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'£ lie>rence ^Cmerican AKD


Published Friday Mornings bj

GEO. S. MERRILL k CO., Proprietors,

POST 1)1 Hi-i. DLOCB,

OOrftor of Essei end Anploton Streets


HUBSCKi: TIOK — iiuo per year (n udmnot; If not in advance, #3 (0.

Tbe otrouUtton of the Lawrenoe Amerl- oan la the luitit or any paper in tbo

Uouaty, end more than FOUR TIMES that of any other

Weekly Paper publUhod In this oity.

ago- Kates of Advertlslogeeat apon application. AUDOVES AB"V*SiHwX8BiIt. r^

^SThe SWj American,

EVERY EVENING (Bandar eaeepted,)

la the largest Daily la the city, aad has few Uatee the atreBletloB of nay other.


One Tear, • ■ ■ »4 00 | Biz Months • - II When not paid In advance, AS.


rmm AMmu i cA A

STBAM PRINTING OFFicr- la the lergast aad meat tboroaghiy raraiahf a ■«. aaatern Mastaohusctii. Havuag ike aaoet Improved ■oderafrauaa.utdwltheoailaataddltloatortl #

NIWIIT awiae or TIN,

and with oar exteasivs variety oi work, ti ar(

aelaiofaraiah tha B>»t Qaallly of Wort.anpadl tioatly, and at low prices. Ordtra by me promptly fllled,


VOL. XVII.—NO. 32. LAWRENCE, MASS., FRIDAY Y 3, 1872. WHOLE NO. 861. ft1

Hal. I will teat the quality of the CWHt'i

affection Tor my friend. If he la ton to

her he ought not to compliment AM In thin fasLlon. Strange that thU IcaWaeu-

late Count forwhom I have had aaeta rev-

erence, should stoop 10 lowas to practice the arti of courtship with any etn but

his betrothed. Perhaps It la all a Joke,

and he Is making fun of me. I etta/lta-

bly hope he Is for dear Grace's sake. But woe be to him If he jukes with or faults

me; I will upset his dlth with Grace, and will hunt up evidence of further perfidy

and sweep him oat of the country.'

Beside Grace 1' echoed the Coant to her remark. 'Jsfii petit* ami; belleTe me,

I am more happy to bo beside yon 1'

Pretty talk for an engaged nan I You

are falthleia to Grace 1'

But you compel It; how can I help

my sentiments towards you !'

By being honest and high principled, and keeping your vows to my friend. I

am nothing to you.'

Ah, Dora, but while I admire her, I adore you.'

'Such language to me I You are mak-

ing game of me. You plainly think me a

fool. Just now you called me little,—a

term of contempt; I am not so very small.'

'Your size Is perfection; It it the little

lady that I admire. You may remember

Juan de-Hetta's poem on this subject, my nomme fa-plume.'

My memory Is poor for poems.' replied

Dora. 'I do not recollect It. Can you repeat UP'

With pleasure,' said the Count, hla

magnetic gaze on Dora as be rehearsed, with the Intonations of a master:— "Tin' akylnrk aad the nightingale, though mall

and light ol WIDI,

Yet warble eweeter In the grove than all the blrda lhat sing.

And ao a little woman, (boogh a vary little thlag, I* eweeter far linn anger, aod flowers (hat bloc m

ID Sprier. Tbere'a nought ean be oompared to her throughout

the wide creation. Bo enaugeful, fay and bappy, ao free from all vex-

Tbose are my sentiments, what do you think of them V

*I think you are teasing me!* replied Dora, amused and vexed.

O no, ma petit*. I am In earnest; I

really tblnk you are of faultless size, fea-

tures and complexion, my beau Ideal of a woman.'

'That sounds doubtful,' aald Dora,

biding; her disgust; 'and how am T to

understand It? You are dreaming that 1 am Miss Gynn, or you are rehearsing

your leaaon.'

•Not ao, ma rherc, I admired yon the moment I saw you, and I looked upon

my engagement as moat unfortunate, since it might separate me from the com- panionship of the moat cb arming o, mor- tals. Pity me, dear Miss Dora, advise

me, take me kindly under your protec- tion.*

'0, yon prince of perfidy I' exclaimed

Dora, shocked at tbe result of her exper- iment. 'You are tbe same as married to

my Grace. At this rate you'll prove

yourself a monster 1'

'1*11 prot'Ot you and defend you with

my heart's blood, If need be,' replied tbe

Count, heeding not her words. Trust me, I shall ever wear your Image In my

Inmost heart. I may marry Miss Gynn,

If I moat, but you shall ever be nearer

and dearer than ahe ean be—than a wife

can be! And, ma petite, I will lavish my

heart's love and my fortune opon you, If only you will permit me.'

-You old Turk!' Indignantly thought

Dora; 'I'm thinking It's little I shall al-

low you to give me!'

'Do you know that I am engaged to

Mr. Cameron, the noblest man alive, and

that we shall soon sail for the Eastf

'The fates forbid I Why do you goT le

your afflanccd a mercbantf*

No; he Is a clergyman; he goes to

make his murk In the land that needs a thousand apostles, as a missionary; I

shall be bis assistant. I shall give ap

gladly tbe Idle life I have, led, and settle

down to usefulness.'

Let me advise yoo not to go,' said tbe

Count, sinking back. 'You'll be sluk and

die- All delicate women do, who go on missions to those barbarians. It Is fool-

ish to throw away such a beautiful life.'

After this tbe Coant was more reticent. Dora had silenced aud disarmed him by

her avowal of ber engagement to a man

who planned to live unselfishly and with

a noble purpose, and of her full sympa-

thy with such a life. As they rode home In tbe twilight, lit-

tle was said. Dora felt pained for Grace, and hoped she would bold fast her sus-

picions and 'ship* the false man, for thus

be had ptoved himself In bis conversa-

tion with ber. Before ahe slept, she made a confident

of Mrs. Byington. The-good latly was

shocked, and yet calmly said :

'I am persuaded that Grace will not

fall a victim to that man; ahe pray a too

much, and la too cool and discriminating

for that. This has been a "made match," —not of her free choosing. But your

testimony la Invaluable; write ber Imme- diately!'

'Yes, nuntle; I'll do it this very night.' TO ■« OOBTIBUKD,


Tbe BEST PLAOK In tbe oity to bay jonr

Seed Oate,

Spring Rye,


Buck Wheat,

Fodder Com,

Herds Grass,

Red-Top,- " Clover, Hungarian, Millet, and Orchard Graea Seed,



345 and 347 Common street.

Beat FERTILIZER in the market,

E. Frank Coe's Super Phosphate.

We have atio on band a line lot of





34?) St 347 Common at., Lawrence.


FRENCH FLUTING. Why Bend your DRXBS r-'I.UriNd (which

will probably be worn more than ever ttale aeaaoo) to Boston, when yen ean have It made aqua ly aa well and cheep, and much quicker, by

atiae A. 8AYWARD, Also, STAMPING for Braid Embroidery and

Initial Lettara. mbw

333 Essex St., Lawrence, (up stairs.)

"An ounce of prevention « worth a pound of cure!"


,H your blood, la poor, If tbe eonvteaanoe li pallid, if yon feel weak aad dlalnellned to exer- tion, try


Tttlbol'e Iroa Tonic will do yon good,

la yonr appetite poor I Ton need


Are yon Iron bled with Indigestion t

Talbot'i Iron Tonic will help you.

TALBOT*8 IRON TONIC Is selllof largely all through Haw England,

Read what reliable apotheoarlea say :—

Mewbnryport, Maaa„Jnly 1,1171. Afetrrs. Tatbot Bro's t— Having disposed of a

considerable quantity or yonr Iron Tonic, and hearing from (hose who have used It, of Its food affects on the system where tueh an article u re- JHired, I deem It no more than Justice that yon

lonld be anorlaetd of lu favorable reoeotlon In (hlepleoe.

Respectfully yours, Apothecary.

Newburyport, Mats., Joly 17,1871, Hasans. TALBOT B no's:

OentUmtn • I find tint yoar Iron Tonic hal In every ease ilven entire aatlifactlon, and the In- creasing demand for It la due, 1 tliluk, to the fact that all who have need it recommend it to their friends; and 1 can trnly say that It i* one of the best ankles I aver sold for reatorlDg the debilitat- ed ayitcm to lie aatural lone.

Yonra. truly, 6. A. JfcCOHNELL, ApotlifC.ry.

TALBOTS IRON TONIC la sold all ever tbe eoaatry for One Dollar a bottle; six bottles for Five Dollars,

Call at any of the Lawrence Drof gltta for It,


Lawrence, Mass.

Boarding Bouse lor Sale. Inqalre at 180 Common Street. Tarn I tu re aa It-

able to keep forty boarders, and bas been gaod only three year*. MRS. Will rKHOL'SK.


CHARLES V. JACKMAN, Dealer la all kinds of



Jad Opposite Talbot'i druf store.

E. a. YATES, H. D.

PHYSICIAN aV SURGEON, Office,—307 Essex street.

Corner Lawrence street,

Residence, 103 Concord St., Lawrence.


To the Public of Lawrence,

Tbe undersigned have ths honor of Informing their frlenda and the pabllefemrally,that they have taken chambers In

ftannders New Block, Essex street,

for tbe purpose of carrying on tbe business ol MKHCIIAXT TA1LOBB, where tbe beat Clothe, Caahraeree, Testingi, Ac, will be always on hand, and every attention given to the Latest Styles or Custom Hade Clothing, under the li mediate supervision of JOSEPH ILOOD, late Of the Orm of Savage ft Flood,

Yoa are respectfully invited to give ns a call.



Chambers, 1,2 & 3 Saundors New Block



AWCell and eee this In operation, before yon bay any other,




Lawrence street, Lawrence.

Opposite Police Station.

Washing Machines by Other makers, bought aeldorexchaa |*d. nthl

ISthe HXmevicaii. I Written for lha LA W HINCK AKWICAK, I


Tale of the Herrimaok Valley.



rioihiriK, Hat, Cap tic I'iirni«h-

iag Goods Store,

No. 10S Essex Street, Lawrence.



Jjarfor tbe next so days I shall lelloil our aid stoek at FMMT LOW PRICES.

Vests, fl.00 to (t.r.o Hats, SO to l.oo Caps, 50 te 70 Tlea, 10 to S>



A CARD. Thankful for put favors, Mr. Hurnhatn would

be happy to eee bis old friends at mhta 103 Essex street, Lawrence.


PIANOS. The undersigned having scoured the agency ot

this lastly celebrated piano (recently In charge ol Mr. r. Zachtaatan) for the Hew England States, begs to Inform the public that they have taken elegant end pleasant rooms In tbe STUDIO MVILDIlfll, Boom 110, No. 110 Trrmot*t ■ treat, atostan, where they will offer a full stock of alt etylea of thla piano for eaih, or on easy (emu of payment Piano stools and covere In various etyles. Old IHanot taitn in aehangt for aew oaee. Pianos repaired, tnoed and to let,


"Buy He and I'll do yoa Good.*' DE. LANOLKY'd

BOOT AND IIKIM BITTEB9. ThU medicine Is, without the possibility of a

doubt, the verv best lemedy kuewa icr tbe fol- lowing and all kindled diseases:—/wAUftefcw, (,V>sMvea«,«. lAwtr Ctmptttnt, Pitt; JUeodarA', Heartburn, DytptpHa, DfesfsMSt, Bero/kU, Halt Rhtum. Languor. Lm*lnt*$, MUlUp, JmnndUe,

' ow, Foul Httmiuh, rjc. t tsar IT nse of Uila medial ne, the blood Is

tbe'ap'pellle ti" _.. mgtbened; the lies. .. breath is sweetened; (he oomplexlon IsLeautl-


Road tbo following Recommendations: We, the undertlgned el llians of Lawrence aad

Methnea,are pleased te say we have used II ALL'S

LITTI.K WASHKB In our families, and eaa eh fully recommend it as an Invaluable machine. We wonld recommend every family to purchase a machine, aa It la sure to give aatlsfacUon.

JamaaO. Parker, J.W. Frederick,

Miller, Hufus Kecd, J. II. Brown, Hoses Proctor, U. r . Talbot,

n, T. Clay, Grinaesft Woodbiry. Thomas Webb, Joseph Moracbe, Jr.,

A.L.Uale, A. Smith, y. Saunders, D. Pi-ree, Ueo W. Butlers A.K.Kent, John Hltchcil, J. O. ItmcrsoB, S. A, Harvey.

O. M. Fellows, M'. D-" kL B.' FOBS.

Leave ordere for Machines at Oale A Freder- ick's, Methueuj A. A. Lamprey A Go's, Urimea A Woodbury's, J. D. Kdeoa'a, Lawrence. Smfele

J. SEELY, Agent, Hetbuen.

paeided; tbe eppel atreagtbeaed; the liver I breath la aweeteacd; (he oo» fled; aad the general health IS

RESTORED. The best Root,. Herbs aad Barks enter Into the

competition of this Hemedy, making It a almple aad safe, aa wall aa an unfailing care for all dla- eaaes of the blood.

U*0. C. GOODWIN A CO., Bo-ton. For sale by all Dregglsls. leHmblab


Paper Hangings AND

Room Mouldings, run TUB »axT

a O IJ A V H , AT


363 Washington street,

«StaehtlBb BOSTON, Mass.

MISS H. B. FIELDING wishes to Inform the Ladiee of Lawrence aad vicinity that ahe has jast received ail tbe New Spring Btyles trom New York, and Is BOW ready to anecate all orders lor DlIBBSMAAIBa at her Sssati, 301 Baaex Street, Lawrence.

av-Partleaiar attention peld to Cwtllwa; and Ftsslwt; Ladles' aad ChUdrea's Dresses. Haw Style, received from Maw York every week.

A liberal share of patronage solicited, with thanks for pnet favors. laWspU

Hiss a. U. r it v K Will opea tbe 1st of April

Spring Styles Bonnets ft Hats la Straw, Chip aad Leghorn. A complete snort ■

Parla Flowers and Feathers. 228 Essex street, (up one flight.)

Third door from the Post Oflloe, aad opposite ImVapd Phillips' trimmlag store.

~ IOB OBBAMT Ths subscriber will attend to the ssansfaetare

of loe Cream during the present season.

FAIRS AND PAItTIES SUPPLIED at short notice, and satlsfaetlon gn area teed, or no charge made.

Ice Cream Glasses f urnWhrd parlies and fairs. iimaplS ABA J. LKIINEI),

120 East Haverhill St., Lawrence.

United states Carriage Co., Manufacturers of


and Deilers la




H.W. MOULTOM, 1'rest.

D. O. QUIMBY, Clerk. Smijss

XO LET, Essex Hall,

(ovre POST OFFICE,) Teeaday, Friday Jt Saturday Evrnlngs.

laqalre of Hall Committee,—J. H, MO BOAR, i* TrVmoat Btreet, or SAMUEL BOLT, Janitor, at Court H oase. tff fe 10

Second Hand FURNITURE. The subacriberi have taken rooms la Oral way

Black, BS7 JTeaes, Hrtt, where they will He- palr and Bay aad Bell Beoond Band FBraltura and houirholii Brtleles. All orders promptly at te ad ad to, and goods sold at auction wbe*- disired. HILL A CO.

Uwrenoe, April 10,1IT1. tl

SUBURBAN HOME maasa FOB BALK—A two and a half story IJTiri House, wllh B 0B* story ell, ooDUlnlBg Be eel ten rooms and ample closets. There Is as aaaaeas excellent cellar, and good water. A mod- ern built Bam Is upon the premise*, that cost A7C0 to build. Tbe lot contains more l\on half.— acre. The properly is eligibly situated en 1'Iei ant street, Clover HID, (distance ten minutes

■if •





■btl Residence, No. li Oak Btreet,



cj BE trrand old Herrlmac

"*" la ever ponrlnc lu sur- plus wealth of waters,

nine hundred feet across,

over the dam thirty feet

down upon the Jagged

rocks that make the riv-

er's bed. The world's

Jubilee mljcht envy or

Imitate, but never excel thla melodious 'voice ot

many waters.'

Ou the bridge which epans the river,

near the cataract, stood the Count, as If

llatenlng to, and gazing at tbe wonderful

river. If he had a heart for majestic

aong, or an eye lor acencry, he muat

have been charmed. But he had other thoughts; his mind was lu a turmoil; he

had written Orace that he would visit

her at ber aunt's bouse thla very (lay.

She had received his letter, and Instead

of waiting for him, bad takeu a little

child borne with ber. He learned this

from one of the servants; Mrs. Byington

was out. Full of wrath at the prospect

of being baffled In bla cherished plan of

securing Graoe and ber property, lie ab-

ruptly left the house, and wending his way through street after street, paced up

and down the bridge. Could It be that

hla feint of ambassadorship liad failed?

Be feared so, and that Oraoe doubted

him more than ever. It was not heart,

but pocket fear. Mercenary, like him-

self, he determined to make capital out of the John Brown and Harper's Ferry

tragedy; he would eomehow connect his

career with tbe weal or woe of tbe coun-

try. While planning the uext movement on

bla ensnaring chess-board, MB attention

was atlrscted by two men on tbe bridge, earnestly talking as they stood facing the

fall. It was a stranger, visiting tbe city, to

whom Mr. O'Connor was acting as guide

In showing tbe lions. As the Count approached them, he

overheard Mr. O'Connor saying to Mr.

Grey, tbe stranger: •It's meal!I'll nlver forget the perilous

time we had building this dam!'

•Why so?" asked Mr. Qraj. 'Became of the accident, sir, the acci-

dent 1* The Count, congratulating himself that

Mr. O'Connor did not recognize him, lin-

gered to listen. 'What accident?' asked Mr. Grey.

'It was In October, 1847,' replied Mr.

O'Connor. 'It's yourself must have seen the account, sir; the papers made great

sales out of the accident. I was one of

the workmen and will acquaint you how It happened with great pleasure. We

bad finished 300 feet of tbe dam on the

south Bide, and 100 feet on the north

side,' pointing lelt and right as he spoke,

'mid the water was sweeping over the

part that wasn't finished, five hundred

feet right In the middle, you perceive. Question was, sir, how to tlnUh theatruo-

ture. The water, three feet above Ita

usual level and rising rapidly, made It a

difficult Job. If possible. It must be com- pleted immediately, as the Bay State

Mills were nearly ready for tbe ma-

chinery, and tbo water power would be

needed as soon as it could be supplied.

•But how did you workmen menage to

build the dam, when the water was

rising F ■Well, sir, It was an expeilment; we

were driven to do it. Tbe power was

wanted In the new mills so badly thai

Capt Bigelow, the boas, thought he'd

better risk It, and we workmen strained

every nerve to please him, aud have the

dam built In time.' •If I could IK? allowed to give an opin-

ion,' said tbe Count, verging nearer, 'I

should say It was presumptuous^*

'Faltb, an' It was, stranger!' replied

Mr. O'Connor, scarcely looking at blm, 'but we waa driven to do It. Five hun-

dred feet to build In tbe midst of a fresh-

etl We could not work In the water, so we settled a coffer dam or a box of tim-

ber, In the bed of the river to keep away tbe water so that we could tmtld tbe un finished part on a level with the finished

part. Twenty workman of us had the cofier* dam in Ita place, and braoed as tare as f<M prate, we were pot- ting down flash-boards, to raise the water

high enough to flow over the rtnlahed

part of the dam, and lave the old bed

dry. Capt. Blgelow was the chief engi-

neer, and Mr. L. M. Wright had charge of the wood work. They were helping

us with might and main, and planks and

planks were fastened to place. Up, up,

rose the water, almost high enough to

run over the finished wings, when all at

once, without a moment's warning, a part

of the coffer dam slipped way, and tbe

aectlou on which we were at work, rose

upon the surface like a cork, and away

we went! The rushing flood swept fif- teen of us In the midst of broken timbers,

thirty feet down upon tbose rocks!' •I declare!* cried Mr . Grey. 'All killed

but you, I suppose r'

'No, air; strangely enough, only two

were killed, two badly hurt, and three

slightly Injured!*

'So much for tempting Providence, as

the saying Is,' said Mr. Grey.

'It's mesllf belayed a kind Providence

took oare of tbe matter,' continued Mr. O'Connor. 'In half an hour after our

plunge the whole town had scrambled

down to the rtver-slde, for everybody

was on tiptoe to bavo tbe dam built, stBrt

up the great mills, and business, and

raise the value of property. In a half

hour, before we bad fairly recovered our- selves, robbed open our eyes and got our

clothes dry,—those of us that were alive

and well,—another section of tbe cofler

dam gave way, where thirty men were at

work when our break happened. Had

this gone when ours did, most of them

would have been killed, as they were

busy upon the framework tinder the

crest of tbe dam.'

'That was kindly ordered, certainly,' said Mr. Grey, 'since you would go

ahead In tbe face of Providence.'

That Isn't all,' said Mr. O'Connor;

'there was another Interposition greater

nor that. Sure, an' you remlmber tbe powerful rain up country and all around,

about that time, and the river was swell-

ing and roaring, and looking as grand as

the ocean In a storm. Next morning It

was a sight to see, sweeping like tbe great flood tbat it was, and we discov-

ered that If our coffer dam works bad held, and we bad poured this mighty tor-

rent over the wings of thedsm all tbe

lower part of the town would have been swept away In the darkness of tbe

night 1'

'The accident then was precautionary, and a most happ; one,'aald tbe stranger,

'since It saved life and property. How

true It Is that man proposes, and God dis-


'Faith, and you're right, sir,' said O'- Connor; then turning; to the Count, he

regarded him searcttlngly, as the stranger

was talking to a citizen who came up at

the instant.

'It's like I've seen you before, Jlst, or

gome of your friends t"

'What sir?' tuughilly asked the Count.

'Could I be ao bold as to call your name Burc.alrf*

'Hun! No, tbat Isn't within a league of

my name 1 I am Count Still.nK Y

'Bedad, but It's meallf could take me

oath you waa the father of little Mary

Burt, my wife's boarder, you favors her tbat strongly.*

'Never saw or heard of ber,' burst from

the truthful Count. 'You must labor un-

der a diseased Imagination or poor eye-

Bight, seeing resemblances where there

are none.*

'In troth, but it's mesllf Is nlver mis-

taken, and me eye Is keen as tbe eagle's. It's yersetf Is her father, dacent man, If

yer name la Stilling, and ye bez a Count.

The child Is sore alck at me bouse, the

day, with the Infantum cholery, aod

whose money Is to pay the bills, manf

'Nonsense!' shouted the Count, turn-

ing pale. 'If you've picked up a strange

child, and she's sick In your bouae, put her into the hospital where she belongs.

See here, sir, II yon don't quit insulting me I must band you over to the police 1'

and he moved hastily off, as If to execute his threat.

•Bedad, but two can play at that

game,' returned O'Connor, to the Count'a parting words. 'And Ita under arrest

yct'll be presently on the old score. It's mesllf will consult with tbe authorltiea

directly,' and with ihls threat, for which the Count was no wiser, he went bis

way. XXIX.


As the Count reached the opposite end

of the bridge, hi*- attention was attracted

by a jaunty little lady approaching,

whose airy motions and gay coloring seemed familiar.

The butterfly that happened to flit In tbe Count'a way, was our friend, Dora

Lee. He was the last person she expect-

ed to see, aa she thought him In Wash* Ington. Grace gone, and the Count ar-

rived. It was a new situation of affairs,

and Dora admired surprises.

'I am most bappy to meet you.'hesald, hastening to greet ber. In his Insinuating

style. He conld be when it suited him, "The mildest mannered man, Tbat ever ■muled ehlp or ent a throat."

Thank you,' replied Dora to his cor-

dial words, I thought you were abroad

and not to return at present. What a sur-

prise It will i'c to Grace.'

'Ah, yes Indeed. And you seem In the

same dilemma with myself—a little too


'Yes, sir, I had just reached auntie's, and finding Grace gone, and nobody at

home, camo out for a walk, and to amuse

myself till tea time. I am glad to meet


'Thank you. Miss Dora; It Is mostop-

portune. I am a lonely, sad man this af- ternoon. Great care, hard atudy, and

prets of bualneas bave worn on my vig-

orous health, and I came here for a few

hours' recreation, hoping to find Miss

Gynn. May I ask If you will accompany

me liia ride?'

'A ride, by all means,' answered tbe

piquant Dora, '1 never refuse a chance to ridel I will go for dear Grace's sake,

and do my best to atone for her absence,

since you are so much Indisposed, sir.'

'Ten thousand* thanks!' besmlngly said tbe Count.

A carriage empty from tbe depot was passing; tbe Count stopped it* and after

a few worda with the driver, assisted Do- ra In, warmly pressing ber little band.

Wnat does the man mean?' thought

she, as ahe took her seat. 'He Is abtent-

mlnded and takes ruo for his adorable

Grace. That hand-pressure was meant for you, darling Oracle, and tbe next

time I meet you I'll pass It over to you

with Interest.'

' Mu petite amfe,' said tbe Count, gazing

at Dora' admiringly, aa tbe hack rolled

away on the Andover road. 'It Is mar-

velous how you preserve a perfect com- plexion. Yours Is the happy blending of

pink and white, the true ciieur-de-rose.

Nature gives you that which others vain- ly seek In art.'

Dora was startled still more, and did

not admire tbe gentleman's taste in this

abrupt onalaugbt of compliment.

'Was the Count a faithless lover?'

'You are fresh from tbe blarney atone,

sir Count,'demurely replied Dora. 'Not so; but I am your sincere and de-

vout admirer, and bave long desired to

tell you so.'

'O, that's a great mistake, >lr; you are dreaming, and think yourself besldo

Grace,' replied Dora, scarcely knowing

what she said. Wbat did he Intend by

such words snd actions. Like the woman

of sense and principle that she was, she felt Insulted by his attentions, and wished

herself out of the carriage, rfhe would ask blm to return at once, and rebuke

him severely for such useless and per- nicious speeches. On second thought,

however, she decided to let him reveal

himself. It waa worth while to Improve

the opportunity of dissecting tbls man.

'Oraie plainly needs my help,' thought

she. 'My being bore most be provider

1&he ^mfmcaito LAWBENCB, FRIDAY, MAY :l, 1872

Be Kind.

World-weary lives (bare are, Bardauad with care,

Borrows on every hand, Darkaeae, despair 1

Hearts eraving armpalby Tbey cannot floil,

God oalf knows their pain,— To them be bind.

Lave, like lbs ana, ean slid Dark a loads of wee,

Flooding with pleeaent light, Allthlnga Iwluw;

Some eon Is ne'er feel lie wares Arms round tbrm wind,—

Oodplly suehl to them Bver te kind.

J >y wonld we find on earth t Help those la need

By some kindly feeltni


ft? a otiful, Wonld we be b

Level/, refloed? Pteaea ear tender Father ?

Let Babe kind. ■Any I. flKMIto*.

A lady who waa very submissive and mod- eat before marriage was observed by a friend to use bar tongue pretty freely after. " There waa a ttrue," he remarked, "when I almost Im- agined she bad no tongue." " Yea," aeld tbe bnabaad, with a sigb," bat U'g nry, wry long since I"

l&t-ttktg nVtw '3Br«pifie» ■ ATUBDAT.

Frederick Douglas, O. T. Downing aad other leading delegates to the recent New Orleans Colored Convention have arrived la Washing- ton} they claim to have received great iodlg- mltiea on all ths railroads south wait of Oloela- BAB; tbsy were refused berths, food at rail- road ratwaranu, and adnslssloa to any bnt smoking cars.

The homestead on Bnrnsloe Farm, a few miles from Albany, N. Y., was burned Friday morning. Five persons peril bed lu tbe dames; Charles Alien, aged 72, Mrs. William Yolmer and three children, aged -1,9 and U years.

Humors of a terrible disaster near Moan t Vesavlasare current in London. The reports aro tbat of a number of persons whoso curiosity led them too near tbe volcano, sixty were killed and wounded by a shower of lava.

John King, of Providence, It- I, waa drowned last night while rowing across the river. Ha leaned over to light bis pipe and o-t bis balance, falling Into the water. Efforts were made to rescue blm, bnt In vsin.

Col. Ward B. Lemon, Lincoln's law partner, has identified himself with the Cincinnati movement, and will use all bla influence to ae- ■nrs the nomination of Judge Darli tor the presidency by tbat convention.

Tbe Carllst troubles In Spain continue not- withstanding the measures of the Government to preserve traoqnility. The radicals are dally growing in power.

Mrs. Sherman, tbe Connecticut poisoner, waa convicted yesterday morning or murder la tbe second degree, sad will be sentenced to state prison for life.

An explosion of Ore damp cccarrtd at a Scran ton, Pa, miae jesterday morning, result- ing in tbe burning of five miners, who cannot possibly recover.

An oil train on the Hudson Klver railroad was consumed by fire ut East Albany, Friday afternoon. Sixty-Are barrels wars destroyed, valnsd at «30u0.

A man named Comy, an employs on the Maine Central railroad, waa aerionily Injured yesterday by being ran over by a band ear.

Ths Waiblngtoolan movement .In If alas has spread to Baitport. Tbe rum ibopa are all closed.

Tbe Coliseum at Boston la coarH of erec- tion, was layed in rains by t*ie gals yesterday.

Gold U2 I 8. and lit*


Tba two branches of the Boston city govern- ment are at a deal lock on the question of In- creasing tbe pay of tbe police force, the Com- mon Council being la favor, and the Board of Aldermen being Opposed to tbe increase.

No foreigners, It Is salJ, ware injured by tbe recent eruption of Mount Voauvlut I tbe fatal- iilea ward exclusively confined to the inhabi- tants of the villages, on tbe side ani at Ike base of Ibe mountain.

A bill prohibiting tbe employment of chit dren under fifteen in taetorles unless tbey hava three months schooling annually, waa killed In the New York legislature on Friday.

Ths Tichborne claimant waa 10 continue lha contest fer tbo estate; he thanks the public for past inbirrlptlom, and asks (or four thousand pounds more.

A liquor dealer of Watertown recently signed the pledge, took away his bar, and a few days ago mads a forcible address at a temperance gathering.

Frank P. Klmball, lets a bank commissioner In Naw Hampshire, died at Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Friday last.

Austria and Hungary hava decided to send dalogstes to the international Prison Coagress.

Miss Nellie Grant tbe Preildcnt's asngbter, was presented to Queen Victoria on Friday-

President Grant wai fitly years old on 8 ilnr-

d*T- ___ _


Tbe charming weather on Monday drew large numbers of people to the various churches. The sermons preached by tbe venous clergy- men lu the city were very diversified in char- acter as will be seen from the digest giveo.


In tbe forenoon the pastor, Rev. C.B, F'abcr, preached a sermon from Matt, all.—12 j " Wherefore It Is iawfnt lo do well on tbe Sab- bath day." Tbo euijorl suggested by the text was "tbe proper Improvement of tbo Lord's day," 1st, of the design of tbe Lord's day ; being 1st to commemorate the resurrection <" Jasui, tbe test fact of Curlstlanlty; 2 nl, a day lor rest; 3rd, a day for worship; l li, s day for spiritual UsiructloD; 5th, a day to lay up strength far the trials of tbe week; 6tb, a day for all holy charities and for aggresatvs work upon tbe ampin ol darkness and Satan. Sec- ondly I Tba best Improvement of tbe Sabbath ; lit, spend it la tbe worship of God with His people; 3d, in family worship and religious In- struction t 3d, fa efforts to reach those without the Influence of tbe Gospel by mission school., Bible reading, prayer, singing and instruction; 4th, In ministering to ths necessities of tbo needy; 3'-b, spend it In doing good to ibo bod- las, souls and lives of men; make It tba day to show love for men In trying to bring them nearer to God and Ood nearer to tbatn. Hon- est efforts to do good to all men will truly sanctify tba Lord's day. Tbe discourse was vary practical and able.


In Ibe forenoon the raitor of Ibis church, Rev, C- K. llaydon, who has rceenilr beco called to occupy the pulpit, and who Is certain- ly as able and as eloquent aa be was announce,! lobe, delivered an essay on the subject of ibe perfection of the laws made by God for tbe government of tbe universe, suggested by ibe Ttb vans or the xli. Psslm. " Tba law of tbe Lord Is perfect." Tbe points brought out were that tba laws which govern tbe natural world are fixed and unchangeable i that I bey were designed to be so; tbat if the designs of Ood wars frustrated by man God Is Imperrect; the foundation of science rests upan the Immuta- bility of i;,)d'alaws; lo belleva in the possi- bility of their balog changed was an evidence of a want of faltb In God. Tho discourse abounded In beautiful Imagery: it was preg- nant with thought, and gave evidence of a deep attention on the part ot the speaker to the subject. In the evening Rev. John H. Clif- ford, of North Andover, delivered a dlseourse on tbe " losufflctency of ibe church," being an answer to the sermon of the Rev. Mr. Park, of tbe Central Coegrsgailonal church, delivered on Fail Day. Mr. Park's sermon was first re viewed, after which It was commented upon at length, tho speaker taking a stand diametrical- ly opposite lo that taken by Mr. Park on the subject, llu remaiked of Mr. Park's sermon, tbal it was as facile la argument as It was ttsr- lie la*, and was a fair specimen of the general rhn of sermons preached by ministers holding similar views. The argu- ment of Mr. Clifford was tbat the world was In advance of tbe church, and tbal tbo church would never draw ibe world lo It; tbe world was the mountain aad tbe church Mahomet, therefore the church mnit go lo ths world.

Tbo discourse waa not very remaika-ile '» depth. The singing by the cbolr during (he day was excellent.

GBACR EriicorAL. There was as usual a large attendaoce at this

church In tba forenoon. Tbe Be v. Dr. Pack- ard occupied lha pulpit, aod preacbod a ser- mon from Psalm exxl.—V: "I will walk be- fore tbe Lord to tbe land of tbe living." The subject suggested was the duty of confessing Christ before men. The speaker took tbe ground that tbe Christian's duty was to show by his walk and cot. v rsatlon his high calling. Tbe conditions of salvation were repentance, faltb, confessing and a holy life. The subject was ably treated. CuXOKEOATtOKlL. The pastor. Bar. Mr. Park, preached the

forenoon sermon at (bis church from the test: Deuteronomy xxxll— 29i "0 that tbsy were wise, that they understood tbls, that they wonld consider their latter end." Tba subject was Death, end suggested tbe following points : Man's unwillingness to consider tbe subject ol death i the origin of death was sin: sin slays tbe race. It Is only for transgressors tbat wo die. Adam was the author of lite and death to tbe world. Tbe positive certainly of death; there Is no escape Trom it; It breaks down Ibe pn'sce or the rlcb, and tba hat of tbe poor. All the wisdom of ibe world cannot tell ibe time of death. To Ibe Christian tbo result* Of death are glorious; for blm to die Is to leave tears, panga, pains and woo, aad fly to tba Di- vine bosom. He referred at some length to the last hoars ot chrlstisns, showing that the glory of tbe eternal world frequently bunt upon than la the boar of their departure. Tbe con- gregation was large,


la the absence of ibo Rov. John Hogg, tbe pulpit at this place was supplied on Sunday, by Rev. O. M. Clark, of East Boston, who preached a sermon from the text, Joshua, xlv— Hi "He (Caleb) wholly followed tbo Lord God of Israel." The speaker referred at some length to tbe value of biographical literature; much instruction could be drawn from it, while it stimulated tbe reader to follow the ex ample of model man. He tneUnced sack men ai Washington, the old testament worthies, Abraham, Moses aod Jacob, but tbe Ufa of Christ especially was tbo chief example. Tbe history of Caleb, coald not, bo said, be read without benefit; he was lofty-minded and he- roic, and followed tbe Lord wholly. The les- son derived from hla life was: ttt; Following the Lord Implies ibo renunciation ol evil, lha forsaking of all sinful practical. 31; Forsaking all sinful associates, also all ungodly attach- ments; religion relates to the heart as well a* the lifts. We mn*t not only forsake evil, hat follow good. 11; This coarse will procure the appellation of honorable, and secure peace In this world; It will promote the glory of God, and rocare for m a portion In (be good land of which tbe Canaan which Caleb was allowed to enjoy was a type.


In the morning tbe usual services wera bald In thla place. J. B. Crosttey, who Is laboring as mhslonary in tbe neighborhood, occupied Ibe d«ik, the subject being 'Temptation," founded on Genesis III- 4, S. Sabbath School la the afternoon,—full attendance and excel- lent attention, lathe evening a praise moat- ing was hold. There was a good attendance both morning and evening.


Then Is no regular pastor at this church at preseat; tbe pulpit last Sunday was supplied by Mr. A. T. Clark, of Andover seminary, who is on trial for'the office of pastor, and who preached an excellent sermon from Psalms xxxlv-i;: "Tbls poor man cried, and tbe Lord beard blm, and saved him out or a'l hla troub- le*. In tho afternoon Mr. Clark preached a aetmon from Revelation 1—18; "I am be that broth and waa dead, aod behold I am alive foravermoro, Amen; and have tho keys of hall and death." Tha sermon in the afternoon bad •special bearing on tbe last clause of ths verse, "I have tbe keja of ball and death," aad tbe discourse was excellent for ao young a preacher.

UXIVKUAMBT. At tbe TJnivarsaliet church tba usual fore-

noon service wai despensad with, and Mr. Tolles, the Superintendent of the Little Wan- derers' Home, of Boston, conducted the morn ing exercises. Right of ihe "Little Wanderers' were present, and sang acveral piece*. Mr Tolles gave a history of tbe Home, which va established about seveo years ago, showing tbe work It bad accomplished; ths exert lies were vary Interesting. In ibo afternoon Mr. Tolles, with tba llitie ones, visited tba Lawrence street church, and in the evening the Elliot cbnrch, and conducted similar services.


Rev. W. 8. Siockbridge, of Gardiner, Me preached at thla church on Sunday. Hn Is on trial, and wo understand so popu lar tbat be is likely to be called. Owing to a recent cold, which baa affected bis throat, bis articulation I* not so dlailact as It would otherwlae be. II s subject on Sunday was, "Ptllowsblp with Christ," which was dlacouraud upon wlih much acceptance.

FIUST Barrier.

There wsa a very large congregation lo tbe morning. The Pastor, Rev. Mr. Pldge, selected aa bis text, tbo list and ild vorses ol the lOih chapter of Luke: "And Jssns answered and said onto ber, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many (blngs; hut one thing Is needful: end Mary hstb cboien tbat good part that ahall not be taken away from her." Tbe leaaon drawn Trom tbe text was ot (he superiority of spiritual over worldly minded- noes; Manba, careful as she was for tbe com- fort or ber soul, made not ao good a choice aa Mary, who sal at tha feet of Jesue and drank lo bis words of whdom. Manba was a typo of many Christian-, careful and troubled about so many worldly matters as to bare little time for cultivating the Christian graces and parity of heart. Watbootd raibor,l.ka Mary, choose tbo "one thing needfu1," that "cannot be tak- en away" from us.

At lb« close of ibe umal services tbe ordi- nance of baptism was administered to two new converts.


An able sermon was p'eacbrd fn the morn- ing by Rev. Dr. Barrows, now the rrgnlar pas- tor of thla church, from Nmubrri xlv. 21: "Out my servant Citeb, becaa'e he bad another spirit with him, and followed me fully, him will 1 bring unto the laod whereunlo be went, and bla seed shall possess It."

ST. Joim'a BrisooraL, la the abrence of Rev. J. II. Lee, tbe rector

of thla church, R«v. KM. M. (Justice, rector of St. Poter'a, Salem, prrached an excellent aer- mon from the text John xx. 27: "Then saltb he to Thomas, Reach blihcr ihy Anger, aad be- hold my hands: and reach hither thy hand, and thrust It Into my side; and be not faith led but believing." Mr. Gushes also officiated in tbe evening.


The usuel forenoon disco tine was preached by tbe Rev. Mr. Monger, from tha text: Acts xvil. —23. " For as t pissed by aod beheld yonr devotions I found aa altar with this in- scrlpdon, To THS ITXKKOWN GOD, whom therefore ye Ignorsntly worship blm declare I unto you." lo his discourse he said that dif- ferent nations Lai different conceptions or ibo duty. The habits of a nation Influenced tlteh conception of a supreme being; lha Athenians he said, on Paul's visit had almost arrived at a true conception of Uod as might bo seen from

Panl's address to them; tha discourse touched ably upon tha conception the Christian world had of (bo (rue Ood. The singing during tba day was as usnal of an excellent character.


Rev. Mr- DsWlit, (be revival preacher who has accomplished lo much good recently in tbls city, occupied the pulpit at this church during Sunday. His discourse In the forenoon was from Corlntblaos 1.2J: "If any man love noi tho Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathe- ma Maren-atba." There waa a large somber present, aod tbe discourse waa vary Impressive. In the afternoon tba sermon was from Isaiah xlv. 8: "Dropdown, ys heavens, from above, and let tha ikies pear down rlgbteOwoaaas; let the earth open, and 1st them bring forth salva- tion, aad lot righteousness spring ap ta«etker | I the Lord hare treated It.

Tba Catbolio Churches.

IMMACULATB Coioirrtoa. Tbe Rev. James Murphy ceiebratad Mats.

After Cemmunlon ha read tho gospel of tba Sunday, John xvL fl—is, and took fur his test the Stta verso of the same chapter: "And when he Is come he will convince tha world of sin, ef justice, and of judgment."

1. Preparation for Ihe Holy Spirit, A spirit of prayer; a desire for hi evenly things; aa ar- dent love of God and oar neighbor; tho con- st ant practice of virtus-

2. Sin. It banishes lbs Holy Ghost from our sou la ; It destroys virtues acquired I ll makes aa neglect oar dalles towards God and man; It severs us from tbo Holy Spirit, and unites at With the spirit of evil.

3 Justice. Tho faithful serving; of Ood.; tbe exact performance of our duty; good will and equity to our neighbor; God lha rewardcr of Ihe Juit

4. Judgment. Tho justice or Ood'a Judg- ments; tbo unjust Jodgmont of tho world; a pure conscience exculpates as In our owe mind, aad a pure soul before God.

Ho, In conclusion, made a summary of the whole discourse, and exhorted his hearers, in an eloquent and Impressive manner, to avoid the evils aud practice tho virtues to which he alluded, aud to lead holy lives before men, an- imated with Ood'a holy Spirit, lo bovos of fu- ture happiness, through Jcsai Cbtisi our Sa- viour.


Tbs usual mass waa celebrated In the fore noon, after which Rev. T, Fields preached a sermon from Bcclos. xxl—2; Ibo subject of tbo dlsoonrce was sin; showing the effects of sin on man, wbat anffiriagi and humiliation it caused the Bon Of Ood. Sin he salM, introduced death into (be world; Its effects wore seen In tha general deluge; In tbe destruction of Sodom and Gommorrabi in calamities occurring to flourishing cities la oar own days. How true the sal Ing, tho way ol ibe transgressor Is bard.

He exhorted parents aud others to Impress tho lessons tanght In these examples of the dire results of slu, upon those under their guar- dianship, and also (o consider such lessons for themselves. Ho urged bis hearers to fly from eln as from a serpent. Tbe sermon waa m presairo aod able.


Tbo Riverside Worklngmeo's Total Absti- nence Society have reorganlBsd, and will bold their first meeting on Wednesday evening, May let, la tho Riverside Chapel. We wish than God spaed In (be good work. May tbey have abnndant success.

Tbe First Baptist Sunday School ore to give an entertainment ou Wednesday evening. May Ttb, la the vestry of their chureh.

Tbo Unitarians will hava a social gathering on Ibo evealng of Friday week.

It Is a tores what strange coincidence that tbo pastor of the Haverhill street Methodist cborcb and tbe temporary pastor of tbo Presbyterian preached on (be same mi jec( on Sunday.

A temperance meeting will lio held la St. Mary's Catholic church on Sunday evening next at 7 :80 o'clock. Rev. J. P. Gil more has been very energetic In forwarding tbo temper anee causa.

Tho music at St. Mary's Catholic church on Sunday last was unusually excellent. Miss Walsh the organist, It earning an enviable reputation.

Tba boy obolr at Si. John's Episcopal, grow more popular each Sabbath.

The Sunday school of tha South Congrega- tional church gtvo a sacred concert on tbe third week of each month, and tbe gatherings are becoming vary popular.

The only churches without regular pastors at prasenr, are tho Free Baptist aad tbo South Congregational, and both bavo preacher* on trial.

Rev. L. L. Wood it at present on a visit to Ogdenaburg, N. Y., tba scene of bis former pastor aw, delivering a course of lectures, will return to morrow.

Tbe attendance at tbo Sabbath school of tba Sooth Congregational church Is Increasing weekly, and the institution is In a flourishing condition.


Thtt Brooklyn Divine Is somswhst

given to extraordinary utterances, but on Sunday morning, he Indulged In a criti-

cism upon the Cambridge Confession of

his own denomination, with even more

than ordinary snd startling freedom.

Tbe Globe has a full, special report of

tbls sermon, In which Mr. Beeeher's anathemas were directed against tbe Cambridge Confession of Faith, declar-

ing, among other things, that be would

prefer being an atheist than follow suob a faith,not withstanding he acknowledged a was tha faith of his fathers, gad the

foundation upon which waja raised tbe

stnretnra of tbo era*, at tbe New Eng-

land Congregational chutwhai. The most obnoxious clause in that confession

appeared to be the following, which the reverend gentleman read with a terrible

empbaals; " By the deoree of Ood, snd for the manifestation of his glory, some

men and some angels are predestined lo

everlasting ruin, and some are foreor-

dained to everlasting death." Ths pain-

fully Intense Interest with which tbe con-

gregation drank In the terrible words, wss hardly diverted by the criticism

whlob followed It, which wss simply,

" Tbat Is rather rough. Is It not!" He went on reading until he eame to tbe fol-

lowing: " These angels and men, thus

predestinated and foreordained, are fixed

loan unchangeable destiny; their num- ber Is certain and defined, and cannot be

Increased or diminished." "That la

whst you may call a tight fit," aald tbe

eloquent commentator. Tbe effect ol the vernacular waa Instantly perceptible.

The mental tension superinduced by (be effort of Judging If they (the Plymouth

Church congregation) were among the

predestinated and foreordained was

agreeably relaxed Into tbat Innocent

merry laughter cultivated In tbe Bethel. Mr. Beeoher added: " If I wore left to

choose between absolute Infidelity and

atheism, and the acceptance of a Ood

who has preordained and predestinated

an Innumerable host of 1ft* areaiures to torments, to pains, and to eternal death

for His praise and Ills glory, why, rath- er than accept auch an infernal deiiy 1

would bean atheist aud I would glory

therein" A murmur of suppressed upplanae fol-

lowed this bold prunuiicUmttnto Mr. Beeoher then turned to the sermon* of Dr. Blnney, preached from the same pul-

pit. In oueof which Dr. Blnney aaUl lhat

there were those sluing before him who

In the eternal ages should Buffer more of

tbe torments of tbe damned than the volume Af all that waa painful, all tbat

was dreadful to the souls then waiting In hell. Mr. Beeoher aald; "It la to a Be. lag like tbls tbat we say, ' Our Father.'

Why- If there were one soul that was predestined by Blm to Buob a hopeless

Inheritance of woe, I would say ' Our Fiend'—not' Our Frther." Tbose words

coming from a man who Is regarded by

his congregation with almost tbe ssme trust and reverence with which tliu an-

cient prophets Inspired their followers,

created tbe most Intenso excitement. It would be difficult to describe- tbe breath- less Interest with which every word was

watched as It fell from the Hpa of (he

great preacher. Th ■ sermon seemed

electric. The boldnesa of the words that Bought to overthrow what had been for-

mally declared to be the faith of the Cal-

vlnlstlc Church only ten years ago, would

seem heretical If tbe source from which

they Issued did not forbid the Idea.

THE IVY. Original.

I have a frlMid whose room, not far from mine, I aometlmea vtalt at theelotoofday, Of all 1 know, 1 bave no nobler frland, Nor one whose lire Is higher la Its aim; And often, in tha mellow, waning li«bt, We sit and talk of scenes sad ft leads of old: And be haa aometimee told me of his life. And many things lhat inhere have not known, And one., before I knew him wall, I eat Togeibar with falsa to tba Utila room fie called his slady, and my curious eyes Wm up Bad down «>lth wondering look, lo nolo Tha in 11 ■ urnameuls which earelul baada l|,n -i.r.a.l araund to baaullfr Ibaptaae; Until at leant" I narked upon tba wall A braekrt, baauilfully earved, whereon There atood a alendar vaaa of quaint design, From whleh there roa*, climbing along lha wall, A llnle Ivy, till at last It reached Tha (upmost celling, when It larned again, And ni mini down upoa lha other aid*, Hada a green bowsr of all tha window teal; And when I eald ll mads bla Hula room Thrice lovely, Iban be onlf stalled, aod said, " It Is a treasure (bat I value much,"

It'll afterward, whan I had known blm more, I learned tba atory oMhe little vlna; I l*arnad (hal on, who** ill) hand no more Will place the flowers ahe need to lova ao wall, rianttd with loving hand Iba viaa thai now (lad ellmbed around Ihe window. And bs loved To look upoo It, and to think of ber. It iK'ux-ii to him aa eroblam of ber life; For aa (he vine roae from lha slender vaae, Ho had ber life erlann at Ita morn, Ho bright and beanllftil and vet ao frail. It seemed she oould not always Slay wl(h them, Hcrmucb of angel llfablsada] la hers, Bo sllshi Ibe golden cord that held ber here. And as tha vine, when half its eourte waa run, Had pauead, end (urncd with downward step again, And. at Iba last, lay hlddaa In Ibe folds Of the broad curtain by lha window ilda. Ho whan death's summon* cams for her, ilia aanb Mke some tweet violet when lha summer breaie Too rndely paaaea o'or it, droops aad dies, Vet loavaa Its fregraoee filling alt tbe air. Anil so because of bar ha lovaa tha »1aa, And Inthc morning when be looks at It, He galua uaw alrsngth and ounrags for ibe day. And thus his Ufa gmwa more and mare complete, liore roand aad fuller ee tho years go by, L'nill al laal, when time haa peaaed ■way, And all are gathered to tbelr final home, Sweat ejea, lhat ha will never eea on earth, Shall welcome him to manalona la tbe ahlee, And then Iba santanes shall be hla," Wall done,"

T, B. Bus

" Salt" it the sahjset of tho echoolboy's lal- es( composition, that: "Tho salt la a spies which spoils Ihe potatoes, If JOB Torgtl to put It on." "S



coarse of erection for tho grand World's

Jubilee, in Jnno next, waa blown down

by the gale which provailed on Frlday

nlgbt. Tbo Boston Journal describes

tbe progress that had been made with

the work us follows:

The southern wall and towers had

been so far advanced as to form an al-

most complete section, tbe roofs having

been placed upon the minor towers, and

the rooting kid up to tho central tower

on cither sldo. The foot of tho trusses

had boon drawn in powerful purchases

to tho positions which thoy wero de-

signed to occupy, nod the rooting was

complete from either end up to I dis-

tance of sixty feot. The purllncs wero

much further advanced, und it few hours

would bave seen the front and first sen-

lion of tho Coliseum so closely connect-

ed as to insure Increased support for Ihe

remaining trusses, Tho theory ad-

vanced by competent fudges. Is, that tbo

towers and lofty frame work llr.'t gave

way, depriving the trusa of tho support

upon which It relied.

The executive committee of the jubi-

lee held a imit'tlng shortly niter tho oc-

currence ot the dlsaater, nnd rotinl la

comrntincu the work of ro-hulliltng imme-

diately, and also expressed thuir <■ nil

dencu In tin- phins nnd askIII of iin- «ugi-

nttnrs and architects, hut pfO^Mawd to

have the building conatructed on the

plan ol tha Colineum of 1869.


The Hail-iif-tn reliklon for the United

Smtfu. Just completed at tho census of*

flue, siiow the total number of Sharon op*

gaulzations on the fir*, of June. 1S70 li have lie.'ii 7J. l"il; total number oi church

edltloea, 03.074; iota! church accommo-

dation, 211uoD,o03, and the aggregate value of church pioperty, ar.i,-lj!i ."-M.

The statistics of church aoooinmotlatloii

and value of church property for the principal denominations areas follows;

AoeommodaUona. Church property. Baptist, regular, 1, #:9,itfD,ifH

Baptist, other than irHnUr, 363.010 1,170,071

Unman Calbolle, l.WO.SIl OoBgrefBtloaal, I,117,!IS Bplseopsl. MI.06I -,'»:i,'i l.uiharlaa, 0*7,333 U.91T.T17 Methodist, «ttip>9 S0A&1.W1 Presbyterian, regolar J.10S.WXI 4T,Sll,732 rraabyiarlan, Other

than ragalar, «W,31t t IU.LII

A Detroit msn roetnily foro'wora tobacco. He eels a few lltt'.fl things to ge( through each day. The fotlowlog U a list or ths To* 11 lie things required tba first day i tix orangis, feur- ISJSJSJ apples, tea emu worth of ptannts, two sticks of sprues gum, three large sticks of candy, a plat of roasted chestnuts, ooo cake of maple tngar, three cents' aorifa of liquorice root and half an ounce of camomile blows.



!£\\e HHmevtuan. I.IWBENCX, FRIDAY, MAV :i, 187J


1 I

TUESDAY. Tha report that (,'splala Hall ine Arctic ex-

plorer, would Bod bis way to the North Folu oppoied by a new and formidable race of be- ings, and that be bad found plant! In the Ice ladlftenoai to southern climate*, la said to be * hallucination ot the brain of *°raa Impecu- nioui Bohemian. No authentic tidings have ret been received trum Captain Hall.

QOT. Brown of Missouri bai ordered a Kan- sas City military company to Holden, to pro- tect eitl.sns against appreneodad violanca from CUM county vigilant*; the authorities are powerlaia and the mob are driving from the county all who wareconcernedln the bond ■ windte, and tbelr lyropatblzen-

A boy named James Wood, aon of Mr. Jamei Wood of UerTT, waa ran over by a loaded wagon at that place on Saturday, and killed iilmo*! Instantly. He wai tlx year* of aite Ho wu riding; on ihe top of the wagon and Tall on* under tbo wheel*.

Acting Secretary of the Treasury Rkhanl- aoo bai directed the Anlitent Treasurer at New Yotk to purchaM 92.000,000 of bond* each Wednesday, ami sell S2.0M.0O0 of gold each Tbur. fay during Mar, In all 310,000,000 of each.

The Cincinnati Convention bai been well characterised when ipoken of aa the Babel convention; for the delegate! are making a ter- rible mutt In regard 13 tbe candidate to be se- lected for the presidency.

Particular! of the late earthquake In S.rln show that the fatalltlei wen not greatest In Antloch, but heavier in the country In tbe It- rinity. Blxteen hundred people toil their live*.

If human energy can accomplish anything, the Collaenm will be ready for the grand Jubi- lee, and we know that human energy I* the only force that 1* likely lo do it.

The eruption tf Mouot Vesuvius continues. Shower* of ashes and landare falling In Na- ploa; the inhabitant* of the lurrouodlng vil- lage* are desertion; their home*.

A move wai made In ConRroii yesterday looking lo a more speedy transaction of pub- lic bttsines*, by cutting off long winded ■ pcechei.

A roajorltr of the Mctbodiit Book Concern in Now York, havo made a report exonerat- ing the management from all charges of cor- ruption.

A flro at Warren, Pa., yeiterday, destroyed property to the amount of 5800,000; at latest account! the flro wai still raging.

Fifty thousand dollars have been subscribed in America, for the relief of Antloch. Good

Two thousand cartmen In London are on a strike, and business It at a stand itlll.

Uerlden, Conn., suffered to Ihe extent of i:.r>,000 by a fire yesterday morning.

Julge Davit Is said to have tho Inside track at Cincinnati; let him have It.

Cleveland had a thirty thousand dollar Are on Saturday night.


Monday night Dululh was startle.! by two heavy explosions in tho direction of Superior City, caused by an attempt to destroy tho new dyke building to cut off the St. Louis Kfver from Its natural outlet. A considerable por- tion of tbo work wai blown lo pieces. The cltixens accuse the people of- Superior City of tbe act, though the actual perpelrntors havo not yet been discovered.

The trial of ficott and Cherost,tho young men charged with tbe murdur of tho Billing* family in Windsor Lochs, in January, com- menced in the Superior Court «'. Hartford, Ct., yesterday. Most ol tbo lorcooon was occupied in empanelling a jury.

Lord Chancellor llatberly entertained Mi'* Nelllo Grant and Hon. 11. C. Schenck, the American 31m IT, at London, on Saturday. A large number of distinguished person* were present and Introduced tu Ml** Grant.

The work on tho new Academy of" Kind Arts in Philadelphia, will be commenced et once. The subscript Ions reach 9230,000 Tbe lot nnd building will ooil half a million.

Tho contractors for (tin extension of tho Bo*- g, ton and Maine Railroad, at Portland, began work to-day, and witlin two weeks will have 1200 ;;.. ii employed.

Baron Dofftnbsjn, the new Russian Ambas- sador, presented hi* credentials 10 the Presi- dent yesterday. Complimentary speeches were made.

A man ur.mod Dennis McCirly attempted to outrage a lady (it Portsmouth Monday night, und wns shot l>y a police officer.

Tho authorities are determined Monlorro the li'juor law In Maine, aad rum selling i' 1"< - ing almost impoj^lble.

Tbo Connecticut State Prison was consider- ably Injured by drO yesterday morning.

It la reported that the American claim for Indirect damsgeu bat been withdrawn.

Stokes, tbe murderer of pit It, ii beginning to descond.

Haytl is a^aln tmaall.


A daring utlempt was made, fit two o'clock Wednesday morning, by burglar*, to blow up tbe safe of Ihe New York and Erie freight houso at Buffalo, in which several thousand dollsra in currency were deposited. The burg- lars colored tbe building, ;-.i :.'<■■ I the prtvalc watchman, and were In the act of blowing open the safo when ihey were disturbed by Ihe po llco, but escaped.

A Washington dispatch say* the Navy De- partment ha* recelvod no dispatches from (.'apt. Hall relative lo the alleged disaster lo hi* ex- pedition, and tho entire report, a* given in tho letter from St. John, it regarded as a pure in- vention. Tho meteoric and other celestial phenomena are shown by ihe records of the Naval Observatory to bo entirely unfounded and Impossible.

Several attempts have recently been made in burn the village of I'owling, Dutches* Coun- ty, S. Y. Tuesday morning tho Catholic church was tired, and with Its content* entirely do ■troyed. In the afternoon tho excited i nimbi rants held •.meeting and uttered 13.100 reward for the arrest of the iiu-judlary-

Tbe weather is very warm In California, and grain Is maturing raptiily. Later rains repaired the damages to tho vineyard cnuncd by froi and tho vintage will be larger than fail year.

The schoouor Jennie Graham, capiii'.d on LaKa Huron yistcrday. Caps. Graham, ono tailor an.! tho cook were drowned.

The republican* ol Vtrmont met In conven- tion tgatcrday, and elected th-iir .lelegates to lbs Philadelphia. CJCVCHUOU.

The liiMirrei'tlon In Spain is not yet checked, and the met that ihe army I* di.all'ected sug- gest* iiiriber trouble.

Frank llusiey, a Ilitjli School boy, broke hi* leg In two places yesterday, at Great Kalis, s. II, while playing.

your buildings on BroughtoD Street,Savta- nah, wiib conunts, were bunted Tuesday night, Lou, Sioii/ioo.

The eruption ol Vesuvius .* abating. Naples has (Offered no Injury.

FRIDAY. Tho reply of Secretary Pir-h to tho second

note oT Bfttl Oranville, >ll handad to ihe lat- ter Wednesday, by Mr. SJhenck, Uio American Minister. It I* stated, no duuljt by authority, ihat negotiations for tbettttlemoLt of tbedlf' I'crencc* between Knglund and America are programing laiisfactorlly.

Samuel llanton, who killed a companion on the steamer riber recently, pleaded guilty manslaughter, and was sentenced to nvo years' Imprison me tit.

/.apiinarha* been vtailed ryuurrlbla hur- ricane, and !">■] WJWIS bavo been sunk or stranded on the coast i lo**, 110,000,000,

A brakeman named DavlJ Bean wa* killed al Vunreboro, Me , yeiterday, by belnu knocked from ibo car-, passing under a bridge.

CormliuH Connor", who ha* Iwcn on for iho mur-ler tf Ofllccr Wilbur at Chelsea, WJI

acquitted -jcsierday.

There w*» » diuHrom fire yeiterday morn-

ing at Narrows Village, In Watehatn, causing a Ion of si").LOO.

Uanuascb Ba'lry, one of tho oldett Mason* In the country, .lied in Belvlderc yesterday.

It i* thought that Ad ami will be the nominee of (he Cincinnati Convention.

Tbo W»t«r Question. J^ c

The objection that li as been made In opposition to the water act, on the ground

of itidellulteneat in regard to probable or possible cost, li fairly and we think satls- ractorlly met by tbe Mayor and Alder- | The

men, In their statement publiabed In

another column. The dlitlnct purpose of acceptance seeing only to be the secur-

ing of necessary power for the authori-

zation of such plans and estimates the

present season as to enable a future gov- ernment to wisely and understaudlngly

prosecute the undertaking, and this cer-

tainly, no one not utterly opposed to the introduction of water upon any condi-

tions, can object to. We are glad to announce this opinion

from the city authorities, as the want ol positive Information was begetting a de-

gree of llmlduess likely to grow Into ac-

tive opposition. There Is certainly, no

oni necessity of our city, so great as that

ni water; nothing would In so widen

degree tend to Increase tho prosperity,

the health or the comfort of the commu-

nity, und tho time has curdy come, when

we ought, as a municipality to be no

longer dependent upon tbe charity of tbe

manufacturing corporations lor our only

■OtlKfl of water supply for the extin-

guishment of fires. Let us have an

abundance of water, fresh and free.

I O O • T p.

And now the lee-carts.

carefully tbe carplog i

Special Telegraphic Dtepatcboe to tbe Dally American.

The rapid Increnso ot our city's popu

littion, nnd tho largo prospective ad-

ditions to In >iness and people, seen

indicate tbo approach of the time when

our community ougnt not to be Bolcly

dependent upon pnpem published moro

than n score of miles dbtant, for tho

latest lie w -i of the dny ; and with tho ap-1

proach of tho Presidential campaign nnd

its increased demand lor tho freshest

items of the hour, wo have decided, and

this week commence a now feature in the


specially made up for, and telegraphed ev-

ery afternoon, by tho International Line,


Wo trust this now feature, will meet tho appreciation nnd support of the read- ing public ; thoso readers ol our WEEK-

LY who desire, can exchango for tho Daily, and secure tho latest important intelligence in advance of the lioston evening issues.

THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION has gathered a large number of people, though In no degree have the crowds reached tho anticipations or tho promiso of tho managers. A permanent organi- zation wns cfleeted on Thursday, Carl Shunt being president; the day was spent in preliminaries and in wrangling.

A ballot Is to bo bad this morning, the appearances now indicating tho selec- tion of Adams, Tho tariff question upon which there nre irreconcilable diflurcnces, will probably bo dodged this great pirty of high principles, ex altcd morals and eminent public virtue, whicli wns to have set up a Standard of purity and honesty, setting out with the most deliberate stultification upon lend- ing Issues, In tho solo hopo ol thereby getting tho loavss and fisheB ! What a spectacle.

MAY TUAININU.—In place of the usual company inspection nnd drill on the last Wednesday in May, Col. Melvin Benl has deemed It for tho benefit of his com- mand, to assemble the entire regiment in this city, when n general inspection and panda will take place. Orders to this effect have been issued as IOIIOWH:

..a. I I.AWiiKKci:, HAH., May 1st, i*T:i.

('■ ni[Ji<n..|i'.iK OMean of companies will n>por( with llii-lr e'umniandt, fully armed and equipped, ■ -, the i ..M, .IN, In Lawrence <m Wcdnetday, tbo SHh day of May, 1ST.', at U o'uluek A. M,, (o* In- ■p<-cllim and parade,

11, ■■■.:! 1 ..1

i. C. Wiin :v, Aiijut

Till! I'IIK.-S Kxri IIMON.—The Execu- tive committee of the Mnssuehu-etU Presa Association, held a meeting on Monday, and voted to have their annual excursion, siartln/ on Tuesday, July 9th, the Boston jubilee preventing the selecting, a* was desired, of a date In the hitter part of June. Hoieral routes were considered, and one la likely lo be adopt* od, which will combine nearly a* many attractions a* the ever to be pleasantly re me inhered trip of lust year. The ex- cursion will be htrlctly confined to mem- ber* of the Association.

NARROW ESCAPE.—On Honday after- noon, Addle Jenncss ol Rochester, X. II., an operative In the Ureat Falls Manufac- turing Company's No. 1 mill weave room, wan Icunliig over the elevator passage, when tbe chain broke, caught and pre- cipitated her through four stories, a dis- tance of rdxty feet, to the basement, breaking hor leg above the ankle and se- verely bruising her head. She will un- doubtedly recover, although tier escape front Instant death \i little lose than a miracle.

scini onr columns,

aas on the Common Is fast putting on merald hue-

Mr. Arthur W. Dyer arrived home un Mon- day, from a un weeks' trip io Burope.

Cot. Heal made a large seizure Of liquors from Patrick It. Dooahoe, Wednesday.

A Hat or voters can be seen at or near each Ward Room—also at the City Clerk's office.

]{.!¥..!. H. Moore, late of this city, Is to de- llvir the address In Bptlngfleld, on Memorial


The young people of the Unlveraallst church are going to have a afar party ID their vestry MayS:h.

Col. Pbitbrlck rejoices In the poMCsilon of a new aoi elegant white hat, which I* very be coming to him.

Tbe attention paid to watering Ihe street* on week days, is a* laudable as the result n com- fortable to pedestrians.

Mr. Frost's allegory and tableaux of Joseph and bl* brethren Is coming again May 10th and Uth In the Citf Hall.

Kelly is havlog his barber1* shop on Jack- son street, repainted and papered, and put la thoroughly neat condition.

Tbe April showers Ihe piat month have been about aa Infrequent a* the Msy floweri (bey are aald to brlng.are scarce.

The new brick depot of the Boston and Maine altho South Side, will not be fully ready for occupancy till near the clou or May

Among tbe subscriber* for season tickets to the Jahilee, fsO each, we notice the name or Mr. John Medina, of this city, for two.

The City Flour Mill* are not performing the usual amount of work, In consequence of back

tbe Mcrrlmack Is considerably swollen.

or tho Hoadley Portable Engines went put our office yesterday, on their way to the west; tbeir popularity I* constantly Increasing.

Conductors Tucker and Smlih of the Boston and Maine road, haveaerved tbe longest term* of any on all the road* leading out of Portland.

There does not seem to be any decrease la tbo number of gold and silver flsh in tbe pond on tho Common. The place 1* fairly alive with


Tbe Com man I* now becoming a place of common resort, tbe gradually increasing warmth of tbo weather bringing out many In- valids.

Mary Ann DuhTdy was out on tbe Common on Friday, enjoying the pure air, and watch- ing the little gold and silver flshes sporting In the pond.

Mrs. Smith, tbe colored woman residing on Melvin street, who waa suffering from varlolold, Mr. Danforth Informs ni, his almost entirely recovered.

The shawl* of two ladies were stolen at a boarding home on the Washington Corpora- tion, Thursday. Col. Pbilbrlrk is woiklng up the matter.

If It is expected that the people who want water will vote against beer, may It not loltow that those who want beer mav vote In opposi- tion to water/

A man named Frank Pierco was incarcerated for drunkenness Friday. When measured his height was found to he arx feet, three and one quarter inches.

The Woodstock (Yt.) Bitmdard says Mr. Oreenbank of Qsyivllle, V., contemplates re- moving to Lawrence to manufacture woolen. He will be welcome.

Tbo water act has bean printed for distribu- tion among tbe voters, so that no one need de- cide without a full understanding of tbe pow- ers given by the law.

Could Burns have had a certain elan or newspaper men in hi* mind when he wrote

"Wad some power Ihe glftle (le us Tu aeo ourstlve* as other* *e> ua V

Dr. Tcwksbury says he made en effort to re- port the ease of varlolold which be was called upon to a'.tond, to tho anthorltlea, hut could not tlnd any oao to whom to report It.

Work has been commenced apoo straighten- ing and Improving Tarbox street, from the rcr-idence of A, Jlitrent beyond the Bast Haver- hill street bridge to Mr. Fallon'*, on Clover Hill.

The usefulness of the cane carried by Major John Brown, was veiy well Illustrated one miirnlnii when bo was al tacked by a dog on Essex Street; it is thought the animal will re- cover.

In the Supreme Judicial Court at Salem, the other day, John Carroll was divorced (rom Mary Carroll, of Lawrence, for the cause of adultery. Major John Brown appesred for tbo !;'i ■|;.-ii-,t ,

The storm doot* bavo been removed from tbe entrance to tho Post Office; the frescoing, wlilih had become somewhat defaced, is to be replaced by oil color*, and the ball otherwise renovated.

Tbe fine residence of Oeo. W. Hill*, £iq. on .Lawrence street, which last year was so beautified, it being still further improved by the addition of a heavy iron fence, of a rich and pleating design, making, when completed, the most attractive frontage around the common.

Mr. William Howarth, one of the most In- telligent apothecary clerks In tbe city, will not change bit position on account of the transfer by Dr. Howarth of hla business to Mr. B. H. Keller. Mr. Howarth'* friends will be glad that they are sUll to retain bis valuable ser- vices.

We have noted several mammoth hen's eggs presented tons of late, and now Mr. J. W. Barlow, from whose Bock came the first speci- men, sends us, laid by one of the same breed, a wee little ben's egg, measuring only 3 1-4 by 8 7 8 Inches, and weighing exactly a half ounce.

The new South Side depot is placed at so much higher elevation than tbe old one, as to neceasitat e tbe erection of a new water tank to supply It, and one Is be constructed on top of the present tank In tbe blacksmith's shop, from which pipes will be laid lo tbe new building.

The name of Ihe bor who saved the son of Officer Bastlan from browning In Ihe Splcket tbe other day. is Walley Ayer. Thle is Ihe sec- ond life he hat saved from similar danger. Hi is only 12 years old, and deserves a medal Such heroic and humane acilon should not go unrewarded.

Tbe annual notice of tbe Assessors, In anoth- er column, warns all those unfortunate Indi- viduals who possess taxable property, to band In their schedules; those who are less favored with worldly goods, can smile blandly at tbe general tax gatherers and exclaim, "bless- ed be nothing."

There Is probably no foundation for the ini- pre*sloo that tbe connecting of tbe water and beer qaestion, In a single election, has tome bidden purpose of affecting one ballot by tbe other, but tbe feeling may not unlikely Im- peril a project of the deepest Importance to tbe future ot.ourctty.

An Hem In the Advertiser says it is rumored In Baogor that one of the heaviest owners In the stock of (he Maine Central Railroad bai disposed or his entire Interest in tbo road to Boston parties, and It Is farther suggested that tbe purchasers are largely interested In tbe Boston and Maine.

A resident of Fait Havcrhifl street suggests that tbe brilliant proposition to cut down one of tho finest elm trees In our city, in order that a building might be erected to "Improve Ihe street," could have originated only In a brain more experienced In saw mills than architecture or natural beauties.

The literary association of this city in re- sponseto an Invitation from Col. Jaques, drove over to North Andover tho other evening to take supper. The party included about fifteen gentlemen belonging to this city. Col. Jaques served up an excellent snpper, and aa enjoya- ble time was passed.

During last week, the money order transac- tions were unusually heavy at tbe Lawrence Post Office, tbe total business looting up over 9&100. The issue of money orders to Great Britain and Ireland Is constantly increasing at tbe people become familiar with its security, celerity, and cheapness.

The newly appointed engineers of tbe Ore de- partment assumed thilr duties Wednesday, and it la a strong evidence ol their efficiency that tho Ore In tbo afternoon In a thickly aettled neighborhood was so promptly checked. The absence of chief engineer Lidd was due lo his being away from tbe city.

There will be a grand concert on Friday oxenlng, Mar 10th, in Saunders Hall, In eld of St. John's church Decoration Fund- Tbe boy choir will slog several part songs. Several la- dles and gentlemen of well known musical ability, will bo present, and tbe aiT.iir cannot be otherwise than enjoyable.

Tbe work of raising the roof to the Central Pacific Mill, so as to Increase tbe bight, com- fort and appearance of that fine building, and which was interrupted by the winter weather, has been re-commenced and is being pushed rapidly forward; when completed this will be one of the lightest and most commodious mills ia tbe city.

Associate Justice Wright presided over the des- tines of the police court prisoners Wednesday. He complimented tbe reporters on the spirit that prompted them to establish a fund for tbe benefit of Inpecunlout persona of good antece- dent*, ami the reporters modestly accept the delicate allusion to the laudableaese of tbeir efforts for tbe alleviation of human distress.

When the first section of the Boston & Maine railroad waa opened la l&ttl, extending from Andover to Wilmington, and there connecting with and reaching Boston over the Lowell rail- road, tbo then Superintendent of tbe latter corporation was Charles S. Storrow, Bsq., tor the last quarter of a century agent of the Eaaex Company la ou city.

of the active lady friends of the Grand Army of the Republic in our city, have In- angaratod a movement t > procure bv lubscrip- tion, a handsome tilk banner for presentation

the Poet, and we are lure so deserving a movement will meet a hearty response from onr cltisen*. Tbe funds of the order are scru- pulously devoted to charitable purposes only, and the project will afford only a Jast recogni- tion of ibe services of the organlntion ia onr city.

Mary Ann Daffy was an involuntary occu- pant of a cell in the police station the other evening. She contemplates leaving Lawrence; her associations here are of the worst charac- ter, and It Is far more tho result of snen asso- ciations than of vitiated tendencies that she has bean so much In trouble. Mary Ann Is not without the Oner instincts of the human race. She means to do well, and a* the Inten- tion constitute* the act, she mutt not be too severely censured.

The reporter* of the AUEHICAN, who can hardly be supposed to have a personal acquaint- ance with every clergyman in the city, may not unlikely, In securing reports of a score of Sabbath dltconrses, make an error In a single name, bat we have not yet reached tbe bril liant editorial dlstmctijn or crediting a popu- lar city preacher with (be profound assertions lhat "A sun ot Ideas Is constantly raging I" or that Use "British nation should always be ruled-by brate force!"

The sidewalk on Broadway from the north ern whig Of tho Fraiklin Heuse to tbe north side of Common street, Is being flagttoned shut street It being very much lmptoved by grading, but shouldn't ft be paved? The first lmpre*»ion* received of our city by visitors who put np at Ibe Franklin Homo, are received there. Wouldn't it be well to make those Im- pression* a* favorable as possible ? The growth of a city depends largely on the opinion formed of Its condition by (hose outside of it.

Tbe fruit stand nuisance it taking another end very obnoxious form. The erection ot tinted frnlt marts on tbe vacant lots on Essex street, thould be prohibited; there are several objections to tbe encouragement ol tucb a tye- tem; one It, at we have already mentioned, that fruit dealers, who pay rent and taxes, oc- cupying stores, and contributing to tbe mate- rial prosperity of the city, are undersold; another Is, thst the finest thoroughfare io the city It rendered unsightly by such nuisances.

There It a very dangerous place on tbe left of Common street, between Franklin and Hampshire, almost at the corner of the latter street. A bouse was removed from there re- cenely, and there is no fence pat up to protect persons from walking over, and Into what was tbo basement of the dwelling From the s ide- watk to tbe ground, on the Essex street tide, the distance is fully six feet, with an almost perpendicular descent. If somebody thould happen to fall over, and a broken neck be the result, who would be to blame!

Wednesday ushered In the merry month of May, and la many parts of tbe world youth and liveliness and hat been adorned with Ihe floral diadem; the merry laughter of joyout maidens bss made the air rich with mnslc on many a greentward. One can scarcely help re- calling the beautiful langnage of Tennyson's May Queen on such an occasion.

You mutt wake and oil I me early. Call me early, mother daar.

To-morrow will be the happiest day Of all tbo glad new year.

Of all Ihe glad new year, mother, Tha madden, merrli-m day,

For I'm to ba the Quean of May,mother, I'm to be the Uaeen of May.

The alarm Wednesday, r n..,from Box It, wu canted by a flro In the block comprislncNo'i 41, f3 and 45 Broadway i the Are department were very prompt in responding, and had a stream playing on tbe flames almost before the alarm bad ceased to sound. The block ii owned by'Mr. Goodenow, and It valued at 11509; it is Intured for 9610. The flames were soon ruppreiicd. Mr. Goodenow't slock was considerably damaged by water. The came of tbe Are was an overheated stove, this building the first treasurer ol Lawrence, Daniel Maunder*, Sr , had hla office, and It waa alto occupied as a pott office when Geo. A. Waldo, was postmaster. Tbe upper portion of the building was let, and the furniture of the tenants wu considerably damaged.


Tbs people of tbe First church fn Newbury, are about building a parsonage un tbe parlsa land ad|acent to tbe upper Green—it a cost of about 83500.

The carrtsge builders ol the Congregational church and society at Amesbury Mill*, bavo given the Kev. Mr. Boyd, tbeir Pastor, a band- some carriage, and tbe other members of the society have contributed an elegant harness.

Capt. Edward Graves, or the ehip Tennyton, brought home to Newhuryport, on bit last voyage from Calcutta a lieautlfnl pony weigh- ing about 200 pounds. The pony on tbe pas- sage became ibe happy mother of a Lilliputian representative of herself, which It Bloat a* large as an ordinary bouse dog.

Gloucester will vote on the beer question on Tuesday next.

John Talbot employed on Ibe new freight bouse of the Newhuryport city railroad, was Instantly killed Tuesday, by stepping on a piece of plank, which lifted up and struck him with great force, causing him to fall backwards and break bit neck, killing him instantly.

The Gloucester TeU./rauh tayt that the large receipts of fresh halibut during the last week occasioned a heavy reduction In prices, to tbe great disadvantage of the fishermen and ves- sel owners, without any apparent benefit to consumers, and to the profit only of Ihe large buyers and speculators who are able to con- trol the market.

The town or Qlonceater expended lait year for schooli 940,000; Newburvport, »2o,000; Population of Glouceater 15.397, 0f Newbury- port 12,698; valuation of Uloucetter 87 70;>,- 462,73; valuation of Newburvport WBJmMl,- 02.

Deputy State Constable Bowler seized a snug little stock of tight barrels of ale on ibe prem- ises of Morgan Sweeny, In Peabody, Saturday evening.

Extenilve fire* have been raging In Ibe woods near Gloucester, for several days.


Catherine HcKenna, a notorious shop lifter, was arrested on Tuesday. A quantity of stolen goods were found at her residence; she was held for trial.

A two-itory dwelling on Pond Street, Belvl- dere, was partly burned on Sunday evenlog, together with a small barn adjoining. Tbe {iroporty belonged to Thomaa McNamara, who t In Florida. The loss will not exceed 83°0.

which it covered by an insurance of the SoOO in the Uolyoke Company of Springfleld.

On Monday afternoon a young man, while under the Influence of liquor, twice attempted tniclde, flrtt by attempting to Jump from one of the window* of Central Bridge, and et an- other time Jumped Into tbe Merrimack Klver near Firtt Sired, Centralville, being In ea?h case rescued by friendt, He renewed attempts at self destruction In the police station.

On Saturday, Mr. W. C. Fatter had all the fingers ot the right hand severely mangled in a circular taw, and the amputation ot one of them may be necettary.


AKOUUKNTS for Gen. Grant,—solid ones, Lhat tho i. i-i i. :■; intellect may compre- hend. Tho decrease in tho public debt during the month of April was $12,688,- 088.02, and tbo decrease between March I, 18(11), anil March I, 187:.', $>29h\G49,- 763.4)3. _

THE eociirrv of tho BUnehird Hlroet M. B. Church, Mould Uawrsnc*, <b<«lro bora with to ac- knowledge ihe following gift* -Mm. I.. Beseb, Jr., t:u; Mr. Jarn.-> Wood, SoetB-aldo, a beautiful church cluck.

In appreciation ot their frstliujefor thee* tliui-ly ■ [■-III:-. the :■ ■ 11■ ■ J. : ii« resolution wai ununl. iiiuualy unit litarUly paaai-U at a Meeting of ilm ol Ik-era ufsalil chutch:

Rtiotrtii, Thai a volo ol thank* he ritornnl to MM. I.. Beach an*] Mr. J. Wood Hi

- .lift.; t ')■■■ ialrl v II be i id, ,1 i Ihr i t ■.'■. 1-, ar,d lhat tho put, mini li i.'atn | hU sol lull to the ilutin Ucapafltfully,

W. J. I'-iiiKisso*, Pastor. -v., April 30,

. jo bavo done my brethren, >-u

It u ivo dor

Mrs. Daniel Saunders Jf-i ha* presented a haptlinul font to Grace Church; It was ntudc by C.x K Sin* of London, and Is formed cf Caen none. It li presented in memory of a inn of Mrs. Saunders, as will bu JCCU from tho




XIV HKl-TfcMllll, AX. IKUI. 1800.

TIUKSUTION.—To lha dear memuty it Frederic Abbott Sauuders, wlm entered late rest and Ml asleep in Christ un tbe lib du) ul September, in the year of tiur Lord ISO).

Tbcro WHS a colored wedding at Grace church on T1inrs;;ay evening, and ■ largo nu;n he;■ of 'pectator* wero drawn lo witness It. rim bridegroom Mr. Luvl Is wel' known, and the in. v bat. Invariably tbe best wishc* <>■' ihu eotniiiiinlty lor her future happiness. Dr. Packard married tho couple.

The Oramt Army of this city will light their llnul camp lire for the sciisun.on Wednesday evening next, which occasion will bo male a gula one by Ibe visitation ol a very largo dele- gation In in ibe wide-awake Post in Sitlcm; members *lio do nut attend will mim a rare occasion of enjoyment

There were only throe di lu-e Court this mortihg.

ink* before the Pc

An old man, who bai numbered eighty-two yearn, has on exhibition at the City Hall, a ladder (IS feet long, which is a vary nice piece of workmanship, and tomcthiog new in Ihe line of ladders.

Some children were observed on Tuesday afternoon, endeavoring to Ignite a pile of wood in rear of Atlantic Steam 1'iro Kngine House. They fled at the approach of a gentleman, and were not recognised.

Mr. and Mrs. Win McAllister of thlt city, sailed for Uuropo on Tuesday, and will m ike tho grand tour; tbey will also visit Ibe land 'o cakes. Mr. McAllister seya ha will return In time to vote for Grant.

The session of the police court will beheld In future at half t-ast eight instead of nine o'clock. The prisoner* In future will he scn- t:ncj I through the clerk, Mr. Jam G Ojuid, as In the f)ii*lon municipal court,

While a couple of toaini wore crossing tbo lower bridge on Monday, at a high rate of epeed, one, on turning the corner to lake Ihe Norih Andover road, upset; we did not learn what irjurlos resulted to the occupants.

Work in blasting tho rocks fjr the collar, and upon tho foundation walls for Mr, llcach's now block, on Essex street, betow Sweeney's, ii being rapidly prosecuted, under the oner geilc supervision of Mr. Beach himself.

Tuesday tho last day of grace for Jog licenses , henceforth the owners or any of the tbrco hundred yet unlicensed canlnct that may he mlsslntr, need not offer any reward, unless to the police for the return of tbeir bodies.

In a copy of tho Newburvport Htrald, in 1821, thore appears an advcrtiicmcnt ol David Noycs, in which he announces that ha has ro- eelvod lor aalo "HI yards Merrimack fine ihceting', tho lirst of the kind mado on our

A Mar Day Festival by the children of the First llaplist Sa'ihath School U being arranged lor Wednesday evening of next week, In tho vestry of that church, und tbo exercises are fudias cannot fail to prove pleasing and at- tractive.

Wo find tbe following under tho real estate items of tho Albany Sundav Press: "Edward I'. Iloartlmon, of I.awrcnce, Mast., has bought twenty ■ S.M.I Plain" lots for SlU.nuO. Tbe property la wcttb ten cents." How Is Ibis, F.dward ?

A Ixiy, a son of'1 Sidobottoni, resiling Hi the South Bide, had bis shoulder dislocated Wednesday while playing near a team; the horse pitched iiim out, his shoulder striking on the ground. Dr. Stows was called and set Ihe in- jured limb.

Tho entertainment of Mr*. Jarlev, on Mon- day evening, was admirably conceived and most tastefully carried out; humorous, plessiog and enjoyable throughout i none pres- ent failed to experience a delightful evening's amusement

Another case of varlolold was reported at 81 Valley *trcct, and the rod lUg dliplayed, but Dr. Garland visited tho patient referred to, and found that it was not a case of varlolold, but probably of chicken pox. Tho red Dag has been taken I'own ly order of tho Mayor.

In his sermon on Sunday, tho Itev. Mr. Fish- er contendeil that Et was lawful to do well on tho Sabhath day. I'eoplo who passed up and down F.secx street, and who were blinded at every step by tho dust, might well have asked It it was lawful to water the ttreels Sundsy.

| The sight of a quilt and blankets on the ! clothes line of Mrs Jackson, proved loo great ; a temptation for a lad named Koony. and he i appropriated the clothes; bnt tho police wero ! too sharp for him, and on Monday ho was sent i for three months to the house of correction.


Tbe steamer, Gen. Grant, was called out on Sunday afternoon, to extinguish a fire In tho woods, probably set by careless boys.


Tbe Odd Fellows new ball was dedicated on Tuesday evening last. Tbe corner stone was laid just a year ago; tbe exercises ol dedica- tion wero very interesting.

A revival of religion is manifesting itself, and much Interest 1* aroused in tbe meotlngs which are held nightly.


Tho transactions of tho Pollco Court Thursday-Social Standing "versus" Justice - - A Rich Bcono - - The " Au- thorities" In Oonferenco -- Justice deliberately trampled under foot, and tbe Safety of the City Endan- gered.

nil MM. HEMAHK*.

Aa announced In the ASIEUICAN on Wednesday, the BfseSsAlSgS of the Police Court began at 8 12 Thursday morning. Indeed ol nine o'clock, ai lormerly. There waa only one case before the Court, and that waa that of Patrick U. Dooooghue, who waa raided upon yesterday by Col. Beal. Us waa complained of for keeping a liquor nnlaance, and the usual floe of g&0 and coata waa Inflicted upon him. He didn't half like such treatment, and thought thst he could have more courtesy extended to him In Ihe Beperlor Court, ao be tberanpoo appealed the case, and waa held In tho uanal mm for his appearance at Nuwburyport some lime this

Since January first, Mr. John S. Perk Ins having retired from tbs bntiness of stair build- ing in company with Sir. Fisher, the latter hat associated with him Lieut. Geo. G. Durrell, under the llrmol Fisher & Durrell, wbo will continue tbo manufacture, and tbe ability and experience of the new member cannot fall to add to tho reputation and builness of the firm.

Our enterpriiing young friend, Mr. E. II. Kolley, has purchased the apothecary of D. Howarth, In the Post Office building, and will make numerous changes and improvement! therein : tbe location It one of the best in tho city, anil with his good taste, experience, and hosts of friendt, tbe new proprietor is certain to make it one of the most reliable and popu- lar.

At a meeting of the Essex North Medical District Society, held at Haverhill, the follow- ing officers were chosen: Dr. D. inna or Law- rence, President; Dr. Geo. Cogswell of Bred ford, Vice President; Councillors, Drs. Whitte- more, Chase, SpofTord, Snow, Douglass and Root; Censors, Drs. Carleton, How, Johnson, Drlnkwater and Vernald; Com. of Ti|a|j, Dr. Spofford.

Tho committee of the Franklin Library As- sociation, met by Invitation on Friday evening

ilttee of the city council upon Public Library, and tbe outline of a plan was present- ed mutually satisfactory, for tho transferofthe

luable library and funds of tbe Association to tho city, as Ihe basis of a free institution with which It Is prohabla the trustees of the White Fund will co-operate.

The Choral Union of this city, Is In an excel- lent condition', It numbers nearly three hun- dred members, tho female element largely pre- dominating. Tbo Union meets twice a week for rehearsal at the High School building. Visitors are not excluded from tbe rehearsals, and a pleasanter hour cannot be spent than In listening to Ihe music. Tbe Union will give a concert somo time before Ihe World's Jubilee.

Ttiere arc 'wenty-thrce officer* In this city charged with tho duty of protecting tho peace; tbey are paid at the rate or ii.'l't per day. Tbe population of tbo city Is now estimated at .; MI :■ i. Fall Itiver i.» thirty police oOlcert. They receive fj-2 50 per day and their witness fees. They have also 81 25 for every person they arrest when off duty. Tho population of Pall itlyer is ■JU.OOO. Comment Is unnecessary.

The extensive additions to tbo stock of pas- senger rars upon tbo B'ltton & Maine, have Tar outgrown the ttorsge room of the road, and llioy arc at once to erect a car home, three hundred feet In length, on tha east side of the track helow Andover street, on the South Hide, for the accommodation of their older passen- uer cart, used only on special occasions when the travel Is beyond tbe capacity of the rolling stock in constant use.

Tho Colburn brothers, who recently took pottession of the business of Mr. Fellows, are exhlDltiDg a groat deal of enterprise. They have an excellent slock of books, periodicals,

and supply all the daily papers. They are courteous and gentlemanly; tbe dally and weekly editions of tho Lawrence AMMICAK

can always be found at their establishment, which is dally growing In popularity with our literaturu loving citizens.

Mr. Hobert Harmon has a beautiful collec- tion of bird* at tbo Franklin House, most of them beautiful singers- He has one bird which Is quite a curiosity. Impatient of con- finement it attempts io open ihe door of its cage, by pushing back the hasp which fattens It wiih the point of it* bill. It is a South American Importation, known as tho " Troop- let," has beautiful plumage, and whistles bet- ter than an English blackbird.

On Friday afternoon, a little boy, aon of po- liceman Battian, nod only four years of age, fell into tbs Spickel, near bis father's residence on Vine street; be was a long time in the water, and only rescued through the exertions of a ton of Mr. Perley Ayer, who plunged In and brought tbo little fellow to the shore. Life was nearly extinct, and It was a half-hour before consciousness was restored; he was Insane most of tbs night, but is now rapidly recovering; too mnch praise cannot be given young Ayer for his timely efforts.


Beggars ol ability average »5 a day In New

York. Henry Ward Beocher Tavors theoponingol

public libraries on Sundays. OT all thieves, foo!» are tho worst; they rob

you of time and temper.—Q ot the. Beecheruyi: "God pardona like a mother,

who klssea tbe OfTencet into everlasting forget- fulness."

Napoleon* son Is said to bo a very Ignorant boy notwithstanding tho efforts that have been

used toedacate him- This Is tbe wey an English woman criticises

her mlnUtcr: "He knocks about pretty lively in a puipit for an old gentleman."

Young men who can carry on a five minutes' conversation without saying "You bet," are In demand In fashionable society at Cleveland.

Busting Bull-toad, chief of the S*cs, Is no moro. He bought agtllonof alcohol oratrad- er, and contracted to carry It home without a

jog Calico is named from Calicot, a city In India,

from whence it first camo. Calico was not known In England, at all, until as late as tbe

year 1011, Juvenile troubles multiply; now that the

children of Dowagiac, Mlcb., have learned to pronounce the name of Ihe place they live in, they are down with the measles.

An Irish paper concludes a biography of Robespierre with tbo following sentence I " This extraordinary man left no children except his brother, wbo was killed at the same time."

Tbe bayonet derives Its nemo from the place where it was invented, Bayoone, In France, and was first us;d in battles as a weapon by the French lo the year 1003, and soon became

universal. A California obituary: " Tho deceased was

a talented man of a romantic nature. He placed tho butt of hi* gun In the Oro while he looked down tha muxxle, and departed benee

spontaneously." The Elevator? ID Jordan, Marsh & Co's well

known store, Boston, havo proved to popular that they bavo placed two aldlllonal in their Immense new storo on the lite of tbe burned

Adelpbl Theatre. A Burlington (Iowa) baby is Immortalised

by Ihe following *tp«*ph i "Ileneatb Ibl* stone our baby lay*,

lie neither cries nor holler*; He llvedjuat ono and twenty d*y«,

Aad eoet us forty dollars." Gideon Haynes writes from Rio Janeiro to

tbe Boston Globe: "During the twowerksl have been in the ciiy I have not seen a person In the slightest degree under the influence rf lirjuor. And yet tbey have no prohibitory law, and a temperance society Is unknown lo tho

empire. lo a recont debate, a member of a California

Legislature exclaimed: " Tbe hooorablo gentle- man from Celevores County is undoubtedly a person of great abilities, a man of talent, a nat- ural-born genius; but there I* one thing winch I defy him to do, and that I*, to bite the bot- tom out of a frying-pan wltbont smutting his

nose." A lady correspondent of the San Francisco

Call, writing on earthquake*, think* that "bet crogeneoui parallexes prismallcally converg- ing, are not due to the slllclout Introduction! of photoipberical asteroids, but rather to para- bolic stratification o( Igneous sygeme." We believe every sensible person will Uke the tsme view of the matter.

MAUY CiaatAH, Farmer Village, N. Y., used 15 different patcut sewing machines in family towing; none does to beautiful work, fine or coarse, at Ibe Wheeler & Wilton, or it so readily changed from one kind io another; has sewod with ono lhat bat been In uso 1G years, without a cent for repairs, and ba* tbo samo needles that camo with Ibe ma 'bine, with 'I others In use 10 years, each without repairs. She has supported a family of three, sometimes earnings* 00 par day, or *1 In an evening.

L\i::.U.ll. Mll.t: WSi I V.

About a week ago Dr. Towkabury of this .-Ity. an allopathic pbyalclan.waa complained or for couceal- lng the knowledge of a eaae of (mall-pox, and hla cue was continued until yeeterday, bo being held to aniwer ID tbe meantime, in the turn of gaOO, ou hi* own personal recognisance. But be oame up to Court tbla morning at nloo o'clock, and wftb tilm came a number ot lawyer*; Indeed, It

light be aald that the principal portion of tbe apeo- latora Ibl* morning waa lawyer*. In came Major John Ilrown, awlnglag his cane aud bowing a po- lite good morning to hla Honor. Not far behind trim came John C. Banborn, Ibe attorney for the de- fendant. Dldrlet Attorney Sherman also preieut- ed hi* genial eountcnanee to the obaervalion of the audience. Then In came Charley Brlgga, and Uop- klo*. and Col. Heal, Col Phllbrlek, Balcheldcr, Por- ter, and all the boy*. One would have Imagined that there waa to ba an execution, for the vartoua Individual* referred to took tnelr seata with never aamlleon their faoe*. Tbe Judge hlmaeir aacend- ed the beneh with a countenance .■• grave at If li ■ waa about lo pronounce a death sentence; and Jet» llould took out hi* handkerchief to wipe away an Involuntary tear. Shortly, hla Honor, with a face a* grave a* If he had Just come home from a funeral, remarked that the Court we* ready lo proceed with the case, whereupon Mr. John C, Bknborn nroae, and glancing around lo aee that proper attention waa being paid, proceeded the case of hi* client.

LXSa SOLEMNITT AMD MOHE HOI, "BroiherBanfforn" aald bl* Uonor,"you oar

ceed wtth )our case." " Certainly your Honor, I bnve been walllDg for

the opportunity for aome lime." btr, Banborn then with a few preliminary re-

mark* entered Iba following demurrer. "And now the laid Iaaao Tewksbury In hla own

proper person,cornea Into court hero, and having beard the same complalnta read, aays: that aald complaluta and tbo matter* therein contained, In manner and form aa tho aame and above elated and set forth, are not eufllcleut In law.aud lbr*l bo la not bound by tbe law of the land to aaawer tbe aame; and this he ia ready to verify.

Wherefore, for want of leflldent complalnta In Ibis behalf, the aald Iaaao Tewkabury pray* Judg- ment, *nd that by this court hero he maybe dfa- mlaaed and dlaebarged from the said premlao* In tbe said complalnta apedued."

Mr. Ssuborn ihco proceeded to review the com- plaint which almply charged thn doctor with" via- ltlng"aod '■ n un K" a oaae of varlolold, re- marking that the complaint waa defective If tho presumed . it" ,-..-<- had been committed, and uaklog for thu discharge of tbla client on that ground.

Ills nonor earefully noled tho'polntt made bv Mr. Banborn, and then glanced about Mm ; It wai evident lhat the caae bad !>■■■ u tried long before ll came Into Ibo court room; but there wai a doubt— doubtlMt—In hi* Honor'* mind aa to tho legality or Ihe course lie Intended to puraue, nnd ao he called up Col. I'btihrlck, then District Attoreey Sherman. Mr. Banborn we* alaa taken Into Ibe

TIIK cosmntireB. Thejuilge looked ai If he deatred lo back out of

the butinc**. Dr. Tewkabnry aleo aeenied a* If ho waa willing lo do tha ajin.- thing. It waa well thai Col. Sherman wu* preterit or tbo fuse must have putiled Ibo eourt a* to Ire disposal, owing to the aland tskon by Mr. Banborn; for It't like a caae of drunkenne**, aiaault or battery. A man waa charged with a crlmo that might have been at- tended with th* moat *erlou* reaulta to tbe rnllro community. Tils urlme bt-d not endangered the aafety of thn oommunlly.biil tl m> ;!it. Owing lo the Imperleet man oar In which the complaint w*» made, It was aliuotl Impoialble to punish him under any alatute, and therefore a* we aay tlm court was pu/altid, albeit the court did not wish to take the responsibility of discharging Die defondaDt, hence the neeestlty for the oonferenco. To tbo epecls- tors the wbule afTilr seemed a farce, nnd even Tewkabury hlmaeir, waa (truck with lhu"rldlcu- loally" of Ibe proceeding*, and could not forbear emlltng. Col. Sherman aojtgeslej the continuance of the ow, and the dllemoa waa overcome, bio Dr. Tewksbury wa* bound over ou hi* own recog- nisance Tor further exaralnotion, which roeana he waa dlsuhsrged. And now any pbyalclan c*n con- ceal a caae of small poi If he la aaked to, not be- cauae Ihe law I* powerlei* but bocauae ill SIS 1* nu ■ !I.-J. . !11 HI to enforce It.

TUB USD. When the declilon of Iho court waa announced,

Mr. Ssuborn made a few remark* to bis Honor, ■od his Honor got on" one of Ibe beat Juki perpetrated for aome lime, remarking th. clans might be Induecd lo conceal tha existence ol contagious diseases In order lo Increase their bust neas, and we get the Joko upon bl* Honor by aay. log lhat the way In which ho disposed of tho rant commented upon, polde out lo phyalclsns every in- pucement to do so.

The name of Mi>s alary Conway, did not ap. pear In our report of tbo Fair when it opened . bis lady attends at the table of the society of

tbe Ancient order of Hibernians.


Frvm our own correspondent. NEW YORK. April 30ih. 1IT1,

DEAlt ABKlili'Afi.—Kvurybojy under tha mu- st leaet everybody whose sea cmllle* them to Dol- ly Varduns and the like, are out abopplng. This beautiful weather must raise the very dlekena with Uiepuraceof the lords of creation. " Men ruutl work aud women must shop, and the sooner 'tl* over the aouner to pop." How's that for a parody ? Juat for the aako of arelug the fun, aud dlecover- Ing tbe kind of bualoeas my sweet slstora were en- gaged In, I slrolluj Into a few or our first else* dry good* e*tabltahnient*,and became a looker on, and

seen BIGHTS AS i n n sir trul Ubl women are aalonlshlogly polite lo each other while busied In the selection of alike, garnilurea, •to, Truly I never la my life saw anything llko Ul It waa—" Biouae me, Had am, but / wa* ex- amining tble silk ;"—with an accent upon lb* little peraonal pronoun, which would make the hair of aay but Ihe ontnltlated ataud upright upon their respective cranlums. " Will you be kind enough to remove your/ref from my dreas tklrl.- ll I* not of very much conicqueoce to be *nrc—simply a queallon of good taalo and decency In g'ttlng home." Thla laat remark brought the houso down, —my houae I mean.

To whom It wa* addressed, paid apparently not the slightest attention, but while her infuriated iclghbor't attention waa diverted from tbe only

piece of real thread of a moat pecoliaj and : ■kerche patleru, which she evidently Intended purchase after she bad Indulged In a aafflclent

of womanly (exsute me, put an " un" be- fore thai adjective, Immediately} haggling—my III. tie piece of calmoea* said la lha blandeal ol tones to the polite clerk," I will take thle lace, alr"-

id ahe got 11. If thai wasn't fun then abow me imel There wa* one other thing thai I noticed id that waa that every one of tbeao shopper*

KNKW EXACTLY WHAT SIIK WAItTKI), he exact material, tbe exact amount of mateilal, id the exact abadea. Tbla waa beyond my Hulled ooraprehenaton, and

bow Ihey came by such accurate knowledge, waa a question which to save my life I could Dot anawer. Bo 1 ventured to blel my wonderment to a byatand-

i by Ibe way , I never would have shown my Ignorance toa woman], aud Ibla wa* hli aulu- tioo: " It'albetlsgaalne Muml Ladlts who dreaa a good deal, don't all of 'em Irutt to their dreaa- makera, I can tell you.''

Tblietarte&your oorreipoodent off on another tack, and I commenced to mak myieir, whether the luformiUloQ disseminated by these

jevJKKAWpr rxsHtoa, Waa in reality a ble»s1ng'or a curao ? Aner a little thought I decided that I ought to be ashamed of having bad a donbl on Ibe subject. A vision of frank Leslie** huge eatabllebment, with Ita city ol printing prefaea, Ita scare* of employees, Its nu- merous, almoet numberleaa publication*,— two of the moat prominent among the laat mentioned de- voted exclualvely to faahl on,—dawned before my eyea, Betng a woman'* right* woman, loo, 1 nat- urally cooaidered the women engaged In these art departmenta, and grew quite enlbualaatlc over fashion papcra, and decided to Investigate the mat- ter and let my readera know where they could find reliable fashion authority.

TUB OSBAT i in n in.i. with the majority of *ueh works ha* been lhat Ibe language waa as obscured by tho Introduction of foreign Hema as lo be sometimes wholly unintel- ligible. Tbla le to a great extent remedied at pres- ent, although aome writers even uow bold on to French words, for those who underatand French thla 1* all right; but for the poor little woman wbo ilmply speaks her own language, nnd I* compelled ,o economize by designing aud making her own :oatumei, It ia very disagreeable. Mow you all know that I uevcr "puff" anything for theaakeof pullhrg; thai under no consideration would I say a good word for a man, women, Institution |i. .['■]■. unless I knew whai I waa talking about; but thla much I do aay to my lady frienda: If you want to know Jml what lo wear, buy '- Frank Les- lie's Lady's Journal." Thla i* Ihe raoal reccnl ol all this gentleman's publication*, and even outi'de of the fniblon department Is quite aa interesting a* tho "Chimney Corner," or Ihe " Illustrated New*, paper," containing each week tbe frteheat, molest, and choicest literary matter. 1 clip the following description of a

M.w WALKINU eOBTIMB Called Ihe " favorite," from this week'* Journal In order that you msy comprehend the perfect simplicity of the description: Tbe Favorite walk- ing costume of black allk; round skirt, trimmed with three embroidered blaa bands; tunic over- skirt, quite long In Ihe back and allgblly draped; tbejicket Is very short In front, with Ihe back open almost to Ihe walat, the aklrta forming double aquare aasbea; sleeve with lb* bottom cut wide, and fulled In the elbow with a bow; tbe trimming of the over-skirt and Jsckel consists of an embroi- dered bias band and netted fringe. Engllah straw hat, relied at the sides and trimmed with black ribbon and blue feathers. Dine parasol with box- plaltlDg upon the edge, and a bow of ribbon upon tbe top. Twenty yard* of black silk are luOIolent to make thla coatume.

Your* fashionably, l"i i ivnl; k'lliK,




James \\\ Steams Im purchased the dwelling house and about two and u half acres of land adj lining, recently owned by Samuel Abbott, deceased.

Last Sunday services. Rev. A. J. Cordon, pastor of the Clarendon street Baptist church, Boston, preached at the chapel durlDg the day, and at the hall of Phillip* Academy In the evening. Kev. Mr. Tyler, of the Southern Africa Mis- sion, preached at the South church In

i could nut have told. II

horn be visited hnd Hie illliy

ll c*rewhat he

i the disposition tnonn that came

from the pu ly as that i

,i lil.n

it obMUra family aa un thu tlthaat and i though It never

v hai any *elf Inters: Id

lie would paid the !■■ » ■•■ where Ihey wiiuld readily pay for his aerrlcee, If he tbought Ihey did not need them. lie would go mik'a lo make a vlalt for which he never expected to receive a ectit, If he thought be rould do good.

lie evidently choae the calling for which nature designed him. Mr. riper enumerated and dwelt upon other traits in the character of Dr. Abbot, and upon the debt of gratitude and love which they among whom be had labored, and for whom be had worn out Ida lire, had not .ulrklintlv paid, and closed In tbese words:

"Farewell, faithful friend and phyalclan, farewell. Hey we all be as true, a* kind, aa good a* thou

a* thou hast bee for oihera' wclfi

May we all rise

the morning, at the West church in the , bast been. Msy we all be

afternoon, and spoke at a mhnlonary

meeting in the South vestry in the even-

ing. Itev. Mr. Livingston of the Mil-

lion In Turkey preached in the South church In the afternoon. Itev. Charles

Smith preached at the Free church.

The annual report of Ihe school com- mittee for the past year has juBt been Is-

sued. The statistics give the following


Largeat aggregate number, Mil Average, Bw Neither abaeot nor tardy, 111! Number under ."■ jeara old, 19

faithful In our calling In thine. May wc all by care

e earn real and peace for oar ■ rlcbly aa Ihon heat earned It. length lo that happier and brt-

The reports of the several schools rep- resent them In a flrrurUhlng condition as a general thlnjr.

The following are among the receipt* of the American Missionary for May.


: pbysl

Dr. J. B. Kendall picked up a pocket book belonging; to Mr- Crowell, yesterday, contain- ing a large mm of money. Ou examining it Mr. Kendall found Mr. Croweli'a name, and promptly restored tbe lost property.


only three cases or drunkenness bc- t lo day. Prank Pierce and Thomas

Walsh were asked to pay tbe coats, which Uiey did. John lUmmcll wns fined f.) and costs.

Monrur. There waa less than tbe usual crop or Saturday

night arraignments, lose than a ball dosen drunk* making up tbe docket In lhat line.

John Swallow, for adultery, wa* held In tlGOO for examination by the Buperlor Court. Thomaa Iloouey, for larceny, received ninety day* In houae of correction.

Andrew Randall, a deulscn of our young eisler down tbe river, while on a lark yeaterday, with two compaolons, Indulged lo too frequent pota- tioi.a, and getting belligerent, engaged in a free fight with Patrick Dorgao,on Oakitrcet; be paid $10 and ooau,

TukiDAT. Jaim • II, Hoj i, who waa arrested for dealing a

disturbance In Jackson elreat, tbought to amuec himself by prylag tbe grating*, and other mi.el,let la the cell where he waa placed; be was lined tio and coat* for the Aral oftVnee, and #13 and i upon Iho aecond, which he paid.

David Hart paid 110 and coata for oreatlug a ,1 !■ Iurbaiice on Broadway.

llemy J. Bhaltnck, In apparent forgetfulaeai lhat he had a Wife, ha* been fur a year or moro liv- ing with Almeda K. Clark In a similar capacity, Tho woman was fined 110 and coata for lewd and laaelvlona conduct, and Btiattur.k bound uvi *■".") on a charge of adoltery,

1'. O'llrten, arraigned for malnlalnlng a liquor nuisance, plead not gnltty, but Ihe Judge had but very lllllc faltb In Ibe itory, and sentenced him to a tine of *).'.'» and co*t*, or eix months In Ihe House of Correction: O'Hrlen appealed, and waa held in $300.


Them were only Ihreo prisoner* In Ihe dock thla morning. Michael Mumy for being drunk, wi lined |3 andco*!*. Michael BpjktU within coal*, and Jamea McKennon for an aaaaull on h wlfo waa allowed to have his esse continued, re ognlxlnglnlhesumof tfiO.

RtPOSTOM INSCUASCE.—Wearoindebted to our former townsmen and editorial associate. Deputy Commissioner Sargent, Tor the large and handsomely bound octavo volume, con- i.UiiM'i; Hi" s.-ivni Tilth A mm -I Koport of tbe Insurance Commissioner of ihe Common, wealth or Massachusetts, for Ihe past year. It contains a largo body uf valuable tlatlstics, well arranged anil highly useful for all inter- ested in tbe subject, thu body ut the report Is devoted to the isbjset of the losses sustsined In Chicago by companies duinp; business In Uassachujetts, and to tho measures taken to restore to them tho confidence which tbey en- Joyed before tbo great ftrc. The whole amount of torn ranee on tho property destroyed I* placed now at olnoty millions, of which com- panies In Massachusetts, subject to our laws, are liable for the enormous aggregate of forty- seven millions, oi moro than ono half the in- surance within the burnt district! The ma- rine losses wero also very great, tbe destruc- tion of the Arctic whaling fleet provingaie- vcre misfortune to Now Bedford and Its insur- ance companies.

THESE wii.r. he a Ua*a Temperance meeting at Baunders Hall, on neat Sunday evening, oommeiic- log at B o'clock. J. W. Berry, Raq., of Lynn, and olber promlneol speaker* will addre** the meeting. » »»«w

Tho Orphans Fair closes a most successful series of entertainments with to-morrow even Ingi tbo attendance has been large, and but two evenings remain In which to visit the Fair.

LoMDOVDtttf.—'fho dwelling houso and barn of Daniel Flandora, at what is known ns Sodom in Londonderry, were destroyed by fire on Sunday. The lire originated from a spark from iho chim- ney. Loss, flJixi; insurance. sJ'Jim. '['he lire sprcttd to n wood lot, and run over about fifteen acres, doing conaider- itblo damage.

CI.KVKI.ANI>.—There will bo a very large gathering of soldiers at this city nest week, on tho occasion of tho meet- ing of the i; i-.uid Army National Encamp- ment, i In1 rc-uuion of tho Army of tho 1'otuiuac, the ninlh mid Bixlh corps, and other Assoeiatiuna. Itound trip liukcts over the Erie road aro lurniihed at |_'ll, from Boston. »«■♦*♦-■

Two choice biis of original poetry will be found on tbe first page.

A larue steamshlu Is building la one of the Ilruoklyn whip-yards for the Japanese government.

Andover, Calvin B. Uoodell, S)23.00 Uroveland, Cong. Church, 11,04 Lawrence, Lawrence Ot. Cm;. Church, ISO.IT Mlddletoa,Cong. church, 11.00

To the /nitiihii-iiit.i of Aniiorer: The Memorial Hall Is rapldlr approaching com-

pletion, and will be ready for dedication early in September. It cannot longer be astd that Andover haa ralaed no monumeul Io her sons, who In Ihe

or danger offered Ihe highest **erlrlce for Ihe general good. Tbelr memory la ever freab In our hearts,and the devotion of their romradea who are atlll spared can ucver he forgotten by ua. Hut this solid memorial shall more surely traosmlt lo our descendants the record of their patriotism, anil will be to ua an ever preaent incitement to gener- ous aervlee.

The Truatee*, In entering on Ihe dullra asalgncd them by the town, would eipre** Ihelr anllafacllon that the way ha* been ao thoroughly prepared for ihemby the aaslduoualaboraof the building com- mlltee.

But while we njolco in being able to eongratu late the town on having aceured an endowment for tbla memorial Inatllutlon, through tbe gtrta oT lum ■ ored cltixens, aud ny large contributions from the Inhabitant! generally, It Is still our duly to point lo the urgent need of eOftffmted co operation on the port of tbe Inhabitants, If ihla enterprise ia lo be siecesafully carried forward, and If tbe Library conncclod with It la to accomplish ita Jegitlmate end*, and to eallffy Ihe mmaonaolo demand* of the public.

A town library, for Ihe free use of all the Inliabt- tnnla, I* the crowning accompaniment of our free school i-i i-i' in. At thla day, end to a reading peo- ple like thai of Andover, uo argument can be needed lo set forth ila value. And we eaunut doubt lhat Ills iho determination of Ik* town to go on with the work, In all It* depailmiuiH, which hsa been so li ipplly Inaugurated.

Accordingly, we now appeal to uur ultiieca for additional gifts, and aollclt douatlon* both for the Ifemorlal Room and for lb* Library. For the for- mer we deilre to receive memorials of the war, of all kind*, alao works of art and other object* of Iotoreat appropriate to auch a place. Kor the Li- brary, we oak donatlone of money and of books; and It .la hoped that thla library may be made the •pedal repoaltory of printed s* well u manu. aorlpt documents relating to Ihe history of Ando-

and of Andover fa mi lie*. Every old or new pamphlet written by any of our clliiene, or touch- ing upon the affairs of this ancient town, will be very acceptable.

In particular, we would direct attention to tho want* of the reading room. For Ihla department f Ihe Library exoluetvcly, a considerable number

of the leading newspapers aad of Ihe more popn- perlodlcals will be needed. Bat no funds have

yet been futnlahsd for thla purpose. (lifts of the kind* designated, will bo welcome a

all time*; but It haa occurred to tb* TrusUna thst tbe approaching eunlveraary of Decoration Day,

Huh of May, will be a peculiarly fit occasion on which to bring together theoe eootrlbnliona for the enrichment of an Inatltutiou which 1* designed to perpetuate the memory of Ihe same heroes whoae gravea on that day are decorated afresh. Slay we not properly Introduce thla new rite among thoae for which the day haa prevlouety been aet apart? And aball not the return or tho day, from year to year, be greeted by our cltlsena a* a favorable opportunity for memorial offerings to thia □all'

Contributions of money may he placed In the hands uf tho Treasurer, Samuel Raymond, at any lime; and he will bo found at thu town hall oa Decoration Day. Book* and other articles may bo depoalted lot the Selectmen's room. Donors are requested to attach their namca to their gtfl*, thai tbey msy In all MSJSJ receive ao acknowledgement from tbe Secretary, wbo will alao promptly re- turn, with due acknowledgement, all gllta which,

r-U duplieates, or for other reason*, the Trus- tees may feel obliged to decline.

(Signed) J. W. SM ITIT, F. U. .in.i . .. II. HlDDLKTOM, B. K. JENUIKH,


W. L. Rorxs, TruMteu.

Acduver, April ... il., 1872,

Tbe Board of Trustees of Iho Memorial Flail met on the 30th or March, and organli.-d by the election of Joseph W. Smith, President, Samuel Uavmond, Sec'y aud Treasurer.

In accordance with the vole or the town It waa decided by lot lhat tbe term of oflloe or eaeh mem- ber aball expire on Ihe i ay of thu annual town meeting lo the year sol against their auveral names

Joseph W. Bmllh, ||tw| Jame* II. Herrlll, Is!*; David Mlddleton, lttTo; U, Kendall Jenklua, 1878; Henry Boynton, 1B7T; Samael Raymond, 1878; WlllUm L. Ropes, 1870.

Al a *ub*equ«nt meeting Rev. J. II. M, , i ill. on ni-,' ui i .,( Hi health, and an intended protracted absence from town, tendered his resignation, which waa accepted with much regrel.and Rev. Francis II. Johnson wa* elected to All the vacancy.

Uoveruor YVaatiburn, hag declined an Invitation to deliver tho annunl addred.* before Ihu Society of Inquiry of the An dover Theological Seminary, at the annl. versary in June.

The tilm in of Are on Sabhath evening, waa occasioned by the burning of brush ou land of the Frye siaterg, in North An- dover, near the " Fellows place."

Constable Clark informs us that Charles Cocaneclt, a Gertuau or the Wu. !■,» Isli waa a few itu.y.-i Blnce swindled outol «130 by sotne of his countrymen. It ap- pears that twoof tbo fellows came to his place ostensibly for the purpose of buy- ing his farm, which they bad understood was for sale. While they were there a third party, dressed as a newly arrived iiuiiii-ciiiit, made his appearance and a*k- ed for bread and water and told a pitiful story. taonjr other things stating that he had 94,500 worlli of cloths, which he had Imported and which were In the Boston Custom House, and he wished to ohtuln $1.1(1 with which he could pay the duty and release hla stock. That he bad two valuable gold watches sent by him to his brother and sister In (his country which were worth $.100, and he would give them u.-, security for the amount, and pay $20 for Ita uso one day. Mr. Cocaneck was Induced to go and borrow the re- quired sum for iiim and took tbe watchea for security. The awlndlcra have not since been heard from and the watches left aa security aro not considered worth $10.

An account of the funeral of Dr. Ezra Abbot, a native of this town, at CaotoD, laat week, la published tu the lloaton Tvnntcripi. It was attended by tbe el tl- zena generally. The ceremonies at tbe church were conducted by tho pastor of tho church, Rev. George F. Tiper, and Rev. Dr. Morrison, of Milton.

Rev. If r. Piper baaed his remarks an Col. I- " The Beloved l'hyalalan," and woe a cartful, Jual analysis of the character 0f the deceased, and a feeling and eloquent tribute to his many virtuea. Tbe moat prominent trail In Dr. Abbot'* ebaraeter wa* hla utter umellUhness. lie wa* lha moal dla- Inurcated of men. II* rode day after day and nigh I after ulghl, often through eold and mud and atoms, yel b* never rode a mile, never visited a pa- tient for Ibe sake of the fee to which ha was enti- tled. I doubt whalbar ha ever a*had blmtelf how much h* wa* earning, and If he did I am aura that,I lo which thou beat rlaen." Itev. Ur. Uorrlson followed with a tender eulogy

on bla early friend, whom he Drat knew forty.five yeara ego at rhilllpe Kielrr Acidemy, end a moat powerful delineation of what a good pbyslciau should be, which he followed with prayer.

The students of the Theological Semi- nary arc mnkiug arrangements for a 1'nii! -c of lectuns for the csmlng reason. The course will be ou the plan formerly pursued; surplus funds to be devoted to extra entertainments. They have al- ready fecitred the service* of Mr. Hep- worth, Prof. Cliurchlll, Get). McIAiuahi", and Mrs.TTtTrrfSt Beecher Stowe.

Tho Missionary Herald for May haa among its receipts the following:—

Andover, Chapel Church, S-IJU. WeBt Church, $101.

Lawrence, South Church and society, $16.50.

Itev. Worcester Wllley lor 1 went).five years a missionary among the Cherokee Indians, has removed his family to this town as their future residence. Mr. Wll- ley continues deeply Interested lu the In- dian race, and delivers very Interesting lectures upon the subject wherever such services are desired.

Mr. Hamuel A. Hitchcock of Urlmfleld, Mass., tas presented to the Treasurer of the Theolofclcal Seminary In this town the Bum of 850,000. llehad previously given $75,000 to the same Institution.

Uev. Robert Collycr, of Chicago, de- livered his popular lecture on "Clear grit," at the town hall, on Tuesday even- ing. Tho lecture was excellent, but we regret lo say tho audience was small. It is somewhat myBterious that ono of tho most distinguished lecturers in the country should draw less than 150 hear- ers in n place with a world wide reputa- tion for Ita literary and scientific advan- tages, and where five hundred persons nt least arc constantly gathered from abroad to receive instruction.

There will be n Younjr PtJO-pIe't Union Prayer Meeting In Ihe lower room of I he Town Hall, on Sunday nit ut half past five o'clock. Mr. Tiltou, principal of Phillips Academy, will conduct It. AH are cordially invited.

Mr. A. V. Tinker of the senior class In the Seminary, has received a call to set- tle us pastor of the Union church, North Brooklleld.and also from Ibe High street church. Auburn, He.

The Mendelssohn Q<iintet(e Club as- sisted by the celebrated vocalist, Mrs. J. W. Westou, will aive a concert at the town hall this (Friday) evenlnsr, under tbe auspices of the students ol Phillips Academy. These charming musicians are very popular, and always draw a full house IntbU place.


Tbe ilrat Instalment of Bra In tbe wood* oame In i Sunday,visiting tbe neighborhood of the swamp anses and tbe old railroad banking, going over

considerable ground. A good slice of farmer Stolt's fencing came to grief in consequence. Aud now Uoole Robert must get some board* and build

w fence, all beeauas eome acallawega remem- bered not tho Sabbath da; to keep It aa it abould be,but went about etrlklng matches, which wu not proper, beeauae It created great alarm, ai il brought cut Bhawsbio No. 2, who had to wurk real bard fur two or threo houra.

Tbe Cornet Band paraded the alreela on 6 atur ay afternoon, playing some of their be*', anl int.

eatmualci acolleetion was laken op all ihe >nle,—of children we mean.

Tbe surveyora for the new r..lim. I have heen about this week; It 1* not yet known wtuie family la to be made happy by having trie track run through their barn or houae lot.


BiLVEIt WKDDINO.—Tbe friends of btr. & Ur*. Aaa Angler of North Andover, lo Ibe number of about sixty, mada'a surprise oall upon them lotrt Thursday evening, the 23lh inn., It being Ihe twen> ty-llfiy annlveraary or Ihelr wedding. Oa arriving at tbe bouse, Hr. Angler waa called to lha door, and aa hi s friend* passed in evinced bis eurprlie by asking bow many more there were. HI. worthy wife waa found buay aawlng a braided mat. After laying away their ouulda clothing, and a pleasant cbal Indulged In by tbe company, Kcv. Mr. Flah made a few remark* pertinent to tbe occaalon. pre- auntlng the worthy couple In behalf or ihelr Mends, a sofa, sit of silver fork*, let of Jawalrr, born spoon, *poon holder, ivrnp dlah and aalvar, napkin rloga, aome greenback*, and many other article*; after which a bountiful collation was served. The evening waa passed very pleaaaolly, and at a laic hour the company weuded tbelr way to Ihelr homes, after wiablng ihe couple many hippy return* ol their annlveraary. ZtCK.

Mr. J.icoh Mum.: baa his line mansion nearly complete*!.

The tlrsiu engine which runs the works ofsfesa. Davis It Purbt-r, broke down Thuraday mornlm, causing a delay of three day*.

Tho rebuilding uf the N»rth Anduver Ml!:,, hsa commenced, and will bo rapidly pushed forward.

Ifeear*. Divl* ft Purber are ranking preparations to enlarge their foundry.


We the uuderalgned dealre to eapre** oar )lu- cvre thanks to our kind frienda anil neighbors for the pleasant surprise they gave us ou the evening ot the Uth luat., and alao for lh* many uioful aud aubatautlal token* of their frleaaabln left aw aMas They will aver b. U.k.SI .P" ■ wfth » X""t remambrancr of Ihe past, and n good with for the future wellara of lha donors. ''Cast thy bread ipon the water*, and Ihun shall Und It after raaoy

*" ■■" »'■•"— Altaian. AlA i n. Hi

NOT1CK. All persons Indebted la K. MOBMSOH ft Co ,

will pieasc Fettle their account* at the Boot aril Bhos Store of Mr. HenJ. Ilrown,

AHOOVRK, slay ii.

Fow §ale. Two low prloed horaee, good worker*, suitable

lor teaming nr (arm work; weigh USO and 1100 pounds, sound and kind. Also tbe ruaulnu nan to a wagon, suitable for one or two horses. One hay cotter. Jhe above property will bs ml.I T»ry low if sp-

oiled for soon. J0IIK COHNKLL. ABDOVBH, Hay:id,'Tl. :i:

For rale.

building* and other uteful purposes: for *alo cheap;; apply lo WILLIAM 8TICKI.IT. May" Andover, May 3.

Wagon lor Bale. A nlee Farm or Job Wagon, nearly new. Wbl

be sold oheap aa the owner has no use for It. All- ply to AHH.UK UosMait

Cor. Pleasant and High St., Lawrence. at'

ROW BOAT FOR BALE. Newly painted. But little uie.l. Far .ale

cheap. lnu,olre immediately at the » BUBDtR FACTORY, Andover.


Real Estate in Andover. h&JFl£S3. ?"eIHnI *•«■•, painted and Ollnoed, having eleven rooms aad an I, with ser- ■Zfli! «*>'•'■ father wlthabaiementcoiitaln- M*5r?3' "J?1,"? room. back room aud closet*. ,«!.*MB* SSfflSSL*" •**" i*ab»uthalf an fiS, .,. P Mc,r "■? r°f ! t*rd"- tln '"e prem. "IT «t?"r,l'pp'•••"leherr^trees,agrapery,

- -'II of excellent U*ver falling id^thorough drainage. The house la

'h' buildings era In good repair — mt s few rods from ay desirable for a

"use. A part of the

- -Ilgible located, but a f< the eemlnary.and 1* every Wi reildenee or aa a boarding bom purcha*e can remain on mortgage,

4IAO, AaTCfttt Dwflllnk "«»•». I" I««i repair, with •hed and barn, and about Ihree acrea ofland\ hall a mile from the aeminary. Inualre of

a a_ „ UltUEUB VOST1R. Andover, Maroh 29, 187J, tl

—— -e— we* m—t- n * i~"ff>|T^??T

TOWN WARRANT. KiBKX.SB. ToJOUN C I.A i.J. , ui.-- uT the Con

stable* of Ilic town of A i Im i;. greeting: In I In. name of tho common wealth uf Mats*

chuietlB, you are hereby directed to notify and wun the Inhabitant* of the town of Andover, i|..]nl!ll-i1 to vote tn election* and (own affairs, to meet and miemble at the Town Ifauac, In laid Andover, on TUESDAY, the Seventh day ot Mar, leTa, nt fifteen miiiuii'H before TWO o'clock P. U., to act on the following arilclea, namely :-

Article lit.—To choose a Uodcrstor to preside ■I (tld meeting.

Article 2d.—Shall any person be allowed to manufacture, tell, or keep for lale, Ale, I'orter, Strong Beer, or Liger Bier, in thlitown? The volt to be by ballot " Vea," or " .No," In answer to tlie question.

Article 3d.—To MM If the Town will autliorl/e the Town Treasurer to pay to lha Trustees of tbe Memorial Hall the Interest on the Permanent Truit Fund, temi-annuaiiy. Alio, to pay to said Truiteei any money other than Permanent Trust Funds that may belong to tbe Memorial Hall.

Article 41b.—To aet on any other business that may legally oome before thla meeting.

Hereof fall not,and n.nke due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place ol meeting.

Given under onr band*, at Andover, tbil twenty-seventh day or April, In the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- two. JOHN It. FLINT,


Selectmen or Andover, A true copy—Atleit,

It JOHN CLARK, Constable of Andover.

TOWN -NOTICE. The Selectmen will be In teuton, for bnilnnia,

at tlielr Offlce, on MONDAY AFTKKNOON next, Hay oth.

JOHN II. FLINT, j Selectman IlHN.l. HllVNTOsJ of LEWIS U. HOLT, 5 Andover.

Andover, Hay 8,1ST2. It

T>BPOBT of the condition ol " Tint AvirOTHI

of IfauacliusL-tts, at cloao of buxitiei on tbe i■■; i. day of April, 187*.

Rtiourttt. im.760 34

• (0

Una from redeeming and reserve agents,

Hanking houie. Sfl,4S4 20

6,000 00 Cash itema,(chccka.) IS IS 00 Hills of other National Hsoks, 7.COS 00 Fnietliinalcurrency,{lnr]udinunlrkeU,) 03 H Specie, coin. •J.397 T8 Legal tender noted, 10,000 oo

t)5H,m M

Liabilltiet. Capital stock paid In, ta0,060 00 Surplus fund. I'roflt and Io", National Bank circulation outstanding, IM.WIH 00 Dividend' unpaid, ! .-"» 00 Individual deposits, 61,087 28

AS4I,U20 U I, Hoaea Foster, Cashier of The Andover Na-

tional Bank, do solemnly awcar that the above statement is true, [u the best of my knowledge and belief. MUSES FOSTER, Cashier.

o'fnfe of ifttftachuttttt, County of Ettex, tt. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day

of May.isn. JOHN FLINT, Justice of the Peace.

Correet-Attett, JOHN FLINT, ) NATH'L SWIFT. J Directors. JOHN L. TAYLOS,>

NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. To tbe Inhabitants of the Town of An-

dover, and Persona Liable to be Assessed therein.

You are hereby noli lied t list the subscribers will be In session at the Town House, In said Ando- ver, on BATUKDAY AFTKRNOONS, May II, 1", and 2o, Juno 1, from '-.' too o'clock, r. M,, far the purpose of receiving true and perfect Hats of the polls and all the estates, real and personal (not by law cicmptcd from taxation,} which you are possessed ol, in said town of Andorer, on the Brsl d i) ." .1. ■..[-. ■.

.Km * H. FLIBT, ) Assessor* UBSJ.BOYNTOS, J of l.RwiB O. Hol.T, > Andover.

Andover, April!!.., 1B72. GENERAL SIAII rl's, C'MAi-ri.i: 11,

Beo. 21. Re.ore proceeding to make an assess- ment, tba assessors ahall give seasonable notice thereof to the Inhabitants of their respective any of their meellnr.1, or by posting up In their city ar town one or more no tin cut Ions In some public place or places, or by some other Hufllcli nt manner. Such notice shall ri quire tbe Inhabitants to brine In to the assessors, wltliln a time therein specified, true lists ol all their personal eatates not exempt from taxation.

Bee. ".i. Tbe assessors ahall In all oases re- quire a person bringing tn sueh a list to make oath that the same Is true; which oath maybe administered by either of tbe assessors. CIIAPTBB 131, er TUB ACTS or TKB YK AK 1BC5.

When tbe assessors of a city or town hare elven notice to the Inhabitants thereof to bring In true lists of all tbelr polls and eatttes, not ex- •mpt from taxation, In acordanoe with the pro- visions of tbe twenty-aeoond section of tbe eleventh chapter of the Ueneral Statutes, they •hall not afterwards abate any part of tbe tax aaaesaed on personal estate to any person who did not bring In snob llitwllhln the time speci- fied therefor In such notice, unless snob tax ex- ceeds by more than nTty per oentum the amount whleh would have been assessed to that person □n personal estate. If be had seasonably brought In said list; and if said tax exceed by more than fllty per centum tbo said amount, the abatement ahall tie only of tbe excess above the said Oily per centum; provided, however, that tbla act shall not effect any person who can show a reasonable excuse for not seasonably bringing in aald list. CIIAI-TER loo OK THK ACTS OF TUB YKAB teat.

Whoever shall deliver or disclose to any asses- sor or assistant aaiessor of taxes, elected or ap- pointed In purauance with tbe laws of this Com- monwealth, any false or fraudulent list, retnrn or schedule of property as and for a trne Hit of bis estates, real and personal, not exempted from taxation, with Intent thereby to avoid tbe lawful assessment or payment of any tax, or with Intent thereby to defeat or evade tbe provisions of law ID relation to the assessment or payment Of tax- es, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dtillara or Imprisonment In jail not ex- oeedlng one year. apSO

3KT o T i o E .

has opened a

Fash Ion able Hair Dressing Room

opposite fiean'a Hotel, ELK HIJUAKK, next door to Burt's Livery Stable, where be will be happy to receive and attend to the wants of customers, By strict attention to business,and by faithful en- deavors to please, he hopes to deserve a fair pro- portion or public confidence and patronage. It will be his aim to keep a first class establishment, and tbe public are Invited to give him a trial,

ry l'jirUi'uliir attention paid to Cutting Ladies' and Children's Hair.

P. 8.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mode of elcaui Ing the liulr without soap or water. Try It.

GEO, II. OBB1LL, Andover. Jan. 6, 187*. tl

FOR SALE A Light BRAHMA BOOSTER, weighing 12

lbs. BufT and Partridge COCHIN ROOSTERS. Trio of Dark IIRAUHAand HOUDAN FOWLS, from the stock of Warren A Williams, Also, a quantify of PEERLESS Potatoes.

BRNJAMIN BOTHTON. Andover, April 26, 187*. 4t

Window Shades & Fixtures. Having taken' a room In DRAPER'S BUILD-

ING, I am prepared to famish tbe Latest and Best makes of WINDOW SHADES, and both Cord and Spring Fixtures.

Also, a large Job lot of SHADES at one-ball the usual rates, Please call and examine above.

Curtains Trimmed and llung. Drapery work dons Hi a neat aud fashionable manner,

W. A, CORSE, Hours fron T P, H. to 10 P, H.; or at w)

Hanover Street, Boston, during day. Andover, April 12, IM*.

Spring Millinery




Of the LATEST STVI.K, and suitable for

Spring and Summer Wear,

Wll 1.1 All Y. SllllltS

Millinery and Fancy Good* Store,

(Opposite Post Office,)

tf NEW MEAT MARKET The Subscriber hereby Informs the cittsens of

Andover and vicinity that he baa taken the shop lately occupied by Valuey Brothers, corner ol

where be will keep for sale id Vegetables. ■-

Andover, June 9, 1871.

Farm for Sale. The Farm of Messrs. WHEELBR ft ABBOTT

Is offered for sale. The house Is two stories, with eight large square rooms, and an L fur kitchen and woodshed; In good repair, recently shingled, and having s eommodlons and dry Cellar. Near the honse Is a large barn, and two wells of excel- lent, never falling water with pumps are con- nected with the buildings. Th.' land consists of ■-!! acrca of mowing, tillage and pasture. Upon tbe place Is a thrifty orchard containing about one hundred grafted apple trees, six hundred hills of L'rape vines of a three years growth, fall stak- ed,) thirty peach trees, a strawberry bed, and --■hitc raspberries and currants. It Is located In

ic south part of the town, on the Salem road, Is rery way a desirable estate, and will be sold at a iw price If applied tor soon. For further partle- lars, Inquire of OKOBGK FOSTER, or of the srners on tbe promisee. Andover, April 28, 1872. tf

FOR SALE, Situated on School Streel, Andover,

■MBl a House, Shed and Stable, all connected, [JjjL and Lot MO feet front, 80 feet deep. The [eiilhonse contains ten rooms with closets, " "'good well of wster, and all very conve-

niently arranged for a family or for taking board era. Within a few rods or Theological Seminary Phillips Academy, and Abbott Female Seminary 1-J mile from post office and railroad station, 1-4 mile of church, 20 miles from Boston, 3 from " awronee, B from Lowell and Haverhlll. It Is

iry rare that a pleoe of property ofTers Itself so ell located. A part of lbs purchase money can main on mortgage. Also, A acres of Land situated 3 * of a mile from

the aforesail premises. For further Information, inquire of the owner. 1. ALVIN FAKLKY.

-dover, April 13,1672.

TERRBNCE HENRY, Manufacturer of

Coffins, Catikets, and nil kinds of Grave Clothes.

Also, dealer In all kinds or Fur- niture. Blaek Walnut, chestnut and Plus Chamber Seta con-

_lstantly on band. Upholstering and Repairing dona In tbe neatest manner, and it reasonable prloes. Picture Frames, Curtains and Curtain fixtures constantly on hand, and pnt up if desired.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.


Manufacturer of Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm

and Business Wagons. Repairing In all Its branohes; and all work



The subscribers faavejatt received


to their slock of

]?aper Hangings


to which they Invite tbe attention of the public.

• ■ Tiny also keep constantly i ale, a general variety of

i band, and lor



Agricultural Implements,

Garden and Grass Seeds, &c.



SMITH, MANNING & CO Andover, Aptll 3«, 1872. 4t

FOR S Working OXLN.

ALE. and two

a.p if

ew Milch COWS.

Andover, April 12, S72. HOl.T.



Furniture & Upholstery Rooms, In Brick Building neat north or the Town Hall,

over V'aluey's Meat Market; entrance on side neat to the ball,

Where can bs found a good as- sorlment of Bedsteads, Itu-

L rraua, ginks, Wash HtandK, Tables, Chairs; Hair, Palm

Leaf, Husk, Kaeelslor, and Wool Mattresses. — Also, a general assortment of Looking Glasses, Curtains and Curtain Fixtures, Cord and Tassel*,

Sofas and Stuffed Furniture repaired,and made ai good as new.

Curtains trimmed and bung, and general Job- bing done.

Articles not on hand will be obtained promptly,

Andover, Jan. 1,1871.

j,i r,ij iiuuiiflAS, Hueccator to Abbotts.

Undertaking Sf Cabinet Making. The subscribers having bought the bnslnei

the late llcrmon Abbot, have constantly on band a full assortment of Coffins, Caskets, ltobes, Plates, and everything connected with the bust- ness, are prepared to furnish them at onoe and In a superior manner. We have also several Pro- sorvlng Casea, and wilt furnish Iro and preserve bodies when desired. Horses and Carriages pro- cured if needed. Orders Icll at WOODHAM'fi Furniture Store, next door north of tba P. O side entrance, or at his residence, third ii >u» south of Town Hall, Main Street. Mr.C. served his apprenticeship as Cabinet Maker do any work Intrusted to him In the best mumiti

WOODMAN A CHABTHKK. Andover, March 1.1872. tsa


TEAS. The peculiarity of these Teas is that they

carefully sclecied and packed In hermetically sealed tin eannlslrrs, full weight,and no i ohargefor thecannlater. This manner of packing Teas protects them from obnozlons odors and loss of flavor and strength, to which tbry necessarily subjected as usually kept by dealers In loosely oovered chests and bexi s,

Tkese Teal ar* giving splendid sstlsfaollon, Try them.



I. O. of O. F,—The fl-ti anniversary of lbs Inlro. dnciion of Iblaordtt luto the Called States wai observed with aripropilnle cercmoulca by Pro tec tlon Lodge No. 147. After llio Introductory eter olses, tiic N. U., Mr. John O. Hostel, gave u sue clnt account of the rise and progress of the ordi-r sud spoke In tenui of the highest commendation o: III principle* and practical workings. Abumoroui pacm was road by Sir Q, 11. Illchardson, which wai received with much applause. After partak- ing ot refreshments, of which an abundant stipply atid of csrellent variety, bad been furnltbed, sic, songs and ipeecbc* engaged tbe attention of the assembly for the remainder of tbe evening.

ti. A. K—The members of Tost 108 Intend to bring out Woodword's drsma, enUllcd "Tbe Little Unionist." Most of the characters will be taken by members of the Post. Tbe first rehearsal took pises on Thursday evening, and appearaneea Indicate a brilliant representation,

A«niVAL.-Mr. T. O. Elliott, who has pas tbe winter In California, returned on Monday I greatly Impressed with the great changes that hi ocourred In that Slate slnco his former visit Ibi

>me twelve years sgo.

Bcitooi. SOCIAL.—The members of Grammar School No. i had a very pleaaanl gathering at the achool room, on tbe evening or the 2Tlb Inst. Read- ing, singing, dialogues, tableaux and refreshments afforded entertainment of a pleasing variety. Tbe popular teacher. Miss E, X. Harsh, received from ber pupils, as a token of their respect and affection, a beautiful silver bell, intended for the teacher's desk.

Nxw STOBE.-Mr. 11, C. WtttM ha* opened a grocery store in the building formerly occupied by W. Boynton A-Bon*. He baa a large and well se- lected stock of groceries, and will be pleased to re- ceive a call from his oid customers.

BASE BALL,—A match gstne (of base ball) waa played on tlio ball ground* at South Qaorgetown,

Saturdsy, the 27th tilt,, by the High School Club uf Georgetown, and tbe Merrlmaek Club of Brad- ford. Both clubs exhibited some line playing dur-

ig the game, which resulted In favor or th* Hlgb School Club by a sore of 40 to 8.

MAT FfMTlvAL.-Tho poplls of lbs Hlgb School held a festival at the Town Ball on the evening of May 1st. Tbe member* of tbe school, graduate* and Invited guests formed a large and brilliant company, and all seemed to enter into the spirit of

in occasion wltfa commendable seal. Tbe exe ■ Ises of the evening consisted of dialogues, char-

ades, and tableaux. After tbe refreshments had sufficiently dlacasaed, a considerable portion

of th* company Indulged lu a "saltatory" exercise the music of Wilde's quadrille band.

Andover, Feb. IS, 1872, tl


DRESS MAKER, Has on band a large allotment or Ladles',

- Misses' and Boys' PATTERNS for sale. Entrance to Rooms opposite Post Offlce.

Andorer, M.rehJ,l»7J tf

An iMPKEssivn fjuMiAT SERVICE.—The Plym- outh Congregational Church, Lawrence, Kansas, waa on Sunday week, the scans of a very Impres- sive ceremony. One hundred and thirty-eight per- sons were admitted to Ihs msmberiblp or the cbareb. In anticipation of th* event, thslr beauti- ful audience room had beSn deoarated with wreaths of evergreen, hung from eoob of tbe brackets along tba sides and galleries; lbs reading desk wss gsy with flowers, and the grest organ bora In evergreen letters on a while ground, tba words, " Olory to Ood OS high." When th* honr set for lha service* came, th* cburcb, selling two thousand, was filled. After the opening services, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cordlry, bapllied sixty persons. Every sge and condition In life wss represented. Tbe baptismal water fell on lha curling locks of childhood, snd tbe hosry basd of ag*. Tbs larger portion of th* candidates, however, were between tbe ages of twenty and thirty. After the baptism ssab roi bis name was callrd, and then unitedly Ibsy gsve assent to the articles of faith and the covenant, Tbe sscrament of tbe Lord's Supper waa then ft*} mlnlalored. The services ooncluded wlib a short address from Rev. Mr. Cordley, In which lb* duties of young chrlstlaus to Ood, their fallow-men, and the ohurch, wera sot forth in bis direct and 1m- presuvs style. c.

The report that three men were carried over Niagara Falls last week Id believed to be untrue.

Ki'Ker, the county treasurer of Walla Walla county, Oregon, has been arrested on suiploion of complicity In (ho recent alleged robbery of the county.

LiTBnATDKK, ART AKD Sotto ii the title of a bandiome volume from the presi of tba Inter- national Publishing Company, New York, which promise! to makoonerl the most attrac- tive lubscripiioD volumes of the season. It Is

unique publication, comprising; melodies, American poems end prow by Thomas Moore,

biography antl critical review by Dr. B. Shell.HI Mackenzie; and alio a collection of holce melodies, arranged as dueti, solos, trios, tc , nith piano accompaniment. It will be il-

Initrated in n most profa'c manner, including nearly 400 full-page engravings, and altogether will form n rich and elegant volume. Tbe book has been prepared with tbe aim of gathering, in a single volume, the largest practicable combl*

Ion of literary excellence, to which is added tbe beiuty and interest of illustration, and the attractiveness of mu&ic. The humor of anec- dote, the Information of history and biography* tbo sweetness of poetry, and tbe charm of mu-

;ill!t!i-H here. Its pictures Illumine use tbe quiet hours of lite; its songs

overflow with (he pure, rippling ggiciy so wel- come In (bo social circle; it is a wile, sympa- thizing, smiling and companionable friend. It Is handsomely printed and bound, and to every ■nbicrlborls presented ibe attractive iteel en- graving "The Happy Retnrn," 03x20 Inches, by Landieer, which with Ibo really line fea- tures of the volume itself, cannot fill of fecur- Ing for ft a cordial welcome. It Is sold only by subscription, and Mr. John Kaion Is agent for Lawrecco and vicinity.

"i b*B T

The regulation and or remitting ol frac til I i.l : ill [,,i ,■•: (-1 ii-. :■(,!:■■ ,,; :;■:■;, (■[,-

•■if- that nature employe In the movement of the greBt irlnciers or lec rivers of lofty mountains. A very instructive experi- mental Illustration of fbls singular prop- erty may be performed by placing a piece of Ice on coarse wire gauze, and submit- ting It to pressure, when It slowly passes through Hie gauze nnd reunites on the other side, forming a solid block, marked with lines of air-bubbles that correspond to the tracks through which the wires bavo passed.

The formation and preservation of Ice In such countries as Bengal, whero the temperature rarely fulls below 30degrees

Is accomplished through the agency of Ice-fields. The principle Involved is to secure the most rapid radiation ond iraporation possible. Tills is done by

placing a thin stratum of water In shal- low dishes of porous earthenware, which are arranged at sunset side by side on a bed of perfectly dry straw; the water in tbe vessels Is quickly cooled, partly by radiation to tlio sky, ond partly by evap- oration through the porous material of which the di.-hf- are made, and Ico soon forms on the surface of (he liquid. It Is said that on nights when the wind Is fa- vorable, and the evaporation and conse- quent cooling thereby hastened. It Is no uncommon occurrence to secure five tons of Ice per acre from these fields.


Professor Tyndall states that almost the whole of the dust in rooms 1B of or- ganic origin, nnd prominent among these orgnnic bodies is horso manure. The removal of this ofTensivo contami- nation from the air of Infected localities, lias been the subject of careful experi- ment and investigation by the London Board of Health. Not only have the droppings been taken Irom the streets, but tbo surfaces of the pavements liavo also been purified by jets of water thrown by steam power, whereby nil tho crevi- ces between thu stones forming tho pavements have been cleansed. In Borne districts tho practice has been adopted of covering nil surfaces that are soaked with foul organic materials with a layer of fresh earth. This lias been attended with tbo most satisfactory re- sults. Tho Val do Travors asphalt pavement Is however regarded by Sir, Joseph Whit worth, the grcM. English authority on all questions connected with street economy, nB offering the most promising relief from such organio dust, since its introduction will tend to hnBten tbo employment of hot-nlr engines with India rubber tires for all tho purposes of street trafllc, and tho aourco or cauBQ of the contamination will of necessity disappear.—Scrt'iiier's for May. »«■»—■■♦——

An agreement has atlost been reached by tlio Senate and House on tlio free tea and coffee bill. All importations of either article after tbo first of July, to- gether with tbo amount in bond nt that time, will bo free of duty. Tbo revenue question has been vory much simplified by this net. A general reduction of tbo tariff is impossible if we are to preserve the balanoo between national receipts and expenditures. The reduction or taxation that lias been agreod upon, is ono in the Interest of the people as a whole. It olioapens articles which havo become necessities to nearly every fami- ly in tho country. Our manufacturers need fear no longer that they are to loso the benefits of tho protection they bavo heretofore enjoyed, and working-men may lay aside any apprehensions that tho alternative of a stoppage of factories or a reduction of wages will be presented to them. We should suppose that tho result of tho action of tho House yester- day would puzzle the Cincinnati conven- tion somewhat, adding to the difficulty of determining whether It will bo expe- dient to pass a decided free-trade reso- lution or not, However, that Is ito af- fair and not oun.~Advertiser.

A large number of members of the In- ternational have been arrested at Lyons, France.

BTKOl TaBBLt & Co., will open Spring Bulls and Wrappers on Monday, Hay G. All the sessoni styles—coll early and examine. 24'J and ■.■".•) Kisex street.

Tn a "DJI '' Is tbe most durable sewing


249 and 255 Essex Et,

> n.i. oraa oat

QtsUT cloiing-out sale at 03 Essex Street, M.S. Anderson. Black dollar kids selling for 60 els.; two button kldi in colors, 80 ctl.

It has been proved beyond a doubt that tbtre la no rrmrdy cijutl to Smolauder's Duelm lor tonln| nod stimulating ltie Tim-oils system, and by which means alone kidney, bladder and glandular dis- eases,mental and physical debility, diabetes, (ravel,

of vigor in citber sex, and female complaints succumb, and beallb Is restored.

VECETIKE IS composed of roots, barka and bsrbs. II Is very pleasant to take; every child likes It. Vrgelloe Is acknowledged by all classes of people lobe Ibe best and most reliable blood purlRerln the world, Vegetlne—by Its use you will prevent

sny or tbe diseases prevailing In the spring and immer season. Vegetlne has restored thousands i health wbo bad been long and painful sufferers,

Vegstlne will curs worst cases uf scrofula.

The spring wool clip Is coming into Los Angelos freely.



1JAUTI.KT-T-iUIEKEil.—In No.Andover,April 31, by Rev.O. 8. Butler, Mr. Orson Bartlelt of Lswrenee, and -Miss alary L. Bsrksr of North Andover.

BODWELL— POSTER.-In Oeorgelown, April ■-'.-..h, by Itev, O. fj. Butler, Mr. lfenry H, Bod- well and Miss Klisa E. Foster, both of Boiford.

»AVIS-STBVBKfl.-Io Melhuen, April 90th, by Kev. Thos. O. Qrasale, Mr. Abbott B. Davis, of Boston, and lllss Lucy K. BtevenB, of Matbuen,

ILi)HUISB~HIl.l.S.-In Wlndliam, N. H., May 1st, by Kev. Mr. lions*, of LoodoDiierry. Mr. William 1'. Kobblns, or Enfleld, Conn., and htlss A .Mis, daughter of ltd Hills, Ksq, of Wlndbam, From the sonlh the Bobbins come to the Kills

of New Hampshire, but 'tis seldom thai they are able to move tin- milt of New Hampshire to tba south. OLAKK-PINOBBB.—lo Georgetown, April S81h,

by Kev. O. 8. Butler, Mr. Osear F. Clark and lit■• Carrie A. Plngrea, both or Rowley.

PINGRBB — HARRIS.—In Georgetown. April 28lh,by Rev. O. B. Butler, Mr. Charles H. Pln- grea of Georgetown, and Miss Lucy B. Harris, Of Ipswich,

3D«afh*. JENKINB.-Iu North Andover, April 28, Mrs.

Abbio K. Bsrksr, wife ot Benjamin F. Jenkins, aged 48 years.

JORDAN.—In this city. April 24, Miss Hannah P. " idan oft'lympton. Mass,, aged 46 years.

BTIIRROCK.-ln Andover, April Kith, Mr. Jams* Hiurmck, aged 22 yrs, S mos.

ABBOTT.—In Andover, April Soth, Nalban Ab- bott, nged T:» yrs, S mos.

Ill TCHIM1H - In Methuen, April -JTlfa, John L. ~ tcblnga, aged U yrs, 1 mo, 3 dys.

ALQER.-In Melbnen, April 30ib, Mrs. Helen M. wlfs of William Algrr, aged til yrs, 11 mos, ID dys.

JENKINS.-ID North Andover, April 28th, sirs. Abby I'., wife of B. P. Jenkins, and daughter of lbs late J. Holt Barker, aged 40 yrs. Mra. Jenkins was a woman of more than ordina-

ry endowments and accomplishments, and by bar devotion to dutr gained a large place In tbe hearts Of the community In which ahe lived. During tbe lasl ten years she baa been an Invalid, with the va- lid eiperlenae of those who go slowly down to tbe

grave,—ono day hopeful, the neat day despairing— and such waa tho nature of ber disease tbat her case eiclled more general Interest than any other person that has sickened and died In this commu- nity for a long Umo. At limes ber suffering was

iclailng beyond expression, and at DO time was she entirely free from pala, but she bore It sll

1th the moat perfect Christian resignation; note lurmur escaped her lips, bat she often sia-ressed

herself as willing to suffer all and more If necessa- ry, If ber suffering cauld be made a blessing to oth- ers ; and as sha went down slowly but sursly Into the dsrk waters, she betrayed no fear. Her entire trust was in her Saviour. She was not Insensible or Indlntrem to tbe numerous attrscUons In life, but putting a proper estimate upon tbem all. abe

ily and trustingly met the common enemy, and secured a vlelory through hsr unyielding faith. Those who knew ber beat are confident tbat ahe has gained Ibe rest of Heaven, free from every

i-l t:'-(I :., Ill ■!■... .,!■■ MRS. J = I . • I - . I -.......■ -

IM -l II in a. v. r. wensTEB.

Part the green turf for our loved one, Ley her gently down to rest;

Hay ber sleep bo calm and peaceful, On onr common ntulber's brsaat.

"Weep not forms when I leave you," Bhe BO frequently has said;

Help ns. Lord, to heed ber wishes, While we plaeo her with tbe dead.

Veara of suffering now ara ended. With a Christian's meekness borne;

Teach na not to murmur. Father, While on earth her lose wo mourn.

List, we besr her voles now blending With a Father's, gone before;

Bister gives a raplnrons welcome. On tbat saru, celeillal shore.

May we, by ber pure example, Nearer live, O Ood, to Thee;

Tlius, will heavenlyjoya be dearer, Thus, more dear, the parted be.

Olvo thy strength to bear life's burdens, Till Thou ca I lest to ns, "Corns;"

Then, in faith, we will onr sheaves bind. Billing gladly, "Harvest Home."

NEEDHAM POST Ho. 39, O. A. R. Members ore notified to meet at tbe Hall, at 7 JO

P. M., WEDNESDAY, May 8, to escort tbs Phil. Sheridan Post No, SI, Of Halem, from tbe depot to the hall. BALDWIN COOLIDUB,

Post Adjutant.



St. John** Church Decoration Pnnd, on

Friday Evening, Hay 17th. PRINCIPALS:

Its- A. DAS A, A'ojtrntio. Mas. SPKAQDK, Contrail,:.

