffr

The I^anaiaft Hefaihtfnaa taya; “It ia aniKwitawd that Kt-HayvrwwatatiTe Frank

Wwatoott, nl Varann. haa haan aattimi on aa the want dafaitT nollartor nf intk^- nal raTenweaforthi.dlatrirt. lllaatroiMr- eat mat fwa I Dir, Will ftranwin, nfHt. Johtia. will be afTon tt a lawHoflleaat that plaee.'

At the annimi moatiiwr of the ynaair man'a hfhfe Haae of the M. E. ehnr^ la^ Frhtay eTWitaa the Inflow ins ofhri m warr afar tad for the row iiiK year: Praat- dant, I!. (’. Waraar, Mrr’y,, F. K.Uawitt: Traaa., K. H. daauod. Tha mam barahip of tha efaaa now aamhara ahoat TO.

F. U. Buah waa la Luaaiac, day.

Mlaa line Kaillor apant Saaday with fnanda ia < frid.

Mtw. A. J. Millar apant Hatorda,? with friaada ia dtrtd.

II. L. Marah waa ia Vomou, the lattrr partof the weak.

Mra. fi«J. A. Mfftaff riaitad bar aoaa ia i^hiaaifo. laat wwbk.

John Kioaaar, of Fowlar, waa ia Ht. JohiMi, Tubaday, on baiiama.

C. W. Inarabaai. of loaia. apent Han- day with hi. wife in (it. Johua.

J. E. UttefI of, Kalaiiuuou, apaat laat waak at bia home in Ht Jubna.

Mm. H. W. flillam ia apaadinft a law wtodia with refatiTTW in f)Auaao.

M. L. Kenyon and Jefferaon Bain were ia dwtaBMi on hnwnawa. Monday.

Judffe Ihiholl held iwinrt lor Judice Ibiddaat Mt. PhMUMiut. Tuaoday.

S. IfaFoe aad Mioa Mabie DaFoe afirat Sunday with rrlativea in Saranac.

Mr. aad Mr*. Heorip* Kefley riaitadraia tiviw in dvid, the tlrat of the week.

Mra. John Schneider iaviaitiuK relativaa and frieoda iu Saitiuaw, thia week.

Mm. 1). (loudcrniont. of Morenci. via- itw) I'etativea iu St. Johua laat waek.

ti. I. Petem, of Hint, waa thenueal of hi. lulber, (ieo. W. Hetrrw. laat wra»St.

1^1 Hewitt left for (Imnd llapt«ia. Mon tlay inoniitiR, wheri* Ire liai a iMadtion.

I. . D. Parr and .\. I). L.voii were in Orand fiapitla. tin huaineaa, Saturday.

.Mm. .V. II. Pra.v and chiltirm, of Fluah- iotC. vi.iteil St JohiM rdaliviw laat week

Mr. and Mm. Fowl Miem til FoAvler, Ti.itwl Irteiid. iu St, John., over Sunday.

Mr. iintl Mm. J. Potter are viwliuK rv|- atire. Ill l'tnn|a*ii. fora t*oupf«*«if w«*»1di.

Mia. nara ('hadwick, ol l,au.ina. war theuumi of Miiat ?AUaie P.iwell over Sun­day.

Miiw Martha MePnw ol Hreckenridite, waa iIh* Kumt of frieml. lu St. Johua, laat week.

lieiijaniiii llolierta. of Ilritton, waa a Kuewt III tip* hiiiiie ol H. T. Smith, laat week

Mm. (fcvirae Wilke*. t»f dwooati, waa the auewl ol ivlativtet in St. Jtiliua, laat week.

Miw* Eva Kenyon, t»f DanaiiiK. apant Siimlay ami Monday witli St. -Ittlin* friend..

Mm. D (I. iVickee .|ieiit Sunday and the Hmt (if the week with her mother in SuuHeid.

Mr*. Pita. Atwell, of dwotoo, wa. the aueat ol St. John, relntive. and fn*ntl. la.t w«*ek

J. .M. McCall of Kntixville, Tenn., ivaa a tfUext in lire home of .\. J. Ilaitfwin, la.t week.

■Mm V, .1. Willy, tit lain.iiiK. Tj.ltttl her parent., .Mr. ami Mm. Muii.tiii Pliaae, la.t w*vk.

Mr. anti Mm. F. K. Perkin, an* .(leiid- inc a eoupl** of week, witli n*fuliv*wiu William.ttin,

Mm. Wilhiim Hlnl anti Svlveater lleeb** .ftent Hie latter fatrl of the week with triemf. in (ivnl.

Mr. ami .Mm Fn**! Ilnpika. tif Ionia, were am*’*!'* ami Mm. i\ . X. Suajk*er. over Snmtiiy.

Mr. and Mm. H .M. French. t»f Tnocola coiintx, wt*ieaue.l. other .i.ler. Mm. M. Haml. la.I week.

Mr. ami Mm. S. I). tlark and ifauahter, Malwl. of M ayne Tiait»**l refativm in Si. John., la.i w»Hi.

Mr. ami Mm. C. S..VlliwonHUililauahter Xt*ISie. ol dw<».ftu, .iieiit New Yearn with .St John, friend.

Mm. K. Pritv left for Vaeoar. Tueatiay imirnina. xvhen* wIp* will vi»it her duuah- tcr, t»everal week..

Mm. ('. J. Soule uml oiater. Mm. .V. 1. Ewen. .|.*til the latter fMirt of the wei>k with friend, in * Iwoimmi.

.Mr. uml Mra. P. F. l*arker, o* Owtatoo, wen* au**.t. of Mr. and Mm. J.W. Hrad- uer the tlr.t of the week.

Mia. Flora Fritz aud Mia. Portia Prnler, ol (iratiol fouuly, .i.*nt New Y**ar. wiih Mr. ami .Mr*. II. 1.. liaoaett.

.lohn Petrie, who ha. lovii nfa'ipliiia Hp* IMlwt two week, iu St. Jllhliv.retliriPWi to Evan.ton. III.. Satunlny.

Mi.. Jaiiit* Petrie, of Hraml 1(1^1111., wa. the aueat of her hrtilher, (ieo. M. Petrie, and .annly. laat week.

Mioa (ino'e Mclbmah), who haa 10*011 Mfietidiiiu Hte holidayaat home, retuiUetl to Yfiailanti. Tn*«*tliiy morniua.

.Mr. and .Mm. Pe|er |<athro|t of Mt. Ple.iMiiit. Miieiit .Siiipiay and Monday with Mr. aud Mm. Joa. i.Hthnip.

At the State Toarhem’ .kowonalion tielfi at IwMt week E. .M. Plun­kett. of (ivid, waa eiecttwl trt*aaurer.

('haa. .Steftheipwiu. tjf Ontenville, ia MfMMidina a <*nuple of week, witli hia |>ur- eiit-. Mr. aud .Mm. (J. iV. .Stephenaou.

Mm H llatway, of (>Tid, viaitetIfriendM in St. Johua, laat week. .Mioa l.oa lliil- WHA wtx*oiufMtiiie<i her home fur a 'hurt

Mr. and .Mm. .S. .V. Eyon, who have Iteen viaitina rdaliTea in Si. Jotina for the foiat .IX wtwk., left for Saaiuaw. Tucw- duy mornina-

Mr., .liiioa Ewina, '»l Ithaca, who bn. lown .peiidina I ht* holiday, with Iter oia- ler. Mm. P. J. Stiule,rctunied horoeTntni- ilay moruiua-

Mio. Minnie F^ton. who baa hoen .fwndina (he faiat few ilaya withreiutiA-m III Si John., returnetl to l>etruit. Sat- iirtlu* erenini»

Mr. anti Mm.Phna. Ilhlenoar. who huA-e Iwteti .fHaplina Ha* |M*al two week, with mialiToa in St. John?, reiuriieil toOwoa-o Saturday eveniua.

Mr ami Mm. Fml Ster^-nwon ami Mr, aorl Mm. F. J. Whllnev, of Ionia, were aoeot. of Mr. ami Mm H. E. Walhrida**. Snmiay and Mtiaday.

Wm Harrta waa in Pori Huron, the latter fiart of the week. The cntniaiiiT to which lie todonard Avaa mualerwd out at that plnt^'. Saturday.

Mm. Florence Kooe, who liaa bacti Npendina the holidaya with her |Nifenta, Kev. H .V. BiMie anti wife, returned to (Imnd llaftida. Ilotidny.

Mr. and Mra. I. Horton. Mr. aa«l Mra. F. J. Ward and Mr. an«i Mm Euicene Kina were aneata of li. K. Kiaic aa«i wife, of Fowler. New Yearn day.

Mioa lAllhin Pleimwi, who haw been •petidinR the hnialaTa tHth her pa reate Mr. and Mm L. (Viand, retantad Yiadlanti. Tnonday mominir.

Zada and IWrU* Ro«a. who batre hoan apendMar U*. holiday raontion with mla- titrtaa in Ht. John*, mtumad to their home ia (Niraaaa. Monday eveataa.

Married, by He?. W. F. Allen, at hi. rentdenri. on Wednewday afternoon. Her- emlier !IS peter W Mnnkley to Mhn Cum .M. Hnreaa. Iioth of Bath, Mhhi •an.

The foHnwina ia the liet nf adreelieed lettere: Mr. l>od|r'. .Mhert Fiieeahe fU), Jamee llaTe, I,naiaJaat. IJuieSchmd*r, Chae Smith. John Vidaa, TlnodoreWMtee. Mabel Wa«ar.



Meltria Kvee’ two children are oa the eiehliat.

Heary Hwrender apeat Xtrw Yearn with Mine l^om la ftler.

> Merit Chadwhdi iff numiac a tiatlly : awrtdicti fane anil eye.

Mm. Martin llaehler M okiwly reenrer- iug from )ier fferere illaeffn.

Miae Mae Clarey, of DeWitt, epent the hofidape with miatitree ia Hnw.

Bwrtiff Mentr, nf UeWIti. b rMtinc hb •nuH)|ia la filer for a bn daya.

Mr. and Mra. L. H. Hew rbited at the home of Frank Seldffa New Yinww.

Minnie Boehler b rieitinar her abler.' Mm. Anna WilheInM. at Portland.

liobert Hanee. of Ctiral. rbited bb ' uime, Mm. Errie Chadwick, laet weak.

PharHe Sfebht b mtertainiiachM aefth- ew, Fred Sfeipht, of Ibkota. tkb week.

Maffon Carter and bride, of Htnckhrida**. are rbltinp rrintlrea iu thin irimmunity.

Mba F^na MTIIkin b at St. Jubna bei|e itur tti care for her irrandma, who b oer- ioualy ill.

The Potter bnithem liare th»ir new dwellinir hoitee <*onif4eted aud are moA*- iiifc ill ti*iH Areek.

Chicken imx line made itn aiijiearanr** in the neiahhorhiKMl. Verne Schoala and F'lrn Irm lieinR the rictiina.

I.aat week. I.ncy Smith. fonneHy of thb place, riaitetl her mother. Mm. Fane- line Smith. She haa retumeti to loiiiMnir I to continue her work. j

Mr and Mm. S. J. Steele, of IieWitt, j vteitoii Mr. and Mm. E. I). Eawretice loat ] Thtireday. Mm. .Steeleb a ureal nufferer fnim a cancer in her throat.

On Tiieoilar laat. Mm Irrie I'hndAi ick and Mm Julia F'i'i (-ailed on .Mm. Saiii- iiel Steel, who b ill. Mr<. Steele waa f tmieriy a rrwident nf thia (*nmmunity.

F'rank .Selden haa named hia hahv laty “llrvnn Dewer ” fie ia a nice briirht hahv. and thri\'ee under »Mir ailver leader and izTi'alewt hero of the war namea.

Januarv 7 ia file date for the next rea- aular review of tlie L. U. T. M. and all metiiliem art* mpieated to la* prewent at ) o'cloek ahar|i, i»a the hir»* ia tfoina tt» have ita lactiim taken.

Phriatia Waidlich, who haa lieen reri aiek for oome lim#*. wa. taken mneh wore vmtenlay, and her many friend, feel (jiiit** alarmed atwoit her oerioiia (*on- ditioii. Dr. FJlix, of IteWitt, in attemf ina.

lotat Satnrdny. an Altierf F'liraaeon WHM retiimina fr .in lotinarhura. he Ml from bin waaon. and the reeiilt wii., a broken nhoiilder and two broken rib. He in under the care of Dr. S(-ott. of laiinuahniv. and b irettina ttlona iin wellaa (Wn lie exfiecfed.

Plirintma. wan a 'ad day for (ho Mil- i ler and familr. an relentlme death rotilieil t them of Utile 'TreA-a, a eweet little air* of I thr**e v*-am Her .ickneie* wan of abort I duration, and Imt death c«at a aioom over the etiiin* i*ommnnity whan- .he liri'l. The funeral wae held from the Wilaey chiireh Tneadnv, Ibcemtier 27. the Uev. llip*'l,of DeWitt,otficiatinK, ami |p-r little form aa-hm laid to rent in tlp‘i South Olive('erret(*rv.

Her aiiu went down in tin* Murnliia,AA'hllr all wa. fair and lirtahl. I

IlMl It .hlne* today uu the tar away hill. I III tip* land tbat know, nu niabt

One ol Hie moat notable oci*aaiuoa of t the holidaya waa the Maccaio*** dinner hy tlie Hew tent and hire, who re«fH}ude<i to a (*on)ial iiivitiition hy Mr. and Mm. 1 Joacfih Terry to meet w^tli tlietn at their | pleaaant home in Victor Thumday, Ih*-1 (*emlier 2h. Thumday muroinic dawncti ' hriHtit aud (*leur, aud an it wa. tie ttml | invitatiuii the Sir KniKhta luid loidbe ! hare hud from a uuu-.Maix-alav, they | thoutrht they would all ifu. aud Avhen ' the clock alruck 12, eiahty-etffht Mai*ea-1 iieea reaiiumhd to th. roll m'.I, which wan : folluweii hr a obtirt pr«j||rain. .Miv. Oru ' Metiti furiibhed v.iciil iiiuaic. Mm. (ieo. j Hunirr ((are a oelet't readioic. Mm. (ieo | Eiu(ou aud the Miooea Ota Lotllurroii ' and Ia*iia Chadwick Rave recitatioua. , Tip* .Mioom Nellie .S> pber lud MaePlavey | ftirubhetl inatniiiientul muak'. The |iro-! irrani, tliouKh .hurt, waa Kreatly enjo>e«i , hy all. The next on the proirram wa. | dmm*r, Avhp*li the laul.v .Maccaliee. fur- ai.hed, ami the H'lider can imagine the! huiiffry ariii that .preml o\'er the ladbe' 1 face, when they (altered their kind ho.-j te.' kilclirii to M.- that the kind liearleti , lady wa. troiuK to t((*at them to oyalcr.. i Tahlee wen* (wpiii loaded doAAii with 1 iroodiee of every available kind, to whicli j th--Sir Kiiiichl. aud loulic. did ani|ib: ju.tuv, am) aa hy thw time the day wa. ! drawing to a cloae, they extctpjeil Hie j wariami thank, totlP*ir liuat aud lioaieoa i for the iJenoMUt lime aad adpiuined to | meet with with Mr. and Mm. .\lviu Itum- oey, Tliuroduy. January 12. |

Weadwl at Haiti.The marriaa** lielb ranR out at tht* |

laaat'of Mra. l.ucv I.iudai*y. laat Wednro- * day, at •'! p 111., wIp-ii her dauahter, Mon- i tez, waa led into the p irlor hy theKroom, j Pharba P. Holler, of Hrand la'lae. Tlmy tiMik Hietr placea in trout of a lame | mound of liouoe plauta, that hiul la'll ! fixed acrooa the (*ari.e' of the room, in I which waa tin* hmW.birth-place over IH 1 yearn aao- TIp* cenammy wna ixin- ducteil iiy llev. Milo S. WidUr, uIko of! (imnd Ia*dfce, in a neat ami A-ery abort way. The weildiuic fetw Ariia eUlaimte. [ Tile preoeiita wen* auiiP^aia and aoeful. F'rteiida from JacdOMin, Hrand Ia*dMe, j WiHidbull and Hath wen* prewent, iium- i lairiuK about thirty. Tlie hupuy laiir , tiMik the ttml train north, amidat a 1 •iioiver of rwe. Titey will make Hmud ' Ia<d|0* their future home. * * * ;

IMiaaxi b a irnamiileed tatre for rtpai 1

matbm' I'ltarrh, lir(.r and kidner db- I eHoee. atomach tnxiblea. or any diaeaom j iiibiaa Inmi impnn* hliHpl. A repiment- j a tire of Ih-* i*om|iatiy i. at F'lldew A i Millman'e druR aiore. mrinic free treat­ment to all who o ill. If yon amalllicte«| with any ol Iheia- i|iaeu*>e«. call and oee him. It will cvMt you nothina, it Meeca doean’t laire you, and it will rviat roll iiothinir If It doee Mmca enrm a here all othem fail.

Nwll «>r HwwarThe follnwina pupib of ilbtrlct No. .'t

Daliaa were neither ahoent or tardA- for the month laidinft Deremtier 'JH, Ihhh; loaiti Salbhnry, Phae. .Sndro. Hm«*b Fox, PakI Zell, Mahte Mahar. teacher.




awwia Are ffwa CJIewa Ammr It •IM Wwvfc la B

ealr Tliwaaaatl Baa etiwiew Mavie I'a aab m fflaale Wawk...Maw

It ffeaniff noc oi life'* little ironlca tbat f!h iNMto. known onto ila enauiioff ■a "tbi city of wiakadneoff. pork and wind.” ehonid ha tha home of the larifefft flower mivatan m the United .Stataa. Tbi* oaoditlon of affair*, how- erar. la not wlthoot ita pleaaant thonichta. It ia 10 tbe alnma and the hoapital* of a fireat city tbat flowero. anaaeativa of unnebioe and iipao akie. ant) exbalina the perfotnetl aweeineM of pore air aud indolent breexaa, are moat welcome and moat lonRed for.

