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rhi.lorm 000 tte LJS<Od To.end yom view. to Ihe commitlee. P1~a"" wnd illo:

TI", p""",,,j, r.;.",tlY LcQai. Cooot'C< O"oI <>n<I ",,",,,,;,tr.m flo.".,w eo",,,,iltco Porllornont 1bJ • • c,.,orQe Slr",,1 S""O."~ Od oIOOQ

0<10> (10: 073.00101" Cl! &",,, 1 " 10 'o!!(,;,liwrfomonToi<J "',.. "11



YO<-(f" vQi..v..

TlI.! ftin! at lnla inqUIIY" 10 make prO\C1iGoo rcconYT1BfK1:lftl)l'lalo

increaSe tne .. !~! 4I'Id ~.nion of VOUfI9 peoplo In a.notfaey ... a __

Ttll/ L'urnmiUH .. anl$ I() he...- IYom )Uung peoplf>. in f'l' rloc ..... lII)O(l:

whall!! ~oed in Q~en~nnd;

wtlal "'MI WQlk;

whllt "",,",'t and

WM.t you want I() do or 9~plni<ilnc<;l.

I'Ve wolAd alllo iko to hOOllrom aI peopIa In QUGQmdand who h4 .... ilI1

inICICS\ i1 vouno people. or In yooog pooplil ~ag;"'iI jn u...n1OC!ae)'

Tu hi'lp J'OU 10 lhlnk about djsc ..... " ,,,,,d O'e5flOf'd In mAII_ re:evall! 11)

1h<;l inqtiry. """ 1>11\18 Mt out ~ .. Iow .'VVTIP.O


<;I~Wtlp1$5 o! '1!0iIi'g<es suggested or IMf! ""_'ther • .

E du""'ionl'lnformaiinn 11 iI; the Jol oIlhe er~1 OJmminiuu Ouesnslarrl (ECO) to 9N\Ir. tha! ~ omfQ/ '''00l0I9 at u~. Ta do thIS, ItIe eco uses educa1loo :lno' aWJ rCnc5~ programs (e.g. po$!cilrd~ . poslOfl) aMl GCho(.ll \'15113).

e;. Wlljl C'Nkl fhli lOCO do Ixmor or differently 10 !;lot iti; mC!5flf;JC across to J~ jlCUrI!} paopM

New iQ~m In 2003. E1 .... ~~un5 Can;oda .... rtne.'.o w!ln CallI!! n!ha C la~ 5room IOdoveJcp::r. nllW V0191' !;Ictucalfon program lor ::Ndi::N::. including a 00I'lIe$I e/'I&IIoI'Iglng people a<,lC(l;6 to 18 10 m:::ota 3O-SeootlCl pl.Clic seMo:e Illlnol..nQ!ltTl8~on " ........ le1ing lt1eir pee." w~y fill! dMl=abc pmt'.lIM ~nd ~ng;mo importanL

~ U.';ted Ki ngdom E1o;o;;kmll CommltlalOll" 'Do Pollici' aIr!1; to 1181 VOU"!l ~VQpI, Invol...oo in dvmocI:lcy. 11 may be aeeessoo at: wwwgppo!lIcjA,cQ,uk. 'Do Pelltlcl' eoMuct~ workShopG and ovem:; . QI'Id provides resource, cnd trail ~ ilClOSS l/'Ie UK rOI YOI.lllg PB opie',

In "'1!Slte .... , I~ yooth Eleclcral Sl:ud)' (YES) louoo \1 ... 1 ~"'I>it inc:vn liw:!; \YliUkJ . tltac1 , ,",Sf \/01e. YOlill\l J"!OpIei' laid a laX break wlhe uwe 01 CromoHollai rock roncOll1& would 0 111 h mosl9lf1lCllVe Inc8tll iYe5. bill lhe. t' ~c 11100 $OIJIO c~r': !or lh~ nOllon 11'131. n:onliVcs shOuld noc tie neeaea as voIi"" is a lasJ)OI"I!'.~ tllll comes .,.,1h cflizenship.

""ll:L'Pll"g_ Q~~!rI!\\":{\ -~'1"::t.-fX<'ilI!ud= .1.:\ (~c)oOJ h\S.~ .. _~~'fY~Ji;l).di d_ ~ ,~.;.rr.6L!j :' i ~ __ .

_Iol..~~ ,(),r-Q_\_ .s~::a.~~t:I:~ _ .~~ _P-\Q.W:~'i).J .• ~~~~J',_rJ':, .hoc.~5~L&.."lu.:!- _i2...:J"::>...l\t.9!.~_)_\ "-) tC<:~~.'rJ:-Lv-- bo/Ol ::!.» d'~~c5, :~r t ~I::> G\'c. '

VOICl' mJi~lr«lCt"

In Ae$lrohe. I~ I'CfSon mll3lccmplele an 6/l,a lm""l mrm In retll,..~I" \«Ita

~ How r.v:J'.JJC I/lO (iGO mal«; If ell~~r fa yoong peopA! re tlflroi ~M Mo".:m .. '. ~ re{JISlered 10 lI'Ote:>

New ideas

In som. counll'loo. re gis!r3Uar. ill <1Ol\e by !he !IO\lernm€nlIlO Inal peoplflllre .lUICtll1ahQQlIy le(jla\ereci whe n they ,ear.h IInli'l!) ,,~_ An tnte<'na:ionlll '''pool by IM IiUI ILM lOt" Democ'N:)I Md Flrrtcto,1'i As,;,;/aoce, YWJ> VCNr P<i(I""~ SU!h~ " re9i~1' .. 1ru!1 Uy UUI g~nml1l11 rOllllur lhan h bw.g a dU!y <t. N c/1 pen;oo t() VIlla!.

ether CI)!II\l!l(U eMbl~ ~~0f0'" In 11IOi!;!fII' ... 1 ~ rnl i r>g .station on eleer.:., day. 01 ",,-liM! .

In Canxlll, IOI&cticnc C~n~d~ idenllllo~ pooplo who 1'10."''' l",nQd Hlllvougl'1 rlo rm:rJon provioort by, tor examPle, the ~e~ o/fu ~rrd 'Tlntrll' ""h"k! reQ;"tt'~_ I he t: hiel I:Jactolal Otticer "",iIM \() IN!.!-e p!3'OPle 10 a~k [hem 10 cod;'m 1h;,r.1 ~,,/y ~''';PO~ ICI ¥ow ""d 0""-111 10 btP'"!:I ,n,;tI>dld in \he 1I 000<Onal J~lsl""',

I"oIl/1g s!aliarnl

In ~Iaod, poling stMion$ ar. lG ..... ay 11'I<".a1ed ,n schoob or hallS and;)fo open b\lt.orgw.'11am :ar.d 6pm.

ro /-IorrC()Ulll lhe £00 trnIke f/ ~1t5iet' Ior YOUlIO ~ 10 ~ fhM I/IIX(J? If' N0'fjOOa$

In rncen t CanMia~ . ter:!""' ~, Eillclioo! C!lMd£i. r11100llOOd morc POll_ ... lCX:atloni (0 wl1:d, youn ~ ~Ia have easy 1ICC8SS, such a~ near Murlent rcs ldonccs 3n~ I.I!llverlllty I1 l1lghbourhood!il .

