Download - The affect of students-teacher conflicts on students academic achievements



B Ed (Hons) 2010-2014

Submitted by

Touseef Ahmad


Supervised by

Dr. Nasir Ahmad

Center for Education and Staff Training

University of Swat


My beloved Father and Mother and Elder brother Mr Saeed Ahmad whoalways supported me


This thesis titled “The effects of students’ teacher

conflict on student academic achievement. Submitted by Touseef

Ahmad in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

B. Ed (Hons) in under my guidance and supervision is forwarded

for further necessary action.

Dr. Nasir Ahmad



This thesis titled “The effects of students’ teacher

conflict on students’ academic achievement”. Submitted by

Touseef Ahmad in partial fulfilment of the requirement for

the degree of B Ed Education is here by accepted.

Dr. Nasir Ahmad/ Supervisor

External Examiner

Farooq Nawaz KhanHead of Department (Education)


Except where otherwise acknowledged in the text, this

thesis represents the original research of the author. The

material contained herein has not been submitted either

whole or in part, for a degree at this or any other


Touseef Ahmad


There are a number of people who have greatly

contributed to the success of this research and need to be


My first thanks go to Almighty Allah for his guidance

and protection throughout the duration of my course.

Secondly to able supervisor (Assistant Professor) Dr. Nasir

Ahmad who did serve his duty as a supervisor and to Head of

Department Sir Farooq Nawaz and all lecturers of the School

of Education and Staff Training especially Sir Sajjad

Hussain who in diverse ways lent their support during the


My next gratitude goes to all my friends and course

mates for their support especially Ashfaq Ahmad for their

encouragement and moral support during and after the course.

Touseef Ahmad


The main purpose of the study was to investigate the

factors involves in student teachers’ conflict which affects

the academic achievement of students. Conflict is

unavoidable in any human institution. The fundamental

meaning of conflict is disagreement. Disagreements occur

between teachers and pupils over disciplinary measures such

as corporal punishment and other forms of punishments that

ensure discipline in the school. These conflict situations

have to be resolving to make sure peace and harmony between

the teacher and pupils. The school organization needs to

promote student achievements on the bases of controlling

conflicts between students and teacher in secondary schools.

The study was descriptive in nature. The basic aim of

the study was to find out the factors affecting student

achievements due to conflict between students and teachers

through the method of questionnaire. The study was based on

the secondary class students in tehsil of Matta, district

Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The result of the study revealed that, there was

positive relationship between intrapersonal conflicts on

student academic achievement. There was no relationship

between interpersonal conflicts on students’ academic

achievement. There was no relationship between intra-group

conflicts on students’ academic achievement.






1.1 Background of the study 1

1.2 Statement of the problem 3

1.3 Objectives of the study 3

1.4 Hypothesis’s 3

1.5 Significance of the study


1.6 Limitations 4

1.7 Delimitations 5

1.8 Definition of terms 5



2.1 Definition of conflict


2.2 Types of conflict 9

2.2.1 Intrapersonal conflict


2.2.2 Interpersonal conflict


2.2.3 Intra-group conflict


2.2.4 Inter-group conflict


2.3 Sources of conflict 12

2.4 Causes/Factor leading to conflict


2.5 Conflict management 16

2.6 Conflict resolution in school


2.7 Violence prevention and safe school environment


2.8 Mediation is a positive problem solving process


2.9 Mediation helps to reduce peer conflict and aggressive



2.10 Basic steps in mediation 21

2.11 Negotiation 22

2.11.1 Group problem solving




3.1 Population 24

3.2 Sampling 24

3.3 Instrument 24

3.4 Data collection 25

3.5 Data analysis 25





5.1 Summary 31

5.2 Findings 33

5.3 Conclusion 34

5.4 Recommendations 34




4.1 Intrapersonal Conflicts as a Cause of Students’-teacher

Conflicts at classroom level


4.2 Interpersonal as a cause of students’-teacher conflicts


Classroom level 27

4.3 Intra-group as a cause of students’-teacher conflicts


Classroom level 28

4.4 Effects of intrapersonal conflict on students academic

Achievement 28

4.5 Effects of interpersonal conflicts on students academic

Achievement 29

4.6 Effects of intra-group conflict on students academic

Achievement 29




The purpose of this study was to provide confirmation

that strong and helpful relationships between teachers and

students are basic to the healthy development of all

students in schools. Secure and arranged environments in our

Nation’s schools are necessary to encourage high standards

for learning and ensuring that all students have the

opportunity to develop their fullest potential. So that no

teacher would ever fear to walk into a classroom, and no

child would ever stay home from school because he or she

might be frightened. Too often, however, young people face

conflicts before, during, and after school. Because, they

are subjected to bullying, teasing, and senseless, sometimes

fatal, disputes over clothing and other possessions. Many of

these conflicts either begin at school or they are brought

into school from the home or the community.

