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IN AFRICA (1978-1988)



u: !nr:o :'-i f\ T! :...:r-JS T~!:\r .Jt-.JF ··-.-:; r : !'.It" ·.::o r.,: t.·~ur .JtC/1 Tl '"'l:· .. t:;

o ;;:CADE lr\i ,:'.,Fr{ IC,'\

':::IECA/ T8 i.:..J f45



Il l











A. Tr ensport e. C ommunic ations


i ':.. . Transport B. Communicat ions





I- 2

3 - 7

r. - 14 ll.f - 16

17- 23 23- 2fJ

27- 30



l.fl- 52

;~CE\ bf..)F



!'..F 1\.A I-. AFI'J..l.L T!



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EA OU ECGD EUC'w'AS EiJF EEC E i8 ESAh'!l EStviT AFESD F AC F IN r-.i iOA F R.:; IA C C 1 :•r:. o IC AC 10::.-. 1!)0,



;.:, t·J! ~Ut)~t- f:.;;·,{c.)~- · ~. £3':~·.:: :,::;-t 'F·~ T . If:! if. ...:~ : ... :·:~~: ;~ 1 !;: TH .... r ~ t~

- f:. fr ic<Jn Dt.:v r..dopme nt Bnnk

- . ..r·.fric e n . ·eva lcum unc !=und - /; fr ic c ri C ivi l / •. vi etion ('omrn ission


- !'~fri cn-indi .:~n ._ c aan U:.:=! f-'lan is the :'-,i r j·.:.::wig6 t ion P l ~m of .'\f ric -:; or.i lndkm .) ceJ n of !CA~.~)

- Acron:3ut i c~ l F i x.:::ci Te le r.ommunice tions t~letwork - .il.fric c.r: :.'. irl ines 1-~ssoc i A t i on

- P..dw~nc•_ ci L~vc: l Communic~tions Institu t e - 1\ ero..::r rJn .:::s, t : ir , out as i'!nC: · ; r ~ lnd /). ids - A e:r or.<.1Ut ic31 .\nformat ior"l Pub l icecions - /.'.eron ::::•.Jti c c- 1 informt-!t ion 1::<3rvi c . s - f ::.F i i· :s=;t-aorolo::; ica l Gul l&tin 'c::<•-;hangu Sc.heme - ~nnu.:! l : , :: ~ [: ion,c.; l T t:k:womrr.unico t.ions L)anfercncc for

:.=cstt:rrl ~nc.\ Southtrn .\ fric t1 - .<-~r}anc :.:: pour h sacuritc: cle I · ~ nav ination ouritann~J

. ,~n ufr.i ::jua .-~ t c. ; :ndor•:•sc ;!.r - !~ ir Trt? ffi::: :' ,r=rvi ;:: os - .<-\ f !')i.-, ·. 'r.:nk for b~onordc :_: <:!Ve lopment - c~ntr', l .·:-. r'ric ~n ~.l t t> t'cl!:> c.ev t•loom ent ~)enk - \.i.,;tst ' \ f ric cn U~veiOpt':''l~ l'lt 8 ank - Oaiss•::: C.:ntt· ~.:: l ;,; o:i<: : ·:aopar :·tion Economi qu ~::

- C om munnute. econom iout? des pays ot:s Grcnds l~cs - Cane:o i .en intc r nationn l : ':•:!v~ loprnr-mt A gency - Cor.-·!"r~uni :::: ct i ons

- r=ost /.·.fr ic;,n ... <:vc:lor.) :-~ent ~(·nk

- Export ~;r~oi t • ··u 2" "'0t t:!e O:'~ clpart<T:t:nt (L:. i ~ . ) -Ec onom i c '::..orr '7lunity o f .~·,~st . .-~ fric~n 3 tat.:s - Europt:an !. : J ve lopmt:mt r=und - Europ~~n i:: conon1 ic C om munity - Europe ::n lnvt: st. r..,~nt :-> ::ml( - East <-::rn nne; :·:vutht->rn /..:,fric rm '· on •Jo~r:10nt lnstitut...-- ;\llult i - Country P- :!v~mccd Leve l 1' r e ining lnstitut~ - .~\rab r :.Jncl for (?Conorn ic and Social D eve lopment - r=onds t~ 'e i de e t de: coop.:r otion (Fr ance:) - F inni?h l nt~:rm,tion5 1 l'!0vel op~n i:'Jnt J).gfi:ncy - F r::d E; r d ! :epuUic of l.~t..:r,.,.t e~ny

- lntsr-Af.~ E:ncy C o-or d ino tinf.j C orM nittee - i nterr~:::: t io.-wl ·Jr.n!'\ for . ·:~constructi on and Oeve lop,....·mt - int~rnetion :;I C ivil ,L:w i c. tion 1.-:'r }J!lni zc tion - intC;rnmiono l \ .. •eve l op<ro~Jnt ~ssociotion

- lsl c~mic ~.: ..:; vciloprr~r.t ~·, ·.ml-:

- Inter • •. :ovtJrnn•.:nt() l ;\ uthority on U r ough t an d t' ' ..:.:v;:lopmcnt

- lntc r r.!.Jtior..":l L0bour C'rgonization - lnt<Jr netiont:l ' · :one t er y i=unc - !n t ern.::tion.:; l i ··r.sriti r.-•u CqJt:·niz;..: t i on - lnt.;;rn8tionc l :·r onr~::ri't·:•l':: for C om m unica tion ·~r .. ve lopment - lnt <:lrn~.tione l Te i<;Jcnmmunicc.t ions U nion - Jo int l nsp•;ctian L:nit

Kt>U ~<FCJ i{F\J.i

LUC rw'!C: T 1\tl iNCON~lAi~









U N IOO UNSO UPU urn:·u.\

USt\ IQ "r/AOI3 vit\FS WFP


- f<,ao:~r£1 7 :-:sir! : ·rgani zc:.: t i on - K uwait Funci for ' :. ~cve lor;ment - ~(r.;,dit(3nstc:lt f uur ',l i ~Jdt:?r <Juf b<'li l.:' ( F f :C:j - l~Dst-devdopo:::d :'.:;ountris-.s - A~::~ronautkel :· ·~teorology Ficici - ;.: inist..:r ifll ~::onforonc.: of 'i.f~st p,fricsn St a tes for f·f! I'Jriti r::..::

Tr ensi:>ort - f' ·.orw . .,:g i t~n ,.::\£•'.:1ncy for ,.:;! ev <.: lopment - Orgenizt:tion of J:.. f rican U n ity - O ffici t' f r .,~v<.: lopm•.mt .C:ssistcnc e; - (jffic~.> f or l.~ir•IO:rgt?ncy r)pe;r !.'ltions in :.'. fric') - CJr o<mizotion of !·1~trol~urr. -::=xporting U ountri<>s - :lpt?r ction~l r· ; ..;t ,mrologic~l t:·atc - Pon- ir.en T .... fc;;:co;-;-:munic e tions N e:twork - r-on- :.4fr ic3n T~ lacornmunications Uni on - Port ;.;cn.'J98i:'i l,mt t\ssocia tion of E.ast CJrn ond South<.:rn f..~Jric.::l

- lntt rnv t i oncl :::;rogr ..:rnme for Communic ations u l:lve loprnan t - flort >?cm~g ..... ment ;-\SSocio tion of v;~st and c~ntr3 1 A fr ic '3 - P rtafc:r r;mt in l Tr Bd;::: P.r e:o - Per sonnel LicGnsin~· enct Trdning F it..ld - ~ : eg iona l /~r r.<rJ F orc:c est :::~ntres

- :=::ug ionol £'..:l't.:llit~ Comm unicati ons Syst em - ' .) ot~ds CustOi:"lS L:h:clar ation :Jocum ent - ::::outhern /_, f ri can T ..: lecormnunicati ons A dministra tion - Goutharn ,C. fr icen t '~ -::ve loj)mGnt C o- or dina tion C onfer oncu - Southern [\frir: ~·n Tr :-::nsport ::1nd ~"'!o171munications C ommission - Saudi F und for .. Jeve lopment - :3w EJdish lntl'rnr:: tiona l :·:.:;v e lopment 1-\gcncy - Interna t ional F insncia l Go-oper .otion f or Invest ment anci

:Jevel opment in 1\ fr ic ,:J - lnwrkn Sat~: lli t ·:- !<her toum - Port Sudan Connection in


- Trnns- f.··.f r il:an H i ~ h":ay U.uthority - T<mzoni,.; - 2t .• T-t,i ~: f.. a ilways -Tripoli ·,•J indho~::k Trans \.;en tra l 1\fric<:Jn H ighwcy - Cairo-C.:e~oron~ Tr ans-East i-\fr icen H i ghway A u thor i l:y - Tr~nsport ::li'lc.i ~·. a nd ~~cse.')rch Lnhoretory - Trans-\.·1ost .'~: tric :.m H ighway NE:twor k - U nion of ,0. fr icc:n •7:_e i lw ays - Centrd !:'.frican C ustoms and Econom ic U nion - Linit~Jd ! ·:a t ions C epit .31 ~·evel o..,m~nt F und - l.Jnitt:Jd i':~tions ::~onf\1ro::ncd on Tra de and Ct!v~lopm<::nt

- u nit&C.: i ·!<Jt ions ::ducBtionol. Sci entific snd C ulturo l Drg<:~ni z?.t ion

- Unit~.t~ !',;f:tions lnclustri, .. d ~Jev~lopml'!nt Or ganization - Unit~d :.~;:··tions 2udeno-J!!helian C ffice - U niver sr; l ,:·ostal u nion - U nion of ,·•nt ional :~ecHo anc: T;:l l ~vision Grarmi zot ion of


- U nited ~.?tct :JS ,::,gancy for International Davelopmunt - 'vn::st ; .• fri{;an : }c·nlopment f::. Dnk - \,.. ort c .(;r :J<:.· F or ecast Systorn - •v !ortc r.:oat...l p r .:;r; r a rrwr.<;


: ,-- .. . .. .~ ~~~ .... .... \ ~~~ !~ . . , ' .

1. ;:;s .. htr..p~· ns ·.Nt!I Y t \!1- y..,; \-.1112n tt1 ~~ ~~onft~r~nct:l o f ; ,inistt=>r s. of Tr a nsport. CorPmunlr.ation~ am·; P la nninG m•'~t. l ~·i.;:?; was s ienific a nt for thr.; m aj;Jr c•~cisions that tht= I iini sc : r s t oo!< ciuring t het r fiitn !ihc.'ct ino hd<! in Har a r .a. Z imbatwr1. fr orn W ·t o 12

~ .. !-31' c i '·

2. '.~nl.:' of · t he rnos~: ir.:pcrt·ant icems c.n t he sgen .:ia of t h& o71ee t ·ing ,.J:.!S t~.;; r e por t o f th...-, J oint lnspe:-ction Unit o f th~ Unit.::c:i L e:t ions [JIUJ wh ich. int::r <? liB, i'"-CO<r~ '11 P.nC:ed &n : ."l-.:•~•:J th r-wa lu a tio:• o :' t i1 -.: L:l :T .£' .... :;::-.:,\ p rogr a rnmF:. The f if t:h ,~<•::.,:, t i ;-.~. of the Lonf~r ... nc.;; of !-') irtisc.:rs cuci e~,;f thst th~.< e va luec ion c.f th~· r_,~c.;a'-:(-: shnulc' c-or .vnencE i fT!n <;;:die ce ly w i t ;1 thl:· s ct iv<" i nvolv~meN "Jf hdG. ' t .Jr• 'Uf:; and th•: •, /ar id .

· 3. i ~no th.::! r io-r.portant rlf-•r.·isi or1 of ch,:: _r: ·; inis t 8r s \..las the one r ~ l at ~~ to ths- upde.ting of th" s~concl ' phcs.:~ prog ramrr, .... _ ·;o' that connc:;c tion. tht.:y dt.cidud that- the: ECL\ so:;cr.; t a.rl <:~t sh ou ld s .;;:r'~·.m s ll th. · pr,::pos.::!ls for n '"!w proj •:;c ts for cof'lfor r: .ity w itr. tht:! cri t~ri a 1-" id do wn hy t h ,;:·ir fourth rn<; .. t ing in C;onakr y for the inc lusiof'l of proj ~cts into t he U.::c.~c:."' proor sn-rn~, . The r-:·_;!1. s;~.;r ,. t ~~ r i ut should l:tl''.n r .:;com~-,-,.:r.ri' to t he ~.:.~ ure ;:;; u

of th~ fif t '' r.r·dd ng which pruj.::c ::r::. sor.;ui• .. : b . i :1c lu ~~2d wh ich shouh:: not . i~.t th<: ti m e o f r r:lpor l: if'lg. th is ~.::x.;..,rc i !:!•, : :1as ·1oc yd l1l:t.,n r.ompleted.

4. f ·il ~:h? gvn~::r<~ l Africem a~ono• • ., ic front. :- JthoL•gh thor .-· WC!r <-! s igns of s r -::;spitc from . th'.; r. ro.ught Hhic h i1ad c;.;;:V.:-st:.;r~c• ·ti;" .b.frican '" ';anomie L:m tisc apr; dur ing t h e;. pr~vious . t hr l:lr, yu.;:.r s. thu o,:n r.: ra l ~;conor:• ic sit~.,JElt ion Cuntinu:'!c:i to b~ ;:; r.:aus~ of I':OO:C~r~ anc ~ sp,;t;:ie l S·Josion of th\.: ;Jni t. :r. . , Jo:: do.os Gen .?. r ':l l,zi;;tJiy ..,..·.;:-s t.cnvrmc:o <:mJ th i ~nit~d

!'Jocions P r ogr ar.-nl ·:.l of 1' . .-.: t ion for iUri':: En Econo >r>ic f<~ec!:lvr:ry .:.n~: w •N t.dnpm<>nt • . 1.[.186-l!)~(i was ar!optc:.d. vii thin tl'--. fr -:: ' ;,;\ :or'=. of t h;. pr n::;r amr..e. <.:·.fr ican countr hs coiT'mitt~ci

t hc;ms.,. lv ... -s not oniy Lo ~..,,,tit.u.; ~~~ .:- ~- ~ s;;rucl•.Jrin~ of tn :ir ~ cc. :-:rJrni\·.S end po lici ,-:;s. but a lso co ls r g,; ly ·"":' t.J >i I jz ; t :,.:; i;- owr: r ,.sour c..::s for th;; ir:i;Jir:rn .;>nta dc:\ of t.i1,~ r.:; rO!)rammt:. of .i,;.ction. In turn. trk int.>-:rnnbna l r.ornfT,LJnity p l .; rjg~r! Its fu ll suppor : in co,·r.p l ~::ting

/\fries's c:fforts . TranSt')t>rt ~m' r,ommuf! ications w :~r~ . of coursH. sor. •. of l!1 i.. k ,·,y S<lC tors on whos'- ~~:Vt, fopm..,r.c ,.. fric !i·'s r -.:cov·::r y would ci-.'!f>·:,1d .

!J. IG::. r: vl.c>S a.lso t hi:l y ·:.e.r wh.~n th;.:. Uni t ..,c : : &ti ons ~:• l opm~:nt ~rogr ·:· ri ·:tr> · pr· ' p~r.;;d its p rogr vrnrn .: for t ~-.' four cn P rogrBmming C:yc l ~. unL1~r ouh:o..r li r...::S ·.vi1it'.. i1 ~c ,:; urd..;d a sp~dal !Jr iority r an~ ing to e;::: tivici t.s in th~. fi rd d of t r anspor t a nc, cor;,r:•unications. GonS;;oqu _nt ly. Ul J.L""; l..o ~IIOCB Ld.\ ,:: S U•Il d \!;[; m illkm sp,·c ifi ca lly for u~,lT .•\:·; .. ::f.!. proj ..:.:cts and th~- '•vor iG f. ~nk in ussocic:t!on wi{·!; E~.~r::. forr.;ul l:'l t •• d s two y "'a r !.rM•sport projact for sub-~aharsn ~\ frica.

G. \d ith r~~ger.j to t hl..l imp l..:mt.;ntst ion of t hi: S•.wond phase pr ogr amtn(? thd number of proj ..; r.: ts monitored in lf.;'.;:G ""'c;s c onsicb r ab ly h igh\:r tha n in IGI'£.. \f.! i ti'": i.: lt: p rojects monitor.:-ci in ICtm aoainst ::!~ :0: 1 in r,~, ;.J or $(1 incr~as..: o f Cl p t:or c~?.nt. T hC! num:::u r of proj!..:c ts compl .-~· t·:d as c. propor t ion o f I. M;.: rnof!itor .;; d pr oj . .;;ccs in H;fiJ e nd in 1·::;:s vJ .'ir t: 1~ and In p~r r.;; ;~ nt, r<:~spec tiv~; l y.

Page 2

7. V/ithin the L ecadG procrz,;':me, thr<:?<.: r ::'f)ionn l proj~cts deserve special m(;)ntion: thes<! are the F~eg ionel Satell it~.: C omr,unicat ions SystEm; [ f-~1\SCOf\.~). the Pan-A frican Telecommunicat ions Network (FI~~.;/J.FTtU. end t he Trans-A frican H i ghways Pr ogramrnu. RA SC OM mada im pressivo pro~rass in 19ijt..i with funds bGinr, comp le tely securud for the f easitlility study which is t::stimet ed to cost !ll5 m illion. A combint:ld m ee ting of the Trans­A frican H ighways w as he ld in f•ddis A~aba in October wnich recommended that the Trans­A frican Highweys Bureau Dt EiJA bG r evivad ena that it should repl ace t he separ at e bureaux of the indiv iduAl H ir.hwey Au thorities. Such ~ measure::!, i t is expect ed, would gr eatly enhance; the effic iEncy of thl:) s~cr;teriat and r <:!duce costs for member States~

B. A ll spec ialized :;,gencies of the U nittcid I lations end f.l frican lntergov.-arnmenta l Or ganizations continued to m ake their contri;,ut ion to the implemE:nta tion of th.:i second phase progr amme.

9. The hallmark of the riotsource m ob iliza tion e ffort for the financing of the progr amme was the first co-financing meeting which ..... as held from 3 to 5 N ovember at: Pointe- f·.Joire. Congo. A lthough three of the four countr ies w hose proj~c ts w er e b~::fore donors were unable to attend. for the one country tha t did perticipat8. the success r ete was very high as donors expressed interest in five out of si x proj ~lcts. In t .;rn1s of monay this r E>presants CFAF 35.5 b illion out of n total cost of C::FAF 4 1.~~ b illion or over [!0 p.::r cen t . Tho mai n contributors to the IJecede financing continuod to b;; th0 \,..'orld f:lenk (espec ielly for roc:Jd proj<.icts) w ith :!:\03 a lso making an impressive contribution.

10. The r t:!St of this r eport is org<'lnizod as follows. In Chapt er 11. progr .,ss in the implementation et net ione: l l ~vo l is r.;port ,~d. Chapt~r 1! 1 pr·~sents r .:Jsults of implem~ntation of regional. subregi onal and intt:r-stt:t .? link proja:::t s. Contributions of the U nited Nations Spaciallzed A genc ic:s and othur bod ies and A frican lntergoverni':lenta l Or 9ani:zations to t hl:l implementation of Ur,!T ,~CG/. ~rl:l summorizE:d in Chapter IV. C haptor V discuss~s the co­oper a tion 9nd support from tha international community i n t hE; i rnplern&ntet ion of the D ecade. F inally. spac ic l d~v~:: lo !) ··roenta. issuf.>s end proh l,:•;,s of significance thc:Jt took j.ll ece during the year ere presented in Cht3ptor VI.


E/ECA/TC0 /45 Page 3


II. The approved programmE! of th8 second phase of the D ecade was updated at the fifth ryleeting of the Conference: of t ' i inistars of Transport. Communications and P lanning held a·t Harare. Z imbabwe, jn f,1arch 19~!fl . Of gr &:atest impact was the .:.pprovet of the deletion of proj~;:cts from the programme at the r equest o f the member Statt::s concerned. The irppact o"f these deletion_s is shown in Table I.

12. Thus. at yt1ar-end !GfJG. the second phase programm~::: consisted of a total of 1.017 projects costing an t!Stimated $ lfi . :j4 b illion a t 1084 pri ces. Undoubtedly, then~ have been changes in cost estim~tes as well. but t hese have not b~en reflected in the above partial update.

13. The analysis of progress th<::t f ollows is bSSdd on projects for which. information was obtained by . th~ secretariat as at the ~nc of 1Gf35 . Tablt'.l 2 shows thE:: status of implementation of the projtJcts at .th2 <;;!10 of l ~if.iLJ . 19B5 and JgEm.

14. In 1966. s total of 614 proj ;:;cts waro: monitored. up from 30 1 in 1985 and 253 in 1964. Out of the ;514 projects monitor8d in 117 or 19 per cent have been completed and 251 or 43 per cent are sti II under im pkmentation. The corrt~sponding percentages in 1985 . were 12 and 45 respecti vely. i-hus there has been some improvemt:nt in the completion rat.:.

15. Resources mobilized also showt:d r.1ar ked improvement over 1985 rl~ports. A total of 54.75Ll mi llion i s r eported secured up t o the ~:nd o f l!:lb6. a :26 per cent increase from the IS65 level of $3,793 million.

. ..!.;,c.: tor

.· oatis o no ro"'L t r ens·">or 1

~~e i I w£,y!3 ;'> ' J:)riti i :tu tr~n3port

Forts :~ir tra n!;,... ort In I c na v:c t .. r trCOS?Or< ·'"IU I t irt10 j:-> I trrnsror t

Totn l tr 1nsport

TE: h~corr:nun ic t. tions

tiroe dc os t ine •-'os t e; l Sc:r vic ... s

Tota l C.:on-.r:,unic~ti ons

Tota l ~>ro!::.r0.1.f7·t.

Tab lE:! I, Updated Progremmu of the Second Phase : 1955

f-' pprovc:d F rogrerrcm"' Conakr y . 1954

No. of 1-:Jroj(.lcts

23o e4 3C 7'" !"4 !4~


r, ... ~ . ) ,_

2 1f; 121 135


1. 050

5.098 5.6 17 4 :..·~

~r~~o 320


14 . ::124

2.692 7 16 523

3 . 93 1

ro . 255

woc is ion of 5th Conf tJrenc..: of f\·iinist ..;rs Hara r8 . I BS6

: Jo •

4 5 3 II

2 2 u


3 ..... L




0 ost ~fv,

28 1.296

31 141.J 1113

I (J

1. 605

t;3 43 30

11 5

I. 721

Updat od Progr emm ..

( I rJEJ6 ) .

i'~o. of Pr oj ... cts

2::l2 7tl 3? 110 r2 43 II


21 3 II G 1?.7


' · 0 17

C ost

5 . 070 4 ,321


I·??.V Lu 325


12. 7 19

2.649 S73 ~93

3. 8 15

16 . 534

T otd f.!o. of ~>rojt c ts in pr o[!rcmmt?

~ ~o. of projects r:'oni tor~d

l )roject!;; t c.:c1 to data

---------------- --------------~---------------------------------------

;, • iti r: ... Fr ts / i,i r In i .no ::J t cr I • ' i timL· -. .:;,j

- -- ··- - · .. ·------·---To ~ ·. I tr ·,nsport

I f ~··


- -- ----··---------- --·--- -T .. :. ! ' "CO!'. ~. ;uni .:.:r,tic.·ns r:r• . ... dCU\: ing l;.;c .. . · c~ I

2 1?. ll r.; 127

I :·.,~.!~

~. : I r·. ,,,.

I ~·.: :.~lt



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?rojccts undor i.-~··r.o l er:1;;; ntct ion

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E/ E C A / TC0/45

Subs e c t o r rcsu l ts

15 . In su n.mcr y. th.r ... h=f' '· .... _n !:.1cm:l1c-m p r o g r ... ss in Lh·~ i.n!J ict o.unte ::ion o f pr ojec t s in a ll t h t. s ubs .... c t o r s , , r . s t ri' Ord t! .-::n hc.> lf\.,,;y throu J h th~:J ;Jt:l r lod . s t i ll on ly 12 pGr cen t o f t h .? p r oj..:ct s h l)ve :."' ... n :-.:port <.!~' :JS coJ.·;lk.. t ... o, wi t n .; f urther £' !JEr ::tint sti ll :..Jndlir im plemunt Nion. Th. • ~roor ~s:: in l.<:ld1 s .. <: tor i:; c:urnm~r i :z~;: cl in t he.. fo llo w inr s ... :::t io ns . o nd t h e det a ils ~rt. s h ow n in :..nnux i .

17. 1 oads a nd :ond Trnnspor-t: Th is SU,.:S.:c tor r .... c ordc d th ... . ~r ... c t d ot i r.lprov~:;;;..;nt in t he le ve l o f infor mnt io n evo ils'J I.... Progr~::ss \·J~s r :..!)or: ..:o on I.;J out o f t h . • p r o g r 9f"'"l r: ~d ~33 project s (:J7 p..:r c.:nt l. con.pon.::· t o on ly :: ,r o;.::. t s , .. 1oni t o r .:C: in IS. :J . C u: of t hu I.J5 proj~cts rnoni t o r .. d. 50 ro r c cor.11J h.! t t...G • n~ ·111 r:: r u un r •• r imfl l.:!mcJntN io n. fo r P.n

imp lernun t o t ion r e tu of 4 \: ,, ~,. r c ... nc.

lB. t!e ilw oy!!_: Th .., tY'l:::ljo l"ity o f proj .:cts s o f~r ir~p l e:r.,..,ntccl in t his s ubsuct or •~ ru r~gionEJ I

pr oje cts. :Ju t of t he 30 pr oj t:Jc t s rr: t;~ ni tor~o. ' '' -:- r.~ r _por t~{t (:ompl..: t .·d . inc luding only 3 n c. ti o nRI p r ojdc t s : 31 proje:r. t s , ,., 0 .:; t ly na t ion;<;. I o nus . Dr Q rc.~portcd os und~.r imol ~;;.m'"nt~t i on. Thus t he s ubsactor r~cords t h(;j h ir..p h .. -.. ·~nt ,.., t ion rnt.: of [._: our cent •

10. i·•ori t im._ Tr ::-nspor t: w os e vaile b l.: o n II Two a ll subr ~;. r; ioncl . cr .... s1 ill 37 p~r c~ont.

. ·u t of t ht: "'·~ :;r oj ..:·-: t s in t h .:: p rorr ..,,.,m.;. m o n itor ing info r1.10 tion r ugiono i pro,. ... ::ta :tf ,, ~ ·"''- · n -c•·.~f .... l .. u. Th i. o t h .cr nin .. p r ojbct s. L'n~cr implcrr .:mt::: t ion. for c s u t s .. c tor ir.oplc.rr. ... nto tion r f' t a of

2C. f.jor t s: ;~ t o t <:. l of :;,_ pro jvc t s> "''1r .... r.,oni torc? . or j·' per c..:n t of tho !iG p r ojects in t he.: s uhsl:c t o r ;Jro~ rcmr· ~. Two p r oj.,cts or.:: r .. oort~(1 CC'Tl;"'l .- t ud. Rnd ? : r.ora =r c un o..-r iro1p lur.1omto t io n. for -:n ir.·p k r:"'bntct ion r o t -1 c-f '1 • ')ur cent .

