Tefl methodology

METHOD AND TECHNIQUE A Paper Presented to Fulfil The Requirement of The Task of TEFL METHODOLOGY 1 Subject Guided by Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd PRESENTED BY GROUP 3 METTY KURNIA DEWI (13107687) TRI SARI (13108607) STATE ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF JURAI SIWO METRO

Transcript of Tefl methodology


A Paper

Presented to Fulfil The Requirement of The Task of


Subject Guided by

Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd



TRI SARI (13108607)






According to oxford dictionary “Method” is quality of

being well planned and organized. Method was describe as an

overall plan for systematic presentation of language based

upon a selected approach1.

According to oxford dictionary “Technique” is way of

doing something,especialy one that needs special skills.

Technique were the specific activities monifested in the

classroom that were consistent with a method and therefore

were in harmony with an approach as well2.

Method by Mackey, method may mean different things to

different people.It means a set of teaching procedurs, for

other, the avoidance of teaching procedurs. Technique could

included playing baroque music while reading a passage in the

foreign language, getting students to sit in the yoga position

while listening to a list of words, or having learners adopt a

new name in the classroom and role-play that new person.

1 Oxford Dictionary. pg. 7342 Oxford Dictionary. pg.1226

Joseph C. Mukalel : These component units of the

teacher's behavior in the classroom is called

techniques. Joseph C. Mukalel : Teacher behaves in the

classroom and organizes the teaching activities in accordance

to a set of proximate principles which are either the

teacher's own mental construct or are based on recommendations

by experts. These guidelines are called methods.

Madison Avenue : the Direct Method has one very basic

rule: No translation is allowed. In fact, the Direct Method

receives its name from the fact that meaning is to be

connected directly with the target language, without going

through the process of translation into the students native


Differences between method and technique:

a) METHOD ==> PLAN :A method is a plan for presenting the

language material to be learned and should be based upon

a selected approach.

3 Bambang Setiyadi, Ag, Teaching English As A Foreign Language ( Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu, 2006) pg. 7-19

b) TECHNIQUE ==> TRICK :A technique is a very specific,

concrete stratagem or trick designed to accomplish an

immediate objective4.

4 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles (San Francisco University:Longman, 2000) pg. 16


A. Definition of method

Method is the overall plan for the proper

presentation of language material. It is based on

selected approach and procedure.5

A method is an organized, orderly, systematic, and

well-planned procedure aimed at facilitating and

enhancing students learning. It is undertaken according

to some rule, which is usually psychological in nature.

That is, it considers primarily the abilities, needs, and

interests of the learners. Method is employed to achieve

certain specific aims of instruction. To make it as an

effective instrument, it should be presented with certain

amount of efficiency and ease. More so, the teaching

method aims to achieve greater teaching and learning

output, thus saving time, efforts and even money on the

part of both the teacher and the learner. It directs and

guides the teacher and the students in undertaking any

class lesson or activity.6

5 Brown, D.H. (2001). Teaching by Principles.Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall. pg. 146 Richard, Jack C. , & Rodgers, Theodore S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press.

A method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation

of language material, no part of which contradicts, and

all of which is based upon the selected approach7.

Method may mean different things to different people

(Mackey, 1975:155). It means a set of teaching

procedurs ; for others , the avoidance of teaching

procedures. Different meaning of method can be inferred

from the names of the methods.

Any method should inlude the four steps: selection,

gradation, presentation and repetation. Some method my

include only one or two of the four steps. They may refer

only to teaching techniques. Those methods do not include

selection,gradation,presentation and repetition of

language materials. Some of the methods may not be

considered as methods, in the sense that they do not

include all of the four steps mentioned above.

Joseph C. Mukalel : Teacher behaves in the classroom

and organizes the teaching activities in accordance to a

set of proximate principles which are either the

teacher's own mental construct or are based on

recommendations by experts. These guidelines are called

methods. These proximate guidelines are directly linked

to two factors. (1). The teacher's own understanding of

an insights into the nature or language, the child and of

classroom practices themselves, (2). Theories which are

7 Edward Anthony 1963 - quoted in p.19, Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching CUP 2001 Copy and WIN : http://bit.ly/copynwin

directly intended to highlight classroom practices in

general language teaching in particular. These

comparatively remote principles and theories which on the

one hand highlight the language behavior in the

classroom, and on the other indirectly control the

teacher's classroom performance are known as approaches.