Conflict needs to be looked at significantly and all

defensive actions must be taken to increase the school

environment and enable teachers and pupils live and work

together in harmony. “When students have a positive

relationship with their teachers, they adjust to school more

easily, view school as a positive experience, exhibit fewer

behavior difficulties, display better social skills, and

demonstrate higher academic achievement” (Ruby larson p; 9).

They are also more active participants in class, express a

greater interest in school, and maintain higher grade point


The study was also to introduce those factors of

conflict which can represent effects on educational sitting.

Conflict is unavoidable in any human institution. The

fundamental meaning of conflict is disagreement.

Disagreements occur between teachers and pupils over

disciplinary measures such as corporal punishment and other

forms of punishments that ensure discipline in the school.

These conflict situations have to be resolved to make sure

peace and harmony between the teacher and pupils.

It presents the opportunity to develop safe study

environment to enhance students’ achievement and the

adaptation of various conflict management strategies for

handling conflict. Some of these strategies are: Mediation,

Negotiation, Avoidance, and Collaboration etc when utilized

by schools, leads to less conflict and better outcomes for

all involved. It helps students and teacher to enhance

better understanding in the field of conflict by recognizing

different conflicts resolution techniques. It encourages and

helps schools to achieve co-operative and supportive working

relationship between staff and students in secondary


It identifies some factors leading to conflict and the

description of some valuable sources of conflict which shows

teacher responsibility to understand these sources and

factors of conflict to improve their students’ academic



The main purpose of the study was to investigate the

factors involve in student teachers’ conflict which effects

the academic achievement of students. Conflict is

unavoidable in any human institution. The fundamental

meaning of conflict is disagreement. Disagreements occur

between teachers and pupils over disciplinary measures such

as corporal punishment and other forms of punishments that

ensure discipline in the school. These conflict situations

have to be resolved to make sure peace and harmony between

the teacher and pupils. The school organization needs to

promote student achievements on the bases of controlling

conflicts between students and teacher in secondary schools.


Objectives of the study were;

1. To identify causes of conflict that exists in the

secondary school system.

2. To investigate the effects of students-teacher conflicts

on students’ academic achievement.

3. To explore different kinds of conflict face by students

and teacher in secondary schools.


1. Conflict in the secondary schools negatively affects

students’ achievements.

2. Poor interaction between students and teacher leads

students to less achievement in secondary schools.

3. Conflict in secondary schools promote unwanted learning

and reduce students achievement.


The study investigated conflicts occur between students

and teachers and its effects on students’ academic

achievement. The study may be significant for different

stakeholders including students, teachers, administrators,

planning commission and future researchers. The study

highlighted different conflicts occurred between students

teachers and also illustrates the effects on students

academic achievements.


1. It was difficult to fairly fill out questionnaires by the

students in the presence of their teachers.

2. Some heads of the schools did not allow me to conduct

questionnaire in their school easily, resultantly wasted

my time and prevented me from the targeted numbers of

schools for research.

3. Some of the students refused to answer the questions

regarding their teachers properly because, of fear being

indentified by their teacher as opponents.

4. Some of the students were feeling hesitation while,

others were not even interested in filling out



This study is limited to conflict that occurs in the

secondary schools of Tehsil Matta district Swat. Even in the

Tehsil Matta Schools, it is delimited to only government

schools. Since it was impossible to include all secondary

schools in the District Swat, the focus has on Tehsil Matta.

The study seeks not only to identify problems that hold back

students achievement in classrooms, but also troubles of

conflict in and outside classrooms. Even though the study

was limited to Swat District, the outcome might be

comprehensive to other secondary schools in the country.


 Negotiation- is an unlock procedure for two parties to find

a suitable resolution to a complex conflict.

Mediation- refers to any case in which a third party helps

others make agreement.

Conflict- is a great effort between group of people,

organizations, or institutions. Conflict engaged opposing

forces, pulling in dissimilar directions.

Supportive relationships- lessen anxiety and develop your

generally health and logic of well-being. 

Academic achievement- is the outcome of education — the

degree to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their educational aims.

Avoidance- is the process of staying away from something or

someone. Not responding the mobile phone is an example of

the avoidance of someone.

Collaboration- is the act of working with someone to create


Corporal punishment- is the action of punishing pupils by

hitting a part of their body with a stick.




According to (Erasmus, Swart and Morietta 2000:367)

Conflict is defined as a clash of interest within the

individual or between two or more people where the

requirements, objectives, morals, interests and perception

of one person or group do not have the same opinion with

those of another person or group. While Margaret Owusu –

Mensah (2007) define conflict is a disagreement between two

or more people or between two or more options. So conflict

can be stated as difference of opinion between teachers and

students regarding their subjects suppose if students like a

particular style of teaching and it is not full filled by

the teachers then the students will raise their concern in

the form of conflict.

Conflict can also occur if the teachers do not value

their students equally in classes and actually showing their

favoritism in the classroom. Consequently it will affect the

student’s academic achievements.