The preiamt giinintio pmpoftmaa nf the work done hy the ObiraKo flower mimiQO is doe to tbe Yoouk People's Society nf Cbriatiau Endtatror. The difTerent iiiemtwrr of thia anaiety in Illi- Doia, Iowa, MiehiKan. WiM-miain and Indiana oo-operate in aappiyinR tbe balk of the flower* dbtrDiated hy thia ootire miaaion Tbe railroad* and tba


i I

DIBTRintTINO THK rioWEHff. railway expreaa (ximpaniea carry tha haakelB and bnxe* of flower* free of efaame. and every Tueodar niominfr the hona* of tbe unciety in the Atbenmum bnilditiit ia tranrfnmietl into a Rreat ndnriiuii Ki'*'*uhoa>e, (irerfliiwitiR with all tbat ia beautiful in Hie floral world.

A. fast a« tbe flnweia come iu the bOQ()netB un* packed iu market lawketa aiai tbe louoe flower* piletl on lonir ta­ble*, where tber are aorted and tiMl up. the laak onmetimea oocupyiuK 100 wom­en for an entirv* day. The flower* are then {i**raoaallr diMrihuted, the niiaaioa memb(*r. IjelleriuK (hat a iNuniuet preoa- ed iiiUi tbe recipient'*band with a kind wonl nr two i* very mneh more wel- ctaiie than lan throwu in brau expreoa- mau.

Many are tbe eloquent little crie* and iraiqi' of admiration a* the flower irirl*. on their uiiwinn of love, ro tbrouffh the hiR city hoapital* riaitiUK the patient*.

In t^* winter there are many room ' patienta in the hotpitalu and'the honsea of refURe Hiau durinR the .uromer, and aroordiuitly the value of floral Rift* i* greater doriug tht* dark month* of tbe year. The Chriatiau Fmdearnrer* of ('•hicago bnp(« before another rear baa pametl to bare a greeuhouae of their own. *n that uu ad(*«|aale aapply (*au ha grown for the winter montho.

Dnriug tlie auunier .eaaona of tba rear tne variety of the floral dnuation* thatr«»me poiiriug in iaaatounding. tior- | groo. rtwes. liothouoe exotic* uo i rare . hluoaom* uau he aeeii piled aide hr aide i with hollyhook* uudaweet wtiiiaiuaand ' phlox uud mangold*, oometiniea enough to make up 'JO,(IPO oweet Buielliog txin* | quell. Heaide* it* flower*, too. the mi*- { ■inn diitrihate* at certaiu timea readiug luattcr and dellcai'iee, (oirtirularly at Thaukagiving and ( 'briatnM. time

FIthki. IH: Vrrk.


aotMal omA l^clr Wwar-It ninat ho admlMod that no nation

OB aartli draaaao ila okildraa ao taola- fully and ao oomfortablr and ao w«ll as onra. Wbatarer there ia of graoe or baanty or apeoial aaitability la ma­terial or oolors in foraign obildreo'o garmanU oar Amorioan mothera aaiie npon at onoe and amalgamating tbat with aometbing we had bafore or •ooie- thing coHimI from another aonroe mahe a now and Iwantitnl thing.

Bettor eron than that, the Amcrioao woman kuowa how to draaa her children soitably for all oocuioua, and it will go bard with her if ahedoMuot aneceed. She doaau't pat aflimay gown upoa the girl going to aebool, nor thin ■hnaa. hut she fits the day'* garment* to tba ncada of tbe day. and ihe fit* the garment* to the age aud physical dareloproeot of tbe daughter, aud luanagtMi to hide tbe often angular Agon* while dresving it iu a gown that aomebow apeak* iu occnlt ■ign* of tbe youth and luodaaiy of the young wearer.

Much of tbi* train nf tbongbt waa •nggeetcil to me tbi* inoruiug ua 1 ttoud watchiug tbe little girl* tile Iwfora me going to arhool. Very, very few of all tbat thmug of ohildren were untidy nr ill dressed. Neat ahna* and dark Ktnok- ingN and Taui O'Sbaoiem and pretty ■ailnr hat* were the rale. Tbe draasea wave a* rarinn* ae the wearer*. There were dark wonla,cheTiot*. aergea, plaids, atripaa aud a faw ttgures, all plainly made oa baflta a drea* to be worn stead* iiy. Tba skirts to all tbefrockafor girls from 7 to 11 are mneh •hortcr than they bare been for Kereral Hsasons, reaching now barely to the knee*. When geuniiiely (*old wtwtber oomaa, there an* legging* made of cloth to be worn. Kreu the “party dreasca” are much shorter than they were, and the akin* are gathered A'ery full.

Ater a girl is 12 they begin to length* an her dreasc* by almnat imperceptible degree*. At that age they come midway batwt*en tbe knee* aud auklea. At 15 they tonoh the top of the inttep, and th(* next grade bHuga them down to within two inche* of the floor.

A draiHi of drab caahmero and drab diagonal for a maiden of 15 i* shown in the illnstratiou. Tbe aleere* am) upper part of tbe nkirt are of the (wahmere. The waist and kilted flounce are nf tbe diagoual. Tbe neck baa a flat nqnare oollar honud along tbe t*dgei with ailk. A little liueof green and piuk embrohl* ery ia set down tbe center of the front of the plaitetl bodice. Tbe whole effeet was jnat exactly what it should be for a young girl.

For a girl of 1.1 there was a dress of flO(* dark hlne sarge. Tbe skirt waa straight aud hemmed and gatiiered fall to a belt. Tb<* waist waa dainty and girlish aud hod a mfRed flebu. trimmed with white lace insertion. There was a tnckctl gnimpe of white batiste and a oash of pale bine liberty silk tied iu tbe bark.

For “party” dreaoea moaiin, reiling and white or cream organdie an* the lieai. Mote atrea* is laid npon extreme ■Implicity than mneh trimming. Hib- hnn^ ill form of bow* aud mslie* com* pose tbe m(Mt of the nmamentatinn.

Dark and good material is nsed for chnrch and all other draaa oooaaiuna for


trfttmtmy. Lagrlpp^

tha maooaa maap braoa taka hoM

and fatal man Ha follow wltk alanniav fiw> <|aanagr. All of thaaa tronblaa ■iwaatarrh, aafl eannot aaMS

haalthy.Mrs. Lon Davia, FayaUarUla, Tmm.,

tails in bar lattar how Dr. HartoMaM grant catarrh raaaady, Fa-ra-aa. earad bar of la grippa aad aarioaa lane eaaa>

Sha aaya:•* I waa aflUetad with adlaaaaa aom-

moaly known as lagrippe twro yaaaa ■go; tba dooton said 1 had (noanm^ Moa. 1 got oaa botila of F’e-ru-na aad tha aacond night my cough atoppad. I took several bottlea, and I will sag that 1 beliare I would ba a dead wooMM now if It had not bean for l*e-rii-na **

Mary M. PmlU. Palpa, Mo., aajwP«-rU‘na Mtdicm* Co., Coiumbus, 0.

“ I had la grippa for three auoccaalea years: it seemed to get a tighter hold on me each year. It aaamad I waa In the jaws of death. What had hclpad nie bafore would not do me any good. 1 oaw an adrertiaamaot of Pe-m-na. I procured two hottlaa and It enrad me. 1 hare not felt aay symptom aznaa. You may uM Vhla in aay way yoa please. ”

News and Opinions

National! ImportanceThe Sun



Daily, by mail,^ -->$62 ycir tTally and Sunday by mail $8 a yetr

The Sunday[Sunis the greatest Sunday Newspaper in

tbe[world. JL

Price Sc a copy. By mail $2 a yearailctr»M Til K al'N. Nan York.

Turn Over a New Leaf.

We Sari iiltli tm ir- to atproaa nar (Ma? ttiaak* i«i (ler kia-i Irtiaan aa«l nHgliliofa wfftt iwalata>l oa ilaiiaa llo* ilaatli aaff bertal tti liar Iwlnvaa aoa, Artkar.

Ha. A*e Ma* Joaa awAoat.

Dr. .\rthar rorbni graduated In IHBl. He baa had mnri* .roara of expartama in pracHa* than ha* aay other graduate now praetkiag deatlatry in dlnton manty.

.\n (Mi acre (arm lor oale oa near tana*, with weeaaty aeraa iatprorail. and gmai liaHdiaga- and fdaak.r of watse. also a good pair of wo^ horaaaiMid agnnd dou- bh* team karaaaa. Inquire of

A. HaAiMBa.Hi. Johas. MMdgan.

SACHET BAGS.Thev .lew CoMmitn. hat Jwat mm Sweet

aa K«ar.Hachet hags arc rather cnmiiioii, hot,

like ull Nweet (Mlnra, arc pleasant. Some cotton halting, a little oarbet powder scattered between the larct>, uud a lit­tle silk to make tbe lam i* alaint ull that (me need* nave tbe talent to paint on the material or to embroider u daiuir flower or two. A hit of a how of ribbon or a rnselto on one (*ririHir ttnishe* it.

Harhet* roar he nf many kind*, rwlnra and aixe* Some with a mixture nf pnw- dcretl rlore. rinnaninn anti apice* are used to perfume table litieu. Other* with lavender flower*, or, better *1111, tbe dried, old fashKaird sweet rlorar, are moat dalightful gift*, especially to the dear old ladie* who loved tbaoe per- ftiwea in their linen rbeal* in their Tonth. And eran now nothing i* half ■o sweet a* the sahtle and elnsire fra- graut'e of the aweel clover blooaom*. It i* like a perpetual breath of new mown bay—reaWrday'a bright flower*.

All who wear spectacle*or eyeglasses know bow easily they get hinrred. and a haudkerchiaf ia a poor dapendance to make them bright. A wipar *110111 aaoagh to be carried in a vest pocket or parse ia always a welcome gift to aay oae To make them cat twtt oral piece* of soft rhataoia aboni twice aa large a* the spectacle glaaaea. and hattoahole the edge* all arotUKl with staae bright col­ored ■awiag ailk. and tie them together at oae and with a Hay bow of hahy rib- boa to taaioh the atlk, and they era tktae. nnlaos the tanker wishes to paint a flower tai the oataida. They npaa oat like a hatterfly’* wing* aad foM over the glsiaae. which they peltok delight fally. ___

Qaa*n Marie of Portagal it tbe naly woauin of royal Mood in the world who is a phyticiaa Hhe was a daughter of the Uoaite da Paria aad otadiari BMali- Mae ao that ake might ba aMe to rate her lavelld haohand. Hha iasaad aa adiet agalnai the wearing of ooreata, and it nae of the visiting phyaiciaaa of an Inetltatlon for the tfeataacat of aiefc whiah Mw calaMlahed.

roH Viirxo FOLK*.ont of door*. These Avhen worn one sea­son an* dernted afterward to school or every day.

Jacket* and oloaka vary hot little from those of laat aeaann. nnlca* per­haps ill color or a different adjaztment of trinimitig. Tbe mngh surfaced staffs arc preferred for young folks' ocata.

j 1 noticed in one large bonoemanr in- I reriiees (wpes. These arc made in tweed I with a thicker cord than uanal. These I art* lined with plaid taffeta, both the I coal and (wpe portion* There to a vary thick and woolly looking cloth much affected for rItaUts for (|nite Rroall ohil* dreo. Iu dark rash green and chwuint brown it 1* rerr hcaotifnl. Tbeae cloaks are nsnally Linger than the drceeee and ore trimmed iu many way*.

Eider down for children ia so very aoeful and comfortable a* well aa bantl* oome it i* no wonder we And all tort* of garment* made of it. Tbare la striped elAcr down and tbat inakaa pretty coat* for small girl* and boys, light and yielding.

< hie neat little coat wa* laid in box plaits from lop to bottom with three large bom hatton* on each side plait. Tbe nolot waa blae stripe tm a drab foandattnn. There wa* a ronad flat ool­lar with a plaiting of dark blae velvet at the edae. A while kid hemeaa belt wa* amand the waist.

Honda and bonneta for the little tod- dler* are annoaally pretty. Hoorn ore in Normandy styla, othara Holland, others again of no particular mark, bat all are dainty and beooailng. Indeari I think nothing ooald be ugly on a Imby. These little honnata and hoods are made of any aad every thing that is soft aad fhie aanugh for a baby's faea, hat tbe thing* ■MMt oftaa asad are tarry velvet, velvet la ivory or white nr very pale Hate, satin, faille, taffeta and cashmera.

(iray cashmere trimmed with piak la vary dainty. The Nnrmaady cap shape is a favorite jnet now. Tbw faehioaa ■re followed hy the riekaM famlliaa te tke land. UaitBiarni BrjtigteAO.

Y(>u c*iti turn over many n uew leaf in Ho* fetiiily Hlhiini. Hud it Ave huA’e taken Hi** |iii(itii, you'll Nnd every new page a fiL-naant oitt* Hur plidios 11 n* not only liHiki, hut urtiNlie, emlMidviiiK tlni Ntroaaest fi'ltures of th** sitter with tbe (iriistic t ffei-t of nictlem iihotograiiby.

HA.niLTON. rhe Artist


To Enamel and Clean for Summer.

Enameled Any Color Wanted

And Fixed up to Look Like New.

Now is the time to get them in. Come early and be

served tir»t at

CN.I(lllff’lTa Cura a OaM la Oa* Day.

Take Imxatire BromoQateieeTahleta. AM draggista r»4nnd the moaer if it (alia to ogre. We. The gvavtee hai* L. B/'Q. og tawh tabfai. TaAva A Hxagg.

& i


iste wmmm w^-•mmmm m mmmm a SaMm-a L^osas ssiSMilwt ptswaai ar Nsiaaaiin MMaf A**BalBB*la*M. asi.lsusstha 1


Businkss Dikbctory.




Catarrh is 'SEWIiL CiTEST. Not Incurable

OMWA « WILMBIOOB. ilturMf •t L«aw. <>AM«tv«r*'onMr Drw mimm____

M. HKUMM*K.AiU*rMy At Law,

But it

At. JobM. IM

not tan oornd by

Miehigan Rtapubiicana Much (In* in the Matter,

a. u. hmmiii. k'.K. eK«si«. A.<i.nAi.»wi»nvMIUMA A nht.U«riM, Attormmft

Iaw m<I HoMrimra la t*naacerjr, iwU lati aaaaf marTraa—r-n~-* mnitmy Itiaaaiw. asaaala^ iKIaa. |iAr tasM, •x«eai# (MNMtoa patMMW, aatl aM»k* eoWwlUiaa. All baAaM amiNUtljr aad acraraialjr a»t«a4«i to, OMrr oeae uatrbae'a Abo* atatps at .>io. It <^latos avaaa*. At. Jnba*. tllebUiaa.

Rtuih af. «r«Miimt;rr, Jimiicv of tb» PMtrv. t’arrfal atlaatloa ^Ctvaa to all

auooetloa*. oMIra uvar .LIIIbob'* Jrwmtmr)

UtriN U. Attoraa> at Lab. HI.Jubaa.£

S. m. AMiria, Atturaay at Law. Ht. Juba* Uleb. i fliraovar ilrllrrv’ liasaar.

IIITHIC TE.M’HEKM.bjf’M. DM. UOiMtK. TMM-arr of Plaa4j, tn- SL naa. Vocal tiaair aa«l liaraiuajr. laAr rtMHia ocar HpawMIaa*" Hanlwar*

PHYHiru.Nrt.raa. m. o. mi

aaoa. t>nl(voT*r Uuat'a Drac Htora. ItTjobaa. Uleb.

Hakv f. Uitvana, u. u. oaee overNoble Haraett'a atore Ht. Jobaa. (»Mrr

boara; W to 11 a. at. aad :f to A p. w. IU U.PtMTM.U. Pbjratrtaa.HoficaoMaad Oa Sttfrr PoMIr. •»*€»* orer H. W.STiltoa'a Ullllaaer aiora. .\ti lAntatoa Ara- aae l{aal<taai-e roruer lAaalaic aatl Koilcera Ht.. .Ht. iitliai*. Uleb./itL.I.AM AMbKItiilT, I'byalrlanaaailnur* I iT tfeoaa ttOkrr aail reapleaee weat alila lU j Court lloaar a<|uare. t>dlrv hour* I to I •trery alie''n<Mtu. j

Dm. j. W. POI.I..1HI*. H. I>.. I'byaM-iaa I aatl 'Uneeoa. Ht. Jobna. UIrb. Otter |

oear .ttair ili.ak.


a .i1. Iliri.l. rn'lrrinkrr, .S«i. IH CtlBtuB

re. Heablenre JINi Mlale St. tVrat.

J'UliCLi.Vrtl.N Cttr.NTV SaVI.MJS ll.i.S'K .HT. JtlllNS. .MICH,.



ALHEKT J. it.\LlltV|.\, freal.lent.*J. PENXKLL. Vtee-Prealdeot.

P. E. tV.LI.HW'Oitril. Treaaurw

waataea ami inlialinii mixiurM w hieta mneh Aniy Um* aurfnoe. Th« diaanM k in Um« biutid, and oan otily kw raaahnd ttarou^ tlM< btoud. 8. K. B. i« thn only mDMlT wkirh oau have any eflnet upon Ontarrii; it curaa the diaeoan parma* nentlj and fcnwvcr rids tim ayatam oi every trace oi the vile complaint.

Ulaa ioMa Owoa. ot Uootpallar, Ohio.wrItM: **1 was af- flirted fraat lalaasy with Catarrh, aad an car can kaow tbe saff.'rtna It prodaaw briler than 1. Tbe spraya and wasbat praeerllird by tba doa- tar* rrSSered SM oaly tanpurarlly, and tbou^ 1 used Uma

ooaauatly' for 'tan yaars. tbe disnaaa bad a flrwer bold thaa aver. I triad a ntuabar ol blood rvedlaa. bat tbeir mlaaral layivdlaaia •aillad In ay tnaea and pave ow iliaaaalUni. I waa la a luaenubla eocMUtlea. aad atlar as- hsaattaeall trrauarnt, waa daola lad tneofabta Haalax S. A. 8. advartlavd as a oeta for blood dlaaasaa. 1 dretdad to try It. AS soon as ay ayslea was under tba effect of tba madtetaa. I baosn ta laprove. aad alar takiBff It tor two aaontlu I waa enred roapletaly, tba dreadful disease wa« eradlsaietl from ay ays- tsa. sad 1 bare had aj mum of It.**

Many have lieeti takins Ineal treot* ment for years, and tiniu themselves worse now than ever. A trial of

SS.S%,B]oodwill prove it to be the riirlit remedy for Catarrh. It will cure ihe most ub- •tinsle case.

Books free to .my nddreas bySwift wp*vXiuc Cu > AlloEiA, Us


THEState Bank of St Johns,

of St. Johns, Michiiran. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS.

