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Certification Number: TO1193ITO IATEFL Institutional Membership Number: 31183





If you ever dreamed of working from home and setting your hours, then this might be the most important report you’ll ever read!

Thanks to the internet, there are many jobs and services that can be delivered online. There are also many eCommerce, internet businesses, and business opportunities that can be set up and operated from anywhere.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


But the reality is that most people who attempt to start their services or eCommerce business online fail. That’s because to succeed online; you need to have some technical, marketing, sales, and business skills.

● First, you need to have a skill that can be delivered as a service or have some products that you can sell

● Then you have to do some marketing, so people become aware of what you have to offer

● Then you have to close the sale and convince people to hire you or buy from you

● Once they buy, you have to deliver your offers and provide customer support

● Then you have to go looking for more clients and customers to repeat the process

That’s a lot of work for one person to do alone!

That’s why many people who try to work from home, eventually give up and go back to looking for a job.

The good news is there are many jobs you can deliver online. Many online platforms allow you to open a profile and list your services so paying clients can find you.

The bad news is there are billions of people on the planet who can do the same and, they are willing to be paid much less.

For example, many technical and design jobs are outsourced to countries like the Philippines and India, where companies can hire someone with similar skills at a fraction of the cost.

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Candidates from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Cameroon have recently joined the bandwagon. They’re also competing for the same jobs and driving the hourly rates down to as low as $2-$5 an hour.

Take a look at outsourcing sites like,,,, and similar services and see for yourself. You’ll find highly skilled talent in a variety of categories all competing at very low rates.

To compete on sites like these, you’ll need to have some exceptional technical, design, writing, marketing, or sales skills. Plus you have to be willing to spend a lot of time updating your skills on an ongoing basis. Technology is always changing. Your skills need to be up-to-date, or you’re out. No one will hire you anymore.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


UNLESS you are a native English speaker or can speak English fluently as a second language, then you can bypass all the above because you have a skill that is highly in demand.

You can work from home or anywhere in the world, teaching English as a second language.

As you’ll soon find out, you don’t even need a university or an English degree. All you need is an internationally recognised TEFL certificate that you can get in as little as 2 - 4 weeks.

By the way, TEFL stands for ‘Teaching English as a Foreign Language.’

By taking our accredited eEnglish training course, you’ll learn how to teach fun and useful classes for your students and on top of that you’ll gain an internationally recognised TEFL certificate for life.

You’ll learn how to teach all kinds of students, from young learners right up to business people. Once the course is over, we can help you find a job. In fact, we’ll make the whole process easy. You can start your online eEnglish course right away and get:

● Fully accredited TEFL/TESOL course

● Internationally recognised 120-hour TEFL/TESOL certificate

● Personal online tutor support and advice

● Access your course from any device, PC, smart phone or tablet

● Lifetime job club membership

● 12-month money back guarantee

● Online teaching practice over Skype/FaceTime with real ESL students

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 5

If there’s one thing that makes our teacher training courses stand out, it’s the quality of the teaching we provide. And unlike other TEFL course providers, your TEFL certificate will be recognised and accepted by reputable employers worldwide.

We guarantee you will secure a paid job online so you can work from home, or on location in many countries around the world.

There are just too many vacant ESL jobs available and not enough teachers to fill them.

Our courses are accredited and moderated by the International TEFL Organization.

We are also institutional members of IATEFL, which stands for the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.

If you want to find out if you’ve got what it takes to teach online, then visit our website to get started.

Your freedom awaits, so get started now at

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


A MASSIVE Global Demand You Can Benefit From

Teaching English as a second language (ESL) is a $150 Billion industry that you can benefit from.

For example, according to a recent British Council Estimate, there are an estimated 1 Billion students worldwide who want to learn English but can’t find a teacher.

There’s a demand for millions of ESL teachers in China alone.

Japan and South Korea have an estimated 25 million students, plus students in other countries in Asia, Africa, South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

As the world population grows and becomes more interconnected, the demand for English teachers will only go up.

Over 500 Million Students In China!

Estimated 1 Billion students worldwide who want to learn English but can’t find a teacher.

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You see, English is one of the world’s favourite “lingua franca”, — the language people are most likely to turn to when they don’t share a first language.

English is also the global language of business. As a business language, learning English is a high priority.

That’s why trained TEFL teachers are in high demand from primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities, and private language schools.

Many local teachers are trying to teach English and doing the best job that they can, but their English proficiency is not high. They can read and write reasonably well, but their pronunciation is weak.

That’s why Chinese and other international students are paying good money to learn English from a native English speaker. Because one-on-one teaching is the most effective way for these students to learn English. It beats going to a classroom and taking lessons with another 25-50 students who all need the teacher’s attention.

Thanks to the internet, they can do that online now. Using video conferencing tools like Skype, Facetime, and Zoom, they can connect with a native English speaker who can help them with their pronunciation.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


That’s where you can help. If you are a native or fluent English speaker and have a clear pronunciation, you can help millions of students around the world.

You can work from home using the internet, or you can travel the world and teach at schools, colleges and universities. The choice is yours.

Recession-Proof!What makes this even more appealing is that the ESL Industry is recession-proof! The ESL industry has been around long before the internet. It is well established and has been growing exponentially over the last twenty years.

For example, if you look at the 2008 global financial crisis, you’ll find that it wasn’t THAT global. The most significant damage happened only in the Western world. And they went through the worst ever financial crises. But still, it did not affect the ESL industry.

In fact, between 2008 and 2009 there was a massive increase in people who wanted to take our TEFL courses. Although sales dropped for around two months when the 2008 crisis started… sales went up by 200% when people figured out it’s a great way to make it in the crises.

So the great thing about this industry is that if there is a recession in the Western world, or there happens to be one in China or Southeast Asia, there will always be a demand in some other part of the world.

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How to Become an ESL Teacher and Teach English Online

You do not always need a University or an English degree to teach international students unless of course, you want to teach at a university or government school.