In Canada, poltlg 3tatlon$ n!'EI opon Tor 12 hOurs.

1 Co,nmi:lsion . i


fI. ,,,,,,,at ' ''pun 01 \lie Vlo;:lOf'i¥I Scrutiny 01 Ac!~ anll R~QUill.tiolll! Corrrr1Ir.ce, Vlolorl;:rn El<1ctrcnifJ OwrlOC"'";Y, c<l" 5i<loo rvd """,'roni<: votir'IQ ~ """~ ,,,m"uW'l~1I that Victorisn !!Ioeticn~ 8/lould nOl be Condl.lcl~ ,lImolijly via Illorr~tlon ~,d r.nmrromicalions tech l"lOloglos In Ille 0001 future, but identWiGd In, tollowlny "~y ad\lilrtages 01 remoie v01I1"1(1 ~}'ftMm9'

.. ~s~ aox",'s '''' m .. 'III1ers an~ disabled people:

pmv;ding.!ln n lfll'!!I(';l ff)f Oll'lelleohnologlos oocI1 as screen rgaOVi, hil .. c;<JII1po.o:ilI'S, magnili9rs or at~m~ti..,.. rlItta en!ry systemll;

alowing fO< th" ~y 111'111 (.he.otp dtstributioll at ballot papcm 11 different I":'Y ..... !!'I~;

~\arl1lOll5 proceasi'lg; and

illbItmg IIOI/l'fS 10 <lICC8$$ a wm. ' ''''!If! III elM' "lO/TflIIoon wnilo OOMt.1er11'l9 and castirl!ll~;' vote. I{.ve fir" opJt..-. d ··

~ ~'r'~!ql: _{#lQ,ri...Yd"""~1/JJ1d d: P::(-}(JI .. JL~S~ 11~..tpeH Q~CO/ll2~~/OY,~(S .'4l;.ai12. 'i',.(l5,JB '_Ore C:i I:..f.l ~ .. tb:..,-119'-~. Jp:;I;-,- ~;_.L~2.~:i~\d.~,::LL~~{?,j\::'L~~M~, hl' :)' 'ocUk>'<" "",i5"-",-,~ d&1"'r<l\l~-'P:\i\esWJIiKL_~(<: d iof9" rotf)~ rJi v&o(~ /';)IJi~ t>\e;c ~~ .

Adv",,,,,, lIoling

C!I'l"I!'JltIy i1 Queensland, ~ you can't \10111 ill yovr near..s l p<A i1 \O b<xI~1 un ~'''' u;oy 01 . ~I~ I .. .. 1 O!C~ iu .. , sptteial artan~nr, can ~ miloo lor 'IQIJ to cam yo~ 11011, cue/1 IS by advancII I'OUng In persO!1 or postal votirlQ. Thoro OPlicm ~ Qre Qv~1 1 1lb 1e In only stmc oircumstances . ret example, it ~ou: will 00 interstate on po i ,ng da~ : n~YII a di~~bilily; or c"n'l VIllA.", tII'" (I~ y beC~UM 01 religio~ be ' ela. For further irliMm tion. see WYm tcg.g(!

qj Do J!!>ll ffllll~ lOON! yror,q ~ 'N(JtJid \/llte if they cwid do S(l at fI /JjIlltrIfI in (; IM ~ IMdi"9 up 10 al) fltldior~ will/<JUl ~fing I" ~I any $~ .~ . ..."tJn&!icns I" do....,1

".,,,= In the UK, p~r", otOting if; .. vailable 00 any vligillli' vor.r QIl ~{. A PIIrSO<! may apply le>r ~tal vol'rl3 J<. iI p;ulicutll Illeo;:lion, fin a cwftlin p"!1O<:t 01 ~ 01 Ior all luturll ~io~ ...

To tcditat(l \OQting. \tle ,tlll OCIVemmtnl t:O<.O d declare (Iv! dRy m ~ MM. IfIItoeIi(Jn IL pubio:: hol idayor ~1. an eleet ;:'n lor a m.y athar than a Saturday

In iuLuUiI, j( &iwcl(onil: v(')!ing WII/~ to b~ illlrodl.lcad, for IIxamplll, ~ nClEld IIOr be n~s~ary 10 havlI an 'Clleollon clay' . w~h all votOD cas! on!M ~nme co.~. V()ting COUld take pialX'. for O)(8l1\Qie. over an 'election week'.

~ ~~.l~ ~JI ;c:l(j.~. ;cJ~a l~~~rwJ r:Cf'If:...9.!£. ~(;" 1,~t9 1/0'<'"'( d rW.-y i'vJ if(.!. !;- !4.!...h~T!0rl'i:>.~_ ~f"!{J)'" f.JtxJid ho...l:': 10 l'!'"i.~~ Ye rtJ,U r tJtXJNt .. ;. . .u:r[~~~ o~~""\ ~\t' <.fo! .. ~ ~I\llj; ( OOIi tl<i.p; __ _

CIe>s8 of I?lh.

CumlIlIJy, attar a Sl:alllll1l1OlIOn 15 Called. people nave ~ 5 ~n c I dIlys 10 r09stor to VOla.

l\J Do YD!! r1lfnk young people OO!)/(f IJa f1lSlJ(fo.ial1UJgcr11f fJlore ~"s /IQ OJ)/3OfIvniry .'.11 to cf)lO/ MID! 1.l1! oleo/roil i, ceNIJd7


Prier IQ th~ 2004 fOOl:iral el8I:llon. the S~eo~ 1 Ministor of Stal0. Erll AtlCtZ prOPO fCr1 ~o.l"

..... ~",.1 MlI be closed 10 rew "I)r9l"5 on the da y thoi vllIGliun WI '~ wovllJ bII ;"'lJ(lo(j(UllUilly ~ <Ja y 110" tI""'-"1lon ~ .. nno~d); <lml

pooolewi6llillg 10 CIIolnQC t'lel" et\ftIh8n[ dewib be gMII1 thf!!ll dIIys 10 00 ¥>

Thii PIOPOIlOlr did nOl prooee<l U • "Ha:: 1101 SUPPOr1(X! by the noro-oovemmem pnMlru;.

~ i ·H,:" f~ thQ.~ '>":;f:P\:..l.i-t. !1Or:dJk:lrr;.; . & f.h~I;>.::.._:sKh. of- dei-ol i:).. :-)(j .. re.'J..Qr,,: _r.l!:~!{;"kq,a"":&;o'T:.,J~r~~ :v\;(~ '-!9'~.':t lE~:f:.~/ i"1:' (1~ H ,,(l ,(\,so .. fS:. l;.!.;::'~jlj;HI . rv11$.l{d . .J)r..-1: b;.r~._ti1k et' . :~'

I 1;' - . u .... ( R} ... \.'-:'! \" JP p.c •. ~ .. Lt., lf. t Q .. ~>JJC\t· .. .... V., n 1 11" -:' re

Filled election day

In OJOOIl$!and, tncm ill no IlJ(ecl el&CUon day IOf slat .. ~Jvcti(l'1~

A tiM(.)d olllcti01'l day cot.lld alow ImprO\lIlC civics ,.d\il:ation GUurs~, rnock' electicms IlIld other slrategies encourilglng young people's en(jageml1nt ~~lh 91ee:ltlnIIlQ ba planned ill advance (5P.1I MilrlOf). ror eXllmph!, a lixed election day .... 'ould a llo,.. ciyj~", eUu:;"l<x'~ to plan '1nd conduct th&ir cour~~ in par~I"1 with IIn el.c1lon C.lll1lal[;fl.

