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(A Collection of Facsimile Reprints)

Selected and Edited by


No. 222







Translated by Charles Hoole

A Scolar Press Facsimile



THE SCOLAR* PRESS LIMITED 20 Main Street, Menston, Yorkshire, England

Printed in Great Britain by The Scolar Press Limited

Menston, Yorkshire, England



Reproduced (original size) by permission of the Librarian of Dr. Williams’ Library.

Charles Hoole’s translation of Comenius’ Orbis Pictus proved to

be one of the most significant, as well as popular, elementary school-books designed to teach Latin vocabulary. The pictorial

method, pioneered by Comenius, was to influence numerous pedagogues throughout Europe during the seventeenth and early eighteenth century. In the words of John E. Sadler who edited a

facsimile of the 1659 text (Oxford, 1968): “the Orbis Sensualium Pictus symbolizes in many ways the ideals which sustained Comenius throughout his troubled life”, and represents an attempt to frame “a true anatomy of the universe”. For full details regard¬ ing the history of the text and its subsequent printing-history the reader is referred to Sadler’s edition (pp. 1-84).

In the British Museum copy (reproduced by Sadler) a number of the engraved plates are wrongly imposed: e.g. Nos. I, XVII, XLII, XLIV, LXVII, CXL. In the copy here reproduced only one plate (CXX) is incorrectly imposed. Furthermore, the impression made by the plates is frequently very uneven in the British Museum copy (e.g. Nos. LX, LXII, LXXX, LXXXI, LXXXVI) whereas the copy used here is remarkably consistent and clear. In the British Museum copy some of the plates incorrectly imposed have correct impressions tipped-in.

In addition to the two copies noted above, other copies have been located as follows: Mr. E. S. Oppenheimer (New York);

Basel University; the Comenius Bucherei in Leipzig; and Prague University.

• Reference: Wing C5523.




Iohan-Amos Comejstivs', MORA fr VS . A iLTAT 50:164 2,

Crofj fcu-tpjit

t t

Job. AmosCmtnenii

ORBIS tSEN SZJ ALlVMt t PICTUS. ♦ ± Hoc eft, $ % Omnium fundament alium in Mundo ^ ^ Rerum, & in vita ABionttwi ^

^ PiBura‘& Nomenclatnra. -T ■ ■ --—------ — . , «g*.

•♦Joh. Amos Commenics’j* t Vifible WORLD. Z t OR, _ t

A Picture and Nomenclature of all the chief Things that are inthe world^ and of &

^ Mens Employments therein* A Work newly written by the Anthyr in«^

^ Latine, and High- Dutch ( being one bis lift- & £)0and the molt fuitabls to Childrens «£•> ♦ capacities of any tha*he hathhither- Js* __to'made) 8c rranflated into Englifh,

^By Ch akies Ho ole. Tether of ^ Private Grammar-School in ^ ♦ Lothburj3 LONDON.

For the ufc of yonng Latlne-Scholars. $ Nthfieft in mtetteZhttfuod non prius fttit in fenfk. Ardh

% LONDON, £ ^ printed for ?. Kirton^x. the Kings-Arms,in £ «■§► SaintF4k/« Church yard, i 659.

# itmffflWTOWTOWIW iff1

2 Gen. ip, 20. The Lord God brought unto Adam every

Beafc of the Field, and every Fowl of the air, to fee what he would call thetn. And Adam gave names to all Cattell, and to the Fowl or the air, and to every beaft of 4,the Field.

2 Gen. 19,20.

Adduxit Dominw Dew ad Adam cunttat anim antes terra, & miverfa velatilia call, utvideret quowodo vocaret ilia. AppelUvit- <\nt Adam nominibw fnis cunUa animantia9 & miverfa volatilia c<zli9 & omnes be flits agri.



READER. JSfraction is the means to ex fell

Rudeneff• with which young Wits ought to be wel-furbifhed in Schools: But fo, as that the Teaching be I. True, 2. Fully 3. Clear. and 4. Solid.

1. It will be true, if nothing be taught but fuch as are beneficial to ones life ^ left there be a caufe of complaining afterwards. We know not necefTary things, becaufe we have not learned things necefTary.

2. It will be full, if the mind be polifhed for Wifdom, the Tongue for Eloquence , and the Hands for a neat way of Living. This will be that Grace of ones life, to be 'fyife, to act, to ffeak.

3.4. It will be elear, & by that firm and folid9if whatever is taught and learned, be not obfeure, or confofed, but apparent, diftind, and articulate, as the fingers on the hands.

The ground of thisbufinefs is that fenfual ob- A 3 jtets


'sects be rightly prefented to the fenfes, for fear they may not be received. I fay, and fay it again aloud, that this laft is the foundation of all the reft: be¬ cause We can neither act nor fpeak^ wifely, unleffe we fir(l rightly underfland all the things which are to be done, and whereof, we are to fpealf Now there is nothing in the under ft an ding which was not before in the fenfe. And therefore to exercife the fenfes well about the right perceiving the differences of thin?s<> will be to lay the grounds for all wifdom, and all wife difeourfe^. and all difer et actions in ones courfeof life. Which,becaufe it is commonly neg¬ lected in Schooles, and the things that are to be learned are offered ^Scholars, without being tfn- derftood,or being rightly prefented to chel^nfc^it cometh to pafs, that the work of teaching and learning goeth heavtily onward , and atfordeth little benefit.

See here then a new help for Schooles, A Pi¬ cture and Nomenclature of all the chief things i»t the World, and of mens Actions in their way of ing ! Which, that you, good Matters, may not be lath to run over with your Scholars, I will tell you in fh'ort, what good you may expeeft froni it.

It is a little Book^ asryou fee, of no great bulk, a b ief of the whole world, and a whole lan- guagc : full of Pictures, Nomenclatures, and De¬ fer iptions• of things.

I.* Tke Pictures are the Reprefentationsio£4U vifible things, (to which .alfo things invifihle^re reduced after their fafhion) of the whole world, And that in that very order of things, in which



Sare described in the I Anna Latina Lingua wkh that fulnefs, that nothing very neceflajry

dr of great concernment is omitted. II. Nomenclatures are the Inscriptions, or

Titles fet every one over their owri Pidures, ex- preffing the whole thing by its own* general Term.

III. The Defcriptions are the Explications of the Parts of the Pidure, io exprefled by their own proper terms, as that fame figure which is added to every piece of thePidure, and the term of it, alwayes fheweth what things belongeth one to a- pother.

Which fuch Book, and in fuch a drefs may (I hope) ferve,

I. To'entice witty Children to it, that they may not conceit a torment to be in the School, but dainty-fare. For it is apparent ,-that Children (even from their Infancy almoft ) are delighted with Pidures, and willingly pleafe their eyes with thefe fights, And it will be very well worth the pains to have once brought it to pafs, that fcar- crowsmay be taken away out of wifdomes Gar¬ dens.

II. This fame little Book will ferve to fiir up the Attention, which is to be fafiened upon things, and everyo be Jkarpened more and more ^ which is alfo a great matter. For the fenfes (being the main guides of Child-hood, becaufe therein the Mind doth not as yet raife up it felf to an abftraded con¬ templation of things) evermore feek their bwn objeds, and if they be away, they grow duil,and

A 4 wry • K «


wry themfelves hither and thither, outofa weari- nefs of themfelves: but when their objects are prefcnt, they grow merry , wax lively, and wil¬ lingly fufier themfelves to be fattened upon them, till the thing be fufficiently difcerned. This Book then will do a good piece of fervice in taking (efpecially flickermgj Wits, and preparing them for deeper ftudies.

III. Whence a third good will follow-, that Children being won hereunto, and drawn over with this waj of heeding,may he furnijhed with the know¬ ledge of the Prime things that are in the world, by fport, and merry pafiime, In a word, this Book will ferve for the more pleattng ufing of the Vefti- bnlam, and lamia Lingnarum , for which end it was even at the firtt chiefly intended. Ytt if it like any that it be bound up in their native tongues, alfo, it promifeth three other good things of it felf.

I. Firtt it will afford a Devi/e for learning to read , more eafily than hitherto ; efpecially having a Symbolical Alphabet fez before it, to wit, the Characters of the feveral Letters, with the Image of that creature, whofe voyce that letter goeth a- bout to imitate, pictured by it. For the yong Abe Scholar will eafily remember the force of e- very Character by the very looking upon the Creature, till the imagination being ftrengthened by ufe can readily afford all things. And then, having looked over a Table of the chief Syllables alfo (which yet was not thought neceffary to be added to this Book) he may proceed to the view¬ ing of the Pictures, and the Infcriptions fet over


them. Where 'again the very looking upon the thing Pi&ured* fuggeftingthe name of the thing, will tell him how the Title of thePi&ure is to be read. And thus the whole Book being gone over by the bare Titles of the Pi&ures , Reading can¬ not but be learned •, and indeed too, which thing is to be noted* veithout ufing any ordinary tedious [felling, that moft troubleJ'ome torture of rvits, which may wholly be avoyded by this Merhod. For the often reading over the Book, by thofe iar- ger Defcriptions of things, and which are iet after thePi&ures, will be able perfectly to beget a ha¬ bit of reading.

II. The fame Book being fifed in Englijh in Englijh Schooles reill ferve for the ferfeft learning of the W hole Englijh tongue, and that from the hot- tome * bccaufe by the aforefaid Defcriptions of things, the words and Phrafes of the whole lan¬ guage are found fet orderly in their own places. And a (hortEnglifh Grammar might be add^dat the end, clearly refolving the Speech already underftood into its parts, (hewing the declining of the feveral words, and reducing thofe that are joyi^ed together undercertain Rules. III. Thence a new benefit conieth, that that ve¬

ry Englijh tranflation, may ferve for the more ready and f leaf ant learning of the La tine tongue : as one may fee in this Edition, the whole Book being fo tran Hated, that every where one word anfwereth to the word over againft it, and the Book is in all thingsthe fame, only in two idionjes, as a man clad in a double garment. And there might be al-


fo fome Ohfervations and Advertifements added in the end, touching thofc things only, wherein the life of the Latine tongue differeth from the Englifh. For, where there is no difference, there needech no advertifement co be given. But, be- caufe the fir ft taskj of Learners ought to- he little* and Jingle, we have filled thisfirft Book of train¬ ing one up to fee a thing of himlelf with nothing but rudiments, that is, with the chief of things and words, or with the grounds of the whole world, and the whole language , and of all our Under- ftanding about things. If a more perfect descrip¬ tion of things, and a fuller knowledge of a lan¬ guage, and a clearer light of the underftanding be fought after (as they ought to be) they are to be found fome where efe, whither there will now be an eafie paffage by this our little Encyelopadia of things fubjed to the fenfes. Something remaineth to be faid, touching the more cheerful ufe of this Book.

I. Let it be given to children into their hands to delight themfelves withall as they pleafe, with the fight of thcPidures, and making them as familiar to themfelves as may be, and that even at home, before they be put to School.

II. Then let them be examined ever and anon (efpecially now in the School) what this thing or that thing is, and is called , fo that they may fee nothing, which they know not how to name, and that they can name nothing, which they can¬ not (hew.

III. And let the things named them be (hewed, not

TH E PREFACE. Hot only In the Pi&ure,but *?//<> in themCdves-fo* example, thepart^of the Body, Clothes, Books, the Houle, Utenfils, &e.

IV. let them befuffered alfo to imitate the Pi&ures by hand, if they will, nay rather,let them be encouraged, that they may be willing : firft, thus to quicken the attention alfo towards the things - and to obfcrve the proportion of the pans one towards another; and lallly, to praCtiie the nimblenefs of the hand, which is good for many things.

V. If any things here mentioned, cannot be prefented to the eye,it will be to no purpofe at all, to offer them by themfelves to the Scholars, as, colours, relidies, &c. which cannot here be pi¬ ctured out with ink. For which reafon it were to be wilhed, that things rare and not ealie to be met withall at home, might be kept ready in every great School, that they may be fhew^d alfo, as of¬ ten as any words are to be made of them, to the Scholars*

Thus at the lafl this School would indeed be¬ come a School of things obvious to the fenfes, and an Entrance to the School Intellectual. But enough; let us come to the thing it felf.



$ i§;3rigi I

The Tranflator to all judiciou3,and induftrious School-Mailers.

Gentlemen, THcrc are few of you (I think) but have faen, and with great willingnefs made life of, (or

at left perufed,) many of the Books of this wel-de* ferving Author Mr. lohnCommenius ^ which, for their profitablenefs to the fpeedy attainment of a Language, have been Tranflated in feveral Coun¬ tries out of Latine into their own native tongues.

No w the general verdid (after trial made) that hath palled, touching thofe formerly extant,is this, that* they are indeed of fingular fife, and very advantageous to thofe of more diferetion, (efpecially to fuch, as have already got a f mattering in Latine) to help their memories to retain what they have feat-

teringly gotten here and there, and to furnijb them with many words, Vo hie h (perhaps) they had not for* mcrly read, or fo well obferved •, but to yong Chil¬ dren (whom we have chiefly to inllrud) as thofe that are ignorant altogether of moft things^ and wordsythey prove rather a more toyl and burdenjhan a delight, and furtherance.

For to pack^up many words in memory, of things not conceived in the mind, is to fill the head Vvitb

empty imaginations, and to make the learner more to admire their multitude, and variety (and thereby to become difcoucaged ^) then to care to'jreafure them



'>§£» Wop® ^ more knowledge of what they Wan.

He hfrth therefore in fomeof his later works feemed to move retrograde, and ftriven to come neerer to the reach of tender wits ^ and in this prc- fent Book, he hath (according to roy judgement^) defcendedto the very Bottom of what is to be taught, and proceeded (as Nature it fdf doth; in an orderly way ^ firft to exercife the Senfes well, by prefcnting their objeds to them, and then to fatten upon the Intellect by impreffing the firft no¬ tions of things upon it, and linking them one to another by a rational difeourie. Whereas indeed We generally miffing this way, do teach children’ as we do Parrat$,to fpeak they know not what ,nay which is worfe, we, taking the Way ef teaching 'lit¬ tle ones by Grammar only at the firft, do puft their imaginations with abjlraflizj terms and fecundary intentions> which ? till they be fomswhat acquainted with thing?, and the Words belonging to them, in the language which they learn, they cannot apprehend what they mean. And this I guefs to be the reafon why many greater perfons do. refill ve fo me times, not to put a Child to School, till he be at left ele¬ ven, or twelve years of age, prefuming that he having then taken notice ot moft ihings, will foo- ncr get the knowledge of the wotds which are ap- plyed to them in any language. But the grois mif- demeanour of fuen children fbr the moft part, have taught many Parents to be hafty enough to fend their own to School, if not that they may karn,yec (at left) that they may be kept out of


the Preface.

harms way and yet if they do not profit, forth$ time they have been at School, (no refped: at all, being had of their years,) the Mafter fhall be fure enough to bear the blame.

So that a School-mafter had need to bend his wits to come within the compafs of a Childes ca¬ pacity of iix or feven years of age (feeing we have now fuch commonly brought to our Grammar- Schooles to learn the Latine Tongue)and to make that they may learn with as much delight and wil- lingnefs, ashimfeli would teach with dexterity, and eafe. And at prefent I know no better Help to forward his yong Scholars than this little Book, which was for tins ptirpofe contrived by the Au¬ thor in the German and Latine Tongues.

What profitable ufe may be made thereof, re- fpe&ing chiefly that his own Countrey and Lan- guage,he himfelf hath told you in his Preface •, but what ufe we may here make of it_in our Gram- mar-Schooles, is it is now tranflated into Englifh, I fhall partly declare : leaving all other men (ac* cording to my Wont) to their own diferetion, and liberty, to ufe it, or refule it, as they pleafe* So foon thenasa Child can read Englifh perfe&ly, and is brought us to School to learn Latine, I would have him together with his Accidence to be provided of this book,in which he may at leaft once a day (befides his Accidence) be thus exercifed. TLethim/tfo/^ow the Pictures with their general

Titles or Inscriptions, till he be able to turn readi¬ ly to any one of them, and to tell its name either in Englilh, or Latine. By this means he fhall have the



Jflethod of thcBoQk in bis head* and be eafily ftirndhed wjth the knowledge of moft things^ and iiiftnided how to call them, when at any time he Xfteeteth with them elfcwhere in their real forms.

II. Let him read the Defcriptioti at large, firft in Engliftj and afterwards in Latine, till he can rea¬ dily read, aind diftindly pronounce the words in both Languages, ever minding how they are fpel- ted. Andwithall, let him take notice of the Fi¬ gures inferted,and to what part of the Pidure they aired; by their like, till he be well able to find out every particular thing of himfelf, and to name it on afuddain, either inEnglifh, or Latine. Thus, he (hall not only gain the moft primitive words, but be underftandingly grounded in Orthography,

which is a thing too generally ‘neglctted by us-, part¬ ly becaufe our Englilh-Scnools think that Chil¬ dren (hould learn it at the Latine, and our Latine- Schooles. fuppofe they have already learned it at the Englilh • partly, becaufe our Common-Gram¬ mar is too much defedive in this Part, & Scholars fo little exercifed therein, that they pafs from Schooles to the Univerfities, and return from thence (fome of them) more unable to write true Englilh, than either Latine , or Greek. Not to fpeak of our ordinary Tradef-men,many of whom write fuch falfe Englilh, that none but themfelves can interpret what they fcribble, in their Bills, and Shop-Books.