M«. C. ABKBCBOMBIK, Ttnor. Ma. KDWABD8, Bat*.

Mtt. BOOTUMAN, Solo, Fluit, In. HOW ABD M.DOW, [Bottom) Accompanlil.

I'AHT SONGB,fee.,by Bt. John's Clurch Boy Choir.

Hsyrid. •erliim-li. Ii • Urand Piano will benscd s

Concert. KI.MH * Bnow, Agents. Doors open at 7. Coaoert al 7.IS.

Homoeopathic Hospital Aid Society The Young Ladles eonneottd with this Boelrty

will bold a May I-VKIIVIII, In cm HALL, Monday Evening, May I3(h.

There will be Songs, a Danes about the May Pole, and the Coronation of a Queen,

Ice Cream, Cake and Flowers will be on sal during the evening.

Dancing from 0 to 13 o'clock, Mnslc, CABNKV Band,

Tickets of admission to the Festival, M cls.- Checks for Danelag, extra, and nay b* obtained attbeUsll.of tho Floor Committee, 1


tho Largest and Bast Assortment of

Suits and "Wrappers

ever shown in Lawrenoe, eat and made la th l.atttl Style, and eapreafly adapted to the coming


sMTWe have made arrangements with the

Manufacturers to furnish us with the Knertt and

Beit Styles as they appear In New York an

Boston,and we Invite At.i- to examine Styles and

Prices, on

MONDAY, MAY Oth, 1873,


NOB. 249 and 255 Eucx Street,


JUST orr.sxn,

Kir> aLOVBi In Black and Colors, at Be eentl per pair, Ivsry pair warranted.

SMITH'S, 143 Euex atreet.

WHITE PK'I--New Patterns opening; at

SMITH'S, 143 Euex atreet.

Pina 3 eenta paper, Corset ujdngi i cent. Boot Laelngs (1 1-3 yards long) 10 cents a dosen, Best Machine Cotton 6 cents, Best (ilued Cotton 't oenls.

SMITH'S, 143 Euex street.

Imitation Hair Goods. Chignons, Cnrls, Braids, Switches and Bats,-

the largest stock In the city.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.


SMITH'S, 143 Essex street, AWD anx THX


#i.oo, $ i.'if., #t.40, »l.'.;,, g2 It—Very Cheap. SMITH'S, 143 Essex atreet.

<■>»!'■ 1.1 nin Hnndkrrrhiels,

al! Hemmed, ready for use, 17, S5, J3, 37, 40 and :nt*,at

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

Hoop Skirts. 37, sfi, 00, es oenls, and up.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

GREA.T BARGAIN In Ladies1 Cotton Hono-S0 dos. at 13 14 and Ui tents per pair,

SMITH'S. 143 EJMX street.

French and German COM8ETM at tbe LOWEST PRICES.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex Street.

BUJTF VAHABOLS-mlr U els, SMITH'S, 143 Essex Street.

You ean always Ond B good line of


(Prices the LOWEST,)*

SMITH'S, 143 Euex Street.

Visit SMITH'S, 143 Euex street,

Hlru-k BfllllMtiaea nnd Blank Alpaca*.


Thla old eitablfibment, io long known to the public, claims to have BO eqasl !■ this country In their particular deportment,

rLadles' Dresses, Cloaks, Shawls, Maolles, Boarfs, Bonnets, Feathers, to.; Qentlrmen's Coats, Overcoats, l'antsloons and Veatl Dyed or Cleansed, and finished In first class style,

Silks and Bilk Dresses Watered cqial to any Imported. Parasols and Ban Shades Dyed or Cleansed on tbe frame. Straw Bonnets and lists Dyed and Fressed. Kid Qlores, Bsots and Slippers Cleansed or Dyed. Piece Goods of all kinds, Ribbons, rto., Dysd and pit np like new.

BABBITT k BBO„ Proprietors.


3sn*nihl9 Lawrence, Mass.



PAINT, wbieb surpasses every other for besuty, dsrahUlly and freedom from Paint ODon. It hae a splendid lloas, Is easily kept clean, and warranted to wear 2S yean. A fact actually demonstrated by the proprietor,

PAINTS AND 8UPPLIE8 lor every department In painting.



No. 67 Water Street,


Millinery RFancy Goods. Wa call attention to onr large stock ol

Flowers, Ribbons and Straw Goodi. ALSO,

ALEXANDRE KID QL0VB8 In great variety, stlllng CHEAP.

1G4 Essex street, ;i doors from Jacksoo


Must HATTIB A. CBATBUBN has been en gasred for lbs season, and will have charge of oar Millinery department; and will be [leased to see any of ber old easlomers. my!

aiau/t.u r.H 100,000 00

MOO 00

.,,.••> ..» •< 1.1 „, r.,i, iii mrimicii, in IDS s of Massachusetts, at the close of business, ou lite I'-'i Ii day or April, 1871.

As sources. Dr. Loans and discounts, I ,\ v bonds to secure clrcDlsllnn, Other stocks, bonds and mortaases, Due from redeeming and reserve

stents, BSII (K.I Current expenses, i 10 Cbcks and other cash Items, (includ-

ing revenue stamps,) |UM go. BIIIF of National Banks, i,7De CO Fractional eirreaoy,(lncludingE]cki'1s,| My JJ ].iigsl Under notes, 9,000 00



'spllsl stock paid In,

Jlseount, 'relit and loss.

Circulating notes received from Comptroller, a

Amount with Comptroller for burning.

Amount outstanding, Dividends unpaid, Individual deposits, 34.TU 17

$Zol,H0 IS I, JesMb Kmerson, Csshlrr of "Tbe National

Hank of Itethuen," do solemnly swear that the above stMrnaciit is true, to the best of my know! urigc sud belief.


Sfiiff 0/ AfnssocAHsefis— Oksawef of Ettrx. Sworn to sod subscribed before me, this 1st day

of Hay, 1871 JOHN W. FBEDKBICK, Jastlcrof the Peace.

Correct—Attest, JOIIN DAVIS,



COLUMN, If yon do, yon will be Umptcd to 1 o to the


Dry and Fancy Goods «„r Imported Into, for .Sprio, ud wear, at

TAYLOR & BOLTON'S, Successors to


230 ESSEX STREET, Second door from Post Office.

NEW GOODS, direct from ike New York and II on ton Importers.

We have now open for Inspection everything New, Stylisb and Desirable for a Popular Trade, while onr FBICEB, as heretofore, will be as LOW as any Boston house.

Onr trade being very txttniivt, we are enabled to show always a Frtth Stock m they sre Imported, and direct from the Manufacturers. Everything marked ID plain figrires, and

One I'rico Tor all.

We would also take this opportunity or thank- ing oar friends and customers for their liberal pntraaage In the past, nnd by a thorough knowledge of onr business, and strict attention to the wants of the trading public, to merit atlil a Urge share of their patronage In the fature.

The following Is a list Of part of oar extensive stock:-

SILK DEPAETMENT. two yards Blank and Colored Sllkaat

the following LOW prices :— 20 inch fJro drain French, $1.00 A it-Inch " » ijgo; i,M Colored Fancy Bilks,, $1.76 k $2.10

New Silk Tarrys for Trimmings. Imitation Japanese Silks, toe /""i Japanese Silks, ir, S2, 76o 4 $1.00

DRESS GOODITDEPARTMENT Dolley Vnrden Stripes and Delaines,

from SS to Hg Seaside Suitings, u MJC

Blank Alpacas, 2so to $1,90 The OLD PB1CES.

French and Irish Poptlna, $1, $1,13 a $i.r.o best.

Direct from the Xanntactarets,

700 Sunshades, 25 cts. A ffrrcif Bargain,

Sunshades in all tho New Designs.

SHAWLS In Paisley, Iteneh and American. French and Pali ley Bh awls from $g.oo to $S0.C0 Woolen Shawls from i.soto 1B.00

Prints, Rood and Past Colors, loo Good Ulngbams, 12 l-2c English Prints cheap.

Two Batton Kid Gloves, $1.00 Alexis, Bismarck and Kalier Kid Ulorei,

Tee to $140 Trefousie Kids, fl w

FRENCH and UEBMAN COBSETE, 7*0, $1.00, $1.60, $1.00,

A full line of Hosiery, all prices.

Soaps, Perfumes, Brushes,Combs, Fringes, Heck Ties, Leers and Trimmings or every

description, Cheap, stthe


Second Door from Post Office. TAYLOR & BOLTON, Proprietors,

Saoeeseors to CAMP I ELL It TAYLOR.


Palace of Music, 35 Broadway, Lawrence.

Teacher ofPIA NO-FORTE <fc ORGAN

Latest Music always on hand.

Instruction Books.

All ktndi 0/ Mviical Iiutruments Tuned antl Rtpairtd.




Patent Action Piano-Forte, AND


COTTAGE ORGAN. These Cottage Organs are the flnest instrument*

or their kind before tbe public, being full and rtob in tone, and of great power,

Call and examine our Instruments.

J. C. CAULCUTT, No. :)o Broadway, Lawrence.

W .A. T IE E;

20,000,000 Feet of Choice Lands AT CLARENDON HILLS,

on the Huston and Providence Hit I road. Within lU miles of Boston Common.

la Lota from .',000 to fiO.OOO Feet.

The** Ltndt will only bt told for on Immrdinlt and Good Class of Urttltmtnt.

For Ibe purpose of such tjrtt 1 ement, these tirsu' tlful lands will be sold much below the rullni rrlceis of rqaallr desirable lands so near the city

t Is the purpose of the Combined Comnaalet tc concentrate thslr eipertence and power to msii CI.AKEEDON HILLS ■"•■»"

THE liKl of ths saanr delightful places for sabnrban red- deuce near tbs Raw Knetaod Metropolis.

*'or Information, applv at tbe Otsst of tbe Keen Instate and Building Company and Uetropohlal Land Company, Bank Building,

887 Washington Street, Boston, iwfeodttalab A. P. BLAKE, Uea'l Agent.

NOTICE TO VOTERS. The Board or Mayor and Aldermen will be in

seaaloo, at the Major and AlderSMa'i Boom, for the purpose of revising and correcting the Lists of Voters, on Tuesday, the I3d day of April Instant, and Monday, the t'.th day of May oeit, from 7 1-1 y» t la o'clock P. at.) and an Tuesday Horning, Hag "th, from 7 l-l to t M o'elocs.

OEO. H HOWE, City Clerk. I a wrroee, April It, ttCt.

JUUH 1>A\ 18, 1

To the Legal Voter- of Lawrence. Begardins the submission to the popular vote

of the "Act to supply the city of Lawrence with Water,"—copies or which have been generally distributed throughout the city,—as members of th* Oovarnmeat, we deem It advisable to an mimic... that it la not contemplated to push the enterprise, or tabs sny mtssnrrs to pnt the work under contract the preient veir. If, however, tbe Act should be scoop ted liytlie people an Tues- day nest, and the right thereby secured to take Water from the Merrlmnc Hirer, and to avail ourselves ol the benefits of that rlgbt whenever Itsnny appear advisable to do so, Ihe'iovernment would then feel anlhirlstd, If deemed exptdli to expend each sum as may be neeesfary to obtain eatefal surveys, plans and estimates as to licstlon of lha different parts ol tbe works, the

tent and cost of lands needed, with aesrsful oslonlatioi of tbe total cost of construcllon,

Having; obtained these estimates and plena. snoh other information as may be practicable, It will then bs possible, and the Government will rndenvor to lay before Ibe people snch Informa- tion respecting the expense and probable Income of the proposed works as will enable them to Judge of the advisability of proceeding with the construction of tbs same.

Copies of tbs Water Act may be obtained by those not already supplied, by spplylng st Ibe nil.- of the City Clerk,


Hsr I*', mil. 1 imt

Wanted. A YOUKti HAM to work In ths store.


New Spring Goods AT


Dry Groods Store.

W. offer th. lullowlnf (icoJ,, Ju.t rewired

from tn York, ■■ 8PECIAL BARCAINS

Tor th. coming ...tor,, at the LOWEST Lt VINO










E. H. DREW & OO.


Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

Next to Clarke's Apothecary- Store.

REDUCED PH1CE8. Clothing and Furnishing Goods

L«wer than the Low CM,



FOB WINTER. Overcoats, Thick Pants, Vests, Drees Coats,

Rats, Caps, Uloves, Kittens, Boys' Clothing, fco. FOR BUMMEB,

Thin Clothing, Straw Hats, 4o. FOB ALL SEASONS.

Furnishing Hoods, Trunks, Vallsee, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, *o.

WEIL Is always Hound, and will deal with yoa on tbe Sv'iarr.


BKFOBK rUBCHAStlta, For part loo I are, see small bills.


We have jest taken the Ageney Tor the

Original Howe Sewing Machine, tbe Best, Host Complete, and Desirable Machine ID nsc. Do not purchase until you havaexamined the HO WK.

18:1 Essex street, Lawrenoe.







or A Li, kinds; also, Matures, Cord and Tassels, snd Pletore I out.

1 haverecelred, already, this Spring, Iron

Eight to Ten Thousand

Rolls of Entirely New Room Papon,

and shall he rcAelvlag


asrUy aim la to sell Ibe BEST Goods mann factored, and at the LOWEST possible prices,

I don't propose to be UNDERSOLD.


No. 243 Essex Street,




Opposite Waahington Mills.

Wanted. A HAM of food address. Apply to

■ l« T.W. HBALD, IH Essex Street, Lawrence.

Millinery & Bleachery NOTICE.

MRS. GIL MORE lias taken the Store,

No. 319 EBSCJC Street, Lawrence,

■ABJUan, rind


embracing all the LATEST STYLS8. Tbe patronage o tbo public Is respectfully solicited,

Hiss KATE PBESCOTT Is with us,and will be happy to see all ber old friends and patrons; also Hrs. PICKKKINU, who will have charge of the Blearhery Department, as heretofore. V laplS

No. 319 Essex street, Lawrence.






The Orphan Asylum, WILL rustTivEi.r

Cloae oa smmdiiy KvvBlBg, May lib.

The Pair will be opru on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, at 2 1-1 o'clock, afbrdfBir a irood opportunity for

those who wish Io purchase CSKPIX AWD WANCV AIlTtCl.StS,

uu ABD ana Tim llcnutlflil T>o<torat loins.


HELP THE POOR ORPHANS! Tickets 25 ceata.

Extra Bargains! IS


WelBvltp fAETICULAH ATTENTION to oat stock or


SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Just received a Fresh Lot of


Woolen Shawls in New Stylet.

Kid (Jloves,



Malta Laces,




8. F. SNELL,

313 Essex Street, Lawrenoe

Flower Heeds by Nail. 25 Packets of ehpice flower Seeds suit FMMtK

on receipt of ai. CatalsgwM free on ar-p! I cellos, ALSO,

I ' I . « > W 1 . 11 M

BOB WKitprxtis,



DEB & DO Y LE, Seedsmen and Florists, Iwf eodlall

No. 67 Tremont Street, lloaton.

F TLt O H A. B.

■nUUIOV.UUIKUl A. TT ,OLkSSilO|Ufl S ■**^re»»ce Street, hair way to Helhnen vi such as Uvraalums, l'clcrgonlama, Tori Heaths, Vlaelsi, Allyaoms, Aobaranthus, C

Choice selections of rare and becatilul 'Flowering Plants can be obtained at the • Orceatioase of A.W. BTIABSS, OB L*w-

" nen village,

ins, Colcns, srlea-atedlvys, Fuchsias, llrliatropes, Hissarn- 'lanthcmama, Bonvardlos, Carnations, Oslsidl

■x, I*sosles, Daisies, Petanlss, Arbutlcons, etc.— Also, very One Tomato, Strawberry, Cabbage aaa Lettnoe Plants at very reasonable prloes.

1 lapH T.D.sULLET, Oardeoer and Florist.

Estate Joseph M. Kmerson. Mot lee Is hereby given that the subscribers have

been duly appointed executors of the will of Joseph M. Bmerson,

late of Helhaen, ID the county of Kssex, yeoman, deceased, testate, and have taken upon themselves that trust by glrlDK bonds, as the law directs. All persons lisvlng demands upon the estate ol ssld deceased are required to exhibit the ssme; sod all persons indebted to said estate are ealM apou to make payment to


Hethnen, Aprp 1!0, IB71. spits* h.xeeutore.

£3rFor a Superior Class of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS;


For VluUNH, VIOI.O.VKl.l.UH, and all used In ORCHESTRAS.


For STRINGS for Violins aud Qaltars, and all things needed In tho use and repair of Hbsleal Instruments.

JOHBT O. IIAYNES * CO., S3 Const St., (opposite Cewrt House,) Boston.

City Of I.:.v


AssnaaoRa' Omct, Hay 1, lnT2., \.i, 1, ctty Ball.

To the Inhabitants of the City of Lawrence, and Other Persons liable to Taxation therein:—

The Assessors of the city of Lawrenoe hereby giro notice to. the Inhabitants of said ally, and all other parlies liable to pay Taxes therein, that thslr Ofloe will be open on and after the First Amy ot June, until and Including the Flf- treuth slay sf Jane, lBTti. Office hours-* to II A. H., I to | P. H.; sad lutnlsy and Thursday Evenings, from 7 to t o'clock, during the shove mentioned time, then aud there to receive the valuation of estates; and all par- ties liable to be taxed In said Lawrence, are hereby required to return to said offloe a true and perfect list of all the polls, and sohedolte of tbe real and persona) estates for which they are liable to pay taxes.

The following enumeration may aerve as agulde to the inhabitants la making up their statements:

Poll* —All males or 20 years old and upwards. Htal Kstofe.-Land and buildings, stork in Trade.—Ooods, wares and mcrchan-

llse —a veins equal to the amount of money iceessary to carry on bualness, Alt Monty at Inttrttt,—{not deposited In tar-

ings banks In Mass., or Invested la United States icnrlllee.) Income from profession or oocupatlon, exceed-

ing one thousand dollars In amount. Bank, Manufacturing, Kallroad and Public

Stockt, Dot exempt by law Irom taxation. Iloriet, Carriagti and tt'eat Cattle. III.IIitholil Furniture exceeding one thousand

dollars in vslae. Blank Schedule*, for returns of personal prop-

erty, oan be obtained of the Assessors at their Ofloe, City 11 si].

Parties holding Mortasges recorded on Hesl Estate Records, will please report all payments or partial payments on account of same, to pre- vent taxation for tho whole.

•sTAll persons wbo do not comply with the law, *tii in- IKIIIMXO,


Asseieors ol tbe City of Lawrence. ACT or 1B17-SB*;. 3.—No abatement shall be

made of tbe taxes as assessed upon an Inhabitant of the town where the assessment Is made, until he shall have Sled with ihs Assessors a list sub- serlbed by him of his estate llabla to taxation, and madeouth that It Inn full and accurata list el tbe same, according to his best knowledge and belief.

When each list shall not be tiled within the time specified by the Assessors for tbe bringing in ui such list by the Inhabitants of appeal from the Judgment of the Assessors con- cerning sueb abatement shall be sustained tij the County Oommlssloners, unl'ss they shall be sat- isfied that there was good eause why sueh list wss not seasonably broujhl In. Im* tml

\l1&S^.-*mr ■

Nil, 12 PlBK gTBABT, New Tork, April IS, 1M72.

Ths quarterly Uold Coupon maturing Hay 1st an tbe First Mortgage 8 per sent. Oold Sin kins Fund Bonds of the Logansport, Crawiordsvllle snd Southwestern Hallway of Indiana, will be paid on or after that date at oar office.

Jones A- Schnylcr, 3wvlal9i-ny Financial Agents of tbe Oompany.

Having had over twenty years practical

experience in the manufacture of Boaps,

we offer our "Beach's Washing Soap" to

the public with great confidence. In the

manufacture of this brand of Soap it has

been our great aim to produce an article

superior to any tn the market. We are

having a great demand for it, which is

good proof of its superior qualities.

Y E A W A CO. uKAt.itas IB

IVterriniack Rivor Ice Offlce with A. V. OUQBEE,

No. -.'(in Essex street, Lawrence. Leave yonr orders,and ktepeool. lmi|aptt

Great Concentration of Business UflDEB ONE 1IEAD.

A. W. STEARNS a CO- having,fbr ths accom- modation and profit of their petrous,completed their oxteuilve arrangements to display the largest number of Oepartnients, each represent- ing ■ distinct branch at trade and business, and airmiedto overt-owing with the Moat Rare and Latest Oealgna of this season's Fash- ions, It will readily be area, that so many branches or traffic wall managed, by one irm with ample means aud experience without a rival, that we can aford to ttli Qocdt at a ituck SmmUmr Per Ctntaye, to say nothing of onr advantages In selecting and buying. It has been made apparent to the writer that wc ore selling ell kinds ol Ooods CliKAP, much cheaper than the same style and quality hae been or U helag sold In Boston by actual test of eomparlson as shown In a large number or Instances that ladles have paid from ■ to 21 cents per yard more than wa were asking for precisely the same style and quality at earns tlase, or three te ten dollars more on a Sfaawl. This Is worth looking Into by a trading and economical people. Of coo neper chasing goods comes down to about the following, vis i—Gentlemanly and intelligent treatment, the best manufactured article of the latest aad moat brooming style, guest blending of colors, ats., at the Lovrtt Potable Price.

A. W. STEARNS & CO. are opening Hew and Very Elegant Stylet o

Spring Shawls at Very I^wPrlees.-dlreel from Paris sad Raw Tork markets.

gar-Ladles who hare Black or Fancy Silks to purchase, should IHPBOVE the Rare opportu- nity being offered them by A. W. BTR&RR8 A Co.

gay-Ladies who have A NEW DRE9B nr Suit to purchatt, can Ind the Laraett, Prettiest, Malt Stylttk, as well as Cheapest line of Handsome Dm*) QaOdR ever displayed for their Inspec- tion, varying In price from at eenta to 5 dollars Wryard. A.W. STEARNS A CO.

A. W. STEARNS * OO. are opening, from -Veil' Tort direct, complete lines of Whit* Goods, Hosiery, Now Kids aa« other '.lores, Fringe., (.Imps, Rsol and Imitation Laces, Collars,Bows, VnUs, Skirts In Now Designs, etc. A. W. BTRARXB A CO,

BARGAINS in FT.w CJurpsstm from New York Aoctlons, this weak.


Try Stearns & Go's Tailor

You ean have Boys' Clothes made, ton, A.W. BTEARNB A CO.

LADIES, wbo want the most fashionable Dress Waking done, should go to A. W. STEARNS A CO'S.

To THE POINT.—Four years ago I commenced business, adopting the one price system. "Knowing ones" ■hook their heads. "Ah, he can never make it pay ; " and they haTe waited for my "going up," that thoy might have ths satisfaction of saving ■ I told you so." Let them wait. Thanks to a discerning public, I am on my feet, and better prepared to do business than ever. I have no occasion for "closing out" or ' clear- ing off" sales, as I sell at low prices all the year round ; absolutely, pos- itively, and unmistakably, one price.

Ladies, send your children or hus- bands if you cannot come yourselves; we serve them all alike. 'J lie little four year old, who can barely lisp " Mother wants a Spool of Cotton," or the great green fellow of a hus- band who don't know the difference between a "pearl" or a "pot" but- ton, buy just as cheap as the most inveterate shopper. Remnants a specialty. Call and see me. T. LRYLAND, 381 Essex St., Lawrence. Dry and Foncy Goods.

Slippery Elm Candy AMD

LOZENGES. No Proprietary Hedlelno excels these for

Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchial Affections, Irritation and Inflammation

of the Mucous Membranta, tic. They can be taken In any quantity without

Injury, Slippery Elm (l/tmu* r/uvoj is toe well known

as a domeaUe remedy to rcqjnlre comment; yet Its application Is far more varied and extensive than Is generally supposed, While Its i IB racy Is nn- doobted. This new way of administering It will bo found the best, most convenient and desirable,

WEEKS fc 1'OTTKll, Agents for New England. n I'immhW FOB SALIC. BV


259 Essex, corner of Pcmbcrtoii otrrct, LAWRENCE.

Bualness Notice. 1 hate taken n Store at

No. H Appkton Btrect, - - Lawrcncf, next to City llsll, for the purpose ol manufactur- iug IIARRERSKS of every hind,both Single and Doable, and shall use the testof stock and put In the best oT work; will try to please all who will give me a call,

Shall keep a large assortm.ut of

Trunks, ilngR, Vallsv-D, Shawl Htrnnn ami Trunk Straps,

tlernesses Repaired and Oiled. C. O. STEBIIIN, Age-.t,

Lawrence, April it, 1S7S.

Boots and Shots.



71 Essex Stretit, (139 New Number,) where they will alwavs be plessrd to show their large and carefully ivlerled slock of Men's, Wo- men's, Boys', Misses', Youth's, Children's, nnd Infants'

BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, al all times, n good assortment of

RU BBKK OOODS. Women's No-Heel Rubbers,

not elsewhere to be found In tbs city, Tbelr Ooods, ns far as possible, are made to

order, and received directly from Ibe most respon- sible msnulaeturers.

gay-Thrj arc HOI.K Agents of the


VOOLE OEBMAN SUPPER. ring retained the services uf MB. K. B. [a man or — ure and

solirlt and hope patronage,

CyTlease examine our Goods before purchasing.

A. V. FRENCH t% CO.,

139 Essex Street, Lawrence. J.D. Herrleh. *. M. frtaeh.

Paper Hangings. We arr receiving a Large and Elegant Stock

or New snd Itlch Styles of liilts, hallns, snd Blanks. We propose keeping a stock fully toual in ■'*< lo acv In Essex County, VTe Mill baveou hands few (till 1'apors bilimulng l<> the stors when we purchased It, embraclm very dtslralile patterns, which wo will scjl at Cost, and I.Kas than Cost, to close them out.

Wll I I I .'IM- a RICK, ■If* Essex Blreet, Lawrence,

f Window Shades. A Isrye slock or Now and Desirable returns, rldsdes made lo order. Shades tiling. Tbe Salem Shade Holler. Every ancsMtrranferf.

Oaly SO cents. No Cord or I -•■■• I. required. WHITFOBD A MICE,


IN TUE W 0 R i. n




#»»rUI grttw*. BANK OF DEPOSIT.


BANKERS, No. 1 Devonaliire, cor. Stato St., lloston.

..air P.r _>l. IMrml: allo-.a U'«!»■" a„ouBt.l»at,<_t to ct,eck,<lraWBa*OBanTt.lir Baak.

Out-of-town, d.pMltor. will bar* rrmll- taatea and collrctloa* promptljr icinowledii*". ■arWe do . ti.aer.l Banim. and COBOIHIM

Il_la..a, a.iatlau Bond.. Mori.. Not... "id "h." E__8_, d«>t „___■■ lliroMkO.1 Uoltad Statr* KM korope. A.

Dealers la Securities,

— Inqolrl.* ..latln, to la».*la»*nt*. .ad






of the most dtilf'


„ive below tit* prle.a of able Boade :— Bnrll-gtou.Cedar Rapid. AMioner.-t*7. ludlanepoll*, Bloomlngton K ffwttn I* L'jginaport, Crawfordavlllc and 8 W.SSi LhfSapeaku A Ohio 0«, Connecticut Valley 7a, New York and Oswego 7a,

U. B. Bond* and other market-lde Securities allowed fall price In exchange. ..IIIV mil-'.Ml!

OVER 650,000 SOLD,

$5.00 down, anil $5.00 a month until

paid for, will buy • Wheeler &

Wilson Machine.




M A C II 1 N R




Wo claims ours BStt for tho following

reasons, which wo stand ready to PHOVK

to nil who will glvo til ft cull:—

First—They aw not so complicated

thai they require a mechanic to kocp

thtra in order, as they havo _0 less parts

fian the aio-plost machlno to the rojir

kct, therefore -JO lei*, times liable to get

out of order.

Kach icaron in iti turn appear*,

irncd to-day; And better itlll, have *oi_-lhlng done To make lil'e'a boar* more smoothly run. The boy* *ho-_lrt learn, whin tiny uued '■Clothe*,

Coal. Pants, V<.t, Ihitaad Shoe, compile, Tho pUr« to buy I. OKOK.JK 1-K.!.ao'«. _

SKIN DISK ASKS. rKKHVMIMI'KUVKKCOMKIMJNKAl'llCl'LK _I_._I-.DY. Ihe akin Medicine of lb. Afe. li warTaiited to care Heih Worm*, fimplt*. Erttp- HOMMU _t.o<.Ar_dl.OgarAtlon«ot the face.Hold by all firmgijitl*. Depot 411 Bond Ht., New Tor*.

For Moth 1'atchet, Freektet, and TAN,u*_PKltKY*d MOTU and KHECKLE LOTION. The well known reliable ana harmless remedy for Brown Decoloration* of the Uee.-- Prepared only by Dr. B.C. Ferry. Dermatolofiat li Bond airi/et. Hew York. Bold by OruggUti etrwhere. oroTmh^eoillmhitkb


$5 down, and $5 per month, until paid for.

a, Blnda,Corda, fringe*, Tnekt,

Q_n«7 sad" every thing which ran be done sac- oceffully OB Bay Bewlnx Hachlne,

The Only Place to Bay these Machine*

HAQBR'S AGENCY, No. 199 Essex Street,


_A_T THE JAIL. The reason why *o many go to Jail, la lo get a

pair of Potter's Castom Made, French Cair, r*J.r Htltch, BOOT* I Oaly *■■*« "j"J* Tha Beat and Cheapest that can be obtained In ••■eelty. Ptrftet _.< warranted. Call early.

,t_.h17 A. T. POTTER.

184 SO C A R P E T l N G 8






SBWINtt MACHINE AS-HCY Ua* been Removed to


248 Essex street, Lawrence,

When _*y b. foaad tta.

Amerlcun Billion Hole * over- sea nip*


Plain American,

Elliptic, Wheeler & Wilaon,

A. B & Elias Howe,

Florence, Singer, Weed,

Wilcox&Gibbs, fact, some TWKHTY M?™* »»lM ol

Machine*, rangin» la price from »5 to $l«. Machine*!

sell, Ottt

All ProtlU of the Company Divided to UB Policy Holders.


Mutual Fire Insurance Co., LAWREKCE, MASS.,

No. SS9 Essex Street.

A. J. 1* R.ENCT1, Prealdent. A.W. 8TEAB.HB, J. A.TKEAT, Viec Prealdenta.

J. h. NOHWOOD, Seo'y and Treai. DIB

Alfred J. Prenoh, George K. Davia, A.W. .'.tfiiriiu, Jam en A.Treat, 8. W. Wilder, Patrick Murphy, William E.Bpuldlnif: II . Plumtnar, H. D. Clement, Patrick Hwi'Miey, rrederlck Butler,

Tbl* Conpaa:


One to eight yard* wide, 1B all qaallUM. W price* to suli,



roU?er"«eoV'olh«ra. We h»" itlier than to aell the Machine beat the elan or work to be done. If yoo

„„„lneol ua.and do not like It, you can ajtCHAKOB It Tor oaa yon do lit*.

Machines Sold for Cash, or in Monthly Installments.

ay-Second Hand MacWaea Bonght, Bold, or Uacnanged.

Machine, to Let by the Week or Month. All kinds or Bewlng Maohlnoa Bcpalred.

Alao, Agent for the


Q*t fytcc-i*.. 'Igh art-Winking. Life services—Tea-cups and saucers.

The best Inu for a poet—Iniplratlon.

Connected with the ring—the bell-han- dle.

The popular mind—mind your own busi- ness.

The balance of comfort—A rocking chair.

In a bad box—a man who Is burled alive.

Poor Vanderbllc1. He still fnticles he U going to be rich before he dies.

What color wa« the last (quail at sea? —Why, the storm rose and the wlod blue.

Politicians ought to he the (rankest of men; they're In the habit of speaking out,

A man went Into a Plitsburg saloon re- cently, and asked for a glass of Sheriff's ale.

The gentleman whose eye lit on a pas- sage in the paper, called In the engine* to put (toot.

The saying that "It I* more pleasant to give than to receive" applies only to medicine and advice.

Who was the straite&t man mentioned in the Bible?—Joseph, because Pharaoh made a ruler of him.

"lie that hateth ids brother is a mur- derer *'—hut there Is no particular harm in haling your mother-in-law.

"You seem to walk more erect than usual, my dear friend." "Yes; I have lately been straightened by clrcumstan-

Danlel Blander*, Jr. ! Morris Knowlea.

William A. Rumen, D. rrank Robln.on,

I William M, Hall, i Mosci Perkins, I J.M. Kalrneld, 1 Jame* II. ICaton, . 1 .). A.Wiley, H.ADddW, I Geo. r'ostcr, Andover, I C-E.<Joee,McthMn.

Ill be read* to opeabattBeaa " .nday, July 17th, 1871. It

ha* already property lo the amount Of $300,000 WSrSfi iWcd,«U>o,ooo of which will be nanred the day wo ogmmenee business.

We Inaure only Bret class property. We respectfully Invite alt who have such kind

of property, to examine our rates andaaracour

Second—Thry are tlio stillest running,

having the silent feed.

Third—Thoy havo tho largat antes of

any Family Mnchinen in tlio world.

Fourth—Thoy are the hiijhcH tptctltd.

Parties advertising other machines as

higher spoedod, make a /«(« slaUmcnl.

Filth—They will do a larger range of

work than any otnor machine.

Sixth—Thay will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—They have the best stitch

and tension.

Eighth —They have tlio glasH foot,

with which the natural eyo can seo to

guide the work, being much easier than

with a steel ono.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—Thoy do not havo holes to

thread in their shuttles, as all other Lock

Stitch Machine* do.

Eleventh — Thoy will use UlflM and

all kinds of threads and silks.



Near Boston & Maine and Eastern Depot,

uwtunoii . PJEBRICK dr. CLOHSON, Auctioneers,

Real Estate Agents iind ApnrHlaers, No. 3B1 Eases at., Lnwrence, Mass.

Alwaya ready 10 give tlulr personal »er»lceand aerloua attention to aellltiff Real and Personal EaUte at auction or otlierwlre, obtaining Mon.ij and letting the same at Talr rute-i lor all concern- tid.nrKutla-Ing MortgSRee and looking up Title., Rrntiug property and colliding Keats, etc. wo Title pas-eil or property uiili'i-* the «""' bo per- fect; BO Monty Invintid but npon tin* most un- doubted security. All business Inlruated to u* will be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt wlth-.trict Integrity belnj; the one Importint element of agrees* in the ttcal Kwtatr butlness,prompt puymentaol IUK in all honor with the seller and owner, at the same time looking wu 'Ito the true lujereat of the nurchauir.ihut his II m > are good, nutl that he «ets all which be Is entitled to-thus securing and holding that confidence of our fellows which Is only obtained by strict attention to business, and aha hlatheat type of honorable dealing.

«aT-l'<rui* reasonable, iind accorillng to the work and responsibility. Call upon us, Real Batata Office, Essex St., No. 381.

W.B.—Properly for sale In many section* or Hew Knglantl, buv more . apircially In the renoc and rlolnlty. Ho better cllj for a permanent li,v< atrocnt.

Read Heal Kalnte column In Law and Lawrence Daily American. 1lmyl9

Canton. Mattings from M lo m Wide.

Plain, Chocked and Fnncy.




Curtain Fixtures, Tassels,

Shade and Picture Cord.


134 Hanover St., and 80 Union St.,


The aboTe stock In each department Is new sad desirable, hating boen selected rrom the produc- tions or tha most celebrated Forelf-n and Domes- tic tnannfhctnrers.

«*rWe InTlfe an eanmlnallon from our friends and the public,




134 Hanover St., and SO Union St.

iwHaZneodtafflKb BOBTON.

the most Important improvement *T»S»a«l»to B.w"g Mslhlne.,^.i health pre.ertlng, lahor .aTlng ln»entlon, which can be applied to ni klnda new In use.

Hew Style Caatera, and Needle* for all Made ol Bewlng Maobloos,

Oil, and Machine Findings general!]

Alto, Agent for

Lamb's Knitting Machine,



New York Emporium of Fashions.

a^TlffiliVlJ I l*H.BM.V» »"*«• UiA Pattern out up in an envelope, with I»n»- traUon and Slfdirections how to out, pat togeth- er, make and trim the g»rraent. . ta*mm*j*MM

Also, subscriptions received for DtMORKBT » MOSTHL Y Xt.t OAZIKX.


No. *48 Essex Street, Lawrence. BAOHDRBS' NEW BLOCK.

y of l*w-


MACHINISTS, i. s-i.v-- >]■-• to Wcbrter Duitln k Co.)

Uuaufaoturers ol

Cotton & Woolen Maohinery AND

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulley*, Gearing and Shafting, Jack Screws, All kinds of Holts on hnnd, or made to order j

also all kinds or rorglng done. GKNKUAL JOB WORK and Mil! repairs done

promptly and faithfully. Dealer* In Manuracturcrs' Supplies.

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streeti".

I,ii ap i.AWHKiMin.

DR. TILTON'S Compound Dandelion Bitters

WANTED. — BOOR AORNTB for a New Work by JOHK S. C. Anunrr, aulted to every

t'lllon family aad all claaae*. The Mem I-the prlcr- Hentloel "nd Sfflt, rendere It the bat book tot canvasser*

ever pnbllshcd, The field la clear, with no oom- petlUoa. Address at onee, B. B. RU88KI.L, PnblUber, Boston, Mass. iwla^talirb


Parties In want of WtlKKLRR A WILSON'S

.M ti \in*--, are cautioned l|tlatt purchaalng th.m

at agent* who advertise to rcll all machine*,a*

they make a specialty of one, but use different

one* to blind I lie public and catch their prey, while

• , Mil but one kind, and that I* the


Wheeler & Wilson

Give Tone and Action I the Dlgrallvu Organs Oeneral Debility. Tbi Complaints, (whether urn or life; and I'll IIHtN Imve uo eqn il.

i the Stomach,Strenglhen and ltelnslate In cases ol best medicine Tor Female n young or old,} or at tho Chronic Diarrhea these

.im mlvjo


Having lliie.l up half ot J. 0. Wadlelgh'

store, wo will be happy to ahow our Machine* I

all branehea of work. We keep on band a goo 1 tupply or the beat



UMMiniag reliable dt.erlitiion-oi chy properly, auburban rr*ldmcei. and forsaJ-

Addre** REAL KHTATK JurKMAl., KSTremo Row, lloeton. Hni'lmbJ-inb

The World's Internal Remedy



quick In It* Aollon—Permanent lo Its Cure. Tlili medicine Is the prescription of n world re- nowne.l Freneli plijHi.lan. who ii-.-i It In hi* extensive pinetlce many jear* btfore oSeilpg

It io the publl- In lis pruent hrm, hut H- nilly brcLitiini; convinced of Its creat

curative properties, «vd dtiirliiK to protll tlioie auffeiiug till*

tfrilble.tlaease,consent id to h»velt itut iiplobot-


New •& Elegant Styles

or, Library, Dining Room, and Chamber


Mantel and Tier Mirrors.

Lace Curtains & Draperies.

Spring Beds & Bedding.

FIRST CLASS FfRSITI'UIC n this or any other cily, we Invite all to call nnd caainlne our stoak and leiirn our prices before purohaalng vl*ewhere.


Trices from SMI to S15D, In variona styles of Bnish. The moat conveolen and acceptable Parlor Bed In the Market.

We are the aole agenta for the New Knglam States or p A T R N T


Mattresses, BoUtcis, and

CHURCH CUSHIONS. reTer to more than one hundred cburch- c using the " Kt-aaTti- aioiir.K e-USB-

I I* cheaper than hair, and will hold In

Tito DAVIS Verticnl Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simplest, the Cheapest,

the Bo it.

This Machlao has last tatan the Firs' t>rU* at the Lowell Fair, la Taot I Ihss never fat led ukIng the flrstpremlam whererer eahlblUd In compe- tition with other maohla.-a.

It Btltohef, Hemi,(6»» widths without baat- im ) Fella Tucka,Coras, i Imli, Braid", rrlnnc, Ruffles, qullte, Faggota, Gather* and Sewa On at the same Ume without baaUng.

THE DAVIS, unlike other machines, has not been puffed Into notoriety by boosting advertisement*, but In a quiet way has earned a great reputation on ac- Sonntof Ita many enperlor and iealrabla advan- tages over other machine*. Tloaso call and see them at the Agency,

192 ESBCJ. street, Lawrence, At Oyer S. Hall & Co'a Clothing Store.

11 tnovl JOHN WABBURTON, Agent. N. !i.- Machines Repaired or Kxchangod.

An editor says ha once partook of a beverage so very strong that he could not tell whether It was brandy or a torch- light procession that was going down his throat.

Of all slack rhymes the glibbest are the work of a St. Louis equlbblst who writes: O for a thousand tougues to sing the bob- tail horse ears' praise; no platform where a chap may cling, and at the women gaze.

Epitaph on a young son of a Mr. Amos Tute, In the graveyard a: Vernon, Ver- mont: "Here lies, cut down, like nnrlpe fruit, The eon or Mr. Amo» Tale, And Mrs. Jemima Tale, hla wife, Called Jonalh.n, of wboao frail life, The days all summed—how short the account I — Scarcely to fourteen years amount. Born on the twentieth of May was he, In aeveoteen hundred and alzty-three: To death be fell a helplesa prey, April the Bvc-and-two at lath day, In seventeen hundred and aeventyaevvn, Leaving thie world, we hope, for heaven ; But though bis spirit's fled on high, Bis body mouldering here must Uo. Behold the amailng alteration Rffacted by Inoculation— The mean* employed, hi* life to save, Honied him headlong to Ihe gravel"

Scene—Country store in Michigan. Clerk, sympathetically, to a lady whose boy drove the team "to market"—"So, Mrs. Jones, your husband la dead, poor soul''" " Yes the old man's none—what's the price of this yer calico?*'

"What time Is It, my dear?" asked a wife of her husband, whom she suspected of being drunk, but who was doing his best to look sober. "Well, iny darling, I can't tell, 'cause, you seo, there are two hands on my watch, and each points to a different figure, and f don't know which to believe."

At a marriage lately In Maine the bride's voice faltered, and she paused In the Impressive ceremony. Her little niece, a bright little three-year-old, think- ing the naughty minister was compelling poor aunty to say something disagreeable, stamped her little foot, and exclaimed, ID

a tone of aothority, " Auntie, don't oo I lin.V It."

Mr. Perry, a member of our leg- islature from Agawam, In advocating In the House the appropriation of $75,000 for the building of a boarding ln.n ■■* for the Westfleld Normal School, a few days since, expressed the hope that thereby the Institution would so lluurlah as to be a'llelo "sendTmen here who know enough to speak when they ought to speak, and keep sllenca when they havo nothing to say." The appropriation was made,

Welcome, l.Ittlo Stranger.


Amcabury arid Salisbury have acnl -.Mtjti car- riages lo market since the first of January.

Tho Market Street Baptist Sjckty, of Silii- bury, have voted to sell the present church building, and erect upon i'.s.ttea new rburch 60 by 90 feet, at an estimated cost of about 123,000- The turn of 817.000 has been already snbacrlbsd for tho Dew church.

The Christian Daptltt society of Salisbury Point, contemplate a re-nioiulint; of tha inte- rior of tbolr church.

By tha au'panilon of M ■. jAtnei H. Sawyer, or Daoveri, sonic two hundred and aevemy- Qvo hands are turned out of employ merit.

A well-to-do farmer in Peabody.sajs the Traveller corretpondent, had a daughter die of consumption recently, and to save the eipenie ol digging the grave, he had hi* pickaxe thsrp- ened a law days before her death, and dug the grave himself; and on the dav ot the lunetal, after the services at the home, placed bis boe and shovel la the hearse, and after the ccilla was deposited took bis tools and filled the grave.

The editor* of. the PeabodT iVns, whose office li located with a barber'* shop oo either side, has call* from nuraeroui maid* and maidens for tooiorlal services.

The committee appointed to make arrange- ments for the erection of a loldier'a monument at Georgetown, have twenty-six hundred dol- lars to begin with, but they think the sum should be at least six hundred dollar* larger.

A few day* since while Mr. Harvey Story and family were at dinner, Mr. S happened to glance out of the window, and aaw a soake poking his brad out of a wall, about 'oar leet trtim him. \U took his gun aid opening tho window, fired at hit snakeshlp, cut'iDg oil bis bead. He measured live feo: In length, and was quite large.

Mrs. Htm, the matron of the O.d Lady's Home on Olive sliest, fell down the cellar stair* OD Thursday morniog, breaking one u! her arms.

An attempt Is being made hy o tnlt now on trial before ttte Supreme Court at Salem, to break the will of a Mr Jeffrey ot Lynn, who died about a year aro. at the age of 87, leaving a will, made a abort time belore bis death, by which four of hi* children are disinherited. At the time of hi* death, bi* real estate was ap praised at 820,000, nnd has now increased It value by tho great ilie in property In Lynn tc- 850,000.

An lsloglai* company hat been formed at Roekport tor the manufacture of the aitlcle; it* capital is 920,009.

Tde "rempoiaace House," at Lynn, was raided upon tha other day hy the staie consta- bles, and ten galluna of the noltaat kind of lire- water, loumi and cooflscated.

The shoe busloes* In Lyao la commeocing to wane, some of the hand* being now OD a short allowance of work.


jKtna, ol Hartford, 18.',", Sill, 1110,780

State Mutual.Worccitcr, 1815, 1,-.'70,»11


Franklin, of l'clin'a. 1820, »:l,-'55.T 111

Royal, England, 181... gold, 11,000,000 American Branch, l.naa.MO

Pcninjlvania, or Pa , 1828, 1,260.916

Imperial, London, 180:1, gold, 11,000,000 American Branch, 1.064,647

Firemen'., ol N. Y., IB:/;,, 310,000

Wcitelicatcr, of N. V„ 1W7. M0.0811

German, of Erie, Pa., 1807, 2:17,080

Queen of England. 1868, gold. 10,000,000 Ameii^a Branch. 722,413


Bay State, Worcoattr, 1800. :1:1S,C07

1st National, " 18118. 101,022 Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,850

,. »'nl i. i - fur .11 the .bore ,:.,,..|,„,.I■ , written


W. F. & J. S. GILE,

Attorneys Sf Couuselhrs-at-Law, No. 239 Easel Street,



Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence 28 Morton Street,




For Invention!, Trait Uarki or De.lona,

No. ,« State St., opposite Kilby St.,

BOBTON, After an eatenilr. pr.etleeof upw.rd.of thlrtr Eear., continue* to .ecure l'uteot. In the Loltea

Utel- .l.o In tireat Britain, trance, and other foreliro countries. Cent.. BjpeolOc.llon.. A>- ■Icnment., and all paper, for Patent*, caeca

n. i)., CHAH. A. OOLDSaiTII


Retittcnce,—Charles street

tut. A


BtiorixRo Til

For information, rates, etc., call o

,ill,]e made to di of Inventions rendered In all mattt ... .. of the olalma of any patent fu

ipntch. tieiearehe* t- validity and utility of Ps- eud ' -'

hlDL'tbesame. Copies lurnTahedhv remlttln-

Aiilgnmciita recorded In Washlngt01 hen hy remitting dlnWa ■■

the Unittd Stntfl poluilt* nipt-

i i. i.

BUBaaoa DRNTl »T,

1S3 V-■■■■■>■>. ST.,


■Nitrouf Oxitr Has Administered.

a-Bcferenoe-Kflcnlty. Phlla. Dental College New No. 283 Essex St.. fold No. 149.


HlDlS NEW OFFICE, 2SB Essex street, ■ - Lawieace.

Jell Koarlr opposite old office.


The flfty-lhlrd anniversary of tb t introduc- tion of Old Fellowship into thl* country, wa* celebra-ed Friday evening by Essex Lodge No. 20 at Salem. The exercises will cont»i« ot

ogiug, reading of tho Grand Sire's proclamo tlon, addresses, ami a collatloo In the Lovgl room.

In the case of LevI M. Plcrca vs. Eastern R. R. Co., ID ihe Supreme Court, tbe Jury found Tor the plaintiff in the sum of $1500 damage*, Just one tenth of ibe sum sued lor.



283 Essox street, Lawrence.

I'ost Office Box 38.

pat friability i>f (tirraffom. All necessity of a Journey t" *

procure a Patent,and tbeur--1

are bare saved Inventors,

TB8TIUON1AL3. ■■ I regard Mr. Kddy aa one of the roost capable

and (ueeessfal practitioners with whom I have

* CIIAS. MASON, Commiaaloner of Patents^ "I have no hesitation in aaaurlug Inventor* that

■hey eunuot employ a min more eomptfrnt anit (rua-/u'«r(-ii,,and more capable or nutting their applications In a form to secure for them an iMM* !'^..or.h,,~n.,dc™TM.J,hD.r.,,n,t.«c..

Late Commlnloner of patents." Mr it II. Eddy ha* made forme over THIR-

TY applications for I'atcnte, having been succe*.- rull* almost every case. Such unmistakable prool of great talent and ability on his part, lead* me to recommend ALL Inventor, to apply to him to pro- care their patent.,, aa they may be sure of.having the mo«t faithful attention bestowed i

and at very reasonable jgSf

Boston and Ulalne Rnllrond.

8.M, 0.17


Mir/er bought a baby, 'Iltleblts/ alng;

Sink I mo* conld pnt him i-'rou my robber ring.

Ain't ho awfal ngty * Ain't Le awful pink?

'■Jii«i acme down riom heaven." Tat'saSb.Iaink.

hoc r told a

•a that

>.|»tticltydonb ed proof ngiiin

I, and warrant.


forth* Wheeler fc Will

Open every Evening till 9 o'clock

.■t nit i ihohavi

Lut the btst rei-um- odnilou wei'nnilvclt I* lal of one, two or Hire* •>*,which wlHcurtaltilyn [hrm»i>t difficult Orise. I convinced. We have vrrlleu'il tlil-i mi <llcliiii for sail

(1. tto'idwln A i 'i , or Uo u. ihe money refunded. And out «r

huuilnd ioilis .old al retail, they have

Otei -by

had ■ bottle* i.ii

l.i-t thirty year*. 1'reparud only by II. R. BBLLSH9 A CD

riTTMiH-lKilf, PA, Held hy Drul.ltts every _'_trc.

JMU. K. 1IKMUV. New York Wboleaale A-I.

N.B - PaiUea Machines wlllnci

or eh-irgci and *■ ot this oppo

n In their i



II H l» I: V

HALEY; MOUSE & CO., 411 Washington itreet, Roslon.

Smi tapliff-h

An Undoubted Security PAYING OO TEH CERT.



fl.l Pel Cent, on the Investment.

Why not get the Best the first timeP

Tbl* la a practical nuestlon, and Is aaked In good faith.

The Matchless, Latest Improved (,siT>ra--B_R_"

Is the simplest. Will wi'iu- tho loneesf. Is vt-ry high Bpocilctl. Is the easiest to untlerstnnil. Wilt do the widest rsngo of work. Uses a very short straight needle. Miik. H the lock atitch, alike on both aides. Works equally well on tho lightest ruuB-

li ii or heaviest heaver*. Tho*e who get the BINftKK nfver eicliange It

for any other. It is emphatically lh« I.KAIUSO Machine In aalei and general aa<lelection, I litre were sold In 1M70 I'.T.NLLI linger Machlnrs—44,025 more

than any other. All this haa been accomplished with Htlleald

from fair* and exhibitions, eicepllng only the "Wold's Fair" constituted by HIP home* of the E-opl* where It received the grand award of the

II.II_._r HALES. „__ , These facts prompt the qnestloB, —" rra* "O"

gtt tkt MM «»< J*rsl Urn* 1" ast-1 woaldlnvlteeveryonetooallandeaamlnc

tho HI.sot:It, and It* late improvements,al

Office, No. 256 Essex street, Noxt door to Baundcrs' new block.

Machines sold on small Installments, [natrue- tlon given at homes, and *all*facUou guaranteed.

■Saehlnes Hepalredand to Let. Hall Treadle, and Machine _■ Hidings

«tr»,,y- T w HBALD, Agent, 256 Essex SL, Lawrence.

Great big, awful lie, Nose ain't out ofjolut zen.

Tat ain't why 1 cry. llammaataya ap btdrojm—

Ouas* he make* ber *lck ; Prow blm In _e guUer,

If lean, right quick.

Cuddle blm aad love blm I Call blm"Bres*ed *1ngl"

Don't care If my kite ain't i,i-i abll ofairltigl

Send me ofTwith Kiddy Every *ln_l* day.

"Be a good boy, Charlie; Hun away and play."

'■BlnkloukMloIovBhlm'" No, I won't; ao sure!

N.W**i crying -_hy, Nut tot any bslr,

Got all my aloe kl**r*, (lot my place In bed;

rorres/ioNifrnt. NEW YORK, April 21th, 1H72. AUKBICAN.-II la almost moving time, and the iboughli* amoving one I assure you. Were you ever In New York on tbe tlr.tof May' Not Well then you have raided an experience. A Now Yorker who own. his own honae cannot bo truly ■aid to know Ilfea* It I*. What does he know of sorrow, who never had his mirror* broken, hi* sil- ver lost, bis best furniture defaced, hi* baby made nick, hi* wlfa'a temper ruined, and Ml own *ool ■tirredto Its depths on moving dsy. Evidently very little, and a* wo eclat lo thie world for tbe aake of aa much dlaolpllne al poaalble, It I* without doubt not be»l to own your own honae. Then the nnoertalaty a.towhrre you aball deposit your mortal framo, Ihe mortal frame* of your family, and Ihe Inanimate forms of your household atoff l> conducive to faltb. Yon are very glad to

IHACI*I„ rooats-ur A BPARROW, and have no home; and you havn't the sllghtcit wish to take thought for tha morrow, when you come home disgusted with a d*y'ahouae hooting Of course there Isn't the least earlbly need of be- ing diaoouragsd. Ofcourae the particular honae that you are destined to Inhabit stands somewhere, and there Is no doubt but that you will walk up to It and pull tho door bell when ibe time comes. You will enter It, approve, and will take the premise*. Then wherefore worry ? Because 11 Is human na- ture to worry, especially near the first or Usy. I will bo sure to rain on that day,

TOU KMOW IT WILL, IT ALWAYS DOES. Your beds will be soaked, and your grandmother's rheumatism will bo Increased. A great many things would belter bear Increasing. But I must not dwell so long on moving day, touchlog and In- ere*llng**aro Ita detail*.

Naw York la getting liielf up for epilog. Tin park* are pulling on green, and the elite of both sexes are appearing In the freshest or iprlDg co*

jtirtiot, Un Saturday UltOADWAV WAS A STGDT.

I'.vcrj wa* glad to avail themselves of tho love- ly weather, and the promenade side of our msgntft- cant avonnowaa crowded by all kind* and condi- tions, from Ibo little dwarf with wrinkled face and appealing eyea, holding spring vlolcta In her hinde, to th* (.■■i.niy, v. li. :•■• dlamonda could buy a coun- try village. Verily, to the aludent Of human ra- ture no *ueh tectbook could be found In the world aa thl* seme Broadway. There _oci "my uncle,'1

every line In his Taca suggestive of hi* calling, and close beside blm a French tonne, In ber plelurcsquu cap, trundlas a baby carriage with Ihe roundest, rosiest


that ever you la*. You wonder If that hard faced man were ever a baby, wish It.pbael were along, and pa** on.

F«ce* of every kind one aee*. grave face*, gay face*, worn face*, *cir-*st1*8ed race*, but very fuw • weet, *emno, peaceful face*. Peace come* from a kind of life that jour overage New Yorker doean't

w much about, or your average American clth- and I auppoao I might aa well *ay, while I am

about It, or \ - HI r average buman being either. And Ibis reminds me of

_R, Bats-fin's RKHMOit week ago yvaierday, and thu vailou* strlcinrei

that 1 have heard put upon It. You aee Mr. Beech i* spells of attacking the old theology. lie li )nhodoc heretic. He I* very Onhodoc. Of se ha I*; nobody doubt* that. But now and he forget* all preeedenl, nil old schools and

schools, and nmemban only that he la Bvech- i man with Ihe biggest and wnrrneit heart In

il* wa* the eaaa Sunday, nnd there bevn n truiiieinloua

WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Nov. 13,1871, Tralna trill

leave the Depot* In Lawrence, a* follow* '— For Boston, (from North Dei ot) at 0.-S, 7.S0, A.M., and 1-.I6,3.40 and 0.30 V. M. For Boston, (from Booth Depot) at 8._7,7.**i

•IMS, A. M„ and 1-.18, •l,oBtexpre»s,) 3.46,6_ra, •ivi.1 icxprcss,} 7.30 1'. M.

For Portland, (from South Depot) A.M., and 1.06, 41*. U.

For Georgetown and Ncwburyport, (from Sooth Depot) at sjc*. A.M., 4 P.M.

For Baverhlll, (from South Depot) at »26 and 0,30 A. M .. and 1.06,4,6.06 P. M., and from North Depot at 7.10 P. M.

Trains leave Hoi-ton for Lawr.noc at 7, 7.30. 10.15, 11.30 A. U., 1-.16, 3, 3.30, 6 and 6 P. M.

WM. M-.H.K1TT, Snp't. Lawrence, Nov. 13.1871.


-<irl»_ °*0 W

ii tiiclr


Room Pspers|Window Curtains

New, Fresh and StyliBb



No. 275 Essex street, Lawrence.

The Largest _ toek In E(*ex County of



No. 275 ESBCX Street, Lawreuce, Masa.

Tin rERTjviANSYnTJPmaltesthowpakBtTiinn; and U iil-ea-c by aupply-Qg tbe blood Hltla yirmr'n Qvrw VrTALixnto AOEKT—IRON. - -

Cauffon.—Ito sure yon get PPnivion Styrvp. ywupliL'ta fne. J. P. DINSMollK. lruviiutor.

Tin. rtODcyfit., NewYork. Sold hj in -__i__. t-ucr__y.

Boston. Jan.



The best Spring and Summer Medicine ever offered to the public.

They are preparedwltb great care from the beat KooH, Herbs, Bark* and Seeds. Thcv Invigorate tbe Btomach. sllmolate tho Torpid Liver a Dow-

to ihe whole eystem. TheywillKKSTOlLKa

LOST APPKT1TB, Re- lieve Headache, Costive- ness, Indigestion. Dys- pepsia, Nervous lieblllty, and all complaints aris- ing from an Impure state of thu Blood, or the de- ranged condition of the Stomach, Liver, Bowel*, or Kidneys

Head fro/. /Ttifes' He- j)ort to fX't. Urndhtad, State rta'ir'r f>/ *fo*t.

No -0 _tateSireet, Koston. Brodhead, Kin- -Sir— A sampl*

Old Dr.Goodhue'* Root and Herb Biltr-- Kllnt a Goldthwalt, Salem, Mi -* lyzed with the following r—"


WANTED. Wc will give energetic Men and Women

BUSINESS THAT WILL FAT from S3 loSS per day, Can be pursned at yonr own homra, and Is strictly honorable. Bend for aampletthat will enable yon to work at onoe. Address

■ectrd by

has been ana- .aolt*. — "Thi* i* an

oflielnafmedlolnal preparation, ooutalnln_ ex- traot* of Roots and Herb*. It 1* free from inju rloua aubstanoes, and may be used as direct periom requlrl"! a medicine of thi* kind.

Very respectfully, B. DANA HAYE-, State Anayar, HBi FLINT __ GOLDTHWAIT,

I'm' tiiliiirb PropHetors, b.l.m, Ma FOR SALE F.VEHYWHKKB.



This deadly and dnngerona ditease has long ravaged our country, reducing to helplessness and perhaps death any who b*ve been so amfor- tunate aa to havo become alTVclrd with tbe disease.

HEART DISKABK appears to os In many form*, niiinii- the mini common of which we hare PALPITATION wllh dl*tre*sud fcvllogs In the region of Ibe hi art; thl* can be easily cured.

Then we have r.N I.AKGl-.MKN'l, In which ihe heart becomea considerably larger than In Its natural state, causing difficulty ol'breathing, saf- focatlon.aad various other pains and aches too dlfllcult to he described.

RHEUMATISM of the heart Isnot of oncom- _on occurrence, somet lues succeeding rheumat- ic Over, but generally come* to os wlthoat warning; the duiress and cxcruclstlLgjialDscan be better Imagined than described. Wo have beard from suffering wit.i the dins.c that no mortal pain oonld exoe*_ It,

8P ASMS, OSSlKlt'A Tlt^ or HONY sORMA- TIONof the IIFAKLtil:M'HAL DKlill.lTY, SINKING of the SPIH1 IS, PAINS In Ihe BIDE and CHEST. DIZZINl'88, SLUGGISH CIRCU- LATION of the BLOOD and momentary stoppage of the action of the heart, arc among the many forms of UKAItT DISEASE. For the cure ot HEART DISEASE we ■. iiVr yoa

Arlington Range.


Parlor, Offloe and Cooking STOVES.

Plumbing, Tin Roofing, and all klnda of Jobblag done promptly.

EL DORADO STOVE STORE, Lawrence street, Lawrence.

C-arraU's Electric Di*k qnlckly relieve* Neuralgia and Kheumatlo P-fn and Jftatiifs*. It* oomfort and power to help weak lunga, ilomacb, hi art, kid- ney*, side or back, Lumbago, Sciatica, etc , It remarkable. WEKrCS a POTTER,

Wholesale Agent*, LO Washington Street, Boaton.

Bold by Drugglit*. 1-in.hl.


Ckarter Oak Lile Imim Co. o <1


• N

e_ ^a-a-awaaaaaaBBn p. or HiRTFons. con.

luac.poUdc.ot IJt.I:iw^.ncoon^l tbe or__7 pUn. at lower r«lc« llinu other r^u'oal compaale. auil IU,B aaawial divtdiad, lucroaMas ye.rly. Ta. pb;i called

DEPOSIT INSURANCE, lilclr lolrod,;ced by thl* co;3l>v>r. I» ,upcrl-r to .ny abort Una Eadcnrmoat or IWtr, pl.o. wtt AM. a lirj^ ramaaar nla. Cor la.p_ar end tf any ct l_ current year*.



a preparation la which yoa can Implicit conildcace a. being all It I. ri-prtieetcd.

Tboannd* tcatlt. to It. ere,.

PRICE, ,1.00.


A Standard Preparation, Indorsed by tbe most reliable Phyalolan*. and It* aatonlablng enrattve power* attested by thousand* who have used It.

It I* a ■ure,qnlck remedy for all dlaeaaes of the Urinary Organs exltllng in male or femal*, Irri- tation or Inflammation of Kidney* or Bladder, Gravel, Diabetes, Re.dlsh Sediment In Urine,

t'l.iutiy Urine, Muoous'and Involuntary Dlschargt r Ineontl-



No. 80 Union Street, (Near Corner of Hanover Street,)

BOSTON. The advantages offered to depositors by this

irirsf.—Deposits are pat on Inter i-i on tbe first day of every month.

Second—No extra dividends once In five years, bat the full earnings are divided once In every alx months.

Third.—Dlvtdenda are put upon interest a**oon aa de-lared, *o that depooltora receive L'o**po_iuf Inter nt. ROBERT MARSH, OEO, O. TRUMBU1.L,

President. Treaaurer. Kxecuttve CotHmftttt. nilya.ll


i an , fiice.1 .

woman, thn other driy, "that Ihrre'i lion. What'* the use of hiving any rell.lon at ill If the "M doctrines *rt< (u bo whittled down In thl way?"

"Well, If 1

This ,,,,..■ p K\TRAt:r ol hl'l.llU, |>ni. Hie Pharmacol,.la, nnd conti principle knonn ■ ' llt>>i>'.i,tn Juniper Berries, UVB Ur-I nn bine* many tl_i-»the stiengllin ■ ■■. ,- Off.rcdto the piil.lie, and Is regarded *• rrom It* p.-eul)ar ien lent y In the- urinary or/. 1B Gravel, (Chronic Catarrh oftho Bladder, In


(lirotiit Catarrh oftho Illadd tlOBor the Bladd, rand Urethra. Inonntinrnreui Urlxe.and oth.r si millc iiml Chronic affections ftr ivbleli lliichu la so gin.rally u»ed.

SARSAl'ARU.LA V. S. /'. Combined with Iodide Potasilam & Iron.

Snrraparllla Compound I* prepared according IO the D.B rh.irmai*.i|,.she.oni«n*tand- art) remedy in a vari.-ty or tllai-.-e*. naually de- •erllied a* •'.!.,.'""'•' ■""' '■""'"'■' condition'' which rtuulre alterative and tonic Irratm - * dlipel the morlild pnlion of the system, hi In considered apur-Hrr of lliehlood.

Uomblmd wllh Iodide Potasilunt and Iron, It forma an Alterative am) Tonic of no ordinary enV eaoy, posaraslng a pofeury far superior lo that aacrlbed lo cither alone.

I II.HI N a CO , CllkMitrrs, New Lebanon. N. V., and 170 William St , N. Y.

For sal* by Diugglsts generally. 3mTapll

nee It

l,o«au«porl, Crawfordavllle and Sonth- Wcstern Knllway of lndlnna.


Tbe ls*nc 1* llmllrd lo *t«,„00 per mile, in de- nomination* of *l.iHHi,»ati)ind»ICu.

Thl* Road.W mite* long, affoid* the shorle*l existing outUt to Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, roit Wayne, I ot;an*port. and Iniermedlale point* for tho rtl.-hr-.te_ Block and Bituminous Coal* of Parke County, as, al*o, for the large .urplos pro- ducts of the rich atirlculiural and mineral section of the Stale which it ttsvertee

For the present w* are ottering these NM al U_ and aceru.d Interest In currency, or will ex- chanae them for Government Bonds, or othei marsctablc the rate* of the day.

Further and full particulars, wllh pamphlet! and maps, furnl*Ledhy ua on per»onal or written application.

JONES _ SOHUYLElv, No. 12 Nun .trcot, New York,


The proprietor of tbl* valuable Medicine, ■offering iroi

.nil. renty yean which thi

tor of tbl n loss of hvaitn ■i/nm 1,1

ureiisVed aomr for her own n*e,'which malted • cure It- effect* aro wonderful In th* Relief and Gore of Hie following diseases i-ProI.fsur Uteri. Nervou* Debility, Weakness of the Hack and

Dyepepsla, Palpitation of Heart, Uepn ._, , alplti i of Hplrili. IrreRuliritles, Change* lte*,Droti*Ic_l Aff.ctlons.Billoi

of Life, Hop.lcit A1ftCtlon*,Bllloi

if the Kidney*, lleadacbt new blood and »tr*u„lhen» the whole ivstem.

Prepared and .old by Ha* LIN UB BliLCHLB Randolph, Ma... SSN- fit VirtnUtr. Bold by sl Diagilst* at $1 per boltle. I'-jmapl-t ;«*'-1""1'



Upon on« occasion at •;ii_r(l-niountlriK'. when the new offlow of tho day was Ma- jor , who hail never tiefore been de- tailed for the responsible position, lie want upon the paradn ground "r"' took his place benld« hi* preileoessor. "Troop" had "beat oil'," ami the at|)ii- lant,after biltiKinj; I ho guard to "present arms," had faced abont, untl with an ex- ceedingly graceful subtle, reported: M Sir, the guard Is formed." At this, to lilin rather siartllni; annouticeinont, the Major drew his sword, and Imitating the ralute ol the uiljiitttiif, said In n loud tone of voice. "Gentlemen, I return your salute." The adjutant repented " -Sir, the guard 1* forraed." The mnjor seemed conscious, thai something more was expected from him, but what tlnit something was he had no conception of, and not lecllng disposed to display his Ignorance by asking Infor- mation from the out-going olllctT of the tiny, be responded at a venture, "I'm much obliged to yon, Mr. Adjutant. A little more music—let ill have a little more roiiRUj, If you please, sir," The astonish- ed adjutant faced ubout and ordered the band to "beat oft" again, then brought the guard to a "present" and again re- ported. "Sir, tho guard Is formed." The major, at this critical Juncture, find- ing himself cornered, and that it was nece'sary to do something to extricate himself from the difficulty, exclaimed, lit d-spair, " Yea, yes, Mr. Adjutant, I seo they are. Well, d n It, let um bllo ahead. I'm ready for um."— From Bor- der Hi miuiscrtices l-y lien. Marcy.

n believe In preordination, " porbap* you art'willing ti

mxr. i


a constant desire tc elToita in scraping,

in dry um


tngel .1 .1 ii- ia auhjucl.

But thl* embryo lightly on rell.lo high dudgeon.

father Gavaul preached list Dr. Thompson'* Church, to eve A gOOd deal ol Intereal I* felt io g_W from the

i ..i : OHtmnH or ITA Ho Is i

Ightln II • large au lilt Italia

I fat lather ill your lyploal Italia

Hiking, but does mile i

i fare

i, to warble

In th* musita! world Ml** Nilifon1

concert, to Uko plaoa next Monday evening, I* Hi moil Important event. She Is waited for antloui

go, a* wo do our other birds of pastai In other olliuu*. Wo can hope fur a return *om< musical spring, but lhat oannot bo a certainly She appears In four act* from four different opera* and of course tho Academy will bo crowded will toe wealth and beauty of Ihe tnolropolla. Th< t! nl Itusa opera troupo ctuie* it* *ea*on tbl* week

Ml".'! "I" mi TO !■!■ ii HI - Is not * long leap, and aa iho Now York Academt of Design now aive* It* aprlog exhibition, there L an opportunity to *ee what our artist* ate dolog There are some very charming picture* In Ihe ex hlbillon, but they are, to my thinking, Invarlnbly Ihoae that are Ihe ilmplett. There ihould beB purpoao In a picture, and lhat purpote should b* both aeveroly ami tenderly wrought out, and there •hould not lie loo many tide l**ua».

No exeUM need bo offered lor copy- ins the following:

_. .aeeclng there 1* no miifoii" to be raisi o, I'd tin* difllculty Increas- es until It become* ehronio; n constant hoarse- ness follows; years ot suffering and death may result (rum thin neglrrt It allowed to go on year alter year wlthont a'temptlng to check and cur. it, I "■■ I'.: !'.<■'■' ! ii i . M "..[ Lt'NO II. IIH..

• 1,000 HBWARD will be paid for n case o Catarrh, lliadauhe or Neuralgia which cannot b

llh Bitn.tiM' Ail.KvasiuH, a pleasant agreeable and never falling remedy, If used ac cording to direction*. It I* anew combluatloi of the most reliable Ingredients known for Aub- dulng the illseaacsfor which It 1* recommended.

t'lil'.isi COUNBI-Juat fancy afool,wlth Its purfect organlmtlon, designed by the Creator -" 1 of use to man, crowded Into a boot or fcboe jt two-thirds the slue required to give room for the working of ihe Joints, uusoles, etc., of this

onderful Mrncture. Aud then consider if It 1* ny wonder that niue tititha ot the adult nopu ta-

ttoo and lia.l the children are troubled wllh ruins, bunion*, bad mil*, nnd other pedal affliction*, all of whloh ate artlilclal and uuueocwiry. Dr. J. BHII'O*' ALL-VIATOHaud CtJIIATIVK will mrely banleh them and proper tilting boot* wit I prevent their return. ' ni,KMI I'H.KS! -Tin* nncea"ng tortnre from Internal, ble'-Uing.external and tubing pi lei i* fa*t wearing away the thousand* of thoae who are afhloted, and their hope and courage have

_4;i:.vrs are wanted Tor every town In

Mass., to whom mission will be paid In Cash. Apply In pet son or by letter at tbe office of

A. _t. LINCOLN, 147 Tremnnt 8t, Boaton

II i.i.i. ■pair. Let thoi a and snre ip, for

bo bad by u*tng Bnioua- III.K KKHXUIKB.

Sold by II. H. Whitney k. Co., H J.Denham, Chi*. Clarke, Geo. K. Chlekorlng, D. Unwartb,

glata generally. d by Dm


No. til Esiex Street, Gas.Chloroform or Ktber niv.n, at preferred.



Office, 417 Esiex St., Lawrence.

The uailonal debt of France Is a.V.00,- 000,0001 that of England, «a,lrW,i-0O,0OO; of the United States, 8_13.W10M,W0; of Austria, $!,r._.'i,inn'.<""'J; of Russia, 01,- CtW.OOO.OOO; of Italy, »1,43_,000,OW); of Spain, |l,l85,0ilfl.(K)0; of Germany, 1880- (100,000; aud of Turkey, |,T_0,t^,000.

The I udiiiti: in Ariaona are Improving the floe weather by making depredating raids throughout the northern part of tho territory, partltularly among tho miners.


Three roae , wan aa moonlight,and weighed do Ksch with 1* lovellnea* aa wllh a crown, Drooped la a florist- window In a town.

The first a over hough!. It lay at rest, Like mow on *now, lhat night, on Beauly'a bi

Tha second tu*e, a* vlrxinal and f.ilr, Miriink In he tangle* of a wanton's hair.

The third, a widow, with new grief made wild Bhut In th Icy palm of her dead child.

— T. 11. Aldrkh, in May AUmit

Charles Nordboff say*; "If you bavo baen on a street car when it ran off lbs track and was dragged over His cobbles, you may easily know thasenaatlonof a California eartho,uake."

A western burglar wants a patent ou an Im- proved Jimmy.

M*_/.lni'* large fortune will he inherit:*! by bisgraidnlece, a youn„ lady of coniltlerahlo literary ability, and at present art ciitlc of a dally paper at Turin.

Veiavlua I* in full eruption, and li making a grand display.

50 Cents and $1.00. The most becoming styles of Jewelry w<

the present day are Jm ur HHI-.II . They look well with any suit or garroept, and never gaudy, and curprlcr* make thtnt fncr/itimtc, To Intro- duce our new gooda to tnefolleat extent through- out the country, we offer onr beaulifnl New Style* of Jet Kar Bins* at SO cent* and each ; and at the uiat price*, handsome new patteru* ot Bhcll VAT Bins* or Pin*. These f'onufur Prices place the foodt uithi<. the mm tit af all. T tin 11 ji)l>s AKB wtlllTH Hill.'RI.K WHAT W_ ARK roil

i ni'.M. Thoasanda of lidlea In all part* of tha country will teatlfy to their Klegauce, Dnrablllty and extreme low price. We send, securely pack- ed by mall, postage paid, or exprcsi, a* partle* may dlreat. If parties prefer, w* eordlilly Invite all to aall at onr store, or we will send lo your ad- drcM.eitberFlnsor Bar Ring*, Jsl or Shall. (Be t-areful to state whloh kind I* wanted.) im I.H.HX THK ■■ItKK.wltb name,chy or town,county and it*,**. Voiir orders will be ailed promptly ■»"<

WATKHMAN a fit, 1* ill


from Urethra, Retentli nenee or urine, Chronic Catarrh of Bladder, and all Chronic Maladle* of the Urlno-Genital Organ*.

For sale by all Draggttt* and Dealers In Medi- cine everywhere. lvaovaiDb

Every Man hia own Physician !



Olo* llf,:,„.

HOLLOWAY'S PII.LHconslstofacareful and peculiar admixture of the Hurst Vegetable Ex- tract*. Iterbi, and Meillcinnt Hum*. Possesting not a grata of mineral la their combination, they never expose those who use thrm to any danger, at any time or season. No mother need to presorlbe them to her children, and tbe moat delicate constitution can use thmi wltli a* great benefit aa the most vigorous and powerful frame.

Holloway's Ointment Is tho concentrated extract of healing Hnlstimi and rare K^rnpean dtimt. it is peneiratlng, soothing, nnd healing in Ua nature; and Ihe pores of the skin abserb It (when well rubbed In] aa greedily a* water Is taken up In a sponge It Is a wonderful BotawMmi for the skin, and the uie Ot a email quantity applied to the face at night, will Impart a clear and

rr.lIll.-f.IKF COMPLKXIOXt equalled only by that of the Infant.

Holloway,& Pills and Ointment Care the following diseases:

Dyspepsia, Lassltnda, KeTor and Agoe, Skin Dlirases, Pimples, Ring Worm*, Pike and Fistula, Billon* Fever, Bwellln**, Sore Throats, Qnlnaey. Worms, rlwe)!!n_ of the Joints, Scrofula, I.lvrr Complaints, Wonnd*, Sores, Burn* and Scald*, fait Km um, Grav.l,

and all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys. NEW YORK CHEMICAL COMPANY,

78 Maiden Lane, New York. IToHoway's Pills and Ointment are sold at U

cents, fi I-, cents, and (1 per box or pol. A great aavlng Is made by buying the large sixes, ■Pni.-irvn I Tne wor(t " Oolloway " appears In KjaUtlOll! B WBter m,rt ,- „„, ifulr ^phlet surrounding eaob box of Pill* or pot of Ointment, Thl* secure* tbe genuine. LydM) H.M WUITNfcY a CO., A„cnt* for Lawrence.

Extracts of Root* nml Heib* wltleli nlniost Invariably cue Iho following compluliitN.'

Dyapepsia. Heart nun indlaO-tH of Appelltotui'i

Lassitatle, I."'. Hplrlls nnd Blnklng Kin

Latham's Cathar- tic Extract

la a Raid extract prepar- ed Irom valuable medic- inal plant*, having a known action on the teorittona and excre- tlons of the system. A single bottle doe* more for tbe removal of ills- cases and preiervatlon or health, than gallon* of blttera, It speedily and surely " ' constipation, sick and

nj,.-.ilon, piles,fi the blood, and all blllou* complaint*. blliou* headache, lndigettlon

is blood. * It I* ind.

byaUwho fur children or adults, It is far tupeilor lo pill* being mild of action,pleaiant to tbe taste, and certain In Its results. It 1* a medicine that .hould be in every household, aa Kood effeota ar* aura to be experienced from tbe very Irat dot*.


", iin1.11 r Hi,

approved ti he found


e<i nt

Ernptinn., Plmplea rtlolclira,nti.lnll Im- purlllea of tlio, liinMinif tliriiiigli ilm akin or otlici wKe, ruretl i.mlily by lulluw- lugllicdlreotlunx on iho bottle,

Kidney, nimbler anil Drinary Pcriuice- ment inVurlubly einetl. Ono holilo will couvlnco in.- ui'i.i i:,. j ■!, .,i.

Worms expolletl from tbe ayalrm with- out Hie Ion-it ilimeultv. I'nllr-iils Kiillcrlng from tills provnlonl! « ill wcu nmik- eil irln.iii{o L.r tlio lielter hi lludr eoiiilllliin nftor iBhlngono liottle. ffmin ilinieulllea are mure urevtileiit ilinn in Kinernlly MII- I. . ,.i in um ronng, and they will Bad tho __i-i.ik.-i lilt ins A euro remedy,

Nervous Difficulties, Neunilglo, Ac, speedily relieved.

Rhenmatios, Mu, iie.i joim* and nilftan> fulurAfnictliiiiN ii'mnviil .,: uunily ivlloveil by tlita Invaluable imtlklne.

Bronchitis, Ualarrli,C<iiiviil»li)tiHuiidny- Sterlca cured or much relieved.

Difficult Breathing, Pain in the in..™,* illi.l I'lifat iilinu.i Ii.i il.J.ry I'IIiul l,y taking a row botilea of tlio Qtinker lliiieta.

All tlifflonlt fenmli. .lrrniiK.m.t.lH. 'nl- rnutil Invnrlnlily CIIHMII hy n vldlnlhui nf

The virtue* of simple Tea as a Hair Tonic and Preserver have long Dean known, but no attempts have been made toextraot the oil scientifically. By a process peculiar to thin preparation, the es- sential oil ol the tea plant ha* been added toother vegetable extract*, and ao unequalled Toilet Ar llcle for tbo hair It the resalt. it Is especially use- ful to prevent the hair from falling out or growing thin, and as a wash for Ihe scalp, to stimulate tbe hair bulbs and prevent the gradual decay and Ion of color In tho structure of the hair tnbss. Price • 1. DB. KKSMSUY, l-o Warren atreet.Box- bary, Mass. lyjeSxb

mil li-

il rlla,.n.r,

in- 'ii-iin- i :.■■ if ■.:.].. i Bitten,

All Imirarities of tha Blood or Incident fn tlio an mo nlwnvs em auaker Bltttri-* ir mk.-ii nr,'.,nli,


The Aged fln-i m the Quaki jil-il tlio mllt'li. ih.-y H.,:,,! In ■ llielrileellnlngj-Mis. It qnlrl.i'n. Biul clirrra tlio iiilml, nml ii_v.«u down tlio i.t.iii.' i iifi, i,,..i

Ml •* ill llt**;i.|* uj Ur,!,:, (| Hrdicllt.

BIL H. 8, rUMT k «., Propriiten, vnoriitXNcK x. i.

Sold wholesale and retail by CNAS.CI.ARKB, Lawrence. tmt imhlrb

t-ncmrrfiay MEDICAL


The iihjfi-t In c.tgbl_>lilng tlili Instltutlnn was to itMnin the grctttest perfection In tho pre*.nr.iiion, practice, and use of Vcgctahlo Remedie*, nnd to icctiro :i jicrinanent plnee where fn mi lies, invalids, or any person, could obtain the best medical advice, and such rem- edies a. each might rcijttirc, without the UB_ of poisonous drug*.

l)r. (Jrccnc iin. been Physicinn of the Insli- tuto sinco it* fouiulntion, now more than twenty-five yenn. Dr. Orccne Is In hi- fifty- flfth year, and has devoted his life to llii* brnneh of his profession; and his succe.», wo believe, \» without parallel.

AmonR tho dinn-nacB to i hieh he give* es- pccinl attention may he uotiu*d Cancer, Scrof- ula, Cutarrh, llrottchitis, Con.umptlon, Heart Ducn-e, Neuralgia, Asthma, Nervousness, Hltcnmntlsm, Paralysia, .Stiinai Diwascs, Dys- Kpstn, Liver Comnlainl, Femnlc Complaints,

tint Stomach, Kryaipclas, White Swelling, Suit Itheum, Canker, Deafness, Kidney Dis- cnaci, Seminal Wcakncsi, 4c.

By order of the Board of Managers, Dr, Orovnos Mexiieal Pamphlet, dcscripiivo of disewws, and their proper treatment, will be sent free to invalid*; also his TreatUo on dueatci of the llwr and Scalp.

AddrewK. GREENE, M.D., •4 Temple Place, Boston, Mais.



LS1R' -Sawrence ^Cmerican AND


Published Friday Murutns;* by

GKO. 3- MERRILL & CO., Proprietors,

l*i .ST Or rice BLOCK,

.; *.T ,.■ Httnx .ri.l Applet on Street*

,\W!ii;.\„(; ..-.Aii.t.

The ctrauiation of tho Liwrenoe Amort- oan li the Urge-it of any paper In the

Cuuuty, and more than FOUR. TIKHfl that of iny other

Weekly Paper published to this city.

10- K*t«* of Advertising seat upon application. @*wmm> ▲iTiRfi

^h« ^ail*. American,


(SBBdKJ exoepteo,)

1* t be largest Dally la the easy, aad bat foar the circulation of any other.


Oae I.»r, • • • ft 00 | Bis Months • • St Wheo aot paid la edvaace, as.


rir* ijrjtjiiciijr

STEAM PRINTING OPPICE It the largest and moat tliorouKhljfuratihed la eastern Massachusetts. Having the u>uit Improved atodera ['rexes ,esd with constant addlUoae of t r a


aid with oar eaten *lv* variety ot work, wi a>c

able tofarnlsta the He.t Quality of Work, exped I ttoaily, mad at low price*. Orders by asa prompt I j Blled.

GEO.S.MERRILL 4 CO..Proprietors. BM teem ST., LAWBfMOa.



The BEBT FLACK la the olty to bay JOI

Seed Oats,

Sprlag Rye,


Buck Wheat,

Fodder Corn,

Herds Grass,





Millet, and

Orchard Gnus Seed,




345 and 347 Common street.

Best FERTILIZER in the market,

E. Frank Coe's Super Phosphate.

Wo have alto oa hand a 0 ne lot of





846 & 347 Common at., Lawrence.


FRENCH FLUTING. Why »end yonr DRE8B FLUTING (which

Will probably be worn more than ever tble season) to Boiton. when you can baye It made aqua, ly ae well and cheap, and much quicker, by

Sill* A. SAT WARD. Al«n, 8TAU1MNU for Braid Embroidery and

Initial Letters. mb»

338 Essex St., Lawrence, (up stairs,)

Boarding House tor Sale. Inquire et 280 Commoo Btreet, Furniture tun-

able to keep forty boardera, and ha* been uicd only three years. MRS. WHtTKHOUSK.


CHARLES V. JACKMAN, Dealer In all Uads of



Ja* opposite Talbot's dnt| atora.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of care! "


If yonr blood it poor, If tho oonntenanee li pallid, If you feel weak and disinclined to exer- tion, try


Tnlbol'e Iron Tonic will do yo« good.

It j oar appetite poor t Ton need


Are you troubled with Indigestionf

Talbot't Iron Tonic will help you.

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC li selling largely all through New England.

Read what reliable apothecaries say :—

Hewburyport, Heat., Joly 1, 1871. Slttiri. T.IIIHII llro't:—Having disposed of a

considerable quantity of yonr Iron Tonlo, and hsering front those wbo have used it, oi IU food effeets on the system where tuob an article la re- Juired, 1 deem it no more then Jnttloa that yon

loulit be apprlied of iu favorable reception ID thli p'—

Saapaetfa II y y o u r ■, C. H.UUDUE, A po thee an.

fTewbaryport, Hats., July 17,1971. HBMBB. TALBOT Bao's:

Qtntlmtn■ I Bad that your Iron Tonic bai In every eaae glrcn entire aatlifacUoa.and the In- creasing demand for It la due, I think, to the fact tbat elf who have uied It recommend It to their frtenda; and I can truly lay tbat it la one of the beat artlelea 1 ever eold for restoring the debilitat- ed system to in natural tone.

Yoare, truly, 8. A. M0CO5NELL, Apothecary.


li eold all orer tho soantry for One Dollar a bottle; six bottle* for Fire Dollara,

Call at any of the Lawrence Druggists for It,


Lawrence, Mass. OEO. C. GOODWIN k 00., Boeton, Wboleiale

Arenta for New Enf land.

E. S. YATES, M. D-

PHYSICIAN8f SURGEON, Office,—307 Essex street,

Corner Lawrence street.

Resldence, 103 Concord St., Lawrence.



sssy-Call and see tats In operation, before yoa buy any other.



Lawrence street, Lawrence. Opposite Fullee Station-

Washing Meohlne* by other makere, bought ■old or exchanged, xahl

MIS8 H. B. FIELDING wlihee to Inform the Ladlea of Lawrence and ilcloliy that the boa jmt received nil the Hew Spring and Imniair Nty|eo from New York, and It now ready lo execute nil order* lor Duxas Ha nap at tier Hooma, 3(11 Meats Btreet,

«*r Particular attention paid to Cutting and Flttlug Ladlra- and Children'* Dresses. New Stylet received from New York every week.

A liberal aharo of patronage solicited, with thaakaforpaetfavora, tjyll*


To tho Public of Lawrence.

The underilgned have the honor of luforffilor their friend) and the public (funnily, that they have taken chant be r» (n

Sannders New Block, GBICB Btreel,

for the purpoee ot carrying on the builneait MERCHANT TAU.oiif, where the beat Clot ha, Caahmeree, Veatlnii, bo., will be aiwayi

hand, aad ovary attention liven to the Lateat Btylee of Cuatom Made Clothing, under the im mediate tupervliliin of JOSKI'lI | LOOD, late oi the Arm of Savage * Flood.

Toa ere retpect fully Invited to give na a call




Chambers, 1,2 8tS Saanders New Block

"©he ^-UCmcrican.

YI«|T BURNHAM'S < (olliliijj, Iln(, Cap em Fiirnl-*h-

iat (Joods Storr,

No. IpS E«ex Street, Lawrence.


*0J-For the Beat » day* 1 aball i*l( all onr old •tock at rstr LOW pstcts.

Veatl, fl.00 tQ S1.S0 Hate, 60 to 1,00 Capa, SO U 7| Tlea, 10 M SO




PIANOS. The andorltgaed having aecured the agency ol

till* Ju ally ealebrated piano (recently 1B charge oi H r. F. ZaehtnttnB) for tho Mow Kagland State*, beg* to Inform lb* pnbllo that they hat* taken elegant and pleaiaat roome in the BTVDIO BVILDIKH, Room at), No. HO XWmoNt ■Ireef, Boafon, where they will offer a fall itock of all etyie* of tbta piano for cash, or on eaaa temu o/papmtnt, I'lantf itool* and cover* la varloa* iljlol. Oilt rianoi taken in txekamgt for gev/ooet, F>noi repaired, tuned and to Itt,

"jC'mbaaDb TlgQaf AB btAIN * BOjl,

A CARD. r pott .

be happy to aee bt* old friend* at 103 Essex street, Lawrence.


Read the following Recommendations:

We, the underalgued elllieni of Lawrence and Methu*n,ar*p)ea*ed to aay wehaTenird HALL'I WAIHBB In oar famllln, and oan eheer- felly recommend It a* an I nraluahle machine. Wo would reoomniOBd every family to pnrchat* a machine, ne It la inro to gl>


"BllT Mr «ad V)l do you Good." RR. LAHQL1V13

awOOT AND !!■:"« BII'TKKN. 'tKit medlelne li, w|thont the poetIblllt; of a

doubt, the very be*t remedy Mtap Itr the fol- It.wim gad all kindred dtiettn ;— IwUffttlion, f.'oltlveaefi, Uvtr Complaint, Pitt*, Uradarkr Hmrlbur*. Oyepratto, MtMln***, Scrofula, Salt ftfteum. languor, Lufleeti, DtbUill, Jaundict,

Rr lbs nearly aloof Uiii raedlolne. the blood 1* CUriled j theappalltelirattorrd; theaytteml*

lf*Bgtb*ntd; tba liter I* Invigorated; the troatblaiaratUatdi the complexion 1* beauti- es; nndlhe general health le

RESTORED. The beit Root*. Herb* aad Bark* eater Into the

compoaitlo* of tbli Beau-dy, making It a almple and «*fe,a* well a* an unfailing cure for all dla- eeaea of the blood.

OEO. C. GOODWIN A CO., Botton. For ■*!* by all Drnggfet*. IStfathlab

S.P. Plnaree, W.M. tlTvRln*

ItX'S: J, II. Brown, 9. Banndira, - Bani

Geo wTltartei


Paper Hangings

BOOtn Mouldings, FOp TT48 M«X*

flQ D A V 8,



Rf*8 Washington street,

nuabjaab BOSTOH, MIM,

Motet Proctor, Q.F. Talbot,

H.T.OIay. «,«.«™., GrlmeiBWoodbnry. John Mltrhtll, Thorn*' Webb, J. O, Ka»r*on, Jotrtih Moraohe, Jr., 8. A. Harvey. C. M. Fallow*, H. l> , B. B. Fo«*.

Leave order* lor Machine* it OBle ft Freder k'a, Hethuen; A. A. Lamprey A Co'e, Grime*

A Woodbury'*, J. D. Edion'i, Lawrence. iBifelt J. SEELY. Agent, Met hi

HISS 8. R. FRYE Will open the let of April

Spring Styles Bonnets & Hatu In Btraw, Chip and Leghorn. A complete niacrt meat of

Farla Flowers wad Feathers.

228 Essex street, (up one flight,) Third door from tb* Poat OMoe, aad oppoilt*

3m"apfi Phillip*' trimming Itore.

~IOB ORBA-ltf. The lubiorlber will attead to the manufacture

of lee Craex* daring the pruent iraton. ''

FAIRS AND 1'AHTIKH SyPPLIED «t ebprt notice, and *ttl)faetlon m*r*ntecd,or no charge mad*.

Ice Cream Glaaaei lurplihed parti** and fair*. I*aapl» ABA j.LKBMED,

104 Essex Btreet, Lawrence.

United States Carriage Co., Manufacturer* of


and Dealer* In




D. o. 9oi».T. oiwfc. m*)u

TO liET, Essex Hall,


Taosdart* Friday A Saturday Brenings.

Iaqeir* of Hall Cowmltt*e,-J. H, MOHG AN, it Traaaaat fllrtet, or SAMUEL HOLT, Jaaltor, ■t Court HoaM. tflf.10

Second Hand FURNITURE, The *Bbaerlberi have taken rootae In Ordwnp ■look, M7 /■'»*<■ J- tlreei, wliarc they will Be- palr and Bap and Ball Second Hand Furniture and hoothold artlelei. All order* promptly attended to, and good* told at auction whtL

drtlred, HILL A CO. Lawrenoe, April IB, mi. It

SUBURBAN HOME. aaaan. FOB BALK—A two and a half ttory

ETXLHOHM. with a one story ell, containing beetSttn roomi and ample oloieta. There la an wB>MW*xo*lleBt cellar, and good water, A mod- ern built Barn <■ upon the premltet, tbat coat B700 to build. Tb* lot eontala* mar* than half a* acre. The property t* eligibly tltuated on I'leaa- ant itreet, Clover Hill, (dUtanoe ten mluuU* walk from the Common,) adjoining the eatate ol JOHN FALLON,B*q.,lo whom apply for pr- tlaaktri. frlee, syoo. IS. ruii



mhll ■oatdemew, No. IS Oak itreet,

[Written for th* LawRiaca AMBIICAB. |


Tale of the Merrimaok Valley. BT MBS. BUILT C. ntABSOB.



BE father of Uraee, Mr. Oynn, was a substanttal Engllahmati, who had

taken a fancy to the

Count, mainly because

he was from the old

country. Heist In the

porch of his elegant res-

idence, at even, smoking; his superb cigar, and

muslDg on the brilliant

prospects of his Idolised daughter. He

wss a lordly, well-fed old gentleman,—

king of his own realm, which comprised the rich mills of Gynnboro, and a beauti-

ful villa.

As the back stopped, he went down the steps to hand out his daughter. He was

BOftened and surprised. •Bless me, Grace, darling, is It you. In-

deed? Welcome home, child. Glad you

love the old place well enough to come a

little sooner than we expected.'

'Thank you, father,' said Grace, as she kissed him affectionately. 'There Is no

place like home. Where's motherf

Ihey entered the pleasant home room,

little Elsae following. 'Your mother Is In the kitchen, teach-

ing her new servant the mystery ol sup- per getting. But what baggage U this?

Where did that ohild come from?'

'O, this Is my little friend Elsae. Come

sad speak to my good father, little one.' But the child hung- back. Fathers were

dreadful beings In her view—Ihe very

name called up horrible memories.

'Humph,* growled Mr Oynn; 'you al-

ways was tugging home some mangy lit- tly kitten I'

-But father, this Is a darling tittle itlrl, and she has come home to keep me com-

pany for awhile. Who doe* she resem-

ble?' 'Let me see. HI 'ave 'ardly taken hob-

scrvatloo.' Mr. tiynn w|l fioni Ymk-

shlre, and at times fell Into hl« old dla-

Ipct. He put on his glasses, drew near the child, and carefully scanned her fea-

tures. 'She bis hof kin to CountStllllng.

child, lit should say, hlf hit were possible

tbat the Count 'ad a child.' 'Well, father, I will see you In a few

moments, flow, little one, I am going to give you some nice supper, and show

you my own pretty room You may sleep with mc, little darling, and to-mor-

row morning, when we are rested, we'll

take a drive In the pony chaise. I'll let

you hold the reins, and, away we'll Su

down the cart-path In the woods, and gather wild flowers, and have lots of

fun!' Saying ibis, she kissed and led

out tbe child, who was only too glad to get away from the presence of gruff Mr.

Gynn, who, although rough *i a chest- nut burr In oiitwitrd seeming,,had, un-

derneath hhi prickly exterior, a genuine

and beneficent heart.

When Elsae had been well cared fur, suppered and.put to bed,Grace returned

to tell her lather and mother the recent

disclosures respecting the Count. Mr. Gynn was at Bret slow to doubt

the Count, but Grace's testimony began

to work, and after a time he was too full

of Indignation to speak) his anger came

at last to be at white heat. As for Mrs. Gynn, although an Ameri-

can woman, she always thought with Mr.

Gynn ; If he favored the Count, she was complacent, If he criticized, Bhe blamed.

'Disown bis children. Tbe uugratefttl

dog 1 Most tlnful and Infamous 1' at length

burst from Mr. Gynn'e stern lips. 'He appeared MI well,' Bald Mrs. Gynn,

'who would have thought him nuch a

brute?' Til have his antecedents Inquired In-

to!' said Mr. Oynn. 'The Impostor! To

palm himself off as genuine upon honest

people!' 'We've been sad]y Imposed iippn,' »e,ld

Mrs. qynp. ■It Is a happy thing tbat Uraoo was on

the alert, and found out about the old

scoundrel,' said Mr. Gynn, 'Yes, Indeed,' echoed the wife 'An

ounce of prevention |a better Hi an a ton

ol cure, In this oaso-' 'I wonder I did not suspeot lilm,' add-

ed the husband. 'He borrowed two thousand dollars when he waa he-e, un- til be conld get fund* from hi* banker In

Dresden.' 'Yes, father, you told me,' replied the

wife, 'and I've wondered Hist he should have the face lo ask you, ofall others.'

He's a base swindler, a shocking scamp,

bnt I'll put the law after him,'was the answer. 'Not content with skinning his

own children, he was trying the same

game with ua.'. 'Oh, father 1'. cried G,race. 'I am so re-

lieved t" 11 ml you understand him BO

well. I haye been In mortal terror lest I must fulfil my promise of marriage. He

may mie me for breach of promise, and

there will be the notoriety of the affair.

But I can bear all that.' 'I 'ope '.'will, hupon my word!' re

piled Mr. Gynn. 'If 'e does, Vll get his haffalrs haired, right soon, mark that.

And hi shall force 'Im to hown 'Is chil-

dren, and remove 'Isgraep from their for-

tunes, has well as tepay me bevcry far-

thing 'e howes me.1

■I hope you will, Indeed, father; and as soon as little Eloae gets wonted to the

house, and loves you and mother, I muat return and look up her sister. I do not

wish to meet the Count ever again!' and overcome with her sorrow, she burst in-

to tears.

'Well, well,,', said Mr. Gynn, 'don't

worry. ' All's well that ends well, and

we must think ourselves happy In discov- ering the rascal In season to escape b|s

plot. I would rather bury you, my

daughter, than h,ivp yon the wife of a

man so base as to disown his ohlldrenl

The tea-bell rang, and Mrs. Gynn led

the wsy to the supper table.


fruit and brilliant foliage. Anna Stilling

was still slok at the O'Connor cottage. Wild with fever, she ptteously moaned

on tier bed of pain. Her kind friends

watched over her with ceaseless solici-

tude, and were almost as restless as the little sufferer.

Paul had called a skillful physician,

who came twice a day, and gave earnest

thought and prayer to the critical case. At times, Anna was delirious, and told

tales tbe Count would choose forever

sealed. father, father!' ahe cried, as tbe

doctor sat beside her bed, and lit*.

O'Connor and Lizzie stood near. 'Don't,

don't; I won't tell; I won't tell!' There, there, darllngt'sootblngly said

tbe doctor; 'he shall not hurt you. I'll

drive him away,' and he made as If he

turned out tbe phantom.

Sure and he's gone,' said Mrs. O'Con- nor. 'What troubles you, darling?'

'Won't you ever tell I* whispered Anna. Well, Count Stilling la my father, and

he's going to strangle me If I tell. He

calls me Mary Burt, but I'm Anua Still-

ing. Ob, oh, see he's coming again. I

won't tell, father, If only you'll let go

my throat.'

It's meaelf stood fornlnst tbat game

father on the Merrlmac bridge,' said Mr.

O'Connor. 'The child has a look like him, only better, and batln' the evil eye

be wears. I mado bould to speak to him

and charge him with tbe ownership of

tbe poor sick colleen at me house, but

the desateful crathur took oath the child

was no kin to him, and I complained to

the authorities and tbey have arresting

him under consideration.'

'Hush,' said tbe doctor, watching his

patient; 'We must keep her quiet,' and he

gave her a powder which soon soothed her to sleep.

Lizzie, leaving the mill, watched close- ly beside her little friend, and putting

aside her prankeoine ways, seeing It was

a matter of life and death, followed tbe

doctor's prescriptions to Ihe letter. Well was It for the child that she did BO, as

good Mrs. O'Connor, In her loving dis-

traction, was often making 'a nourishing

custard, or a wholesome doughnut, to

kape the hunger from devouring the i-liil.l.' These goodies Lizzie wisely ate

herself, or gave to her little brothers.

Paul proved an excellent watohvr. An-

na knew him even when delirious, and

felt safe In his care, and he could soothe

her fearB when she would not listen tc others.

As Mr O'Connor told him of his meet-

ing Count Stilling, and of that unnatural father's denial of his relationship to his

child, the Erin blood of each boiled with Indignation.

'He disowns tbe like of that!' cried Mr. O'Connor. 'It's vexed to the core, I ber.,

thinking of the tbafe. He was horn tp u

halter, Btire. It's, a, wqndher the arth doesn't open and swallow tin such a mon-

ster, entirely. In troth but the Judgment will overtake blin some of these days,

mark me word I' 'It's meselfbelaves It!'said Paul. 'The blessed child'.' Mr. O'Connor eos'

tinned. 'I'd like fifty such children

Happy Is tbe man, and rich too, the

proste, says, that baa his quiver full of

them. That people aball over-run and

possess the land that have au honest

number of chllders. The blessed chil- dren, the flowering of the arth, the bright

home jewels. It's mane and beggarly

Is the mnn or the woman, that begrudges them existence. Retther were It for

them to wear for an ornament to their necks the millstone that will drown tbem

In tbe depth of the say. Better was It

for them If they'd never been born, as

tbe pradte said on Sunday.'

'Only to think of Itt' chimed In Lizzie.

'I have no patience. I, could see that Count hung. I remember him too, and

his airs In the mill, when he was putting

his little girl toa toll and a burthen he

knew she had no strength to bear. Ho thought the poor, thing would die, and

he would get rid of her. May tbe good

angels preserve her! She's a darling,

every Inch of ber, and I'd rUk my life to

save her!'

'You shall never he the poorer for

serving the child,■ said Paul, tho tears [n his t)ue eypg. i shall settle for her

board, and all the expenses.

'Not a one will I take of yeal' buret from Mr. O'Connor. 'The colleen li sink

and In prlton, and the little matther of

taking care of her, I wish to do a- to the

dear I<ord himself. If He'll be plased to

accept It.' 'Wlshal' cried Paul, his plaiii face glo-

rified with the shining of noble emotions.

'Ycz must not have all the benevolence on your side, honest man, but give me a chance to get my aharo of tbe blessing, for It's mesllf lias an eye to the reward which be that gives a cup of cold water

In tbe name of a disciple arns. It's me-

sllf will Insist on paying the debts of the colleen, and If ye'll plaae tell me the

amount, I'll snnare them the minute'

'Ai-ruli, and \t that yrz wl3b?' retorted

Mr. 0,'Connor, 'Then I'll be quits wld

ycz, and only ask ye? half price, A3.BO

for two witls board. It's mesllf will be happy lo share the joy and the blessln'

wld st z, If It be plaslog to you.'

Paul gladly paid the money, and the

two were faster friends than ever.


MY DKAH GRACE: I was heart-sick

when, on reaching aunt Bylngton'i I fouud you had left. Aunt was out, and

to enliven my depression I treated my-

self to a walk. As I was crossing Merrt mao bridge I met the Count. I was

greatly surprised for I thought he was In

Washington In the Interests of his embas-

sy. Tbe servants dropped some sugges-

tive news about the man wh\ch grieved

and shocked, me,, on, yo,ur account, more

(han } can deicrlbe. 1 determined to

Improve the opportunity to test him, aud

accepted his earnest Invitation to take a ride. I ani ashamed of my old flirting

propensity, as you well know. It Is mean

and unworthy to trifle with the heart af-

fairs of another, bat I used my art to

probe the state of the Count's regard for you.

'You aee there was one little question I

wished to solve before I gave y on away

"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer till death should divide" you and

if he was true as steel. If he paid me

lover-like attentions, t he could be won from

you by any silly, in

with money. I tried let me tell yoa If I were

the Count as If he ■ abhor him I I detest

'It is so fortunate thafypu have found out his devices, If IgDOftBt of them you

had surely been h*t helpless victim. Some wise person laytthAt "very much

of the pleasure of courtsUp comes from

constant attentions of the parties to each other." But the Cotuat Is Inconstant,

fickle and trustless, for If he treats me

with undue attention, he will some one else.

You must think yourself happy In find-

ing him out In time. How horrible It

would be to be caught by the pretences

of such a man! What a life of worse

than slave degradation to live with blm!

O, my darling Grace, I am so glad you

have escaped; I was so short-sighted

and presumptuous In advising you to ac- cept him; I begin to think that making

matches Is perilous. I have been read-

lug about corrupt marriages, lately, and

find statistics show that they are frequent, and with all our advancement, this Is

called an "era, or crime." It Is too

dreadful to admit. When will our land

become truly christianized?

'But you have escaped tbe great snare

spread for your feet, and wilt be all the

wiser, as I hope I am, from the lesson;

and, by and by, when you have wrought

out some of your plans of benevolence, and get fairly over the shock or this spu-

rious courtship, you will doubtless mar-

ry a Mr. Great Heart, as you deserve; although, for tbe matter of marrying, you

have ever seemed more Indifferent than

the mass of young ladles whom I meet. It Is not the study of your life to catch a

husband. Yon have resources of happi-

ness within yoarself.and will lead an ac-

tive, useful life; you do not idly wall for

the shadowy somebody you have never

seen, that you may entrust to him your

precious self, whether a true man or a

pretender. I have often heard you say that you would have this matter of your

own marriage "as God wills."

'Now that you are free again, I know

so well what your benevolent heart will

prompt you to do. You will take home those little girls of the false Count,—for I

learn there ate two,—and make them the

nucleus of your Orphan's Home, Did

you not suggest that you would do some

thing of the kind, and that your new res-

idence should be devoted lo shelter and nourish tho homeless little ones?

■Your work and mloewlll not bo so "'J ■e.ut*W,tf X'«vei trdtajti.,) t„ Uhn* for others, which Is thoTOroest purpose of my heart. I must spend a year at Bradford, and drink In some of Miss Hns-

sletlne's good Instruction. What a pity, all these years I have learned so little

that will b'j of use to me. Now I mean to redeem- the time,—make the most of

It. I am busy studying the languages; I

recite t,j Mr. Cameron whenever I can see him and he h«s th# leisure to hear


STIif? HiCmetican. LAWEENCE, FRIDAY, MAY 10,1872

The late Isaac 0. Barnes once attended

the funeral of a particular friend and

crony. The service was conducted by two clergymen, friends of the family, who,

with their long .prayers and extended

remarks," consumed fully two hours,

during which Mr. Barnes suffered untold

agony of suspense aud Impatience. Hard-

ly bad the seoond minister pronounced

the " amen," when Barnes, In bis squeaky voice, turning to the person sitting near-

est him, said:

" Did you know Kid?"

" Yes air," raid the man addressed In

a low voice.

"Good fellow wasn't be?" continued Barnes.

" Tei sir;" still In a suppressed tone.

"And he was a mighty smart one, too," squeaked Barnes.

"Very smart," also whispered tbe

other, as the company present began to

look '" th<lt direction. " Yes he was," piped Barnes, still loud-

er, with one of his expletives, " and If

he'd had the running of this funeral, he'd

have been under the ground an hour and a half ago."

"aSeeRlg ^erne '^Brevities. SATURDAY.

A dispatch lays that a train, 0 wagons, about 7:5 males, with ft men and 2 women, was at- tacked by Indian* at Howard's Well, above Fort Clark, and captured, and all hands burned to death by tho Indians, except one woman, wtw escaped. She says ihe Indians num- bered IU. Gen. Merrill *ent Lieut Vincent with cavalry In pursuit. He overtook the In- dians and fought tbem and lost his life.

Captain F. M. Wlsbart, a prominent dilsse or Robinson connty, N. C-, was killed by Low- ry outlaw* Thursday. This Is one of tbe most brutal and cowardly murders over com- mitted by tbe band, Withart baring been de- coyed to one or their baanti on pretence that they wlibea to- make terms of surrender, and that be would not be harmed.

The eruption of Vesnvlni has entirely ceased end the Inhabitant* of ihc villages threatened by rnonla g lava have returned to their homes. Additional troubles, however, have fallen upon tbem. A hurricane of terri- ble violence swept over the devastated conn- try, greatly damaging the village* and re- maining crops.

Four men were serfouily injured at the American Iron Works la Pittsburg, Pa., yes- terday morning, by the explosion of a mats of molten iron which fell from the railway over- bead Into a trough of water.

Hon. Stephen Salisbury of Worcester, has given $10,000 to tbe Worcester county Free Institute of Industrial Science, for a fnnd for the Department of Eogllsb end other modern languages.

About eight o'clock kit evening Bra broke out In Wblpple'e planing and griit mill at New ton corner, totally destroying the mill, which was partially Insured In borne offices.

The Committee on Capitulation, of the French Assembly, want Oen. Wimpffen tried by court martial, hoping to expose Napoleon's conduct at Sedan.

Tbe London Times thlnki that it might be a benefit to the worW It Xngland would absolve Canada of ber allegiance to the Mother conn- try.

The wife of Prince Henry of Holland Is dead.

Besilne will be tried by conrt martial-

Gold 112 7-8.


The libel ease agaimt Dana, of the New York Sun, came np ia the quarter sf'tlona al Philadelphia, Saturday. The defendant falling to appear, his recognlianca was forfeited, and a bench warrant Issued for hi* arrest-

A gang of eounterfbrteri hare been arrested on the border of Virginia and North Carolina, and committed to )all at Lynchhurg. Press

A large fire at Tannion, Meet., Saturday morning destroyed tho extensive stone and earthen ware manufactory of F. T. Wrlgbt & Son; lot* heavy, and only psitlally Iniared.

A party of Indians, supposed to ba Cbsrokees, attacked a mall escort at Labontl Creek, twenty miles west of Fort Larnmto on Wednesday, kill- ing tbe sergeant In command.

The Cbaptu IUU House and several other building* In Hudson, Wi* , were burned Fri- day; loss, 9120,000; small Insurance- One man was burned to destb.

It Is reported that the town of Athol Is to be sued for B4000 by tbe father of the ronng man who died two months ago from small pox, for alleged III treatment.

The Conservative press of South Carolina heartily indorse the Cine nnnli ticket and plat- form as eminently acceptable to the south.

A party of five mounted men entered tbe town of Columbia, Kv., on Monday last, and robbed the bank, killing the cashier.

MarsbaH, Michigan, had a flOO.OOO fire on Saturday.

Uold 113 9-g.

A Cleveland editor claims to have made

a wonderful Invention In the shape of a cat, which works by machinery. It Is

armed with terrible claws, and utters all

ihe alluring and pathetic cries with which

tho feline race Is gifted. Placed on the roof on a balmy night and set In opera-

tion, It calls about It all tbe prowling cats lor miles around, and one by one tboy attack the glaring sbeet-Iron mon- ster, and are Inatantlprtorn In pieces. In

the morning the roof and all the surround-

ing domain are co\ered with tufts ul fur,

with dlebjcated claws, and tangled ilddle-

strlngs,. . . _ . .

The Yule College world was somewhat

excited last week over the rumor that a

popular exmember of "7:t had suffered the amputation of an arm. The news was

afterwards confirmed, and further par-

ticulars obtained. It sccmea that the youth had his arm around a young lady's

walat, when the stern parent of the girl

appeared, and it was taken off.

A worthy Scotch couple, when asked

how their son had broken down so early In life, gave the following explanntl<

" When we began life together wo work-

ed hard and lived upon porridge and such' like,gradually adding to our comforts as

our means Improved, until we were able

to dine off a bit of roas,t meat, and some-

times, g boated ohlckle (chicken); but Jack,

our son, be worked backward, and began

iih the ehlokle first."


Tbe day was very fine Sundiy, and a large number ot people attended tbe varion* churches. At the


church Rev. C. K. fisher preached a sermon {n the forenoon from Matt, xll.93; "Either m«ke the tree and bis fruit good, or else make tbe tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt, for the tree is known by hb fruit." Also Matt. 111. 10; "Therefore any tree which brlngeth not forth good fruit ia hewn down and cast into tbe fire." These passages, said lbs speaker, ua b us IO

judge men a nd things, customs and traffic by their fruit'. By this simple, common univer- sal rule wo wish to Judge the traffic in intoii- catlng drinks, particularly In beer. To sbow Its fruits tbe preacher presented testimony at length concerning the fraits of beer selling and drinking In Qrest Britain and America. This testimony from England was from both Houses of Parliament; from chaplains of pris- ons, jails, from clergyman, from magistrates, from judge* and from governors or work- houses; In Americt, from overseers, public Institution*, prlrons, and the Has*. Temperance Alliance. These testimonies, though lade- pendent, all go lo prove thai beer selling and beer drinking Increase Intemperance, vice, misery, poverty, and debawment—that their fruit* are all corrupt and only corrupt Hours tho tree Is corrupt. So says Englanl'e great brewer. " Tbe straggle of Ihe school, the li- brary, and tbe ehurcb, si! united agalnetthe beer house* and gin palaces, Is bnt one devel- opment of tbe war between heaven and hell." Mr. Lill, America's greatest brewer, recently ■aid that be sbonld never build nor own anoth- er brewery. It was a badness ibat demoral- ized both master and man. He bad found it impossible to keep sober men on bit premises. It was a imnufacton- or drunkards. In con- clusion the speaker urged bis hearers to etrike out tbe root of this cotrupt tree with tbefr votes. I want lo etrike a blow and I want every voter to do likewise.

TWO BAHABITAMI. Autumn had come with Its glory of | the Count. I would best blm and find out

A German, while crossing the Alleg- heny mountains during the winter, states

that ven going up de mountain, bis foot slipped blm on de Ice, and he coon down

on the broad of his back mlt his face stick-

ing In de mud, and dere he athood. ♦.♦«■«■ —

How doth the little crocodile, In Geor-

gia's placid streams, ope wide his jaws

and then with guile awaken from hie

dreams the sleeping XVth, by the bite

which severs off hla bead, and numbers him that very night among the sleeping



Rev. L. L. Wood, lha pastor or Ible ahureh preached a sermon in the i^ieuoou from second Petsr.l. -',-U. "Giving nil diligence add to ronr faith virtue, aad to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and lo temperance pa Hence, end to patieme godliness." The subject of tbe discourse wss temperance, having spe- cial reference to the voting oa Tuesday next, on the question of permitting or problbrttng the sale of beer. He spoke first on patience which accomplished much, on earnest effort or diligence, and lastly on wisdom which led to wise effort on reform. He commended to- tal abstinence with much warmtb, and said It wi.s undoubtedly the only remedy for the evil of Intemperance. Ia the afternoon tbe **cra- metit was administered; the attendance was large during tbe day.

CKNTBAL CoxoaaoATioirAL. Rev. Mr. Park preached in the loronooii from

1 Corinthian",xv. 50, 57. "The sting of deaih Is sin, and the euength of aln Is the law. thanks be to God who gl vein as the victory through oar Lord Jetnt Christ." First the sting ol death le sin. The thoughts snggeittd were

that all tbe anguish and reproach ot death Is the result of sin; were It not for sin there would be no death, end we might be translated U Enoch and Elljih were. It la in conse- quence of sin that we are obliged to be con- signed to the foulness and decay o( the tomb, Tbo*s that die need not be afraid of death but of the aln committed In the world. II) In- stanced tbe wicked conqueror, the unfaithful minister, the drunker 1 and the libertine. 2J. Tbe strength of sin Is tbe law. Law Is piti- less and severe, and knows no mercy. It de- mends Ibe whole debt of the sinner. 8d. Tbe victory of the Christian over death. Victory comes through Christ. He clothes as with bis righteousness, and la accepted as oar substi- tute, t

Utuvr.xBAUST. Bev. Ueo. S. Weaver, preaebsd on a ntedtd

Revival, from two texts in lieu. 3: a, and P«. 83:6. " 0 Lord revive thy work In the midst of tba years; wilt thon not revive na again that thy people may rejoice In thee." It waa an

earnest discourse, appealing for a religious ex- perience which bos a practical outcome. He aald nations, sects and Individuals looked back upon ihe best things in their history, and prayed to hare them revived, ne applied his subject In IU contracted force to bis own church and people, t xborting tbem to a revival which sbonld make their church a practical power of righteousness, wblcb should put it Into the world free from every Incumbrance. Oh that we might all regard this prayer as aa appeal to as personally to renew our sul io be- half of oar religion, to devote ourselves and a'] we hare and do, more to Ibn interests of onr church, that we might see tbe work of the Lord prospering in ourh ands.

Then as a church we have interests aud work In tbe world. How the world suffers for lack or tbe wotk which the church, which Christian people might do In behalf ot honesty, vlrtne, charity and temperance. Last Sunday we had an opportunity to do a little for the woik ol charity in the world in tba money we gave the " Little Wanderers." That money was given for religion. " Pure religion before Ood the Father la thii, to visit the fatherless and the widow In their affliction, and to keep ourselves nnspot'ed from the world." The first part of that religion we practiced last Sunday in a small way. That was a little revival or the Lord's work thai did good. We sent a lit- tle blessing to tbe orphan. This week we are to have an opportunity to do a little to prac- tice tbe other part of tbat religion, thai Is to parity and keep men unspotted from the world. What leads to more impurity than any other one thing? And what makes more or- phans than any other one evil ? Clearly Intem- peianoe. This apol* men more with the lepro- sy of tbe world than anything alee. This mul- tiplies widows and orphans at a fearful ratio. This degrades and rains mankind as nothing else has ever roue. Wbat can we do against It? It la the Lord's work to overcome it. And our trie" are this week to have an opportunity to do something Iu this work, to revive tbo causa of temperance, to SOSf for aobrioty and uaspotteunesi from the world. Let every roan who believes In sobriety do his duty naxt Tuesday at tho polls. And though the women are nut jei raasssvaafts m W»a»,tssep may oa ac- ....... H-,. ii IM oa-. «u litftit Toting msa- Tbli U no political election, It is a rot J en principle \ ■t Is a rota on one of thi oarlinal vims* of Oar religion; it It a vote tor or against human- ity. It isn't a vote for, or against men. bnt for or against sobriety, iuduslrr and peace. It ■sn'tapirty matter, bnt a moral, a domestic and personal matter. There U practical relig- ion In voting right on this.jntt as there was in giving help to the " Little Wanderers." I be- lieve In theoretical and experimental rel'irlaa, and also In prictical religion. The world needs, above everything else, a revival of practical religion. And that fa the revival most of all to ba prayed f^r aud work)] for. To have it men must repent of their alns and go at once about doing work* meet for repentsnea. Lit tbe old prayer then bsonn. "0 L >rl revive thy woik In onr midst."


At the regular morning service a sermon was preached by J. B. Crossley, from the woids "Now Neaman, captain or the boat of tbe king of Sj rla, was a great man with bis master, and honorable, because by blm the Lord bad given dellverence anto Syria; be was also a mighty man In valor, out At vat a ltptr\" 11 Kings, v. I; after describing tbe disease of leprosy, and comparing It wilb Ihe leprosy of aln, It waa shown what men might have been, "Bnt ihey were lepers." How often there Is a "bat" In the most prosperous condition.

in tbe evening Rev. Mr. Dunning preached an excellent discourse from Isaiah 111. 10; the attendance both morning and evening were very good.


Tbe services at this place of worship were conducted by Rev. Mr. Ward, of Andover. Rev. J. A. Lowell, the lete pastor, being In'the audience, he was Invited to ibe desk, and as- sisted In the devotional exercises of the morn- ing. Mr. Ward selected hla text from Revela- 'i-ins xxll. 171 "And the spirit and tbe bride say come; and let him that heareth say come; and let him that la atbirst come; and whoso- ever will, let blm take tbe water of life freely."

The discourse was an earnest appeal to all claases of people to seek tbe fetor of tbe di- vine being. An Instance was cited ot a person, who, a number of years ago, began to search for tbe truth; he felt there muit be happiness be bad net yet experienced, end to lorn of this hspplnesa he commenced reading tbe scriptures from Ihe beginning. As be pro- gressed be round numerous promisee of blast- ings, but be could not apply tbem to bis onu ease; the sorrows of tbe wicked and sinful were ever before him In their gloomiest atpec, and for htm there seemed DO hope. But with wbat anxiety and brightened hopes did be come to tbe word* of Ihe text, In this last chap- ter of It relation*. Here be found an Invita- tion to all:—"Whosoever will, let blm take tbe water of life freely." This Invitation was so broad that be found It applicable to his own cue, and embracing the opportunity he fonnd Ibe bappines* he so long had sought- Here the speaker alluded lo the universal love that Cod extended to all claatea of people, the high, tbe low, the rich, the poor. His aun sbiae* alike upon tbo evil and the good, Ihe Just and tbe nnjnst; end so In spiritual affilra Ood is no respecter of persons- Tbe text was then made applicable to the audience, and an earnest appeal was male fo accept God'* generous promisee, and or.t. r Into bla glorious work for the salvation of ecu Is.

SOVTH CoKOSKUATIOXAL. Tba pulpit was supplied during tbo day t.y

Rev. W. Wllley, wbo also administered the sacrament, and preelded over a missionary

concert la the evening. The text In tbe morn- ing was from Ps. xlix. 8. Every person will prove God'* word true In bis own penoosl ex- perience.

"Kedemption'of tool it preciout." A thing mar be precious on account of Its scarceness, or on aceoBDt or the great results It prodnces. 1st, Redemption through Christ le precious on account of what It h In itself. 2i, On ac- count of what it cost, Sd, Because ft is the only redemption that will ever be offered, th, On account of the great reenlt* it produces. 3tb, It glorifies Ood.

A time is o^nlag when the «onl cannot ba redeemed. Tbe day of redemption will pits; Christ will not always invite; want of religions feeling is datknest. These offers not accepted will prove a millstone to drag tbe aonl down; wa oan do nothing for onr own salvation; Infi- nite power provided the redemption. The

heart Is (orsver given up to *ln exc.-pi re- deemed by Ood. Bow enormous Is tbe gntli of neglecting each a redemption. Ia the even- ing Mr. W-iey gave an Interesting account of his connection with tbe Cherokee Indians, with whom he has labored aa a missionary for twenty-five year*. He woe obliged to give np his labors among the Indians on account of the transfer of the tnlsaion from the American Board to tho Presbyterian Board. He believed that the Indian difficult)- can only be settled by Christianity. To christianise Ihe Indian Is to make blm a good citizen, and he believes the government oan make twdntr Christians lor the same axpeass it takes to kill off one.

iTxiTAaiAX. A large audience was present, and listened

to a powerful and eloquent discourse from the second clause or the Tib verse of the 10th chapter of Psalm*. Tho subject waa tbe con- version of the son), aad a continuation of tbe theme of the previous Sabbath, selected from the first clause or the same verse. The speak- er's (Rev. Mr. Hayden) remarks were extem- poraneous, and In a marked degree earnest and eloquent, appealing to the faeatti and minds or hla people. We noticed among tbe audience the Rev. David A. Wason, or Boston, whose 111 health requires bis absence from the pulpit at present.


The pastor, Rev. J. B. O. Pldgg, aetectod as but text, tbo 31 verse of tbe Otb chapter of Bx- odui—" And I appeared nnto Abraham, unto Isaac, and; unto Jacob by the name of Ood Al- mighty; but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them." To the Hebrews "name" bad alwaye a broader signification than with ui; It wai given a* an indication of character, and often changed to Illustrate a new relation In lire. To hit ancient people In Ihe patriarchal days, when his children met and talked with Ood, be was known only as tbe Almighty One. The words of the text were spoken oa tbe boundary of two ages, when Qod was about adding anew revelation or himself, aa Jehovah lbs Immutable, unchangeable and eternal one. There can be no gain lo u* so great as to trnly understand and know the name, the character, the lovo of Ood. Tho Bible 1* the world's re- ligious spelling book. Ood it revealing himself In higher and brighter degrees; one aide la presented In nature, another Iu revelation; one view io tbe patriarcho, another now. God Almighty, then Jtborah, bat beat or all through Jesus Christ, at " Oar Father; " every Chris- tian oaght to rrjjioe la this revelation; tbe humblest Christian can obtain better Informa- tion or God, than the mis-btlctt philosopher, for he can ace and hear him in hla brightest,

beat revelation as * Our Father."


Tbe pastor, Ecv. Dr. Barrows, preached In Ibe forenoon from the text, Matt. xlll. 45, 46; "Again the kingdom of heaven Is likened anto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls, who, when he bad found one pearl of great price, went and aold all that he bad and bought It." Tbe subject suggested was the mode and man- ner of obtaining Christianity. There WO* a large attendance. Tbe Sunday school mtets at this church 1B tbe afternoon; there Is usu-

oonrse* io Ihe scholars on the lessons learned by them; the exercises are very interesting.

OnACa t'liM-oi'M.. Rev. Dr. Packard preached a aormon In sett

forenoon from John 10: U; " When the Spirit or truth I* come, be will guide yoa low all truth." Thursday next, he said, I* the (ea*t of the ascension of Christ. The Savionr aald that be mast go away In order that tbe Com forter, tbe Spirit ol truth might come. The world may now be aald to be nnder the dispen- sation of Ibe Holy Spirit. Hit offlce la lo con- vince the world of sin, of rlgbteoumeie and

judgment. Christ Jesus wee to mske an atone- ment for the sins of men; tba Holy (spirit was to apply that atonement io tbe heart* of man. Ills influence* are neceaaary, that the mind may be enabled io comprehend the Iratbe of the gospel, and that Ihe heart may feel their renovating, sanctifying power.

Wbat a change was wrought In the minds of the apostles through Bit agencr. Prejudices wire dismissed, errors were removed, and Ibe great truths taught in tbe wonderful scenea they bad witnessed, were now ao understood that they comprehended the glorloua plan of Salvation, and la the confidence of a certain feltb, they went forth u Ihe ambassadors or tbo Lord Jesus aad to proclaim salvation to tbe lost,

Ibe seme agenry Is now necessary and for a same purpose; the mind la to be opened to

receive the truth, and the heart be made to reel Its poeer. Prejudice*, errors or thought and opinion, are to be removed, In order that with a truly humble, teachable, receptive spirit, one m»y alt at the feet or Jem* and learn of him.

Can man do anything to obtain the needed Influences ol the Spirit I He can. Means of grace ore erjoined, and If properly used.tbey will pot lie used in vain; Ihe Spirit or truth will guide ihem unto ell truth, wbo with a right Spirit uses the appointed means of grace. Be- ing In the way, the Lord will lead them ; cases illustrating this, were given, aud presenting the greet law for Ibe bettownaeot of grace, that Improving what la granted Insures Ibe giving or more, grace upon grace. Ask and ye aball receive, so k and ye shall And, has special ap- plication to the beslowment of the Spirit's in- fluences.


Tbe usual exercises were held at Ibis cburcb during ibe day, and In the evening, the pastor, Kev. Mr. Lee, preached a sermon from tho text fouud In Rphetlans Iv. 8—13. The singing by tbe boy choir Is weekly becoming mere ad- mired,


Rev. J.F. Kyle, of Fall River, preached a sermon from the text, I Cor. II. 3; "For I de- termined not to know any thing among yon, save Jetnt Christ and blm crucified." Wbat tbe self-righteous Jew and worldy-wise Greek regarded aa foolishness, was the wisdom and power of God. Tbe preaching or the cross Is accomplishing what all tbo learning of Greece and Home had failed lo do. Some things lo which Christ and him crucified answered, were considered; 1st, "Christ and blm crucified an- swers to the purposes of God In tbe counsel of the Godbead. 'it, "Christ crucified" answers to the fliat gospel promise given to Adam and Eve after ibilr tall, a* io tbe sacrifice* which were i tiered by Adam and hit tons. 3d,

"Christ crucified" answers to the ceremonies ol tbe Levtilcal economy. The whole Mosaic i MI ii pointed to a crucified Savionr; arido from this fact Iho Lovitical economy would be mean- ingless, t'h, "Cbust crucified" answers to the predictloni of tba Old Testament prophets re- specting the Messiah, oiti, "Christ crucified" answer* lo tbe demands of a violated law; death waa tbe penalty threatened In the event of th? law being ttalated. Oth, "Cbritl ciuel- fied" answers to tbe deina,d«ol a guilty coa- acienco. Bin has produced guilt, or a sense of deaerved punishment. Tho bio d of Christ cleansas from guilt. "Fir if the blood or bulls and of goats, and Ibe asbas of an heifer *nrink1ioff the unclean, eanctifyeih to the pnrl- fving of the ftesb, hew much more ' ball the blued ot Christ, which through tbe eternal spirit off-red himself without spot to God, pnrge yonr consciences from deedwtrhs, to serve Ibe living God." Heb. Ix. 13,11.


The psslur. Rev. T. Manger, preached from Mett.xxvii: 12: -And when he wss ic.-uaed of tbe chief priests end elders, ts an mi red nothing.

Su-ject: The iwewSHe* of ibe atlei no o' Christ; two kind.. l*t, Im.rior or. faamun reasons. 2d, Superior or divine reason*

Inferior. 1. The morel plain upon wblcb Cbritl ttood waa ao different from that of bit accusers tbat tt would have been nseless to an- swer them. Difference of language la not tbe only bar io intercourse Men may speak the same tongne end yet not be able to communi- cate with one another. A lack of sympathy, a difference of thought, a greater or leas range or Intensity of perception cut men off as effectually from each other aa If tbey were of different speech. 2. It was tbe aim of these accusers to entangle Christ In talk, thinking be would criminate himself; Christ wiih-held the oppor- tunity. I. Ola silence may have been dee In part to the pre-determlned character of hit trial.

Superior reaioni. It vu a part of Christ's plan to auffer silently, t. Because he tbue mom fully carried out tbe idea of » sacrifice, and to preserved Ita/orm, Any resistance or body would have lessened Its completeness; any use of the occasion for uttering precept* woald have been a perve: tion from Its Intent. Any protest or defense would have subtracted so much from tbe character of the sacrifice. 2. Some moral results follow from the tllenco of Christ during his passion tbat add to Its power- Christ not defending himself makes an appeal to tbe world to pass that judgment upon blm which he conld not pass aptu himself. He throws the solution or bis death upon every man's conscience, 3. Christ let evil do Ua worst upon him without resistance or com- plaint; It was his way or giving the victory over the evil. Sin desires nothing so macb as an antagonist like itself. I. The silence or Christ In bis passion greatly enhances tbe con- trast with tbe glory and power or his resurrec-

tion. The Catholic Oburohea.

IMMACULATB COHCEPTIOX. Rev. P. V. Hoyee. or Springfield, celebrated

High Mass. After tbe gospel, Rev. Wm. Orr preached a aermoA on prayer, taking for the basis of his discourse the gospel of the Sunday, Job* xvl. 38—so, which bo previously read, and telet ted for bie lext the following sentence from tbe 331 verse of the same gospel i "Amen, amen, I ssy to yon, if ye ask tbe Father any thing In my name he will give It to JOB."

lit, The nature aud efficacy of prayer. Tbe nature, mental and vocal prayer with aa ex- planation of each. Tbe efficacy from God's own unerring word aud Infallible promise, aad from God's infinite goodness and love or man. 2d, Tbe conditions of prayer. Humility, ac- companied wi:h a sorrow and deteststlon or our sins, and a firm resolution of serving onr Ood. Confidence In Qod, trusting in his In- fallible word, and relying on bis Infinite good- ness, as a good child would confide In a lender and loving father. Resignation ts Ood'e holr will, as onr divine saviour, taaght nt by bla word, ''Tbev will be done, on earth as It li In heaven -," and by bis example In Ihe garden o| Qetbscmene, "Father, not my will, but tblue be done." 8.1, Ot-joct of prayer. The adora- tion and the praise of Ood; the salvation or oar own Immortal souts, the meant of obtain*

quire*', not only for trio sou., bnt also for the body, that be may tbe better fulfil tbe sperltl • utles of the sure In which his Ood bee placed him, end tbe moro easily work oat his ton)** salvation. In fine, be exhorted bis bearers in an earnest and pathetic manner, lo practice the lessons which he exp'alned, and to constantly serve Ood In a prayerful spirit, expeitng with a holy hope the reward or ibe 1u»i, tbe enjoyment of Ood far nil eternity.


Tbe usual morning masses ware held, and in the forenoon Itsv. T. Field celebrated mass. Rev. J. P.GIlmure preacbed the uinal forenoon sermon, from the gospel of tbo day ae fonnd In John xxi. 33-20, the subject being prayer. Prayer, he aald, was tlie stay and consolation ol the Christian; Christ had asked us to appeal to him as the fountain or grace, and had prom- ised to regard tbe prayers ot all, and supply alt wants, alleviate all miseries and cure all Infirm Itles. He showed at aomo length our relation to Ood, and said tbe necessities of our condi- tion, and the facility with which tho duty can be discharged, compels the obligation apon us to pray. Tbe speaker strongly urged upon bis bearer* tbe necessity of constant prayer oa a weapon against temptation.

MiBcaLLAnaovs, On the third Sunday of the present month

the Catholics will have tbeir usual May pre- cession, D. V , snd wrslber permitting.

A temperance meeting waa held at St. Mary '# church Sunday evening, which was largely at- tended. Rev. J. P. Gilmore delivered an ad- dress.

May devotions are held in tbo Catholic churches every evening during tbls month, at 7 90 o'clock.

"JaaLBt's WAS WOBK."—A very Weaelng entertainment was given In Blunders Hall, on Monday evening, consisting of Mrs. Jarlry'* wax woik, and a concert by the choir of Grace church. The only original Mra. .larley made her appearance In tbe rorm of George Derby, Esq , ol Boston, wbo explained tbo "wax Ag- gers" In a most ludicrous msnner, convulsing tbe audience with laughter by hit admirable bits and wall timed witticism-, His J .lies were thoroughly original and were highly ap- preciated. A dnet was finely rendered by Messrs. Otgood and Parsons, folrowed by a song, ''Sailor Boy," besutflully sung by Mrs. Sprague. Mr*. Cigs-re'l was ia romatknhly fine voice, aud fairly outdid herself; It Is need- less to fay that lbs music vu of tbo highest order. Tbo "wax worb" was divided inn- four chambers -, the first, tbe Chamber or His- tory, the "Aggers" In which wore Henry riil., wbo was attired In a beautiful costume, bit nnmtrona wives a'.tlred In sheets; KlngCsnute, Queen Eltztbtth, whose rottnmt wai VSTV ele- gant. Sir Walter Ralelgb, Ueorge Washington with bis little hatchet, Cleopa'ra and Sl-ry ijjeen of Scotts were dreeacd In a romatkably beautiful costume. The second chamber was ihut oi Ulrtb; Abeland and Helel.e, Olggkr, considered one of Ibe beat characters or itt evening. King Alfrod with his Schtnettcdy bar,-Scbenenedr being a little beyond An burn, Dancing Oirl, Cornelia snd her Jewels, the jewel* were evidently corn-fed and remark ably healthy iufents. Tbe third chamber was that of Humor; Two-headed girl, lltifilan die- covered by e amlle, Llndley Murray, Mra. Wlnalow with her aootblng syrup, Capt Ktdd and hla victim, and Horace Greeley ju«t from Cincinnati. The fourth chambir was tbat or Beauty; Black-eyed Susan and Sweet William, Mary of Athens, Prime Donna, Maud Maler, Columbia. Tbo part of Little Nell, who dtsftsd the "figgera," was very well taken, while thai of Grandpa, who wound np tbo "ditgtrs" and ivi. Ibetn going, conld not lie Improved. The au- dience went away well plea.ud wi:h tbe enter- tainment, and expressing a very general dt- sirethat tbe exhibition should be repeated. Should It be done wo havo no dOStM that the ball wilt I e filled io ':s utmost c i| adty.

The p^rformanct at tbe clrcai on Frilay af- ternoon and eisaibg waa txcxtlent. There mu>t have h en no Use than four ibuuaand reojile pit sent In the evening- John Henty Cotkoor conr e eors BWBV the palm as tbo best performer, but we cmuoti refrain from msntionlng Mr- Wlllfsm Dation, wbo le the prince or tumblers. His performances elicited general applause. Tbo lady performer* were much admired-

tSThe IWmmcan. I.IWKENCE, FRIDAY, HAY 10,1872


SSeehtg Isle™* 'J&rroitif


The body 01 a colored woman wu found bj the tide of the Hartford and New Haven rail* ratd track, near Knflclil, Conn., Monday morn- inn, the bead crushed and the body badly dis- figured. A short distance from her was found ber bsbr, nlive and uninjured. A little farther on her hatband wu found Intenilble; the the- ory li that the pereont were assaulted, tbe wo- man murdered, and the man »o aeverely In- jured that he waileft to die. It U probable however, that they were struck by tbe Sunday nlfht esprees train. A coroner'* jury li Inves- tlajMlss; the matter.

The dock laborer* have Joined tbe sailor* of Southampton la sttrikc, which caueee great inconvenience; tbe striker* father in large crowds and make noisy demonstrations A detachment of police has been sent from Lon- don to assist tbe authorities In preserving or- der.

A freight train un the Hartford and New Haven IUIlroal was badly wrecked at Hart- ford yesterday. Several ol the care belonged to the notion and Albany road; the accident wae canted liy one or tbe can Jumping the track.

The ri-purt or the French Committee on ca- pitulation ceniuret the officer* who commanded at Tool, Laon and Sotisons, became when they surrendered to tbe German troopi they neglected toipike the gnm on the fortifica- tion*.

Navigation ha* commenced on Lake Erie; tbe Ice still obitruct* tbe movement or all bnt fie largeat claai ol propeller*, but tbe mailer vciteli are being towed through the Chippewe Canal on tbe Canada aide.

The London flMi *ayt Greeley's nomina- tion Is partial, and bis election hopeless. Amer- can eecurliies have become flat In London ■Inee the nomination.

Tbe work ol building the Coliseum I* going rapidly on, and ibere are no apprehension* that tbe building will not be flnlihed In time.

Tbe establishment of a law icbool In Bos- ton, a much needed institution, li ipoken of In that city.

A dispatch itaiei that L>Jn C-irlo* the leader or the fininlsb inturrectionltts, has been cap- tared.


Itaec Bolt, member or Parliament for Lim- erick, bet written a letter on " home rule." He aaki for an Irlib Assembly, In wblcb Ibe home ruler* shall be fully represented; ap- prove* of tbe plan (or tbe future union be- tween Ireland end Rngland, guaranteeing the authority of tbe Crown, and draw* outline* of a federal union, which be says will be a taiit- factory settlement of the relation* ol the two countries.

Tbe Canadian government bas offered to re- lease tbe *cbooner Sam'l Oilbert of Uloucesler, *elied last summer Tor alleged Illegal fishing in the Gulf or St. Lawrence, ou the payment of alt coat* Incurred and tbo charges of euitoJy; *ucb release being sanctioned as an act of leni ty, and on the dlitlnct understanding that the •amesball not be drawn Into a precedent.

Some of ibe carpenters at work on tbo building In the burnt dlitrlct *t Chicago, and a few laborer* struck on Monday for higher wages, the former demanding $3.50 and the latter $3 a day; the employer* refate to ac- cede to tbe term*. It is not believed that the movement will become general.

It I* rnraorcd that aeveral of tbe Karlle is- lands in the North Pacific ocean will be leased to tbe United States. These Islands, 2,*. In num- ber, oatiiiU front Kamchatka to Japan. Tbe three loatherraott belong to Japan and tbe other* to Russia.

A deputation or clergymen of the Scotch church tailed yesterday Tor America to attend tbe General Assembly toon to be held In De- troit. Much Interest 1* felt in the event, which Is tbe flrit acknowledgement of tbe cburcb In America.

Cyrus I'cabodr, a carpenter, at Manchester, N. II., fell Irom the accond floor of a home on which he was at work, inlo the cellar, a dis- tance of thirty feet, yesterday, Injuring bin.

Great excitement prevailed at Milwaukee, yesterday; boat* on nearly all tbe line* were •topped by the United States Supervising In- spector*, tbm making* complete blockade In the freight butlness.

The British Hlnlatry wai defeated Monday night In the Homo of Common* on tbe quei- tion of allowing the Bcrlptures to form apart or the Inttructlon In public ichools.

Advices from Australia date that heavy Mood* have occurred In Melbourne end vicini- ty. Four hundred persons were drowned ; the crops are alto greatly damaged.

Kntselt Sturgi*, a well known merchant for- merly of Boston, died at New York from heartdlteaie on Tuesday.

A lad named Karniwortb, tevcntoen year* old, committed suicide at Claremont, N. II., un Monday night.

Bltmarck it 111.


Patrick ,Dumpby, who La* been ou trial be- lore ibe Supreme Judicial Court at Worcester,

t'»>r the murder of John flack of Cherry Valley, last October, wai found gnilty of manslaughter yesterday afternoon, and sentenced to (llteen tears' bard labor, with one day'* solitary eon- riuamont, In the State Prtion.

A Are Tuesday night, at Ingersoll, Canada, destroyed nearly ibe entire hutlneit part of ibe town ; two men were burned to death ; among be sufferers are tbe Niagara District Bank, the Chronicle otBcc, Exchange Hotel, and all the principal dry goods and grocery stores. Lot* estimated at half a million.

One of the car* on a passenger train on tbe Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad ran off tbe track and was precipitated on a ledge of rocks, near Danville, Vt., on Tuesday; several ol ibe passengers **ro serloutly injured, two ladies, It it thought, fatally.

A Washington ditpatcb to the Boston Trans- cript says that Charles Hale, Assistant Secre- tary of State, has resigned, his resignation hav- ing been called for by Secretary Fish.

Tbe Spanish government I* getting the up- per hand of theCarlists; Ibry are disporting, and last account* slate that Don Carlo* bas LYwiWd the frontier Into Franco.

Tbe Mexican revolution!*!* ere demoralized, and itl* thought they cannot coutinuo lurlher operations against the Government troops.

A Are occurred In 8*n Francisco on Tuesday evening, In wblcb three Chinamen, one Chinese woman and child «r*fa burned to dcaifa.

A fire at Ejgartown, Matt., on Wednesday, destroyed terenil house* and stores; tho lr*i I* very heavy.

Tne Djnocretie National Convention will be held at Baltimore, Ml., on the L'.b of July next.

r ft ID AY. Another bloody affair it reported In the Cher-

oka« District. MAM hut Persy of the western district of Arkansas came up wltb the outlaw /eke Proctor and hi* band, and a comhnt oc- curred, resulting in the killing of tix ol tbe outlaw* and five of the Marshal's purly.

lieo. 1'. Snilwm ol Dorchester tu found Monday morning by the neighbor*, on tbe tl >»r, with tin throat badly gaibed, hnving at- tempted to commit suicide. His family were away for a lew dais No causell mtlgned for the act.

A mag ID, N. H-, ha* exhumed the b<jdy of bh ton, who was burled last Novem- ber, lo obtain the Masonic and Udd Fellows' emblem* that were In Ibe grave clothes of Ihe deceated, Tbe cUfsiM are greatly Incensed over the ojsuer.

A little daughter of Chat. I*. Barlow ol Ports- mouth, N. II , a tew monih* old, pulted a cup or tea over upon herself yesterday, and was to severely scalded that she died yesterday-

Cyrut Peabody, Ihe carpenter who (ell from a building In Manchester, N. II., on tbe Ttb in*t., and fret lured hit skull, died yesterday

Trie Republican Slate Convention of Minne- sota ha* declared in favor of Grant.

Two case* el sunstroke occurred In New York yesterday.

The Spenlili In .Die i; IU I. aU|po*cJ lobe at an end.

Gold 114 I s,


Sixty-eight Majority In Favor of Boor.

ndrort and sixty-alfrlit 1 In Favor of water.

Ward 1, 1KB WarJ-;, m Wards, aa Ward t, M Wards, 1M Ward n. n

WATta. Yes.

WarJ 1. 1U Ward B, ■H.i

Wards, m Ward*, an Ward 6, m Ward ii, K


Breach of trust by a well-known Hher- Itra',Keepar.H-Conipllcltyortwowell known traders upon annex street.— Ooods from the) stores of Oeo. Oor- wala, Mrs. Barnleoat and otliers.-Tbe affair unaartbed by Marabal Pbll- brlok.

A nutter of excitement wae caused

among tbo dealers upon Essex street,

during Monday evening, by the an-

nouncement that Alden Josselyn, Geo.

Gorwaiz and David U, Ilarrimao had

been arrosted upon a charge of embez-

zloment of goods from tho store of Gor-

waiz, which, for the past six weoks had

been in the bands of Sheriff Briggs, in

the interest of Gorwaiz's creditors.


Mr. Alden Josselyn had been placed in

charge or the store,—a position he has

been accustomed to hold, in such cases,

for many years, having the fullest con-

fidence of tho sheriff and interested par-

ties up to the present time. Mr. Josse-

lyn is know to nearly alt of our citizens,

and for many years had been supposed

to walk in tbe paths of rectitude. His

earlier lite had been somewhat dissipated,

his besetting sin being a love of strong

drink. Some ten or twelve years ago

he became a strict teetotaler, and has

since enjoyed an excellent reputation

for sobriety and industrious habits, and

has won tho confidence of our officials

to such a degree that he has boen gen-

erally appointed to the care of stores in

custody of the sheriff. Uut It is more

than suspected that of late his associates

have not been just such as conduces to

integrity and virtue, and from evil com-

panionship more than from dishonesty,

his present trouble has arisen.


Evidence is abundant that Messrs. Heo.

Gorwaiz and David G. Harrinmti arc

guilty of larceny of goods from tho store.

Mr. Gorwaiz, for tho past few years has

carried on the business of fancy goods,

toys, notions, etc., and has been accredit-

ed with a fair reputation for honesty,

and a good character, and has won many

friends since his advent to the city. His

companion in this transaction, David G.

Hurrlman, is the proprietor of an eating

saloon on Essex street, near the corner

of Araeshury, where bo has beon in busi-

ness but a short time, previous to which

we know littlo of tbe gentleman. Wo

learn that bis connection with the pres-

ent, affair, nroso from being selected to

appraise the goods remaining in Gor-

waiz's plitco oT business.


That something was wrong was ovi-

dent from tho (act that Col. 1'hilbrick

received information of various presents

being given to women of not too good

character, by Mr. Josselyn, and upon

tho Marshal repairing to tho store In his

care, he discovered that the stock had

been somewhat reduced Blnce his last > un, iiim miurmou tuu snenn oi me lact.

Warrants for searching tho premises of

tho threo persons having access to the

storo resulted in the finding or a large

quantity of goods at each place, consist-

ing of vases, toys, furnishing goods,

bags, baskets, etc. Tbo parties were at

once arrosted and lodged in the Station

House. Tho following morning reading

of the complaint was waived, and each

of Iho parties were bound over to the

Superior Court in tbe sum ol two thou-

sand dollars, which I hey severally ob-



Were found in the possession of Mr. Josse-

lyn, who has had access to very many

places within tho past year, but none as

yet have been recognized save a lot of

dry and dress goods from tbe store late-

ly occupied by tho notorious Mrs. Bar-

nieoat. «■>*>>♦

Tbeft of goods rram tbe store or Ed- ward McKay--An Inirenlourt but abortive attempt to get out of a bad scrape.

There ws* a rate in court Wednetday, which from the peculiar circumstance* attending It, demand* tnoro iban the pasting notice It re- ceives in our report of Ihe I'oltce Court pro- ceeding*. Mr. I!dward McKsy.wbo keep* a dry anil fancy good* store on the tbe south side ol Essex street, appeared In court and charged a young man, named Michael Buckley, wlib stealing, from tbe doorway of his store, on Tuotday, a piece ol etllM food* maas- urlng forty-eight yards, and valued at some- thing* like six or seven dollars.

HOW mi-. I.ARCBNT WAS I'.i'lilhnii. Mr. McKay drove over to Andovor, Tuesday

evening, leaving In charge of bis store, Mr. Maraner Chase and a young lady clerk. About eight o'clock, Mr. Chase, who was standing behind the counter, observed the piece of cali- co relerrod to, slowly sliding from the pile of good* placod at the door Tor display. He started out, and on reaching the door saw a man huriiodly walking oir with ihe goods un- der hi* arm. Mr. Chase gave chate and tbe man, hearing the footsteps or tho clerk, turned around, giving Mr. Chase an opportunity to observe his face, Seeing that be was pursued, his best policy was to drop the Roods, and he did to, turning around again lo tee If Mr. Cbaie would follow him further, tboreby giving Mr. Cbete another opportunity to mark his counte- nance. Mr. Cbaie picked up lbs piece of goods and returned to the store, placing li up- on the counter, llu returned lo the door and observed a man looking In at the wiodow, end a* tbe people on ibe street were all looking In the direction which the thief bad taken, and this gentleman gazttl unconcernedly Into the siorc, Mr. Chase came to the conclusion that he was an accomplice, and lhat bo was pursu- ing this line ol conduct to escape observation. lie, therefore, kepi hit eye upon him, and Mr. McKty coming at that moment, he Informed him ol ibe circumstances connected with ihe attempted larceny, and stating that he could Identify tho person.

THE AU1IK8T. Mr. McKay, accompanied by Mr. Cbaie,

then went in tearch of an officer, and on tbelr way met Ihe two, the one who had taken tbe goods and the other who bad bean observed Ltailnr; calmly In at the window during tbe ex- citement. Having pointed out the man who stole the goods, and there being no officer near, Mr- McKsy collared hlmand look bin-, to hit store; he went very r-ulttly until be reached the door. On arriving there he made some resilience, and asked what bo was arrested for. Ho was answered lhat he had not been arrest- ed, hut was simply detained until the arrival of an otHcer. He remarked that there wasn't an officer In Lawrence that could arrest him. Ofuoer Carroll came In a lew moment* after wards and proved to the contrary l.y taking him into custody.

\ SMAhT I.AWVEH IMD A" IKOIBIOWi CLIENT. When tbo case wa* brought up In court, the

dtfendant pleaded not guilty. Tbe witnesses made tbelr stattmsnUj snbstsntially as given

above, and In a manner u> leave DO doubt In tbe minds or court or spectators or the Identity or tbe defendant wltb the Individual who stole the goods. VY. *. Knox, Esq., tbe counsel of tbe defendant, might well have been anxious for bis client—and there was no doubt be wal- nut faithful to tbo profession to which he be- longs, he determined to do his best. lie re- viewed tbe evidence and tried to make it out a case of mistaken Identity. Then, as if feeling the bopeaessneu of inch a course, aaked lo have tbe defendant sworn. This wu done, and Buckley took the stand. He swore he did not steal the goods. He said be left the City Hail at eight o'clock and, walked down Essex street. When near Mr. McKay'* store be aaw a man take a piece or goods and walk off wltb 11.

Ilia Honor—Who wa* Ibe tall mas whom you were with f

Witness' -what—1—what tall man.' Ills Honor—Who was tbe tall man you wars

with. What li his name r Mr. Knox—Tonr Honor, be baa not said he

wu with any one. llli Honor—I know tbat, brother. Tbe couit

know* what It's about. To the wit a***— What man were you with ? At the testimony of the witneeeea went to

■bow that Buckler was In the company of another man when he was arrested, tbli ques- tion of his Honor, and the hstltancy of the wit. nets to answer it, decided tbe case. There never wsi clearer evidence of a person's guilt. Mr. Knox felt tbat bis cue wu gone, and be gracefully took hi* seat. Hi* Honor reviewed ibe case and sentenced Buckley to eight months' Imprisonment at the house of correc- tion. An appeal was taken.


Pont Pbll aiioridan, of Salem, enter- talced by Pont Needbam, of Law- rence - - Lighting the laat camp fire of tbe eeaaon - - Wide awake.

Tbo fact that Poet Pbll Sheridan, of Salem, wu announced to visit the Post In this city, wu sufficient to bring ont a large attendance of comradoi, for It Is known throughout this section or tbe State, at lestt, ibst tbe Salem branch Of tliit grand organisation 1* one or tbe largest and liveliest Post* In the Department. About hall pa*t teven o'clock, on Wednesday evening, Needbam Post, numbering about one hundred men, and accompanied by the Father Matthew Drum Corps, who had kindly volun- teered tbelr services, marched through Essex ■treet to the northern depot, and there formed the line* for tbe reception or Ihe visiting com- rades, who were soon rolled In by a special train. Over one hundred and fifty member! alighted from the can, accompanied by tbe Salem Bran Band. After the uiual courtesies, tbe lines proceeded to tbe headquarter* of Needbam Post, the visiting band discoursing excellent mutlc, alternated wltb tbat ol tbe Drum corps- Upon the arrival at tbe hall, lltjof Frank Davis, the Commandant or Post Needbam, welcomed tbe Salem comrades In a few welt chosen remarks, wblcb were appro- priately reciprocated by tbe Phil Sheridan Com- mandant, and previous to rtlsmletal or tbe ranks, all Joined in singing tbe familiar old battle song, "Rally round the Flag," which was accompanied by tbe band and drum corps. Tbe union or three hundred male voices, that "knew Just how those army hymns went," ac- companied by a lull band and drum corps, made tbe building fairly quake, and could have been beard over nearly the entire city. Tbli little "opening" was under the director- ship of Capt. (Bob) Dalton, whom It is under- stood Is toald Gilmore In the coming Jubilee.