Po Do yoo think imprvvfld ~Ic"l fducaUQf) i¥ III W<Xft';w/!ik M~.'fOI' ,." OCVlfl'''''MIIt m to ClTISider a c!wrIge 10 '1<11" tlm! fJ!IICI!alli'?

In Ol19l!'1liiand, wlvr;lions tOl .. I I0.00:.01 guvvrnmenl alIlhcwlwr!. .... S"'O!fI'Itv hftld cverytour ~~ 00"1 the 13(1 Sarur4ay In M.ilrch.

" y~." I -\O ..... ,"\.. i ... o')Ol'l (.\ 1<::J,Il/;u,j."! ('{'("'.J~~ .... n\ h O'':­.g;" '- fI(l "()()\:;~_Q:-lli.l..OeJ\.;tCI'1d!"( \ _~!l. Cl OQ'1 · 6;Co.~!,<d I.."~y .a. b.~)Ii-'; ~o \ ; <. '" c.y y"d I)(;'\J +~£ S ,\-Qt'i':j 1.-" (;) r " S . r!J:¥.i<. -tiNi tb I,,(\,..~ (,.,~,~~<I(! 09 ,0 l"'1Qn 6, l~ IliliI ,Of 1!.io:"l<:y.SI" '~~ '*"V"'j )RDprc (J !:-*.H"".'-, ('(~1 Sw._

New vollng system

In Queensland, a s~\oem 01 ~0I"I.t'I (>NII...-.mti4l voting is used. A taot sl'lcc:I ctlQut 'OPV' ~ a'oallOllbkJ Iran. www.ts:q.gldgova..r

Do JW (hid< J'OI6'9 ~ woukI b& _ IkIy In voIl! d ~ !IQI~ ~QIfI wa chaf"tgw ilO /hat CAtddilrUn; nHIllily 011 cfIIlain i5sries of pNticuIJIr ~sf /(I .l'flI'I9 peopJO 1W/1I mo/1I ~ 10 ~ v.scllld 1100 lIal/ft .. ~ k J p!lllWrIent? .

N_ i~,

Appel1dix 0 ConlJN:I reYl~ed I'9rslon 01 ~ P;ipllr "","pared lur an "Q ... iry, HarKfs 00 PM~m8l!r. bylh6 LegaianO COmil!~uhonal CommineG ollh ~ provlovi Parliacnen:. II pI"(lvidll$ "'IoIIT'IITm llbaul 0"," volirlg "ystem and wa.ys I1 might ~o c~"r>Q1Od to provfdol mur", o;v'lnjty:.o candidates who mi()ht!vl !lledftd.

As in Queer.sl31d. the voting oy~tQffiln thE! UK mi}klls it wry ditlk:lill fl.'f <"..IInr!id~tes from mIn(lr partie' to get !llected. In May 2005. oomll 500.000 CchOOl ~nts in !he UK votoo .. a mGel< I!Ole<::tioo tn cniru::ide willl ItIe ~er>llfeJ e~onG.. Tlw ~'IJ~i vot~ 10< !he Kll/iII <."IUldldiotw. Tlw restilf. ~ho,,",,~ !hilt 1l1li stWcnts were 4t1fa.cted fO partiK ",filch ran CiI01did.a!eS <H1 ~'fIrtiOn i$$1.JH; Ior ftl<MlJIB. SIlKlmt.S who tell pl\UlOI\a."(I atlout I!lC OO'/ttonmonl Wl~ fOf 119 Gt.9n ~ Despite fllM(I to h/l"" III s lrI!Jlo! candKll'llll rfllumed r1 lhe gtr'ICrtll Cltctiorls . 119 GIven F'",lfty !;lI<.VJOI\J 45 0'" or a jIO$iible $19 -"'l'aI' in ...... mock eled,on.

Proporlfonel ,epr~matiOn vctll'lg. which is used for $SIllI1Q IilIIclions in At.5trw ~'" p:'ovidr!, !I'l'>!IP.. " f'f"vlu",'Y!or miner parhes 10 ",in se(l.tQ.

~ '~rl2rS-'lL"i£.....t:.51,~~ P~?{W}'0 .. 5g'?.~~!!~~:p!M:.i("S \U~!-~'":i_(U::!gf:t:-rU:.../:-e _~,q,f'~ I '2q .f,(l!"jJ.~.1 c:/::....wl~~::bt~,,~, \::Q lk,\,j_.Xi1.:.2Q..i)_~.Lb;\ h .2a;i'f-5- U!~(l:2 t>1,J \I . .CIg\~_I:1QSf-"

l .. !.!_h:1!-'--;:~. YlJO r"'1.1!i?~~ . .J!l....ILflQ) - b.i. o5ed,~9"" I:,_tQ..:"uOCLV'--, ft-,.-'>(', Ccr<>-1<lr :..lOO/{/ I",· ~_~'-C(0l \~O,)~"' .


Voling 11\1'" In AW$tralia, y(l Y nlIJ,,1 w ,! )"0"'. <>Iu 10 IIIIt<;l, TI!r;I minimlJo'Tl VOtin g age 1'1 oth3r " ...... Jlri!". rOltlgr;15 trom 15 la 21,

The minIm ...... ~ Slit by Ihv law lor oIhi1r ~ .. ,0 1I&l0(l In appondix 8 .

m ShoJId th, vWng 3(Ie be ~ 10 1701 16 ~i<7 Why or why D:)t? "/he ~_ ~ ~~ ill "'-rw. sht:d1 VlJ/inI;j .11 fhD /lJWIJroo IJQ6 bo ~!y!

NW! id'"

In Ap-1120 1fll., foliDwing a ...-ojoct on Ir... ~g .. uf l1i""tu,~1 majQr~V, tile IJnltlld Kingdom Elacto rill Commission r~rrrnw>dr;Id that tlla ml'ltmlM'l'l 10r al lov(lie ut vo(ng ., public ~lICtloru: in II1e Ut( remain at 1 S yoars tor the tiT!o tleinQ. The It' SOctorat CommiaGion mMsed.. 1I000000, Ulat il ex~to undarlllk", ~ II.IJ1h« lormat review 01 till! minimum..nJing "0" wiIlin a lurther nw 10 SOiIWfI yeBIS. 11 aneoll"gP.I'l """ !JO'M""",*,I 10 conside , iniliool i"y .. _itNr ,,,,,,jgw gf tIw n1J8 <t m/ljQriry.