Capital paid in $50,000.00

PORTER K. PERRIN. President,0. W. HUNGER. Vice President,

J. W. HTZGERALU. Lashlcr, R. A. BEEBE. Teller.

Thrt*'JUT ci-ut im*Tf*t jKiitl Mil •■••rlift call-.- >f ileiHi.if ,'irnl on -Hviiiu- book nc tHHinf* limo-u"o<l III any jiari of tti«* I'nif»-«l or '' iimiln ainl intll»- |llitl••^p.•^^ ••Ml«*U of l'Il|TO|H'. \l'«‘(l||ll|l>of fiirni*-i>, m* r>’hiint- and lll•Tllallil- r*- ^ n-intl on favoniliU* ^♦-rmu. and i-very m-- roniod itioii ••xt«'iitl.Hl mnuixlanl witli , saf- Itnnkinu. Snju-rior fadlitie* for making )-nlU<i*ti(Mie of all kinil->.

looey Lotoed on Approve Secorlties.OIRBCTOR5:

ll«••lvr and ll€M*ulvr.The Ubilistiiie tells of luretinff a

wniuau at a literary rroeptinii in Loo- doi) who Maid rhe hiwl heani the Ameri­can ‘‘hosier poet** read at Exeter hall. "How carious that a hosier shnnld be­come your poet laureate iu America!" she said.

The Pbilistloe did not know what she meant, but followed tbe trail of her chat until she said that Iter favorite amouK the "hosier poet's" poems was "When tbe Frost Is on the Ihimpkln." and then be exclaimed that it was "Ri­ley, tbe Hoosier poet."

"Ob, yon Atuerirans have such a queer way ot prouoouciuit things,"said tbe woman.

"Yes. but Mr. Riley is not o hosier, be is"— beitau the Philistine.

But shti cut tbe i xplauatinn short with, "Oh, 1 siH«! It is a joke, tbeti. You .\meri(wu* an* so fuiiuy. 1 suppose yon think Mr. Riley is a bluestocking, and Mi you call him a hosier."

Tli.-rr -irt- illhrra.Berber (tisbing foi a compliment >—

Did .Mr. .‘-tubbies say Hiirthing about bis visit to luy place?

Victim—I think he did. lie uid there was sniuething unique alsmt your shaviug.

Barber (delightniv—Did he, now?Victim—Yes; 1m‘ said that while in

the cbuir it was tsirue in ufKiu yon in the strongest iiuuiuer that you were tie- mg shaviul. Aft r you left it was ini- {sissiblc to n*ali/.e tliat you had been khaved.—Ihistou Transcript.

0. W. Manger, Qco. F. Marvin,J. H. Corblt,J. H. Pedewa,J. W. Fltigeralil,

Jesse Sullivan, James Rtcharison, Dr. G. E. CorMa, Porter K. Perrin .lolin J. Reiser,

Geo. W. Emmons.

Ja«N’* I'lre lalantl.Olio of the greatest wonders of Java,

"tbe tire islaud." a large lake of boil­ing mud. In nearly tw<>iutles in circnni- fereiMH*. and in tbe i-enier immense col- niiiiis of KOft, hot mud may )<u seen ctiii- tiuually rising and falling, like gnwt black timbers thrust forth and then •uddctily witbiirawii bV a giant's hand Besides the |iheuotiieaa of the on]uuiiis. there an> two gigantic babbles near the Western e<lge, which fill up like huge ballcMius and oxplodo on an average three times per minute.

S. I. II




Ht. Johns,


-BXCLUSIVBLY.-mMih of vainaMe lalor-

■atloa aa«l fall lArileulam •sat ftvr

tsaWss 4k FlsaSkfi.Rosarwaa Hlk., Oraad

KapnOk, WIrh. Braaeh uttM Wasbtairtoa. I>. (’

A CuwrIaatTe I'alralaVloa."1 >hould think that young man

would tiave mom eeufe than to call on a girl every night," said Mabel’s father at l)reakfast.

"Tbe idea!" exclaimed tbe young , woman. "That shows how (wrelessly > you judge. Hertiert’s the only parson 1 I over saw or heard of who was smsrt | enough to tslk seven nights a week j without telliug sll he knew."—Wash- I ingtuti Htar.

K«arlisk lAMUoMraera.The distance from Liverpool to Lon-

flnn ift XUl milaa (Jn each side of the railroad, as far as tbe eye can reach, the most beautiful and most splendidly cultivated farms present tbemsslves, but not one foot of th4> IsmI belangff to tlioee who have thus brought it tn soch >N<anty and perfection. It all belongs to •tx men. who own it beoanse tbey bap pen to be the oldest sons ol their fa thers.

Tbe Moki Indians iu Arlaona are sun worshipers, and their Christmastide fes­tival is a son dauct*. It is much like the »nakc tlanoe ul tbe midsummer suasnn.

COmfATNM"I save seas 14 See* at a Uwa woman* m

■s»iwsei er tOa s*wn. ast swas *SI* ta ■••• taaw aaaaet Sr aatas Sat watar laltatltaa Otaai* ■aaiiipsina far *avaa yaasa alaaaswala tsanarriata ■aasttlaa. SarteftSat Mwa ISMev- arTtataelSaateafSataavarfaeaSMiT raaaf;aBaS eaaair «aaa aeiU I aassa aWas CASCAMTU. I aae aa«a tri laitatasaasaaaaeaaaSaf.aaSItl eaa rtas I easts jlvs W tor aaaa wavaawatt It laaaaa* raUaC." Avuiaa L. Hrirr.

—eawtiat. iiawnt.msa.




A UMBLV MOMIM to ttau fahuM flffwer in ftac gantoa of humanito. Every woman mev be tovuly smr bar own style, win sperfcliiif cyM end roay ctacuks, end with every line of beenry fully developed.

Pabet Malt Extract, Tbe ** Bn«’* Tonic, will bring ott> her bennty. Ml in tbe hoUoM, cover up tbe bonee and englee, round ont tbe enrvee, and deveton all ber llnea of haantv. It to a Aeeb end tiaane bniWer mat will make any woman plump and round and roay, ae she wna meant to be. Tiry It yonruelf and your nHrror uill abow ynu a


le l*eali*ata lUa niv*t Mas*MvlOtta IM*ea*a4 tM—Olsaaaslaa Overttaveraer i*feraa‘a 4ea*aaaetattt ThaiMe Will Itover Utm heartmaet t MethlaeoMia atMl talnuHlasaa Tas Istwa- ThaMaht mm tha Mertaaua Ths Imm.lAnaInc. Mlrb., Jaa. X.—With the ar­

rival of Governor Ptn«r«c, Mvnator ka.rrows and Albert Pack Friday, the sceiK* of the senaiurlal battle was re­moved to this city, where U has since been waxed with iiicreasinx vigor on the fisrt ot all concerned. There Is practically nothing new In the situa­tion. that la so Car as the arguinenui and methods used by tbe contestants to Influence legislators to vote Cor them are concerned. No new considerations have been Introduced, and the chances have been rung on the old ones ao many tlmea that It would not be proflt- ahle or Interasllng to go Into detail Iu this letter.

It Is very apparent that It has been many years since the Itcpubllrana ol Michigan have been so thoroughly wrought up over any matter aa tbey are over this runtset. This Cact Is am­ply demonstrated by tbe presence here of almost every prumlneni member of the party in the slate. Certainly net since the memorable flxht of IkSS. which resulted In the retirement of Thomsui W, Kerry, has there been any such In­tern's! manifested tn the election of a senuiur.

There are practically but two candi­dates. but they have succeeded In hav- Ins nearly every county In the state represented In the lobby. Home of the counties are reprtaented by scores of Itepublican workers, and the throng has overrun the hotels and I'oarding houses and spread into nut a few pri­vate houses.

The publication of Mr. Pack's letters to western Michigan lumbermen slat­ing that he has always favored a t2 lumber tariff has bad a noticeable ef­fect on tbe situation. Much of the op­position to Burrows has been due to his attitude on this question, and now that Pack admits that he stands in ex­actly the sante position It la generally conceded that Burrows will be materi­ally strengthened, the force of one of the strongest Indictments against him having been bn>ken.

<**w4t4 ey mt C'eleael Irtek.There is no reason at this writing for

supposing that the candidacy of Col­onel H. M. Irish of Kalainagou will cut any considerable tigure In the contest. While the colonel Is admittedly ver) popular In Kaiamasou, he was entered in the rate too late to enable him to make any Inroads on the Burrows' strength 111 hie lioifie • tty and ttiunly.

Nlnet> per cent, of the senator's fel­low •cltiseii*, iet.urdless ot tMiriy attil- lot Ions, apj/ear to be lacck of him In this matter, and wnil-’ it will be the {lolicy of the o|i)usltiun to have a lew votes cast fur iiisli in order lu establish a rall>tnK |>oint should there appear a < hance- to start a siampeile from Bur­rows, It would not be wise to wager any moii'-y that the colonel's candidacy will, at uii> lime, becuine formidable. The prudtiit man, too. will either re­frain from belting at all. or, if It Is a case of "hu\e to," he will place bis money on the senator.

There U a t-ght between the senator­ial - andidates over the manner of vot­ing In the lauius. Contrary to bis at­titude four years ago. Burrows favors an o|»en lialloi. The Hack men stren­uously up|K>se this. asserlinK that It is conirury to the principle Involved In the Ausirullati ballot system, which every­one has been endeavoring to have es­tablished In Its best sense. The right of alone knowing how hts vote Is cast Is, they Insist, one that the legislators should not be deprived of. While.Hen- ator Burrows has declared for an open iMillot. It Is not Improbable that there will be a sufficient num.ber of legisla­tors on each side to make a combina­tion that will force a secret ballot.

Ta* !»t»eaker«klp Caalasl.The speuKeishlp contest has been a

warmer proposition than the senatorial right in Its way. It has really been ‘letween Carton and Adams, with the PIngree and unll-PIngree lines drawn very sharply. The Carton people's strong card has been that the house should be organized In accordance with the declaration of the slate platform tn order that tbe indorsement of the Alkinaon bill might be proved to have been sincere. Carton having the Pin- tree Indorsement. It Is argued that tn case of his election there will be no chance for a miscarriage In the ap­pointment of committee which will have charge of this and other reform measures advocated by the administra­tion. There Is an inclination on the part of Adams' supporters to line up all the Burrows men on the side of the Grand Hapids candidate, but this has proved a trifle dangsroua. Inasmuch as several of Canon's warmest supporters among the legislators are under In­struct Iona to vote for Burrows, and they have announced that If this line Is drawn too close to be comfurtable, they will declare all Instructions off and make a change of front on the sen­atorial question. Carton ta the gainer, too. by reason of some little jealousy among hta aeveral opponents Kach of the latter la said to prefer Carton to any one else If be cannot biraaelf be elected. However, the eenatorehtp looks like an easier problem to solve than the speakership.

lasmw* aa4 lakesttaaes Xkta.Oovemor Piagree's annouacemettt

that he will favor tke eaoctmeat of both iBcome and Inheritance tax latva has created a great deal of dlacusaton. It is recalled that on lakerltaaos tax law was eaacted In Michigan a few ysara ago. bat it was prosaptly de­clared uacoaaiittttloaal by Ike supreme ooart. witlls tke federal supreiae court amde a similar ruling regarding tke ta- cewn tax taw pasesd by coagreoa Much cure and eklll will, therefore, have to he earretasd la the preparation of both Mile If they are to pass tke ecrutlay of the court of last ressrt. Some fauM M lUuad wrtth tke governor's proposltloa aot to tax incomes of Isus thaa tl.W per year. Theae who take egcvptton to this asaert tbe rate should be leuseaad as the income decreased, but If we are to have such a tax at ail. every on* ekould be required to contribute hta share to the fund derived therefrom. It Is pointed out that a man's rsal ea- late Is not exempted from taxation ha- •nasr It happens to be worth leas thaa that at hts aeighbar. hawsvsr lean that value map be.

■snator ....................... ot LgaMng pna*

poses to irrvke a determlasd sAort'to ^-ave the Tr rrc ns sjotsm of satab,tshlag land titlsa ad'iptsd by MIchigaa. While

I this will be a radical change from the time-honored custom of d'pending up­on county abstractors for a history of one's real estate possissioas. It ia pointed out that several foreign coun- triee have been ustag the system with the utmost success for a long serlsa of years, ao that It is no expertsaent.

AflUr the UluMde lesw.The lllincia taw has retently been"ds-

ctared ('onstUuttoaal by the supreme court, and it la prtipooed to model the Michigan Mil after this statute. While a great protest will gfi up from the owners of ahstrset bojlca. It Is pointed out that after a rsal estate owner has paid a large sum for an abairact be has ho guarantte that bis tltl* Is clear, tbe document sold him by the abstractor lieing merely a history of the property, and may or may not be correct. Many a man haa purrhaacd a golil brick of this nature to hts everlasting sorrow. The proposed system will have all this work of establlahlng titlas dune under state superv’lalon.

It has flaaily bsen decided to take no chances with the Alkinaon railroad bill an far as the repeal of the special rail­road charters ta coneemed. The rea- aon for this la that It will require a twu-tbirds vote of each house to repeal a charter: only a majority vote will be required tn puaa a taxation btll. It was deemed unwise to leave In the bill a repeal section and thus make It neues- aary to get a two-thirda vote tn order to pass any part of it. Under the con- atitutton the company will have to be compensated for damages sustained by reason of the loss of Its charter. The aefiarate hill pArpare<l by Representa­tive rbeever of I>etrolt, who will suc­ceed the late Colonel John Atkinson os Ihe Plngre«- leader In the house, dot-s not name a commission to determine the am'iunt of damag-s. hut leaves this matter to be settled by a regular Jury when the company ap|>eals to the courts.

ral(er«n Test lleek lllll.The school t--ucherB of the stat.' ap­

pear to be untied as to one |>r<>|toaltlon, and that Is that the Graham-Forsyth uniform text book bill enacted two years ago Is the worst sort of a mon­strosity. Its optional featurss render It. In their o|tnlon. practically worthleoa. while Its other provision are cumber­some and unwieldy. At the annual meeting of the State Teachers' aooo- clatlon. and also of the County Com- mlsaloners* association last week. It was resolved that one of the first things the legislature should do Is to repeal this act. They also, by unatmous vote In each Instance, derided that the next step In school book leg.slatlon In Mich­igan should t>e tbe enactment of a com­pulsory free text bi>ok law, arguing that this syatem givea to all children of the slate a more equal cliant'e edu­cationally. furnishes the very* best book* at the lowest cost. Increases school attendance, and ha* prove<i pop­ular and unqualifl d y suicessful wher­ever tried. If such u bill cannot be (tussed. the educator* favor the enact­ment of a broader and more p -rfect uniform text bcM>k bill than the one enacted tw^ years ago. and they In­dorsed u bill that has le-en pr-par d under th«- supervision of SuiH-rlntend- ent of Public fnsiruttlon il.tmrnond.

Morlxagr Tax la»w.Another dvtermir. 1 effort will bi»

made this yeai tu have the mortgag- *ax law retM-Mled. .V*»e.**or Gakman ot Detroit, who led the right .igalnst the law two years .igu. has act'umulated a gr«*at ma** of evid< n< < !>• aring onIts alleged unjust ness, and |>r poses tu return to the fiuy with ren<;wfd vigor. Inasmuch as both the Sl4ite (Srang* and State A«s. elation of Farm-rs' club* at their recent annual m-etings In­dorsed the law, it is |x>SBlble that its enemies will m* t with n<* greater suc­cess thin time than they did iw<i yearn ago when the name Intlu* nee* were ar­rayed against them.

Fronting by their experience in .advo­cating a large numlter of hills and »•> dividing their strength as to fail to pass any of their measures, the lab.>r organi­zations of the state have wisely de­cided to confine their efforts this year to two or three bills. They have tle- termlned to make their big fight foi the abulishment of contract labor In prisons and for the eaiattllshment of a printing offl e by the slate. Previous to election they exacted written pledges from l&S candidates for the legislature that. In the event of their eivctlon. they would supiKirt these measures A large proportion of these candidates were elected. Consequently the labor men are hotwful of jiasslng their hills .\nte- electlon pledges have usually proved to be very much in the nature of dead sea ftult, and It may develop that this season's crop will prove to be as value­less. The farmers went on record In favor of contract lalM>r. and they will join with the prison managers In op- p-jslng any change In the present sys­tem of working the convict*

Cle*»it asaisw tor Flak.Gne of the hottest flghts two years

ago waa over the bill egtabllshlng a closed season for whtleflah and trout la the great takes. The bill was finally paase<i making It unlawful to catch these fish In these lakes fnim Oct. IS to Nov. SO. The rommerclal fishermen then charged tli#! this bill was solely In the Interests of the flah trust and clearly against those of the Michigan fishermen, many of whom would h* financially ruined If the law were to re­main In force very long. Last year the law was not enforced, bat this year It waa made operative as far as th>- wardens were able to enforce It. It ia now conceded on all sides that the only thing accttmpllshed by the ‘oiw was to deprive MU hiffan ftohermen of the right to A*h during the moat profitable sea­son of the year, while the trust dis­posed of Inferior grades of flah at great­ly Increased prhee. Now everyone ia la favor of the repeat of the law. and this will be attended to early In the session, la all probability the governor will urge the legislature to make Increased ap­propriations for tke propagation of flgk. Hie last legtatature had an economical streak when these Mils were up. aad •at the appropriation for this purpea* la the vaalaklag point.


Dividaads Ow< of Ute.Tba fools who fflTo tbe 94 booxa to

bngin*** aad boaoi of It may orliletaa tba man wbo ean esF*! baMaaos fma bi* calad and «ttiay bto bomw. hto frtottda, hto clah. tba tboator, Um opara, tbe dtaa*T or tbe dattoa, hat tbe obaar- fal man patsdlxidewda oat of llfewborw tba otbor pata troabla. Obannogy M.

"It tba Tory mach la lovoF’"Maab to lova! May! Sbebantdioato

ana agy tbat all tba worM lovo* a looar, ■ttd aba'g kaaa jaalaa* worn ttmm.fTbin^ Fam.