However, to become an ESL teacher, you’ll need a recognised TEFL certificate. TEFL is short for “Teaching English as a Foreign Language.” Some also refer to it as TESOL, short for “Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Both mean the same thing.

There are still a few countries in which non-certified teachers may find employment, but this is becoming rare. Also, non-certified teachers can expect much lower rates of pay than those who do hold a TEFL certificate.

They will only be offered jobs that qualified teachers wouldn’t want to take.

You wouldn’t attempt to drive a car without first taking some driving lessons and gaining the necessary skills. Well, teaching is much the same. Like driving, if you try to “wing it” without really knowing what you’re doing, the chances are that it will all go wrong.

More importantly, you should remember that most students are desperate to learn English, and it costs them a small fortune. It’s only fair that you should know what you are doing and that you can take the money knowing you haven’t just ripped them off.

An excellent TEFL course will provide you all the necessary skills you’ll need to start your English teaching career.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


You will learn how to:

● Plan lessons

● Engage your student or class

● Keep discipline

● Teach grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

An eEnglish course will provide you with the skills needed to start your new career as an English teacher. You’ll learn how to plan lessons and engage your students, tips for keeping discipline, and ideas

for teaching grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Our eEnglish online course is very practical. Modules cover a wide variety of teaching techniques and strategies, with a strong emphasis on using the communicative approach to language teaching.

This eEnglish course is designed for native speakers with or without previous

teaching experience who want to gain a TEFL/TESOL qualification. It serves as an excellent complementary course for those interested in obtaining a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) or teaching diploma, as well as a passport for those who want to take a year out to travel.

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 11

AccreditationOur Internationally Recognised eEnglish Online Certificate courses are accredited and moderated by the International TEFL Organization. We are also institutional members of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language). Unlike all other online TEFL courses, a job placement once you have completed your eEnglish online course, is guaranteed.

Cambridge ESOL (TKT) Certificate Course & Exam (Optional)The Cambridge ESOL course is an optional addition to the eEnglish course. You are not obliged to take this course, but it will serve as an excellent addition to your eEnglish online certificate. It will also enhance your job prospects, confidence, and maybe even your salary!

The Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) is a test that focuses on the teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary, or adult learners of English, anywhere in the world. It can increase your confidence and enhance your job prospects.

As it is awarded by Cambridge ESOL, part of the University of Cambridge, TKT is internationally recognised, highly respected, and a benchmark for quality.

You can take Cambridge ESOL exams at authorised centres all over the world. There are over 2,700 centres in 130 countries. They must meet high standards of professional integrity, security and customer service, and are subject to inspection by Cambridge ESOL. You can take the exam in your home country or overseas.

Visit to find your nearest approved ESOL centre.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


eEnglish Course Overview - Our 120-Hour Online TEFL/TESOLOur internationally accredited eEnglish certificate courses are designed for those with or without any previous teaching experience and wish to gain practical experience in the methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language. They provide you with the perfect platform from which to begin your new career teaching English anywhere in the world!

This TEFL course is very intensive, as we go through a great deal of content in a few weeks. However, If you approach the course with the right attitude and complete your assignments, you won’t have any problems. You will enjoy a fun, highly instructive TEFL course and you will gain an internationally recognised qualification for life!

You can complete the course in around 4-weeks but you may take the course at your own pace. You must complete the online course within six months of enrolling.

Online Teaching PracticeeEnglish has just launched the first-ever Online TEFL diploma course with live teaching practice with real ESL students over Skype or FaceTime.

By taking our online eEnglish diploma course, you’ll learn how to teach all kinds of students, from young learners right up to business people. You’ll now also deliver some observed online lessons with real ESL students from either Thailand, China, or South America.

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 13

TEFL Course Benefits ● You can study at home or while traveling.

● You can get paid to travel the world.

● You have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of people around the world.

● You get to immerse yourself in a foreign culture in a way no tourist could ever dream of.

● You will get guaranteed job placement assistance once you graduate.

● You can expect to earn a generous monthly salary and a return on your course investment.

● You receive a FREE lifetime membership to our Job Club, which will help you find a teaching job anywhere around the world, for many years to come.

● You earn a higher salary than other less qualified teachers.

● You can learn a new language, gain valuable work experience, improve your resume, develop your confidence, and make new international friends.

● You will be able to take a break from the “rat-race” any time you wish from now on.

● You gain an internationally recognised TEFL/TESOL certificate that allows you to work in many countries around the world, for life!

● You can also gain an optional TKT certificate awarded by Cambridge ESOL, part of the University of Cambridge.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


ExaminationTrainees will take an exam at the end of each unit lesson.

Your TEFL TutorsOur TEFL trainers are highly qualified and very experienced in teacher training and language training. They are all full-time employees, and most have been with us for several years. Being fully trained professionals with many years of experience with EFL classroom teaching, our trainers are both authoritative and informed. The training procedure for our trainers is exceptionally rigorous. Not only are the trainers expected to have teaching experience, but they are also required to have related industry experience in more than one country.

Course AssessmentAll our trainees pass the course if they wish to. We will not let you fail, even if it means taking the online course all over again! Our tutors will spend extra time with you as necessary and coach you in any areas where you are weak. Our goal is that you succeed. The Pass Score is 70%

This eEnglish online course is certified to meet international standards. Our TEFL/TESOL courses are accredited and moderated by the International TEFL Organization. The TKT certificate is an independent course awarded by Cambridge ESOL, part of the University of Cambridge.

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 15

What Is It Like to Teach Online? To teach online successfully, you’ll need a good broadband internet connection, Skype or other video conferencing tool, a webcam and headset, and a TESOL/TEFL certificate. Generally, it’s also essential to be a native English speaker. Finally, most important is a friendly, patient, and punctual personality.

You’ll usually be leading a student or group of students through a theme-based discussion. You will be expected to make corrections, encourage responses, and ensure that each student gets a fair turn to participate. Many companies will provide you with the training materials, but there can be some scope for using your own.

Many students may have studied English previously but lack fluency and the ability to converse naturally in English, so the majority of lessons are often conversational.