In 2000, a l'llport on changilg wcl:l!;lI'Id looat ffamewof1~s 101 young Auw-~i~n.' to\ll1d1h:l1. OO$P~() oome mtereet In getting more involVP.<! in ~I, commtnty ,,'1<1 f1 gQ\orrment dfc;s!Or'\om~kno pmrAt,'~"~, young ~ ""a re qub 'el....::I .. ,,( 10 cJ!im lha 'rgh! ~M ,espoosll>il.y of hevl"Q tl">" vol .. yu,""y9r than al IiQIi I~, The rThl jorily /74%) 01 YOUrly ~plw Jn~uI~~d in tlw ,<;IliiIarch Eald mat!l1ey were nOl ,wdy<K Int_ilid in getlJ ng InvolYed In lonnal poIilical p roc~aes:woh a3 voting bela ... Ill9\' "''ale 1 S. Thoir paronUJ Ggraed.. WIth 11 mIIpriIy (01%1 SIJ(JgP.!\~"9 thal )'elm, DOODle a re r'IOI mlltUrt!l ~II oYId not ,nle"".'I1Hl in~" M4ore\hey ar" HI. eOOthel ywng peq>II! , ..... , IS h_ other p,eo:sWti to eonffOl 'l .. 11:1 <Dl!liKld will ($M C/rfs0tl, Fitl:gt;lrkkl ... ,<l Fkw.l,,).

C<.lmp.rl'iory Io'(Ulg lIIas introdl.!OCd in Qccensla/ld in 191 ~ an<! oy tile CommOrrwoaltt1 in 1924, All3ea,Cfl bv MilMr (~bh:!!l1e d in CNIc LII" ",f'y /t>tr lnfrmr1(Jd ClflZens Mak.! DerooctlJcy WOW, Univ",dy Press of New E"g~ro:t, Hlloo\ar. 2M2) indC~1e5 that the et11iCt 01 il troduc'ir>g compu llior~ vot inQ In Aus'"lia wal 10 briny "00,,1 .. 23% 0'/111". incmaSll In YO!inQ,

~ _.L!!.I.!.').~_.l.4.,. ugLJ/.JQ\"~9 t~..lo" ,~~"f_ \x ('a v:..t: ,I-

B' Ir'~ ') .,..1:&......::~P '1i.''lI:.(·e.!> ~,,'d <\ (~"I(C, IX'~ "il~-",_\rin' ''' be ('(\I'n l:>U~_~_<:~.Q(',,,L.(~~ ,( , I> ~'\~ ' 'rv: ,1 ,'I :,}l!!J¥~(;~.r~_~~Jl,I,J~ .£9'-1~ __ itfI!-e (~~ 16'( _

Ed\ICstlon ln $ 011.001$

In Qllcctl$.llnd ~ctrools, mllra is no slAlje<:! ('.}IIIN! 'dYr~ educII1ion' 01 'cmNll5hip er:IlDltion'. PnITVl')' Md ~dary siudelllS lfirn about u",IJUCfacy, locll.ldil>!l (lMbment. gov.nmvnl "" tlllIectior'\t;, In 11 numlJQf 01 dlfl(ll'ent SUO~I;. Studcntl al .. u ~xp~19nce (lGnlOCrnCY.9.1 SC!\OOL to{ Cl(;lIllplc through e l8CticM tOf 5c1\O.'ll COl.lI'Ci1 mem OOl 5 and{or xl1ool 1eade<' ,

1"'d""""llon I bout dlilmocr!cy A~ <J lonal e<1uoallOllQ l OPPDn~nCt1e9 re.revent to Cl8mocr~cy ' ''''~IM'

YlsKS!O the Ol.Ieensland Parliament, or 10 a reg~nal sitting 01 the Queensland Par~Qment. and educatlMaI aoti~ilies provided by Par~amemar,' Educa:ion Services; ~~d

llloctoral9ducalion activiUes conducted by tnll AUlitr:i.~<ln EIIICtcral Cornmilision, such as School visits.

WMt wor/(MJ well tlOO wIlat did you tlnf0/ when yoo ~Bmt lfOOU or expeliel1rud democracy ill your school? Wiml more cw/d sd1<Nis do to ImrouragG yOIJ 10 va!lJiI df!(OOCr.ilC'/ ",r:/ pn>p;;re yoo so Tha! you ale wall Informad and con!l<lallr aboIJ! -angagblg iI domacracy?

For tea~hers m I-/ow!/nes ym If .~i ~f'PI"Oi'Ich dvir;s MtJC<!tion and prtfC!ic.e oomocrtlr:yf .l!~ How r;ouldstU(/9/lI~ ~ Wllarpreparildto <mgag8 in Wmocr<lf.,Y?


In P""" ()()S ·"''1\rir;''~, the Leg .... 1 and Coo!>litutinnal CornmitlP.f\ and thp. L~gal ~nd Coostitutionai Cornmittees of the 49th and 50th Pari amenlS have made recommendations about civks IIducatioo in QUIIsn5land. Simiar rooornmendo.tlons havo boon made by many other Austra~an bodies in rewnt years. A list of some 01 these reoommendatiOl1s is set out i'I appendix 1;.

The COI1stit...tiO!1al Cotntf8 01 Wt!St9fn Australia was "stablished to "ncooragoo PQOpI .. of all i.gG~ to IBam about thll Wootern ALI!ltra~~n political ~111m am;~.". to actiwly participate in~. It oftom displays on the Constitution and aspects of cllzenship Md po~t ice.1 histor,'. The Electoral bJoofltion Centre is located \\1th lfl tMa ""rM corn pie". and prol/icles intarar.tive rr"!l'''m~ "11,,,oing ~~ple tn 0"" ~ ~ote, d SCOVQr tilt! origins of derrlocracy and l.IIld8lstalld how thto wt;ll~ sy.19m work. (sGe W'NW---.J£IIDll2.W~."IPYlti~ .. l1lm). Program!;, prll~ant .. d fl ways which cnoaoe ~oonlJ people. are also conducted for school studcntn llisitinO tl10 Centrel. Te~cher r~ource kits complement each program. Resource boJ(e~ 011 ""riou~ top~ are av"ilabtB to schools in remote arl'a.!!. In addlto n, the Coosll(U\ional Centre has d""aoplo'd an ·Ou! Read, Program· whi<;h ;"'vutw. a natwork of loca.l people in rural and remote areas of WaSlllrn AustraKa providing pr~rarm to student3 fn those areas. Some prOI/TUrnS are speoilic to IndillenollS commtr,it"".

A Civil.. and Ci'"""ship EducaHon willsit .. (wh ich incmpo<~t"s Q previous 'Discovering Democracy' woMrtc) is l'IW<'I,civicNndcjJge.nshill..QQlJ .. a.\l.