It required but a few moments for everybody to become well acquainted, and the evening wu enjoyably puied In social Intercourse, the telling or army stories, renewing acquaintances, etc. An Impromptu programme wu soon ar- ranged, and began by some excellent selection* by tbe Salem Brass Band, under tbe leader- ship of Mr. Janie* Faxon, which was followed by mnsic from the drum corps. The Salem boys had brought two excellent dancers, Messrs. Copelsnd and French, who in spangles and clogs, were soon tapping sn accompani- ment to a violin which happened to be present, They bad bnt stepped from tbe platrorm when youog Bhean wu there with AM wooden shoe*. A bone duet was then given by Sboan and Burns. Someone present had espied old Major White, or Haverhlll, who, for more than Ofly years, bat served in the SUte Militia In the capacity of drnramer, and, upon further search, Mr. Frank Kent, an apt pupil ol Ihe Major, wa* round, and tbe two were Induced iu fun over a tew or the old arms- — ru. • accompaniment upou several Dies. The effect wu electrical, and went right to tbe hearts or the comrades.

The commander now announced a little array luncb, which was partaken ot with a keen relish, and then the exercises were re- newed by an interesting incident given by Mr. J. Fred Clark, in which a moral wu shown, to the effect that it is best not to be " Just one minute too late!" Comrade Webber of the Salem Post gave a thrilling recitation of " Sbamns O'Brien," winning frequent ap- plause during its presentation. Capt. Dalton or tbe Salem Cadet* WM next called for, and his jolly race wu soon seen upon the platform. Tho Captain made a leellng. eloquent and pat- riotic speech, and whi -b may be called tbu speech or the evening. Comrade Noonan now favored tbe patty with a song entitled " The old Bog Hole," after which Col. Sherman, In a few pointed remarks, expressed bis gratifica- tion at the present gathering, and alluded to tbe grand object ol Ihe order. The bour get- ting late all present joined In singing America, accompanied by tbe band, and the visiting brethren were escorted to tbe railway station, where the car* were In readiness to carry them to Salem. Kveryone wu delighted with tbe evening's enteitalnment, and a general desire wu expressed to return tho visit or Post Phil. Sheridan at an early day.

May Festival at tbe First Baptist.

A most happy and unique entertainment wu provided for the children connected with the Sabbath school of the First Baptist Society, and we more than half surmise tbst the older people present were large sharers in the festivi- ties of the occasion. A profuse supply of beautiful Msy Dower* added not a little to the attractlvene** of the occasion. Indeed from the Tragranco diffused through the spacious room, one could almost imagine himself In the midst of tbe woodland homes or Ibe sweet flowers, upon a bright May morning.

A choice programme of recitations, and vo- cal and Instrumental muMc wu presented, af- fording tfeait of enjoyment to all present. Tbe assembly wu welcomed In a salutatory by Master Carl Bootbman, arter wblcb an anni- versary hymn was sung by tho children. A beautiful piece wu enaced by a number or young ladies, which represented tbe conetruc- tion of a pyramid, composed of six blocks, and u each one wai placed in Us proper position, an appropriate motto wu revealed, the whole being surmouuted by a beautiful vue of Bowers. The foundation bore the In scrlptlon"K>ckor Aget," the remaining block* representing Peace, Faith, Life, Salvation and Heaven. This wu followed by a pleasing duett, rendored by Muter Ambrose and His* Pratt; the delight of ibe listener* Induced tbe young couple to a repetition of ibe piece. A recitation wai given by Mi** Ella Smith, alter wblch tbe choir of tho church sang the " Sung of Spring." Six little children recited tbelr six little wishes, and turn Meurs. Truell and Scott performed a duett upon the flute and piano. Mis* Gertie Lawrence gave a recita- tion, followed by a " May Morning " cborn* by Ibe rholr. An Intermltslon wu here im- proved by young ladles granting tbe audience ibe prlvilego >>l purcbiting beautiful boqnet* of May flowers, which had been prepared In abundance. Tbe second portion of tbe enter- tainment was commenced by a pleasing char- acter piece, performed by three mlise*. eacb dressed In one of tbe National colors, sur- rounded by twelve misses dressed In white, and esch bearing a small flsg, while In tbe cen- tre of the grcup wa* impended a largo silken banner. After a recitation by the first men- tioned misses, a chorus wu sung by tbe enure group. The piece wu very effective, and finely rendered. A duett wu next performed by Mrs. Klnney and Ml*s Richards, followed by a recitation from Muter Barton, A song en- titled " Come, Little Birdie," wu snng by Ml** Norcross, and then a Monument of Truth, wu erected by a number of young gent*, which wa* followed by a long, " Awake, the flowers untold." A miislonary dialogue wu presented by eight young ladles, alter which " Tbat Hun- dred Dollar Bonnet" wu commented upon by Mis* Lena Feax. Tbe programme wu com- pleted i.y a chorm rendered by the choir wltb fine effect.

" Ureeley bait" have made their appear- ance ; ibey an whits or coarse.


Letter from one of tbe Oolonlste, of this city.—Cobb, Harris, Burn ham and Klmball pronounce tbe Agon to of tbe Colony a fraud.—Tbe otber aide of tbe question.—Contradlctorystatemente.

It will be remembered that a few weeks since Col. Johnston came to this c.ty to seek additions to his proposed Colony or Soldiers to take rarm* In Minnesota, under tbo Home-

1 Act It IIIHII tbat a large number or returned soldiers accepted the Colonel'* propo- sition* and with bim started for the west, under the name of " Boston Colony." A few days ■Ince we noticed briefly a letter in tbe .S(. Paul rreas, signed by Cobb, Harris, Burnbam, and Klmball, of the Colonists, denouncing tbe Whole affair u unsatisfactory. Wa have since received a letter from one of the parties, writ- ten for our column*, which '.we publitb, for the Interest of the many friend* and acquaintances of the panic* who left this city In the Colony. Injustice to the projector* or tbe enterprise, however, we deem It but fair to append lome comment* from various lengthy articles, both editorial and communicated, which have ap- peared in the St. Paul papers, since this matter has been made public.

ST. PAUL, MINN , Msy 3d, 1SI3. ttoiTOU LA'vaxacx A at KBICAJI,—Perhaps It

Efllgbt he or latttM to som* of your readers to learn something of this part or tho country; since so many are contemplating emigration It may be or

to I hem to kaow tbe experience of four pil- grims thsl started last month, and nave seen some of the country.

After a tedious journey of over a week we reached theUudofthe Boston Colony, so called, at De- troit Lake, Becker Co., and lo use very mild terms, we were very much disappointed; w*there learned Ibe meanlog of the old bard who tails ns bow fancy "Displayed every rose but secretes Its thorn," only II was not fancy lhat did It In this ease; but let tbat pass. All tbe truth Is w* did not find there what we were looking for, viz:—good soil, good climate, and good society—so of eourte tamed back to try other plaes*.

Detroit Lake la located on the Northern Paciflo Railroad, about one hundred and eighty mile* west ofDnlulh, and aaout fifty from the Red River or the north, and about thirty east of the location or tbe Red River Colony; the climate does not differ materially at any point along there for s hundred mils*, and som* Idea or it may be gathered from Ibe Tut tbat a gentleman of undoubted veracity tells ns thai on the twentieth day of last July he rod«,-ln company wlthMsJ. Tenner or ihe Red River Ooloay—until 10 o'clock A. M., wrapped In buffalo rob** to keep warm; rather dubious pro*. peet for a com crop,—and jest here let ut atat* a few facts about Isothermal lines that we see on all

these map*, and by which* great many allmalea are Mt forth ID false colors. True thee* line* are taken from undoubted evldeno* aad are the avtragt climate; bnt will this theory aland the proof of practice ? If, u we are told, Fort (Jerry and the British line has Ihe same average u Haw York and Ohio, should we not aspect to* earns crops from lhat region, but do we find them? By no means; of what use then Is lb* similarity of ell. mate; bat the ellmatte are not similar; tbat la tho point; Iheas average* are taken In Ibis way: They mark In etch twenty-four hours the extremes or heat and eold; add them togslher and divide them by two, and that give* them tbe average climate u they call II, but Ilka the mu's at sixty-five that wanted to marry the young lady or twenty-live he- eatue their ages would average about right; tbl* Is raise doctrine.

But to return to my subject; let's see we left tbe pilgrims Jusl turning back from Detroit Lake. Well.we came back to lit. Paul, and nothing daunt- ed by our misfortunes resolved to try the south- weatsrn part of the state; accordingly we visited lb* National Colony at Worthlngton, one hundred and Mveaty-algbt mile* from here on th*8l. Panl and Hloux City Road, and here ws found what we were looking for, and have eaeh accepted tbe gift of a little hundred and sixty acre farm. We have been frequently asked tbe question, how large a piece of land does one hundred and elity seres make, and w* know of BO better way to siplaln than by aUlfog, .1 ml four times u large a* the Law- r*nee Trolling Park Inside tbe track, or In oiher words two mile* around It, a very nice little walk for a man to take before brsakfssl.

Tbe National Colony wu formed lut October by Dr. Miller of tbe Toledo Blade, and Prof. R. F. Husdston of Cleveland, Ohio, and lbs high reputa- tion or both these gent lemen i* a sufficient guaran- tee of good management. Founded on temperance principles, the sale of Intoxicating llqsors it ttrlctly prohfbltsd; (this Is ths only obligation wo reqnlro or Colonist*;} w* have already assured ud settled about eight hundred, while our a thousand have Juiced ihe Colony, and will local* som* time this tpriog; did spau penult I might go on at length to deterib* the beauties of the noun try, soil and socie- ty, but we will not weary yen this time.

There are a great many Lawrence people In and around Si. Paul; Mr. J. A. Btoveneon, who w* all remember so wsll u the active aad obliging dry

B or eoura* doing wall, as every one who knows elm know he would do.

UT. II. O. Prinoe la at Hill water; we met him the other day, and were pleased lo learn that b* enjoy* life's richest blessing, good hxslth. We also met Mr. T. 8. Btratton, on* of Lawrence's Urst ssttlsr*; he Is tbe landlord of the Bay Vlsw Houas, Dulutb, ud everybody from there says he knows how to koep a hotel.

St. Paul to-day la very buty, Ihe spring trade on ihe river Is Just opening, and the lev*e Is piled high wltb freight or all description, and the huge Mis' tlitlppl steamers are loading and unloading,

Aboveuaeight mile* on Ihe river is Ihe future manufacturing centr* of Ibe Northwest; allnneap. oils Is to be to Minnesota what Lowell is to New Kngland; as to water power It It estimated tbe has more than all the Sew Kngland Slates pat together. We have not been quite long enough In the country to believe lhat ouraelve*, however; we shall not until we aee It, and when we do will re- port- " BIOIJLOW,"

We clip tbe following exirsct from a letter In tbe St. Paul Press, dated April lfltb, written by the Methodist missionary in tbat vicinity. Alter alluding to tbe disappointment of theee gontlemen, be tayt:—

"Had Ihe** eolonlste persevered six milts far- ther In their pilgrimage, they would have rescind not fleetly the delectable mountalne, bnt prairies, groves, lakes and meadows of substantial reality. An unusually severe winter ha* spread all over the valley of ibe Red River—a deep covering of snow- *nd no peraon can safely .judge of Ibis country, Its climate, soil or capabilities. Altsr a year's resi- dence In Bechrr county u a mlttlonary of tbe 21. K. Church, and where I upset to remain, I would advise all exploren not to bs dUcouraged by these disappointed gentlemen from visiting tbe whole country along tbe llns of the Northern Pacific rail- road, especially this rvjeetsd Becker county. The writer la no land Jobber nor railroad agent, and only writes this for these seeking good and cheap homes." Ray. J. (. i-iu.i i.

In another letter to tbe same paper, dated April IStb, and signed by "A Satisfied Colon- ist," arter denying tbe charges of the four dis- satisfied persona, tbe projector of the enter- prise, Col. Johnston, is thus defended :—

" It I* no ditpar*ff**n*nt to the otber gentlemen connected with and Interested In the New England Bnrtan of Migration to say thai Col. Johnston, ihe President, I. satltled to great credit for all he bu done, lo promote the comfort, forward the Interest, and tecure lo every ssau lb* greatest benefit to be derived by associating together men who were ■trangera to eseh other, and harmonising alt la .urn common Interest Into the organisation over wblcb he presides,"

An Interesting letter to ths same paper ap- pears irons, tbe pen of Col. Johnston. Irom wblcb we clip tbe following:—

" We arrived at Detroit Lak* April Bth, bnt alas for th* consistency of Cobb fc Go,, laalead of doing u olber* did who meant business, going to work to select thalrclaims,courage fallad thaa.aad they never vsnlured more than three miles from tbe hotel, their time being employed a* usual, In sow- log discord among tbelr comrades, trying to Induce ihsm to sign a paper agreeing to go to another part of ths state. Finally after a protracted residence of two days, s feeling of relief name over Ibe psrty, aa tbey asw Cobb A Co. lake Ibe oar* for St. Psal lo aeek other and more genial ollm**, when we truat the climate sad soil Is more favorable for the production of express wsgone and heavier loams.

Forty families bsve wintered there, and ars de- lighted with tbelr new homes, Tbslr friends In tbe ml will Join them in large numbers, the objec- tions of four homesick gentlemen to tbe contrary notwithstanding.

Now, Mr. Bdllor, our leeation at Detroit Laks la all we claim for It, but we admit It Is no placa for men of lb* paper collar stripe. Much men are not wanted on lha frontier, but men with brave hearts and strong arm*, men who earn* out to work, not your city sent who Is diigu*l*d beoauas be can't And a log oabln with all tb* modern Improvement*, Including a lanndrj aad Tnrklth bath.

We have otber 8L Paul papers, containing ing letters derendlng ibe colony, bnt we deem the above Utier or one or tbe dissatisfied, and ibe comments upon tbe other side or the ques- tion, sufficient to fairly represent tbe cue* of botb parties, and the same la published without inteteat In either.


Government are to be commended for the magnanimity of feeling which exist*

with regard to appropriating a small etim

of money In aid of carrying out tho de- sires of Putt Ncedham upon Decoration

Day; not a dissenting voice was raised

against an appropriation of 9300 to the

uso of tbe Post In Ita work of lovo and

kindly t emembrunce of fallen comrades.

-Sbome <S>r o * *>ip.

The dressmaker! are bnty.

80* Ice t Yeawl Teawl

Mr. Frank Snox hat exhibited la hli win- dow a pair or Dolly Varden boots.

Tb) concrete walk is being continued around Ssunder* new block, upsn Appleton street

W. J*. and J. S. tlilo (Ouosol for Geo. C. Hale, have procured but discbarge from bank- ruptcy.

Mr. Jewell, Use genial day janitor at tbe po- lice station, tug almost entirely recovered from hit recent accident.

Mr. 0«o. w. Horn, the well-known roofer, it piscine; a new covering on Church Block, opposite the AetBsiCAN omoe.

So far as heard from Hethuen Is tbe only town tbat bag refused an appropriation for the expanses of tbs O. A. R , on Memorial day.

The temperance people carried Ward* One, Two and Five agjeinit the sal* of beer and ale. Ward Six garalni a majority or eleven vote* for beer.

The Fair In atd ol the orphan* came to a close on Saturday evening. It hus been moit successful, and the orphans will now be well provided for.

Tbe weather Is decidedly cuggestlve of linen coat* and white pant*. All reapectable ther- mometers range among the eighties, with an upward tendency.

The sidewalk on ibe left ot Common street, from the corner of the Second Baptist church to Lawrence street, Is receiving some very much needed repair*.

An addition was made to tbe number of pris- oners at tbe Jail on Tuesday. Tbe new prison- er Is only one day old, and I* nearly related to on* of the rental* Inmates.

Ward three Is the banner ward in tb* sup. port of the Water Act. Only forty-two vote* were thrown agsdjut, and three hundred to fa vor of introducing water Into the city.

The Jubilee Chotns Societies In Lawrence, Lowell, Oroton, Ayer, Nesbua, Tyngaboro, and Concord are to have a grand mass re bearsal at Lowell some time next week.

Tbe "Clipper*,'* of Lawrence, played the "Clippers," of Beaton, a base ball match on th* Common, on Tuesday, wblch resulted in a victory for our city boy*, tbe score Handing 24 to 5.

A supposed incendiary Are occurred at Dra- cut on Sunday, bnrolrg a dwelling belonging to Mr. Spantdlng, carpenter, of this city. The property wu Insnred fur 8600, by Mr- John Edwards,

Tbe National Encampment or tbe Grand Army of the Republic held its annual session on Wednesday at Cleveland; Capt. Merrill, of Post 39, of tbli city, represented tbis section or Uasaecbusetts. *■

The KingiUher wu out Tuesdey, drawn by four horses, and transporting a load of voter* from ths manufectsrias In Methuen to the poll* ia Lawrence. Many Lawrence men are em- ployed at Metbnen.

The lather Matthew'* Drum Corps have volunteered to escort Post go to tbe depot on Wednesday evening, to receive Post Phil Sbar- Idan, ol Salem. About one hundred and Qfiy visitors are expected.

The Conlln Brother* have got an excellent assortment of spring and summer goods, and a visit to their establishment will not be without profit to those about ta supply themtelvei with weiring apparel.

The bridge on Water street west or ibe rail- ing is In a dangerous condition. If steps are not taken to hare the matter remedied, an ac- cident may occur, wbleh may render the city liable for heavy damages.

Mr. Josselyn Indignantly denies the assertion In tbe Aiii'-i-i'-nn, that a portion of the goodi found in bit possession were from the orphan stock of the departed Mrs. Bsrnlcoat, but saja tbey came from another place.

Two hundred and eleven more votes were cast upon tbe beer question on Tuesday, than given to the water question t of these two hundred and eleven votes, probably nearly two hun- dred were bnt payer* of a poll tax.

Rev. J. F. Kyle, of Fall River, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church, on Sunday, in th* absence of Eev. John Uogg. Mr. Kyle appeared on tbe platrorm at tbe temperance meeting at Baunder* Hall Sunday evening-

Rev. Mr. WeavetsugiTett* the read Ing o f tbe a—.. — »..,■. 4*ss hu brHhrsm, and after- ward a visit to see tie tableaux representing It. It I* questionable wblcb will be the greateat novelty for a large number of our citlsen*.

We learn from Plcanco, who 1* achieving considerable success u an exrnralonlst, that a late train will be ran 1mm Boiton to this city some nlgbt during Jefferson's representation of Rip Van Winkle,—probably one week from next Wednesday.

"It li not meet in times like these tbat every nice oUenco should bear It* comment," but wben Judge Stevens is reviewing a case, tin meet that quiet should bo preserved, Tbe dig' nity of the chair should at all times be respect ed, and tbe same rule applies lo the judicial bench.

Joe Jefferson commence* an engagement In Boston next week, a* Rip Van Winkle. Plcan- co'* late train will probably be run tbe follow* Ing week, on Wednesday, bnt the certainty of the day la not yet determined. It would be difficult gettlig good seats tbe first week or hit engagement.

Circuses are almost as plentiful a* May flower*. One has already presented itself this month, and two others are announced, one for the loth and one for tbe lOib. Of course bolh are the best. One Is half circus and half me- nagerie—the otber ell circus; you pay your money, you take your choice.

Ward* One and Six were the exceptions in supporting tbe Water act. In tbe former ward tho remit wu* evidently due to old fogviim, while Ward Six may be accounted for, by a reason given by an Irishman at tbe polls: " Be dad, end me would have no more of tbe water, than wo now have ot tbe gas I"

The Home Club, or this city, have secured an excellent portrait or tbelr genial Prealdent, Mr. Daniel Nason. It is a lire tits photograph, finished in India ink, and set In a beautiful oral frame. The likeness 1* a master piece of tho art, and highly creditable to the well koown photographer, Marston, of Boston.

The apothecary establishment of Mr. Kulley, late Howarth'*, Is usumlng a new appearance, and la a few days It will bo delightful to step in as yon pus and try hi* aoda, cigar*, or it preferable, a do*e of physic. Mr. William Howarth, wbo he* attained an enviable repu- tation U a prescription clerk, 1* retained in tbe ■tore, we are pleated to learn.

Harry Bloodgood'* entertainment at tbo City Hall, Tuesday evening, wai in full accord wltb tbe profuse promises on hi* handbills. Tbe remark of the audleuee *■* that "He's got to come" again. Tbe tight rope and trancie feats were thrilling In the extreme, and tbe ar- tist walked tbo ceiling, by placing bl* toes in tings, wltb ibe greatest ease.

The result of the vote on tie water qtieatlon astonished everybody on Tues- day excepting tbos* wbo voted lo accept tbe charter. If ibe question bad been proper- ly understood there would hsve been leseop position, and tbe majority In favor of accep- ting tbo charter would have been mnch larger. Aa II is the result Is very satisfactory.

Tbe members of Poit 3D tender their thank* to Mr. Stephen D. Crowell fur bl* kindness and generosity In aiding the commissary depart- ment at Ihe camp Ore*, and also to Mrs. H. B. Bailey, ror many favors shown. The boys would hardly know howio get along but for tbe xeal and Interest displayed by Quartermas- ter Uolt and comrade C. H. Smith, upon such occasions.

A rumor prevailed on S-Uurdey, that a young man named Florence McCarty, who lives at tbe South Sid*, bad mad* an attempt upon hi* life by gublnghis throat wltharasor; there- porter of tbe AniatcAK visited tbo house In which tbe act wai taUl to have been commit- ted, but tbe people denied all knowledge or tbe matter; that the young man referred to did make an attempt upon his life Is true neverthe- less, and It is further said tbat a love dlup- poinlment led to the act.

Shortly after the alarm of Are sounded on Wednesday, M. J. Cbapin, ihe tewing ma- chine agent, who was driving up Lawrence street, came In collision with one of the hones attached to the boie carriage, at tho corner af Common street; the horse lo the hose carriage ■truck tbe horse or Mr. Chspln, throwing him over on bis side, and partially stunning him, at tbe sane time breaking the shaft.? of Mr, Cbaplo's wsgon. Beyond the damage to the wagon no other Injury wa* Inflicted.

The Common hu a splendid dross of green, and its falihlnl attendant, Mr. Dinneen, is re- movlngall dtbri* from tbe ground. Hundreds of cartloads of eaitb and refuse have been hauled to tbe low portion near thenortb-^ait cornet, and the work or grading tbe same ie being poshed. Tbe dilapidated old fence bat received a few patches, and III contrar-is with the excellent concrete walks, Improved light- ing apparatus, and beautiful trees. Tbe fountain needs "tinkering," Its jet being thrown all upon aide.

Tbe Choral Union met on Thursday evening, at the High school, tor rehearsal. Among the place* sung- was tbe "Festival Hymn," by Dudley Buck; it Is one of Ihe most popular of American compositions, and the effect wben sung by the chorus wu grand. Mr. Ellis, u lander of Ihe chorus, give* mnch satisfaction and Is very popular as a conductor. At the dose of tbe rehearsal the "Old Hundred" wu ■ang, and with nearly three hundred voice*, moat Of them ladles, the effect wat extraordi- nary, catling forth expressions or pleasure from all who beard II. Lawrence will take no back seattn tbe approaching Jubilee.

The May festival at the Unlveraallst Church, on Wednesday evening, wu a very pleasant affair. The young misses participating In the festival wore dresses or white, trimmed with flowers, their balr being similarly adorned. Mist Josle Powell wu chosen May Queen, and wu crowned with the floral diadem. Tbe dance around the May-pole, arranged by Hiss Clara Weaver, was an interesting and beautiful sight to witness. A baked bean sapper was served, with tea and coffee; Ice cream* were also abundant, and owing to tb* warmth of the evening, in much demand. The occasion was very enjoyable, and gave pleasure to all. Mrs. Miller and Mb)* Minnie Sleeper bad the arrangements In charge, and the success or the festival reflects much credit on tbelr arrange- ment. Mr. Halley supplied Ibe flower* from the greenhouse of A. W. Stearns, Esq.

The dramatic entertainment at tbe City Hall. Wednesday nlgbt, by ihe Bid well 4 Wilkinson Dramatic Company, drew a very large audi- ence, Iho floor being entirely filled and quite a number or persons In the gallery. Tbe play presented wu "A Leap in the dark," rounded on a sensational story oy Mrs. Mary Agne* Fleming. The piece la 111 dramatized, and must have been done by unskilful bands; it drags along very heavily, and there are too many side shows Introduced, breaking; ibe con- nection and materially Interfering wltb the de- velopment of the plot. The acting wu good with some exceptions. Mies Llllle Wilkinson hu been cast for the character thatsnlu her better than any other In the play. Miss Dollle Bid well bas not been so fortunate; tbe charac- ter of a youog romping girl, however well she may render It, is not snfted to ber personal ap- pearance, and somecf ihe finest scene* in tbe drama—pathetic ecencs—are more calculated to ttart a smile than a tear. This is said with- out disparagement to the abilities or the lady, which are too generally admitted to be ques- tioned. Mr. Wilkinson, as usual, produced a very pleating Impression. Messrs. Athlon and Jordan are excellent actors, also Mr. Davis. The audience were loud and frequent In their applause during the progress of the piece. Tbe company will slways be sure of a warm wel- come here- Mr. Janverin, the agent of tbe company. Is very popular, and produce* pleasing Impression where be goes.

Tho finest suite of rooms in this city

are thoso about to bo occupied by tho

Masonic order. They comprise tbe en-

tire upper section of S&undera Block,

with tbo exception of Saunders Hull.

There are thirteen rooms and a large

number of closets, some of theBe an

large as ordinary rooms. The main

Masonic lodge room la on the west aide,

and adjoins Saunders Hull; this room

will be elegantly fitted tip; a rich carpet

now covers the floor, and the organ

owned by the order Is placed In this

room. On the oast sido, at the front

and rear of the hall, aro ante-rsoms,

supplied with every modern conven-

ience; these are also handsomely car-

peted. On the extreme east,facing Apple,

ton street, are a smaller lodge room, and the armnrv of the Knights Tompi,u. This lodge room, like tbe main one, is

richly carpeted, and will be elegantly

furnished. The armory of the Knights

Templar, however, is the chief point of

attraction to the lucky visitor who Is

allowed to mako the tour of these rooms.

A black walnut wardrobe occupies both

sides and the rear end of the room ; this

wardrobe is an elegant specimen of

wood work; to describe it and convey

any idea of its appearance, is simply

Impossible; it Is divided into compart-

ments, each compartment designed ns :t

repository for the regalia ot a Knight.

The doors of the compartments are of

glass with black walnut sashes; each

compartment Is numbered with bluck

Arabic numerals OD polished brass

plates, about an inch in length, and half

an Incli in width, and which project al-

most half an inch from the walnut,

slightly tapering towards the outer sur-

face. In tho centre of the wardrobe on

tho east sido is a compartment designed

as a repository for the colors of the or-

der. The carving here la aa perfect in

execution as it Is elegant in design.

Pendant from tho ceiling is & bronzi

chundelier with a female figure In the

centre. Passing from this room, wo

aBcend to the banrjuet ball, which Is yet

in nn unfinished condition. It is large,

airy and commodious, and extends Ihe

entire depth of the building with win-

dows on Appleton, Essex and Methuen

streets; flanking the banquet hall are

the cooking and clothing rooms, the

former fitted up with all tho modern ap-

pliances for the successful cultivation of

the culinary art. Tho carpets for the

various rooms, which nre rich In quality

and chaste in design, were supplied by

Sharpe & Co., and were laid under the

personal supervision of Mr. Sharpe.

Owing to the peculiar architecture of

Borne of tbe rooms, this process was not

unattended with some difficulty, but this was successfully overcome and the

work accomplished to perfection.

Annual Election or Officers of the

Fire Department.

At a special mealing of the Washington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 5, Monday evening, tbe following orBcers were unanimously elected for tbe ensuing year:

Foreman, George V- Blood; assistant do., William K. Heald; Clerk and Treasurer, Z. T- Uerrlll; Engineer, A. D. Killott; assistant do,, J. P. Fletcher; Fireman and Steward, S. B. Miller; Pipemon, Prank L. Btroul, Victor Gin- grus, Frank Powers, Rodney Hamur ; atand- Ing committee, A. D. Elliott. J. A. Morse, 8. B. Miller.

After tbe election, on Invitation of Foreman Blood, tb* company partook or one or Crow- ell's lamons supper*; and the Utmost harmony and good reeling prevail* throughout tbe com- pany.

Tbe annual meeting of tbe Hook and Ladder Company, wu held on Tuesday evenlng.for the electionorofneer*. N. M. Ilanlr, wa* chosen foreman; J. P. Steven*, assistant foreman; P.B. Watson, clerk and treasurer; II. ts. Hum, stew- ard ; John Marston, .lames B. Fletcher, Thom- as C. Ham, standing committee. After tbe election tbe company were Invited, by air. M. Bsldwin, tn CroweU's, and treated to an excel- lent repast, wblcb wu served up In that gentle- man's usual appetizing style. A pleuant evening was passed, speeches being made and songs inng.

At the annnal meeting or 8. P. E. Essex Co., No. 4, held Wednetday evening, Hay lit, tbe following officer* were chosen:—Chas. II. Giles, foreman; II. II. Dickey, assistant tureman; F. H. Morgan, clurk; I. O. Nasb, section bose- man; Joteph Sykes, S. T. Murcbie, and Chu. E. Dyer, plpemen.

Alter tbe meetinir ws* adjourned tbe compa- ny was Invited by the oncer* to an oyster top- per at A. A. Tolfbrd's, wblcb wu served in the happy manner peculiar to tbat gentleman.


An Afternoon at tbe High School.

Tbe tysti m of modern education alma at [hyst- eal as well at mantal and moral cullers, and there la little doubt but that a cartful regard to lbs fur- mer goes far In promoting- Ihe Istter. Whatever strengthen* tbs physical ayatem has ths same Bleat upon the menial. A hsalthy body is suldom associ- ated with an un heal L by mind, and this fact was doubtless held In view wben It WU decided to in- corporate physical training with the edueationof tbe young. In many or the schools in Canada a system nf calisthenics baa been taught for a long lime, and the result* have bun very marked, es- pecially on female*. In a superior physical and mental growth. In England the ay stem has long been In practice, and It la now rapidly bslsg Intro- duced mio tbs schools In Hoot land. Il Is soroe- whst strange that In lbs latter country, whlob hu always been oouepleaous for ths attaaUon given tc manly aporU, that this aystsm wu not earlier, o at least mors generally Introduced. The following •Streets from * letter published In a recent volume, shows tfast the Introduction of lha syalem bsd been snggeated a long time ago. Tbe letter la from an old country schoolmaster to a young friend I '* My frlead Blalr la very much taken op with the aehool, and wants me to Introduce some Improvements In- to what ha calls " my mstbodof tuition;" he any* that the body needs exerclaeu well u the brain, and urges me strongly to Introduce " gymnaalies" Into my course of Instruction. At first I thought themsawu clean daft; wnylnevar In my lira beard o'tnch a thing. Whit, team my soholars tho tricks or Mountebanks I " Ulster Blalr," said I, " il would pain me esoceulngly if 1 thought that a want or rsapeot tor a man of my years prompted yon to Indulge In such pleasantries I" " Want o' respect frlen' Oordon, tbe Lord turbid I why msn the thing's geltln' lo be eommon In Knglsnd; tbsre'i hardly a school between the Tweed and the Thames, lhat hun't Ita gymnealuas, at least a aohool o'any consequence, snd I think ysu consider your scbeol o' sums consequent*." " Ooaseqnsnce here or sequence there sir. Dlair," said I, " It'll he a Iang lang day, before I learn anybody's halm with aach tricks aa you talk of."

" And I hope you'll change ynnr mind before lang, Domtnle, and when M do, Just Ut ms hear o"l, and I'll gls you what light I can on ihe sub- ject." "Never, never, I'm Arm on last Ja"r. Itlalr," said I, " If ihur.''« anylbl ng new yen have to com- municate In Geometry, Geography, or even a aim- I'll fl "1 method of communicating a knowledge of the rulu of Grammar,—though after all Llndlsy Murray's hardly to be surpassed,—I'll talk wltb you un the sahjeol, without losing my temper, but tms flying In tb* fsee of Providence by teaching the bairns, whom God bu placed me her* lo gulje aright, the jumping trtcke of showman and llount- ebsnks, Is enough to make a man for gal the rolea or boepltallly."

tl la possible that if tbe old schoolmaster Is It*. log to-day he bu changsd his mind. Being Invited to the High School In IhU city on Monday after- noon, to witness the ezerslaee of the pupils ol Dr Clsggett, we careful ly observed Iho ayatem Be prac- tised by him, and have tittle donbt but lhat It Is well calculated to produce Ihe rosalta hoped for. Dr. Claggett's system it umawhst different from others we have observed; It la a lighter system- thai Is II does not neceullate etrong physical ese tion; tt has the great merit if Imparting grace I carriage and elegance to manners. Its sffoets are already being observed In the pupils. To thoss who have not learned to dance It will be of much value when Ibey begin lo learn, and it will give gracefulness and ease to those who aro acqaainted wlih the terpslohorean art. The eierclaes on Mon- daj luted sboni two hours. Tbe lighter ess raises consist mainly In walking around the haU,k*sptag lime with the muelo or tbe piano. In these . clara the bead Is kept erect, shoulders thrown back, the bands resting on tb* hips, and the fool firmly brought to the floor, The poplla went through these very gracefully, and it was observa- ble lhat with Tew exceptions lbs almost attention was given lo the instruction of lbs teacher. Tbs dumb bell exercise wu psrbapslha most to bead- mired as II Is full of graceful positions, and the pu- pile appeared to antor Into Iho spirit of II, keeping sxeetlant time to the mnalo, and going throngb 11, uayoutog lady observed," Ilk* one man." The eierclaes with tbe rods and rings, which necessi- tate a "were it rain upon th* physical system were also well performed, very few ol th* pnpll* tvlno- fog fatigue. The system seems to be admirably adapted to the cultivation of physical health, and to the development sf the mnseular system while, ss we have already observed. It cannot fall ts pro- due* other not Inilgnlneant advantages In Impart- ing grace and elegance to Ihe deportment. We un deretand the Superintendent of ichools and tbe various teaahers are Tavorably Impreeaod with Ibe advantages of Ihe ayatem, and Ita Introduction as branch of education.

Death of an old Citizen or Methuen.

One of the oldest residents of Hethuen.

Mr. Stephen Barker, well known in the

business community, died at that place on Thursday last. Ibe deceased gentle- ■■■.in liad resldud in Afetliuet) lor more than half a century; on first settling in the village he started a store, felling all

kinds of goods, country produce, and

fill articles; was what might

be termed an old-fashioned country store, where everything could be purchased,

from achlld'g rattle to a dose of medi-

cine, lie continued In IhU business for a

long time, always honorable in hla trans- actions, and earning Ihp respect of all

with whom he bad dealings; It was In

this busluess tbat be laid the foundation of tho large fortune he has since amassed: he gave up the business more than twen-

ty-flve years ago, and engaged In other

pursuits, dealing largely In real estate

transactions, and adding toiils wealth

he was very prosperous, very economical, but not miserly. Politically tie was a

Republican, and during the existence of

slavery an ardent abolitionist; he was a

Justice of the Peace, and Ht one time Trial Justice, but never held any other

oflice. He leaves valuable property in Luwell, Itoston, in ilils city, and sonio

valuable lots of land and other property

In Methuen. Hid wife died along time

ago, in,-I hla fnrnily consisted only of one

son, who rmlde* In Lowell, and who, In

consequence ol hi* father dying Intestate, comes Into possession of his large for- tune.


itn.iiii. or AI.UBKMEN HOBDAY I \ I ■.. -.,;. llAr fl

The Board mst at T.80, III. Uoaor the Mayor presl Ing. Absent Alderman Treat.

rarmoKs-ur Jamea It. Wood and K. II. Kel- ley for license to eall spirituous liquors for medic. I rial purposes, graitod; or John Brown to enter a drain Inlo New bury street sewer, referred lo com- mittee on aewsra snd drains with roll power; or Call a True lo hang a atgn aeroea Ibe sidewalk on Newbury street, granted; or 8. C. Berry ror Junk daaler'e llo«nee, referred to commiliee on license* with fail power; af John W. Yeaw and others re- lating to Iroprovemei la in Ward Sirs, referred, ao much aa relates lo tba grade of Water street, to the romtnltteeon Streets, and so much as relatea lo tb* fir* alarm telrgreph, lo the committee on fire de- partment; of I'dnt '-'•-'. G. A. It., for an appropria- tion to defray expenses or tbe Post attendant upon tbe proper observance of memorial day, plassd on ft Is.

ORDKKS ADOPTED—TO appropriate S>BO0, from llic Incidental fund, for ibe use of Post Ml, O, A. Ft,, fur the eipenae of decorating soldiers' graves on mrniorlal day. Anthoilsiog tbs Board of Kngl- neers of the nre department, to purchase of B. M. Btedman.aoo feet or 1 1-3 Inob rubber lined llncu lime, snd 1 ssla eonpllngs, at a price ror tb* whole of$I»S.

i; i i ,, i: , ■■ or (■< -i M -. ill the committee on claims, on lbs petition of Iteuben I>ysr, for dam- ages upon bla promises by fiowageor water, reo- cmmccdiiiK Die jisjnii'iil to 1'jer of |'Ji, accepted ; of the same commute*, leave lowlibdrawon the petition of Nelson I. White, for an abatement of inset, accepted; of the earn* commiliee,leer* to withdraw on iho petition of J. B, Parmenter, for damsges cauatd by falling on an ley sidewalk.

AE-I'UIKTMENT*—Edward Bourass.and Simon Benolt were appointed special police officers.

Ji.T.oiiit DBAWN-Jnatin tt. Kent, Freeman Flanders, J. Y. Botssll and 8. W, Wilder to serve at ilie superior oourl, at Newbnryporl.


The Council met Bl 7.40, and In Ihe abeenea of he President, was cslled to order by Councilman but Webster. Un motion, tbe Ceuaell proceeded

to ballot for President pro (en, aad on lha first bal- lot Councilman Link-field was chosen. There were abeent Counctlmun Deacy, Emery, Caller, Joyce and Abbott.

PETITIOKS-Of the officers of Ward One, for a suitable table and a temporary railing or partition for Ihe uac or the ward, referred lo comraltte* on public properly; of Henry II, Blehop and others for lbs oonstruclino of a sewer on Jaclson street, north of th* Bpioket River, referred to committee on tewer* snd drains.

Papers patent upon by Ihe upper Board, were received and acted upon In concurrence.

Adjourned two weeks.

If tbo city government bad been present at Ibe Camp Fira or the combined Polls Needham and Phil Sheridan on-Wednesday evening, and heard >bo applause wblcb greeted the announce- ment tbat tbey bad appropriated 0900 for ibe expenses or tbe former on Memorial Day, ta«y wuuM doubtless have bean much gratified.


FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1872.


Nathaniel B. Abbott hits sold bis place

on Salem .Street, and the " Mars lot," to K. C, Upton, and Air. Upton ban «old his

oottajfe house on East Green Street to

Hannah A. Jarjuitb.

John C. Hovey has purchaiu-'il the

dwelling-house recently occupied by the

late Joel Husaell.

Tbe grand inimical entertainment by the Mendelssohn ViilnU-rtt; Club, assisted by

Itri. J. W. tVeston, at tbo town hall on

Friday evening, bad a very fair attendance

and was much enjoyed by the audience. Among the purls most applauded were,

"Fantalsle for flute" by Edward llelndl and Hcherzo Caprice for violoncello on M Bask Airs," by Wull Fries. The somj,* by Mrs. Weston: "She wandered down the mountain aide," and '• Birds In the

night," were rapturously encored.

Asa W. Livingston has been drawn

juror for Ibe Superior Court, criminal term, to beheld at NewburyportHay 13th.

Aarou S. Clark will build a two story

dwelling-house the present eeaaon. near

the Abbott Village School-bouse.

At the town meeting held on Tuesday laat George Foster was chosen moderator.

The vote upon tbe question " Shall any

peraon be allowed to manufacture, sell or keep for sale; ale, porter, strong beer or

lager bier In this townf stood Yes 77;

No 77.

total. To antfcorlss lb* Treasurer lo pay on ihe order of the Truam-* ef tba Memorial Hall semi- annually, ths on sny Trnal Ponds held by Ihe Town. Also to psy In tbs ssras m*nn*r aay ausas of money, other then permanent Trust Ponds, that may bsloni lo lha Memorial Hall,

Tbe silver wedding of Mr. end Mrs.

Daniel Shannon was celebrated at their

residence on Hummer Street, on Thursday

evening of last week. Quite a number of their friends and acquaintances were pres-

ent. Interchange of kindly greetings,

and ample Justice to the bountiful refresh-

ment!, occupied the attention of the party aud the Interview was altogether enjoya-

ble. Tbe company on retiring, left sev-

eral valuable gifts as testimonlels of os>


On Thursday evening of laat week some

fifty or sixty friends of Mr. &, Mr-. Gama- liel Gleason assembled at their residence

ou Essex Street, to join with them tn cel-

ebrating the seventh anniversary of their wedding. The preliminaries were so ad-

roitly arranged by those who pulled the

wires and engineered the affair, lhat Mrs.

G. was kept In blissful Igoonnce of what was transpiring. Sbe very innocently

went to the sliver wedding of Mr. and

Mrs. Shannon and cordially united In the

oongratutaii^u* ut' Uie ui n>:>nny. At

length certain legerdemain operations

commenced; the lady who iLceompaided

her was called for and she returned wltb

ber companion, but on arriving at her house she oould bardly believe her own

two pairs of eyea. The large party of

friends who had gathered warmly greeted ber, and an ample table bountifully laden

with choice viands met ber astonished

vision. Partaking of the rich repast, agreeable sociability and enlivening

music filled up the pleasant hours of tbe occasion. Much credit Is due to the

ladles who arranged (be affair so wisely, and excuted it BO successfully.

LastSunday services: Prof. L.T.Town-

send (Methodist) of tbe Boston Theolog-

ical Seminary, preached at (he Chapel during the day and In the hall of Phillips

Academy In the evening. Mr. P. M.

Griffin of the Seminary, preached at the

West Church In the morning. Precepter Tilton conducted the services of the young people'* prayer meeting at the lower town hall In the evenlog. There were about

150 persqna In attendance, and earnest

remarks were made by several persons, fervent prayers offered and singing Inter-

spersed which rendered the occasion one of interest nnd proilt. It was the lirsi

meeting of the kind ever held In the town

house. Three persons uulted with the

South Church on profession of faith, and

two by letter. Eleven persona united

wltli the Free Church on profession of faith.

Hcv. James 11. Merrill, pa«tor of tbe

West Church, lias been voted a vacation

of three months, on account of 111 health,

and will spend a part or the whole of the time In Maine The church will supply

the pulpit during his absence.

A union prayer meeting will ba held

iu the Town Hall on S.imlay evening

next at 74 o'clock. All are cordially In- vited to attend.

A veteran observer says: •' I never place

much rellanco on a man who Is always telling what he would have dune had he

been there. I bave noticed tbat somehow

this kind ot people never get there."

It Is said several gentlemen, who were

Intending to wear «hlte hats the present

season, within a few dnys past have con- cluded tbey wont.

It will be seen by an advertisement In another column that a meeting In the In-

terest of the Red Itiver Colony In Minne-

sota Is to be held at the Town Hall on

Tuesday evening. Timothy Paeho, team-

ster, and Oliver W. Hunt, blacksmith, with their families, will start lor Ibis col- ony in a few days.

Many of our readers will be pleased to

learn that we have, at last, In this coun-

try, a system of brief and rapid writing

that Is really practicable. See advertise-

ment of the Rapid Writer on another page.

Tho leading article In the Rapid Writer Tor April relates to the remote antiquity

of the original settlement of America by

people from Asia,— the projenltors of the Indian tribes ol North America.

Moody Russell will build, the present season, a two story French roof house on

a lot of land recently purshased of Wil- liam Corse, near tbe depot.


The town of North Reading ha*, pur- chased ten acres of land near school house

No. 4 for a cemetery. It adjoins the old burial ground.

Warren Campbell has sold hi* thirty horse power engine and stesm-saw mill to

John B. Jenkins or Andover. Mr. Jen-

kins has removed the mill to his place lo Andover.

Mr. Charles Myers of the Newton The-

ological Seminary has accepted a call to

settle a* pastor of the Baptist Churob. The ordination will take plaoe ID June.

Alanson A. Upton has recently bought

the Major Daniel Flint farm for #602o.

It consists of about eighty tores of land with buildings.


Bhawtbla* Kunlne Company Mo. >,bald their inualmeetlnf on Saturday evening, and made

choice of oflloer* for tbe snsnlnf Tssr aa follows: foreman.J.B.giark; 1st as'i, Wlltlam Finn; 2nd As'l, John F. Wbltsly; clerk, Jobu Fellows; Iress., Ambrose Hawaii; a toward, Jamea MePad- den; slandlni rom., Henry F. Biojham, Warren Users, Jr., Job a Dearborn. TheeoBtpsuy held a reunion at tbslr ball oa Monday evsalag aad par- took or sn oyster supper; tbs standlne sordlal for tbe oeeaaioo bains nothing bnt the pare and nna- ilultsrsted that flows from the spring.

Some on* who mar b* oonaldsrsd a* " up tn flgnree," has taken the palus to ssamlns the rot* of tlili dlstrlet on tbe beer qusitlon, it has ths sa- psaranesof belat atriBs watsry; no, I; yes, a.

Mr. Elijah Woodman lus tilted up a

blacksmith's niiop at ilulliml Vale near

what wtis formerly the Abbott Hat Fac-

tory. Mr. Woodman l*a morn]. Industri-

ous man. und HU excellent woikman. There is not a belter horso bbocr in the

country. Tbe " Waterville Mail" said of

Iiim a short time since, just before he left

that place, that he WHS " the beat horse shoer In Maine." Call on him once and

HAI.KSI, X. H.—Rev. Matthew A. Gates of Salem sailed for Europe, April ;iiUii,

lobe absent three or four months; his

pulpit will be supplied by students from

Audover In the meantime.

Auction Sales by Geo. Fester, A N DO V EH,

Onbaturdsy. Hsy llih. at two o'clock,at tbe laws irsldence of George Ursdlcy, deceased, on Hummer Street, the following articles or per- sonal property, vlx.: One rood family here*, buggy chaise, wagon, sleigh, band cart, harness

Andover, Hay l*,tt*l

of »lo In money. The flndi r will be liberally re- warded by leaving It with William Harland, the Postmsstcr,

NOTICE. There will be a meeting in bebairorthe Red

River Colony of Minnesota in lha town hall, Andover, ou Tuesday i-vt-nlng, Slay el*bt o'eloek. ltev. Dr. Harrow* and other* Will give addresses. KBV. HI. Wllllarai, Colony pastor, will explain the plan or the enterprise aad sn- awer any questions. Documents may be found at .Mr. Draper'* bookstore, glvloc murh Information on the aubjeet.

Andover, Uay 10, 1*72.

Window Sash for Sale. Good second head 8asb for Forty Windows, at

the Bdwarda' Flace. Apply to 3tmlC* HOHACB WILSON, Andover.

Uominonterallh of AfusaacAussfft.

Bs*sx, ss. PROBATE COURT. To the helrs-at-law, next of kin,and all other per-

sons Interested In the estate of WILLIAM TUOBKY, late of North Andover, In said county, yeoman, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a certain Ins tru moot, purport Ing to be the last will and testament ot said deceased, ha* been preteuted to laid court, for probate, by Mar Haret Tuohay, wbo prays that letters testament- ary may be Issued to her, the exeoutrta therein named, and that ber bond, without any surety. may ns sooented, aald testator having exempted ber from trWIng any surety on the umr,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probsts Court, to be held at Lawrence, In aald oosnty ot beast, on tbe second Tuesday of June nrxt, at nine o'eloek before noon, to *bow csute, if sny you hsve, sgstnst tbe same.

And the said petitioner Is hereby directed to ^'Ive public notice thereof, by publishing tbia citation once a week, for three sooctaslve weeks, In tbe newspaper called the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the laet publication to be two days, at least, before said ooart.

Wllnesi, Qaoaoa F. QHOATK, Esq., Jndg* ol said oourl, tbis seventh day ot Hay, In the year one thousand eight hundred anil seventy two.

my 10 A. C. GOODELL, Register.

waaFusangP Ahly nn*wtred in the ' Rapid Writer' for April Only, 10 cents.

m, The Rapid Writer, ANDOVER, MASS.

, 0. KIMBA1L U'-O, Box 896), Chicago.

NOTICK. All persons Indebted to K, HOBBIBON k Co..

will please settle their accounts st the Bout and 8hoe Store or Hr. Benj. Brown,

AKDOVKB, Hay 36,

For Sale. Two low priced Uorees, good workers, suitable

for teaming or farm work; weigh ltBO and 1100 pounds, sound and kind. Also the running part to a wagon, suitable for one or two horses. One hay cutter.

The above property will be sold very low If ap- plied lor soon. JOHM CORNKLL.

AKOOVBB, Hay 3d, 72. :u

wbleb are suitable for fences, repairs on out- buildings and other mefnl purposes; fur sale Chesp; apply to WILLIAM tiTIcKNBT,

Andover, May 3. tt

NOTICE TO TAX-PAY EBB To tne Inhabitants of the Town of An-

dover, and Persons Liable to bo Aesesaed therein.

You are hereby notified that tbo inbserlbers wilt be in session st the Town Uones, In said Ando- ver, on SATURDAY AKTKKNOONH, May 11, 1H, and ill, June 1, from i to o o'eloek. r. ■., far

i poll* aud all the eatatrs, real and personal n by law exempted from taxation.) which you > poateieed of. In said town of Andover, oa the

i oath may be

(' flrst day of MayVlB7*7

JOHU H. KI.IS-T. i Assessor* llBHJ. BOVKTON, J Of LnwisG. HOLT, i Andover.

Audover, April 21, lttTx.

GIXKBAI. STATOrBB, CtlAITKIt 11. Beo.zt. UeloreprooesdiUKtoniake an assets

moot, tba attestors shall give seasonable notice thereof to the Inhabitants of tbelr respeoilvo places, at any of their meetings, or by potting tip In their city or town one or more noliflrttloni In somu public place or places, or by some other sufficient msnner. Such not Ire rhall nuuirethe Inhabitants to bring In to the asaeasors, wlibln a time therein *peeltled, true llsta it all tbelr personal cstatea not exempt Irom taxation.

Sec. 23. The assessors shall In all oaae> —- quires person bringing In tueh s list to r oath that tbe same Is true: wbleb oath ms administered by either of tho assessors. CIIAI-TKK lai, or THK ACTS OP TUB YBSR lato.

Whan th* assessors or a oily or IOWB have given notice to the inhabitants thereof to bring In true Hats of all their polls and eatatee, not ex- empt from taxation, In seordaocowlth the pro- visions of tbe twenty second secUon or tbe eleventh chapter Of tb* General Statute, they shall not afterwards abate any part or the lax as**s**d on persoasl estate lo aay perton who did not bring In sneh list wllbln tl..- Unr speci- fied thereror In sucb nolle*, unless such tax ex- ceeds by more than nr, y per centum the amount wblch would bnvo been assessed lo lhat ptrson on personal estate, il he bad seasonably (nought In aald liet; and If said tax ttreed by more than Ally per centum the said amount, the abatement shall be nnly of tbe exoess above the said Otty per centum; provided, however, that this sot shall not <Btct any person who nan show a rratonabla exeuse for not aessonably bringing In *ald list. CHAPTSJB ISO or TUB ACTS or TUB YCAH utw.

Whoever shall deliver or disclose to any asses- sor or assistant asaessor of taxss, sleeted or ap- pointed In pursuant* with th* laws of this Com- —-wealtti, any false or fraadtosnt list, return

schedule or property as aad for a estates, real and psraoaal, not exestpt*., „_

taxation, with latent thereby to avoid the lawful aaaetsmentor payment of any tax, or with intent thereby to defeat or evade th* provisions of law In relation lo I lie assessment or payment of Lx- •a, shall bs punlahed by a fine not axeeedlns OBS thsusand dollars or Imprisonment la jail not ex. cesdlBg OBS year. Bpn

1ST O T X O B .

Fiwhlonable Hair Uresslnf Rooa

opposite Bean'a Hotel, KI.H fltiUABU, next door to Hurl- Livery BU bio, where be will be happy to receive end attend to the wants of enstosaers. By strict attention to buslnees.and by faliliful en- deavors to please, be hopes to deserve a fair pro- portion or public confidence and patroness. It will be bis aim lo krep a flrst class eeteoltsbiasat. and tb* public are invited to give blm a trial.

rsFl'urt iculitr attention paid to Cutting Ladles' aud Children's Hair.

.»^.S^.'!?U•' gtaapoa, a asw mods or eleaa*- tiilf Ihe balr without aoap or water. Try it.

FOB BALE. A Light BHAUMA BOOSTEB, weighing 12

lbs. Ban* and Partridge COCHIN ROOflTEBS. Trio of Dark BBAHHAaad HOUDAIT VOWL8, from ths stock of Warren ft Williams. Also, a qaanUty of PEEBLBSS Potatoes,

BENJAMIN BOTHTON. Andover, April St, 1871. .|t



Furniture & Upholstery Rooms, la Brick Building next north of tbs Town Kail

ovsr V*JpsA Meat M.rkel; entrance ' Q" •!** B*xt to th* hall,

faffJI i^^kaa Where oan be found a good as- fm sortmeut of Bedstead*, Ba-

^*r^^^»» ?»•••• IK ***a Stands, *—r „ ._ ,. Tablea, Chair*; Hair, Palm, Bask, Excelsior, sad WoVl HaUrwseas - Also, a general assortment of I^^ngGUsses DurUiii.BBdCuruinrixtares.CordaBdT^asaei! tsYJodMS** KfiK rsps^red.aad mad.

blSgdoaV. MmmH 'Bd h»B«."«nner.l Job-


taamMa.iaia *»"i»as»*a.


Heal Estate In Andover i&gttS £3ftU*BU*>tt «

Atfm, KM, », w,.od{f0, ""**•


f Spring Millinery

Just received a Urge attortment of




Of the I,ATKHT STV1.E, and auitable Tor

Spring and Summer Wear, AT


Millinery and Fancy Goods Store,

(Opposite Port O0o«,)


tf NEW MEAT MARKET ThsBubecrlber hereby Inform* the citlien* ol

A odour and vicinity lint be Mi taken tbc (hop lately occupied by Valpey Brother*, corner of Main and Central fit*., where he will keep lor tale nlargaaeaortmentoralcati and Vegetables. Ar- ticles delivered wheadoeir* '

Andover, Jane*, 1871.

Farm for Sale. The Earm of Messrs. Wn KKl.KK It ABBOTT

Is offered for eale. The Iiome 1* two stork-., wltb eight large aqaare roomi, and an L for kitchen aad wood shea; In good repair.reoently shingled, and having ■ MHMHMI end dry o*llar. Near the hoaie ft a large barn, and two well! of excel- loll, never falling water with purapa are con- nected with the bulldlngi. The land comliliul »t aerei of mowing, til I at tho |

ed,S" thirty peach treei, a it raw be fry' bed, and white raspberries And currants. It It located In the aouili part ol the town, on the Halem road, !■ every way a derivable eitate, and will be aold at a low prlae If applied for loon, >'or further partlc- nlari, Inquire of OBOUUK FUSTIER, or of the ownen on the premise..

Andover, April M, 1872. tl

TERRKNCE HENRY, Manufacturer of

CoHina, Caaketa, and all Hindu of Urttrc Clothes.

^awawawawawjL Alio, dealer In all klnda of Fur- fawjfl ^■mullurr. Blaek Walnut, i_ hcdnut

^Kand Pin* Chamber Seta con- *Bav,B"*"*"*"»l*n*tt*.ntly on band, Upholstering

And Repairing done In the ncateet manner, and At reasonable prleea. Picture Frames, Curtains and Curtain Klaiurts constantly on band, and put up If detlred.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Atiilover.


Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm and Business Wagons.

AwTRepairing In all Hi branchei; aid all work warranted u repretented.

Andover. March •**. 1871. tl


The subscribers have jut 1 received


to tbelr stock of

Paper Hangings 4MB


to which thry Invite Iho attention of the public.

AsTTbsy alto keep constantly on hand, and for

eale, a general variety of

n mr O-OOIDS,


Agricultural Implements,

Garilou and Grass Seeds, Ac,



SMITH, MANNING & CO. Andover, April 26, 1872. 4t


TEAS. The peculiarity of tbeie Teat li that thay are

carcfelly telected and packed In hermetically waled tin cannliters, full weight,and no charge tor the eanaltter. Thlt manner of packing Taaa proteett them from obnoxious odor* and Itu of flavor and strength, to which they are necessarily subjected at usually kept by dealert la loosely covered oheiti and boxes.

These Tea* are giving iplendld satisfaction.— Try them.

FARN8WORTH, HARDING A CO. Andover, Fob. M. 1S72. U

Undertaking 8f Cabinet Making.

THE Oiii'iiAfis1 FAIR closed on Satur- day evening last, and the drawing of the prizes was announced for Monday evening. There was a large attendance, as many persons had invested in the various lotteries. Tho caae, tho chief prize, was awarded to our neighbor, Thomas Cornelie, President of the lli- uerniau Society, who had nearly ten thousand votes. Commander Joyco ol" the Knights, had between five and six thousand votes, and Mr. Carter of the Father Matthew Total Abstinence Soci- ety, had over one thousand votes. The vote for Mr. D. F. Dolan was not count- ed, tho money being turned over to the Benevolent Society of which be Is Presi- dent. This cane was put up by the Knights of St. Patrick, and is a very handsome affair, and It Is gratifying to know that It has been won by a worthy man. It Is estimated that at least tJlO.OOO have been taken during the talr. A detailed statement of the prizes sad to whom they were awarded, Is be- ing prepared by Mr. Conway, and will bo published as soon as It Is ready.

THE NEW ScnoOL HOUSE at the South- side, which has been in course of erec- tion since the 25th or July last, Is now receiving the finishing touches, and by next Monday morning will be ready for occupation. Tho building is M x 90 ft., and stands like most public buildings east and west. It has six rooms and a hall. The hall is 27 x 62 ft.; the other rooms are liC x 27 ft., and all are 14 ft. from floor to ceiling. The building is situated at the corner of Karnham and Foster streets; it Is very commodious, substantial and well finished. Mr. Chos. T. Emerson was the architect, and the work of building has been under the superintendence of Mr. Couch, who con- tracted for its erection. The appropria- tion made by the city for the school bouse was $15,000.

«!*!♦ — ■ ■ Lawrence Saving? Bank.

The Annual meeting of tho stockholder! or the Lawrence Saving* bank, was bald at their banking; room Monday evening but. The an- nual report of the treasurer, Wm. B. Spann- ing, was read, and It sbowad the initiation to be in a flourishing condition. Six per cent. compound Interest has been paid to deposltore. and unite a large contingent fund hoi been ac- cumulated. The old Board of officer! were re-chosen as lollowi i Preildeel, Milton Bon- ney; Treainrsr, Wm. 11. Suaukllng; Vies President*, VV. II. Baliibury, D. Saundera, Jr., F. E. Clarke; Director*. John K. Perry, H. O. Henick.W. R Spuuidlng; J. Sydney Bow, Me- those; S. Dockham, w. E. Olle; J. A. Wiley, North Andover; II. Plammer, W. II. Jaqaitb, F. But'er, II. H. Tawksbary.

JOSKFU AND His BBBTHBBK.—Mr. Frost's great llluitra'ion or biblical history, wn. ch to delighted gnat number* of onrcltlasni last winter, la to be presented again to-night and Saturday evening. In the City Hall. Sixty member* of the Universal lit Sunday school join In Its presentation. It If for tbs benefit of their school. Mr. Frost brings costumes, ■cenlc representations, and everything needful Tor one of the finest historical illustration* any. where to be found. Let everybody re-read the story of Joseph and hla brethren, then go and see It enacted by modern people. Don't let tbli la*t chance slip by unimproved.

FIHE.—AD alarm from box 25, at the corner of IlaverhiU and Margin streets, abont four o'clock on Wednesday, was caused by fire In an old shed, situated on tho railroad, near the McKay sewing machine manufactory. The fire depart- ment were promptly on hand, and the flames were soon extinguished without much damage.


Salisbury li laying it* water pipe* la Market ttreet, and mean* eat to be behind other towns In all that relates to ita fire department.

The Villager saye tbat Ames bury Mill*, with a larger population (ban Salisbury Mill*, bat a lea* number of dwelling!. A large part of Ita Eopulation I* crcwdot' into tenement homes.

a the lower section of Mill and Aubla (treets are -evenly tenement*, and these tenement* probably shelter ||X hundred Inhabitant*, most ot whom are Irish.

At the present time there are but two Africa- Americana redding in Ameibory Mills, one a colored barber, and the other a female home ■ervant.

Nawbarypoit has the largest minister, the faaleit doctor, and the slowest lawyer of any town In this county. That'* what the Merrl- tnack Journal lara.

The city government of Nestbnryport con- template celebrating the coming *th of July.

Newburyport Is to be aesesssd the present year a state tax of 011,960, which Is seventy- five hundred end forty dollar* lets than that of last year.

Ameabury voted " No," on beer on Tnesdsy. Fortr-fl ve person* were baptli«d In the Merrl-

maik at Newburyport and Hancheater, last Sunday, thirty eight at the former, and seven at the latter place.

The Newburyport Herald Is responsible for tbe following .—"On Saturday a man from this city wai In the wood* near tbe grave yard at East Salisbury, when he observed that lbs earth bad been newly removed, and some one apparently Interred there. He came to this city and obtaining the assistance of an ofrtor of tbe law and other*, and calling In one of tbe selectmen of Salisbury returned and dug In the newly made grave. After a few feet of earth bad been thrown out, a box was discovered, and Inside tbe box was an elegant casket. Here was a find Indeed. Tbe party looked for an important discovery on opening tbe caiket, and were rewarded for tbelr trouble by finding a dog lying upon hla back, wltb bit tore pawt curled up, who bad been thus eaiefully burled."

The Lynn Rtporttr begfne to get sentimental a* ibe weather warm* ; It says the spire* of tbe BapUst and Congregational churches, on oppo- *lte|*idea of tbe Common, appear like sentinel* keeping guard over tbe temple or Nature.

Tbe depot facilities at Gloucester are of a character to cause complaint from the papers of Ibst plsce.

Tbe town antborltls* of Gloucester have pnt a veto upon the exhibition of any more cir- cuses there at present, on the ground tbat they disturb tbe school* and Interfere with buslnea*. If there 1* anything that canaes a child delight It It a circui, and—well we were all children once.

The Eastern Railroad Company will erect a One depot at tbe termlnut of the Branch Road In E*sex, aa toon at tbe track it completed, and also propote* building one at Woodbnry'a Clotting, In Fast Hamilton, near tbe Essex end Hamilton Lake.


Qeo. W. Smith, of Haverbill, who was under bond* for his appearance at tbe January term of the Superior court, at Salem, for keeping liquors for sale, and absconded, bat been re- captured through the effort* of hit bondsmen, who wai abont to be sued for the bond. He wet lodged in tbe jail at Lawrence.

Haverbill proposes an Iron bridge like that at Orovslaud, In place of the cresy old struct- ure tbat now unites them to Bradford.

Haverbill .voted against tbe tale of beer on Tuetday-

The body of Mr. Nosh Morrison, who wai drowned in tbe river more than two week* since, has not yet been recovered, although a most diligent search has been continued by bis relatives and tbe city authorities.

TUB Passsunn of advertisements this week, compels us to leave out much valuable matter.

The tabecrlberi having bought the b mints* ol the let* Harmon Abbot, have oouitantly en hand a Tall assortment of Conns, Caikels, Bobee, Plata*, aad everything oonnecled with the basi- net*, era prepared to farnlih them at oaee and in a ssperlor manner. Wa have also eeveral Pre- ferring Caaee, and Will famish lee and preserve bodlea whea deatred. Iloraat and Cairltge* pro- cured If aeeded. Order, left at WOODMAN'S Fnrnltar* Store, neat door north of the P.O. side entrance, or at hit residence, third hius soeth of Town Hall, stain Street. Mr.CU served bis apprenticeship as Cablnal Maker do any work latrutted to him in the best manner.

FitiBLiTT TKMILB or HONOR. NO. B, Lawrence, Mass., has elected and installed the following officer* for th» 6 months ending No- vember lit, 1672:

W. C. T-, Chas. ¥. Belcher; W. V. T., Her- bert Sessioni W. It., LoalsX. Moore; W. R , Horatio O. Robinson; W. P. It., Port Black; W.T., William B. Reed; " cob Vatter; W. D. U., Chat. B- Parson; W.G Chas. F. Braintrd; W. H , Lewis P. Oooliint.

Lemuel Snmner has been divorced by the Supreme Judicial Court at Salem, from Sarah M- Snmner. K. J. Sherman, Btq , appeared for the llbellant; the Ilbelee did not appear, and was defaulted.

AHDIBW T. Foaa, of Man eh eater, If. H„ wUl lecture In Webster Hell, corner Croat and Broad- way, Bnnday, Hay 12th, afternoon and evening. Afternoon service at 2IS,

ATTBNTIOW la called to Bailey A Osfg Me nagcrie and Oircns- See advertisement.

Nawhtntic—Webav* just received a choice aa- lactlon or new mule from Ira 0. Btockbridge, the popular mnile p ubllsher, of Portland. Among the nstrumental pleeea, we aotlte a meal eieellenl aompoeltloa, "Qu'est ceque e'aal," by P. 11. Paynej aUo a beautiful piece endued "Clna Tyroll*nnee,r

by (I. W. If aratoa; two gen* for the piano, "Ade- laide wait*," by a. A. W., and "Vevglee mda Nlent," a polka redowa, by Charlea Urtmtner, "Lilly Dale" 1* preaeoted wltb most charming va rletlooi, Among the voeal selectloa* lea beantlfUl ■awM* piece, entitled, "Bow down Ihlnaear," i potad by Mr. ■toakbrldf*. Any of our nusic deal- era ABB tnpply the publications from the home of Irs 0. lloekbridge.




IHITUUBANCK.—Mary Carleton wai arraigned for crflstlng A disturbance. II waa a family affair

hlch had better not be published. Hit Honor took the view that It thould be leniently dealt with, and to Hra. Carleton bad her case contlnaed until WedaeMay.

VAOBABCV.—William Bulllvaa pltaded gallty 10 this complaint, and accepted wltb considerable grace a lenience ol slity dayt at tbe Rout* of Cor-

LABcnr.—Mary HeCarty pleaded guilty h* stealing a eonple of shawls from a boarding heuse on the Pecloe corporation, and will make her home at Ibe house ef enrrneUon for four month*,

tfOHDAT, Only five druabt before the police court this

morning; one, Winifred Renney, who works for seventy.dva cent* per day, la one of the mill*, ttrange to say, can afford to pnrcbatt Isaacs; the mad* an appeal to bit Honor, and waa let off. diaries Taylor, John Polley and David Cremulna, and another, were fined each la Iks turn of |2 aad

TllBADAV. The criminal butlatae waa quite brisk this morn-

ing. Two Important eases were brought Up, a more detailed aeeeant of which will be found In oar

DBUBK*. — Bllaa Hayes was Seed |1 wlibont costs; Martin O'Nell, «1 and coat*.

BKVTIBO FIBK IB WOODS,—Four boi* named Wm, Barrle, Jamee Health, Alfred Sulla and Alex- ander Buibury, pleaded guilty to setting fire IB tbe woode near tbe trotting park. Alfred Smith and Koxbary not being ol tumdeot age for Ska jurisdic- tion of this court, were bound over to Ibe Probate Court, their father* furnishing tb* reeaUlte ball. The other boy*. Jama* Smith aad Barrle, were eaehlned*)10 and half IheeoeUof proeeeaUon.

LABCBNT or UooDt.—Aldaa Joatlyn, George Oorwala and David O. Harrlman were arraigned under the above complaint. They were aeon bound over to lb* Superior Court In the sum of $2000, the ball being rnmlaned In each oaee,

DBATntlCTion OP Liquona OBDBBBD.— Upon testimony of Col, Heal liquors belongbag to the following, were ordered deatroyad: John Clay, John Carrol, John Donovan, D. T. TMasal*, Tho*. Ellaonree, Mary Dolphin. Dtnnla Corcoran.


The re waa a email altendanct at court this morn- ing, and It I* worthy of remark that there were only two cases of dronkennen, and Ibaaa ware a couple Of very resueclable looking yOBBg BBSS; to re- spectable looking Indeed that we rerrala from pub-

■blng their nauee. LAKGBBV or CLOTn.-BHceatl Buckley waa ar- Jgard on a oharge of iteaHBg a piece of calico

from the (tore of Bdward Mealay oa Baeez alraet. He pleaded not gnllly, snd quite B long examination was bad In the cats. W. B. Kaoi, Xat]., appeared for Buckley,bat Dot wltb* tending the ability of hit counsel, Buekley was found guilty and aenleneed lo eight months at the bone* of correction. Anap. P«al waa lakrn, and the defendant waa held to an- wer In the cum of S900.


Cuba has over fifty thousand Chinamen. A statue Is to be erected to M&ulnl at Boms. Peteribnrg, Va., chnrenss havs spittoons In

the pews'. Madame RodsrsdorfT has been engaged for

the Pesos Jubilee. Tbe famine still continues in Persia though

With lest severity. It Is said thai some stars never tat; they

most be roo—itsra. Nlblo't tbeatre It to ba immediately rebuilt,

at a cost of 9100,000. Qeorgls negroes assert their rights by voting

five or sis times at aa election. It Is taJd tba t tbe moat certain way to drain

B farm Is to bave a ten per cent mortgage upon It.

Gavaul does not meet with the success be anticipated In collecting money for Italian churches.

Dslton, fit , hse s female preacher who goea about attended br a pretty girl of sweet tin- teen, who does tbe praying.

A lady la Gardner, MB., recently poisoned her baby by giving It laudaunm Instead of soothing syrnp, as the Intended.

The sugar season Is over snd It B failure, not one tbird the amount made that there was ■ait year in Northern Vermont.

There Is a ghost in a Psnnsylvsnfa mine thai not only frightens men hot mules. As usual he declloet being Injured by a ballet.

A small Blddeford boy pnt a lighted match Into a nearly empty powder keg to ice what would happen. He wont do so again, as his curiosity Is entirely satisfied, but Iks girl who sat next bits in school tblnkt he looked bet tar with his nose on.

The Chicago Poit calls Horace Oreeley th Bland, Bucolical, Blasphemous Bolter, tbe combined sago and swearer of Cbappaqua-


The proprietor* of Q. V. Bailey k Oo't great quadruple combination of eiblblllona, reepccifully represent to tbe publle, (hat the spaclom accom- modatluns of tho auditorium, both In ibe Menagerie and Circus, which Is lo be here on Thursday nrxt, ■re ample for aaatingall who attend. Everybody and hla txienalve family arc expeeted to be present on tht occasion. Working people, attended by their ladlea and little oaee, shop-keepers, trades- men, artisan a, employee, and operatlvat of every denomination, will throng to the great encamp- ment, The dally toller who seeks an hour's profit- able relnatlon from labor, at well at hit leu fa- vored neighbor whom It baa pleated Providence to afflict wltb rlchea and abundance of leisure, are all most earneatly Invited. We eeter fur all. Wa bave room for all.

E*rr.ciAT. NOTICE.

Tb* patrone of fint-elaa* public amusements will avoid Ihoaa impudent Impositions we read about, and frown opon the frandt who would ex- tort from tbe hard hands of honeat Industry double price to tee only half a show—stale at tbat— and the public are advised lo wait for lb* grand demon- •kratlou wbtoh it to come off H Tburaday next. Maylflih. Don't forget tbat a ticket purebated at Billeyk Co'* combination, for twenly-flva cents entitles each Bolder to ace every thing In both Ve- nageile and Circus.


Being fully equal la evtry respect to tbat of tbe evening, It la resp«ifally aSjnBBIi that nmlllee bsvlne children under tbelr charge, will, In order to avoid the crowd, inevitable at nleht. attend the Matinee, which optoe at 1 o'clock P. it. Tbe Clr- ens peformaneee, both In tb* afternoon and even- ing, will commence aa boor after the opening of the doota In order to afford opportunity for the audl SSBB daring the laterval to iaip"ct (be wild beast collection In the aoologleal taut.


'j^ttarriages*. LIVV-B HALL WOOD .-In Lawrence. HaylBd,

at Ortcc church, by Rev. Otorge Packard, Sir. John Levy, Jr., to Hlaa Laura HmaUwood, both

at Qraeo church, bv Rev, George Packet _ William Wolger to Hlit Kllitbetb Lawton, both of Lawrence.

BrUICIE-BAIIIEcl.-In Heading, April SOIh, by Kev. B. A. Bobie, Dr. John W. Bruce, of Car- lisle, to Hiss Butan T. Ksmal, of Wilmington.

^cafh». UABKKK.-In Methuen, Hay Tib, Stephen Bar.

k*r, Keq„ aged Bl years. . HAlttiY,—in Andover, Weet Pariah, May lib,

Mary Ann, wife of Stephen Hardy. LKITCB.-In Andover, May 7th, Hiss Jane (',

Lclteh, aged 18 yre, II moa, 7 dye. >'OB8.-io MaUinen, Hay 7(h. Mrs. Praacla H.,

wlfeoflJranvllleB. FOBS, aged M yre, t moe.

^u»in«*» Notice*.

We shall open to-merrow. May 10th, a new line of English tapestry carpetlnge, which ws shall offer at greatly reduced price*; tbe styles are new aad very handaome. Byron Truell k Co't, 240 BBd 3A3 Kssex Street.

OBKAT dosfag-oat Bale at M Essex Street, M. 8. Anderson. Black dollar kid* telling for 90 ots. t two bntton kids la colors, 80 at*.

THE BXAUTXOU8 3PKINU. Tbe beauteoBt BprlBg At last baa eome,

And thousands welcome It with Joy; We hear tbe workman'* bu»y hum

As asebgceeforth lo hit employ; Tba great u apriBglng round our way,

Tba bird* are tinging In tbe tree*, And eceae* once more the beanlcon* May,

Welcomed by all o> land and teat. The Butt are oat In handsome "UUIVHBA" Which they have boa eat at OBOBOB F«»tm'*.—

Coal,r«<0$, I'eer 0e( and SAoe* eomplete,- Coracr of Beach aad Washington Street,


Corner or Essex Street and Broadway.

The Bank will be open to receive deposit* on Monday, the 13lh Intt.

Depotllt placed on inlartit (he rtBBT DAI OY BACH MOXTH.

Interest allowed on all aama ot One Dollar and Bpwardt, deposited not lest than one MOUTH

before tbe day oa which Dividend! are declared. Tbe invaUeot earn received on deposit I* flve

cent*. Dlvldeade will be made of ALL VBK raorivs

wbieb may have aeerued within the previous tlx months, after deducting neoeaaary einenaa*.

Interest will not he paid on fraoUoBal part* of a olkr. The Bank will be open every day from fl A. M.

I 1 P. H., except BBtnrday. Oa Thursday aad Saturday Evening*, from 7 to V, for receiving deposits only. JAMES PAYNE,

Lawrenoa, May 0,1871, 4t*ml0 Traaanrav.



Sixth Moss. District, Annual Assessment for 1872.

Notice Is hereby given tbat on

THURSDAY and FBIDAY, The 33d and 2«ih .ays of Bay, 1S73,

f>om • o'clock A. ML to S P. M„ appeals will be reeelved aad determined by the Attestor, at hi* Office, 16 CITT IqpAaa, Cbarleetown, "BeuUve o any erroneous or cxoesslvc valaatleaa, asaeas- neutt, or eu'im eratloos by the Assessor or As- ilitant Assessors, returned la tbe aanaal list" for

tba year ills.

Bald Llsu will coaUla Aaeetemsmv- .'or Ineemee Of 1871, and Special Tax** for 1872; and oa tho aforesal.l daya and lime namid, aald list* will be opened for the inspection of parties who may apply for that pwrpoea, who** name* are entered upon aald Hate.

AH appeals nut be made la writing signed by tbe Appellant, and most " tpeelfy the partlcalar cause, matter, or thing respecting wbleh a decle-

It reqaeeted, and the ground or principle ol error complained of,"

P. J. BTONE, Atscsior. AIIBIBOII'B OrricB,

Charleatown, May ", 1873. StmlU


249 and 255 Essex St.,

MONDAY, MAY 6, the Largeat and Beat Assortment of

Suits and "Wrappers

ever shown In Lawrence, out and made In lb

Lattit BlfU, and ezpreatly adapted to tbe coming season.

srit bsve mtde arrangements wltb tbe

Hacufacturen to furnish ns wltb the -\ eteei. and

But Style* te they appear la New York an

Bottou, and w* Invite ALL to examine Styles and

Price*, oa

MONDAY, MAY 6th, 1878,


Nos. 249 snd 255 Eases Street,


CABD. The uaderdgned .hereby return* thank* to tbe

LiwreneePIre Department for Ihelr promptness and exertions In extinguishing tbe Are In bis building on Broadway. Had be not been pre- vented by eleknett, he would have sooner ae- kuowledged bis obligations to our faithful Bremen. UUUU BArVKUTY.

Lawrence, May S, 1173. 1 III*

WATCH FOUND, which tna owner ean have by proving property and paying tor this adverl!*ement. Apply at

ft* II Amesbury Street, L*wrence.

French and German CORaXTB at tbe IOWSST PRICKS.

SMITH'S, 143 EIHI Street.


Menagerie, Circus, Gymnasium & Grand Caravan I

Lawrenee, Thursday, May 16, Afternoon A Evening.

Th. ratlr. BahlblUon gt.ra In TWO COLOS- SAL TRNTS. thrown op., loth. Tublk, .tthc irin., ebuf. of tdrol.ilon of


ONI TICKET ONLY REQUIRED by each Individual to visit tbe Orcataet Menagerie o? Wild Beasts, and see the moat splendid CIH- CUS TEOUPK ever organised.

sA^.l V wm^ OUR PETS.

LIVING HMINOCEROS ever brought te thlt country; the largest Afri- can LlOn 1" the world; abeaaUfal Lion- et., with her Utter of ITosir H.yal Whelps , a eoloaaal Pejrf ormi ng Elephant of *ape- rlortagaelty, a herd of Egyptian Camels and Dromedaries), attended by their native keepera, besides a display of in <'u|gea ol I.lvlnur Wild Ilnnstltt, Ilaro Itlrdss, *.o.. oolleeted from every reaton ol tb* earth.


Italian Circus Troupe 1 recently organised by 8IONOB BEBA8TIAN, of tba Korean Corao, hat become the model eqaee- trlea Instltatlon of th* age, having among Its troun* most of tb* leading riders surf gymnast* In tba proiei aton. la tba programme will be found

Tna " DewasTio " baaaielf-adjuttlng take- up, which requires ro change for dlftrent tblcknesiss.

lit* surest and most dlreol mode or rtmevlng or oouateraotlng kidney, bladder and gleadnler dis- eases, mental aad phyaleal debility,dlab*te*, gravel, female weekueea and uterine eomplalnts, la to oo- caaloaatly partake of tw.ilauder'c Hnchu. Thlt vegetable medicine mag be relied upon a* being a tonic, diuretic solvent and alterative, and tba b**l pre par ai Ion of Buehu,

EXTBAOT VBOll TUB SfBCTATOll, Maroh, 1SI0: " A company which eajoyt to much distinction In Ibe list or our foremost few beat oompaBlee a* tb* Union Mutual, need* totrceiy any eotnmcndellon oibtr tban that wbleh la eonatantly In tba continued record of lit usefulness, But lie laet annual report attract* attention lo a few Is*portsn l points which cannot be too diligently set before the publle mind In the** day* of a foverUh competition which 1* etratalag the resource* of *o many eompanl*i,

We And for Inatanee tbat the Ualoa Nulaal re- eelved last year Si,707,831, while lie expenee* for management were only »2'JS,600. It. laUreat r*> etlpti 'teeeded lu death loaaee by Forty Thousand Dollars, and tbe amonat dl*trlbut*d lo policy hold- er* aa dlvldanda waa about double what It paid for

Lawronco National BaDk, BRECHIN BLOCK,

< oraw r Esaex ■!. «% Breadnny.

Thlt Bank will be open (br the tranaactlon of general butlats* oa MONDAY, May 1.1th.

Bank boar*, from 9 A. M. to It M,, and from 1 to I P. U.

IHtcoaut Day, Monday.

A.J.PBKNCrJ, President. F. Q. PILLSBUBT, CBthltr. 1 w| In 10


WEDNESDAY. KAY 15th. Do not eonfoBBd thlt ettabliahsaeat with any

•tde show whote only merit 1* that they exhibit uader a large teat.


mm & MURRAY CIRCUS. Under Ike sole direction of JOHN MURRAY ,

Manager and Proprietor,

Conscious of hi* maay obligations to tbe public the Manager invites the attention of til admirers of a aovel and original areale exhibition to the following Bright Oalaxy of Europe and Ameri- ca's nnnrpaaeed gqaeatrlan*, Qymaaate, Acro- bats, clowns, Blooded Horace and Bare Ponies, combining an entertainment ooBtpICBOBI for the


Tbe following are a fow of the leading attrae- UOBI for the season of 1872. more than tustalnlng the repntatloB of tbe OKBAT STOBB 4 HUKIAT Ciaous.

A Trio of Fair Equestriennes I >'lrst appearance here of the dashlag Eagllah

premier, the STAB Or VHB A*KM A.

Peerleea Llaale Kepen.

■Mle Hoslaa,

Mndamr Elizabeth,


Charlea F. Beet,

wlthoat doubt tbe beat Six If orse Hlder, Plroa- ettel*t and bomeraanlHet In the profession, for the first time appearing In tbl* oonatellatlon.

Harry Welby Coolte,

jail to or eale great tatlsfactloa among bis BBmeron* admirers.

Every bey and girl will be delighted la wlt- ncetlng the remarkable precocity of the greet**! of Child Elder., *

Little Geerfte Onerew.


contribute to the hilarity by their flathe* of wit, rleh humor, end biting sarcasm; gentlemen, every on. of them; they uiler nothteg Indeoor- one, la fact there la not In the Whole eaUrtaln- mant a alagla word or action not In keeping with good ta.le and decorum.

The manager ha* great pirate,re In Introducing to tbe eltfieai ot loe Hutted States the famont London Clown and Court Jeter.

David A. Seal.

a " EeUow of Infinite Jest " dUUngBlsbed lor hi* impromptu hit* at the folflri and foible, of hu- manity, The ever welcome *ongiter and>appy humjrl.t. • tongiter and^happj

rona Harrr* Toi 1* again with a*, with that exeraolailagly cesni- eal animal aad gymaattlc phenomenon, tue great Klephant Bolivar.

Alto George Adams,

The grotesque and eccentric Clown, worlby ot hla aaaoelatet, bat entirely different la title and school. The gymnasia ha* been aegmeatrd by tbe engagement of tbe

Le Claire Brothera, ipraranee, la BttOBltUlag fraU

Hogle and Franklin, aru two more new faces to be commended, ap- pear log lu remarkable exhibition, of skill and strength. The following scarcely need to be complimented from th* laet tbat they are already well known to the patrons of tbe Qreat Htona Si Murray Circat, by their teeny years' connec- tion therewith:

WILLIAM DUCBOW, upon the Cord* Volante,

BIONOB COLUMBUS, the India Basher Man,

EUGENE LEECH, Tumbler and VOBltlger*.

**Uollebm*nt, In every detail a Perfect (

John II. Murray


rjuanv Dvatrrr, Para AND HALLIB.

B culminating with

Tlie> Hoar and tliu fejontlnol.


the first of the Sevan Champion* ef Horseman' ship, snd hi* iBthntll* Prodigy, In their Thrill, lag Baribaek Pants.

MAETBB BOMBO, an accomplished rider and gymnast ef the Si has

tian School.

lit II,IK WATSON, tht bright [larlleular Star or th* Western r Irma


Scene and SeniaUou Eldsrs.

FBANK KOBINSON, Contortloolet.

CL1FFOBD AND HILBANMS Lead ili" oorpi of Tnmblers and Leapt r*.

OLowaa: av.a. ti. i'l. AHKat and BO. DB ll \ VBN.

Tbe famoo* Performing Horse GENERAL CRANTI

will be Introduced by hie trainer, P. J. IK)VV KS.

THI GRANDPROCESSION! in town, on tb. forenoon of Ibe day of eahlblllan will be one or the most Sapetb Pageants ever

«TThe publle will afaaaj near In mind that 35 Contsli the only oharge made to vltlt every part of both s-ows and that I here are no ret.rvea ■cat*,-gr*t eome, tret served.

Door* open at 1 and 7 P. M. Performance, commence na hoar afterward,giving tha audience

w,gggij%gomS^»gg the oonuaeneement of the Blag Perfotataaeet.

The GRAND ENTBLK w take plat . t pi day of eihlbltlen at 10 o'clock A. M.,hi___ PnOP. O. P. PBBBT'B CllMMtT gILYBB BABIl, thirteen la uumber, Iu tba showy uniform* ot Royal Fraeetaa Hnaaar*. borne fa the (iolden Chariot. "Car of the Conqueror," drawn hy Twenty Arabian Bore**, guided hy MOBS. .1. II. PAUL, followed by a team ol


javenllea, they will be exhibited, free of charge IB a tent adjoining the Mammoth Pavilion.

The Great Teal will be Illuminate* by* Kldd'a Patent Barnert, the mori brilliant iigii everglvea uader oanvati.

Tire farfarswanres' Iflrnieon At Night,

Door* open at I and Tr.n,

Adul**lDB,HeanU. Children under 10year* ol age, ht cents.

of canvas, cu* under DMU the e

Cirenaea, Muse,.**, and Him

aa exhibition i, c0....t'ldelegaat Clr- pavilion. Of He, It ha*

Bpun upon tba pnl eBmtindU.nagetiee, ™„,

being Btltber one or the oihrr, fall to aetlely the gr.-.t .apectatlOB* arouttd by lodleetlmfaate

■'" at ELLIB a

' the local pa- complete slate.

pr omitet anfullUed.



COLUMN, If yon do, you will be tempted lo go to tbe


Dry and Fancy Good* ...r Import,J Into Lswr.M., lllUbl. for Sprlo, M. Ivnwr w..r. at

TAYLOE A BOLTON'S. Snceeeeort to


230 ESSEX STREET, Second door from Post Office.

»EW coons, 4|,ect iroip the New York and Motion Importer*.

We have now open for Inspection everything New, Stylish and Desirable for a Popular Trade, while our THICKS, aa heretofore, will be a* LOW a* any Boston honae.

Oar trade being very extensfo*, we are that enabled to show always a JrYet* Mtoek aa they are imported, aad direct from tbe M an u fact ore r*.

Everything marked ID plain figures, and One Price for alt.

We woald alto take thla opportunity of thank- lag our friend* Bad cuttomen for their liberal patronage la th* past; aad by a thorough knowledge of our business, aad itrlot attention to the wanlt of the trading public, to merit still a large .hare of their patronage la the fatare.

The following It a list of part or onr extensive •took:—

SILK DEPABTMENT. yards Black aad Colored Bllka-t


M loch Ore Grain French, gi.M ft Hlneh » s. lMh lM

Colored Paney Bilks, gl.SU, gl.7l ft Hew Bilk Terr j. for Trtssmlngs.

ImlUUoa Jtpanete Bilks, M* Utat Japanese Silks, 67, at, 74c ft glJX

DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Dolley Varden Strlpei and Delslaee,

lToasaatoSOe Seaside Sellings, u 1-Jc Blaek Alpacas, tee to gi.oo

Tbe OLD PBICE8. Preach and Irish Poplins, (I, ft best.

Direct from tbe Mauulsclurer*,

700 Sunshades, 25 ots. A Ortat Bargain.

Sunshades In all the New Designs.

SHAWLS In Paisley, French Bad American. French and Paisley Shawl* from |M.0d to BMO 00 Woolen Shawls from to lo.OO

Print*, good nnd Paat Color*, loe Hood ainghass*, 12 l-te Engllth Print* cheap.

Two Batten Eld Gloves, tl.ixi Alexli, Bltmartk and Ealaer Kid Uleves,

TSetOgLOO TrefoBHeBldt, a* jm

FRENCH aad UBBHAN CURSKTS, 7flc.Sl.00, gl.SU, gjuo.

A full line of Hosiery, all prices.

Botpt, Perfume., Brntbee,Combt, Fringes, Neck Tie*, Lice, and Trimming* of every

deaerfptlon. Cheap, at the POPULAR STOBE,

No. 230 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE, Second Door from Post Offlce.

TAYLOR & BOLTON, Proprietor!,





No. 305 Essex St., Lawrence, (TOE SAME OLD PLACE,)

desires to call attention to hi* assortment el Millinery and Paaey Good*, all of the lutttt Btfta and at rates* TO SUIT THX TIMKB.

Perfect Sathfaetton It Guaranteed, an formerly.

MOURNING COODS eonitaatly on hand and made to order, 3m mylo



Director's Ottce, 27 Court street. Boston.


Aaaeis over • - - (6,000,000,00

Att the Profit* paid to Potttf Holder*.

Tba low rates aad large dividend, of Ibl.old Company,together wltb excalieat management, fair dealing and promptnrsi In tb* ndjnsuncnt ol losses, maket It tbe beet Company In Mew Englaod to lutur* In, etpctlally for Endewmtnl Poliolrt,

S. X. LAWRENCE, Agent for Lawrenee, Haverbill, Andover, aad

stylo Metbnen. Offloe, 37.1 Essex Street, Lawrence.


OPflOB cu COM I'l KOLLBB OP THI Cl'BBam ., Washington, April IB, 1 -. ±.

Wbrrcas, hy tatltfaciory evidence preaented to the aadertlgnad, It hst been made to appear that the LAWRENCE NATIONAL BANK, la tba city of Lawrence, In the county of Essex, and elate of Meaaaskntett*, baa been orgaalxed ander and according to the requirements ef the Act ol Congreaa, entitled "An AM to provide a National Currency, (roared by a pledge of United States bonds, and to provide for th* eirealttlou and re- demption thereof," approved Jane I, ImM, and ha* compiled wltb all the provision* or said Act required to be compiled with before commencing the bndneat of Banking under eald Act;

Bow, therefore, I, .Unix JAY EMOX, noting Comptroller of the Cnrreney, do hereby certify tbat tbe Lawrenee National Bank.lntkaelty el Lawrence, In tbe county of Beeex.end state ol MaataobBMtt*, le aaihorlacd to commence the business of banking under the act aforesaid.

la testimony wocreor, witness ay hand and •eal or efloa, (bl* 18th day or April, IS73,

[L.g.| JOHN JAY EMOX. TlttlOd m? Acting Comptroller or Currency.

Commonwealth of Haaaaohuaatta. Easax,**,

To th.belrt-al-law.aud others interested In tbe eitatoorCHABLBB WKBNTKB, late or Law- rence, tBtald county, milkman, dercaetd, In- testate, greet la a:

Whereat, Abby B. Webster, the administratrix of lli* ettate of *ald deoeeted hat preaented tor al:owanot tbe account of her administration upon toe .slate of tald dicrated, and alto her petit loa for allowance for herself aad miner children un der htr rare,

Ton are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to he holdto at Lawrence, in aald scanty of Eaten, on the hecoad Tueeday of Jane next, tt nine o'clock lu th.toreaoon, to tbowean.c.iraay yon have, why tbe same should not be allowed.

And th* tald admlnlttratrlx It ordered to eervs tblr oltatlun by publishing tbe lame oaee a week, lo the Lawrence American and Anduvrr Adver- tl**r, a newapaper prlatrd at Lawreuoe, three weeks tueoesilvely, the U*t publication to be two day* at lout before tsld Tuetdty.

Wllaeti, UeorgeP.Choatc,K*qnIre, Judgt ol said Court, tbl* seventh, day uf May, In the year eighteen hundred and seventy.two.

mylt A. C, IHKII >KI. I„ Hegl.lrr.

Oomm on wealth of Maasacbuteita.

EISKX, BS. PBUliATE COURT. To ibebeiitat-law.aextof kta.and all other per.

tSKtaaraS^CiP tb' «*ttleof LtJUIDA K. WILDE, late of Lawreac, In tald connty, widow, deeeassd, greeting:

Whereas,a eerblB lnttrumenl,pnrpori1ng to be the laat will and testament of ttld deceased has been presented to .Bid Court, for probate, by Na. thanlrl Ambrose, who prays that letters testa. ■eatery nay be limed to him, the rsecutor there In named. You trehertby cited to appear at a Probste Court,

to be held at Lawrenee, In aald county of, OB the heroud Taetday of June nest, at Blue o'clock, before noon, to ebow eauae, If any you bave, again*! the ttnte,

And stld petitioner It hereby directed to give pnblit uollee thereof, by publishing ihlt citation oner a wsek, lor three saeecsslvs weeks, in the new*p*t"Tcalled the Lawrence American and An- dover Adverllier,printed at LawreBce, the last pnblleatlon to be two dayt at least before tald

Wlta***, George P. Cheats, Eatjalre, Jadgc ol tald Conrl, Ihlt seventh day of Hay. la the tear one thousand eight homlred and seventy-two

mylO A..C.QUODELL, Begltter,

BUFF l'AHAS()I,H-„.lT u Hi.

.iUITirs, 143 Essex Street.

New Spring Goods AT


Dry Goods Store.

W. offer tb, (ollowl., Good,, j..| rtfliti



PltH KS h-





Kin QI.0VK8,


HAUBtino KDomos,


E. H. DREW & CO.


Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

Kent to Clarke's Apothecary Store.


Clothing and Furnishing Goods Lawer than the Lowest,



FOB WINTER. Overcoat*, This*. Pants, Teats, Dree* Coats,

Hat., Cap*, Qloves, Mittens, Boy*' Clothing, Be. FOB 8UMMEB.

Thla Clothing, Btraw Hat*, Be. FOB ALL BE A BON 8.

Purulthlng (Joorti, Trunk*. Valltrt, Carpet Bage, Umbrella*, Ac.

WEIL le always Bound, and will deal with yea OB tb* Square.

an araa A no OALL HE UK F 1 H S T

aaroaa ruaoBAaiHa, r"or pArtlenlen, tee itnall bllla.


We have Jait taken the Agrnoy for tbe

Original Howe Sewing Machine, the licit, Most Complete, aad Desirable Machine In ae*. De net pBrehBMBBtll you haveeaamlBad theJ70erA-.

183 Essex street, Lawrenee.

EI^O>~PF*O'BAOB *1 00, gl.SS, #| so, 11.76, $2 ll-Very Cheap.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.









ef ALLklBdai else, Plnuret, Cvrd aad Tattets, and 1'letur* Cord.

I have reeelved, already, thl* Sprlag, from

Eight to Ten Thousand

Rolls of Entirely New

Rootu Paper*,

and shall L< rtceivlng


starkly aim It to eeUlbeBEBT Oeod* naann

fantared, aad at tb* LOWEST poealble priori.

I don't proposti to ou UNDERSOLD.


No. 243 Kssex Street,




Opiroaite Washington Mills.

Imitation Hair Goods. ChlgaoB*. Carle, Braid*, Hwltehe* and Batt,-

tbe largeat stock IB the city,

SMITH S, 143 Essex street.

Having had ow twenty years practical

experience in the manufacture of 8oap»,

we offer our "BeacKt Washing Soap" to

the public with great confidence. In tht

manufacture of this brand of Soap it has

been our great aim to produce an article

superior to any m the market. We are

having a great demand for it, which in

good proof of its superior qualities


thlt old etlanUehment, *o leag SBOWB tutb* public, claim* to have no Banal la thl* country In

their partlcBlar department.

aer-Ladles' Dresses,, Cloak*, Shawls, Mantlet,

8tarft, Uountte, real hers, A*.; Deotlimtn't

Coal*, Overvualt, I'liittloont and Ve.t. Dyed or

Cleanaed, ead flnlthed IB Srst class style.

Sllka and wn* Dreste* Watered eqael to any

Imported. Paratol* and Bun Shade, uyed or

Oleansed on the frame. Htraw Bo ant Is and II ate

Dyed and Pressed. Eld dloree, Boots and

Blippert Cleanted or Dyed. Pleee Uoodt of all klude, Blbbons, etc., Dy.d aad put ap Ilka aew,

BABEETT k BR(>., Proprietor*.


Smlmbit. Lawrtacc, Mast.

Extra Bargains! IB


Weiavlte PAETICCLAB ATTKETIOB tooni •lock of


SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Ja.t reeelved a Freeh Let ef


Woolea Shawls in New Blylea,

Kid Gloves,


Corse to,

Malta Laces,




8. F. SNEIL,

318 Essex Street, Lawrence

Estate Joseph El. Bsaeraaa. K*tle»l* hereby glvea that the >ab.erlber.haVU

been duly appointed ezecatort or the will of Joseph H. EmereoB,

late of Methaen, la the eonuty ef Iner, ysomaa, deceaaed. teetale, ?Bd have taken upon themeelvee that treat by giving bond*, at the law direct*.

— having denuBdt upon tbe etlale ol

upon to make payment to MART E.BHEBSOH.

„ „ JOSKPH B. EHBEEOH, Methnen, April go, 1171, apSfl* Eaeeutars.

<3eat'a Linen Haadkerehleat, 1 Bmasted, ready for ■■*, 17, tS,SS,l7,t0aad

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

CSrror a Superior Class of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS;

For COBRETB, ALTOS, BASSES, and all used In

BANDS. Por VIOLINS, V10LOBCELL08, and all used IB



For BTBIROS far Vlollnt and OalUrt, and all

JOHET O. H AYM/ES A OO., 33 Court Bl,, (opposite Court House,) Boston.

Visit SMITH'S, 148 Essex street,

Black Brllllaatlaes aad Blaek Alpaca*

Paper HangingB. We are receiving a Large and Klegant Stock

of Bew and Bleb Btylct of (lilts, nstlns, and Blanks. We propose keeping a stock full, r</ual IN II« to any in ttsirx Coaaty. We .till have on hand a few Ollt Papers belonging lo tb* store when we purehaecdlt.embraclsg very dr.lrsblr pattern., which we will tell tt Cost, aad LBSB than Co»t, 10 clote them oat.

WUITFOBD B BICE. Sen Burn Btrc«t, Lawrence.

Plna 3 cents paper, Conet Ueingi 1 ceat, Boot Lacings (1 1-1 yards long) ID cents a

doaen, Beet Machine Cotton S cent*, Best Ulaicd Cotton X eenl*.

SMITH'S, 143 Etsex street.

Window Shades. A large Mock or Mew and Desirable Patterns. Sbadee made to order. Shadr* hu ng. The Salem Shade Boiler. Every oiti'imrrssrn'.

OnlySOeouU. Hu Cord or Tassel* required. WUITFOBD fc EICE.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street, AID BBB T11K



M 4 Mi no AD WAY, Near Boston A Maine and Eaatern Depot,


WHITE P K'8-Mew Pattern* opaalBg at

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

Hoop Skirts, 37, 45, 0*, SS oentt, nnd up. SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

GREAT BARGAIN In Ladlea' Cotton Hoao-tO dot. st IH1 and is rent* per pair.

SMITH'S. UI Essex street.

City ol Lswrtnoe,


AsuBssoBS' Omen, Hay 1, i**'.'. Jtaem So. t, Vily, MImll.

To tbe Inhabitants of the City of Lawrence, and other Per tons liable to Tanation therein :—

The Atttsaors of th* rllj- of Lawreuoe hersby give notlee to tbe Inhabitant* of aald *lty, *nd all other panic* liable to pay Tane* therein, that their Ouiee will be open on and after tbe first day- s>f June, until and IneladlBg the Kir. teewth slay ef JSBS, ISTS. Offlre hours-II to IS A, tt., 2 to S P. at.; and Tweedav and ThumUy Kvrnlnga, from 7 to 9 o'clock, during the ebove mentlonrd time, then nnd thrre to receive the value tloa of estates; and all par- ti** llabls to be taxed In ttld Lawrenee, are hereby rtgulred to return to tald oAoe a true and ported list of all tbe polls, and schedules of the real end personal ettetet for which thry are liable to pay tana*.

The following enumeration ms j serve at a guide to the Inhabitant* In tnaklrg up Ihelr stalemial* :

full* —All male* nf SO yean old and upward*. Heal EtUU.—Land and buildings. Stoci lu 7Vntt*,—Goods, wares and merchan-

dise — a value equal lo tbe amount of money neer**ary to earry on bualneii.

Alt Sfonrf at Inltrtit,— (nol deposited in rav- ing* banka In Mass., or invested In United Btatrl securities.)

fncomt from profession or oecupatioB, eaeeed. ing one thousaad dollar* iu amount.

Bank, Manlifuctuttnt/, Railroad rind fuhlic Stock*, nol f tempt by law Irom t*nation.

Ilorie*, Carriage! mint Neat Catttt. IlotHfhold Furniture exceeding one thou*and

dollart In valae. Blank Schedule*, tor return* or personal prop-

erty,can be obtained of the Asartsor* at Ihelr Office, I'lty Hall.

Paitlrt holding hfortgagrt il on Real Ettate Becorde, will plente report all payment* or partial paymaate on account of tame, to pre- vent taiatlon for the wbole.

Atr-AI) 1'ir.oni wbo do nol comply with 1 In- laws, will he rxHiMBD,


Atteiaori nl tbe City o( Lawrenee. ACT ur l*t7—HKV, S.—NO abatement shall be

made of the laseaai attested opon an Inhabitant nf the Iowa where the aaseitmeot Is made, until h* shall have Sled with tbe Assettor* a lilt tab. tarltied by him of hla e*t*te llablilo taxation,and made oath tbat It 1* a fall and aecBrat* llat nl the (ante, according (0 blabctt knowledge and belief,

When *neh list shall not be tiled within tbe time specified by the Auction for the bringing In of tneh Hit by the InhablUBlt of tb* towa, no appeal front the Judgment or the Assessors con- cern l»g nek abatement shall bs tuilalned by the Couaty Oonamltslouert, unleet they tball be tat- taged that there wee good eauss why saeh list

'at not tonaoaably brought In. laat i*ai

Great Concentration of Basinets UNDER ONE HEAD.

A. W. BTEAEMS ft CO. having, for th* accom- atodatlon and prost of tbelr pat rout, 00m pteted their enteatlve arrangement* to dltplny the lArg**t number of Deperttneflta, each represent- lag a dlsiinet branch of trade and basiaos, and all filled to oversowing with tbe Moat Rare »ad Lataat Deslgna of this seawn-. Feah- lont. It will readily be •< en, that to many tranche 1 of irafflc well managed by one Irm with ample meant and exparlemee without a rival, that we cot* aford to sett aoodt at a Hue). Smaller Per Ctnlmge, m tap nothing of oar advantages In teleetlng and baying. It hue been made apparent to the writer that wa are aclHag an Mad* ol Good* CUBAP, maah cheaper than th* tame style aad quality hat been or 1* being eold In Botton by Bciual let! ef eomaarleen a* tbnwn In a Urge naaaber of Inetanen that ladlee have paid from | to so cents per yard more tban we were asking for precisely the same atyle and quality at tame time, ot three to ten dollars more on a Shawl. Thl* it worth looking into by a trading and econowleal people. Of courte pur- suing good* comet down In about the following vl* :-GrulleatBBly nnd latelHgent treatment, the beet aasnarMtnred article of the lateet and mott becoming etyU, Inett blending of eolort, etc, at tbe lemtit PouiUt /Vie*.

A. W. 3TBARN8 & CO. are opening Weir aad Perp Elegant m*tt* 0

■ Pring Ehawl* at Very Lew Pricet.-dlrecl from Paris aad Mew York market *.

SW-Ladlei who have Blaek or Fancy Sltka to rurchate, tboald JaTPBOVE the «ors opportu- nlty being offered them by A.W.STKAHSrl 4 Co.

•erUdic. wbo have a MEW DBESB or Bull to jrurcatLte, ean' Snd the Largttt; Prttttett, Afoar StgHih, at well aa Cheapest lint of Baadaome DreSB Cooda *ver dUpUyed for their Inspee- tton, varying In prloe from 15 rente to I dollart per yard. A. W. 8TEABMB A CO.

A, W. BTEABMS * CO. are opening, from Stir Tort direct, complete lint* Of White Goods, Hosiery, New Kids aad other move*. Fringes, (Jimp., Baal aad Imitation Leoea, Collar., How., Veils, IklrtS In Hew Deeigne, etc. A. W. STBAEKS A oo,

BABOA1NS In Now Carpeta from Hew York AaetlOBi, thlt week.

A. w. STEABBS a 00.

Try Stearns ft Go's Thilor tor BprlBg Clothe* a*, moderate price. Qood Cloth*, stjllsh and well made.

Yon ean have Bay*' Clothe* made, too. A. W. STEABN8 fc CO.


To THE POINT.—Four years ago I commenced business, adopting the one price system. "Knowing ones" shook their heads. "Ah, he can never make it pay ; ** and they hare waited for my "going up," that they might have tho satisfaction of saying " 1 told you so." Let them wait. Thanks to a discerning public, I am on my feet, and better prepared to do business than ever. I have no occasion for "closing out" or ' clear- ing till'" sales, as I icll at low prices all the year round; absolutely, pos- itively, and unmistakably, one price.

Ladies, send your children or hus- bands if you cannot come yourselves; we serve them all alike, the little four year old, who can barely lisp " Mother wants a Spool of Cotton," or the great greeu fellow of a hus- band who don't know the diiTr.rencs between a "pearl" or a *'pot" but- ton, buy just as cheap as the moat inveterate shopper. Remnants « specialty. Call and see me. T. LETI.AND, 381 Essex St., Lawrence. Dry and Fancy- Goods.

Business Notice. I bave lahen a Store at

No. 8 Appleton street, - • Lawrence, neat to City Hall, for tbe purpose or mtnufactur. Ing HAHNKBSBM of uvcry kind,both tllngl* and bauble, and shall nic tbe belt nf stock and pnt In the best of work; will try to please all wbo will give me a call.

Shall keep a large Be sort men I or

Trunks, Uaxs, Valises, Shawl stuns and Trunk Strap*.

Ifarne**** Bepalredaad oiled.

0. 0. HTBBIUN, Agext. Lawrence, April 12, IS7«,


KID GLOVES H cent* per pair. Every In Black and Culora

pair warranted.

SUIIHS, 143 Essex street.

VEAW *jfc CO. ■* IN

M^errimackTtiver Ice. Offlee with A. V. HI; 1 ■ in: h,

No. L'tiil Essex street, Lawrence.

I.eav* your orders,and keep Cool. 3m";*i. ;

Millinery & Bleachoty NOTICK.

M B S. GILMOBI! II.. t.kfnil.. ,-ur. .

No. 319 Kssex Streit, La»«nce,-

form.Tl, Iiy Ml.. I.. II. BAftlf.lD,UMl oprn.d a frc.b Hock ol


embracing nil the LATKHT 8TYLKS. Tin patroBBge u Hi.' [.iiljlk li rrspreirully sollcllcd.

Hits K ATr, PEBBCOTT IS with us, anil will I.. happy to tee all Her old Irlcodt andpalrcut; also htr*. PICKKltlNO, who rrlllhaveehargiior lite Blcaehery Drpartment, ae li. n■lofotc. ■ la.ili

No. 819 Eitsux street, Lawrence.

WANTED.-BOOK AOKNTH fur a Hew Work by JOIIB H. C. ABBOTT, tulted to every family aad all elaaaet. The r'Atrae—the prior-~ and Hy!', renaert It (fie first book for r*urat**r* ever published, Tile ilcM Is clear, with Do com- petition. Addrett it oner, tt. It. ItUSSEI.I., Pablltber, Botton, llat*. •wl'alMsJ.trb

Von ean alvran n» 1 a uood Hue of


{Pile** Ibe ifJ|T*;.v7'_) a|

SMITH'S, HI! Essex Sireet.

Slippery Elm Candy AMD


No Proprietary HedlelBe enccl. tin it [«r

Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchial

Affections, Irritation ami Inflammation

of'the Mucous Mcml-ranr*, dr.

They can be taken In any quantity us t ■ I..... 1 Injury.

Hlippcry Kim ( Utmut Fturttj is too well kuo« u as adomcsUo remedy to require comment; yri it* applloailen It far more varltd and catenslve limn 1* generally tappoaed, while Its e»eacy is ur doubted. Thlt new way ot admlnlstsrlng It will be found the best, most convrnlrnt snd ile'iraLlr.

WKKKK a in I I Kit, Agenl* for How Bagmad V IHrnmhW ron SALB 11 v

II E N 1! V J. RE N HAM, rilAlt.MACKllTUT,

69 EsHex, corner of IVml/ertoi) sheet, LAWREMOE.

PLOBAB. aw] a* Choice selection, of rare an<I tii'tulllul ■rfaffllowering I'lant* can Le "Haloed at th. ■ttS'»'<''■' A.W.Sl' l.ns* . rXSwmee rilreel,1.*It way lo Ui-iliucu villa,-. ,

tneh aa DeraBiurai, l'rterguulumt. Torrent,*, Heaths, Vlueles, Ailttuni*, Acliaraathns, t'olru*. Varlegsiid Ivjs, Fuchsias, Mcli.iroprt, Mfitim bria.lhrtnumt, RoBTirttl.t, (larnaiiunt.Ualiidi aa, I'antlr*. Daldrt, Petunias, Artiutleont, elo —

, very Sne Tomato, Ktrawberry, Cabbage tun toe riant* at very reasonable prices. epSfl T.D.BAI.I.KY,

Hardener aad Etorlii,

Jp.rial Setters.







BANKERS, No. 1 Devonshire, cor. State St., Boston.

uoeountt, tubjec Bank.

Out-of-town depositor* Will have their remlt- lancet and oollectlqm promptly acknowledged. ■rWt do a General Banking and CominUMon

Buiint.*, MUtMl Bondi, Mock*. Notei, and other Brcorltlee, make eollectlon* throughout United ttlatet u>d Kurope, Ai

Dealers ia Becnrlliea.

we Invite Inqalrlea relating to iBTeatmenti, and glvi below the prleet of t few of the moil detir- able Boad*:- Burllngton, Cedar Replda*Mlnnetota7i m Indlanipoll*. Bloomlogton fe Center*. 7a » Logamport, Crnwiordivllle and 8 W. Si, » Chesapeake * Ohio «a, *} Connecticut Valley 7a, » New York and Otwego Ti, »

0. 8. Bonda and other marketable Socurlllee allowed full price in exchange. ■ t»lM»W








OVER 050,000 SOLD,

$5.00 down, and $5.00 a month until

paid for, will buy ■ Wheeler &

Wilson Machine.


S K W I N (i



Kach leaton In lta torn appear*, To help make up our fleeting year*; And mala on earth we may *oJoura,

rre'* alwaye munrihlna new to learn, day mould pat* but we can »ay— •ve aomeliilutf uaelul learned to-day ;

And better atlll, hare *otnellilng done '" '■ hour« more autoothlj run.

■ Id learn, when Itieyneed ''Clothea,1

, Viat, Hat and Shoe* complete, The tilaco to buy I i rn


SKIN DISEASES. PERRY'S lMt*ROVr.DCOVlk.I>ONF.*PIMPLli RI-.Mi.DY. The akin Medicine of the Afe. It wnrrnut'd to enre flfh Worms, Pimples, Xrup- l.uni and Blolchtd dlaB'uratluca of the laoe. Hold by all Druggists. Depoi 0 Bond Hi., Hew York.

For Moth Falches, Freckles, an.! TAN. ate I'KKKY'd MOTH and FRECKLe. LOTION. The well known reliable and harmleM remedy for Brown Dl "coloration- of the face.- I'repared only by Dr. B.C. I'erry, Dertnatologtal, til Bond itreet. Hew York. Sold by Prugglstt rrrrvwhrrt, flui'iiilr.'-'euil I mil It lb


$5 down, and $5 per month, until paid for.

W-Tlila Machine Hetnt, Frlli.lBlade,Cordi, Braid*, Uelbera and hew. On, erlnget. Tueka, Unlit*, nnd everything which can be done *ac- ce*.fully on any Bewln^ ktaeblne.

The Only Place to Buy theae Macalaca

HAGER'S AGENCY, No. 199 Essex Street,


184 80 CARPETIN68





All Profits of the Company Divided to IU Policy Holder-.


Mutual Fire Insurance Co., LA WRENCK, MASS.,

No. S89 Essex Street.

A. J. IBENCH, President. A. W, BTKARHS, J. A.TRBAT, Vleo Presidents.

J. K. NORWOOD, Bee> and TIMS.

DIRKCTOBS; Alfred J. French, Oeorf a K. Davit, A. W.Htearnt, .!■■■ '"■ i. A. Treat, 8. W. Wilder, Patrick Murphy, William R.Spaldln,,, II. riumner, II. D. Clement, Patrick Sweeney, Frederick Butler,

Daniel Baandera, Jr., Morrli Knowlrt, William A. Kuiiell, 1). frank Roblniou, Wllllim SI. Hall, Moies Perklni, J. II, Kalrfleld, .la mm II. Katun, J .A.WUoy.N. Andover, Ueo. Fottcr. Andover, C. at. Gota, ktcttinen,



Wo claims ours BEST Tor the following

reasons, which we Bland ready to PROVE

to all who will give ul a call :—

First—They are not so complicated

that thoy ivjiiiiv a mechanic to keep

them in order, ns they have ■'" leas parts

than the simplest machine in the in:

ltd, therefore -0 loin times liable to get

ont of order.

Second—They are the stillest running,

having the silent feed.

Third—They have tho larycat sales of

any Family Machines in the world.

Fourth—They are the hiyhtut sjicaletl.

Parties advertising other machines a» higher speoded, make a fahe xttittmtnt.

Fifth—They will do a larger range ol

work than any otner machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Mnrkine.

Seventh—They have tbe best stitch

and tension.

Eighth — They have tho glass foot,

with which the natural eyo c:tn see to

guide the work, being much easier than

with a steel one.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do nut have holes to

thread in their shuttles, ns ■;// other I<ock

Stitch Machines do.

Eleventh—They will use LINEN and

all kinds of threads and silks.


Partial In want of WIIRKI.KH ■ WILSON'S

Machine*, are caul toned aifalnit purchasing th

or agent* who advrrtlae to fell nil machine*,

they m.ika a ipeolalty of one, bnt me different

oaaa to blind Mie public and catch their prey, whll

wc anil bat one kind, and that 1* the It KNOWN ED

Wheeler & Wilson

Tlili Company will be rendi to open bu.lnei* ad laaue Pollclei, Monday, July 17th, 1871. It

baa already property to lb* amount of $300,000 fleda-ed to be Inaured, $100,000 of which will b*

I naured the day wi We Insure only llrnt ' We retpecifully Inrl

of property, to Ity. tfnr .yate

j* property, all who have inch kind

r rate* and out f management will anable ■*

to Inauro at low ratra, and will make It perfectly Mfe for tba lninred. *J*U



Cotton & Woolen Machinery AMD

MACUINE WORK GENERALLY. Pmlleyi, Uraring and Hhaftlna;, Jack Screw*. All Undaol nolt* on hand, or roAda to order;

alao all klnda of I'urgltiK dour, QKNKRAI. JOB WOB& and Mill repair* don*

promptly and faith fully. Dealer* In linnnfactunr*' Sapplle*,

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Methuen Streets*


One to eliht yard* wide, In all qnalltle*. a prleeetoaoit,



Canton Mattings From 1-4 to 6-1 Wide.

Plain, Checked and Fancy.






248 Essex street, Lawrence,

When may be found th*

Atncrlt'tiii Button Hole * Over- *<-!imiiitT


Plain American,

Elliptic, Wheeler & Wilson,

A.B & EliasHowe,


Singer, Weed, Wilcox&Gibba

and,In fact, aome TJFKNTY different jtylee ol Mnchlno*, r»n«ii!i: in price from ao to »1*S.

A|tnta ha*lns only one kind of Machine to tell, olten mlarepreaent othera. We have no preferenre other than to **11 the Machine br»t adapted to the elaa* of work to be done, lfyon buy a Machine Ol oa, and do not like St, yon can SXCHAMOB It for one yon <Io file.

Machines Sold for Cash, or In Monthly


aarBeeond Hand Maehlnei Bought, Sold, or Sscnanied.

Machine* to Let by tbe W eek or Month. Alt klnda of Sewing Machine* Repaired.

Alto, Agent for the





Curtain Fixtures, Tassols,

Shade and Picture Cord.


l;t4 Hanover St., and 80 Union St.,


th* mo*t Important improvement e Sewing Machine*,— a health preaerTlni,

— be applied I preserving, labor

Tbe above ttock In each department la sew nnd detlrable, having been aeleeted from the prodnc tlont of tbe moit oeleb rated Foreign nnd Domes- tic manufacturer a,

SerWe Invite an examination from oar friend* and the public.




184 Hanover St., and SO Union St.,

4wH.2Hcodt.36Kb BOSTON.


PAINT, which lurpaanee tvrry other for beauty, durability

and freedom from Paint onon. It baa a (plendld gloai, UeaMiy kept (lean, I wanauied to wear

'.'.'> year*. A fact actually demonatrated by the


PAINTS AND SUPPLIES for every drpirtmrnt In : -■ JnI 11:»'.


No. <;~


Water Siiect,

■Eureka Button-bole Twl*t, on BpooU, *onie- thing new and convenient. Bewlna Silk, Thread, Oil. and Machine mndlnga gcaersDy.

Alto, Agent for

Lamb's Knitting Machine*



New York Emporium of Fashions.

Fnll Hat, Aoonrata and Reliable FATTEMSH In varlou* tiice, of every New and Dealrable Btyle for LADIES- and tfllLDRKN-8 DRESS. Baoh Pattern put up in an envelope, with Hint- (ration and full direction* bow to ont, put togetb' er. make and trim the garment.

Abo ruibtcrlptlon* received for DEMORKST'S MONTHLT MAGAZINE.

M. J. C1IAP1N.

No. 848 Essex Street, Lawrence



SAVINGS HANK No. 80 Union Street,

(Near Cumer of Hanover Etraet,) BOSTON.

The ml-.-miUKe» oITrrcd to depoaltora by tbl* bank are—

I'irit.-- I'. ].II--H- are put on Inter ct I on the drat day ol every month.

Secitni!. — No eitra dividend* onee In flve year*, but the mil earning* are divided once In every ti> month*.

Tit Irs!.—Dividend* are put upon Interett at toon at declared, *0 that HPOlttOrl rtcelve Compound MsrtM, KDtlKUl MAKSll. OEO. C. TBUUBOU.,

Prealdent, Treaanrwr. Exeeutivt (\mmUtt*, " Uraicll

CLIXTDR VILKS, HanKT C. RROoxa, Ttloa. I., JKIKK, K.ifllf.l. II.WH1TMBT, WM. C. iti-m.f.sM, UK). B. DKttnr.

Having fitted up half or J. C, Wadltlgh'a

■ tore, we will be happy to ahow our Maehlnea In

all branchea of work.

We keep on li.mH a HOOd *upply of the belt

rilTTON AND N I I, K >


for (he Whreler a Wilton Machlm

t)|)en every Evening till 9 o'clock.

N. B. - Partita having Wheeler A Wllaoit'

Mii-lilnm Mill [..-I Ivi In *trm:i lull la their Bit fret

or charge; and we hops all will avail thflwtaa of thl* opportunity,

II 4 Y HI*.


ESTATS JOUKKAL, ^S frcmotit low, iii. -i.ii!. lira'i tnli ;ji'i.

The World's Internal Remedy,



Quick In It* Actlon-Pirmanent In It* Cure, id i" in. .11. I »>■ la the prracrlptton of a world re- nowned French Phyilrtan, who nted It In bit exleoilvu practice many )ean be lore offering

It to Ihe publl- in lit pnaent form, but li i.iiiv !>■ ■■' i 'in.: ciiniiicc.! -.I it* treat

curative prop* rtle*. *ntl ilolrltiK to prodt tliute *uffi ring (rum till*

terrible dlneaae,contented to li.tvult IUI up Iu bol-

II. -.ami i.|.|..l !!..■ LOW PRICE OF ONE DOLLAR.

If nccn*ary,we min'il offer Ihe ctr-

tlrlrateaof Ihouaandt who have tiren cured by

It, hut Hi

New & Elegant Styles

Parlor, Library, Dining Room, Chamber


Mantel and Pier Mirrors.

Lace Curtains & Draperies.

Spring Beds & Bedtling.

argeet ttock and tbe flnett ataort-

FIRST CLASS FURNITURE n thl* or any other city, we Invite all to call and eanmlne our *to3k and learn our prloea before purcbatlog tltewhere.


Prices from »">0 to •ISO, In varlona ttylca of flnlth. The moit nonvrnlrnl and aoceptable Parlor Bed In tbe Market.

the aole agent* for the New England Stale* for



Mattresses, Bolsters, and

CHURCH CUSHIONS. We can refer to NUT. than one hundred church-

rt th*t treating the "ii.tiin HPIMICIE Otna> IOHU." It It cheaper than hair, and will bold lit elaitlelly double the length of time, ed proof agalntt raolha.


411 Washington street, Boston. Snt". lep)2Eti

III of ti Bit If.

Hi « lottlitM.whlchwIllcartalnlyri

. irr

A enre. or tl near five hund

ii.i.l i. SK1.I.KHS'

The lm,.rri.i nua iiiKfi .li

d. We have ad thl* medicine lor isle by HoudwInA Co., of It t,ni

v money rt-fundrd. And idt.'tl IritjIdBt it eiuht bottle* ret IMPERIAL COUGH smrj

1 Cough Syrup contalua no *^lrliu-

elall, tllty liave

ipcomaiu* no •i.lrilu- . .tj.J may bu u*t'd Inall

julrlne uctlve medlcul irralment.— I Cough ,-; inL■ h.i- l (■■■ i) for the

laatthirty Prepared oply by U. F. SELLEKS A CO


The DAVIS Vertical Feed, Shutlle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simplest, the Cheapest,

the Bett.

r exhibited In compel'

It Btltehel, 11 em-, (flrr width* without ba*t> ' Corat, tlndt.Braldt, r'rlnfet,

, . _£BOte, (Jut her* and Sew t On at without batting■

THE DAVIS, unlike otber machine*, haa Mot been puffed Into

tagea over other machine*. Please call and see them at the Agency,

li>2 Essex street, Lawrence, At Dyer 8. Hall & C'o's Clothing Store.

H Jnovt JOHN WABBUHTON, Agent. N. II.- Machines Repaired or Exchanged.

vSaP^yfcSMlft' ;•.'•.',", Thl* >j. .-..i.r i

KXTRA(;r or BUCllU, pri tin- l'harrnn> .*. and roi prluclpli' known a* /tnrmn .funlpir it. , i I.-.. L'va Cral

ue FLUID ' 'I '■ i I'i'l i i ■ j - ID I* ul1 the artive I v l.uii I i it.I led (ub.fc*; ll.*)m- thr preparation*

off-red to the iiuldlo, tod !■ regarded at Invnluable from It* ix-cullttr luitdniry tu the urinary ori;aii», In (iravel, Chronic fatiirrii tfili- Ulud.ler, Irrlla- tlnn of the Bladder aud l.rethra Itioontlnenee ol I'rlii'.atid other apeclttc and I'hroulc affection* ibr which Ruchu I* an ami-rally nted.

SARSAPARIIJ.A U. H. I'. Combined with imii-i.- PotasBiiuuX: [ron,

Hnraaparllla Compnund It prepared according

ard remedy In n. varl.'iy of dlaettet, uaually de- ■ .■ul.ul aa 'uliprflttt ami nnrtltl conrfifiotia" which rnjiilre alteratlre and Ionic treatment to .11-,. I (hi! morbid polton of the ay.tew, hence it 1* conaiilrred a purlnc of the blood.

Combined with Iodide PotaMlum form* an Alt.-tatli-e and Tonic or no ordinary t-fll- caey, pottcttlnK a p«4e^ry far tuperlor to dial aierlbtd IO either alone.

Til.He N a CO , CurcMj'trt, New Lebanon. N. Y„ and iru Wllllaiu St , K. Y.

For Hkle by Urugglattgenurally. imlapjv



No. £71 Essex Street, Lawrence

Oaa,Chloroform or lit her given, a* preferred,


Compound Dandelion Bitters

Ulve Tone and Action to tho Stomach,Strengthen the Dlk-eiiUo Organa.and Belcatate In caaei Debility. The beat nttdliltie for Ftm Complalntt, (whether In young or old,) or at I turn of life) and for Chronic Dlarrli.a tin BIMert have no c.JU 1. 3ara mat

An Undoubted Security PAYING 00 PEK CENT.



9.1, Per Cent, on the Investment.

Logauaporl, t'rauTordnville and Nomh- Western Itallwnror Indiana.


It limited toil*,.WO per mite, iude- if *i. 0, C' ,11.1*1.

Thlt Boad.tU mile* long,... rilatlnK outUI to Chloago, Toledo, Detroit, Foit Wayne, 1 ogauaport, and Intermediate point* for Ilia eeletoratril Blook and Bllumluou* t'oala of Parke County, at, ahto, for the large turplut pro- duett of tht rich airrleuli cral and uiinerat «eetIon of tbe Slate which It travtrtea.

For the pretent we are offering tin ..- Uonda at 03 and neeruid Inlereat In currency, or will ex- change them for Government Bond*, or other marketable areurltlia, at the rate* of the day.

Further nnd full particular-, with pamphlet* and map*, furiii.l ■■■! !■) u* ou perional or written application.

JONES & SCIIUYLEH, No. li» Tine etroct. New York,

Why not get the Beat the first timeP

Thlt la a practical uucllon, and 1* aiked in good faith.

The Matchless, Latest Improved

''BINGBR," Is the simplest. Will wear tho longest. Is very high speeded. Is tbe easiest to understand. Will do tbe widest range of work. Uses a very short straight needle. Makes the lock stitch, alike on both sides. Works equally well on the lightest mus-

lin or beavlett betvtra. Thoie who get the HI NO Kit never exchange II

for any Other. It la cmphi-ttoally the LKAIUBU Machine In aale* und gvueral (all. laat Ion, I lit re were aold In 1870 !37,N3J singer Machines—MtMB more

than tiny other. All thl* baa been acoomplLhcd with little aid

from falra and exhibition*, excepting only the "Wold't Fair" comtituUd by the hornet of the people, where it received Hie goind nward of the lllOIIKSf .SAl.HH.

Thete facia prompt the queitlon, — "Why not get the Rttl the Jtrit tint 1"

atr! would Invite every one to call and examine tho MNQEM, nnd it* late improvement*, at

Office, No. 256 Essex street, Next door to SaundciV new block.

Machine* aold on imall Inrtallmenti. Io.(ruc- tion given at hornet, and talicfnetiou guaranteed.

Maehlnei Itepaircd and to Let. Hull Treadle, and Machine Findings

genera'ly. T. W. HEALD, Agent,

?."'i') Essex St., Lawrence

20,000,000 Feet of Choice Lands AT CLARENDON HILLS,

on the Botlon and Providence Railroad. With In *la mile* of Boaton Common.

In Lot*) from ftOOO to .".(),Olio Feet. Comprlilng many ol the very aholcatt ai tea for Si

Thete Landt tcili only be mid /or in Immediate ami <■■..' I 'Inn of SetUtmrnt.

For Ihe pnrpoae of inch Settlement, these bean- lllul land* will be aold mm h below Ihe ruling Srlce* of tuually deilrabla land* io near the city,

t It the purpote of tht Combined Companlei to conctntraW their experience and powrr to make CLAKKNDOM lltl.l.S

THE l. I H of the many drllghtful placet for tuburbtn rn|- dence near the New England Milropoll*.

For Infomallon, apply at the Ofuce of the Bean E*iati and Building Company and Mctropolllal I.and Company, Hank Ballding,

:M7 Washington Street, Boston. *w1eod:m3Kb A. P. III.All K, Uen'l Agent.



Office, 417 Essex St., Lawrence.

Twenty yeats ago professional duty took me Into Germany lor the first time. I cannot forget my first Impressions nt the sight of whole nations growing up in full enjoyment of syetematlc, organized. I (iilglit almost Miv in tifi'i, i tiiifiitiiiii. I had iili'eitily become uctiimliited with eurue theories and forms of education;! hud read Plato** description ot the aatrfaM training for a nation: i was familiar w lih education to England, in Scotland mid In France; I was familiar with elementary school teaching, bad enjoyed the privil- eges of university education, and the itlll higher education of the workshop. I had myself taken an sctlve part In schools of art and mechanical Institutions, but I confess to have been profoundly aston- ished, I may say humiliated, at the sight of nations whose rulers had chosen to un- dertake the systematic education of their people, and of people who bad chosen to bear the burdens and make tbe sacrifices necessary to obtain It.

I do not know to what men or class of men in Germany the forethought, organ Izutlon and patriotism are to be attribut- ed wblcb made them lay aside personal ambition, political animosity, religious sectarianism and State parsimony, In or- der to unite all classes of the people In a unanimous effort to raise every rank In society to a higher condition of personal excellence and usefulness, and by diffus- ing equality of education to extinguish one of the most grievous of class distinc- tions.

The problem now plainly put to us Englishmen Is (his: Do you choose, among the educated nations of Europe, to remain ao ODeducated nation, or will you, tbe eduutted men of Great Britain, you, tbe political governors of England, you, tbe aristocracy and wealthy mer- chants and traders of England,—will you consent and agree that (ho education of the rising generation shall be ns good as that of any other educated people P That we may understand wbat we undertake before we give our answer, I propose to describe the organization by which the best educated nations of tbe Continent have reached their present distinction.

The first remarkable characteristic of continental education, as distinguished from our own, Is Its comprehensive meth- od, Its systematic development, and the admirable manner in which Its details are fitted to the special alms of practical life. There are English scholars, merchant

anufacturersand worklngraen that bavfl risen by personal merit to a rank which has no superior In any other country. But the intelligence which only educa- tion can give is, far mote widely diffused through every rank In life, stretches far wider and descend much lower through all clauses of society In the systematical- ly educated countries of Europe than In our own. It Is this general hUtt) level of civilization that gives rank to a nation; and it Is this broad character of general education which forms the elevated plat- form from which are to spring still high- er, tbe exceptional men of mark and dis- tinction.

The whole education of a nation may be divided Into two great cl asses: 1. That which cdiica(e8 nnd matures the man, and which we call generpl education; and l, That which specially qualifies the citizen for fulfilling that narrow rcund of duties whloh the subdivision of labor in civilized communities Imposes on the In- dividual as his special contribution to tho Commonwealth, and which we may call special or technical. The first object, therefore. Is to decide how much time In tho life of a youth shall ho occupied in studies (hat aim nt maturing his power-, and how much In obtaining the special 'nformatlon aud skill flint fit him foi special place In life.

Beginning wltb the longest term of education, the complete time occupied Is fifteen years. This term Is divided Into five periods, each of three years. Tho first begins when the pupil has reached his il'.h year, and occupies his 7th, 8th and nth years; In this period be receives primary education. Tlic second period occupies the 10th, 11th nnd 12th years, upon more advanced secondary studies. The third period corrcspsnds most nearly to the English Grammar School. The fourth corresponds to the upper forms of tbe public schools; and the fifth period, ending with the pupils' 2lst year, corre- sponds to the university period. The po* cullarity of this system la that It pervades tbe entire national education, and knows no distinction of social rank. At a given ago the rich and poor receive the ele- ments of education alike; the difference consists in the length of period during which the student or his parents can af- ford that he ehonld live without earning his living; and In special cases even that is no obstacle, for the man who shows distinguished ability or tpecial aptitude Is reckoned an honor and a gain to the community; to let him stop short, I* reckoned a public calamity j and without coining tinder tbe burden of obligation, or bending to tho humiliation of charity the distinguished son of a poor man eon - thiue.a bla cduoatlon at public cost.

EHCII course of thrte years Is perfectly organized by Itself, and In each period a co.irse Is begun and completed. The suc- cessive school periods perfectly (It Into each other, and so the education of life becomes an organized whole. To the end of the second period there Is no din t iiriioii between Hie education of one child and another; but at tbe age of twelve a difference may commence. The boy may have to earn his bread, nnd can no longer devo(e hU time to the studies of the third period; an expedient Irt pro vlded which (hies for hhn all (hat these hard circumstances will admit; a school in aid, or aii«fTiary school 1< provided for the students of tliU period. It occupies a limited number of days In the week, or sometimes a given number of hours iu the day, which are settled b.v the local authorities In conformity with local con- venience, nnd the poorest boy's cduea tlon Is thus continued, so its both to main tain his previous acquisitions, and add to them somo portion of the studies of the third period. TBIi brings him to hlsiOdi year, in which tm receives religious oor, lit tu.Hi.HI, and after which, If inevitable, his education may cuaiu.

But even now, at sixteen, M.i ■ young man's education need not altogether cease; If he Is to be apprenticed to a skilled trade It does not caase. There is an auxiliary school of tho fourth period to aid him in becoming a skilled work- man; this workman, or tradesman, or apprentice school not only keeps up bll former knowledge, but helps him to go beyond it. The (lute so occupied la again suited to local circumstances; sometimes it occupies an hour before work in tho morning, and an boor lu tha ivenlng^ or two hours In the morning and none In Hie evening; or Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning; and thus, In one shape or other, all that can help hhn to b come a good cltlseii a«d a skillful workman U accomplished, wltti an admirable stend- lasfness of purpose, to (he end lu view, and a rare flexibility In the means of do- ing It.

This brings the workman Io the end of his 18th year, and the period, It may be, of his military service. The German mil- itary service has nil Ihe good points of our university and public school systems, for the development of tbe physical pow-

ers,'or the luiiti.tiinii t.l t'tiaiaeiur at. lanners. It forms habits ot m<'thod and

order, and Is practically realized as [lie fifth period of national education tor (he working; man; lor In the schools which arc established In every mllhary depot. the highest degree of education is afford- ed which their preparatory schooling ha.- lilted them (o avail tht mselves of.

Boys who eontiuiie at school through the tbird period, and then at tbe age of fifteen go out Into irutle or buttness, have provided lor th«m ■■ kind of (rade or com- mercial r-cliuol, lormed iu (he evenligs, at.d alto on Sundays and Sa(urduy6. Tims llielr education continues until they have learned their business and reached the age for military service. The fourth period Is from fifteen to eighteen, and here a separation of destinies seems to render a separation of courses of study Inevitable. Everywhere, In educated countries, from (his time forward, two entirely different systems of education are provided,—one In which the elements of a liberal education are given without reference to the profession or trade of the pupil, the other Is strlotly technical. What the gymnasia and universities are to the learned professions, the technical colleges and universities are for the modern professions.

The filth period comes In some degree substitution for military service, s

large portion of which Is dispensed wltb In favor of tbose <*bo bave qualified them- selves by private military Instruction.

It Is easily understood that the fifth pe- riod completes the education of the youth and commences the work of the man; It Is plain that the tecbnlc university Is as Inevitably the end of education for mod ern life as the learned university for the three ancient professions. Tbe wonder will soon be, how the English nation could have so long remained comfortable' under the knowledge that out of the dozen professions for which tbe whole of her youth were destined, there were only three for which It was thought necessary to provide methodised means of Instruc- tion. It Is much to the credit of the Ger- man character that they should have out- stripped us by a whole generation or more In foresight and farsight, and should have taken measures to promote the ap- plication of all the discoveries of abstract science to the speediest, wisest and most economical solution of tbe practical prob- lems of dally life and business.


JEU\R, ot Hartford, 1830,

Stato Mutual, Worcester, I


15, 1,270.911

W. F. & J. S. GILE,

Attorneys Sf Counsellors-at-Law,

. No. 239 Essex Street. l.AWKKNCE.


A IL1.1 \>l V* . CUU.1

FI £tE.

Franklin, of Ptjon'a, 1829, $3,266,749

Royal, England, M\:>, gold, 11,000,000 American Branch, 1,383 uiiO

Pennsylvania, of Pa , 1826, 1,260,316

Imperial, London, lso:l, gold, 11,000,000 American Brancb, 1,064,647

Firemen's, or NvY., 1826, i)40.G0ti

Westcbester, of N. Y., 18:17, 640.086

German, of Erie, Pa., 1867, 287,068

Queen of England 1H08, gold, 10,000,000 American Branch, 723,413


Bay State, Worcester, 1860, :!;18,6C7

1st National, " 1808, 164,022

Gloucester, of Gloucester, 1870, 117,850

ay Pollclei fur Bll tba abort Compani ag written


For Information, rate*, ale, call on or addreii


: Essex street, Lawrence

Post Office Box 38.

'apormtendent S Onii -. - oVno Siti'i'i '


CHAN. A. GOLDS.*. I Til, SI. I


Residence,—CharleB street.


w. w, t: r -. H f. I. i.


D1JNT1HT, ■ltd LjllKX HT,,



For /nofnfiona. Trade Murks or Design*,

No. 7*3 Suite St., opposite Kilby St.,

BOSTON, After an exUnilve practice of upward* of thirty Star*, continue* to tr-enrr PnUnl* In the United

late*; alao, in Great Britain, l'rance,and other foreign oonntrlrt. Cavr-ate, BpeclSeatlont, Ai- flgnniente, and all papen for Fatente, executed on reasonable term*, with dlapatch. Keaearchet made to determine the validity and utility of Pa- tents of Invention*, and leva) and other advloe rendered In all mattrrt toncrilngtheiami. Coplea of theclaiiai of any patent fnrnlthed by remitting onedollar. Anlrnment a recorded In Waihlngton.

No Agency in tht United Statei /loiienei tvpe- rt-ir facilities for obtaining Patents,or ascertain- ing Ike patentability of invention*.

All neoeielty of a Joarney to Washington to procure a Patent, and the otual great delay there, are bare tared Inventors,

TESTIMONIALS. " I regard Mr. Kddy at one of the moit capable

and tucceiafnl practitioner* with whom I bave had ofBclal intercourae.

CUAS. MASON, Commlailoner of Patent*." "I bave no hesitation in at taring Inventor* that

they cannot employ a man snore competent and trustworthy, nnd more capable of patting their application! In a form to * ecu re for them an early and favorable oontldtratlon at the Pattnt Office.

KLIMUND HUKKK, Late Commlailoner of Patent*."

"Mr. R. H. Eddy ha* made for me over Til IK- TV application for Patent*, having been *ncc**i- fnl In almott every oaae. Snrh unmistakable proof of great talent and ability on hit part, leadt r ~ recommend ALL inventor* to apply to him to ,_ _ cure their patent., at they may be tnre of having the moat faithful attention beitowcd on their oa-

■t, and at very reaeonable chirgai. Boiton, Jan. 1.1S73. JOHN TAOOABT


Boatan and malne Railroad.

Tbe Nomination at Cincinnati.

Tho singular termination of the Con- vention nt Cincinnati is in exact keeping with its curious character; tho clans assembled there, no less than their Indi- vidual allies bad but one feeling In com- mon, to inaugurate some scheme to de- feat the election of Gen. Grant; the free traders of tho west, tbe fathers of tbe Missouri movement, had their ends to servo; tho protectionists, the revenue retormers, the ex office holders, tbe dis- appointed place seekers, and tho odds and ends generally, possessed but ono common impulse,—opposition to Grant; mistrustful of ench other, jealous of all candidates but their own, they could be expected to agree only ao long as tbe ono mutual hatred could be kept upper- most.

The Adams men became enraged witb Davis; tbe supporters of the latter were determined to delcat Trumbull, and nfter three days of contontion, in a moment of wbat puzzles everybody to know whether madness or burlesque, turned their votes over to tho sago of the Tribune. Mr. Greeley's honesty, no man questions; ho in able, In earnest and bns many bright qualities. But It Is a lamentable fact, that no public man has been so ex- tremely unfortunate in his surroundings, or susceptiblo to so muny intriguing in- fluences, and he Is so full of crochets that ho has never been able to command any considerable following within bis own party. The Democracy must now decide whether to endorso him, or go into tho fight alone; if tbe former, predict that jn choosing between tho two, three democrats in tbe country will rote for Grant to ono republican for Greeley; if the latter, then every vote for Greeley will be a vote to divide tbe republicans and let the free democracy win, and as tbe people vory readily see through a movement of tbat sort, Mr. Greeley would be suddenly without fob lowers.

It would be a rich Bight, indeed, to see tin: democracy enrolled under th> banner of Horace Greeley; how our city hall would resound with his praises from the lips of tbe three Johns. Tbe effect of the nomination is to create every- where, a laugh, which no one can enjoy moro heartily or s:tfely than Gen- Grant; If there was ever an hour when the llb- inii movement possessed a formidablo- ness, it passed with tbe nominations and settled any possible doubts of Gen. Gram's re-ekctlon.

WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Nov. 13,1871, Train* will

leave the Depot* In Lawrence, at followa:— For Boaton, (from North Depot) at 6M, 7JO,

»,40 A. II., and, and 11.30 l\ M. For Booton, (tram South Depot) at (.27, 7.11,

•o.«, A. H„ and lli.ltt, *1."G (expreti,) 3.M, SJ3, **.« [expresi,) 7.30 1*. M.

For Portland, (from South Depot) nt B.2t, 0.17 A.M.,andl.0o, 4 P.M.

For Georgetown and New bury port, (from Booth Depot) at tt.vs A. M., 4 P. M.

For Baverblll, (from South Depot) at S.2S and 9.30 A.M., and 1.0S, 4, 6.0S P. M., and from North Depot at 7.1D P. U.

Train* leave Boaton for Lawreaoe at 7. 7 JO, 10.15,11 JO A. U-, 12.1S, S, .1.30, S and « P. M.

WM. MEKKITT, Hnp't. Lawrence, Nov. IS, 1871.

Room Papers'Window Curtains

Now, Fresh und Stylish



No. 275 Essex street, Lawrence

The I.argeat Stock In Kitax Con nt y Of


E. A. FISKE'S, No. 275 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.

WANTED. We will give energetic Men and Women

BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $3 to S* per day. Can be punned at your own hornet, and la ttrlctly honorable. Bend for latnplctthat wilt enable you to no to work at onoe. Addreii J. LATHAM fc Co.,

SV3 Wathlngton itrcet, Boiton.

^a*b^ tfttlvvS

on, ruii'i'kh, DENTIST, Has Removed


NEW OFFICE, 358 Essex street, - - Lawience. lell Nearly oppotlteold oOc*.

None Oenuim- anleia *igaed I. BCTII.



The best Spring and Bummer Medicine ectr offered to the public.

They are prepared with creat care from the beat Hooti, Ilerb*. Bark* and Seedi. They Invlgoratt the Stomach, tllmulate the Torpid Liver a Bow- el*, cleante tbe Blood from ill Impnrltlei, and give new Life and Vigor to the whole ay at em.

They will ItfcsTOKBt LOST APPKT1TE, be- lieve Headache, Cottivc- nett, Indian ttlon, liyi- peptia,NervoDt Debility, and all complalntt till- ing from an impure title ot the Bloed, or the ii.-- ranged condition of tbe btomach, Liver, Boweli,

port fo Col. Brodhead, Stole Cmn'ttr of Mas*.

jvo 20 ytatcS reet, Botlon. Josiah A, llroilhtad, A'"/. -Sir —A cample ot

Old Dr.Ooodhue'i Hoot and Herb Bitter*, from Kllnt ft Ooldthwalt, Salem, Mae*., ha* been ana- lytedwlth the followingreanlta: — "Tbla la an offlclnal medicinal preparation, containing ex traott Of Roott aud Herbi. It It free from lnjn - rloua anbttancet, and may be naed a* directed by penona requiring a mealolue of IMa kind."

FLINT & GOLDTHWAIT, rtmf inlii.'fti Proprietor*, Salem, Matt.


30 Cents and 81.00. Tbe moat becoming ttylea of Jewelry worn at

the pretent day are JBT or SIIKLI.. They look well with any ault or eirm(nt, and never gaudy, and cur price* woke tin M in 071111'it't. To intro- duce our n'w goodi to toe iulhit extent through- out the country, wcoffiir our beautiful New Style* of Jet Kar Blot* at SO centt and fl.CO each ; and at the MPU urli>i,ii, hand,mine new paitvrna of Shell Kar Klnc* or Pin*. These I'cputar rrtcts ptae* the goods witnin fne meant of alt. THK O .ODS ARE WOHTII IKirHt.t WIIATWK ABKITOK TIIKM. Thootindi of ladlei In all parti of the country will tettlfy to their Elegance, Durability and extreme low price. We tend, lecurely pack- ed by mall, pottage pild, or exprett, at partial may direct. If partlea prefvr, we cordially invite all local! at our store, or we will tend to your ad- drea*, either Pin* or Ear Ring*, Jet or Shell, (Be rarrful to ft ate which kind it wanted.) lKCLOBB TBX FBICX, with name, elly or town, eonnty and atate- Your ordera will he.filled promptly and forwarded. WATERMAN ft CO., is Winter ■treot, Boiton, Mai*. 4w*eml tapltfab


The proprietor of thlt valuable

'I'm CARLIST uprising In Spain has assumed alarming proportions; various conflicts have taken p|spo between the (roops and tho Insurrectionists, A gen- eral republican uprising in tho south af Spain is loared by tbo government.

A deacon, who used to keep a grocery store, having Instructed hla clerk, when out of a desired article, 10 call the atten- tion of (lie 11. i to the next nearest tiling1, was not a litllu aitonislied when lil- pastor ejtiicii and inquired for new roolsaaea. fo hear the clerk say. We have no new molssaes. but wo have got some new rum

A vagabond, sei-iny? the in >tto, ' Op- portunity makes th« thief,'' said, '-Not always. I muml a blx anchor nnd chain calile on the pavement Ihe other night ami illdn't tnnrli It; and there was nobody alint-.t neither,"

Misfortunes never come singly.—Two thieve* -i..!,- (.. trunk a few nights ago. O.i opening It they discover- ed that It contained nothing but religions (rants, ami at the same moment they were captured by the police.

Curious men.—When a watch U sold It always changes hands: this seems odd on the face of it.

A forlorn widower in Itblca, N. V., had the wordi, " She's In Heavln " cut on (he totnbs(oue of Ids departed wife, and ber

low (he saving rlsuse, " I hope."

An oyiler leads a placid life until he

gets tni ■> a stew.

What arc the oldest tops In the world? —Mountain tops.

What letter do tliu uneduo3tcd IgaortI —II.

What inter suits London exottrslODlst s f _y.

What arp the above letters for?-—!'. A good trjusre tn»iii~ A ioda-r,raolfer.

Dry, isn't It!

How to handle a red-hot Iron—Walt until it cools.

ttlmt Jetter sultt sailorsf—€.

What letter smacks of honey 9— p.

What letter speaks for yourself?- L

What letter Is most refreshing?—'.''.

What letters do wo like green?—P's.

What letter should drivers use?—O.

What letter do dustmen recognize ? -D.

What letter Is moat useful to cattle?—A

prepared lome for ber own uie, which mulled lu a core. It • effect* are wonderful in the Belief and Cure of the following dUesac*:— Prolijeuf Uteri, Nervoui Debility, Weaknett of the Back and Llmbi, Dyapepsla, Put pi tat lot) or Heart, Hepre* ■Ion Of Spirit*, lrre.ruli.rit' ' White*, Uropili "

Of the od and (trengtheni the whole a*l _

Prepared and told by Una LINUS BK1.CBEB

allitv, Weaknet* of tbe Hack and _,--ienifa, Palpitation or Heart, Heprea-

Of Spirit*, Irregularities Change* of Life, le*,Urop*)cit AffiutloQi, Ulllouauett, ltflaro-

inanon of the Kidney*, Headache, ate.: make* new blood and atrengtbent the who).

rrepired and told by Una LINUS tfKi.uuKh, Itandolph, Uatt Setid fur Circular. Sold by all DruggiitiatSI p<T bottle. T12maplj]HgSM'

Arlington Range,

Electric DUk

and Weakness.

baek. Lumbago, ■, I-.,. , la remarkable.

WKKktt ft POTTER, Wholesale Agentt,

170 Waihlngton Street, Boiton Sold by Drugglit*. .ImmhlS



AGENTS are wanted for every town In Eattern Matt.,

million will be paid la ('naii. Apply In pet ion or by letter at the office of

A. B. LINCOLN, 147 Tremnnt St, Boston



Tbil deadly and dangeron* dlrette haa long ravaged our country, reducing to helpleatneia and perhapt death any who have been to aafor- tnnate ai to bave bacome affected with the

HEART DISEASE appear* to a* In many formi. among tbe noil common of which we bave PALPITATION with dlitrened feeling* iu the region of Ihe In art; thl* e*n be eatlly cared.

Then we bave ENLARGEMENT, In which the heart become* considerably larger thai la It* natural itate.eautlng difficulty of breathing, *uf- fnoatlon.and varlou* other palm andacbettoo difficult to be drtcrlbnd.

RHEUMATISM of the linn It r.ot of uncom- mon occurrence, tometlmei tnoceedirg Themat- ic fever, but generally come* to ua without warning; the diatreti and excruolatli-tr ealnieaa be better Imagined than deicrlbed. We have heard from tbtae inffeiing with the dlteate that no mortal pain oould exceal It.

RPASMH,OSHmCATlt>N orllONY FORMA- TION of the HKAItr. (1KNKRAI. DEBILITY, SINKING of the SPIRITS, PAINS In the SIDE and CHEST. DIZZINKBB, 8LUGOI6H CIHCU- (.ATIONorth* BLOOD and momentary ttoppage of Ihe action of the heart, are among the many (AM,. At uviDT mavmv r«, *h_ ■ - QI



a preparation In which jou can plaoe Implicit oourldenee aa being all it It n jimenietj.

Tbnnaanda tettlfy to It* cure*.

K. q. SAUUEKT, jdtssr*i |»

Parlor. Offloe and Cooking STOVES.

Plumbing, Tin Roofing, and all klnda of Jobbing dont promptly,

EL DORADO STOVE STORE. 11 lAWrence Btreet, Lawrence.

VKGEilNE I* made eaclmWely front tb.Jt.lre. of carefully lelieted aauaa, KIMITI, and limns, audio atrongly oonoentraird that It will effectu- ally eradicate from the tytieni every taint ol flcrofula, Herofutout Humor, Tumort, Cancer, Canoerout Ilumur, Erytlpclii,Halt Rl.ram,Hypb llltlc Dlieataa, Canker, ralnlniii at Hit Slomacb, and a I dlteatea that arlie from Impure blond - rJclatlca, IiifUmmalory and Chronic Bbeumatltm, Neuralgia, Gout and Spinal Complaint* can only be effecti<*]Iy cured through the blood.

For Mocr* and Eruiillve Diieaaet of IheSkln, Puilule*, Pimple*, UlStcbut, lloilt,Tetter,Scald- brad aud Rinirwarm YEUItTlNK baa never fall, ed to effect a permanent sure. ■

Por Paint In tho Baek, Kidney Complilnti, Dropty, Female Weaknet*, l.eueorrbea, arlalng from Internal ulceratloB.and uterlnadlteaictand General Debility, VJCGr.TINK act* directly upon the ceutei of thete eomplalnit. It Invigorate* and ttringtbiti* l>ia whole tyitem, Beta upon ihe

orpin*, Bllu* inuamuiat]ou,pitrei ulcer I reg.ilate, the bDwalt.

r Oatarrb, Dyipeptla, Habitual Coitlvmcii, FC

mcti and Ueneral Prottratlon of th* Ntrvout Hytlem,no medicine bai ever nVSB. «uoh perfect BallifDXIIon at VKGETINE. It purlflei the blood, oleauiet til of the oi^am, end no**. >*e* a con- trolling powei over tilt Ncrroiit !r»icw.

Tbe remarkable cure* effected by VEfJETlKE have Induced many phyalclau* and apuihecarle* whom we know to proerlba and uteltlntbelr owu ftmillei.