Themes you’ll discuss may include hobbies, family, culture, sports, music, and films. Depending on the school or your online platform of choice, you may be expected to complete some administration outside of lessons, such as writing lesson summaries, sending corrections by email, and setting homework.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 17

How to Find Your First Online Teaching Job

There are thousands of people teaching English to international students from the comfort of their home via the internet, and you could be one of them. Thanks to new technology, this mode of learning has caught on, especially in Asia.

Online learning is just so convenient. Both teachers and students can set their times and have classes when and where it suits them, and no time is wasted traveling to and from classes.

Visit to access our global daily job feed.

Students can learn one-on-one or in a small group at a fraction of the cost of a comparative face-to-face class. And teachers save time on preparation since the spoken classes usually are discussion-based.

It’s easy to see the appeal for both teacher and student. That’s why there are already significant employers in this industry. If you have the right qualifications, you can easily land your first job.

Depending on your personality type, country of origin, and education level, you might choose one of the following methods.

#1: Work for a Renowned English Education InstitutionOne of the easiest ways to get started is to apply for work at a renowned English Education Institution. They will provide you with a set curriculum, guidance on how to run your classes, connect you with their database of students, and even book sessions for you.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


To maintain a high standard, they will usually prefer to hire certified ESL teachers who also have a college or university degree. Because they are doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you, they also tend to pay the least. You can expect to get paid between $12 - $30/hour depending on your experience and country of origin.

Some of the well-known companies in the industry that provide you with the curriculum and book classes for you include:

#1 Magic EarsMagic Ears is located in Beijing, China, and they teach children aged 4-12. Their classes can have up to 4 students. They will provide you with the curriculum and class material. All you have to do is review it before each class and deliver the content to your preselected students. Courses are offered using the Magic Ears platform.

Expected Pay: $18 – $26/hour paid monthly via PayPal or bank transfer.

Job Requirements:

● Bachelor’s degree or above

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other teaching certificates

● Must be native English speakers from the US or Canada

● Teaching experience preferred

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#2 Whales EnglishWhales English is an online school based in China designed for English learners between the ages of 5-15, with over 20,000 registered students. They have an average of 2-3 students in a class, and approximately 10,000 different classes with over 1000 native English-speaking teachers. They will provide you with a customised curriculum and book sessions for you. Unlike other platforms that rotate their students, you’ll be assigned regular students so you can form a bond with them and watch them grow and improve.

Expected Pay: $18 – $30 per 50-minute session paid monthly via bank transfer.

Job Requirements:

● Bachelor’s degree or above

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other teaching certificates

● Must be native English speakers with neutral accents from the US, the UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand

● Minimum one year of kid English teaching experience

● Minimum of six months contract

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Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


#3 LandiLandi English is a leading online content-based language course provider in China. By adopting the student-centered teaching method referred to as “Peer Study” throughout the whole teaching system, Landi has revolutionised real-time online courses from traditional one-on-one to one on more. Teachers are provided with teaching plans and materials and can expect to lead classes of 1-2 students ranging from 4 – 10 years of age.

Expected Pay: $18 – $25 per hour paid monthly via bank transfer.

Job Requirements:

● Bachelor’s degree or above

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other teaching certificates

● Native English teachers from the US, Canada, and the UK preferred

● Teaching experience preferred

Learn more at

#4 DaDADaDa is one of the leading online English education platform based in China. Their mission is to be the best online international school in China through one-on-one student-teacher pairing, world-class teaching content, and industry-leading two-way interactive learning platform. They are very supportive and can schedule you for 3-20 hours of classes per week.

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 21

Expected Pay: $15 – $25 per hour paid monthly via bank transfer.

Job Requirements:

● Bachelor’s degree or above

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other teaching certificates

● Native English teachers from the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia preferred but will hire from different nationalities

● 2-year teaching experience preferred

Learn more at

#5 VIPKIDVIPKID is one of the most significant online English schools for teaching Chinese children aged 5 - 15. Classes are typically one-on-one. The curriculum is provided, and classes are scheduled for you, but you are expected to review the material and prepare ahead of time.

Expected Pay: $14 – $22 per hour paid monthly via bank transfer.

Job Requirements:

● Bachelor’s degree or above

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA or other teaching certificates

● Native English teachers from the US or Canada preferred

● 1-year teaching experience preferred

Learn more at

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


#6 iTutorGroupiTutorGroup, also known as TutorABC and VIPABC, is a Taiwan based online platform. Classes range from individual to small groups of up to six students. They provide extremely easy to use materials. You can teach children or adult business professionals.

Expected Pay: $5 – $24 per hour paid monthly via bank transfer.

Job Requirements:

● Minimal weekly commitment of 10 hours

● Bachelor’s degree or above

● Native English Speakers and non-native with a neutral accent

● TESOL/TEFL Certification (or willingness to obtain it)

● Teaching experience preferred

● Passionate and patient teaching children

Learn more at

#7 TeachAwayYou can also apply through recruitment agencies like TeachAway. TeachAway is a Canadian based teacher recruitment company that matches affiliated schools with teachers who are looking for a job. They can help you find the right school and give you tips on the interview process. Job requirements and pay grade will vary depending on the job type and location.

Learn more at

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#2: Open a Profile on an Online Tutor Matching Platform Many online platforms allow you to open a profile so paying students can find you. These platforms function very much like a dating website. To get noticed and hired, you’ll need to work on creating a compelling profile to help students see why they should work with you.

You can set your hours, set your pay rate, and choose what students you want to work with.

With freedom comes more responsibility. You’ll have to create your curriculum, negotiate your rates, and give an incentive for students to pick you instead of someone else.

One of the best ways to get noticed is to pick a specific country, age group, and demographic to work with.

If you become an expert dealing with a specific culture, age group, and demographics; teaching will become much easier for you, and students are more likely to pay for your expertise.

On your profile, you can mention your specialty. For example, if you focus on teaching business-oriented adults in Korea, you can specify that on your profile. People who fit that criteria are more likely to hire you than someone with a more generic profile.