The approaches further are determined by the theories on

language which may psychological theories or linguistic


One must remember that there is no such thing as the

best method. Thus, there is no single correct way to

teach a class. Instead, there are many good ways of

teaching the students.

Following the discussion above, many traditional

methods may be considered techniques; they may be

techniques of selecting materials, techniques of

presenting materials, or techniques of evaluating the

materials that have been learned. The unity of a method

makes the method distinictive. To mention some, the

methods that have the whole plan for the presentation of

language materials, some of them are:

1. The grammar translation method

The grammar translation method instructs students in

grammar, and provides vocabulary with direct

translations to memorize. The objective is that by the

time they leave college, the pupil have mastered the

vocabulary, grammar and the orthography, to be able to

read, understand and write texts in various contexts.

2. The direct method

The direct method, sometimes also called natural

method, is a method that avoids using the learners

native language and just uses the target language. This

method places great stress on correct pronunciation and

the target language from outset.

3. The audio-lingual method

The audio-lingual method has students listen to or view

recordings of language models acting in situations.

Students practice with a variety of drills, and the

instructor emphasizes the use of the target language at

all times. It's a "non-communicative approach (to

teaching) that involves heavy use of mimicry, imitation

and drill. Speech (and listening) and not writing is


4. Silent Way 

The silent way is discovery learning approach, it is

also often considered to be humanistic approach. It is

called silent way because teacher is usually silent,

leaving class for the student to talk and explore


5. Communicative language teaching

Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to

the teaching of languages that emphasizes interaction

as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a

language. CLT involves many classroom activities like

group work, pair work, language games, role play,

question-answer sessions. It is not confined to any set

of text books. The learners are mostly introduced task

based and problem solving situations.

6.  Participatory Learning

Participatory Learning is allowing the students to

offer ideas and feedback about what goes on in the

classroom. Participatory Learning empowers the student

and thus increases their intrinsic motivation to

participate in classroom activities. This provides a

better learning environment in the classroom for all

the students and the teacher.

7. Total Physical Response (TPR)

TPR is great for all ages and especially beginners as

it allows them to learn the L2, while giving them time

to maximize the potential of their silent period.

Commands are 1st given by the teacher and then it's

possible to let students give the commands. "The

lessons themselves are not focused on grammar; instead

they are focused on meaning". TPR answers the question

of what to do with absolute beginners. Once the teacher

has demonstrated the meaning of the sounds she is

saying, students recognize those sounds and play along.

The cognitive value of these exercises is absorbed by

the student naturally.8

Methods s a generalized set of claasroom specifications for

accomplishing linguistic objectives. Method tend to be

concerned primarily with teacher and student roles and

behaviors and secondarily with such features as linguistic and

subject-matter objectives,sequencing, and materials. They are

almost always thought of as being broadly applicable to a

variety of audiences in a variety of contexts.

Kinds of Method

1. Method of Approach :

a. A theory of native language

- An account of the nature of language proficiency

- An account of the basic units of language structure

b. A theory of the nature of language learning

- An account of the psycholinguistic and cognitive

procesess involved in language learning

- An account of the conditions that allow for succesful

use of these procesess

2. Method of Design :

a. The general and specific objectives of the method.

b. A syllabus model

- Criteria for the selection and organizationof

linguistic and or subject-matter content

8 Prichard, Alan.2009. Ways of Learning: Learning theories and learning styles in the classroom. New York: Routledge.

c. Types of learning and teaching activities

- Kinds of tasks and practice activities to be employed

in the classroom and in materials

d. Learner roles

- Types of learning tasks set for learners

- Degree of control learners have over the content of


- Patterns of learner grouphings that are recommended or


- Degree to which learners influence the learning of


- The new of the learner as

processor,performer,initiator,problem solves,etc.