When students have a positive teacher-student

relationship, they adjust to school more easily, view school

as a positive experience, exhibit fewer behavior

difficulties, display better social skills, and show higher

educational achievement (Ruby larson p; 9).“They are also

more active participants in class, express a greater

interest in school, and maintain higher grade point


Conflicts are perceived as positive effect on classroom

learning and student achievement by some researchers, as it

can increase the learning environment of schools,

particularly classrooms. Classroom conflicts can present

opportunities to push the class to a higher level of

understanding, enable the instructor to gain valuable

insights into classroom dynamics, and improve the way the

course is designed and taught.

Students who feel alienated from other members of the

class and distant from the interests or attention of the

teacher are more likely to exhibit aggressive or provocative

behavior in class (Kearney & Plax, 1992). When students are

shy, feel hesitation while asking and showing no interest in

the class participation may present violent behaviors toward

other class members as well as their respective teachers.

Orange (2000) and Thweatt and McCroskey (1996) consider

misbehaviors to be accidental, happening when using

unsuitable learning strategies and techniques. These

negative behaviors can affect the students, who may become

frightened of their teacher or begin disliking the subject

matter he or she teaches. It can be said that conflict is

not taken by the students intentionally but rather it take

place itself when certain polices or rules are established

in schools are not align with the students.

If students think the instructor cares about them, they

will be more positively–disposed to the course and the

instructor (Feldman, 1989). When teachers deal their

students equally such as give them same rights of

participation in the classroom then these students will show

good performance in their academic careers and finally they

will be successful in their achievements in terms of having

good grades.

“A fundamental question for a student is ‘Does my

teacher like me?’ Given a rigorous, aligned curriculum, the

answer to that simple question is our best predictor of

student achievement”— (Terry, 2008). Teacher needs to

recognize that he or she can have a positive effect on their

students’ achievement. So, the teachers should be fair

enough to lead their students in positive direction and do

not let their students to think themselves as discriminated.

Ultimately prevent them of being thrown in inferiority.


Marian Nastase (2007) define four major types of


2.2.1 Intrapersonal conflicts

According to Marian Nastase (2007) Intrapersonal

conflicts occur when a person come across circumstances

which needs some actions or attitude that are not related on

a person own interests. The factors which are resulting from

such type of conflict arise from the inner feelings of the

concerned person or the external environment. For example

when the teacher uses example based on ethnicity which may

harm a student value, can cause conflict.

The second difficult condition which can lead us to

intrapersonal conflict may the unclear tasks or goals that

we should achieve. A person wants to have dominant

distinctiveness and uniqueness in the organization he works,

the desire to create strong status for what he possess in

the organization and what he needs him to do leads to a

process that requires enormous possessions that produce an

increased anxiety. The factors mentioned above show various

pressures upon the person involved and as consequent various

kinds of internal issues will emerge that, afterwards will

convert into major organizational intrapersonal conflicts.

2.2.2 Interpersonal conflicts

It is that type of conflict in which two or more

persons can come into conflict due to some interests, it can

also occur between persons of the same group or different

groups. For instance this type of conflict may occur among

students or teachers and also between particular student and


Interpersonal conflict can come across in different

situations and can shape into various forms. It can even be

happened between two or three individuals and also could

take into hundreds or even thousand persons into conflict

with the passage of time.

2.2.3 Intra-group conflict

The intra-group conflicts arise between individuals of

the same group and it can also be breed by various sources.

The most common which are confronted usually are as under

like the difference of command of the actions that are to be

met, the status inside the group, the relationships

between the old members and the new ones etc. The

difference of opinion that we think between our desires

about our status which we have inside the group and how

actually we are treated in the organization, and these

things which are happening in a specific group which we

belong to compel us to change our attitude at a particular

point in time. If specific actions are take to overcome

these discrepancies are not acted upon seriously and also

considered them as unfair then it will definitely pose some

critical hazards for the status of the organization members,

and then the ultimate result will be the conflict among the

members inside the group. For instance, this type of

conflict can take form when a brilliant student of class

expects his role to be dominant and wants too closer

interaction with teacher and it is not so in his perception

then he may be in conflict with other members of the class

and the teacher too.

If the members want to prevent such type of conflict

within the group then they do not come openly with their own

suggestion or any disagreement to a particular decision but

instead try to make a decision with mutual consensus.

2.2.4 Inter-group conflict

This type of conflict can come between two or more

groups on the following reasons such as the discrepancy on

organizational main concern or on its important

components, the access to the limited resources, the

status that certain groups want to have over others, etc.

Inter-group conflict does not usually occur, however, when

it appears then its affect is influential on the

organization because of its consistency enduring nature.

In schools such conflict may rarely happens when one

class wants more resources like having good teaching staff,

maximum use of lab, audio visual aids and other sports

facilities than other class.

The inter-group conflict present one group as against

of another group or other similar groups or it can be meant

that all members of one group be in conflict with all

members of against group. There is a saying: “all against


In the inter-group conflicts, one important

determinate is culture which is usually used for showing

differences or even one group on the bases of culture

suppose its dominance over other groups. It is also worth

seeing to observe that in inter-group conflicts, we can

notice the difference of behaviors of members of one group

not only against the opposed group members but also with

other group colleagues. When such a group confront a danger

for the whole group and then these members show a strong

aggressive relation with others.


