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Andover Advertiser, I-I in mill i.

Every Friday Morning, BT


Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass, 8UB9CRIPTION-Poet*ta;e Prepald:-

C^.50 per year, from which SO cent* win be deducted for etrlctly advance payment.

The Circulation ot the Lawrence Ameri- can Is the lamest of any paper Itt the County, and more than Three Time* that of any other Weekly Paper pub- lished In this City.

B«T" late* o(id?erll»lrig tent upon application.

ntered at the Poet Office, Lawrence Uses., lor tranemteslos through the malls as second-class matter.


'■>-+^^* L-'L'jiaiiLij •■■•■•rtBM--



The Daily American Published Ever? ETeninr. J

<!•■•« M«c-»te4.)

I the Urgut Dally In ths City wilsl Pour Times ths circulation ot atf other.

SUBSCRIPTION, In adveno* One \ ear, I8.00 | Six Months B8.0

When not paid in advanoe. B8.0O

OEO. 8. MERRILL, Proprietor


lithe lar»*est and- most thoroughly To nlshed In Eastern etaesaobusette. With modern pre sees, aaa coasts n additions ot the neweet styles oiTyp we are able to furnish the beet qusllt ot work, at low prices. Orders by ma promptly attended to.

»2.00 PER YEAR :

METROPOLITAN STORE! & CO., - - 213 and 215 ESSEX




U 0

BLANK BOOK MTrand Com- nmrelaldlatloner, Koom Paper. Decoction*

W. K. KICK, Wa K*»ex Street. BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Caeh-

merei, Milk fringe*, Button*, Ulovc*. Be A.HMARPK a CU.ilS Essex Street

iOOTS & SHOES, a full and complete atoos, at price* to mil the lists*.

P. It. ItOUINBUN.lJl Esaei Street. COOKING STOVES*, Rang-*)*,

ramBoai. Sola attunl Magee Stove*. JOHN r. BINUUAH.WBBKHXM.

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fwi- i'v Hood* and Produoe.

SHArrUCa itltua. uor. K**ei, AmeiuBM PAPER HANGINGS, Window

Shads*an Hiiurr*. K. A. KHKK, J7S K»*e» Street.

1>HOTOGRAPHV, sole *lcen**e forlheoilviortheCarbon I'roooa-e*.


Home, Uouieatio, iteming ton, Sinier aid Hew Howe. W. HAUBB «UO„ Ageal* 371 SaeexBt. TAILORS, French, Enffllwli and

r. W.SCilAAKK * UO.,P0atOlBee Block. TAILOR, Imported and Domes-

tic tiood*. H UtSKIH MOIMB.IWaaexStreet.

i one wkShUstaTafsd irom tlteae afnii-Uona noerie to be told how cscrucisilnily palniul they

sod there are many who have Been tsvlr friends IbuMefnieied, and wcu d rfilllrc'v spend a fortune tu relieve Uctn. Tbe testamonlsl lea pesded, fr^macltuwofanelabjorlrgitate, re one o( the m nl -emtirltauie ol tbe man, perroot Mii-«. acaompliihed bv Ibla greit r. medj

Han-, wbo la w>11 known ia Lowell, where he worked In t*ie i o*< " Blcachery Tor many

*, i ■ in I iv ■'■<■ t I by hla ndgibo a, and hi* readme** to add show* tn* de- *ir* to benenthU feilowmen.

PtLwaM.N. II , Nov. li Mat. Mr. B BV#0':-SoiDe ifi yiai* ato tuvleiiletr

wsalnj'imt. anfl then ha. al t'ear-*trou'dei

ANNIE 8. COOrist, Ureas and niosa Maker, IP8 Eaaoxstroeu Over WarrenV

Clothing Store. AW. nOWLa.NI), D. D. 8.,

e DENTAL SUBUIOrl, e*s Eeeex street, Lawrence. Sai.Etber and


CiLAKA 11. UOOERS. Din J men s BpeolaJtv. Ill K*»c.

reoce. Offloe hour.. 1 to I and 7 u

r J»" or Bnor Admlnlatere.1


IO Valley SI, neirlheComm in. 1 to 4 sad 7 to Up. m.

0. W. LB DUKR I." iBl l{-"l:>l,.. I ■■■'-■■ M

Best set Gum Teeth. BIO. i ir .il e„.» |l snd upward*, 'temporary M, I'eo.u iSSSl en plate •». UoldK1llmi*,jM|*nd


D* rreooe Den-

tree led,

, rard*. .'. Teeth ex.



DR. W. Vf. BEVlNUi'ON. Dentist HuceeiwirloDr.C. *.Sylve.ier,»n wM


SARSAPARILLA! Painful Blood Boils and Bunches

and In Ml ha«»l

blood turn itnn to paih r,»nd la a*hirt iiincuecameex iremely pjlmi'l Tne benchesWJM two eSMt* Wldes .I v.ry hard. Xhe li.ill* bull rao *o thai I could on'y tNWp hy having a plllnv tinner tnv 1-g. sly * health, tuo. «u vry poor. I bouabt i>alf adoienbollleer f your Ssraupar- ilia, and alter t tking lour no tie- there *m

■ ef II ■ imti'-iii , remaminK. Twi

DR. O. T. UOWK l";vilcl»ti ainl Hiir- geon, ottli'i-, i.;» aa.ex Bi., Beatdtince Mb

IIKK'IIIIIIM. urii.-i! 1 tosandu |o HBO

DR. J. H. KllH)! .1, UKNTAL BUR UEON, N«. *■•• K*aex Street,

during Antruat.

boll* which were routing wUen 1 be«an lo Uke the rtar-!iii:tr n* never ie nOi <1 a bend, The medicine built up toy *j»leni, and msde me a*

"" "•"""""*• G>UBCJ.W.HA«.




Lung Balsam

re* all ill!

Lung*. Swedish

'"»").„„ Cure* Con.

Hfjih atipaUon, >n the dleeillve OKtge. SWEDISH REMEDIES

When taken t.^.-iluT ««.■<.!.[...« i.. •I1"™™,r have Hide. Hel H">« **»* <""* 'Sff'S^SlZ in the Itnt *»d wcond tlagc*. lh..u**na*e n.timonial* o( It* cure*. Writ* (« puiiiflhltli and circular*—Sent Free. "^ V. W. A. BaauaMoaaN, M. I).,

Lynn. Ma**. rroprietoa Bwedl*h II >Unlu Compound nur 'a Df MM els,

Indigeallon, Liver ami Kiduey Oomiilaisla,

DBCKRR*WmTriBR, Choice Qro carle*. Strictly Fii'« Colts..-, ^'"••0*

IS N. II Alt It IS, Treasurer of the Li. B. Hum HaealM Co., SIM Broadway--

Iur'ine #.u.r Wh^ei*. I'm ling Mills. Ws*aere tdlBS Stock*, Olgi ■ ml *nod an! a II W


ndaospe*. H *SS1XBT.,LAWS1B01.

HOLT ft 00., IC« DEALERS. Office with Bugbeo A sleek. M8 Baaex etreet.Lsw

eane.Maaa. sprlrtly-


Lawrence, Baa*. Peraossl attention to all bual •as ml9^

DYSPEPSIA. Boston, UarcbS, IHill.

I have ua-d Burdock lilood Bi.tsta lor s *«' ire ri*i ol dyipepaia wltb great aucje*i,and in Bjosja cniioudy reconmend it to any p*r*on

troubled wiln anT lormct ly> i- i"t». .11 I IA BOLBN,

ii (ji.»oo Couit. We*tC*dar BL

UrldRrp»rt, Ct., Apr. 11,18-4. 1 have bean nr.-.uiy lunellied b/ Burdock

Blood Hitter*. Two botlie* enllrjly cured me ie wor*l kind ot dyauspilt. I irleJ Btsny r mediulnee, but entirely fill'it lo get any

n lii I In.IN (urm.

BZIA L. NIOBOLS, > Waltnry l.aiie.

rmvldnncs. R. 1., «pr. t. ISM. I am u*lng Burdhok III tn I Bliter* tor Oyipep-

■la nnd lave ruceived great relief. Hivubeen Htrloitsly iroidil >ii wllh dyipepai* t >r 1 . yesia. • ml berettifuru ba'eno« louad rell f.

CHAfl. It SWBBT. tX Will m St.

Baat i: .-tun. M*a*, Feb. 1, IStl*. I bate n-rii iiiiiiM HoriliJ k Bit1 art for a

bit 1 cat of d]rtp pate. Th < n'al Lo tl*(|*ur- ■.hanuil i ; iit'udbur)'* ilrut >•■'■<•>■ w ■li lUll.l!

St.) Ml. MI MM munh lpro<urod th * xenon1 > title I. 1'iilnam'* diui a'oie, JE. [to* ton). which h i done me s t real deal of ■esjl

ANNA IOBBM 3 Moore Bt.

IF^tS i ri'.vuK HASH i

The merit and value of any manufac- tured article always corresponds with the reputation of the manufacturers.

In Soap, quality, not price, should be the nrstconslderatlon--for while strong rank alkali soaps undoubtedly remove dirt quickly, ronnumere can hardly af- ford to furnish "dry goods" against tbe destructive properties of Soaps and washing powders,

WELCOME SOAP" litre* Cough*

Mi In I K

Bwediah Ln a Bui Cold*In \ v,-. in i mi bi

Hwediah Pep*ln Laxltlve.

HWiilUh Botai I- Ctmponad N nnnm a bfttle. SwedUh .-LIii.- n.i'-.niM. iiij.- -■ ■ ■ , -ill :■>-

lVi n.n rill". i"-<- Swedish Remediv* for *aie br all di ufglaU.

Lawrence American LAWRENCE. MASS.


MAYOR MKK.I-.N said in Ibe subool comruitlee raectiatr, tbht he was not Bffecie«l by critici«m ; neither is a mule.

THE BOSTON Post antl Herald, Bre not just now so furiously denouncing

Sam UamlaH" as u Irailor, as five weeks ago ; which have changed?

IF THE Independents wanta "Muses"

one stands ready in the person of cx- Gov. Moses of Souih Carolina, now in

jail at Chicago, for swindling two doc- tors by forged checks, and wanted in Boston lor swindling T. W. Illggin- son out of $3^

IT IS re[H>rte<l in Springfield that the operatives in the Armory who have been required to work ten hours A day;

propose to employ Gen. Builer to assist them in gettinz back pay, as according to existing laws tbey should be obliged to work onlj eight hours a


Ths SPRIMUKKLD Republican speak* in&of tbo defeated pension bill Bays it

was a aclicme dictated by tbe republi-

can catiunal convention, and sadly ndiln: "But of course it will win tbe country to elect a democrat presi- dent !" We are sorry to Bee that news- paper going the wrong way, but at present it resembles Mrs. Lucy Stone, who still retains tbe name Bhe bore

before she married Mr. Blackwcll. If It belongs in the democratic camp why

does it not hail from there?

la recommended for Its great cleansing qualities I the result of a combination ot pure and legitimate Ingredient*, harmless In their action—peculiar to the production of CURTIS DAVIS & CO.

ZFOLOEH, Dealer tn Sp-jcttcles sou • S5ye0ia**'»,*ell" the of spMeWjM

streaaoaahleprlota. S71 Ka»ni Btreet. iyn-

GC. HOWAKD M. D. 181 K«ex • Street. Ki-.iL ne.e 7U tlarden BI.

OBIee Hoar*.» to « a. ■ , i to3 and 7 toB p. m.


76 State St., opp. Kilbr, Boston Seearoa Patent! Is the United Btstei;st*o is Orc-l BriUia, frsnoe and other Ion-Inn noun- trie* Coule* of the nlaimaol any Patent fur- nlabed by remitting one do.iar. A«»iinnienl»re- oordetl A Waahlnilon. »o AfeneyTB the Un> te.1 Stale* uo*ae*iea aitperlor faelli Ulnlntr Patents ~-

Life Accident and Fire Insurance.

JOHN EDWARDS. AGENT. Insurance Agency


OOls/OPJLZTT H )S KranHlln ol*..fa. Penneylvenle of Peon. Oerman, aise.'MMt N. Y. Westchebter, New lforh. Water-town, New fork. Orient, llartionl, Conn. Merlden, Conneetloui. Commonwealth, Hoalon, Scawmut, Boaton. 1st National, Won *ter Queen. Kngiand. ImperialAiNortbe n.Enieland. Royai, Kiul.iini. Metro-tole tne. Oo., .'art*. Liondt t Assurance, Bnaland. Guard an Assurance, England. Londo i andLancaehlre, anglMd. Travel ers' Life and Accident ol

Han od.Conn. State Mutual Lite, Worceeler.I


TBY THE ,l.'i w Id z


Delicate and Feeble Ladies.

THOMAS 4KB Besei Bireet,

Pott Office Bo: 3B.

Iltlea for ob- ascertaining the pauinUilillitj

efleventlon*. II. II.BDDY.SolioltoroiPsteels.

TESTIMONIALS. •■IrsrardMr.Bddysaoneof thsaioaleapabis

and tucceiaful praotlth hado«olal'-*—


i with whom I have

"Clififi'.is llABQK.Cqtpmls'rofPstente. Mlnvsnmr* oansot employ sperion more tru*t

worthy or moreoapable of lecurlnfforf1— sarly and (svorable oonaiderstl< natlbePatsnt M BbBUNDBOBHB.LateOom'rofPsWnte.

BOSTOR, Ool. IS, lK;D. J.'H. Bopt.Baq.-Deardlr: you procured lor

me In IStO, my Aral patent. Since then you have acted for, and advUed me In hundred* ol ea*o*. ■ n-l proouredmany patent*, relaeuea amiI exien- aio..K I have ocisaaionallf employed the be*l annoie* In Now York, Philadelphia and WBBB> InBton, but I *till«1ve youalmoBlthe whole

1 hu*lssia,ln m

.rline.aml advi»e other*to

(loHop.J.n. 1. 1IH.

U IUK»,!..., I...IMh


DETECTIVE AGENCY. (Lleop*ed by Polios I'ommiealonera)

Office 40 Water street Boston, A P, Ilh.AllHOKN.1 Q W.C'IIAI'UAN, I

N. li. Betlable ope'Stor* for criminal and oivll nn»lne.». Co iininiiiiioi.i Amevlta and Ko

lor i nil urompllj ntirn-ln

{ Manaaere,


lieilcnce. II kind* ol

" ■ ■ I ' i.■! ■ ■ n I

in l.'lenrajili lydlD

Those languid, llre*ome *enaallon*, csualnK yon to feel scarcely ablaut be on your feel; that ■■■ that la taking from your ayttem alllUformerelavUdly; driyleg the bloom Irom your cheeki; that oonii niiil»train upon ynur vi- tal loroes, run lenni you irritable or fretful, ran oaatly be removed by the use ofihat marvelou* remedy. Hop Bluer*. Irregiilarllie* an 1 obatrue- Uena of your ayatem are relayed si oncj. while he apeelsi o\u*c of periodical pain are net man-

entlv removed. None reoclve so much bsnefl', and none are *o profoundly Bratsiul sad *bow ■uch an interest In recouittem-fajt Hop Bitter* a*

Keels Young Again.

"Uvmnherwsasffll tad s leeg time wiib Hsu rslijla and a dull, heav), Inactive condnh'n ol the whole*T*U in; ri>-adaohr, nervou- pn»tr.itIon and 'naalmo*! i ulpb-l

rj*f HMi ■'it Bitter*

d rvt-l* VOUBK again, ahbouvh over N Id. We think t ere ia no other mldlclne i- in the family.—A lady, In ProvHanre.

DBA pros D. PA. Bays, W7ft nnred i nvaral Jiwin-.t. .uch aa

■ill'--, tlikneaa si <be alt msc>>, monthly >. et". I h«vr not ases s •»■* day is me 1 .i.mi Bop BHiera. All a y mm bo m, , Maa. r*NNiBUsKKN. J LOST,—"A tosrol Europe that SfJst me itone me lea* i.dlbm one bottl' of Hop : thev al*o nur. il oiy w lie of fifteen ) i»r»" wcBko(-**,nlee >l**wnru* and dytpept l»"

8. si., Aul.urn. N. Y,

High Authority.

H«-ii liiid II It not, in any <enae, an aleobo'lc vumMO or 1 iiu^r an-l cmtld not he aold for nse Mpl to persuu* de.lri.Uk of oblslrlnf a inc.1i

ulnalbiitsra. GHBIK *. BAI

so. BLOOM two nixes, n., Hay 1. *7ft. Biaa-Ihavebeen »BB*rHUJ ten year* and I

tr .-.I your Hop HlUer* and II none me more (,-iod thin all the dontora.

THE NEWS attacks the five members of the school committee who did not aea fit to vote lor a certain, candidate for mastership, alleging that they were

opposed merely because the young man was of Irish parentage. There is just as good reason for asserting that Mr, McCarty and his allies voted for

the candidate, aolely because he was Irish. The school committee UAB for years kept Miss Catherine A. O'Keeffc In one of the most responsible posi- tions In our public schools, and tbe list of teachers includes a large ir.riv- ber of Irish parentage, and the charge

ofthe News, under these circumstances, is altogether too silly to be credited. It is only a sounding of tom-toms to

arouse unjustifiable CIBJB prejudice.




Ball from New York every Saturday for


LiverDQol aufl tmeenstown Service. , Prim Pier No'1 N, B.. Ntw i<»n,

AUoTBAi. ealla JaneSB. Jnly *■, Aag.SS i^ll V ui- BOMB Sail* J ly li. Aug. s, Sept. a,

Muserk accommmlalian* far all claws ol pas

V*J>in*DA**age l&» lo $100 according loacoom- m iiBuBl Cabin $*;'steerage a*above.

For D***age.caiiln plan*, bop** of Kale*. Be,, amir ie HENDKItSON BItOS., New York, or f ABB* unariir, *tl Bi»ex St., or to PATRICK HoSPtrr ts> Essex at. Lswrenee. fSmatlH

s speciuty. which th":lrlon«conne.:i ualol! Railroads" giv urea. U ■ nawered

i, U. S. Com. Inter*! It- v

S B. S. BoosB.

Baby Bayed \

so ihsnkfnl III HIT that our r.itrsing tirrm.tnenlly cured ol ft danaere^* *'"'

d ouQ*Upat;rtn and irreiularltf i.f I e 1* by the u-r ot Hup Hitter* br II* mother.

wnirit at the BBIUC time restored her to peritiM health and eirength.—Tbe Parent*, Bocbeater, N. Y.


RAILWAY 1NVKSTMKNT8 on and rstimalo ol

with "Poor's Man In in epeoial advsn rttod snd enqulrle*

Uepoall aoeonn * received and In

anafje lAassCli*ssa*<an| U»«nJi™.



1 I'.\NSII-:S,1VI-.,\I-,

In thumb pots, pt-r <loz. - 30 rta.

i-Kll \MIMS, In 3-ln. pole, 45 >U


Telephone Connection.


Theie Pill* will prevent and CUB I DTSTBrsiA, _hey are an unrivaled niniFs rtu, mild aittr lent, and admirably adapted aasfamli- Me.ll- clne. They are saed by lbs moat r ultima US

>ata Ie our oe ntry, aad are eitesiively jtae.1 _ l-hv-u inn" in Ihrlr i.iaciics. eoln bv Drug- ■ In* generally. If you dmg.Ulado not seep hero, send » o- uta lo E. , R. BECKW.Tlt

Pcterabnni. Vs. fur boa bv avail. Bwietspll


gfit. V(. IS. IIAHKKU, WIU receive papllt[ln

(HI Painting. In Rssex Bank |Bu|ldlnf

Cor. 1-taei and I.*wrenre su., Boon KJibomrs from « W U.36, and 1M W ft.'

PalaUngitoFBsia. llStdSO

SOME PEOPLE, carelessly or inten- tionally, misconstrue the criticism upon Mayor Breen'e partlaan action In tbe appointment of voting registrars. The complaint has not been aa to the per- sonal character of the persons selected or their disposition to make a fair registration ; that question has not yet been raised. Four straight out demo-

crats might have been selected and do that. But the charge is undeniable that the Mayor violated alike the letter and spirit of tbe law, ju selecting, tp represent bis political opponents, men both of whom had been bis own earnest supporters. And there is not a Breen democrat in Lawrence, but would have most bitterly denounced n like act had

it been committed by a republican mayor, on bis side.

REFEBKING; TO tbe criticisms upon r. Bjsyard's Dover sueeeh, the Bos-

ton Transcript saya- that some extracts from speeches made by Gen. Logan in 1869 and IHliO, are quite aa bitter as anything Bayard Bait). I'ossaiblv; but one or two years counts mightily In

lime of war. It was not a speech ol "even date," the Transcript ought to know, but one mads in June, 1861

two months sifter Sampter bad been fired upon, that Thomas K Bayard

spoke ol the war ''inaugurated by Lincoln and his cabinet!" At that lionr, Geo. Logan was recruiting a regiment for the I'nlon A nny, m the

war Mr. Bayard wished ".stopped." f^uotc LogUD in 1801, against fiayard. al the eanie date i but it will hardly do

to go back to 1859 to get the opinion of a then democrat who fought for the country as did Gen. Logan.

Weekly News Brevities. Friday.

Qen. Qresham, It Is noflerstood. Is to be appointed OB the Illinois circuit.

The Dingle* Shipping bill ha* been signed and Will go lulo effect nt-xt Tues- day.

Tbe Fresldsat DAB renomtoated Eli H. Murray, of Kentucky, to be governur of Utah,

Tbe English frsncblse bill was ordered to s third resdlng lu tbe bunse of com- mons ilSL Ul|illl.

A call for 610,000,000 three per cent, bonds wss Issued bv the Secretary ot tbe Trvsaary, teslcrdaj.

Mr. Blslne made an address at the com m< nceati bt dinner at Bates College, inti.n, Me , Jesteidaj.

It Is repotted from Cairo that El Mshdl has msde an attack on Khartoum and been repoised with heavy lues,

Yesterday was a bad day for Harvard on the water, Ysle and Columbia carry log off the liuDura lu both racer.

Tbe coigresxioual conferees hsvu reached an agreement on tbe points of ■inference between tbe two bouses.

A largo Ore prevatled In New Orleans, t esterday, the property destroyed amount- ing to between 93O0.0UO and SiOO.OOO.

Fort; persons were kllleJ and serenty bouaee destroyed by ■ severe hall Storm at Krlvau, southern Kussls, yesterday.

Tbe destmctlon of property In York cotmty. Pa*, by the storm of Wednesdsy night, will scsreaste si least •500,0^0.

A meeting was bold in F*nenll flail last olicbl, to ratify tbe Domination of Gen.

tier by tbegreenbsckers fur ('resident. i'aMr. B. r. 'ones, a wealthy Iron inanu- njdorur of llttsborg, La the new cbslr-

au oftha U-fubllcan National Coramli-

Vanikrblll rufuaes to trot Maud B. for money, sod declines to psy any attention to the uhallenge by tbe owner of Jay Eye See.

CongreMiDBd Hort's bill for strength- ening the fortifications and arming them with beary rln.d gui.k has been adopted by thu full cutnmiitee sad will be reported favorably to tbe lluuae.

Tbe rational republican committee met at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, yesterday, snd selected Mr. B. F. Jones, of Pennsylvania, as chairman ; also an executive and ilosnce committee, and adjourned subject to thu call of tbe chatrmau.

Notice of a m illou to eeniore the gov- ernments Egyptian policy was offered in the British home of lords yesterday, aud In the bouse of com.iiuos Mr, Gladstone announced that all tbe powers nad agreed to attend the conference.

Hanoi advices state that 4000 Chinese regulars attacked tbe French forces at Langaon, Tonnolo, on Monday, In viola- tion of tbe Franco-Chinese treaty, but were finally n.iut-il. The French lost 7 in killed snd 43 wounde '. Tbe French troops have noen ordertd to remain In Tonuuln for the present in consequence of this Affair.


Minister Lowell IB suffering from gout

Tbe Deficiency bill reported to tbe Sen- ale yeateida; calls for $7,b"J3.t;:rj.

Tbe English franchise bill passed Its first reading tn the boose of lords yester- day.

The railway land grant qaestlon aUract- J i good dual of attention yesterday In

tbe Senate.

old man supposed to ba Insane, murdered his wife at Great Falls, H. 11., yesterday.

The Vatican has made fresh proposals to Berlin regarding the nomination of an archbishop of Pusen.

Tbe Methodists at Cottage City will In Augum celebrate the lOOtb anniversary of Methodism In America.

It appears to be stilt aa open question whether Congress will be sbie to sdjonrn anally by tbs .'.It proximo.

There la a panic at Marseilles over the sppesrauct! or cholera there. The dlaease is said to be iLcreaslog a'. Toulon.

Cairo advices elate that Increased firing prevailed at Busktm on Thursday nlgbt, and that the rebels were massing at Anon Earned.

Fran*- WiUN Rqrge, a London broker, Dlew <>m bis brains yesterday, owing to recent heavy losses by depreciation ol stocks.

Tbe American lacrosse team will ssll from Liverpool to-day for New York. O' the 11 gsmes pla/ed in England only one was lost.

Colonel Gilbert A. Pleice of tbe Chic*- BU Dally Newa. baa bceo nomlnateil by the President to aocceetf h- G. Ordway aa governed or Dakota T.'it;u.i(.

Th* recent engifleKentS between the Cbloeae and French troops near Langston, I'onqaln, laated two day*, the French loss reaching 10 In killed and «3 wounded.

Tbe Egyptian conference w|.| beheld al tbf British foreign office lu Londo

Ills reported that tbe Indians at the No.tberu Montons egeccy are dying last from a f-cant .■ nph"U of food.

The President lias spppoved the bill grsntlng lettei-carrlers at free delivery offices lo dsys' Vacation each yesr wltb- out loss of psr.

It Is eatd thst the President la loclluert to attach his slgnaluru to tbe Fus-Joon Porter relief bin, but that a majority of his csbluut are opposed.

A diplomatic conference Is to be held at Berne, Switzerland, In'September, to

I .-' is-H meaanres lor the protection of lilerary and artistic copyright.

Two sleeping cars were thrown into James Itiver, near Lvnchbarg, Vs., yee- turdsy morning. Tbe 40 passengers were taken out tbrouub holes cut In the veutli- More si the top of the cars.

Ozro C. Barrows, of Brlatol, E. I. a prominent clt sen and bookkeeper fur tbe National Kubber Co, baa confessed to ab- sorbing about •SUOO morn than hie salary during the past lew years.

The recent collision between tbe French n.t Chinese troops In Tooqalo Is not con- Ittered a bresch of the treaty between

the two countries An unconfirmed ro pon Ktales that hostilities have been re- sumed.

The Protestant mission house al Celsya M MI ■). has recently bseo attacked by a mob and 'li- lurnlture snd iffects deatroj- d. The clergymen's party was pursued .ud in the exchange of sbota one of the ioters was killed and several wonnded.

The Egyptian conference met In London on Saturday afternoon, all the members being present. Tbe financial proposals to be considered were explained by Karl Grsuvllle, and aa adjonrnmed taken to permit tbe Unsocial expert* to examine tbem. No date has been Axed lor tbe next meeting.


Tue School Controversy.

An Investigation shows how nnfalr Is the attack of ije News upon tbe question ofthe Mastership. The aub-commltlee

were not ready lo make a recommenda-

tion; Mr. Colln'e chief recommeodallon

came from one who, tn a previous^ like matter bad been gal!ty of doable dealing,

and bis approval was ualtirslly regarded

wltb sosplcloo. Dr. Taibot states that be did not say •• for God's sake don't ask me to vole for Ibst man," botinstesd, besald

for a man so recommended." The sneer

at "butcher" Dawaon, III becomes a paper claiming to represent democracy: Is II less honors bit lo be a "botcher" than a

lawyer," or an "nDderiaker*" Sa-mayor Kolllus never belonged lo the know-ootb- ing party, and two of the other members

the News charges With shll-IrlBb sympa- thies, are democrat*. Tbe whole attack

I >oks quite like a atudled eff trt to create a bit ot cteap political capital, by rale'ng a false issue to excite prejudice, and la onwortby air ciusr.

Tot lie Kingdom of tin- West Winds. es

BisMAUK, iiAco'tA. Jane It, IBM. KIIITOK 4M«SJCAS:-A tbonisnd rolls* on the

Nuttbern PaaiSo B. El,, call* to my mind sosaa of your ili li*litrui deaDriiitios* ol your trip over the L'oliirado Uounlsln* and through the hot region* of Hexlno; and If I were ln possession of youi ready hsod and ver*atile pen 1 would send you ' letter descriptive of tiila wonderland ol the great

hwnal that wuuld comparg with ths snow peak* and besu,Ulal Bowers of Colorado'*

."ineial.l MIIUU y niouoialsa. Fiiat, I wii-ii to *ay that there are three Amerl- ■n names that thuuld be forever enibslmed In

ibshearuofour ABwrlean peopkt, vis.; Oliver Ami"-. Jay Cook and W. B. Scwanl Tbe kttter lor the purchsss of Alaska, W>>Wh bag proved to temti-li » HniflirtuiUo'l of beauty sad equable ■llmate god uroduatlon. yielding s production **l vest- of A i.imVMj irom her fhra snd IggjrIe*. \l her oapllol, Sltkl, ths thernxtmeWr rarely fall* ii i« i -w frecaing puiiti, lee never lorealDg thick- ;r than a knire blad -. Ames *bau!s be imo;oru:. ned lor pulling the drat Iron belt from las Allan tie to th* Uoldes Uale of Lhe PaclBc Jay Cook, lor the peralaleao* with, which he poshed the • in in- i..l' i n - enterprise of bulidtng tbe Northern Paduc, which has onsteej OR it* wonderland ol the woilil. snd the grand wheat BnhU of Dakou, and the valjloy o| the Bed river, where 11 seem* to we I* a nroiiiiiiniii i asjg] to auvpli the whole wot|t. It even *ugge*U tbe problem whether we tney not In a lew years be in the same condl- lion that we are in relative to our textile good*, —or auoh an overpr^loellou lost we shall sat be sbleto Bnds resdy aisrket. 1 got tUB Unpre* • .mi riding throuab itiiiie sve handled miles of wheel Belili, whirs tbs term* range in alge from ,'i.ii lo .■■.'■■" acre*, t, could * tami gl lbs cen- tre of, the ccLubtateJ Dalrymiib) farst l« North Dakota, and topfc uusn s« unbroken wheat Beld, under p..<< ,„i,ii„i of one wan, of W.uuo acrea. rcatthing in every dlreo-tnn a* far aa the eyi cnui'l reach, and wheat la looking avcrjwhsre remaig*b1y well.

Dakota I* aetileit, as far a* nr Obaervslloi goes, with the Dneat ami must Intelligent mat* o people ol any so tion of tne Onloa. ll/ir peouli are highly cultivated and learned, and (rom th< IIP.I■>•■ ml ■•■■•■!■ t'hc ."siilerii portion *i our

i 01 o'clock thlsaiteruoon. Nothing but i0OUWrr- North Dakota Is deaUned to be ■ L_._ ...L.. .u...'il W ,h> l.a-l lll.l.. In lh* .!>...« tranijgcte(t; aow.

The body or lhe young German who disappeared on Lake Cbamplaln last win- ter has been found wltb a bullet In tbe back of bis skull. His suspected murder- er la In ptlson. Mowtyt,,

Minister Lowell la allll suffmlng with tbe gout.

The Senate passed tbe Pendency bill on Sainrdsy.

The r/asblng'oii Monument baa reacb- eil a htgtilof :.,M feet.

Sarah Bernhartlt says she cannot rn- t^rnto.the VnlVetl^ialei tn lass than a JWB,

But St. Lonls HI-, baJ a 917,000 blaze on Sunday, and Stillwaler, N, X., B10,- 000 fire.

Tbe Indlam at Hit Pigeon Ageicy In Montana are reported tons djla^ rapid- ij from lack of food.

the best Slate* In the Ui IU-I i thegrent Mi.hourl river, twothnuaan.) II -a from she busy iunn of New Bngland far

tories and Ibe doll, prosaic life ef many oilier , lie* V if ii.nal lesion, (ii.llj

termed lite ",vV«nneil*nd" of beauty snd grsod eor, foil of pnWrssqdeaa4 msatebarmlsK land- i*capeaof beauty, widi thousands of lakea, with mountain scenery beyond anything that lhe lm*K- Ination could po.sliilvctucelvg ot) and, throagb all tlil* beautifu ysrk Lake region, and. teeming agricultural territory, we ride In palace earn, sad Smt tnrUty snd promwrou* town* al every sta- tion.

Uiainarck Its* a p'!j.i„tii(>u oi shoot essBj wltb flrat cla*l bttlel*, lour National banka, tlinlly ckurcbes, and one hundred itore*. Here we meet tbe Indian* aud Hie l.uffalo beef as s oon. moo every day oceorence.

v> tlil luck*, prairie hen*, elk and quaibtsrsaa common to see la our Jo irney, sa are our own common New Knglsnd bird* s

Boas Breen and tbe Scitool Committee.

The school nitt-m net on Thorsday evening and had a pleasant time wltb the

mayor ami bis collesgaet. Tbe business was as follows t

Ths superintendent was authorized to

expend from gUNM) Wfi003 for text books under ibe direction of ibe committee Iberton,

Mr. A. C. Wadswortb, anb-priocipal of

tbe O.tver grammar school, aeui tn bis res'goatloo, accepted.

Ti.e retlgiistlun of Mrs. Lewis wss slso suoepied.

The contlnance of sewing tn ths schools wss voted for another year.

Voted lo pay Mias Weiherbee. teacber of high school, the smoont of one wjea's

service wolcb abe durlug the last term

was unable to fnlBI on account of sick- ness.

Mr. Shsltuck was elected to fill the prlnclpalabipof tbe Packard school at •ISOO.

Mr. McGregor of the Psckard takes the place of E. 11. L ird at the blgb school al a salary of 91800.

Miss Mary E. Abercrombls was elected principal of Ibe Amesbury street school,

s salary or 9650, lu place of Miss Bin. well.

A request from drawing matter, E. C. Colbl asking that his salary be Increased 9100 was not granted t also a nqaeet of of Mias Lear for en lucreaae of 960.

Miss Brattteberry takes the place of

Miss Lewis resigned aa teacber of Ibe Storrow school.

Miss Richardson of the llarriuxtt n school exchanges positions with Miss

Hall of the Cross street school (and Mi-n

Brsdsbsw ol tbe Uiveralde school i*k.-t.

the place of Miss Webster of lhe Wsrren street school.

Misses Mary F. Black and Mary E

Fleniilng teachers In sewing in wards 1,

9, snd 6, and Wards 8, 4 and .'. respective- ly saked for an additional 9100 to theit

annually salary. Tney were grinu-d 9&0,

Tbs following teachers were pieced on

lhe reserved list, Misses Amaworib, Par- son-, Stevens, Jicksoo, Blrtwell, Spsld-

liig, Bessy sod Bcanlon, the last three to bare precedence over tbe others.

Toe matter of electing a sub-master ol

lbs Grammar school made vacant by tbe

resignation of A. C. Wadswortb came op.

Mr. Brewater tbjugbt more lime ought lo be given lo tbe matter aa he did

not know of any one wbo oould fill the position acceptably.

Mr. McCarthy said they knew ai much

about It now aa tbey would If they post- poned the matter eight weeks BB all lhe

schools were closed for that llegv, Mr. Rollins made. « motion that the

committee t* |r«Bte(t more lime for tin porpqai referred to, which was seconded

Mr, McCarthy then moved lo amend, to

proceed to ballot. On the amendmeni ie vote stood five lo live

Mayor Breen-, declare the amendment carried,

Mr. Dewson-I doubt It, lbs vote stands f,ve to five.

Mayor Breen—I voted lo favor of tbe ameudment snl the vote stands six to five.

Mr. Daweoia—I cballengd your right to vote oe this mailer.

Mayor Breen—Then I shall vote t>ndtr protest.

Dawson — I don't think any major did II previous to this.

Mayor Breen—A mayor doesn't always aerclse his powers In sock matters.

The original motion was tbon carried

Mr. McCarthy—I present tbe name ol Owen d, Oon I la of Worcester, ss a can- didate.

Kami* Her* Iken present*) I, bot Ibe

members of tbe commlltee did not tare

to vole on the natter. As the ballottlng was abont to begin

Mr. Dawson asked for a recess of fiv> mlontes which was sranied.

A recess being taken, several of lb. commtlteeuieo gdjuu.rat-d to an anle-roon

and after conference relurucd and left the

cotimiUlee toots.

As Mr. luwsou was about to leave, Mr.

Breen remarked, "Mr. Pawson, I wat-

actlng In all fairness when 1 gave you a

recefs and 1 tmiught you would be gen-

tlemanly enough, not to leave tbe room.' There being no o,uoium Ibe meellug Wa*


HOME GOHHIP. - Elbrldge T. Barley esq., has gong to

Newmarket, N. U., for bis summer vaca- tion.

— Dr. Magee has purchased tbe Wooda farm oo tbe i.iw.-il road, Bo. Lawrence fur stock rslslng.

-Miss Annie Bpaldlng of this city, re- turned last we. k from a two years'so- Journ tn California.

—The Ltwrence Saving Bank's semi annual statement, shows an Increased surplus, and a dividend of two per cent, baa been declared.

—The Improvements made on East Havcrhlll slnst, Profpect Hill, by street commissioner Barry, are vsry sstlsfsc- lory to tbe residents of that vicinity.

-Miss Anns Dyer, a teacher in tbe Oliver Urammat school,wa* mule tbe re- cipient of two handsomely booud volumes of Lowell and Longtellaws poems by tbs gisduatlog class.

-Cnpt. John L. Gibson, formerly cm- minderofthe 8bermm Cadets, bag besa appointed by Malir Merrill, Adjutant ot the Artillery Battalion; be will makes most i fllcleut snd popular oiHcer.

Mrs. Thomas Simpson of New Tort, Is spending a few days In town, read

a very pretty aud Interesting orlgloal poem, at the dedication of tbe new school building st Mount Vernou. N. tl., bar na-

town. It was the pleasanteat fealnre of lhe occasion Tbe poem waa entitled "Tbe District School House."

-The rummeucment exercises of Bt. Mar, "a school were beld yesterday afur- uoon st 2 j'clock In St. Mary's ball which was completely filled. The floral rt-co.a- tlsns were many, cooalatlng chiefly or polled plants, aud the windows being wreathed wllh evergreens. Too six ut»d- ustes wore fl tral crowns. Mayor lire, u presided over the exercises.

—Another new Induitry stsrted at So. Lawrence, lhe New IbgUbd Steam G .ge company of Boston bis lessed power and room ol the Burlelgh PateBl Host com- pany ol SJ- Ltwreuce for ibe miuufar>- tare of Luoilcstors Bieam lajsctora, bearing cups aud general bra.a work. Thecomptny has la men employed aud will Increase to 40 nj-m artur loots are provided.

—Last weak, tbe pupils of the High School, pieseaud the retiring Principal.

A MM. INVESTMENT Tb. .uwuoi or c indl l..„ior, I.„l to lb.

I'refarred Btoe*


COM PANY. Or whir.ii lha Djneior. offw

10,000 .SHARKS AT PA*.

$10 For Share. riurlsg It* active history or leu than r year id s hair, 11 Is Com|.is.y hi* Mtahlisiied Ms*>

Ihling iUii.ui* fi city and reiumsrjli Hi;

'•if. Lord, with a < tmplete aod slejanl

lerjlsl , Woreester, ritek.

— --.. .^. .._ Besih snd Cullaa-i ■lly, elBSs ; Pm\l ssoe, H. 1., Hattlnrd.

Oes-,; rorilis.1. Oirt O.chArd and Lewl»ton, we.; slonlreti, uicoeo, t-eterboro', Btockvllls sad Bt. John, unnl., all or whlna are i* auc- rs.fiil ouaraliou and in nearly ail craw wlica :ooi|Hsiitiuo has !«-■ net lhe sul. on-ran is. iilsliltsbed ly thin- .npany h*vs si.eeacd.o la s*eurlnglberntr*t.usli»essofUisrlv.lay*Ueis.

During this time the Company lias paid from ean-ltigs Its regular semi- MUinial dividends of 4 per ecu t., HIKI two e*tra 2 per cent, semi-annual .livt- ilends. In shies plm-lng the an in ot BIHtf- M4;l.4toaiirplua... eonut thus making It at the preaent time a sound 12 per cent. Iiivehtnii-iit stock.

Beeeatly ths oooauaey nas •enured noeln I el a 2EK !lRf'.LJ ■»■«■ '^'"rilory, esibr.eia*:


i>r* favorable italfpl in. vi ,... ■iipi-ne* hsic bees m o>ur-» thau aver uefon

Till* snaiiNiiiiiiiK |i least a* large a* thoa addhiansl oaplisl Is n

•es dlvldsnda st ! hitherto, aid ss 1 to carry ea the

.i« DOWIV se.riire<i territiry, the have di"-1 led 11 vffar the publle

$100,000 of the Preferred Treas- ury Stock,

This Sioek will lie sold at Psur, BIO per slitter. In lots to suit purrbasere.

Paymammiy bs rntdi at once, or if pref«rred, by installments as folio wi:

One fourth C »sh. One-fourth in on* Month. One-fourth in Two Months. One-fourth in Three Montis

from da.'*- of subscription. rur lurt'iir Isf.'rmstlon, please ri

('•i.-niiAni'i •nti .-JeSlBBi ples*e rail at the 107 OcngrreesSt.. oatoo,

KOWAHD II. OorF, President. ■■■ to lhe new stoob BBB be

' '■ 'i.iii|i:ini'. OKir ,., m iiirvufh ■linwliia- liana* or hanking beaesa,

Rlnhera, Providence. ra.Colllravlile, r i.

Banters, homester, Mass. „ R. Whi . ^ , nnlu.,t M,.|., II ,,,!,. llarltor I

"■"ulunal Dank. Lowell, Mas

edlilon of Tbackcraj's worga,

■if their ai'prectalion of bis scrs'fces and

iflbelr regret at bis demrUie. lie re- sponded tu B feeling agggg^ „pro„illg

hla inluks Bod regret at severing ibe

pleugnt lies betwees msster snd popllr. Mr. Lord will h«reafi«r de»ote hlmss-lfto the IniereaU »f the Edison Blectric Llgbt

Company lu this city, of which bu la

treasurer. He has been pnucpal of the High Bcbool four years.

Beach's World Boap will tot Icjere tbs 0 nest goods.

rresflltitlJ.iu.t'o. tr, IMnel|

Ibe cloaingQays ot tbe present «choo

term have been made, pieasgal by man) little evidences ol utuluai Interest betweei

lbs tsaehura aud pupils. At the clone CM

the exercises at tbe Packard school, ui

Friday afternoon, Principal Mi-'inmr wss made tbs recipient of one of Uo^i-r-

lironps, the Qamekeepcr, wlthstgaiem

ebony at»d, sad also, a One ivory puckei

lahlet, as a kindly recognition of bis suc-

cessful efforts, aud tbe good feeling

those for whose advancement be has


Use Beach's World Boap and avoid aklu

lli-AlM- & LOGAN.

Ii> lepeinlrnt

A call was Issued Thursday for a meet- ing to be hoi 1 at Maunders Hall thai eve- ning tocomplele tbe organlxttlon of a Blnlue Independent Battalion. Wllh tbs

L-xlremely abort uotlce which was given, i tie gathering was heyond nay expecta-

tion, a success. A'mut one hundred were present and evinced the greatest entbe-

".issm In ths matter. Four companies la i be different warda of the city ware rt-

ported LB already formed, and more tn

cooicmplatlot . Wm. T. Klmball wil cboauo cltalru.i0, and W. L. Ualneselect<

■il i.ecretary snd trsisurer. A targa num- ber signed tbe rolls of Ibe banal ion who

were not slieady enlisted In tbe various

companies. MsJ>r Oeo. S, agsrrlll wss

iketed an commander, ead a list of prom- inent republicans placed upon the bouor-

try roll. Tn<> as embly waa without ai y

ictptlontbe moat enthuslsnllc of IIS

Kind t ver held lu ibla clty.and everything oida fair to start lhe campaign in Lsw-

renee wltb a genuine solid boom, for

Blalne by the Independent battalion. ■*■«#»** --w

Tbe tlncollerterl Taxes.

A wrong Impression has been gives to - he public by one cr two SSBUBCSS tn tbe

''ommuolCBllao aigsed "T" In the AMUI

MUM, Over »lii,0,0 of the 910,OOtl due

tuseweraad sidewalk assessments baa -ii-en on Ibe books lor several years, and

wag conaidered uncollectable baforn the present Treasurer came Into office. Tbe

imniiiit oT ibe uncollecled taxes JgB. let, l *>H |, was larger than tbs average for

'ome years, but this was owing lo

ralloie Ql a few heavy Ux-payers to pay oefore that dale. Ths percentage of un-

colhMted isxeg at tbe present lime Is not

larger iban tbe average for ibe past ten

T«»r- m-m.rn.m- Degree Conlrrrrd.

At lUc Dartmouth college commence- ment on Thursday, ibe degree of honor- ary master of arts was conferred OD Cot E. J. Bhertnsn of this city.

8pecial Notice. At a meeting ot tbe Executive

Committee nf tbe American Elec- tric ana Illuminating Oo. held to- day, it was resolved thai all or- ders ami aiiplicationg which have been fi'« I with the Treasurer f#r the Preferred Treasurr Stock of this Company at per (as adver- tised abeve), must be oomoleted bv lhe |> ivuiflut ot the first intUl- mont on nr before Thnridav, July 10th, 1884, and that no snbserip- tioi s at unr be reoeived after that date.


Exeontive Oommittee.

SUMMER I Imprudences






Piny Davit's Pain Killer Dmvut Tin M AwAr. Dmvn TIIEM AWAY.



Important to Honseieepers. GENUINE


I nil. I III I . iM

FlaTorlne Extract Always Insure Economy and

Eirellence. Try tbesn and yoo will use no Other


7 Lawrence American



MA nut HKHIN is on his way to Clii-

OtgOi and yet the sun risen ami sets

on Lawrence, precisely as last week.

Weekly News Brevities. Tuesday.

Ther- wu a »450,<XW Are, yesterday, atlfalacKui.

The Oertnan government proposea lo greatly enlarge IU navy.

Tbe Brlilab boose of lord* passed the cooaola conversion hi!; >i--s.-[ 1 iv-

Tbe Theatre Royal, all llubargh, Scot- land, was destroyed by Ore, yesterday.

A liberal wa* eleited mayor of Cork, Ireland, yesterday, by u majority of two VMM.

Ten thousand raimrs ID Staffordshire, England, have struck sgslnst a reduction In wages.

Tbe 1'real.leDt his nominated Mr. Heo- ry B. Neal, ol Ohio, lo he solicitor of tbe Treasury.

Congressman Hands.I still asserts that Congrese will certainly bu ablu toa<l|ot.rn Anally by Monday nest.

It la expected that Ihere has beeo a re- daction of atxiuL >.< '.'Hj u in HI i in- nation- al debt during ii>e i>ai.i mouth.

A court martial will convene at New York <>■ the IIID of September next, lor in.- trial of Judge A-ivucate Oeoeral SwaliD.

'A motion to give precedence to tbe vole of censure oT ttie government's Egyptian policy was deflated In tbe Brit- ish bouse nf commotis ytnlerdsj, by s vote ol 190 to 148.

The stock raisers In Indian Territory •re greatly disturbed because the Sheriff oT tbe Cherokee Nation la lemnvlug all wire fencing whlcli locJoaea tracts of more tbaa fifty acre*, that belfljr ll • • limit al- lowed by tbe Cherokee CuttncU.

In tbe Iowa contested election case of Fredericks vs. Wilson, tne bouse com- mittee on (dictions, by a vole ol B lo fi. has decided to report ID favor n( Mr. Fredericks, democrat. Mr. Wilson, r<- publican, now occupies tbe seat.

Mr. Olsdstoue won :i decided triumph yesterday. He mo fed to lay ankle uli noa> tneaa and take ap the Tory motion to reu- aure tbe got are men l, but the Paroelllltts snd the extreme Rid.cats |u)aed the Lib- erals and the motion was lost by a deci- sive vote.

Yesterday a gang of convic's at I'.ym- ouib, Kuglauil, attacked tbe waroer, ami snd would have killed hiin and escaped but for tbe brave conduct ol a convict, who was in for .ire. He Seised tbe i.Ul- cer's rtlle, shut six ml ibe gang, clubbed others, and saved tbe warder's lile. The brave lellow was rewarded aud released from prison.


Tbe Spanish governmenl promise ex- tensive reforms in Cuba.

There was a reduction of *'> 917 256 In tbe national debt last month.

I'orHrlo DiSl was elected to the Prtsl- dency of Mexico yestetday for the secoud time.

Tbe puhllc dchlnowainountaloai.IJi).- OGO.KIlSj reduction during ».he year, SlOl,- 040.071.

There were 10 deaths from cholera at Toutan, Fiance, jenlciduy, ami jour at Mafyllles.

Ills expected that the President will take final salon ou ibe Fii/.-Johri 1'oiicr bill to-day.

Minister Lowell is so much better that be baa concluded t > given, dinnerparty on the Fourth of July.

Tbe BoBLun nine won Its first name with the Buflalos yesterday, aid Providence defeated Cleveland.

The conservative peers wlil support Earl Carnarvon'^ mot too, censuring the British government's Egyptian policy.

The Philadelphia team defea'.ed the Gentlemen of Gloucester, Knglsml, team St cricket yesunJay, at Cheltenham, by 110 point*.

The joint resolution of Congress pro- viding temporarily for tbe expenditures of the government, has been approved by tbe President.

The French deputies yesterday adopted tbe Oral clause of ibe hill lor tile revision of the co stitulion afUniiing the expedi- ency of a revision.

Ex-Senator Keltoag testified before tbe Springer congressional committee yester- day, relative to his connecuou v. i1 li tbu Star-route contracts.

Senator Hoar made a BtrCBg appeal In the Senate yesterday, In behalf of il'ieral spproprlailnns Tor ttie improvement of MSVlgable rivers aud harbors.*

Isaac Jacobs, a Polish Jew, was arrest- ed In Uruoklyo yesterday, and brought to Cambridge Jail, Where a complaint Was made charging him with henig implicated la tbe morlerof Mrs. Carlton at Water- town, In March I--.:.

Dont miss Seeing '■■<■ siejrsot vprlng stock (bought at tbe lau> lailure) and the I reasonable prices, at Wlnalow's due tail- oring hoiiat-. Ail new styles.

—Tbe annual hegira to the beaches bis

set in.

GH. MI i J.Kit is looming UIJ ss a

!'■ Hnjidaulc candidate at, Chicago; •A hat would the goody-goody iudepend- fiiLa tin iu ilie event or bis success? Take to the woods, like tbe ancient -Inrkey?

I'lIK iNDKI-KNUENTa SfV DOW ruilill},'

at the republican platform ; well, Hen-

ry <' tl.ot Lodge assaisted in writing it,

and Oeo. Win. Curtis gave it bis cor-

dial assent. What would have satis-

fied these truly gootl men!'

It is imrlerftlood that Mayor Hreeu of Lawrence, oueof tbe delegates from

Ibis district, is not an enthusiastic But-

ler man. [Lowell Courier. Don't

yon believe it yourself. [Lawrence


Hut il is a fact, all the same.

of no further legislation, Hid denounce*

Congress for heeding the unanimous

appeal of the quarter million of veter-

ans iu behalf of I heir suffering corn-

rat c

MA run ltitKKN has gone to Chicago

by way of Kentucky, to make a "visit

to IIH sister." By this route, also, be

will fall in with many of the southern

delegates, and in the event of the se-

lection of a western candidate for

President, our chief magistrate is not

Wllboflt the ambition to prove an avail-

able candidate for the vice presidency.

(•en. Logan's name will not be

made to weakeu the Hepuhlican ticket

by any parade of what he said before

the war. He covered up that record by bii gallant services in defence of

the 1'nion and liberty. [Boston Her-


True enough, but the Herald has

conspicuously made au editorial attack

ii|ioii (len. Logan in this very direc-

tion, declaring (bat his ante-war record

wai "blacker than Bnyards,"

Tn« AKTB-WAK record of Gen. Lo-

gan, says the Boston Herald, is a good

ileal blacker than Senator Bayard's.

Well, tbe people of this country are

not troubling themselves much about

anylHxly's ante-war record, especially

<d those then democrats, who, when

tbreafened secession became accom-

plished rebelliou, forsook all their par-

ty traditions, and entering the union! Soon en

armies, fought bravely lor the country. |lb* 0o,:r" ll""'

The Herald would decry, as "waving

the bloody shirt," any alluaion to

traitors" of those who sought to de-

stroy the union by tbe power of their

acts, by gun and sword, but calls up

the stroug democratic utterances, prior

to 1*01, of a man who risked his life

to prevent the dissolution ot the union,

when it happens to wiBh to oppose bis

candidacy as a republican. While the

nation has forgiven the host of urtned

rebels, we guess it will be little dis-

turbed by the ante-war words of a con

spicuous union general. But Senator

Bayard is in quite another position ;

be was a southern democrat before the

, a southern peace democrat during

the war, and a southern democrat after

tbe war. Tbe speech of his now criti-

cised, was not an €-ante-war" address,

but delivered in June, 1«G1, two

months alter war bad been begun by

tbe firing on Sampler, and in which

speech, he chataclerized the conflict

as one "inaugurated by Abraham Lin-

coln and his Cabinet."

I'lNU Un democrat in Lawrence, if

you can. who will say that he would

have considered it fair and honest, had

Chas. 1'. Dell been elected Mayor last

fall, for bitu to have now selecled

registrars, to represent ihe democratic

party, two men, both of whom had

been lor three years opponents of the

democratic mayoralty candidate,—two

unti-Ilrcen men. And if democrats

would not like ibis if done by a repub-

lican, what do they thiuk of the action

of Mayor Hreeu.

Ir Has been ascertained that the

bones in n bleached skeleton of a buf-

falo will wc;:''i .''•! pounds, and tbe

present year from points on the North

Pacific railroad, there has Wen sent

cast to he made into lerlilixerit, bonct

representing 64,000 animals from Big.

inarck, snd 20,000 from Menoken

also 150 tons of bones from points on

the upper Missouri river, and 1-OU

tons from the Devil's Lake region.

-Boys are having a brink trade In pond

ied their llav-


— Meed Brothels liav

erblll store. — Bul'ding north of lbs Bplcket Is


—Tbe '-Horses" ate waking up Man-

Chester this week.

—The family of John C. Baiiborn are at

EastTiltoa, N. H.

—Tbe city iisil never presented s pret-

tier piclnre than on Mondiy evening.

—Miss Wetherbee goes to U,,. Ocean

House, Hamilton 11 sell, for a Jenaon.

— Mr. K, . ■ :i Hume attended the

Alumni reception, on Monday evening.

—Union Pad tic Railroad sold down to

38 Ml yesterday; Boston and Maine, Uli.

-Dr. Wco. U. Lam1! will spend the

mentbs of July and ADgOat at Uluck Isl-


-Wra. J Bolfe, formerly principal of

our High Hcbool, la tin »nij the Cambridge


— It was warm at tbe reception, but ibe

young people seemed not to mind it In

the least.

—John S. Krost, assistant teacher In

tbe iluli School, left un Sifjrday for nls

home iu Sprlngvale, Maine.

— Unless called In special session the

sldermcn wil. not meet again until the

Aral Monday of August.

—Already there Is an exodus of teach-

ers aad pupils towards tbe lands tbat

promise cool brseses, real and enjoyment.

—A school teacher in LtWTOUCe recent- ly fell heir lo >8O,000. Mie luiiue.Hstely bought a ton ol pure, BSHOI ted spruce sum aud retired lor ttie rent oi ber life.—Bur* llngton b'ree Press.

—The local sports wii» went tu N«w

York to witness the birilivan-Mltchell

fight, were bidly sold. They aro now

"eoaatlag ties" homeward.

— Mr. Edgar Q. Pratt and family, Mrs.

Henry Barti-n, and M, ■- Ada Jones, are at

Salisbury neach, where ibey will spend

several weehs of tbu bested term.

—It by stated tbat the Pacific Mills, iu addition to tbe declared dividend, earned

enough the past ell ni'mibs, to carry a

handsome sum to tin reserve lund.

— Tbe reduction in letter postage frbm

three to two cents, has reduced the ret-

enuts of the Lawieoce rival office ubutit

eleven per cent.

— Mlns I la L. Dawsonof Ihlacltj. has

declined the eff-r lu teacb at Adeiphl

Academy, Brooklyu, N. V., and will not

Sever ber connection with tbe Olivet

L-irh-nil at present.

—Miss i. !..-■ " Jackson, who^rsdoated yesterday from Llie h)j;|i athool, has re-

ceived nn offer tu leach in a high s bool In

li./ ■iiiii.. Montana, at n salary of seven

hundred dollars per annuin.

— Il Is generally ttnderstood that the

Littles disposed of their blocks or Pac lfjc

Mills st'ick, on the change in msnaqeinent,

at 91100; ibe sales last week at 91300,

divldeud of «-'U on*, must make tbe pui-

Cbssers tin \t.

'1 IJK KM in [.KAN sentiment in this

district seems to be cordially concen-

trating upon Col. Allen of Lowell, as

a eonjiressioual candidate, and it will

lie a most fortunate selection. The

ex-Senator, who, from his genial

i|iialitics and Irunk manners, is famil-

iarly known as *'Chailey" Allen, is ;i5

years of age, a yrnduale of Amherst,

and the successful manager of a large

business in our sister city. Ho is

bright, capable, ami popular with all

classes; two years ago, when Gen.

Butler carried Lowell by 15'J7, Col.

Allen was strong enough to be chosen

senator, and last year when Ciov. But-

ler had U28 plurality, Mr. Allen was

tieaten by only Ml. While in the

senate he made a most admirable

record, proving among the most in-

telligent and inlluenttal members of

that body. A ready and forcible speak-

er, strong in debate, young and en-

thusiastic, he would make a canvass

nl the district that would win votes

from all classes, aud he is particularly

popular with the voters attracted by

the Candida cy of such a democrat af

l.i.lev.Mi'l there is no piestion as to his

election, or that he wuulil make a mem

ber of Congress ol whom the eighth

district would be proud.


Anniversary Day , es

Of tlu lawrence High School. — *

l.i-aiiiialiini Da; Exercises.

Tbe Opera House was crowded on MOL-

day, to listen to tbs gradtnilug et-i-

ctaes of the blgh school. Tbe bouse was

aocb more cool and comlortable than

could have h-en eipeclt-0, nud the eaer-

Clses were of more than u-ual Interest*

urk tbs classes entered

t> t!.e following order;

Clam cf *»*.

Clas* C d, r, pink and Oaf BU Ld

Kiower, a Pink It .SI-SJ din Ulti

Ltiiu. %. M.Oi thy.

C.asi ot 03

Class Col. r, 0 iraolum Ite< ;<Jl 1<*

Daisy Marabal 11-rne

Cisas <>f 'Hd

t S :« Class Col ,r, ff,iir| C.aa s V >WI

quetnlinn It ■-'" 1 M*rs lal, iV'o

* McDonald

Class of '6'

Class Co or, Buttercup Yel \w Class

Tua TKAITURS of six weeks sgo,arc

at the front just now, in the demo-

cratic parly. By vote of a congress

on&l caucus, revenue reform was

adopted as the party sbitboletb, aud

the Morrison bill agreed upon as its

exponent; ex-Speaker Randall refused

lo accept this platform, anil with his

little band, joined to the solid republi-

can vote, was able to defeat the meas-

ure. At once, from one end of ibe

country to the other, Randall and bis

followers were denounced by leading

democratic and independent papers as

traitors ; the Boston Herald joined the

I'ost, asd the New York World the

Times, in the most bitter criticisms of

this aelion. Speaker Carlisle and his

democratic majority announced to tbe K

country that Uandall's triumph was

only temporary ; that lliey should ap-

peal to the national convention ; that

Kaudall must recant or go over to the

republicans ; the Herald and the Times

avowed that only upon a declared plat-

form like that of Carlisle and Morri-

son.cjuld Hie democrats hope lo carry

the country. But the courage of these

revenue reformers seems to be oozing

away, snd the truly independent pa-

pers are not egging them ou as four

weeks ago. The announcement is marie

that a compromise is to be patched

up, and little or nothing said about

laritl matters iu ihe platform, and ttie

moral, independent, high principle

newspapers are evidently getting ready

swallow their heads, and endorse

what they so very recently denounced

as cowardice.

Flower, While P.nk, and Uiullax;

MaraLal, George Minitli.

Class of '.-■-. Case Color, Light Bine; Flower, The

Laurel; Marabal, Thomas Allen.

Entering by tbe west entrance, the line

passed arnnnd the bou-iu Inside >ue par-

que*. circle, aud ont Ibrouuh the east en-

trance cn'o ihe stage, to tbe music ol

ColllnB Full Orchestra.

The SIBKU was finely decorated with

potted plants, cut il iwers sud greens, snd

looked extremely tastefu'. The plan's

were from Fly no's greenhouses.

Beneath ibe proscenium arch was sus-

pended a shield bearing tbe legend '84, In

wbite pinks.

Tie action! when vested on Ihe stage,

surrounded by the fresh flowers and

plants, made a most attractive picture.

The entire proitramme ins aduiitaby

exei ut< d and liberally applauded. It was

as follows; -

Accompanist, Thome* Y I.«nni Salutatory aililren . will] •■■ J„ >(■

Tre Iruli HoMier. Waln-r JJoulao^.

Ki»ay, Our luimh I;.IIII|.IM„II. Li.lie O. JaekMin.

Original .Iti'laiiiMlun, G'hnr.u-UT. l-l- u s. 111. |.-„ ill.

Knay, Wumau'a W^rk. Aunillc 1.. Cllnier.

<»ri|(lnn) ileclanmliin, A t'leu lor I'lifairg lag li tola.

. tiai

W.: ■■U:

ibtet. IB Story ol a ilrook. 11.. I., ilrownr.

Moral i>. .i, Am [ Na-

C irneliui A. UrCnrllif. Hfiilatlon, Huw J im< CoMiueal rtanir the Itel!

I.uey M. ll . .-.,, OrlKinal deeldiim inn, Ttie Minority.

Krul Crablree. Kitaay, NonseoM.

Annie K. i'injrree. iiii.; u;il .li-rli:i,, Wt-ml.-ll Plnlli|,?.

rraaeu il. i m !■.,>*. S.-irConuacm

Claas iii-t


i 'i ..-IL.,i Poem, with Videdli'.lory Ail.lrens,

nr iiiiNniiA A. DUseoiL.

In Un: urn ■■!>■ rOui{h the ■ ■ -■ ■!j■'■ -1 aeeu llic line* ol' umti'lil.-a« w*ct,

Aii'l In* iiisi-i'-. (■)■■ within It Uanv :■..:.■■,,■ I.,... can tnee'j

hormt of womlraiiK, Rlnriaun ts^autj : -

lu her'ariL'sUie talent Savior, ' Mao'n Uuilusaiur, Iieaien-uurn Child.

Or it mty he lome braie warrior, Strt-U-hiii£ lorth hi* ndghty I J,

Beckoniua iliouun.l* on u> VlWry, i.-iniiiiK (ortn a i .ni.iiii liuml.

Or nsrchaaee, a lovely Venu*.

THE NEWS reiurus to III upon the school ooromlUee I'm

at lnek refusing

to be coerced into an election of a

master, before the sub committee hav-

ing tbe matter in charge, weic ready

lo renort, aud while commending the

ile ami broad minded McCarthy

and I'...■> ii. "blushes" as it "holds up

to scorn" such ''bigoted anil unprin-

cipled men" as ex-Mayor Rollins, Pay-

master Wainwright, S. V. Dawaou,

l>r. 'Trtlbol and Ceo. K. ( bickering.

'The News deelnrcs that "WB consider

tbal Mr. Conlau's rjualillcalioiis were a

suflleient incentive to make llr. Me-

Cliartliy and his ti//iVs voto as they

were about to." 'That ought lo have

settled il, and had those "bigoted and

unprincipled men" known that the

News editor considered air. Conlan the

right man, he would undoubtedly have

been unanimously choseu. When Ibe

News joins McCarthy and Breeu in

endorsing a teacher's qualifications,

"bigoted and unprincipled" men ought

to hide their heath in shame for lunger


Only with politicians was there any

demand lor additional pension legisla

lion. [Boston Traveller.

What of the 220,000 veterans of the

Grand Army, who unanimously de-

mand "adtlilioual pension legislation r"

Are these "politicians," or is il possi-

ble that the Traveller writer is more

patriotic or belter informed on the

subject Ulan lliey? The truth is tbat

the young men who write these anti-

pension articles! know little or nothing

of tbe subject they attempt enlighten*

ing llie public on. "No [>ension legis-

lation demanded !" Why, we know

personally, of a full score of cases in

this little city of Lawrence, of brave

und descrviug veterans, so disabled

hum Uu'ir service in Ihe war for the

union, that ibey arc unable to provide

for themselves or families, some of

whom are facing the open doors of the

alms IIOIISP. who have not and who are

unable to ob.ain Ihe pension the coun-

try prou las I them, and which is the

just due, solely from defects in exist-

ing pension laws, and it is exasperating

10 bear writers who know nothing of

these things, prattle that there is need

'TIIK HAMQAM Circular is just now

the chief topic of comment by demo-

cratic anil essislait democratic jour-

nals, and so industriously is the lint)

being worked, that no effort whatever

is made to keep even a semblance Of

truth iu their statements. Thus the

Lawrence News and Journal ami the

Boston Herald repeat the assertion

lhal eg-Cov. I'laisted stated that he

saw Mr. Hlainc write the circular, two

days alter Mr. I'laisted bad denied

making any such assertion. This cir-

cular, denouncing Mr. Madigan for

being a Catholic, was issued in 1875,

during a special congressional coutesl

in the fourth district of Maiae. Mudi

LMII was running as the democralii

candidate ; and l'luisted, who has since

become a democrat, was his repul

can opponent. The democrats just

now charge Mr. Maine wilh being tbe

author of the circular, ami have been

asserting that Mr. IMaisted said he

saw it written by Blaine. Now, here

is what I'laisted himself says of tin

mailer, in bis paper, the New Age

published last week :—

It is not true that we ever said we

saw >!■. Blaine wiitc the circular, a:

sluletl by llie Albany Argus. Indeed,

until very recently we never supposed

that Mr. Blsiuc hail Anything to do

with it. The only warrant the Argus

could have had lor its statement wan

tbe remark in our last Issue, that Mr,

Blaine, as chairman of the Republican Convention in 1875, seut out lb

Madigan circular. We never saw the

circular nor heard of it until ihe "ih day oC Septeiiilwr, 1H7J, a week before

the election) when a copy ot it was

banded US by Colonel Hayes, at the

Dexter Exchange, and we then said my li:" - done this.' Mr. Mndi

nun's only hope of success depeuded

on his gelliug a thousand majority

Uadswaska* The votes were there

for him; but il WHS not possible for him

to get them out iu an otl year without

i contest, and we declined the contest

n >1 . I.i n ■ ■-■! or iu the French plai

lation. 'This was well known to M

Mn.l _-nn ini.| also lo Mr. Powers and

the Hamline. Therefore it was, when w the Madigan circular, we i

posed ii was issued in the Interest of

Mr. Madigan to stir up ami help him

get ytit his Mutlawaska vote.

Mr. I'laisted denies most positively,

having charged Mr. Blaine with the

Authorship ot the circular, and adds

that until recently he had always sup-

posed Mr. Madigan issued it himself

to bring out the Catholic voters, with

out whose aid he would be defeated

Now, as Mr. I'laisted was personally

interested in Ibis matter at the lime

was presented, which is to be ac-

cepted, bis mniii-m then, and

through all these years, or the

"recently" revised idea, when some-

thing is lo be gained politically, by the

attempt lo fasten on Mr. Blaine the

responsibility. Ami will the journals

which Lave given the statement faluely

attributed to Mr. I'laisted, that be saw

Mr. Blaine write this article, correct

llie falnehood.on the positive authority

of Mr. I'laisted himself?

» B. thicker ng.

NY* * ii.', i'lan<l i.| <'■ iin'Ni, rat m,i- into lourtul tijii

But ii I. ii.', i thi^ ■• nl |, ,,. (teen ther Ti . Ill ■ M»II 1 . .: 111 N..I. 1 :,h-ri-

Thai muiil v.- and grave inc ima Oil Die inIUII, unj lelilmg alone.

He< \s

For Oi

■ nii'ji enlruil anolher ih in* uratul, maji'Ciic *

■ppreelaU hi*dream. ■sr

Hi- M nl .■ hand can sens \ nl by working iiitfhl ami

W fi untiring, ceaaelena lal> lie -i truce ami nane 1

i, day,

. w„i

Kuril ■■■ii ill .im ■■ ami line he ehisclti, NogTJDil "*r. |.in< ilroae* he take*,

ll. busy*! form he *lnwly milieu.

When nl la*l by pallem tnilinjt. In Hit; aciihitureil marble ilnmln

CHUT outlined In* nloo'a creation, Kormcil anil (aahioneil hv lila iundf,

Tto with Joy and nti Motion ■ iilil-tdilom

lint he mar not cure fur liinor, Or Unit i-mi'ly hulihle, lame,

Hem*; un llie lunguen ol nauoiia Merely a Ush Bounding name;

for In-, linn ma; oe a nolilor And n higher one—lo he

Mean* of leading uiiwaro. onward, Ttie grand in.n omen I, the key.

To unlirk for ilruggllni mnrlals, II ,,.',n treaauie. ol tlic mind,

And to raiae the IIOLIPS anil |>ui*lona To a level miore rellncil.




ir i ■• |,IIJ woil'l.

■i luUhl unlnrli',1.

Hlaml with rbUi'l rflilv, nth willing bwtrts nnil ImniJ-,

To rarre out thai lirilllant fulure,— Not ujioii the ioll iea luds.

Where the wsvatof lima will Waali il And sffaea it in atlsy;

[tilt Ilium till' null,I umilile, Where'! w. II nland and stay fir aye.

iI nil< ■Id of grit'r A •deinr

Various are the forma and many, vl liii:h oilhin ihe atone vie Km,

r. .eh one ha* hi* grand hU-al, Like which he would with lo be.

One i' pUadlng near the niarlili;, And thi! lorm therein run ami

IM III AHlcan tiplorer, In the lime thai I* to he.

When wiih ■■■■.' ...i ...,■! i. i ■ , „ Ue'il glide down Ihe river Nile,

Ami ImiiiMltl aaky ol couuur, Ocnily atroke Ihe crocoillle.

Anil another enrne-l gazer,

A alraighl nalli ui.lo the While lloi.-f And anothi-r, Ijwjer'a fue*.

And there'n one who *eea wllliiii il, 11H..1U, ■ duol I,

_,.._ Souin Sea l-t. Waning till Uicir dinner'* sold.

Listening jjently to her tuschlna;, ijuallmg'neath her Horn ryr'n glai

WIUID i.' i ■'■ ii ■■ of ,i, ,| ,ni i •■■,■ (mi.: All UmK'unouii Bwnociihani!.!.

And two other*, ardent lotrra Of art *|ii)M magie »|>ell ■■ ■ alike llie a|>rlngH n| lauichter.

Draw* forth m aerrOw'awel

Of (hat art l.v which the blBSSt, l.tonaeal, lowi-Kt <■( ninnkui.l.

Fee la a gentler, liolier influeni e Sutallng o'er HI a darkened mind.

And llicae two witiiin llie mmlilo, See an trlUt'a grun.l rarfi'r,

THev'ie not "iiigliii"l »itn falae lire." Nfilhir Kale nor Kortune lenr.

nut let dear old Aim '■—-,With|,H.,

i faithful I Thin all tilio,

Woar.tUv. !„.;„,„,,

Wnao »e si


The TuUt Number of Polls.

a we : ,i:. |

rill '.. .1,


Bid farewell |i;

Rr»«ily ,UDI U'H

IPPT *i:liii'l tile;

i.■ ■■;!-: Iiie>* Riurmv oceao, ing tide.

I.'tilll now WC'.B htty fl„aio,| In a ilnv, my, |>lea*ant alee|,

In lhei| ilel. orafrtnl harbor: JJow w« luui'ch out on the ileeo.

Four long yiara w, '»o togtU^r, h«i.,.v day hrday,

Hand ,i. ii in i *,•■,.. etutrcd gaily Oeur learniiw'a ,d lua.ut way.

NWr more on Friday inornlng. i\ il, ill,- iiii-., <-~|>ncial rnro

TalM to .■omt, then hair au neatly, t ndveided wli.u to wear,—

Whether flat or etindingcolNr. N.i.:kliel,la,-k, ..rgrc-nur l.luc.

Whilfl Uley make a amall aied mirror Ol each Uny, fairy ahoe.

Or Ihoglrla in wHd dl>traction ] Wonder whetbiT how or inn

Ben liwornes icnr -ulo m beauty; reeling aure tbelr hanglea win

Ai,|iruliulion fmin Ihi'ir li-acliM, l^.-rliielr jiugliiiK M to him

NMloil a- otill.frog- rroaLing In the gloaming dusky, illm.

Uow we'll mi- hi* oxt repeated, »ui'1;"y '""Z*8 re"'"*, please, aside " i> un.- racli com t..--|. inKJe.L lirucvlul

tstnvea in Tain itaelrto hide.

Never on thai lime worn p alform, We'll be WIZJ.I with ague lit

JUM a* we gn iij. t„ gp..,,, i|1Bro H bile the oihera calmly til

Wilh eiapperaling ronlnean, (■Jiiii^ wiiig ,, .i it-..'„ev-,

InthexiiilMi Other Tulei* Like o

Killed wilh inu.ic

II join, dear claaaruatea,

li and strong.

ml which hiiiila We mutt break Ihe Xow.alia, 'tm iin

Bui tin- memory of our Itiutidabii,* Still will .im.; t„ each tad heart.

We aurrender, now. our placet To theclu,.* id cghiy-nvc,

Trin-imgihatyoiril iiureihan mi ihcm, Alwaya ,,,■■,., welt, and iluive.

all J.I tuiad -

But we'd prollt oy your leailnng., In our In .ii ;n your uiMtjita wear.

in.v tboughlleaa word or neilon WVliav.■ t-ver eaiiMi-.l ri-gr. t,

We beaeech v(ltt> kind lorgivcuean, 11 -, . i .: you will ail lorget.

Hut thciu'aone wc ml" lull andly ne unto ii ied place; . '-iiL-eiiul greeting; -nnt, tunny law,

Slir Mil.

.,1! II

bj ii

.1 and i


linnedllie palbaraii ' Imeci'ii tomeii

When a year ago we To bid ■ i.i.i ■ by.

She wa* wilh iin tben, and Mule DraasKd we tbat Utatiiaiwu nlAb:

That beio


cloak olci (if gru»H« llCll llll III! irthw

rdo we in tcld-h eorrow nun tin. inn-- that go In-fore? ml lliey, Ibink you, i- u ba,:k to ua ace Uutlr steps irom llcaieii'a tlure

I'er Irotneailti the jiaated away.

'Twa. • llie one .mrk Horn! that ibadowod And madediiu our palhwaj bright,

All thlngMle weri< Kay and ehecilul, t looled Wlin a roay light,

nut 'n- not for ua to ipieation WHY orwlwreforeuUaHio; Ihe Maitei'" hand had beckoned, Hue un reaJy thi'n lo go.

Now once more, beloved teacher", Seboul nat«* wo, we hid farewell;

Kvcr ll r liiMrts nl -r' .iiiv* KeoolleetioDMWtei will dwell

May your bark* on llfe'a rough 0,-ean, Hlii-ltered he Irom wind and tide,

And nl U.t, ibr Iinun rclhlinig, May we anchor ald« by able.


Awarding ol Diploma* ami Hood prises, by the .Su|iii|utende'it of .Sulniol*.

I'arliiighyiiiti, W cud-by Maud I.. L. Brow A-i .Tiip.iiu-t. Francis II. Korlong.

Our alruggb* ia over, the victory i* ours; Vet unwind, a (nl on*ur.|, our watchword ah

Ouraihool lile, a l.fe of bright nunehine a Khowera,

We kuve now lo battle willi I-lfe/a etorniy a

Would we through l.ifc'a Imrney ihe victory w - -nolly poaaei

y begin And let II* wilh ilm u.,-.-, 'I in- present delerniluc-a oiii future

Uear ivnchera and scbonlmatet, ■■■"i.


i>.I,, ■area a navigator, M-italhint>hlpanili'icw In tiix Arello regtaot, ■ iitting hi* way ilirough.

And some (f u

The reward of all bcrlihor, And her patience day by day,

To he ''.illid a dieadhil "m-lioi.l Aa *lie paaaea on her way.

While wt've been ai'j.mrning ber

Wlial it ia to he we know nil; Umi.lof minc:inii»lu|>ltll

Tie dark cloud* Hut veil ihe fiitun There In neither chink nor mi

Tbrongh which he can peer and ace Workmga I tbe In :. mind ,

■Tlaawi*-. and ju-t proviaion OlaKalher ever kind.

Could we aee Ibe dlnappointmcnta, Uriels, and aorrowa I'ml namt,

il I not IH' valued, nlj.y.w. aiMilM in,

igh on "KJint'* eternal head roll" our name* may not l>« traced,

■mil one can do SI* utrnoat llie tphure In winch lie'* |daced.

jecce.1. beloved elaaamaiea.

Kvery i«iwer

Whether with '

n\, , pen or iitough ahare ii, liiturebre, best endeavora i the tlrife.

Let inn world ber nrornful Su^er Never point I" eighty lour,

An arlaaaoriniv wurkera 'Uainal whom the uiu.i UIOM bey dooy,

We part now lo f, 11..w where duti mav call, We meet not again at the sound offlia lie 11,

We galber no mine aa oi ol I in tbe nail.

But (Jod will watch o'er i:a leat from Hun we a tray,

Still feel we the pn-aencc ol ill* tender love, And ihoiigb we in ly Irbive at our pirlina i..-day,

We kn. w that HUM meet in the might realma

At the close of the exercises,,.

Brewster swarilod the IliuJ Prises for

eicelleoce in scbolnrsblp and department,

lu Waller t'oulson and Honors A. Drls-

coll, of the graitui'.lng e'ass,

Tbe beuedicUon was pronounced, intl

another class of Ili^n Hcbuul sradaates

was launched upon tlie world.

The following U ihu Hal of ilia clsssof H Four Yeira' Course.

Osorge Francis Bibb, Ucitrudu My era Uoardman, Maud 1. i is. l.s, n.i Browne, (iladjs Alinai: Carr, Suaan OenSTlve t'arier, L'/ile I, i ■,, - Chukcring,

Widis Milton (Jleaveianej, Elisabeth Fnncli Co.iway, Walter CV.ulaon, Fred Orsbtree, Annette Louise Currier, lljnora Agni i Dtiacwll. Sopbfo May Fremmcr, Frsncli Heory ForluiK, llitiDati Csrollne(iirvey, (i.-or^-e Warren llainVc', Lucy Maria Biggins, Lllli o.ive Jsehaon, ('jrueiiuH Augustine Mifarthy, He.bcrt EilKtse Noble, Joanna O Leary, Kille K lib IVtner;iv,

Anna Btisi Piogrer, ridgsr Sherman Rideont.

Two YfiHr»' i ,,i,i ....

The annual reception of tbe Alumni will

be held at the Citi lla:i this evealna;.

rroi.ibtv fioeMcnt.

Sunday ninbt, as Mr. and Mrs. William

V .un.', who H--I' it No. i'.i Union

si r.. t, «rer« drlvlfli on Borkley

street, the lior-« shied, break 104 tbe

whlQljUse, at tbu corner of East Haver-

bill, ami both Ware llirowu from ibu car-

rlajju. Mis. Voang struck (a:e down*

ward up ,n a olio of sharp stones, aud

was unconscious, ami terriuV hrulsed

ami mantlet) when Ukm up. Her hus-

band fell upon bis luck, receiving serious

injurl'* to his splue, Mrs. Vonnj h«4

the medical sttsoJ men or D.'S. s 11-.-in.

Mocr', Ks'iyi;ii. ui.d niismberlain, wbo

sfter (onsu t« ion. ordered b»r removal

to ibe hospital. Il-r luj iries are

fatal. HJC upper and lower J(W are frac-

tured, also ber skull at lbs fronts; bone.

Mr. Yonn,;'s injuries will doubtless con- 1 foi 11,

is a pinieror by trade, a broLher ot police

olllcer Vounif, and well spoken of by all

wbo knew bin).

As ne u,i to press Mrs. VounK lies lu a

critical condition, hut is conscious.


City tii'iMir-i Murpby has received tbe issue of .Splcct It:''er bondl, Ttiey were printed by !■'■.' '.:■■ A Son. oi Boston, and are modi! la ol 'he lllhograuLi'art. Tin: around Is In black, wiiu arspresuatatlonof the upper 1'aciilc mills nt the top, ii, ■ ,r. and city acala at tha bate, alao a shear of wheat. 1 He border and tie mi m maiion of the bonda and coup mi arc In brilliant red. Before ihey aro e.-sl Mr. Murpby muat inierilie bit autogrnph 10'JfiO time*. Tbe appli- cations f.r the louu nr.i numerous,

Thi! AatlciiMnriil Kulr.

Tbe trustcca ol the K«rs Agricultural So. nUty net at Ploonmcr bail, Salem, on Friday, to make arranijemenia lur ibe mnnual exhibi-

tion 10 he held at the Willow! in September. I'n anlent Ware presided, and about forty of ibe Iruatee* wpre prcsenl. i'he varlom t mittici were appointed Aai T. Newball, of Lynn, wai elected to deliver the annual ad- dreis. Francis II Applet n. ol Puabody, waa appointed cliie'liiaralial ol tha proceaaion, Uavld W tyjwe. of Uiouecsier, laporlatSBOBBil of tbe ball exLlbition, aid CQa' <'- Blunt, ol An dover, superintend nt of finiunda. Tbcre ia every Indication tbat the coming exhlbllloD will far mrpasi the usual average of pan year*.

The Sweet Girl Grad- uates,

And What lliey Wore.

M ./->■ mhu of masllns, crowned by

happy beatuliig faces, H.led the City Hall

Monday evening to its almost. The SD-

3ual reception of the Ulgii school Alumni

Is always such a natbertng; and seems

each Successive year to be more and more

rowittd, more and mure and more heat-

ed, yet more and more enjoyed than was

the last. "The sweet girl graduate" was

tberu In full force. It Is ibe event of the

year fur be.-anil wby shauld'ni sue be

and drerseil in her prettiest too,

with all tbe attractions tbat white areasca

and (lowers and smiles eta add. Tae male

portion ot the alumni sras there too ol

coarse; they are a sort of "neeessary

ou all MI eh occasions.) et perhaps the

ssroe Interest stems 110 to sitacti itself

tu tbem, as la tbu case of their fair sis-


TUB l,1, U.iliON*

of ibe hall were Simple buuieat snd pleas-

ilstlng or (jottud plants and cut

dowers lu abundance with tbe ttgares

'84" swung promlneutly from tbe proacu

ilpto arch. Tbe fljor of tbe bail was lu

excellent condition, and lot the Itrst time

lu years IffjrJed excellent, opportunity for

dancing. Tbe necessity for ih ■ ciumsy

and awkward stage wblch bis heretofore

beeu lelt as a relic of the aiternoon's

per'.iruiiiic 1, l)i-in^ done away with, the

dancers fouu-J It much uiore C03,foilabiti

e about. Tb<j mostc b>ib o! the t preceded tlaucing, and

during the latter was excellent in every

respect, M-. Collins and his tdlelent

corps of moslclins retcum un-iini-d

praise ou every hand Ijr llitlr iffirl*.

Shortly afier o oil the itiaduaiing class

entered the baril snd eiartnil the eveolnga

primenade. I. was remarked by by-

standers tbat tb'j INK. 1- and misses

ninp.islii^ It Ware of iiuir n ii.y sltrsctlve

PP 111:11ns, , an I the Alumo] association

should be glad to welcome lo I'.a rauke

aUCb a pleaslug Miuad ul recruits. With

ibe ball once set lu motion everything

ran smoothly si c mid b: expected, sod

the ll Mir tilled rapidly with tastefully cos-

tumed ladies and tbelr escorts. The gal-

leries were packed long before the entree

of tbe graduate*, and kept well oiled dar-

iug the BVsuing. Up to tea o'clock the

iiriu-.i was coutitiued and ibe eyu of tbe

spectator was deiunted with tbe .

changing scene, alternating ibe llgbi

cottuines of lb" ladles with thu dark dreea

of the geuilemeu, while the numberless

shades of yellow, pink, Ivory, blue, cream

ami drab give |nst ■ n->....■ i variety lu it

all to complete a pleasaut color picture.

The 11 ior wis ably managed by Director

C. F. Sargent and bii aids, wbo soon aft-

er started the. dibcmg of tbe evening.


ot IIM' ladles, though, perhaps, nut as ex-

pensive ou tbe whole as in years past,

were lur more - taaieiul an 1 attractive.

White musllus, as usutl, predumioated,

ii-i!. ab the ■ > :ier m itsnils la w.nte wure

well represeuted. Wbite albitross, r'nm

silk, rbadauie aud LirocUcj satins, nuo's

veiling, foulard an I lact, wUllu au uoa-

slonul drapjry ol bright red or blue, give

Ibe ever moving pauirami aa additional brilliancy.

l'erbaps ibe most cbarmlog costume In

the nail was one of ottouiau silk aad wbite

crepe,Which was rivalled by oueofbrocad.

til white Mill) 1 be.-iJi: those there were

noticeable, a White batiste laatefnlly ei

broidered; while musllu with garnltu

ofblue ribbons; while nun's veiling with

garniture of wbite satlo ribbons; a blue

H.I'.N with raduBfOts back, very baud'

some; white muslin underskirt with ii'no

silk embroidered waist; tmbroide

inulie with 1 Llll *d front and tucked al the

back; White mulls embroidered, Qteei Anne stye; Wltie colored allk, very band

some; cream colored satin wilhovemklrt

pink mulIiMery prettily draped; while

nun'evelllng wilh putted waistand square

neck; blue alripid satin; blue batiste,

pink >i k undcrdress with while over;ai>d

many others displaying, excellent taste

ami tualetlal.

TJB rtcepilon was a saccess —of coarse

it was. Tae bl^b scaool n. 111111,1 I

n )ih 11; bat successes, nil last night waa

one ol the grestent tbev have achieved.


Mir, i'.,. or the It urn uiu anil London Show,

- -e» III this ►tupendous eanvaa entertainment lo ho

here July B, the Bo.Ion advertiser aaya. "Thla year the pel forrunnuea aru given in two ringi, and ou and :vated platform, instead ul in tbret linn*, na has been Mr, Bantuin'a recent plan, ttl whole, a* heieiulure, in m.- aurrounded by the hippudruine liaek. Kulrauec is made lliroupl iwo lent*, which ionium Ihe menagerie and maoy reinurkable tpeelment of the humin ram. The sn ,r ■ 1.,■.,:,■!, 1 1 11.,- „ ,.,.| ItaeUiiii to "nine ai

I ,1 ■■■■ - 1 hav<

Ward (),»

11. rat Imir

ed," f .il 11

and at Hometimea iiu >-i: tele of pertormaneea art Koii>K en aiuiulianeou>ly in Ihu rings and 01, llw ataiie. 1'iiivar l<< of >I0 aela are on tbe projtratn, and therefore It will he undcralood why few par lieular relereiiee* are made in thla notice. One tu,.., to he mentioned in n-neral la lhal, altbot |-h l.'ie.lowne a|>|>ear in Ihe eourae ol'the perfunn auce, not one of lb in ia of tbe atngln*; nr talking order, tbelr fun making being thruiiith their eoni' ieulaglhty, con lor lion* or itualntnuaa of drcaa The beaiparta of ibe exhibi.lon 01 Irained anl mail- are the Ufcrane atullioi,*, the ponira and tbe elephasU, The aerobatia psrltorasaees me very Hood, the tpring ; leaping nnw being done 'n the broad track intlead ot In the rmata. Tha trapeaeand slaok wire buaineea la alao good. Thuei|ueatriun I cub »re neatly andearelully per, forniud. Tbe races on the hip|io trwine eourae- whi.ilie.oneliidcllieentcrtalnraenl, are aa excil- Ing aa lliey hive been heretofore and are HKI'.I in the name way.

qol together a more telfnj ti of h

i»re, 4n,| ihit la aayina a xreit deal. Ile < inn;, tiic t ii.ume ui.nit. and Ibe ,wu dwi Admiral Dot and H .j n Atom , aad he haa Y unaand Itiirmeae.biuiix Indiana, Syrlana, ileoa, /.nlue, Algbana, Astess, Itotocudoa from the Auiaion, \:iuteh dsneing alrl*, apeeimena of remarkable people. TI, ■ exhibition 01 living animal* ia large and Interealim, aa usual Of the "aaered white elephant" il will be aullli'lent lo aay hero tnnt he doea nut compare In wliilencaa lo ihu dtiven anow, but that he it a ."■■111; 1 "I at d cleanly looking ',■■!.-1. and altogeth- er'pole an aristocrat among in.- nuneroua frl luwa. Jumho. more ponderoua than ever, alao ■■ in I ■; 1 I, .:. I .1 .'rl's'll .1,■■.■;,[■, „u I..' JIU'lll--

and peanuts from (rJendly gi

Narrow Ksettpe.

Monday evening as Mr. Henry C- Nevlne

was drivirg one of his speeders, 01,

Charles street, Methuen, and was turning

oal '.at a passing team, bis horse broke

and Ihe buggy In which be was rldlug waa

overturned, Mr. Nevlns falling under It.

He managed tu extricate lilmseir, clingiog

to tbu reins, and throwing tbe horse

Koriunately tbe gentleman escaped with

a few bruises, bu . bis position was ex-

tremely perilous for a lime. Tbe buggj

and harness were considerably damaged.

A Card.

For ibe fl iwers seat by tbe H)i:h Hchoo

00 grsduatioo day to decorate the grave

01 \1 ;■■-, Alice I',. Birtwell, her Tamlly re-

nini sincere thanks. Tbe sadness of the

dav was somewhat soliened by Ibis floral

tribute to ber memory from thuse among

whom the labored. Mjt. ANHMII-. Bliirwjci.r..


Advantageoua in Dvipepala. Hr. O. V. Doratv. Tiqua, Ohio, sayi: "I

have used u in d> - j ■*-_■- i ■ wlib very marked benerli. If there Is deficiency *»' acid in tbe iioRiacti, nutbiuK aHorda aiore relUt while the aeilon on tbe acrvuua system la deeidedly bene- flcial" dwlweod

so fir completed tber la iKiranj^t.i ;nt ibe rumlier ol polls, Ihe UA

rate and valuation of property m tbe city tbe prt.i -in year. Tbe Ux rale li 910.81) per thouiand, 20 cents more tbao lut year. Tbe toul valuation ia 927.274 061, Tbe bank stock owned hy reaidenlt It 954X.236. Tbe valuation ,ii tli" |, ■ .- is t.'■'.',"■.<■,. The pollt by ward! follow, wiib a comparison between t:ie return! Ibis and last year:

1*8,1 lHHt QMS LOSS 1H04 1707 'J7 1W:| 17S.J is 20.W 2071 13 l'JJO lLrl 1 39

" flva 1727 17W 12 " alx 1120 118JS firi

It will be seen tbat the total loss In

polls Is 110, and that 1' Is principally in

wards one and two. This lh« assessors

attribute 10 the fact of the partial suspen-

sion of the Washington Mills, and they

have not found uy tie" the assessable polls

they did In 18S3 at tbe boarding hOHSSI

of the Duck, PtAbertOD, Washington and

Eyere'.t corporations.

The valuation by wards follows: Last

year the totsl was fW,998,560, •948,191 less than In this year.

Ward one. 94,471.475 " two, C.lo2.«o0 " Ibree, 4,18fi,175 " four, fi.224 075 " live, S,5tiU 025 " SIX. 3,122,425


HOME UOHSIP. -Col. 11. K. Watson spent SUE


lay In Antlover Adve rtiser.

i llllAHl UK al.OKRMKK.

It-Kill ng ot the board, AlCcruian Thomoann presiding. Buainett:

I'tUtiont.-O! rrcd It. Warren, to enter tewer at Wintlow Mice, granted; of S. K. Novella lo

in.low Place, grautid; of Na- tli.ii A. Holt, Im -si l.'W:i!i. at tO Abbott ttreet, referred; of K. Haed, to ohalruel Ka-ex etreel

tide electing wall, xranlcd;. f Krneal A. Dick, , .il,.1111,a N.-Hi.n, > atreel while building, grant I; ol I,. H. D. Shepard, for Iranafer ol employ- lent llceoae from 3I< Ksaex atreet to ISJ I ■■,, v

tireel, granted ; or t>eo. II. Wil .on ft Co., 10 ob- lllaveilull, JJxiunland LowellatrecU while ng building, granted; ef U. M. Bleblord, el

al., for a are alum hoi attne eirner of Uxlord alelvin alreela, rulerre I; oi Ui> hael brown,

ol eily wuler Ihrougb flauipioii tlreel. and lhal the street mUbl IM accepted and gimlu eatub llthed, a bearing ordered for the Dial Monday in Aiiitunt; of Lewia Hobdy, fjr pormiastoe lo erect a lent on tbe e.omui 11, July I, referred to eily ma.thal.

//•■.ir|H^f.-Kor bu iu* out of Abbott atreet and Window place. Uriels adopted lor the aame. Tbe .tearing on Ihe laying out of Fouler Mr eel rat a i.cii.nril until the neat meeting.

.■■■■'■■ i',i<- r, 1. .,,,|.-i relative lo an in icaaeof 50 per ecnl. In the wagea of city labor- rt, when employed on Sunday, waa laid over nil! Die next meeting. An order waa adopted lhal the city engineer

prepare mapa of the voting prccinte, and lhal the ,ly clerk distribute the antne. /.'.;„,r(.«.--Tlu- commltiee on aewers and draina

(ported wilh regard Lo aaaca-lng, Black urn ft Co., who aak |>erail*aion lo enter Willow

street aewer, that aald Orm bu aaaeased tluuu. uce pled. Thu cooimiltoe oil aidcwnlkt reporle.1 favor-

ably on Ibe lollowing peuuoaa for aidewalka: ,1,1111c- p. Burnham, UlcbaelCirncy, John White,

1 m- ■"...■ .■.— :i.UN. n, I'lammer, el. nl., Loul* P, llrouateau, Patrick Hu-en, Charlca Booth. Jainea V. I.auigan, P. V. Itally and Mrt, K. Ilanley. Uearlnga ordereil lor an weeks irom date of meeting. Auguat 11.

Liquor J.ktitiei.—Common vicluallcrt.— Daniel Call 111, 111 Hampshire; Jamea alcCarlhy, J7 IrSeUlai Miebael creon, M Lowell,

lunholder—John hUselefi WsarJ ill Common a tml.

lii.ii-li'i Mm liinir Msiipln. from a."j to :iJo Elm aireet.

Jen'oHon'on-The resignation of llirirn K. Neal aa noiiepiniTeetor waa lendend and aeeepleil.

Ai>i<..intm-'it.—Jamea P. Ileardou « .1 ,.-( :■ ed an.i eunJnne | a apoeial police uflleer.

The Humes.

Stys ibe UubUay lilobei "The sincere

tbauks of a host baye lusily been accord-

ed during tbe past three weeks, >o

Messrs. Thompklus i (llll, of the Boston

Theatre, as well as Professor Bartholo-

mew, sud Msusger John D. Mlshler.of

the Equine l'aradox. Through the gen-

erosliy of tbeae aentleintn, oppuriuollles

for witnessing ihe marvelona borae ahow

bave been atT>rded a muililude. By tbelr

join: Invitation, 4000 scholars with 3000

tesmsiera and hack drivers, have seen the

Paradox free of cost, and learned si the

same time a most valuable lesson regard-

ing tbe wonjer'ul results of kindness

and care to developing ibe Intellluenc 1 of

"man's 1, friend." In addition

there have vlelteil Ibe Bjstuu.ln

10 Invitation, ibe IjuaUs wl ,b; ^,»ivt

female Asylum, the Ciildren'. Mission,

the Old Ladlte' Home, tbe Marcelia Stteei

Boms, tbs South Boston Insane Asylum,

St. Vincent's Asylum, as well an delega*

lions Irom several other charitable insil-

tatlous. The liberality wblch prompted

these oilers, will loug be remembered by

those wbo prod I ted by the opportunities

to see tne Paradox through these special lavllailons.

The School Vm-i ,

Scbool.with lit toils and vexatlopj, |i. ;, i.Ll.. ^nd Ita pleasures la over, and n iw romta tb<j

needed nine weeka'rcat to woleo na both tu teachcrt andpupilt. M.,ny oi tbe teachers bave already left ibe eily lor their own t ,..

or aome pleaaant place where they m,> rsetl* perate Ibeir waaud energies, an I a tew lemalo to attend the High School gradnation, the Alumni receptlun ur In rusk.: eJOli n.-cea- tary preparation* lur a lat.r d'p..nure. But wherever ihey may sojourn dnrin*i ibe siamer they tbouid remember lb il Hut time week's interregnum fa to much capital lor tbi in in ibe profeaalon Ibey have eboten, aa luuch id tbelr aueccia In tbe romlugatbool year depends nn the manner in which tbejr apend 1U1-11 vacailun. It ahuuld be a period ol real aud recuperation, aud uota time devoted tu gaiety, dress and aiffbt-jreing or tbe tiresome round of doing nothing. A vacation ipcnt In any of tbeae de- partments fa worse than wasted. Let there he tome light work laid out lo ba done.some read- ing arranged for, with a pleaaani ranety In cc- citionai amaaementa and ihe enjoyment of good company, and In ibla happy medium will be found the much needed henltu ami bjildlag tip ol tbe was'ed nervoua energies.

Thrown from ibe Track. — m

Saturday evening, tue 7 o'clock open bone ear lor South 1, twrrnce depot wai thrown from tbe track while crotaing the South eanal bridge, damaging tbe bridge and car badly, and break- ing the. larnpi which were tent flying in all di- rections tbruugb Ibe car. Tbe passengers were badly abaken up, some thrown upon tbe atreet and agaiast tbe iron plrdera. Mia, O'Brien, of South Lawrence, wa* Injured OD tbe aide and aboulder, Mr. Kianagtn bad a leg bruised, aad a Boston drummer waa bit on tbe beml by a lump, end bis leg wai injured. The car waa crowded, and running at Ita naual rate 01 speed lo meet the Portland train lor Boston and aur- moant tbe atcsp bill beyond the bridge. It waa thrown irons tbe track by ibe aprlnglng of tbe bridge, which la shaky and sensitive to heavy loads. Thla bridge baa been considered lor time time nutate— too abaky and narrow tbe heavy alone teams and traffic over it.

—There Is a u.oo-1 ikiuutid in more

seat* npon the common.

—Tbe common wasj well appticisted

by the public 03 Sunday.

— Mr. HelherltiKton, tobacco dealer, Is

a voluntary petitioner In InjolvcLcy.

— Rev. Mr. Wells preached his farewell

sermoo, at St. John's church, on SutuUy.

—The loot-killers avocation is nut cone;

the 'warm euougb IO.-JOJ" flood is abroad


—A letter c*;ne to the Lawrence post

olllci) on Saturday, nttdresseil lo the

"Bialcbhck" Mills.

— Lawrencu nns well represented lo

tbe ral.way coudu:iursexcurslun tu New-

port, ou Saadsy.

-Cbnrles P. i;.,,.> of the Harvard

Colkgs Law School, is at his home lu this

eily lur ibe suuimcr.

—Owen Cupp. A. It., of MethJen. re-

ceived the degree of Doctor of Medicine

al Harvard College, last week.

— Miss Carrie Currier, of Chicago, of

the Lawrence High School of '75, Is

spending ibe summer with friends lu this


—Tb« republican city committee has

leased heatffj'iariers iu Stannn'O's block

uu Appteluo sweet, a..d will u-JtvU tj-mor-


—There were twenty-two people from

Lawrence who sailed un the Canard

steamer C[ lislonia, Salunl.iy, fur Eu-


— A Uttla girl named Katie foil Ins was

baaly bituu by a dog, on Lowe 1 direct,

on .Sunday. The animal was killed by the


—John H. Morse, who Is taking the

college prepiral'.ry c iursu al llu.miiei

Academy, Byflilit, has relurued home fur

tbe summer vacatlou.

—A boat 1 sqi-./■■■ I below tbe Duik

bridge, un Sunday, and tbe occupant was

refcned from drowning by ibe dilver ol

ihe S 111M1 Lawrence car.

—The Steamer En pi re Slule made Its

opening trip for the season on Saturday

afternoon, with about (Hiecu huudretl

passengers; dally excursions are now


—A New Turk lady, who wis T/Ulllng

Lawrence last week, aald when crussing

the common, "You don'i find a prettier

park than ttls outside of New York 01 Boston.''

—A large number nf friends assembled

at the depot in ihls city, na Saturday, to

w:-li Miss Kille UttetOV, and ber father,

"boa voyage," and quite a number 01

them accompanied her tu Boston.

—It la reported thsi Mr. John M.

Richards has aad a Am ofliil from a large

piano dun In Luxl England, and that

he will probably accept the offer, reroov

ing to that city wilh hie

Uallrvail Treiwa.

Leave Boston lor Antlover, ".'in, V.:». ]u,3S. a.M 1 u u 1 .1,'JO, :M», *..'>a.;uo, 4, ft, 0. e.iift,:. op.n,

Andover lo lloator., S.M, 7.«.\ M.m, h„M. M.W.S.H 11 In, ,1 in. U J". ll.l-J. Mr.i. Jl.uii, 4 i«, SJ9.T.« p. ui. (Wc.lneaday.and r'rldaya U 31*, pni.). a

To Lowell. 7.44, »..;•■>:, 11. Id, a. in. 11», UB :s.'W, i.'jts, .'1. :■'.'. 7.W, p. m. liolngKaal, *.tt. a. in. I-1«, itO. 5 SI, e.M.p. ■ UolOK .North, a, U, a. m., p. a*

Mli.- McKeen is ai Concord, N. II. 1 Blanche Poor ia at Liberty Spring Kara,

since Lincoln have worn

, for three very

Boltlstoe. All ibe Prealdeula

lull lieardt. Toanka 10 George A. Tutnai

nice egg plant*. Ilev. J. J. Btair, preached at tbe almabonae i Sahhsib afternoon. Mrt. N. P. li »'.. Irnril of it .olhbay, Me., hai

in 1 ;, in town on a viail.


TA br k-i sin-^i It


■II, employed

me r-hifle-, here.

I'e coupling csts

aari being caaaht

He was able to

Death In e CemiMery.

About If o'clock an Tuesday, workmen em- ployed at the St. Mary'a cemetery, lound the body ol au aged man lying across a grata, I'haj recogciaed it ai tbat or Mr. Robert Plero- ng. and tbe grave waa tbal of bit wife, wbo lied about four years ago. Mr. Plemlng waa dead; ibe medical examiner waa notified, and dler viewing the remains, pronounced deaih

due to heart diaeaa*. or the eaceaaive beat. waathcilcfea*ed'*cu*-.oiii to visit bit wife's

Brave almost dauy. Being SI years of age be waa ID Techle health for aame time, but peraitted in going to the graveyard, even In inclement weather. He came to Liwrenc* about 32 yean ««o, and meceeafullr condncted a grocery butl neaa.amaailag a compatenee. He leaves two daughters, wbo reside *t No. tM Willow aireet.

Ulaa Katherlne Q, Plemlng, a teacher a! the Waabimiton acbooi,

-A little girl in town aaya *be ale too

much "water lemon" yeaterday for ber

dluuer, aeaalDg water melon. She was

probably ihinklo, 0f the mild beverage

handed roand at picnics, aad sold at clr-

cases, under tbe une 0f lenonnde.

bail a na row er-cape 1

on Saturday, one uf bl

between ihe buaters

work to-day.

— Henry It. Dow aor! James E. Wilkin-

son, o> Ut\* cliv, are among those who

graduated from Harvard College, last

week. Arthur W. Clark, of Lawrence,

baa comp iteil the lour years' onrse al

Ihe Harvard Medici! School,

—Division No. 8, A. O. II.. ilected the

following oillceis Suuday afternoon;

Prcsldeni, It. T. Butler; vice president,

H. U. Justice: receording secretary, John J. Aar({ financial, Terenci Riley; treas-

urer, Patrick Car.oil 1 BMralial, John J. Nugeut.

-Co. A or tbe Blaine and I, .^in lade-

pendent batlallun, has elected '.>•• lulItlW*

IngolHsjers: Cipt., Wm. U. WubtuTi F'"'

Lieut., II. in y A. Bouney; Second u,«..

Thomas 8:>merv::v. All wishing to loin

should send their names tu .Mr. Bonne} as early as possible.

-During the month of Juue, Ihe letter

carriers In this city, delivered 7J,17C let-

local aud iu, rsgls'Mted letters, lO.HttH

mall and 9187 local postal cards, and 88,.

405 newspapers j they collected from the

street boxes, 09,670 letters to be dispatch-

ed for other offices, 7854 local letters, 11,-

879 postal cards, sod 7,768 newspapers.

—Last Friday a.'leroojn, ihi parents

and scholars of Cross St. Scboo', predat-

ed Mrs. Etta J. 1. nil with a rattan rocier,

waste basket, and cut glass water piicter,

tray and goblets. Mrs. Lord retires from

the achuol with tbe regiclot both rsrent*

sod scholars, and also with their wishes

for her future happiness nud prosperity.

—Tne poetical contribution of Ml** l)il-cuil, 10 class day, Is of DOUJUSI iuir-

It; there is orlglaall'y of thought, loicr

of 1 xpressiua, and a genuine spark 01

poetry In the essay, snd 1 '■•■ school Is ti

be connraiulated scarcely less than ibi

anlhur, upon this adir.lrable pruduclior.

Pverjone will be repaid for reading MIBF

Drlacol"a bright poem.

—The teachers and pupils ai the grsdn-

Bliog eseiclsea on Mouday, no less t ian

tbe immense gathering of Interested par-

ents sud Inends, fully appreciated the thoughtful kindoess of Messrs. Merrill

and Sweeney, In tendering' tbe use if the

Opera House fur Ibe exercises; folly a

ihoasBnd more people gsloedadmittaace,

and the temperature was several degrees

lower than the cliy hall wjuld have been.

—The resignation or rnnclpel Lord o'

the High School, will be a decided loss tj

tbe scientific lepartmeut of tbat Instiln-

tinn, aa be had such a tboronuhly practi-

cal knowledge or all branches Inchemislry

aud physics, thit he was able to Impart

better Instruction th*.n that which comes

from mere book koowledge. The Electric

LLhl Company are very fortunate. In «e

carlocr tbe services or uoe wbo basso

completely mastered all points connected

wilh tbe bosloesg be has la charge.

— One of the most praiseworthy features

or tbe high school exhibition Monday

was the lond and clear enaociatloo 01

every scholar wbo look part. Tfterc was

not one wbo did not make himself or her-

self distinctly beard In every psrt of Ihe

spacious opera houee. An Immense

amount ul labor and drill must have been

the reason of this saccess. Much credit

Is due Miss E. G. Wutherr-ee, who haa

had the entire charge of the exhibition,

for the very creditable appeirance pre-

sented yesterday by the pupile.

—It la understood that the only reason

given why ihe Selectmen of Essex refuse

their permission to the Second Curps ol

Cadets to encamp at Centennial Grove is

because tbe town cannot afford protect'on

tu tbe young men and maidens who stay

out after darg to attend the evening band

concerts, the camp ground being so far

outside or the limits or the town. These

concerts aru given for the corps, not for

ouUl.lers aliogettm, and i". Is by courtesy

that visitors are present in camp after

'■retreat." Tha camp last year was one

ol the lineal disciplined camps hi the

militia, and no complaint Is made la aay

form about the conduct of the men. Oo

the uootrary, letters expressive of Indtg.

nation at the action or the Selectmen bave

been sent from tbe nearest residents in

the vlclolty 01 the campground, Including

, Mo., Cbariea F. Foater and wife of St. Lome e in town visiting Iriendi a lew wsaki. Key. A. J. Cbaplln occupied the pulpit of the

Georgetown Baptist Church, last Sabbath. Prof. J. W. Churchill, prearbed at tha

Phillip* Church, oouib Boaton, last Sabbath. A pine cone with tbe inscription, "Tbewooda

are lull 01*'em," ia tbe Blaine badge iu Maine. Hey. saniiii-i Bowkrr, of Lowell, will preach

at the L'nion Chapel, llallard Vale, next (Jab. bain.

Professor Jobn l'lielpa Taylor preached at the IrstCongregational Cuurch lu Lynn last Sab-


Tbe Tyer Hiibber Company are ebntdown ibis week, lu atford tbelr help an Independence vacation.

Her, (leorge Hooar, 1). D., or Oakland, Cal., occupied tbe pulpit ol tbe Cbapel church, last Sabbath,

■lev. Dr. Street, of Lowell, preached at tha West church last Sabbath, In exubanse with tbe pastor.

Mri. J. I'. Huberts occnple* one of tbe new eatlagai recently erected on liarlleu aireet, by D. S. Richardaon.

Georgia expects to receive a million of dollar! for ber melon crop ihia season. A vary hand- •ome "melon." ibal.

Little Jack 1 "Mr mamma's new fan Is band- pi1nted.'> L'tilc Dick: "Pooh, wbo ceres f our whole tence is."

Communion aerrice at tbe Free Chimb next Kabhatb ai:ernoon, at 1.30, and at tbo South Church ai 2 o'clock.

Proieaaor Woodruff, alter tbe flril of Hep**ra- ber, wiiioccupv tbe bouse of Mm. II. F. Hay- ward on School atree*.

Mr. and Mrt. H. M. Dowm leave town thla week, im s ii Watt Harbor, Me., where they will apend tbe aummer.

Alexander II Stephana' library, wh'eh cost iweuiy thousand dollars, waa aoid lo Jobn A. Stephen? ior eight hundred.

Some one his son 1 ui a copy of tbe "Opinion," ■ |. :■;:■■:■'1 1 .1; 11 11 V,T, C:,.. It is Wide

awake for Blaine and Ligao. There wat a largely attended, and aurcesiful

f'atival at the Ciitiohc Church on Tuesday and Widneaday evenings ol this week.

Benjamin Brown will build a bam tbla aeason, neat bit residence on Park street. Braluerd Camming* does ibe carpenter work.

Lvmau A. llelkrap of tbi* town, ha* been ap- pointed oue nl tbe iruatee* or tbe Stale Alms- bouie and Workhouai lor three years.

A Mtlle son of Micbaol Kelly or Frye V iilage. aged 3 years, tell irm a swing on Friday, and broke bit apinc which caused biadealb.

A woman wbo ded It Canniflon, Canada, a lew days art), weighed over500 poanda, sue waa ibe iargctt woman in tbs Dominloo.

hire. Charlet Hobs, or Ihls town, lafl Boston lati Siturdsv in the aieamthln Cephalonla for Liverpool. She will vialt friend* ID Scotland.

Mi*t Savin or New York city, and Mr*. Naw- bail, Mt*. Ciarke, and Mr*. Breed of Lynn, are, linnMiuiu Boynton in ibe Wert Parish.

Wheu Clara wat aiked what abe would do If a nice IUUUK gintlemaa abould aak ber band In HI ii 11.t..', *be naively replied, "I don't think

S it Habbath morning ibe service* at tbe Free Church will be devoted especially to tbe children, a* i* tbe custom on tbe ilmt Sabbath ia July.

A quantity of very large and tempting Straw- berries, have bean dlaplajed in Parkera window for «everal day*. Tbey were railed by Ooorge Outieraon.

Mr*. Scott of tbe Temperance I'nloa, ipeke at Smiib* Hall, Frye Village, last Sabhatb evening. The audience waa large and the lec- ture g;od.

A tcboo!-boy, wbo stood at Ihe bead of bis claaa lor dulnest.eald one day In hi* recitation in geography, "The crocodile ia the largest in- sect in Amcrk-a."

"How do you do today i" aated a patron or a library, aa tbe banded a book lo tbe llbrarlaa. "I bear yon bave been troubled lately with a apine in yonr back."

Jobn II. Cbandler waa licensed lo sell Ore workt, with otber*. from July 1 10 Jaly 5, bat bia name wa* inadvertently omitted in tbe llai puOliahcd last week.'

At ihe annual meeting nr the slams'*v" <y 11 ' mi 11 0 MSKU. ijiai-ji we.-,!'.!!..!,.!

... *, , . clitieiuit of ibla town, was cuosen one ol the Vice Preaideuts.

A fmc made from some nf ihe timber of tbe ilmt Md.iio.liM church built In America, which ia a hundred and twenty year* old, ia owned bj Bishop Pierce, ol Ueorgia.