e. Teacher Roles

- Types of functions teachers fulfill

- Degree of teachers influence over learning

- Degree to which teacher determines the content of


- Types of interaction between teachers and learners

f. The role of intructional materials

- Primary function of materials

- The form materials to other input

- Assumptions made about teachers and other learners

3. Methode of Procedure :

a. Clasrooms techniques, practices and behaviors observed

when the method is used

- Resources in terms of time,space and equipment used by

the teacher

- Interactional pattern observed in lessons

- Tactics and strategies used by teachers and learners

when the method is being used

Creative teaching

In order to teach creativity, one must teach

creatively; that is, it will take a great deal of

creative effort to bring out the most creative thinking

in your classes. Of course, creativity is not the only

required element for creative instructors. They must also

know their fields and know how to create an appropriate

learning environment. When will it be most important for

you to offer direct instruction? When is discovery most

important? What are your expectations and how can you

best communicate them?

Because answers to these questions are so diverse

even for individual instructors teaching different

courses or at various times of the semester-no one

technique will fit all needs. Here are several approaches

or techniques for teaching creatively, both general and

specific to certain fields.  More examples of field-

specific approaches or techniques appear in the Creative

teachers section.

B. Definition of technique

      Technique is a procedure or skill for completing a

specific task.9

These are the tricks that can be taught to another

teacher. Also a lot of the in services and workshops all

teachers attend offer little tidbits of games,

activities, and actions that teachers can use to achieve

certain goals in the classroom.


    The procedural variation of method is technique.

Technique encompasses the personal style of the teacher

in carrying out specific steps of the teaching process.

Through technique, teachers enable to develop, create and

implement, using her distinctive way, the procedures

(method) of teaching.

Teaching English language learners can be challenging,

problems seem to arise from all directions. However, this

challenge doesn't have to rub off on onto your students.

The following are ideas and techniques to spice up your

ESL classroom and make lessons more interesting and


A technique is implementation that which actually takes place

in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem or

contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective.

9 Brown, D.H. (2001). Teaching by Principles.Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall.(pg: 14).10 Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 2nd ed.Oxford: OUP.

Techniques must be consistent with a method and therefore in

harmony with an approach11.

A technique is implementational, meaning that a technique is

something that actually takes place in language teaching or

learning in the classroom. All activities that take place in a

language class are techniques. The following are some examples

of techniques i error correction.

1. The teacher does not praise or criticize so that language

learners learn to rely on themselves (Silent Way).

2. the teachers often praises when a student has made a good

thing in learning (Audio Lingual Method).

3. When a student has produced a wrong expression, the teacher

just repeats the right one (Total Physical Response).

4. The teachers does not care when a student makes an error as

long as it does not hinder communication (Natural Method).

Techniques (also commonly referred to by other terms): Any

of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or tasks used in

the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives.

Joseph C. Mukalel : Teacher as an individual who is put

in the classroom situation and is expected to play certain set

of roles. In the classroom activities where teacher interact

with his students, teacher performs a number of related

activities. These activities are the component elements of the

teacher's overall behavior in the classroom. In other words,

the teacher's behavior in the classroom consists of component

11 Edward Anthony 1963 - quoted in p.19, Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching CUP 2001 Copy and WIN : http://bit.ly/copynwin

acts each of which can be of two kinds. (1). a disorganized

and haphazard set of acts without essential and well intended

relatedness among the component acts, (2). an organized,

sequential and fully related set of acts each of which is

intended to serve some specified purpose. These component

units of the teacher's behavior in the classroom is called


1. The systematic procedure by which a complex or scientific

task is accomplished.

2. also technique:

a. The way in which the fundamentals, as of an artistic

work, are handled.

b. Skill or command in handling such fundamentals.

Madison Avenue : the Direct Method has one very basic

rule: No translation is allowed. In fact, the Direct

Method receives its name from the fact that meaning is to

be connected directly with the target language, without

going through the process of translation into the

students native language.

General TechniquesThese creative thinking techniques were culled from the

Internet and summarized by Yao Lu, a graduate student in AESHM

(Apparel, Educational Studies, and hospitality Management).

Some of the techniques listed below are used in business

training or in K-12 settings but can easily be adapted for

college students.