Having a detailed profile will take a bit more work on your part, but it also means that you can set your pay rate. Some specialised tutors have been paid up to $120/hour.

In general, you can expect to get paid between $15 - $50/hour depending on your skill level and chosen market.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


Some of the well-known platforms that allow you to create your curriculum and set your rates include:

#1 PreplyPreply is an online marketplace where tutors can connect with students. The tutor decides on their price based on their experience and their placement in the filtered search results. Students can search for tutors based on the language they want to learn, tutor’s country of origin, hourly rate, and availability.

They allow you to set your website through their platform, search for students, create a calendar, and collect payment. In exchange they take a percentage of your pay.

Expected Pay: $1 - $40 /hour (set your rates)

Job Requirements:

● No requirements or certifications

Learn more at

#2 italkiitalki is a global language learning community that connects students and teachers for one-on-one online language lessons. With over 5 million students and 10,000 high-quality teachers teaching more than 130 languages, italki helps everyone with their journey to fluency. You can create your curriculum, set your pay rate and choose your student demographic.

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Expected Pay: $4 - $80 /hour (set your rates)

Job Requirements:

● Native English speaker (UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland)

● Professional teacher or BA in Education


Learn more at

#3 SkimaTalkSkimaTalk helps English learners find the best teachers from all over the world and offer a platform where anyone can start one-on-one online English classes. They have high customer satisfaction and a growing network of teachers and students.

Expected Pay: They have a coin based system allowing the teacher to set their rates. Free to join and use the system but they take a 20% commission.

Job Requirements:

● Teaching experience preferred

● Must be a native English speaker

● Online language assessment skill test

Learn more at

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


#4 CamblyCambly is a 24-hour login-and-talk style company, which means you can log in any time you want and start making money. Students can also login at any time and select to speak to online tutors. Students can click on a tutor’s profile, watch an intro video, and decide if they want to engage or not. The quality of your profile photo, video, and bio will impact how many students are likely to reach out.

At times when teacher demand is very high, Cambly does offer a payment guarantee for teachers that book priority hours.

This means that teachers commit to logging in for the full hour and will receive payment regardless of whether they have a class. The guarantee is usually 15 minutes or 30 minutes, but during high traffic time slots, teachers will likely receive consistent calls for the full hour.

Expected Pay: Cambly pays $0.17 per minute of tutoring, which works out at just over $10 per hour that you’re on a call.

Job Requirements:

● Must be a native English speaker

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#5 Live LinguaLive Lingua is a boutique language school that caters to professional students. They manually match students to the best tutor that can help them reach their goals. Teachers can create a specialised curriculum and focus on a specific demographic. Students get a free trial lesson with a tutor to determine if they are the right fit. Teachers are supported with ongoing training, and the platform provides 24/7 support for students.

Expected Pay: $20/hour

Job Requirements:

● BA required MA/Ph.D. preferred

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Native English Speakers (US, UK, Australia, China)

● Two years of experience

Learn more at

#6 PalFishPalFish is a mobile app that connects students with teachers. PalFish allows ESL students to phone you whenever the app shows that you’re online. During the call, you can teach them a short lesson using pre-made slides or have a conversation. Teachers can opt to conduct one-on-one conversations or broadcast to a small group of up to 6 students.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


The beautiful thing about Palfish is its complete flexibility. You can set your rates, use it when you want, where you want, and as much as you wish—all the company requests is a four-hour commitment per week.

Expected Pay: $10 - $30 /hour paid monthly through Payoneer (an alternative to PayPal). PalFish does take a 20% cut.

Job Requirements:

● TEFL/TESOL/CELTA preferred

● Native or fluent English Speakers

App available for Apple and Android.

#3: Setup Your Own Business OnlineIf you are entrepreneurially inclined, you can take this career even further. You can set up a website that features you and your services as a business. Operating as a company is a good option if you want to focus on tutoring specific industry personnel or high-level executives that want to improve their English pronunciation.

Having your own website with a unique company name and services description will help you reach out and connect with exclusive clientele that is not likely to join an online platform.

For example, you could specialise in teaching banking executives in China. You can customise your tutorials and focus on terms related to banking and finance for Chinese speakers.

Over time, you’ll have a set curriculum that will make teaching to this demographic much easier for you. You’ll start to accumulate

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 29

testimonials that you can feature on your website, allowing you to raise your prices even more.

Many corporations pay for their staff’s education, and the price is usually not an issue. Your specialised skills will allow you to command much higher rates and get paid right away. Over time, you can shift to managing the business and hire other teachers to do the work for you.

You can start by offering your clients a free 30-minute class so they can assess your skills and teaching style. To incentivise them, you can offer them packaged deals and bulk pricing. For example, they can get ten lessons for the price of 8 if they pay upfront.

It will take a lot of time to create your courses, set up your business, and create your marketing material. Once everything is set up, you’ll have to learn online marketing to find new clients, and you’ll need some sales skills to convince clients to work with you. Plus you’ll need to create contracts, process payments and provide customer support 24/7.

If you already have some teaching, business, marketing, and sales skills, this might be a good option for you. If you don’t have any experience yet, you’d be better off working for someone else to start.

Start by teaching young children first and slowly expand your reach to a more specialized demographic. Once you know what you’re doing, you can eventually create your own courses and explore a business setup.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


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How to Find a Teaching Job Abroad in 10 Days or Less

Yes - it can be done. You need to prepare the ground carefully, but there are a massive number of jobs available around the world, and there are not enough English teachers to fill them. If you want to teach abroad quickly, you are pushing at an open door.

The ten steps for finding a teaching job in 10 days or less are listed below. But beforehand, you need to meet two primary conditions:

Make sure you are either a native English speaker or a fluent one. You will usually need to be fluent in both written and spoken English.

Obtain an internationally recognised TEFL certificate from a reputable TEFL provider (i.e., eEnglish or CELTA). eEnglish certificates are internationally recognised and accepted by employers worldwide. (Yes we know “recognised” is spelled as RECOGNIZED in the USA :-)

If you have a TEFL certificate, you are ready to proceed. If not, then you must obtain an internationally recognised TEFL certificate before you start.