Dagpita Ibe obaaBao that baaa otPMto It la dlffatoat %niy* Fifth mommm to today, aa it baa baan fur amay yooffiv tba favorite altoraooo paraJ* proand for the boardinp aobool ptriA atol w they swiag up aad down tbe avgaao in doable llto, ooeompnnied by a dlaMwal tanobor, tbey ore not tbo toaat iateraet- top sipbts at Umi tbortmpbtara. ttovotal it tba ■abo iis reptaa*Biad in tbaa* pa- radaa ata eilbor on tbe avenaa or in tbe erom eiroot* jaat off from it. and to jodpe by the girii* exprtwaians Ibete oonetitallnnahi do not liecome monoto- non* lo them. It wn* tlte 'tpiotuo of n mao wh- gatobed two of these paradm last week from a club window that tbe ynonp pLU of today walk luore pracr- fnlly and more llrmly Hutu did tbetr moibcrs before them, and be said that bo had bad excellent opportauiliea for oomparinp both geueratiooa

"The increoaed intereet in aiblotlce and ontdoor sports " bo mid. "le no- ooantable fur tbe improvod carriapo of tbe pooeeattou of well brad pills in this town which ia oomtnp ap. Bioyolinp, polf, gymoasiom work or whatever a girl may do to develop ber laaps and brr mnseles has a aotloeable effeet. aad It ie for tbe better."

There ia uotbiop alow In tbe way in which ibeae acboolpirls lake tbclr walks, bat it loons to the raaaal ob­server aa if tbe speed was repulated by tbe dlsoreei teacher rather than by the desires of tbe gitla tbemselvea.—Mow York iton._________________

Orsaaa Olrl GaarPs.As a tneuiorial of Admiral Desvey's

victory iu Manila a body of ynuup wo­men in thn town of McMinnville, Or., bavn nrpanizrd tbemaelves into tbo Ma­nila Orepoii pnarda Tbe day after tbe news of tbn battle was receivc«i tbe oooiity of Yamhill was scoarod for pirl rncmlts williupaod abletoserro. Forty were found to join tbo guards, and they were equipped aud drilled and bsvo taken part iu many parades. Tbe com­pany attended tbe repaiin at Astoria, on tbe Culambta river, and made a stop at Portland, where they were treated to a pieat ovation and were giroa a recep­tion equal to that tonderwi to tbe Hecnnd (jrepon volunteers. Tbe retjuisite ijaall- tles for membership iu tbe poards ore pcxxl physical developnieut and health, a certain amount of pood looks and a relative or sweetheart in tbe Diiited Btates service in tbe Philippine islands Tbe captain of tbe poards is Miss Nellie Cooper, tbe tlrst lirateoant is Bstelle Noll and tbe second lienteuant is Maod Hnbba The oooipauy supplies tbe men in Mauila with tlelicacies aud reoeivoe mementos aud souvenim tn return.

Doctors B. S. & Co.Tba Oslsksa*sff SpeslaUsSa mt tba Amosleasi MeAtoal a*i4 n«tnl*al laaMtato ef

anslMttaa, Mfleb. Will he as tbe

STEEL WTEL, SL Johns lOch.,MW. Immf 27, 1898.


\Consultation and Examinations Free and Strictly ConfidentialOne Day Only Each Month. Office Hour»9 a. m. to 7:50 p. m.

K CMESIFTEB OTNEB FMLfhn MppI fttcceoefni aad Hctantiilc Treat moot of Alt Oteeneea pad WePito

neeaee ol Mankind Poceibie tn Cbtnln.The most wtUsly and to vfwbly known Hpeelalls* tn tha ITnttadRtMaa Hts Icag expert-

meskrensarnablessiil tvaff ontvsna! sccesss tn Use larroct b»H',>itatf la the w«ivl4 easMss a to tfValatl I'lliCONtQ Wt.*™*^^**'** lt«. nmn tlu,e prtaelaiea nnti snutlsa tDRe OTTMAN

Callivale tbe Valee.One ot the remarks which called forth

considerable Jaughtnp applause at tbe recent cunvoiiin-a of the New York Htale Federation of Womi n’s Clobewa* that of SuNOii Kctchniii Bourne, that if girls were taught in schtjols to use their voices ao llmt they could make them­selves heard, if it was only to my "Presrni," it cci.uld do tbeia more real pcMsi tiisu the DKwt tiiipror<-<l apperatus for expi ruiuiits with uactena or iukiru meat* for the study of the stars. The conveiilion upprccial'xl this, for while there were m.tur wouo u who spoke ex­cellently III ev) ry way there were others who wen- uiiitiicresling when they conld b»- heani U-causo of their i*»or delivery and wiio the greater part of the time conlii not In* h« Hril nt all. Them were citutiuual calls throughout the cooven- tiou ot "l^iiidcr; louder, plcakc!" There was midqabtedly it great deal of truth ill .Mrs. Boaruo’a ruiuark.—New York Times.

ibtosslll and ontvsna! sccessa tn Uaa larroct b»H',>itat* la thr world itm te trsataUCIiao.N'tQ NCnVOU& ::KtN aatl ULcsiU !>: rooss npoa tha laie** ssian Jfle prtaelpiaa attd sniulsa him to Um fall confldeaes at th<* afflicted everywtwrr.

has no supertor In dtaonaslng and trcf.»tnT; dtasaassa^d^ tormltlca. Medical and Horglmi Btmar.-TN .\cr:toaodfbrenle

flxtarrh. IMssasss of Uw. Kya, Bar. Near, Tbro:.t ual Lonrs Dj'rpcf^! .*:tht*a Plaeam IMatiotas, Ktdosy. User. Waddar. Chrome Kamnlo and Haxoal Disenar* spsedUr cured by irsoimsat that has arvet tolled to UMMsiutds of rosss that be/i U^n pr>.nounrwd hcTood bo;w. Many pauais men death ever.* year who might have haou rvsiorod to perSMthsaltb Int: tbey ptoera tosit oaasa u the tamd* of axpana

IWFOMTAXfT TO LA3nBn.-rDR. OTTMAN, allct yaai s of sxnerlaace, haa dIscoTsrad Bn graaiast cots kaewator all disaasrapaaillar to tks aaa. I'ewa.r. d.caasea posltlvety rered by tas saw rsaisdy, O&jVB BBOPBOw. The cart ts cffcctsd b* kemctrrctmrat. Cctirrly hanalss* and eaxiiv applied Conoaltatloa Free a^ Strteti} CocCCrrird.

SB. OTTltAN oprrstsv xacccwfally aadBsu Btrtctiy

VBAFirBPP. : : r cert, of alt y.'r9 fssev rpff H If. , rr ir*-'.t-r-eat.

BZSCBAROXMC ZIABC cend ir everypslvlcssly for sqaial syss. ptsrTyisoi. irldee- to-ay, tarnlnc in or oat of eye lashe;. or lids, rIoMreof tsar dact aac all other eye Optra.) tioa».

CBmoirXC POBB XTBS sad rraaa-latcd lids q*icblr cared.

A CBilTAlF ANX> FOPJTTFB CtiJIS tor the awful effect* of sariy vice aaU tbe osnirmu* erilx that lollnw in it* tram. I

PRITATS blood and PSTN I SIPBASBS smodtiy. cowplstcly aaU psr* I . -oranentlT eared! , A CIIRF nUDF The swfsl sffect«of early

NBSTOU9 DBBILITT AND SBX-i H OUItL UUnL. vice, which briusa or- TTAX. DiaORDBRS yield rapid.; to hi* I Fsolc wrakrr**. drkiroyiur both mind and sLIIlial treatment. Lody, wiUtail *u drsadlal ills, permaasatly

riLSS, fistttla and fzsctax, ;TLCBRS iruarar.tecd cared Without pam ut pHtD OITTRA A bl addreuass thoss detaa|i<>n fro-nl-j- n*sx. : L^iv* I I Iwl/'^lv urso hare im­

paired thrmaeire* hy improper indsireocs ad solitary habits, which ruin tjotli misd

CATABBn OPT9^ NOHB. brrrrhitU aad lunr troubiss causwl ftuai e;.t&ith, post, tiwly cured.


PmiZLIS, OO.VORXRBA. OLBBT, Hpermatoribea, '^minal \,eakr.r<is, uoxt Ma»r -- -Manhood. Niirht nmi»Nioil*. Itrcnvi-d I'acal- tlM. Female Weateneas aed al. dciicat* dis­order* peeelixr lo either *•*. poikiiirely cured, a* well as fsnctiosal disorder* that rrvalt from yosthfsl fuliiss or the sxccM of matmro year*

OPBCIALTZBP; Catarrh, flkia Diseases, Sores, i'lniplek. Hcrofnla. Illood Tajuts, bctrmx. Cancer, Piles and UiseasMof Woaien 9*ickl> asd Permaseaily Cared by tbe latest approve,! treatmeat a* parssod by lesdiag *l>rciali»t«-if America .in>l Earope.

aud bedy, uaflttiuc them fur l•Bki*ess, study, Merely or marriatre.

MATIKIED MF.N. or those rnterlitg oa that happy life, aware uf physical delMlIty, quickit a«*i*t<-d.

WB OVARAIVTKB TO CimBNervoaaDebility, Faillci,- Manhood. Srphlli*, Varico­cele, hirlctsre, (lieet. TTrraiural DIaebarrea Deak Pans sod ail aldaey aad UladderDiseases.

aF*Cas*a aad corres ponds wee row fldsatisL, hst rer*«mal cossnltatimi pri ferred.

iral I nn

.% tVomaw Foolaad.Man's kupn-iuacy in all fields is

tbrtuileiit<d. Wr hav« had female brig- amts and des|*eradnea. The biwd of th«i must fenrttd anil most mnrderoas triba of Italian bamlitti today is a woman.

From iioaxia comm a storv of a wom­an footpad. Uer name is Barbara Dani- aria, and I17 prnfamiou she is a liiph- wnywoman. She is daabinp and beaoti- fnl and ridm liiro a centaur. She can scallop tbe edge of a tiuy Prussian onin with rifle bulleu at any range within sight. Her maotiers would grace a court She avoids tbe shedding of blood when possible, and, like all famuna knights, she robs only tke rich and gives with open band to tbe poog. She wears masculioe attire, bat her voioa and bar haauiy belie her. aud tbe whole prnviiHW which she has tarronsed rings with romantic and extravagant praiam of this feminine Bean Brocade.—Cin- einnaii Enquirer.

Most of the IlMmians taken prisoogra dartng the Hevolntiaaory war hanagea aeftlers iu Virginia.

meat vhuuld scad or briar from 2 to * nances of arinc tSai pgsacil first m the mnrniar pre. Icrrcd*. which will rsecivr acarefal chemMsI aitd micro*c<totcal saamiaailua. and if rrqocstad a'writtcii aaaivsts will be givea. Peranns raiaed ia health hy aalaaraed prrieaders. who *erj> trifling with them laonth after laonth, gtviag potaoaoos aad iajarioaacompoaad*. kSeald ajml* iaiiweriiatcly. lieixT-are daageroa*.■fllilllCDCIII nilOEC Perfected in old canes which have beoa neglected or anshiiifnlly MIMIIClirUL uUnCw treats*. Noeapenmeais or faiinroa. Parties ti.-aied bv bmI sreMtass, hat where psaslblv. peraoaal ooasaltaiiea ia proferrad. CarabI* caaen gaaraateed

iB*( Asss aad aarreepoBdenc* ocafldsallal. Traatasaat aaat C. O. b. to oay pan of U. IkLlat Ilf tRO •lureiloB* free, .tildrsne with (MKitagr.

DOCTORSPrivate Box 160.

& COMPANY.rtuakeifoii, Michlffan,

The Larnest Display ofGr'iiit cand Marble Monuments, Tablets, Markers, Etc

May b** sewn at .MrillMM'K'H ttvsy brought to Ml. Johna. (tot th«* othsr iJealsr’a nrictm th«Hi conH* iind *«>•• how-much yon enn aavt* by huyinir ol ma. Prtfxw and Workmanabi|i (•uaranterd.


RhciimatisiRmihs hxxna

Dr. X a MdbuirsLiver and

Kidney BalmA Certain Rcmcdf far

Dinani ai tfia Lfaer* Kld-

neya and Urinary Orfam*

FOR RALE nrC £. VanSickle.

Gland Ifunk Railway SystemArrival anil deiMirlare nftralanai Ht.

Johan, la effect .Nor. IM. |H1*h WKaraorxb l.eave Arrive

E’a*l Wsnteni Ksprenn M;g.-\nin<1d. flarea 4 MaekMgnn fl047aai fA I7pai

’* tn .’tgpai tlU *14 pat lift.IlaveahInteriaedlatelT .Mi poi tU’Jli aai ltd. llareaA Munhegoa *H .Hm aai*t 1 4«laai RItsd to ttd. Hpd* tlO UA aa>. f4 HO pai

Kaaraocxii.Ost., rannda 4 *mmt fN Jli aai f7 .1(1 pmD»t.,rhle«a„rlaliaraa«i ltgo4 pai fR .'Cipai Dei., t'aaada * raat 11 17 pm fto 47 aai Fast l-Iaacera Kxp *(i 17 um *n 4H am

flCtrept Haaiiay. 'Dally. Hleepiag aad parlorear oervlee.

waaTanrxii.10 47 am. trala kaee iiaHor ear to GraB«l

Rapid*,extra rharae g.t rent*.7 .1(1 p. m. train na* Parlor llaffet ear at-

taehsd Detroit tn Oraad Hares. Rztrn sharae JBc.^ BAaTaorxb.

H 'jn a. m. train ha* (usHor ear tn Detroit, j Kxtra rharae gir. Pnlimaii parlor car De- troll lo Tomato raaaeeilag with nieeper tor the Rant aad Mew York

fi 17 u. m. train ha* iiariorrar tn Detrolf. Rxtra rharae She. Pallmsa nleepsr Detroit tu Tomato. HanpeaaloB (trldee. Rattalo, Philadelphia aad .New York,

11 44 p. m. trala has throaffh day parlor ear* sad slaapsr Wladsor to Haapeaalon BrMffv, Raffaio. .New York aatl Hostoa.

H iha. m. aad IS <»4 p, 1 atDaraad with r. 4 G. T.“Tiff.. m. aad ft 17 p. m.traianroaaset at I Daraad with r. H. 4 U. tor Hagtaaw aad Bay CYly aad with P. 4 il. *1*. Dlvtsloa tor Port 1

, Horoo oad Bat tie«'reek, j g. B. HirriHRn. ben. plbttrrr,

A.G.r. A.

GEO. H. JUDD,Merchant Tailor,

Opposite “Thf! Steel”.

All the

Latest Novelties.

a. tralaa roaaset IHvIsInB for CRl.

THOMAM BR<nTrov. PaoB. Aaent.

nsfrolt M#RT, Awsat, at. Johan.

WELLSBoth Tubular and TUe made and re­paired by KimbeUI A Love, successor to F. C. Young*.

AddrMB C. L. KimlMill, Riley. 44W1II

. WllUaoM'latfiaaPUsttwtti cars Ultad

.. jr aad Dohlau, tto iMhUaraioaN^aM

toolUss. arltras 1 in taxi r# D^I>r. Wltltaaai'TadlaaPlIsCMat _ ' toproeasea tor Pliasaad IwB »■« oMha privam par«a Bvagy has h war now nd. liy drasatato. hg mtot aa ra


C. B. VnaSlaMe. 8k. JoInm,'


Dattitorthsraotles Tsashsw* Bxaailaatloa wMIhehsMaatoMossat

m. Johan last Taatoday nfMafch. naart hoyoe m. Johas. third Thoradav aad

Friday of Jaao.^ ^ soaottoatloas wg| hsgto a* ao'rtosfc

OMPmiHtowig toitoals



E a


OYrmna MnMnM COOliMr*Ainxav cy*njeLiRi>BftwogrM CAitV

MOT S«r AiVMa MBu eoat, m AMMk ft. aoNuu; <*

fkilwl to poy nU aovtt lo bar, and tboofth be wait handtitne him* ■alf and made a foul u< moiv tban una tlrl in tbe town ercry one tba«||ht ba I woald |tu as be bad txane, a free bearted < bacbeliir. when ■nddenlj’ one uiftht a | boree and ('ftiruHre were fooud from the elablea. and be waa found lark* I in|{. too. and, what waa worae. tbe yonuft widow*sdauicbter, a obit wbu waa bare* : ly 16 and witbunt a bnudredth part vt j Uh' lieaoty of her mother. Lore and an | elopement tally coold ucconnt for this, for in thnae daya ymuiK ladiea did not ride with gentlemen in th«i ereuiug for , pleaanre. ami when it nuue tit the old i gentleniau'e eara. and. what waa woraa, oaiue to the niotber’a, then* waa u corn* motion in that hnoait tht< echoea of which aomi' aay bare never dit*d not. > Tboogh the pipera were playing and tbe ' flildlea were M|neakii:K lU the great nNOii when' tbeynaeil t«i dance tbe night away. Mm. Kuollya, with her white hro- uadv tucked up alxiut her wuut. HtiMal with her hand on the gnnt frtait door, waiting for tbi* borM- u|iau wbicb ahe waa detenuiueil to follow him. Tbe fa* ' tber, who waa a iiiuii of M) ymra, utood ' by lier aide. He waa too old to ride hiiii* I aelf. hut he never aought to hohl her back, though the jewela were Tuiiibliiig from her hair and tbe moon had van* : ubeit from till* highway.

•VI will hriug her lack or die,’ the paaauaiaie InMUty exclaimed, and not a lip then* Mini her nay. fur they aaw wluit nit man or woman luul been able I to H-e up to that moment, that her very ' life and eoul were wnippeil up in the ; man who had atolen away her ilaughter I and tliat it would be death in life for her to live with tbe knowleiige that abe had given him u wife itf her bltaxl who ' Waa not herself. ,

”Shrill went the pipea. Mpieak and I hum went the dddlea, but tbe aoniid i that wan KW«<t teat to her waa tbe ponml , of the hoiw'b huufa on the naul in front. That waa miuir to lier indeeil. uiiil aa aoon aa abe beard it abe beatoweil one wild kiaa on her father and boundeil from tbe bouM-. An inataiit and abe waa gone. One tiaah of her white robe at the i gate, tlienull waa dark on tiie highway, I and only the old father atoud in that i wide o|ieu door, waiting, aa he vowwl ! he would wait, till bia daughter re- tuniiil.