A technique is a procedure used to accomplish a specific

activity or task:

Technology, the study of or a collection of techniques

Skill, the ability to perform a task

Scientific technique, any systematic method to obtain

information of a scientific nature

Some example of techniques in teaching process :

1. Repeat and re-phrase

The repeat and re-phrase strategy is used in the

classroom to promote, achieve, or ensure, understanding

of a given topic, standard, or question.

For example: the repeat and re-phrase can be used to

question for understanding by re-phrasing a sentence to

check if the student properly understood the meaning of a

particular word or concept. For example: "The girl

avoided the water." Used to teach the vocabulary term


Questioning for understanding could be phrased as: "If

she avoided the water, then she isn't wet." The teacher

can ask whether this is correct or not and the students

can better understand what the term means and its uses.

2. Music and jazz chant activities

Music and jazz chant activities are effective in the

classroom because it is easy for music to get stuck in

ones head. It is can use during memorization activities.

As a means of participation to learn new words or short

concepts. Remembering lists, rules, and the like. This is

a fantastic way to memorize the alphabet, periodic table,

states, countries, etc.

3. Visual aides, maps, pictures, multimedia

Visual aides and the like are effective in that they can

provide students with a better grasp of the concept than

any other word. "This is the object that matches the

word." No matter what level the student is, they can

understand the relationship between the two and easily

grasp the new word or concept.It is easy for a language

class to become dull with repetition and writing. But, by

implementing the use of various visual and audio aides

the class can remain focused, but also entertained.

4. Cooperative Groups, Peer coaching

This technique optimizes personalized student learning

time as each student can get personalized attention even

if it is not given by the teacher. This is also helpful

when the teacher is not suppose to be the focus of

activities and instead can move from table to table and

helps as needed. It creates a community setting and gets

students into helping each other and learning from each


5. Pre-instruction activities (semantic webbing, graphic

organizers, KWL charts):

Pre-instruction activities are generally effective

because they provide an easy break-in to new information.

Additionally, they provide the students with notes, or

something to look back on to relate the new information

with the old so that the concept is easier to grasp. For

instance, a chart may compare new materials with old thus

drawing a line between to the two that the student can

follow. These activities also draw the student into the

new concept to keep them motivated and interested in what

is being taught.

6. Listening game as a fun technique

Kids in their age have a lot of energy to move. As a

creative teacher it is better for you to benefit their

energy to acquire English. One of the technique can be

applied is by using listening game.

This game actually appropriates for the kids to gain a

new vocabulary or simple sentence construction. It can

work in small or even large class.

7. Telling a Story as an Interesting technique

As a teacher, telling a story for kids is an interesting

technique. It is because in their age, listening to a

story is an interesting activity. With powerful teaching,

the teacher can influence the kids to be the ones he or

she wants to.



Method was describe as on overall plan for systematic

presentation of language based upon a selected approach.Kinds

of method are ; 1). Method of approach 2). Method of design

3). Method of procedure.Technique were consistent with a

method and therefore were in harmony with an approach as well.

In learning and teaching language we have to know about

method, and technique. They are very important for learner and

also teacher in guide our action in the class to achieve the

learning objective. The methods is used for the purpose of

helping student read and appreciate foreign language

literature. It is also hope that through the study of target

language. Student would become more familiar with their native

language and that this familiar would help them speak and

their native language better. Finally it was thought that

foreign language learning would help students grow

intellectually, it was recognized that students would probably

never use the target language but the mental exercise of

learning it would be beneficial.


Setyadi, A.g Bambang, 2006. Teaching English As A Foreign Language.Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu

Brown, H Douglas, 2000. Teaching by Principles, San FranciscoUniversity: Longman

Madison Avenue, 1986. Oxford University Press, Inc.

Edward Anthony 1963 - quoted in p.19, Richards, J. & Rodgers,T. Approaches & Methods in Language Teaching CUP 2001 Copy andWIN : http://bit.ly/copynwin

Brown, D.H. (2001). Teaching by Principle.Englewood Cliffs, N.J:Prentice Hall.

Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in LanguageTeaching.

2nd ed.Oxford: OUP.

Prichard, Alan.2009. Ways of Learning: Learning theories and learningstyles in The

classroom. New York: Routledge.

Richard, Jack C. , & Rodgers, Theodore S. (2001). Approaches andMethods in Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press