21. A ir T r ::ns1lor t: -~he !'!l•bs..:rtor· ~.ln':-ins ·~ - r ..::· . ::::3. ·mitor in !;_J i nf~r .-;~ t ion "'~s o '~tain~o

o n 57 proj ec t s [t;2 p .. t· c.:tnt J: .• w;.. r -.. compl ... t c;;d :--nG / 3 n r .; s t ill un c:..Jr implt:i711.:nt f'ti o n. This iMp lia s a "'l i --:-·pl..:cn.Jntat ion r t .. of 2.:- p•.tr c .... nt ..

/.2. lnl.:mc ~··~c ... r Tr ::m_spor l : T:l;..r ... he !'l r,.._ ~,.n r s i:;nific::nt improv~.:m.:!nt in t h.:J l of inf o r m e t io n r•v :1 il 1 ; l ~ fo r p r o: r; t r- in t. ~d~ ~uhe .. c t or. . onitor ino c.ot c wr:•s oot~ in\.!G o n 17 out of t h.u 43 fJ ~"O!Jron-.rm.d projuc t o t h is yc;'r , c c .-np:.=r ..:cJ t o 7 in 1'7.,[1, .: rne: "'roj ... c t is n.po r t nd com p lt:tud i'lnd fi vo n r u s t ill und l.' r i r:-,p l•nt r.t ion,

22. l•'tLt l t i; ;ooc o l "!'ro ·~cr!_: 7t.:s su\:.s ... ctor ~ont a inuci II ,.ll'oj~..cts. onitorin u inforr.~ction was obt:::indc: o n fi v.J :•rOj o;;)c t s: t l'l.~ ..2l w...; rc cor.1pk.t ... d f) n c• t wo o r o s t ill unck r imp l~~l.l ..:.ntoi:ion.

24. T. l: '.t:•n· ,,ur iE_ ~~: r .oni t o r in:J infor .~nion "'~s "V~ilu:~ l ~; o n l:i.S out of '~ 1 7• o r li3 p6 r CGn t of fl rOj .. C tS iu t he f• rC{;r~mr.:c. ·ut C.f t h._s .... 22 o r .. r .;;portod COr.1piCt Wd Pn o:f 0

furth~r :)q Cr \.. sti II unc.vr ir:"plt: r--1-sntrt:ion. f=lr ~ c urnul.· t iv.- i m,.lh .. i."i-.n t e ti on r~to of 3e pur c~nt.

E/ECA/T8 0 / 45 "':'i .:;tf.lG 7

25 ~ ~rondcestinq : L' f t h<:.: I I!~ proj l;c ts in this su>.s<.;; tor. monitor ing infor me,tion wos a v able on 64, Ui) from 46 in la s t yt.~er's n port. _:~.;v ,~ , out of tht: £1'1 ;Jr oje ::ts en :: r taporte d ~omp l~t<.ld and 22 e r e under irnp lement c.t ion a t t h~:.o .. me of IC1Jt~ . fc•· an im plem.;:ntE: t ion r ot ~ of 2G p~r c ont.

2ti. F'oste l Sorvic~s: Ther E:: hns not bae:n PJny sit.,ni fi cDr.t im provt..ment in t he imp lt::mentu t ion o f project s an t his subsec t or. Uf t '1o 74 )roj ~cts in thd moni tori ng s~:: r.1p l u. on ly six a r= r e porte d a s compl~t .::d. a nd 25 vs un c.Gr ir-:-:p le: rnEJn totion. This repres~nts e 24 pe r c ont implementut ion r~te on t he:; subs...,ctor tote! of 12? ,Jroj l:3c ts.


I, int~r-bto te lin!<: rJrOj8CtS

27. !n previous :-' rli'1U~.:I r ·2ports. thG irr:;;:or tnncc.• of int.:.:r-StDt6 link projectS tO t h:.:: SUCC£ SS

of the U £ccd8 pror;rernr7"li: '•,<~2S Cis:::uss0C: in r)rGt~t dateil. lt should '''"'r(:iy· b t: re-;:;mphesizcd thot thE: easG \..tith which the: floh' of trai'fic of {Joods and ~1ersons is o=ff f.:cted ar:-tong /..\frican countries c1.-;;p~~nds on th<.:: 0:.:tent to which r8~ionol . subr0qio.nt~ l and inter-state link projects ar e successfully i i":;p lt::rr;sntt:d.

2tl. The currc;nt r eportinu period shmvs somr:: si~nific~'nt ir-- ;XOVGment in the i mplem8nt~tion

of this cctugory of i:J:-ojec ts. ,_,_,hich nru :'}?r .;;r ~J II :· ::-~'''':!>.r l ed £,; 6-<.i to :::2 cruc ie l for thG physical integr etion of t hti continGnt. t;efo,._,. is thG Sta tus of thE: ir impler;:entation c:uring m~~~3 . b ast::d

on inform~tion pArtly providt!C ~'Y ;-r)(,~;""',ber ~1tetus :;m ci partl y !Jethur;;d by the [:_=~: ;::..

(a) f:eg ior.:JI projec ts

29. i"Jnly one of t :1.:.: r eg iorH.:; I roc:t:ls pr cjt:cts: prot~ction of the l\3nin-·;·c~Jo-Ghant> CO':St r;{ Sinst of th~ Study (GQ,q!) ;~:-, illion } h8S t:·G~ n fLdly nn.::nc·::d.

~1G . E;igni f iccnt pros:r~ss \4~5 ~~-,i'lo-..: in r<1il \-r~ys. in ware compbtt:d. whil.,: three oth-2-rs 2Sti rnc: t ,;::-: '"' t Cne project w as dah~tod.

,:~,c_;r;;-c;_~-003. pr.:: f c,asib ility study of the l:?rosion. "-'85 in p rogr Tht:: tota l cost

t:h<::t .? li..v..:n projG~!:s cost ing ~>f:l7 .3S million ;) '~ost of ~:;::;n~.8 m illion w0r0 in progress.

3 1. In maritime transport. only on,; proj2ct: e: - ' ;::;_e:: f3--iJ I ~~. th0 f~;:;sib ility study on th2 <:JStr.:bl ishm<'~nt of '"l r., ,Jitin ::. tio~l~·! l sh:;;;p i!'l~· lin8 ~·fir \ , ~st <•nd Ci:!ntr31 ;:, r ri con 3tot0s. sponsor.:-:cl by i\'I IN :·.::cn' ; i'··,;'\! '·• '.'./85 cor:lr .. d..;h.<:.:. T h... ::ost uf ;,:1: .• E .·,-;j II ion "'<~S funded by 3.JH[)P ~nd ECC:\.-l t~\FJ.

32. ·w' ith r 8spect to ports. t :1e study on t h<: est :~ !ish.-·;ent c:' e dr GC:ging 0 001 for Castdrn/f:loutharn _t;_ ports \...:8s ~omr.:-1..:- t...::d { H/~,; :•-::- ;J-r:o~; t Th,.:; :ost of ;_:;;·:. t::. :::, r:-dllion was funded b y th8 _·_,utch U ovl<,rr,mGnt Dnc !· ;·!Giilber ~Jt <' t.::s of th::, F ort ~-,;c<neg"'n-,<.<nt

.C..ssocio tion for :·:;;.;stwrn e nG :·;auth;;.rn .. .:;rric:::. :·h.: proj01ct : i.r, ;:..'!- CiJ- ! :EEr on t h..;; :iovdopnH::nt of !'l freo zan._; in th<J port of ' !jibouti. t;Sti rr,etGJ B t ~ ;;est of ~3. 7 r;-, illion was in p rogrtJss. External financing ~mounting to l !f...'H. :::· r:1illion w'3S 0rovicl.tcl by ;-:;=c.< .

33. C!no rc;g ion<" l ~ ir trcnsport project - .!:\IF - Nl-OGJ - f 0:1sii:: ility study on est<>b lishr;,ent of e co-ordin.'-".t<..:rJ n<:-t~..tork cf 3 ircr.?ft ;-:;n intc-nl'.'nC<e flnci over haul c.:.<ntr-as looJ."iS complu t .,:c:i at 9 cost of mr--.. ~) mi llion nne \'-'3S funch~d i:. y i: .. .. ~nci , .;.or..,.u.:y. Thr>J<.: oth;:? r ~;roj.Jcts: ~ 0:1- 003. Q[iq. :::n d -'~ IG . costinf· ~<:;-.; ,L; ;·' m illion ., ; ._:r ..,: in pro0r..,-ss. ,0,i:,out ~:;5 t. W.; million hes be~:?n sc ei:ir':d. 2(1. 5 per cent and 71 .5 p .. :r c..,nt ,.::c~ ing from 2xtarnnl nno lo-::31 sourc es. resp.;ctiv~.:: ly.

(b) Transit transpor t corr idors

E/ECA/TC0/45 Page 9

34. tv!ombasa- Nairobi- Uganda- Rwanda-8urundi: The study on the Gi tega-1'-'luyinga road in Burundi - F~OP-05-001 - was comp leted in 1986 with $0,54 million provided by A OB. Two

;railway projects in Uganda - r::AP-45-001 and HAP-45-002 - costing $9.1 and $34.71 million. respec.t ively. were under execution. France had provided $9.0 million for the· implementation of the former while JNOIA/Frm/FRANCE/EEC have jointly provided $25.5 million for

. the execution o f the latter . The study of Lakes Tanganyika and Victoria and purchase of an additional ferry for Lake Victoria (INP-43-001) was in progress in 1966.

35. Dar-es-Salaam-Burundi-Rwanda: The st udy of t he r.Jya·n"?a Lac- Tu~~mb_ara road in Burundi. has !Jeen comp leted at a i::ost of 82.0 mi llion. provided by Libya. ROP-35-005 - construction ·of the Rwanda sect.ion of the Bugombo- Bugarama road is under execution.

· w i th $0.85 and $1.78 million provided by OPEC and the .Rwanda "Government. respectively.

36. 1The engineering studies of a proposed r ailway link between Rwanda. Burundi and

Tanzania. has been co:-npleted at a cost of $4.0 million funded by Austria. I t a ly and UNDP. The exp~nsion of the port of Dar-es-Salaam (HAP-43-001) estimated at a cost of $102.6 million Is in progress and a substantial portion of the financing. $90.9 million has been secured. IDA/OANIDA/ F INNIOA/ITAL Y/fJetherlands/NORAO/UK/ are- -a ll. -involved in its financing.

37. The con'struction .of warehouses for Rwanda at lsaka in Tanzania (IVlMP-35-001) is in progress.

38. Dar-es-Salaam-Zambia: The study of the; 1\/Jansa-Luwingu-Kasama road in Zambia (ROP-49-00f.)) is under execution and t he su million cost has been funded by BAOEA. Four railway projects have been complett::d. i.e. f<AP-60-020 - Construction of 43 villas at the new kapiri Mposh i station: :-tAP-50-021 - Construction of miscellan_e~u.~ .. 9o.ods warehouse at Dar-es-Sa laam: RAP-60-023 - construction of terminals at t he new Kapiri M poshi station for handling and st or age of goods: and :--<: AP-60-025 . - acquisition of ·signciiiing and telecommunica tions equipment. Two o t her r a i.l.way projec ts on this corridor· were in progress dur~f:\9 the year, i.e. RAP- 49- 001 - study of a proposed rai lway line between l'-1upulingu and Kasama: and RAP-60-013 - purchase of 35 d iese l - electric mai!'!! locomotiyes. .

.~9. Necala-t•ialawi-Zambia : The studies on the construction of container t erminals at Blantyre, Lilongwe and Balaka were comp leted by UNCTAD f or Malawi at a cost of $3.4 milliol'l. ·

40. Haputo- Z imbabwe-Zambia: The study of the Zwishavane-Chicualacuala road i n Zimbabwe (ROP-50-004) w as under execution. The US$0.3 mi llion cost was funded by Italy.

41. Lobito-Zaire-Zambi a: The study of the Kaoma-Zambezi-Chavuma road H~OP-49-005) has been comple t ed at a cost o f US$1.10 m illion funded by GAOEA. T he f easibility study of a proposed rai lway linking C higol a-Chil i lobombwe with the Angolan network (RAP-'f9-00Lf), has been deleted.

E/ECA/TC0/45 Poge 10

42. Pointe Noira- CAR- C hed: The improvem ent of t he 8 ossembele- f3ossangoa-Bedaoyo road (F(OP- 0!.1-C04) is in pr ogress. Only US$2.0 m ill ion of t he est imated US$22.52 million cost of the project hDs been funded by the ·; 'or ld Sank (PJ ROJ. The study of the Sibut-Sido. Kega- Bandoro-Si do-Ched r oad HK.'P-D3- GO:) J. has. qeen comple t ed m a cost .9J US$2. 0 million funded by IBRD. The study of the c;xpansion of the port of Pointe N oire ·(HAP-'11-GOIJ. is unde~r execution. Ft\C/OCCE. pr ovidud US~ I.38 million and Congo US$0.62 m illion o f th~ cost of th~:; stud ies. v/ork is sirri lorly in progr ess on the expan!'lil)n of· ·the port of Br azzaville and construction of secondary river ports. C.t\OC:A/FAC/AGB 'have· 'provided US$4. 93. while Conga hus prov idE:d ~3~~~3 . 5 m illion. re sp8ct ive ly for the project. ., ....

43. Gouala-CAF~-Chad: Two road pr ojects. PUP-05- 002 (st udy of the Kribi-Yai<adoma r oad) and 2CP- Of3-001 (study of t he Sossc:mbo:; lc=-Curo!,.Ja Boul a i rood). have oeen fully fin:nnc~d by AOf3 (US$11.0 m illion] and ~re cur rently und'-lr axc:cution. Realignment of the r ai l track between Douala end Yaounde (Esaka-l' ·~aloume sur::: tion). estimat ed et US$300. million (RAP-06-00fJ is under construction. r-ronce end t <m othar countries have contr lbutad u§i2'tjii' m illion while Cnm~roon has provided U S&!3t1 m illion towards the im plementation of t he project. ·


44. Lagos-N iger-Chad: The fe.esibil ity study of providing access to t he s.:.a for N iger either through · uori-f\!iem~.:y or :-<ano-fviaradi link U~t..:;P-BG-010). comp le t e ly f unded by ECOWAS. was compla t ed.

45. Cotonou-i\Ji ger: The study of th..; So:Jrr( - C";otonou- Gondomey road end tho third Cotonou bridge (r<OP-03- 003) has been comp! Ated s t :: cost of m illion. secur ed from KFVV. The construction of thu Dassa-Zoum~Parakou rood (l~:::?F -0::-GG'f ). estimat ed to cost $42. 9 mill ion has boen compi E:itely funded on ci is in progress. The construction of warehouses for f.Jio li a t thu ports of D akar. Cotonou end Kb idj an (HAP-20- 001). is in progress.

46. Lome-!•Jigcar: Two rood proj~cts. construction of tha Ouagadougou-Kaye- D ori (ROP-47-0C2) and c'onst ruct ion of tht:: Fade· t'~gourma7Pama (F<OP-47-003) · roads were in progr ess in 12Le. Thu construction of w ar ehouses for !'·liger at the ports of Lorn~ end Abidjan and purchase of handl ing .:quipment (HA2:-2:.=t- f10 1J. wGs in progr ess.

LO~ Ab idjan- 8 ur k ine Feso- i :jger: Th~ construction of the Ouagac:fougou-Tambao-TirtHrassan r ailway lina. w es in pr ogress w i th locel funds.

48. Abidjan-tvieli : Tha study of the :-=r.:.rkcssedougou-C:uagadougou-i'-l a l i border ~nd t he Ouengolodougou-8 urk ine Faso bor cicr roads ( :-~tx::-21-GOI). h€Js bc::-::n comp leii:Od. The total financ ing for t:-: .. constructi on of tho ~.' o.-.1 .-Jk o.:.; louc~ouni r oad (ROP-28-001.;) has been · s'acured and th~ proj ..;c t is under const ruction.

49. 0 8kar-l'·•lo l i: R~construct ion of the t< okok~n i-':"'.iameko road ( f:!OP-2G- OOI) was in progress, The enginoLring study of th.: f.l.em9ko-C( ito-l(t:::nc:i ~n-~:rJn -':c!O I border r oad {ROP- 28-00al has bean comple t ed at e: cost o f US::02 ,T,i ll ion entir~ l y fund.;d by ECO\v'AS. Studi e-s been compiGtdd fer t he construction of e container t c r m inc l et the port of D Dksr (HAI-'-37-:-0011. --

Page II

2. Tr ons-/\fricon i : i gh,r;;~ yr.<

50. A c:lr~t a i l<.!d historica l br.;cl<wound ond rationale for the ex ist ing and pi Finned Trans- tl fric;;m ;-; i ghv-'~ys , includin~1 [ (.; ,:.,:s effor ts over the years w &s g iven in a pr .::vious report {E/!::Ct-/TCL" IL4 par as. '~,8-?2) ~:md need not :::>e r epeated here. :'}e low is there fore e description of activities v.:hich took pl ~ce in IS' ;G with r egard to the highways.

51. The A frice.r. :"ligh\·.t By ~ 8Ster Plan: C uring this report i ng period. the t erms of r efer enc<:: for t he pr eparation of the t \ fr ican H ighwey !· .aster P lan wer e fina lized ond submitted to potential donors.

52. The: cor;,bined r.ecting of Trans-l4fricr.m Highway Au thori t ies was convened by ECA a t 6 cjdis /:..ba0n from 6 to IG :.~ctcber 19~: ::; , a t which the Authoriti es r eviewed the progr ess of their resp..::ct ive ; H!?hw::Jy s as indi cated be low. and charteci their fut ure programmes and 21ctivities, ·

5:i . C~ ai Tr ons- East /\fri::an :-· ! i ,.?h \~' '-'· Y (Tr.:.O.H): . A prefeasibility study of the whole Highw ey wes · in progr~ss under the t:·uspicc:s of ECA and funded by C. i.D.A. The study should be comple t ed in IDF.l t) or eorly 19r:;; . The study should determine prec ise ly thr.1 extent of m issinr links end other suiJstondarci S€gments tha t exist along the Caire-Gaborone rout e and quantify the rasourc8s r e1uired to un~'rede the H ighway to a ll-weather standard throughout. Tht:: interi rn r epor t of the c•::nsuiter.ts. whicn cover ed the "Southern" half .of the TEAH. has rev~~led. in the meant ime, thot t he Highw(.)y is in very good condition in Clotswan<:l and Z irnbabwe. '"'hi la rehabilite~ion <:Jnd reconstruction was r equired in .Zambi <J and Tanzania.

54. As r egar ds the faci l itation of roryd tr '"'ve l end on the TEAl--l system. t he three work ing gr oups c r eated by member States t o impr ove customs. immigr a tion and traffic regulations and procedures made some pr o~lrt!ss. The lrnrr:igrot ior. 'V/orking Croup drefted an agreement f or harmoni2in'"! rul es ::md procedur s s. E t h iop i a, chairman of the \~'ork ing

n roup on Tr affic ~~equlations. has rrepar ed st andard trgffic r egulations for considerat ion by other members.

55. L agos- fv!ombasa T r<:~ns-,5-frican H ighv:."y (T ,:u- ~1\J: The Governing C ouncil of T AH£\ held its second 8Xtr<'lordin;: r ; • rr·.:eting during this r c;porting period and consider e:d .C:\ number of issues. The invent ory of the T fl l-·: and its :'~;eder links. financ8d by 8 elgium. was completed during the r eoort ing. period: t he ~-'dnisters of ,,:Dire and the CAR r eported on efforts be inrJ mad& by the ir resp8ct ive Government" t o improvl: m issing I inks in ?.eire and the Cl~R .

Camer oon r eported tha t its missin~ lin'-< has been made rr.otorobl8 (Fomban- Tibat i 300 km) although some wurk \...;as sti II rG[>uired to mee t T AH.L\ st tmdards: draft inter-E~tate agr eements have been p r epnrtld to facil i t nt 2 road trovi? l c lang the T A!-! and its feeders. These will bt::1 consider ed and f inalized by tf-.2 C~overn inq ;::;ouncil at its next meeting in 1987.

~1 n . Tripoli-\v·indhoH!~ Tr ans-Ct:ntrol 1-Hricen H ighway (TCf-•.HJ: The Co-ordinat ing Committee of , ·in isters of the T ! JAi ·r ht?l r:i its socond rnee ting during the reporting period and cons ider 8d a number of irnportant matter s. ThG segment in the Congo (8.r azzavi lle­Cuesso) made subst:::ntiel progress w t':ilc civil strifw continued to h inder any progress inside c.-:had. 1r1her e .t he ;:·c;jor ;o;issing link in t he T: j .-: .. exists. The Committee decided thnt efforts be made by EC:\ to prepare the legal instruments required to transform the TCAH Co-ordinating C ommitteE: into an Authority soon.

[ / E;C;,L<./TC. '1 /Lf .-, Page 12

:'-7. Tr~ns-~'~1'"> -;>r <. t· ii llhv,·<.>y : Til:..' l rnns-S~:!~ ;:_;-,: · !ig tr .. : ~,y ~ ·nr .r-:-. ittoc h :?ld :;:m G}: ~r !:-or1inary mu~t in:J d u r inr l:i!'-' r:.~·ortinr p-_r ioc . u r-; ·:'-::r its c<Jrr::nt r:h~lir '.1<::n. ·runis i ~:. T h u l-i irzh'.v0y \tJ hich jcins ·- .l r.! ,.; ri:-: .·: it;; . i ·.:l:r i;.:. vi i.l ; : ig<::r . vl i t h SfiUrS to ' :')."I!::Oi\0. : :b m:..:y nr. ::. Tunis in t"'l'.; >·;orth, h fJS :Ji'Of:, r dSSt:d rTHJCt : i n T~;r,is i <.: , _ L.). f ~j.:J rj .~ e nG :\iig1.•1":8 , but Sl.!bStOn::i rJ! IT•i5Sirl[1 l i rl :<s st in 1 .. : i ~t insid>- ·· i !· < • c .1 .. : 'f:.l i. '.'·'·dhins s::mds "' 't.n .. ::m. : .;<.,jor rr,.::int....nenc<J p rob lt- rr: in th<:: "'.:.:>n r-.•r :'l' .:1•.::~;..-.,;.:nt o f l:h.- : ·i.i h \v::y . • : ;dh. 1 ~.,;:< or ... At _-;- ~'nu su i tDblci c:onstru~tion

n1rt~rids irt.p c dc:C'; ;:~rc :;v· ·.:Ss of -;cmstr uc t ion.

5~· . :::c: :., • .. ,, ' j !J r,·,: w~awd to ;Jssist in ~!-w r t.:~ V i '/ !3 1 tm~~ r ;::v i .:: !! li2e tion o f t h~:: Tr Ct:h e r f.l H i: .. hv: <y •.-: !:'.~:.;::~ itt .:,.; tr:1 (lrovk!G r.':._.,,f:,:Jr ::,t-7' t,;s \-J i t h <::n im pro•;...,ci oppor i:unity to ':: >~Ch '.On[JP.

opinions o n t h:.:- .1\.:vdopr.lunt; c f tL-.. . ·k :h•,.,, ,-_·1·

5:.:. Trr' n.s-, ;·-:~t ". ~ f ri t~~ ... n t 1 i t~i . \..·.· :'/ ~ •_t .-! or·: .T ~·-:: :J: T h·..:. .;.::- islctiv ... :: ,:u t;·;ot it) of the r r :>ns-t ... \.:.St j\ f,·i~~:~ ~ ·; ~Jh \.,J .. V~.t ~· · _::·t;.vor : :T ;· · .. -: .. .J , . . ; ~d-:.: up or th.:, ~: .. g~.: k~ r-t ~l : .. JjC.Jrn~n ·':J Tr r.:.ns­~~r,I1U I i rm i .. , ; ;~1 ,-, ,,.: . ·.:y · . n~.l t:, -.; Lc(:lo:3- ou."ll :t~hot i: Tr :::ns- Cot' sta t ~ i :. :hh'8Y 111C t: und·::r thu c urrunt C:hdrr: .r.n of i:f_, ·. · ·,-. ,: r::;. · i a.;~ ri :.:· . '!'~o,,·. <H.:t \v,)r:.< t1:· r_, r::ack: su··:st -:nti c:: l !Jr Q(:r c.::ss in ~t:.n in. C h r-:d. Cote ~' 1vo ir;.;. · -h ,"!n~1. ' u im "• ·.;.; l i • . ' ic2ri :~ .. !1~ ;·.;_:neo.:::l. ,. ..:"Tlb6r · cou~trias ind icat~d t hat . . ... ._

co-oroi 11 ;.: ~ io~ . A.!o:t in r·s uf t h<.' ! ·- r~: .._ .• r- ~: r.0:: ·.: . ..: in·~ or re:ni z.:o :,y ECC. \" ;',S on e r wnui<Jr bas is ;;Jnd rc~~u ... s t . :Ci ·:.:;.:, to .-,n .virc.:; I"S~ ist ~ nr: .:: to .-r.~:~m~ic;.;f COL'ntr i ~;::; to inpr o v t.: co-ordi n:~tion.

c··:. ::-:cu •. :: h r•s 1-'t: h i ~;.v,. c: 1:; lot o' su:::::. 5~ i r·. f r;r;i ! i t c: tin " i:rov~;.; i Find t rt)('; (; by ro~c in t he ,<;st •'.fr i::c•n :311' -r· (; iOn. ind t •d inc t h.l · ;.:- ' ' r m,m · . . r.r:-. r :?la tinr; 1:0 liiOtOr Vu h id6

tli irr; n;;rty ii a rJ i li t :' hsu r ;:-n r;., c>m:. ;)th..!rt... St:r:i·, ~S th.J ;,r o t o cols o n hcr ;noniz3ti<:ln or h igh\..t ay l;;.n isl·· t ion c n ll r c:_:'u lz tiort of i:·r2r - ~\:.H -; :·.·-·n::: ;:;ortEJt icn enc: r. r r:n:> it.