’’.She hail not gcaie alone. A faithful | groom waa behind her. und from him waa leomeil tbe coucluaiiai of that queat. Koran hour and u half they rode; then they came u|Min u cba|N*| in tbe mouiitaina in which wire burning un* , wonteil lights. At the sight the lady dri'w rein and alnnait fell from her hurai' into the arms of her lackey. ’A mairiage,’ abe mumiureil. ‘a mar­riage,’ and {Hiiuteil lo u carnage atund- mg in the abudow of u wide apnwiling tri-e. It waa their taiiiily (umage. How well abe knew it. Honaiug heraelf, abe . maile for tbe ebapel door. ’1 will atop It.’ abe crinl. ’1 am her tnorher, and I have the right.' Hut the lui'key drew her laick by h#T rich white dreaa. ’Liaik'’ hi* iTii<d. pointing in at caie of thi- winiiowa, and abe loukeil. The man > abe loveil atiaid befnn* tbe altar with her daughter. He waa looking in that ilaughler'a face, and bia look abowitl a puaaiouate devotion. It went like a dag* i ger to her heart. < mabiiig iter handa against her fare, she wailed not some ' fearful proti'at: then she liaabed toward tbe door with ’Stop! Stop!’ lOj her I lipa. Hut tbe faithful lackey at her aide drew her baek < ucomore. 'Liateti " waa now bia woni, and abe liaieuirl. Tbe mitiiater who«> fonu abe liaii failed to I see in her tirat bonieil h<ik waa utter* i mg hla lieui<ilctlou She liail i-ouie tiai late. Tbe young eouple wi-re uiarrit'il

’’Her aenaut aaid, tor mi tbi traili* tlou Kurrivea, that whin abe aaw tbia she grew calm »a walking death in an iustuiit. Making her wav into tbe chap el. abe stoiMl n-oily ut the diair to gn-el them aa they laauid fonb. and wIh-h they aaw her there, aaw the rich heiirag- gled robe ami the ghwm of jewela («i a iH^k abe bail not evi n atopfuil toniiei. op in iiiore than the veil from her bair, bi- aeeiiieii to aee wbat be liaii dian- and atopiwii tbi- liriile. who m her cinfuaiou would have tieil Isick to tbe altar where abe bad juat liet-u made a wife. ’Kiiei'i:' be cnnl. ’Kneel, Atnaryuth! Only thus can we nak i«rdou of our ftioib'-r.' Hut at tliat word, that word which aeeniid to jmsh her a milliroi milea away fn-m these two beinga. who Imt two honra liefon* bad bean the dear- aot lieiuga <4i earth tii lier. the unhappy wntnan gax*e a cry and fled from their presmci' ’(•o!^io'' were her parting worda 'Aa you liave eh'sien. continue. But let no tongue call me raothar! Banrefortb I am mother to no cue.'

“They fonml her lying on the grass ontside. As she coahl m> liaigrr sustain haroelf nn a horse they put her into the Cftrriage. gave tbe reins to her devoted lackey and thaHiselves mde off <ai borse- tmrk. One mnu. the fellow who hml dnvfai thean to that place, mM that the clock sonch IS from the chapsl tower ^ the carriair tamed away and Isqmii Ita rapid jonmey home. Tlmt may tie en and it may Im aot* We only know that Its appartUon eoiers Ignt Alati’s lane at nearly 1, always at nearly 1. the boor at whirh the mnl cauriair cansi- lamk and sinppMl bs«tae Mr. Knollys’ pMe Ami now for the worst. Miss Battar- worth. Whsoi the old nmtleasan want down to the carriage from the door, where he bad stood withnat movement aner stare she started after tbe lortns. It was to flnri the lauhey in front and his daaghaer Mttingall alone in therar- tiage. Bat the soil nu the white Innoari* ad folds of tier white dress waa no longer that of atad only. She had stabbed her* aalf to the heart with a taodhin Mm wore in bar hair, and it waa a enrpae whkh the faithful nagm had haan dMriag

down the highways that night. *'1 am not a seatimaatal woman, bat

this story as thus told gave me a thrill 1 do not know as I really ragrat aaepari* anciug.

**What was this nuhnppy moChor's name?" 1 asked.

" Lnivtta."’Was the nnexpectod and nooe too nwoBuring answer.


This name emoe mentioned called for more gossip, hot of a somewhat differ* «iit nature.

"The Lncetta of today is not like her ancient immeMike." olssTved Mrs. l.!ar* ter. "she may have the heart to lore, bat she would never show that lore by any act of danng."

"I don’t know about that," I replied, astuuishi-il that I felt willing to enter j into a discuMiicui with this woman on I the very subject 1 bail just shruuk from ! talking over with tlie locksmith. "Hirls I as frail and nervous as she sonietlines astonish <«ie at u pinch. 1 do not tbtuk Lnivttn lai^ks daring."

••You don't know ' t. Why. 1 liare Mill her jump ut tbe sight of u spider, and heaven knows that can la* nothing new to her aiuiaig tbe deia> mg walls m which she lives A puny chit. .Miss Butterwortb: pr< ty enough, but weak. The very kmii to draw lovers. Imt not to bold tbeui. Yet every one pitiw her, her smile is so lieartbroketi."

"With ghosts to tnioble her and a Inver to Is-nioun she lias surely some ex* <*nse for that.*' saiil L

“Yes. I don’t deny it. Hut why has she a lover to benuau? He seemed a proper man heynnd tbe ordinary. Why let him go as she did? Kveu her sister admits that she biveii biin."

"1 do nut know tbe circumstancea," sail! 1.

"Well, there isn’t much story to it. He is u young man from over tbe momi* tains, well (•ducatiil and with some­thing of u fortune of bis own. He oami- ‘ here to visit the Spears. 1 lielieve, and seeing Luci-tta one day leuiimg id tiie gate in front of her hooM* befell in love with her and liegaii to pay her his at­tentions. That was befon tbi* lone got its pn*sent bail name, but not bsfore one or two nun liail vunislted from among Us without auythmg being known of tbeirfate. William—that is tbeir broth­er. yon kuoa—bus always lieen anxious ti> have his sisters marry, so he did not stand m the way. ouil no mon- did Miss Knollys. but after two or three weeks of doubtful iviurtsbip tbe young man went away, and tliat was the end of it. And u gri«t pity. u*j. suy 1. for onn* clear of that house Lucetta would grow mio uuotber {jersou. Smisbiiie and love, two very g>Msl tbmgs. Miss Hntter- worth, esjieriMlly for those that are weakly and tiiiiiil.’’

I thought the qnaliflcatirsi excellent."Yes." said 1, ”1 should like to see

tbe result of them upon Lucetta. ’’ Then, with an attempt to still further sound tills woman’s uimd and with tliat tbe uniteii miwl of the whole village, 1 re- markeil: "The y<iaug do not osnally tbrtiw aside sneb prisqiects without ex­cel lent reasons. Have you never thought that Lucetta was govenieii by pnuciple m discarding this very excellent yoimg man?’’

"Principle? What principle could she have hail m letting a desirable hiubauil go?”

"Khi* may have thought the match an uuib-sinible one for him."

"For bun? W'ell. 1 never thought of that. True, sbt* may '1 bey are poor, but poverty don’t I'onnt in such old families as theirs. 1 hardly tlimk she would be mflueiieeil by any sneb ciiu* sideratiiai. Now . if this iiad bapis-neil this year, after thi- lane got its nanu* and all this stir luul Isi-u iiiaile about folks disappearing th< n-, I might liave given Mime weight to your suggestion— Women an- m* quit r, • s|st’Uilly tbe wo­men of old families like theirs—Inii this hap|>eiie<i long ago ai.d when folks all thought a heap of the Knollys, leastwise of the girls, for William d<n<« luit go for much, you know—too stupid and too brutal."

William! Would the uttenuice of that iiauie heightiii iiiy suggestion? 1 survey! d her idiMeiy, but eiinld detect no change in her Mimewhat puxalvd cuauteuauei*.

"My alliisii ns weri> not in rglwenoe to tbi- disappearances. " sahl L "t ww thinking of something else. Lucetta u nut wuii.’’

"Ah, I know! They say Mie has soma kind of heart complauit, bat tbst uraa not true then. Why. lier cheeks wera like n«e« in ihtwe flays ami her hgora as plump and pretty as any yon coaUl oae now among oar village IwaatMft No. Mim Bntterworth. it was her weoh- tamm bsM him. She prviuobly palled upon bis taaCa. It was noticed that he held bis head very high in going oat of towu "

"Has he noirried since?" I aakeiL"Not lo my knowledge, ma'aoi.""Thssi he iored her," 1 declarst^Hbe looked at me quite rurioasly.

! Hrabtlfoa that word soaufla a little queer on my Ups. hat that shall not ileter nw tmm notng it when the riii uiiisaani se seem to require Beeidee. there woe emoe a time Bat there. 1 pramised to tall into no fMgreesiiaia

"You should have been married your­self, Mi« Butterwortb." said she.

I was auMued, firsi at hsr daring and secondly that I was so little angry at it. But than the wnnmn meant an of* fenea. prohuhly intiudsd a cousplimaut rather.

"lam very well enutented as I am." I ndumed '"I am uetlher stohly uor timid."

Hhe smiled, looked as If she thought it onlycommou pollMmoa to aipne with

I me and tried to say eo, hot fimtiug the situatioa too nicch fia* her cuoulied awl illsnvetly hsld her jn-'m I oaine to her rescue with a new i|iieati''U.

"Have the Knollys<*ver b-en suceeas- ful in love? Hiti ugituer of thi ae girls now—elu* witowas Althea Hurroughm- was her life with her hoshaud happy? 1 have always beeti canons to know, bhe and 1 wan< sehouluiatea "

"Yen were? Yon knew Althea Knol* Its when she was a girl? WoMi’t she I'harmiug. ma'am? LMd you ever see a livelier girl or nue with more knack at wmnittg affertiuu? Why, she couldn’t sit down with you a half hour before you felt like giving up eierything you haii to her. it made no differ«*noe wheth­er yon were man or woman, it waa all the same. Hbe hail but to tnni those mischievous, pleading eyes npou yon and jrou beoame a fool at otioe. Yet her end was sad, ma’am; tisi asd, when you remember that she died at the very height of her Iwauty alieie anil in a for- l ign land. But 1 have not answered your question. Were she anii the jodge happy together? 1 liave never heard to the isjotrary, ma’am. I'm sore ho luimmed her faithfully cnoogli. Horae tbiuk that her loos killed him. He did uot sunrive her muni than threi* yean."

"The children do not favor her marh," said I, "hat I see an evpreewiiei now and then in Lucetta which recalls her mother faintly."

"Tbi van- irare Knollys’blood." said she. "hveii William lias traits which, with tt few nion* brains Isick of them, would remind yon of bis grandfather, who was the plainest of hi* nu'c.

1 was glad that the talk liad n>vorted to William.

"He seems to lack heart." said I. "as well us brains. 1 man'el tliat his sisters put up with him us well us t!iey do."

"They mil I lot help it. Hi- is not u fel­low to Is* fooiisl with, besides, he holds thini share in the house. If tiny istuld sell it! Hut. dearr me. who would buy uu olil tunible down place like that uu a nsul you (nuiuot get folks who liave any eonsiderution for th( irlivi*s toenu-r for love or money? Hut excuM* me. ma'am; I forgot tliat you are living just now oil tliat very nswl. I’m sure I Uyt u thuusaud innlons."

"I am living tlien* as a guest." I n*- turmsl. "1 liave uulliiug to do with its reputation—I'Xis'pt to brave it."

"A courageous thing to do. ma’am, and one that may do the roail some giKid. If you mu qM*Ufl a misith with the Knollys and ixime out of their house at last liale and hearty as you enter it. it will be the best prisif {sissible that there is IcM to he (eansl thi-re than suiiie ijeuple think. I sliall be glad if yon can do it, ma'am, for 1 like tbe girls and would be glad to liave the rep­utation of the plan* n*stored. ’’

"Pshaw!" was my tiuul nimraent. "The credulity of tin* town has liad as mucii to dll with their loss of it as tbev themselves. That nlumtni is-opli* such as 1 see here sliunld Is-lieve in ghosts!"

I say tiual, for at this moment the good lady, spniiging up. put an end to our ciNiversatioa .'■lit* liud just M*eu a boggy ]ua« the winilow.

"It's Mr. Troiim," saiil she. "Ma'am, if you wi‘b to n*tura home Is fori* Mr. Simshurv c<>im s Isii'k you may be utli* to do so with this geiitleinun. He's a miwt obliging muu and iivi s lee** tban a quarter of u mile from the Misses Kuul* lya "

I dill iiiit my I bed uln*a'iy met tbe gi-utlemsii. Why. 1 itouoi know. It-nly dr«*w myself up uud wai’isl with soim* small inm r }s*rturhati(.ii for the n-si:lt of thi- luiiuiry 1 saw sht bad gone to make.


KRU IT.Mr. Trohin did not dimpfsnnt myex-

pectaiioni'. In uuothi-r momi-ut 1 saw him Mouding in tin* opi*n doorway with the most gi iiial smile isi his lip«

"Miss Butterwortb," said he. "I feel too huiiunsl. If you will dtigti to ec* oept u sent ill my I uggy, 1 shall ouly be to'i liKfitiy to drive you to the Kuol lys gate."

I liuve always liktd the iiiat:n(*rs of conutry gentletniii. Thi re is just a touch of formality in their lieariug which has Iweii qntte eliuituateil tmm that of their Inrothers in the city. I therefore became gracious nt ouix- uml occepteil the MUt hi* offered me willmul any of the hesitation I might liai'e shown to niH* |s*rMiually as agnsable. but not in my own w.iy.

The heads that shewed them«*lTes at the neighlsiriug windows wsrmil iis to bsftni on our route. .Mr. Tmiim. with a snap of liis whip, quite yontbful and gallant, toucheii up his horse, and we rrsle in dlguitiisl iwim away troii; thu hotel stefM mio the Wide village street known as th" main nstd. The (act that Mr. tlryci* hail told me that (his was Uu* inie man 1 could trust, joiueil to my own excellent knnwle*lge of humun na* tnre and the fiersous in whom explicit ixaiflilence con be pat. inwie the mo­ment lOM* of grt*at satisfaction to me. 1 was abnat to make my npjieamiici* at file Knollys luansiiri two hours l«(i«e I was experteri, ami 1 was thus enabled to outwit Lncetta liy imauis of the igw man wlimn I would have <-h<Nwn oot of all in the town to land me this assist- anee.

We arare not slow in livirinning cm* veraatiim. Tb«* llm* air. Um* pnwpemas mndition of thi* town offeml themes upon which we frmmi it quite easy to iHlate. and on natnrally and easily did our scqaaiutanceohip progress that we bad turned tbe coraer into Loat Man’s lane lafnre 1 finite realiaed It. The en* trann* at this eml offered a sbarfi cna* traat to tbe taw I hail already traversed. There it waa Imt a uarrow opening be­tween somber ami undoly crowding trees. Here it was tbe gradinal melting of a villaice street into a narrow and leai frequent^ mad. which only after paos* iag Deaoon Hpear's bnase assnmed that aspect of wildaess which a qnairer of a mile farther no deepsaed into» snmethtng

I pneitively somber and rapallent.I speak of Dsaran Hpear bwwaas ha

waa sittlag im bis front ihsirmsip when we rode by. Being Deacon Hpmr aad nae of the rseidents nn this mad. I did not fail to take notice of him. though guardedly and with sneb rewvaint aa a knowlediP> of hie widowed aandllloa fundered both wise and proper.

He wm not an agreeable looking per* mm. at learn not on to me His hair waa Meek, hie heard well camd for, his whole pmsBB In aood If not pmoporons coadi*

item, hot be had the self satisfled eoi* > pressmn 1 doteot aad looked after ns with an aspect of sneprise 1 ohuso to eousider a trifle impertiueat. Perhapa' he eavied Mr. Trohm. If so. he may have had reaeno—It is not for me to judge.

'There bad beqi np to now naly a few semb baaiH*s at tbe siile of the rraMl. with here ami there a solitary poplar to enliven the deml level of the grass grown road, bat after we bad ridden by the fesKw which sais the booudary to the good deacon’s lami I noticed sack a Miauge In tkc appiwraace of things on i etthsr side of the mad that 1 coaid not j bnt nxclaim over the natnral as well aa snltivatcd beantim whirh every mo­ment now wae bringing before me.

Mr. Trokm ooald nut hide his pleas-' are.

"Tbeoeare ray lands," add he. "I have bestowsd naremittlag attention to . them for years. It is my b^iby, madam, j There is not a tree yon see that has uot I received my oarefnl attention. Yumlar | orchard waa sat oat by me. and the frait it yields— Madam. 1 hope you will ra- main long enimgh with us to taste a oer- taln rare and lusoioas peach that I brought from Prann* in one of my viMts there. It gives promise of reaching ita , full iierfertion this year, ami 1 shall be gratifleil indeed if yon oau give it yonr j appnivul." I

ihii- was politeness indeed, especially aa 1 knew wbat value men like him set upon each individual fruit they watch n|K*ii imder their iwre Testify lug my | a|ipreciatioii id his kiudnesa, 1 endeav­ored to introduce another ami less bamilese and perha|is lem |a*nN>ually in- j tercstiug topic of ixinversutiiai. TIm* rhiiuiieys of his Imusu wen* liegiuning to slioa* oviir tin* tn*ea. and I had liiard nntliiug fmni this imui m tin* subject u'hirh i>bould have lie<*ii thi** most inter- esliDg ot oil to meat thismoment. And beu'as the only iiersou iii town I waa at liberty to n*ally I'outiiU* in ami possibly tbf* laily man in town who nmld give me u reliable stateineut of tin* nxiMMis why the Knollys wen* listkixl upon as­kance by the {Hilice aa well as the cred­ulous villagers. 1 liegau by an ollnslou to tbe pbaulimi carriage.

"I bear." Kuid L "that tbia lane has other claims to attention beyond those alTorded by the inysteriea conm-cted ^ with it. I hear thut it lias at times a

thooghc to blnah. aa 1 met his eya and mw how ninrh my pleaanre gmtUled him.

"Yon moat exenoe me," said I with what I have evtery reason to believe wm a highly oaoceasfal efliot to hide my oonfooiiai. "If I oxpreoa too much ad­miration for what I aoe before me. I have always had a gnwt leaning toward arell lo-Mred arallu aad trimly kept flower beds a leaning, alas, which 1 have foond myself anable to gratify."