'Kirt.~ Voting USA' i. ~ Mlionn I non·profit. noC>-p"rti.i"!Il nrg"";';"lioo th~' t""c.h~~ s!'-"">nts ilOO1.l1 citizomsh~ , civic r~po<,sibi~\y, d<imocriICY and political par1lcip~.tIon. TogalhO¥ with classroom activities, studoots am provided with an opportU1 ity to coot a 'Kids VOti'1Q' ballot on e\f;ction day, and they vo:'" an the s~m~ CMrfMt~~ ~nd i.""".o; ... ~ ~<1lJ!t~. In 2004, 1.5 minion ~tudl!nts Illmeri ()Ulto vole /or presid9ntial, local and state candidates. Araas with a Kids Voting USA program have shCWlld a votlnQ ratG for r9gistGroo la VG<lr aldii v.tJich is 14% ~.,ghcr than tor nonpar1~ ipalinll arc~s. seo \WIW.kidSIIQtirlaup\:.ora!.

k parto! l>1 e K>J~ Voti"'ij USA ~erv;;'e, ·D w ble Ckk Demccr.-cy' (~~ W'<i~vo/)/1gus3.argIDQUblIIClidJirltro.asp) wa~ dGwloped to alluw sa1d ~ms to participate in ar. authentic votinQ oxpcricoco using a wob·h:wcd v01fnO systom. 1 he enl n<!! bllDots r~pl cllt" th<!! clll1didllle. Md i.!.3ues adulw ~otfl ;or. IInd pr~·Iic"e

students wnh practloo ~~Dt~ which haw links 1<J c,,,,didatv biograp/livs and othvr resouroe$, About 35,000 studonts pMicipatcd duril'1\1the 2004 prOSidontial ",,1f!G1ion~_

'T1i9ns N2 Poli<ics' i:o <it US·basvd wr;Jl!sit.. which ofkns young peo~1e an opponunity 10 partiCipate in discussion forums on loplos suoh as the ellonomy, lorei~ policy, (JI'lneral pollical i8sue8, animals and the envronment. f'rOVi3ion ~ also m1ld~ for young peopl"" to cont,ibute In dL .. ~u~~ion~ lII1"'" th ~ h""".,,, of ',,",fI wing chat" ~n<.l 'right win!! come,', SOl'" _w,l<Iensn2portics,comlk>r~ms/_

~ At- HII SC~Cdl \ £qri !}'Cl\- tkt. "'4j0':~ cf k;{ls d/l '2{/­('(ut (!LQvi-~ /A<\I;'''3 ~, S~.=- -+J" W'''- \'--' '-\<\I..!~_ *v 2_~ hJd~'!L \Q '"";;-0 ,>" ~ SI-J 2<1 <:,," t' (C;;[\( :',. '(C.( I U«I.

(.,'0;::,-,:" -',-I- ;t Cc,,-e,fi.}-\.,,';,,-IC)C)ccl C"-~I,,,_ W;\. 5c"Y.::l> "sS '\'-.,.; -- --- ---- --- --- (

~.LJ<eJ...,,_tJ~ lY'·oi-\ I\- w~)~Ic,\ hI!- ,-,=1 ;" ~n (C li .d \-t;\£ ~:-r::,I:.,{roJL (lS_LJ.? (I l ,f) -rh" ~,,\,.....Q. ( ~:..<::",) e.\. ~'DjI C (11"ld, 1.1([ (-~'J d':" _c.-j<8~7-Jtlqo, ::J "L.LL---->J!2b:'1 ~_ tvld(jb~' '"

POlitical parties The 2004 '1'0000 Auslra~an 01 the Year, Hu~h EVllns, has suggested that young peopl9 fe91 ~hul out 01 ml!iMtr9~m party ror~ir.~_

Thfl fOmll!,Q"""Mland state youth AdviMI)' COlll1cil told the cammitlM that th~ issues actdress",d by pofitical parties. p~rljGula'ly ~t elE'GtOoo time. are c!ominatec' by thoc .. ",r..""n\ to okW' p .. op~ and D'" "'9<1i,'9 p"P"I~(iul1 .

..,. How c~n poI;Jk~1 patties ellcQwag" )fO<HIg people's engagement in q; n ,-.~ d8mocracy:

New ideas

Or Ariadne Vlomerl, a ""'tu, .. r at Ille Uri"",~ilr of SytJ,wy, r ..... e"'che!; young people lI"ld politics, She writes thaI, 'The on!) area 01 participation that mmalns ~'" tor yoong people. ern! Indeed tor mo~1 All:ltraij(lns, is membership ot political p~,rties, Ralh~' IhM I~Mlin(J r~_rty rT>*'moor,;hip rlecWnl! ~~ apathy, .... "" nught to s""' 00" un~ppe"li<l!! pulilic~1 p~'li",s llavII b~oow, And il i!i up 10 pwliws to involve a new goneration. This might not be by way 01 fOl'll1al mamllarshlp; inatead. parlles millht conault young people O~ issues reloval'll to their liVes' (sce Vrom>'l1)

In the US, a nationwide slUdy of youth att~uoos found that yoong poop'" Wflfr;, aulive iI1 tMir communtios bU11iOI c:oncomcd at:>out politics. A~ M OliComc 01 tM~t ~llJdy. ~ slr~t"9Y lloor1p.d tn rl!--r.onMct youth to democr~t:y;,; that, duri1g eiotcliorl c~",paiyr05, Ifw mNa oiler yoLJth.mooerated cilnojklat .. deba1es (see National ASEDC<ation ot SGCmtari8s 01 Sta(9),

"-"--------" -

Poli1iclans Many research studJeB in AUlItralill.lI.nd inlerMlionally r~vea.1 thet yO lJ:1 g people IIrll ~yn ir. .. i ahoot lt1e h~,""klir of rotaici~M

~ HOw CM politidlHls thBlttSBtve~ r/l.~/or'" the f.!ilh 01 YOIJng p~opm in ;~" "-"'mllGI .. "'Y?


Dr Arindna Vromen says mat po i on Iy con~ider young ptXlple when they pre!<':ot 11. problem; thal young people tend 'Cl h" tall""d ~houl rather than ta keel .. ,!h: "rod ~ha: 100'19 peop~'s perspectives are rarely inclLKI~d in public debo.t,,­Or V,on"n s~!{ests (11)1\ wh,,1 is needed is di,ect "vide""" ut Y"""Y I"''-l'"'''; ~XpooriIJl1C\iS Wld ilrgum~nts bllsoo on such !/vJdencQ (sell Vrornoo).

In the Jnitao States, Canada and the United Kingoom. where ~otin~ ian'! compiJsOlY, ~ M.'! bMn ~own th~t contact with pnlitical parties ;l.nd r,"r.di.-l"t"~ L~ M im portant ~Jem~nt of 'get-o llt-th,,-vote' s1,,,tegies. Fdlowing the 200 1 Br~ish 9O'nw~1 \IIl<Ci'm. 11,.. UK Eleclor<Ji Commission id\!ntified ~ lad; at G~nvO/S~ing by politicians as a ftKery reason for dlssatlsfCtCtil:ln (:lnd low turnout) amoog first·time votorG.