III. Then let him^rt the Tiles and Defcripti- qvs by heart, which he will more eafily do by rea- fon of thofc impreflions which the viewing of the

Pi dure


Pi&ures hath already made in his memory. And now let him alfo learn, i. To conftrue, or give the words one be one, as they anfwer one another in Latine and Engiife. 2. To parfe, according to the Rules ("which l prefume by this time) he hath learn’d in the firft part of the Accidence *, where I would have him, tdl what Part of Speech any Word is, and then what Occidents belong to it • but efpe- cially to decline the Nouns, and Conjugate the Verbs according to the Examples in his Rudiments^ and this doing will enable him to know the end and ufe of his Accidence. As for the Rules of Gen¬ ders of Nou*ej , and the Praterperfett-tenfes and Supines of Verbs, or thofe of Concordance and Con-

JlruElion in the latter part of the Accidence,/ not have a child much troubled with them fill by the help of this Book he can perfeElly prattife fo much of Etymologic, as concerns the firft Part of his Accideneeoniy. For that, and this Book toge¬ ther being thorowly learn’d by at left thrice going them over, will much prepare Children to go cheerfully forward in their Grammar,and Schoot- Authors, efpecially, if whil’ft they are impleyed herein.they be taught alfo to write a fair* and legi¬ ble hand.

There is one thing to be given notice of. which I wife could have been remedied in this Tranfla- tion; that the Book being writ in high-Duteb, doth expfefs many things in reference to that Countrey and Speech, which cannot without alte¬ ration of feme Piftdres, as well as words, beex- preficd in ours: for the Symbolical Alphabet is



fitted for German Children rather than for ours* And whereas the words of that Language go or¬ derly one for one with the Latine, our Lnglifti propriety of Speech will not admit the like. Therefore it will behoove thofe Matters, that in¬ tend to make ufe of this Book, to conftrue it ver- batim to their young Scholars, who will quickly learn to do it of themfelves, after they be once ac¬ quainted with the firft words of Nounes, and Verbs, and their marmer of variation.

Such a work, as this, I obferve to have been for¬ merly much de fired by fome experienced Tea¬ chers, and I my lelf had fome years fince ( whil'd my own Child lived ) begun the like, (having found it moft agreeable to the bed wittedChil~ Aren, who are moft taken up with »ittures from their Infancy, becaufe by them the knowledge of things, which they feemto ref refer# ( and whereof Children are as yet ignorant) are moft eafly con* veyedto their Vnderfianding,) but for as much as the work is now done, (though in fomethings not fo completely, as it were to be wifhed) Irejoyce in the ufe of it,and defift in my own undertakings, for the prefent. And becaufe any good thing is the better, being the more communicated \ I have here¬ in imitated a Child, who is forward to impart to others, what himfelf hath well liked* You then that have the care of little Children, do not too much trouble their thoughts, and clog their me¬ mories with bare Grammar Rudiments, which to them are harih in getting, and fluid in retaking ; ( becaufe indeed to them they Cgnific nothing,but

(b) *


^ more fwimming notion of a-general term, w^uch, they know not wnat it mea^ta* till they, compre¬ hend alfo particulars, but by^his or the iike..SuJ>U- diarie, inform them, firft wirh fome knowledge o£ things, and words wherewith to exprefs them, and then their Rules of fpeaking will be better underftood, and more firmly kept in mind- Hie; how fhould a Child conceive, what a Rule .mean- eth, when he neither knowedrwhac theLatine, word imporceth, nor w.bat manner of thing . it 1$ web is dignified to him in his own natively ngyace, which is given him thereby to underi^aVSj. the Rule \ For Rules, conning pfgenera*Hiss , are delivered (as I may'fay J0at a third hand V prefum- ing iiriVithe things,’ and men the woids to be al¬ ready apprehended, touching^luch they, are made. \ might indeed enlarge upon this.Stihjed:, it being the very Bafis of our Xroffficn, tofe/iKch in¬ to the Way of Childrens taking kola Lyiittle, and lit¬ tle of ypbflt we teach them^ u\2X fo we may apply our fciy^tp their reach, butl leave the.ohjervati- on hereof to your Own daily exercife, and.e^per rience got thereby5

And l pray. Cod, the fountain and giye^pf all wifdoiu>t^at hath bellowed upon us tjjj& gift oi Teaching, fo-to infpirc and dired us by lii$ grace, that we may: train up Children in his Fear, and in the kriowfedge-of his Son Jefiis Chrift our Lord; and thenrw doubtour^chingandxheir learning of other things fubonjfiftam to thefe, will hy the afliitanceofhis bleffed Spirit make thaytableand wiRing tadohim faithful Service both in,Church


and Common-wealth, as long as they live here, that fo they may be eternally bleiTed with him hereafter. This, I beleech you, beg for me and mine, as I {hall daily do for you and yours, at the throne of Gods heavenly grace, and remain while Hive

Ready to ferveyou, as I truly love and ho¬ nour you, and labour willingly in the

fame Profejfion with you,


From my School, in Loth• bury, London, lan.z$.


N B. Thofe Heads or Defcriptions which concern things beyond the prefent apprehenfion of Chil¬ drens wits, asy thofe of Geography, Aftronomyy or the like* I would have omitted, till the refi be tear-

nedy and a Child be better able to underftand them.

(b ») The



lie 'judgement of Mr. Hezekiah Wood- Ward, Sometimes an eminent Schoolmafter in L O N D O touching a Workofthis Nature^ in bis Gate to Sciences, Chap* 2.

CErtainly the ufeof Images, or Representations is great: If we could make our words as legi¬

ble to Children as Pictures are, their information there.from would be quickened and furer. But lo we cannot do, though we muft do what we can. And if voe had Books, therein are the Ft ft nres of all Creatures, Herbs , Beafis, Tijh, Towles, they would ft and ns in great ftead. For tiftures are the ntoft intelligible Books, that Children can look upon. They come clofeft to- nature ^ nay , faith Scaliger, Art exceeds hy*


>4 Particular Advertifemnt*

WHercas divers Gentlemen of good quali¬ ty, have been very earned heretofore with

Carles Hoole as well to Table as teach tbeirXMl* dren •, This is to give notice to all, but efpecially tfiofeof his acquaintance, that he is now fitted of an Houfe and all things anfwerable to their meet accommodation, and will be diligent himfelf, and maintain an able Ufher alfo in his Houfe to attend their Teaching, and his Wife and her Servants^ ready to fee to their wholfome dy^t, and cleanly ordering,' upon a Rate anfwerable to fo great * Charge and Pains, as are thereunto required.'^AG the‘Nofch^Eaft Corned of the New-Buildingsifl the Token-houfe Garden in Lothburj London Mere the Royal Exchange.

►—<-- - - - ■ ~u—■—

There is now in the Prefs,* a third Edition Cor* reded and Inlarged. Of theeafie Entrafitfeto rheLatine Tongue. Written by Mr. Charles Hvole, containing.

i. The Rudiments of Grammer, with the Examination of the Accidence.

2, A Vocabulary of common* words,Englifh and Latinei 3: Sundry and fhort Examples, apply able to the Rules of

Concordance, and Confttuftion. 4. Collections out of the loweft School Authours* 5. More Elegant Expreffions for Children* 6. The firft Principles of Chriftianity, Which may b$

had bouud altogether, or fevcrally at diriffed to the Preface.

faults, that have efcaped the Prefs, which I defire the Matter Vo correft with his Pen, before he deliver the Book to his young scholar to ufe s arc thefe :

TV'eaketh breatheth. The

fquealeth. fqueaketh.

burrieth turneth.

vieer neer.

from Iron,

ar gulati ungulati,?

in is, % growth1 ivy

groweth, afh.

crowtree crowtoes.

ronnd round,

mar jorum marjoram

the ground ivy J-t Germander

cask O til cane, ?

knotly ? knotty^* Haiicaetus. ^Haiia^etus

Mil-fnake ■ milk-fnake.

melt mile j

Row rone, 5 ft Heir mam fihcerninw.


Caput The head 4

and is is i

Wanks Manus quod quos

/#» fmt in, left out,

Manurvia, manuaria7 part partly


Pag. 4 5

13 18 25



31 2






8c 82 84 94




and and tumditur Drawing Tibial* Lignar

Jauua fupertor fabric eulcitra Sud magnet


galoam imap tabula, (lickech and tifris

or or tunditur Brewing,


109 116

Tibialia, 127 LignaritiS'y 131 Dornus > to be ad- Ianuay jded line 136 fuperiores, 137 ftbrici, l - culcitris> > ^ Suds, IS5

magnttica 159

is to be added,/.12483 ^, 186 £ fharp, ? I9,

tabula y j ftinketh, 201 & cjphris


mbuatur fracer angiporti Defen

bombardurib tmittHutun

by to beadd./.25.23j tribuatur, 237 fratery . 245 angiportis, 25 O defendant j *53

| bornbardtc&7 28 3 emittur. 285



A W orld of Things

Obvious to the Senfes diawn in Pictures.


Invitation. Invitatio.

The’Mafter, and the Boy.

J5op! leant ^ to be tolte.

p. OTbat Doth tbfe mean, to be wife ?

M. 2Co uaoerffiano rlghtlp, to bo rtgbttp, ano to fpeait ont right1 Ip, all that ;are necef6 flat?. v. Mho lolll teach me

this s’ M. 3, bp ©ooa help, P. !£oh> «•

Magifter & Vuer.

M.~yEni, Puer! difce v Sftpere.

P. Quid hoc eft. Sa- fere ?

M- Gum**, quz ne- cejftnajsStt intelligerc, rede agere, rede elf qtti.

P.Quis me hocdo-

M. Ego, cum- P. Quomodo t


__(J M. 3 toltt gafoe tijee

tbo&eto all, 3 tofll fibeto tl)®

all. B tofll name thee


P. &a, litre 3 am; lean met fn the name of 43oa.


M.JSefoje all t&fngs, tbon oug&teff to learn tie plain founds, of tofiicb Imana rpeecti conRffefli j tobfc h li¬ ving Creatures ftnoto lotefomafee, ana flip tongue knotoetfi &oto to imitate, ana flip hand tan pidure out,

jjtttertoaran toat tofll go into the toojlo, ana toe tofu hfeto all things.

$ear thou hat a If bdf « Vocal Alphabet.


M. Ducamte, per omnia,

Oftendam tibi omnia.

Nominabo tibi omnia.

P.En adfum^ due me, in nomine DEL

M. Ante omnia, debes difeere fimplices Sonos , ex quibus con* fiat Sermo humanus*

1 quos, JlmmalU feiunc for mare, & tua Lingua feit imitari, & tua Mar nus poteft piugere.

Poftea ibimus in Mmdum, & fpedabi* mus omnia, j

Alphabetum vivum & voeale habes hie.

B 2

( 4 '


A & A «l Cornix cornicacur. jp^gCrotDcrpctl).

Avnus balat. », , , r» t jE&e jumbblaftetb e ■ b Cicida ftridet. c* ci C c SCbe grafljoppcc tbfrpetb. t/1dicit. cu du D d SDbc VQbooppoo faftb

/ / / c e c E e Jtifans ej'ulaC. 2Dbe 3nfant crpetb. Ventus flat. - • c SC be toiira blotoctb* 1

./Infer gingrit

SCbe©»fe gaggleth^**^ Gg

Os halat. hih bib H h 2Cbe moutb bjeatetb


Mas mintrit. ,,, T: &bc ^oufe cbfrpettj. lt\ . u Anas tetrinnic. kha kha£ k

Stack quaeketk

Lupus ululat. IuhIht i sqjeVBortf'MWttfc

Z/V/aj murmur at.

SCfee fear gramblet^ j1 M m

e*j nau nan Felts clamat.

%\\t Cat crpetfc.

Auriga clamat. SE&e Carter crpetfj<

P stilus pipit. ft ft 2CbeC&fcfeenp&petb.

Cuculusc uculat. %\>z CucfeotD fince ttji


C^wwringitur. frr 2C&e2Dos grfnnet&f Serpens fibilat. g JLbc Serpent bfCtetb* Graculus clamat.

N n


P p


• <.u Mf f<*C SCfrejap crgetl).

i?#£o ululat. 2D tie ffitol tjatettj.

Lefts Vigil. vi I 2Dt>e tt^are fqaealetl)

<5 ■ _ Ratta coaxat.

H r

S s


coax %^z reg croafeetb*

Afmus rudit Cfce Me b*apct& y yy

Tah anus dipt. di ds %Mz Wittteot ^ojfu

flfeAftt* B 3



X x





God is of tumfelfj from et>crlalttii£s to roeriaafng,

& molt perfect ant> a moft blcffeO Being*

Bln t)f$ Bffcnce ftpts ritual, ano oae*

3a $2 Perfonality,

DEVS eft ex fe- ipfo, ab xterno in ster¬ num,

Ens perfe&iflimum & beatiffimum

Effentii Spiritualis & Unus.

Hyp oft a ft, Trinus.

Bln fete will. %\»



9«t?> m*

•ercffnl, ano teas*

Bitty* power, torp great:

B« |i0 goodnefi, terp s®D* .

Bn tya wifdom, onmcafarnbU,

a light inatceffible; mo pet an to an:

Coerp tobece, mo no ttbere:

<Ebe !ttyefeft Good, mo tbe onelpnner- bautteo fountain of an jjmo things:

Sis the creator, fo t|e Governor, mo preferver of <0 things, totycb toe call the world.

Sandus iJliftus, Clemens, verax, ■ PotmtiA, Maximus.

Bonitate, Optimus.

Safi entity immenrus:

Lux inaccefla *, & tamen Omnia in omnibus:

Ubique, & nullibi:

Summum bonum, & bonorum omnium Fons folus, & inexhauftus.

Omninm Rerum quas vocamus mmdum , ut Creator t ita Gubernator & Conservator.

B 4 III. Mun-





The World.


T£k$ Haven i. frit) fire, «tt Scars,

'I"—”” i i iwn i i ■■ >

Ccelnm j. fiabet Jgnem, & Stellas.

felflfcioucU 2,


Birds 3. Ufa mroer t|e Ciouo*.

Fifties 4. fixrim In t|e water*

® |e earth

|at| 5. Woods 6* Fields 7. Beafts 8. UnO Men 9.

Nubes 2f

pendent in Aere.

Aves 3. volant


Tlfces 4. natanc

in Aqua.

Terr a

habet Afontcs, 5.

Sylvas, 6.

Campos, 7.

Animalia, 8. Homines, 9*

2C|tts, t|e greatett bodies

t|efour Elements, are fall of t|ef r oton BlnlaWtants*

Ita, funt plena Habitatoribus fuis, quatuor Element*, Mundi maxima Corpora.

IV. The

( 10 )




The Heaven*

C »)

Heaven v+ f 0 tolaleo abent, xrd encoropaCtetl i|C Earth af ttanDfng In tie miboie*

The Sun i&berefoeber it (0 fbinetl perpetnallp, lotofoeber dark

Clouds 4. map take it from ni; aitO bp itO raycs 5. it eaufetl l ig|t, anotbo light. Day.

$Dn the other Hoc ober againtt it te Darknefs 6. anotlence Night.

Bln the #fg|t, fofnetl t|e#aw 7* ano tie Stars 8. glitter, ano ttoinchle.

an tie (Cloning f0 Twilight, Jn the Morning, 10. the breaking,and dawning of the Day,

Coelum 1. rotatur, & ambit Terrain 2. ftantemin medio.

Sol 3. ubi ubi eft, folget perpetuo, ut ut

Nubila 4. eum * nobis erifpiant - fadtquefuisikd*^ 5. Lucem • Lux Diem.

Exoppofito, funt Tenebra 6. inde Nox.

Node, fplendet Lmay 7. & Stella 8. micant, fcintillant.

Vefperi 9. eftCrepufculum : Mane Aurora 10. & Diluculum.

V. Fire


%\\Z Fire Slon>etb, burntrtb, and contumctb to afljes..

a ip ark of it ffrnck oat of a Hint i (0£ Fierftone ) 2* bp means of a Steel i. and taken bp tinder frr a tinder-box Ugbtetbarr.atdw;. ano after that a Candle 5, p: a Stick, 6* 2ns canfetb a* flame 7.

Ignis ardet,urit, ere mat.

Ejus Scintilla, Ope Chalybis 1 . £ ( PyritF) 2. elifa, & in Sufcitabulo 3. & Fomite excepta,

; S v.lphuratum 4.

&inde CanaeUm 5 vel Lignum 6. accenait, & Flammam 7. excitat



Haw, 8. toWcf> cattfcctti boio ot tfce fcoufeo,

Smoak, 9. nBcmetfc tfjere from

SESSts f0 tie Chhrmey i o. Ilirnet&totrfoot.

vel Incendinm 8. quod aedificia corripic.

Furnas 9. inde afcendit, qui, adhaerens Camino, 10. abit in Fali vinem.