Visit to learn more.

Step 1: Decide Where You Want to GoThe reasons for wanting to teach in a particular country (or countries) will be many and varied. It may be somewhere you have always wanted to visit. Or one that you know well and want to settle in for a while earning a living, or possibly because it presents a challenge.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


Whatever your chosen country, or reason for going there; you will find receptive pupils who are willing to learn. They will be grateful to you for teaching them English. It is no exaggeration to say that most of them will remember you for the rest of their lives.

Applying for a Job in AdvanceWritten applications by email to the majority of schools in Asia (assuming you could compile a list) are usually a waste of time. Most schools have been let down too many times even to bother replying to emails.

The pool of traveler teachers who are already on location is usually large enough to fill the needs of the schools in most countries. Also, sending your resume/CV to every school in the local Internet directory will most likely be fruitless. Why? Because that’s what everyone else does. Most ESL schools do not have the time or patience to go through 200 to 300 emails per day, knowing from experience that the teacher they select will probably not even turn up!

Most ESL/TEFL school managers have lost count of the number of teachers who have let them down at the very last minute. “Due to some family/personal problems, I will not be able to take up my position...etc.” is the common one used! So, the best way to find a teaching job is to get on a plane, fly to the country of your choice, and search once you get there. This can seem intimidating, as many worry that they will arrive with a tight budget and not find any work, but it’s the only sure way of securing a teaching job in Asia.

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Step 2: Book a Flight & HotelYou can find cheap flights online or try one of the many student travel agencies. Book a hotel room for one night then you can negotiate an excellent monthly rate once you have arrived and are happy with the place. Don’t go for the cheapest. Quality, security, and comfort are more important than the price. Find out if your chosen country requires a visa and usually you will travel on a tourist visa. When you find a job, your employer should be able to arrange a work permit.

Step 3: Sell YourselfPut together a professional resume or CV before leaving and save a copy on your computer or email folders so you can easily find them.

Remember to take your:

● TEFL certificate

● College diploma/degree if you have one

● Any other relevant documents

● References and letters of recommendation

Most employers will ask for references. Arrange these before departing. Former employers, teaching colleagues, and co-workers make the best references. Ask each to write a brief letter which recommends you as a teacher. Ask them to leave the letter undated so that you can use it for a long time into the future. But each letter should include an address, phone number, and email address for the person writing your reference.

If you do not have any relevant teaching experience, ask your TEFL trainer to write a recommendation about the skills you have learned.

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


Take at least two paper copies of all this with you in a protective case. Where possible, save everything in your email account and keep a backup copy in your email folder or on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop if you have one.

Step 4: Pack Nice ClothesYour employers may well be more impressed at an interview by your appearance than your qualifications. Dress like you would for a job interview at home.

For men, this means a shirt & tie, dark pressed trousers, and polished shoes. For women, long dark skirt, white blouse, and covered shoulders re recommended. Go easy on the jewelry.

Earrings are typically considered acceptable for women. Nose and other visible body piercings (for both sexes) are generally seen as setting a bad example to the students and should be removed.

Step 5: Arrive - and Hit the Ground RunningIf possible, ask your hotel to pick you up at the airport. Alternatively, you should book a taxi from the taxi desk inside the airport arrival hall. You might pay a bit more, but it is safer and less troublesome. On the first day in a new country, this can help to set you on your way. It’s best not search for jobs on your first day. Take a stroll, and let your body and mind adjust to the new environment.

Unpack your interview clothes. If they are wrinkled, find a laundry service to have them ironed (your hotel or guesthouse should be able to help). Once ironed, hang up your clothes. Polish your shoes and prepare your resume. Finally, have a beer, or other drink, and relax.

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Step 6: Buy a Mobile Phone or Local SIMProspective employers will want to call you. Asking them to leave a message at a hotel or guest house is unreliable, and the employers will not be impressed. It is best to get a mobile phone with a local number. Mobile phones in most places are cheap and easy to find. Before leaving the shop, ask the staff to switch your language options to English.

Step 7: Find the JobHere are some basic methods to find a job...

(i) Internet SearchRemember to check out the eEnglish job club and daily job feed. Ask your tutor once you have completed your eEnglish online course. Search for Dave ESL café and apply for any jobs that sound promising. Email a cover letter and your resume (from your email account) to each employer. It may be better to paste the resume into the body of the email rather than attach it as a file (many schools will not open attachments).

TIP: Call first and get the headteacher or school director’s name. Have a quick chat with them before sending your resume. Then follow up with another phone call. In the cover letter, tell the school that you are currently in the country and are interested in a position immediately

Check your emails often, and respond to inquiries right away.

Visit to access our global daily job feed. These schools are looking for teachers today!

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


(ii) Buy the Local Newspaper(s)Go to a newsagent (or coffee shop) and look through any English language or local newspapers. Sit down and scan the classifieds. These always contain advertisements for English teachers. Circle them and immediately call those that list phone numbers. Mention that you meet their requirements and that you are interested in a position. Arrange an interview. Email any contacts that could not be contacted by phone.

Beware of unscrupulous agency ads, which are usually easy to spot by their vague offers.

(iii) Walk-InWalk-ins can often be the most effective way of finding a teaching job. Spend a day or two visiting local private language schools. Put on your best business clothes, gather a stack of resumes, TEFL certificate copies, and reference letters. Almost all schools will ask for a recent photo when you apply, so make sure you have a supply of 12 or more.

Compile a list of 4 to 6 schools and visit them. From experience, this is the most effective way of job searching, and it helps you to get comfortable talking to employers. When visiting schools, greet the receptionist, ask to talk to someone about a teaching position, and hand them a resume.

Always Smile and show enthusiasm. You may get an interview, and a job offer, on the spot. This happens more often than you would ever believe! But do not be discouraged if nothing happens right away. Walking into a school will help you grow more comfortable talking to employers.