~.\k)\.:r\l..\. \"<' D p,\'. ('...[ e· I\J.. V'.,( ".~.,V\ •. {I 1'('-<'11" () p>. i 1)", 1'(-"):"'. III I 'I •

"' , -'"-i.e ..... "'.... 0'" \", \-0\ c'. >-0 "H::' I- k;- C\.D \11.1 ["" .(,)') ~. ;''"'. oc_ '. ,en ;rY-

P_,--,~~JS- --<~v.~ ·I')<:.\~(l""\ If''':, '" r'~':!I;t. cI.,,,,,_,.:\,:;.(> :,..

lib.'Jd be c\ 0/;(''.1' .'.I-.::,r'v ..

e.Jng heard While young people may be tUfnod oIf politicG (lS it curlcntly opcrmos. mJny Gtudies and ~urveY3 have toul'ld Ih~j young ~opl& l!.1f! v~ry inlf!r~slf!d in polilical i~~ue" import'lIlt jf) lr".m. ~ chal Mge foc !}Jverrrnenis is to engage ,,"it~ yO<1ng peopl9, 'wc l!>ol liri l \I~ng Ih.<1 young pIlopi<l s"y is thal lh~y w<lnllo be heard.

r;>. H"v~ Y"" "5Bd any of tJ"" go.relllm~1l1 oppO/tulliI;es /0 w;'", ),<'111" Qpiflions "., <1"'''''1 1SS""'~'7 How "ifocliv@ wa~ it?


Np.w icte~.

In Western Auslrali~. me Civics and C~lzenshlp Unl~ In the Departmoot of Premier and Cabinet a.lms 10 enhance democracv in that alate thrOUlJM civics oducation and the promotion 01 <'In active citi7enry Th", 9"~ i~ a community whe,e ~I Wwt~rn Auslrali..ns i'" valuiKI as dti;,:ens, \\Ihe'e th8Y play a sigrlilicant rola in setting policy prlor~IGIl and WOOffi they h91p IhaP9 the natur9 01 ti19ir socility (sea: WWW·

Dr Ariaooe Vromen SUggMts that, 'Young peoplo! ha~ a broad raniJ" of ~ufKImic, suc;ial, 'lTld pulitic<lllix~"r~'<.:"s' <lOO that we n .. ect to 'cr¥6t .. 't1 cJvsiv~ formsof governan<:e that recognise and build upon different ways 01 maklllll commUf1~ies. Those in power need to listen 10 YOUn<;j poopl{) mora, and young ~eopI!'~ <lil/"'rM! ";"ws ann !'lxpp.rienc~ Med 10 b!'l arnculll.Ied in Ihe media' (see Vmmer,)_

\t 0) rs.()I("U\\..,..lJ,o,!h'N i)"<

How do you think govNflmellt should jl)lIOive young people in the necisiMs jt mi!k~s~ Whlit m91h~'ds wvr~ b6lst 10< you - liilC<I-/,,-f .. cr., web basC&oolill" melhode or wrfften?

New idM§


irl2.003, too Commission for Childrgn and YOU!l!l p~ was in~il~ 10 palticipatll i'1 a eDffimittoo for the development 01 a sports and recreatiOl1 facility for young peop~ en Palm Islarld in North Queenslllnd, The COmmisSIOn ooderlined 1I1e impmanc,", of thP. commi~e" "~king ynung reople what theywanl",d_ The ~sue 101 th~ Comm;»; iofl w ... rlOt so much '1IOW do Wll involv9 ~/lildf9n in fhe building of/hiS f:u:my out '''t!\Or '"I'!ow do wo ql>1 lhe f~ciliry tho e/lild'''n w~nt?':

lr\ 2oaJ, in Parramatla in Sydney, a Youth Jury pre;sented young peeple with prac1icalopPOrUnitie5 \0 it!arn and dis(.'lJs3 the div~'~", inj"re~t-~ anrl cnncflrn~ of a wide var;"ly of young p~o~1e across thw P:i."amatlll rwgion, Partici~r~s Ii.arrwd aboUl team~lOrk_ negoliation skills and the powers oi QOIIernrnenl. This enatlkld t~em to form feBlistic recommenda~ons to support the fl(lod~ of tho cotioG~vO yDIJIh·:>f Parr,,-matl~

The /lim at lhe VDlJlh Jury was 10 aMi~t with brid~ing meial intolerance and oultural dversity amoog young people 01 Par(~matta

Tr.e re:::ommendations of too Vouth Jury WN" ~imen iU key onvernml'nl ",.".; ~"mrr1'Jnity oryan;s.tions of P""am"lIa,

''''''; "'~_I:':,,=-(l : .... ~-.... _>:-."'~ ___ "'?0i _,,-,~"--tl~_:t~H'< J'.-,J'i_C'o." j: ___ _

'''""it- DoOr ~"1'(J,('3~_'\C""- ~-,.., \o...(I!..-_'r<;:,-i(-,\U'..--'I:: <::>i'-.,rr\g.

ir\ _,<.\:--,\)y ~;=-c;\~_<_~ -ult.-(\ r-:r-:C\\kL\ ,'" PC';(l:,V'1C\1+G,

_,,"< .'J :ul. 2 ___ nc..<.;,j\'1_<Y~~Gl.., _________________ _

Taking ~d;on

You"{l peopIt Wllnl tll be ~ely ""'oIwed in o;Ioiornocr;«.-y. Vuliny ilt ~Ilons is m1y one Wily 01 ~in\,l i, l"fIlIwd in .. dourrccIaIle $OCi1lly.

Ji.l WWdt oIlM ~ ~ IWw you t:<Irn.w uuf, <.IF" wwId J'DU /jrfl ro CiII1Y i.~ 0Uf?



!ni1la"o'llg u' ~",'i..~lir>;I ... a iotal )'Ilu(/l projtK1

l..:Ilfll~ 0' 3iQrII~g a petition

I\n~ a ,a:tv Of proI8SI

T"~patl l~ ~!Wib

B91ng a momtlef 01 a ~04itcal pe.11)r

flein~ d rr.."nIN, 0/ . Irade uniOO

Being a memb!:. of" "00",,1 urrion( S·W"(.~ ' l~'LiIJ SGIIlg a ..... mn;f 0/" <l<lnilO""'nmoll"ll .

crg.anslllion ","ch Iobb~~ go"""""'''''' (e (I. ftwt WiI .......... $'-"""Y. ~ ,Iftm ........ II"-~" :.)

t;ontIIdi"lla pdi;cian or _ 90""',., ... 1


P"r1lop ~u"g., It yo~ I'a~ioment

"-&'r"III IrNUlv ..... lrr. Youth Cguncl

aa,ng 'nvolved in M OI"~n:"alian .. 1"cM ..... ,. 1<> r~'Eo&''''' h. v"''''. o/)'OUI>'jj """P1i (i.g. ...... o:I,:.I~ R .. ",.,..,_,kl

H~ ... _

(-1' orx)

co :J

YC!61g people say !hat In he ~E'd in democ< .... 'Y th8y nwd trti"lJi ju;h ""' .


OPCOl1u'~~O 10 llc:lrv&/ll eng-~ge In dflmoe'lIeY

a n idel'l ~tltll Jt whllt can be ""hli"Vid rlit .. I;. li,,""~y;

~":iHI 'n whlch <,0 mG!iI dIlO dlE:Cl.iU: end

llCCl1:1S 10 the i'liolrnel, p holocq>WA, ""~.