According to Abdul Ghaffar (p: 214), these are some of

the sources of conflict which are as follows: shared assets,

differences in objectives, difference in opinion and

principles, discrepancy in the role requirements,

nature of work activities, individual approaches, and

the stage of organizational progress. In addition Gray

and Stark (1984) also had mentioned six source of conflict,

such as. 1) Limited resources; 2) mutually dependent of

work activities; 3) Disagreement of activities; 4)

Communication problems; 5) Differences in perceptions;

6) The culture of the organization.

From the above sources of conflict which are given by

different writers, we can conclude that conflict appears to

be the following reasons like. 1) Member differences about

conflict (conflict is perceived by some individual as good

for the organizational performance while others neglect this

view). 2) Poor authority structures ( according to some

people the authority is not clearly mentioned in the

organization structure therefore leads to a conflict); 3)

Differences in perception; 4) Task asymmetry (In which

one group is more informed than the other and as a result

influence the weaker one due to less information). 5)

Differences on the basis of time horizons (conflict also

arises in organization in which one department view short

term decision whereas the other supports long term).


2.4.1 Affective Conflict

According to Abdul Ghaffar (p: 217) This is one of the

factor which leads to conflict and can be described as a

situation where group members have interrelated quarrels due

to aggression, teasing, bulling, depression, irritation,

disturbance and the like.

2.4.2 Substantive Conflict

According to Abdul Ghaffar (p: 217) this is a type of

conflict which occurs due to differences of the group

members on the basis of thoughts and attitude regarding the

specific work being carried out, like differences on the

correct data to be included in a report or any other

activity related to the organization position.

2.4.3 Conflict of Interest

This source of conflict can be defined as disagreement

of the members over the assigning of limited resources, like

some may prefer these resources for their use while others

will resist and will try to insist that it should be

allocated to them. Conflict of interest appears in the

organization between the individuals when they are facing

same situation and they are trying to solve this issue or

problem by their own but varying perceptions about the

allocation of limited resources.

2.4.4 Conflict of Values

This is a type of conflict which happens between

individuals on the basis of their morals and standards

related to specific matters. This is also called ideological

conflict. For example when a student is highlighted by his

teacher on the basis of his cultural values so, it may

create a conflict of values.

2.4.5 Goal Conflict

This conflict arises when the end result or objective

of two groups is different or they do not agree on their

same goal. In very few cases it can comprise deviated

likings above all of the other decision outcomes, which will

result in a zero sum game or in other words it will benefit

one party at the expense of another.

2.4.6 Realistic versus Nonrealistic Conflict

Realistic conflict is related to that conflict which

occurs with regard to the real issues in organization like

some may want one way of doing an activity while other

opposes it but this must be result-oriented and there will

be some sensible reasons behind such a conflict, on the

other side nonrealistic conflict “is conflict of no rational

and actually, it has nothing to do with organization outcome

and achievements.

2.4.7 Institutionalized versus Non-institutionalized


Institutionalized conflict is considered in

institutions or an organization where there are set rules

and guidelines under which the members are supposed to

operate. They have a relationship of continuity as we may

see in the case of line–staff conflict or labor–management

negotiations. In contrast, non- institutionalized conflict

is that conflict which occurs on the basis of race,

ethnicity or religion and so forth.

2.4.8 Retributive Conflict

This type of conflict is categorized by a circumstance

in which the disagreeing parties want to create a conflict

with the notion to give the rival some losses. Or we can say

it is simply means that one party celebrates his win over

the loss of his opponent.

2.4.9 Misattributed Conflict

This conflict is characterized by the wrong allocation

of causes (behaviors, parties, or issues) to conflict. For

instance, an employee my incorrectly holding his supervisor

responsible for the cut in their department budget which,

indeed, would have been cut by the top-level managers

because of the objection of the supervisor that he could not

do such an act.

2.4.10 Displaced Conflict

This conflict has been described as a conflict which

arises due to the conflicting parties either blaming and

showing anger towards other communal entities which are not

basically involved in conflict or debate on other small

issues that are not worth discussing.

2.4.11 Process (action) conflict

It happens when individuals in the organization have

disagreement on the actions to be performed. Conflicting

parties present their different actions or tasks to be most

preferable and valuable than his rival. This is a very

crucial sort of conflict in which the organization assets

are at high risk. These assets or resources are very import

for an organization existence, as well as, for its long term

performance and if, these are become the victims of a

conflict then the organization will be directed toward its


2.4.12 Emotional conflict

It occurs when unalike value systems are faced and also

when certain symbols, sign, image etc are seen. That may

display a specific opposing emotional picture in one’s mind

or deliver strong emotional communication. A person

thinking, sentiments which are linked to specific signs or

activities may consider as conflicting to his personality

and that may create extremely harsh responses from his side.