Io latt, VBGETtNB lj Ihe heat remedy yet die- c«v*red for lb" above rliata**' ati«J It the paly re- liable Ill.ont) iTXIFlKRytt placed befpre^the public. Prepared by

U. If. BTEVKSS.Bo«|o PrltaAl.ll. Sold by ,11

mHJ,IJe7SIJy|l| "

>, Matt.

Latham's Cathar- tic Extract

I* * fluid ex tract prepar- ed Irom valuable medic- inal plant*, having a known action SB tbe ■eorftloDa and isorc- tloniarttje traitm. A ■Ingle bottle duet more for tbo removal of dl*. ettet and pretcrvatlon

' ■ Itb, tlun gallont " ipaedlly of bill

ooaiUpatlon, tick and

ladoriad by the profeitlbn.BBd approved by all who BUM It. Ho better medicine can be found for children or adalu. It It far taperlor to pill*. being mild of action, iileatant to the taata, and eerlaln In lit retnlta. It It a medicine that ihonld be In avary houtehold, at good effect* are inre to be eaperlenoed from the very Srat dot*,


Deposit insurant?" It a new form of LITE INSTJRANCB, orlginaled and

Juat introduood by tho old and popular

CHARTER OAK UTS Insurance Co.,

O i s Or HIKTIORD, €011.

It It confidently mcommendod aa far snperlcr In all reiruecta to any Tontine or other plan upon which payment of profltt 1* deferred. Inmrtnce on aUtha utnal plane la offcrud by thlt company at far lower Uataa than are charged by other mutual Cotnpaulaa,

Extracts of Moots' and llerba whloh almost lnvarlublyou.-ellio following compluliita:

Dyspepsia, n«art iit-l I. ■-...; A,/.- i.v. bolt Ios.

Lassitude, i. siiliiui I' nt

EruptioCS, P!nipliH.,r.l<>feliea.nn.1 all im- piinilA ort«« b;.„.,i, i„n,!n-: iirn4ittii um (■kill or ..lliorwlau, rurtil 1.1 y \,y t„H.m- l.i.. '.!■■ 1U1. .■'. i i,,, -,.,- ; '

Kidney, Btaddat ami Urir«tf nornoue. tnetit IrAnrlalily cuu.l. ono U,u\u win coiivllico lliu llliist ikeplleul.

Worms aVMllad tnm the mttn wlln* outii.a Uaaf .lil||.itiM-. raUMU uHaHu. «i'^"'/;i,vi""'! ,!|"' '■t"»v'11 " " ed fltitnu* r.irthi. Iwitt-r In Ilic-lr rnn<ltlliin nrter lukhii! one,.. Worn. cliiTlriiIt■*•« arc mijro pri'Viileiil Hint) Is uciifinlly tun-


jSkvi^tt^ K'H,

»'*"- *°- ^ylnlsl^vnluabl• medicine. * 'inuvoti

*.^°SlJMV0»»arrr, Oonvi)lH^>i)n snu Hff. ileries cured briniic^rt-llcvtil. *

BifBcult Brsatbinc. Pain in iim i r>»« Ufa PltuS KS'liVel|.l" f c» ," f,y

AU difflpnh female. dwantfflir-iitjL /nl- moariiivnrluhly oaiUSd l.y B viid.-.n/ii , [ i„ U,i» Amo. rlL-ati ludioB yield reudlly u, il,l« luvuluublu iinHllclne-tlifiO.tiMk,.! I'lM.,. u,e .lcdlclne—tlio tiiiuki'i i:ui, .,'

All In Incident

All Impurities of n., Dlootl ••*) d|t««tM incident fo t.lie tnnir alvrnvn eiin-.l l.e ii.lC

JMASk^ SUM*!! yanra.

uHi! pox<

■W ^Jj^Wj1" ui *"»» i" irtitil*.

DS. H. 3. FUMT * Oa, Tnpriators, fBQVXDKNCE, R. 1,

Hold wholesale and retail by CfiAB.CLAlKX, .awrenee. For aale by Qio. &. KfemuTSjl*

PRICE, 11-00.

A Standard Preparation, indorted by the pott reliable Hhytlclapb. and It* atloniihirig cnrltll e power* atleated by tbJUOtiii* who bave uit'd It.

It It ature.qulok rrmeJy r«r all dlteaara of t|,e Urinary Urgent exlailtig in male or femal*, Irri- tation or Inflammation or Kidney* or Bladder, Gravel, Dlabetr*. Hecdlth Sediment in I)line, Thick, Cloudy Urine, Mucout and Involuntary Diichargea from Urethra, Retention or Inconti- nence of Urine, Chronto Cittrth of Bladder, and all Chronic Maladlet of the Urlna-Genltal Organ*.

For aale by all Druggist* tad Dealeri In Medl- eloe everywhere. lynovMob

Every Man his own Physician I


H0LL0WA\'8 OlNTMKNT Hire Buoyancy to the Body, Clearness to the

""nlhtfateHfr, V '"

Of the lineal VcytiulAt. El-

Brain, and a BriUianl cSutpU. HOLLOWA V'S PlLLSeont|«Fofa

peculiar admixture of the finett ft tracts. Herbs, and Medicinal Outn: 'Poiaeitl

refill tnj

truer*, Herbs and Medicinal Hums. Foiieillpg not a grain of mineral lu their combination, they never eapoae thoac who uie them to any danger, at anytime or aeaaon. No mother ueed beilfate to pretcrlbe them to her children, and tbe moit delicate contlltutloo o l '" - - T

No mother need I Hid tl

..... witbaik-" beneSl at tbe moit vlgorout aud powerful frapj,

ut-e th<m with at great ii aud uowerfu" ■—

Holloway's Oiutmpnt centrated eatract pf healing Unltasif Kuropsttn Gums, it |i ptpeirttlng,

toothing, nnd heallnelulti naturei andtheporet of the -kin abaerb II (when well rubbed lu) ai greedily ai water It taken np In a tponge It I* a wonderful coimeffr/ue for tht tklu, and tbe ut* pf a imall quantity applied (o the fact at night, will Impurt a tlear and r

fEARL-LIXX COMPLEXION) equalled only by (bat of the infant.

Holloway's PiRt and Ointment Care the following dlieatc* :

hjipep.ia, LiMltude, V.v.r and Ana. Skin blieatet, Plmplei, Ring Wora»i,"p|ies and | ttula. Bliiout Fever, Bwellla.t, Sort Throats, Qolaaey. Wonat, Swelling of the Jointt, Scrofula, Liver Co«plaintt, Womnd., Soret, Burai and Bealdi, Ball Rheam, Qravel

and all dlaorder* of the Liver, Stomach, Kidney*

NEW YORK CHEMICAL COMPANY, 78 Maiden Lane, New York.

Holloway't Fills and Ointment are told Bt IS eenti, fl|f lit oentt, and *i per boa or pot. A great taring I* made by buying tbe large tlsas. Caution ' Tl" wor<1 "■«'loway ■ appetrt la ■ urroundlng each box of Plllt or pot of Olntaiaat Thlt teoare* the genuine. ljdeel U. M. WHITHET fc CO., Agent* for Lawrence.

Tbe vlrtuei of ilmpli Tea at a Hair Tonic tad Preiervrr hare long been known, bat no attempt* have ben mad* to eatnet tht oil tclentiflcally. By aprooett peculiar to thlt preparation, (bt *«■ nentlal oil of the tea plant ha* been added to other vegetable cKtraott. and an untqaalled Toilet Ar tlele for tbo hair It the matt. Itl* riaerlatly ure fo i to prevent the hair from falllnjr out or growing


Pncrirmuf MEDICAL

u nrmi nscs, Aidt, tan. * Till obwet in cslabiishlng 1I1U Inslitwinn

••here s,„,iiK<, i„»nii,1S| or „;y m ^„m the bt-,, mmlicul ^ivicc. oml such reni- cill»i i, MCI, m|jhi n-nulre, wittout tho uw or WIUOTIIIIIS tiuigt.

Or, Onuno ha. Wen fanUu or the uie alnoo lu IbuniUibn, now TUOPO than

Iwenlynvo ,e«r«. Dr. Giwno I, In hi, Wlv- . i™,,'.f"'1 h" ''""'"I hi. life to thl, branch of hi* proleBKa.n; and hi, .ucccs,. wo MIIOTO, i, mthout parallel.

Among tho tliacuc, to , hich he rive, e^ pecial atlentlon may bo noticed Cancer, Seruf- IBL£S "Ifc T'k <'«»>"mption, Heart HhonmaKm, Pnralj.,1,, iflrffi p... pop.1., Urer Coranlainl, e'eraalc Comphdnti, «S. of "fc ^'"K1", While Rm-UIM. Sal, Bhcarn. Canker, teamen. Kldncv t*: caie., Seminal WcaVnc 4e r$L °ri'i^ "1° S°'"> »f Manapcn, I)r. HSipne ■ Meoical Pamphlet, dercrhdiie of

•cot free to kgU, ,|„ M, T„„|,c ou "oouca of the Umi, and Scalp.

Addrca. n. GnEENE, M. D U Tempi, Place, Bo,lon. Mew,




fnbllihrt .rid., Moral.,, b,

GEO. 8. MERRILL & CO., Proprietor!


Cor aer of Kliu and Applrton


L'he circulation, of tha Liwrtnoi im*rl- oan U too largest of my paper In th *

County, and more thin FOUB TIMIS that of IDT other

Weekly Paper published la thU olty.

Oaf* Bates Of Advertlslag int apoa application

*®h« ^ailf. ->fmrrican,


Is t»* UrfMt Dolly U th* atty, MI BBS font tunes th.eirealailou of any other.


OaeYsur,- - ■ |fl 00 | Six Monthi • • |l When not paid IB idriiM, OS, *



STEAM PRINTING OFFICE I* tt« largest "">° BOM thotoBRhlj farai.hrd Is esetern lUiAOOBHetU. llarlng tbe most Inspre-vre: •aoder a Pre*** t ,aad with eon steal addiuoa ■ of I r„

aad with oar •atonal** variety ot work, wa ar« tale to famishthe Bart Quality of Work, .ape*I tloaiiy. and al low prises. Orders By ■• promptly sued,

GEO. 3.MERRILL* CO. .Proprietors,



The BK9T PLA.QE la the olty to bay jour

Seed Oats, Spriag Rye, Barley, Bauk Wheat, Fodtler Corn, Herd* Grass,

Red-Top, Clorer, Hungarian, Millet, and Orchard Grar* Seed,



845 and 347 Common street.

Beet FKRTIUZBK in the market,

E. Prank Coe's Super Phosphate.

Wa here alto oa hand a sa* lot of





8*5 & 347 Common at., Lawrence.



Millinery Fancy Goods. We Mil attention to oar large itook of

Flower*, Kibbon* nod Straw Goode. ALSO,

ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES in treat variety, selling CBBAP.

164 Essex street, 3 doors from Jackson,




equaly aa wall aod cheap, and touch qnleker, by A. BATWABD.

Alao. STAMPING ior BraM araDrotueiy —* i aitiei Lattara. »»*»

333 Essex St., Lawrence, (up sUIrs.)

Boarding House tor Bale. Inqolr* at St* Common Street. Farol tare in li-

able to keep forty boarder*, and kaa been used only three yaari. """ ■■IwaWllllrlBt

Snjlwaahi MkUJ. WmrKHOUSK.

CHARLES V. JACKMAN, Dealer In all kind ■ of



Jad Oppoilt* Talbot'a drof .tor..

H£he liHmerican.

E. S. YA IKS, M. D.

PHYSICIAN tf SURGEON, Office,—SOT Enex itreet,

Corn.. L.wr.noe (trc.t.

Residence. 108 Concord St.. Lawrence.


PIONEER WASHER. IS TBE BEST. and •<-. thla In operaUon, before yon bay any other,



Lawrence street, Lawrence.

Oppoilte Police 8 tat Ion. .

Waabtnf Maahlnei by other roaktra, bought. aold or axeuangsd. ash I


PIANOS. The aaderslgaed having ..eared tha afanay ol

this lastly aalabratad pleao (reeently la ol Mr. r. ZuchtsaHO) fur Us* Mew Bat-lead BUI**, bega t* Inform tha pabllo that Ibey bare taken elegant and ple.tant rooroa In the STUDIO BViLltlNu, Boom SO, Bo. ISO IWaweis* afreet, fla.ion, wbara thay will ofsr a fall itook of all rtylea af this piano for oaah, or on wig terms */p*rras*w(. Piano stools and covers In varloas style*. OU rumoi lakrn <» «*cnet»*«fbr now «■•■. Pl.aoi rtpalrad, tsaed aad to let.


"Bay Ma ABB I'll -• yon Good." DB. LAoTOLBY'fl

BOOT AMD HERB BITTKBN. h, without the poeitblllty of ■

•TT brat rcasrdy baowa it-r the fol- all kindred diaaa.f.:-/a*e«J««t,

doubt, tha T.i

OaaafMnaM, 'tA\Z~C^&i^fut*r*£&d*, aTenraawrn, DnMtarta, WitmMi, SorqAlo, Salt Xhnwt, Laapr, kii««i, I>*bilU9, JaunAict,

*t$S?ffilS7$ fc-aotoa,tno bio- lr parltad K

[Written lor tbt. LmniMi Amaic*»]


Tale of the Herrimaek Valley. nr MBB. MILT o. riAnnon,



Have )i>u read tht tfljaltrfulnans from

China! Surely tbr

' oelestlal" t-nri* ol the earth are geUlny ready to admit tht

light ol truth.

'I have been talk- Ins? with my dear

friend, and my heart

Is stirred. The hea- then world, aa never

before, Is calttag tor help; every breath

from over tbe ocean bring! the cry,

Come and help as! We are dying un- tsujrnt and unsaved! We, the400,000,000

of China, have not one teacher to many millions! American cbrlstlani, what

will you do for aa? We shall soon be at

jour very door—brought near by the

power of steam, only one month's dis- tance,—nearer to you than your western

states were thirty years ago!'

We are In trouble!" err the 300 000,-

000 of women and children In China.

"Come and help us; the debasing blight

of long ages of paganism and cruel rites

crushes us In the dust; ourcustoma make mothers murderers of their new-born fe-

male children; we hear a rumor that

there Is a way of deliverance from thla

dreadful sin and sorrow. Show us that

way; we are stricken at heart; we mourn

the losa of our murdered babes,—killed

before our eyes by tbe bloody bands of the lather. Let us bear tbe Gospel tbat

we may spare our daughters! Help us save; they are dear to us; we love them; our hearts yearn lor them. May

tbe curse of the God of heaven and earth

rest upon tbe Idols tbat have infused this

savage spirit ot child murder. Ob, Is

there no one coming to help us? Will no

one show us the way of escape from our

sins and oar sorrows?"

'I seem to hear, dear Grace, this cry of tbe hundreds of millions of suffering

women and children In China and the

Eaat. Ground Into tbe dust by the re-

morseless heel of Idolatry, which exists to pay wicked priests and degrade Its su-

perstitious devotees. We have been try- i-.« t. avrm a*, t.i... of inii mana ** •*'"" * lng mothers ana etiiidieu. n tnoy could file past me and I count one a second,

sixty every minute, 3,000 every hour,

twelve hours a day, the twenty years' work would blanch my cheek and silver

my hair ere it was done. 'Do you wonder tbat 1 vent to go to

China? Somebody says there Is room for

a thousand Pauls to build obrlstlan foun-

dations In that empire. 'My dear friend Is to be one of these

workmen, and It is my ambition to be his

belper; but what a work I have to do to

lit myself to be anything but a hindrance.

Mrs. Dr. Bridgeman does well to lavish her money on that hopeful Held; tbe t20,-

000 given to found girls' schools will tell

In a few years; my own little fortune

shall freclv be used In the same way. I have made ihe acquaintance of the dear

lady Just iiioted, and think missionaries

the happiest people. Hsppy, supremely happy, because tbey live for others, and

do nut need to mix In tbe vexations of

worldly buatness. 'You remember prayer Is omnipotent;

'-It moves the arm that movea tbe uni-

verse." You prayed about the Count,

and In season to save you (rom a fate

worse than death, his true character was

expoud. So, by-and-by, In snswer to

prayer, you will go to China, the help*

meetof Dr. Great Heart,and you and I will establish and auptrlntend semina-

ries to our heart's content. Yes, we will help plant happy homes, and dispel tbe

habitations of cruelty. Adieu, till we


It waa a Mauncbauseu boast ihe Count made his daughter Anna, when he said

that he owned mill property. It was true only that he had thought of puicbaslng

a Bliare in the Pemberton, whtn sold the.

year prevlonely for $325,000, a property

the original oost of whloh waa v8O0,0OO

Aa the Idea of a share was to his vain

conceit almost equivalent to owning It, be was often In tho MtabllUtment. evlng Its operations lu a monnrch-of all-l-sur- vey style. Tbe only reason tbat be did

not buy a portion of the mill, was the same that Influenced many othera, be

could not by any manner of means, mus-

ter tbe funds needed. Still, on the score of this might-have-been partial owner-

ship, he was fond or loitering and stroll-

ing over the mill; and to own and super- intend Its operations, was one of bis fa-

vorite air castlea. In truth, It was a grand and Imposing edlfloe; tt struck tbe

eye pleasantly; tbe proportions were

good, saving, perhaps, an exoeas

eaatb.i >athla ■

theapoeittelirertored; tbe ey.tem Is IBM! the ll*er I. lnilaoraled; the

liaweetaatdj the ovaipleaion la beastl* DriniiMWRiiKi. mc m« Bed; and tha raa.ral health le

RESTORED. The beat Rood, Herb, and Barka enter Into the

•oaipo.ltloa of this Besnedy. nuking tt a simple and eafe. as wall aa an onfalllng eare Tor all dli- oaaoaof too blood.

QBO. O.QOODW1H BCO., Boiton. For tale by qB Drogglats.

United Btatei Carriage Co., Haanhntarora of


sod Deelere in





D. O. QBWOT, Clark. Sa»*>JaS

TQ X.E.T, Essex Hall,


Taeadny, Friday dk Hninrdny BveBlBga.

looalre of Ball Coaiatliua.-J. H. MOBUAB, t* TreaMBt Biroet, or iAJnU~IL HOLT, Janitor, BtOeartHenae. ttlfaio

width. A cautions architect might ask

how the Iron rods tbat ran across the

building could hold It If tbe pillars failed.

It waa five stories high, 380 feet long by

84 feet wide. Tbe first story devoted to

weaving, the second to carding, spinning

and drawing, third to spinning, fourth and fifth to dressing, warping, spooling,

winding and reeling.

The Count admired Its many large windows,—they gave a brilliant look to

tbe building. Tbe cautious architect, If

asked to criticise, would say tbat there

was too much of a good thing—tbat they

honeycombed tbe walla and made them

weak. But our German Count, aa be

paced the mill In his favorite third atory,

nuw looking out upun the Merrlmac, and then upon the city and its background

hills, thought bow finely tbe light fa- vored the work of tbe laborers, and what

a grand thing It was In dark or short

days In the saving of gasl

It Is not recorded that tbe Count planned thla mill, but It Is nevertheless

true that It was after his own heart. Saving expenditure, deemed needless,

was a point wlihtilm. Cautious

architect queries. 'What were the wise

and good people thinking of, when they

planned this edifice?* Is It said It whs aa

well made as other mllls^-tben tbey are not strong enough, and are liable to fall.

So wide was tbe building that It must

have a fiat reof, whloh In winter was of-

ten piled with many tons of snow.

Then In regard to the pillars—so vital In supporting floors that are sometimes

loaded with the crushing weight of one

hundred and fifty ions or steam moved

machinery,—It Is related that two com- petitors applied for Ihe Job of furnishing hem. Tbe party tbat offered to deliver

■ In in for one eighth of a cent leu per

pound, had the contract. A hundred djpl- tars or so was thus saved. The Iron ap-

peared good, and the pillars looked fair, nut they were cast, tc Is said, in moulds

ulaced horizontally —the pith did not

#oik well, and the largest part of the

iron settled to the under side, leaving the other side very thin; the moulds are usu-

ally placed vertically that the pillars or

hollow cylinders may be of equal thick-

ness throughout. In which case one part will strengthen another and make Ibem

In effect, stronger than If solid. Over*

loaded floors and Intufllalent pillars may

have decided tbe fete of the Pemberton.

Somehow on this Identical tenth, the

uneasy Count seemed to haunt tbe mill

more. If possible, than was his wont; it Is true there was unusual stir In hoisting

by tbe elevator more machinery Into the already closely packed spinning room,

and there were four ponderous flya, of many tons weight- moved In tbe atory


As the bell tolls for work, at one p. u ,

the Count Is on band, Irom an early din-

ner, and watches tbe operatives hurrying

to their posts. There Is tbe swashing of

of water In tbe basement, let In from the canal upon the machinery, and the hiss-

ing of steam;—belts begin to move, and

flyers to rattle, while picker, drawer,

speeder, spinner, warper and loom, all

up through tbe lofty five stories, begin at once to pick the cotton, form the rolls,

and apln and weave the cloth—the won-

derful result of marvellous mechanism.

The Count at length steps Into tbe ele-

vator as It descends, after disgorging its heavy freight, to make further acquain- tance with tbe workings of the Washing-

ton and Duck mills; be still cherishes

tbe fancy that he Is to marry Grace,

despite the very decided rebuff* he has

met, and the criminal suit In prepara- tion to arrest his movements. If he mar-

ries her be plans to step Into mill owner-

ship, and deems It wise to become posted

In regard to the wisest mansgement of such property; he tarries In the counting

rooms, questions tbe superintendents, nan llUitra <M aarHw, — -. past four Is again ready to ascend to the tblrd stof of tbe Pemberton, In tbe ele-

vator, and go on with his Investigations; he admires the skill displayed In tnat

well-filled bee hive of a spinning room.

'No Idle space here I* he exclaimed In

tbe din, as he alighted, and again beheld the closely-packed, whirring machinery.

'I don't believe Gynn, the old fogy,

half occupies bis floors; wait till I come,

air, and I'll show you how mouey Is made, and I'll put some life Into your

concern!' and he chuckled at the Idea of

bis prospective administration of affaire.

At this moment, Mr. O'Connor pasaed tbe

Count, who was at tbe south eod, on bis way out of tbe mill. The Count did not

choose to recognise him, but with an eye

to business, sought Mr. Jackson, tbe overseer ol the story, who was some

eighty feet nearer tbe centre of the vast

apartment, giving directions about a new

machine. In tbe low, exhausted tone com-

iiiou as the dav declines. The machinery waa as fresh and tire-

less as ever, whirring, rattling snd rum-

bling in the stones above, clamoring,

clanking and thundering in the rooms below. Suddenly, as if an earthquake

shook It. the spacious building trembled beneath Its load; a sickening horror

seized the occupants. A crash! The floor

ol tbu third story near the south end

gave way, and twenty-four spinning

frames, with tbelr operatives aud the

Count himself, went down 1 Girls rushed frantically In every direc-

tion,—for the windows, for the elevator,

for the stairway, when the mammoth

ill), with one crash, crumbled to Ihe

earth, toppling down Its huge piles of

machinery, broken timbers, bricks and

mortar, and crushing hundreds of

writhing victims. A great cry of an- guish went up to heaven. Never was

such a wall board In all tbe land. Calls

for help, shrieks and dying groans came ceaselessly from the gory, widespread ruin, covering an aoro of ground, while crowds of anxious citizens hastened to

seek their missing relatives and friends. With superhuman speed and strength,

heavy shafting and rubbish were cleared

away. A few near the top of Ihe ava-

lanche were one after another easily res- cued, some sightly, others bsdly wound-

ed. Three young girls were seen In the

wash room In tbe fifth story, a section of

which was still standing. There was

great excitement and many plans sug-

gested for their rescue, but none suc-

ceeded until some daring fellows were enabled to reach them by placing ladders

upon a fallen roof, and one by one

brought them safely down.

The twilight soon gave way to tbe

deeper gloom of darkness, and by the

light of bonfires ihe work of tesculng the

sufferers went on. A man shouted for help beneath a great timber, and when It

was lifted, four crushed and bleeding

bodies were found and carried to the

City Hall, which had been thrown open as a hospital; bloody fragments of bod-

ies were continually drawn out, aa the

earnest workers sought to reach the liv-

lng, whose cries for help, In some cues,

came from tbe depths of the debris; the dead, the badly wounded and tbe dying

were constantly being borne to the Hal), followed by groups of people seeking to

recognise friends.

Mr. O'Connor had scarcely reached

home when the mill fell; he Immediately retraced bis steps as be beard tbe appall-

ing roar and din; soon a messenger

brought tbe news ot the catastrophe to

Mrs. O'Connor. Anna Htllllng, scarce- ly able to leave ber room, listened, and

learned that Count Stilling was In the

Pemberton when tt fell; the Hit le girl, in

that dread hour, bad all tbe child's love

for a father return, and, under Its Inspira-

tion, threw on a woolen dress, hood and rubbers, and unwatcbed slipped down

stairs and followed the excited family to tbe scene or the calamity- The affection,

that tinder the father's cruelty seemed

dormant, burst Into flame, and tbe trail girl, Inspired with wondrous strength and

energy, mounted the lofty ruin, and ran here and there over toppling timbers,

leaping the gulfs, and calling,,'Father I

father 1 Where are yon?'In despairing, heart-broken tones. Ah, no one knows

how much she loves tbe one who bas

sinned against ber until he Is In peril, and

needs her old. She reaaooed, *U he Its *■ hurt, and I help him out and take care of

him, he will be good and love me, and I

do so want my father to love me!' But voice made answer to her call, and

although she was untiring In the search

all over that field or blood and rubbish.

she found no trsce of him; still she held rast her brave hope and said, 'It may be

be lives deep down In some room under

tbe timbers.' Lanterns and torches lighting small

portions or the ruin, only served to make tbedatkuess more appalling. Alas! the

worst was to come! A lamp was over-

turned by a workman, and tbe flames catching the oiled cotton, spread like

wlld-flre; then, Indeed, did Anna's heart and many thousands as well, sink In de-

spair. A deeper and more dreadful cry

of anguish arose from the vast wreck,

and from frantic friends.

But all were not sad;—ibere was joy

even there! A group of Christian girls, la the depths of the ruin, knowing that

they muat die, bad dying grace given

them, and met the grim messenger,

chanting one of ihelr loved Sabbath hymns, and Anna and many others heard

them slog:—

"My falher'a bonee la built oa hlfh. Far, far above tbe atarry eky; When from tbla earthly priaoa trot, Tbat heavenly man.Ion mine .hall be.

I'm solas home, I'm folnjr bomr, I'm tolnt borne to die no more,"

And tbae, In martyr-like triumph, tbey

passed away to appear glorious In the

land where there Is no sorrow, and where

none shall hurt or destroy.

Thrilled with horror by the fall of the

great factory, ihe whole country around

was In the wildest excitement; tbe houses

of tbe city were lighted, stores kept open, and the Inmates were at tbe ruin, or on

the street questioning passera-by. Every effort was made to rescue tbe perishing.

By means of ropes, bsrs and ladder*, sev- enty-five were 'plucked as breads from

the burning.' Those In the weaving room, mostly men, escaped, the stone

estimated that some five sixths of "the seven hundred operatives, most miracu-

lously escaped or were drawn out. Bet all this Anna did net know; It

seemed to her tbat almost all would per-

ish. Yet she saw at a little distance a man held fast by timbers, and, as the fire

approached, he seized hold of a fireman,

who, In his efforts to got away, dragged the man out. She saw a young girl of

her own age held fast by a beam, crying

heart rendlngly, and the flames so hot and fierce, that tbe men bad to leave her to her fate. Anna sank fainting at the sight,

and Mr. O'Connor, coming up at the

Instant, bore ber home, accompanied by

his wife, who had a wouoded brother In

charge. Oa rushed the fire-fiend, unchecked by

the pouring of many engines. Time falls

to tell of the deeds of the aog.-l of charity In woman's heroism and man's bravery, —how, when no one could be found to

help remove a threatening portion of tte ruins a woman rushed forward and seized

bold of the rope, and men springing to ber assistance, many lives were saved—

of tbe wonderful escape of Olivia Bridges, who, bearing the crashing of the build-

ing, ran to tbe holstway, and dfsoendlng

five stories, by tbe ohaln, escaped. 'The flre spread on In the ruins,' aaya

an eye witness, ispplng up the dead and

allva alike, while the flre department poured on water, and dug at the pile

with auperbuman endeavors, and alter two days and two nights ol toll, the thou-

sands or laborers were obliged to give way before the lire, and such as still re- mained In the mountainous ruin were

consumed to ashes; tbe cries which had

been growing weaker and weaker, were

at last drowned by tbe bluing and roar- ing of tbe terrible flre; and scragged,

blsckened wreck of Iron and brlok was

all that remained of the great cotton-fac-

tory, wblob, by tbe adoption of a short-

sighted policy, was lightly and weakly constructed by cheap labor.'

After tbe excitement of the flre, Anna

was very feeble; It was so dreadful to

think of the awful death or her father, and ahe was brooding over It In tears the

third day, when Miss Grace Gynn waa announced.

'Dear Anna,' she said, stooping to kiss

her, 'I have come to take you home with me to see your little sister.'

O, thank you I thank you! la my El-

ate Indeed with you? Can I go now?

Shall I truly And my darling sister?' were the overjoyed exclamations of the child,

as the dark cloud over ber showed Its sil-

ver lining. •You shall go presently If you are

able,' waa the cheery reply.

-My good Mrs. O'Connor, can you get

this darling little girl ready to go back

with me? I'll see tbat she has new

clothes, if needed.' 'It's a grief and heart-scalding It will

be to me parting with the pretty-spoken

colleen,' replied the kind woman, with

tearful eyes. 'But If she pines for her

sister, 'twould be selfish to withhold


Just then, Paul entered, and Grace, greeting him warmly, offered him tbe

situation of her father's coachman.

'And wonld 1 bo driving the purty col

leens, God bless them, and see them ev- ery blessed day?1

And on Grace's aasnrlng blm that he would, he joyfully agreed to accept tbe

aitustlon and to accompany ber home.

There was a joyful meeting that day In

Gynnboro; Grace was quite In her ele- ment, and tbe children's love lor ber had

s rapid growth.

At bedtime they happily prattled them. selves to sleep In their own beautiful

room which opened from one of Grace's


'I have been praying that I might see

you, darling 1' cried Anna, kissing her sister anew as she folded her arms about

her neck.

'And I prayed to see you ever so nany tlmea! Mover said we could pray for

what we wanted,' ecbodfttbe loving little one.

Truly, oa Tennyson says, 'more things are wrought by prayers than thla world dreams of.'

IShi? American. LAWRENCE, FRIDAY, MAY 17,1873

'M&ffekvg /KXetv» ^reoiite»


Dr. Bobeit Lane of Sot ton, N. II., a physi- cian of high standing and eoaalderabla cele- brity, died recently, In ihe elfbty-ierenth year of bis age. He was a native of Saitoo, and a grandson of Robert Lane, one of Its earliest settlers. la tbe war of 1812 bs was a snrieon In the United Slates Array.

The body of Caroline Godd, of Newton, Moss-, was fonnd la Charles liver Thursday evening. She was forty-five years or age, and bad been missing »|nce Ssiardsy la*. Recent Illness earned Insanity, and II Is supposed that la a fit of aberration she throw herself Into the river.

The people of West Virginia ore to rota sep- arately on a elsnie of tbelr proposed constitu- tion, which provides that none hot whits pt- sons shall bs thftlble to ofllee In the State. I carried, the Supreme Court may have some- thing to say abont It.

la Parliament, lost night, Karl Oranvills In (ba House of Lords, and Hr. Gladstone In tha Home- or Commons, promised that a statement of the condition of tbe negotiations will be made on Monday next, whether the papers are received Or not.

Information bas been received of aa explo- sion of petroleum and gnnpowder is Tripolllss, Greece, whereby a number of lives ware lost. Twenty were Instantly killed, some vsry severe- ly. It was feared some of lbs wounded wonld die.

A dispatch from Salmon, Kansas, states tbat heavy freshets along the line of the Kansas Pacific Railroad had done groat damage; Ihe track in many pieces was washed away, and trains bad to be inspended for several days.

The London Globe of yesterday Says tbat It Is rumored In trustworthy circles tbat the ne Kotlatlons between the British sod American Governments, with regard to Indirect claims, were suddenly broken off jeeterdsy.

It Is staled that ssaall-pox has broken out smong the children in the Ladies'Benevolent Institution, Montreal. Six of the Inmates have been removed to the General Hospital.

Tbe London Times saja that Germany la of acceronnrintttaa evacvstion of -.***.».*.- «i.r- tory now occupied by German troops.

There were forty eases of BnO'Slroka in New York yesterday; two or them proved fatal. Tbe wi ether waa unprecedented I y hot and op- pressive for the season.

The Young Man's Christian Association of New York held a meeting Thursday night to consider the tntject of suppressing obscene lit* eraittre.

One-lhlrd of the area of Somerset, Pa., and two-thirdi of the value of the whole place, wars burned Friday morning; loss,91,000,000.

The Senate arms committee has submitted the report, it entirely exonerates the govern- ment oflUisli (rom all blame.

Later dispatches stale tbat tbe Spanish in- surrection ao far from being out lied Is as for- midable at ever.

The report to tba effect that there Is danger or a rupture with Spain Is said to be more sen- sational than true.

Tom Scott is tha favorite of foreign Stock holders for tha Presidency of the Erie rood.

Tha debates on the Treaty of Washington still continue la tbe Canadian Parliament.

There bas bean another heavy fall or snow In toe Ccttonwoost mining district, Utah.

ft coat Hudson County, N J., SflOOO last year for post mortem examinations.

Robert Swift, the oldest American resident of St. Thomas, W. I , Is dead.



The churches were well filled Sundar, tbe

A man named Daniel McDonald, who lives at Aator Ponds, H. 8., murdered an old friend named Connor, oa rrlday last. Tbe murder took place In McDonald's house. Bs appears to have neon delirious, having threatened bis wife ana children, who la oonscqasoca wars obliged to flea from the house. IIs stabbed Connor six times, from the eflVti or which be died almost Instantly.

A young man, named John Foliar, aged twenty-three years, was aariouilv tf not fatally Injured while at work wltb a dr-ular saw In tha sash and blind factory at Contoocookvllla on Saturday afternoon, a piece of wood flying bock and hitting him In tha pit of the nom aeh. A physician was called, but bis recovery la uncertain.

J. Pataman, fot a loss) tlsn) a prominent clerk in tbe post offl-o a: New Yotk, has boon arrested and committed la defanlt of BM0 boil for embezzling Utters and packsgos con- taining articles of value. Some of the articles ware found on bis person. Ha admits of bis gam.

David Scott and Mitchell Co ares t charged with tha Windsor Locks, (Conn.) murders, ware found guilty on Saturday of murder In tha second degree, and sea tan «d to tba State Prison for life.

A collision occurred between a freight nod passenger train en tbs Worcester sad Nashua railroad Saturday morning, badly damaging balb trains. No one was injured.

Fifteen hundred Michigan miners have struck for higher wages, and are committing outrages on Ibe men who refuse to join them ; tbe military hare been called out.

Joseph Drawer, a French carpenter at Nash- ua, N, H., foil from a staging on Saturday, a distance of twenty feet, injuring himself Inter- nally and. It is roared, fatally.

Tha status of Shakespeare will be In- augurated at New York on the 3Sd last., and William Cullea Bryant will deliver the add rets

Mr. Phsipa, a wealthy and wall known New York Jeweller, was fatally shot by a burglar on Friday night i tbe assassin escsped.

Tba correspondence between this country and Great Britain was sent to Congress lo-dav, and will be made public.

The flans Imposed upon a liquor seller at Amherst, N. IT.,on Saturday, aggregated near- ly 1500.

An explosion of Ore damp tat a mtaa a Wllkesborra, Pa., killed three men and Injured others.

Tba Spanish government has officially an- nounced tha suppression ol the Car list move- ment.

Tha latest advices from Persia speak of the condition of the oouotry as more hopeful.

Stokes cannot procure counsel.

Gold 1141-1.

day being nnutaally floe.


RBV. L. P. Catbmao, pastor, preached from Oal.vl, H; "God forbid that I should glory save ta the cross or oar Lord Jesus CbrUt." The term "the cross of Christ" Is used In the Scriptural with a variety of significations; sometimes It refers to lbs wooden cross on which the Lord Jesus was crucified. But thla was not the cross in which Paul gloried. Such ulorvlng would have made him a papist, or an idolater, bat not a Christian. By tbe phrase "the cross of oar Lord Jesns Christ," Paul doubtless mesns the doctrine that Christ died upon tbs cross to purchase salvation for the race. The preaching of this was a stnmbllng Mock to tha Jaw and foolishness to the Omsk, bnt to the Apostle, a subject or rejoicing sad glorying. Why r 1. Because or Its antiquity. True, tba oldness of a theory Is no evidence of Its truth. Perhaps error la coeval with truth; nod yat it la also true tbat any opinion which affects the foundation of religion, as the condi- tions of the sinner's acceptance with God, can- not be true if it be new. All of these mnst be as old as tba rail; It waa then that tbey were all settled. The first sacrifices were Its types. Abel, as he lilted up hi* bleeding lamb upon hi* new-made altar, referred to It, patrlarcba and prophets taught it. S. Ha gloried In the "cross of our Lord Jssns Cbrlit;" that Is, tbe Justification of guilty man through a propitia- tory sacrifice, because it affJrds tha only sure grounds of confidence to a penitent sinner. 3. Re gloried in tbe cross of our Lord Jesua Christ became of the divine energy which marked lbs promulgation of It, Everything rose up to oppose it. All the adverse preju- dices and bad passions or Ihe people; all their ancient institutions, yes, and the cruel sword, too, was lifted up, and tbe whole world were together up In arms against It t and yet It pre- vailed till at length tha apostle* could say, "Now thanks be unto God who nlways esnseth us lo triumph In Christ, and maknth manifest tba savor of his knowledge by as la every place, i. He gloried In tbe cross of our Lord Jeans Christ because of Its social snd moral re- sults. There are moral triumphs which sur- round tho cross of Christ with a glory which neither philosophy, legislation nor arts can presnme to equal. 5. ne gloried in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ because all was glo- rious around it. There wa. a glorious Saviour, a glorious object In view, a glorious work ac- complished.

ELIOT CoxoaaaaTiexAL. At tbe evening service the pastor, Rev. Mr.

Hunger, preached a sermon from tbe text, St. Jamas I. 3-4. Surjsct, Christian patience. After denning his subject, and dlstlnguithlng U from simple endurance, tba speaker spoke In a practical war of the various needs we have for tbe exercise of Christian paiienoe. 1. With the evils of society; not a patience that abates ■sal or action against them, but a patience that springs from faith in God as tbe ruler over all. 1. la order to meet those vexations and trials of temper tbat come through dally Intercourse with Ihe world. 4. AiJ>ne of the mala corUi exercise patience toward* OWMalreSL—nnr weaknesses and faults and evil habits. 5, It Is specially demanded under afflictions and sor- rows. 0. With reference to Ihe delayed hope* of lire.

ST. Joint's SriscoPAL.

There was the usually good attendance at tblschnach, During tba morning service, after the singing of the Tn Deum, the ordinance of baptism was administered to seven children and two adults. At the conclusion of tbe ser- vice, tbe rector, Rev. James II. Lee, preached irom the 13th verse of the 10th chapter of Mark | "Yerily I say unto yon, whosoever shall not receive tbe kingdom of Ood as a little child he shall not enter therein,"—drawing a most beaatital Illustration from the simple faith of the little children who had Jut beea brought to him to receive the sacrament or baptism, and urging upon his hearers the necessity of receiv- ing the kingdom or God as allllle child,and sub- in itting themselves lothtir Heavenly Father. Those who believe In Ihe revelation of Christ shall be saved. We cannot merit this by our acts; It Is only as we believe and accept tbe Uospel of Christ as s little child that we can be saved.

Tha Sunday School service was held In tha church In the afternoon, consisting of Evening Prayer, with a lesson from the Catechism and tbe collect for tba day-

la the evening ibe bouse wss very full. After Evening Prayer the rector took for bfa tent, Kph- lv. 13: "nil we all coma in tbe unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of ibe Son or Ood, onto a perfect man, nnto tbe measure of tha stature of the fulness of Christ." This re- lated to the completion of our Lord's wotk upon earth and hi* ascension Into heaven. IIs fought the battle of llle that wa might come an to ihe perfect man. Tbe way of attaining nnto the peifect man l* la the unity of the faith and of tho, knowledge of the Son of God, wblcb Is Identical with knowing ourselves, We can never know ouraelvea aright until we know the Son of Uod, Follow, then, tbe voice which is within you. Follow tbat wblcb is best and no- blest, because It Is lbs vote* of God leading you nmo tba perfect man- We find the only source of salvation la Jesus Christ, Wo reverence ibo one perfect man, tbe Sun Christ Jssai. We racogolts la blm our Saviour, our Lord, our Head. Than Is oo other way whereby we ceo be saved.


On Sunday morning Mr. A- T. Clark of the Aodovar Bemloery, prasched a sermon at thla church from Luke ail. He also preached lo tbs afternoon from Solomon'* Ssugll. 11,13- " The flower* appear on the earth; tba tune of the ringing of Ibe birds ba* come, and tbe voice of tbe turtle I* beard lo our land. Tbe fig tree puttetb forth bsr green leavss, and ibe vines with the tender grape give a good smell." Tbe subject of the discourse was Spring. Tbe preacher (bowed that we should learn from Spring to trust In Ood; Its an vary log approach should tescb nt confidence In Hlmwborutetb overall things. It should also teach u* tbe brevity of life at II Is fleeting, receiving ft* birth In the winler and dying In Ibe summer. Its return again should teach as Ihe certainty of a resurrection; and last, it should Oil our heart* with love and gratitude to Ood for bis loving kindness sad tender care, a* exhibited lu ihe annual recurrence of ibe life-giving season,


The forenoon sermon wa* preached by llev Dr- Barrow*, from Kitklel xxxvii. 7. "Sol prophesied ai I was commanded, sod a* I prophesied there was a noise, snd behold a ■baking, and tha bones cams together bone to his bone." Tha preacher considered first the object presented to tbe prophet's vision; the Honaa of Israel was presented under the figure of s valley of dry bones. There were three peculiarities to the vision; tba bones were des- tltute of sll tbe appendage* of life, destitute of skin, flash and sinews, and very dry, Indicat- ing a destitution of nil spiritual life In the peo- ple. They were also vsry numerous, indicat- ing the widespread nature of ilo; tbe valley was full. Iletbtn considered Ibe duty en joined upon tbe prophet) ha was to take a thorough vlsw of them, and lo afford him thst view be was carried out In tbe Spirit and set down In the midst of them. This indicates that we are to become thoroughly acquainted with the world, and all Its sin and corruption. After he examined tbe bones he was called upon to give an opinion ol them. " Will they liv*?" He wa* commanded to pray tbat they

might" coma O breath and breathe upon these slain." He next considered the remits of tbe prophet's discbarge of duty. There was an ex cltement among bones which suggests the af- reet produced npon ihe world by the promul- gation or truth. Pint a noise, then a shaking which indicate* tha knocking down ol raise creed*, 4c, among men. Than oot or tbt* there grew order, bone returned to his bone a* order is drawn out af tbe chaos or the moral world by the preaching of the Divine word. But with order there came not life, oot until he prayed " come blow O breath," showing thai nothing less thai God's Iloly Spirit can give that lite which I* lbs essence of Christianity- lu conclusion be said tbe prophecy was an In- dication of tbe final restoration of the Jews and their conversion to the true faith. The exercises at the Sunday school in the afternoon were very interesting.

CKMTIAL COXOaBOATIOXAL. At this church Rev. Mr Park preached a

sermon from the test, Lake x. 38 to 43. The ■urject was the character* of Mary and Mar- thu. Tbe preacher began by saying that tho dealings of our Saviour wltb this family form an Interesting picture of him In hi* domestic relation*. Although homeless himself he had tha natural longing for a home, which doubt- less led 10 his Intercourse with this family. Mary and Marios each loved the Saviour, bnt each manifested thst love la different way*. Martha showed ber affection by bustling activ- ity; too much pains could not be taken to gratify their guest. Mary sat still and contem- plated tbe Saviour. One ahowed blm affection by deed*, the other by feeling and thought. Mary and Martha were retpeetlre tf pea of two great classes lo ibe church ; tbey expressed tbe spiritual question snd tbs material, tbe inward and outward religious life; the whole influence or tbs Monastery and lb* convent belong to tbe school of Mary. Tbi forelgs- Mlnlonary, tbe Sunday icbool teacher, the olty Mission, tba Jail aud prison reformer, the practical re- ligious worker of every description follows tbe school of Martha. It Is not well for either of these classes to deiplsa each other. Tbey are respectively the head snd hand of Ibe church. Religious principle develops Ood- wsrd and manward; tbe true Christian inoald show a proper element of both.

UrllVIESALtST. Rev. Mr. Weaver, the pistor, preached on

Tba Death by gin.—from Rom. o;l3. "Where fore, is by on* man, sin entered Into the world and death by sin; and so death passed upon all mentor tbat all have sinned "

Ha aald the theme bed been suggested to him by tbe report* In the AitnniOAX two weeks ago of a Catholic and a Protestant clergyman aayiog, tbat "tin bronabt death Into tbe world," He knew that to be tho doctrine of their chnrches, but betlaved it to be unicrlptn- ral, untrue, and morally unwbolesome- Tbe goapel strive* to abolish tbe natural fear of death, bnt thf* doctrine tnteaslfles It,—make* death ibe curse of God, the dire punishment

ia, the open gat* of bell to all who do not seek their persons! ssfety then from,

The Bible read literally can be mads to teach .kVtar w. MSHIfM -*—j. ■,*■%.,,!' Vw»j'V«r

i»g» the word " kUleih" Is not to be t*k*a lit- erally, for If It I* It kill* the true nica-uin* Our text I* an example. It represent) Adam

bringing death Into Ihe world by sin- Bnt this 1* the letter which dsairoy* ibe true sense ir we do not look deeper. It was not physical death, but something which that represents. Tbe speaker gave a number of passages of tbe same construction, and said tha latter of them all was borrowed from Motes, who m*ke* Ood ray to Adam, " la tbe day thou eatest thereof thou shslt surely die." But Adam did not die a physical death at the time of hi* transgression, but lived a long life after It. He passed through a great change of condition which is called death,—a change from iono cenceto ml It, from righteousness lo sinful- new, from bspplness lo misery.

Physical death wei in the world before Adam. Aalmats had died for ages before be lived; the rocks below hit feet were full of tbe remains of dead animals. la his physical con- stitution he was ao animal made to return to the dust from whence he come. Before be sinned be at;, and breathed snd slept to sup port bis physical life. If either of these sources of support had been cnt off, he would have died. Adam's sin then did not bring physical death into the world, bnt gnllt, shame. anguish, debasement. And all the passage* borrowed Irom Ihe Rdeo story of Adam's I'esth by sin, tescb thst sin brings guilt, sorrow, degradation to every sln.-er. This Is tbe death that has passed upon sll men (or tbat all have sinned. Paul says " to be carnally minded I* death." He says also, " Sin, taking occasion i.y the commandment, deceived me, and by It slew me." And sgalo be *ayi, " I wai alive wlthcnt ibe law once; hut when tbe command- meat came, lin revived and I dial." Sin bad made him deal in carnal mindedness. So all the Christiana or his time bad beea dead in trespasses sod sin*.

Tbe Bible doctrine then 1* Ibl*. 1st. That physics! death 1* natural, and come* bv tbe Inevitable workings or ibo human conitltn'lon 21. That It I* nifd In tbe BIMe as tbe source of many of ihoie form* of speech which sot forth lbs change, darkness, angnlsb snd de bssement occasioned by iln. Bnt tha Bible teaches more than I'm. It says "Ihe wicked donot live cut halt tbelr days;" lhatsia shortens life as well as fills H with pain.

We see Ibl* In the sin of Intemperance wblcb ■lay* It* thouianus every jesr, and In every vice which debars* Ibe bocy and corrupt* the mine

The true doctrine I* that death I* natural, but aln and vice hasten It* coming, sharpen Its arrow* and multiply it* miseries, so tbat if wa love lif* and wou'd sea good daya we must live righteously. Saints outlive sinner*. Then, beware tf sin as the scnurg* sod misery tf msnklnd, tha one evil of all evils.


Morulng and evening service* were held a* usual; J. B. Crossley occupying tbe desk; sab- )eet for tbeevenlag wa* tskan from Matthew xil: 42; "Tbe Queen of the South shall rfss up In tbe Jadgment with this generatloa. snd sbsll condemn It: for she came from the uttermost part* or tbe earth to hear tha wlidorn or Solo- mon and,bjbold a greater than Solomon I* here Tbe text luggesl* the power of Solomon, bl« wealth, the splendor or bl* court, hi* palaces, hi* wisdom and fame, vet, "behold a greater than Solomon I* here."

1. In tbe extent of bl* dominion Solomon'* kingdom was great, but sttil boundaries were limited,—while the kingdom of Jean* (ball "stretch from shore lo shore." 2. In tho length of bis reign; Solomon's years were limited, be reigned but forty years. Christ's kingdom i* eternal, "snd He shall reign for aver and aver." 3. Io the prosperity of hi* ■objects; Solomon did make sliver to be as stones In Jerusalem By seeking first '.he kingdom of God, the subject* or Jesus gain true riches hern, and life eternal hereafter.


services were conducted by A, L. Honghtou, of Lewlston' Ma. Averypowcrrulendeloquer.t discourse was presented morning and after- noon, eliciting tbe closest attention or an un- maslly large audience. Tbe text of the morn- ing *ermon was Irom Matt, x: 34,—"Think not thst I am corns to sand peace on Ibe earth, I c*me not to trod peace, but a eword."

Theme; Through wir be peace. The advent of Christ brought disappointment even to those most expecting him. The angel* bsd sung or peace and good-will to the shepherds, sad the

Jews expected tbs peace of a triumphant tern poral reign. Christ came oot to deliver tbelr country from Rome, but to free tbelr souls from sin; he could not btiog peace world, for that waa In *ln; his Is a kingdom of rlghteouinesi, snd righteousness and sin ore antsgoalatle. The final object of Christ's mission was peace, bnt thla peace woe to be galaed through conflict; this i* not the peace or compromise, but the peace which corns* from conquest over evil. Christ came to in- augurate war, ibat bs might establish peace; thf* Is in harmony with our experience la all moral reforms; agitation always attends these; tbe whole history or tba church exhibits it; John the Boptlit was an agitator, and men feared that Christ sad the apostles would sub- vert ail their cherished Institution*. Luther, and Zaingle wars agitators, and tb* saviors of Ibe church. The lesson for as, Is, to learn what is true, and to do what Is light, la spits of all opposition. There Is no excuse In onr age for servility of thought or action; to the bold soldier of Christ come* the peace fore- told by prophet*, mag by bard*, and chanted by the angels.


The pastor, Rev. J. B. Gough Pidga,preached a sermon in the morning from Acts xx: 19.— "Herring the Lord with all humility of mind, wltb m*ny tears and temptations." An excel- lent discourse was preached from tba tail. The Sunday school exorcises In tbe afternoon were very Interesdut',

GBACS RnsaorAL. Rev. Dr. Packard occupied tha desk, ood

prasched a sermon from tha following: —" He ross again tbs third dav according to the scrip- tures;" 1 Cor. xv: 4, "Who Is gone law heaven and is oa the right band of Ood;" 1 Peter HI; 23. It was necessary that the event or tbe resurrection of Christ Jesus from the dead, should ba amply and most convincingly proved, and It la, as a fact, supported by every speciM of testimony that tbe most cautious seeker for tbe truth could demand. It was at- tested by angel* from heaven, by hi* dldptes, not credulous men, wba were convinced by bis being with them, eating and drinking wltb them, and showing to them tbe wounds io bl* bauds and feet and side, by tha soldiers who were terrified oy tbe appearance or tba ang< I* and tba accompanying earthquake, and who fled Into tbe city to tetl tbe woaderlul story to tha Chief Priest*, and by tbe anemias or the Basionr la the fabrirstlon of tba most Int pro' a ble of all .torles, that while tbe guard ofalxn men slss-t, Ibe aiiclple* came and stole uwtt the booy. Uut the stronges: aitMtalton tu the fact arises from the very existence of chrla- t'anity. Tbe reiurrectlon of Christ li the essen- tial point from which alone we eon dnteibc triumph* ot bit religion. Altsr remarking upon oilier reasons lor our estimating Ibetsct of Christ'* resarreotioo a* Io tb* highest de- gree Important, the preacher passed to coo-ld ■ ar tbe ascension of Jetui, commemorated on Tbunday last. It wo* oot neoeeaary tbat there should besueh ample testimony to the ascension of Christ aa than was to bis rosarroo- tion i ibe dledples only saw It. There was a visible departure, a real removing In their ■Igbt of that body of Christ which wo* before •<rM,»n».i,rai, which Is taken np from yon Into beaveo, aball so come lo like manner a* you have a*sn him go Into heaven." Tbe as- cension of Christ Jesus was necessary to fulfil the various typo* and prophecla* prefiguring and promising it under tha patriarchal and Jewish dlspeasetiaus, but It was specially nsc- esssiy for tbe full exercise of tba various offices which pertain to bis medlatership, and ihe effectual discharge or Ihe work* ha had under- taken, at prophet, priest, kiog of bis church and peoplo. A* a king, bo governs, and as aa high prleet, be appears In tba presence or Ood for nt, there as ren•enter, advO este, Intercessor, to plesd la behalf or all true penitent believers, the sacrifice of hlmscir offered for tbs sins or men. Tbl* office as prophet Is executed by Importing lbs Holy Spirit for th* instruction, direction, assistance, and comfort of bl* people Individually and collectively. Through tba min- istry of hi* church, through the sacraments of ber Institution*, through all the mean* of grace, public and private, be provide* for the instruction and education of mankind. Ex* alted as a prince and a saviour, ha demands our obedience, stki from a* humble, child-like trust, and most truly daaervea the fall confi- dence of fsitb. The believer may confide lo bl* promises, tba impenitent and nnbolfevlng should tremble at his threatening*.

Lawnaitca HTBXBT.

The pastor, itev. Mr. Fisher, preached a ser- mon from Mark x. 13—10. Theme, Encourage- ment to seek Ihe early conversion of children. That scene where Christ blessed the little chil- dren, touches all heart*. Artists try to repro- duce it. Mother* read It, weep over it tears of Joy ami hope, and find encouragement to bring their children to Christ and bone for tbeir early CODvcrtion* for these reason*. 1. It is pleaalng to Christ. S. llosssurcil Ibem he can bestow on them spiritual blessings. 3. Tbey are high- ly susceptible to spiritual influences. 4. The ■pirit work* wilb great advantage In young In in,. A. Tbe increased usefuloeis of those converted In childhood encourages u* to seek the early conversion of the young. 7. It is act lng in sympathy with Christ, and co-operating with tho work of the Holy Spirit.

Faan Mission CHAPEL.

At this chapel, located on Tower Hill, and under tbe pastoral care of Rev. Edmund Ketlcy, a discourse wa* preached from Dan. Hi. 4—13. The speaker first gave a general exposition of the content* of tbe chapter, which be followed by ilrli ni ng tbe classes of laborer) therein, name- ly ; The wise and such as turned many to right- eousness, lie then alluded to tbe difficulties encountered by those laboring for Christ, and ■boiTcd that with earnestness and patience all opposition could bo overcome


Th* Rev. P Y Smith of WHklnsonvltle. preached a sermon from James 3:17- " Bu the wisdom that is Irom shove I* tint pure then peacahle, gentle and easy to be entreated, lull of mercy and good fruit* without partiali- ty sod without hypocrisy." The term "wis- dom" as eroplotsd by the apostle is to be un- derstood as true religion. There's another wisdom *poken of In the contest which pro- duces different results, snd bas soother origin than tbat which Is the subject of our remarks, fit. " The Wisdom from Above." 1st. Re- ligion i* true wisdom tbst lead* on* to calcu- late with refaranco to tbe entire period of bl* existence. 21. True wisdom is willing to give up a present good Tor that which Is faturc and batter. 81. Religion exhibits Ibe nature of true wisdom by teaching tha human mind to be in subjsetion to the sovereign will or the Infinite. 4th. Religion Inculcate* the doc trinn of living in such a wsy a* our 11VH Will

bear reflection. The speak;r than noticed at the second lop.

le tbe heavenly origin or the wisdom, aud last-

ly it* blessed fruits.


Servlcss conducted by Rev. L. L. Wood. SaiJ^ct, morning, course, on Generis. "Tbe Birth of Isaac, Goo. 21:8 Lessons or it. 1st. It occurred according to the Divine promise. 21. It wa* typical Of the coming Messiah. dJ. Its consoquenee*, icparatlon of *eed of tbe bond woman from tba bair, and ao prefigured also the separation of tbs children of this world and ibe betrs or the prom I to la Christ, 4c.

Bunjset, afternoon, Sabbath Law* with spe- cial reference to late demand* for opening

public Libraries on Sabbath la New York Oly, as advocated by H. W. Beeehar. 1st. Tha Sabbath a Divlns Institution and ao It* dese- cration mora than tha violation of a mere hu- man enactment. 21. The argument or those advocating and letting down or Sabbath Laws, reviewed, As.

Sui'J*ct, evening. "Jesui of Nt si rath pass- eth by." Lake IS :37. Th* condition of the blind nun may be takso to represent the spir- itual condition or the world. 21. The event of Jssat passing round aa a tost of the man's bailer—Ditto Ilka event* the fa th ol mao, Ac.

Houea or ConascTion. RlV. C. U. Dunning, city Missionary,

preached at 9 o'clock to a vary attaaitva an- disnee, from Act* 17 A. " Tbose that have turned tha world upside down have come hliher also. Ha spoke first ot Tha Morally discordant condition of Earthly Boetetv. The TbeessJoalans like 'many in onr day, viewed the world aa right side ap. Paal and Silas, uught of Ood, viewed It otherwise. Bald Pharaoh," Tbey are alt gone ont of tba way."

The preacher argued tbs disordered state of socleir. lit. By Its religion as being Idola- trous, and not Improving to the moral stale. SM. By IU practice—asdemandlog innumera- ble guard* for Ufa and properly. Hs next spoke or tha design or Ood to reconstruct so- ciety. This waa lo ba brought abont. let. By moral means, Christ, the Holy Spirit, min- isters of reconciliation, the Holy Scriptures wore agencies to be employed. 3d. By retri- butive means. Thi* waa aald to be a mean* only to be employed when tha moral means had failed. After much long «uffori ng or an lavailon of Ihe Divlns right*, and after iha most positive rrjsctlon of tha Divine many, the hearer, were finally exhorted. Inasmuch a* there is power In the Ood to sot tba world morally right, to submit to its purifying nod saving Influences.

A Sabbath school service was hild with tha prltoosrs at 4 1-4 o'clock.

The Oathollo Oauronoa.

ST. Maav's, Rev. Father Gal berry preached a sermon from

Acts 1.1—12. Subject, A-ccn.ion of Christ, and tho consolations which it sflordt us. 1. The ascension of our Lord was the completion of hit mission on earth. Man had bocn redeemed and hi* sin* atoned for. Tho Cburcb had been es- tablished and it* organisation perfceicdt ibo sacraments had been in,united tbe divine com- mission hod been given to the apostle, to preach tho Goapel lo ever;' creature, «lib the a>Mir*nco ibat Christ would be with them, cveu to tbeom- summation of the wotkl. 2. Christ ascending iulo heaven assumes for u* tbu office of Medi- ator with hi* Heavenly Father. "If any man sin we have an advocate with tho Father, Jesui Christ the just." Tbe divine anger may threat- en speedy punl.bmcui f jr man'* transgression*, but Jesus present* to hi* Eternal Father tba wounds lu his sacred hand*, and exhibits ibat brow once crowned witu thorns, and reminds him of ell that he suffered for nun's salvation, and forthwith the divino anger 1* appeased. 3. Christ, by his ascension, has opened the goto* of heaven for m. For 4000 years man had been forbidden the vision of Ood; hs was aa outcast

who will. He t* our bead; * of his mystical body; tho body mnst not bo sep- arated from the bead. True happiness must not be expected until thl* complete union takes place in heaven.

Exhort at ion lo despise, the pleasures of the world, and to aspire to the possession of eternal


The Rt. Rev. Bishop Rosiborn, will visit BL John's Cburcb on Sunday evening next, at which time a large number will bo confirmed. Service* io commence at 7 o'clock. Tbe ring- ing will be lad by lbs Sunday School.

The late Stephen Barker of afetbuen.

Tha paaatat .»*r «f ibla old .ad ulatlofnlanad •lllsen, »o long and wall known to all the business

of the town, sad also to many In Ihe ct tlee of Lawrane* and Lowtll, of th* older class with whom h. wa* eonvereaot In a long buslnes. If e, wonld

demand more than a piealng notice. Mr, ll.rk.r wa* born In Aadover, In Jane, 1T01. De- voting hi* early year* to obtaining an education, In bl* native town, at lb* age of aliicn he taught school ta Maine; eoas* of hi* pnpil* allll enrvtv* htm, more advanced to year, than waa their early teacher. Two year* aftar U* langbl a aehool In Bloaebam, Maaa., wb*r* ba purchased a lot of land, Intending to erect a .tor. and oomnsenoe trading, bet wo* advised to go and view wbai waa thought lo be a favorable location In tb* Wsat Pailsh In Uetho.n, where be located and eom- eawieed bl* buslneM lit. a* a trader at tha ag* or eighteen year*. In which ha wa* quite »uoe*»«rul, end erected for himself a pleasant resld.nee whaia b* until tb* year IBB). Pmlen* to tbl* ba received the appoiniui.rH or Collector or tha dlrret Tax for tb* Ba**S County District, wblcb ba *e- eeptad, being admonished by th* on* who appointed bun tbat othera had failed lo collect Ibe tax, and bean driven eff, eome would doubt!.** try lo Intim- idate and frighten him. Ill* reply was: " Th*y ■say kill me, but will never frlthien me."

In narsnlug hi* tatrisl datte* b* mad* the ao- qnatnianc" of many le whom ba wa* evar etoeelr allied,among thens waa Ills* Mary,daughter of laaae Woodiiurr, K«q., of Beverly, whota h* »• leoted aa bl* partner for In*, bnt ah* waa e.lled away by daeth la tb* prim, of Ufa, at Ibe ag* of II year*. Ilsr nseay vlsiaee and kindly deeJ. are ohertshed by many .till living.

About th* learlSTT.b* deposed of hi* early realdeoee, end purchased the f.rm near Ike village wbara ba boa daee raetded, d.votlag nrnai ol his ilaao, eseept what wa* tt qalred ta bl* own basin***. In hi. towit.m.n sad tho ptihlhi. Ills .•r.ioee were of'.n died In aelllhg eetats*. *Uo a. SOgtaeBV and Jn*ilee of tbe p*aee, wMsu SE*BS b.beid f«r about Bfiy year*.

In the eatljr aont.eaplatlon or fonndlng ib* ally nr swreaee. bl. earvlae. retained (Wins tb* firsts

aad were uf«r a- t» u. from hi. th >r >ml Boat's* edge ot every feet of lead, and •'••> •*• p>'>ipfl«n>r, althatttmo It hat b«n remitted tb*l pro"-"1' an prraou ever lived In <hi luwn vfeo h** treu a t- ad ao much tropon.ut hu.lntMO of * |U'j1ia Batora aa did E-qali" B.rt.r. Ill* "lira swatnsaaS Mr, rmhrart.-g a perM of cv.r flf » >.ara. aid "lib more than n aal eaoe-aa; fat bl* kern r.»ft"l«h'. ek»e application U> bn*lo*-a and study, dovoili'g llllle tins' to r**r*atlen or aotaiemanl, but eao.t nf bl* Maura aaoaaeeta le resting, tat hi* sirorg re teoUva aaaosor*, hi. strict *e ineny, alwaya avoid- ing all oetentetloB or ab.,w.SU energy Of eh.raetar, be waa.ver noiad among ht. baeior** Irleade.

Uavlag a airoeghaired toSjevstf eaS opprewtan la all form* b* early Ideallfi'd blese.lf with th* emUlavery eanae, and was widely kaown a. one of lie asoet s.aloua* end airoeg**! advocate*, aad often ranree.ed bl. J-iy that hi* life had been spared to eealu end. To **sl*l tba poor and down trodden, wliheat regard to rasa or ooler, with blm wae a ruling prli.eiul., and maay .till BM who oan teetiry to bl* generosity. Be wa* regarded by bl« neighbor* a* aver klod aud obliging, ** ■ '',•,"1

wta* aad dleereet; MS retiring disposition woe *o*h that ever ready to a**i*t Uf RsassBS, never eoaebl popBtattiy or or was »**r eteaely Id.ntifl'd wltb any rallgloa* Met, but bad a btad wlek and word for all wboae effort* wet* lotaoded to bensBI msnklnd. _

He leaves an only ton, Btaph.n Barker, Jr., a roeldeal of Lowell, who will continue u retalo IS* old man. Ion.

Forsler'a lif* of Dickens hat reach-d it*

eleventh edition. "I'M rap you oa your little bead" has suc-

ceeded "Put me la my little ben." Il Is eweet- ly cbaotad by mothers to tbeir wsywsrd

lliilo boys. Tbs Dobuqne Ifera/sf sat I, that Anna D;tk-

eosnabns pat her root on Grant and the od- mloistratioo- Wecno hardly decide which i* tbe most dreadful, the crushed or broksu state ofthepsriy, or tbstlxior foot needs! for the

L *. WHENCE, FRIDAY, MAY 17.1873


On Sunday nijttit to old gentleman of Chi- cago, named Mumford, who was visiting hi* ■oa, a farmer, liviou two miles from Kenotba, Wis.,was murdered In his bed. llii akull wu crushed by soraebluot instrument. A Toung Uermon, lately employed on ths farm a&d wbo leii Sa'urday n'gut, li eupposed to be ibe mur- derer. A watch and 0100 were taken.

Tbe pardoned students at Havana bare been released from prison and placed on board of the Iron clad 8arsto*a, whsre (her will remain at compieta liberty notll u opportunity offers tbemtoffoto Spain; the etndanti are well trailed and their lauHiei visit them.

The Gladstone government bai earned the pralae of tbe BritUh Parllameot for the ikllful manner in which the negotiations between that country and the United Slate* In regard to the claim* for Indirect damages have been carried on.

Theodore Tilt in and Mrs. Woodbull have had a rupture, It If said, on account of lueir political d!verg:nn, and can no longer marcb under the same limner. Hue li t >o raiical for Tllton.

NormoiK Ortawotdaf Heading, Vt., com milted eufclde by banging on the morning of tbe Ot'j Inaianl. He was found impended by a log chain, att-ifhe l to the high beam In tbe barn.

Tbe difficulty between the failed Stun and British government*, in regard to the claim* arising ont of the rebellion, will doubtless have apsactful solution.

Several large manuraciuriiig establishment* In Hamilton., have locked out ttiolr em- ploye* rather i!i.m 5 laid to the nine honr movement.

A bouse and barn at Gitinsnton Cirner, N. |j, owned by a Mr. Pickering, were burned a few daysa^o. Li*s Jl-530; no insurance.

A Are occurred at. Toronto, Ont. , on Sunday destroying property to tbe amonni of t].W, 000.

Go! I 11", |.;.


A London dispsicb save : A repoit thatthi I'niteJ States Senate ba* reacted Ibe proposed additional article lo the treaty of Waihi ngion, relative to Indirect c Indus, Is current In thii cltj, and bai a depressing effect upon tho mar- ket tor Amerkan securities. As the additional Httolf hat not yet lioeu Ootuldtred by tbe Sen- ate, tbe alarm ll ptemature.

The body of SlU* Nellie Jtiwett. of Clare- moot, N II , wbo niytterlously ^disappeared Ibree weekn n«o ]:..i Thursday, was found yes terday in Sugar river, above tbe lower dam belonging tube Mona-Inoc Mills Company The body w*» discovered by some men a work repairing tbe dam.

D»nlil Gleason Iho North Adam wlfo tnur drrttr, fleaded guiliv yeitsnlay to murder ir tbe first deiiree, and was remanded to prison fur sentence In September rest-

On Tuusday the President sent a mcs*agu to Congress rccammending la* nJopdon of HUM

nros looking to Hie amelioration of the i-ondi lion nl liiiniUrtuts on »hl|>buarj

The Senator a! oontetl in Connecticut it ex- citing tiiuih intertillj present appear*neti in- dicate that Senator Ferry will ba re-elected by a small rarjirtty.

Tbe olfltiial roiraapondtBes rcliittvo to th< persecution of |*rw>llt«*i in Room.m■» wai transmitted to the S.'iuto by the President jciter'lar.

Tbe railroad depot ot Klliot, Me., was routed yesterday of threo hiiniruj dollars, and a lot of tickets, daring tbt absence of ibo depoi matter.

Tbe Itnlu among tbe Michigan cupper ruin ers continues. Troops havo bren tlUpBtfhau to tbe locality in '.v|[|..-!i ibe striker* are.

Marshal Dux ilna was placet mil jester lny. His trial before a ■;■■■ u1 eoart marshal will iiegin Inafo* days.

Subscriptions to the amount of 300,COO francs have been raited In Paris for tho suffer- ers by tbe eruption of Vctuvmi.

.Ji2I£C0., V'?"1?' h« withdraw &»•<■•*- ITHIDeniraT eTecT'on.

Tennio C.C-aflintbe llttsr of Victoria Wood hull, wants the command of the Ninth N' Y. regiment.

rortsmcutb ba* n cast) of small DOS


A train on ibe llml- <u branch of tbe lloiton and A: K.i.y It til toad went through .i bridge near Hudson, N. Y., yesterday. Tho englnt passed OTCi in ss'oty, but tho lender and foo freight uri were tlirowo into a i-retk nnd ba] ly umathed ; tbe p ,■■■■■ n.-. : coach ou the rear oftb» .'ciip.d uuirjurcd. No lerson was bun-

An atrempt bus batn msde li destroy tbe machinery of Thomson & Co.'s aud Gregory * Co.'siteel woikt In Jetaey City; their plojee muck last week, and It I, »ijpPo)ed that thor altumpto I to ruii tbe work*, in order to prevent other men 1st lug tbeir plaeca.

The London Daily .VsaMtaji, All the of Knglanl arc lurned to the American Senate. We have tlorto our duty. Tbe last hopu tii.iii.ii,.; !, thedicision has been eonOded lo A body alwaj i boliliug tho highest pli gravity and wisdom

David It. IVHutncUtu. a Frenchman unil a wtnlihy builder, wtl r.unil dead la New York Wednesday morning mipendcd oi a clolbea lino In hi* lack raid, with hi* hand* tied be- hind l,nr:. [t is impacted that a foul murder wa* lerpetrated,

The workingmin ol Chicago nn Tuetd nude a mrce»sful riomonitration in favor of IheciflUt bour law; i!,e procession waa large; tbe leelcrs molntnln, howcv«r, that tl tw no Itrlks,

Ifli I that the i v. in) miifdernl Mr. Pbtlps me New Yjrk Jjwel'er, ha* bean cap- lored In a low saloon, in tbu g*rb of a Hebrew p>Cdl;r

Tin: i\ lo Edituia cid PuUhlUri anntia convcniiun an 1 excursion will lako place '■. ■ i i ■ ■'■: ■:,-;',■', ■, will goto Mount Ddsert.

The latest about Huraeo (Ircoley 1* thit he citinot live wltbooi wriiinir for tbe Tribune; he *ih wii i- rt'culiirly ior it* colooane.

Tbe fatu of l ic mpplemcDtcd irinvls nn- caruln, although tbe S*nat49 forti^n comalt- tee are said to be favirdiilo to It

Thn hnslteiS portion of Kemplvlllc, Ont.. Was lurne.1 Tu »d*V; t i'j lots n o.Iimsnd at 9100 oco.

II. I s oka- will and ill i Jo Ic-- [ -i presidt.

Hon. It chard Ueuer, a prominoni iiii»;n oi New London. N. H . died on*d«} -

louip.u-it Hie roof

Small tux ioausa


John McUara, a

I Hie Coliseum.

> lii New V.-;i.

of Janice M M .i .. i II ri.:i> „.in Wtitcfaeator Cuuui.v, N. Y abot h'< fa ber w ih a r. v.lver, Morid»v, lie 'MII- l,.' a ier rspr msnde I him I-r | laying tra D', ml in-lleton Migilng tos-lut tbe Houktiol lUfugc. Mr. McMarai< In a leal condition; the toy is lodged In Jail.

A largo t,uKlo atiumpted to carry oil ibu child of Mr*. Decker m Gopiko County. N. Y„ the ether dBv.but was driven olf by ihc mother; tbe Mil day it iid.nn raado iia appcarnnce, and wa» tH(,l by a young man tinned Dlnehuri.

Wm Hi Uullorg, a maiketmsn ai Oppo- i.aut, H I-, w*a aitntked by two men on ibe highway, while going home, Wednesday nlglit, ■lii' in tbi arm ami liadly wnundrd in tbe bead, lie «a. robbtdcf #1800,

Tbe strike of ibe copper miners in MUhlgan ttill L-ootloflCV, but the ttcsence ol military in the locilitj ol ihc niiiker* preserve* order-

Btuinesi m«o generally thronghoat ihn coun- try uriio lb* ratitl.aiiun ol Gladtton«'t supple. ineiiul in ni y .

Pennsylvanu want* a man ol bcr* placed In tbe Vie* PfasidentlJl chair-

A severe Trosi prevailed In New llanipahlre yeiterdav morning.

There It an Increase of imall-poi ID Jersey City aud vicinity.

The roofer* hava begun operation* upon tbo Collteum-

MAY FESTIVAL —The M»y feBtlvil In

abi of the flHUbllshmcnt of a State Hom-

eopathic UoiplUl, belt) at the city ball on Monday evening, waa of a very at-

tractive character. Tbo festival wag pro-

Jectctl some time ago> and the arrange- ments for Ita consummation have lor some time been going onlculi]ilnailng~ last

evening In one of the most delightful parlies wc have witnessed for some time.

The Platform ol the ball was gaily dec-

orated with evergreen \ In the centre waa placed lh» throne of the Queen oi

the May, which was also (tally adorned.

The Festival was participated in by

twenty-three young ladles, and after the

singing of eouie choice music, Mlsa Car- rie Cutler was chosen Qjeeu of the May,

tbe floral diadem was placed upon her head by ber slater Ml<s T.'llie Cutler,

whose appearance rendered her charm-

ing enough to have equal claims to the distinguished honor conferred upon her

sister. Miss Nettle Bueil then presented

the QoflM with her sceptre, alter which

the retinue of her llsjaity sang a song In

herhotior, and circling around the throne,

laid their floral tributes at her feet. The •paetaolo was a very beautiful one,and

i witnessing one could scarcely smother pang of regret that a custom so beni-

tllul and so attractive to youth should bo fust dying out Tbo dance around tho

.May polo, which wai placed In tho centre of the hall, followed to the delight of tbe

spectators. This concluded the hall was leared, and the older people proceeded

to take part In the feailvni. Dancing was

kept up with spirit unlll about twelve

o'clock. Tl.e young ladles participating

In the festival besides those already men-

tioned were: MUsei Ella B*»0, Carrie

Whlttler, CUM Eaton. Annlo Ilrown. Llwle Halsbury, tienle Menill, Fannie

Herrlll, Mary Lfttbrop, Clara Weaver, Fannie True, Helen I'atker, Annie Per-

kins, It. 11'- Flanders,Cora I'otter, Emma Sanborn, I.'z7.le White, Nellie Stoddard,

Ella Bailey, Joalo Endley and Mary Ley-

land. During the evening Ice cream and coft'ee were served with cake. Carnej's

hand famished the music, which was generally spokan of as being excellent.

Altogether the affair was. highly success- Inl, and gnve much pleat-ure to nil wbo

attended. It U a matter for regret that

the »![• ndnnce was not larger; as it Is,

however, something over llfty dillars,

will be cleared for tbe object in the aid

of which the Festival was held.


the Connecticut Scnatorship, will prove

a source ol disappointment to tho repub-

licans generally, ntuong whom thero tiro

few more popular leaders) the triumph

can hnr.lly bo claimed, however, as

other than personal; Senator Ferry

cniiiu liumu from Washington to partici-

pate in the state canvass, and in the

course of his speeches, most heartily

endorsed tho administration of (icn.

Grant and the Republican party, and

that he now succeeds by the votes of the

entire Democratle party, ibowi to what

extent the demoralisation has extended

within that once powerful political or-

ganization. Those who count upon lu

ture gains for the Democracy HI that

■late through the lakewarmnen of Gen

Ilawley, . .in-., ]ii. i.i. upon lids result.

sadly mistake the character of the man :

next fall lie will bu found as actively

vigorous as ever; tlio state will go

straiglit forward, and the future will

have lor him its reward.


•tnal) item appeared in tho local col

umns of Moaday'd Anutiean to tlio etTect

that Charles M-unt-y, a brakeman oi

tlio Lowell umt Lawrence railroad, had

been arrested by officer Spoflbrd for

the larceny of a tea kettle from tho in-ii oi ireigui, untt with the Btove and

other utensils loiming Lite necessary u]i

parntus lor culinary purposes, was c,

transit to Lowell, and Mooney, who is a

single man. thought tho tea kettle would

be an excellent thing to keep water in

lor ahlutlonary purposes, and ho pui

loiuod It; the kettle was missed, and n

hoy having Been Mooney take it, otlicer

BponTord was called, who found the ket

tie iu a lux in which Mooney kept his

traps. In court he promptly pleaded

guilty, nud expressed contrition for tli

aet, informiug bis Honor that he thought

it would he a handy thing to keep wnte

In for washing, and took it without

thinking of the dishonesty of thu pro-

ceeding. Ho was lined *.'» and costs,

amounting to (0,80, which ho paid. Ho

could have bought a ten kettle for about

ono eighth ot the sum, anil ho didn't get

the ten kettle either.


appeared in the police court Monday,

ft woman iinrocd Wnttdell, charging he

husband, who was in tlio dock, with be-

ing idlo nud disorderly, with drinking

all Ids earning!, refusing frequently to

work, and cruelly treating her. The

woman told her story with many tears.

and In reply tu a question of the judge,

as to whether she could get along with

out her husband, the said that the want

ed no more to do with htm in this world

nor in eternity. Her life had been

wrecked by him, and slin was slowly

wearing into the grave. The husband,

whose character lor brutality is well

km.wn i<> the officers, denied the allega-

tions of bis wile, and asked bis Honor

to receive her statements with caution.

His Honor said he had no doubt of her

truthfulness, and sentenced Waddell t

fonr months' Imprisonment in the boa

ol correction. Waddell pleaded hard to have the mittimus stayed, hut his Hi

was firm, anil Waddell goes up.

litu T.M. ASSAULT. — While Daniel

lilaisdeli and Geo. W. ChadWiok, were

going down Comman street this after-

noon, about a quarter past lour o'clock,

they wer-i ii'eo'jted by a couple ol M-

lo«s who made some insulting remarks

to them; they i-ndeavoied to pass on,

but onu of ibu fellows clinched with

Hlaiadell and kicked him, breaking Ids

right leg a li llo above tlio ancle. Offl-

twr Harris, who was near at the time,

arrested one of the roughs, who gave

bis name as Thomas Clarke; It is not

known whether bo was the one who in-

flicted tbo injury. Dr. Chamberlain was

called, and attended In the injured man,

Who Was conveyed to his homo on tho

Washington corporation.

IV'Iiie Lawrence American is pub lishitig a tale ol the Mertimack Valley, entitled " Will Sin- Escape Him P " Up- wards of thirty chapters have been printed, and not a word yet about tbe escape. Wo are getting anxious to know about it. — L<jni\ Iteyortcr.

Our unsympathi/ing neighbors of tho

seaboard seem not tu appreciate the

v a fin ess of this region; as if a tale ol

the Merrlmack Valley could possibly be

of less length 1 However, we this week

curtail Iho matter, solve theconundrum,

and relievo the anxiety nl the heroine's


HORACE GRKKLIV will commence

willing a book after the (all elections,

on "What I know abmit navigation;"

giving the experiences of a voyage up

Salt River.

Fine—About i o'clock Tuesday morn-

log an alarm was sounded from Box i:i, and although this hour B tbe most unfa-

vorable of the entire twenty-four for

promptly turning out the tire depart- ment, yet the entire force was present In

a very short time. The tire was at Not.

I'it'- and 408 Common street, and was Ig-

nited from a lighted lamp being left upon

a table In a room where two children had retired for the night, the lamp

communicated damca to the table cover-

ing, which In turn eattght lira to tbe bed clothing. A cry ol fire brought police-

men to tbe scene, and In a moment offi- cer Vandyke threw tbe burning bed from

tbe window and tbe dames were arrested

without the aid of tbe firemen; as usual

the fire alarm wai worthless la defining

the locality of tbe Are; It was sounded from Box 13, and while tbe Catholic

church bell and the Paclllo bell sounded the number correctly, tbe city hall bell,

tho heaviest of the three, struck the num- bers 22. 23 and 24 Such a condition of

the tire telegraph is worse than the old

method, and If our city government can-

not correct this evil tbe Are alarm tele-

graph had far better be dispensed with.

In this connection we would suggest that a box be located In the immediate vicinity

of ttic Are of this morning. Here Is one

f the most densely settled portions of

lie city, tbo buildings almost entirely omposed of wood, with two large sta-

bles in their midst, and In cue of lire no

alarm can be sounded rearer than tbe

railroad station, the PactAo Mills, at the

corner of Oik and White streets, or the

corae'r of Lawrence and Eis^x streets,

whence the alarm was sounded this morning,—a full charter of a mile from

tbe scene ol tbe lire. This mutter should

be remedied at once.

THE ST. JOHN'S CONCERT.—'Ihe lov- ers of music will receive the announce-

ment with pleasure that Mr. Abetcrom- ble baa succeeded in securing the services

of Mrs. Houston West, soprano, and Mrs li. B- Sawyer, contralto, both of Boston

to assist at thu concert to be given at

Saunders Hall, on Friday evening of this

week. This eminent talent, with an ex-

cellent selection of home artists, will

make one of the most attractive musical entertainments with which our commu-

nity have been favored for a long llaie.

Owing to the subsequent engagement of

Mrs. West and Mrs, Sawjer, a change of

programme from that already published has been necessitated, a copy of which

we present below: PAST FixaT.

1'*TI SoDf, Usrrti ol the lien of llarlrch, Chorta- tere.

1'nrii, Tbe Hoaaj tlanha, sire. WaM and Mr. Aber- c ramble.

Aria, Son ft flaeno, Ur». B.wver. Sulo, Fluir, Air V.i! tli ,.:■, llr. Boolhroao. Baaf, The Ucseage, lira. Weal. Som. King and the Miller li.i.-il, I know. !!mk, Sir

ft II i- -' i ■■<■.

Part Bonf, O, who will o'er the Downe Ctwrtttsn.

Scotch Ballet], My aln fr'lreafdfl, U Hong, (.'nine iiiiu ll-.- tisrden, Mautl, i


Htroar. JUDOS cnoAta.

HSTTIIO Fiaa is TUB WOODS.—Tna two boji who were bound over lo the Probate Court, on lbs cbaric of eeUiuf Are la tbe wooda, at the South Side, near the troUlag park, were brought before Judge Cboate, to-day. It will be re mem bared thai four boys were connected wllb the », and that

were senleneed by the MUSS Judge, and tbe re aent to Ible court oa aocounl of their being

under taventeen jreare of age, and without Iba Ju- risdiction »r Judge Stevene. A,C. Blone, Ean,. *p" peered Tor the boy Alfred Srallh, and ehowed be waa agood boy, of reapeetable people, and bad let- lera from his teachera In the day and Sunday ■choola, abowlog blm to baa regular attendant at each place. The little fellow Is but eleven jears old, and seeme lo have been la bad company. The oilier lad la older, but aecmed quite peollent for bis action. Both boys were placed on their good behavior, aud ordered to reoognlae ID ibe sum of SlOOfor Ibelr appears nee on tbe llih dayof.lunc, at in 1* court.

IDLE AMD I)iaoiiuK«LV —A boy aamed Iannis O'Brien, about slatten jearaold. waa complained of being aaucy lopaaaeraby, and with treapaaslng upon the aroiinJa of Mr. RaSMll. The caae WM cuntlimril till Jane, at whled time lb* boj 'a lather la to bring an account of ihe IKIJ 'a tlmo at til. work.

BTEAUM; FIBKWOOD—Waller Holt, but nine yrara old, waa charged with ateallng Are wood from Mr, Jamta M. Wood, at Sooth Lawrence. He waa accompanied by a little tad named Ft ankle Lalghion,only aeven yeara old. Lawyer Hurley appeared for defendant, and tbe Jud^e diaeharged

A o m « 'OOOIU,


The following resolutions of respect

havo been passed upon tbe death of a

sister. Whtreat, ibo all wise Chief In tlla providence

has taken our dearly beloved sister, Mary Dine- more Bralnard, from our mldel lo tils heavenly lodge above, therefore

Xtiotrttl, That wi the membera of Young Amer lea Lodgr, I. O. Q.T., bereft of the tender com- panionship atd affectionate Imtle of our (later lament tbe loaa we now sustain, aud yet hope to meet ber again whan we follow ber aeroae tbe loto tbe Grand Lodge of tbe aklsa.

Jletolttd, Tbal wa deeply jympalblae with Ibe parents, family and all tbe friends of ihe deeeaeed, eapeclally Ihe huaband, our brother Frank Bralnari! In this their weighty affliction, and commend then: to the loving care ot Him wbo aver watcheth ovei tils children on earth and In heaven.

Per order of Ccmmllleo.

i. West, MM. Sawyer, Mr.

Pianoforte Solo, Soog, Kngllah, Trio, Addlo

cromblu. Part Seng, Since First I Saw your Face, I 'I, i '■>■■■;•

TllK liEU'LUUCANS Of I lu- !■'. i,vi li ( > !■ ■ greselonal District did themselves credit

and honnr In selecting, on Wednesday,

as one ol their delegates to Philadelphia,

Mr. J. B. Smith, the well known caterer,

an able uud honored representative of tbe

colored people of our State. A life-long friend of Senator Sumner, Intelligent and

honest, Mr. Smith represents the almost

unanimous sentiment of his race, In stand-

ing by tbo republican party and support* tng (Jen. Grant. There will be no divi-

sion In the oolored vote.

Itka . .nman of loma respectable appear- ance, went 10 board at tbe bouse of 1 Jamea Morrlll, on the PctntMrton a few days aj[o. She was apparently ot good habits, and no suspicion was entertained tbat sbe (tare her- self np occasionally- to Indulgence In intox- icating llqaors. Friday, bowaver, feeling tbe appetite strong opon her she satisfied it witb frequent draughts of ale, and on going to ber bearding house sbe was cipoalnlatcd with. 'l'tils railed Hannah's bile and iho began to feel belligerent, so she made an attack on Mrs. Morrlll, and wanted to clean out ihings gen- erally. Bnt here ihe law stepped In anil Han- nah was arrested. When she appiared in the dock next morning sbe was penitent, and with smiles and tears emplorcil his Honor's clemen- cy. MM . Morrlll, a very respectable, lady like- woman, wss present and informed bis Honor that the assault committed upon ber was not of a serious character, and that she did not de- sire to tbe charge againai the loitng wo- man. This together witb Hannah's appeal bad ihofUVtof mitigating the sentence, and ibe wa* letdown with a One of *-'i and «Mtf,Of :!<) days In tbo Home of Correction.

A «. n ui. M'araisa.-Tlie twentieth anniver- sary «l the wedding of Mr, and Hra. Jobu Barton, of ihie cliy, was celebrated laat Thuraday evening at their residence, No. .; Pacific corporation. A larife number of ihelr frlcnda were preaent.aud the , ■'■■ .'i in waa highly eejnyed by all, and one long lo be remembered by Ita participants. Tbe prraenls were numerous and valuable. Alter apendlng an hour or more In eorlal converse and con gratu tat lone, Ifr. J. C. Bowker was called for, and In behalf uf ihe donora, preaenled llr. Barlon with an elegant euay chair. Then turning to .Mr-. Harion, ealled ber attention lo a lable loaded to re- pletion with valuable and practical glfti.—lobene of the reaped and esteem of not only Ihe many frli-nda who then aurroundid her, but of many who were unable to be preacnl. Tbe reclpltnls replied in a few wall rhoien worda of acknowledgement

Altar i uf tho preaenla, all were ilulled to the dining room win thrj fjund other table* well Ailed with palaUble preaenla fcriha Inner man. After an Invocation byibeltev. Mr. l'idge, all " fell In" wlih a deter- mination lo do Juailru to the task before them. Anil llif rapid dliaprx-arance of cold tongue, bam, lea, ■■!!■■■. lemonade, plra, cake, &c, Ac, gave ev- idiiioe not only of keen appeOtea, but that thla de- partment had been welt prepared, which, by tho way, waa under lha anpertnlendente of air*. Mar- ble, Ur*. Bowker, Mlaa Uumaok, and lire, urd- way. Aa ih* mldQlghi hour drew near the parly withdrew, leaving th.-lr benediction* and bind wlahr* fur hoal, hoaleea and family.

lli-eololloua of reaped to ino memory of our lale Hroihtr Ullaon A. Hall.

Wktrtat, lly the dlspauaatlon of an ail wlaa and all merciful l-'.tli -r, wo have been deprived by daalb of thu com pan Ion ah I p of our beloved brother, lillunn A. INI), therefore,

Itrtotrt'l, That we humbly how lo Ibe will of 41 oJ In removing from earth our brother; that We

i gone from a world *o 1'mg, to him uno of pain and auftWiojr

w:- arcept thla lair it arrllclloi of iba frailty of hi ly of .li ii I..

/.Vmfre.f, That we rceognlic in I acter of brother Hall, that of a li WbO WBiafuld huaband, and u I In all the dull** or life, ' and kindly deed* won him filcnda and who, after enduring kng eonl with n patience and fortitude -, paaied lo ibe grave, mourned by all

better land beyond ire at real," and that aa ■trial reminder

life aud Immutable ccrti In-

iputlrea i

Assofawsf, That our t. s>mpalhy la with the bi lug family. In Oil* dcaol sorrow; and that we In

3ry,—ihe heritage of ,

; and mosl bearifell widow and mourn. Irytag t. -- ■ ■ r tbeir r 11, -I, the present

help and lender mercy of Him who prjleclt the widow and tbe fjibrrlrae, not forgetful of our own ot.llgatluna, which pledge Ua 10 he ever read} with the helping hand of a Uaaon.

A'rt'ifrct. Thai a copy of three reaolutlan* be Iranamltted tu tbe widow and family of our late

they bu publlabtd iu Ihr !.,,,„ > i.f I ■liy.

A. A. Centum, i 'i'-i H Taoartos,

K. at. llin.ii:..

Tbo " delencc," of tbe tiro telegraph super- intendent, flashed emphatically over the wires In the alarm of yesterday afternoon, muddled worse iban ever, the strokes were given la the wildest confusion, Indicctlng every boa but Ibo tight one, and sending iho Are department htltcr tkilter, searching fur ibe location of tbe Are. The " defijnce" was more speedy than satisfactory to the stupid to whom we are In- debted for this constant irregularity.

Choral Union Concert.

Our musical readera—a'.l who enjoy a down- right good concert, will be pleased to learn that tbe Choral L'oloo of our city, just now gutting into the best pnssible trim v. ith their practice for the great Jubilee, propose giving a popular concert, at popular prices. In tba city hall, on

evening of Monday, MAT 27tb, tbe pro- ceeds to aid In tbe purchase of a now piano for tbo High School. The programme will be va- ried. Including choice IOIOJ, duets, etc., by our beit vocalists, with some ringing choruses, aud an orchestral accompaniment. The school Is sadly in need of a better mm leal instrument, and have now a partial fund tor securing a new one, and we are sure this generous effort of tbe Union, combining aa It will so excellent an en- leitalnmenl, will be cordially welcomed by our roople.

Tbe latest conundrum out—Where arc vow going this summer ?

Messrs. John T. Ticca a Co. arc adding to tbeir extensive dyeing bueinuss.

There are some f «- hundred rum cases be- fore the Superior Court this term.

We are indebted lo Horace C- Bacon, Etn.., for valuable LegUla'lve document!.

We arc pleased to loam that Mayor Davis is, thongli slowly, surely rc-ovei ing bis health.

Our neighbor Scbsake is presenting some rare attractions In spring and summer apparel.

Preparations for Decoration Day are nearly- completed, and tho programme wilt be an- nounced at aa early day.

Major Fialce recently received some French papers of exquisite patterns, aincc which lie has had quite a run upon hU store.

An Invitation bag been received tiy the Law- rence Choral Union to visll Lowell,next week, for rehearsal of fubilro muilc.

Tbe streets are kept well watered at preaen', and whoever bag this duty In charge peiformi It with much satUfactlon to all.

That nuisanco on Jackson street, between Es- sex and Mcthuen, having touic to the knowledge of die Board of Health, we trust will bo abated.

Cogia Hassan was in town Monday, conlcm- ptatiug the establishment of a store similar to that previously run in thii rity by Iho same

Mr. Phillip Teaton has repaired to his hotel at the sea-side, and ll rapidly putting matters In proper shape for tbe reception of summer guests.

Rote D'Krlna, the celebrated songstress, la anvounced to give k concert In tbls ctiy. In aid of the Orphan Aa*iam,on Sunday evening, tbe 19(h fnst.

It ts said tbat Mrs. Van Cm, the great wom- an preacher, will bold a series of meetings In ihe OardesT Street Chnreh la this city some time In Jane.

We learn tbat Decoration Day la to bo prop- erly observed In Andovor. It will be under tbe auspices of returned soldiers, assisted by prom - iaent clllieni and sccletles.

K. T. Page, of thli city, has pnrcbaved ■ dwelling house on Spring street, Newburyport, formerly owned by the late Benjamin Davis, Jr., of (list place, for $3,830.

Tin- Lawrence Brass Band has been ordered out on Wednesday, the 29th last, being the regimental band of tho Cth Regiment, watch parades in this city on that day.

Major Chadwick, superintendent of the Coli- seum, announce* that the work on the building is just half done. It will lie fully completed by the i ; ■'. of .[;.!.■■, two weeks hence.

Real etlate is being fast disposed of at Ihe South-side. Many of onr leading citizens are pnrcbaslng lots, and a targe amount of bnlld- ing will be carried on the present season.

Tbe business of Mr.T. Heald, the agent of the Singer tewing maculae, Is rapidly Increas- ing; be has told thirty machines dunng tho past fortnight, and has orders for more.

A BAUT Sr.NSATtOM.—Oo Tuesday evening about half past five o'clock, a well dressed lady passed down by tbe Pemberton corpora- tion, carrying with ber a value or carpet bag, whlcb ahe handled very carefully. On arriv- ing at No. 19, tbe inqaired of two little girls wbo were standing at tbe door, It Mr. Johnson lived there, and on being answered In the af- Arastrf*said:" Please carry this carpetbag up stairs and give it to Mrs. Johnson, and tell her that ber afster sent it."

The little girl, anxlom to oblige a stranger, toak the csrpn bag and carried it up stairs. But it being somawbat beavy she gave It several bumps, and from lbs bag came a walling sound, exciting suspicions In the mind of the little girl tbat there WM something animate in tbe bag. On reaching Mrs. Johnson's room sbe handed ibe bag to that lady informing her tbat It waa from ber titter. Mrs. Johnson opened it and found a ilve baby In the bag It was plainly but cleanly dressed, and wlih it was a Durslng bottle which tbe poor babe bad emptied. Mrs. Johnson, upon whom our Re- porter called to-day, says sbe never saw a baby so poor; It waa literally skin and bone—too feeble indeed to cry nntll tbe nursed It. Tied to the handle of the carpet bag was a eard ■rtlh ihe superscription, Mrs. Johnaou, Law- tbs fc.i., la aaaigBYauiu lO day It waa ecut t< Towkthury, where It is hoped It will receive better care than It bas previously had. Johnson thinks it Is about four or five weeks old

TAXATION OF BANK SRABXB.—The law of 18TI, for taxation ol bank shares, which made all shares In National banks taxable In place where the banks were located, hat been repealed by the Legislature, and an act—sub ttintlally tho older ono—ena-ted ID Itt Head, making the shares taxable to owners In towns where they re*!de, and (hares of non- residents In the place where tbe bank Is locat- ed; allowing assessors to exempt shares of lit- erary, benevolent, charitable and tcientiOc In- stitutions, incorporated agricultural societies, widows, unmarried females, and female mi- nors to a certain amount, as provided ia gen- eral statutes I: is to be hoped, for tbe com tort of tax-payers, asteaaors and collectors, lhat tbe law-makers will now allow this act rrit ui.tlaiurhed upon tbettatntea.


The li '.li I mi. will be observe! aa na nal by Nerd ti..i!i foal, No. 39, Dapt. of Has*. U. A. R., aa He- mortal Day. The Poet will march at 3 o'clock r. i from thulr hall, through Keeei and Jaehaon atrael to Uaverblll Street, and thence to the Common, where the eierclaes will canaUtef alnglof, pr*> by Key. L. h. Wood, a abort addreaa by ihe Post Commander, and alnejlDg.

The march will then he resumed by tne column leaving the Common at Ibe aor'hwrat corner, past- ing through Uaverblll, White, Oak, Tremoot, Broadway and Croat streets to the cemetery, where Hie ceremony of decoralini ihe Krave* wilt be per. formed.

Tba column will return real Itroadway and Keaei eiroele,

All solelera, not members of Ihe Grand .Army, and cltlten* generally, are Invllsd lo join the ci limn anri participate In lha *x;rel*ea.

KIMML DAVIB, I'..I., i ■) Pet*.

BCCCKT ADVICES gire Information of nn exteiielve conflagration at Yeddo,

Japan; thirty thousand persons were rendered In I.---; when the Are began

It fprcad so rapidly (fiat the lame were unable to escape, and the uflicials put

tin in tu death with their swords, to save lluiii from a more horrid death by burn-

ing. The government took charge of

the duty of relieving ihu necessities of those burned out.

Confusion worse confounded was the Are ui.urn at sounded by the telegraph from tbe City Hall bell yesterday atternoon; the strokes were given without any order or regularity, defying any attempt at solution, IT thla de- partment cannot bo put in order, the sooner It is abolished tbe better.

Till ;M I'fcuiNIKMMM of a horse rail-

road In New York, has been arrested at

the fnalance ol Henry Burgh tor cruelty to animals.

FATIIKit CLEVELAND, the venerable

Boston Missionary, Is very 111, and little hope U entertained of his recovery.

Tin. ONLY CASKS ol crime before the

police court to-day, were from cases of


DtKlt aCu.,bavaon*ihlbllli>n and for tale at belr atoro torn* 10,000 thereeooplo vlewa, the beat election to the elty, and which llr. Arlhar Dyer, rho ha*Jnst returned from Kurope, purchased In 'aria ai.d brouaht home wllb him. These Ihey iOarhr lUiallBithe Beaton wboleaala prices.

They elM have a 1st lino c( Photograph* of the ctilat and place* of Interval la lha Coatl'

blch tht-j- wvuld be pleated lo ahow ihelr any 1 frlundt

The man wbo would be considered wise, thould never give aa opinion, until be bai care- lully eidmated what bit opinion is wortb. e> * *>«■■*>

A mlddle-ilaed boy, writing a composition on "Exttemei," remarked that "we abould en- deavor to avoid extremet, especially tbote ot waspt and beet."

Spotted Tail's wife bas ordered a largo quan titr of paint of various brilliant hues from a Chicago color dealer, as sbe desires to paint a Dolly Vardcn upon herself,

Tba tremor, often occasioned by tbe falling water over tbe dam, was very perceptible on Tuesday evening, causing a rattling of win- do wt in many houses throughout tbe city.

Wingers Intending to be present at the World's Jubilee, would do well to supply themselves with Dr. Howaitfa'a vocal tablets, which clear the voice, and obviate all difficulties in tinging.

The Free Diptlit Sabbath School are prepar- ing an exhibition, to be given at an early day. Their former efforts In this direction warrant tbo announcement of a Ant-class entertain- ment.

Tbe Boston & Maine depot at tbe South Side has nearly reached completion, and will soon be occupied. It accommodates both ihe Bos- ton & Maine and tbe Lowell & Lawrence rail- roads.

Caunetsome Miter city loan us a Ore alarm superintendent with brain* enough to keep the tpparaiqt In order, or to Induce a retignatlon when tho entire city is commenting on hit In- competency.

Tbe Uoadley RlBes are making preparations for an entertainment at the City Hall, tbe pro ceedt resulting therefrom to be used In pro- caring a uniform for this excellent corps. Lot the boys be wellin*s»r«*d.

•nv. r^TTj,.j-;ijr»moutJi, N. II , have extend- ed an invitation to the Bethany Commandcry, of Lawrence, to visit that city on St. John's Day, the 24th of June.

Thomas Clark, wbo was sentenced to ooe yean' imprisonment at tbe house t f correction, for breaking the legcf William Blalsdell.ou Saturday, subsequently withdrew bis appeal and took bit sentence; he wai tent to prison.

We bare made arrangements for, and shall hereafter publish on Saiardaya, the subjects upon which the various city clergymen will speak tba following Sabbaths, with announce- ment! of any changa occurring In the pulpits.

Messrs. Call &. True are erecting a building upon the corner of Kssex and Newbury streets, whlcb we understand will be occupied as a grocery store. Tbeir wood and coal office hat been removed farther down on Newbury street.

Merrimatk Lodge of (he Order of Bed Men, a German insiltui loo. will give one of their en- joyable ballt in the City Hall, on Monday even- ing next; music will bo Inrnlsbed by P/rftVr korn's band, and a thoroughly good time will be bad.

Tbe Inspection anal parade of the Slxtb Reg- iment In Ibis diy, on tbe last Wednesday in May, will bo quite an event of local Interest, Tbe parade will tnke place in the afternoon, and probably tbe Fourth B.iitery wilt join tbo regiment.

The hens are getting ambitions again; Mr*. E. S.Mann.Hethuen, sends us t wo eggs deserv- ing rank among the "big uns." One of theae measures!] by T t-a inches, and welgbs 3 1-9 ounces, and tbe other measures 6 3-8 by 7 7 8 Inches.and weighs 3 3-4 ounces.

Mr. Charlee A- Vtlpey, late of Andover, and now of Portland, Me., is engaged extensively In the wholesale woolen Irade. He it supply- ing large orders from merchants In this city. Mr. Vaipey Is a young man. bnt be exhibits a degree of enterprise beyond his years.

We are r!ctlrcd to Hate that Mr A- T. Claike, of Andover Theological Seminary, wbo hat recently occupied the pnlpit ot tbe Sloth Con- gregational church, Is In no sense a candidate for tbat vacant pastorate, at xai stated in con- nection with a notice of the tervires there.

Tbltitthe teaton of which Billy Nutt, the sboemakerpoet, sane; aa frflows:

Blow, O blow, ye aweet spring breeiea, ■Hong the flower*, tba wooda and treese*; Sing, O atng, ye feathered mttsea, Whilst 1 mend theae boots and thoeae*.

Oae week from Wednesday occurs the parade or tbe Sixth Usglmeut, In this city. Eight companies, at least, will be present, and donbt- lesa tbo regiment will be Joined in the afternoon by tho Fourth Battery. It bai been several years tlnce tho entire regiment appeared In (hit city.

"Will tbe Ktcape IHm 1" tbe original serial which for some weeks has occupied a portion of our columns, It tbla wetk brought to a close, and we trust our readers have been Interested In tbe story of tbe heroine. We are arranging for other fretb noveliier, which we Hull toon present.

It is quite probable tbat Ibe yearly encamp- ment of lbs, Sixth Regiment will take place daring the third wetk of July, ft hi thought arrangements will be made for the encamp- ment of tbe Fourth Battery at tbe same time, and orders will be issued as toon as a location bas been selected.

Properly owners arc feeling alarmed at the inactivity of onr city fadic» with regard lo placing the lire alarm in its proper condition. Have we to wait for a destructive cootlagration, arising from the lateness of the fire department on account of au indistiuct alarm, before the matter uill be attended to ■

There have been cine hundred and twenty- tire earthquakes unriug Ihc present century. In Ibe seventh century there were only ton; tbe number is Increasing every year, and It Is suggested that the end of the world It fait ap- proaching. Tbls statement is not made witb a view to creating a panic in real estate.

With so few public water founts In our city. It does teem that onr city otffclala might keep them In order. Tbe pump at the west aide of the city hall It oat of order, and here Is tbe best water to be lound In iho city, and a place ofeontlant resort by the thirsty in warm weath- er. Do, Mr.Mayor, havo this matter attended

Conductor Orrin llsmllion met with a severe accident In the depot in Boaton on Tueiday evening; an cfDccr was inking iuto custody a violent fellow who waa intoxicated, and in a scmii i that attended the arreti, one of the rough's legs waa thrown against theenklerf Mr. Hamilton, breaking it In two places.

I.!.":■.■ A. Atkins, a young woman formerly belonging to North Andover, at present re- nding as a domestic in the family of Mr. Henry Reed, at Dover, N. II., attempted suicide, ou Monday, by throwing herself into the Cochcco river. Hue waa rescued by a -nuli-mmi who was passing at the lime. Unrequited love is eaidto 'ic the cause that led to the act.

The performance by tbe company uider tbe management of Stone &. Murray, tt the circus grounds last evening, was very Indifferent. Miss Llaile Keyas Is a One rider, and played her role to tbe delight t f the andience; but the other portions of tbe performance were decid- edly lame, and the general opinion was that Stone & Murray '* circus wai a decided failure.

It it tnt lattice to Mr. Whltrord, who gives the noon time Stroke on the tire alarm tele- graph, to state that he is in no degree respon- sible Tor the outrageous condition of neglect Into which the concern hat fal'en, and which permits inch endless confusion upon the giving of (very alarm; Mr. Wbitford has no superin- tendence over tbe apparatus or there would be a reform forthwith.

When do the committee on police to whom wat referred tbe petition of the police force for an increase of pay, Intend lo report • Surely thrre cannot he any doubt as to the opinion of the mrjnri'y of onr cdtxens on the subject. It It well enough lo ssy tbat If a man is not sat- isfied with bis salary he can go somewhere else, but it is equally true tbat the laborer Is worthy of bis hire.

We are pleated to learn ibe success attending ibe firm of E.G. & J. N. Pratt, masons and i-ni w-19. They have contracted for and have cnmmenceJ work on tbe new tnllding uf the F.^aex Company at Ihe Sontb-tldc. Tne bnild- ittfT fa for tbe purpose of furnishing power for mechanical enterprise, and will be let to varf ont parties, ft will be two stories blgb, 226 fettlong.UO reel wide, and 27 feet high. Ills the ir.t'ntinn of the contractors to complete the work In July.

The Free Baptist society held a business ses- sion on Monday evening, and a hearty aud unanimous call was extended to A. 11. llougb- ton, of Lcwiston, Me., to become their pastor, This gentleman has supplied the desk of tho above church for two sabbaths, and has given most flattering exhibitions of hU abilities as a speaker, and zealous laborer in the interest of the social meetings of the church. Wc have reasons lo hope for his acceptance of tbe above invitation to make our city his future residence.

Wednesday, tbe dnd inMant, hat been de- cided upon at tbe day of the late trein. Mr. Flranro has made arrangements for a large number or the best seats in tbe Boston Tbentre to he reserved for the Lawrence people. Par- ties wishing ti secure seats, can Dnd a new plan of tbe theatre at Mr- Pieanco's, on Lawrence street, and orders addressed to Mr. J. M. Ward, Boston Theatre, either by express or mall, will receive prompt attention. Mr. Joseph Jefferson appears as Hip Van Winkle, and Mrs. J. Booth represents the character of Gretchen-

Thc Lawrence Choral Union have decided to appear before the public in a grand chorus cuu- ccrt at Hie City Hall, on Monday evening, the 37th last* The programme will be arranged ii a day or two, aud the sale of scats will com mence Thursday, at the music store of Ellis >£ Soow, on Essex street. Tho pritc of ticket: lias ht-cii fi.vcd at fifty cents for reserved scatr, thirty-five cents for unreserved teats oo tin floor, and twcnly-tivo cents for tho gallery. AI these moderate prices, our music loving citi- IOBI should give the Union a liberal patronage

Mr. Oliver C. Demerrltt, of Sonth Lawrence, to whom, at we have mentioned, an accident happened tome time ago, In falling from a por- tion of a new bouse be was erecting, and break- ing one Irg, died on Tuerday at bis residence; he bad been long in tbe employ ot the Boston & Mslno road, at tbe repair thop, and was one of onr oldett cltixent, being over seventy years of age, and a resident or thii city since Its -in- corporation. In lBi7 he was elected to tbe city council from Ward six, but resigned the position before the expiration of tbe year, lie waa a member of Grace Episcopal church.

A few dayi ago, while two boys, tons of Mr.

Rsblng in ibe Sbswsbeen river, one or them caught a fish, and as be waa drawing It ont of the water it fell from the hook; tbe lit- tle fellow, anxious to secure his prlie, reached out bit band to grasp the flan, and In doing to fell into the river. Hit brother plunged into rescue, blm, but the water being deep, both sank. A fine Newfoundland dog belonging to Mr. Christie, which had accompanied Ibe boys, teeing the state of affairs, sprang Into ibe wa- ter, and seising the youngest boy, carried blm rafe to tbe bank, then sprang In again and as- tistcd tbe elder to regain tbe terra firms. That dog deserves the medal of tbo humane tocl-

ESBIEX COUNTY .TEM8. A.NDOVBR ADVERTISER. STteaTaT On the night of the Ltnu vole ou tin bear

Suestlon, the rumsellers put crape on their oo rs. The MithoJIst society at Hut Maugus hate

just <- i.i'.leif.l a tine new pftrtoorgc, at a cost I of S10O0.

The laying of the track on the West Ames- taarj Branch lUilroeti iviilsjfie commenced i toon, and tbu prospect is Urorable that I!I ' road will be in running oHer <>y midsummer.

A boy fell off the end of a wberf in Beverly, on Monday last, .u.i wat drowned.

The shoe trade is ilatkei.log *t Line. The whole number of i-.ii-i i.f boot* and shoes .hipped during the weak ending Friday night, waa 02SS, against 63ST tor ibe rurresponrling period ot last year.

J.W.Tratk, of North Beverly, reports that on Wednesday morniog a bay borae and bunny atrayed Into his yard, having no one with [bom.

Tbo first regalia of the Beverly yacht club will take place on tbe 221 of June.

A young man named Peter Oormao, stabbed another named John Connore, during a quar- rel In which they were engaged, at Lynn.oo Sunday evening. Gorman has been put under $10 000 bonds; it Is thought Connor's wounds will not result seriously.

The Beverly fishing fleet will number twenty- eight vessels tbls season.

Tbe vote In Peabndy on tli.; beer i|uettion, wat Yea, 100, No, 810.

Tbe whole number ol deaths In Gloucester during tbe month ot April wat tblrty-elcren males and nineteen females.

Mr. John Csmpbell of Gloucester, was knotked down In the street on Monday even- ing, and brutally beaten, and an attempt made to rob him. Ills aatailant waa arrested.

Not a sfnglo criminal case from Newbary- port will be brought before tbe Superior court this term, except two appeal liquor cases, which will probanly be called.

A dwelling hnuae at S illsbury Point, look Ore on Friday, nut by prompt exertions no se- rious damage was done.

Therrt is much tkknesi io Nswburyport ibe Herald any t.

Capt. Albert D. Hale, ol Newburyport, in heating up ihe Ipswich river, In tbe schooner Magnum llonum, on Saturday last, bad tbe

ne lo break ono of bis lega, which ac- cident will c.niii \i' blm to the boute [or several months.

Tbe Lvnn and Botton Horse Railroad Com- pany iu.. laying a double track through Broad- way, Chelsea.

Tnesday evening, the two Jubilee societies of Newburyport, went io Ameabury by special irain, where meyj lined tbe societies of Ames- bury, Salisbury and Weat Amcsbury, In a grand matt rehearsal, un.ler the cundactorthlp uf Mr. C. P. MorTlton, of Worcester.

A meliantnt typo of brain dl*ea»9 prevails at Newburyport and vicinity.

Six ol tho inmates of the Ij-wli-h Hunae cf Correction are confined In thu Hospital, there being no room in the prison.

Mr. Amos Sir, a hlthlv respected eiilzan of Georgetown. In a fit of temporary Insanity, at- tempted micldo Wednesday morniog, rbootlng bimaelflutbo abdomen. He Is not expected

A aon of Mr. Blcbard Temple, of Beverly, was drowned by falling from Foster's wharf in tbat place on Tuesday.

Tbe Boston, Revere Beacb & Lynn Railroad will be the flrbt narrow-guage railroad ballt in this section Tbe route bet been surveyed and Inspected. Tbo road will commence at Rest Button, and proceeds to Wood's and Breed's Islands—near the eattern portion of tbe latter—and tben bear off to tbe right, just to tbe edge of the high hill on Style's 'arm, iben along the ridge of the beach, passing probably in tbe rear of ibe hotels, and crossing Saugus river Into Lynn.

If the painter is to be believed, Lynn bas a "Paasiuger" depot.

The touth mackcrollng fleet, from Newbury- port, tbe present seuon, comprises nine schooners; Ibe bsy fleet will be somewhat larger.

The Matblcbead Female Humane Society acknowledge the receipt of SAOo, a liequett trom tbe lato Tbos. J. Fettypiace, of Motile, Ala-, a native of ibet town.

A barn belonging lo A. &. J. Low, of Ando- ver, on Wen hum Neck road, was ttiuck by lightning on Saturday, and destroyed, witb about ten tons of bay, and farming utensils. Insured for 91530.

The fishing schooner Onward, which arrived at Gloucester from Georges Bank Thursday, brought on tbe captain and three of the crew nf the British schooner Carrie, of Yarmouth, N. S-, picked up at sea In an open boat on tbe 20th alt- The Carrie experienced a heavy squall when about thirty miles south of Mount Desert, and was Capfizsd. Two of tbcm were drowned.

Samuel Donnell, Esq., for maiy yean grocer In Portsmouth, N. It, ft soon to remove tr Peabodv, Mass., to enter Into the same bnsl nets.

The Cape Ann Light sayt tbat Ibe Georges aro Gloucester's grave yard in the seat.

Tbo annual meeting of tbe Enex institute on Wednesday, In Siloni, elected the following officers: President, Henry Wheatland; Vice Presidents, of history, A. C- Goodell, Jr.; of horticulture, Wm. Button; of the artt^Geo KeeoYtrtng and Home" 'Secretary, Amos ii. Johnson; Foreign Secretary, A- S. Packard; Treasurer, Henry Wbeatland; Librarian, W. P. I'pham; Superintendent of tho Muieun, John Robinson.

Sixteen barrels of ale were aeixvt at tbe depot In Pcabody by the State Constables on Wednesday.

Eight panel of glast in tbe front Untie Hall, and tbo lamp in front of tbe building, were amathed bv the explosion of a blast on the ledge on Washington Street, Lynn, on Wednet- day.

F1UDAY, MAY 17, 1872


ire bate been many ocaa- !■:■-. v !.,■! i hla *ervlcea aa a i -o-dlngly ralaable. The ntinlly to with him.

Steamship Lines.


The committee appointed by Post Needbam, G. A. It., for the purpose of perfecting and completing tbe beautiful lot in Belleyue Ceme- tery, consisting of Col. Cbase Pbilbrlck and Major E- A. Fitke, are making commendable progress, and upon the completion of their labors will exhibit tbe finest lot lu ibe ceme- tery, an! one which oar cltiiane, wbo have contributed towards the cemetery fund of the Poit, by tbeir generous patronage of Its Inter- ests, will take prblo In viewing. The work of gracing ibe lot has been completed, sad a con- tract bas been mads with O. H. P. Trask, of Lowell, for the granite work, which It to be ready in Augati. Tbe plans were drawn by Chat. T. Emerson of thii city, [t was Ihe earnest de ire of tbe como.i.tee to secure tbe execution of tbe granite work in our own city, but ihe figures of the Lowell firm were so much lower than those at home, tbat tbe committee would not be justified is tbus aciitig. I i. thoajtbt the lot will bo ready for dcdii atlon In September.


G. A. It.—Tbe war drama, entitled " The Llitte Cniouhji" wa* played far tbe rlret time, at Ibe T«W8 Hall, ou Wednesday, r. M. The Incident* of ili.- play are varied and Interesting, and i (luril opportunity for the Introduction of yarliiua charac- ters. The scenery, Oslng* and preparations are more ettenalve than usually attend almllar eihibl- ilooa, and the pan* are well iuatalne.1 by membera of the Po*i. The performance* on Wedneeday, both In the P. M. and evening drew good audlanee*, and preaeut appearances Indicate a complete |uc-

" TUB CHORAL Union," under lb* (fflolent di- rect Ion of i;. P. w a, will take part lu lb* mat* rehear**) lo It* fe*M •* Nvwburypoet on Friday evening, lbs "lb Inetant.

" Tux UOAD QuxarlON."—The queelton of open- ing the uaw atreat, by Tenney'* shop, upon whlcb the town took adecrau action, hsa been decided la faroroMhe peililoners by ih* Ooonty CummU- ■loners, before whom It waa brought, on appeal from Una action of the town.

ItAaa BALL.—Qjlte an lntereatfng game wa* played at Bouiti Georgetown oa Saturday the 1 Ith Inaltnl, between the K«r« and Trtmountatn clubs of Ueorictown. The" Trlmounlaln*'' were easily victorious.

PHltaoNAL— Mr. A. A. Sly, who waa seriously injured by lb* discharge of a pistol, la Improving, and hope* are entertained of hi* ultimate reeaeery.

It Is said tbat having found Livingstone the New York Herald will now send not a om- missioner with Instructions to discover tbe North polo and telegraph Immediately.

Spain, while vainly trying to put down re- publicanism and liberty in Cuba, ean hardly keep up tbe form of monarchy at borne, where every prop of the throne seemt to tremble.

It It slated that tba census taken In tbe Ma drat Presidency sbowa a total population of about thirty and a half millions, being an In- crease In live year', of over four millions.

Some of tho Iowa editors are astonished at the extravagance of a proposal to spend ST.'i on a .uggestodeditorial trip to Salt Lake! One offers to trade hit whole office for a S7.'» male.

Rome hat put on but little change as tbe po- ll kal headquarters of Unlied Italy, bat to all appearance is just tbe same as when it was the acknowledged religious capital of the Papacy-

A California lunatic finclee that be it the orfginal Abraham. Recently be carried a sheep to one of ibe highest blllt near San Fraccltco and sacrificed it on an altar of stones and earth.

The meat fed ont at the English woikbonret and public Institutions Is cannel for lbs Gov- ernment in Australia, and is pronounced a puro and healthful article of food, aa well at very cheap.


At a recent meatiog of tbe stockholders of tbe now Lowell and Andover Ilallroad, the fol- lowing officers were elected: Prei-ii'ent, Capt. G. V. Pox; Director*. Frederick Ater, Jacob Rogers and Joslab Gatea or Lowell; George Itipley of Andover, and Benjamin Swift of Bos- ton ; Treasurer, Stark Toltnan of Lowell.

Tbe vacancies in Co. II., Sixth Regiment, by tbe resignation ol Cspt. O'Grady and Ptrtt Lieut MtQiade, were flllod by a meetlntToftbe Company Wednesday nigh-, Lijut. C.ilonel Goddard presiding. Second Lieut. Timothy Lihey waa promoted to Captain, Owen Mc- Dermott Finn Lleotenant, and J. W. O'Sutll- van Sscond Lieutenant.

Lowell does not go for beer after all. An In- vestigation shows tbat a majority trasob alned In favor of lit sale by fraudulent voting; lev- crtl dead men voted unchallenged. At a meet- ing of the City Government on Wednesday, an order wet adopted declaring the voting Illegal, and Lowell t*>logs Into tbe lino of thc'-No" cidet.

Cbarlet Cirey, while attempting to obtain entrancetoiheUla^ttte Ilou»e, Tuesday even- ing, waa shot by the reputed proprietor, Wm. H. Potter, the ball passing through tbe bridge of hla nuse, not making a seriout injury.

Thomas Dalai was stabbed several times In tbe neck and back, without serious result, at a row on Keene Street, Tuesday evening.

Tbo Bxecutlvo Committees of Ibe New Eng- land and Middlesex North Socie- tios met in Lowell Tueadny. for tbe purpose of appointing Ibe lo *| efflcea for tbe fair to be bolden in September.

Charlea llanson and Liwls II >htn were se- verely injured at Lowell, on Tuesday, while, in a team, by a freight irain

An appropriation of ssC0 bas been matte to help deiray the expensea of the approaching Memorial Day, to be expended under direction ofthe Grand Army Pott.

Tbe Committee on Sewejs and Drains of the city government, have been authorised and em- powered to provide for a complete system of sewerage throughout ihaciiy.

Tbe local police have recoivjd ordert to en- force tbe liquor law.

The body of a tad named Tbnmas Franci*, ton of Thomas Clark, residing at No. 179 cen- tral atreot, wat round In the canal near tbe BooA Corporition, Sunday morning. The leu was-only six years of age, and strayed from bit borne on Thursday laat, tlnce whlcb time tbe disconsolate parents havo been seurcliina Tor him.

S-iturday morning, State Constables Horse and Pinder aeiied about three hundred and sixty gallons of ale, the property of Patrick Lynch, wholesale dealer, while It was being conveyed for storage.

It It not certain which way Lowell will go yet on Ihe beer question ; there appears to have seen traud on both tides.

Itev. E. H. Williams will preach hi*

closing discourse at the Free Church next

s iM) LI!I mortaiof.

Deacon Peter Smith, his wn, Mr. It.

Frank Smith, bis daujjliter, Mrs. <_'. W. |

IligKiii3, and Ids granddaughter, Hiss I Mary P, Mills, uud Mr. John Dove and I

three daughters, expect to tail for Eu- j

ru;..' tho last of this mouth. Mr. Dove |

goes direct to Germany.

A coat was i-tolen from the milk bouse

of Johu F. Shattuck on Thursday night of last week ; the bare footprints of the

thief were traced to near the depot.

A large meeting In behalf ol the lied

IUver Colony in Minnesota, WHS held at

the Town Hall ou Tuesday evening.

George Foster was cho?en Chairman, and

Warren F. Draper Secretary. An appro- priate prayer was offered by ltev. Dr.

Taylor. Itev. E S. Williams, the colony pastor, gave an address In Ids usual for-

cible manner, speaking uf the area *■ I the

.■■■■■i*c. Its in-j. il ii nn. tmtuiut resources,

healthiness, productiveness of the soli,

means of (raiiblt, particular location of

the colony, ejipenses ol reaching lr, and

sucn other inform ui IN ;L- might bo de-

sired by persons Interested. Kev. Dr. Taylor mide a few remarks upon tbe im-

portance of loutidirg colonies on sound

moral and religious principle* to ensure

their success uud perpetuity. Itev. Dr.

K. P. Ilariows, with his youthful ardor,

gave the results of his observations of colonies in the Western couutry, and de-

scribed the striking contrast between

those with churches and schools and oth- ers which were indifferent lo or entirely

Ignored these Institutions. Mr. A. J. Chlttenden of tbe Samimry, who la t.t-

mlllarly acquainted with the section or

country where the colony U located, gave

much valuable Information from personal knowledge. During the meetlm; many

questions were asked which elicited ant lsfactory answers.

Tbe admission fee for membership is

910; tbt paaaeuger aud freight tariff tl reduced ubout one-third to members; lumber Is as low there as here; there arc

probably about two hundred persons now

on the ground, and rc-Iiiforcetuenta are constantly arriving; It Is expected that

larger numbers will next year j >in tlie

colony than the present season; fever

and ague are not known, and It || regard

cd as an excellent climate lorcansump

liven; the temperature uf the weather la

about the same as In Massachusetts, but

the atmosphere Is comparatively free from moisture.

No doubt tnnnv emigrants will better tbeir condition, but ol* ..i ;Wr they

will be subjected to some Inconveniences If not piWattons. Persons .v'.o ure I »r-

tuaste in obtaining tracts of land which

afterward becotno centres of business,

will no doubt realissfortunes-, but tt will not be 60 easy to obtain money there as at the East, and society will not be so

good for a while Members are required to

furnish certificates of good character, and

all are pledged to ue-e their Influence against the sale of Intoxicating liquors

tbe colonists will be sure of an excellent

pastor, who U fully endorsed by our en- tire community. Tbe area ol the colony

Is twenty-four miles long and eighteen

miles wide, and it is located on the North-

ern Pacific Itallroad; the township to which our people go |s called Iliwlcy

we have no doubt the readers of Die AMERICA:, will be favored from time to

time with accounts of the progress ot tho

colony, and other matters of interest In thai arcilon of the counff

Last Sunday Services: Rev. Dr. Xe

hemiah Adams, of Boston, preachod at

the chapel during tho day, and at the

hall of Phillips Academy in the evening.

In consequence of painting tha interior

of tbo South Church, the ongrogati

commenced occupying the vestry in the

morning. In the afternoon, by invita-

tion, their Sabbath school united with

tho school ol the Free church, In a very

interesting concert. The a-tendance at

tho Young People's Prayer Meeting, at

tho lower town hall, in the evening, was

very large; probably thoro were 300 persons present.

Mr. Wallace E. Mather and Mm A

na S. Mather leave for the Red Kin Colony In a few dtvs.

We ate gUd to learn tbat the people of

this town are to have free band con-

certs once or twice a week. It will bL- quite cheering to listen to enlivening mu-

sic during tlie hummer evenings.

lly invitation of the steamer ' Ando- ver'' company, Shawshin engine com-

pany No. 2 with full ranks, accompanied

by the llallard Vale Brass Baud, flatted

our village on Saturday afternoon. The

trial of the machines attracted quite a crowd of spectators and was very tmtl

factory. All were hospitably entertained at tho engine bocw, and tho BalUrd

Vale boys felt all the fcetter for the gala

day. Tho band was muuh praised for Its Hue muaic

Mr. J. II. Ecob,of the senior class In the seminary, accepts a call to settle as

pastor of the Cong, church. In Augusta,

Me., and Mr. A. P. Tinker, of the same

class, Is to be settled over the Illgb

Street church, lu Auburn, Me. Mr. Iloraci Buatstrad, of the class of 1800,

was ordained pastor of the Vine Street

church, Minneapolis, Miun., May 1st.

There will he a Union Praise Meeting

iu tho town hall on Snmi.iv svcDing, at

hitlf-pnst seven o'clock, led by a choir

from the Academy, Seminary, and

churches. All are cordially invited.

By request of tue committee, Rer. E. S.

Williams will have charge of the meet- ing.

PASSAOK sccurol via. Aneftar, National, or Wh.lto ri!ar Line*, tit lowest sates, between Liverpool or <.;iu.*;;«w «id HnM.iii or New York.

Prut":.- from £1 jpaardr; also, {repaid Certifi- cate* i.. New York at 11 .■;..,■,.

For furllur particulars, .| ; ly lo


.:, ll*y 1?, l*Ti.

For Sale. A splruJld IIUUSK LOT on Barllttt Streets-

It is about ICO feet on the street, and ruatbaek about 1'0 i.i'i- Onthe lot Is agood variety ot Apple, Tear and Cherry Trees, all thrifty and brarlDjr. E. C. UPTON.

Andover, Hay 17,1*7*. at

TO LET. A convenient TKNKMENT In Krje TIIIa(»;

and for sale a supply of superlar TOMATO anil CABUAGK t'l A.MS.

CUARI.K3 SI. ABBOTT. A1.1I..11 !■, JteT 17, 1S72. at

WOULD Y0U'3^,£^ Get the "BAPID WBITEB" for April

Only 10 cents. Address, Bapid Writer, AsDOVEn, MASS.

or D. KIMBAIL (l'.O. Uc-x E36), ChicSfO.

Pasture Und fur Sate. , on THOE8- . -.1 i.lii 7 ■■ ITI a farm of Drao

QartetM, PU the,- M'in road, la North li- I'tii'tT, The lot is lorloard with a Rood atone salt, and there Is a never falllait SMM of good winrr on It. Terms made known a' sale.

It- L.O.LACET. J. V. AI.LK.N, Auel'r.

Tomato Plants. The Round, nmooU

flants for sale by .It my 17

■ nd Trophy Tomato H. B. JENKINS,

Ni rtli Andover.

DECORATION DAY. All Interested In DecaratlDjr the Graves ot

Soldlera, ure requested to meet at tbe lower Town Hall on SATURDAY KVKSI N(i, M.,- i*lh, at 7 1-2 o'clock.

Andover, May 10, I-:J. It

FOR SALE. A atorj-aud-a-half BUILDING M a 30 feet.—

It list been occupied as a carpenter's shop, bat could be made Into a convenient dwelling boose,

HORACK VTILBON, Andorer, Hay 17,1»72. 3t

Window Sash for Sale. Good teoond hand Sauh for Forty Windows, at

the Edwards' Place. Apply to StailO* HORACJt WILSON, Andover,


Tbe spinal disease has appeared among Ihe borseeof Haverblll, fire bavlnf died witbln a few days. Much alarm exists aiuoDjr owners of horses, In couieqaence.

Tbe body of a man, supposed to be lhat of Nuuli Morrison, wbo waa drowned about a mile and a half apove Ilaverhill three weeks ago, was fmiii i Monday afternoon hy some boys, floating In ibe river Just above tbe railroad bridge.

Ilaverhill felicititea lueir over ibe fact that the Spring whlcb it causing tbe treea to leave, the srats to grow, and tbe flowers to bluom, baa produced a watering cart, which peram- bulates the streets to the admiration of all g liters.

Haverblll wantt a putitle park.


Michael Hulllvtn, a young man employed at the Jute Factory ID Salem, bad bit arm so te - verely crushed on Siturdev, by tome machin- ery, as to rentier amputation necessary near "ie shoulder.

South Salem hat a visit from a band of (Typ- es.

Trouble It anticipated wiih tbe New York carpenters; the police having interfered with and clubbed the committee sent out to persuade men to stop work, Ibe carpenters have resolved to send out their committee armed. Tbe ttafr- bulldert ere to klhko forelgbt ho urt and S3 per day-

Lswrence furnished twenty-one Itqnor deal- ers who paid diet for violation of the revenue laws, before Commissioner Hallclt In Button



Tbe bouss of Jam*» Ehaw, Esq., superintendent of Mr. Rradlse'e mill, was entered last KrtJaj evtnlDf, not forcibly however, hallo a manner Uiat

a dealer pleasure to a I area clrcl* or ac- quaintance*. The overseers wlih tbalr wlvte aid a larBs nuntbsr of friend* and Belajhborl, paid Mr. and Mrs. Bhtwa visit, lo eangratulata them upon Ih* advent of thtir 2Mb wrddln*. anniversary. An bourortowaa tpent In social ■rettlngs, wbli* ibe

!s, under whose adroit management tbe affair bad been tot up, wsr* busy making ready for a farther hearing In another department. The Cor-

band e*me up an tbt ground* and played a few or ihelr choice*! alra, after which thsy were atked to walk In. l.O. Blunt, Esq., than mad* a few pleasant remarks about the irtat pleasure It gave to many In calilna npon ibem la Iblt ntlahborly w*y,andItwB*tohltnap|«aaani duly to tender la ihelr bebalf their congratulation* for tbt welfare and htpplneta of the family. Mr. Dluot toon preeeated Ihe worthy couple wlih a number of bsentlfal prtawntt, very fbolce to de- • l*ii and workmanship. Mr. Shaw thanked them alUor tbt pl.a.ur* It bad llvea blm In belnC

taken lo turh an t|rte*bte«aantr, tad for bavlnf •erve* upon blm and fatally M MM, tolwlt 0, m

•ptct and |tiod will, Rev. Mr. Green nff*red a few word* of prayer, after which all were Invited lo partake or rerreahmeata. Mr*. I. 0, Blunt and daughter favored tbe eonspany with eoma TOO*]

o. Social lamet snsh as bllndman't buff, lotereaUd ihe yonna people, the older onet look- ing on Of court*, nnlll a lam boor, when tbe coia- P»oy ttparaitd, all vtry maeh gratified and well pleased with the ancoesa tbat had attended theoo-

. Joha Graham haa sou hla hone* and land on street to I'airlck MeGowtn. We regret very

much to announce lhat Mr. Graham le about to i thta ptaee to take op ble home lo Orovelaad;

he ha* lived here for a great many year*, bat ea- Joyedthe reeptctaadcetawm of all wbo held his aequaintene*. always geatliuMly and upright la kl-bearing, tree aid hoasallnhl* dsallage with

''jmiudiii-.ii/'A of Slatsuchwettl

EHGEX.SS. PROBATE COURT. To tbe helrs-at-ltw, next ot kin,and nil othrr per-

aone Interested In the estale of WILLIAM TUOHKY, late ol North Andover. in said county, yeoman, deeeaeed, greeting I

Wbereas.aeertatn instru merit, purport leg to be the lit will and testament ot said decrasrd, bas been presented to said court, for probate, by Mar- garet Tuohey, who pray* that letters teaitmrnt- nry may be I-MH-.I to hey, the executrix therein named, and that her bond, without any surety, may oa accepted, said leetator having exempted her from Rising any turety on the same.

You arc hereby cited to oppeur at a Frobcio Court, to be held at l.nwrrnrr. In snld conuty ot Kssex,on the tecond Tuesday of June next,at nine o'clock before noun, to ebow rau-f, It eny jou have, agalnat tbe same.

And tbe said petitioner Is hereby dfrectrd to Rive pnbllcnollee thereof, by puLlhthtng Ihle el tat ion once a week, lor ibreeaaocrsslvc weeks. In the newspaper railed the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, prluttd at Lawrenee, Ibe laat publication to be tiro daya, it least, before said ooart.

Witnce*. OKIIBIIK F. OHOATX, Fsq., Judge ot said court, tbls seventh day Ol May, in tin-year one thousand eight handred and leVeatff two.

mjlt) A, C. OOODKLL, U*t:lster.

ROTlCaV* All persons Indebted lo K. Momtisox fc Co.,

will please settle their accounts at the Hoot and Shoe 81 ore ot Mr. BenJ. brown.

AHIIOVKK, slay ;ll.

For Sale. Two low priced horaee, good workrrs, suitable

fur teaming or (arm work; weigh 1150 and 11CO poands, aound and kind- Also the running part to a wagon, suitable for one or two bortri. One bty eulter.

The above property will be sold very low 11 ai>-

^JsyVWSlay M, ts. -""SI *****

For fate. _* ""mI'f V'JVJ*0 PtosdnK cases, the board* of

balldlngt and other cheap; apply to

Andover, : l ■■.-.-..

frneca, repair* (._ _. ii.-Ffni purposes; for salt


NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS To the Inhabitants or tho Town of A n-

dover, and Persons Liable to bo Assessed therein.

You are hereby noiined that the subscribers will be In session at the Town Houae.ln eald Ando- ver, oa SATURDAY At.-TKKHOONt), Hay II, IS, and US, June I, from a touo'elock, r «,, far the purpose of rMltu trgc and perfect lists of

' nd pereonal ) which

|.ur,„„ (.oils

slseea shall i

poll* and all then by law i .. m|iu ,i from taxation.) which you

are pstatStMd ol, In said lown of Andover, on the Brat day of May, IhW.

Joust II Ki.ivr. > Aaeesacrs Hanj. BOVNTOS, } of

. * . ., ''"""".Uwi-r, ) Andover. Andover, Apriltt.lbTS,

OEKKHAL BTaiL-rxa, CHAfreu 11, Seo. ITi. Re ore proceeding to make an asseae-

m.nt, the t-aisee-ni -hall give seasonable notice thereof to the inhabitants uf their respective placet, at any of th.-tr metiin,*, or by posting np In their city or town one or more noliclcBtione In tome public place or |>lae*-s, or by some oihrr sumclent manner. Such notlct shall r. quire Iho Inhabitant* to bring In to the a«*essor* wllbln a time therein epeolnerf, true list* r.f all tbilr personal eataUa not exempt Irom taxation

Bee. 23. Tbe assessors ahall In all nates re- quire a peraon bringing In such all-t to mile oath that the samel, trne; whlrh oath may le admtnlstertd by either or the attestors. CBArraKiai.urTHB ACTS or THS (uilM,

When lha assessors of a elty or town have given notice to the InheblUnle thereof to bring In trne ll.t. of all their poll* tod cute*, not et- etnptfiom taxation, In acordance wlih tbe pre.

of Ibe twenty eeoond ascllou or Ihe U chapter of the Oenernl htatuies, tbey M afterward* abate any pin c-f tin- tax

_..-..a on pereonaleetat* to en/ person who did not bring In sorh llatwlihm th nme *i»rl fled therefor iu such MlSa, antaseT.uch lu ex- ceeds by more thanOfty per oenmm iheam.unt which would have been nasetud la that n.raou onpereonaleatal^ll he bed eem.oo.bly brought in ..Id ll.t; and If „id tna et-eed by Store thVu Btty per centum the tsld tm.unt.the abatement tba I be only of the excess above the .aid fitly per centom; prov.dL-d, however, that this act shall nol effect any person who e.n thow a rea-onable exente fur not .eatunably brlnglug in taid Hal. CKAPTBR 101 or THSACTS urrutYsti ia»).

Wboertr shall deliver or dlaolose to any asset. Kf f ■f»'"tntatse.sor of taxes, eli etcd or ap- poluttd In pursuance wtlh the laws of tide Com- monwealth, any false or iraudultnt Imi, retnrn or schedule or property as and for a true Hat of bis estates, real and personal, not esempted from with intent thereby to aveld the lawful ^"VB"""J"r I'"*ni*11t0'"nytax,orwiihlIiieat thereby to defeat or evade the provisions of 'tw in relation io the asset* tne in or payment oftax- ea, ahall be punished by a lee ngt exceeding one thousand duliar. or imprisonment la tall not «i- cecdlnn °» year. ao;a



Furniture & Upholstery Rooms, In Drlrk BulldlDfr

over Valpey'i ou side next

at north of the Town Hall, eat Market; entrance

ihe hall, Where can be fount] a good as-

, sonment of Bedsteads, Bu- » I^'",,• BlBkj' *"*»■ Stands,

. . - Tables, Chairs; (Jalr, Palm Lear, Husk, Bxrriaior, and Wool Haitreatet — Also, a general aitorlmeut of I^gklna (ilaetca. Curtain* and Certain fixtures, Coid and Tanel.!

Kof*. and Stuffed Furniture repaired.and made t. good at new, "T

Oortains trimmed and hung, and feneral Job-

ariicletnoton head wlllbeobtained promptly. tiHi aasl.Unce rendered In making parch..?* In Iheolty. 8A1IUK1. WIWDKOTT

Andover. Jan. 1.1STS. W"»,,W«"


Real Estate in Andover. hAaiTtSa £*!"•» Hoa«, painted and blinded, having eleven rooms aid an L. with ser- KU£■,:lfT,l," WUh - b.-emen'tconuln. ■jfder ..(' M,i° f r0O™■ b'Ck r°°m "loio.rts. aur?t!r»« HrP*iy '"" i'-bwut half an tses are several apple and cherry Uees, a.rapery. currant bnthe., a well of excellent n.v"? fsSlina water, and thorough dralanga. The noate li The"?:,'."?. »• *»'■*■•■ •"• I" good rep." " ■ '* -Ijalbly located, but a few n "

try a «tloi ■oria

tsro-ttoty Dwelling Umt.'*, la Rood repair with ISl!*Mfi!tUi r**» ,hr" "or" »f"an«. half a mile from the seminary. Inquire of


Undertaking $ Cabinet Making. taIsat*?OS£?l 2E?¥ DO0«n, lh« bnsloess ot MVM?95!&7* tfflftt? boof ht tb* onsloet. *' . Ms* .SSEH! Aob?t.l>»** ouBtttmly on band

a»M^.nl.S^« "onnetKd sifii ihe bu.1- U t I"r0»red "> l»rnlah tbesn at one* and In

rarBllnre Htore, neat door north of tha P O.


Spring Millinery

Just received a large assortment of




Or the LATEIT STYLE, and ,ultable for

Spring and Summer Wear,


Millinery and Fancy Goods Store,

(Oppottte Pott Offlca,}

rt NEW MEAT MARKET The Subscriber hereby Informs the citlsens ot

Andovsr and vicinity that he has taken the shop lately occupied by Valpey Brother!, eortier ol lUin and Central Sts., where he will keep for rale n larsa assortment of Meats and Vegetables. Ar- ticles delivered when desired, free ofetiarge.

H. P. IIOLT. Andover, Janet, 1BT1. Itf

Farm for Sale. The farm of Messrs Wll CKLKK fc ABBOTT

I- offered lor -ale. The home 1. t WO Stories, with elgrit large aquara roomi, and an 1. for k.tnhrn and wood abed; ID good repair, reorutlr shingled, aid having a MMMNl and drvorllar. Near the home li a large tarn, and two wells of excel- lent, navar failing water with pumps sre «on- neoted with the buildings. The land cou.i.n ol 21 acre* of aeowlnx, tlllaae and pasture. Upon the place U a thrifty orchard containing »boni one hundred grafted apple treei, nix hundred htil* or grape vlaee of a three years growth, fa 1 stab- ed,Y thirty peach treaa, n strawberry bed, and white raspberries and entrants. It I* located In the eolith part ol the town, on the Halem road, la ever; way a desirable eatate, and will be fold at a low price If applied for iooa. Kor further partic- ular*, Inquire, of UECOKUK Fus'l'Mi, or of the ownerf on the premlsus,

AnJoviT. April sii, lara. ti

TKRRBNCE Q1NBY, Msnnfsottircr of

Coifim, Caskets, aid alt klnd« off. rn.Tr Clothes. ■o, dealer In all kinds of For- nre. Black Walnnt.ibestnut I 1'IIK Chamber Seta eon- ntly on hand. Upholstering

and Repairing done In the neateft manner, and at reasonable prices. Pictnre KrtD«, Curtain* and Curlalo fixtures constantly on hand, and pat up If desired.

Opposite Memorial Ball, Andover.


Manufacturer of

Express, Market, Batcher, Store, farm and Business Wagons.

gey-Repairing In all Itf branohea; and all work warranted at represented.

Andover. March tl, 1B7I. tf


Tbe ,ubtcrlbrr« bare Jait reaalred



Paper Hangings


to which they Invite the attention of the public.

earThey alfo keep oonitantly on hand, and tor

tale, a general variety of

r> :R,-2- a- o o 3D


Agricultural Implements,

Garden and Grass Seeds, &<;.,


SMITH, MANNING & CO Andover, April 31, 1872, It



From our otcn correspondent. NEW Yuais, May nth. IITS.

DKAH AJSLBICAS:—Ian In ..Tiiuj , pirlte— very good aplrllf Indeed. Why? TU almpleai reaaoo In the world, and Ibc teat rcaion In the world,—I '■;■■■! ii ■


1 forgot that It waa wathlng day; I forgot thai spring wardrobes needed attending lo; I forgot that atocklogf are ever holey, or fhlruever button leu; I utterly Ignored Ibe batcher and the baker, I even pat out of my contcloniDeee the fact that I was a mother, and remembered only that the sun waa fhlning. tbe graai growing, the blrda tinging, and that nature generally waa getting Into a glorified elate. 11 my morning In the I'atk did roe good— and moat aaeuredly It did—I owe the refreshment lo the fact tbat I forgot all the above mentioned. It doea a woman vary little good to go to tbe Park If she take* her houae and all It* eon ten U with bar. Now If I had carried along my wssbcrwotnan.all tbe material for Ibe cblldren'a new lulls, the house cleaning, which nut be done pretty soon, several ea.Hr* or family discipline, the new girl, the death of my cooaln'i baby, the unfortunate marriage or my aunt,- the plump widow that waa, and revere! other anxieties that I could mention, why you could eee with half an eye tbat I should have reeelvcd very little beoafji. No, I knjw loo much for that. When J shut my front door I aliut In all thoaa petty wort lea, and opened my whole aoul to Ood'i new creation. In Ihla receptive alaic [ heard and aaw wondarfnl Ihlngi. Rvery tree In Hi new

traina BIAOTT bad a voice Tor me, and every blade of gran* mi suggestive. But tbe treea and the grace talked to me after I reached the Park. Uo my way there I aaw very different tl*h**. A) I those carload* of wrary looking mtn and women. Evidently they had not left their trouble* behind. Ah, no I Well Street waa written on feme . 1 their faeaa In gre*l, uneven, nervous lettere. On oibrrs 1 saw dabt as plainly a* I *aw tbe noae; on other* there were ac- count* like poor little l)ora'>,ilial wouldn't "add up;" oibere were degraded by a foul aecret; othera at allied by Ibe beglnnUgiof falaehood* | and others oarrowea and Hoed by little earea, each a tilOe ID itaelf, but a-l iwrd lo enter tbe aoul, bad destroyed It* bert growth*. Upon my honor a*

A vrxtciou* coRUKaruKDK!tT,

the be*t and tbe Brightest fane I aaw waa that ofa dwarf, wlih a batket of elop work In her lap a* big aa heraeir. I wanted to aek hersecret. Indod I came very near ashing that mountain of fat neat to bar to exchange aeata with me But I r, n, .-■.-.]. and eame to the cooelualoo tbat I knew well euough tbe ra**on of her freeh Monday morning amllee. Being only a poor lonely little dwarf, ebe bad prob ably given herself to Ood with all her imill Inter- erts, and in relurn be waa helping her carry her basket. It I* a great deal easier for a dwarf to go Into the kingdom of heaven than a man or woman »o tall tbaldivluehelpla left out of tbcqnettlon.

Well, I reached the Park at last. It Waa vary ■till, for being Monday morning, probably most or tbe oltlieneof our glorlona metro poll* wan wash- ing one kind of dirty linen or another,

made moat of tbe nolae, and they aecmed lo be un- nauallywlde awake. Their convenatlon seemtd to bo mostly about love, and I heard one young, pretentlon* robin, with a very ted rreeat, any som*- thing about the freedom of love. I waa on the point of asking hi* opinion on tbe subject, bnt be- fore I could apeak half Ibe birds la t ha Park were lo an uproar, telling that all their neits would go to smaab before they were built up If aver he ottered such wordi again. I'm sure tbe poor fellow didn't mean anything wrong, bnt he had uo chance to ex- plain hlmaelf, and flew off, evidently disgusted. Tbat controversy summarily settled I looked round me. The mowers, I found, bad been In the Park already. The turf looked an velvety a* In midsum- mer ; and the dandelions, bleaa their honest hearts I how they did smile from ont their coiy nooks In tbe grass. Dandelion* ara not generally appreciated; bat In their place I think that they couldn't be bet- tered. Tbey remind me of a jolty lutle dairy maid, and what I* better than a dairy maid, with her arm* In the eurd up to her elbow a.

But I saw something quite dlffsreot from dande- lions,—


their blue eyes wide open, looking for all tbe world, Ilka groups of shepherdesses, Just awakened from a nap on tbe hillside. Tulips, too, of every variety, tbelr caps held up to tbe sunshine. There Isn't a bit of doubt about the spring, for lb* flowers always make sure of permanent warm weather be- fore they come out In fort*. I was speculating, as I walked between the) flower bed*, upon a eabject tbat interests me aad no one else, when my qnlet was Invaded by the mint of Boraoe Ureeley, pro- nounced In exeited tones. Oh, bah I said I to my ■elf, why mast people bring


TEAS. Tbe peculiarity or these Teas la that they are

tar*Tally selected and packed In hermetically sealed tin oannlaters, foil weight, and no extra charge for the rant later. I his manner of packing Teas protect! tbem from obnoxious odor* and IDS* of flavor and strength, to which they are necessarily subjected as usually kept by dealer* In looaely covered chests and bsxes.

These Teas are giving splendid estUfsctlon,— Try them,

FARNSWORTH, HARDING A CO. Andover, Fab. 18, law, tf



1ST O T I O B - The subscriber would respectfully give notice

to the eltlian* of Andover and vicinity tbat ha has opened a aaw and

Fashionable Hair messing Hoom

opposite Bean's Hotel, KI.M ARK, next door to Butt's Livery Stable, where he will be happy to receive aad attend to the want* of customers. By strict attention to business, snd by faithful en- deavor* to please, be hopes to deserve a fair pro- portion of public oooftdence and patronage, It will be his aim lo keep n flrst class establishment, and tbe public aro Invited to give him a trial.

BTPartiouUr attention paid to Cutting Ladles' and Children's Hair.

P, I.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mode of cleans- ing the hair without aoap or water. Try It.

HBO. 11. OHBILL. Andover, Jan. 5, 1871. tf

FOR SALE. A Light lift AH MA EOOBTCB, weighing 12

lbs. Bar and Partridge COCHIN ROOBTEBB. Trio of Dark HBAIIM A and BOUDAN KOWLS. from the alook of Warren A William*. Also, a quantity of PEstKLISS Potatoes.

DaUrjAsflN BOYKTON. Andover, April M, MR. «

At their annual meeting tlerilmac Engine Co., reorganised al the Bben Button Btaam Fire BogtiM Company, of Ifi man, elected otllcere a* follows ; I.. N. Dunbcsaey, Foreman; A.B. liliby.Asi'ido.; J. V, Kim, clerk; Jeffrey Kslley, steward; B. P. HcO,ueeiltm, Bnglaaer; the Company have volad a newunlform; they ara making great prepara- tions to reo*lre| tbelr new Steamer, and Will also appear la their new uniforms on Use oration Day.

Timai: who ara desirous of purchasing watchai or Jewelry would do well to call at tba esutiliuaimsn. of I., da Marl A Co., In Sauo- dcu Blot It, when at low prices, aa exira In- ducement la held ont to purchasers. Fur a isle amounting to three dollars, a ticket Is fttren entitling tba bearer to one chance In one hundred of drawing a valuable Walt ham watch, P. 8. Bartlett movement. The largar portion of the tlcketa ara already dlepoaed of, and Mr. da Hare Is strictly honorable In hi* transac- tions- A fine tine of goods are displayed at this store.

A petition to the Nebraska Legislature, lo re- gard to a liquor law, his bean rolerred to the Committee, on highways and ferries.

up beret Why float tbey stay In the neighbor- hood of Park Bow if they have Horace Ureclry on tba brain t But my little (rumble bad 00 weight, for tbey remained lo my vicinity, and tbey kept on talking.

"Make a splendid president,"said one; ' as the day; knows boa to say ' yon He' the bast of any man in the country. Ain't afraid tu wi clothes, either. Just the men for tbe plsoe, I tell you. Bssn't many relatives either."

"Don't be tooanreof tbat,"replied theoiber; "when Oman's President be ha* more relatives Iban he ever Imagined In bis wildest dreams."

"Well, he Is temperate." "Yea, and I've seen plenty of old women wbo

were temperate,—exec I lent old creaturea." I didn't hear any more; bnt that moment, meet-

ing an old friend, we were presently deep In a dla- eusslon of tbe woman's rights'conventions lo be bald In New York this week. Two wing* are to brood the subject, and that something good will be batched Is the wlib of your hopeful



Bright, beautiful spring-time Is here. Its soft, balmy breath exhales a myetlo influence over th, encouraged land. The earth lakes heart and eon Hdlugly trusting In Its powerfol ally, eelays Ibu effurt* lo renew and beaotiry Ha appearaoee. nature awakes to life and Joy. Brilliant days of sunny glory, soothing nights of recuperating re- pose; gentle rain* and copious showers; southern brasses laden with Ufa, wafting Invaluable gift* from laod lo land; Held and rarest, qnlet vales and lofty hills, the wild, untamed domain* or virgin wllderaesaee, and lb* smooth, artistic lawna of Unlshed eullore, all live again, renewing tbelr youth beneath these glad Influences. Yonder rugged steep bear on Its shaggy sides lbs evldenoe Of a subtile power, changing with gradual touches Its forlorn look lo a pleasant vista whose fslr and varied surface presents unwonted beauty. Cosy nooks and shady dells adorn tbelr breasts with emeralJ fineries from whence eparkle Innumerable buds and smiling Boners, meshiy content to abide

i lowly state, unseen by mortal oyes. Stately re* ibake out tbelr leafy standards at nature's

rallying cry. Orchard*, Odorous with blossoms, greet the grateful eye, and every hidden lores seem* emulous to attest by tangible proofs Its supe- rior charms, Prom such an axhlblt of creation's wonders, man turns with unsatisfied thought, even while bis mind dwell* rapturously on It* realities, and he ponder* on tba probable causes that excite aad complete these ttirrlug change*. Our gratitude must il-id expression. The gratuity i* a purely benevolent one. It procssda from a superior source. It surely osn require no poetic fancy, no superci- lious delusion, no false or flimsy lafereaee to as sign such wondsrful blessing* to a higher power.