SDt a Tire-brand, (i> burnfng ttfefc,) hmkm a Brand n. ( quencfceo fifth)

£)f a hot Coal

E x. Terre, 0Ԥno araente,) fit This 11. (lignum extin dum)

Ex Prunb, (reD'botptece of a firt*Igano) IsmatioaCoal 12, (0; a dead finder*)

ffbaf, toifclj remafnetb, i* a t lafc Afhes 13. aUD Embers

fUt Afoes*)

(candente torris particuU) fit Car bo 12. (particulcl mortua.)

Tandem, quod remanet, eft Cinis 13. & FavilU ( cinis ardens.)





The Air,


SI COOl Air i

ftjeatfjetlj eentlp. The wind 2

blofoeth ftronglp, A Storm 3.

H^otooth oofant %tku A whirl-wind 4.

enrneth ittoitfn a ronno compare*

% toftm unoer jronno 5, Jafifeth an Earthquake. An Earthquake, ta«f5 tth gapings of the Earth, (anD falls of Houfes.) 6. ]

Aura 1. fpirat leniter. Vent us 2. flat valide.

Lrocclla 3. fternit arbores.

Turbo 4. fe agit in gyrum.

Ventus fubtcrraneus 5, cxcitat Tcrr^-motum; Terrce-motus

l facit Lubes (ruinas.) 6.

VII, Aqua.

( IO



The Waters

<»7) ate water

ffotagetb oat of a fountain, i - flotoetfc oofontaOT* fit a brook> 2. rtmnetb fnab*ch>3* ttanoetb fn a pond, 4. gUoetlp in the dream, 5. to tolfrleo about fit a whirl-pit 6. ano caufetb tens 7.

%\% gut* batb Bauks 8.

The Sea mafcetb ihores 9. Bayes, 10. Capes 11. Iilands 12. AlmoftJflands 13, Necks of Land 14. Straights, 15. anobatbfn ft Rocks. 16.

Aqua fcatec hFontt, 1. defluit in Torrente, 2. manat in Rivo, 3* ftat in Sttgno, 4. fluit in Flfitnine, 5. gyratur in Vorticey o. facie Paludes^.

Flumen havet Rif as* 8.

Mare facit Littora, 9. Sinus, IO.

Promotitoria, II. Infulas, 12. Peninfulas, 13.

: Iflhmos, 14. ' Freta, 15* ! & habet

Scofulos, 16.

C Nube?


The Clouds. Nnbej.

SL vapour i. Mttmtty from tfre water.

|from it a Cloud 2f (0 maoc, ano a white Mift j.

wzzt t&e ©artb*

Rain 4 anO a fmall fhower offfUletboatofa ©loan, •jop bp b jop:

Ex aquk afcendit Vapor. 1.

Inde fic Nubes 2. & prope terram Nebula. 3.

E Nube guttatiraftilliac Pluvia 4 & Imber*

C r9 ) tUtycft

being frozen, is Hail; 5. bait-frozen, isfnow ■ 6. being toarm is Mel-dew. ,

3ln a JRatnp Clontt, fet otter again* tbe turn, tbe Rain-bew 7. appeared

& ojop falling into tbe loater,msketb a Bubble. 8 manp Bubbles matte froth. 9.

5Fro$en loafer, is calleo ice, 1 o, S>eio congcaleo, a white Froft.

Thunder is mane of abjimttone’ like ttaponr, lobitb breaking out of a clono ioitb lightning, 11. tbnnoeretb ano Crttt- etb Ioitb lightening.

Quae, gelata, Grando^ 5* femigelata* Nix, 6. calefa&a. Rub igo eft.

In nube pluviofe. Soli oppofiti, apparec Iris. 7.

Gfitta, incidcns in aquam, facie Bull am^ 8. mulcae Bullae faciunt Spumam. 9.

Aqua congelata Glades *, 10. Ros congelatus, Pruina^ dicitur.

Ex vapore fulphureo fit T onitrn, quod, erumpens e nube cum Fulgure^ 11. tonat flefulminat.

C 2 Terra*




The Earth.


3lntH©art* InTVrri

are funt

Mountains 1. Montes 1. alti.

®eep Valleys, 2, r<*//w 2. profund#,'

Hills Rifing, 3. Co lies 3. elevati.

Hollow Caves, 4. Spelmctt 4. cavae,'

plain Fields, 5. 5.plani,

W»®p Woods, 6.

— 'iV.. A

Sjlva 6. opac#.

€3 Tews



The Fruits of the Earth*

c n)

SX meadow i. tfelOgtb Grafs, trftb Flowers 8I!D Herbs,

being cotoofotv are maoe Hay 2.

A Field 3 . fffeloetb Corn, ant) Pot-hearbs 4.

Fratum 1. fert Gramina, cum Floribn* & Her bis : quae aefefta, fiunt Foenum 2>

Arvttm 3. fcrt Fruits & 4.

Mufhroms 5. Straw-berries, 6. Myrtle-trees, &c.

Come op in fBOOO0. Metals, Stones, anb Minerals greto nttaer fyg Cartb*

In proveniunt s-

Fragay 6. Mjrtilli3cc.

Sub Terre nafcuntur Met all Ljfides, MineraUa.


G 4 Mctalla

( 24 }





Lead i. U feft, two | eafcp*

From 2. <0 bar*, artft Steel 3. fcamr*

%\jep make Tankards (0% mane) 4-

Of Tinn5 Kettles 5.

of Copper, Candlefticks 6.

Of Lattin 5 Dollers 7.

of Silver $ Ducates atm CroWn pieces 8.

Of Gold, Quick-fiiver, faaitoapeolftmfo, atm eatetlt tfcojoto $etalf»

Plumbum 1. eft molle & grave.

Ferrum 2. eft durum, & durior Calybs. 3.

E St anno 9

Faciunt Cantharos 4,

c Cupro9

I Abend, 5. ex Orkhalco, Candelabra, 6.

ex Argent0/1 Thaler os, 7.

ex Scut at os, (Ducatos)

Coronatos. 8.

Argentum vivum^ femper liquet, & metalia corrodit.



C a*)



Sand i. anD Gravel 2. U Stone broken into b ft**

Arena x. ScSabulum 2. cftcomminutus Lapis.

A great Stone 3. it a piece of a Rock (ojCcagJ 4*

Awhet-iione 5. A Flint, 6.

Sax am 3. eft pars Petra ( Caqtis ) 4*

COSy 5#

Silexy 6.


07) ft Marble 7. &c. ■rt ojolnarp (tones.

ft Load-done 8. ojatoetb iron to It.

Jewel* 9. are clear (tones, as, %\tt Diamond tstyto,

ffibe Ruble res, % be Sapphire biota, JCbO Emerald green, %it Jacinth pelloln, &c. ftno tbep glllter being cat fn faObion of tbenapls of ones bans

Pearls, and Union* 10. grots in Shell-Filh,

Corals, 11. Ins ftea*fe}ab» Amber, 12. tt gathered front the puu

Glafle, 13. fs Utta Chry- ftal.

Marmor , 7. &c. func lapides obfeuri.

Magna 8. adcrahic ferrum.

Gemma 9. funt lapilli pellucidi^ut: Adamas candidus,

Rubinus rubeus, Sapphirns cxruleus, Smaragdas viridis, fjyacinthut luteus, &c. & micant angulati.

Margarita & Vniones 10. crefcunt in conchis^

Corallia 11. in Marina arbufcula.

Succinum 12. colligitur c mari.

Vitrum 13. fimile eft Cry ft alio. i



8 Plant i. £rotOa et& front a: Seed:

& fftBit tear ftlj to a Shoot, 2.

# Shoot, fo a Tree, 3.

5E6e Root 4. teareth up the

E Setnitit procrelcit PUntx^ 1.

Planta abit in Fruticem, 2.

Frutex in Arborem, 3.

Arborem fuftentat JO{dix 4.


( ) % fee Body

0i> Stem 5 ♦ rffetli from tbe Root.

SCbe Stem dftrfoetfc If Mf into Boughs 6. at!d green branches 7. made of leaves 8.

SCfcetop 9. U in tic izi%iU

%it Stock 10. fo clofe to the roots*

2 Log 11. i0 tit bodp feld ooton, tuftfeout feougbo, labfng Bark and Rinde 12. Bait and Heart 13. Bird-lime 14.

giototb upon tic boughs, tobfeb alfo ftoeat Gumm, Rolin, Pitch, &c.

E Radice furgic Stirps (Stemma.) j.

Stirps fc dividic in Ramos 6. & Frondes, 7. fa das ex Foiiu 8.

Cacumen 9. in fummoeft.

Tr uncus 10. adhacret radicibus.

Caudex, 11. eft de jedus Stipes, line ramis ; habens Corticem & Lib rum, 12. pulpam Scmedullam, 13.

Life tun 14.' ramis adnafeitur: qui eciam Gummiy Refinam, Ficem,&c. fudant.


(3©) ' XIV. Fruits of Trecs. Frutin* Arbortm.

Fruits that have no (hels are palled from fraft'bearfng tree*.-

SCb* Apple i. fa rounds.

SCbePear 2. and Fig 3. are fometobat long*

% be Cherry 4. bangetb bp a long dart.

2Dbe Plumb 5. andFcach 6.

xoma ab arboribus fruftifcris decerpuntur.

Malum i. eft rotundum.

Pyrum 2. & 3i font oblonga.

Cerafum4. pendet longo Pediolo ^

Prunum 5. & Ptrjicutn 6.


(30 1 '* kg rttater.

%bt Mulberry? hp a Wig

%\t Wall-nuc1. tfc Hafel-nut 9. HIDCbeft-nut 10. are toaapt f tt a Husk ana a Shell.

Barren SCree* are 11.

JEfce Firr, the Elder, the Birch, theCyprefs, the Beech, the Ivy, the Sallow, the Linde tree, &c. Bat the molt of them affinefng Hjaoe*

But the Juniper 12. a«0 Bay-tree 13. jfelo Berries.

She Pine 14. Pine-Apples.

BheOak 15. Acorns an* Galls.

breviori ^ Morum 7.

breviffimo. Nux \tigUns 8.

Aveliana 9. tkCaftartea 10. involuta funt Cor tic i & Putamini.

Steriles arbores func 11. Abies, Alnusy Bethla, CHprejjus, Fagtu, FraxinuSy

Salix, Tilt a, &c. fed plerapque umbrifere.

At Junifertu 12. & Lour us 13. ferunc Bacc as *

P inns 14. Strobilos.

$lnercu4 15 Glances & Gallos*


%\)c mott notei> amongfi: tbe $ lotoers,

3n tbe beginning of tbe fep^fng arc tbe Violet i. tbe Crow-tree 2. tbe Daffadil 3. Cbcntbe Lillies tofcfte

anopelloto 4 anobleto 5.

ano tbe Rofe 6. ano Clove-gillow-

flowers 7.&C.

Inter Flores, notiliimi,

Primo Vere,

JTo/d 1. Hyacinthns 2. Narcifjus 3

Turn £«/m, 4/^, & 4. & cosr hie a 5.

Tandem 6.

Cary of hy llum , 7, &c. Of


M tbeto Garlands 8. flttD Nofe-gays\p. are tpeo ronno toftfi ttofgo*

C^ere are alfo fweet herbs aODeO io. 80,Marjoram, flower-gentle. Rue, Lavender, Rofemary, Hyfop, Spike, Bafil, Sage, Mints, &c. Simongft jffelDjflofo5 ftv* II.

the mo ft noteo are, tbe May lilie, tfje Ground Ivy, the Blew-bottle, Chamomel,&c.

£no among!* herbs. Trefoil, Wormwood, Sorrel, the Nettle,&c.

Wot Tulip 12. tet&e grace of flofoers, bat affojofng no fm*L

Ex his vientur Serta 8. Sc ServU $.

Adduntur etiam Herb a odor at a IQ.

ut. Am ara cut, Amaranthus] Rata, Lavendala, Rofmar inns (Libanotis) Hyjfopus, Nardus, Ocymum, Salvia, Merit a ^ &c.

Inter Campeftres, ii.

norifiimi funt, Flores: Lilium convalliumi Chamddrys, CyanuSy Cham&melumy See.

Sc Herbae: Cytifus (Trifolium) Abjintbiumy Acetofay Vrtica, &c.

Tulipa 12 Florum decus eft, fed odoris expert

D Qlerd*

C?4 3





1533360 (35 )


grofo ft!

©ar Dens,

80, Lettice r.

Colewort 2.

Onions 3.

Garlike 4.

Gourd 5.

SD&CParfnep 6.

9Dt)C Turnep 7.

SLbe Rhadifh 8.

Horfe-Rbadiflh 9.

Perfelie 10.

Cucumbers 11.

Pompions 12.

In Hortis



ut 9 Lattttca 1.

Brajpca 2.

CVp* 3.

Allium 4.

Cucurbit a 5<

oST/er 6.


Rapbanus minor 8. Raphanus major 9.

Petrofelinum 10*

Cucumeres II.

Pep ones 12-









ftome Corn,; grots upon a Straw, parteo bp knots, a*. Wheat, i. Jtie, 2. Barley, 3. fn tobfch tbe Ear bath awnes,o} clfe ft is without awnes} ana it noarffteth t he Corns In the Huskf

Some, in Seat) of ati Car* hafce a rizom CM plnme) conteinjfng th*Co;nabp tomche^ a0,Oatsf 4, MUlit* 5- Turkey-wheat* &

Pulfe hafceCods, tohfch enclofe the courts in tlooQialee, a0,Peafe 7. Beans, 8* Vetches. 9* anothofe that are left* than there, Lentils ano Urle* ( 0j*Tarcs.)

F> amenta, quaedam crefcnnt fuper culmum, diftin&um genictilis, ut,Triticum, 1. Siligo, 2. Hordeum *, 3. in quibus Sfica, habet Ariftas, aut eft mutica, fovetq-, grand rnglumb.

Quaedam, pro Spica, habent Panic alam, continentem grana fafciatim, ut, Avert a, 4* Milium, 5 Frumuntum Saraceni-

Legumina (cum 6. habent Siliquas, quae grana includunt valvulisy ut, Pifum, 7. Faba, 8. Vicia, 9. &,his minora, Lcntes & Cicera.

D 3 Srutices.






( 39 ) Si plant

being greater, ana baroer than an ^erb, Id talien a Shrub, fucb as are;

Bin Banks, anc pence, theRufh, i, tbe Bul;ruffi, 2. 0; Cask tottbout knots, bearing Cats taiies, anc tbe Reed 3 tobf eb te tmotlp anc boflototoftbln

®lfetobtre, 4* the Rofe, the Baftard-Corinths, the Elder, the Juniper*

2lfO the Vine 5* toblcbputtctb fotfb branches 6, anc t&efe tendrels 7. Vine-leaves, 8. anC bunches of grapes 9. on tbe ftalk tobereof bang grapes, tobfeb contain Grape- ftones.

Planta, major herba & durior, dicitur F rut ex, ut funt:

In ripis &ftagnis, )uncusy 1. enodis Scirpus [Canna] 2. ferens Tjphosy & nodofa intufq-, cava Arundo. 3.

Alibi, 4- R0fUy

Ribes, Sambucusy Juniperus.

Item VitUy 5. quae emittit PalmiteSy 6. & hi CapreoloSy 7. Pampinofy 8. ac Racemos, 9. quorum <SV4p0 pendent Vva9 continentes Acinos.

D 4 Animalia,

(40 j —4



& Vrimum


Living-Creatures, and firft Birds.


A ImngCreature, Ubeth> petcetoeth, mobeth it felf; ft bow, bietty ■, tenourifijeo, at® gtetoeth ;ttanDeth> o; fittetft, o} ipeth, oj goeth*

A Bird, fFitheri. Cliere the Kings making hetnQtt in.tbe Ssea) is coberet) toft!) Feathers 2. flpethtoith wings 3. hath tU)0 pinions 4. ano aa man? Feet 5. A tail, 6. SOT a bill, 7.

TheShee, 8. lapetb Egges, 10. tnai^eS, 9, anb fitting open them, hatcfceth young-ones 11.

An Egge is coheres toftha Snell 12. anoer tohtch <0 the white 14. tn th<0 the Yolk. 13.

Cm) ■ ' "i—r

Animal, vivit, fentic, movet fe ^ nafcitur, morittir j nutiitur, & crefcit *, flat, aut fedec, aut cul^at, aut graditur.

Avis, ( h\cAIalcjosi% I, innr.ri , nidulans,) tegitur Plumb, 2. volat Penni's, 3. habet duas Alas, 4. totidem Pedes, 5. Caudam6. & Roftrum 7.

Ppemella, 8 in Nido 9. ponit Ova, 10. lisqueincubans, excludit Pullos. 11.


tegitur Teftd, 12. fub qua eft Albumen, 14. inhocF*W/#j, 13.


Jtvei Dtmejiic*

Tame Fowl.

C43)_ Galius i.

(qui mane cantat) The Cock i.

(feobfebcrotoetb fn a rao*nfng) hath a Comb, 2f anVSpurs; 3. befog geloeo, be fa called a Capon* anotecrammee fit a Coop 4.

A Hen, 5. ferapetb tbe SDtmabtll, anb prefeetbup aa alio tbe Pigeons, 6. (tobfebare brought up fit a Pigeon-houfe 7. ) $ tbe Turkey-Cock 8* foftb bfa Turky-Hen.9.