· I. Trt•ns -· .... · frk r n : ' i qt1"n::'/ ·. c•n .. au: :.;:· in(· t rK: ::or·c~d m.: r\ n •. i:O tin!:· of ~ il t ht. T r c ic o n '·: i[!hW!JY :: Llt~orit i "':s h ..:: fr.l •~ t .~'.C'<.d s v- :·.'· ;!' ,... ,..;r inr th ... r a portin <,: ·:>eric~. mwm.:: ~:;;r countri<;s "' ·lr 2·-..c ::a r .:.o- .: s ': :-.. l ish ;:h.: -:·, "li~-~ ~1r i r.·:;1 ;..• i·:.•w~~y , urs ;:u c; nC:e::r t n..: :-;usr-; ic ;:s of E8.f>, so t i1nt i t shou l:-. ;. rov i d~::: S•' <' ... -t.--.ti;:t -..n t .~ f" -~:-,;c:: i sL r . i ;.::~:s t G :, II 'Tr ,ms- ..:. fri c;-;r. ·ii ghw.::y J:i.u t horitics r.·s n~ ;1'f ic ient : nc ..: ·)St-{:r' ft.:~; t iv..:· err rn~tunt:nt. in lit.u of ind ivi dw':l s-.:.<.:r c; t~rbts for eoc~1 vut!'tority .

C/.. / t::C,t<; "•r ·,,p.c, r :.r.i ::. n l:··r. fo r th<; trnp l .-:.·:,entet ion . of n ; •; cri'TT'•cmdPt ions c;~i' t he study on thL opt i •:lu~: · dc:v:c lo;.:ml:int of r: ir s,..;vic "'s in '· (' r ic e.. '( h is ;:: lc: n compri se:s ~ sori .Js of :-.r. tions ~nd ,.,·:.:;:suro:.·s ~J<::s i .1• , , f o:- th<:: s t1or t . r .... :C: iu ·T: :';'r. ~: lon~1 t .·r:-1. ~-h:.;y .1:.p ly to ':lirlin c:s , st<•t e:s ·.nd SL:.::r~: ion.· ! . or'!<Jnizs t ions. !n t he s'1ort L-... r•.;. t i1t: p iJ;:n ,Jrovid~:,. f ·. · i;;t.~r e l ie. th~ rl::v ;·· lo;: . .'·:· n t cf ;: r cJ<'~ . co-op:..r r:: t ion. t i··;:_ irn;)l .:.: ·:•;:;nt; ::) ti r.n ~f :: t : .• ·i ff p o licy. r;h~

;;:ste:Jb l ishr.- ,1r1t o f '::' I;.:.?JrinQ !·loL•E>es at th;.: !iubr ;...;: ion<'l l h::v ... l in orcle r t o hcilit<?. t cl thG trnnsf\ ·,r o f :J irl inC: r :;',: ,~nUt,S, th..,; m·,,·,r ,:; li ::::.:t icn CJl t.r ·~· ff j.-; ri ~hts, i ·-lf.H'OV,;.m~nt in "'.- ir:·10 r t f;~c il it ::Jtion s-n d th..: d<~vdc .J r: , .Jr.:: rJ f tourisr :• infr ::str u r: t ur·· .•

· ~· • . Tho:: ... :.c;c;iurr. t,~r;;-, \..J i ll !.l d n ..:·.;o t <J d.. ir.r.'-1. o li :'.l, t o th~ cr._ a tio n o f ~.ultin ..::;:ionol o.· joint ly O;'Jur ;:.'b ,:::: ..:: ? ir ! in..-s r.t the: SU..ll' u~J i or. ;, t k :vds. rl iv~;;rsi f i catior, of t he cctivi t i~s of ·3 irlinos an d ~ i1 L< Oil V•J io pr::. ,.mt ' Jt' :::: ir s-·rvi r.:~::s vJ i t h in t.l :~ f r a(;)- ;;v.•cd, o'f t h t: ·-' · =P t~'~. · c irr.:u it. ·;;,s fo r · th•-' lono-tt.!rrr,, ti'l~-- p ion ;Jrovi r.;8!; t lrlo t r...:: dcmo l o:-soni z Dt io ns Go n tinuu ~c~ions unc~;;rt~k.:.n o t th::: short " no . · ...,.::; iw n <..:-r ·'l s o ::Js to cooro in.::t-. -~·::t iv i ti<::s or sub r vgione l Lintitic:s .

E /ECA/TC0/45 F'ega 13

fi4 . The Tachni ca l Commit t ee on A ir Trenspor t set up purs':'ant t o th1~ f>' !; ec I Rr n t ion met for the second tir,··tJ in i l df.' is :~t>cbe from ~.; June to 2 Ju I y I ~~~f) .

Tho dgand8 inc i consider 8tion :::~f the> prof.; L:ms of treff ic ri oht s . co I L :ction and · nC'tur e of dat z noeded for the dr:v a I ot~rm:nt of a ir transport . rout es necessar y for t h;:, aconomic end physic r::l l intl:::gr a tion of .c", frica . the SCC!\,\·;48 study on. a i r transport and the prom otion o f Mu I tinat iona l ~ir I inas ond j o int operet ion of r outt:s. Participants r\;c a I I ed t hat po I itica I 2u t h<:>1 i t ies hed z I r~£>dy :~ xixcssed. the ir wi I I ingness t o crae~te

"-' pan-A frican Air I ine en d thet th<J m ission of th i~ cor,,m it t~€": w ?.s t;:-o ' ,.·o f I ow-up t hu po lit ica I decisions i r. or ddr to trans I atu th~rr~ in t o concrete ections.

tiE!. Tho Commi tte~ t herHfore reso I v .:.Jo to odop t a prect ic e I appr oech d•.:s i ~;n~d t o : promot e the AF::•.t:. J..VAFCAC a~proach or. i:ht.: ~::c:ndcrdiz~t ion of par sonne I I i censing procci:dur€;S, a i rworth i n~ss cE:rtif ic::·t ion! ot h~.;r c iv i I rcw iot ion lt::g is I a t ion: encour age commer c i E: I co-oper a tion am ong a ir l in,.;s; irk.nt i fy ;1r ob I ems ru.:HJding so I u ti ons prior t o the erect ion of subr eg ions I cir I ines £ n;j :n:~ .; sugg<:stions on hO\·J to so IV~<: t hem .

i'':l3. D uring IGE6 .,fforts wore. ::.lso dirucwd to iP"fJro,,ring t h<; eff iciency o f m anagement and opor <:J t ions of airpor t and air navi ~·Z t ion f.: cili tic:s. f-. '"'Ori<shop on a irport c.nd r ou t e f acility m aneger.tcnt for St ates in t:astur n t':nd Southr::rn /Uric e wcs orgeniztJd by !CAG in i-!airob i in July.

4~ Monpow.::r t: l ~cJvei opment in Tr e:nsp ort .

57. The fo llowinG tr~ininc activities 1.v0ra cc.rri;..d out by ii_ U dur ing the r eport ing· poriod.

t:IJ. ljcsad on n.xperiencG qRi ned f roro: v:":-iOL'S p<:Jrts of the wor ld. iLL) pr oduced ~ set o f tra ining rrmt1~ri ~ ls ospecio ll y dcsir: no.:C. to r ;o:., • .: t tha needs of super v isor y t r a ining which is being used by many inst i tutions throughout t t10 •,yor ld.

~9. .IJ.. mnnFJg:::rn<;nt ·dovel opmen t pro~0c t unrl ..-rt(. k..Jn. in the fi~ l d of transport was. for inst ancl:i. t ho· one in Egypt. ! ts a im w as to zssist the: :"Y!iddi E: ;"1el t D ;~us Company in cctiv i t i es which inc ludti thtJ pr ov ision of oxports, SL'pp ly of equbf7l&nt eno org€lnisat ion of t rdning p rogr ammes.

70. t., con~pr i.:.' h l:lns ive p r oj t::ct docur.--:Jnt is tl\ ... ing f ina l izoci et the . r Gr.Juest o f NOf:.!J},c.1 f or th~ training· of port wor kr:rs in i' :oz~mb i ( i U.,. :::~ne of six count ri t!s iden tified IJy t_EGA (Ui\1 Office f o r i:.:: rner Qency ~perat ions in Africn ~s h:c ing the m ost c r itic ; l situa tion. Th is w ill be a I ~J r gCJ-scele · projGct hesGd in l'vl<':pu tc_· ~ .ut covorino o tot al of thr ;Jo ports. A sim ilar pr ojc:ct to train por t wor kers in T3nZa'lic is else under consid(:JrDtion by !.JOI< f-·.0 .

7 1. In \hst t:.. frica. an assessm<::nt a;' th;;: tr!') in in !=l 'n"eds of port work.::r s in Di .;~ rra Leone was undor t Ak8n .<~ t tho r et'U.:JSt of P;·<J'. \ ....... ! . 7h..i !·fo'J;;:; rntnc:nt of Senega: has elsa r equast e::d essist encil in pr<:>p:Jr in ~; S project for 8)~tt:l:10.?U port trGin ing .9Ctivities ut i llsing ex isting fac ilities. E~cpcrt s~rvicE!S w er:J t r.Elci~:.: ~vci l ebh: f or this aurpose.

72~ The 'r ug ion<-1 adviut:r on m:Jnag~r·:!r:nt cn r..: &:-ne ~ I cnturpriso:: ciuve lopme.nt . basud in ;'\dd is Abc>bc ·collroorat~d w i th tho: ~ritish C L•-.' in :d~nt i fyi ng ~ pr~j lict for the port of J),ssob. 'vv'F P. wh ich has exp .. ri enccc:l c r iti!:<J I u8f ici8nc i c.;s in t:h t.: hancll inq of food commod ities at A ssab. hss supported th<:: pr oji:ct i ck:o whi ch is being ;"o llow~d up by ~e ll the part ies concerned.

E/ECA/TC 0 /'+5 Page 14

73. In r ai I transpcr t . th~ ILC ~ssistod the Gr,yptian P~ilways t o train techn icians and spec ialist s in r ailw oys op<::r e tions. meintonance and repeir of d ies•:tf ~:nd e lec tric locomotives. coaches. e lec tric tr3 in set s. porman.:?nt w <:1y . si gnalling end t.ah::comrnunications.

/4. In r oad transport. th~ ILO provided assistanca to f·.;auritania in the training of mech~n ics

and vehicle maintenanct:: icians o t t he I !ouakchott 'Jocati ona l Training and Advanced Trai n ing Centre. F inolly . it pr ovided trninina in automotive occupations under e projact for the developm ent o f a na t;ona l industri al t r a ining scheme: 9nr.: a voca·<iona l training centr& in ~< ampala. Ugande.

I. The P A tJAFTEL r 'c twork

75. Th~ ; · : r·,-. .!\. fric ~n Te lecommunica tions i' J<:t \vork . PAr-..JA FTEL consists of t e lecommuni cations c i rcu i ts inter I ink i ng .!.\f r icen countr ies. These c ircu its ere pr ovided by high qua lity broad-b~nd m icr owave r <!r] io. submNine cab le .nnci satellite communicot ions syst ems.

76. As c t th;;; end o f IGlf, approxi r.wt ~;.. l y ll ~ .• C:OO kilometres of trnnsmission links. o f which SOr."le 35.000 K iloaT.:t~rs ~ru rol icroWCV·~ one! .'::. ;JGO kil ometre!'! SU~r.1!:'rin£: cables WEre inst o lleo. Tht: terrest r ia l and su~rnor ine systems havG been supp lu rn;)nted by satellite ~C3rt'ti stations oper ating in Lf I countr ias.

77. Som e eg proj ·ic ts inc. lucJcd in t h1.: second ~h~s<.: Ui' .ITt\·_:· ·A pr ogramme ar e par t of the P /),; -.i .AFTEL l utwork . (' he stetus of thtJSC proj e-c t s is , ,s follows: sr<:v en projec t s wt:re comple t ed by end of 1005 t:!ncl <"nether sev t1n proj \!lc t s wer e::; comple t ed during IQGG: thirteen projects wer e in th£:: process of implarnent c t ion during lfKif, ; th~o: r i:J we:ra 24 projucts for some o f whicl1 sources o f f inonc t have broen identified \."hil;::; oth.:.:rs still r em ain w ith fin~nca :o;s ydt t o be secur ed. The last c at ogory inc ludes 17 proj~.::cts on wh ich no ect ion has baen notifi ed. The ~stimated cost of these projects is $329 m i II ion.

7G. In spiti:i o f the brr;<~ numb-ar of intornrotionol t e lephone ond t e lex exch.smgos now in service and t he ext~nsive t .:-.r r estria l end sat~ ll i t~:: links :::ve i l<:>b le. intrs - 1-\frican traffic w hich could pass ovvr th ~:J se links is sti ll l:Jc inr: route:c.i ovur t r ansit centr<~s outside A frics. Th is has been e ttributed to thci froql l<.:mi: OLit~gr~ end unr .:; li<:!h i li ty of :·::AI,i f.,.FTEL c ircuits due to in~dequot.:;

m aintenance. shortag.J of spcr o Df.lrts f'nd fud for r~peater st:.:.tions. Other f actors contributing to t he poor u ti liz ::J t i on of the. p ;;,; ; .~!- T•;: L ou twork z r i! l od : of oper a tional agreements on t ariffs and transit .:Jrrengem ants. mort: a ttract ive: transit t c:ri ffs offur ed by trensit cent r~s

outside of A frice, inodll:.iw::t..: d i m~:msioning of .:;xch~nQ8 ~nd .-..-,u ltiplox -equipmemt. end prob lems in coordination signalling systems.

79. This disturbing situc tion W '.!S ci iscussud '"' ith 3 grevt dl'::a l of conc2rn by the ~t.\r· Jt-,f=TEL ::.:o-or d inf.l ting Committ~G ::: t its l SE:ssit'Jn in Ju ly I ~C5. tjec~)usa of the gmvity of tho m :Jtter the Co-or d ineting C~omri" ittcu apnuf>lcd to tho C.C.U Secretnry-Ucnur~l to bring this st ate of v ff<Jirs t o the attention of th~:: [~·::..u · ·~ouncil of ; ... : inister s nnd to the Assamb ly of H8ads of Gt c:t a e nd Oover nm.::nt.

E.!E.Ot..IT ~::.;1!.!5

. .)OgE ! 5

80. ,C,t present !.\f ricon countri~S C'1n b .; ct i v id;;;J into t hr c:il sr oups: one grauf) o f COUntries in ::::~s tern and ':out i;ern /: f ric u has ach i t:ved an op~retionDI nu t work; <3 s3cond r:roup pr edominently in ·., c:st t\fr icn. i'IC:S i nst~ l loc n subSt f.)ntic l :)i.lount of equ i p:-:~ant. 1,1 ith trensmission systums lini·dng o lmo!it ;::II of th~:.:.-:1 in p i :=Jc e, ::.u t vJith only pCJrts of th is n~;;tl.>.'ork

oper ?. tiom'l l: e thirc1 group of countries. predo!7l in<::ntly i n C enrrn l /\ f r i c2 bu t inc lud in[' ~lso

some countries in ~oth Ecswrn :md \'-' c st e:rn 6.fric a, hcs so fGr rnc:di~ comp-:r.r::ti v~ ly littl(j progress in link i;'l9 t ha V:!rious na t iona l ndtl-/orks. The futur~:; work of t he P/\:-i~FTf:L. pr oject, therefor e. incluclos thr~e t yp<:s of ac tiviti es accor d ing t o thu st.:=go of m=twor" devl. lopr.1tmt of th.:.:s .:: thr~,.:; proups of coun tri .:::s. ThG first group n~,;~::ds t o ~~<: assist~G not on ly to ;_:x t~nd t he opuro tiond no t w ori.; but e lsa r.o dev .. lop it i urth.:.r by provid ing for <=dtdrnntivs routinr· of ·tre fric wner u on ly on0 route is "lvoii EJb l ~ ~~t p r "-'sent: to ;Jhm f or ::.-r.d to intr of'ucc intern.:ot ion el s<.~~1scrib;..r d k'.llin£): to devdop vi eble t or iff syst-.:r.1s ~nd to est c::b l ish ::- sauna

. c:nd workab le syst am of intorne tion:::l ~ccounting. lh~ s12cono group must. in the f' irst instence. be 3SSist.2d to br in8 thu vari ous i nst~ ll ed syst.:>n·.s u:J t o e sctisf0c tory standard, and thar o<;Jfter t.hey w ill naed t~o sorn~ <~ss istoncc cs t.h:.: first group. 'w'ith r <.::gnrd to the. .third. grc>up. the :1r oject will neod to continL•:J to prom otv tilu int"'rlinl<in [.:( of :"'..:ljecent no tiona l ne tworks.

2. r~ao iona l :':\friczn ~.~telli t.: •:::ommunic r-rtion .. ~vstc:rn- ~· ': 1

£1 1. The yGt:.r I[•Rf.l c::.;n ilo r e~·l<:Jrdcd .::s th"' curnin~i point in ":,. frir.p's t:lfforts to ·<1blish ~n Afric~,n r ..:!gicnl"l sct <:llite· cornmunic::~tions syst<.' m . Thv ~nr . .mde: t e of th(: i nter-f~cency C'o­ordinatin~ C c : ... r.,itt .:~ t!.~CC} >;s t h" sunc r visc-r of tl-to ;· .!;,:]ff 'i · ·. f t.:ositi lity study projec t w :-,s r.;nffir ,...~cc: !:oy t he C an f or enc<= of /:., fric.'1n ~ ·,irtlst"rs o f Tr ansport. Gomr..unice t ions and P lanning c t i ts f i fth rn•·u ting hdd in ~·lr::~rerc. :-: im;;.·ohwo:J ir. f'vlorch 1 ~·~~ when it apr1r over·t thr.: r ecoonm8n dat ions oi' th.:! ;;:: CC on tht: f inanc inG and maneg~m.;nt of thu proj-ect.

~;2. Throughout th~· y:;; ::2.r. th~ l.t. ~ .... :f .~ ~ont inut:::~ i ts wor k towar ds tht! start of .the f ecsib ili ty -- stucy . I t h(:l fe'· thr~.:.: m2e::tinos £' t which StNGrnl i:;;.y o.:Jc isions wbr e made. The e levt~nth

n'eetlng. hdd in :::. ocl is !;~:ob -~. !: thiooi -,. in :=t:;r , ~ucry lflf.:;~J . ;:;cdL o nu.-.~ber of r~com.-;~ ..:.nd;:;tions

to thr~ C:onft..r unr::..: of r fi nistc r s. /.'. t th•:i r;.:t:l rna.:.. tin~] . •, fsc h01C: in ;:.ddis ·.L'\bDb() in , 1u ly IC!.:r; . t he l t \C:: . furtl-:.;r r;::;f i f) ~:::d t he frPrr.~\·Jo r!< fer th·"' proibct offica; c lobor!:.!tud thl.) jo::J dascrip'ti:ms f or th...: d ir..:Gtt'; <>nd senior ~: :~ •r•.;rts for t i1c !J~·o ii'.r.: t. ~nd ac•r cc.d on th\:: r;'le t ho·,; "' ..... o f advert ising the~ ) <.>sts. Tht:: s&l(:lction >ji' s,mior st~ff .::o.-n r.·unc.:~: i.n ;,.;ove:rni.;ar i 9·. 5 end was c ompleted in J.J:1uory I F ~·7 . Th.: proj ~.r::t off.icC< :::.:.::nr-;1.:.: op..:r ... t ion .. : t the sEJme.: rnonth.

f33. lvv> ith n<!; Flr d t o fundi nq. th~< ~~f·> m i l lion est i ~:-·~r8cl cost of t~18 pr oj.:ct is .::l m cst 6v.;rsubscri!..n:::d. ::\ t t houph on ly :i;Q , .~, ; n i ll !cn or IC p.:r cent. is ::•r<:sontly pa id up :Jy u: .;(.'·:-· 13nd IT(.;, p laclg .. •s hr:v .:: b<.. _n r:.nd-:: i:;~ Z imt:c:Jw.::. ·::t h io1Jic . ' ... : ._· ::- . !t ;-,ly <:.nd :.::r ... ~ .

i-:4. Thus. by th.:, ""ncl o f l ':i<~C: , th ~..; ;> roj ~::c: t w ns r t: .:::dy tc:l cornr.-,Bnc <:. It is expect t:.d th.::-t the study will ~Jt: ;;ompl t:Wd ~vi thin 1•:: rncnti ;s.

,., ::; . ..... . ' f . " · r r opego t 1on ~ · ~t :~ 10 · ·, n c r.!

c'E. i'h,;: ITU ini ti e;t ed in l ~i:"':) en iT .. Vr;: ·; · • f ~t.d io !.·ropa~~nt ion ; ··;;;;asurerr.~Jnts ':lr o!Jr emm_ f or A frica. Etuc; ios b8qr1n in Co, .. ;·,~?rocn, .. url.; im: ~:mw ,~no r-~.<:ny<> w i th 2SS iStt~ncc of :;5(.;, !{)('

from CGu di ~.rD~ ie. •...: t hur nssistenco C<'rt·C fron F r Dnc"" f:1n t.:i ~-: :.,.:...,,

. '

E/ECt:, / TCQ/ll!j Paga lt'l

135. H uman r o:asour cu deve: lcpmt:lnt bdng ::; pri ority in ":.\r<'-'::_:: ,;,~ " . E:-!(4 is now c:oncon tratina on pr ojec t s !:k".cling with thE: enhancer:-.en t of m::·n?.gt:~ria l r.:::-j)abilities in t hl ! cot~mun ic:-·tions sector s. Pursuant to C::ener n l .c\ssur.-b ly :":!csolutlon 3H/HiG of ·· .1ece:r.11JEr 19!) 3. on Uf ., T AC:~; -~· .

EG~ is csrry in8 out a sur vey on m anpower and t n : ining ru~1u irernunts in con,;;:unic6 tions and t r anspor t . To :JVv id duplicetion of uffort end to 8nsure f.1F.lx im uiT' efftJc tiven~ss. t h.J stu~ios in comr.runica t ions Dr e ixdn~~ undurtd- .:m in clc s~: r;o lf :~borotion w ith iTU. UPL:' rnd UNESCO.

87. In the ·.: ~ l~co1.1rnuni cotions sec tor CC •'!. -"'nc• tTL' ar e j ok.tly i:!XUcuting the rnanpo\"'"' ' .:Jnr1 training n ... Gds surv.:lys ~mc..i upc.!t"tinr: thos.~ that hcv :.. c lr .,;Rdy been compiE::: t ed t hr olJ0h survey or pr ep3r at ion of countri ~:; s' : :3st er •'1-:.:ns. The two or2on iz::•t ions intenr.i to m ax im ize th<:: ud l h. ntion o f th ~;.' studi~s. r.rtrticul.::rl y th·. joint pr..;pnr at i an o f national r,nc subrugionol tr~ ininn pr oject s. In nc.'!d ition. t::C~~. has n l t:!nnad In its l£1fJf3/I JC ~~ pr ogr em mc o f work the< r~vie 'v.' of ~x istinn policic.s '1n0..:' ;.rejects in 1:'\frice. designed t o prtJf'!'JOW th~ manufacture of te 113commun ic<~tions ut;u ir:rr·.;;nt.

f.lfJ. P D t:..·- Bo- 00 2 - Est:~blishr.1e..nt of ·~ m ul t i.m: t iond oost l.'l l trc ining schoc:. l in ~~r:;zznvilh:

- This pr oject involvas the constr uction of bu i I d ings ond pur chesu of .::.qu ipr11e:nt for t hu mult inat i ona l school. i t includes rho:: continu~c•t icn or tho.:. pr~l im in~ry r.oheso. curr ;.mtl y under w ::y. nnd '"" il! for;us nn th<J im.unu.~ction o f the school in t\JTlpOr-:lr y pr emises ;-,rovi dcc by the Congol t:s<.! [~ov;.;rnm;;;nt. U!-:nr:: hos pr ovi deC: :;;::;i;l.iJQG. 'lf wh ich ~;{~.DOli w es oll ocot~Ci

for 19t:m.

69. Po;::- r;:o- Dtt: - ;Jr .::pnr .::J t ion of modular c fj;Jrses fer n~ti on~l :::;nd mult inational schools - Th is pr ojl!!c t is conc.,rn~:d w i th pnst :-:1 tr<J in ing in d l :':\fdc~·n countric:s. A pr e l im inar y study has recom:n-:mrkd Lh.., prcgr r.r.;;no to i:.e fo llovJ.:cJ. ;:J C:.Jiend::-r of nc tivi t i&s ~nc.. ::: financing p lan. The: study \"'<'S conduct<:'=., ~:y U Pt..; v.; i t h r.:·ssist c::n:::~ f r om UhJESCC onci UPU

has prepar ed a drnft project aocument for sol iciting funding from P IOC/UNESCO.

90. ? OP- 32-003 - Est::~bl ishr; ,t;nt of <J f·'.ultinu t ion:~ l 3cnool f or Post~ ! Tr.s::inin·::' in l"eiro (;vtozambi gu<?J - r h.: proj ec t invol vus th>o: t:;onstruc tion ' no ~r;ui~,;1unt n f bu i ld ings for use by th.; r egional c~ntr~.: for :'-JC5td tr<An ing for ti ;;;; fiv ~:; luscphom; countries in i: .. fri ca (Mozam bique. f...ngol :::!. C<:~p& · tt--rdc. L-u in.,;. ~; ;· iss~u e:nd G~o Ton-:"-' end ".Jrincipo j. The pr e feasib ility study. f inanct=!c', tly Ur-W;F <:Jnd ,:J;wcut.:H'I by UPU st s cost o f r;31J,OOP \,t8S

complete:d in l l)fj:j,

C:/ECA/T Cu /45 Page 17

CGi..!TRi f.LITIOi _~ . :F r: :c. u~ Tr::; i · .~\Tic; , ·n c PEC I AU~.::c: .t:\GE:·-::::!ES f.'. i ~~ -) 'JT I-1Ei ·, c:;J ;;~-:J .~ .. ! ..:..F r:: i :.~ : l~. r . ! I : ·HLF~ C:JOVa::N~··1Et-;rAL

~ ~;t~l:·.~ :~ llt: ... :; ,":;, ,~ !:_: T •-:.-r Tl- :;-: ; .,, :PL~:~-, E~~ ·r ll: ;·!c;:\" ()F LH ~T ~COs'\

I. H oads and l:(ood Tr cnsp.:rt

91." The EC.-.'\ in I f.3f:j:) a nd ir.te r -govdrn:r:ent c I dsscr ibed be I 01 .... ' :

C f: rn: inut :(· .:0 !· •· :>V i d· .~

<: ~an i ~ .:.:t i (!n'3 : ·• the tec nni::: r. i f i ~: i r.: .::Ji'

odvisury sc;rvices t o countrhJ!; r oc.:ds and r oc•d transport es

( i ) ln ... : ·~nuc.ry I ; ,;;.; . H ighv;ey A u thori t

~~· :~ \ I

i;t J


;, ! ~ ov i .