The highway tnrveyor* SN doing some good work ;n. if town. Ihe repaira on Salem street, including the carriage road aad ildewalka, make a very great Improvement,

The financial -trlng^ncy In New York has produced one exceihnt offeci. Fashionable drcaa maker* aay thai hundreds or ladies bave b.'gun tu mike their own gown*.

At a temperance celebration In Nuwmarkst, a I tile lad apoeared in tbe urocetalou, bearing a Hag. on wuicb waa Inicribed lbs 10 lowing; "AT» right when Uaddy'a sober."

A* iwo bearer* were walking away rrom tbe grive In which ibey bad depoalied a neighbor, one said 10 tbe other, "Well, Mr. Mime, here's wbere we've all got to come, it we live."

Mrt. Rdiib Alfea, or New York, gives as one ot ter reatont lor a<km< a divorce from Colonel Vanuerhllt Allen, tbat the round a long blonde ■air on bit coal, while the I* a brnnait*.

Seventeen orphan biblei havs irom lime to time been adopted by Joseph Cbtmhers aad wireor Belleiontaine. Ub.o, and Ihe other light ibe eighteenth wai left on their djor-*tep.

"Thai, air.ii a djssert," atld tbe waller to a Hooaier, wbo waa about to reach lor au metblng juthe uoie. " I don't care il Ilia a wllderneea/* waa the answer,'T am going to eat it all the

Tbeldcutit (n the Merrlmack Valley al :>.■:.'.■ -,i N. tl .are ruining the graaa crop and injjnnit oean* and corn. At the same lo- •aliiy, yei!ow and black bug* are eating tbe squa b vims.

Mrs. Alexander Urar of tbi* town, and Mhs Nellie Dear u; Liwrenee, w I,I sail in tbe at ram ■hip Samaria, Irom II aiim fur Liverpool on Saturday. lh-y willvialt Iriendi in .Scotland, and be abient two or three month*.

Miiliona of gra*ihopperi made .1 raid ■■ a vimv* d at Fresno, Csl., shout a fortalght ago. rue propneior bougbt a thoutand or so nf youag mrklea, snd turned ibem looae lo the vmerard At the end ol tbe week tbe hopper* bad in lire v .Jlaappearid. *

A Jarjic Balm of Uilead tree waa blowa apt n Ih 1 bouie of Hum* F. Caldwrll, a lew days ago. A'Kiut hall a cord or it wa* cut npon tbe roof, aa ibe moat convenient way or diapoaing or it. the tree was more than iwo feet In diameter *bcie ibe wind broke it off.

TbeMliae* I'eabJdv are making important mprovementt nn their Main atreet residence, lue old back part ol ihe bonai baa been re- ■ii'-v-i. umi a new addition built In IU place,40 oil In leneib, a portion u( li two atorlet lu blgbt. Horai-n W11*011 due* ihe work.

There were ibree hundred pert on* at the pie- <> e of tbe Krreehurcb Sabbatn tcbool, at Shady Side Orovo, Uaggeita pond, on bainrday. Moat of tbe number were conveyed In barcss lurnlabed by John Pray. The day was .peat m hosting, aalDging, and a good Hue generally.

Aaron Jones of Lyncbhurg. Vs.. hs* posted a nolle nl tlittoiution on b!a shup door aa fal- lowa: "ibe partnership heretofore rettiiina be- tween me aid Mote la tbltday resorted. A.M rarile* inlehted to tbe coocern will lettle wUb

jsafwffa'ii?' coaK"a ■iod,ued ,o

On Friday evening, the Ladit*' Social Uniao of tne 11*; Mat cbnrch, held wbkb pnlinimary nun e u en I a wero taken towards railing munry |or new window! (or Ibe church Aa tome »4W) mi been already aeenred tbs , mi -it Is bfculy to be accompllihed.

T. A. Holt ft Co., hive made important tm- provemtnts in tbe interior of their itore. The old counting room bat barn taken out, and a new ooe built In tbe west end ol tbe dry goods ££*?£2!* Thii •rr*"*:«n>6'>l will turaun more room for grocorle*. and prove a greet cos teuienca lor tbe business ol tbe eaubliahmeut. isbllsbiMnt.

long since, a charch au-jiTerwry Ws. held. The sund.T tchooi

had . procMskm-l. a. In ,be BPi.eoPal rhtTrch and a goodi deacon was 10 land Ibem. The

in. followed by toe acbolan.jmt as the cbolr commerced the second »erae,"See the n.Igh , bott advancing, Satan leading on."

Msrried, In Plymouth, tbe residence 01 Frank V, Kev. O. II. Sroit and Ue<

Msrried, In Plymouth, N. H., June asth al Ibe rcdence 01 Frank W. Kutreil, Bw bv Kev. O. ll. Sen and Kev. 1 C psase H«*

attf-JS?- ?lr.1on"' ChU»™ & M*» Cane L. Hall, of Plymooih. Mr. Bird was a

MS" °'ihS.And°u'er TtieologlMi Semln.rr n 18,0, snd Mjaa Hall baa b.en lor Mveral rear. p««, a teacher lu Abbot Academy, a posl- ti.n which abe has jual realaaed. The newly iusrri,,i ,-uupio will tpend some Urns In Europe on their wedd'ng tour.

Hied, in Andover, June27tb Sarah, wire or John luoini'-iin, agetl nearly 70 years. Mr*, thompton bas long leddcd In Frys Village, where the reared a Urge lamlly ot cbiidrsn im a praiseworthy manner, all or whom bave ar nvcsl at maturity, and honor tbe early training snd Instruction -if iheir worthy molber. Sbe was blghiy ftieenvd by her neighbors lor ber many exce'hnt tis.Ua or character, and ber loss -ill be (ererely lelt hy an ber tamily t


- - , -—.—,_._B ..... ■...,..., ,,,, .., mt 1 Mrl minijj con nee- cltiiens or wealth and position. The corn tto°" ■n'1 'rt«n,,»- funeral ae-v ices were held will encamp it Centeaitlal Urofe, gJ^,^ggLw •"*« afternoon, ttev. Dr.


The Temperance Lectures glean In the inwn hall, June 27 end '■<■<>. were of much interest, but owins to the haatol the season, ibe w n cocci were email, and Oeo. Jobn L. 6wlH' loreore will be postponed mull autumn

'Itin AUJUVLT Dtum Crps WUI»H«III at ibe hut lecture. In full uniform, und br their m compelled manr to coma in to tbe, from the bv war* and hedges.

IUIIar-1 Vale.

Ifn. H. B. BIOWD, of Trenton, New Jersey, I* ipendinK ■ few weeks bere wita ber parents, Mr. and Mra. Hilton Moore.

Tbe people or Ballard Vale bare made up a subscription of about «125, and propose to cele nraietbe KIOMODI lib in a proper m inner. In tbe morning at (Jo'ciock, tbe "Homilies" will make tbelr appearance. First pnre of *5, tor tbe moet comical, second 93. for tbe beet local bit, third 91, Tor tbe worst looking. During the Lav tbere will be a tab race, foot race, lack MCC. tod pouto race. Lemonade free to all. Fireworks in tbe evening.


Mr. Wm. B. liter bai arrived home from

About twenty salmon Nave bee a liken at tbe fiibing around*.

Mr. and Hn. Jobn Croialand Mil lor Eng- land, Saturday.

Tbe machine ihora and mills luipcnd oper- ation! Friday and Saturday.

Tbe Inalallation or tbe cfflceri of Waowlnet Lodge, Odd Keliowa, occurs next Wednesday evaolns;.

Friday morning, at :> o'clock, tbe Start meet the Franklina, of Lawrence, on tbe Button Grounds.

Mr. Tbomaa Somervllle baa been elected 21 Lieutenant of (-ii. A of lha Blame and Logan Independent Battalion, Lawrence.

Tbe Aaaodatlon Orounda, have been en/aied for Saturday. Ibe ' Inat., wben a game will l>e played between ibe Sure and tbe Pember- tona.

From tbe reporU given by tbe teecben, the School Committee haa eatlmated tbat 1)100 hooka will be required under ibe new/ree ttxt

Miaa Anna Dyer, a teacher in tbe Oliver Grammar School, Lawrence, wet tbe recipient Dftwoelegandy bound volumes of Lowell and Long(ellow'i noema, by tbe graduating claea.

Tbe Blalne and Logan Clnb held a meeting Monday nlgbt. and adopted a eonatltntlon and by-laws. Subsequently a flag bearing the namae of ibe Republican candidate! waa thrown to toe breese at Cheney'* Corner.

The Fembertona, of Lawrence, fell a victim to C«pt. Deaiy'a pitching, Saturday, on tbe SdUoe Uronntle, tbe erore Handing 12 to 7 in favor of the Stars. Thli waa tbe Drat defeat tbe Pembertona bate aofTered In eight games.

Laat Friday tbo Selectmen appointed tbe fol- lowing gentlemen reaiatrare of votara, in an or with Ibe requirements or tbe law re- cently patted: C C. Barker, 1 Tear; .1 .firry K«iley,2 jesri; T. K Oilman, 1 year.

There were nineteen applicants for admitiion to tbe Jobsion High School—all rrom Principal efmltn'a school—and fifteen paaecd without any coodittoue. Tbe unuaually One elimination. which tbe aucceaaful onee pasted la verv cred- lunle to the excellent Instruction imparted by I bat gentleman.

At lha School Committee's meeting, Satur- day. June 28, the tuflowlng transfers of teach- era were made: Miss H. C. Carleton to fclerri- mack No. 2, Mlaa M. K. u-tealy to Merrimack No. 3, Mlaa M. P. Cos*; to Merrimack No. 4, Mlaa M. N. Berry to tbe Farnham. and Mlaa H. F. Carleton to tbe Pond. Miss Anna M. Tucker wa* elected master's aialataut in place or Mlaa Crocs.

Tbe following applicants bave been admitted to tbe Jobnson High School: Fred LaMcre, hi lie Commlngs, Fred 8. Smith, William H. Morrlsacy, Maud Milner, John Mahaney, Kits M. Ryan, Jobn Murphy, Daniel Regan, Annie Willis, Llssle Crockett. Prank Farmer, Del- pbena Meeerva, Fred Keruhaw, Delia Manton. Tbs five wbo attained the highest rank were: KredS. Smith, John Mnrpby, John Mabanuy, Hand Miner, Fred Ksrsbew.

Tbe reception of tbe Jobnson High School Alnmni Association, at Steyeni Hall, last Fri- day evening, was an entirely ancceiarul and noteworthy affair. Aa usual on like occaalons, tbe attendance waa very largi-, but tbe arrange- ments were ao well planed and carefully ex- ecuted that little Inconvenience came from tbla source. Tbe many white and lit'" colored gar- ments worn by the ladles lent an additional pleasant effect to the animated scenes or tbe dance. On Ibe Stage were the floral decorations of ibe aft era oon, furnished by the graduating; class. A half-bour concert preceded a prom- enade or almllar duration, and then dancing was taken up, and, with the exception of an in term isa I on, continued until midnight. The duties of floor director were admirably perform ed by Mr. Oeo. L Wright; bis assistants, who rendered efficient service, were: Messrs. John B. Regan, Edward Fernandas, Frank Clongb, and Edward Fuller. Tbe music of Ibe Amer- ican orchestra, of Lowell, waa tbe finest ever given here. A handsome collation was setved, Wcldman, of Lawrence, being the caterer.

In tbe holding of tbe graduating exercises of lbs Jobnson High Rhooi l, wbLb occurred last Friday) In tbe afternoon iu pr»f reiice to tne evening, a departure waa MO*. Irotn the time trodden path! of usage. Tbe lealure ot pietenU ing tbe graduates wltb tributes is tl ml designs waa happily dlecarded. Simplicity waa a re- freahlng innovation, and it is hoped, now the radical change baa been effected, that it will be retained. A border of beautiful plans, pro- e red from Mra. Waterman'* • taoli timen*, daouratdd the frnnt of the stare, and tu s was tbe only embelishment. Th 'inner nt parents, friends and dthtena *>, orally wiiu were present evinced tbat there li no lack of in tcreat manifested in tbe weiinre of N th An dorer'a highest tducatlotial mm uii„u. Tbe literary merits of tbe aestys were of a high standard, tbe themes being ihonghtfully treat- ed,and the enunciation was ■ picleily good Mr. Palmer, tbe principal, and bis assistant, Mlaa Sargent, are entitled to cr :u.t tor tbe ex- cellence ot their tutelage, as d splayed in tbeir pnpl'e' vork. Tbe vocal porti.iu of the exer i-i---, mi nr the supervision ol Mr. K ward Bu lerwi.riht i a'ruetof •' mnsic In the ai iiools, waa al»o Hum.) oi ftHUMsjidallM, T'.a pro- Ssmroe wet as follows) Music, American

rcbeatra; prayer, KaV. A. H. Arum ; eeiay, Bxagceratlon In Speech, Mils Sfaepr d; «on«, "Nymphsof ili! Ocean Kprav," school; eaaay, Waste and Improvement »| Time, Miss Ingalla; music, cornet solo; c>say, Th- Good Old Tlmea, Miss Roacbe; mnsic, 'Beatrice di Tends;" easiy, Tbe American Girl, MiasSan- born i song. Misses Sanborn, Wilkinson. Snep- ard and Prince; essay, 8h«k*»Pv .re's Female Characters, Hiss Davis; sour, "to Tbee, O Country," school; eiasy. The U Ited States, Master Regan; music, clarinet lot ; eaaay, The Higher Education of Wumen, Mia McKone; music, orchestra; presentation ol diploma* by Mr. B. W. Oreeoe, chairman ot the School Committee; chorus, "Auld Lang Syne," school; benediction. Rev. A. II. Amory. Tbe grad- uates were I Mary Btlsarieth Davl*, Harriet Ann McKone, Holen B'rat Rmche, Annie Esiclla San born, Bessie May Stiepard; candidate* for eertiflcatea, 14a Beitba I > gal Is, Jobn Edward Megao.

BF. HOLT, Ice Dealer. Order Boxen sat Kca A Abb.itl'a, Andover, and at

dreeae A Wood! in',, Ballard Vale. Orders promptly attended 10. tf

business, haying obtained a tatlhereior. Ueneral Jobbing, reuiovlnjf

of pianos, furniture, etc. Parlies accommodated for day or evening pleaaure. Realdanue at alra. Uleaaon'a resilience, Eaaex atreet. tf

In Boola, Bhoe . . Boots made and repaired)

short notice. Ordway A Clark's uulebrale lionaola Boot a lor l;nlic* wsar, BOBataiUf a

■ *"dover.

JOHN H. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Dealer In Clothing and Uent's Fnrnlabing

Uoodaolallklnda. tiarmenla made in thelateat [aahion and warranted to 01. Repairing, ulean-

iiiii done noatly. llaln atreet, ■OTIHTF Andoyer.

CIIARLKH 8. I'AItKKtt, rurniehlna Undi-i Uker. ol >(u ing Urovt, CM '

etcry, OBlce i'urk »tre*l. Kcai.lence Muoimc

WOOD & COAL fbitu Asb an. franklin Coal!.

HAUl) AND SOFT WOOD. Prepared .iileslred.

ioii.'hi.i i,,

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. Ordat received,abd bills settltn at


Oonoslir PoatOmne.




Kreah, and Warrtotail gtrk-Uy I'.in-

PARIS CREEN 2." C«oU per lb.

LONDON PURPLE IU Centa per lb. at

(IKO. H-PKitKINS', - DniKRUt (Under llorrlnuck li.ll ) lyiet

OEPORT of the ContlHlon of

"The Andover National Bank." at An.lover. in Use Stale or hUvaauhuaellsat lb. close of bustnesa June W, Ifcl.

uisjouRcaa. Loans and discounts, U- 8. Bond* to aeoure circulation, U. 8. Bonda on head, Dnefrom approve! reserve agents, Real estate, lurnlture and Uxtures, Uneoka and otner cath Items, Bills of other banks, Fraotlonil paper currency, nickels

and pennies, Bpejle, Legal tender notes, Redemption lund with U.S.Treasurer

(9 per cent of circulation).

ji'ji.a&.i M ■JO0.OOU tw

'..I "HI 00 in ton n-i

il Joblilng BUM ->« whi.h liaa heen run lor a year nr two past r B. B. Tultle. All orders promptly attend*! i at reasonable pfloee. conveyance to !.«*■ tace on ai.y rvennic when dcairi'd, Urder

boiGa at tbe I'onl (IIBce anl Seminary. If lie

Klorul.-Baakel ice, PLANTS

for Cburcbee and Fairs. Ordeia eoliuiled and promptly eiocuted. Near the dcpoL.

lyroe* ^^^^^ ^^^^


<>. Hi-siTI, fashionibli sk llaker, baa taken rooma

.. Mo. II Hain Street, anal ii preuared to do Dreaa and Cloak Making. no!7

I Dreaa a

■ denes at Barnard's R'or Andoyer. Office houre t-l»a.i

tf dec«

Ice and Real Alain Street,

, |-l and alter

TTTiLMAif r. nKDLwT-bealar v* all kinds, fresh ami salt, emo

pink led; Li dolivered.

— .alt, smoked pickled; Lobsters, Clams and Oyatera. U

■ti.rl. li'.i

LIVES W. VENNABO, Sexton ot the S Church and in chsrs^ ol the L'cinclcrj,

work in tbe yard done Witti orotuutnose an. reasonable rtlea. Itci.l.mcr. Central street. I'. Hii\ AM I ■■..■'. :..|, . ,, ;■■■... |

___, former). .. Building, lumber ni nlanedatab rt nnti

Andov.T, Ajirtl II

Carpenter and Tarkaml Bartleti

'cupled by John ti'Connell. initaaLly on h.n .1 or fur.

EDWIN 11. BAKNAUD, l'tt.ntitm. (iia- aing. Urainlnx and i'aper ilanalnff. A

' Boom Paper constantly on BhoiiKaaex St. myl4 Iv

I>B. J. F. icini \Ki>s,

PHYSI01A.V AND dUEGEON. Corner Central and Brook Stt- novSlv 1KDOVER.

r. A. Biwver wllle. thver hot brown bread and beans,

Bus lay morning in North Andover.


Lykens Valley Bed Ash Coal, .Urd Wbi

Miss O. \v. NEAL, Swift', llulldlns, ll.iln Street, Andover

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. " jeclsl attention to all kinds ol Stamping,

oy for Domestic Patterns and Barrett's Dye H.I,in1.


Emma M. E. Sanborn, 11. II., GREEN STltEET,


ce Hoar*: I to 1.1. M., 1 ti

ClIAb. 11. <:ll.l!EUT,



Express, Store, Mattel, Hilt anil Meat WAGONS.

Kepalrinir in all Its Branches.

tfinvll AMHIVKi:, MASS.

Morrill's lee I ream Parlors, PURK COM-TCCTIONKKY

Manufsotured daily, •puriii'n ntpaUad with ICE OREAM, SHERBET,

and a One aasortment ni'CAKEal abort notior. M.'nN Served to Order.

liti.iit si., directly o| pnnile l-'.-in. i. m Urounda A Nov. .'. 1183. Andorrr, Uaaa.


Cor. Main St., *ntl I'linrliarrl Avrniio


Offlee Honrs: a-30 tnliao A. U., 3 to 4 ant 7 to I f. U. apJSU

LAND FOR SALE, r eaubtcrlberMTirafi land eaut ot lbs Pun

o. trani« fiom I'uni! :ne very oligiule Inn.-.'

awdotay, Juste 11.1 ■I I Ml' II. 1 ■■


Sl«ne lurnlibo.l for foundatlona and nt Rurpoaea, at aimri noli -o. Cellars r.ontrae.. .

ti in townjand vIclnlLv anil built by eaperlenned work an. IT mv7

Urs. Sarab I. Barxent and Haria Bruerlon, are visiting frienda in Drooklyn,». ¥■

II in. B. P. Wsi.n.1, of New fork, was lb. town lur a few b.iurs on Saturday laat.

Tbe Universaliat Sahbatb School held IU an- nual picnic at 1'olicy I'ond, on Tuesday last.

-Mr. <ieo. A. Closson bas a contract lor doing tbe atone work on Trinity cburcb, In Lawrence.

Mrs. Elbridoe J. Button, ol New fiedfoid, was In town Isst week, visiting ber relatives and friends.

MM. Jobn O. White and daughter, Florenee, have gone to Arlington to pass tbe remainder of tbe summer.

Mr. Wm. Wardwell arrived In town tbe id or the week, having passed tbe last seven months in Florida.

lit-v. Donald Fraser will preach at Sitem II , ssaln, on next sabbath, at 2 p. m. He was welcomed by a good audience on last Sunday,

Kev. Oeo. J. Judkins, tbe preaiding elder ol ibe district, preached at tbe H. £. cburcb. on .Sunday laat. He was f jrmeriy pastor over tbls cburcb.

Mr. Jciae A. Towne ba* Ihj contract for 'nnNiiii; Mia. Dr. Hates' new bouse, on Low eil street. It will be a one reilucnco whet completed.

Kev. .I.E. Davenport, wbo committed sui- cide at Providence, It. I., on Saturday last, was formerly pastor of tbe Unlvaraallit church, ID

IfcleteWw. Mi. Sylvester Blodgett fall from the roof oi

bis barn on Thursday last, and received qnlte painful fnjunea, bnt it Is thought that no bones are broken.

Mrs. Olive Cutler Merrill, of Am beret, , was present at the High School Alumni enter- tainment. She Is a graduate of tbls school, of tbe class ol 77.

r. Jobn Board man "a bouse, situated at tbe westerly part of tbe town, was struck by ilabt- nlng during one ot tbe recent showers, bot no injury was done to ttie occupants.

Tbe beira of the late Fairfleld White bave placed a Dne monument over bis grave, ,n Wal- nut Urove cemetery. Tbe work was done by Andrews and Wheeler, of Lowell.

Toe selectmen were In session on Saturday, and appointed registrars of voters under tbe new law, wbo are as follows; Jobn W. Fred- erick, Oscar Bnrscb and Oeo. W. Tenoey.

The members and invited frienda of tbe Me- tbuen clnb, had a picnic at Policy pond, on Wednesday, through tbe day and evening, A good orchestra lurnisbed mnsic for tbe occasion

Jsmes Chambers, of Lawrence, bas been awarded tbe contract for the Improvcux nt of Brown Street, i-r (775. Josspb E. Bniwell has tbe cotiimit for the new road across "bear Meadow" at ffHS.

Mias Km I, i,i T. Stevens died on Monday list, at tbe reaiJence m Mr. Levl O. Clark, trom the erf.eta of an overdose of laudanum, axed 6-5 yens. Her remains were taken to Somerr ills fur iotermant.

Henry C. Novlni, Kiq., bas erected a flsg pole on bis premlst a which la 135 feet In height. It atandaon tbo lawn, a few rods north irom hla residence, and will be adorned with a hand- some flag in tbe course of a few days.

Hope Lodge of Odd Fellows, held Us semi- annual e'o.-tion on Monday evenins, and chose ibe following offl-ers: N O., Danhil Webster; V. 8, Wvman Smiib; Seel. Jobn S. Tapley; Tress.. Adam< 11. Cegtwell. The les'.aiialon will occur on Monday evening, July 7tb.

The Metbnen High Schotl Alumni Asaocia- t'on, held its annual business meettnp, In the library room, on Friday evening last, and elected the following ofBoers:—President, Jai. L. Kmeroon, 75; vice-pieildent. Miss Camella Howe, 74; secretary, Fred A, Lowell, 7V; board of control: Oeo. I. Sargent,'83; Mrs, Emma Merrill. "74 , Mlsi Orsce Stevens, tit; K v va J. Hardy, '81. It was voted to limit tbe tickets tor tbe next re-unlon, to inn lor each

Byron Truell & Co

florae Thief Caught.

Wm. Ltngley, of tbe Arm of Lkngle* t

Sallh, left bin borae and light wagon with canopy top, standing; In front of hii tore

on Miil.ll.i street, Lowell on Tautaday

evcolns, ami on returning shortly after- wards found tbat It had disappeared, lie-

uortoftba loss war made at tbe police station and a aerrch waa immediately be-

gun for the team. Information having

been obtained tbat II bad beenaeeo golait

n tbe direction of Lawrence, Inspector Hayes and P. J. Smltb set out to overtake

tbe thief If possible. Tbe team was trac- ed through Lawrence sod Methaen and

acrofs tbe New Hampshire Hue, and was

first caught elf hi of when the offlcers bsd

reached New Salem. Tbe tblef finding himself pursued jumped oat of tbe team

and ran acroes th rough a cornfield In

hopes of striking; the woods. Inspector

Hayes gave blm a sharp chase, and being

good runner came up to hlin. The tblef slopped and gave battle, and qilte a las-

sie ensued before the Irons coald be pot upon him. During the melee the officer wss compelled to give blm ■ number of rape on tbe side of the head. Tbe thief

proved to be Wm. O'Nell, better known

as the "terror of Middle street,'* who has served a number of senteocoa in various

institution* for criminal ohVnces. He Is ,■.() >. ii.-s nil! and a deaperate cbsracler.

The borse bad been quite rapidly driven

hut had not been injured. Tbo police of

ibis city were notified of the larceny, and epent several boars eeeicblng lor the

lesra and tblef.

A SV.M little pocket pamphlet has been

Issued by the proprietors of that well- known and popular bouse, the United

States Hotel, Boston, conLalng a fine map

of the city, anl also a map of ibe harbor,

the latter showing all the points of Inter- est, iteamcrs, waters, etc. Tbls bit of

unterprlse ought to result well for tbe proprietors of ibis Hitel, which, noder

the efficient management ofex-counclllnr Tilly H) nes Is deservedly winning freab


beach's Wot Id Soap, a pure and healthy Soap.


Wben Baby waa MCH, we gave Castors w*neo sue was a Child, sbe cried for Caatorla When abe was a Miaa, she Clung to Caatorla, Wben she bad Children, she gave tLem Caatorla


K. I'IKK. fio'e Agent for the

A.l.uiii & Wutttfca OH. STOVKH, And tbe AVBBILL HEADY |aflXBD I-AINTS in can or bulk. Call and ace tnunew Wagon lank, tte beatlblnr ..,.-.

K. IMKK, Tiirli Street. Andover, Ap-I1 I. IMH. 4ra


Time and money will be sav*d by keeping Kidn>y-W(nt in the bonse. 1( i- an invaluab e remedy Tor all disorders or the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels and lor all diseases arising from obstructions of these organs. It has cured ninny obstinate caa- a after hundred! ol d dlara hni been paM to physicians wiibout obtaining reiiLf. It cures Consiipation, Piles, Bilionsnesa and all kindred diaorders. Keep it by yon,


Newfound) Jaek. Wtioe

ilons a ketf.

LOST. nd !>"g; answeia to the

rer win retain tiim toC. A tr, w. 1 M rewarded sad



. __— ,000 00

I .vi i M l»,ii.-tl 11

tt.lOU 111


Capital stock pnld In, Sarplestund, Undivided prolta. National bank noten outaUadlng, Dividenda unpaid. Individual "Ifpomtn subject to check, Demand cirllti.'ales oiileiosll, Doe to other National Bank*,

TOT A I, Bute of Mi 1, Moses router, Cu

bank, do solemnly swear mn mo ssjn ■ la true to tbo best of my knowleilRe and bsllef, MO^BS i'oiTKH, Caahicr.

BiiUac.rilM-1 and aworn to before me, this 301b day of Juoe, ISHI.

tiEOBUE F03TEB, Notary Public,

Coakaurr—Attest, EDWARD TAYLOR, ) JOHN r. EIHBALL, [ Director! JOS. A. SMART, )

Miss Hone Kytinge navs, "Jouninl am Rfid tlie tl^ftiricat profession nro

connected by very tlender ties." One of wliieli, most (ragrnnt ltose, is advertisa. There is BOtblog like it, we assure you.—Louisville Post.

BERKY.-tn it,i» :,','"•„ tne , .'ih, ;i daugbtcr

c 'iStb, a daughter to

NOYK ■*-■■■ In Andover, Jure -Jfiih, a aon to Ml andMra. Krcdeiiok J. Noyca.


Dear sir.-The ktelf Piano, which yon ao kindly plaoed In tne Church for my use al the ■annirersary Kiersiaei of Abbott Ar.idemy, on Toeaday, Juaa 10, waa an eieellrat one.

The tone waa noble an I aonoroua, action res- poaslve aid elastic, scale tree from b It tones, and of re-narkable evenneaaa.

If ttna was a epeelmen ol lha Mtleff Pianos I congratulate you uiion aoau'lng the agjaoy.

Very truly yonra, H.M. DOWNS.

Andover, June 10. ISM.

TO LET. A House with elshl rooms in goad repair

Hard ann son water In tbe bonse. Enqnlreof Mrs. Jesepb Welsh, w Cnna at., Andover. "■• ■

Tbe Video of tbe People. No family dyei were ever ao popnlar aa tbe Diamond Dyes. I'ti.'V never fall. The black ia far superior lo logwood. Tbe otber colors sre brilliant. Wells, Hicbardaon & Co., Burilneton, Vt. dwlw m

(i. O. Twi.uu OLD BOCHBON mmended to all deiiring a pure stlun- C. U. Uravca A Sons, Boston, i-.nic It,

and all Druggisu und gtoceri sell it. dwlwtod

ADVICE TO.MOTaERB. Are vou disturbed al nignt and broken ot ynur

em liv a sick child lutTerlnn and crying with _ 1 .'inlinir tr.'tti' If so, send at once and get a mule of Mas. WiHSLOw'a SooTHiHO sitttir for

r, -II .'ii Teething- Its value la incalculable, .vill relMTC tbe poor Hills auBerer Irnmedial Dcgicnd upon it, mothers, there la no mlaUke

dyaeniery and .UarriMBa. rc*i s the -ini.i.i.i. and bowels,ci

UilUi :•::::,;

Will Open To-day

400 Elegant, Heavy Silk-Lace Trimmed


100 Twilled Plain Shades! V


Plain Satin Parasols!

300 Yards First Quality Fine Figured

LAWNS. Plain Victoria Lawns,



New Black silk Gloves! Very stylish this season.


Collars, Laces, Handkerchiefs. Just what you need to replenish your wardrobe before

your vacation.

The Foulard Silks advertised Friday are all sold—1SOO in two days.

Advertising Pays.


There is, on tbe broad caitb, no Boya'Ly, Transcendanlly, MafniOaent Exhibition says US

Barnum & London Shows,


$3 500,000 Represented, and Its S6.800 Dally Expenses are more than the entire receipts of

any other show In the United States.


TUESDAY Its CauiloKue of Features Is well nls li Exhaustless and the

SlurtliiiK (haiiKf, Extent and Variety of its Miilcliless Programme is unparelleled and Kewildering. To

UupHrate or reproduce ils Special Features Is Impossible. 1. BlhltiU lb. i.nly


Royal Sacred White Elephant,

Byron Truell & Co 249 ESSEX STREET

Tbe sales of postal notes couBiantly Incretse ai the post office; ihcj sre Im-

mensely convenient fur sending sums of less loan Urn dollsrs by mail, an I cosllnv

bnt llirtMs cents, tbere Is no lonKcr any

excuse for Lhu fully of puttlny money In letters.

—Tbe First BstUllou of Llgbt Artil- lery, ODCht to be pretty well cared for In

a medical line; In addition to Surgeon Howe and Assistant Burr, Hospital Stew-

ard dark has just completed a fonr years

coarse at Har*ard Medical School, am' tbe new Adjutant, Lt. Gibson, Is a skilled


-Will the ladles of Lawrence kindly

ember the Hospital wben they arc canning tholr fruit, an<l patting tip tbelr

Jelly, A can of fruit or a tnmbler of Jelly

from s lui ml red iadles would supply tin sick for tbo season. Donations of old linen are earnestly solicited.

—Thomas Watson, a brakeman on tbe

Boston A Lowell railroad, was knocked

from Lbe top of a train by striking an

overhead brldue at W*st Wilmington

Wednesday, tils right area,la broken, and be baa luternalln|urlas. Ue la at the

General Hospital. Ilia homo Is lo Som'


—Tbe Oongregatlonaliat sent a steno-

grapher to lake notes of the easinlnatlou

of Prof. Harris' class at Andover semin- ary, bat he got noiblojr ID psrtlcalnr.

One clergyman asked for a definition ol

tbe atonement, and was Informed by l'rof. Harris tbat that In.I not been attempted.

The CoDgiegaitoaallst atlil Teels sour to-

wards Andover.

Tl ere must be s vast amount of nnemployed capital in the bands or tbe people. Th- Amer ii-isii Electric and Illuminating; Co. offered last week ope hundred thousand dollars worth of tbelr preferred treasury stock—on which tbere '■ a fixed charge of 8 per cent., bnt wbicb earns

'I per cent,—sod KubscrlptioDs to this profitable stock beKSD immediately and bave kept on ever since. As a result of this demand lbs company decided (oacqaslnt the public with ibe fasti, and by (be njtice which will bs found In our advertising columns tt is advisable lor intend- ing investors in this substantial stock to order it once, as no subscription will be taken after Julv 10lb.^


Prom Mrs. Dennis Smith, Louisville. Ky., ■ays: "For nlood impurities Burdora Bioou Hitters seem particularly adapted. Never be- lore had complexion so clear. Use all tbe time."


iiiii Turn SAND k YBAH.

To be sura. You've "only got a cold i couch." "Be all over It Iu a few day

WlNSLOW'S in* is iilnasant lolho taste, and is the prescrip- tion (>l one of the oldest and best female nurses and tihysiniansln tbe Uniuxl ttutss, and Is for rule by alldrttgftsta tiirouxhout the wnrld. Price ■iftoeois a boLUe. teotHlvlaniJ

Vcni, Vlili Vkl-1 csme, I saw, I com|nered- !• ads pled to Allen'* Hilton* Physic. Unule."-'- r.^l!.■».■ con*tiiiaiion, pi ei, S3 cents. Al all druggist*.

KimtAU.-rgNJliCY.-ln Lawrence, June by It iv. Tnuma* H. niuuy, Mr. Jnmos T. h' tiHll..>rsurrey, Me.,and Miss Mary 8. Pen ofMailsvlile, He.

ACanOM-RIUs—la this city, June 7lb. by Itt-v. Tbomsr. II Starv. Mr. fivderlck Achesui' and Mi.-~ Nsllle Heed, bulb ut LawrtSHM,

WHlTK-niStillAM,-In Litwrence.June IKh, Mr Charles I.. Wlilu-, ot N.irtb Andover, and llns Nellie it. UlnatmOi, ol Lswrcnue.

LINDSAY-TOOQB -In Andover, June M, by Key f. Harrows Mslte|«!ace, at the resnlenre or'he bri.k's |.uiei.l«, Mr. n«vii t. Lindsay and Miss Artnie B. Tough- all nf An.l.ivrr.

A (i..on TALKKII

On lbe Mage or platform. In society or at home, must not only possess brsins but a clear, strong vuiee. Catarrh, or a (everecokl, is almost cer- tain to injure tbe voice. Mm these complsloii may bs cunioletelj eradicated wltb a lew appll- rations of Thomas' Bclectric Oil, unrivaled in Its specialties. dwlw

Miss C. H. A. SANBORN, A student of thr Nt>w Esgland Conservslorv,

Wishes to obtain Piano pupils In AndoTer r,n0 viei.Uv. lusiruciiongivenifi klemenury Bar saony ildeslre.1. __ . . „

She l» emitted to refer io Professors James (.'. D. Parker and Ueo. II. Bowanl or itostoa .

Terms: $15 for 20 L«WODS. UKKXK BTRI1T, • • AHOOYM

Michael belly, aged U

THOMPSON -In Pi ye VUURe, Andoyer ■ML Ssrsli, wilu ol John ThoJilison, i yrs. 11 luw, I dlS.

tJKOBVKSOH.^Io Andover, July 1, Mrs belli li. (iro*vener, aged 7:1 yr«. runcral services atC'hilat Cburcn. on

day. Jnly X at a f. u.


Ladles lova delicate and dellclons perfumes. In Parker's Hair Itilssm ibey not only s*Uslj

taiie, but bave en article which arrests falling batr.-rfstores tbe origins! color and im- parts a beautifnl gloss, softness and life. Does

toil the linen, is not a dye, eleanly snd economical. dweodlmJelH

TUB li.f-T.i-* BTAK

»sv»nr. Kaufmarn's great book en diseases its cuises and borne care wltb fine colors plates, I* ibe best work sver publiabed. A cop * i.i In: sent tree to anybody wbo sends two cent sumps to psy postage to A- P. Ordway Co., Boston, Mass. ITJweed

Don l worry ahout me." Well, Hut ..IMI.II |,: ,..■.,■ die Svery year In tbe United states trom eonsuoptlon. And every toul ol ihem began that way. Belter stop it now eitb Parker's Tunic. This remedy will expel the cold at once. dwlmeodjeis • _—

CtlHJCOr AarilMA AND Sl'lNAI. WEAKNESS. Xm West fid BLreet,

New York, Hay IT, lt«33. Though It mny be Irregular for a physlulsn lo

give a certificate In favor of * |m] licltiy - cine, still, In tbe cause of humanity, I vanlure lo say a word in favor of Allcoes's Porous 1'It.ten, wln.ti I esieem the niosi remarkable external remedy of this century.

I have known these Plister* to cure 8pinal Weakness where tbe patlcnl hud been confined fur month* to hi* bed. A blacksmith ot my ac- quaintance waa severely Injured in tbo back by

II.II>.', four Al ters quickly relieved him of excruciating agony and cured him In a week. Another pallci.1 fi-ring with Neuralgia of Ihe Heart, was plelely cured In four hours.

fn Asthma 1 know ofa case where they worn for three monih« and fully restored the health. In another case where a pallent bad dporadic Cholera, n itbing relluved blm uatil be put en three Allconk'a Porous I'la tiers; In twelve hours all pains in hi* cheit and stemaeh disap- peared. 1 know Ual these Plasters, applied on the pllof lbe stomach, are a soyerelgn remedy for Dysp*p*tasnd Constipation.

Finally, if person* once use Atluook's Tgroas Plasters, they will never nse any other; Ibey are so pleasant, quick and painless—Nature's balmy assistant.

II C. Van N,uiiian, U n.



brought a multdnds OI ills npoo bumsnlty, so ntii the nncientst but ■ bottle of BOEODONT IS well-*prms ul joy in tte ramlly. lt refreshes

tii1 Invslid tiv clsanalng bis mouth, and nt* lbe belle for the parlor. dwlweod

iiiPHCiiyiTisTifflT The attention of careful Inv'slors Is oalleil tothe

Preferred Htocat —or THE—


COM PANY. Of wlm l the l' r,i tin, off r


$10 Per Share. Fur further Information, p'esre will »t th'

Co3)oao)'ii trace, 187 Oi osTees Ht., loston,

RDWA ill) II. (Jurr President. P. 8.—Subscrlplinu* lo the new stork can be

sen, direct to lite Company's OiHro, or tnroi any ol t'ae faltoeln* bank* or banking bou

i Provfdenoe

ster, JS**«.

Heiry C Uramtou A Co., nankei Us. ,;ollin. ACo., Haokrrs.CiHI i:. B. Whn|nKi;.>. BankT*. <Vor. t'si I M.i .■ . II.. nk Mm II'., 1, CO Applelcn ftaliuoal Ksnk. Lowell,

8peclal Notice. At a meeting I the Exicu i e Commlt'.oeol

tbeAmerl-aa Kltotrle. Illumtasling Cun held I ■ day. It was resolved that all orders and applies lion* which have been Bled with theTresaurerfor the preferred Treasury Block ol Ibis Comr-nj al par (as adrertlse.) above , mutt be completed by the i.aymei.t of the Brst htettlSHel on or b)- lore TMir-ils,)., July V), 1B81, and lb11 no sub- scription* at par be received after that date.

F.hWAf.D 11. illllr, SILAS I.Uff SKY, LOKENM. DOWNS.

Exesullve Commltlee. 997 Congres* St..

Boston. .MIL- It, i--i.

BLAINE sjano



™J:;ASMSHER«tH publlslied. Bile -Ji'

■ai.lf il i Rendi

>opv, or W nems i .i '.he t plotursv, .eim- t.i age ni"

WAHStS J. gOBIKNOH, »1 vimjy4


For seven yeeis Allen ■ Brain Pood bas stood ttie strongesl testa as to it* merits in curing :ier vou sues*, nervous debility and restunng ion power* lo lbe weakened generative system, AH', !o no iaslsnce, ha- It ever tailed; te.t II. »". > for M. At druggists, or by mail. Irom J. U- Al len, 3W WM Avenue, M* i oik City,


How l-'Ml-LABAST II is to see a beanlirni child's face disfigured with vile humors, bursting through tte sk pimples, Mulches and sores, and sadder when tue ynunftnd Innocent are laughi and twitted In ell such cases, parents should give them thai good and pare r., Sulphur Bltterr, which wilt search and drlva unt of Ibe blood every particle of "humor.—Health (la- leite. ItsWtod


Cbai. W. Ltneley, In tbe employ of K. Fol- som & Co., Kxtier, N. II. says ; "I have been 111 lor years. Wben 1 commenced to lake WBIHSBBLI.'S SAHSAPAEILLA 1 WBI unable to do any work, had no strength, and thought my days lof'labor were over. I soon began io Im prove, and am now able to work every day,

!><» not forget when you aore In Want ot Silverware, Pottery,

IsttiisiM, PIMMT llitiiL'incH or Win- dow Simdi's, that the Larg-ent

AfMortment can always be fonnd at K. A/l ISIii;s, 370 Eisel St


Kvcry Udy In wttnt or a JKRSKY JACKKT should eianilns our fine stock, lluvr you «een our #1.(Ml, $1.25 uuil s)l .W> IKUSKYH.

French Sateens, Cheap.

EMBROIDERED DRESS ROBES I We shall close out the rutlre atock of the above regardless Of cost.

Scotch and Madras Ginghams. FIITE HTOOK:.

Ever in a Christian Land, and the Burmese Monks Novel Orchestra, White Monklev, Clotn-in-

Cold Canopies from the King's Palace, White and Colden Umbrellas and Imag-

es of Pagan Cods employed in the


JUMBO The Hero of Two WorlU and Commeror of Human Heart?, (irmvu nearly a Ton In Weight and tieveral Inches) Taller- The BliHreitt Beast that W .Iks the Earth.

Only Two American-Born Baby Elephants, Only Dwarf lie- pliant Comedian, thlrty-slx Inches hi^h, und

40 Morvellous, Matchless and Majestic

PERFORMING ELEPHANTS 40 Scores of Cages of Rare "Wild


Open Lairs of Wild Beasts 4 n IN THE MIGHTY HUM IN THE STREETS. 10

IloloBRlng ttlone to tbls Show, bv rlajht of Creation, the only

Real Roman Hippodrome Races!


33 CM.let* Run Honest, in Earnest, and for Catli Prise*.

Beautiful Golden Tableau Chariots. 33 ONLY MUSEUM TKAVELINO WITH A TEKTBD SHOW.

Ethnological Congress of Heathens and Barbarians.

I'll.' entire stock of the ubove we shall close out In I tie next SO days. Call and c \ ;i ml in* them and note prices.

Black Summer Dress Goods,



Albatross in Fancy Shades. Printed Albatross.

Silk, Lisle and Jersey Gloves 1 Our stock of somls Is nil Unit run be desired. 1,00k at the shades and note lha

low prices.

Fine stock Ruchings and Collars. BIG DRIVE. .

What muses the crowd to stop at S I 1 ANAS' Window ? It I* tlif Hip Drive lq tlenU' Nl'HMKK UNDKKWKAK at '2ti Cents per Garment.

FARMERS, ATTENTION. 37-lncli Heavy I)K. ilstsfO for IIAV CAPS.

A. W. STEARNS & CO. 309 and 311 Essex Street.


( IM viii.ismn 18132.)

All Kinds Farming Tools!

Fresh and Reliable Seeds I

New Model Buck eye Mower.

BullarJ Improv- ed Hay Tedder


Sanborn, Austin & Robinson, Successors to (HAS. It. MASON * OO,

m RSSEX STREET, UWMUCB, MASS. -•* Tl»« •'«»/• will"" l"";l"'rreT na il M*i Jul* suit A-Rii*'.Bt64ao-oloea,aaMaj)Ba(.

3 - R'NG CIRCUS 1-^200 PERFORMERS! - 80 ACTS. Huge,: Klevaled Slum' For Popular Sensations!


ua« 11 ii'i in.■■.!«, iriiiiii-ii /Miimitin, rii Jewelled isnil tiold Trimmed Wnrdroli

ICoinin t.llnt itnd <>lamour, c iiiiiiluK Surprises, Sull-Kclllisllls; >l^«llilti'iTir ■■. l>l//llllK liorKI'ONMCHS 11ml Mitti-hlesi Splendor Hum nil tlie utlier showa In Amerlcu combined ran propuce.


vn nAIMIIS III;\VI;KIIU; uf Lo»se and Led Animals,

734 People ni'l In the Orlentnl Knt

molsMon snd Tns'

under the Tents. you 10 cuiiiu IM Kerih* sml . wm tl.e F| . 1. n„ a.-, o 11 1 Onr «lrr|. r-. ■> 'II UrlnRlil *t»CS. 1 'i I.1.-.. ■ i : ; ,. d Horses, to I'unifs mil' 111 UuahL-is. ;o lus. Ass Itallroad Ofii 'Isls.

MMuriQ* Dsarly 7W',iaxi juros

1 of lli-tiisands of people BltemL thu Kthlliiu >i is h'ali im"-* 1 loss and clean iv sir lnun'l noeliui ' anveriisemeiiu aad ineo lHseaMlnta| wn I

1 uiauiri*!, ai.ucoteiluic in seres

Tjear wbo «ill visit no other, I

.l*S Wbirli wc do 1 ■ 1 rllill It. Il

Which Is v Other Plsslers are 1 C«inline Porous I'll time aad sufferips.

V Important. ! and alow. Benson's rs act promptly, savins:

REVERE HOUSE, Old Orchard, Me.

This oew ami com mod at 1 on* i' located u;>on s t


I betel, with ample at- esU, 1* rao-t beauliruilT

' omrlooklnt (be ocean. >»ach and oam|i ground. we lluralsbsu,

i salt the tin

1 a great medlcloe." 'Iwsod

The universal verdict, "Tbe Hop 1'la.tttr l» the beat porous plaster ever -mads." Onlj 22

eeaui. dwlwaool

•ti'uer waaki Tiaasient rs^s. Special rate* mr ^epicrouer.

Miriutiv leniwrssos. OKO. at. i*m i-.-Kw. Clerk—Cenlially Invitt*

all bis inenil* 1 > slop si the Revere. 1,. A. PIIJ4SIH KV, - I'ruprielur.


Al(iui,l'TB Dlvoroes for j«r SOP* resldlna ibrouahout the

until etates sml Canada (OT dasrrllOB.nos -upuorl, bHwatparasea, cruelty. iBeompstlbilltv. ■Hi. A«vi T f i«. hutle jotr case ami sddreea ATTORN KV WAKU, World llnililini Broadway, hew Vof a.

inc. I* " lyi:;

The (ircat Exhibition which creatos a Holiday al every pause, is summed up in a single sentence: It presents about all there Is or True Men', (irandeur, Magnitude, and Real Attractiveness and Sensational interest found In the entire Show World,

x tne viowd* us iu* atui

Stratton's Stationery Store,

General Admission. 6O els; Children unier 9 Ycais, 25 cts. Reserved Numbered t'hulrs I >n.i

HAVERHILL, Monday, July 7. MANCHESTER, Wednesday, July 9. LOWELL, Friday, July 11.

BOYNTON & CO., 205 mill 207 Essft Hlreel



Farming Tools \ I WdtH A. W,K»d, l.l'.„ll,r<l, I „l.hl, ;„,.!

StronoanTDurmble ' """" "°""°" ""*'•"■ "" "" NK« I |i„,„|,l„»«|»l„,||.|,l8oiri>ump.

iint*kn. 11.1k,'. ■It lUy IV,l,|pr.

VV .... L1.. I I - .,. ,'..,,.

re «nd I.AMI TU.S.


Botanic Cathartics. BLAINE enU «,. 1 (Ion or hi* Me. AUsTiidi, Ms 1

■ Ml. tisn I- .-,-. 1

e. They ara Blwsvs reliable Auk v «r if im fhr It. Seat itretwlit liv mail on rereliil

iKruHkjtt !■■■ ■">■! 11 00 per bd«.


Botapathlo Drops,

1 ilsbe.l br as, osuoM Ihe twenty .,_. Oul'sllsevrrrbook ever iiuiilnhed In Ihlsv. fcUsf asenu are selllns 1111 dailr. Atfvnl uia<iB|7orluaea. All new lief im ^rs'ucce ■nVStJ rhsrtoe fur loem; |«S.M usde bv m in. timi I|HT. Term* mott iibeial. ■ tiiiilsr* i.mi. Heller send IA oenlB lei etc, m ireeojiai, now rearfr, iscli. |iru'i>*clut booh, tmi *sve vsluslile iin>.

A I.I.K.N A CO.,

Uheunatl m, Neuralgia, I'sralvsl*, lies • a r, luiiniheria, Colils anil all pain* »n i*es it has n<i e<i ill 111 tiiewmhl. A-B JOI

ISill llV il|ll'-n 1 I. I

$100 to $300 X'L, £52**38 1 -UlBlft 1 •»'

Botanic Worm and Fever Powders tiK'l-inlv ler ei|.elllnK all klO'l* of wuro* from a<lults an>l rniliri-n. anil lireaklng up ■■ inn fever*. These powder* arv !<■•>■ Irom ■inxm, anil slreniinen iln- system, vtius pre venliiiK worm* Irom e<M:umu)iiln(. Over two- tliinlsoliheilitesst- olrhililirn ai* uaused b; iv-.-iiii- Ask |W drOUlBt lor ('..'in H. 111 pM paid >>y stall on mceipt'il price, 'ii its, BBI.1 %


Botanic Salve., 1 im- lii-ti. Piles, Old Seres, Bcild* and Hums ami all kiud* 01 BKIN UltKASKH, Asl vuur iirusiilsl for 11. Hent prepshl bv mail 01 n f 1 i(H 01 price, Wets, anl tl a bus.

AM theae valuable remelms am ireimcJ Ml; Uy

OKO. A. in uiKit rs, Cbemlrt. tt.-iniiiiK, Man,

Tu whom all orifers aboulil be addreased.

Pays for iteell In<■*■!•- ty <iiv" to four months, KxcitiaH.i >0HSSJ Cf swsdea lopnty invesitaa $60 ut MOO iu*acnplaBa>|wbol''»ale prlora. A.MM I- ■'. it-

C. r. HAkl'ON,4l'oln Sl„ V,-*MJE^

' ADMlNI8TRA^0R,8~SAi,S^," I'.T Itcessaot lbe Probate Court /or the I

"*"" nb-crlhtr, S'liQlniitraU" ■ of Lawn

'■ " .■:. iiii.i- <>4*t*t; 1

si:wn)v P. rK1 it, Aajasja.

AI>.IOI KNSIKNT. -Vrnisa- ■sari AiltBlniBtrsiur's ttals stavarnrWr- -.., .,.;.!. 1 ,;. ath, i- -1. al|sjf**a*i.

N. p. FHVir, AdmiatsVator. t. Au'-tmneer.

Farm For Sale

Wanted I F1BHT C1.AHH oatasseta

bo <ii ■■ ra a ■ n i.-mr m nil p'Tiimnriil en ml. A'I'liraa,*!silts'

J'B, ItW TrsmontHt

•, I Imm lui/. h U aerea, 10 in wocllanl, 5uu oona>JUr*aa1, t nt' hsi'i-. 1 storv house. M rooms, barn MBM. (in keep l"iir cows and borse.

s i -■ j - J --■ JAMBS M Kltltl LL.

CAPITAL l'HI/.K, •7.V)(>o. TlCketa only *."i. Sl..irr* In UrgporlJou

SHI Louisiana State Lottery Company,

"We <lo bereby cerlifvihat weauperTlte ttu titiDicnculi lor all id- Monthly end "'tin Annual Drawings ut I he Louisiana Slate Lot, terv Company, anil In person matisgc mnl con tnil iho Drawirgt themselves, anil I'MI ibe suit c are,tr.I vim honesty, |i!ru«u, anil n MM faith toward all parlies, and We nutnoiui trie CompAni-in uae Una certiScate, with !■■ atDIlies of our aigualurca allacbiMl, la lb alTarliaenii'iits."

COMMiann tmae. Incorporate! In 1* - (or 1ft year*, by i he [.•■

mature mr Kducith.nal A*.I charitable, pur poaea—with capital of »l.i*«i,Oiio-to which a reserve Turn] ol over S5.',i),uou liaa ■Incebi-en

_.. spent r,imdied>i •fdollara and no real relirf ualil I UHJ the Cl! MCUBA Kg YKwr.lhenco Hi I i'.i.illir. internally, ami rn-UK* and Cu net; a* aiiAf, ihe ii eat Skin

ii anil ll.mitiurr-, ciicrr,. [,-, ah, ri hav *'l mo anil Icii my akin m,i id jodaa pun aa a



J»ni«H B. Kit harUdun. I IKMNI II.UT, ear w leans, on .. in,.;,. ■ -1 'HO Scrolutou- leers umir Out in me rmdy uulil I * aa a g»'> ii i'ii I: fi . tfi.m- known to the nodi

.i I ■ ■. . • i . ii ■■ I <■. . ■. ill I-',- .me it in "I reek. At I. or. run 1.1 not lilt in v hand, to mi ■ '•I, i-.rIIlil not [urn mlinl; *M lOconptml in ami lookid upon Ufa aaai-tiraa. No i -liei

r I'urr in ten vein. In ltt» 1 heard of the Cl' TIUUBA UMIDfU, nisi] Minn anil waa perfect

,f.|r,l. •lmlng popular

rhiae waa m.t'lc n part el Hie present State Coi aiitution, ailot'teil December 2d, A. I>. 18711.■

Toe. only Lottery ever rotod on and endorse! by the |ieo|i|e ul any stale.


iTi URA*D SISUI.B Nuiinga DaAWisrua lake I'iin'i! ..


WIHaroRTlME. Save*ta Vniid»riw

las, CUaa •, In (he A. ., dam j ,.r Waste

New Orlraiia, Tli.M>»l, Jut., llllb

Ml.- I7tlth Month)* Itnwlnf,

CAPITAL PRIZE, S75 000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Etch

Frictions in Fifths In orooorion. Liiror nine.

I CAPITAL t'KIZIt, Ol 1 •. 1 i. » i I'Hi/.kMih (...-■

irrKniiviiii'!) I'ul/ra.

■i Approximation Pilseaoi 9730


do do

fjusjioi !,:•■.■ I'r i--. -n n-i n 1 ...: to

Application ior ratal Utelnhl should IHI

only to the oBlce ul the ewapenyJaHa

For further Inmrrnation write Hrarlv, giving loll aililreaa. I'. O. Honey Order,

,hi.1.1,, i Reati NEW OHl.KANs NAIIiiVAI. ItANK,

Haw orlimis. La.,

P09TA". liiiTKa ri„.| ordinary laUera I Mall or hs|iriM(hllaiiina«i a.', ami upwmda I


New Orlca , La

HEW CARRI4GK 1.IHJSIT0BY 320 Essex Street.

Where a full l.ino Ol

Carriages, Sleighs and Harasses mar be foind ad reasonable price


la all tu i.i .i II.-I.. i'i urn i'i i v nml nea>:f loos,

Alao Morale Inr IMIIK'.- and Sieigr.a.

MOOAR ii TROW Pfip.ietor

' How Watch Cases are Made.

Thiaproroaof maniifirtiire W:UJ invented

I.;.- Janes Rosa, who atoxtod in ' ■,-i;i.-.« in

1854, and the netho.Ii ami tonb tued in

maklns; tbeae wah'h caaa rtre covered hy

j'tiiims. 77IIJ u la' on/y watch riw made

eMoVr liupneeu. For runny Toan the In-

troductioa of Ihese (P*KU »:I* NII.W, owin^


but gradaallj the piihli'c leaxneJ that the

Jam<4 /;.«»• (iut-l H'atfh Cite waa not a

eacop ou/i/-iriui.-i( or eitetro-ptaUd article,

but won made of.oeiunna ;/')/,( plutf* of

demdard quality tad thicJentM. Cooadootiotu

aJlnvi-iti't! li> the ilctormination in make

the liett watch caao ever put on the market,

and the adoption of every Improvement

MI:-!', i.i, Ii... made the Jumtt Jlu**' UM

Watch, Cute tlto BTASUAKR ,M0(JgjMa»

In thiti watch caao the purta v -.

niiatt aobject to Wear- ihehov, crown, hinget,

liawifc anieaai(otc., are niada of SOLID UOLU.

an i.. I...,-. ihii..

THEGREAT CHINA TEA CD ..f llifirTTKAM nn 1 IIHrKtH. „ T.-aX.S-rt.,Ml.rrkf.r- »,.(.*,. ,' 1VIIITKTK* ai|.;TM..|-i«iii-.| «H,.. .- ,.,t , tin * tl'J.r.i,,, UHIIKAT1 l»Tl-..» HKTrl. r I I * fltl M, . *.«■» sin arvi *IM ■ - M-I:M KISHIM MlVlNM WaTI IIMI «■(!, «l.-h . .1. r>. «il>l.l KtlVll.t .Hit.. Ki.aeTritrKtai t I It* ■-. ■■ *Vlil>r IlliiiinSria ■ IIKlpi. .., «■■■. 0JO ur dera. Brmlnai t.l-rai an -in LI ,|MI- .».

Primluma l'M.'iTl*t.,\'rir:*,V/!.Ui,l|r|%',|1r,,IlJu


Wanted >l> U WIMS. B»f rtenoa |

an I fayorahlv known. Pni term* ml In «a

Thef.L.V.W 1>l SK-H M KslUVIO (IftBevn, N, V.

Van Dsaea Hnnerlea eatabllaned boo Alao -in. t at n i.ii.»■ ■;..'. .


- c*r- DRY SOAP our



HoOitwglllit'inniMilr.t. A-.'a > -"ir i

ll-l.Tl'llKK ,111 tM tl..--prli,(,rirl.l, .It ana.



ware. r~urnlti aVaa «rl (,i

I I- I,.i 41* aa. Iiw.ll Mil ftke Cum in a law oaya. tnon

ijaare (eel. ^.1n^la nml rjiuii'ia. k dealer-. Puce l»-r Uotlle |A loJAi'

HaJ ir'a Uenenl I. I'ii' uu in dntaine the ni' ol any other naae K<t

I..-I r Cei

jasffoX... .. laaln'1* I ni 1),*!., ahora ami all kind

.4*. Uiltlr*, LA cenla. r-.r

■ A-' ■"'.'(►«, p,o*r., !■: (rillUmSL.S.V.CllT ',„ dw lfje«8

uarters for Sale Horses A large aaaortmeal of Raraea nonninnii, ,.,

band for a.ile or etehnnm-. , MoTaea aeeurw ITVUl Hie roinilry r nif week.

A'Fin.' CvloAd nr Hule Horaea Ar

■c a rtved to-ilny I'totn Muiilmil.

A. N. BEAN, rninkiiii House Stables

V .mi.tiii'ii



Pimples to Scrofula, lIOTtAHIM '»/ I.M ll.i;> In nurpoaaef. ' raiMMt Mi-, .in-. i liat,- he-n a lerrililf

rrt |,.r irar- wi h IHoo.1 and Hkin Humor*: r iM-en i.hhtfc.l loihun pii»l'e plasea by

I .It. i- had tha be*<

Iwoi o belnrfl V. B. Com. J. |>. Cravvtord.

MILL MOKK SO. Will MeDonaltl '..Ml Deaih.rn Str. ■ ,Cbl

Ottr r Sill It

.•lil II.IIII]- .lift ki Irexlr

. d.Mliir (irououi nod hi e»«. ler (.1 -iiui m :i«


H !■:. Cnrpontor, llrn^craun. ^ T.,eura soli ihii'ir l,i!|inMf 01 I ffrnly yi-iiti' Mao. . CuiIOI'SA Niwiiii". The m-'-t

lie i it it 1.1 iltt. I: an* ■•HIM L ■ bofarja itiat Ci tie i-em'.o .ml lleaileraon'ii mont IT n


IM)ST WAIT. e ti'-li ni ,1 in lull '■:

I'.iu', wait. Now 1. li-nof lf.hmr, M-aly riled. Otiiaglmi', am .,i in.- lil. ,t I. i-kiti am

tall, with Lo'.ti-t H-i

8oiil liy all druu'ala. I'm-.. I 1 IHTU,''I.-1I

LRBi>l.TKNT|l,*)*P, V cla. fOTTEll UHI) AMuUHKMIUaLt.'O., RtiaTON.

ocrricuu* a


GINGER I'KK.MtKii wMiuiin Irnporte

Glntror, Choice Aroni -.tic-*, and iin- pure " i.e.tin |f«illc nal rrmich Drandy, iro


l Mi:l'

n.1 i-,.i1i.tjii, 11

ring: it vat-llj

nil -iminoi a . iti.n, Ift'M ly lmur*» itiaonniii fit il oil anil .irengthenei ie peppar. ) HI 1 1 , in.,,.,.. wate~. I .-it allhv

1 .... ', M . .. ... K|>lrleaik

. In.lik- ,. ll'.Hr-, S Mi- ll.. I.. Ni 1 vii 11.11.-.- or IM

11. .im'on i"e n 1 In '« t-'i I''|,rmi-...',..|"l'i.- mely une of HAM-OllLi'S (iIN,.Kit, ibe Iti I leua Rornmer Herileuw. Huwari-oi worthlea nuation-. fold everywhere.

I'm nut UhLM AUD Ua*MK'Al. CO., BOHTOK.

MH F. ^J---- ,... Klesavle ISTHKCBI combined wllk a I'oraa,

.-...JZ/... . Planar lor 13 cenia. Ii SUFFtUII IEIVC iinmnilaii-- Pain, Viuil1ie>

Waak ami Wmn o-.t uarle,Htreagibaas tired tniiaelca, prevenia (lleeaee, and dec! mnr ■ in "iti hail Ihn time tlian any other i<lntter in lh( world. Hi.hi evcrywhi te.

It i« a fact Hint retiiwliea atnmst wilbmit nit nil wr. already . :ilfi lit.- I'laim I., mre all Die Ilia

(..1111.I IIIPIII |Hiwcrli*-« L> Tn.rk a din. Inr thinii.

No diseuKva have to batlled nil attempta at |n ni,an.'ill 1, li.lm liavo Hlieiiiititi.tti ami nVural- fc-ia. Al,ilu.-nti,i--i'.ti,,r .li-i|'V...iilii.i'iili-hai> n.aila llii-ir awii«i-.-I ii.liiiiM iWi«ir .il Hi.' |i—-iliilii> .^ nit- KIT I.IIIIIIII. ih.y ban l-.ti r.<tiaid«nal I*

And mer id ii.i-.ii. aJ .kill hi

a KlV laitll m». Hill il"

11 >.,.

^^e mt-rn-attmal (Imi iill.iti ha.1 t - '

_ .1.' -»■ It. ..| iil.l. ami hie lie look b. 1 .,iTi..ii"-, n filial Mmi.lin In-wit. 111 Inn,ml tut Monday-1» araa well, an


01 the I'tili II four or a lie hail .unVred all tok In. fn-I ,|.-■ of A

tnlha willi'liiflaninialori Hhouiiialln

tlriiil 1 I'I in.'ami ha beuevea It h> bn mfalliMe.

11. H. ('handler, of the N. Y. "Indepe

;,■;,;, *

, Washlnirtoii, \>A\ ; >liii.-.l It, the light ofa i-rful iinilliUlia. It uu-ftlt

9fi?weA "44*4- Tliri:ro!it(|ii.-lionifl,Winitnirein-f We

brlhivnlt WllL I* It worth try Iwr! Vrai miirt ileenli-

I .■,.■ '.HH-.t.'1-i- |.r 1 ...ii'.. iv,-1|. 1,-r that you hny

1 ,1 d hi try --vi»il\;\:t elite, but urder at once Iroi 1 ti- aa dlnelrd.

aTHLOPHOROS CO.. 113 WALL ST„ NEW ttJHU. iniiiiiim- 1 n. R, ininiiiiiiippiiin

$11,950 IN CASH


Alle-iT(W«UiiUif"r Hie tf on-mlumsaa-RTi'--*! .-i. at.>veauiouiil,i-i!>.re.]i>) Hlai knell » 1'ur- bam Tttr-aeeoCa., mmt obaerve Hie foll.oanig i dtti'iti* on » hii'b till' (iri-iiitiiina are ft In- aminliil All I'tilta iimol l».'»r our uri-iunl Hull Imrhaiti lala-l, V S Itenuue KUin|', »"■! IBullnli Sou.,. Thv luur* niu.l l-e d..i.. it,. "f-rorriy in a package with name ami uMn-i* ul *int-ry,«nd iiuuila-rofl*-f ly ni.irL. ,1 i-ll tht.' ■■.(■!. |.r,*|.alil ' liiUtal«iu«f- >.iprmi age. -li'iiil.t he l..t»,i.ii .1 1 ruiat reach Ul ai luirbaui n i^r i:ih No matter whore yiruf narfea-p-. artytoe uabyn

u.'» Ni-aii»»i Toairro Co,

■ tavkaae baa picture of Hull


G) Bread rrepamtion.

Recommended BY niYSICLVNS.

It restores to the flour the nu-

tritious and strength-giving

phosphates —THAT AIIE—

removed with the bran,


required by the system.

No other Bak- ing Powder or Yeast does this.


The ii,.. 1 successful countctTeil ol"] he dime, is said u» be uf ^IHM | ■ixed with some ba-se mcUl, by a

ptooeM unknown to ordinary workers n metal and glass. The counterfeit

looks exactly like the genuine ten- cent piece, but onbeinjf, sLruck with a hammer It is cruehed to pieces.

The Alps contain two peaks above

15,000 feet, six or seven above 14,000 feel, and in all about thirty, which are called first class peaks. The Him-

las, on the other band, or rather

the limited part of them with wnich we are familar, contain peaks from 19,000 feet downward. More than 1,100 have beeu mesurud exceeding

20,000 exceed this height.

A German, now resiucnt in Eng- land, sayathat, having nerved for six years In the German army, he can confidently say that the military Bys- era of that country constitutes the

most cursedly tyrannical form of slav- ery that every disgraced a civili/.ed

aatiou. Is is any wonder that Kng- and and the United States are com- pletely overrun by Teutons anxious

taste abroad the sweets of freedom which they can never en|oy at home?

An ill-timed coiifrh or sneeze bos often Involved unpleasant oouse-

mences, but Mme, Dodieau came to ;rii-f the other day through merely a

iigh. This lady, tired of her husband, a muster butcher of Havre, eloped with a young man in Misemploy, after

sbe had provided funds for a good me out of the butcher's cash box to

the extent of $.',000. Mr. Dodicau's telegram brought a detective to the fngiiive's hotel in Paris. There he found in bed a solitary young DID,

who swore roundly alhini for violation il domicile. The officer was about to etire, when a half-stifled sigh arrest- id him. Search revealed a cunningly

concealed closet, on opening which Hie erting and straying hutcheresfl fell

fainling into his arms.

Geraniums and calceolarias, used in 'window gardening," are Baid to xert u powerful influence in keeping

a room Irce of flies.

Some months ago a champagne

house at Epernay offered prizes for the best poems on champagne. No

_'wcr ihati 1,100 poems were sent in.

Scnnior Logan is the first vice-presi- dent nominated by the Republican

party in 20 jeara who married at the time of his nomination,

Henry Ward Beecher was 71 years

old on Tutsduy.

During a storm in Pasadcua, CHI.,

on June l3, hail, it is re(K>rled, fell to

a depth of six inches.

Fathers will bless the eminent Dr. Parvin, who nays that a baby should not be allowed to alecD wilh its


The lessees of the Seal Islands, oil'

the Alaska coast, pay 1300,000 an- nually to the government.

William Nowland, king of the

Orkney gypsies, has just died at the igc ol 102, and his widow, sged ovei '(), was able to smok a pipe vigorously

during the funeral services.

The late Judge Jerc Black hated New Euglaudcrs, find on hearing Longfellow's "The Day is Done,' lor the first time, he said ! "What a shame a mere Yankee should produce ■ucn a poem as that, while I,An hone ft

Peuneylvanian, am compelled to ex- press myself in plain prose."

Hon. William D. K.-lley ofl'enusyl

vania,will make anotner short trip to Europe this summer. His sou is at

-H.i ml iii Zurich.

Robert Bonnet's wealth is reckoned

it $7,000,000.

Isaac Itassett, doorkeeper of the United Mates senate, has not been absent from his post of duty more than 20 davs, since Daniel Webster had

him ap[>oiutcd page in 1831.

The ordinary expenses of Pope Lee XIII, amount to .'.,000,000 francs yearly, and other expeditures bring the amount up to about 7,000,000

francs. lie spends, however, live tenths ut'u in alms.

California has organized au anli-pie


A postofllcc is to be established ou

Mount Sinai.

A conflict over the reading of the Bible in public schools has commenced

in Western Pennsylvania.

A niaii during a lifetime of50 years

Becoming to a paper recently rend be- fore Hie Academy of Sciences, Paris, sleeps away au aggregate ol 0,000 days, works away the same period, eats away 2,000 days, walks away

SOPdeyi, la ill during 800 days, and ■ilium's hituaelf with the remainder of

his half-'-Cntury on earth,

Mr. Gladstone, on the occasion of

very tjreat efforts, is provided with about a wine-glassful of a austaiuiug decoction, which he brings wilh him. but as a rule any suoh indulgences are unknown In the British Legislature.

They manage things better in Prance. A-t each orator ascends the rostrum, a

footman,in the livery of the Chambers lollows with a lumbler of the mixture the s|M>aker particularly affects, ob-

tained Irom a little bullet in the pen-

umbra, lo the right of the Presidential

Two great engineering projects arc aboul to lie uuderlaken on the Conti-

nent. Tne Spanish and French Gov- ernments have agreed to authorize the construction of two new railroads, which will Involve the cutting of two

tunnels through the Pyrenees. The one will shorten the route between Paris and Madrid; while the other will give France speedier access to ports in the east of Spain, whence she

could most expediliousty despatch relief to Algiers.

There are 071,657 more males than females in the Untied States, though

in most of the states females predom- inate.

[ i»l he Huiuber Vf the I aSaae I orTeas! lit}

LAW Arir> LI \ci i. -*» - — ileiiien1 trout the Kxeiiittvo Com-


doi tint -l.awi

League," il waa voted Ihal the eJUaWM ol LbU

ily be Informed re»pcetlni tbe olje. t. of Maea a

■.(ague,'and to iliaw alien!Wo to tne nee aatti

o( Ibe maintenance of IM aarae-

>l.1.1 i,l iin-I"'i'i'1 "' l^wrenro hive heard m BvbaiioraanliatliiD, buiimi aeilcu it ■ .■- u.-.i

In public eolidtttlon lor patronage, they lnvi

mlelaterureieil ita purpnae and life. K*ei. nut

public prlnla hare alien little M

•xiatenLe of the "l.eattue." ilmugli Una

CUT In,, repculeillj oOe-'d abundant proola Dial

ur lawa are iiio.l-lianii'lullv vtol.iU'.l. and tbal

growing ili-i.'"|i|.i-i lor law and obedience i.

ue of Ute character l.l H-. of our day.

Tbe mii'ii'-i' of IN!■ ■ i I..I.-N ■■ i ,■,.'■■' foi

tome months paat lina been due, In part, lo lite

hope that the city waa ainreru in bia

profeaaiom tofiii .re,- the license lawn, anil at

lbe"I.eague,,eii"U'.l ualy aa a aupporl lo law.

.1 Hie police ami oilier*—If

neceeeary, It waa th.uuiil beat lo wult and allow

the ■

Mil in •coin

oflO* i do i

.Id bluili h

e contributed :■

' Illegal xaimiiK

llieir oatba oOfll e it>|iiireil them IA do—vis.,en-

force the law. Tbll Walling In. hiouglil Ibe con

ti,in ibai the Maiabal h u aaver really intend

ed to doaayihinn bin to n-aLe a *i aid ahow of

.iii.iii.iitv. i i-i ;■-,' i a loud iUipWon

that nothing wan done In tne, a mun wnn ,io

■eiMjrted) uiiikt. coi.l' «»i»ii thai il IIK ilo<* III

f'H'i'f ihelni'ioi- law In* ' i.» of cltlce will expln

at the erd el tlio vear, nn.i iliu* eicuaea the Tin

of bin autti, '.il,-, - no great encouragenii'in

that our I iw ahall be rlcidly and Impartially en

forced. The lark of Hie adminiUraliun of l.iw in

liagrace, and every Dili

I mil Hurt, lieu mid lulera

tin* mill.i[,i - .oiiiiiiioi.

ol lbln(t«.

rence l./ni-and llr-l-r I.eitguc" new

front and a*ka "only obedience to

tne law,"— aauppruaaion of if'ff'il UqaOf u n in

We "ii v that our lawa are eipreaaion* ol the will

.f it e people. What follow*:' The people then

fiuull see thiit the "will" of Hie people Is curried

out by UieeH/c»vrMf'iif ol law. II we aie taught

to ieapect law, then It la duly to obey It, ami ii

obedience In lardy'hen proaecutioiin, nol peiae-

■utlona, ahould hunlen it. Why ,..iM not our

i.)iicr IJWH bcenf.ii-e.lai ttrongly aa any oilier


The I quor dealer* in thin state hive combine,

i an organization wilh a capital of #100.000—it ii

■aid—to oppose any and all method* fit enforc

ae UMJ Ueaaae laws,—a sad <-omnc~niary mi iti.

demoralising cir.-eu produced hy their trade.

Bui it may nol be out ol pi ,co lo state *ome o

tlio eon.Illlou* which are required uf each lloenW

Tiu.i it* pro*Islona shall be nlriclly ad

hered lo." ,

Second, "Timl no sale* of thloiicallng liqoon

■hall be made between the hours of twelve at

i-'iii .... i -■' in the in ..'11111.:' ii...1, "no sa

ehall be made on Ihe Lord'* day."—except hy

■nhohler whul* pcrruliled to supply lo "per**

who havu resorted to Ida house lor food or lo.

lag." *

Third, That "all lii|iiora aold shall be tree If

ad liberation."

Fourth, That "no li>|iior shall lie not.l loa pert,

known lo lie aorunkard, or 10 nn Intomcatid

Ml, ore person known to have been Into*)

I wilhliialx monlha, or to a minor either f.n

i AII ii-,,-, iin' ii-,' ,.i I. - |,.ii< HI. oi any olhei


ruui,TlnU-'lbereanaJI be no di.order, ,,. i.

eney. prosliiutlon, lea

n the premise*."

That those liaving second, third, or fifth Dlaai

cennes "shall mil keep aoy iillior kind of llqul

n the premise* llun llm*c mimed in Ibe lle-en.e

That "there nhall lie no public burs on tl

remit en covered by the lire!, second unl thil

Thai Ibelieease ahiii deaerlbe "ihe room ■

nom. in whicn li.pior m.iy lie sold by a eommi

Hiiiinllur and Ihal no llijuor* shall be kept, »ol

r delivered In miy nlher room."

BUth, That "tha Itoenaaahall i«s nonii>iouou

ly dl*plii)rd unIhe licensed premise*"

sevonlh, Thul "Ihe lleenie ahall be forfeited f'

any breach ol Ihe*-) aoadKlOBt."

We now u-k any fair, candid man il these en

ilion. have been ol served during UM past Ihn

ear. in Hie city of Lawrence; the taw decltn

thai the license ie forfeiUil 'lor any breach Ol

iii--,■ eomllilona."

ler certain ei pedal reitrli

-no sale* DUtdO on the Lord's day." W hM

n man nan object lo that?

Ursliia minor." tVinll parent that w

not >ay "Amen" to auch a ros'rictlon t

"No aalo* ol IetiMicallng Mquor lo u person

-in,' "i i.ii.iii- :, i " Whit decent mun will mil

nay "oW restriction is rlghll"

And ilieie la alao a prohibition which we di

.ml mention—that a "liquor saloon shall not Ii

allowed within too feet of u school house." Wh

but ittuMCllera with a depraved conscience Ca

ubjeel in thin protection ol the nursery of Atiur

OUT. nohinson said recently, •Thoieia no pel

sou in the Common wealth of M , ■ • , im -. ■: ,. . .

one, that Is nol intaroited for Ihe enforcement r

Ihe laws Ihal kkktl because it iney aru btuken I

one case, llioy will be In Ihe other, and di.ordt

w.ll become the rule, and nobody'. ;i, ■. ... .

cure." His Excellency evidently did not kne

the eondil.on of thing* In our oily, for we. tn

t'uil there are many here who have net been eve

int-Tird :d in such enforcement of lawa.

The "League" therefore, lannt partisan 1 ii ii

viicaall st'il', nil parlies, every c.tisen. to til

lellowshlyol it, work. It ctll e.i/r. not IMepulil:

meat. It invoke* the aid of every one who WI.IK

cititenshlp to h i obedient In the law* already n

onr statute books, lint objection is made toth

method of cnforolng the law i

Lei it be remembered, notwllh.l Hiding nil nil

ciams, that " all proneeutlons are fuiimled upo

evidence of saies made |,> persons other than lb

.igi'i.u of tha Leagne. whom said ogenti have m

inOueneed in any manner, ami uo minor is evi

employed at agent."

Prot Prtncltc. Pvahotly, of Cambridge, sal

ol the ciniilnyiiienl or "spoiler*." "The li.jiior

-1.-.- .,-■ -. and a pnrt ol ihe coiumunily. have n

like Lo ,1, i etive work. When u Ii.ptor dealer i

a pullecinan.he rnnadjurt hlmsillto thelnw,

when he tees a detective, he doe* not have a

i?) chance." Let u« ask Ihe question : why tl

detective*, are nulaa honorable us oilier detei I

In securing offender* ngalntl the law?

There are now lil Itriiii.o Oagnea eonncc

with "The Citizens Law and Order League

Matsarhutittl,," of which tint llruneh Lengn

Lawreauu la one.

The lawless lu every community, mike il

Imperative necessity to establish su. h an org

/ .ii ,..i:. aml>herever there in. been an active

aggrcsive work for "only obedience lo law." ihe

benefit hai been marked ami great! The prom.,

lions have been mainly for selling to minor*, K

ou Hi" Lord's Dav.

From It- pre^nt appearances ol thing., tin

Il a great work that ougli* to be done, nt once.

our city. The "Lawrence League" muU depi

upon Ihe oitliena for tymnalhy and ■ .,.,..: .

would be Inconsistent and unfair, lo expect

comparatively .mail body of men, NNAMMI, lo

Ihe whole work of enlordng Uw* in a eiiv

10,000 Inhabitants: tl Raecnllve Hoard" Die

tore. Invite allgoml all /.en* ti come forward it'iDi

suck contribution* as ihey may elioi

their na a concealed. If no desired

ed —with the assmance lhat time anil money aim]

very per-

-ec IU lulbs iei've.1 i,o tha

he WJT of the rebellion,

■vho tia< an hooorshle dlsebarge, and is or

IBs iltsSbled ,'toiu an.' cause, uul

of his own gross ca elesanesa,

lisreputabte coDdBci or vicious liabim,

nid is itepi-mlent on his own labors for

oppitrt. The aiiK.uutnf ibla peuaioo Is

0 be pfuporilaatla it tbe degree of dis-

unity, and lo c Mti.D.ince from tbe date or

nllDji the apflUetllOS, Tne blftheat rate

allowed under tbla aecklou la ->..ln month,

• hlcb anriunt Is mvle divisible for leas

legreea of dliabilltj. No person can,

lowever, claim the bunt lit of this pepaluD

who already receives a pension higher

ban fit a month. Applicants having

Halms DOW pending, or who may hereaft-

er il iH clairaa, may elect to prosecute tbelr

claims either under this act or the general

peusloa laws.

S.-ciin.i 0 unreal, , ttiu pension of all

wtdowa or minor children or soldiers and

■ItOrl, who are now receiving $M :i tu mi ii,

i> -l:; a mouth, and exlend<i the Increase

i) all sach who mty hereafter apply, who

under existing laws, would be entitled in

a in.in1 Ii.

ectlon 10 provides |h«\ |f ,r w.valld

11 ol I

i ovr l|oi loyally, i better.cieauer Wbl'-U l OIlUUl:

Keri-tofore, the public: the one wont interested, Ii,'. ifl 1. ...I ■■:(<■! I ■!..;, I -in ■ OP

work. the "League," content In being an eap

ment as auxiliary to the civil lorce already w

istenee, but il would do more If there Blmuld i.

/jmi-ficif sentiment, encouraging nod sustuintng

IU efforts.

\ny i oniiMuiiuiii.otit. lo the Secretary will

treated with Ihe consideration Ihey merit, a

will be prcecnted lo the "Board* for such acli

aa Ihe subject demand*.

In Hie hope lhat Lawrence mar see belt

days -a higher lone 6/morality—a purer tbouj

—a thorough cuforcemciu of laws ihe " giei

me I*.,HI I" make tbe ,., ,r,- slaieiuen.1.

A. K- WllljK,

■■■i". '■ "I. nvi.ii. .- |.a» f*)dr,filer League.'

Fails nre Stubborn Things.

l-t there anytliinj tn any of the numC:

one mji .'i-i ,-,1-ni.'ins of ihe i; tyat Baking

I'owder to allot? that the It lyai does nut

use AmtnonU and I'trtarlc Acid as cl

-'iii' ''", fur Cream nT 'i'artar?1 ii

there finv charge, oi theallgbteat Insli

lion In Ibuse adferihetneuw, that Cli

land's Supi-i mr Baking I'owdur contains

auylhing uut the purest Qrape Creai

Tartar ami Bicarbonate ur Soda, with a

small i"ITi, ni ni i,' mr as a pr**trvati-

Ammonia and Tar Uric tc;d prodocu a

cheap i.'iin-iinu gas, which is not to bt compared, In the practical test or baking

with the more dexlrable Carbonic Acli

gas ufuiTsLuiJ hf the exclusive use ul th,

expensive Cream of Tartar.

Uae Clevelaad's Superior Baking Pow-

der, and judge Tor yourself ul' 11a utiporl

or Ily.

rlaxKV W tmi ll.i, nil.'s

brother, Rev. W. H. Beecber, o,'M Park Chicago, Hilda bla emphatic testiuiony to tbe i« .... of Atniophorot a* a ipectnc for rheumatu aid neuralifiraflecUonn. Huwrlm. Hewntet "Have uieu Alhl pbotoi enough toaatifllv mi that it will certainly euro neuralgia, lebrttei and iiiil-iniiii.univ rbenmatltm, and remove al tbe luaro paint of chronic rbenmatlim. I rec- oniuiend my jneidi to try It." ,li

1IIK Mew IM^SIUN BILL. . _ -_n

Or li.ii- i i io liHivri'iicc I'cmlriilf

rtarcllu i.loti to

,-iuii. i-, who a Cuui

I service ami in the line of duty, has

Ii.',l, or when te ahull hereafter die, leav-

r.g a widow or roloir child, nnder lo'

'ears of agu, or both, tbe.v shall be tut! tied

ntbe order ofsaccepslou named, loan

original puuafon iu tbelr own right, under

■xlsilng laws, without being rtquired lo

• rove that the death of the !ui ■■, n, I or

alter was due to his military or i.nv-ii


■ Section U continues the peDS>ooi of

minor children wtHu ihey bicome oi uu

ouud ti.inl ot plivalcalU lielpl'-ss.

BecllOO 1^ provides thai lu consider! g

tip claims of dependent parents, niter

proving Ihe fact of death utid IN cause.

tul that BO widow or children are left. It

hail - nly be necessary to prove t hat Hie

igtent is without HIIKT means of comfort-

abif tupport lhau bis or her own manual

lhor, or the contributions o( others not

I'gally bound to support him or her, and

ui-li dependent paronU siiall hereafter be

ntitied lo 81-' a month, iusUm! of 88.

Section Id makes ihe record o( cnll-t-

tnenl ami rr,nslerlng Into service, prunu

facie i'i i i. in ■ of lODSdbeas a*, tbe tliuu oi

nllsimcn*,, snbleet, however, to rebuttal

oy competent evidence.

Section 14 provides thi', no persunsbal1

be entitled u more inan one pension at

ho same I'rae, ui'duf any or all laws, uu

els the act under nhlcii the double peu-

IOU Is granted shall specially so declare

Oi Ie bet

The Loogwoods of Boston and Ihe.

I.iwrences ciosied balfl ou fiitnrduy, tbe

latter receiving the worst beating they

..ur received eluce their ,. ■, ni./. II IHO

The score.


Caton. b. Ditwson B.xby, b. Klllay, Jones, c. Brlee, b, Cltumhirs, hit wk , ti. Killay, Wright, not out. Ilubiiiirtl, Ii. Ilulilmin, .M.iutil,ld.ruuou Dutmu. E. Sub, ti lloitham. Spinney, b, liolin mn, Pickering, b. IM K'Dg, e. Sub Ii. 11 illham

Hoo'g. b. Ohinber*, , tl

llall.c, Kiug, l>. Uaobard, 'J

D.wson, c and b. liubbard, 3

llnce, nol out, I

Total, i -

Manball, Iltltham, Killay, Smyibe, Bean

land, CraokDoll—tu bat.

Heroic Iteacue.

r. .1 ihn Kenilck, the well known pal

[.in maker, rescued Irom H horrlLle death,

on Saturday, a i ■:; girl of about 1:

years of uge. It leemi lhat Hie girl lu

company with anmlier young Mits,

frightened by the ravings of an Ini

wumau on Water .Si., and stalled lo

Just wist of the "old brewery ' on W

it reel. Is a most dangerous bog hols, pet-

baps ten feet dei-p. Tin.' surface of Itg

contents being crt*eied with t-huvlugs

from the plaiting mill, and apparently IP

like the surrounding terrlory, ou a sollil

baals- "ii this suffice tbe lluli- girl ran

and Immediately sank, and would liave

'i.-cn il.iiivti-'l tiDimestlonalily had -li- nut

been seen by Mr, Ueiuick, and heroically

,--( ]■ ■!. This hoe Das long been a dan-

gerous r-pot, Into which horses and otbet

animals are couiliiualiy wamkring, and

(iii-iil in be attended lo at ouce.

An.ii'-ii Kiii' n at latins;.

An,':, w KMkn, .'on of Arthur Killen

residing at No. 8u0, Second street, foutl.

Boston, inriiit'T y of this city, has been

missing irom borne since Just 5. He Is

11 years of age, and has blacK ryes, dark

brc-fM hair, a light complex I JO, and

wilghs about- eighly-llvu pounds. He

had on when lavt seen a brown coat an 1

it, dark trousers mm a Itrsw hat. N

cause can he a-al41.ul tor his disappear-

ance, and his fattier and mother are a'-

most lieatt broken, the .alter lining com

pielely prostrated. Tha boy was ver>

bright ami smart, and during ibe recent

foreign exliiblllrt) acted an annlstanl to

Mi-- K' Btigh'.mau, U uual Njftuu'a

assistant sec rut a ry.

—Miss Cyutbla i|awley, Ipf many years

a resident of our city, and s teacher lu

ibe Ui'Ver school, has severed her

section with Lawrence, and will 'sk

her residence lu Chelsea, tier departure

is regretted by bo»ta of old tiluids, whi

will miss her greatly irom heracenstomt-d

place. Her ptitiils at tue O.lver school

prei.i'oi- .; !n-r a very handsome cabinet

photograph, album, on jfMdev last, as a

rare We 11 gift. Mm U*wiey has been one

uf ihe mosl haul working and conscien-

tious orieachiTs, ami her labors have ul

wave be. n attended with success. Shi

Is a great toes to ibe corps of ibe educa.

lors lu our public schools.


The man wbo bat a prise In a iolterv i* re garded as ihe happiest ol mortal*. At the last diawlng o: Tte Locl*lana Mate Lottery two Nemphw inisj drew SI4.UTJ0 each. Mr. II. J.

Porsey, a ruranaa 1 ufjn tha lej-eea along the UUimail'pi. ha» been living In bumble eiicum- atatifeiata* JschS-in !>■■ An Avulanrlie re I'/.rtcr repairtd H> iho cornrr ni Ju-gsun itreei, and l.r|i:rnd where Dorwy Ived. (4. "You mean tue man tbal drew the lottir;' pmu r' A. "Yea." "He* uovol aaay. He turd to live In mat lime home over there, hut he's golu' u> live In a m |r bouse in Ft. I'i kcring now."-

litiD|bl«i(renn., AvaU'" he. June *■

*> t'OMl'MI MiiH CfKBP.

An old pbrslelsu. retired Irom practirc, hav- ing had placed In his liandii ny an Kait India missionary the lormula »l a simple vegetable rviiM'iiv i,,t 1 lie ' anil permanent cure ol

Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and " Throat a*nd Lung Allections, also a positt

d radical c rBen bility and 1

Nervous Complaints, alter having teattd li wonderlul curative powers in thousands ol caaea, has iclt it bia duty 10 make it known to in- sutferlng felloaa. Actuated by (his motive and a detlrc to relieve human sullerlng, I m . send Iree ol charge, in all sun desire il, tbts recipe, In (Jerman, French or lingliih, with full directions ior preparing and utttig. Hent by

mall by addressing will) stamp, nspiina ibis paper, W. A. Nor*s, HI* rower's Block.Hoch etter N. Y. *J IT Sow Bur.24

MI't miss seeing the etegant *pr,ng

atock (bought tl the Ute failure) and ibe

onable pilces, at Wlnslow's One till-

ur lug bouse, all new styles.

SULPP" IT he Greatest Blood PuriferJ



This .cheiipcatand be-.t. 12-«,l,,:-.^,il l'IU'lllll'lTKIf-f..i *l.oi,l.'" jnc cent a dose. It will cure worst crises of skill .11 caw, fr> 1 common pimple on the fn. :o lhat mvfiil dl-cnsi' Srrofuli

.sl/U'lU'R BIl-lKIIS la thi llic-t iiicliclmi tn 11 "■ In all leasi's of such stulib.'t IdiTp t wilt oil dlatuaco.

—* ever take

BLUE PILLS ni-rrurv.thcy are de

Ily. riliroyuur trust I l.sL'LI'liril B1TTU ■ the purest and bet I nOt llclno ever m.fic.

KNOW THYSELF. A Great Medical work onManhood

eases, eaoh one 01 wu .ouud by Ihe Author, wnn.c rap TICC" ior roars la auch as probalde never l>eiorc fell to I lot af any physician. :ini ouic, bound in bei llluj F.ench mtiklln eiutto aad covers, full g. (uarantred lo be a Bner work in cvry nensi mechanical, literary and prnleaniona'-- 'han

.ur Bitten 11 trmf wait n

t-t. ■:.,.'. it |H ( of cnier. Vtvi

_bt'l.l'IH'R QHITTEK _lmit„.,l

•he InwiiidV Friend,] ynunp.ttieagedand

.. Kc'ml'iiiltei' ivli.n

life, tt bas nivcd huudreda.| 't wait until to-morrow, fboa1

Try ■ a Buttle To-day! Are_yon lowsplrltcil nml w

i'.l'UUU ItlTTliitoB





Booaua« tt elcnnaaa tha eyatrm of the potaon- oua liumora LUat develops in Kidney and Url. mr-i Uiiasats, Btllananeas, Jaundlra, Consll|>a- Uon, nioa. or In Bueuraatlara, Nouralgln, Hsr> rou ULanclcrsand all Toma!" Complaints.




Ur otuslng 1'ItEK ACTION of ill tho crgtma and funeUona, thereby

CLEANSING tho BLOOD raatortog uie uonual power to throw off d)«wa*a

THOUSANOU OP CASES of tha worst forrat of the** tarrible iHssaaw hava baan qidaaly rclinvod, and iu a short UUII

PERFECTLVCURED. I'lili I", Jl. I mi in OS Hill, MILD Id HK1 i.l.l'tS.

Dry oaa ba sent by mail. WSLLS, niOIfAKDeOM at Co., Burlington, Tt


|J#\n ill.'* puraw pJaster tlV/r tat,,..,,. f„r 1U .,01.k

__. _ _____ >»l hearty •■ ti -n lu

PLASTER l;,;:.:aJ,r.'JS: Crti 11 in the nark, Kiila ur Hip. Neuralgia, Stiff Jtilnla and Kii.* lea, clt.-.i, Troubl.a anil all palm m-arhm'lllu-rlimli.rdr,ip^aaasd. HS...Uirs,Htr«nBth eu* ami BtlmulaUs lit,. |*rta The virtues oT hops eoat- oln-.l wilh iruiti. .I, so an,I re»Uy to apply. Bu]*rl..r to Ihiiuienta. lulloiit and aulvi-s. I'm* fa cent* or 1 fur


LfTTbebeat ranuly pill n





An old Vii;il;ei- remedy trtiit (ins done more to rrilevr-siillerlitghuiniiiilty than .til -niter medlelnes combined.

These eetobreted llitiors »re nun. it,..,-, I of cholro BoOte, Herbs mid Hurka iiiiioiip; which tiro (leal imi, rtaiwpawUls* Wild Cherry, I > Icli.ui .limlper nml other berries. ? nd are so prepared «s to retain ■ 11 their niedlcliial (,in ,1 it i,--., utid will cure tho f dLowing oOmplalntB.

Hv-|i. 1,'iii. .liitniillcc Liver ('oiri- plnhils, l,-I-- i,i' Ai.|.-Mii', lleitiliii'hes, llllliuis AlUt'ks, (summer CuinplntntH, IMlea, Kldnev Hi-..■,,.,-., I',i,i.,le 1)1(11-

cultlea, Litssltiide, Low Spirit!*, lienrriil l>cbiiiiv,ini(i, in tiM-t, evervthta*fiiwaed by nn Impure atate of tne Wood erde* riitiiM" I eondttlon of the Stoimich, Liver or Kidneys. The .. ■-.--■ I llml In OiiHker llltti-rs a .-..-nt I... ■■.I'ltiiiiii: atlimifent, so' in Hi.'ii ,1,','linin". yeors.

They uro recommended nml used by eiiiliii-ni pbyslobins utid elergymen.

"none need antler long from nny dls- i It they will liar-thinker lllltera, ua

tbey effort ii cine when- other rriuoilleie i.ill. Hiilterer, try tbein ; Ihey will cure

; iii, .. have rurnd thousiinds. or sale hy nil ilriifrir,lsl» and dealers

In tiir-dlciiii's every where. 1'rlcc VI per tmtile ; six fur *.'■-

dw'n .'n,i z

. tried naiiting Whiitover the i-nim it tho poisoned condition, Vegellne will rrnloro auu -troiiglheu.

s, ...nil.,,.- ii,,,,,., . have liA'ti.arnlH-ing ei llin use of Vegel -how testhnoiiln eon to tho parties iu proof rihi,.

Djajpfsaala and nil the pleasant effeota of indbiea

' by the

tea«M nr the nkii. ill.apm wiicu Voffcune 1. finlifalLj

For Mrer :...-t Kidney roinplslntv.H iv ill V.g.

j dine it moat valuabls remedy.

| " 111, 11,,'-. Ul'. ,1 I .,.,,"-■ I i.fU-n li.Mrd. Aiiiini.iir.'coa-

'■lillooof tliebl IwiMiilienv. ipriHliieii this fin-ling and It U -nre to ''i relieved by the UM

i of Vcgetnie.

i -.I:- ' "-hohavenaerl Vcg- ciliie.tu.d Km II .,., „: in-h i- lurire, nre loud iu It* prana •'i-a rci ly for dlicasca liu- enli.'ir to their sex.

VEGETINE la sold by nit DraggtlOk


aUhauste'V V it

SI 1 • iripll QjltJ.ll

nd eta inlaln


i dl it , *:..-. me noy will be relun eii iu everv

nee onlv (1 eobv mell, post l aid. li n.ininr implcii ceota. »an I now, Bel ■ m-lalawn'd I me author by th* Kaiioeai Me mu Asaocia on. to ineolBce'S of which h« reiert. The Sclenca ol Ltlo ahould b- rend i y the

voungior it iruet'on, and bv Hie iiillicled tor ie- "tt. Il will t-ri, -nt ail—London I..... i There Is no uumWr of eceiety to ah'iu the

Science el Life will not be useful, whether youth,, guardian, lostructer, Or cleigy man.— Argotaut

■ 'dress th.. tMshody Helical lnsli:iile,or Ur. . I'aiker, No. 4 Buldoch St., Ilnnton, Muss., may lie ronsulle ion all diaeasrs reituinng and experience. Ctiroulc nrd rbatinab

tl-eises that n.ive baffl id gj e II llir ikitl of all aher phva ■ M C. AL <:I*-I»


mad ' grout a i d i.u-ivi.-, I err

VV..L !,.',, ■■ , , ;

lull I coil ''Il mmm




OtGLY, and gives anal-renal ant'afar t Ion. So family, rich or poor should be e itbuul It.

Sold by all Qroe sra. n i:u Ai;i: ..f imltatlnna voll dosUncltonii.lend. I'EAKI.IM: ,-, ll.o )M v sin: laWsnvliijr eonpotnM), an**

always the above svmliol, .ind nnme of JtMI'.-i PVLE, NEW YOUK.

r ft

DR. *

DYES 1,'I.Ki till. VuI.TAtr lll'.I.T and other

. AiTiiiUcrji are ^.lll ,,n :« l^ijs' Trial TO MEN ONLY, VOI'Ml <<lt ol.t'. mho are sufTrr lug from KxBvoi-4 [iKiuiirv, l^arr VITAUTV. WltTl.ia WRAKariHta. and all tho.n dlseasraor a PaasnKAi. NATL'III. n-anltliiK fit.tit Aai'itrt and ifTMait CAUSKJI. Sicily r.-llef an.I complete restorailon to HKAI.TII, VIOOII and MANIIOOI. ..,.-....,. : . ..I nt once II Illustrated t'ani|iltlei tree. Addrcsa TOLTAfC KELT <<>■■ Mnrsbnll, Mich.



FN BLAINE AuthortaesI Mt»«d»rU

TaiFKipltvutthiSIST. Btrlit with tht SUlag Tilt. Immense Profits for Agents.

Terma Moat Liberal. Outfit, BOO.

I imiumi muam* co., sp-iac-iid, iou.

COKE!_ COKE! k Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Ct al

THE LAfRKFcj GAS CO. itsslllng OOKK at the (oilowlng price*:

PerChaldron of 14 bbl*..delivererj SI 60

t • ** 1 « » lal

rerbarre,, " " Jtb

Orders must be ft at the offlceof tr>.compao>

So.2SS K-sn st., HI.-i tbcCcke paid Iorattbt ;lme the order it Riven.


n„lo II m„ - - 1 I07.W'' ■tti


BUNTING FLAGS. For Flag Revising,

Political Goods Headquarters. tend for Prise List.

IiYliK A CO,

O Cbuuncy St., ItOSTON

Flllt 111 I lAlil.l:


MKItlill.l, & llllAI.II

No. SSS3 llHh.'v ML. l.,iv,r,.i,,-„.



Choral Worship! For C'holra, Bliurlna; rinsaes in.| Mu.

■■I, il Conventions.

Full Church Husii Book Biie. Trice S'.CU,

CHOIAL WORSHIP baa »i0 pngea.

CHORAL WORSHIP hiapo ,.i. ■, of Hi, ment*, Kaeroisen Kiay and Orad 'd tfsngr, lo one, two or morn puts, Clee*, Au A i variety.

Conoerl ilrging. and lor l:a|<i'lng the

On the Whole, CHORAL Wllft-tllp ta a book foi Hi" tun.'., uppaatlag as Ch-irus, Choir and

JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. .lcpjirtmenU ot Opllral Goods, we have Mill ItrtUr co -up tent Unit 1 em nut l I ist critical ease nl ear

it by wearing a tni>Ht. We have IBS patronage M nearly iii that we nre rch ilile. O.n line of Wulih in and Kigln ire lian been t great -Irnp m the prices nl these t'nida.


The Reason Why he "SEAL of NORTH CAROLINA


lie t-uiiKiNtj Iiui, line It id the Bern

heal ToUajfeu ™«» n uran.iiiij uimwty, .^oilli Carolina, ml STOKHi A WAY TWII YKAki biloro it Is laii't— nr-.l. ror ...,- l,y „|| tl.-alcr., MARBITRO IIKOS., Manufacturers.

Oaution to Farmers and Dealers. for atf-tv In preenrteg you,

rIAitPOtl.N !:..i;Hr. M.I IDKli-- aelc t orly Ihone r-'mj thrreot

T^3fJCllNri''" '" l'r'r" of "ur n "a Miaa,

%& -. vfv ^ dialogues firing

abed free by M'l'ga and - rops.

A. J. Kellls fonipiiny, l*lttilmrfi, Pa,

d A Floating Harrows,

I» A K. K ER'8 AIM jtiiA.I*SAM

JtVi■- ■ - <- r*a*\ i.i^"-'-JUKuiii.pun- I A:; . iy.'J\);VA,v.1:i.lri,-',pIrl1,me. Il '.■-ivv/r.'.f.rf'i ' iir.tnrra tn (iray Hall

-fe HiheVonthralColara I ,■ -t ■TH -/ dandruff and

' .' ! -i.iW. Jt ,t Hi in; of the hair. IfV...:.. ■' ; -./t. Jt..i..".Ac.-.N.v.

tfl'l t, horn ru, Ae.



<TL ' UHE ■ .ft*


MUSTARD t.lveit'srrsl by add

f>U, IU HiTUc..' Htn


mV'|aJ »* POTASSIUM aO^.1111 !;■■ '.■■"■li'^'.l,',,

*>* il,,r,„.,.L ■ .. r.,,1.

•■ Wether,.!!'. S ,r.„p:irlll:l L-h.-s lur n iroo.l ap- nelltt... I f.ll mneh iuiproi-l l,.f,rc using bulf a In.ule. June IT. IStL

Uli Seat Blood Purlller.

\V. tWir. rlars^piirlll'i .'iii'l Iodide I'o't',,..', and eoHAltlar It one of th,- hot blood purl and pprlaBf medicine. I hnvc ,-v. r u., I, ehccrlesTK-'-""""''...! )i t.. nil who nc.-d ,

A. S. WrlTIIKIt!-!!.!.. anil (liemlnt, KXETEU, S. II.

i. *1 l*i pcrhotilc. Hit li.ltlearorftj.00. 11(11 SAI.B U\ Al.l, IIUI titllSTS.

Mason & Hamlin Organs. Now Illustrated catalopoo (i0 pp. ito)

,'or Benson o[ lags 4, InclniUng 111811/ new itylps; tlio bpst assnrtmrnt of the boat mil niiist iii!f,n-ti,f on.-uns wo liaroerrr iffpretl, mil rt lowest iirlreH, i'22 to $t;oo. Cur cash, ess; paynwuta or rented, Feut free.

M°son & Hamlin Pianos. I rod win IT new nml Imnortsnt im-

,in riucnlR adding to pewfTf bcantj ot ton ami durability. C irrulurs sent froo.

Uawa & barrilia Or^au & Piano Co, i:. - Tic tu out Mr. it, 1 lotion.

O0LD Mi.LiitL, PAiLui, i«7Z.


BMfasI Gowm.

>fora for aura oaoBond.

dcllclMi*, n„urlsldt>g,

lag,caalljdhntttod(aad arlnpted f,r invullda :..

s.i! bj Droeera eierywhtra.

ELIXIR OF OPIUM vuliiul.liiii],-(li'iiiiii]ii-'>ie-i1icniiru retained. It. pamowoH nil tliu s.-iIntiv.', fiundvne, and SllllHp.'l* I.,' llOWOI'H of Oplurii, 1 """ ""

U-CB ipinii-kncNaof tlii'f*t<iiiitti-h.!

It. pamowon nil tin, Hi-iltitlv.'.ruiodyii, SiitiHIniMiitidi.. |>owor«t of Opliitii.liut pro-

U-CB ipiHiokncaa of the Htuiiitf-h. na vom- Itlnt:, no(,"Mlvi.iier.i.ii'i Itciuliytin. lii&euta

E. FERRETT, Agent, 313 Fearl NI.. New York.

LINOLEUM C. H.Pepper'a Celebrated Floor Cloth

New York for duralid other door tlgired putt

araAKB' a^neral tire In

ii. Il 1* mudeof llun tnd h "uprnprl .10 Ixiiilur*. and V uieil mr Dining roonaa,

lalU, Kiichen*, Bath rmms, ottl^et, ttiorer, etc.


1,'Jll) ami IStfl Broadway.

IX 1 nik BENT.


READY MADE PAINTS ifflSBS SPRINGFIEID, MASS Numiilc t tir.U luMiinhcil upon uppllcaliM

Tttnmtiy 1 A


^iWii SaleBroom 286. Residence, 285 mon Street. Tlyr jan 1

Corns Must Go.

iAKER & CO,, Dorcbcster,


A favorito prescription of one Of tbe must noted Jittd .utYivsriil pi.-ci« In ihe D. H. ln«wrr!lrcd] for tii.tenre „f Vrmuj. IMMIfaa t,<ixt Mnntimm*. IIV.t'BfM noil Dreao. Sent luplaiuavalinliiuv*lijpv/r>«e. DrueguUtautil.^

Addrass DR. WARD A CO.. u« i) HIS

.'OMPKINS&MANN Successors to



Bond II for specimen Copy.

SONO WOHMHIPtiuatCuOiia Sun- da* fehool Bnsii Hunk ot the grenirat piomi >e bv ICme.son and She,*in. bend lacenm 101' out ap cuntn ion».

OLiyfiR DrraoN 4 <;<>. IIO-i.d 4SI tr.,lili.utot »t

HOLIHAfJ & CO.. Wholesale and Retail

O-BOCBBS 411 and 41S Common Street.


Make a specialty ot all ihe lineal gradeao Uroeerlea.


Da. C. Wi>i'i NKHVK iivh ru 11 a I ny«r MKKT,a guiranKed SP■ "c im livi-mi, hit .■■lie.-... 11.: ■ .'I, ■, t Its, Nerroiia Nuialgia, Headache, Nereoua piottraMon, can ted hy ibe ute ot'a|,.„„|nr li.i,i(, ,», IViikemlne^, Mon ' r>eprestlon, of the II am resiiltlng ID ...I'I. .11,,j leading 10 , ■. . . droay aad death, I'I-'-III ,[..i-.. (i[.i A ,.■, 1 in," ■ ■■. t.oa

ivur lud'uiauct on .1,.in one iiKtith's inu men One dolls a liox or sir. boaes for Ovc dollar-.; aen b mall prepai 1 on ncetpi of price. Wo uaranie BII boiea to cure nny eaae. Witheaeli o"b received by n Tor six boxes, nc«ompinn d wtt 111-1 dolla™, we wl'l aend the pumhaaei- on written guarantee tiM'-iun,! ;u^ mobcj, if 11,

fnsWSB] doea not effoet a cure, uu^ran" issued only b,

H.ii. apurny A m. i>n,gfMt., LAWK.UCS, at^r-

inleri hy mall at regular prate. ilWllo.l In

MRS. COODENOW, Select Employment Office I


Th« la-grit and leading rmp'oyrtient omre'n citv. I,, ill heln li rattbedand sittiailons pro. urod at ti.ixt ootloe. dwtf mja

LACTIC ACID. The Acid of Milk.

A Pure, Healthful.) Relreahing Drink,

ngDIgWllon. Sold by drnjrgitu SferiWBf


LnrtHip, Mixed Paint*, Neat* root till

r„i .11111- W,ii. I'lilty. l.i I. vYtiltc. P an rr Paris..

lust Bra-hea, imery Pa a», 'lu.eryl |rth. Bnarael lir.-sulng,

lor Cnrrin ;e I'lipi, Keslher Dusters, floor I'ni.hea. fish Glua, ►"iirnllire Vain *h, ■oretl Klvei Lea.!. -lue,allknds, llun Arabic. ium Trurarnatb

toraea and cattle,

fiiltnett e, Hewing M .. MU. nil, btioie fall', -.HI Itulineta, hui'u'j Uruthe*, Tar, Woolen Dippers, WinlowUDa*.

i*r»ir,lr,g Vnrish, bet Salt,

—'in'ied don 1'ails, 'I.' Tile 01 -1 oil,

H'Hilcnii-t, Itril'llCB, W.I-IM'I: 111 Mo tn, W II 11,i.' H.irlur I ■oap,

WhiiH Oilecup Wlmjofi w i-i'

lull - ITSKii [VT 'K ntKNCII AXI) lfrky*N AltMIB-*. It will remote the mosl obtlioata cases without oan.lng any , alu. It i. easily annliud and re,tiiitc „ , phtteraOf bandagci.

Tlie Goiiunie Is l* Cents. F n> Kale tit nil Drug Stores.

Beware 01 Worthless imitatlona.

11,',>'i..- in Lawrence:—A. p. Ordw*v A Co eor. tfrondvav and Ksscx Street. Edward B Keliet's Itriigrttore.P. tl. itloch. dcodi 60 p|


«*« •*» .JXh^atV "ADE »*»*

>)neneD of Sei). WrjR!! TAK1MC Ahuse; a* waa nrtri

iLX"V\\: ""ITW '•M»i1'""'- >**ln h. the far*, n. of Vision, Premature Old Age. am? n. ,ni other dlaeaara that |m„ ,0 laaanltY w

01j1.11n11-l1.1n ami it Premalure Uravo. »fe#nro-i the adveiti.einenu lo ret nail money

when drogiMa iron, whom, iha ,-*di0|Be la '■ uglit do not refund, but rclor yoo lo the tnaa- uiauturers. and ihe rexnitement* are auob lhat ohei ever wdh. See Ihe 11 wr'len gtiaraniee. A Inal ol oaeslng e paeaaae ol Urav-s Ni^ciac win nonvine* Ihe mosl skeptl-

al of It real merits. On aeoounl of 1 ounterielta, •e havu ...!..,,:,-,i t^e yellow wrapper, the only

•srKiill i«rtlctilara In our pamphlet, which *B desire to send irce by mail lo ovarvoae. •^The^i^eiil.. medicine la sold bv all drugalsU

paekaaoaforM.orwiII 1 renefpt ol the asooay

it tl par puokaee, 1

in quantities to suit at Low ost Market Prices'. -

L91 Essex Street Lawrencfe.



V ad'irc Hint; Ihe

QBAY fclBDlCiNB CO., Buffalo. N. Y. Bold Ir. I ,iu, retire ;,,

KKLLKY*8 DRUG STORE, ^ dwiy Q^H potll Oftlo4 Bloek.



QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL, •VKIt, 8»Tl.'liU»l ,„„ U4, ,„ D.CIMBE1

"™S.,'IV™ ITf "°."" ""«••. 0"IJ sin,. „»«, LAI.WAV 1.laauofffUffiK

• JOl Ini,,=■.....,„„: ,,„, e„pM ({j™

.or Inform.ilon, te.. .,,.■■. in L.V. . .1....

"AniMt IB.9f an ■■•'< , ur. fS Pile*. lTtcu 11, at orutgksta, or

- i E

reprearul ihcia. aii.l jour dealer v.... , dw il ii4


lloomntu.. MMm But MSW

X.OAISH Kec-m-eil ,>,-


D. F. SHERWOOD & CO., ST. Paul, MLHE. Referents. Rr. Raaa lUtimti Baaa, 8f. Ket and , (Juasuuuui. liisa.ilis.i nut. *«••««

COdaiv o arid I

FILESL ATl F P E I SA" njom Ynnthfnl Imrmti «l N„n„.,, Il.-lilht.. sien S* —I WaaAaot*.. Valoah

tl aa f'lrln.nisettr.. ■ ct-<.. . W aaasfBUi. IhMMBBl Oo» ■SWSaBJSB

&IS: WEAK, UHDEVELOPEO PARTS ". ,,11,1I MIX ||i„,y I .,..!;,., I, ,„.,,V


BS AVALS • V. KHlrJ far m

^IfirfeHJ* raasj ,. 11 1.77- EyafBaTJEBai



Andover Advertiser, —rnunuD—

^Tory Friday Horning:.


Poat Offioe Blook, Lawrence r Mass SUBSCRIPTION-Postage Prepaid:

Tbe Circulation ol tiio Lawrence Ameri- can la tbe largest of any paper in the County, and more than Three Tlmee that ol any other Weekly Paper pub- lished In this city.

BLANK BOOK MTrand Com- me ratal HUM oner, Room Paper, DMOftetMM

W. HI. KICK. SSo Kssex Street. BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Caib

meres, Silk fringe*, Buttons, Ulove*. Ae A.SHABPaTACO.,113 Bssex Street

BOOTS & SHOES, a full and complete ■look, at price* to aul t thetitae*.

P. B.ttomNSON.S.1 Bssex Street. /ROOKING STOVES, Bang-M, \J Furnaces. Sole ejtent Magee Blovea

JOHN r.UlMdUAH,S80K*Hxl GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan-

cy UooiU and Produce. dUaTTUCK B80S. nor. Kaaex, Araesl.nrv

PAPEB HANGINGS, Window Shades an Kiiturei.