The country in this vklMty wear* an animated look, and everything growing ha* rapidly Improved In appearance. Fruit Ireee of all sons srs crowded wish >,.*. .. Mesaewm o....r<n.,, M ,S*ng |„

full fores, end will require speelsl attention for a week or two. Qmaa te looking fairly, although It many Balds may be seen yellow patch** of turf caused by lee la wlolef. Bat little farming has bean don* a* yet, exeept to plow and hsul manure. Cows have been turned lo pasture very generally, aad find good feeding, and yield more at tba pall, Veal calves are plenty, at low prleel,

Tbe shoe business Is very dull. Host of the ufacturer* In town have " abut down " for taveral week*.

Th* Cornet Band have given two or three open air concerts on th* Common, to th* delight of our ettlieni.

Mr. Alfred Page Inlands to convert the spacious store In the flrst floor of his house Into a dwelling for bis own use.

Tbe plaaterlng of ibe new si. B, church I* com- pleted; the outside has received a coal of paint, aad other work la progreatlng satisfactorily. It baa been decided lo pul In chestnut pew* with black walnut trimmings al once.

OHITUAUv.-In Balsm, Hay 131b, Lliil* L. Sil- ver, aged IS yrs, *. mo*. Atrael'a dark wing* have hovered with dread Intent over our community once more. Death at all lima* Inspires awe, and when the young and blooming fall beneath bis fell swoop. It eaeltes unusual emotions. Tbe old we expect will die, and dying blee* tbe change; but the yoang life, to be suddenly quenched In Ibe full con- sciousness of future earthly anticipation*, blotted out lo tbe midst of all the surrounding delight* of childhood, asem* to, and will alwaya knock our sympathetic hesrts. Th* blow falls heavily upon tbe atiicken family, and scare*,* lea* upon her Inti- mate acquaintance* and friend*. Ber (leknet* waa short but sevar*, yet through all abe ever mani- fested a pallent spirit. At *un**t bsr weary spirit l«ft Its casket to soar away to lovelier cllmss, where sickness and pain osn never trouble ber. Who may Imagine Ibe rapture of wonder slia fell safely beyond th* dirk rlrer 7 On* by on* tbe link* of relationship are sundered on earth,—no nol snndsred, but bid from mortal eyes, only to reap- pear In the golden chain above, whlah draws m upward a* lie link* ara riveted In beaven. " W< shall meat by and by lb* dear familiar faces wi have loved on earth, and than our rapturous Joy will be to tall ol trials pest, and praise tbe mighty Pilot who bath brought u* through lb* rapid*." parents, brother* and ooni set Ion* have tb* tender sympathise of ell. VlsTO*.


There were seven prisoners before the court this morning, four women and three men,

I'm ■NILS,- Hannah Anderson, Catherine Han* berry and Michael Savage pleaded guilty to being drunk; the first was fined tl and costs, Ihs second $1 and costs, and the lasl |2 and coats.

DttiTUiinA.tCK.—Johanna HcCarty and Htcbael htcCarty, who see related lo each other by mar- riage, were complained of by cfllcer Moore for cre- ating a disturbance. Johanna pleaded guilty and Hlcbael not gullly ; they were each fined $1 and half the oosle.

LABCEHT.—Frederick Hillings was charged with the larceny of a lamp, ond pleaded gullly ; he was lined | so and costs.

AsaAit.T—Hannah Burke was complained of for sn aaeaolt on lira, llaltle Horrlll, and pleading gullly, waa let off with a'fine of $3 and costs.

HOKDar. Owing to the eeaslon of Ih* grand Jury atNswtury-

poit to-day, and Ibe numerous cases from llil* city lo be brought up, requiring the attendance of offi- cers, the SCSSIOD of the local court waa held at the early hour of seven o'clock this morning.

DittJMKi.—John Wood, one oent and costs; Oeo. Emery, t- and cxts; Jsme* Connors, ditto; John Itoach was fined (Sand costs, bnt upon pltconsly pleedlog to hi* lioi.or, he was let down to one eent and Lawrence Looby waa fined bul the mit- timus stayed.

AesAtLT.—Jobn P. O'Brien made an assault on Hary Dlllau and tbe case was eontlnued ten days ni *1. Thos. Clsrk and Tbos. Allen, the InO roughs who made an assault on Daniel W. Blelsdell, an account Of which appeared in Saturday'* asmerirviit, were promptly disposed of by sending Allen to Ibe bouse of correction for Iwo months, nod Claik to the same place for one jeer. Clark, however, ap- pealed , and was held for trial at tbe Superior Cou rl In the sum of |5W>.

ADULTBBV.—A case of adultery was bound over In tbe sum of feOO.

Tl'BSDAT. LAHCXHT.—Charles Uooney, for larceny of a

tea kettle, the troperty of tbe Lowell and Law- rence railroad company, was lined (9 and coats.

Itit.r AMD DiaoBDXKLT,—Jobn Waddell was found guilty of being Idle and disorderly, and cru- elly using his wire. He was aaalgnsd qusrtira at Ihe bouse of correction for the ensuing four month*.

KIU'IM; LIQUOR WITH IHTKWT TO 8KLL— Col. Beat wheeled up Vlchael Wlnn on tbla charge, and Michael pkudrd guilty aud paid a flue of |10 sod

There were vary fen ipecuior* In lb* court tbl* mottling, bul the proceeding* were not without In- ternet to tbe observer of human nature. Tbere wae a couple of boys In the court wbo could not have numbered more than ten year* each, charged With violating a city ordinance by throwing itone* through the window* of a colored cltlnn's bouse. One of Ihe boy*, John Fay, was fined (I without coste, and Ibe other, Edward Sharkey, who baa been lo the court before on a similar ohsrgs, was discharged.

Daunx ANoDisTuuniRo TUX PKACI.—Oa this charge Bridget Koonao and Hary Nolan were ar- raigned In the dock. Both pleaded not gullly, and at the same time entered a plea for mercy. Both sre notoriously bad girl*, and It waa only yeiterdiy morning that they were discharged from the Bout* ot Correction, where each had been eervlug a sen- tence ol thirty day* for drunkenness. Both wept copiously when Ihey were arraigned, but their tears were patoo, and In the midst of their sobs they found tlmetoeaal a sly wink to tbelr acquaint- ance* among the spectator*, and oven went so far as to bestow an occasional fascinating smile upon tbe Reporters, to Ibe > fleet of which the latter were of course Insensible.

Officer Bpofford waa placed on the stand and tes- tified to finding the young ladle* referred to creat- ing a dlaturbano* la tbe rear of Valley street yea- terdsy. The girls denied Ibe soft Impeachment, and Ills Honor, desirous that be should arrive at the truth, questioned Bpofford sharply.

a Just you hold on a moment," said Spofford, aa hie Honor put a question to him, " Ju*t you hold or a moment, I alnt done yet—" and his Honor held on a moment—and Bpofford gave testimony very dam- aging to on* of the girts; the upshot of It was that Bridget Moo nan was fined $9 and Costs, and Hary Nolan waa Jlsehsrged.

Hlcbael Pallon waa charged with an assault,but a* nobody appeared egalnat him bl* case was con- tinued until to-morrow morning, when If his pro*. ecntor doea not sppear Hlchael will be discharged,

TttcnxDAv. There were only Ibree spectators In court to-day,

and two prlsonetsln tbe dock. One for drunken nes* and the other a ease which was before the court Wednesday. It I* worthy of remark tlnce tbe city voted *'Ye»"on th* beer question the number of drunk* has been considerably lees, On the night on which the vote was taken , wl en II waa said that rum flowed a* freely as water,only two persons oul of a population of thirty thousand ware arrested for drunkenness. Bine* tbat lime thsr* bss been little business, aa far a* dronkeunes* la concerned, In the Marts, and It la rare th*t a drunken parson I* now ***o In the *tr*eta. People who are Riven to careful observation say lhatwben Ihe ••In Ol beer 1. restricted, and men get Into a b*r-room, where Intoxicating liquors are Bold, drink aa maeb sslbey eau hold, fearful Ibat If tbey do not tbey cannot gat any anywhere else, and thus get drunk, out when there lino restriction, when they know thai ihey can procure a glass of ale a any saloon or restaurant tbey are careless about Ihi matter, and drlok when tbey feel Inclined lo. Tbt fact tbat dmnkennesa baa visibly decressed sine* tbe vole was taken permitting tbe sale of beer aad wine, should afford Ihougbt to th* advocate* of temperance. We express no opinion On th* sub- ject, but simply give the fact* a* tbey have come under our observation,

DRUNK.—Lawrence Looby, a confirmed drunk- ard, was before Ihe court. Ibis morning, for drunk enness, Snd offence, and waa let off by paying the

Hlcbael Fallou, who was arraigned yesterday,on a chsrge of assault, and no witness eppearlnf against blm, waa np again thla morning, and bad bl* ease continued for eight days, he being held meantime In Ihe sum of * 100.

Bxavicsa at Blancbard 81. U. K. church, South Bide, Preaching morning end evening by Ibe Hov, Oeo. ti. Chadbourna, of Lowell.

jJrJtioincoo Notice*.

BEV. R. G.TOLKX will preach at tb* Central church, next Babbath forenoon, and preaent tbe claim* of the Baldwin Plsce Home for Little Wan- derers. A choir of children from the Wanderer* Borne will sing. At the close of Ihe service, a col- lection will be taken for the bonefli of ibe Borne, The public are Invited to attend.

*'*>'* , Tbe lit. Bev. Manton Kiatbura, D. I)., Bishop 0'

the Prot. Episcopal church, of tbe Diocese or isacbusslts, will preach and administer the

rite of Continuation at Or ace church Sunday morn. icii.Haylo. Service* commence at 10 1-3 A,

v. Hoses Ball (formerly Adveutist) will give a course of lectures on Spiritualism at Webster Ball, oommenclog next Monday evening end continuing through Ibe week.

'3Birth». UAXLKY -In thla city, Hay 10(b, a son te Mr. A

Hra.U. W. Uantoy. SANBORN.-IU Ibis city, Hay 1Mb, a daaghier to

Hr. A Hrs. John C. baoborn,

^tlarria^c*. LATIIK-IIALLIDAY.-In Lawrence, Hay ltth,

by Bev. C, A. Harden, Mr. dies. K. Latbe and His* Harla Ballldsy, both of North Andover.

■HEUSON-YOuNa.-lB Methuen,M*y 15th,at the house of the bride's father, Ur. Joseph 11. Young, by Bev. L. chase, Hr. Joseph K. Emer- son and 111M Clara J. Young, both of Hethuea.

YORK-HORSE.—lo this eliy, Hay 4, by Bev. C. E. Hr. Frank S, York and lilt. Emma 1. Morse, both of Lawrence.

BOAF-8TRs.TTON.-ln tbl* city. Msy nth, by Bev. C. B. FUber, Hr. Wa. P. KoaT and Hiss Orrle J, Biratton, both of Lawrence.

FLOYD-BLACK —In Danvars, April 3D, by Rev. Hr. Sswyer, Hr. Henry Floyd of Abilene, Kan- ass, lo Miss Bather C., daughter or ibe Isle Hoses Black of D,


CARD. Mr. and Hr*. Jobn Barton desire to thank their

friends for the pleasant visit they made them on tbe evening of the Blh, for the word* of affection and kindness addrened to them, and the beauti- ful gifts presented. They would also express thilr gratitude to those friend* who, unable iu attend, remembe.ed tbem In written word* ol regard and substantial token* of their irlendehlp. Especially to Hrs. J. C, Bowker, Mr*. True Ordway, Hr*. Kir* Harhle, and Hiss Haggle Unmaok, for the beautiful bride's cake and tbe bountiful and tempting supper which they pro- v;ded, do wa owe our sincere aad earnest thanks, Kind friends, we can only *ay, from full heart*, may Ood blei* jou all, Joan BAKTOV,

B. Louiae BABTO*.

JAELEY'S WAX WORK. Tbl* most stupendous and only real Jarley

Wax Work In tbe world, gotten np and Imported without regard to expense, consisting of over One Hundred of tbe Unit Notablt Characters la history, will be exhibited by the rtat Hr*. JAB-

LEY poiltively for the fast time prevlon* to her departure for Enrope, at

SAUNOERS HALL, LAWRENCE, Wednesday Even's, Hay 29.

In addition to the unrivalled collection of Wax Plgniei, Hrs. Jarley will cntertala her patron* with a CONCERT. That tbe Haale will be of th* highett order, it is only neoe***ry to add that the services of the Choir of Qract CJtvrck have been secured for tbe occasion.

•sTDon't fall to attend this Inimitable enter- lei—I

Reserved lent* can be obtained at the Store Ol WBITFOBDARICK on and after Honday, the loth Instant 1 iitmiriJi 27 38 Admission 3D eta, Bnaerved Seata 00c.


1* Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, all .__ *e**menta upon which hare been actually paid la; and that on the 30th day of April, 1B73, when the annual accounts were closed, tbe books ■bowed ihe Company to be free irom debt,


Lawrence, Hay 7, lr-72. 3tml0 Directors

IH BANKRUPTCY. undeislgned has been duly appointed as-

signee of the tittle of CBARLsUd A. B, HUN- signer of the (State of U ROE, af Judged a bankrupt


To Let. A fir*! elas* LOWEB TENEMENT at No. ex

Newbary Street. Eight IITRC room*, paair] hard and soft water, gas, cto. Apply to

tilttStmlf) g, ALLISON.

J. Q. ADAMS, M. D.,


Office, No. 2 Appleton street,



Il.i j..i

01 n

wouldn't go arley'a wax-work show, I'd wollop him?

I'd try persuasion's gentle art, And with affection tarn bla heart.

Thea go lo Jarley'* al Sanndere Ball, Wednesday evening

HayWih, at tight o'clock.

fJiKt IAI. sate uf carpeting*. The attentlOD of the public I* called to the advertisement of Byron Truell A Co. Tbey are offering great Inducement* ID their carpet ball.

A splendid assortment or Linen .Suits, iun- ■hadea and P. K'« at Taylor h Bolton'g, 23a & 2)0 Eiicx Street- Call and see them.

THOUSAND* will bear testimony (and do It vol- untarily) lhat Vegetlne Is the best medical com- pound yet plaoed before Ihe publlo for renovating and purifying Ihe blood, eradicating all humors, impurities or poleonout ■eeretloa* from ihe system, Invigorating and strengthening the system delillt- m*s vi at , •- #- 1-. .- -—w »■—. railed It, " Tb* Gr*el Health Iteeiorcr."

Member* of th* medical profession apeak very highly of and regnlerly prescribe Bmolandtr'e Buchu a* an exterminator of kidney, bladder snd glandular dla*a*e>, dlsbctes, gravel, female Irregu- larities, chronic maladies of Ih* nrloo-geultal organ* aad uterln*complalat*,*lth*r la married or single, error* of youth and prostration of th* nerve structure, Tbl* 00* preparation combats wlih snd conquers lb* above diseases.

A. T. Fos* of Msochsslsr will apeak I Hall Sunday, Hay iwth,


Brnon TKOXLLA Co. lead tbe city la tbe line ofcarpetlngi, "their stock being; twice a* large nt any other In Lawrence," which they are now offering at pilcei that defy competi- tion.

(iitiAT cloilng-out aale at 90 Eaaex Street, U.S. Anderaon. Black dollar kid* selling for SO ct*.; two button klda fn colon, BO cu.

NEW LIVERY STABLE. The subscriber reepeclfully announces to tbe

oltliena of Methuen and vicinity tbat he will open at the

EXCHANGE HOTEL,--METHUEN, about the 30th of May, a

Flrnt Clase Uvsry, lloatding, and Bale STAULE.

Tba Horses are fresh, and the Carriages end Harnesses new and stylish. Turnouts of every description will be let on tbe most reasonable

Uaeks and Carriage* furnished for Weddings, Ptrtle* and Faneral*.

Our arrangements for lb* Boarding and Sale ol Horse* are complete; and alt busine** In thla line Intruded to us will receive personal attention.

The patronage of the publlo I* solicited; and we guarantee that everything shall he done to make our establishment among the belt,

(ilve u* a cail. »m!7 H. Q. Usaall Y.


INTERNAL REVENUE Sixth Mass. District,

Annual Assessment for 1872.

Notice 1* hereby given tbat oa

THUBSDAY and FBIDAT, The 30th and 31at days of May. 1872,

> S O'clock A. H, to x P. H., appeal* will be received and determined by the Assessor, at hi* Office, 15 Ctrr BO.UAUR, Charleston*, "Kalativ* to auy erroneous or exoeislve vslusllons, assesi-

i*nts, or enumeration* by the Assessor or As- slstsnt Assessors, returned in the annual list" for tbe year tST2.

Bald Lists will contain Assessments for Incomes Of 1871, and Spedel Taxes for Wl; aidonth* aforesaid days and tint* namtd, said list* will be opened for the Inspection of parties who may apply for that purpose, whose name* are entered upon * aid list*.

All appeal* must be made la writing signed by the Appellant, snd meat " specify the particular

e, matter, or thing respecting which a decis- ion I* r*qae*ted,aad tbe ground or principle ol error complained of."

P. J. STOKE, Assessor. AtaciauK's Or no i,

Charlestonu, Hay 9, 1*71. Itm'O

FLORAE. gtm Choice selection* of rare and beautiful

(BaTavpiowerlng Plant* can be obtained at tbe m»!Jree*bouseorA.W.sri;AstN-,, -S^asasaea Street, half way to Methuen village, such aa Ueranlum*, Peisrgoalums, Tor reDas, Heaths, Vlnclas, Allysnm*. Aoneraathu*, Coleu*, Variegated Ivys, Fuchsia*, Helletroprs, Mlsssm- briaathemnms. Bouvsrdlas, Carnations, Ualaidl- as, I'snsles, Daisies, 1'etunlas, Arbutleons, etc— Also, very One Tomato, Strawberry. Cabbage sna Lettuce Plants at very reasonable prices.

1 I*JJ20 T.D.HALLET, Gardener and florist.

Mercantile Saving Inatitut'n NKW BtIK tsUlLDINU,

No. 887 Waa.hWt.on Street, boston. Thla I* the only Saving BsJk lathe state that

'; IM tech and every full . lnlnlabstik. The Inatt-

has a guarantee fund of 206.000 00 for the ixprei* protect Ion of depositors. 12w1eod!myl6

Millinery & Bleaohery NOTICE.

MRS. GILMORE Ha* taken the Store,

No. S19 Essex Street, Lawrence,

formerly occupied by His* L, B. BIBBAXD, and opened a fresh stock ol


embracing all the LATEST STYLUS. The patronage o the public I* respectfully solicited.

HI** KATL PRE8COTT la with us, aad wlU be happy to see all ber old friend* and patron*; also Hn.PlCKBBIHO.who will have charge of the Bleacher/ Department, aa heretofore. I lapis

No. 319 Essex street, Lawrence.


Tbl* old establishment, to long known to th*

public, claims to have no eqeal la this cewotry In

their particular department.

earladles' Dresses, Croaks, Shawls, Mantlet,

Bearf*, Bonnets, Feathers, Ae,; Oent It men's

Costs, Overcoats, Pantaloons and Vest* Dyed or

Cleansed, and flnlihed In flrst class style.

Silks aad Silk Dresses Wstered equal to any

Imported. Perntol* and San Shad** Dyad or

Cleansed on tb* frame. Straw Bonnets aad Data

Dyed and Pressed. Kid Gloves, Boots and

Slippers Cleansed or Dyed. Piece Goods of all

kinds, Hlbbons, etc, Dyed end put up like new,

BABBBTT * BBO., Proprietors.

A, W. STEABNS 4 CO., AOEKTS, lm«mbte Lawrence, Haae.

^IMSSSI Having had over twenty yean practtcal

experience in the manufacture of Soaps,

Vie offer our "Beach's Washing Boapn to

(he public with great confidence. In the

manufacture of this brand of Soap it has

been our great aim to produce an article

superior to any tn the market. We are

having a great demand for it, urhich is

good proof of its superior qualities.

Commonwealth of M***achuaetta. Banana, a*. > the he I rt-at-law, and others Interested In the

estate ol NATHAHIKL Jfc,WKTT, 1st* ol Lawrence, In said county, merenant, deceas- ed, Intestate, greeting :

Whereas, Hidney A. Jewett, lb* admlalitrator i be estate ol said deceased, has presented for al- wance the account of bis admlaUtration upon

. ,e estate ul *ald deoeMed, , You are hereby cited lo appear i

Court, to be held a: Lawrence, In *i

>■ have, why the same And the said administrator la ordered to irrve

this citation by publishing tbn eameonoe a week in Ihe Lawrence American end Andover Adver- tiser, a newspaper printed at Lawrence, three week a successively, the last publication to be two days at les*t before .aid Tuesday.

Wltnea*, George r*. C hoe it, Ksq., Judge ot said Court, this ninth day of Hay, In Uir year eighteen

Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice Is hereby given tbat tha oopartocrablp

heretofore ealstlni under the name of Joint K. remit ft Co., Is dissolved from tbl* data,

JOHN B. fKKKT. Lawrence, Hay 13, U72, Itf 1

■♦»*>* Has. D. O. KAOKBTOn, Madison, Ohio, has used

her Wheeler fc Wilson macbln* Bv* year*; some- time* In competition with all klnde of " woman- killing" machines; would not look at »8,o00 tor II tf she could not g*t another like II,

i HEnaunv ws*v-mten-*MtB**T.

OFVIOB or Coat r-T BOLL in or Tax CIBXXKCV,

Washington, April IB, 1873.

Whereat, by satisfactory evidence presented to the ondertlgned, It hat been made to appear tbat tha i.AWlihWfK NATIONAL BANK, la tba olty of Lawrence, In the county of Essex, and state of HMSaohuiettt, baa been organised under and according to the requirement* of the Act ol Congress, entitled "An Aet to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United Slate* bonds, and to provide for the circulation and re- demption thereof," approved Jane ;t, 1K4, and ha* compiled with all the provisions of laid -id required to be compiled with before commenoing the business of Banking aader said Aet;

Now, therefore, I, Jim* JAY Kaox, acting Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that tha Lawrence National Bank, la the city ol Lawrence, in lb* county of Bsaex, and state Ol Massachusetts, 1* authorised to commence th business of banklag under the aet afbreeatd.

In testimony whereof, witness my hand an seal of offlce, this 18th day of April, 1S72.

[L.S.J JOHN JAY KNOX, I:-JI (iod m: Anting Comptroller of Currency

Attention Is called to Ibe advertisement of the Mercantile Savings Institution la another col- ume. l«t


We hear tha workman'* bu*y bum A* each goes forth to his employ;

The gra printing round our war. The birds are singing In Ihe trees,

And comes one* more tbe beauteous Hay, Welcomed by all on land and seas.

The linn are out la handsome "OLOTKxa" Which they have boaght at Oxoaoa Pan:

Coat, rants, Vit.IIat and .Short oompl Corner of Beech and Washington Street,




Con**, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, end other ailment* of the feet, ara ealvereal atnTatloni.- Banlsh tbem with Biiaoa1 Alleviator end Cara- tlve. Boleatlle. safe and ear*.

TUB " DoMBerio " 1* less liable to drop siluhci than any other machine.

PILBB ere e eoareoof terror to tbe human family beyond description. To brlngjoytothebeari.use Bxiuua' Pile Beaxedlei to core Interns), Bleed- ing. Eateraal and Itching Piles.

MONEY CANNOT BUY For Bight is Priceltult




Perfect Lensosi Ground from Minute Crystal Pebbles,

melted together, and deriv* their nsme - Diamond on socouut or tbelr Hmrdnttt and BHUtancy—

i will last many year* without change, anil larrantcd superior to all ether* la eee,

H sou fact u red by the Spencer Optical MaDufacttulng Co.,

NBW TORK. CAUTION.-Non* Genuine unless stamped

wlih our trade •> mark. Per Hale by Hespoaslble Agents throughout

the Union. WHITrOBD A KICK

Jeweler* and Optician*, are Hole agents for La w- ""•a. Ha**., from whom Ihey can only be obtain-

No Peddiere emptied. lyt Jmy 11

French and German CORBKTB al Ih* LOWEST PRICKS.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex Street.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a I pound of cure! '*


If yoar blood I* poor. If th* pallid, H you f*el weak and dUi ncllned to exer- tion, try

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC. Talbot'a Iron Tonic will do joa good.

I* your appetite poor I Toe need


Are yon troubled with Indigestion I

Talbot's Iron Tonic will help you.


It selling Isrgely all through New England.

Bead what reliable spotheearlrs say e—

Newbnryport, Hsss., July 1,1H71. JTsesrs. TYtieof Bro»»r—Having disposed of a

Iron Tonic,

.HODUE, Apothecary.

id* It to their friends; and I can truly say that It Is one of the best articles I ever sold for restoring the debilitat- ed system to Its natural ton*.

Yours, truly, S. A. afoCONNELL, Apothecary.

TALBOTS IRON TONIC I* sold all ov*r tbe eonntry for One Dollar a bottle; .is bottles for PIT* Dollars.

Call at any Of the Lawrence Druggists for It.


Lawrence, Maaa.

OEO. 0. QOODWIN A CO., Boston, WholsssI* Age at * for New England.

Hoop SkirtH, 37, 4,1, SB, 6e cents, aad ap.

SMITH'S, 143 Eaaex street.

MISS H. B. FIELDING wishes to Inform the Ladles of Lawrence aad vicinity that she baa Just received all the New Bprlngand *nromer Style* Irom New York, aad is BOW ready to execute all order* lor Dnxaa HaXtxo at her Rooms, 301 Ksaex Street,

AsT-Particular attention paid to Cwttlns; and Fining Ladles' and Children's Dresses. New aiyle* received from New York every week,

A liberal efaere of patronage solicited, with thanks tor past fevers. t Jy lit*


To the Public of Lawrence.

The undersigned have the honor Of Informing their Mend* and th* public gem rally, that they have taken chamber* In

baandcrs New Block, Eaaex street,

for th* purpose of carrying on tbe business ol MKRCHANT TAii.oitn, where the beat Cloths, Cashmeres, Vesting!, ft*., Will be always on hand, aad every attention given to the Latest Styles of Custom Mad* Clothing, under the im- mediate supervision of JOSEPH V LOOD, Isle ol the arm of Savage fc Flood.

Toa are respeetfnlly Invited to give us a call.



Chambers, 1, 2 at S Saundora New Block.

PBDRICK en CLOSSOIf, Aaciloaeer-, Real Estate Agent* aad Appraisers, No. 381 Eeaai at., Lawretee, Maaa.

Always ready to give their personal service and serious attention to eelllne Beal and fereonal Estate at auction or otherwise, obtaining Hoary and letting tbe same at fair rale* lor allooaeern- ed, negotiating Hortgsges and looking up Titles, Bemlng property and collecting Bents, etc. No Title passed of property unless the seme be per- fect; no Honey Invested but upon tha most un- doubted security. All butluess Intrusted to u* will be mended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt with—sirlet Integrity b*lagth*one Important aliment of success In the Beal E.tate business,prompt payments ol cash proceeds, deal- ing la all honor with the icier and owner, at the same time look In* we >llo the tree Intsreat of th* pnrchsser.tbat his th;t. are good, and that he gets all which he 1* entitled to-thai securing and

Ing that confidence of oar tallows which 1* oaiy obtained by strict sttentlon lo business, and holding that confidence of oar tellow* omy obtained by strict sttentlon lo at ' th* highest type of honorable dealing.

am-ferms reasonable, and aeeeti_ work aad responsibility. Call upon us. Real Estate Offlce, Essex St, No. 381.

V. B.—Property for sale In many sections of New ■"- th

for B psrmaasn t lot


All Proflla of the Company Divided to its Policy Holders.


Mutual Fire Insurance Co,. LAWREMOE, MASS.,

No. 339 Essex Street

A. 3. * BENCH, President. A. W. 6TEABN8. J, A. TREAT, Vies President*.

J. E. H0RWO0D, Heo'y and Trees. Diaacroas ■

Alfred J. French, Ueorgs R, llavls, A.W.Btsain*, James A. Treat, 8. W. Wilder, Patrick Hurphy, William R. gpaldlai H, Plummcr, H.D. Clement, Patrick Bweeney, rrederick Butler,

Daniel Blunders, Jr., Morris Knewlea, Willis** A. Russell, D. r rank Robinson, William H, Hall, Mote* Perkins, J. H. KslrOeld, James It. Baton, J A.Wlley.N.Andover, Oeo, Foster, Andover, C. E, Ooss, kethnen.

Tat* Compaay will be read* to open bn.lneis and Issue Policies, Monday. July 17th, IBTi. it has already property to th* amount of $800,000 nledxed to be Insured, »lO0,000 of which will be Insured the day w* commence business.

We insure only Bret class property. We respectfully Invite all wbo have snob kind

of property, to examine oar rate* and our *< Ity, Oar system of management will ensbl to Insure st low rates, and will make It perfectly safe for the Ineartd, %JyU

Slippery Elm Candy

No Proprietary Medlcla* excels these for •

Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchial Affections, Irritation and Inflammation

of the Mucous Membranes, ate. They can be taken la any quantity without

lajsry. Hllppery Elm f Ulmui FUtra) I* toe well known

as • domestic remedy to require com meat; yet Its application Is far more varied and extensive than 1* generally supposed, while Its enUaey Is un- doubted. This aaw way ot admlalaterlef It will be found tbe beat, most coavenlent aad desirable.

WEBBS St POTTEB, Ageat* for Mew England. 1 ItmmhM roa SALB BT


259 Essex, corner of Femberton street, LAWRENCE.


Corner of Essex Street and Broadway.

Deposit* placed on Interest th* rixsT DAY or BACH MOUTH,

Interest allowed oa all sums ol One Dollar and upwsrds, deposited not less than OME MOBT1I bcrore the day oa whleh Dividend* are deelared.

The smallest earn received on depodt Is flve

Dividends wtll be made of ALL THI enoriTs which may have aeersed wltbln tbe previons elx months, after deducting necessary ripenses.

Interest wtll not be paid on fractional pans of a dollar.

The Bank will be open every day from « A. M. to 1 P. M., except Saturday. On Thursday and Saturday Evenings, from 7 to 0, for receiving deposit* only, JAHES PATNE,

Lawrence, May 0,1ST1. tUsais Treasurer.



GREAT BARGAIN In Ladles' Cotton 13 1-1 and 15 cents par pair,

SMITHS, 143 Essex street.



Director's Office, 27 Court street. Boston.


Asseie over - - - 98,000,000.00

All the Profits paid to Policy Itolders.

Tbe low rates and large dividend* of thl* old '—"sn

*d.__._ New Knit lam! *r"

S. 1. LAWRENCB, Agent for Lawrence, Haverblll. Andover. an iFin snsewsnm* Office, 373 Easex Street, Lawrence.

ipany, together with excellent management dealing and promptness 1 "

__ ss, makes It the best Comin to Insars la, especially for Endearment Poliele*

Ooatmoaweaitb of Maaaaonuaotta Essex, is.

To ths helrs-at-l*w, and others Inlerestsd In Ibo eMateofCHAKLKM WKHHTrtlt, tale of Law- reaoe, la *ald county, milsmau, deeeaatd, In- testste, greetlaic

Whereas, Abby R. Webster, the administratrix of the eatate of said deceased, has presented for allowance tbe account of her admmistration upon the estate of said deceased, and also her petition for allowsoor for herself and minor ohlidre der her care.

Yen are hereby cited to sppear at a Probst* Court, to be holdeo at Lawrence, Iu said county ol Bssea.on the Second Tuesday of June next, at nlus o'clock In th* forenoon, to show cause, If any you have, why the same should not be allowed.

And the said administratrix Is ordered to servi tblr citation by publishing tba same once a week, la the Lawrence American and Aadover Adver User, a newspaper printed at Lawrence, three weeks successively, the lull publication to be Iwo days si least before said Tuesday.

Witness, Ueorge *". frioste, Ksqulre, Judge said Court, tbfs seventh day of Msy, in tbe yi eighteen haxdred and seventy-two.

my 10 A. C. UOODELL, Regieter.



COLUMN, If yoa do, you will be tempted te go lo Ihe


Dry and Fanoy Goods •T.r Imported Into Lmwr.ncr, for 8pil», ,nd Sammar mt, at

TAYLOR & BOLTON'S, Successors to


230 ESSEX STREET, Second door from Post Offlce.

NEW GOODL*, divert from thr New Yfirk and Boatoa Importers.

We have BOW open for inspection everything New, Stylish and Desirable for a Popular Trade, while our PRICKS, aa heretofore, will be ss LOW as any Boston bouse.

Oar trade being eery exfensfre, we are thee enabled to show always a Frtth Stoet aa they are imported, and direct from the atannfaeturcri.

Everything marked in plain figures, and One Price for ail.

We would also use thla opportunity of thank- lag oer friend* and eudomera for their liberal patronage in tbe past; and by a thoroagh knowledge of our business, and strict attention to th* wants of the trading public, to merit still a large share or their patronage in the fetere.

The following I* * list of part of our extensive stock:—

SILK DEPARTMENT. leoo yard* Black and Colored ■ilkaat

the following LOW prices :-

SO-lnoh Oro Grain French, tyl.oo A $1.11 -tt-lecb » « |*j*j no Colored Fancy Bilks, $1.10, $1 71 A fS.BO

New Bilk Terry, for Trimming*. Imitation Jspsnesu Silk*, Me Beat Japanese Silks, S7, et, 75c A Sl.M

DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT DoUey Vardea Stripes snd Delaines,

from a to We Seaside Baitings, U i-te Black Alpaca*, no to (1.O0

The OLD PRICKS. Preach and Irish Poplins, |i, |I.U a ai ,,iu beit.

Direct from tbe Manufacturers,

700 Sunshades, 25 cts. A Qrtat Bargain,

£unahades In all lite New Designs.

SHAWLS In Paisley, Frenehsod Ain.-rk.m. French and Paisley Shawls from e,s.«> to (,-,o ce Woolen Bhawli from l.BOto lS.Oo

Prints, Qood and Fait Color*, loo Oood Ulnibam*. ]■; i;>(. English Prinl* cheap.

Two Ballon KldOlovee, 91.00 Alexis, Bismarck and Kaiser Rid Gloves, Trefousfo Kids, *) 1 M>

FRENCH and UKRMAN CORSETS, rSc, (Urn, #1 10, fc 00,

A full line of Hosiery, nil prices.

Soap*, Perfnmes, Brash**,Combs,Fringes, Neck Ties, Laces and Trimmings of aterj

description, Cheap, at tba POPULAR STORK,

No. 230 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE, Second Door from Post Offlce.

TAYLOR ft BOLTON, Proprietors, Suoccaaer* to




No. 305 Essex St., Lawrence, (THE SAUL Ol.i' PLAOB,)

desire* te cell attention lo bis assortment *l Millinery end tansy Goods, all of the j.uissr Stflc and at ruin TO SLIT THE TIMES.

PerUn Satisfaction Is Guaranteed, as


MOURNINC COODS constantly ea head and made to order, lm my 10




WK8T STREET, LAWRENCE. Leaky Roefa made Tight al short nolle*, B*r17

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Xiaxi,**. PB0BATE COURT. To tha hsti*-at-law,aext of klo,*nd all other per-

sons Interested in the estate of LOUISA K. WILDB. late of Lawrence, In said eounty, widow, deceased, greeting:

Whereas a certain lust rumen I, purporting tu be Ihe last will and testament of ssld deceased, has been prestated to said Court, for probets, by Na- thaniel Ambrose, who prays that latter* testa- mentary may be laeeedlo blm, I lie executor there In named. You are hereby el tad to appear at a Probsts Court,

to be held at Lawrence, in said county of Essex, ox the Becoad Tuesday of June next, at nine o'clock, before BOOB, to show cause, if any you bsve, against the same.

And said petitioner I* hereby directed lo give public notice thereof, by publishing ihlseitalloo one* S week,lor three successive week,, In tbe newspaper called the Lawrence American sod An- dover Advertiser, primed at Lawrence, the last publication lo be two days at least before said

Witness, Oeorg* F. Cbeete, Ractalre, Jadge ol said Court, thisseventh day of May,'- "

myiu A. C. QOUDBLL'Vc'gTs ter,


Merrimack River Ice. ORo* with A, V. BUGBEB,

No. 263 Essex street, Lawrence. Leave yosr orders,sad keepeeol, san1|spM

WHITE PK'B-Sew Patterns opening at SMITH'*, 143 Essex street.

Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

Next to Clarke'* Apothecary St oro,


Clothing and Furnishing Goods Lower than the Loweat,



FOR WINTER. Overcoats, Thick Pants, Teats, Dress Cost*,

Bat*, Caps, Qlove*, Mittens, Boys' Clothing, fee, FOR SUMMER.

Thin Clothing, Straw Hats, As. FOR ALL SEASONS.

Furnishing Good*, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Ao.

WEIL Is always /, aad will desl with you oa the Square.


O A L !_, II K H JC F I R rt T aaroan ruaaHAeiao.

For partloalars, **e small bills. CALL EARLY, CALL OFTEN.

We have Jast taken the Agency for the

Original Howe Sewing Maohlne, the Beet, Most Complete, and Desirable Machine In Bee. I>> not iiurrhsso until you have examined ths HOW*.

1S3 Essex street, Lawrence.







of all. kinds; also, Fixtures, Cord and Tassels

snd Picture Cord.

1 have received, si ready, thl* Spring, from

Eight to Tea Thousand

Rolls or Entire!; New Room Papers,

and shall be receiving


eW-kiy aim 1* to sell the Ml floods mane

featured, and at the LOWEST possible prior*.

I don't propose to be UNDERSOLD.


No. 243 Essex Street




Opposite Washington Mills.

Extra Bargains! IK


Weievlle PABTICULAB ATTKUTION lo our slock of


SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. Jest received a Freeh Lot of


Woolen Shawls IN New Styles.

Kid Gloves,



Malta Laces,




8. F. SNELL,

818 Essex Street, Lawrence

Great Concentration of Business UNDER ONE UEAD.

A. W. STXAHNS fc CO. having, for tb* accom- modation and proflt of their peti-oas,completed tbelr extentlve srrsngrmrita to display the largest Dumber of LVpertmcnia.eaebrepreeent- lag a distinct branrh of trade and business aad all Slled to oversowing with th* Most Rare aad Latest Designs of this season's rash- Ions, Ic will readily be at en, that so many branches of irsfBc well managed by on* firm with ample means aud experience without a rlvil, that ere can oford to sett Goods at m Muck Smaller Per Ctntmae, to say nothing of oer advantages In selecting and buying. It has been mads spparcnt te the writer that we are aeltiBg all kinds el Goods CUKAP, much cheaper than the same style and quality ha* been er Is being sold la Boston by actual test of comparison aa shown In a large number of IneUnees lhat ladles have paid Irom S to es cents per yard more thin wa were asking for precisely the earns style and quality at same time, or three to teo dollars more on a Shawl. Thla Is worth looking lute by a trading and economical people. Of loursr pur- chasing goods comes down le about the following, via:—Uentlemanlr and intelligent treatment,ihe best mannuetnied article of tb* latest and most becoming style, finest blending of colors, ete„ at the Lowest Possible Price.

Ueat*s Llaea Ilaadkercltlels, all Hemmed, ready for aae, 17, SB, U, 37, to and 10 cents, at

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

£2~For a Superior Class of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS;

For COItNKTfl, ALTOS, BABBEB, and all need In

BANDS. For VIOLINS, V10L0NCKLL08, and all used In



For STBIMQ8 for Violins and Gaiters, and all Itilugs needed In the use snd repair of Musical Instruments.

For Band If uste, Sheet Music and Music Books, call *t or seed to the store of lyfapxerb

JOIIN O. HATVB8 * OO., S3 Court Bt„ (opposite Csnrt House,) Boston,

Visit SMITH'S, 143 Essex street,

Blnck llrl! linn tin en and Dlaek Alpaca-.

Paper Hangings. We are receiving a Large and Klegant Stock

or New nnd Bleb Styles of Ullls, ttailns. and Blanks We propose kerplng a stock fully rqual in lite lo any In Essex County. W* .till bsveou hand a few Otlt Papers belonging to tb* store when we purchased It. <m>>raci.|r very dislrnlile patterns, which we will sell el Ceet, and LBS* than Coat, to close tbem out.


SSS Essrx Street, Lawrencr,

Plna 3 cents paper, Corset Lacings i eent, Boot Lselug* (11-3 yaida long) 10 cents a

doien,Best Machine Cotion 0 cents, Best (Jlssed Cotton 1 cents,

SMITH'S, 143 E Ml Ntreet.

Window Shades. A large slock of New and Desirable returns. Hhsd<a made to order. Sbsdra bung. ThrrJalemSbaaeltollor. Bvi-ry onewnrrawrrrf.

Only SO cents. No Cord or T*->Hs required WHITFOKl> A Hire,

Palace of Music, 35 Broadway, Lawrence.

Tt-nckerof PIArvll-FDIlTK A- ORCAN

Latest Music nlways on hand.

Instruction Books.

Ail kind* of Musical Instruments Tuned ami Repaired,




Patent Action Piano-Forte, AND


COTTAGE OBGAN These Cottage Organs ere the Barst Initrameati

or tbelr kind before th* publlo, being full and

rich tn tins, and of great power,

Cull and examine our Instrument?.

J. C. CAULCUTT, No. 3fi Broadway, Lawrence.

MISS S. ft. FRYE Will Sfea the 1st of April

Spring Styles Bonnets & Hats In Btraw, Chip xnd Leghorn. A complete assort

I'UMI Flowers nnd Penibitrs.

228 Essex street, (up Ufa*,) Third door from thr Tost OOlee, aad uppoald

lm«*p» rhllllps' store.

IOB CREAM. Th* subscriber will attend to the manufsclun

of Ice Cream during the present srnson.

FAIRS AND PARTIES BU PPL I ED at short notice, and *atlsr*otlon guaranteed, or no charge made.

Ic* Cream (Hastes fprnfthrd parties niid falls, Juisi IB ASA J. LBBNBO,

104 Essi'X Street, LawreiiOt.

Imitation Hair Goods. Cblgnons, Carle, Braids, Hwllchcs snd Bats.-

the largsst slock In the city.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.


|D E N T I S T,

Office, 417 KSSBX St., Lawrence.

WANTSD. -BOOK AOEHTS for a New Work fay JDIIH 8. C. ABBOTT, suited to every family snd all classes. The rasas*—the price— and style, renders It the best book for eanvaisere ever published. Tba field Is clear, with no com- petition. Address at OBM, B. B. BUBBELL, Pnbllsber, Boston, Mass, IwfaSMaxtpb



l<e d nnoAn WAT,

Nt'itr Boston A Maine and Eusiern DcjKit,



SMITH'S, 143 Essex street, ann sxx TUB

ftew Style HOOP SKIRT.


e.-lollilnsr, Ilni, Cap A Fnrnlah- ing t.t.odi Mtn ■,

No. 103 Essex Street, Lawreme.


SVFor ibe next SO days I shall sell all our old slock at VSIir LOW PBICBS.

Vests, ti.oo to |i.MI

Hats, SO to LOO Caps, SO t* ,.'. Ties, 10 lo 20



1011 Essex street, Lawrence.

A. W. STEABNS & CO. are opening New and Very Kleymmt Styles o

Spring Shawl* at Very I,cwrrlcts,-<llr<U from Fails and New York market*.

SVLedles who have Black er fancy Silks to purchase, should IlIPBOVK Ihe Jtnrc opportu- nity being offered them by A. W. BTK ABB| A Co.

AsrLadles who have a NKW HRK19 or Bull to purchase, can And tbe Largest, Prettiest, Host Btyttsk, as well as Ceeaveaf line of Handsome Dress CoodS ever displayed for their Inspec- tion, varying In price from as cents toff, dollars per yard, A. W. BTBAKHB A CO.

A. W. 8TRABN8 fc CO. are opening, tnm Xeir York direct, complete line* of White Goods, Hosiery, New Kids and ether Oloves, Fringes. Utmps, Beal and Imitation Laces, Collar*, Bows, Veil*, Skirts In Now Designs, eto. A. W. BTBABMB fc 00.

BABUAINB In New Carpota from New York Auctions, this week,


Try Stearns ft Go's Tftilor

To TUB POINT.—Fonr years ago I commenced business, adopting tho one price system. "Knowing ones" shook their heads. "Ah, he can never make it pay ; *' and they have waited for my "going up," thnt they might have tho aaiiafuction of saying " I told you so " Let them wait. Tli.nil.s to a discerning piihlic, I um on my feet, and bfitt-r ptepitrcd to do business thin ever. 1 luve no occasion for "closing out*' or ' clear- ing off" t-al'S, as 1 cell at low prices all the year round ; absolutely, pns- itively, and uumix'akuUly. o e price.

Ladies, scud your childten or liua- I) mis it*you cannot come yotin-clvei>; ws Mfffc tbem all alike. I ho little four year old, who can barely lisp " Mother wai ts a Spool of Cotton," or the great green fallow of a hus- band who don't know the difference between a "pearl" or a *'pot" but- ton, buy jtiHt as cheap as tin. most inveterate bhoppcr. Remnants a specialty. Call nnd see me. T. LHYLAKP, 381 Essex St., Lawrence. Dry nnd Fancy (..-<.■.

You eij always Bud a good linn nf


(Pilce* lbiLOirJI5r,)at

SMITIIM, 1*3 Easex Html.

Business Notice. I have laken a Store at

No. 8 Appleton street, -, - Lawrence, ueal to City 11*11, for tbe purpose of msouf-trlur- Ing HARBBBStCtt of every kind,both Blnglo nnd Double, snd shall tisetb* best of stock end put In ths best of work; will try to please all who will gt v* me n call.

Shall keep a large assortment of

Trunk-, Bags, Valises., Kliawl Straps nnJ Trunk Straps,

Harnesses Bepslrsd aad Oiled.

C. Q.8TEBI1IM, Agent. < Latvrenrt1, April 19,1672,


KID QLOVES at St c«n!s per f-alr. I.n-i, In Blaek and Coin

pair war rented.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

Boots and bhocs.



(bend at tho Utdntand

71 Essex Street, (139 New Number,) where they will always be pieaerd toshowtbrlr larxi- and curelully sflecH-'d stock ol Men's, Wo- men's, Hoys', Missis', Youth's, Children's, and lalants'

BOOTS AND S11 O E S. Also, at all times, e nojd assortment of

RUHliKU OOOD8. Women's Nu-Raal Rubbers

uoiclsewbvrr to befuuurl In tlic utty. rhH* Oood* a. fa* a* (H^slblV, srr matli to

order,and reenved (Ureotly froni tin most respvn* slble manulai-tunrv.

*s>-1hr> arc ™<i> Ageuliof ths

I'kl'.MH M Kl-.MiAl I t'.M.K BtJf'1 ,

also ol the Capln Call Hoot, of all widths; also of tbe

VOtiLE GERMAN SLIPPER. AsT-lf nvlnp retained the si-rvtoes of Ma. It. D.

nHri'll, (s man of twenty vi-srsexiwrlrnoe In ilio maaulacturi' and salr of Boots and blioes, tbey sollHt aud hope lo mrril a share of the publlo pet roa age,

Crl'luaac examine our Oootls before inircliasltig.


189 Essex Street, Lawrence. J. O. Herrick. &. M. Krenrh.

SUBURBAN HOME. faunm KOR SA1.K—A two and a hair story ieiilL House, with a one story ell, dm ul ring fisssAti ii rn.jua and ample closets. 1 hero Is sr. eniX*i7,ai-.|ipnt cellar,and good water, a mnd- ern built Ham Is upon Urn premises. Ihst cost |7U> lo luilid. The lot aonlslns more fS'in kntfan acre. The property Is eligibly sltuslt d ou 1'less- snt street, Clover lllll, (distance he n.lnnles walk from the Common.) adjoining ihr estate ot JriltN rAl,LON,Hs(j.,lo shorn apply lor par Heelers. Price, gVSOV. Wrttasnw



mhll Residence, Ho. It Oak litrr-t.


New & Second Hand Furniture The subscribers liar* taken roums In Ordway

Hlnck, .1.17 Sees* street, where Ihey will He- pair and liny and Bell Ueeond Hand lurniiun and household articles. All orders promptly encoded to, and goods sold st auctloa wbe- dtsired. II ILL h CO,

Lawrcaoe, April v.; 1111. it


S.rrUl X.tiru.







BANKERS, Bo. 1 Devonshire, cor. State St., Boston.

«•*• «• • oea«rai Beaklag and Commit.Ion MlltW. BrgOtlBl* iMit, Ifcfll, Not**. BBd tlWr iMHtllM, Wak* *O.I*et(**.« IhrOOghOWt

Urtlrn la Nerarliic*,'s; taken adviatag*•* a wml lar

(fUMW<«tk«f4Ul- ., fifc—I fcvtwa,MMM ■poa lb* p«blle nlwlo* M* ckla** having *on. of th*

ton Mi BariiagtOB,Cedar RHMI ft»tae***U I adlaaapol It. atj*tt*a*wgf OW ft WttWi . UttMfM, Crawf.rdevlll. a-d ■ W. BB, OrMfMto»UM«H, MMtoi v«ii« j ;*, X r> T«t ui O. - * go 7*.

t*. S. BN4I Mi other market •->!• aooarttloo allowed f«l I pf if la eachi laiabnab

8KIN DISEASES. REMEDY. Ihr akin Medicine ifthAr ■■

fbr JfofA JWAe*. Frtcklea, tad TAX..- PERKY'* MOTH **d KBECKLE LOTION. Tar veil known reliable and faarmle** remedy f»r Brown DIeculoTatloB- ol the »*e*.— Prepared oaly by- Dr. B.C. Perry. *rajB*|M, 4* bond ilrxi, S» York, sold »F DrMaftHs

«lm. ta'mli^

Uat wbieb dUtlagnUh "HOW»." ^robnaata tra lh*»***ro ***a*wtly eaa- ttwaod U •**•**• tk* "fr«*

_ ■tart," aal tab* ao dealer'. \ ■ ■"^atrt tkaf * Maehia* U ■ (flMM -Hoof- ultM It bear, lb* HalH


Ml MUTT ItWI-l..

Howi.Ji **M**hin

awarded la* hlgh**t kMtri » * Intanabl. kr«a

KKsfi ik«"w»rU. Thay l»»*»C,b\S"l> Uwiw H.-.I iwuiat •rwlai MMklMi SiKr!.UliwkiUo»1lkfr. ■andn.efollowl.g:

i. WB*hlBglon.»la. Mag, !*■- Nr* Tori,-5«r—Tk* D*-

.. „ o- mm k am, OM&IW ~lhT Lrglo* of HtMi. Oa. Wptoma, a»4 Ol«

CewtfeB*7awo»**w Mil tk- KrtTV-lwajl tVpo.llloa of MW.ftS wilia.llTWthj.k-*.!. or To«r Agent, at low M ■••«__,.__

W. II44.CH, Age Ml,

199 Inn Street, Lawrence.

134 80





OVER 600,000 BOLD.

%b 00down, ind 15.00 a monlh until

paid for, will buy a Wheeler 4

Wileon Machine.


»T TH.

8 E W I N G





We claim, oars BEST for the following

reaeoae, which we stand reedy to rn'-vt:

to ell who will fire as e cell —

First—They are not «> complicated that lher require a mechanic to keep

them ID order, aa the* harp 20 leas parts

than the simplest machlae to the mar

ket. therefore 30 lew times liable to get

out of order.

Becood—Thej are the stillest running. bar ing the sllant feed.

Third—They have the largest $alt$ of

any Family Machine* in the world

Fourth—Thej are the hijhct speeded.

Parties adrertlsing other machines as higher speeded, make a false statement.

Filth—They will do a larger rang* ol

work than any otner machine.

Sixth—Thej will do htavitr trvri than

any other Family Machine,

Seventh—TlVy hare the best stitch

and tension.

Eighth —They hars the glaae foot,

with which the netarat eje can see to

guide the work, being much easier than

with a steel one.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not hare boles to

thread in their .buttle., as all other Lock

Stitch Machines do.

Elerenth—They will use USES and

all kinds of threads and silks.


luianu' Omct, May I, MR. M»»m .v., 1, CUp ««■■-

To th* InbahlUsia of ln« Citj of Lawrence, aad other FIINM liable to Taxation tbartla:-

Taa AMttim of tk* citr «f Lawrraa. karabr gl** aoUca u> tk* tababitaaU of elt*. »Bd all othrr partlr. ltakle lo p.. Taae. th«rriD. tkat thalr Utter will fca opt. oa .a« »flrr the Flrat attar •' J»"», aaUl aod larlaetac tb« rtf- (•■attai *mj *f «■■■*, 1ST*, oaecbowa—» to U I. E, ! k I F, V.; aad T«.Hi« aad Tk*ri.*> Kxnlifi, from 7 U » o'elotl, eanat tb« abo*a BIntioard tlw. thca and tber. U ttrrltt ib» •■JBalioB of Mtaifi. aad all par- tlo* UaMf to b* UKcd la taU Uir.ncf, ara rtrralred to retara to .aid OHM a uw p«ri*ri Uit of .11 tk* tall., aad*. of ihc Iwll aad Btsaaaal »»t»l*» for wblrhlhrjai.llabl* to pay taxr*.

Tb« rollawlsc rBaaviniioB »»r **rt* ai a gaWr M th« lababltaata la nUI rf up their ttaitan.ii:

Foiii —All ma!. ■ of SO ) tan old aad apa-arda. Kiml aWaas.—Laad) aad balldlai*. Mlotk fa Trade.—Good a, warra aad aacreban-

dlat—a i.Iut cqaal to tb« aatoaBt of aiuntj nrca-arr to earr* aa baatae...

Alt il-*i at Inltrtil,-;tol dToaltadU tar lag. baak. la Si..., or laacatca la Called Stair. ■aaattawa.)

Income from prafe.alea or occapatloa, CkMrd laa oar tboaaaad dollar* la aatoaal.

Boat. JawaaVaWtaraaa, Mmllrood and PeWla Sioett, r.oi taraipt by law Iron taaaUoa.

Bar—I. Ctxrruigra aad A>a< iatllt. ffmurka'd Faraifar. CBMIJIB( oa* ib.atand

dollar, la ralae. Shat St*t'1*t'i, for rafarai of prraoaal prop-

erty, raa br obtained cf the Ami.oti at their Oatee, City Hall.

faiin holdlac Ifortaair* recorded OJ Veal Batate Brcor!«. will j.|. a-r t«p»M all payiaeBt. or partial rijnfiu oa atioaat of raeie, lo pre- eeal taaailoo for the waste.

All pereoB* wb« do uoi coatply wlih the law., wt.l be DOOMBD.


ol the CHy a'. Lawraaea. in or WaT llf ..-la abauareet ahaU be

atade of th« taxeeaa eataeiaed ap«a aa lahaMtaat of tb* toaa where lb* aa.eit.arot I* ai.Jr. aatll a* ahali ha*( n > J wllb (he A.IIIBSIM a liat tab- •cribtdky hiaiofhl. ealatallabl.-IOtaaatioa.Bad aaad. cath lhat It ta a fall aad aecarat* Uat •: the aaaar,aeeordlaf to hVa b«*t kBowled<*aad belief.

Whra in-h Hat ehall wot be Bird wllhia th* Uaa* (paddrd by tkr A jr. for the bnatla* la of wmtb 11*1 t, the lababltaata of Ik* man. a* appeal Iron the ;*««». i I t,f th* A»». itoti coa- eerai.a each abattaaral .hall he tn>t*lB*d ay the Coaai y Cowatlaaaorarr*, aalea* thry ahall b* aat- Utad that U»re waa (uott caaae why aack Hit wa. Bot .raaoaahiy brcaiht la. lat tail


.Id*, la all qaallU*., at Oaa to eijkt jard* prlera to tatt.



Canton Mattings Froai MI.H Wid*.

Plnln, Checked and Fancy.

1. i: AH> AR1> A II A KT1. K Y.


WINDOW SHADES, Curtain Fixtures,

Tassels, Shade and Picture Cord.

1. I; A It N V lilt A 1IARTI.FV,

Ml Hanorer St , and 80 t'nion St..


The aboTc atock la each departai«Bl I. at w aad doalrable, hBrlaf b»*a at!*etod froai th* prodae- tioaaof tb* mo.t ecUbrated t'orrl.a and Doaw.- tie ataaafaetBreri.

a*r VTr iCTtte aa tx»eaIaa-io» froat oar friaadt aad the Bablla.




134 Hanover St., and SO Union Si.,


Parti** IB waat of WBBELRB ft W1LS054

Machlae*, are caatioaod *t*io»t pwreha*iBC thaw

of AJtiU who adi-rtia* to .til all aaacblB*.. a*

they aah* a •pedally of oar. kit IN difercal

•IN to hHad taoawhll* aad cauk thetr prey, while

an **11 kat oar klad, aad that 1, th*


Wheeler & Wilson

tuorriNU BAUI • 1 00. |irJ,tl»,|l.TJ, »; J'.-Vtr) Cheap.

SMI lil'.-. 141 Eeeex street.

C. h. d> J. P. riUeSBURT,


Cotton & Woolen Machinery AKD

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Paliry•. Qfarlaf aad SbafUaej, Jack Screw*. All klad* of Boita OB head, or atad* to order;

alao all klad* of rorfioc doa*. UBUBKAL JOB WORM aad Mill repair* doa*

promptly aad faithfBlly. Dealer* la Itaaafacurer*' Sappliea.

Foster's Boilding, Corner of Frank- lin an'I Methuen Streets

ir^»r iteimt,


The propnrtot of thi. ralaabl* Mrd^rtae, while •affriaf fro™ lue* of b**Jtb to**.* twenty year* a|0. tttt K-! ID ladlaa rtctpr, frca whMb abc prepervd eoair for brr owa a**, wbtrh reaaitrd ta a-are. It. effect* are woaderfal IB the Relief aad Car* of the fo■ -,»:»i dUtaore —P>- iir.r. I'leri. Krrrowt DrbltlTj, Weakaca* of the rlach aad Llaab*. Dy*prptfa. Paitllatwa of Urait. I'oprca- • 03 of »t*tri, Irtrralrrltir*. ' t».«<» of < tfe, *tn-..i'r.'. T.t' rtlt>»* B l!oa>Bett.liCaai- Butloa of lb* Kid..)*. li*J»'hr. tte , tukft a*w blood aad .trrccth. B* It* wh«l« xi'ia

Prr:af,.! aad iUd ty »' I.IM'i hkH'Hlli. R*a* ; ■ Mat* S.tJ/tr CtrtmUt t>oJd bl ail !>• a.',:.: • at 11 per bottle. '.,.,:.'.«*.. I

WASTED. W» will (IT* carrcttic Mta aad Woasra

BCS1SESS THAT WILL PAT frora S-1 to |* per day. Caa '* par*Brd a: yoar ewa hoaari.aadl* alrtetly hoaorablr. Scad Ur aaatplratbit will ecab:* JOB to co to wcrk at oao*. Addr**. J. i Afiuu a to .

Jtl WaiklBgtoa itntt. BoiUa.

20.000,000 Feet cf Choice Land* AT CLARENDON HILLS,

HaTkifl Sttod Bp half of J.

•tore, we wUl ho hapcy 10 (how oar Mochlao. la

aU breach** of work.

W« k**p oa haad a i*ol .apply of th* hc*t


la th* aurkot. with


tor tho Wheeler ft Wltawa Maahiae*.

Open erery Evening till 9 o'clock.

M.B -Parties haetag WhooWr ft Wllaoa'* Maohlac* wUJ rccari** raarxaotioa ta their aa* free

a/charf*; Saal w» hop* all wiU aeall IhCBMlcea

ol tftl.opportaaliy.

■ Lo:* tioaa SOOO 10 j",oi o reet. ■ri,- raact M :ni cr*chotaa-e* •( r* for *.-■■ las.» u. ml i. a :t tb t a. II bcOtCB.

r»-.- Land. ri.S "Ufa U » U Jir jm aaJ ', . -i ■. .., c/ tthttmwm


v ■ tb* paraoec ol *ark Vtll.airDI. tht-ee b*«B- aad* wri t' .1 Btto brio a

r heoity.

UI11.1P.X HILL'- THE c t: M

of * taa-.i d.!.-V.l paw for tat a ar ibt »*w Kaafaad „t\

uhaaren- Sea** i.

New & Elegant Styles.

Parlor, Library, Dining Room, and Chamber


Mantel and Pier Mirrors.

Lace Curtains & Draperies.

Spring Beds & Bedding,

ire ttt itock aad the lacoi aaooi

FIBST CLASS FCHXITCRS a thl* or aay other aty, w* larlt* il to call aad • lataicr oar »to:k wad leara oar prlera hefor* pejtsbaaiBf *lMwh*r*.


Prices from 150 to 9150,

IB *arioB* (tylc of lalah. Th* atoat eoaccalcBt aad acceptable Parlor Bod la th* Market.

We ar* th* Ml* aarcau for the ,1tw Eaclaad State* for


ELASTIC Pillows,

Mattreasea, Bolsters, and

CHURCH CUSHION'S. Wi can r*ltt to asoe. tbaaoar ba.drrd rbarch-

ea tbatarratlBg the ** .Lartic ,rv*oi ctr.a- tub. " It it cheaper tka* hair, aad will Bold It* ''a.ticitj doable lb* ieeathof lirar, aad wa/raat-



411 Washington street, Boston Jm" :*pl«ab



No. tl\ Easei Street. Lawrence. Uaa. cblarofona or rid..,.,, acarrfcrrrd.


Compound Dandelion Bitttrs ■trraflhra

tatat* aad BaiidiBg loniLiirl hl<trc[ata! Laad CoWpaa). Beak Bwildlae,

:>7 WaiLingtoo Mr.:«t, D-iton. «wr«od:wjab A. P. BLAkr Goal *(*al.

The World's Inttrtial Remedy.



owaed Preach Pk)ii<ii ilttuitt prartirr ail)

It ti the pabtl. It lt*| Bally btci^.t.-

e*r»tlT*jroe>.r;i'> profit tk***<«B-


PURIFIER. -I' IB it* Car*.

oipt'CB cf a world r a, «bo aard H m all tear* brlcrc ■:?--: t


it the

H * . H F V


Dijbt oStt i -■' crr- i<d-aficrtboG*aad*

who h are beea cared by It. bst the belt rr.-ow ■taditloa wrcaagttt It la

B trial of tar, two or i*rr* bottk* wbkb wiilcartaial} ra-

lirte ibraaott dlBcal! coae. I ry II. aad beooailaced. We haie ad-

'ill. Tst'itJ ActloatothcStoi the Dtteatlr* Orcaa*. .ad Rri O-aeral Debaliy. Th* beat aaedlriB* for Pcaxal* CoaipU at*. ; ehetber IB TOBB^ or old,, or at the tara at bfe; aad f*r Chroai* Dtarrhia the**

rra hat* ao eaaal- ■'" aal-S

An Undoubted Security PAVING no PEN. CE^-



9.J Per Cent, on the Inrestment.

I.oKBE*pon, Craw ford.aille aad Baatk- H ealrra Rallwar of ladtaaa.


The t**a* 1* liantrd loll.MCpetajlle.l. de- a-aiaaUoBiof ti-OOO, SAAO aad *..». a>i'*o loac -- akaUB(S Lhlcai

ae*,d« the*hortral

G**r(c C A oar

i-dtdLi vl K..V.

, or t.-.e a^i'i rnatcrd. Aad Out of baBdrtd tot lea ... '. at .-.'... tbil ba< had bat *<cht bottle* retBr.rd.

Spilt*--' iHl'kMIAl. I ill'.II ST Kir. Tb* Imprrtai CwopA ^iraar.atal

oa* laarrdieat what**er, aad Bay catc* aot rriiairl.a active weltcal irraiaea'.— Tho leap*rial C«*fb Jrtrap ha* heea aa*d for the laat thin) )tar. Praawrod oa'y by B. E. SELLEKJ ft CO,

Viri-lil K..I1. I'A. Bold by Dr.ff >•'* rrrnwbrr*.

JMO. P. hlKatRY, Ma* Tors*


. i faa*|ort aoil iateraarOlal* polaia for the reiebcaied Block aal Bltawlaoa* Coal* ol Parkc Cooaty. a*, alao, lor th* tare* (arpla* fro darta of Ike rick aenrwltaral aad aaJoeral **ctloa 01 tk* Btat* wkkh It lra*rr*r*

P jr .f.* T.retrat we are t:t< nif the** Bond* at pa aoJ arrra d l.tttttt ia cBireacy. or will *k- caaBf* tbcai for OeterBBacBt BOBO*, or olber ■arinabl* aeearltltt. ai the rate* of lb* day.

Partbrr aad faH panic*tar*, wliL paaaphlct* *od *a*t*. faratatrd by a* on pertoaalor writtra appUcaOea.

JONES & S C 11 LT Y L E R, No. Vi Pine street. New York,


1 will DOW consider the great institu- tions which foreign nations hare prorid- ed for the technical training of their yonth. It will be highly iostrnctire to notice how these great educational col- leges extend over all the divisions of so- ciety, high and low, embrace erery kind of occupation, and aid erery branch of industry. As the example of an educat- ed nation, I might hare taken the sym- metrical and perfectly organized institu- tions of Prussia, or those of a country boasting a personal freedom, equal to, or greater than our own, like Switzer- land. But I think it may be more use- ful to as to see bow much more is done than in our country by some ol the smaller, unpretending states; by some one of those little kingdoms, of which we English know little, care less, and rather despise.

The nation which I select shall be Wnrtemburg. I select It as a model nation on a small scale, and therefore more easily studied, and more readily comprehended. It contains only a pop- ulation of 1,700,000, or one twelfth that of England. There is at the summit for professional men :—

1st, The Polytechnic University, at Sluttgardt, which Is meant to edu- cate the highest class of professional men. Among these are the modern professions of civil engineers, mechani- cal engineers, and architect*. There is a course for the mercantile and commer- cial classes. There Is a course of chem- istry, with its applications of the chemi- cal arts and manufactures, and there la a coarse of general superior scientific and literary education for professors, lecturers, and men of leisure.

The building appropriated to this par- pose forma one of the piles of finest mod- ern archltectore in StattgardL There are no less than fifty-one professors and teachers, and besides the usual lecture rooms and studies, there are a chemical laboratory, a physical laboratory, min- eraioflcal museums, laboratories for constructive experiments, pi aster-modcl- ing rooms, rooms for drawing, a botanl- ctl garden, and an astronomical observ- atory.

d, A second, and even more remark- able educational institution. Is the school for the building trades, alao in Stult gardt. It is now one of the most re- markable and meritorious schools on the continent. The men whom It was especially designed to help In their trades, were stonemasons, bricklayers, and carpenters, to be trained for future master-builders; lower class builders to be trained for master-builders, construct- or;! of public works, subterranean works, and constructors of reservoirs, construct- ors of water works, river works, and mill works, and land surveyors of the first and second class. The general workmen whose education it undertakes are plasterers, tilers, roofers, Joiners, carpenters, glaziers, turners, decorators, ornament sculptors,, moulders, engrav ers, smiths, gold and silver workers, gardeners and husbandmen. For young men who are much employed in winter, and less in summer, it provides summer courses of study, and gives ibem vaca- tion in winter, and race rerso. It has claaaes In the early morning, the same at mid-day, and the same orer again in the evening; and the hours of the dif- ferent, classes are so timed lhat the pu- pil may attend many or few hours of the day, and still obtain the studies he re- quires. This school Is presided orer by the most distinguished architect of War* temburg, with no fewer than twenty- eight professors and masters under him, and is crowded by exactly that claas or men whom it was intended to benefit.

3d, The next class of institutions, are schools for country occupations and trades, and are distributed throughout the districts, and are called "agriculture and forestry establishments." There is first, a great institution with twenty-one masters, divided into the farming school, the gardening school, and special agri- cultural courses. It has under it, three practical farming schools. In three dif- ferent districts, and each school has un- der its care tOO square miles of territory, and there are subordinate schools dis- tributed throughout the country There are also winter evening schools in the villages, so that last year, in 5L'3 places, 12.010 persons enjoyed the privilege of agricultural instruction. Supplementary to the agricultural education, is an in- stitution for the anatomy, physiology, training, and diseases of animals; it is the Veterinary college of Sluttgardt. Attache.1 to it. are an hospital, in which --'■j animals were treated; a dog hospi- tal. In which JM animals were treated; a smitliv, in which (-'»•'' animals were shod.

With such upper schools for the tech- nical training ol the people, ail of which require preliminary qualification, tested by an entrance examination, the prepar- atory schools aro"indispeneible. There are accordingly eighty-eight public schools, separated into classical and science schools. Immediately below these are the public elementary schools, and establishments for private instruc- tion ; and. auxiliary to these, technical school-, ol the humblest kind. In which girls are taught their bnsineas aa boustj- •.•'!"!-. Tjuya ..*■• lratno.1 tn i>...

simplest duties of life.

The first remarkable circumstance in this national system of schools is, the number an.! atlon of the teachers. The second, is, the thorough- ness and extent of the courses of edacs- Uon. The third, is, the extent of the material organisation for teaching, the argeness and beamy of the buildings,

the nature of the museums and libraries which are attached to them, and the provisions for practical instruction in the nature of workshops, farms, hospi- tals and muuuius. The last Is. the na- ture, character, business, and number of the students who attend these Institu- tions, and their regularity and proficien- cy. In answering the question whether all this admirable and systematic organ- ization for the teaching of a whole peo- ple has been attended with any sensible result upon tho character, manners, and works of the people ol those countries, I begin by saying, that when I compare in the same country the persons who had attained maturity before this system was institute.!, and lhat younger gener- ation which has gone through it, and come out Into the world of practical experience. I say without hesitation that they are more cirilized, and that they set about their work la a wiser shorter, leas waaletal way. When ! meet an ordinary agricultural peasant, I find bim more intelligent and better inlormed, than a peasant of the same class at home, lie will talk politics with me, becsuse be has read it in his newspaper; he will talk theology, for he studied it at school; he will discuss the Italian question, the Austrian ques-

tion, and the French question, because i __ _. __ . _ at school, la the second period, he stud-' J(, ^ j\l (j V A Li ied their geography, because he la up in J their political history, and he knows all | that has taken place in his own country from it* earliest invasion.

In the street, in an educated country, I see the absence of rude and rough manners, and I recognise a general as-, pert of superior intelligence. It ta no- »»" torious that in Germany and Swltzer-


J land their railways are made cheaper and better than ours. The experienced traveler can read as he travels the work of a superiorly educated class of men, and we everywhere feel that we are in the hands of men who have spared no pains, and who have applied high pro- fessional skill to minute details. The one thing In which our railways excel theirs, ta In high speed. Theirs are cheaper, more durable, more sate, and in all their appointments more beautiful and more eonrenlent. In erery country where technical education has taken root, and had time to bear fruit, I find unquestionable proofs of the rapidity with which increased intelligence and enlarged knowledge bring increase in employment and remuneration. I hstvo seen large branches of commercial trade leare one country and plant themselves in another, because the workers of the one were educated, and those of the other uneducated; and I bare watched nations rising into importance and pow- er in Europe, by education, and by the order, organization, and efficiency which education bestows; and other nations lagging behind and losiog their place by reason of their unwillingness to edu- cate either the higher or the lower class- es of their people.

Recreation After Business-

The opinion bks been very generally expressed that the last Legislature worked harder, did more business, and terminated Its session earlier than any previous legislature since 1802—3; when the session closed the House held Its usual mock session, and the pleasantries that were Indulged in. the rich jokes tbat were perpetrated, and the genial humor that pervaded the assemblv of law-mak- ers, went far lo compensate for the hard work of the session. After the election of the speaker Ihe House proceeded to the transaction of buslQess,and one of the bills Introduced was an act to harmon- ize proceedings In this Commonwealth; one of tbe sections was tbat the language u*ed In drawing Indictments shall be In Latin or Choctaw; this was a pleasant piece of satire, as the passage of an act with such a section could scarcely make Indictments less Intelligible than tbey are now; another section forbids tbe use of English words excepting when an attor nej desires to swear. An act relating to obstructions of the public streets caused much amusement; It provided tbat co horse should be driven at a rate less than four miles an hoar. The penalty for vio- lation being that the driver should chance places with the animal; an act to length- en the sessions of the Legislature was both witty and satirical; It provided that the session should be long enough to ex- haust tbe credit of members at their ho- tels; It should never be so short as to preclude tbe possibility of a tall man get- ting Into It; It also provided that tbe pay of members should be |8 6J per day, sixty-two cents per day for board, and the fire dollars for contingent expenses. Bills were Introduced to regulate tbe practice of drinking providing that there should be no drinking between drinks; to encourage tbe culture of useful dogs, one of the sections of which provided that uo dog abeold eawaM a eat between tbe hour* of or> and seven p. M. ; It alao provided that a eat was not bound to run If chased bj a dog; to renovate the Bu- reau of Labor statistics In which It was provided that the chief of the bureau should partake of every article of food before Issuing a certificate of Us purity; to give additional safeguards to personal liberty, providing that any member of the legislature assaulted In tbe cars should have tbe right to move, the pre- vious q-jesilon; to provide statutes for dlsllngul.hed Massachusetts—Ists, in which it wss suggested that the subjects of the statutes should be some prominent citizen of the Garden of Eden and some resident of Nosh's Ark, as typifying tbe two points In the history of tbe common wealth, popularly designated tbe crea- tion and Hood. Various funny amend- ments were made to tbe bill* as they were read, and a season of much humor-

erjoyroent was passed.

WOT CAH'T HE Do BETTER?— A young man named Frederick Billings, with a fine,open, intelligent countenance. was before tbe police court Saturday, charged with tbe larceny of a lamp, val- ued at about fifty cents. It seemed bsrd to believe that a young man ot his appearance could be guilty of such a charge, bat all doubt on that point was set at re.t when he pleaded guilty. It seemed to bare been his first offence, but Ihe lad was reminded tbat he had occupied a cell in the Lowell police station not long ago, when intoxication rendered bim incapable of liking care of himself. It appear* that on Friday evening officer Harris observed Billings coming down the street from Broadway, carrying the lamp referred to, and watched him enter the pawn shop of Mr. John Glidden. Harris followed him and asked himwb-re he got the lamp; he could not give any explanation, but denied having stolen it. Ho w«* tautMtwio 1 W * 1.—ijoa-wwd pleaded guilty In tbe court to having stolen it. He was fiu«-d in tbe sum of $10 and tbe costs, or to be imprisoned for sixty days at tbe House of Correction Verily tbe wsv of the transgressor is bard. If the boy had only been smart enough to have stolen a thousand dollars, his yonth, his frank open countenance, would have pleaded for him, and be might have been placed upon probation, and allowed a chance to reform.

* been EeraoTed It


248 Basex street, Lawrence,

Where way bo fowad ta*

AmertCMM Bution Hole St Over- seaming


Plain American,


Wheeler & Wilson,

A.B A KliasHowe,

Florence, Singer, Weed,


aad, la fart, *oa*e TWKSTT dllercat atyleo ot Maehloo*, raBfltng to price irom Si to |I*S.

Aceata baTio« OBly oo* hind of Machine to aril, often aaWrrpreteBt other*. We bare no preference Other than to aril lb* Machine beat adapted to the elaae of work to bo doae. If yoa bar a Machlae ol a*, aad do aot Ilk* it, yoB oan IIIMAXUI It for oa* you ato (il*.

Machines Sold for Caab, or in Monthly Installments.

M-Sroocd Baad Machine* Boaaht, Sold, or Kacaaxred.

Machine* to Let by too Week or Monlh. Ail kind* of Bowlag Maahiae* Repaired.

AlOB, * f*at fbr tb*



.Etna.oi Hartford, ISM, #1(5,6*0,786

State Mutual, Worcester, 1M5, 1,270,911


Franklin, ol lVnu'a, 18i"J, *:*,2Ji,'t'J

Royal, England, IHI.J, gold, 11,000,000 American Brascb, 1,132,000

Pennsylvania, of Pa , 1826, l,?'>0,.'il6

Imperial, London, 1 SOS, gold, 11,000,000

American Branch, 1,064,647

Firemen's, of N. Y., 1836, yiO.OOC

VYcatchester, of N. Y., 1837. M0.088

German, of Erie, Pa., 1807, ^:t7,0r*S

Queen of England, 1K5?, gold, 10,t>00,000 Amen :ati Branch, 722.413


Bay State. Worcester, 1860, :.:18,66;

W. F. tt J. S. G1LE,

Attorneys Ay Counsellors-at-Law,

No. 239 Essex Street LAWKKNCE



Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence 2fi Morton Street.


1st National, " 1868,

Gioucefter. of Gloucester. 1870,



AKarPoliele* fur all the above Cotnpaniea written


For Information, l., etc., call on or addrcia


283 Essex Btreet, Lawrence,

Post Office Box 38

Boston and Malae Hnllroad.

lb* m»«t Important latprovoaieai ovwatad* la Sewing Machlae.,—a health prearrrlnf, labor •aelas iBvenUoB, which caa bo apphed to al kind* BOW la u*e.

Bew 8t vl- Cater., aad Needle, for all kind, ot Hew in I Mac bint*.

Sareaa Battoa-holo Twin, oa Spool*. *•**•> tblna new and *oB<*B.*nt. Bawia* Silk, 1 bread. OU, aad Machine Finding* ( a. rally.

Al.o, Agcatfor

Lamb's Knlltlng Machine,



New York Emporium of FashionB.

Fall Siae, Accnratr aad Eellable *4*|Q£Q la tarloa* aiie*. of ev*r? Hew aad Pcelraol* Mffib&aiAW and ( BILDKKS'S DRESS.

■ — taaaeBTelope, with Illoa- w to eat, pat |agSXS>


No. S48 Essex Street. Lawrence,


~The DAVIS Vertical Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simplest, the Cheapest,

the Beit.

SCMUEa ARRANGEMENT. OB aad after Monday, Ma] IB, 1871. Train* will

leaee the Depot* In Lawrence, a. follow* :— For Bfawaw, (from North Deeot) at 6.2a, 7..W

1.40 A. M , Bad U.U, S.10aad J.30 V. M. For Bo'tOB, [Irom Sooth Depot) at SJT7, 7JS

•» 41. A. M„ and 1S.18, ■! Ot (eapreM.) I.tS.SJl, •« as (.Kprea*,) 7.S0 1'. M. *M0 I'. M. Monday, ffr.lBi-.Jt) and Friday.

For Portland, {frc-m South Depot) al S.SS, 9.17 A.M.,and 1.05, **•].! rr.M.

For Qeoritrtown and Newbaryport.'from Soalh Depot) at us A. M., 1M, * aad 6 P. M. c so P. M. Moaday, and Friday.

For Uaverhill. (from Sonlh Depot) at SJS aad •JO A.M., and 1.05, 4. ere P.M., and from North Dopot »t 7.10 P. M.

Train* leave Bo*toa for Lawraaoe .1 T, TJS, SAO, 10.1S, 11A0 A.M..11.1S, I, k.M,taadtP.M.

WM. MktKBITT, Sap't. Lawrence. May IS, is:.'.



For Invtnttona, Trade Marks or Designs No. 7« SUte St., opposite Kilby St.,

BOSTON. of apward* of thirty

i*. Ai- eculed

After an extenilve practi Kara, continue* to aeenre r

ate.; a lie, In Great BrIUl

reaaonable term*, with dlapatcb. K4 d* to determine tbe validity and atlllly of Pa-

tent, of>*, and lejral and other advice rendered la all matter* tonohiOKthei.m*. Copie* of tbe claim* of any patent furnished by rtmittinf

dollar. Alignment * recorded In Washington. o Ajftnqi in the faffed States por*c**e* *vne-

r facilities for obtaining PatenH.or ascertain- ■no the patentability nf inventions.

All Beeeaalty of a joarney to Waehlncrton to procure a Patent,and tbe aaoal great delay there, are hare aared Inventor*.

TESTIMONIALS. " I retard Mr Eddy aa one of the mo.t capable

and eurreaafal practitioner* with whom 1 have bad official latercoarae.

CIIAS. MASON, ConualHloner of Patent*. "I have no beaitatlon in a-mrlngInventor, that

they cannot employ a man aaoee competent and trtiMtvorOiy, and more capable of patting their application* In a form to aecurr for them an early and favorable contideraticD at th* Pater.i one*.

RDMUKD BUR UK, Late 'Vintmi*.loner of Patent*."

" Mr. B. 11. Eddy baa made for me orer TH IB- TT application* for Patent*, bavin* been aucc*.*- fhl In almoel ever* rare. Such aemlfltakablr prool of great talent and ability on hi. part, Veada me to recommend ALL Inventor* to apply to him to pro- care their intent., a. they wiay b* tare of bavin* the mail faithful attention bealowed on their ca- tr«. and at very reasonable charge.,

BoMen, Jan. 1,1871. JOHN TAG1

CHAN. A. t.Ol.D-VUlTH, BJ. D.,


Recidence,—Charles street.

int. A. n. IIo WLARI), .- 7— auocxsoa TO 3 'i i Ji J w. w . a u aa a LL


DENTI HT, "-J ~u& Kaaax BT.,

^* t-Av>»g«CB

AaTNitroa* Oalc* Qa.Adnlal.tered

Oy-iteferenoe—racolty, l'blla Dents Colley* New No. 288 FK-CX St.. fold No. US.


DENTIST, Has Removed


NEW OFFICE, 358 Eaaex street* - - Lawrence.

lei] HoarlroppoaltcoldoBeo.


FSW •ftS PrmiTVlANaTnTn'makMtheweakrrtrcmit a:id eapels disease by supplying the blood wtut

NATVBZ'S Owir VirauiTNo Aoiwr— IRON.

the Lowell Fair, the Brit premlt tltlon with otbi

II StIUbo*. Beano, (S. lag.) Fella, Tack* Cora.

r exhibited la lachln.-a.

width* withoat but ._., _lad*.Braid..Print*..

Karaee, QailU, Kagaota, Uather* and Sew* Oa al time without boating.

Room Papers"-Window Curtains

New, Fresh and Stylish



No. 875 Essex street, Lawrence.

Th* Large*! Btoek la a*a*oa Coaaty ol


E. A. FISKE'S, No. 276 Essex Street. Lawrence, Mass.

50 Cents and $1.00. The mott beoomlng .tjle. of Jewelry wora at

the preaeat day are JBT or sum- They look well with aay .aft or aarment, and acver araady, and car price* mate thentinerpenitre. Toiatro- dace oar ntw gooda to taefullrat extent tbroBth- oat the coB.try, we offer oar beaatirnl NewSljle* of Jet Ear Bin*-* at socent* and gl.tOraob; aad al the aam* prieea, basdeome aew pattern* ol Shell Ear Kine* or Pin*. Tkete Popular Prices place the toott* within the meant nf ail. TUB o -out ana WOBTH not'ai.a WHAT WB ASK FOB THBM. Thoaaaod* of ladle, la .11 part* of the eoaatry wUl i**tlfy to their Eleianre, Daratlllty aad 11.reave low prl -e. We tend, aecarely pack- ed by mall, pnaUc* paid, or riprra*. a* partlea m*y direoi. If partke* prefer, wa cordially lavlt* all to call at oar *tore. or we will read to yoar ad. dreaa.ettber Pin* or Ear King*, Jet or Shell. (Be rarefal lo Mate which klad i* wasted.| iBCLOwa ran ral< a. with uat. city or town, roanty aad



TBE aalike other ata*

DA VI S, caged into a, bat la a

tatlon oa aa quiet way ha, earstd a great rvpatatloo oa aa roaat of ft* *nany mpcrtor and dctlrable advan- tage* over other aacUae*. Please call and see them at the Agency,

192 Essex street, Lawrence, At Dyer S. Hall tt Co*s Clothing Store.

T tnovl JOBN WABBUBTON. Agrat. !t. B- Machine* Itepalnrd or Baehaagod.

Why not get the Best the first timeP

Tbl* la a peartlcal aweoHoa, aad i» Baked la good

Ihe Matchless, Latest Improved

"SINGER," Is the simplest. Will wear tbe longest. Is eery high speeded. Is the easiest to understand. Will do the widest range of work. u*es a rery ohort utrrtit/ht n<"'v",>. , atawrea ibe lock stitch, alike on both sn Works ouual.y will ou tin- lightest mus-

lia or hravte.t bear are. Tho** who get thr SINOKR never e.chance II

for aay other. It I* emphatically the LSAI Macblar la aalr* and general •a.l-laetloo. I were eold IB 1S74 131,833 *iwgcr Hachilaes—44,625 more

thaa aay olber. All thl* ha. beea acoompliebcd with Hill* aid

frora fair* aad eabibttlona, eieeptin* only the "Wold** Fair" coaatitBted by tbe boaae* of thr people, where It reearfved the grand aaard of tk* HIGHEST SALES.

The** fact* prompt Ibe laeotloa,— ' rTkp not get the Best the first Halt"

Carl wo*)ldla*il* every onetocaliaadtxamiBC tbe n 1.\ tit'It, aad It. laic Improtemeau, at

Office, No. 266 Essex street. Next door lo ^Bunders' new block.

Macfttaao aoldoa email aB*Ull*aeat.. laatrae- Uoa (it. e al boaaea, aad 'aittfaciioa |aar*ntecd.

alee hi ar. Krpalrcdaad to Lot. Halt Treadle, and Machine Findings

gaet-w'ly. T. W. HEALD, Agent,

166 Essex St., Lawrence.

Contaiulag reliable aeactiptlonaaf city property, ibnrbaa midence* and dtiirmbtefoim§ tor aalr. AdJrrn HEAL E.TATB JOUBSAL, tt Treaaont ew, Boaton. )m*whZtDb



The best Spring and Summer Medicine ever offered to the public.

They ar* prepared with great care from tb* be.t Root*, llerbi, Bark, and Seed*. They Invijrorale the Stomach, itlmalate the Torpid LiTer ft How- el*, clean** the BlOOd from all laparlttea, and gt*« aew I.lie aad Vigor to the whole tyatem.

They will REBTtlBKa LOST APPETITE, He llevc Beadacbe.Coatlve- Be... ladlaeatloB, Pye- pep*U,N*rvoa* Debility, aad *U complaint* atia- lag from a. impure atate Of tbe Blood, or th* de- ranged condition of the rttomaeh, Liver, Bowel., or Kidney*

Head Prof, flares' He- port t* Coi. Brodheod, State Cam's* r of Moss.

Ho w) State Si reet. Hollo n. Joeimm A. Bradhtod, Fs-i -ilr —A (ample ot

Old Dr. t.oodhuc'i Boot and Herb Sitter*, from Flint a (, Baltm, Mm., ba* been aaa- ly.*d with the following remit.: _ -Thl. I. aa otSemal medicinal preparation, containing ex- tract* of Boota aad Herb*, it la free from ir.jn- riowa aabalancea, and may be aaad aa directed by peraoni reqalrin* a medicine of tbio klod."

Y.ry reapeetfttliy, B. DANA 'HAVES, A-*if ' Maai FL'NT at GOLDTHWA1T,

SmTmbUrb Proprietor*, 8*1- *, Man FOB SALE KVEBVWIIERE.

Garratl*a Electric Di.k Slickly rrltere* Nei:r.lrJ.

heaaaatlc fa la and fTtaki It* comfort aad power to help weak langa, atomarh,heart, kid- neys, aide or back, Lnmbago, Seratlf a, etc , I* remarkable, WEEKS ft POTT KB,

Wholeeale'Agent*. 170 rVaihinglon Street, H.nton

Sold by l>rng(l»t*. SaathlS



• deadly and daageroa* dl.e.te ha* toag ravaged oar country, rrdaclog to hrlpleaanei* and perhapa death any who have been to aafnr- taaata a* to have become affected with the

HEART DISEASE appear* lo B( In many form*, inoir the moat common of which we have PALPITATION with di*trr(ard feeling. IB the region of the atari; tbla ran be raally cured.

Then wo have KNl.ABUr.UKNT, IB which Ibe heart become, eonrlder.bly larger lb.a la It. natural .tale, earning difficulty ofbrratblBg, aaf- f..cation, and varlou* othrr palna and ache, too dlOlcult lo b« dcarrlbrd.

KH EL'MATISM of the heart I* not or uoeom- mo a oecurrt nee, aomtt line* (noceedlng rheumat- ic fever, bat geaerally come, to n* wlihoat warning; the dutree* and exeraelatli (paln*eaa bo better Imagined than defcrlbed. We have heard from thoeauffrrlDg wllb Ihe dltr.'e that no mortal pain could rxerr] it.

BPASUS,OSSIFICATION or BONY FORMA- TION of the HEART. GKNKBAI. DKJill.lTT, SINKINfiof Ihe SP1IM1S, PAINS in thr SIDE aad CHEST. DIZZINKtJS, SLL'UUISII CIKCL'- L ATION of th* BLOOD and momentary atnppna* of the action cf the heart, ar* amon* the many form* of ItKACT DISEASE. For tb* can Ol BBAKT DISEASE w* offer ton


REGULATOR, a preparation IB wbleb yon caa place Implicit confidence aa being ail It 1* rrprtscnted.

Thoaaand. tettiry to It. cure.

PRICE, #100.


SAVINGS BA No. SO Union Street,

l Sear Comer of Hanover Snoot, t BOSTON.

Tho advantage, offered to depositor* by tbla

Fir it.— l>tpo*il< ar* pot on Inter (el oa the Brat

Thleat.—Dividend* are pat apon I Btereat a*declared,ao tbat d.po.iton receive re raaSrrcaf, ROBERT MARSH. GEO. C. TRtafBCLL,

Preatdent. Treaaarat, gxeeutire Committee. * lUagll

CURTOX Vn.v.a. Haxav C. Raooaa, Twos. L. Jaaaa, DABIBL H. WHIIWBT, Wat. C. Bcacaaa. oto. 6. DBBBT.

Arlington Range,


Parlor. Office and Cooking DTOTItf,.

Plamllny, Tla BooSng. aad all hind* of Jobblcg done promptly.

EL DORADO STOVxt STORE. 11 Lawrence street, Lawrence.


WITB GAS,—The gas company hare pur- chased of the Essex company, for future use, a large lot of land in Sooth Law- rence, on the South side of L'non street from the rirer to Merrimack street, and easterly on Merrimack street about 400 ii't-t; and in a week or two the company will commence to put down "mains.• Beginning at Canal street in North Law- recce, the mains will be laid across tbe lower, or Union street bridge, and will be run southerly on Union street to An- dover street, then westerly on Andorer street to tbe turnpike, then northerly on tbe turnpike to the upper bridge, and then easterly on Merrimack street to Union street; mains will alao be put down on other streets on the South side, if Ihe parties owning or erecting baild- j pA 1 N TS AND SUPPLIES lngs on the streets will encourage It by ' using gas; there will also be a main mn {" '"" *n>wu"M - r-^-t- to tbe Allen Cunipany s machine shop. ■ SOLD BT

The boildings for this shop will proba-



PAINT, Which lurpaatc* every other for beauty, darati;ilj

aad freedom from ratal ODOa. 11 ha* a (pleadiJ

gfato., 1. coolly kept clean, aad warranted to wear

■a tear*. A fact aataally demoaatrated by tho


bly be erected immediately after the re-

turn of Mr J. C. Iloadiey. (in July)

who is now In California.

Oar aokhbors in Asdovtr aasaaae that tbo boar voc la that H>«a nras agaiaai us .ale of boar, Ibe vote bain.- a Ue, aad tbo qooaLoo "•ha,] theaak.tic , 1* allowed.'"


No. (i7 Water Stieet,

BTJaVXT PAHA80L8-.HJ tft eu.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex Street.

~1» Thl* tlrgaat prrpantion I* tbe trae VLl

EXTRACT of SI t 111*, prtparrd ucordls* tkr Pharmact-i'• -a. aad oontnla* .It t'r ari pricctple known a* AOTOfmia, to whleh la added Juniper tlerilr*. t'va Lr*l aad Cab-be; II *oai- b'nr* many Uaa** tk* (treagtb cftbrprrparallon* to tbr public, aad iarrgardrd Ml.idaabte from It* peeallar teadeary to th* ariaary organ*, la Gravel,Chroalc Catarrh cf the RIaddrr, Irrtu- tloa Of Ib* Bladder aad L'relhra. It continence ol L'rlce. aad ether apoctgc arel Chronic agrctlom fcr which Bacha I* to t> arratly aaad.

SARSAPARILLA U. 8. P. Combined with Iodide Potassium A' Iron.

Sar*ap*rilla Coaapoaad 1* [repared aoeordiBg to tho L'. B Phirmarcprrla. ha* t,ecom* a (taadT ard remedy la a variety of dI•**•*«, aaaally de- aertbed a. "drpruaeel and marbid conditions" which require alterative aad tonic treatment to dlapct Ib* morbid polaoa of the *yitem, henec II I* coa.idrrrd a parlSrr of Ihr blood.

CcmMard with Iodide Potaeelta* aDdlroa.ll form* ia Altrrativr aad Toalcof Bw ordinary *■- cacy, poa*ea*lag a potency far taperlor lo that a*eribcd to either alone.

TILDLN ft CO , CBBMIBT., Sew Lebaaoa. N. T.. aad 17* WlUlaro St , N. T,

For tale by DraggUI. goacraUy. ImVapIt

Latham's Cathar- tic E>ttract

1* a laid ritract prepar rdlromvalaablcwirdif iaal plaat.. bavlBg a know* action on the •eenttoB* aad eaere- tloB.of the»y,|ex>. A •iBflebotU* dor* more for the removal of d»- ***** and preaervation Of hrnllb, than cailoBi of hiurra. It *pr*dlly and aareiy =■

Ulloa* bea-tacbr. ladlarertioa. pile*, Im'pa tick aad

f». taaparStl** i Ue Mood, aad all bUloa* aumplaloia.

ItlalBdjraed bv ike profetaian.aad asawawt _ by all wbonaelt- So better medlda*eauab*foaadl for rhUd-ra orala't* ll I* far *apetiDr to pill*, beiag miU of acttoo. ptraaaat t* la* tauakt, nod eertala la ita retail*, ll a* a we*Mae tbat ikoet* b* la *»*ry boa.*ftold, aa good eCaow are b* caperienoed from the very Sr.t do**.


Ea tract* of Boots un.l Ilcrba wbich aim cart Invariably cu-e the following complain ta;

n. liver Comp^nlr.l Appeiilo . Li.. 1 by uklng .i :. \»


Litlitude, Iy>w Spirita and Pinking Sen- aatloti cur,-.! at oucw.

EraptionS, Plrrtplew,Ttlolrlim n>..lnll lm- riiriii,-* HI the, l.uii-lDit: tltf IILII t Ito akin or oUieiwl~c, j- Ly ;..i •:■■■- lug tbe direct luu. on llie Lot tte.

Kidney. BUiMer and Vrtnmrr TVrwitcr- ni-:H lnVarlably ctiml. <■:.,■ ItoUJa v.ill oouviuco Hie in -'■■ atte-p leal.

Worms expeHeel from tlie M«!em vrllli- ent Ihe leant .iirtl ■:> :t. . I Mill, tirg fnitu Uil* n-evnl.-ut ,i|H(*r»,i: tceainclk* ed cbanue t.n th* Ircllrr I" 1. ...-.:■ i: .. :: mte-r taking one bottle, Wunii iliftt.iiitlt-* are mtro prevalent ihnn In g, neiiillr aiiu- 5lae<l In th- yontiic. iin.l H.i-y hill Hud liio

riaker Bitter, n »uru j.u.iiiy.

Nerroos Difficulties, Kenratgta, Ac, spoedlly relieved.

Eheamitics, s*.-i:,-,i jotnia <■■< -i nil t*it» fular Afflicii.nnr.-tii.,v..l <.r gu-ntiy ntine.1 by tlila Invaluable ni,,i..i:,-.

Eroncuilil, Calarrli, Onarula Merles cured or tuvi.ii rellcvid.

DitEcnlt Breathing, Pain Ride and Cheat iiiiur».r IllVai Ukiui B few^botllea or llic (jm

All diutCtllt fcmnle .lemn moat Invariably c«n«nl "

ana an.I Ily-

ln Ilie I nwg*.

tuedlelne—U»« Quaker i;in. 's.

All Imparities of the ni<-o.i nr-i .v.. r.^ Inrtilrnt C> tli* Mitiif" HIWBMI rti■..I ■ v ■ ... Uuakar Blttera, If laker, ■......:. y t..„,.,.-

The Aged rln.l m Ihe Qnnk.r Till•-. Jtirt the ini!.■:.• t"■■■,- n n„i i,, i.... .i , , llielr dex-ltiiln- vi-i'.r., Ilqii.ikn> I ■ -■ - and cheer* li>* i.iirnl. i>nu ):.\,a l... |u . down the plane iixhiurl

n*U h H tnrplM u* Mm n Most.

D3. ft S. rLfflT * CO., PropiMtcrs, PBOTlbEXCE, M, J.

Sold wbole.ale and retail b» (ii.i. CLASKS Lawreaeo. for wleby Oao. II. rArku, Aad-

•■a [mblrb


BUCHIi A Standard Preparation, Indorted by the moat

reliapl* Pbyalctnaa, aad IU aaioniabiog caraltva r^war* alt. .ted by tboaaaad* who bare aaad It.

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DEPOSIT INSURANCE, body Introdaced by thla ooeapavij, la Muartor a* any *uoti tarta FJtdowm«nl or Twatte* plan, aa it fliea a tir-^cinrrcaotr iilu* Ic* th*> uol.cyatiba end W any if It* currant yoam.

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not a grain of mineral ia their combination, they never expo** ihoac who me them to any danger, at any time or aeaaon. No mother ncd heeduta to pr*(cribe them to her children, *nd tbe aaoti delicate coa.tltution can at* thins with a* grrat benrSt a* the moat vlgorota and power fu I frame.

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Boltowatft Pill* and Ointment Can th* folwwtag dlaeaoea:

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and all dlaorwer* of the Liver, Stomach, Kidney*

NEW YORK CHEMICAL COMPANY, 78 Maiden Lane, New York.

Holloway'* PHI* aad Ointment are aold at 3S oeul.. ta 1-2 oent., ,„ri «I per box or pot. A treat aavlag I. made by baying )ha Urge (i.e.,

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rreaerver nave long ceen known, bat BO attempt* have been mad* to extract the oil irleatlncally. W >.U M'1.f i ijati i as thai BMSMLS ,th**> aeatlal oil ot tbr tea ptaat aa* beea added tooUer v*«t*ble ratract,, aad an aarqaallrd TalM Ar tiel* for the halt ie tk* remit It KeanctUHr a co- fa I to prevent the hair from lalliagoat or growi.g SS"*B*2! " " ""»n ** th. (cala, to rtlmalate the hair baib. aad preiaal the nradaaldecay aad let. Of oolerlnUeatractarrof the hair tab*.. Price • 1. D«. KES.VEDT, 130 W.rr.a .tVrVt. E.g. **"*•■ M—■ lyjetab

JQaO^rrrnru' MEDICAL


Tb. ob>»i in aaabd h;,t n.„ LuUi.tlSa " !° fl»*i Ih. erauc, ]<*■«■,!„„ io th, prepe>Jlion, pracikv. aa* a*. C V,..:,L!c R,nwli-.. .ml ,0 Kcare , |eTm.BcR." plw. where ftmiilk., inv.,:i,l,, or M, ..Ron. coold obtwn .he be.1 rncdie.! ..lxice. wtd furh rem- ™ *■ r*cb »isht require, without the <ue of puuunoti. drur-k

Dr. firaenc hu been 0f ,jlc In,ti- om rfae. i„ foun.i.ii,i;, now nor. thu rweaty-flT. rew^. Dr. Greene b in hi, iftr- Wll> rear, ,nd hoi devoted hi* life to thu tameh of h,,j,rof.^i>„; ,„j y, 1UCOT<

heiKTC, u without rwrnllel. Aoonj the ducue. to , hieh he rive, t*

aadal ."teuiion «, be no,i,M Cueer, Scrof- nU, Catareh. BronebMi,, (on.urnpti„„ He-r. Sgm^JmMk, A..hmk aareaaaarea, Bheuroatum. P»r«lv,i,. S^n.! Di.-ea-, I.v,

LWrt"11111111!; Krv.lpelu, Wall. S.ellint IUII Hh.-uni. Clinker, Dedheu, Kidne, iS »«e». Seminal Wenkner. tc ^ -ari»*»«t Ihe Bcui of U-nuren, Dr.

i££L JKu ""l*1". *aaat>aha of Z^Zi f*Um'e >re.lment. will b.

of the Uiur and Se.lp. ■aid™. B. OHJiSNk, M D

•' SaBjS H»a, Booo., uw

i$he-£an>rence iTm erica n inn


I'ubllihcd grlday Morning* b;

QEO. S. MERRILL & GO., Proprietors


(..):■. rr,i Knex and Applcton Streets


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tlWHT ITIUI Of rvn,

aid wltb oar MtapMv* »Ml«i> oi work, *• n, aHetofornlili the lint (Jollity Of \Vurk, raped tloeily, and at low price*, Order* by Ml promptly ailed.



%toltsslonnl tfarrts. J. Q. ADAMS, M. U.,


Office, No. 2 Appleton street,


K. i*. 1ATES, M. I>.

PHYSICIAN §• SURGEON, Office,—307 Essex street,

Corner Lawrence street,

Residence. 103 Ooncotd Si.. Lawrence.



Residence,—Charles street.



No. 271 Essex Street, Lawrence.

BlliChloroform or Kther given, is preferred.

S. C. BANCROFT, 1>. M D.


Office, 417 Essex St., Lawrence.

OR. A. W ." ~U O W A.~A MT»T ~~


DENTIST, 3S3 kiaaxx ST.,


•TMlroui Olid, U*« Administered.

•9-KeferenM—Faoulty, l'hlia. Dentil College New No.9S8 Fasox St.. fold Nn. 1*2.


DENTIST, Has Removed


258 Bsiex street, - - J.uwieiH jell Neiriy opposite old omcr.



mhll Residence, No. IS Oak Street,


W. F. & J. 8. GILE,

Attorneys Sf Counsellors-at-Law, No. 239 Essex Street,


FRENCH FLUTING. Why lend your D8K8S FLUTIHO (which

will probably be worn marc tbin ever tbla ■eaioii) to MMt, when you can have It made eqai ly ■■ well and cheap, tnrt much quioker, by

HIM A. SAYWAItD. Alio, STAMPING lor Braid Embroidery ind

Initial Letten. mhitf

333 Essex St., Lawrence, (up stulrs.)

Visit SMITH'S, 143 Essex street,

Dlack Isrlllianliues and Black Alpaca*.

CHARLES V. JACEMAN, Dealer In all kludi of



JaS Oppotlte Talbot'* drug etore.



Tuesday, Friday 4 Saturday Evenings.

liqufr* of Hktl Committee,—J. H. MOKUAN.



• #!'.1! and ir* thli to operation, before you I i!V any otber.



Lawrence street, Lawrence.

Opposlto Police Station.

Wishing Miehlnee by other maker*, bought, ■ old or eaohaoird. mbl


PIANOS. Tbe underlined having secured the igenay ot

thli Junily celebrated piano (recently In thirge ol Mr. F. Zuehlnunn) for tbe New England Sttlei, bag* to Inform the public tin: Ihej hive taken elegint end pleaiant roomi In Ibe STUDIO BUILDIffa, Itoom M, No. 110 rrrmont tlrett, lioXoii, where tbey will offer I full Mock of ill itylei of tbla piano for caih, or on taty trroii of payment Piano HOOll Ind OOveri In varlone Itylei. Old Piano* taltn In txcXangefar new onei. Plinoi repaired, tuned and to let.

3m*mhl»i>b THOMAS MAIN & BON.

^Che American.

United States Carriage Co., Uanuf.clurtTi of


and Deilen In





D. O. QIUHUT, Clerk. Sm^jaC

**Buy Met ana I'll do yon Good." DB. LANULllVB

BOOT AND HERB BITTEI1S. Tbli medicine Ii, «li l.tiiit the ponlblllty of I

doibt, the very beet rerr.edy known lor tie fc-1- lowlm ind ill kindred dl.e»»r»:— lneliofti"«, Ctntirrnrif, Livtr Complaint, Pitti, Htattarhr. flrariburn, Dfrpt/irtu, hliiineti. Scrofula, Sad RWtum. Languor, Latlntu, IHlitity. Jaundic- Flalulencg, Foul Slpnaik, ,fc.

By tbe timely uie of thli medicine, the blood It purified; theippetlle li rei>torfd; tbeiyitcmli itrenathentd; the liver Ii fitlMfatHl; the breatb li iwi'i-temd; tlic oompUHim U beaull- fled; ind tbe general beellh ll

RESTORED. The beit Rooti.Rerbi and Barki enter Into the

oompoaltlon of thli Remedy, making It a simple aid well aa an unfailing enra for ill Jin- eiaaiof tbe blood.

GEO. C. GOODWIN * CO., Boitoi. For aale by nil Drngileta, IMlmklxb


Peacon Fllnthaddecldtdto move; hid decided to commence moving at precisely 5 o'clock, Monday morning, July 13; and so on (hat Identical Monday morning you might, had yon been an early rleer, have seen the deacon divested or bis Sunday dignity, shaking the beet room carpet In the back yard.

There U no need of saying what he did next, or what Mrs. Flint was doing tben. They went through the tearlng-up process very much as other people do; and not being endowed with an over-abundance of this world's goods, the lust load or fur- niture, coiiftlating ol the descon's wife and baby, the twinn, and the beet room look- Ing-glaap, was on Its way to (he depot at ;> o.elock, P. II.

'HltH.-rtl be nothing!' txcltilmed the tired little woman, ns the deacon helped her out of the wagon. ' If we had been Squire Runtorn'o folk*, Samuel, we shouldn't have been more than a quarter through now, would we? Sly I bow my poor bones would have ached through this time to-morrow night. I'm glad tbe Lord knows whal's best for me,' she ad- ded, taking the baby from the deacon, and looking around for the t*vlns.

It waB but n few hours' r<do to C, and just In the coolest dusk of the July twi- light they walked up the street to their new home, very tired, and thankful they were not Squire Ransom's folks, but juit themselves, If ihey did have to work late that night putting up the kitchen stove and unpacking dishes and bedding.

Tuesday was a dty of many troubles. The babies were tired and fretful; day- light revealed a coating of dirt on doors and windows, the depth of which they knew not before; and the heat was Intense. But Ihedeaconposiesslng untIrlngenergy, and Ills little wife the sunniest of tempers, ihey succeeded so well that, byThursdsy nli>ht. ns he came Into the kitchen with an armful of wood, where his wife was washing dishes, she commenced singing:

1 The deacon iblcki Mi work !■ almoat done, But I feel •« If mine had Jmt begnn.' 1 Did you hear that, Samuel?' sbo said,

laughing and turning around to look at him.

It was prayer-meeting night, and Ihe deacon went to prayer-meeting for the iii'-i time In C, took an active part, and after meeting walled to shake hands with the minuter and some of the brethren, answer their Inquiries and present their letters. He had the sstlsfact ton of feeling, on his way home, that he had made a good Impression; It pleased him; It would have pleased Us; and he told bis little wile that night, In his grave way, that he' hoped, coming as be did In the midst of a f-trange people, t here might never beany occasion ol remark »galnnt him while he remained among them.'

' I'm sure, I hope not, Samuel,' she said, looking innocently up in his fttce, and adding, as she nettled up her little brown head on his shoulder, »I don't feel much alarmed about It.*

The next day, Friday, the dencon wen: back to ttie old home, having some busi- ness settlements to make there. 'Can't tell certainly when I shall be back; prob- ably not ill) Monday noon; gut si (here's enough woodFplltlolsettlll then. Good- by,' ha said, and was gone.

The wee woman went singing batk to her httU-wathedfcdlnuer-dlshet*, and with one foot on the cradle-rocker, she scoured the ktdves, while she told Ihe story of - Jack and Gill ' to Ihe (wins. When Ihe kettle was washed, (he kitchen stove and tnble biushed and flcoured to ttie u-uul i-hadt olblsckand white,the baby asleep In her nest of a cradle—' bless her I'—she washed Ihe prelty twin faces till they btushid like red peppers, and then set- tled liiem in their trundle-bed (or a nap

Dear little woman! she did look so tired ns she come out from the bedroom, mid stopped to brush a lly from under the muskeeto-net over ihe baby; it would have made your back ache to 1o: k at her. Rut the cheery heart In the weary body as- serted Itself, and she smiled with (lie thought of all she would do btfore the deacon came back.

' 1 must slick my h ilr over a littld so If any one should come I wouldn't spoil the dencon's rrputatlon,' she Bald to herself, going up to a little glass that hung be- tween Ihe kitchen windows. Just then a gem of a sunbeam (lashed In at Ihe win- dow, and seemed to tangle Itself all up In her wavy brown hair, ' Oh, how pretty,' -!.!■ said, with a bluih and a laugh like a child's, 'Guess II somebody had been a( home I'd had a kisi, then!' and off ahe Hew to her woik.

How like magic the while curtains went up and tbe cobwebs came down; how the beat room looking glass shone after its polishing, and the old daguerreotype of " Samuel In his best daya " never ahone through IO clean a surface as It did lhat day. So the time flew, bringing the dea eon's return nearer.

One morning she awakened early, en- tirely free from a wretched headache she had the day before,' t want all done; the kitchen cleaned up and my dress changed before Samuel cumes at noon.' Quietly dressing so aa not to awaken the children, she slipped out Into the kitchen, built a flro and commenced operations. How ahe did work! every step told of some- thing done, and at hall-pattlO, despite all her hindrances from baby, who was cross, she was hanging out the clothes, io inowy white tbey dazzled her eyea as the sun shone on them. One end of tbe clothes- line ran nearly out to Ihe front fence through the side yard, and the whitest, nicest clothes were hung there of course. 'How many penplo are passing,' she thought to herself, 'and how tbey all stare at me; guess It must bo the clothes though, initead of me,' and ahe tenderly pinned the rear of one of the deacon's shirts to (lie line. Haik! wai lhat Ihe front gate? Before the had time to turn around, the deacon'i energetic stride! had brought 1dm close to her; but what was the matter?

' Martha — rendition — Flint!' he ex- claimed, ' what In the world are you doing?' Come straight Into tbe home I'

With a look that defies description, the little body straightened Itself up aa high as It would go, as ahe said, 'Not unill you speak to mo different from that, Sam- uel, and tell me why,' her lip quivering.

' Don't you see the people all going to meeting, and you a hanging out shirts? It'd Sunday morn'ng!' Such a laugh as rang out then on the Sunday air, I'm sure the good people never heard before. ' Oh, Samuel,' she aald, holding her aides,' It's io funny ! no wonder the folks stared "at me and my clothes. Oh, oh, oh 1' and she sank down on (he grass In a convulsion of laughter.

The poor deacon was scandalized. ' Martha I' he said, In auch a sadly anx- ious tone she only laughed the more, and It was not (III she looked up In his face that she realized how he was touched; then she stocd up soberly and walked in- to the house. i'be door close if' behind them, she went up to him with a little caress, and said, 'Samuel kiss and for- me, and I'll go to woik and ravel It out. I truly will,' and she laughed again with the thought of what she had been guilty of, till the deacon kiised her and laughed too. In spite of himself. Then he walked to the window and looked out

• You're not going Io let Ihem clothes hang out there ail day, are jau, Mattha Flint?'

' Of course I am; you don't suppose, now I've got them out, God's going to grudge me the sunshine to dry tbcm with, because it's Sunday, do you? Why It would be wicked to bring them In before sundown. But see here, Mr. Deacon, it's about time I calltd jou to account, I think. How came you to be traveling to-day? Guess there's a little Sunday- breaking on bcth sides Isn't there?'

The deacon turned slowly around, and Bat down. 'J'hvn perching hcrselt on bis knee, she took his honest brown face In her bands, and snld,' Be I good, boy, now, and tell me all the truth; remember George Washington, dear.' The deacon MIL 11 nl. Just a trace of trouble In his smile, and taking the hands (hat held him cup live in his own, said,' Well little woman, 1 had everything up last night, ready to. ■tart for home on ihe ."> o'clock train. Somehow I must have been aaooinuofl tired, or else It was the heat, leastways I dropped asleep In the depot, and missed the! ruin. Then 1 (bought I'd take (bet) o'clock and get home at midnight, so you wouldn't be lonesome Sunday, but we broke down, and just got here half an hour ago. Tben to think, after walking through town from the cars, aud folks a locking at me on their way to church!'

1 To think, Stmuel,' «hw broke in, ' af ter that dreadful tilal, )ou should walk In at jour front gate m,d tlnd your wife hanging out clothes In your fron' yard, and you a deacon of good standing In the church I dear! dcai! w hat do you suppose the Lotd will do to me for thinking It was waRhlng-day? I don't think,' she uddtd, 1 he'll be very hard with me, because yes- terday was my Sunday, though I had such a slek headache, It seems I didn't know much about the day. I'll tell you what, Samuel, I'll stay at home with the babies tonight, and you can go to meet- ing, and then piece out your Sunday to- morrow; won't that doF'

But tiie deacon couldn't get over It; hie heait was heavy ; and while his wife, was busy In the kitchen he put on his hat, and with his hands clasped reverently be- hind him, (his Sunday way) slowly and solemnly ho walked out to the clothes- lines. Most of ihe clothes were dry, for tbe sun was very hot, and one by one he dropped the snowy thing* into the basket, unconsciously bumming to hlmsef,' Have pity, Lord I O Lord forgive '

Mrs. Fdnt WAS washing dishes, and nearly dropped her best glass dish, when (he deacon walked In with [h« clean clothea. ' I could not stand it, Martha,' ho said In explanation.

' Guess t muBt sprinkle and iron them, to-day, Si'imi'l,—would you?' ate said archly.

The deacon merely ejaculated a disap- proving 'My dear!' and went Into the other room to read his Sunday paper.

By and by the people began to come from church. What a Bitdden suprlsed In- to tat they Bccmcd to have taken In his household premises: they gazed, and stared, and looked back, and gazed again, but the deacon wai a hutublti man, It did not flatter him; he read his puper and sighed, opened his Bible to read, and sighed again, and then fell to thinking. A little while after two arms stole softly around his neck, and a dear voice said, 'I',)!get all about It, dear, and 1*11—' a knock at the door interrupted, and she went to open It,

She had brushed her brown, wavy hair, and dressed In a coo] white muslin dress, with far between dottlngs ol pink, and looked not a bit like the guilty little washer-woman she was. She opened the door, and Deacon Frost and Elder Cum- mins Introduced themselves and walked In with stately bows. Deacon Flint rose from his open Bible, and more Introduc- tions followed, whereupon Elder Cum- mins cleared his (hroat, ar.d In a piping voice, said: —

' You uiii-i excuse, Deaon Flint, our coming on such a day, but we thought It belt that some explanations should be made before our people again gather for evening service!'

'Oh I know what you mean, I guess.El- der (■ want to know why I kept yesterday for Sunday, Instead of to-day, don't you? Well, the fact wai, the deacon was away, and I made a discount of the daya somehow, and I was go busy setlle- lug, and BO yesterday was my Sunday, though I was in bed all day wltb a sick headach.', and io didn't dud out my mis- take at all. Then wasn't It funny? 1 got up at 0 this morning, and went to wash- ing, thinking It fas Monday, and I'd get all through before the deacon came home; I declare I've laughed so about It that I fairly anhe.' and the liule feminine offen- der laughed again, and ao contagiously that the three la ughtd with her.

' I've been so good, though, elder, the rest of tbe day, I'm mre the Lord has for- given me for It,' aud she smiled so sweet- ly, they both were completely won. When they rose to go Deacon Frost said to Deacon Flint, ' It Is our missionary meeting, to-night, brother, and a little explanation from you there will net (he matter right, I guest.'

=9= WHOLE NO. 864.

I'p spoke the feminine again. ' Oi. yea, Deacon Frost, Sam-iel wai Intending to explain, to-night. I only wish I coul.l be there' but I can't leave the babies.'

If you have no objection!, Mrg. Flint,' replied the deacon,' my Susie will come and stay with them, and let you go, she would be so delighted.'

Oh, thank yon, that would be to nice, you are very kind 1' and she bowed them outof the door.

' Ain't you glad yon married me, Sam- uel, Initead of Abigail Howe?1 aald the small woman, smiling up to him. No matter what the deacon said and did.

As she was letting the tea-table, that night tbe broke Into another merry laugh.

' What's the matter now, dear?' aald Ihe deacon,

'O, Samuel, I was thinking how you must have looked, coming up the atreet with your Sunday walk, your hands clasped solemnly behind you, till you got to the gate and saw me hanging up your shirt in the front yard, then how sudden- ly you broke Into your week day stride! Ha! ha!' and they laughed together till the (ears came.

Supper over, dishes washed, b-tby asleep, Susie telling stories to the twins, the deacon and his wife started for church. Don't be too humble, Stmuel,' she whis-

pered at the door,' woik In a little spice, If you can, and I'll tread on your corns when It's time to itop.'

The meeting wasopened as usual; then Brother Dean was called upon for are- port from India.

A little wiry, black eyed man ruie and said, "Brethren, It's not much uae re porting Irom heathen countries, when right In our midst deacons travel on Sun- day, and deacons' wives waBh and hang out clothes before our very eyes as we walk to the house of God! I call for an explanation.

Deacon Flint tried to tlte, but some- body pulled him down, and the next min- ute the whole congregitlon was electri- fied by the sound of a sweet, womanly voice, sajlng—' Now, O Lord, stabllsh thy word unto thy servant, at) shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproach- elh me, (or I truit In thy word.' Then turning to Mm, she snld, ' Hy brother, you shall have an explanation,' and In a Blmple, almost child-like way, she told tbe story of her mistake, and the deacon'i delay, then added, 'My brother, judge nothing before tha time until the Lord come. ' For we shall all stand before the Judgment-scat of Christ, and every one shall glvo an account of himself to God; let Dj not, therefore judge one an- other any more!' Your sleep, my brother, will be sweet, to-night. If your heart Is at peace with Ood, ai mine Is, for ' 1 am persuaded i hat neither life nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor bight, nor depth, hor any other creature shall be able Io separate me from the love of God which le In Ubrlet Jesus our Lord.''

The next morning Hev. Henry Brown and hi-, wife called very unceremoniously on ihe new deacon. ' We knew It wouldn't be washing-day here,' laughed Mre. Brown, ' so we came here early. 1 could hardly wait to get here to talk over that funny affair. Henry said after you sat down, last night, he felt like Inviting yon into the pulpit.'

' Why, bless me!' said the aitonlshed little body, blushing like a girl, ' 1 felt so aihsmcd of myielf after I got under tbe deacon's eoat! 'Twaa the ttrat time I ever spoke l.i my life.'

11 hope It wou't be the last, Mrs. Flint, if you always speak ai much to the pur- pose as you did, last night!' aald tbe min- ister, coming forward.

'Y>»,' broke In his wile, 'Henry said he'd advocate women'a speaking in meet- ing alter (his.*

' It was capital,' said Mr. Brown, re- crosslng the room to where the deacon Itood. ' That's what Joe Dean has need- ed for a lung time, a good reproof, but no one had Ihe courage to give It to him. Your little wife has done just what the whole parish will thank her for.'

' Everybody I've seen Is just enraptured with you,' said his wife to the laughing heroine, who had been rehearsing all the funny passages to her. ' You have made yourself famous; look out hi plenty of calls, this week!'

1 Oh, well,' she said tossing (he baby, 'the wuihlng Is. done, and I shall have plenty of time.'

Mrs. Brown laughed, aud said, 'I think I will send you word next Saturday night* that the next day will be Sunday, and you had better no: wash till Monday.'

' Mrs. Flint,'said the minister, 'I think you are fully competent to manage your own affairs, without any of my wife's In- terference,' and, so, laughing merrily, they atarted.

1 Samuel,' said his bonnle wife, as she reached the door, ' don't you think I've Introduced you pretty well ? Will you ever call me Martha—l'endlelon—Flint again when I am hanging up your ablrt In the front yard?'

Somebody waa chased out In the kitch- en just then, and laughed so loud H wak- entd the baby.—Chicago Advance. »■»■»>♦ _-

Jlit. (IKKKI.KV FoBOETrCL,—Horace (ircclcv has professed to oppose Gen. Grant on the ground that, in bis view, no President should hold the office longer than one term. Such a ground of oppo- sition had not occurred to him, sixteen mouths ago, when bo himself proposed to have Gen. Grant nominated lor second term. January, ft, 1871, at a political meeting in New York city, he delivered a speech in which he praued the administration, and uttered these words: "While aliening the right of every Republican to hit untrammelled choice of a candidate for next Freiident, until a nomination is made, I venture to suggest that Gen. Grant will be far better qualified for that momentous trust in 1872 than he waa in 1868." Men call Mr. Greeley honest, and we don't believe he has ever been a thief. But, Is it honest to talk ai he does now of the "ono term" device, and "forget" that he has ever talked otherwise ? Certainly, there waa a time when he propoied a second term for Freiident Grant, and gave a good reason for do- ing to.—rforcegfer Spy.

"STKc mtmetxean. LiWRENCE, FRIDAl%a4AY -'1.1872


Gilbert M. Houston, tn* AH man in Ply- month, N. II, to enlist dnrtof the late war, was hurled than Friday wtth Masonic bnno". He tnllatad aa private, and - waa promoted to Quartermaster of lha fltb N H. VeianUtn. He entered the regiment at fti organliation, aed eoDttnuod with It Mil the dose of Ihe war.

A mob of Irish t inkers attacked a comber of German laborers on the works of the Metro- politan Gas Company, In New York, yesterday morning, when an exciting tight ensued, dur- ing which the Irish were driven off by the Germane. The police are now guarding the workmen from farther Interference.

A dlsp.mii to Ihe New Yoik Sun siys miles on miles of forest and mountain firei are burn- ing on tbe Delaware division of the Erie Rail- road, la Mamskating one man bis lost 7C0 ctrrdi of wood. Sullivan and Ulster counties are an expanio of Are, and the air Is dense with smoke.

A di.patch from Hooitop, Texas, says that tbe Stale Republican Convention elected dele- gates to Ihe Philadelphia Convention with In- ■trnetlona to vote for Grant and Qov. Davis Judge S. D. Evans and A. B. Morton were nominated for candidate* for CoDgress, at large.

Dispatches from Madrid state that eewa has been received of a tight it Miairla and Ibe defeat of (be Cirllsis, numbering 5000, by the force* under General Sjtora. The Insurgents lost 21 killed io 1 ■ large nnmher wounded and prisoners.

It Is HM Horace Greeley has peramptorilv refused to address the workingmen on the Is- snes of tbe campaign If they should get up a miss meeting in his behitf, He Is determined not to make any political speeches.

Pope Pins IX, waa elgbtr yean of age on Monday, and In flro weeks will celebrate the 20th anniversary of his Pontificate. No Pope has reigned so many years conteculivelv.

A boate owned aoa occmicd bv Bradford Fittsfleld, Me., was deitroved hr fire Thunder ntghl. Part of ihe furniture was saved Lou MOOO; insured f Jr S20M.

The Canard steamer Tripoli Ins been wrecked on the com of Ireland. Th« Tripoli wu ono of the flneit vessels of that magnifi- cent line of iteamsblpt.

Another Indian Massacre Is reported from the plains; seventeen persons were murdered and burned by the savages.

Paris dtipjtchtt report favorable progress In tbe negotiations for ibe final evacuitlon of Prince by ihe Germans-

Toe London papers are in ■ terrible stew bo- citue theS.-nate dclsji e;tfon oa the supple- ment il article.

Strikes among workmen are reported from various parts of the country.

The New D«*ia4>n 14tsvakjsat hu> .atieeil the Washington Treaty.


It Is stated that ten Badhlst priests attempted to gain an audience with tbe Bmperor of Jap- an, to protest against bis abolUtalDg all edicts aiiinst Ctiristlanltv, but were warned off hy Ibe guards. Porsfitlogin their effjit to get into ibe palace, live were cnt down and tbe rest (led. This led to the report of in attempt to asiastini'o the Bmperor.

A Cubsn letter states that 200 Spaniards surprised a camp of 23 women, G children and

Id men in (he woods between Qflantanomo and Anoiio, aid murdered all of them. The Spaniards were innteqaently pursued by tbe Cuban revolutionists and many of them killed.

Large Ores are reported la the fjrests in New York slate. Much properly hai been de- stroyed, and families bive been obliged to flee from their homes to escape the devouring ele- ment. Several lumbar villages ban been com- pletely destroyed.

Mrs. |ate) Colt, who established theflr.t Sunday School In the United States In 1793, for tbe instruction ot raotory children In reading ind writing, died it Patterson, New Jersey, Saturday.

An unknown man waa killed at Pall-River Saturday; In attempting te get off a train in motion he fell between the wheels, wl.L-h passed over his neck.

The oew Dominion government has appro prlaled half a million ol dollars for the Canal to connect the Bay of Pandy with Cumberland Straits. '

Mrs. William D. Howard of IUnnlker, N. H-, wbilo laboring under temporary attention of mind, drowned herself on Saturday attar noon.

Col. Brown, a wealthy sto.k raiser of Kan- tat, was killed on Thursday last sy a young man whose sister he had betrayed.

The passengers on board of tie Cnnard Steamer Tripoli itrmt'ed tf the cotst of Ire- land, lived all their effects.

The local police of Dover, N. 11., have re- ceived orders from Ibe tity government to en- force tbe liquor law,

Tbe Spanish Cortes have puied a bill to bring up the effective force of the ara.y to 80,000 men.

Several marine disaster! are reported from tbe Gulf of St. Lawrence. ' No loss of life Is reported.

The wagon factory of Cnrt & Trenton, N. J., wai tarnidon Friday. Loss #10,000.

Small pox steadily decreases in Philadel- phia-

Uub has the grasshopper plazue.



Tbe nans] servlcea were held at this church on Sunday, tbe Rev. Mr. Pidge preaching a airmen In Ihe forenoon from Romans, Till: It "For the spirit itself btarsth wllneaa with on •plrlt that we are ihn children of Ood." Tbe discourse was a fine presentation of the truth or tbe Christian religion, tbe comforting, in- structive and elevating InRuences of tbe Holy Spirit, and tbe value of religion In hours of trial, sickness, and death. In introducing his ■abject, tbe preacher said that Christians were apt to look at religion is something gloomy rather than bright, that is, tbey allowed them- selves Io brood over the tbreatenlngi of God against sin, Instead of looking at the glorious promises to the believer. He believed this to be due to (he fact tbit tbelr conceptions of Qod were not yet sufficiently elevated to enihle tiiem to regard him In tbe light In which be had minlfeited himself. And here lbs preacher presented a very beautiful Idea < f the gradual manifestation by the Defy of himself, to tbe human race, Pint, as omnipresent, all pow- erful, embraced In that mignldeeni Hebrew term "Jehovah." S.'cond, is Ibe Ood of love, is revealed In Ihe incirmllou, and list In the confining, strengthen I ua Influence Of the Holy Spirit, given aa tbe Kit mi cry of his presence wltb men, the last being the crowning step in the revelation of himself to ibe world.

Oaanaii ST. MKTXOD»T.

Rev. L. P. Oashman preached a sermon in thiforenooatVoB Rev.vll.9,10. ■'After this

I bsbeld and Io a great inu'tltudo wblcb no man could number, of all nation* and kindreds, ■nd people and I >uguos stood before the throne and before the Limb, clothed with whit) robes ■nd pilms In tholr hands; ind cried frith a lond voice saving, Salvation to our Ood which Htieth upon the throne and unto the Lamb." Tbe preacher called the attention of the con- gregation to the results of the ingathering ot God's people In heaven as stated In ino text. Tbelr nnmbers.natlocalities, posture,raiments, badges and shonta of triumph, saved at last. He argued that there waa no limit io God'a mercy to hie saving power, and that the vision eaaauanad ia the Mat, waa . cheetlaa ptoph- ecyor the ultimate redemption of the world froaantn.


Rev. Mr. Weaver preached from 1st John, Mi "He Is a propitiation for onrslni and not for ours only, bnt for the sins of the whole world." His subject was" Christ the Propi- tiation." He said a Proteilant and a Ca'.hollc clergyman were reported la tbe piper* as rep resenting Cbriit'i death as a " proplilitorv lacrlflce," made to appease G-jd's anger. Thli hid called bfa mind to this theme. Propitia- tory sacrifices were pagin. The hcitben god* were supposed to he ingry with men, and to ■dpeise ibis anger, gift* and »atrIflces were made to them. Tbey were suppjaed to gloit lathe sufferings aod blood of anlmita and men, to be reconciled by them. Tbe Jewa borrowed the notbn of propitiatory sacrlflco* from the pignos. All the old religions and the religious language ol tbo world were framed upon tbe Idia of angry gods and pro- pitiatory •acriflce*.

Cbrlstcame into tho world in tbo midst or such Ideas and the use of such language, and suffered and died, and it was hardly possible, that bis death should be expressed [n other than tbe propitiatory language of the times. He wai obliged to ppt his new wine of relig- ious truth Into tbe old bottle of religions lan- guage rather than the spirit of the new truth. The letter was sacridclil end propltia'ory, tho truth was educational and reformatory. Yet it is inrprlslog that In this age the old loiter wntch kllleth should hold men to a belitf in a propitiatory sacrifice. Three proposltians will set this matter clearly bofore us.

1st. The ii JII which Christ taught men to beliere In, had no anger (o be appeased, lie is love; lie loves men when tbey rebel against him i loves them when Hi punUhea (hem; so loves them thitlls sends His Sin io live and ale for ihem.

2J. Tbo rcfjrm which ChrUl earn* to iffect did not rela'o to Ood, but O min.

Chrid cumo to work a change, to root out •la, to banish error; but Ood is not a sinner that be should be reformed, |j not in error thit He should be Instructed; is not wrong that He should be corrected.

"I. The sins which Christ camo to cure can not be removed hy any propitiatory sacrlflco. These BIDS ire fo men; they aro of u morn! na- ture—the bpse ind fjtie use of a Ireo will and ■n Instructed Intelligence. Propitiatory ta.-ri- flecs made to Ood by a third party, cannot touch man's free soul. lie tnutt be Inatruiled and roused to fsel bis sin, to see Gad's trub, and apply bn gnce before he can l>s led to change his life in J love and obey his Mikcr. Const came to man and for man; died for him; bis propitiation was msde to man, to lObdori lilm and reconcile htm to Uod.

Nothing will do but a pereonil aretptmce of the heavenly remedies of tho go?pol. These

from tin wilb but little knowledge of the theory of how it is done. Sealng, then, that Ood has sent the remedy for our suut maladies, how quick should wo letuaimlylt and be saved.

FHEE l'\ri I-I

In tbe absence of a regular pastor, ihe morn- ing service! were conducted by Hev. C. U. Dun- nlng, City Missionary, The discourse wiis se- lected Irom the *th chapter of Pro vet lu -J3d verse: "Keep Iby heart with diligence. Tor out or It are the |i sues of life." The speaker'* re marks were decidedly practical, and presented to the nudi.'ncj in ■ moil forcfhlc minncr. The soul of m.n w» represented is embody- ing three greit faculties: tbe Intellect, the heart and Ihe will. Tho intellect was tbe pow- er of reason and knowledge; the heart present- ed tbe sense of feeling, of love, end of sensi- bilities; tbe will, the power of appljing tbe In- tellect ind Judgment, and the love of tho heart toachrlstian life. Ot then faculties the speak- er dwelt upon Ibo power cf tbe heart ns the seat of all vital ilr, From tbe heart omlcatcd all or life's idiom. As Ibo lander feelings ol the heart were nurtured, so was tho course of man's life shaped. Too frcquei'tly was the in- tellect the only olject of care. How often did It occur that young men were sent forth to OB* tain a collegiate education an shnndsnee of facilities for Iba completion of their studies, and yet with their effects tbo fond parent had neglected to place a llible. Man'* Intellect was eubiervlent to tbe heart's lenslhllities, hence Ibe necessity of an early tnorit training. If tho heart wu wrong, tbe intellect would certainly be led astray. Teach one's heurt to love tbe Bible, the Cbntch and the Sunday, and bii Intellect would aid to tho advancement of a glorious otijact. Tbo Ir.telltct was simply tbe door lo the heart. Man's thoughts must lend In eltber of two directions: to eeiflah and vi- clous actions and moiives, or to hill and no- ble aimi. Tbe speaker alluded lo the flashy litersture so extensively circulated in our city, ■nd isserttd thit il wis Impossible lo read such matter and keep the mind pure. Tho lover* of the New Yoik Ledger, and such papors, could not love the Biule. It waa impossible to keep the heart right and attend circuses and thea- ters. The speaker thought a love fur vatu amusement! was ono of the greafcit hindrance! to those who should become Chriiiians.

In ibe afternoon an lutcrebtlng session wsa held with tbe Little Wanderers, in charge of Kev. Mr. Tolet.

I'l.MIHI. CoMiliti. H H'.'i U..

An Intensely Interesting service wu held it this church hy Rev. Mr. Tolesand his L'ttle Wanderere Trom ibe Home in Boston. Tho reverend gcntlcmsn gave in entertaining ac- count of tbe management of this Institution, of tho targe amount of good that was being ac- complished, and gave minv interesting inci- dents connected with lha work of love. One of the most giitiljing features of tbo Home was the results obtained In Raving tbeao liniu children from vice and crime, end causing them to attain to positions of u>cfulnen, not only to themselves, hut to the community at large. Numerous cases were cited where such httle walff bad risen to high positions. Homo were preachers of the goipel, some sought verlcai priif.-s.'ijm, and msny became prominent and wealthy citizens. The eemres were msdo more entertaining by excellent singing hy the little people from tbe Home, of whom them were seven boya and flvo gltts. Douhtlcss the inclemency of the weaihor deterred mnny from attending services, and the pecuniary raarftl riu'd cot have been as satisfactory us tailed.

In the attfrnoon tbe pastor give au txetlcr.l discourse upon the "Return of Spring."

LAWBS.NCE fJTBRUT. In Iba afternoon the pastor, Rev. Mr Fisher,

preached ■ sermon on ibis mtjecl: "Bow to aveldunfruiifulness " 2 Pet.i. 8: "For if these things he in you and abound, tbey mske you that ye shall neither Ire barren nor unfruitful In the knowledge ofour Lord Jesus Christ." Un- frultfulnesi il peculiarly hstt to Uod. In bis condemnation of the fruitless fig tree, Christ inches lhat nothing bis ■ right to a place In his kingdom which docs not bear trait to tbe advancement of his kingdom. I. Why men

and churches become unfruitful? lit. Tbey suffer their hearts lo he Oiled wltb desires which keep Ihem away from Christ. 3d. Tbey cease to watch, pray, and abound In Christian work. 3J. Tliay leave their posts (f duty to go after Indulgence!, which ai a matter of fact, lead them away from God. II. How ii their un- iruUful itate manifested r 1st. They become conscious of tbelr want tf Interest in spiritual (ruth and woik; also conscious of their con trolling interests In worldly ponulis. 31. To others they show It by neglecting Christ's work. 81. By plunging Into worldlincsiand aln. III. How to avoid unfruit'iilnets ? £y h. cumin./

■fhtHM. 1st Bv ewissaat Chrktlaa woik. 3J. There will follow earnest, prevailing prayer. I j. Thtlf ardent and Increasing love for (he souls of men. l.u. Ciro for tho Christian graces. Such a life la never unfruitful.'

PRRBIITIaaiAK. Rev. John P. Robb preached In the absence

ortha pastor. His discourse was from Isaiah Mi. 10: "Say ye to the righteous that It shall be well with him; for tbey shall eat the Iruit of their dolnga." Who aro the rigbtsoui? Why ■ball It be well with tbemr And when shall It be well with them r Tho righteous am those who ure Justified, who Hand acquitted btfore the ctcrnsl taw of rectitude, ihiough faith In the expiatory sacrifice of Jeeui Chi in, the Lamb of Ood whotakab away tho sin of the world, and n-bo also have righteousness and holiness of character produced by the word and spirit of It shall be well with (ho righteous b;cause lliuir "dolnga" produce the fruit of happiness: "Whitaoercr a man sowetb that •hill he reap," It afaatli be well with tbe right- eous in prosperity and in idversity. In life and In death, at tho Jutlgrrjent and throughout tter- n'tv.

SFCOXD liirii-i. The pastor, Rev, L. L. Wood, preechtd in tho n.iiig .Tom thetcxt: Hen. all. t, Su'Jact: Qualification for heaven, fo tbe afternoon Irom the text: John xi. a.'i. Bu()ect: Sympathy of J.'ku* Kvenlng text; Ps. Ixxxv. K>. Subject: God's Justice and mercy reconciled. Four per- sons received th I rite of baptism.

ST. JoHN'a i- l'l.-.-niMi. 'tli: sermon In tho morning wu preached hy

Ihe vector, Rev. James II- Lee, from tho Epistle for the day (WhiUundi)). Acta II. 1—12, ihe sutj.'ct being tho descent of tbo Holy Ghost.

Io tbe evenieg Bishop Kasiburn mide his m- nnil visit II Ion, and Iberlfeof confiruiiiion wu idminfitered to twenty-ibreo rnnuiii.r*. ibe Binliop cloning with an eirnest address io thoio bsving received coDflrrcB'lon. Tho singing of tho lit mn "All rraiw lo tbec, my Ood, Ibis nliihi," with the OtOabjg pra3mmd licriodic- tion, ended tbe itrvlces fur the div-

GRACR Ei'iscor-Ai.. Thij church was visited by Bi.hop Eanhurn.

After Morning Prayer tbe Bishop preached from BOSM xlv. fi; *I wl<l he as tho dew onto I,riel." Alter remarking upon (he beauty and expnisivrne** of the simile, illnslriting the In- fluences of tho Hoy8,>lrli, he spoke or three aspects in which tho Hgare mod was particu- larly appropriate. 1. Tbo Imperceptible for- mation of the dew. il. las silent, noiseless in- flnenre 3. I:aeffoclironess. And soof ihctn* fluencea cf tbe Holy Spirit, Ibe gin ««f whom was commemorated on this day—Whitsunday. After tbe sermon bo admlulatcred the ilieof confirmation to thirteen, six miles and seven females, addressing the candidates upon tbe apecl-il i huracteriitics or Christian life.


Her, Mr. Willej of Andovcr preached at this church Sunday. Text In tho morning. Hob, x. •W.-lllus'ratini tho (bought that all thai Christ did was for oneohjoct alone, v.'x: tbe glory of God. Afternoon text; John v. 40: "And jo will not como to me lhat ye might have life." Life can he found In Christ; we must come toblm for It; wctuuit be convinced of onr need of help; must ciy wltb carnoitnesa toblm forhtlp. Tho Sunday School Concert exercises prepared for last evening were post- poned on a:ccunt of the small numlter present to tnke part.


Text Pa. rxxxix. I—S- "O Lord, thou hail searched mi?," &e. Subjett: the tnmV uses of tho doctrine of tbe divine omniscience. Ai'ir a Tull analysis of the Pialm, tbe speaker went on to say that this perfect, interior knowledge ii foreign to us. Our entire, human life II based upon tho fact that wo ire, lo a great ex- tent, ignorant of each other. Tbe mind Is hid- den with tbe boriy, through which It givee out onlyhlntaof what It knows and feels- Tho will helps tbls concealment. We talk of know- ing each other, but such knowledge Is very it.i peif;ct. None of us wear windows In our brcasti, and hut ono ot a thousand or onr thought! finds utterance. This seclusion of tho mind is necessary In the early atsga of our ex- lltonee. It nourishes individuality, and forms (ho basis of self-bond. This helng our natural ronditlon it la difneait (o realize the fact or tbo d.vine omniscience of n«. When reallawd. It mayjleld two results: I. Aaemeof awe and kulcmnity. The •poakar then dwelt Upon the Impossibility of the tinners escaping this knowledge liy chance of plica, by fiijjht of Hm", or by intermission of its exercises. II. It y Ii-lJa iiixi a sense of comfort to all wc'l meaning minds, int. Uecemo sunb knowledge IK complete. Most of ui would riiher he knnwn thoroughly than rattlelly, since ihen hotb sides of conduct are weighed,—the palliation and struggle and repentance, ■■ well m tbo exter- nal act. 31. K aosuree us of the irmpuhy of Ood. Tftu degree of sympilby wo can com- mand is the meataro of our baapiHSf. But how lUtls can we gtt from otheti. Evil has hardened our hcurta so that wo oro nnt (It sym- l< i'l. .'■!■.. We v n.].,Lti,v „n n low imle,— with open, ritpnblc truiiblei, but not with tho deeper ancuUhif Ibeaplrtt. Hnmtra ijmra- thy is also brief, fu I perhaps to day, gone to- morrow when the sorrow is pernips bra*ler. It Is also smnlt—far be!ow our nwn Kellng. Hence tlie great minds aro iver solitary, and the (xaltcdly good live tholr lire* utone. But ul i in -,■ kckn aro martn up in the omnUclence or God. Tto ipeak^r r!o>ed by applying ibe IQbjeet to tbo Tut ure of tho Individual ar.d of society, at fumlining a basis cf trust and en* tnlnij, in plnec of uncertainty and dicHd antic Ipatlosi.

liAVKKiUIX Sn;i.i.r Mi i rii.1,1-1 .

Thepaitor Rev. Dr. Barrows, preached in the fmn'ion a sirimn fnm Kcclo. 111:1. " To ever) thing there h i ind ■ lime, to ev- ery purpone under the heaven." The ru'-juit of the dlicoutio WAH " A Time and plir-j for everything." Ttie preacher began hy sutlng that In ill tho worm 11 Old there Wat order. That order was munifoitcd In tbo plinciry »ys- 1 iii- It was seen in lha rciruUr and unvary- ing revolution of tho glulto we Inhabit, around liio fun, and In tho rtgnlarlty of tho aeaions; in tho physical ami menial lormatlon of mm- hind, in all living creatures Irom tho t-melkst nn'nialculo to tho hlgbei'. archangel. First bo argued that tbe exlaience or intelligent belnga has n specific purpose: To glority*Oad; fear- ina him nd keeping Ills com mend men!'.. 2d. The duties involved ara numerous, but tbey •II centre in this one Idea. Everything pro- poiing Itself a% Idftt* mutt feminine bare; but Ifcsy spread everywhere. To Nctnmpitih ibe whole duty of ni'in two things are necessary. 1st, the hnowlldgeof Godrau<t be rc-eived; Sad, 1*. mn*t he Imparted, The dm rtrptlres Intelligence, tho mcoO'l cxettinn and action. In the thirl pl.icj he ibowtd th«t for ill ihexe duties Ood lias let apart appropriate time*. A time lor culture, a lime (or ohienaihn and deep mental discipline. A lime for action, a lima for preparation, a time for conversation,

and a time lor the conversion of others, and a time to die. In conclusion be urged that what- ever must he dope should be done in time, or it will probably net be done at all. If done out of fta lime It violatei Ibe law of or- der, which la the flrit law of heaven. Tbe eutject afforded the Doctor an excellent oppor- tunity for Iba dlsplaj of that peculiar abltiti ha possesses In a marked degree, which, while accepting the truth* of Ibe scriptures In all failb, hoJ» to tho logical treatment of all luh- |scti.

The catholic Ohuroboa. ,

ST. M ART'a. .*) Jle-nn High Man was celebrated by Very

R:v. T. Oatbarry, assltted by Rev. J. p. Oil- more as deacon, Rev. T. Field as iuh-doicon. Tho music on (hi* occaiion was excellent, Miii C. Walsh preifdiog at Ihe organ wi.h grand effect. Min Rosa D'Rrlnasnng at tbe offertory Ihe "Alt Maria," and at another part of Ibe man, "Panii Angelical," Tbe beautiful voice cf the distinguished Irish lady re-echoing through the grand church, won the admiration of all present. After Ibe gospel the Rev- Wra. Harnett preached the sermon on tbe eplatle of tbe feait: Acta II: 1, II. Subject: The de- ■cent of the Holy Ghost on Ihe •poetics. Con- trast b< tween the old law and the new, that was one of fear, tbb, one of lova- In the old law, as well as In the natural law, the coming of the Holy Spirit was felt as lha sound or whispering of a gentle wind, but In the new law ha Is given as a "mighty wind, which fills the house," because be is given In great abundance for all the works, ministries, and stitei in the church. Reference wai made chiefly to the change wrought in Ihe apostle*, and by ihem In tbe entire world, through the power commu- nicated to them by the Holy Ghost. Owing to tbla power, the voice of tho anrient philoso- pher Is lilent now, while tbe voice of I'eicr, tbo flchcrman of Oilllee, fi heard In the person ol Ilia successor, even to (he extremities of the earth. Conclusion: The Ho'y Ghost will nol enter into a malicious sou1, nor dwell In a body sulject to sins,

IMUACI'I.ATR CoNoar-Tioii. Tbe usual High Has* waa celebrated by tbe

Rev. James Murphy. Ray. Wm Orr addressed the congregation oa Ihe organliation and es- tablishment of tbe church, hr tho descent ot lha Holy Ghost, which the Christian PtntiCjst commemorated.

1. The church which Christ hai established, Is, and must he, an unerring church, provo ' from II m'l goudne**, for the goudneti or (i ul fotblda that ha would attaUM mv Insti'nt on liahle ro lead men in'o error; Irom 0ss4*l win- dorr, for ll I* repu*nJM lo ibe Itllnlio wiadum of God lo found a vb'irch which would not ac compltih iia end, namely, man's nivaiion; from God'* unerring word, who promised ih*t (he gttcs of bell should not prevail aiiinst bis church, that ho would be wltb Ita'l day*, even to tho contummatlcn < f ago*; that the apirit o truth, tho Pared etc, would teach it atlttutn, nul remain wltb It forever,

'J. CJurcbei esla'illihej by men, ire, and mutt be, false; aa there Is bnt one true Ojd, so there caa be but one tiue church. Of ite m:i r.-n> organiaitioDi professing them*elvei Christians, only one caa be true.beoanie they all tench doctrines contradlctjry and contrary to e,.i!i other, and the spirit of truih cannot be tbo author of contridlciloni ind opposing doc trinci. The Catholic church ba* tbe only true claim to be the unerring churcb established, because catholic* alone can trace their doctrine end Hi i;- prac'.ice In in unbroken link from Pius ix, to St. Pcicr*. Piolettwt writer* ac- knowledge this antiquity. Any denomination or protest.nd cannot triio their doctrine or Ihclr prictlce, in ai much aa it differs from tbo catholic, previous to (be founder from which tbelr denomination had Ita origin.

3. Practice. It 1* tbo duly of cmhollcs to be chiri'able toward* those separated from the church, not to join in dispute* which would end In quarreli and contention", not to use of- feniivo languige, or rablbit towards tbem any malice or balrcd, but to follow the advice of our Divine Saviour, to *bow fjrih the divinity of their religion by (he sanctity of their worka, and to pray fervently and unceasingly for ihe conversion of all separated from tbe true cbureh hy error or iclsm, lhat Gad's Holy Spirit, wfao thli day deecinded on the church, would en- lighten those who sit la daikneia.aud direct them In tbe way or truth and Ufa, ao that all mankind would become ono io Chtht, and Ihero would be but one fold and one shepherd.


A luvlng lioarl, aweit, Two llttli weahaudi,

And ioft, dainty feet. Had our liaby belcved.

Two red lltUe lips, Sweeter than huney

That Use wild tire dpi From Hie heart of lha r n

Two ioft MUM eye*, Mkevl'ititibliio,

•Ne.lh the sunny akii-i, ii/ the drooping gran vt

Two pink, paarly eheths, That'mind of the ihell-

V*t down In th* deepi — Hi'gnliirf the kill ul the n

Bnt where, now, O whore, I. our liahy beloved?

In il,. (•■■!! grav* there, Oa ib* side of the hill.

The loving hurl Tho wtaiiindi araeli Thndaluiy bet •old I 'I'll ■ red lips aimed I The ulucejeishutl 'i'li- j.i'ik -> '<■ pate But llm I.utd will ret

r th* Amrrir.

'till! l

HAIK I. IImiaow.

A man In St. Louli, tried and convicled list w.ek lor the murder of hia wife, wia «• I,. <i by tbt JuJge if ho had anything to say in inn: sen- tence <>l deitb wu pronounced ugilnst him. Ha replied wlih energy : "I yon tu hjng me rirfht off; the sooner tho bitter, for I *') go iu'lur' a Judge who Itauws more ahou-. ] tiee lh*n your Honor docs." Ho is •oon. _

A touching incident is reported Irom Chatti< DOOga. An utter stranger callnd on ■ reipect- abhj firmer list week, and nsked him l( btl bOOll had not 1 cen robbed during tbe war Tbo firmer replied thar It had. "I," said ibu ainiugcr, "w** one of a marauding r»rtr tire1

did II. I lock eli.tie silver locket." "That loikfji," said the farmer, hunting Into tear*, "bad been* worn hy my dear, d<ir child" 'Here It i*," replied the smngor. visibly affect ed| "I im rich; lei me mike restl'utinn; here are 8'iil for your Wile mm." He give tbe farm <r n S-l't l ill arid received I3u in change. Ho then wrung the tanner'' hand warmly ind lift. Ibo farmer has Mmedrhd bistcirsir.d loaded his flint gun. That $M) hill was bad

f-.r (!,,■ .\W» Mriv

Nover Put Off Till To-morrow. II lime I* any kind act to lie done,

To brighten llfe'a cloudy way, lib, never put Off till lo niorron,

Hut do the good deed to-day.

If ihere are eheerlag word* to he gttea, Oh, leaner tbem white you m»y,

Tae l«ti- || may fan on tile mono-, To give wkat I* aeedrd lo -Jay,

« . i in iha preaent, I.lfe'i foture I. hidden awiy,

Si) never put off tllUo morrow Wblt ought to be done lo-day.


Oregon Ii growing rspiJIy. G eel:-y ■ caa ietm,—"L:ir! ' Sunday bnll flghti ire Mexican amusements. This Is tbout the time tor items on Mosqui-


The flnl irk-tlek explorers,—Noah'i bed- bugs.

There are 400 Baptist churches In the city of London.

In, lemons and oranges soil at ten cents a bushel.

It Is about time tbe Senate passed that civil rights bill.

The big woods of Minneaoti include 8000 square miles of territory.

Daily Virden cocktails are tbe latest outrage on that ubiquitous female.

Pittaburg Ii aald to ba a city thai " soota" everybody who goes there.

"Paul's 'platie l) Iba Canadian*" furnished a a tsxt for an Indiana colored preacher.

An anvil, used by one of the Pharaohs, is ihown to visltori at tbe British Museum.

Tho graceful, gushing girl graduates of Vas- ■ar college are In demand In ibe professions.

Here I* a negro doctor in Detroit who an- nounce* thai he will not attend whits people.

It hat gone as fir aa "Dolly Varden chill," In Ooor.i). Tho inffdrer tarns all torts of col- ors.

Tbe " devil" of the Watcrbnry American Is treamrer of the Young Men'* Christian Asso- ciation.

A school boy In Chicago died thaothordar from tbe effect! or being overworked by hi* teacher.

An Omaha paper tumishcs Its readere with an account ot tbe capture of Hnfz. Ho was a burglar.

Whin a man kill* a skunk be furnlibann llluitriiion ol the fact that the battle ii not al wayi to the strong.

The sea serpent has not got round yet thli ipriog. Can't tbe Newhnrvport /fmstrl itart him In the harbor of that place t

It la aald that the reaion the Catholic organ* endorse the Ctncfnnitl nominations,!* that ihfy were m*de at a JMass convention.

Tbe light of a rne'ch will frighten a wolf l< sale). Hot love-matches don't al- ways keep the wolf from the door.

Loulivllle hoists of a "mart little hor who fell at full length under a railroad Iron waeon, and doubled htm«eir up aa that the wheels p 1-^,1 on hotb sides d him without touching hi* hnrlr.

P-i-hcr MAVIBOJI, >h- Oathohe, pr'.«r *'■-> ■eeompinlet lb* flr-r Pint n r-trt Into Canada, a-id wu eap'urnl in I condnwl fjrtwo yem 'ii a Canadian prison, died In Indluiia a few day■sun

A wedding took place it La Crcsre, WUr.on. ■In. a dav or two ago, at which, icfordlng to the Dcmocral, "the bride waa given away by tbecltv, and tbecliy was Mighty glad to get rid rf ber."

1'renilrc Miner, of Led yard. Diver saw a tut* *aw btfore Snurday. He seem* I-J he pnju- diced against ihem now, though it will be much much cheaper (or him t.t buy tin mliteos with - out ibumt*.