Essentially, every form of conflict stated previously has a

robust emotional amount that magnifies its possibility.


According to Olu Okotoni and Abosede Okotoni (2003) who

stated that, actual harmonization does not come by itself.

However, to bring it, a person needs to hire those

individuals who held skills and knowledge and to utilize

their abilities and talents in the pursuance of a mutual

goal. Individuals who do all this collaboration in order to

achieve their mission are known as managers and the

expertise and dexterity they employ are largely called the

field of management. It can be said that management is

composed of setting goals, directing people, planning

objectives and controlling of activities. If all these tasks

were ensured by the manager then it is evident to see the

smooth running of an organization.

The hurdle in the way of success of an organization

appears as conflict which disintegrates all the efforts of a

manager. It arises because of so many factors which are not

properly managed by the managers like pressure, frustration,

burden etc. so, to clearly say that conflict management is a

vital method for achieving of an outcome.

According to Zikmann (1992) when conflicts are properly

managed by managers which will assist in determining those

issues, problems and arrogances which were hidden earlier.

Secondly, it may also support in simplifying suspicions and

rally total collaboration. Conflicts are not always meant as

negative but sometimes it has positive effects on the

organization like it create competition among members of the

organization to complete their timely and more efficiently.

Conflicts comes with humans presence so organization should

not hesitate or even be frightened of its existence but need

to be more vigilant and proactive to handle and manage it



The aim of the conflict resolution in school is to

promote and support the schools environment to gain

collaborative and mutual relationship among students and

teachers. This includes the process of mediation which will

help the schools long term performance and a good relation

between teachers and students. Eventually, the students will

show more interest in their studies and becoming prosperous

members for the society.

Conflict resolution program may benefit the schools in

terms of enforcing better rules, regulations, good structure

of the organization, setting goals, adopting useful

curriculum decisions and arrangement for evaluating future

learning’s. when conflict resolution is practically applied

then students and teachers will support each other by

working together, beside this when it is enforced by the

people in their society it will bear a good and positive

result on whole community.

Conflict resolution programs can encourage an

individual in schools to implement superior attitudes and

behaviors in his personality holding responsible himself as

a member of society as well as induce thinking of it as

broadly for the overall safe learning environment.


Strategies are used to allow students overcome issues

positively like interactive conflicts, cultural

dissimilarities, and the conflict of interest. The essential

task which is utmost needed is to bring young blood (youth)

together and teach them those expertise and methods which

may empower them to avoid and solve conflict profitably. If

these young people found an understanding that conflict can

be resolved through various conflict resolution methods such

as negotiation, mediation, mutual understanding and the last

but not the least unanimous decision than they will not only

follow it again but also will preach it to others.

Only one entity that is School cannot transform the

society from an evil of conflict, although, it can do the

maximum as under below.

1. Instruct changes to conflict.

2. Communicate students to present sensibly in social


3. Teach students to know and admit the significance of

their conduct.

Conflict resolution basically teaches how to deal

properly a conflict situation with skills, expertise and

especially methods are used to identify how to prevent

aggressive attitude, negative thinking and the two very

important conflicts such as interpersonal and self-

destructive conflict. So , the young blood are perceived to

resolve all the conflict related problem before it may get

out of control with ways they have been taught at various

platforms, specifically in schools.

Every school creates a variety of approaches or plans

for constructively tackling or controlling of conflict. Some

of the important approaches or strategies which are used for

conflict resolution are as follows:

1. Imparting knowledge about conflict resolution

2. Collaborative classroom practices and actions for

resolving accusations.

3. Mediation is active and enabling strategy for effective

solution of conflict


Mediation is one of the process mostly uses for the

conflict resolution and it is helpful to prevent conflict

which may remain long last and become more harmful if not

solved on time. Sometimes very small disputes or even

misunderstanding take the shape of huge differences or

conflicts. So, mediation can transform these into a safe and

peaceful environment. Mediation allows conflicting parities

to choose alternatives truthfully and find consensus

decisions. The mediation process stimulates future

collaborations and team work.

It is a well-organized, goal-oriented process that

involves obvious stages, and resolves clashes behind the

scenes. In mediation process an individual work as a

mediator for bringing solutions to the conflict, he actually

is impartial third party and allowing the two conflicting

parties to talk and listens each other’s complaints

carefully and then finding a way out for their dispute. In

this process mediator does not act as authoritarian for to

give away punishment or blaming one party but rather trying

to a positive solution of the problem.

Other approaches used for conflict resolution in

schools may involve a solution or decision is as final. In

other words forced the conflicting parting own a final

judgment where as in the case of mediation it is not the

case which is the other way around like conflicting parties

complaints against each other is collected and then a

mutually accepted decision is withdrawn out.