E. A. rtdKB, S7S Easei street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole llcen**

for the uitrior the Carbon Processes. ritANK BUSSELL SMEssexes.

SEWING MACHINES. TheN«w Hvrae, Domestic, Komi niton, singer and

MOW Bono. W. HAUBR A CO., Agents 371 Baaex 8U

TAILORS, French, English and American Novelties.

r. W.SUIIAAKK A 00.,Poat Offloe Block.

TA1LOB, Imported and Domes- tio Uood*. H UKNNIg MOUSE.1M Etaex Street.

Clothing store. A' W. HOWL AND, D. D. 8.,

e DBNTAL 8URQB0N, MS Baaex Street, Lawrence. Saa, Either and Cb oroiorm Administered.

reaoe. Offioe boura. t to t and 7 to *aB.

D\ _ HII.KS, DENTIST 448 Xsisx St., rorbea' Block, Laareuie,

-—'kiaa or Btker Administered

D" J to* sad 7 tovn.

Best Re


r. LKDUKE. La- al ttu , i ... jtt-rW ) Teeth. «10. i'x. I, JdUSl ■"■■!

»ei en u.w

. I eth ei


. BBV1NOTON, Dentist r Successor to Dr. C. W.SJITO ler.Nl Baaox

Street, Lawrence. Office Hour-: iWMIi, i ,iu let. Open *T«ry evening iron. I loll. in*

DR. 8n>

DK O. T. HOWE Pnyslclen ii Stir it-'-.n niii-T, .>;-,ip.-,.i at., Beside. oe 16ft

fcavegavJl -t. t m iboutai 1 to land 6 .o H.80 fci !I-1_ DB. J. H., DKNT.kL UUR

OION, He. «9J Baaex Street, over the Bay Siate Bank. Lawrence Mini. Uaa, Chloro form, or Ether given, aa y.eierred. Closed during August.

DECKER* WHlTriEB, Choice Gro- oarlea. Strictly Pure Coffee*, «ri" »and

ObotceiiTea*. The boat Dalriea oi Butter and Cbaeao. as Am urr a ire

|7 N. HARRIS, Trt-ai-urer of the ilia It. Hunt Machine Co., S-.'t ilrot.lway. Turulne Water Wuueia, fulling Muia, Washer* Failing 3toaka,Glga, Regulators, A i., Ac. Plan, arnishod and all mill work done.

Portrait* and Landacei IMA, Base: XBT.,LAWXBB<O>.

HOLT a CO., ICK DEALERS. Office with Bugbee * Bssex street, Law

ease. Ha* a. aprnsTTy.


Lawrence, Uaa a. Peraoaalattentionlo all bust •as ."lwut

ZFOLGER. Dealer In Spectacles and * Ere Qinssas, sells toe beat of Bpectactaa

al reaaossblo price*. 171 Ksaea Street, 1VLX

GC. HOWARD H. D. * Street, BeiMenoe 79 II

Office Hoars. I to I a. m , I to 3 sod


SARSAPARILLA! Painful Blood Boils and Bunches

Removed. No one who aU auffired irom these affllrliona

needs to be told how eicrnciallagly palniul they are; and there are many wbo bare seen their Mends thna[affllcted, and wcu'd willingly tperd s fortune to relieve taern. The Ustamonlal ap- pended, frcm aoiUxenof a neighboring state, re eords one of tbs most -em ark able ol tbe many perfect cure* accomplished by tbla groat remedy Mr Ham, who ia wall known in Lowell, wbere ha worked in tbe Lowell Bleachery for many year*, I* blsbly eattemed by bis neig ibo. s, and his readinesa to add bla evidence abows bis de- a re to beoefft bla fillowmen.

PKLVAat, N. It., Nor. II. ]*H. Hr. Stevena:—Some IS yeara sio mvleliieg

waa Injured, and since then baa at times tronblni me. in Au«u-t laat blood buoebea andbo'l- began to raih'r, and la a short lime became ex tremely pJintVl. Trie bunohe* were two flogera wide aid very hard. Theboik buil me ei thai I oould only aleep by having a i-illo * under my leg. My arcnuial heal'.ti, tuo, waa viry i>oor. 1 bouabl naif a iloicn bottle* of your Sarsapsr- ilia, snd after taking four boitlet- Ibere was not a trace ortlte boilaiT bunnbra remaining. Two boll* wblcb were coming when I bea-an (otake tbe Sartimir lla never reached a bead. The medicine built up u»y ayatcm, and made me a* well aa ever oeloro.




Life accident and Fire Insurance. J"HN EDWARDS. AGENT. Insurance Agency

C03WLP^JCTT H,S Krenkim orriiii., ra. Pennaylvan'.e ofPeon. German, AIM' I, N. Y. Weatcheatei-. New Tork. Viatertown, New fork. Orient, Harttord, Conn. blertden, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Boston, Shawmut, Boston. let National, Won ater Queen. Kagiand. Imperial As Northe □,England. Royal, England. Metrolote Inn. Co., .'arls. Londc \ Aeeuraaoe, Bnaland. Ouard an Assurance, KnglanH. Londo i oml Lancashire, England. Travel ere' Life and Accident o(

Han o.,I,Conn. State Mutual Lite, Worcester.I THOMAS HEVINOTON,

BUB JBaaex atreal, • i.«»n» Port Office Box 38.


DETECTIVE AGENCY. (Licensed by Police Commissioners)

Office 40 Water Street Boston,'

A P. DKABROBN, I „._„.„ M years' ex Q. VT. CHAPMAN, \ aasnagorv, perlenc*.

N. B. Reliable operalora for aU kiml* oi criminal and civil iiu»lne»s. Correspondent* throughout Anerlra and Europe: chargea nod- erate: buainesa strictly ronndenllal; nocbarge for consultation. Orders by |ma.l or lolegrapb promptly attended to. wlydlS


MB. W. H. BABKEB, Will receive pupil atin

Oil Painting, in Kasex Hank (Building

Oor. Baaex and Lawrence Sla., Boom [lljiboeri from 9 to U.3U, anil I.SU to t.

Painting* for Sale, aimdll


R. H. EDDY, 76 State St., opp, Kilbv, Boston Beoiiros Patents in the United States; alao ia Ureat Britain, France and other foreign coun- tries. Copies of the claims oi any Patent tur- nlabed by remitting one dollar. Asaigr

TESTIMONIALS. •'I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the moat capable

Bad aaooessful practitioners with whom I have had oMclal intercourse.

CHABLES MASON.Commla'rof Patents, ■e trust

islderatlon at the Patent

"Inventor*canaotempioya person mi worthy or morecapableof aecurlngfor early and favorable OSee."

EDMUND BUEKE.T.nte Com'r of Pat en U. BosTOV, Oct. 11,1870.

XH. BPPT, Baq.—Deardir: yon procured tor me In 1840, my first patent, dlnce then yon have noted for.and advised meln bundreda of oases, and procured many patent*, reiaauca and exten- stena. I have occasionally employed the besl agencies In New York, Philadelphia and Wash- ington, bat I still live you simoal tbe whole of mt business,in yoarlme,and edvl*e other* to


in. 1,1*M. 11 Mm.*


Ball from New Tork every Saturday for

GLASGOW Tia. LONDOHDERBT. Cabin feeeage . SdO to ISO. Second Cabin A34,

Steerage. Paaaage, to or from, »!''.

Llienool and Qoeenstofi Service. r■rum Pier No. al N, B., New Tork.

AUSTRAL, anils .luno >& July V, Ang.!» CITY or BOME Sails J .ly IS. Ang. a, Sept. 4,

Sueerb aocommodationa for all classes ol pas.

*1"X"'i)si«aiie *M to $100 aecordlng to aeeem- modBtlon*.

Second Cabin |4| Steerage as sbove. For tiBsaage.oabln plane, book of Bate*, an.,

apply to HBSOKKSON BUOS., New York. MuHi'HT.«)Essex St, or to PATRICK MUKrHViSH Esses St. Lawrence. Sflmmia


40 WALL STRKKT, NKW YORK Brokers and Dealers In Hallway and all other


RAILWAY 1NVKSTMKNTS a ■leTilif. in toe leiecnoa and estimate ol which th dr long connection with "Poor'e Man ualoIKallroadB"give* ibsa special advsn lagos. Coirestiondeice Invited and enquiries answered. ItepOslt aeeoun terest nllowe.1.

«m mst«

i In a rather low aud miasmatic "My fn-m 1 sltustion, and

"My wifel" "Who?"

"Wat a very prettv b'ond I1

Twenty years ago became

"dallewi" "Uolluw-eyedl'

"Withered snd aied I"

Before her tl ae from

"Malsrlsl vapors, though she made no uartt-

eolar oomplsiat, not being of the grumpy kind, yet csiialng me great uaeaalnsss.

'A short time ago I purchased your remedy

ir one ol the cbll Iran, who bad a very severe attack ol biliousness,and it occurred In me that

n medy might help my wife, a* I found that oar little gu-l upon recovery bad

Lost I"

Her sallownese, ant looked as fresh as a

new blown daisy. Well Ui* slory la aoon told.

My wife, to-jay, has gamed her old timed beauty

with compound, aud i* now aa band

some a matron (if 1 darn say It myaell) aa can be

found In this county, which Is noted lor pretty women. An 11 have only Hop Bitters to thank foi it.

"Tbr dear oreaturojust looked over my aboul- ler, and ear* 1 oan Hatter equal to I he days ol

our couruhip,' and that remind* me there night be mere prrUy wivea If my brother farnseie would do aa 1 have dona.1*

Hoping1 too ass* lunar B* apared t* ea s»d. I thankfully remain,

a L. JAMES. BgLTaviLLK,Princeueorae Co., Hil.,1

Msy jSlfi, Ikes. )

AVNone genuine without a bunch of green Hops'on the white label, Shna all to a vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop,t or "Hops" In their name.

NOT OVEB complimentary to Mr. Tildon, was the allusiou of Gen. Fat, incr in tbe Illinois convention,who said he would call upoj tbe New York statesman, if he had the power or Ilitn who said "Lazarus, come forth !" But ibe convention cheered the expression.

What there is in a Bottle.



Sufficient to aiob In five min- utea the smarting, (tinging pain of one hundred bums or scalds. It will stop the

i pain aa aoon aa applied.

Abundance to cure a score of colds and tbe coughing that often leads the way to Co i sumption. It WILL roamrE- ,LT ease aoongh In 16 minutes

H TT fl IT T alf More than encash to save a la II II ft IrllT dosen children Choking with UUUHU1U Croup. une minute stter the

WHStZING Plenty to relieve the oppres. sloe and wheesing oi the moat severe case Asthma. The direct oores of Asthma by this medicine Is proof that

In Ibe above cases Dr, Thomas' Kc.leetrlr.O 1 oas be relied upon. It baa given relief to ihou- ssads. Keep I in yonr house. There Is hardly a week in toe year It will nut be oseinl.

i received and In-


The merit and value of any manufac- tnred article always corresponds with the reputation of tbe manufacturers.

In Soap, quality, not price, should be thefiratconalderatIon->for while strong rank alkali soaps undoubtedly remove dirt quickly, consumers can hardly af- ford to furnlah "dry goods" against the destructive properties of Soaps and washing powders




In thumb pots, per doz. - :ui eta.

GERANIUMS, In 3-ln. poU, 45 Ctl.


Telephone Connection.

REVERE HOUSE, Old Orchard, Me.

This new and steaant hotel, with ampleac- oommodsiions Inr 100 guests, is most besutllullv located ujion a bigti bluff, overlooking ihc ncean. Il la convenient lo botri urn' h and camp ground.

Ko mi lars-e, siry, and we 1 larnlsbeu.


a, !L aAsnT^a!', a,ra^isVpis^s^,i« jarkeay. .

ly reduced lo ault the lime*: June nerweeb; July I to lePWBlbar l. r week, Transient raies, SI.D. i"i ■'■■I'l.i ,

mri-BB, Clerk—Cordially invite* all bis irl*-n la i > Mop at tbe Kevere.

A. P1LLSBURY, - Proprietor. w2m

Halts great to July 4.»;. • 7 tO *!'■ 1H "peclsl rates

ntrlullv ten

INSURANCE. (Imies snl StMks of OJO.IS and Purnltare asured at low rates by

WALTER R. ROWR, ReomlOEaaex Saylui* Bank Bull-ling,




"VICTORY IN THE AIR," is the cap-

tion the Boston (jlobe puts over its

campaign announcements ; yes, and il

will be only "in the air" for the

Globe's party,—in fact, a deal "high-

er than a kite."

event, active preparations are being stade to Send reluiorcemenu to the KasL

Catholic tnlaalonarlescoDnrn] tbe report Forest fres are dolns a great deal .of that Khartoum has fallen, and that General

THE SKNTINKI. publishes what it

says, are the reasons of "an old time

democrat" for not supporting tbe re-

publican party; well, that is fanny

indeed : as old time democrat who

not a republican 1

r is understood that Bicknell

Brothers paid 9500 for tbe display of

fireworks they provided for the enter-

tainment of our citizens on tbe evening

ol the fourth ; let any one who wit-

nessed this exhibition, and the sham

and snide display of last year, for

which the city of Lawrence paid a like

amount, but compare tbe two, and then

decide whether tbe criticisms of tbe

AMERICAN were not well founded?

Whether tbe cheap display of last year

was not a sham and a swindle on the

tax payers, as we thtn asserted.

la recommended for It* great cleansing qualities I the result of a> combination of pure and legitimate Ingredient*, harmless In their action--peculiar to the production of CURTIS DAVIS & CO.

TRY THE d!ew*d a


Important to Honsetapeii GENUINE


1 Pure Concentrated

Flarorlu Exiraci Always Insure Economy and

Excellence. Try them .nd you will nw no Other


Coiied State* and Canada for ds.rrHcn. support. Intemperance, cruelty. Incompatibility ei. Afivi-e nee. BUMijsssjf egaeaad adorer- ATTORNEY WABD, ifr-- - Broad way, Raw York.

Ildlng, 11 Um VylS

THE KICKERS are being placed in close corners by quotations from them- selves in the past; Harper's Weekly said three years ago, that tbe selection of Mr. Blaine as Garfleid's Secretary of State, would meet the approval of tbe entire republican party. The Bos- ton Advertiser, after tbe completion of tbe investigation involving the whole matter of the Mulligan letter, declared that Mr. Blaine had come out without tbe Bmell of smoke, completely exoner- ated. And now the Boston Journal goes back to its flies, to quote from two of tbe now conspicuous bolters, their opinion of Mr. Blaine, also after the whole Mulligan affair in 1876. At a ratification meeting in Fancuil Hall, Hon. E. Rockwood Hoar, A delegate to Cincinnati, spoke of Mr. Blaine then in these warm terms :

Mr. Blaine, whose friend 1 have been bogored by culling myself for years, whose brilliant qualities and great public services have attracted to him an extent of regard among the repub- licans of the country to which no other man has attained, [applausej received in that convention an enthusiastic, persistent, and affectionate support, which must have been a comfort to bim and will be tbe most precious treasure of bis ltfe.

Rev. James Freeman Clarke, an- other delegate to Cincinnati, was also one of the speakers on that occasion, and be was even more effusive in his praise of Mr. Blaine. This was tbe way that worthy gentleman, who now regards tbe men wbo support Blaine

'.■ill-rail," then felt about bim: I do not think that Mr. Blaine bad

a single person;.I enemy in the delega- tion, nor one who did not admire his splendid abilities, his great past ser- vice and bis cbivalric courage. In him, no doubt, more than other oublic man wbo has appeared among us during the past decade, are to be tound tbe qualities described by an American poet: Tb* monarcb mind, tbe mystery of command

inr, Tbe birth-boor gin, Die art Nspoleoo, of Wielding, gsihotlug, molding, Welding, band

log. The bsarta of thousand* till tbty beat a* one.

We all honored bis character and sympathized with his sufferings."

"No other man has attained" such an "extent of rceard" among republi- cans, says ex- Judge Hoar, as this Mr. Blaine, to be whose friend be reckoned "an honor." And, says James Free- man Clarke—"We all HONORED HIS

CHARACTER." Indeed, may Mr. Blaine, appeal from l'hilip drunk to Philip sober; from Freeman Clarke mad, to Freeman Clarke sane.

damage In Ontario, Canada. The Egyptian conference wilt meet

again some time next week. General West baa accepted the green-

back nomination for Vice President. A Swiss village has been destroyed by

Are and two hundred people are home- leas.

Great damage to property has been done In New Mexico by the Rio Orsnje floods.

It Is reported that Nabar Pacbs, the Egyptlsn minister of foreign sBairn, has resigned.

Hiram D. Ifaxfleld, the well-known Isl- and shore caterer, died at Providence, ■eeteitlsy,

Tbe largest torpedo boat ever con- strucled |j to b« bulit for the German governmenL

Hr. Blaine was one of the speakers al the commencment exercises or Colby University.

President Arthur vetoed tbe Fliz John Purler olili In the bonse It wsa pasaeu over the veto.

Tlideo, Ilia claimed, favors tbe selec- tion oi ex-Speaker Uaodall as democratic candidate for lbs Presidency.

France will demand £00.000,000 francs ef China aa Indemnity tor tbe recent vio- lation of ihe Franco-Chinese treaty at Lsogson.

Tbe Illinois Democratic State Conven- tion yeaieraar declared for Tildes, and nominated Mayor Harrison of Chicago, lor Governor.

Gov. Robinson attended the commence- ment exercises at Amberst College yes- terday, received the degree of LL. D. and made an addresr.

District Judge Colt of Rhodt Island has been nominated as successor to Judge Lowell an circuit judge of the Uuited States Supreme Court.

Lleotaaant Brown ol the nary has made a report to Secretary Cbandlev on the present condition and progress of tbe Work OD the Panama canal.

Sondan advices atale that a rumor pre- vails that 12,000 Arabs have captured Debbeb by assault and lhat 3000 of tbe jj trrUon and Inhabitants were killed.

President Arthur has promised to trans- fer Mr. Taft, our mlulster to Aastrls, to ibe vacancy at St. Peiaraburg,aod to pro- mote Mr, Fran'-is, consul-general at Lis- bon, to tbe Austrian mission.

Saturday. There was a •100.000 Are In Salem,

Ohio, Tnurodsy. Ten Eyck wot) the single scull boat race

at Oak Point yesterday. Twelve thousand wearers In Burnler,

England, have struck work. The Senate passed the Atlantic and

faclflc Land Forfeits re bill.

Tbe House noo-ebneura with the Senate amendments to tbe Fottlflcatlon bill.

Tbe agricultural laborers In two of, the Italian provlrces are on a strike for higher wsges.

The bill restricting still farther Chinese Immigration has passed both branches of Congress.

The Senate sustained the veto of the Fits John Potter bill by a tie vote, sod tbe bill Is defeated.

Cairo advices stats that Khartoum was captured during the latter part of May without difficulty.

Tbe business portion nf Port Perry, Canada, was destroyed by Are yesterday, tha property toss reachloh BSOO.OOO.

Tbe French chamber of deputies has adopted the bill for tbe revision of the constitution by a vole of 414 to 113.

Tbe cholera icourice In France la be- leived to have reached Its highest point, snd is expected henceforth gradually to subside.

John T. Morgan has been nominated chief fustics of the supreme coertot Idaho, and John w Lacey lor a similar position In Wyoming.

The Revere Rubber Company's works in Chelsea were named esrlv Thursday morning; loss over $300,000. About five hundred operatives sre thrown outof em- ploy meat.

Ou account of rongh water Lbs Inter- collegiate boat-race, which was to have taken place at Saratoga, N. Y., yesterday afternoon, was postponed until ten o'clock this morning.

The formal presentation of Bartboldl's statue of ''Liberty Enlightening tbe World," took place In Paris yeaterday. Minister Morton receiving It In the name ol the American government.

Isaac Jacobs, arrested lor larceny and snspeeted of tbeCirltnn murdur, will only be tried for larceny, toe i»strlctAltornt>! deciding that there was not sufficient evi- dence upon which to Justify prosecution.

Tbe President has nominated John A. Reason of Iowa to be United State* minis- ter to Germany; Alpbonao Taft of Ublo minister to Russia, snd John M. Francis of New York minister to Austria-Hungary.

Attorney-General Brewster testified at great length berore the Springer congrea- alonal committee Thursday, relative to his connection with tbe star-route prose- cutions, many Interesting facts oelng elicited.

Five deaths from cholera occurred at Toulon, France, Thursday, and eight new cases are reported at Marseilles. A panic prevails In tbe latter city, and It la estl mated that at least 6000 people btve fled to other places.

President Arthur bos Issued a procla- mation warning, under penalty of military expulsion, all persona from appropriating or settling upon H'-* Oklabama lands of tbs Indian Territory, which are reserved as a part of tbe Indians' domain.

It Is reported that If China refuses re- dress for tbe recent action of ber troops at Langaon, France will Immediately de- clare war. Io anticipation of such an

Gordon Is safe. ThegoveroorofDongnls telegrsphs that be has had a battle with tbe rehein at Debbeb, aud that their loss was 4000 and his own 8000. Th* report Is not belelved at Cairo.

President Carvers, of the State of Panama, has been Impeacned, and General Ralz, necond VIce-President, named <e his successor. He, however, refuses to leave tbe presidential resilience, wblcb he holds liy the sseistsuce of so armed body of bis frleods. A collision between bis forces and tbe national troops Is anticipa- ted, and there Is some fesr of a revolu- Mon.


A Great Coolest Ends In a Draw.

riie Youthful Vermonter a Match for the iVily Champion.

MOD day.

Twenty deaths by cbolerstln the infect- ed districts In France occurred yester- day.

Over one haudred people living Ir. Brooklyn were poisoned on Saturday by eating Ice cream.

The Tewkabury Almshonsa waa formal ly transferred on Stturdsy to tbs new board of trustees.

A storm In Illinois on Friday,look two lives and did property damage to the smoaut of #200,000.

Congressman Reed of Maine anil Sun- set Coi bsd s lively wordy encounter In tbe House on Sunday.

ThecoDfllct of authority at Psnsma continues, snd s general war Is thought to be the likely result

Hon. Waller N. Maton, State Senator from the Fourth Middlesex District, died at Nstlck Sunday forenoon.

Tbe Machine Works at Newark, Ohio, were destroyed by Are os Saturday, tbs loss of properly aggregating •500,COO.

A cyclone In Belmont, N, Y.,on Sunday resulted In tbe loss or one life. In Sioux Cltv. lows, some damage was done by s tornado.

M. de Lssaeps declare* that the Panama canal will ba finished In 1888, despite re- port lo Ihfl I'nii nry made by Lleatsnant Brown lo Secretary Chandler.

Congreas Is likely to sojourn at noon to-dsy, although tbers are one or two matters still undnlsbed. Sessions were held on Sunday until about midnight.

The Intercollegiate regatta, which was to have taken place at Saratoga, N. ¥"., on Saturday morning, was postponed un- til ten o'clock this morning on account of high wind and rough water.

The Springer committee has been grant- ed 00 days' extension of time In which to die .is repoit on tbe stsr route [nveatl- gstlon and the Investigation or tbe fraud- ilent actions of Untied States Court offi-


Tbe steamship Lincoln City of the Fur- Bwaf line, on ber first trip to New York, with many Immigrants on board. Is ashore at I*aaca Harbor, and In danger of loan. Assistance bos been naked for from Halifax, 100 miles distent.

Free Uaptlst Cblldrens* Day.

bnnday waa a happy day for the children at tbs Free Baptist church, as the morning »er Vice we* devoted to them. At service lime they marched Into the audience room In two line*, one beaded by the pastor coming up the right side of ihe bouse, the other beaded .by Mr Harr, sn peri men dent of tbe juvenile department on the left lids. The linos mat In front of the pulpit, and the audience rising, the children sang, "Savior like a Bhepbord lead ui," and then repeated tbe Lint's prayer In concert.

The pastor, Rev. Tbos. II. Stacy, addressed tbe chl dren, taking hi* text from Zecharlab.B i

'And tbe ilreet* ol tbe city shall be fall of boys and girl* playing In tbe streets thereof." After explaining how tbs prophecy referred to tbe reitrailou of Jerusalem, he aald In Its truest sense, tbe prophecy was y«t to be ralflllsd. How the church can beat recognise in children and draw from them ebrlittan endeavor, is a question too long neglected. Tbs speaker showed bow tbs motives which control people n active lire are much the lame aa motives

which control children Isplay; play, is child- rent' busloc**. The msn who embasxlet, tbe woman wbo eteala from ibe store ksi the same motive as tbe boy.wbo iieals a marble from the game. The Interest or the grocer in busi- ness is tbe Interest tbst makes the boy wla in thegsme. Always do yonr besl at play II yoa would succeed In manhood. Tha man wh° obeys the law of bis country obeyed tbe laws of tbe game when a boy and primarily obeyed til* parents.

Children sometimes say, tbey can't do scy- thing they want to, but those psrenta who love lUelr cbidren most devotedly, are most particu- lar about tbeir associates and habits. Tbe man who commits suicide, or tarns to drlsk, when disappointed, baa tbe same spirit as a boy who run* away to sea and slam* the door when be can't b*ve hi* own way. Bad boys are not brave, but use bravado. Further, children should be cbrinlan*; tbey can pray, asd tbey can carry lo their play, honesty, obedience, and love, then ibey will be happy and safe ss tin.lists iiii'v could Oil Bisez .-t. and play all day, snd deep wuen tired with no rear of moles- tation. Boy* and girls need not go through a certain arnuunt of frivolity and wickedness be (ore a religion* lire begin*. What as a church, aa leatben, aa parenis, shall ws do with those between the age of nve and fourteen r

We regret that the sermon could sot be pub- Isbed in fall.

There was a large audience although tha day was sulirv-

Tbe floral decoration* were very elegant; amidst a profusion of festoon of green and rose* and elegsnt tMUi|uel*, on tbe left ikt* of tbe pulpit an oblique crow of ox ay ed enisle* upon a table, while upon tbe right a croai of loll blown pond li'ie*. nearly ilx leet hlgb.wlth terns at the base, nooil noon lbs platform.

The children'* offering was devoted to two children In India wbom this church 1« educating. At the close tbe pastor presented each paptl with a scriptural card.

No large,' a congregation of spoiling

men ever assembled In Lawrence, tbsn Wednnsday, to witness tbe gresl wres- tling match between the veteran of many contests, John McMabon, and tbs Ver- mont s'rlpllng Ed. Decker, a brother of

Col. Decker of this city. There were

here: James Kaylea of tbe Police Uasatle, Capt. A. W. Cooks of lbs Police News, J. J. Kellsy of tbe Boston Globe, L. M. Tools

or the Swanton (Vi. I Courier, John S. Brown, repreasntlng the Clipper; from

Boston, Id. Moras, tbe veteran pool seller, Joe Goss, the pugilist, Joliu McKsy of the Metropolitan Hotel, Frank Moraii of

John L. Saillvaa'n fame, Frank Emeraou, W. A. Cloatmas), Obarle, A. Morris, Jim Cisncey, C. A. Dnrpse, J. Cailabao, J. A,

Sexton, Jr., MlkeGlesson, Murty Downey, E. C. Holske; Jim Wescott of Newbury-

port, John A. Taylor of Flsbervllle. hi. II Ned Gagan of Charleston, and other noted sports and votaries of tbe pool bos,

It was about 8.80 when tbe contestants appeared upon lbs Opera House stage. Meanwhile pools were selling at *3f> to

•18, CSS to 8iG, and •!«> to •»,

visitors from Vermont warily bsckiog their man, while the Nsw Yorkers, Boa-

tonlans, Lowellltea, and note few Law reoce men, offered the odds on McMahon, An audience of about 800 vociferously ati

plnuded tbe athletea on their appearance, and after D. J, Lynch of Boston, the backer of Montgomery tbe wrestler, was

chosen referee, tbe announcement of tbe conditions of tbe match waa madsi viz.,

collar and elbjw alyle, Police Granite raits, first I falls, for •750 a side.

Decker appeared in tbe pink of condi- tion, weighing 167 pounds. Hs waa sec-

onded by Spurk Watson of St. Albans. McMabon was heavier, weighing 183 pounds, and evidently carried loo much

Mesh. H« was seconded by Hugh. Ferry

of Boston, and st 8.33 time was called.

First bont: -The men grappled collar and elbow. After a little preliminary

sparring. In wblcb Decker displayed re- markable agtilty, he caught McHshon nspplog snd threw bim on his lelt

shoulder. Tbe men arose. McHshon

put on a look of determination. Tbey bugged closely. Mac got l.i a grapr-vlnu

which Ed. broke alter a fine struggle. At work again, Mac gave tbe Vurmnntrr a fierce bugging, but ibe boy from Swan-

ton waa too agile, and broke tbe bold.

Mac wsa working fiercely, got In some line holds, but tbe wary Edward was too

quick and hopped about bim llkea French dancing master, snd mads tbe burly hero

of many a victorious contest, blow for Ind. Mac tried a hip toss, snd received

a similar on) In retaliation, being thrown

on his hsnds snd knees, both men going down. Thev broke snd arose, snd Mc-

Mabon started In sgsln on the offensive, getting s grnpe vine wblcb waa broken. Now Decker began forcing Iba flgbi, and tossed bis burly opponent about In a won- derful manner. After generous ipsrrlng. he got an Inalde grapevine, wbicb bs foi-

lowsd with scroas-butlock, and hnrled McMahon to the floor, equarely on bla back, winning tbs first rail, amid cheers,

In ezactly 17 minutes.

During the rest there was great excite-

ment, snd s rush to the pool room In lbs

corrlder, where the netting was f30 to • 10 on McMabon, and cne bet waa made

of •l'.'S to •100 In tbe same channel. Within the auditorium Attorney Oeneral

Sherman, Col. John P. Sweeney, Uou. A. C. Stone, Judge Glle, ex-clerk Shepard, Hon. Caleb Baunders.and olbers o( lesser

note vigorously piled fans, anxiously awaiting the return of the athletes to the

ylalform. On their sppesrance, Decker

wore flesh colored tights, having changed his first.a, which were presented bim by ibe citizens of Swanton, who love to

know him as thai "ploughboy." Mac's

knees were bleeding.

Second Bouti— Time being called, the men promptly took hold. Mac atarled

In on tbs defensive, while the Vermonter waa most onTensIve, snd as lively ss a

cricket. Struggle after straggle, each ore desperate iban ihe other, followed

tbe foot-tips, when Decker sgsln got s

pretty grspe vine, which be wss to follow

lib s cross-bnttock, but Mac broke tbe bold, got su loalds lock, and threw ibe

Ploughboy" after a 9 minutes struggle.

The excitement was most Intense, and tbe betting In the pool rooms Jumped

higher In McMnhoc'a favor, with few

takers. At 9 4fi time wsa again called.

Third Bout:—Both men took determined

holds, and each wss blowing. It *;i« ii,V!MK?,.i.'yv said by some that Decker waa going to work on the defensive, and McMahon'a

friends said that was what tbey wanted

him to do. But tbe boy was evidently sngry snd went In for blood. Three tlm s be got McMahon in chancery, sad three

times did the latter slip his Jacket over bis head, an old game with bim. McMa- bon alsu lost bis head, and twice did be

swing Decker In tbe sir, as would s ter- rier s rat, bnt tha rat In this case escaped, aud waded Into the fight deeper. Agsln

aud again wars pretty grape vines broken. Decker all ihe litre trying to work la bin faverlu cross-buiiocka, and would have

done so were It not for the slippery Jacket of bis opponent. Never waa a fiercer,

determined nor unsatisfactory atruggla

aeen here, and after fifteen mlnates of a

figbt agalnat odds, Decker objected to wrestllngfurtheronleea McMabon chang- ed his Jacket, which waa evidently too loose. He couid throw McMahon, nut be

could not throw the Incket, yet be had thrown both In the first boat. After a wait of 86 ml no tea the referee announced

that UcMabon would not wrestls In har- ness or change his Jacket, and declared

the match a draw and nil bets off. He

'jad previously stated that McMabon wss wlllta; to wrestle, Bnd If Decker did not

come to the scratch he would award tbs match to the former.

Tnere was considerable growling, bat all were sstlafied that they bad seen a "blood wrestle," and even MoMabon's

most sanguine friend* slated lhat ha wss no match lor tbe plucky and agile Sws.i- ton boy. The gate receipts were divided. Right hare It should be stated, that after the Bret bout Deck jr objected lo McMa-

hon's ticket, and tbe latter promised to change It at the request or the referee at any time. Tbe referee, probably, meant

to ba square, but be evidently did sol heed, nor did McMabon, Rule 4, which Is aa follows t

Both contestants shall ba made toaiaml np and move their feet alternately; at tbe same time tha right arm must be held In a loose Instead of a etlff position, In order that his opponent shall have an opportu- nity tu move forward at bis pleasure.

McMahon grossly violated this rale, at ail tlaes keeping a si 10 right srm. There

Is little prospect that be wlil again meet Decker lu the arena.


Cawed by *rire Crackers.—One Man Killed; lose $Ofi,ooo.

An extensive Ore occuired at Taylor,

Goodwin A Co.'s lumber snd cos| yard yesterday morning. It originated in tbe

hay storage building snd spread to a four-

tenement block, stable .office, sheds snd lumber, all of which were totally destroy'

Seven Boston and Maine Railroad

freight cara, loaded with Michigan lumbei and lime, on s side trsck were cousumed. Tha lass of Taylor, Goodwin A Co. Is g,i(,. 000, well Insured In vailoon companies. Taylor A Tuxbnry lose on tenement buu-i and barn •30001 Insured •tSuO; J»hn V.

Risque, boat builder, Jose* ett00;noln>ui. snee ; Henry A. Nesbltt, fl-h markt t, |300; Insured! B. L. Pearson, mi st msik.l

• 100, laanred. The tenetu of the block

lost furiilluru and a sum of money.

enure Haverblll and Bradford Fire partmenls were on duty. Edward UJZCI-

tlnedrlvsr ol the extinguisher, waa ihrowu to tbe pavement sod serlunaly Injured, hot be may recover. Juhu D. Leavltt ol Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, fall or- der the wheels of the truck, was terribly crushed aoddied two hours later. Bever-

tber persona were mjared. The pro- bable cause of the | re was lire crackers

sccniirnt ■! y thrown by a boy.

Witeraa Fuel.

We take pleasure In calling tbe attention ol nurrestier* to the advertisement of tbe Nee Knglsnd Heat, Light and Power Co., lo be i> mm I in aootber oiumn of this isioe.

Turn is tb* wo erlul wster gaa process, di* covered and ii.y. med by IT. Cberle* Ballaad, of Near York. Referring to the operation oi lbe"C- Hollaa " water-gas burning locomo llvs, Hon Bamnel BabcecK, President of IN. H. A C. V. It. it. Co., says "It ha* esnersted 1001b*. of steam from cold water io 47 mlnntM. Tbs irlal as lo cost of fuel I* luel Is 44 rents per mile agaian 84 cams with coal, und 1 re- gard ii* performance as extraordinary." lbs Supersound**! of G>ant Locemutiva Work*, Mr. Evans, *ay*, "Ibe fire, beyond qaritton, *t tbe hottest and cbspeat thai can he made undei

am boiler." It i* only within a tew months Ibis great intention ba* been perfected, impsny composed of *om* ol Ibe mo*t *nb-

■raniial and thoroughly pract>cal men la all New (ingland, attar having at great caie sail*, lied ibemselves or the sniwtantial merits ol this system, bay* purchased the patents and It I- now, lor the first time. <.tiered to lbs Mew Rag- land public lor investment. Surely the uiiliia- UOSJ oi water-gai a* fuel bespeak* sn *ge of progress, ■ dwlt

- James Fields, a Tewkabury farmer, received a strange Injury, Friday after-

noon, while driving Into tbs ground a

stake to wblcb a -.-in was fastened. As

be was stooping over, tbs cow rslsed her head aud the sbsrp point of one of her

bora* entered both lids of bis left eyo, causing considerable bemorrbag iand giv-

ing hlmsevcrs palo, though tbe Injury wilt noi prove permanent.

Hoairoan s ACID PuosrAaia, One of lbs Best lontrv

Dr. A. Atkinson. Prot. Materia Medlea and _ ermatoloey, m Oollege of Physicians and guigeons, Uiliimore, Mi! , saji: -It makes a pleasant nrimv, and I* i.m- oftu' best tonics Is the shape ol the pho«oh«'e* in lolnOI* lorn."



City Marshal-* Report.

City Marahal O'Sulllvan, will present

bis aeooad quarterly report at the aexl meeting of ihejaldermen, August, 4. It

will show that during the months of April, Hay, aud Jane, there were 4*0 arrests made, or whom S7T Wen males and 78 female*. Of those arrested, • wore aider 10 years of age; 48 between

'he ages of 10 and 90; 167 between SO sjdSO, 98 between 80 and 40; 84 be-

tween 40 sad SO; 38 hetween SO aud t.O; 9 between 60 and 70, 2 between

70 and 80; I between 80 and 00. Th* nationality of tbe unfortunate ones

went Americans, t-<.. Irish, 3881 Eng- lish, 41; Scotch, 10; French, 10, German,

Tbe occupation* of those arrested are, baker 1, barber 1, bartender S, bas-

ket maker 1, blacksmith 1, bleacher 1, bobbin maker 1, bollsrmsker 1; bricklay-

er 1, burglar 1. canvasser S, carpenter 10, carriage-maker I, clgarmaker 1, cooks a,

dreasmaker 1, engineer S, farmer 11, fire- men s, gardener 3, batter 8, hod-carrier

I,hostler 10, hotel-keeper i, hoase-kespsr 18, Issaranee-agent 1, Junk dealer 5, la-

borer 75, liquor; dealer 12, loom fixer I, machinist 10, assou 7, milk-dealer 8,

moulder 8, operative 81, pedler fi, plum- ber t, painter 16, paper-maker S, pianists X. prostitute* 10, roll-coverer g, sewing machine agent, it; saloon keepers a,

schoolboy 10, shoemaker 19, slater 1, spinner 8, stonecutter 1, switchman I,

isilor 1, teamster 1, thief 9, tinker 1, washerwoman 3. weaver 14, waiter 9,

woodchopper 1, no occupation 48. Then were alao 806 lodtrera accommodated at lbs station during the quarter.

SUMMER Imprudences





FEVERS, *c., 4c.


Perry Dam '* Pain Killer Pitivn THKM AWAY.

Dnivra TIICM Aw.r. I.lll \YA TllKM AW.Y.



HEAT. LIGHT & POWER CO, EiecfluTij Office. 178 Derouliire 5t.


FKiVn M HE.N8H.1ir, I'MkSinastT. II. C. (sOUUHPREO, 1 HBlsraiia. WM.Ill'K f. l.l'ST, CLBant.

1.1 KM' I■( IKS I

HON. BAMUKL BABCOCK. (President Middleman Having* Rank, ami Vlee

Pre*. Hart. A Coon. V i lie* B, R.. Uartlord, Ot, alON. At I.WOODWOBTU.

.frea ideal Aatas Mtac<acturlngL:o.,Ctiioopa«, Msaa.)

AKllSHSW DOCUK, 1- s«,» (Manager Btate Bond si I Hooves Tunnel. Noilh


Firm of Henanaw an. Cashing, Importers, II CbauacyBt , Boston.)

FRANKLIN RKKD, KSO. (President Aagavlshoev Nat. Hank, Bath. Me.)

INCtiKASK ROBINSON, Vlstf. (President Beblason Iron Works, Plymouth*

kUss.) OfCO. W. 8M1TB, UNO.

(President U. W. Suiiih inn Works, Boston, Msaa.)

H. C. GOODSPKKD, Kwy., (178 Intronatiim frt„ lloatoo.)

omKmi. MAxaaaa: (.IN M. N. WIBKWKLL,

17S Devonshire St., Boston. ATTOBUJII :

HON. D. W.OOOGH) MbehsolSl., Boston.


OA Congress Street Boston, Tbe Capital Sleek of ibe Company is 91,000,.

X* divided into M.iOD snare*, of the par valoa of #M per abare, la i il paid i. ..i nnasa- eaealne. A limits.I number ol ahare* jalj wUI Ira ulTi red to the i ultllo st less thsn par.

The sompany owns by purehsse, Use entire Ikht > Tor the Nsw>.I States, of the Justly elrlirated Holland I'roeet* |or geaervina; Heal, Igbt and Steam Power i.y the us* of water and

.lla a* fuel in the manufacture Of Waier gaa for

.--nmntiv ■* and stall >oary boilers, and l»r i...nestle, uses; in fa I, wherever a sale sr.l ■en—-iiy clean Sre k* 'leaned, and it I* beyond

question lie nbeapast and pureat gaa for I gntlng We have no healutlin in recommending thi*

en'erprlse a* one or a real merit and inpiirianee ■di'ii lo none other that has been biought to e attention of oauitallala. All moneys for stock to be paid Into,

and tbe stock Issued by the American Loan and Trust ('onapany, Banker* wad I rtisire- of the Company.

I >cn< rliit I v>< pampbleu and all Inform- ation font eriilng this great Inrentiwa ran be obtained at the executive office, l?tl Devonshire Street.



—- Lawrence American


jritlDiT M0UN1N0, .M !.v 11, 1884.

Weekly News Ilrevltles. Tuesday.

A counterfeit S10 silver C'rlllJcile la ID circulation.

Them wan a -. lo.DOO Ore at Bt. Jobo, N. B , yesterday.

Tbe withdrawal or the troops from TOPOUID baa b. ni countermanded.

Saturday night's gal* was very destruc- tive to properly 111 some portions of I'.IIU- BflfUU.

There Is an epidemic of me isles In New Tork rily, east aide; 196 deaths there- uL'.'iirr. il laal w

A Water apoot burs' Sunday, sweeping ltd dri ilotr all pel

I. In Arkansas on

ylhlng before ii,

l'f iratuga



AT Tntnsit election, the new wtf ftplfket RlV« ImprOV*me..K rcitlsteribjr ballot Iwics, adopted ami provided hy Ihe state, HIT U» bo used.

'1 I,L DlHOCSATIQ City committee is

(o be asked to give ex-Mayor Caleb Saunden a "vindication" by electing

bin chairman of that organization.

Till BALLOT Frauds are not with-

out one good result; the new law provides against the removal, alteration or other tarnperimf. with the ballots, under penalty of$500 tine ot

three years iuionsonraent.

The British Consul m Galveston, has a word of warning for ne'er-do- wells intending to emigrate from

England to Texas, llesnys: "Young men from a dew in an olllce, ucan-

quainted with country life, and on- aocuatomed to mauiiul labor, had bet- er stay at borne. I find many such

an1 induced to coine here, and the re

lull II that tliey become'loaterV *<ld

rapidly descend in the social scale

Ml** nitjUTttTtM MAtUM.1'


Third Retort of the ftpkket Itlver Vat- Iry tloanwwalftrf* -

Toiht Ciiy Council of the City of Uwrmet:-

QanvTUaSawl -Aa auggealed in °er '"> rtPor1' during Ibe winter, we made preparations lo or- * one and equip a lore* forU>i« department,and alerted Mr. B. J. Edward*, superintendent of the WOtki who entered upon his dutlee In March.

In the endeavor to grasp the magnitude of Ihe work before u*. together with lt» ttnanclal l>««r ln| upon the future ull.awrcnoe.w* nave sought lu retire auoh maehloerv and ai.pllaace, and adopt each awaaa and method., a* would enable

rork to be done at the leaat poaatble cost to

* VltUU 1HH BKACH' ■

irbee Watohas the Wild, W'avM.

Tbefcrcat llaroum, Bailey, and llutcb* -OCaUS naoa show haa come tod *..M. It came waa -INI, and < <•• <|i- r < d, allhod-b lb

II .i i


e'.emenu were decMatBj averse to ua : MfJJJfJJ JJ coming. From the boor that the iialLs|BUll tm1t.iVli „ bearing lb* adjuncts ol tbe vast show ar- rived, until tbe Departure tbks Komlm:

rmv of attaches, canvas el'y, and as speedily prepa


THKPACirlO Matittwi

Improved I'linlitlou of the Company- Tilbule to the Treasurer.

The Washington Mills.

A correspondent of tbe Lowell Mall I

■■■■ _ sn^tiiyiaii UU31K uossir. Andovcr Advertbot.

e hare leaaed. for two veara. I of land o

Tbe Unlveraity 0 Won tbe Intercollegiate ram jeaUrday, ami Cornell waa

't'he Boston Pint Depaitmeni ei C91 men, ot whom :!05 are on the pern eni force. It also eu-ploya 183 Immp,

The Teemer-Conley ainslr utoll race, on Sebiuo Lake yenterday, was won by leemer In 84 lU-ibj quickest tlmo on record.

The Boatoas still hold Hie lead for the champlonHblp pennant. The hoote cluii played at Ulenaland yanUrday, beating ihelr antagonist!!, 11 to j.

O'Brien, the editor ol United Ireland, waa atqoltted, Monday, by a Dublin Jury. of tbe cnarge of IIMIIIDB Hacretaff Cora' wall, of the Dui.lln post < ffllce.

Tbe Br I'.Lsi] anlbortlles are not dlapo#ed to heed the reNneat of our uovernmeut to hate the French malls luuilitaleil before permitting them io cone acroH ih« wnier.

The cholera reports from abr'iud con- tinue ahout the same. Tue head of the Berlin cbulera comtnlHHlon aays the dlf< eaae will reach Ueiiuany and "every- where."

Tbe failure of Grant t Ward was a m ml remarkable one, a* U nhonn by itn acbedules filed lu court yesterday. Tliel llabllltlea were $16,702,647 and vUe actua aaaeta 967,174.

Theri are vaiioua reports about Qen Gordon, one bfing that be la Inaane an at liberty, being divinely protected o that account, and another that he bun bee murdered by his soldiers.

Counreaa adj iBraed sine die at 3p ra. jeslerday. Tne Senate receded irom ita l *" - amemlment lo tiie Navul bill, makiug ai>- :tin« sncli fraudulent voting, a line or propnatlona f. r woik on the Monadoock, j j._>()0 a|J)j on(J y Llt>rs impriaonment. It and the HOOM passed iha bin. „■,_,». V , i „™,„-

The Dominion Line Meaner N.rnle. I *»» »* «*** bu91"09a ,n L"wrentfl

from Montreal for l.i

WITH TUB guards thrown around the voting, lists, and the severe penal- hen against lalsc registration, fruudu

lent voting, aud ballot box robbery, wi ought (o secure a more honest vote and a more reliable record in the future; from one to three jeara' imj-risoDtnent in the jail, will not have a pleasant aspect to the ballot box atuir*™ or ballot Iwx fixers, ltaida on the city clerk's closet, will not be so


TOK ScotmiiBJCLfl who would rob the ballot boxes, and those who conspire

ul fraud in voting, will hesitate a bit, in face of the pcualtieaoi the new vot- ing law. For tampering with n bal- lot box, n line of 1500 or three yea's imprisonment, in provided ; for lalse

voting a line of WOO or one years

.„_..rnerof Hrooa aod Eaat HaTerhill street*, nd erected llwreon a mble •um-lenlly larje, aa

we llu>ij|[ht, for nu< li number ol horaea aa couhl proOtablf employed thrc uftiout Ute year, alao ,U.-1. -..nil. Ibof and a bulldlnir fur the etorade atnrldgea. Hr employmft akllled aafel i na*e been enable.! tb build mo« of the .null

woli neceaaary for Ihe work, maka and aharpen ateel drill", repair the machinery, and aboe

Hie boraei on Hie Kruund, near the work- Aa won In tho aprloi aa the rondltlon of the

ground would permit. Uio work of baUdta. U.e mala wa» reaumed on Allen atreet, and la now e<KOPlet*l nearlj to B*»erh!ll atrtet. Throiigli out Uila .li«unco we found )«nl««- In June, work waa comnieooed on Ihe southerly part ol' lirook atreet, and ia Ming continued northerly, and la completed to tbe Wamealt Hllla property. It was thought beet t» tunnel between Brook and IItver lull Streets, Bad IB «av Hie work waa commenced and excafation la beinf completed ready for "-

imdir a drlzz'.ln

UajarroM Bauoit. N. M .lily 0, IhOt.

lANi-Wbea in toe > ihe blessed daja nl tbe vaca'.loucoinelothe Jidud educators of youth lu our importabi that these pur-

'-ycrsot learuUut to the il-ldg genura- , .IOU ahonid mike tbe moat of this yearly

vast crow-!* thronged the grounds, but |lnurregnttm ol two months, apeudlux it there could o« no Interferancs With the |„ .orb a niaiiii -r »- 'o on1, nn the greaU

who speedily belli the : eat amount of real and recuperatloo. for la not a eupply of these repalrera ol Na-

ture's waste so much capital for luture the grand atreet parade, the largest and | B|l(, ,n ln„,r prort.ajion. and where c»u | pllshed al ou: best that has eaer been a-eo in Lawrence. ' uih needed rest be belter obtained than ADA which wat fritaemed by ihouasoda In somo qulei baveo. away from the carea

ihe 1,^o0^.dH1«^>»'»'"la■wll-rBtbelumnll00,Hb0^d,!', fc of eicuralonlsta cannut come, where joa

alt was order; men w»» BO tla-blng, anJ tsc(po lhv je/otloB to

ihe few Ibfevea »ii" h-ff f-llowed tbe| FUSS, KOIXY AND KKATUKKS

-Imw were rtdiged •■> ><>*' a »idr berth, whlcn ,ru ln9 ineclUole features of most one of Mr. Banihrn' d^iedves Imvluji -itinra*fr~rej>on», and where you can have nnimed then oul to Hie • itbtis. I *il ihecomiorU and appliaucee of a Welt- polnteiltn.rt, out i . ordered bone. And where c«o this real

Wltblntbe there WH »'un ■ „)r lhtt W(;ar¥ BOU, 0B [oun,i ^ .succeaa-

to Instruct. }«; Urn titennlve '""I''"/ «'| [uiiy rt «t Itampion, whose beauties have BDlmala, . nd fnakM't liuune beronteaioj in.fu sung by many toDgues. from our bewildering nuleas oillme la tak. i. j -"". Whitll-r down lo„tho moat verboae ow 7 lap.d n-mtiillc newspaper correapondeul-7 in InapeeUon. Ih-^ e-hite eiepr.ani ■■ • S|i,cn my eo|c*M here In'7'J I and even tberfl, SDrt «H »g»e*d Uiai be waa f1"-! <.or-r i v ttlve old Hampton ureatly Im- wllliaat elephant th«j hid e»er teen, and If.'oeed. Tbe Uceau llouse. In Its ocw [ that tbe weird mu.ic (.?) with Wbich he j coat of paint, Its red root and bright.trim- | prou8rlJ »t Liwre,

aaama ...tb.™.; .«/..!., -^WKKTlSl "' and dlsaijreeable ever ItUictttl upon a ,|enily quite prou I "f I- • ■

I. -The I'uttibcriou Mil's ntart aiiftm

brl'-fc Til.- ,.'in contemplaud

imprisonment, and for aiding or abet*

in a deuae fog., yealerday mornlog, on Ratbllone Ulaml,-IT tbe Borib ooaat of Ireland, In ihe Norm Channel. Kb« will prote B wreck. Ihupe:rBeu;:ers BDdcrew Were attved.

The commlcslon appointed by Spain to consider what Is beat to be done wlih Cuba, auggeat a plan, the i fleet ot which would be lo piace bur under German rule for 55 years, nud lUen cede her lo ihe Unlled Stales. Only three, of inn live commissioners assent lo ibis report.

population are


TIIK IVOWKI.I, cjrrdspondent of the

Bttnday Globe devoted a large por- tion of a recent letter to that paper, lo an effort to show that the republi- cans of that ci'.y are divided in opinion as '.o a congressional candidate, and

suggesting a list of other desirable I candidates than Col. Allen. Well, that is good democratic tactic*, if the republicans would oily IMJ foolish enough to govern themselves thereby ; there is no question that the democrats

Of Lowell would prefer any other mau that could be named to run aguiust

Litter; than Una*. 11. Allen.


Tin' troops and evacuating lluigola. reported Improvement in 'he health of Minister Lowell Is nut maintained.

The franchise bill is cau>lni! consider- able disturbance In ihe British Parliament.

Mrs. Jennie Neuville, an actress, kniWi as Car.fle C. Johnson, waa killed in New York yesterday by a nnmwuy horae.

It is aaht that negotiations are pendlns for a conaolldattnn ..f the t'oatal and the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Companies.

On« hundred and Bfty-four dtatba have occurred at Ton loo since the cholera made Ita Urst appearance ibere a few days ago.

Peace relgna In I'niami, It having been decided to pern-It Di Corteraa to retaiu tbe prealdency until tho end of his term of OtQce.

Tne American Inalilute or Instruction la now InaeaalJoaiCuuaitoClty. Papera were read yesterda' by WtHmtti T, Harris of CdBCOnt, the lion. J. W. Dicktusou, Charles K. King i Martin ol llrhlgew Of Cbilaea.

The democratic contention organized temporarily; the null rule was adopted, 403 to 332; the c< Were unable to el«« and tree trade men ca.-ling in votes each. I

r;rLe:":.:b",,l"u"°" * MM ■■ «-o,.-,,„ ■» ^,^g *, **. The consol general of Spain ofBcially City Solicitor Moves gives his grounds

atai < s tnat the rep .rt ^l a plan by a ma- j fo U(h,Uin U,e aiJcrinCii and the reg- Jorlty of the Spanish c■iiuiniasioaers to a Cob» \* trausrer that letrliorv to the. rule istrars that the new law does not ap-

•a* oih-r power la absolutely_ftise, j p|„ to t||c pr0BCnt voting list, and that

luonrllnK owe than ball tbla diatance. and In view ol tie fact that the Bardona throujb which U>e aewer would be built were highly pnaed by llieownera. we decided lo eXlead the tunnel the

entire uiainnce. It la propo.eii alao to tunnel under Eaat Haver

lull and Jackaoa alreeta. I n J une. wnrk weal of Jackaoa atreet waa com-

inenced.ariilaifa-'taa f*ataatbe wort pleted on Allan atreei, tbe workmen a ferred to the north aide of the river.

i our Oral report UN plan of layintta Pipe from outlet of the main BlUia!ool ol Oarden onvey Uio dry weather fluw of in ■ aewei t

point farther down Hie river, waa mentioned. Ttie building or the abutment for a bridge on

Garden »lreet. laat uprlng, made it appareal that (.would be economy to lav die braiuli from the main ror that purpose before the abutment waa completed. Wbksh W«a accordingly done. Orig- inally we did not anticipate doing thia work, iioUl the main waa completed Hie entire length.

Tbe work Of culling a new Chanel fi>r tin river I enr Maptu atreet If extended lewarta fchi>rt -St., and building retaining walla along- Ihe same, has been let lo Hasan, aloulton A u'Mahoney, who are making reaaoaable proitreaa upon the same. Aa Ihe earth ia remove.! irom the chanael It l» depoaito.1 alnng the binka or thtt part of the river to be diaconlinued.

Uurlna the past lew monlha the ilepartinenU of Street and Hoard of DM lib hate deposited uulte a .|uanlity ofaaheaand other gaherlngaof thuie d-parlmentelnto the river, which, if eonUoued. will be i|Ulto an aid In tilling uiu preHontclmunel ollhe atieam.

The groat numlier or applications for employ- meat. and poaliloni upon the works, haa been (be came of touch annoyanre to Ihe commiaaion- ers and auperintendont. Among the rli>i men employed were llioae receiving aid from Hie city aiilhoritlca, and it has been the aim of Iho com- miaaionera and nupenutemlent to aaalal Ihoae who were needv an.l worthy of tho beneilu lu be derive! Irom employment, iimalatenl wllh tin efUcicncyol tlie forces employed ami the result, to be reached, Theee are now employed upoi the woik nl tliese Improvementa.

As die ar.liiance preae.ribeathat it "Bhall be the tuly ol the i-oiumlasloncra lo I'O all things

aud tVauk A. Hill

TIIK [*l>KPEJIDSltT3 who are ipiietiy smiling because t'ov. Robinson has re [used to bo iotcrvicwed on the politi- bal situation, and the newspapers which have allowed fond hope to blos-

som into chuckling paragraphs about '■Indifference" on lite part of the thief magistrate as to the Chicago nomination, bad best cool their compli- ments. Qov. Kobinson will doubtless preside at the coming state ratification

meeting, and bis speech will be of such a character that those mistaken ego- tists will not be as hnppv a« they are


d the e/Maol emotion | M)n8 lQ ,)(, aa]J for tbe a

f Hie pnvpoSBS ol tin act" or tbe legislature, we Bel that Ute paramount object la to aecure the mat merlti for tbe city, ami tbe employment of i.Mp and (unilahing pitaltlona, meat lieconaialenl rlth ainlaulHiroiiiale to tlioefllcirncy ot tbe work, tie want* of Ihe department and the Welfare of

oia- hututreil and nine I aigbt humlrcil ami an M b

I bin mpK I fret, and I

and the denial is as emptutlcaily made by the Spanish mlulaier In Washington.

Tbe Cherokee Indians. Ibrongb their official representatives, have made a for mil protest the emorcement ol a law euacU'd by tne mat Congress, giving tbe right ol way through their domain In the lndlau territory and oilier privileges to a railroad corporation; and they ei- prese ibe determination to ronttst the yalldii? >f "i" la"? on tbe ground that ins a violation of their treaties with the Uni- ted Stales.

Thursday. lire at Trenton, There wau a - i ■

N. J-. yesterday. A fuither ahutllng down cf mills at

River Is going on, Tbe work ol laying the Bennett-Mackej

CBOie la proceeding a Half a million dollars' worth of lumber

was butued yesterday at Toledo, O. The alarm at the spreading of elolera

ID France is rapidly lucieasing,especially ID Marseilles.

All ol the Eastern 1 al dobs were de- feated jesletday, the i, ■■■ i.- wtie beat- «u av Cleveland.

Tbe Varragnt ptlte money, for ibe pay- tueni. of which Coogreas provided. Is in diairlbuled among live ihuuaand claim- ants.

It is believed In Chins that war with Franco is Inevitable. It \* said that France and Purtn«al tmye made a secret treaty ajainat Cblna.

Dr. Jelly of u;l Boylalon atreet, form- erly (superintendent ol Hi McLean Asy- lum, was shot In the ■ boiildur yeaiordaj at uioocettier bv an Insane patient.

old check lists are to ho accepted

for future use, alt the requirements of the new law only to he insisted on in case of additions. There is nothing in the law supporting such a nonsensi- al view, aud Is little wonder that

when asked, the Solicitor declined to give a written opinion to that effect.

II the registrars proceed on that line,

they will finer themselves in serious

trouble forthwith.

nincty-alx feel, using about liKr-i barrels ol cement.

Arrangements have been made opposite every abutliiiK l« of land. Tor the connection ol house- drains wllh the tewcr. ami where the exiting draina were conatrm-led of proper material-, the conneill'ina have been made. The opening lelt last Mil in the main, near its noetk. f»r a branch ami pipe lo convey the dry weather flow of the aewer down tbe stream, haa been completed, the branch sn.1 noneMBry gates and manhole built, and the around grade.!. Three oilier manhole. havebccnbulllBlona the line of ibe main. In-' length. I uncompleted open trench la mw feel. The length ol tunnel eaciivalion Is Hi feel, com- pleted ready lor brick work. More than twelve tbouaand four hundred cuUic yards ef earth have oeindepotlle.l lo theetream and on Ua banka, preparatory W a change of ibe channel.

Tllla haa been done at a oat of Icaa than forty cents per yard. The original eatlmalc for tbe same is filly eenla per yard.

Tbe euat of brick work In the e".aln completed, aa computed by Kng.ncer Marble 1. » 8S-I0II per yard. The original ealiniate ia SlUi.V-100 per BUblc yard.

Tieoriglnal estimate of lunnr.l eacavatlon la i-i >.ito per lii-eal loot. The Boat ol tunnel e»,-a-

patronizing public. And Jumbo was there, larger and

happier than ever, patient, kind, and

loving to tbe HHIe children, whom be

Itlaurely tossed upon bis back and kindly

returned to terra flrma. The display of

animals was the largeat, roost varied and

select, and ibo cleanliest thi I baa ever been

seen I- a - - a ■ ■. and no one who visited the ex-

hibition could leave it without uttering

words of praise. Hut Ihere are other specimen members

of tbe brute creation tbat are worihv of

Inspection i qually with Toung Taloung

nd Jumbo—ibe zoological exhibition be-

ing simply Immense in Us extent and va-

riety. As In oilier fields ol amusement

catering "the play'a tbe thing," so to the

mass or those who are drawn to ihe sup-

port Of MS'SIS. H iMI ii in, It liii-y lit*

blOSOn.the ehow.'a the thing. Space

falls to tell of ihe. eplendors of the aretlc

display, bip'tmlng wllh Its maguitlceut

entree, a superb kaleidoscopic picture o(

bright color and ever changing . rl'.cts,

ami leading up lo the most marvelous ex-

blbltlona ol skill, of grace, of marvelous

strength, and oT daring, by leapers, aero

bats, tumblers, dashing and fearless bare-

back riders, trapeze performers, wire walkers, ]n^ulers,bicycllats,rollerskaters,

t,:i< nl; IIIMI postnrera and tqoestllsof,

the showing of triloed horses and ele-

pbanta. and eventuating in ihe thrilling

Roman and flat races over the hippodrome

track, lu which male and leamalu drivers

and riders compete for supremacy lu

genuine struggles that rouse id ■ fpecla-

lors to the highest pilch of excitement-

W there la anything wauling In the long

list ol performances given

cua rlDgs and upon Ihe elevated sta^e, it

is unknown to us. Finally, a word re- pearanceol

everything connected with this moral

The costumes are rich and new,

and positively elegant -aot the tawdry,

bespangled coverings of the average cir-

cus, but dressss that might be shown with

One i iti-i ■. npon tbe stage ol any Ural class

ineatre. There is en entire absence of

the hawking and vennlng nuisance, the

-.uiim-i are comfortable and so ar-

ranged as to i- iT »: .1 an uninterrupted vkw

of the performance frim every part of the

bouse, and u only the dpectator could bw

provided wllh three pairs of eyes, so that

he nilgai take everything in at a glanc,

tho show would give unalloyed aatlafac-

tion. Ii m too much to ti.r to view at a B atice; that It merits public patronage la e,id.-uced from the fact that our (list ciil- lens, male and female, clergymen, and tbera of profession, were only too much

deltghtod lo manifest their appreciation energy and honest endcavur by their


cuisine Is appaien' manager wuo could keep a euc^ese- ful cooking school, judging by the tri- umph i achieved lo such appetizing viands as chowder, fried clams and ii-n In all phases which are set before us upon the (estl-e board. There are uuny reepeotS, however, lu which Hamplou cao not be Improved, and whe:e,n it I*. we are glad to say, unchangeable. Tho grand old ocean still tosae- his while billows almost Dp to Ibe plaxst steps, and tbe bretzia borne over nt.s bosom l.-om three thousand miles away, stlil hare their marvellous power of Iran.forrP'Dg paie aid careworn faees Into those mddj with tne b.oom of health. One I* conscious that the wrlnkiea are uettlng smoothed away, as bis orgaas of digestion have Talr play tn ibis delight- ful haven, where all agree that they dou'l care


n's "Lotus Ifla'.ers,' rtlls In Tbomsoi L-vilti

otbei i this hi

wdy i

of ludo. i fcela sc

itn tbe ■vihlng will go on

lian that estimate, in making plane fu ■iition nf all the work io be performed,

thee Icte.l,


nlbeapplied wholly lo the amount ilalied, but abould be applied to of the improvement, when com .

A Bpeelmi n Itiiiepeiuleiit "Republican''

We have before alluded to the kind of

voters who are Just u ,w oelug (pioted as

anti-Illalne Itepubilcans, and a night or

two since we listened to an

conversation lliuslistluj the poliiical

character of Ibis class of voters. Tl

small mini1" r of even i|uasl-rtpublicar

his v'ciolty, who are onpoaed to M

Whllu casting made in IN - coun Boston hon Wor beavy loss. Fort were Injured.

tho irgrst gun ever tcrday at Ihe So.

■ iy i

TIIK MAHMM in which the Brcen

city government intend to carry out their purpose of vitiating tho new registration law,—which the Mayor

ipled ou in the outset by his sp

tments,—Isdeveloping. City So- licitor Moyes gives an o[)inion furtherance of the plot, that tho old lists are valid, the register only apply ing to**Jicw voters. The law itself saf&miw voting lists SIIA.II. be made op from the register, and no names t-e put on the voting list that are not ou

register. Hut what respect does

the Breen party have for law, when partisan ends ure to lie gained? Hut

little scheme will not work; the llroen government are not ihe final arbitrators of law in this Common-

wealth ; not yet.

The total amntint i paymont, cbargeablt

selertton of the moat Imp ry and appliances, and Hie adoption of mod-

buaineas prlneipies, under the miency of Mr. Edward•< we are result, tbat the work I* being ucwliat leaa lliin the eatlmates ind we sec no reason why the H be r—ebcS in the futiite. HI paid, and bills approved for

to the department, i* *■!, ma not presented, the total

of which la probably less than two thousirtd 'i"1 Inrs. All needci' machinery and supplies to be [mind in Lawrence ha*e been purchased here. Derrleka, hol.tln< englnea, steam drills, car. trldgea, and brick have been bought olae where.

One million brick, alKtcen hundred tanela of cement, one nolauniengine, and one al«»m ilrHl, hive been negoliute.1 lor, bill not yet paid ftr.

Abiul tnree hundred parch of ie.lge stone have been sold, and the balance turned ove' to the »tree» department, and i- being orurhod lur academiiing parpoaes.

Schedule ol equipment and soal:


,- |uyi

There h \n Eugiand against the aci of lords on the franoniso i presalon in the c JOIIMHH

tneeiings. Hir Chas. Dill Gladstone wi I to-dsv eel the whole patty lu l'arlla A statemeut.

nn protesting sentiment

Democracy agree

Chicago [H i in plaU.Hiu or caud tlou held a seven b<

jeateo'.ay and the Latins soi dates were presented. Bull ouvng them, lor he had a withdrawal in Invor of liiya wenilon will to-day atroggie hum before balloting.

i lt»i englm ■Mi II

ie, was spoki accuuuts numbering just three, —when a

known citizen said, "you have not Included me." "No," wah the response,

we were speaking of K'publicans ,- you are a Democrat."

"Welt, I gauss not," was the response. "1 generally vole the Republican ticket."

"How many Ucpublican presidents have you voted for," aaid thu suarclier after Information.

"Well, nearly all of tbem." "Let ua see, you voted for Douglass, In

18f.U'r " "Yes, I did." "And you voted for McClellan In IBM?" "Yes, I voted for McCleliati." "And In lSGayou vo'.ed Seymour? "No, I did not, I votsd for QrSBtr" "Well, ihere Is one; In IHia jou vo'.ei

for ^>reelej ?" "Well, I believe I did." "And In 1876, for Tlldau? * "Yes, I voted Tor Tildes." "And In 1880 yon voted for Hauccck'r' • Yes." "And you do not now propose to vote

for Biaine?" "So lu twenty-four year*, you have once voied for a repubdean candidate, and a,a tiroes for a democrat, ltd yet are to be set down as ao Inde- pendent 'RepublicanT "

a', home here at tact ihrl 'ie knows right, lor Isn't "Luclo Daulel Ni cupvlng bis seat on the north aide of the plazEi, which behtsdlltdior nearly twen- ii-ilv.: r-uiiituM ■■'.- and do we not koow ibat he always keeps his 'weather eye, ipen? He It waa who aiKrmoned us all,

ailer breakrast this morulrg, to see ibai wonderful optical tlliislou known as a mirage, aud sure euou^b, thure, wnere ihe oltliig used to be, waa a long lino of ■bore, perfect lu ii* deception, with trees and lihtubs, aud the sun shining upon a ioug stretch of sandy beach 8>fns said tbitlt was Capo Anu ibat had moved over to Himpton, '*hlle Others afflrmed that Wells B-ach or l'.um Island bad come for a visit. Ii was a more wunderlul mi- g-aiiou than Diinam wood comlua: l'i Dansiuaae, aud was truly a remarkable pbcuoineuou, creSt!n( quite sn excite- mioifor a '.line. On my arrival hero, last week, 1 louud nur boit, Mr. Phillip

thotwoclr- Yeaton, iu astateol sle^e, fioin 150 Ua- verhill people, who come every year about this time, with -heir lamilles, together with thilr h.irses and carriages, to pass a week at this b-.use. The party was conV

led of some ot the most proinlnet h isl a men of that city, and Included thres mayors, Lamely, N. G Klmball, Let)

Taylor and Aipheus Currl«r; Lowell bad loB-SSUt ex-il*yor Howe w swell IhK umber of ex-cliy officials. We greatly n]0jud th? presence of Hie Havurbili del-

egation, as wu found MANY OLD FltlKXOS

among the party- To make us feel more at bome, we also renewed our acquaint- ance with our genial tielubbors of North Andover, Mr. John A. Wiley and his Wife, who are regular visltos to iho Ocean House at Ibis season. During the sojourn of ihe visitors Irom lliverhlll the Ocean House put on Us most, r..sMve gar:», and hops nearly every .•veulng were ihe rule. Qalte a number of Lawrence cUISSHB sro

- ■' hree£ .■« aud eploodld ocean View here. Dr. aud Mrs. David T. Porter, Miss Lena 1'orter, Mr. As'jtou Lee. Mr. Frank Law, Mr. Li ols Itosworlh, Mr Daniel Nason, Mis. Fmule 8 Lee and Mi-s start fcl. Lee. -Mr. Sim Uill and wife and Miss Qrece Illil will he bore on Tnurnday. Many familiar faces Bre seed also iu the neighboring tottsgts, Col, and Mrs. J. D. Drew, at whose house are slopping Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blood Mr. and Mrs. LnrandOS Bnacb aud family moved into their summer resideuce here, last week. Charles It. Mason and lamlly, Mrs. Woods, Miss Eda Woodo, Dr. S. K. Oaocker, Mr. Daniel Lord and family,

■.!■ atiiSea Bat gent, Misses Ncltle aud Lottie Kltker, Herbert W. Field and fam- ily are am >c^ those irom our own city whom It Is pleasant to meet. Messrs

The BUttial meeting <f the stockholders

of the 1'aetsTa mills waa held Tuesday, at

..:>,,■ uT the treasurer. After calling the

meeting io order, tbe president, Mr. Ab

bjtt Lawrence, made tbe following re-

marks : Befort preceeding to tbe business

of the meeting, geutlemeu, let me ssjone

word of congratulation to you on tbe Im-

proved condition or this company. Ism

sure tbat noue of us tbat kuow the ex-

traordinary work wblcb has been

and the remarkable

wblcb bave been achieved there In

the paal three jears, will lull to recognize

tbe able and faithful management of our

treasurer, whose master-band baa Infused

tbla company with new life, aud win un-

der great dMcu lies and discouragement

under tbe most unmerited crlticlam and

censure, has brought barmouv out or dis-

cord, order out oldlsorder, and contrib-

uted In large measure to restore ibi old-

lime reputatiun of the PaclflO mills. Dot

lug his administration of our amirs and

under his direction, aided by the lotolll-, skinful aud StSloUS cooperation of

agents and superintendent! at thi mills, been pnt

into a condition of the highest ettlclency,

the productive capacity Increased and iho

coat of production enormously reuueud.

Let me particularly roler you to the fact

that the product of tbe mills for ttio laai

year has been larger than tver before in

ihe hlsiory of the company. I desire also

to call your altention to the very large

quantity of goods which bate beeu sold

by our new selling Bgenia during two S«B

sur.s of alinodt, unuxampled dullness. To

their aaslduiiy, taste aud akill we are

much it.d i "■ 1. Gentlemen, I rejoice

with you that Ibis company has been res

cued from Impending disaster and tutn-

that it has -entered upon a now career or

prosperity and bas again wheeled Into the

line of divldeud-paylng companies. Our

prospects, are good, and I see no reason

lo doubt thotour prospeclj will continue.

After what I have said, geullem»u, of tbe

g/cai labors of our treasurer and tbelr

fiultlul results, you could uot excuse me,

and I could not excuse myself, were I lo

omit at this our annuil meeting, on your behalf and on behalf of my fellow-direc-

tors, to present to him our beany ac-

knowledgements lor bis eminent services

to tbls company, and to assure him of

our unabaied confidence and eateera.

Tbe LlUcers choaen last year, were re-

elected, viz- Henry SaltoDBtall. treasurer;

Abbott Lawrence, Augustus Lowell, J.

llunllngtou Wolcutt, Arthur T. i.viuan,

T. Jefferson CooUdge, E. Francis Parker,

lUbesoo, Amory A. Lawrence, di-

rectors; Henry Davenport, clerk.


Spicy Newt from Lowell.

the The Lowell Tune* publishes

followioa, the facts of which have been

In the possession or reporters or the

AMKHICAN and Lawrence Journal, bnt

withheld by request of the police author-

ities. As they have become public prop-

erty, we reproduce the article I -

A peculiar case of robbery, which oc-

Amona ihe en pi< rations of ibis Common-

wealth which are tbla year tbe subject or grief to iheir stockholders, ihe Washing-

ton mills or Lawrence has a pretty promi-

nent poaltlou, as many ol onr citizens

doubt lest kuow. With a large plant and

apparent capacity ordolng large work and

making aome profit, this corporation, wllh

a capital or 91,050,006 dlstnbated among

a large number of confiding Investors, has

been disappearing and disappearing, ontll

ll'.tle of It appears lo be left. The stock-

holders bave been patient aud hopeful,

bat hope ao long continued without reali-

zation haa made tbe heart sick. Why has

it been lnu.-r Who baa managed, gnlded,

and directed? Why have tbey not seen

tbe rocks and shoals in season to shift tbe

course or stop and anchor outside? We

should like to bear some account of tbe

anxieties ot the ufUcers and crow on board,

and of tbe bopes and fears, aud watchlu!-

neas aod care, uf tboae In command dur-

ing the apparently short voyage which

has ended so dlaastionsly, to say njthlng

of tbe fears and bopea of tbe owners on

shore. In January, 1880, we Qnd In the

reports of tbe Boston stock'market a divi-

dend or three dollar* per share was paid,

amounting to $4t>,S00, and the stock was

then quoted aij»it.l.50 per share, ex-divl

deod, amounting lor tbe whole capital

stock to tbe sumorni,C75.ToO. Less than

rive years bave passed, and now the stock

Is quoted at about 919 per share, or for

lb- whole capital slock, $313500, and

this sum taken from the market valuo or

1880, shows a shrinkage of 11,363,180.

'falling tbe time four year* and six mouths, aad not reckoning any earning, during

the time, this shows an average aunual

shrinkage (or tbe whole period ofabuut

•358,252. Waa this fearlul shrinkage

spread pretty evenly ovi r the whole time?

If so, why was It not arrested by slopping

In season to save a reasonable pottion ot

the properly ? Was Ihe loss from any sud-

den and accountable. dlsaBter? If so, why

is It not described to the stockholders

to comfort them, thereby Increasing their

historical knowledge, If nothlu^ more?

Any person win owned onu hundred

shares In January, 188), by selling them

then at the market prlcu would havu rea-

lized >:','i.'iii. That sum then Invested In a

good mortgage at six per cent., and we

think sucb an Investment could have been

easily found, would realize in four and a

alf years 93578, to say nothing of the In-

terest which the anfual amount of Inter-

est woulu bave earned. The principal

and Interest would be 913,138. Take the

market price then at 89330, and the

market price now at $|b00, and where lur-

tbe dlff-rence of 87050 gone, to say noth-

ing or ihe possible earnings from interest

0ff)387Bf Even ir some dividends have

been made since January, 1880, of which

we have noi berore us the mrorinatlon,

tbe shrinkage Is greater,andl base who are

now the pattern sntterers will naturally

iblok it ought to bave been arrested, or

to be now In some manner explained.


f -Tbe

floats pn


police slallou.

—Heprftillcaii iicni'i ;

opuned in titaunard's >l<

—Do not put money i


ity cial i

Logan banner. n 1(( „. „,. u-ju, IISII. x-ou, ! p.m. (

To Lowell, "W.

got ney I or postal ii


to, I0,U. J.M ; i,», 7'UP.ii,

. ass,

.INI, I M. a.;i», 7 o _yalKIS, pn,.). «

11.IU, a.m. U.«i, S.'S

Uolng Norm, 1.24,1

— Mr. Morrissey has Iho

again at work on the common.

-A breezy letter rnm Miss Wetberbee

at Hampton Beach, in another column.

-Truant Officer Mctiowan Is busy

lakiun, tbe census ortheichool children.

The Pacific Mi'is are obtaining pew

warpers from the II Oped lie Machine Com-


— A croquet yamj by ladles is to be

played ou the coniroou, ou Mouday nriei1-

Mrs. Eugene Masou, who has been

quite 111 for several days, Is improving In


—At the Second Baptist church, on

Sunday, seven persons were admitted to


— Baldwin Coolldge, romr'!" of this

city, has photograph rooms at .: trlha's


—Until thellrsl Sunday of September,

Trinity church will unite with tbe Law-

rence street lu public worship.

—Miiglo Hipkins, a dlssolavi mill

girl, c Mimkte.1 suicids by drowning iu

thu HorrlmacL at I^owell on Saturday.

—Now about 700 hands are emHoved al

tbe Washington Mills. Humor has Itthat

tbero will bo a complete shut down next


-The Equlue Parodox Is meeting wllh

unparalelled -n.-. ■-.-, wherever it goes.

Remember the .lute in Liwronce Aug. Hlb

to lii.U.

—Potlee OdJeer Dleeep, having fonnd

the goo-la which were stolen fro.n bis

p ickets, has left tor Detroit for a brief


—The First Massachnaetts Heavy Ai

tlllery Association, will bave llsslxteenib

annual reunion ai Oak Island grovs on

Thursday, August 18.

— Rev. J. B. G. Pldgc, of Philadelphia,

formerly of iho first Baptist cburcb, !i

ibis city, will occupy Iho des* of tbe lit-

ii r, the next two Sabbaths.

— It is expected that the work on ihe

new Salem Jsll will shortly begin, now

tbat the plane tor haildlig and superln-

tendeucy oi the eatuo have been awarded.

—A six year old sou oL Joseph Dennis,

residing on Water street, Tel! from a tree,

Wednesday,and jusiaineda fracture ol tbe

collar bone. |)r. Sttgnc attended him.

Uiffor tin summer—flannel!. The pnuitrv crop or North Carolina li laid to ! worth flj M«I ooo, Atbwl N. Holt Las leaied bli bouse on Elm rest to Rev. J. J. liluir.

I i,. ) in- numhir oi the Cincinnati Mmical 'laitor, haa n.-.-n received. Rev. Mr. Jodklatol D.'dham, will proacb at

nh-,1 Church next Sunday. Rev- Ur. AaiHilUrJ.ot BltUS, will olflciata

t the CQapel Cuurcti next Sunday. Tue price of wheat in llaltimnre waa lower

lai week thin it bad bieu lor thir'y yeara. Miis Annie s. Davis, who baa been In Ober-

lin.Ohlo. f^raycar past, Is al home on a visit. Some account of tUo Press Excuraion of the

past week, will be given in the ncft laius of tbe paper.

Rev. Dr. Dickey, pastor of Calvary V mrcli. Philadelphia, preached at iho Chapol t:.iutc'i latt Sabbath.

Prof, li.'.ircc Harris conducted tbe union ser- vice ot the Out Houth and Central cburebea, la Boaton, laat Sabbath.

We are indebted to James It. Murray for a copy of Toe Musical Visitor, a publication edited by Mr. M. at Cincinnati. O.

When the marriage ceremony waa over, the parson was approached by the groom with Iha question, "What's Ibe damage.elder?"

James E, Udlin of thu town, and for three veara past a member of the Hartford Seminary, was uruaincd at Hope. Dak., June 18th.

The woid "orange" was repealed at a Florida breakfast table one hundred and twenty two times, by seven people, by actual count.

Wbv are trees amona the beat manured pro- riuctiona of the globe f because ihey always leave in nine, and never leave without a bough.

Frank Morton, formerly of thu :o«n, baa been appointed a member ol tbe Board of Edu- cation at San Joan, Cal., where he now realdea.

DeaOSa Harmon, a baekwoodimrn in Malna, once tlmml.ieU a congregation altar a faabioa not laugbi In the schools i "Tbla ordinance are uuw concluded'"

lrlab professor In cbemlatry i "The subitanca vim MT MI (<ii!i pbiil i» tbe molt deadly of all pi.j-'.ir-. A alngle drop placed on the tongue of a cat will kilt the strongest man"

William Breatherlck, formerly of BalUrd Vale, and now rcaidlojt at Aabland, N. H.. was in town a tew days ago. Be bad not b CM in Andover previous lo this ylait lor twelve yeara.

The valuation of tbe taxalle properly of the town, as returned by the assessors, I* |3,- 888,787. No. of noil-, 1108. Rue ol uxea. §10.00 far 81000.00. Tbe tax billa will be blue.

A salmon weighing over lif.y-iwu ponnda, which was cauabt In tbe Heatlgoucue river, waa exhibited In New York a few days ago It la regarded as tbe largest ever taken in this coun •

I nil a last! Oeo. abd Cbas. Austin will open then tage tho coming week. City Treiu Patrick Murphy an.l wile *ro a", tbeir tage.



Iron prav nud dark yellow arc the

only colors in which glnuectl kid gloves

arc worniu Paris, but black still re- mains in favor, especially to accom-

pany white frocks.

Illue and reJ silk cord, arranged in

alternate row3, art) Bubatitutcil foi braiding ou soum ol the suits of navj

blue and red, ami it makes n verv pretty trimming' especially lor jackets.

The oldest inhabitant of Texas- Millie Crtrulcr, colored, who recently

died at the a^c nl 110—w»8 distin- guisbed by tbe fact tbat sue did not claim to have been General Washing*

ton'r< muse.

Sitting Bull at a dinner at *"rl

Smiling eras delighted wiih the silver forks aud the tinned peaches, ami

expressed his admiration loir the wife or Col. Andrews, lie woitli make

rather a tlaigcrous society man.

IT IS reported that at the annual meeting ot the Society of Friends, the past month at Newport, efforts were made to abolish the custom of men and women silling apart ami without result,

but the truth is that the gentlemen look their seats with the ladies if they felt inclined, and the order of exerei Included singing |,y twi> or three voting

ladies, something quite out ef tin regular order. There was a large at

lance, and ministers preached to the crowd from carts stationed in the

tig house yard, quite in "the Meth- odist style. In New Bedford the past winter, the silting together innovation was quite generally lollowed, ami grew

out of the Inconvenience of taking little

liots to meeting who could not be trusted to lake care of Ihcjisehes. THe boys overstepped the boundaries

tirst nml their fathers followed. How a happened that this consideration has

hitheito been overlooked is uot ex. plained. The women's side is carpeted

:ind ihe mens' is not, and that luxury may have been an attraction. After nit is said ugainst the ancient rules of this body it cannot be disputed that when they were all strictly enforced, ihetc were no lovelier, or sweeter or

,-^re perfect women In the world then

irnfrrcnsea. and the i ipparent lo the eomi it anpplMi and labo

eii as far a

e water in Ihe Splcket Kiv.-r immer and comins* fal1. Ie ii.I nolhlng unforseen occur,

Lawrsaee street tbe present

i attention IItin*- ihe

ipaclty for

the Quakei- sacs of America.

We lake this opportunity lo call tin of the Lily Coenoll to the fact, that in alia .if the main now-being built, it, ci carrying sewage *:ia increased to provide for the •ewaae from a portion i.r the lown of Meiliiiin and If connection a alnml.l Is? mule with Ihe •en- era and .Irainaof ibat town, we see no reason why Ihe city .if Lawrence should not ue Justly ren: ■rated lur ■■■■;■. i..-

Respectfully Submitted, A. A- LaHPUT, i epleket ill LHAKl.kH IMIKIX,} Valley U.S. KI:MK > Comml.-Biuii

LAWHUCK, Haas.. July 1-t, lss4.


Once morn we are called upon to la-

meut ihe loss of one of the city's old res-

idents. Charlotte J., wife of James A,

Fog.:, passed qsiSllj away at tbe family

residence, Tuesday evening, shortly after

Vclock. Ueceared was born at Concord, Mas*.,

in October 1817, and was consequently 60

years '.' months old. ttbe came to Law-

n the early days uf the city and his

since resided here, livlnp; n her late resi-

dence over 36 years. Sbs was a kind and

devote 1 wife, a uehlle -lid loving mother

beloved by be' 'amlly and respected by

all with wii.mi she was acquainted.

Boataroap s Aom riioifiui, Oae of the BeslTonim.

Ur. A. Atkinson. Pro*. Ma'en* Medlca and llermatol ijty, ''!';■' "MS. II.i'


Mr. George L. Whieler, we.I known to residents of ibis cltv, when manager ol

tho local telephone offlce, died al Rochee-

ter, N. Y., yesterday, where be had

been onder.treatmeHl lor kidney troubles.

After his departure I'roin Lawrence, he

promoted to the position of superin-

tendent or the Northeastern Division of

New England Telephone and Tele-

graph Co., an office which bo HI led capably

o the satisfaction of bis employers and

istrons. Mr. Wheeler, while here, waa

much respected. He was amiaole, care-

ful and painstaking, and much of ihe BBC

cess of the telephone system In Lawrenci ,M due to his affjrts. lie was unmarried, li ■■ borne was In Worcester, and th< ■j.nly will be brought th.-re lor Intermert

prtsent » ueat an.1 attractive appearance, lily thoce oi' Messrs. Drew, Mason

and I/)rd. The former In Its new dress ot Uffbl and yellow paint, With red and white trimmings, looks light and airy aa becomes a summer Villa. A eea wall has been built In front, against winch the waves of the Ailaullc beat continuously. Tne p-jls ol choice plants and the banging baskets give a very pleasant aud hume- like appearance to tbe house, wilb. which itt connected a rarm ol seveial acres, where "Jerry" mav be seen cu' tiug some very lar^e swaths -vith his scythe, and dlllgentlf hoeing bis potatoes, like a lur liable larm* r. The Mason cottage, verj neor the Ocean IlnUS", is very aiiraclhe being almost complelt.y toveieJ W;LI

woodbine, and Hie ol Mr. Danie Lord, Which he occupies summer an. rioter, Is a large and roomy collage,wltl very IIIVIII.IL; piaitl, overlooking lIn

aa. T'l-ii'orro v u party ol us Intend io ike n sail to the S boa is, in ibe yachi Stsrtled Fawn," which makes regular rips to those quaint islands. Here Is a

story which "Uucle DioleC'told mu on the piazza, yesterday, illustrating the love of Hampton people- lor their IIIIIVK

own. A man woo was born here and Mho lived here uulli late lu life, went re :cni;y to reside with Ola married daughter u Boston. Not long since he came ha™ in a visit, mi i was i nmediately surround- ed by a large crowd of bis old lil^nds and cronies, who asked him bow banked Bos- ton. -Wall," replied the n d gclilleiuen, •I don't ur- a great store by Boston| to

tell tho truth. I'd rath.-r live In Uimptou mi a barrio', thin In tho big city ot Bos- ton on a wUBle." *- lady from Maiden, a widow. Is responsible lor the following DOS mol; she speuds several weeks h.-re every season, and hence gels Hud of the oft-repeated question asked by transient guests: "Do you remain here ium:?" ■■Ves," sslil she, the other dsy, in reply Hi tbe ssme old question, "you may put luediiwn among the remains, as I expect to be cailed a 'relief after my deaib."

In reply to tnr|eameq-t«ellou, your cor- respondent would say thai her name miy

d In Lawrcncu, has been aatlstactoi tiy investigated by tho Lowell police. On Thursday morning, Ezra over- seer In one or the Liwrence mills, re- ported ai the police siatiou that be bad ii.-.-II keeping a woman named Jennie Mi- gulre. In Ltwruuce, and ibat she had sud- lODl] disappeared on Sunday last, taklau rlib her *27d in money and a gold watch nd chain, valued at 8uS, and bad run a illl of SJ65 agaisnt blm lor dress goods.

Hs said tbat he had tracked her to Lowell and that he wanted ber arresteo'. During iho arteruoon Information was received

y telephone thai a warrant was oul for the Magulre woman, and ataiiog Ibat sbe was one of the famous (aroliy of "seven- teen beggars." In the evening. Inspector Hayes and OtSesr James Uuniavey dis- covered one Mary Magulre, drunk, in a house ou Mernmack street, and knowing thai she was one of the beggars, ibonithi that sbe might be the person wanted. Hlte was accordingly arrested and locked up over night, but m the morulng, when Mr. Ellerby appeared, be said tbat she was not the ilnht person. The woman was thereupon arraigned for drunkenness and fined 81 and costs. Mr. hilerby fur ther stated to ihe police 'hat the woman whom he deidred arrested, bad, tn addi- tion to her Other ihelis, atolen a parcel of dress g.iod* Irom his room. He slso said rhat he hid glean t :o woman au order to procure a drees pattern at a certain price, and that loaiesd sbe bought more valu- able goods, with other articles. When she returned wllh the goods be Informed her tbrft fbu would have to return ihem, and laklng the dress pattern from her. placed II in a bureau diawer luhis rooom, io which she had access. Watching ber opportunity, Shu bad taken tho goodsand lied. Tne rlubt wi'inan was arrested by inspector Moore at noon, yesterday, and taken to the ool ce slatlou. OlUuur Llbby nl Lawrenc', was notified and he came over after ber. Ederby, who had been of Jennie's arrest, also came lo the station and had an interview with her. Jenulo d-nled anv money or tbe watch aod chain and ctTercd lo restore tb9 dress pattern. Ellerby'a heart then softened nud he said tbat bo waa'nl sure that Jtnme bad stolen tbe watcb and money, but that they had mysteriously disappeared with Jennie's departure. IK said r.e d:d not waul to itive- tbe matter my more publicity than possible, aod would not have lb» Lawrence psntrs get liuId of It on any consideration. He would, the re to re, as the woman had restored the dress pattern, withdraw bis complaint. This was d .nc aud Jennie was allowed 10 depart. Kllerby tuu»t Ond hlmselT In anything oul a pleasant pusillou. lor be Is apparently 6U years old. Jennie la a gay glr!, with large black, eye*), and about !I2 years old. It I* uuderalood has her Iruuks already packed for a trip lo Ireland.


Tbe Lawrence clnb played the North

Eud clnb at Fall River, on Saturday.

They went flrst lo Ibe hat and were put

out for tlfiv-dlght runs. The borne club

did Bt.nid good ba'.Ung and bad made il fiy-

seven runs with five wickets lo spare

whru gamn was called, the Lawreuce be-

ing obliged to leave io take the train.

The following is the score : -

—Tim repuliltcHii c.ii 1'n.nmliii

ihe con

1 L.A la, a new flig,

a. end Logan.

4 quite 111 ut her

L4WSSMCS. Killav, at. Leach, Hall e. Thorpe, b. Hindir, Larkin b. Hindis. Warburion c. and b. Leach, b. arecne, Price b. ltlndle, Dawson c. and n. Greene, Bowlan b Green, Mannallb. Ilindlr.


Hoitbatr, ai.Leacb, ' ■'■, not out,



II i:i-.l r, r Shaw,b I) iwon,

Howard, :. Larkin . b. Kl'iay, Holden, i SO w, t Killay, I hurpe, 1 . ill 1 .V, Wood, c. III , i. Killay, Catlow, retired inj red, Leech, not out.


Tats »*. tno Bswe

A blast at ihe Mpicket sew^r. near the

corner or Havoihlll aod Allen streets,

late Monday afternoon, caused consid-

erable damage and delay, but lortuuately

no one was Injure I. The pit here Is 22

feet deep, and tnrougb a solid ledge from

Ore feet uf the aurlace, the workmeu,

under tbe able supervision of Mr. A- W,

Belcher, being obli^-d to drill and blast

to lbs ilo'.ii of seventeen (eet. An oidl-

narj charge was placed IT the hot en

m nl- by iho aleam drill yesterday, ha- it

proved or eufflcieni force to break tho

piling blanket in halves, evuslss/a caye

iu of about seven feet. The dwellers in

the neighborhood were coostfiiably

ebsken np and startled, hut n-> tie was

hurt. The work proceeded Imneilaiely

after the accident.

Breen not for Bntler.

bearing the nam.-s of Ills I

— Mrs. Kugeue Utuou i

res'dence on llaverbill str

and tho lamlly ot Mr. Charles Mason bave

bten summoned from Hampton In conse-


-On Wednesday, 10 shares of Wash-

Ing'OU Mils Stock soht at 815, the lowest

point yet reached ; Even-U Mills, iril-' 1 4 ;

1'aclUc Mills, list), Essex Company, 1U|

Mcliiy Faateuiug,a6 1 1.

—Qioncester has a Lew penny lUHy.the

"Ntws," published by th^ News 1'ublish-

Inu Oo. It Is a bright, tirwsy little sheet

aud Wa wish it all success. Tbe Cape

should buve had a dully long ago.

-- Last month clerk Noonau of the

overseers of ibe poor, dispensed ■- !■'" '.' ■"■ to outside poor. Laal j ear In June, the

dlsbursL-iU'iui. was 86531.16. A (t'it'i.uce

agalust this presidential year oi |67 7'»

—The. old Issue of postal notes la U4*t-

ly exhausted at in- Lawrence pest ofQce;

thu now 00tea are vast!/ Improved In ap-

pearance, and the demand, especially for

sending small sums by mall nL*jsdily In-

creases. •j... i- . I.'.,-.- "nn a ?ery

brlgui, muHgUkfal di.oojiso ui iha Liw-

rence street church on Sunday evening,

full of earnest, eloqienl words ami manly

Christian suggesilvencs^. Trinity church

I'hiii'.i in the services aad the music was

by tbe combined choir.

—The report of thy Spicket river com-

missioners, to be presented to the com-

mon council ibis evenlog, and which we

give In full Vi-iKv, will be ronud or gen-

eral Interest, affordlug as it does, a clear

and oiii ■', t statement of thj work thus

far, with its cost to date.

An aericnlturai exchange. In an article on Haw to Feed Horace, mentions reeding "corn In Ibe ear*' as one way. Tbla may be an economi- cal way, hut it muit be exceaaively painful to tbe borae-

Teare tndeb'ed tn Prof. VT. O. Ooldimlib, a copy or•' in- ■•'.,■■■ Itopuhllc," containing ixtract from an iatereatlnf letter, written hy Prof, to the lVinobard Emlgo on the Flora

of Co'urado. "Well, now," aald a wsaltbv Alabama planter

■since l'f..' bad nml revenue cut ibrongb tbe trees, aod added the diploma to Ibe bouse, I led like I could eulcrtaiu my friend In a truly knallie manner."

A lady at Newberry, n. C, tbe other day, found a gold riny In a potato wblcb she cot tn twi'i tor dinner. Tue tuber wai a large one and grew in ber t.inl u, but how tba jewel came there Isa mja'.iry.

A vtuad nl almut twenty men from tbe Salva- tion A i IIIV . vlaiied this town last Saturday aft- ernoon, and bell tcrvices on tbe band stand in Kim Square. We understand Ibat they will hold anolber meeting next Saturday afternoon.

We have received from onr old friend, James M. Fesaenden, Esq , formerly of II illani Vale, Ihe annual tenor( of iha Bo iver Kalis, Peno., Pabltc Schools Mr. f esienden I* president of tbe board of Kdacaiion.

In r ."-.■[ u;niv of enfirotalnq builnesi, Ur. Arthur Biias baa resigned the leadenhlp of iho brass band, a positloa wkich lie li N very ac- ceptably filled for several year*. Mr. Artbnr W. W hits ii aucicutuliy filling Ibe vacancy Tor the present.

Young New York girls are aald lo spend their pocket money in buying jeweled garter buckles al jJ.IK) and upwards; ainelllng botiles at SUju. fOld-besdsd slik umtireilai for SIM, hair pint at 87d, aod jeweled opera glaiaea at S500.

Old lady to druggist: "I want aboa or canine pills." Drugclit: " IV bat's the matter wilb ike dot 1" Old lady (indignantly:) "1 waDt yon to know, sir. that my husband is a gentleman." Dropgloi puta up aotnc quinine pills in profound alien ie.

Rev. Almon W. Jlurr, brotber of Rev. Austin II. Burr, wbo baa readied in town several montba. bai removed with bis faml.y to H-i. I*. Wl«. He takes cbseit^of th» pr^pii""' r> • ■



Alderman Tliompson presided. Ortermt That the oOeee in the city hall be

eloteil eveiy evenina in Iha week, except ilay evonlntr, during July and Auiusl.

IM COMaUnt col sci L. The pnpera from the upper board were con-

curred in. Tne report of the BptokM Kiver Commlailoaere

was ijre*enled an.l referred. An order of CounclliDan burckel, that a alreel

lamp lie ptace.1 ut tiie Junelion of Katl llaverhlll and Berkeley alreeta. waa adopted.

Aller a |.i>>'. .ru-c.l hearing ibe eounell non- rurreil with the aldermen in granting the petition ol U. W. Knerson, for the re-ealabllBhuienl of Ihe

i.l.i uf llaveihlll alreet, betwean ('rescent ai

alst Ihe lalna"

lliacb'a World Soap will tot is|ore I lineal goods.

College of Foyaiclani aad re, Mil , says: "It makea a $ la on.- nf mi - heat ionics In

lie (jape ol the pbospbatea in so auie lorm, " Ijeodtw

Horse Ntolen.

Tuesday, a man ctroye to ihe dwelling of Mr. Jeremiah Regan at West Ando- ver, Wilb a horse uadly battered, the worse for years and roug t treatment, lie asked Mr. Regan to lend him tils horse for a drive lo the next neighbor's bouse, distance about a mile, ami Mr. Regan was accommodating enough to do so, his visitor leaving bis decrepit animal, Noth- ing haa aluce been seen of Mr. Regan's norse or his persuasive caller, but Mr. Regan still ass on his bands tbe phantom of a boneyard. _J._

Sci inn-. Accident.

Mindly, a. m., as Mr. Seth Hatch wa -

driving in A. M, Carr & Co's grocery

wagon over tho Dock bridge, the borae

beeame unSUnsgcabls, and the wagon

collided with a street, car, Mr. Hatch be-

ing thrown out. The horse freed him-

self frm.i tbe wagon, which was a wreck,

aud ran abont half a mile on Houth Union

atreet before captured. Ur. Hatch ana

tamed a fracture of the leg, and was con

veyed to his home on Cross street where

Dr. Bsrgeat attended him.

MTI ,:- rdsieil The '■proi

panm ent an. *ith ■ID, SI

stairs and di uucb be'.ler [in a,

continues toen|ovtbe iinaimeni i»i our host, nlorlable rooms and ill-appolntvd table a" In tie wealbur de- winds from the east,

e Daniel" bas been up is overcoat. He is a ir prophet than Wig-

A weildres-rd wotimn. about '20 year* or age llflering Irom aberration of mi ml, was reponed at Lowell police (tatlon as p;rain Da latin g Pow- ell street on Monday nixht betwesn 7 anJ H o'clock. She a.i- taken to the station and it wa* for a time Impossible to obtain any Information by wblcb her Identity could be eimblithcd. Sbe at length s'aied tbat she lived on Franklin atreet, Lawrence, an.l that her name w.ia Mary Smith. Sbe w*i lurprlaed when to'd that she waa ia ], iweJ!.n.>t knowing how she came. Her aunt aaya Unit Mu' Smith catnefiom LawreSOS lall Tliu'ad iy lo ace ber, and did not appeal Inaane. She left ber u-mn lo return to Law- roOCeMonUiy Hiiernn-in. aod the supposed that 'he had (iineb mie in "heheard of her being lakm into eoatody. Slie la not kr.own m bave been previously insane, she was returned here yeaterday. and is being well caied fo--.

Cee Bescb's World Boa'

disssss 7t=f

Stolen Horse Recovered.

Wednesday tbe fact of a borse being

stolen ir mi tbe barn of Jeremiah Regan,

Wast Anduver, appeared In tbese C3lums

District police olllcur BstCtteldet was ot

the trail of the tblef, and to-day recoyeret

thu horse at the Term or M r. Wlilard Do-

rant, where Ibe animal bad been swapped.

"Batch" Is still after his roan sod sill

doubtless tree blm. U h» beliuvud that be is the most notorious botse thief thai

ever vUU-d this section.

Died lu Ills Wngon.

Thia lorenoon, while Mr. .lo.eph CarlSton, a resident of iho l'ond District. North Andover was driving to Una city, and when nearly oppo site tbe Col..Gibson place, ho was observed to suddenly lurch forward and relax his bold on the reins, Wbcn some parlies rending In Ihe vicinity rcichcd blm Hie was extinct. A phy- sician was summonod, who attributed bis death to heart disjusc, with which be bad b:ena ed for many years. Too deceased, who bed tbe respect and eateem ol the entire community was a native and iile-lon« reiidenl of North Andover. He waa a by trade. Hia

age was about yeara.

A Naw FRATUKK !■ this week Intro-

duced by A. Sbarpe 4 Co., at the Metro

polltao Store, In ihe way of a mammoth

book sale, at unheard of prices; tbelr ad-

verltsemeni, ou tbe Orst page, gives some

of the selections to be had, and lbs price.

Onr up-town demicral coUmpor iry, wblcb claims to be ibe p i-sessor of tbe Ureen party's courldencs, has expressed incredulity over tbe statements that our delegate Mayor was lukowann towards ii-u. Bullet's candidacy, Tao Boston Herald reports a scene In tbe rooms of ihe Massachusetts delegation, when Mr. Magulre, of Boston, replied wilb no lit- tle bitterness to a speech ot Qen Butlers, and the latler's opponent bail no sooner taken hi- seat, than Miyor John Breen | crossed tbe room aud warmly Congratu- lated him.

The. City I'oor. _a»

List montb Mr. Noonan distributed among ihe outside poor.goodatolbe vaine uf -ill' 66, which is A3:' 50 less than was similarly eipended In May. By wards the disbursements follow:

Ward one, g 70 00 * " two, Htt.00 " three, 170 H5 1' fou r, 26 00 " five, at 00 " six, 6 00

Total, *i ii :•:■

A Card.

New Urleana, Jens 34, 1**1. The nnderalgnet! cerilliei that be held f<

cnllectloQ ini a. c..,i;nt i. is. \[ Rotbscbtld, 232 Church atreet. New York City, one hall ticket. No. 53,770, Single Number, Class F. In the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew the 8ec- ouJ Capital I'rixo of Fittv tbouaanl Djllars, on Tuesday, June I7tb, 1684, said ticket bavin* coat the sum nf rive dollars at the office ol M. ■H Dauphin, New Urleana. La., aim tbat the amount waa iromptiy paid by a check on the Naw Oi leans National bank, on presentation oftDe ticket at tbe ollL-e of tbe Company.

T. M. WBSTOOAT, Southern Kxprras Co., New Orleans, l.a.

The boys who to AOgylStS go. For offlce need not bepe ,

l'ii nil tbey bring with toein a box Ui Deach'i Washing Hoap.

OturaSatFltOSl cuasn. An old physician, retired from practice, hav-

ing bad placed In bis banda by an Kast India mlaelonary tbe lornmia of a simple vegetable rsrasoy tor tbespeedr end permanent cure ol <' ", Bronrbllla, Catarrh, Aithuia and al! Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical core tor Nervous Debility and ail Nurvons Complaints, after having lasted its wonderful curallva powers In thousands at caies, bastelt it tils duty it, make It known to bli suffering fellows. Actuated by this rcotlvs an 1 a dealra to relieve human suffering, 1 .*> il! sent treeorcharge, lo all wbo dealre It, ibis re-ipe, In German, French or English, wilb lull directions for preparing and uaiog. Sent oy mill bv addraaalng with atamp. naming this pawr, W.A. Noiil, U9 Power's Block.Rocb. •SWN.T. *Uy«owaag2i


While a remarkable decrease In the liqnoi revenue is shown, there apptars io ts nu diminution In tbe number of rum shops, am the only conclusion ibat cm no arrived at li that not less than 4J persona are dispensing liquor without a license and contrary to law, List year ihere were taken out 316 licenses, 01 these 221 were of the rirat riaas, 73 of toe fourth class, 'JO oi'tho sixth, and ono of tbe fifth. Tne revenne from theao was 838,(>13 ti; This year there have been 3U2 applications i. Ileenaes, alt ot which were granted, nut on' 2.i7 ha*a been taken out. There are 193 of the first class. 41 ot tbe fourth, 1 of tbe Oith and 22 of tbe sixth. Tho revenue from lice taken al the city iroasurer's offlco during tbe in intha of May and June tne yeir nnd laat (ol- Iowa:

1SM3 1HH1 933.716 «2-i.7lrt

'2 i»77 8,120 II l>« seen that a remarkable ,:- i ■■ ■■ ■ is

shown an.l ibe laxity in some ipi irtera is tei iag violatioa oi the law, ana keeping money from tbe clly treasury.

A HUM Theft.

Wolle Mr. and Mrs. Henry Emmone, Wbo reside at No. 127 May atreet, were

viewing the Barnum procession, their

dwelling was entered by a th!ef,who stole

a ttmltb &, Wesson revolver, Wi calibre, a

gold plated bicycle medal and 'JJ cents In

silver and nuk -!-. Mrs. Kmmoun re-

turned home loo soon for the thief, who

upon her entrance jumped riom a window

and gaining the street,lied. She made au

luspec'.ion of the upper chambers, and

found that all Ihe dressing case drawers

had been ransacked aud the contents had

been ibrnwn about tbe floor. The thle

overlooked 935 In money and a gold watch

and chain which wore found Intact.

Tbe seqiel or tbe above does justice to

assistant marshal Sheeban and Inspectoi

Libby. When the case was rcpor.ed

neither cftlccr allowed griaa to grow un-

der their feet. They learned thai early

In tbe day a young mau,who claimed thai

he had an arm broken at Lynn, holding

the some In a sling, called at Mr. T. A.

Ernmons for food, which was given lilm.

An accurate description of Hi- man was

given ihe officer* and It was hut a little

while before he was In the Station, wilb

no broken arm, but with every evidence

or galll, lie gave, his name ns John Mc-

Kty, and chimed to reside at t.ewlston.

That be hid a confederate is undoubted,

but his lelloW in ma M-.I to elude the oOJ-


In the police court to-day ^e was ar-

raigned lur vagrancy, but as ihe authori-

ties desire farther evidence, tbe aim was

continued until to-morrow.

Try tteaebs Wcrld8>ap aid yon Will always DM it.

Ihe Julv nnmber of the Andovdr Review, mains onici-s from I'roleaiors K.O. Pealmdr,

(>. T. I.atld. r. ilaopt, 0. M. Mead, and J. P. Tayiorj M---;- H Stanwood, and II W. Uul- ntrt, amlltir. Messrs. J. W. Cooper, D. L. ' ni.ini, andC- C. Starbuck.

■ is raid Lord Dudley, noted for b'a ab- l-mindednrss, ODCa met Syiinev Smith In Birael and said : '-Dine with tnoto-dav, and gel PyJnay Smith to meel you." M r. Smith LI, . imiltelv. but declined because be

was engage J UJ meet bim e au where. A lady at Plant City, Fla , went o<u lo gather

some plums, and while picking up the Trull from the ground was bitten un the hand bv a

ika concealed in ibe graaa. Kvery means known waa used to save bor lite, but without avail, and abe died in every short time,

i action for breach o! promise tbe olher Kngianl, the del'eodants counsel asked

I'lainiiit. "Did my client enter Into a j agreement to marry you." "Well, not ," abe replied, "hut be conned me a

good deal, and told mv sister be intended to .ur v .,.■ i -in family."

The auction sales of grass last week were as ftdluwA ;—

Mrs. Tlm'ina pier*. $20 50 A. A. A Heirs ot S. Abbott, 38 75 Kiieneaer.lenklnafarm. 09 00 Mrs. KioiLbetb Stlnson, 79 26 Charles Cumminga farm, 108 00

8321 50 K;v, A M. Fairbilrn.D. D., principal of

Airedale College, Bradford, Eiig., wm isctnre at ibe Seminary, nn tbe C imperative History ol tho Orcaicr RelUloni, roaiintncing Sept. 15. Rev. A. A. RJSS. D. I)., will deliver tbs South- worth lectures on I" m^reaition ilum, to tbe middle class. Hon. T. W. l)*lght of tbo Columbia Liw S.'hool, N. V , will lecture on the Wmkley ['minliinon, on ili-> Halation of tbs Christian ReliKloo to Jurisprudence.

Tbe San Jose. (Cal.) Herald, of l'Jih alt., tells of a gentleman who, during a ride the pre- vious day to A'ameda. passed through eight miles of fova, averaging tbe atse of a large cherry, thai filled tbe road. There were mil- lions upon millions of Idem, and tor a Innn time he could not cn>dit bis sensos. To make - iiiv that hr waa not dre,mlng, be cauabt a box full 01 tbem and brought ihem to lown to con- firm bli story. It is supposed that a late ram brojghi ihem (rom tne clouds.

The Andover h:asa band, during past seaaons, have rnniiihutsd much to the plea<ure and en- Joviuenl of ihe public, hy Ihtii nut door even- in? concerts, and would, norloum, be glaJ to gratify tbem in Ibe aamu manner ibis summer. From conversation with some of Iha member* of the organisation, we Icirn tbat the band Hand requires repairs, and tint they have fre- quent recurring Incidental exponaea 10 uic-r.. winie they wuuid not feol like begging for themselves, or even solicit olbers to do ao for tfaim. we bave no doubt, If tbe community wuuld make them up a contribution or #200, It would aieureand impiro weekly concern until into Septum tier.

The inirodnction of rice into this country baa apleaaaul litlle history. One of Soaih Caro- lina's Oiivemora, noletl lor hii gentlemanly spiri*. aad courteous coDiluet, was grieved to think be could do so little in reducing to order and " makiag proitrrai" with lbs rough and turbulent elements of the people. It happened that aciplain ot a vets.'l from tbe tar ■■ft" eaat. touched at Ciia.rki.ton. an.l was very kindly and gaoerouslv trtaied hy the polite Governor. On caving, ihe captain proscntra tbe Governor with some- bags ul seed, wbich he obaerved waa highly priaad in tbe countries frotu which ru bad aalled. Tbla >«ing diairlbuled among tbe magi.iratei frlL-nd*. was planied, and tbe soil and climate of thai region being found well adapted to the raising of ibe novel crop, rice won became the suple product in those pans. Tbe rice, all know, now cornea from the Car .Unas. 'Iba good Governor conferred a great and laailng favor on hla Kale after ail.

The "Fnnrth" wa* celebrated in a vary quiet way, nothing of importance transpired, calling lor much exertion ui mind or body. Tne caa- tomary samte ol bells, noon, and sun- set, waa given, and tbe customary bonfire was lighted. Tbe laughable Incident* ol tbe morn- ings fun were the barricade on Park street, and

pi to uEiit ibe brook soaked pile on a'out ur. ut. We alao wonder if the

-Oioit Unknown" who passed our window did get home before morning In spite or hli off re- peated a'seruona to tbe contrary. Tne ganasol base Lu.! on 1'hilllpa Academy Campui, waa well contested hy ibe North Andovar and An- .lnver nines, resulting lo a vlttorv for tbe lor- mer. 27 tn 20. F.rrnra and passed ball* uncount- able. A large delegation from NortU Andover aitcr,d-l and rallied tboir frl.nd.- by ibelr shouts ol '*Ksh! R.h! Rah! North An-do-ver." Through ihe liberality of Mr. Oeo. W. W. Dove, a niiinlli ent Mipplv oi fireworks waa ixinbJied al Frye Village, and greatly appreciated by tbe large rumbcr praaest, No accident occurred, and ihe o.ukt ol Sunday reigned moat of tbe

East Cm

day. Andnver.Julv Bth.

F.n TUB AMI 1:;. v, ■ ivi„..r me iiiruugh the rolui I y- ur Wecklv, to rail Iho uiicilon of tin- S.lceiinin inn! lt".nl -nrvei'.ra nl' Andover. t.i theeonittiionol Kim slieci: Thi* is one 01 the principal atitela in town, and Ihe Iborcugtil'are betwten Andover god North Andover, aod 1 ven

• I -I.

lure, to mart is one 01 the mn>i travel.-1 ■mat*. in town, yet f,>r :ho |. i.t six yean but one land 'il itrsirl In-, been j>uion ll»lnve Maple Aveuii", ' < \--t-]it Ihi- -ii,, ill |i "ill- m iinrii, .1 linr wNni trie 1 il|iI WSI ■:.,,,.,!: asked by thi; tll>- III III V HI,,, |,;i Wtut Ii tlif r;niK<> MI tin* neelr-.'.l ? Win- '■* ii Ui:t one ol lira ,..j.,L.i'. I .tmi ui •-1 II.^UMLI» in town, >■ penuiitel In remain in ihiashsuieluU'iin- iliiiim:' l« it that repair* arr made only where il 1* for ll>* prmumit or [lolllical intercut of the *ur \ eyom i ki> them, in i* it tbal the nil'mi i. a 4 centre nurvryor, are ignorant o( Iheeoniiilion or Kin street. Ii the latter, they hate only tu examine this street frum Maple Avenue ti the N.iilh Andover line, end ibey will realise thai one load nl' Krnvel In ill year*, does not tend to keep a in n .-ii traveled itrcet ID a proper, or even decent OMditlM.