A Brooklyn paper, apeaklng of Miis Kel- logg'* deparlura for Europe, aiya, "hir friend* law her off." Wu bivo heard of mean people cutting a woman—hut torjawturoff ! It bents the old martyr*.

Tho rapid advance ol American elvItlzaUt n may be partly Judged from tbe fact that a sin- gle telegraph company, durlog 1871, purchased over 14,000 mllea of (airgraph wire for the ne- ceailtte* of that year.

The lodlauapolls J»iirnnfreconimtndiaCnn- greaslonil aspirant ai one who "ilrgi a credi- table long, tells a good story, and ts.kei an open drink without eluplng all four of bu fin- ger* around the glass."

"I recommend," says a writer in the Com- hlll MiLi.ii/ ii-, "every man In the aulumn ol bit lift to lake, lo gardening." Isn't the su lumn ■ bad time to begin gardening I Wo al- ways Imagined spring was iho time.

"lie MI II ul upon ii.,- Ihmi in ol platform, adjusted the fatal noose, and was *wuog off In- to that unsi lent bourne, whence he cm never return save by tbe Indianapolis connecting line*." Tuat must hare been at a wedding.

A newsboy having been garroted and robbed In Jacksonville, III., Ihe Chicago Time* say* (hat highwaymen will ho Mucking reporter* •oon, as those geollemon stand next below newsboy* In Ibe scale of Jiurnullailc opulence

A Missouri wife planned an elopement wlih a seductive chap, aud give him $200 and her effects,dim':iii r hint to moat her at lha town of Louisiana. The (fleets met her there all right, but the man and the 9200 failed to put in an appeinnce.

Five dollars reward is offered for the report- er wfao cai wrlie six months about Arcs, and not allude lo tbe " Firo Ficod" and tho "de- vouring clement." It's had enough t > lie burnod uui, hut |o he devoured hy Ihe Fire Fiend Is fearful,

A woman In Mew Yoik calling herself Vite Browne!!, has married three members of (he same family within Ihreo yean, the first two settling a large sum of money upon hor to leave Ihem, and Ihe last ono giving her an awful whipping with (be tame tnd in view.

Tbe itudenta of a Miloecoiloge tocenily iH>- ■rrsnged tbe eesti In a church )utt for fun, btsl they did not (eel io well when tbe Professor opened tbe morning servlro by reading from Proverb! : "It Ii a* sport for a fool to do till- ed 1.1', but ■ man of understanding huh wis- dom."

This li Ihe wiy a young Indlanlan bur t* 1*11 poetry: ■low ■»(.-( It l« to all and dream At night, un Ihe bank of * sflstw itresm. Or when in* illver *i*r* twglo H blink, Tu itaal away lo •oin* *eqnnterfl *ah>(in and hiv*

* drink. Thiee Hi le boys were dipning a* IO whoio

father1.1.| ibe-hoitiai t-rscc "My Mhtrsna 'Lord, we 'hank tbee fur these provisions.'" 8 eond—"And mine MIS,'fat* r, hies* this find to u>'" Th rd Iwj— "\b, bu mine'* tho ii n LI II I. Ha ihove* hi* PUH op to ma- ma and lay*, 'Darn >e, flli up.' "

An e* J,, d ra t e>n io ma'e a comtoilon in ' Hi','1 I II me ■ i-i- o colored main Mobile a few iv nn-* tne. Onevener-be brother pronour c d t o Intruder a dljgniied cmlsisry o' the Democratic party, and -• IJ "Datwa-dB f.rna he «lwa>s coma In, oher

•(■ea be In'o de gate of Eden." Oswego claims the credit of loiuguntlng a

II * ■ ol medical trtctce, wblch pira- l'I-S r.i'i Ji'iily, iclipni limn (i. thy k d fay- droiiathv- Uae <>f the celebrated pbjalclana of that town lisued a prescription a few diya since to one oi ill regular pilletilt with these signifi- cant diredlonv : "1'ikaone (eiipoooful tvery ihreo vejr»."

I. there anything cm bent tho cMorpriie of ■ reporter 7 Hot long since ■ prominent offi- cial In ■ city not far dlitant died, and on iba ni, h' [TO: ui (o his death nn enterprising (orrcspcnlent of a Metropolitan | 'i"r WCM

to the telegrapfa oftlce and a>kd the oicrator lostiv until eleven o'clock, as he wanted t» tend a despatch; "for." sirs he, "I expect Mr will die about tin."

Tbu Rev. Mr. II bad a lartc uttiily of umu'y hoys, anrt one of them did something very wrong: hat at nonoot them would cor.- feii It, be dc 1-T d be would wMp (hem all, and ititnhc would be sure 'o pnnib ibe rel culprit. Lisping Jlmmv, the younge*!, retired tothaeorniy an I grum* led. "What ll that yon *av ?" liked hi* 'elher. "I t'i.11." whim- pered Jimmy, "that ihaiYi Juth tho way old lit ro I did. Ha killed all ihJ'h idren tho that he would te thure to kill Jithnth."


'SThc IWmtmccm. I. KWEENCB, FRIDAY, MAY it. 1872



TUESDAY. The forest nres. which bea;ari wsst of Bell-

port. R- L, and meveJ rapidly along the Long island railroad, bare destroyed tome thousand eorde of wood, ud caused 930,000 damago. Tbe Are was caused by Harry Norton, a lu- natic, who set Ore to dry grut.

The Japanese Embassy at Washington bu received intsllujenctj that the Imperial Tcono of Japan bu aboliihed a,l edlcta aitalnat Chris- tianity, which have been In force oicr three centuries.

Capt. Geo. Wright of ibe United SiMee Ar- my, on Saturday nigbt, fell over th* banister* at the Brandretb Home In New York, ud waa ao acrlooily Injured that be died within a few boon.

Varlooi lire* are reported ai occorrlni jes- terday. Oaa In Ulchlitan, one In Illinois, snd one In New Ymk aggregated a loia of iVlM.OCU. Incendiarism lecma to be on tbe increase.

The carpenien of New York tsi a grand demonstration to oav. They paraded ihrou«h the etreett, and held a mass meeting In Tomp- klna S)n ir,'. where addresses were made-

Tbe treasurer of a New York itreet railway U reported to be a defaulter to tbe extent of S40.000, though hi* Iri eay that he can ex- ptaln the Irregnlarllles In bli account!.

The militia of San Salvador are ordered to be organized Immediately, and every able-bodied cltiisn Is callel to arm* to defend hit conn try against lloaduia'.

A mail rehearsal if various Jutnlrc choral aiaoelatloni of Heine, will be beld at Portland, with tbe Handel and 11 tydn Society, the first week In Jane.

F f.y citlaene of Trenton, N. J , have ilttned a paper endorsing Horace Qreelry'i nctnlna- tion. Trenton ha* a largo and intelligent pop- ulation.

Tbe trick* ortuc milk trade, and an exposure of them, Torm* tbe aoh|ect of an interesting ar- ticle In to daj'i N. Y. Tribunr.

It ia reported that Trumbull refines to tun at the Independent Liberal Republican candi- date for Governor of Illlnoli.

Judge Tapley of Saco, He., bai received and accepted an Invitation to deliver tbe oration on Decoration Day at Lowltton-

No republican paper In Michigan endorses the Clneinrsti nomination.

The American Baptist ann'?<r,hrlei began I? day in Now York.

Tbe Michigan miners no loea>r resist tbe au- thorities


Henry Peck of Korwieb, Omn., has recovered S5000 from tie N.>w . ork Central Rsllroe-I for i' ling P<)t 'it a paldCQ rar fur refuting to pay extra (are f >r the drawing-room car when the ordinary car of the train was tull.

The lobiter factory at Proapect Harbor, op- poilte Joneiport, He , was burned ov, Friday «venlD|f. Proba'ily Incendiary. It waa owned by tbe Portland Backing t'jmpiny- Loss -1 ■ 030; loiuranco 812 (KO.

Mi*s Piutner Kay, aged fifteen year*, belong- ing In Omulia, Neb , coinmittel luicl.'e Mon- day evening, a: a musical acminary In S'lcm, near Norwich, Cann , br morphine.

John Maxell'* knitting mill in Amilerdam. N. Y, waa turned ye*t.>nlny. Lou, SIVJOO;

inaureJ for SJO.OOo

Dover, X. If., is excited over the rxbumation ol apttrnli-l Indian, meJiurfnn seven feet »rv- en inches.

The labor txclicmeni In New Yoik n djlng out, and Ibe ifrlkert are returning to their wotk.

A Ore in RlcbaaOOd S'.rett, B jston, ibis morn- ing, dcttroyed St.W0 wor;h of property.

Horace tlroeley n oat In a letter formally accepting the Cincinnul nf munition.

Speaker Blaina was unanimously tio-'-.i uicd for re-election veaterday.

G:3. Butler ipoke yesterday eg.tiast tbe treaty modlfiotioos.

Minister Satkka haa arrived at Madrid.


The PreHJent yetterday luicJ tbe bill re- moving poli.ical disabilities Imposed by 'he 1 lib amendment, the exceptions, i. is lat I, In- clude leas than J00 case*. Jeff Davis and John K. BrtcktnrUlgfj being among the axccfHons.

Oo*J man waa i-ubbcd in tho back, and nLoiber had t.U head split open srlis stone in an aflrny in a lireohljn *.-,.,. These p ca-an'rics are becomlnl so ronimin In that

ctiy ra to be monoigsjoas.

Fi.ur ihoustnJ dollars c Jnseieoej m >nev wax received br ;ti ' L'nlied Stites tria-urer on Monday frum a nit'-irklii itlun cltiz tu, who bad g 'no back to F/jropc to live,

l'i-tMvv * dim Spa<n aa>le thit tbe '»« Carllst band has Eurrcndrred; ■,,..■.' >.. ■ ol this nature may he looked for every daj .

Tbe RtpttblhaMl and D.moeran of Ph l« delptiia hav( cjiu'uncl to work rcfjr n :n I lid nutlcipal affairs ol that city.

A ptrpeiHl treaty ol Amiiv has be<-a c»n- ruled Hetwecn ih.s eoantij an i the U/ange Free atnltiof S:uih AOlca.

Crime Is on tbi lni'rei»e in N;w York and Brook yn, Dotwnhi'.andlntt the e autbonties to cboek it.


Arrangements for the observance of

Hi; ■ t!»y of tender tnil patriotic metuorlea

are progressing; satisfactorily, ami the

services will be sure, as heretofore, to

awaken the sympathies and enlist the warm co-operation of all our people.

Circulars have been sent to the various churches, whose alel haa been so pencr-

ously given In Ihe years gone, asking Tor contributions of flowers ami willing

Angers on the morning o: the services, to ale) In their preparation. Special contribu-

tions, Intended lor particular graves,

should bo carefully marked, and will be

taken In charge by Dr. Geo. W. Sargent,

Surgeon of Post 39. The general programme, already pub-

lished, has been changed, so as to have the exerclfes near the cemeteries, as

heretotore. Instead of upon the Common, at before arranged, the services at the

cemetery will consist or prayer, singing,

and an atlJresa by ex-Major Frank Da-

vis, Commander of the Post. It Is prob- able that the mllla wilt be closed during

the latter part of the afternoon, and Ihe cxerclics will be delayed In order to al-

low all our people to participate, the line

of march by the Post being taki promptly at 3 1-2 o'clock. It Is hoped

the flag* in tbe city will be generally dis- played, and business suspended In the


The Great Concert.


MON.—It Is plnin that the authorities

arc determined to make tho Common a pleasant place f-r alt who resort to It-

Only Wednesday wo were cilled upon to chronleli-tin-li.l tb:.t U .bert Steelo had

been w/oik'ng loom mlfubltf on ihe band stand, and tin; tH-xt eluv (MUieji In a boy

named Joint Manser— i.ot a Man, sir, but a boy as we have eald. Col. Phi)brick

charged him with creating a disturbance

on the Common, but no warrant was Is- sued against him; ho was brought Into

court simply to receive a lecture from bit

Honor. When the other case* had been

disposed of his Honor looked severely

the young pi-ace disturbar, and then

icteded to tdueate his young mind to a proper understanding of the enormity

of the t ffence he had been guilty of. Ills

Honor began by a description ol the

Common, Hie beautllul tiees, the green

grass, tho pond with Its thouuudi ol gold and fcllvcr fishes, the sbady walks,

and was so clorinent aud poetical in his

remarks thai everybody *TM delighted,

and melt order was maintained that we

might easily have heard the unfolding of

a latVd cambric handkerchief. Then his Honor proceeded to show that this

Common waa set apart for people who

wlKhcd to enjoy a quiet it roll, and it such persons H8 John Manser were allowed to

create disturbances and annoy rer-pec-

Ublet people, the object for which tho

Common was designed would bo defeat- ed. Having received a reprimand and a

warning against committing such of- fenoealn fdtnre, the boy wai allowed to

depart, and he departed.

The programme of the grand jabllee

concert to be given next Monday even-

ing, by our Choral Union, is such as to insure one of tbe best entertainments of

the year. The Society will be augmented by those of Andover and Mtthuen. and

all being In excellent training bV tbelr

Jubilee practice, will Insure the grandest of chornses, and a most enjoyable even- ing. The.object Is one In which every

parent Is Interested, and with tlie splen- did treat offered, should crowd the bouse.

Theft or Money a-wd Speedy Arreat.

Wednesday morning Mr. Albert Morrison of Wlndham left home for ihe purpose of attend- ing a funeral, Mr- John McKeony, who bad been in his servlca as a laborer for nearly a year, being left In charge of the farm. On re- tnrolnr, at noon, Mr. Morrison found MtKen- ny bad left, first having pillaged a burean and taken from one of the drawer! J100 in monev, deposited therein; Mr. Morrison having learned that McKenny took the train for ibla city, came directly here, and informed Stale Con- stable B:al of hia loss; he then took tbe 3.40 train for Boston, to searrb lor tbe thief.

Col. Beal thinking McKenny might walk from this city to some neighboring depot, rode over towards Andover, and on the road he dlscov. ered a pedestrian answering to the description ol tbe thief, though clad in ai entire new auii or clotbea. So well satisfied was the Colonel, that be took tbe fallow Into coitJ-ls, drove to the Andover station, where, when the train for Button came along, the prisoner was at once rccogn isd by Mr. Morrison

McKenny had purchased in this city a new suit,—coat vest, pants, and boots, a vallsa. In which his old clothes had been placed, and a revolver with IJW cartridges, and waa on bis

ay to ihe West. Of the 5100 stolen, ffAM was still in bis possession-

Superior coorl*


- Criminal Term.

P, ,Tl M. K.

Tba Court earns to at Kewberyport, Monday, at 10 A. M. Tho grand Jory r«turo*d their tadlet- Baeeta, aid tha followlaf »rr*i<:;m-ui* were

Henry J. BhaUDok of Lawreeee, upon an lodlat- ■em tor aduliarr, ptoadoi mllty, and waa aest- tameed to tho Honao of Correction stl moslho.

Charles Merrill of Lawrenoa, tor larceny of a boraa, earrlafc and faarnaos, pleaded gnlliy and waa sentenced to the Slate Prison one jear.

David B. Jones of Uwrettee, tor adultery, plead- ed guilty, and twlog a seeond offence of the same nature, waa etnteneed to Ibe House of Correction eighteen months.

Tbosaa* llewea of Lawrence, upon an Indictment tor aasan'.t open a police officer, pleaded not guilty; waa triad and convicted; J. H. Bruwa (or tbe de-

Jacaaa Kennedy orOloneeater, tor en aggravated aaeaalt and larceny from tbe person, pleaded not gntlty; waa tried aud convicted; Mounted to the State Prison five yeare-one day solitary.

Thorns* Haider of Lawrence, tor larceny from a balldlag; pleaded not goUty, and was sentenced to tbe Hone* of Correction one jear.

John V. Mead and John Clinton of Lyan.npon an indictment for breaking and catering a bnlld- log.aad larceny of bond* to tbe amount of nine haedred and fifty dollars; Edward Blaea and Ma- ry B. falvey of Lynn, tor adultery; George SI. Cook of Ilavfihtll, upon two Indletmenta for In ceat, and others, severally pleaded not gnlity.

Ira Ooodwln of Topeflrld, pleaded guilty upon an old Indictment tor being engaged in a pitse fight.

On Tuesday, Jsmea Wilson of Salem, waa tried upon an Indletcnrnt for larceny from tbe person, picking a pocket. J.H. Brown of Lawrence, tor defendant. Verdict, guilty of attempt upon eceond


siroai JCDOI aravasa.

MosTDAV. Tha deugbtful rate of Sunday bad eaased Use

treea around tbe Court Boose to pwt a brighter eoatlng Of green upon their leavee, *md the grssss bad put on a more brlMent noe. A flood (rf sun- shine ponred Inle the court as bis Honor took bis Beat upon the bench. Ihe warm beams plajlng as levlBgly eronnd Ihe heeds of tbe prh dock as they did about iboee of tbe leas offending functionaries and fpeetaiors, In the abaemee of Mr. Gould, Ibe popular and genial derk of use Court, Jndga Stevena himself discharged the com. hlneo dnttea of Judge Bed eleik.

Haisas.—John Hasalll and John Aanls were charged wtih drunkenatae, A nnls wilb the aecsad

ffence. Whew lulerreajaled by bis Honor, AaaU said It waan'i a aeeead off-ifte. It waa ihe aaoM drunk tor which be was fined on Saturday. Be was mulcted la the smount of Ibe eoeta. Besnlll was rtntd «S and essste. Us belug a aeonad off-ace also.

Assati.Tit.—Then BasalU «aa wheeled up on a charge of making aa assault upon bis wife. Tbe woman, la giving W teatlsaony, made tbe state- ment that be* husband would be a good man If be didn't drink, lie premised to lake the pledge, and on this charge hi. Usser let him off. Then James Connors waa arraigned on a charge of aaaaultlug hie wife, Margaret Connor.. He pleaded gallly, and Margaret did ae*. eay asueb againat bia. Be waa I! and eoata. Drink led both these men to abuse Ibelr wives. *

P.S. InUMeaaeefBamllle, onreeonaldcratioa, bis Hunor aentenced him to four mo nib* at tbe H. C.


tlla 'co tiio at)le editor of Zoni Hjr ere itei a Bishop of tin U<t;bo-

ditto l,i

lljrji.o ft'jruiur doos not lo oji the" Djll) Varden" nominal

The latest pre.* J .ke Is lb J " I mimiiinii'jn at C ncinnati.

Many S.-imi.iri Leaitate athiul mppleaiMUial article to tbe tr>a >

Deaths f.o u abortion are becd prevail-in in New Yur*.

The I'. 8. Senate bad an all last nltftii.

Concord, N H- is moving It reform.

lie Philadelphia i :i ■ n I ..■*


GtO. Hanks will deliver ArllnKtun (,'onietery on tbere will be imposing c direction of tlu lirand Ar

: o it on »t the orallw Da; nonles under tbe

he ttepuMie, The I'rt'iident has order- 1 Hie depirtnipiita to IM closed, iin I iiowcrs lo he mpi li d front ttie Coc»ervaij:ry tt U) White Home-

Tii'' statue ol Snakesptare was UD veiled in Cenir.-il 1'aik, S^w Voik, yctere'ay, before an iii.mcn^o Ck,ni-ourse of peop'c. William Cullcn Bryant delivered itio orviion, ami Bdwla Hto'U rn Iml U. II ri_:ii.;i'ard's-poem on HK poet.

Tiinoibv Dalley, an Itislmmn, attempted lo murder tile wif.- a: White Ki<er Jnnclloo, VI., on Toetdsy night, i ut was prevented by some neighbors »ho were cmuicd t<y ibeaotnan's

sr reams.

Mr. 1'-U. Siaborp, a rlurccatttr, while at wmk \a tbe black ml'.h shop at tho none sheds, In Concord, N. II., yesterday af.cruoou, waastiutk wi'.b F«!al>sl», a^.l Is not expocUd lo recover.

Jo.*- Ca>», a prominent cltiecn fit tirafton, N. H..anda ci.usin ol ihe lion. Lewis Ctas, died at timfion on We'Une>day ni^lit; he was eixbty-tbrcc years old.

The petrified liillan foun.1 at Dover, S. II , turns oat to bo a humbug, or In other word;., a statne male t.j e-rdtr for Cardiff Glanl pnrposeg.

The New Jersey Reput lleans, at tbeir con- vention yestcrdar, pused reiofutions recom- mending the re-nomlnatlon of I'roildent Grant.

A Mr., Ti, 1-1 .:■■ mnrntiis a- NinbEi.t. Pa . burned .i^ht wnoden I u.ldtnfs. Loss, KA.OOO;


A case came uu in court Tuesday In which a man named John Kearn'i was i-liurgtd

witu t!io [hell uf an overcoat, from No. 1

Everett corporation, the property of one Tb11mis Maiiuiiiif. It ni'pcurs Unit Kearns

Is In the listl1. <>f jrettliiir elrunk, and yc*- terduy was so lutoxieu'ed that lie did not

know what lie wai doing, aiid r-o stole

the overcoat of oae of hi* roommates.

When the coal was ml-sed.Miitinltig went after Kearni and surcctdt-d In tlndin^

him, hut he was to druuk tint no Intelli-

gent inforuution could bu gained from him. Manning tolel him that If he would

restore the coat,he would pay the money If he (Kearus) was willing to do so;

Kearni denied all knowledge of Ir, ant) shortly afterward* be was taken Intoctif- tody for drunkenness. ,\i::-' i.>'l on

Tuesday he pleaded guilty to drunken- ness, ar.d no: guilty to theft, but a cou-

ple of little fflrU who gave Intelligent evidence, swore that they hud seen him

with the coat ou hi* arm; on the charge

of drunkenness hu wai Seed $3 and cn>t«, and lor the larceny of the eoat

wit sentenced to six months at the House

of Cotrectlon. The cout waa mb**qaent-

ly recovered by rfflier Hants at a negro lecor.d handtluthoi eh->p, where Kearni

bad told It lor two dollars.


Knight Templara, bold a rooetiDp; nt

thr-ir lodge, on Tuesday evening, and

ultir the conclusion of husinedS ad-

journed to the Kssci Home, and par-

took of ii BUpper served l»y Mcssra.

Fowle und McConnc-11, tltc proprietors

of tho Essex House, in a style at once

substantial nod appetising. The Knight.*

were not disposed to treat the matter

lijrhtly and went in with a will. But

;tll their efforts were futile as> far as

clearing the t ilile was concerned, for a*

last aa one disli disappeared, another a*

attractive took its place, and when the

Knights arose from the table the unani-

mous expression was "never was a bet-

upper served." The tables were

beautllully decorated with flowers, and

beside each pi in-was a handnomebou-


'ItlK I'lit.'" lli-.Ai'v« AUTI.KS dtirlnji the

frcm Juhllee, have wixly been placed In charge ol S. i: Mi.ts, ESQ., the well

known advertising ngent.whose business

iluriiij many years has led him Into close

and always satisfactory relation! with tin: publishers of Now England, and

whose excellent management ol tills de- partment at the former peace jubilee,

with his urbanity and tlBclency, insure

for ihe knlghls t>l the quill ihe most eoniiilcte arrangement* and beet possi-

ble alietiilous.

Sr JOUR'S DecoaAiioK FIND Coscaar— Tbe concert In Sanaders Hall, in aid of 8 . John's Cburch Decoration Fund, on Friday evening ls«t, was unusually excellent. As pre- viously announced, some of those Included In the original programme eiii not appear, bat their places were tupplled with excellent talent. The concert began with the "March or the men of Harlecb," which wss (riven by the boy cbolr of St. John's Cbnrch; It was well rendered, and being of a stirring character, was well received by tbe audience. This was followed by a duett, "On Mossy Banks," by Mr. Abercromble, and Mrs. BODloa Weft, a soprano of tine ability, and Justly celebrated for her musical accom- plishments. Full Justice was done the piece, and the audience eahitiied much approval at ihe manner In which it was rendered- Mrs. E. II. Sawyer, who possesses a remarkably rich contralto voice, sang aa aria, "Non Fu S jsjno," with much acceptance. Mr. Boothman, long and popularly known in thla city as a Hole player, gave an excellent solo, with variations on that instrument. Mrs. UonHon West again appeared and sang "The Messsac," which was jsteorew. Mr. John Edwards, well known for the possession of a remarkably rich and powerful voice, saig "The King and the Mil' ler," la an excellent manner, lie was followed br Mrs. West aa 1 Mrs. Siwycr In e duett, "I Know a Bank," which elicited an encore. Tbts condoled Ibe Brit part of tbe programme The second part, in which all the above ap- peared, with ibe addition of Mr. Howard M DJW, in a piano solo, wa> given in inch a man- ner a* t J create a large degree of enthusiasm in the anlience, repetitions or new songs being fre fluently called f jr. "Mv aln Fireside," by Mrs_ Wast, was rapturouily applauded, and she was enrortd, npan which she sang "Miry of Ar- cyle." The boy choristers received a heart/, encore OB tho second patt, and appeared a sec- ond lime. Mr. A'-ercromhie received a double. mtnrt. and the audience war; hardly willing lo forgive tbe deception whi;b occasioned tbe re- moval of hi* i:Iove from tbe piano, having an- ticipated anoiber song. Mr. Dow was also re- called, tut on account of Indisposition cculd n a appear. Altogether Ihe concert waa anc of the moat neeaasfisl wc bave littered to, and Judging from the sin of tbe audience, man have added substantially to tbe fund in the aid of which it was given.

Tbe fullowlni sentences were paaeed' llewea of Law rrni-r. upon rooi letlon tor a* aaaault upon an offlocr, to the House of Correction, four month*. Hugh Cary uf Salem, upon aa Indictment for maintaining a liquor nuiaaaee, flasd fllijr dollars aad costs, 12*.50, and cooflaament at Use House of Correelton three monlhe, ditto. Edward Uluea ■ud Hary F. I'aley, for adultery; House of Correc- tion four snontka each, having been In Jill about three months.

llarsaret Coeoren, WltlUsa Doraej, John H. Me Dcrcaott, Biles K. Bacbslder, Oeonra W. Torry and John MoCoonall ware severally fined flfij dollar* and eoeta, twcntT-ilre dollars, for maintaining lit)

Llatof all who Drew PrlaeB at tbe Oi' phatia' Fair.

oBruAxe' i-'in i. Ann, marble Up table; sirs. Witll.

barrel of floor; Kate Dailry. white parlan va Daotal P.; John MtKanoa. white ertoe set; eolored grotto, Ulna Ciblll; Thoutaa Corne- lle, picture of Asylum; E. A. Wllaen, lamp mats; Tboma* i-oubr, pair of vasen; John Keewaa.tonof coal; Uarr Ncwtll, work basket; Kllea Drlecoll, wine set; Talrlck Hlekej, smoklei set; Margaret CushiDf, picture; Sarah Lenon, wine set; Miee Callahan, ladj's work-box. 3. W. Wilder, while lalile cover; Julia Beannel,ahawl; Ann rti of flour; Marr HeCabe,mirror; Bleson Qraee, pair of blankets; Hansrla Beannel, eoucertlaa; Sa rah Wlon,fancy skirl; Tlmolhj Rlordon, walnut flower baakel; Thomas Bcrlogton, cblna tea-set; Umrv Uooucy, fancy sllpprra; Bin. KllrI, fancy card basket; John Crowley, lldr; Elliabelh Har- phy, 11,50 gold piece; Johnsluody, pair of boots; Prank Dowd, fancy lamp mat; Tlionsaa Maroooy, picture; John (lately, picture; Jamea DoorU, 2t> pounds of candy; Kate O'Brirn, large lamp; Jane sli-Call, plated sugar bowl; Hargarel Jlck-nns, wine set; Pater Parley, plated tea-pot; Mlaa Law- n-crc, stales; Julia Olory, faoey bead cushion: Hannah Olsaaon, fancy bead bag; Hannah Cornell. picture; Terrenee Dolan, sUtue; Kllcn Kjaa, al- bum; John Lonergaa, large doll; Jamea Klley plncuahlon; Llrtl* SuIllTan, picture; Lawnstee tj-iinn, table cover; John J. Klley, tidy; Mary Newman, pair of rase*; W.V. Merrill, wblteglasa set: Wen. Bntlerwortb, castor; Mrs, Cask, white grotto; Kale Bncklej,album; John Morgan, white spread; Hr*. Peters, ptetore; Ann Martin, lamp mat; Miry Henry, white ildy; Bllsa Kennedy, (.Iclurc; Patrick Qiavln, suit of clothes.

niotillv insured.

Deny. N. II . li.CQvn,) nt t! e

sgilal Ihe tdtfcly nf as boolboy

The clils^ns of Ji

setllluii for rheiip ti

aka Plain have started a rniLgand evrnirg trains.

A tornado passevl over a portion of Ohio on

Wednesday, laflicttaf uiu.h loss ol property

Tt.e iiic kcrel fisboelot are very sacc.ssfui

tin* far lb:s K»huii. prtsident Oraw lias signed the amo^jiy bill

THE Lmvu.1. BKCRCASE —At the time of the vote In Lowell, on thu beer quea* Lion, Ward Two gave a very large IM-

(orlty In faror ol the sale, but the vote

wiis thrown out by the-City Clerk, on the grouiYtTtTi grcss (rands, ant] by this ac- tion the result In tin cliy was changed.

the oilier wards voting bo. The- (rJettdfi

oflh*' sain »I>|I11L-II to Hie Supreme Court.

and :iln r argutin nt a inaa'ftimai hnt been i-sutd, urdcrlnu the City Clerk to count

the va ftl.edis|>uted ward,


il.iv evening, Mr. (im. ItLSSELL JACK-

SUN, whose pen ha* become familiar to

our readers, will deliver a lecture in the i ity hall, on this topic. Mr. Jackson Is

A bright. Rliarji tliltiker, with a ready use

of language, and can hardly fail to deliv-

er Aii Interesting and Instructive tiddre.**,

—one meriting a full house.

Two YOL'KU MEN named respectively Andrew Smith and William Limb, were

mulcted each In tho Httm of «1* W In the

police court tbU inornlng. for creating a disturbance on Uethuen Mreet, about

eleven o'clock Thursday bljlii; ihe Hues were oaid by their friends.

We nre glad to l<*m ihat the lad Wsldo Aye-r, who so bravely rescued tbe child e I' Mr. Bastion, f otn dr.iwninx a few davs a|»ce, has tctu (ii.!1'' with s Bavin as Dank IKIOK, with a de'poM ol HI, conirilmted t,r friends thruukh iho«n*urts if Mr. J. A. rVgf. It Is a well da-

scrrod gi't

Senator Tarboa delivers the a-Mrtsi on Me- morial Day, at South Brain tree, and Capt. Mcr

A SAO CASB.—There was in tbe dock on Thursday, accompanied by ber boy, a womat named Mary Hawthorns, chaigtd with break- ing rsnes of glue In lbs win-lows of Messrs. Grimes & Woodbary, end Mr. J. D. Bdson. She pleaded guilty, and It was evidenced from her manner that bermlod wai affected. She snfd she bail nothing to say, when questioned by his Honor. Tbe s)mr-a:btes cf net only tbe judge, hat tbe spectators were aroused, and inquiry in regard to the woman developed the fast tlia: she was a soldier's widow, and w.n in the babll Of worhiagharj to earn an :ono»t Using. Col. Beal said he knew ber, and Ahm ia the court spokj fivorat/v of ber characer. A lidr wbo bat k.iown 1-er for years, spoke favarably of her, but said that the :'.■•■!,!.-. sbe was partially insane. Ills II ■:; .;■ a aii be would not punlab ber, as the crime she Lai committed wn evidently the leult of men al abcrarion. She was dis- charged, and afterwards taken caro ot by tte proper sulboriiiee.

TLc rqo.-ulc :eaton his opened In I;OJU ea^n- e.t, and tbj flrst ia;e of tbe sessoti ocenred on Wednesday eveaiag. Q lite a warm discussion bid arUm .enooc^ memberioi' the bojtin^ fra- ternity 10 regard ti the comparative merits ol oars and poddies lor speed, and a trial was ar- ranged between T- S Holmes, C. W Kempton and I- Itemitk; tho fo.-mer in a dory as tbe champion cf oars, tho two latter in tbclr pad- d e b„M. R A. Hale and J. L. U'Kdlly wen elioico reftrtt^. Th; course on to-: river above the Jan «ii from Bu 'a landing, near Yenw'j ice bouses, to the lower post of the old boom and lurk, a distance or a little more than bslf smile. Ilstrey Treat and Perkins, In their canoe, also entered tho lists, Un sisr.iog, Holmes instantly took tho l»ad, and kept in- rreasing Ibe distance between bimjclf and ioui|etitoi>, rounded ihe turning post and came lo ihe goal, a winner IT seconds in ad- vance ol Treat end Perkins, and 30 seconds In advance of Kemplonand Hsmi k

The sudden change in the weather on Sun- day .,!■.■■ i quite a il.i'Ur of cinsiernation among church g'Jers, especially the female por- tion. The weather teas somewhat cloudy In the morning, but the atmosphere being mild few apprehensions of rain were felt,and tbe proportion wbo took umbrellas to cburch was smalt. But during the forenoon ihu clouds Ut loote tbeir refreshing drops, and as they pat- tered on ibe leivoi of shade trees, or rattled pleasantly agiinst tbe window panes of tbe churche*, the anyctber time welcome, canted ladies i > turn pale, and in tba midst ol their devotions cast anxlom glancei a'ternate- 'y at tlitr newly trimmed or newlr purehasod l.onncts, and tbo prospect ontslde. The merry, dashing, patiering rain, however, eared no: lur femiciie tlnery, or for that mate- niasruiine finery, either, an I p!eJ!sn:ly kept It u? until evening.

ASC1EST ultliKK tlinBRSIAJSB' TABLK. Ueorte L. Oege, sewing machine: Alonat

Hay, vflstt suit; Kllen Han, fancy rug; Patrick Curumtnga, ladtca'bal; J. Casey, drrsslog gown; Boae Tlrrnry, artificial Sowers; Suaan Lalor, fan- cy clock; Blebard Ptiigerald, picture; A. Brain ard, ladles' bjoutt; Itrldgat Cormelly, ladlee bat; Hlehiel Orennan, Bible; Edward Wade, will leg desk; Ann Olll. marble top table.

TABLR Or THE II"! V rAUILV. Kate Ryan, quilt; If r. StcTena, piece of ticking

Terence Nolan, bed qollt; Mrs. Hjk«, atalus John IfcCarthy, while epread;Capl. Dsaey, shawl, Magg'c Keuney, fancy rag.

UWSSSCSI. O. BOCIETT TABLK. rat rick O'Connors, maitde top labta; Edward

Kelley, Rold watch; John Cr.inln, barrel of Sour; Freddy Dalley, toy carriage; E. Fuller, pair of

xainiira or >T. FATRICK'S TIBIB. The fjllowlng persona drew prlira la tbe grand

IJitery on table:—Michael Mann, John Uc.N'a- mee, Uiram Belcher, P. C. hturphy, lira. It. Leon- east, Tbomie Dalley. Tlmolby Mann, Andrew Cor- rlgaa, Ifaggle BtcCartby, Ann Uaughton, D. D. Uahooy, Andrew Toole, J. W. Joyce, John Klley,

Iko lleCarthy.W. Danraban, Ditdgst HcDon- II, Ellen UcUowan, Marle-.le Leonard, Annie

TUBaoAV. Two drncka were disposed of. wbleh, wllh Ihe

larceny, an aceeMSSwof which appeara In another portion of the paper,was all the bBsleeee before the court to-day.

WBDHBBDar. The coon waa vsaltest Ibis morning by a Boston

Reporter who easaa ap to watch the proceedlaga, bating laarned that Lawrence baa law moat eoey aad comfortable sweat la Iba state. So eosy and cumfortable Indeed thai pitaonerm prtde Ihcnssetvea on tbe fart Unat thsjf kave had the prlrllege of be- ing In the dock. Hla Hewor easaa In ibla morning with tbe usual genial, hlml aaille Ml hla buss, and wlabsd tbe Reporter* good morning la such a kind toaeaa lo make the Uoaton r.pirter drop a silent tear. Tbe certain waa shortly after rung up by Jeaeo, aad the proceedings begao with tbe latro- duetlon of a yooeg man for

MALICIOUS Hue mar.—Robert Sieele ha* no ear or taste for saaete. He eaaaot tell the Dead March lu Saul treea Taakee Doodle, and If that .talc mrnt does not establish bla Isaseaslbillty to ihe In. rtueneeof the " Ditto* Ari/'our eiTjris to be ex- plicit are a failure. When Use summer moon la beaming, aud Ihe Uule stars are twinkling on sum- mer nlgbt". tbe bead takes Its position on ibe Com- mon, and discourses sweet ramie lo Ibe" Irlsur- era" who congrewlte there, and whan they do they oeoupy the " Stand." Now thle ataad Is anpplled with apparatus for holding Ibe mnsle of ibe sausl- elans when they play. And three music holders are supported by Iroa rods. Killed with tba spirit of wanton mischief, Robert Steel* went on to Ibe Common yratarday and deliberately destroyed aer- ated of these mnsle holders, actually beadlog and putting out of place tbs Iron rods, Iloouldnolbe established thai Steele had Ihe alight eat shadow of a motive for such oondnet. Col. Phllbrkk aald It waa simply malicious mischief, and ao his Honor steeled his heart against Steele, and lailleted upon blm a fine of 910 and easts, or to be Imprisoned at tbe House ot Carreetloa for sixty days, and Steele

David B. Conner* end Kllxi Jefferson, for lewd and lascliljus conduct, ware Aned, the man 120 and coals, and ibe we man the same amount leea

TunaSDAV. Tba Court room did not prevent Ita usual cheerful

appearance this morning. The gloomy prospect ontalde, Ibe lowering clouds, lbs falling rain, all untied to caat a tlngvof gloom over Ihe Court. But when hla Honor came la and abed tbe benevolence of hi* smile over tbe assembly. It teemed ae If a ray ofsnollght bad pierced lie way through a rift In the elouda, aud penetrated the Judicial aarcinro. All theuaual prellmlnarlca having been arranged, the machinery sraa set lo motion,and Martin Burke was brought upon a single revolution, and aaked to slate whether he was drunk or not, last nlgbt. Ha aald he was, and |1 and cost* satisfied tbe de- mands of Justice.

FBOM TOB Ernstr MILL TO TUB JtmtClAL MILL—There 1* a young woman working oa the Kserett Mill aa a "loose girl.'* It appeara ibat her dalles consist In watching the locma and taking care to see that tbe material being woven la without Imperfections. Yrattrdsy she found an Imperfec- tion In tfle warp on one of Ihe looma, and proceeded to cut It out, aa dlncted bribe overseer. While ii (be act Of dolog- ao, a man * hose name Is withheld, and wbo baa some authority orer Ibe department la which tbe gtrl Is engaged, came up and ordered bar 10 desist, »aj log Ihat be would attend to Ibe warp blmaelf. Tbo klrl said It waa her work aud she would do II. Arm a few mote words be struck tha girl with aucb force as lo partially stun her, and for the offence abe bad htm wheeled Into eourt to-day on a charge of asaauli. He denied aUtklaa, her with U, i,.,-; be elcoply pushed her. n« was asked lo pay a Uu> srf S3 ud i-oats, which he did.

Several minor changes have bees nils In tba Boston si Maine time table.

Mr. Charles C. Hall of this city, has been granted a patent for a new wheel bub.

The good which, will jsjfrt from the.teidr ud refre thing rain whlctf^ell on Sundar aa I Thursday can hardly be Mileaated.

No bills bare) been found agsdnst Daniel Row*, of Ibis city, or Peter Blaacbard. of Wost Boxfoid, bound over in this court for bKendia- rletn.

S. W. Wilder, Biq., proprietor cf tbe Herri- mac paper mills, of this city, sailed in tbe Chi na, on Wednesday, lor a two months soar Is Europe.

Oa Monday, Miss Maria Whippie, a weaver emplojed In tba Washington Mills, bad ber band caught la a loom, by which accident the will lose one Joint of the Index lager; 1).'. Boynton dressed tbe wooed

Onr friend, T. Allen French, formerly with Messrs. Pedrtek & Closioe, if this city. Is at present a member and dim tor of Ibe Strong Furniture Compaxy, in Chicago, and In charge of one of tbe stores of Iba: largo concern.

Mr. Page, proprietor of tbe news stand, has jast received some very choice fruit. Mr- Pago Is doing a vary thriviog newspaper and periodical business, and proves to bis custom- ers that be is op to tbo need of tbe limes.

We easily deceive ourselves in relation to the temperature of tbe season; this baa been p nerally accepted aa a La-k ward and cold spring, and yot Ihe average warmth thus far this month bas been several degrees higher

tcau laat year.

Tbe flower committee of Post 39, O A. K., will Issne their annual circular lo tbe chnrcber. soliciting flowers and assistance in arranging ibe same, on Sonday, tbe 26.b inst. It Is hoped tbe ladles and children will display tber usual Interest in this matter.

Tbs flrst strawberries of Ibe season :n this market, appeared in Haniman ea Cnt'.er'a win- dows, this week ; they were nice berries and al a low price considering tbe season. Measrf. B. 4 C- have arranged lor a very large anpply of frasb fruits of all kinds tbrongbout ihe sea son.

Lynch. Ellen Collins, air rustle j John (J. McCarthy, al.

bens; Michael POley, poplin dress; Qrace UcDrr- mctt,artifleUIflowers; John KUey.bead cuabloa: Mrs, libra Kcatlag, fancy shawl: Mrs. A. A. Murphy, cblnaaet; Wm. Uanraban. wax wreath; Stephen Sullivan, alirer plaied cutor; Sarah M. tiraves, musical smoking set; ti. M. Siedauan, mu- sic be i.


Maggie Igo, sofa cuabloa and tidy; John Klils- !i»-, f.'icy ctiilr, Mary Coletnan. (10 gold piece; Thomas Maboay, IS gold piece; Jjhn Conway, ladlee'hat I Ldward V. Ryan, wine set; James McDonnell, easy chair; Mlas McKenna, breakfast ope; l'atrlek Sweeney, lounge; Mary Sharpies, luge lamp; Maty HrCaun, pltce of ablrtlo«-; Mrs. Mary Utatln, silver watch; Mary Dunn, fancy quill; Ulas Ryan, band cf flour; JofanF. Uc eaiade, head banket; Delia Blberly, slippers; Ida* ■ll Mlbaban, quill, Jamee Keefe, silver aei; Mar- garet BBfaoMs, album; Mrs. J. DeCourcy. marble top table; Mary K, Burke, liJj ; Margaret Hoasell, ti i) gold piece; Ana Looby, fancy lamp mat; ■ i .1," ll. -.J::. : ! ■ -■' tkoppkgbag; Mary Ken-



| , A lotion

Another welcome, refreshing rain yesterday, tlghneth nip

,Lker IL«S Ju;t rciurnid fioni li t> ■--■ tte A'. -:l:l.' -

Tneie was a v.-ry p'easant gathering on Wed- nesday srvcnlOR, at 'be residence of llo'ert Bower, E'q., proprietor of tbe Lawrence •four. neii.itat gentleman giving a supper to a hrge pony of his liicr.Us. 'Ilie ccemien cos eneot gemlos erjoTBaant, and efler pariaklrg of a kenercus meal, Ihe evtciig was spmt in cniv- enlng mlrtb. A s.lee club, consisting of Me-s^rs Robfnibn, Bsiker, Batty and Bmltb.-wlih Mr. !!. il.n.-r as pianist, and J. Loomax, violin, gars siiiiin admirable glees and songs, to wbi'b Mr. Itiimur added a couple of fine recitation;. A toast to ihe Journal called up Mr- Bower In a peasant little fpeeeb, followed by ether*, and the mm par. y separated alttr a few hours of

I early good cbeo r.

Tbe rtqaeat of a onmb^rof the ctertcymen to tbe various orgsni/.ailons In this <l'y, to have no more public funerals on the Sabbath,wss read In the Post flrHo lirand Army, on Wednesday evening, anl irJwas voted inexpedient to take actiin thereon \wbile ihe members generally desire an Brol.iaAi'e of uancc.sjiry parade on Sunday, or iuJcif.'renee with lu quiet, they cinno'- attempt t> control tho wUhcs of ibe family i f A'iv d-coiwd cjtnrsde, as to the day of his Initriuent; and if lbs funirai M vires ere upon tht Sab'iaili, see mnbing 'n Ihe employ- ment of martial mask uubrccnai;.c ibe day.

Tb>r' will be an exhibition, consisting ol singing, reci a'ions, etc., at the Tower 11..: Mbuloa Cbspel, on Tuesday evening next, in aid of a library fund (Grebe Sabbath School.

Dr. Joseph. Aiwm, of ibla city. Worthy Chief, presided on Wednesday over ibe annual session of the Grand Temple or Honor, ol tb Slate.

Join Callahan, wai Bowers; Daniel l.ordln, ae eordeoBi fhomaa Kelly, cushion; Maurice Conlln vases; Mrs. M. Dalev, candlesticks; Martin Suill van, lea set; Jamea Donovan, chrnmo picture; Mary F. Curry, fancy cake; Johanna E. Daley, larg* doll; John Heaiey, wiuc aet; C. Connolly, tl.k quill; Aur. ().-•■ in . p.ilr of slipp.T* ; Mr. Doyle, reticule ; James Klley, all.urn ; Amy Cuddy, koltea ar.d forks; Kato Hurney, pair of boota; llaanah Cahlll, toilet set; Kale Kennedy, vases; Mrs. Mi- in, picture; Maurice Durke, set of Jewelry; Amy 11 .i.i . i:.\ . boa of handkerchiefs.

A. smith, wsi fl jwers; James Glencoo, stove : Win. Cannon, silver set; Parrcll Murray, Life or Bt. Patrick; James Murray, clock; Maggie A. Nichols, blankets; It. 8bea, ailver ma-pot No. 1; John Morley, silver lea pot So. 3: Kale McCeffee, silver teapot So. 3; Bernard McDonough, lamp No, i; ll. T..MH-V. lamp Ko.S| Kllen Shceran, atsjdenl lamp; Tbomaa Urlflln, picture or Washing- ton ; Amy Ii. Hejr.olds, picture; Jane Lsncb, ildy. TABLE.

J.tldaenelt, white quilt; Amy t;,.r.i , castor; Jamea Conner, lady's work basket; Hary Dooley. picture; Mary Cuanlugbam, rocking chair; Mary Lynch, tidy; Mre. Currier, writing desk; J. C. Itois, vases; Mary Donaboe. lamp; Nellie Mahoa,

dankets; Johanna Cleary, work boi; Katie writing deab. Margaret Moran, work baa-

kel] Bridget Brennan, basket or flowers; Thomas I. J!I>. rasea; Kate Uulllran, (Andover,] plctnre; John I.)net), ink aland; Sarah Kenr.ey,dree* pat-

Usry MeAul.rTe, looking glasa; II.F.III.H-

sell,picture; Barah lllorttan, picture; Wm. Mabo- ny, picture; Maria Keuney, Illy pond; Joslo Loo- ney, eoltou cloth; Mr. Hrardon, rocking chair; Daniel Dulan, cor.eerllna; Joseph K. If ait. fancy basketi Mary E. r'srr.-ll, eaccrrtlna; James Doyle, csator; Bridge! Coatello, picture; Mary Cusblng, silver cake beehel; Father u ,:u 11,. Ufa of Bleessd Virgla; J. C. 1'.. writing deak; Mary Cloorey. gold ting; I< i-.r ; k Rurr.s. conceitlr.a; William Nicholson, picture; Mr. Cat Jin. doll; Mary Sulli- van, ildy; Hannah Uackey, writing desk; Mr*. Cannon, web of cloth; Maria Devlin, tc.Het aet; Kllen WsgalalT. wsi cr<.ee; Mrs. tUbccc* Brown* cbamber set ; Mrs. McLlroy, lounge.

MOHDAV Eristso, MATil.t The Board met at a quarter to alghl o'elock, the layor In ihe chair. rKTiTiuita—ol Oeo. E. Chlekerlng and W. A.

Hjlllvau for license to keep and sell spirituous llq. nr medicinal purpose*, granted; of.DenniaMe-

Cutyand David McUuwm for Junk dealer's license; of Kicfasrd Leabey and others employed br the city for an uf pay, laid on the table; of Em- mju Tweed f r leave lo erect an awning In front of his store, under Franklin Douse, granted.

Papers received from lb* lower branch were act- ed on In concurrence. The reslgna'lon of Oilman B. lioblnson, aa city crier, was eecepted. Th.- ap- pulnimenla uf Aldsn Josslyu and I JNU Munday aa special police r.ll:ers were revoked.

BsrOBTa or Omm rrtus— J committee on streets, on petition cf Col. Tbomaa Parson* aud others for the acceptance of Merrimaek aireet from Lowell 10 Weal Uaverblll, favorable; of Iba same oomml'tee, on the pellllon of J. W. 1 raw and oth- er*, fur the ralslna Of Water streal to grid-, favJr able; of same committee, on the petition of K. It. it i; Jen and oib^rs, for tbs grading of lb* alley be- tween Treeaant aud tire n atreet*, favorable; of the same committee, oa tbsp.'tltlou of Daniel Leav- ock and others, for tbe raising of West street lo grade, favorable; of the same committee, on tb* pe- tition of U. W. Russell and Baldwin Coalldge, for lbs ditfjnil»uar.ce of a portion of Prospect street, favorable; or Iheommlileooa aawers and drali on ibe petition of Patrick Shurdy, for an abatement of sewer assessment, favorable.

The ccmmlt'.reon claims, to whhh was referred be pstltlonof DavidO. Msua far deruige ciuaed

by drlvlog over a ridge, erected on Ja:kao n street for • crossing, breiklaa bis carriage and ssvsrely

jmi.-ii his wire, reporle 1 tbs fotluwlug: < in :-i H '1 i,si Ibe dry treasurer pay «jo0 to aald

Kar.B PLULIC LIBUAHT.— Tbe Joint spsclal com- mlttee to whom was referred tbe pellllon of Daolel Bsundera, Jr., and othsra for tbe eetabllahment of a Free Pobllc Library, reported thai Ibey submit th* following proposition to tbo truateea of the Wtill*

1st. Th* cliy 'hill provide suitable anl convea- leal accommodations for tbe library until a perma- nent building eeall be erected fur the purpose, and pay all Ihe eoetof milnialalng the same as an luail Intloa forcrsr free to Iba Inhabitant* of LawTeSMO, said city furtbermore agreeing to appropriate all moneys reuelved for dag license*. y*ar by year, lo be expended for Ihe Increase of th* library.

Sod. Th* .mire direction aud control of said li- brary to be vested In a Board of Truateea to consist of ibe folio* leg persona:

The mayor of the elly, the president of tbe Cam- II)un council, three trustees of the White Fund. All Ibeee live as members r* r-jfntf, lo whom shsll be added, to be choeeu by the city council In Joint coaveallon ten daya after due r.otlce of settlement or Ihe terms of organisation of aald trustees,all eltlsens of satd cliy,three of whom shall be mm. hereof the 11.1*1 log* Franklin Library Association, and (bra* clilsras at large. The Board of irualee* thus constituted of eleven persons to h 11 - flic* one jear from Ibe date of organtaslion. bald Board fur all auhsequetii years lo rouslat of said Mayor president of Common Council, ihe said White Fund trusucs.aud two cliliens cbo*en at Urge by the City Council In convention asivmhled so that after the flrst jeirih,- Basrd of trustees rill e ,i era

Thieves " went throurh" a Fort Wayne ie- porter, and came out with three- leal pencils, a broken combsnda deal head cirens ticket.

Of tbe 1500 Sprin-ifield dogs only US) suc- ceed In evadina tbe license.

The Boston 7Vs*es remarks th it should Oen- ilutler continue a Representative U Cyagress

remainder of bis Jars will bj spent in baking and worrying those wbo have In- jured biin in bis political schemes.

An exchange informs ns that a Detroit boy I'.JI and dislocated his shoulder In endeavoring to win a wager that be would climb a telegraph pole ami bland upon bis head, but leaves us in a teuton agosy u' doubt a* to whether he won bis wager.

A man named Ayers, at Cjtooa, III , the other tier, playfully took up a loaded revolver, knotked the butt Bstalnil ibe breast Lf a friend, sod hkioftly remaikid : ""ft'o will seitlo this llUlud racu'ty now." Toe phtjl went off and the playful genileroiu wai seti'e 1. and has tieen gathered to bis fathers.

Small poa is alarmingly on tbo increase In


franklin Library Association shall formally convey to ths trusiees of aald free library all tbe booka, etc .together with all funds now held by said Association, aald funds lo be eipendcd for books, «U., as shall be approved by aald true-

l*r*. 4th.-The trustees of aald White Fund to contrib-

ute yearly towards Ihe purchase of books, etc., auca sums aa they may deem advisable, tbelr Ural contribution to be not less lhan »l000.

JUBOits Dnawn-for the superior court .at Salem, first Monday lu Jane, Henry J. Couch, Edward Caufey, Kdwaid Page, Benjamla Orlnla. and 11. B. Derrick.

Adjourned two weeks. COMMON COBSteiL, I

WBDBKBIIAV Kvsaixo, »*i■».! Tbs Council met at quarter to eight o'elock.

President Sargent lu the chair. There were absent Councltmen J. U Web.ter. Hanrahan, Abel Web- sler, Nllcs at:.1 AM>..It.

papers received from the upper branch were srttd upon In eoaeurrcnee.

PI.TITIOBS— of John Falion and oihsrs for a street lamp and Are alarm telegraph bus ou Clover Hill. The petition was referred lo the eoenroilice on aireeta a:,d lb* eummitno on ftre deparlmect; of W. a. Sampson and oth"a for a gas lamp on lb* north sid* of Easts, street. L*iwe*n Talon and New- burr streets, referred lo committee on streets; of A. McFailand and nthers for the erceilou of a per- manent dyke upon the northerly bank of ibe Her- rlmack, ti prevsnl Ihe annual oveiflow, refsnad to committee on streets.

On Tuesday, as Hr. Geo. Bbtiler waa driv- ing dowa Headow Street, having a new harness caver before need, the bit broke and the horse, turning short across the sidewalk, overturned tbe meat wagon to which he waa attached, con- siderably damagmu It; Hr- Sbetler jumped from the wagon and narrowly escaped Ir jury.

Tbe committee of tbe citv council made a iport to the Aldermen on Tneaday evening, bich will be foond In the record of proceed-

ings, recommending a plan for tbe establish- ment or a free public library by combining tbe Franklin Library wltb the White Fond, sub- stantially as eaplalned In these columns some

weeks ago-

A large raft of logs pused tbrongb tbe canal In this city, Saturaay night; formerly, tbere was a heavy logging bnslneas done on tbe Her- rimack to below tbla of late years nearly evcrstbing is converted Into lumber Lowell, and a rait of logs being "locked" through tbo canal here is now of uufrf eiaent oc- currence.

Notwithstanding the inauspicious weather on Sunday, tbe congregation at the Central Con Kregational cbnrch was large enough to con- tribute 1159.84 towards the support of tbe " Little Wanderers Home" of Boston Tbe only comment necessary on tbla fact Is, asmuch as ye,have done It unto one of the leait of these my brethren, yo btve done It

unto me." We once beard of a man who becime

wealthy by attending to his own atTalrs, and we kcew ot another whose fondness for eternally meddling with the business of bis neighbors, bas been equally successful in puttlns bis es- tate into tbe bankruptcy court from which It is not likely t> emerge,—but th! "pake his nose Into other peoples' business" pnpjnsity

is as strong as ever.

Tbe fact that the leaves on the trees on tbe Common have come out, that tiey are green, and that tbe grass Is growing, is so well es'.an- llshed through ibe medium of this paper .that we feel It incumbent upon ui to state that in fu- ture we will leave the trees to leave, tbe grass to grow |ost as it pleases, and those who wish to note the progress of the season cao g:> to tbe Common and examine for themselves.

There la considerable consternation among those liqnor dealers who have been indicted for nuisances, and second offences in liquor sailing. They are bound to appear at tbe perior court,and to have Inflicted upon them sentences vary ing from three to six months at ihe House of Correction. But in order cape inch punishment, they have "skedaddled" and several Lawrence bar rooms are now being run by proxy.

Another of tbe Letter Carriers has been kindly remembered, Mr. Jobn McKay receiv- ing on Hoeelay, from friends In bla delivery district, s purtn of S100 in appreciation of bis f-iithful and accommodating; services. Tbis completes tbe list, each of tho Lawrence Car- riers bavisg this year received a anbitential recognition from tbe patrons ihjy as con- stantly serve, and we are sure tbe several t>stl montals bsvo been well merited.

Seven well filled passenger cars were on ibe late irain from Boston Wednesday evcnlne The*e trains are well patronised. The fact* however, tie: Joe J.ffersun Is starring at the Boston Theatre, may have bad no small influ- ence ia causing theatre gut-re ti visit Boston. ii Is thought that about 400 persons bc^ngtng to this city availed themselves nf t*ie late train, and a few more availed themselves ol tbe 7 A.

M, train Tbnrse ay morning

The Oerman ball at tity hall on HonJay evening, was one of tbe most successful af- fairs of the kind this season. Dancing was kept up nntil a late hour, and the ct mf any thoroughly erjjjed themselves; there were

Lany ladies present conspicuous for tbe ele- gance of their tlrers and the attractiveness of their personal appearance. Much credit is due to Mr.Geo. Fremmcr, wbo made great exertions to promote tbe sure-ess of tbe ball.

Tbe numerous strokes from tbe Ofe alarm talegraph Mot day, were occasional by tbe opei ti ins of Hr. Stevens, ta whose skilled bands was entrusted the werk of bringing crier oncj more oat of tbe chaos reigning of late; tbe trouble wai Spiadllf discovered and ie neditd, aid the city ball bell will doubtless befmud hereafter a reliable Indicator of the alarm ; ibe retail shows what a grain more kco'ledge ah ui tbe institution, might have given LB

weeks ago.

Tbe other day a well known citiiin went to a len'-is', a com; a ied ly a friend, to have a tooth extracted. Ills power or en not being of tbe strong"*'- character, be took etbtr. After ibe operat on wag performed, and be was beginning to regain c:nsci >nsness, he asked bis friend,

"Where am li" "Yoa'reinjtil for killing your wife." "la jail for killing my wife. I niswiys tkwjhl

it wmUeomt to that."

Hay Parade on next Wednesday promises to beef mncb In'orest; the sixth regiment will ibeir annual drill In cnrcitr.snd tbe members of ihe Lawrence companies sre most active in tbelr preparations for the event. The Fourth Katte'y has to n enlis ml a lerie nil n ber ef flue men, acd more unlftrms ire re- quired; drills are held every evening, and tbe corps ii in excellent trim; tie regiment battery will probably J tin In a street parade Wednesday afternoon.

Hr*. Anderson, wbo is Going an txiemlve millinery end fancy gooJs trade, on the lelt of ibe extreme ea-t of Bssex street, wll| remove to store No. 194 Boynton's block, Bssex street The store Is large and commodious, Is being well fitted np and will be readr about tbe first of Jane. By a carelnl regard 10 the re- quirements oi the limes, Hra. Anderson has enlarged her iratta so as to render this change nereisary. Other manifestations of progress are visible on tbis street, and the time ie not rar diiiant when tbe entire left of tbis street will lie supplied with stores devoted 10 ibe va- rious departments of trade.

Helping Hand Dlvlalon Sons ol Temperance No. 9.5, was installed at Templar* Hall Hon- day evening. Hay 20tb, 1B72, by tbo following Grand D.vialoo officer*: ti-W. P., Wm- B. WaJman: O. S., J. ButierOeld; O. T, Ber]. K Jewell; G. C, Albert A. Carieton Toe following officer* were then elected, appointed and installed : W. P., James H. Horne;W. A , Louise J- Horne; R. S , Herbert Scrutom A. R. S., Atrnea E. Boyd; F. S , Herbert W. Field; T , Haribs A. Walker; Oh., Wm. A. L'lld; C, Cyrus Roberta; A. C, Kinnle A. COB; I. S , Emma 8. Barns; U.S., Sydaey C. Bancroft; V. W. P., Louis K Hoor.-.

Measles are prevalent la Lynn. Tbe ahoe trade In Lynn is said by ibe papers

of that place to be at a sund stdl. The Linn fotka rtj (SB over the (act that i

Urs. Wuodbnrtl wil' deliver • ieciure there be tore abe drpartetb for Ku-■■[>.■

Poet & Q. A. R. oi Lion, have invited tbelr brethren of Beverly, to participate witb them in dccora'.ing tbs graves ». ia;Un cum radc* on Memorial day. Gov. Fa.irclil.1 o( Wisconsin, is expected to deliver toe oration.

The number o' cases of boats aad shoes shipped irom Lynn during I ut week waa A3S1, and 0754 for tha carru-p mJiog period of last year.

A woman named P.-ioeb* Hess, ««<« Pboebe Ilabwrt*, w-a arrBiffjca b-ture ibe ponce cooit at Lynn for bigamy, and held in 51000 for trial St tbe Superior court.

There an twin brothers In this dly who are known as rights and lefts, from the tact of one being lame in hi* rlgbt foot and squinting with bis right eye, white the otner Is lame In hi* left foot and squints wltb bli left eye.— Vest*uiy- port lit raid.

The store of Htsirs. L'ttle. Newbury, was broken into Honday morning, by a boy who entered by ibe cetUr window. Hr. Little, from bia bouse, saw the boy at Ibe store very early, and supposed It was a customer waiting for tbe opening of the stjre; a fear minutes after, be found tbe boy gone with a covered wagon and taken awar a small quantity ol goods. An unsnecesslnl attempt had been made upon tbe money drawer.

Tbe two oldest women in Harhlebend bare died within tbe past few daj*. Widow Hary Harris, in ber nlnety-flfib year, and Widow Nancy Tbayer, aged ninety-two. A week pre vioos Rnth Nicholson, died at the age ol sev- enty-nine.

The member* and friends of the Presbyte- risn canrcb, Lynn, met at ibe residence of their pastor, Rer. Joseph Lintnau. last week, and presented him with an elegant silver plstsd tea and coffee service.

Fire lathe woods in West Newbnry, Satur- day nlgbt did coosllerable damage.

Rev. Mr. Locaa t>r tbs Freewill Bspti.t church, at Ansesbary Hills, baptlied ten per- sons on Sunday last. Rev. Hr. Katun, ol tbe Baptist cburch, also baptiiaJ 11 e.

Tba body of a dead infant was found on the river bank, in Bradford on Friday, and on Hon- day a living cbdd of bat n tew hours age, was found in an ash barrel; It* mother proved to be a domestic wbo bad tbns abandoned ber In- fant; It promises to live.

The new census gives reliable and interest- ing statistics in relation to the agricultural pro dnction* of tbe conntv : tbere are 115,448 acre* of Improved land, 36.361 wooded and 12,466 of other unimproved. The cash veins of the (arms 1* 910,.WO,000, and cl machinery and farming utensils, 8i<;»/>"-; during the year, WI8,000 was paid to farm wages, and the pro- duction* were value-1 at 92,530,000; the orchard

FRIDAY, MAY i'4„ 187:


1371,000; tbe value of animal* slaugh- tered was S20O.CO0.

The principal productions of the year were 3317 lbs. wool; S69a bushels peas and beans; 311.006 bnsb. Irlib potatoes; 336,000 ib* butter, 23,000 Ibe. cheese; 1,750,000 gallons milk ; 50,- 060 tooa hay; 11UO bushels wbeat; 9.000 rye; 91,000 corn; 37,000 oats; 21,000 barley lb*, bone*.

llarerbill baa the largest number of acres Improved, 9.430; she leads also to value or farming implements, ot productions and live stock; tn bay, Ipswich la at ibe bead of tbe list.

Tbere are 2242 farms in ibe county, of whlcb 6 are under 3 acres; ]'J7 of less tbsn 10; 334 between 10 and 20; 771 hetween 20 end 00; 646 between 50 and 100; 2T8 over 100 and lees than 900, ana 7 between 300 and 1000. There are 3 terms in tbe state of over 1000 acres, one each In Bristol, Dukes and Norfolk countse*.

At the Superior Court at Newbnry port there sre 401 liquor case* on tbe docker, which com- prise nearly all ihe criminal bnsineas.

The new depot of Ihe Eastern Railroad at Lynn, is fast approaching completion, sod al- ready present* an attractive appearance, telng qnite an ornament to that thriving city.

Ia Swampscott, on Honday, as Cbarlei Har- ris was clearing ont aa undischarged blast In a rock, Ibe cbsrge exploded, severely irjnring Hr. II Tbo drill entered the under pjmon or tbe right cheek, and came out near the Itfuye, and he may lose bis sight.

A Newburyport wherry fisherman on Tues- day caught a balibnt off the bar, weighing 100 pound?.

Dr. Lorlng is to dollyer the address In Pcc- botiy on Memorial I)«y.

A Young Men's Christian Association has recently been formed in Beverly.

And now It baa been divovered that George- town was named after Geor./e Peabovr, ibe enggtstion being made by big brother-in-law.

Last Saturday afternoon, as a little child of Mr. A. Goodwin of Marble-heed was standing In the yard, a cow coming from the barn at- tacked It, sad twice threw it the distance often ftSJB. Tbo Wile one, strange to say, was able to be about tbe next day, Caving sustained only a few slight bralees. The cow wu of the buf- falo or no-born breed; bad aba been borned tbe consequence* would nave been more serl- on* to tbe child.—Alrutngtr.


Two boy* have been arrested for playing ball on Sunday.

Tbe rooms for tbo People's Club are nearly rntdy for opening.

The Liwell base ball clnb are to play the An- dover Club June 1st, being one of a series of game* Tor tbe Junior championship of tbe State.

A lad of only eighteen years haa been sent to the House of Correction as a common drunk- ard.

Tbe rule' ration of the Introduction of water Into Lowell will occur at the time of the New England fair.

Lowell will probably have its beer after all. The Supreme Court lias decided against the sniboriiies throwing out the vote of Ward

i on ibe beer question.


Wilton U. Sroc'ubiilge, B lad of sixteen while In a ro sr boston tbe river. Ssturday uf. terooon, in an effort to charge oare, WBS struck on ihe head witb sucb force as to render bim delirious, and reusing his dtnth the same rjtgnr, probablr from a ruptnred blood vessel.

A dog owner has been twice Aned befoie the Police Canrt for bites inllicted by tbe canine.

i'li. i.' is complaint of tbe Impnrity of the

Rev. Dr. Boawortb, of Haverbii), hat been re-elected recording *crre'a>y of tbe AmeriiBi Baptist Uissionarv Union buieilng Its annlver saries in New York.


Dr. Loring bas been chosen pre i ten! of the Salem Lycenm.

On Baturdey aftcrnooo Hr Daniel Ri|ry bad bla leg broken by having a barrel of cement rolled upon I:.

James Dunn lost the forefinger of liis left hand by a circular saw.

A young man named S:o*er had bit foil and lag bally aralded I y tte upsetting of a bucket of hot water.

Among t e devices for dodging the liquor law, since tbe antt-bjer vote, Is ihe sale of tick eta, (tood for a r|do to Herblt-bead and a free drink there, ibst town having voted veaontbe beer question.

The Silcm officers make liqaor selxures from boa's, in which It ia transpotied from Harbie- bead.

r. Stephen Pope, son Of Elt-ier Pop?. Eiq , who lelt ibis city lor California in 1B49, re- turned to Salem, for a brief visit, on Honday last, after a prolonged ahience of twenty-three years. H*a voyage out was nine worths; tbs reinrn pusssge waa nine days.

Hr- D.Tby, a mason of Sii.m, bsi throe Arab* In bia employ.

The prisoners arraigned before the Superior Court on Monday, were mostly young persons, nml their countenances In most cases betrayed nwru of wicked- ness ihari intelligence. It is Beldoru so many rough looking persons are grouped together tven In court.—Newburyport Herald,

Another Scrap of Early History.

tin. l-.Diioit --'I'l.e first "Bread and Butler" ever eonaumsd in Lawrence" waa produced from a barret of flour and drkln of butler, sold to an Irish " Sbanty-man," by Joalab Crosby, nf " Elm Vale," Nort h Andover, now one nf tbe proprietors of tbe New England tlonae, Boston. Messrs. Qllmore ft Uarpeuter, the contractors for bulldog lb* canal an.l dam, bulli r >r sir. Crosby th* slor* now occu- pied by lb* Shattack awMhem, which was (lie Brat, and only aiote tn Lawreece fir about a year after the contractor* broke groasl la. Tbo first Ice Houses were alto built by Mr. Crosby. On* stood near the Old " Pioneer" slure. Just above the dam, aad was filled wllh tee from ihe Mcrriaark. Ths other waa located at " Elm Vat* garni," aud waa filled wltb Ice hauled by oa teams from Silver Lake

Andrew J. Bryant, Esq., late Xavy agent of the I\>it of San Francisco, California, a wealthy tner chant, ar.d prominent politician, as well aa a whole m.'ili'd. ioad fellow, drove tha first lee wagon fur Hr. Crosby, for a companaaUoa of fifteen dol'ara a muntb and board.

From Ihe flsg staff of the " Old Pioneer Store" " year In and ont," the " stars end'etrlpes" were dally thrown to ihe brecae. AsMSJf tb* rmptoy- ee*of thai Institution waa Tilly Uaynea, Eiq , of 8prlnsn*ld, now proprietor of lb* Hajae* HOBS*

lu that city, (ihe model Hotel of Saw England.) and ihe beautiful Opera ll*u>* near by. Mr. liaynesbas been a member of lb* Legit I at n re for some years, and Is one of tbe shrewdeat "f.oof>y. iirs'iu tb* Mute. Lawrence rcot-ivesr her first bread and bulirr, *ud ber flrat Ice by the band of Joslah Crosby. Tha Ic* tb* paid for. But the

i-!i u i H*'" I "f Flour and Plikln of Bulter still stsr.d charged on ber Irat Ledgtr.

Bcsisess CHINOS.—Hr. A. H. Holt, the ge- nial aid accommodating clerk In the meat and provision market of II. F. Chandler A Co., has taken an interest in Ibe establishment,and will hereafter be identified witb tbe nrm. Hr. Holt bas host* ol friends, and we are sore they will feel pleased at his taeeess.

The? population of the Kate of Uinr.e-

scta In 1650 w*a 0OT7. In 1870 It «as 439 706. Tliis i-hows n Urger I tier erase In

twenty years, than In any other state in

the Union.

I. Aivin Farley, !>.■- sold his bouse ar,il

land on School Sire r, its Aitnlaiilr Nsiyes and 1,'icluda A. Hants, and but >!«. acre lot »f laud on Sak-tu Street, to W. II.

Gray, We are indebl'd lo Ueors>« 11. Tour,

E-q . for acopr* ol the thirty lifili annual

report ol ll.e board of education together

with the thiriy-lifili annual report of the

Secretary of the Board.

We have received a copy of ihe annual

Catalogue of tbe l.iw School connected with the University of Albany. Mr. Al-

ton I). Abbott of this town Is in the grad

uatlng class of the present jear. The subject of bis dissertation, at graduation,

Is—" Liberal Culture in Ihe Legal Pro-


Notwithstanding the liicieuiency of the

weather last Sabbat It tha young people's

union praise meeting at the (own hall In

the evening, was well attended and very interesting. Rev. Mr. William* offered

prayer, made remarks and conducted tbe exercises Old 11 u: dred, Frederal street,

Lenox, Duke Street, The Italian, Pleytl's, Portuguese and MiaslJiiary Hymns and

Coronation wete sung with li i>' effect, the

whole congregation participating. A quartette from the Seminary and Academy

aang a chart, "Speak, for thy servant

bearetb," and " Rock I f Ages." Tbe

ninety drat Pjalm was re 11 In alternate verses, by the conductor and congrega-

tion, air. Seaburyol theScinlrsry made

some remarks In regard lo thu origin of the young people's union niovttnent. Its

progress ai.d the hopes eutertaintd for Us

future prosperity. Its meetings are In-

lendtd for all and It has no other organ-

ization than acotumlttee of one each, from

the South Chapel, Baptist, Free and Wea: Churched. Tbo attendance upon these

meetings has increased to sucb an extent

that It will probably be necessary to hold

tbem all hereafter, in the large town bail.

As Rev. Mr. Williams left the meeting a gentleman gave hhu 1100 toward the

erection of a new church at his destined

Odd of labor. Lstat Sunday set vices. Rev. D.-. J. L.

Taylor preached at tlie West Church. Hev. vv .1 Tucker.ol Manchester, X. II.,

at the Chat.*). Rev. J. M. Greene, of

Lowell, at the Sjuth Church on ex- change with tbe pastor. Rev. E S. Wil-

liams preached his closing discouise at

tbe Free Cl r. th In tie morning, to a crowded congregation.

Teat: I! ■-., II. I1.': "Aad I will betroth Ibe* unto me In righteouantaa, and In jutltuei,t, .)J In loving kladness, and In mare!**.n

Th* speaker commenced by relating sons* Inter- esting Inetaoceaof the excellent effect of taring kludawM even upoo tbe barderttd. Spok* of liiblu kindness and old leatament kladneai. Life la made up of Hill* thing*. O real good I* aeeosBpllsbed by tb* peformanee of little ants ofklndnea*. The pow- er of example. Like beget* like. A man, to have friends, must show hlmaeir fii«ndly, Hcaaeokir* ar* bssulifal aad roariecusneaa winsome. Treat all courteously. Take cheerful slews of life. True rellglo will lift a man frem meanness, and make a groea man spiritual. To lore sa to forgiVa. Tb*

seme men were mentioned wbo carry large hearts under tbelT jackets. Be refrrred in a vis it to Ihe Rraye of bis only child, where he met a poor woman and the con**raatloa he bad wltb ber. The bereaved hems produces a brighter heaven. Perform kindly deeds. Ciiic a csrdlal recaption to those who ci me among yon fram oiber portleoa of

ind from other eoanlrle*. Attend totb* tcnaporatltlc* of th* churen,—take car* of the walk* and trees. love tb* jonng people. po***>* true Christian liberty, caiiivat* kindly feellr-gs towards other cbasrehra; renumber with affection all wbo are al school In Ihe plaee. The mlnlali np yonr religion for yon. Karthly things, eharcbea and church opporinnlile* may perish, bet tb* truth will live. D fllcult ai.d etTcr* work awatt m* fa my new field, but I Intend lobe patient, jet perse- vering. II* then spoke In tender term* of bis suc- cessor a* a dsir classmate end friend.

TbU Is but an imperfect epitome uf an hour's dli- eonrsa, whlcb waa llatened, to wllh the moat talent* late.'est, end many nnblddea tear* war* shed In Ihe reflection thai one wbo had bectme so er.deared to the entire community by hia large an ': warm htart- cdne** waa lo leave for a dletant Held of labor.

In tbe ■fiernoon tier. air. Wilbur, of tbe Bsptlat cburch, preached on eiafaana* wl,h the putor.

Teat: John sell. 20, Hi "Xeliber pray I for Ihe** alone, but far them also which belter* la mi ihroogh thywird: Tut ih r may be one, ai thou. Failier, art ID me, and I In tber, that they at ao may be one la B*l that Ibe world may belieri that tbou bas sect me.'' Tb* teachings orour Lord wbeu on earth were unlike Ihe leachlcga of men The !>[.n i> , i ChrUt differed frem thereof men Ip lb* itcordrd petitions of onr Lord we read hi spirit. Tin; i. itia the neti prayer bo offered. I embraces lb* vast body of believers. He foresaw diversity of minds, country, ages and conditions. What Is this union for which be prayed? The principles of love, the family In union, chrlallan ui.lun. Flow tender Ih* It*. Dow firm lb* bond liar* the followers of ulirlat eoniribnled to this union. Ilareall true fullowaraorChrlat been oner Christian qnlty I* th* standard acd perfect rule ol duty. True union finds Its aonrre In supreme love lo Christ. In proportioc to the abaerce or dlveral ilesot Ifcls love will love towards others diminish.

Rev. Wooster Wllley, late miis'onary

among Ihe Cherokee Indians, will prtach

at the Free Church neat eiibbalh

The third In the series of Young IVo-

plt'a Union Prayer Meetings will be held

In the lown ball, ou Sunday evening next

at 7 1 I o'clock. All are invited.

George Pa.rr.ell, thief of the Sub-Treas-

ury division of Ih2 Secretary's ofilce, and

formerly Deputy Commissioner or the In-

ternal Revenue, died at Rockford, Conn., on Monday nio-n'ng. He was a ion or

the late John Parnell, d-cjssei, of this


Mr. Theodore C, .' rotor, of the senior

class In the seminary, has accepted a call to settle as pastor of the Pacific Church,

Bedford. Mr. Austin S. Garver, of the class ol 1870, has received a call from

the Cong Church, Hingham.

The fifth annual reading of ihe young

ladka of tho Abbott Academy occurred

at tbe ball or tbe institution on Tuesday

evening. The following la the pro-

gramme:—"Tho Mud Engineer," Miaa

Adams, Cnmden, Me.; "A Young Dea-

pcrado," Miss Fletcher. Hallowell, Me.;

"Modern Gallantry,*'Miaa Hopkins, Cin-

clnniti, O.; "Going to Commencement,1'

Miss Clara l^ocke, Andover; "The Old

Man's Lnnt Journey," Miss Fuller, New

York City; selections from "The I'tin-

CCBB," Miss .Mfi i■i:un, Mtddleton ; "Tho

Cricket and Kell In Race," Miss Kendall,

Worcester; "Lady Clare," Miss Meaoh-

am, Ilurllngton, Vt.; "A Miduiglit Ad-

venture in a Fcm. Bern.," Miss Lowis,

Hanisburg, Pa.; " Mona's Waters,'

Millliury ; "Gabriel Grub," Miss Twich-

ell, Plttntsvllle, Conn.; "A Legend of

Bregcnz," Miaa Whilcomb, Conoord;

"Tho Young Greyhead." Mlaa Wilder,

Natal, 8. Africa; "Kitty Mullony va.

ihe Heathen Chinee," Miaa Robinson, Portsmouth, N. II.

The hall waa completely filled with

Appreciative and delighted listeners,

whose interest In the nnif rmly excellent

though somewhat protracted readi >f,

continued unflagging to the close. Beau-

tiful bouquets ranging from one to nine

each, were presented to the lair readers

itt the conclusion of their several parta.

Without intending to he invidious when

all deserve so much praise, we shall be

excused for referring to the laat young

lady reader in the Hat. It la strongly

suspected that her Christian name la

Bridget, and it ia positively known by

all present that she ia either a native of

the Emerald Isle, or a genuine Imitator

applause succeeded her exceedingly

felicitous tfTort, which she very grace-

fully recognized.

The readers :ire elected by the ballots

of their achoolmatea. The lady of thia

town who founded and maintains theae

readings by :tn unnual gilt of thirty dol-

lars, is doing :i substantial and highly

valued favor to her Alma M'dtr. Her

gift, at first distributed in prizes, it la

now thought best to bestow on all the

readers equally in the form ol special in-

■trnclion from l'rol. Churchill in addl-

lii.n to that he gives the whole school,

un advantage ihey highly appreciate.

We arc glad lo learn that tbe generona

lady who refuses her name to the public

renews her offer for another year.

Joseph W. Poor has been drawn ju-

ror for the June term. Superior (civil)

Court, lo be held at Salem, on Wednea-


Mary Cnnors was taken before Jus-

tice Poor, and found guilty of unlaw-

fully selling liquor. Fine and coate

$14.:io. Dennis Ticrney was up at the

same time and found guilty of assault

and battery upon his wif« Fine and

coals, JlUi. Constable Clark officiat-

ed In both cases.

The annual declamation (or the Dra-

per Prizes at Phillip! Academy occurs

Ibis (Friday) evening.

The Atlantic Bisc Ball Club of Abbott

Village, beat the Clippers of Marland

Village, on Saturday, the score sttnding

24 to 14.

Decoration day will bi appropriately

obrcrved In this town. All persons Inter-

ested will meet at Ihe town hall on

Thursday next, at 9 o'clock, A it. The

projrrsmme is as follows: Music by tha

Bsllard Vale Cornet Band; prayer by Rev. II. 8. Greene; slnglnw by a qnar-

lette; address by Mr. J. M Seymour, of

the seminary; sinking "America,** all

joining; mnsle by the band; route of the

procession up Msln street to the Chapel

cemetery, down School street to the

South, Episcopal and Catholic cemeter-

ies, thence to the West Psrlsh; a detach-

ment will also be sent to Spring Grove cemetery. Tlie different engine compa-

nies, schools, and citizens generally are desired to Join ihe inocesf-i.m without

farther notice.


next, the 2Cth Inst.. being- Trinity Sun-

day, the Rector (D. V.) will preach In

the morning on the 11 >lv THnltv; and

in Ihe afternoon, on the Scriptural state-

ments on the Holy Trinltv. D'vlna ser-

vice commences at 10 1-3 A. «., and 2

1-2 P. M.

Flow em for Decoration Day. Tha pat lie tenrrally are earnestly la* I tad to

eonirlt uit- riowrra tvf all klaets to be asset to decorate the (raves of oar fallen eosarattea. All flowrrs deal ■Bate 4 for parlirular BTBTra, will r*- orlve- proper attanilon. All coatrlbsjflora will to recelTtd at the Town Hall at! o'clock A.M., Ma* 10. Per oifer


Andover, M**», 1S75. It

Bad River Colony of Minnesota.

I.. H.Tl.NSKV A (.(.\,Mana>frsl( hlctioaad

Dnluth; EDWIN B. WILLIAM", (lafo of Aad-

oier, Masa.,) Collar Pastor, lafcrsaatioB re-

gsardlBf this Culear, satubershlp, eertlflcafea

and redooed rales of transportation, can to

obtained from MB. J. E. OR AT, Librarian Yoaag

Man's Christian Assottal lost TnBMOaTTiwrLB,

BoaTOX. Mayat, »72. «t

ESTATIt USTllAt IMS BOYSTUN. Hollo* Is fi»r< bj airru Ihat thesnbssrlber bas

been datjr appointed execoior of the will ol >'nth- artne BurnuiD, (Otherwise ealkd Mary U. Chap ell,) 1st* of Andover, lithe coacivoi K*se*.( ■ If* Of Rlonaril Hovnton.) deceas-d, lot air. SBM kn takaoetpun lilsaarlf that imst bf |M*JW ■•■■, as tha law dlrrris. AH persons bavins! damaode ■pon tbe estate of s II debased are rn| Hred to exhibit tbe same; and all pefsoaa looeb'edlo said •state are calW upon IO aaake i arm- nt to

GBOttUti FOoTBSt, tisse'r. Andover, Mar St, IBT1. sneXI

Farm for Sale, IB ANDOVER.

Tbs subscriber offers for aalc h's Farm, sltnaUd near the Theological ortn nary on He roa I I, ad. lag to KasTta A adorer, and nbtsat one sa-1.- irons th* depot. It ronslst* of about s'aty-ltr «res of (xccllent land, wllh tho mildluga ihrrccn — Upon th* premise* are H 0 apple irn>*, all In hear- In*; ccndiiiuii. Hi- tulidiaas lonalstuf ■ IBM• two-story honse, in Kuod rrpalr, «nh sixteen rooms; a oammodioas barn, nearly uew, wlib orllar under the whole; audutberosn-bulMtn*;*. Toe bouse Is nbuodantlr anpnlled wlib two kmda or water. Other lands will be soil with tl e place, If deelrtd.

a 1*3, A pier* of land containing IWiBtj-ttrte acres,

with cOOeneellt ut at pie tret ■ In bearing

A I Jt of very anperlur grass laud, ron Isllnp ot twelve acres, known as Cue '■ Whi-Ulon* Lot."

About tweatv-e-lfht anre* of gcod orchard land, known aa tbe - Wardwell I.ot."

SlrSO) Tin aeres of land, formerly be-longln| to tae

■' I.o.(J if Katate."

Ten bog>. weighing from lMtosoo lbs taoa; twenty mat I jags; two hundred bens, chickens aad turkeys; three h>:raea, one extra valuable ; one hnodred and fifty boabeh of po atoes; carry- alls; a billiard tible, lasnrtaVH nlt» all the house- hold farnitme.

If not sold at private sale before the Stb or 10th of Jai*, the property will be rold a*, aaotlun.

For farther partluolars, Inquire onlbsprvntl- ses.orol (JBUKtig KUiTKK.

JOHN F.BieSBrT. Andover. May '.'1, 1ST3 It

Steamship Lines. PASSAGE srcureJ via. Anohlr, HatlOcal,

sr White Star Lines, at lowest rates, bttwern Liverpool or UIIIKQOW and Burton or New Yoik

Drafts from £l upwards; a:«o, , repaid OtStit- eatea to New York or Boston.

For particulars, apply to


Aadovar, May 17,187*.

For Sale. Asai.-ndld no; si: LOfon Sartl.ti Street.—

It 1* about ISO feet on the street, and reas back about ltd faet. On tb* lot I* a goo I variety ol Apple, rear and Cherry Tree*, all thrifty aad beailsg. K. C. UPTON.

Aadover. May 17,1(71. St

TO LET. A convenient TKNKMBHT la Fry* Vlllege;

and for sal* a anpply of aopevtor TOMATO and CABBAGE PLANTS.

CUABLES M. ABBOTT. Andover, May 17,1B71. at

Tomato Platite. The Boand, UmooUi,

Plants for sale by Ussy If

A Trophy Tcsnato 8. KNK1NS,

North Andover.

uf one. Kautaroaa and long continued

FOR SALE. A story-and-nhalf BUILDING -x a JO fret.-

It has teen occupied ns a carpenter's shop, but could br mad* Into a coaTenleBt dwelling bonse.

HOUACK WILSON. Andover, May 17, 11-71 3t

CjMHtOHwSnftA of JsTosattrAuMtf*.

Eiux, si. PBOBATB COURT. To the helr*.at-law,nrxt of kin,and all other per-

sons Interested In the estate of WILLIAM Tt'iMiKV, late of North Andover, In said county, yeoman, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a oerialti I nstm mrnt, purport Ing to be ths last will aad tt-.tstnrnt ot said deceased, has been presented to tald court, for probate, by Mar- garet Tnohry, who prays that letters testament- ary may be Issuea to her, the eieoatrtx therein named, and that her bond, without any snreiy. may oc atceoteJ, aald testator having exempted her from ulilng any lurcly on the same,

sou are hereby cited to appear nt a Probol* Court, to be held at l.awrrnrr, in said county ol Esssx.on the second Tuesday of Jane next, at nine o'clock before noon, to show ranse. If any yon bar*, against tbe same.

And lha aald petitioner la hereby directed to give public notice thereof, by publishing Ibis afutlononoen week, for three successive weeks, in Ihe newspaper culled tbe l.awrenre American aud Andover Advertiser, prlntid nt Lawrence, the last publication lo be two days, nt least, before laid court.

Witness, Uxeiaux F. CHOATK, Esq., Judge ol said courl, this asvrntb day ol May, In the year one tli.iu-.tu.l eight hnadred and seventy-two,

mi 10 A. C. GOODBLL, Keglater.

■w A. a- o N s. WILLIAM POOR,

Manufacturer of Expreas, Market, Butcher, Store, Farm

and Bualnesa WngofiB. awTRepairing In all Its branches; and all Wort

Warranted as represented. Andover, March Si, IS71. tl

Spring Millinery

Jott received a Urge assortment of



Or the LATEST STYLE, and initeblc fur

Spring and Summer Wear,



Millinery and Fancy Goods Store,

(Opposite Poit Office,)


flCNEWMEAT MARKET Tha Subscriber hereby Inform* the dtlieni of

Andover and vicinity that be has taken the shop lat.lj occupied by Valpey Brother!, corner ol Main and Central St*., where be will keep lor tale a large aaaortment of Meat* and Vegetable*. "

Andover. Jane*. 1871. Itf

Undertaking Sf Cabinet Making. ibiciiber* having bought Ihc-bnilneii ol

oily- *



hotiwhol And ai a very preliy woman made bold lo Inquire a year or so *go. all over the conn- try,—■■VTblthrr are We drlftlni?" By Ihe way, I went to heir thla sutjeet dlaeasaeil, and aa 1 anew no more about the moral and rplritual point* of the compaa* at the eonrlualon of the lecture than when I entered the hall, It la acarcely etraage that the ti- tle of aald dUtoura* ahould -'Jrlfi" ocoaalonally through the archive! of raj—1 waa going to lay brain, but aa

i mni.t. KF.vrCn KIOM

whether Ihli llltle maaa of chamber* and cavUIra !• mlue iin' II after my post mortem, 1 mtdeatly refrain Irum ualDK iboword. To tell the truth I dielike extremely lo loach upon tbl* cerebral question. It ia n very dcllcaia matter, once a man of bralni waa a man cf Id***—a mat) who could coolly and ran fully eitlmat* every ihuuglit, and decide wheth- er or not they were In a Bt aiate fur public presen- tation.

If Ibe above 1* anything like an approximation lo a correct description ol a man of brains, then we mum all admit thai

UUAIXB AMI. OUSOLXTX, It la a conceded fsel, and bcmanly stowed, a moat lamentable one, that the real iblnkera of the pres- ent age arc }QSI now allent. Chaos, In many re- specia, anmi to have come again. On one aide It la all froth, foam and agilailon, on the other the rank- eel and moil dlaguatlof prceenletlona of Individual vtawa so cunningly thrown out a* to seem at least popular. Bye and bye when Ihcatrange decoction ahall have coaaed

via, wfcta

tki i n Abbot, nave constantly on band uient of t'ottms, Caaketi, Kobe*,

Plate!, Bad everything; conn.cted with tbe bual- ■eaa, are prepared to fnrnUb them at once and In a auperlor m.unrr. We bav« also aeveral Pre- • erring Cases, and wilt furnish ice and preserve bodl' a when desired, Ilorte* and Carriages pro- cured if needed. Order* It It at WOODMAN'i} Furniture Store, next door north of the P.O. aide entrance, or at his residence, lulrd-'i-iui •oath of Town Hall, Main Street, Mr.C.n

served his apprenticeship as Cabinet Maker doanrworklntruated to him In tbe beat mann.r.

WOODMAN fcCKAIlTHKK. Aadover, March t, 1871, 8m

TERRENCE HENRY, Manufacturer of

Coffins, Cankels. and all hind* or Grart* Clothe*.

,^B-BW-W-BBBV in all kinds of Kur- fXwMM ^^bs.iiliuri'. Blaek Walnut,chestnut

■Cand I'ln* Chamber Beta eon- *«J^rlw*"""*wafaa'«aotly on hand. I'p homering

and Repairing dons In the nealett manner, and at reasonable price*. Picture frames, Curtain* and Curtala Flxtarta c ju-i»ntly on band, and put up if desired,

Opposite Memorial Hall, Amlovtr,

KOTiCK. All parson* indebted la E. M

will piease settle their account* Shoe Store of Mr. BenJ. Hrown.

AauuVKH, May 31.

mtmoil A C<>., at the l'i "i mil

1ST O 1 I O E - The eabirribcr would respectfully give nollcc

to the cltiien* of Aodover and vicinity that h htui opened a new and

Fashionable flair Dressing ROODS

opposite Bean's Hotel, ELM HgrjAsg, next door to Hurt'* Livery Stable, where lie will be happy to receive and attend to the wants of customers By • triot attention to bn*lne*i,and by faithful en- deavor* to please, he hope* to deserve a fair pro- portion of public oonfldenco and patronage. It will be hi* aim to keep a flrat clan* establishment, and the public ara InvlUd to give him a trial,

ty Particular attention paid to Cutting Ladies-1 and Children's Hair.

P. 8.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mode of cleans- ing the hair without aoap or water. Try It.

(.Mil. II. OBB1LL,. Andover, Jan. 1.16.!. tl

bere ahall be nought let) but a few dlity i the bottom of ihe glasses, then will the

man of wisdom step In and have a general eleailog It ia plain lo be seen that they Iborougbly

deraiai.d the situation, and allured of thl* I draw a long breath and proceed to answer iba question I have been asked aboat a million times dnrlog tha last few week*,—"Do you believe In Oreeley for President V

bad nothing to do, at leaal in knowledge, wlih making Pmtdcnla, I don't know why I should be expected to give an opinion about the

riTSiM os uxrimuss or ttoaiox for 1MB prr-emlneut position. If you should Stk

whether. If I owned a vets, 1 should east it for this Journal 1*1-farmar and Orahsmtle doctor, I

ply without evalton or circumlocution,—I do not know. In ineAret plaee I ahonld want to know something ol the other candidate* for thl* of- ilce. That there are men n thottaand time* belter qualified than Mr. Oreeley, I have not a shadow nf doubt. To brgln with, I should never (but there, don't elevate your ollectortea, I know I am

select a UenaraMn-eblcf or an t dllor-ln-chlef for such command. Bucb men are generally dtctatora. The very nature nf their apprenticeship Is a con- st *ni militant again* t everything that savors of free- dom of i plnl in, of slablllly of opinion, or or mod-

If It devolved upon ma lo select * President [thank Heaven, It doesn't, for I really haven't s relative or friend In the whole realm of my acquain- tance, whom I could recommend], I ahonld convene a corgre** of collegiate professors, and after s most rigid examination, And out whloh one hsd dabbled the least in politic*, had led tha purest and moat straightforward life, knew the mo»t about the hi*' lory and polllloal economy of hi* own country,


O A. R.—Tbe Drams, "Tha Little Colon- lit," performed under the n'ispice» of Poit 108, wn s decided taccess, drawing lull house* St ssrb performance, snd the treasure of ibe Post ii replenished by s eocslilerable smonnt. Moit of tha psni were taken by reildents of the Tillage, snd lu tut-casi 1* all Ibe more plesslng s* sn evtlcnee that unlive talent Ii ■oruetitnci appreciated.

MASS BMBASaAU— The Musics! L'nlon* froin Newburyporl, West Newbnry, Qrorelsod, BradTord, snd Uaverbill, met wlih the George- town MiH.-il Union, st Mu-le Hail, on Wednes- dsy, the tJi init, and hod two rebtsreslB, no- di-r the direction of Carl Zerrbsn. The selec- tion* were well executed, snd give evidence of s high decree of proficient y on the psrt of tbs several uoloni. On Saturday, the 23:himt., tbs OsorgetowD fnlon will visit Exeter, N. H , snd nnite with the union there, snd others of that vicinity in a grand rcbesrssl.

HOTIL.—Tbo Fcntacket House bss been isssed br Col- Walton, who his hsd considera- ble experience In "keeping s hotel," snd will be kept In s stylo corresponding to the de- mand! cf the times.

"HaywsTd'i Panorama" g*.ve exhibition* on Wednesday P. If. and evening, which were well attended.

PEIISONAI..—MeJ- F. H- Edgell, s prominent citizen, holding important offices in various organizations In this village, has accepted s Situation in Woodbrldge> N.J., and will re ■ide ihcre in fntnre.

ll.tti I'KII for Jane li for isle, with the other magazines ol the month, by Wm. Thomai, st his down town piper and periodical store.


PRICE of CARPETINGS Being analoua to reduce our KxtemlvaStoek

of Carpeiing*. "which i* the moat ex tensive to be found in Lawrence," corapri.ed of Ihe Vtry Choiceit Style* of Kngllih and American mans- taotura. we shall offer on Thnndsy, M*y !•, oar WHOLE STOCK st Oraatl> Rsdwesd Prices 1

ajarl'l.l* I* a SPKCIAL will con- tlnne for s few day! only,

W* offer our beat Lowell S-Ply, Extra Super and Superfine; s full line of Pine Valley sad Fhiladi IphlA Carpet*; oar beat Croatley'l Bagllsh Tspestry, best Amerlesa Tspeatry, KaglUh and American Hody Brusiel*; all our Straw Matting*, Oil Cloth*, Hug*, Hiti, Haaaock*. etc, st prices that will Insure an Immediate reduction of our stoek.

We lavllo all i» want of IAHPKTII.

ATTEND THIS SALE, which will eomnenoe THURSDAY of this week, Mnj Iftih, sad will continue for a YKVf DATS ONLY.

BYRON TBUELL & CO., 219 and 255 Essex St..


P. S.-All .ale* at the UKDUCED PKIOE must

N. Ti.— We are opening dally New sad

Heautiful Siylea of Droaai Good.** at

VERY LOW Prices.


INTERNAL REVENUE Sixth Mass, District.

Annual Assessment for 1872.

Notice I* herebj given that on

THURSDAY and FRIDAY, The 30th and 31st slays of Maw, 1871,

from 0 o'cloek A.M. to* P. at, appeals will-be received sad determined by the Asssssor, at bis Offlea, U CITY Sooiax. Caaricetawa, " Relative to any erroneous or exoeislve valuation*, alteit- ment*, or emmsrstloni by the Aissssoror Ai- sl.tant AMeiaora, returned la tha annual list" for the year llll.

Said Llits will contain AMNIBMM for income* or lS7l,aad Special Taxes far 1ST*; and oaths aforessld days* sad time usmtd, said Hit* will be opeaed for the IsspecUoa of parties who may apply for that parpoas, whole name* are entered upon said llits.

All appeal* mu*l be made la wrlUaf tlgaed by the Appellant, and mait " .peeify tha partlealar esaie, matter, or thing; rejecting which a decis- ion la reqaestad, snd the ground or principle ol error complained of."

f. J. BTOBB, Assessor. Assai BOA'S Ornog,

Charleiiowa, Hay », 1173. aualO

Tii- i.



Furniture & Upholstery Rooms, la Brlek Bulldiip; nent north of the Town Uall,

over Valpey'* Heat Market; entrance ouilde nest to the hall.

Where can be found a good Bl- ent of Bedateads, liu-

Sinkl, With Stand*, Table*, Chairs; Hair, Fairs

Leaf, Quik, Execlalor, and Wool Mattre«*e«.— Also, a general aaaortment of Looking Glasari, Cartsm* snd Cortsln EUtore*, Cord snd Tsaiala.

Sofas snd Stuffed Furniture repaired, snd mad* a* good si new.

Curtain* trimmed and hung, and general Job- bing done.

A rtlole. not on hand will be obtained promp'ly, and aiilitsnce rendered In making unrcbaif* in the city. SAHL'KL WOODMAN.

WE AUK PLKASKD to recommend to the pub- lic Mr. Albion K. Bailey at ciovstsing agent for The Chrittian Union—on*ol the bed fam- ily pipers in the country, and one which no Cbriitlan family shonld dispense with. Mr. Bailey i* favorably known to many of onr res- idents, and for the past few years has been em- ployed In the priming* busloeii In this city, bat

r days since was so untortunste as to crush one of bis hand* la a press, thui iocapacitsilns; bim far his tuilnesa for some time. In ihe mesntlme theaentlemsn "ill solicit sabscrlp- tlons for the above excellent publication, snd will present rsre inducement! to luusciiben by display IK two eb.rom.oa—per feet gems—which will be Riven to each inbatTtber. No money Is required till n receipt Ii given, direct from the publisher, together with in order for the pair of beautiful chromoi.

RET C. A. Ilayden will bv request repeat hli sermon of Sundsy evening. May lllb, on Sunday tTcnlngUsy 20 h, In Unitarian church. All Hiv invited.

Andover, Jan. 1, 1ST1. Suooexor to Abbott*.


TEAS. The pecallsrlty of theie Tcsi I* that they are I too

carefully .elected sad packed In hermetically sealed tin csnnliteri. fall weight,snd no estrs ohargo for the cannliter. This manner of packing Tea* protects them from ofcnoxlou* odor* and lo** of flavor snd itrength, to which they are neoeiiarlly inbjeciad ai uiually kept by dealer* In looiely covered cheit* and bsxra,

There Teas are giving splendid aatiifaotlon.— Try thex*.

FABNSWORTH, nARDINQ A CO. Andovsr, 1873. tl

DISTRICT CONVENTION —The repub- lican delegates of the Sixth Conjrresaton- al District met In convention In Monu- ment Hull, WctJneitilay furenooq.

The convention waa culleil to order by lion. l'Y.iiici- Chllds nt Cliarlestown, and Col. Thomas A. Parcons of Lawrence waa chosen chairman, and on nsnuiuinu; the chair thanked the convention for the honor conferred upon him: he thought that sil[|;:!i the Cinclt:nutl Convention had met and nominated a republican for president, that the people would continue to indorse the present administration, and support and re-elect 1'reslJent Grar.t.

A. E. Thompson of YYobum was choeen Secretary.

Mr. Hilton o( Bradford moved that it Is the stiii.-is of this convention that General Grant should be aomlnnted President, and General Wilson Vice President, by the republican party. The motion was adopted unanimously.

The ballot committee reported as fol- lows : Whole number of vote*, Necesisry for a choice, 80

K. [.. Norton ofChsrlestowa had 90 Wm. B. lilinit or Iliverhltl, «* Jacob Emerson offlethnen, »* Harmon Hall of Bangui, • CD. Wright of Beading. 1 Hon. E. I*. Norton and Wm. B. Blunt,

Ivq , were (hen declared elected dele- gates.

Daniel Allen of Wakefleld, and Jacob Emenon of Methueo were appointed sub- stitutes.

Stirring gpeeches were made by F*i- mer Allen and Mr. Norton.

THAT MAN I IHOBI.D XOMIXATE. ore of a philosopher, Ihe more of a metapb j-

i he bappeaed to be, Ihe better It would lull Such sn one would bring to the office dlscrlm

trial Inn, the product of Cartful thought, honesty, the eaolt of a slndlous asd upright life. Ub, for a

gentleman and a isholar In the" White Douse "Don'i I


Orcounte not. Ifr.Urceley does ui* very profane language. Thla 1 know to be true. Sly gentleman cannot be gufty of that. About Mr. Oreeley'* honesty 1 have never hsd a doubt. 1 do not be- lieve he could be Induced lo ateal, and Ibis, certain- ly, Is in Ibese thkltih lime*, a qualification well worth couilderlog. sir. Oreeley ii uncouth, care- lea* [alight fanlli.l admit]. He It vacillating, ei- treiuely Impul.lve, undignified, and unmistakably profane; and yet, aa far aa 1 know abonl the other men talked of for Iht* position. If I were a voter,

JUST HKCAUSr. he excel* them all In real Marling Inlefiltr, I should probably vote fir him, that I* If I really happened to be consclenilon* lo the matter, which, by the way, might be doubtful If I really had a vote to de- poilt, for 1 happen to know that If your voter be really a roan of discrimination and good common ■enie, be la qulle likely not to go nsar the poll* on election day. Hind you, IdlJ'.'L aandwleh "prin- ciple" In there; beeaua* a man may be both aanil- ble and diicrlmln sting, *nd vet not ba more than ordinarily conaclecllou*. No, friend*, I am qnlie ■are I ihonld

XOT viiTii FOX MIL OBKELKT if ihetc happened to be a better man nominated. "Men, Irrespective of party," would bs my motlu to the er.d of tlio chapter. But what'* ths uae talk- ing ? What one would do If one could, I* at the best eilremely uusatlifactory, sad I ID not bat it la jnat a trill* ridiculous,

I have heard [but 1 am free to coi.fess I don1

lleve ItJ. Ibat Mr*, Btauton Is going for Mr. C ley. I think

I I IHH.LH "00 IMll HIM,''

too. if ha bad ever nbuteo me as he baa Sirs. Stan- ton, but not In ihe way thl* lady Is aald to propose.' i'erhap* till* la ail forgotten now, bat even so, how about "Woman'* Rlgbte," with Oreeley in the White House? 0an there he an under*tending to thla effect, that If the women work for Oreeley, Oreeley will work for Ihe women 7 This being tbe case, I'm sure I wouldn't votu for him, became Ibe only plank in hi* character which I could bavs en- dorsed, wouldn't be there after all. A* much a* 1 do with for II. G '• convert ion lo lb* earns of wom- an's political enfranchisement, I do hope, from the bottom of my heart, that he will not wheel around

iddenty, for thl* would destroy the least ipark »f faith I have in him. Wouldn't It be funny, thongh, to ica

MB*. AXTIIOSV AMI THE VI SI 11*111.r. IIOBACB walking arm ia arm to tha poll*, then Ju*t behind B. Anthony and Whttelaw Raid? Stranger thing* than theie havo happened. So, who

Why don't somebody nomlnite Judg* Bedle of New Jeraay far tha Presidency ? I have Jait been reading bis *loquent remarks upon sentencing thi girl Qarrabrsnt 10 the gal low*. Haaay*: "When onoii the (. male character I* debased, and shoal- low* herielf to become a prey lo the most vlcloua paaitomof her nature, terrible conaequencea may be Ihe result." llott upright and worthy Judge ! Step* khould he Immediately taken to rescue tbl* embodiment of *eu*e and eloquence from


No place tbl* .Id. of Ihe White llouae must he be allowed lo slop *t. *

Nww York I* ci.dergnlng another epldemte of strike*. Bricklayer*, cabinet maker*, maaon* and enrpuntor* are In solemn c.inclavn, determined to force capital 1*1* and employer* to tbe tight bour tyalem. Iftheao atr Ike* only hit something I shall be glad, but up tj dale ihey bive only beaten the air. Your* muddlsd,


BTBOX-TRUXLL A Co. were very bnsj In their carpet hall, last week. Their timely re- daction in prices li appreciated br those want- ing; carpM*. 8jle cantinuci this week.

World's International Jubilee I The L«wr«»ci Cliaral I'MIOU, aulited by

the Methneii Choral Union and Anrlwver Chnri.*,-comprising nearly 4O0 voice.,—with Oroheatra aad Grand Piano, will give a Con- cert or JubUeo Muilo, st CITY HALL, LA WHENCE,

MONDAY EVENING, MAY 27, at I o'clock:.

.......... t Sfa* J. F. GOOIWELL, Pl»»ls'«'j ,,,., LIZZIK KF.KI), Conduct*r,—O. A. KLLIS.


PAST FIliBT. 1.—O VKB r UBK-OrcJ.e*lr«. i.—CHORUS—Trlamphsl March frcm Oratorio

''An ounce of prevention it worth a pound of corel"


If your blood la poor, If the countenance I* pallid. If yon feel weak aad dltlnelined to exer- tion, try

TALBOrS IRON TONIC. Talbot'a Iron Tonic will do yon good.

Is y oar appetite poor I Tea aeed


Are yon troubled with indigestion I


riling largely all through Raw burlead,


This oil establishment, so long known to the

public, claims to have no eqssl la this eOkXtry In

their particular depertmsst. Ay-Ladles' Drrase*, Cloaks, Shawl*, Mantle.,

Hoarfi, Uonnets, Feathers, fee,; OentUmcn'a

Coat., Overcoats, Pantalooas aad Vest* Dyed or

Cleanied, aad Bntihed la nr*t elass style.

Btlxa and Bilk Dreor* Watered equal la any

imported. PaxasoU aad Baa Bhaeea Vyti or

Cleanied on the frame. Hlraw BoaBet-and HaU

Dyed aad Praised, Kid Glove*, Boots sad

Slipper* Cleaaaed or Dyed. Ptees Ooods of all

kind*, Hlhboni, etc,. Dyed sad put ap like new.

BABBITT fe BRO., I"roprlrlor..

K. W. 8TEABNS taalmhl* Lawrrn

(t CO., , Mass.


Bead what reliable spotheearle* say :—

Newburyport, Mass., Jnly 1,1171. Jsessr*. Taibot Bro't,-Having dlrpoeed of a

Iron Toale, aad

■bould be apprised of lu favorable reception la thl* place.

Keapeetrh 11 y your*, C. at. uoixJK, Apotheeary.

Ifewbaryport, Maaa., July 17,1x71, Maasaa. TALXOT BaCa:

OtnlUwK* • I dad that yoxr Iron Toale baa la every case given entire aatlafactloa.nad the la- Btsaatxg demand for It la du e, I think, to the fart that auf who have used it recomaaend It to their frfead*; and I can truly lay that It Is one of tbe best article. I ever aokt for restoring the debilitat- ed iy.te.aa to It* aataral tone.

TALBOrS IRON TONIC Is *old all over tbe com a try for One Dollar a bottle; alx bottle* for Five Dollars.

CsU at say of tbs Lawrence Draggim for It.

TALDOT BROTH EaU. Proarletera,

Lawrence, Mass,

OBO. C. GOODWIN ft CO., Bast Agent, for Hew England.

Hoop Skirtfl. S7, if, S), » cenl*. and ap.

SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

If I had a donkey wot wouldn't go Toaee Mr*. Jarley'* wax-work ahow, Do you think I'd wollop him ?

(Hi II ol I'd try penuaalon'a gentle art, And wlih affection tarn hi* heart.

Then go to Jarley'* at Saundera Hah, Wednesday evening

Hay 39th, at tight o'clock.

Tin: BEAUTEOUS SPRING. The beauteooi Spring at last hai come,

And thousand* welcome It with Joy; We hear tb> workman'a busy hum

A* each goea forth to hi* employ; The grs«* u springing round our wsy,

Tha bird* are tinging In the tree*. And come* once more the beautcoui May,

Welcomed by all on land and ieai. The Bovs ere out In handnomc " cr...Tins" Which they have bought at GKOKOX rxxno'e,—

Coaf, I'nnti. Vft, Hat and Skoei oomplute,— Corner of Beach and Washington Street,

swteodlmjh Bosrox.

The "Dome.tic" I* leaa liable lo break thread than any other michlne.

RHBAT cloilng-out ssleat 9J Eatex Strte U.S. Anderson. Ulach dollar kli* lelling for 50 cts.; two button kids In color*, 80 cts.

3.-CUOBAL9—« How Lovely Bblnes tbe Morn- ing Btar. J.K.IUnm.

b Cast thy liunlen. on the Lord, Af**uf«l*so*N,

c Choral No. 1. /, ". Bach, i.- SOLO A CBOBUB-Almighty God. Mr-tzrt,

Solo by 12 Bats Toloea, S.-CIIORUS-Alt We like Sheep, from Oratorio

Me**iah. O.-M ALB CHOKU8-Soldier'* Farewell. Klmktl 7.—CI10BUB OV LKTlTKB-from Oratorio Eli. 8.—CHOBUB—Bweet and Low. Bomb]/.

I'AUT BKCOHQ. 9,—BOLO A CHOKLS-Inflammatus, from BUbat

Mater. s iln by Mrs. F. K. Cum it.

10.-PAKT SONG —Kart well to tha Forest. JUendttnohn.

11.—OHOBUB—See what Love bath the Father, from St. Paul.

13.-BOMANCB FBOH L' ECLAIB-Call Ma Thins Own. llattvp.

20 Soprano* snd 11 Tenors. 13.—CIIOKUS-Bleiu'd are the Men, ftoss Klijah. U.-riSnVAL HYMN— Putin* flwet. IS.—Good Night, Beloved. r'lniwfi, I-I .lilt AMI OHO BUS— Hallelijih,

(By nqiest.) Irom Merilsh.

TlfltetH, SO Cent*.

Tlokeii for tall at KI.I.1S ft BNO W'B.

rrocecd* of the Concert to be appropriated to tbe purebaie of a Grand Piano. TltlSti

French a id German COBMETM at th LOWEST I'lllCKH.

SMITH'S, 143 Kisex Street.



No. 305 Essex St., Lawrence, (THE SAME OLD PLACE,)

desires to call attention to hi* a.iortment el Millinery and Fancy Ooods, all of the l.ateit Style* sad at fxicsi TO BUIT THB Tinas.

Perfect SatUfaction it OuaraatVe-J, «* formerly.

MOURN INC COO DS ooaitaatly oa haad aad saade to order, IssmylO

MI88 11. B. FIELDING wlshcB to Inform tbe Ladle* of Lawrtaee and vicinity that ihe ha* Jaal received all lha New spring and lunntr Sty let from New York, aad I* now ready lo execate all order* tor Duxes MaKiaa et htr •£••■»■, aill Btsaex Btreel,

«»-Particular attention paid to Cwtllnaj and Fitting Ladles' and Children'* Dreuea. New Style, received from New York every week,

A ltbrral share or patronage solicited, with thank* for past favors. t Jyli*


To the Public of Lawrence.

The xndersigned have the honor of informing their friend* sad the public gen< rally, that they have taken chamber* In

Sanders New Block, Kssex street.

for the purpoie of carrying oa the bsilnesa of MMnCBAXT TAILOUB, where the best Cloths, Cashmere*, Veatlagi, He., will bealwsys on head, aad every attention gtrea to the Latsst Styles of CnitOBi Msda Clothing, under tbe Im- mediate Bapervtslon of JOSEPH f LOOD, 1st c of the Ursa of Aavags fc Flood.

Ton are reapeetfally larlted to give ni a call

It I* an accomplished fjet, that by toning and ailtnnl.ting the nerve alraeture wlih an occasional dose of Smolander'* Bncbu, you invigorate tbe entire nervou* eyitam, and prevent, remove or counteract kidney, bladder and glandular dl*casee, mental and pbyalcal debility, dlabelei, gravel, fe- male weakoe**, and uterine complaint*. It la without donbl the beat, aafeat and inreat diuretic alterative and solvent yat discovered,

Mr*. J. P. kHllard, New Hamburg, N. Y., has ated her Wheeler A Wilson Machine since Jane, IW, doing the family aewlug for all paraona, and miking the bedding for a aleamboat, without a

for repair*; It now works a* well a* when ftr*t ini A.

^Tlariia^ca. MILLElt-KANKIN.—In Ibi* city, May 18th,by

Kev, I. P. Cuibmirt, John Miller and LUale Binkln.

TKASH—alARKd.—At Ibe Methodist parsonage in atetbuen.Miy 1'Jih, bv Ker. Geo.J. Juddlu*, Mr. Andrew J.Trash of Melhuvs, lu Hit* Mary L. Marks or Lawrence.

IIOVKV-IIATCH.—In Andovsr, May Iflih, by Kev. I!. 8. Greene, Ur. JJUII C. Ilovey and Mrs. Martha U. Hatch.


JARLEY'3 WAX WOBK. Tin. moit Hupendoui and only real Jarley

Wax Work is the world, gotten ap and imported wltboai regard to cxpeme, eoaalitlsg of over One Hundred of tbe Unit Xotattt ChirJCt. hl*tory,wlll be exhibited by the reot Mr*. J*«- LKT positively for the fast flat* pravloui to her dipsrturc fur Kurops, St

SAUNDERS HALL, LAWRENCE, Wednesday Even's, May 29.

Ia addition to the unrivalled collection of Wax Flgaiei, Mri. Jarley will entertain her patron* with s OONCEaT, That the Maale will be of tbe higheit enter, it la only neeeassry to add that tbe service! of tbe Choir of Brae* Church have teen ■soured for the occasion.

Aw-Dou't fall to attend thia Inimitable enter- tainment.

Baser* td seats can be obtained at the Stars ol WHITrOBD a, KICK OB and after Monday, ths 20th Instant. *ttml71» 27 2S Adnlnl.n 211 eta. Heaerverl Beat* oOa.


The BEST PLACK In tbe city to bay yonr

Seed OittH,

Spring Bye, Burley, Buck Wheat, Fodder Corn, Herds Grass,

Red-Top, I plover,

Haogarlan, Millet, and Orchard Grass Seed,

is AT



345 and 347 Common street.



Chambera, 1,2 ft 3 Sauodera New Block.



COLUMN, If yos do, yoa will be trmplrrt lo f o lo Ibe

Popular Store, AND DO ALL VOl 11 TBADIMG.

jrVc .r. .howlOK th. Utlltl, CLrap.., ul B.M AtK>rtBc.t of

Dry and Fancy Good*



230 ESSEX STREET, Second door from Poet Office.

NEW UOODB. ellrcct from the New Vork aad lloston Importt-ra.

Wo have aow opea for Inspeetlon everythlas; New.Blyll.hand I>e.lrabl« lor a Poiialar Trade, while ear heretofore, wlU be as LOW as any BOIIOB hows*.

Onr Irade betas; asr*/ rrfeniire, we are taws enabled to show always a Jto*a Elect a* they are Imported, aad direct from the Maaa fact nrers.

Everything marked In plain figures, and One Price lor all.

We woald also tabs this opportnali y of thank. inf oar frleBda aad oaBtossers for tbclr liberal aatroaaga la tbs past; aad by a tboreaah. knowledge or oar buiinris, aad Itrlct atteatton to ths wants of Use t radtng public, to m* rlt sUll a ■arte *h*re of their pstroasge la the fatare.

SILK DEPARTMENT. 1000 yards Black and Colored tllkaat

tbe followInt LO Wpriori ;—

90-Inch Ore Grain Preach, ii.oo A $1.1* Hlaeb " " \»U i.M Colored Fancy Bill., Sl.lo, *1 7S ft %tM

Msw Bilk Terry* for Trisaaalnss. Imltatlnu JapsMSe Silks, Us JtMl JBpanete Bilk*, 17, «1, Tie ft ftLCO

DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Dollar Vardea Btrlpe* sad Delaine*.

fronts to Mta BWSXWBW Ssltlai*. Yi l-'-'f Black Alpaca., UotOtl.M

The OLD PBICES. French and Irish Popllni, tl, $1.11 ft #1 J« best.

Direct from Ihe Msaaisetareti,

700 Sunshades, 25 cts. A f.'rrtif Bargain.

Eunihadej in nil tbe New Designs.

SHAWLS la Psltlcy, PTeaeh aad Asaerleaa, Breaeb sad Paisley Shawli from 0S.O9 to (SO to Woolen Bhawi* from IJOtO I

Prints, fjood and Fast Cclors, los Oood (ilniham*. II l-se £nfllsh Print* cheap.




8. F. SNELL'8, I-AC'i: HIIAWLB-l. Mew Psturae-


Also, LADIES' SUITS, Oood Bty lee. st Low

•A-BAKCIAINB la WMM P K'«-eioslni

oat at Groat Reduction.

CRENADINES-Cholre atylra-tss. fksa

Bottom pricet.

Hunahatlcs, la all itylei, very sheaf.

KID «,rJ<»Vj:W wemakeaaPklJlAI^

TT; aad the great quantity that we aell aesarea

aa that we have the Best O love st tbe Lowest


I loalory for Ladlea', Cblldrrw*s aad Mew's

A. W. Stearns & Co. wiXLoraa

TUESDAY, HAT Slat, «t frota Mans York, Mew and Klegaat filyle*

of DRESS GOODS atLOWPBlcU; slse the Haadasssast Aseortsaeat of LADIES' SUITS KVEB SHOWN in THIS CITT, ts>

t'Kici;, i.W. 5TBAEMI ft CO.

A. W. STKAKK8 ft CO. have received, aad will oner the ciliien* of Lawrence and vld ally, a fall aawortsseat of Mew aad Heastlfal Style* ol Par- lor, Dining: ■«" Sitting Room CAR- PETS, »kie* Ur. Sra-iaxB eeketed la Sew Terk last week froaa impener* aad Maaal tarers, wblab,added t*>ewrareslaas large at- will xaaft* aar vawtety VBBT RELICT aad E_ HIXABLE for parabaaer*. We would slaii4y rextind pertba**Ti that they BOB aadaMUCll LABOBat ABOOBTMBST to Mlsat trass. Bettor Btyka aad QaailtF ol Oood* aad Color*, asa at »Ut:it rBlCBg as will rraisv. all >•■.*>(-



Ing a VEBT EXrEBSIVE AawOSrMKBT ot Bew and Choice Btylee of Spring »■ Sum- mer ShMWlO at V«ry Low Priew.


TUESDAY, MAT SI. W. BTEARBB ft CO. are aawalag. »"""

-Vew York direct, eoeaplete lines of White Coodo, Hoelwry, Now KldS sad other Olovei. FrtBgea, OlBSp*, B . Laeea. Collar*. Bow*, Veil*, SstlftS Itl Mew Deolgne, laV, A. w.'BI"'AK'B a "«..

DreOO Fringeo la Mask and Colors.

Ladle*' Miek Ties sad Lac* Cellars Very 7b**p Bt


313 Essex Street, Lawrence.

Try Stearns & Co'a Tailor for Spring Clothes at moderate price. Ooco Cloth*, atyllah aad well ntade,

Yoa ess bsve Boyi' Clothes nude, tee, A. W. STBABHI ft CO.


beat's Lin in Ilaadkrrckicli,

rd, ready for aat, 17. U, at, 17. so aad

SMITH'S, 143 Essex ■treat.

car For a Superior Class of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS;


BANDS. For V1UI.INB, VIOLONCELLO*, and all u.ed la



Por BTBIRGS for Tlollna aad tiallan, aad all thing* seeded In the ase aad repair of Mbsleal Instrument*.

Por Band Moele.Bbeet Ma*lc aad Muile Book*, call at or scad to tha store of lyUapMrb

JOHN O. U AYHBB * OO., IS Court St., (opposite Court Home,) Boston.

Of V. Blank*. In tilt to

Paper Hangings. r" aad El*i of dills, bsilni, aad

We are receiving a Large and Elegant Stock and Bleb Styles ' We propose keep __

la Essex Coanty.

fEDRICH aV CLOfJBOff, AacUoaeers, Real Estate Agrnls and Appraisers, No. 3S1 Essex at., Lawreace, ■ase.

Always ready to give their personal service and .eriou* attention [o selling Beal and Personal Bttate Bt auction or otherwise, obtaining Money aad letting tbe tun* at fair rate* lor all concern- ed, negotiating Mortgagci and looking up Titles, iteming property and collrrltng Kenls, rlo. Ho Title pes«ed or property nnles* tbe lame be per- fect; no Money ln*e*ted but upon the mod an- donbted iccurttv. All bu*ia*** iuiruMed to a* will be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt wit!,—*trl« integrity being the oae important element of ■ncccs* In the ateal Estate bullnesi,prompt paTmeotaol cash log in *Ji honor with the te.ler aadownar, at the tarn* tlaae looking we 'I to the tree Interest of tbs purchaser,ibat bia ti,it rare good,audtbalheget* alt which be ia entitled to -thus lecnrlng aad holding that ooBldeaoe of oar lellows which Is only obtained by strict attention to ballasts, aad tha highest type of honorable dealing

IlltO WN.-In this city, Mayan, Mr. ft Mr*. K. F. Brown.

*CBOSBI,EY.-IojM*e4iy, May 151 Sir. A Mrs. Jsafsa B. Ooialey

a^SHllff daughter to Mr. ,_. > tins cliy. May llih, ft Mr*. Wlllism II. Boie.

UUItNS.-In thla clij, Msy -Mil, a son lo Mr. ft Mr*. Chap. A Burnt.


dyl. BOLT.-Ia Andover, May S3, Jsonelte M. Holt,

widow of lha laie Stephen P. Holt, and eldeat dauabur of D->a. IMH Bmlth, aged li year*. Funeral aervloei at tha reitdenue of her fslber,

Baturday, May Uib, at 3 r. M, Relative* and friends are Invlled lo attend without further nolloe. ETOLAK.-In New York City, May 32, Patrick

Noun, formerly of Auduvor, aged 2a jear*. Ill* lamala* were iskea lo Andover for Inler-

Lawrence was better represented limn any other place In the county at the Su- perior Court on Monday. Some fifty or sixty of Its fnliabltnnta came down on the morning train.—Newburyport HrruUl.


Tha Chicago PoH keeps up Its interestlne; accident Item*. Here li Itl lut:-Bau ball. Ho. 3. SbeboTgsn, Wli., aged 10- Hot liner la th'rd base, beiatlfnlly stopped by the base - man'*, right temple. Died la 86 hoars.

A women In Eimwood, III., has no: spoken sloes bsr buihiml dioJ, three yean aco- And abrnleat oanlbow isyi that If she Indn't spoken fur three ye rs lo'orehc tiled be might have lived longer.

8*w du't un I red pepper are used by tha DsDbnry, Conn., Indies to tum'gat) ti el r switches.

In tearing np the rool of the Court House at Edwardivllle, Iltlnoit, list wesk, the workmen discovered ikeletonaof pigeoni piled U.J by Ihe hnndredi. A do'ect 11 th: cornice enahled Ihe pigeon* to get In, hut they w.r* tmble to gat ont Bgaio.

Shall hogs be allowed to tun through the public itrceU? Is aqoestioa which Is cauilog


Mr. Walter Kelly ha* a coll for which lie was of- fered and refined S.B00. It Is I yisra eld, of Klhan Allen stock, or fine appearance and promlaea to prove valuable.

Mr. A. II. Merrill ba* aold hi* large Ayerablia eow to Harvey Hints, batohar. Her llva weight waa on* thousand four huudrad and slaty pound*. She ba* been a remarkably inperlor animal, and the Introduction of her progeny Into these part* baa traded to Improve the quslltlei of stock.

Splckal Lodge, No, 10T, I. O. G. T. of North Sa- lem, la flourl.hlng finely. In membership l» re- ceiving new accesrioni weekly, and embrace, many of the tnHuonilal and energetie young people of that tnduatrloui village- its Depnly li Loraoao Frost, of Hampslesd, a whole soaled, consistent, temper- ance man, wbo devote* hi* lime largely for the good of tbe Order. It has been onr prlvlleie to participate lu some of lla meetings of lair, and we are pleased to noilee the enierprlileg, thorough ■plrlt evinced hy It* member* in Ihrlr peculiar work and literary iinn*.

We regret to leirn that Un J it. Wheeler, B*q, I* proitrated with rheamalle fever. It I* lo be hoped that be may reeover In se* seat In th* IrgUlalure, neat month.

We learn Ibat L. P. E Hlcbard*, tha popolar auc- tioneer and real relate broker of Lawrence ha a lately purchaiad Ihe fine estate of F. C. Hall, at the depot. Tbl* I* on* of lb* floret locations In town. Th.'manttan la elegantly built, and the grounds tBBiefully arrangrd, Salem Is yet dcitined to be a suburb of Liwrenoe, where wealthy cltlieni will hie to build and occupy luburban residence*.

Tbl heavy norm of rain on Sunday, we* appre- ciated by our farmers, who had already had fear* of an early drouth.

No "JilTerion Devi*Orael*)" bat*lure been ob. ■erved ai jet lo oar vlolnlty,

Salem Literary Club Will elcaa for tha icason on Ita 1**1 rc|ul*r mrellng, May SSifa,

Mr. C, M. Vmum ha* become lha solo proprietor of the shoe business lately noudacted under the Ityleof Vlllum fc Towle. Mr. Towle Intend* enti-

tling 10 Kania*, won. VlATOB.

CARD. Ihe Board of Engineers of the Lawreace Fire

Dep'i take this method of expressing their satis- faction to (he City Marshal and tha entire police fares for tbe etBeleat aid rend.rid the Fire Dep't by keeping back tin crowd to a reasonable dis- tance when a Bra li lo progress, thereby giving the Bremen a much better opportunity to work their apparatni for tbs speedy extlngalihment ol the Bre. And they may be auured that any nSorts which they may make for the above purpose, will be appreciated by tha Board of Engineer* and entire Fire Department.

'.ir order of Board of Engineers. B.WOBSW1CB, Clerk.

> take J.i


A large variety Of


IB CT.r, (ji.UlyJtirt ticclnd.


t. match P.p.r>. FBICE9 TBE I.OWK9T.


Window Shades. Plain, Ruff and Gi.rn Holland.

Rustic Shades, all BIZ;B.

Puper Shades,

Curtain Fixtures.

Cord and Tassels.

PICTURE CORE), of all Colon aad llaci.

All at tho Very Lowest Prices.


and If not inltid.we don't wish you to buy. We ara perfectly willing to SflOW OOODS whether yoa bay or not, at


No. 243 Essex Street, LAWRXHCR.



Opposite Washington Hills.

Best FHRTIUZBF. in the market,

E. Frank Coe's Super Phosphate.

We hare also oa haad a flae lot of



llrMr.Jim-Jt TUB J'LACS:


Mb & 347 Common at., Lavrcnce.


Real Estate Office, Essex St., No. S81. Property for iale In many section! of Hew

England, bBt more eipedally in the elly of Law- rence aad vicinity. No better etty Is tbe Ualoa tor a permanent lovestmaat.

Bead Keal Kalats cola ran la Lawn. aad Lawrence Dally American. f mylt

BLANK BOOKS Hade to order, all atylrs

All l*s-O0ts of the Company Divides! to its Policy Holder-.


Mutual Fire Inimranco Co., LAWBsTJtOE, HAMS.

No. SS9 Essex Street.

A. J. 1BKHCH, prealdeat. A. W, aiKAKNB, J. A.TREAT, Vice PreitdenU.

J. K. BOBWOOD, Sec'y and Treas. Dtaaoroas:

Trefousrc Kids,

•1.00 urKldOlovei,

Tk to 81.0" SIM

FRENCH «ad UERHA1* CORSETS, 7te, UN, 11.50, |t.M).

A full line of Hosiery, all prices.

Soapi, rcrlBmei, Braibe*,Combs, Frlngei,Neck Ties, Lice* and Trimmings of every

draertptloa, ('In ap, at lbs POPULAR STORE,

No. 230 ESSEX ST., LAWRENCE, Second Door from Post Office.

TAYLOR & BOLTON, Proprietors



WHITE P K'»-Msw Patterni opening at SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.

vie* t kreplug a stack Mm tquml

reioBny la K*srx Coaniy. We ailli bareon a few Qllt I'sprr* belonging to tbe itors

when ws ^ureasaceTIt, embraelag very dtslrable putters*, which we will sell st Cost, aad Lass -L ia Co*t, to close them oxt.

WHITrOBD A BICX, tea Kssex Street, Lawrence.

Plfl* 3 cent* pnpar. Cosset Laclngi 1 eeat, Boot Larlogi (1 Ll yards loaf) 10 seats a

doses. Bait Machine Cotton < eeats, Beit tlliaed

Col to a S eeal*.

SMITH'S, 143 E-B.-X gireet.

Great Concentration of Bruineu VNDEK ONE UEAD.

A. W. STEARNS Si CO. hiving, for tha aeocra- BBodstlon aad proBt of their satroni.eoaanleted their eatenilve arraagesaeaia ta display the largest number of Departments, each represent• lag a dlatlaet braarh of trade aad busier**, aad all filled to OTCrSovIn*; with ths Moat RSuTs) and Lsht«Bt Designs «f tali season's Fsab- Ions,It wtU readily bescea.thst so saaay brsaehes of traase wall asaaagvd by oaw Irs* with ample asssas end experience wllheul a rlril, that we can eJTonl ta tttl Oood* at a Muck Smalttr Per Cwntoot, to *ay nothing of onr advantages In

CBKAF, mash cheaper than Ue *ame «tyk aad oaatlty has been'or 1* being said la Boston by actual test of cowparlwn as ibowa la a large anaaber of InalsBeei that lacira bsva paid from S to » eexta per yard more than we were asking for prrcUrly the earao style and iliallt j Bt aante time, or three lo ten dsllars more oa a Shawl. This I* worth looking Into by a trading and economical people. Of coarse por- ehailnK good* come* dowa lo about the fallowing. *li:—Uegtlrmsnlr and iiitcilljirtit iriatmein, th* betl utanu'erturrd article of ibe latr.t and moat becoming *tvle.Sne*t Mending ol colon, ete„at the Lowtit PoMiibte Prtco,

Window Shades.

Falace of Music, 35 Broadway, Lawrence.

CARD. To JAMK3 MLHIMIY, Ksu„ and tha m»ny

friend* on the posul route of tne undersigned, sincere tbanki are returned lor the very liberal preient which they *o kindly donated,

JOHN MCKAY Lawrence, Hay 21,1871.

Millinery & Bleaohery NOTICE.

MRS. GILMOKE Has taken the Store,

No. 319 Essex Street, Lawrence,

formerly occupied by Mill L. II. BixxSBD.and opened a frtah stoek ol


embracing all lbs LATEST BTTLEE. The patronage o thapsbllela reipeetfally solicited,

Hill KAT£ FBE8COTT Is with ta, aad will bs happy to see all her old friend* and patrons; Mr*. I'lCKEBlNG, who will have iharge of the Bleaehery Departmeat, a* heretofors. V lapis

No. 81fl Kssex street, Uwrence.

Alfred J. rrench, Urorg* X. Davll, A.W.Btaarni, Jamas A. Treat, 8. W. Wilder, ratriek Karpby, William B. Bpaldli H.PlBmm.r, II. j). Clement, Patrick Sweeney,


Daniel Baaadere, Jr., ■orris Kaowlee, William A. Kniitlt, D. frank Boblnsox,

at. Hall,

j.M.FalraeM, James li. Baton, J A.WUey.K.Andover, Oso.Foitsr, Andover, C. ti. Goea, Meibneo.

Thl* Company will bs ready to open ba.lness and lieu* Policies, Monday. Jaly 17th, 1H71. It has already property to Ihe amount of $300 000 slsdtcd to be fniured,StOO,oao of which will M nixrad tbe day ws commence buitaesi.

Wo tasara only trst alas* property. illy lavite all who have sash kind

Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

If cat to CIarkt'« Apothecary Store.

REDUCED PRICES. Clothing and Furnishing Goods

Lower than the Lowest,



FOB WINTER. Overcasts, Thick Pent*, Vest*, Dress Coat*,

Bat*, Capl, move*, Mitten*, Boya' Clothing, «0. FOR BUMMER.

Thla Clothing, Straw Hats, As. FOR ALL SEASONS.

B-urnUblng Goods, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bagi, Cmbrctlae, Be.

WEIL Is always Jloaad, aad will deal with yoa ea the Kqiiort.

aa Bttax AKD

CAM, HERB F 1 H 8 T axroxx ruaoHABixo.

for parties tars, swa small bill*, CALL EARLY, CALL OFTEN.

Ws hare Ja*t taken tbe Agency for lbs

Original Howe Sewing Machine, the Beat, Most Complete, and DeBlrable Machine in uae. Iia not part-has* antll you havr eaamlBtd the HO WK.

18.1 Essex street, Lawrenoe.

We reipeotfally lavite all who hi of property, to examine onr rats* a ity. Oar lyitem of manajremaat s

" id will or-* itr.rfecUy

To THK POIKT.—Four years ago I commenced business, adopting the one price system. "Knowing ones" shook their heads. "Ah, he can never make it pay;" and they hare waited for my "going up," that they might have tbe satisfaction of uyiog " I told you so " Let them wait. Thanks to a discerning public, I am on my feet, and better prepared to do busincsa than ever. I have no occasion for "closing out" or ' clear- ing off" sales, as I tell at low prices all the year round ; absolutely, pos- itively, and unmistakably, oae price.

Ladies, aeud your children or hus- bands if you cannot come yourreWes; we serve them all alike. Ihe little four year old, who can barely lisp "Mother war.ts a Spool of Cotton," or the great green fellow of a hus- band wbo don't know the difference between a "pearl" or a "pot" but- ton, buy just as cheap as the most inveterate shopper. Bcmnants a specialty. Call and see me. T. LRYI.AND, 381 Essex Bt., Lawrence. Dry and Fancy Good".

Notice to Carpenters. BKALBD PBOrOSALB will be received by the

undersigned until oaturdiy, Jnns lit, tor build- ing snd completing a scuuoi. HOU8K lathe ao-callrd "rieaiint Valley Dlttiici." la Metbnen. Br-eeiarallon* may be aeen by calling upon D, 1'IEBCB or D. U. PATTBBBON.

The right to reject say and all bids Is reserved, li. PIBBCR, ) Seleetmin I). II. PATTKHSOK.f of K. 1', 8ABUKNT, ) Methacn.

Methueo, Msy N, llll. lit

NuitTii KBADIHO.—At the late annual Murcli mettlng In North Reading, tho town adopted the State law provldlniT for the choice of Highway CoromiBsion- ors, and elected three In the samo man- ner as school committees are chosen. Tho plan works admirably, and gives better satisfaction than tho old mode of choosing highway surveyors.

IUHI'HK for Jane, bright, varied and read- - | able as ever, is received liom the New Eoglino

aa agony of agitation lo a Nonh Carolina Neors Company, Boston, sad for tale by mrat-


Corner of Kasci Street and Broadway.

Deposits placed on intortit the nrtST oi KACH MOnTll,

Intereat allowed oa all mm* ot One Dollar aod upwardi, depoiltad not rail than onr. HOST bafore the day OB which Dividends are declared

Tha imBtleal Bam received on deposit is Bvi

Dividends will be mads of ALL THK mnriT* wbien may have seeraed within the prrvioassii months, after deducting neocmry eipcnif*.

Interest will not be paid on fractional parti of dollar.

The Bank will be open every day frcm 0 a. M. to 1 F. M., eacepi (Saturday. On Thursday ami Saturday Evenings, from 7 to D, for receiving depoilt* only. JAMBS FAYNK,

Lawreaee, May 6,187*. ttfmtO Treasurer,

C A It BIA G E 8. We have now tha largsitand belt itoek of r*ally

line ouitom made CAliKlAUa*8 ever oft red for ■ale la tbl* oily.

Having recently made axteaalve additions to our Ualnroom*, we are enabled to heap a larger aad mure eompltte aaionmenl than evar before.

We have the FINEST ROOMe and yet the OHEAPEST RENT in Boiton.

No One Can Undersell Us.

_r slock embrace, raaay NKW BTTI.K8 Ot FAMILY UAtthYALLB, severs! of them

y light and roomy, designed, lor one bona ate.


BEACH WAGONS. A very large variety of

Open Bide Spring Wagons. Our work Is all warranted; and the public are

Invited to call aad examlae It, whether desiring to parch sis or not.

KIMBALL BROTHERS, 113 Kadbnry street,

BOSTON. twleodtmyxub ■

NEW LIVERY STABLE. The sabecriber respeeifally an no a noes lo tha

Bltlsena of Metbaen and vlolnlty that he will

EXCHAHCE HOTEL, - -METHUEN, about ths lOtb of stay, a

Flrat Clam Uvxry, Hoardlag, and Sale STABLE.

Tha Uorsss are flreih.aad laaCarrlairei BarBMsei new and ityliin, Tarxoxli of every deserlptloa will be let on las most reasonable

Ussks and Carriages furnlihed for Wtddlcgi, Fardss aad raaerali- . __, .

Oar arraagesaanti for ibe Boardlag aad Bale ol HoTMaareoomplnte; and all builnei* in thlilice intruited to a* will receive pertoaal Bttcntlon.

The patronage of ihe publio I* lollclted; and we lusrantce that ever>thlng ikall be done to



Director's Ofiice, 27 Conrt street. Boston.


Asseia over - - - 90,000,000.00 .dfl fAc ProJttM paid to Policy Hola\cr*.

Tbs low ratei and large dividends of Ihl* old Company, together with excellent manngemeat, fair dealing and promptoe** in the adjuttmr-at ol loose, maae* it the beat Company In Haw England tolninrsln.eipeelaily for ktndowmint Folielci.

8. B. LAWBENCB, Ageat for Lawrenoe, Haverhlll, Andover, and

aylO Mathnea. Office, 373 Essex Street, Lawrence.



SLATE *»D METAL ROOFER. OAee and Yard at


WEST STREET, LAWRENCE. Leaky Roof, mads Tight at short notise. li mt 17'

Having had over twenty yean practical

experience in the manufacture of Soaps,

vie offer our "Beach** Walking Soap" to

the public with great confidence. In the

manufacture of this brand of Soap it has

been our great aim to produce an article

superior to any MS the market. We art

having a great demand for it, which is

good proof of its superior qualMt*.


Latest Music always on hand.

Instraction Books.

All kinds of Musical Instrument* Tuned and Repaired.




Patent Aotion Piano-Forte, AVD


COTTAGE ORGAN. Theie Cottage Organ* are Ihe ftneet instrumenta

or their kind before the public, being fall and

rich la teas, sad or great power.

Call and examine our Instruments.


No. :\'o Broadway, Lawrence.

MI 88 S. It. Fit YE Will open the l.t of April

Spring Styles Bonnets ft Hats In Htraw, Chip and Lrakoru. A complete areorl- mCDt of

Paris Flowers *ad Feathers. 228 Essex street, (up one flight,)

Third door from the Poit Ofloe, aad opposite pa Itilllipa' trimming store.

I oa esu always Sad a goad line of


(Piloei ttm LOWEST.) *l

SMITH'S, 1« K.srx dtreet.

Business Notice. I have takes a Bltm at

No. 8 Applcton street, - • Lnwrtncti, aext to City Hall, for ths parpoae ol msnafestar. lag HARNKSSKS of every kind,both Slagle aad DssbU, aad sball use Ibe beit of stork and pat ia tbe bast of work, will try lo pltasc all who will give me a call.

Shall keep a largo assortment of

Trunk*, Bags, Valises, Shawl Strap* BIIII Trunk Straps.

Harnrnte* Hepalred aad Oiled. 0. O. STBBHfN, Agent.

Law rear e, April IS, IST>


SMITH'S, 143 Essex street. XMIl SXX THK

New Style HOOP SKI 111'.

Boots and Shoos.

The patronage a sjaar—**' take ou Given 2tml7


is Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, all Ihe _ i***menta upon which hive beea sotuslly paid in; and that on tbe toth day of April, UTi, nhen lha annual seeount* were closed, tbe books showed tha Company to be free from debt.


Liwrcaoe, May 7.IS72. StmlO Directors

IN BANKBUPTCY. DiiUletof Hassachaielti.

Motion li hereby given that the lubicrlbei* bava been appoint'd aMlgoce* of tbe estate ol JBBEallAH frl.ANDEKl., of Cliarl.Mown, ad- judged a bankrupt. B. S. WILWON

tOil SAlaaw. A hand<omely farntahed LODGIMO HOUBK,

nuw full; oae or the beet location* ia Hi..ion ; only two minute* walk from tha Itevere llouar. Nice home, low rent. Will be *old Cheap, jtmat* laquire HI Crescent Place, BIIMTDN.

Farm for Sale. ipUadld rarm, situated inUetbata.i

village, ooniiitlng or twenty one acre* oi excel' lent land, Cottage lloaie with Oarrlsgs House, Hsrn to x 40, and Corn Hoxie. A good plane a market gardener, or a gentleman who wlibei lire a ibort dlitanoe from the olty nf Lawrem r'or terms, apply to Un. U. BOBBBTd, Ho. U3 HaverhlU Street, Lawreaee, MMS. Swf Imytl

Uommonweallii of kf easaohuaett*. Baaax, as.

To the beiri-at-law. and olhir* laurelled in Hi eitate of HATIIAMEI. JBWBTT, l*t. < Lawreace, In aald couuty,merchant,drteai ed, laUstata, Breetlog i

Whereaa, Hldney A. Jewett, ths adrainUtr.i, of ihe estate of laid drrea-ed, Mas presented for ■ lowaaee the account of hi* administration utm the estate ol laid deeeaied,

ICE CREAM. The lubstrlber wlllattead lothe manufacture

of lea Cnsm daring the present leasoa,

FAIRS AND PAKTIE8 HUPriJKD at short aotiee, and latlifaetlon gaaraatcid, or no enargs made.

Ice Cream (ilaiiea furnished parllei and fair*. SmspIS ASA J.LBBHKD,

104 Essex Street, Lawrenoe.

Aad tha said administrator li ordered to nrve Ihl* oiUtlon by publliblng the same onoe a week la tbe Lawrence smrrkin and Andover Advrr- ll*er, a newipiper primed at Lawreaee, Itirre weeks sasasastvely, ti day* at least befon

Wltaees, - Court, thi, hundred and t«vent»-i"0' ,„

myl7 A. C. UOODELL, Begliter

Gommonwaaltti or Maaaaobuaatta. Baaax, M.

To tlie uvlri-at-law, aatl oirieri Intrnsled lathe e.tateorCIIAKLKH WKBblKK, late of Law-

In aald couaty, mlllman, decraatd, In- i, greet la a I I. Ably B. Webster, the admlnlitrattlx

or the eitate of laid deeessed, ha* preseuied lor allowance thr account of her adm'nlatratfoaupoD the estate of **ld deceased, aad also her |.-tlii» lor allowance for beraelf aod minor children ui der her care,

Yoa are hcrrby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to be holdrnat Lawrence, la said county ol fciaex, on Ihe Second Tuesday of Juna neat, at nine o'clock In th* •how eau*e,lf any yoa have, why the IISU should not be allowed.

And the *«id administratrix I* ordered to serve thir citation by publishing the same ones a week, In Iba Lawrence Amnkan and Andover Adver- Uier, a new*paper printed st Lawrenoe, three week* aueee»*i*rly, the L< i publication lobe two days at l***t hefore i.ld lundey.

Wltaraa, Oeorgr P. Llioaie, L».|Ulrr, Judge ol •old Coort.thli seventh day of May, In Ihe year eighteen hundred and leventy-two.

my ID A. C. UOODELL, Brglstcr.

Commonwealth of Msssachuietts

Bssxx.SB. I'ltOltATK COUBT. To the hslia-at-law,next of kin,aod all other per-

■ox* Interfiled In the mt.leof LOCIMA K. WILDE, lite of Lawrenoe, In Mid eonntr, widow, deeeaied, greet INK :

Where**, a certain lnitrutuetii.paiportlng to be the leal will aad leitimeut or said drceeard, ba*

| been pre*rated to said Court, for probate, by Sa- | thaulrl Ambrose, who pr*)* lhat lettrri testa I mrntsrymay be Issued to him,the ciecutor there I in named. , Vuu are hereby oiled to appear it i l'robats Court, , to be held at Lawrence, la **id oounty cf tisiex, ! on tne Second Tvenlay of Jane neat, at nine

(jYiii'k, in fore noon, to ihow cauie, II any yoa hare, a«ain*i the same.

And said petitioner Is hereby directed to give public notice thereof, by publliblng thi* citation once a wrek.lor threw laoeeialve week*, lo the

i paper called tbe Lawrence American and An- - ■ ' tirlnti d at Lawraxce, the la*t

t befjre *ald

Slippery Elm Candy AMD


Ho Proprietary Medicine excels three for

Coughs. Colds, Hoarsencs*. Bronchial Affections, Irritation and Inflammation

of the Mucous Membranes, Ac. Tkay can be taken la any qaaatlty wliaoat

injury. Slippery Elm ( Utmus Fluva) I* to> wtll known

ai a dome* tic remedy to require comment; yet Its anplloaUon is far more varltd and exlm*tve than I* generally supposed, while It* iBcacy Is ax- doubted. This new way of administering It will be foaadtbe best. Host eoavrnlent and desirable.

WEEKS A POTTEB, AgeaU for New Fml-nd. 1 ttmmblO run sir,a ar


L'.VJ Essex, comer of Perulwrton street, LAWRKNCE.

t, Choats, Esquire, Jadge ol uili dav of May, la the year ixodred and seventy-two.


Millinery iFancy Goods. W* sail attention le oar large lloek Of

Flowers, Ribbons anil Etraw Goods.

ALEXANDRE KID (/LOVES in great variety,..Hint' CHEAP.

161 Kisex street, 3 tluors from Jackson.


Mis IIATTIK A. CHATBTJBN ha* been en eased for the itaeoa. aad will have charge of oar atlllinrry department; aad will be (Isaaed loaee any of brr ell customer*. m)3

Imitation Hair Goods. Cblgaoas, Ctrl*, Braids, Switebei and Bat*,-

the largett Hock la Ihe city.

-SMITH'S, 143 Essex street.



Near Boston ds IIsine and Eastern Depot,



< lulliiim. Hall, «np s% rurnl-h- lag Goods Rior-,

No. 108 Essex Street, Lawrence.


•error Iba next SO days 1 shall re ll all our ol i itoek at VERY LOW PRICKS.

Vest*, Si.00 lu si.w Hate, SO to \M Caps, to Is ;t Tics, to to ito



No. 130 Eh-BBi ST., LAWHEKCB.

J. D. HEBKICK AMD S.U. FRENCH. axder the sad style of J. T. KBE-CH a CO.,reipedrally announce lo their former MhMS aad the publtr g. nerall), that tbay may Hill be roaad at the Old Htaad

71 Essex Street, (139 New Number,) where they wlU always iMjtaawW 'iB0Wt


hugs and carefully i.iected .tocVtf Men s, Wo- m»V-. Hoy*', Mlaaea', Yonlh'*, fildri-n's, snd LnuuwaV

BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, at all times, a uood assortment of

RUBBKB GOODS. Women's JNo-Heel Rubbers,

aot elsewhere to be found la tha ell j. Their Uooda, ai far as possible, ore mads to

order,end received directly from th* most respon- *lble manufacturers.

jarTney are S»LB Agents or tbs


VOOLR GERMAN SLIPPER. flr^evlBR retained the lerrlor* of MB.It. H.

TII, (a man of twenty veari exseriewseH»tkf manu'aclure and tale of Boot* snd Hhoei tliev maautaclurr and sollrti end hope m mrm ■ ™«' »■ »■• ,■—■» patronage.

rjf V[<-w nxarulne our Goods before purchasing.


1S9 Essex Street, Lawreuce- J. D- Hsrrtsk. *• *• rreaeb.

BUBURBAN HOME- smgsa tron sat.K-A t«o andehslf *t«ry **»•' Mouse, with a ore in.ry »il, cuniilulax igSsiien room* and ample clo.ei*. 1 her* is aa ■IIIITrn.Ufat csllar.and uood w«tir. A m"i- crn ballt Kara la apoa Hi* preml'c*. that eo«t S7L0IU balld. Thelolconlsllts as«r*/*<iit *«'/"«

~" property I* rilunidoo I .ins- Clovrr Hill, tdlttance ten n.tiult*

walk from'tlie Common,) adjomli B Ihe rst*t> U JOHN PALUiK. >'q.,u> ahom apply io',P«

Price, g'MOu.

A CARD. Thsnhfsl for past favor*, Mr. bun,asm wuuld

be happy lo ire bis old Irirada st mhZt 103 Essex street, Lawrence.

FLORAE. SWtm Choice eeleotloai of rare aad besatifal

.BtVpiowerlng Plaoli eaa be obtain* 1 at tbe TgTgOwujaunvMM©f A.W.rirEABhTs.oo Law J*Jr«»t« siren,half way to Metbaen village, saah aa Uersalani*, PrlrrgoniBmi, Irrrru**, Heath*, Vlarlai, Allyiami, Aoharanthui.Coleus, Varlrgaledlvyi, Paehsla*. Ilrll.trop'*, Ml.*aa* brlaathemam*, BoavarsMu, Oaraaitos*. Oaliidl ia, Paailes, Oallles, Petaalas, ArbathWfM.eU.— 11*0, very Sue Tomato, ritrawtx rry, Cabbage ana



New & Second Hand Furniture. The subscriber* bava tskea room* in Ordsvap-

Hlack, B37 F.S*tm slreet, where ihey will He- pair *nd Hay aod Bell Ceeond Hand Karaltnr* ■nd household articles. All order* promptly attraded to, and good* sold at eur.lon wh*1- „,,,,,.,, DILI, a CO.

Lawrence, April IS, in:.:. tl

. i; A u * co. mini i>

Merrimack 1 liver 1 oo. Oltloe With A. V. Ill (ilil.l ,

No. L'fi'i Essex street, Lawrunce. Laaveyosr orfers.aadkrepoool, )milap33









BANKERS, No. 1 Devonshire, cor. StatoSt., Boston.

Out-of-town depositor* will have their remit- tance* ttuil collection*promptly acknowledged.

u-Wr do a OeneraT Banking end Commission Bnalneai, negotiate Bondi, Blocks. Korea, Md Olhrr Securities, make collections tlirnik'Uout United Slate* and K or ope, A*

Unilin ia Secarltica.

we iDTlt. Inqnlrloa relating tOlnTCitncnti.tad Kl»« below the price* of a IMS of the moat de*ir- able Bond*'.— Burlington,Cedar Rapid**, Klnue.-ot*7s Vl| Indianapolis. Bioorolnglon* Western .* BO LoMMMft, Crawlord*vllle and B W, t«, » e;hr**P*akeaoaloS#, J* Connecticut Vallej 7s, ** New York and O.wego 7s, «

U. 8. Bond* and other marketable Securities allowed full price In exchange. Jmlinliawh

SKIN DISK ASKS. PERRY'S IM PUOVF.DCOMF.DONK A PtatPLK ItKMKDT. lhc cllln Medicine ef the Afe. 1* warianted to core tleth Her mi, Umpire, Krup- fiousand I,i,iifAerfdlsuguratloi-sol ' !>■ I i ' Hold by all r>rui/>juli. DepoHv Hand «t.,New York.

For Moth Patches, Freckle; and TAN.u.ePKKIlY'rJ MOTH and KUKCKLK LOTION. The well known Tellable ana harmlci* remedy for Brown Ul.colornllon-ot the face— Prepared only by Dr. B.C. 1'rrry, Darmalolcgl»t. iv Bond ureei. New York, fold by Druggists trtrywhrrt. tJmTinhr.'eod'mliln.b

OVER 680,000 SOLI).