Oi ·r :: r.: z :r .)[.<

nn ~ .. J t~.;~ ·_3gos J',iombaso Trens-Africon <mC: ;,,.rv ic ing of its onnuo l or dinary

•(' jj )' In .Ju I y I cs:.. t l - .,: :: crdv:_:v r'Y ~;G , vi cG~ viH\:! fJ;'OVided t o the Sierra L~om~

Roeo Tr r3r:spo!"t ;.:~r 1l );·o;·ior. ( }Jcr ' . ..: t 2:tn l ; . :n the r eorgoniznt ion of i ts Elctiviti t::.: and 1, t he:: :oe" . ..:i ,' ir::r.:~i j n :.=:r .~ ;Jr .;,p ar-ation o f e pr e I iminory irn!Jrovvme:r.t prc-jt. ;t ~mc; ..,r t h , : ~usp;L '3S a ~ th, U · -i ' ..... . :

( iii ) .t. ~je>in in -~u I y I ! ' ' ... ~ub~ Q:H !v-~ aov iSO!'"/ s.:rvic85 v..-c r e prov ide:d t o sami-l unci - 1 od,8rJ :~ eir~:;: in l:h c: f :.r r:i c f ~I"IG prc:pcr ot ion of thu basic docurnents t o bt: pr esen ted : .J done::-< fur i:h;;! ~, ... ccnc.: .(~ :o:1 irt;; ;-! ound Tab I o on transport . Transit ::md / ,cc .... e.- t o tb.: ou t :Jh.:..., WC't I d :

( iv) In S~:-pturr:;.,.Jr I fiT ,-:::sister;ce \ ·t r-.s p;avicl\Jl~ t o til .. Egyp tian f<ood A ssociation and th-<1 lnt er nRt .:m EJ I ! :.: c. :~·d :· .. :..:dern tion in ti1.: or gan izoti on and sorvicing o f t h E •ith .~ fr icor -' i :JI- vJ8) ::;.- ~ .~rcn.;e i n ~::ni;o . 2:£]ypt:

( v) In I' Jov&mt .... r I :!(."~; . t .::.6 · :-. i c1~ I o:- ,rv ict:ti wHc p r ovi ci<::d to the I ntergov-'! rnme~nt n I A uthority on Or,; . ;;h t .;nd Cl· ; ,r•_, :,JprrlH"'t ~ i ':J~;CC; j in t h a pr t:por et ion o f th0 l r:lA[l·~j trAnspor t : .-:.:--:-: n: £=; '..: .J ·~ -.. !:: th iop l :-: . '-< l.?nyrl. f1j i !::outi . Soma l ia c:n d Ugencio. indiG~t i r. ·: t he· r: .. ise, r·:; r •K tl r~!'lr:, tt: I ecommunict'tions I inks om on~ mombr.:r countr·ies .::; ·" !·~,;~. : ) ' :

(vi) In D scarr,;,.:;r t o ·.~~: . s t.. ~ s t : : nti • · , . t ~:: :·'micn l ;;:l~;s istznco w :?Js provi ded t c t he 1-~oad Tr:-msoor t .:· .. ~. ;:::;r il y cf .:.~h ic;J ') in th1 form of pr oject r:.r aparr t ion . f or sui:if'1ission t c : o~ ~ .:. :m:; :: i o :-.a l ,·:n.:!nc i o , ir:sti tutions , t o im prove r oad t r anspor t m enogem ent ond ro' J :::nfG<.y in

(vii) F ine r l y the:: ~~c.:. org.o.:n i'.~ e:;d q ;d !'h""vi cl3c: t h ::: F- irst Cornbin<:d t-. '•eeting of Tr i£::m , ';pfl·...;!'Y t\ut :!!': '~ !.::~ . r.·•..;scri 7\:;ci e~r I ier in r.1uch det a i I ( Ch f;lp t e;. r i i! L t.c r. c. ~m~nize :-'i :--nn•r:g ~.·n·..' 1.•r npr c mm ing , st.<.:!'ldl'lrdi zo r u l e;s en d p r uct:JC:urns . :~n·1 s::r~' <= ::l · ir·.:: t : :... < ~··., i r. ir-t !'a t ive and t~chnicu I s~rvic~s o f t hli euthor it ,c !:'


Pegs 10

(b) Internationa l !..abour Or geni za t icnLLC}

92. tL. .:..l's octi'ti ti es in t hr; road trnilspcr t sector duri n~ IQ£.t1 la id ~::mphcsis on t he lct:our­intensive approach t o ro~'~d construction i n th~J rur a l or ens with the gr eat est emphasis beinr; on employr11ant gent:r t=:: t ion ond pract ical tr ~ in inn.

93. In K enya. for in~tanc\..' , the !LG is carrying out a cletail t:~d study of lv.bour-be:sed r osd maintenance withil1 the fr·orr•ew orl-: of r:1u Rur al ~. cc .:; 3s f.:" oC'lds P r ogr amme. Th~ · nri rnc objective was t o essr:ss • .:m: i r ~;ossi t. l e ~uentify. t h;;; rdat ionsh ip btJt wee!1 thG c l imat ic and geogr aphical ch.-~ r~cter istics ::.f rur :--1 r oads cmd t hG ;~sources requ ired t o maintc,in them. A hand~ook f or t he viii F.~1;:)-05S..:d " ler. i:ltilr."\<1 :1 3 ent it:b( "lv.~ intencnce vv'orker" is baing produc~d.

94 . ft, ~)r ecticol npplicl:)tion o f intenrated ruro l tr snspor t p l ;~nning is the l"~i eketo.? !nt egrstt:d Rurel Trensport f- roj<Jc~ in -=-~mze.m;r;. This [1r oj~::. :. t <.li i "'S ::t developing a frarnewor k to improvG .the transport situc tion in o "'dect.::d rcm.Jto rurnl s r 88 in Tar.zDniE.l.

95. In Z oirt>. c follm,.;-up '-'' <..'!:3 r:1::Jc\:: :Jf the:: 1/_. L: co l~ r:bo~ati on \..fith the \-l or ld Senk in a pr ojac t identif icat ion rdssion. or' vi'lich t he: puq .. ' O"'t: W<: 3 t o find '""oys of ass isting the Government in m n into sc cond<J:-y :md ot:1er miner r ;:~:::d::: ,

96. !n 1\•ioza,,,o iqur.:, F:. p ilo t pr oject !s !:>:.::in9 £,xpanc'ed into " fu ll-sc :.:: ld road construc t ion and maintanenc~:< pr:1gr ommc. ·~urrL:nt 'L•:; w r:: ri< h·2S bbL:n ~oncc.;ntr~ted on tr;--.inino of th..:: supervisory stnf f .

Q7. f.~ur:-J I rood construction prcj~~cts ti lso t; x ist in sev .... r ::l ot her c ountries in the eastarn, west ern. centro ! end southern ports of the contim::nt (e. ~~· L.:otswnna. Gurundi. C!ambia. Ohone. E thiopi <J. Lusotha. LI;:J<:::nd8. Zcr7'-bi~. Z i r:tbobw~.::. ). .!\11 thJSI~ projects or e proving usufu l not on ly from t he point of vi.::w u f t r Dininq in fs~;;;<.Jr r oad construction end mt:i nter. ~mce

(as well as in gt'Jner at i n f.J t:fi"'::;loym~nt end i:nprcv ing the living c.ondi ti ons of thli::: r ur:31 s~..;ctor::. concer ned) but nlsu in t !'le c ost-e ff.:;ctiV3'1w!iS of th._ l::~cur int ens ive m~thod uti lized.

98. In ro.:~d t r onspor t . thE. !U.) provh~od 2s:>ist .3ncu t o :. !.<Juri t c.nir in the trei ning of me-chanics and. vehicle r;,o int,m enc8 t~chn ici.~ns ~t t .l.J ~ .'rJu3kcho::t 1/ oc!Jtiono l Troining ond ,:ldvan cec! Training Ct:!ntrc:. F ina lly. it prov ide<.! tr :: rnm9 in cut omutiv::: occup<:.tions within th·.:.. framework of ;:: p r ojoct airt· lnf: 2t th~ (t8vdupr.,ent c f ;~ n~tion!:. l industrie l tr0 ining scheme and a voce tiono l tr ~:; i n inq centre in r·:r:rnp:11n. Uf.JGndo.

(c) Ecnnorni;; Corr:muni1:y of t hu C·::r eN La!<t:S f ••. cuntri l s (CEP(.:L)

99. Thl:$ c;::PGL pr or.-m<.; n .:cc mmer.r!s the ::onstructi orc o f the community rands: . c·~ugo~bo-Bugarema. i3utare-Gyanougu-~ur{3V~ . ' \.: 1; £vL.:-Wr: liko l e-Kis~ngnni. Rusumo-1'1uyi nga­Ngozt.

! : :"::'.IT .:_. - ~/';t Pago I ~;

IOD. The 17Kn· lcnc1 ,c ; :-, •;· .:- . :..~ •:-!~r.~·-,..-1 r·:::i!c,. ·'::Ch'..;rir-· · , '>:-::. :t,·, in . .'.u runai a nd 7 . 711:> K..-.-, in f,: w "',nd0 , is :u; ·-::~l.S3 r.O(:C: to t h ; ·: .:.::n t r nl · . u ;: i ~d i.: ) r •"Jj ;·c.v . ! ts .construc tion wcr k. c arr ied out with in t:1is '-=- :..•;:izi . : pruj;_•:: t, hc.s !:.:::; ..... n co;:-; p let::!cl. _:cnstr uction wor k <..n tht;J IGt:: kr.1 lena ':: :..J t~r =.;:-i •'''.:n :.11m..! r~P.~ r,..;c j :~st i.J ..::t...r. :;o::• J;.; I..::.,,c' anr. ~:-h .. r-• .">O !~~:3 bu~.;'n o pGnl::d to traf f ic . Th~- f irs t sact i; .. n ;;- -~,.,.., · .. !JSur ·,!r:s 8::P ru"d U .tJsu :-:.o-Lus3:1un r. :: : r·:::: i<tTt) is uno c=r constr uc t ion. Tho s<:C.(J"lt · Sf~!:: t: i ·_n ~ .. usrhun•Ju- . ;..; ~' C: . ';:: ;.J : P'l klir·i h::.; o lr, .. ~:,~ ~· :-:::cur et: finllnc inn w h ih:: tnu la s t s e ct io n ( t: ;<c.:. ,t~- !s:.!;.c: IlL ; .. r· ; ~rs not y.:.t. · .... ::mstn,c tio n ·wol"' : o n_ t il'" :51 l;:t1 . lon~~

fv;uy ;' .g~-: i r:::-:d (:, s ~.:;en COt'7lp!ct...:c1•

10 1. The ·· ~ukavu-·vf::: l i k ·::-l~isana.:mi r o<:;c is "' fl·;e;c'c.: r o f th..: ' r.•ii~,t:sa-Lc:gos Tr ans .~ fr iccn : ·~i ;,.n· .... ~ y <. no · .. :mstit :J t c:.;. ~Ci ··.-:-::':lr~ ~- • ont, t, f the \·Jr-ys t c c:.,::>Gn up ·~~ur:.:nd i ;.md ;~1.o;2ndc. t-v;n r. 1~ r-:1b<.1r r~~tm tr i .:. s of t th~ : ; o.l'n luni ty t he. t <~re com p lutely l.cnd lock;::d. '.·'ho n c om p le t ed. t h i:l i .,n ... ,..~ ill lin~ "'t:h countriiJE- t n th~ Zr:irc trr.:nspor t syst e.Tl to t he . soa ( fro::• f'. isanpeni t o /, insh os o :.Jy r iv~r en;:-. f r tJir' ~ . i nsh1_1s.::; t o .. ;:t r:oi ;:,y r E" il). Th,: 2l; ~i !<m st...:: t ion from ; : ;s ~:n11oni t o : .L'' :;ut.J vr:s .::!1~. _.-.... A :·sphdt~!d, \vh i l"' t~ ·:: sc·ct ions ~.utlutu- . .Jsokcri (C;fJ km) and ::s~,; .. . -:~~ i- \.!:::i liko l e->'1usung<:! ( l i')~ i; mJ wor w und~.:r ccnstructior. w i th fu noi ng f r cm tht:;l F~::dcral :·. "- fJUb l ic :;f .. .. r:-, 1~0~1 l:~n r! ;.:: urQc.:.~n • . 2V:.: I ~o?m ... n:: :=lind. r nsr•u:-tiv..; ly. F inanc ing is y-:!t t o be secur ed f,:r tt· . .:: ·;, kn · c;;;,; tiun · .usr.:ng£::-rmrnbo wh ih:. thl.. s~:.c tion .. ~U~(avu-Hombo [I!J I kf:~}. wh ich 'v/ ·"5 -- ! r.~ r:ldy .3s~h~~ l t.::d ~~t t he t ioi"H.: ::J f indcp~nd;.;nce no"'· needs r econstru c ti on f(lf wh ic h fin.~r. · ;i .::: h::~s nm:: .><!~;.;i· :',;unc.~. ·

i ~l2. ·rnc r. ··.:. i,.., . ~::tnl it ·,· of ;:; '"" :. \ . . ~os ~ .::,.:r. in s<:mn·..:ct icn "'' i th ;:ht. ;:.fricon ~··a i h .. ,ay T .:.chn ic .:. l :rrst ti:ut, . . '.:' · 'T!) h ;~;·;·,, c· in .r"Jz:::;:-v ilf•::; . C nn0u. · cv· : ~ is ~·:J iny cGrri f':rj ou t <:•ccord ing t n sc11~rJu! c. -:" ;' s~;;-m,,rs st " ~:..!:3 'J:.~s :m pr .. ~v_.c; ""nd pr 'Jpr;-.r.- •111Js e:n the "pr ofessiona lizoticn" p hr-Jc; ... :.;cr~ tJnt! ... r ~·,r ;J<~r • ; ti .::n . -~,,~, .:r inci .: ,)l of ~h..; ·Jch•.'•":l ·,, ill ::·ssu mt: d..J t y n t t he !JI:l(l inninr. of ?'dt1r u t.r y 1· .. ;:··· :.;m : c l c~ss.::.s \.Ji ll !',;:;«i ;-, , ?.S ,., L~nn :-;~ . ir, •;u,"' l. .:r.1b\.lr 1Vi7.

IO:S . 1 ·.uring th.:. y,_-;.,r Ltnr:lsr r:~v iew . ~:c/··. und~rtook t he fu llnw ing c:r.: tivit k •s: (iJ t<.;chnicnl assis t '·ln cG : · is~ i •·n.:; de si ·nrJ'" t c impr <'VB ~: :·;t.: :··,~nr>(:'l.m.:::n:: :: f r a i 1\ .. :::>ys v.1o;;r t. ur.tlert~kan in lng--,. ,,_.·;ny .·' ' nc. :. ~.lir r- i ~ · : i i1 t ht. ..: t-sL:rn ''n ri ··:outh8rn ,:.'. fl' i c an ~ i'3n ::ne~··~nt Inst i t u t e (;.~ ~::, • • !' • • ; ~ or g:::mh •• c, J r; ·:~ urs.:: ,·m r ~ i h ... u~v ~· m.:: r;c-(:~ r.1 2nt pr·::gr :.~mmus nnr::i .•:: C .iJ pr o v i c:ied .9 r c i I w~y EXij'"r t t r.; c or.duct s ·JI'r1- o f th2 sus::. ions; ·;;i} stw:li w~ i.•i J ft· conduct:•~d on impr oving the oper:1t io n of r ~ ih·•E ys in : i-ri c < i r. !JC:n. r r.J I; Jv :! in !..OII:':·,qr ,:·;; i;:,n \-Jitn EC:C .. :: .. ::~ • .:c.-:.:.•s rail w:Jy dXpC:rL r; rc::p~~ .- ,J(• • r :;jc.:'C t CkCL:: :,:.;iltS ~·~r thu ~ 8:1.;.. f r c: i 1\4 C.V ; );'11(· ~v: l) r e per 0 t Ory docuMentS f or the colloquium on r Eii l ~,o.,ay ..:~: c~1n i ~· ·I ."ll"rl , ;. r~n<·gc::-:-; .. .:n: ,:l r·:o~· l ur.:s t c1 th.J he ld in A ddis L\b?.Da. in JU:-11:1 1:::•:_7. Wuil; ;:: r ;..p:>ru ...

1('4 . in tht:! fi~ l ci 1.:- r~ ill,n:ys l:..-·'s a.: tivi t i .:::s wt:r, .• in I. ~.; , ct:nf inco ::.~ nl y t ;:: t w t: r~ilw,:~ys.

IG:l. .1.\n e d v is .... :r in rr: il ~.or ~y ••. ~~n.":f18i:l ... n t r.:L·rri;:;;d .JL! l; r:n ~ss~..ssm<:nt of t h <.: trnininQ. naeds CJf st .:~ff cpH o tirt f' t h<: ir:-.por t ont r~il l in:' <:<ut we;:n ~ Ji '.muti .::r1Cl .~ thi..Jo i~. the ! . th i o-~-; i t10ut i r~~ i lv1ay; cm~h.c;sis w::ts on tr einiw~ nu.:.cs th~t cou lc ;,._ ,-,1<:!t r !3o id ly t o l:-rinn .::bou t improv.:~rnent .in p rom0 ting .:fi'ici ... n:-v.

10[•. t ' a llow inn :::; r ~::·-ut.: st: fro. , t i · ·! ::·uc:r-!1. an • .!'fir;i ;" l ~ror;-, the ll _ _. .. ., ,s L c bour Lc:w end Labour : :~a l f.l t icns ;-;;r .::.mch unot.rtoul< n n t! Xplt:r£1t ···r y rn issi r.n t 0 :.-:h3rtoum t <l look ir.t:J the possit.ility o f i•-np r o vino thl? l:!l"cur-r .. ~n <;; (}l':l ·~1t.;:n t r <J I:> d o ns in t ho ~;u\.J'cnes& r ..:-ilwcy sys ce r:1. ,.:'\s e f o llow­up t o t h is ,; ,issia n. (l w <Jr ;-:shc,1 .-.' i t (·. r.h•'· f " l! ;.:·rt i r~ i poti r. n •J f iJ~') th t he mon.~g.:.:·r:•ent C~nd tho tracii! l!niuns was a r ;-onnizt:cl. T~~: t·:ur:t:!n~JSL r 3 i h ..,t<:;y nct w • .,;r k i s kn o.,,m f ,"Jr 1ts im port once in the d is tri.:,ut ion of rt:l iGf supp li ...:s .

-~-i · r,ri t ir ,· ;i::; Tr o nspor t

[ c ) \ irdst2ri nl ~·:1nfbr .:on.;; !lf (t•.;; j: -1[: : . . : _,.,.,,:~ !; )

sst end :•..:ntr n l '~ f r ican :!to tes f or ,,·,a riti me Tr a nsport

IO'l. ·· ·u;; r. f thtJ ILl pr oj;::cw I,Jh ic h e r G th ... r est.~rx1sibi li ty o f ;'- ; ;, IC{ )i"' :f;_!7.. two \.101"8 cornp le: t e d i ~ 10::'· ). nin~ \•!~::r (; still un~..:r i •":ip L;t :;~nt :-: ti on a t "1.: .:nJ :1f the: f8-3 r .Jm.; f ivu h~d nn t yu t

. C:Jm.-.,.:mc(:.G. ThG CWO proj tJr: t s COI:!plu t -_.:.;<.~ : :.:- .:::- :i0- 01( : Th•) r:e~1S i t.J i I icy Study e n ths ;:.:st :.:i~ li sh.·.1ent o f E" r·-:u l tin <:~ i:iono l l.;;hipp ing i. ine f ..:r . :tJst :·nci 2\:ntr .::: l .::.f ric:->,n St c: t e s and SHP­l";G-02(1 : F=.:;.:-,sihi lity :~tudy r.m ~1", :;: C:stt'; lishr. -.!nt of , :u ltin.:• t io rv -1 -:;ulh .,:-:!lr gc Shi;;pino .

wn. The stuoy a n t: •. ..: ~;;:;S t ,'~j l ish !'.'· .:,.·,:; .. : .. ;-__ ir. I •. C·I flc r (;..;)St c r tt/So:.J t h e rn ..:\f rican por ts. '....Jh ich is r:. i:!.::c:2ldf: ;· roj~.:ct ~:-L"·~ '-..' - (•<1 ·j. ,_, ~s cwmi·' '~t ~; . ci in 111'i3. Th"' stuay . w hich covered ~) II mari time States .-:1ern::.:. rS0f::-_:- .·:y::. :'7, h:-;c r •..;c c•' .lr ·:cntJ•~cl th0 est t.:!d ishri'!i:::!nt of a drt;dg ing poe I. ! t s rn~ in findin9s ::.r ..: th~t: [ i ) ~ ;,:r;rn r · .:,n i'l~:':J C• u ~<ists nm:mr~ m fi,-rlber s of tht.: Assoc ia t ic n f 'Jr c··.;~ it -: 1 ::ir l!r;n in:?: w: :;·,;,. \'lllnt.! .:. l r ui.-J .. 12nts f~r ;-:;dntem:nce: dre:lo ins is f or ::~ f e w ;: ,~_7,;;~rs 'Jnly n• ... tt.:_ ly · ·2dr;gos ( · c.,;'3i m i ~•ue. C.omorr s. .'jic.outi <'lnd th~.; Su da n; (!j i) mr.jor dredr,·;in~· n t::..,.ds hcv .. net • ~n i :icluc:~c in t h ;.; .;ostins Jf t he pr uj 6ct end :·.-. ~:-;,b..:.>rs wi t h such r equirements or <? edvis .;;(:l tc " .:3ke st.:r·c.r·~tt' , rr -::n~<,jm.::nts; ~~nd th:- t [iv) th"'· t otal cost o f S..?;.>ar :> t e. r-. ,;:.iliz:· tir:n ··md L· ": . . , ;! i :>;~' t i . , t.:; "'Cli .···n t :.; f, t. cr .=.:•Jqt::d .,. .. ill Oi'.lOUnt t c ~11~).75

i! illion. S<.!pit <) l c.ln .ac in<:_' "' ~' r ' i:-1 :·: I ,,: i! l r-~;,t..d~ in :. .• . :~: .-; i ··:ium sevinR of :"~;; . :: m illi on.

1o g. In .:n.< li on t <:J i' tho i .-; •r: ·Jr t:.or.c;.: A : 1 ·r · :::-:; .• n ic: l'l p r b ri t y h.:ls bean ~ ivoJn by u : :crAO t e> th;.: j.-:·::-lc;:-,un t'1 t icn ;; ~ ,::; r ciccts fo r wn!c;, i t \ ·/ :JS t'l"l t;.~ a~ecutinr, 3£!ency. The info r ml':ti o n pr ovidc;rJ •1Y •. 1 !I_;T :. · ·-~n t he v "ri ~:us pt":j~.-ct~ h iJS 1c:.,:n duly rt::f l ect~;:d in t:h is report. Tht' I'?Xecutia n <J f pr c..j ..:c ts ·:,r p::~rt of t ;H: pr o~ ...:cts. h~s :_,~&n C:}rri ..:c' .~:..:t in clo se- coor~..retion with ion.:1l .:nc.Yor subr e r.; ion-.1 1 ·•r r·::-nist"J ti ur:t: in ~·:r-der w -:.nsur8 :.: ff i'7': ic.:ncv ::nd utmost suppor t. ~>-'1SiC<' II y . ; J! ~";T .!:' :~;:: s b>J.:n i!"!Vf.:I•Jo< : in ~~ r-::•:,s of shi eJ•~inq. oor ts ;mo r-:·ou l t i mmJ~ I tre nsport and h :..:s .::xccut Gd tho.: fd 1:,\.Jin"' p r cji.c t s :

CP - ·u -.:. t o the: ir:,port :mc~.: c ~ .--:-.::cn p ·.·w!ir ~ _v.,.lep:·.-:·-~nt th-. -; ,· r.· r-J!'>·-,:-s· p r uj .::ct (S -t'J- tj0-f)l)3~ cc.:n tinu8cl t c: or r·v idt.) t r :)inin:! e n n!l ticn::: l/r~:;!.4 i nn~l onrj int..:r r ::u; iona l levels 'WTt"h' reg:.~ rd t u varbus St~(j~cto ;

(iiJ :n ~:dditiun suppor t c cnt inuec' ir. l.. t•:; f or th,J .'-,:-:r i ti r."''e .:·.cndemy in t .b idjc n CSHP- rH1-0f· !J ;

(i ii J U n der th~<. pr ~j:::ct (:.~;-~~ . 7- ' ':'-\J ,:JI.' ) r!ssist ;: r~c .. l' th2 ; .. inistc:ri t~ l l..!onf~;nmc0 : .• f \i' l:lSt e rn <:;n (j r: .~ntrl" l ic c ·~ont i r.u..;...: . ;.:.:-rtk:uhrl·,: with r to:!~crd t ;; th~ implt:m0nt-:;, tion o f th£, .._.f :_;anC.uct f ,;r ,_;,:;r .-:.:>nf ~-> r ~:::ncc3 . t nt.; rt:~ istr::ltic ln ·A ships t nd o the r shipDinn po l icy issu<Js :

E/ECA/T::: ~-·;u '' Peg<3 21

(iv) ::~s port .::. f the: aencro l progr.3~r.-1;;; of 2ssist ance, tc deve lop ing countries t o encbl & them .t o improve t heir frJreign tr r::de . technicr_: l ?.ssistsnca was p r ovided t o Equa t or b l Cu ineo (SHP-14-:001) ond fl· .~F-I L~-00 1 ) . These p r oject s hava be:.::ln successfull y comp iR tt~d .