IM'H.N \1I I lll/K-i.

II Vale

The village «■« ail alive In tbe morning or Ibe 4ili, belli, ii""'. and horns, made a racket with ttieir noisy tjanxlofr. At 6 a. in. tLa Antiques and H'iri Cilfi were not ID fnll force, and under tbe ira.iiTi.inp of William il. Sleight «■ chief Harabal, wl-.b Bently Pearaoa a* Aid, rni'ched through the on mips I streets Many ludicrous blta were shown, toe beci of which waa that of Matter Nimby Marland, reprejennna a dude. Tna firat prise waa ifiveii to Sherman and Winelow Goodwin; secoad, Norths M irisnd and William Ltwrence. Tub race. Firat prlae to Howard Donah; aecrtnd, Smith Treiove; tbird, Ailea Slmpaoa. Swimming match. Plrst prise, Oku. Grain; second, Albert loel; tbird Jobn II. Clinton. Foot race. Fir it prlae, Thome* Horan; second", Jobn Ketreo; third, Jobn H. Clinton. Sack race. Firat itlu, r a trick Turner; SfOMd. Jobn Kit-Ran. B >yi race. First prise, U Kenti; stcond, Henry Platt; third, Henry Klley. In tbe eveoioa a fine display of fireworks waa shown on Church Hill, on Water *t-eat. Good order prevailed, and the celebration was tbe ever had at tbe Vale. With a xrua.ll part 01 Ibe population ol tli": town, the roii Id eon ol tbil locality alwayi do wi'M In everything they undertake, and the contrail wltb tbe Matte of the town in tbe celd liraiiun of tbe " fourtb," li Indeed marked.

hv B. It. Tutlle. All orders promptly I U>al reasonable prieoe- conveyance mi i' on any evening when desired. limn nl Hi.. r...t mill-., mil bomlnary.

l« National Democratic CooVeaUtoD

met at Chicago on Tuesday, and Is mill eitlOo, Tbe flcst acllon

rlorist.-Baskets .lire, 1'I, ANTS

and Fain, tlrdcia solicited and llted. Soar Lho depoL.

AHA O. McMU'T, faiiliion^ ml Uloak Manor, has taken room* nies„ No. 41 J'l.n street, and la

> Urea* and cleet Makiuir. nolT


done "in promptness and Residence, Onlral street.

Piver. Sepi.7. ln»tf. *ln

irpenter and coiner oi i ark and Itann tl i Hi le ' by John ' >'( innell. nstaclly on band or mi

■ iw.i,^ tbu in n iritf o! each Stale tlelefft- |jn tocwi tbe enliro »oto or tbe State, ciianl.tMH i,f (,(„. miti-kiityj against this

Tammany made a vltoroas but rain pro- test. Ciudldetei were named i>0 Wednet-

day and Thursday, Oeo. Butler Dot brlog presumed. Tammany made a sharp at-

tack on Cleveland, claiming that the en- lire labor and anil-monopoly or^aDlan-

- would oppose bid, and that be

Id afcrelj loss New York. When the platform waa prevented, (Jen. Builer of-

fered a lultiorlty report, bnl waa voted down ovurwh-jlmlngly. Late laal nlttht, tbe Ural ballot waa bad, reaoltlng aa to!*


Whole No. of Vote*. «2<l MsreMwry to u vhoicet >>47

(levcluDd, :W2 Batyard,

Ballard Vale. Urdera


Vinton pitched a great gama lir tbe 1'blladet- phiai, Ta^taday.

Col. Joalab Croaby coutemptatei an early re- moval from Ibe I'jntre.

Tbe Unlly Club plot at the Centre haa beea recently neatly cared for.

Permita will loon be limed by tbe Selectmen to flab la Lake Cocbicbewlck.

It Ii rninored that Haverhlll parllei are aego- tiatinp fur tbe purchate of Herrlmac lu'i.

The claaa of 'tH, Joboson Hlgb School, has •nayended an engraving in their recent irbojl- room.

There was a One display o' firework* at Gsn. Bban Sutton'a rcilaeoce, Bill Creil, Pourth of July evening-

The Stan play the Pcmberton* on tbe A*io- ciatlon Oroundi. Lawrence, Satuiday arier- uooo, Aug. Ifi-.ti.

on the Sotton Qroundi, Saturday forenoon, the Dudea look tbe Uaih Kateri into camp by a score or 37 to 21.

Tbe North Andoveri defeated the Andoven, oa tha Pbilllpi Academy Qroundi, last Friday, by a acore ol 27 to 20.

T«o picked nlnti played a ten-lonine: game an the Button Qroundi. Saturday afternoon, with tha retail of a acore or 28 to 27.

Hr. Nathaniel Steveni, MIM Virginia Stevens, Ml»« Helen Stevens and Mm Sally P. King, sail lor Europe, Saturday. Tney will be aosent aix weeki.

There was an alarm or Arc Fourth of July evening, earned oy a sliabt blue on tbe roof if m tenement block in that section of the Parish known as New Jerusalem. Tbe damage was •light.

Tha annnal p:m1c of tbe Congregational Sab- batb School will be held at llaggetti Fund, next Wedoeiday. Bargei will leave the church at 8 and 10 o'clock, A.M. ; retnrnlnR will leave tbe grove aid and 7 o'clock, P.M.

Fourth of July forenoon the Nationals *i*i's I Andover, and defeated tbe Israeli by a scote ol 21 u> 19. Saturday a return fame waa plavtii on tbe Urogan Qroundi. wltb tbe following result: Nationals, 32; Israeli, 23.

Tbe national holiday was observed In a more qalct manner than Ii customary. There was a general anspemloa or business on Saturday as well as on tbe 4ih. Many residents attended Blcknell Bros.' fireworks display at Lawrence.

Tbe following • Hirer* or Wauwlnet Lodae, 1.0 O. P., were Installed Wednesday evening, by D. D. Q. M., C. B. Watson and suite-- N. O., Moses Merrill; V. Q., Home* B. Poster; Secretary, Oeo. 8. Snence; Treasurer, Win. iv Holt; W., C. J. H. Sbed; U., K. D. Sargent; U. Q., Jamea Blunders; I. U., Uanlel Fernandas; It S. B., Thomas Wentworth ; I. S a., A. L. Pernandea.K. 8N.O, Prank A-Coan; L. S. NO., Jobn D. Preston; R. S. V. O, George Kersbaw;L. S. V. O., Charles Bulterworih Ctutplali, Oeo. Perkins.

Tuesday morning, about 7 30 o'clock, It was discovered that two of tbe mala p>sts of tbe duos, at Buttons Poad, had »p It. The gates were soon raised and ibe watti quickly drawn olf. Tbe lortuuate timely dis- covery ol the condition of tbmai doubtless pre-

Jen ted ibe occurrence of considerable damage Derations will probably be sotpended tbe re-

mainder ol the week in Buttons Mills In oruer to allow tbe construction of a new dam, which Is being built; Mr. James Uorman, of Law- ranee, la doing tha mason work.

About 7 o'clock, Thorsday morning, Mr. Joseph Carlelon left his borne, In the Pond District, wltb tbe Intention ot vtsili< g Law- rence. He was accooipmled by Miss Battle Smith. He bad driven bnteibort distance »bi-n r>e complained or leeLlufl uriv-11, RP | wh"n ii**r ibu resldeeee or Mr. WinfleM B II ighes. lie suddenly relaxed bis bold im Itw eina and became Insensible. Miss Smlu .ivu Into M i. Hughes' yard, but wbtn Unit n Dl einan reach ed Mr. Carlelon the latter waa orea'Mng bla last, and Immediately expired. I lie . my was uken to bis late residence, and Dr. Morrlll summoned, who pronounced the ■ - ■ u ■»■■ of death to have been heart disease, wlrh which be hid been afflicted about eight yean. The deceased waa a native and-lifa lung reald. r t ol this town. He was a carpenter by trade, i.u-, no account of 111 health, be had not followed tint i" ipa- i«i'< for fcuma yean. He was a geatkn^a or iiod'y inn n <*. I "iiest and atraigbtfoi ward, and ruapvu.d bj iff mure cortimuniu. He leaves a wile and onf aogtver, M- . A '■ Henley, of West BoxlorJ. Hn rw wai 68 yeara. The funeral will occur Sa'nrjay after- uoon, at 2 o'clock, from bis la'e buue.

a an TUTTLK will uunlinue the Jonbln eanresa bualnea*, haying olilinned

Ueneral jnbl.iiiK. reinovin ata. I'jrtienaceoininiiilHic

Kesldoni'.e at Mr.

OB111therel ol pianoa.tuuiit for day or evcniuK pleu lileason'a realdence, K.

IKS.IAMIN HltDWN, DealOf In (loot*. Shoes and Itubbera. Itmiu made and repairs

orl notice. Urdway A Clark's colebraled •nuola BooLa lor linlles waar, iionitantl

J OIIN H. DEAN, Dealer in Clothing

niiiin otall kinds. Uarm fashion and warranted to

and pressing done lover. novl

bins Under laker. Superintendent of latlagUrovsj Cem-

etery. Ofll.i! Park fetroul. Kusl.luncu Summer ■trcet,Ando'.er, Jan. 1. i~-1.

Mcrchaul Tailor,

Mala Street,

DIt. J. F. Ill* MAUDS,

PHYSICIAN AND dURGEON. Corner Central and Brook Sta- novaiy Atvmn i:it.

Till Damooratto CuBventlOn.

s the of the U'llt ru '

BHJ'II >I. Dun.I 1.1, I'iirli-sLi', K.KI.I.III, I fin i'11. HI Hrutlcrlag,

17U 56 ii 7S


sALKll, .1 H,

imeiiue nnd >ocuriug a i

I iv Hiii'i ni'iii-. laUIng in ■ ue ueneral at-


in In earnest, end the crop la u be equ il t. rtr Oolow me »»-

■t, are |.i kiusr iiulle well .Linplie B lire rampaui, bowtur, ami

cheek. With the tawwieslga and exiierlenee galnetlln the pnat tn iiei'iiiit with ihe*e viaiper- Bling petta ol thu larmur, iiuu nay proceed with assuran.:« ol certain sucoeaaa, in ridding the growing nrnps ol'thcm.

The"iih" sl.irioo*. II balrov aira Scma I sties, and the ardent enthusiasm ol YOUIIK

-e Ol I-.L.H-- Mn-r of pur people ly ai Dow* Urove, Polioy Pood, . gstherinir i* reii-iri. d, and the heat

ofoidrr, Heteial lamiiie*. however, celebrated at homo, cnjuyina as muoli pleasure, perhaps, as thoac wlm noUKbt the shade", t'ne u*ual .Im and ii.rmnnt prevaiieil the whole night previous. There was an almost aalanio I...!., v, iiii.Mi, II ol uproar kept up by youngsters and big link ■

Aneffirt is being made to .[.it a new Good


Tea I L.dgelr Ikli II. Merrill ,»-.! the v llaRear.d vicinity and Dndi

thepr.Jfct meeting with much lavur BOMM the kienple Nearly *i bavu Hifrnml, and the list is still open, and other* are ro, diully invited to add Ihelr names und iniluencu In this popular move- ment. Urar JO of those who have already signed.

m-. slill, il is designated also. In its membershio, or the ages or IB and IS,

areadulu, mostly par to include I lie yoiinif, and males and rumalei respectively, are eligl

From N. H. Hllli to tbe Sew Mum-. —.—■


WOOD & COAL White Ash an. Franklin Coals.

HA III) AND SOFT WOOD. Prepared ,i i I oil red.

rOBSALt b)

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. Urder received, and oil'* settleo at


Onnoalie PostOfllee.



fflAIN ST.. ANDOVER. ly jia

Mr T. A. Siwyer will commence, on the Mil, to deliver hot brown bread and beans,every Hualay morning in Worth Andover^


Lykens Vallev Red Ash Coal,


Swift's Building, Main Street, Andover

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. 1 Special attention to all kinds ol Stamping.

Agency ror Domestic Patterns and llarrelt'i

HORSES FOR SALE. One Pair Team Horses, at Ibe John C. Gsge

Farm, MorJi Andover.

Emma ll. E. Sanborii. M 11., GREEN STKEET,


ce Hours:

Mar*. IK; Fr^ukllns, 0. Fourth or July uiomlog tbe Hiars added

another vlciorr >o tbelr Mat In a contest wlib tbe Franklins, or Laarence, on tbe Sntton Grounds. Deasy, who Is snowlnn up wonder Inlly, baa the qualification* lo» » "rst class pitcher, which experience will lirn.g out. He passled end asuinlsUed tbe rtalton bitters, and h's support from tbe team WJS splendid Tbe score:

■TABS. it. o. pa. *. K

Smllb.l.r. I a i • I

Carroll, lb, * • » » : Femandes, -.-<. i a S

K4 J » { } i Leahy, sb. ■ * \ J ■ Deasj, p. J _T _

Totals, |» ii 17 II

( II \h. H. GII.BEItT,


WILLIAM POOK, iliM|-.«i™.ii or

Eiprexs, Store, Market, Milk an« Meat WAGONS.

Bepalrliiff In all H* BrancheH.

trluvll ANDDVRR, MAS4.

Rantlsil. Mctiraw

Mrs. I. L. iliiblianl, of Montreal, Is Visiting ir relatives in ibis loan. Rev. L. L. Eastman preached at tbe alethod-

1st I'liun-li. on Sundaj last. Mr. Fred Flsbcr, or Cleveland, i ih ... is vlslt- g bis brotber la this lown. Tbe resideace of tbe late Esther W. Tee t, on

Cbarlos street, is offered Tor sale. Mr. Oeo. w. Sawjerls spending his vacation Caledonia Hprings, In Canada.

Mr James D. Home bas eatered tbe law u>- tlceol Harsbali h Wilder, or Lowell.

Herbert O. Fierce has ten tbe "Old Line Mm Kt:i," ana aoae to Uostoa to wort.

Rev. Mr- Prater will contlous to preach at Salem Centre, N. 11..though toe lo.nto of July '

Mr. Henry C. Kevins' Redpatb colt woo two racss last week, one at Lawrence and one at Haver bill.

Messrs. Ebei II. Saonders and Clarence I. Williams, ol New York, passed tbe "lourth" in this town, wltb Iriend*.

ML. Emma Manning Ilnntlv, of Boston, Have public readings at Ibe Methodist church, on MoDday etenlng last.

Mr. Jobn McNieland wire, or Winchester, bare been visiting Capt. Varnom Cjillssand lamlly during the present week.

Mr. Jamea T. Wall has been la Cbk-ego dur- ing tbe week, attending tne Democratic freai dcntlal Convention, as an alternate delegate.

An Infant, apnareolly aboat two mooiOs old, waslerton Miss Hoyt's door step, at Messrs. Crossing, N.H., oa Thursday nlgbt, Jnl* 3d.

Messrs. Wardwell, Leach and lag-ill* caught floe siring of black bass tram Policy pond, on

Wednesday iasl, ibe largest of weighed 31 lbs.

A two years old child belonging to Mr. War- ren Rowelt, lell into a barrel or water a lew daya ago, and was marly drowned before bj Ing reirncd.

Mr. Henry C. Nevlas threw a fine new flag a the brecaeoa the morning of July fourth, od attached it to tbe new flag staff, which was

just then completed. Mr. Chas. H. Teuney and family, from New

Toik, are here for tbe aeason, and will occupy Mr*. Daniel Jlesson's bonse, oa High Street, during i heir residence In town.

Archie Gall was before tbe police ennrt, oi londay morning, for committing an assault pon Ja aes Weakly. He plead not guilty, bat

was convicted and fined J20 and costs Frank B. Pierce returned from floutb

Carolina last week, where be has been engaged in teaching for the past rear. Ha Inteuda to eotei a medical school In New York la the tall

D. D. Q.M., Chas. K. Watsoo and inlte In- stalled 'he newly elrcted and appointed officer* 01 Hope Lodge I. 0.0. F., oa Monday even- in ir last. A collation was served after ibe ler vlcvs were compiattd.

Mr. Warren Blodgett died on Thursday last, of cousumptlon, at tbe residence of bis daugh- ter, on Lowell street, aged 74 The Id- neral took |l*ce on Hslurday, the remain* be- ing taken to Hudson, N. H., lor Interment.

Mr. EphraimC.llartlettdlcdon Frldar morn- ing last, of pai-alyalp, at tbe age ft 79 years. The funeral pccnrreJ on Moadar afternoon, at 2 o'clock, He*. Donald Fraaer olflclailng. Tha remains were taken to Lawrence for Interment.

On Thorsday afternoon, July 3d, tbe Baptist church horse ibtda were lound to ba oa Ore, having N en set, It Is thought, by bovs, who were plsylngwltb Die crackers. Tbe firs was diicovered hy Kev. Mr. Chtac, and wa* extio gnlshcd without an alarm.

Frsnk D.mabue wa* arraigned before Judge Rogers on Monday, sad cbarged with assault snd battery and drunkenness; be plsad aullty, sod was fined #10, with costs of prosicutlon for tbe assault, and >J1 without costs for drnoken- ..... Putrioir Kut was also fined 81 and costs, for drunkenness, and In drf mlt of payment was committed to tbe bouse of correction.

Tbe "fourth" pasird off quietly In tbla town, as usual, the onlr celebration being tbe riuglug of all the bells for a hair hour at sunrise, noon and sunset, and tbe firing ol a ealuteof 3tigur.s,

. at tbe same hour wltb tb" ringing of tbe i«ll«. I Mr. Henry O. Nevin* paid tbe expense or firing ibe saiuie, tbe wi.rk being done under tbe rectum of qaartermaster Wagner, ot the Q. R. Post.

__d lownsman.Capt. J. 8. Lnnaley, tbe present, following bit life tune avocation, or a seaman, lteing the snle reiin-xi-nutlva ot that class of men "who no down in lho wa lu ships," in our quint inland town, wo naturally feel an in- creaaeo inlerc.t in his marine rambk-s, and feel sure that ir we draw fioni IIIH letter a paragraph or two, that the -'ye will rind snniethinjt to interest and please it. He lell Boston In the three masted schooner Navarluo, Thursday uiornins. Jonc5lh, bound Tor Wilmington. N. C. Tim run was made In 4 II days, having beea a good pas six*. He says,-"rtelclt Busmn on Thursday in a liriiiling ruin, and imssed lloston l.ighlat 11 :lfl A M-,an IMinuU' Ledge at 1 I*, M. The wind here, went lo N. N. K. with fog and mist and nleaty ol wln.l for shortened aaiT Alfli'- M. we lodged ourselves off Cape Cod, and shaped our course down Mouth Channel. At II nen day tbe sun showed biusnli. and on obseivniloa we found th»l the'wi.cir lias ruu away wltb us, and skipped ahead our log alwuiM miles. Here the wimlgraitualty died awnv nnd lor th* lust lull ol

'*"" i-i.-i i iif way, inouih weather Ibis lull

would not last long. About three o'clock Friday ifierooon we a^ain got a bracaa. Huoday ai i p. a., passed Cane llatwras, unii at u p. at. anchor Ml at tbe uiou h ol the Uupe Fear riv«r, In 4 11 lays from Boston. We arilved al Wilminaton on Woodsy evening, and aller pulling oui our cargo of hay, were lowo.i down to the saw mill, and on Friday began our luading. Him lontr tn may lay

Is inir-* 11 -i .ii- We have made so quick a ssge out i ii..i our oygo Is

all <

a pa. ship-

mi'., fjftee'n umurrsge of

I FIMI'OI [,u>.I

whl..ii mav keep beaun onThursdsy at

dars. A., afierthatwe cnu gthaday, they a 111 be likely a llille. Wilmington is ibe p laraest city of North Carolina mu mo ™umj m erXflW Hanover i-ounlv, and Is situated on the estuary of the Cape Fear river, at the Juncture of the north east branch, ill miles ho.n the aea- Three railroads diverse ir.mi II, and n haa an ex- tensive commerce. It Is the leadiog market for naval stores in the world- During the late unpleasantness the busiest blockade running was praetIced here. At the mouth ot this river, yoa will probably recollect, was Lho lamous tort Fish* ar. June islhl paid a visit to the historic, spot. At 9 a. M. 1 stepped on board a *'i-art little sivaiu- er pinna trrlwten here and ttmlthville. al thn BOUtli ortherlvir. Her legitimate business is carrying Ibe U. S. mill, but she al Cussrniters may nlfiir. to eke out —

J.-M) A. Ji. we arrived at Federal ['olnl, nlac* the larger part of our norm ourself, left. We arc eight miles I of the river. Mill, but duriua the war this was ->ne

itlets tn die an. It was called ' re to thirteen

ied by block- _ runuerai bull,has recently been tilled up

the government, in order to "'""

carries whst i. At wlu.'li ludlng

ii iri<. mouth

...the pri'.i ipsl •New Inlet," and bud from iwtl feet channel, and was very much u

lato tbe I'lher channel tbe principal thaton- .o two shallow ones, fore mentioned Inlet err

ndy Pi.

I tbe watei

Morrlirs Ice Cream Parlors, PUBB f'OXKKtTIONKKY

Uonufaoture.1 dally, •rnrtles supplind with IOK ORE AM. BHBRHET,

and a line iiKsorirn-ni ui CAhKat short notior. Meals Serrerl to Order.

bbotl St.. directly opposite Fern- «em. Oronnd ANor. S, 1883. Andover. Mass.


Cor. Hssta 9U <">'» I'uiicbard Avenue


Ofilee Hours: H.30 tatlO A. «-,3 t> 4 and^tn f

LAND FOR SALE. T e subscriber offars tor sale a valuable Iract

of land east ol Ih i Pannhard Free School. slstlna of about nine ano nne-*ialf seres. I ■a ei.trani'.e liom I'unrhsrd Avenue, and ujCMfwry/r"--

Andrm ■i '■ ••')■ ■■■ ll.CUCHKAN.

I. l».^4 tl

eep chanaci is prefersble uat above where tne be-

ergea Irom Cane Fear

any point. "Of trlannuler form, the two ..,_ot river snd sea beiuK shout two mdes In

lenalh, both starting Irom Federal mint. A line across this sand plain of a mile In length was palisaded by stout tlnibe. s and noVd around and "'—-j with sand, from eight to ten feel high, and

•iintlnueil down the sea beach about tbe 'iliniimee inwards Federal I'olnt, inside of i weie Bomb Proofs and Maaazinei, the

ruina or which are still seen, but II liai been both the inside and oa lho nar4pets so thoroughly iwl over by ih* darkles for the metal iliii cleeam's guubosls ilvposited there, and by aeii n of ins wind and wralhar lor this arore

olyeara.tbatonecan scrcely realise that hero Blood the redoubtable Furl Usher, ltul ii si

raevldem.o ol a vast amount ol labor In rrei the defences, and th^t no euwards planned

manntd the works, laijng as they did. a lair u getfor the guns <n ihe flw-t, and cut off fi on. tin

lo body by tbe iroop* ol Terrr --' e Puint ai

hlithMt poTnV'or'the parspcl, near the angle made si tbe connection ut Hie line across the point snd beach, with a lull view ol ihe pusttion ol tbe fleet and Unim irooiM, 1 tell Into a mu.lna; train of though, when at onoe those lines ol* Scot I. In '■Ruderick lllin'-" eiirninlor With FilS James,

"Ol that lent Jny Hint warrior s feel Or rorumn worihy nl' their steal."

flashed Inio my mlnu. Tbe whole point, am- brae ing 3,000 acres has now eomo into the pos- session ol an enlerprlslnii roan who haa alreadr erected ft aumroer lintel, .landinn In what was a few voars ago the channel ol the new Intel sail

blockading vuysge and Mun.l ihlrtcin water wi ere sume of bis huiMaiis;s n»w . hsd hero a sort of luray .|ulle cuiia nia cu.tomorr appetite, wben ■!'

teat t, and. I

Oyster J upin. mil ill.h nun


Totals, Innings,

"tars. Franklins,


• 0 I —18


Stone furnished for roundsllom purpoaes, al ahort noil ■«. Cellar lor in in wojjiid vicinity and built h v

Sliitll I sing -Wlieu tberobina neat BgaiD," darling?" she naked witb s sweet Bmile, an slie moved toward tin' [liium. "Yea love," he replied; than after a momeiit'A pauae lie added

Allow me to call your attention to the fact that robbloa won't nest again till next year." She did not Biog ami he doesn't go there any more.—Som- erville Journal.

A medical journal takes two columns to tell wakeful people how to go to sleep. lUli, we know a good way; try to keep awake.—Burlington Hawk eye.

"Won't some newspaper pleaae print a pun on Flower?" asked an ex- change Tin; editor rash enough to commit s-uch an Indiscretion ahoold be uliot with Flower's pistil.—Norriatown Herald.

Km CATION IN TBE COUNTRY.—Tbe Rchonliniister had fallen aaleep, and lite scholar!) were taking advantage of it.

Suddenly, in the midst of Hie racket lightning siruck the building, and tin teacher, rousing bitoself, said sternly :

"Tbe b'jy who madu that noise will have to stay after school." And then he lell asleep again.

UssJJlM smrji Usj r.suit, I cms lo the conclusion that my southern ansnciHles were equal lo one 'ii the appreciation or a good dinner. f.o.illsk'piby W.K. Mayo, an I la called Mayo House, auu Is one of tin summer resorts on the Atlantic On Ihe east. Capi Fear river on the west, and in front, to the south,Is New wlih one mile of lock work, construct- United Ctates, to close up the Jnlet. II finest Oiliing «n ttiu ona>t, where "shot "red drum. ' "laiitog," blue flsh. and Spanish mackerel nro abundi

Fine Bal.inn boats In command of skilful yachl- nwn, to lake psriles sailing or flsblna are sept In reedinaaa throughout tbe season. Communlca lion Is bad twice daily, with the cltT of Wilming- ton by One steamers, which, running lo amlth- vllle, touchalFort fisher both ways. Bathing facilities eie excellent. Hurt batbing Is chiefly patronised and all the appointments and con- veniences for a plunge unexcelled. 1 found his terms exceptionally moderate, considering Ibe advantage iffcred permanent and transient nat- rons. A week's board and lodgi

most dellgtitlul iasl. The ucean the :..., Hi and

Iieail," trout, porgles,

ml other conlractcd xpcrlenced

16m. Umpire-Mctilllii

Freah, ami Warranted Strictly Pure

PARI8 CREEN 25 Cento per lb.

LONDON PURPLE 15 Cento per lb. at

OKO. H.PKHKINS', - Drugglat (Under alerrlmaok Hall.) lr'«'

(JAHD The lubfcrioer desired to express bis heart-

felt gratitude to Ihnse kind mends who by their aeiierons conl'lbutlons nave preseuled to talm an Invalid's roller chair.

raBnEmcKB.ritiNCH. Andover, JulT 11. IH84.

Common wealth of Maaaachueetta. Eesax, aa.

To we Helrs-at-Liw and others Interested In

Dorcas rrencb, lato of North Andover, In said county, widow, deceased, testate,


Whereas, George Foster, the eieculor of the U.I ,. 11 and testsment ol Mid dcc-«scd, nresenteil lor allowssce the first senountn. .. rSSSSLISL ....„n the eatau of sa d deceased

a probate few «

K. P1KB. So'e AIT!.', lor Ihe


ick,tbe besti

Andover, Ar K. PIKB* Ptirk Htrrct.

11 i, IMW. «"■

i monili i... thirty tfs

Fllbr. a like this i made better aciiuainleci

a material divergence from of travel, lowards these

i. .ii l. then lbs convention a atlracllvo pnln'u.

1 have made a few Teiy plrasnnt ai i|ualnlances in Wilinlnntim, who have Helped b. maae our pro tonaeil stay more atircoable. f do uot know of a port that 1 visited, Ibat I shall loava with so genuine a regret. 1 have ant seen nor hear 1 any. thing that nted be retraced. 1 have spoken free- ly my mlud on my puli ical c"nvii-.liim».although thoaelbnveroiiverse.1 Wilh dlil not agree with me, yet 1 cannot as yeliicord a single unplsas. ■nt word or uspresfloo,

In sauntering about the r'cs (leids, I fsund In a ditcbsi'inc superb pond UUca which 1 took uhsrgii ol, with in.u- trouble. They weru a< beaulKuland liagrsnt aa any 1 ever aa*. In I vase beside them I hive placed aplemtiu mag nnlla bloasonis which were presented lu me by a frlood, Thevareso c!ii|iib>!lely fragrant lh«l It Is by great eilnrt I awp my nose away Irom ihem. as the breath linuiedlat ly blights Ui-m, turning their pearly WfclUaswa to B eoppeft hue. There la but one thorn to my roaealsj uparla«aa, lying here si the dock day after day, aud night slier nlgbt. 1 refer lo the inoniuiines, ol which 1 have had rieiiuent occasion to talk to my sell about, oHileaa.nergetlcallyand warmly as an old salt ■nay he supposed lo do, In the commisssry line 1 revel In string'

e hereby cited lo appear , L .u oe holden at Newburyuorlin said i

on the Tonrlh Monday of July, nine w'clrxk In ibe forenoon, to show cause, ll any ton have, why the same sh mid not be allowed.

And lho aald exoauior la ordered to serve this by publishing tbe same once s week In the


• newspaper printed at Lawrence, thrse weeks successively, the last puiihintion to. iirtv*» dayssllesst beloro saldcourt.

Witness, Jeoree T. Ctoate. Esq., Judge ol •add oourt. ihia 7th day or July, in the year elghleen bundredandeighly four.

11 iB 18 J.T.MAUONKY, Beglaler.

Miss C. 11. A. swiiimy A stodentofthe New England Conservator

Wishas to obtain Piano pupil* In Andover as n.i.i.y. Ins ruction given in Klemenlary Hs

i Professors Jamea iward or Bosk)

Terms: $15 for 20 Lessons, ORRBN8TBEET, ANDUVE1


A House wltb etrtl rooms in food repair Hard ano soli water In the house. Aaqolra ot j^e KsSSt WeUb,ftiCui»Bt..Aadovir.. S137 tuB

Among Uw incidents of lile in Cen- tral India are ibe visita of the iiedtllers of live game. They are misirahle un- kempt dwellers in ihe jungle, and a whole iaiuily will go peddling togeilwr, hearing on their ihagg* heads large round baskets. Iuaide quails and parlridgeB are [hilteting About, the former piping their complaining notes, ant) oulaide may he a splendid peacock and two or three pen-hens, a monkey, a couple of crow pheasants, a large blue and salmon colored king -fisher, some jungle fowl, cocks and hens, and perhaps an iguana two feet l'»ng. All the Dirda will have their eyes stitched up, according to the brutal Indian custom, and will Bit placidly in utter darkneBB on the top of the basket, hungry and thirsty, for the poor things

ill never eat or drink when thus cruellv treated. The woman, more- over,"may have a bosket of panting, palpitating hares, and Jior child—a wild looking gypsy imp—a young jack- al in her arms. The prices are low ; but the buyer at any rate, would gat the worst of the bargain, sinco tbe taste ol the flesh of most eatable ani- mals is ruined by this kind or treat- ment. Nevertheless ihese junglcra learo nothing, but [versis!, according lo their aneient noliona, in keeping alive as long as possible any wounded or snared animals that may come into their possession,

Mr. W. T. Stead will contribute a paper on Chinese (Jordon, to the ♦orihcomlog Century. Mr. Stand is a personal friend olthe eccentric gi and therefore writes -'"

Lovan ar LADtaa. Ladles love delicate and delicloof nerni

In Parker's Hair Balaam tbey not onlr Is ibis taite, but have an article wbtcn arrests tailing balr,-restores tbe original color and im- parts a beautiful gloss, softness and lire. Docs not soil tne linen, i) not a dye, cleanly and ecoromical. dweodlto)els

A CAW.—TO all who are suflerlng Irom er- rors and IndlscreUoua of youih. nervous weak- wear, early decay', Inai ol manbood, he., 1 will lend a nclpe that will cure you, PRBS or i'u iin.r. This great remedy was discovered by a nu-isionary In Month America. Send seir- uddrcssed novclnne to Kav. Josara T. INK**, .•Station D, new York. 1: lyeoc\|j 10

which are plentiful snd chesp, i steward or our crall knows lust h by the art-cuisine. After stating I cleared al the ruatoms, and in a Ii these lines snail have brrn |.KI I

il by mail, shall have ' '" ,'unic. fuiin, wl

Vioanaa bas restored thousands to health vbo bad been long and painful sufferers.


I H ITIMB LaNDB F.1CH SSTKNT. Maud bad a line ilgnre, good fare and pretty

name. One sbould see berat a distance; wben she began to talk, you reaHaed tbat she never used Boaodonl. Her breath waa unlike the nreeses of Araby Ibe blest. dwlweod

K In this city, July S, a son to Mr. and . Michael Do we.

i 11 I ii this city, July Mb, a son to Hr. and .Charles Welch.


TOWNSKND-DEVI.IN.-Atthe TaT. B. Parann sic, N.ii in Andnver, July a, by Rev, W. W. Itaidwln, Hr. John H. Townseud, or Bauaus, and Misa Bessie at. Devlin, of North Andover

KAKKi.H. CODI'Ul. In ilu. oily, June Jllh, by llcv. Win. I. Ulll, Mr. Frank L. Ksrkley, n( Auburn, Maine, and Emma T. Cooper, el Law

BARH1E—KITZ.-ln Ibis eltr, July Id, bv Rev. Win. I. t,,ii. Mr. James ». Itarrle and Miss Oeme r. Km, both of Lawrence.

KHKNIJII-AUSTIN.—In* Lawrence, July tth. by Rev. Win. I. Ulll.Mr. ClaranueK. Krench .f llaterhill. and Miss Annie at. Austin, ul BaJen.R.B.

Br->l"T-FBY.-ln this city, July Mb, by Hev. — m 1.'.ill. Mr. Warren A. Sloti and Miss

ireuuu L- * i>, boibof Lawrence,

I may again be award


Ladies, attention! In the Diamond Dyes ore coloring Is given tlisn in any known dyes id tbey give faster and more nrlldant colors,

lor. at all druggists. Every ody them Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vl.


1 Mill «ISI>

of dollars have b rCN 'lllil'^MH ipeut In advertising the

celebrated Burdock Blood Bitle's, bm this Tact accounts only In part foi their enormous sale. Their merit bas made tbem wbat ibey are—tbe beet blood medicine ever deviled by man.



Blcbard T. Itobloson Is a druggist llvins in Racine, *H. Here Is what be says: "Afflict- ed with laryngitis I was unable tu articulate a word distinctly for fully two months. A liberal apuilcatloo or Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil completely cured me. Am pleased to recommend It."

A SPBCIAL iMILIl'iV. We especially invite a trial by all those snl-

A novel church entertainment oc-

curred in Georgia. A prinUd bill widely distributed in D&rien contained these lines: "He will hang on June 21).

There will be a grand excursion from Darien to Brunswick, Go and ace a wonder that has not taken place in Glynn county before in tweuty years. There will be a big supper and a hop at the ball. Hound trip onlr *>. Children not eicepted. Remember a good band oi music will attend. Come one, come all, and go with us." Tnis was signed by the pastor and trustees,

and what they proposed waa an ex- cursion tu see the hanging of a colored

man, Uube Peyton.

Careful experiments in New York city, have led to the discovery of th presence in the atmosphere of large quantities of iron dust coming from the elevated railroads, which fs Baid to

cause serious eye troubles.

Mr. Wyatt Hare, who died recently at Nelson, N. Y., never bought a match. A Are open or banked was kept up continually on his hearth. It bad not been put out for more than a

hundred years, for he only lulluwed in the foot-steps of his father.

At Marshall, Texas, one man at- tempted twice to push another, on (op of a circular saw. The latter ended the struggle by shooting the other.

Hindoo legends assert tbat the rock- cut temple at Ellora was excavated 7000 years ago, but arohreotogiitB that it waa probably made about 800

A. 1>.

The rough-and-ready straw shade hat has come again. At present it ia very pretty and elegant and in- tended for young ladies only ; but that was the way in which it began its insidious advances before, and did it

not gradully come to reign over tbe land, and was it not worn, like the old lady's one gown, to meeting and

to mill?

A needle that ten years ago en- tered the foot of a weman who re- sided in Harlem, came to the surface

and was removed from her stomach on Saturday.

Flowers may be kept fresh during a

long evening's wear, if their stems be dipped in warm wax.

At Laselle Seminary two gold mini ature loaves were awarded to the girls who had taken the highest rank in bread-making.

American apples will find a good

market this year in England.

At least six fancy pins are needed to fasten each bow on a seaside hat, and there are young women who use


The Philadelphia Park Commission- ers have so modified their sumptuary

orders to the young gentlemen of tb e Schuylkill navy aa to require them, when rowing in public, to wear


For nine centuries, up to 1850, the only bridge over the Tuamee was old

London Bridge. Michigan apparently is not much

patronized by the circus. A horse in tbat State died of fright the other day on seeing an elephant.

A midnight marauder put the con- tents of a ben house into a btg at Alton, Mich., and was surprised next day, on dumping the fowls tor sale at a market, to see that they consisted of two three-legged hem, a double-head- ed duck, and a nearly headless goose. He hail Uken tbe stock of a traveling


The fashionable Russian suits mak small boys and girls look very nearl alike, hut the.belt which comes below the blouse is of leather for boyB and a wide ribbon for girls.

An aged nioce of Zachary Taylor is

a Michigan pauper.

Huflalo.N.Y., bas more milea of rail road track within her corporate limits

than any other city.

Tbe nails had all been pulled from the fingers of a man found dead Dakota. Robbers had tortured before

killing him.

Earrings are not much worn in the

daytime (bis Summer, and in the even- ing only the very rarest Jewels or else quaint pieces of goldsmith** work are


A girl pupil in the drawing class ol an Omaha convent schoo1, was punish- ed for banging (be hair of St. Cecilia.

Two square India shawls and two ordinary shawls, intended to lie cut into garments, now form part of every Parisian bridal outfit.

A noble lord and tbe son of a pug- ilist are posing as evangelists in Can- ada.

The cotton crapes make especially pretty lawn tennis costumes, being as cool as cambric, having the rough

appearance of woollen.

The flsh in Lake Ontario are dying by the thousand aud polluting the wa-


The workmen on the Norfolk and Western Railroad have been deprived

of their wages for over two months in order tbat a dividend might be paid.

S ANFORD'S CINCER PBF.PAB^Dwllhlbsiu»c«tslrillfrumrairOIV | TTNKlPKFIUTIT.ImpureWavarr.UnbealUiyOll.

TED liLSOKK. CntUCB ABOMATlCv) ami •-' roalr,I'nwholwMHur Pooe,alalarla,Bpidraio Hi.- pun-st uid heat uf HKDNJIlfAL rlUESCIl and Conutrious Dls.ns™,Cbole.BMnrbus, Cramps, UlLAXPY, frvm the world- renown*! vintners, rams. Indlp-Uun. Ptarruma. Uolds, Chi Ua, Sim pis Unwrs. OTAitD. DUPUT fcOO.,COOSAC, ren- | Frvors, Eibsustlon, Senrousmsw. or luas of Bleep derinf It vastly superior to all other " Qlnsera,'' all j that trawlUir or hmsebnld at this «<aeon, or which are madn wllh common alcohol, Uvrfely | an nothing w Utose protected by a Uniely uae of impregmued with poisonous fusil otl, sad strewjth- BANKOBU'S U1NUHB, the Drllclou. Hummer eiwd with cayeun*. pepper. ' Medlotne.

TheDelicidusSummerMedicine A8. lee water, lemonade, e(fi'rv*ic*Dtdraughts and luln- cral waters, It forms a r. fri.lilmr and lavlgoraUnff 1- i.r-.l.'.\ unequalled In simplicity and purity hy any tonic mndlclnc, whlla free frum alooboUe reac- tion. Avoid mercenary dealers, who for afswcsola' aatra profit try to force upon you their own or others when you call for BAKFOIW8 GirlOKB. Bold by wholesale and retail druggists, gmotrs, ata, everywhere.

Fottnr lima; aaul Ch«iil«tf Co-. Iloeton.

A see PURE FRUIT PTTVUI,AKT, for the, mentally aud physically exhausted, rarc- wom, or overworked, for dclliwufemalca, .■■pocially mothers, for thnso rerorcrlnjr from debilitating Jl« oasce, and as a nn-sns of reforming those addicted to an aioasalvs) use of alcoholic stimulants, It Is unequalled In thu whole raaga of medlclm*. Be- ware of Imitations. BANFORD'li is tha tin. .1 ginger In the world; and, notwithstanding the high cost or Its Ingredients, Is thv chesrwet} raod- lclne. Bold everywhere.

Pottaur Draug susd Chawalcwl Co., Iloaton.

Kvery lady In wawt or at .PKItsi V JACKET should «x*uulne our floe stavek. llHvr you s.-rti.mir $I.OO, Vl.gfi and $1.50 JKKSKYS-

French Sateens, Cheap.

Byron Truell & Co

Will Open To-day

400 Elegant, Heavy Silk-Lace Trimmed


100 Twillen Plain Shades! PURE SILK.

Plain Satin Parasols!

300 Yards First Quality Fine Figured LAWNS.

Plain Victoria Lawns,



New Black silk Gloves! Very stylish this season.

ELEul. Ill OF SIlllltll IIIISIH1! NEW

Collars, Laces, Handkerchiefs. Just what you need to replenish your wardrobe before

your vacation. The Foulard Silks advertised Friday are

all sold—1300 in two days. Advertising Pays.

We ahull cloae out the entire stock of the above regardless of oost.

Scotch and Madras Gingh?m

msiu MO si lira Tha entire atork.of the above we aball idoae out In the next :tti days. «

examine them and note prices.

Byron Truell & Co 249 ESSEX STREET

1 n IT liiiiiHMi a Yaaa. Tons sura. You've "nn.y got a cold ;""ooly

a i-ougb." "De all over It In a few days." "Don't worry about ms" Walt, we won't. Hut S0OH0 f:.;..;.!.. die evory year In iba United Dtates trcm cnnsnmptlon. And every *oul ol them began that wav. Heller atop It now wltb Parker a Tonic. Tbla remedy will axpel the cold at oni'.o. , dwImeortje'S

Menssana I awmnil bod

Hraln K<KH<

fltrofuia and simliitous bnmora renrlfly yield tbe powerful Infltiencu of VVetberell's S.ria- nlla. In many rises three hot'lee base iwn iown U) entirely cure I bamorsor tbe blood.

Sold by dracaisis »l [K-r bottle. Six for |U dwlweod

rpore sanaj" "a soaml mind i the trailu nark of Allan's

IKI we assure our readers thai, II ilh either weaknesses o( brain or

ii [ v I' '"'■!■ ■. this ILNI.-II will |>. riun'i- nl I v swatthaa n.iiM. II. At ilruBKlsis or br ma'l in J. II. Al,.-!i, ;i i First Avsnus, New York j. dwlweod at

ied Of mer

dally t rerers from Kliloey and Liver nsve failed to obtain relief frum otber remediea and from doctors. Nature's areal remedy. Kid- ney Wo't, lias effected cures In many obstinate cases. It acts at once on tbe Kidneys, Liver ■od Bowela, cleansing: Ibe system nl all poison (Ml humors snd restoring, a bealtby londition of those Important onsnl. Do not be discour- aged, bnt try u. dwlw

Yon sbonli* try Camelia Dentone for tbe bardana tbe aumi and stops decay. l'rlce,*6U centa; at Whitney & Co.'i, Jlw

eneritl irilli full knowl-

MAItTIV.-ln Andover, July 4th, Sarah, wile u James Martin, age<i S3 ) is.

C Mil.KION -In North Andovar. July lotta, Ml Joseph Carlelon, aged II rrs.


Tbe Add of Milk.

A Pore, Heallhrul. Betreehing Drink, ng Digestion. Hal l by drogglsts everywbri

AVKltY LACTATK CO., Bost .a, Mas wia-Jyll

CaBTOaiA. When Usby waa sick, we nave Caaiora wi, n -in- vrai a cimd, sbe cried for Csitorfa When she was a Ml", she clnng UiCsstoria, Wbeo she bad Children, sbe gave Uem Castorle


TO TUB 11 -NONA .LB TIIK JUBTIOgB sirahMB JUbioiAL OOOKT. HI \T lo wtrHiH on r.m rum o>uvrr or B

Bes|i<eUully represents Maigari't (

r.iiirin day of ■■.. \-< r, A. i', ls;< ska was lawfully roarred ti

Clestg, and InerasfMr llred wllh said '; eit st aald LawrenRu ai his wile 1,11

In.i.t Tune I, l.-T... w..en [■,,■■,■ r ■ ...... aid Lawrence to Kngla-i.i, where u.

together as lusha id aid wifu untl on ~ I, an. when lluy lu,.

i' m rifl Ir, an.| HiiT...ill.'i- iiv.'.l !■ .- Lawrea. < as hush nd anl w ti urn

I' Urn IIIK-.'lilt. -In: ..:.) ■, A Ii 1. the HtMilae ultarlv dieertoi four I

'ills—Being Isrgeiy com eventually ru'

mus I'liyale.a uid effeuiually

, but J

uta. AVlaMJ dwlweo.1

ADVICE TO MOTUIKB. Air v'ni .ii»iinI...-I at in.'in and broken ol your

Mt bra sick child ■iirTering and crying "'-- ofeiiainates'Uir Ifso.ssudal onoe

of Man. WlNaujw'a HOOTHIM Cblhlren Te«ihlng. ll. value la incjilnu'soie. II will relieve the |.uiirliillc sufferer lintooiliatelv. Impend u|«>n it, uiotners, there la no mlaUka

" 't cures ilyaentei t and UlarrlKBs, reau- louiach and bowtla.cures wind cotlo,

9 gums, redueea Inflaminailon, and si vrs tone and energy to tbe whole system. M ua WlM81»W'a ^IH>TIIINO-.TBIJI' for (Jhililrun Teeth big Is pleasant to lho taste, and is tbe prescrip- tion of one of the oMeal and WI female nurses snd iihysicians In the United Hi*Us, and Is for saleuy all druggists throughout the world. Price tbcests a bottw.

„ got ■1IIIY H

ieod« I v lanVJ

A flne Whiskey—mellowed bv age snd gusr anteed pore—Is tbe"U. U Taylor Old bour- bon." See Ibat it bas tbe signature ol Chester H. Oravea A Sons ovar tbe cork. Buy it ol your druggiator grocer. dwlweod

Wbat n Tedious Time.

aid I Ua.

. ..jidesl ■ Lyre, La . ister, Kaplan.I. sin

And ,our liuellaat farther reprcienls lint said desertion was wiihnut \,TO/mn lion oi lawful causa, and ntsR.intinu d Without later- .upturn nun said la»t n .in. .i risEo lo Uae turn ol Ihe illiim ol tnis libel, and in,. -:in ealira tune of sal'i SwatrtKM tour ui> IIBUI h«. resided MI saut l^iwrer.oe.

And your ll ieliat.1 further rrpre»enls Ui.ii. ..i d:veradays and UtSM since DM said I'beliiede aerled iuur llbrhant as atoiesald, hit t.a~ li.c

g in and ha* cummliied ibi ■ il As!


l.l.Ml I

trVbereforr y

creed between

I!. ,Ui ilUeiliut piays Ihsl a Uvwll

MAIf.Allr.l ( l.k.i.ii.

Ilh. l"

ia«sw..iih at Bfaaaai hwaetts.

ESSKI a*. >e Judicial Court, Clerk's «>:.... Jm i, 1IW4. lo vacation allti April ler i. 1NM. the foregoing lllwl, ordered, that the sa'.d

it, give notice to said Toumas Cie«. islng an atleated cepy of lirr aal nd of tbla order Lhereon, to he piiblisbe


three wetka auooessively, the Isst publle leas', before Uir

and for the county of Kas ol November nesl, and the newspaper, con lam I prepald,l'i aaul lhinm

by i .*slsg|.

m (wain in PHIS ^



Black Summer Dress Goods.


Albatross in Fancy Shades. Primed Albatross.

Silk, Lisle and Jersey Gloves! Our stock of srootla la all that can be desired. Look at tbe shades and note tha

low pi'lct'S. •

Fine stock Ruchings and Collars. BIG DRIVE.

u lull nil the crowd to atop at HTKAKN8' Window ? It li the Big Drive In ISFOU' BMTMMKK USDKRWK.VR at 25 Cent* per Garment.

PARMEBS, ATTENTION. 87-liirh Heavy ]>ltl l.l-IMi for IIAV CATS.

A. W. STEARNS & CO. 309 and 311 Eaeex Street.


( I VI AUI.ISIH 1» 1H.-1!.)

All Kinds Farming Tools!

Fresh and Reliable Seeds!


Sanborn, Austin & Robineoo, Sucreaaori to CHAS. K. MASON £ 0O„

:t'27 ESSEX STBEET, LAWUSCE, IHAS8. St'lli... alore will be rlased ever] rvrnlm during Julv and A ansltt" ^"o'oloek.ei -r\ \ .,(.

nrrl.y rvrnlna-a.

BOYMTON & CO., 105 mill 207 Essex Street



Farming Tools!! Waltrr A. Wood,

flipper Mo.

M.U ( h |il.ioS|,rlnijlleldRelil»ump- . intill. Ins; Morse Ituke.

■dsjwtt Hay Tedder.

' sen's inr Kuisrve V> iDdmllls SSJ • asfeps, ACIIItON IMtllN 1'IPK ami IVKff.M LAI


Tbat weak back o' pain ID tbe side or hips von will dad immediaulj relieved when a Hop Plotter is applied. It itreiitthene tbe muscles, giving tbe ability to do bard work without ■of- fering. Take none but this 'lislrns. eodwlw


joor doctors prsscrtptlons. Send two 3 cent ■tamps to par uosiane aad receive Dr. Kaai- matn's great Treatise en diseases! Illustrated In colors; It fives ttelr slam and a bore vial Iocs. Addreta, A. P. Ordway at Co., Boston, Mas*.



Why two years ago I was Just abont craay and no wuuder that my wife and rblldrea were afraid ul me. You just w.nt to sufT r wltb neuralgia with no relief, a* I did, until I nsed Sulphur Bliters. Tbey cured ma. and now my wire says 1 sin -• meek as a lamb.—Robert Da* vie, American House. Boston. ifiweod

Beich'i World Soap, apart andbcaltbj

Young Men! Read TBla, Tne Voltaic belt Comnany of Mariball,

U lib , i il i to send their Ecnctie Votuic Belt and otber Belts lie Appllanceeon trial tor thirty days to man (voim*? or Old) I wl b nei ■ voae debility. ."-" ol vitality and manhood, and at) kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, persons, snd many otber diseaiea. Complete restoration to bealtb, visor and man- bood gtiarentfi-1. No risk Is incurred as tblrty days' trial li slowed, write them at one* for lUniirated pampblet fits.

Do uot forget when 70a are ID

Want ol Htlverwares Pottery,

Latupw, Paper Hiiiiuint-'H or Win- dow Hliadea, that the LargeiM

Arwortment can alwaya be found

at B. \. TISKK-S. 275 Ruex St Uly)



AVGKirra « ANTKneucDUiy

Tbe Best Picture. OlILlsllHll {laullabed. Slaa M: t, II. in r paper .cai.tiftil lints, Henri

1 upv. or 5'iceais li

1 J I'... to ..■■■'.;-. 1.1. I;.IIII>- is, MI oil.



Candidates lor admission will be esaoiinad on TsimlAj M-I i.ii-.-.| -■ Tuition aailTeit booka free, f-eooniarv al.. Riven to needy pupib t or circular and nther Inlormalioa, addrasa

IMMll. B. UAiiAH, Feincipat. savswjyU

Clegjt.atAs . . I.Hiicaster, KnKlan.l.-nlv il .is nl leas1 >H'

e sal I SrstTuesilav nl N■.v.■ 1.. ■ ■>■. ttmt br y then and th«rca|ipear, anu show reuse, 11

iy lie bas, why the prayer otaalil liixd ■ .1 >.,: . uot be granted.

Attest, AI.FItKII A. ABBOTT, Clerk. > toreiKOIng ia n true cepy ol aaul libel I theurder thereon.

AUeat, Al.ritKii .\. Ain: »i c, ' ■■ ii-.. did 17 II

The Floral World. A Superb, Illustrated 41.00 Monthly

Will be Sent, on Trial

FREE ONE YEAR ! To all who will enclose tbis ad.tooaMOW

Wlth li Jj.stamue lo ure-i'sy l>osin«e. Tbe in dlaona Kaimer sats "Uuat. ills inteiist;n« snd lu Hoaer lovi'is well wurui Hie print— II per year" riworn su>*crl|'li'>n list over IV, i"-i in s>. 1 , Hiateand T.T ILU.V, L iiiidi. l.rjsl III iisin, south Aiiu'r.i .1, AimM, ledia and AUS

Mrs! It A. Honk, Himon*>: "III* the besl Drrai paper I ever saw." air- J.w. ray. ttif Beaver, Minn., "II la m»K«lu>: Si." Mrs. a. «. riL.i nlia. k, Perth, Am i»v, N. J. "Have never seen anyluing self SO |oinl " Mis. J. L. hbsnkin, denxa City, B.C. ' <■ - '■-' splendid. Aduress

The Kloral World, Illfthlond Parti, 1. ■ 1. ■ i.:o. 111.


SssTaSTi r/lTMlL*" " S. E avavSlaX,**, iie'


Botani 3 Cathartics. orConsllpstlnn.Coiliven'ss, Piles, flick Hss-I lie. riilt.'iisness, Ki. . ll Is ibe n.osl (liasnti

'i.I earn Cathartic for r.bll.lren and ailulta I' ike. They are alwara reliable Ask f U' niK'lai for It. Sent prepaid bv mall on ir. rip I prloe, H eta. an<l (i 00 |m bos.


Botapathlc Drops,

r*or Rnenrr.atl m, Neurela;la, I'aralrsls, Heart "isiu c. I)i(,.iih^rla. Colds and all pains anil

■: -■■ i1 '.i- i... i-.| i ii HI in,, w.,,11. Ask tour n,t- .1 fur it. nui.t prrjisln liv c»|.iess on ie-

nptad price, ai per tuitu-.


Botanic Worm and Fever Powders I''if |finIv rcin.-iv (nr eipslilnR all kinds ot w.rns from ndnlls and <'ill Iri'ii, and l.reaklng up «■ II ui fevers. Tlidae iMWders are free irom |ni"in, and ilrfnuinen tliu systpm, ilms pre ventinu w.irm* ir.iiu arr.umuUiinf. Over tWJ-

■.I .ii.... mi. uauaed oy -: i N i.-...i Bent pre- jf prioe, ioita. a>d *i

BLAINt; Aarni. waaiol for authentic, edition of his lile. lablished

l .VII,' Mi, as«l. handsomest, cheapest.

but. By tne rCMnwnod htaifirlen si. \ bloere. piiar. Col. Cue wrli, whose life ol UsrOeM. i.ul. iished hy ua, outaoll the twenty Otrwrs i't"' "»>■ 11 ,i ■ 11 u every hook evrr published la this world. Msoy afenta are selllns inn dally a>;. nu are

, insitni lortunse. Ail new beplnncra iirressiul; lerandrhsoen for i ■ .-1 ■■. (it.50 made UV B laof i MSSl the Mr st dsy, Teresa most 11 tiers'. Par I tlculars li on. Better send Id eenta >er peslaae n... nn iree nuiO;, now ready, laelodioi larae

! pruspsotua book, HM| ssvn (aluahle <lae. A l.l.i-.s A CO.,, Hi.

' .llw >lm ].;

$100 to $300

. ttiiii

thirds ol tbe ili>easei> o(


Botanic Salve. i ure.- Itch, Piles, trtd -«orea, Sr-.slds and llurm and ail kinds oi BKI.N Ull&AaKB, Aa tour ut in,,-.i lor it. Sent (irepalJ by mall o n i;. Ipl oi prloe, i'.ols. and tl a boa.

AH thuae valuable remediea am prepared by

OKO. A. BOBBtrn, < hrmlst. lti:l'lllH£, >lusa^

To whoa all on,'ITS shuiild bt addirsai-.l.

PKit MONTH easily i-iirnnl by .-.ii'slilr, rniT

. .INK meritorious, stsple irilole, I..,., i.ul in rvr-ry bOHsehnirl, store, iliur.Ti.'s.i iv.Ar Paya for i tnolf In nlne- yd'tye to four montbs, Ifxulueivu Air. If swaidsd to psily InvasiiDi ISOU ' ii samples prloea. Addieea

C. r. DA Kin is, n Lleeoln St., Boslea.

ADMlNI8TKArOR'8"8Al,E7~ i: v lloeeae ol tbe Probate Court for Ihe Comn j

isute of Charles Coliurn.laie <d Lawiaooe. ia aid Countv. dereasrd. will sell at MMte AOO. lun oa llie pretnisea. oa Wednea lay tin- Hkh day if lune, nest, al J e'ulOBk ID ibe aftemuoD, UM ILH ... ii.| i..i m mud oa Allsioa BL, in said *w^n«e, ine same Iwini all the real estate be iiium to tbe said CiiAtlea Cobum. Hud I.

.1 . I .1 l„IM

Warned i r li:.- I CLAHS [-.„..■,.-...■

- re s nandsuiee In nl perssaoei.i en 'Si- Addrnas.nllillo'

in.Jii.>»>■■■ 'n, Hi TreuoatBi

f uod repsi Terurs |l

daaa. ii OOat limeotssle. IMUD'S ID I

NRVVTON p. n;i e.. adar>


W. it Panaica, Au. v r. I <:\ p, A-.. . ■ tralor.

t, lb, 1W -»).< Farm For 8a e

B vTe't Andover, Inslo from Aeduv-fd 'tsy,

11 S'lVI orehardH, : s .. bouse, a rooms, hsru ■<,>:*!.


New Mi tick eye 1

BullarJ II »*■ eilHai tier


CAPITAL I'KI/.K, *75,000. Tickets only •»». Bkara In proportion

LSI Louisiana State Lottery Company.

•Wl go brrebToerliry that weaupervlseluu arninnrnirnts i»r all tur sLiiiuily and Menu Annual Drawing* ut the Luumaua Stale Lot Lsry Company, and in person munago ami con ttol the Drswirgs Ineu-elvt*, am! thai lb« .an-e are conducted Vial MaMlli U'.*»«»», anU la KM faith MMItl parties, and weaulttoiUe

Company to nse uu* oeriincate, with iau alniile* of our signatures attached, in it* a lveriaemenU."


Incorporated in 1*"* for M years, by the ■-*»■ lilamre tor Kdui-ar lonal aB'l charitable imr poaea— with capital of «l.bon,(*w—to which ■ reserve rum) of over IL'iO.UUO baa since liecn added.

By an overwhelming popular vole it- Iran ehlee was made a part ej the present Stale Con atitutten, ailopioil I ><-. ember Id, A. IK IsTa,

The only L otter ■ ever voted on and endorsed by i be people or any slats.


A IPLKNDID Oi'l'iiKTI'.\I'I V TO Wlff aroHTTJIVB. Iirialn Uraad Draw • ■■, Class si. In ftaa A. -adsntj .,r Music M«W ilflnm, TI)Elt>AV, Jnlj llllb •4.- ITIIlli -le-nlhly Uriwlai,

CAPITAL PHIZE.S73 000. 100,000 Ticket*, at Five Dollar* Each

Fraction* IO Fifths In uroDorioo. UlTiir fHIZKa.



t PHIZES or »<!.mo l.'.M. ■:.<ym H-.-H.-I

10 » Lin I0*W SO "

."'.'■• ■DO " IM :■;.- .«N am » ft.!

1,000 " ir. i',,n.r

ArrROXimTton raizn*.

• Appro i in BtlOD Pi lie Of B7!W ua do MM

9 do do 9*0 1,'JflO

1,887 Prises. Application For ratei lo clubs should be marie

niily totbo uUice ol the company,In New Or leant.

for further Intormatlon write clearly, glvlna lull addreaa. Haki P. o. si >v ■ l .. ,1.1. SAd address h>Ki-tered Letters lo


POSTAL HOTKN in<l ordinary tetters hj Hall or a-xpress IsM mimsril as ml itpwaidiby Express at um fiirnw) to

M. A. DAUPHIN Maw Orlmii i.a„

oral. A. DAUPHIN. 001 Seventh Street, Washiasloii. .(>. C.

f wr >1 |«KI<

{rmH\,ufI/,.im Ut! ir«l.)

How Watch Cases are Made.

A plate of Roi.ll> tiiiLD 11 H-10 karata

fine is wiltlinil <■» each aide <■( a plate of hard nickel composition metal, iin.l tlio three aru then passed between pulisluil

•tcel rollers. From this plato the various

part* nf thn run harkn. nmUirn, Wfn1n.nT.Ti aro cut and aliaped by die* am! fanners.

The gold is thick enough to admit of all

kinds of iliasitic, engraving, and engine* turning. The composition niilal gives it needed Mtrcnijth, sf.j/nrsj ami iUi<iih/, white tin' written guarautt-i.' of the nunubcturen trananUn'j each <"»i_' u> wear twenty yean firm-en that it contains alt the (-nld that t-an ft'NMihly be needed. This guarantee in given from aetmU ranibi, ;u runny of tiittto caacM havo been worn perfectlj amooth tiv years of u»o without wearing through

the gold. • Drnrqra, U-. nw. U. l-w. I ham used nnn nf your JatnM II-—' d..:,l Wat. b

Caani (<-rarveiitrrii yi-ara. I I'-ntlit il ni>iuil haml atiil kiinwiT it" haviiur bean iw-l U-furu I fot it, but tin ut \i, ■-« bow lacur. It lix-l" " --i fur lea ji»n iDtucrr. Did Unt (iwpn-t II w:ii a Hll<»! rmmi itutll •- iiif..nn..l by a Jawelu a ili-irt Uun< ainea, I ID.»t rhrrrfullr m-"mni<-nil y-nir <-aaoi t>i 1»»- ail

• llivy ao- rrpmriiti'il U> In. unl mure

•atffMai !••.. iw U>IM» I;I«.II.I.J in.*)--'! ••>•!■, Imm— B*»' ui kij<l». ttslik Imm IU->,

yttCM *


Pimples to Scrofula. > ■I.\MI- Of LrTTKK« IB oarpoiM*

n-paat ihla tt irv : I bave h**n a terrible ei i-.r i -in-. wi h I1I..U-I and Nkla llunn.r- ; »- i'if-d lothun pu'i|'C]>lae>a by r*a- mTdhdiiirlna liumor*; hav« badtbe beal

Maaa; bava apent huid-ed* atdollnriand i real relifl uitil I med the tvucimi lla isi-.iiifi--- Blund Pnrlder.into'nailr.and :l)IIA »M'I r-i-i-i aoAl-. Ih-li.ralHIln

ill li-.iiitiH.r-. extern»i|f ■ fa eo hare me ana loll my >kla tui w-toA aa pure a* a


ALMOST IMCftKDIBLK. Jams- V-. Rlchaideon, tutiom Huo-c,

NawUrtaam, on oaib.aa*' — f '-.'-1 Bcroiulou* UIcera broke oul oa my body uon 1 waa a ma-a

i-orrupium K*ar>tbin- known totheaMdl .1 f.-aiy aaa irle.1 in viln. i berane amara rerk. At lloiea m.nld not lift mr hand* lo my • ■d. I not lura i" l.-.l. wa* in -iintUnl i n and JiKikrd ui*un Hfu -» a - u No ralkl ■eure In ten ye*ra. In IMS [ b-aril of the Cn- CUM* UKaabim, mad ibimand waa perfect.

Bwurn lo before U.B.Com.J. D. Crawlord.

STILL Mdli'l- SO. Will McDonald, SM. Dearbera strfet.tbl

-■a*", I-.'U nckBiwInUa* a curt*of Cneaia, or Hilt It">n mad, nti-k, lace, B'ma anil lo -• fur n-i-i-ir-,11 vearr, not able to ninve *x i-.-jil <>n han-t" :md kmw», iorun« yi-ii nol able IB halp ii-in-i.: i-r i -inn year* : mm m n-hni, ol rruiedlif, durtom nri<nou< i rd hltraaa hi pa- lea*. Irraiantiitl* cuiott by tie LUTIOOKA ItaMIOIIH. __^_^__

HOBK u oM.i,i:i-i f. VKT II K fn penter. IIM, -.-r-..i- N Y.turad ol

UllOli |A ItKHt'lli- lhi-ni..h[ ni.n-trrlli

I'l.v, .mi- and ili in nil* (honahl Uure iw>rn ti> uefor< -i j in lice c|


IJONT WAIT. Wilte to ua ■«■■>■ t- i ■; -I in full m

*i'ii.i ■ 1.1 in- |. ii 11 ■«. Don't wnll. Now i- i * ti-ue n.-■nrei»,rT i-p'iirtnof 11-hinr, Saaly. I'lmply, Si-inliil in*. CHII'IKIOIII, Bad f '--I |IIT i ■ I .i.-.i D -...I--. - ,ii ibe Blood, rkin and .ii-aipwith Lotaof Balr.

Moiil tiv aililruRKitii. Price L'UTicuKk.Mcla, n>sin n.M f i, MI»I-, :'- ots.

l'i in II Hit -.. AM, I in MUM. ! o., I'.-HMIV

OCAIITV'",8p|,»"-'r«"' - Ol—MU I ■ Oily Hkin,, t imple*. Hkln bteoiiiher, and Inianlile Hum ihetl'tt(.-t)«A hoil'.a real bea tiler.


GINGER PliEAKKn with ulmnal akill

Gins-*-. Choloa Arom *Uc-, . ■ ml i-i-iil Motile tmi French Hranri.

Imported •hi- liUri-,1

i-r'ihi™ m:ruy A cn.uiiiNAi; i -u|«nor In a I o-h-r 'flntWe," -il'oi whluh ar" mal* »nh common ■ i'ih'il. la-tt ly Imprer nat-d with |i iiannou- fti il o.l ■oil .irengllieneu wi h C»i mini' i ciiper.

I'l'Hil'K KKI If, i,,,. ,.,.■ water, Unh allhv Climate, i;nwh..le,i,me r.Mi.1, Maaila, Kpii'enilo mid Cnniailin u Di-enri'*, I h >k-rn >n>rliiir, l.'-itiip-.*, Jnd if-tll'in. C.-ld-.L'ti II*. dim. j>)- rVri-iH. Ktlu.ii ton'. Nir'nimlii's. ' r l.o-e of

IITU th.t uearl lie ln.v-icr and bin eboldal llim tt'ason at- i> ill !.-t" Ihiin* i.ri.i, I'II-II liv * timely uae <-l SA \HUiir.-i <ilN„KK. tne Id li inn* ■umin-.r Madlclnn. Bewareo, <yorlb'e.i

■ lot ■■ I ■. i

■ hie 1 ■ 1.1- l I 1 -I I'.l ■■■!■>■


m sarfttiiViiftvE !!'."' W»ak an I Worn oul l'» ■i'ii-i'l.-■, nre-eela dlBBaai one han ihe time U»aa u world, flold ercrywhi'ic.

lUw --a

trio Plaater I


3-^c Think, jiuit lievauae yon

■ Jiave been tuffprtng ti'rribly JON I w1"1 Khi'uiiiuitoin or Nl,u-

The Resrlstratlou of Voters. FEATURES OF THE FOURTH. The new Uw concerning the regi»-

tmtionof wolen, derolve. » Urge HOW the DttJ Was Cflebrtttcd

n ■"* ' conUniio to auffer.

\i-r think just becauae nulnHly haa liwn iii-i-- lo core >"ti or your irli'mla, Uiat M'urai^Li iiinl la-.-iu..-') i-i .in- in.]-'.

lk that a cure is im-

D Oil "j~ ponlMe Just t>rx- IN I phyHli'lnnn bare \x

D°KT1 III ■ Can»a*«er< in t-v.-ry i-oonty WO 11 tail -n "' ' ■'MBioUkeoidr-ra ■1 nil I KII lor Nur-iry Stork, steady 1IUIIIUU and IWIr.blo rnudoyinenl At (K)()D WAC1KH. Kiinrlenca In tbe liliatntiae nol rei|Uiri'il. Ntiraeiloa widely

B I fnv.-rul.i-. knnwn. tat '-■-■-■ nd If. *a TheC.L.VAN DVSRN NUtSKUVrO.,

0«MV%N.Y. Tan im- .'ii N-:I- i i-"-- i'i.i.ii.ii..i.. I ISM Aim aiock ai wholesale,

row w 1.1 Itn&rM


Where B Full Line ol

Garriages, Sleighs and Harnesses


In .11 it* branches ..!,:■.■ an.l noSi T |one.

A I i. -1. ■.:.; ■ (, mW. alil,li*.

MOOAR *TROW • Poorl.tor



WASHING. The»nt-i.irU,'lr-kn,.«i1

fur 1.,1-I.IIIK .-InthlnK.

w:i/.-. iiillli'"iiii-i,iiil*.la|. ; r«r h.»i-.-lra.

.. ..tabula v.i„.|.«.

an-1 r*mii.iiia urnurn an. ntiiln fn-iii rnr|«.i* am

A<k.MMirtir.>-,rK.rlt. , L'HKH M'fUl'O., SarluaUcld. Maaa.

I or-c< ihpy i

dealer*. Price by i



ware. Furnilun-. I.^aiher Van a,, HiHik*. Tii-i-m,. il<) ceipli aci'JininnnT earh L Co DI. Ii will raflew ui" i the Corn In a lew ilay«.

i feet, ml I dea'er-

y*Jor'i cewoai i* pw donliie lha klar of any u

anora and ii'l kh dn "1 If-uhir aood* tie lOcrnf, .' «/., iH-itle, l.Wen'ii.

MkioVfttil r O-K-nt lor r*>pal iKKita, nhnei* and all klidaut luuli

A., PIOIT., i-1 Wi! um! ,N. T. City dw ly Je in

Headquarters for Sale Houses A I ante assortment of llorie^ oona'aatlr or

hand Air aale or aaeaaate.ej H-JIBCB aeuureil

A l'i'"1 Cur loud of Sale. Home*, Ar

rived tn-il.i> from Sluutrciil.

A. N. BEAN, Franklin House [Stablca prttyl

phyHli'lnnn bare 01*11 uuable to at'cnnipllsli lu

link that herouse ATMI.nrilnRiM

be world, it will not cure Kheumatlaiu uud Lralgta.

Seglect the twti Uwhundreitaofmfhnnarno have tried J

e now Bouud and ln-.iri y.

Nnr think that lwcaiwe TOO hare tried nriv other tinntpi taat MM, tbal ATULoruu- KIIS la Ilk.' tberiL

Don't be discouraged! The very thing that mitt cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia is ATHLOPHOROS.

Don tbe Skeptical! ATHLOPHOROS has cured others. It will Cure YOU.

If yrm raiihi-tint A H"B->""t ymir rtniinrlut,

Ii Triiii, y.,i,r ilrninn.l, hut If Ii* tiaaii't" ii"t I*) i*-rriujulrd t> try WHULUUH*; I l*r, l-ut onlur at uuoe Fr 11. a* directed.

ATHLOPHOROS CO., Ill WALL ST., NEW TOM. ■" '""' ■■■■■■■■■■■■■mm"!

$11,950 IN CASH


Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco.

Thi* Sor-elal tVp-ull li lo iniiiniTilPe tlio -n filly deacribod

how KSnii

The premium will t» paid, n •Diaii ilie number -n-iK-i raturnctt Btay b

llflf Ji,',!.■»,,. T, J',,,*i. 1 T-Jvirr- r«.,i »«*»■«•, V. C, Mill lu, IHM. 1

T A WII.KT. PJIO. (M.lii** (t,-t «/ f>w»im, Durkan, K C.

PUB SIB - M.- IEHI-'W y..ii kll.Hf.n.i nlm-h i-M-aw- I-I*<T -u S|,.. -ml fh.|«mt M |-iiy i-n-iui 1111m IT nur i-lul-ty t..timii) tiajin tn 1n> n lurui.l Iks;. UUL Y.-urii truly. J .1 rMili. t i.l-.t

»*V* "f <*>• flunk"/ Pwknn.l I'yrkilM. .V C, Kuv 1U. I*M (

i H CMIR Fact, (*•« Jlliirtir* J'I />„i>i in r.*.,'*n rh

Prjn NIB - I hav* Ui arkuowlnlm' nveli't "f fll-nnii fr>ifu ymi, nlni'li m h»vi. i Iwi-il ninn Hi-vial IH>|wiKitfi>r the nlijf-i-t ymi »Uii-

1'uuntruly. I' A. WILKV.fwblor

hi-nc (rmulnp wiUiout flrturocf Bl'U.ou Uw

IkTSce onr otbiT aiiui.unn'nu'lit*.

Ho (j) Bread rrepamtion.

Recommended BY l'HYSICIMS.

It restores to the flour the nu-

tritious and strength-giving

phosphates —THAT ARE—

removed with the bran,


required by the system.

No other Bak- ing Powder or Yeast does this.

amount of work upon the registrars,

and will uecesaitate personal atlnnlion

the pert of every voter who would

exercise his right of suflrage the com-

ng fall, :ii it provides for an entire

new registration of voters for tbe first

time, we believe in the history of this

Commonwealth, l'reliminary to this

work of registration, the law provides

that on or before the fifteenth day of

•July, the Assessors shall cause street

lints to be printed in pamphlet form,

for public distribution, by precincts,

showing the number of each houie-

and the names of all persona assessed

tbereio for poll taxes.

The Board of Registrars arc to

make an entirely|new registration, tbe

law permitting them to use at their

first meeting only, tbe check lists of

one year ago. to "aid them" in form*

ing a new register. But no voter's

name shall be placed upon tbe register,

if one of the Registrars or any quali-

fied voter of the city objects, unless be

shall "be known or proved" to be ft

qualified voter. The new register is

to contain the name, age, and place of

birth of the vo'er, wb«n he waa regis-

tered, where residing on tbe first of

May and residence at tbe time of

legislation, his occupation, and place

of occupation, with additional columns

tor time and cause of ceasing to bo a

voter. The collection of these data,

of itself, outside of other provisions ol

the law, compels an entire new regis-

tration, and the personal attendance of

every voter.

The Registrars are required lo pub>

lish or post notices, at least '20 duyu

before the city, and thirty days before

the annual state election, lo "AM.


registration." And all applicants whoee

qualifications have not onco been

passed upou by the Registrars, are to

be required to write their uaine, and to

read at random three lines of the con-

stitution, in a manner to show that be

is not prompted or reciting from mem-


In tbe case of naturalized citizens,

the Uw provides that the RfgistrarH,

"lielore entering upon tbe register tbe

uain.' of any naturalized citizen, shall

require bim lo produce for inspection

tils naturalization papers, and to make

oath that lie is ibe identical person

named therein." They need not re-

quire a re-production of the parjers

after tft<->t have once passed thereon.

The sessions of the RegtBtr&rs must

all lie pobllo. and the law provides that

tliey shall afford a reasonable number

of p iMHii of the various [tolitical par-

lies to witucss Ihe registration.

Tbe voting lists are to be made up

annually from the register, any name

Iricken from one must also he strick

«n from tbe other. Upon the com-

plaint in writing, under oath, of non-

qualified voter, that be believes a name

to IKJ wrongfully u[>on tbe list, the

Registrars may summon such person

to appear for examination, and if he

fails, bis name shall he stricken from

the H-t.

I '|>on petition ol tell qualified voter*,

the Governor may appoint two super-

visors, one from each leading [tolitical

party, who Bhall attend alt meetings of

the Registrars, and have the right to

aflix to the register any statement

concerniug the accuracy of the same.

The penalties of the law are severe ;

uny registrar who shall refuse to re-

quire uu applicant to lead and write,

and then place, or Buffer to ba placed

or remain, Buch name on the registry,

is liable to a fiue of $500 or one years'

imprisonment, ami for any other vio-

lation of the provisions of the registra-

tion law, a fine of WOO, and any city

officer violating the ,nw, is subject, for

each offence to a fine of S-'OO.

Any person causing his name to he

registered in more than one precinct,

or to be falsely registered, or who shall

personate another person, or give the

Registrars a false answer, or aid or

abet in any of these nets, shall be

liable to a line of |.J0U anil imprison-

ment in jail for one year.

THE PEOPLE of Lawrence will grate-

fully remember the generous act of

Bicknell Brothers, 111 furnishing the

line display of fireworks on Hie eve-

ning of ihe fourth.

WHAT AM wo to drink ? A German

chemist claims to have dincovered

alcohol in water of every kind, para

spring water alone, exceoted.

_ TUB DEMOCRATS, of Illinois, have

nominated lor Governor, Mayor Car-

ter Harrison, of Chicago, who lias been

notoriously the friend of the worst

elements in Uiat city, the protector o

pimps and gamblers. And it is with

this party that the "reformers" for

whom Mr. Blaine is not good enough,

are seeking an alliance.

TlIB FIHEWORKS displayed on the

common on Friday evening, through

tbe munificence of Bicknell Brothers,

tbe clothiers, were all and altogether

ihe best ever witnessed in Lawrence,

and tbe immense throng of people went

home abuodantly salUlied. But re-

member those ot last year,—costing

tbe city $500,—and weep for the

credulity uf Broenisro.

About 1679, Nicholas Qrtllicr dc

Sorvierre, an old soldier w'10 bad

served in the Italian army, construct-

ed a whimsical clock. A figure of a

tortoise, dropDOd into a plat* of water

baring the hours marked on the rim,

would tloat around and stop at the

proper time, teliing what o'clock it

was. A lizard ascended a pillar, on

which the bour were marked, ami

pointed to the time as itadvanced. A

mouse did the same thing by creeping

along an hour-markod cornice.

Two negro women of Concordla

Parish, La., recently fought a duel,

the one having a revolver and the

other a shotgun. It was believed,

however, that both antagonists abut

their eyes during the firing, as neither

waa bit.


Ql II- I IN 1 iif-; UK mi LlVKLV BPOKTS.

Id lull' -klii ii-h.'t.,l |D the dawn of

"the*J»y we celebrate," and at an en-ly

hour muth of tbe youthful p..pulacu Who

bad not apeat tbe night out. Were, upon

tbe atr^eta, lager for the luauyuratinu of

the day's observation. Darinf the day It

as remarkably qalet In tbe rlty, aUo on

tbe night befote in.. ¥ .urib." a aolltaty tQe ■" P|BCea- of which tnem waa aKener- ^ . . j -4. I ,111% ■UMIllf. Tirlnrinml amr-iti T ,..,.,,}, IBBV*, riih-lioni mu-ii'i HI 1. ' v and tht-n 1

bomh (murouii.) piomptlr at 8 o'ekek,

inaugurated the exhibition, and daring

the entire illfplar at Intervals <■'- two iiiimr., .. thin., ,1 j ■ bombs wtre tired,

exhibiting u»> r tUiy o.UVrcnt vsr'eilea of

ttarnlinrt, •Btlrwly new, ■ nd knowing the moat ti,.;iir 1 11 colors and d»zzllng tlTicta

poaaible la pyrotecnnlca. Including Jap-

anese, meu.otic end driven utara. serpent,

ii>Hr»iin II- '-. aohd i.i.iii-, double aod

triple 1 x|iin.-1 <n, iiii'i compound homos,

etc., tic. AUra -! ; the dlspUy were tired each tnloute, a Urge (4) parachute,

pearl (new) t.tniu, colored atari, golden

rain, or aerpeDt roekwt* In ah over one

hundred belog uf«d. Tbe flight or rockets

were excellent and beautiful, a* were also

The r.overnraent Chemist Analyzes two of the Leadlog fluking Powder** and what he iii,.,, „,,,,!,. of.

Tbe best baking oowder Is mule from pure Cream of Tartar, Bicarbonate ol Soda and a small quantity of Hour or March. Fn-qMBtly oiher l.igredienta are used, attl nerve a purpose In reducing ihe cost aud lucreaslng theprottuuf u„. man-


ufacturer. We g:»

analyses c

panylng the eipi<p>i

The belie were iuna

unset, and with the

p!sy of Sags, wa- th<

nvanc. Tbe fiat

1 of a Hi.- cracker. t Buurlae, noon, and \i I-|I:|IIU Ut Ml.- ill-.-

only mun'clpal ob-

ea are gift n beluw :

uy mj ting at


The K Tie second Jty u' 1

the rldlog I'.K tn

The races * ••■ in 1

:laaaes, the laiu-i eilr

iereat. The aiuu lar

much moaey w;

Tbe summftrlear.llow.

Lurr.-iii-r riding park, Jalf 8, 1884.

Three-mlnnte cla«, mile heatu, best

three In five tohirnsas; purse 8SQ0, di-

vided. Joes., blk. jr. J-iiiu 1 )■"«[■■■.-V 1.'W 11. 1 1 1

" K. Moihcr, Lawrwni— "

■mi lnt> the pool box.

Lady tiibaey, gray m.

Trifle, b

NO lil^l-'V, Jin. 3 2

:s 5 4 H A. UIIRI. Lowell; U, A., o. m. S. J. Haxwel , l.ynu. a 1 ; Pilot Victor, cheat. ■. J. II. Charlev,

atethuen. 4 :i < Miller* l>.ioi«el. Lro. m- D. C. HiUer,

Fall Kirer. a 4 ! l.Dui"*. ii. 111. Charles Kmkar.U, Boilun, 7 • <

Tune: i.W, J *11 I. i.»l. Same day aod track. 2 32 class, beat

three In Urn to b*roe<s; purse of *M0.

divided. (Jnarlie K., b. g> C. B. Keyoa, llaacbea-

Byadtke Mai.t, bro. m. Jubn ).:.--. Bo>> too. it:

1 ,:,i, • M , 1,1b. m. CUirlei Ukktard*. riualoD. ;l -1 !

Trifle, b. DJ. liuor^o F. UiKi.le. Lowell. 4 I 1 tlaiucy, Cheil. a- <J. A. Ad JreW*, Wor

The l„,-i IC no Day.

mdantaoB tie raeae was ftr graaier ■I tbuKu 1 r.

ion.) y w tb L no; cncluau

even 11 B III

Tb 1.1M ibrcc bra's

exciting Jay* Iport fit thj Lawrence Aisocii

-hackeit, •■ . I..

as. Tie granti atand iti anl m-nr't- 11. 11. was well ti....-l witb

deeMcdly a lively one, ly before the alU-raoon

la tbe 3.45 class were g Jeanstle, aal a moat i-hi',I ItJ Drat m r i'ii: uf

im. Following i* tbe

»•-, j-.i iiini, Maaj, tin

1 Itilcy, Bo«-

Artbur, b. g., T. Cornells, Lawraaoe, Her ey. t>. *., ■>■ Friwt, i- ■ ■-,.

T1.11..., itat, 2 u i-i, t.3i. 2.It BIBM, jmr*i Situ.

lelle, b g ,C. 11. Merrill, ll..i ■mil.

..|, J. K.i : Allslon,

4 1 dr

t ill-

Copeiaal, 1 KellM W. b. m. K|, bmomt, b. a , li, F. Alkin*. Lowell, I... n 1 1 I. r ... -. .M . |( ... r. ,..!-, ii,

B-iDton. Time. ■IW, a S9, iJf, J 37 15.


In tbe afternoon, at the Association

grounds, the Lawrences met tbe Biiacma

■ nd were badlv beaten, never sh<>wint| up

worse tbla Besson. The attendance was

ipply, principal amons which w-

'Compllments of Bicknell Bros.," "Qood

Night." diamond, nsglc etais, Chinese

spider, constellailoa and crystal fountain.

Happily the rslu did not fall an ill ahout

bulf an hour after tbe conclusion of tbe exhibition.

Karueatncas Appreciated.

In consideration of the goodJilJgement

exercised In the selection,the promptness

and business energy shown In the tiring,

sod ih* public spirit and generosity ol

Dyer Bros. In offering voluntarily, Ihdr

aervlces free of charge, and the goods at

cost, we Tcel It our duty ant »•'- | i**|o« ;■■! 1 in-ill in i.:,u - p.; . ..j .j.. „„( III-III-

felt thanks 1 ,1 1:1 ■ ackJOwlodged success

of tin- ttreworks dl 'plsy. Knowing m the

peop'odo '.be amount of money put into

tills dhplay, the retult la conclusive

proof these gentlemen know what they

are doing, are capable of giving the pea-

pie the value ortbelr money, :.-nl sending

everybody borne eHi»fled.

BlCK.NKIJ. Bitoi.

3 the Government Chemist's f two of the leading baking

IhaTet-asinln^l samples of-'Claveland's Superior Uaklug Powder," maaufartured

t Albany, N. Y , and "Royal Baking 'owder," both purchased by rnyaeli in this uy, and 1 Ond iney contain :

Cleveliind's Superior IUklua: Powder." Cream ol Tartar Uicatbunateof Soda Flour

Available catbonlc acid gas 12.61 per eni.,rqal*ak»tU) 118.2 cubic inches of ;aa per OS. of Powder.

Uoyal Baking Powder."

Cream of Tartar Bicarbonate of Soda Csibonatovf Ammonia Tarlarlc Acll Starch

Available carbonic arlil gas 12.40 per te&L, luulvsleiit ko Hd.L> cubic iucbeo ras per on. of Powder. ,

Atnmouia gas 0 I:; p-r cot., eqalvalest Lo In 4 cubic inches per 1 z. of 1 ■...-., 1.

Note—The Tarlarlc Ac,I wsu doubtless troduced as free acid, OIK subsequently 'li.'iiiit-ii with ammonia, and exists In

the Powder as a Tartrate or Ammonia. K. G. U)Vli, Ph. 1>.

New York, Jan. 17th. 1881. The ahov analyses lodlcate a prefer,

ence for "Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder," and our opinion H tbal It U better preparation. — Ua! i's Jou 1 nal of lies lib.


A Great Medical work onManhood

1 Tit.' large. The score :

n ACOMS. in !(■ IOI

ft-chnriUon, c 4 i 1 welch, an ii-.u'i. 1 r 1

Nichols, b 1 Uvrrill.KO, Aver, el sawyer, lb Moore, r 1 0 ,

To .all, tt 10 s LAWSBkCS

A Chapter or Accidents.

John Smith, on Howard street, while

discharging a csniion at noon Friday,

hxd his face severely burned by powder

as well as a portion ol his left whiulder.

Dr. Sargen*. attended hlrn.

Win. Gamball, residing on Valley sUeet

esrly Friday morning fell down alllghl

of stairs at his home, and MHV.-I . -I a frac-

ture of both bones uf ibe forearm. Dr.

Sargent attended him.

Geo. Hey, ol &■> P.t-asant street, while

playing bill FiUty af .em to 1, was

thrown heavily to Hie ground by a player

"running l :.: basiV and broke his collar

bone. Dr. Geo. W. Sargent silenced


A youog sun of L. G Holt, by a fall on

Tiiiii.-.l.iv arteiuoon broke i..n bones In

his tight arm si ihe wilnt- llrs. Sargent

sud Abbott Bttuuded bltn.

At Sbewsbeefl grove st ihe picnic held

by tbe Liwieuce Catholic Temperance

society, s young niun sud wJJIIHN hid ■> 11 ,1,,,.'. escape fr-ini di owning by iho 01-

eitnrnlng ot a bust.

John Dilscoll, ahotiL 48 years of sge,

re»idlug on Atkinson, ■'.reel, Boitin Law-

ri'iicf, was Injured Uy filling Iroin a bund-

car of the Boston & Maine railroad,

FiMav, Tour teetn belog knocked uut.

There were four still alatius of Are

FilJay, to which Ilie Bremen respjuded.

No daaia^uor account was c'otie at elibei.

Two Flroa.

Totals. M I 1 1 ,:i ■- lTO'lngs 1 1 3 4 5 0 7 fl I

Earned rua*—Beacons, 1. Two base Iti-- 111,1-.ui. First base on balls—IIraenoi F.rstbaaeon errur.-ltiacone, «, Lawienci Struck nul— tleauot-H, II; Lawieuues, B; il« uisy-aterril anil sawyer. Panseil balls—0 tier, ». Witil |iiicr.«H— FI11111. I Cui|>lre- irad M 11 ■]■ I- Time— 1 benr au 1. .

In tho forenoon the Lnwiences went to

Lowell to play the X L> Z's for a purse of

SlOu. Tbe gsme was nmked by 1

decisions of the umpire, and In the eighth

tuning be overstepped ail oounds of re

son and gave a decision no patently u

lair that Cspt Frellgb refused lo further

continue the game, aud tbe Lawieoc

men abandoned Lbe field. The umpire di

dared the game 10 layor of the \ *i /.

by a score of 1) lo 0.

Oa Thursday eVoulog are broke oat In

the basemetii of Ihe two and a Half sljry

dwelling No. 846 llitnpshtre street, own

ed by the mother oTcTTJ marshal O'Stil.l-

yan. The department responded lo a call

from bjx 3«, aud i-peulliy bad the flames

uader coutrol. Tae lire was caused by a

^ Are cracker thrown from the i-treet. Dam

S100; fully Insured.

a FriJay in'irumg the department was

calkd to S mi t Uioadway wb-^re llames

had been discovered lu the necoild story

of tbo dwelling of Terence Dunsbue,

caused Of a iln- cracker belug thrjwu In-

to the window. T.te greater damage was done by waiei mil win uot escoeU ft^OO

July Insured.


—The fireworks were a grand success

—Salmon and green peas iva- Ibe dish


—There were remuikably few»


-Mr. IhnryC. Ncvins If display 10|

none tine iniuouts.

Ibe greatest


What every one bellevtd was not a

(Vmu.rtde wrestling match, occurred at ihe

Base ball grounds in tbe lor^nuon between

Frank UODIDHUU and Tiumas Kilcoyne,

tbe former easily winnlug lu ten straight

la lit. The attendance was meagre.


A match game of cricket between Law-

rence and ealt Itlver clubs, which was to

bave been played on ihe Fall Kiver park,

FtiJay, did not take place, offlny lo

ibe non-arrival of the Lawrence team.

Tbe uatue was LO begin at In a m., but the

Lawrence t- in. m ■• ■ I tbu tralu snd did

not appear on ihe grouud unill 3 p. m.

Five of tbe Fall Hirer players, wh*i Wen

unable to wait, had then left the giounds,

aod it was decided nul to i-'.iy the maich.

A scrub game, howe mr was arranged, substltuies taking tbe places of ibe absent

members of tbe Fall Uivereleven, and the

Lawrences "von au ea*y victory, ~\'i lo 44.

At Hlvrralde Qrove.

There was a picnic of St. Patricks

church and at whic 1 there was a large at-

tendance. Much interest was manllested

In the sports, and to the music of O'Klloy

ircliestra, dancing was kept up until s

o'clock in the evealng. The management

deserreH much praise for the success of

their ebTirts. Tbe Sanke-stacksdufeated the Dudes In tbe lug-of-wsr. .1 .im Len-

non won the bo' s' race, Mc.Manus second.

Peter Dignam won the nigh Jump prize.

Tbe Hide.

Thero was a large number of riflemen at

Wilnut Hill Friday, and, «/l b One

coiullii ma, some good wurk was done,

A match was shot on tbe range between

learns representing Iho Lawrence Hide

Club and the home association, the former

winning. The recjrds made are append- ed:—

Massachusetts Rifle Association.—C. H.

Beiry, 47, J. Francis, 47, F. Wallace, 44,

P. Klrkwood, 41, W. Gardner, 40; total 218.

Lawrence Rifle Club.—0. M. Jewell,47,

E. F. Richardson, 47, J. W. Frost, U, A.

I). Aldtn, 44, W. Fisher 44 ; total 838.

The Fireworks.

Tbe display on tbe Cojnmon, given

through ibe generosity of the well-known

Arm, Bicknell Bros., was the best Inevpry

respect ever made here, and the manage-

ment by ibe Dyer Bros., showed tbora lo

be adepts In the pyrotechnic an. In the

early evening crowds could be seen wend-

ing their way to the comtuoo, and when

tbe display was begun, there were

not less than ten thousand people present.

The flring of a large six-Inch exhibition

—The bell rlngln; WJ

disturbance of the Fourth,

— Baby cari1ug»s abounded on the com

mon during the lire woiks exhibition

— The crowd on ibe common on Friday

evening, was only to be estimated hy


— Flynn defuated DCISCOII in the 3 mile

race at the Boston Union (.'rounds, o


-Fourth of Ju ly Is a btttcr man ibr

St. Patrick. See ths police court record

of to-day.

-Miss Mary Blttwvll and Mr. Charles

W. Birtwell will spend a few weeks at

K> tint Iim: W,.,! 1, Maine.

The Riding Park Association Ins caught

thu epidemic fro :i lha Base ball c>ub. Too much management.

tbe 11 _:h school — Francis Furlong

rlass of '84 bus pass*

riantoellons forMlsi v.l College with-

>in«i.' iindt:

— At the Wednesday practlcs or the

Ridi i'ii) the following snores wci

mad.: U. M. Jewell 43; W. G. Webb.

41; A. VV. il -.M:.IM IJ; C . II. s .--ii ., t.d


— Senator B thi win if Lynn,, was throw [

from his Oarrl ige, 011 ibe morning tf iht

F'UILO, aud seriously, If out fatally In-

jured; the horse btcaine frightened Horn

the explosion ol a fl;i- cracker thrown un

der him.

—Tbleves tried to ill ct an entrance In,

to the Sherman residence 00 Haverhil streetlast Thursday ulitbt, not koowiuti

that some ol the fan.lly were in the

house. They beat a retreat on hearing a


—As ihe loldtilg'H freight was comlug

In frooi Lowell on Tuurs-lay, three rails

were discovered across thu track of the

Boston &. Lowoll railroad, near the red

bridge. 1'he L-slii was stopped and and

Impending caiastropbu averted. There is

no clue to lhn perprators.

-Orren Hamilton, of the Boston &

Maine, railroad, 00m pie tea, 00 Monday,

his thlrty-seveuih year wild the corpora-

Mr. Himll'on Is ih-! olti-s'. em-

ployee wl'h one » xceptlon, ou thu road,

and has c indiKtud trams 1 -N.'-T thin any

now employed by this compauy.

A liitlu fellow In town, who wanted

to gel up early on ibu morning of the

Fourth, procured the family alarm clock

ud put 11 under his bed. He was up and

down all ulgiii consulting this time pltce,

anil rousing ih ■ Ism :y by continued alarms

from the same, lie turned out at H o'clock

and spent the entire day lu the lorpedo


A very eoJoyaMe Hint-' was had by a

dc-isa or more children conceded with

Unitarian parish lu tbiacliyon Thurs-

day last. Tots was a prlvaio picnic at

Barker's grove BHder Ibe supetioiendencn of tbe pastor, K-v. Henry V. Jinks, and

and Mr. F. II, Hedge. A bouulllul

was spread, and the time was very pleas-

antly spent inboailug. playing crutmet and

other pastimes.

His a VAI - WITH UH . .. Pearline are never rough BOO always

free from grease and oJor of any a^od. Beware of iiniiatiooi. tilt

loi: I'.-.IM -1 in 1 n, UOJL 1 KIN...-. u\ EAH

Wten tbe summer heat ii rating, the coolest ling to imagine Is the feelings or one raws ibe flrsi capital prias ol S75.O0O, in Tbe

Louisiana State Lottery Cxupany, on an meniofonly 9.IMI. The n'Xt svent. 1, -- -i-ur. -n Tuesday, July ISth wben »'265-

willhescailered broadia.l. M A. Dauphin New Orleans, La., will give all iofurmailon ik-

I red.

l! ,t»iTii|||. n.'t h tin-,! ron all Ibe inilerful cures of Kheumnii*m and Neuraltfts sde by AUiltiphoros vou w IU'II not Jehuali

your I,ivn . .. ■ lill you bad given naspeedv a ' uiaL It is the remailv ,-i,.»- who ii.,j * perimtnttd tor a long time an himself 10 dud lorni'lbing whlcb would master Rheumst sin. He dill nol succeed nil be ilrm-k .Mn-i-i Is mis. S.-t lauifleil with Idi own ra>e at a teat, be Tied it on oibers till tetlsrJed ibat a great ape>i- lic was al lad within bis srasp. Very properly it look ibe lille if Aiblo^horoa—cbsmnlon remedy. Sl;lt





I PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. '■Kiilurj-Wort Is ths most auooessful Temody

I over used." Dr. P. C. Ilallou, Konkton, Vv "Kidney-Wort i* alwa/a reliable." Dr II. N. Clark. So. Hero, Vt.

"KJIIIKJ. Wort has cured my wife after two Itan iuir..,r,-n;." Ur. c. U. Suuiraerlln, Sun mil, Cla.

IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it has cured when all «l*e had railsd. It la mild, but oraatent, t'KUTAIMN ITS ACTION, but harm leas In all oaaea.

I rll BlseawAS Uk* niaod *■<! iireanhes* aa J (l,e* Naw lire to all Ihs Important organs of Ui«b.jdr. The natural aoUoa of Uie Kldnsys Is restond. Tho Uvi r la clsanasd or alldtseaaa,

a freely aud hoaJUifully.

oa I'Qiin OB imr, SOLD IT DBIOOIVTB. Dry can be sent by mall.

WELLS. mrilVKnWO* ICQ. It .rlln^ .. T*.




IGerman Remedy.]

Iloyou wiuit the be-;! > I'-III■:.! Wurk (.titillaheit; tsctul S a-canl t ■ tn A. 1'. OHDWAT A Co, Boston, Moss., and receive a copy, free.


l'luk.Sj.i-,1 11... 11 i.,;,,-l.,-. Ill:, ,,.

IiUUI-ri, ■>■ '-r.O.;,»,!,-*. Pleurisy paln*. Stlk-h In Ilie Slds, ll.-k-.. l.--^_ .1;. „ .1 :,,-,.

l:itr*,-i i,ii i..ln l-,i1 (lie f-.f i-ilt,

ll'-r IMn-iii:-* I ti.raildriMji.ii

,, -|,- ii-i.,i . ami Mam n-tnn-r*, nwMn.Ua*>





"What ; KER HITTERS ?" 'An old iiii.iki-r remedy ttint hits done lore to ri-lli"i <■ stifTertilg liomanlly than It other MM-' I, in ■-, i-,,riii-iiii-i|. These eel«bruled llllti-rs ,.i-.. r.iin-

I111-1-1I ni'i iiniii-i.'.i.ii-, He 1 t'-> 1111-1 Harks ,1110111;; which 1 ipitttitn. Sit rsit part Uu, Wild Cherry, Driii-dcllon .Juniper HIIII other Iifrrlen, e-i urc soprepitred 11s to rei.iin .ill their ii.eill.liiol giiolltlcs.imd will cure t in- fillowlng eomplaJotS*

I --*. -i-'i' 1.1. ,litiin<llce. Liver Com- plitlnts. Loss of Appetite, Ileiidafhr-H, llllloiis Attacks, Siiiiiiner Co 10pl«Inls, Piles, Kldni>\ Ui-o-iises, Kemiile IHfll- ciilt ie-. I ,.,■> - II nil,-. |,01V Spirits, I ..'llll.ll DebUlty, uud, hi Inrt,-pvr-rvthina msiwl by on Impure stittf ofthc BlOOd orde-^eii, Hi Inn orthoSfoniuch, Liter or Kidneys. The nged find In -Unttker Hllters it jrroitle, soothltia siltniileiit, so dclmlilc In their dcclliilng yonrs.

They are rpcommended 11ml used hy oluent physli'hins mid elergymen. No onr need siitTnr long from uny dls- i-e irthey will use-Ltiiitker lilt- "

they pirecf a euro where oilier n full. Batflerer, iry them ; they «■ yoti; thpv have cured Ihoiisitnd*.

"'»r -.oie by rail druggists unit dealers iPdlelnes everywhere. Price $1 per

bottle; six for s)5.

-l.-.l Iv. .... rubilily IVrm-UUTT Heelloe v.uiih, an,1 the in !,-!■! inner Indiaeretlaa or rxeeaaaa, A

yiitinK, uUMlr-aved

and i'1,.1,1, ui Errors ul tlnn I ron 1

HB 1 !M|.ll-l .11 . t old. if,

odls ease., each one ut which Is invaluable. |8o lound by Ihe Author, wnn- e r\v -,->(,, ,-,> i,,r .,.; r-sars is turh •■ proba'-iK nevrabninre fell to the .■i-i niiv 1 lii-i-un. ft'pane*, huiinil In ■,.■:,N mill t.t-ni n Diuslin. emiKi srd covers, full gilL Kiiaranteeil lo be a liner -work in evrry sense— meehanlpal, literary tind pruieei-ional— ihun any oiher wi money will las retun ed In every I'nr.r only $\ SU bv it-' H. |.»*t laid, lllnstrstlve sample tt cents. n»n 1 now, Gol-i nxdal a ward ed tne author bv is- Nsiionai Me-11i-»t Associa- tion, to tbe 0SMSTB or whii-h h* relers.

The Selenoe or Llie KIIOUUI b* read - v tin Touunlor 1^ irueltiin, snd by tbe sfllicledlorre Mel. Il will beneflt all.-London l-ancei.

There Is nn nittnlxr uf society toahomthi Rnlence •( Life will nut lie usehil, whelhei youth, pareBi, guardian, Instructor, or clerjcy-

1 In-

mad, .1 sry pimi.-ia

VT.H. >i ker. No. il In,I !, or IJr.

■ knl and en per lei !i "in*, that bave skill of all "Hi. r ispeciA'iy sunri irt'-ai- TUVCCir -o ..„-ce*siuiir won. iHYScLr tut. n inatanne of failure. Mention "





PATKS LABOR, TIME and SO 111 AHIAZ. INOLV, and gives universal snlUf-a, lion. No family, rlnh or poor slioulil bo without It.

SoldbyallUrooors. BKWAUBnf Iinltatlnns ■roll deaigiusl to BauSawd. FKARLLNB la the OnaXI SAJTK UburssTlng eompoiuuC anc always bears the above svmlMil, nnd mime ot

JSalES PILE. NEW YORK. ">rt«>wlvl4 . K

n. pusiuvH i.nrt iir Lijnariin. ianino;

-ffcH.-m.! ScatpDisease.a«jav


ALLFOEC°AFN BLAINE Anthnrlir,! Htaadard I.itlil,„i.

Tit PtcpU vint It. BEST. SttUt With thi Blilig "flls.

Immense Profits for Agents. Terms Moot Llbaral. Outdo, ao-o. k OrSsr at aaes aad fsAbar tka Oraua. I XKTiirsiSE rrBLBimra cs., SpnagStld, Km.

COKE! COKE! t Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Goa

THE UWrMCK GAS CO Is selling CORK at tbe following prices 1

r>rChaidroaoiT4bbl*,,deuvereu |4 r» i • " 7 ? ' 1 31 rerberre., M » ^ Orders must be flal tbe office of thicompaa>

•io.-ibn Ks.»isi.,in-I tneCtke pa-.lior al tb- Ibta the order is given.

OrtlCB HUUItS: s. m„ 10 ], m., ii- .1 i-.i-

'." Iliimiil




MEltltiLi, A m:\i.i)

No. 1SS3 EHSeK St.. l.awr«m-,,.


Choral Worship! For Choirs, Sin|>lnjt riusses uud .Mu-

sical Convent Ions, rull Church Han't Book H1 • r n t :. CsOiAL WOR4HIP hts :ii> pag.-s. CHORAL WO^aHIP In*] n ,aCM of Ble

mem.. Bser.-.!*..* K .*y ami IImil -d donirs, Ie one, two or tnoii' part , Cites, Au A KOO.I

CHORAL WORSHIP has 73 psges of tbr

CHORAL WOR ;H|P hu U<) page* nf I hi

Concert singing an-i lor trailing On the While, C11'1 "At. WHtsTlP 1.

foi thi UJISS, Bf-peaiitg a« cum ui, c -bural .-inaina- Is a^sln r.ioiiiiK is fa oesll'ir it ilemsn 1 lor Just aba l (hi* bi plies—in tne best wsy.

Semi 41 for spuulaien Co|.v. Sl)N(l WilHSl IIP i lav School noes It.-ok 01 o.e iiy K ne son i-11 I -iln-i * 111. .-ii 1

tHJVlIU DITHON & CO HO ami 111 WaataliiKlow Ml II,,

JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. n* 1 ... ! sucn treat still li

1.1< si eaaeo n our department! ol 0,ilics1 Unoil*, we I

p. ■•;.. 1 i.:el f III!/ .-,en|i'lent ibat I osn i ull Ihe most O"1

-n't ruin your su-m by wearing a mislit. We luive tbe L oily, wnlci nrove, ihst we are reltsblo. (lar line of Walls stand higia :ii-' | ihure baa betn u arcat drop 111 tbe prices 01 these goods.


Why The Reason 1'he "SKAL of NOKTII CAROLINA

PLUG CUT s Ihe favorite Bnoaiso Tmuoco oleonnois- etirs. Bee-use it la the Heat It is M i.-i n.l vilh the urea ,1*1 caro ir.-in Iho besl Tobs.-.o imwn In Uranyllle Cnunlv, North Carolina, mil aTOHKu AWAV TWO rasas belor-o It is "-'i or. ,1. Knrsal,. bv ,'id .1,'slers. MAKUl l«; I;I;(.S . >luuuf>M-tun-rs.



lTlre,»l.rOtv KOi.n


. -II- - for HI U.I. HHI l.lilsTS.



Warranted abaotutrly pure t/oroit, from whleh tho SSASSS ot OU has teen rotooved, Itliaafsr't Omu tht ttrtmgth of t'ucua mliug with Btarcb, ArrowtiMtor Hugar, and l- tbsrefbrg far muro iconoml cnl. It Is di'llrliKis,,

it;,i-:i>lly dUi-sli-d, sud Lbly adapted r..r Invalid* a* a .or p.-cons In health,

1 by firur.-rs eierywhers.

ff,.BAZ£R I CO,, Dorchester,


Address DR. WAflO A CO., I

TOMPKINS&MANN Successors to




M'x-it Paint*, NillU *oot tin N«V11IS, id v.-mi, OK Oi.i Acid, Oasuin, Puranm... f<;i I- .--.-.ilii, W.IX fotw. I'a Is Whit-".

Pot.* r I'J

II ibut-r Waaon Spi ings


in-i... Kotlen St me, Itook Salt,

for horses and c Bneltaa,

ssn-i fs'per.

real tier bus* era, •" r Hrusbis, Qlua, t „, mi ., - Varnish,

si Rivet Lead. e,r, all kinds,

■ i 1, ,1 Arable . ■ in, Triiiaxfl-Uh

dd Leal, -II It .,.,.-,

Ulycerlne. .irair.iUK Vuriab, '.';i ln-r sm , 'islvm-xeiilron Tails lltrni-ss Soail. In-run,

onitn*, all tints.

atoae-Ja.aaailNniii aaltpetr-K si'ivi:>- .diichlnood,

f'Stl ittiboers, .Soiu'jllruthuB, TT, Wooden Dlorcrs,

Wa't'erTail*'"' M'liile*uP|i Druihca, n ii-iM -,■ ,n Koap, Wlliains' Uarhar liar

Sn«,,, Whaif oil Soap, Whiting, VVInsor A Vcwlon's

Tube Colors.

m quantities to suit atLo\ cst Market Prlce«;:..

Mason & Hamlin Organs. New HIiM nil,'il calHlopno | :o ] ?. 4to)

for season of l^-sa 4,lnrlnditig ma::/ new

■iyles; thu host nssortmnnt of 1.0 best

tntl most attractive or^-iinu we have cvrr ,(f )■, and at lowest Blicca* Z... to $C00,

for cash, eaa/ payments or rented. Pent free.

Nhson & Hamlin Pianos. I nidnrlny new and Important Im-

pri cmenta adding to power, beauty of

ton ami dnrsblllty. Circulars sent free.

tfasoa Ct Hamlin Orgau & Piano Co., ISA Tiviimiii M n ft. Boston,


I v. C. WK*T'« Nattvs; ago Pm™ TBIAT ■SHT.H 1mrs11tc.1l bit r«[ 101 Ifyi-U'ria, im.

is, convulnon', riu. Nervous Ntiislvls. iaihe. N.-rvous pr«>trailon, .-,a,,B..t i,y ihe oi'alR*ii:ol or td'iaii: ., W.iin-nii.,.,... u.n.i

He^r.'ssnin, HoUenmi of the BVMI illy, and leading 10 misery '. Premature Old Aae, Itarrem ;r 11 »iiher Sol, Invjlun sry Lo --.MI,


matorrhies iau ed by over exertion 01 ibe r, 10.I anuseor over Indulsoce. Kaoh boa ains one ni mtn's trea men One dollar II or six boxes (or llrs Uullari, sen bv prepaii on recelot or nnee. We . naraniee


Elislish Iti'inr- ly. An uniatl-

?Jf >i'u<!iinl weak- 5 nest, >[.en 11 :il

i-iiii-eii. Impo- tency, and all diseases "- follow

"IS*. if Vemorr, -Universal Lsssiiuds. Pain In Ua) llA'-k. luinnes* of Vision, Premature Old Ago, am. m iiiv other diseases that lea.t to Insanity or :.m MI million anil a Premslure Crave.

Bewsreol the ailvei list menu to refund money when .iruK.-iii- irnni whom the medicine Is isMiKht do not ridunil, hut refer you lo Ibe man. 11I ne Hirers, and ihe rpiuiremcnti are such Ibsl ihevaraseliloni.if cn-r .omiitieii witb. Hee tbeli wr'Uen auarsn'ee. A trial ol ose singe pack aaa ol (iray's !>|iei-iilc will ivince Ihe most skepn. eal oil! real merits. Ons-voount ofcounlarlells, as bava silopted the yellow wrapper, the only

•sTrull r-articulsrs In our parapblst, wbicl ur desire to send free by mail to every one, tsrTbe 3pe.-ifl - medicine la sold by all dru.glii* tl #1 per juckage, or six paokagea for SB, r ' uc sent Iree by mall on receipt 'iTad'IrcsIng the

OKAY UBDICINB CO-. BufhalO, N.T. Sold In Lawrence at

KKLLKVS DRUO STORE, dwlj ol-S Post Otttbs Itlook.

i'i|,l 01 tae money


READY MADE PAINTS MRfSSi! SPRINGFIELD. MASS Sample Cards furnished apoo nppllcmUo*

' 1,11.ii-.-iy 2 A


Kalenroom 286. Residence, !85 mon Street. -Jlyrjan 1


A . ■ :, . I.,! ilwHIIIJ preferred to similar art-

tyaiidii'.h perfume. It lirstnresloUray Hair the i inl i ■■ i.-■- ■, prevents tlandrull and ..,:iir.r of the hair. .it,- ..t|!.iN...t,,r....!«.T.



Indian Vegetable jE>IT_.X*fS

i -i- ■■ ■ ■. ' >e Dowels and purity Um wloes*,

euro Uillous nttneks and give healthy mo*

tlvlty to tin'Liver. A fow doses tokon In

t!io ;:- -i.n • ami Fall will provent sorlous

Bl Ui,

: s*.:;:?fcYv, Agent, ^73 rcni*l ut., Rew Tortt.

LINOLEUM --* C H. Peppsi'iCclebrsted Floor Cloth

of cork -ii-'l Linseed o.i, and baa II noi.o (KAHII

1 tr.'neral tite in

id vicinity, prove-l Ua auperlotlly , sv.-.rntn nnd elasticity over a!I JVI rlnm, It is made of plain and

"!■■ in-. ■[-■ bo dera, and — Dining rooms.

ce*, surer, elo.

C. H. PEPPER '.HilI rcanet-tlully invite hi* patrons and tbe public of Itos.on snd New Ennand to

TUU bit new LlVOi.tUW WAHKHOU8B.


1311) and 1321 Broadway.

for dm- Ill) oiher il or c Diluted uattei IIM| been< •stensl eiv o,.., Hails, Kit. hen*, llatb lo. in*, office*, Slsrer, elo.

Corns Must Go.

im- > ! soy i

boxfli.anaoniiisninl will '1 send the pi.rrhaaer uu

•vnUtia Kunranlee loreluml ihe raupev, if th- xea'.ment doi-s nJl elTjet a cure. Un.iranie. lasued only by

H. Ji, W ill r.VBY * CO., Iiragaista,

Orders by mail st reaulsr n

LACTIC ACID. I Iir V I-1 .,!■ II Ilk.

A Pure, Ilealthl'ul.l U- n -i. ,,.; Drink, ;;n ng DlgsattOD. Sal i by dru^giiU everywhrre.