Mediation is a very effective process of conflict

resolution and there for it should be enforce and practice

in all schools to constructively solve completely those

issues related to students and teachers. It is a best method

to incorporate into the entire school community rules and




Mediation helps to reduce conflicts among the same age

people and help to develop peer support systems and generate

different programs which are mostly based on ages that

educate them with community expertise. For example,

different approaches are built for secondary school students

that may help them with resolving disputes like social

knowledge which further involve constructing friendships,

being helpful, control on excitements and other collective

problem solving techniques. In addition, approaches and

techniques of mediation are also taught to other senior

youngsters who are studying in middle and high school to

demonstrate them how to use and practice mediation

techniques in their lives. .

Explanation of the behavioral prospects and use of

results for the regulation defiance and non-defiance, pure

determination of polices and borders and continuously

analyzing of significances can be useful for diminishing

frustrated behaviors in you program.

Applying a same age mediation programs will help

resolve the conflicts which arise among peers due to

aggression, misbehavior and teasing. Ultimately, result in

high standard, peaceful and friendly or supportive


In school the peer mediators are usually the one who is

well equipped with knowledge and skills of how to use

mediation techniques for resolving conflicts among the

students. He is the ability of listening and talent of

applying his decision on conflicting parties.

Generally, the mediator is needed to look and analyze

the conflict of the two parties in depth and then find a

mutually accepted solution.

It should be noted that peer mediation will be used for

resolving conflict of same age and power, although, it is

not appropriate for fight bullying.


According to Cohen (1995) “The following are the major steps

involved in mediation process”.

1. Creating the context –first step defines a suitable and

isolated place and enough time without disruption is


2. Explaining the process – the aim and procedure of

mediation are mentioned.

3. Listening to what happened –conflicting parties

complaints should be listen carefully by turn without


4. Defining problems and concerns –problems and concerns

should be clearly discussed and then an outline or plan

be presented by the mediator with parties.

5. Focusing on the future and finding solutions –decision by

which both parties agree themselves must be accepted.

6. Concluding – a joint contract or treaty is set and

sometimes written down.


Negotiation is a method of solving disputes in which

all the conflicting parties or groups included aware of the

fact they cannot force their decision nor accept others

will. Thus, they have to work together to gain their

objectives or goals collectively.

It is a famous technique for conflict resolution; in

this process disputed members or their negotiators get

together and seek solution to the disputed parties


In negotiation the conflicting individuals themselves

or their representative try to reach a solution without

getting sides but rather independently after stating their

needs, interests without showing their positions and

creating a collective and mutual outcome.

The negotiation process seeks to learn and empower

people so, that they can easily get their targeted outcome

apart from disturbance. In the principle of negotiation is

that all the including parties should be well aware of means

of achieving goal and avoidance of disruptions. Negotiation

does not allow a dispute to be resolved at the expense of

another party.

Finally, this method is very useful for the students to

apply it in their schools whenever they come across any sort

of conflicting situation it will not only benefit them

individually but set a way forth for the coming generation

and the society as a whole.

2.11.1 Group problem solving

Group problem solving is a technique used for solving

conflicts among individuals like students. This problem-

solving method involve students who are part of their

classroom or groups and their role will be to make a

collective decision that will enable them to resolve

conflicts in a fruitful and profitable way.

This method has been proved so far beneficial for

conflict resolution and also helpful in building good

relationship between disputed parties. Furthermore, a strong

and better relationship can be improved by this method that

pave the path to success and finally, this improvement can

be considered is as important as reaching at a certain




This study was descriptive in nature. The basic aim of

the study was to find out the factors affecting student

achievements due to conflict between students and teachers

through questionnaire method. The study was based on the

secondary class students in tehsil of Matta, district Swat,

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


The population of the study was comprised of class

ninth and class tenth students of all the eighteen (18)

secondary schools in tehsil of Matta, district Swat, Khyber



The sample of the study was the representative of four

schools of ninth class students and five schools of tenth

class students located in the villages of Matta, Darmay,

Bedara, Drushkhela and Chuprial, Gatt, Sijband, Nazarabad,

Sherpalam respectively. Through simple random sampling

techniques nine (09) secondary schools and 399 students of

9th and 10th class were selected.


The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument for

the collection of data which was developed by the researcher

regarding factors affecting students’ achievement due to

conflict between students and teachers in secondary schools

of tehsil Matta, district Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The

questionnaire was based on likert scale and comprised of

fifteen items which were related to the student and teacher


Pilot testing was first introduced to estimate the

reliability of the instrument by applying it to forty

students of ninth class. The cronbeck Alpha value for the

reliability of the instrument was .803.

The reliability of the instrument was assured through

the expert opinions of the experts in the field of

educational research. The instrument was given to the

experts and their opinions and suggestions were incorporated



In order to collect data from students, after the

estimation of reliability and assuring of validity of the

instrument, it was administered by researcher personally to

the students of sample schools. The researcher used the

questionnaires in the working hours of the school and the

students were told to respond the questions without fear and

were assured that filled questions would not be shared with

their teachers and it was mentioned that this scale is used

only for the purpose of research.