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Step 8: The InterviewIf you have done all of the above correctly, the interviews and offers should begin rolling in. When being interviewed, always dress smartly, but conservatively - even if you are applying for a temporary or casual post. Dress like a Sales Executive. After all, you are selling yourself!

A smart appearance is especially important in Asia, where many employers will often judge you by your presence, smile, and enthusiasm above qualifications or work experience.

If you arrive at the interview wearing jeans, sandals and a low cut top, or you look like you got mugged on the way to the interview, you simply will not get the job.

So make sure you get a good night’s sleep the night before and dress appropriately.

Step 9: Consider Your Job Offer......but do not automatically accept the first job you are offered. Examine the contract carefully. Tell them you’ve had other offers and it’s going to be a difficult decision.

The truth is, you will get many offers so play the employers off each other for the best deal!

Ask Questions:

● How many hours a week will you teach? Forty-five hours is a typical week, but over 21 actual teaching hours are too much!!

● Will they sponsor a work visa? They should!

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


● Will they help you find an apartment? They should.

● How much do they pay?

Insist that the school provides you with further training on their teaching methods and some peer observations.

If possible, talk to other teachers at the school and confirm that they’re treated well and paid on time. Sign the contract when you are satisfied - but only when you are happy.

Step 10: Sign the ContractCongratulations. You will be teaching English to grateful pupils in a fascinating country - as well as embarking on a fulfilling and life-changing experience.

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 39

The Reality Check: Some Obvious Pitfalls to Lookout For

You have gone through the ten steps to teaching abroad in 10 days. These will enable you to find a teaching job anywhere in the world. With careful planning, a little organisation and a neat appearance, it is easy to find a job within ten days of arriving in a new country. Follow these steps, and your success is assured.

Do’s and Don’tsThe ten steps cover the do’s. The following are most certainly don’ts:

Don’t Attempt to Teach Before You Have Obtained a Tefl Certificate

This cannot be emphasised strongly enough. Few people can stroll into a classroom and begin teaching without any prior training.

Any assumption that you can speak a language - therefore you can teach it, is a false one.

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Enroll now at

Don’t Write to Schools Before Leaving HomeWritten applications to the majority of schools in Asia or South America (assuming you could compile a list) are a waste of time. Most have been let down too many times even to bother replying.

The pool of traveler teachers on the spot is appropriate to the unpredictable needs of the schools in most countries. Also, sending

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


your resume/CV to every school in the local Internet directory will most likely be fruitless. Why? Because that’s what everyone else does, and most.

ESL schools do not have the time or patience to go through 200 to 300 emails per day, knowing from experience that the teacher they select will probably not turn up.

The best way to find a teaching job is to get on a plane, fly to the country of your choice, and search once you get there. This can seem intimidating as many worry that they will arrive with a tight budget and not find any work. But there are always more jobs than available teachers to fill them.

Don’t Assume Your Students Are BeginnersOne of the biggest mistakes you could make would be to think that all ESL students are beginners. In most cases, your students will have been learning English for a year or more.

Very few students will ask on your first day of class to explain the difference between the ‘present continuous’ and ‘past perfect’ tenses. But either way, make sure you can answer an informed question.

Again, you will learn how to teach grammar and how to handle difficult questions as part of your TEFL training.

Don’t RIP off Your StudentsMost international students are desperate to learn English - and it may be costing them a small fortune. It is not only crucial to the students that you are willing to teach them in return for the appropriate payment, but it is also vital for your integrity. Without integrity, you will

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 41

have nothing of value as an outsider in a foreign country - many of them suffer enough corruption locally without having to import more from abroad. Your TEFL certificate is recognised worldwide. It gives you an elevated status. Do not abuse it.

And Finally: Nervousness Is Normal, But...You will inevitably have some butterflies in your stomach as you set off. But if you are enthusiastic and genuinely care for your students, the world truly is your oyster. Most students are intuitive and can assess your motivation.

If you are unenthusiastic and just there to pick up your pay-check, they will soon spot it. They will also be quick to recognise an excellent teacher who can make a difference in their education - and their lives. The gratitude they will have for you will far exceed anything you could experience as a teacher back home.

Ready to get your internationally recognised TEFL certificate?

Enroll now at

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Why eEnglish? What Makes Us Stand Out

If there’s one thing that makes our teacher training courses stand out, it’s the quality of the teaching we provide. When you join one of our accredited eEnglish courses, you’ll learn how to make teaching both interactive and fun. And it’ll be fun for you too.

Our trainees come from all over the world, and the friends you make while learning together will last a lifetime. If you want to find out if you have what it takes to teach overseas, then download our free report.

Experience the wonders of the world, making memories that will stay with you forever, and get paid for it at the same time!

Starting a new chapter in your life couldn’t be easier with eEnglish. Our trainees regularly go on to teach full time overseas, and even take their experience and their internationally recognised qualification and explore the rest of the world.

We’ve got great tutors, a full and accredited teacher training program, the resources, and a job somewhere in the world just waiting for you.

All you need to do is get on the eEnglish course... then get on a plane!

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


Customer TestimonialsVisit

to watch some of our video reviews

“Everybody was very helpful right from the first time I contacted them to apply ! After I had paid my fees they still kept in close contact which I found very nice ! Very professional friendly staff and instructors a credit to the organization! Even the camera man Cello gave me some good advice after my first time in the classroom teaching the Thai students” - Gareth Hinds, Scotland

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time earning my TEFL certificate with eEnglish and Teach Abroad Thailand and have met some fantastic people who I hope to keep in touch with for the rest of my life. The staff in Jane, Damian, Michaella, Cello and the others were fantastic people who deserve all the credit for being so patient, helpful and fun to be around. I can honestly say, hand on heart, the only thing that could have been improved is that it could

have lasted longer so I could have savoured and enjoyed the experience for just one more week...Thank you all so, so much” - Phil Painter, UK

”Hi Jimmy/Leon,Just a quick line to convey my thanks for a very professionally run TEFL Course; your training staff are to be commended for their dedication and professional attitude.” - Colin Hastie, Australia