A v KIlY LACTATB CO., !i.- ; ,,,, M ,-.-,


rnllrar. fhilid.-ltilinj'.'nll "« K *l" Tll'mi'snil

MJT Hnld l» nil rcputublo dcslera. -»S

LOA1NS weonretl By

^o/NrTFIRSTMORT(}AGES *—' si.tre.). I'.iisll.ln N.V.Kxt'hanse. iBBBBBwaBBBBBBBBBS t'-r luMli.r IhfuruiaLhill BilJttas

O.F. SHERWOOD & CO, ST. Paul, Mian. R»frrenefs. ST. Pit-L Nsnnua Uuis, Ut. P*etv sod



QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL, BYBKySATUItliAViranMAkWDKCBMBBb Ksklna the siionTkST PCK«H VOVAOK onli rivaways froTi Land to Land. Kura Wri- \\ "S«'nvro.".^V?^\i »•»■«'"*:«. I*'Nl»ON KKKYandULASl.ttlVTU ItoaroN IHKKC1

A*/* '! '' ""I" W-*'-*ATSBd I.1MKB1UI AceomnjoitHllonstincMi-n-l .'„i,ln «|Uan,>

a*«^^,me,ll*le *'*n7!it hepad Siacr rw luiormation, Ac,, apply to LfcVK ft Af.P^ Hk«. AORSTS, .-07 Uroadwsy, N. f.,«rjAaai vtiKPiir, jrtt Bssei St.. Lawrcuc«: PATHIOS MIBI-IIV itWKsbOxBL. 'Hum iiivS

rs**/, an'l 1"

Prtco li.^at rtrtigirists, ""

/T-I'S-'AI^'-ASAIVI;-! llox gliaKawrf. ̂



Seain-n and Green hands for H months' what ig voyages around Ihe West ladle*, Western,

Canary and Cape de Yorde Islands. Appl> at

fLUKKR-S Sbippleg Offloe, Ut Commercial 81.,Boston

_. - --—--~» -V- * 'IT I III, III a charm on the digestive orj-ano. fill I> KTllf u-h,n . ,*WEDISH REMEDIES si.'■•!.'■■.," h^r.l k*n ii'":'h" «^"™*OH to 'Slrertions, , —-,. , ■ have time, aniltimrs agmn cured HIM,IMI>II<IN t r-——- in the flr.t a,„l ...,*„.! VL "li. J bmslwmtii." the B


rnV.uE; ot Its svonderlid rures. Wrile fol

ind circulsrs-Sent Free. -__ F. W. A. "SHOBKOBBM, M. D.. Wm, Msja. Pruprislo*

la?lTAliJoBB,*i,ll0 C»n,P««n'l cur -S Dvspe.isla, silos, Liver aou Kidney Oumilainis,

L.",, "'" Pl1" "" l>"' heillr

ftT1hl■l,'!?l»e,,^.'U",, ItWT nnsbeen 'ong sneora-

A wneaK" .ST.',',K l'KKN(-11 So^Wftl AiiniK4. it W|i) remove thrmna' obslloslsi a^^,r."Tnt tV*,n* *»» >■"'■■ "t l-eas',7 applied and require m phsters orbandages

The Genuine is 25 Cents. F >r Sale at all Drug Stores.

Beware or Worthless Imitations. l»«potB In l.awronoe:-A. p. Ordwsv A r«

£°t: l,,rn*'l»av and Ksacx Sirest. SaVaMitl hetteVs DrusHtor8.P.O..U„ck. deodHtl ™pl

;ri;«- r-, ..'.r-'Booka & Bible*


l^MSW.3^„YM»ift» •MI&JA\SSS&

HOLIHAN dfcCO.. Wholesale and Retail

GBOCBRSi 411 .,,,1 4ia Common Street.

I*" ,-*i«r,H!M,.i M.k. ., MM.t*. „„, mtm

MRS. COODENOW, Sslact Cmploymant Cflice 1


US "JO e£fB2Btl&mm »",'•!.

SMOKE THE BE8Tr iir°'r"!*i::",v"„","'""i°""'-™™"Vn.^

juir OUT t,o«i«u«i BAIMII ' Kinwr TOBACCO oa.

l**MHn.H.Sli*ejSna,, SnX„k.,.


Andover Advertiser, fL'UUIUEI)

Kv<iry Friday Morning, —ST—

GEORGE 8. MERRILL, Post Office Block, Lawronco, Mass, SUBSCRIPTION-Ponta*;* Propald:-

•'J.&0 per y«r, from which 60 cent* will be deducted Tor Btrlctly advooce payment.

The Circulation of the Lawrence A merl - can Is the largest of any paper ID the County, and more than Three Time* that ol any other Weekly Paper pub- lished In tain City,

SaT* Raise ofadverlialng sent upon application.

ntered at the Post Office, Lawrence Mean., for transmlsftloa through the mails as second-class matter.

MWEEHGE AMERICA! | The Daily American

Published Every Evening.

the L*xsra*t I>s4ly ID the Olty mils Four Times lbs Circulation ol any other,

8TJBSOBIPTION, In advenoa- One Hear, S0.00 I Six Month* M.O

When not paid In advance, S3. GO.

GEO. S. MEKU1LL, Proprietor

THE AMEKIOAH :tTEAM PRINTING OFFICt Is the largestntHl moettborougbly la

nlshed In Ravetern Uessaohueette. With modern D re sees, and con ate a additions of the neweet styles Ol Typ wearo ebleto furnish tb* beet quallt of work, atlowprloea. Order* brio* promptly attended to.


CO 0) m c I re S O ti Q- O p L. *7. +* o <J 2 n

H 01


MrelalSL*tloner. Room Paper, Deoo'eltons W. M. KICK. SS5 Essex Street.

BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Cash- mere*. Bilk fringes. Buttons, Gloves, *•

A.SHABP*r*sCO..SlSKaBex Street ful. _

jetlaa x Street.

RangMsft, nt M*gee Hlovea. UAH.iMIIlMlM. JOHN F. IllNiJ


PIIOTOiiitAi'ii Y, sole lloenw*M forlbecitviortheC*rlion Processes.


Home, Domestic, Kemlnglon, Singer sari New Hows. W. BAUER A CO., A genii 371 ataaex st. 'PAILORS- X American No

F. W.SCHAAKK * OO.,PostO0oe Block. TAILOR, Imported And Domes-

tic Uooda. H.DBNNIE MOUSE. IBS JMM Street.

,, A genii !

i French, English a

OTW Warren'I


au Eaaex Street, Lawrence, as*,Ether end Ch oroiorm Admlniatared.

, Diseases of wo _/ men a SpeclaltT- HI Eaaex street, Law

rasoe. OtDoe hoar*. 1 to 4 and T to * p. m.

or Ether Administered


i0 Valley 81. near the Common. OBcoa houra, J to i and 7 to 9 p. m.

DB.Q . W. LB DUKB, Lswrenoe Deo- tsl Booms, MB Baaext St..

I net Gum Teeth. a)0. Partial S (a #1 and aowaida. ■MMfweyf fa, Teaie r«*et •« new plateSS- Gold Vutiuga, SI an ■ .„*srdr yer fldlugs, W.;. Bone Fiilti treated, 1M. Gaa ad" leisie



BBVINOLUN, Dentist oDr.C. w.srlve-ier.Kil Eaaex

Street, Lawreace. Office 11.ntri: M JO to IS, 1.50 too. Onenevery evenlngfioni 7 loS. lfsa

XJ Sui

D 8.0. T. HOWE. Pi'-ve-iclsn aod Soi Kn. oMo*. 4W Essex St., Bawedenoe Its

I St. UBoa boon: 1 to S sad ■• ••> iyn8

DH. J. il- aUDDSR, DBNT.iL BUR UKON, No. tvi Eaaex Street, »-<•' th*

Bar Brate Bank, Lswreuca Maea. Cm, Lhloro form, or Ether given, aa prelemd. Cleaed dunai Annual. ^^^^^

i'TIKR, Choice Oro U-iBMua, «r'"* »*»li

ml Dairies ol' Bulter and


SARSAPARILLA! Painful Blood Boils and Bunches

Removed. i one who his anffired irom those affliction*

needa to be told how excruciatingly palntnl tbey are; and Ibare are many who have aeen their friend* thuOOlicted, and wou d willingly spend

fortune to relieve tnem. The teatatnonisl ap- pended, frcm a oltfaon of a neighboring state, re oorda one or the moat -emarkable ol the man*

'eel eurea aooompliahod by ibia great remedy Hair, who Is well known la Lowell, where

ha worked In the Lowell Bleacbery for many years, li hi;lily esteemed by hla nelg ibo. a, sod his readineaa to add bla erldence shows his de-

!■■! i'.i ucneOt hla fillowmen. 1'M,H*». S. II, NOT. IS, IBM.

Mr. Steven*:—Some IS years BIO mTletileg waa Injured, and since then has at limeatrouhlril nte. In Au«u~t last blood bunchea and bod< vegan to raih- r, and In a al)i)rt lima beoame«x iremelj palnlcl. The bunchea were two lingers wide aid Tery hard. The bulls hint me so thai 1 could only aleep by baling s pillow under if leg. My xtTin al health, luo. waa very poor.

_ bought naif a dozen bottles of your Sarsspsr- ilia, aod after tikin< four boitle^ there waa not a Iraoeoftnebollaur hiin-.hea rernaiams, Twu bolls which were comlna; when I began to take the nar-uD.-ir li» never reaob^d a nssd. The medicine built up my ajalem, and made me aa well aa ever oefore.




EH. HARRIB, Tn usurer of the • K. Must Machine Go., a.,t Broadway.-

TurttlBO Water Wheen, ruling Jillla. Waahera Failing Siook*,Glgs, B«gu arnlahod and all mill Wor<

., *o„ Ac. Plans

Life accident and Fire insurance,

JOHN EDWARDS, AGENT. Insurance Agency


Vrwnfcim ot i"ii».,ia. Pennsylvsnlft of Pens. German, Aine.l-ian, N. T. Weetcheeter. New York. ■Watertown, New York. Orient, Usrtiord, Conn. Merldnn, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Boaton, Shawmut, Boaton. lot National, Won ater Queen, England. Imperial A Northe n.Kue-land. Koyai, England. MetroTOle Ine. Co.,-'srla. tjondi l Aeeurance, Bnalsnd. Guard an Assurance, England. Londo i and Lancashire. England. Travel era' Life and Accident of o.d.Conn. Bute Mutual Lite, Worcester.) THOMAS BBVINOTON,

a»s ■•■•* Strnet, • I^awreai PostOfUce Boi 38.

"Maryland, My Maryland.''

LOVCIT daughter* and noble men." |

'My Is -m lies In a rather low and miasmatic situation, aad

"My wife r


'■ Wa» a very pretty blond I"

Twenty years ago became

"sallewr "HO1!OW-CT*.H"

"Wiibered and ated I"

Before her tl ne from

"Malarial vspora, though aha mads no parti• oalar complaint, not being or ike frumpy kind,

canting me great uneaa nea*.

A abort time ago I porchased yonr remedy

one ol tbecblllres, who had a very sever* attack of biliousness,aad it occurred to me that

the remedy nt'ght help my wife, ss I fonad that our uttte gin upon recovery bad


ller aallowneaa. and looked as fresh as a

new blown daisy. Well the story U soon told.

My wife, to-day, sat gained her old-timed beauty

with eemponnd intsrial, and Is now aa hand

aome a matron (if 1 dare ear it myaslO aa can be nd in tbia oouity, which la noted lor pretty men. And I bays only Hop Bitters to thank

for It, 'Toe dear creature just looked over my sboai-

der.aad says "I can flatter tqnsl to the daya ol couruhip,' and that reminds me there m'gbt

be mere pretty wives if my brother firme s would do aa 1 have done."

1 thankfully remain, CL.JAM1S,

S BSLTsViLUi.Prlnee ueorge Co., Md., I \ May *>to, uao. 1

jsy-None genuine without a bunoh of green Hops 'on the white label. Shun all tne Tile, poisonous aluff with "Hop" or "Hope" In their



Po.-lralU aad Lan.i. BVW s:W KBB*XST„LAW*1

10B DKALERS. Office Lwith Bugbes iMask,M»Bsssxstreet.Law

eaos.Msss. sprtitly.

HOLT * CO., wi ~


Lawranoe.Mnas. PeraoaalalteaGoato aJlbu*!

FOLQKK, Deiler In Bpectgcles anrl SyeGiasats, sell* the beat of Speolaolee

at reaaoaable prloea. Z S71 assei Street. If ol

GC. HOWARD M. D. 181 K"« • Street, Residence 79 Garden St.

Ottos Hours, dtowa.m ,3toi snd 7 to> P. »


(Licensed by Police Commiaalooera)

Office 4G Water Street Boston,' 10 yeare' ex Manager*, A P.' DK4RHOBN,

O. W. CHAPMAN, li. Ilallsble operBlor* for aH bindL

criminal and civil business. Corre*|>< ndenl* IhrouRhout Amerira and Europe; charge* S od- rrate" MshMM stricUv anasMMj no charge for comu lint Ion. Order* bv , ma 1 or telegraph promptly attended to. wlyiliM

Boston. March 3, 1W4, I hare used Burdock blood Billets (or a m are casa of dytpepsla with great success, sad in conscientiously recommend it to any ptrsoa

troubled wlto any form ef dyapr pals. JU1IA BOLaBt,

0 U i.son Court, West Cedar Si.

Lawrence American IsAWRBNOE. MASB.


Solicitor MG.VCN Opinions-

Bridgeport, CL, Apr. 11, >»'*. I have been greatly beneBied by Burdock

Blood Bltlers. Two bottle* entirely cured ms of the worst kind of dyspepsia. 1 tried many other medicine*, but entirely failed to gel any relief from them.

r./.HA L. NICBOLS, s Whitney Lane.

Prorldenes. it. 1» apt. i, ISM. I am using Burdbok Blood H ii writ lor Dyspep-

sia and bafe received grost relief. Have been seriously iroublen with dyapepaia for five years. snd heretofore ha*enoi found relief.

CHAA B- Swaar, « William St.

East Boston, Mas*, Feb. 11, ISM. 1 have been using B ude k Blood Bitters for a

bad case of dyspepsia. The first bottle (pur ohaeed at Bradbury'* drug store, Wasblattoa St.)rel)eveiimesomuoh 1 procured Ike second bottle (at Putnam's drug store, IE. Boaton), wiiloh hue done ma a areai deal of good-




R. H. EDDY, 76 State St., opp. Kilbv, Boston Benares Patents In the United Slates; also la Great Britain, France and other foreign coun- tries Copies of the olaims ol any Patent lur- nlshed by remitting onedo.lar. AaaipmenUrc- oorded at Waahlngton. No Agenof In the Unt- ied Slates possesses superior racililies for ob- Uinina Patents or ascertaining the patentability oflnrentlona. B.H.EODY.SollollorolPsleBts.

TESTIMONIALS. "1 regard Mr. Eddy aa ona o f the mo*t ospabM

aad successful practitioners with Whom 1 have

RAILWAY INVKHTMKNT8 s speei.tty. in toe seieciion sgl ««■»»»"»' wblch thiir long nonno .lion wlthToor's Man ualof Railroad*" gt»es thi-m fpeoial sdvan Ua-oa- Coiro*l>onde(oe invited aod enquiries answered. l>eposii aoooun a received and la- terest allowed-

flm maria

"lavenlorscsnnolemploya person moretrust worthy or wore capable of securing for "■— early and faforable. OI* BDMUND BUBKB.LateCoaa'r of PatenU.

BOSTON, Oct. 19,1870.

naideratlon at the Patent





ID thumb pots, per tloz. - SO rte.

UBRAN1UMS, In 3-in. poU, 45 cte


Telephone Connection.


The merit and value of SUIT maniifac- tured article always corresponds with the reputation of the manufacturer*.

1B Boap, quality, not price, should b« the flratconalderatUOB—for while st rone; rank alkali soap* undoubtedly remove dirt quickly, consumer* can hardly af- ford to furnish "dry aroods*' afaltut the destructive properties of Soaps autd washing; powders.

acted for.'and advised me In hundreds oj cases, and procured many patents, reiasues end^ealen- alons. Ihsve occaelonnlly employed |B*MP agencies in New York, Phnadelph a and Wash. H«v>n. but I still gire you almost the whole ol my buslneea.lnTourliue.andedriee otheralo employyou. ^'^\ow,a%J}miLn%.

Boston. Jsn. 1, ISM. llfJBBt

ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STBAMSHH'fl- Sail frem Now York etery Salnrdav for


REVERE HOUSE, Old Orchard, Me.

This new and elegant hole), with ample ac- commodations lor 100 guests, i* mo*t beaolllullv located upon a blgh bluff overlooking ihe ocean. It is convenient to botn oeach and camp ground.

no m* large, airy, and we 1 lurnlsheo, (uiiine Dr<t clssr. Bale* «Tnaiiy reduced to sull the times: .lune

to lau *. •* '■*'' *•»■ i JnlT * l0 Hepie">°e' 1. •7 lo |» per week, Transient, f»J°- Speolal rate* ior Sepiember.

^.UlempsrsBoe. ^^^^ ,„,„,

all hia irirnis to stop at the Bevcre. L. A. P1LLSBURV, - Proprietor.


ta recommended for It* treat cleansing qualities! the result of a combination ot pur* and legitimate liifredlenU,

harmlee* In their action-peculiar to the produotlon of CURTIS DAVIS



Liieniool ail Qaeeittow i Service r-r>,iu Pier No. tl N. K., New fork.

AUSTRAL, ssdls July •». Aug. M, Sept;*A CITY or BOME BSUJ Aug. 9, Sept. e, Oel 1,

Sneerb sooommodallona for all classes ot pas

T-Crt'paassge *» to S1W according to aoeem-

""^neSondCsbtuS*: eleerag. aa.sbo... For passage.caoin plans, book of state*, Ac,

aouly " HESDEIWON BKOS., New York. S l.stss Eaaex St., or to PATUIC* Muar*i«»A:aa*>*l. Lswreaoe. «w«'«



Where a Pull Line of

Carriages, Sleighs and Harnesses may be found St reasonable price


In all IU branches promptly and neafry lODe*

Also Storage for Csrrlsgei ami Blelgba.

MOOAH • TROW Poprletor

Important to Honseieepers. GENUINE


'purs Concsntrsted

FliTorim Extract Always Insure Eeonomy and

Gicellenee. Try th.n.ud jonwlU u, DO Other


ABSOLUTE Divorcee for per sons residing ihrouahnol tbe

Jnited Htatea and Csnasta for dwertlos.non topoorl, Intemperance, cruelty, Incompatibility sV, Advice Tree. BtsMroar ease aad addresa ATTOKNET WAKD,S#orld Building. 1st 7 Broadway, New York. Sim Ty»

The ancient ttick of setting up a man of straw, tbat the Architect nisy exhibit his prowess in demolishing, ever has imitators, as it affords a prettj practice ior mock heroism in delusive combats. On Wednesday evening City Solicitor Moves appeared before the aldermen and gave some opinions as to the new registration law; tbat we might not be accused of misrepresent- ing this official, we took his remarks ss reported in the democratic News, and commented on tbe seeming inconsis- tency of his position with tin; provis- ions of the law. The Solicitor is not pleased with our remarks, and he rushes wildly into print in the News, todeny, explain, criticise aad complain ; well, we confess that we had not spec-

iuji in our editorials, the

iaw offiosr. But he Is young, yet, alike in law, politics, and office ; bo will gel A Dit more discretion as experience comes to him.

Mr. Moyes starts out with tbs Assertion that the premises on which the AMEJUCAN editorials were written, were false, and than proceeds profound- ly to elucidate his position, and actually repeats in substance, what tbe News had before reported him as saying, and upon which ws commented. And the News editorially has the coolness to call this an "answer" to the AMEBICAN.

Well, we now have what Mr. Moyes is said to have staled as bis opinion of tbe law; let as see how It holds water

I did say that in my view of the law the new register required by tbe law might be compiled from the voting list of last year.

The law aays, not that the register may be "compiled" from tbe old list,— that is impossibls, for there we a numtier of specifications, of age, resi- dence, occupation, etc., required on the register, which are not upon and cannot be learned from the old lists,— but tbat "at their first meeting" only, the registrars may use the voting lists to "aid thsm" in lorming the said register. Make that provision tally, if any man honestly can witb the opin- ion of Solletor Moyes, in his OWJ

language. Again, Mr. Moyes is reported as

saying,—and we use this form ot ex- pression csrefully, because, having repudiated the News* own version of what he did say, Mr. llojU may And it convenient, when again cornered to repeat,—he is reported as saying :—

■•Such information as is necessary to fill out the blanks In the new register may be obtained by the registrars at other times than In public session,

The law says "registrars of voters shall not register voters in secret SOB sloD, but shall afford to a reasonable number of persons, of tbe various political parties, opportunity to witness Bucb registration." Now, will any one seriously pretend, that when the law requires, as a safeguard against illegal registration, all tbe particulars de- manded by the new law, that the mere, bald entry of a name, Is such a "regis- ration'* as the statute provides to be "public" and in the presence of wit- nesses ; and tbat all the details, upon which alone security depepds, may be done by the registrars in secret session ? But this is his opinion,—as reported, —of the law officer of the city of Law- rence.

But Solicitor Moyes is further re- ported ss saying:—

Tbat the Bection of ths law provid- ing that "the registrars of voters be- fore entering upon tbe register tbe nsme of a naturalised citizen shall require him to produce, lor their In- spection, bis papers of naturalization and >o make oath tbat he Is tbe identi- cal peison named therein," is a sec- tion which has been literally transcrib- ed from the old law and has the same force in tbis lnw aa It did in the old lsw. It appliea to naturalised citizans who for the first time apply lo the

registrar ta have their names placed on the voting list.

The old law provided,—except in the city of Boston,—for no Registrars; in all other cities and towns they are created by this law, and are known for the first time. The law provides thst "Tlie Registrars ot Voters, before entering the name ot a naturalized citizen, shall require him to produce his naturalization papers." But Solicitor Moyes says they need not do this. Well, the law and Mr. Moyes being in conflict, he will excuse us if we prefer tbe statute to his opinion.

Again, he is reported as adding this bit of political moralizing. : —

I cannot believe, in tbe absence of anything definite being sa:d on the subject, that tbs legislature intended to brand the work Already done by the boards of registrars throughout the state as Illegal and fraudulent, but tbat It intended to give tbe credit to the work already done by these boards and not as the AMEBICAN claims, as- sumed that work already done was dishonestly performed.

Does Mr. Solicitor MoysB not know tbat we have had no "Board of llegis-

raUSTs'^fVutou., we i*....* ths legislature were of opinion thst the heretofore check lists, have been, in many citles,very carelessly,—to use a mild term,—made up, and that it was time for an entirely new registration. There is not a lepublican in Lawrence who does not believe tbat the check lists in this city contain hundreds of names which hsve no le°;al right there, oot a few honest democrats,—and some dishonest ones wbo bad a band in tbe trickery,—are of a like opinion; tbe scandalous trampling under foot of the provisions of ihe law, by Ma, or Breen in bis appointment, the eager search of tbe democratic partizans in tbe city government for some loop bole in the law by which a new registration may be aveiJed, the peculiar aid tbey receive from Solicitor Moyei, all tend to confirm tbe suspicion tbat the present registration is known lo bs fraudulent and every effort is to be msde to avoid a new one. Tbe law officer or the city ought to Be above lending him- self to this scheme.

Weekly News Brevities. Friday.

There were 28 deaths from cholera In Hsrsellles yesterday.

mil Mnrpliy. tbe once-fsmoas chess plsycr, died In New Orleans, yesterday.

The wbole number o( aalclde* reported In tbe country for March, April and May, was 483.

The department of sgrlcnltare has re- cetved generally favorable reports of the growing crops of cotton, wheat, tobacco.

It appears that the story of tbe battle of Debbeh waa an Invention of thetreach-

uishill. 1 be fall of Berber Is cos- flrmed.

Win. Clark's honse. In Oldtown, He., was broken Into on Tuesday, while tbe family were absent, and %ir> stolen. There Is no cluu to the tblcT.

Tbe McKay stitchers at E. P. Dodge's factory. Newbaryport, Has*., struck sod hsd their prices Increased Iron 30 to H WHIN per case, Thuriutay.

Ii has been decided to close tb* present session or tbe Rrhlab parliament at a very early date, and call a new one In tbe au- tumn, at wblcb time Mr. Gladstone thinks

boose of lords will pass the franchise bill.

I'eter Robinson, of Woodstock, Vt, In Jamplng from a moving passenger train at Concord, Thursday afternoon, fell be- tween the ears and aastalned aevere in- juries to bla head and one limb.

About 70.000,000 acres of land In tbe Culled Statea are planted to corn thla season. Tbe average condition at tbla date la unusually good. Twenlr-aeveq

It is aald that France will, until tbe end of hot weatbsr, limit ber operations against Cnlna to naval move men is. A story concerning a secret treaty between China and Germany, In opposition to France, comes by tbe way of San Fran- cisco.

llhamer Hadlock, of North Troy, Vt.. was arreated Thursday, by Marsha) Hen- ry, for smuggling. H\dlock'a building snd other property waa seised. He la aald to oe an old offender, for whom the government baa been af»er for the past 10 yesra.

Wednesday night, aa tbe steamer Tre- montwasjnsl leaving Boston, s woman with an luTant went on board and took s atiteroom. On arrival of tb* boat at Portland, Me., the child was found alone In the stateroom. It Is unknown wheth- er It Is a case of aniclde or deaertlon.

In the democratic national convention, yestoiday, tbe platform waa submitted on the opening of ir-e evening sesalos, and, alter dtscusa'.on, In wblcb Gea. Boiler opposed ibe oommlitae's report. It was adopted by the convention. At mldotght the convention proceeded to ballot, Cleve- land receiving SU2 votes. Bayard being aecoud wuli 170. AdJoornedlolOo'ctock s. in. to-day.

IF THE stampede continues as it be- gins, from the democratic nomination to Blaiie, the Cleveland party in this city will be conveniently smsll.

WELL, AS Cleveland was also ooro nated on Friday, possibly the grim

humorists of the democracy will sus- pend their little jokes about "hang man'a day." ______

TOE BOSTON Herald calls for a re- organization of tbe democratic machine

n this state, antagonistic to Gen. But- ler ; there will be a pleasant time, and lots of "harmony," when that Is at- tempted.

THE REVOLT against the nomina'Jon of Cleveland, among the working peo- ple or this city, is something heretofore noheard of in local political circles.

"WILL, TIIET may have him, and welcome," Baid one of tbs most promi- nent democratic city officials, last week, "but I want nothing of Cleve- land and will work with all my energy against bis election."

THE NOMINATION of Cleveland dis- gusts hundreds of the democrats of this section ; Friday evening a prominent member of the democratic city com- mute announced tbat be should vote for Blaine; a democratic member of tbe common council said he should vote for Blaine, and a prominent dem- ocratic official in the city hall said tbat he should vole for Blaine.

Sut ii mm.

The exodus from Marseilles on account oi ibe cholera ban reached 20,000.

During the twenty-fbnr hours ending st jitdnlgbt, 7-1 persons died of cholera al Marseilles.

Tbe French ultimatum to China was de- livered yesterday, and China la gives one week to decide.

A decided opposition tl Cleveland was shown last night by the labor onions of Rochester, N. V.

Four person? were burned to death aod four wure badly Injured yesterday, by a Ore st bfadTord, Pa.

Jay Eye Bee trotted B mile at Cleveland yealerday with runoing mate In S.ll 1-4 falling to beat bla moord ot 'i.10 1-4.

Tb* Chicago Union nine defeated the Boston Union nine on the Back Bay grounds yesterdsy, by a score of 10 to 2,

winners at Mystic Park yeatf rday, were John Malonev I* the pacing race, Aladdin in the 2.&0, and Forest Patcbsn lo the free for all.

The defalcation or Col. Bornslde, late Dlsontalng Officer or tbe Post Office De- partment, sin >unli to abont 950,000. Ills bondamen are eliher dead or Insolvent, and the Government will lose tb* wbole amount.

The national democratic convention a Chicago, completed Ha work lastevenlog Governor Cleveland of New York was nominated lor tbe presidency on s ballot taken early In the afternoon; and lbs lion. Thomas A.ileudrickaof Indiana was made the candidate for Vlce-Preeidest early In tbe evening gesalon, receiving a nnanl-

one vote. A decletoo was given In lb* supreme

Jadicial court yeaterdey by Judge Doves* la tbe suits brought for a writ of man- damus In the one case to require Mayor Martin of Boston, to countersign tbe li- censes Issued by two liquor commission- ers, sod In the other to require the presi- dent of tbe common council to certify the confirmation of Mr. Grey* as Are commis- sioner. Tbe decision grants ituwrlt in the former case, and refuses It In tbe lat

Two ineo were killed and ose was fs- '«ily Injured on Saturday at Burlington, Vt., by the explosion of powder while blasting.

Ths court of inquiry Investigating tha Navy department Irauas has completed Its work, aod aotlged '.be Secretary of tbe Navy of Its resdloesa to make a re- pjrt If deelred.

The Canadian court has refused to sur- rendei to tbe United States authorities Kuo. tb" delanltlng «x-pre*ldent of the Second New York Nation* Bank, aod that prisoner baa bean set al liberty.

Fir* In a tenement (muse on Second avenue. New York, early yesterday morn- ing, Sid a good deal of damage. Several of ibe tenants jumped from the windows, itreaking tbelr limbs snd otherwise In- juring them.

Tbu International line steamer, Stale of Maine, 'rom Bjston, Friday last, for St. Jobs, N. B.. struck on * reef at the ex- tram* end of Point Lepreaux, SO mile* southwest of at. John, on Saturday ait- erooon *od Is s total wreck. Tn* pas- sengers, BOO to number were all aaved.

Pedro Liamea of Troy, N. Y., visited Cuba five months ago to louk after land bequeathed to blm, aod waa **lsed and Imprisoned aa a spy. Hla wife followed

to tb* Island aod discovered him. Subatquentlv bis release waa obtatoed by Secretaiy Frellngbuyaen, and be and ,n« wife nave Jrwi returned lo Troy. Repar- ation la lo be deuacded or me Spanlab goveioment.

Annual Old BeatdanU IMc-olc.

Thursday was a good-day for plc-nics, and about tliauaual number ot the oldeat members atrip to naoaot.

1'lc-nltlng Is a Hoe art; each one baring bla or her own peculiar way of enjoying It; tbe greet majority of tbia natty lake tb logs a* tbey come, average *p the days happening*, and find a balance on the right aide, tbey are tbs wlae one*, and tbelr way la tbs beat way. If any choose the opposite luetbod, they alone are Ibe losers. There Is as much variety ol character la a company olO'd Residents, aa can be found on tbe plaoet in s gathering ot tqnal num- bers, nut all tbs varieties are good, and II any one says tbey are oot as good people as live on said planet, let him be aerved like blm wbo "attempt* to pull down lbs American Das, for be Is a liar, and io danger ol hell-nre.

Nabant li a bully town. It is tbe Up end ol our glorious county of Bisex, tbe birthplace ot Wendell Phillips, tbe summer residence of long Una of brat families, wbo go there to enjoy tbe quiet or tbe abermlog promontory, and es- cape high-taxes. Here are tbe cliffs at Lodga'a point, iba "Swallows' Cave," " lbs Spouliag Rom," Ac. Ac, all ol which wars visited by sons of tbe party. The most of lbs day waa •peat at Maolls' groonds; but those wbo wished went to Lynn beach lo tha afternoon, and some drove about itu aho* City and Saampsoot vil-

lage. Oas lady member of tbs party makes a most

exoelteal mermaid i can ipon In the breaker! Ilka a seal, aad dive like a porpoise, or float like Buy ton. One of tha male members, when clad lu a flannel balking Bull, so exactly resembles a young whale ol three montba age-Inat he is to danear ot being harpooned aod brongLt lo land by any party ol adveniorom nebermeo, or adopted aod coddled by aay bereaved mother whale crulslnf in these waters.

To get tha highest enjoyment out of a pic olc. one mult have experience, and never let any little thing* disturb blm wbeo Ihe general reaull is benaDclal. Thai wise member understand* It wbo, once, when enjoying a plate of exi client soup, In a Canadian hotel, found tbe tall of a room* therein, be coolly folded tbe llttl 10 astray hit of tbe Lawrence Ameilean, taring (t as alaoovenlr of travel, aod nolabea bla aoup with thankful heart aod gra.lino.1 stomach. Several ladles ol the party, Irom choice, walked tbe entire distance along ibe rocky coast from Swallows' Cavs aiouod ihe bead lands, lo tbe spooring born, and Maolls, coming In fresh ss daisies. Wbo was ft said walking la a lost art among American women ) The party went by Boaton A Lswall R. road, aad arrtvod home three minutes lo advance ol act lime.


—Work la progressing satisfactorily on Lb* Splcket sewer.

The canine moat be licensed soon or hla daya are numbered.

■Tb* police are preparing Tor tbe an- nual slaughter of unlicensed dogs.

BJUT Flake has returned from bi aojoorn at Sharon SptInge, very ranch

nproved In health.

—Clias. A. Jackaon. of this city, has received patents Tor operating secondary clocka aod electric motor.

Gay Carrier, of the High School class of'84, will enter ibo,middle class of Phil-

lip* Academy, At>do/er, In September.

— Mr. Jobn T. Malosey, recently In- jured al the Arlington mills, has been pre

aeuled with a puree of (207 by friends.

s "Caso of oolicltor Moyes," sod

bis opltiona upon tbe registration law, receive editorial comment on tbe tlrei page.

All the leading dry goods bouses wl'l close every evening except Tuesdays and

Siturdaye, alt] o'clock, during tbe sum- mer montba.

McMahou has accepted Hackers challenge lo wrestle In harness. Tb*

latch will take place In September, prob- ably In this city.

Cnrhatonea are h*lna> lal.l nn lha w.., bill street, also on Oak from White nearly 10 Hampshire street.

—A few days since, a man was commit-

ted to tbe house of correction for tbe 40tb time of imprisonment, aod still lie Is not more than 40 year* old.

Tne Irlenda of Gen. Henry K. Oliver, are pleased to aeu that he la able lo enj<>y

the out-dojr air during thai* pleassnt days says the Salem Observer.

—Teams have bad narrow eacspe* at the Haverhlll street railroad crossing re-

cently, and a flagman who will attend to hla duty 11 Imperatively demanded.

—Prof. Packard, wbo died at Squirrel

Island, Maine, on Sanday. was a broibar of tbe late Rov. Geo. Packard, s > loug rector of Grace church, lo tbla city. Mlas

Harcla Packard waa with ber uncle al tb> time of his death.

Col. John P. Sweeney has returnee!

from Chicago{ he Is amnuwbat r«ilc«n' In relation to tbe outcome of ibu conven-

tion, bat bis voice Is so clear ami devoid

of buaklaesa, that be evidently has not

become hoarse In shouting for Cicv. laud.

SUMMER Imprudences







Perry Dam s Pain Killer Duvn THZM Alrlr. I>iuvi -. THKM AWAY.


DOITT »r wnmm urn riLUt. itir er mr ommisr.


HEAT. LIGHT & POWER CO, Pvonnfmo flffinn 170 T,awe*ah<an I*



(President Ml tdleto* n Savings Bant.and Vie* Pies. Hart. A Conn. . alley K. B., Harilur*, Ui.

HON. A.C.WOODWOBTH. (President Ass** UinuraelurlagCe.

—There Is s rapidly growltg dvtnauo

for postal notes, ss their convt-uitruce lor sending small sums of money by mail be-

comes known t during tbe past twenty

dsys the number Issued from tbe Law- rence post office, has been djohle tbat u.

the like preceding period.

— It will be pleasant to see tbe long va- cant ''Coapln lot" occupied by a (Ine dwelling, and ll Is ihe more pieaaatit thai

the prosperity of the Pai Ulc mills once more warrants tbe expenditure. Sup.r- i.".!,".','

iniendenla Parker and Stoue hav* woo a icceaa that deserves well ot Ibo corpor-

al loo.


FBED II. HKNSHAW. ESQ. i KII-IN of Heoahaw and Cuahlag, Importer*, ll

Ubauney Hi., Itoitoa.l FRANKLIN KKED, ESQ.

il' e* d.-m nagadabock Rat. Bank, Bath, Me.) INCtcEAHK KOB1NSON, ESQ.

, I'rot.u-iii Bobinson Iron Works, l'ljasoQla, Mass.)

<. I O. W. SMITH, ESQ. (Prealdeol U. W. Smiih Iron Works, EOIIOB,


(I7S ILvonahlreSI,, lloetoa j OBMSHAI. MAMA***;

GKN. M- N. WISKWSLL) US IMvonahlre HL, Bos***.


BOM.D* W.GOOCH, . IS vMi H M St., Boston.


M uoogreaa Street Boston, The <'B|,lial "lo k or tb* Company ta N.OOB,.

«"■ -ii' i +•--1 Into i". UI shares,of the par value - foil paid *>d usaas-

»tier ot shares only anH

r sad

Narrow Escape- of a Pie me Party.

Ter. DKMOCBATS can shout over Cleveland, and profess a sanguine belief in Buccess, no more loudly or conadently, than they have in every election for twenty years; and their allies, the independents, can surely make no greater pretensions than t!iey did io l»'-\ after (jreeky was notnin ated; they will Bhout, they will cry, as they did then, and the result will be the same.

Monday. There was a 850,000 tire at Cbatanoog*

on Sunday. There was a *200.0CO firs St West Win-

chester, tin'., on Saturday, The Right Kev. William Jacobson, D,

D., Bishop of Chester, Eng., la dead. Prof- A. 8. Packard, acting prealdeol

of Bowdolu College, died of heart dlaease yesterday.

It has been decided to begin th* oper- ations Or the relief of Khartoum early In September nest.

It la reported ibot Osman Dlgna, th* Egyptian rebel, baa seixed Asls, a port on tbe Had Sea, six miles south of Suaklm.

Daring the 14 boor* ending *t 0 o'cleck last night there has been 17 deaths from cholera alMtrscillea, France, and 86 at

Toulon. A furniture factory st Wltllsmabarg, N.

Y., wu struck by lightning on Saturday and borneS.tbe property loss aggregatlsg

Thursday evening oa the return or tbe

Souib Society School of Peobody, from Hsggetle Pond, Andover, on the Lowell ind Lawrence Railroad, tbe train collided

with a basd-car—one ball of wblcb was oo lb* track—breaking off the car steps

the entire length ot the train, Fortuo- riely no one w«e seriously injured. The

men on tbe band oar, seeing their danger Jumped off, bnt the train came so sudden-

ly upon them tbey hsd no time to get lbs car entirely clear of tbe iail>, Ons of

them had au ankle rpralned.

Facts are stubborn Tilings.

la there anything In any of the earner- ou* advertisement* of the 'Hoyal Baking Powder to allow that the Koyai does not use Ammonia and Terterlc Acid aa »heap substitutes for Cream or Tartar? Or In there any charge, ot the slightest Insinua- tion In those advertisement*, that Cleve- land's Buperlor Baking Powdor contains anything oot the purest Grape Cream of Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda, with a small portion of flour as* preservative*

Ammonia *nd T*rUrlc Acid produce a cheap leavening gaa, whicb la not to be compared. In the practical teat of baking, with th* more desirable Carbonic Acid gas generated by the exdaalve use ol Hi.- expensive Cream ol Tartar.

Us* Cleveland's Superior Baking Pow- der, and judge for youraelf of ll* superi- ority-


ll.e \, Ll of Milk.

A Pure, BsalUilui. Belreauing Drink, aid. ag Digestion., drajrgif** evsrywhevo.

AVBBT LACTATK CO* Boaton, Mass wsstjyll

Tbe correspondent of the Boston Herald, confirms what ibe AMICKIUAN has for weeks Insisted on, aithoogb disputed, tbat Mayor Breeo was opposed to Buliar; the Hers.d slats* that the open opponent* or GOD. Butler on the delegation, have

been Joined by other*, vii.m : them Mayo r Jobn Breen, of Lawrence.

—Only careless or foolish people put

money In letters, and after tbe repeated warnings against the practice, any one

coniloolog It, 1* not to be pitied, >f tb«

letter and motif Is lost; a postal oote for any sum lesa than live dollars costs only

three cents, snd * money order for ten

dollars, only eight Cents.

—Some idea of tbe exleol of tbe money

order business at the Lawrence post office and the tabor Involved beyond ibat

of Issue sad payment, may be had from the fact that the statement, giving briefest ■.i.iminuary or this busineas.whlcD

Is tratismtted weekly to tbe department.

Bartend, to-day, twelve pages, 14 by 18

inches, very closely ruled.

—On Saturday, Mr. Klchard Preaton

started on a European tour. He will call at London.Bradford, Hudderstleld, I.-eds,

Paris, and principal placta in Oermany.

One week be will speed al FrsukTori on the Main In Germany wllh a New York

gentleman. In Paris be will be tbe guest of Otto Kasty, formerly German consul

to tbla country, and now editor of tb* American Koglater lo Paris.

-aaoie A linn t- i • B. red K. me i II

1- - •«mpaay uws by parobass ialit lor loo Ni« KBSSBM Blares, ef iba Jas i. n. -ml liolin.i'1 I-I.">-••■ forajMeraung Use

in n i..-i N,€«a fuwer ny th* use of water as ll. as lU'lia lha manufaetureot waier gas fee ■ nt a aud -i»n .na/y bollera, aad far "muni uses; m u i, wherever a sale aad nii-ily ilssn P( e la Ojaalred, aad It Is.btyosMt HtotliHi l e '-ill-mi,--I and purest gas lot lighting We have. k0 swrUilriia la reeosnuie.ruling IkW ervrl.c as oaa<>( sraat BMrti aad t-nporiano*

- utbnr ibat has been brought lo luttalleU.

All moiieya for stock to be paid late, and the Block laaued by the American Loan mid I'ruat Company, Hunkers ami I iii-i..'- of the < imipHoy. Descriptive p.i inpbleU and all Inform-

ation Conner ui tig this great invention ran lie odiHiiie'i at the executive nfflor. I7H Devonshire street.

COKE!_ COKE! »Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

TSE LiWRMlK GiS CO. liatdlloi OOKB at the following

Par Chaldron of 14 bbla., delivered B. M t * «* 7 • ■ IS* Per barrei, " " J* Orders most be ft at tbe ofleeof tH company

Mo. 96* Essex St.,and the licks pa.d lor at Use inan iv

orm.EIHOl'ltfl: „lollm„ - - Li mar*


These Pills will preveot sndOVB* ovarr-rsia. They are an unrivaled ulMsv.a FILL, mild aner- ieni, and admirably adapted aa a famlc Medi- cine. They are need by the moel cultivated people In our cm niry, and are eaienaively need iiv Physician* In ihelr viactice. Sold b* Drug- gists generally. If you clrugaiala do not seep hem, aead *B oenla to I. It. BECKWiTR

Petersburg. Vs..fur boa Uv mail.

New Brick Building.

Vi 1 day ground Was broken lor a new

brick butldlag, to be occupied by tbe ageats of the Pacific mills aa dwellings,

al the corner of Haverhlll an-! Lawn nee, streets, on what la familiarly known aa

ihe Chapln lot. It wl'l to of modern

style, CO by ■; i feet to dimensions, and

will be built by the mecbanlca 0.' the Pa-



Da. 0, WK*T"S nTBWVS AUDBXIIM T***T ktXNT, a guaranteed spe'e lot Uyslerls. Uia- Biaeas, i onvulamn*. Hie. Nervous Nuralgia, HaedaetM, Nerroua nr 4 sirs'Ion, caused by iba ■se el' aloenol or tBtms**, Wakalulaeas, Mr nsl iiepresaios, Baneaiac <>r IIM Biaia reauiuig :n inaasity, aad laadinx to miaeiy, decay a ad dealri. Premature Olo Ane, Karrenne**, Lose of K.iner i alilier Bei, Invotun ary Lowes,and

iwrmniorrtiosa, e*UM-d by over exertion oi the hral'. a* I aoaae or over in<luiaaee. Bach box contain* ose m mltTa tree man One dollar a boa or all boaea lor Sv* aollara; aea. bv mall propel* on rooeiut ol price. We . unreal** six boxes to cure any oaae. With each order raoelv*"! by u Tor aia hotei. aneempanttd with Sve dollars, we wi i tend the purchaser nnr wnllea guarantee i ml lae raoi.F,, il inn treatment dors nm t-ffocl a cure, tinaraale* laaued ooiy by

B. E, WHITNEY * CO., I >rui*, Lawsmiros. Hasa.

Orders by mail at regular price. Uwlymrlt

La wrence American I.AWItKNCi:, MASS.

ridllAT MnlCNIMi, JULY 10. I8H4

!HS THE PURCHASEP supporter of demo'

racy, the bougbt-and-pald'

s'vocaleof Breenlsra, prating about

'• respectability" tn journalism, ami

attempting to becomeauaosorofotbera,

a'a bit too ridiculous.

Weekly News Brevities. Tuesday.

Two more ocisn Jlsssters art reported.

Western Texas la wutl'-nuu from lack of water.

Oa Wednesday. Waltbam wilt tote on tan city charter question.

The crops throughout Russia are re- ported to be uouaually good.

The First Corns of Cadets went Into camp at Hlogharj), yesterday.

Tbere wei ■■ 6C deaths Irom cholera In Marseilles, Franc*-, yestsrdsj.

A serious numieak of unemployed work Urn si M*--. 111.-, la threatened.

Mm:-', r Tali will Irave Vienna lo-da* for 81. )' ■ rxbmg. n.~ new poat ul dots

B. D. Unit -nl A ''.> . pluw manufactur- er- »> Rock I-IKI.I1. III., have failed S •3UO,0O0.

Wurceater haa sn-KBlned a Ions of I* hundred ami Oft)-nine In the number ul polle ibe paav jeer.

A horse was driven on Hampde-n Park. rJpnngueld, yesterday, iwenty miles In 77 minutes and 35 seconds.

Tha Orand Vixler o( Turkey his re- ■ignvd, because the Egyptian confer;uce has appro*td England's proposals.

Within the neal thirty days the U. 8. Treasurer says that bank* can receive a supply of one dollar bills, wbich are being printed.

I Ignintng killed all of Horace Moore'* ihrrt -years oid cattle, valued si 94(10, tn a Statani at Montgomery, uuflug a recent abowar.

Tii« innt'ii-flnii anniversary of the fall Of ib« Frencn H-o.ii.i- waa appropriately celeOraieri In Paris and <.th.-r (darns tn France, yesterday.

Trie Secretary of the National Green- back Committee naya tbat General Hiul. i wilt run for the I'mudeucy, concuuiraLlng bla work In N< w York.

I."in Wemvss will not oftVr his motion to proceed to the rooalderattoo uf the franchise bill In the British bonoeof lords until Thursday. If tbe bill should paan Bow lb* government wilt Introduce a bill for a i edlati I'II i parliamentary Heals it tbe autnmn session.

Two collisions occurred yesterday on the Brooklyn and Coney Island Kailwav. Tbe first one did but little damage, but the engineer of ucr train reyeraed bis en- gine snd Jumped. Tbeeugme thenalsrien back, sn.i romiing into a passenger train, seriously m)ured nine persons.


Poeldeni Arthur will leave Wa-blDgton neat «nl for a vi-n to ihe CauxKi*.

Tt,- Rrl'Ub government has i-ff-ted £160 000 fir Full >f the-pictures in the B • ntt-Mij coiirctl >n.

The Mudii . fgasaala repoltf that OaD- *rai Uorduo wsaaafs on April 21, wbeube repori'd the rrhtl stiatk".

Tee me r visa the win iirr of ibe Connran*, Peon., b"Si rare, i*st*>rdav, in 20 ml sales ft ■rcimtls Gaudaur aecmid.

Tin- demtcrsiM o( the n<-v<-nteenth Mi- nots d.euld have nominated John H. r..:<-n tut m' utbvT ol (*>ngre*v.

Tftfcrlflt't nau-b Oetwaen ihe Derby - shire elrVsti i ibe Pli.la0eli>hla t U'> <*as rt'aWi teeierdai lu favor uf the Ameri- cana.

Tn.- c-■« I. ii- ni Porgola have appealed to the KtMtdtvi fur ssalatsnte, and will pav the expeos-t of au> force sent to tDe I r

■'I'IIKIII ," said an Irish American,

beratolore a atroug democrat, a* be

<i(|K>siteii some newspapers for mailing

at the Lawrence poat office, "I'm

Bending some good Blaioe documents

to my brother in Illinois."

THE FACT remains undisputed and

undeniable, tb&t the chairman ot tbe

democratic city committee, three dem-

ocratic members or the common coun-

cil, ona ex-democratic member of tbe

legislature, two democratic c:ty oltl

cials, an ex-democratic alderman, aud

an ex-democratic councilman, are open

and pronounced against Cleveland

and we challenge any one to produce

from either of those, whom we have

before named, one word or dental of

this assertion. If this does not indi-

cate a revolt, wait and see the coming


fife —MM —

THE BI.ATWE meeting in Boston, on

Tuesday evening, was one of the

grandest demonstrations with which

any campaign was ever opened; al-

though in the season when so many

twople are absent Irom their homes,'

and with hut a ItJilted notice, the

immense auditorium of Tremont Tem-

ple was packed to its turnout, aialea and

hallways crowdetl; the overflow filled

the Meionaoa to repletion, and many

hundreds were unable to gain admit-

tance to either hall. The speeches

were magnificent tributes to Blaine

and ap[>cals to the republican party

while the enthusissm waa ot un

bounded character. We never wit-

nessed a more magnificent demonstra-


*;■!.: r* i D-sg t as be^n lufurmid of his

unan u- r • cU n to tne pr.shltncy ol

M. Ih -. aid ai'i T-iiriii- iti,. iiiii-i- on tbe

10 n in i i-I' I).-Cvn>bi.T,

The ei »l, ISM... rtaTiin a< boih HsiaeliTs

.II ■ 1 ■ II >u. F an rt-, I* nicrvaaing aud II la .--■■mi Ml lhal J00O0 in MI. .- b>v. il ,1

Iron >he tit* vinee ibe eptdi-mtc


Tbe lepubllcan of Sew York city rat!-

0. .1 ni.- • onnnaii. na NI Bum- snd L«usn

■ < lb* Or and (V s II ii-.: las', evonln||.

The Boa Wl : M Star - Bad Senator Haw..-, < ■ Connrc 'lent, were tbe principal

speakers e.l is K.cheaier, (N. Y. )

Umon and Adve ril-t-r, hss wnbdrawu

from the j- in in duiing the preMdenilii sigueo ii. • !'.>■. .. D as Jemocrauc stale elector.

Gruere Uu'l.-r a In Washington, snd dec>tnea "h' hiiiTiii-en! reuaidlugbla political attitude and future c iniae. Wh.n to baa gl ven tbe Mr j- <-r. pmper .' : tlon be -u- be ^ii ii. "Oeciarj hlra-.ll r tar bla iso sixnature lo no nu- mtstaaah

The fir t Blame aud Loiisn rally ocenrr-

IT IS I'IUIIAI-H as good an answer as

can lie made, but it is pitiably lame

and imp1 dent, to reply to the hereto

fore "'imminence" in the democratic

rank-, of the now bolters, that the re-

publicans did not regard them as great

i'.ien, or that the AMERICAN cri'-iciaed

their abilities. A man in political

circles is "influential" or otherwise in

Ins own party, not that of bla oppo-

nents. Anil when men whom the

democratic party, has trom among its

thousands of memlwrs, selected for the

highest offices in its gift

are not fairly to he called prominent

1 influential, who, in the name of

common sense can? No matter what

estimate the AMRRICAN has put upon

them, they have been placed in the

froit by their own parly associates,

and if llistdoes not make them "prom-

nent" democrats, nhat would?

Tat ttur. working then hare no grfevabce against Governor Cleveland.

says the Boston Herald ( that settles

t, the laboring masses will now

promptly fall into line.

THE NEW York Sun says tbat

Cleveland caonot carry New York.

John Kelly says that Cleveland can-

not carry New York.

Gov. Butler says that Cleveland

cannot carry New York.

Delegate Cummings of Massachu-

setts, says that Cleveland cannot carry

New York.

John Boyle O'Reilly, of the Pilot,

SAVE that Cleveland cannot carry New


John F. Henrey, president of the

auti-monopoly organization, eayB that

Cleveland cannot carry New York

Oca UP-TOWN faithful democratic

colemporary, published the result of

interviews with John C. Sanborn

and A. A. Lamprey, as indicative ol

democratic satisfaction with the presi-

dential nomination of the democracy.

Would anybody expect these two gen-

tlemen to asy otherwise? But what

sort of newspaper honesty is it, which,

sending a reporter out for information,

suppresses all seuti-nents which arc

not in accardance with its wishes ? We

happen to know that the reports brought

in bv our neighbor's scribe, were not

that all,was lovely and serene in the

democratic camp.

Tiia REVOLT against the nomination

of Cleveland, in the ranks of the Law-

rence democracy, is sufficient to Bbow

Ihe utter weakness of the selection

among the working people. Tne in-

terviews by our reporters, given today,

reveal the extent and character of

the uprising against the roan from New

York. When the chairman of the

democratic city committee, a half doz-

en prominent democratic officials, and

four times as many more who Have

heretofare been prominent in the party

openly avow their repudiation of the

candidate of their party, it shows how

widespread is tbe uprising among the

heretofore faithful members of thai

orgmizaliou. And this is hut the be


■ i tsaasasaaaaaagaaiw

In New Yotk which is supported by the

• i. ■ : .. ■ ul tbu ,,....,.i'j to-ddy, ha vetoed,

bat preview) te bla administration, both repab'lcsu and democratic governors BSQCUOO' d the worthy disbursement.

B¥ I Cleveland's Orange txtrBCllun exhibited

Cleveland's Nomination i*""""- "«*'«>»•*■•■ <*«»IHgiving ** **'*" i ,1 I ,■ I. n: - ■ ,

— The hemocralU' Revolt.

Paily in Lawrence Rent Asunder


Th- Chairman of the Democratic City Committee.

Three Democratic Councilman, As Ka-Demoerattc LejjIslMtor, The IHniocrntlc Cltv Auditor, The Democratic Clerk of Overseers, A Democratic Kdltor, Two I>emorratlc Kx-Councllmeii, And a Democratic Host,

In Against Cleveland.

Theevldsnt dissatlalactloo among the

Lawrence democracy, over ih« notniu-t-

Vlon of Cleveland, led in lo send an AMKUU-»N rep trier sniti; tbe active

members of that parly lo note the feeling.

We give below Bonn of the results, with

more to come : — Mr. Lewis T«.wey saldi "Yes, I am

chairman of the Democratic city commit-

tee, bat I sbsll reslno. ea 1 cannot vole lor Cleveland, bat Will vole for lllalne. In my opinion Cleveland has In no respect

shown himself as an exponent of demo-

cratic principles, and Is nothing but a Koowuotbloa Demociat, el which there

aN only loo many In the party. Tbls can be seen from hU veto of the religious bill, B'jil by his veto of the street railroad bill be showed himself to be no frlecd of the eborer or woraiue classes. Besides, in

oo respect. If I can believe what I read in democratic paperB, is be fitted for tbe

office, throwing oat all Ibal has been said of blm on tha matter of morality. He

would be Incapable of ehspins any foreign policy, and could only follow where he

would be led. In politics be Is simply an accident. It Is a pity that Hcndrlcks per-

mitted hlmeelf to eat dirt lo tatting the aecond place on the ticket. Tbe platform

BO fsi as tbe tariff 1B concerned, CBU be

made apply to suit lav mocopollst as we.l at the laborer, and everyone can see that

Cleveland's administration In New York baa been almost lo favor of monopolies.

That plsuk In the platform, I view as a

shallow subterfuge. Yes, I'll volo for

Blaine If I IW?, anil I'm feeling pretty

btttllliy, and I know other Democrats who

will il J likewise. Cleveland's nomination was an expediency to graMfy the bine- blooded Republican bolters, bnt Demo-

crats aia fast learnlog tbe science of bol'-


WILL SOME, of the enraged demo

cratic bulldozers, attempt to deny the

statements of the AMERICAN concern-

ing such heretofore democratic leaders

as chairman of the city committee

Toohey, ex-representative Dennis

«,, iGilmartin, ex-councilman Thomas

Griffin, ex-alderman Lindsey, or Mr.

1'. H. Horgan, of South Lawrence,—

or try to induce one of these to write

Or say something that wilt look like a

retraction ; it is a pretty serious state

of aflairs lor the local democracy, when

a list of names like these bolt the

presidential ticket within three days ot

its selection.

ed In Tremont Temple, It ii-l. n. log, and tbe Melouaon was also crowdr.l D> the uv-'tl iw meeting 8|irerbe* were made by the governor, S4V*nrs. Da we*. Hoar, Crapo, lyidge, L mti, and other*. Much enthusiasm prevailed.

At a conference oi the English conser- vative peers and members or tbe common' at tbe Carlaton fiun, London, tester day, It was resolved, by a nearly UDamu.ou. vote, not to pars tho frsnchlse Dili unit. tbe government's [Ian for s redlmttiuitou of parliamentary seats waa aubmkued, Tbe conservatives wll. ask Mie Queen U summon i> autuina -. - .: .n of I'sillamt lo consider '.he franchise bill In coi in tlon wltb the question of a redlatiluailOD of pattern*mary seat!.. The government, however. Is not likely lo accede to Ihe re- quest.

I'll ii PHI I i*y.

A Frenco-C:ilnese war Is now regardid ai Inevitable.

Bellini baa been eluded president of Santo Domingo.

It Is reported at Cairo lhat 30.000 rch.,ls are marching on Dongola,

Twenty-five hund-ed (Tench troop? Will proceed to Tonquin lu Auijim.

The voters of WaJHurn, by a rusj irlty Of 278 decided to adopt tbe city charier.

All Mor.non mlsaionarlea to seiiiri- converts in Vinous si reeled.

Ii Is again usarUd that General But- ler U to mo (Uf ibe ['residency on an lu dependent ticket.

■ Upward uf two hunlwd oroi Were in .de ID the p^u^lou olfluea coamry vealerday.

Tne strike of mill opentlvei at

THI AN»WF.U now ma<le by our up

town democratic colemporary to the

lemocratlc bolt from Cleveland, is a

sneitr at the "prominence" of the men

ho refuse to support the ticket.

Well, Lewis Towey, was sufficiently

nflneminl" to lie chosen a member of -j._ if ■.ft.t.jaai j ll\ir t~-i tr

martin wan sulticiently "iuffuontial" to

be serfl to the General Court as oue of

the meu "selected from all the Law-

rence democracy, to make lawa for the

community ; Mr. I,indsny was suffi-

ciently "influential", to be made a

di-mocratic alderman a>f this city;

James Noonen is sufficiently "influen-

tial" lo have been elected by the dem-

ocrats to the common council, and to

he chosen clerk of the board of

overseers of the poor ; those others of

the bolters are sufficiently "influential"

to be this year democratic memt^rs of

the common council; Mr. Thomas

Griflln is sufficiently "influential"

have been a member of the same from the former democratic ward

These are the meu, now Bneered at ai

of no consequence to democracy, of no

influence in the community, Itecauae

they refuse to support Cleveland

Well, that ia the democratic fashion, to

abuse any man who will not always

shout the democratic shibboleth. But

the people of Lawrence arc not deceiv-

ed ; they know the position of these

men heretofore in the democratic ranks,

mid whut their revolt signifies.


ha-. i.lei. an adv wag.- iavlnn been gram

The we. -knows rl in ii Jr., lace imp.triers of N.

i habiilllei w Yi.rfc.

00 000.

Ki Senator Wsii«r- of IVrinsvIvsnls wl : uitfMtlt be rHec't-d ror die cbalr- Bjau-inp.if the democratic nation il oom- mltlee.

Tbe B|iua|.,n tnronvb.iu . the Island Ol Con« IH d*p niublH |f,i ur«, in bu. nesa


An KiLt-Uii-Tii >■•- ira'n waa wrecked on ihe M.i.rb.e'er & SiielH.-M Kailroad

r Pefllilatun wsier.lay ami i5 persons ktlle

Ito 1 40 II

ml dealer In Boi

yeaterda r. UJ*- .1 ol 00.000 ;>.T-.III have a'rnadt

fl-.i I--I h- cl is -t, ck-n city of M.rael le. Kr,i«. . n»d lb- ei .in, con tlaOast. Tn. le w< .. U ,tr» hi lro.ii in. diaea-e e».er.1av. Ih lot

daLe lea h'.g 678

ADVifJK TO MUM KKS. Are vou ilsunrbed ai num >••

■h fihil.I .ufferiNa-aix

(jhll-lren Tei-LhiiiK. ll» value la i thu iHtor lulle niOi'rei iimnclui.. Iv.

li-lir.-« .|yM>nU>i y .11 ulatea ihe niniim.-n an.i l.owttn. aufiena the atuo.a, n ' il.Ill i :i|i.l

W|HSI»« ■ -....un-. -tai I'd lot 1* pliu Mat in Hie Uale, anil

anil i-v. -: aaleby ul

IASK in tne Unii.-l Stataa, and IH tot ■ luij^i-m ini..i,j ; Hi.- vr iiLi. Prli*

tWaU a MUM. (emr iTlan-JJ

When ' <llca bBve a x. <i.I arti.lo tbey

Vouiiu Mei The Voltaic He i

■-. - i . (VI

ah klndrtd noublm neuralgia, paraiVMi.i Complete re»tor«iii>n bood gasrantteJ. N ila v»' u.«. ia allowed UJuitraied pampnielfree,, and

TIIERK CAH be but one consfroclioi

put upon tlif action of tbe Hrcen dem

ocrats in relation to the new regislra

tlon law. The clear purpose of the

statute was to secure, under supervis-

ion of both political parties, what evory

li most voter will approve, a perfectly

fair anil impartial registration.

Tbe outrageous conduct of Mayor

Brcen in Ida appointments, was so ap-

parently wicked, that until City Solicit-

or Moyes boldly entered the field as

apologist, no derurxrat has at-

tempts! Ui defend. From this begin-

ning the lirvi'ii partisans, with Uu

gtslry in tbe hands ol fourpronour.cj

llrecu men, have l>cen wriggltn;

lintl some way of escape from a new

egUtratlon, Now, If the present

ibeck lists arc fairly hooflfi, there can

te no possible objection to verifying

tliem. It is a light burden ou each

Individual voter, Tailing upon demo-

T»'.S and republicans eijually, to re-

pute each one to appear personally for

registration; in New York and other

duWH this is done annually. The re-

publicans of our city desire this com-

plete registration ; the law requires it.

Why do the Hrecn partizans oppose it?

Is there nny ie Terence possible, hut

knowledge of the false and

fratiiiulent character of the present

registry ! Well, thanks to tlio provis-

ion of the law itself, no registration

■ ■ :*11 be matle but in public, autl even

Solicitor Moves admits ttiat one legal

voter may by his objection, prevent the

transfer of any name from the oid

■bin k lists to Ihe new register, and we

more than guess that the one voter will

ii- mi baud wtieu the attempt is mrvle,

f tin' Registrars accept the democratic

mrpOM of evading the clear provisions

>f the statute. lint the Breenites plan

to avoid and prevent the purging of

nak hincurnd ai thirty I the old lists IS too apparant 10 I wriisthemat once lor , , , rr

J misunderstood.

TBE PARTY LASH IS to be applied to

tha inder;endentdemocrats, even earlier

than we anticipated, when we suggest

ed that Boss Brcen hasten home tc

look after the boltersol his local flock.

The News of ihis morning, says

reference to tha interviews published

democrats who are dissatisfied with

the nomination of Cleveland, that

rrotP it will produce denials trom

some of these democrat over their

own signatures. TO-HOKROW \ Why

did it not present tti.-in today? The

position of these men was quite com-

m-n talk on Saturday ; they have ex-

pressed their disgust with Cleveland to

others beside the reporters of this pu-

per ; they are all well known, a half

dozen of them to be found last eve-

ning, within a stone's throw of the

News otllce ; why wait till tomorrow?

K very body knows the autocratic pow

er of tbe democratic machine in Law

rence, and thirty-six hours must be

allowed to pass that a pressure be put

upon these men, some of them otlice

holders, to secure some sort of a pub-

lic recantation. The .machine demo-

crats are startled with tha magnitude

of tbe local revolt; it is In the aii

beard everywhere, and they will liesi

tate at no degree of bull-dozing t

shake the cauiage, to frighten into

submission, every man who makes

public bis antagooism to Cleveland And thirty six hours are required to enforce party discipline, liut they will rind a good many names in our list, and a host of others in tho rank

uud tile who can't he bull-dozed into the support of Cleveland.

Tug OUTCOME of the democratic

convention,although at limes in doubt,

was not unexpected; there was but

one question considered by the dele-

gates,—not who best represented

democratic principles,—not who waa

the ablest leader,—not who would

makefile best president,—but so!el\

with whom did there seem to liegieat-

est hopes of success. Inlluemced by

the overestimated strength of the bolt

ing republicans, the convention se1

aside the leaders of years, and nomin-

ated a man, who, as Mr. Morrisousaid,

had his uame been mentioned in the

national convention four years ago,

would have been unknown to fifteen

delegates; a man who was chosen in

one of the"tidal wave"yenrs, through

republicau dissensions, who has de-

veloped no extraordinary qualifica-

tions, no evidence of statesmanship;

who lias succeeded in alienating a large

bidy of his own party, and who has

the earnest opposition of tbe great

labor organizations of his own state

and the country. We believe Governor

Cleveland is to be beaten. We count,

not so much upon the opposition of

Tammany Hall, though that is n pow-

ir, as the democrats have learned, not

to be despised ; nor of General Butler,

although should he run upon the nom-

inations he has received, he would

make mallets uncomfortable for tbe

democracy in the democratic states. But there is a wide democratic disaf- feotiou at i lie start, and Mr. Cleveland

is regarded by the labor organisation!, .is tbe special champion of corpora- tions and monopolies, and this will be ibfllcult for him to overcome. For one

independcntrepublican vote taken Irotu Mr. lilaiuc, we believe the latter will receive tour from disaffection with

Cleveland among the masses ordinari- ally democratic.

I£x-representative Dennis 01! star tin

said: "1K> you sea that right arm? I

hope It will drop off'.f I vote f<>r Cleveland.

vote for Blsloe, and tou'Jl«ee a Blaine

cinb of democrats 200 BtTOIg here *iefore Cleveland is entitled to no support

from tbe laboring classes, snd should have

n iue, I know J< hundreds of democrats

wbo will vote for Blaine." Clerk of the overseers of tbe poor

Noooau said, that ho bad not as yet fully made up bis mind, bnt Cleveland was not

hlB choice. Ho preferred Blilne lo any of those so called reformers. Tbe latier

were no better than any one else when

they get in'.o office. He had no doubt that

Blaine would get a large Irish vote here

and elsewhere. City auditor Cashing said th ,t Cleve-

land was tioi by any means b!s choice, and

wii'ii- i).. did II i' aay he wonld vote for

Bialne, he esld he could not vole for Cleve-

land unless he heard better reports from

Sew York about bin. Mr. Joreph Morriasey, the well-known

superintendent of the commen, Bald Hist bo would not vote for Cievelsnd. "I'll

tear the bend on* tbe ticket, whal I never

did before." he said. Mr. John Goodwin, ibe wel-known

grocer, said: "The ticket don't suit me nl I'll vote for Blaine. Put that down

Lawrence Jiurual, says be will bavu no Cleveland In bis.

Councilman Thomas Murray will rule against Cleveland.

Councilman Doyle says ho prefers Bialne

lo Cleveland. Councilman Nogent Bays: "I prefer

Bntle.- to either Bialne or Cleveland. II

Butler withdraws, I know of many demo- crats who will vote for Bialne.

Agent of tbe Board of Health McCarthy

said: "I Wl'l sot .By that I will vote for Cleveland until I bear more about blm.

lie Is too young In national politics, In m; opinion, to be a safe man to follow. Ue

member, I do not say tbat I will vote for either candidate."

Mr. Joto Ford of the Arm of Ford Bros,, grocers and liquor dealers, said on Situ r

day evening: "I djn'i like Cleveland, nor do I like Bialne, bat between the two I

wonld prefer Bialne, but I will not aay bow I aha!] vote."

Rev. Father McMauua, of St. Patrick's

church, at Sooth Lawrence, Is reported to bays Bald, although be does not vote, but

pays bis taxes promptly, lhat tbe political aimospbere wonld be much parer did the

Irish-Americans divide Ibelr votes be- tween tbe leading parties. From bis re-

ported remarks It would appear thtt be

has no particular choice, bat would not regret Bmine's election.

Alderman Lenans said, on Saturday,

lhat Cleveland was a hard pill to swallow, and It was doubtful If be could take It.

Councilman )>ennis W. Murphy of ward

all, a live yoong democrat, ano popular In

tin ward said ; "I ha?e Tieen a Bialne man since trie Cunklln light, and now would

not vote for Cleveland. I tr-tnk he la Ibe

most unpopular candidate that could be unrainated. We bsve here la this wani,

GO yonug democrats who will enroll under

tbe Blaine banner, and we propose to or-

ganize a club at once. Among the work- X classes I cannot find a single one in

ibis ward who sayB bs will support Cleve-

land. I think the time has come when the laboring claaae* aboold than ihfilr handa against tbe monopolists, of whom Cleve-

land is the candidate. Too ask mu foi some of ibe young democrats wbo will not

be whipped Into line. I will tell yon Borne whom I (Link cannot be.

Mr. Morpby tberefor give the names of

over forty such actl-Cleveland Democrats to bis ward, and asserted mat there were tully as many more whose names be did

not reosli at lhat lime, who are only wait-

ing lo form the Blaine club.and "we" will form soon. We are not Republicans, but

are laborers who will not be led by the

nose to support tbe candidate of monopo- lists. You will bear from ui later."

Mr. John T. Brown, a prominent demo- crat, has said be will not vole for Cleve-

land. Mr. Drown Is the well known cor- respondent ol the New York Clipper, snd bla word is as good as his bond.

Chief-en*Ineer Mkhaei F. Collins staled that he never cut a democratic Icket. and

would not this lime, but there was much

to condemn In Cleveland's administration New York, so far as the working classes

re coucerned. It was evident from bis

nveraatlon ibst It would be bsrdly con-

ducive to his political constliuiir n to Jump from tbe parly traces.

Mr. Thomas Or ifB nsatd : "Inn oppntud

to Cleveland on pr.uclple. Ii Butler Is lo

ii- Held I will vote for blm, but If not I

my vole for JIM- (i It t :.. . and I know or many more who will do ihe same.

Cleveland Is not Interested in laboring Clauses, and besld"s, la my opinion, he Is

a bigot; from the feet flat be vetoed aev- !

eral bills on account of tbelr religious

complexion. Tbe bill appropriating t2S,-

000 per year to tbe orphans Protectorate

religious hit il I.I. to ministers of the gos-

pel lo visit thej tils and penitentiaries. Tor tbe purpose of administering ibe sacra-

meota. I believe that Boiler's platform as reported to the convention was the only

oue on Vkbijt'h the laboring people can stand, ana if be remains a candidate, I be-

lieve tin". attooM support blm. win or lose. The issue In this campaign ksaeqaareone;

Monopoly vs. Labor. Cleveland repre-

sents monopoly as any one can see by bla nomination at lbs request of the bolting republicans and capitalists of both parties,

whom, I believe, purchased his nomina-

tion. 1 am against Cleveland,, first, last, and alway j; I am for Buller second ; and

If he will wltbdraw, I shall do my best for Bialne. Let me tell you, I believe St) per

cent, of tbe laboring men In ward three will vote against Cleveland. 1 have no

more to say, but I will do ail In my power

lo dtfeat any enemy of tbe laborer." Patrick Casey, the well known ex-police

olllcer s iy». "No Cleveland for me." In ward two tbere are a large number

of democrats wbo will vote for Blaine,

but at tbe present t1m«"»»-* fi.Hi-e that

Hi ii- names sbal. tu. ■'- |iw<na>aw<l. Ex-alderman Oeorge A. Lindsay says :

"I shall vote for Blaiue, and would have

voted for Botler If be were on tbe dimo-

crallc ticket. I in tired of vollng for "dead men." Bialne is the only man, 1 believe, wbo can give us an honorable

foreign policy. He knows where abases

are, and bis expeilence has taugbi btm bow to correct tbem. On the trains I Mini tbat Bialne IS iV (avonui Tor the

worklngmau. 1 believe tbat no man who

respecta tbe working classes should vole

'or Cleveland. I am for Bialne." Police oracer Wm- Sullivan will cast bis

vote lor Bialne and Logan. I swallow tbe Cleveland pill.

Mr. P. Horgan, of South Liwrence, says :— It seems lo we that Ihe Maasachmetis del'

egaita at the Chicago convention paid more at- tention to i-.ii Mr. Prince on the national com- mittee than to furvard Hen. Butler's nomina- tion. Tbe nomination ol Mr. Cleveland. In op- podiilun to the wisbss of tbe wage workers, wbo i-mii|.n,<.. nliK-tuniln of the Democrats, was an insult to the working people which they will re- sent al the polls la a c aimer that lbs Dem- ocrats will not recover trom Ibe shock. The Indifference sod disrespect showo br tbe con- vention to ibe yuce tbat labor kepi pouring In telegrams every bour, protesting agalcst tbe nomination o! Cleveland, goes lo show thai il wr> intoxicated by tlieapcihj ol office looming up in in., distance. Uov. Cleveland's vetoes will pul 810,000,01X1 annually inlo tbu pockets ot monopolism, tlieretore tiny can atf.ird to glyu one year's revenuo to buy bla nomination and election, lo my ouioloa il was upon Uiie supposition that Cie\eland got bis noml at Chicago. Cleveland will not gel m.OOO votes In MoaiacuuiciU. New York state, with six out of eight counties Itepibilcaa, depends upon the city to make the others Democratic. In New Yorkciiy tkere-are 100 000 working- men to trades unions, like Ibe oilier 1,500,000 tollers scattered throughout tbe country, to de. Teat him at the polls. Show me the possibility of Clevelsnd's election. The alamptde to Blnlne Imm the Democratic ranks Is already visible, and shoold Buller decide i.ot to run,the blind admirers ol Cleveland will see bis utter defeat belore the first of September. Tnree- nfths of tbe Democrats who are not drawlna a salary or expectlcg en'olumonis from tne public crin, will vote lor Blaine. The Bourboo Uepunlicans do nut like Ulaloo because there are certain planks ID his pluttorm and traits IB Ml character tbat are Uvorable to labor. Qon- siqucuify they have unlltd wi.h the Burbun Democrats ou Uluvcland, which is sufnc.em icaaun why he thoul'j not bj acceptable lo tbe worKiug peopk. How could the great labor clement ot this country cniortain any respect torus Intelligence and vote tor Cleveland, a man wbo, in Uie interest of corporations, vetoed several bills of great v.iluu lo me labor interests. hill to i'ii vi ni ibe manufacture ot cigars in ten- ement bouses, ihe bill lo prevent ih) employ- ment >o factorial ol i li.i iini under 14 years of age, and tbe bill lo reduce tbe hours of l>bor of burse car co(.ducioru aud drivers Irom 10 tu 12 hours per day Time wars the meahureu win. n the worklngiuen all over ibe state prayed for. Bad as ibe veto was lo lltolf, tbe principle on which li was Uaa-^d was still worse. He mai lalued thai tLcre was no constitutional power in one legislature to regulate and abridge prlv lieues granted ny a loriner lesM&tura buwever unjusi or oppressive they mis'bt be. TbJokoi such a man as (Jov. Cleveland occupying ilio prusiileoi's chair and vetoing evei tlisl might past ibe bouse Ur ihe benetlt ol laDor 1 Such a man Is not worthy of (he lop- pon of ibe «i.i k.n..'!m-ii who compose the rank HIM tile ot the Democratic parly, F.very nun who voles ttie Democratic ticket this (all voles,

Cleveland did. to deprive tbe working people York of »i,00O.OO0 worth of bread and

nutter annually, and to perpetuate the other obnoxious hills which go to degrade and pau- perise latio' the workingnian. Whoever votes lor Cleveland voles lo eatablisb a government ul corporations by tbe monopolists and aristocracy.


bar ap-iown dtmoeraiie cotemporary

Is terribly excited uver Ihe intei views In ibe AMERICA* with Democrata wno re-

pudiate Cleveland, aud wltb a great splurge ul' words, publishes what It pre-

tends are denials front some of tbeae.

Hardly one In tbe whole list contalaa, however, a square denial of tbe statement

that tbe men are against Cleveland, although oar truly good colemporary

would have lla readers so understand. Lei us s.:c : yirst comes Clerk of the

Overseers of the Poor, Noonan, who la reported as Baying of oar paragraph con-

cerning blm, "Its all a d-d lie." Now,

we can bring a score of credible wit- nesses lo whom Mr. Noonm has bluntly

expressed hta determination not to sup-

port Cleveland; he said to the editor of tbls paper, on tbu.afternoori of ihe nomi-

nation, "Well, they may have Cleveland,

and be d-d to tbem; I'll not, I 'II vote for Blaine." And this Is a specimen of the

false, fraudulent and wickedly deceiving

manner. In w'llch 'he organ of Boss


Drought Dswo by Batohelder.

District Officer Batcbaldcr on Saturday ar> rested a man named Jobo Harkini and lodged blm in the poiicj elation. Some four or flvs years ago, liarkini bad a wife lu tbli clly.wboie family thought very little ol blm. In attempt ing to ice ber alone time be committed an as- sault and when taken before ins court waa bound over to keep tbe peace. Some time after tbe assault bis clothes were found by tbe river bank, together with a note stating that he bad committed lulcide, and many really be- lieved that hn had. Some time after tbls be was arrested while working. In the Arlington Mills, lor polygamy la Khode Island, but says be waa not convicted. Some time last January Austin P. Neal was waylaid and rooosd of a gold watch, and tbere was no clue to ibe thief, until about a montb ago an anonymous letter was received Indenting where tbe waicb but having no signature. It staled Iba't the party wht "»a the watch lived In Havei and had a large family, which was suffering (or food. It also said that be bad baen taken sick and sent to u Boston Hospital. Since then Of- ficer Hatcbilder has aept a sharp watch for ibt

going le Boston and to all tbe hospitals,


Breen atlemps to break the lorce ot the bnlno such person as described bad been Democratic revolt In tbls city

And with all the flourish, a careful read- In; will reveal tbat of the entire Hat se- lected by oar ueighbir, for pretended

denials, only two, Jus Morris., f of '.lie

common, and Board of Bealib agent, He- Carlhy,—both city office holders,—now

say, even allowing tthls version to be correct, ibat they will vole,for Cleveland;

two oat of the entire list. Is all tbat can be Induced lo recant. Mr. Noonan will

not deny that he has denounced Cleve- land to a dozen persoosi Mr. Goodwin

aaya he wiil vote as he pleases, or not at all. And Mr. Brown simply and carefully

says mat he will not vote for Blnlne. Even on onr neighbors own showing, tbere Is not one hearty, cordial word for Cleveland, and aa we have shown, lo all tbe mass of misrepresentation, only two

even pretended square denials, and these two city officials. And tbere 1B uo.doubt,

as onr neighbor Innocently adds, and thereby npseta Us onllre deleoce, tbat

many of these said something akin to

lhat attributed to tin-in." We have not time to go through tbe

list of pretended retractions, but all equally unfounded; we take Its doi-

ng commences another Qttlng spec!

It says; -"Kx-Aldermtn Oeo. A. LIB laey was not seen, bat It Is understood that

be deoles the expressions credited to

him." It la "understood" nowhere bat

la oar neighbors lying romanclag. Mr. Lindsay has been out-spoken everywhere,

in opposition to Cleveland, and be came

Into this on Monday, and discussed

ihe situation with tbe editor of the iuxHiCAN, and tbere Is no more positive Bialne man In this city. We bava given

ecouch evidence of tbe character of the

mass of aodlsgsiied and unmitigated

oosh, with which this Jsemjcratlc sheet attempts to mislead, a,nd with tbe effront-

ry of calling the AuaHicaN to account.

Bat each Is the Impadence and falsity of

Urcenlsm In Lawrence.

Lawrence Cricket Club Defeated.

celved from Baverbill. Tbe watch was fouud at Lamprey's loan office In Haverbill, and a de- scription given ol tbe man wbo pawned it. Ou this description and tbe letter, officer Batohel- der worked np the case. At tbe close of tne latter tbe writer asked that an advertisement, addressed to A. P. be Inserted In two Haverbill papers and ihe Morning News if tbey wished to do any business wltb blm. An advertise- ment was put in tbe News, and then another letter was received from the man, laying that lbs officers were not smart enough to catch bim, and tbey would bare to wait. AH the time be represented Hi n he was In Haverbill. Com- paring (be letters, ofOcar Batcbelder fouud tbat one bad ahead line, which had been partially eraasd. Deciphering it no f^und ibat it had

oi tba Y. M. c. A. rooms. Goiog lo ihe rooms be fonod tbst those In chargo conld not remember any one answering the descrip- tion of lbs man elven by tbe pawnbroker. He llier. began to go through the list of those wbo freqaented ibe Y. M. C. A. rooms, and finally ibe circle ot the sospected was narrowed down to two peri'ins. One or these wai Jobo Hsr- klna. Officer Batchelder got some of Uarklos' wining, SLU compared tt with tbe letters. It failed lo tally to any great extent. One or iwo of (be letters were similar, but tbe descrip- tion of tbe maa was nothing like tbat given by ibe pawnbroker. Not discouraged Umcer Batcbelder lollowed np tbe searcu, got more of tbe Harkins wilting and roond tbat tbe letter H corresponded. Harkins was mealed Satur- day afternoon as he was about to get b la pay, at Briggi and Allyn'a, and lodged in tbe police station-

Monday Harkins was held In 81000 bonds for the Superior conn and commitud.

iiur district officer did excellent and quiet work, and brought his man to ibe bar without any ostentation or display.

In Ihe Superior Criminal Court i.tK-e . Pitman, Houdsy, Ihe

HaycHorPeabodV, Tur attempt I >ot Sarah P. rarnhauion tn


Military Change.

Mr. II. Denote Morse, chief buglefopon ihestBtTof the Artillery Battalion, un-

asked lor and received an honorable dls. charge; Busier Morse bas served In iht

Artillery lor tlgbtMU years, hiwlux ■>■■- cjme bufjl-r lu tbo old fourth Light Bat-

lery, of ibis city, on Us ort;a-il2*tion In

11166; wneo ibe Artillery Ballailon was

lot tin d lo 1978, hu was made chief tagler, which [i.i-l'i'ni he !:as since held; of tbe

original lisi oi sialTand bon-commlsslontd

stnif appointed by Msj <r Merrill wben he assumed command olitio Battalion, Sergt.-

M ■ >t Win. M Morse, nlnae rcmilos In

service. Mr. tVm. O. Webber, of tbe Lawreoce Machine Shop, has been ap-

pointed Chief Bugler, to till '.be vacaocy.


, No Doubt of it.

up-towo democratic colemporary has a column on "Koorbacklsm," pretend- ing lhat our reports as to boiling demo- crat*, was mcoirvH-t, imt after laboring

through nearly a colnrmi of pretended de- nials, jt gives away it.* whole case by

saying or the list we presented: — No dcubi many of ibose quoted have

.■XIT-.-SS.-I1 MBttacuta something akin lo those credited to ihum.

Well, that Is an admission for you. In

tbe midst of all Ibis manufactured Indig-

nation, all this llourisb of words meaning

nothing. Thtre Is no doubt or It. .-mi

there is no doubt ibal these mcnsaldsnb. ntantlallv what was reported of them tn

tbe AiMKiiiCAN of Monday. "No doab'.'—

of coarse there In not.

Scnoim Accident.

While observing tba tijxlng mstcli at, Riverside Grove, on Saturday, Mr. JSJ.

Uolaml in. '. with a serious accident, the

roof fallioa in whi'e h■■. was luokina though a port bole and a joist, pf.uo'.ratlug his

jaws, breaking both of tbem. He was ,ken to his boardlug house kepi by Mr.

HI. Culler, 115 Washington Corporation

and that gentleman summoned l)rs. Ab-

Dolt aud Sargent, wbo advised his re- moval to tbe Hospital. n ■ is la a bad

ciniili; ...ii but may recover-

Kiilcl un the Railroad.

Tbe Lawrence Cricket Clab met tbe t.owjli lolernationals, Saiarday, at Low-

ell, and suffered defeat by 7 runs. The

Loweils went first to bat. scoring 66 raus, Usher scoring 10 and W. W. Dock- worth 16, both batsmen ba'tllng In floe

style, (irlmsbaw and Muff also bailed

well for 6 runs each. Tbu bowilog of tbe Lawrence team was also very good, Kit-

lay taktsg 6 wickets lor 36 runs. Law.

rence on going In bat scored 69 rans,

Brlce being the only batsmsn lo score

double figures. He mada 17 In II played '.nnlngs. Hogg also plated well

for 9 runs. The Lowell bawlera did good work; Duckworlb took K wickets for 8S runs, and C. Usher S wickets for


1 T. (lritimhitw, c. Uosdon, b. KU'ar Unjr-, run not, 1'rieMI)-, ion out. HUIKI, t>. M,I,'. .

b. Killer, r liiiltn.A. i . -iiiw

Mull. i. Killav. * M. s,,i,ii,, ,■, |i.ii-*.. i,, Dawson, u W. i i'ii; i. ,,. not (J




i all, 1.1.. w.,W. W. Duckworth,

....... -I. i. '■!. ir <me, b. W. W l)uik*ortli, iralmll, b. W. W. Du.-awi.rlh, iw-on. c. V»\ W. Duckworth, b. Usbir, ijlhe, b. t'aber, iK8, hu wicsei, lauiaoil. c. ...un b. W. W. ouckworlh,


In Mie Frobate Court, on Monday, wills

were proven as follows: Hanoab B. Ri sell, of Salem, Leonard Wheder, of Me-

tbnen, Amssa Brlggs, of Meibuen, James

B. Batchelder, or Marblehead, and Wm Hunter, of Lawrence.

Among the Inventories died were those of Caroline W. List, of Lawrence, (50. IS i P. White, of Melhuen, $14 959 50; Cbas

L. Wilson, of Meibuen, 910.853.A0; Benj. Morse, of Bradford, A3U89 ; William .H

Kueeland, of Lynn, g»76KS5; Mary 8

Wells, of Lynn, SoiOO; George W. Davis, of Haverbill, $G9titl 60; Kutus Delano, Of

Swampscott. 83700; Maria J. Csrleton, ol Aodover, «12 716; Patrick Flood, ofNnw

buryport, $*M1,Hi Caroline M. Colby, ol Salem, 94646 78; George Wilson, of Mar- blehead. «ol85; Abble S. Hall, of Law

rence, 19675; Mary Wilson, of Marble

head, t)g4.1M.tS| Jamss M. Wood, oi

Lawrence, 9,13.003; D. F. Gardner, o Norib Aodover, 95999.35.

Administrations were granted on the

estates of Eilzi Alley, of Lynn, Dennis Collins, of Aodover, Dennis Des.noud, of Ha-erbltl, Sarah A. Fsllelt, of Haverbill

Oscar F. Keut, oi Meibuen, and Lydla N Kogers, of Audover.

A despatch was received he re, Tuesday tbe tffdtt lost Louis Carrier, aged 21

years, son of A. K. Cur ler, once csptaln of tbo night watch, was killed on tbe

Bittern railroad at Revert- this morning

Tbe particulars havu n«l been obtained

up to the prrsent writing. I h>* joong

man been living with his mother at

Revere. His brother, wbo is clerk for

Dr. Tail...!., lefi for bis mother's homo nn

receipt of the news.

Salaries of Postmasters.

The Chief of tbe Salsry and allowance Div|. on of tbe Tost Office Department bas Juil

completed tbe annual readjustment or salaries oi first, second and third class offices, tn accord- ance with the actor March 3, 1SS3. The sal- aries of thl following postmasters, in this vicin- ity are reduced 9>00 per year: Danvers, Hs- verblll, Lawrrnce, Merrlmacaod NewburyporL At first glance it would seea that business baa largely fallen off; bnt the general decrean lalanea la due principally to reduction In letter postage from 3 to 2 cents, whi-h went into er fsot Ucl. 1 lait. urn for ibis reduction the liusiaess of these offlcei would have shown stxjut tbe average Increase.


An Alleged Dynamiter on Trial.

t Salem befon of Wm

> blow up th i night of Feb

ruaryU, waaeommenocd. Tbe m.Ilctment found i- grand, jury contains Ore counts, throe I

attempting to »et Ure lo the bull.linge and I1

attempt lo blow ibe bull lings ui>. The ii int Ik lor attempt lose! Ure lo the houi second, for attempt lo burn Ihe bouse by Bel-

ting Ure In Ihe adjoining shed , a third, thai he id an explosive known as stint powder on

ihe floor and beside the same; a lourth, lhat be aUempted to explode ihe same; and a tilth, that he placed exploalTea bealde Ihe hnute. At the request of Mr. Xorlhend, counsel lor the defence,

jury waa InierroiiBUMl aato wholher they hail lormed an opinion oa Ihe aubjoct. Fifteen wil-

es wuro sworn for lbs government. The Brst Milled was Frank h. Farnhao), residing in

I'rahody. A plan of bla premlava waa shown andadmltted-

Tlie pi in waa expl tlnnl to tli- jn lge and Jury, Mr. Ii.iiiluiin testified Ibat he bad gone lo tin- bouse of Hayes on Washington street, realiody,

eooeTiuiothy ltuiler in regard lo a mort- gage. Mr. Hayes refused to admit b|m, and used ahusiva lanauage and threats. He thought ol forcing lbs door, bat Hayes Soally oiiened It, and more hard words followed. Thai night wiioei-a retired at Igf, and soon alter .heard aj.oUejjj

boggy. Mm wife opened tbe door and asked wbo waa (here. An answer came lu n voice which witness recognised an lhal of Hayes, He n,,,. went out and fooad a cartridge and luae in in'1

ilic.i adj ilnins hla house. Us pin out the fuse. A bo tile of karoeene was near tn. Witness sinelled smoke distinutly In the sbed. Tbe police were notifled. A few minutea after a man was seen near tbehooia behind a tree. He waa about the attl of Hayea; bad seen Hayes since witb.aboraeanil baggy answuiing the de- scription of Ihe one seen lu the yard; gave uio catiridge and kerosene lo Ibe pnlli .

Wl nesa waa crosa- jxamlood with reference to his oil upon Mr. Unjea.'anu wim regard lo the mjrlgage.

The lloston and Lowell.

The Boston and Lowell railroad ia now quite so extensive affair, having 579 miles

lu all. The Boston and Lowell proper,

and Its branches, are operated aa tbe

Sjutjein DUlsloo of tbo Boston aod Lowell railroad, under the superintend-

«ucy ot Mr. J. f. Crockett. Tbo North-

ern Kailroad and Its branches are operated

as tbe Northern t.lvlBloo ol ihe Boston aod Lowell railroad, under tbe superln-

teLdancy of Mr. Oeo. B.Jodd. The Boa-

ion. Concord and Montreal railroad aod is branches are operated as tbe Wflta

Mountains Division o the Boston and

Lowell railroad,

In the case of Wm. liayeB at Peabody, charged with attempting to blow up tbe

dwelling of Frank B. Farnbam ol that town, district officer Batchrdder was one

of ibe witnesses, aod testified lhal he

want to ihe bouse of Hayes With (Ulcer Shaw oa Monday evculog after the affair.

Heard SfltW ask If hJ hadn't hid trouble

wltb Farnban. Hayes replied ibat he bad.

Hayes said be was at borne at quartet- pas*, eight Wednesday evening anil went

to bed soon after. Mr. Shaw flrat *poke of having a warrant wben the doctor en-

tered. The wltneas waa askud in regaid

to Hayea'voice aod whether or no be

could Identify It. Counsel lor defence

objected. The court ruled tbat ibo only question admlBasablo was to ,i-k witntsn

to describe tbe yolce. Wiloeas said It

was a rough, giuff and verr peculiar

voice, but he could give n> imiber de- scription of It.

Wm. u.ik-, alias John Clifton, waa

brought In for sentence, hut as bla coun-

sel were not lo attendance it was deferred Israel N. Small of Swampscott was con

vlcteJ, and lined 9100 and costs for keep- ing ilqaor wltb Intent to sell.

John Falvy wai fined 910 aud costs,

amounting to 932, cr sli months lathe house of correction.

Michael Csllabsu, simple drank, was

fined 91 and costs, amounllcg to 96.

James Nicholson was il.i.d 91 and coat, n-mutiny 10 916, fordrookennesB.

I'eler J. McCiosky, Pur assault and bal- tery, was lined 95 and half costs or lower

coarland co >Uof appeal. Wbolu amouo 913.

John W. Crelghton was fined 91 snd

costs, amounting, to 916. foi drunken ness.

Daniel J. Collins, for assan l sod bat

lery, waa Hoed 94 and half coats of low- er court wltb costs of appeal.

—Master nsit week.

—Probate- coort In Salem on Monday. I

— Cholera iufaotum Is quite prevalent.

—Don't target tbe G. A. K. excursion to Old Orchard.

—Tbe Equine Paradox comes Angaat

1 lib. Hemember tbe date.

—Tbe Lowell railroad are erecllog up-

right gates at Union street.

—During the snntdowo at the Atlantic ranch needed repairs will be made.

—A democratic Ulaine and Logan club

will bu 1 iuti-1 In Ward 6 Saturday even- ing.

—W. U. Kinkln, of this city, bas re-

ceived a patent for a card grinding me- chBnlim.

—Capt. il. F. Hopkins bas gone to Poland Spring, Maine, and will be absent some two weeks.

-Mrs. Jennie E. Klmball has sent

magazines to ihe Industrial School. Mr. J. C. Dow says tbere Is room lor more.

On Friday evening-, at tha Easex

Skating Kink, Miss Ida Lear, received a severe fall, breaking on« ot her wrists.

—Llent. Waldo E. Ayer, sailed for Europe, Saiarday, on the steamer City of

Home, lie expects to return the laet of


—The Horgan girl who was injured by tbe fallen wall Is aa comforuijlt- aa conld

be expected. She la attendee by Dr.


—After Saturday text, twenty machin-

ists will be temporarily suapsnded from employment at ibe Lswrut.ce Machine


—Hon. Geo. L. Davla of North Aodover, has presented "Tbe Oeneulogy of tbe Davis Family" to the Lawrence politic II*

brary. Tbe donor Is also the author.

—Messrs. Dortnan, of thin city, and Smith of Melhuea, are lo build ihe alone portion of a bridge across the Sbawabeen at MarlaLd Village, Andover, for Ilia. M

T. Steven.

—In the Hat of >he great committee of Independent one bnndred. Is tbe name ol

E. P. Barley, of Lawren'-e; who la he? Is li possible that E. T. Barley Esq. Is In-


— Miss E. Q. Wetberbee of Liwrence, and Mrs. Nellie Lord Bailey or Hampton,

gave an evening of very enjoyable read.

Inga at tbe Ocesn House, Hamptou Beach laet evening. Tbere was a large aod

euce present.

—Tbe Orand Army annnal excursion

promises this year, to be as usual, the pleasure trip of tbe season; the boys al- ways have a most attractive excursion,

and so popular aa to attract an Immense


—An Immense stock of floe envelopes,

of all the new shades of color, now BO

fashionable, has been purchased from the

manufacturers,at wonderfully low prices, aud are now ready for Inspection at tbe

AMKKICAN priu'.lng rooms.

—Mr. Jurnea Lane, tbu well known blacksmltn, tells un t tint democrat* ID one

boardlni; house an ib« Everett corpora-

tion, have contributed for ibe purchase of

a Blsloe and Lou an flag. Mr. Lane will vote for Bialne. Local papers please

copy. —Tne menus for Thursday snd Friday

dinner In csrop, oMbe Artillery Battalion

are a uolque and atuacll>e : it'-ir, being a perfect mil Uiure "A" leut,the flies neat-

ly tied wlih i-carlvt nbbon, and ibe roster

and bill of lare spearing upon tbo Inn

side. They were dsjslgBttl and manufac- tured at the AMKMCXN lobprluilug office.

—Th-a Sslvatiou Army people Invent

nnlqse nicknames. A', a "hallelujah tea-

fight" lu Medina. N. V, thu oihtir day, •■bare were piesent "Jjinoin "The It il.lnj ib Canary Sing.

Jeremiah," "Happy Sal," ' Soiling Msy,"

igger Jl.nmy," "Dick, toe Devil ' and"Ulory Ki

—T'se Esgle reporter tslsiffes wben he says tbat the Associated Press agent tele-

graphed Bo>ibing political ihus far. For proof Of tb'i statement be ami tbe DODllO

are respectfully requested to Interview tin-

local agent of tbe Western Union Tele- g sj h C-i . M . O- sy Hrt ia prepared to give all Information on tbls point.

—Osirt Columbia A. O. F., Installed tha following officers on Saturday even-

ligt P. C. K., JsmesO'Klllj C. B, Rob- ert McCourt; S. C. R., Patrick Murphy;

Tress.. Daniel Collins; F. S„ I). J. Rea gaii; R. S., M. Welcb; 8. \V., N. pln-

neen j J. W., Wm. Whooly; 8, B., J. W.

Bradley; J. B., N. McQunau/ Jobn D.

Mahooey acted as Installing officer.

—Arrangemenls have been completed for a friendly telegtaphlc match between

ibe Lawrence snd Manchester Aifle Clubs, each using their own grooudB, on Wed nesday of next week; six men from each

club are to shoot, 200 yards distance,

from ibe shoulder, ten rounds each. Tbe Manchester Club express the hope tbat

there may soon be a meeting of the two

clus for a bit of competition 00 the same grounds.

—The roster of the First Battalion Llgbl Artillery this encampment wilt be

as followst-Msjor, Oeo. 8. Merrill; sd-

Jutant, Jobn I. Gibson; surgeon, O. T. Howe; quartermastsr, u. &. Dow; asat

surgeon C. H. Burr; paymaster, A. D. Swansserg't. msjor, W. M. Morse; qua

— • 1A ndover Advertise!. It tllroH.0 Trains

ravn Boa'on lor A«d9*ar, ".if, ».:». 10.10. IS ; •si,, j*,ao, :>,iM,M,3,hii, i n,u u.w, T.iur.u, An.lwer lo Boston,H.M. 7.4ft.*.«. B St. n.MJI.It

.J.1U, a.ui. Ii *i, li.2», S.ISJ, 3.911, in. «■■», 7-0 p.m. (vVeilnesitajsandKri.larsn ,tii. [nn j. t

To Lowell, 7.1ft. -. M ».ft*. 1U0, a. m. 11.19, MB 3<M. I.:. ,.'.■.■'■'. [■ M.

Going Bast. B.M. a. m. LIB, 4.S0, ft il, e.ftf.p. at t. .11..; North, 8.14, a. m. 11.6-1. ft-ll. p. ui

tin. N. M. MuliU and children are 1 Mc.

t Wblllng,

is a Governor Cleveland ol New Yuik bachelor.

Samuel Pliilllpi and daughter, are boarding at Wenbam.

Rev. 8. F. French and wlfs or Watllngford, Vt.,are in town on a visit.

The lluke ol Westminster, (be richest man In England, has two hundred millions.

Virginia will contribute 1,100.000 bushels of neauutaiohumao happmeas tbls year.

A Cedar Ki-I.1i editor wsnti any yonog lady wbo "jumps ai conclusions," to e-oosidsr him a "conclusion."

Arthur W. White bas purchased tbe "Black- man Place" on High street, recently occupied by J. W. Berry.

1*be berrr plcken anticipate a goodly nmnsat of packet money irom tbe crop, wblcD li ilksty to prove a good one.

Texas !■ sweat with honey. Oos nee raiser In tbe country baa taken irom bis apls.-y, six thousand pounds ol honey this season.

Tbe selectmen of Lancaster, N. Ii., have paid _ ten coot bounty tbls sesson on 683 wood- cbucks. A lad named Hiboard captured 91 of them alone.

s. o. Baal ii building a new carriage bousa near bis stable m Urn Square It will be two •lories 2£uy60feet- AbbottA Jenkins are lbs

"Sin Sin Teaaer,"

serg'i. B. F. llawes; hospital steward, Arffnr W. Clark; guidons, W. O. Merrill

H. M. Booney; chief bugler, Wm. O, Webber.

Labor Demonstration.

Arrangements bave been made for the labor demonstration In this city to

occur Saiarday night next, and there Is every prospect for tbe grandest affair or

ihe kind ever seen here. Haverbill will probably be represented by opwarls of

-'(so working men and will bavo two bands of music In the line.

Tbe visiting delegatlsm will arrive on a ipeclal irsln at 7.30 and proceed to clly

hall along Essex street, escorted by a platoon of police.

Among tbe speakers will be Robert

Howard of Fall River, John S. alcClellan Hoboken, Sec. of lbs execotlve board, K, of L.. Albert Carlton of Lynn, Louise

Schelber, of Lynn, T. V. Powderly, 3. M. W. of Scranion, Pa.


F. Schneider, the well-known Jew- ttte superintend- e^r, aod Miss Llxzle Sweenev oolT

encyorMr. W. A. btOWdl. The general diughter of Mr. Patrick Sweeney, were

*nperlnttn)entorthe line Is Mr. C 8. united kln; matrimony Monday afternoon. M.-iie 11. The general pasBang -r aieot la , The ceremony was private, ine relatives

Mr. B F. Kendrick, and Mr. W. siorer j mnd Immediate friends or lbs contracting Is tbe assistant general pasaerger a.ent. parties alone being present. Mr. and

Beacis World Soap will not »a]art tt Mr"- ^hneidar Will anjoj a brief bridal finest goods. 1 tour.

—Mr. Qeo. Keeley Hade!iff*, whose face

was so famjgjar to Lawrence printers a quarter oi a ceniury ago, Issnea from Do-

ver another number of his semi-occasional "Ramrod aud Hevolver" lurid wlti anil* nmi projecilleB. George Is evidently lb<

same large-hearted, qaalnt feiluw Ibat he

was In days ofyore, wben his propensity to get a "last" I .em Into tbe forms of tbe

Sentinel, led now Treasurer Murpby to Insist thai ibe "K" In his name stocd for "koep-the-paper back." He Is a warm

hater of the liquor traffic and tbe Ramrod

sends home heavy charges nf solid tem- perance ammunition.

— Mr. Ambrose E. Prstt, formerly 0'

tbls clly, but now engaged in business In

Sandwich, at a ruceut enteriBlnment In the town hall, given by the High School,

wrote the music for nix male quartettes,

wlih latlnchanlsand words. Tbe subject of tbe entertainment was "An evening

wltb Tennyson," and tbe music waa In- troduced by dialogue la a scene from

Harold." The papers speak very highly

of the composition, wblie each member

as heartily applauded by the large audi-

ence In attendance. We understand Mr. Pratt has also been appointed by Gov. Robinson, a Justice of ibe Peace.

—The Noahua Gazette lo an article on tbe telephone says t—Tbe tekphone baa

now become one of those loslruueats

Tor iransmlsaloD of messages which Is al-

most Indispensable in every town and city. Jt la bandy and usually In the main

correct, bat only those wbo are obliged to n-i- it reallxe the raortlticatlon and dis- gust which somultmen arisen lo tbe trsos-

mis-inii ol nsmes and tbe trsnsnosielon of

sentences. It mn'S things terribly

sometimes and then sgaln falls at lm- portant times, snd at others Is correct,

reliable aud sure. As a rnle, however,

the telephone service In this cltv Is ex- cellent and tbere 1* little difficulty lu

reaching Lawrence, Lowell, and oth r cities Bcutb.

Andrew Thompson will sail from Boston for Liverpool on Satnrday. He goes to visit trlrnds In Scotisnd, for tbe first lime, since be left (here ihlrty years ago.

Right or Un members of the Salvation army from Lawrence, held tbelr second meeting la Elm Square un Saturday afternoon. Tbey (ltd not draw much of a crowd.

A boy in 1 leering, N. H., has been detected" 11 catching woodebucas for tbe bounty, cutting iff tticir tails and leiilng tbem go la the bops of

getting another caudal crop. Northern (to Southern Isdy.l "Your sunsets e perfectly beautiful down here." Southern

Lady (sadly ) "Ob, tbey are nothing now. You shoatd bave seen tbem before tba war."

R. R. Bndlcoit and lamlly of Beverly, ere oc- cupying tbe realdsnca of Hanwell B. Abbott tor tbe season, and Mr. Abbott bas removed to Ibe "Pratt Place," ou School StraM, temporarily

Andrew J. West of Plymouth N. II.. hu captured this summer, with a machine, almost 100 bushels of eraishoppers from bis own farm, tor which be obtains a bounty of 91 (n sash barrel.

A gentleman visiting s icbool, asked lbs fol- lowing question: "Wbicb ot thsss little folks knows wbo said on a death-bed, 'I itlll live' 1" "I'm not mrs, air." answered s bright-eyed lie— tlegirl,,"but I think 'twas Jetrui' daughter."

An eccentric man, living on a farm 00 tha edge of Rhode Island, wai very averse to taking lire, w bin asked why be didn't slaughter his fat pis, he replied, "I haven't tba heart lo kill It, lor It seems so much like one of ibe family.

Rev. Dr. Asa Bollard, lbs vstsran Sunday icbool aorksr, proecbed at tbe Cbanel last Bab- tiaih morning, and addressed mseilogs at the South sec Free churches In tba evening. Tbe South Sabbath icbool gave him a contribution of «25.

A lady noted for her fondness of using large words, asked ber suitors if tbey would not be helped 10 some more pumpkin pis. In their reluslng, she insisted: "Do tabs mors. It Is neither debilitating nor exhilarating, hut highly nutrition!."

Tbe arrangements for supplying the elnas- bouse wltb wster bave beso completed Bad work well. An abundant supply of water for

blisbment Is a great convenience, sad fully appreciated by those who bave long fait ihe need ot II.

Wben a reveille young aunt of Willie's was once vislnng at bis home, she was taken quits "1. Falling upon bli knees by her bed, fas

-ayed, "O God, don't 1st Aunt Clara die, oat sbe's sot to, let ber do It at her own borne, aad

not do It here-" Wben tbe door-bell rang one morning, Mrs.

Occupe said, "I hope tbat's no one to call. 1 am so bosy tint I couldn't even see tba Queen ol Sbeba.' "Ob, mamma, aha won't come," sal d little Harold,. knowingly. "Why, ttnlt been dead these ten years."

"Got any nice box rsliini, air. Bates?" *aid a pompous youth lo tbe village grocer. "Yes, I tbiob I bave." "Let me see tbem," After looking (hem over, aod ranting them, be said: "Well, these will do. I'll lake a caul's worth," and aa ibe custom then wai, hsnded out so egg in nay mint,

Tbe annual picnic and excuifou of the em- plojeee of Ibe Smilb & Dove Manufacturing company, will take place ibis week on Saturday. Cars leave tbe depot at 7 o'clock a. m., for Lvsn Beach, and on tbe return, leave tbat place at 5 P. m. Tickets lor tbe round trip 85 cents. Children 56 cents. Ticket* caa be obtained ot William Urelg, Hugh Kldd, Thomas David. David I.lim-iiv- nr ai.«.n,ior Dick, *boan tne committee ol arrangements.

Oar Are department is deserving much praise for their sacceailul eodeavoura 10 proieet iha properly ol cilisens rrom mnflatD" 0 a, and --.*. 'ti'.ni,! fa . 'uiuiabtd wiib ifac facilities ibey ut a 10 ibo [ orlormsnce of ibtir humane work. Among their warns is a truck (or lbs convey- ance of ladders, they were very much needed on Monday night at tbe Ore, bat a suitable car rlagehasnotyet been furnished for conveying them trom tbe engine bouse.

The following persona and corporation* lu town pay a us or aw) or upwards, ihe present year :—

CBTITBJC D1STBICT, Abbott, Osana L, $ 91 00

" John If. jog 4Q Kat. or Daniel, 60 00

Andrews, li. C. sj JQ A i-I..111 A Jenkins, \t$ 70 An.loTer National Bank, ■• >« Belknnp, L. A, lliHlwell, 11. A. Mansard, j. w. Barnett, William. Bean, Mrs. «. A. BIO.Igett, Ur.. si M. liurk, Mi. E. Heard, rt. P. Kat., It..slon A llatna llali.m.I. Church, P. L. Cutter, Mrs. Emma, Cornell, John Hi.4- 1, w. F. Downlujr, J. J. Downs, M. H. )>■ ■■!■, I II Eames, Plato, Kills Nitban, Kmerann, Joseph Kilwarda, J. W. rohter. A.M. trench, M. E. !■'■■■ Nathan r..»(er, Holes Kllr.l,.). il Flint, K.A. Foster, 8. A f. (i-I IMIIHII, W. U. Uray, of. £. Huwcli, Thomas, Unit. V. A. 11 in. i-.. E. Y. Haarn, N. W. Hopklna, L. Hnpklna, I,. A. Johnson, K. II. Jenkins, W. tt, Johnson, M. L. ],ocke. 8. B. Morton, Marcus,

1 Means, E. 1*. Will-, C. L. Mill*, B. Perry, Mrs. M, A. Hipiey, Qeerm Ropes, W. L. ItlcnaiUson, D.C. Kinith, Charles, , "« ., " Guardian, Bwin,Nath. Eat. Smith, B, F. -n in. .1 i,. Smith A Msnning, M.'iiow.J J. Trustee, Smith, p. u. Bmilh.J.H. fhannon, o r. PmlUi, J. B. Hfiift, Jnna.KsL Taylor, J. p. Ta>lor. J. T.. Tyer. H. II. Taylor, E.lwar.l, Tubs, S. It, Tver t-i.iii-. , i ,, Wilson, Horace WIlhm.H. R. Wlibor. Mrs.R. M. WsU-rmsn. lira. L. B. Wbltiier, N.Eat.

... . « "OOTB niSTtlOT. .\ ■■■ ..-1 B. D. Allen, IV.II- .m .-li.n .11, v B. Acailemv l'i. i ,,.. BullerOeld, J.p. Ho tin 1: .1. 11 ■:,. 1 ,, Bradlee, J.P. Churchill. J, W, Carter, U. L. I'ii iini, Mrs. John Uras, II. J. Es|. Ilsni-, Mrs. Oenro-e ,r...i|in-, Mrs. Wn, Jsi|iiiih, Newton,

1 I .in IS) 40 W7 SO 7\ 0(1 1*1 1-1 :.n IHI

7ft 00 na on ■ m *7 tS

tM 00

IVi I Hi Rt .V> mi on ■«1 00

71 OO OflM ]*! Hi l.-J 10 W Ifl

197 »'i 11* as M so

iiu .10 70 '.',■. «i <u (11 75 7* 00 7J KI 7B 1(1

;« li ws so m 00

JIM 00 ft 01) no 00

B*| 10 It] 00 100 00 HO 00 50 00

m oe Id 13 71 .SJ ■ ou Ni ')0

3-H 7U H m M I«J

177 SO

IH OO SUM r.T uo

in :u l-t M)

711 M

IrV 00 1(«J M III 10 [■::. ni A; *s

telis m,J. J,

Austin MrryO.

MiiUV. .1,11111.n Kut. SmTlh, Mrs. E. C. Snow, David Blir.ey.HHphen(PBabodT,) Dai by, Mr., Harah (BO»IOB,)

WEST II-III 1. 1. Al-I.oll, «I1.M It. Allun, a. (;. Est., William .M.I...O, llaitwell it. ItKil.-y.T. Palmer llailay, Timothy EsL Honlwell, c 11. Burll, .1.-.|. .11 ,n, Chandler, John C.'K-W.-II. J. F. lm ni. Tbomaa Durrani, Willlard

tl ur. .I,,:,i, (,| l>..nsl,l, W. C. !.■■■ I ■ ..nil, I.I-.II-L,. llanlr, II,-,,, v H ■ ■ -i ■., Woiiam li-l-. -..1 1, (:»■ I'm Ili-iii,-kutiua Pi.I- y,U. P, I'tHln*. Ui-noon Es' Shuiluck, J. (j. A U. Stiattui-k Brothers, Siuiin, PotnrEat. bmif, J. W. rmlih, Jobn Smith A i'o»e Man's Co.,

11* OS 10.1 1.1

71) N

110 M 111 H as m 711 US

1,1. Ill lit 1.1 H so 7J 7() SI 7.'.

'II 10 e: M Bu ft at .» ■ 70 l.'M'l IH lift

HKI SO I.itO JO 1.H7 "0

1-1 00 JedWuun, P. M. (Lowell,) atcrene, Hoses T. (N.i. An. OTST 1 LIU DO

Tax raw »i0, oa »IJjaj.™ ** W

B...IJI ..ii mn 11 ■ Alfi*a A. Bjsn it t alert to tbt post offl c Rev. A. H. Barr ana family ere at Part* Hili,

M -, for ■ few weeks. Tlumu ttbode* mil Alice HXode* are si the

L-twrenre HUUM. Old Orchard, Me. Why Ii the nan In tbe moon Itke a dreamer:

Because he builds bu c* sties In the air. Re*. 6. f. Perkins of Minnesota, preacbed at

the West Chaich lait Ssbbatb morning. Over el fbiy-thousand dollar* uaibeen left by

(be late John Archer, of Salem, to tbe Salem Hospital.