2Lb& 0aj? Peacock 10. ptfoetb fn bfa feather*

2Lbe Stork, 11. buftoetb bee nett on tbe top of tbe !£oufe*

The Swallow, 12, tbe Sparrow, 13. He Mag-pie, 14. tbe Jackdaw, 15. ano tbe Bat, 16. (0% Flittermoufe) ttfe to fife about $0ureet

habet Crifiamy 2. & Calc aria •, 3. caftratus, dicitur Capo, & faginatur in Ornithotrophio, 4.

Ga Hina, 5. rufpacur &colligit grana: (icut fkColumbd>i 6. ( quae educantur in Cdumbario•, 7.^ & GallopavuSy 8. cum fua Mdcagride. 9.

Formofus Pavo9 1 o. pennis fuperbit.

Ciconia, 11. in tc&o nidijficat.

Hirundo, 12. 13.

14. Aionedula, 15. & ^efpert Mo, 16. ( MusalatusJ volitant circa Domus.







SCije Nightingal i. fingetb HietfoeetUeff of aBf

The Lark 2. fingeth, (10 0)6 flpetb fit t^e afr;

The Quail, 3. Bttfog on tfje g*euno;

Others, G9Lr*0 4. bn t&e bongbo of *0, the Canary-bird, The Chaffinch, The Goldfinch, The Siskin, The Linnet, %\)Z little Titmoufe, The Wood-wall, The Robin-red-breaft, the hedge fparrow, &c.

£be party* coiottreo Parret 5. [The Black-bird, 6. The Stare, 7. toltlj) the Mag-pie, atlD the Jay, leant to frame $pens

3 great many are taent teteftut in Cages. 8.

Lnfcinia^P hilomda 1. cantat fuavillimc omnium.

Aland# 2 cantillat, volitansinaere;

Cot nr nix, 3. humi fedens ♦,

Caeterae,; inramis arborum, 4. ut: Luteola peregrina, FringiHa, Cardndis, Acanthis, Linar ia, parvus Gal<ivdus,\ Rulecula, Cttrruca, &c.

Pfittacns 5. difcolor, I Morula^ 6. i Sturnus, 7. cum & Afoncdulh, difcunt humanas voces ibrmare.

Pleraeque, folent includi Caveis, 8.




Aves Cantpejlrei & Sylveftres,

Birds that haunt the Fields^ and Woods.





SCbe Oftri'ch i. f0tbe greatelt 3S5irD,

2t6c Wren 2. f0tbe lead,

2Lbe Owl 3. file moll oefpfcable,

JBbeWhoophoo 4. tbe mod nadp, fo; ft eatetb dung, £|e Bird of Paradicc 5. teberp rare,

%it Pheafant 6. tbe Buftard 7. tbe deaf wildPeacock 8. tbe Moor-Hen 9. tbe Partridge 10. tbe Wood -cock n. and tbe Thrufti 12. are accounted dalntfca.

atmongft tfje reft, tbe beft are tbe toateb- fal Crane 13. tbemoumfulTurde 14 tbe Cucliow 15. tbe Stock-dove, tbe Speight, He Jay, tbe Crow, &c. 16.

Strut hio I. eft ales maximus*

Regains 2. (Trochilus) minimus •

Noll Hit 3. defpicatillimus •

Vpupa 4- fordidiflimus, ("bus^ refeitur enim ftercorL-

Manucodiata 5 rarillimus.

Phafianus 6. Tarda 7. Tctrao 8. furdus, Attagen 9. Pcrdix 10.

I 6W//tf^o(Rufticola) 11. | & Turdus, 11.

in deliciis habentur. Inter reliquas,

potiftimx funt: Grus 13 pervigil, Tartar 14. gemens. Cue ulus 15 Palumbos Picas, Garrulus, Cornix, &c. 16.




Aves Rapaces.

Ravenous Birds*

( 49 ) imm.. ' iiIni i ,!

The Eagle, i<

fteftfug ofJBfrd*,

lafeeth upon the %m-

The Vulture, 2.

ana the Raheri, 3.

fkb npon


The Kite 4



The Falcon, > 5 •

TheHobbie, 6*

nm the Hawk, 7.

catch at little XSfrttf*

The Gerfalcon, 8.


ano greater Vim*

Aquila^ 1

Rex avium,

Solem intuetur-

Vnltur, 2.

&CorVMS^ 5.

pafeuntur (bus.^

w or tic inis £ cadaveri* *

Aiilvus 4


pullos gallinaceOS'

FdtcO) 5.


& dccifitur, 7,

captart aviculas 5

dftttTy 8,

columbas 5

& aves majored

E A.


Ava AfMile*.

Water Fowl.

I (50

toflfte Swan, 1. TheGoofc, 2, ano the Duck, 3. ftofnt np ano do ton.

The Cormorant 4. Dfbcth*

3ddc to tbefe the water-hen, anD thOPelecan,&c. 10.

The Ofprey, 5. attO the Sea-mew, 6. flpt'ng DoUmtoatDo nfe to catch fitti, bat the Heron 7. ffawofng on the JBanfea.

Bittern, 8* puttetfc fcte to (u into tfyc toater, ano bellotoetb l fisc an^t

%tyt Water-wagtail 9. teagget&tljetafU

Olor i.candidus^ Anf er} 2. & Anas, 3. natant.

Mergns, 4, fe mergit.

His adde Fulicam-y Vdccanum^ &c. 10*

Halicattts 5’ Sc Ga'viay 6. devolantes •,

fed Ardea 7. flans in ripis, cap t ant pifces.

Butio, 8. roftrum aquae infcrit^ & ut bos mugit.

Mot ac ill a 9, motat caudam.

E a Infc&a

C 5* ) ■ i ■■■ 1 ■—1—wm


JufeSia volanti*.


r 9


( 53 )

SltieBee i. matetb $onep> to&t&t&a Done 2. oeboureft)»

SE&aWafp, 3. a«a f 6* Hornet, 4, wolftt tofffr a fffng; anBt&e Gad-bee (0; Breefe) 5. effttfallp Catten; {rtt the Flye 6. ana t&e Gnat 7. ua

W)t Cricket 8. flngetfj..

The Butterflie 9. fa a fofhgta Caterpiller.

SE6e Beetle 1 0, cobereta fter fotoga toftb Cafes.

2£fye Glow-worm 11. ftfnetb b? nfgbt.

Apis 1. facit Mel, quod depafcit Fuchs* 2.

Veffa, 3. & Crabro, 4. aculeo infeftant: & Pecus imprimis, Oeftrum^FiAm r, _) 5. nos autem, AFufca 6. ScCulex 7.

Gryllus 8. cantillat.

Pafillio 9. eft JEm-4 alata.

Scarab ans 1 o. tegic alas Vaginis.

Cicindela £ Lampy- noftunitet. (ris]n.


(54) » ■ i—



& Trimttw


Four-Footed-Bcafts, and firft thofc about the Houfe.



The Dog i. Wth the Whelp a. (0 the h&pe r of the $oafe.

Cants i. cum CateHo, 2. eftcuftosDomfis.

The Cat 3. rfooeth the %onfe OfMice; 4. tetyefc alto a Moufc-trap, 5. noth*

Felts fCatus) 3. domum purgat } Mtiribas• 4. quocl etiam facie Mptfcipula. 5.

The Squirrel, 6. The Ape, 7. attO the Monkey, 8. an kept at home foj eelfght*

SciurtiSy 6. Simia, 7. & Cercopithecus, 8. domi habentur dele&amento.

3the Dormoufc, 9. atto other greater #fte, 10. ae, the Wee fell, The Martin, ano the Ferret, trouble the ^onte*

Glisy 9. & caeteri Mutes majores, 10. ut, Muftela, Manes, Viverra, domum infeftant.

E 4 Peara,




Heard Gattcl«



c 57)

Zi$ Bull i, tie Cow 2. and tic Calf 3. are coieree toitii baf r*

&ieRam, tieWea- ,tfee Ewe 5. (ther4- XltO tie Lamb 6. beartooeL

Stie Hee-goat, tie gelt*Goat 7. toftitie Shee-goat 8. and Kid 9. hade (hag-hair and beards. Sie Hog,tie Sow 10.

and tie Pigs n. bait briftles, but not horns - bat cloven feet too,

%% tiofe otier lab*

Taurus 1. Vaeea 2. & Vit ulus 3. pilis teguntur,

(Vervex) 4. 5.

cum Agno 6. Lanam geftant.

Hire us (Caper) 7,

cumD;^ 8. & H&do 9. habent Villos Scaruncos

Pore us (Scrofa) io. cum Pore ill is 11. habent Set us at non Cornua, fed etiam Vngulus bifulcas, uc ilia.





Labouring Beaftt.


( 59)

3&&C Afs it

an* tie Mule 2.


iaroetw* 2LiO Horfe 3»

(teifei a

Main 4*

graceti) cartieti uo*

&i* Camel 5.

tarrfeti tie sperciant

tofti ite Mareo*

2Lie Elephant 6.

o^afeieti ifo meat to

ifm tofti |f0 Trunk 7.

Ij&iati ttoo Teeth 8.

ffamjfng out? ana la

able to carr? fuUtifr*

tg meat

dfinus 1.

& Afttlus 2.


Onera •

EqntiS 3.

(quern ornat

Juba 4.^

nos ipfos ^

Camelus J. mercatorem

eum mercibus fuis.

Elephas (Barus) 6.

pabulum adtrahic

P rob of ride 7. «

Df#terduos 8

habet prominentes,

& portare poteft

etiamtriginta Viros.


C 60)


Ttr* Ttcndes.

Wilde Cftttel;



Buff i. aito t&e Buffal 2. are tofloe Stifle*

ffifteElke 3. beta* bfotpr than an bojfe ('tubofe bach <0 impenetrable) bath hnaggp bo*n0; a* alfo the Hart 4.

3liSut the Roc 5. and tbe Hinde Calf aU moft none;

SDfce Stone-back 6. huge greatonee;

SDfje Wilde-goat 7. bath ter? tittle ones, bp fobfeb (be bangetb ber felf onaroch.

2Ebe Unicorn 8. bath but one, buttbatapzecfouacne

2Cbe Boar 9. nflTatlctb one foftfj bte tatties.

2Cbe Hare 10. t<3 fearful ♦

®be Cony 11. trtggetb tbecartb; Sis alfo the Mole 12.

tobfcb maketb hillocks

Vths 1. & Bttbaltu 2. funt feri boves.

Aids major equo, (cujus tergus eft inpenetrabilis) habet ramofa cornua t Ut & Cervus 4.

SedCdpm* 5. cum Hinnnlo, ferfc nulla •

Capricornus 6. prargrandia •

Rupicapra 7 minuta, quibus fe ad rupem fufpendit -

Monoctres 8. unum, fed pretiofum.

Aptr 9.

dentibus graffatur,

Lepns 10. pavet.

Cunicultis 11.

terram perfodit * ut& Talpa 12

qua; grumes facie.


f 62)


Fern Bejlix.

Wilde Beafts.



Wilde Beafts iatjc ftxrp patoa,

ano teeth, and are fle65*ater0.

$1* t|e Lyon i.

theiMngeftonrfooteo beat a, bating a mafit, toftb the Lioncfs •

ffiie fpotteo Panther 2*.

Che Tygre 5. the craelleff of all *

SEbe Riaggp Bear 4.

2C&e rabenotio Wolf j.

2Cbe qnfchffgbteo Ounce 6.

&he tapie^ Fox 7.

the craftfett of all. SChe Hedge-hog 8.

(0 pjfckip. i he Badger 9.

aelfgbtetb fa holes*


habent acutos Ungues

& dentes* funtque carnivora?.

Ut, Leo, 1. Rex Qnadrupedum,

jubatus, cum Leana^

Maculofus Tardus ('Pantheraj 2.

Tjgris 3. immaniffima omnium 3

Villofus Vrfus 4.

Rapax Lupus 5.

Zjwa: 6.

vifu pollens#.

Caudata Vulpes 7.

omnium aftutiffima, Erinacens 8.

eft aculeatus. Melts 9.

latebris gaudet.



SerptttUt & Reptihr«

Serpents and creeping things.




Snakes creep kf teftnfng tfeemfeltoto;

%\t Adder i. fit tftft tBOOD •,

Cke Water-Snake 2. intke (*arter;

C#r;yiper 3. among great (tones,

Afpe 4. tn tflfe Selos •

flC&e Boa (pi Mill- Snake j!) fn^onfea.

Cke Stow-worm <>. i* Wfntrc*

Angues, repunt finuando fc s

Coluber I. in Sylv* ^

Natrix (hydra) 2. in Aqua •,

Viper a 3. in Saxis^

Afpus 4a in Gampis*,

Boa 5. in Domibus,

Coe cilia 6. eft cceca.

SDfie Lizzard 7. an* t&e Salamander S. (t^atlfoetblonglntbe fire) fjase feet

SDIjC Dragon 9. a winged Serpent fcfi5 letb toftlj bte bjeatb •

SEfje Bafilisk 10. toftb fef* epe$> attD tfce Scorpion 11.

&fa pogfonous tapir*

Lacerta 7. Salam^ndrA 8.

in igne vivax, Pedes habent.

Draco 9.. Serpens a lat us, balitu ♦,

Baft life hs ic.

Oculis •, Scorpins 11

venenaca cauda, necantes.

F Craw


Crawling Vermin. InfiSta

Worms gnato things •

ffifje Earth-worm i. the earth -,

&be Caterpiller 2. the plant,

2Ehe Gralhopper 3. the

SDbe Mite 4. the Com,

I Vermes, res rodiuit:

Lumbricus 1. terram •

Ernest 2* plantam y

Cicada, 3 fruges y

Curcutio 4 frumenta y



Che Timber-worm j. WOOD •

Che Moth 6. a garment *

Che Book-worm 7. a Booh;

Maggots 8. iflefl) ano C&&fe s

Hand-worms the hafr, Che fchfppfng Flea 9. theLowfe 10. ano the ttfnkfng Wall-loufe 11. bfte uOf

Che Tike 12. tea blooO'facfccr.

Che Silk-worm 13. maketh CUu

Che Pifmire 14 to painful*

Che Spider 15. toeaheth a Cobweb, nets to* flfeg*

Che Snail 16. carrieth about her Snail-horn.

Teredo (coffus) 5, ligna-.

Tinea 6 Veftem ^

BUtta 7. Librum ^

Termites 8* carnem & cafeuna ^

Acari, Capillum.

Saltans Putex 9* Pedie tilhs 10.

feetens Cimex li¬

nos mordent. Ricinus 12.

fahguifugus eft* Bombjx 13.

facie fericum. Formica 14*

eft laboriofa. Aranea l5-

texit araneum, muftis retia.

Cochlea 16.

teftam circumfert.



Creatures that live as well by Water as by Land.


Creatnre* tljat lftjc bp lano mu bp toater are,

abC Crocodile j.

«rrnel ant) pitting IBeatt of tie Hitter Nilus ■ ZIlO Caftor 0) Beaver 2. bab fits feet Utse a <$eofes to ftofm, ano a ftalp tapl;

Cbe Otter 3. tbe troabing jfrog4. toftf) tbe Toad,

Tortoife 5. totem aboi^c ano beneath toftb Sela, aatoft&aacargett

In terra & aqua

viventia funt,

Crocodiles 1. immanis

& praedatrix beftia iV>7f flutninis •,

Caftor (Fiber) 2, habens

pedes anferinos


& caudam fquameam •

Lntra 3. &coaxans^^ 4,

cum Bttfone,

Xcftudo 5. fupra & infra teftisj

ceu feu to,



_ ( 70 ) XXXIV.

River Fifh and PifceJ Fluviatilc* & Pond Filh. Lachjiret.

fl Fifh ftatftFins i. (ctft, toftft toftfcft ft flsfnt5

ana Gills 2. (bjeat&, ftp foftfii) It fc&etb

Prickles in(f cab of bones: fteftoes, tfte Male ftatb a Melt, fmo tbe Female a Row.

foome ftatyg Scales^

Bifcis habet Finn at, i, quibus natat *, & Branchiate 2. quibus refpirat •, & Spinas, loco odium: praeterea. Mas, lattes *, Foemina, Ova.

Quidam habent S<j#amas,


aetbeCarp 3. attD m Luce 0} Pike 4.

feome are fleeft, aatpeEele 5. anp tpe Lamprey 6

®peSturgion 7. PaDfng a ftarp fnout, grotoetb longer tpah a man;

2t!)e Sheath-fifh 8. patrfng lofoe cpeefco, fe bigger tben pe*

35ut tpe Hufon 9. <0 tpe< greatett.

Minewes 10. ftof mmf ng bp ftjoalo, are tbe leatt*

jSHbere of tbf 0 fo*t, are tpe Perch, tbe Bley, t|t Barbel, tpeEfch, tpe Trout, $ Gudgeon,$ Tench n

SDpe Crab-fifti 12. fst coper eo toftb a (hell, ano ft batb claws, ana cratoletb fojfcoaroe t backlnaroe

Stbe Horfe -leech 13. fodtetb blooOf

ut Carpio 3 Lucius (Lupus) 4.

Alii font glabri, UC, Anguilla 5 Muftela 6.