·t. WI'W au/$l3tr.C ()( ~mem (IQ )00 l!<!led from QIN«nmltfll 1(1 toki! .. • . aaion ~ool4lne ~:roo lel ,..,,$!I''''''''' Am.d1

N Po W irlruI ~

I5r~03n c City C;OUl1OiI nas aev&lOpec ·VI!tll& In~· . 11 w"b" ~A ,\111 '-: ~ p.1""'" ynL"'O people te rlaV& 11 ~y in IN> ("',"lJncir~ programs The web~;e oontain, itl[orn .. li"" ~ I"r.>' It how young ~"1li .. can tl"vto ~ ... ~ ,;;rV, IIV1i1nliO [or '{OI.IJl9 g~la , ~"Iu; <,0

~sourcc~ anI! a lon..m tlll'OlJ;1'I wI'IIoh yc~g p~ can wprliSSI ttwit opini0n5. The Cooncil lies !tI!ICl prQVlaed yOl.Jng people: w ith a l"llas arQUlld I!rlGb:anel'ltltrtJ they CM corne logl1tthN to meeot ~n<1 org~n~e IIClivit<e~ artd PI'OJ&ClS 01 [n1l)fa=;1 te \hem. Th.,,; .... leu"lll acc8"ibIe!Cl yourlg people ~OO "",,11 rfflloureed (~ee "ti'!i'!!.l{<r; ibI£!-l~ k~.

Th~ Viclnri~n [;overnmen\ prOduced 11 hMdbook lor YO\.l1Q people on I'IO\V!~8Y can create cl1~~ in \helr OXII"I\ml/nity. The handtlaok provides lug; &lltJOnl on how y,JUrlQ po;oople ~an lIet ~Clr.ti 00 i. project fuey feel p.t~im.\!~ ~bnVl. III1rl how thay can implement that projecl (Qat W!M.'t9Il1Hi!;.QSlo',I!I!odf!iTtf'5t!'XH pit) ,

rh ... Fnundlltrm to. VOOIIIiI AuslralillM ii!l al1OfK)fOlil OfgQrisnllDn O<XIIcated 10 ~lopinoJ ",flYalive i~~ialive, Ih/lt ,uppo<lllncl~r ytll.rIg people &ged II 10 25. Thv FourdaticIn p'oyidw~ ¥wd-fur".Jg fp" ideas. pro.!Id iwoly _Ics eo­tuno:ng 10 support. ini6aWe3 and ~ thlIrv::ipi1mt5 5I1udiJ, .. tl ... n~hori to III":slII'e Ioog-~rm sL<!talnen.lty. EOCh ye<lI.1hc Fooodalioll man39QS a poldOllo 01 IIrl!n~ lUI ... i~9 ""nUl $6 "..llion. At lu51 25% 01 tDlBl llrMt fUnding Is dOCicatOO 10 i";iti;,ot " H ~1Icii1~ dilli lgn&a!O DenelR young Indig"""'" ""'''',.ens (aetI \WIW.VOUrm,ViI!;, I am .or<:l).

~ (~-,S~~:'J ,.-,V"\( " tI,.,q\- hS: ('v ..:.. nO' " r) .... :>~ .. b.!l.....l. s. \ ~ ;, vd -~

h.Q~r'ld· b •. 1'.r'II"»):!.:y I:l'"g ,.( 0JC'< .... , .Q'-\~I)'ti,~,g

pi.?.'N,~ . .I;;1f"" " 'i<';' (",,,- t(o)l ~".~b~' : ~""") db!?!_ I rJ ;,1 '\'~ K"<i,,j.'?v'~L~! p<{!q(Q,.v.:' C' ",,;!>h!!-,i! _. ___ _


TnI! YOI.Ith EloclOral Stuay (yES) found th~1 parl!tl!" 'ifll r~ .. !dtKI by ycu~9 people as the most mpol"lllnl s our~!l gt r11ormauon aoout vollng. "1I1e1lf~1 !JO~ n"""'p:aper~ ~re the ne:d most importlln!, however you~ peop~ ... &w tl"lOse laTter sources with some ~c!l()licj$m

~. \C ;''''''" 'f;...':;' q G.\ o:;:!.~L~~C\.M1J\'" .I,:~t. SCfr pf9:,~j.c,.I.!.....:.-'--...1'\ (\C''1 ''_L~i!t~~ . . sso/\Jr~<".«,--__ ~!:,>~_.~;~ __ .~~,,:, ,~~_ , ...... S..:.oi \t'~"Q_:'L~ ,; <~. _,'\:f u ,,:....!:::.. .. ~.....,"'".. .. \-.g~,,; '':.-';>.''.'1 j.." ...... \)"..:,/ ..... t.n(i'l o.\:y"> <'~,:\ .... ".s .. ,'r ..-I... -,".3:' OJ""Q\,!'\ d

t(~1'I Ideas

Tho. In<.,nir ... Fro< ,nc!"li ..... (~ .. ~ 1A'IW jc$Qirl'; ora alll i. 11 MtiOl11!1 Mon·prO!lt 10000ooaliOl1 1'fhlch ~i rrn; 10 c'eal~ uWUrlu"il io1~ lor young Au"'rl\i,.",~ , prlnt:If'..Aly aged Octwoon 16 and 25, to I"Ielp Ihemsl)"'9S and otha[s. Th9 FoonC-.t11011 ec.1(n()\\1edge:: th~! )'OlII'1g peoo1e want to make a positive d:UC)ranoe In mall own

Ilvas and In thalr communities, Young people arc ooiivoly involved in th~ development and dellVel)/ ot a~ the I-oundation':! initiative:!. One initiative, 'ActNow'. ;5 a w"b-ba~ed ~er\lk:" lrn.l wW prollicWo young ~~ with informf,l1on and stWJrt on Mw they "an become fnvoived rn issws or caUS~$ in Ill .. " commc'nity that t~y arll polSSiorJ<ll11 about,

'1ibeWff! Youth Servioo3 ill a vOlunteer-based, nen-proti! )'tlu!h media and trail1i11g orQllniMtion which prO\iid~~ young people aged ""Iween 1 G and 3.0 ....,Ih an "".ne forum I1ravgh whicn they CM access "'formation on" raroge oi topics, p"rt'~ipat .. in Jr.."ussjun~ with uln"r yOlAlg p~ople .. no! bllcom~ i:wolwd iI1lh .. ~~cllangil of inrorm~llon with otoo, young pI10ple (OOG \\fWW, vloow~eJlE)ll. Recent i1itiatives inolude 'clectionTraokar' (see wwv(electiOOIraclser oeVetf) WhK:r1 sent young people oul an the campllign trail;!~ r~port~r~ in Ihe 2004 F~d~ral eleclion. Th""" repnrt~ were u:ilised by six radio statoos. SBS Md A8C news.

Th .. US Ad Crnnci ii iI non·prof~ Orll~nliallQn whlcl1 prOdUCIlS, dfstrlbutllS ~nd promotes public service oampall11s on a rarJgll of isslJCs. A recent c(lfT1paign. 'F'(I/1t ManneQuinism'. tOCuOOe<l on tmprovinQ youth c',vi<> en~\I"me"t ~nd voter parlicipaliQll, It involved television and cadin "do; ~imed at 9"IHng Y<:!''''O P""",," ;nvo!V~d in ~SUe5 Ihey care about. volunteering ,.,d Vo!ing (800 .