Aiu"HK tbe Inventories returned to (lie Pro- bate court on Monday, wai (bat ot MarU J. Cirlton of Andover, lor #13,716.

Uenres W. W. Do*e will occupy the "Meant flace" on Main itreet, while hi* reeidence at

rye Village Ii Improved and erjlargid "How did you like tbe Doctor's aermon I"

aald one to bis rompanion, at they were walking bome from cburvb. "first rale, I alwayi liked that aermon."

Rev. Aaa Harwell of Ludlow, Vt., who haa been dangerously sirk, hiring mbmlited to a eorglcnl operation, if falnlng, with bopet ol complete recOTery.

The bilck work of HoweH's Block, on Park meet li completed, and the rool pot no. Mr. Howell will aoon occupy the lecond I'-ory for bte furniture business.

Hon. Amoa Perk in*, at the age of M, It Trea- surer of the town of Unity, N. II., discbarglns; oil duties with great fidelity, and writing a re- markably baodsome band.

We have aeen tome good sited Rote potatoes, and a quantity ol Marblebead sweet corn, which were Just taken from tbe Mansion Mouse gar- den. Can auy body beat tail.

Mrs, Catherine P. Cooke baa told her real deuce ou Halo street, to Mrs. John Graham, formerly of Ballard Vale, and tbe next lot of land north of tbe home, to Jamea Bolllyan.

Oeorse. L. Abbott ti putting in the found* - flon Tor two new cottage honsee on Bartlatt ■treat, one on each tide of tbe private school borne, near the Pnncherd Free School building.

Tbe commencement at Bovrdoln Collets oc- curred last week. Among; tbe Interesting fea- ture* of tbe week was a sermon before tbe V. M. C. A., by Prol. B. C. Smjtbe, D. D , oftbla town.

Mr. Jobn Church, one of tbe Orange Princes of Florida, bu been spending a few days in town, as the gueet of Jobn F. Cogswell, Esq. Mr. Church baa an orange grove of ten tbon- aaud bearing trees, at Cltra, Marlon Co , K:a.

Rev. Rnsaell O. Tolei, D. ]>.. tbe well known superintendent of tbe Baldwin Place Home for Little Wanderers, In Boston, died In Cottage CHy, MartfcVe Vineyard, July Uth, at tbe age of 71 ysai*. lie «>• well and favorably kn*>wn In this community.

Tbe Maseacfauaetu Preea Association started on it* fifteenth annual excursion from Boston, Saturday morning, Jnly 6tb, at 9 o'clock, their objective point being Ber Harbor, Mount De- sert Island, Me. Tbe company took tbe cart of the eaaieraarallroad, and consisted of 112 ladlat and gentlemen, embracing members of tbe aa eociatkm and their frlenda. On arriving In V irtlund at one o'clock, a bountiful and excel- lent dinner waa served la the care, by A. M Winchester, tbe attentive restaurant keeper at the etatioo. Proceeding on our'journay, a very general deelre wai expreaaed to have tbe train ■top at Augusta loo* enough to Me Hot). Jamea O. Blaise. A gentleman on board, not con- nected with tbe association, volunteered to tele- graph to a friend In that place. Informing blm of the excursion, and of tbe wlihea expraaied by many of the company to ice tbe distinguish- ed nominee for the presidency. On arriving at tbe station In that place, Mr. Blalue alighted from b'a eerrlece and appeared upon the plat- form. There was■ ruth ofladlee and gentlemen m uae him by tbe hand, and he waa warmly congratulated, to which be replied In a very dljollied and graceful manner, hoping to tea them again. Tbe car* stopped but a Tew minutes, jnd aa they rolled oat of the depit, ilx rousing cheer* and a tiger were given for Blaine. On arriving at Bangor, the new railroad route just open for travel waa taken for Hancock Point, a distance of about forty miles. This la the term Ions of i tie railroad, anl from thence to Bar Harbor, a distance of len miire, we were conveyed In the One tittle steamer Sebenoa, ar- riving at our deetinatlon about eight o'clock. Distance Irom Boaton, 200 miles. Time, eleven boon. The committee or arraogemente bad io completely perfected their plans, that tbe as algnmept of room* at *he •■ Itodick," bad been made In advance, and supper waa all readv Thit bouae will accommodate one thousand guests, and is finely conducted by D. Rodlck At Suns, Proprietors. Sunday was observed In a quiet way, some attending oborch, others re- maining at the hotel, aod still others viewing tbe wonderful ecnnery and many object* or in- terest everywhere presented. In the eveolog a full praise-meeting was belt! In tbe spacious ball of tbe hotel, led by Rev. BanJ. P. McDanlel of Salem, assisted by a select cbolr from Rev. Mr. Patterson's church of Boaton. Monday morn- ing buckboards were furnished, and the party were conveyed to Eagle Late, 2| mllea, over the lake In tbe eteamer Wanwanet, I] miles. and up Green Mountain-) 1 mile* by engine and car to the Snmmlt Home. The View from this place la one of tbe Sneet In New Ena'and, aod In clear weather, Mi. KaUbdin, 125 miles off csu be distinctly lean. A tower Is being built near the Snmmlt bouse, octagon ID form, and twenty three feet In bight. Tins railway was opeoed m June, 18S3, and last season cooveyed 4 000 passengers. Tbe grade of tbe road a por- tion of tbe way I* one foot io tbrcn feet. It 1* constructed on the plan of tbe Mt. Waablngton railway, the cog wheel In the centre furnishing tbe pioLectin* power- The engine i* from tbe Manchester, Locomotive Works, aud I* three hundred horse power. Ooaervatton eara are used. It take* SS mlnntea to aioend and 30 minutes to descend. Ragle Lake la 270 feet above tbe aea level, and tbe summit of Oreen Mountain I* 1(527 feet above high WH.T mark. In tbe afternoon a steam.r wus turnl-hed, an.I Frencumana Bay visited. TV' p--*sengers land*.i for hall an boor at Sol Ivao, and were politely welcomed by tbe lulled of tbe St. Jobos, a boose which oogbt to attract liuural patronage- In passing up the -traet we were ■bown where the famous aoiiin-.n ai var mines warn located, but were in lor mod ibeioperation* warn now impended for lack of tbe precious natal. In toe evening a complimentary enter talnment and re-union waa given In loo ball of tbe hotel by onr accompanyin* artist*: Ml* Cary, Mrs. Mill*, and Messrs. Djnbam, Hitch cock, and Maraball, with Mr. Cower* as trupei aonator. Tnecday waa apent In visiting Schooner He'd, Great Head, Otter Cr ek, tbe Ovena, and uinrr puim* of Intcreat til wblcb there are many In the vicinity. In it- evening anothei musical aod literary treat was given bj oor artists and greatly enjoyed. Tne entertain mont was followed by a mealing of tbe Press Aaaociatlon, president Proctor pre* Id log. Speeches were made l> al-Msr*. Nbepbard and Wblttaxtr. A stirring poem was given by Mi Dexter, or Cambridge, which was appropriate to the occasion. Pertinent speeches were ala mad* by Hoo. Samuel McDanlel* of Cambridgi Capt. K. J. B*b*oo, Collector of tbe Port < Gloucester, and George A. Blaticbnrd, l.-u,., ol Concord, N. H , and other*.

At tbe cloee of the Reunion, nn motion of Mr, A. W. Cbeever, tbe President appointed A. W. tjheever, D. Gilbert Dexter, m,J R. T. Bany committee on resolution*, who reported the fol lowing, Wblcb were unanimously adopted :

RoMlved, That the 'banks of tbe Masiacbu soil* Pre** Aatoda'ljn uri duo, and are hereby tendered to tbe managers of the V. mern, Maine Central, aod On-cn Mountain Rail their gentlemanly i.rfciela, for tbelr courteous attention on this our summer eacaisloo, so gen- erously aod we trnit tbelr liberal policy and attention to the want* of the travel- ling public will meat with the reward aucb en tern rise deserves.

Resolved, T.iat our thftnks are due to the Messrs. Rodluk & Son* aud tbelr employe*, for their kind attention during our *tay at the Ro- dlck Home; to Joseph Wood, Esq., oftbeMt. Ueeert Herald, for valuable assistance in ar rantemant* preliminary to this occasion; to W. T. Morton & Co., on beball ot our ladle*, for tbe graceful floral compliment* tendered thi m; to George 11 -dick and driver* (or the pleasure a1- forded nt io onr drivuabwt tbe Islsnd; to C B. Ploeo ol tha Casino Rink lor courtesies offer- ed; and to tbe clilaeot of Bar Harbor gsnerallv, wbo one end all have contributed *o much to make onr brlal tarry am n < tbem on* ol unal loyed pleasure

Resolved, That tbo ttenke of tbe Association ar* hereby extended to tbe Excursion Commit tee, for tbelr excellcntarrangemont nod care of details, which ba* contrlboteJ *o largely to tbe success and pleasure of this excursion.

Wednesday morning at fonr o'clock, all are arooaed from their slumbers, breakfast disposed of, they wend tbelr way to tbe ferry boat, and toon enter the special cars assigned tbem, lor borne. At Waterrille we take the "back road," furnishing ot an opportunity of seeing Lake Maranocnok, aod it* picnic ground*, and the Cities Ot Lew It ton and Auburn. Then we ar- rived at Portland, dining en route, under caterer Winchester's excellent charge. Helorearrlvi ■t Boaton, aevaral of tbe company bad left . convenient points f >t reaching tbelr borne*, and band-sueaiag and good-tires were In order, Maay members are accustomed to Join tbeae an nual excursions, and And tbe acquaintances formed vary pleaaant. Thla trip may be re- garded a* OD* of the 11os i.


Our friend E. H. Klwell of tbe Portland Transcript, made us a visit at the depot way down, aod In returning, ~" lady, accompanied — * land.

Tbe town ol Eden, of which Bar Hirbor formi the moot part, baa a population ot about 1200, bu in Auguft tne visitors and summer residents, bring up the number to 10,000. There are eighteen hotel", aome of tbem of sufficient capa- city to accommodate 1.000 aueste

A dude recently visited Mt. Desert, and laid be could not And a oar In Bar Harbor. We neither aaw liquor lor aale, nor ao intoxicated per-on during tbe trip.

Tha PaMamaquoddy Indians have pitched their lent* at Bar Harbor for the.seasjn, and tbelr bukete find a ready tale.

Edward Sands, an agontot tbe Eastern and Maine Central railroad*, bid (pedal charge of the excursion, and not only cared for their per ■oualt Beets, but oy hii wit and ganlallty great- ly contributed to the pleasure and enjoyment of 9k* party.

There will not lie half a bay drop at Mt. Desert this season, as we learned from bay maker*, [n tbe State of Maine the orop will ba about two third* the average of past years.

On ibe new railroad Irom Bangor to Bar Har< bor. Eisworth is Hu only place of any Import' awe Senator Hale has a one residence there.

Tbe Preas Association Is non-partisan in poli- tic*, and tbe subject it taldom, If ever, ed be- member! on the excursions, t turning irom tbe trip, a canvass was made for Cre*td*nital prt|ertnce. Tbe remit was a* rot

iwt- Don't care, li Cleveland, fi; non com- imui 8; Blaine, 78. "«"l W- Several of Iba party bad hw* before the caovett was made.

One summer residence at Bar Harbor wai rented this season for f3.0Q0, and another 92,- 000.

Two boree buckboardi are tbe carriage* mo»tiy In us* at Bar Harbor. They coat about 0175. and will carry conveniently, nine persons btiide* lb* driver.

——-...., ., Prufeioot Weed ruff and f»ml!v it* In V«r-

OiODt. Mis* Emily Carter, and atisa SopblA Carter

art at Lexington. Mr*. William McRaeand Jaugbten of Bart-

tog*, N Y., are In town. Her. Mr. Preicott of Boston, preecbad at

Cbrlat Church lut Sunday. Mr*. George P. Brown of Maiden, and Mrs.

Samnel E. Moseley, have been In towo on a visit.

i« debris on ibe corner of Main and Central atreet* Is being removed, and Mr. C. L. Carter,

IT of tbe land, l* about to erect a wooden block upon tbe premise!. It will be twoitone*

<tb flit i ..ii. 11 Dr*: atory win be arranged for five nore*, and tbe second itory for offices and otber purposes. Abbou A Jeoklm are tne bolldera.

Fishing I* allowed In Hag:et[s Pond on Wed- nesday, Tbnraday, Priday, aod Saturday, of each week Io July, August, and September, to tbe inhabitant* of Aodover only. Thus far thla month, we do not learn tbat any very large flab have been caught. Father Murphy and George W. Blood, have each obtained handsome strings of sizeable b**i, perch, and pickerel.

The AndovL-r Bras* Band will furnish mnslc tbe Vailombrosa skating rink next Wednes-

day evening, July '23. Tbere will be a abort promenade concert followed by a ikatlng »:i- ion of two boun, and an attraction in ibe form if fancy ikatlng or bicycle riding, ol wblcb due

notice will be given. Late train from North Lawrence for Andover aftc: thu entertainmunU

A little past ten o'clock on Monday evening, a fire w.ia discovered In tbe barn ol Samnel W. Blunt on Maine itreet. Tbe alarm wai immedi- ately given, and the steamer engine very aoon arrived. By the strenuous effort! ol the Ore men, tbe miln house, was saved without serious damage. Tbe barn, laundry, and back part of the bouse adj lining, were entirely destroyed. Much of the furniture was removed from tbe buildings, but considerably Injured In handling. The lo»s on the building it covered by Insurance in Ibe Merrimack Mutual office. Tbere wa* no Insurance on tbe furniture. Protestor Cburchlll promptly offered hi* home next to Mr. Blunt for tbe occupancy of tbe family, until oece**ary repair* are made, aod the offer wa* gladly ac- cepted.

Prom tbe barn tbe flame* set Ore to tbe rear part of tbe residence of Frederick Kay, on School street, bnt It* progress wai arrested by tbe prompt exertions of the Bremen, The furni- ture wa* all removed Trom tbe home. Building* and rurnltnre aere bblb losnred at tbe Merri- mack Mutual office. The family wa* out ol town at tbe time.

FrU*K U. SMITH bu bonlbl of U. O, Cam mini*, th* Local Blpr*** and Jobbing Busi-

ness wiileh In* been run for a year or two past B.B. Tultle. All order! promptly attend ad it reasonable iirloea. Conveyance to Law-

rence on any evening when deelred, Urfler boxes at the Post Once and fMminnry- tf tla

Fairs." Urde'i'a solicited and promptly executed. Near the depot.


litillarJ Vale. Mr*. P. U. Haynei Ii at Tillon, N. 11. J. P. Brad lee it at tbe Poland Spring*, Me. Messrs. Abbott A Jeuhins are shingling and

Otherwise Improving tbe Ballard House. Matt. CoagroveofTewkibury, bad two cow*

die Irom eating Paris Green, on Tuesday. Tbe poison wa* lu a package, and fell from a beam in tbe barn, upon tbe hay led to tbe cattle.


There it a large number of .summer boarder* In town.

The new uniform* for tbe Bfan arrived last evening.

Mr-mr*. Gso. W right and Percy Milner are hi Old Orchard.

Tha Mtiboditts picnic at Balleji grove. Hag. gelt* pond, to-day.

Tbe report that Mrrriiiiac Hall bad been *old fa pronounced untrue-.

Tbe Blaine and Logan Club I* steadily in creasing io membership.

Parties owning dogi are notified that tbe 11 cent* must ba paid at once,

Tbe Democratic town committee will stud ont a campaign dig within a few devi.

Mie* Lillian Brown ha* gone to Keldvllle, North Carolina, where aba will remain lor si v- eral mooth*.

Among tbe Inventories filed at the Probato court, Monday, wa* that ol tbe late D. P. Gard- ner, 95999.35.

Tbe dam at Button* pond will on completed Saturday, aud operation* !n tbe mill* renamed next Moodey.

School Committeemen Mori* is at Madlion, Wlr, amending the meeting of tbe National Teachers' Association.

■The Genealogy or tbe Davis Family." has been presented to tbe Lawrence public library by Hon. Gao. L. Davis, the author.

Carroll, formerly of tbe .K'.nss and North Aodovers, di*li*gal*bed himself In a game on the Association ground*, Lawrence, Saturday,

Tbe School Committee will aoon publish a pamphlet entitled 'Rules and Regulations and Course of Bludy for the Public School* ol Nortb Aodover."

A horse attached none ofCallaban'a wagons bileiundlog near Hon M. T. Bteyena' res-

idence, Wed*e*d*y. became frightened and ran away, damaging tbe veblcie considerably.

Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, tbe Stan play the Essex mm, of Lawrence, aod .1 uly JBth " Cleveland and tiendrlck'i dob, al*o of

Tvoce. Both games occur on the Button grounds.

Tbe Congregational Sabbath School picnic at Bailey* mrove, Haggclt* pood, Wednesday

i attended by a larger number than on any prevloua occasion. Tbere waa boating, doglng, various games and an excellent colla- iou. A feature of tbe pleasant affair waa a

base ball match between Cspt. Frank Downing"! aloe and Capt. O*o. W. Lawsoa s team, In wblcb the former wa* vlcloriou* by a ".core of 19 to 6.

Ml*s Annie Keegan, a young lady or the hlgbeat chancier and many Irlenda, died at ber parents' borne, la*t Saturday, aged 19 yearj. She bad been afnic'.ed with a cancer for about

months, and "aa an Inmate of tbe Msna- ii» Gjoeral Hospital twe've wtetc*, where

ibe submitted to two operation!, but only ob- tained a temporary relief. At tbe Roman Cath- olic Cbarcb, Sunday loronoon, R.v. Fr. Mc- Manus.the pastor, alluded io ber many virtue*, and spoke sympathetic wotdi for the bereaved family- There were many elegant floral let- timoolali of attVllon and esteen. Including a

id crown Irom ber asisaclate tsacber* of St. Michael i Sunday School, a cmsa fro a Mr. Jamea Darhy, and a wreath f/om Salem irtentl*. Tne funeral occurred Mouday fore- noon,>a requiem me** being celebrated by Rev. Fr. Cronley, at St. Michael'* Church.


_ Ureas and Cloak ktaaer, haa taken room* A. at. rrainrs,. Mo. 11 Main street, anal Is

preuared to do Drees and Clank Maklnv. nolT

WILLIAM 1*. riNDLBY-lwaleriaTiebo all kind*, fre*h and salt, smoked snd

pickled; Lobeters, Clam* aod Oysters. (Joods Jelivered. Main street. lyjalt

..urk In the yard done with uromptnua* and at reasonable rates. Heeidenee, Central atreet. 1\ O. BoxM*. Andover. Sepi. 7, 18*. em

Streets, formerlr occupied by John ufJonuell. Bulldloa lumber constantly on band or fur.

' ib-rt uolioe. . April 11, ItttM.

EDWIN H. HA UN AUD, Painting, Ola- ■lug, Grainlng^and Paper Hanalng.

HOLT, Ice Dealer. Order Boxea iat Re* A Abb.m's. Andover, and at tireeoe A Woodlm'., Hallard Vale. Orders promptly attended to, tf


B. Ti: rn.K will continue the Jobbing . eapreae business, having obtained a

iw oulDttherelor. General lobbing, removing of pianos, furniture, etc. Parties accommodated (or day or evening pleasure. Ueeldnnce at Mrs. OlOMon's residence, Essex street, tf

i Boole, Shoes

Ordway A Clark's celebrated >ngola Hoots (or ladies wear, oonetanUv lid, Ms a street, Andover.

JOHN H. DEAN, Merchant. Tailor, Dealer in Clothing and Gent'* Furnishing

lioodsotall kinds. Garment* made In the latest fashion and warranted to It, Repairing,clean- ing and pressing done neatly. Main Street, Andover. nov!9 1vr

OIIAIII.KH S. i-AKKKK, Kurnl*bln» Under taker. Superintendent of Spring Grovb Ce-n-

etery. OfDce Park street. Residence Summer street, Ando-. er, Jan. 1, 1KB*.

MISS O. W. NKAL, Swilt'a IIiilltlliia;, Main Street, Andover

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. Special attention to all kind* ol Stamping.

Agency for Domestic Pattern* nod Barrett's Dye ti ouie.


Emma M. E. Sanborn, H. I),, OBEEN STKKET,

Anilovt-r, - - Miw,.

Ice Hour*: I 10 10 A. tm 1 lO I mad 7 loB UBltt




Eipress, Store, Marbt, Iitt ani M WAGONS.

lt«pa*rlng In all its Branches.

tflnvll ANIJOVER. MAS*.

Itolldaf about tha bootei where ton r.aherty nod UcDooald dwelt there were large crowds. Tbe little ooea, the vie-

ilnis of the Lawrence atreet nccldent, were eocwed In bandacmel* draped cof- Una, nnd about tbe dwelling* tbere were

lathered hundreds, Inaplred with morbid corloalty to view tb« remain*. Tbe po-

lice kept the throng In order, out women'* walla Irom tbe bounce could be beard

outside. VTliriiD tbe house* tbo specta-

cle wag most pitiable, nod nearly every

■pecutor of tbe domicile* With a tearful eye.

Mr. Paul Uha.lburII anya that 'JO mtnatea

before the accident, he wan driving with

bla partner along Haverbll) atreet. and both aaw that the wall wan preening out-

ward, nnd made remark* to the effect tbnt there wonld be an accident. "I bad,"

aald Mr. Cbndbnrn, "a good.mtod to tell

tbe city marubat of the condition of the wall, because I feared an acctdn>tt,nnd In-

tended to when I returned from tbe bus- iness myaeir and partner were dotug. When 1 returned I beard of tbe accident."

The wall Wan 8 Inches In tolcknesn, S feet hlgb, ftO feet lung, and. bu been

shaky for yenra. It might have stood

longer were it not for tbe fact tbat the earth taken from ibe excarnfloDs In tbe

lot bad been piled agalnat It oo tbe In- terior. A Urge portion of the t'lilli ex-

cavated waa thrown Into Ibe etreet, and

portlonn of brick were thrown fully 20 feet.

Autopsy anil Funeral.

On Tuesday nfternoon, medical exami- ner Howe, assisted by Dr. Abbott, made

an natopiy of tbe bodies of tbe Flaherty and McDonald slrl*. killed by tbe wn>

whlch fell on Lawrence street, on Men dnv. They found that tbu McDonald girl, who wa* killed outright, snatained n fracture of the skull, and the t the brain wsa exposed. The body of tbe FIr.herty

girl showed that the pelvis bones were separated, tbe abdomuu wan burst open, and tbere was also a fracture of tbe right

tblgb. An Inquest will be held, probably on Monday forenoon next.

Tbe luneral ol the little onee occurred

vTedoeedny, and a solemn sad aad acenu

was wltnesard upon th- streets, *s the

cortege passed to the cemetery. There were two anuses, eight coacies bearing the mourner*, snd a large throng of fol-

lowers, aad as the solemn proccasloa

panned, walla of sorrow weradlatreaslrgly

audible. Tbe bodies Were encaeea la ncbly trimmed white broadcloth caekets.

At tbe lmmacnlate Conception church,

brlefaad Impressive services were con- ducted bv Rev, Mr. Morrison, after which

tbe remains were interred In tbe family Iota at the Immaculate Conception ceme-

tery. Tbe funeral was conducted by em-

ployee of Mayor Breen.

Hampton Beach Rotes.

Morrills Ice (ream Parlors* PURE CONFECTIONERY

Manufactured dally, .rartlae supplied with ICK CREAM, SHERBET,

and a fine assortment of CAKK at short nollor Meals Served to Order.

btwtt M., directly opposite fern. Hem. Groonda Attov. ■:, IMS. Andover, Maes.

I It. M. II. UAKRIf),

Cor. Main St., and PuQcbard Avenue


Office II our*: 8-30 to y 90 A. M., 8 to 4 and 1 to I

LAND FOB SALE. T e subscriber LITjr* for aale * valoabl* traet

of land east ot lb* Pnncherd Free r-cbool, coo- MI in* ol uliuiit nine ami one-"Str acre*. ft bis ,s eiitraoue from Ponchard Arrnue, and on It scue veryellglule bouse lot. Term* reatoaable

Fresh, and Warranted Strictly Pure

PARIS GREEN 25 Cents per lb.

LONDON PURPLE 15 Cent* per lb. at

OEO.H. PERKINS', - Druggist (Under Herrlmaok Hti:i.l ty-tat

subserlber hn« been duly aopolntedadmh latrator of the estate or atliaaoet'i II. isrosvnnor late of aodover. in I ■ o County or Bases, wldiw deecaand, and bas tak-tn upon blm ■elf that trust, bv giving bond* as the la*, direct*. All persons having demands """n lln estate of said desaaaed are reqoire'1 to exhibit the same; aad all persona indebted to ta" estate aie called upon to make payment to

liKO. II. I'OJIt.Aominislrator. lOtti.lfHI. isiftal

CasaHaasiwealth wf Jgaaaaehssaett*. Esaax, SB.

PBOB »TE COUBT. To tne next o( his, eredllera, and all other pi

•on* Interested In the estate ol Charles Pembrrtnn, late ot l.swrcnef, in aald

Lounly, Mechanic, deceased, in eilaie: Uaamao:

Wlia-eas appliratlon h*i been made to lakl ot.ri to gran a Letter ur admmlslrsticn on the

ettile of aaiddecrasea,lo J>isna.'iileof Law reoce. In tbe uounty ol Ksaex, (Public Admin Islrator).

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate ouitto be tield at 8»lem,m aaul cuunlyorBsvi n the Bnt Monday ol auitu-t, unit, at nine 'rlook before aoon, to *how cau*e, It any ou have, against gran lng Ibe aam.;. And said John 8. Glle la nereuy dl-

recte-1 to give public uotlnetbereoi, by publish- ing thlaolUilon once aweek, lor thr e succea- aive weeks, lu th« newspaper called tbe

LAwaanoa AMBHICAH AMD Anoovaa ADVnnTiiBB,

printed at Lawrence, the last publication ta be two days at least before said court.

Witness, George P. Choate, Esquire. Judge ol said court, this ieib day of Juit, In the year •■e inuuisnd elgl-t hundred and righly-lhrre. SI U-il J.T.MAHOSET. Kealaler

liilnn,-,Ji *1*. 1*> JAMB-* H.COCHkAN.


ntone fnrnlihed for foundation* and otber pnrpoaes, at abort noll-e. Cellar* contracted for in wn^and vloialtr aad built by experienced

E. PIKE, 8o'e Agent for f"

Adams & Wealake OIL STOVES, And the AVKItlLl, BBADYIM1XBD PalMTS in can or bulk. Call and aae tbe new tVagjn jack, tbo besttbln* ou'.

E. PIKE, Park Street. Andover, April 4, IMK. 4oi

WOOD & COAL White Ash an. Franklin Coals.

HARD AND SOFT WOOD. Preparad,iidaslred.


JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. Urdei received,and bills lattleo at


Ouposhe PoalOslea.




Mr P. A. Bawver will oonimenoe, on the ?oi"i, to deliver hot brown bread and beaae, HU* say aiflrnlng in North Andover.


Lykena Valley Bed Ash Ooal,

OOce In Drapers Block, Mala Street. Andover HAT AND STRAW. *t»I*

CARD Bamaol W. Blunt andfamilvbeg

to the Tire Departrosnt aedtoeai-.l ledlvnallv, alncere thank* fur "" aaJfsi.nful efforts. nn.W a. In the supyression of i jut

espre-sioae of svmpaiby anu good mIII on the occasion.

Andover, July 10, I; ■» I

e Ore on Mon

all en

FOR SALE. ew milch Jersey Cow, large and hand

some, six vears ol'■ with Call. " — '<« Paros, North Andover. 3*1 ilvs'it"':

Commonwenltb of Maeeechueette. Kssxx, SB.

To the Helr»*t-Liw and other* Intereeledln ..ii- eeUie ol Dorca* Trench, late of North Andover, in said

oounlv. Widow, dtceaaesl, testate, GBBXTINO

You are herebv cited to appear ataprobaie court to be holi|en at Newtiuryuorlin said cor- - on the Tourlh Mondar ol Ju|r. o'clock In the (orenuon, to atioi ton have, wfiy thesamesh tuld nc. — -.

AmiUw said vxeeator is ordered lo serve this "lialiou by publishing tbe same once a

Miss C. H. A. S\\I.»R\ A student of the Hew Beg'and Coeservalorv,

wishes to eMlM Hiano pupils In Aadover and viri-ny. Ins ruotlon given in Klemeniary Uar isony II detl-ei. _ ^ .

bhe i* 11 r inti-ii to refer to Professor* Jama* ('. D. Parker and Ueo. It. Howard of Boeloa.

*>15 for 90 I*aaona. Terms: QBBBN STBBXT,



IIOKUAN.-I.. this cltT. July 13ib,a eon lo Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Morgan.

ROfNliTKKB.-In thlseliy.Jaly l!lh, twin*, a son and daughter ■ Mr. aad Mrt. Abraham

KKNHgDY.-In this oily, Jolf taw* a *en to '. and Mr*. William Kennedy.

rjLEASON.—In Andover, Jnly U, a daughter to "" . and Mrs. B- U. Ul eaaoa.

ltev. Mlctiael Murphy or Wobnrn Mass.

Is at tbe cottage of bis brother, Mr. Pat- rick Murphy of Lawrence.

The family of Qeo. W. Home took poa- seraton of tbelr collage last week.

Mr. Edgar Pratt, Mrs. Henry II. Bar-

ton and Mies Ada Jones were at Yeaton*e oo Monday.

Mr. Cbaa. R. Mason and Miss Alice Ma-

son drove fion Lawrence to tbelr cot- tage at Hamilton yesterday morning.

Tbe family or Mr. Geu. P. Cutler of Tanaton, formerly ol Lawrence, are ex-

pected at tbelr Hampton cottage next

week. Mr. Yeaton, of the Ocean House, ban

erected a large awning, sixteen fen

•quBie, over uu lower veraada at tbe

Ocean House. Tbe uiic.nnmor.lj blgh tide last week

destroyed a large number of lobster pots off Boar's Head.

Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Porter and Mian Le-

na Porter left for bome yeetrda}. Mr. and Mrs. Thom*sCoijfwell of Law-

rence spent Suodsy si Vtrstoo's. Tbe little grand-cblidren of J. D. Drew

are at tb« cottage of tbe latter on tbe

beacb. There la a large number of guests at

tba Ocean Home, and new ooea are ar- riving every day. Chicago, Haverhlll

and Boston are well repreaented. Tne favorite walk at Hampton beach

la to tbe mouth of Hampton Hirer, two

miles distant. Mr. Lutber Colby, editor of tbe Banner

of Light, left for Amesbury on Monday .

The Congressional Queatloa.

* 'Protection ief writes the Lowell Hall wblcb favors tbe Domination of George

F. RIchardaoD, as follows i

At a meetlog of true Blalue Republican* bold quite receatlr, many representative

gentlemen being present, tbe first ques-

tion for consideration waa, wbo Is tbe

strongest man In Lowell to nominate for congress, Bialne'a election being con- ceedecT Bon. Francis Jowett was Ireely

spoken of tbe strongest and coming man, reference being made to bla very success-

ful life In politics and business. His years sad experience and bis strong and

manifest Interest la our manufacturing

Industries all tend to abow blm tbe strongest candidate tae Republics as or

tbe district could select as tbelr standard

bearer In the coming congresalonnl con- test, and the only one In the Republican

ranks wbo couln draw largely to his asp-

port from tbe Democratic ranks. Otber gentlemen were also spoken of, Hon.

Cbss. A. Stott, Col. Cbaa. H. Allen, ex-

Mayor Blobs raaoo, ail strong men In this district, but wanting tbe support tbat Mr. Jewett could call to his aide. Should

be be nominated tbe tolling masses have Implicit confidence In blm aa one of the staunch advocates or forlhlgbtly pay-

ments while In the state senate snd would vote onbssltatelj, regardless of party,

to send Mr. Jewell as tbelr riprtsenta- tlvs to tbe next congress. This fact

alone, together with his many good qual- ities, his being a strong protectionist of

our bome Industrie* and a tariff reformer

on articles of domestic use, should enaure bis nomination and election against any

candidate wbo could be brought Into tbe

Held at tun time by any party.

Death* Last Week.


uu* city, June tftth. . Frank L. Berkley, of

a W. Cooper, M

Il»( Kl.fV—coOPKH.-In thu l.v Rev. Wm. I. liill, Mr. r—' Auburn. Maine, and allaa, Lawrence.

HaX-KIBCHHOrr.-ln Ballard Vale, July 4. by Bov. J-A. D»y, MI. Jahn Max and I Minnie Klichholf, all of Ballard Vale.

ABBOTT—CRiSTIt.—Ia Andover, Jnly ]«, by Hev. B. r. Branson, D. D., Mr. William U. AbboU and Mia* Hop* L, Christie, both of Aadover.

There were IS deaths In this city last

week, aa follows i — Consumption Hi Cholera Infantum 2

Marasmus 1; Caocar of Llrer 1; Hemor- rhage of Lungs i; Nllral lnaumcleucy I;

Stillborn *; Meningitis I; Paralysis 1;

Abdominal tumor 1; Childbirth 1.

maagmmsassssst MCfcPitsl.

A Lawrence Man Meets His Death by Violence.

Jobn Duffy, wbo baa resided bere, and

la a brother ol Mrs. Mlcbte) Wblttey, Common street, died Tuesday at Glou-

cester, from Injuries received tt tne hanua or one Michael Lawless; Duffy

was employed on tbe water work*, and his aasailant was a boss. It sppesrs tbat a few days ago, Duffy waa discharged

from tba works for some cause, which

so angered blm tbat be went Dp to tbe boss, oo Wsablngton street, Monday af-

ternoon, aod applied to blm some oppro-

brious epithets. From words It csme to blows, when Duffy was knocked down

and Jumped upon by his adversary. He waa, It la alleged, still farther formally

bandied. When he got np. Duffy met

officer Bopper, to whom be related what bid happened, at tbe same time saying

be felt vary 111. He waa taken to tbe station, where he died yesterday morning nt half-peat aeven. Lawless waa Imme- diately arrested.

Michael Lawless was before the court

yesterday afternoon, charged wllb the murder of Jebn Dufly, by striking, kick-

log, and throwing blm to the ground, In- QJctlng injuries wblcb caoied death. II s pleaded not guilty, nnd tba case waa con- tinued until Friday morning. Ao autop-

sy ban been held, wblcb Indicated tbat

tbe injuries received were sufficient to prodnce death.

Arraign meat of the Murderer.

Michael Lawless waa arraigned In the

Gloucester police court on Tuesday,

charged with tbe murder of Joba Daffy, of this city. The complaint waa, ta sub-

stance, that lie pristine' did wlllully sod wllb malicious forethought, wllb hands and feet, beat and kick Duffy nbout tbe

bead, breaat, arms and stomach In aucb a manner%a to cause death. Tbe prisoner pleaded not gnllty, and tbe caae waa con- tinued notll Friday morning. He was

committed. Be was committed to Jail to await trial.

Lawleae pot the thumb of his left hand out or joint when be pounded Duff/. The

government haa several witnesses and a

strong case agalnat tbe murderer. He

came quietly Irom the police station aod has evinced DO concern about the matter

•Ince bla incarceration ID |*ll ha wears

a haggard expression, and probably real- llea the aerlons reenlts of bis hot temper

and quick action. He probably had no

premeditated kea to kill Daffy, bnt when he was excited did not slop to consider

what he waa doing, bat Just beat and kicked hla victim until he bad satisfied

his paaslon. He la about 40 years of age

and haa been employed as a foreman. He has sbown his vlcloas disposition be-

fore by kicking tbe men who were at work for him. From ail account* be would

make a good slave driver, bat was not a

fit man to have charge of i gang of work- men.

Jobn Duffy, the murdered man, former-

ly worked on tbe Fllchbarg railroad, aod leaves a widow In Holdcn, Mass. Ii Is

said that he bad not resided with his wife for sornu time.

Lawless, the man wbo Is charged with tbe crime of murder, claims his residence

lo Pawtocket, B. I., where be haa a wire.


Mr*. Wm. Marble and cbllertn'areat Exeter, N. II.. for a tin week*.

Miss Julia Klmball has gone 10 Vineland, N. J., to visit her parent*.

Mr. Cbaa. H. Tennev la slocking his farm wltn Jersey cattle, from Vermont.

Tbe Metbeen Company ba* rereo'.ly put in a new tnrbina wheel, at the wooden inill.

Rev. Jobn Taylor, of Andover, preacbed at tba CongregBUonalt*tcbt.rcb on tiunday lait.

Mill Fannr A. Bead ba* gone to West II*- verbill to pass tbe remainder of tbs school ve- nation.

S. O Strganf, Ksq , bis been appolaled ad- minlsirntnr of iha «■■•• •* <».<- ble Aaaaea Brigg*.

Rev. Mr. Culcord, of Bedford. N. II., will preaci at tbeCoogregatkinal church on Sun- day next.

Rev. Ij, L. f*. istman and family have gone to Epplng (N, 11.) camp ground,to remain through lueieaauo.

The Morse Bra*, have erected a windmill o„ their premises, for the purpose of bringing wa- ter to tbelr barn.

Mrs. Harriet Neal and her daughter, Mr*. Anale Kendall, are visiting their friends In New Hampshire.

Mn. Blake Qoodrtcb and daughter, Grace, have gone lu Kingston, N. H . to pass tbe re mslnder or the SCUOJI vacatlou.

Tbe Horn of Veteran*, of this town, iolned wlih other* or like organtastlon*. held a picnic

. Sbawsbln Grove, on Saturday last. Mtsirs. H. C. Nevins. C. H. Tenner, J sines

Ingall* and several otber gentlemen, have beeu at Nantasket darlog the week, en a fishing ex- cursion.

I'rl'i Ilia A , wire of Charles White, died on Sunday morning last, of paralysis, aged IS year*. The funeral occurred on Tuesday aiter- noon.

Among tha Inventories filed at the Probate Court, in Lawrence, oa Monday laat, men Fair- Held White's of #U,9J9, and Unarle* L. Wll-

«■* of fflO,nol. About forty of our citusns Joined th* excur-

sionists that came from New Hampshire, on wedneaday morning, and accompanied them down tha river to Salisbury Beach.

A smsil barn, In process of building, was own down, at Me**er* crossing, during tbe

shower oo Sunday afternoon, it wa* owned bv ■lame* H. Lyons.

Rev. Z. B. Itolbrook I* exi acted to arrive In wn on Saturday, July lOtb, and will ne Ibe

gnaatof Mr. Jam** Keitoe. where he wtd be pleased to recstv* hi* friendi.

Mr. Wlnrlieli W. Messer hi* removed bl* family to Baltimore, Md. He came from Balti- more on Friday last, snd returned wltb his l-imily on Tuesday of tbll week.

Major Wagner went to Huston oo Wednes- day, where b* met Commander Bllllnge and staff,of iheG. A, It., and with tbem went down tbe narbor, lo lb* soutn *bore, as tbe guests ot Ualgbren Fo*r, of South Boston.

Oeone, an elgbt-vear-o'd son of Mr. ard Mrs. A. W.UIbaon, w** drowned ta tbe mill pond, near tba foot bridge, on Friday after- noon, about two o'clock. Tba funeral took plaee on Sunday afternoon, from tne Minion chapel, Rev. H. H. French officiating.

Mr. Mark Hart look n large dose of Paris green oo Tuesday alWnoo'i, and died oo Wedneaday morning, about 7 o'clock, from tie eBecta. Despond-acy, caused by tba sickness of hi* wife, I* thought to bav* lean tbe cause of b is committing the deed. Hie age wa* St year*.

Mr. J. Madison Doe died oo Thursday after- noon, alter a long Illness, of softening of tb* brain, aged 73 year*. Mr. Doe wa* one ol tne old residents ol th* town, having lived here nearly slaty ysars, with tba exception of a lew years spent in California, which place be bad visited on three different occasion*. H* wa* an honest man and a good c1tla*a, and respected by all who knaw blm. The luneral will use pise* on Sunday aftsraoon, at 1 o'clock.

Lovno ar Lamas. Ladies love delicate and delicious perfnmeB.

In Parker's Hair Balaam tbey not only sstiafy this taste, net hare en article wbtcb arrasi* falling hair,-restore* tbe original color aod Im- part* a beautiful gloss, eofloe** and life, poei not sojl tne linen, » not a dye. cleanly and economical. dweodlm}el8

All our Jinn-Trimmed Shades are closed out. line of

*#** ft Am

Byron Truell & Co

BARGAINS THIS WEEK: 2000 Yds, Pacific Lawns, fast Colors,

at 5 cents per Yard. We bave taken all our

Remnants of Dress Goods! And marked Huiii at a price that will close them mil Im


LENGTHS FROM 1-2 TO 7 YARDS. We have a


The TIME to Buy Cotton and Domestic Goods is NOW.

We have a fine line or choice styles of

GINGHAMS, PRINTS, CAMBRICS! Jusl open. A line of

KIT'S lilllflllillll 1ID MEM. Collars, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery,

Corsets, Ruchingfs. -A BARGAIN IN STRAW MATTINC8.—

Ailju.lj.lilr 8CKEKN9 U ouly SOc. a pleee, Jujd wLrn you want j> JKKNKY JACKUT ud perfect at. wh, j-ume to

Byron Truell & Co 249 HSSBX STJRIElEiT

Man fjiaalng.

Tbotnas Meahau, formsilv of thia city, bnt for the la*t IB joara a resident of Amesbury, Mass., haa bean mlaslni from

bi* home since w ■ In .s 1 iv of lait week, lie was a carriage blacksmith by tiade,

and laarea a wife and three children.

.....,.,.. ,,,i i i , uu a rourin tiav of oephmber, A. D,

Cairo an. When Baby was Bick, wegave Castor* Whin sue wai n Child, ibe cried far Cailorla Wnen she waa a Miss, sne clung to Castor la, When sue bad Children, sbe |ave iLein Castorl* ,w5f

Notliina equals Allen'* Bilious t'bT*lc la quick' Iv rellevlas costlvenesa, beatlacbes, hear .burn aud allo.her Blllou* troubles; At cents large nol- le At druggiiU. dwlweod

Pirn TMOVBAHD A Yaaa. To be inn*. You've "only got a cold ;" "only

a cough." "Be all over K In a (ew day*." "I>■lift worry aboal me." Well, w* won't. But 60,000 people die every jear In tbe United State' Irum consumption. And every eoul of them beg", tbat way. Hitter stop it now alih Parker's Tonic. Tbl* »m*dy will expel tbs cold at once. dwlm*odjfe


"I'M ALL BBOKI Ur!" Tbl* I* Ibe nasal exclamation of one sfilleted

with rheumatism, or laminae*, llheumatk people *re indeed entitled to onr linear* *?■*- patby snd 'ommiieraiioo. Speedy relief Is of- fered tbem la Dr. l'bomie' Kckctrlc Oil. It I* the *worn enemy of all ante* and palm,


ri'Ll roR TUB fsMoaa. Let ni all pall out of tbll sea of sieknt** and

deijpondancy, and get on to a rock tonndatlon of gfiud, *lrong bealib. Bnrdock Blood Bitter* are lbs tblng to pail for Tbey are on* of the most renowned healih resloraiive* ever manu- laetnred. dwlw



Lawaa^oa AKanicai* **D AUDOVSB AllVKKTiSIK,

a newapaper printed at Lawrence, three week* successive!/, tbe '" dajs at least bel<

wune**. Jeo- ■■.n! i. thi*

. publication 1

dav or Julr.

In Pantneket, It I., June ttlb, Hs.ahq.lel, lonnei \jf of Andever,

aged S3 vrs, 1) tame. ilx1 I KKKOAS.-ln Korth Andover, Julj Uth, Mill

Ann it- Ktcgan. aaedlBTrs.1 ntos-

How I FSI-T.

Why two years ago i wa* lost about crasy ,mt no wonder that my wife aad children were irai.i of me. Tou ju*t want to sufft-r with

jeursigla with no relief, ai 1 did, until I need Bulpbur Buteri. They cured me, aad now my wife *ai s 1 am as meek a* a lamb.—Robert l)«-

i, American Uouae. Huston. 1r-iw*od


PHYBI01AN AND dUBGEOK. Corner Central and Brook ■>■•

How TO Haao jour doctors prescriptions. Band two | cent stamps to pay postage and receive Dr. laaul- raatn's great Treatise u disease* i Illustrated In colors; It gives itetr ilrosaadBboreviatloo*. Addreis, A- P. Ordway AC*,, BoMon, IT tmm

In anotber column will be fonnd the an- nouncement of ibe Bryant A Hiraiton Commer- cial School, lkisiou, a UIf Lt I* at once tb* oieleat largest and most successful ot it* kind, lti peculiar point* of eacellinoa are admirably aet

i In tbe advertisement and need not to be repeated bere; indite It to aay that ibe princi- pal, Mr. U. B. tlibbarrl, baa been imlneatly auceesefnl in graduating well equipped, sell-

nt pupils, wbo are accepubly Bidng posl- llons of tmal, to wblcb be ba* Introduced tbem, In all oar l*rg* cltlei.

UoasroBo s Ann nioiraais, One of tbe Beat Tonic*.

Ur. A. Aiaimon. Prof. Materi* Medlea and DermatoloST, In College of 1'hjs.ctaus aud inrgeons, ll.ltlmore, M.I , says. «[t Qske* a plaaaanl tlrinr, and Ii un* of on/ beat toolci |Q the *U»p* nl (be pboipbaiei lo eolqbif lorai."

Use Beach'a World Soap aid avoid skin

beach's Woild Soap, a pore aad nealU J

LACTABT, The Acldjof Milk.

A rare, Beallhfnl. Relreshln* Drink, aid. ag Dlgsatloa. Said by dru/ant* everywhere.

ATBET LACTATB CO, Beaton, ataaa wtatjrll


legions ol people bave bad ihelr live* made misnaOl: he Piles. This pslnful difficulty Ii utten Iniucedauu always aggravatsd hy Con stipation. Kldnay-Wort is tbe great remedy for ell affections of Ibe kind. It acts ai a gen- tle cathartic, piomotea a neaiiby action of the bowels, and aoothe* and heal* Ibe inflamed snr face*. It Bg* cbrad huadreJ* of caiaa wbare all atbei remedies and application* have failed. Sold by all druggisti. da 1 w

ACAKB.—To all »bo artiuOerlng Irom er- ror* and Indiscretion- of Tou'b. nervous weak. wee*, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I wil ►end a rrclpe tliat will care you, Pnk* oi CKABOB. this great remedy was divcaverej by a missionary In Houib America. Send sell- uddreeaed envtlnno to Hav. Joearw T. IaMaa, isiatlonU, New York. <tU«0dJyW

In the Ihp Porom Pituttr tha virine* of Freeh Hop* ate combined with *treagU*uiag and stimulating balsams, and Its cures ol weak back, pain lu the side, rbeumatlem and neural- gia or Dale in the < best, are simply marvelous, It being more efflcaclon* aad tboiough than aay liniment or liquid i(m*aiei. Kou'il *ay so aft- er uiiBg. dwlw*od

Try Beach's Wc rM 8oap and ',joo wll alwaya oaa It.


Thii favorite brand of pure Whiskey Is not- ed only by Chester H. Oravee A Sons, So

Hawkins street, Huston. posseMlng ample tat. tbls Drm does not put np this brand ol

their best aud unreal goode until It ba* become mellnwed by age. Tiiev control th* entir* pro duction ol tbl* brand, and allow no adaltcra

whatever. Iti* a pure whiskey, aod aa •UCL can ba prescribed by physician* or pu- cbued lor domestic u*e from Druxglet* and Oiocers everywhere. _ dwlweod

For the lip there is no brig bit***. For tbe leetb there I* no whiteness,

Where SotoiioMT be* got no place; But iboee who use H, know full w*|). Bow bright and beautlfnl the apell

It throws o'er man or woman'* face, dwlweod

Nervousness, narvou* debility,HUralgl*. nerv- i* anouck, Ot. Yltui Dance uroslralioo, and all

dlaeaae* o( neree aennralive iirgana, are ail per- manently and radlcilly cured bv Allrn's Ii sin leas), the treat DObUsHM remedy. |i package, ii for $i. At .Hugei.l.. ->r IIT mail, from ,1 Allen, JU First Avenue, New Vork City. dwlwaed

Fitted ont (or the season. Dress**, cloak*, coats, stockinu and all garment* can be colored eucceetfully with the Diamond Dye*. Faabnn- sbie colors. Only 10c. at draggUU. Wen* Richardson A Co., Burlington, Vt. dwlw

By its great and ihorougb blood purifying properties, WBTHBBBLL < SAUAraaiLLA euiaf all u amors, from the worst scrota I* to a mm mon ulotch, pimple or eruption. Mercuria. dlaeiaaes, mineral poleons and their effect* are eradliated and vigorous health aad A sound constitution estahllsbed. Kryi'lpel**,saltrheom, fever sores, nalj or rough akin. In short, all diseasei caused by bad blood are conquered bv thia powerful parlfylns aid invigorating medi- cine. Bold by all dealer*. dwlweod

o TUB H >ar»A-La TBB Jusnosa OF TWB »IN,I» JUOIOUL OOUBT, ae XT To as HILU WITHIN AMI run TUB OUUVTV aw a*aaxi

Keep.otfully rrpreeeet* Margaret Clegg oi aw recce, la feiuf ctunty, tan on, in w" the

triad . t.i TTiemss all Tlu nia. (. aad tbcreiftar II

—-■* *' **ld LAwraace as i: about Jnaa 1, 187*. w..en ther removed irom mmj ■■laajil to Bnglan.t. wbere mcy |ITe together a* hushaid *JBpWssa until ou or SUoul Mav I, inn. whea tbey rrturn-d loraldLaw- reooe to nsiln, and tberealter lived Ugelher at

aMSJl ill* Utteenth .Jar ol June. A. D. Ilfl whet, the llbeuee utterU daaerle I your libellsnt si aald l.twre'oe and want lo reaide at Asbton- Under Lyne. Lauc«ur, Kaglend, where be I*

Aad your llbcllaat further represenU thu .-aid desertion wa* without pruvoe. lion or lawful oauae, and has oonliou :d without Inter- .uptlon iioai aald last aamed date io tbe baaa of the flllni of it,l. libel, and that during tb* •atlra lime of said desertion your liuellant Baa redded ai •ml Lawrenee.

And your Itoeliaot further repressnU that oa .livers days and li-ne. alac« oje said I ibe I lee de 5S« »our ."V*1""11 - »"»re.ald, be ha. bees living In and lias committed the mime ol adul. urv with a eertala woman at aau Ashtua. Uader-I.yoe, whuate name I* in your liuellant unknown. And your llDellanl furiher repre- !!!.n^-1^1 ",c,! *r". ""M'ldrea living born to her and ber aald buabaad.

sfherefor)lyoui IltMillaat pray* that a divorce froa aba bone* of mairlmonv may be da. creed between ber snd loi llueltee.


^•m-ioawealth of Maaeaeheiaetre.

K**KX B*. Supreme Judicial Court, Clerk's OOce, .» ,-.

ITtSj, idai. iu vacalioa ailei Ai-'i u,™ A. b. la*,, *.■■' *•»■»

lla^ntM'-l!lT,.1,,,,b?,• Ordered.'batthe.. ,1 hUeiisnt give notio* U, said VasHsa* VMS*

l-*waaKca AMBaiaanand AHDOVIK Anvaarihaa,

three we ke euaorsslvety, the l*.t iiubMrs-

Uvni?f Ks uolurd*r" S it* b*fu" ""■ n*" and lor the oaunty of gsU*eir, M Ike saT^ajsaOAfl

"ember next, sod by mailing a e..u» ul — aev**papar, oonUialna eucn couj. prvpaM.ii tijweus Clegg, at Asiiton Uadaf rJS^lffY*^i ■"B'lanri..i»i, d ■». .1 less' be. lor* Mil »r*tTue..iav of Niivaoic r, that he may then and there appear, ana *huw rause, If any lie hi*, why the prayer of aald lluel thould not in* granted.

Attest, ACntKD A.ABBOTT.CIerk. The foregoing 1. a true oapy of .aid libel,

and oi theorder thereon. AUr.t. AUPHD A.ABMjrr, Clerk,

did 17 II

BUINE ■D Its, Heavy paper.

. •*.„ ineattlful tints, aeno-' a"!'

UTatJI.^tfjBiq CJ.£'Z'";. "'"IHendricks

WABBBB J. Uoaiaaoa, Bl Oliver si. Boston. BlmJM K

1 boy bavr Wen tke Highest PriaM. Benson'* Caonne I'urou* Plaster* naver soU

the sain, nands or linen. They are pruuipi a*4 certain, ii coot*.

Do not forg*et when 70a are In Want ot Silverware. Pottery, Latnpe, Paper t1uii|trlia*ra or Win- dow Shade*, tbat the Larffeet

Aatortment can alwayi be fonnd at E. A.'FIKKK'H, M75 Ewez St




Choral Worship! Cw f'hiilra. Kinging rinsaeB and Mu- Convent loo*. fall Church Maat* Book Hue. Price *l.f». CHOlAL WOR1HIP hai!th)page*. CHORAL WOR4HIP haa I'O page, of Wle

menu. Baeroi*e* Km anil UradHI donas. In one, two er more UArts, Cloaa, Ao A good varielv.

CHORAL WORIHIP haa TS pegee of the boat it..- L ■ 11 J- 1 tunee.

CHORAL WOR«HI*> has 3fi page* of ml ■reiiiiioius mifer, m ludln* good f Coaoert singing, aa'l tor iratnlng tbe voice.

On the Whole. CHORAL W< 'l'.-'l 1 C 1. a book fo> tha time*, appeaitvg aa Chora*, Choir and Uhiirat Mnglog I* acaln ooaiing U favor, a ed eraatlea a daesaa I lor >uat what this book sap pkanwain tne beet way.

nemd a I for saecloen rj»|. r. aONO \V« HISII II' ii-mmlss K„n-

I Heaool aoaa b.xjk. 01 tb« grratrslpromi.*, by lassiaaa snd Baerwin. BcndiScenw tor one ■pi mat a eOpv.

oiaiveit DiTsoN & co. Adeem* 4*1 Waihlafi** MI H itsa


CandldBtei for adnilaalon will be eiamlnnl on Tu.aday, Be. iruiiM-r J. Tuition and Teal books free, raoualary ai<> gi>en 10 neMy pupite. r*or Circular and other Information, address

DsSlIL B. BAUAB, Priac.pal. aUwiyU


A: W, Stearns & Go

We are offering Special Bargains in

All Departments.

PARASOLS! The balance or our stock of PARASOLS we shall close Out regardleeaof


SPECIAL DRIVE. 50O0 IM)Z. l.APIKS' and OKNTS' HANDKBRCHIKKS, slightly lmpgrtaet. Cell

and *« am I ne them aud note tha low piioea.

JERSEY JACKETS! We are headquarter* for .Jersey*. Look at^our $1.23 Braided Jeraer.

be beat. JerMjrs from $1.00 to $15.00.

WHITE SKIRTS! flaring bought a large line of White ftklrte frem the manufarturer, we ar*)

e-nablnl 10 sell them at very low price*.

SUMMER HOSIERY! Our entire stock of Ladlee', MIBBOB and Children'* Hoae we ahatt close out chrap

BargAlaa In Gent's Hose.

ONLY A FEW MORE LEFT. Hare TOU aeen onr Laee Collar* at 60 cents. Cheap, at $1. <>.

The Balance of our Snmmer Stock will be sold out uri!- ll'SS of cost

A. W. STEARNS & GO. 309 and 311 Essex Street.


( KSTABLISHKD 18.112.)

All Kinds Farming Tools I

Fresh and Reliable Seeds I

New Model Buck eye Mower.

Bullarl 'mprov- ed Hay Tedder


Sanborn, Austin & Robinson, Successor* to CHA8. R. MASON A «(>.,

■m KSSVA STREET, LAWREXCE, MASS. >r<l!F™A«i?" "'" "* elo"'">™'' ""I". Jl»l»I M. OS » iu.1.1 ..10 jfr.|j>4..ij»Fi III.

BOYNTON & CO., and 207 Essex Street I.VWKEXCE, MASS.

HARDWARE —tare**

Farming Tools 1! Wi.ltn A. W...I.I, Leonard, Knreka 1 nd

Clipper MowluR Haohlne*. . n (Upper Mowlu StrongsndDursbl* — B.l.a,^!**! **!!<■■

lng florae Hake.

MiKlgett Hay Tedder.

seals lor Bockeve v* in.tuiiil- en 1 u»r.. ACKKUN DUALS PIPE and KXETKB LAND



Botani j Cathartics. BLAINE. I Mewl l- ni-11 m : 11 its te

For Constipation, CoetUrn'ia. Piles he, itih ''-., Ei>. It i» Hi.' 11 i| safe Cubartio lor rtlldren MI

. jHb The* are alwav* reliable a*a »< ur ilri'K.-isi f'r It. rent (treiiald t>v nail on receii't of piloe,Ucu.aad«I.OUpar boa.


Botapathlc Drops, The Urcat Vmla

Vat Knniii nil in, VriiralulS. 1'aralVSis, lies [iif 11 p. iii|imiiif ». Colits and all pains sn iirui,r» lllist n-.e-j-ul in llin woilrl. A«k drusKist fur it. OCLI prep a la bv el press 00 re- B*1*H M prise, #1 par Lottie.


Botanic Worm and Fever Powders Tt,-|oDlv far expeUtas; all klads Of woras from ailulls sn<l i-hrMrcn. sod breaking up W'lim lever*. Tbeae DO a den *r* free irons p.,[.1.11, and *lr*e*iBen We >T«I"». tbu* pre sentipM worn* Irom anouoiulttin*. Overtwo- IliirdsolUia disease* of children a>e eansad or woias*. Ask vour iiru*s!*t lor teem. Sent pre. paid by avail on receipt of pi Ice, « U, aad fl


Botanic 8alve. are* Iteh. Plies, 1 'hi sore*. &u*liH aad Doras, nd all kind* Ol SKI)* DlHEASKA., Asi our Drnaalst for If. Bant prepaid br Ballon lUtlplol pi ju-, a'mln. an'l •! a bus. AI1 ^tose islaabl* reaedies sro pr*n*e*»! **lf

bj «KO- A. ItOHHII-.. « IIIIKISI .

Hciiilliijt. >l*«"".. To whom all ort'er* sbould be a.lilrewr J.


. isBilsom**t, bau. By ine rea^wnn.! hlsiurlan im p'»-r, <:M. I IIII»H.• i' Ul.' nr 8ah li*Md bt us, oataolT the twenty o

my BjienUB-eeelllntf flfi. dalh ni*>iOf icrtaois*. Ail new beftiou ' BH'i'i i-limi'i- for lu.'iii. Jt.i :-i n.,1 eaasl tbe ftrst day. Terms aiorl . t culars ii on. Ih tier send to earn, t-iri, un irer ojtdl, now r*a*1y, la* prospMlus book, Nnd save tslusii <

AI.L.BN a cu., aeai dlww]*s|.7

SIOO to $300 easily

Wanted riRflr CLAM Csnvss* a h<> desi re a aaaaatisas ooasa and peim^oeut < asaemrni. /

PEE MONTH __ earned by c.t. , >

■iiroauclac sserlloriuno, slapla arilcla, niiurad la svsry bonsehnnl, Huis, rinif-n.'s. 1 n.A. fays for it Boll ID nlna-

ty U-sys to four month*, hicluon-.' Aaran- W awa dad i" i> .ilr lns*»unf *r.iMn toOO ia sampliia ai|wbol sals urkea. Aduiese

O. r. HABUON.ULIacola BL, Itoataa.

ADMINISTEATOE'S SALET By ll'iense of the Probate Conrif«r the County

Counlv, dsoeaeed, will sell at imbita Aae. HOB on the premisaa. aa Wedneailav the M(h day of Iune. auL ai»aV5laakiBiii*arui*ooB, B boa** >nd tot M lead oa Alistoa at., la sale Lawrt ace, tnesaaae beia| all ibe rest estate bo- lorhtns 10 the aaul Uhailee Oobara. ftasd Ka- IBle IUSIIIU or a saodarB two-storv boaae^ba (or»1 repair BBdabaailMBrBeauAr* leet of and.

IVrmsHOu «at liaceiNls, balaoo* in ten

VBWTON P. r 1; V K. Adra'r.

AlkJOVaVtMENT. The 1 fatwMbU AdwUlatrator1* Bale siaad* ad-

lam beti to Bata/day, July lib. IIB1,; 3 o'ekekt

M. P. rK1 r, Adminli-lralm . W. K. PBUBICB, Aocilonear. Lawraaoe,Juae.a5, 1HU. *1 Ji *

Farm For 8aJo In Wait Aniloarr, I n-le fsoaa.Aadover deptt

I irom Lawraoor, i lion ;hnr ti * .d <ebaol li a 1 is, 10 in wooiiiaad, BOO oor 1, raac. a ornbardS, tetorv huusa. ■ rooms, biru MaM

jiafEBMBBBILja. ■ keep loar oow*

CAPITAL I'ltl/.K, *7 3,000. Ticket* only •<*>. Shares In proportion

Louisiana f a Lottery Company.

I Urn* ' f a.l -'an

Iwr Company, Iroi the I'rjwirg. turux-lrss, and Ihst Hit saie< arc cooi|urL«l will hJ'iif.iy, U'.'natsa, MM ia. EklfaitU li.war.JBII parties.and we aiitliu. ia.

ComjUD* In u.e Una iverli State, WHO IK dailies of our iiHi.lurt* aiu. hwd, lb u, idvartjaeaseola."

reserve fun-l »r •MM.

By an overwhelming; pom-lar vote it* (rmn ehis* was made i part nl th' i»»"ni state Coo •tilotlflo, adopted r'ei-enUw-r -'•<> A. 1> I--TM,

TM onlr Lottery aWST vote I on and endorse* bribe people of any Slate.


• '**tA*fr>H fit L1TTBHS i.-|«*«t ill 14 st-iry I hate

rer I if yean wi h ttloo.1 ami Iwin obll|f»H lo •MUD punl c

.then* at Mionv, f.i, « IR '' I■ ■ I. I HA - I'! II- ■ ...I.O-F



Pimplesto Scrofula.

Iiail i he best if ill.liar* ami niim KB

my - L in «r.'l lilMdas pur"

ALMOST I \<KKI>IHI.K Juroes E. Iln-i.B.t-o*on. ■

:•?,?; '-.'•I M"

.■ until i ■ :,- i

OUBRBNT CHAT. Terrible Accident. The- Klevei. Wl*« Men of Law re ore-

Ku.bioo.We people toi. rear .re . _.__ u> ^ Cjnrc! _f ^

hunting r«a„rt. tbalar. nol faaluo:.. - ■ I _.,„_ „.. ,„ ,_.„ ,_„_,„„ „„„,.,.. _,

able. Two Children hilled b)the ,-,;,,,,..„,»„.!„„ , „..,,.,, ..i Tlie parent* of a Berlin girl at-| „ .. * Brick Wllll [-iii.p.riij ami w.aith to Hi- clta, and la

tempted to blackmail two artiata for wlioto she bad been a model ; but the | cbarga. did not frighten tbe paioler., ] For mam. moatha ra.i In onr c.'j. no and Ibe liar, have gone to priaon. j I'""" "*«««" a- bean c....d .far.

Tbo Eolliah deetbound, following I '»• ateidmt, M-.d.,, at >h. lot on it. Hie courae of the Irish wolfhound and »™.r ■>! Lawrance and U.v.rbir,,,

and Ibe early Kngli.ti lurn.pit. is be- | a brim a /ml bljb and 40 f~t ■ coming extinct from want oruae. I falling on ib. walk. our,lng win

Th.l'.ri.eab..«ohp.yth. cit, . 'brweblMr-n, oa. ul -bom ..

franc a day. Thiaamount. to.bout 0.14MTJ, .MM d„.g a. I 101

.7:10,000 a and the cab propne- ■«"■• "•> ,b" lB" «"":

r I'. B rim. J. t>. Craw lo

11..11 i'l'.l wiaoi if* I.K.'U KlSOLI M Uie place month'T.

A Kpl.lMiili o !• POUT I'.K ITT TO WI.1.HIIITI.U KiKltl'i Lr.nJ <>ra<* Ins. riati II, lo flie i.iii.nii'" Muale Mew Orleans, TlHI-.l,!.,.!!! Uil M. — ITIsS oalhlr II»*IHI,

CAPITAL PRIZE. »73 000. lOO.OtjU ncka's at Five Dollars Each

Fraction* in Fifths In ofooorton. i.l«l "i rm'ii. ■


f for ' . .1 If.r. | le. ■'■'- pfi-IM.lli.M

• t.nlly . u e,| hy

1 i. I..I---1-


1 1 " . PKIZES Of P--.IW


a Approilmaiiofi I

L»7 Prt/'samnunt lor ra

on IT Uitbo ointc i




liftt-V* ■■■ i.-r-l t>e ni« :■

■any, In New Oi


B I- Oin.nntar. Hin'.i-ui 5 V ,cur,-l ' ''- ,-: i- .-■■!■ t,.,,,rr.», uitetot* year.' alaoillo l.y (CMCLRA Ul-Kr-'i'- I i.r n..-r won Inn

RIM ilatly. HIT* riir.* oe iiiu»i<lie. CuiexWor


DONT WAIT. Wiltn to UB ■•' ihrte m-unionlt

■ >■'! t ■!"'■: |.> Hi. ; li . •*. Iton'l » ■

i'(.( |.-rC' I fratip With i

Jluisiia, In •.rilc-i. C< naji'oui. ami re.1 It >ea»es of 10c Blottii, dfln an>i <tr«.,f rlair.

:J-I*. Prr'-e Li ni'i i-i,M»-t*.

1 ' ii , ItolTOH.

•IrUKX'BU. P II. rStap. an


HI . ■ . MJL'- P. II. M'lfi' /Oriler* iiayattit ao<ia<l<|iesH Hrn>-U-Tf[ l,.-iui- u>

N«W L.KXa.A.'-iS NA'IMNAI. RANK, -•-. w ' 'ii. ,.ii •. >-»,,_

POSTA'- I'OtW an.l orniaan inurs itj Mill ttr feirr ■- („■! ...rr..oi |.'taml U|'l« <)a If. Kii.n-- ii . .; , .i ■ i , In

H.A.DAOPB1S Htm Urlean*. I-»,

or M. A. DAPPHIN. , bit' Mavenlli HLrect, Wathiuf loo. [). C.

a weaatakiti

"«) How Watch Cases are Made.

Ii ii a fart not gvoera.lT known that tba Jamei IlatJ Li >U1 Witrh Cbaai realljr con- tain more pure gold llian u.any "aolid" g«ilJ cast* The damand for ihtma watch costs baa l'ii to tin; manuiacturfl of a my V-nit grailo of a-Jiii gold watt ti toaca— low in qualitr, am] defiriant in quantity-

Tnia>o nHiw in 1—In from 4| to 10 karats and a 5 ur ti caae ii uftcn wild lor 1- or 11 karaia. It U KoT en.nomy to bur » watih cohe no poor in q'ialii» ihat it will aoon l"«e it* oot r, or one aoaoii that it will loae its alia]*- and fail to i-liut tight, ihui Ktiing in dust and damaging the work*, or one to thin that a alight blow will l,rtak the rrrftal, and pvrhapi the movement. It IS ecrnomy in buy * Jama B>*f Gold

W'Utk CheV, in wlii. h SoKHof thcue thing* everoccur. Tbianat lu-j^ii a/rf nn e/pen- awrii—it baa bttn Dude nearly (Atrtf ytart.

OcAtaXtam thirty


GINGER j PHfAlaivi. wi.hutDPiaitkiliirin. Iniportad Ologor, Choice Aromr.tlc-, •»■! tin, pure.. iii'l ■■ ■! . i Medic D*U Kreucb Brandy irom t'ir w'irl'1 rrnowf, »lri.r-. «*«-r«. IITAKII.

jOfU. ¥ A dUCOO^AC reml nni u vaaily

j naf.1 WilH poi*"ni.ii. I„ il u,l ami ..rrnsllienf..

OfKiPK rVJlrTitBDUN water, Uata'allhy Cliiuate, Cnwholesome rmxl, Maaika, gpl eroir miil I ■■'! i.'ir i, |. -.,.... ( i,...i, t|. fi.n.

nip', Psion, lot] K-ali >n, 1 .■..!-, l.j. I -, .>n.

!iac '

lured leg. i'rom a:l accuUQ's I

men who arc ticiuu

iors are now agiuticg for » reduction

of one-half. Belle Boyd," who held a commis-

sion in the ConfetleraU army under ]«»• prop«ed *•*.-«.. pillDg the earth a<.a>n

which frou.a ot> L»« waa built by Ctupm,


cieaae her taxable pn»|»*r1tf,bBT« airotk

a very Mtiotle >>low Dpou one ot oar n.o»t

eat ipii-'uj CU Mil, b* til-, ir actioii in

t>;i:.l:ui.,.: tiratla of Uaferhlll atrett,

lictween CnactD-. am) Milton atreeta. It

i- w>li hituwii tbat Mr. £. Blckoell. of lira ii.ieipii.-ioj flrin of Blcknell Broa.,

some time ago j m i;. i-.J tbe J. Wiley

dttir.i Klii.un.l- lO'.Cl ibe nurtb (wider ul Uaver-

taken I bill ■<reel, . it.-i.,,',.._' from rriM-m to

, ' BfPrtue stfcela. Tbls lot, crown Inn Ibe

' n _', ;■ .ur. wbwTe ll.i'Tiiii! itret'. reached

lie >i.min.t of Tower 11 ■■ . bod never been

unproved, end aa it la aiiaated so fir

above Ike level or Havarbiil street, was

considered of little fa.**.—for years bav-

iu. been an eye-sore tothc tc'lre vtdnity.

Mr. Bicknell boQuht It fur tbe purpose oi

.Halting out of It a beantkHil place, npon

wblcb be designed to erect an elegant

rctidence. lie baa already cousirncU-d a

ataoie, of tbe Queeo Ann architecture, s

"" At 1 MO a. »..».. la,. C..b,rlc.F...:»'":c'»«"""<1 eon.enl.rce. I. It- self, more attractive than most oi tbe.

berty, aged IS, wssg.-iogdown Law.ei.c- rw,deDC|1- lo tbm. 8ect|ODt andlbecomug

•'.reel with dinner palla lo the Pacific | tr.,r|0f; wu i0 crec'.oneof theflneat dwel'-

UHla. Sbe waa accompanied by Mary J- , inga In the city. Wh-n ><■> *"*«V he

McDonald, aged J years, and Kule liar-1 "ipP^wd that th. ..-.*.. wu .. tbat esiabll»bt-d b< ine cHy, and made

an, aged 4, tbe latter carrying two din- ,...,,. • -» • ;,,,, piana to put a aubiUnllal and

nera. As they were pasalna by tbe brick ^me „,,,,,. masonf, gnMlm wml|

wall little Kail* tioran saw tbo bilcln ; lu„ frout on llaverhlll atreet, aa

id aa on Creuceot and Beilevue streets.

[ fouud, however, w:n:.i he was getting

Lia l.oea tbat some fifteen years afco

.-B city had e»ta,bliabed the grade of 11a- astride a single rail, has been BO auc- . tHe McDonald and Fiaheriy girls. f«rbill atrtet. In that locality, which

cessful in Africa, that one like it ia to There was a tiemendous uproar In tli.■ woald bring i:..- street lo front of the

neighborhood, and police and physicians I easterly portion of his pre mines, some

wera early at the scene. Orflcer rat)

Hsnntgin drew the McDonald girl, dead

from tbe ruin*. Her she all was fractured

mirks ai>out ber body de

was Inalantaneou*

blch abe atnl tbi

Stonewall Jackson, is now the wife of

Colonel John S. Ilaminon, wbo lives

in Dallas, Texas.

An English clerk in A New York

Aft goods store writes to the London

Ware house man tbat there is no such

rigidity of discipline behind counters

here as he used to endure at home.

Mr. Thomas Ailing has discovered a

vault in the old Benedict Arnold house.

on Water street. New Haven, suppos-

ed to have been used or designed by

its former owner to secrete su.tpeutcd jsbske and cried for them m get out of the '

persons during tbe Revolution. way, bat while abe waa doing her rua-osi,

A railroad in which the cars run ibe wall fell outward, baryln^ In Its raios

CAIN Health andjlappiness.


Are your Kidneys disordered? ■ (Steal Wyrt 1.T. ugi.i „..- Iramw^fn^t^■«

b^u^jl.■' ». w. PaVaraaa, Lrtrai., ljnis.Mi

Are your nerves weak ?

Have you Bright's Disease? -Kl.lney wurt . ■in-il »•■• •hrn my wmjxt raijurt

Mai itutlt siaJ ua life* blnwt _ . . VnSt Wi*.B,P-«*bodj.

1 .!■:..:;' .11..- J


KRIPE Fltt. IT, Impure Water, fuliealtby fll PRBPAltsfbarllktbai TEU GINOEii, CIIOIl

KNOW THYSELF. I Great Medical work cnManhood

ilru) r.eneti tnualin. tm'w ml roeeis. lu'l (.1, gnaranlreil |.i be * (u: <■■..■ ivn -. .- mechanical, literary an.I prolaactonal— 'nanan] otber work, «oM IB U, > counti - lur t: , nr lb. «uney will Iw reiun e>i n riery inwlamie rrn-e only (l.i In ,:, ,\ )„,,; i ajd. IllnotrsUVI Bomple (i cenu. Sen i n.>w. li.i1 ' oiS'lalaward

ue auiiior by II

ut skill from IMPOB. Y. AROlLATICSaad

..u.niat-itsrs.ri,..kTiU'Tbu..Cramp., ]| the purist and beat of MKDIOlafAL FRKTCU Puln. 'in.Ilu.stion, I»:arr!..:M, .-.Id.. Chills. Staple I BKAStDT, from tbo worl J-reno wned vlntom, K.v.» N.rv,,.,.. <* low af Bleep ! Itwre. OTARD. VVVVY fc CO., OOONAC, that tx-U Hi. tr..v, .k-r ,.r h^hM at this aeaaon, | SASFORU'd lilNOER U vastly iupertor to all arc nuhin« i-tb-« pro*****! t-y a Itatoly naa of , ■■Oinp.™," ail of which arc made with tr-

BANFUUTa UINULR, the DeUekma fc" MrlHiHt,

i"(i alcohol, largely Iniprefoatetl with poisonous -in I:I;'.]II'IK-J with cayenne pepper.



ls 5*i "rid

I*. Kti ml h

lllrl 'tawill J, t n I, _' |„ Hic.a- ,.-.,i,, |r. imely use r.| -A \ Klliil'S i. i s ., t V. -.„ I ,r I i«u» «iimiii^r Mralirtni- Hewarr o. at urllii<M iBiia'iKns. -.i"l tverj w:eie. POTTO! IlBL'O AHIJ UHrafCAL (..>.. RosTOt).

P ■ nn

AIN nmtiT !' i» trie. H-ilr,>

wita a Psrsai lor t3 cenia. Ii

■t Pain. Vnallras »t-*k -i, 1 Wo n out 1..-U, ^ireaicben. tired I'l.-ric-, iitrreau duaen-e, .»i <iw+ nait in .ii" ha.i I'.- i, ci- than any otber blaster in tti« eoril. N - ! eierywbcre.

tuw «—a

t BDl'l tWO JSTOK ft y«arssr>. »l«-n tbe] i «■■..! aiti'iilii'Ji > '• ' raj|-r»ltU-r. Hi L W I

Mr lla'/VBalU. "I I'oiii.

.'«Ili- out. SL'l llar-y STB of Uir-i;. is camnl by a

i". .( liailibo, and m>ly

a RawUB, /swslse.

<rit It Cra-'lr.U*. )


.IIIMII iniiinini iinmiiiin

'iVlii-namanhaaaiitTere'lfrMiii Hlioumnli-m only a lltttn whlla, .i.iH reBaved fnm bb*putn, li- i, luppy and ii- -.L'i.f.l. .But auppoae be hiu

Suffered for more than a third of a century.

m Alrtn fitlm. nf vaje. Iowa, wnti-t:e •-Atiiur-ii .ar..liwWI)«l [iH-uiuch f !.n# • (*BlniTiy::ii.l«issllir"i».biiti..iiinlaii,r •

Mrs. A. U. Baker, of Chicago, Had rheumatic pains In her

back for fifteen years, and Mr. Hakw had bwn th»T|.tlru of Hhf>o-

■: ■■! 1 (ur tblrty.ll

_ THE GREAT CHINA TEA CO. ,.l"tT^t IN so I I III * I I -'j'ln-vr, r-i-«l ; r,lM M, (.Imrnr II iM, . -'. W ItlTETKA tai-.TH l»n. :«1j ■■■'■■ *»l*': *** ■ ■ - ■ n i nit * 11 nil » aatTJ" i 11« ai» i. ■• witSTaift ■■ St" »'ii n MISHMI. ■ Wl<« WtTI IIK«t «lt . ai.T. '• tail I. II I

mil liL. iii-nil was draw left -jmubiiT. Mr. Baaat wnw

laltarfiitloof ATHUiriloiUMiRiaile toe :,n •

.■■■!l;|lail..-.l <!• ih.. ■>>■ l,.-r l...ti,...rwas • a ai.l acbii ss it has »- .-n •

rjos«»|»i/c*, FLETCHER'S


Tin-re are many people who think lha lieianse tin*]* have aiitft-rol ao long, nn< Iiiivo triad fi many Dwdirinea in vain, Hi.- iiniKt *'Buffer nn their three year.-.. But you *>i'e what A imivOPBOBOB baa dou

Huweeer Olsl yasnr r>*e, ■ i.i-.i. ■. . ■■ BVevere yaatr Pstlnsi Hi.Ml I' r (-trill Tllllt IIUnppBlnllrBrillw,

isf^Try Athlophoros •"•a

Ir in y.iir ilnunrst buttr bs !M-I 't It. da ,i.,l i- Pi-uuded U> try - i. ■ II.LLJ tilss, but ,r.i, t at «..•■

| truta us as dlrectrd h ; alHLQPHOnOS CO.. 112 WALL ST., NEW TORK ' aasaaaaaasl.k.iaaasaaaaaaaaiasaiaa



ware, rurniinr'-. !.'■ UI-T I • in a-. Meaiciiaata V..» »., HiMlkar, TlppUa 'I Hi

Ms'.ir'a Cei.rnt Is JMII li .!..i. !■.!■ Mm sis ■ oi at.) uiiiii kct

Mnj > '* I^t'li-r (Jem-'ni 1 ahoe- an i H'I kn da.-l lealh r KiMtils. 1 oi. Lot

os. I.I.'ii- », l-*> cents, for ■alu by all I alaer

'ATS.™'-'1"". P.opr.. IT'W lliiai it,,". Y.CIll dw ly J,- -M

$11,950 IN CASH

GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok- ing Tobacco.

The genuine has picture of BULL on every package.

For particulars see our next announcement.

Headquarters for Sale Hoises. Horsftnlk SELF-RAISING

A Floe < .i i

rived U

■at-) «.f Sitli- Horses

•day from HoutrcaJ.

A. N. BEAN, Franklin House Stables


(j) Bread n

■ thsiiii'tii ttie t1i|t'-%i..* "resn». SWE01SH SEMEDIES

When Iskt-u i. -.... tier ■....,,[,,..; '■■ d.rr--ti..n., ha>* tlr-..i am* times train Cuttd <■••*-.< <**]"•■*

i ihe fti


Lynn. Maaa, 8w..dl ii II >l

I Oil fen l ion.

BWr.lUtl I.I I.,,'■!. .II

r iilobT al|.|iu;«i-U.

reparation. Recommended

BY riimciANS. It restores to

the flour the nu- tritious and

strenj"**th-giving phosphates


removed with the bran,


required by. the system.

No other Bak- ing Powder or Yeast does this.

'■»: built in France. A young Texas killed in cold blood

tue father of the girl he hail betrayed-

Cases of delirium trsmenu ia Iowa

are exultingly cited by the prohibitioo- ists as proof that their new law is rig idly enforced. The drunkards caunoL

yet rum, and no no mad. i(. . A Virginian moonshiner killed his

brother for resenting abuse of his

mother. A peculiar safety lamp has lately

been furninhed to each station of the Paris fire brigade, with a view ofpre- ventint* danger from explosion when

their men have to break into houses.

To stop ihe practice of loaning sea- son ticket*, an English railway has

adopted the plan of having the owner's photograph on ibe back ol the ticket. This was doie with tbe complimen- tary tickets issued lor the Centennial Exhibition.

Tbe wealth of the I'nitcd Slates is £'*J.O0O,000,O';0, or tWO to eaah in- hsbitsnf; that ol Great Brit-tin ia

$iO,'lOU,tJOiJ,000, tor *1,00') lo each nbahitant.

Olive Logan says that the Print**" of-Wales is ijecoininja- more dissipated every day. . '

Large fortnnes are* rare in Nwitzer- land. and the salaries of public func-

tionaries very modest. Tbe 1'resident of the Confederation receives H.OOOa year, few Judges more than 11.250, and there is probably no hank mana- ger in tiiia L-ountry who eels mote titan twice that amount. A man with *n income of $2,.*i00 is considered very well oil indeed, and to have

16,000 is to be rich. A writer In Paris hints that

Chicago girl was the model for the Hartboldi statue's uplifted foot. This will be news for St. Looll.

< Ivcr $750,000 waa paid last year duty on patent medicines in Eng-

land. The boh-tail car has stirred up ft

revolution In Newark, N. J.

The Chief of ihe Parisian Police rc- Imils thai within a half a year his men have proved their co'iraj,*o by making

1G7 dan^erocts arrests, stopping 219 runaway horses, savin3 15 persons from drowning! 'I in danger of fire, and 15 from mad dogs, and prevent- ing forty-five conflagrations from ex- tend', ng.

In Henderson, N. C, when a Lasc- r"iull match comes oil", evcybody shuts up shop and goes tothc game, with the

mnvor at the head.

"Uncle lleury" Logan, the colored

messenger of the licgisicr's olhce Washington, who bandies more money than any oilier man living, earns $721) a year and lives iu a $10 a monlli cottage.

In tiie gity of Loiuion there are 26,000 acres ot forest parks.

A found hundred thousand heads of cattle took part in ihe exercises of a big round-up lately held at Brush Col.

Virginia will contribute 1,100,000 bushels of peanuts *wO human bappi neu this year.

Just as the youth is l>ent tlie twin's inchiicd.—Texas Siftinj-s.

A London court had lately lo pass on the value of a kiss. A surgeon had kir.sed a workingmsn's wife ; the

husband valued tbe kiss at £5, and the so rgeon had given an I OU for that amount. A month after date an

action was brought on this note, bul the judge promptly ruled that there was no consideration, and let the

defendant go.

A London dry goods lirm received

an official communication to h'ay that lliey were entitled to a final dividend of one penny, which would be sent ou

thcii furnishing a receipt

A Kansas City lady ia taking iu the town iu man's clothes.

(>ood honey and plenty of it

promised ibis year.

Chicago man—"Wonder what state that elegantly dressed gentleman rep resents." Barneeper—"The man it

t'.je while bat?" "Yes." "He ain't no delegate." "No:"' "Nuw; he

didn't order nothin' bul ginger pop." —Philadelphia Call.

"I wish my wile wasn't a politician," said Snifkins, Badly. "Why?" asked

till friend. "Is she a Democrat?" ■'No, SWH a bolter—-she won't let me in after halt-past ten o'clock at night

— Hurlington Free '.'res*.

Camoalgn liquor is different Irom all;

other iutoxiealing stuff. It makes bead watdrawi

tOree feet lower than the preaeal grade of the street, ilu then applied to the Mayor and Aldermt a fjr a re-establishment of the tirade, aakinfr tbat It remain at the present grade. The Mayor ami Aldeimen

al a tneellug, at which fewol iheabulto

were )■;■.-; w .i<—■- u'i.:.-:n-d the grade at

jiulii" midway betweeu tho present aur-

race and the old eaiab.lsbad giadu. This

order came to the Coiumoa Council for

cuncarreucu, and ou Wednesday eVL-alng

a beariu^ waa gran tad to Mr. U.ckueli

and other aburors. Mr. Ilickneil urged

f th'

Wua, Col sesh Sat. Ouard. K. T.

our Back lamo and aching?

™ "&1 *° )*£5P&5i>.aam++** lave you Kidney Disease? ■|U4»j-»»rl ramie m* - pa I ■•> llj- f aad t man Iter yesrs nr oiwurr.™;ul .!■- <r.Hn«. l»_"oetB 10a t»J. '-esm'l Uuu.'>->. " L1IISIIISI.I-.II, ""a >»■

Are you Constipated? "Kldw-y-tv.wt iun ni r, a. LLUIUDS and i-qrsd

,». an-»^« -S^^K^iraB^-rfc

Have you Malaria? ■Kfatney-w-rt bu SssM t-ltrr lr>sa Buy othsi

■aaw-7/hM. •'■•^aiX^.,..

Ar© you Bilious? '•°Ildi>eT'w..rii,s. aaBawjaasas*. Hiao any

other nDWlj I hEV nrr isk.-n. ••—~J j^ j T (..uiuway, mi Flat.' 'rsaroa.

Are you tormented with Piles? **sUS*-firjJ Wot-j prrmannttl n.rv-1 i-» ■ t I'laMltag

,*k*"(is«'. U. aatamySssaSatrsS, Xyvntwt*. Pa.

Are you Rheumatism racked?

die by lA»1,k;,***JrJJ5Bl^ ffmlal TTial sws£, auins.

Ladies, are you sufferino*? "S^Ksr-Wort --ir«l in- etjEisiHar IwiajMaaal

■eraral y«r« •JgJ^fj^^SrEsavU ""«*>. Vt

It you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Tako

■ of-a ■rt.\ ■ lha

1 n. n

ti by 11 .■.::■-, I 1. benedi ail.—l.onilon 1 ,-. , 1

tin tDemUer of -■ . .i-u lo «b<m th< Life Will nol be useful, wtielhc

ynuin, 1's.tni. (uaidiao, inaLrucior,or clemy man-— Araoiaut

Ailtlress lb, I'SSIHXIT W,|.. ,; i,,n: ,.;,.,,,, Ur '. 11 Paiker, N"- t hulUoch si., Hoaton, Wmi bo may I* runtulte ion all rlinefir-i ■> iry,m > ml and exiteriinc*. Chrome unl < bslinst.'

bafllBd - ■ pi HEAL


ISA BKVERAOB, wltii boi ru-iJ cold water, ^- swivtuifd. or but or eold milk, or added to * wm r, letaoaada, iferteumi ilrauffbla nnd ti.ln- ral waters, ll f.irnis a rtfreslilnu and IDvi,-orating; (verBge, unrquallcd la pimpll'Uy ctirl parity bj- uj tonic ni'diciiif, while free fi'.m alcobolic rcae-

a. .\\ 1J iiierci-nwy dL-»UT*,wh(i fur* f"W o-uu' lira proftl Iry lo fureo UIHIU yuu Ibeir own or iheswbcnyea call lo* HANl^'ltli'tj UINUEIt. -1,1 by wbokMale and retail Jru^^l.u, broevrs.

I'otlrr l>ru5 nn,l < li.nil. il fo„ Boston.

A" A ITltE FRUIT BTIMb'LAHT. lor the aged, mentally and physloalty sibeustBd, can.

wiirn, i.r orcrworkis), fur dalleata females, eapeclally mothers, fur iliose recoTirlnt bum dcbilltaUng dis. easrt, and as • mrana of reforming those addicted to an eircsilve use of alcobolic stimulants. It Is unequallsd lit ibi! whole rmiiru of medicines. Us- ware of imltalions. HANl-tJUD'S l» the Bass. (ringer In ihe wurld, and, notwiiiitUuding the blah cost uf its Ingredi. 11I1, is Hie tl.t;a;^.i family medL clue. cKild everywhaM,

Potter lirua; nnd Chemical Co.. Boston.

out aii Inaiance of inilure. Mentntu Ibis S. W. FELLOWS,

and there *

ootlog luat iliatli

Ttte dinner palls «

Flaherty girl carried were crushed to-


Tbe little Ho'au girl :o(T..-reil a frac-

ture 01 the leil kg. Hid she ran away,

loatead ct tr* ing to warn the otner lllltt

one*, abe would Ut.- «,.•„=«. w..s,™. .- , wou;d ^ t 8(,rioufl |rjJar, w Llrjl|

jory. She was attentive!/ attended lo by : ,anJ Wou|t| be ao steep that nu conltl not

Dr. Howe, at her parent* reaideoce. No. ! keep a turf upon it, ami enpeclaily as the

ITT Oak street | -trade waa to come dowa, Uf the order,

Tbe K.abe.ty girl, whose people realde , B"irl» * to°l ■" lne i*"nctiu0

I i.n 1 rt,:t would make u a mil at No. SW Kim street, was a b.aoillo; , j0f hliB ^ t,li8Ulia bis -riw lnt0 hiu

Idctareof girlhood. She was 12 years or ' lot| woici, be deetgaed to have go in at

age, ami a bright and baj py cotnpaDion In the coioer of Bellcvue street. It wmi .1

the housebo d. J **"> Inciease the gradeof fitllevan slreet. ' which ia already rary Steep. Tit*? abutturs


The Reason Why The "SEAL or NOKTH CAROLINA*


"■I »i"«n. mi TWO viaaa before it I

M AH 111 lit; imoS.'"rwture*-s.

mm I'ja1. anv luw.r.iig of tbe piesent grade

a eacaped without lo- ; mMU ^ m mmrinM lniQfv lo him M b,.

i'.--. . 1 1..

TU possible

Tbe McD.ioald glri was bu*. aeven year- ;

of age, and was a p'aymale of tji Flaherty

girl, and followed ber, aa aheaalil before I

sheatartid, "to help her car y thr: dl**-

era." She waa lakei. trim ihe ruins terri-

bly crushed, beyond recognition, and

dead. Such walling as was ir-anl In the [■■-. I. t.i- on Id ... t ut: iin-1 llaverhlll

reels above tbla potnt,aiUnde<l in tarne

iron ifS, aud it appebn-d that evety a'.ut-

tor up,»n Haverhi:i suetl between thi-

poluttj where tb-i grade «*■«* a iu,,bt to IR.

cbaoged was in favor ol allow.01/ it to rt-

111 I'II where It now in, with tbe exception

of Mr. Caaa. W. E.ITSOH, wbo owns a huuseho.d. Mo. 1C9 Otk street,has s'lidotn | iiousc opposite the Bicknell lo'. ou Haver-

before met tbe ears of .Lawrence res!-J bill street. Mr. Fred Boiler, who owns

ak.u,B. j a lar-ie lot on Ihe lower a de t-f ihs.street.

Dr. Howe viewed ibd remaios of the ! oppoalrc Ulcku.-.l, was perfectly aall-tled

attwoded : to kl lhe «r'rt,; ri m*la 's ll ■■*■ M w" A* C. Sione i.n-1 Dr. II. M.

McDonald girl aoi afterward

to ihe wants of the Flaherty child, until

ber demise.

It la quite probable that there will br-

an inquest. The wall was 8 feet high and ! P"I many times o

forty feet long. There ha.e be.o cracks !lD* Emerson's hoi

noilceable in It for years. It was origin-

tsr?, who aleo

own ,-pposite Bicknell. Ii was perfectly

apparent that tbe cost of cutting down

tbe street as proponed would suttke to nss of rala-

ime relative

gradi- wi II Haferhll) street which li

wuu.d austaln If cut down. Mr. 1!:. kui-l a'.iy tbe atreet wall of the grapery Tostered | U(iBll¥ „,idl. lhe propjeilon lo the Conn-

by Mr. Cbjpln, whom many will reinem. ell that It tbey would allow the ordtr to

the Pacific Mills. H Uobackto tbe Aldertaeo. which buard could only change the order, be Wuutd

cuiiaenl to have tba grade changed as pro-

poned bom Crrfcen'. to Bvllevae airecis, elite Mills threw tho debrta from their | |f n,q would allow It to remain as It ia

he' as an agent c

might b»ve sluod for years wero it no

for lb" fact that the workmen of Ibe I'a

debrl* from ILelr :

vations against It on the Interior.

Tbefe earth piles are nearly ten lu.-i

h ji and were pressed against the wal.

hlCh fell. Tbe wall was of double course of brick,

bul was seemingly, but poorly laid or ce-

nt "'■■■! luKetbi-r.

Tbe mothers of the McDonald and Fla-

berty glr s are slslera, aud Mrs. Iloran

a a widow.


standard WorksorHiatory, Poetry and Kletlon itt >oniln it Prices.



lAVKt I.AltOll. TI M T.i.i.l ~il M' AHAZ- IStil.V. and i-ivi'i. universid sullsfa. tloru !*o faniily, rich or poor shun:.! ijc wtltloul It.

SoldbyailGrocvrs. HKtV Al.i'...f ■■,:, waHdoslfrnutltomiMlead. FKAKI.1M; 1, ti,(, OM.V (IAH: i:,', r ■.>!■..; ,■. ii,.,,.1:1:,1, antT always !■"■!r- Ihe abor.- an-,'us*, and nnme ol

,M-.tis I'vi.i:. Mtv VUUK.

I-KIIOW ir ft * x ft


aLI^°AFN BLAINE AutHurlird filias.l.rd Ettttlow. '

Tit rssrfj watt tit 3K7. Ctnis wlti li- S'.I'.SJ Tilt.

Immenie Profits for Agents. Tarrne Most Liberal. Ontai, soo. k. Orssr *t wl »»• lEihsr U» Crssai. I xaTxir-usi nuiJi!*m-3::., oyrittiiii, xui.


N .-in by wearing a mlsBt, 1 b' cliy. whfcn iirurcs that we are reliable.

S.n.Vcii.-in.Bia* there bas been a treat drop

tOpIlral Goods,

bare the jiatroasae ol nearly r line of Walth m ana hlgia the prices of these gooda.


TOMPKINS&MANN, Successors to




■ .■—;; - -~ :H a K-: =--I>^ This poroas plaster Is i || g\ a**% Btw.luVly Ms braf seer BT1"SSWI>, Viiiibinluir tl,n ESSk ■ m <■•(•.«■«,

B-iin-, Iml-aim aid ' I-' * aWa)B^*l>s? ■ aSBB Iw.

uth.-r plssu-n >lm|.ly •.% (VI. k in Ilia Ittw-k and Nii-k, rain nittioSnl- or I..:nln, bill! Jviiiunnd Mosclsa, Kidni'j Tninblni, IthciimatL.un, Noursl.-ls, K..™ CTiost, air«'Uiiiu<it (bu Ilimrt nn.njxt.siiilsllualnsoraebss lu any i«rt cnted tr.'-tini'T i-v Co Jf-.p rij'trr. iW-Try

SJ rants or -,» (or (LOO.

a' Bellt-vue slreet aud (roia there weat tt

Mil'-itU strett. This would onvlalu ibi

sleeper grade of ltillevue struct, Bud glvi

liltn a placu for an entrance drive lo tali

grounds, and al tbe eame line Would glvi

Mr. Emerson ail the btuetlt ho as led or

desired. Tbls proposition was so fair

npon Mr. Bkknull's part, lhat Mr. Enter-

son and bis counsel, Mr. DeCuarcej, d no objection to It, atitt, Indeed,

Could uot, for it gave Mr- EaursOD all be

wauted. The owneis of propeny on

Btdlevuestreet, Mr. Walker, Mr. QrllQu

Mr. 11 Streoaniislv opposed

making llelievue street steeper as it mus1

by ibe change, ami Mr. llodwe.l, Mr.

If the residents of Lawrence do not ob- (bamtler and many others on lUverblll

tain goud literature now '.he fault lies street, »ISJ opposed a-jy chiug'- west oi

with tbem. Prices have been placed ao j Bvlevue sire; l; but In tbe face of all this

low lhat llie standard works of blstarv, j oppieltlon auil with no one asking tbsi

poetry and tlclloo can be obtained at tba gisde at Bellevne street on changed.

iioinliinl prices. The public has not been lie in j irlly of tbe City Council, clevon

alow to lake arivaniag,, of ih

1n bjoks shown by 8htxp A

LAWIE R&Oasfl aTsVsVA^sVlVl lYnprktots,

".nniry , 1 t.y



ur, voted to c incur wi'.b

in tbe order. Mr. Bicknci

hook Uepaiimunt is ibrcngfd and the

shelves' have to be continually replenlah-

ed, so great Is the demand. Aud it Is n"

wonder. A lady In looking over tbe sets

of books asked one of the salemen yester-

day, "Is Al.or tbe price of each volume

or lae price Of the set?" Wben InfuiBn-d

Ibst ijl H7 was Ihe cost of an eleifant sel

of books she seemed to doubt If It were

possible. She Immediately commenced

an examination of the sel lo discover If H

was perfect. Every volome wan louud lo

he printed from large, clear '.jpi on heavy

paper. Naturally enough she purchased

ibe set, and she did secure s birj-aln, bul

nol a belter bargain than thousands of

,hera have obtained at the Sirne place.

careful examination ahows that though

ihe prices are low, the books are of good

uaiity, baiAlsooiely boo*. 1 and printed In

aln type- Many or the sets arc bound 11 miiio'-mt or calf, and are sola at asioo


mi from S:i0, ipirty, which

a location as

lue of every

unity, I rant*

as his Improvements cotitctu-

agged and insij/htly eminence

f the most attractive I pots In

b>- wall, which b» had already

cost g) Ooy ur 8I.O0O, Is one ol

pieces o.' work In Essex cotiniy,

litre lesull Ol bis cxpeiiilllures

that be had . 1 ■ -1 _; 1. ■ ] to ex

000 to AtO tWO up'in tlii- i

would so liavH beantilted '

lo ureally enbancu tbe '

piece of real estate |Q thai

formlDg. as his improve:

ronld also hav.

11 v treasury .1.1

been to bring

ally, a




t from other

mid hsve been a

nted '


re to fullow In

I tlis Cool and an

loo much Mr. I



slates that he eball ill wo;


ishlngly low prices. Toe character of the

books should be strongly crapbasUid.

The best English poets ate all repr-seot- ed. In action the works of sucti writers

as Dickens, T.iackeray and Bcott are

wn. Inblsiory, Macaalay, (iibbons,

Oreeae and others are represented. M1.l1

works as Koblnson CrOrm, Arabian

Nights. Don Liiixou*, Ivauboe, Scotilsh

Oblalfe, Tlie atlsiiflou Island, Lasi Days

of l'orapell, and others iquaily BS noud

are sod at tbe unb'ared ot price of L2'J

cents. U msv "•' repeated thai all ibe

nooks mtnitoned are printed 011 good pa-

per , from large clear type. They arc handaotnely bound and are all ll.u-trated.

How they can be suld at sucb a price la a

inys'ajry. Il needs but. the announcemeut

1 bal Ihla extraordinary sale closes next

Hiturday to sliract utlll greater throngs

10 the book department during the next

few days. It Is an opportunity to purchase

standard works that should not be neg-

lected. It Is a fact, and one worth re-

membering, tbat these books, handsomely

bound, with clear type, printed on good | ^ a mTilon of'(io paper, cort In many Instances less than out panicuiiriainf

... ... , h. com; leiliuus. wr iho common pamphlet editions of tbe un .,«.«* II,S nrai same works, as In Ibe latter case several numbers inuat be purchased before the eutlre ivotk Is obtained.

ri.U liM.JABLl*.



-»II.IUt_II.l. & lll'.ALP-

No. *253 Esae* St., La wren c*.


SATLDfo raon

QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL, SVERY S .Tl'ltUA . 1 rum MA 1 lu I IJ- TKHIIKI Making ttie SHORTEST OCEAN VOTAOB. oni] nvlDxri from Land to I.and. KttraWcckh Shins HAI.H-.W.LIMMilCK.I.liNlNiN

EKItV and<>LAS(JOWTO BOSlXtN 111 I* KCT. Only direct Lin" Horn UaLwarand l.maaicx ArnommmlBllons uneousixl 'aliin t**i anu

|SO I Inl.rmfl'llale g3e.TH| Piuua.d Stser axe, at i.J"». " iniurtnatutn. Ate, apply in LAVE A At.CE>

. AOKSTS, '5)7 liroattway, N. If.; or JAM as ;i'HT. i'.-i Curl St.. Lawrence; fATsUOB II*HT assKsneaRi H'llm i,,v"

rovement, c ■-' i>.-!i- i .,,1i iliii'i-l v ill-

eta for thB dwi Iling, and leave the

he uitly, barren bauk !t bas hereto-

fore been. He win expel d no more min

ey, to have U wnsied by such outrageous

official Thus by this plj-- beaded action ol 'he City 0 .vefnment, ii

limn.' what nobody asked them lo do ant

wbai no one wanted, tbe city will lo*i ihe taxes upon tbe greatly to beeohaiicrt

value of this pfopertr, as well as all othe

property in ihat vicmily. And Ibis Is i

fair specImeD of the action of the sioom

who compose the Breed C.ty Uiiveminent

of the city or l.awretve. Well may Ibe

taxpayers ;.;■'". out, "How long, oh

Lord, bow loDgr"



"What are OfAKBR ItlTTERS?"

H An old Ljitiikrr remedy tnat has done more to relieve suflerliit; hmtionlty than all ollirr r.i.-tl. in— combined.

These rcli'l>rnle.l Hitters are com. posefl Of I'huli'c Hoots, Herlm and Ilarka itmoii(- \\ 'il, li .in. i .UII r Lin, Sii-iipiirlllii, Wild < lurry, I liimli lion Juniper and other berries, ? nil lire SO pr.'|mr.'d as to retain all tlielr meillctnal i.'n-ii M i.---. .nut will cure ilu- f illowliiR com pi at tits.

Dyspepsia, JaUBdloe, Liver Cora- plaints, Loss of Appetttf, Headaches, Hill.m- Alt <. I.-. Miiiiiui r I umiii.ilnt-, Piles, K Id ins > nlsranon. Female Diiii- i-iitlles, Loa-sitnde. Low Stpirlia, General 11. l.HIU . ami. In tact, oventltliis - ms, ,| by Ma Impure state of the Blooa ertttw ■ ■ ui-.i'.l ■ i.n.tit I.MI of the- Stomach, Liver or Kldnvye. The ai-ed fln.l In Llitaker Hitlers a icetilh-, soothing Mlmtilent, ou deslralile In their -t.-.-l i>. 1 n:; ye

They are recoinmende«l am eminent physicians mid cIcrK.v

No onr need suffer limg from ease If t hey will use (junker Hit In -, •■-> (hey ■fleet a cure where other renirdlen foil. SufTercr, try them ; tliey vt 111 cure you ; lliey hnu cured thoiisiiiids.

Kor sain by all ilinn«l-l- and dealera In inedii'lucs everywhere. Price ST per bottle; ala for -i...

■i» II, auS X

Iaenoe of Bell- huse; a> log. AFTER T'T'i

if sferanrv, Oniversal Laaaituda. Fain la the it-,, i.. Dimn's* of Vision, Piematnre CM Ate, m.' in iiiv other dlseaaes thai lead to insanity or Yinaiimiillnn and a V re main re O rave.

Keware ol the advertisements to refund m"niy ■rhen drnjrsista irom whom the i-ecllnre ia toughl do not refund, but reler ynn to the 1

nd 'be rexnlremei ildom. If e , ! JIr>j; ■ J la—. 1 Wit

r'tlen ruarantee. A trial of oaeala -"" biieelBr will convince Ihe i

. See il" II :e i irhire lOsEikeptt.

w« have adopled I yellow wrapper, ibaoaty

In onr pamptdet, whiah

isges" forgS, ■ T- 11 ■ i ol ibe .« naoBay

♦■-tiiil (lartiriilara —i desire to send In ,pTheslH..-ia-iP.iiici ; |1 per parkasc, oi a e seat free bv mall

GRAY MrtriU'lNKCO., Buffalo, N. T. Sold In l.r.wn-n.-r Bt

KKLLKY'S DBUO STOBE, ■■ ■. iv ..I- rust dfflcB aioek.




READY MADE PAINTS SffiSStS SPRINGFIELD. MASS Sample Cnrds fsratshril upon nppllralUs,

' •'iniuay t A


isr-d by


To Do in I'tsiitiBvrB—FOR'IST

. the kind 70a rouit y it ltbeumalism « list lie cleanaed uf I'

In ih- litrre tie-l of nooi leant, U.onToeadav. JUIH O.T. Li . a

tutKn—the ancient'■L'liarity mcaway at the (»r»nd Ool lfi'Jib inonttilvt-'fTtK- Loull

• round

Is ynur ' Impure, ■et a remedy Mini it known U

!)i"-»t»-s merit. Veid'tlun hai M"»'ii tried and not fnuni: .wiintinn Whatever til" rausi !.f tlio polsonod e'lndltUm VegeU-ie will n ■■.■■u. ant -iri'i.f-Ui'-n.

j Rerofidons lTiiRinrs hnre " « iiscuf Vi-KFttnt

In —hyaT

(the lyttiery

nd *Critli;rcd over . sinl left. With- i.l the winner) to

iii Ticket No. WI,. prise of JISO.OOO. it wbieb ieli to a t nut allowed bis

nl ..I

srl'l.r Yl : ami that k 1 W. Harrlaoi

all il."-.- lliure 11 > joints 11

the victim want Ut hurrah and carry a ! r-or'nfteea y< torchlight when MHUi but the officers of the cluhe can ezp ect to secure an

fflce. New Orleauj i PicAyune.

lucky N'* Yorker, wbo name to Tie used. T < ke' Second ('apltsl ol {a.'ib.'lJ wan lK-1.1 iiy S. fi. lion •' No. YM Church atrtei. N- No. :'7.H;O drew lbs T bin it wa. *uid in temti*, one k. I-, a sell known 1 Ilia ' SIJOIBT In Mr. Cbas. « l* another lo A Y. K-> ■ l

iBrciflr, Well*,Pario A Oo '- Bin liaher, S6-)!CBI.| smb. r to I'tni. <l

bicaco, wrllea; ' Hava Wig. N.i». U.lhT -nid 11 „ roryeart. My ' rarnial oi>' em in - v lett shoulder. 11ml a : fititm to vt m. Iloyd. N« Hindu me a well man. , Si L-.ui., Mo.; No.. W,-- wife auffrred with her ' (WI, drew «,5,«J0 each, .u 1 -..nweoton. ins >r tbe bottle cave ber 1 neat drawma [Jilt) wl» iiewr on1 iLcsday

1 Am; 1?, ot which lull i-H'iri-oiiion can t.i1 had """* -*—^. . UgiiM. A. Da-ipbU, New firlcsni. U. f265,-

Beach's World Hoap Will not in]are tb .-,,JJ win t>e scattered to hu:.M- of tickata o*t- fineet goods, | lug gi each. Po not deiay Ue opportunity.

I A'1.1 ■; ■-■

, one ball or ul. a raercb' * y..m city. Ticket C-plial 01 rW.COO; , Mr. 1). Qeo. Mm ■I PbHadslpbia, I'a ; le, of the tatnt city ; . col) cted tlirotiab

ire* tlie Founl 11 fracilnna, one 1 Seho' I itrec' ,111 7','wo, m.

back. Tba other ba.I

Dyasaaapala and al! thn nr iles-aiit .■iT.-ct, ..f tnilin-.-«ti.. re at ..nre relieved by lb

1 rvecvtlne. K-lt lthe,un nn.l nil «Tf<

^••'M i.f |li.> Hkin .li-;i|ii".n tli.'h Vegetbie U f.mlifuily

I 11.ll.- wh.i hnve lined Viif • tlni', and Ml.' 11-11!..! uf ,n,*[i M Innxe. nre loiid in its |irai-.o 11- n remnly diseases pe- culiar to their sex.

Nervous HiitTrrrr vnn cat use nttliiTijr •» Hiire tn" fumisb yuu nieep mid raataj Veuutino.

VEGETINE I« sold by all Dntgiflats.

Mason & Hamiin Organs. New illustratc-d catalo*rue (40 pp. 4to)

r*<>r season of IBM 4, including many new •tyles; the best assortment of Hie lrr«t utd most attractive org-ons wo have ever offered, and at lowest prices, 122 to Scoo, for cash, easy paymeuta or renU-d. Seut free.

M9son & Hamiin Pianos. I roducir.i' new and Important Im-

pn ements ailding to power, beanty of ton and durability. < irculani aont free,

tfaaou ot Hamiin Or'au ft Piano Co, 1.1 Treiiiont Rtresrt. "Faoatitn.


REMEDY For the Cwre of Hldnej- ami I.i»rr rom- ptalnts. Const! pal Ion. iiafl al) disorders srnimr from ah impure itats of tin' ill,'" ill.

To women who suffer from any of the dlspaen- liar to their sax it is an anfiilms-frisod. All ItTnsvrWts. One Dollar rit...tlle, or addiesa Dr. ihavul Kennedy, Eondout, N. Y.

AMORS 11 .ii.un.ui iu;\: Popularity and t'sefulnesa of Dr. Ken-

nedy's Favorite Heniedy.--A Thrll- Hog Letter fruni a Master

Mechanic. Master Mecbanlr. ■ and Sup't's Ofnee, Lowell 1 Kejiair S.«P» OI the llo.ton A I.'iwell K. It.

1 .uiv-11. Ma ... Want) -*>ib, l&fl. > /'r. Thvtid faWsnaff, Rnntlont, -V. Y,

Dear BIT I I think It In due to you 11st I make 'he following .tatemom, and I vitlinUr IT 11ml wl'llotly ; On tlm 4tr ,T ne, IS-I I wt* tft.eo wt.i wnflt i iiaralyri. nf the bovela. Tna.siauie was e eiper.le.l and t> rrldle. The r-biinirh and oi- orsans a'eined fi a'mpathil have l.-t all power ol artn my lite was despaired of.liui at lennil

the adviee r,f mv otiy.lrlan I vl.lle.i I'oland Sprlnia. Vt, bni.iar to benefit froraihe water-. Hut they did me nt g-ood. Neither were lbs best 1,in-:■ Mi.- nl J^i» ell an.I llont m, whom I consul teal, aMe toaB.ird ine mnrn thin transient

1 n mi-it no stren-fth,

^W^^ShWa^ •*"■


It Gives Ho an Appetite).

nolawa-t Blood Parilltir. W. t'li.T. II'- riiras[,jrill:. >u.| ].. li !■ I'-Iifiliiin an,! runsldiT ll r.iiu ,.f ih- V.l I.IU.HI puririi-n

eWr'fulty K«iii-i'l i, tu'.l'i "|',u n^d".""r remedies. CifAH IIA l.KY, Exeter. S.U

A. S. WETHKREI.i!.AJ!ranist and (liemist KXKTEK, S II.

Pricofl on per i-vl.-. Si, i„,tiWf,.r $5,00 mil K(bi: 111 ALL UW'tumTS.

Salesroom 286 moo Street.





Breakfast Cocoa. V.-.u-r

i.fruin tftij ]>U

(ill boa been rumturcd. I -. I. ,. 1 ',rn titnrt the ttrtHQtHvt Coenn mlicd wlili Btareh, Arrowroot or Sutar, mil i* tlien-forc fur niurflocunomi. cwl. It i» delicious, nourishing, atren»ilieiitai!,e!i.i)y dl^i-.tnl, and Bilrnii-i.i.iy adapted for Invalids aa Well as .ur I>rn.>ns In

to,, Dorchester, Hast

Ji* FREE! ^RELIABLE SELF-CURE A fhvoHta prrwriritlrin of on* of tbfl

tatnt i,otr4 and .iiceewsful M-'< lall.t" in Inuw reilred . for ili-,-uri. nf Vertww* JOtbUUw, Jt^tMwnnawS. IfVwtVneswEii-Ileeww. tseni Injiiaiust'kj.slvu.ui i- frrr. DruxBtslatau 011.-

Addrwaa OIL WARD A CO., Louisiana. Ma.