Accipenfer(Stvurio) 7. mucronatus, ultra longitudinem viri excrefcit ^

S Uterus 8 bucculentus, major iilo eft;

Sed maxi mus Antaceus (Hufo •,) 9.

Apua 10. gregatim natantes, funt minutifiimi.

Alii hujus generis funt, Perea, Alburnus, Mulltis (barbus) T hymallns, Trutta, Cobius0 Tinea 11.

Cancer 12, tegitur crufta^ habetque Joel as* & graditur porro & retro.

H*rudo 13 fugit fanguinem.

F 4 Ma*

<7* )


Marini Pifcef, & Conch*.

Sea-Fifb, andShel-Flfti.

SD^t Whale i. <9 the grcateft cf the&ea‘jH(h.

The Dolphin 2. the ftoffteft,

2Dhe State 3, . themoftmonttroua,

Others are the Lamprel, 4. StheSalmon,! the lax,5

(73 )_ Pifcium marinorum

inaximus efl: BaLtna ( Cetus) i.

Dtlfhinn.f 2. velociiiimus,

3. monOxofiflimus.

Alii iunt, Mwahm-Li^ 4. Salmo (Elox^J 5,

Eborrarealfo if till that % 6.

3tooe Herrings, 7. to&icb are b;ouobt pfc&ltf), an& Place, 8

ant) Cods, 9. to&feljarc biongbt D*p, f the &e3*monffcr0, tbcSeal, 10. ano tlje Sea-horfe^ fc*

Shel-fifh 11. babe fhcls.

2DbC Oyfter 12.

nffittOetbftorirtmcat E&* Purple-iifh 13.

purple ^ &be other

Pearls, 14.

Dantur cliam Volatiles. 6.

Adde HaJeccs, 7. qui fall*,

& PsijfereSj 8. cum stjcllis, 9. qui arefadi, adfernntur :

6c monftra marina, 1’ihKdm, 10. Hippopotamum^ &c.

Concha ii.

Iiaber ceftas. Oft re a 12.

dat lapidam carnem. Alar ex 15.

purpuram ^





C?5) —Tin ,j —wmi ■ i 11 I., ui..i «■„,

Adam, i. tbe firft span, toao maoe bp dDob, after tbe 3mage ot (^ou, tbe Crtb bap of tbC Creation, of a lump of Cartb 5

jSltD Eve, 2. tbe firtt Momau5 teas maoe of a SUb of tbe $pam Cbefe, befng tempteb

bp tbe Devil, urioer tbe tbape of a Serpent, 3. foben tbep baa eaten of tbe fruft of tbe fojbfooeit Tree, 4* foere conoemneo tomifery 5. ano oeatb, totcballtbefr potferftp, anbcatt out of Paradife 6.

j4danJuf'i 1. primus Homo, fexte die Creationis, *Deo, ad imaginem Dei, e gleba terra?;

& Heva, 2. > prima Mulier, e cofta viri, format! funt.

Hi, ^ Viabolo.

fub fpecie

Serpentis, 3. fedufti, cum comede- rent defrudu arboris vet it a, 4.

ad miferlarn 5, & mortem, cum omni pofteritate fu*, damnati 8c c Pdradifo 6. ejedifunt.


C 76 )


Septem Mtatef Hominis.

. ■■■ .. ■ , , T ,Ufc

+ •»-

The fcven Ages of Man.

( 77 )


firs an Infant, I,.

t|#t a Boy, a*

tten a Youth, 3.

tften a Young-man, 4.

ttenaMan, 5. ("man, 6.

after ttat, an Elderly-

ano atlaft,

a decrepidoldMan, 7*

do alfo

fn tde ot^er fex,

ttere are, a Girle, 8.

ADamofel, 9.

A Maid, 10.

A Woman, 11.

an Elderly Woman, 12.

anD a decrcpid old

woman. 13.

Homo eft

prim^m Infans^ 1.

deinde Puer, 2.

turn Adolefcens, 3.

inde Invents, 4.

poftei Vir, 5.

dehinc Senex, 6.


Silicirnihm. 7.

Sic etiam

in altero Sexu,

font. Pupa, 8.

Puclla, 9.

Virgo, 10.

Muller, 11.

Vetnla, 12.

decrepita. 13. Mmbra*

f 7® )


The outward parts, Membra Hominlt of a Man. Externa.

Caput, i. Wabobt, the Feet, 10. tttotp.

Cbefojepart of the Neck, (ttbift cnhtf, at the Arm*holes 2.*) (0 fteThroat, 3. tbcb(ui>ef?9Art rhe Crag, 4.

(Cb* Bread, $. anbtebtfojc, the back: 6, btblnbet

Caput i.eftfnpri, infra. Penes, sb.

Colli ('quod definlt in AxilUs 2.) pars anter ior, ell Jugulum i a. pofterior, Cetvix. 4.

P»Au, {. eft ante; tctibyDorfumt 61


Stamen babe In it tfDODugs 7. toftl) Nipples;

©toUrtbe bjtaft tithe Belly, 9. in tt)i nubble of ft, the Navel, 10. fltrtwwatb tfce groyn, 11. atttl the privities.

Shoulder* blades, are bebfnbe the Back, 12. on Sofefcfy tbe Shoulders,beptnn !g. an djtfethe Arms‘f4. With the Elbow, 1$; anb thtn, the hinds on cither fide, the right, 8. atttl the left, i6.

Cb* met to the (bonlbera* are the Loyns 17. OOttb the Hips, i8.* antifn the breech, the Buttocks 1 19.

Cfcefemahetbetfooti TbeThigh, 21. then the Leg, 2g. (the Knee tef»8 betfoijt them 22)

in tebftb 10 the Calf, 14. Softy (he Shin, 25. then, theAnckles, 26. The Heel, 27. anti the Sole, 28. in the berp enb, tbe great Toe, 29. wftb four CotVO Toe*,

in illo funt Faeminis, bin a: Mamma 7. cum Papillis.

Sub peftore eft Venter *, 9. in ejus medio, Vmbilicus, 10. fubtas Ingueny 11. & pudenda.

A tergo, funt Scapula, 12. & quibus pendent Humeri, ig. ab h\srBracht*> 14, cum Cubit oy 1$.

inde, ad utrumq*, latus%

ManuSy Dextera 8, & Sinijlra 16.

Hameros, cxcipiunt] Lumbi 17. cum CoxiSy 18. & in Podice (culoJ Nates. 19.

P edem abfolvunt 9 Femury 21. turn CruSy 2g.

(intermedio Genu 22,} in quo Sura, 24. cum Tibiaf 25. abhinc Tati, 2 6.

Calx ( CalcaneamJ 27. & Solum, 28. in exrremo Hallux 29. com quatuor Digiti*,


Caput cr I&wits. The Head and the Hand.

gttthe Head m, The Hair, if (tobicb is combea tmt&aCcimb, If) tfcDO'Eares, 3* The Temples, <♦ ant> theface, 5#

3ln the if ace are, the Forehead, 6f batft the Eyes, 7. The Nofe, 8. ( Wt& ttoo Noftrils) TheMout^, 9.

In Capice Tune Capillus, u ((jui peftitur Vettine 2.) Anresi- binar, &. Temp ora, 4* Tacks. 5.

In facie flint - Frons, 6. Qcuius 7. uterq^, iV4/#.r 8.

- (duabus Narifats) Osy 9.

tie Cheeks i o. 9n& the Chin. 13.

SDIe Mouth id ffencet) tot t| a Muftacho, 1 u ant) Lips-, 12 a Tongue ant) Palate, ant) Teeth 16. in t|e Cheekbone. 0 ^ana Chin i* to*

tereo fc)f t| a Beard ^ 2 4, anotlecpe, (in fcoltcl id t|e white ant) the Apple) with eye-lids* and an eye-brow 15.

The Hand being ClOfeD,id a Hfl:* 17. being open, tea palm, 18. (hollow 19. in t|e mioft, id tie of t|e Hand* t|e ertrec 'ntitp id the Thumb,20* toitl tour Fingers, the fore-finger, 21. the middle-finger, 22. the Ring-finger, 23. auD the little-finger,24. 3neberponearetl>ee joynts a.b.c. (d.e.f. ano ad man? knuckles fottl a Nayl, 25.

Gena (Mate) 10. & Mentum. 13.

Os feptumeft Mjftace* ii. & Labiis * 12. Lingua cum Falato, Dent ib us .16 in Maxillh.

Men turn virile tegitur Barbby 14. O cuius vero, (in quo Albugo & Papilla) palpebrls Qcfaprrcilic. iy.

Manus contract, Pagnns 17. eu* aperta, Palma* 18. in medio, 19.

extremitas, Pollex5 20. cum quatuor Digit is. Indice, 21*. Medio, 22. Annulari 23. & Auriculari* 24*.

In quolibet funt articuli tres aJb.c. & totidem Candyli d.e.f, cum Vngue. 25*


(8* )

X L. The Flefh and Caro &• Vi-

the Bowels, fccra.

31 * tbc Body fire $ Skin tottl) Membranes, t\)z fiefh ttjftb ? mufcles, tfje Chanels, tbO Grilles.,. t> bones | tb&bowels

Skm i. befits pull'o off# fleftu appear etiMtot in a con5 tftnieo lump, but befng offfrfbuteo, aoittaere into ffufft puopingpo to&kb tjjep colt mufeks

In Corf ore funt Cutis cum Membranis, Caro cum Mufculis, Canales, Cartilapnes, Ojja & Vifcera.

Detra&i Ott i. apparet C*™ 2. non continua mafia, fed diftributa, tanquam. in farcimina,

quod voc&nt Ahtjctlas, tober*

C%) thereof there are rec* kotieO four hundred and fivc,befog tbe Chanels Of the Spirits to mobe the members. Bowels are $ fntoatD members, as, fit $ beat $ brain 3. befog compacted about toftb a skull, atto the skin which cbvereth the Skul. Bin tbe bjett,f heart 4. cobereo with a thin skin -about it, ana fbe Lungs 5. bjeatbfogtoanofro.

Bin tbe Belly, tbe Stomach 6. ana tbe Guts 7. cohereo tof tb a Kell; tbe Liver 8. ane on tbe left ffoeop5 poflteagafoftft^milt9 tbe tfoo kidneys 10. ant) tbe bladder 11.

ffb e toeaft j fo ofbfoeo from tbe bell? bp a thick mem- j b&ane, toblcb teealleo tb« Mid-riff 12*

quorum numerantur quadringenti qninque

canales Spirit uum ad movendiim membra,

Vifcera, funt membra interna:

lit, in Capite, Cerebrum 3. circumdatum Cranio & Peri cranio.

In Pe&ore, Cor 4. obvolutuni Pericardio 5

& Pttlmo 5. refpirans.

In Ventre, Ventriculm 6. & Inteftina 7* obduda Omento Jeear (Hepar) 8. & a finiftro ei oppofitus Lien 9. duo Penes 10 cum Vefick 11.

Pedus 2) Ventre dividitur craffa membra na, quae vocatur Diaphragm* 12.


CH)__ — " XLL ^ The Chanels 8c Bones Canales & Off a.

%[)c Chattels of tbe boop are, tie "Veins, carpfng tbe bloos from tbeUfber, ("heat 'SM Arteries earring

atlD life from tb^ heart- 2Dbo Nerves carrpfng

fenfe atlO motion, throughout the boop, from the brains pm (ball fin& tfjefe

tb>ee i. (getbet* eberp tubere lopneo to* i5*eoe0,fromf moutb

Cwales Corporis fu& rf^jSanguinem, ex Hepate * Arteria, calorem & VitAnh c Corde -y

Nervi, S enfant & Mot am % Cerebro, per Corpus deferences.

Haec tria,r.

ubique fociata invenies. Porrfc, ab ore



tatothe ftomachte tt^c Gulkt 2. the Snap of the meat anti sjtrtfc $ cWczand $. auJi jg *sto ifce light* the fo; breathing: from tht rortwch totb* arfc f8 a greacGur. 3. to f&urge sot the Ordare 5 from the&ib«t, to the! the Ureter 4. (UftafcbCC, fo; tnafciag water.

The Bones art, fnefijj'l&e&fe, the Skull, 6. thf tfbo Cheek-bones 7: jmftbthkt^ttoo Teeth, 9.

Chen the back* bone, 9 thtiBM ** bob*> canpttig of thiwp font turning joy tits, that the bofcp mopbeubititlf.

The Ribs, 10. S»bercof inmate XXIV.

The Breaft-bonc, ii* the ttDO Shoulder* blades,! 2 The Buttock-bone, 13. the bigger Bone In the Arm, i$. (Arm, 8Ufl the letter-bone, in the the Thigh-bone, 14- thefofemoft,id. atth the hintmiott Bone, in the Leg, 17; Che boned of the Hand 18.

arc thirty font, and of the Foot, 19. thfotp.

The Marrow htinthe 2$one*.

1 in Ventriculum, Gula> a. via cibi ac Potus i & juxtjl hanc, ad Pulmonem Guttur, $ . pro refpiratione j

. aventriculp ad Anm*i»

Cdlum 3. ad excernendum S tercut j ab Hepate ad yeftcam, V iher 4. reddendsellrinse.

Ojfafant: in Capite, Calvaria, 6- duae Maxilla, 7.

‘ cum XXXH. Dentibus i 8. Turny6pina dorfi, 9.

fcorporis coluuini^ ' conftans ex XXXIV* /ertebrif, uc Corpus fe fleftere qneac >

Cojl<e, na. quarum vigintl qiaatuor j

Ospelloris, 11. du« Scapula, 12. Osfejjibuli, 13.

Lacerti 15. & Vlna%

Tibia, 14. Fibula id. anterior

& pofterior. 17. Ofla Manils, 18.

func triginta quacuor, JWiV, 19- triginca.j

In Offibus eft Medulla.

G 3 The

(86) X L11.

The outward and Senftts extend inward Senfes. 0“ inter/ti.

Cftere arc flue outtoara Senfes j

%t)C Eye i.’ feetI) colours, btyat (stobfteoj blacfc, green 01 bleto, reo o} pelloto.

%%e Ear 2. bearetb Sounds, both natural, Ulofrea ana Wo*as; ana artificial, mnfical Sanee*

Senfus externi funtquinque j

Oculns i. videt colores, quid album vel atrum, virideyel coeruleum, rubrum aut luceura, fit.

Anns 2.

audit Sonosy turn naturaies. Voces & VetM j turn artificiales, Tonos Muficos,


C|e |Nofe 3.. fenteth Intel# anb ftinfco.

C&c Tongue 4. fetth Ac roof of tb« month tafteth fabouto, What in facet oa bitter, beenoxbfc fobox o»barfy. (ting,

CboHand 5. bp touching difcerncth the qnantitp anb quality of thtago, tbebof anb colb, tbemofft anb b>p, the barb anb (oft, the (mooth anb reugb, the heat))? anb tight

Che itfaarb Scnfcs are three*

Common* fenfe 7: ttnbCt the forepart of the apprehenbetb (head, tbingtftaben from the ontaarb j&cnfeo-

Che Phantafie 6. unber the crown of the head f nbgetb of thofe thingo, tbinbetb anb bjeatwtb.

Che Memory 8. unber the hinder part of the

lapetb up there tbfHB(head anb fctchetb them ont: ttlofittbfome, anb tbfii# forgetfulnefs.

Sleep, fothefWIotthf^enfa.

Nafus 3. olfacit Odores, & Faetores.

Lingua 4. cum Palato J guff at Sapores, quid dulce aut amarum, acre auc acidum, acerbum aut aufterum.

Manus $. dignofeit tangendo rerum Quantitatcm & Qualirarem, calidum& frigidtim, humidum & ficcum, durum & naolle, Ixve & afpetum, grave & leve.

Senfua interni funt tres.

Senfus communis 7. fub fincipite, apprehendit a Scnfibus exterms percepras res.

Phantafia 61 fub vert ice, dijudicatresiftat, cogitar, fomniac.

Memoria 8. fub occipitio, lingula recondk & depromit r quasdam deperdit, & hoc eft Oblivio.

Somnus eft Senfuuoa requies.

G 4 The

v *» ; _i —..


The Soul of man. Anim homitiis.

JDbe Soul fstljeltfcof t^eboDp, oncrntbsinbote :

Vegetative fit Plants. CST'iftal fenfitive in .Animals •

SktfJ 2lfo Rational lil man*


3*1 tlje underftanding

Anim a eft vita corporis, in toto una:

Tantain Vegetativa, in PlAntis •

Simul Senfitivay in Anunalibas *,

Etiarri Rationalis, in Hotnine.

Haec confiftit in tribus;

In iT/«*tt(Intelleftu) to&erg5

r*9> fnherebp it iubgeth, anb un&erftanbeth a thing g®b anb ebilt, o% trne o; apparent;

Bln the will, toberebp tt ehcofetfB anaoetlretb, o; rejecteth <n mf aifteth a thing knoton*

Bln the Mind, laherebp (t purtoeth the goit) chofen^ o; abofbeth the ebill rejetfeb*

®?enee is hope, anb Fear, in the befire anb biflike;

l&ence is love anb joy, in the frnftfon;

31Bttt Anger, anb Grief, fn tottering. JDhe true judgment of

a thing io Knowledge •, the falfe ig Error, Opinion 3anb Sufpition.

qua cognofcit & intelligit, Bonum ac Malum, vel verum5vel apparens*.