“I don’t have anything but positive feedback for my experience with the TAT course and my work done at King’s [Job Placement]. I thought the TEFL Training was excellent. And I think the way King’s has taken us in, trained us, and provided superb life support has been brilliant. Thank you very much.” - Thomas Brownlow, USA

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“My experiences in Thailand have inspired me to apply to become a qualified teacher in the UK, and the overall experience has expanded my horizons and given me numerous happy memories, and I made some enduring friendships as well. In fact, I am already planning my next trip to Thailand - it has been said to me on many occasions that people rarely come to Thailand just once, and I would definitely agree with that. Making the decision to go away is a big one, but it is one you will never, ever regret.” - Becky Rice, UK

“As I began my search for an English program in Asia, I stumbled across a variety of courses. You struck me as the most compelling program for several reasons. First, the program’s flexibility is attractive. You offer a variety of certification locations to obtain the TEFL/TESOL, along with various teaching locations upon completion of the program. Secondly, a job guarantee provides me with a sense of security. I can feel comfortable traveling to a new country and not worry about searching for work. Lastly, everyone I contacted who completed the program had nothing but great things to say about it. I was assured to hear that everything from the program organizers, down to the accommodations throughout the certification process and the actual TESOL training was as advertised.” - Andrew Berger, USA

“We have been searching the internet reading up on all the TEFL courses available in Thailand, with every other company as well, and this course seems to be the best value money wise for what you get. We have chosen teach abroad Thailand as it is a reputable company and recognised

throughout the world, so if we plan to travel elsewhere in the world we have the credentials to teach English there as well.” - Kelly & Troy Kelliher, Australia

“I truly had a blast during the [TEFL] course! There was a good, solid mix of in-class instruction, preparing for lessons, actual teaching, discussion, and of course FUN! I met wonderful people. Although the course was intense, the laid-back atmosphere provided a relaxed, enjoyable environment in which to learn. I don’t really want to leave!” - Jen Hand, USA

“You have consistently responded to my many email queries and requests in good time. As an accounting practitioner running my own business for the past 14 years, I fundamentally understand the value of good service, and especially good response time. I have been impressed with Lisa’s commitment, professionalism and non-pushy assistance.” - Susan Rumsey, South Africa

“Hi Lisa. Just thought I would drop you a quick email to tell you how much I am enjoying the TEFL course on Phuket Island. The people are really welcoming, friendly and so helpful. Ian is amazing, and the hotel that he owns is a luxury to return to each evening after a long day at the language school. I am also meeting great people and the others on the course are wonderful. After the course is complete would you be able to help me in finding a school to then teach English in as this would be great. I am now in the second week and loving every day out here in Thailand. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. - Sarah Bullock, England

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


“This is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It was a very enjoyable course, well organized and our trainer was brilliant. I can’t say a bad thing about this course.” - Brian Donnelly, England

“I can’t imagine how I would have coped teaching without this experience under my belt…I learned so much.” - Lyndsey Fitzgerald, England

“The school has been soooooo welcoming, all the teachers are lovely and have gone out of their way to attempt conversation and make me feel comfortable. Any questions can always be answered by Jimmy who is only a phone call away! The school has no preconceptions about the TEFL teaching style, they appreciate whatever you do and do not judge in any way. You are respected and fully catered for whilst at the school and join their social network of teachers! The teachers are so happy here and never seem too stressed despite their large classes, it’s very refreshing. There is a constant stream of TEFL students doing courses so having a social life is not a problem.” - Andrea Lamont, UK

“This has got to be the best places (Koh Samui) I have ever been to and one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was only supposed to be here for 2 months. That was 8 months ago.” - Matt Smith, USA

“This was a great experience for me. Samui is beautiful and the children were a pleasure to teach. If there was a next time, I would make sure it was longer.” - Andrew Terris, UK

“I have learned a lot from Thailand, and I hope to visit again someday. I really wish I didn’t have to leave, I miss it so much. All my fears of being away from home were erased and my time here made me realize I was ready to go off on my own, and visit different cultures and learn something new. Everyone was so kind, and the travellers I met just going through were so interesting and wanted to know about what I was doing. I just wish I could have been here longer. It will be a memory I will hold close to my heart, and an experience I will never forget.” - Anna Spencer, USA

“I couldn’t have asked for any more from you. Bangkok is vibrant and It did take me a few weeks to settle in. I have to say now though, I love Bangkok.” - Sarah Eaglesfield, UK

“You arranged everything which made it so much easier for me to settle into a new culture. Jimmy (the local coordinator) was always available for advice and always first to buy a round at the bar!” - Gerry Carr, Ireland

“Brilliant experience, I will be recommending this program to all my friends. This is something that everyone should do at least once in their life” - Emma Witort, UK

“My brother took your Ko Samui course last year and he said it was excellent. He’s now teaching in Bangkok with a top language school and he asked me to come over. I would just love to do this. Thank you so much for accepting me, i can’t wait.” - Meghan Hughes, USA

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 47

“I discovered that teaching is a skill you have to learn. I now feel much more confident about going abroad to teach.” - Joan Stewart, USA

“Ho Jimmy. About to leave Thailand and go back to the Promise Land and I wanted to let you know what excellent experience I’ve had out here in the last 2-3 months. Straight from the first day you guys (yourself, Damian) have been very friendly and welcoming, organising a truly memorable Thailand Experience. Its been pretty much idyllic in many ways. Damian has been great support in Samui from the teaching advice right through to travel and Thai tips....sound bloke as well who totally makes you feel at ease. I wish him and his wee family all the best for the future in Samui.

My school was extremely friendly and welcoming. I was only teaching a few hours a week but that suited me right down to the ground, i was looking for a teaching experience and a good break and thats exactly what i got. I hope my pupils will be pronouncing their English with a Scottish burr or twang in the future, although right to the end i couldn’t get them to say favourite. Anyway...thanks for everything you guys have done for me over here, I’ll definitely recommend your experience to others I meet.