(d) lnternativna l l'·:ariti r; .c. r.::' r r.Eni :?:c: t ion {!t- •.C' )

110. J;·.jt) has bean invo lved in Ph~!S · .. I of the ::;e:c edE: Progr err.rr.;;: anci hope f u lly wi l l conti nua to suppor t anp parti.cipat-.; . in t he <J:: t iv i th3s of ;:'hcs.a II w ith in th(;J lirn its of th~.> f i 1:1l d of compet.ance ::!nd tha r esources o f t:n<! ()rg~n ization. \:Ji th r egor c: t o ji ... )Q's octiviti ::s in A fri c:> in 19eG. vJ ithin th '<J over all cunt .:xt o f the D ucade >~1rog r~mme. t he f o llowing heve b"'"m thu Organ iz:'3tion's i nvol~emcnt within tha t yuer:

(i) } { f~g ionol !, ',ari tim.:. .C.oviser - !'·: iss icns were und!:!r t F.Jken in ID66 by t he ll' ·I.:J Regi ona l .C\dviser for A fri c ::: t •J t ho f o llmr1ing E:nglish-speaking coun tries: Z im b:ebwG. E th iop ie. Camer oon. !<eny l:!, S.:Jmnl i :::, l-l i g~::: r i~. Gi ~rro L:~one, 1'-i igsr . Gh "Jne, Cote d' !voirr; end Libcri<J:

(ii) lnt l:l r-f~eg i cma l ~-'\€'r.iti "T\a i~·.dvis.:Jrs - Fo llc:w ing requests b y nat bnal A ut hGri t i es. t he !n t .ar-kegicm <:l Go.::ctor o l ~}rJpport Ccnsul t nnts in ;v!aritime Tr a i ning (U 13ck and Engi neerin~) under took rnissi uns to ~·'ie l ::::wi C!nC:: Li0eriB:

(iil} '',; c.rid ~ .a;itime 'jniv~rsity - 'l inc t> I!,;• .:;;, 13 t : .. H z·l of 104 students from 27 .Cl. f r i c c>n countr i2s hevG participc t cd in onr.:1 or twr:: yt. ar coursus e t the Univ&r si t v;

Ov} Pr uj£cts- Tho II';< 1 hec.' pr :.Jj l.: ::' t~; bB~ng uno:::rt~k~n i n the f o llow i n£= countri~s: .C;ngo le. Sier r o Leona, libcriu. ;'· o lnwi, f\ igHiz:. Lenin end Sao Tom i:l,

4. lnL:~nd v.let er Tr ansport

Economic Ccm:nunity c..o f t he rJ r t:ct U :;ws (:.'ountri cs (CcPC.l)

Ill. D urinQ t h8 yenr und:.Jr r avic w. LC.:..'s ;· ;s~nyi i'•iU LPl G made o pre-f~esib il ity study. an beha l f o f CEPf..::L. of o mul ti- r. t,:: i fJnd t r ?.!nspnr t cornpcn)'· f or lokes V ivu ~nd Tsngany i l<c:. Thf.: h,~c:ds uf St ate c. f Ct:P~~L r.::w .. ~cr•;'- d t u proc~:. .;:d t c tha next st.3g~ of e f~;asi ::, itity study. The t ar ms uf r u f Gr onc E:i f er th8 f~asib ili ty study ~l iB uv ai b b ld "Jnd it is ~st imcted that i t w ill cost ~7~.[100. E xtern;:>! f i nanc i nG is b.;;ing sought.

5. /~ ir Tr ansport

(a) !nternct iona l C ivil / :.vic t icm ::.-1r g::nizat iun (IC.'l,C;}

112. In the t echn ic s ! assist0nc~ ~ i .::J i o . ICt\C has l:l..:en on Ui !DP executino ~gency, dir ec t i ng 37 proj8ct s i'n l £.lB5 ond ~' r l :Jrcj1:1c ts i n 34 countr i~s. A c!d i t ionall ; 1 ''.::!-'. ~· , d irected. ~J projec ts fin :.:lnce.d by trust Funes. ::~u ·-.. ~ .. of rht: outstcnd ing ach ievements c f tho past y·2::-.r w~re the menpower <-1nd t r aininn surv;;::~' i: l i:•dteo t o pi lo ts "lnd ' i rcraft me intennncr: t e;chniciens) undert aken· in /.\ friccn cuuntries s:::uth of t he Eehr:: r o. tha p"lrti~ l rr.:hab il itat i on o f Entehbe {U gendaJ a i rpor t. Th::: cverall t~chnic2 l cssist once progrcmr.1d f or A. f rico consist ed u f Sl4. 3 mi llion under Uf'.Ji ';P's L':-:Juntry ;·~'rogrem,-:: 2, ~;;3 . 1 m i ll i ::n und~r U f JCP's ~~~g i nnal Programme. $ 1.6 mill ion f r orn Tru~t Funds en:! 350 follmN'sh ip awards.

113 . ~-'i i ss ions t () F:ta tes airi'lud r>t i :-r1pioving f ~lci li tct i .Jn were undartaken iJy 1840 end /.l.FC A C . Emphasis w os p iJJcfld on ach ievinr.; !Jr E:;nt e:r cumpli :-nct: with th~ inturnot iona l stzndar ds and recommen0t:~d pract ices aoopt t:v by I CJ~C tl'lk ino into account r elevan t r ecommendCltions adopt ed by the f..frican CJonf8r Gnc;;: wn r=r i:!edor..s o f tho ~. ir o f i' ·b·3bena. IQ•JL! end the

E/EC A/TC0/4!' Paga 22

conc lusi ons of t he ~-: ocilitet i o: ; l·. re 8 '·'. :e~.:> tin~, h ald et .C.. rush C! in r,ir.v P.mber 1 !~85 .

11 4. vo/ i t h r~gcrd ta t ;.::ri f f s. iCt:\0 tjub: ish.,d t wco :ennu::: l nt ud ies on f ar es :')r . J r at es. Cnc:: w 8s c survey of i nter no tioncl " ir ?or ..-s ~:nd r e::cs ind i ::::a t in iJ a rr-ong o t her things ho 11-1 inter nati ona l a ir f e r es ~nd r a t es in t:,fr ic -. CL'I'nf.l ' ' r :."Jd w idl t hose in o t hQr regi ons in t he y .::er IS'.(;;::; , The,; o t har deal t w i t h t he ~co:1omics af p3Ss~ng.:::r fer~s ind icct in~ t he degr ee t o wh ich d i f f er ences in t he leve l o f intc r neti on::. l pac-;seng;Jr f ares nnd t h e! v"'1r iati ons in t hos= f ar t:ls w ith d ist anc es

en d u t_her traffic v0ri-r,b le~ n: i ..:.:~ec <...or:c)s ,: .:· : >~ vor i otions in ope r a ting cost s.

115. C iv i l CNia ti on a::: t i v i t ieu 1.....thkh ~r~ :_,~,:;icn ! ly ": i•;,ed ~t the pr ov is ion ::>f f ec ili tics enrl ser v ic es f or ~.:?ffici ent. 8c onor.:ic end s6fP- operation o f a ir t r anspor t syst ems in A f r ic eJ fo llowing IC A O A f ricb-lno ion Ocean U:\F iJ /3, i r ; '3vis~tiC'n <" ' l.<!n cont inued e t c slowe:r pec e t hen expectl3d. Two major pr obh:..r.1s iden ti f i<:: ~ in I ; {~5 w .;;;:·::: l r:~c·~ (!f t r o in od ::mel experiGnced monpow~::r an( e serious lc.c!( cf commu;-,ic .:,,{. i : ·ns f cc; I' tiE:.> (.nd ser v ices wh ich in t ur n affl1ct i:Jd t he pr ov ision o f Air Traf f ic. i~!cteorol c.gicel, 30nrr:h i3:1d r :c 3CUi:l 0 !1d t\or cnautic:a l !nfor meti on serv ices.

115. 1,, the odrmm:s. {:.. i r .:.o•.Jti...3 <:no:! : 1rour .<:l -:J.i ds : t~L .4) f ie l ds. m ajor i rr.p r ovements c f aer odr c;r.;:. f ac i li tie ::J t o·,k picK: , •:. t \ ... :er "- in ,pr ·.'!gr us;,; in C!:rnt.:r oun. Cepe Ver d.;. C:en trat t:\fric an Repub lic. C had • . Ec::ua t or i al . d r.;)fl. E thbpi.:;. 1-:abon. f(enyo. ; .e low i. r 'ieu r itius. Somalia. Sw az i land. U n itt3d Hopur.: : ic ;:.. ~ T:Jnzcn ir.'. ·_;_a i r<:: ~<:nd .: i ·nbnhw e. P lans ex ist.:c! f or t he c onstruc tion o f nc\"' ne:-c.crc~ -- = .> in .~. l ~·eri ··- ·:~e.-:'lt:rr.Cl r.. C c r.lor~is. E qu et or ia l 1Ju ine:0. C c:bon. IV.ol ow i. io~icrocco. i.' ~ g..-: r .. Sn •T•.~,; "::'. ,:,udf')n, Tc•gc·. 1Jn' t ;;)d --~epub !ic cf Tenzonia Dnc! 7.ombia.

117. In t h1:1 A ir T r c ff ic Serv i c1: r~ L~'fd f i..::! d. pr1~p-'1 rato:-y w Jr k Gomrne:nc;;;c tu r ;;;v i <.:w the A ir T r affic Services r ou t e n ·~twork :n P.f rica ·.v!::h tht-~ o::,j !3c tiv·~ c.f r(,lduc ino f ly i ng d ist anct::s.

II(.. !n t he .!.\t.!ronout ic c ! !r:fo;-.- .:=: t:h n .:c:rvic, s ~~l;:'j f iu l d, 1:::!.),(, fust~r.;d its e:fforts in assist ing St at 8s t o i!T!p l ern~r:t th~ uni f·. t· ~, ep;J i ica!:i :Jn of ~~nnux 4 an d ..:4.nn ex 15. I-:(Jw ev l3r . gr eat er efforts ·....t~ra sti ll t u oe 1.1~dr,. :n this field ns ind ica t e;:d :, y r eports on m issi or,s t o St at;;;s and tha A.!G Sern in or :,~ ld in f·!a irob i i :1 : ~;c <: ,

IIG. It h 0ur::n icl...:ntif ieu thr; t ! <.'1d~ Df tr ~>i n ..:::d p:arsonn~ l . funds and ~qu i pment 1.-J CS t hd m ain r eason f or th1.: n:::n- i :-np lomr::; t ~t ion :Jf' til t. 1'7',~<'\Y i n t er n .<> t i::.nn l spt:cifi cat ions expect ed o f member Stat~s. In t h is r og!3r d. ! C .'~.O ::l:nt im.!m~ provic i nc its t echn ica l assistenc t:. t o t r a in quo li ffl,,d

· st~_;ff in l\r:r onnutic a l lnfor, rt-'3t it: 1 S .. il:-viccs am! . -:artogr~phy.

120. In th•· \Jommunicuti on ~ -·..:c i:: ) i'i ..- lc . ·: f.·ic ;; c on t inues t o l a!'J ~,chind c tht:r er eas in t ht: imp lcrr.entat iun o f cofi·munic <:Jt 1ons f .r>c i li t i <:::-: . T h 2 l ech: of implemen t e t i on c f cornrn un ir:a tions f f.lcil it ies is en e.x t r £:.:r.1<: :y SE:r; ) US }'>-·i)lu;-:-, ::. :-~ i t s o11.m. but t ha lack of i r; rp h:~rm:ntation of com fTiunic etions facil i t ies ;)dv s··r;Qly :;; fL\.: t S ,; .;h~:,; r c ir novig3 t ic na l ser vic8s such ~s .~ir Traffi c Contro l. S:uar ch eno (-.!or.cue. ;· . ~t~orc ! .J~~y r.:nct sdci t ion<'? l l y handicaps thu prime users of the a ir n:'Jvig~,t iono l ser v ic e . r.11.::: ; ·!rl ino :o. 'Jr c · ·--· =:: is !:Jc: r.g mat.le but unrort una t e ly at ror too slow '-" r a t ti t o p r ov idr:: rn<.an in£;f . : rali..d t .1 tl' . : t:. IJrr'-!,1\: com munications difficu i t ies.

121. In t he .t::\er oneu t ica l 1'-':et EJorr;; looy [ \ ::::TJ f i:Ji d. i~ck o f nc c <:::ssar y ..-qu ipmant. con-.munication f ac ilities and ser vices end Gf cr ::J inerl end 9;.;perk:nc eci m enpowe;r remain the m o in p r ob le rns in A fric e.

122. In th~ Par sonn,:! Lic e-:nsin(. :.:n<..• Tre:nir.r: fi a iC.: tH~I../T :<CJ in addi tion t o t ht: g lobal study t b daterm i n~ pi lo t end o i•·c:-F f t n:~i nt .:marKe: ~L!chn: c i Gns t r 3 ining r~ comp lu t e fTI,3npow er anr: training sur vey in o l ! civ : l <) Vi£ . 1c.. :·· fr c. : i d~: v: P::> :::::'rri&::d 0ut for o il St a t es in th f::l :=c:st .;rn A frican Offic e. A s a r .::su l t u f <::,;;: s:.Jr'' ~.:::y, f ::. ."lS ib il' ~y st udi8s .;;r e i n pr ogr ess t o expend th e ex ist tng pr ogr omme:s of th~ ::<.'"'£l ione l Tr~in inq C £:ntr ,:s t o cff~r intt:w~ed i et~ f'lnd/or r':!dvanct=d c:our ses hi thar to no t o ffer ed in ths r .::gio•1.

12 ~·. In the &re;:;~ cf c; ir t r sns ·art. L ::-~L. . :n co li :'Jor:lr:Ji:ion with the <3 is~nyi I " :J:... ~ur:: , has an inter-:.:<ir li:11:1 stondi ng ~.}! ·.::-. i t t .:.<: •:• ·: ' ! .~;· h' ;l i~h ;;r ov idl:S r. c onsultaticn ,,...achinery arnong the Dir lint~S of C[:PUL ::oun tries. The princ ipai obj&ctivc: of the committeu is to irr:p lem:::nt t tl!..· ::~£:!>'"1 1. a ir transpori co l it:y of '-thich om: of th(:.l rr.ost import<mt e ler0£::nts is ':hi:! r::: r •:::e tion of a multi !=OSS;:)n!J~r nnd cargo a irl ine.

124. .-•uring thE. ye<.~r und~r r eview, f t::nsk ility studies on the. c r &stion of e joint a irline wer Q Gonductc-11 under t he:: auspices af thu ,· isenyi iv11..'LF'1JC. ~!owavor, while await ing the c r ee tion ::1t' th e joint a ir line, the thr~JG nat ional a irlines (.'::\ir Gur undi • .C. ir t:.!wanda and .~ ir -~ n i r;J) ~· ·c'.t.J intansifiec their co-orJOr3t ion throu~h t ho j oint operati on o f cer tDin routes t o neighoourinv count.rius snrl for Lou.-if:ir.; promotion.

I, Te l ..;c(.)mrr.unicntions

fa) :::conorn ic C ommissi on far .C.. f ri~s ((:._;::,)

125. t:. s .P,art of its rol tJ ·2 S t ht.: l tJ<Jt! ::f ·<:nc v for the i mptw :w ntation of th·G Gecade p ro !=Jr <::m rne. f::[ ~.~. in I ~J :;i ~i contributed to reg iona l and sul)r egiona l h;chnicEJI an d deve lopment m ee tings :·mci~ as tht: {..' nn~J.~ I , Jcg ional (E sst and Southern A frica) Telecom, ;·ouni c·~t ions Confursnc.: (J::..:-• ·,-,-:;1 ;-'lt, ld i n i'··:Je.banc.. Swazi l and. in Oc t ober and the /'.f ri ::.=:!n Tcl~co • : : ~ ,;. ~f"C.: t he .·. odd i ons !=o;um. in N a irobi. l<enya. in Se~Jternber. t.:. ~_:/\ a lso provi rJm, t ::lchni r. Pf assistsnc2 in t o lecornmunications p l::mning for r ur c.!l . servi ces to Liber ia anr:: L15 <' mdmt:er o f tht. iL\CC- ''.: .t::. t:COI'· i. part icipated in the pruparnt or~' ac tivitie£ for t t>a :-::.':, ·:\~;c· · f~zsiti l it y sturJy . ~ogether w ith the other rnembvrs of t.he ~:: ;~ , ·.AF TL! . Co-ordined 11~ C ornl'!'i t tee:. E.~;:., formu lat ed follow-up <'!lctiviti;::s on th.: r .:commt::ndr.::tio.l s of t ~..; /.. .rusha ·.::eci 3r ation {1 985) on Tu lecommunicetions ;:•s:-vdopmer:t.

(b) D r gani;;.otion of Afri can Unity i GML•.I

126. Th<3 ~Jct: i vities of tnc ~~J .L<L l have oe.::n centred arounCi sens1ttz1ng m8m0\3r St at es on the naud to achieve the objt:c tiV~;..!::; of t ha :.Jecacie pro~rammt: . spEc i fic a ll y:

(a] In i ts r- ,;:port t o tho ! t/\U Counci l of t • inist.:rs in 19::-!6 , OAU highlic:hted thu r ucommendotions of the.. ~:A) . . ~.r:T :L Co-ord inatino Commitw~ :

(bJ .u.s chairman of the l t\Q! ; U~~F~-~0:':) L.C.LJ has l ed tht e ffort to gr::t t he fzasib i I ity study off thG groun.:.;;

[ c} ,J/\U is und8rtck ir.g c study to r&ti onc: ii z." th.,- various Afri can IC:JC)' s in the; f i -'.1 1 d of communicati ons .

Page 2LJ

127. The ITt 1 has par ticir)r,):uci eircctb··.:.: ly i~ the 1. 1 'T -.\C' i-; 1~ r- ct iv it i.:zs, !:! it!lo;r by provitling t echnic:::"! .:;xp •. wt iS'} in it~; fidic~s ;..;f r::::r ·~~~-no~~c .. c:- i'•'J ,:.•r: . .::~i .:~ 1 cnl!abor .t:ltion in provision o f financ i Cl l r csour ;::;_,s, t r.: .:.. n~,;:- f ~, ' ~':::-' :·-,-, r-: t ···ti ~·~ r: f •:· .. 'r. . ..::.:: ! .. : •L!I1ic o tion p r ojects includinr:J brOCid~f:Stin ~.; . !n ~ ~~c:Ol ~ Tl; cnrr i.:;d OUt ti' ·. fo l: t~w iri:;J 3Ctivit:i .:J:; : [i] pr t)vidbd .3SSista ncs in th t;:~ imp lcrr,.,•nt ~;t i t:;n, Cfh.:r "·d ·::n :.;;"iC r.,:"in :-:;: n:':n':r1 1 .. f ~ ·:·. , .. - --~ ··:: .. : :ezwor k thr our;h ITLl/1_\! .'GP projects ;:·~ !.': =t·=ru~:!OC end · ~· t·,r:: / 1 ,:;r.IJ:; . := t :rrr-:· • <:.':'"' i .: i ·\n·:· :' " t::Js r r ov idtJd t o individua l countri~s oncl s·.·(:;r -''J iCne l crpz·n i;::r-,t: i!)!"l'3 sue:·, :.s ;,:::·:.;;_ "· • ~:J~,T ·:x: . UQEA C. C::E.PCL. ~nd 1'0·~); fi i} i r, ~~) ll~b·Jr::~ t ion \.V iti·; r.:• ··~ .... i:h\:r ;·:·oJ:·r.bc, ·s vf ti1~:: Lr. .!:;c- : · .. ,::..u~·:::: :· ;, continued o r <-r,A"I'r:ltcr y ac tiv i ti..:.s f or f.':;c~; L..~ ;- ;·. ~;, >c1 ~: tnr t:: \."I f l:h.: ~ , ~:··--~.. . f s:;)t; :::·i lb; swdy: ~ iii ) int.:ns ifis d thu fc ll t~ ·.N-up ~-:::-:: iv l tic:!S on t:~ • ...? rr;; c :·, r,~ ,-:;~:nr1·:: tir.: n :" af ::hu !nr.\.:.:pe::nC:;:n::: \ ·: ·.; rnr:·~ ission l:lnd th.:; ,L\rush .~ Lh.?cl~rc.ti on on Td-':C·Y.11:->1.micr.::ions .'cJyc! ;.::~,.,... .:.· r. t. ..;!'"!q . ti1is cul r:o in~tec; in t h,: 0::-:)nv.::n ins i:Jy t h<.. 1 ·/~ .. :A;- r:L .: .. o-~.: r dii12~;or. C y-;;": :tt .. :t:.. 1J!' tr..: :-\fr ic~n Tt:!l t;;communic oti ons .. \ 3velopi'•-·•:nt ." .;n;:·r .• -:· L!ni~. "i',_m i:.; ;:- 1'?.-t:~: . '."n;.•t ... iy 11:. 7 : ( iv} n.rovided essistenca. as nnd wh~:m i'~·1U4Sti:.!C. in conv, (J o f·· ,.; r G!; 'r..r .:. l a !od sub-rer: ion c.> l t echnical and 0~vdO!')i:t"'nt el ;T • ..: ~: tin!JS. spc;-:::ific;:;!:y r ,)r . fr h:u: [c.~ 1 :, ~;;- <:L..)f _: ~:net= ~·f t h:.! !::•outhern A fric .9n T ..:I..J•:::omr";lunic<:t i..:;r1S .0 0::-.i:'list r':!: luns ~~- ·.T :. ), 1 :.'SL•'L'. Lc.S:lrl'lu. r .:;;r ch lt!U 1; _(p} Tht: A f rican T~ l £icor.oo: .;n nncl th>:; ·,· uri~ -:· ..! i. . .; ",.;·, :-.•.tn : c~ ~~en . -o:-L•r ..• . :· i;·o;.:i .• :'.:..::r.ya~ l G.:I:J ·st:!)t ember IS:-1r:.; id Th1_ ,::•.nnu '.l l •· . .:::?-icr.e l U.:cst ,-.n~ . u:Jt!"'lur n -'.f.-iu,;J ·; ..:·h..!..;o!T!r.o• . .micn t ions Confer ence (..:, :~ TC J. ; .~b1'!2r:n<.:, . ··w·'l:z ibnd. ('·:~rXtT I! · ··~ . ; ~,,.1 P• cv ir;c{, iii tho:: f iE: Id of tro i nino t o mu l t icnuntry ::nd netion~ i t r :::: i.linn in'3ti ~";, :;ior•~; .·it:~< ... r thrOIJCfh the C(' C EVTEL. pr ojGCt · or oth..:r for,·:is of essistanc .. ,· : .•. ~ , ;... . . ;.:· - ~ · · ;~_ ;:' ~t: i:\u lti-Country Adv~;?nc~.,o L.::v,;;l Tr --ininn ln-:: ti l:tlt€< :r:._:· ·,·; '.; . •; .. t.; .,-, :· .:m.::~;~ i ·~r:d t o th<..: ,L\dvsnc<it~ L13v ul Tl:lh .. comrnunicet i·:m:.: ! ns~ i tuc~;~ {1:·.F ; .. •'\L : :: ·; in , .! :1irc: ,; , ·< m1~T .•

tn .. · T~ainin!,.~ v':~s :··!sc p;·ov i :..:iti ~: .''IW::h ~·· ... · ; JT !;:' i:"l' ;~ ·:i t i ; . n :Jr' :::..::r;-line:rs wnd workshops for transfur of r:lfi \4 t~chnCi o!~i-..:~Se ;-...~rr,c:n:J th~~~ "''u~~ tt~\..: ~o : c, intc;n:;:tc\~ , vJorXshop · for ec;lrtlinistr~tions an~l ~,;!:;u ipr;u.iJnL ma•\'i ''3..: tu: <.·:-~ . .... ' ! i.',;: ~ r .. . ~·O i:i .. d'ivoirb. ;::,Jbruc ry IC.·BO; the w orkshop on rr;.::intan;:lnc.a, Yi,(;•mdf::, r.:~;:n:::r • •P il· .. ·•.J!y l~ ?·r\:, ; tl11;; sc:minsr :.:md work shop on p lanning ~m<i on,;n.;;:r.,;ar;\ ~:n t 'Jf L t 1;: !"<~ : . ~ ti:1. : : . .;~~'·~ · ·" ··~ :· . , ~ ~h~, .:J/,,,:c::.~ ·. count r ies, H:-;r ar u, : ; r-nhubvJ~. ~pril t .. ,..,L; .:.; • ._ ... . . _ ... J . · · ~·. ''-' t- -- \J'·• \.• · ·..:; · ·• '-'' .. ; . t .; :d'-'H)! ;'Y: ~· ... , .f::U?J:'t(;!. '1·..v!1;: iia ntl. r }c tober ~ ~~Bo .

12ti, ,:.,.. num~E:r of su~1ra~:iun~· 1 h~ .: ;.,t · · •. \.., :;::-o-r-i n ·~t-inn . ·.-.;,;..::tl n~.s w..:r • .: hulo our ing t ll.J yef.r c>nd 1r I !J(;·c in <> II ('· f ~~..:: · r-. Thl'. ··:,, l:' ,. ,,;;-=:· '-: . ~!:' ~r · .Jrc : .•ur.:.fl•.; of ,-·· Jon

i\ckn inistrc tio·n ('.l:. L\} ')p r ,i"-= n ; .. .:l3. I• '·l:.>C!'U. :1- :•1 ,!..p .·ii 1:· . . :, ; ~. ;-.;:·:· : . r.-.::;::ci nr; of t:Xf!Orts, !3-ujumi,ur!~. ~~-:.::=--· ·-,.pri l ! : ·: r :•: _· ::: T r:-:t.": ..:\ !iiC ( •- . ft:c ~-· > : )~· · i~::-.:.· i 'Tr~ff: cJ. \..:..:ls:ling t on. 2f• t\?ri l - :: · - -~:y I ' ·:: Hfu-. : c-ssir;n ,,f t n::. .-:on:;w ir.E: ti•J;.: ce;,-- itl:(. ~. :m :;ubmorin~ ccu l iJS ( I\ tEL;/.; l-~ . .::· ;_:' T···:.._ ~ . ' !'-. ~ElSt:U!), i-· ~ l ;y F'' . I

130. Thu foliO\·Jin: .. ; :,iscion:1 'vJ,, r ._ .J:ro:.J ~n c:.'..: · t:e<<.:'l ··'Y ;;. in !r:-. .: ; . ' i!iSi·.n \:\' Li:H.:ri r. to ~ssist in pr :Jp.;_·.~ctiun of : ,~.: ~ J: ; .. u~ust-7:' ~:.:.: p :: ~~ :: ~;;:.,· .: f ~. i sn i wns t ,... {_-::nc-!nr-.... L. i~ u~ ir ~:1c~ C'L'tu d'ivci r .:.: t c c:•ssist i :'1 r usc;lv ing Si!JI"I: ; li r:~J :;r r;.:J t.:.r:.s :.. .... t,,r,~.::n ; ,, ::,. rrFti r::. r. :.. ! exch~n!Jo.. S: n.issi cn t c C,s,r,10r con (H" :· ·~C ... · rnt>c.~rJ to c•tc ... nr1 .-;;.:,:;: t ine; of L:_ :.~. ,, .• :: ... ~ Y::riff [l f Qup.

1'31. !.\s c rcr;hm<"l c~· r:·.:.~ nistlt it': n, ,·, ,~\T•./~2 -:ct i v i ~.i ;;;s ~::::v:. '-· ;,;en m:.:! ii' IY c •mlr.r t..d on t hG ::.:.;.~~~~ .!\f: Tt~.~- ~ro.;b'ct it: t h:.:: ar v :-ts of irr··) f\£l r;·,,~H"1t ··'jt iC· i'1. D::J~r .... ~ tion, t~,l~ intt;nr)ncu. t criffs. f·nenagern ent end tr.!.:dn inc . :~; t!·,_r : ~~ ~ ... ':3 ... ...; f , • .... , 1~ ~~ : ~:\~ i c: pr .. )p ;.:.gation stud iGs

Pogo 25

ir. A frica. prur:.cti on cf ' ."'cmuf<:>c tur~ o f teleccr:-municotion e·;::uiprr:ent i n .: f ri c :-:1. int er-St nt e co- oper e tion and pcrti c ioati on in confercnc~.s e1nd m&(1tings b-~aring on t he dHV4 1op,-nt:.nt of t <.: ICicommunicat.i:Jns in A f dcc:.