"Do mM apidagiae." be haateoed to say. "Yon bat redoohle my own plsM on* in thus honoring my poor lifforta with ynor regard. I have spared no paiao, madam. I have spared no paiao, and most of it, I am prood to my, hM beeu accomplished by my own hands "

"ladiNd!" I cried in aonw sarprioa, lotting my eye rent with satisfaction on tbe top of a long well sweep tkat to me was oac of the pieturaagne fantame at the placs.

"it may have baen folly," he re­marked. with a gloating sweep at his eye over the velvet lawn aad flowering shmbe—a pennliar look that seemed to expreee eamething more than the mere delight of pnaeession. "hot I eeemed to begmdgt* any hired aesistanre in the teeing of plants every one of which seems to me like a persnoal friend."

"I undcrstaiid." eras my somewhat on-Bntterwnrthian n*ply. I really did not qnite know myself. "What a oou- rrast to tin* dlMoal grounds at the other cod of the lane!"

This arax more in my nonal vein even in its tunc. IlttMcetned to feci tht*differ- eiux*. fur Ilia l•xpreaai(m changed also.

"Oh. that den!" be exclaimed bitter­ly : then. ae«*ing me look a little alKKiketl. be afidt*d. with an admirable retnm to hia old iiuuiiier, "I call any plan* a den where flowers do not gma*. ’’ Ami jump­ing from the boggy he gatln-nxl an ex­quisite Imnch of heliotrope, wbicb he pressed c|aai me. "1 like sunshine, beds of roatw. fountains and a aweep of lawn like this wc sei- before ua. lint do not let me bin* you. Yon have probably linger* d loug enough ben* uml would like to drive on. I will be with yon iu a moment. l>nnbtfol as it ia whether 1 shall soon again be so fortnnaP* as to be able U» ;ifler you any biaqiitalitT. I

..tu 11*11 (o bring you a ho***-'* m —or, tar 1 se*- y*iUT eym mainiug buig

lugly Pierard iny old faahioncd well



- *, Ot--v;


Hr: .vor as auhkhaiu.k LtHtsisn r»HRsus.

gh«a>tly visitant in the shape of u xpttv tral Imrse and carriage."

"Yes."be replied, with a ae«-niing understanding that was very tiatiering. "do uot spare thu Ian*’i«ii*of itslHaior**. It lias ita nightly bomir as well as its daily f*<ar. I wiah tho one wen* as uu- real aa th*- other."

"You art na if both wen* nnn*al to you." said I. “The (xmtrast betw***n jrotn* appearanc** ami that *»f some oth*r members of the lam* is quite iiiarkixl."

"You refer"—he seenieil P- bat** to apiaik—"to the Knollys. 1 presume."

I **ndeaTorMl to treat the subject lightly.

"To ynor young enemy. Lucetta." mid 1.

He luul been bsiking at me in a |ier- fertiy luodeat ami reapeetfnl manner, but 1^ dmiiped biseyt*a at this ami lios- led himself abstrai’trxlly, uml yet 1 thought with some ini*‘ntiuti. iu remov­ing a fly from the horse’s flank with tin- tip of his whip 4

"I will not aokmiwledge her as an MMany," mid ho quietly and in strictly modulated tnoca. "I like Ike girl tor* well—ami her sister."

The fly had been by this time dis­lodged. but he did not look op

"And William?" Isnggeetod. "What do you think of William?"

Slowly be straightened himself. Slow­ly he dropped the whip hark into its sm-ket. I thought he was going to an­swer, when suddenly Ms whole attitede changed and be turner) npai me a beam­ing fhee full of ardMng Imt plsaoere.

"Tile road takes a turn here In an­other moment ytm will aee my hooMe." And evf«i while he spoke U herat upon ua, and 1 foigot myaelf that I had just ventered on a somewhat haaankaMqeoa- tion.

It waa sach a pretty place, so boaetl- felly and exqniMtely kept. Tksve wm a ckara aboet ita rooe mcircled porch that is only to he foend ia very old plncea that have bsen appreciatively cared for. A high fence painted while Ineluesd a lawn like velvet, and Ike honoe itaelf, akialng with a freak coat of yellow paint, bore signs of romfrgt ia Its while eertalned windows not nsMlly to be kmad in the oolltary dwelling of a heakslor. 1 frmari my eyea roving over each detail withdallght aad almost Meshed, or, rather, had 1 bemi HO reave voonoar might kava boM

If the Mood ia laMcisat qoaa- Mty Isaves thr bedy hrcaast uf e woaad or heawiiThsgi of the loags the rseolt is death.

Life deprads oa thr Mood heraasr thr blood carries to all pons of the body thr aatritirr rlsmtato aeceemry to eueUtn it

What if thear aotritivr ela- ■ef are ahaeat?

What if they are seppUaled by poiacaeos. effktc laatter aad dwaoee geruM?

The fttat reaalt ie dieease—par­tial death. The fiasl rvealt ie the eame as froos lees of Mood.

All iHeesar is traceable to ioi- parity or weakaesa of thr Mood aad that is the frasDa the "Goldea Medical Dfecoecry” eagse so omay diffHvat diseasts —it parikes and vkaliaea the Mood—omkes it tM. red and healthy—fils it with aatrimeat for the garviag nerves aad tiaancs.

Coaaaaiptioa is pseperlyadis- eaae of thr Mood so is acrofals —eo is rhetiaialisei. They look like dUfereat diseeats Mit oas ocdiciae will relieve ell three.

” I sai shag a good sway ef year ■edtcieei ie ay praetkr,** wrhes Dr. Joerpa Flhe. of I.«sl aprtegs. Msrioa Oa. Kaeaes “Tea years ago s palleat uf aiiar was badly af­fected with that draadfel diaraar. ■ernfeU. Her awath eod throat leerr is ea aiefol ooodhioa. aad there were laapa aa thr oataldr be­low thr jawa thr har of a hrti'a rgf. Other doctora said it waa a feUI case. I felt ooofidrat that aoar of isy rrandtra leoald beartt her say. ft casM- to my auad that Or. Pferer'a Ooldm Medical Dfecevrry was r«c> oaiwraded for aach cases, so I care it to her M directed gtre botlleo care<l her sad she Is well to-day, ahe is laaniol now aad has three hesKhy childrea *'

Dr. Hcrce'sMlctacarefatUoaaoass*

phtlkATE oHDKk—Mtat* of MIrMaaa. ■ efMMty of •’Haioa. •*». At a ssaMoa of the Hrottate <'oart lor the Coaai* uf ipatoo Ituliea at the Prohale ogfes*. la Ih village of Ml. Taeeday, the l.llh *tar of l»i reai. la-r. Iu the yeor uae Ihoaeabd fdght haadred aad ulwpty-etght. MDr

Hr*—at. tYuw M. MsrrtU,JadpetTPiofane. la the mailer the —tale of l^etla I’a tw-

hlH derea—d. Itolieet Aadereoa. idialala- frati>r with the will aaaesed of xaM estate ha*ta«aia4ea|mMealloa for the all**wuaee of

I hm Saai urroaut.There*ii*na II le ordered. TlMt Tharaday.

the 5fb dev *4 Jaaaery. A. D.. lave, at uae u'rloek la the altevauoa. he esiilgai li for

I Ih* ea am last loll of eald areoaat. at the Pru.J bote tifoce la the vlUe« * nt Ht. Juhaa. Aad It Ie further ordered, that aollee he g|*ea to

I the pereoa* Iniereeted la said sa'ale. of the tlaseuad plare <4 eold henrlag by raaetag

. a rosy nt fbh* order lo be pabhebed ia Tea ! Mr. Joans gawa. a aewepaver pHated ead rifeolatfag la said rcraaty «jf i Uatoa. for thrsesarrreslre weahs prevloae tu aaid day

lofbeartag ITw-a<'IIAHLJ£HM. MEIIRIL.L

(A TraeCopy.) Jadgeof Probate.

wouUl you Ilk** a draft uf water frrah from the bucket?"

I aaannxl him 1 did not drink wim*. at which I th*>nght his eye** bright«ut*«l. but that neither «lid I iudnlg** iu water when iu a beat, an at present, at which ht* bnikert diaappninieti ami teme aame wbat reinctautly Inck to the buggy.

H<* bnghteiiMl up. bowever, the mo­ment be wan agaiu at my aide.

"Now for tbe winds.” aaid be. with wbat waa uudouhtedly a ffirced laugh.

I I th*mght the opportunity one I ought not to slight.

"Do vrm think." naid 1, "that it ia in th<aa* wo*nls tbe disappeanuioew take

I place that Misa Knollys has told me about?’’

He Hhowed the mmc beeitanry to talk I had seen in him Iwfore.

"1 think the leas yon let ynor mind dwell nn them the better," aaid he— "that is, if rnn an* going to remaiu long in this lane. I do not «<xpeati any m«m* th*iaght upon them than ia barely ueri amry, or 1 should bar*- to leave my nwea and my fruits. And that—.Mias

I BattensMrth. they are all that keep me in this ueighlngtiotnl. I w<aider—pur- don me the indiarretiKi—that you *xiald bring yourself to enter it Yon most be a very laave w*>nian."

"I thought I had a duty"— I began. "Althea Knollys was my frttmd. and I felt 1 owed a dniy toward her childmi- Beeidea"— Hhould I tell Mr. Trohm my real *vTend in this place? Mr. Hrrce hail intimated that he wm in tke con-

I fldence of the police, aad If so his m- aistaure In rase of neeemity might be ct ineetimsMe valee to me. Yet if no aach neieertfy Aould ariae woehl I went this num to know that Aoseiia Better- worth— Ntv 1 would not take him into my ronfldenee—not yet. I would only try to get al his idea of where the blame lay—that ia. if be bad any.

"BeMdea"— He smiled after wait* tag a ininnte or two for me to (vwtinae.

"Did I my Iweitlea?" was my innocent rejoinder. "I think I meant that after seeing them myaenecof the Importance at that duty had iaervaeed William ee* penally seems u* be a yonng man at very duuhifnl amiability."

I Immediately tbe noncommittal look I rutaniiid to Mr. Trohm s Inee.

"I hove no fault to And with Wil­liam." mid he. "He’s not the bmoI

‘ agreeable uompaaian ia tke arorld per­

haps. but b*‘ lias H pretty fancy fur fmit —a very pretty fancy.”

"One (wu hardly wonder nt that in a neighbor of Mr. IVobib." said L wnt(*h- ing bis look, which was tixtxl somewhat ghsiiiiily upon the forest of m*ea u*iw rapiilly rloaiiig in ar *nnil na.

"Prrba|Ni not. (lerhaiis not, madam. Th«* sight of ufull Itnnch of li*in«*yancklo banging tror.i on .arbor such as runs abaig HIT s*mth walls is a envat stimn* lant to «iu**’s toou*. ma<iam. I’ll not de­ny that."

"But, William." I repeated, deter- mineri u*>r to let the subject go. "have yon never thought bt* was u little iiidif- fereut to his sisters?"

"A little, ina*lain. ""And a tritiu rough to everything bnt

his digs?""A trifle, madam.""The girls”—I was almost angry—

"oil til*-otNitrary. seem devoted to him?""Wometi have that weakness.""And art as if titer would do—what

would they not do for him?""Mias Hntterworth. I hav«* never seen

a mon* amiabl** woman tban yonraelf. Will you promisH me me thing?"

His manner was respect Itaelf, hia smile genial and highly ixmtaginns. I eonld not help r**spnnding to it iu the way he experteil.

"Do not talk to me nbont the Knollys. It is a painful subject to me. Lucetta— yon know tbe girl, au<l I shall uot be able to prejndioe yon against her—has cooceiv^ tbe idea that 1 enconragt* William iu uu lutimary of which sIm* does not approve. Mb** docs uot vraiit him t*i talk t*> me. William has a Iimm tougn** in bis head and wmietiines drops nngaard*<d words alstut their doings op then*, which if any bnt William spoke— But then*. I am forgetting me at the most important mb-s of my own life, whK'h is to keep ray iiiouth from bab­bling and my tongn** fmni guile. Inflo- eaic<* of a congenial compauiou. madam—it is iiresistible sometimes, eepecially to a man living so much alone as my­self. "

I thonght his fault rtrr parrimable. bnt did uot «urpress it lest I should frighten his cmfldences away.

"I thought there was something." I mid. "Lncetta acted almost afrai*l **f you this inoming. I stoonld think she would be glad of the friendobip at on good a neighbor."

His fore took an a very somber look."Hh** is afraid of me," b«* admitted,

"afraid at what I may see or hav*> seen —of their poverty," he added, with an odd «*mpliasts. I soaroely think be ox- preted to deeeive me,

1 <lid not push tbe subject an inch further. I mw it bad gtaie as far as b*- would allow it at this time.


PhdilATK OKDKit.—Mtais ot Mfehhrsa, Coaaty (4 t'llstoa. —. a( • —4oa of

the Hruheie Hoart for thr roaaty uftYtatoa hcMsa at thr HrolMitr Uifer, la thr vlUags «*f Ht. Johaa. na FrMay. thr IHb <fav of lirrraibrr. la thr rear oar thtHwaa*! eight haa«lre*i aad alarty-rfgtit.

Pessrat. Iloa. t 'bartes M. MerrUI. Jadgs <4 Hrohete

la thr amttrr *4 the —tate of Jacob Htraight *lrrra>r*l. *ia reodlag aad BHag the itetlUoa daly vevMed. of Htraa* L. Hfaighl piaylaa this mart to adindirate Had determlae who are, or were at ih* lla— of bt* deoili the Ireal haln* of sal*l <1*reaaed asd t*atlllr«t bjr the laws of this slate t<* fo. heiit his real twtate aad the share or portloa lhete«4 that rarh *4 sahl hetre wereratltfed to at that Hate and the right title aad inter, •-at that rarh of Ibrni. or tbrir brlrs, ur aa> slgte-rs laajr now havr thrrrio.

Thm-ui*un II Is ordrml. that Thursday, the .Mh <lsr of Jaauart A. U. IMH*. at oar •I'clork la thr afImKMin Ik* a—lanrtl for tbe hearing nt sahl prtlllnn an«l that the hrlia at law of nald ilerrasnl aiHl all other lierstia* Interrstr*! In sal*l estate, are re- «|alre«l l«i ap|a*ar al a sr—Ion of said i-oart then to tir bolden at hr Hmhair oiHrr in thr rdlagr (4 HI. Jfihns. nii*l show rausr. If any there fir. why thr prarrr ol thr priiiinner sh«<ulil n«il Is-granlr*!. Ai>*l I Isturlhrror- <lrri-«l, that nollrr lie girrn to thr (s*r*Mtas la- l•-r«■•lr«l In sahl rslair of thr |s*nftrtH-r of sahl |M>tlth>a and the liearina thrrrof hy raavlinc a mpr of thh* orth-r to Is- pab- Ushr«l In Thi: Ht Jos\s nrw^pafirr iiH* Ir*! au*l f-trrnlair<l In sahl roiint* of I'llnt II. or three snf'<-r—In- «v—ks prerloaa to sah) «lav f,f l-esr**-*

(’IIARLEH M. MKRnil.U * A Tm* ••f,|*r.l Judge of Hmhair.

WHIT'S II IIIME?Many 11— Nwihlaa—Ha—sti—ss a Kwatt

tir Know ledge.It’* H giMnl *»hl sAi ing, him! h true *ine

ItM*. •’Kn«*w hII men hr their w**rkn.’’ The imblir hav** Iwen lm|*oaed ai»oii at* manv tint—* by un**cru|*1**us Hum** made fttr selttsli mtviiis of prolll. they hwik for sotitething iiMire s*il*stniitini; they ank for ileetls. The little rxintiueror hn» •Timed the n*i**itnli*>ii tnnde in Mirhigitti anil n«i imininter can steal it. Kruni iMirth to miuth. fntni east to srewt, in in every idty ttiwn and hamlet in the atMte, |*an|tle stan«l rendv to teaiify t** merit. Hmtitud** h*r ximfnrt brought U> I h***iaaiida of homes bniqr’* •anphalh* rej**iciag** and words of praise the like of whirh has not b*s*ti et|iialled in miMlem times Is it a woader that the name Down is II in a famihar om* in every housi hold? la it naiqirteing tbe iwbfic appmi-iate Doan’e Kiifney lllla and will aot be led nntray by the ingeniona sgottn of would he ciMnpetitom? Ih* tro«< dtisen tella Inme why tim name of Ijnan iailenr to him. Mr, R. N. Elliott, of 14JI High afreet. Detroit nave:

’*My knowledge *4 Dnaa'a Kl*lney PtPs dates hark to Avr rears ago. I waa th«e living la tbe town where Dr. Dona was loriMed. I was tnrtared with kldr—r (ma- Me aad IndeninMitory rheawallae*. The dor. terprsarribrd the pUle fer sse which have start hec**a»e s«* lastly faiaoas. Thsir ase eulrhl) rttaiHMtrd the artr arVI Imai say s>sreat aad with Ita Aspartars rnnte the rave of the rhsaaMtlam and the ea*l of the kHaty troaMvu. It took but a few hox— to arroni- pMsh thfe ead Met I feel tba* I owe Dr. D*mm* aa ei'iriastlag dsVt *4 grarltiMle tor prtsrrlh- lag such a ralaaMr maedy. I have talea great pfeanare la r—osswiadtag thin nmdl- •dae In a aaatber *4 mv fUead*. I atwava hasp a Imis <4 thsas pRf* wa head to that •hoald I tahe a saveve rtdd aad fhei that it Is —ctNag oa tav kldasy* a few dos— *4 Doaa’s KMaey I’nfe relfer— a I apprrheaslita "

IhNUi’n Kidney ItHs are aotd by all dealeea. Price iith* fter Mix Maii^ ou ersipt of prier hv F**arer. Mllburn f'o . Hnllalo, N. Y. aoh* agrtita for the rnitvd ■^tat* a.

firmsmhsr th** anms Dkna'a aad tmkomo other.

moKTiJAtlK .SAI.K — Defauit having been maitr In thr roii<llti<*ns id arrrinin tnort-

gag*- ut*Ml«‘ i*y Isrbwoi V. l*«-r«trw am) Ana A )*rr*trw, his w'ifr. to John li. Hatiro, ilnt*-«l lir«-f>n<ls-r HO. IHM.’,. nn*l rrrordsd January A. Insri. m thr ••HIrr of thr Itrgister uf lH*r«Ui td Clinlain r«iunty, .MIrh.. In lihrr UA nt luortgagrs. on |••Mrr 12. U|Mtii w hfebmori- gsaethrreis nowrlalnir«t t*t lirdur by virtue ol the terms thereof, at the<late ul this notice, for |irtnripal *ui*l liitrrrat, thr sam of $A.lVO.UO, ami no suit or iirts-iedlng at law bavlag liren instituted to recover the debt sscumi III sal*) inortgag*'. or snr part thser- •d. aixi llir iMiwer o ash* in »aid mortgage <-«>utslur<l having lss*ouir u|*eratlvr. tncee- forr. hy rlnne tif th* shld |>ower of sal* aad III*-statiit-- In such rn** made nnd urorl«led, notice Is hrrrliy gireti that on Hatnrday. .lanuary Ttli, A D. 1hi*1*. at nnr oVUtek In thr n'flemoou. nt the w*st front ihsir of th* (Tiurl hoiiiH*. Ill thr V lllagi- of H*. Johns, (1lni*iii <'oaaiy. MIchIgnn. sal*) court house being tbe I liar* In r hohling th* rimilt «*onrt for said i-oiinty. thr undemlgaed will sell at public auction or rimdor to th* high—> Md- <ler. th* iirrmls** d*i*ri1tw>«l In said mortgage, ore** much thereof ns may lir nrcrmuirT to pay thr amount due on said inortgngr tor p'lm-lpnl NO*l Inter—t and the legal rtsiteand chr.rg— of iMild sal*, rli.: 7T»* north part of th* ••asf 1^ of th* northeast l«. of isvtion 20, Isrlag that fMirtion lying north of 1b* (Iraad Itivrr tumpikr, also the cast ik *4 the snath, raet I4 of section 17. eicept about twelve «12> •err—of lami lying lirlween tbeUmmI KIvvt Highway nud' th* lfetr*ilt. l..aa*laa A N'orthem Itallrond heretofore rrlea—d. all lo township A north. *>1 rang* 4 w—1. (Ilntun r-otnty. Michigan.Datr<l. Hefitemlier 80th. laps.