Also, my fellow teachers were all cool as well and ended up like a wee family! The Thais in Samui and indeed all around the country were all very chilled and friendly too. So thanks again for a truly memorable experience and i wish you guys all the best in the future, although if you treat your clients in the same way you treated me, you’ll have no worries. Cheers.” - Alistair McLauchlan, Scotland

“All going really great hear here, have only 5 days left and the month has went by so quickly, have really enjoyed the program and must say Mr Sambo and the team here have made me feel very welcome and part of a family here. I must credit the organisation and support given to teachers at all times, will miss the team when I leave here. I would definitely recommend any volunteer to come to this school and teach. Living in the volunteers house was also a blast, was great to have the other teachers support and advice whenever needed and the house is really nice. Overall I have really enjoyed my whole TEFL experience, from my week in Koh Samui to my placement here in Cambodia and I reckon I could be doing more teaching in S.E Asia in the future.” - Natalie Phelan, Ireland

“Over all it was exceptional, good instruction and critique. The location was a little distracting though. Both trainers were very professional and had great input that will help in the future! Thank you.” - James Allen, USA (Pattaya)

“I thought the course was well planned I liked the experience of going into a Thai school performing a lesson. I have no negative thoughts.” - Brendan Combes, UK

“The course was very well run and very professional. The teaching was clear and coherent while the administration support was very helpful. The school we taught at was ideal too. I thought the area the hotel was in was not entirely suitable however.

“The trainers have been very friendly and always on hand to help if required. I thought

Accredited & Moderated by the International TEFL Organization: Since 2002 Cert No: T01193ITO | IATEFL Member No: 31183


they were excellent both as teachers and on a personable level.” - Ian Hughes, UK

“I thought the course was very good, and it was well structured. The training instructor was excellent, an overall excellent course.” - John Mulligan, Scotland

“eEnglish and the Thailand Experience is a great way to simplify the process of moving to the other side of the world. Each and every claim they made on the website/over the phone has been completely fulfilled. As stated in the program details, upon arrival you are greeted at the airport, taken to a hotel and within hours will have a fully operational cell phone. The hotel is clean and comfortable, the staff is lovely and while the pool is comically small there is a great place to get pad thai/have your laundry done a mere two minutes away. Also, the weekend outings scheduled by the Thailand program provide welcomed and exciting escapes to some of Thailand’s most beautiful islands. All in all, it is a great program. The teachers are qualified and the coordinator is reliable. If given the chance I would do it again” - Blaire Davis, USA

“It’s been an absolutely wonderful experience in Chiang Mai and in Thailand altogether. My coordinator has been outstandingly helpful. She’s very prompt with responses regarding questions that I might have regarding certain things. Upon arrival in Chiang Mai, she spent several days with me searching for work and trying to figure out the best possible options. It would have been a very difficult and difference experience had I not gone

with your organization and I am definitely glad that I did. It’s like having a sidekick when the uncertainties of travel can feel so overwhelming, Jessica and your organization were always there to assist and guide” Thank you for your help.” - John Crowley, USA

“.....I really enjoyed the Thailand program , sooo glad i did it. The program made the experience so much easier and so much more fun. Thailand is amazing and the teaching was a wicked experience. My school in Bangkok was really supportive, the kids are so funny and you get plenty of free time to explore Thailand. I met some really cool people... wish i was still there” - Sian Caulton, UK

“Hi Jimmy, So, I’m back home and finally getting settled in and over my jet-lag. Melissa forwarded me what she wrote to you, but i just wanted to also thank you and the program for everything. Teaching in samui was such a great experience and I am so so so happy that we did it. The rest of our traveling was also amazing....the whole thing was probably the best thing i’ve ever done. I wish I could rewind and do it again. So now that im home, the job search is officially on. Thank you for making yourself available as a reference. I really appreciate it. Take care and stay in touch. Thanks again, Jimmy!” - Rachel Brown, USA

“The accommodation is great and right by the beach. Thanks for sorting us out such good places, I’ll be perfectly comfortable here for the coming months.” - Christian Beal, UK

Become a certified TEFL teacher in just two weeks. Join 17,935 happy TEFL graduates worldwide. Job guarantee online or overseas. Enroll now: 49

“I would just like to say that i’m really enjoying your program and have absolutely no regrets! i think you guys are great and the support extremely impressive :)” - Dorrette Botha, South Africa

“I’ve now got over the shock of the energy you use up doing this job. I Hardly get time to stop and think but... I love it.” - James Cane, UK

“Dear Jimmy, How is everything going over in Thailand? Rachel and I returned home this past Friday and are already back to the old grind of things. I would much rather be back in Thailand. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for everything, my time in Thailand was truly incredible and something that will always stand out as one of the most amazing experiences in my life. Once again, thank you so much for all your help. I hope to be in touch with you again soon. Happy and Healthy New Year!” - Melissa Frank, USA

“All and all the course was very thorough and included all aspects, and beyond, what you would expect from a TEFL course. Only small complaint is in the delay of our Amazon voucher/travel handbook that myself and my partner were waiting for. The trainer was very enthusiastic teacher and easily approached regarding any queries.” - Simon Whitney, Australia

“I really feel like I’ve got my moneys worth. Dame is really great at explaining and teaching us. We have learnt so much in just two weeks he’s been fab.” - Stephanie Ogilvie, South Africa

“Trainers were great. Did very nice job to prepare me for teaching.” - Chad Sahlberg, USA

“Damian was a wonderful trainer. He was super organized and his lessons were so informative and interesting. We can’t praise him enough, he set the standard for English teaching at a very high level. The first week when Simon and I were both at the course (and not in hospital) was so great and we thoroughly enjoyed the classes. Jane was also very helpful and supportive” - Isobel Thompson, Australia

“I did the tefl course with you and it was fantastic! I worked in Phangnga for 5 months with BLS, a great wonderful experience. I loved teaching so much I am currently applying to do a Postgraduate in the UK in September. Are there any jobs available in Thailand now? My contact in your company was Jimmy who was a great help to me. I would love to work out there again so I hope you can help. Kind Regards” - Joe Cooling, Ireland

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