132. D uring t h.? p~::r ioo under review. ;-:,_::._ T' .l unG.;rtook t he; f l") llowins r.c tiviti l3s: ~i) culloboret.Jd 1.-1 ith tht: countries conc t:rn.:::cl t '.1 :;s t aolish th8 . follov.• inr inter-St~to lint\s: .::airC:!-: ~a;nb io. 2oi r. ~-T anzenin. ::a ire- l(cnyc . T an~::~ni:l- _ 'C>'nor .Js. Suc-:.n-:<anya; ( i i J in c:JIIa~'Jrct ion h' i th

Uf'.iiC::<.) prq JC1r ,:d . . th."-' f n llowino fiv-.: ~roj octs: f.l <:t:~g ioncl Environment ·iesdnr C.Jntr~ : "' r::eg iuna l Tr~pi'c~lization C.::nt;u ; . thr.}~ ::-~l ti-purposc p i lot :;>rcj<:cts fer thi.. •-:-:anuf~ctur -~ o f t al o:;c·;:m.munic :J ti on span:: 9(:)rts r-,nd CCJtnpont:nts: ( i iiJ urgzm ise<:i t he .'\ nnw::! '· ,<:,fri t::an T~: ! acom:-;-•unica ti ons ·;.::.:_.y'' -;) i1 i -:cl:!:-n':\er tn h i ghl i0ht t h•:: sncic- uccncw ,ic t,enefi ts :1i tdccommunicc t .icn; ( iv } ::-; f t f;!i co-m·C:im'}ting w ith t he I TU. p,:: ·r~ .i subr.1 i t:::~d t h;: si >'

.t E:l iCcommun icat ions pr.ijU:t pr opCJSDIS. f e r consici~,·ction under the U;.J::) ; rourth ·-'r ~f~r <;.i1iil in:: C ycl E? rnr; 7-to

1:33. Th~" I imi i:~.<d r esourct'.;S of t h--: !.Jnicu·; \·ll~rr· .. gre:J t handicap for thu irnplementot ion of its pro!=J~~r.~rn::. nnd r.1uch of '"h0 t ·,_,,. <.; cch i •.::\.t c: t.i w·ns thrOLl!:h .;-; 8s~:-~tudi<Js end corri:!S9L•;;.

134. In the ~nw Df t <. i .::cr,~ ,-,;n •un !c~t i ,1ns. tflu '::r·~ .. <:!L policy sce::...s t c inter-lin;. t e: l ecornmunic(\t ions n.:: t wnr l-.5 t'f its , ::<.:,.,,~-.:.r ~- t ."'lt us :Jnd inc r et;s,. .. · the cap2c i ty of inter-St<<t ,: art.:r i c:s. in or c er t 0 r,,or .:. ~:-:s il y .::: tt ·~ i r ; this . : .:ur·.b<:.r .Jt .st t.s sicn'-"d t ~.;o c::·~~ r~:;~:;r-.-k,r.ts. n c-:. · •. u l ·/· t ht. T Gchn ic o l Co-cp~ratior: ::,c r o;:u·. ;t:nt on T ~~l .... c.:~ mr:·.un ic 9 t i ons w itt-J in :..: c,:.· ~..:-L !'Jn~ th.:.. Op~r~tion Agr ce.ment on -;-e l i .C·: ,.-: .. --:·,un i :J <~ t ians wit:-t in ~ .• : :~p· ·,L. ~,;r:<b.:Jr Gt at<,:S.

135. The; following c~ t iv it i vs \.<J Cr ;.,• m-:rri>..:r, out in J :~t •. · und. !r th6 U nc:sr.o/f..:orc.1 ic ;Jroj~c t.

These. ec tiv it i~s. C,:)rr hx.: out ~·y t h.;- .~ .utr , · : J i On<· i ' r..:v is;..r f ::,r ·~·OnlrlL'n i c ,· t L..-n in :::est Anv Southl;rn .G. fric11, includ;.;d thL ~ :::ni~nt i r.n .·· f six --.·H::nncu••:Gnt tr:::ini n!J :.:ourscs i·• :.:· otsw ."Jn~. 1<~nya. Losotho. ::·w~z i l <: ·nd, ~-~n;- -::n i ': .snr, :-. :::.r: .a ir.. T hE. .:o..:rs~:s, vJhich lllsted IG t c 16 doys. invo lvoC:: 12 t o ld r;wrti c ip.::mts :'m: ~ust '~4/.: . :J, IG cJitor;iii tht:r . Z:nuipr:.,:nt t ·:; t a llin(J ;;q· .. ~, rJ0!1 wos e lso Ctr d;;:r·-d f or r;;o tsw"lnn. Leso tho. T£" :1, ~.a;·p('J i o <~nd ~: i sni.Jobwt! withi n t he frarn~work of t h is pr~•j8ct. Thl? f in Al r eport: ·n th is proj ~c t is curr8n t ly una..-r proper n tion.

136. In l lJf.f' olon c·, lj; ,it;:~C~1 thr ouDI1 li-'! t :, \.;as i mp l~'"'"·mtins 2 . . pr oj<icts ;, lc.fuc:inf! om· intar r e::p iona l !lroj8c t - invo lvinf· th t:: Union 8f : :r,tionnl ;·! adio a nd T e: l~visi C'n : ' rr: ('n i :-:~ti<Jns

of .t:.f ric2 - e ioht re~} ionol pr ojDc ts ::.nd 10 rv;.. t icn~l qr ojocts. the ··m~jority of t:, ~~ L;: ttL:r '·, ~: inr~

F.l i mer.:i et pr!:'moting th-.: develop.·.1 .. ::nt c: f locr: l C0!",1;:1Unic .;;ti.:m syst~ms. In addi t icn. ?.n neti onp l pr oj:..cts will b e fincnc .:ci und~r funds-ir.-trust £.rr .:-·n gc-m.;:nts. cc•v (:.r ing th., verious key areEJs. i.d. t h.:: r ura l pr ass. treining. rn~ i t- 2nC: t s lvvisic.n broecicast ing, ~nd news ~~'<oncks.

(o) Econ o;n ic C omr .. iss i·)n f~r :".f rk ::: c.::: .... ::

137. In IYt•:J. f:- ,~/l. und;:,~ ~eoc;l; e stur:y C'•n c!Jst ~~~ l:::s t C' th.:-, do:.:ve topm .. mt of on A fricon post n l system and c ·.:;nc luo.;;cl e ,-;·,l.:!nor r:nr.'Lt•i"! r:.i' unr.c.. rst~nd in~j I.Ji t h :- .f.\;::.u for cocpe-r Pti cn in t h<.> ci,;,v•d Gpl.'lt;nt o f p ost 3 l Sc rvicc,s in tht.' rc:K i ,Jr~. :•; ._.lst. p~rti c ipst.:d in the .~onfere:nc.:: :.:m \' ,<:!il : ' uutinp in A rush.:. Tcmzan ia.

E/ECA /TCO/q5 Page 25

(bl Universal PostFI I Union (UPU)

136. The contribution o f the Uh .: in IG!'-:J t :)w ards t ho im p lememt"'t ion of the U ecude has two asr>octs. namaly. general activitic.Js t 0 ob t ain funding f or postal projr.:c ts. ami' spec i f ic advisory services to murnber Sts t ss on thu implomcntotion of regional. subreg ional or ' natiom:.•l proj~cts. U PU <Jiso financed m issiuns of consultants for some f eesibility stu'd ies or tra ining programmes. Contacts made by tht: ~PU w ith funding agencies we:r e continued in 1981:) with tht;; J~frican D evc.lopmunt Bank ( .CtD :.'I) and the Europaan Community.

13a. Pr ogress was mad.:; t owards t ilt: implem ent::: tion f) f three reg ional and cnc:~ national project. The r eg ions! :::;nes ""er 8 :~m~-30-00 5 : f'~kb ili z etion of pastel savings services. especially in rural ar~os. PGP··oG- 00 3; ~stao l ishrnent o f workshops f or pr oduc ing post a l m at €rials and P0~-00-016: Estsblishmunt cf modular courses for national :;,nd m ultinetional schools. Tha national project wss PC rJ- 32-QGJ; Est ablishmeni: of a multinational pust a l trainino school in £\eire. 1./lczer.-'lb iquo.

E/ECA/TC0/45 f" E>go ':!7

' . INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION Al\JO. SUPPO RT FOR: THE l lv\PU :;l' '!E!''T/.\ T l ':~t--l OF L:'H A C :J A

140. 1-\fr ican countries began t o f..mer qe from one of the worst f:3mines in recent h istory and started m ek ing si gni ficant progress in the formulation and implementation of structure! adjustment prosr ammes during 1:::ao • .. but much rery'elns to be done t o implc m c:nt development programmes.

14 1. The increasing external indebtedness, t.he decline if! per capita incomes. w ith SP.ver e consequences ln· t.h!:l form of gr owing poverty end. in some cases. hunger. malnutrition and even severe f amines hc:ve cpntinuE:::d to affect investment in Africa. ln sp i t e of improved , oconomic performance \n the industr ia lised countries dur ing the period under r eview. the financ ia l assist ance providad to A frican countries has continued t o bt:J for less t han expected • . !42. Therefore, th~ low l eve l of if'Tlp lementotion of has cont inued. Jhe situati on wi ll b'= much worse provides additiona l resour ces in the form of new debt r e l ie f in the .coming years,


transport end communication projects unless the internationa l community a id , f or develop.ment assistance and

. I

1~3. The U N T A CD -4 phas~ II progr amme consists of I , 0 17 projects for e I I sec tors of transport and commllnicati ons :~t ."l tota l estimated cost of $ 16 . 534 m illion. F inancing so far has been !ll4 . J43 mi l lion or 2e per. cent of the progr amme totl31 cost . The ana l ysis shows that out of the t otal financing secured $2 , 565 m illion or 58 per cent wos f r om ex t erna I sources w hi I e ~t I. 958 m i I I ion or 42 per cent was from A frican countries . This shows th ~t in sp i t e of t he low l eve l of external resources provided to the continent. /~fric.3n countries h<:JVe cont inued to fin~nce

A big shar e of t he Ul'1T.D.CCA prograr:1me. /\detai l ed list of projects that have attrected f inanc ing to date ~i th identified source is shown in A nnex II .

144. On t he basis of i nfor mation r ccuived from .L\f r ican countries and various pub I ice tions . s summary of U f JT /:;,e; ... _. r., projects that have a t tracted financ ing by sector hos been prepar ed to show t h<> pc.;r cent of contribut ion of donor countries. f inanci a l institutions vis-a- v is A fri can countri es t o t he implementation of UNTACOA Phase II projects (Tab le 3).

145. The ECA has continued to exp lorl:.i' ~v<Jys rmd rnt::ans of financi ng the t.;l'.;TP.C·· {l,

projects. It w ill be r ecoil ed that n i nE! t echnic o l consultative meet ings wer e organ ized of which t hu n :sults. though positive in cer tain respects. f e ll snort of, expec t ati ons. A new approach, that of orgr<nizing co-fi nznc ing meetings. has been adopted. The co-financ ing m eutings differ from t he t echnical consultat ive i ngs i n scope of acti vities. focus of att.::ntion and prepar ation of projects.


145. D uring the period under r eview E :::; .• ). orgonized a co-f inancing meet ing for proj~cts in the Centr~l African transport corr idors. he ld in Pointe- I'Joire, C onga from 3 to 5 November 19f:16. The objec tive of t.hc m .::eting was to enab le the four countries in the: subregion. namely, C ongo. C ameroon. Cht:!d and Central /\fr ican Repub l ic to collective ly present to the financial instituti ons and donor countries the corridor trDrisport projects for consideration for financing.

~· ~ct ::. r

• '.u3r. ·~• i I .: rit i -:"~til

· · _orts ir

;n I ;•nr.' .. . :·t 1.:r u I ti -:-:c.u ... ; I

I 1t::: I t r"ns!::..orl

Y.JI\:1...':-; ,· ; uo1 iCE t icns .ru::.r.;c r stin~ d St :; I

l •) t <:: I c:_ , ... ~r, •.m ic:::..tio ns

Tvt :;- 1 1)r nr.r ::r,11 · ·e

[~U. i·--A:-:: Y r) F U rJ T /.!.CC A p ;.( I.JJ~r.:; TC' T rl.£:.. T ~-J~. \.·t.: t.\ T.T.C.CHi:Ll F I:\ I.L\i· IC ii '0 :.1'.' b~CTCI':t

Tot e I , .o . ,;f P roj0Ct's in- pJ a n


232 5. 070 7 9 I~ • 32 1

=!~· 450 ::J5· I • 7~'5 :1~: t)20 4:~ :. 2::-I I 27

3 5fl 12 . 'II !=!

21 3 2 . 649 11 9 1'•73 127 4!:.3

459 3 . l:J I.)

I . 0 17 t:~ ' 534

,' !o . of Proj e c t s

I J~

47 2

25 ~~

" 5


,-.,7 31 33



F inenc lno secured ICH4- 1986

Ext~rna I Loci" I

:;~:. I Li21 1310 71 6

3 3~:L 40 3

i:.G ~~£

6 ?' •. I ,.

I ;..:";

2 . :.;: 1 I • ~;5 1

330 tif.. 46 3fi 10 23

3~15 I47

2 . C6li 1.793


~ ·

I. 202 202':3

3 7Y5 12 9 27 I ~

Lf . 232

~· I n

Ul 33


4 . 7 tt4

% o f P I an C ost

24 4 ~

& 47 21

B 37


16 12 7



ur:.~; ....... r i.:~tJI' : ~;

P egt: 2 £

147 . /-\ tota l of 1.0 projecr.s continn c: ;:·J.·, .:::r .-;.ncs 1'.7.£ !Jil lion w ·' s presentad >:o the co-fincnc ing meeting. ;J i :~ or t h -;_: t· .... : . ~ r.~·.: :';"UJ . · .~ t:_) ~· ._r , ' !o:: '! t 1.:i. • i r~ !;!1(.; People:'s ;·.( ,:;pu t"> lic of •::or.go. tht: totel l cost of t hese projects ·.·1c:s 41.C .' i!Hon r·.::: f.\. r~rnnc:s. The fin€1nc i <.' l institutions end donors ind icDted i nter~st in f ive out o\ th<.. six ;"J fOJ'-'C t!3. in terms of r.ost this rt:pn~s<mts Gi=..l J;~ .5 b illion out of c;F:n. ~~~ ·-• b illion or ovuo· ._; ,li.r c~·:nt .

i ii•:~ . '.'~onct~r ,1 in :·· ·~:n~H.L intc:: r e5t w~s t•XiJr 2:;sod i n tiwee our of th.:: f ive p r oj ect s pr esc=n'tetJ . costing Li . J <J i I I ion c.:~--:. fnncs or <:;'.lout 70 ;;er cc:nt of th? t o t ;J I cost of G. !J ~ i lli on CF.:·. t' r~ncs . · n nE:! ruc~ i oro tl l proj ~ct costing 3 bi ll ion OFt. frDnce hos r:> I so r ect:.iv.:d f u vour .:!t I -:: int .::! r t~st f rom --::onors .

14q, In sur:1m or y , int ·2r~st \..J"!S shown in nin.~ project s t ot al ling about l ffj b illion CF t'!. fr~ncs or ~'i jJC f cen t of th;,; to t !l l cost of pr oj.-!c t s pr t:mmted ~: t the co-f inancing r.1eeting. Th e: r e:-1cti on of t h.=! r. :::rticip 'lnts to this rr . .:o.;tinn. t h£: f irst of L: s:.!ries pl~nncd for s.o:T.e: of tha I~ lnnd-lock8 co /~fri cnn countries. vJ8 S yun-.: r ~ lly positive. !n facr. the situntion would h ave b Pen !-o&ttt:.r ii a ll t ~ ;~ th:.nefi r:: lm·y coun~r! e:: s \v<.:re pr~sunt during thu ;•:eet inn. Thu F.C.L\ is encour ogod to continue;: w ith the effort to crgrmiz8 si :nilor neet ings for sc=ek ina f inoncing f or thr? implar7'~nt2tior. of\ l'' 1

-:· .. ~c " • ··. 11roj •:·\..t S.

150. !:·urinp t lt t:: p tJr ior; unc c;r rev iCI;J ve r ious donors anr. f immc ir! l inst i t u t ions provi ded flnonc in l support for tiw deve lopm~nt of transpcrt '. ' ntl Gor.lmunic"l tions in A fric;f.l , Sine<.: i t: w· ::!s not possib le to cbtdn the i nforn : t ion on c. ll contr ibutions. onl y portbl infor!n~tion is g iv~;:n b&low.

151. The \ . ode( .:.nnk prov ided ·•;;:•:; r.u m ill ion f or tronsport and cor.~municetions proJects in A fric a. out of v:hir.:n '~. :~n; . ~:J m i llion \4 ''15 hr t:- ~,nsport onci $4U.::i m illion wns for communic <.>ti ons, \. .. ht:m compared witn t lt: r :Jsources proviciad by t he Can!< for the sector dur i•l !~ 1 r~ :: . 4 nn e: 1 ~ • ...;:; fiscc! yt.:-"'rs, i;; st>ows ·"' t;:~ci~Rst: of .'lfi.O and 50.C per c.:nt. r.::spactive ly.

15 2. :.=or th~ prr>.icc ts f'in;;nc~;ri ':l·t t r..: '·;:or":' .-.n ... , ~ • 1 c'itionc.d co-f in cn c ing ~rms prov idc:d by .L\i.J!"i f.lmount in q tc 'H'i~ .l m i ll ion; CCX":f.~ !l; 4 ~. ~· r.·1il l ion: E $::1S.LI m illion: OECF !!.:;;~9.2 million: J oprm ::::w.o m ill ion, ;:.r:c :: 1::.: . :? ;;l i llian: ::=u.-o;1t:an !nvl:Stmcmt t~nni. $3.7 m illion; ':f:C·F;.r:. ~57 . ()

m illion: Nor w -9y GI,, R 'Tli ll bn: ~·:-~~: @4.: m illion : S~r:iss -:::~~V8 Ioprflt:nt S o-oper2ti on •7.: 4 . 0 m illion. I_ :..:: :P ~;2~ r.~ ill ion, D enmor k ~•: .o n ,ill ion : : !;.;.: :-,· ~o .u mil l ion; r AC r.o. 4 m illion.

1 ~;1 , l '. i.: ' ~r.:.~·• i jt:d ~:i20 7. :J ! G i llian for tr;msport s<!C"or fr orr h'it)4 to I[; !'!G. out of wh ich !!l279 . 4 m i II ion wes for ro !'lds. :.;~:t.k; m i II ion for r:··i l ~r:ny , ·S6.2C ''"II ion for ports :me: •(;1),15 mi II i on for f~ ir Tr ansport. Th .. , :·. on '~ Plso hcs ~Jrovided ''i'J 7 .1 3 m il l ion for t t; l ~communic~tions.

C ompen ;d to t h8 -:J IIor :<3tion to this s<.!ctor dur inG t h t:J ~ ~~J J- I ~.;O <.i f isc o l yem· thc r '" hos been a I,, por .::ant incrocse.

l !"o'-1 , F~ADEJ\ prov i d8ct i~?2. ,;:· .-·,i llior> for t.r 1~nsport r rojec t s in ,_\.fri co. of w hich 8:22.4;: m illion w~s for r ond c onstruction ~nd ·~n .25 rr.; ltion ro; r iv<:; por t s studv. Th..: tota l financin!J r>rov ideci by the bon1.; r ~~f l .. ·r: t c <:· r:l8cr i;gs~;~ of :1[,.£; :mr.l :; ';? ,0 p~. r ct. r'lt. F,· orn that of :•.=:::3 ~nci 1954. rospectiv,3ly.

E/ EC A/T,J' .. :;/ 1.5 Peg8 30

15 :·,. OPES r ut1c.! pr ov iGec.; ~:0 1 ;. 1 r.ill ion, cut of ;.Jh ic h :.:7 .1 m illion wos for rood r l?hc:!t- ilite tion e nd const ruc t k n 2no ~':~ . :' , .... iII ion f::lr r s i lvJ.::.} r~"'at• i I it '1t ion. Gar the;se p roj.:cts. co-f inoncing \v!lS provide.·::! !~y JUF- ::; ~~ .G m illion, l t n ly :ii:W .C· m i lli on ::-.nd IDA \~4 .~ m illion.

1:~.(1 . :.a .. : . f"'l, in -::>ddi ti on r;o t h.:. c: o-fin ::Jncin~; with tho \ · orld ·i onk, hos continu~Jd to finance thf;l ur .;Ti.J.(:!,._: ,~. ;.::;a-ordina ti on ' Jni t ir. E C/.\ t:•nd to prov ide fine ncia l support for the de velopment of tr «nspor t C!'ld cor.vnunic .:1tions in /:.. f r ica w it !~;n t he f ra m t1work of the third c yc le progra mme (l t; t.: .. :-t!J6o ).

E/t: 1....1A/T C C; /4 6 Pege 3 1

157. Tha y.aar 19B6 • ... litnessed sever ill significan t developments thnt effectsd or Wt::: r e rele ted to the impiemen.tDtion of the se:cond phese progrC'lmme. Th;: drought end the economic c;risis wh ich occupied the att :::nt ion of .!.\frican countries and the int.~rnetiona l community in prt!vious years cont i nued t o b8 major pre- occupations durinp. this yr;ar too.

158. In the A frican Priority Progr::;rNne for Economic ~~acovery (IQR6-HJ90). transport and communicct ions havE:: been r ecognizul'l as key Sl!ctors. The empha!'is on m~intenanc~J and r ehabi lit£J tion, training and t t:!chn ico l :::ssist :mc8, int~r-Stnte links. regiona l end subregional projects given in the S8Cond ph:;.Jse programme are now becoming a r aa l ity.

159. Tha General Assembly's Ad Ho.; C ommi ttee on the Critical Economi;:: ~} ituat ion in Africa r eported in 1985 tha t the d.3vHiopment of transport and communi cations focused on maintenance end development of f 81.::der. access and ser v ice roads: r ehabilitation end maintenance of 13xisting trronsport ::!nd communications modes: utiliset ion o f l abour -intensive t.:.chn iques in thi.:l construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure and production of spare pz,rts. overhaul , rt:pairs and maintenance of public VC;!hicl es anc. equipmsnt • .

160. The fifth meeting of the? 8onf£:~ren::e of i'l·'l inisters of Trnnsport. Communi cat ions and P l anning held in i\larch 19(15 in 1-!arsrc. ;.:: i rnbabwe. endorsed the new of co­financing muetings f or raising funds for the rJecade pr ojects. The first c o-financ ing meeting f or projects in thi:l C!:!ntral ~~.friccn subregi on to open up t he lend-lockeo countries of CAi~ and Chad an d through the co i'lstal countries of Cameroon '3nd Con f)o w~s he l d in Novembar 1'186 in Pointe ,-.J oirr~ (8or.£1o).

151. The l.H'H)P F ourth Progr:1rnr:ino Cycl~ (1!:1'~7-1901) categorised transpor t :md communications as one of the four pr iority ar.:-::~s for f uturE! development efforts in .Afr ic a. F inencial r l.lsources ar c carmorked for proj ~cts under formulati on in the area of' hurr-ian resource d.:.?velopment. transport and coroor.-tunicetions industry development. end remova l of non-physica l barriers in movement of goods and persons 1. .. : ithin the region.

162. The Pr ef&rentia l Trede A rea tF T c.) of E astern and Southern Africa in 198cl identified a numb9r of pr ojects ;., ro3ds. r a ilways !'.ln:l te l ~communications whlch are of ir:1por tanct? to trade. The F1TA has submitted som;t of the id~ntified projacts to potential internm'iona l financing institutions and donor countr i~s. ·~·l ith regard to non-physical barriers to the movem ent of goods and tJC'rsons. F'TA ro:emb&r St ates helve approved the Roads Customs Declaration [Jocument (RCTO) ~nd t hu P T .C, T f> ird Party M otor Vehicle Insurance Syst em c.overing t hl.:! subrag_i on.

153. in m critime tr~nsport import ant r:.:·t:: i si ons were ta,en by thtl internatiom'll shipping community which er e of crucia l importance f or the orderly economic devetopmt!nt of African maritime tr r.-nsport, Th& i'>SUI.:!S involved rluring 1986 were tht: ratifica t ion of internationa l conventions that are .:.:n,c icl for tt1e bal:3ncing of various interests, the r eview conference on the ·~ode of Conduc t for L iner £)or.ferences (due to be held in 1987), the imba lance bet ween supp ly end rlE:m snd in sh i pping r-~nd mcCJsurns to promotE: south­south co-operotion in shipping.

E/ECA/TCU/I.ifi Page 32


Benin Burkina Faso Durundi Carner con C.O.P.· Ljibouti i=:thicpia Gabon The Gambia C:ihene C!uinea Uuinea-3 isseu Cote. d' lvc:ira Kenya Lesotho Liberia 1\'ladagascar ,VJa I awi ~·1a I i fv~auritania

;Jiger F);wanda Senegal Sierra Leone Somalia 8uci.'3n Tanzania Togo Uganda Zambie Zimbabwe

Total I'Jationa I F:egional/ Gubregiona I Tot~ I



5 u 4 5 l.f

10 4 I 2 i:l 3 a r. ... 2 7 I 2

I I 2 5 5 3 2 4

I I r: ... 3 2 8 5



eJ Projects with information b) Unck:r irnp I ementation c) Compl;:;ted

. . 1unmer of i



2 li

'2 I 2 I ~'i



I I 7 ,.., -~ 0 I 0


2 2 •:) h•

I 2 2 2 2 2 4

. .., '-



Af'Jt-:E;< I ~~cads



2 0 :)



0 I ;•

':! ~· .., .t:.

0 ll

0 0 5


" 3 l'', ('


2 (I

D 4 '.l



0 :;n ,_ .. _:

Totnl c::ost

94.40 200. 10 12i).04 f f)f;. 50 41 .62 41 .65

31 D.!5C 221-t. 30

21.!. ~·:J 35. O~J

35~3. ;.;':5 17.75 70. jC! 3tl.70 32.40

I on . ·~

3.45 ~j~-:; • 15 4.00

1 ::15.go 50.C7 23.50

0 .t!G r?2.70

25G.!JO 48.50 20.l5 eo.oo

,-~. nn / .:.2. ~ ..



0.45 3226. Gf.i

Local Ext~rnel

Finuncing Fin<:~ncin!:l /~vei I Gb lc Receiviilc.