JOH.N II. PATTEX,Hrsav J. HiTTgasox. Mortgagee

Ht. Johns, Mich.7wl8 Attorney for Mortgage*.

CII.\N*'Ei:Y HAI-K.—'In pursuance nail hy virtu* of an order na*l iimeadeit d—r— of

lb* t'tmili Court, for the County of dlatoa, la Chancery. In Ih* Hint* of MIcnIgsn. mad* nn*tdal*«l the 1st dav of Derrmber, A. I>. IMPN, In a cer «Un cause therein |iendlag, wherrtn David .S. French, as trust—. Is (*o«. platnsnt and Th* Ht. Johns Mnnnlsrtutiag Compnny. 1% rorporathin. Is defeatiaat.

.Nolle* Is hereliy gtren that I shall aril at public unction t«i Ih* high—I bld*l*r. at the w—I Pont il*>or of th* •'onrt lion—. In the vtllagrofst, Johns, county uf Cllntun. and state <4 Mtchlgaii. said Coart Hon— lu-lng th* pier* for liuldlag the Circuit court for Bel«l couniv, «vn TueiMlnr. th* *J4th day ut Januarv. at oar o clock In th* afier-B<Min. all Ilf th* following *1*—rlhevl property tu l•*sul•l In'lar par—I as a gulag ronrmi. In Older to rnl—tfe- amount due to the said complainant, for principal. Inter—t and •■oats In this *nu—. t*iwit: I.H»ts —rru. eight, nine, ten. rievevi. iwriv*. thlrt—u. fourteen, dttrea. slit—ti ami th* w—t half of lot —rrateen. la block oar humired aa«l iwrnty-«*Be. In ibr rlllagr <4 Ht Johns. (Union i-onaly. Michi­gan. arcurdiBK to the 1—orded plai thereof, together with all the mnehiaery, flxtur— aad appurteanar— thereon, also all the gooale, war—, merrhaadfer and |ie—oaal property •4 rverv dr—liptlon aad kind whs—soever sttualein. n|>un nad alioHt the premia—ot the HI. Johns MaanfacinrlsgCompanr nho— ds—rlbssl. as well as all material manufact­ured aa*i uamaautactnrrd. giuMle. tools aad all machinery aot attached t*i tl— *eei —tate an n Asia—, famlta—. lumber of ail kind#, laid—, manulacture*) aad la proce— of bring aiaBBtortiirr*l. bills rsrrtraMr. acmaate re. relralilr. varnish, rlue. bardwa— aad all snppll— iisr«l in the rvinsirtictlon of tabfea, aad all hoes— an*l wagons own—i by the sahl Ht. J<ihas Maanfarturtag ComiuMiy la Older to Insn—g<M*d faith sati avoid arres- sitV f«ir a rr-sah-. the |M*r*H>n or iir—nBa par- chasing thr said profierry ai such sale shall, Immedinirlv upon thr pro|*rrtv l•rlagslrack oirtohim, or th«m. <l«TH»slt th* sam*4flve tboBsaa*! dnila— with I he Cl—ult t'ourt f'ommtostoarr making th* sal* as iiart *4 the pa—ha— price, nao la ca— the |»artT or liarf*— *0 whoni tar sahl property shall b* sohl shall fall to laimedlalriy i—y lo the sahl •'omml—loaer th* sum »d five thossami dot- la—asimrt of th* pu—ha— money. 1 shall Im- medlatrly then aad the— again offer said pro|terty for sal* nB«l shall coallau* to offer I he sam* for sale to t h* high—t bidder iiatll th* fHi—ba—r or pa—hiv——. whoever they may lie. shall ileiMinlt In th* hands nt ta* • 'oinmt—lonrr thr sam of Av* thousand do|. la— a* a pari of th* pu—hiv— inoaey for sah) pr»*i>erty.

Daird. De—mhrr (Ith. Ispsi• IKliROK II. MAKHIIAM..

Ct—ult *'•—— CommIsshi—r la and for Clla. Ion County. Michigan.FannwA A IVAi.aau—1..

HtillHto— fo- Complainnat

THE 111 MR HOID—rofe—

Ifortbern Micliiiranr Ohio aad all Sonthern Points.

Ole—tCoae—tioas at tiwnaan Juaettoa (md Dnrmad with U. (1. H. A M. R y Tralaa.

T*lm* TNktolfe.lasdeet Xovemher Ard. IMA.

aoiiNi Ttoim—Lv. owrtMMi.*i4« A. ■....... ...........eml________ RiM R. ■for lOafe, Aahim, Hheea. Ht. LnMs. AiOML Mt Hleeeaat.(mi—. Cadlllec aad Fr*Mikten

OOYIVO ROmM—l-v. Deraad.•iM A. m. .............. fttM P. «For Howell. Aaa Artvor, Milea, TnleAp aM

all Rnnthera Ffdaka.n.HRMRRTT. O. P. A. Tivledo.Ohfo


w*n,ps«fe*M*v. eecsfnsatty oea . ei, fessllv rsr—iThae—.Mft dis— —ssr.rsait siss»s.

rtfe.. nifeHs. amssah a— Vaift

▼IKM. a. UMMOm * MMI.



hM?Tkm tbm kidm$

Thn probably tbe hnik

Tbea paobably rfaMnaatlHD.Mo mattor whoro It ia, nor wfaat Idad; yoa need have it do kmgiar. It nay be an hour, a day, or • year old; it nraat yield to



____ lyaftorepplTfacltJMOImI iu •ooUiiiig. weraiac* >u«aclh>




Ktb«^ .N'ix. oi JfirkMu. in rmilioKfrifiMlx ID o|ir.\

Mn*. Dnninp ('hri^tmaawith I.auMDtf frwndN.

LtivioM Wotr irt Ih** pn>ud piw- wiM<ir of a iifw oncnii.

Im Knnpii and dnuifhler Kiln, ar** yii*- itinN fri*Njd« in Itav miiiit.v.

\Ihm Mary .Xlarttkr, ot Ull•‘r, hoj*4)Ulfr Mick with pti**atnuiiia, hut i« •Mim** ^ttcr at pn»Mcnt.

A pair of void •|»Hrtai-l*^ \vcr*>fouuii tty Andre* Nelfcr inwr hix hoiie* rMcciitly. The owner «*an hare th** p*ainr by ralliiiK for them.

The I’oMt and t'oriM* rd lN«\Vitl will meet at their hall in lleWitt, .Hatiinht.Y, .laiiuar.v 14. at H* a. m. I’lcnic dinner, after which the ottlwrn will In* inNtall*‘«l.

JoNe{»h I'lowman, of St. .lohne. will l«M-tur.* at the lower (irauKe hall in Ih* Witt, Monday evenintc. January hth. Sithpet, t’uha and the .'i]MiniMh>.\meri< iin war. .\dmi>*»M»n ten eente.

.Mr. and Mr* U. llrink ••atertaiiieil Mr. and .Mre The«Mlore .Vefler oad familjr, .Mr. and .Mri>. lieo. Uliuard and dnui{h> terx, Mr. itiid Mre. J. li. Itnnk, (iettiv llrink, Mr and Mr>». Vnmey |•eH^ee and •laiitfhter JoHefihin** l*ean>*. New Year* day.


tinfi JuniieT IM ill Very |Mn»r heiiltb thiM ainter

•Mr. Chatani'M liam iidde to the im* proveiiient of the country.

.tiiiert Krefifie ruMte^l hiM father-in-law, Mr. KimlMil, .New Yean*.

The MiMoee .\lioi* and l*earl W«*lli» are frueete of .'itephen Ifnboie and faniiiy.

.Mr. ilauM.-, wife and dautfhterattemle*! an oVMter xiipper at tfieir nod'm near Hath.

.Mre M*TribewiM teorhiiiH a MUcceiWul term of Mchixd at the lloirnM w*hiMil houee.

Mn* Indemiill and daiitfhter and MiMter atteoileii tbe New Yeare <lan<>‘ at Merle llwirh.

(lartMiee KiiiilMtl and wife n|H.nt ChriMt- mae with liiM oiMter, .Mr*. .\. Krep|Mi, in tiratlot.

Mn> K. If Stone, ol ('Hlifomia, Iiiim lieeti viMitinic her Mieter, Mn* I.. .1. I.e«»n- arri and wae with her over I'hriMtiiion. l.ohi ''tone, of lM*baiion. Mfient tin* hoii- <lay week with her.

The tlrv kiln of the lla> 'Tiv xiMnufuriniiBit *~'o, w »• U«Mir«>ye.| hjr Bre. l.<nM fJtAoo

The Ktckafioo mOuw ooaiiauij haaffoae to HabtMtrdaUMi.

itev. U. H. ia>n« baa raturaad from hi tNiio vtoitinc trip.

Mr. aad lirw. (-'haiomr KtaMaro now am twpj tha Hami at baddiaa.

Horn to Mr. aad Mrw Krank TerwiUl. Ift-r, Ifecmabar 27, a non.

Kamierw* laatiiate at Mafde HapttU oa TueMlw.v nest, Jaauary lU.

The M. K. ourtety lield a watrh taeet- iaa ou Saturday eveaiuic, laat.

Tbe lee barveai. oa Maple iiirer, haw (■eaiin with a liouiitifal eupply,

A Hertew of revival iiieeliua* fa'lPn NtMin at the laiwe M. K. church.

Horn to Mr. aiwf .Mym. Frank .Indatwon, ol .SoUth *wat FlMeei, lleivtiilier 2U, a MOU.

Mimm .Matilda I'owlaw hae i(i>ne to Ifuraud, wliere«he will upend the winter

Mim. lowter Ifmn, wliohaalieeo MeHuae- ly ill for MOUM* time, w idowiy rerovertna.

Mm. Fonler fiweti hoM returned from a viMitiua trip auHiua IrieadM in tfaklaud ■*oauty.

Mm. J.W. Smith made u viMitina trip to Ifuraud uud Flint dunoa the |iaai week.

.Mr*, flattie Kobh, of Flint, ia riiHtiaa her moHier. Mm. Ilirani Halnwe. of tbij* villoae.

Mm. Ainaoda WelnUer baa been amiite*! an iuereaM- oi |ietiM«ou. on ao'uuul of an iiM'ouiiieteut child.

MImm .Viiiih Ketrhuni. of the Ht. .lohiiM NrhtMilM, wna a vioitor in the vil oae, liur- iliK the Iiael week.

Mimm Kale Hiickley, of Mt IMeaaant. wHM tile auenl of .Mr. <ui«I Mm. \, .ViiiiiM, duriUK the (HtMt wt'ek.

.Mim Maude IHmoo, of Ml. IMraaant. WMM ihetnieMt of lier mother. Mm. Sarah Ifiinou, diiriiiK the |MiMt \ve«»k.

Mim.tautha IfuiiMtall, of the State .Nor- iniil, WHM th** auent ol ^^a^iveM in thiM vinnity durina the imnt week.

It iM ruinoreil that Ifr. <te*»ra*‘ Youiia alaiut III n-iiiovefrom our loidMt, much to the n-aret of bin many (riendM.

Mmm .Mamie Wooilbiiry. of tbepiiiiiary ileiMtrtiiieiit of our Mchiad. epeiit lier vo­cal uiii at her hoim* near St. Joliiw.

Stefiheii M. Ifunetall, a Hmt mile on one ot the lake nlealllem. ViMited in thix %-knuil.v durina the pawl week.

Harry Hlaok. of lla*liua*. viaitiua hiM iMHiitH, .Mr. and .Mm. CbeMter Hlank. who reeide Nuutli of tbia riliaar.

laaac Hewitt and F. W. Hedfeni wen* Min ted truMteee. of Hh* « hnMtiaii church, at their latebuMineoa mreti g.

John Reetl, for many yearn a remdent of thiM villaac. hut now of Kvnrl, ia viait- ina fneode and relativea in thia vicioity.

hliMwx Famiem'tiuli met at the home of Mr. uud. Mm. A Maltewe. ol .Vorfh- eiiat Kiie»*x, on W.*«liinMlay laat, .lanuary 1.

William Uowiey. who la takina n courae Ol medicine at .\nii .trlair. line been viMiiina hia (larviita, duniia the paat week.

.Marrinl. at the M. K. paraomiae in thia villaa**. hy Uev .\. but her. |fta«»-iiilier *Ja, Irwin .M. Skinner t«» Mia*« .Sadie M»*Ha|er. ImiIIi of Kaoex.

William White, until n’cently a clerk in the drua elore oi 1 ftto Hiiliia. ol thiavii- ina*'. lina aon«‘ l«i .Vda.tfhio, when* he will lake a coiirae of pharmacy.

(iladya, youmreal daiiahter of l(ev. ami Mm .V. ff. Funnan, of lleldma. n'**entl> diet! ol a«*Hrlet lever. IU*v. Ciimmii woa. until nit*ntly. tin* |M»aior ol tin* M, K chtm*h in thia villna**-

Tliet'hriatian.Sunday Ni*hiM>i haae<c**ie«|the followiua ottir**r>> for the enauiua year. Superintemlent. .Mm. H. XV, Hewitt; Treoaun-rand Secretary, O. M. Snyder:I. ihmrian, XI. Hurnett.

Jamea Hiitier woa intimnd Hapnia dur­ina ttin paat week, Ha H deleaate to the 1*011 vention, which wna cailni lor llie pur- |MNW'ol oraniiixina II new liiah f'ourt of W»*aiem Xlichiaaii. I. it. <>. F,

The chi<*k«*ti*pH* aupiier. atYen nt theII. .V. U. Hall on .Siituniav ei-mina. laat, hy tin ladh'a’ a<M-iety, of the riinatian chun*h. WHa II aim-nta ill every way, while the n^<*apta werenlniut aaventeeti liolinm

Kl'iyd .Xndemoii. younacat aon of Xlr and Xlm liahnel .Vtidmaon. won ticalnl to H very iiteaaaiit aiirpnac on Fnda.v evetiiua. laat, hv hia imuiy youna fiienda. of South eaal Fnaex. who hail come to inform him that lielmd reacheif hiaaeven- taenlli milewtotie in hie.


CHICK’SSpecial for Saturday,

January 7* ’Q9-25 pounds of Wood’s Flour............................... $ .35 <

. H pound of lurst Pepper..................................* jjnllon of be«it N. O. MalasDcs..................^ 1 pound >Yood Hakinf? I*ow<ler....................., 5 pounds Qranulat^ Sugar...................

1 package 12 boxes Parlor Matches...........1 pound Good Coffee.........................................Ml pfxnnd Shreded Cocounut...........................

•>5.10 .15•I?


It pays to get good selUible goods when you can them at the above prices.


Yours for Oroceries,

MaaiaaA. A. CHICK.

j UNION HOME.i Frank Feraumn, of .\ahley, ia aftendinu I hia vacation with reintivea at riiioii I Holm*

Kale Thoinfieon. of St. .lohna. a|ietit , Suiidiiv lit home with her mother luid j alatem.

Tlie X. I*. .S. K. had their annual I election ot otticem Suinlay evenina. Xliae I .biinic XVeidniHii wae clnawii chairman. Followiua an* th*- oltlcera elect***! for the enauiua v*nr‘ I’menlent, Jennw* Weid- man vwe prealdent. tfam Harvey aav*- reiary. Ihmi Heilack. trenaiirer. Idoyd SlemI, liMikoiit coinmitt**e, Ktiiel l.tnimia, Xtiidr>ai XX'citlmaii. Kiith* Thoni|«Miii, a*>- cial cniiimitt*<e Kinma Harvey, .Sadie l.von, t'liirti Sit*ad.

Mloa Ada Ifamedtet apaat her roaatMMi with ber iwotber. Mm. Elitw Haaedict.

MlaaHa4Ma Kina violted birr pamata, Mr. and Mm. S’lliord Kinx. dunog tb«r buU- dwy voMMhia.

Om Wedmaday laat noearred tb* mor- nogv of ('4a«4 Marton to MUm Mar* Uia Uaker, butb ul Waiortowa.

Mfw. Johtt .Nuano* vtoiteil bar eblhfroa dunoa holiday wwi'k, attaadiag af'brbit- moa tiweat the Kiomid nrb«Mj| huoae

Miaw Liaaie flail, iWMioaiiMMMMl by bar couMiaa. MeM»m. (letirae aiiid Frowk Star!* ilia am viallitia an aunt at Mt, Henoant.

Mr. and Mm. Ctooa. Stabler eatertaiiied at tbfvr home oa I'nriatmoe day tbe fam* ilbw of S. li. Watoon aad L. F f’unrail. rheilay will Iw looa reineaibere«i liy the aueatoowa very merry (.'bi-MMiiioa.