(•.00 down, and $6.00 a month until

paid for, will buy ■ Wheeler &

Wilson Machine.

II X d I> Q t: A B T B R 8








We claims ours BEST for the following

reasons, wlilcb wo nl:inil roatlj to PROVF.

to all who will give til a call —

First—They arc not HI complicated

that they require, a mechanic to keep

them in order, as they have 20 less parts

than the simplest machine in the mar

kct, therufuru 30 le;n times liable to get

out of order,

8ccond—They are the Btillent running,

having the silent Teed.

Third—They have the largest sales of

any Family Mnchints in the world.

Fourth—They are the speeded.

Parties advertising other machines as

higher speeded, make a falsa statement

Filth—They will do a larger range of

work than any otner machine

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—Tln-y have the lioul stitch

and tension.

Eighth — They have the glass foot,

with which the natural eye can see to

guldo the work, being much easier than

with a steel one.

Ninth—Thoy i\o not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not have holes to

thread in their shuttles, as all other \.OQY.

Stitch Machines do.

Eleventh—They will uao I.IXF.N and

all kind* of thread* and silks.


Partial in want of » II KKLKH k W II.SnN'S

alachlne*, are cautioned again*! purchasing tin m

of agents who advertise to tell all machine*,**

they mike a specialty of one, bat nte diffrrrnt

one* to blind lite pohlic and faith their prey, while

we tell but one kind, and that I • Hie RKIfOWNBD

Wheeler & Wilson


Having fitted np half of J. C, Wadlelgh's

■tore, we will be happy lo ■how our Machines in

■ II branche* of work.

We keep on hand a good (apply of the be*t


la the market, with


for the Wheeler k Wllioa klaoblnei.

Open every Evening till 0 o'clock.

N.B.-Patllce having Wheeler 4 Wll.

HaablBM will rrfil.f initruellon ID their KM free

of charge; and we hope nil will avail thcmtelvei

ol li.i ■ <>!';■ ■ii-i i.m ■

II V V l> I \ ,

;le» liavlug uitcn advantage of a *luiil>i-

it v of name and other equal- ly dlahonr*! derloee, to foist upon the public interior Ma- clilni'i having none of the "tacbmenl* or charaettri*- M Hlilch distinguish the HOW E ." Purchasers .■ the

tlooed t observe the "trade mm,'" and take no dealer's ord that a Machine It a

line ■ Howe" nnlcs* it bier* the Medallion freed of fci.IAS Uowlt. Jr., > •miieddf d In the Ma- chine. BVTheie Uachlue* have Invariable been awarded the hi*heat honor* a: all Ihe B" tttrxhl- bltion* of the world. They recrlvid the Omljr l.oM Mcttal Awairted Helving; Machines at the Parll F.nbJblllOII, 1«17. Read the tollowlnf:

Department oraute.Wa«hlnitton.u;h May, T,s. To KLi.\»Dowit,Jn.,Ncw York,-S<r,-TbaU«. parimi-ntb*» received One Uold Medal,OncCro/i ol the Lealoa of Honor, On» Diploma, and OUL- OrliScate. awarded jot at tbc farl* tutter.*! Kxporttlon of ItftT.and wHIdellver the asSH to yuuneit or your Agent, a* you may direct. ' I am, air. joor ob'l *er**t, W*. U.BaWAm..

W. 1IAOEH, Agcut,

199 Essex Street, Lawrencs.


Superintendent of Cemetery. Ilesidence 26 Morton Street,


DR. TItTON'S Compound Dandelion Bitti rs Give Tone and Action to the Stomach .Strengthen the Di|r*tl*e Organ*,and Kilna'atc <n can General Debility. The be« medicine for Ketnale Compla'nU, (whether In younu or old,) or at the turn of life; and for Chronic Diarrhea the* mitrra hare no equal. am mhW


ABSXSAOIUI' On ICE, slay i, lUS. .Boom .Yo. /, fii'j llatl.

To the Inhabitants of the City of Lawre&ee, and other Psrion* liable to Taxation therein :-

The Aneiiurt of the oily of Lawrence hereby give notice lo the Inhabitant* of *ald city, and all other pattlea liable to pay Taxei therein, that their Offlce will be open on and nfler the Plral Amy *>f June, until and Including the I'H- (reitlti dajr of Jane, 1S74. Offleebonr*-a

to VI A. U., ■: lo 5 P, H.i and Taeailay and»> Kvenlnaa, from 7 to 9 o'clock, daring the abore mentioned time, then and there to receive the valuation of o*tctc»; andnll par- tial liable to bf taxed In laid Lawrence, are hereby nquired to return to .: ! ■ ■ . . i n..i pcrfeet ll*t ol all Iho polla, and achcdut,<* of the real and pemonnl estate* for whlrbthcy are liable to pay taxei.

The CollowInK enumeration miy aerve a* a guide to I he Inhabitant* In maklcg up lluir ilatomcnti:

l-ulli —All malea or 20 year* old and upward*. Iltal Altar*.—Land and building*. Slock in Tr<ai?.— lioudu, wir-a and merchati-

dlie —a vilui' rqnal to the amount of monry ni'cniirj- to carry on builnea*.

All Monty at /it/crerf,—(not depoiited In tar- ing* bank* In llnei., or Inveated In United State* lecnrllic*,]

Incvmt from prol"e*iioo or occupation, excenl- ing one thousand dollar* in amount,

0«Mta>i .V'ii.F»'.cl>iii ■;, Haitroad nn'f Public Stocki, not exempt by law from taaallon.

Ilorttt, VartlautM and .Vent CattU. Houtrhotd Furniture exceeding one thou*and

dollar* in value, llhittk SchtdnUi, for relurn* of per*3L*l prop-

erty, can be obtained of the A*n**or* at their OILce, City Halt.

I'aitlet holding Uortga^e* recorded on Heal Kitate Record*, will pltnxe report all payment* or partial payment* on account or «ame,lo pre- vent taxation fur the whole.

• ■•All pertun* who do not comply wlihthe law*, will be iiitiiMKii,


AMciiora ol the City of Lawrenre. ACT or IMT—SIO,3.—No abatement *ball be

made of tlio taxe* a* aliened upon an Inhabitant of the town where the a**i««imiit 1* made, until he ahall hive flled with the At*e*icr* a Hat *ob- icrlhedby hlmofhl* e*tale llabl.-to taxallun,and made oath lint it la a full and ai-curate 11*1 ol the name, according to hla lnit know ttd<e and belief.

When iurh ll*t *hall not be tiled wllhlu the time ipccllled by Ui» A**a<*or* lor the bringing ID of •urlillit by the Inhabitant* ol the town, nu appeal from the ]odgrmnt of the A*a**«or* con- cerning «nch abatement >h*U be tustalned t>y the Cuuniy (MmmUdoncri, ulilr.i they ahall be sal- tilled that there waa good eauiu why *uch ll*t waa mil *ea*onably brought In. Im*l tml

aiiori'iNC ii A (>s *1 00. |l.aJ,|l 8), •1.7J.S' ii-Vtry Cheap.

SMI Ill's, 143 I'.-- - street.


MACHINISTS, (BBaceiAor* to Webrter Duitin k Co,)


Cotton & Woolen Machinery AND

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Pulley*, Gearing and Shafting, Jack Screw*, All klndiol Roll* on tnadu toorder;

alao all kind* of forging done, UKNKKAI. JOH WORK and Hill repair* done

promptly and faithfully. Dealer* In Ua n u facto re ri' rluppllei,

Foster's Building, Comer of Frank lin and Methuen Street*

Mercantile Saving Institut'n NKW llt.Mt HI il.Dl.\i;,

No. .1H7 Wawhington Street, hoslon. Thl* I* the only Snvlng Hank In the Hate that

pay* lnterr*t on di l*jr rach nnd every lull iMl.-r ■! ir month they retrain In bit' k. Die loati tntlon ha* ai;jar*tit11' luud of M.AK.MCO for the expret* protection or depositor*. 1.'»*rt >..:; m> lit



Perfect LOIIHOS» Orouud/rom Minute fnjit.t Ptbbkt,

melted together, anil derive their B*at< 'Diamond' i.n aoeount ul their Ifardmut i,nd tirltii im-ii —

«ro WHrtiinti il liipi rlor 1u all uilii-ra In u*e. Miiuufurtund by IIIL-

Spcocor Ojjtical Manttfactarlng Co., NKW YOKKi

CAUTION.-None tiensine unI.-» ntdmped with our trade •> mark.

For Mate by ltei*|)JU*lh]t> rt«.'uti Ihruughout the Union.

WHiTi oitn *, in i; JiiWflfr* anil t)pliclaii*,are ^«le Ajtenl* for I.a.v- r-'iice. II».' . ll.ej n.n only I..' obtain- ed. No I'edultr. vmploiid. \y. imill

GREAT BARGAIN in Ladle*' Cotton II I 2 and 16 cent, per pair.

SMITH'S, n:i Essex street.

The World'a Internal Himetly.


BLOOD rUIUFIER. (Julck In It* Actbm—1\ rnanent in It* Cure.

Thl* inertir-iae ii iho prrtorlptloa of a «.>rid n

ially b e puhll ruent fuim. but A-

rile*,and denlriogto proiit HiL^-.uff.'rlnglromihirt

terrlb!. .ttieaM.,eon»int*d

tlei.aadaoldattha LOW PRICE OK ONE DOLLAR.

[In , offer ti

184 80 V A Rl'ETlNOS

J.V (lltKAT l-AMKTr,





One to eight yard* wide, In all qualities, at price* to *ult,



Canton Mattings From M to M Wide.

Plain, Chocked and Fancy.




Curtain Fixtures, Tassels,

Shade and Picture Cord.


104 Hanover St., ami W Union St.,


The above dock In each department I* new and dealrable, havlug been at.'erted from the produe. Ion*of thomoitoekbratid l-.>n IK" and Uomei. Ic manufactarera, a^-Vrelnvliean tx:imlnaIlou from our frlendi

ind the public.




131 Hanover St., and SO Union St.,

4wlaSfleodlaWv.b BOSTON.

-*!&'' PURNITllRE^.|Ji^.. wMtfl WASHINCTOH JTJ B


New &, Elegant Styles,

Parlor, Library, Dining Room, anil Chamber


Mantel and Pier Mirrors. Lace Curtains & Draperies.

Spring Beda & Bedding.,

Having the largut »tack and the llneil anort- mint of

FJBST CLASS PUHN1WBB n thl* or any other city, we Invite all to call nnd enumlne our Mock aud learn our prlceibifore purchasing clacwhere.


Prlcei from ?:.0 to $150, in v,iilou^*lylr«of Ibe mn.lconvei.Uni and ueeplabie I'arlor lied In the Jlarket.

Wc aiv the (OL- 1< ill for the H«W I.ccbnJ State* fjr



Matlrosies, Ilolelcrs, :unl


We cm refer to more than om- hundred church-

JOSH." It I* cheapirlha'ii'hilr. and will h.,ld Hi- elasticity double th* lei.gih of 11 mi\ and warrant. ed prjof again.*! molhi.


■Ill Wnshington street, Hos-ton. 3ml taplSeb

It, but the b moodailou we i

I of o bottle, which will cvrtaluly re-

lieve the muii difficult caae. Iry it. MLI beconvlneiit. We have ati-

vritU.d thl* medicine for >nl« by Oeeraee.tioudwlii A I'O . ol Huaton.

\ cure, if lin- money d. And out of r flve hundr.dtot ica.old at retail, tbiy bav

oua lonri-dlrnt whi caae* not renulrlnjr active mi Ihe Imperial l'oU|(li .Sirup hui turn uird for the latt thirty year*. Prepared ouly by It. K. 8KI.LEHS * CO,

PITTSBUHfia, i\. Held by Druaili'i evertwbere. 3mapl«

JNU. r. II KMiV, New York Wbolcaal* A/|*.

An Undoubted Security I'AYlNIi 00 I'KIl CCIIT.



U.J Ter (.'cut. on the Investment.

l."^:iu-lILI ". <'rHuToTd»villr' and Soiitlr H i -dill Ittlihuiy Of Illtlltllltt.


The t»auc li limited to •llt.^00 per mile n. ,!, . nominatli n« of tl/JUO, f-.tO*nd *)1C0.

Thl* Itoad.w; mlei lonir. utl'iid* the ihortett ealallns oull.t to t'hleuao, Tukdo. llrtrolt, r'mt Wa> DI-, I OK«!J tin and IniermvOlale point* for the ril-'bruteJ Biuck ant) Itltumlnoni Coal* ol PiFkc Coant*, a*, aleo, [or tlio larftn lurplu* pro- ducia of lhc riish aL'ileiilt ural and mlneiat accllon of the State nhieh II Irawifea

For thv ;..-■■! nr we are . :.- ; 11 , thl le [tomla at Oft anJ Heern dlnlrrnt In currency, or kill ex- cbanflo them for iiovernment llundi, or other marketable ireni I lin, at tlio tat r* of the day.

t-'urthi-r and lull paiticulura, wkl. pamphlet* and mapi.furnl*! rd by ua on peraunul or »rltun application.


No. 1:.' Pino itrcet, New York,

0ur Jjolrf--!***.

" Creature coinf/irts "—Oood wiviM. Loft— l'he button* from acoa* of iriiitt

Honest iMtramwt*—Upright pianos. A Imrinless dtr.Hi-DrowninR In tears. Tlio Hrtt theatre-Tli: tboatn of war.

The largest epeclts of tinf.a—Klepli ar.ti. The attic mews— A cm litattrantwg»r-


Shop lifters—Pleniy ot ([OCfJ CUStOHV era.

What Wind of fare is best tn live nponf —Welt-fare.

What ttrows bljtKcr the more you con- tract It'r-Debt.

The best exercise of the memory—It-;- meDiberthe poor.

Every jounjf, doilor frill get 011 It ho only ba» patients.

A iliiii;.-! !■(■!.■ cbaractrt— A man who take* life cheerfully.

The K:i;!li'-t ISatbeeus on record— Lu- ther btiriilnjr the Pope's bull.

Why arc flections lite tents?-Because tin; csnvMBs entla at the poll?.

Gravity Is DO more evidence ol AUdmu than :■ paper collar Is of a shirt.

A student ot tlieologydeactlbes a wom- an's original sphere to bo apples.

ll a)O0ng lady blda you take he.irr, does alie mean that you ean take hern?

Definition ol prltlo by a four-year-old— Walking ni:h a cane when you ain't Inn e.

A patty hearing id a <!OK alter Lund- seer, wanted to kt;(.w what he waf after him for.

A Pull—If It Is wise to have two strings to your bow, It is also prudent to let one of your purac*ltrlngl he a ebeik-strltig.

A bachelor Is politely described as a man who has no lectcd In- opportunity of making some poor woman miserable.

Mrs. 1'artlugton says that since the In- vention of the needle-gun there Is no rea- son why women shouldn't flj*ht RB well as men.

The moet fashionable way of using books Is to Htve them as men do lords- learn their titles, and brag of their ac- quaintance.

One stormy Sabbath a putor, having only eight hearers, tock for hU text,

1 U'henln few, (hat U, eight ->■:!■., were ived by water."

UL-hop Butler says: "A eot u like a statue in a tnoUt air—all the lineaments of his humanity are mouldered away with the moisture."

An Atlanta man wants the thief who stole hi* well-bucket and rope to come back mid get the well, as It Is of no p cut use to him.

A marriage broker adverthea: 'All uples availing themselves ol'the agency

ot this cilice will have happiness guar- anteed to them for one year."

At a Detroit auction sale of unclaimed express matter a minister purchased a re volver, und a lady got a pair of brass knuckles and a burglar's " Jimmy."

A teacher, Ofttechlttag his scholars, put the tpiestlon, " What was made to give light to the world?"' "Matches!"' cried 0:1c ot the youngsters, after 11 short pause.

11 boy," said an Ill-tempered old fellow to a !■■ i-v lad, "wlibt are you hollerln' for when I am going by?' ''HamphP1

returned tbc boy, " what arc you going by for when I am holkrin'?''

"John," said a master to his appren- tice, aabfl wat about starting on a journey, "you must occupy uiy place while I am absent." " Thank yon, sir," replied John, '■I'd rather llttp with the boys."

A merchant, not ovcr-converEsnt with geo^rapby,on hcarlngthat one of hla ves- sels was In jeopardy, exclaimed: "Jeop- ardy, Jeopardy! whore's that? At any rate. I'm glad the ship's not Into port."

An txehange says fuMiloliable young people arc calling upon somebody to lnB

vent a new dance. Suppose ■• somebody " Invents one wherein the young lady dan- cesaro'.ind Hie bouse and look* aftvr every thing,

" If there Is any body under the canls- t_T o( heaven that I hold In utter excrea- enco," said Mrs. Partlngton, "it Is the slanderer, going about like a boy sou* stricter, circulating his calomel upon hon- est folks."

S 11 a Detroit lady to a gentleman of that city, " You are tot a musician, I bo* lleve." '•No," said he; '■ If I were the proprietor of a hand organ, set expressly to play ■ Old Hundred,' I couldn't get si v- entj-f,vj out of it."

There wi* alltile m»ld. When lbs nel|hboi*' hen* had laid

Hi' Ir eei'a In brr ratlin'* laiden, Bin ii-e 1 to *ell them, eo ■>■'■- I1r.11 'lit lime calico

Andmideber*elfalou]Djlly Var4m

A little boy rCLO>UU hi* political paps, one of the grave Senate, la*t we k thus: ' Papa, are jo" g'Oivlnif still?" "Xo, dear; what mskesynti think so?" "Ue- cutiso Die top of your head is coming through your hair." Ttie poor pOlltielan is getting bald.

A parsimonloiis son-eaptaln, answering tlte complaints of his men that the hn a I was bad, exclaimed: "What! complain of >onr lire ul that is made from (lour? What do you think of the Apostles? They ate ' show-bread.* made Irom old boots and shoes'."

••What doyou think Is the best thing in oil here" said MahUtlek to a friend as they met at the lunch table after Inspect- ing "a private collection of paintings be- longing 10 a gentleman of this city.*' "Beit thing in oil? why the sardines," said the interrogated as he made a fresh a'taek on the eoibles.

Theodore Hoik, in one of Us wonder fnl Imprmlsed songs, uss clrilhngod to pun upon the name of Itisenagen; and this was the response:

Yet mere of my mualc Ii required- AUal I fear *heladono;

Hut DO!—Ilka a fUdler that'* llred, I'll K01 e 1 jrf. 11 and go on.

Josh lt;ilinj;e says: " I hcv alltirs cb- tervetl a wblnln dog is sure to get llc'it in a tijih'. No enrof well-reggerla- ted morals kan resist the temptation to bite a cowardly purp thattrles to sneak Off with his lale between Ids legs. The whlniu lii/in -1. man Is Just so. A good rlngin bark Is wulb more to put greenbax in a man's pocket than forty-two years of whluin."

Jones and his wifewero always quarrel- ing about their comparative talent for keeping a Ike. She Insisted that just no surely as he tried tore-arrange tbc sticks with the tonite, he put the fire out. One night the church bell' aounCed an alarm, and Jones sprang for his tire bucket, eager to rush to the coi. flag rat Inn, ■'Jones," cried his wife as he reached the door, " take ilietongs!"

An Inferior idiot In Ilarrlsburg hes been writing a poem in which a baby con- ducts Ihe conversation. Here arc three ol ihe verses:

Thoot any hair, VeptJilMalllllo

Fui hire ai.dlhrre.

" Yfhat'm I hero for? 'Al'a i'u ['j meaii;

Who'* dot a better rl(bl,

" WliM'ia 1 dood for, Did von lay?

Kber ao many tln|i Ebary diy."

Our Gooltory Column.

We observe that our eotemporaries. with scarcely an exception, supply their readers with cookery; ail periodical) are alike ID this respect. They may ap- peal to the head or tin heart, but they attack them through the stomaeb, In order not to be out ol the fashion, wc offer our reader- a few perfectly original re el pea:

Htswsi>cnxatiii re —Tafco a quart ot iii -'mi>. If thi grooar objecrs 10 your taking them, you had better pay lor them to prevent litigation ; burrow a stew pan If you haven't got one; if you havo got one, don't lend It; put fie chestnuts Into It, and stew them; accounts can be cooked lo the same way, a la fiiianctere

To MIXCK BciF.—Half a pound of oyster shell s, two ounces of slate pencil, a pound of Isinglass, half a gallon of mock turtle soup, candled psel to taste; put tbeui all In the fry Ing pan. and place !■ In the oven with a <i tick fire; as soon aslt begins to b>ll turn It out.spreadlt on the pasteboard, go over It gently with a rolling pin, and cut it Into fqiiares; or, another way : put the above named in- gredients Into the copper, lull of cold water; light the tlie, and throw Into It ballapoiind of best gunpowder; Ibis will save a good deal of trouble In serv- ing up.

lteusT HAHK—Take a nice clean gridiron; rub It gently with garlle; pour Into It a pint of clear cold water, and put It on Ihe fire to simmer; nex*. catch your hare, and get i. shaved at the nearest barber's; this is easier than plucking it; as soon as the gridiron boils, hire a sook, with^a goad character from her !*»■ place; tell her to roas: the hare,and get out of the kitchen as quickly as you can.

To ROAST POTATOES.— Tako several potatoes, peel them, wash them, and put clean collars on them. Then with a hard pencil write on them "murphies," "taturs," and such other opprobrious epithets as occur to you; then throw them away.

SOUP FOR INVALIDS—To a pint of warm water add three tahle-spoonfuls of cod-liver oil. shako them until they nro thoroughly incorporated; takes a clove or garlic that has been steeped Tor some twenty-lour hours in senna ten, and shretl It into the liquid. Season with rhubarb and magnesia. Some add force-meat halls of thu same size, and of the same materials, ns anti-bilious pills. Brown with a salamander, and servo up.

WELSH KAIIBIT.—Skin it and truss it, or, if you can get it, trust from tlio near- est poulterer's; open the head nntl take out tho brains, which chop up with a leek, nnd replace; boil it gently in a Diite'h oven, nnd serve on toast.

To MAKE TEA.—Take two or three good birch brooms, mince them before a brisk lire, get up early next morning, and go into the next hoti9o while tho servant is sleeping the carpet, collar the ten leaves, and go, brush them over wlih a weak solution of Boot. For green tea substitute verdigris for tho soot. Mix well, ami then brew with milk and sugar to taste.

Keeping a Pout-Office.

From ihe earliest period of recollection I've had n desire to keep a post-cilice, or have tbc P. O, keep me; I didn't care a continental which. For years I have tolled for the "poslsh " of P. M . and last week I succeeded. Ilut note 1 write after my name, ex-P. M.

I'll tell you bu'.v It came about. The postmaster here resigned, and, with the aid of a graveyard recommendation, 1 succeeded him. It's nobody's business if I did rob thu tombstones for names for my petition; and I can't see why the rela- tives of the Ussfunct chaps won't quit throwlnj; it up tc a fellow.

Well I wrote P. M. after my name Mrs. I.ipmock embraced me with Ihe ten derness ol a she-hear when I rushed Intt the room wavlnj' my pelltion over m-

head, aud my appointment bt ought sundry oilier hugs. I WHS a happy man.

Mrs. I.. and I sat up till midnight writ- ing my name with P. M. sftsr It. Oh, It looked grandly. I wouldn't have swap ped it for PrCS.,LL.r».. or A. B. The next day I entered upon the discharges of my dalles, and yesterday Uncle Samuel discharged me.

Immediately upon bis successor (which was me) being qualilkd. the ex P. M. left, and I wan left alone. The mail came, ar.d I distributed It thus wlee. My motto lias always been 'First come Ilrst Served,' and I acted upon It to the best of my know! edge. I gave a letter to each caller as long as Ihej lasted, aud then 1 ciMtimcn cetl on the pnpers.

Wife said that tbc thing would act like a charm. I'nder the old reifimie some p*0| le never got A letter, while now tb< Hist porscn In the e fllce, after the dUtn button of the mall, would got Ihe biggest fitttestletter that came.

The idea was original, and I pride my- self on its If. v< nt!■ -ii. TlicLIpmnck brain was ever fertile.

The morning following -'mall day" I left my bouse for the poi-t office—the at- tainment of longohcrished ambition. As I turned a corner I discovered two well- known c It liens about to lest ihe virtue in clenched hands.

•' I never note a letter lo your wife, vociferated die.

'• You lie!" jelled the! olhrr; "your letter yesterday wan banded i« me. My wire Is In Birmingham, and wrote a sweet letter to you, Mpmuck's noble motto ol "First come ft ret served," played In my hands "—and a moment later at It thty went.

I hurried on. I had ytitt cr.tcnd the P. n when

woman rushed lido the building. " Von villain '." she yelled, knocking my

hat to ihe Hour, und burying her eager talons In my hair ' Von gave my letter to Mag Fitstongue, the biggest old slan- derer In town. And she'd telling every Where Itiat I've been writing to a married* man."

Well, I now can't boast of us much hair as I con! I n week ago.

Scarcely had my persecutor left wbena Crowd rushed into ihe office. The meth- odlst preacher beaded it. I think he swore as he i-rn-nl the threshold.

"Villain!" he yelled, ''yougave Bird I.yer one of my letters, and he's blowing everywhere that I've got a wife In New York and another In Maine."

"Kill him! kill him!" yelled those be hind him.

I saw a di ,■■ 11 ii t- and clubs Hearing me, and I retreated.

111 l.ui; the scoundrel!" cried th women, and I If and Ibat the command would be executed.

I went through the window, and now I'm In another town.

I'm an ex-P. M. now, and a chap whose motto ain't "First comi:, lirst served" stands at the goal of 111 y late ambition.

My brief P. M. ship lias not been un- productive of; 1 11.; ■■. That M K. preach - er has left Ida charge, and a New Votk woman Is hunting him. Twenty tdjr, di- vorces stare our next eouit In the face, and through my bilel otllcial career,"nine men walk on crutches, and lour women have spoiled facea.

And I? Why, my cranium is hairless, and 1 dare not go back to Skulltown on pain of death.

My ambition Is satiated now, and I havedlschartrtd that motto: •' First come, first served." It don't work In a post- office

I wouldn't be a P, M. asaln for all the benzine In the world.



SEHiMi lACHIRI AliRXtY Urn been K, moved to


248 Essex street, Lawrence,

Where mar be found the

A mi 1 it tin Button Hole A Over- letmlng


Plain American, Elliptic,

Wheeler & Wilson, A. B & Elias Howe,

Florence, Singer, Weed,

Wilcox&Gibbs, and, la fact, *ome TWKNTT dlftrrrnt itjlM ol MMtiine*, ranging In price from as to flu.

Agenta having only une kind of Machine to aril, olten misrepresent others. We have no preference other tban to aril the Machine best adapted to the ela** of worh to bodone. If you tiny a Machine ol oa, and do not like it, yon can axcHASdK It for one yon do til*.

Machines Sold for Cash, or In Monthly Installments.

•9-fleoond Hand Machine* nought, Sold, or Kactianged.

Machine* to Let by the Week or Month. All kind* of Hewing Hachloci Repaired.

Alio, Agent for the


tlio molt Important Improvement over made In Sewing Machine!,— a health prraervlng, labor ":ivin-j Invention, which can be atjplivd to ul klndaaaw in nie.

New Style Cmteri, tad Needlei for all kinda ol Sewing Machine*.

Knreka Button-hole Tvvlit, oa Epoola, some- thing new and convenient, tie wing Silk, Thread, "ll. and Machine Finding* gcneriDy.

Alao, Agent for

Lamb's Knitting Machine, AN1> HRANCH OF


New York Emporium of Fashions.

Full Site, Accurate and Reliable FATTERNB In varion* »lie*, of evorv Mew and Peatrmbl* Style fur LAMES? and ( IIILDIIKN'S DRESS. Kaeh I'-iitern put op in an envelope, with Illus- tration and fnlfdirection* how to out, put togeth- er, make and trim the garment.

Al-o. subicrlptlon* received for DEMORKST'B MO.VTH/. T VA GAZINE.


No. 248 Essex Street, Lawrence. BAUXDKKS' MEW BLOCK.

The DAVIS Vertical Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largcat, the Simplest, tho Cheapest,

the Beit.

Thl* Maehlneha* just taien the Firtt /'H-ril the Lowell Fulr. In fact 1 lh*n never failed taking

It Studies, Hem*, (fi/e widths without bait- ing.) Fell*. Tock*. Coroi-, I Ind*. Braid*, Fringes, Bumi-i, Quilts, KM,;, ot-, tiutbet* and Sew* On at the tame lime without baiting.

THE DAVIS, unlike other maehiiiee, haa not been puflid Into noturiety by boasting advertisement*, hut In * quiet wav hai earned a great r, nutation on ao count ol Its many superior and desirable advan- tage* over ul tier machines.

Please call and see them at the Agency,

192 Essex street, Lawrence, At Dj-nr S. Hall & Co's Clothing Store.

- 1 u ■ v ' JOHN WARBUBTOM, Agent. N, It.- Maehinei Hepolre.d or Kxchanged.

Why not get the west the firBt timeP

Thl* l> a prarlical question, and is asked in good faith.

The Matchless, Latest Improvee.

IH tlif simplest. Will wear the longest. Is vtry high speeded. Is tho 1:. -i.'/.i to understand. Will do iho widest range of work, Unt'8 11 ve'ry abort straight noodle. Make a the lock aliteh, nuke on liulh sides. Works eepiitlly well on tlio lightest mus-

lin or ncavleit beavrrs. Those who gel Ihe HI Nil K It never eactiange 11

for any other. It I* emphatically the LKAIIINO Mar-hine. In sate* and general la'.lrlacllori, there wrreaold In l»:u 127,833 singer lliuhiiiis - J I, •;■„*.-» more

iliitn uny olher. All this haa been aecomplUhrd with little mid

from falra and exhibitions, eieepllng unly the "Wold's Fair" cnnatltnted by the home* of the people, where it received the grand award of the ! 'I ' -M.i.'i

Thcae fact* prompt the qneittol), —" *f*y no* -/d ffte /'.■*' the firit ttoul"

M»r I would Invite every one to call and examine the si>UI Ii. and It* late Improvements,at t

Office, No. 256 Essex street, Next door tp tfnundcra' new block.

Mnrhlnca sold on small Initailments, Instruc- tion given at home*, and eallifactlou guaranteed,

alachlne* Repaired and to Let. Hull Treadle, and Machine Findings

'mKt '* T. W. IIEALD, Agent, 2.56 Essex St., Lawrence.



PAINT, which *urps*»e* every other for beauty, durability

and freedom from Taint ODOR. It ha* a iplendld

gloss, I* cat 11 j kept clean, and warranted to wear

tt year*. A fact actually demonstrated by the proprietor.


fir every department In painting,

»..I.I. nr


No. 07 Water Street,


SMITH'.-!, 143 EIKI Street.


.i;iim, ol Hartford, !«■'.'>, £ni

State Mutual,Won esur, l*Io, 1

KID 0-X_.0"VES

SMITH'S l'i Ii-

Arlington Range.

ItlKIUl'AN .\ ul! Ill VI KNTS.

JVanUin, of lYnn'it, 1>"JH, 8:l,2o5,TlU

Royal. Koglar.d, l»l.i, gold, American Lirarith,

11,000,000 1,332 MO

fcooaylvanltt, of P;e, is.'."*. 1,200,-116

Imperial, London, IBO'J, gob Araerlearj ]■■> ■. ■

11.000,000 l.ooi.ct;

Firemen's, of N. Y., I82i», .ilU.000

Wustchcster, of N. Y., lt<H7, M0,08C

Germ an, of Erie, Pa., 1807, i&Tjm

Queen of Englaii,', IKA8,gol< . IO,0(X)(000 Aiie.'ti v.n IMVM'I

'il.t.'iWIMI 1MIMK l

Bay State. Worcester, 1800, :I'I8,001

1st National, ■' 1808, 104,03!

Glouceftcr, of Gloucester, 187<>, 117,s.ji

MWPolicies fur all the above Companies written


For information, rates, elc., nail on or ad.lresa


283 Essex street, Lawrence.

Post Office Box 38.

Bouton and ITluInc Knilrond.

HUMMER ARRANGEMENT On and aRer Monday, Uay It, 1MT2, Traim will

leave the Depot* In Laftrencc, a* folium) :— For Bo*ton,(from North Deiot) at 0J*a, 7.SO

9.40 A. U., and ilia, .-MO and i.;>o I'. H. For Boston, (from South Depot) it ■ .27, 7.S6,

•"».«, A. M.. and la.lS, M US (expresa.l MH.SJ2, •SIS (express,) 7.S0 V. M. u.iu 1'. U. Monday, Wedneiday and Friday.

For t'orlland, (frcm Bouth Depot) at S.SA, V.17 A. M.,;.,,.I :.'-,, I .■,.,.! 7 I'. \i.

For Georgetown and Newbnryport.( from .Sooth Depot) at rU6 A.M., i.os. 4 anel n I*. SI. 1> Monday, Wedseidny and Sriday.

For Uavcrhlll,(from fionth Depot) at n.■..■."> ».3U A.M.. and 1,03, t. O.OS f. U., and from North Depot at 7.10 1'. M.

Train* leave Boston for Lawrence at 7, 7.10, 8.3D, :■■!., I i. ■■■ \. •.., l :.:',. H, .:■■■'., r. 'l.

WM. UKEK1TT, Sup't. Lawrence, May 13,1872.

■Igneeof the estate of UKAKl.Kii A. It. Ml N BOH, idjjdged a bankrupt,

DANIKl. SIOFIU3, Assignee.

Room Papers* Window Curtains

New, Fresh and Stylish

II 0 0 M P A P £ R 8 A no


No. 275 Essex street, Lawrence,

The Largest Stock In EsaeX County ol



So. 275 K3sex Street. Lawrence. Miuu.

WANTED. We will give energetic Men and Women

BC81XEB8 THAT WILL PAY from •):! to l'i prr day. Can be punned at you own home*, and I* strictly honorable. Hentl for •ample* that will rouble yon to uo to work oaoa. Addrcft J. LATHAM fc CO ,

i92 Washington street, Botton


The proprietor of this valuabto Medicine, while •ulT.-rlng from loss of health some twenty jm aj[o, received an Indian reelpe, freni ■■. u. ■!. si prepared some for her own us", which risultt d a cure. It. effects are. wonderful In the Belief »i„, <:ura of the following d|.rast>H:—l'n,lii MI- fieri. Nervom Dohllhy, Weskno* of tbc Hack and l.lmbs, Dy*p<p»iH, l'ulpltulii.nor llratl, Cepret- slon or Hplni*. Irregulirltlrs. I haoges of > lie, Whites. Droprle.1 All e;;.n.-. Il:||<.u*neta, Il ll»m. matlon of the Kldmys, llcsdaihe. etc ; makes new blrod and atrentriheii. ibe wholu sy*tcm.

I'rrpireduutl culil l,y Miia LISUH bKI.I'UKIt, Randolph, Muis Smdfor tircul-ir. mid by ill Druggists ut f l per bottle. 'I'.iiMJ-.Mif.Oi-l.

20,000,000 Feet of Choice LandB AT CLARENDON HILLS,

on the BJMon and frovlitenee KalJroad. n Ithln [IK (DIIH of Beaton Common.

In I (.!•• i-in,i 0OO0 lo r,0,000 Feet I'OQII iiHlii'; gnany of tlie viry elioloeat "iifrtfor tin das* i l.i ■■ ■■ ol rcaldl ii-'' to he fuund near Bo*ton, Thtn land* %ntil tmtf be told jor nn Immatiatt

.' ti -<.d L ,111.;: '.I. For ihe pnvfiOM of surh Keith ment. ill, re bra

tilul luiuls mil be Mid much below ihe mill prltesi.f ■ .(it ,: ; 'li 'ii.,' I Iind. so iicinh : clr it Ii the purpose of Hit Combined Cunip.Lnle* to e inc.-nirH't. ihelr experience aed potter to make CLAKKISDON lili.l.S

T HE <: E ■ of the many itrlluhlful p'aee* fur mtnrlln rer|. li'ii ■■ near the New 1 i., i .i..i Mitropolli, For Information, Hply *t the OlDce of Hie Rean

li.ti.te aud Ilulldllig e'limpany and MetrrpLl.lkl Land Compntiy, Bank Utlllditg,

.187 Waablngton Street, Boston. !>.'■■ :.:.■■. .1 '■ A. P. BI.AKK, tien'l Agent.


No. 80 Union Street, I Near Corner of Hanover Siret.t,)

BOSTON. The -.dvantngce (.IT. red to depositor* bj this

bank are—'.-D.pi,«lls jyiil on li,|

day ol every raonih. A-enini\—No eilrn dlv Itl.' o

but 11 . full earning* are divided montha.

TJlrrf.—Dividends are put upoi that depu.lti.rari tnfn


CKO.C. TBUHBtJI. BUHURT M \ IC II, l'r tilde lit. Kxtcutixe Committee. II Jlysgll

CI.IHTUH Vit.Ka, limHI <■■ Rnooa- THOB. I.. Jr.tiKrj, DAntkl. II. WHIT Wtt.C. Ilflirir.ns, Urn. H ImutnT,

L5 \ l.t.KI I.M. I.' lii.Ml . x.-lil I ■■■ ■. Ir ii! !(,. ,„| . ..

of car.tlully aelrcted IIAUKH, liutiTH, and iiKHiia and *o strongly concentratid that It will, ffeetu- a'ly eradicate from th» avstom every tnlnt ol Horofula, HeroluIon» Itiiinnr, Tun.ori, Cancer, Canoeroui Uiimor,l-:r)ilpi las, Salt HI iiim.Uvnh llltle ni,ra*es,Canker, Faintness al Ihe.stomscli, and a 1 dliieaaei Ihat arise liom Inimre blood — Bolaiiea. Infl.uriinii'erv r-ml < 1 mule llheumatlim, Neuralgia, liiut iivl .spinal <'omp1alnt* uan only be elTeciually currd through the blood.

tor Vltert and Llruptiva Disease* of the Skin Puilulra.l'JmpU-r-, HlMclie.-.lirill..Tettfr,Keald. head and Klngmcrm VHOK1 INK tia* never fail- ed toetfect a permar.i nt cure.

For 1'alns In the Buck, Kidney Complnlnt* Dropsy, Female Weakness l.eurorrhea, anting Irom Internal ulceratlon, and uterine ill*e«,,.,.n3 Ueneral Debility, VKtir.l IN K acl* dlreolly upon the came* of these complilnls. It luvlgoratea and strengthen, th- whole nyiltm.acti upon the luarellvcorgaui, allays inlUmmillion cures ulcer- atlon. and regulates the bowels.

For Catarrh, DyinephU, lialillnil Costivcne** Palpitation of ttm Heart, Headache, Piles, Ncr- vousuc** and fjcneral Prostration ol Ilia Nervom medicine haa ever given auch perfect satisfaction a* VKtiL II \K. It purllies the blood, eh an.e» all of the organ*, and poi*.s*ca a con- trolling powoi over the Nervous system.

The remarkable curea eflefied by VKUKTIKE have Induced many pby*lclan*and apothecarle* whom we know to prescribe aurl me it In their ow.if*mllles.

I" fact. VKtlKTINEIa tho best remedy yet dls- for Ihe »bove diseases, and 1* tbc only re- liable IILOOI) ITfUt-fKJlyvl placed btfyritU public. Prepared by

H. K HTKVKtT*. Boaio.^, Man. Prlce»l.a5. Hold l.j ail Drufglata, '■*""■

ml0 2IJe7 21J,Siu

Latham's Cathar- tic Extract

Uifluldea tract prepar* ed Irom vaiuahlc medic- inal plants, bating a known action on tho lecntloris and excre- tion; oriheiystrni. A ,-lngie boltls does more for the removal or dli- eases and preaervstlon of hralth, thin gallon* of bitter*. If ,,„i.i,i, and surely removes conatlpatlon, sick and

hlllou" headache. Indigestion. Piles, Impurities ot the blood, und all billon* complalnli.

It Is Indorsed by the profession, and approved by all who use It. No better mnlldnecan be found for ch'ldren or adults. It Is far superior lo pill*, being mild of action, pleasant to th* taste, and curtain In It* reaulta. It Is a medicine that should be lo every household, aa good effects are sure to be experienced from the very Srst dote.


\i. H. EDDY, SOLICITOR OF PATENTS For Invenitotu, Thide Mark* or Detigm,

No. Ttt State St.. ojinositc Kliby St., BOSTON,

After an extensive practice of upward* of thirty Eear*, continues to secure Patnits la the Lulled

t*tc*i also, in linat lirilaln, Frame, and other foreign countries. Caveats, Bpecllication*. Ae- ilgnmenta, and all paper* for Patent*, executed on reasonable term*, with dispatch. Researched made 10 determine the validity and utility of Pa- tents of Invention., and lepiil and other advice rrnde-H-ri In all matters touching the same. Coplea of the claim* of any patent furnished hv remitting one dollar. Aiaigiiinentsrrcnrili'd io\\ u'hiugtou.

A'o Agenry in tht i'ni'fd Stntei /lojlrMes lupe- Tiorfui-ilititijor-.l-lnh.hii! f'ntrntr.or ost-crfani- IHJ/ th' I'lttriitiibititu of in em t'(.ns.

All necessity of a journey to Washington to procure a Patent, and the usual Kreat delay there, are heic sated Inventor*,

TESTIMONIALS. " I regard Hr. Eddy ua one of the most capable

and lueceasfal praetitltr.ers with whom 1 have had official intercourse.

CUAS. SI ASON, Commissioner of r.ilents." "I have no hesitation in assuring In vrntors that

they cannot employ a nun mere competent and truittvorthy, and more capable of patting their application* In a form to aeon re lor them an early and favorable consideration at the Patent office,

EDMUND BUKKK, Late ComtniadoniT or Patent!."

"Mr. R. II. Eddy hai made for me over THIR- TY appllentions for Patents, having been success- ful In almost every easr. Such unmtslukiible proof of great talent and ability on bl* part, leads me to recommend A LI. Inventor* to apply to him to pro- cure their patents, a* they may be etire of having the moat faithful nit-rn ion bestowed on their" •es, and at very reasonable charge*.

Boston.Jan. 1, 1ST*. JOHN TAOCART,



The best Spring and Summer Medicine erei - "' -tut to the public.

They are prepared with great care from the \n+t Boots, Herb*. Hark* and Need*. Thcv Invigorate the •■• .'i il.. alimulate the Torpid Liver* Bow> els, cleanse ihe Blood from all Impurities, and Rl»e new Lin and Vigor lo the wlmle system.

They will KKSroKF.a LOST APPE11TK, Be- lieve lleailiclie. Cuslive- ne»*, Indlxeatlon. Dyi- peptla, Norton* Debility, and all complaints Bill- ing from an Impure state ol the Blo,id,nr tho de- ranged condition of the Stomach, Liver. Bowels, or Kidneys

Iteud Prof. fKigrs' Re- =^> port to Cot. lirodhtud,

Stnte C'HFiTn'r of /tfm*. Ho.a»f:titn8:reet, Itoiton.

Jiijin'i A. Rrodhead, Kiq. -Sir—A simple ot Old Dr.Ooodhue's Hoot and Herb Bitters, from Flint A Goldthwalt, Salem, Mas? , ha* been am lyied with the folio srlng rrsulrs: — •Thl* Is a officinal medicinal preparation, coolalntn^ n tract* of Boota and Herb*. It Is free from li Ji rloui lubslance*. and may bo uaud as directed by pernon* requiring a medicine of Ihla kind."

Very respect fully, B. DANA II AY ES, State Asaayer, Mass.

FLINT & OOI.DTIIWAIT. flmfmhirrb Proprietors, S*hm, Mat*.


(.nrniiiv H.M'u... Disk riulckly T( lleve s Neural*.!* Khi'Um..ilo Pnl:i a -I ireeii It- comfort and power lo help weak lungs, stomarh, heart, kid- neys, aide or luck, Lumbago, Solatten, etc , I. rrmnrltnMe. WKKKS a P ei T T fc 11,

Wholesale Agtnts. i:o Waililncton Htrert, Il.iston

Sold by Drngulals. :imint.l',


i.i i H i proper'1

o6fr/«tws lor (ali .-RKAt,,^Tremont




AGENTS are wanted Tor every town In Eastern Man.,

nfiailoD will be paid In I'nata, A ■] I', ill 1 ■.'!".. i! or by letter at the office of

W^^llrV ..-. FLUID

KXTRACT Of BDCTJtT, pripared according the Phirmicorrela, nnd contains all the anti principle known aa ''iiroamlsj, to which 1* added Juniper Berries, Cvu Ur«l and Olb*>ba| It ci li'neamany time* thealiength ofthepreparatl to the public, and I* regarded as invalua from Its peculiar tendency to the urinary orL'a 10 Uravel, Chronic Caiarrli of the I'ladder, Irrl tlon or the Bladder and Ilrelhra lecontlnenceol Urlce, and olhrr ipeelHc and Chronic affection* fcr which lluchu is so gi ui rally naed.

SABSAPABn.LA U. S. P. Combined with Iotlulu Potassium & Iron,

HariiparlHii Compound I* rrepired iccoriltnii to Ihe 11. U. I'liirmaeopiela, h i* become a slanoT ard remedy In a varlelj of dlaease*, usually de. setlhed na "d-prfited quit nirblii eoni/ifioiu1

which require alterative slid Ir.ntc Ireatmenl te dispel the morbid poison of the lystem, hene; II Is considered a purifier or the blood.

Combined with Iodide Potiihlum find Iron, It forma an Alterative and Tonic of no ordinary tfll cacy, posse*.Ing a potency far tuperlor la thai ascribed to either alone.

TII.DFN fc CO , CiiRMIim, New Lebanon, N. Y., and ITS William fit , N Y

For sale by Drurglita generally. 3m"apl2

ftttnalaof Boota and nettawblob nimoit InvorlHlily en v tlio following cximplulnta;

Dys;iepsia. n,nri nnrn.t.lvarOoMnb*lnt niiiii^KMof A|ijietito ound bjr tuklmj n RW

Lassitude, I^w KplrlU anil Hlnklng Hen- aatiirn cureil ututii'o.

Hmption3r Pliniilen, Ilhifelirs ninlnll lin- purities nr thu liimul. i .,;. i:, „, , . akin or oilierWIKO, cunil innlily by lul'ow- lli.: Hi" 'l.l. ■■ i i . Oil III.' InlMh',

Kidney, Bladder nn,| Urtnnry TVraniw. iiient luViirlulily rtiuil. Om» Uilllo will OOUvlnoa tlio umat akvi»ileul.

Worms expollril from the syMem With- out I In, .llfflfiilty. I'lill.-ntHMilleiliiit fn.lll tills, pfVltleilt .lis.'.lMrtvllJfM.IUIUII-k- eil .■liriiiK-! firllio Iwlt.r In llirlr wimllllini niter taking onu Iwitie. V.uiiii ell niculi II-H uro morn provulent. ilnin i> n.ncnilly sni>- |.i)ie,| |n tlin y,,ui.g.-.,:!.! n,,., will find tlio Quaker Bittern a auro rcnutly.

Nervous Difflcultioa. Kenrnlgla. 4c ■pcedliy relieved. ' * ' ' Ehertm<iric3, BwoIlM Jntnla nnd till H-ro-

fillur AnlictliiiiH ii-niuv, ,1 II. eii HIIV nil, v,..t by tliUltivuluaWo medicine'.

Bronchitis, Ohtairh.OahTiilaioRii nmi Hv- atcrlcucured or mluli ivlk-ved.

DifBcult Breathmfr, pni., in n n i ,,.,s. Hid*) til must1 ll'v .ilit.iy Clll'e.l IV tuklng u faw Uitihu ,.r Uiu ftuaker ll.Ucii.

All diffionlt fonint.> AcnnarfflpnlH fnl mtihi Inviuiniiiy ciiiiKt-d iv i, \ ml 11,'n ,.r tlictirniiiilcliiwo si.rr. V:I'I-> I to |l„< \„... rli'.m liidlet.yh>:d r,i,.l!n i„ n.JH liivoliml' i„ ...edlollle-lliu qnHtw aK l"*",m,Ll1'

All Impuritioaof IIM Blood «pd dl^en.ri Inelilont n> I'IO name ulwnt, ,i > , ,, (junkor illtlora, If mkeu nenmlli i; i.,l',,i ,.'

The Agfid Bnd m iiin Om IllHL tliu i.i-llek' lliev ft I mlTill their .l.'eliiiln;;y,M,,. ]i ,(,|.,|., niidcliientli. nd. olid Kim down llio piano 11iohIIud


Bold bj ill Drnisidi ait Mm m Jniitiif.

PS. H, 8, FUiTT & CO., ?ropriotorBt

fimrxuimvE, n. i. Bold wholesale

Parlor, Office and Cooking a T OVES,

ri.i!!.l li, ■. Tlu Roofing, and all klnda of JobbUg d'^ne promptly.

KL DOKADO STOVE STORE, 11 Lawrence street, Lawrence.



Thi* deadly and diirgeroas dltexe ha* long ravigcd our errantry, redoclrg to hrlpleuneii and pcrhipa death my who hsve been ao nefor- tunate aa tu have become BIIKJIHI with the

HKAKT DlfKAPR aptean lo n* In many forms, among Ihe moil common of which we have PALPITATION with distressed reeling! la the region of ihe hi art; IM* rin be millv cored.

Then we have KN I.AKUkMKNT, In whteh the heart become* considerably largtr tban ID lta natural state. eiusiDg dilTicutty ot breathing, saf- f-'CttJiin. and vnrloue ctbrr pain* *ndacbt*1co dlfflcult to be described.

HHKI HAll-M cf ihe heart li not of unrotn- monopcurr*nee, sometime* (uoceedlrg rbeomat- lu fever, but ti-iiernlly comes to ua without warn'ng; the distreas and rxctuclsllngpilnaean be better Imagined than dercribrd. We have heard from thi se snflVrtng with the dlaease that no mormi pain rerald exceH U.

Hl*A!*MS,t)S>li-ICAlHIN or BONY FOBUA- litN or Hi.- Ill:AIM ( KSKHAI, DKBIUTT, SINK I NO of the s l'i III 18. PA1N8 inibeBlDK and CHH8I. DI/ZINKuH, si.rtitilBtl CIRCU- LATION of the BLOOD and momentary slippage of the action of the heart, are amon* the man* forma of UK % It 1" DlnKA,«K. For the cure ol 1IKART DISK ABE we eu>r you



u can place Implicit i presented.

Thouaandu testify to It* cures.

ntlCE, 8100.

None Genuine unlrra signed I. BI:TTH.


U-CIU A BtAndard rrrparatfon. Indorsed by the moat

reliable I'hyslciana, and Its astonishing curatlre power* attislrd by thousand* who have us, d It

It I* a *iire,quick remedv for ad dl*< a*e* of lha Urinary Organ* cxlttlng In male cr limste, Irri- tation or Inttsmmation of Kidneys or Bladder. Orarel, Dlnbctra. Jteeidlsh f.dimenl In Itil»>e I'liiik. i !ou.:y Urine, Iducou* ami Involuniary Discharges from Urethra, Retention or Ineonli- neiico ol Urine, Chronic Catarrh of Bladder, ard all Chronic lUUdles of the Urlno-Genltal Organs.

For sale by all Druegl.ts and In fcedl- cine everywhere. lynovMub

Every Man his own Pbyt-iciuD!


HOI.LOWAY'H OlMMKNT Ofre ntfojfnncif •» '»' !»•*», CUamtss to the

Rrain.anda Cmptezitm. HOLI.OWAY'3 PILLHeonilstoficarefuland

peculiar admlnture of the finest Vegetable Km- tracts, llerbt, and Medicinal Svfllf, I'osiipsing not a grain of miiiertl In their combination, tbey never expose those who use them to any danger, at anytime or ses.on. No mother nodbeaitate to pruserlhe them lo her children, and tbe most delicate constitution enn use th. m wllh n great beni-fli •■ the moil vlgoroui and powerful frime.

Holloway's Ointment li the oonrentrated extract of healing Ralsnms and rare *V««n Cum*, it la prnetrallng. soothing and hcalliiE In Its nalure; andthepor". Of the rkhi ahsirb It (when well rubbed In) a* greedily a* water I* taken up In a sponge. It Is a wonderful cwtnefl'/ue for the skin, and the u*e ot a small quantity applied to the lace at night, will Impart a clear and " '

PEARL-LIKE COMPLEXION! equalled only by Ihat of the Infant.

Ifollowaifa Pilh and Ginlmenl Cure tho following disease*;

Dyipepsia, Lassitude, Few and Acne, Skin E. i?!""' HRS^-fiiy Ww»i. «l« and Fl.lula, Bilious Ferer, Swtlllne*, Sore ThrosU yulni-ey. Worm*, rtwelllng rf the Joints. 8erolu.1i. I.i,-. r Complalnl., Wounds

and all disorder* of the Liver, Stomach, Kidney*!

NEW YORK CHEMICAL COMPANY, 78 Maiden Lane, New York.

Oolloway'* Pill* and Ointment are sold at 26 cent*, M 1-2 cent*, and $1 per box or pot. A -living I. made by buying Ihe large iOSl '

Caution! IttK^JiRtfSTO.?, "BSffl '■ surrounding ellt>* ^SiSi^S^ Thl. secure* the genuine. tjdec, II. M. WHITNET *CO., Aaent, for Lawrence.

11 air Tonic i hut no attempt*

Iflnttrlcally. hare been made By a |.r ■■ - -tiat oil of tin. tea plant ha* been added toother

t£'.V i'ri" ',.t"d " unrt|«'"<" Toilet Ar e for the hair Is the result. Ii Isesiielally «a.- to prevent the hair from fiilllno out orgrowlrg

thin and „ I wlth f.r ihe.cLlp, ft itlm.l.t. he

hair bulb* and pmvent tbegr.dualdecuy sndloss ttlwfiw1"*.™l™ b"',_*■*"'. ?',ct

bury, Uui,

ly a prooe-s peeullir to ilil. preparallon, the entiat oil of tho lea plant ha* been added toot

-*KD&iTAiBv;awsa'K«wt,lr!s: fifSftt

3.t3ncrrrnwy MEDICAL

INSTITUTI J Pli£I .... 1* T1I1FU fuel, oosrOI, MUI.

The „!,;«, i„ c.,1,11,1,1,,;. „,!, ,, ,. ».,■ lo «il„in Hie urcalcl ]„f„ii„„ ]„ ,,,.,i,on, pr.Mie, ,„J ,„„ of V^HtS

"liZ- 2\m!l I'" ',u'lr° " P'""»""ll lil". »n,rc Linillk., Invnll.l., or any i.erwm could

llr. UTCOM II:H b«n Phyilclnn of llio In.lL »K """ '• nuliMli., now „Z ,„"

.•V ' ""■ /-«'»; "r. e.ieeno is in hi* fifty fifih «,•,,„,, ,,„ j,.,,,,,,, hi< „ "1^

bk |mfadimi und lii. .nccc™, wo brnnch „. , uolluvc. i. wnliont |inralkl

»i tit",' 0»'«"fllol. H«r,

theom. eonkor. ' 1 1,"'" ?,.,S. "j'.'F' "I bemnul MVokn.i,, Jc ' ™*

n^n,°."'«"f "l°.?"anl «t»««ma. Dr. ii*Z il'',"' '""'I'1'1". ilncrtpH™ of

Add™ 11. GREENt, M. I>.,





1'ubltshcd Friday Ui.mlnc- '•:

GEO. 3. MERRILL & CO., Proprietor*, j

I*«*T Orrici tii.«i-x, iiorncr of Bsaes and Appltftob "-treat*



i.i ilraalatli n of ih ■ I. iwrenoe Ameri- im ta t'io ler«-n 't or any paper In tlio

C unity, and mjro than FOUJB TIM !■;.! til -t of any other

Weekly Paper publiabrd In thla city.

r Itata* of Advertising scat upon application. ^ 3ST 13) O; V Eg B A IV S M 3? I

■SCIw flails IWCnertean, PD1UUUUI

KVUJIV EVENING (Senday exoepted,)

N LUr Urges! Daily in the city, ud has fearUaeei the clroulaUoa of Bay ether,

SUBBCHIPTIONS-IS ADTAHOK. Oo« Tur. ■ • ■ M 00 | Six Months • • «t

Whan «m paad Is advance, |8.


rum AM r. u iv A x

ST HAM PRINTING OFFICE la the l»r<ui ud moat thuroagkit faralebed fa eastern Uaaeachuseltii. Hit tag tlieatoit Improved modern t*rMie*,aad with eg n steal addition* of t h

and wttb oar extensive variety ol work, w* at* abla nJfurBlihiliv Beat Qeallty of Work, exped! notary, and at low prices. Order* by ass promptly ailed,

GEO.S.MERRILL* CO..Proprietors, *»* max ST.. UWMNOI.


grofcsstonnl (Sards. J. Q. ADAMS, M. 1).,


Office, No. 2 Applelon street,


Dr. Adam* al bla OrBce .11 boor* of the night.

E. H. YATEd, M. li.

PHYSICIAN 4* SUliGEON, Office,—307 Fssex street,

Corner Lawrence a treat. Residence, 103 Concord St.. Lawrence.



Reeulence,—Charles street



No. 871 Essex Street, l^wrencc. Oa».Chloroform or Kthcr given, a* preferred.


|D K N T I S T,

Office, 417 Essex St., Lawrence.


w . no w i. \ PI i), strooxson TO



DENTIST, au Kaaxx BT„


JVNItroai Ox Ida Qea Admialatercd

ee-Kefevenae-Fiienlty, Talta. Denta College New No. 9W For-ex St.. (old No. 142.


.DENTIST, Has Removed


'158 Eooex atreet, - - Lawrence. Jail Nearly oppoaite old offloe.



nail Besldenoe, No. Is Oak Street,


W. F. St J. 8. GILE,

Attorneys fy Counsellors-at-Law,

No. 239 Essex Street, LAWBENCE.


FRENCH FLUTING. Why tend yonr DRB88 FLUTING (which

will probably ba worn more than ever Ihla Season) to Boitoo, wheo yoa oan haya II joade I'jua ly a* wall and cb<*p, and much quicker, by

lfiaa A. SAVWARD. Al*<\ STAUPINO (or Br.ld Embroidery and

Initial Letter*. nhW

3!13 Essex St., Lawrence, (up stairs.)

Visit SMITH'S, 143 Essex street,

Hl.irk llrilllrtntinr- and Blink Alpaca*.

«®he l^mericcm. BUMMfiH BWkhTlNGS

1 Yon might take a basket of those sum- mer sweetings down to Widow Small's, Bert'

' Yea, mother mine, If yon say so.' ' It won't take you ten minutes.' 1 No; Where does she live*' 'Follow the orchard wall, and turn

down Lovers' Lane, and It's the first cot- tage on your lelt-r-oo the servantr tell me; I've never been there.'

Bert took the basket and fo llowed di- rection?, and just aa he reached the first. cottage on the left the door opened and out fumbled ten or a dozen children of all J * j •■■■-= -

4 Is this the widow Small's?' he Hiked of a dimpled young person who stood just toitde watching the children's gnm- bola.

1 Yes/ caid the sweetest voice In the world, while two luminous *■;.('» mtthlB. —*}•*, thl* It the widow Small's '

' My mother, Mrs. Greater?*, Rendi her these summer sweetings.'

'Oh, thank you! 1V1I -Mis. Greaterex lhat there Is nothing I liko so well as summer sweetings.'

' She sent them with her compliments,' said Bert, fibbing awkwardly, but feeling ihttt he owed an apology to this vision of loveliness for having thought of her as an old woman In a mob-cap.

' Your mother Is very kind. Won't you come In and ace my flowers*'

' Yes I will. Am these all your chll- IIM-I! ':' he asked.

1 They are tny little scholars. You must have mistaken me for the old wo- rn nn ul.o livid In I ir >1 eel'

' ]>■■■ ion take cure of nil these il mn- yourself?' he :i-k- >!, while eho pointed out lur favoring. ' What a poetical em- ployment!'

'Oh, It la not poetry, It Is poveity lhat moves me,' she replied. * I make them Into bouquets to sell. Let roe give you these for your butlon-hnle.'

' Thanks; and I will order a bouquet of yon every day.'

'Oh, I shall grow || rioh as Ciceius You are too generous; one of my little scholars shall take It to you.'

'Noj If jou please. I will oome for It myself.'

'Certainly i k is time for me to ring my bell now; reccas has been over the*e rive minutes.'

'1 suppose that Is a hint for me to be gone; I wish I was a little chap In your primer olass I Good-bye, you will tee me

CliAKI.KS V. JAI'KMAN, Dealer In all kind* of



]a« Oppo*h> Talbot'i draf atoM.



lundii), Friday X Hatnrday Evepinta. In.inir. of Hall Committee,—J. El. MOHUAPt,

74 Tremont Street, or SAMUEL IIOLT, Janitor, atCoart Hon*a. ll«r#10



balance the past account, which made up a pretty sum total of sugared speech- es and half uttered deHaratlona, by cred- iting than all to friendship. There was an air of Indifference about him which she greatlv mistrusted; but she would not allow him to slip through her Angers so easily. Publicity of private affairs was the bugbear of the Greaterex soul; had she not received enough fragrant notes and letters from Birt to answer her purpose? Not that she would de- scend to the vulgar necessity of a breach of promise, but where was the harm ot making him understand that he was com- promised?

'I have I ten reading Madame Kevljrne'e correspondence,' said she; 'and It strikes me that you resemble each other In pos- sessing the tecret of flue letter-wrlilng,

hen roost people run Into twaddle.' 'I don't know how to bear myself tin

der such a buiden of praise; 1 feel lhat it Is imdeservul-'

'In order to convince you of Its truth, perhaps [ hud better allow you to rcpe- ruse a low specimens that I have from one Mr. Berthold Greaterex. Seel hero they are;' unlocking a cabinet and show- ing a goodly parcel tied with ribbon.

'Did I write you all those?' said Bert, aghast. 'Let me see them?'

'What are they?' asked Caroline, wllh- drawing her alttntton from the styles for an Instant. Oh! love-lettersr'

'Love letters?' repealed Maria. 'I don't know.—Were they, Mr. Greaterex?' aside.

'1 don't rrmctnber,' said Bert. 'I.H me read them, and I'll decide.'

'I don't dare trust you. People have a way of burning up their old letters II they can lay hinds upon them. Now per- haps I'm silly and Bentltnenlal, but mine are worth something Id me. By-ihe-way, Mr. Greaterex. did you evor go into court when there was a bi each-of promise case on? Jerome took us In once, when they were reading the love-letters, and It was so tunny I Evtry body was convulsed. They were very nice letters tool'

Bert turned a little pale. He vaguely remembered lhat at different periods he had bi lit v d himself seriously ' smitten ' with Marla'a chnrins, and had. no doubt, urltieii In aatralii becoming a lover, but how atdenlly or how explicitly he could not recall. He knew that there bad been a breach-of-promlse case away back In the trxperiencc of one of his ancestors; and though tbe cafe had not goue against him, j et he had never folly recovered the lone ol his sensibilities, nhlch hid re- ceived such a shock.

1 Give (hem to mo.' said Bert, reaching

air-Call and a buy any other.

thl* In operation, before yon



Lawrence street, Lawrence

Oppoilta Polloa Station.

i-iiini Machine* by other maker or eachanird.

i bought


PIANOS The nnderatgnad haalng aeenred the ajraney ol

thl* JUMII v eelebrated piano (recant!)- In obarfo Ol Mr. F. Zuehtmtnn) for the New England State*, beg* to Inform the public that they bare taken elegant aad pleaaant room* in tba MTVDIO BUXLDIXU, Room sal, Mo. ItO IWinnl itrr,-t, Duiio,,, where they will oilVr a fall itock of alt ttylei of this piano for oath, or on eoty trrmi of pnymtnt Piano (tool* and oovar* la v.rlou* atjla*. Old IHano* taken in txeMang*tor new one*. Piano* repaired, tanad and to let.

Im'mhtvDb THOMAS MAIW * BO»-_

United States Carriage Co., Manufacturer* of


aad Dealer* la





D. O. QUIKBT, Clerk. Sm^Jat

"lluy He aw* I'll do yoa Good." I)it. LlsTOLBT'S

ROOT AND HEHB BITTER*. Thla medicine it, win out the poailblllty of ■

doubt, tbe vary heit HB*SW1 known lir lie fol lowlBf and all kindred (ltn'*m > :■ -Iwiuii'''-'' CotHvntu, Urtr romploinl, Pttri, lleadcekr, IJrtirlbur*, Uftptfta, IHtzinrti,, Sad ffamn. Languor, La,i,>t,i, HtUl(ly. Jaundice, VMulrnCM, Font Blamnih, ifi\

By the timely uieof thl* mi'dlolne. the blood 1* puflUid; the appetite I* reetorrd; tbe*y»temla atrenathencd, the liver 1* larlltotutrd; Ihe breath It «we,tencd: \m0 oomplesloB 1* be anil- led; and the irneral health la

RESTORED. Th,' beit Roota.Herba and Rarka eater Into the

oompoaitlon of ihla Kemedy, making It a almple aad **fe,a* well a* an unulling cure for all dla- *a*e* of the blood.

UKO.G. GOODWIN ACO., Boitoa, For *al* by all Dragf lit*. lM«ahlab

'Where have you been,B,ert ?' asld Caro- line; 'the carriage has been waiting this hall hour.'

'I curried some apples to the widow Small's,' answered the guilty Bert. Mother sent them.'

'Oh, did you? Has she any children?' 'There were half a dozen or more play-

Int: about (he premises,' answered Bert, smiling.

'Poor folks always have such a lot. Does she have to take care of them lier- Bt'llf'

'That seemed to be her occupation.' 'It roust be disagreeable to be old and

poor too; to lose your color, and see your ej es retreating Into your head, your skin growing yellow and wrinkled, and your hair getting gray. Is she an awful old (right, Bert?'

'You had better go and see lor your- self.' laughed her brother, 'your tasto la so different from mine. That new panler, Tor Instance, whlcli you wore yesterday, and ihought so stylish, Is Blroply hideous to me.'

"Oil no; I hate the ncigborhood of pov- erty and trouble; iqualor gives roe a qualm. No; I will send her some ot my old gowns—without pniilers—If you think she'd like them, but don't a>k roe to go ami nee her."

And ili< ii they drove round and ctlled on the Uplou girl'', and Caroline lost sight of the ponr widow and her large family In discussing the new polonaise and the latest style of chignons. But Bert miide amends fur his sister's short- comings; all the time that he chatted with Mini i Upton, holding her scarlet yarns and saying gallant nothings, he was comparing her with the widow Small, and lludlng fliiivsln hpr beauty and demeanor; only yesterday he had thought Maila Upton the prettiest girl In tin' win Id, with whom \l would nut be d.ill. nil to get madly in love, tni jusi now She seemed lull of affectations.

•\\ li„i is on you* mind?'she asked, sud- denly, 'Excuse roe, but you dou't up- pear quite like y ouraelf.'

'Nor you either,' he might have replied. So much the better, perhaps,' he said In-

stead. 'All iw me to judge about lhat. Come, bat good have you done since yester-

day?' 'Good? Oh yes; I carried a basket of

summer sweetings to the widow Small. Isn't that good?'

'ttweetings are good; she's quite an antiquity, this widow. Isn't she?'

'Don't ask me; a lady's ago Is a sacred subject.'

'How consideratel poea she wear a false front piece and glasses?'

•Is that au Index of sgcf I know a hesp of folks whom I never supposed aged who wear false Ironta, If It meana that they smile when they would rather frown, and say "I am glad to see you you" when ihey wish you In Ihe Red Sea.'

■Oh, how provoking t-ou are, Mr. Great- erex! But perhaps you will tell roe If this widow Small needs asslstauce—If she would like to go Into the Old Ladles Home which our society la about to es- tablish?'

'How benevolent minded you arc, Miss Maria 1' Bert laughed. 'I almost wish myself an old lady to be provided for by tour charily; but 1 don't believe that Mrs Small would lake kindly to U.'

And then tlic talk wandered Into other channels. Yesterday their flirtation had been In danger of falling Into a more lender strain) to-day the widow Small preserved tbe equilibrium. But Miss Upton had no mind to give up ground once gained. She fancied that be wished to withdraw from the half conclusions

| of the days before—that he desired to

' Will you give me any ihlog In return of tqual value? Will you give me the nosegay hi yropr button^hole?'

' It Is beginning to fade. Mo, Miss Up- ton.'

' Crme Into the garden, and I will give you a fresh one.*

1 Thanks.' He lollowcd Into Ihe garden, where she

made a selection, and throwing; Mrs. Small's gift aside, put her own in Its place Wheu ahe finished he picked up the faded flower and pressed It Into his pocket-book.

' Oh,' said Maria,' a aeuvenlr ot some —' The words broke ofl In her throat. ' Who gave it to you?'abruptly.

1 The widow Small,' said Bert, smiling- ' Ctirue you are teasing me. You shan't

see a single letter; and they are ever so Interesting!'

1 How could lluy he otherwise whi you were their subject?'

And then Caroline called to them that she was going heme, and the conference ended

So It happened that Bert temporized with l hut dreadful hint or his letters being read In court for the diversion of the towns-folk hanging over his head. Had he beeu quite certaJn, of their contents he might hayo defied them | but be was aware that a young man In tbe first enthrall ment of laucy allows his enthusiasm to run away with his prudence. But all thla did not pi event him from going dally to Mrs. Small's f>>r his bouquet, which by- the-way 1m sometimes carried to Maria Upton, a sacrifice lo NemesUj and these dally calls at Ihe cottage In Lovers' Lane became like dally bread to the hungry. He lived for them, counted the houra till It was time to set forth, prolonged them till the hostess was fain to spread her llt- tl*teft>labli and 'invite her guest todrli.k

r china and lo taste ambrosia made. Sometimes when the nlghla warm they took lea In the little ar-

bor, with roseB nodding In at the arch- way, and honeysuckles climbing the lat- tice, and mignonette spicing the dewy air; and there the moon would find them, listening tothe aleepy notes of thrushes In the hedge, or talking; ol the dim de- licious future as If It wore some enchant- ed lard toward which they were Journey- ing together.

One evening, as she bade him good- night on her door-step, be felt her band tremble In his.

' What Is ii':' he asked. ' Did you gee a ghost among the plum-trees?'

'Something startled me. I saw—I thought f saw a face among the shrub- bery.'

> Whose facef 'Oh, perhaps I was mistaken. It was

a afaadow projected Irom my fanoy, may- be.'

' You are getting nervous, little one. You must not live here alone.'

And the next evening, when Mr. Great- erex loitered to the cottage, he found she had followed hla advice; the doors of the house were closed, and placards ' To Let were In the windows. Tbe widow Hmall had vanished like the genius In a fairy story. Mr. Berthnld Greaterex was be- itdaj himself, and ready to brave any thing In Maria Upton's power. Mfhat did a breach ol promise signify In comparison with losing hU love? Let those laugh who win.

Somebody had seen a person answer- lag to tbe description of Mrs. Small take the noou tralo for New York that day- Bert followed without more delay, walst- ed a week In banging about the city be- fore he betook himself to the house of his friend Mrs. Aberneib, In the suburbs. One afternoon, aa he was turning over some engravings In the parlor wttb Kate Abernetb, little Charlie burst Into tbe room In tears, gobbing out that.

1 Miss Van Orme's gone and dead her- self—In the school-room I Charlie didn't do It I Charlie only said, 'Mr. Qreaterex Is courting sister Kate In the parlor, Miss Van Orme;' and Mary aald, ' Hush, you silly boy;' and Charlie was mad, and told that ma said so herself, and threw tbe primer at Mary; ana then Miss Van Orme looked all white like and ghat her eyes, and won't talk; ami Mary said, 'Now you've done It, Charlie!' Did Charlie?1

Oii. you horrid boy!' erled Kate Ab- eint th. ' You are alwaya In mischief. I suppose Miss Van Orme has fainted. Go and tell mamma.'

' Who is Miss Van Orme?' asked Bert. 'Only tbe nutSery governess. We do

have such a bother with them. One has a temper, another has headaches, and now, when we thought we had got a ]e-- el, here she Is fainting 1'

' I think we ought to try and revive her,' said Bert, taking Charlie's band, while Kate led the way. But when they had reached the school-room Mlaa Van Orme had recovered her senses, and was sitting In an arm-chair, while Mary vigorously fanned her pallid face.

1 For mercy's sake, what made you faint, Miss Van Orme?' cried Kate. ' You almost threw Charlie Into convulsions.'

Miss Van Orme stood up ai.d looked beyond Miss Aberncth to Mr. Greattrex, standing In tbe doorway, who came for- ward to her relief Instantly.

.' You must not stand,' he said, leading her back to her seat. ' I think I have found a friend of mine '—turning to Kate. ' Why did you run away from your frlenda?' he questioned, relieving Mary of the fan.

'I ran away from my enemies, if you please.'

'Do y ou call me one?' ■Perhaps we had better withdraw,' aald

rrtmr Kate, tossing her head lo conceal hi r chagrin. 'Come ohlldreo 1'

■Tbat.k you,' Bert answered her; 'I should like a few minutes alone with Miss Van Orme If you please.'

'Oh, j t« had better go back to Mhs Kate In the drawing-room,'said Ml is Van OIIDC, vihen the door had closed upon lb-in; 'It will be a shame to disappoint Mis. Abermtli; anil lodoed, loan get ou very well without ycu, sir.*

'But I c-.ui't get along without you.' 'And yet you know nothing at all about

me?' 'I am satlrfled with my knowledge; I

know that you are charming, and that I love you.'

'You love a woman sailing under an alias? I am neither Mrs. Small nor Miss YsnOrme.'

'I don't care a fig who you are; I will mvry you to inufnm, u ,U1, Juncm*. under whatever name you chooie.'

'Generosity Is catching; I will tell you my story.'

'1 will not listen to It except from the lips of Mrs. Berthold Greaterex.'

'Please yourself ' 'Thank you; then I will come for you

to-morrow, and we will be married In church.' But when he returned to the drawing-room and told his story to Mrs. Aberneth, she Instated that the wedding should take place at her house.

Everybody was taken aback at Greater- ex when Berthold wrote that he should bring his bride home the following week. 'You may have seen her,' be wrote, 'when shu was Mrs. Small, and lived In the cottage In Lovers' Lsne. You re* member, perhaps, that you onoo sent her some summer sweetings; I owe my hap- piness to those precious apples. Caro- line will remember the ocoaslon, because she offered to psrt with some of her ward- robe to the paor widow.'

'Oh! obi' cried Caroline, 'he has mar- ried the widow Small and all her chil- dren: How could he? She's old enough to be his grandmother. Oh, dear! dearl dear I I shall never want to see another summer sweeting as long as 1 live I wish you would order Spades to cut down the tree, mamma. No wonder an apple brought trouble into the world, and shut folks out of Paradise! It keeps Its repu- tation up finely I To think that the heir nf Greaterex should marry a hideous old widow 1'

Guess her surprise when ii'itln.hl opened the oarrlage door, and there de- soended a little person, who threw aside her veil, and disclosed a dazzling skin of rose and Illy hues, eyes like summer brooks, brown and liquid, hair a ilpple of sunbeams—the sembiance of an angel in flesh and blood 1

Where—are—the—ihe children?' cried Caroline.

'Yes,' laughed Berthold, 'and where are the wrinkles, and tbe gray hairs, and the sunken eyes? Is she an awful old fright, Carrier

'Summer sweetings are not so sour al- ter all, mamma.' aald Caroline, later, i guess Spades may spare the tree.'

The next wet k Berthold overtook Ma- ria Upton In bla walk.

'I sar Mrs. Greaterex In church,'said ■he.

'Did you see an antiquity with a false front piece?'

Vow don't be disagreeable; how con hi I know? By-tbe-way, I have some news to tell you; I am engaged.'

Allow ma to congratulate your lover. I suppose you mean to entertain htm with those precious old letters of mine?'

Your letters? I haven't tbe ghost of one left; I curled my hair on them long ago; It H'IIH only the empty envelopes with which I teased you. But tell me about Mrs Greaterex i I hear It Is like a story.'

'Yes; perhaps you have heard of the Pnnlhomme heiress? I remember when the affair was much talked of, and think- ing it sad enough. You see, Pauline was the last of her family — she, and a cousin who Inherited ID case of her death. The common report waa lhat her loneliness and sorrow worked upon her mind till she was proaounctd Insape, aud carried to an asylum; and the cousin, being guar- dian and next heir, was left In Irresponsi- ble charge of the fortune, which waa very large.'

'Yes, I know It,' aha answered, glibly; 'the Prudhommeg lived In great magnifi- cence while they did live.'

'Well, Mrs. Greaterex was Pauline Prudhomme. It appears she was no more craay than you are; but having re- fused to many her cousin, and be, fear-

lag that she might maJ wilt tbe fortune away represented her at physicians to serve patched her to the asj made her escape, and tbe name ol Mrs. Si port herself by bar oi Ingthe title of Mrs. protection than that respectability. But i tn her seclusion. Sfc dlately. Shamettbt of the train In which she tookrefugo, but they passed her unsuspecting. I followed on tbe next day, and tbe rest you know. I don't suppose that you ever heard of the cousin; but In ease yon should ever ohance to meet him, tls ncroe Is Luclen Thornton.'

'Luclen Thornton!' riled Miss Upton, turning deadly pale, mid supporting her- self on the arm o< Mr. Greaterex. 'I thank you There .:m be bat one Luclen Thornton. You have done me a great service, Mr. Or. tterex. In marrying Miss Prudhomme. 1 am esgaged to her wick- ed cousin, but you bare saved me tbe Ig- nominy of becoming hla wife. Will you please c.ll a carrhge and send me home?'

And It was the summer sweetings that brought It all about,


ar i. a. a.

Lord, to-day a nation wasps, Gathering above her patriot "Iain ;

Lord, to-d.y bar country keeps Eer aprtng-itma ylgil of tear*,—

BedreHaof y*ara, Of battle and pain.

Wreath* ye with flower* Sw beroee gratee, Render yonr tribute ef iweela to-day;

Break not tbe reat ot oar ilaeplag braye*, Bat silently, tenderly bilng

The bin.torn* eftprina, Wllh ibe (enrol end biy.

Where may we And a gin more meet To lay ea the grave* of our honored dead

Than flower*, with ihe odor. ofeprlig-Ume awe* t We bring la our bead* today,

And Hftly lay O'er each patriot'a bead ?

Ah I wee not thelre a glorloae death t Shin for the right In ihelr country'* eanae, -

Yielding for freedom tbeir blood aad breath, Welcoming death la the etrlfa

for a nallon'* Hfe,— KoraaaUon'. I.wit

Ay, 'twas a gtorton* death, Indeed, For freedom, union, faUMrieadt

Brother., may wa, In our country'* need, Be a* ready tha foeman to fern,—

Ay, Intake oarplane Inthc marlji1* baedl

Flowere, bring flower* lo deefc the led, Tbe bellowed aad where oar brave one* reat I

Keep, Iboa, their memory green, O God,

""ai'ttiiVowtftirt^, In eeah loyal brefek

Many a fond mother's heart, far away In quiet, country homes, is yearning anx- iously over her absent son, or weeping In sorrow over his Impending ruin; for surely a young man Is in great danger when separated from the gentle, loving attentions of fond sisters, tbo Instructions and restraining Influence of a fond fsther, and tbe wise counsels and pure example of a good mother.

Awsy from homo and friends, alone among strangers, longing for sympathy, struggling day after day for bread, sur- rounded on all sides by evil lafluencss, with no safe social attractions, no win- ning voice of friendship to warn off the dangers ihat beaet his path at every step, proud, sensitive, smbltloui,—has he not a large claim on tbe sympathies of wom- an?

Do not coldly say, -'Ob, he Is a strang- •rl he la nothing to me!" Vice, with her alluring ohariqg, beckons him to her haunts; pleasure, with ber seductive face tempts him on every side. Tben stretch forth a kindly hand and help him along Invite him to your happy, pleasant homes; cxerelse your social talents; spend your time and attention, and USA your purest Influence to elevate him.

Do not greet him with s severe good- ness, cold reserve, frigid piety, solemn fsoes, or harsh pharlsaical words, for by these meana you will only drive blm Into the very path from which you would save. Be cheerful, kind and social; ex- ert those blessed home Influences that warm and touch tbe heart, while they ennoble and restrain.

Mother*, wives and sisters, you know not the good you may do; put lorth your most earnest efforts, and may be, In after years, you will see these same homeless strangers whom you befriended glorying lu all the strength of i high, pure and true manhood, kept from falling Into temptation by your kindly sympathy and Interest, and your purifying Influence.

Would not this be a sweet and blessed result? MART I. HERRON.

I&h..? ^Cntcrican. LVWRKNCE. KBIDAY, MAY .11,1873

'9$eek(*f "7Ten>» 'JBreoHico

SATURDAY. Numbers of Carllsti continue to surrender t o

tba Snaalih Government troops. IQ some of tbe disaffected provinces, however, fresh bands

FIRE AT NORTH ANDOVEH.—About one o'clock Sunday morning an alarm of lire waa given at North Andover, caused by flames Issuing from an unoccupied house belonging to Mosea T. Stevens, but for- merly tbe residence of tbe late Matthew Poor; It was impossible to save the building, which was totally destroyed. ihe bouse being unoccupied, no doubts exist but that the Are was the work of an Incendiary.

In January, 1871, Horace Grreley was chosen President of the Tammany Be publican General committee of tbe city of New York; on taking the chslr he made a speech, In the course- of which be said: "While asserting the right of every republican to big untrammelled choice of a candidate for next President until a nomination Is made, I venture lo auggest that Gen. Grant will be far better quali- fied for lhat momentus trust In 1873, than he was In 1808." As the policy of tin administration la the ssme to-day aa tben, to what shall we ascribe Mr. Qreeley sudden conversion to Itac one teim prli clple, and from a position of extreme irlendltnesg to one of open hostility?

The New York /risA-Amerfcoa, the New York Tahiti grid the fn email's Journal, three Influential Irish-American Journals, all oppose Greeley, the 7fiM*t saying: "We know Horace Greeley too well to believe In blm, aud we should now pre ler to sat General Grant re-elected,

cut the telrgripb wine In varmtii directions. Seven dead bodies from an emigrant ship

wtre tent to tbe Morgue, at New York, yealsr- day. The Inquest, It Is said, will develop the fact that their deaibi were occajlonsd by dlar- rtar-a, taper lad need by inferior provisions.

During the progress of a (Ire at Fait Creek, Ithaca, New York, a bridge gave way on which about two hundred people were standing, and fell Into Ihe creek. Fltteen person* were in- jured, some of them seriously.

Two Tcssels have arrived st New Tork with small-pox prevailing among the steerage pas- sengert. Thirteen passenger* of one vessel, and nineteen of the other died from the sconrge daring the roysge.

It Urns oat that the reported discovery of the dead body of a boy la the woods near Dsr- ry, N. II., with Indlcatloai of n murder, was a cajinrd. There was not tbe least fonridatlon for the report.

A Rhode Iilaadyonvg women wa* yeaterday awarded f 16,000 aa a plaster to her wounded heart, abe having been jilted by an old man of seventy, who Is rich and can aff >nl to pay the meney.

John J. Hannaol Nova Scotia cam milted su- icide friiley morning by lumping into the har- bor at Btoofngtoa, Conn.; tbe decea<ed wotked In Westerly, B. I.

Arch Dnchesa Sophia, mother of Emperor Frauds Joseph, is dangerously III with typhoid fever, and tbe lamtt bulletin report* her rapid- ly sinking.

Mill Nellie Grant was among the vi.iiori present In the gallery of the French Assembly daring tbe debate ou Wednesday.

Two passenger train* collided on the Brie Railroad on Thursday, aad three persons were rerlouily injured,

Tbe Mend* ol Hon. Henry Wll»nn are con- fident or bis sni-ccii at a candidate- for ibe Vice Preeldency.

Thebasiaesiporilon of ibe village ot iTays- vllle, Ohio, was destroyed by Are Thursday nlgbt.


Dispatches from Mexico declare that the lo- cal authorities of Chiakaa bsvo amiilnered John Joss, a native of Cleveland, Ohio. Other American* wtre tmprlaoatd and persecuted aad their property despoiled. Americans have demanded an InveitloaMon of these outrages

vs.i^mtsbsssrjs.y""-' "-"• ■»' Hon. D. W. Vootbeee addressed an aisem-

hlsge of 3000 persons la Court Home iqaarr, Terra Haute, Ind., Saturday evening. He re- viewed lbs political coarse of Greeley. and pointed oat why. In bli opinion, tbe democrats could not support blm for tbe Presidency, and favored a etraljht democratic nomination at Baltimore.

A young man named Gaoesbnry, employed at tbe Waatknck Mill, North Providence, was almost Instantly killed at tbo mill on Friday. He wa* looking down the elevator well, when the elevator came down and caught him and broke bla neck.

Tbe planing mill and cedar ware manufac- tory of Clement & Dunliar, corner Beach aud Stockimoxon streeis, Philadelphia, was de-

stroyed by Ore Sttnrday morning. Lois fc'li, 000; laiaranee 930,000, divided among 20 com- panies.

Patrick Cokety was instantly killed at Sooth Adams Saturday, while In a state of intoxica- tion. He wa* walking on the traik wben the engine struck blm. Several years ago he lost all bis fingers from frost while drunk.

Heory Jackson of London, N. II., recently attempted suicide by banging, bat was cm down by his eon, whereupon bo took tbe rope and administered a tremendoai whipping everv member of bis family.

The U- S. Senate voted on Saturday night to advise the President to negotiate a anpplemen- tal article to tbe treaty. The article virtually abandons the claim for consequential damages.

Alonao C- Johnson of Great Falls, N H., a brakemao ou tbe Great Falls aad Coawey rail- road, was kills I on Saturday while thacklloz cara. He leaves a family.

Valmaseda, Commender-ln-Chlef of the government force* of Cut a, bas issued a proc- lamation In which be offers pardon to rebels who surrender at once.

Tbe Spanish tniargeute who voluntarily sur- rendered to tbe authorises have beeu par- doned i the Carliiti have become quiet once more.

A bnilding Tall in Dubnqac, Iowa, on Satur- day killing a woman and a baby, and break- ing ihe legs'of another woman.

Professor Hopkins, of Wllllami Cotles*. at Willlanitown, died oa Friday night a'ter a prolonged Illness.

Three more Communists were excepted on Saturday at Parts. They died shouting " vlve la Commune-''

Twenty-six persons were baptlisd at Con- cord yesterday. Two thousand pertoai wit- nessed ihe rile.

Tbe eight hour movement In New '.ork Is gaining ground.

Taaoton, Mass , ha* three cases ot small pox.


FISST BAITIST Tu.' morain* discourse, by the pastor, It.v.

Mr. Pldge, was rounded on tho l«t verse of tbe 1-1 chapter tt the Sd Bplatle to the Corlntbiaas: 'The Father or mercies."

In the Bible, alone, do we nod a view of God meeting the necessities ofournaluresi in na- inro we see only (be trail of Jehovib'a gar- ments, beautiful though It appear*; bat la the Bible Qod'a face appears. Tbe Hebrew saw only God** power, bis wisdom aad his glory;

it the skrlntn" ■«--»» V*- *-**-«v yearning for as. God, It was anciently

shown, was net In tbe whirlwind, the earth- qaske or the Are, but tbe still, small voice. Mercy Is Ihe crowning attribute or God; no other view meets the demands of our humanity. To preach a gospel without Cbrlit Is like of- fering to a man perishing from thirst, a beauti- ful, rich aad costly goblet, but empty, asking him to drink, ai If tbe massive vessel wonld answer In place or the water be craved. Tbe text speaks of God as tbe Father of mercies; It alto suggests something la man. The slolese

igels Blag ever or the holy God; thry know nothing of bis mercy t bat the isiats, throngh iternlty, shall add the glad song or bia mercy. Bio make* mercy a necessity; we ask not Jus- tice from Gcd, bat mercy. And most tally Is God's mercy shown in his repeated forgiveness of oar aloe; It I, bard lor us ta forgive a friend, bat while we are continually sinning against God, he enfolds ns in thearmiof his mercy and receives ns sgaln. Bui tliii mercy la only for tbose who accept; the beacon on a dangerous coast Is valueless UDlets the pilot heeds It* light; OoA bss done nil, and it only remains for as to accept through Christ. Beyond tbe tomb is no hope; after death the Judgment; bat God's mercy Is ample if wa will bu*. accept It.

Fens BAPTIST, Bav. N- L. It-iwell of Mancheiter, supplied

the dohk In the morning;, taking the text of his discourse from Exodus xxxil. 201 "Wbo is ou the Lord's slda V Tbl* question was asked by Moies of the children of Itr>el, aHir his abieoce trpm them, and durlog which tlaie Ibry had forgotten tbelr past deliverance, and many blessings bestowed by God. Upon Moses' re- tarn be found tbe people bowing down and worshipping the golden call, and standing within tba gales he aiked,"Who Is on tbe Lord's aide}" The present time could be com- pered to tbe time referred to. Two kingdoms were now arrayed against each other, and lbs people mnst e*poo«e one of ibem. They matt either follow God, or woik In the Interests of evil spirits; there was no neutral ground. A third party might exist in politics, lint not so with religion. Christ mast be fully accepted or absolutely rrjec.ed, and he who, bv taking a pasilve policy, smillogly approving of religion, but not endorsing auch approval with earneat erToris In Its bcbalf, could.iu t be esieemed one of God's cbosen people. The acceptance of Christ did not of tea emanate from Impulsive feeling, or from tbe cooler |udgment of the in- tellect alone, but was irom the depth of the heart, and from lovo to Christ ibe heart was thoroughly rcnewid. Tbe speaker noticed ev-

■tueiivaa «i !><.■•>■ uu me i/mi a »iuv, ma, uiau- llonlng persecution. The Christian bad been an object of bitter persecution elnce the estab- lishment of his religion. Numerous Incidents were givgo. Tbe speaker considered a severe persecution a good certificate of Christianity. Another evidence was Christian activity. God required solid work from his followers, and not mere professions. Whatever talent a man has should be eerneitly devoted to God's cause. Tbe discourse was closed by an earneit appeal to Christians to greater interest ID proving Ihemselve* on tbe Lord's ilde.

In tbe afternoon Mr. Davis of Andover sup- plied Ihe desk.


At Ibe regular morning service la this place s sermoo was preached by J. B. Cro>siey, from the words four,d in 1 Kings xvlil: 21. "Aad Elijah came unto all the people and said, How long bait ye between two opinions r If the Lord be God, follow him : but If Baal, then fol- low him." Aft T giving a word picture of tbe scene on Mount Carmel; Elijah above, ■landing on tbe side of God, while all the pcoplo.wltb the king, and 430 prophets are ranged on the side of Baal. The trial—"The (1x1 that an- swereth by (Ire, let blm bo God." The vain reperltlons of tbe prophets of Ba.1, the success- ful prayer or Elijah, "Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that tbe people may know that tbou art tbe Lord God," The Ore dcaoended, the sac- rifice consumed, the cry of tho pnople as they fell on their faces, "The Lord be Is God."

Because tbe followers of Baalcoold be count- ed by tbe thousand, and Elijah alone remained a prophet of tho did not follow that Baal waa God. Truth and right doss not al- ways go with tbe majority. Wrong ways of- ten outnumber ihe right, hut there will come a time wben the Lord will prove blm elf to be Gad, and Ibe right aball prevail, however strong ibo wrong may tie In number^.

In the evening tbe Sabhe'h Scbcot Ciacert was held, the .utjj-t being tin "H ra<)is of Chriit." The concert, ID (hirgaofths inrerln- tendent, G. P. Cutler, wag a very SttOftafal one-


Text, Pro*, xxlll: ir thine heart bo wise,mi heait

shall riJoi*e, even mine" The relation be tween the parent and (be child i* one of the most intimate. Tbe godly parent cannot bat feel tbe deepest Interest In tbe present and ev- erlasting welfsre of bis child. Tbe case sup- posed is a child wllh a wise heart. What is It i

se, Is to have tbe power of discerning


L P. i '.i .bin HI, psttor.

Mesinremenl by tbe mile is Ihe imallett feasible scale for estimating the dally product

paper, from a tingle machine In the millk of Mesirs. Russell, of onr city, tbe capac- ity of which Is next to marvellous; it i, now running 23 honn dally, and producing l.'i.SOO rtllg.oricreriiy nine ttOtt In tentth, of room paper per day. Lawnnc) has ahoa- 0000 fami- lies, aad allowing '0 each ibe fair average or five rooms of ordinary siae, it wonld require but fifteen daya for ibis macblre to produce Midi- dent paper to cover Ibe * alls ol evtrr room In the city-

A man named Holmes broke oet of j.iil Fri- day eveulng, and notice of the fact having been conveyed to the police force, tbey were on tha lookout lor him. About twelve o'cloik la*t night OfBcer Jerry Donovan arrested him on the Lowell railroad track. Holmes made a airong effort lo escape, but was captured by Ihe officer after a sharp ran of half a mile.

Tbe eligible mill formerly owned by the I. rriici: Worsted Company, and wblch has been some months Idle, it being made a hive of busy loCuttry again; It waa purchased by Wrn-C. Carter, snd Is to be Immediately occupied by blm Or wool stapling and scouring purposes, and by Thomai Clegg, reed and harness mak- er, Jesse Heaven, worsted braid manufacture, and Mct'aflry A Webster, machinists.

Tha seivlcesoo tbe Common were well tended Sunday evening; there Is little doubt bat that in warm weather open air services are

seeing hiss elevated to any offlee above more popular, and draw a much larger a'ten- thatofpatb-mastcr." 1 dance than those in church.

To be idglng correctly, ot discriminating be-

tween what Is true and wba'. la false, what Is proper and wbat Is Improper- his tichoose laudable tnds, anil tbe best means or accom- plishing'hose ends. It gives attention first, to

Important concern", and first or all pursues the most Important end*. Wisdom

lil put tblngs in their proper aid fitting place; the body will have Its ruin amount of mention | seculer things will lie kept in their

proper sphere; mental purtuit* will have a high end exalted position: religion will lie preemi- nent, and hold the highest rank both In our af- fection* snd iles're". Wisdom lead* one to he>rken to ilie counsel or th» wise, the expe- rience of toe holy, bat especially H tbo ruisei of Ibe Lord J. su'. This wlsdi m It dhcov red by H« io-i« ■ rsi-i avoiding evil cimptny, for- bidden pnh*, perniclcus ptinclplos, and pro- hibited pleamrei; by chooring for compan- ions the wise, holy, snd bamb'e; by pursuing

tblugs that (in l requires t by seeking and enjoying tbose pleaiures that come from God, sod lead to God. It Impart* a real dignity to lire, makes ft holy and honerable. To ihe par- ent this Is a tanrcti of unmingted joy. 1. Be- cause or the good the child secures to himself. It ii Ihe pearl or great price, "better tbsn tbe merchandise or silver," "more preciona ibsn rubles." 2. Becaaie or the good society Is In receive- It map be true of ioms parents that they are content in tbe service they render io this generation, IT tbey can but «end Into the world a number of mltcbieTe and curses in tbe ahape of children; but the cbrlstlnn parent de- sires not only to have his cblldran luch ai ■ball attach purest honor to himseir, hut stronger la hi* dcalre to have Ibem such a* can be employed in the garden of tbe Lord, culti- vating the flowers and frails or love- -1 Be- cease God Is particularly pleased aud glorified by ihe sacrifice of early piety. In which choice and not compulsion influence tba offering. Those wbo embrace religion when old, take bold a'llest't', not to b'nd the victim there,

but to escape be'nge victim tnemselves- That only forsake Ibe world When tbey can et>J»y It no mare, and the devil when they ten setve him oo longer. Tbeyoaog give to God the best or their days, tbe Ant fruits of tbelr res son, their purest erTcctloui, aad t*iat too, while tbe world, tbe flesh, and ihe devil are making high bids to secure their service.

UaireagSLiST. Rev. Mr- Weaver preached from tbe Sod

chapter of Mark, tha 27 th verse. " The Sab- bath was made for man, aad not man for the Sabbath." ^^

The Pharisees thought that the Sabbath was of more Importance than man; bat Christ could not carry oat hla work breaking their rales, aad therefore tangbt the Importance of man above tbalr Idea of the Sabbath. Wbat Is tbe proper use of tbe Sabbath? Christ held as firmly to the observance of tbe Sabbath aa Ibe Pharisee*, but differed as to the ate to be made of It. By whem was the Sabbath made? Christ meant for m to andersteud that God made It for man's ass, and whatever respect we may have fir Chritt should tinge our re- gard for tbe Sabbath.

One of Ihe most Important questions of our time Is ibe tight use of ibe Sabbath. There li a variety ot opinions on Ibis question- Few woald rote. If tbey hsd the opportunity, to ab- rogate tbe Sabbath, bat on tbe use to be nude of It there would be a variety of opinion. New England Is, undoubtedly, tbo spot where tbe Sabbath la most properly observed. Ii hat been prosrerous, and that prosperity la due largely to tbe use made of the Sabbath. It baa been strict, but go to other lections and that strictness will be appreciated. New England bas not risen by copying from toreiga customs, bat by studying fundamental principles and carrying out tbose principles. We must not

other nations for light; tbey are la dark- aesa.

The Sabbath la not merely a day or rest; reat alone is a worldly matter; there i* noth- ing Christian about it. Bat wbea the eplrlt Is lifted up by moral and Christian rt Auction Iben it Is truly a day or res'.. Tbe Sabbath Is violated wben used to make up ttie loia of the

if man were a brnte he would need no Sabhaib, but being a living soul It becomes neeeaiary. Hen ot thought! women of heart! children ot promise I consider well tbe Sab- bath, that ye mike a right use of it,

GaACa BriaooFAL. The Rector, Rev. Dr. Packard, preached from

St- John 8: S. "Verily, vsnly I isy anto ibee, except a SBJSJ be born of water and of the Spirit, be cannot enter the kingdom of Gud"

Tbe interview of the Siviour with Ntcode- mus bas many points of Intereit The Ian that be was a Ruler or the Jnw», one of the S uihi ilrim or great council of tbe Natoa di -- tlnifolibed him from ■ lhat >■<-. m ■ follow- ers of tbe Lord Je<ns Hi* coming to Je>ui by night w«s snoiherdlatingulsblng feature with as. Neither the Saviour nor the KvangelUt attribute to blm Improper motive* for that com Ing and why should we r It ui«ln have been, that he wet engaged in ibo duila* ot hie office daring ihe day, or that be wl»bed to aee tbe «»..i-— naaacj — -"M-a^a fcy «■» awowrt that usually surrounded him, and whea he could more freely converse with tbl* great Teeeher of tratb, or he miabt have felt that tbe Influence be might be called to ase in the Sanhedrim woald be or greater weight, if It were not known by bis associates, that be favorably re- garded tbe claims and teachings of Jesni.

But tbe most interesting and Impoitint Ita- ture of the Interview la the character of tbe In- structions which the Saviour gavo to this man of rank and power. At once and without any preparation tbe Saviour laid before Ibe mlod of Ibis inquirer aftei truth Ihe two greet fun- damental and distinctive doctrines of the plan of Silvatlou. 1st, the agency of tbe Holy Ghoet In Imparting and Urea gib cuing spiritual life, and lbs lifting op or tbe crucifixion or the Son of Man, aa lbs means of salvation to every eon and daughter of Adam's. Upon tbe former, the preacher dwelt particularly-upon wbat waa meant by being born of water and being bcrn or the Spirit. By baptism we are Introdoccd into tho visible church of Christ, as it Is the rite of Induction Into the church. By the birth of tbe Spirit, we are Introduced Into tho Communion of Hslnts—beejme one with Christ, and belr to the promises. Tbe baptismal records of the church will prove the lormer; tbe fruits or tbe Spirit la our hearts and lives are the only proofs of the latter. Wonld tbe Saviour in this bis first Interview with Nlcodemoi, have presented with such atartllag distinctness and emphasis wbat was anessenita) I ir essential to blm, Is It not so lo as?

The question of qaestloas with us Is; Have we been bora of tho aplrli P If without It, we cannot enter the kingdom of God; what anb- Ject more seriously demands our Individual, u' divided, and Immediate attention? What ie*i HI i* U.ere tor ihe p«ier that the greatest ol all K fts. th'|.lft of ha Hoi 8,'lrit. may bu les'- iw<d u on ui, that by i la holy fniplratlon, we may think tboie ibiugs that are good, and by bit mcreifal guiding miy perform tbo

Tbe Catholic Oburobea.

ST. HTST'S, Trinity Sunday. 8 rmon 'ntu the Gospel

'for ihe day: Mt t Stilt IB 20. Were sTi wllh S' Paul elevuted toibc th'rd b evens; were tbe halowni |, M ., ol drying >cieoee un- locked and the depth ol it* wbdotn sxposvd to our view; bad we ibe pemiraticn uf ■< rapha and tbe tongue of nngela, nellher our thoughts nor expressions could approach the iaaccesii- bie light where tbe Almighty bai fixed hi* throne, nor pierce the *scred cloud which *nr- roands ibe eternal Mvjeaty, to comprehend that profound mi sicry ot one Uod In three persona, which Ihe Church particularly soltmnitei on ihla day. >alib teacbriibat there Is one God in Ihree person*,—the Father who created us by hi* power, tbe Son who redeemed ns by bis blood, and ibe Holy Ghost who sanctified us by his grace. That these three persons a-e really distinct, though but one find who cre- sted, redeemed and sanct fled IS, and that this ono Gud tubsttta In a Trinity it pertons t»*cntlal, equally ancient, uterual, immciiMi mid powerful, la an eduieble mystery of holy faith. Tbe Trinity proved from tbe Old aod New Teatament. At the baptism of oar Hiviour, the heavens ripened and ihe Triidty ii confessed; tbe Father'* volco I* beird exclaim- ing tin" li my beloved Son, and the Holy Ghost is manlfeited by a visible deiceat In the form of a dove. At Ihe murtyntom of B-.StcDhen the bcaveai are openiil. while he btbulda ibe S.i. (f man seated a: Ihe right hand of the rather, and the Holy Ultont visibly descending in fiery tongues on Ibe a>simMed apoitlci, proved the divine inseM and operation. I .in. poloiioat ihe order i>f tha divine pro- BSSaloa. The eternal t'other, conceiving the II.'mil- perfection* ot the sm, loves blm wlih a lore proportioned to hi* DeTnyotJoas, Tha eieroul Soo, conceiving the l-ve of tbe Father for him, return* It with an equal love ; and tho li , v i.'i ■-.', ■i!iiiiii1 !>■ I. etc! by the Father and the Sun, Is the subsisting and persona) love ol tbem both. Lave It, therefore, Hi ■ fountain of Iruilfulneas and source of tbe divine person* and ol tbelr enjoyment. Conclusion. Beg of tbe most buly Trinity, on thl* solemn festlvsl, that God the Father, Son end llolv Gboit may Inspire u* wlib true Christian ten Unseats, that they may Mil cur hearts end Influence our fouls with the fire of divine love, and grant us the gift or Onal perseverance, that after this oar exile is ended, we may Inherit those mansions whera love shall be tbe joy and occupation of the blessed forever.

The Subject or Sunday Funerals.

Thi following Is tbe circular of (be clergymen of this city sent to the va- rious secret soeletlcs, asking that publlo funerals on ibo Sabbath dsy be discontinued. It Is said the Good Temp- lar Lodgei will generally scoultwce, Good Will and Voang America lodges having already done so; the Masons, Odd Fellows, Temple of Honor, and Knights of Pythlss will probably deem

$&mM##kVti»^ JRUU9 given Its opinion.

DEAR BaoraaKM.-ltls formany raosoaa oar earneat desire to preserve lbs Lord's day from ev- erything that would disturb tho spirit of devotion for which we believe it to be losiltnted.

la common with all ehrlaUau* we regard tba connection between a well-kept Sabbath, and Ibe peaee, prosperity, and happiness of a eomotealty ta be very Intimate; aad eann it vliw wlthoat the deepeat aollcltuda, tba ila rampant la ear lead, aad manlfeet la our large cllleaby a grew!as Ola* regard for all Aat a rellgtona man holds sacred.

Hlneerely anxloas for the welfare ef onr beloved elty, we cherish—as II1* believed yoa also do— . deep ooovletlon tbsl tbe great mercies of oar Heav- enly Father, by which wa have been prospered aad ble*t, should render a* gratefully earelal lu gaardBIa Holy Dsy from every anneeeaaary pnb lie oat.

art uader the Impreeaioa that tba aabjeet boa only to be breeehed ta yon. In order la elicit yoar acquleaeeno. and inch genareu* eetloa, aa will net

only preserve onr city from the downward path, bat give It a plaoa In tho front rank of reform.

Without any argument we leava tbe whole mat tor of publlo Sabbath funerals to yoar candid con- aldaratlon, cherishing lha atrong desire, that by your aanae of duty, year rrga d fur lb* beet Inter- r*ta or onr eliy, and your aana* ot gratitude for the kind merer** of oor Heavenly Father, who claim* aabliowe oaa day la a*van, will laoaea y iu to lake *ocb action a* will pui an end to nil paradra wllh matte on tbe Lord'* day,

A >lmllar communication )>■■ In en sent to other Lodgaa In our eliy, and ibe undersigned will be obliged by yonr pabllsulag tbe minute ot yoar na- tion oa tlilaauhj.eiln the dry piper*, or eomaiu- aleallngltui Kav. U P- Caahman, of tierden atreet, Melbodlet ehnrch.

George Packard, Haelor of Oraoechoreh; O. hi. Fit bar, Lawrence Si rent chareh; O.K. Weaver, L'nlveraallit ebnreh; Wa, B. Park, Central ehureb; Juha B. Qough Pldge, Pint Bapllat; John Hcgg, l'r isbjieilan ehutoh; L. It, Ferris, Bo.Cong'l churcfa; I.. L. Wood,pastor 2nd. Bap lUtd.uich; Albert Walton, Free Corsrrgatlonal i-liuicli; Ja*. llallilck Lea, Brelor Bt. Jobn'a ehureb; I.. P. Oardea alreet M. K. ehureb; Ch*«. tf. Dutinlna;, Cliy MUtlunary j T. T. Hnneer, gtloi Cong, rhurch; I.. IV Rarrowa, II.M'tl.ii ,i,ni V.iln.u.t ehnirh; W. J. Patk-

Blanchard airMi M. K. church, Bnuih Blda; <J. A. Ilayden, Ufaltarlsn ehareh,

The Labor Ueform Leedera for Grant.

Mr. s P Camming", who be* done a larger service iba la'ior relorm party in Massa- chuetts than perhaps any other of tbelr lead- ers, bas written alongh'iter giving hi* tea ■oo* lor preferring the election of Urn. Grant to that or Horace Greeley. Ho states that sucb prominent labor advocates a* Trev.ileck, problem of the National labor union. O'Urien of Tennetieo, Mr. Chamberlain and Wendell Phillips, or tbli stole, cordially endorse hi* po- sition, and gives the following- terse extract Irom a lelter by Mr. Phillip*, wbo write* :—

" Yoa know 1 am neither a Republican nor a (Irani man. Whom I shall vote fir, or whether I shall vote at all, I do not know. But certainly aa against Greeley I am for Grant. We have bad oaa Andy Johnson; 1 wl 1 not ran the ritk of getting another in Horace Greeley. 1 went a man with some decided principle*. Greeley never bid iny. Besides, I consider Greeley a secession candidate. I be - Move tbe plot lo nominate him was batched by Southern white rebels more than a year ago, aod has been mainly nursed by them. I ad- vise any one whn means to vote for blm to Dud ont Dm what agreements have been made by Mr. Greeley'* frltndi with Jiff Davis and hi* italT a* to office- and patronage, I am per- fectly certain that there is a distinct mutual understanding, If not a positive conlraet be- tween tbem. IT Horace Greeley inters the White Houao, JeJT Davi* will bo ai truly part of the administration as Seward wai in Lin- coln'» day. No negro cau vote for Greeley wbo values hi* tire or property, or cares for bis race. If, by a frown of providence, be I* elect- ed, I shall advise every Southern loyalist to load tb* revolver* that Grant's arrest of North Carolina Ku Klux hai allowed to be laid aside. It be la elected, let the negroes live in ►quails of fifty, whom no coward will dare shoot down, and show no properly after sunset. Lonely men will be shot, snd no black will own a mule forty-eight hoars, If any rebel knows tba fact.

A* for Adams, 1 do not fesr him—an aristo- crat by binb and a Democrat from pervcrse- neis—the love of money mikes inch a union possible. He ii a Democrat, bat afraid to con- fess hi* creed, or wear Ui uniform. If any party a.lowa him to hud it, be will lead It to Iti grave, as all the Adamses have always done. Old Joba Adams' vanity, bigotry and bate of Hamilton put tbe federal party Into Its tomb. John Qulocy Adams' ad ministration

Ihe death blow of tbe Whig pertr, Ihen called Republicans. The light wblih gilds tbe Adamses |* that of sunset. Tbey corn's de- feat. Chatham said Sir William Yuonu'* vj-re wan Ibe death snvll of bis rounm ■ Tbe iiri'aib of an Adarai' fame bai tho chill of Ibe cbarnel bouse in It. Let ibcia name tbelr money bagi like timid miter*, and allow bold- er aod more unselfish men, whose loreheali are lit by tbe rising tun, to help the world for- ward, aodlkturhel by their greedy ambition or tbelr querulous crotchets.

For a lo) al administration to protei't Ihe ne- gro, awe the rebel, and give the wnrklagtaan a chance, Grant's little fi>-ger Is w nil a biker's dosenof Greele>'». Voors, .*

WEOtfu-L Piiiu.irs"


The Gloucester mackerel fisheries are re ma'kabty sa-'cutalai. and 1 he demand lor the fish is so great a* to make tbe season pros- perous lor the fishermen

The members nf Fraternity Lodg" of Quod Templar*, at Gloucester, celebrated I'a m It anniversary Wednesday evening, by a pleasant social g' tberlng at iheir Lodge room

Schooner Mary G. Dennla, or Gloucester, Capt Handed McDonald, which arrived irnra the Banke last week, weighed off )02,<JOO pound* of tresb, and two thousand pounds salt halibut This la the largest fare of ire<b holt- bat ever landed at that pott, and bad prices been si high a* they wore earlier tn the season, abe wou d have made an Immense stoca; a* It wa* she stocked oboot s-juoo.

Tweuly six vessels a.rivod In Lynn daring tha past week—thlmeo wlib coal, twelve with lumber, and one with lime.

Linn has seventy express wagoi s.


The Ignition of s rsn of henaine In Ibo sasb and blind factory of Mr. Temple Hardy, at Salem, on Thursday, almost canted a tire Mr. Hard- i son, with great presence of mind, kicked the can into the • tree I, when It took fire.

Augustus Therrloult, o Frenchman em ployed la Ibe Naumkeag Mill*, bad ono ol bia arms crushed In a leatlul manner on Wednesday, by Us lieingcaugbt In tbo machinery,

I'lioviHBNCK, U I,, Shi 27.-Tho Ille leaa body of Mrs Hterry Whippie was) found yeaterday hanging from Ihe atalr- way In her house. Insanity was the MOM of ber self destruction, and the cause of Insanity Is supposed to have been the use of hair dyes.

<5the mCmenium.



^eehlg TO**** '2Brevifif» TUIBDiT.

Tlit whole northern CMI of Cape Breton li blocked with voMtto with snprllet. auble to rearn tbe parti. Firmer* Of the bland are suffering; for want of provender and obliged to UHMl for cattle; there [are email protpectt or a barren.

The entire crow of the barque 8'irrar Pf» trel, now lunu at Portsmouth, N. II., loaded with pl« iron, rrfdsed datv retierdaj- ("» noon and ware locked up Tor examination, on a charae of mutiny, before U. S. Commission- or Ilacketl.

A freight train on the Orange. Alexandria and atintut) Railroad ran over a cow Mon- day evening, throwing the engine and care off the track and killing two brakemen and aerl onslj wonndlng the fireman.

A, Uempnle Jury hat round a verdict of gniltv agalost John While, a colored man. wbo killed two men and wounded aeveral otb era, recently, while realttlng; arrest on Presi- dent's Island.

On Satardav, In Plymouth, Captain W. K. French fell dead, and on the eame day, In Compton, Jotlah Morae atao dropped dead; they were a^od 9) and 5P respectively.

A boiler explosion occurred in Philadelphia yeaterday, canting tbe death of a man, and fa tally wonndlng a girl, betldei Injuring tevere ly five other peraoua.

Sir Henry Lytton Bulwor, brother of Lord Lytton, died Sunday night, aged C8 veara. Ma waa Minister to Waihlngton from ISi'J to IBM,

Theme of hair dyet earned Mra. Whlpple

tanlty canted her to bang henelf Yesterday.

Tbe action or the U.S. Senate in recom- mending the negotiation of a supplemental treaty give* much satisfaction In England.

Schooner Frederick Spofford of Buckiport, kfe-, waa sunk at Cblncoleague, on the 2lio, by n collision; tbe crew were tared.

Michael J. Mark, an operative at Norwich Fallt, Conn, waa killed Monday by a bale of cotton falling on him.

William Russell, eighth Dnktof Bedford, end nephew or Earl Ruiaell, died Snnday In bla sixty-fourth year.

Tbe boiler of am: boat exploded In East Hirer, New York on Monday, killing from eight to ten peraont.

Severe storms have recently v re vailed in Bo- hemia, and much property has been destroyed.

Ulaa Nellie Grant waa tbo Guest of President and Madame Tblert Snnday nigh*.


The extensive diaaaierslo vessels in the seal dabery, reported In our telegraphic newa yea- terday, proves to bo greatly exaggerated, but tbe facts are stiindenlly harrowing to pleaso the moat exacting lover of the horrible.

Tom Hughes made an effort yeaterday, to prevent the adjournment of Parliament to at- tend tbo Derby nc.i, bnt the proposition waa too much of an Innovation on ealabllshed usages, and did not succeed.

About thirty persons were more or lest In- jured by the explosion of tbe tog Rpsllon In New York, on ftjnntlsr, and six will not re- cover. Low water in the holler was iba c use of tbe explosion.

Madame Arabella Ooddard, the famous pian- ist, Hsrr Frani Bendell, the German pianist, and thi Krou-ror William's Imperial house- hold quartette bnvo baatj engaged for tbe Jo- hllee.

A tornado awe[ t over Morgan County, M .. aonri, Saturday evsijir.p, lollowed by umenia ol ruin. Wide spread devaitatiun Was created, and several people drowned.

M'midiit tmrelera br>'ke >mn ibe otHce nl thu Chief ol Ponce n n-w Blrjbts ago, and stole a lot u( tool* uulul to u.ij profession, stored there.

Shaw's Block and Opera II,urn: at Lewiaton, Me,, were destroy*.] hy fire Monday night; loss very heavy; partially covered hy insur- ance.

Kx-Qov. Hmyrh of New Hampshire, baa been Invited to Income a Candidate lor the L' S Sinrttut.hip irum that state.

The pajUr-macbe works in Sprlngfleld weio destrojed by Ore yesterday morning; loss 904,000.

A dwelling house waa struck by lightning In Darcheater, yeaterday, andlmrnad.

Delegates to the Repp bile an State Contention are arriving In Philadelphia.

The Andrew Monument fund proroliss to reach a handaome turn.

Congrott bat decided to adj.iorn on June Id, at noon.

Tba Ne* fork ctulln makers arc on u Stria**,

-Vilsson it te tie married in July.


The latest attempt at practical )oklng among tha undents at Cambridge, was the circulation, Tuaaday, of abbot one hundred and fifty no- tices to as many students to nppaar before tbe Dean at a certain hour. At the appointed time all the person! so summoned appeared, and at ter walling awhile s»w tha Joke and dn- persed.

At Daater Park, Chicago, on Toetdav. Chei. Retieker nnder.ook tbo feat of riding on horse- bacfc 200 miles in twelve consecutive hours, and was thrown at the 1IM mile, with such force that he low lies la a very I >*• state.

A Grant Club bus l«en organit'd In Philadel- phia to receive dJlegatet to tbe convantloa . Over 4000 aigoed Ibeir names at members since eight A. If., yeaterday, Tbe club will parade on the evening of June 4th.

It Is reported that Brlgham Young bai (old hit Interest la the Utah Central railroad to Wil- liam Jennings and Blthop Sharp, fir the pur- pose of taking grea'er Interest In the eoMtrac tion of the Utah S>uthera roal

Acallltlon took pln*j on Tuetlay craning between t*:» freight c*n on the Centra! liai- son River railroad, at Wesr Al"nny, and a brakeman was lottanttv killed.

A young man named Donahue attempted to thont a yoang lady named Mc'LsugUnn, at Hartford, Con., on Tuesday evening, became • ti i refused his a'Uutloas.

A dastardly attempt WJS made on TueeJav, at Brantwotd, t> throw Iba Ling III&QJ rail. road ma:l train from tbe track. The engine and tender wan wrecks 1-

The action ol \[ .r :,il S.vrano in granting pardons to the Soanish lasargtats who laid down arms, t* bring severely criticised hy tuu royalists,

Lieut. Fred (Jrenr, son of tbe Pretidflnl, was psesentd ti the Caarof the Ruiila*, on trie

Igbtcemh of (his month.

A finndar tch ml annl 'crtsry was held in Brio1* yii, In which ihlny-rlva tbsutend chil- dren participated.

The German Uftore auTanoSmakafa or Cm- cinnaii are on a tlr.kc for an advance ol wages.

Daring ibe preeent Contrast 41M WHt have hen Intr ila-.'l and re'crrcl to romml '■•■'..


Tiie annual training of the companies compoalng tbe Sixth Maaia.cliua.Uta Reg-

iment was had Wedneaday. All thu com- panies were present excepting those from

Aeion and Groton. Colonel Beal In- spected the companies to-day upon tbe Common, after which they were drilled,

and they acquitted themselves very cred- itably Indeed. In his Inspection Col-

Heat found the arms and accoutrement* In an excellent condition, without excep-

tion. After tin' drill the companies went the City Hall and partook ol aoollav n. The Wnktfleld aud Lawrence

bands were respectively entertained at

isx'a and Crowell's. In the afternoon the regiment paraded for drill, and a large number of spectators were) present

to witness their evolution!. The men ac- quitted themselves well and gave evidence

srelul training. Tbe regiment present- ed a very line appearance, eliciting com-

plimentary continent* from all who were

prIrUt-gtd to see It.

The Fourth Light Battery also turned

out to-d*y In large numbers. Never

has there been a bolter attendance of

ihene artillerymen than there was on

this occasion. They were inspected by

Ctipt. Geo. S. Merrill, after which they

were drilled, proving themselves very

efilcicnt. This afternoon there was a

review of tbe entire command, and the

nppearance of the, Brigade was as much

complimentary to the men as it was to

the city and vicinity. Rov. Mr.Weaver,

Chaplain, Dr. Sargent, the Assistant Sur-

geon, were present, and Quarter-master

Abbott. The officer* of the different corps presumed n very tine nppeanuioe.

Terhaps the remark of a by-stander,

while the ruviow was going on was not

without wisdom. "These May train-

ings," said he, "should be quarterly."

!>■ AM I..h..n ii , .R-

i da I

WE HAVE no fear that In this commu- nity, the AUKRICAN or its editor can bo successfully misrepresented, by how- ever frantic an effort, In relation to any personal assault; we have only words of condemnation for tho attempt at forcible rcdroes of individual wrongs; blows aro not arguments, or excusable under even severe provocation. But wo have, at the satuo time, only contempt for the poltroon who, after weoks of the meanest personal attacks, and under, as he vaunts, "only s slnglo blow," bel- lows so loudly fur help, aa to arouse tho neighborhood for two blocks around, bringing in scores from the adjoin- ing street, and whoso ashen cheeks, bloodless lips and quaking form, as ho walked like a shivering ghost for hours thereafter, evidenced to every beholder how absolutely the iron of fear bad taken possession of bis cowardly frame,—and who, with a meanness unequalled, at- tempts to malign and misrepresent an- other, by an effort to fasten npon this paper ami its editor the res[>onsibility of the affair. The assault was entirely in- lefensible, but how is it wftitcnud by

the unequalled nastiness of tho malice and falsehood mukin g up Its response.

THE TIIKOKV which possibly might bo U'dnced. though not so Intended, by Mr. Jackson, In his IccuireSunday evening,that because medical authority declares thai the human lyatem In it normal condition .l-iiiii d- at in) ii | ants, therefore tbe uwol Intoxicating llquora us a beverage la le auy degree excusable, baa not a shade «\ sound argument as a basla; wbo know# bow much this "normal condition"of tbe .-yi-h in to day Is due to hereditary appetlto and ebangwt Ami If " stimu- lants" are nqulrpd, Is there any Bense In a*if«rlng fm-ti at, instead of satisfy- i'i:: the demand, only aggravate, inflame sMsd intensify the ilc-. re; that Iti'.T.a « a demand into a passionate, uncontrollable Insanity, destroying reason, blasting Invo and hope, and wrecking life! What kind ot wisdom would that be. which be- cause a bit of garden beside (he lower Mississippi should demand moisture,would in:ike a small opeulng at (he base of the levee, through which the water at first gently trickling, would l> ■ sure soon to rush In a torrent a< Ic speedily tore out for itself a channel imperilling tho en- tire country around? And yet this would bo tho perfection of wisdom, to that which in the eight of the hundred thou- sand wrecks of lives from alcohol,-thinks ol apologizing for the u>e of Intoxicat- ing beverages on the ground of a normal demand of the system for stimulants.

FsUtlBTrtn, ACCIDENT TO A BOY,— About lour o'clock Saturday afternoon, a frightful accident occurred to a little fellow employed In the Jute mill of the Mcthncn company. In that village. The lad, John Genrin, and but twelve years old, was in the act of cleanings portion of tho machinery while In operation, and by some moans caught hii hand between beveled gears, drawing in tho forearm, to the elbow, crushing the flesh uDd boues to A shapeless condition, and throwing the boy across the machinery in it manner as to terribly lacerate his right shoulder and breast. Dr. Gold- smith was immediately called, and re- quiring assistance in dressing so exten- sive wounds, Dr. Kenney, of Lawrence, was ulso sent for. The littlo fellow ',■■.■.- conveyed to bis home, on West St., Lawrence, arrnngements modo for am- putating (be injured limb, and at tbe sol citation of his parents. Dr. Chamber- lain, their family physician, was also called, when tho three physicians per- formed tho necessary operation, but hiB injuries so severe that he died the next day. It is said that the managers of the company have repeatedly given orders no machines should be cleaned while in operation.


MAN.—About tei o'clock A. M Saturday, a* the freight train ft si pacing tin Middlesex Crossing, mar the depot in Lowell, it struck and run over a man named Thomas Hayes, belonging In this city. Instantly klllleg him ; the man In at- tendance at tbe crossing mmn>d the on f<-r in >ne mm ot hit danger, hot !•

DECORATION DAT. Memorial Service*, with nddreeoes, Ira

Lawrence, Anflover, llethuen end North Andover—Presentation to Poet 30 of Lewrenoe—General observance of the Day.


Alihoagti ice observance of Memorial Day within onr own city was not attended with as extensive iparada sat) ceremonies as have for- merly marked tbe occasion, vet the hearts Of onr cltir'Qt beat as warmly with love for those noble comrades who were martyrs to their country, and no leel asal and liberality has heen displayed In bringing forward and ar- ranging flowers to be used la tbe beeuilml and sacred ceremony of decorating tbe graves of our suldiera. At an early hour ladles and children began brlnjlng flowers and evergreen to the Grand Army bawd-qaartcra, and soon an tfneient corps was eiraestly engaged In tbe la'; or of love—eni win lug wreaths, forming garlands, boqneu, basket', etc-,—plying their busy fingers till near tbe hoar of assembling of the comrades. lathis coanect'oa perhaps it la appropriate taallado to the deep Interest and generosity or Mr. Warner Daltey, whe so directed hta eflVrt* aa to secure to the Post • large amonnt of flaweia at s very low price and who iiurallj striped every fljWer, bud and green branch from bis private hot boats and garden, and made a free itlf. of the tame to the Pott. This Keaerosltr cannot fall of proper appreciation, and wa hope by tba leiurn ol another Memorial Day, that such generosity may be to extenalve that tho comrades of Post 8H will not Had It aeceissrr to expend any considerable amount of money for flowers.

Sboitly before three o'clock the comrades assembled at their hall over tha Post Office, to tho number of nearly one bandied and fifty, and Immediately were formed la Hue, and la- den with flowers. The command passing from the Pott Office entrance took position on Bt-

. mam —vi.»u» tvesssaa * a *Pr>-«»- ••••*» It bad been arranged for ibe presentation of a banner to tbe Pott, and at this point Hisses Louisa Lowe, Qsorgla Data, S. K- LiWd, Li sle Ashton, Katie Chard, Abble Davis, atepped forward, top porting a beautiful and costly ilk banner and flag, and in the fallowing brief and appropriate words, the generoae gift wee pre- sented by Hits Lows to the Commandant of the Post:

Wa earns before yoa, brother*, to ciprest oar apprsotaUoD of your patriotism and valor which bu hang above os this canopy of ficsdum, gar- landed and UatooDsd with rich laarela of victory, parcbeaed with the preelona llsee of ramv belovad.

Behind □*, In the past, there rises a picture which time ean never obliterate,—the Bald of carnage, '■sate which now lie many brave hearted, no lunger appalled by the ominous looming or cannon, but over whole slumbers the groen grata grows, and the aofl bm is plays.

Before us, ax Indefinite luiare; around ns the faithful guard wbo so bravely fought to defend ur, to whom we now preeent these emblems ot your victory and hope—the symbols of promise, that as you stood In tbe past, so see will stand In the niiure, to uphold w'tb our ajuipethy and prayers, all wbo are so nobly willing again to Imperil life fjr ■>,

Ills our enjoyment of the sacred peace of our darling homee, the appreciation o! what haa been dune to seenre It, aud the realisation of what you are wilting to do to preserve It, which evokes these expressions of our gratitude. Take these, broth ere, the flig and the banner, with the sluoere, uni- versal prayer that throughout our Union, forever may proudly and peacefully wave, the glorteus banner of freedom, our conntry's flog of the brave I

The banner wat received by Major Davli, with a fltiing response, substantially as fol- lows:

JJ I-,-, Lowe sun LAoieaor ssSWaUMOIt—Ills with the deepest emutloas , f gratitude that we ac- cept at yonr bands tbl* beautiful—ibis more than tMiiuilful—this magulacent gin. We eaauot but leel with a degree or pride, that we hare merited some place lu >our kind rrgatd, but tli- many ■ubeiantlal assurances we have received 01 the high place vou have accorded us in your teteem, awaken lu ua the liveliest sense of gratitude and afford LID iIn: high, ai pleasure. Tuta geurrous act of >uu(>, eo DharacUiUlle of Hie uuOle line fa lit, of tbe Udies ,.f Laoience,—the mli or ihta tlrgant ai.d the giuiluus lUi) and ■ 11 r,...-,. the rm

■ , HI uf ...■ ii .HI to the oppressed uf ail eatlaae, aball kail mure liruilj the ties IDal already Ulu« u. i.,i ciuii'ij lun'.'iin-r. Be asaured our hearts go out to yuu In thankfuluesa f»r this fresn evlduuee of vour friendly replug, and in ooueluilon aecapt tbla pledge from us, comrades of lbs Uraud Army: TBal eo long as tbla banner aud this flag shall tljal atxive our beads, by no unworthy aet of ours will we forfeit Ibe place we ere eo proud to hold lu jour teepee I and condJance.

k i tbi treaty qnc.iiuti


Tbe U-i'.lsb Give-misv onsllsn that tba nesntlatlont with tho American Oovernmrat wllh regard to th- trpjiy uf Wa-hii(rt(in. have I ailed, and »ti Infirm parliament that they w:i' altbdraw from arbitration at Geneva.

Ua*ln<Mt wa» tmallf -«.p. n<la l at tbe Capital on rberaday. Tn« atteadeees at Arliiiicton waa not so largo at litsal. Gea. Dauks de- livered ttm oratloB,

M. ■ :i, ■ i : ■ ■»-.■ generally giving in to their workmen. The ctgiir makers and tbe plnuro frame makers have bail their demands lor eight houri acceded to

An Al'-anv merchant tuea a druggist I r damages, rlaloilng that hy selling laudanum to hit wife the drugglat killed her.

An I,'i,t occurred on a railroad In South Carolina, Thuraday, hy ahicb seven wrtoni were li-Jured, tome of them fatallv.

Tbe roodilloa of Jamce UarJou Bennett Is critical, sod his eon an 1 >lau -Vr I, t .■ ■ been icletraplicd for to Knropc.

The telegraphic reoorll f.-om all pirtsor tho country »how that Memorial Day Wsi gener- ally o' icrvod.

JerTDavts deolea ibai be favors the election of Gretlsy.

•.-irllhe- I'd: .-III,

'.'i Urfi:l III- ili ■1-.I--I tsas iti :i elutv ol :.

to&lc.iltun at tliotinu-; tht- w|f« and child

nl Uayes wore In th« depot at tho tirut ot iho accident, awaiting hi* arrival, nrt'- (..mi in, to taking Ibfl 10 30 train lor Lawrence. Ileyfs wa* a mason by trade. HIKI lam ytur worked oil the new Catho- lic church in thlncity, where hesuiUlned eerluus Injuries by u fall Ironi the stag- lug, anil wa4 lent tu lbs ii .s--■ s■ ':IM' at Tewkabury, Mi.--.

A BrLKKDlU EKOIMB.—One of Iloatl- ley's lorty Iiorse-nowir fnglnes (■..-:■..: our offlco on Sstutday, drawn by six horsrs, conclgneil to Mor*u Brothers, Canton, maoufeoturersof the celebrated "Hieing dun Stove Polish ;■' Tho ©n«;lne !■» constructed with tbe care ol all of the Hoadley make, and Is, we believe, the sixth from these works we have noticed within a few dayP, on their way to the depot. * ■ sset.

Prof. AlklRS, who was attached to the cirrus which ealiiliind at Deraiur, Ale., Uondav asccntod with a tint air hallmm during the af- ttmoon, when the halloon bacams detached tin. Windlass, Bxlng In ettimijc, and as- cended to tho biifht oi ln-l a mile, and then rapidly descended into tha Tcnneaetu river Atkins wai Uroaned.

ed to tbe CemeUry, paaalOY down Biiex street to Jocksoa street, thence tbronah Jatkaoo, liaverbtll and Cross streets to ibs Cimetjry. lieie the exercises commenced with singing America, by comrades, Mr. Marian Parsons presiding at the organ; which was followed

■itb a prayer by Bev. L. L- Wood, of tbe Sec- ond Baptist church. The commander, Major Frank Davis, then briefly addressed iboae pres- ent, as lollosra: Cunmda •/ f*e Or.ind Army amlft'lo* cUiitm*

o/La*n*;t. As we are aasembled here apon this memorable

day, Ii Is lining that some words should be spoksn, nut so much to remind us of the occaalon of iheee eervlaea, aa to give proper eiurcsalon 10 tbe thoughts that are common to all onr hearts, that eume crowding upou Ibe tongue for gsiefaaes. I w.n. 1.1 that one might have been engagtd to speak to ua today, whose words gtl? spoken, should have been " like epplee of gold lu plotoisa ol sliver," Trom whose presenco we should bsve gone out with eueh a lesson of loyalty to country, of charity to the living, and devotion to the dead, as this day should teach,

list, comrades, toe increasing ralo admonishes me that I must not longer keep you exposed lo Its. leu to any remarks of mine. OoJ la sending down his generous sbowere 10 refreeb and preserve from decay the flowers we have bronght to adorn Ibese gravee, and 1 will eloee by reading a selection which will be deemed more pleasing and appropri- ate than aniiblng 1 bad expected 10 say.

Cover tbcm over with beautiful dowere, Deck them wllh garlands, thoss brothers ol ours, Ljlng so silent, by nlgbl and by day, Bleeping the years of their manhood away,— Years they had marked for Ibe) >ys of ibe brave, Years they most waste in the mouldering grave. All the bright laurels lln-r Wafted to bloom Pell frum their bopra when Ihey fell to the uimb. Uivi- iliem the meed they base won la the past, ii.n- ili,'in the honors their fuinre forecasl. i ,ii.- them the cbepiele they lost In the strife, Ulvs them tbe leurels they lost wilb tbeir life. Cover ihem over—yee, cover Ibem uver— t'arent, bnsband, brother and lover ! Crown la our beetle those dead haroee of our's And cover them over with beautiful Dowers. Cover the faces that moUuniCae 11--, Shut frum ibe bins of the glorious tky.

Cover ibelr bands that are lying untied, Croseed by the boeone and low by the .!-;,, Hands to you, mother, In Infancy thrown, Hands lo you, father, claape-1 cloee la your own, if an■!•. wfaere yon, slelers, when llred end dismay 'J, Hung for protection, and counsel and aid; Hands, that yon, brother, la loyally knew. Uauds, that jou, wife, wi uug la bluer adli'u I Bravely tbe mueket and aabre they bore, Words or affeetloa Ihey wrote In their gore; Ureadly they grasped tor a garlaad or light, Catching Ibe mantle of death-darkened night.

are the words " Dep't or Mass O. A E., Law- rence, Haas." The reverse it composed of scarlet ground, bearing a large laurel wreath thickly etadded with the various Army corps badges. In the center or which Is the Grand Army badge. The motto of tha order, " Pra- ternitv, Charity, Loyally," are painted npon this aide. Tbe gays are of strong gilt cord, with heavy gold tassels. The whole la ear- mounted with a carved top piece ol black wal- nut. Without doubt this it the finest banner In the possession or the order In tbe state. Its total cost, with apnrteoances was tSi\ includ- ing a fins black walnut caae ft am tbl cabinet abopor tir. Barnard, which cait abont #00- Tba accompanying silk flag was a decided sur- prise to all preieot, bat mott assuredly an agreeahle one. It it compared of the national colors, of regulation dimensions, and Its colt was Ms,—making a total of 1H13- The com- rades can bat be grateinl to their fair frlem'a. who have labored so saalontly to th«lr behalf, and equally do they reel Indebted to their fel- low clttioas, not only of Lawrence, bat the nefghborlngjtownt of Andoversad North An-



Within the entire limns of this town the peo- ple seemed to have devoted their entire atten tion to the dalles of Memorial Day. AH dosses of cltlssm joioed in making lbs occa slon by far more extensive and Interesting than upon any previous demonstration. Tbe good people of Ballardvale were equally en- thusiastic la lending their aid end attendance, and nothing waa wanting to make the occasion one of great Interest Tbe exercises, prelimi- nary to the decoration of graves, look place at tbe town hall, which was ciowded to its at- most capacity. Tbe services here, ss well as tbe care of tbe procesttoa, were under the effl cient management or Major Wm. Marland, and were commenced wltb muilc hy the Bal- lardvale Comet Band; the An do v or Choral Union, conducted by Mr. James 11- Murray, wtin Mlsa Ella Russell, pianist, than rendered

He watching over Israel!" This was fol- lowed with a prayer by Bev. II. S. Green, after which wat Introduced the orator of the occa- sion, Mr. J. M. Sarmonr, of the theologies, class, and formerly a member of the aCi Ohio regiment.

Ma. CflalllMiN, FBLLOW SOLDIEBS. LAOIES AND (JlNTLEKSK:—The horrors of war arc very quickly obliterated by the busy scenes and quiet enjoyments of peace. We remember the great fact that there haa been a war, but the sights and aounda and feelings which made war we very -.inin forget.

In my remarks to you this day it will be my purpose simply to remind you of a few of Ihe expediences with which we were all so familiar during the four dark years of the Kobelliou.

At times, after the army was disbanded, I en- deavored to place myself back again, in imagin- ation, in tho midst of war time. But it waa mi possible. I could not make the old scenes Uve again. War had been on episode ao strange, so unnatural, so contrary to all tormer experimca that in the vacation of peace those y ars did not eccm to belong to my life. 1 ney seemed rather like a vague, dwordcred dream. Now, however* after mcuting one and another of my army com- rades, after rebearaiag the various incidents of our army life, going over our bloody fields, one alter another, calling up our comrades, in sue ccoaion, wbo fell here and there, those years are gradually coiuiog I'Bck and taking their place in my life cxperieucc.

It was eleven years ago that tho war broke upon ua. A vague gloom was everywhere felt. '1 he face of every one who could at all compre- hend the situation wat heavy with anxiety. Men were drumming for recruits The martial spirit was even where. It pervaded even the sports oi the children, liott with drums ia their bands and military caps on their heads were parading the streets. Boon there began to flow from the hills of New Eoghvud, and from the plains and mountains ot the far west, streams of young, vigorous and earnest voluniccts, to join in com- mon struggle upon the great hatUe fields of the bouth. 1»" you remember what total change of life your soldier boys were now entering upon? They left quiet rural homes where every waut bud becu provided for, where life had been pcacctul and regular, They learned what it waa lo lead a wandering, irregular, uncertain life, to live without shelter, and upon coarse food. Many ot them learned what it wtu to sutler hunger even to starvation.

Look about yuu. New England life is to day what ii was eleven years ago. The sounds which are so familiar tu you that you do not notice them are the hum uf busy mills, the peaceful rurublo of vehicles through ibe streets,—the rudi uf the steauicar. Yout aoldicrsevchaugcdihcaesounds fur the hoarse rattle of gun carriages, thcclaiter ol army wagons and tho tramping of troops. You L'O out upon your morning walk. You hear tIn- cheerful notes of birds. the music of bappy domestic voices greets you everywhere.

The soldier in the field becomes familiar with far different sounds. The birds are frightened to silence. He is awakened in ihe morning by tin.- fife and drum. Perhaps he is startled from his alu'i'bers at dead of night by tho long roll. He liccomcs familiar with tho wicked whistle of kre^/A.TiUtfiuMkwr; ar&JLbm.&sy&r Not, however, that thcae arc the only features of a soldier's Life. It has a brighter aide. There is much that it grand and umpiring in army ex- perience. When you hear the sudden crack of a thirty-poundor upon the top uf a mountain re-

ir, oh I

\ii.I r-

r and lover.

lib beautiful flower*.

fu-er tbe feet, lhat all weary and lorn, Hither hi comradee were tenderly borne. Swinly iln'v rushed to the help of the>'. FirMIf lb, y atoud III the ih jeh of the fljhr,

nf.mtlffi jrejl .


I n.-u In her bieum ihe) found a grave.

At the clom of tbo CimtnanJer'a remark* he various companiet at once proceeded tj

the localities aligned ibem and decoia ed tbe graves; after which tbe lines wero reforme,) and returned to ibe Post head-quarters Ow- ng to ralu tailing during tbe services, bat which bad tieea precceded by a day of uau- •ual clieraett, tho exercUcs wire necessarily tirief at the Cemetery.

Tbe banner and fljg presentation was a most plcaalag feature of the occasion. Fur a f;w weeks several ladies.—Mimes I.. B, Lowe, 8. K Lowe, Abby Davis, Katie Chard, Ueorglo [(.■an, I., F. Ashton. Kile Creasy, Hattie Wa son, and Mrt. Katie Parker,—whoto warmest svmpathlee ba>e ever been wltb the Pott, have been soliciting subscriptions for the above ob- ject, and it ii alike creditable to cur ciHi-os B'ld complimeatarr to Pott Needham, that the efforts of these ladiaa have been In tbe blgbe*t degree Knccesstul. Mosara. Pollard A Lelgb- ton are the manufacturer* of both I anner and flag, and moat excellently have they executed Ihe work given to tbeir charge. Tne banner Is composed ol fiao silk, sixty by forty Inches, with bluo drapery, trimmed with heavy gold fringe ot flue quali y, and heavy gold tassels. The front Is of wbltu ground, hearing a coal of arms, finely painted. Ua Ibis side are the words " Need ham Pott, Ho. JJ," upon the drapery above tbe eoat ot arms, end noneatb

Tho soldier has hia hours of uulet and leisure. He has hit gomes and his hilanty. His jokes ore without number, lie iudutges also in song singing, and when "John Brown" is started by a soldier, it is caught up by tho company and carried ,oa through the regiment, through the brigade, and on through an entire line, miles in length, and the effect is grand and pathetic. A very noticeable feature of tbo soldier's lile is the effect which the scenes of nature huvo upon him. We look out upon our peaceful hills and our pleasant grecu slopex. \\ c,havc a mild sunlight and a kind »ky above our heads. The effect of viewing these acencs day by day is not less powerful because it eludes onr notice. But it is almost lost upon the eoldicr in the field.

The most beautiful sight I remember to bavo seen in the South wot the bombardment of the city of Vicksburg by night. The abolla with their lighted fuse shot far skyward, poised for a moment, then descended foster and faster until they burst over the unfortunate city. It was a beautiful sight, but it was a beauty beneath which lav ilestructioa aud niiaerr. Womcu were hiding ia caves ia the hill-aides, aud nun and in-n-.ti were dying.

The march of an army it a grand sight, but your picture of an army is never complete unlest you see it in action, rushing on over tho dead and tbe dying.

But if all uaturc ia ominous and threatening to the soldier, there was one spot which wat always green. That spot was in bis memory, and it was the memory of LU home. Every it.- milliar tree whether in Ihe yard, the old otvhard or tho lorcat, every friendly rock, even* scene of boyhood aports, tbe old bouso itself ore ull tinged wllh a halo of beauty to llio soldier, which would never have entered bis dreams un- less he bad plunged himself into the vicititudes of war. Your volunteer never understood ihe strength of home ties until he went to the war

There were hoys weary and worn with hard marching, boys suffering from wounds, burning wilb fever, starving in Kobe I prisons who yet would not go home until the last shot bad been fired, until tho war cloud had been lifted, aud lifted, too, from a country whose honor was impaired by auy coin promise with traitors, v at the same time looked upunthc friendly skies and peaceful homes of the North as upou a par- adise, and to stand once more upou the old licarth-stune would have aecmed to tbcm almost like stepping upon the thrcohold of Heaven.

A peculiar picture of the war cloud waa feeliug of uncertainty which settled down upou the lllc of a soldier. You lie dowu at uight with a sense of security; you rise in the morning with a sense that the day is yours. You expect to live Many years uf activity and of enjoy- ment arc piobalily before you. You go about your tiusincst with peaceful confidence. '" very different with the soldier ID ibe field, night be writct bis letter borne. Ho feels that it may be his last, lluforc tho sun rites be may be called to arui.i, and before the sun shall set his name may bo tent home with the long list, " killed in hat lie." This feeling Is always pree- eat wilb the soldier. It gives a ccrtaiu somb c- i.csa to oil bis pleasures, and lends a pathos to the songs he sings.

Tbe t'ccliugot uncertainty sometimes deepens into wliut really seems liao premonition, lwcll nmember a tall, manly eoldicr who was tbo means of laviug my own life, who ai a certain period of the war, aecmed to lull into despond cucy. He became discouraged. The war fot the Union he feared would not be successful, fjouic ill omen seemed to cast its shadow upon him. At length, while standing bravely in his place iu haiilo.the bullet which he seemed al- iuo-1 to have been expecting, came, and in a few hours be waa luiil in a loldier a pravo.

Army life in uoi a favorable condition for the appreciation uf tbo beauties of nature. For lAts we uccd the rcpoao and calm of peace. The soldier looks at everything through tac medium of iv or. That green slope which would dcligbt his eyes la the nonheru sunlight, is now but i favorable spot for an army to intrench iteclf fot defence. Yonder siretch of woodland, which would be exceedingly beautiful at other times and iu other ciicu instances, is now but a con- venient screen lor a lurkiug enemy. The south- ern sunlight is a icorching blaac, aud the sky ilself seems lo wear a s:crn, steel aspect.

lini vieiseiiuaee of war are exceedingly strange. Every soldier wbo goes to Ibe Held Is an actor In a living '.ragedy, which sometimes exhibits strange features and develops unex- pected retutte. You send your tlripbug to the war. He marcomo back strong limned and unharmed, tho strong and robust may be the first to succumb to ibe beat or tba fever. War, wiib grim Impartiality, strikes down Its victims, of rank, of valor, or personal gilts. So it boa happened, my tellow toldiers, that In the inexplicable lonanes ol war oar comradee, our tcboolmetes, oar bosom friends have isi- len, and that we are here to- lav tu buaor their memories, end to tcatterour flowers upon tbeir giaves. Ihey are lost; we survive, Uod only

btowa npon oar quiet homes. It snatched Its irom our firesides It lett its vacancies

never cast be oiled. While, tbeo, we j-itn In an effect tone ta remembrance ol our 1*1- ii-ti comrades, we wilt also extend oar warmest sympathies to those whose hoarta ore aiill bleeding tor borne clrclei which bare been rudely broken, and who will carry with Ibem to tbe gravee era shall vitit to-Jay, tbe harden of an Irrecoverable loss.

Bnt there is something more which calls for onr remembrance to-'ay. Wo shall do poor honor to the dead It we forget toe cause for which they died. That flag Is the emblem of onr national honor. It procialma to all toe na- tions of the earth to-day, not only that the honor of onr country la unsullied, bet that a greet victory has been won, that there baa been - triumph over e ssoat powerful and deedly

iiault. The blood el onr fallen comrades bat added a new In sire and authority to that en- sign In every land ami epoa every sea.

I believe tbat evety surviving aoldiere heart is Wonted u> the stare and sinnci more closely than It aver could have been bnt for the peril which boa thraauetkad ft, and but for the coat cf planting It anew, aed holding it np where rebel hands had tore It doera. And I believe, dread- fut at wa know war to be, by experience, that should danger ever again ibreauo our flag, the old aoldiere of tho Union weald be tbe first to fly to Its rescue.

Wo, at least, have earned tbo right to pro- tect and defend In some boar of danger ihe flag which o«r forefather* raised, and staked their lives to uphold, upon their shores.

lint tba memory of the dead shall carry on thought to-day beyond the mere uniiy of oar country. Tne Union has been preserved. Bnt we are not yet wholly free trom danger. We have a duty to par farm as citlions as sacred a* that which wvpetierasedaa soldleraj tbeo let tbe inspiration of this day lead na to everv wi so effort to sweep atray ell corruption and every lurking seed or discorJ, to preterveour national Integrity and parity.

I have bet one more word to say; when we go to the araves of oar fallen solders to-day, let ns uot pass lutes ay with a merely formal M r> vice. Could oar fathers, oar sons, nod oar brotbera speak to-twy they would desire a sin- gle heartfelt rest ten bran'. ■;; far more eagerly, and would regard a sm-l" aspiration alter a bii:her and more dtlrlotlc !lte, tor more fatgbly than all ihe tnpertctol houora which we may render ibem. When bare we lay oar flowers unoa their grave* to-day, let at remember how they died and why tber died.

At the cencluefba of the address, th) Cho- ral Union preseo'o I a bete solo and cbornt In aa effective manner, aid tie exercises at the ball were then cosdaded with the alaglng of America by the eetlro aaliencs, the bond play- ing tbo accompanymeot.

At tbe concluiloi of these servlcet, those taking part In tbe proceelon passed out of ihe hall, and at the entrancsach one was supplied with flowers, a profusion of which bad been bronght to the ball early In the mornlug. The profession was formed In tho following or ter: Chief Mirilial. M.jir W.i:. Marland; Ballard- vale Burn at Barn', eighteen piece*; member* of tba Grand Army anl vateran aol.lierai Sbawshlao Engine-d. So.2; Aadovar Stiam FiroEtigineCa; Snieois of Acaln. my. Upon tbelormatloiof tm prooettloa it moved ap Wain street to tns Chapel Cematcry, the column halting, and ttt Tjwrans decorat- ing tho graves, the banl nl'i; aa appronn

te selection. The bnoa th-n mi»oi dowa S:hool street, ba Una; ah. thu Abbott Female Academy, and roe living Ir-im tbo fair bands of the young ladiet a fresh ani geueroat ■ ap- ply of hnqadts, garlands, stc-, and then Immj- diaiely repaired to the OlSiath, Ca-.bulc aa I Bplscopal cemetcriet, and from thence, iu cnu vevaices, a detschmcut ess taken 10 tba Weit and Spring (Jrovo cemeteries.

The u mi nisi number of ccmeteriet, end ibe distance lut-rvenlog, radi-is the work orating each quite lal»iioas, yet no known grave was negUcied, and the supply of wat abundantly snfflcleni.


Mo lets iatorett was exhibited by the citizens and organisations of this vUlaee, than that shown by ihelr neighbors of Aadomr, and at- thnueli tbe arrangementa for the observanca cf tbo day were conceived sad completed upon the eve of Memorial Day, yet a general cntbu- slaim wat developed, which Is In no smell de- gree tredlteble to the inhabitants of tbo thtlv ng t own of Methuen. The friends of tbe sol dler ere la a great manner indebted to Ma HO- Chas. B. Ayer, Joha Tapley and two or three others, for the eminent taccess attending the demonstration. The exercises preceding tbe decoration of graves were commenced In Ex- change tqnare, by tbe Liwrence Brat' Band, which played "Coal Fan Tutie," which was followed by brief bnt pertinent Introductory remarks from Rev. W. W. Hayward. Tbe singing of Keller's American Hvmn, by tbe children, next followed, producing a mott iwantilhl effect. Rev. J. B. Dolman offered a fervent prayer, after which the Uethuea Glee

teite. Sev. Lymtn Chase, tbe orator selected for the occaalon , next pressed the following address —

Whet tribute of honor toonr heroic deed, what comfort to tht living silll staggerl:<fr under tbe bur- den of saerlflce, eo real or ao fitting, as tbe selling forth Ibe truth lhat here hsa been no waste of lives, and that ascrlOeea Immeasurable are already yield- lag adequate fruits In aallonel blessings? Human life Is valuable, while national life Invaluable. In the world's cblldnood the lesson shonld bsve been learned that the life of the Individual thoold be freely offered to perpetuate nation il extsleoee. Nature, In her animal and vegetable kingdoms, li careless of Individual, but eaeeedlngly earvful to preserve the general.

To day, aa a nation, we rejoice In ibe frtesi and beat Institutions granted to any of raith't peoples. Yet every march In the onward progress of our tatnera to a higher civilisation bas been over the bleeding forms of tbe slsln. Not a right bar been wrested from tbe bsud of tyranny, not a fetter broken, or a bastlle laid low, for which haa not been paid In full, Ibe trice In the ilcbest blood of the people. Could Ibe men who bled at Leilngton, or Tell on Banker UI|l,or la Vurktown.gsse today on ibt* great nalloo, vltb the banner of freedom waving over ibe oborrt of two oeeane, and bebold Ibe principles of tbe great "Declaration" recognised from the Atlantic to ike I'scinc. slope, would Ibe) not rrjutee that to Ibem waa aecurded the grand privilege of laying foundations of a structure so stupendous! Surely

"They bnllded wiser than Ibey knew." Count up your deed frost Bell Bun to the loti

tiuerllls tight la tba Uoulb. Wbo ean measure ihe cost to Ibe nalloo of lie richest blood ? But here 1* erected a fabrlo for all lime. Millions yel unborn will live and enj,.y the bleestt'gs bought. Wi. ,. American, wboee bosom swells not with boneei pride as tit euiveja the vaet do malm and remem- bers that nut a single eiave ean breathe beneath IB* bajner of the Ami Itel ibe sword, raised tods, fend ih» naiLiu'a life, la IU lall. gate to that nation four mlllloeoul freedneol and that LOW, In in sea lo sea, lion ibe LakeelO ibe Caribbean teles, iheie estate under tbe starry banner one nation, froe atd Indivlasablc!

There are two Imsanriillllee to every true man,— the Immorte'liy of Mas) ihe Immoriilltjr of iitl - rnco. The very sbellnsk or an eaily age have Im- pressed ihelr forma on the rock strata uf the plan et. Tbe crutt uf csrtb Ittelf i. largely moilo up uf tbe remains of Us roimsr tenants. And shall ihe •mil of man, the graXifewt work of ihe Crean r, grow and work, and drpirilng leeve nophoti g'ajh of itself Impreeeed oa the society of ihe living ? Does not human society aether repres nt tha nggre- **'• of the irae and good whose Ires hive enriched

and a becoming end. Tbe life cf Warren, gioilona ly surrendered on Backer Dill, was fall sad fair and serene,—e axes- of beauty, nnbroken. unalloyed. Honigomcry, falling nobly before QJI bee, ooutraeta bow gloriously wllh the Ignoble, looompleta, Irsg- mentarr, broken ealetaaee Of Benedict Arnold, wbo llred loo long for his fame.