11 h 'oel'- In e a m. viae.1 me to iry KKNNKDVS rAVl>KI IK It KM KDY. and allbcuifh opposed lo -ninnl meiticlnes, I in..le 1 i<> ti al. Tumikea I .PK-orr abort— CAVOKITK KKtlKDY. in my ouiniou. xavrd

the world inr sfmn'ti dimculne , a. well a. of trie liver and otser orgrtn.. 1 nm 1U.1 u> .ar 11 i' in ireneral use aaiitoc the B. E. men ID this vteiBlty. Yourietc,

A.,1. utrroKi>. Mr. .i.n-.-- 1 )■ the klaster M.-n ... ■ of the

I-'IM, I, L'ivisionof ' .... sandr

manv who can testify to 11 t'ae ihl. medicine lor

Blood, Kulney., Livar, 8i Skin. It may *ave you oi

I kn .' l-Urr

1 to

yours from pain


Indian Vegetable OPIIL.IL. -3

Cleni.- *■ Qowell nnd puriry ihe Blooa,

euro lJiliinis attn.'ks nnd civohnnlthy ae-

tlvliy to Ui„ Liver. A low d,)Hes token In

thn Hprln^ nnd fall will prevent aorioua llnknnss

E. FERRETT, Agent, 311 Pearl a.t.. New York.

' j-riMTMORTGAGES •'sssl a.,,,,. a-iul-.HiHini :„;.',,-1,


AnakRsis''fi^."iT''~ _n i.tfiifnaaf rurr t„r fllea. ri-lce *1, at (Inunri-rts, or

■ni prepaid i'J i . v-. A-l "ANAUI-r ^lakers.Box <tlt!.cw*f(

. UP PERER frooi Vonthftil lm^m,l. nrt, rn'im M . l..i.i;i,,. M-nl.l .-...-I I'h.ii-

L Vaimhloinl-rrnsiioB .ulif.l>r.A.U.iJiia.l.ji;ti.Lti'jea s



BVam-nindUrecn-handaror 18 months'wbai- Inf voyaara aroand the Weat ladies. Western, Canary aad 0apa de Verde Islands. Apply at

fLUKIR-s Sblpplai Oflloe. US Coamreial BU.Boelon

JIAVALi-L^isB-iTlES K, i.„.., s s;..;..;:;^'t . .;■. jffl

bti'iii Wain,. afrsr.'TTSii.'ir .- «... .......... books & Eliblus .-,,...r... .m..-..,.!,,, i.tawai,.,..

--,.».»* aa,HulS&a."t tx

>ib- n:-eaf ty and rich perfi

1. - i.i t.n, llalr ql'ia luBlkfa) OslStt

iu .:....-:-,il and

Corns Must Go.

■ ia?|>


■■'"•^-SAT-j i

• .-.. n TOP> sueces- ir*KUINTilKHlKN( 11 AMI (iFKHlN

SltnlEs. It will remove the moat 1 listioate ■ja.i-s without eaualnK any vain. It laeaally nuiilied anrt require no pi etcrs er bandafee.

The Genurne Is 25 Cents. F >r vile at all Drug Stores.

Beware or Worthies* imitations. i';. i., ID i..,w]e,i,-.. A. P, Ordw.v k Co.

ror. drnadwav aa-1 Kssea SlreeL Edward H K«llev'» l>ruaitom, p. o. nioek. deodl «m pi

LINOLEUM C H Psppat's. Celebrated Floor Cloth

Is or eork aad l.lnaeed O.I, aad baa liter gave, man IWILVI rasas' a-neral me In New York and ■Matty, prose.) its superiority for dnraniluy, and elasticity user ail oilier floor r.nvinnca, ll is made of plain »nd .i.'i.i..,: papeins, with -oprfipri^ie ho ders, and hasi been exl-n.l elv n-i-.l ,..r Oiolnf rooms. Hail.-, Kitchens, Bath rot ma,! e., atarev, etc.

C. H. PEPPER Would rearieeiiully laviie his ra'rons and Ibe

publl: of llosjin nn.l New tn/lsiuliu visit hi. new

r.iNfil.UJi- '-. % l-!. :,, ,,-„,,■ 68 & 70 SIMMKI. Sl'KKKT, UOSTON

Nittv IORH tteaiuKH: 1819 and 1091 HroaMlway.

HOLIHAN & CO.. Wholesale and Retail

QBOCEBS1 411 and 415 Common Street.

twsuit iiajaraniBB.]

Wanted At OOC7D W

Canvaaaer* in every ■otnty in this atate lo ttke ordera for Nursery Stock. Stealv nnd Ileairuble rmiiloyment

WAOEHI Kip.rieuer in .— ..«> reiiuired. Nur.crle. widely known. For terms iddre.a

The C. L. VAN DI'SKN NIRSKRYCO., (-•'lie,,,, hj. Y,

Van HM ,-n KnnariM eatabllshed 183H Amsio-tai wb iloiule, eowwlSimartS

^M^E~THE"BE8Tr^ cbttk-irsi fndas u( tlitimuahly curud


CaVtoSrwAsasl innds Of elaatrrtte. End saaaklBa W- .■"**"*Ss. A*"1 t**"*1 "'I'1*'' •KK.k E lsrfS_.lliptiisn'-

of His InpurliTl Prvitrh SIlM faiioh ■(■«k las.lw up hy tltn hiahssi '

Ttbov, w. («»l r-iMfil caunut fail lo m "f all _Me j ti tiers.

si tMltltll HII1M1S. (■■t«>rsl-rar--riil k, ('KBoral—St. .lEmt- Dii/ Uroa. StrsifhlUiil In Kuil DrwB Paokafss. a

JUST OUT SPORTSMAHS CAPORAl, Mstatafttctur-esl hy ssterlBl i-e^wesS. ■ I

Kixyxr TOBACCO CO.. Buco-isavrt to ktunojf Uroa,, Haw Xvck./.

it slaaaorffillfnl aatlsfj th. IUIM

.. li Kin



Andover Advertiser, —FOB 1.1 ■ IIKD—

Every Friday Horning, —■!—

'il'OIKii; 8. MERRILL,

Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass, SUBaCRIPTION-PoBtB*« Prepaid :-

The Circulation ol the Lawrence Amarl-

r Katoa of S'lvertisina MM upon application.

ntered at the Poet Office, Lawrence Hue., for tranamlaaloa throvigh the malls as eecond-claea matter.

MWEBICE The Daily American

Pabliihed Ever? Erenliur.

the Larersst Dally In the Qlty Wltb Pour Times the Circulation Ot any

SUBSCRIPTION, In advance* OM V tar, te.OO | BIX aloatbai SS.O

When not paid In edvenoe, I3.Q0. ,

GBO. S. M E it it I LL. Proprietor

THE AMERICAN :8TEAM PRINTING OFFICE lathe larjeetand; moetthoroughly in

nlehed In Bas torn Maesachueeeta. With modern presses, and oonatan addltloneol the neweet styles OtTm we are able to fumlah the baa* qnad It ofwork.atlowprloaa. Orders by ens, promptlT attended to.


AJUHB 4 m:& IBRMMIIf#Jt if Ml According to our usual custom we have commenced our great Summer Annual Clearing Sale of all our

SPRING AIsriD SUMMER STOCK!! We will offer some of the Greatest Bargains ever seen or heard of in DRY and FANCY GOODS, In order to make room for our Immense Stoek of FALL GOODS, bought to arrive In August. We are determined to elose out the balance of

our si MM Kit STOCK at such prices as will fairly astonish any who will take the time to call and eiamine them at our large and spacious store, 21$ and 213 Essex Street

A. SHARPE & CQ.S METROPOLITAN STORE, 213 ana 215 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass. AGENTS FOB HSSBX JD^E WORKS.


morotaiSlatlonsr, Room Paper.Deco'ntlons W. K.RICB.WOKSBBX Street.

BLACK SILKS, Velvet!, CMO- merei, 811k rrlngea. Buttons, U loves, As

A.silAKPaf *i;0...13 Ksaea sires*.

BOOTS & SHOES, a full «nd complete •teak, at prices to suit the tinea.

P. It. UUUINSON, ..l IMOX Street. pOOKING STOVES, Hiinfaa,

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, K*»- CT Good* and Produce.

HtiArrucK saus. oor.Easex.ineiban PHOTOGRAPHY, sole license**

fortnecitTiortbe Carbon FUANK RUSSELL So8 Baaesl

SEWING MACHINES. TheNereT Hume, Domestic, Kerning Ion, Singer Bed

New Howe. W. HAUKB ACU.,Agonla S71 ■aaez St. TAILORS, French, Engllah and -I American Novelties. _. _

r. W.8CHAAKE ACO.,PoilOfflce Block.

TAILOR, Imported and Dome* tlo Uoode.

H MHM jjOMBj jtj Essex Street,

. Maker, 180 Essex Htroet- Uver Warren' Clothing Store. l>n»

A W. HOVTLANJX 1>. D. B., x\_e DENTAL SCBGEON, IBS Eaaex Street, Lawrence, Plas .Ether and ChoroiormAdmtnta tared.

CLAIM U. ROGERS. Dlseaaea of wo men a Specialty- III ■••ex Htreet, Law

renoe. OIBoe bouri. 3 to 4 and I to B l> - a.

SaT-Usa or Bluer Adin


iu VallcT Ht, near the Comiaiin. J to 4 »ml 7 to |». ui


D" OIBcei hours,



SARSAPARILLA! Another Instance of Success

- -Sciatic Rheumatism. Below la another statement going to ahow the

power ot Slovene' Sareaparllla to ■ ffect eurea of that Terr dlitreaalng and painful dueaae, sciatic rheumatism. What could be morn convincing than the jl-in. unvarnished atatement wblch lbla gentleman gives? He ahowa thai the 3a r- aa perl la haa not only cured him ot bia painful dtaeaaa, but enabled bltn to do bit daily work, to the manlfeat advanlag J •' bi* health and purae

l.uwm.l, Deo. 8, 1882. Mr, Stevens:— being cmflsed to tb<

home for we* ks bv sciatic . heumstism, I began In august of latl year to take Stevens' rllla. it Kite -- time I teturned

,. Hi ii coropli before. 1 have noi along series of yi

a relief *»

Tat io.tad.T

tin complete,and nide me beittr than weh I

O. W. I,F. niJKtv 1 tat !■:- < MSI.,

Baal eel Uam Teeth, eio. cur. ml S.*« II and npwards. Temporary #1. Te.un iwaet *o new plate »;(. Gold Fill Inn, $1 and upwards. HII Mr rilllnH, 00c. Bone Filling*. iV. Teeth el traeted. its. Uss ad» mistered lor Ma.


' t. W. BEVlNGl'UN, Dentist ' Suooeaaor to Dr.C. w.Byin: t<;r. i;n Kaaex

Street, Lawrence. Office Uoura: n..tu to Ii, I :m tot. Utreo cirry eTenlngfrom 7 10 B. lyni

St. ualuehoura: ltolaml

. d 8ar- ,, ttft

Bay B'ale Bank, Lawrenue Ma... Uaa, Cbloro form, or Ether liven, aa preferred. Cloned during A a* nit.

DBCKEK A, WIHTTIEK, Choice Oro oarloR. StriotlT Puru Oefee*., «rl" »*"<•

CboloealTeaa, Tbe boat Dalftee «i Butler and Oneeae. ee Ameaburr atreet.

Tan.ine Waler Wbeeu. Falling atooka.Ulga, K arnlahod and all mm *

Treasnrer or the ;> . Hi Broadway nun,; Mi lla, Waahera I .a...., Ac, Ac. Plain

Kaux »T., Mwamoi.

1 iini aliaht i. in-Ill' id pcor ippelltr. but boiM were

curii'i by your Baraapanna. \ ou are at liberty

"**"" K.M.V.BN0M. 11 Kirk M -n t.

Overieer Card Boom. Lowell Co.



Life Accident and Fire Insurance!

JOHN EDWARDS. AGENT, Insurance Agency


Franklin ol l*Mia..t'». Pennsylvania- of Peon. German, Atne.ioan, N. \ . Weatcneatei-, New York. Watertown, New Vork. Orient, Haritonl, Conn. Merlden, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Uoaton, Bliawmut, Boaton. let National, Won ■ iter Queen, Rngiaml. Imperial * Norths n.Kugland. Boyai, Knglnnd. Metrolole Ina.Co., .'aria. Londt i Aeeurance, Enalaml. Guard an Aaaurance, Enaland. Londo i and Lancashire, Kngland. Travel era' Life and Accident o(

Han .o.d,Conn. State Mutual Ldle, Woroeater.l


"Maryland, My Maryland.'1

■<My fa-m tie* In a rather low Mfj mlaamatle

altuailon, anil

"Mr wife I"


"Wei a very pretty blond I" Twenty yeara ago became

"Ballewl" •'Hollow*y«dlH

"Wlttierod ami aged I"

Before her II ae from "Malarial yapore, though ahe made no parti-

cular complaint, not being of tbe irumpy kind,

vet cauelnf me great uneaa ueaa.

'A ahort time ago I purenaaed your remedy

for one ol the ohll tren, who had a very nevere

attack olbilloaineaa.and It oconrred to me that

tbe rirawly might help my wife, an I fonnd thai

oor little girl upon recovery had

"Loatr "HIT aallowneea, an l looked aa freab aa i

new blown dalay. Wrll the atory la eoon told,

My wife, to-day, has gained her oldtlmed beauty

with oomponnd lntertal, and la now aa hand

aome a matron (if I dare aay It myaeli) aa can be found In Ihia couity, wblch la noted lor pretty women. And I bare only Hop Blttera to thank for It.

"The dear erealare j<ut looked over my ahevl <Ur, and eaya t een flatter equal to I

oouru hip,' and that

Lawrence American LAWRENCE. MASS.


W M v SHOULD tbe Post fe&r tbat it Ul bo a soap campaign, unless it has

sampled the lye that is in it?

GEN. BUTLEK has returned to Massa- chusetts, hut is reticent, yet, aa to bis proposed course of political action.

THE democrats of the 17th congres- sional district of Illinois, have nomin- ated Johu U. Eden for congress, doubtless with tbe express purpose ol "raising Cain."

ilnda me there might be more pretty wlvaa If my brother Ormeie would do aa 1 have dona."

BaptaeVM may long be apared "to do good. I thankfully remain,

C.L.JAMES,, Prince ueorae Co., Md., I

May JOlo, tan. f

Ae~None genuine without a bnnoh ofgrten Hopa'on tbe white label. Bhna all tbe vile, polaonona mull" with "Hop" or "Hope" In their

LIKE TBE sailor in the old song, Mr. Hendiie'ics, the assnilcr of Mr. Secre- tary Chandler's management of the navy department, seems likely to bo "bung by his yarn."

'I in v LIKE purity in politics, these independent voters ; and so they pur- pose to leave the great mass of tne republican party, and go over to tbe democracy, which for yeara they have moat bitterly denounced. Consistent isn't it?




The talt oi oeopli WHO r s !•: IT.

'A good medicine."

THOMAS .IH* Banea Street,

Post Office 801_381

HOLT 4 CO., ICB DEALERS. Office with Bngbee A Mack,Ml Eaaei itreet, Law

eaoe.Maae. apr»4«ly.


Lawrence,Maaa. Peraoaalattention to allbual

FOLGKK, Deilor to Spectaclea tod _, BynOiaaa'a, aella thebe^t of epeclaclaa

at reaaoaable pricea. 171 fceaei Street. Ivu'J Z

GC HOWARD M. D. 191 Easei • Street. Reild'nne 79 (iarden St.

OfaM Honra. S to 9 a. ■ , * tuS and 7 to B p. m.


DETECTIVE AGENCY (Llcenaed by Police Commiaeloncre)

Office 40 Water Street Boaton,'

p.; DKARBORN, I «._._-,. iuyenjv ez . W. CHAPMAN, i,,»B■"0^,• poilencv. K, B. Reliable operatora for nU klnda o

criminal and civil oualneaa. CorrcupindcnlB tb-'oughout Amerlra and Knmpe; chargea n rate; bunlnrea atrlctlr ronO.l eolial; mi charge

for con.ultttlon. Ordrra uv ma 1 or telegraph 'promptly attended to. mWl*

REVERE HOUSE, Old Orchard, Me.

_ elegant hotel, aith ample au- j|..r lOOgaeala, lamo.t l«antilullr

tea tail upon a high bluff oftrlouklim the ocean.

no r . large, I mdwe 1 turnlit


R. H. EDDY, 76 State St., opp. Eilbr, Boston Secure» Patenla la the United SUtea; all Great UrlMia, Trance nnd other foreign » triea. Coplea of the olaimaol any Patent nlaned by remittingoneiloiiar. Anignnientare- oorded at Waablngton. No Agency In tbe Uni- ted ntatea poaaeaiea auperior facllltlea for ob- taining Patentaor airerUinlng the patentability Oflnrenliona. B.B.BDDr.SolloltorolPBteata.

TESTIMONIALS. "I regard Mr. Eddy aa one of tbe moat oapabkt

and aucoeaaful practitioner* with whom I have had oflcial Intercourse.

CHARLES MASON.Commia'rof Pateata. "Inventoreoanaot employ a peraon moretrnat

worthy or morecapable ofaecurlng forthem an airly and favorable oonaideratlon at the Patent OMce."

EDMUND BUBEE.LateCom'r of PatenU. Boa-roa.Oet. 19,1B70.

A. H.BDPT.Eaq.—DearSlr.yon procured lor ■Bu in ISIO, my flrat patent, dinoe then yon have acted lor, and ed»laed me In hundreds ol eaaea, and procured many patenta, relaauea and exten- ■ loni. I have occasionally employed the beat acenclee In New York, Philadelphia and Wash- ington, bat latlll give you almoat the whole ol aay bualneaa.ln yonrlme.and adviae otnerelo employ you. Your* truly.

' (JEOBGEDRAPEB. Boaton,Jan.l,lkH. llyjan*

Rales greatly reduced to anil the tlmea : Juaa to JUII 4, *5 per week; JUI, 1 to September L •7 10 BIS per week, Transient ra^a, »J.'0. Special ratea IOT Hcplemoer.

Btrlclly temiH-rance. ._„,.„ , OBO. M. Pwrr-aK, Clerk-Cordially Invltca

all hi* irimiia to atab *l 'he Revere. L.A.PlLiLSUUKY, - Proprietor.



Brokers and Dealera In Railway and all olbet aecurltlea,

RAILWAY 1NVKSTMKNT8 apeciiity. in tbe ao:eciiun anil eetimal-

-111 ri tii-ir long enne inin with "1'oor'a Man iialot Hallruada" given tbun special ad*an tagea. correapondei ce Invited and enquiries answered. Deposit account received and In

I allowed. «m mar'-■■.*


Sail from Now Tork every Saturday for


Liieraool and Qaecnstown Service. from Pier No. 41 N, ii-. New York,

AUSTRAL, sails July »•, Ang. M. Bepl *■>. CITY uf BOMEoalla Aug. t>, aept. •>. Ool 4,

fliinerb accoujinjilaiiona for all elaaaea ol paa.

"cab^n'paaaage |N to iioo aoaordlng to aeoem- ■aodatloaa.

n*ci>nd Claa* |40; Steerage as above. For paaaage.cauln plans, book of Kates, Ac,

apply to HENDEIWON BKUa., New York. orSltaM Moarar.'iSi aUaai SL, or » PATUCE MDIFHT at Eaaea St. Lawrenee. 16mm»t

OPIUM .MORPHINE HABIT — inn, or u» Dvffni»r.r

a bottle dii! tsia more gooo

I the medicine 1

"Ni'vr aaw an ■> completely 1 illous attack."

fr-m Mr. Wm. W Cardolaa

Clay Co , Iu I.—Fo- ih< laat two yeara I have been aerlonaly unwell It would be difficult 10 ileaorl-e all me little ailmenU tbat bavi united lo miler my existence miserable Ii the extreme. Paiba le ,he breaat—a heavy, lull aenaation in mi head—takataeat at th«

tomach—weak nets In he lega-k'dneya bad y deranged — reetlaat It'ep—co;;ipl"lon sal

wiff'ha low— Kendered .letpcrate, went to tbe nortberx part of MkhigaD, bop ng thai a change o ■limale would do me [ood. Ig»oo bensf .aal spring 1 went _ h-cilyofTerre llanti

aid reaorteil to the arte sian baih, Ibei weeka. One d clng Ibrouili (■era. 1 noticed an ad- Tcnlsemrn' of llur.l icl blood Hliler . InJona I eommenced taking this medloine, though I must admit with IHUi or no czpeetailon ol rellel. Tbe r.-uU was

■ailfylni rtlloui beyone

._■ oslai these hitlers 1 have no loaiadnv's woik.Tnej lake Ma-rd hold ao< me effecu are alarayi pfeaalag.

IT IS said tlia*. tbe records of the New Kngland Metropolitan Society are to be used as "evidence in "making choice of cdol summer residences," but in this case the "evidence of things not seen" is not the "substance of things hoped for." Cool summer residences are a drug in the market.



ill.-, COLKUS, I.IHU.I.IAS IWN'SIKS, \.< ., A. -,

In thumb pota, pi'r «loa. ^ ;jfl rta.

ORRANIUMS, in 3-ln- pola, 45 <ta.


Telephone Connection.


The merit and value of any manufac- tured article always cotreeponde with the reputartlon of the manufacturer!.

In Soap, quality, not price, should be the ftrat consideration—for while strong rank alkali soaps undoubtedly remove dirt quickly, consumers can hardly af- ford to furnish "dry goods" against the destructive properties of common Soaps and washing powders.

"WELCOME SOAP" Is recommended for tts great cleansing qualltlea 1 the result of a combination ot pure and legitimate ingredients, harmless In their action--peculiar to the production of CURTIS DAVIS A CO.

TRY THE "WELCOME." daew »d 1

JACK SHEPHERD, the highwayman, should have made his home in Florida. It is reported "that 18,000 homesteads have been entered, in that state, dur- ing the past year." Nothing is said of "breaking," ami we have frequently noticed that sometimes "breaking and entering" is punishable, and some- times it Isn't. It depends a good deal on the deed.

THE NEW word "cacistocracy" coined by the New Vork Indedendent, and said to mean the "government of the worst," will never be popular un less a pronouncing dictionary goes with it. It is like the Wagner music, it does not catch on. The slang of the schools is always the monncat kind of alang, because it has no raison <T etre

THE LETTER of Mr. ltlaine, accept- ing tbe republican presidential nomin alion, is one ol the best contribution! to the literature of the campaign, and will be read with close attention by everybody. Frank, clear and compre- hensive, it is markeiUby the strong Individuality of the writer, and cannot fail to prove satisfactory to the great mass of the American people. The issues of the campaign are forcibly put and no man can fail to comprehend the position Mr. Blaine assumes. It is a splendid paper, and will become the text book of the campaign.

NEW CARRIAGE llrllSITOBY 320 Essex street.

Where a Full Lino of

Garriages, Sleighs and Harnesses mar be found at reasonable price


in all its brsnehee promptly and nevrT lone,

;Also storage for Carriages and Sleighs.


IT IS SL'HPRISINO, considering their pretended contempt for the "riff-raff" and their desire to be politically asso ciatcd with only the truly good, how anxious the independent allies of Gov. Cleveland are, to know whether John Kelley and Tammany Hall can be in* duccd to support the democratic can- didate.' Mr. Kelley will a very de- Birable co-worker for tbe great apostle of political purity, but he will be a very bad man should he conclude to lead his braves against the democratic can- didate.

Weekly News Brevities. Friday.

There was a 1100,000 Ore yeitsrdsy, at Alllfltoo, Ontario.

HOD. Oliver Warner, ei-Secretarr of Bute, la dangerously 111 of pneumonia.

Thirty years ago Orover Oleaveland wan a teacher In tbe New York Institu- tion for the Blind.

The newly appointed head of the Na- tional Labor Bureau la charged with some remarkable utterances.

Tbe people of Waliham were generally disposed, laat night, to celebrate the ac- ceptance of the clly charter.

Sewell A Ertckson, jobbers In millinery goods, 612 Broadway, New York, have suspended. Liabilities over •800.000.

William Hayes, of Peauody, was fonnd guilty of an attempt to blow up a houae In tbat town, and a new trlai has been refused.

Four New York roughs mada a most cowardly and brutal asaault, yesterday, on a picnic party, besting men, women and children.

The League ball games, yesterday, re- salted in victories for Providence over Bostou, Chicago oyur Buffalo and Detroit over Cleveland.

An alliance baa Boon formed between the Baltimore and Ohio, the Bankers and Merchants' and tbe Postal Telegraph and Cable Companies.

Sergeant Winfluld S. Jewel), one of tba victims or the Oreely Kiplorlag Expedi- tion, wss for a long time. Signal officer at kit. Washington.

I 1 waive Gloucester flshermeu were res- cued on Wednesday, off St. Pierre Island, after baring been adrift in a small boat for four days without food, water or rest.

Lieutenant Oreely and party have been fonnd In a sad plight by the relief expedi- tion In Smith's Sound. Only seven met were alive, seventeen having died of starvation.

At Dlgby, N. B., yesterday. Roger Am- ro received a verdict of $400 agaioat

John Dal), for false and malicious arrest In connection with the murder ol Mrs. Carlton, at Wstettowo.

Tbe Chinese Minister, wttb several at- taches of the Legation, left Washington last night lor New York. After spendlog a few days In tbat city they will sail for Puru, where tbey go lo establish a Chi- nese consul ale.

a tbe supreme court law term, yester- day, in the case of Sergt. Dennis Kelly, wbo, wt-un In charge of Fort Fopbam, fired at and mortally wounded young Smith ol Charlestowrt, Mass., tbo full bencb gave a derision, surrendering the prisoner to the United States authorities.

It will not bs a pleasant reflection for those democratic congressmen wbo de- layed tba Oreely ftellel EipedUIrm for several weeks by unnecessary quibbles and obstloacy, to learn that If the expedi- tion bad sailed when tbe Administration wlahed It to, probably all the lives of the brava explorers might have bean saved. Instead ofae/en.

A dinner was given In London recently, by Mr. Grey, M. P., to Henry Villanl, at wblch a number of the Engllah visitor*u> tbe Pacific slope at the opening of tbe Northern Pacific Railroad, last autumn, were present. Lord Carringtoo present- ed Mr. Vlllard. on behalf or bla British annuls, with a beaouiut allvttr cnp.abaped like an nrn, and handsomely wrought With a suitable Inscription. Mr. Vlllard responded modestly and happily. He expects to return home about tbe lat of August.

Baturdar. There were 106 promotions In the Patent

Office yesterday. Tne plague Is carrying off hundreds of

people In Asiatic ltusala.

General Logan's letter of acceptance will be published next Wednesday.

The London Balloon Society has order- ed s gold medal struck for Lieut. Oreely.

Tbe French Chamber of Deputies has sdopted the sugar duty bill by a vote of 275 to 198.

Gross dishonesty Is charged In the con- struction of tbe Lincoln Monumert at Springfield, lit.

The letter carriers are to receive their fifteen days' vacation, without loss of pay, as provided by law.

The American cricketers defeated tbe Surrey eleven at Oral, Eng., yesterday, by a score of 880 to 879.

General Gordon was etKbartonm on the 12tb ultimo In good health, and tbe town was well provisioned.

latter city during tbe past 34 hours and SO THK KID! NO I" AltK ASSOCIATION in the former. Theexodoa or Inhabitants — *■ ■- ■-— cntlnuea. Precautionary measures1 OfllclaJ Report or the Secretary. against tbe epidemic are being taken In all


Testimony from the Boston (Hobs.

directions. The conviction of the receiving clerk of

tbe dry goods house of Arnold, Constable A Co., of New York, has led up to the discovery tbat the cashier of the firm, and also a c nfldential employe, who has bees travelling abroad In Its Interests, are In- debted to the concern for probably far greater amounts of money dishonestly taken.


General Gordon, Khartoum and Senuar were all safe on safe on tbe 2nd ultimo.

Half tbe town of Delia, la Qellcla, a province of Anatrls, bas been destroyed by fire.

The Boston club defeated tho New York club at base ball on Saturday after- noon by a score of 13 to 1.

Turkey has decided to control all tba postal service tbroughont the country, and baa notified the powers to that affect.

It la expected that upward of 100,000 nrrsiiti* will par'lclpate In tbu trades de- monstration In Hyde Park, London, to- day.

Tne Mexican dry goods merchants havs been unaole to compromise with the gov- ernment and tho stamp lawa will be en- forced.

Tbe descendants of Rebecca Nonrae, one or tbe victims of tbe Salem witch- craft delusion, bad a reunion at the old homestead In Danyers on Saturday.

The Empire State struck on a rock off Tn seller's Island yesterday after noon, snd bad to put Into Gloucester. Her passen- gers were brought to Boston on a special train.

The choleri panic continues at Toulon and Marseilles, France. During the past 34 hours 4G dealbo from the disease baye occurred In lbs former clly and (7 In the latter.

Frsnce haa reduced tbe Indemnity de- manded of Chins for tbe recent outrage at Lsngaon 10 00,000,000 francs, and tbe lat- ter guTernmeol has offered 80.000,000 francs.

All the buildingsexceptaix in the town of Belnap, Montana, were dsatroyed by die ou Friday nlgbt, the property loss ex- ceeding 9100,000. Tbe greater portion o! the people are left destitute.

Tbe acting secretary of the navy bas ordered tbe Oreeley survivors to proceed to Portsmouth, N. II., In the relief ves- sels as soon aa the caskets for tbe dead explorers are completed, than to await iuriinT orders.

Tbe President has Issued a proclama- tion calling attention to tbe neceaalty for more stringent precautions against the ntrodnction of cholera Into the country,

and urging the utmost vlgltsnce ou the part of agents of the government at home and abroad.

The Anenrial commission appointed by tbe Egyptlsu conference has voted unan- imously, with the exception of England, lo ri jiict tbe plan for a reduction or tbe Egyptian land lax and the Interest on tbe Egyptian debt.

Tbe following la the onlolal report of tbe secre- tary of the Aaaoelatlontolbeatooknolilara, which la published, as there havs been rumors afloat

at the Drat meeting was not a financial auooeaa:

Caah received first day ;— S Minute Claae, Entrance money received.

H. J. Maxwell, b *. 1 i. T, tJO B. C. Merrill, b g. Young Uenet, SO John Klley. b m, Sylph, SO W. F. l„oc»e, b K. L. Buttercup, 30 II. RU-hanl'on, b m, Le OclaleU, Wallace Wllllama, b m, Nellie W.

Important to Housekeepers. GENUINE


Pure Concentrated

FlaroriiiE Eitrac

Always Insure Economy and Excellence.

Try them and you will use DO Other

ABSOLUTE Divorce* for per ___ aoss resldlra ihrouahoot the

ttiatea and Canada for dwrrilon.noa an, inlemiierance, crnalty. Incompatibility

. Advloe flee. SUlayoar oeae anil addreaa ATTORNEY WAjfcp,. World . Building, _lt« Droadwaj^swYstk. '

WHAT EXPLANATION has Mr. Curtis yet given of tiis declaration at tbe Chicago convention, that "we are con- fronted with the democratic party, very hunirry, and, as you may well believe, very thirsty ; a party without a single de:hite principle, a party without any distiuct national policy which it dares to present to the country; a party which fell trom power as a conspiracy against human rights, and now at- tempts to sneak back to power as a conspiracy tor plunder and spoils." If Mr. Curtis has explained how this assertion could be reconciled - with his present position, we have failed to see it.

The Washington Monument haa now reached a belgbtoMBH, feet, and Is the tall -si structure In the world with one ex- ception.

Tbe subject of precautionary measures to prevent tbe Introduction of cholera In- to this country, was considered by the Cabinet yesterday.

Russia and Germany have adopted a treaty sgaiost Anarchists. In future Rus- slsne will not b- allowed lo reside In Ger- many wlthoot permission of Rossis.

Tbe strike of lasters InNewburyport, so far as one firm Is concerned, ends In a harbor excursion at the expensed tbe employers, and a resumption of work on Honday.

I'.nabas granted France the first mea- sure ofsailsiBCilon by ordering the with- drawal of troops from tbe Tonquln fron- tier, tbe evacustl-in to be completed with

a month. All the business portion of (Vilar

Springs, Michigan, wss destroyed by Ore yesterday aftemoan, the property loss ag Krelating $200,000. Four person*! were burned to death.

On board the U. S. S. Portsmouth at Newport on Thursday, an oncer while ex- hibiting some new rifles to his wife, care- lessly put In a ball cartridge, wblch be ex- plodsd. Inflicting a serious wound on the leg of a marine.

Tits cholera Is reported to be increasing at both Toulon and Marseilles. There wen 58 deaths from tbo disease in ths

SIM 00 Local Race Entranoa Mosey.

A. Q. Dodge, Chest. (

A. W. Wrlsht, f g. lirey Billy, o. stowell, chest, K. Baby, John Manning, bro. at, tilpsy.

Total eatranoe money, a* 1'■ ■ c Rec'd at Ticket Offlee, H t llec'd from Candy Man, IS

Cash rec'u- Brat day, July >. %i. Cash KecM aecoad da:

1.37 Claae; Entrance Money B. J. Mas well, b ro. C. A.

K. Uo.hier, bro. m. Owenee, 10 II. Kblawmul, l> g, Krnrsl L , St

J. II. IMrnpaey, blk s, Joe S., tS Chas. Record,. t> ni. I.oulae, SO 11, A. Rusg. bm. Trifle SO Dan. Ilaaley, g m, Lady Ollhury, M S. E. Leaks, ti ro, MaUie Willie, H

- 1164 00 Useless; Entrance Money BecefveU.

C. A. Andrews,'-a. Barney, ttO Oe*>. F. Uoode, 1> in, Trifle, SO John Riley, bro. m. Kymlike Maid, B0 Chas. Uooorda. blk. ro, fsnnle M., SO C. 8. Key*, b g, Charlie K., SB

— 100 on

e-i'ii HO

r Received.

Cash received Snd day.

Geo. r. Alklns, b a, Richmond, SJO If. C. Merrill, b g, YoungUenet, W John Klrhy, b g, Cupeland, 80 11. Rlohardson, b ro LnOolalett, SO W. Willianu, b m, Nellie W., so

- SIMM S.MClass; Entrance Money Received.

John Trout, bro. a, Haraey, gM Tbos. Cornelia, b g, Arthur, S9 J. Haley, cheat, m, Bell ahacket, 30

— 80 00

Total entrance money rec'd, SUM OS Uaoeived from Ticket Office, if

■ - Edwin Moras privilege, II ■ " Rd. Reraoa '~ II

Total cash reeeived 4th July, I -1 '■ ■ 3rd ■■ a at .. inj «• x

•Ins >n programme, John farrsll, Refreshment*, 110 «

•US in Total money paid out, J.uu at

• 138 31 Monsy due the Association; 3 minute dais,

T. W. Oagood, bro. na, Sweetness, *.'"


Due on 3 minute class,

J. H., J.H.Rowley, Juliet t, Ueo. Reynold. Charley B . D. C. Miller, Miller's Daniel,


Died at Silver HIdge.Arouslook County,

Maine, on the 12th lost.. Miss Katie Lean,

a young lady we.l known to many Law-

rence realdsnts. Tbe deceased was about 2j yeara of ago, and while here, by ber many amiable ciaalltlos made many friends,

who regret that ber young Ufa has gone

out so aoon in obedience to ths call of tba Maker. While here, ahe contracted con-

sumption, from which she died. Bbe bore ber sufferings wltb great fortitude and passed away calmly snd peacefully.

She was a member of the Young Ladles Sodality of St. Mary's church, and special services were observed on Sunday In re-

spect lo her memory. Tbe uody was in-

erred at Silver Ridge.

Mr. J. Madison Doe, one of Metbuen'a

oldeat and test known citizens, died

Thnradsy aflerunon at his residence at

corner of Broadway and High streets. In tbat town, aged 73 years and 8 months.

Mr. Doe was born 1 In Rumney, M. H., but came to the town when but 14 years of age and with tbe exception of a few

years passed In California, resided here

since. About a year ago he experienced

a shock of paralysis and since that time

has been confined to ths house. Last week he sad another stuck wblch result-

ed In his deaib. He leaves a widow,

who waa his second wife, two sons, Hen-

ry P., the well-known jeweller of this

city, and John of California, and two daugblers, Delia and Mrs. Chas. Ropes,

of Melhuen.

Duffy's Murder.

An ir.qucBt was held on Thursday, be-

fore Judge Davis, on tbe death of John

Duffy, of Gloucester, alleged to have been killed by Michael Lawless, tbe boss of a

blasting gang. The evidence went to

show tbat Duffy came to his death from

Internal Injuries occasioned by some outside presure or force npon th i walla

of the abdomen; that deceased while In-

toxicated, got Into an altercation with

Lawless, wbo foiced him oyer upon a pllo of rocks, kaeellng upon him, and pounding him severely. Lawless was

taken off deceased by other workmen,

and while lielog raised snrged with his knees or feet upon the tody of Duffy,

Tbe latted died wllhln eighteen hours after receiving the injuries. Lawless

was arraigned before tbe Gloucester po-

lice court, this morning, on a charge of


ley, J _ old. Charlal


Das 001.37 oless.

T. S. Foster, hay g, tto Class due

Dna on advertising. 10 00

• iio un

The two democratic dallies of oor clly,

who bsvo been attempting to delude their readers and to Impress the public out of

Lawrence, that there waa llltlsor nothing in tbi AUCHIOAK'S reports Of serious dis-

affection with Cleveland, will lad pretty cold comfort In a colnmn article on the

subject In the Boston Dally Globe, which while endeavoring to pat the best face on

the matter from a democratic standpoint, has the following plump admissions, fully

endorsing the statements ol ths AMERI-

CAN. Ws clip the following from Us Globe u to Lawrence t—

Inquiry concerning tho reported disaf- fection bore toward tbs nomination of Cleveland, abows that there are demo- crats here who openly express their dls- satlafacilon with the nosslnnilon, while othera state that, although tbey would bars moch prefet red some other ticket, tbey will give a passive support to the noailnees. There are some wbo affirm bat they will sot only bolt, bat will uae heir bast endeavors to bring as many re-

cruits into lbs Blaine camp, and will cast their voles fur "Jim snd Jack."

Ths defection Isauch that it cannot well be Ignored nor overlooked.

Tba chief objection lo Cleveland is foand, it la ssld, In tne labor element, In which there are many young Irish-Americans. Among thesa are many wbo, If tho elec- tion were to take place to-day, would un- doubtedly vote for the "Plumed Knight."

The boll Is strongest In ward 6. Prom- inent Biruiig the dissatisfied In this ward la Dsnuls W. Murphy, a young Irish- American, and a member of the City Uoun- cll. He Is Just now Interested In organ- ising a Blaine club among the young dem- ocrats of his ward. A men Hug Is called for next flalarday night to organ lie.

A young democrat aald be abould rote for Blaine.

Said a democrat, who bas boeu prom- inent Is city politics for some years, last night 1 "Yes, I'm going to vote for Hialnr; Cleveland la an out-and-out monopolist, and ho can't lay any clrlm to ibu Uu.n vote. Then, again, be has gone back ou the very men who elevated him to powet In New York S.ate.

Lewis Towey, chairman of the Demo- cratic City Committee, is oppuaed iu Cleveland.

A prominent democrat, when atked 11 he was going to bolt, ssld- "Well, 1 don't know. I don't like Cleveland. Il Oen. Bntler should consent to run, I should vote for him, by all means. Tbe nomination of Cleveland I consider a concession to tbe blue-blood publicans. They are ths same ones whu kicked on General Butler's first nomina- tion for governor."

Now, In face of tbais statements and Bdmlsslono of ihe Globe, wou't our local

democratic cotemporaries, the L iwell

Times and Mancheater Union, kindly re. peat thtlr little homily npon the "roor- backs" of tbe AMERICAN.

COKE! COKE I a Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

TBI LAWRENCE GAS CO. la selling OOXE at lbs following prices 1

Per Chaldron ol 14 1,1, la„ delivered S* M I ■ « 1 ! • SSs ror barrel, " - M Orders muatue fi at the oBoeof thaoewpasy

Mo.SSI Eaaeist.and tbeCcae pa.dnratlas dme las order is given.

oruCEJIIOUBAr a. »„toltm., - - lt»UI>ai

*tu aaari

Urand Total, 11 Totaleapenaeof Jaly meeting:—

1st day, 3 minute class: A Merrill, Toting Genet, ||00

Loral Raee. lal Dar. First money due, gSA.OO.

Arthur I>odM, Ned, atfJW K. W. Wright, <irer Hilly, 7A0 W. 11. Keels, rannle, 0.00

C. E. Moaliier, Owenee, M >an High;)-, l.a.l , lilllmrv, \¥> il. A. Hugf. Trifle,

' SJB class. *. F. Curtis, Charley. K 7 MM John Klley. Kvsdlke Maid, Jtiaa. Uecorde, rannle M.,

— Total purae money paid out: 11 '■' 00

3d 1 uv ■■■• ■■« class. Tohn Ililer. DelleHhacket, |1M

gtsa 00 •113 class.

A- Merrill, Young Cenet, John KuM. I'.-I.-I ■»■!, Wallace William, Nellie W.,


Total prernluaia, July 4. 41-1 m

lltM Paid out for the meeting.

tieo. B. Merrill, printing. «-r. M

11. A. Wadavrorth, printing,

C. II. MllleOelil, measuring track Ueo. r. Uoodc, advertising, Flag lender, fremluma jiald out,

■in H Total Receipts, I*7« IT

«3Jw"ei Due on entrance before the hnraei

Due on advertising.

Total, ♦ ■.I- SI


The statement or subscribers of the New

Ragland Telephone and Telegraph com-

pany for the month of June, sbowa a net gain of subscribers 229, the number of

subscribers June 1st being 18,208, and on the first of July.the nnmber was 18.437. Tte nnmber of extra-territorial messages

transmitted wai 28,312, a gain of aW7

over tbe preceding month. There are 22

divisions ID tbo territory.

Kindly Remembered,

Saturday evening, Bute Insptctoi

Hiram R. Nest, was hastily aumjioutd

lo the police station by Janlier Muiph* who Informed him *.bat a man wlahed to

see him. When he reached the aiailoti he wao conducted to the marshal's room waere City Mstshal O'Ualllvsn addreas*d

him, speaking of hla long service on ibi force lo this city, his conscientious work, bis promotion to detective work, sad tbe universally pleasant relations tbat bad tbroughont existed between them, also spoke of bla own personal relations wltb Mr. Meal," and the areal assistance

he had been to bim during the time he

bad served as clly marshal, sod hoped

itiir In bla new fluid of labor bs might be

ar aucceasful aa he had been while on tht Lawrence police fores. He then pre

sealed blm, on behalf of tbe police force

and ctllsena of Lawrence, with an onvel ope containing *3B0 In money, with the permission v> use It as he saw lit.

spector Neal replied briefly and feelingly to the presentation speech of Marshal O'Snlllvau, and spoke of the good feellnt

tbat had always aslated between himseli

and the ofllcera of tbe surce, and aald that

be valued more tbs warm fflsndsblp tbat

actuated the gift, than the money Itseir All preaent were then Invited to adjourn

to Dodgt's restaurant, where clgara were passed round. The gift was a just trib-

ute to ths excellent services of Mr. Neat,

and Is mnch appreciated by blm.

Blfle Club Klectlons-

Tbe following baye bean elected ofllcera

of tbe Rifle otnb 1

PresMecl-8. M. Decker. Tlce Presidents-John llresn, William

Flaber. Treasurer—A. W. Iloartand-

Directors— Smith U. Decker, Wm.

Fisher, Henry Bchonland, Wm. O. Web-

ber, J. W. Frost, O. M. Jewell, L. U Hell, Lewie Saundern, B. P. Rlcbardaon.

Finance Committee—Lewis Blunders,

O. M. JewsIL Range Committee— B. F. Chad bourne,

8. M. Decker, M. W. Daslton. Statistical omrwr.-M. W.

Beach's World Soap will not lalare th lineal goods.

Use Bescb's World Soap and avoid skin

SUMMER Imprudences






FEVERS, *c *c


Perry Davit's Pain Killer DRIVM THEM AWAT.


Dili V I . TlIEK A*AT.

oorr it WITHOUT urn KILLER. tar or AIIT otuooitr.


Tfteae Plila will prevent andorju uyararsia. Tli.-v an- an unrivaled UlMHBM rlLU, saild aper- ient, sol admires!, adapted as a fassllv atedt- ■■*. Ihey are aaed by tbs meat cultivated iii-u.iif. la our en mrr, and are siteasiveir need lw ihyalrlsn- In [heir piaelloe. S0I.1 bv Drag - lists genrrallv. If yo.i .1 rugs lets ilo nut tSep li-in, send £1 cuts In E. it BaXKWiTtf Pel* 1 shun. Vs. rorboi uvntall. dw I map la


HEAT, LIGflr &F0WHC0. EratiTt! Office. 178 Devontliire St.

HUSTON, MARS. urnosaa:

FRICD 11 RKNSHAW, rnastnanrr. 11, O. uouUiPKKn, Tojuaoana. wii.HUR r. i.irsr, cuax.

1.1 nn-rose HON. HAMUKIi IIAIKIKh.

(Presldeal Hldnleto.n Savlaga Rank,and Ties I'. r> - Hart, A Conn. V aller K, %., Hamord, Cb

HON. A.C. WOODWOBTH. (freslJant Anas* atsnu'sotnrlBiCo., Chloopas,

Haas.) M <il'STl■* W. M)€KK, KRQ.

(Manager Hlals Kn«d and Hooaac Tunnel, Metth Adaota, Maaa.)

PRKD II. IIKNSI1 AW. K8Q. 1 firm or Uenauaw and Cushlsg, Importers, SI

L'huuncv HI , K.islos.l FRANKLIN KKED, KSQ.

(President asgsdsbo.^ Mat. Hank, BatMMO INClcKARK UOBINSOM, Ksu.

(President Voblason Iros Works, I'l/montBa Mass.)

4?KO. W. SMITH, K»Q. (Presldeal U. W. Smith Irea.Wsrks, Sasloa,

Haas.) If. C. OOODSPfiEDs K.Hy.,

(118 UeyonahlreSt„Hoataa,.) OaSSRAL HAKl'lll:

GKN. M. N. WISKWRLIs. IIS Devonshire BL, Boston.

ATT«as 11:

HON. 11. W. OOOC1I, S8 School SL, Boston.

SAwaaics AKD rm-.ikn - AMKRICAN LOAN AND 1 Itt SI CO,

Oft Consreaa Street Boaton. Tba CBPIUI si.K-k of the Conapaav is Si.ooa,-

OH) divided Into I0.U» .hares, of the par ralne of |S0 pee snare, la lull paid aud nssas- asaauie. A liminci number of shares oaly sriU M offered lo Hie pulillo at leas tbaa par,

Tne «ompanv owns by purchase, Ike satire ittit. lor llie New Kngland Niataa, ea* the Jnatly rlelirated llollaml Prw*si lor generating Heal, .•Kb- and Su»m Power i.y tin- use of water sod

ilia as ruel In lbs manufacture or water gaa fur locomotives and staliiaery boilers, and tar lomeatin uses; In fa<l, wberavsr a sale aad perlnally clean Ire Is desired, aed It Je,*eyn«d ...instnm tic Rheapest and ,>ureal gaa tut hinting

We have r~ — healutliin 1

All moneys for stork to be paid Info, and the stock laeucd by the Amerlraa Loan and I'nmt i <itn|>Hiiy, Uankrrs and Trustees of tbe C'ompMny.

I>escrlptlve painiihleta and all Inform- al Ion concerning this great Inveatioa, ran be obtained at t h.- executive ofllcr. 17H l>i von-lilr. street.


Da I.C. WMT*S Nssrs AMD RBAIK THAT MBHT, Uuarsnieed Dpic'^c loi Hysteria, bis- lines*, ;Convutalons, File, Nervous Nmalgia, lleailaobe, Nervous urastrallon, caused br lbs uae ol'aloosolor lohai-- H

l>epreaalon. SoDenlai

«wer it aliner Sea, Involun'ary I.o«ea,aad oernatorrhnqa, naure.1 by over eiarllon ol toe >ralr, as .(abuse or over Indnieeoe. Kaoh box oniaias one in .tun's trea men One dollar > boa or-sli boaes for Ove dollars; aea bv sail prepaia on receipt or price. We .uareauas .11 boaea to cure any oaae. With each order

_eoe1red by u> tor sli boxes, aeaempaakd with Svo dollars, we Wi'l send Ibe purchaser *ur

11. at. WHITNEY A CO., Drugglata, LAwaaaca, MASS. mall at regnlsr price. dwlimyll


Lawrence American LAWRENCU. MASS.




Weekly News Brevities. Tuesday. _

1'hf mmlir and inhabitants of Dongola »IV loyal to it,i- Khvdive and hostile to ibe Mahdl.

It), republican natn.ual committee baa il-ilotd to establish a nub-committee ID Washington.

Surgeon General Hamilton lias decided tint tbe fumes of petroleum are not In- jurious to health.

There were A1 deaths from cholera at M irselltes yesterday, making the total u r ilnif the ,i,|.-mi<- appe iretl ■■; 1

e'rwh evidence of the artlvlty of tbe Nihilist* haa it-, n : .un.l ai Waraaw, and (!*■■ 'errorleta Inv..- been arrested at Mos- cow.

Tb«i Massachusetts deletion to tbe antt-Blalne ID Nie York, to- day, left Boaton at six o'clock last even log.

A severe wind aud rain atorm prevailed ID portions or N. braska and Dakota, yes- terday, ili-mi u) lug a vast amount of prop- erty.

The steam, r Fniplre Stat^, winch struck ■ rock off Thatcher's i,iand, „n Sunday af'^.n-n. was towed to Battery wharf, yesterday.

1 lit- ITt-urh rhamt>er or deputies, yes- tcr.'n. Voted the Madagascar credits, nft-

• Tscted discussion, by a vote of .'■:■• i ■»:i.

0'it l nn and Philadelphia clubs pliym on the South IM,.I I..,-..- ball u ■ >y '--. yesterday aflernooo; the home c un won by a score ol 4 to 0.

I. la -aid tuat if Dr It. II. McDonald reoel-f* Ibe presld«ml»l Domination of tnc |.r..bibItory parly, he will subscribe

1|| (KM* 0O0 to tbe campaign fund. Tbe bricklayers of New York tr.ade a

•Wilt iwslerdst'for tin- carrying on', of ipi<- in,, i, rule, and the Indications ae thai they will succeed in the move- ment.

['<:■■ Knights Templars will cooperate wnti the city of Newbrjreport In giving 1 ■ iiii Urecly i public receptloD. Tb c ly council haa appropriated tflOi.) toward the expenses ol tbe occasion.

8-uator O irmau snd ex-Senators Bar* i i Wallace are tue prominent can dtda ■■- lor iiu1 cbalrmnosnlp of thu na- tloual democratic committee. Tbe pre- Tailing Impression ia that the latter will be selected lor tbe position.

President Arthur baa called for the re- -iji.i'! ['IPIIII..' James Loogstrsst an tniie.i Stales marshal for the northern district of Oeorgla, !u const ijut-nce of careli-i—nnaa and tn< Iflciency in office. Juhu B. Bryant will succeed Mm.

The Free Trade Convention, In New York, to-day, will be tailed to order by Qeorg* William Curtis, and presided over by Cliarloa K. Codinan. No one will be admliudto a participation In tbe pro cet-.linu* until he has signed an aurea> DM m IO oppose Blame uud Lofcjai,. Mi.<- aachusetta, it la ixptcitd, will be rcpre- •enled by abont fj;l> . r ,;,. :, Wi'iliif-lliLY.

Tut FACT that la a want tbrowio| but I0U democratic votes, fi8 ileruo- ■ ratic signers should lie found at the tirst meeting of a Blaios nod Logan club, "hows how wide spread tbe anti- (.'leveland movement la in thia city.

Arm; PUUMUM the accounts, given by i lifir own reporters, of tlia enUiusi- islic democratic Blaioe and Logan iiifieliug held in ward six last evening, (lie morning daillca of this city will hardly foe] like reading the AMKHICAW

another lecture upon "roorbncltism."

A ItRooKiYH man boasts tbat the association of Independents that he iieloog* to is an "engine of reform liut if the bolters had not been riveted with the Massachusetts bolt the ma- chine wouldJiAve "busted."

AccofiDUHi TO a statement made the Itoston Herald, chairman I'lymp ton. ol the democratic slate central committee, accepted the position only with the understanding tbat executive chairman Sweeney of this city was to do lite greater part of the work, and Mr. I'lympton is now to resign. Can it lie possible that Col. Sweeney is not rendy to take oil his coat for Cleveland and Hcndrieks?

THE UKMARK of the New Orleans Picayune tbat "euthusiasni goes a long ways in politics, hut tbe counting is done after enthusiasm goes to sleep, will not go a long ways in the forma- tion of public opinion on the probable result ot the, count. It is hoped that the republicans will be able to kee[ awukc l-.iijs enough to vote, but w< don't blame the other party for getting a little drowsy.

DR. WILLIAM Everett, of Qtiincy, was one of tbe Massachusetts self-con- stituted delegates to the auything-to- beut Hlaine conference at New York. It is painfully evident that the doctor's reputation bad preceded him, for, "'ac- cording to tbe Advertiser's report of the proceedings, Dr. Everett was giv- en tbe flow upon his promise not to be tedious. Whelhar tbe speaker or his audience were to be judges of tbe fact ia not stated.


Independent Voters of Ward

Six Onraiilze-

TllK KILLING or DirFFV. Labor Demonstration. ri.n:l»uHiiou or the of Michael l

T„K KN|GHTO OP L\BOB TLH »*«"*'«*»■ OUT IN LARGK M Mill lt>.

lioualtiK Rally at the City Hall.

Tut: DEMOCRATIC and assistant dem- ocratic organs keep on relteretiog the slory that, because the elevated rail- romda of New York are now for a fen

era at boura, morning and evening, running at a live cent fare, the outrageous veto by Gov. Cleveland, of the live cent lore bill, mis not against the interests ol the working people. This kind of uonrense will not be appreciatetl by those who see their wives and other mcinbcra of tbeir families, who are obliged to ride later ia the morning or earlier iu the evening, forced to pay 100 per cant, advance over the fares proposed in the vetoed bill.

l'ltorniKToiifl OP bench and mouotaiu hotels are again this year experiencing a dull season, which coining alter last year's unfortunate outcome renders the financial miuatiou of many ol them extremely dubious. Although there have been Home unusually warm days Ibis Bummer, yet there lias been no long protracted period of heat, and lids fact added to the hard times, has kept people close at home; a day excursion now and then being taken instead of a long vacation. Hot weath- er now would not materially help the hotel men, RS plans for the summer ate usually made much earlier, and uncomfortable weather would be en- dured with the assurance that Septem- ber is not far in the distance.

There were . M '■ -■ ■ ■■-., yesterday.

T:K: aecond bnuaOe Went Into camp at I''mmii'_!iani y >•■.■!■.* .

8n ilioDsiuri Hrrm of grain have nose uv-ui.y .! by rlru Iu the Uan Joaqiiln Val- ley.

The Ciar of KuB-ia ii to vlalt War*sw n»xt riuiu'.h, undu j;u»i.l o! IJ.COo plcktil troopa.

The prlmo tninifi^r of Trance ssvs the nnuotiailona regardina Hit: Kranco-Cbloeee diltlcultr are proarwtilaK favorably.

I: ■■ ri'i'ii .in in state coinmittpe met ycatiirdav, and d< cldc.l to hold the alate i.».v. iiMmi in i; ■■■■ :n. Baptembor 8.

TMe American cuck.-iirs WBTB defeated In their match with Hie Gentlemen ol Snisex tvatu by a scoru or 1S1 to lilt.

Th« Zell Guano Company'* wotka at Loruat Point. Md.. Wdie hurtled yester- day, the property lo»a rcachiuR ei'OO.OOO,

Jay-Kye-See, at I'rLhhnrK. Penn., yea- terdav, (ailed to loWvr Ibe lluius recoid or i'. IB, Ihe fanu-.H tune inude belnu 2. Is 1-1'.

At a republicvn rally in Worcester last evenlug, speechi ■ W«r« made by Jud*;u K. K. Hoar aMtConareaanaan Klce of this State, and Eton ol UlchlRao.

ts-Qovtroir Bi. John aeemi to ho the favorite canti'.da'K ..f the (irohlblllonlaU for President. The national convention meets at Piltshiiru, I'.-nn., to-day.

Michael B. V ilef made a murderous as- aiuii with an axe on hla wife at r«m- bridge yea'erdsy <■■ .ii.,i,-::. t was SOIJU afterward! arrested In Boaton.

Twelve balldlDtfi were totally and t-luht partlallr destroyed by tire oo Dun- f*ii-iii-.-i, Gioueealcr, Mass , yesterday. Tne aa-ur^caie IOBS of property IN estima- ted at «7fi OOU.

A lernp-ianee cnrnpnieellnu, gathered todiaeuHH au. 1 advocate a coiiNlitaiional ami tiduten'. and tba cnu>e of temperance gi n.-i;t.iy. am organized at Old Orchard Brach yesterday.

Late Khaitoum advices state that Gen* G<ndoii |«efs confident that lie can hold tbat city. The rebels aL Berber ulatid In nun-u (ear of Gum ral (Jordon'a aggressive Dovi-oients, and Osmau Ui^ua has called for • : i.,..ici in.-Hi.-.

Th« tlreely survivors continue to im- pi..i ■■ In health, and will leave St. Jol.n'^, N. V.. on Saturday, for PorUmootb, N. II. n neral Ili/.-n. chief si-iml officer, Ma\a 'be work of the Greely expedition *..,.,-■ ■*. i. in Importance, completeness, and ■»(■,,pB> that uoiie by any other on re- cord "

The indepenilent free traders held a na- tional e.Miventiou iu N w York yeaterday, ur-i wb'CbCul. Charles It. Coomin pre- elilnl. Th"V ii"in in I' ■! of every person who entered, that lu'sjioyid algn a itleoge to do a.l he could to defeat Bluloe. A lung plaiiorm, or rather hl/l of complaint Bgaixot the Repnhltcao party, was accept- ad, and after appoint Ins a Natloral (Tom- Uiiuee, tiiu conveiuli.n ad)ourned. A re- ao'u< loo uamlng Cievnlanil ami llendricka at tne oandldStse ot the convention Wit- laid n i tbe table, 'J'liui -.lity.


Tbe Blalne men, of ward six, principal- ly democrats, met at Pllgritn Had, Mon- day p.m.,to organlie an Independent club. CouncilmanDennla W. Marpav, presided.

: We come here not as repnhllc- aos, uot as democrats, but aa Independ- ents who are opposed to the nominees of tbe democratic party. John J. Morphy was chosen atcretary of the meeting. Mr. Joseph McCarthy, who bas voted In Lawrence for 33 years, andharetoforethe democratic ticket, took tbe Boor and de- livered a spirited apeech, arraigning tbe democratic policy aa declared upon IU platform, and annooncing all bis (fforts wonld be directed to tneelectlonof Blalne and Logan. A call for organisation of the club brought forward these whose namea are appended. For permanent or- ganisation tne club will meet on Friday evening. The meeting was orderly, bnt enthusiastic. The namea :-

Ttiomaa McCarty, Gaorie Moore, Phillip Hirilgaa. D. McCarthy, J. i. McDonald, John Fiivfv, Jamci Kuhertaou, Tbomaa bhannahae, Daniel Hart, M. Dlneen, l. j. Wallace, G. J. O'Leery, 0. W. fields, J. F. Lynch, TauniBi Noonan, O. H. Quit, p. H. Murray, J. J. McCarthy, Jno. Flaonauao, Win. O'ftricn, (i W,:N Canty, J. J. DonuvaD, J. Cullnauanr, U. Drlicoll. 'Imniiliv Flanagan, Thotnaa u ;'. Lee Anilln, Tboi. Ganley, Kdeartl Khlel, Jeremiah Hegan, Uanld O'Brien, J-iin Donovan, TLotna* Kennedy, Timothy Dinacn, Patrick Dlneen, John Lynch, Patrick Nicbolaf, Joseph Flattie™, .1 .in Noonan, Harry Logan, PsttKSb Fen ion. William Croaton, .1. Itcfian, Hobert McConrt, John r r...'. Jamea Welch, HIM. Kettfe, John wolger, David Farmlatey, 1'atrlck McCanby, K. J. Ureen, Frank Moason, William Hart, J :- Rodie, 1). Drlseoll, J. McCartby, Mlcbael Donovan, 1J. McCarty, D. Colter. curncliiia Sbeeban, Chailca Donovan, J C. McCarthy, lieu.!!, .1. J. O'Brien, Peter Hegan, Claries lUrdacre, M. Rodie, J. A. McCormlck, CbarleiHuilivan.

The morder trial waa contlno'd Frlda1, In tbe court room. There was a large at- tendance or spectators.

Mlcbael Clear* testified that be asw Duffy coming along; he grasped Lawk as' coat; Lawless then took hold of Duflj; theie were some blows; cuu'd not nay whlcb struck Orstt Dully shoved Lavileas Op oc tbe curhaiooe; Lawlcs pulled Mm back, and Duffy tripped upon some aton?a

Thu Knlgbta of Labor from Uaierbill, GroveUcd,GcargeUiitnandNi'Sbaryport, to the camber of steoat £030, came here on Saturday evening, on a special train of > cars. They were accompanied b? ibe Natiooal ban.I, and La Farette band cf Havurlilll, and paraded E«ex street to '.be common, wheru It waa proposed to hold

The Kl n insland Assemblf ha^ app.j ma lavorlag confederation

Wtbatei Fiannagan of r. xas has been Sppoloied a collector of internal revenue.

Tne rirst bearing ou the or the city charter was given by ibo comnuaslon vesteroay.

There were 41 deaths from cholera a' M.«r-.e|[i«s yesterday un I 17 at Toalon ui> to S o'clock last night.

A tire In tbe WiDSor Block, on 1) iver street did damage to Ibe extent ol #1'5,- i >' ■ early yesterday utoruiug.

'inv Pnlladelphla club deTeuted Boston ontticHooib Bud Grosnds yesterday »n- ernoou try a score ol j to 1.

Tne Modlf of Hotmoln hat defeated Cttnoi Kl Mahdi'> followers near Del,!., j, snd captaredSOU K.tniogton r ll rs.

The investigation Into the a.tminlai rn* lion of tne pavlog and othr-r city depart* men ii WJS coutlnii' d last evening.

I is eald tbat the members of the lale Egyptlan coafereiire were nnabtetoagree regaining Bugland'i tloanclal policy.

The republican- of the second congrea slonai iliatricl o( Vermont yesUrday gave their votes Iu iioiinuuliou to Lieu. W. VV- Grout.

At the annual conference of the t'on- servuive Nation*I U n at Sheffield., yeslunlay, oos thousand ilelegaii.-a weru present.

Lieut, A- R. Gordon's expedition for the ■ -i tu i-ii-i. ol ieven meteorologi- cal BUtloes In Uodion's Straits, sailed

< irorn Halifax, N. r-. no Tuesday. The report win. It prevailed late yeMer-

day atternooa that Gnu. Liifan bad been severely liijureii tiv the i ill ot tbe grand* BlSfld ul the Grand Army eucampment In Minneapolis, proved untrue.

A terrific hurricane swept over portion* or New York yeet.-i lay, doing much dam- age. At Klctine d Spring aud Cor 11 a ml circa a tents were d mollabvd and several [..!-■un in attsodance were injurt .1.

Tnere waa a L"»i"l military parade a'. Mi'-u* apoila, M. in . yesterday, upward of itf i> ■) vete

<>n of lln arliin Sed b) 'i -i •■ 7J MN people enc u , un i.: ur ■Ul .Is.

Tn prohibit -ts a sombled I vol. Veil. on iiinhurg, 1 yeate day, aud Hit r < I!. ci:nas pern

izallou, a l'llel until !1 w ibis i urolng. 1. t Giv rnor 8'. J- KBOIIBS and Dr Mi U .ns Id of Ctllt

i:k. Waa at the

are the two most promlneut candidates (or tbe 1'rc-id. i.ey.

ALTUOCQH THROOOHUVT the country llit're is n very general business de- l'h'--i(Mi. yet it is a gratifying fact that here in Lawrence there is now a healthy reul eHtnle In mm. Uousett am) land*, hoth in large and annul lots are remlily flu Alng purcllusers at satis factory prices. The Itrpe sales ot tenement property liy tbo l'aciltc mills, which Imvi' extended ovur several iiioutliH, have been very Biiccessftil, and one ffcntlcnien, not it professional real estate dealer, has in the past two or three weeks disposed of property to the amount ol' over 83o,oot). Tbere Is now consnlerahlu call by working people for obeap building lots on the outskirts of the city, and tbose owning inch property can easily, l»y dcU rmin- atlon and push, dispose of their.hold- ings, and thus, by encotinusing building, give an impetuj to various lirsnches of indiimry.

Tut; RKPCHLICAII state central com- mittee has decided to wdl the state convention at Boston, oo the third of September. The work of the conven- tio i will iiot.lii! arduous. Iiu excel- lency, lieo. I), Robinson, governor; uii honor, Oliver Ames, lieutenant go verm it; Hon. Henry B. Pierce, secretary of state; lion. Daniel A. Gleason, treasurer; Hon. Charles It. Ladd, aadltor; and Hun. Edgar .). Sherman, attorney general, will all he renointnated by actdamalion. The administration of President Arthur iitnl the nomination of Hon. .lames 0. IU:.i;ie aud (icn. .John A. Logan will he endorsed and the proper resolutions passed. We are aware thut there may

he, :i- there usually are, certain ambi- tion-, persons who desire some of ihe olliies so well filled by the present in- cumbents, but if BO, we advise them to wnil. This is a civil service reform year, and a bud one for such twpira-

Ir DOES not suit tbe Now York Sun that the-converts to tbe Oemoerntic doctrine, like Mr. Curtis, (ortnstance, should presume to extract nnythinn; like republicanism out ot th- party principles or candidates. It dectdeillv

objects to having Mr. Cleveland looked upon as an "unpartisao statesman," as Harper's Weekly calls him, (or it feels that "to say lie is unpartisan Is to accuse him of treason to his princi- ples and to his duty." Tbe Sun is all ready to retire disgusted from tbe Held I for if the candidate of its inn t v intends to work to "promote the objects for which the republican party lias con- tended," it will have none ol him. In that it is consistent and its attitude is

French Naturalization Glab.

Tuesday p.m. a larije number of the French population nsrombWsd at their school rooms, on Hayerhlll street, for the purpose oforganliinK spermanent natur- alization clot). Mr. Ones. Lacalltade was called to preside end Mr. J. C. Msrler acted as secretary. Alter a fow remark*, the chairman called on the secretary to address those present on the object of the meetlUK. which he did creditably, sloel* dating the question l y slallstlca showing the Increase of the French population in Massachusetts for the last ten yeara, and ntRing his compatrietato become citizens of the United States, and pressing upon them to take an active part In the pre ,ent national and local contests. [u conclu- sion ha suggested to the meeting the fol- lowing Preamble which was unanimously accepted as the basis of the club.

Considering the a«nrei(ate or oar pop- ulation In the I iii'i'-l States and its dally Increase, It is of the highest Importance and interest for us to artlrm our rights to the popular prerogative and the dispen- sations of the national and other affairs or this country.

"The heroism and devotion displayed tiy our fathers In aiding to conqilor tie liberty of ihla country and spreading elf- i:izition on Its territory, haa somewhat entitled ■•> mi Lntierltauci of freed which we enjoy In this great repobllc. In consideration of these titles, it Is oar duty that we French descendants ewear alleg lance to the Constitution .of the United States by becoming nalurallztd clil/,i and thus show to the different elements among whom we live, that while lncr> Ing our Inlluenco as a nation we want to contribute by our united effirts to the moral, intellectual and material advance- ment of this country, and aid by our loy- alty to the safeeuaid of thu respect and influence enjoyed by tbe stars and stripes In the eyes of the whole WOrtd.

The meeting then appointed a commit- tee composed of the following gentlemen: Che*. Lacallade, J. K. Marier, Victor Olngran, O^car Dcnolt, Clement PotTOD, Napoleon Domingue, Coas. K. Talro, I)r. V. MWnault. Aztrde St. Laurent and Stanislas Uolduc.

This committee has chosen as officers ; fres , Ohas. McalUads; Vice 1'res., Dr. V. Migna'Jll; Sec, J. E. Msrler; assist. See, Napoleon Doming oe; Tress., Clem- ent I'erron. The other members of the forming a board of dlrectora for the general management of tbe club. Bv the way everything Is working, It Is expected thai there will be over 800 French voter* la this city at the coming election,

Bicycle Baa.

Twelve members of the Lowell Bicycle clnb, took the 7AS train Sunday morning for Salem. Arriving at that place they drew Into line and started for Nahaut and the ltelay house. The road was In tine condition, and In spite of a head wind the ten miles were made In an hour and a quarter. Dinner was token at the ltelay houso. When thu road was re- sumed, several wheelmen from i: ■<■•-.,, Salem and Lynn clubs rained the Lowell party. Fifty wheels then rolled toward Lynn. There a rest of nearly sn hour was taken at the rooms of the Lynn club. where cigars and lemonade were partak- en ot, after which the riders started for Juniper point, arriving there at * o'clock. At 7 o'clock the train was taken Tor home. The run covered 25 miles.

when they fell Lawlesssaid, "Let me go ;" Lawleae struck Duffy In the face; their legs were tangled, and I,iw!e>s tried lo get out, bat hla leg was fasti two men separated lb< m ; Lawless stood ouo side, and W l*n Duffy got np be said to Lawless that he wuu.d haye. revenge; Lawless' feet were ou the ground after they got op; waa eight or i-n feet awny.

lion. Charts F. Thompson, In closlnu, said that there was a charge of murder, and there wau no probable cause fi^r such an effmce. It mlttht be an aggravated as- sault. Tbe question Is, what shall ihe prisoner be btid loif Thu offence of mur- der la well deflood—the killing ol a per- son with malice aforethought. In case of manslaughter — the killing of a man without malice. There was gross aggra- vation. Duffy threatened Lawless, and he tried to get away from him.

The cenduct oo tbe part of the mao tbat was killed was most outrageous. The parly ought to be discharge! If tbe court takes Jurisdiction In tbu matter. The fact that murder Is chamed la tbe com- plaint ongbt not to be consldured In the disposition of the case. No man ouubt to make buch a complaint, considering the facts In the cae.e. Tbe case ought to be dismissed, so far as murder Is cou> ceroed. If It Is manslaughter, tben a new complaint ongbt lo be made. Everytblux Is on the side of the defendant. It Is cer- tain tbere was no stamping done. It Is lirpOkslble to stanp upju a mm with thick boots, without showing somo dis- coloration. I am clearly of the opin.on tbat the injuries were not donu by kick- ing. The witnesses, taking them togeth- er, seem to be (ah-minded. These tnen •ay there was no jumping. Tbe case Is not to be measured by the consequences

One of th-: most outrageous perversions ofjualice would be to put this man where ae ran ut secure ball. There is not any evidence that goes to show that tbls man has been godly of an offence. events ll cannot be above an assault. There Is no provable cause that he has committed murder.

Judge Davis said he bad no doubt that Duffy came to bis death lu consequence of thu Injury to hli rowels and Inflamma- tion that followed. The court can have no doubt bat that Ihe Injury, was caused by some external cause, ami that while the man was upon the rocks he was In- jured by Lawless.

Tbe court cannot decide exactly how Lawleaa Injured Duffy. Tbe court does decide that It was done by Mr. Lawless with his fret or knees. If the blame were Justifiable he ought not to be holden. The quisllon Is, whether the Jumping upon Duffy was lawfnl. It was not self- defence. He did not intend lo kill him.

Tbe court wonld bare to decide that It was unjustifiable homicide. The court must hold fur tbe highest

Accordingly Lawless was fully commit ted to appear before the grand Jury in October.

Mr. Thompson thought It was an nn- naual .hiog to hold a mau for an offence which the court admitted had not been proved, and It was a q,ueer proceeding. He asked tbe judge If he (ound that Law- less did Intend to kill Duffy. The court said It did not And Lawlessguilty of innr- der, bnt bad no jurisdiction to determine tbe distinction between mufdur and n,an- aiaugbter.

The Jodge withdrew bis decision, and continued tbe < n ■*• until Tuesday after- noon, at 2 o'clock.

independents th

lluairoBB s Acin PIIOBPAAIB, One of lb a Heat Tonics.

Dr. A. Atkinson, Frot. Haterla Medlca and AH Dermatology, In College of Physicians an! at Surgeons, l!*!tlmore, Mel, aayi i "ll mitea a

t urinK, and Is one of oar heat tonlca la

eminently worthy of respect. It h*j| demonstrated to the independ as missionaries they have mistaken I {'^".' In aolubleform


and fell, palling Lawleaa on top of him ; j a meeting, the speecnes to he delivered from the band stand, but the rain pre1

clnded tbls, and an adjournment was mad* to the city hall. The MVstal lodges bote transparencies, some bi wblcb bore tbe Inscriptions : "A Fair Day's pay for a Fair Day's work,'' "Agitate, Etucale, and Or- ganize," "Patroalxe no scab employet,*' ••Join the Knights of Lsbor," "In Union tbere is Sireugib."

Nearly every seatiu th: diy ball was occupied, and standing room only was available on tbe lower floor. Among tbe prominent lights of the Indep-ndent labor party present Were, Itohert Howard of Fill River, A. A- Curleton of Lynn, the District Master Workman, 11. W. Harrows of Uaverblll, Editors Frank A. Foster anil John l\ Irving, of "be Haverhill Lsr> irer,

B. Mclveroft a cl;jr, Lhaa. J. flood- win of Ilaverhlll. The first speaker was Robert Howard, who r.'bearsed tbe history of the recent Fill Kiver strike. He said that labor to shew itself Indomitable must be united. In otaer manufacturing cities the Knights of Labor were stronger than in Lawrence. Tjuy should be stronger here. Their motto Is a wrong to one Is a wrong to ail.

Mr. Howard was followed b? Kaphael St. Onge of Ilaverhlll, Who spoke in French- He advlsut his compalrlou tbat If they wanted to help themselves In this country they must band together. When the capitalist goes up, the laborer goes down, li ■.. ■■■iii: "In the aims of tbe laboring classes, in thu name of liberty, In the uame of the Kulgbls or Labor, come and lolu us."

A. A. Carleton followed.n a spirited ad- dress. The only way to avert the en- croachments on labor, is for labor to or- gaulze as Is capital. The Knights of La- bur stand shoulder to shoulder, and can flght with united assistance. The beauti- fully writteu page In the history of our country, Is toe freedom of tbe colored men, but the unwritten psge Is that tbere are millions of slave*, with shackles still on, and the only way to break them off is by unity. Thuugb capital la determined lo crowd you, labor will axsert Itself. long as yau follow politene'8, so louir will you be their servants. Gmb r lo meetings and discuss the topics of the day for your- selves. When you strike a blow, let It b«

mtted blow, and ibis you can effect by Joining us.

Frank K. Foster, editor of the Laborer, Bsverblll, was the last speaker, and made ttie speech of Ihevevenmg. lie said : Wc people who have been reading tne news- papers, expected tbat this meeting would oe a political boom. I agree It Is a boom but ll is not for the plumed Knight ol Maine, nor the New York vctoer, nor for tbe cock-eyed man ot duslinr- It Is a boom Tor labor, for fair wages, for «qual pay for male and female, for au employer's liability act, and for ail tbe rights to which working people are entitled. A strike Is not tbe weapon or the Knights ol Libo it Is the extreme measure, but we believe thai when we strike as a uo't we shall win He appealed to the women to join the or dor, os It was high time for them to or- laalaa as well as the men. The Kulghts believe In co-operation, and do not pro- pose to be drawn at the ctai politicians. We will vote rot the welfare of our families und ourselves. We art entering upuu au Important campaign Ills of far less Importance whom you elect ae presldcut, HS It Is whom you shull to the legl-dalure to demand tbe enforce- ment of lite 10 hour law. That ll m«st perfect government, wherulu i Jury to one is the concern of all, and such la the government of the Kelvins of Labor.

At eleven o'clock the visiting delega- tions were taken to tbeir homes by i -;." cinl train. The meeting was orderly, and the audience attentive. Tbe only at- .■I....... . ■ lo politics, ws3 liy Mr. Foster, but it was nollceaole that Ibu feeling was decidedly against Cleveland

The Dully Murder. In ihe GI oncrster police court, Tues

day, Judge Davla reaffirmed his decision In the case of fclcbael Lawless, ctiarged with the murder of John Duffy, and or- dered that Lawless be committed with- out bait.


IN li..\l!l> or ALDKUBKS.

The board met in ineclal session sis a. m., to day, at cull of Chairman TIIOQIIJIHIII, who mated Hint he hs.l uallud the board toneilier al the re- ,II- i ■•: . :■ ■ ; !..;:■ n ■■! Ihe Fire De-

partment, i.i * ji.iiu ii..' i.'i.n i "I ii..1 I! in ci inn Fire i». |. i.tiin'iit i..i( ,i|i|.ii.-.i i. i ii... loan of a Law- r.n.'i- ..[.■mi,IT lor ten day*, as one of their BM- chlne* was un.leiKulng re|>aiJi, and the other bad bet'D uriiifleil by tbe lirealnnirol a limit; asd on i, mi i.i A i. t. i n. ..II ii,,,-,- ,1 HI- i,i, .1 ii... the Ully of Haverhill be ten.'erc.l Ihe use of oue ol the city aieamers lor lea .lay*, more or less.

The board, on motion, voted that thu uily dark I.- KHI-II :.iiUi"Miv i.i lill out and live huil.ling permits. Bal.l permits lo be limited la time to UU ■ l.n -. ami lint IU fuel from thu owner'* tond towuriln the .'cntie oi Iher-liret, Hi'ill l.etlie ll ni iilmtruciini. The clerk was also authorize UII out snd deliver Is Ueo. II. Wilisn & Co [..■mi [in obatrMt Uroa.ltray Cnr a reasonable Icnuih of nine, while moving a building.

47th Massttchuselis Volunteers.

Twenty-one years have passid - tin- 17iii regiment returned from the De- partment or tbe Gull, ami its members re-enlered tbe pursuits of civil life. Dur- ing ihat time but very few of them have met eacb other. A general feeling now seems to prevail, that H would be pleas- ant to bsve a K.-glmeutal Keunlon, and by rtquest tbe Colonel, L. D. Marsh, has been asked lo take cbHrge of the mailer. In compliance with this nq.iest, such reunion will take place at Treinont Tem- ple, Boston, Angun 18th, al IU A. M., this being the twenly-llrsi anolVersj ol tbelr return home. A lunch will be served at one o'clock, tickets .">n cents. It Is hoped that every member will make special cil is", to bi present, to greet and be greeted hy bis comrades, and tbat each one will constitute himself a rally- ing commiltee for purpose.

The Augusttntttn Depositors.

Th9 following hyures »bow the efforts of the AitgusllnUn fathers lo remove the enormous accumulation of debt on ttelr church and property since l,ie Boclety failure In February, 18841 receipts from all sources. $7*. 191; expenses, 119,581) balance, -..;■.'.'.-, paid to depositors, SI -■■■-■ hi: ii,.-.. ,ni hand, 98,120. Amou ■.in.', 8302,478; due on notes, 87m Tbe fathers have paid depositors 10 per cent, of tbe Indebtedness and have retained on band for the use of the very poor deposi- tors who may need mouey before regDlSt payments, 81*120.

Contested Will.

Tbere was a bearing at the Probate court 1 n Satem, Tuesday, oo the probate of the will of Edward 1'agu. Tbe will was contested by E. Frank Page, of Ibis city, son of the deceased, aud M rs. Trow, of Waketleki, a daughter. The ground of contest, was the alleged mental Inca- pacity of tbe testator to make a will. Judge Caoats sustained the will, which was presented by A. It. Son born, Ktq., who la it'-I for executor by its provisions. I*. Is said that tile contest- ants will appeal.

Beach's World Soap will not Injure th finest goe'ds.

Use Beacb's World Soap aod ay old skin


Ibo Ltwresea Cricket Club mel the Interns, tionals of Lowell, on the hnme ground*, Salur- day sflernooa, and easily detested them. The following is the icon:—

LAwaajroa Hall, b. U=her hawson. i). Duckworth, Klllsy.b. in ;,-.* j'.u Kt-ene, i un out llrice, run out Thornton. I). I lock worth Lirktn*, c. Bnttiick, h. Dakar ll..ul.-■in, I-. Duckworth l!-.i!ii..:i'i. not out ItiMUnin.c buttrlek b. Duckworth Bmyiba, throws ont F.atras, a.r.31

Total. i.ow K I,I. itrrBB.»j4,TUUfau.

lirimsliaw, b. Dawiun Rolfs, b. IMW.UU (.10000, 1). Ki i.i.i- tlood, b. Dawton tlaber, c H.-mihind b Killay Prleitly, c. Rrieu b. Kdisy ii :f 11 -i.. I>. Dawton Iteiisn, not out D.yif, not out

Duckworth and O'BrUfl io bit.

I'rohnto Court.

At Ibe probate court Al Salem on Mon day, tba wills of the following persoim deceased,- were proved: Willlim Barks of Lynn, Hiram Day of Bradford, Henr Merrill of Newbor.port, Hsrab Nnt.1 o Sail m. KJPIII NswhSllof Lynn, Mlcijah C. Pope of '.ynull lid, Msry A. U. Iteed of Lvnii, Mary U K twe of Oloucvster, Jobi 8. Wiirdw-il ot Salem, Llaale Youug o

Administrations estates of Mary ■' Charles W.Bachel. Goodwin of Lyti

rere granted on Hi ll.iker or Beverly

i of Wenbam, Lemue Mulii.iily 01

Mobile, Ala., Emma A. Price of Salem, Mary Hobblns of West Newbury, Lucy A. Smith of Haverhill, Susan L. Wade ol Ips- Wicb, Uebecca L. Whltten of Lynn.

New Telegraph Com puny.

Tba Bankers and Mcrchi >w enguReil In niakinR sn

V with Us lilies and king order by

<!,.•> i' Tele pr*ph Co. fcuicnli tc ente ll probably bsve

.Hep bur. This company i* now entering into itrong competition with ibo Western Union having recently none Into pooling arrsr.gemenU with Ihs lUltmnrc and Ohio, the Postal .'I'olcgrapb

idlbeCumrnercial cable companies. The aouibern Telegraph is al-o a pan ol the Bi rsand Merclisnis' combination und is rapidly standing m lines In the South where it already oacbes the principal cliies. 1 b* Hanker, and ilcrehaul.' cnmpsny Is now improving and ex- i-nding us New Kogland service and Its en- ranee here will be welcomed by a)I who hare

occasion muse tho tctecrapli.

LACTAHI', The Add of Milk.

A Pure, Healthful. Btlwshlng Prink, aid ng DlgSStiM. Sol 1 by dr.WKi'l" everywhere.

AVKHY LACTATK CO.. Btw-WO, Mass iyii

Ladki should wear a Hop Phut* over tbe ■mall of tbe back, ai It cure- all palat and aches. 2o cents at any drug *tore. All ready 10 apply. JwlweoJ

la CHIP al Frsmlngham. .. ay.

Everything wm comparatively nun t at I the camp groiud on Monday, and tbere was a noticeable aosence of tbe bustle and confusion usually attendant on tbe Drat day of camp week. Tbe reason was the recent order issued for tbe camp to be pitched by professional tent makers In- stead of by camping parties detailed from tbe various companies. The men to whom this work was assigned commenced tbeir labors ■ «.*t Thursday and by Monday noon ihe greater part of the camp waa In readi- ness for tbe main body of troopa. This Innovation la a good thing In many re- spects, but tbe rank and Die do not get that Inairnclloo In pitching camp tbat tbey did formerly. Brig. Qen. lVach and staft* arrived Monday afternoon and tbo camp was officially opened at 12 o'clock Tuesday, when tbe customary salute was tired. Company C, artillery, was the first body of troops lo report, the Melrose sec- tion arriving early Tuesday, and Lieut. Stevenson, with tbe Lynn section, arriv- ing about 1C 30. Tbla section showed up well, tbe men made a good appearance and tbe section bad good horses. Ihe algbtb regiment arrived about 11.80 and the other commands shortly after. Tbe formal dntles or camp cpened at -i o'clock, when tbe ceremony of brigade guard mounting was satisfactorily performed.

■Lieut. Col- Richardson, of tbe HILII regl- was offlsar of the day, and details

of ihe nub regiment performed guard Company C, nlo'.b regiment, Capl

It irry, fairly earned thu title of ihe ban- ner company. Tbe company Is recruited to Us maxlmam strength, three officers and 69 men, and every man reported for doty. Tbls was largely doe to tbe lude- ffilgable labors ofCapt. Bairy. Tin-filth regiment reported 400 men present, four being enlisted at camo, just HO per cent, of IU entire strength. During the after- noon ail of the commands were out for woik. The ninth was given a rattling drill in battallou movements aod skirmish work. Tbe fifth were given a couple of hours battalion drill; tbe eighth was largely drilled by companies, and tbe cav- alry and artillery put lu some thorough work. Tbe brigade showed op well, as

11 be seen by the following from tbe cjnsolidated reports: Ninth regiment— 32 officers, 373 enlisted men, 24 band, to- tal, 435; fifth reiilment-83 officers, 343 enllsiud men, 24 band, total, 400; eighth regiment—40 officers, 430 unlisted men, 24 band; companies A anaC,artillery—13 officers, 113 enlisted men, 24 band; cav- alry-13 officers, 109 enlisted men, 24 band, total, 146; brigade officers, 17; grand total, MAS, Ma). Kennlngton, U.

detailed to Inspect tbe camp, ar- rived Tuesday and began bis labors, passts will be required to obtain entrance to tbe muster Held, bnt passes will be re quired, as usual, to admit to 'he brigade headqaarters.

Of ibe uatiery battalion headqaarters. tbe Boston Globe says: Major Merrill's headquarters are, as usual, a centre of at- traction, with tbelr interlorarrangementa and decorations. Tbls year tbe qaarter- ii,aster bas a covered way made of tent flies from tbe headquarter area direct to the mess tent, and lia convenience were greatly appreciated by tbe visitors to bis headquarters, especially tbe ladles. Th< servants attached to tbe battalion staff are all clad In white caps, navy patter and wliltu coats ttlmmtd with brass but- tons.

The Secoud Day ID Ctunp. Wednesday was au almost perfect day

for camp work. During the morning hours the sun shone bright and warm but In tbe afternoon the thin clouds vm- pered the severity of tbe sun's rays, and a brisk breezi swent across the camp field. The brigade put in a thoroughly bard day's work, whlcb cao not but re- duujd to tbe benedt or tbe various organ1

lutlons composing It. The strength of the brigade shows a slight Increase over toeteports of Tuesday, although aume of tbe regiments show a slight falling off lu stlendsnce. The following Is the report: Fifth reglmc-i.t, 32 officers, 325 enlisted men, 24 band, total 3'Jl; eight regiment, 40 officers, 440 eullsted men, 24 band, total 510; ninth regiment, 32 officers, 401 enlisted men, 21 baad, total, 4J7; compa- nies A and C artillery, 14 officers, 12S en- listed msc, 24 banH, total 184j companies A aud D artillery, 13 officers, 115 enlisted meu, .M band, total 152; brigade oQlcers, 17; _: r i n-1 total, 1G91. The ninth regi- ment. Col. Sirachan. Is snowing up won- derfully Well. Capl. Barry, of Company, C Bos 1001 silll reports every man In bis company present lor duty, with his com- pany recruited n Us maximum streng b; and thu regiment as a whole shows only ODS otlicer aod (>9 men absent. Tbe fifth regiment bas un..- officer aod 103 men ab- sent, the eighth 105 meu aosent, Ibe ar- tillery 1J and tbe cavalry 34. The ninth regiment, alter roll call In the forenoon, were given a short selling.up drill, fol- lowed by battalion drill, under command of the majors. In the afternoon, Col. Stracbau held s lon^ skirmish drill, in whlcb bis command showed np well. All calls were sounded on the bugle. Tbe drib regiment hsd a battalion drill I forenoon, and at its close companies A and D were given practice at Die rifle pits. In the aflernuon, tbe test of tbe companies were exercised at the butts. Tbe eighth rrglmcni bad a balallon drill in Ihe forenoon and skirmish drill lu tbe afternoon. The regular exercises of the day closed with brigade dress parade. Quard duty was performed by detalie :rom the ulnth regiment, with Lieut.-Col. Logan ss olncer of the day. The plan of admitting all respectable personB to tbe muster field without passes, Is working well, as was shown on Wednesday by the large and orderly crowds of visitors In meuilaiu-e, It Will hive the tendency to mcrease the Interest In tbe mlll'la. The camp presents a viry nest appearance, and Is finely policed. The health of the men Is excellent, but very few Cases of sickness being reported, and all of these being of a very mild character.

Tbe presence of Father Lee, as ch-.p- lain of th? Niutb, has bad a salutary effect upon both effieers and men. He bis established a system of Ones npon all who accidentally use profane language the money lo go to the Little Sisters o( the Poor. It ts thought thai If he were absent from camp for a day the fond might be larger. Father Lee has services both morning and evening. Kallroml Contract. ts

The directors of tbe Boston &. Lowell nave Bubstaullally agreed upon the five years' running arrangement tbat bas for some time been under negotiation be- tween tbem and Ibe Concord road, and, so [ar as can be learned, thire are r.o obstacles In tbe way of its early consum- mation. 'I'm: lerma of tnu contract are

ot glvrn ont, but are guessed as secur- ing to the Concord a percentage of earn-

whtch will probably yield not less 10 per cent oo Us capital stock, paying rentals and Interest, Of

course, Ihls will give tbe Boston & Low- 11 control of ihe Concord & Portsmouth,

Suncook Valley, Manchester & Lawrence, and the Nashua, Aclon A Itoston, which are parts of tbe Concord's system, and this disposes of tbe rumor telegraphed

Coucord, tbat tbe last named was about to be leased and douhle tracked by tbe Flicbburg. The most tb*t Is said nffictallv, la tbat ihe contract I" safe for both parties, will promote economy and convenience In running, ard thus enable the management to farther benefit the public.

Ocean House, Hampton Beach.

July 22, 1S84. In HI AMIRICAM—Wears nil I lingering by

ibismrf beaten shore, loth to depart, and we find that this feeling of reluctance to tear our selves away from our Intimab) frltnc;, the At- lantic ocean, Increases witL every day's sojourn. We are continually Dropounulng to omielves, aa tbe time of oar deuanote draws nlcli, the dtsatreeanlB conundrum, "wbai iball we do when we can no longer look from our window ■ pan this broad expanse of blue, and when we •ball mlii the ramlhar noise of thi toad suras* boating the sounding nhore i" When we shall have migrated to aume Inland tpot "way down aaat," we know we -lull slgb for a whin or tbe briny, and long for a dip MHO its exbl nratlag waters. But we have tne picture of this place ao Indelibly photographed on memory's wal tbat It will be a perpetual source of delight gate upon It. The grand, uiibmlten sweep of the horizon, the bold headland of tbe Boar lifting Its grlszly head io far iu air, tbe sunny Isles ol Shoals, reposing io calmly In mid- ocean, Mouai Agamenticai showing iu blue disc over tne woodland, tne paising tails In tbe offing, tbe long carving beach, ai Itat and ai a floor, and, added to this, what old Homer ao filly calls "the many twinkling smile of tbe waves," will make a picture ileaiant to dwell upon when ibe summer vacation becomes a tning ol tbe past, and when the eound ot tbe in- exorable ichool bell iammon* ut back io our labor.!. Weiball also bave something else io rcnii'in'icr, for we ve been "a Dining." Thit episode lurniihes points lor a different pieiure from tbe one Just dun ibed, and gives tbat variety wblcb is said lo be the spice ol istence. We su *all last Saturday morning oo tbjitannch a loop "Josie," Captain frank iiudrt commandei. We were twenty five tojiu al told, one half ol said BOUIB being . i tbe femlo Ina gender. We sot oul la tlae spirits) from Boar's dead a l half past eight in tbe morning. One woman, who thought ihe was perfectly capable oi Judging of the BtaaaS of things, wore

bite doited mnihn driis with a light ssib ot heavenly blue satin, Preach kid booli, and carried a dainty ecru parasol of pongee, ele- gantly trimmed with lace. She formed a love- ly picture BB the stood on the Mint, but ibe French beeli seemeu to Impede her progress as ■be descended tbe eighty or more rickety steps from tbence to tbe rocki, and we who wei clothed ia old ilsinel dressei and in our rlgl mindi.coum not belp smiling as sue stepped o something which she supposed to be terra firm and was tsnded in a slimy ocz* of seaweed and salt water. When we bad Bailed about three miles, the ocean's smooth breast began to iwel with rage, tbe boat fairly dSuesd over tbe bil lows, two cr three of our number went below some laid tbelr beads on tbe side railing and "the subsequent proceeding! interested tbem no more." Wuen we were leu mllei oui,wi dropptd anchor, and spent two hours in trying to entice uaiuipecting cod to devour fat and succulent clams, which were put upoa a book for that purpose, it Is a comical sight to see company or ladies try to It sounds lome iblag like this; ''Ob, I lee one, be's eating th ball'.'' ''Pull him In you cooae!1' ''I can'l he'B so heavy I" "Murder, don'l awing Ibe nestj thing round In my face!'' "Oh, iin' a beauty?'' "How shall we get blm off Ibe book?" "Ii it a sea trout?" "0b, see tbi borrld iblngopcu his mouth at nil" "Let'i throw bid back Into tbe water!" "Dear me my wrist* are burned to a blister!" "Ia my noae red ?" Une young lady from Bostun caught a pollock weighing eighteen poundi. Your unfortunate conespondent bai nothing to say In regard to hersuccew wltb tbe Onny tribe, and ibe h loo deeply Imbued with the iplrit ol George Washington to tell a "n\h Btory." How- ever, she tails luck for moral lupport on the old proverb, wblcb sltlrms that "tbere are as good fish In the sea as ever were caniihl," and bopei for better luck next time. And how fared ll with tbo well dressed young lady, mentioned before in this letter? Ab, drabbled white mui lln, spattered purasol and muddy French boota, ye bad hut one tale lo tell. Tbe wearer was reiliy an object of pity, iu pathetic an appear- ance did her wicked finery present.

Our little sloop danced back lo Boar's Head OV.T tbi- billows in a most delightful bliaratlaa manner. It Is a quest sensation to ba out on tha broad expanse of ocean In frail looking little crafr, wblcb, however, seemi perfectly capable of finding iti way in wbat Victor Hugo calls "ibe fngntrul similitude of tba waves." What apaelits* lueh a trip will produce! When we sat down to dinner we fell rapable, like tbe far-famed Trojins of Old, ol devouring even tbe tablet.

Wo often vary our programme by trips In. land, sad tbese dellgbtfaldrlres Into the couo1

try consulate another charm of Hampton. Yes- terday we drove to ltye, itoppiag by tbe way for BWH, which grow in great beanty in theie grand old WOOdl, We found plenty of rasp- berrlea aud blueberries for a luncb, and gstb ered huge touctuets of wllu rose*. At Hamp ton Falls Is the baodtome monument to Uov. Weare, on the sbatt ol wblcb is the inscription, "lie dared to love bis country and be poor."

At Little Boar's Head Is the former Bummer residence of Pranklin Pierce. A large party drove over lo Nowcaitle lait week, to tbe fa mous "WentAortb," which Ii a marvel of ele- gance and luxury.

The Lawrence colony at Vision's hero are noted foi their excellent appeliiea. Be ore their onslaughts al tCe table ihe fried, stewed lered clam diiaupears In an Instant, snd tbe old isylng in regard to this blvilve, "Happy a dim at high wstcr, has been changed to one more appropriate, nsme'y. "Happy as a clan when tbe Lawrence delegation leave* lump Ion."

E. a. W.


—Tbe rain was ijulte welcome. —Tb" city coal is bel ng put iu tbe ea-

glue bo risen, —There were seven car loads on the G.

A. R. excursion. —Mr. Robert Coit is expected home

from Europe In September. —J. A. Crnmmeti's market, Lawrence

street, Is now connected by telephone. —It Is g cnerally conceded Ibat Judie

Uirmon's verdict on tbe Inquest was Just. —Tbe Essex coiupsuy Is rebuilding the

wall rscently caved lu t>\ the upper Pa- st Be,

Mrs. Win. Ilolgate, formerly a resl- ■ bere.dled at Los Angeles, ou tbe eth

Andover Advertiser. i: ..i ii iii»«.

Leave Bo-'on lor Andover, ",'10, V.30. 10.3S. in • liii.;'i, ■.v', 4, ft,c u,:ia, T.IOP.K,

Andover lo Bontor., 'i.r.i. 7.43. "OH, I- .11. IJS.t.H ll,ut, a.m. u ■&, li.-iu. t.m, ;i.w, 4 in. 6.19, 7. a ,,. ui. (IVi-liif-ilsy* ami Fridays 1) 3D. pm.). »

ToLuwfll.7.4*, s.:«, 11.10, a.m. 1S.M, Its ,t 'ii. I.-JI;, .. ;:•, 7.011, p. in. Cm.* BSH.B.'U. a. in.;,4.*U. SSI, U-W.p. ■ u.ilng North, 1.14. a. m. u.M, :>.*!, p. aa

a be mile —<e— ai —

A telegraphic tea.u match was abut ou Wednesday after soon, hitween tbu I. rence and Manchester Rill i I'hiij.. din- Unce aOO yards. The home team WJS Tested by 11 points. The ecorc : —


BleaarrlaOB. 11 ns U ml, rvoii, KlKlllT, t-.lll.llt.


I.:ilghton, I>iHlie, I'ilillKT, Drake, Paul, Assin,


S J 4 0-

4 S S :. 4 4 5 ft 4 ft 4 4

Drowned ut South Lawrence.

Thursday a boy] .named Hearduo whodwelt on Kingston street,wasdrown- ed while bathing In tbo pond near tbe riding park. Tne body waa recovered and medical uxamlner Howe notified.

Tbe Government (.'hern 1st Analyzes two of the lif-MilliiK linking Powder's aud what tie finds them made of.

The best baking powder Is made from pure Cream of Tartar, Bicarbonate of Soda and a small quanilty of flour or starch. Frequently other Ingredients are used, and servo a purpose In reducing tbe cost and Increasing tbeprodis or the man- ufacturer.

Wo give the Government Chemist's analyses or two of the leading baking powders:

lhaveexamlned samples of-Claveland's Buperlor Baking Powder," manufactured at Albany, N. Y-, and "Royal Baking I'owder," both purchased by mysell In this city, and 1 And tney contain i "Cleveland's Buperlor llakina Powder."

Cream ol Tartar Bicarbonate of Soda Flour

Available carbonic acid ess 12.61 per cent., equivalent tn 118 a cubic inches of gas per ot. of Powder.

"Royal Halting powder." Cream of Tartar Bicarbonate of Soda Carbonatsor Ammonia Tarlirlc Acid Starch

Available carbonic acid gas 12.40 per cent., equivalent to llii.a cubic Inches of gas perut. of Powder.

Ammonia gaa O.M per cant., equivalent to 10.4 cubic Inches per OS, of Powder

Note-The Tartarlc Acid wan doubtless Introduced as free acid, but subsequently SMMDSd with ammonia, and exists In ibe Powder as a Tanrate of Ammonia.

B - t » B" °- L0VK. *"b. D. New iork, Jan. 17tk, 1881. Tbe aboyo analyses indicate a prefer-

ence for -Cleveland', Buperlor Baking lowder. and ooropinion la that It islbe UsaUh.prt,p"lll0B--"»"■■ Jonrnal of

Try Beacb's WorWBoap and 'JOB wll always use it. * JWH wu

den tost.

— Some good games of base ball may be expected here the remainder of tbe season.

—Tbere are now .'.u men employed on tbe Splcket river. Next week tbo proba- bilities are there will he UUO.

Lieut. Waldo B. Ayer and Frank Armlngton will return from tbelr Euro- pean trip ibe last ol August.

Murphy and Falvey have been re- leased from tbe Lawrences and will play wltb tbe Springvales of Maine.

— It Is announced that E. Moody Buyn- lon Is lo tuke the stump Mr Itialue and Lagan in Essex County, this tu !.

—The Lawrence Rule Club bis t xtood- ed an Invitation to Manchester Club lo visit tbelr grounds on any occasion.

Among the recent patenls Issued Is ane tn llecry K. Uoodwiu, assignor of one- half to A, V. Swan, for telephone switch.

— On Tuesday Mr. James Birch of the 8bak"spear Inn was presented by friends with a handsomely u puolatered easy chair.

— Ii is suggested tbat t: •■ dinner lo be Klveu to Hon. James G Bislno, by tbe Essex and other olobs, be at the Polut of Pines.

—The Riversides, of Manchester, tbe champions of New Ilampshlru, are to play the Lawrence nine, lu this city, on Satur- day.

—Coi. Jonas II. French has invited the members of bis old regl ment to a reunion at his residence, Bay View, on the 0;h of sVafSit.

—Mr. Benjiutln Green, tbo well knowu clothing dealer at tbe West End, will sail for England ou Saturday, tlo be absent slx*Weeks.

—Conductor F. It. Wilklos of the Bos- ton it Lowell railroad, has obtained a pa- tent for an automatic draw for locomo- tive tenders.

—It Is rxpsetsd tbat Pllgrl ins from Bos- ton and viclnlly will attend tho Oik Isl- and excursion next Wednesday, arranged by Ms)tl iWIT Colony, of mis city.

—Leonard A. WorrhoD, aulbor of His- tory ol WlnJham. N. II , arrived In New York, on "City of Berlin," on July 20, afler a five moLtiia' trip in Enrope.

—Thy republican city cimmiuee will meet at headquarter', :i ;:■..--. ■:'- build- ing, Appleton street, on every Wednes- day eyenln^, at ■-■ o'clock, until fnrtber notice.

—Tbe lawyer* of Lawron^e and Haver- bli: are to play a."cries of baje ball fames. Thefliai wilt be payed hero on Satur- day j tbe second at Bsverblll a week from Saturday.

— Puises aggregating 63700 have been offered lor ibe August most of the Merrl mack Trotting associuilou, which ocenrs here Aug. 8, 7, an* 8, and lu Liwell Aug. 13, 14 and 13.

—Some i-porismeo are putting them- selves injtiopsrdy by snooting woodcock. Tbey should retueiu'.er t^st tb-;y are lia- ble to a line of 823 for each and every wooduock k'.liHd Lefore Au^. lit,

-Miss Mary V. Yeaw and MM E. G. Welberbee, of this city, wltb Mrs. KcllU Lord Bailey, of tUiDplon.gaas aa ovei Iny of very enjoyable readings in thu Ocean House, at llainplou be ich, Sunday eveu- ing. '"^o,

—The manager of tbo Detiolt league base ball team haa written io soe If the Lawrence clnb has engagements for Aug. 2Gtb and 2IKh. As both of tbese dates are open, a game will undoubtedly be ar- ranged for mi" of these dates.

—Superintendent Mellen, Treasurer Bartlett, General Passenger Agent Ken- diiekaiid >iv. rut o'li r olUclals of tbe Boston and L->wuli railroad, have started on u trip of Inspection over tbe Boston, Concord and Montreal railway.

—The game of base-ball between nines composed of employes of tbe Boston &. Maine and Boston & Lowell railroads which has been continued Irom night to night during Ihe past week, was finished Monday; the Boston & Milne team

■v Inning by a fcore of 9 to 7.

— Mother Maodelbaum, for years a no- torious receiver of stolen goods In New York, has been arres'.ed by Pinkerton's detectives, lor receiving Urge quantities of silk stolen from Simpson, Crawford 4 Simpson, a firm of which Tons. Simp- son, late of this city. Is a member.

— It Is important th«t all wbo desire to vote ai the coming presidential election should see that tbey are assessed. Tbe assessors are at tbelr ofllcb In tbs city hall every day, and by calling tbere any one can ascertain whether or not hu has been assessed, and if not, steps can then be taken to remedy tbe omission.

Io consequence of the absence from Ibis country ol Gordon McKay, principal trustee of Ibe McKay Metallic Fastening Association, he has tendered oh resigna- tion, and a meeting of the association will be held In Boston, July 110, to act npon It. Col. McKay, In retiring recommends, as do also the executive commiltee, that James W. Brooks, present associate trus- tee, be elected to succeed him.

A suit against lion. Frank Jones, the well-known brewer of Portsmouth, N. ii., to recover the sum of 8IH.0OO Is now bi- ng beard by Win. L Tnompson.Eiq., t»

auditor. The case.Is brought by J. B. Smith, one of the old firm of O. and J. Smith, asd the sum claimed is alleged to bave been paid by tbe firm to Jones for ale sold In violation of tbe prohibition law previous to U78. Sbermau and Bell appear for the defendant snd John C. Sanborn E*q , for ihe plaintiff.

A same has been arranged oelwem the reorganized Lawrence base ball clnb and the Providence league team, for Sat- ntday, Aug. 16tb. This will be the first lime ihat a regular league nine has ever appeared iu this city, and ibe occasion will doobtleaa. test the capacity of tbe aroonds to their utmost. It Is tbo Inten- tion ol tbo Lawrence managers to have nearly all the best profession!; teams here dnrlog the next three months.

—His many friends will be happy to meet our old townsman, Mr. Charles C. Whitney, for years connected wltb the AMBHICAS office, and atprusent proprietor and editor ol tbo Lyons County News, at Marshall, Minn. Be Is sppanrlng even more finely than befnre, evidencing that the west agrees wlib him am) ho wiln the west. He was summoned east by the Illness cf his mother, and will remain

for a brier period only, as his busi- ness will u»t permit of a long stay wltb

8csJ,Ch'- W°rld 80,p* *pOW *nd "•HM'J

Prince of Wales owes s mil Mon dollars. Mrs. E. M. Vennard Is at Ellsworth, Me. atlas Marion It, Chandler li In Lynnfleld. Coney Island spends 810,000 a week on muilc, Florida furniibe* nearly all the lead pencil

edar. The Mower of mecknesi growi ou a stem ol

grace. A Syracuse factory turns out 500 paper palls day. The popnlatlon of United Slates ii now 57,-

ooo.uoo. Crop prospects iu India are;;;or, owing lo tho

drought. I'.iriv ladies have applied for admiiilon to

Harvard. Mr. and Mi.. Oeorge W. Coburn are ia town

on a visit. B. T. Hayci of Ballard Vale, is at Welt ,

Trenton, Mo. Mi»»iiilppf ichool teacberi' average pay la

->.'.' per in .mlii. The Drum Corps were out fur serenade on

Monday evening. Washington monnment bas reached tbe

hcls-bt uf 470 feet. Wny ii a bar like an old man i Bolh btv e

c .!-■ - near at haDd. Thousands of people are fleeing from Marsell-

Icn to escape tbe cholera. An Illinois man committed suicide lately, six

hours alter hit) marriage. David Kinlay Jr,, a recent graduate ot Yalo

College, bas been In town. Why is a very bald bead like Urecnland t It

is a (treat white bear spot. ltev. ,s. F. l'orklni occupied the pulpit of the

West church last Sabbatb. Prof. Ueorge F. Moore will preach at ihe

West Cbnrcb next Sabbatb. Rev. li. Juukina of Dedham, officiated at

Chrnt Cbuich last Sunday. Mri. 11. A. Carter and daughter are at tbe

Montnat House, Old Orchard. Peter D. Smith Is attending tbe Uraud Army

eucampment at Minneapolis, Minn. Protestor I. N. Carleton, of Bradford, pre soil-

ed at the Chapel chnrcb last Sabbatb- Do all ibe good you can in tbe world, and

make as little uolie about it as possible. "Another expedition to tbe pole," said Ibe

man, us be wendid h!i way to tbe barber sbup. Why is a bone s.curloui feeder r Became

he CITS best when he hasn't a bit in bit mouth. F. A. Goodbue or Brookllne, occupies tbe

"Barnard Place" on Salem atiett, lor ibe lum- mer.

Franklin Barnard and wife, of Boston, board at Mis. Berry's un Salem nireet during tbe »es- son.

William K. Porter of Boston occaplta tbs Means place near tbe SuutL. eburcb until Sep- tember.

Over 300 disappointed men who emicrattd from MiislHippi to Texni bsve returned wltbin li niontbi.

Atileboro jewelry raanafactureri cannot keep np with tbeir urderi. Tuii does not Indicate dull litnei.

An Arkanssi paper tells about a Zephyr carrying a bed-quilt 01 inllea, and going nack fur tbe sheet.

Senator Bayard ii tbe fourth member of bis family to isrve as a Senator In tbe United Stales Senate.

The eaiieit way to mark table linen; Leave baby and a blackberry pie alone at tbe table lor three minutes.

Mor»'s stall market on Central street, bas been renioied a lew feet ut make rowii for Car- ter's new blues.

Mrs. 11. W. Mansfield and daughter, of East Siiunus, ere'boardiuft at Bun jam in Bovnton'i in tbe Weit Parish.

Don Jots Miguel Herrera, wbo bas just died at Santiago, Chili, waa born In Talca In 176a,— so ibe recordi say.

Judge Morton Is bavlnc the Interior of bis bouse newly palnteu and papered. E. B. Smith A Co., do tbe work.

A Frenchman is teaching a donkey to talk. What we want In this country, is a man who will i. HI h oonaeys not to talk.

Joseph S. Tbompion accompanied bli father, Andrew Thompson, on bis trip to Scotland. Tbey left Bostorr*bn Satnrday.

"No," said Brown to Robinson, wltb a slab, "I haven't (rut change lor a five; but I snould like lo nave a five lor change."

Qeorfte E. Morse bad one orhti feet severely bruited, a lew days ago, at tbe Tyer Rubber luctury, by having a roller fall on It.

There li considerable difference between a aacrcd whiteelepnanland a political dark horse. It la principally In lbs " sacredness.'*

Mm Nellie Sec-field left Boiion on Baturday for Liverpool. Tbence ibe will visit Irlendi in Ireland, and may remain there a year.

Mn. l'oebe II. Chandler, and Mlai Mary A. Ballard .if Newton, and Mr. and Mn. Joseph B. Holt ot New Yurk, are suiting frUnds in town.

AScotci lady, bearing thai It was desirable In any danner to have presence of mind, re- plied, "I ' rather bave absence of body."

Siniun K lowles, ol Meredith, N. II., ihough In bis OUih year, still wurki at bli trade as a shoemaker, and promiies to lait ont fin otn-

It Is much easier to find a score or men wise enough tu discover the truth,^han to find one Intrepid ennugh In tbe face of opposition, (o stand up tor It.

Sjldslady to the nUSOSl actor, Oarrlck, "I wish you were taller." "Madam," replied TIO. wit, "hnw bappy 1 should be to stand higher la your estimation."

A Orecne county (N. Y.) woman, dreamed that shu saw bar hudiand Hissing a neighbor's wilt, and at once attacked her steeping ipousu, breaking his noie.

Sunday school teacher (to the bright boy of tbe cisis:) "Juhnny, bov. did Kigali die," Jobnnv i "He didn't die. He wai translated from tbu original Hebrew."

ment uf my marriage appear In the papers un- der tbe bead-line HogA—iVun."

Two young ladle* called al tba Mention Home uu i-nday, and very poliioty aiked to be •bown tU« room occupied hy George Walking- ton ai his "headquarters," when he was in An- dover.

A western farmer didn't let tbe fact tbat bt bad lu tuke i hiifjit or tbe baby, interfere with his tvurk. He nailed a tor to tbe ploush team, and in this the lllt.e fellow was carried dnrlog the .!..>'» ploughing.

A little fellow at Provlncetown with an la- jured shoulder, was hired by bis father to let the .ii.< i..i examine It, hy tbe prumite of all tbs bananas be wanted to eat. At last account the lad sot away with fourteen at une trial.

Business li good in town, and levcral new buildings are now In prucesi of ereciiun. Tbe ■ growib uf tbe place I* gradual and substantial. Although new dwelling huusca are aunually hunt, the demand keeps pace with tbe supply.

Two bloiioniB of a mgbt-bloomiog cereui, developed tbeir beauty aud emitteC their trag-

**■ si the reeldeneo of Mrs. 8. A. Gray, .ut street on Sunday evening. Several

persons wimrxsed the scene who had never be- fore seen such a tpectscle.

There were some persons from this town on board ttie I .m; n v Male, jsbicb run upon a rock la*; Sunday near Utuueester. No penon wai injured, and the psidengers.numbertnr between six sn 1 seven hundred, were sent to Boaton In the cars of tbe Kasteru railroad.

Ths Abbott manufacturer! of Dexter, Me., were lunnerly ut this town. We are glad to

In tbe pauerB that tbey are Irrquentiy un- o necessity ui < u\»- .:mK nul improving laciori.B and machinery to mppty the demand lor their got ds. callrd "tir.niie Blossom," li in-

London. The feature, as the title denotes, will be account) of weddings, and it is promised tbat eacb nuiube- ihall contain photo- graphic portraits of prominent bndoi. •jThe excurilon of the Smith A Dove employee! lo Lynn Ifcsch, on Hsturday, was na entire suc- cess. Tbey were accompanied hy tbe bran band and urcbritra, wbo furnished music for the occsoiun. The number ul tickeli so d was 370, and the company gieatly enjoye-1 tbe affair

Tbe Newhuryport Herald aayi, a lady living at Berwick, Me., dreamed three nlghti In suc- cession, i bat theie wai a roll o! blllmndera pile ul ittmes, and upon golntt ihereand rnrning the stonei that she saw In ber dreams, lb" found the money. Who put It there li to her a mystery.