'Reek tho '1oto' is a non profit OfQanisnlion \\i~ioh aims to SIlQag9 younQ people in the OOlllioal process In the United SlIltes and draw attenliol1 10 i~sue~ of cor.c~rn 10 yOLJllg people. It "()(}I"din"te~ \IOter re!i~tr~tion rrivM ~nd ~('x~1ion effort~ to ensure)'tlung people exerc~e their right to VQt ... Youth cullllf~ j~ haonrss"rj in It", promoti:Jl1 0/ it~ camp~igru;, many 01 which f .. aturll hillh pro/ily cYlebriU\/s inol.iding muslclan&, aOlors, athletes and comedians. In the 2QOoO; elOOtions. 1,2 mi l iOl1 poople lOOk advantage of the orcani9a~on'9 onJtle voter regislratlon faciity, and a further 200.000 registered ~~ ~p~rt of the Rock jh~ '1nt .. BLffl TnL"'lI<'rn~~ Ill .. Go.;ntry (see '''''''Hocklheyo!~.wnt

~1 WI I'.....\..Q-d rc' \') ,,_ f'~", J\',~, S(C0 C''l<J (.\'/C.,'·,-,,"'b!:1 ," u

~J~"~ 'ihI\ fCjiC\ Clpp0(\1~1_:l \"'.) l!UVH·,- '1e:- (<lf~'\'r\(:. -';'/'.)( ,'1' 'IJ'~ 'J.' __ ""', .\ ,) (' G c, .-\--l i Y--, i.,;' ~::~ ,,",'I- '--. "f~ {'.""c-,c ".,-" , ·Ho,( <1"\

'1C:'.-" 'o,;\i Se;.- he!-,!",I ;t-,

c;v.i.d.rlh".s for t..u:t ~11'1.0 :.I s~d:: ".th.:,IVI'".

There is no ~et form for a tubml8slon IQ thi ~QITlm itt~ li . S LlbmiuioM may b~ r!1 l1d~ ~ng Ihl! i"'lLir)' response form or ~ the I'<lrm 01 a :etter, a &u~tan1ial paplit' ur' short document and th&y mll.V i"Cl lJI'iflIlPPllnclk:f)~. Submissions may conta)~ fnett!. oplnionii, llfll YITWn~ .nd rocorllmllndations for ac:tion. ""'" mo~t use/ut submissions are to too ~in1.

11'u;o oorrrnitt99 would plIJftH "", IILIiIl sibmlsoiofl~. but "" I] ab.o I!r.:;ftPt stbmissiOns on IIUeJO to,pQ. For written s~t6Io~, fYpid or prinled to..ct is ..... Iarllble. though I"'Dble Mnd·~ subr.u9.Slcn. are IIC«problc. NIKnOOrod palllli imd, feI. ~w"inicl"l$ in ~ ot 20 ~, 11. brief ~ty alldl! tel>Je of oonu:nm to 3.1£0 IIe1p111.

All slbm"",ion..~ mlJ5! include till! name and eomaa dc!ailt of 1Nl pel'5Of\ IlIilJng .... _""",,IOSW. Thosot mAking a Mlhmill!lion on behlll at an organts:)llon shoukllt<llcatli at whilllMilltha ~~i,," hai bMo authori!ed (lI!l"ttH-.omrnil:lft". pI«l;'enl. eMir. de.).

PubI:'c ufrio;~ rs may make sOOmissions "" p,JY"I .. ndillidLWIl:i. Ho_or. ~ :ctcrcnoo l& maoo In 3 lubm~km 10 Itlvt r utf~itIJ po.$~ion, it shook! also "" mad!! clur IMI me ~ubmiS5ion Ps made> in a prN3ts capacity. Submis5ior,,; IrQlTl government Np'nmAOOJ ftoolld b<'l lllllhotised In aooor~co wtn normat dilp;irtmlintat proo.. ... oJ\rr ...

Content ~nd retevanCfl A sul>mis~oo may r.t)"'" M me cr au 01 the Isooes raised in tno wo~1d IN h~lplul If ... llmiliii icllli' .:Warty alBted whieh i"""",,,~ arll bein~ IIdciressed..

Th .. o;oIYW1liltee's uwaJ procedl .... ~ 10 putlIicly relooae ood lable ouomlGSIM& In tllV l egislaliw Ai;SQfI'IlrIV. Nul all JUbmissionl .".;a neces sarily hi! publill/lo(J Br4'Or~. T/1c eommtt:cc rosll!VeG IM .. gtn 10 not Or.*llirth w t~ilt .. OOIllidvnlial subm.Ui~M. n: smml!l3iorul w!l1Cl'l a re tr1'6Iev.ltlt. conlaln $WrrUous IJf ~iIIma ... ry nl>(t~, or 1nl' ~""",,i!.e no! "'-'~ ....... 101 publisnrng. I fie comml/too win intotm you It • ~$$ Il0l10 illCCupl. ()f not to Ihe poJ>t~ ..... nI. your ~bmiMion.

COnfldenUllllty Tne commlllee aMmpta to cQl'1d~t 1111 r'<lY<rin in tile mO!!j opfI n wily po!3 1~1!. HQWe\ler, t yoo oolievc that your ~uI:)mla$lon (cr part (If il) should mll. blI m.di pubi,"", clearly wrile '!:nriidenti~I' on ,,",ch pllg~ lino. in 11 Oriel coveringlGtter, exptain why your sulrmiuioll :ihould be treated coof;o.,l'lIllIlly ThA commilts" wi llhen consider your roquOtt for coolid4'rTtiiity.

Unauthori$eG Releau Onoo the committee reeelV&f; a 8Ul:imISllion, It ~"" <Xlft1rnillee property and !lhnuld naI be pullhslled I'IowtlolJl tne COll"fTlrttc()·s 3l/lI'tOrisallon. PlJbtiC'll~on of ~ ¥W1m~~ion withaut the committ.J<'l'! ./Il fIhM.Vl lim mllllllS ItIm !hal;Uion E: nOt crotee1&O by p;utiartwmary priuilolyw ;Old mily ~ount to 11. contempt <If PNtilln'lllnt.

The Hlffiee.rch Orector

Parti (lrT1Cnl House. GeorgG StrGSt

eFlISBI\I~E QLD 4000

Submi~sions dos .. on Wednesday, SO Nwember :2005

Fxtensions to the dosing dal<! m~y be given. ~ y<l<J need more time to make ~ !iubmih;o", ur if yuu r"'ldr\> furthllr "'formation, ~()Iltact thv committ .. ,,·s s~r~.riat on:

TelephOfle: (Q7) 3406 7W7 Fax: (07) 3406 7070 Emall: Icaro_(;' pa rliam en!. gt d. gcV.>l U

Copi+'!~ of th~ p;'lper "nd 11.11 nth ~r pIJbIk1ltinns hy !he l.e811.1 and Con~itutioMl O:>mmittee are availab" on th8 iI1ternet";a lhe ~OO1mitlee's hoow page at: "'ww . ~l! r • wn enl, 00,9 DV, ilufCQm m i Itees!l" galrllv. hI m