2.f.)2 s 1. n~ 3.7.5 7. ;~r;

~.:: .. 7 .em

l ~' .c]C . 0. (!'J t).t);;

I . 17.5[ 3.70

~ .t::,.~

:21 .4f.5

?G.25 102. 10 (J .,'20 Jl.; .. !.~ • IG 3.00

:37.27 G5. ~-~:P 1Li.40 f• .. ,t'" ...

-._! • <:JU

1.50 2. c,o

2.00 2r.; ''" •"""*. ·""'·-·'

I • (l[) 7.77 72.4:\ ,J. II] 4l!.'-il

I t. 2r • 0[)

D. J0 ? .~.


i.;. 30 5.oe ID.DC 21t. 70

:!G. 50 I;; • :j!J 52.50

3.20 .. --~ ~ .:SG 0.41J 750.54

0.45 t~:~O. UG 7el 0•'' . ,;.·~,

t: .. :ountry


p.\ f cr:rh I i-'.n~o I ;: I .·I.:Oin I

! ·ur!dna ::::aso I Can~t?!roun I .. , ·.Janr:o I \:J~bon 2 C hene .:l

r -·uinea i'' ;3d2gesccr !'·· 8 1 aw i > .c: I i 5 ::en<:!gEJ I .:.uc1an· • !

·-· L'wez1 1 ,~ntl 3 - . 1 !:'nzem <:· Ug:m c&. 4 Z~i r~ 4 Zam~_, i c 3

Tota l I :o ticnF.> I t.: ::

i~e~ ion<. l / Subrl!g iona I I ~ ..;

Tota l 5:·-.:

n) f1 r oj2cts \.>l ith lnforrr•:'lt ion b ) Lnder i rr>fl I e•••ante~ion c} Cor.--.p I ~ t<'.d

! 'U :· ·:.:...~ r of Pr cj<.:c t s


2 ... ~~


'--I '

l ' I


.. ,_ 3 1:

··,, '·

... .. :; I

: __ / ~._;,.:. lT ,_:tJ/4 :..

AI\IN EXI Page 33

r :a ilway Trensport

. Lt·.:a l- .. Ext orna I T Otfll i7" inc::ncin0 F inancing Cost >1-va i I ~tl I d f,~ec=ived


c 60C . OO l f) . !lf) . 0 u r5: . ~uJ t; . OG 0 (J 12 . 00 12. 00 (J 3 1. I I I S . ~t.. li . IO ~l 3{jfl . JC 3~j . 00 2Dt; . OC 0 f 20 . 6ft ~) . 30 I 15. 3C n I ::, I L' . CiO !Bt' . :iC 535 . 00 0 4 1 .e? 2 1. 00 1. 53

6. 40 6 . 40 I'} 152 . 00 0 0 .70 fl 2fJ . OIJ 3. 00

'i'Q • CJiJ C. 8!1 35 . f.3 -, • 'ir- 40 . 80 r. ..., • ....,. ; t • .....

.._, 1 1 . • : fLf I • ~ :~; 134 .50 z~ . 4G 0 . 60

q .... 13 . dG I • 'Jfl I. DO •'! ::?'-! :~ . ?2 ~(1 . 74

3 ' =J . '::' ; ~!(J . 2t;. 80. 30 !J Lf • • ~._} n . ~G 2. DO

~ <: I . ~ " ,-~ ·~ _ ,

120/ . EO -·~ - . ~ \J

t 2 S' .. {\ . ':."i j~ . ~= "'\ . 48 IC 1 . 3~

' •) 454 f) . 77 7 1 ·: .• s~~ 130!; . 58


Pag•J 34


,:;.url,.lnc!i Con~Jo Dj i~Jcuti <:: t h iopis C. nbori Chann C;uine~1 f3u inee-S isseu Libor in Libys · i',~cda8ascor

t'-'~E:i I i ' ~· .'~ az. o~--:b iqu~ f".H!Jt.!r r.: w·!)nds Sonegt! l Som& l ia Eucb n · Tanzoni~

Togo .Z~ ire

Ftur.;ion(:'ll I Gubref_l iona l

Tot:=. I

3 2 2 I I 4

I 2 3 2 I I I I

~, ... 2 I .

2 ';).·- · ,; ;

a) !':·r ojoc ts vl i th infl)rrnotit:; ,-, bJ 1 •nd.:::r i r:.p l :::rn~:.;nt<> tion c} C ~mp 1-:;t.::d



, .. -'


0 0 0 0 0 ,.1 L .~


0 0 0 0 ((

0 0 n ..J

!1 ·-0 I' ' I

~l ... : :




4 . ~~0 q ~ .• . x:

2 . ::i •.; ~,.

~ . • ..s • ~; :; :-rl . Z~G 8~00

I L! . • 95 47 •. 50 12 . [;0

:-;n 1 ,OG ":\"') ._.;~ .. 90 8.00

I 5o.en 3.90

10 . 20 '") "I <. •• . ~·~u ~:n . (]0

72 . no :>J? .:m I . ' "' ': ,.

• • • :,.; 71. ~

c~~ :~ .o I

I ,. ~ 13 . 8 [)

:-::. ~ ? ~)

I ,.,

I "I • ··~ I &. '

L::>cz l ;=im1nc in c! l\v rl i I~{!) t ._

1.00 ,7; J· • [') ! .. ~

3G 1.on

i~ .r:·o I. ~30

5.00 2. . ~.c

15 . 5G 2S , 90

Ext erna l Financing n uceived

1.38 .

5 . 50

Ll . i30

46. 00

10 . 70 4.20

1 2~00

10.00 22.60 2f> . DO

126 . 00 .1 0~ . 80

!1 . 30

1. 66 377 . 9L!


. a .

Duridna Faso ~~urund! 4 c.c: r~

Conoo Gj ibnu ti fl E th iopia 2 C3;;bon I \ ''hcne 3

' I <8 1 a~rJi 3 i'· lb l i 2 ~.l!ouritan ia

.. _.

.''~auritius 2 N iger ?. So:yche I I es r;iorra Leori(; "' 1!.

Sudan 3 ;;:woz i I end I Togo I UgCJnda 2 Za ire 3 /~embic:; 5

Tot a l f !r t ion;;; I 52 Regiona l / Subr cgiona I ;j

Te t e I 57

e) Proj ec ts with informat ion b) Lindt:~ r i r.-lp l emEntat ion c J C omp I CJt~d

hium/:18r o f Project s


0 I I I 2 0 ;.-;

·~ ..., .. n 0 !J I r. .... 2



~. .-, '23

A l .J; lEX I

t:\. ir Tr anspor t

Tota l Cost


a 23 . GC I 11.20 n 11 . 20 n ~·

51} . 42 0 ::.:.:; . 20 ·~ I • 47 . 2 1 f) 4 . 0:3 (i I .., pn

; • u~

I 2 \;i . IJO

0 4G. '76 I 2. AG I 12 . 3o I 29 . 3f) u 5. HO ..... '·· e . t: l

75 . 45 n .J 2fi . Llf1 c 12 . 00 () 38 . 00 I 1 2 . ~0

0 30 . 75

7 [11.!2 . 00

2 ~>·8 . 45

f1 n 10 . ~>5

E/ECA/TCD/45 Page 35

L oca l Ext er na l F immcing F inancing f~vai I Db I a ~~ecuived

I O. OG 0 1. no

10 . 5 1 I . ~1 2

2. ~,o 2. 0 1

, . ., !.; C) • ._t v 3 . 5G

4. i l 1.00 5.40

C. 07 I?. . OC

... , ' r"' l• . t,· ·:• I • ?.0

4 . 02 3 . ;}0 11.00 Lf . 30 o.n 7 . 5f.

L~ . :::n 5. 1\'1 0 . flC

114 . /.~~ fJ2 . 63

35 . n-: 1 ~ . n0

fl l . 00 78 . ;~['

E/EC";.VTC0/t!5 Page 36

At'J.I\ IEX I Inland \•lZtt er Transport

--·· - - ··· ····Number of Tota l Country


Burundi 2 Con9o -· :r···. Gabon I t·'la l aw i 2 Nig~r 3 Sudan 3 Tanzonia I Uganda 3

:ro t e I Nationa l 17 Regiona l /

· Subregiona I

Tota l 17

a) Projects with information b) Under Imp I emontation c l Camp I eted

Projects Cost

b c

0 I 9 . 80 2 0 32 . 40 .I n 14. 58 . I 0 1. 40 D (J 22 . 3? :J CJ I I ti . 50 I 0 9 . 00 0 !) ~ . 8 1

5 208 . 70

~ 185. 41

Loca l Externa I Financing F incncin~ .U.vai l ab I e Receiv8ci

n pr. ... . .. 1

~ . 50 t.~ . ~s

14. 50 O. L-3

2. 50

20 . 5G 5. 76

20 . 5!3 5 . 70

C ountry


8 urkin::J Feso Guinea-Gissau ~\:: I C'\.J i Rw anda U gf'nca

Tott~ l Noti onal 5

~;'G [I i ona 1/ Subr :.:g ione I

To t a l 5

cJ :. mjec ts with information b J ; :ndElr imp I ementat ian· c } C ornp I t::

i :u!71 :,~,..

,c,~·~ ' ,;F~ ).: ! !'·1u ltim odal Transport

Lf Tot a l r:r oj u.::ts ~~ust

'· c

r~ I 0 . 40 I 0 [: • I :.~ t; I 3. 40

0 7 . p; Q I 0 . 2G

2 3 11. 27

2 3 I I • 2;·

~-OC8 1 F inAndnu t\v s i I <·b I ~"

~~ . L:ll

0 . 4~1

:; • t~G

c/!::C:.t:JTCi..l /45 Page 37

Externa l F inancing !::ecoived

0 .12

3. 40 5 . 57 0 . 25

n . ~?4

l~ . 34

":r: ':t·/TC"')/4t:i Page ::k


8urkino Feso ~:urundi

Chad Congo ']jiuouti Egypt Eq. Ciuinue Ethiopif\ C.iabon The C~er-;1bio


Cuiner:: ;-<;'ilnye Liberia t·.elzwi HeuritE.JOiD •'·'13uri t ius ~\dgur . :jgerk ~~:wando

:;;;.:mega I Sierre Leom:: ~:udan

3 1.Nazi I c~nd Tanzania Togo Uganda :.:.embia Zirr:bnbwc

Toto I t:etior.e I F•.:.aionni/ Subregion a IV Total

'? 2 2 5 3

6 I I



It! 125

a1 ;::rajoJcts v.Jitt-; inforr;-1ation t;) LJnGGr ii---; ... p le;;rnuntation c J '..:or:1p l8tec.i

T ... ;lucommunicntions

''umb.:;r of ; 'rcj<::ct'3






'I~ '~} '



2 I I n

2 0

0 D

D (J

I I 0 I I 2 0

')•-, :(.-..;

:~ '.·? I{;:..,

0 JSt


Lf~. c::::: 12.~~~u

20.00 • I G

7.26 :.; I. QQ 12.2[; 37-.08

6.30 17.00

Db. fJ I t2.CJ

~ ("t .. ~~..;

t .ub 27'7.92 I::. ;::,Q 52.?5

1£'. I 2





;:::: irK' nc i nr:!

SVf:li I ~b I c

G. f52 I .LID

r. ;_t:-: .. ...


a. 14

I 0') . '-

1 :-.~ .m~

.l.OO . 17 .()0

'")!' Cr'j

,::., "'t. ·,-i ~-::.



5. 2~.J I

,-'~ ,.-_ -,., . '-'-'

O.'?G I .58

I OC~ •. ::;G


1/ Inc I udng ~~.agion91 ;:)ate I I i te C;ol'""';r,unicotion f~yste~n project.

Ex terns I F-inancing rEceived

3.53 13.50

L! • fj[:

36. IG I I .oo

-4. 14

1 u. 2rJ ... ·- ... .24.54



17.50 12.00

13.60 14.58

ti.OO .so

I I 4n . ~ 4.40

15.80 4.64

13.90 12. i;cO

2DI • 10

59.34 317.44

r Ju.-nh.:lr of :'lr e,i.cctn

Coun t r y

Cenin 8otsw<:~nc

...: ur~ in~ r= ~so

:~>urunC: i

Con ge t) j ibouti EgyJi> t The: ~ }arn~i a

t:".Eh an e C:u ine2 :t:t::hy.:­Liheria ~ ·-::ldagcscor r. l;; I aw i ,.,.<) fi

•' ~uri teni n ' i r~r ~ · ~>h' :Jnd~~

~;i .:,rr <l Loom; .)o r t•cl I i[! t .;;nnc.t~

·-· r, rr.b in ,;!. irnr.:-obwt:J

To te I i let ionz l : ! t t~J i om; I/ ut)r !1(don.-:- l

Tot.:! I


2 I

I 3 3 2

I 2 I 2

I 8 2

Projec t s w ith inror r•iet ion U nGc;- imp I :::m~ r.. t nti :.m

Ccmpiet l:ld


2 I 2

' · u



I 2


.. )'.! ~. + •

/::. ~ _-,~c: ;~ I

~-~ r,,odr.: ~!Stinq


:: ... ost

0 I I

1"'· .,

,., .. ,., '"' 0 I

0 0 n I 2


0 II

2 1 . ~n ~· t I ..) . ~,

2i; . r: ~. 9. 40

I i . 211

2 . :1rJ 0 . ~·::!

Zi . flO I • . L•

r~ . :;rJ G. ~HJ fl . L!fJ Ll . ~-~

1 ~ . ::1

G . 2~ 1 2 . d~

1 ~ . ?.?

2 . 411 20 . ~: I

22 . 7 1

t_oc~ l

i: irv::n~~frig l\v~ i I ab I ~

1 .... r:o 4. 10 u. 1.:.


r. " I _; . ,..;



I .• , . • I

2 '' I ,., .. ..., . -~ .. '

24 . ~3

E/ECi:./TCD/45 Page 3~

~xterno I F inond ng recciv~o

3.uo 1.00 I. 39 2 .-Q{.J

0 r.u ·- . 0 .1 ~

12 . IT 0 . 25

u. !1 1 0 ~ 2::

6 . 20

4 . ~15

10 . 80 I • I 0

:; 1. 05

5 I • ~6

E/F-~]tdTCf ' /40 ~·age •;0

• ... ~~: un try

_.en in. ~'-GtS'ACn ~

!: .urki n~ ;.:~:so

·. uruncli C ar.-.. ::r o!Jn Chn~j

C onpo Cot .,; (" ' lvo ire C'.j ibouti L~y{lt

cth~op i o .:::3bc n The t.~moic

r·.hone ~.Ju in6 n '. isse.u LiDer ia :. :edo~ascer

~ 18 l <1wi i'- .a l i , : ~ur i tius

i'·'!OZ!:11i,:1 i qu~

~ ' i g~r

f'"'vlanGc ~enea3 1

t~ i t?r:r :.. ~-C!t"'ne l.:udnn Sw r:zi I :Jnc.l Tonzeni t:1 Togo :·.ambic-"' Zimbahwc!

' . umocr of f -roj <..cts


I 7 :i I I I 2

4 I

3 I 4


.... .r.



0 " '·'

G 2 lj .. .. ..• ~

' ..


~ I

Tot a l ·2cion -:: l r~.::g iGnD I I ;~:ubrc8 iuna I To t a l

2 1

5 74

r.: J Fr cjocts with infor muti on b) t'ndur im p I Uli1 unt :..~tion

c ; Gvn ~r; I o t~d


c ..

,, n ll I


I t: I (I


[ '


•' I J


;J ·Q n


(1 . ~.~

I • ~· ,:; l!7 . 02 ~ . ?.lJ

17 . 70 12 . 50 0 . 1· 1 4.50 •:; . ~:)2

3C . OQ 1.50

22 . UU

0 . 47 I • fj7

~ . 00

:; • t~ r:·,

Locc l -· . ,- m.::nc tnr;

·.t.·w o i-1 0o h ,

tJ . ; ~ 0 . 2:_·

C • I J I O . ;?!j

:1 . 57

~1 . 02


rJ . U7 O. t12 0.50

E xt::r ne I r imlnc ing ~--: =cei vt;!d

2 . 34

O.l 5

C. O::i l1 . q.Q

~:. • ::.m o • 1 ·: ~i -. Lz> .. . -· --- ·


0 . t s 2 . ~.3

1 ~; . {1~~

·n.·oo 2 , 5C

-- 0~3D--.

12 . --~o

0 . :) (i

2 . 1-tO

:?2 .11

23 .or:

0 . 30

II . 5C

o. Di' 12 . 55

Af!t.Ei( II LIST 0F U;IYACDt'\ Pf!G.JfCTS T!\AT ~:r,VE f).TT~.ACTEn FIUAHCl:!~

nnancll'lO SP.Cured ue to 19S5 ~1 nandns secur!:Cl 1986

.:.:. . ' · Pr-oJec~ :,o. Total cost fxterM 1 Source t ocsl External Source tOCll

.iger.l~ :tP.P· vl -OGl 60U.OO 16.00!JU$ I ;-l;.f'-02-002 58. 0(1 4.00 - ~ir ~tP-03-Q.':( 9.70 9.70 t GAU/ KFil/ECCilAS air, [(C i'-03··0·J3 0.60 O. GO WE ~•fn ~~CP-03-004 42.90 40.28 oF.llEMBQf-.0/ ECO' I;'S 2. G2

FEC/F:OG -a\1. "':GP- 03· C05 O.!iO 0.50 ;'Q[!

.~ tK-P-03-00tl 0. 70 0.70 lOll

~tt ~'J, P-03-001 12.00 12.00 CCCE/{:;OIIL. ani: SE?-0~-001 2.82 2 . t:2 KF1J/ KF / Ui\E/ IDA

.• o!l\'~1 ~:FW-03-001 2.20 0.40 FAC 1.80

.am' flf(!>-03- 002 3. 50 3. •10 UNESCO 0.1 0 sn• PCP-03-COl 2.60 2. 20 i30;;o 0 . 61i

•• J>)P-03-0t:2 1.50 0.14 U~lOP 0. 25 ..Dt\~N.a ;3RP- 1l4··0~ 1 3.1 0 1.00 CPEC FUtiC 2.1 0

· ~t,~li'l·~ ~Hf>-04-0(· 2 2.0G 2.00

"ot~\(;~ f>:Ji'- G4· 001 0. 28 o . 2e

.viunA ;:::.?-05-0~ 1 0 . 6 ~- 0. 64 ;;1)8

;.-uru :-:, ;i- ''5- Jt ~ 50.00 !iO . OC f..OB/S~C·/:-PEC Furm; t;;.';!)£:,

··.-ur.·\1 i~":!P-05-M::S 2.00 2.00 Libya

- ;rl!:. 'i1 -~~P<:i-CO.) 40. ~0 2. 70 EOF/SFO/KAFEC/OPEC FUNO

,f'I"Ulldl :~rlP-G5-001 4.50 1.00

~•rw1l ' i;IP- C:>-D~~ 1.80 1.20 UNOP ··~rwx · ! ~~p -05- 001 0 .30 0.80 CCCE/EOF

" t UII( rc ::-- o5-001 0. 20 0.20

fr"C~ r;:?-C\5-0G.? 3.00 ISRC./Italy

rurl Tf:P-C5-QG3 5. 70

J rul'll n:r-os- :>o~ 2.50 0. 50 I DA l.OO

'trtmc TEP-05-v~& 5.50 6.50 IDA/Netherlands

.~tllild n:P-o:>-oro 3.70 3.50 IDA 0. 20 fil '

ft'l!iq ..;;(i'-C5-0C3 5.20 2.00 France 0.20 rn \. )

.:.urullf PJ!i-Qf,. QGl 0.40 0.10 ., _

J ·

' ~et.lln f:Cf - 05- 01)2 7.00 7.00 AO!l - .. 0 ::I

~((il Rflf - Oii-001 300.00 204 .00 France ! Consortium OJ ~ ....

(!) c of 10 count ries 36. 00

I'll ' .c ::.. t.,

Financing secu1·ed 112 1.0 1985 Fin~nci n9 secured 1gs5 1:! rr~ Q) ' iO rr:

Prcje::t .. o. Total ·CO!it l1l r.J

Co:.;.t ::ry EY. terna 1 Source Ll•cal Externa l Source loca 1 .c: 1.> N "-..

-i C:

Can-croon PC?- 06- 001 25.00 5. 00 ! J Cc"l'-'! r oon PnP- 06- 002 6.50 4.00 CANi\i.Jf, 2. 50 :;: Car:1:roon P!JP-06~003 3.50 1. 75


Carre~oon P'J P- 05-006 10.00 1.00 C. i~ •. 1. hDP-CB- 001 4. 00 4.00 EEC/EDF / :iDB r- , r • ... . ~ .~ . ROP- 08- 002 3.00 3.()0 I O/VFKOEA C . r l • .{ f'.OP-OS-003 8 .60 8 .60 ACB c.r. •• :! R0P- 08-00t. 22.52 2 .00 lt>.RO C.;, .R ROP- 08- 00L 2.00 2.00 c.r.n: IUP-OB-OOi i 1. 20 1 c. 51 CCC[/f!',C/IJP::C FUIW/


c . i": •. i{ T£P-08-002 1.50 1.1.2 B.'\OEt1 t,; . 3? ,.. ' i{ \.. . : ... TEP-Oc3-005 13. 30 3. 53 AOH/ bOE!'!C/OCPi

Con ·o itiiii-1 1- 001 120 .60 115. 30 ;'\u :./Ft~C/CCCE/FEO/ 5. 30 SOF / i1i:O£Jt/Y.FO/ 1 s:::o

Cvn~o r-:rw-11-001 2.00 1.38 Ff1C/CCCE 0 .62 ~:our~) AZP.ll-OOl 5:1 .42 1.02 CO!l£0 WP-ll-00'1 32 . 20 4.93 FIIC/ ADIJ/B.(:;0£A 3. 50 Con;_.o I i\IP-11 - 0C£ 0.40 0. 06 Ccnqo TEP- 11 - 001 12.00 12.00 N/1\

ConJo TEP-11-00C 21 .oo 21.0C C' .. c: vl.~

Ccn;.;o TEP-11 - 007 1.00 1 . 0C

Con~o TEP- 11-GO~ 3.18 3. 18 r~/A

Conge, 11 - Cfo£ l8.20 2.00

C0;;jo P:JP- 11 ~007 0. 59 0.59

COi•:ll POP-11-008 0 .10 0.10

Gj i ~uti ;\OP- 12- 002 l 8 .74 0. 55 AOF 0 .09

!:j itlouti AIP- 12-001 3. 20 2.90 CCCE Djibouti TcP-1 2- 003 4. 24 3.00 EDF 0.14

Djibouti TEP-12- 005 8 .00 6 .00 AFESO DJibouti POP-1 ~-001 0.72 0.15 . France 0.57

Egypt YEP-13-001 20.00 20.00

Egypt DRP-1 3- 002 2.80 2.80

Et hiopia RAP-15-001 110.00 2 .00

Ethiopia ROP-1 5-002 4.20 0.40 111orl d Bank 0 .10

Et :•1opfa ROP-15-003 1.50 1.35 ~orld Bank 0 . 15

Fi nancf ng secured ue to 1985 Financing secured 1986 Cou;'lt ry l'roject fl~ . Total Cost External Source Local External Source l oca l

Ethiopia ROP-15-004 283.00 15.80 . IDA/AOB 171.00 £thiop1a i:CP-15-005 20 .00 5.00 £thiopia ROP-15-005 20 .00 5.00 :::tf;iopia ROP-15-ur7 30.00 8.00. Ethiopia ROP-15-008 19.00 5. 00 . Et!liopia ~OP-15-0iO 22 .00 5.00 Ethiopia HAP-15-001 14. 40' 5. 50 IDA 0. 40 Ethiopia 11/\P-15-002 14. oo· o. 20 Ethiopia AIP-15-002 43.00 2.00 Etili opi4 AIP-15-003 4. 21 0.01 Ethiopia TEP-15-001 0.90 0.65 Italy 0. 25 Ethiopia TEP-15·002 0. 70 0.~4 IDA 0. 16 Ethiopia TEP-15-003 1. 50 1. 25 Sweden 0. 25 Etl:i opia TCP-15-004 0.50 0. 40 Italy 0.10 Ethi opia TF.P-15-005 0. 70 0.54 IDA 0.16 Ethiopia TE P-15-00f. 0.96 0.76 IDA 0.10 Ethiop ia POP-15-001 !3 . 32 3.03 Gab oil riOP- 16-002 3. 70 3. ro Caban !\AP-15-001 1.070.00 535.00 France/UK/F RG/Ita ly/ 535. 00

Bel gi um/Neth<!rl and s 1 other consortium

Gabon RAP-15-002 440 .00 1.3

Gabon HfiP-1 6-001 37 :so 37 .so Gabon II4P-16-001 14.'50 14.50 Gabon TEP-16-003 Hi . OO 16. 00

Gambla RCP-17-001 24.40 5.80 IDA Gambia TEP-17-001 0.78 0.78 CCCE Gamb'ill BRP-17-001 0.39 0;34 rRG 0. 50 G11mbia SRP-17-003 0.35 0 • .1 9 FRG 0.1 6 Ghana P.OP-18- 003 2.00 2.00

G"ana RCP-18-010 33.00 19.40 Ghana RAP-18-001 23.06 0.50 IDA 21.80

Ghana RAP-18-002 10.81 1.13 IDA

Ghana HAP-18-002 8.00 4.80 lOA/Japan m ...... Ghana ;'UP-18-001 1.11 0.15 ICAO/UHOP m Ghana AIP- lS-002 1.79 0. 35 ICAO/UNOP 0. 55

[j :t>

G:iana t.IP-18-003 15. 00 3,00 ECGO (UK} 8. 00 ...... -u-1 Cll G <CO ro -.... &~ w(J!