In Voluntate,

qua digit & concupifcit, aut rejicit & averfatur cognitum •

In Animo,

quo profequitur Bonum eledum, vel fugit Malum rejedum.

Hinc Spes}

& Timor,

in cupidine & averfatione.

Hinc Amor & Gaudinm,

in fruitione: Sed Ira

ac Dolor,

in pafhone. Verarei cognitio,

efl: Scientia *,

falfa, Error-, Opinio, Sufpicio.






Deformed and Monftrous People.



Monftrous jmo deformed people, are t|ofe tobfe& offfer In t lie boup from the e&otaarp fljape; as are, the Inge Gyant, i. tfte little Dwarf, 2+ One with two bodies,3. Ojie with two heads, 4. a facb like spongers*

Amohgfi tbefe are reckoned. The jolt headed, 5. The great Nofed, 6. The blubber-lipped,7. The blub-cheefced, 8. The gogglfc-eyed, 9. The wry-necked, 10. The great-throated, 11. The crump-backed, 12. The crump-footed, 13. the ftceple-crowned,i 5 mt tot&efethe Bald-pated. 14*

JMonftrofi & Deformes funt abeuntes corpore a comrauni forma: ut funt, immanis Gigas, 1. nanus Pumilio, 2. Bicorptr, 3. Biceps, 4. & id genus Monfti

His accenfentur:

Capito, 5. jV**/?, 6. Labeo, 7, Bucco^ 8. Strabo, 2. Ob flip us, 10. Strumofus, 11. Gibbofus, 12. Loripes ,13. 07* • 15. adde Calvafirum, 14.


C 92 )


The D refling of Hortorum cultnra. Gardens.

tiOebabef&n ^ait; let ii0 go eti to

spans living, anoto H a n d y-c r a ft-Tr ad es, tohfc&tenotoft.

SSbeffrflU moffsn* Went fullcnance, 1t)ZXC tfte fruits of the earth.

hereupon the itr51* labour of Adam, id*s - the circling of a garden, f *1 he Gardiner 1. Ofn;' gcU) (n a garden-plot, ,

Hominem vidimus: Jam pergamus ad Vittum honainis, & ad Aytes Mccbanlcas, quae hoc facinnt.

Primus & antiquifii- ViB'tts, ( mus 7 iyy& Fmges :

Hinc primus Labor Adarni, H Yti-cnltura.

i hr t a!antis (Olitor) 1 in Viri&ario fodit.

( 93 ) toft?) a Spade 2. 0£ Mattock, 3. ano maf'etl) Beds 44 ano places wherein to plant Trees 3 5. on tobfcbbefettetb Seeds a 0 plants.

The Tree Gardiner 6.

planted JCree*, 7. to an Orchard, ano sraftetb hens 8. to Stocks, 9.

^efencethhtodDar5 oen, either bp Care, toftb a mound, 10. 0} a flone-wall, 11. O^araih 12. 0} Pales, 13. 0; a Hedge, 14. mabcof Hedge-flakes, anO bindings 3

bp Mature, tottb Brambles $ Bryars. 15. Jtfsbeautifieo

toftb Walkes 16. anD Galleries, 17.

toatereo toftb Fountains 18. ano a watering-pottle

Ligone 2*. aut Bipalio^* facitq-, Pulvinos 4.

ac Plant aria 3 5. quibusinfert Semina & Plantas.

Arborator 6. in Pomario plan tat Arbores} 7. inferitque Sure A os 8. Viviradicibus. 9.

Sepit Hortum, vel Cura, Iviuro, 1 o. aut Macnie, 11. au tVaccrra, 12. aut Planets, 13. aut Sepe 14. flex3 e fudibus & vitilib us 3

Vel Natura, T)umis fkVepribus. 15,

Ambulacris 16. & Per gulps 17. ornatur.

Fontanis 18. & Harp agio 10. rigatur.


C94) xlvx

The Plow-man i. pohtth Oxen 3. to a Plough, 2. ano holoeth the Plow.'ftilt, 4 fit h<« left’han® an# the Plow-ftaff 5. hfscfghthant) (toit^tohtchherec tnoheth clods 6.) he cutteth the llano Ctohfch tea# manure# alojetofthDungS) lDftha<bare,7- an# a Coulter,

jirator t. jungit Boves 3- Aratro, 2. &, tenens laeva £*«"*»*, 4,

I dextr l Rail am 5, i

; qua amovet

Glebes, 6. terram feindit Vomere, & Dentali ) 7, anteijwiw 8. StttQftUBh

cw ano ma&eth furrows 9.

%\)tn fie fowech the Seed 10. anUharroweth ft ft! tofth a Hafrow* n.

The Reaper 12. ffjeareth the IRfpe Co*n tof th a Sickle, 13. gathered up the handfuls, 14. (15. $ bfnueth the fheaves.

TheThrafher 16. tfftatfcetb Co;n on the Barn floor 17. toftha flayl, 18, toffeth It fn a winnow¬ ing-basket, 19. anofo lohen the chaff, attO the draw, 20. are feparateo from it, he putteth ft Into Sacks

The Mower 22. (21. mafceth Hay in a'Me; dow, cuttfng oofom Grais tofth a Sithe, 23. anorafcetb ft together tofth a Rake, 24.. he maftetb up cocks,26 tofth afork,25. (27. f carrfeth ft on cariages into the Hay-Barn* 28.

facitque Sulcos. 9. Turn feminat

Semen 10.

& inoccat Occh .1. Afefj'or 12.

metit fruges maturas Fa Ice mefforiA, 13.

colligit Afanifulos, 14, & colhgztMergetes. 15.

Xritor 16.

in are& Horrci 17. trituratTrumentum Flagello (tribula) 18. jaftat VentilabrOy 19* atque ita,feparata Pale A & Stramine, 20.

congeritin Sacc$sy 21. Fcenifeca 22,

in Prato facit Fcennm, defecans Gramen Falcefeenarid, 23,

corraditq- Raftro^ 24. componic Acervos 26. Farchy 25. & convehit Vehibus 27. in Fcrnile. 28.

Pec uaria *

<9* J

X L V11.

Grafing. TecuarU.

Tillage of ground, & keeping Cattle,toas fn olD time ttie Care of fein&s i j&oble’mem at this oap onelp of the meaneft fo;t of people*

The • Neat-heard i. caReti) oat the heards, 2 oat of the beafthoufes 3 WthaHorn,4. (fceD* ano D^iheth them to *

Agrorum cult vs & res' fecuaria, ( bus,^- antiquifitmis iempori- Regum, Heroum 5 hodie tantfcm inhmx Plebis, Cura eft.

Bub tile us 1. /

evoeat Armentst 2. N ,

hBovilibus 3. Buccina.^ Cornu) 4* & pafyim duck*

(§7 ) SMt Shepherd 5. feeDetb bfa Flock 6. being furnffbeo foftb a Pipe 7. an0aScrip,8 anD a Sheep-hook 9. babfngUntbbfm a great Dog 10. fertceo toftb a Collar 11. ajafnft tbeMoltie?.

Swine 12. are tea out of a Swine-Trough.

SCb*Farmers wife 13.

tbe Udder OlffljeCow 14. aftfjS Cratch 15. Otief aTviilk-pale 16. anomafectb Butter of! a Churn 17.

anoCheefes 18. of Curds. J£be Wool 19. U tt)o*ne from Sheeps tobereof federal gar¬ ments aremaue*

Ofilio (Paftor) 5. pafckGr^gm, 6.

inftruftus FiftuU 7, & ?er&, 8 ut & Fedo 9. habens fecum Moloftum 10. munitum„ contra L’upos, Millo 11.

Sties 12. ex bar# aquatic tilo faginantur.

Villicn 13. mulget vacc* Vbera 14, ad Prafepe 15. luper Mt:ldr<i 16, & facit in Vafe butjracfo 17. Bhtjrum e llore LafHs, &e Coagtda Cufcos 18.

Ovibfis detondetur Lana 19> ex qua conficiuntur variae Vefles,


C 9* )



The making of Honey.

%\Z Bees feno out a fwarm i ano fet olocr ft, a Leader 2.

JLbat ttoarm, befog reaop toflfeafoap (0 recalleo bp tbe tfofelfog of a Brazen veflel 3. ano fa put up into a nefo Hive 4.

ffibep matte Ifttle pei^ iBttbtlp cetera 5 ano fill them fcoftb Honey-dew, ano matte Combs 6. out of tobfcb tbe Honey rnnnetb 7.

Che Partitions

befog melteotoftl fire, turn (nto Wax 8.

Apes emittunt Examen 1 adduntque illi Ducem (Regem) 2

Examen illud, avoiaturum, revoeatur tinnitu Vafis ane'u 3. & includitur novo Alveari 4

Struunt tie Hulas fexangulares 5 eafqne corqplenC melligine, & taciunt Eavos 6. £ quibus Mel eifluit 7,


igne liquatfy abeuntin Ceram 8.

H 2 Mg






3n a Mill i. 0 Hone 2. runneth upon stone 3

SI Wheel 4. turning them about, ana grfnietbcoan pou= reo fn bp a Hopper 5. ano partetb tbeBran 6. fallfng Into tbe Trough 7. from tbe Meal flfppfng tbaougb a Boulter 8.

&ucb a $fll, teas fir ft a Hand-mill 9.

then a Horfc-Mill 10.

then a Water-Mill 11. ana a ship-mill 12.

ano at laft, a Wind-Mill 13.

In McU 1. currit Lapis 2. fuperlapidem 3.

circumagente Rota 4.

& content per Infundibulum 5. infufa Grana, feparatque Furfurem &. decidcntem in Ciftam 7. & Farini ('Polline) elabentc per Excuforium 8.

Talis mola, primum fuit, IManuruia 9,

deinde, Jumcntaria 10.

turn aquatic a 11. & Navails 12.

tandem, Alata( pneumatica) 13.






JCfoe Baker i. fiftetli the Meal fn a Rindge 2. ano putteth ft fnto the Kneading-trough 3.

%\)zn hepotojetb toater to ft, ano mafcetb Dough 4. ano fcneaocth ft tofth a toooocn nice 5.

Cheri he maketh Loaves 6. Cakes 7. Cimnels 8. Rolls 9. &€♦

aftertoaros bo fet* teth them on a Peel 16. ano putteth thorn tbo rofop Oven-mouth 12. fnto the Oven i u

J5at firft hepulleth out the fire, ano the coalo tofth a Coal-Rake 13. tohfch he lapeth on a heap unoerneath 14;

#«o thus U Bread bafceo, hahfng the Cruft tofthout 15. ano § Crumb tofthfn 16

I Piftor I. cernit Farina#* Cribro 2. pollinario,

indie % Akattra 3.

turn affundit aquam,

l & facie Maft am 4. | depfitque

; fpatka 5. ligneS-^ dein format

Partes 6. Placentas 7.

| Si mi l as 8. I Spiros 9.

Poll: imponic 10.'

& ingeric Fur no 11. per Prafurnium 12.

Sed prifcs eruit

Rutabulo 13. ignem &Carbones,( quos infra congerit 14*

Et fic pinfitur Panisy hafoens extra Cruft am 15. incus Micam 16*

H 4

<104 >




*- ^—r*

('05) The Fifher-man i.

catcheth jHft>

either on the (hoar,

tofth an Hook, 2*

fobfcbb angetb bpa line

from tf)e angling-rod,

ano on fo&ftb

the bait fffchetfl;

0* toitb a

Cleek-Net, 3.

tobfcb fcangfng

on a Pole, 4*

te put fnto the iuatcr 3

OJ fit a Boat, 5.

to(tb a Trammel-Net <5.

02 foftha Weel, 7*

tobi'ch fa lafo m


Pifcator 1.

captat pifces,

five, in littore*

Hamo 2.

qui ab sir undine

filo pendet,

& cuiinfueret



Fptndhy 3.

qua: pendens

Perth a, 4.

aqua: iimnittitur ^

five, in Cymb*, 5.

licti, 6.

five Naffd, 7.

quje per Noftem

demergicur. Atictifirttn.



Fowling. AncHpiwfi-

ThcPowlcr i. mafeetb abed, 2. Ip^eaoctb a Bird-net. 3*

tfcotnctb baft 4. upon ft, f bfofngbfw* fetffita ^ut 5^ be alltirct b ISf W.

Ancefs 1. exftfuit • Are am, •!. fuperftruit illi ^f^aucupatorium, 3.

obfipat Efcam, 4. &, abdens fe in Utibulum 5. alliptayfs*

<*°7) bp t|e ebtepfng of lure-birds, to|tc| part- |op upon t|e beo, 6. ano are par tip (but ft! 'Cagee, 7* ano t|uo be

entangletb Srros t|at ftp ober, fa bfo telirft t|cp fettle tbemfelbcfli ooton;

0* befettetl Snares, 8. on fcobicb t|ep bang, auo ffrangle tftetnfelbes;

o* befettetb lime-Twigs 9: OH a Perch, 10+ upon iDbfcb if'tbcp fit, tbep entorap tbefr leathers, that t|ep cannot flp afoap, ana fall Ooton to t|e grouno;

o^becatcbetb t|em toftb a Pole* SrtO a Pic-iall. 12*

Cantu Jllicum, qui partim in area currunt, 6. parrim Caveis inclufifunt; 7. atque ita reti obruit tranfvolantcs aves, dum fe demictunt:

auttendic Tendiculas-t 8. quibus feipfas lufpendunt &fuffbcant •

autexponit vifcatos calttnios 9.


quibus fi infident, implicant Pennas, ut nequeant avolare, & decidunt in terrain :

auc captat Per tic<*, 11.

vel DeciphlA. 12. Vcnatt's.

C108 )

L I 11.




( I09) The Hunter i.

hnnteth wilde-beads* totrfl'ft he befetteth a

fofth Toyls, 2, ffrctchco oat,' open Shoars 3*

%\Z Beagle 4*(rbea(t, tr uetb the totloe* ana ftaoetb him oat bp t|e font; the Tumbler, OZ Grayhound, 5. purfaeth iU

JChe Woolt, Crttleth into SPit; 6> the Stag, 7..

a*be runneth atoap, fntoToyles.

% he Boar, 8. tettrncfc thozoto fcofth a Hunting-Spear, 9.

SDhe Bear 1 o. t0 bitten bp 2>o ana fa fcnoefceb tofth a Club, 1 n

3f anp thing get atoap, fteteapeth, 12. as here a Hare, and a Fox.

Venator I. venaturferas, dum fylvam cingjt Caffibus, 2% tends fuper Varos{ furcillas)^.

Canisfagax 4. yeftigat feram, aut indagat - odoratu • Vertagus 5. perfequitur.

Lupus, incidit in Love am *, 6. fugiens Cervus, 7. in plagas.

traniverberatur Venabnlo. 9.

Vrfiis IQ, mordetur a canibus, & tumditur ClavL 11.

Si quid effugit, evadit, 12. uthxc Lepus & Vulpes.








The Butcher, i. Mfletfc fat Cattle, 2*

(The lean 3. ate not fit to eaO heftfioefeeth them Ootom tofth an Ax, 4- 0* cutteth their throat fofth a flaughter-knife5. he fieaeth them, 6. and catteth them In pieces, * batigeth out the fiefij, to fell (n the Shambles 7.

!£eo;etTethafwine8. lpjth fire, o% fcalefng toater, 9. f maheth gammdus, 10. Peftills 11. ana Flitches, 12.

Befides, federal Puddings, Chitterlings, 13. Bloodings, 14. Liverings, 15. Saffadges 16.

Che Fat 17. ana 18. Tallow are me! tea*

Lanio 1. ma&at Pecudem altilcm, 2. (Vefcula 3. non funt vefca) profternit CUvd, 4. vel jugulat Clunatic, 5* excoriat(deglubit) 6, diflecatque, & carnes \nMacello 7. venum exponit,

J’/wh 8.

Petafones 11. & Succidias: 12.

Praeterea, Farcimin* varia, Falifcos, 13. Apexabones, 14 * Tomacula, 15, ^^/^(Lucanic as.) 1 S.

Adeps ij. & Sebum 18. eliquatur.

glabratigne, vel aqua lervid$, 9. & tacit Pernus. 10.

O quifiA.m*

C fi* ) LV.

Cookery. Coqttmaria.

SCfje Yeoman of the Larder i. bjtageth fo;th Provifion 2. Out of the Larder. 3.

2D&C Cook 4. ta&etbthem, anonta* ketfc fed cral Meats. \ firlt pullet t) off

t %a .feathers, a.lh in at aeththcpts 9 |lt of t|t|? Birds 5. |ei fcaletl M fpl 6. \

Promtts condus I.


c Venn 3. Obfonia. 2.

Ea accipit Coquus, 4* & coquit varia ‘cfcvlenta.