Numerfiua twoehem fnHU thia viduit.v atie«ide«| ilieState refiebem' .V>eaH*iotitiu at Lwuana. .\inoua the iiumlnw w«>m. Mm. itieaclie Whiiloek, .Mia* Helen .\1. Kina. Ml** .\da Itenedict, .Mioa Hattie Kiuncy nud M. Townanid.\ b«Mi of etiaer littie |iao|il** wrem aaUi-

eml Ht the Walertowrii l'eater Hchind the Friday pmrwe<fiua t'hnatmoa. .ifter a proariuii very apfinipriate to theiM^oa- aion. a white curtain wow remove*! from onerioriier of the ptatform diocloeinu to the woiideriua little eyea u aiotioUa I'briatinoa tree. The apirit inaiiitewled woe ooe of true Cbriatmaa cheer, itemou- atmtina the truth that it ia mombiewee*! toaiYethiiii meeive; each pupil havina nrefiared for Mime **laaMiiiate a ttikeii <if love lutd remembraoce.\ i|aiet w<*ddintf orriimd at the rmi-

deno* of Xlr. Hint .Mm. It. F. Kiiiue.v on Thiiraday evenina lie»>*mlier 21i, when Kirk H. <'<*iira*l woa niarrie*! to Xliae IhrtliH i. Kiiiiiey b> the Her. Mr X«*rth. Only the intimate friemia and retalivea were (ireMiit. th** aueeta nutnlieiiiia about thirty. Th** liride nml ar«eim w*a>* Map|Mirt*<«l by Mr. ami Xlm. II. if t'ounul. XliNH Haiti** Kinney, aiater ot

, the hnde remi* n**l the l’ci*a**ent weiblina march for tin* *aitree. The dei-omtiooe W**n* in exceilefil taate. auitabh* to hoii* dnv bativiliiM. Iieina of htdiy, pink car­nation and white n>MM .\lter the «'er**- iiiony thecoinimny ant down ton Imiuu- tilnl Mupiier, and the lormollty aad Mii«>mait.v ol the oriNmiuii inelte*] into an atmoefiher** of cheer and amMifeilowahip. The anMini ia tt aon of Hon. L. P. 1'on- rad. of Watertown, and hoe been re- ivailly inuatere*! oat from aervieeintbe .S|miiiah .Xinerimii war. Mlae Kinney liUM liveil hem aiiN*e childhtMid ami ia well knttwn oa a teacher tbmuabout the I'ounty. .% laraedrele of frieoda e*t*aid their beat wiwhea to the youiia peofde for their futur** MDOceaa and happiueaa.


Kxcelkait akatiiia at the iteoch.Xliaa Mrfioaiail a|aait .New X'**am at

tier imrent’a home in Hath.Mim Myrtle MtMim retumod to the

.Varicullual f'ollea** .Monday.Merieiiearh |Mial*»llire will be cl«iwe<l

from January .'i, to .Xnril *111.Wm. Hm*l and family ate New X'**am

■linner with their dauahter. Mm. Kuaem* Forbea.

.Xtidn-u Wilh**im. of Hath, woa a aiiaal at thehoim-of K. Foriia* Ne* Y**am. m* nminiua aeveral daya aft**rwanl.

Xlm. K. K. Xfoor** and dauahter were l>ien«auily *-ntertaine*l .New X’*mm <lay •ly Mr. ao*l Xlm. F. I,. Memit, of Si. Johua.

The |.-eiiir** to lie air*ai bv Joe Plow- man at Olive firaiia** hwll January d, ia fNialpoued on acroiiiit of th** weather !*• Jaiinary lit.

l.'-w I'arpenter and family, .Mm. H. XX'. I'ariamter and .Mm Minnie lte>*vm ate .New X'cam dioiN*r at H. I*. <ioa**'* in St. Johua Four a*Nieraiioaa w*av rapre- Muited at thia aafli**'‘iua.

Mr. 00*1 Mm. J. XX'. Kaneat iia«i th** |d**aaure of bviaa pmaent at a liinner gir*Hi hy tlie L. O. T. .Xl. at tin* home of ^ .l**eT*»iTy ill X’ictor on Thnradny Inat. Kighty-two iiemuna wen* pmaent.

TIh* entertainment atYen at Orauat' hall XX'*-«lneMlay evenina ana a ap|*aidid auc**eaa. Hv aev*ui o’clo«*k the hall waa pack***! ami many failed to aniii a«lmit* ’ aim*. Tin* play woe well renilemd every­one ileaerviua arval crnlil l*ro***"e*|a «Itl.lP.

Ottic<>m •*l«*<'le<| at the annual ineeelinu of Oliv** arnua** wen*. XI.. Frank l.4ip ham. O., Frank l^irkina, I.. Kittn* K M<M»re; S.. K, Kininoiia. .X.S., \. liuaaiet,

I.eaia liuaaiet: trena.. H. l.amlvrtMin M***'y., I,*M*r 4'ar|a*nter:0, K.. X'aiiliyke: F,, Lulallrya: l’.,tluic** Forbm: .VddieX'aiiHyk** I*. .X. S , .N*dlie |,iirkina. exe** iitivc committer, .1, XX'. Kumwi. K. Hryn. K. Kinmoiia. Inatallatioii of ofSeem.Sal- unlay ev*nina January 7.

One Iff tin* moat |>iena«iit aoeioJ (airtiae of the M*aa«iii woa ttie on** aiven at Merle Heacli I>*s>emla*r .‘IH, alaiut «»ne hiimlml (aownn** w«m* pmM*iit. Xlany of the y*tnna |a*<it»ie came fn»m I^anaina iiml St. .lohna. .Xnioiia tlnaa* wh<i re- inain«*d oa attmta nt the lleHcii until Sat­urday wen*. M**wam. Hurd and Lundy, nml the Miaaea Th*>m|aNin an*l I'efipi**, of i-aoaina. tin* .X|ia**ea XX'alhrida**. f hafHu, McFarfan. Jud<t, luid XX'illiame. of St. Johua.


TIh* imiii*ntioua n*»w an*, mon* aoft wiaither.

Xliaa limn* How**, of Walertitwn, afieiit laat week with frienda in Hiley.

The L. .X. S. will nrnet with Mm. Han­nah Imnn*. Thnnolay, January 12.

HeHwwt Temide. *»f Tanifnaeh, ia afantd- iiia a few daya with hia motiier, Mm. H. Tempi**, and *itheT reiativaa. He mtuma t«i hia h*»me Thnradny, ae*'nm|Minie«l In- hia mother.

.Mr. and Mm. O. (’. Pmtt and family. Mr. and Mm. li. I^on**** and dauahter Meri*. arroin|MUiMd by Mr. ood Xlm. .X. I*. f'ha|Mnau and daoghter. Siloh. of Hancal. Mm. f\ Ibibinaon and li. I*.

- Knbinaou, ol South Rilay. and Mr. ood Mra. K. (Irinoid, of (iitiaid l^adge, ate .New X'eor'a dinoer with A. J. Cbopmon and wrifeat [ieWitt.


Albert Hoiden. of Popnior Hindi, Mo ,! a naiting mlnttvaa ood frienda ia tbia rtelaity.

I Them wne not n vmry large crowd nt I tbe oyaker anpper oi Ft^ fireoo'a Friday evening.

Mtw. KUen l^oomie, wImi bn* haen vMt- ■ mg reintivea ben*, baa retnmed to her I borne ia Mt. Plenannt.' Miaw Ora X'naHarger in at borne oow,

having cinnad a fonr montbe* term of i<N»l ia tbe .Xldrich dbnriet. near

l.aiagnbnrg.Mr, and Mm. Jonepfi Terry, of Victor,

entertoioed *ine hnnitrad peo^ to dinner laat Tbamday, the one—inn being n .Mnerabea dinner. Tbair benntifnl bewne w— filled. Mr. and Mra. Tarry know bow to entertain.

NEVER MINDHow We do it. But Come and Enjoy Yourself.

A $6oo for^^ntsThis is not a cheap course but the most expensive ever given in St. Johns.

6 Ai LECTURES and ENTERTAINriENTS Each weWc know it ought to be $1.50, but it Isn’t. The first one is

Next Wednesday Evening, Jan. iiAt the Methodist Church.

“The building cannot hold the croxvds that struggle to hear him.” That is xvhat the .\e\v York Worldsuvs of him. Him is the

REV. THOMAS DIXON, JR.,The Famous New York Preacher and Orator.

kcv. Sam Jones says: “I knoxx' Mr. Dixon xx’cli. I hax'e preached in his church, and heard him preach, Hcrore he is half xvay through you xvill have to feel for your old pocket knife to identify vourselt xvith. He is a live xvirc.”

Rev. F. H. Kerfoot, D. D., says: “Solomon said there is nothing nexv under the sun: but Soloinan had not M seen Dixon.” Z

Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D., says: I always feel, atter hearing Dixon, as il I had Ixeen on a spree—and wanted to go on another.


Hoyt L. Conary, of Boston,In “A Man About Town.” .All the ladies have seen the men about town and have noticed their peculiarities, but the men should 1r* there to see themselves as others sec them. Conary apfxeared three times last season find twice this season in the Flint Opera House, tilling the house ex'cry time, except the first. Mr. Conary lillcd oxer 20H dates last season.

The Arial Ladies’ QuartetWill 1k‘ fuisisted by the Comet Soloist of Sousa’s Band. Signor Tonioso (i. Petrini, xvlio is a host in himself. This is the best Ladies’ Oiiartet in the nexv T’nited States.

Harvey Smith McCowan,The (frinnell College Cyclone, comes highly recommend­ed. His “Jean \’aljcan” is xvay up among the top notches, and should be heard bv everybody.

J. DeWitt HillerDoes not need an introduction to our people. He has l)wn here, but it xvas a good while ago. Iir. .\ked, ot Liverjiool, Eng., said. “One of the great men I meet in my rounds is called DeWitt Miller. I think that, man lor man, he is the strongest man I have met this year. He is a character. He has liecn everyxxdiere. He knows ex’ery body. He reads every thing and knows ex’erx^hing. He has taken all knoxvledgc for his proxMiicc. and xx'hen he comes to England he is to lec­ture in Pembroke. Then Liverpool xx'ill hear some­thing that it has not heard before. He is the only man in .\mencn xxdio can start his mouth talking and go axvay to another lecture, leaving his month to finish for him.

The Cecilia Musical Club of Boston.Every one a soloist, selected from the Ladies’ Sym­

phony Orchestra. This will be the musical ex'cnt of the year, and xvc take great plea.snre in recommending this superb organization to our patrons.

Date5 for the last five mentioned will be announced in a few days, but remember that Dixon comesnext Wednesday night, January 11.

Course Tickets Nois on Sale at A

HUNTS DRUG STORE. 0 tar Eitartaiaititi 60e Reserved Seam at HUNT'S Satur­day. Jan. 7, IOC Extra for Each Entertainment.


Minn Kmiiia XX’ilkinMHi Mfwfil N**w' Yntiw with h«*r M«tf*r in St. I,4)ui«i.

a. HynMi Valfoitin** maih* a buiiiii*w« trip t*i (irand ItapidM. Friday.

Niirtnn Smith and wif** attMidwl th«* w*-ddioir of thrir win in Fiwfmrt, Thuiw- dnv.

XliiM Xlinii StiiinpHy in MiMonliDK th«> ludiday vorathm with her iNinaiti* in tiunniwinvilh*.

Hyron l.oiieror in wiW*M*iair from ii T**ry lam** iionk. anil in ciiiabh* to w*iik <Hi th*> trark thia wtwk.

A yrry r|ni»t w«>d«iinK *t*w«irrd at th** liotiw «tf Xlm. .1. J. fllff«»rd, XX'*<«in***Mlay **Y*aii»m. I>*’«'**ml»*a* ’JM. tb** ••*iiilra**tiiiir f»artl*a* iKinir Iwr **f*t«wt <laiiifhl«w. (h*r- tni*l**. an*l Kdaar Kdwartli*. Xlr. an*l Mn*. E^ilwnrdi* hnr** n h*»t •*! In*m*i» h*wi* wh*i winh liMNi* miirh joy ami pr**aprrity. TlM*yint**n*ll*i l•*ar**inalawday^< f*>rlh*Mr h<»im* in X'anmlah*, .Xrkan*M*#, wh«*t>** Xlr. Ktiwarda b«>ldi« a poailifHi a« atatinn a|K«mt.

Thiiroday aftrm*Nm witmiiom aii- otbrr wr*l*ii— in oar mid«t. Thi« tim«*. f>ir *>iii***m*'«l friood, f'larwo**** Smith t*» Xliaa Flora Hiitliw. *»l Fiwfairt, Mwdi. Xlr. Smith ia a iiroaiiiwoiia y*Miii|r fami*a’ hm>, and boa a larv* of frioiHla.XIni. Smith <*«iinaa into onr roidat hiirhly wwnmmMHltaf, oa on taitaxmabk* ynana lad?. W«* all ••itfoid «>ar Iwwrty (omamt- ulationa, ottd wwih Uw youna t'onpla n iiMMt happy aad pmapmiaa rnyoar.


LaMr*. Kd. Nfwbitt in on tbr ai«*k Hat.Mina Mood f'ertbi m a rirtkn of

Uripfw.Mrbool romnwcod Tiifodnjr. after a ra

(Nktton of *)— w«wk.Mina Stfibi—nn. of St. Jf>b—. w—a

a—at at tbe bo—* o4 K. Hat'-amp, the I—t of I—t week.

C. H. (’b«|Maaa and wife, of lbillaa,Ore- aon. have been tb** e—te of Uw4r aoa, A. C. I hopOMUi, the p—t week.

Tbe yonaafienpieof tbeConavYaadonal rbarrh. were hiably ontertoineii at tbe ho—• «jf Her. M. M. Mortia on Wed—a d— emnioa of I—t week. About forty i nwie preaont. j

Safieeinteatkait K. M. Ploakett enter-1 teiood bbi Snaiiay iwbool eb— at hbi j bo— loot FHday •wonina. The erenina i w— on fOiioyalAe *ineto nil prewent. Mr. | Plnakett oadfoeiily ore fln**eiirertainef«.

J. Heuui *tM at Me bo— MondaY, and i tbe fnoeml eerrt— weee mndeeted Wed-! needay afternoon at 2o’Hoak. Hebodbo—

ailiua for a*>me tim** |Nuit, nml hia ileath woa lioiiriT ax|a***t»al. He woa W»*ll

^ kmiwn tbn>aah thia town iui*i auminiid- ! iiur r-ountry. harina been proprietiir of H h*»tel lien*, for many y*<ara. He and

I Ilia family reoided on hiafann, iienr itrid, for a few yearn, wlien they n*tumed to

j thia villaa** about a y**ar oao. He leavea I a dev*it**<| wif** an*i one onn, who hnve \ th** aymiiNthy of th** *01111*** (^immunity in their liareav**ineot.


iIJ. (1. Farter an<l wife apent .New X'i*ara

with hia fath**r. J. II. Cartio*.There will lie a Imix MM-ial at tb** Fiuo’

orhiMil hdUM* ThiiriMiay iiiaht, Jannuiy j 12. forth** lieneflt of n library. Allan* {•'ordially inTit«<i|.I Mr. ami Mra. Hie**, ami I). .Xniett, of jtlreiroii, an«l Xlr. and Xlm. J*ihn I'am- pliell, *if Kurekn, XX'ulter Smith ami wife, of .St. .Iiihn*. Xlm. Frank X’eney, *if

I Stinlh lliiiahani. Jim Kirhy tuid wi^, of KunScM, (i. tiheriin and wife and mm. of thia pliMM* a|ieiit II liap^i.v .New X'ear'e *lay at tbehtiim’of It. F. Eenner.

Ur. nuirai'oonti Syrap U the ealoal mhI ■wrral run* ttir IImnn* ilaneernmi aflOrtloMa of the Itttle ••■ea—rrtiN|i. wh«Mipiai|.«*«>u|i aw<l laeoatr rnwah. I’hyoieMMa |•r••rr1hr II, ehll- alrea like ihoMM are ■moll. I'rtee RApt, j

Hae. U«u. K. .AUama. ot AmatenliMa. .N. Y. hoa boen rofloii to the p«Mtomw of the !•’—* Ilaptlat rhareh. KotawaxMi.

Wolrea ore thlaal— oat the Oeer at a rapid mte la Uw aorth wo**—.



NEWS LINERSAnd see the results.

(• Is W

■ut Nooa's SamaaarNIa Mas Olvan Hnr Parmanant Wealth.

** I ww a pale, pnny, atekly woomui, wetablna I— than SO ponnds. 1 wo* —rar well. I hod female tronblna and a bod throat trouble. I fwma orrooB on od- rart—iitani of llc>n<t >, haraoparUla and bod tolth fa the i—dkinaat onoa. Iba—a takina H and aoon fBit hot lor. I bopt on nntil I was rtirod. 1 now wWab 1« p—nda. and neror taOYa any aWkn— Rood'a Haraaporflla will not enro. My blood la poro, eomploxion good and fsoa traa from ernptlona.*' M—. LtntA Voa- aim. Box IM, HIHaaraYo. Bboda loland.

Hood’* BamaparillaU—bBBl-4o Wat tta O—Tma Mood Purttw.

Hood’s PIIIb !

..PARR BROS..New Grocery! New Goods!

Our Opening: Day is Saturday, January 7when we **ordlaliT inrfte too to rail. No old good* bat ereryf hi— Maw,

Frodli aad CIn— and ap*t«>-*late. and -nry artIHe arfertra wtth rare — to quality and price. (4nr line *>f

...FANCY GROCERIES...ia fomplaka. Hottle iNirea, Hnik fHlToa. INeblee (aweot.annr and mixed, in

^ bottbaor in balk). Foaer t'anaed Oooda of all kinde. oodprtara low oa the loweot. Oydbsra la CM ar balk.

o* 5TAPLE GROCERIES< far aim b—been to bny only tbe boat. Onr Ta—aad CaN—o wrofn ■».

leaked with gmat <*are — to tbetr Saporinr OaaNky and RaooNaacr Onr motto la.

Best OoodA, Lowest Pricei, Honeet Treatment.Thoakina yon in odranei* for yonr patronoar we hope to neertt. we ore

Yonm for lYade,

er. JOtfNB, MICN.