· ~------•-••-••-•-•-•••-;-~---·--••••••••••••••-------------~••••••• ••-••-a••••••-•••-••-~••••••••~w••••u••••---~--•-••-•-••••••~•--•••-•q--•••••-••••••••••

Finah~ing secured up to 1985 FHoilnci ng secured 1986 lJm Ill ' IOffi

untry Pro.iect !{O. Total Cost Externa 1 Source Local External Source Local Ill 0 .r:::J> .r::,

-1 TEP- H.-001 0.80 1na 0. 54 Netherlands D

ana TEP-18- 007 27 .90 24 .00 Japan 3.90 0 '

~na BRP-13-002 0.90 0.11 .z: (Jl

ana BRP-18-003 19. 32 3. 52 ana PCP- 13-001 22.00 1.30

inea ROP-1 9-001 220.00 95.00 SFO 20 .00 inea ROP-11'1-002 111.00 60 .00 SFD linea ROP-19-003 15.00 0.25 linea 1\0P-19-1)04 4.00 1.6~ EDF !inea ROJ.-19-005 2.00 2.00 EDF li nea P.OP-19- 006 2.00 2.0C CCCE Ji nea hOP-1 )-007 1. 50 1. 50 CCCE J! <~ea Rs'\P-19-001 6.40 G . ~o CCCE ll :lell IEP-1 9-001 2. 78 2. 55 CCCE 0. 22 u·fnea TEP-1 9-009 2.00 2.00 ECOI'Jf.S ui nea Bissau ~OP-~'>-001 12.00 12. 00 EOF ui;,ea f! issau ~C?-;10-002 5 . ~0 2.00 EDF 0.20 u, i'lea Bissau ki~P-.t::0-001 47. 50 4E .OO IOF/SAOEA/Kf/SFD/

OPEC FUUO ui nea Bissau ;li iS-- 20- 001 0.12 0.12 t108

.ui nea ili ssa~.: POPu20-003 0.1 (j C.04 IUfl

;(l te d 1 Ivo1 re HCP-21 -001 1.00 1.00 1\DB/lBP.O :o·~e d 1 I voi re KOP-21-00•i 2.50 1.00 FAC/18RD/CSTI :.: ~~ d 1 Ivofre f:DP- ?1-005 4.19 4.19 :.of..e d' Ivof re IWI ·21· )( G 1.00 1.00 AOS/IBRD ~~nya RCP-£t .. 001 44 .16 22.1G SDF/SADEA ~t.nya RCP-22•003 35.00 14. 20 £OF 20 .80 :enya ROP-~:!-004 40 . 50 32.98 BADEA/SFD 4.87 ~enya R~P ·22-005 38.95 38. 95

~~nya ROP-22·007 5.33 3. 46 World Bank 1.87 :enya lWPft 22-008 35. 67 23 .19 lolorld Bank 12. 48 -~enya RCP-?2· 009 0.50 U/A ~enya TEP-,2-001 6. 30 5. 30 France/Netherlands/ 1.00-

lBRD/OECF .esotho ROP-23·001 35.70 7. 20

.esotho ROP- 23· 00' 53.00 0.30 ClD/\ 7.20

.i~ri u f.:OP-24-001 1. 50 1. 50

.iberia ROP- 24-00( 0. 40 0.40 ECOWAS

F.iMncinc; secu:-ed U£ to 198!:;

:::ount ;•y ~roject l~O . Total Ccst fxterrra l

Li tt: t··; ~ :,cr-2t.r-C03 1 • {'{\

Libt "l J r.:~P- N - QCS 1 , liQ

t i be : ·; .;. h I;:· 2·~- Ol: ·, G. 17 ';_.i be:· ::: '(£?-2-+~001 1!.00

;_ i Of>:-;(. ·• ';f~:>',~OOl 17.90 l.. i b::.·r: a r· OP· 21-C::2 0. ·)l Li L.: :~ '·:,\;:.- C: 5~VC'1 6:'1 . Ot1

lib:;: : ·.r:P~!.5~~(12 lii:: . DO ·_ it·ya :Y .?~25<.JJ lOG. GO :ia~~ .;~!:::~ :· .',i'- .b-·001 1 , !)(;

; ·la~ : .''ISC;. i ;,;;~- ;:: ·0\:l 1 ~-:~ .00


1l~ . Jf.

JO: . li!.l

f xtP. rna 1


;:· . 17 ~? . OG

, ~, .r

0 . ·:0



i;Db itpa~/Loca 1 'J!I(I?

Con~l't·t ·l ur.i uf f n ·d ;;1 L ~. :d: s

'.I S, \ !~·

tj•!I)PJ !, >'ll

Fonds p ro~;r~ :~ dll reseau

Loca l

!i . 20 c.ul

Financinc sec I.! r-ed l.!l'l t o 1985 in $ mill ion F1nac1ng secured 1986 ·r.; m Ql ' (Q m

Count:-y Proj21.:t :~o . tota l Cost ExterMl Source Loca l Ill 0

Externa 1 Source Local .J;: :r::· .. ; ) ' -i 0

liada i:asca r H:'iP- 2(·-COl 2(.00 6.80 WAIF P-C -. ......

i ta di'!;':. SC~r n1\P- 26-·302 1 (. !,() '12.90 ' Kf iVIO(I .J;: (.71

iiadil ~/'.scar r~ rr~-2c-e:n 5~ .79

i·1fl.d<i ;(ii scar J~ 1~·· l :S-0\~~ 1.85 l.B5 EDF 3.72

~tadn~;·~~car r,:,•p. 2ti-OG 1 l.2!i 0 . 25 ll/1~

1-!ada · i<-. sc:~ r ?~). '· · 2li- :JC3 ( .0~ 0.02

ii3. l awi ;'.'\i -27-~01 2( .OC 3. 0fl UK

tiah t~i .:. I !1~ 27-001 1. 61 1.61 EEC/UK

:-ia 1 a· •i .'. IF- ~:7-0C?. 1 t. '32 0. ,0 Fl"ance

l·ia 1;~:o•·: ;;It>- 27 -!'0 17 . 2? 2. C>O Fr JnC"l '1 . 3C

'-Jal a:~i ! ~!>- 27-0~l"l 0. 7D 0. 03 FI-:G

l lill:liti .. ·~i= -27-001 3Jf0 3. ·10 UHCT.~O

fia 1r wi TI:/1 ·27 -00c.i 12 . 00 12. !10 :ID:i

~-la 1 ·"l'd TtF- ;;7 .. !)e~; iUJO 5.50 l// ii

Na 1 m:i i>.;}~- 27-001 1.50 0. 30

!-la h ·. i ~:'!)•27-002 1.50 0 .20

Hali ~:-:,:· .. ?.1>·001 ~ . co "> .f:" Ur;~!}F /UfHiP /!iNS\.

lia li '\.'2-2B·OO~ 20 . 00 18. Ul1 ! DP./:' OF ;s .~i ss 2. 00

lia 1 i R"J 'v28-00o LOU 1. on EU;

~ta 1 i ;~· > :X·OOd 2.61! 2. \'.Q E r.:· '~'r.s Hal ·; RJ? .. .,. 2Br· ~l!J"; G .• 'iO o. ~·c OS: liD

r'ia 1 ·i :t ... i>- 28~ ( 11 0. 60 0.60 rur. Ha1 i ··t~r; ... 28uCOl 0.63 0. 63

fial i (l;'.F- 2t .. Q03 5.00 l.Oil CCC~/ffiC

jl~ 1 i (i.:P"'"2~ .. t:04 1.17 0.0~·

;r;a 1 i ~, ,p .. za-eus 54.00 31}. 00 KF'.:iiFfiC/ ImW/Cl Os'V ,\::'D/~CC£

l·la 1 i :1. .i'-2B- 001 e.oo 4. 20 Ct.:Ct./GCi~G/Swi t z£:r1 :.~ nd 0 .1 6

Na1i .~r? 2'8-00i :-i . 1!4 0 . 40 ce 1gi ur.:

i'ia 1 i ~i!P-23-002 44 . 52 5 . 0:> I !lO 1.0(1

?iaur itan ia ~')?-29- (101 1.00 1.00 EDF riauri t ani;} i1i •'- 2Y-C03 0. 70 0 . 07 f;SECNh

f!a •~ri tania TEP-£?-U01 12.00 12. 00 11/i\

i-la'" r itania :~.:~~- 29- 002 1.80 1.BO KF\1!

f.;,a;;r itani a S'l.i:i-2~-003 4 . 47

~la~:ritania s::r>-29- C00 2. 24 2.24 rv.\ f·lal::-i t i <IS 1-\! P-30-003 12.00 12.00 China

----firoancir.s secured ~p to 1985 in $million Fi nanci ng secured 1 9!36 i r! ~million

Cov . 1~:-y r'rc~ect Ho. 'Total Cost Exierno.l Source LocaJ External Source LC!cal

M<>za 1l::ique H.1P~32~002 150.00 12.00 Fi nland 4 . 00

l'ioZ a::>~ i qce f'CP-32-003 4. 18 0.03 utfOP

!liger RC~o 33-001 16. 00 15.20 fiDB O.BO rHger noP- 33-002 40 .00 3.35 EDF/BCI'.D

Ni g~r ;';OP•33- 003 5 .00 5 . 00 CIL>A

Ni g(~;- ROP~33w004 39 •. 65 35 . 68 HAOEI\/ IBO 3 . 97

~Hge!" POP- 33-001 0. 18 0 .1 8 Bel gium

fli £1:? 1' :iCP· 33-005 55.25 13 . 23 EOF / A.DF-I WB/Bt:DEA/ 3.00

SFO/OPEC Fl!~lll

Nige1· H~\P- 33-001 3 . 90 l. BG

Ni ger .'\Jj>o3JwQ01 0.88 0 . 1)8 urmr rHger 3P<~)·33~001 0.23 0.23 mG t!i ge:·i a TEP-34- 002 2t.. 32 24 . 32

Kwaw1a ::\UP- 35-001 '1·~ . 50 3S . 50 1\DF / i:OB/SFD/CPI:C 5.00

Rwam!a !10P<~5-002 0. 40 · O.<iO

Rwand·1 ;!CP-35- 003 0.57 0 . -".1 1~03 0. 16

KW'I~dil ~\Or-3 s-oo11 0 . 40 · 0 . 40

Rwanda WW-35- 006 4 .7\) tLSO ;.\DB 0 . 20

Rwar.da i·h•iP- 35- 001 7. 10 5.57 EOF RWJil'la n:P- 35-00l 0.20 0 . 20 AOB

Rwa i1da TEP-35-002 0.16 0 . 16 . 1\Dn

Rwaada TE?-35Q003 2.35 2.35 cror. ?.W.~Iidc! TEP-35·004 2 . 53 . 2.53 I ~!'D

Rwanda TEP- 35··00f 8.36 . 8 . 3£ r!/t\

ilwanda ;mP-35-D01 4 . 80 3.i!t~ Denmark/CIS 0 . 96

R~1ar.da axP- 35- 005 0 . 34 0 , 11 rvr. Rwanda BflP- 35-007 £.50 i.2S N/A

Sene.:Jal ilOP-37- 001 1, 00 . 0 .03 . EDF Sene~21 :(,jp. 37-002 22 . 50 11.00 SFO

Sene~al HOP-37-003 3 .00 0.22 EDF rn Sanl'!sal RAP- 37,-001 61 . 70 FflG/CCCE/I t a 1 y ' m Sene ·.ta l HAP- 37-001 27.60 10.00 CCCE/KFW/!3:10 5.00 c Sene!Jal TEP-37-004 1.00 1.00 fl/f'. p

' Senegal TEP-37- 00S 29 . 60 1.00 1Bfi0/130AD 'tJ-1

m n Se nec/1l TEP-37-02, 15 . 10 12. 58 BOAD/S IFIOII 2.52 lO S

1.20 Cl)'

Seychel ies AIP-~-001 5.80 .z::.Z:: -..JO'I

Ffnancfno secured up to 1985 in $ m·iliion Fi nancing secured 1986 in $ mil l ion

CO'!i: try Project ~o. Total ·cost External Sourc'! Local Ext ernal Source Loca l

Si f:'."i"il Leone ROP- 3S-Ot1 -o . 51 0 . 30 IDB Sierra Leone ROP-39-0( 2 0. 35 0 . 30 IDB 0 .05 Si f!rra l eone TEP-39-uC2 s.oo 6. 00 rYA Si en·a l eone r·; P- 39- 0C 2 12.17 1.00 Som"1ia ROP- 40·00 0.50 0.50 France/Denmark S01n.-;lia got>- 4o-oc2 0 . 20 0. 10 EEC 0.1 0 Somali a ROI- - •m-OC3 24.00 0 . 20 KFW So.i!il 1i a ~p~·- ·~'1-CC4 68.00 1.45 EEC/~Jorld aank Sor:k'l 1 i a ;1iJP•40u(J() 3G.OO 22. 60 IDA 2. 50

Som~lia G~?- 4Q.OQ1 2. 40 ::!. 82 Sudan ROP- 41- 001 10.00 •'f. 30

:> ucli10 [\QI'•~·l oOCJ 5.00 5. 00 UORAO

Sudan PJ\P- tll ~001 115. 00 4. 50 KFn/ /.FtSC/{.bu Dhabi Fund

su~h;'l t:ttlP- "1-005 45. 50 25. 50 EEC/ J~iJan/U if./I Df, Sudan !\/.W· -ti-007 96 . Ll0 94 . 60 USt\Hi/0011/EEC/ ,Jt:pan/ l. BO

Romani a/ Egypt/ France ~orl d t>anr.

Suda n AAP- 41-008 85 .00 lO.OO SFO Sud;;:n Hf.P-41 -001 &0.00 15. 50 Sudan H;'1Pwlll - Q02 32 .00 25 . 00 Hor ld Bank

Sud\:n I\! Ov41•001 5 .00 3. ii0 FRG/SFD 2 ,{,0

Sudr.n ;il?• ~1 uQ02 16. 50 1. 3l'

Suckm A IP~41·003 13. 20 0.32 ·sudnn TfP-41 - 005 1.00 1.00 !JSt,HO

SulJ:.n TEP-41··G-J7 7 . 50 7.50 Fr;Jnce/Dut dl

Sud~n POP·41-001 4.60 1.00

Swazil and :lAP- 42- 003 0. 60 0.60 Frilnc~

Swazi l and ;dP- .. 2 .. 001 25. 00 4. 30 France/EEC 11.00 Swazi land Tf.F- 42·00'1 5. 90 4 .~0 Italy 1.50

Swazi l and TEP-~2-002 6. 20 2. 40 ADS 3.80 Swa ;~ il and TEP- <12- 003 1. 10 0 .80 Italy 0.::!0

So,ii.l-: ila:ld TEP- 42- 004 5. 20 3.20 Ita ly 1. 40

Swazi land POP- 42-002 0 . 20 0 . 20 EDf Swaliland POf•· <1 2-004 0 .70 0 . 10

Tanzania RCP-43-001 2. 00 1.00 CIDtl 1.00 Tan::ania ROPo 43- 002 8 .00 1. 50 EOF 1.60

Tanzania ROP- 43-004 0 . 50

-----.- ·- ··-- ·- --- ·--- ··--- ----- · --· · · ·- - - • .! ., •• - ---· .. -· · ·--~----- -- ·-- ·-·--·------···- - .. ·--··- . ... - -- --· - -···-- 4·· ···---- --·- - - -i :;·! 5 !_ .. ~ ~ -:·~ .. i~.: ~ ..:::!E~.~--~., __te . .. i t. $ m: :l~ .F.!~J.i}~L~.t.:::.'i.~ .. SU_::; i . in .$ mJ.J.!.:!.?.r..

· .-:lUn t r·:; P;·nject ~-!0 . Tota l Cost Exte rild 1 Source Local Extern.a 1 !:ource ;.oca 1 ---- -·--~nzan ·i il ~CPvt. 3-005 30,00 22 . 20 EOF 7.UO •nzan !~ ilfiP·-43· 001 13.00 1.00 Kuw;;it Fund 1 . ~10

•nzan'-a ti,\P~~3··001 207 . 00 126 . 00 Wi\/OI;~HO:,jFIH~J ! 'XI/ 29.90 rTfii. Y /~lETHE:tUI~l)S/


;:;nza:.; .1 ~ :l;J-<;3-00l !: .00 2.50 :1n:zar. 7:, TEP- 43- 0Cl 2·.00 2 .00 i\01: :'anzar: , -l TEP.--t3~ 00 3 ?. • <iO 2.40 t'i0R.:\ti/S IO,',

! ;1 nz i!~l l ,1 our - -13-001 1 .~·.00 0 .1 s .·ogo ;.;;,p~ 4~ \JC:~ 10&.80 10G . 80 HYSFD

:ogo ~;GF-il~-002 20-. 00 20 .00 EPf ···ogo i{')~- . ~11··00 3 fl. 50 J:}va n/EEC

fogo rHP-t ~-001 l l .80 l .G8 GCCE 0 . 32

r~go IEP- 4,,-0(;3 13 . GG 18 . 60 ;t;:J; >:Oi411/ CCCt/E ; ~~

~ogo TEP- t ~·01 1 3 .00 2.00 ~./..':,

.'ogo P0/alltjn QQ(; 0.40 0 . 30

; ; anc'· ~l{;i-·~46~ 1W1 20 . 00 1 ; , 50 ~EC 3. 50

· ·gand~. T:P-t;~ .. Q02 60. 00 3S.OO Ef.C 9 .00

;·3an<l •, S., :;P-~~··002 140 .00 2S.61 ~ndi a/fRG/F,<.e/E£C

,;ganth ;({\i• .. .:; i.-003 B7 .13 5.13 I •)f</00~

l1~an :1 · : .IP-!lG-003 23.00 0.73 U!lOP I I C;~C ..:gand . :. l!' .. 4f - 004 1 '> . 00 3. '35 I O:V I Ci\O/ lJ11(1;'

'JgaM · I i:•\f--4j~OO'I 0.25 0.25 (;0.'

'JganG<i Tf.P-46- 001 3.00 0. 5<i I DA/Uilt•:' 0 . ')0

. gan~;: T!J·- .;5- 003 4. 80 ·L20 lftfi/Ui'!OP 0.60

;Jganc'· 3;\;..- .:):;- 001 (: . 73 .1 . 3J I i)li/Uf-iESCC 0 . 05

i.lgand?- t~:{i>~ fo.l)-002 ;j ,27 2. 72 ~ :)/</ Janan/FRG 1.74

i1uri<i :1 '. ~a so ;~ ··p-117.Q('2 !)g _ 50 20. 00 IDi. ilurlo ;:;; filS(· J,Jp- 4/- 003 1-5 . 50 13. 00 ,1,0!:>/Norwi! j '

6urki l'C. Fc:;o I!.GP~·1i - J05 48 . 25 4fi . 50 I Dii/ioOB 3 . 75

Bur!d nl Fa~::- ti;,P- ti7~001 31 • i 1 '4 , 10 FOPEv/U~OP 1 s. 25

Burk~ ~il f'a so .: t P- !,7 - 001 23.60 10. 00

ilurfd a'j rc..;o .:,•.i'-t.,] - 002 OJO 0. 40 111

Burl( l m:. Fa so TEP-47- 001 ·2.1 0 2. 10 EC!liJhS ' m Sur ki n..1 !=a so TEP- 47-002 0.66 ECG\IAS ' )

TEP- 47-003 0.05 UHESCO 0 . 01 l> Burk~nll Fa so 8 . 20 '

0.72 ECOW;S 1J -i Bur/.d na Fa so TE~~47"004 O,S1 Q) tJ

lO D (1)

' ~ ~ ,:_; (JI

·----·· ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

:ount r:·

::.ur~1w: faso : ·.:rr.1\",;:-; Faso ··rldn.: f'<.;s(: :·.1rki n• Faso !.', 1 re :a ire ~."! i rr;

Zaire ]·11 re ·; 1i r<: ~::'o i re .::~ ; re ! ambi l .ar,,lJ i r.

:c::-.mbi : :·;!;obi !.

/::)m!J·t ~\

f.i\mbi < i:?.r.JtJi ,c

-:.mbi·> :?.r.:bi ~


·omtc.. h''-~

;:; rnbd:·.!~

·timW~ .. (;~ ?:imb.:~i:-w<?

Zi mbabwe Zimbab~i!

Zimba u'-'~

Ghani\ ;\uruo:di t:<wa-:ad~/ la ~ ~">~

'=ot e ·:! ' hoi r<~/ r<al ; t; j i t:cut f I [thi 0~· ;J

~·:· ;>- <17 -0Gt: t•t ~~ ul}i-OC1

t~~:·:r -~(-002

~ . ··;1.,4~H103

,/~i"- ';!--uO~

~ - ~-~ , ·. ·•;OE ,, .:)., !~·00'1

-~'" i"·· < .. ')(.' I 'j'•_::~ ••. , ~{l{l~

:-~ t,., ~iJCl

:: ·i·-5ti··OC.2 ~ ,'"·i'---SV ,.f!~:;

f.2 ~- :;. i - i)QL;


HilP•5Ci·'.J02 ~mP~so-oo3



To'A1 Cost

7. 50 ~ . ;:i;

1. {1~

200 .00

1 os . w~ n.oo ~ . 50·

3, Sl

l1 . tlf' 1 .10 L l 0 1.50

:; . ll!l 2. vt)

21.0(' 1 . · :~ '/ , .";1

lC . i G U lO o . ~G

21 • :w 0.1 ;~ O. lt: () . ~0

0 . 20 1•; . 40 0.60 0 . 50 4. 20 0. 45


3. 33

113!i. OO

'Financirq secured up ·~c i::e5 ~n $ railli un


1 • ~.:; 0 . 0~

~3 . 00

2 . 7li u. 31)

l. :;a l Y : 0. 111 (} . 7'~ 2. 01"1

i: . t'\'

... ·11

0 . 10 :-\ ,,1 l • . \J

12 .~0


0, 1}5


3; 33



f41\:!oet• l i:.1c's uJ~~r~·co

SFD/1:\~~ 1 gi cr.'l/ CCCE Jf)i\

;~03/ Y.llf.'..

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"orl G 1 -Jn ': /It. ~ ly :·.t:'i~

-: l. f}f


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u.)~ tr;








0.1 5 0 . 01

:; , ?.4 l () , (10


0. 50 ?.00

21. 30 C. l <!

(, , 2(1


F7 nanC"iiK secured !SeG


54. 60 :·.J8! l SRDiFiiG


i n 'l> min i on


0 . 51

0 . 1"5 :'8 . 00

S. H·

0 . 20

r_: , 8{·

1 . 0~·

f. .6C

? . i;O

\ J

~ (.7

financin9 secured up to 1985 i n ! mi1Hon Financi ng secured 1986 i n $ mil li on

Ccuiltry Pr oject 1(0, Tota l Cost. External Source Local External Source Local

K&' !'J•P-60·009 4. 00 .:J . OO Keo Ni g~l· ~]J,.Po6Q-Q1 (l 0 .1 5 0.15 ECGW\S Tanzar.i a f:~;P-~0·01:: 55.00 23 .00 F'RG Tanzania ni~P-60-017 70 .00 21 . 00

Tcnzania !='u ,!·'· 60ft016 22. 00 ·1 {, .DO Scand inavi an 5.20 Countri es/[._a 1 y

Tenzani a :-:t.P~~O-Cl ~ ' :~ . 50 14 . !)0 Sr.andi na·;i;n couni:r·; ~s/[ ta 1 y

T:.;,zo.nia i~· .t:·-~u-o2o 2.00 2.00 Tanzani ;- ;'J.:-GO~U21 l.SO 1 . 50

TaM:U;'i il ~ .r.;·- 60-023 o.w 0. 1)0

-i :mnni •. ;;/:!'- ~0-0 2<; 7 . 00 7. 00 SIDr.J$;-.Tt:C Te;r,;::~ n·; ;:, ~/J'- 1~0-0?. 5 11.00 '3 . 80 S i Dfli $; .TCC 2. 20

Tanlan·;~ ~!f·,:l- ~o-r,~s :J . 50 1 J,O $I fli./Sf.TCC 3. 10 t4 INC@~w. SHP •.• (i0-01 ~ 0.13 0 . 13 UI!Di'/EC0V.s:;s

Eas :er·n/ So::r:he~n

Mr· jca : li1P·· 6il-()00 0 .1 6 () . 15 r1ethe r1 ands/PhAESs r~c;:J!Jc rs

lij i hout i !iilP-::')QCO& 3.70 '1. 50 KF / SFC

n;;;o~i ;~ 11) :-•- i;o~oo 3 20.00 7. ?,7 I!IWP /! c,·,~ 5.00

Gd.10fl : 1:: .'~60·00-1 38 .0() 1. 29 UNO!· 27 . 00

1\~:] i ona 1 .. ~ ). t>- (;{1-,(\0f. 0. 50 :~orway;.: vt!

Ut: ) ona1 {.;W- t O-OOf, o. 50 G. 50 France

s~:maga l :'. !P· f,0-~ 0 1 \i 9. 46 il.78

Re:: ioila l r:;:~ <; ::,..:ool 207 . ?7 ·~3 .84 H/ .1

E~s-t 1\f r ·i ca w~~6o-m,) c.Jo (), 30 Ul;l)?

T.:.;.:t> TEP-C0-01 6 1.50 .02 ECOW\S

Tv;iO T:::P-.j0- 0 2G 9 . 00 !: . 00 d113/K~:~

UPU POP- 50- 002 1 . 59 0 . 79 u~mP 0. 95

li ,., .• POr-G0-003 0. 90 0. ~0 tiriOP . , PliTU P0P- 60- C!l4 3 . 70 c.or" BOf'.G

lP. PDt'- :j0-01 £ 0.86 0 . Hl PIOC r:l I~

r-:.P- 60- 02(1 0 . 47 0 . !!7 ~f!;l}p ......

liPIJ m

,'l;~: :;Iionc: l SkP- 60-001 6. 00 6.00 Hl1 IGP Ii./ ?.Ihi;;J.3i~E/UrlDP I 0 ::> :it!ESCO/ ril!/t:,Gi I H\L Y ......

-u -1 Q) [j

'!:) fJ 11) ...... ~~

um Financing secured ue to 1985 in $ million Financ ing secured 1986 in$ million Ill ......

·l:O m (':) c 0 : }> 1\.)'

Coun·;;ry Project No. Total CoSt : External Source Lo;:al External Source -i

Local G D

4.50 ......

Tan:.~n13 Hi~P-60.;026 l. llO S!UA/SATCC 3.10 .J:: r,.:.-.

~1H!CON~IAR SP\1•60•01 n 0.1~ O.l3 UNOP /ECO!:ItiS Eastern/ Soutj1em Mrica HAP-60·006 0, T6 0.) {\ Ne therl ands/Pi1hESA

members Oji oouti ilAP~50·00l 3.70 1.50 :~F /SFD Ethiopia IHP-60~003 20.00 7.37 UHD? I I Cl\0 s.oo Gai:IMi idi.l-60-004 38.00 7.29 UNDP 27.00 F!r:Ji ona1 ;\IP-60·006 0.50 0.50 Norway/AOB

neg~'Jna I r,IP-60··008 O. !iO 0. 50 France

Senegal J\lf'o6Q• QJ 0 9. 46 ·': .78

East Mrica TEP-60·•-\16 1. 00 1.00 ll!WP

Togo TEP-60·018 1.50 .02 £CC~AS

UPiJ POP-GO-C02 1.58 0.79 UNDP 0.95

uru ?OP-6G· OC:3 0.90 0.90 UNOP

PI\ T',l POP-60·00£: 3.70 0.08 BOliO

UPU POP-ti0-005 0. 4~ 1. ~0 lJNDP/Ff:G/UPU

UPLI i>OP· 60-01 6 0 .86 0.10 PIDC UPIJ POP-60·C20 0.'17 0. 47 UNOP Re:-,;i onal SAPe60gOOI 6.00 6.00 ETH I OP I A/Z n:IBABWE/UNOP