The only negro ol Ibe Ya'e gradnstlng clui, A. M. T botnas, Jun., WHS born <>; slave parents st Cnarlciiown, West Virginia. In IMs, gndu- Meo at the head of bli ■■■*-* In Fnke University, Nashville, 'Idn... .., m i-,| Wi,,, 1(1 „ iuw school in Memphis, and has been sdmttted to the bar in Tennessee.

Lcvci. n bossts the heaviest flrl or ber age that tan bo produced In that part of the Stute. Leila Marvul, aged 12, and daughtor of Calvin Marvel, a "Cave Hh," farmer, dpi ihe icstusit £10 pounds, is in excellent health, and ipeclslly fleet ol foot, distancing many ol her own ags who me ..! .-iin. build. * A,.wCl?^J!1 ,,ro*nivlll! prepare! wood itock for 10,000,000 matchei daily. The matchesare not bnlshed at tba factory, but woi>d stock li sent io all parts of the country, wbere ibe finish- ing touch Is put on. Thin Induslry ii quite an Important one of northern Maine, as Maine pine Is regarded as tbe best match stock thai tbe market affords.

A lady of Hi n (own, over eighty years of sge, v -.n i aome friendi In Lynnfleld lait week. Her host who ii ninety-two yean old, accom- panied her to Ihe Wednesday niuht meeting, snd louk an icnve part In tbe irwice as ii bli custom. The church n poor, and small In num- ber, bul there were no pamei as I* frequently tbe caie In meetings tf iar«er churches.

A newly married couple from Way nick, snuntured info a down-town restaurant, and tbe bluibtng bride allowed that ibe wonld try s Tew clumi. -What kind of ciarai," aiked Ihe waiter. "LHtle Necks t" "New. Ur," Inter- rupted the groom. "We air on our weddin' tuwer, young man, and for iwo or three dsyi money aln't-a-goln' to be no obj ct wltb me. Bring u* big nick climi—tbe bitten you're aoi.^LKKEanie.

Hln May D. Diilingliim wbo his been with MIH at Krecport, He.

Hr. and Un. (Jenrg,* H. Torr, will ncit week take a trip to tbe St. Lawrence aod Mootreal.

Hr. aod Mr*. Pbineai Buckley have rernoTed to Wblilnivllle, wbere tbey will reside wiili llieIr ion.

Mill Mamie V. Bean, aod Mlis Alice lloyt, tram ChJies, are stopping at tbe Elm House a few days.

Hn. Catharine P. Cooke, aod Hr. and Mr.. L'lisi. Fred. Foiter, are at tbe ('Litton Houae, Marblebead.

Chief of police Howarth leiied a quantity of llqaori on Tanadar night, at lua houae ul Marr Driic-oll on Main street.

Having let till own bouse, Hr. Uarlwell B. Abbott will reilde during tbe manner, with his •on-ln-law, Mr. T. F. Pratt.

Tbe Parti, Me., paper, taTorebly notice! a lermon preached In tbat place iiat Sabbath, by lie*. A. H. Burr or tbli town.

Mr. J. S. Voorbees or tbe Seminary, if at preaent preaching lor a naw cbnrcb ol thirty- two memben, Jmt formed at Hurou, Dak.

We understand that Haggetta pond bai been visited Hi in week tiy two parties, eacb cotnprii lojt 3000 penont. They ware from Cambridge.

Tbe Andover Farmers Club ba*e arranged lor an excursion to Black Kocks. Ballahury, and beyond, on Tuesday, August 12 th. Particular! next week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Barnard are at Hampton Beach (or a week. Tbelr cottaen will be occu- pied daring tbe month of August, by Newton Jaqnltb aod family.

Several members ot the iteamer engine com- pany will go totiallibury Beacb on Saturday, for a lew days, by Invitation ol the Lawrence Hook and Ladder Company.

McLasgulln's steam sawmill la now located on land ol George P. Plllsbnry, near laue Carrutb'i, ID the West Parish, where It ii turo lag ont lumber at a rapid rate.

the following (axei were not included in tbe lut publlibod lait week, because not then lolly adjusted' CralgbeadA Kloti, ffWO.OO; Qeorge W. Simmon'! Kit., (Boaton.) #134.33.

Tbe Old South Babbath school will bold a basket picnic at Bailey'a prove, Uaggetti pond, Thursday, July 31. In addition to the regular entertainment afforded on socb occasions, ur- rangemenlaare being made for a canoe race and n tub race, for which anltable prliea will be awarded. Tickets to members of school twenty- live cent! ; children under twelve, fifteen cent*.

"Tbe coming man" this year, la an onbldden and dreaded guest; for he brings with him the terrible pett tbat haunts the hot and crowded marabea of India. Tbe plague now stalking through Fraace, "marcbea on." aod It Is no idle fear tbat calls forth, from proper authorities, a striugmt quarantine along tbe coast. In no one tblng, perhaps, n tbe "ounce ol prevention" inure practical and efficient, than in Ita applica- tion to tbe cholera scourge. In towns and vil- lage* where Board! of Health are not calling attention to these "cautionary slanaLs," doea It not behoove private clilaeos, landlords, etc., to nay nothing of public officials, to see what eao be done In onr atreeta, alleys, and at our .back doors. In all t'io nooka and cornera, In a word, to promote cleanliness, and wage a war of ex termination on every source ofdlaease and con- tamination. Ware "no plague to come nigh our dwelling," a secret aenae or purity, and health- ful surroundings abiding with as, will well re- pay onr painstaking.

OBHTIK Dimut-'T.

■: Imii.i

lubacrlber baa boen duly appoinledadml.. lstrator of tbe eilatu ol Kluatictii II. Urosvenor, late or Andover. in I ha County or B<iex. widow, deceased, and hat taken upon lino sell that trust, bv giving bonds as the law directs. All persons hiving demands ui.on the estate of said deoeased are required to exhibit lie same; and all perauni indebted to aaiu

estate aie called upon to make payment to OBO. If. POOU.Aumlnlstrator.

July 10th. 1881. lH*ioal

Pol If, Real Estate, Personal Estate,

WaiT DISTB1CT. Polls,

Real Esute, Personal Kstate,

Total tix,


Poll*, Real Eitate, Personal Estate,


Total tax,

Center ValusUon, West " Souia "

Cinmsiwullh of ttassnetawsstta. EBSKX, SI.

PBOBATE COURT. To the next of kin, creditors, and all other per-

Iniereited In the estate of Charles Pem burton, late ol Lawrence, in said

rounly, Meclisnlc, deceaaed, intestate: UBBETIVO :

Whereas application bai been madeloiald ourt to gran, a teller of adminlitratten on the tite or aald deoeaned, to JoauS.Uile of Lsw inee, In tbe uouuiy ol Ksiex, (Publio Admin-

istrator). You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate

Couit to be ii.-1.1 in said countyofEssex n tbe drat Monday ot ainu-t, next, at nine

_'olook before aooa, to show cause, it any you have, against granting the ssms.

And said John 8. Ulle la nereoy dl- reoteillo give public not lee ihereoi, by publish- ing this citation onceaweek, lor tbr e succes- sive weeks, iutbenowspaper called the


printed at Lawrenae.the last publication le be r*vo days at least berore isi.iuourt.

W ii in ,i. ;-'■ y. I'll".'!", Ksqulre. Judge ol aid. court, this lUtb day of July, In the year ■ M tllllllr 1 t'lK1 l hllh ' '""' •'!» IllVlllHI.

*"'"*. Heavier

B1,300,440 00 I.-.01.M3 00

7B4 999 00

. 93,667,001 00

#35,570 00 i;m oo

NOltlll ANIMlVKIf.

A new lot of books has berc received at tbe library.

Mr. John Morton sailed for Unc'sad, lut Saturday.

SI. Pant's parish bold a picnic, at Bslleyi grove, Saturday.

No principal ol tbe Johnmn High School hu been chosen, u yet.

t the sew addl-

pH in led to the

Tbe hay crop on Lake View Farm will amount to 140 tons this year.

Mrs. A. D. Johnson and chlldrea, or Cam- den, N. J., ax* visiting In town.

Rev. J. H. Clifford and family, of (I Tinm- town. Pa., puied a few days In town this week.

Hon. John A. VTPev and wife arriuJ home from a visit to the Whim Mountain*. Tuesday.

Tbe Methodists pasted a very pl.u.<ant day at Baileys grove, lut Friday, at their annual pic- nic

The Democrats sent oat a Cleveland and Bendrlcks flag from lliuwo'i uioejf. lut eyen- Ing.

The Selectmen intend to thoroughly repair tbe Johnson High School buil H ig. It will cost about #800.

Saturday afternoon, the Stars pYy the Cleve- land and Hendrlcki Club, of l.i*rence, on the Sulton grounds.

Mr. James Brlerley Is building • blacktmitb ihop on tbe Sargent land. It will be occupied by Mr.S.II.

Mlas M. Nettle Berrv r.e-ntly transferred to tbe Parabaui m boo I, w!d nut teach for a year, on acconnt ol ill b< SHD.

Htas Charlotte O. Bailey, or this piece, head assistant In tbe Cmcago High School, Is spend- ing the summer vacation in New England.

Mr. Michael Mjrphy ii to eiect a two-and-a- ball story, doable tenement house on Asblaod Street, next to tbe handsome structure built by Hon. Jobn A. Wiley.

Rev. Joseph Candlln, formerly pastor of Ibe Methodist Cbnrcb, now stationed at Maple- wood, wu visiting friends here this week. He was accompanied by Mrs. Csndlln.

Tbe School Committee bas made arranrce- ments with Mr. Edward McKcne to fnrnisb tbe supply of coal lor tbe school honiei. It will require 100 torn—2*240 to Ibe ton—at $B 65 per ton.

Twti boyB belonging In Lawrence, who were retaining from tbe berry pastures, Isst Tuesday •Iterooon, weru stopped oo the rosd on their way home by two men wbo alighted from a carriage, and forcibly took the berries away.

Thursday forenoon, while Mr. James A. Dame, an employe uf the Datls A Furber Machine Co., was loading a box containing machinery onto a wagon, be slipped on a pair of stairs and badly wrenched one or bis legs. He WU attended by Dr. Morrill.

Tbe Massachusetts Society for the Tromo'.ion of Agriculture has forwarded a number ol pamphlets entitled "Perm Law" to Secretary Ren of the Farirere'and Mechanics' Club, with a request tbat they be distributed among tbe farmera in the neighborhood-

It will begraillyloK to lbs msny friends ci Mr. Luring B. Kea, to learn tbat his enterprise in Montana, bids lair to be a most saccessmi financial Investment. He is located near Miles City, on tbe Yellowstone, In a section noted for III line pasturage, and hu 475 cattle.

Tbe matter of moving tbe Reman Catholic Cbnrcb to Hatn Street, between tbe Merrlmsc school and the Methodlit parsonage, la under consideration by Rev. Fr. McManus, the pastor If such a course is adopted it U priDable that the edifice will be placed in first class coadiLion.

Tbe Sure, sttired in their new uniforms for tbe first time, received an Initial dslest, Ballon grounds, laat Saturday, at tbe hi the Essex nine, of Lawrence, by a score ol 21 to 7. Capi. Deuy of tbe titan pitched with uncommon swlftneii, but bli team gave hii support and went to plecei.

Hr. James C. Poor, foreman of Like View Farm {Hon. Wro. A. Russell's), who recently returned from Hollsnd, brought one ol the finest and most valuable herds ol Holiteln cattle ever imported. There ate 107 In the lot, In- cluding 25 excellent cows over two yuan old— tbe largest number or tbat description brought to New England by any one party. Tbe herd will remain at tbi United Statea quareuiine na- tion, Waltham, until September.

From tbe books ot the assessors the following Items are taken: Real estate, #1,694,0U6; per- sonal property, #452,103; total valuation, #2.146,107- The slate tax Is #2 940 j county, #2.973. Tba number or polls Is 917. The rate ol taxation U #12 per thousand, against #10.20 lut year. This increase in the rate Is owing to tbe larger amount raised for town expenses, and tbe locreue or tbe state tax. The decrease la tbe number of polls—90—ii on account ibe dull condition ot business.

Mr, Fred L. Sargent narrowly escaped very serious injuries lut Tuesday afternoon. He was about to seise a runaway horse belonging to Mr. James Fleming, of Lawrence, on Aib- lan>i Street, wben be observed tbat tbe bit wai Dot In tbe animal's mouth, but be bod not time to gel away before be S/u kuocked down, and twu of the carriage wheels passed over bis body, Indicting palnlul bruleu. Hli bead wu also injured. The bone ran to Minions ferry and then turned, continuing to Ibe Lawrence base ball grounds, where It wu stopped by ex-conductor Rsrn Morrill of tbe bone rill

About 4 t,"clock, Tuesdiy afternoon, Mrs. lulln Manion. who relldea, with bar bntbond and family, near ibe North Andover almsbousc, was astonished to observe a cloud or smoke entering her domicile tbrouah an open door- way. Upon going outside to learn the cause, ■he iaw Ibat the barn, located near tbe bouse, wsi in a blsss. Hume men soon arrived, and aisiduouaiy worked to save tbe dwelling from tbt rlames, hat tbe blgb wind prevailing ren- dered their eff'irls in tbli direction fruitless, far the building caugbi Ore, and In a few minutes wu enveloped In the devouring element. It was not long after ibe discovery or Ibe Hie that both strncturei, wttb laeir contents, except lome household effects saved, were completely destroyed. lo Ibe barn were about seven tons of bay, two pigs, wagons, and Tarmlng* imple- ments. It la supposed tb' lire resulted from he csrelessnets of two chi ron wbo were play-

ing with in it.-ui't In tbe rear ol tbe barn. Tbe loss will resell #1000, and there wsi no iniar- snee. Tbis fsct wsi a lamentable one, as tbe property represented tbe frugal accumulations from the earnings or many yean ol Industrious

The home and barn ol Mr. John Carle- . on tbe opposite side of the ureet, were

with great difficulty lived Irani being burned. There wu no alarm given and tbe Ore depart- ment was not notified.

Tbe boys wbo lo Aogusia go, For office need noinope;

Unless itivv bring with tbem a box Or Uescb'i Vajfeins- s*«p.

Frcali, and Warrfntwl strictly Pure

PARIS GREEN 25 Cent* per lb.

LONDON PURPLE 15 Cents per lb. at

GEO. II. PKKKINS', - Druggist (Under Morrlmack Hull,) ly hi

VTOTICE ■ > the suiii

IS HEREBY GIVEN that iber list been duly appointed

iratrlx ol the esUtu ol Dennis Collins, if Andover, In the county of

Emei, ' Black** Ith, ducesied. and has taken upon beraelf that trust, by giving liomli U tbe law direct!. All penons having demand* upon llio enisle of said MeMawd are required to exhibit tne OMSaj and all persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to

BKintiKTCOLLlM, Adm'x. Andover, July IB.ltttl. Si 1 B

JOHN H. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Deu'er in Clothing and tienfeFurnishing

liootis ot all kinds, Usrmenia made in the latest (aehion and warranted lo at, Bepairlng, clean. Ing and pressing done neatly. Main Street,


Barnard's Block,

Main St., AKUOVXE. kUia.

Office Hours 7.1) io u.oj a. M. " H to I Mr. u.

ci lo 8.00 r. M, Night Bell.

LAND FOE SALE. T e lubscrlber MTen fur sale a valuable tract

of land east ol ibe Panohard Free School, con- if.; MIK HI ;i i it ml nine and one-'iaft acres, tt has ii entrance from Punchard Avenue, and on it scne lti v rli* ii) le house lot. Terms reasonable

JAlaK- H. COCBUAN. Andot iv. June IS. n-l tf

Bl lBiSl J.T. MAliO.N

FOll SALE. iew milch Jtitej Cow, large and hand- ; alx ynarsoP. with <:*ll. ,iv *i KftnUu Karns, North Andover. 3w

Commonwealth of Man sac bus etc*. ElthtX, MS.

To ibe Helrs-at-Lsw and othen Interested in tho estate of Dorcas r'roncli, late nf North Andover, In said

county, widow, deceased, testate, URKBTirio:

Whereas, George rosier, the executor of the _st will and testament ol Mid deceased, has

i.nnenied lor allows BOO the llrst sciiountof his aJministration upon the estate of said deceased

Yon are hereby cited lo appear at a probate mrt to be holden si Newburynoriin said county i tbe Fourth Monday of July, current, at nine slock In the forenoon, to show cause, II any IU have, wby thcsainushjuld not be allowed. And Uie said nxecuior is ordered to serve

JIN cltstioo by publishing the same once a week In tba


. Hfm|Cf printed at Lnwrcnne, three weeks successively, the last publication to. be iwr. days at least belore said court.

Vritness. Jcorae I". Ctoaie, Esu., Judge of said neon, this 7th day ol July, in the year ■■galasfl hundred and eighty fr—-

■ -— ■ ■ "AH II mat J.T. Mi jjOjfjtT, Register.


PHYSIOIAV AND dURGEON. Corner Central and Brook Stt- pows IT Aswifea,

J>liSK O. W. NEAL,

Swift's Dulldlng, Main Street, Andover

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store, Bpeclal attention lo all kinds ol Btamplng.

Agenoy for Domestie Palloms and Barrett's Dye House.

OCL.B.I883. _^_

BOSSES FOR One Fair Team Horses, nt tbe John C. Gage

■"arm, Monti Andover.

Emma II. E. Sanbern, «. I)., QBBBN s'l'ltHKT,

Andover, - - M«"».





Eipress, Store, Marlcet, Mili aui Meat WAGONS.

Kepa.rtnff In all its Branches. tiniMi AMDOVKB, HAS9.

llonills Ice Cream Parlors* PURK COSFKCTIONKRY

Manufactured dally- .rartles iiiptdied with IOE CREAM, SHERBET,

anda flne assortment ofCAKKat ibort nolle* Heuls Served to Order.

bboll St.. flireclly opposite Fom- Hem. Uronnda ANoT. 3, law. Andover, Moss.

E R. M. B. HARRIS* Cor. Main St., »nd Puiielmrd Avenue


Ofllce llimrl: B-30 I

minss, the U>eal Express and Joholni Bust __■ whlr.h lias been run for a year or l*e MM bv B. 11. Tuille. All orders promptly attended

reasonable prices. Lonveyance to MST- on ai,y evening when desired. Order at the Post Uttue and Bemlnary. *f ll»-

litt.K l-IUDIMUTUM, rlorisl.-Ba»kets and Designs at short notice, PLANTS

for Churches and rain. Ordn* solicited snd promptly ei ecu ted. Near the depot.

McMIlT, fashionable aser, has liken rooms

\~A. K. Frames,, Mo. 41 Main S tree I, and is reuared to do Dress snd Cloak Makinr. nol7


Andoyer. Ootce

DB. .. idenoe_at Barnard's Uuv-.k,

Olllceaud Resl- «in Blreet,

lus. m., 1-3 and after

I Fieho , fresh and lalt, smoked snd

I; LoUsiers, Clams and Uysters. Hoods ed. Main street. lrislS

OI.IVKB W. VBSNAKD, Sexton of tbe «outh Church and in charge oi the Cemetery, All

—ork in ibe yard done nvitn uromptneae and at ■asonahle rates, ltesldence, Central street, r.

O. Box Ml. Asulaver, Sepi. 7. 1«B. 6B

ntreets, (ormerlv occupied by John CConneli. Bulldioa lumber consiantly on band - lined at sb ii notloe.

Andover. April II, 1HM.

EDWIN II. BARNAKD, Pftlntioc, Gle- alng, Uraininx and Paper Haniina, A

E< o i sasortmuut ol Room Paper oonsUntly on and ind fur sale. Shop Basex St. myi* ly

Bollard Tale. Order

iwoutQiihurei Ueneral lobbing, miure, etc. Parlies accommodated eninx pleasure, ltesldence at Mrs. ideucc, Ksscx street. tf

notice. Ordway * Clark's celebrated lioiisola Boots lor ladles wear, eonsUnUy on

Andover. n.l, M.I

mlon, ivlBlyr

CHAKLKH S. I'AIIKKK. Kurninhltla Under laker. Superintendent of Spriag Urove Ce-n-

i;. l'iKE, So?e Agent for tbe

Adams & WeilAke OIL STOVES, And ibe AVKIUM, BEADY IMIIKO FAINTS in usn or bulk. Call and see Ibe new Wagon jack, tbe best thins on-.

E. PIKE, Park Street. Andtver, April 4, IttM. im


Mrs. Lytnso B. Oageand Uiss Emma Gage ore minim atUallowe'l,He.

r. Fred 8. Pearson and family bare gone to Madlton, He., for a short vacation.

Rev. Hr. Klnney Ii expectfd to preach at tbe Congregational cbnrcb on Sunday next.

iere will be no preaching in the Ualversi- llst church during tbe rnontn of Angnit.

Mn. Oeo F. Sargent, ol New York, H Visit- ing at Hr. Cbarlei UeaelUn'a, oo Lowell St.

Hr. 8, L. Hulrnao Ii spending hli vacation Hampton beach, and other places along the

shore. Council 41, Royal Arcanum of this town, has

•aid Into the bencllt tnnd during the usst yesr, ft.G41.68.

Kev. Mr. Frsier wu called to No. Salem, N. II, on Hunday lost, to attend the funeral of ",r. Dunlap.

Tbe Baptist society and flsibntb will bold ih-ir annual picnic at Policy pono, on Sat- urday of tbii week.

The Congregational Babbath school and society held their annual picnic at Policy pond, on Wedntsdsy Init.

A food delegation of Hethnen people Joined e Lawrence excunlonliis, and went to Old

Ortlur.i beach on Welnciday last. Hr. Cbss. Kobbinibn bought tbe Rodweli

properly, at Hesser'i Cro-slng, N. U., and will occupy the same ss bis residence.

A smsll menagerie passed ttrougn to* n on Thunday alterouon, on lia wayiooneol tbe beeches, where II will exhibit for the season.

Rev. J. ii 8elden was in town lsst week, and it Is reported that ha has e call Irom a cbarch at Erie, Penn., wbicD he will probably accept.

Tbe remain! nf John E. Hsrvey, who died In JJaverbll! on Tuesday lait, were brought here and buried on Thursday, in Walnut grove cem- etery.

Tbe remains of Hiss Nancy BoHes, who died In Cbarleitown, were brought bar.? and hurled ID ibe cemetery on Lawrence street, on Satur- day last

Hr. dm. A. Spnrr and Hiss Carrie E. Lord were married on Saturday evening last, by Kev. Donald Kroner, at the residence of the offl- elating clergyman.

Mrs. Bloki, widow or tbe late Samnel Sinks, who was drowned in the opicket river, near tbe Woolen UiU, about a year ago, died recently, at Franklin Falls. N.U.

Mrs. John W. Bodwell has a n'ght blooming cersui that exhibited two blossoms on Tuesday evening. Hri. 8. U. Merrill bai one that blos- somed un Satnrday evening.

Mr. E. F. Horse, of Sotnervllls, has been in town seversl days during the past week. He bas regained hli former health, and Is contract* ng and building In tloiton.

Tbe newly elected officers of Roger Williams Co lony, were Installed oo Thursday evsnlng or last week. A large number or visitors Irom neighboring colonies were In attendance.

Tbe Uetbuen Catholic Temperance Society jiave moved back to tbelr old quarters, which tbey formerly occnpled, in the red block oo Hampihlre street. Tbe rooms bsve been re- paired and are now In good condition.

Tbe Essex North battalion,nntHssi. Heavy Artillery, will hold a quarterly meeting and re union at tbe Bradley farm, near the Merrlmsc river, on Saturday, Aug. 2d. Hr J. Payson Bradley, commander or Dablgren Post, Q. A. It. Boston, Is living it tbe hum during tbe soiumor s.aion.

Rev. Z. S. Holbrook, of Chicago, srrlved In town on Ssturday evening last, and was tbe gurit ul Mr. James Fulton's family, on Lowell street, where be met many of bis old friend*, wbo called to pay their respects. He attended IN*, inn service on Sunday morning at the Melb odiitcburcb, and In tbe.slternooo wss pretest at tbe M rnion School Chape', wbere bs made a short atidren.


Mr F. A. Sawver will commence, on the 30in, to deliver hot brown brrad and beans,every Hun lay morning in North Andover.

JOHN CORNELL - in* in—

Lykena Vallev Ked Ash Coal,

MUs (. H. A. S1M.0K\ A student of the New England Conservatorr, ItdjM to obtain Piano pupils in Andover and

MI v. Insiruullon given it, Kkraeniary Uai ■aoiiy il desi'e I. _

Hhe Is permitted lo refer lo Professors Jamea CD Parker and lieo. H. Howard of B.islon

Terms: $15 (or 20 Lessons. UKEKN STflEET. **« UOYKE

If l«

Iii St. Louis, BAYS one of its news- papers, fuiir-lifilis of its iiiliahitatit.i liave taken to rjuewinggum.

Tbe total muster of tbe House ol' Lords is MS. Of these fire are mem- bers of the royal family, who, in ac- cordance with usual practice, abstain from divisions on a political question. Of the remainder, 288 rank as Tories, and 218 aru usually classified as Li- berals. Lord Dunraveo. usually votes nmiin-jt llie Government party ques- tions.

The latest victory ot democracy Is in Norway, where Kiog Oscar—none too soon—has had the sense to give in to his people. If is veto on the bill for giving Ministers a scat in Parliament

to lie withdrawn, aod Mr. Sverdrup the leader of the popular party, hu formed a government on these terms

The Duke of Kdinburg is an enthu- siastic stamp collector. Tbe eollec tiou was only commenced last year, and already numbers 8,000 which his lioyal Highness in his apare moments ia busily engaged in transferring from their present abode to the latest ar- rangement ia stamp albums.

The Bonton Murder. KFKOKTS M.MiK IIKitK FOR HlB




WOOD & COAL f lite Asia and Franklin Coals.

HARD AND SOFT WOOD. Prepared ,1 Meslrs-J •


JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. OrJei receivediand bills settle* ai


ODPesMc Fest Onloe.


Blone furnished for loun.lstlons and olhei H-iuauwwi atia tsurrni ui mu uuiso li"* l purpuMi at short nollra. rJsllars contractcil rood, at considerable flsk. No damsie was |0|. ,„ lowtshnd ricinity aad bnlll brei-jerieDoed lluuo lo too csrrloji. isrk ma. tvutn'

Wll.I.IAMSON.-In AmlOTiT, July ti, it Frank WilliamsoD, aaed 61 years.

K \«KM.-In \(irthUcadinf. Juljgo, Maty, wire of Joseph Kames.


A lislit colored CHUDDA. SB&WL, Snodsr cTenin-f. Jnlv M, n-i or near Soiiih Main Mirret, Andover- '1 in- flmler witi be snitablr rewsrled niHin leturnlnK samnlo owaer.r. A. UoodDiM. faiem Hi.. Andover, Haas.

You Need NoUlej Hlae. li-von "ai.ian estertsal rSfsdy ror*erdinarr ailments? Uss BsnsMli OsreUM Porous |i>ias-

Hls Antecedenla.

I'ii v Marshal O SUIIITSD bas bad bli polios force siilrJuooii)* encaged io lookloi rorCbsrles Kiikit, the Boitoo wils murderer, and now Is or tbe opinion tbat be did not come to Lewrtuce- and II be did, remained here hut a short lime. A deipetcb rrom Maschistsr, N. II. ssjs, "EL Hot, tbe Host JO murderer, arrived bete at 7.4-i Moniiiy night from Lowell, sod stopped at tbe board I of bouse of Mn. Streeter, wbo boa known

ace be was a bny- III attempted to get work at a liverv stable In the lorenoon, railed and disappeared. Offluers ibink bs Is still here.

Elliott, it sppoari, from information fathered / the Boston id raid comes from one of Ibe

most respect ah le, BS Well as wealthy, famtllt s or the state Ol Maine. Tbe Elliotts are known far and wide throogboot Ibat commonwealth as uui.neii men ot tba'. integrity, tin grandratber was one of lbs largest storekeepers and shippers at Belfast. One uncle served for years In tbe state senate. Two other uncles went to Uoston and for vears did a lares baii- nsss. The two black sbeep of tbe family ap pear to be tbe unfortunate man now a fugitive, and hlioniy brother, who for sometime pa*t has followed tbe vcatlon of a leader of cattle ia lamit In KoglltU itcamers from tbli country oBnelsnd. Neltberof the boys was what Is

termed viciously bad. They are easy going end limply loves good time, and, fallowing ihelr bent In tbis direction, became somewhat over indulgent in tbe use of leioxlcasls at limes, end consequent!]* reckless In tbeir Infills in oilier respects. Charles iin- murderer was educated until be wssaoyesrsold, wben he estered bis father's store In Knox. Tbe Istter who Is now s widower, is itlll In buuncii in the same place. Is very wealthy, snd bss always been a kind and Indulgent father to hleooys. So mo seven years ago tie and bis son Charles went to Color- ado, and carried on a general merchandise busi- ness there and made a large amount of money. Tbe death of Chirles grandfatht r brougbt them east again, tbe latter leaving a 860,000 to be di- vidtd between bli two nephews and tbeir rather. "larles got hUO.OOe of (his, snd tbe other broth-

got as much more. Cbsrles ipent ibe most ot bis, while bis brother got rid or bis portkM, After tbe money wu gone, t hirlcs felt ashamed, and avowed a determinant.n to start In lor himself. In pursuit ot this determination

eameto Boston Btudea working drlvlog carts In tbls city, he -pent a portion ol his

time tending bar la Lowell, and cutting Ice In New Hampshire nod tbls locsllty. I1J was qu'te a steady worker bnt saved very little Irom his earnings by reason of bli extravagant habits. Aboul nine months sgo be begsn to associate wltb alleged dlireputable characters at tbe bouse 162 Chambers Sliest. Here be made tbe acquaintance of Hauls Clarke, wbo, alihiagb

ot over exact In her calilntr, ia considered far bove that class ol her lex wbo frequent tbe

streets. Hsttie worked oat In a dining ssloon or at dressmaking, or at least pretended to, and Charles believrdair.Bhe filled lo tall him how- ever, that she had one hustand living, a fallow named Ueorge Putnam, wbo a', one time waa a vender of eyeglstses absot town, but wbose wbereaboals aie at present unknown, llsttie was of good figure, moaerately goad looking, and witbsl vivacious, ana just the sort of wo-

llkely to inveigle a ult snd unsuspecting Joaog men. Elliott became so captivated with

sr tnat be proposed marriage to ber within a row weeks after making ber scqnalnlance, and then went and told irme of hu friends—wbo are stives of bis owa town—of bis engagement.

Among those friends was an officer or the 3J division, wbo wai a boon companion of Charles Irom boyhood ap. This officer knew Hauls Clarke, and that she wsi fast, and warned bis friend against ber. Cbarlei would not lutes and the next ihmg beard of him wss eigbt months sgo, wben be was msrried lo her. From the very outset Cbsrles found mariied life a burden and bad constant quarrel! with h s wile, whom be had cause le brlleve was unfaithful lo him.

iplalned to hu Intimate friends of bis troubles, and appeared to pat ipeclsl itress on lbs fact mat hii wiie openly avowed ber crim- inal intimacy wltb other men. Eillott Is quite well known lo Hyde Park, where he worked for Carson's express about a year ago. and for Farnawortb, the baker. Elliott snd bis wife quarrelled frequently, snd one nigbt when he wss cooking her tbe neighbors interfered. She laid the next day tbat if someona bad not come in he would sorely have killed ber.

Tbe following circular wu lisned by the ■apeilotendent of Boitoo police yesterday, and copies of it wets mailed to every cily In I Union:

Wanted Kor Murder IN I II I HI! IV,

CHARLES ELLIOTT; Twenty-five(2£) years old; fire (0) feet (0) seven (7) Inches In height; one hundred and lorty-Qfa (Ho) pounds weight; dark complex- Ion; medium usrk roouitscbe; full round face

rather smsll; Urge blue eyei- Was drratcd In a dark coat snd vast; light

grey mixed pan to—dark stripe on side; straw ' tt with wide black band ; rns-iet leather shoes

-ilse No. 6; red itockiogsi checked colton shirt—leoea ap In liont, caller of shirt turned down—and red necktie.

Is a native of Knox, Maine, and was lest seen In Lowell. Mass. Ha strangled bis wife to desth July'Jl, ISM.

Arrest and notify SXMVSL Q. ADAMS, Sii-.ienuieu.ikin ot Police.

Boston, July 2J, 1884.

The Murderer Arrested.

The muiuerer was arrested near Book-

sett, N. II., shortly be.on: noon Wetlnts- day. A despatch from Manchester says:

"Charles Elliott Is known to have re<

ilncd In Manchester from Monday night up to Taesdsy noon, si the boarding

honso of Km ma II, Streeter, whom knew when be lived lo Maine. He tried

to get employment ia two livery stables

bat failed. Wednesday morning

was received rrom Hookseit, eigbt mllfs north of here, that a mm answering El-

liott's description was on the Concord ral.road track between Manchester and

Iiookaett. City Marabil Jenkins, dece-

ives Howard, Ulcks, Hkhardson and Reed, immediately left In that direction.

Tbey fonnd where be slept Taoeday night, o a slaughter bouse, fonrmlles out of tbe

city. Tbe offlcers reached Hooksett at

noon, snd learned that Eillott bad been arrested by Frank Ricbgrda, proprietor

oftheAyer boaae, and Samuel Drown, He was arrested on tbe railroad track two

south of tba vlliaga, and made no

resit-latin-.*. lie owoed ap tbat he was

Charlea Elliott, and confessed tbat he

killed bis wife In a quarrel on Sunday evening last. He was takun to Manches-

ter and was sent on to Boaionoo tbe 4.19 train, wbere upon arrival he was met by

a posse of offlrers, wbo conducted him lo ihe Cbsrlee street Jail, where be was as-

signed quarters. _

Tbe I>lsba\nrtment of the Lynns.

At a meeting of the directors of the Lynn base ball association, Tuesday, It

was voted to withdrew from the slate as- sociation and disband, releasing all tbe players. Secretary Kadea was according-

ly telegraphed to aod no more games will ba plsjsd at present. Tbs directors re- gret being compelled to withdraw tbelr

nine, but tbe poor atlendaoao to tbo games In Lynn left no a'ternalivo.says the

Lynn Beo. Tbat are satisfied thai no ln- iresi wse taken In tbe game rrom tbe

start, notwithstanding tbst tbe nine con-

tained some very fine players and played

some excellent eames (having won 2ti ont of 40 games) and while tbey worked bard

for Its encceas, willing to lose a little money, tney did not feel like being blamed

every time they rail Ilka engaging a new player or changing tbe position of a plaj-

er. Tbe pabllc could not see it, however, snd would not patronise tbs game and

dlsbsndment became a necessity. Tbe ssaoclatlon financially was upheld by only eight men, nearly allbuslnees men of this

city, wbo propose to pay sll bills doe. How much tbe association la owing It Is

flillluli to iscertaln. Of tbe players Harry Oxl-ey will probably join the Athletics, of

Philadelphia, while Jerry Lynch and Kd. Chamberlain have offers to go to Qutncy,

III. Steve Edwards will join the Stars,

Eddie Finn, the popular short atop, hai received severs) tempting offers bnt wll

imsln In Lynn snd return with Wyoaan

and Abbott to sboemaklng. Afier the experience of tbis season It )s doubtful

whether soother professional ba?e ball

team will ever be seen lo Lynn again and probably the Nitloosl Qsmo will be op-

held by local nlaes. The Lyons played

their last game wltb the Andersens Tues-

day afternoon, and won by a score of 93

to 6. Next week the Lynn nine will play co-

operative, under tbe management of Wal- lace C- Feasenden, their former mannger. The following *>*■- the names or tbe play- ers; Harry Oxle), catcher; Eddla Mur- phy, pitcher, if he can hr. as-cared; Frank, first base; John Lynch, second bsse; Edward Chamberlain, third baeet Edward r-mti. short stop; Frank Wymsrj. left Held; Joseph O'Shee, centre Oakland cltauRt pitcher; Charlts Fish, right field.


Official Statement of the Priests.

The following Is the official statement

made on tbe Augusllnlan Indebtedness BXCa-JI-TB rUOM SLL SftUBGIS FB1M 1-EI1 'Ki, TO

jag-faf -St.

St. Mary's church, collections and offer- lego, |IM« 44

8t. alary-a church fair. iu,',uu w " " pew rent S.W-o « " Lawrence church ",014 01

Immaculate Conoepuon church ii.UUO 00 St. Monica's, Metbuen 73* H

" Augustine's, Lawrence im at Sale of building SMI (» Cemeteries 1.53! M Augustlnian obarches, New York and

Pennsylvania 13,014 M Jhurobes of ibe Boaton Archdiocese 4,MB M Archbishop ISOOO Fodallty donation ll«l HI

Churches or the Albany Diocese ■Il H :lunation from llaruord sees Mortgages 4,100 00 Note paid its 00

Total, $74,101 Jit K-trxMiKB raou ran. 'si, TO JLLT -St.

Cemeteries $!..'*>. ;tn House and cbarch, including receipt of

avals and Interest n.-., InUreat t,ut tw nanrauce and baslnesa expenses SU DO

Total. aiD,ui nt Balance A4.0MI SB I'aI<1 to depositors U.&38 00 Balance on hand 11,1*10 31

Amount due depositors. r.j. I;N ot Amo unt due on noten, 7.M0 0C

SCHOOL tUU-OST YOU TUB BATSX TIMK. Beoelpu, pulplls a .MB so Picnics 1,000 (M Lecture* ■xS 00 Bodaliiln 400 10

Total, »4^I7 SO ■xpenaes, salary of sisters. 3,800 00 nteiest 1.4O0 n

Uoel, etc. IKW 00

Total, at.?*) oo

For CTOBstreaa.

An Old Time Uemocrat" wrltea to the Lowell Times: —

I have noticed for some time past an ef- fort on the part of the young men of llie party to Igaors alt who have tba misfor- tune to have arrived ai what used to be called "years of experience." If we look back over our political strogglea for some yeara past, la this vicinity, I think we iball ohaerve one tblng ver* ccnaplcuons,

and that la a determination on tfaa part or a few aelf-constltated party hacks to run matters In tbelr own Interest, rvgsrdlees of tbe ordinary promptings or grailtnde Tor favors received. We are told that It lean accepted fact tbat Hop. Chas. 8. Lilley Is to be onr standard-bearer In tbe coming congressional struggle. I am not disposed to say the choice Is not, under the circumstances, a wise one. I have nd unfair criticism to make upon the man or his record. In my opinion tbe holding of blgb ofllce Is for other purposes than the mere possessing of local patronage, and It la no discredit, if a democrat OM been ducted to ofllce by republican votes, thai be should bear that fact In mind, or vice versa.

I simply wish to ask tba question, wby may we not all nnlie—democrats, repnbil- ans, and Independents—upon a man well mown among us, whose active Ufa bai

been spent In our midst, wbo bss seen our busy and prosperooa city develop from

ail beglnnlrgs Into ihe second city of - commonwealth la popalailoa, and tbe

first In tb*i varlsiy and extent of Iu manu- factures—a true lover of ibe worklngman sa he finds him - one who wonld sump out monopolies wherever tbey exist) a man not possessed or the advantages ol a liberal education, It la true, yet one wbo has adorned aad ornamented the highest .iillfi s ID the cut of the people, and wbo ■.bough a member lo good standing In ibe republican party has through bis magnetic qualities drawn many voles from onr own party, as we know to oar sorriw, when- ever he I.BS been a candidate ; a man who though sometimesdefesied,tiss never been dlscomfltled, and who if we conld unite upon him, wonld carry to Washington ibe prestige which ought io sitach to tbla

iDnfacturlng dlatrlct. I refer to ibe Hun. Vrancte Jewell, a republican, who has msny tried and trae democratic friends, A repnbtlcau, If we might use ibe expression, wltb a demociatic follow- ing. How well do some of us "-old-timers" recall tbe uloquent manuev In which tbe late Owen Cox, In a momert of great en- thusiasm, after the late Hocum Uoslord bad bee ii nominated b ■ both tbe repshll can and cltlaens conventions for tbe office of mayor, ro'e lo bla feet, and In his point- ed manner, place Mr. Jewett In nomina- tion as an Independent. We remember tbe desperate battle walcb followed, snd the final triumph of "the butcbet" through the help of the true democrats of our city. Let any otter politician stand to-iU y, mil point to such a record. I believe there la again an opportunity. Here la tbe i willing to make the atruggle. Can we i ot awnke to tbe great occasion, seise the opportunity, all JW ibe yuuug men, young candidates, a chance lo study op for a few yeara more, the science or atblc J politics, and give "old man eloquent" a chance lo show the people of this district that he can rise above mere paity lines lo a quea- lion where tbe true Interests o( this dis- trict sre st stake. I simply mske ibe sug- gestion.

BARGAINS THIS WEEK: 2000 Yds, Pacific Lawns, fast Colors,

at 5 cents per Yard. We bsve taken all our

Remnants of Dress Goods! And marked them st sprite that will close ilicm out im-


LENGTHS FROM 1-2 TO 7 YARDS. All our Lsee-Trlmmed Shades are closed out We have s

line ol


The TIME to Buy Cotton and Domestic

Goods is NOW. We have a fine line of choice styles of

GINGHAMS, PRINTS, CAMBRICS! Just open. A line of

urn's imifflin MI minim. Collars, Laces, Gloves, Hosiery,

Corsets. Ruchings. -A BARGAIN IN 8TRAW MATTINGS.—

Adjustable SCREENS »t only BOe. a piece,-atad wben you wut a JERSEY JACKET and perfect fit, wby come to

A CABB.—To all who are luaeriog -Irom er- rors aod Indiscratlous ol youth, nervous wesk- wess, early decay, lots ol manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe tbat will curs you, Fans or i: HA now. Tbls great remedy wss diitovertd by s niiiilonsry In Soutb America. Beud uir- uddresied envelope to KBT. Joaavn T. INHAH, olallonl), New York. I'.lyeodJyLO

ADVICE TO MOTBEB8. dtilurbed at ntgbi sod broken ol your

.lik obild auferlajt snd cryiaf with pain of ouUlna teeth T It to, sand at oooe and « a iM.ttle ol Mae, Wiaatxtw's BOOTH mo i-traiir lor JhiLlrrn TeeUiiiifi. Ita value Ii incalculable. Il rill relieTe the poor little sufferer lutuieiiiatelf. Depend upon it, mothers, toers la no mistake

It ourea dyaenlerr sail dlorrbtai, reau- ■lomai-b and bewels.ourea wiud colic,

ooftens tbe sums, reduces inflammation, and Kivt.-i tone ai I i-ncray i. Man.

tlos ol one of UMoldeat and beil remits nurui

Bow to BB Bn n i mi, Ladlea, vou oso be surs of tbli; tnat yoa can-

not bare rosy obeeks sad a clear cowplrxlori. anleas yoa ars In good health. Dlsesse always ■polli beauty* i'arker'i Toclc parifles the iikmd, Invl-forates tbs oreani, drives all bad bunion out of Ihe iyi<em, and mates tbe plain • ~~~ face attractive. Tell your buibeadi.



Notbins looks more antidv tbao tbe prsisnee of scuri sad dandruff la tbe hair and no Ibe clotblas. Ooe bottle of r-arkei'i HatrBa'stm

III heal tbe scalp sod free it from this mu- saoce. Stops falling; ul the balr, promotes new arowtb and makei it loft, glossy sad lilkj. Beit or dressing. Dellclonilr perlnmad.


Vouns: Men! Bead Tula. Tbs Voltaic Belt Company of Marshall,

Rich . offer to send their Kcleclic Voltaic Belt and other Eclectic Appliances on trlsl lor thirty dsyi. to mso (yoang or old) sffliiej wl;b ner- Toei debility, loss ot vitality snd manhood, snd all kindred ItQublei. *l»o for rlipumstUiti, neuralgia, paraiyi.ii,and alfaer dlifais'. Coraplits /estoratlon lo liealin, vif or and man- hood gaarsattsd. No nik ii incurred as thirty days' trial Is allowjd. Write tbem at once for llluiirated pamphlet free.

Allen'i Brain Wood botanical eitroct itressth- cni tbe Drain, and assaUvsts ■ un- ner*oui ds- blllty, nervousness,, unnatural Inesei, ami all Wcakneia of ui-n'ritivr f>»l«im: It neTer laili. SI pockage;S lor BS. At drusalit*. or by Allan, 313 First Avenue. New '/orkClly. dwlweod

WHA-A Piif that so msnyolberwlne attractive, polite and particular people afflict tbelr Irlendiby lbs lorj and -lliagrueahlc odor of their breath, It lg mainly eaqsed by disordered digestion and ran l« pcrrected by retno"n« 'he eanse. by aajng ibit pare medicine Sulphur Bitters.—Health


laiTBVCTIVS RSADIHtJ. wotns ol tbe testimonials fraro different pro-

pie relatire to Tbomai'hclectrlc (Hi. aod the relict it baa given tbem wbeo distressed by headache, earacne andlooihacbe are as later eitlng reading as yoa will nod. This bains. ■ itaadard merJiclne, n sobl t*rer*f where by drag. gists. 1JU

TBVM TVS Tsirii'. "This teediclne I can blgbly recommend

Burdock Blood Bitten sre lbs best blood pun. lime bays sser u»ed." CbOS. A. Hurt, lo Court itrae', Buffalo, N. Y. dwlw


HSALTH II WlALTM. It li worth mere than ilcbei, for wltbool It

rlcbeieaauot be enjoyed. Hew many people are without health who might regain II by uilug Kidney-Wott. Itactanpoo the Lifer, Boweli snd Kldusys, clesoting and illmuIntlng them io healthy action. U cares sll diiorden of ibese lmseriant orgsni, parities the blood a*d promotes tbs g-ineril. auld by all druggists.

I Set sdvsrtlstmeDt. ■**!*

Byron Truell & Co

Byron Truell & Co 249 ESSEX SI-iRBIElT

AW, Stearns & Co

We are offering Special Bargains in .

All Departments."]

PARASOLS! ThB lialanre of our sleek of PARASOLS we shall close out recardlaaaot


SPECIAL DRIVE. sWOO DOZ. LAD1KS* and GENrs* II AMlKKltl 'fill KM, illghily lnparfeot. Call

and eaaiuliiB ttaem and note the low prices. ~ "

JERSEY JACKETS! Wc.arc hesdquartora for Jerseys. Look at bur fl.2S Braided Jcrecy. It esisit

be beat, rjwraeys from »1 .<M) to »l.".00.

^^HITE SKIRTS! Having bought a large [line of White SklrU from the manufacturer, wo are

enabled to sell them at very low prices.



The booes of a Minnesota woman have turned completely to chalk. New Yorkers think she must have lived on "pure Orange County milk.'—Nor- ristown Herald.

It doesn't make any difference who Is elected. Henry Irving is coming hack to America, next fall. So long as he makes the profits of this country he caves not who makes ita Presidents,

Hurligtoa Hawkcye.

CiSTOHA. Wlien Baby waa sick, we nave Castors When sue was a Child, she cried for Csstorla Wbes ihe waa a aiiis.sbe clung lo Csstorls, Wticn she bod Children, ibe gate turn Ca-iiorli


t'OMBtHITlOM Cl'BBD. An old pbrsiclsn, retired from practice, hav-

ing had placed In bli bands by an Bast ladle missionary the formula of a aimple vegetable remenjp lor Ibe speed v and permanent cur Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Aatbma all Throat snd Lung Affections, slso s positive sod radical cure lor Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter bBTlog tasted iu wooderlul curative powers ID tbouiandi ol — has lelt it his duty to make H snown to

(Tiring fellows. Actuated by this motive desire to relieve bnmsn sofhtrlag, 1 will ree of charge, to all wad desire It, ibis

recipe. In Herman. frencb or Engiiib, with foil dlrecilomfor prepariog and aslng. Best ly mail uraddreasing wlih stamp, oamlag Ibis pepertW. A. Novsa, 119 Power's Block.Kocb.

"tIT sow sngSt

Tin Tit Has OaacBa are represented with perfectly developed forms bsaeiy snd heslth combioed. No dscajed- tootbed mm or womsn can be bealiby, becaasa digestion i be imperfect. Use Sosodont, get lummy term, good digestion and a sound body. Kevlve tbi three Graces. dwlwtod


DissastcB or TaaBKtN. Wetfaereli'sS.rsBparllla. with Iodlda I'ota. sm. ruri'i sll skin diseases. Its effects on

Hilt lllicnm il WL)ri;.rrfu[- smrtloas Of tbs fsCS body are often scrsd with a single bottls.

Dyipepila and Livsr Complstat yield readily '" wonderful properties, fl perboitle. His



eady melbod In drowning, si to whit to do how toil J it, will bs louod in Dr. Ksal- ii ii n'i Mtd'cai aork ; One colorsd pistes Irom Ife. Send iwo 3 cent stamps to pay postage, to I. P. Ordwa* a*. Co., Boston, Man., and re-

ceive s copy free. fiSwesd

Drea will color snyiblngssy color, snd never tai>. Tbe easiest and best war lo economlK-. 10 cents at sll druggists. Welli. Hlcbardson &-. Co., Burlington, Vt. Bampls ctrd, 32 colon, and book of di-actions for two cent iiamp. dwlw

"O. O. Taylor Qkt Bonrbftn. Alvrsys reliable, and endorsed by the certifi-

cate! oriwoHaiisubuMtia Assayert. Kor tile by all druggiifi aod groosra. dwlweod

Malaria I* earned by torpid liver; pflei hr ron itlpation; ticaye bdachitio indlgsn. Alhenvoid

all by utuni the arrat veseuble resseilr. Allen's Bllluui l'tiyik, IS cenu. At aildruggliti,


HOME MUSICAL L1BBAHY. Tfili is Ihesrneral nn-neofan narl«sllt<leol K-ll-Jn !■(' Boimu VOLUMIS of Vooalor laitru-

iii 'un,l Hu >lc. alike In ibapn, lubdlng a J price, Dot TI.I oUH-rwIie connected. Kaeh booa lu- ll iu to 1>0 [.tik'i-!,, Mi.-r-t Hualc dtae. CnllecUvslj ney contalu tvxi ^ileoes, tot b at of at lean (MI,.

»00 pwuet, and are then fore cboios oo lecitani. Unifiini Price, Bach. Si.OO ItMrda; »SJ0 Ulotli,

VOCAL- INMHI HIMAh. Bemg. Hnslcal Faverlte

Ucui ol PiuUi-h Sone. C niter ol Uemi Ueni o: IJITOMII I mi Oeim al HlrsuM. Ucmi of Baurp'l Sons, tiems of lha [lance. Kcautles ol oWre-l SungWele-imw Home, rrasa'a Album of Seal, P *srl» ot MekuJv,


Koonii nav of eeptruil Lawrem-«, ahe wan lawrulij married O egx. and Iberearter llred with said fiioma* t-.c« it said Lnwronoe as bla wife until on or about ILIIIV 1. is-Ta, w„en ther ,,,-..,,., ,r„m said l.awreno* lo Knalsnd, where ibey live together a« huibaid ami wifu until on or aboul SlaT I, IB77, when liny rrlurnrd lo laid Ut' rsnne to ■re^ld^ ami iherealter live,) SOMHW at sabt Lawron.o as huib <i.,l an.) w.IV until on or abant tba artaenUi dar otJuno.a. 1>. IKT; when the ilbetlee utterly dosorleit jour liocllant aL aald l.awre>oe and went to reilde at Aabton Under-^Lrne, LsacMter, Kagland, whure be la

■nit that BOW living.

And jour llbellast furtber retin said deaeruon wa. without pro lawful oauas, and baa oontlnuM without Inier ■ uption lion said Jam nimed dale to the time of ihe ailng of this libel, snd that during the entire lime of aaid Bss srt io- —- - ■■-—■■--?—- resided si aald Lawrence.

And jour (IbeliaotfurUisr represents that oo dlveri days and li<nei since the said libel lea Or sartsd rour libellsnt ai aloreiald, be bai brei living In and hat c-.minlin-.l ihe cnoi a,lul terr with B eerUvin womsn at aim Ashios Under-l.rne, wbooe name Is to your libel Ian I unknown. And your libellsnt lunher repre- ■enta Itiai then aie no rchiuii-en living born to her and her said hcibisd.

vVherefon youi llhullantUiayiUiSta dlvoroe irom ihi boni'a of matrlmoov ma> be de creed between hersnd ihi IIUOJMMI,

HiBUAKKTCLKUU, June M, lftu.

osaaweallk ml afaaanekwiciia.

BnsKX ss. Supreme Judicial Court, Clerk's Omrc, Juno

■llib, IH-M. In rauation alter April term

NIH?01 tMC '«'*S(llnS'Ihe'. ordered, I hat Ihcas'.d ineiiani, giy« notice to laid Tiiom-i* Cieaw 1 ,c*"»1"* ■» attesled copy of ler <-*i<l IO. I, and of tbis order lliereon, to be uubllahed


three we ks euooeisisely, u„. lait imhtlca to tie alaty dsyi at tana', lieUre the next of tbla nourt, to be held st Salem, within

and lor ihe osunty of iciaes, on tbe 1st Tuesday Of November nest, and by mailing a copr ol tne newspaper, oontaiainK moii any, ■••■use prepsld.lo «aid 1 homai Ulegg. at Aahtun l.'nder J ..-1-1■ -. L*fc"-- ■rae, LsBcaater, Bn«ian,t,.Tiir diyi ullssa< be ore nil Brat Tui-nfay of Novsmb-r, that he

may then ami Ihereapprar, ami ahnw cam,-, If any behia, why tbe prayer Of aaid libel ahould not be granted.

Attest, ALPHRDA.ABBOTT.CIerk. Tbe forogalng Is a true copy of said libel,

and of Hi*- oilier thereon. Atteat, ALFBBD A.ABnOTr, Clerk.

010 1711

Farm For Sale WeM Andover, 1 mli] from Aadorer dep<t

U irom Lawrence, 1 irom ihswst aM aeiiool li acr-w, 10 m woo Hand, SCO ooria peat, "» ornhardS, 1 atorv hnuie- B roomi, biro SerO Lon keep fmir cowi ami horse.


M lii-.AN, franklin II

In-n M i-i ■■: ■ Mlmtrd •'"'«. Uperatlc Kearn. '■i-i'iHii-' (,( in... Silver Chord. Sitrr WMIII. Uousthold slslo,tlei,

Vol. Homehcl I Ht Vodles,

enower of Peirls. World ntrscrg. Mlimll.lli' nt -iiiit. Wreath of Ur-aa.

i II iiue. Duets. moil at lion;r. It.---1 Organ Mslodlrs. Iiuui" Circle. Vol. I, Home Circle. Vol.11. Creme de 'aCreole,

Vol. I. Crene de la Creole

Vo.II. ..1'iannlor'e Oems

laalst All.II in

conteat* sent os applies tlos. Pieces add a-compiaiments may le played OB Pisso or Hoed Urgan. Bailed lor above pr'oea.

OL.IVEII DITHON 4 -Pp. •M ana ill VTasnlagtan at Hastaa



VlOB 1* BBS I DBS. TO— i»oi> I'.Hsunden, F B. Clarke W. I*. (ills.

TtH.--.fl-. Ir.-. W. R, scalding, H-U, DsrrMk, R. P. Tewks-

1 r. M. haluiiM

All mossy depoaiti draw inUreitlromi Ibe Irsto Jsnuarv. Aiml.Juli sad October I"

Lowell's Patent *.uft* Holder and

Button. Thia admirable Invent v.. ..

larlty. Wlih it yon ean put cuSioffandon in itantly, and witnoul raium Hi- coat r-W-vui ».ik for LOWBLI.'H qUIUKAIUUHTlNt, CUrr-BOLDBB, and lake ao other fcrasb

— "saU'Kurnl.hlngBlirea. KBIall f| ,.,„:, Ir. Addreia TtlK LUWKI.f. MANl

.-.^.i Julp-,; CO., Office I' itedlnrd Btieel Koom V, boston, Man. dwl m |y3S


Candida's* for adnlailon will be essmlnrd on BroUay, Set umber 1. Tuition and Ten IHHJ'

free, reenniary ai,, given to need,r nu|i far esrcuUr and other information, add run


Oa? eotlre stock of Ladlaa', Mlases and Children's Hose we shall rlo-ao ont

Bargains In dent's Hose.

ONLY A FEW MORE LEFT. Have you seen our Lace Collars nt 60 cents. Cheap* at *I.OO.

The Balance of our Summer Stock will be sold sut regsrd- less of cost

A. W. $15$ & CO. 309 and 311 Essex Street.



All Kinds Farming Tools!

Fresh and Reliable Seeds!

New Model Buck eye Mower.

BullarJ Improv- ed Hay Tedder

TK1KH BKI.K DL'tll'IMl 1IOIC8K |-jlKK.

Sanborn, Austin & Robinson, Sut-iessors U> (II AS. K. M AM,N & OOaj


7BOYNTON & COL, 21") and 207 Esset Street

I. \ W ItlONur, MASH.


Farming Tools 11 ►mon TUKBIDE


JaillulJlIill W """,»■ "'"'"'• >■"••""'■ K„r.k. »n« »MIU.IIII rb.Nl.1. Hl.per .Mowing MwblnM. Strong udOurabli NKW lnn „„.,„,,„„ ,.„„„„,,. anmivat. SWELL, "s lton* itako.

_ WAIF, wr n.i.i«,.fi Hay Tedder.

wma Send lor Bocksra •> mda ul - *n . fawi |».


Botanic Cathartics. For Const Ipallon, (JosU-ren»is. file-., Rlrh Iteid

In', Hillouincai, Bic. Il li the moat \ I a>anl d tale Cmtiailio for nLlldron aad ailulu to L". They ars «:*»-,. reliable. Ace y u> * if in I'T K. Sent Mgajg br mall OD retei|>i ).i icr, : i uts. and II ou -.IT be ».


Botapathlc Drops, .ml Health Pro-

Kor Rneunstl-m, Neuralnla, I'aralrali. Heart "ii-a e, Dlbnthena ColiU ami all palos snd

iii.ft iihoa ii'i (•■! i ii in Ui ■ world. Ask jour in nit fur it. sWtseoswU liv e»|ireas on rs- IJ.LUI price, SI per totl.e.


Botanic Worm and Fever Powders The[onlT ramedv far axrielllns sll fclsde of from idulu and •tiH-lnn. and breakles )i worn rereri. Tn-t-ss powden ire free irom

■ i MU. and •urensinen the .■,■.« m, ihu* pre •attag worm iron sr«unuliiin(. Over two urdiof the dlieosen o( children aie caaied o** ■iirnii-. Alk vi-nr ilnigal*! lor firm, Bent pre ■ nl liy nail oa reoetpl of price, IS its, ami, (I ho i.


Botanic 8alve.

. ii i ui [iiii1,1, j.'irta, sad fl a i'"".- II these ralustile rsntediei *>■ t reuared on]

(1KO. A. ROBRRTS, ( hemUt. ls>ndlng, Maea.,

To whoa all oners should be sddresoed. eiv Hi

The Floral World. A Suprrlt, IIIustratM 91.00 Hontbly

Will !>-., on Trial

FREE ONE YEAR! To nil wbo w if enclose this ad.lone NOW

wlih IJ :-.-um,* u> tire-pay i-oatags. The in- ilianna rarmer >av> : "Coatrnii laleieit'BB ■I'i'i to Bowerlosers wall worth u< prtee— |i IMT yifir." Hwurn lusacrlpti'ia lit! orar li.> i«« in overv Hiate and Ter llnrv, i .in via, tirest briUin, South Anerlca, Afrn.ii, India and ans- tralia.

Mra. B. 4. Houh. loi|..asv*: -it li. lie unit Birai piper I erer iaw." Mn J. W.

ray. Hlf Bearsr, Mi ■'■.. "It la minnia-i. nl." Mn. ". (1. Bta-nba.k. Psrlh, Anunr. N. J.

■»a»e r"'*--i seen sartiilnir ball ao IOOII " M rs, J. I., bhsnkln, denies City. S. U, "liniuil • i»> nil HI. Adore**


DLAIPJ. The Be.l Picwre n ii.L.-.i. Hue .-

K"u |:H, II,art pspai

LOGIN !-'*«'"' "'""inn": l-UUBIli „t,T, ur i ..ii-i


Hendricks W ABRV.S J. Rosifson, Ul Ullrer St., Boitoo.

isd by snaaUa. ener- -gtttm afotua, i,.irjuui ins nrrlt-irwo*, aUfl* anlcla, rtijured la esary honsenold,, Ahurch.isci ,ry, ao. Pays ha* itaairin nine- ty days to four raoi\tbs, fcx-jiumve ASSB- cv awaided H i>n \j imre.viai |&u u> s&OO in >auiplM ai|wbi>kaaie prloea. Addrosa

C. *'. HAKOON.u Llncola St^ Bosla*.


CAPITAL PtcTZK, «7A,000. Tickets only •<». Hh»rr» In proportion

Louisiana State Lottery Compaav, *Ws So hereby oerilfv that we supervise Ibe

arrangements f-r .11 tbr Moiulr »"d ","",' Annual UrawiBfB ol "»• Louisiana Mate Lot terf Company, and m person nnn ami con troi lbs Oraw.rg. IWiWlWii aod thai Hi*ui>( an, conducted wi|n honeaiy, U'rneea, and '» good faith toward all p»rllea,.ind weautnonse Ka Compiar W «•« «*'• cerliBCale, With Uc .Tulle* of our signaturea attach**!, in cl- ad vert l»e«l( tils."

2^2 i€p*f")

//x •**r>C--*V

Incorporate. I Islaituc tor M . - CAlHUl of H.t«us*»-io

POSITIVE CURE ronaviav nuor



PimplestoScrofula. THO'JBAKDH Of LSTTErM In nurposaea-

»!■■• ir|ieal [NU itirv 1 !»■»• twn a terrible ,.,.; i i i ,r yean >in illoo-l and Skin Ilunor*; h . « i---n otilia-*! lothDD pu 'I e p'snaa 1,T re*. son nl in* 'In i)t iirmjr liunor- , hmvi- had ibe b«*t ii islctan*; hat o aiienl riiul' eil« al dollars anil ,<IHIIHI relief until I U-.-.I lie C»f ICBft* KB- - II '. tar. Ihe tie* HI.i-i r.. i- i! r, mi- ml*, and i I ..ill:. : .. ■ ' i ■ Ii i in -nu-. 11 fit HUti

; i I,I * nl H' i- ■mnutW, -i.'■•! htvi I ■ in*-' roe an.i k-f t mjr .kin at.d lil HH! a* |iun aa a | Child's.

ALMOST INCKKIslHLK. " ' Junen K. Klchaidaon. ( ii*tom liner, I Si- . I .. m-. OD :—I '*'•" Bcroluious

t- r,r»lin «>■ .mi "11 nu (» ■!» un il I *i» « ma-a .,| rnrruplion K miir'.r kin.urn 10 ihe teed I cat f.i»l'T*at tried m v.IB becsa* a Btsre

; wreck. Ai time, ennhl not lift at hand* to my I beiil, could DOI turn in l.i il; was inconstant

iia'n ami looked upon I'fe naiura*. No r die. ,.r cure In ten vesrs. In !•• ' I beardof Ibe CU-

i THHTS* KKMKinlN. u ■•■i Hit in and was peifecl


At Richiooiwli TUM, « mob lyocli- ed ft negro wretch, but did not kill him, for fttwrt&ey left liim, he made

hit escape.

Lombard*; and Tuscany are at prea-

nt scourged


— afercbBai* throughon. ihe eiLy report bosinea* rxtremcly doll.

— T be local survivors of the 33J regl- meat have srransed for ft reunion Aug, 14, at Lowell.

—8ir«tet commissioner Barry \e bo. ltd log >V tbe 'terrible 'sk'.Q j ft reUlniog wall off tb« »oath end of UM

outbid* C»UP<1 the "pelligra," which iu most caseft defttroya the mind, while the body ilowly OOlllfkHI The number ot deaths has stirred np ihc Government to offer handsome

premiums to aoy acientiats who shall successfully combat the disease.

Cigarette smoking is said to be full-

ing off ia fashion.

At a London dinner party the fol

i.,i.]. rbi<-b i | in ■ * U.B Om.. i. Crawiord.

aaerra fund of over ftl'.O.MO hM alnce been

Br an oTarwhelnilnir popular rote it■ Iran efaiae vu madr a parl <>t Uie ■rewaaj SUirLon, adopted Derenuer 3d. A. D. IS.U.

Tbeonlr I.otterr ever voted on and eedorw't by the people of ear State.


ITS Uaaat> RiRit.s NOMSKH oakWiNUS lame place montbi*.

A SPLENDID OPNRTCIHTf TO WMe.rOBtTU.VE- KlRhln Ure»d»rew» ] Kg. I , In the A'm**myolSliaalr. ' Mtw Orlee-aie, TI»J»I»-**. *«««•» laHW, H, — 17m 'n.iiiii ■•■■»II*K.

CAPITAL PRIZE. »7S 000. 100,000 Ticksti at Five Oollars Each

Fractions IU Fitthi in ofooorlon. urror lUHii

lCAPITALfKIZK ol ,7?-00i!

STILL MOItK SO- Will McDonald. -Ml Ifearborn Blrrel.thl

a«<>, grainu'li iriDn* ledtM amreol KrEeaaa.

Moi.l WONDBKKI'L YKT H E Carpentor, ilrn^eraon.K. Y.cureilOl

*eoiiitl»tr t.ep">at oi tevnlr jmn' Man

I frtt


Inquest on the Death of the Flaheity and McDonald

- Children.

Duck bruin*. Uap» in bclDg prepared of th

log piecmcia and will be posted la oaa paruor the city.

— Maalctao M. W. DaBlton, ofCo. M,! has IKtii appoloted Urnm-SurgeaDt o( tbe Kightb It -a Hi' »'

— Mr. Adulph S' l,i I.I.T, ftroptietOf Ot* ScblDdlei'e hotel, arrived •n.iu.- Irom tier- taauy on baoday inorBlug.

"0!d Carder"' wiltee lolhe Ciramerclal Bnllello lb«*. h.i due* n rt know of a good

The Testimony before Judge liar moil.

ibes0»«., prntxitM ib- .«id..i.»»• iTiif SCIENCE OF LIFE. ONLY lb* face of the wall, and Ui-rt- was no dt- ' auction, U appeared aolld, and a tort Inch


111. Hai

lowing was handed to tbe master of i cirrter 0Q mncka In Lawreuce. the house i "A selection of pianoforte _Toe t,eBgl]e 0f K^,,, c..ooty Wheel- solos, songs, and vocal duets will be men, hold ibilr ne«>mi«' »'>jut tbe mid- performed this or the first fine even- die ol ABgtm. at Newburtport. ingundcrjour window by two gen- —Thf neit ses»l tn of ihe E«tx coun- tlemenln painfully reduced circum-1* «-»d T.mpiar

sunces, who earnestly solicit your practical sympalhy,wliich if any please kindly send out to us." In the street

AU£. ZO'.b.

rich Connilly


arrBOXiatTioB r-BlEKB.

C Approilaiallon PMiea e( flMi


IH.'M 10,000 )■'.'"■

p'lF" I III'. ■.. I ■■'■'■ ■

nd" llionabi

pro m men l


Bipll L^J ip witb i.o

gnldtiT alldruulBia. llni'iAfill.ii'ir, t-i aw.

rniMtlm o AHU CHKMiuaLCo.,RoaTOH.

Price Urrii.'una.Wr.ta,

BEAUTYX1 n Ui-ii ;-m ., .in.! Ii

urn, Tan, i, Hlurktieaaa, lantlic lli. iiior.,

J,tS7 Prl**» araountlaa to ,■.'■■

liaabouldlie madi New Oi

For lurtber Inlormalion wr foil adilreai. Hekr P.O. Mon ■n.Ul.i-Mi ItMrmU'r-.l I nH';

MtW l.HI.HAN.i NAT!'

POSTAL ITOTKS and Of Hail or aKprri* la1) mm. ol I ■ipreaa at our rawftiae) In


(i VfUmuf ■!/rirfn loaf vrri.)

How Watch Cases are Made.

In 1878, tliirtwn men rfirotiruml the entire wurkinn forco Deed in the manu- facture of the Jam** i>W OM » a/M OiM. >ow over^Sw! Kurutrrd arc e:n]il»y«Lluul Hie number ia .-onutainly in<Ti-:uiuig. The rea- son nf lliia Increaae ia this! IntheJomr-j //OBI' CM rFolc* < 'UM all the mrtnl in eight and nibjert U> wtar ia aofui j^wbilethB re- mainder, win h oul/ l«'i.i' -tun. ill to tbe case, ia of stronger asstal tlmn g<>ld. giving gold whuru p'>M ia nee-led, and atrong, eliu-lic metal where strengta and eUwtiriiy are needed, a rnmhutttloQ pro- ducing a watch ewe W'f iban solid gold ■od atONK-HALP Iho COat, ,03rji£f**l

Over 200.WN) of these riuwH &iA have been s.4d, and cvtry jeweler in the countrv i^n tosliiv to tu*U quality and BBBf*. Lmwovo*. Mifn. Ore. a IJS- Ooiil Wati-li I'M I" jiaraatf". aii.l rarrwd It until a abort Lnwajrii. "I




Sunday uog man residing al 307 CDeHtnul

street, bad bis ieli elbow dislocated by a all fiom a abed.

—The pay roll of the Splcket works last week, was *2--'67. There were 22fi men employed, lh« largest nomber ever emnloyeiJ OD a city work.

large poplar tree oo Cross street blew over Saturday sgalnet tbe bouse of Albion O. Clsrk. It was palled into toe street by city employes, snd remov«d.

—Tbe Splcket cominl>sloners hive pro- cured s new douole dram engloe, wbicb has been locstid on tbe line of the sewer between the Bast ilaverblll aod Jackson alreet bridges.

— This week, state Inspector Neal took samples or milk In BomervUle, Lynn,

pietwd. Will be able to overtake the I iJav?rbUl and Kitcbborg. Toose taken " at llavethlll were excellent; thoee Irom

below was a piano on a cart, accom- panied by two men, who proceeded to

give an agreeable performance.

The locusts in several districts of south Russia exe commuting frightful ravages. In ElUaventgrad the peas-

ants have just received a reward from the Imperial Agricultural Society for

tie destruction of 1,700,000 or these


It Is said that the new torpedo boat

ol Captain John Ericsson will be one of Iho most terrible of all engines of

warfare. This boat, now nearly com

. KKArlKI) Gtne«r. Choice- Aromm mil i«.t of Medic ne.1 Kn

COU*AU rend


i tn

f m sun

ln.iiniii- [Bill il.I Ib'l .ornjitlienci

PI FftiUnN iftteeri water, UnhaHh' , i:n*nolr.omr ron.1, HaarlB. Kpl eoiH I1I|J'..|L I lli-iii r.. ( Ii I'ITII MorUui

. Paine, In.r /-il HI. i ..l.l-.l h I .. Ilii. "ion, Ncrvouaneni or Id in

i- '■ ■■. i .i and ii. II i-' "i 11 h llo lho«» proier.lcd In

in... of HAMOUll-.-S OI.NoKK.tBe In I iim.m-r Meilii'lun. Hewart-ui worlhlen in*. -"■ "I'l TI■ i . where. >U DaLli A HI. LU'KK'll, Ml . ttOSTOB.

AIN r.e1 V.iii,1,: » l«c- riiiHtur in unilv af.

Klectrle ktait.rr T.I-I wiln a I'orou. tar lor 11 oenla. Ii Due* I'am, Viuiliei .-. i , in !■.- i ■ iv. tired MI. and .In.-- iD"i" II.

tbe IM i the lime than any other Master i Id. Sold everywhere, mvi-i

! THE GREAT CHINA TEA CD TeSnfAff* ^Ut'rrvnrr Wtitrhtt rl. t* lll'l F, I K.t

nwiHN WATCHF.- -in. «jiy •■I.-I. •joi.ii II AMI r «»■• «»«eT«r*rl...t "Sf P"-.i-.( Whlir l«i...f.*H. r lOOr- ■■■- - %-tit,„-


Coldala twenlTfuur I Hwedlah Pupdn Pill*

LailUve. SWedlah i ■ ' ■■KII.-HII .1 Swedlab Laay llHUam. hr

IVl -Tl I'l .- J Hwedli-h ttemedli-a Tor aale b

od Vflm d'iO lij l

HM.l. -S


hWsi'-nisr/c^ FLKTCHER'S


swiltest vessel afloat, can elmle all missiles that may be burled at it, and

arry a torpedo which can shatter and sink t'te strongest Btiip. The

torpedo differs trom all other*, and the firing will be either by electricity

or compressed air.

A [Miculiar safely lamp bos lately

been funiiBhed^Lo each station of the I'aris fire brigade, with tbe view of preventing danger from explosion

when the men have to break into ihe


It ia said that actual tests in Eng-

lish lighthouses demonstrate that gas possesses a greater penetrative power in loguy weather than the electric


The fans of this Hummer are a very little larger than those of last season, but are of moderate size compared to

those used a few years ago.

A family of ten persons ut Detroit, were poisoned by eating meat which

had been left standing in a brass ket-


Mrs. Mark Hopkins, formerly ot California, has begun the erection of a stone dwelling house, to cost about

$1,000,000 at Great Harrington,


Arizona produced more than 17,- 000,000 pounds of copper last year, ami will probably produce about 2.»,-

000,000 pounds tins year.

Mahomet, we arc told, had a dove which he used to toed with wheat out of to car; »hen hungry the do,. ]■>•"' »""»'» "*>"'«_"_*■

Lynn very poor. The Halein Giz-'.te nays : -Tbe Dt"

trlct Attorney,It is nut fair to say, 1« dis- charging hit duty to tliu public before the Superior Ciurt In a very nallafactory roaiiner, and In a way that meets witii paolic commendation.

—Win. Gim*>le, who recelv .d such a severe cut on tbe head, and bkd so pr«- fnaely, by a rail against a tiullJlug whllt Intoxicated, U still at Lowell. He Is recovering slowlv from hla weakness, an 1 will soon be sent borne.

— Saturday, District Officer Ba'chelder recovered s horse at L iwel', moleo J-ily Sib, at Andover, from Wlilard Durant. The animal had been traded for another horse with J->hn A- Koark, of Lowell, Mr. Itoark glvlog fte "boot,'' Durant'e borne was returned to Mm bj officer Batclielder, and Boark Is looking fur bis hurae and $8.

— Rev. Wm. G. Park of Oloveravllle, N. Y., formerly pastor of the Central church In this city, has lately been called to the antorate of tbe Kirat Presbyterian cburcb

of ludlaoapolia, Indiana. Committees from tbe cLurch In that city went to Gloversvllle to hear Mr. Park, and tbe re- sult waa s unanimous .-all cfltred to blm.

Park went to lodlanapoil*, preached one Sabisih for Ibe congregation wblcb tsd called Dim, and spert eeveral day visiting the city. But noiwIttHiandm". tbe hlttb salary and other Inrluceme presented, he anally decided to remain among Ibe people of bin present cliaige, where he naa great eucuursi;emeul to stay. Tbe announcement made at tbi; prayer meeting laat week, that he Inlutideil to remain with bis present congregation, was received with much pleasure. Tiiere IN too much lostabl illy In tbe present rels- tlon ol paatur and people, and often a man

The Inquest illative to ihe deaths of m.inlne Flaherty aod M»ry J. McDon- d, the children killed by ihe fallen Pa-

cific wsll on Lawrence dtre-t, was held before Judite Harmon, In the police court oom Monday. Among ihoae present was gent Stone, o file Centra! Patlflc, and ills corporation was repreaented by de-

tective Pjllbr'ck, and Hon. A. C. Stone as counsel. By elect of ibe court both ca-i-n were examined together.

The flfst vtl'.ness was tLadical exami- ner Howe, who gave bis report of tbe an- lopa* B> heretofore puullsbed. Catbe- line tiaherty died from ntiock from Inju ry received about tbe abdomen. Mary McDonald died from fracture of the skull. He waa not uuuslloned.

Charles Brolbeii L.-■ »», «ud I were driving to Melbu?u. 1 noticed 8 tittle girlB walking alou^i one ot them was dragging her band on tbe wall; took one of them out after ibe w.i.i fell; there were two completely covered by the bricks; I took up tbe smallest one. Tbe larger one showed signs of life. He was not questioned.

Tnos. Lyud*lty-While riding borne with Mr. Brotbere.saw Ibe wall (all; pull-1 ed lb* bricks from the children who were under tbe wall. Brothers laid tbe dead mi tin- sidewalk; there were two cblldran covered up; tbe olber partially so; they were not a minule under ibe wall alter It fell; the oMest ooe was breathing when we touk ber uut. He was not questioned by couusu!.

To the court. - 1 daw the wall fall; It all [VII al once ; the children Were covered so thai we could not *ee tbem; incy were covered by brick aud dirt; caunut tell bow high the dirt was piled agilnnt the Interior of the wall; think Unas 10 or 19 leet high.

John Ktne, ft boy testified! I was car- rying dinners to tbe Pacillc; saw tbe wall fall and the 3 little girls; two or tbem wjre burled; when I saw the wall totter I ran; I wss aooul 3 yards from it j I wa« on tbe same side as the wall; saw tbe children taken out.

To the contt—Tae wall *H fell at one Use, Jamee Glldce, doctor and surgeon, M*-

i:ti"..l Was called| saw that tbe children burlid under the bricks; one was

dead; ibe other, the Flaherty girl lived about 6 or 6 minutes after being brought

Tbe Uquest cloaert here. Judg. toon stated thai tt was a terrible accident, demanding tbe most thorough examina- tion. He had received al' the aid hi- could from tbe Ptctdc corporation In Ibe Inves- tigation. Its believed there was no one to blame, and wonld sorebderbls verdict. Tbera was no evidence thai any one was

Inally liable for nealect or careless- ness.

Till. IM K> '■ I"-" mrOBTABCBOi' NfcW OBJ.BAHS dlf IncieaBlDjf iirporUnce of N.

leana, aa not only a buaibeai centre, but or aoclai and Intellertual development, i* foreshadowed la tin- roB*nl0eent preparation! beinjjnow perfected for ihe QpSftt Indottrltl and Art Exposition to be beld the™ tbla autumn. The managers challenge the grandeur of tbe Ceotfnnlal KI;>OBII1OB al Phlladclpbis In 1871^, aod no visitor or e Lblotter will Deglecltheopportnnity, If be Is wise, botb before and during Ihe exhibition lime, lo Invest In the honorably SMBagad Louisiana Stale Lot- tery, the neat Drawing of whleli will take I'll e Tuesday, August li. Any Inloiutation can be bid on application to H. A. t>»ii|.li n. New Or-

51A Delicious Summer Beverage A BKVKKA'lf-:.

KNOW THYSELF. Great Medical work tn Manhood

..r added to las ighta, and min-

eral "wstera, HASKtiltD'-i OtSOER Ibrma a re. fa-ahlng and luvbjoraiing Beverage, uni'mialled In •inij.ii'ity and purity by any tuuic oedlclne, wtuts fro« froru alcobullc rcocUou.

AS A rURE FIIL'IT RTIMULANT, for Uw aged, meuUilly mid phj-alcJIy exhausted, eare-

woru, or overworked, fur d«Ucate fymalca, iiped ally mothers, for those ricovering from deblhuulng dlisains, aud as a mcana of reformlug thoaa sd- dleted to an esoeaalve use of ak-obollc aUmulanu, sANKOIlU'S UlNOKUUUDequallcd Inn

iinli4i-.iru»n or Mtefsaes. A mm, young, mn;-li. .i ■. .1 IJ* ' t Ii) i r. . -i ii.ii "i tor all acueau edls


Lie. |So ■i re for i3 f;l t-t-iUie

leana, La.

A CSUB.—To all who are innerlng trnra er- n>rs and Indlscretlous ol youth, nervous weak- wesf, early decay, loss ol rombood, kc, 1 will i.eod a recipe that will curj you, rass or CiuKi,r. This frreat remedy was discovered by a missionary In Houtb America. Rend setf- jddreaaed envelooe 10 Bav. JOSEPH T. Isms , Siatton U. Hew York. •J:lyeoc,jylO

ihe Air.11-.I-, yearn iasuih ■■ probabl* never bf i loisi any physl inn. :bw uaie', I m m ■■".. ItiUl P.cnr.h muslin, ruibo sed covera, full gilt, gnaraolred to be a flnrr work in every ■■■ ■■-> - esechanlcal, liuirsry and proles,Ions'— 'han any other *o-k, aoll ID Ihisoounliv tor Si-"" , or the minnj will be reiu-i i«l In rvtrv intianne. Price only Sl.tO \,t „,-.,], |)0»t i aid. Huatnttiro Simple ti ceots. Si-n I now, Goi ' rnsdal a wnM ed tbe auihor by th- Satlona' Heticu Aisocia- llon. to me i.mcerj ol whlrh hfl r;ier».

TBe Science of Llle should b- read ■ v the young lor In t ruction, nnd by ihe sfllirlrd lor re- lief. It will beneOi all.—London lancet.

There l» nn meml)er of Hrrlety low hum the Snlenee el lnr will not be osalul. whettitir youth, parent, guard! _ '

Address lb.- Pcatmily Medlral lDstilule,OT Dr. W. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulllnch St., Boston, Macs ,

ay iw 1'onsulle.ion all lilBeasiB requiring id expenen<v. Chtoulc ard rbsUnste i that have rmftVd U gC A I ' " '

skill of all aihi-r pkyal. PI C AL BlSM a specialty sue.b inii.YU Vfi s»TI C -t Bucnoafuilv With. I II I uCLr ilin Inatanoeof ikilure. Mention thla paper.

eod Vly le i

j I'SIUPK FRVIT, Impure Water, Unhealthy CH< " { LI niatP, l-iiwhole»ome Food, UakWla, BpJaaSBM .

and Contna-loua Duvam, Chok-ra Morbue, Crump*, PBIDB, ladlgaettoB, Dtorbeaa, OoUa, Ohllls, Wmplo fevera, Eihauitloii, Nurvonnsss, or k«» of Ptifp, Ihut beset tbt trnveller or household at thin season, »n- noihlnu i» IBoae praWeted by a ilmuly use of BANFOBIVS OlSOKBi she Ikllclous Bmnmcr Uedlclne. Avoid mer.-i.nary desJarS, who for u few oesW .'lira |irollt try to (bree ii|«n you their own or others wh.-n you rail tor HANFOllD'B OINQER. b.,ld by wholesale aud r.'Udl druggUU, grocers, etc., ssrerywhere,

orWciergy' ! v"Ulr ,,r"B "n* ,h,""l,»1 Co" l-a*u,n-




LIVER r.QMPLAIMTS. o limn It .rt. t» th. II* nt. BUWKLS amd ' KIDSEIS *t U. ,». I'"*

m Kidney ai

narr UUMM, THbiiiiBiis—r--iiJ—_|^"-^'^- ion that dsvalopa IMuas, Dilioiunne. . _

', PUm, or In RnsnmaU«miLH«unlcta,Ker-

PBEPABED with the ulmoit iklll from 111. rOBTEDQINOBR, CHOICE AROMAT1C9,

and UM pttrest and heat of MEDICINAL FRENCH UR.INDY, from the world-renowned vintners, Messrs. OTARD. DUPUT & CO.. COONAC, ren- dering It vastly superior to all other " Otngera," all of which ore made with'common alcohol, largely Impregnaled with poisonous fusil oil and strength- ened with cayenne pepinrr. Ueware of ImllaUons. BANFORP't! Is the finest ginger In tbu world, and, notwlibsUDdlDg Iho high cost of Its Ingredients, Is ihe cheapest family medicine. Bold every- where. Potter Drug nnd Chmilcwl fo., Boston.



QDEBEO TO LIVERPOOL, KVERTaATUKUAY iromUAt toDBCBHBgh Making ihe BHOHTXST OOBAS VOTAOB, OnlT nvlt lilli from [.and lo Land. E Ura Weekly Ships Irom OALWAV, L1MKKICK, LUNDOh-

BRRY andtiLASGOW TO ItOSTOS IUHECT. Only illre,-l LlDBIiom (iALWAlaml l.IBtKMCX Ai'iMimmodstlonK uuenuiii-'l 'aldn g'O and

geOl Inl.Tlliii.llltLe I J» 7.1 | Pi,■,,,.! SU«r- axe 11 !.'*.%. For Imormation, Ac, apply tn I KVK A Al.DKS San. AoftPTS, Art Broadway. -■*. If.; orJAMga Uniti'iir, uw Essex Hi.. Lawrence; 1'IIKIUI Ml'aPRT it!t UlsKei St 'I'llin iuvli

( rSOUD PBOftP UW rr wttt BOBJXLT oinut


By csastng TV.TM ACTION of aU U» orsnuia

CLEANSING the BLOOD reatorlnj; tn* normal power to throw ott disease

THOUSANDS OF CASK* of the won* forma of thja. terrible dtasswea havs nsen quickly rollevsd,ami lnaahort lime

P1RFECTLY CURED. runt, St. i minion nav, BOLD Mi I'm I.I.ISIH.

Dry oan be sent by mall. WTI-Tsi BlCttABIslOW B> Co., B^Un«t<jn, Tt.



m.i. fi-on

MKRRILLi sft Hi: \l I>

No. *jr>:; Eases At. Lawrenos,

J EWE LER AND OPTICIAN. icnt! ol lOpllcat Goods, we have mil forirei

h°cilv WUICT or Binoe^Uhrisimai


it liy wearing a mlsdt, We h

s been a great drop ID tbe pnoea of tbces gooda.


he If.


BAKING POWDER made. Tillllllllillllliliiillllillllllllllllllllll

tkaU-kicfriii The Uev. J. F. Scarles, of New York, is

one i»f the rnost wlctely-koown and bi^lily , .■..'■ cf Mcllnxlist ministers.

M r ftearhw sBys i ■ I sin Imj-iwiwil that It Is a fluty fi i. til say thsl a rviin-ilj liu Inrit ,!!«iinml tlisl la

a "lit. .| »ltli Ulo-n nisi nun. sml .urTiTnl HI ■evt>n*ly ' "(.il lo h*;.' jni.ri'hli." "

Wlille ■ in tin-. ..l„ll„.

IL. I-.--in ■ . iaiti»n*ult 1 h,

a t> IT of i-.r-..i.» luHeni


V... a,, Hnok ,' III oelplB an on

sore feet, i dealer-. Pi n-r

kit MsJ'> 'S l^'fl

shoe* an 1 «

M . ■■ ■ It

OS. I.ulll'-i-,


Headquarters tor Sale Horses. A'large nssnrlm.'nt of ll«rs*a eonn'anltv nn.

hxnd 'or sale <>r eaobstnee-B II trees >■<■■■ ured Irom the nomitry ««ry w.-ck.

A Kloe Citrlond of Knlf HoraesJAF

riveil lo-diiy front Slonlrenl.

A. N. BEAN, •rankli.. House Stables

.III'., rell.f. sit-in I' nnsiii'l. !,i-li".| ill..msm oilier* w 11 ni- . (■irn.jB.I it to a n I-. ...

■ ■', l:i|. ■■,:,,. ill -in..., Ilin. n-'ilii,,«l.^n IT.IIOI.I...In r. nf.siids |«Tiiiaii.'iit i-iiri' An a-othnn. 1 srati-it ■ ,.. i \\i:: 1' ...rill, i*.t.r..< ii,|*i M I I'I, N.w ll.ii-ii.r ,»l].i •I'ueuffeniig'irmtUy

n i. r. In a* wi-lltiin 1" my ■.«!, wi-liimr titm tn put'lmb II... (s.-t fnrtMbaneflj ot others suflnrlnf; with tha

Hhsl Mr. rornlt MCVBI ** New Hamai. July W, lw»

"Mr Sflarle*- IlearHlr: I wi-h S aay f.irllie batv ■ ■•il..rail who »"' lallWjag Bllll Iiiflsnonal-iry Itlien- |.,»ll.lii, 1l,.t >uiit mnllirln* I* I mltrcml I r two iimiitli* U.f iinVt iiiTiiilstiuir tortun>; li*t » I-.mill* of flesh, ami was Dot out of l.iy hoiu* for a month : I heart of your mnnly. ami wa* atuioat m.uiitly nll'-ved by It If Uiemfna sfelflefor .11*.

- .f m> kind, i-iuniiuinti-i'rtaiiily I* [or luOam- iii*t"ij Lli.iiiinn-iii in ituwiiawl tonu.

" Voiir* in "l ri-1-.itfolly, Wl. 1' t'oanlT, '•rs«ti»Ue.«v"«t. aTK.irUureb. N-'wHaveu.t^nn."

Sin-h is ATIM-OPIIOROB— ft thorough ami • Hit i,nt cure l'.T ihe worst ciwee of KIK-U- matistn untl Neuralgia. ■



$11,950 IN CASH

GIVEN AWAY >:.."' * l.'l S1IMI BlISO s.ttHi SSTS 919 AO *.J'J.-. SliOO mi 7.-. BISO Bias Mil". »'.M> »H1I IfTll io0 <.-,o *IO «:lll f'-'O »io

|8tPMiuMiS5,000 2d " $2,000 3d " SI.000 Hothst Prrmlasnaahrreshown.

Th* »|.r.iiiiiinn> will I* awarded Uwiiit-r tl. 1*4 |*i Premium !.-■.« I" Hi" psnvnB fn.m whom »•■ rv- r,.|,e III''IsrioM iniii.tier (four emi-ty t..har'-.'l«nricH.*'(. it,, l.i id will

m! LII'I. in Hi- i.nli'r'.f IhenuiuhtT of empty listrs rennvi-l fr"in *aeh.

t—t»nl" Ksrli leur tnunt lustr our ornniiil Il-i'l Durhsiii M- I. I'. H.

lll„.-U.,-t|-, OwrsiBM Tstaei I „., I'l-uiim, N '' Kvery««DuU I*. k«. has picture of IInil.

lighted on liis shoulder, ami thrust Hits hill in in Mml his ureakfasL. Mahomet

persuaded Ibe rutie ami simple Arabians that it was the Holy Ghost that gave him advice.

Fish C'ominiasioner Blackfurd seye that of tae l,.'>00,000 mackerel

broDgiit lo market this season, two- thirds were only a lew months old.

Two wood cutters were killed by

lightning in the Dismal Swamp. Vir-


It is astonishing how often some i-.ny.-i want new straw hats. There

are storrs where a base bpll goes with

the purchase of the hat.

Il is suggested that laws to prevent

food adulterations will he vain until in ry school, the means for their de-

Lection shall be taught.

A company has been formed in Now Kngland for the puqiose of con-

verting water into fuel.

Holjoke U expected soon to be- come not only the greatest paper manufacturing, but the greatest paper exporting city in the world.

The wings of the common fly ac cording to Paul Mayo of Lavsannit, Switzerland, wbralcal the rate of 380

s'.rokes per second, while during the game time those of the mosquito make

about 2,000.

A horseshoe, mat to entirely of sneep'e horn, in vented at Lyons Krauce, is iouml especially useful II the case of horses unsteady on towi pavement-t. It costs rather more than iron, but is very durable.

Rugllsu farmers now offer six cents per dozen for sparrow's heads, and

the same price per dozen for their ftggfl. 'I'll'".' prices have stimulated a raid of almost complete extermina- tion in some counties.

The perceptible earthquakes [ol ihe world are estimated to aver- age in number 110 per annum.

The authorities ot llerliu are trying

tile pavements for the streets. The tiles are moulded into blocks 7.8 inches square ami .1.9 inches thick, and are impregnated with bittimiuious products up to 20 per cent, of their volume. They are laid on concrete

ichcs thick. The spaces between

them are filled with hot tar.

A I^juisville monkey painted him-

self green, ami when his owner a|>- plicd spirits ot turpentine to remove the verdant tint, the beast, escaped to

•tieet, and lor a time threatened to paint the town red.

Il is said iu a telegram from Vienna to a London newspaper that the nu-

thoiiliesot the city of Vienna have decided to estah'ish a Uree public library which shall be devoted ex- clusively to newspapers. No institu

lion of the kind is believed lo exist.

It is a period of plagues. The Si- berian plague is reported raging in

southern Russia, and tbe yellow fever i* bad at Guaymas and Mazatlan, in Mexico,

TartMW on Knilowmenta.

e Djosl slnting feature of Commiisiunei i manual icport on lira insurance la hied n ol tliti growloK popularity of the et

iii.T.i [.in-.- of insurance. To sal abort his criticisms it amounts to

A man can git the same insurance snd save money hy getting a ■■ tt smut "ol I line" pOJte

j which an endowment u «iirmien bank or like

y f^w life lisurance men would dispute the tiaaloner'* i-tntemenl. Ill* theoretic-ally eor-

There are ionic practical points, however, lirh the commissioner'* nttenl.on Is respect directed. In the ilrtt place, vnung men «111 ly up, or Invest In other ways, the amount

which they agree tn pay In the varlot s f.n ms Of endowment Insurance-. Tbey would spend it In their living. In nine Bases out of ten, money lu

id in endowment policies Is practically so i real gain, whalever may be ihetticoiy about

the highest Inverting poweroi the money Involved. en would only follow the commissioner'*

theoretical advice, and seek the highest and Mil form of Investment, Ihere would be little need of

. incident In 1MB Insurance of one of Ii .-ton' welt known mlnistera illustrate* tbla lie too out a f i" ""l endowment policy, duo in ten yean A friend remonstrated, saying thvl he could gel urealer return for hi* money by investing II loth bank. To this tbe reverend gentleman respomle that he well knew It. He also knew that h should not invest the money, as he would t i...inn! to do so by his policy, llo might innkeor or two bank deposits, ha raid, and unit would en the matter. Trie endowment, however, wool come due, without any privation on his part. Ju

lege, snd in Ihi* way it woul I prove a great heli lint Ihere Is yet another strong practical point

to have been OVBI looked. It I* tall. A man may and BIB that

be safely injured In an endowment Blaaa, say not iruulilts ti from ten to twenty years, according-to Ibe risk, when lie could not be as lately intured in un "i.ld !ine" company for life.

11 may lurlher by said of the endowment policy, Uial It encourages llle Insurance on part of the that the plllO young man, who has no expectation ot dying. wou.ti not in* Il is the best form of Insurance lor the man who lives,and it encourages liic in-ursnoe in the esily resrsof a man's life, when the eipeni-e is least Felt,

Any form of Insurance I* an abnormally good nvestment for (Ho man who dies oulckly. Tht treat ['rob im is lo make llle Insurance at Ira c live Hi ihe man who live*. Morally considered llils Is lo l>» encnursccd, as It pract.catty ensurei better pravbkM lor the d«pendent portion -i tht .-' MM III ii it I. tial would re*iut from the Induce menl of a theoretically perfect insurance.—[Coin mercial llullit.n.


Among the suspensions iiy the National TroltlnK Bssoclsllon are the |iil'owlDf[ by order o!lbi I^wrtnce Kidlog Park asso- ciation; T. W. OsgOOd, Lawrence, and the tisv mare Swuetnesd; J. K- Kuwler, Providence, and the hay mare Kantlle tj , and the hay mare Juliette; L. Q. Hpauid Ing, Nashua, N. H-, and the hay nitre Msy ij i,'.-n ■ cjeorj-e Arm»irona, Worceater Mass., and the cheatnut msru 11. K. i, .'•-'- Ii 'v ii'i.'l-. Provldeuce, and ttn hay seldlog Cbsrllu Bryant; D. 0. Miller fall Klver, Ms--., and the brown mare Mlllei'a DaMfttl, and T. 8. F.ister, Provi- dence, and tbe bay ReMing Williatn Oils.

Ia another column will iu found tbe an- nouncement of tbe Bryant h Strat ton Commer- cial, Kostor., which is at ones tbe nide.t largest and IUGSI saccessful of us kind, lis peculiar points of esceHence arc admirably set lorUi In in- advertisement and need not to be repeated here; suffice It lo say that the princi- pal, Mr. II. K. Hibbard, has been iroineatly successful In graduating well equipped, self- reliant pupils, wboareaccrptahly poil-1 lions of truar, to which be Uus Introductd tbem, la all uur large cities.

Tbe class of rheumatic and neuralgic sufferers

Edward McDonald-Passed Ihe children on Lawrence Street; one .it them apoke tQ me; the wall emitted as I passed It; ibe oldest one I tiaw in the road crying ; I lo^d some one there were two uioie child- ren under the brick* and earth; the Ural one taken out was dead; the other was breathing. It was about 11.30 a. m.; the girl I apoke to waa the ouu who escaped;

her name Is Uorgan. Jjhn Sbcebao, aajlslant marshal,"testl-

fl-d; Found on the sidewalk two small cuildreu, one dead the other breathing and alive; I ordered them to bo take their homes. l.ierc wss consider a ole, dirt with the hi lck*| the wait lull bodily. W'jnldjiiilgu the wail wan ?oi8 leel nUn; [l was a two ol Ick w ill lu thlcknesn t It was a double wall with an air npsee of 8 Inchia; tt fell very near Iroui ih: h . t. ...i; there Were one or two courses of brief, left; lpparently the wall all fell at once; didn't Hunk tiat ayhrd of dirt fell with ihe wail; Il has been tbe;e a pood many years; it was bulk In IfCi by Mr. Chapin as a gret n bOQfe wait.

Tbe foilowicg wltnet-ies were nummon ed by thei Pscltlu ant their teatlmfiDT is given. Liwyer Stont; stated that tbe Pa- clff; desired lo do all things' In fslrness. It any onu chirked ihe Pacillc wilb neg- HgeDCfl or tare essnees, the corporation was prepared to Died it.

Cbaa. T. Main, euglueer of the 1'aciDc testified i A week berore pot up battem [or tbe excavation; 1 went away and re- turned Ihe morning of tliu accident; was called away fiom the lot before the acci- dent occurred; UKVerex»inineitlhe wall; ibe wall was H feet high; did not think Lai the egcsvathiu' piled near Ibn wall

if us Sttfflctent lo overthrow It) I thought here was DO d.inger; saw il as late as II I'tlnck; the earth was not as high as the wall by 2 feet. The question as to tbe

(ely of th" wall wan never presented m. By si yelling shown from extetlor

il apptared to be a solid wall; ir solid It .aid bsve borne 6 liaus the pressuie

upon It; tbe summit or the earib altir tbe uccldenl was 11 or 12 fuel Jr> m the

t 11 o'clock mat morn In,', the dl agalnnt the wall was about 4 feet high above the level ot the sidewalk; went ihjreaia p. m.. the ecoldinl; re- iny iBBtrBClloss from agent Sloan to Uke plass fiom tbe architect snd Isy cut Ibt work of ihe bulldlig of the bouse

l wan done properly; did FSBlf about Ihj matirla der another bend; utyer tiliU ff1 a sign that the nay »; If it bad occurred to me ; ol dirt w i" dangerous I c the dill piled there wall and dun'i know that

there were cracks In it; If they hCsa to any considerable, extent. I would have noticed them.

Frank H. l>ojle, foreman bilck mason for ibe Pacific, testified i The egcavatloi weie matte under my direction; there were no special I'trecilons where the dirt whoulil be placed; never exatui.ied tbe

■ |t was B ten inch arned .since It w:t-

laid In line; had It been a Bt.llt* wall, as it indicated, Il won.d hold 6 limes tbe pressure. Had desisted from healing dirt there on tbt: risturday previous to tbe BCCldoOL Was in New Hsmpshire buying brick when Tba nearest pi to the wail win fthont

Bernaul McDonald, girl kii.ed ouirlgnt went from her gramlu




CAVKS LABOn, TIMK wnd BOAT AMAZ- JNtil V. anil Kites universiil antlsfactloBL >'o family, rich or pt»r should bo without It.

SoldbyalUlrocors. BKWAtlEof liullatlona well desigtu-lto mhlefi'l. PEAHLINK Is tbe OSI.Y HAFB labor saving com)KHirid. an/ ■I ways benrs tho above arttibol, and name of

J1HK.S rVLIC. NEW YORK. •i Irow IV ft » *t

Mason & Hamlin Organs. Kew illnstraled cat altirrm* (40 pp. 4L>)

for season of IR83 •♦, including many new styles; the best assortment of iho best and most attractive organs we have ever offered, and at lowest prices, »23 to icoo, for cash, easy payments or rented. Sent free.

Nhson & Hamlin Pianos. I mil in-ir.i* new and Important 1m-

fiTt ements aibling to power, beauty of ton aud durability. Circular* sent free,

Vaion ft Hamlin Or^au & Piano Co, 1 r, : Tri'iii'M't Mn.'l, 111.ston.

TOrvlPKINS&MANN, Successors to





LIVER By taking Wrtglit'a Indian Vegetable Pills, which clonnso tho Bowoln, ptirlfr tho Blood, and fc>- carrying oft aU obstructions en"uro healthy nnd vigorous action to t'je Liver.

E. FERRETT, Agent, 371 I'liiil It, Tievr York.


«.u,in'.' i-i M \".| Paints, all eolots AxleUresae, Sruli Kool Oil,

tn;ve tm, It irk-tn nl all sizes.

Hws'ws X ParanineOil i'i.N,nio.. Wax. ratty,

P as er Pa/is. FoUeh. l*i. i ■<• H:»no. Paris lirecn, Pain itru-lea. Pap^r Pails,

Dtlorideor 1 'me. It ililier Wagon Springs Ki In.

'.t-i. lefoip

nippers, wooilen lor horses and oat lie,, Sulphur, out] I Paperi

Sawln.'-MirlilneOil, HetHe rails

forest Ititei Uad. Tar, Wooden Plrpers, Wi'ilturlil-M, Water Palls,

idl II uiize. Whitewarh ftruihes. WaurasMB i»osi'.

s, « In'-Oil Soap,

<«[ onrn", all tint" Tu'w Color*,

rr.AJL MAitrt TUB UreatriAO, English ileme-

" .*■ -^ dy. An uniail-

S|iermAt- orrlma, Im po- tency, and all

- that

qnence of Hell - ,!FBBt TAtmO. AbUBe;aasOBa»FT"l T««l»* if Memnrv, Untveraal Lassitude. Pain In the Back. Ihiui'M oi Vision, Premature Old Age, aii<! in .II v other diseases that lead to insanity or .-onsumrdion and a Premature Urave.

lie ware oi tbe advertisement* to refund money when drutcaists irom whom tba inedtelBB U bought do not refund, hut refer you lo the man uiaciurers. anil ihe rexulrements are such that ii.-. are seldom. If ever ootnplied with, MC tin ii

wr'lten guaraniee. A trial of one slng.e packairo oi Uray's spec I tic will convince the most skepti- cal oi it real merits. On a"enunl ol'< onslerl ells, wa hava adopted IVe yellow wrapper, the only smiiiMi

are-Pnll particular* In our ;.amphlel, wplch we desire to send Iree by mail to everyone. •aT-TheSpecin- incticlne Is sold by all druggists at SI per package, oi six packages for So, or wilt be sent tree by mall on receipt ol Ihe money

Sold In La w re nee al KKLLKV'S DRUG STORK,

dwly ol6 Poai Offlea Bio

Why The Reason The "SEAL of NOKTH CAROLINA"

PLUG CUT Is the favorite SHOKINO TOBAOCO ofconnofs- senrs. Because It ts the Beat. It la selected with the greatest care tram tho best Tobacco grown lo tiranville Cennty, North Caroltni,

ml sroHru AWAY TWO YKAHK before It la nnoi tciir. ■'. Fur ssle by all dealers. MAItllURQ I1KOS., Mitaiifrtftureni.


*W/, Jf

addre** Dr.

REMEDY Tnr the Cure or Kidney ami I.I ver inm. l.laliiia, Constlpwtlasi, nnd all dlsordsra ai i-'i ri.r from an impure stats of the BLOOD,

~~ i wi.mpu who suffer from any nf tho ills to their sex It is an unfailing friend.

IsU. One Dollar a bottle, Kennedy. Itondout,K. Y.

AflllMi KAILKOM) MEM Populnrlry tinil I'sefnlneas of Dr. Ken

nedy'a Knvorlte Kemeily.--A Thril- ling Letter H'"ii. It Mastpr

3IrH'llHIlll'. Hastir Mechanic r ar.dSup't's 'mice. Lowell ReparSsepscii ibe noaton a I.ownti R

in t|uantltieS«t6's'u(tat.U'ow cst Marlcet'-prlccs.

IQVpy.iry Street -LawrnVtc


Ktwlhen for \'»r.. 1 eh.. rfully glvw of my name. I" H-Ainc ilml many who

I did will ho cured l.i tour wonderful J. .\. ItllWn.l., r.rcutii-ood, S.H.

. H. V-ETHKHKLI.. Iliutglat ACUemlat, EXKTER, N. II.

Price, |1.001.. r I...U1-. fit l...ttl. . for g'.OO. MH.» 11V Alt. PwegiHg.



kf«Vwt*l|f jmi CoriMi, front which iho excesa Oil hna lee n removed. 111. —th r rlasss IA* tlrengtk of Cocoa mix wlih Starcb, Arrowroot or Hugsr. and Is therrfors fur inuru economL col. It Is .!■ .;■ ■ -I", nourishing, itrcoicilii IIIIIL;,! ii-Hy digested, and ailmlri.hly rulapted for IUVHIIIIB as

its lu health.

told by (irorers everywhera.

to., Miter, Mass.

; by

a accident occurred t or the cellar t icayated

be islher n( the si ,U id : My girl burs shout i or s

mioatea hefore the accident. He pathet- ically related his appearance at Ihe scene, kn<» Im * beside his IllUi gl«'< "1«d uody. lie "I SUt I juipei tor

ient U sgasd i edie

try sometbing now ami rational, bas arowo much leas since the discovery of Alhlophoros. bSSIS' lng how ll was discovered, snd bow teated lie l»re it waa offered to the public the theory of blood purification upon which It) cure* »n- baaed; ihere 1B inquiry lor Ufrosneveiy direction, and n deelre to secure the relief It af fords, wbicb Is as sorpnsmi aw U Isftsawiag* .

my mile dangbter.' Joserh Stone, euptrlntendeni ol tbe

lower l'.clnc, teetlflsdi All the wo.k done there is under my direct enpervlsloD. Am an engineer m-ftelf. Mai" ■"«" ■>"»'• arecoiBpeteulineii In Ibelr departmenU-. Neyer had any accldenl While they we e In charge. Have seen ibe wall several times; It bad tbe appcarai solid wail; aa a solid wall wlthbeldSori; timei lb" I ihrew It. Wish I knew w the wall; my Impre Cbftpla built the Wftl.l a I de red It an unsafe w Ihere HI hours; we Ir there aa a street w bouBd*ry (or thu pren.



I HAIR BALSAM ^rgflbaaaw AbeneSeUIA '


■:,.:..:,s Ililr the i "nl i. r..i I .'l-.r •- prevents dandrull and

■ ■ - ' iV !. .ir.


READY MADE PAINTS SKSfSaa SPRINGFIELD. MASS etasuplr (irds luriilaked agss appllcattea


Salesroom 286. in.-ti Street.

Residence, 285

', Ijr.imi 1

Corns Must Go.


.. favorite prescription oT one Of tbt tncMt noi*l and sticnuiiul .o" lallsts In the V A In.iwreilri-d, n.r the cure . I Vertvwa IfbilUv. JLi>«» .W-fHAiBtMl. ?»>•».■«eaaai.rtfSrewi/. l--nl

— ■ iiiejVc*. liruKttUlscautiH - Addrvt* OR. WARO A CO.. Loui-itna, Mo, TwiJ IHS

i ot being a it won d have

pressure which t.xn constructed | i>,.|.n n Is tbat Mr. ilic Pacific con- It wonld not be dad to keep tt and permanent

Sl'joe brlitl, atlvlressed the lng alao eonrt to the effect, tha'. the I'aclae cor-

poraiion in Ihi light ol tbe evidence, was not liable.

William Forbes, plumber, tesllfltd: OB




An old Uaaker remeny tnnt hns done more to relieve nuiTerloK biininnlty thisn nil other medicines eombtoed.

Tlienv relelirntetl IHItera are com- posed of choice Hoot a, llertis nn.l »»»rh» »monR whlclii.roIJciilliiN.W'irsi.piirlllii, Wild Cherry, I landed Ion JualpWf arm other berries, ? nil urn so prepared aa to retain all their medicinal tonalities, and win cure (feefallowing complalnu.

I n -p. I'-ii. JsuDcUes* Uver * om- nlahitB, lioss of Appelltf, Headni-nea, itni'.iis Attacks, S liter Complaints, IMIi-s, Klilnev niaeiisea, feinalf llim- raltles, l^nsUntle, Low Spirits, OsBsrwl |>el>lllty, ami, in lait,evervlhliii(--aMse'i ,y an Impure state of the l*loo<l *r 'le- -anBerl condition or the Wt arh. Liver ,,r Kidneys. lite lined find in Ounker Itlttera a jr.entle, soothing, iUmuiesja, ao .1. -ir.l.if In their declining: yea"-

They »rc iwonimenrtert HB«I »•*» »j eminent phyalclana Mntl tlcrgjnien.

No one need aiinVrlong from jagfs. i«- ease If they will use Quaker HH they elTet't loll. "

,- be, B other r crllea they will cure Ftufterer, try them

you; they have cured thous.—'j' * For anfe by all dni«l«la »ml'leajWrs in medlclnea everywhere. "■ bo«le j six for »5.

dwjm aps

Price *1 per

FIRST NATIONAL BANK,Corning, Iowa ritelcc Klrwl .llsrlnmcit m clio lien' Psrming iVtn.-te IU low*. Mi—"in. Ksu-assn.i N.M^n,

SsarfsiEivt YEARS' 'EXPER¥MC'E !■"»»"« Wiii';-;,:'-,;, vtj,!.u,'-A,.,i,.v:-- In oar tloti* In Irfwinlna. HMK! for circular a.viiiM luil |.art.c il.i-.t- tJ loan-, referemw. et,-.

!TOi.SJ"',.':iC,,r'vi';'''j',',(:!,'!riY.: t'UABt. N.iuios.c.-li'r L^' l_ liiiiaott.l'rut't ,,*'«'*••*•»,■*.m S.TIOI.,L'i.'kHai*, lu'laa*

eo.lly|tai A

Do not forffet when you are in

Want m Silverware, Poll cry,

Lamp*, Paper UanglnjEsor^VlH* dow Shadee, that the Largest AHsortnient can always be found

at E. A.FIHKKS, 275 Essex St *Uyl

MOTHERS! LOOK INTO Till: ill nil •- OF TUB

SOLARTIP SHOES! KI^VIVIV.TI'H'VVR-.! In .IMINLV, sml jnurYu-y* will I* |le*H>l. tvons aetioiiia atthoiit lr..l.'-nisrk slid" J..un A('o"nn lacti pair. lleHiire ol l,.ill...ii..,i> .i. 'i

f n.ime* sounn i J ntoirar to f SnlarTif. I'M* 1(1: l-sil blMITIUS'l'lll Mi. ill.

-:H,f.r ili'i >!'• n. amid na «o

LOANS Honiiroil l>v


F. SHERWOOD & CO., ST. Paul, Minn, erenec*. Sv. Ksrrcnui. Una, Hi. Pass an

| ODHL Pan

a Cor furiiicV'tcir

i od a 1 y o (at ao


Anakesis'fiS",,am"i''is l-iiee 11, at drumtota, or

lBkcrs.UoxiSsl8MiwVo '

UFFERER hn Tnnthfnl lnirni'lenc*, ciniioi


% a •saw


NAVAL ta^iSSL.. *^,r- . ...■.'■',

' nsiwWIWlf.lUH >Mi-w

•• lii wk gSSlHag bit. BSBSlAsv|M**siii l.lktr.d mint wl **«««« ♦ ic s»«. m v., ISSB9SH

INT <■ rKKNL.ll AND (iBKMaS e the m.ihi (.|.-|ii,ntn y tain. It 1- cssily

tti'iinci ami re<|iiire o> piasters or bandages.

The (ieniPne Is 25 Cents. F it- Sale at nil Drug Stores.

Rewaro of w .!■■■,. imllaiioDs. Oep-iis In Lswreno*:-A. P. Ordwav A Co.

cor. rl-oi-lwav ant K«sex Sireet. Edward B Kellev's Drug Utorc. P. O. Bjgefc. deodi •■ p]

LINOLEUM C H Pepper's celebrated Floor Cloth

for '!'... Iltl, «| oilier iluor cover I flgnjeil patterns, w

Il le made of plalDanil in ..].i i .le hoidera, sad

tor I'nnok rooms, i, offices, ■Meet, etc,



NtlW .iiKi. HI1IKKH: t:il!i and 1321 Broadway.

Wanted Canvasser* i In this e in 1

ottity •Sen

nrscry Slock. Steady _-'! Ilesirahle rml'loyiuenl

,\t t.(ii)I) WAfvKK- Kiprienoe In ihs liusiness not re<|tiiied. Nnrserles widely

n I favorably known. For term* address The C. Li. VAN IJt'SKN Nt'KSKKYCO..

Geneva, sf. V. V.IY Do«es Nurseries eslatilished 1839 A'au stjjg st wholesale,

eon w 1.1lmar»

HOLIHAN & CO.. Wholesale and Retail

GHoOCEK<S 411 and