Aver 5. pri^deplumat &exenterat •,

Pifces 6. defquamat & exdorfuat •,


9etyaSoetbfomcfle$ Sottb lard, bp mean0 of • Larding-Ncedle 7.

ftc cafetb Hares 8. (Pots 9*

Chen bebopletb them in and Kettles 10. OH tbe Hearth 1 r. anb frommetb tb«m foitb a Scumraer 121

$e fcafottetb tytogfl that are bopieb, S»ity Jbplcio, fttycb be ponnbetb toitb a Pcftil 14. in a Mortar 19. ofgratetbftfeba Grater 1$. ^ereftctb force on

Spits 16. anb to(tb a jack 17. O) tspon a Grid-iron 18.

ftpetb them in a Frying^sjo.^. upon 8 Brand-Iron 20.

Kitchen Utenfils btfbc* arc a Cole-Rake 21. a Chafing*Difh 22. a Trey 29. in ttfticb Difhes 24. 8RD Platters 25. avefealbeb; 9 pair Of Tongs id. a Shredding-Knife 27. 0 Colander 28. a Basket 29. anbaBezom 90.

--» ..

Quafdam carnes lardo trajeftat, ope Creacentri Jt

Lepores 8* exuit.

Turn elixat Ollk 9: ScCacabU 10. in Foco ii. & defpumat Ligula 12.

Kfixata condit aroTnatibus, qux comminute Piftillo 14. in Mortario 15: aut terrc Kaduld. 15.

Quxdam aflat Verubus id. & Automata 17 vel fuper Cratmlrtttt 18.

Vel frigit Sartagine 19. fuper Tripodem 20.

Jfafa Coquinaria prxterea func Rutabulum ai. Feculus (Ignitabulumj 22. Trua 29. fin qua eluuntur Catini 14.- & Patint t$.) Fruniccps 2d. Culter inciforiM 27. Quaint 28; forbis 29. & Scops 90.

i m



The Vintage. Vittdemia.

Wine grotoeti) In tfte Vincryard, i. to&ere Vines are propagate*, a«D tfeo foftb

Vinum crefcit in Vine Ay i. ubi Vites pr°pagantur, & viminibus

Twigs to Trees 2. 01 to props, 34 el frames, 4.

grape*gat&crfttg (0 cemc^^cntoff

adarbores, 2. vel ad Palos (mdic&s) 3. vel ad Ih9a~ 4. alligantu?4

Gun tempus vindemiandi adeft, abfdndunt


( "S ) tf)0 Punches, tm carrp t!iem f n meafures of three- bufhels 5. ana tb&ototbem fnto a Vat, 6, ana treao t Jem toftb t Jefr Feet, 7* 0} ffarnp ijem toftb wooden Peftill, 8. ana fqtteefe out t be Jafcefntbe Wine-prefs, 9. tobfcb fa calleo muft,i 1 ana beftig recetota fit • a great Tub, 10. ft fa potmea fnto Hogfheads, 12.

ftfaftoppeaup 15. and befng lafa clofe fn


& comportant

TrlmodiiSy 5;

conjiciuntque in Lacum, 6»

calcant pedibus$ 7. aut tundunt lignep Pilo> 8. &exprimunt fuccum TorcuUri, 9. qui dicitur Muftttm, 11.

&, Orca 10. exceptum, Vafis (Doliis) 12. infunditur, operculatur, 15. & in CclUs

Cellars upon fettles 14. ft becommetb tofne*

3t fa Deaton out of tboHogfhead, feftb aCock, 13. 0; faucet, 16.

(in tobfcb fa a Spigot) t&emeffel befng tin* fcmgeDt

fuper Caniherios 14. abditum, jn Vinum abk.

E dolio

promitur, Sip hone ^ 13. aut Ttibnlo^ 16, (in quo eft Epiftomfam) Vafe relito.

3! 2 Zjthopceti,

C )




Mbere Wine fo not to be bao t|ep D^fuls; Beer,

fobieb to b^etoeo Of Malt i. ano Hops, a. til a Caldron 3. aftertoaroo tt to pofo*eotnto Vatts, 4, ano toben it to colo. tt to carrfeo tn Soes, 5. tnto tb* Cellar 6. ano to put tnto tOfeffelo*

Brandi-wine, etfracteo bptbepotoer of beat from o^ego of tofne tn a Pan, 7. ooer tobicb a Limbeck 8. to placeo, o^oppetb tbo*oto a Pipe 9. tnto aGlafle.

Mine ano Beer, toben tb e? turn foto*, become Vinegar.

S>bep maSe Mede ; of Mtne ano !£one|?*

Ubi non habetur Vinum, bibitur Cerevifia (Zythus) quae

ex Byne 1. & Lufnlo, 2. in A he no 3. coquitur ^ poll in Lacks, 4. effunditur, &, frigefaftum, Labris 5. defertur

in Cell aria 6. & vafibus infunditur.

Vinnm fublimatwn, efecibus vini in Aheno, 7. cui fuperimpofitum eft Alembicam-i 8. vi Caloris extra&um, deftillat per Tub urn 9. in Vitrum.

Vinum & Cerevifia, acefcens, fit Acetum.

Ex Vino& Melle faciunt Mnlfum.

I 3 A


Unbelt a re aft i* ma&e reaop, tbcSCabl 0 focoberc* iDftft a Carpet i. ano a Table-Cloth 2. ftp tbe Waiters, iu()0 beff&es lap the Trenchers, 3. Spoons, 4. Knives, 5. iuftb little Forks, 6. Table-Napkins, 7. Bread, 8.

Cum apparatur Convivintn, Menfa fternitur Tapetibus 1. & Mapp'd^ 2. a Triclinariis. qui pmere* appotiunt Difcos ('Orbes)3. Coclolearta, 4. Cultras 5. cum Fufcimlis, 6.

Mapf ulus, 7. Pattern 8.


C**9 J ttttl a Salt-fellar# p.

bfleflcs are btongbt to Platters^ io« a Pie, tp. on a Place.

The Guefts, being biougbt to bp the Hoft 11. fra® tbdtlfrant)* Ottt Qfa Laver,12. 0) Ewer, 14. Obtt a Hand-Bafm, 13. 0) Bowl> 15. anb tripe them »ttb a Hand-Towel, 16. thentbep fit at the Cable OttChaires. 17.

The Carver 18. tyeabetb up tbegcoDcb#? anbbibibetbit.

Sauces an fet amongftRofte-mcat toSawfers. 20.

Tbe Butler 2i. fillctb ftroag wine QBtOf aCrufe 25. to Wine-pot 24. to Flagon, 27. Into Cups 22. 0) Glaflfesag. ttbicbftanbon a Cup-board 24. an&btnacbftbtycm 80 the Matter of the Fcatt, 28. ttbotyinhcib to bto Guefts,

cum Salino. 9. Fercula

inferuntur in Pat inis j 10. Artocreas, i$. in Lance*

Convive ab Hofpite introdufti 11. abluunt Manus e Gutturnid 1 %• vel Aquali, 14* fuper Mallttvium 13. aut Pelvim, 15, terguntque Mantiliy 16. cum ailident Menfe per Sed'tlia. ir.

Struttor 18.* deartuardapes & dcftribuit.

Affaturfc inrerponuntur Embamwata in Scutellis. 20i

Pincema 21. infundit Temetnm> ex Vrcco 25, vel Cantharo 16* vel Lagenky 27. in Pocula 22. & V'xtrea 23. quaeexftant in Abaco 14. &porrigit Gonvivatoriy 28. qui Hofpitibus propinat.

14 Traflati*

Cl 20)


Tra&atio Lint'

The dreffing of Line.

C I3l) 1 —1 —* g ■■ '« .■ ■■ —

Line attH Hemp, befog rates in foster, anssifes agafo, i. are brakes tof tb a wooden Brake, fobere tbe strives 3. fall sofon, then tbe? arebeckles foftb an Iron Heckle, 4. fobere the Tow 5. U partes from ft*

FlaxfotfeDto aDiftaff, 6. bp the Spinfter, 7. fobfcb foftb ber left baits pnlletb out the Thred,8. ans foftb ber rfgbt bans turnetb a wheel 9 0) a Spindle 10. upon fobfcb te a Wharl 11.

9>be Spool recefbetb theatres, 13. fobfcb fa s*afon tbence upon a Yarn-windle; 14 bence ef tber Glewes 1 j. arefoottns up, 0> Hanks 16. aremase*

Linum & Cannabis, aquis macerata, rurfumq- fictata, 1. contunduntur Frangibptlo ligneo, 2. (ub: Cortices 3. decidunt) t&m carminantur Carmine ferreo, 4. ubi Stupa 5. feparatur.

Linum pur urn alligatur C0/0,6. ^ Netrice> 7.

quae fmiftra

trahitj*/#?», 8. dextera 12. Rhomb am ( girgillum) 9 ve\Fufumio. ( in quo Verticillus 1 vetfat.

Fila accipit, Volva-5 13. inde deducuntur in Alabrnm 514.

hinc \e\Glomi 15. giomerantur, vel Fajculi 16. fiuntf

Text nr a.







jCb* Webfter, Hitoeet^tle Oewcs, t. into Warp, anofanappetbft about the Beam, a. ano ao be flttetb fn bio Loom, 3. be traoetb upon tb* Treddles, 4, toftb bio Jfeet-

^eoioioetb the warp, 5. toftbyarn, ano tbJotoetb the Shuttle 6. tbojoto,intobitb io the Woofe, ano ftrihetb ft clofe toftb the Hey, 7* ano fo maketb Linnen-cloth. 8.

feo alio tbe Clothier mabetb Cloth of Mol,

Tex tor, diducit in Stamen Glomos, 1. & circumvolvit

?«*»»■*• ac ledens in Textrino, 3. pedibus calcat Jnftlia. 4.


diducit Stameny 5. & trajicit

Radium, 6. in quo eft Tramay ac denfat Pcftine^ 7* atque ita conficit Linteum. 8.

Sicetiam Pannifex fadt P annum c Land.








are Meecleo in V Sun i

toftb toatgr ponreo on them 2.

tfO t&ep be to&fte*


t|e Scmpfter 3.

fotoetb Shirts 4.

Hand-kirchers 5.

|5and$ 6.

Caps, &c.

atfcfe, <f t|ep be fonleo,

are teafteo again bp

t)e Landrefs 7.

in foater 0} Lee,

CH5 Sope.

Lint e Amina

infolantur, 1.

aqua perfufa 2.

donee candefiant,

lx iis

Sartrix 3.

fuit Indufia 4

Muccinia 5.

Go11aria 6.

Cafitia, &c.


fi fordidentur,

a Lotrice 7.

rurfum lavantur

aqua five tow

ac Sartor





The Taylor.


(i»7) Stic Taylor i.

cnttettl Cloth 2. tofth Shears 3. atto fotoeth ft togittiir tofth a needle and double thred 4.?

Shot he (Tett the Seams

tofth a preffing-iron 5. flitd thus he mafceth

Coats 6. tofth Plaits 7.

itt tohf th the Border 8. fe beloto tofth Laces 9.

Cloaks 10. tofth 8 Cape 11. • KltO Sleeve Coats 12.

Doublets 13. tdlth Buttons 14. and Cuffs 15.

Breeches 16. fometfm^s tofth Ribbons 17.

Stockings 18. Gloves 19.

Muntero Caps*o,&c. go the Furrier

maketh Furred gar- of Furs. (meats

Sartor x. difeindit P annum s,

Fovfice 3. confuitqne, Ach

& filo dnplicato 4.

Pofte* com^ndXSuturas Ferramento 54.

Sicquc conficit Tunicas 6.

Plicatas 7. in quibus infra eft Fimbria 8.

cum Jnfiitu 9. Pallia 10.

cum Pat agio 11. & Togas manic at as 12.

Thoraces 13. cum Globali* 14.

5c Manic is 15. Caligns 16.

aliquando cum Lemnifcis 17.

Tibiala 18. Chirothecas 19.

Am ionium 2'0. &€. Sic Pellio,

facie PeHicini l Pe Mbits.

V ia8)

The Shoo-Maker.


SMe Shoo-maker i. ttMketh Slippers 7. Shooes 8. (tn tebfch ia teen abobs tbs upper-Leather,

beneath the Sole,

ano on both toe* thoLatchets) Boots 9. . anb High-Shooes 10. of Leather, 5. ftDhfch to cuttoftha f

Cutting-Knife 6.) bp mean* of an Awl 2.

ano Lingel 3- upon a Laft 4.

Sutor i.

conficit, ope Subtil* 2. & fill picati 3. fuper Modulo 4. c Cork 5. (quod Scalpro ffitorio 6.


Crepidas (Sandali*) 7-

Culceos 8.


fpe&atur fiiperrifc ObftragulHlIH infernfc Sole a,

& utrinque


OcrtdJ 9- & Peronti 1 o*

K Tbc



The Carpenter. Faber lignarius.

Me babe fe$n speng jpooti arft cloatSKiftv lioiti g Dfteiifitg follo&tfc*

Sit ffrfc tfr$g$»eit til Caves i Hen m Booths 0£. Huts-2. ano Hen again In Tents 3. at He lad ItlHoufes.

Ho mini? Vi&um & AtotSlftfl, vidimus: fequitur mine* DomiciliiUncjusv

Primo habitant in Spe'cubus i. deinde in Tabernaculti vel Tugnriis 2. turn etiam in Tentoriu 3. demum, in Domibns.


\ fa* /

Che Woodman fel- 1 left ants betoetb ooton Trees 5.. tofft att Ax 4. fte Boughs 6. remafnfng.

^ecleaoetb Knotty toffta Wedgy. (wood tobfcbbe fojceft In tofft a Beetle 8. anomakeft Wood Hacks 9.

Che Carpenter fquaretb Timber to!ft a Chip-Ax 10. tolente Chips 11. fall, (Saw i2. ano fatoeft ft tofft a Inhere fte Saw-duft 13. falleft Doton* &ftertoarQ0 he Uftetb $ beam upon treffels 14. bp ^ help of a Pulley 15. fattened) ft tofft Cramp-irons 16. ano marfeetb ft ont tofft a line 17.

Chen b* frameft fte Walls together, ano faftneth the great Refits tofft pins 19-

Lignator Securl 4. Remit & truniat Arbores 5 remanentibus Sarmentis 6.

Clavofum Lignum findit Cuneo 7. quern adigit Tudite 8. &componit Struts 9.

Tuber L*gnurins afciat Afcitl 10. Materiam, unde cadunt AffuU 11. & ferrat Serru 12. ubi Scobs 13. decidit *,

Poft elevat tignum ft per Cunterios 14* ope Trochlea 15*

affigit Anfis 1$. & lineat Amufsi 17.

Turn compaginat Parietes 18. & configit trabes Claris trabalibut 19'

Ka Jtba


Faber Murarittt.

The Mafon.


SE&OMafon i. I*Fet| a Foundation, am> bnfloett) Walls 2.

Cither Of Stones, to&fcfr $ Stone-digger, gettetboatof tbe Quarry 3. SltOfte Stone-cutter 4. fqttaretb bp a Rule 5.

of Bricks 6. tobfeb are maoe of Sand an* Clay ttfcpeo fntoater, ante are burneo toftb #rOf

afterhmroo bo plaf- tteretb ft toftb Lime, bp means of aTrowel 7. ano garnf fljetb ft toftb Rough-caft 8.

Faber mar arias 1. ponic Ftindamentum & ftruit Afar os 2.

Sive e Lapidibus quos Lapidarius eruit in Laficidinh 3. & Latomus 4. conquadrat ad Nor mam 5.

Sive c Loteribus 6. qui, ex area A & aqua intritis, formantur, & igne excoquuntur:

Dein cruflat Calce, ope !TrttlU 7.

& Teftorio veftit 8.

K 3 Machine*





* *


C**sJ iDae can carve as

fflncb bp tbwftfng a Wheel-Barrow 3. afowbfm, bating an Harnefs 4. lancet on bisnecfe, as ttoo can carrp on a Cole-ftaff 1. 01 Hand-barrow 2.

Ufot |e can oomojc, that rolletb a toeigbt, lafo apon Rollers 6. teitb a Lever 5.

ft Wind-Beam 7* fsapott to|fcb is torneo bp going about ft.

ft CraneS. latb a hollow-wheeh (n tobfcb one toalfcfng, •latnetb toeigbts oat of abbfp, 01 lettotb tbemooten into a tobfp.

ft Rammer 9. (s nfeo to fallen Piles 10. it is lifted up toffb a rope siaton bp Pullies u 01 toitb bsnos, it (t bate handles 12.

Quantum duo ferre Palangti 1. (poffunt, vel Feretro 2. tantom poteft unus, trudendo ante fe Pabonem 3. fufpensa a collo MrumnH 4.

Plus autem poteft, qui molem, Fhalangts{ Cylindris) 6. impofitam, provolvit, Ve[te 5*

Frgdta 7+ eft columella, quae verfatur circumettndo.

Geranium 8. habet Tympanum, cui inambulans quis, pondera navi extrahit, aut in navem demittit.

Fifiuca 9* adhibetur ad pangendum Sublic as. 1 o. adtoliitur, fune, tra&o per Trochleas 11 vel roanibus, (i anfas habet 12.

K 4 A Houfe



LX VI. A Houfe. Downs.

jftbe Porch i. (houfe. {s before tbe door of p

3£b* door batb a chreftiQld 3. anb a Lintel 2. ana Polls 4* on both fibeo

®beHindgc$ 5. are on tbe right bans upon tobicb ? doors 6. bang, tfjS’Latch 7. ana tbe Bolt 8. are on tb*leftsbanof

35efo;e tie bottfo te a fore-court 9.