And shall we not nJuice In a series of evenle by which men of common mould raise themselves to tbe highest plane of manhood, even to tha range or heroic lives, ibe high capacity of setf-sacrifice for the nation's wesl. What clerks, students, sons of the farm and shop, thousand* wbo would have lived common selfish distances, oould, under the Impulae of a great occasion, bunt Ihe barriers of self, and lu a few momenta develop* Into men of the old he- roic eiamp, until tbey eonld calmly contemplate the offering or themselves for ihe notion'* future, reach- lag an altitude whsro they eonld realise tbe troth that

Whether on the eoaffold high, Ur in ihe battle's Tan,

The fittest place for man to die,

Will . pecied that I aball pr»noonce a

eulogy unon the soldiers to-day. Such la not my purpose. We tbat aro living need no eu- logy. Wo ate honored sufficiently, perhajs more tbsn we deserve. We have simply per- formed our duly. As for tbe dead, I proler to moke this a day ol memory ratber than of prsflse,

I have spoken of tbe ease with which we for- get the experiences of war; but I know that there are those with as here tc-lejr who will never forget The war otruek its heaviest

Sbom « ®o»»ip.

eni Iron

the past I

Greece became Meh In Ikemtmary of heroes. An Invisible host hovered ever the retreat of the "Tea Thousand." Rome, for eeniarlee, realsted tbe evils which rendered brr decadence neeeaeary.ha'd to life and power by the still, pervading Influence of lier departed heroes. Why towers our fatherland above rracee aud epala, with their richer sails and m,,re favorable climates? Behind ibe thtune ut Vletorla tower silll the farms of tbo virgin uueen of Cromwell the great uncrowned, of Wlllleat the De liv.-i.T, still tnvlalbly swajlng the sceptre.

Wbllet In that proudest of le*<lelatlve assemblies, the sfasdes of Usmpden, I')m and Blloi,control ibe men of the pree- nt, the eloquence of Chatham, ol I'll and Burke, la beard In more than echoes through thoer balls to day. Can tbe liveeol fiemnel Adams, of tjile, ever eease to mould the doctrines of the old Bay Otste? t'uu Pieohnu die lo Amsrlaa? Are not Ihe endre lives of Waeblngton, of JaSOJ,, son, of Jackson, woven Ibread by thread Into the national fabric? Tu-dey the men wbo grandly In- fluence Ibe national life In the American Congress. are not the living. The v..Ire of'Otd men elo- quent" epeake still for ireedom. Barry of the West leads the Henateof to day, end he, greatest of all the defenders of the Constitution, rills with bis ge- nius, the hall of legleloilon, and guides tbe Ship of Stale.

i ach community of this Commonwealth ts rich or poor according lo the character or lu dead. By a wlee ordering of tbe Creator the bad soon Sle, tbeir memory roU. Tbe true, tbe reel men die not, even to earth. Their Impress Is on your lowl, your schools, your churches, your lltevotare; yes, tbey have left tbeir Impress of eharaeteron lbs living generation; their golden (bread of Influence rune through tbe woip aad woof or eocteiy, appearing here and there, and giving lustre to the whole.

Life should t measured by deeda not years. Why wish tollvsr Tbst h) a fuller development you may Imprees a nobler Imago ua soalely. This tbe motive worthy of omen. But there are limes wheu la a day men develope more than In jeers nf ordinary Hying. The highest graduation Ihe moth- er notion eonld kowtow oa her favored axes was that or a discharge from a four years' eouroe in tbe schoolaf war. These early dead base done for hu- manity whet three seore oSdteo years of common life could not street, — Jhv|Kfl gjjjsaif at... ham. hf queaibee to hli country and the advaaolag teneratlooe a feat, ttob, well ordered life. Tbeta wee nothing fragsssotary over which lo wasp,—ae splendid begtaalag, bat a glorious eoaspUtSasaa


Finally, such dead heroes are the glory of a ua- llon. Bparta may well be proud nf her Lironldae and his Immortal band, for Ihe world la still proud of them to-day. Kome knew that eat of any hun- dred or her plebtan ranks, abe could en ao any day call forth a ltcgului. The little republle of Swllser- lacd haa long towered before Burope like her Alpa, for hoe sbe not given to history ber Arnold of Win- kelrled, wbo, gathering aa armful of Austrian ipeers to hie bosom, opened a passage to freedom iver his crashed body, lo Ibe beloved Confederates And even tbe fists of Holland have ventured to as-

honured position among European nation- For has lbs not eerlebed Ihe world wllh a

William of Orange, and given to Bugland her first great coaetlluUunelklng? America, youogrot of the peoplee, baa as much reason to feel the thrill of pride, for while she gave to the world a Waablng-

In ottlklcg the feitere from four mllllone of en. chained bamau btlnge, at Ihe eipenae of bor llte'a blood, "In- boa reared herself o monument that will

Weave garlands, then, for tba honored dead. Bach flower fadee, but flnwero die not; every ouc- ceedlng Bummer shall fill Ho lop with their fragrant end lovely furms, still whispering, "Flowers fur the honored dead, whoae lufluenee. Use thelre, te perennial." The wand of Ibe Destroyer, tn break- ing tha alabaster boi of tba body, bus but poured fo-ili the precious ointment, and tilted the world wttb the fregruee or noble lives.

The discourse waa followed with the memo- rial hymn, "O, Cover with Flowers tbe valiant dead," by tho Glee Club, and a selection by tbe band: "Tbe Exiles Lament." Tbe pro- coat Ion wat then lormed In the following or dor:—Chief Marshal, Jobn Tapley; Aids, Chas. It. Ayer, Jatae Silver, Albert Dane and T. Gammons; Lawrence Brats Ban.!; Soldiers and sailors; detachment of Post 39 G A. It.; carriages containing disabled soldiers, orator, and Invited gnestsi High, Grammar, und Ii termediate schools; carnages containing over two hundred school children, each carryings bouquet i cittxans.

The route of the procession wat through Hampshire and Lowell streets to tbo cemetery, at which place tbo prcces-loa halted, and dtc- orated the grave*; from the cemetery the line moved ibrongh Lowell, Union, Railroad, Ot- good, V.i-n, Park, and Lawrence streets to tbe grave vanl, at which point the procession wat ooiiii halted for tbe decoration observances; ihcnce Ihrongb Lawrence, Charles, Pitstsnt and Main stieeti, to iba towa hall, where tbe caremonlet were concluded hy the band play- ing tho beaatliul piece, "Why do I weep for tbre," followed by singing imm the Glee Club of a fine piece entitled " Tbey died f >r you and me." Tba excrclset closed with tinging Amer- ica hy all preeent.


This village Is ever aciive In the soldisra behalf, and wo can safely add, that when its fallen miners are forgot ton, tbe charge cannot rest upon the present Inhabitant!. Mijit L aN. Dncbetnov wascAuTer de affair*, wnlcb wai sgnaiamy fur n JU-IMIIUI O iservance of tha day. Soon alter tbe hour of noon, those who participated la the procession assembled at thu engine house of the Monimack company. Previoai to moving (o tha come ter r, quite an interesting event ocenred, particularly pleasing to tbe Ilia department. In behalf of tho newly organized Bben Simon Seem Engine compa- ny, lfajor Dnctaesney presented each of the engineers—llessrs. Taylor, chief, and Rea, Carr, Holt, Hannaford, with an engineers hat, of excellent design. Ten presentation waa followed hy one, equally meritorbns, of a beautiful silver speaking trumpet to Major Da- chetney. Tbe procession was then firmed as follows:—Wagons loaded with flowers; dele- gates from Fost 39, O A. II.; Sutton Drum Corps; Board of Engineers j Town officers and

Gen D.ile; Merrlmock Engine company; Co cblcbewlck Engine company ; citizens.

Tbe procession moved to the new cem 11 TV,

where a prayer was offered by the Riv. Mr. risb. Decoration followed; each grave was attended by a person designated, and at a given signal each grave was made the resting place of some floral tribute. 1'hii oticert of ucilon gave flue effect to tbo scene. Tbe pro- cctslon then returned to the point from wbicb they started. An oration had bean prepared M R.v. Mr. Pish, bat ibe p.uteitug rain iiro( » prevented Its being delivered.

Tbo Fourth Light Battery never made a finer appearance than on Wednesday, and their ad- mirabla in i- u> ivn-s on tbo He I I abundantly testified to tbe efficiency an.! thoroughness of the drill of tbe two sections during tbe weeks past, under Lieuta- Dun-ell and Priest, to whom, in no smell degree, tbo Battery It .ndebted for i-s excellent condition.

In our t»tue of Wednesday, Chaplain Geo. S. Weaver of ibe Sixth Regiment wot reported absent; tbe absentee was Major Hsrtof Low- ell, end not tbe Cbaplsin. who. at vtual, waa the Hi■■■[ upon the Sold. Bro. Weaver Is as good a loldier as Chaplain, and nnnsually ical- ousln his attendance upou the regiment, at well as deeply interested la its welfare.

Mrs. Van Cut will speak la tha Garden Si. church to-morrow, Saturday evening. The lady remains in our city for several weeks.

The report of tbe Orphan's Fair reaches ut too lute for Insertion thla week.

Kar** V» are obliged to omit, on account of the leu ^ h ol memorial SIT vices, a re-

port of Mrs. -i i; I.■-,■': exhibition, the

Wlutili tin currenpuiideuce, ainl other In-

iTotnu mutter, *whleh will appear In onr tlaiiy leave of this date.

The Choral Uawn OOsWtn on 1 net ,'ay even- ng waa another complete (access, and It is rt-

a ly iii-cn ditahl.- tbat m line an entertainment, ot our oi-. II people, >or so many people, for so good aa ot>J«ct, nin.u.a have bad no larger au- dieucea. Too eulu t y Mrs. Ciarke was splen- did y executed,—#e never heard ber In better voice; the various parti were lapiUlly ren- dered, and ibe choruace euthasiaulc and cor- dial. Every oae present boxrtUy enjjytd the evening's eatcrtalnment.

Somo manufacturers of textile fabric) have lately been experimenting on carding, by aet- tlng Ibe card loeth nearer together than baa been tho practice heretofore, and tbey tblnk there is very great advantage to be derlrid tberelrom, boib in tbe quality and quantity o work done* This change has in en brought abent l>y a more thorough examination of the condition of Ibe points of tbo card teeth after being ground or sharpened by the old-fa|bioncd long cjllndcr, and the new-fashioned traverse wheel grinder,—Ihe former leaves ihe^poiats of tbo toctb a chisel, wire-edged form, while the latter leaves ihe points of tbo teeth diamond hbaped ami needle pointed. Ii will tie seen that by using tbe traverse wheel grinder, Ihe points are left to lhat many more than aaual may be set In tbo same space, and they will keep sharp a longer time and uo more work tban the lost number or teeth. There Is no pa- tent, to let oibera look a little into ibe tnbject.

GEEELEr AND THE NEWSPArEI.9.— Thu venerable editor ot the Tribune is a great logician. Jn his letter of accept- ance, be says, that the work done nt Cincinnati, I. e., the nomination of Greeley, Is ratified by '•telegrams, let- ters, and the comments of journalists. Independent of official patronage, and indifferent to tho Bmiles or frowns ol power." Therefore, all journalists who do not support the erratic philosopher of the Tribune, are not Independent, but mere tools of the Government. This pleasant way of saying "all honest edi- tors support me, and those who do not are liars, villains and scoundrels,1' iB on :i par with the remarks made in the Tri- bune, which alluded to country journal- ists as those "small creatures whom God for some Inscrutable reason permits to edit country newspapers."—Boston Journal. s-tei*

A writer severely tlcrcrlbes the exodus at Eden, saying, " The devil drove wom- an out of paradise." Yes, yes, but h could not drive paradise out of woman.

itde seizures of various dealers on Saturduy.

Tho frequent showers give vegetation a most refreshed sad rafrobicg appearance.

There are rumors In the air tbat Joe Icffer- eon will make a professional visit to this city shortly. Hope It's trao.

Ia another column, Jeate G. Gould, Esq., contributes a fresb li'.tlo poem,—a gem of genuine tenderntst and merit-

Tbe new-fashioned "What it It" may bo seen at tbo corner store in Ssnndert Block; en opportunity will h- given all to guett the co- nundrum.

Crowell has got on draught an excellent aum- mer beverage called Ice cream soda. It Is a cool, refreshing, asctareoat drink and becoming very popular.

Wm. B. Spatdlng, £3q.,of this city, waa unauimonsly re-elected a director of tho Con- cord Railroad, at Its annual meeting in Con- tord, on Tuesday. Very good.

Messrs. Bishop, tbo stove dealers, have ia their store aa eight day clock nearly two hun- dred years old, and Ills a more substantial

tne piece and keept belter time tban most of odern clocks.

On Monday evening, Mr. Pcndleton, residing 1 S70 Iltvcrhill street, driver of a team in

connection wltb the planing and box mill of Cot. L. D. Sargent, fell from tbo wagon, and dislocated bis ankle.

Ma -h credit it dut to Cipb Decker for sag- gettlua Ihe furnishing of a collation lor Ihe boys on Wedaetday at tin Mar training, and there Is tittle doubt but that tho companies from abroad appreciated the courtesy as much at tboy enjiiyel the repast which was a sub-

total one.

While men wire engaged in the construction orthoculvett under iho street, opposite Col Sargent's mill, on Tuesday, a heavy Hone wot displaced, and rolling npnn Ur. Ku-sell Hitchcock, residing at 23 Railroad street, broke his leg, and dislocated tbe ankle; Dr. Cham- berlain attended blm.

Mr. C- G. Stebblnt who recontlr to jk pot- session of the store No. S Appletoa street, for- merly occupied by Mr. Ellis, la doing an ex- cellent business In barneys He has just finished an elegant gold mounted one for Mr. lK-z. kiah Plammer, and others sre In prepara- tion for uiber gentlemen.

Tbe »■ imol committee, on Monday evening, voted to have no scsblon of tbe public -clu-oi- on Memorial Day, Thursday, wblcb wa are tare met the spproval of parents no lets tbsn the endorsement or the pupils; there Is no national day which oufiht to bo more unl- ver ally observed than this.

Rev. Wm- R. Park, pastor of tbe Central Congregational Church In this city, failed on Tuesday in the Cnuard iteamsblp Olympus, for a six months' tour In Europe; bo will have tbe warm wisbes of many friends for a pleatani trip, and there are few who will be likely to btiug home a greater store of valuable infor- mation than he.

Tbo Fourth Battery N oxparieaclng a vary lively Interest, ibis spring; there have been large accessions to lie ranks, to tbat tbero Is not a sufficient number of uniforms to supply all the new members; there was ibe largest at tendance on Friday evening of any meeting during tbe put three years; the boxes were full on Wednesday.

The Franklin Library Association, at a meet- ing on Tnesday evening, unanimously agreed to tbe proposition of Ibe city, except tbat por- tion reducing tbe number of trustees after the Brat year, which It It tbe earnest desire of ibe association should bo Changed so as to retain six elective trustees, two to be elected annually by tbe City Government.

< Hiker Vandyke looud a woman named Rlizabeth Sebbcnt, one of tbe wives of David P. Jones sentenced at tbe Superior Court this WHk, on Essex street, between three end loar O'clock *. at.Sa.urilay, la e somnambulist tuts, Sbe was In ber night dress, and had a sheet wrapped around bor head; tho officer conveyed her to the police station.

A popular clergyman of our city last gabbath morning, la xlloding to Ibe fact of bis listeners often tiring of bearing old truths repealed, ob- served tbat should be preach a Dolly Varden sermon it would elicit profound attention ; and annul,t tlirm hi- aesl*— »«•-—.■— _.,..,•-.., that It woold be teadlly worn by all the lalles. Perhapt tbo brother will announce a Dolly Varden teimon for some Sabbath. .

Tho ret receipts from tbe entertain- ments given hy the Homeopathic Aid Society, In onr city, were as follows:—Parlor entertain- ment at Mrs. Byron Truell's, S."mil, Tea psrty. SI 10.83; SM.u^c at Slanders Hall, «9T.C9; Donation from Prof. Cadwell, $21M; First "Mother Goose" parly, SOI 33; Second "Mother Goose" ptrty. Sill 69; May party, Sol S3; whole amount, S.'il6.73. The treasur- er, Mra. F. O. Kendall, bas tbe receipt of F. W. Andrews, treasurer of tbe Boston society for the atove amoan'.

We doubt If our or our churches bavo had an older attendent, thai the Liwrenca street last Sabbath, In Mrs. Mary Oilr, mother of Mn. Tfmoiby Ongood, who was 90 years ol age on Saturday, and v. u Iced briskly up the tulrs without assistance. Mrs. Gilo was mar- ried on her el".hicer,tti blnbday, and bas a daughter In Mitt u ■», Mrs. Rdmnnd Sargent, 77 years of age. Mr . Gilo la ot a lonjt lived family, enjoys good bealtb, reads without glasses, and Is more active than mott people a icore of years younger.

Tbo Rherside Ttmperanre / .n..-,,.., made tbeir first appearance before the public on Sat- urday afternoon. After marching to tbe house of J. M. C'oetler, op Bodwejl street, tbey pro- ceeded to ibe plcnla ground, wtjero they w^re Inspected hy Aldermen Treat and Lamb. Al- der man Treat addretsed tbem, making a very pleasant llttie tpeech, Tbe compuny made a very creditaole appearance, anl is aider the command of Mr. John nivi. The motto <> the Zooaves, "We Drink Cold Water," was in scribed la Urge letters on tbe banner tbty car- ried.

The lecture on Intemperance, delivered on Sunday evening, by Oeo. Rutsell Jack*ou, was a carefully prepared paper, and well received by tbe salience; tbe speaker, alter illustrating tbe evils following tbla great scourge, argued earnestly against cletsirytng; or treating intem- perance as a crime, believing It lobe rather a disease, and tbat humanity and good sense alike demand tbat innead of thruttlng the ine- briate int.i the dock wltb criminals, tbe stale should found atriums where by kindness and good Influence the victims < f appetite might be reclaimed. Tbo audience were very attentive, and despite tfte ru.iraims of the day, gave tbe speaker beany spplaate

Foreign Postal Money Ordert aro oa muib safer than private drafts as tbe governments of tbe Unlied Stales snd On at Britain are less liable 10 failure end bankruptcy tban firms or Individuals; tbey are at much more convenient at poatofflces are mote numerous than banks or banking boutet, and as much cheaper as the two govcrnmenis can afford, though officials already paid, and who get no percentage ftom Ibis branch, to iransact tbla buMnett lor the people at lets rates than Interested sgents, whoss promt depend upon ibe extra fees tbe purchasers uf their drafts must pay to them. Old coactrymen, wbo have for years teen ibe absolute tefety and convenience of the Pottal Order syttem at home, will place their own experience and common tense agalnat tbe persuasive appeal of paid agents, In tbe Inter- est of Ibelr own pockets.

Tbe annual May procession of tbe vartout societies of young ladles, boys and girls or St. Mary's Catholic cbnrcb, poitponed from the preceding Snnday took place latl Sunday after- noon. Tho societies gathered In tbe cbnrcb

where tbey were addressed by Valber Ua]berry on devotion to the virgin Mary. The socie- ties tbeo marched tat In tbe following order beaded by tbe Lawrence Cornet hand, led by Mr. Timotby Kanr.playlng sacred muilc. 1st, " The Infant Jesut" Sodality, composed Of lit- tle boys- *' Holy Angels" Sodality, composed of bojs a little older; " St. Aloyslat" Society, composed of boii still otder. Then the young men's Soc'alty. Each of tbtto societies, with the exception of 81. Aloyalns, had Hi counter- part composed of glrlt, who followed In tbe time order. Tbe society composed of girls of the tame ages ss the boys of St Aloysios wot called Hi* children of Mary. Tbe children were very prettily dretsed lo while with sasbee and wreaths; the route of tho procession from Ibe church was from Hampshire to Bradford, White, Oak, Hempihlra, Htverhill, returning by White aud Bradford streets; after returning to tbo church tbe aervlee concluded with bene- diction and sacvamtnt.


Tbe work ol driving piles for tbo new Meem- . boat wharf at Black Hock, Nahar.i, bai been ! commenced.

The coroinnny of laying the corner stono ol | tbo now L'nlvorsaltst church, Lynn, lock place \ on Monday. Messrs. Clement It Crecsy, of Lawrence, are tbe builders.

Broad bos advanced one half a rent per loaf In Salem.

The Salisburv and Kxeter Railroad have proposed to the Ei.-Urn Railroad to build tbe lino to Epplng, il the- Eastern will lease It at G percent ol ihei-.i t.

Joseph Proctor is staring through the coun- ty, appearing ia bis original character " Jib- benainotay."

The Salem Brass llano bat been coge^-ed for six days at the Jnbllee.

Salem wants a Superintendent of Public Schools; heretofore the committee bavo super- vised through sab-committees.

The Lynn Reporter leys:—"Varying from tbe utnal course on such occasloas, the lady teachers, aa well as the gentlemen, are invited to pariuae of tbe collation to be given after tbe clote of ihe dedicatory exercises at tbe "Cob- belt" acbuol-house on Friday next. This ia right; for who do more than the women to as- sist In tbo proper education of youth .'"

Tbo whole number of caaet of boots and shoes shipped from Lynn, for tbe week ending Friday, was 4800—against IJO'J for the corre- sponding period ot lust year.

The Lynn Yacht Club contemplate taking an excursion to Portland, Me., tbla summer, surf- ing about tho Sth of July, to bo gone about two weeks.

Tbe yacht Mary Ann capsized In Lynn har- bor on Monday, and three persons wbo were on board narrowly escaped drowning.

Mrs. Anne Dalley of Lynn, died from rup- tured l.loo.i vessel caused by falling down stairs on Wednesday.

Tba number of carriages sent over the Salis- bury branch railroad for the monto of April was 1089; from May 1st to tbe 22na, 021.

John D. Parsons, tr., a member of the senior class la the Brown High School, Newtiurypon, bas been appointed by General Butler to tbe has been appointed by General Butler to tbe ,■„-„,.„_ s-tntilisrloii vacancy In tbe West Point Military Academy, •"«"* emulation


FRIDAY, MAY .11, 1872,

AflllOVER IT KM 8.

Rev. G. F. Wright, the now pastor, will preach at the Free church next Sab- bath.

Bo.fic hail U all the race .in -t now. The Clippers of Murlatid villas'1 on Saturday beat the AtlauMcs of Abbott village 12 loS, which pari off tbeir previous defeat.

Something, lo addition to the simple announcement of the death of Mra. Jen- nette M. Holt In last week's paper, Is due to the memory ol a lady who possessed so many excellences at adorned her character. The writer has been well ac- quainted with her for many years, and feels constrained to say that very few persons evince such affable manners, pleasant disposition, and imailuctcd piety as uniformly characterized her lite. Her loss is a aevcru bereavement to her fami- ly connections, to tbe church of which she was a worthy member, and to the numerous circle of .'icqualtitaiices who mourn her demise. No one was beneath her notice, or escaped her kindly offices when In need of cympathy. Her many acts of charity and love were alweyi ehecrfully performed In the kindest man- ner. She was a model woman, and will be i'M-;i'ly misled at her home ant) In aoclcty, but ber many virtues and Chris- tian example will long bo cherished and

of that Congressional ui-tner. The Ameiburr Villager sayt tbat tbe water

pipes have been laid tbo entity length of Her. kit street, in tbe village, a distance of about 8000 feet. B.nje 3000 additional feet are to be laid, mostly on Elm street. Tbe Increased cost of iron since ibe commencement ol tbe work, last fall, haa aildea materially to tbo expense ot touipktinit this work.

The corner stone of a new Unircraallit church will be laid in Lynn on Meatier.

ntloae to disturb the liquor


An order has been Introduced into tbe city i-i uii'ii for the considera 1 .m of tbe expudiisncy of removing; the south ftaNeiy ot tbe City Hall, and building a ategu at tbat end.

Work ia ibe boot am. ehm factories con- tinues to derline, at tbo ordtira fjr summer gooils am uearly rompieied.

Tbe doable track from ll.iverliill to North An-s- v.. will be 'i.II hi- t lo a tew days

There w< re abipped i n r the Boston A Heine Railroad la-t wei k 11106 cases of Boots aud shoes, ugaioat 21S9 cases i U • preriuai wetk.

Tbe Pubtit/ier, In commenting on the action ol ibe Lawrence i-.n.-y i.i-n in petitioning the Societies IO diacootitiuu Sunday funeral*, auy*: " Perhaps it would be aa well for these cier- cymen to request tha cltizius of Lawrence to select a time te ihofflt off tbeir mortal coll to ibat their friends need not feel under any ne- cestlty of Interring ihelr remains on the Sab- bath. But we tupposo ibe real came of com- plaint from these clergymen arises from tact that several aiooclatlom In tbat city bave recently had occatlon to bary aomo of tbeir members on Ibe S IMMIII, and have turned out with bands of music. This Is where tbe rub comes, and yet we bavo been assured tbat some of thcae sumr clergymen have bad tomi ol these ■ i m oajds, ur p.r.s ■ f 'li'tn, io per- form what was called sacred ma .,t ■„ ibelr churches < 'i ibe Sahbatb. Consistency, art ajiwel."


A now fog bell clock, operating a powerful hell bammer and capable of being beard foi many miles. Is about to be placed at Baker'i 1-lnii.l light home by the United States Light Home Board.

Tbe local force dealers.

It la staled that tbe proprietor of tho Salem brewcrr recent y moved tome f ,rty barrels of ate to Springfield, where ho bad a brewery, and on Wednesday tho ttato police seized thirty- uinc barrcli In tbat city, supposed to be the same lot.


Tbe new Boott mill Is to be completed by January 1st.

Tbe salary of the clerk of thu Police Court Is to te 91200 a yo tr, ircm July 1st.

Ur. Sothero apregrs ID " Lord Dundreary" next week.

J. L. Capithorn, ihe jeslont husband who shot at the butcher boy lo Natick, bat been bound over In »500 (or trial In this citr.

yuies tffVoeVhorarVof leeTwftsL and *Weflo> mar schools for the brat assays on cruelty lo animals.

The Hamilton and Lowell companiet bave each declared a dividend of StO per share, payable Jure 1st.

The People's Club opened tholr aew rooms on Friday evening with appropriate ceremo nles.

A ii!ill born m«'c infant wat found under Hip railroad bridge leading from If iddSaex street lo Western avenue, Sunday morning, heavy iron chela link rattened to It.

By tnttrucuon of the Keyor.the Police officers In different parts of the city entered quite a number of bar rooms Saturday night, to ascer- tain if any other tbsn malt liquors were sold, but as far as lujinied there wat no other viola- t oi tftbe law.


BErosa JuDoa BTK-VKKS.

Ass.ti'LTS.—of ra. Julia A. HontroM, residing on Union streel, got mad oa Sunday, at some ohlldi who were plajlng In her bael yard; leu families living ia Ibe block In which Mra. Huntreaa lltee, bave a right lo the yard referred to, and tbe ebll dran belonged lo these families. Mrs. Huntress la a tine looking woman, end apparent!y good netured, but sbe cuuldn't Hand tbe noise of those children, so sbedonsed thtm wltb scalding water, for which :i-' l"i) officer Vandyke took her Into custody. She appeared In court this morning, AtsoclBie Justice Wright acilng ss counsel for her. A plea of net goiltr waa ealersd and the ease continued until nest Thursday morning, she being held lo the sam of #100, her husband becoming ber bond.

Arthur B. Turner, a well drresed young moo, waa up In court Ihla morning for an assault on bla wife. He pleaded guilty lo giving bar a simple push. The lady did not appear in court lo prose- cute, io he VSS let oo" wltb a rl.i.. of |l and tbe

WaUWtStiAT, There were not many spectalora Iti aaurt thla

morning, which may be accounted for on ihe ground that the oumponlea muttered to-day for Hay train- ing, aud they presented eueh a line appearance tbat everybody wanted to look et them. Ills Honor aaeended the bench with his usasl genial smile, and Jesss terued tbe esleeandsel the machinery In motion.

DatiXKs.—Llitle Ifomlal, on thla charge, waa si-nt for three monthe to the boaoe of eorrecllon, and two othsri were lined S3 and eotta.

LAOCBMT.—Alexander Uowln waa charged vltb Ihe larceny of a barrel from Michael Roberta. It spp'sred lhat Gowla took his barrel to mix some mortar in, and that bis Intention was not lo steal It. Major Brown appeared for blm.

TllllSeaUl | There wee only one case of drankennree before

Ihe court, which waa that or a soldier. He was lined (1 aod coals.

Ablel Jones, who keeps a I o irdlng house oo its Waabltgtoo Corporation, waa charged with in assault on a yonng girl named Laura Antona, wl ft boarda wltb til a. After a lengthy taamlnatloa 1 ■■ was foun.l not guilty, and discharged.


Salem Comet Band will favor the public wltb a concert Wednotdar evening of each week when tbe weather permits, oo the village com- mon The citi in of Salem will avail them- selves or this opportunity to enjay listening to the performances of this popular band.

Tbe recent rains have greatly Improved the prospects or a good bay crop. Grass has taken a vigorous start, and If the hav makers will bnt dtlay operations a little later In tbe season,

ttey may reasonably expect a fi I; tarvtst. Mr. E. C. florae i la removing bis barn to a

near sits near hit dwalling; tbe lot on wblcb It bu stood ii valuable f>r building rarpites, and a rumor prevails that It bas been secured by tbe Masonic Lodge for ih» purpose rf erect- lag a hall for tbeir nte.

The plastering in tho M. E. church it faff unsatisfactory, aod will have to be gone over with again- Boms one of tbo workmen scratched a Is-je cross deeply In tbe soft plat- ter near the ceiling, which was not noticed till the staging was removed.

Mr. C. E. Sleeper Is Qttlag ap Esq. Qwlu'g " office banding" o;poilte the Gimmon. for an ice cream and oyster saloon for ladles snd gen* tlemCB. Noilrjogdilnk will be so'd on the premises. It It tbe Intention of tbe proprietor lo make it a plan every way worthy or pat- ronage, and which ibe mott exact and 'astl ii- out woald not scruple to visit.

* " VlAIOl."

Tbe matt remarkable exhibit ever made by any goveramont is tbat recently made by ibe Sagatta Ministry of Spain. Twenty millions of dollars bave MM diverted from tbe Colo- nial io ibe Interior Department, and S'gasta says Ibat It was uted by the Police Spy De- partment. Madrid appears to bs a vat nest of pollute) intrigue.

Mr. John Henderson of this town, who went out to the Rod River Colony n few weeks ago, hss returned, after having had, as bo suyn, a full view of the "ele- phant." It Is evident those who go to that or any other new country, must first count the cost and make np their minds to rough It for a white. Tbe "oldest inhabitants" will recollect the ridicule heaped upon those who early emigrated to Ohio. Even the spelling books used in the common schools at tbat time con- tained caricature pictures representing a fine looking gentleman upon a pranc- ing, plump steed, uttering these words: "I am going to Ohio;" and bt'Sidu him was another picture representing a rug- ge '(lorlotn man, upon a i.oorolti horse, pursuing the opposite direction, with a flock of crows alter him, saying: "I have been." Ohio survived, and the Hpelling books have gone out ol use.

Tho sixth annual declamation fur the Draper prizes at 1'hillips Aendrmy, oc- curred on Friday evening. Committee of awtini: Rtiv. Francos II. .fulinsoa, Hon. George Foster, und Bev, Dr. J. L. Taylor. There were fourteen competl- loro, anil ili' speaking was exceedingly creditable to tho, contestant*. The awards were as follow B : First prize of $■20 to Wm. N. Frew, Pittsburgh, Pa. Subject: William Toll. Second prize or $12 to Charles F. Lorln^, Marlboro. Subject; Harpers Ferry. Third prigs of 88 to Knox Johnston, Bella Centre, O. Subject: Tho death <if n traitor. The Cbuirman, Rev. Mr. Johnson, in behalf of tbo committee, in making tbe awards expressed great gratification with the performances of the young gentlemen, and referred to the very close marking upon tbo comparative merits of the speakers, in nrrivlng at their result. The announcement that tbe gentleman, by whose liberality these prizes have beca given, renews tils offer for another year, was necked with grcut applause.

(nlookingover the reports of the eoiu- mittees of tbe legislature of tbla State, for tho year 1811, we Snd that tbe sen- ..,,_ wuu.i.tuo uu viin juuiciary, suDtnil- ed a very able report upon an order of Inquiry whether any provision by law ought to be made In regard to the own- ers of adjacent lands, as to fruit and other trees standing near the bonndery lines of such lands. Reference was made to Cjnglish :Ul ' Atnerfo&n. law npon tbo subject, und many decision, of tho courts wore cited. The following is the conclusion to which tho oommittee arrived:—The title, then, to the whole tree, is In tho proprietor on whoso land is tho trunk. But the proprietor who permits his trco to overshadow or draw nourishment from his neighbor's land, does that neighbor an injury, and per- mits a nuisance, for which there are obvious and easy remedies. It was re- marked by Justloe Croke, ■■i>nr may cut down boughs if they bang over his ground." Tbo court of Connecticut, In the case of Lyman vs. Hale, held the same decision. The suggestion of Judge Croke la also quoted as good law by Mr. Chitty, an Englsh law writer of high authority, "but" he adds, "it should seem that there ought to be a previous request to the neighbor to abate the nuis- ance, before I proceed to abate It my- self,''

How can the parents of children In the public schools of Andover expeet much of the schools when a large por- tion of the scholars are absent every day? Tbe co.nuilitee visited the Phil- lips school Thursday, and lound 30 of the 0:1 pupils absent. In one of ibe Vale scbooU one ihlrd of tbe whole number were absent. In another one eighth were absent. The teacher* say this I* not un- usual. Tho effect of aucb Irregular at- tendance on the usefulness ol the schoo)i Is deplorable.

Mr. Samuel II. Dana of the Senior class In ihe Seminary, is to preach at Newton Hljfblatids in conneclion with the new enterprise there, for which a chapel Is about lo be built.

The attendanco upon the Young Peo- ple's Union l'ntvur meeting, on Sabbath, evening, was greater tban on any pre? viout one, entirely Ailing the targe town, hall. Geor/e Rlplcy, Esq., conducted the exercises. Tbe number present has increased at each successive meeting, and the interest it Is thoqght has corres- pondingly deepened and widened. Much good will no doubt result frum lb e movement.

The Missionary Herald for Juno con- tains, ameng other receipts: acknowl- edged, the following:

Andover, Bern. Oi., $10 00 Lawrence, Eliot Ob., 1Li, I7

T. P. Cerlatea, 6 M

MetbasD, Oong'l Cb. vj ]fl

Bradford, Mr. * Mra. Warren Ordwar, 100 00 Wilmington, T. D, Boad, (0 00

Jobn B. liough will lecture at the Town Hall this (Friday) evening. Sub- ject: Will it pay P

Ucrlbner'g Monthly for June la another very rich number. This periodical ranks among the very best published. S. White, the express wag. oner, generously offers to convey alt books given to the Memorial Hall, frco of charge; orders left In bla box at Ihe post office will be promptly attended to,

Decoration Day was very generally ob. served In this town} a full report will be found In another column.

Among the receipts acknowledged In the American Missionary for June, we notice the following: Andover, Obepel CoDgrtgallon, a K tt

Tewkabarv, Coog. bVibatn Hobuol, ™ SO IfMUaaleg, „ „

A quantity of nice asparagus was stolen from a gentleman's garden on Wednes- day night.

We arc Indebted to Edward Taylor, Esq., tita?urer of Phillip* Academy, ior a copy of tbfl catulogtie Of that iustlLutiou

i 11 -■ r hsued: Classical 1/cpartinent—Senior elites,

50; Middle, SO; Junior, 06} total 109. E:i£l1rih Department—Senior clasa, 10;

Middle, 20; Junior, 30; total, 72; whole number, 211. Tlio present term ends June 17lh.


Tim new *le*m Ore engine "Button" will be re- ceived ou Wednesday afternoon n<K, June Mb, anil tbo orculi n nil) bo properly t-.-li Ltmul by tbo flro department.

A proceaslou will be fatmrd under dlreolloa uf Chief Minimi Kben .Hull, ii, will. O. O, Davis, J. II. Da*l», W. J. Dale, Jr., »nd Robert Mean* a* aides, Tbu line will be composed a* follow* : — Lawrence lira** Hand; Sherman Cadets; Engl- ne*ri; North Andover Frle Department; Lew- rence Engineer*; Lnwreuco Flro Department; An- dover Engineer*; Andover Fire Department; Se- lectmen of North Andover; Invited guests; eltl- r ■!!". The line will form at one o'clock p- m., and »n enjoyable time will be bad.

Ifeear*. Abbott ft Jenkins are building aaplen- did French roof bam for Wlllard I' Phillip*. II I* it x 65, and when completed will ooit gSOOO.

The bouse or Ur. Oeorgo French wu entered on Saturday night ihrougb a bulkhead which bad been left unfattened, and a gold watch worth f7,'>, also t'JS In grcenbecka, were taken from a bureau draw- er In an nnacaupled front chamber, Tile articles were In a small tin trunk, which was locked and the bey left In tlis look. Six silver te**poon* were also taken from Mri. McDonald's room lu the ■ ■me bouse, and a tuble-apoon left untouched.

The aame night the house adjoining, owned by Ur.T. U. Klmbsll, waa eighteen sti- ver toe spoons tcksn frcm the dining table. The robber* entered through a aide door which had been left unfaafened. The tbief, who could not have bean v. r y adroit, left upon the aima table, un- touched, a sliver tea-atraltier and several other ar- tide* of silver of considerable velite. Tbo robbery waa probably committed about the lime the alarm

or Are waa given, which occurred about two o'clock al lha uuoeouplsd. bone* of the lata Dsnlel llea, but now owned by Hen. Motee T, Stevens, and waa Bred 1 y an Incendiary.

Oaeor Ihoae pleasant little episodes of ratbrr rare occurrence ID Oil* quiet and unobtrusive little town,—a silver wedding, took place at the bouae of air A Mr., lloaea Qoodbue, on Friday evening lest, tt being lha twenty-drib anniversary of thalr

About eight o'clock ihe gucsta began to assemble', bringing their aeveral gift* In the ahape or green, baeka, allver, fee. A fier an honr apetit In social lo- lor course, the following puvm, written for ibe oc- casion by lira. O. B. H Kea, waa read by Re*. J. II. Clifford, who added aoroe pertinent and congrat- ulatory remark*, soiled to tbe occasion. The com- pany then partook of the bonn'lfui terrrshm nta provided by {lie liberal biAlela, whli-b Feemed to have a in -K.--.L1 • (f, ci to loosening lite li ojtues of [he numerous guests aaaemliled. If one rulghl Judge by tin- iin t'iy vice* of nil rib and pleasantry which followed. After whtcb Mr. Clifford, In behalf or Ihe reolplenta, thankid the donora In a happy manner fur t>■ Ir numrruua gtfta, and hoped Ibe allver would rumaln untarnfafaed, and retain tla Hoott-hut through llf.'. Ibe company left at a late butir, having enjoyed a auclal and agreeable even- ing.

A* one by one the yean go by, And doja raob oliier follow.

,tihe „ b;.«


U 11,1,1 AM V. STAKK

baa tn atook, and I* still receiving,

All the Liitcnt StyJea In

Hats, Bonnets,

Flowers, Ribbons,

Laces, &c. A large tot of


PANCY 000D8 of all kind*. Including Fane, Jewelry, Kid

Gloves, Lille Gloves, KBilling and K itches, Tin, Collara, Cuff* and Sleeve*, and

other Good* too numerous to mention,




Farm for Sale, IN AffDOVER.

Tbe subscriber offer* for aalc b a Farm, altuated near tbe Theological Sera nary on the road lead- ing to North Andovcr, and about one mil* from tbe depot. It couilai* of about dxty-flveacre* of exorlluut land, with the bulldlugt thereon.— Upon the premise* are N'-O apple treea, all in bear- ing ooudlilou. The building* conilal of a large

•tory bouae, la^ood repair, with itataen ua; a oommodlou* barn, nearly new, with

cellar under the whole; and other nut-building*. Tnehonaelaabu^dautly aopi'Iled with two kind*

A pleee of land containing twrnly-thtee acre*, With WU excellent, apple freea in bearing.

A LIU, A lit of very aupnrlur graai land, condoling ol

twelve acre*, known a* fie •' VYbetjtono Lot." BklaWj

About twenty-eight aerea of good orohard land, known* aa thn " "'

Tn i

■■ WardwetlLot."

i of land, formerly belonging to toi Lo.tjjy Ki

ALBC, Ten hog', weighing from ISO to 403 lb*, each;

twenty until pig*; two hundred hena, chicken* and turkeya; three horae*,oae extra valuable; "" ihunilrud aud fltiy bu*>>el«ot potatoea; carry- ana: a billiard table, together with alltbebouac- li 'II fil I li! II ,-.

fold at private *alo before the Sth or 10th of .1 ,i. ,', the property will be sold at auction.

For lurliier particular*, Inquire ouibapreml- ta.orof UKUKUIS KOJTKK.

JilUN V, BAB8BTT. Andover, Muy H, 1-73 It

O'er tew will droop Ihe willow. Thl* aweet May day, from open aima

Her flowery gift* 1* epreadlng; With iprlnglng graaa and alnglng bird*,

She balla thl* stiver wedding. Oura cannot via with Nature'* gift*,

With all bar pageant splendid, But kindly wlibe* for aucce**

Are with our offerings blended. We youj >y. and count yoa rlcb,

That, tn your home dominion* No vacant chair la by the hearth,

Ho bird hath furled Ha pinion*. We with jou Joy, Iballn your mind*

Content bulb ever raetad; That In ihp bank of Uuinal Love,

You've capital In veiled. What it.ii' n few of illvcry hue,

Your darker lock* are threading, They're Juit enough to correspond

With Ibl* your allver wedding. And *hould you live till W,

And hearty be, tbougb olden, We hop* you'll hang Ibe lateh-etrlng oul,

'And celebrate your golden, C. B. B. UKA,

Variant* placaa.llbe man, tbal da not cban llu'lr pbyatogoomy, and run In Ihe old ml, and ware they to be blotted out on the map* of buey life, the* would not be mlaaed. Thl* may with truth be *ald of North Andover Centre; ior «i.n. we almost aland nghati ai tbe atnpendoo* Improve* msnts ibat have so suddenly and almost magically iprung up In lha bfanllful "Infant city"of Law- rence, wo are equally amaaad aud aatonlthed when w* look upon dilapidated, ntora dead Ihi alive village,—North Andover Centre.

Fur full forty yeera tlila place ha* been at "»t*nd-*tlll," and for forty year* more it 1* In a fair f ay (o prjoy the sstpe blessing*, tiulet* It may bf piada ID behold tbo light of day ibrougb Ihe eaer- Hum of some energetic spirit who may muster iuf- Brlenl eourigu to uurube its futall remains and bitalbs Into It the breath of life.

At no time since ihe settlement of Lawmnoc have the natural ad van lag** and beauties ol North An- dover shone out so vividly as at tbe present. For while Isnd in Lawrence I* f**l growing out of Ibe reach or the uiatie*, end It* suburb* are rapidly filling up with a "mixed'' pop u I alloc, the unob- ttrneicd Held* and beantlful lawn* of North Ando- ver Centra (untainted by the * moke or dual or nol- aomeodoreof mill*, bleicheilc* or ahopa), are of- fering glaring Inducement* to the well-to-do people Of Lawrence to lecuro their tlitle Bve to ten lore farm* (second to none In New England), and tbneait under their own vine, nndliturbed by an- noyance* or nulianoea of any description

Now will Ibe people of North Andover make on* effort to shake off their lethargy, to wipe off their i:n 'if.-ir, and "fall Into lino" and mareh to Ihe orn- ate of progre** und reform.

The naiural advantages or North Andover aa a anburban residence for the cttltenaof Lawrence are universally acknowledged ; but before tbey can become available, they muat Brat be made acoreil- ble, Tb» exlenelon of the horea railroad from Its i;tr,ii.t termlnu* to the centre of ljnnh Andover, over anew "airline'' road to tbe Town [tall, oan be oompleied for aaum whtoh, In eontpirlann with Ihe advantage* It will carry with It, will be tlmply In- algnlfleant.

Furthernora, tt la every day brooming more evi- dent that an railroad frutn Lawrence

linn In t .ii- muny monlba. Anil now unco rome we atk, u-1.7 North Aud ver wake up and lakn a hand In thraa enterprise* n bleb are fiauglit with auch itupendou* advanllgf* to ihe town ? Ur will the ■till eontlnne to deep and alumber on till tbe grave cloaea over b.r forever?

—-j. ■f'-r"*-*"

'fKWKSBUKY.—Ablel Brown has a younic oblcken with four leijfs; the thiny I' healthy, atid In othorreapeotaall rl;;lii.

NoitTII RK.AKIMJ.—J.IMI! llimiiaii of North ir--:!ilih". haa been divorced (Vein EJward V. Illnman for cruelty on the ptrt of the husband. The custody of the minor children given to the

Steamship. Lines. I'Ai-A'iV. aeourrd via. Anchor, National,

or White Bttf Line*, at lowe,t rate*, between Litverpool or GI.IMSDW and Batten or New York.

Draft* from £1 upward*; alao, prepaid C.itlQ- cate* to New York or Bottoti.

For further particular*, apply to

WU. MAitl.AND, AgTCCt, ANlMlVllH, UAS9.

Andover, Kay *1^W%-

For Sale. Aeplendld mil,si: LOT on Barllett Strcrt.-

It la about 130 feet on the *trvet, and rnn* back about Mi feet. On the lot i* a good variety ot Apple, Fear and Cherry Tree*, all thrifty and bearing. K. C. UPTON.

Andover, May 17,HA, It

TO LET. A convenient TKNKMKNT lu Frye Village;

and for *ale a supply oT mperlor TOMATO and CA0BAQE PLANTS.

CHARLES al. ABBOTT. Andovcr, May 17,1B71. 3t

Tomato Plants. The Bound, Smooth, and Tropby Tomato

Plant* for iota bj K. 6. JBNK1NS, StmylT North Andover.

FOR SALE A itory-aud-a-lialf BUILBINQ 30 a SO feat.—

It has bciu occupied a* a earpenaer'a abop, bat could bo made Into a convenient dwelling hou*e.

HOBACX WILSON. Andover, Hay 17, 1672. ' »t


Manufacturer of Kaerose, Market, Butcher, StorO, Form

and Business Wagons. «flrEopalrlng la all 11 ■ branche* j and all work

warranted a* represented, Andover, March 24.1871.

A PETITION is in rircul ttion for the

cstalilisbmeut ol :i Board ol Health in

this city, and tt is rccHvina; a very largo

number of signatures. The coudition of

some porlions oi the city suems to de-

mand tit:- establishment ol~ such a Board.

(JnovELAND.—Messrs. Abbott & Jen-

kins ol Andorer, are building a hand-

some depot at tbo Groveland stntion; it

ia 1H x 70, nnd ol the pamo style as tbe

Reading depot.

The tnK-boat boiler explosion. In Now York, Tueedav, wai ramed by low water in tbe boil- er, and inveitifcai ion la being made.

Kin jou AVIBICAX.—Not knowlDf of any one to whom I can cxpreaa my own and pub- lic mntlment In regard to Ibe existing, state of thlnga «t the Broadtvay croMine in nnrilv.I send rou this note.

It it well known that the travel over tbe "Upper Dri'lge" hat been for jeara atulblng hat safe, bnt wltb a good date tender wo have always kept quiel, as there Seemed to lie no other war to "mtke op tralna" without ob- structing lravel over that bridge; but now, when the railroad corporation bai seen At to place an Idiotic gat) tender there, tbe patience of the public H well nigh exhausted.

It was not enough that be shonld by bis wild demonstrations urge people on to accident* and great peril, tu nuw hi* removal, but be li still allowed to remain there, detaining teams wben there I* ample time to pose, or urging thorn on to tbo rltk of life, )uet as his stupid brain may dictate. Were not tho live* of par- ser* ondaagered. It would bo amuiirgto see hii performance! when a tra in ta about to pass, with arms a-kimbo, ir he does not cbooie to let a team pass, or il> lag la tbe air in Ihe wild- est confusion when he docs. No intelligent signification can he gathered Trom bis geiticu- lalionr, he U so UH-OULII- If there is s place reqnlrinfta reipoaiible porion to fill it In Law- rence, It I* at that (To.iinfi. Let tbe corpora- tion put a quij', cool, brave person, pOatesied of common *ento there, and we will try tn pot up with de'ar a little while longer. Da.

v. Dr. Packard, veetor Of Oraco Episcopal Church, will preach on tbe Common neit Sabbath evening, at ill o'clock.

"Tbo Haj roakera," wbleh ba* been In preellce by a chorn* of about forty voleea, will be preaenlcd at the Unlversallat Church, Wedneadiy evening, June llfih, with full orcbealra aeeompanltnent. Uvmbera of the chorua are rrquealed to meet at tbu ebureb Saturday evening, for rehearaal with the or

^Buoiiu'oo 'jwTtoticex*.

Koran Engllab, Bruiseli or tape* try, three- ply, extra cr super carpet, gu to Byron Trneil & Ou'g. It will pay.

TUB 11KAUTBOU3 ilPRINQ. The bcaatcont Hpring at lait ha* oome.

And thou*auda welcome it with Joy; We hear th* workman'a busy hum

A* each guea forth to hla employ ; The graaa in aprlnging rouud our way,

Tbu birds are ituglug In the treea. And oorara onee more the beauteous Ma*,

Welcomed r.y all on land and aea*. Tbe Bora are out In b*ud*ome " CLOTtlxi

(iiixAT closin--cut sale at 00 Essex Street, 11.8- Anderson. Black dollar hide soiling for 50 ei.i.; two button kid* in color*, 60 cts.

In Sroolai.dir'a Bucbn will be fonnd a special re- medial agent (it kidney, bladder and glandular dlaeaae*, menial and physical deolltty, extreme nervou*nca*,dlabete*, gravel and maladlee peculiar to females. It nisltt* natnrc In expelling ibe*e dlMiae*, and 1* a valuable dluretie, diaphoretic, de- obslrnent alterative and tonic.


TEAS. The ptcnllartty of there Ttaa I* that they are

carefaliy ailteied and packed In hermetically sealed tin cannlsirri, full weight,and no eatra eharge for the eannlater. Thl* manner of peeking Teat protacta il from obnoxlou* odora and Ion of flivor and strength, to wbleh they are neceitarlly anbjected a* utualty kept by dealer* In looicly oovered ebestt and bexe*.

Tkeie Tea* are giving splendid aatlsfaetloa. Try them,

FAltNdWQRTH, nARPING 4 CO. Andover, Feb. la, lw:t, K

KrMAi.r WKAXMEKS.— Vegetlne act* directly upon Ihe cauaaa of tb*»* contplalm-;, Jt Invigor- ate* and aireagtbeu* tbe whole *j*tam, act* upon ibe accretive organs, allay* InfUmmniton, clean*** and curt* ulearatlon, eurea constipation, regulatei tbe bowel*, beadaabe and palm tn the back oea*e;

fact liter* I* no dlaaate or complaint where Vegetlne give* *o quick relief, and Is to eflectli

ire, a* In what la termed female weakneia. ever failed in one Inatanee.

LOUISA KU.I.I.V, Aikwonb, On., haa, wlih th *M*w) nae of a Wheeler h Wilson sewing mi line, for three year* supported a family of roar

adall* and two children, built and paid for a bouae, laagtOO cash on bind.

^3irth». i 10 U

What tbe New Tork TBAOS LXDOBI iaja of


This young bnt powerful auxlilaiy to trade and domeitlo economy baa, of lata, easeed no much furore in all dome*tlo circles, on account of It* peculiar merit* and exeellenelaa, and standing up boldly—aa It ha*—against It* elder brethren of long establlabed credit, that we have deemed It of Importance to the public to be made more Intimately acquainted with It* character. We have, therefore, been to (ome little pain* to obtain reliable- information concerning It, and the remit

ur ta*k may be thus briefly anromid up la

la a comparatively new machine, having been first Introduced to tbe trade some few yaara

In 1X71 ibe machine waa much Improved and remodelled, by Mr. J. T. Jon**, of the Com- pany, and I* now a ptr/tet acickfae. Ur. Jones haa largely eontrlbated, by hi* Invention*, to th* art of sewing by machinery, an aoeonnt ol aome of which will be fonnd In tbe supplement ol Ure'a Dictionary of Art*. Manufacture* and lline*.— Simplicity, atrcngth, durability, economy, and an adaptation to the moat extensive range of work,

tbe chief qialltlea which character!** the BBMiaQToa KmriBx Sxwiao MACHIX-X, The movement* of tbe Needle and Shuttle, patented August 1, 1*71, are produced by an entirely new combination, and wholly dlspeaaea wtth rotaring terns, gear* or levers, that are mottly used and no ibjratlOLabta In other tewing maebinee, Tbete

machine* are remarkable for having more practi- cal attachment* than any heretofore lutroduccd o tbe public. The ate of theae machine* I* very taaily acquired, end any t;lr! of ordinary intelli-

gence. 1* capable of keeping one In order; they are capable of doing more work In a given time than *ny other we know of, and In a mncb *upe- rlor *t j la i by a simple change of the needle and thread, they will aew the finest eambrle or bear- lent leather; the ehnttle la Urge, carrying a great quantity of thread, saving mncb time of filling the bobbin*; th* mean* of getting at the required tension on tbu thread* (to defective on other ma- chine*) i* ao simple and complete, that an even backailteh on both aide* can be readily obtained; and will *ewwhh equal facility *llk, tw!*t, linen thread and common apool cotton, By the new and peculiar movementa of needle and shuttle and thread controlling part*, there 1* leaa wear or strain on the throad uai d; Ihe thread being eel In the material nninjur, d, the work 1* therefore bettor and stranger than that done on most all other aealng machine*.

It I* a noteworthy fact, In speaking of th* Rem- ington Empire Sewing Haehlae, that ao great haa been the demand for them since they flrat laid their claim* before the public, that, without re- sorting to the doiumentary means to gtv« thexn pre.llge, tbey have been disposed of as"fa*t at tbey could be manufactured; aud lately It bss been found neeeaaary tnlnsrease their manufac- turing faciBtlo, th* Bssplre Sewing Machine bavin* asaoclated tlumnkr* under the name of HRMIMIT.I.V KMt-lltk SKWUta MACBIHB CO, thereby aecarlug the advantagee of Increased capital, skill and facilities oflbe world renowned Bemlogton Armory, at Uton, la this state. Tbu* baeked by auch a powerful suppoi t, and the ma- chine! thamielve* poi*e*«lDg *uob valuable and exceptional feature* of advantage for all descrip- tion* or lewlng, it I* bnt tbe almpleat reason that would lead u* to predlot for Ihe Remington Umpire Sewing Machine Company an ultimate success never attained by any other before It, la tb* s ime length of II inc.


XV YYaabtnjcton MtTawL - - - - Boston,

General Agents fur New England.


No. 143 Essex street. Agent for l.awrt-iue and vlolnity.

;S>«alll». I'lKKCK . - In Bosom Illghlstids, May 2»tli, at the

residence of her son. Mrs. Ellen a>rentlss, wife of William r*lrco. K,q, of Charleatown, formerly of Andover, aged 03 j ra, 10 mo*.




Furniture & Upholstery Rooms, it.; ,- next notth of the Town Hell,

r Valpe)'* Mi-n Haraet; rnirauce o . aide next to the hall,

"litre oan i" found a good at aortment <f -Uedatead*, llu- reau., Sink*. Wash SUOd*, Table*, Chair*; Hair, Palm

Leaf, Husk, Exeelator, and Wool Mattre-se*- Ai*u, a general asforttnenl of Looking tllaeaei, Curtatna and Curtain Plxture*, Cord and Tassels

Sofa* and Stuffed Furniture repaired,and mad* as good as new.

Curtain* trimmed and bung, and general Job- bing done.

Article* not on hand will beobtainedpromptlv, and assistance rendered In making purchuea In th* otty.

WALKKll-KKAUDON- Bev. r,. - Ml** Nttllle tteardon, both uf Lawrence.

WALWOHTB-HERUI8TOei.-Io Nnrlh Ando- ver, Hay S:b. by Rev, L. Pt.h. Mr. David We. Walwunh and Ml** Maty Jane ll*iml*tnn, both of North Andover.

niCBMOSD-Hc9WEBMBY.-In North Ando- ver, Uay Slth, by Kev. L. Kish, Mr. Cbarlea Rich- mond ui Woburu, and Mia* Bate HcSweeney ol North Andover.

KIKBY—CALLAHAN.—Inlhlaeltv, May ath.hy Bev. C. U. Dunning, Mr. Wm. Klrby and Mia*

Mary J. Callahan, built of Lawrence. CLABK—BBBW'8TKB~I» <'■!• ***ll M,V K<*<

bylteV.C B Plaber.atlbe house ol tbebhde'e brother, John L. Brewater, Esq , Rev. Kumner Clark, of Wak*field, N. li., auil Mis* Cordelia Br*w*l»r, of Wolfboro, N. II,

THOMAB-WBITKHOUSE.—In thl* eltr. May ;i"ili. hy Rwv. 0, K, Mr. Stephen Thnrni* and Mi.a ejuile P. WhlMbouae.bolh ot

Andovcr, Jan. 1,1673. Successor to Abbott*.

Ruction Sales by Geo. Foster. ASDOVIH.

Will be told at pul.lie suction, on 8ATUBDAY,' June I, at TWO o'clock P. M., at tbe lower Town Hall, the following articles of personal property, via:—a large lot or Mirrors, corner and aide brackets, oval and round Picture Frame*. Cur- ulna. Ploture*. blaob walnut Writing Peak*. ladies' Work Basket., Camp Chairs, Curtain and P|fltur* Cord, am) auch other articles a* are ususlly fwund I14 a picture ttore. Terms, cash-

IT not all disposed of tn th* afternoon, the eale will be continued In the evening.

Andover, May at, 1878. It

TOWN NOTICE. The Selectmen will be in *ei*lon, for bnelneaa,

at their Otic*, on MONDAY AFTEBKOUN next, Jane Id,

Select men of


JDilN II. FLINT. iHelecti IIBN.I. BOYNTON,} of LEWIS O. BOLT, ) Aadoi

Andover, May ll.lnTI. 1*

Bed River Colony of Minnesota,

L. II. TENN EY A CO., Managers, Chieago and

Dulnthf. EDWIN 8. WILLIAMS, (Ute of And- over, Mass.,) Colony Pastor. Information re-

garding thl* Coleny, membership, certificate*

and reduced rates of transportation, oan be

obtained from MR.,I. K. (IHA Y, Librarian Yonag

Mea'iChrliilan AISOL-UIIDO TttXMOjiT Tawri.*,


May M, 1-7i. 4t

TKUttKNCK HIlfRV, Manufacturer Of

Coffin*. Casket*. »nd nil kiude of»vp Clotkea.

Also, dealer in all kind* of Fur- niture. Black Walnut i heatnul .and Pine Chamber Seta eon-

_ latently oa band. Uphotaterlng and Repairing don* tn the neatest u-aaner, and at reasonable prices. Picture Frames, Cnrtalna and Curtain Flxturca oomtantly on band, and pat np if drmrcl.

Opposite Memorial Hall, Andover.

CARD. The thanke of Keedbam Post JO, G. A. H., are

hereby tencered to tbe Father Matthew Drui Corp*, who kindly volnntiend and eaoorted th* l*o*i with tin Ir muii- on tb* oeeaalon of tbe late vlaltof Phll.rlberldan Post U, of :■■" LI.

BALDWIN COO 1.1 DUE, Poit AdJ't.

Eatine Saloon il Fixtures I Oil SALE.

UVWi nan Bituaie anurr ■urin am, uinnn, together wltb all tbe Fixture* belunglag thtreto, 1* for *ale cheap, Thl* ttaloea i< ihe loagest e* labllabed In Lawrence, haa a fine ron of custom, and to the right man li a bargain. It 1* BOW victualing from aeventy-flvc to one hundred and Iwunty-uve prrsons daily. Apply *oin, a* It ma*l be disposed of Immediately. For further particu- lars. Inquire of D, TAYLUU, at th* Saloon. H*

Wanted. A good PASTDBE or FIELD for brood ■

and colt. Would pay liberally lor the tight place. Apply at Livery Stable of

: VI ,,.::! C. T. WOODBURrT



Sixth Uass. District. Annual Assessment for 1872.

Notice I* hereby given that on

THURSDAY and FRIDAY, The 30th eind 31at days of May, 1872,

from V o'clock A. M. to 3 P. M., appeal* will be received and determined by the A*Mi*or, at hi* OBee, IS CITY BQDAHK, Charleatown, "Balatlve to auy erroneoa* or exoe**lv* valuation*, aiio*** meat*, or eutmeratlona by the Aateuor or A»- alataat AMecaor*. rrtumed ta th* annul u,t" for tlm year H7;.

Said Lt*t* willoontalu Aaaa**meat* for Incomes of is:I, and Special Taxes for 1171; and on the aforciald day* and time named, said lisii will bo opeaed for the loipectlon of par tic* who may apply for that parpoan, whose Barnes are entered apou said list*.

All appeal* must be made la writing signed by the Appellant, and muat " specify the parUcnlar eanae, Matter, or thing reepeetlag which a decis- ion 1* raqneated, and the groaud or principle ol error oomplalned of."

P. J. 8TOKK, AsKaaor. Aa*B>eon'a Orrtcx,

Charleatown, May a, 16T». awaM


Thl* old long known to the public, claim* to hare no equal lu thl* country In

their particular department.

**rLadle*' Dreeeee, Cloaka, Skawli, Manilri,

Searf*, Bonneta, Feather*, Ae.; Oentliaacn'*

Coats, OvarcoaU, Pantaloon* and Vests Dyrd or Cleansed, aad unlihed In Brat elui style.

hlls. and Silk Dretaea Watered equal t > any

Imported. Parasol* and 8*M Shades \.jr& or

Cleansed on Ihe frame. Slriw Bonati. and Hat*

Dyed aad Preaeed. Kid Stove*, Boot* and

Sllppera Clranaad or Dyed. Piece Goods of all

kind*, Blbbpn*, etc., Dyed aad put up like new,

BAKBETT ft BH»,. Proprietor*.

A. W. STEARNS 8 La wren-


French n id German COBtKTM at tfii LOWEST PKICKS.

SMITH'S, 143 K*iex Strm.



WANTED. A LIVB HAN to canvas, for MACIIIBE8.-

Inquire at 143 ataeex Street, Lawrence.

CARD, We do not Intend to open a store in Lawrence,

and any party advertlalng to open under ear name, I* attempting to awlndle the public, and will be prosecuted to ihe lull extent of the law for infringing on our trade mark.

OKOBOE C. IKUtlNsON ft CO., Proprietor* of the Cogla Haasan Store.

Uay arth, 1W2. If Portland, Main*.

CoMM*ontwaffh of Jtlaimrhuiflti. Easxx, aa. Supreme Jadloial Court, April term,

A. D. '"■ '. SOLON P. NcQUESTION, Lia'LT, u, SySAK-


In the above entitled libel for dlvoree, It I* now ordered that a decree of divorce from the bond of matrimony bo entered in favor of th* said Solon ¥. HeQiettlon for the cause ot th* desertion of 'he said Susanna, otherwise called 8u*an at. Mo- be made absolute, on motion, after the expiration of *lx months from tbe Oral publi- cation of thl* decree, upon oompllanee wtth the term* thereof, unleie auBcieat cause to th* con- trary *h«l appear.

And the libeilant 1* required to publish, as soon as may be, an attested copy or thl* ord> r In tbe Lawrence American,* newapaperprinted In Law- rence,<■ (aid county of Easex.onc* a week for elx aueres, vo vvrki, that alt per SOD a Interested may, within aald an months, show eanae, If any they have, wby said decree should not be made absolute.

Ay the Court. A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk, etmll Copy-Alteit, A. A. ABBOTT, Clerk.

Th* FINHLE * LYON H«uufachiring Co'a


■X UOUOHT or Mlmyll 3. W. LORD, 40 Margin afreet,

Hot* Agent for Lawrence, Andover and Mrthurn.

KSTATK CATUAKINB BOiNToH, e Is hereby given that the tubiarlber ba*

InteJ executor of the will ol caih- asinn Huyntan, (otherwlee oalled Mary C. Chap

1ST O X I a B

has opened a new and

Fashionable Hair l)renting; Koom

nppoalte Bean's Hotel, Em Bguaaa. aext door to Hun's Livery Stable, where he will be happy to receive and attend to the want* of cuatqosar*. By strict attention to business, and by faithful en- deavor* to please, be Lope* to deaerve a fair pro-

Cirtlon of public oonddence and patronage, It 111 bu hi* aim to keep a first elan eauultshment,

and tbe public are Invited to give Itlm a trial. ty l\irt icuhir BLtenlion paid to Cutting

Ladles' and Children's Hair. P. B.—Toilet Shampoo, a new mode of cleans-

ing the hair wtthont aoap or water. Try It. QEO, li. OKItlLL.

Andovcr, Jan. S, lpt. tl

f(NEW MEAT MARKET Th*Subscriber hereby Inform* the citliens of

Andover aud vicinity that h* has taken th* shop lately occupied by Valpey Brother*, corner ol Main and Central St*., wbei* be will keep for *ajr a larjioaasortment of Meals and Vegetable*. Ar Holes delivered wheudealrcd, free of charge.

U.P.llOLT. Andover, Juue>. 1S7I. Uf

No. 305 Essex St., Lawrence, (TDK SAME OLD PLACB,)

desires to eall attention to his assortment el Millinery and Fancy Goods, all of tbe 7-ttfeif Stylt* and at raitxa ro SUIT TIIK Tiitia,

Ptrfeet Satttfaction It Guaranteed, at


MOURNING coona constantly en band aad made to order, tm mylO


Old Oountry People



North Andover,




Statements having very frequently appeared In

the columns of the Laurence American nrni.

paper relating to the

Fo»t Oflice Honey Order System.

to the effect that they were CQEAPBB, BA»B

aad HOBS COKVKNIEBT th*a any other

Money Order*,

a Statement which I pronounce Erroneous,

at I sell Money Orders ou Knglmirt, Ireland.

Neottand, Utrisss), Pranre, aad alt Euro

peas eountrlei, CHEAPBB, AS BAt"£, and

MOBE CONVEKUNT than Post Office Order*.

which I challenge tbe Post klaatrr of Lawrenee

to dl spate,

If be can prove thai I am In error, 1 will give

TRB DOLLXKI tn the Grand Army relief fund

and Tax DoLtaxe to the city poor, Ifaefaili

to prove that I am lu error, then I shall expect

him to contribute the tame amoant for the above


I will allow htm to (elect tbe parties to

investigate and decide.

been duly appointed executor of the will ol t'aib- arias Huyntan, (otherwiae called Mary f ™- ell,| late of Andover, In the county ot Ban of Klcisnl Boynlon,) duo*a*ed, testi taken upon hlmaelf that trt|at by living bond*, a the law directs. All person* hiving demand! upon the mute of *-lddecea*ed arc required to exhibit the samel and all perton* Indebted to

sailed u t t"

Andover, May 1 *ay«

"*" NO TICK. All parion* Indsbtsd to E. Moxatson: fc Co..

will please settle their account* at the Boot and Shoa Store of Mr. Hen], Brown,


Undertaking $f Cabinet Making Intly

is, *Js,a""""~ eeted I them ■

The aebaerlbert the lata Uermou Abbot, ... a full assortment of CoOti Plate*, aud everything com ne**, are prepared to turnleb a tuperlor mmner. We have aieo sever lervlngCaso*. and will furnish lee and pi bodlea wben desired. Dorses aud Cnrrlag

_ band Holies, iebu st- and In al t're-

eured if needed.1 Order, left at WOOOaf AN'S Furniture Store, next door north of'he P. 0, aide entrance, or at bin r, " aouth of Town Hall, Main S aerved his apprenticeship aa Cabled ajaier do any work intrusted to him In the beat maanir.

WUOUHAJf A OEABTEEE. Andover, Mareh 1,187*, eea


PRICE of CARPETINGS Being anxious to reduce our Kxtenslv* Stock

of Carpeting*, "which 1* th* moat extenalve In be found In Lawrence," comprised of the Kery Ckoleuf Stylea of English and American maaa- faetnr*, we ebalt offer oa Thariday, Bay Id, our WHOLE STOCK at OroBlly Hceteioecl Pries*!

env-Thl* I* a SPECIAL SAT.K.tnA will con- tinue for a few days only.

a offer our best Loweil :i I'ly, Extra Super and Buperflne! » full line of Pine Valley aad Philadelphia Carpel*; our best Crossley•• English Tapestry, beat American Tapestry, Kagllah and American Body Bruasel*; all our Straw Mattlnga, Oil Clothe, Bug*, Mats, ll*s*i>i-ks, etc., at price* that will Inrar* aa Immediate reduction of oar

We Invite all In want e>f CAEPETI ts ATTEDD THIS BALE, which will commence TUUBBpAY of this week, Esy loth, aad will continue for a PEW DAYS ONLY.

BYRON TRTJELL fc CO., 249 and 255 Essex St..


N. H. — We are opening dally Hew aad

Beaatllul Style* of I)ro*e Good* at

VEBT LOW Price*,

FLOBAE. Aftm Choice selections or rare and beautiful -WPHuwrrlug Plant* can be obtained at tiie W»SUreentiOu*eof A.W.STBABN-t, on L.w- •**»»«■*'•■»)• Street, half way to Meihnen village, sueh as Oeraalums, Pclergoalums, Torrenea, Heath*, Vtnelai, Allyaums, Acharaalhu*, Coleits, Variegated Ivy*, Kuclislai, UeiUtrop ■, Mlnain- brlaathemum*, Boevardla*, Uarnauon*. Ualasdl aa. 1'ansle* DatsiM, Petunia*, Arbutteon*. etc.- Alto, very fln* Tomato,Strawberry, Cabbage Lettuce Plar*- -• fl--1 —


Notice to Carpenters. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by thi

undersigned until Saturday, June 1st, for build' lug aud completing e SCHOOL HOUSE lathe so-called "Pleaaant Valley District" in Methuen. HpeeincaUone may be aeen by calling upon D. PIEBCE or D. H. FATTEBSOH.

The right ta reject any and all bids 1* r < served. D. PIKBCE, > Selectmen D. II. PATTKBHOB,} of E. P. SAUUEN T, S Uelhucn.

Methuen, May tt, 1871. l«t

"Au ounce of preTention u worth • pound of cure! "


If your blood 1* poor, If the countenance li pallid. If you feel weak and die Inclined to exer- tion, try

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC. TnJboi'a Iron Tonic will do yon good.

I* your appetite poor I Tou need


Are you troubled with indigestion I

Talbot'e Iron Tonic will help you.


It selling largely all through New England.

Bead what reliable apothecarie* say :—

Kewberyport, Ma**., July 1,1871. Afeaara. Talba flro'i—Having dlapoaed of a

considerable quantity of your Iron Tonic, hearing from those who have a**d It, ol "~

and -_-.Dm those who have e*ed It, ol IU ■

effect* on the system where inch an article oalred, I deem It no more than Justice that yoa should be apprlaedof "- ' ■" -*-- '- able plane.


M . —t you

favorable reception In

Respectfully y( C. M. HODtlr;, Apotheoary,

July 17,1871, Kewburyport, Matt Mania* TALSOI Bxo>*:

fJeniiensen, IDndthat your Iron Tonlo has in every case given entire, and tbe in- creasing demand Tor It la due, I thick, to the fact that all wbobaveueedlt recommend It to their friend*; and I can truly *ay that It I* one of the be*t article* I ever sold for restoring th* debilitat- ed a>>tern to Ha natural tone.

Tou re, truly, S. A. MuCONXEI.L, Apothecary.

TALBOTS IRON TONIC >ld all over tbe oountry for One Dollar a

bottle; elx bottlei for Five Dollar*.

Call at any of the Lawrence Druggist* for tt.

TAMH1T BROTHERS, Proprietore,

Lmwrenoe, Mass,

GKO. O. UOODWIH fc CO., Beaton, Wholeaale Agent* for New England.

Hoop Skirts, , 43, 80, ee cent*, and up.

SMITH'S, 143 Eiaex street.

MI8B R. B. FlELDING wtibee to inform the Ladle* of Lawrence end vicinity that she bae Jut received all the New •prlnu; and Summer My/lea trom New York, and la now ready to execute ail ordara lor Dxaaa Maxiao «t her Btoonae, SOI Ksati uireel, Lawrence.

aeT-rartloalar attention paid toCwttlngaud Ittisa; Ladle*' and Children'* Dreese*. N*w

Style* reeelved from New Tork every week. A liberal share of patronage solicited, with

thank* for pait favors, t Jylt-

OIROULAR To the Public of Lawrence.

The undersigned have the honor of informing their friend* aad th* public generally, that they have taken chambers In

tanndera New Block, Eeanx atreet,

for the purpose of carrying on the bailnes* ol MKRCHAKT TAii.oHft. where Ihe beet Cloth*, Ca*hmere«, Teetlngi, Jtc , will bealway* on hand, and every attention given to the Latoat Btylee of Cuatom Made Clothing, under the Im- mediate aopenrUloo of JOSEPH FLOOD, late ol the Arm of Savage fc Flood.

Tou are respectfully Invited to give ue a cell.



Chnnipcra, 1,2 & 3 Krtuiulora New Block.

PEDRICK A CLOBBOn, Anctlonrtera, Real Eatate Agent* and Apprnlerra, No. 381 Eaaex at., Ijiwrcnce, Jfaaa.

____lne rotherwli e at fall

Beat and fersonal obteanlng Money

'" tor allooncrrn-

Title paiseU of properly uule** (he same be per- '--■• no Money Invested but upon the most an-

bted security. All bu*ln*ae Intrusted to us will be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- orably dealt with—strict Integrity being the one Important element of luceeae In tbe Beat Estate business,prompt payment* ol caih proueeda,deal- ing In all honor wilii the seiler and owner, at the satce time looking we 'llo Ihe true Interest of the purchaser, that tila ti .it i ore good,and that beget* all wfaloh be I* entitled to -thua (rearing aud holding tbat nouudcuce of oer lellowe which I* oniy obtained by atrlct attention to business, and th* highest type of honorable dealing,

gey-Term* reaaonahle, and according to tbe work and retponalblllly, Call upon us. Real Estate Office, Eneex St., No. SHI.

H. it. Peoparly Ar eale In many aectlon* of Mew England, bui more especially la the elty of Law- rence and vicinity- No better olty In the Union for a permanent investment.

Bead Baal Batata oolamn In Lawr*aee SentUel and Lawrence Daily American. latylP



Spring and Summer Goods


103 Essex Street. Lawrence,

Cull and aee our genuine Beotoh Suit*; also oar Blue and Blaok Tricot Suits, th* real Slater' goods, warranted Indigo Blue, In Men'* am Boyi'Sult*.

Alio our large itock or THIS COATS, Irom SlOOloSSAfl.

Also Children'* Suit* In Linen and Woolen. I 3 years to 12 years.

Youth1* Ctolblng, all else*. A large itock of Straw, Wool and fur MATS

la Men'*, Boy*' and Children'*, from 2i cent* to •ML

Call and look at our Chlveot Shirt*, only 78 ot* flood Cotton 1'ants, »I .ID.

And lot* of other Goods VEBT CHEAt1. xxMUMaan,

ItL'ILNIUM'S, in:; Eaacx Street.


Cornrr or Eaiex Street and Urond way,

Depoalt* placed on Inter**! th* nu*r oar or atovTn,

Interest aUoweO on all auau pi One Dollar and upward*, deposited, net les* than onx MOUTH

before the day oe which Dividend* are declared. The smalleat mi received on deposit I* l*e

Dividend* will be nude of ALL TH raorir* which may have aerrned wltble Ihe prrvloss all mnaths, after deducting neeeuary expeneee.

Interest will net be paid on fractional puna of a dollar.

Tbe Bank will be open every day from • A. M. to 1 P. M„ eJMoai Hater day. Oa Thur.d.y aad Saturday Evening*, from 7 to ft, for receiving deposit* only. JAMES FATlfE,

Lawrenee, May I, Igyt. *t.iml0 Treuurer.


Europcnn 1'HSHURP A Cxchance


571 Essex street,

(near Horse Oar Depot,)


[aces of ibe eatate ol uf Charleatown. atf 8.8. WILLHON,

™. ..^ .--_ O.B.KBAPP. Cbarlettowa, May ](, 1*71. lt"*x,9t

Ojmtnoawealth of Haasaohasatu. Eaaax, aa.

«««•. SdVl>" J««»- «• administrator of rh« estate of laid deceased, ha* pr.i. ntrd for al lowanee the account of Ua administration upon the satale ol said deeeaacd,

Vou are hereby cited to appear et a Probate Coert, to be held al Lawrenee, lu laid eouniy of *,i*cx, on the Beeoud Tueri.y of June tint, at nln* o'clock before noon, to show eau.e, II any you have, why the tame ebould not be allDwed. vfBi.,n? i? admjnlelrator 1* ordered to »erve

tins citation by publishing th* >*mc onoe a week in the Lawrence Aanerleen and Andover Adver- tiser, a aewtpeper printed at Lawrence, three weeks ••cceeefvely, the Inet publication to be two day* at leaat before laid Tuesday

vTltneea,George F. C*oaU, Esq., Judge ol said

a*yl7 A, O. QOODELL, BegliUr.

¥ E AW ft CO. DKALxxa in

Merrimack Kiver Xces Offloe with A.V, BUQBEE,

No. 263 Essex street, Lawrence.

Leave your order*,and keep oool. tmtlaptl

For the Mountains AXD TUX


Travelling Suits In Buff, Brown, White, aud fancy Strip**,

•5.00, 10.00 and E7.00.

mad* op iu th*


to be had at the


TAYLOR St BOLTON'S, >i». 32S aad 230 Eaiex atreet,

Sd door Kaat from Po*t Office,



SHAWLS. Cashmere and Woolen,


Just lo haxd, n new lot OT

Slack Lace Shawls* • i.w, S1.7S aad S2.oo-cii,.sp,

Kid Gloves, good, BO cents.

Best Colored Kid <*ingi* or double buttoned; »1.10,

Beat German Coraet, 75 eta.

Hfiii French Corieto, fl.OO. $1..',0, $2M.

Jurt arriecd, a large Hue of

Im. Japanese silk, at 29 eta., former price, 37 M et*.

REAL JAPANESE SILKS, al SOc, f2 1-ae and rao.

Black French Bilks,


liiiiciis&Ui.iicsc Grass llollis roa 8UITP,

20, ii and 10 cents jer yard

Mnraelllalao and P K'S la Cheek*aad Btrlpe*, from 2D eent* to H cent*.

Stripe Organdea, Nainsooks,Swiss and Book Muslins, * targe variety at


PrisU, fast colors, 10 eta.

GlDghama, V2 1--2 ots.


AT Ttlrl

Popular Store, If you wish to


TAYLOB ds BOLTON, Proprietors,

Snooetaort to


228 & 230 Essex street,

Socoud Door from Pott Office.



AU Proflla of the <'omoany DirMeel to Ita I'oliity Iloldr-re.


Mutual Fire Insurance Co., I-AWRKNCK, MASS.,

No. 839 Essex Street.

A. J. I SJtMCH, President. A. W, HTKAIINH, J. A. TKEAT, Vice Fr**ld*nt*.

J. K. NORWOOD, Hec'y and Treat.

DtnaoTOBi: Daniel Sauadere, Jr. Alfred J.rrenob,

Oeorg* K. Davla, A.W.Bteam*, Jamea A. Treat, 8. W. Wilder, l'atrlr-k Murphy, William U.rTpaldlBg, II. 1'lummer, II. I). Clement, Patrick Sweeney, Vredtrlck Sutler,

I orris Knowlt . William A. Russell, P. frank Uoblnaon, William M. Hall, Hosrt I'erklnt,, Jame* II, Eaton, J.A.Wlley.N.Andover, tleo. Koster, Andovcr, C. E. (iu.s, ateUtnen.

Thl* Company will be ready to open bnalnci* and Issue Policies, hfonday, July 17th, 1H71. It ha* already property to Ihe amount of 0SOO.OOO ulodeod to 6* fusured, $100,000 of which will be Insured the day we commence business.

We Insure only oral elae* property. We respectfully Invite all who have sued kind

of property, to rxemlne our rat** and our leour- Ity, Oar ayitem of management will enable us to Insure st low rates, anifwill make It perfectly safe for the Insured. xjyll



The BEST PLACE lu the elty to bay your

Seed Oata, Sprlag Bye, Barle;, Buck Wheat, Fodder Cora, Herds Graaa,

Bed-Top, Clover, Hungnrian, Millet, and Orchard Grrm Seed,

LAWRENCE POST OFFICE. Foreign Postal Money Ordors are «* much enter than private draft* a* the

government* of th* United Btatca and Oreat Britain ar* lea* liable to failure and bank rap ley

than Bras* or Individual.; tbey are a* aauea mor*

convenient a* post oAcea are more frequent than

hank* or banking bouae*, and a* muob cheaper a*

Ihe two government* can (ITord, through offlolals

alrnady paid, aad wbo get no per oentags from thle branch, to transact thl* bualasa* for tho

people at leaa rate* than Interested agent*, wbue

profit* depend upon tbe extra fee* the purebastr

of these draft* must pay lo Ihem. Old oountryaavn

who have far yeurs ecu the abeoiule aafety aud

oonvenlanee of tbe postal order system at bom*,

will plaee their own experience and common

si-nee agate*! the periuasive appeal* of paid

agcutl ta the Interest of their own pockets.

QEO. B. HEKBILL, P. hi. May arth, u;i



845 slid 847 Common atrset.

BUT Tlir|

Beat FRnTii.i/.RR in the market,

E. Frank Coe's Super Phosphate.

We have also on baud e Sue lot of





:il.'i & 317 Common et., Lawrence.



__. and that on the MKb day or April, lB7t, Hi* annual eoeount* wrrr closed, the books showed the Company lo bo free from debt.



Lawrenee, May 7,1*7*. Italo




B. F. SMELL'S, I^aVCE! »I I.VWI.H-in Haw Pattarns-


Alio, LADIES' SUITS* Good Style*, at Low Price*.

•arBABOAIHS tn Whlto P K'rJ-H.-lrn

out at Grant Heuluotion.

ORENADINES-Cholre Stjlo-L*** than Bottom pricu.

Hunuhadea, In all styles, vary ohrap.

KID t3JL.UVJ3MuremakeaBPEt.-IAL-

TT; and tbo great quantity that we sell everae

u* tbat we bar* tbe Best Olov* ultheLoweet Prle*.

Iloalory for Ladles', Chlldien'* aad Hrn's wear.

Dress Fringes in Black and Color*,

Ladle*'BTeok Tfea and Lnee Coltnre Tery Cheap at

S. F. S NELL'8,

313 Essex Street, Lawrence.

UeaPa Linea Handkerchief*, all Hammed, ready for nee, 17, 14, M, 17, fO and M cents, al

SMITH'S, 143 Essex atreet.

CS"For a Superior Class of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS;

Per CORNETS, ALTOS, BASSES, and all used in BANDS.



Por BTEIRGS for Violins and Guitar*, and all thing* needed In the use and repair of att,alral Instrument*,

for Band Music. Sheet If asle and Music Book*, enll at or icnd to the itore of ljv,apWrb

JOHN O. IIAYNES * CO., 13 Court St., {oppoeite Cenrt House,) Doiton.

Paper fiangings. We are receiving a Large end Elegant tjlock

of New and Itlch —■ Uluuk*. Wepronct in ifae to any In Krtcx County, hand n few (Jtit Paper* helongtng to the elore when we purefaaaed It, emhraotHK very drriiahle pattern*, wblrh we will aell at Coet, end than Cost, 10 close them out.

WH1TFOBD k BICE. MB E*»ex Btreet, Lswrencr.

Pins 3 cent* paper, Corset Lacing* 1 eeat, Bool Lacing* (1 1-2 yaid* long) 10 cent* a

dozen, Itrsl Meehine Cotton 4 ecate, Beit Uliaed

Cotton Scent*.

SMITH'S, 143 E-ei-x etreet.

Window Shades. A large stock of New an<l Deslrall* I'alti n.i. Hltadt's made to nrdcr. Shade* bung, TtirHalvmSbal* Boiler. Kurywnr mlrroiifr/f.

Only 10 cents. Ko Cord or Ta"*rI* required VVtllTPOUu A KICK.

MISS S. II. F It Y K Will open th* 1st of April

Spring Styles Btnnets & Hats In Straw, Chip and Lrghorn. A complete asaorl- mem of

Parie Flowera Feaihera,

228 Kssfi street, (up one flight.) Third door from ftic Poet OlSee, and Opposite

Sm'ir* Phllllpa* irlmmtng (lore.

The ,ub*«rlber * 111 a'li-iirt to iho manufanlun- of lo*Crsam during the pnsent rtuson.

FAIRS AND PARTIES EftPPLlED at rhort nollre, and satlifso luu yuiraulmd,or no charge made.

I*o Ureem tilai.e* furnitbed partli* and lair*. SmaplB ASA J. LKItNEP,

104 Essex Streut, Lawrenoe.

A. W. Stearns & Co. WILL OPKX

TUESDAY, MAY 21st, direct from New Tork, Vrw and Elegant Style* <*' DRCI8 GOODS *ILUWPBICES; also the llandsemett Aaeortmcat of LADIES' SUITS BVEII HIIOWN IN THIB CITT, te- aether with a fall Una of Black Sllna at l.nTI.K HOULTIIAN ON F^"W tfi li" AL PBJCE. A. W. STEAENS ft COT

A. W. STEARNS fc CO. have received, aed will offer the eltlien* of Lawrence aad vicinity, a full aieortment of New and Beantlful Style* of Par- lor, Dining and sitting Room CAR- PETS, vblob Ur. BTXaaite tUccted in New York last ereex from Importer* aad lUuufao- lu'«», wbUb, added to t.,ir pn-tioua large «t-ek. ^','111^1 °yr ""iclV VERY SELECT and Dl- HlltAltl.E for purcham*. Wc would simply remind purchaser* tbal they can Pnd a alUCU I.AKOKM AJSOHTatEKT to select from, Better

■ Itlon. I PEIUKd as will vei


A. w. s. a co. will open Tuesday Morn- ing a VERY EXTENSIVE AooOBrMKMTof New and choice Bt) ies of spring and Sum- mer Shawls al Vrry I.e. Frlaee.

A.W. fcTKARNB ft CO.

TUESDAY, MAT SI. A. f. STEARNS fc CO. are eemeuftg, from

-V.IP York direct, complete llneu of White Cooes, Hosiery, New Kid* aad other Olovea, Fringe*, Oimni, R-nl and Imitation Lute*. Collara, Row*, Veil*, — ' Designs,***. A, W. I

Try Stearns ft Co»s Tailor for Spring Clothe* at moderate price. Oood tlotbs, atyinh and well made.

You can have Boy*' Clothe* made, too, A. W. STEARNS fc CO.


LADIKS, who want the most flurhlnaable Drsae Making done.ihouldgoto A. W, STEARNS fc CO'S.

Great Ooncsntration of BnsinesR UNDER »>M: HEAD.

A. VT. BTEAENB fc CO. having, lor tbu aeeom modallon and profit Of their patrons, completed their eatenilve emngemeute to display the largest number of Department*, each rep recent- lag a distinct branch of trade aad tmilaraa, end all tilled to oversowing wtth the Most Rnro and Latest Designs of this sraaon's rash- loas, it will readily be even, tbet so many branolie* of traflle well managed by one Brm with ample mean* and experience without a rl* il.that we con ofortt to ttll Good* ot n iSvch Smaller Ptr Veniayf, to say nothing of onr advantagee tn seieettng and buying. It baa been made apparent to tbe writer tbat we are aelllm: J> 11 kinds of Good* CilKAP, much cheaper then the same •tyle and quality ba* been or li being sold lu Boston by actual teat of comparison al shoan In a large number of ln*tanoi* that lauloa have paid from G lo vo eent* per yard more than we

'aely the same etyle and were asking for precisely

I ratline; and economical people. Of course per- ch**lng xood) come* down lo ahont the following, vlt:—Gentlemanly and Intelligent tientmcnt, ibe licit manufactured artlcln of the latest and most becoming stile, finest blending of onlois, rto., at the Lowest I'x't'Mt Prle*.

To TUB POINT.—Four years ago I commenced businesi, adopting the one price system. "Knowing ones" shook their heads. "Ah, he can never make it pay j " and they have waited for my "going up," that they might have tha satisfaction of laying

I told you BO .** li! them wait. Thanks to a diaccrning public, I am on my feet, and belter prepared to do business than ever. I have no occasion for "closing out" or ' clear- ing otT" Milt in, as I tell st low prices all the year round ; absolutely, pos- itively, and unmistakably, one price.

Lsdiea, send your children or hus- bandsifyou cannot come yotirrelvea; we serve tliem all alike, 'ihe little four year old, who can barely lisp " Mother war ts a Spool of Cotton, * or the great green fvllow of a bus- bind who uon't know tlir difference between a "pearl" or a "pot" but- ton, bu\ jilt-t oa clienp a* the m «• invetrrate ehopper Kemnmits a specialty Call und see me. T. LKYI.*ND, 881 Kt-ttx St., Lawicnce. Dry aud Pane* G cul-.


KMKKSOS WOODS. l'uul'iilKToii. 1.9 . MKOAD WA ,',

Near Boston & Unine und K.ntcrn Dc|K>t,


Farm for Sale. age, ounslstlng of tweuty ol

t laud. Cottage House will . llarn 63 x *0, ana Oorn HOUM. A gooifplice fur

A large variety or


In every tiaallty, Juit reeelved.


to milch Pecer*. FHTCES TIIK LOWKST.


"Window Shades- ruin, Buff end Urcen Hollaed.

Rustic Shades, all eizc. Paper Shades,

Curtain Fiitttrci,

Cord and 'i'aisels.

PICTURE CORD, of all Color* and Bite*.

AU at tha Very Loweat l'ricea.


and If not suited, we don't wlrh you to buy. We ar* perfectly willing to SHOW OOODS w nether joubuyor not, at


No. 243 Essex Street



Oppoiite Waahlngton Mills.


fib Carriage Hi e. A goodjilac .

a market lardsnrr, or a gentleman who wlsJira live a short distance from tbe citr of Uvn■tin*. Kor tiriiiB. apply to In;. M . lit tKKitl .-*, >«. :■:.; llaverhlll Street, Lawrenee, Ma**. 3w« lmttl

Weil's Clothing Store, 183 Essex St. 183

Hex! to Clarke'* Apctbeeary Btoro.


Cbthing and Furnishing Goods Lower Hum tha Loweeti



FOR WINTER. Overeoete, Thick T*nts, Te*t*. Pre** Coats,

Hat*, Cap*, Olove*, Hlllra*, Bnya1 (,[,n til n>, fce. FOR SUMMER.

Thin Clothing, Btraw Hat*, So, FOR ALL SEASONS.

Kurnlablng Oooda, Trunk*, Vallae*, Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, fcc.

WEIL I* alway* Aound, and will deal wltb yon on tbe Square,

na BURB A mi OALL .11 K It K FIRST

nxroxx runoKAainu, Kor partlcclarl, aee small bill*. CALL EARLY. CALL OFTEN.

We uavejust taken tbr Agrncy for the

Original Howe Sewing Machine, the Beit, Host Complete, aed Desirable Machine In use. Hi U"t purrhsse IMII you haverxanilntd tli. IIOWK.

\WS EBIIX atroi'L, LawrcDCu.

UommonweaUh Of Haaaanboaatta.

SaSW.SS FHOBATK COCUT. To the lints st law, mat of kin,and all other per

eons mt. n.tMi In tb* .attteof LttUIHA K. W1LMK, Isle of Lewrenoi , In *std countr, widow, deceased, groell OK '

H'li.rias,ac.rt,lni, .iriitiM-i the laat Will and lestameut of s*ld deceased, ha* been preatntrd to aald Court, fot prubatr, by Na thanlr-l Ambroff, wbo pr*>* that tail-rs teata- tnrntury nay be Usuvd to hlm.tlie rxecuUir tbete In,I, (Mar* hereby cited lo appear at a 1'ro'jat* Court,

to be held at Lawrsnoe, In aald ountr ' ' K**cx, on tn* Heoond luesday of June next, it nln* o'rlot-k, bi'for* noon, to *bow e»u*e, II any you haw, aualnit the aame.

*nd aald petitioner Is hereby rtltrnted to give publio notice thtrvof, b)- pnti,labtng ihl« cliatlnu onoe a wiek,loi Ibree autc>aalvr weiks, in tbr ■i, *«|,aii.T iail«'libf l.awr,-n,r.-Afi'iimriaii'l An- diivi-r Advertiser,printed at l,a«r>ii-.r, the l,n publlratlou to be two da}* at Irasl l,.f,n- ml,. Court.

Wltcets, flmrte V. pkOwtt, Saqulre, Jadgc oi

Vou em slwaja rlu>l a «i»nl lli.r ■ .<

in.\i it Aflp i'L%r».u Ji:«Jii-nvt

(frier* the LOHEsr,)ut

SMITH'S, 148 E-f*x Hmif.

Business Notice. I have taken a Siure at

No. 8 Applctoti ilrett, - - Lnwri'ttrti, next to City Hall, fur Ibe purpose ci miaufaelur- Ing IIAHltKiaKft of every kind,both Blngl* and l)euMe,aad shall uveibebcttof stuck and put In the best of work; will try to pleat* all who will give me a call.

Bhall keep a large aarurtiucnt of

Trunk*, Dnjie. VHIUC, Shs«l Strati? and Trunk Straps.

Uarnc**c* Hi-paired aud Oiled. CO. STBBI1IK, Agent.

Lawrenn-, April IS, IMS.

WHITS P K'e -New Petlerus opening at

SMITH'S, 143 Eeaez atreet.


SLATK ANI> METAL ROOFER. Offloe aud Tard at


WEST STREET, LAWRENCE. Leaiy Roof* mad* Tight al short noUee. lmyi;*

NEW LIVERY STABLE. Th* eabeerlber re»pecifully

oltlira* of afcthuen and viol open at tbo EXCHANOK HOTEL. -- METHUEN,

abeat the votb of Hay.n Flrat rinse Livery, Bearding, and Sale

STABLE. The Horsee are fresh, art it Ibe Carriage* and

llarnrstia new Turnouts of every description will be let on Ihe most reasonable

Hacks aud Carriage* furnished fur Wedding*, fartteaaad fuurrels.

Our arrangrmeut* for lb* Boarding and Hair of Horse* are oompl'te; aud all bustnasaln thl* line Introited to us will receive pertonal attention.

The pationag* or tb* public Is *oltalt*d; end we «uar*utt* that evarytblsuj shall b* done - make our ratalill*hn»at eeaong tbe tx tt.

Olveueaoail. Staalf B, Q. UKKHKV,

FOR SALB. A bandsomtly furaiabed I.OIKIINu HOUHK,

now full; en* of tbo best location* In Boston, only two minutes walk from tbe Severe HOUM. Sloe home, low rent, Will be eold Cheap, •taxM* laqalre SI Oreneeaat Plane, Soenix.

ooromonwealth of Maasaonneeti* Saexx.e*,

To the litlraat law, and other* Inferrsted In lite e« WKIi.iThU, late of l.a, In aald county,, Jmnnl, |n-

Wh'reaa', Abny 1, Webster, the almtnUtratilx of lha cetate ol salt decaaed, ha* prrtentud lor allowance the aceouiit of her adm nlst rat Ion upon the i'-l»H' of said J, eean -I, aud tliu ll> r In lltion lor allowance for bersrlf and nilunr chtldira IB- d^r her rare.

You are hereby eltrd in appear at a Probit* Court,to he buldt-n at Lawrence, In aald county of fc.*ara,on Hie Hec^nd Tuesday of June neat, at nine o'clock In show cause,if any jou hatr, why tbr *ame abauld not be allowed.

And the *atd admlnlatrairlx I* ordered to eervr tblr cttatliinby publishing the- same ouce a week, In tin- Lawreaee American aad Andortr Adter- ttser. n acwipiper printed at I.awn nee. three weeks .it :ci IHII-I), the laat publication to be two day* at Iran brfor* aald I u-adaj.

Wllnr**, Ororttr K. Ctioetr, Ks-iulr,-. Jedfr of said Court,this a.viuth day ol afa), In the year eighteen liuedrrd and *eveety-|wo.

mrlO A. fj. UOOOall.L, Brgister.

Imitation Hair Goods. Chignon*, Curl*, Braid*, Swlichr* aud Itata,—

the largeat stock la th* city.

SMITH' S, 118 Eaisx street.


SMITH'S. 143 Essex street, AXD axn Tit a


nsjja VOR SA LK-A two and a half story ijTjL Bee**, with a one atr.ry ell, containing i; a »S ten room* and ample dor eta. There I* at HZ2l-,ve.ii,m ceilsr, ami Rood water. A mid-

cm hullt Barn Is upon Ihe premise*, that coat »;t*l to ttulirl. 'I hi- Nil ^tuit.ilusavirrfArtti half an aert. The properly I* eligibly situated on I'leaa. ant itrcet, Clxvrr llltl, (diatanoc trn enliinte*

alk from the Commuu,) adjoining tbe estate ol

Now ot Second Hand Furniture. The subscriber* bare taken room* la Onlway

Blnek, B.17 i:*»ex afreet, where they will He pair end Buy and Sell Second Hand Kurnliun and hourrbold artlelri, All order* promptly attended to, and good* *oll at auction wli*1- dtslred. HILL. I- CO,

Uwrenoe, April lt,leT>. U





Having had over twenty year* practical

experience in the manufacture of Soap*,

we offer our "Beach'* Washing Soap" to

the public with great confidence In th€

manufacture of this brand of Soap it has

been our great aim to produce an article

superior lo any in the market. We arc

having a great demand for it, which is

good proof of" its tUptrtor yttatttta


I It S O N ,

Millinery LFancy Goods. We call attention to our large dork of

Plowcra, Ribbon* net) Straw Good*. A Lao,

ALEXANDRE KID GLOVES In great variety,•tiling CHEAP.

IIVI Ktsex attest, 3 doors Irom Jiiikfon,




Director3! Office, 27 Court Etreet. Hostnn.

rOSKtT MUTUAL. ASBSU over - ■ • $8,000,000.00

Alt th> Prejtwi pent to J**w*aJI Uo'Jtr:

The tow rat's and Urge atrld<nd*of thl* old Company,togither will .-arellinl roan««tment, fair dealtiiH *nd proraptne.. in the .djusinseut o* loiaei,in»hi*itlh<'tieaii:omjiany InAiwKnajland to Inmrr lu.eap.-clally for llndowmtut I'oliclis.

S. B. LaWKF.NCH. Agaat for Lewrenoe, UaverUll, Andover, and

Wj jo Uilbuaa,

Office, 373 Esiex Street, Lawrence.







jgprrUl grttccg. BANK OF DEPOSIT.


BANKERS, No. 1 Devonshire, cor. State St., Boston.

four i-rr e*M. Mtrosi allowed on depoilt account*, aubjrct to chick, drawn it on WI City Buk.

out -ofiown depoiltor* will have their remit, turn aad collection* promptly acknowledged.

S*r*We do ■ lienr-ral Banking and Commlialoa Bualnaa*, negotiate Bond. Stock*, Notri, and other HM-arlllM, make collection* throughout United MaU« and Europe. Aa

Dealers In Securities

wa lavlt* lnqnlrlea relating to Investment*, tod K1" twlow the prlca* of a law of the moat drilr- tblaBonda:— Burlington,Cedar Rapid* k Minnesota 7* VH |udl*napolU.BIoomlng1onaWe.tern7i » Log*«»putt. Crawlord*»lile aud B W. »*, »3 Chtaapeak* * Ohio «*, •* Connrcttrat Vat lay 7«, *J Haw York and Oawego «, 91

U. 8, Honda and other marketable Srcuriiln allow il fait price In exchange. Sui'mbMab

Palace of Music, 35 Broadway, Lawrence.

OTIIB 680,000 SOLD.

♦5.00 down, and $5.00 a month until

paid for, will buy a Wheeler &

Wilson Machine.








We claims ours BEST forth" following

reasons, which WH st imi reatiy to ritovK

to all who will give ui (t cull —

First—They are not H complicated

that they r. quire a mechanic to keep

tli in In order, as i li-.-y have 20 loss parts

t!i HI the siii>pl«»t machine; |n the mar

ki-t. ihrir-fur- 20 le ■» tlilon Nubia to get

oil oi ortl r.

Second—They are the stillest running,

having the silent feed.

Third—They have the largest tales of

any Family Machines In tho world

Fourth—They are the speeded.

Parties advertising other imiehities att

higher speeded, mako a false statement.

Filth—They will do a larger range of

work than any otnor machine.

Sixth—They will do heavier work than

any other Family Machine.

Seventh—They have the best stitch

and tension.

Eighth —They bavo tho glass foot,

with which tho natural eye can see to

guide the work, bcring much easier than

with a steel ono.

Ninth—They do not oil their work.

Tenth—They do not have holes to

thread in their shuttles, as all other Lock

Stitch Machines do.

Eleventh—They will use LINEN and

all Wnds of threads and silks.


Partial la wait of WIIKKLKB *, WILSON'S

Haehlaei, erf cautioned agilnit parehailng th*

af ageati who advcrtlie to 'ell all machine*,

they aaika a aprclalty of one, tiut ute different

one. to blind tha public and catch their pre*, while wa aril bai one kind, and that I* the


Wheeler & Wilson

SKIN DISK ASKS. PBBHV'SIMIMIOVEDCOMKIHJNEAI'IMPLK UfcUKDY. The okln Medicine (.flh* Age. I» wariauUd to care «*.» Horn*, I imptn, Erup- lion*and Mulched dtanguiatloLa of thi ' ~ b* all Draggt*ti, Depot 111 Uund HI., * York

Fur Moth Patches. Freckles, and TAN.uee ek-HRY'S HOT If and FRECKLE LOTION. The well known reliable ana harmlcaa remedy for Brawn Dlacoli.rallon- of the face.— I'retiared only by Dr. H.C. Perry, Durmatologltt 49 Bond .ireei, New York. Sold by Itrrngglsti i-p-M-wn-.'ii /• . BmUmlt'^eodimliUEb


11 00, »l.M, • 1.60. Sl.TS, w> tt-Very Cbrap,

HMl Ill's, U3 Essex street.

C. K. 4 J. P. PlIalaHBURT,

MACHINISTS, (Baoeeiior* to Wcbitcr Duilln * Co.)

Manufacturer* ol

Cotton & Woolen Machinery AM)

MACHINE WORK GENERALLY. Fallcy*. Gearing and Shafting, Jack .Screw*. Ail klndiol Bolt* on hand,or made toorder;

alao all klnda of Forging done, GENERAL JOB WORK and Mill rrpaln doaa

promptly and faithfully. Dealer* in Hannfaetureri' Sappllei,

Foster's Building, Corner of Frank- lin and Mcthuen Streets


Latest Music always ou hand.

Instruction Books.

All kinds of Musical Iitslmmeids Tuned and Repaired.




Patent Action Piano-Porte, AND



Theie Cottage Organ- are the flocit initrnmenti

of their kind befoie the public, bwtt| full and

rich In tone, and of great power.

Call and examine our Instruments.


No. Jlo Broadway, Lawrence.


AaaKMusa' Orrica, May 1, 1X72. lfoor» JV«. 1, City Mall.

To the Inhabitants of the City of Lawrence, and other I'.raona liable to Taxation therein :—

The Ataeaaori of the city of Lawrence hereby live notice to the lobabltanla or aatd city, and all otlirr partle* liable to pay Taxea therein, thai thi-lr (ifllcr will bo open ou and aner the Firat day of Jane, until and Iw-tudlog the I If- tertilh Any of Jnnt, 1KT4. IHlic boun-'J <o 1-J A. SI., 2 to ■ V. H,| and Tneatlay and I baraday Kvenlraaja, from 7 to B o'clock,

during Iheabuve mentioned lime, then and (here to nrclre the valuation of catatra; and alt par- tlea li M.< to be taied In Raid Lawrence, are hereby nquired to return to (aid i.fnce a true and |,i rl r-i il-t of all the |ml;«, iturl acliedal'i of the real and peraonal eatalca lor which they are liable

Tbefollciwln :>iMini.rii:.. :! n:.'. - rv. alaguldf thr Inhabit utalnmmkl iwptbriral itcmmta Poll* —All tuali ■ ol -'ii y.-arn old ami ipwarJa. llrnl CUwIi — Land and building*.

IUUI of money Slock in Trait*.—Uooda, w«

dlaa —a value equal to the i nectiaary to earry on bualne*!.

All Mmry at lnt'rrtt,-(i„d • I• I u lli'il In r av. Inga baaka tn Milan., or luvratcd In L'nited 3UUi aecorlili'i.)

from profeidou or occupation, exceed Mil Jl A dollars In

Millinery & Bleachery NOTICE.

MRS. GILMORE llu* lake* the Store,

No. 319 Essex Street. Lawrence,



embracing all Ihe LATEST STYLES. The patronage o tho nubile la reapcotfuUy aollclted,

Vila RATK PRKBCOTT )■ with ui, and will be bappy toaec all ^cr old frlcoda and patrona; nlio Mr.. I'lCKERlHO.wbo wlU hive charge of the Bleachery Department, aa heretofore. 1 lapl3

No. 319 Essex street, Lawrence.

Boots and Shoes.



Wniit, Mau/.irtuti«a, Railroad mil f'lhlU UtOtlm, cut exempt by law It..10 taxation.

florin, CwrriofW ,„„! Xetit Vatltt. Jl< FurniOirt exceeding one Ihouaand

lit- itl- Schtdult; for returaa of p'raonal prop. erty, can be obtained of the Aiaeiaura at their Office, City nail.

IMr-.i. - IJ..1 ■ L: ,; \t >:1|- . ■■ :■ ,■ r.i, ! Oil

Eatate Recorda, will pltn*e r< port all payi or partial paymccti on account of lame, to pre- vent taxation for Ilia whole,

•WAll peraon* who do not comply wlibthc law., wilt IN i-omiKii.


Aaieaiori ol the City of Lawrence. At r or ;■.■■■! 1 .. :... abatement lhall be

made or the laxei a* aaaeaied upon an tnbabllant of the town where the aatniiment li made, until he ahall have Bird with the Aiaeaicri a lilt *ub- acrlbcd by him of bla rilalp liable tu taxation, and made oath lhat It la a full and accurate Hat ol the ■ame, according to hla beat knowledge and belief,

When nucli Hit iltail not be tiled wllhln the time ipcolOcd by the ASMSSOTS for the bringing In or auch Hit by the InhabltantH o! the town, no appeal from the Judgment of the Auction con- cerning aucti abatement (ball be *u*talned oy the Coanly Comm1**loner*,unleii they ahall be iat- laBcd that there waa good cuuae why auch Hit wa* not aeaaonably brought In. I m" 1 ml

J. D. I1ERR1CK AKD 8. M. FRENCH, uoder the name and atyle of J. Y. PRF.NCB A CO., respectfully announce to their former patronl md the public generatl), that they may it 11] be " iuti il at the Old Stand

71 Essex Street, (189 New Number,) where they will alwavi be pleair>M tahow their large and circlully aeleetetl «tocV.ij| Uen'a, Wo- nea'a, Boyi', Mlaaei', Youtli'i, CuUdren'f, and

BOOTS AND SHOES. Alao, at all tlntea, a 1,■ >■>■ 1 aiaortment Of

ItUBBKU OOOD8. Women's &to-Hecl Rubbers,

not eliewhere to be found In the city. Their Good*, aa far ai poailble, are made to

.order, and received directly from I lit moitreapOB- Hlblc manufacturcri,

«aa-They are SOLK Agenti of the


VOOI.E OEBMAN SLIPPER. WHavlnfi retalaed the aervlcei ofMa.R.B,

SMI 111, i a man .it twenty year* experience In the manufacture and aale of Boot* and Hboea, they ■olirlt and hope to merit a ihare of the nubile patronage.

(.yPlcase examine our Goods before purchasing,


139 Essex Street, Lawrence J. D. Uerrlak. B. M. Preach.


Superintendent of Cemetery. Residence SB Morton Street,


WANTED. We will give energetic Men and Women


Mfletly honorable ait

Having nttr.l ap half of 4. C. Wadlrlgn'.

■lora, we will ba bapi y to th"w our V-.!.■ nr. In

all brancbea of work.

We keep oa hand a good .upply uf the but


In the market, with

OILS AM) AT 1 • AC11 il BNT8

for Ui Wheeler k Wlnoa Machine*.

Open every Evening till 9 o'clock.

HONEY CAN NUT lU'V IT /»r Sight i* Prieelfitf

But the Diamond Spectacles wilt Preserve It


PPT'IP 31 Ijonsest , IfiNiifi Crystal PtbUu, id derive their name 'Diamond'

ii.l t:,,l-i<> They will l,i*t many yeara without change are oarruni, d *up- rlor to all oiht-ra In uae.

M .iii.i ..-i in. l by the

8p«>noer Optical Mniiiilttcturin<i HfeW YOKE.

t'AI'TIflN -None (lenutae unlea* *U

e I'll > b» Re apil ii all) I e >- m. tliroUKliO


M.l. - Fartlea bating Wheelar it Wllioa'a

Machlae* will receive tnatrucilon la their urefree

of ebarge; aad we hope all will avail tbemielvei af thliappartoolty.

II A V D E N ,

-i Nil ivd'dleri tmploted. if tm»n

PR. TILTON'8 Compound Dandelion Bitters tide Toneind Action 10 the Stonwch,Strengthen the tHgeatlva Organ*, and Retnaiate !n oaiei ol Gi nrral Dwbtll'7- The beat medicine for female C inpla tit-, (wheiher In )ount( orold,) or at lb turn ol life; and fjr Chronic Diarrhea the* BlHfr* haven aqn .1 nm mhiili

The World's Internal Remedy.




tcrrlblediK.a'e.conaeu to II ,■., L! ,„!,)- II, t ..■

tie*,and aotrt at the 1'ItK E OF ONE

If necifiarj.we miKht offer the err

bolllea,which will c*rlalol> re- lieve the moat dlfflcal'caae. Iry

It, and ba convinced. We have ad- rrrtlied thla medicine fjr aalo by

(leorgeC. (ioodwin* t'o.Ol lloiton. A Cure, or the money relun, rtl. And out nf

near Bar hundndtol l<*>old at retail, tiny have had but . i,.'n i.-nil. ■ returned.

SELLER*' IMPERIAL Couon 8TBDP. The Imprrinl Ciitiph S»tup contain* no*plrltu-

oua It- 11- >. r whatever, and may he uled In all caaea not requiring active met teal irealmmt.— The ItnperliM'cDgh ■■; n,[, I,., ■ been uaed for I lie I ait thirty yrari. Prepared only ly R. E. BBU.BRB A Ct),

piTTsBuaatii PA. Held by Drugiim everywhere. 3map11

JNO. r.IIKNRY, New York Wboleaal* A/'ta,

CAliRUGES. We have now the Urgent and beat atock of really

line cuitom made f A11R1 AUKS ever offered fo" aale In thli city.

Having recently made extenilva addltloai t our Haleirooma, we arc enabled to keep a large and more complete aaiortment than eve, before.

We havethe FINEST ROOMS md yet lb CHEAPEST RENT'" i- "

No One (Jan Undersell Us,

Our atnek r-mhmce. many NKW HTVI.F.R oi FAMILY CAUBYALL.B, aeveral or them very ;i,jlii and rcumy.dealgned lor one hor-i- u ■ -,

I! VSUll I" !l \ 1 I O \ S



A very large variety of

Open Side Spring Wagons. Our work la all warranted; and the puhllc are

■it It..I to rait and rxittnlne It, whether deilrlng

K1UBALL BROTHERS, 112 sii.iiiutv aliecl,

Morcantilo Saving Institut'n NKW B«NK in II.1J1\<J

No, 387 Wiirliinjrton Strutt. Huston. Tblx la Ihe only Saving Bank in the itate thai

pay* lutereat on deporlt I'jr each and eveiv ful. ■ulei.dar month I hey remain In hark. Iheinati tut Ion hia agdaranteefund of *0f> oai CO for I hi exprwia [trotecl loo of depodtore, ]2wHeod;mylB

An Undoubted Security PAYING no i'Kit CCNT.



9J ■ Cent, on the Investment.

li-tiui-inirt, ( mil foi An [He and Sinuli- »<-ti-m Rulluay of Intllnna.


The Uaue la limited to il«..1«i per mile, in de- n, mmatlou.of 11,000, (:,to «ud *)lC<t.

Tht* Road, n mile* long, afTOirii the ihorteat exIitlBK oitll- I lo l bleago, Toledo, Detroit, Knit Wuyne, I ogmaport. and Intermediate point* for tbe> eelebratrd Block and ttttumlnoue Coal* ot Parke County, m, alao, for Ihe large aurplga pro- duet* of the rich agricultural ao.i mineral aeot Ion or the State which It ttavrrrca

Por Hi" preient we are offering theae Bondi at OA and acerud Interot In rurrency, or will ex- ohHOgo them for tlovernment Bonda, or other marketable aeruiltler, at the rale* of the day.

r-'unli.r and full particular*, with pamphlet* and mapa, furnliLtd by ua on pcrional or written application.

JONES & SCHUYLER, No. 18 I'inc street, New York,

<9ur *pir«-8*x. Sonic of the ganten seed—Lay me in

my little bed.

Tho Indianapolis Journal states that the potato bugs will poll a heavy vote lu Indiana this fall, and sweep the State by Irresistible majorities.

A writer severely describes the exodus at V. leu, BaylnfL " The devil drove wom- an out of paradise." Yes, yes, but he could not drive paradise out of woman.


Bobby Qroeliy'i all at ua, Free trade buckle* OB bit knee ; Think* he'll lunly Praaldent be— Koollab little Bobby Orealey.

The editor of the IHnbury News says, "now any unprejudloed man can look upon the present sized penny cake or ma- ple sugar, and claim that the world Is growing better, pusses our comprehen- sion."

A sporting gentleman, who boasts of having a very correct watch, said lo a friend with whom be wasridlngalongway across country to a meet, pulling out bis watch, 'If the sun Isn't over that hill In u mlnu'o and a half he will be t« lateV

A theatrical mm or experience was re- marking to a die nil bow gr at an attrac- tion a -howt'y spectacle Introducing real water had with the public. *l Ah 1" chim- ed In Hie other, " that's because people see so lltrle ' real watter * ofTtbe strge.

Curly Poll.—"So that's the new baby the Doctor has sent here to Mama, Fred dyl"

Freddy. —" Yes. And don't It squeal? And I do say it's a great shama ol the Doctor to sent! babies when people are ill, like poor Ham*.. I hate him!"

An out-of-town couple applied to a drug store for soda-water. " What sirup?" propounded the clerk. "Sirupf sirup!" repeatoi me bucolic lop, with an Incredu- lous stare; and then, leaning forward, he Impressively adtled, "Stranger, mouey la no object to me to-day—you can put sugar In tbem."

Two Hibernians were passtag a stable which had a rooster on It for a weather- vane, when one addressed (be other thus : " Tat, what's the reason tboy didn't put a hin up Ihere Instead of a roojferf" " An' sure," replied Paf, "that'* asy enough; don't ye see It would be unconvanlent to go for the oggi?"

A Philadelphia editor, who exclaims against people calling on him who have nothing to du and nothing to say. and think ili ir he has nothing to write, and are fond of nothingness In general, puts the following In the front page: ' >Vc have rented an office In the top of the Bhot-tow- er, and have planted torpedoes and spring- guns all the way up the stairs."

A little girl was standing at the depot to see her father and a gentleman friend off, when she eudJenly observed to her ftilirr, referring to bla friend, who was tall and lank, " II the cars run off the track, and any legs must be broken, I hope they'll be Mr. II '*." " What's that forr" said the startled H . "Be- cause," she added, artlessly, " Aunt May says you have a pair of spire legs." .

An exchange Is puzzled by the question of a correspondent: " Whether the Mr. Jefferson who Is playing ' Rip Van Win klf ' at ihe theatres Is Ihe same man who was President of the United States, or U It hla son ?" The anxious Inquirer of i hi ■ question should be put In the same cate gory with the New Jersey man who, hav- ing I e'I'd lhat Columbus was in Ohio, Immediately started West to Interview the old man about lha voyage which resulted In the discovery of America.

The Hartford A'lcocnte reports the fol lowing as ink >■» trom a gravestone In Ma'ne:

Oar Little Ja:ob Hat ban a taken away from tbla earthly garden

TJ Bloom !■ a Superior Flowerpot


The same paper also give* the follow- ing aa having lie n found tn the sime place:

"We can't have everything lo p!ea*e na; Little Johnny'a gane lo Jaau*."

A Western psper tells ihe lolloping anecdote of a cullcge chum: H , a member of one of the classo, wai dlstin • gutahed not less for dry wit and sty wag- gery than for his a idress In evading the writing of themes, and In palming off the iiiMii. .■ lim-.i currency of others as bis legitimate " tender." One Monday morn- ing he read a theme of unusual merit: but Professor A " smelled a rat." and as II finished and sat down In the pride of conscious Innocence, asked. "Is that original, If ?" " Yes Sir." " Are you sure of It?" queried the professor, doubtlngly. " Why, yes, Sir," replied a , with the imperturbable gravity and that pasteboard conntenaiico he al- ways wore: "It had orinht'tl over It In the paper I took it from t"

Pious SPEOTJLATIOHS —Aproposof Mr. Daniel Daw's contract with Duncan, Sherman, and Co, to deliver to them live millions of dollars of Erie ttock during the year 1872 at ii.",, we have I his anrcdoto of tint' eminent speculator \

Not lung tines he met a Methodist el gyman In Now Jersey, anil having rather a lancy for him, liked him If be wouldn't like to make a little money. The mini Ur replied that he never fpeculaied nor gambled In stocks not believing It to be right; besides lie was only worth some llfteen thousand dollars, and coiltd not afford to perli it. Mr. Drew, after Hume further chat, said he could suggest mute- thing that would be perfectly legitimate, and proposed If the pats in would let up- on his suggestion, to guarantee him against ItMl, while the prospect for a ii Mi'l- ■ profit was quite promising. The arrangement was accordingly made. Some weeks Liter tho divine came over to New York and called at Mr. Drew's office to ascertain the result.

••Well," said Uncle Daniel, "the fact U, that thing I told you about has busted ; but I promised to guarantee you against loss, and I will keep my promise."

Ho, figuring up the amount invested, with simple interest, Mr. Drew IrXntlel over a check, and the pastor congratula- ted himself upon the result.

" B it," sal 1 ha—and here Is where Un- do Daniel's |oke comes In—" but, Mr. Drew, 1 told onj of my elders what you had agreed to do with mr, and he went and buught a little stock."

'Did be?" said Uncle Daniel. " Wny, how sorry I am! I'm afceid he has lost some money."

" Yea," combined the good man, "and he fold another of the trustees, and he. went anil bought some."

■' You don't tell me!" "Yes, Mr. Drew; and the brethren

thought it was so gooil of you to give mc; a plot that they (ill trfii' and bought "

" Well, I'm so sorry 1" " So am I." " Why, they must have lost considera-

ble money—must have pretty much clean- ed 'em out. They oughtn't to've done it. Buying stook-i )ou don't know nothln' about Is mighty risky business. You tell 'em that."

" Hut Mr. Drew, they're nearly ruined." ".Shouldn't wonder; and I'm truly stir-

Results of tbe Drawing? Schools.

The « biblUon in Horticultural Hull, Boston, o** specimens from tho public drawing schools of the state, has attract- ed general attention, evincing thus early, great advance in this art nnco their es- tablishment. The board of examiners, consisting of Messrs. Chas. C. Perkins, Wm. Ware and Waller Smith, apeak highly of the exhibition, which repre- sents the results obtained in the free evening drawing schools held during the past winter In llaverhill. Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, New Bedford, Newton, Northampton, Springfield, Tnunton, Worcester and Boston. There are no works of the classes in Cambridge, Charlestown, Fall River, Fitchburg, Nu whurjport, Pittsfield and Salem. We understand that no classes have as yet been organized In the other towns included) within the scopeof the statute— Chelsea, Gloucester, Holyoke, North Adams and Somerville. The exhibition consists of about 600 drawings, compris- ing exercises from thu blackboard, of free-hand, geometrieal, mechanical, isometrical and constructional drawing in outline and tinted—drawing in light and shade, and color of lollage, figure«, animal forms, macbino drawing, and ar- chitectural tinting, deigns for buildings, for carpets, etc., natural objecte, geo- metric solids In shadow and color, and many other branches of industrial art study.

The examiners say of the school In tliia city, lhat "Lawrence sends thirteen drawings, chiefly mechanical drawings and proportions. We gave the mark of excellence to one, and an honorable mention to four. Tho school shows evi- dence of good and careful instruction, although within a limited field." Tbo works specially distinguished by marks of approval deserve high praise; the following is the award for our school :—

ExctUrnt.— Hechankal and geometrical, L. 1>. Fletcher, Bat and blackboard.

HoHorabU Mtnllon.—ferepectlve. J. Itupar, flat copy; II. F. Lord, do. Mechanical, <*- O. Croai, object. Free-hand, O. Llultflald.

The following table shows the num- ber of drawings exhibited and table of awards made

'n- Hon. EI'I



SEWiM MACHINE lUMV Ha* been Baaaoved to


248 Essex street. Lawrence, Wbora may ba fuand the

tun i i<un Button Hole A Over- srnm.ngr


Plain American, Elliptic,

Wheeler & Wilson, A.B & hlias Howe,

Florence, Singer, Weed,

Wilcox&Gibbs, and, In fact, aome TWENTY dlBtrcut atyle* ol Machine*, ranging In Iron, f S to Slta.

AgenU having only one kind of Haohlne to ■ell, olten atiirepreient othen. We have no preference other than to aril the Machine beat adapted to the elan of work to be clone, ir you buy a Machine ol ua, and do not like It, yon can axcHASoa It for one yon do Iilw.

Machines Sold for Cash, or in Monthly Installments.

SaTBeooad Hand Machinal Bought, Sold, or Kaebanged.

If aohlnei to Let by the W eek or Month. All klude or Hewing Machine* Kepalred,

A110, Agent for the



aStas>, of Hartford, I860, tlC,01<),;8G

Slate Mutual,Worcester. 1845, 1,270,911

Tota' Freeh and. menial, men Boiton, Hi;' 101 111 SI Tau n ton, '•» TV U Northampton s S 2 Springfield, M 1 ID 3 II,li., S 8 1 Lynn, 1 3 3 4 Lawrence, II t 13 4 Lowell, TO M IS S Newton, '.'0 30 1 New Bedford 21 •ii 3 Worcester, SO 17 33 11


The awkward iaconsiatenr-y of Hor- ace Greelcy'd posllioa, reaching after tbe democratic nomination, is made ab- solutely ridiculous by quotations from bis own speeches and writings within a year past. Here are two or three gems of this sort:— "A Democratic national triumph means

a restoration to power of those who de- serted their seats In CongreBS, and their placea under the last Democratic Presi- dent, to plunge tho country into the Red Sea of Secession and Rebellion. Though you paint an inch thick, to tbis com- plexion you must come at last. Tho brain, tbo heart, the soul, of the present Democratic party Is the rebel element at tbe South, with Its Northern allies and sympathizers. It is rebel at tbe core to-day."— Tribune, Feb ,1871.

How much have the democracy changed since then, that Mr. Grceley can carry their SagP Can ho hope to paint them more than "an Inch thick?1

In mi address last Autumn, in Ohio, Mr. Oreeley said :—

"I saw, tbe other day. a suggestion that I wooia ,,r<ii..ttiiy be me oest Demo- cratic candidate lo run against Gen. Grant as President, I thought that tho moBt absurd thing I ever beard or read. If the Democratic party were vailed upon to decide between Grant and my- Hi'll, / };ii'>ir that their regard for what they must call principle, would induce nine-tenths of them to vote against »»ie."

And so they will, Horace. Little more than n year ago, the New York Tribune, referring to the canvass now about to commenco, and the hopes of tho followers o( tho "Lost Cause" in the possible event ot a Democratic success, Baid: "Whatever chastisement may be deserved by our national sins, we must hope that this disgraco and humiliation will bo spared UB." Would the "dis- grace'1 be any less, Horace, because you lend the column? MAY nu said in humor concerning Dr. Livingstone, aud the remarkable faculty ho possesses for los- ing himBelf, the fact cannot he denied lhat his Sin- has been consecrated to the nromotiun of knowledge, and therefore any iutclligcDce of him cinnot fail to In- terest our readers. A special dispatch from London to tlia Now York Herald, to tho enterprise of which paper the civ- ilized world Is Indebted for news of Dr. Livingstone, contains tho following: — Our correspondest at Zanxibat writes that Seyd Ben Mujid, one of the princi- pal Arabs oi Ujijl, left that place on the i 'ili uf January last, and arrived at Unyimwcmba on tho iitli of February. He reported to Sheik Hen Nasil), an im- portant personage In Unyemwemba, tnat Stanley had renchod Ujiji fifty days before. He (Mitjid) left by it circuitous route, which he was compelled to take on account of the troubles on tho regular caravan routu. Atthetimo of Stanley's arrival Livingstons WUB not at Ujijl- He had been traveling in thu neighbor! ing country, and wns at Myoraba, twen - ty il.ty.-i march from UJuJi,between Likes Tanganyka and Victoria Nyanza. But at tho time of tho departure of Seyd Ben Majid, Livingstone bad arrived at Ujiji, and he and Stanley Were together, Bheik Ben Nasih sent this news from Unyemwemba, to his brother Abdullah Ben Nasib, at Zanzibar, by his trusty slave, Saado, who lelt Unyemwemba on tbe 8th of February, and reaohed Zanzi- bar on the 2d of April. Abdellab Ben Nasib and tbe slave Saade were both seen by the Herald correspondent at Zanzibar. Some consider It strange that Stanley, If at Ujiji when Seyd Ben Ma- jitl left, did not send letters by him to Unyemwemba. This is fully explained by the circumstance that Seyd Ben Majid did not it.tend to go to Unyem- wemba when he left Ujiji, but atarted with an armed forco to fight against a native chief, named Miaambo, between these places, and only came to Unyem- wemba because his fighting operations brought him near."

the moil Important Improvement ever made la Sewing Machine*, — a health preaervlng, labor laving Invention, which oaa be applied to al klnda naw In use-

New Style Caiteri, and Needlei for all klnda ol Sewing Mac bin LI.

Enreka Buttonhole Twill, on Spool* come- thlng new and convenient. Sewing 811k, Thread, Oil. and Machine Finding* g. nf rally.

Alro, Agent for

Lamb's Knitting Machine, AND BRANCH OF


New York Emporium of Fashions.

Full SI if, Accurate and l'A T TEI1NB In varlon* iliei, of every New and Drilrable rUylefor LADIES' aud CHILDREN'S DRESS. Kaoh Pattern pal np in an envelope, with lllui- tratlon and fulf direction! bow to cut, put tog-eth- er, make and trim tbo garment.

A.1-o lubicriptlona received for DEHOBKB'FS UONTItL Y MA QAXINE.


No. 248 Essex Street. Lawrence. 8Ai:NI.Kits' NEW BLOCK.


Franklin, of IVnn'a. 1829,

Royal, England, 1846, Rold, American Btanrb,


11 .OOO.UOO l,33J,u00




Arlington Range.

In Black aaa Color


Pennsylvania, of Pa , 1836,

Imperial, London, 160;!,gold, ll,000,<i00 1,06* ,647

1836, 840,808

1837. 640,086

1867, 287,088

American Branch, Firemen's, of N. Y

Westcheatcr, of N. V,

German, of Erie, Pa.

Queen of England,, 10,000,000 American Branch, 728,411





Bay State, Worcester, 1860,

1st National, " 1868,

Gljticeitcr, of Gloucester, 18'

SwTPollcle* for all the above Companle* written


For Information, ratei, etc, call on or addreie


283 Essex street, Lawrence.

Post Office Box 88

IN BANKtlL'PTCy. The unde-iitgned ha* breu daly appointed a*

aigueeof thu taut* of i II AI-I.K.1 A. B. HUH ItUK, adjudgrd a hank not.

D».MKI, UliKItlJ, Alalgnee Beaton, May II, i»7t. 3ua\?

Boston iuui "flnlnc IKntlrond.

6.26. 7.30,


leave the Depoti For Boaton, (from North Denot) at

9.W A. M„ and 12.15, S.tO and S.» l\ II. For lio-ton, (from South Depot) at SJT7, 7.U,

'9.41, A. ».. and 12.18, •l.C6(espreii,) 3.4>, S.i'J, ■n 16 (eaprenj 7.S0 I*. If, w.10 I*. M. Monday, Wednetday and Friday.

For Portland, (from South Depot) at 8.U, 9 20 A. M., 1.05, 4 I-. M.. and o.5U P. X. Mondajj Wednesday and Friday.

For Georgetown and Ncwburyport.(from South Depot) at M.!t5 A.M., 1.00,* and S P.M. I'. M. Monday, Wedaeiday and Friday.

For Haverhlll, (from Booth Depot) at S.Z6 and U.iio A.M., and 1.06,i, 6.08 P. M., and from North Depot at T.tO P, M.

Train* leave Boiton for Lawranoe at 7, 7.M, S.,11), 10.16,11 JO A.M., 13.16,1, 1.30, 6 and t P. M.

WH. MKKB1TT, Snp't. Lawrence, May IS, 1S72.


Altai n ntaaal** practice ol upward* of thirty Stars,continue* to e.-oure 1'aUn'li inti.e LoltcJ ! Parlor, OfflOO ftEtl CcOKlllg itatei; ilio, la Great Britain, France, and other

foreign countric*. Cavcati, bpeolflcatioul, Aa- ilgnmenti.and all papen for Patent*, executed

uonable ti-rran, with dlipatrh. Beiearehei lo determine the validity aud utility of Pa- of Invi-ntlona, and legal and other advloe

rendered In all matter* toucliini; the tame. Cnplea if any patent furnlahetl liy remitting

one dollar. Alilgnmenta recorded In WaihlUKton. .Vfi Agency in th* I'nittil Stairsponrtsrt nipt-

ricr facilitia for obtaining Pattntt, or atrtrlain- ing the patentability t>/ inrrntiont.

1 —eailly of a jonrney to Wa*hlni;ton to procure a Talent,and Ihe uiual irreitd* lay Ihere, — here aaved Inventon.

TKSTIMONIAI.9. I regard Ur. Kddv aa one ol the moat capable

and lurceaafol practitioner* with whom 1 hive had official Intercourae, •

CHAS. MAHON, Commiialoncr of Patenta." "1 havenobeiitaUon in aiiuringInventor* that

they cannot emntoy a man more eompttrnt and trnitworthy, and more capable of putting their application! In a form to secure for thetu un early and favorable con*l Jrratlon al tbe ufTicc,

KDMUND StlRKK, Late ComnUialoner of Patenta."

"Mr. R. H. Eddy baa made for me over THIR- TY application* for Patent*, having been aucceia- fol In almoat every caie. Surhnnmlatakableproof of irreat talent and ability on bla part, lead* me to recommend ALL Inventor* to apply to blra to pro- care their patent*, a* they may be lure of having the moit ralthful attention beitowed on their oa- *ei, and at very reaaonable chargei.

Boaton. Jan. I.UnV JOHN TAOOABT."



The belt Spring and Hummer Uedierne eter offered to the public.

They are prepared with great care from tbe beat ii -. Hi MI-. Hark*and s. I-.I. Thev InvUorate the Kfima-h, atlmnlatr Ihe Torpid I Irer* Bow- el-, cli.n»' tlir- Blood

GREAT BARGAIN In Ladlai' Cotton IIOBO-60 doi. at it I ant lSoenta per pair.

SMITH H. U3 K-s.x rtreet.

wimeii.rKr£iS aken advantage of a aimllat-

.ty uf name and olbir equal- ly diihoneil devioei, to folit moil the public interior Ma oblnoi bavlng none of the

lei which dlitingulah tbe 'HOW E." Parehaaera ii« thercfota earneatly eau-

ihat a KM

ry." TbegOOd parson returned to his (lock,

most of whom had already ascertained tho true condition of things- Somebody had " unloaded " lo tho country brvthren. Probably it wag not Uncle Dan'!.—EDI-

TOR'S DitAWKH, In ifarper's Magazine for June.

TUF. SCKTINKL, the orjran of the nnter- riiittl democracy of this section, "comes down" like Crockett's coon, an I In pub- llr-lilno; the letter of Mr. Greeky, declares emphatically that I: ''Is good enough de- mocracy" for them; how our City Hall will ring next autumn with the cheers of ihe Lawrence democracy for the new apostle of democratic principles,—Horace Greeley ; the Tribune will supplant Poni- roy's Democrat, the Post snd the Courier and tbe three Johns will eulogize the vlr tues of the white coated philosopher; well, there Is fan ahead at all events.

It ban the Medallion l.t-ad of EMAS Hows Jr , rmOeddi-d ID ihe Ma- chine. ***y-The*e Hiohlnei havelnvarlibl. been awarded the hlgbeit honor* ai all the gr-ai exhl- bltloua nf toe world. They reo-iv.d theOaaljr li..ld Nfdal twanl'i' Srwlaifr Martitaira at tbe Parla Kxhibmon, 1SS7 Bead the following I

Department of State. Waahfngton.Bth May, 'SB. To ELIAN How*. JR., New York,—Sin—The De- parimmt baa reoelved One Gold Heda>, One Cro>* ot Ihe l.i-glo" of Hsa*r,OsW Diploma, aad On.

-" J-J -— -• tbo ''aria Uuivrrial the lime to

iflcate, awarded yoa Kapoiliion of ISfi.aatl will deli' vouraelt or your Agent, ai you may direct, ' i ._ .,/ r _.._". I. ...fc_». IVu II Urn WM.U.baWAHIi.

\\. 1IAGEH, Agent, ' Essex Street, Lawrence.

The DAVI8 Vertical Feed, Shuttle

SEWING MACHINE. The Largest, the Simplest, the Cheapest,

the Beit.

Tbli Machine baa juat taam Ihe First Pritt at the Lowell Fair. In fact 1 I h aa never failed takiag the Brit premium wbererer eablbltedla eompe- tlllon with other uacblnji.

It Stltohei, llemi,(Bvi width* without bait- ing.) Felli, Tucka. Cora*, 1 lndi, Braldi, Fringe*, HutHi■', Qullia, Faggoti, Oathcra and Sewi On a) the ".ion- lima without banting.

THE D A V I 8, unlike other marbluei, baa not been puffed Into aolorlety t>y boaitlug advertlaementa, but In a uuiet way baa earned a great reputation on ac- count of Ha many laperlor and dcairable aajvan- tagea over other macblDei. Please cull and see them at the Agency,

192 Essex street, Lawrence, At Dyer S. Hall & Co's Clothing Store.

'■ Inori JOHlf WABBUBTOlt, Agent. N. H- Machine* Kpi.alr.-d <

Room Papers" Window Curtains

New, Fresh and Stylish



No. 275 Essex street, Lawrence.

The Larftat Stock la BIMM County nf



No. 276 Essex Street. Lawrence, Mass.



.while if lioaltli eoaaa twenty year*

ivcil an Indian recipe,from which ahe d aome for her own uie, which mulled In

It- effrctaare wonderful In the Belief and Car* Of the following di*iaaai:—rrolB)aut I'terl, Nervoai Debllliy, Weakneaa of the Back and Limb*, Dyipepiia, Palpltailon of lit att, Ueprea- ilon of Spirit*. Iirenlarltlea, t'hangri of life. White*, Dropilral Aff, etlom, Blllonmeii, lrDam- m at Ion of the Kidney I, 11 radar he, ate ; make* new blood and airengibtn* the whole lyilem.

Prepared and fold by Una I.IMJH BEl.CH Kit. * — Carcfdar. Hold by all

TtamapltUKavui-b Randolph, Mai* Send for Drngglati at #1 per bo I tie.

I lmpmltlee, n w I Hound Vt.

to Mi- whole w i. The) win Kkan

LOST A l ■ l -1 i I i I . Re- lieve lli:ilif!iM'.-livi- neif, I n,i!-i . ii, ri. i-t... pi-p.ia, NiTVoui. Drblllty, anil all complaint* ail«- fng from an Impure aiate of the m—i. ur the de- ranged condition of the ;■■ Mim-ii, Liver, Bowel*, or KMneyl

Rtnd Pro/, ilayet' He- port to Cot, Urodktad, State f'mn'u'r of Mas*.

No 'MutateSireet, Boiton. Josldh A. Broilhead, Ktq -tlr—A lample ol

Old Dr.Uoodbuf* Boot and Herb Bitter*, from Flint a Ooldthwalt, Salem, M»", haa been ana- Instl with the folio wing reault*: — 'Thla la an otScinat medicinal preparation, conlaiulnL'' ex- traota of Root" and Herb*. It 1* free from Itju- rlona aubitancci, and may bo uaei a* directed by perioni requiring a medicine of thla kind,"

Very reipeet rally, S. DANA HAYES, 8late Anaayer, Ua**.

FLINT A GOLDTHWAIT, Smtlmbl.'pb Froprletori, Balem, Mae*.


ml In/, Tin Rooting, and ail klnda „i Jobl (lutii promptly.

EL DOBADO STOVE BTOHE, Lawrence street, Lawrence.



Thu deadly and dangrrou* dlteaie hai long ravaged our rouniry, ri ilnch-g to helpleaanraa and perhapa death any who hive been *o unlor- lunate n to liavi- becorcc ifTrcted with tbe

HEART DIcF.ASK appear* lo ua ID many form*, imnnr the mo*t common or which we have PALPITATION with dlrtreaird feellnga In tbe region or the hinrt; Hill can be lailly cured.

Then we have KNI.ABOr which ihe heart brcomei eonrlderably largtr than ID In

Ing difficult} (,/breathing, mf- -lloo irli li. r p*jJu

(in- of uiirom-

irdingrhfi i-.' fever, bnl g wii'-n'ni.'; the dixtreaa ina ^xeructariLgpRtciran be better Imigln.d than deaerlbed. we have heard from th. »e antTrrlng wltn the dlicaae that no mortal pain could • *<:< " ! It.

HI'AHWtt.USfllt'lrATION or BONY FORMA- TION of the HE AIM- CKKKHAI. DEBILITY, HIN KINO oT Hi. ■ ' I., i ■. l'A INK In Ihe rtlDK and I II KM I . D1Z/.1N K r-S, Si Itrl.lbll I'lhlT- LATIONorihelU.OlMl»ndnii.mintarj af-riaav of Ihe artloii .-t the heart. ar0 imona tbe many form* of IIKAltr DIhKAHK. For tbe cure ol HEART 1UM-:A>K ».-'.r )ou



a preparation In wh-ch jua can place Implicit cotnldcnce aa being nil it I" rrprncuted.

I In.II- ' ii-l ■ teitlfy to in airst,


i.iiMi.ti*- Electric Di-l. HUipkly nllevea -»• ralvl* i .1 Kheumatlc /'nina.a Wttth ■». Iti comfort and power to help weak lunga, *t«m i-h, hrart, kid- ney*, *lde or back, Lumbago, Sciatica, eto , 1* rrmarkahle. v, E E K S m I'OTIttt,

Wholeaale Agint*. i:o Waahlngton Street, Boiton

Sold by Drngelit*. .tmmhis


mtsm inburban rnldcnce* and iUtirabtefntmt lor lali.'

Addreii RIAL ENTATE JUCKN.L, vi Trrmout Bow, Boiton, Smlmb'WIib


SAVINGS BA No. 80 Union Street,

(Near Corner or Hanover Street,} BOSTON.

The advantagei offered to depoaltora by Ifel* -lankara—

Finl.—Dr|iu«lt* ay* pat on Inter — t on tbe Bral lay ol every month,

Second.—No *■ itra dividend* once In Bv« jeara ■ut the fall enrnlngi ara divided onoe in every al>

ITiinl. -Uivldi ntli- are pat Bpon IBtareit aaaooi i« declared, so that depositor* reoelve t'umpauni

ttOHXRT MARSH, OBO.C. TRUUBULL, Prcaldent. Treaanrar Executive Committee. * llyagll

CLiaroa, HaaKT 0. Banoaa, 1'iioH, L, Jaaaa, DAHIBL II. WHITJ-KI WM. C. Buaoaaa, Quo. H. DKHBT.

Why not get the Best the first timeP ineitioa.a


l*he Matchless, Latest Improved u0ZXTOrSR.n

Is the simplest. Will wear the longest. Is very high speeded. Is the easiest to understand. Will do the widest range of work. Uses a very short straight needle. Makes the lock stitch, alike on both sides, Works equally well on the lightest mus-

lin or beavleit heaven. Tnoae who gel lha SIN Hi never exohange li

for any other. It li emphattoaU* the LSAnmo Uachlnr In aale* and general aatlataollon, fhere were lold in IHTO 127,833 Singer Mnchlrira—44.A3A more

lliiui tiny other. All thli baa li.-.ii acoompllibrd wltb little aid

frowi fair* and exhibition*, excepting only th< "Wold'i Fair" conititated by the homei Of- the people, where It received the grand award of thr UlOIIBrtr :. A i I-.-,

Theae faca prompt Ihe quaitloa, —" Why not get Ike Rest Ihe jar.l timiV

«atf"l would lovltt- every one to oall aad examine th« SIM1EK. and it- late Improvement*, at

Office, No. 366 Easex street, Next door In c-uunders' new block.

Machine* aoldon imall Initallmriu. Initrur tlon givi II at Num. M. and lallifactlon

Marhtne* Repaired aad lo Let. Hull Trtailhi, and Machint FlnJInft

tmU* T. W. HEALD, Agent, IM Essi'x St-, Lawrence

HUH'F l'AUAMOI.U-tinli IS eta.

SMITH'd, H3 Essex Street.

New & JSlegant Styles.

Parlor, Library, Dining Room, and Chamber


Mantel and Pier Mirrors. Lace Curtntns& Diaperies.

Spring Beds & Redding.

Having the largcat ilock and the flneit aaiort



IMces from ffiO to 9150, la varloaiilylciof flnlib. The moat con venlenl and acceptable Parlor Bed In Ihe Market.

We are the aole agenl* for tbe Naw Kngland Btatei for



Mattresses, polstcrs, snd

CHURCH CUSHIONS. We can refer to more than one hundred church-

e* that are ualng tbe " BLAaiic apono* clian- IOSS." Il la eneawr than hair, aud will hold In elaatklty doable Ihe length of time, and warrant- ed proof against moths.


411 Washington street, Boston. ami lapiasb

Latham's Cathar- tic Extract

•eortlloc* and exore- tlonioriheiydrm. A alngle boltla doe* more the removal of ilia eaiei and preicvatlon of h-alib, than gallon* of bitten. II apecdlly and mrely remove* eonatlpatlon, ilek and

houa headache, Indlfjeillon, nil,.*, laapurlliea of e blood, end all btl'ou* complaint*. tt lalwSwraM bv the profeeilou.and approved . all who a*e It No belter medlelnr ran be round r .-iiMitn-n ur alfllti It U far ■•p«ilor lo pllli. ina mild of action, plenant to the laile, and

It Uamedlclac tbatahoald mete „ ..every honsanold, aa good rffiou _

ii- rxpirlrnced from tbe very Int do**, SOLD BT ALL DBUOGISTS.

sfiurff iwuv:'tXM sss.r,vuiD the I'harmacoi-cria. and oonlalna all tbe a principle known a* Raroimln. to wLlou It ■ Juniper Berrlci, Uva Ural andCabebi; It com bine* many time* the atiengtli cfthepnparatlnni offared to tbe public, and li regarded aa Inriluabli from Iti peculiar tendency to Ihe urinary oru-nn* In Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the HI id.I. r. Irrlta tlonof tbe Bladder and Urethra. Incontinence o Urlte.and other ipi'tlHc and Chronic anVctloni for which Buchu 1* an f i m rally nied.

3ARSAPARILLA V. S. P. Combined with Iodide Potassium & Iron

Bariaparllla Compound la creparett according to the D. H. Pbarmacopmla,ha.a become a »tand- ard remedy In a variety of dlfcaara, uiually de- ■erlbed aa "depressed and marbld eondUtont" which require alterative and tonlolrestmenl lo dtipel Ihe morbid polton of the lyatem, hence It 1* conaldered a purifier of Ihe blood.

Combined with Iodide I'olaaatum and Iron. II formi an Alterative and Tonic of no ordinary (fa cany, poiirealng a potency far lupetlor lo that aaerlbrd lo ill her alone.

TILDiN k CO .CHKMia-r*, New Lebanon, N. V,, and ITS William 8t . N V

For aale by Drurglit* generally. 3m*apI2

Cstracta nf Roota and II.TIJH v Invariably cure the following a

Dyspepsia, Heart Burn.Liver ri.mpln.lnt anil Ijoasof Appctllo cured hy luklnu u tiw bolllea.

Lassitude, I'nwSpirlUandSliiklniri^n- satlon cured utouctj.

Hull-).. a.nmlilll li lliM.uuh i

ir Ujf l«ll« parltleS akin or othorwla., ... Ingthoairectlana on u..- l..„,,,

Kidnsy, nimi-i,-,- mul Urlnarv fVrnntro rnent iaVarlably curwl. (mo Wile \wll convince ilia moat akt-pirtul.

Worms cxpclleil from tlic ayalrin v.lih- ontllie leaat ilirtliiiUv. Ililleiila null. II»B from till* prevalent iliaen-o will ML II in: 11.. enl change fur the belter In llu Ir em illUmi after taking one liotlle. U i ilinii-ini,. a are more prevalent ilmti la p MM- poaed In the ynuiiK. «i"l lln-y iilll IIIKI tin. Quaker Burns nsure icinrdy.

Nervous Difficulties, Kcarakla, do speedily relieve*!. '

Bheumatici,swriici Jomtssrii tilrern. fular Afflictlotta removi il <>:- utiolly i, ll> ii-.t by till* lu vuliiiil ilu nu -di. I III .

Bronchitis, Cnlnrrti, Con VII :-.l,.iiM,::.M]v- aterica cured or much relieved.

Diffloult Breathing, pain tn llw> i wm Bide and Cheat altniwr ct u-l > y Uklng | few bottle* of tUeQuukir I: Una.


moat invariably caused I anlclawa.t *H> i-ievnlput to II <

""ea,yield rendllv u, IIHH imi -thaauakcr IllU."*.

All Impurities of the I:;..,„I *rd ,i Incident I-I Ilia aaino nlwnvK c i SuakerBltiera, If taken i«ofdTI,B t.


The Aged uat the artlc

And In llie Qunkrr rut

.heir declining yenra. It qulrkoini and cheers the mind, and uuvi r " (10#ntlioplEr-'-


Dft. tt 8. rUVT J. CC„ Proprietors, J'/COI I IIIKM ■!■:, n. .1

old wboliaala aad retail for aale by a Si


A«CNT8 are wanted for every tows In Eaitera Uau., to whom mm million wl I be paid la Caak. Appl) Inpetion or by letter at

A. B. LINCOLN, 147 Trsmont St., Boiton

Tin PERUVIAN BTRI7P makei thoweik Btronp- sod expcbi tllieasc by annpiyliig tbe blood m:it K*TTBE'8 OWN Vmuzwo AOIKT—ntOTT.

Caution—Boguroyonprt Pcrnvlnn. J?amDbli;Ufree. J. P. IHNSMOILF-; l:-.

Ko. SB iwy Ht., ^otv Y"rt. fiotd w unatrum t/misrJtf,


d v-l::


: i.ciur.


BUCIU A Standard Preparation, lndoraed by the moat

reliable I'hyalelani, und Ua »*trjjii*hiog curative Iteated by thoaaandi who bare uied It.

Irrl- It la a aure, qaick remedy for ail fMSgasfii

talioa or InSammatlon of Kidneyi or Bladder, (Iravrl, Dlabetea. Beidlab Sadiment In Urine, Thick, Clondy Urine, Mucou* and Involuntary Diachargr* from Urethra, Betentlon or Incontl- nence of Urine, Chronic Catarrh of Bladder, and all Cbronlc Maladlea uf Hie UrJno fivnltal Orgaca,

For aale by all Drngglati and Dealt ra In Med|- elne everywhere. lynovHrtb

Kvcry Man his own Physician!



In, Clearness to the UXmpt isfsisfa

_l«ture or tne fineat Ve tracts. Herb*, and Mnlicinal Ovmts. not a grain of mineral In their combination, tbey never expoie tboic who uae thrm to any danger, at any time or aeaion. No mother need heiltale to preacrlbe them lo her children, and the moit delicate conitltotlon can uae Ihtm wltb ai great benefit ai the moit vlgoroui and powerful franip.

Holloway's Ointment li (be concentrated extract of healing Balsams and rare European f.umt, it 1* penetrating, ■oothlng-.and heallnu in Ita nature; andlbeporei Of tbe rkln ahiarb It {when well rubbed In) aa irrcedlly aa water la tnken up In s aponae. It I* a wonderful cotmttiqvr for the ikln, and the uae ol a email quantity applied lo Ihe iaee at night, will Impart a elear and

I-F.IR 1,-1. IKK COMPLEXION! equalled only by lhat or ihe Infant.

Ilolloway's Pills and Ointment Cure the following dlicaae*:

Ojipepaia. I aaaltude, Dlaeaiei, limpid.

and Agne. Skin Vormi, Plica and

.., hw.-rim., Bore Thrnata, Qulniey. Worm*, dwelling <f the Joint*, Scrofula. Liv.r Complaint*, Wound* r-orr-", Burn* and Scalda, 'alt Hnrnrrt,(travel

and all dliorderi or the Liver, Mojritch, Kldnt-yi

NEW YOHK CHEMICAL COMPAKlf, 78 Maiden Lane, New York.

Holloway'a Plili aad Ointment ur Hold at "3 SSmtS, M W eeoti, and SI per hox or pot. A groat laving U made tiy M"lBf tb- tirKCiliri.

Caution! t^MZV^imtVLVJI, w»»lD a water mark in Hie litile pamtililil

anrroundlng each box ol pill, or pot of Olntmen- Thlieeoure«thogennfne. w iiaf<, II. H WUITNEY A CO,, Agent* for Lawm a .

Tbe virtue* of almple Tea aa a II air Tonlo and l're*erver hav.- long inn known, but no attempt* have been made lo rxlract the oil •clentiBcally. By a prooria peculiar to ilii* preparation the •*- ■entlal oil ol the tea plant ha* been added to other -"•atable extraot*, and in nnrnuailed Toilet Ar


a Plan ,aiid

tlele for the hair la the re fal to prevent the hilr from falling oat orgrowln thin and ai a wiali for Hie wain, to itlmnlale the lialrbull.a and preient the grutual decay and Ion

- " the hair lube*. Price Wiiren itrert, Ko).

■ i-i i mi [ii. nun ji: i■ .-ui ini'gr o/ color In Ihe itruoture of tt • 1. Dtt. K/.,N.\fcHV, U, \ bury, Haa*.

iru riAca, Boston, BUJ, Tho objorri In cslalilUliiiif n,i, KlItBlkn

wiu lo ,iii.,ni IUC gmnc.1 |*rrn.|ion b il,a prop.r.ilion, praolire, and n.o of VcoMalE

obl.ln Ihe bo,i TOO, ,| »|,k«:.l«| ,„r 1, „„ eJicu carl, mlshi r^uiro, wife., ,ho »„ of powonou, drug,.

Dr. Orccnc ha. hwn rhy.ielan of iho Insil- «» .Inc. It. r„„„,|.,,|.,rii „„w moi V™ r.™i,.«,o r„„ ],,. (ft— |s ,„ hu hn tit IU vruil h*a Jnb..._J La. hH re LH

hs* t"**-uu I* «o this branch of hi. ^fo^lon; ami hi, iUCCC» «, bclicvo, \s wlihout [.Hrnlld. *

tllC tli-. .i'-i . to

■ntion Mt* ht; MM rh, Bronchitis, C Neural,.!., Aall—,

pcMia, Ijver Coimihnnt, tcnii.le Comi.lnhi't.

Salt Rheam, Cnni eaaca, Seminal \ft

Cnnki cnkncii, *,-.

liinjt, Ik-nfnw, Kidney HM

. _.,,.-.^. . ■i-jj-ii. w ,'

By order of the ftoiu-a nf Man tie™ lie Greene1. Medical fffluwt *■£ 'J5

i£fc*£ ttrt •«'Sf5fll & aent irce lo inva\uU ■ nlan id. ■*_?...

Aoalrou H. GREENE, M D ** TampU PU™, Bcwn', Uau.