In order to find out factors through questionnaires

affecting students achievement due to student and teacher

conflict in the secondary school of tehsil Matta, district



The collected data were feed in SPSS version 16. All

the variables were computed and were analyzed through mean

scores, standard deviation and linear regression.



The present chapter explains the data analysis and

interpretation of the collected data. The collected data

were placed in SPSS version 16. To identify the causes of

students’ conflicts through Mean scores and Standard

deviation, while the effects of students’ teacher conflicts

on students’ academic achievement were analyzed through

linear regression. The details of the analysis and

interpretation are as follows;

Mean Score formula;

1.00 ------------------ 1.50 Strongly Disagree

1.51 ------------------ 2.50 Disagreed

2.51 ------------------ 3.50 Undecided

3.51 ------------------ 4.50 Agreed

4.51 ------------------ 5.00 Strongly Agreed

4.1 Intrapersonal Conflicts as a Cause of Students’-teacher

Conflicts at Classroom level

N Minimum MaximumMean Std. Deviation

Item 1 399 1 5 1.70 .942

Item 2 399 1 5 1.66 .904

Item 3 399 1 5 3.02 1.491

Item 4 399 1 5 2.03 1.232

Item 5 399 1 5 4.38 .892

Item 6 399 1 5 3.34 1.394

Sum; 399 10.00 31.0020.2807 3.64938 Intra-personal

The above table illustrates that majority of students

were free from the conflicts of different type occurred at

secondary school level. The current table shows

intrapersonal conflicts of students where the mean score is

20.2807 with std deviation of 3.6493. Most of the items on

the research instrument collect students’ views on

intrapersonal conflicts, which is the most significant cause

of students’ teacher conflict at classroom level.

4.2 Interpersonal as a cause of students’-teacher conflicts

at classroom level

N Minimum MaximumMean Std. DeviationItem 1 399 15 2.19 1.236Item 2 399 15 1.39 .707Item 3 399 15 3.66 1.206Item 4 399 15 2.97 1.422Item 5 399 15 1.59 .805

Sum; 399 5.0021.00 9.8120 2.99199


The above table illustrates that majority of students

were free from the conflict of different type occurred at

secondary school level. The current table illustrates the

mean score of interpersonal conflict of students teacher is

9.8120 with std deviation of 2.99199 and this is the second

cause of conflict take place between students and teacher at

classroom level. This is the second parameter in the

instrument which illustrates student-teacher conflicts at

classroom level.

4.3 Intra-group as a cause of students’-teacher

conflicts at classroom level

N MinimumMaximum Mean Std. Deviation Item 1 399 15 1.69 .844 Item 2 399 15 2.22 1.198 Item 3 399 15 1.73 .923 Item 4 399 15 3.34 1.394 Sum; 399 4.0020.00 8.9674 2.35887 Intra-group

The above table illustrates that majority of students

were free from the conflict of different type occurred at

secondary school level. The current table shows the intra-

group conflicts which are the third cause of students and

teachers conflict with less mean score 8.983 with std

deviation of 2.351.

In nutshell the above mentioned causes are responsible

for conflicts among teacher and students. Among which the

intrapersonal source/cause is the most crucial and most of

the time it creates problems.

4.4 Effects of intrapersonal conflict on students academic


Model R

r2 Sign level

1 .156

.24 .002

The above table illustrates that the r value is .156

which shows the relationship between students’ marks and the

intrapersonal conflicts. While the regression values are not

as significant as need to be. It is because of the students’

rejection that students are not confronting with

intrapersonal conflicts at school level. The significant

level is .002.

In nut shell students’ academic achievement is not

negatively affected by the intrapersonal conflicts of

students and teachers.

4.5 Effects of interpersonal conflicts on students academic


Model R

r2 Sign level

2 .012

.000 .804

The above table illustrates that the r value is .012

which shows the relationship between students’ marks and the

interpersonal conflicts. While the regression values are not

as significant as need to be. It is because of the students’

rejection that students are not confronting with

interpersonal conflicts at school level. The significant

level is .804.

In nutshell students’ academic achievement is not

negatively affected by the interpersonal conflicts of

students and teachers.

4.6 Effects of intra-group conflict on students academic


Model R

r2 Sign level

3 .017

.000 .733

The above table illustrates that the r value is .017

which shows the relationship between students’ marks and the

intra-group conflicts. While the regression values are not

as significant as need to be. It is because of the students’

rejection that students are not confronting with intra-group

conflicts at school level. The significant level is .733.

In nut shell students’ academic achievement is not

negatively affected by the intra-group conflicts of students

and teachers.



Conflict as a disagreement between two or more people

is a natural occurrence among individuals and wherever

people group. The Secondary School as a system where

students and teachers come together to interact therefore

provides fertile grounds for conflict of different kinds to



The study revealed that conflict is a daily occurrence

in secondary schools located in tehsil matta district of

swat and identified the types of conflict prevalent in the

area between students and teachers. Among these types, the

most rampant in the school is what occurs between group of

students while conflict between students and teachers are

rare. Causes of conflict identified in the sample schools

studied include theft, teasing, insult, insolence and

punishing of pupils. The study also revealed that conflict

in secondary schools have some negative effects on students

achievements when it occurs between a teacher and a student

while conflict has immediate and long term effects on its

victims. Conflict was also found to slow down the pleasant

relationship between students and teachers. Conflict arise

due to some rules and regulations of secondary schools which

did not suit the student and teacher relation such as

physical punishment on very minor mistakes like if student

fail to come the school on time, not acceptance of urgent

work application being submitted by other than the student

himself. So, such rules and regulations were found in our

study do not help in the long-term benefit of students’

achievements. It is therefore important that the existing

rules in the secondary schools in the district swat tehsil

matta must be strengthened to help reduce stubborn issues of

conflict and also create enabling environment for students’

achievements to occur in the schools.

The population of the study was composed of class ninth

and class tenth students of all the eighteen (18) secondary

schools in tehsil of Matta, district Swat, Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa. The sample of the study was the

representative of four schools of ninth class students and

five schools of tenth class students located in the villages

of Tehsil Matta through simple random sampling techniques

nine (09) secondary schools and 399 students of 9th and 10th

class were selected.

Pilot testing was first introduced to estimate the

reliability of the instrument by administering it to forty

students of ninth class. The Cronbeck Alpha value for the

reliability of the instrument was .803. The reliability of

the instrument was assured through the expert opinions of

the experts in the field of educational research. The

instrument was given to the experts and their opinions and

suggestions were incorporated properly.

In order to collect data, the questionnaire was

employed by researcher personally to the students of sample

schools. The researcher used the questionnaires in the

working hours of the school and the students were told to

respond the questions without fear and were assured that

filled questions would not be shared with their teachers and

it was mentioned that this scale is used only for the

purpose of research. In order to find out factors through

questionnaires affecting students achievement due to student

and teacher conflict in the secondary school of tehsil

Matta, district swat.


Findings of the study were as follows;

1. Findings of the study were that intrapersonal conflict at

secondary school level is significant and the overall

mean score for it was 20.2807 and std was 3.64938.

2. Findings of the study were that interpersonal conflict at

secondary school level is not significant and the overall

mean score for it was 9.8120 std was 2.99199.

3. Findings of the study were that intra-group conflict at

secondary school level is not significant and the overall

mean score for it was 8.9674 std was 2.35887.

4. There was positive relationship between intrapersonal

conflict on students academic achievement as shown by r

value .156 and the significant level was .002 which is

lesser than .05

5. There was no relationship between interpersonal conflict

on students academic achievement as shown by r value .012

and the significant level was .804 which is greater

than .05

6. There was no relationship between intra-group conflict on

students academic achievement as shown by r value .17 the

significant level was .733 which is greater than .05


On the basis of findings and results of the study in the

following lines of conclusions of the study are presented

1. The results of the study on intrapersonal conflicts showed

that students have some intrapersonal conflicts, there are

no cordial relationship and have negative attitude towards

their own selves. Therefore its relation towards students’

academic achievement is significant. So in nutshell there

are rare intrapersonal conflicts and that is why it has

somehow affected students’ academic achievement.

2. The results of the study on interpersonal conflicts showed

that students have no inter-personal conflicts, there are

cordial relationship and have positive attitude towards

their own selves. Therefore its relation towards students’

academic achievement is not significant. So in nutshell

there are no interpersonal conflicts and that is why it

hasn’t affected students’ academic achievement.

3. The results of the study on intra-group conflicts showed

that students have no intra-group conflicts, they have

cordial relationship and have positive attitude towards

their own selves. Therefore its relation towards students’

academic achievement is not significant. So in nutshell

there are no intra-group conflicts and that is why it hasn’t

affected students’ academic achievement.


On the basis of the above conclusions the researcher suggested

following recommendations;

1. Intrapersonal conflicts influence students’ academic

achievement. The results of the current study show that

there are some intrapersonal conflicts at secondary level

which have affected students’ academic achievement. It is

therefore recommended that such measures may be taken by

teachers and other relevant authorities to maintain the

situation as it is so the intrapersonal conflicts may not

take place.

2. Interpersonal conflict influence students’ academic

achievement. The result shows that there are no

interpersonal conflicts between students and teacher at

secondary level which haven’t affected students’ academic

achievement. It is therefore recommended by researcher that

teachers may be trained in conflict management so that

interpersonal conflicts may not occur and it couldn’t affect

students’ academic achievement.

3. Intra-group conflicts also influence students’ academic

achievement. The result shows that there are no intra-group

conflicts among group of students at secondary level which

haven’t affect students achievement. It is therefore

recommended by researcher that Students should be engaged in

such activities that they develop sense of cooperation among

each other. Such as debates, role plays activities, speech


4. The current study was conducted at secondary level on male

students and its relationship was limited to male student

marks. It is therefore recommended by the researcher that

future researchers may conduct the same research studies at

primary and elementary level, and may relate to students’

interest, satisfaction and skill development.


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