Ante fa»ua» Do0^ eft Vefiibulum I*

fauna habet Limn 2. & Sfiperliminare 3* & utrinque Pottes 4.

A dextris funt Car dines 5. & quibus pendent

6. * flniftris Clauftrsml* aut ftfUtilus 8.

Sub sdibus eft Cavadium q,


f*37) feftl a Pavement of fquare-ftenes, io. bownpferftb pillars, 11 fn tobfcb fa tie Chapiter 12. anOtheBafc. 13.

®be?gonp into the upper-ftories bp Greefes, 14. aflO winding-flairs 15.

J£b£ Windows, 16. appear on tbeontOoe, anOthe Grates 17. the Galleries, 18. the water-Tables, 19. attOJButtereffes 20. to bear np tbeWTallo*

©n the Stop id the Roof, 21. cobereo tofib Tyles,22. e; Shingles, 23. tobfeb Ipe upon Laths, 24. (25. a no tbtfe upon Rafters.

The Eaves, 26. abbere to the Roof.

%he plan? toftbont a Kloof io calleo an open Gallery. 27.

Bln tbo Kloof arc Juttingsout 28.(knops) anb Pinnacles 29. (o$

pavimento ujfel late 9 1 o.

fulcitum columns, 11. in quibus Fcriftjlium 12. StBafis. 13.

Per Sc alas 14. & Cochlidia 15. afcenditur in fuperiores contignationes.


apparent Fenefira, 16.

& Cancelli (dathraji?. Fergul&> 18. Suggrundia, 19. ha Fulcra 20. fulciendis muris.

In fummo eft Tettum, 21. [tegulii\lZ contecftum Imbricibus vel Scandulis, 23* quaeincumbunt Tigillis, 24. here Tignis. 25.

Tc&o adharret Stillicidium. 26.

Locus fine te&o

dicitur Subdiale. 27.

In te<fto funt JlFeniana 28, ScCoronides. 29.





** (*39)

Miners i.

(0 into tie Grove, 2. £ a Stick, 3 ♦

O) lug Ladders, 4- m Lanthorns, 5. awo ofg out tfte Oar, fcftlaPfck, 6. toWcb being put into Baskets, 7. f» attorn out 6rftfraRope8. bg tbemenn* of 3 Turn, 9. and <0 carries to the Smelting-houfe, 10. fotwettfofoiceo tottb lire tfiat the Me¬ tal map run oat, 12. the Drofs, n. tottootonaffuef

Metatti-fojfms 1. ingrediuntur PHteumfodinty 2. Bacilloy 3. five Gradibus, 4- cum Lucernisy 5* & effodiunt Ligone ,6. terrain j\4/etallicam> quae impofitaCVW*# ,7

•xtrahitur jFW 8.

ope Machine trattoria. & defertur (9.

in Vft rwarn* 10. ubi igne urgetur, utprofluat Me tall urn • 12.

feorfim abjiciuntur.



Faber Ferraritu.


The Black*Smith.

C *40_ Faberferr4rius I.] The Black-Smith i.

ill bf fif Smithie CO! forge) 2. ttotoeththefiretoltha pair of Bcllowcs, 3. fohfch he blotoeth W th hi* Feet, 4f tots fo bettetb tho iron*

jSnothenhe taketh It Out teftil the tongs 5. lapeth It upon the Anvile, 6. atio ft clkath ft fofth aHammer#7. to&ere the sparks St file off.

Sim thuo are hammered out Nailes, 9* Horfhooes, 10, Cart-ft rakes, 11. Chains, 12. Plates, Locks and Keys, Hindges, &c.

qnencheth Hoc-Irons in t|0 Cwl<rowgh.

in Vfir in X (Fabric^ 2. inflat ignem

Folle, 3* quern adtollit Pede, 4. atq*ita candefacic Ferrum *

Dcinde eximit For fife, 5, imponit Irtcddh 6. & cudit Malleo, 7. ubi Stritttfia 8. cxiliunt.

Etfic excuduntur Clavi, 9. Solca, 10. Cant hi y 11. Catena, 12. Laminay Sera cum ClavibfiS$ Car dines, &c.

Ferramenta canden- reftinguie (tia in *«



Scriniarmf &


The Box,maker, and the Turner.


The Box-maker,i. fmoot|*t| hewen-Boards 2* Urft| a Plain, 3. upon a work board, 4. ha maketb tlpemberp tmeotb toftl a little plain, 5* |a loaratl them tfco5 ifato toftl an augre, 6. jtarbitl them tott| a Knife, 7. fallotted them toge* tier Wtl Glew, attD Cramp-Irons, 8. ana maketl fables, 9. Boards, 10. Cjiefts ii. &c. The Turner 12. (is.

fitting ober the treddle turnetl tof t| athrow, 15. (14. upon « Turners Bench, Bowls, 16. TBps, 17. Puppets, 18. ano fuel Ifta Turners work.

Arc alar* ns j.

edolat A (feres 2. JRnncin*y 3. inTabul&y4


Plamil&i 5. perforat (terebratJ TereMy 6, fculpit Cultro, 7. combinat Glatine & StfbfctidibHS) 8, & facie TabuUs, 9. Afenfasi 10.

(Ciftas^ 11. &c Tornio 12.

fedens in 13.

tornat Torno915, * fuper Scamno tornato-

Globosy i6f (rio 14. Cvnvs, 17. IcmcfiUs 18. &fimilia Ton mat4.



The Potter.

045) -■ II . ■

The Potter, i. fitting ober a Wheel) a. maketb Pots, 4* Pitchers, 5. Pipkins, 6. platters, 7. Pudduin-Pans,8. jugg», Lias, 10. &c. 0f Potters-clay,3.«ft0t- \ tparD0 ht baketfc tbem It! a/i Oven, 11, # glajatb tbtm fbftb White-Lead*

Jl b*oben*#ot, afiowetb Pot-lhcardsf 12.

Fignltts, I. fedens fuper jc^, 2. formizxArgi/ld, 3. QUas^A, Vneos, 5. Tripodts, 6* Patinas, 7- VafcttftHiea ,8*. Fidelias, 9. Opereula, 10. &C* poftca excoquit in Far no 9 n. & incruftat Lithargyro*

Frada Oik* dat Tcjtsu. iz.


C «4 6 )


The Parts of a Houfe.


C *47 )

A Houfe (0

fnto inner Rooms,

ftic& a* are, the Entry, i. the Stove, 2. the Kuchin, 3 the Buttery , 4. the Dining-Room, 5. the Gallery, 6. the Bed-chamber, 7. with a Privy JttaDC bp ife 8 .

Baskets 9.

arcofofe carrpfttg

tbtagsJoaftofro; attDChefts, 10. (fr&feb are maoe fait tottbaKeyJ 11. fojfefcpfagtbemu

Floor tetm&er tytKoof i a*

Hit the Yard, 13- is a Well, 14* a Stable, 15. gno a Bath. 16.

tftnaer t be ^oufe, <0 the Cellar. 17,

Domas diftinguitur

in Conclavia9

nt funt. Atrium > 1. Hypocauflum. 2. Cjilin a ^ 3. Celia penuaria, 4. Ccenaculum, 5. Corner a, 6. Cubiculum 7. cum adftrudo Seceffu ( Latritt*) 8.

Corbes 9. inferviunt

rebus transferendis j

10. ( quae Clave 11# reduduntur J adfervandis illis.

Sub tedo eft [Pavinaentum]

In^rei, r$, (12, Puteusy 14. Stab alum 15. cum Balneo. 16.

Sub Domo, eft Celia. 17.



Hypocanftnm am Dormhorio-

The Stove, with the Bed-Room*


The Stove i. is beautifies toftb an Arched-Roof 2♦ f wainfcotted walls, 3 3t fa enlf gbteo ferf tft

Windows -, 4. 3t f 0 ieateb toitb

an Oven. 5. 3t0mt0ttdl0 arc,

Benches, 6. Stools, 7* Tables, 8. toftfoTreffels, 9, Footftoois, 10. anb Cuftiions, 11.

SCbere are alto Tapeftry bangCD. 12.

jFojfoftloogfng, fna fleeping-room, 13. there <0 a Bed 14. fp*eao on aBed-ftead, 15. upon a Straw-pad, 16. tOfth Sheets, 17. ano Cover lids, 18.

The Bolfter 19. {0unoerone0 beao.

SC |e JBeo 10 coheres tofth a Canopy 20.

A Chamber-Pot, 21. fife* making foater in

049.) ■* \ ■' ' 1 1 1 ■“ iirrLj_

Hjpocauflnm 1. ornatur Laqueari 2. & Varietibns, tabulates, 3.

Illuminator Fenefiris • 4.

Calefit Torn ace. 5.

Ejus Utenfilia funt, Scamna «Se//*, 7. JlLenfa. 8. cumfulcris 9. ac fcabellis, 10. & Culcitra. 1 i.

Appenduntur etiam Tapetes. J2.

Pro levi cubatu, in Dormitorio, 13. eft Lett us, (Cubile J 14. ftratus in Sponda, 15. fuper Str amentum^ 16. cum Lodicibus^ 17. & Stragulis 18-

Cervical 19. eft fub capite.

Canopko 20. Le&us tegitur.

Matula 21. eft veficae levandse.

L 3


L X X111.


Wells. I


8®ftere Springs 9re teantfng, Wells are of ggeo, i. $ tftep are compared abouttoft&a Braridrith, 2. led: anp fljoulo fall <nr^

SDbeitce is tester Daateittoftfc Buckets Ranging either at a P0I3, 4* 0* a Rope, 5.

a Chain ^ 6. ano that eftier bp a fwipe,7- 0} a windle, 8* 0; a Turn 9. teftfc a handle, 0} a wheel, 10. e*to conclave by a Pump. n.

Ubi Forties deficiunt, effodiuntur Patel, 1. & circumdantur

Crefiditte, 2.

ne quia incidaC. Inde hauritur aqua

ZJrnis (fittilts) 3 . pendentibus vei Pertic&y 4. vel Pune-) 5.) vel Catertd ^ 6.

idque aut T0 lien one, 7. autGirgitto, 8., SiUtCj/lirtdro * 9. manubriato,

aut (tympano) 10. aut denique Arttlid. 11.





The Bath.

- //


C isO b?e tbit oefiretb to be

too® tin coin toatergo- etb ooton into a river i.

3ln a Bathing-houfe 2. toe to Aft) off tie filth ef* tber fitting in a Tub 3. 0* going up into tbe Hot-houfe 4. aito toe are rabbet) toftfc a Pumice {lone 6. 02- a Hair cloth 5. fin p ftripping room 7

toe put off our clotb**b ano babe an Apron ties about us 8.

Me ectoer our beau toitb a Cap 9. ano put our feet in a Balin 10. 2Lbe Bath-Woman 11.

reacbetb toater in a Bucket 12. 13. Diaton out of $ trough fntotobfcb ftrunnetb out of pipes.14.

Bath-keeper 15. lancetb toftb a Lancer, ano bp applying (16. Cupping Glaffes 17. beojatoetb tbe blood bettoirt the okin % the fle®> tobitb \)t toipetb atoaptoftbaSpungei8

Qui lavari cupit aqua frigid*, defcendicin fluvium 1.

In Balneario 2. abluimus fcjualores^ five fedentes in Labro 3. five confcendentes in Sudatorium 4. & defricamur Pumice 6. auc Cllldo 5.

In Apodyrerio 7. veftes exuimus, & praecingimur CafiulU (SubligariJ 8.

Caput tegimus Pileolo 9. & pedes imponimus Pelluvio 10.

Balneatrix n. miniftrat aquam Situtt 12. hauftam ex Alveo 13. in quern defluit e Cana lib us. 14*.

Balncator 15. fcarificat Scalpro 16. & applicando Cucur¬ bit as 17. extrahit fanguincm fubcutaneum, (18. quern abftergic Spongia





The Baibers-fhop.



SCp Barber i. Barbcrs-(hop a*

•tteHair ana ttye Beard Wtb a pairofSizzars 3.

a Razor, toWcftie tafeeftout of bte Caf<*4.

anabetoa&ctb one otjer is Bafen 5. tettb Siii, rarmtogjoatof a Xavcr,6. ana alt&toltb Sopc,7.

ana hrtpetb bfrn iBftfr a Towel, 8. combetb ifm toftb a Comb, 9. ana curletfc Wrn toftb a Crifping-Iron 10.

Saomettmea be cut- tetbabefn foft& a Pen-knife 11. teberetbebtooa fpfrtetb out 12.

• SDbe Chirurgion CUtttb Wounds.

Tobfor 1. i&Tonftrinil 2. tondet Ctkies & iarbam Forpice 3. vel radic Novacftlb, quam c 4. deprotnit v

& lam fuper Pelvim 5. Lixivio defluente h Gutturnioy 6. ut & Sapone3j.

& tergic Linteo, 8. pedit PtSline 9, crifpat Calatniflro 10.

Interdum Venam fecat Scalpello 11. nbi Sanguis propullulat. 12.

Chirurgus, curat Valnera,

C156 )


E quite.

The Stable.


SCfyg Horfe Keeper i. cleanfetb tbe Stable from Dung*, 2.

^0 tpetbaHorfe3. toftb a Halter 4. to tb& Manger^. 0;, ifbe be apt to bfte, be mafeetb bim fait toitb a Muzzel 6.

Ebon bo ttretoetb Litter 7. unaer bim-

^e winnoweth Oats toftb a Van 8. tbe^oBenoer being mitt toftb Cb&ft; ano tafeenoutofaCheft 10. ana feeoetb tbe bo*fe toitb them, as aifo toitb Hay 9. gftertoaras bo leauetb bim to tbO watering- trough 11. (totoafer.

Ebon bo rubbetb bim toitb a Cloth 12. combetb bint toitb a Curry Comb 15. coberetb bim toftb an Houfing cloth 14. ano loofeetb upon bid Hoofs, tobttber tbeShooes 13. bt fat toitb tbt nayls.

Stnbulariw (Equifo 1.) purgatk^o 2. Stabulum *,

Alligat Eqtium 3, Capiftro 4. 2L&Pr<efepe^ 5. aut, fimordaxfit, conftringit Fife ell a, 6.

Deinde fubfternit jlramenta 7.

Avenam ventilat Tamo 8. (paleis mixta, ac deprompti e cifapabulatoriS) 10,

eaque pafeit equum, ut & Foe no 9.

Poftea aquatum ducit ad Aquarium 11.

Turn detergit Panno 12.

depeftit Strigili 15. infternit Gaufape, 14. & Soleas infpicit, an Calceiferrti 13. firrais cUv is haercant.



L X X V11.




(i59) 3 Dial

me^furetb bouts: 21 Sun Dial i.

fljetoetb bp tbe ihadow of tbo Cock 2. what a clock it is, eftber on a wall, o&aCompafs 3.

2ltl hour-glafs 4. fljetoetb (hour, tbe fonr parts of an bp tbe running of fand, heretofore of toater.

2 Clock 5. nnnfberetb alfo tbe hours of tbe night, bp tbe turning of tbe ferbeels, tbe greater tobereof is Djatott bp aiweight 6. anb oratoetb tbe reft.

&ben either tbe Bell 7. bp itsfouno, being (truck on bp tbe hammer, 0} tbe hand 8. teftbeut, bp its motfs on about, (beteetb tbe lour*


.dimetitur Horas. Solarium X.

oftendit umbr& Gnomon is 2. quota fit hora^ five in pariete, Qe« fiv.e> 'in pjfxidc magn <*

Ciepfydra 4. ofiendit partes horae quatuor, fluxu area#, olim aquae.

a4utkmdton 5* numerat etiam notfiurnas horas, circulatione rotarum, quarum maxima trahitur a Pondere 6. &trahitcetera$.y

Turn boram indicat, vel Campana 7. fonitu fuo, percufia a malUolo: vel extra

Index 8. Circuitionc fua.


■ -.——i*—. —



The Pi&ure.


Pi&ures i. delfglt t|e eges, and avow Iftoom* ♦

2C|$ Painter, 2. pafntetl an Image toftl a Pencil, 3. fa a Table, 4. upon a Cafe-frame; 5.

loldfag ItePollet, 6. in If* left‘|a*o, on to|fc| are tie paints lolftl tie JBop 7- ground on 8 Marble.

The Carver, and Statuarie carfce Statues, 8. of Woo ano iotone,

The Graver and the Cutter grate (hapes 10. and Charra&ers toftl a graving Chefill fa W©o, 15iafo, and ot|er spitala* 9

PiElura 1. oble&ant Oculos, & ornant conclayia.

Pittor, 2. pingit effigiem Penicilloy 3. in Tabula, 4. fuper Pluteo-, (iniftra tenens


aPuero 7. in marmore.

Sculptor & StatudriuSy exfculpuntSutuas, 8. £ Ligno & Lapidc.

Calator &c Sculptor infculpit JEri (Ligno) aliifque Metailis, Figuras 10. & Charafter ts, Cff/0. 9.

Orbem piftoriuw- in quo Pigwenta quae terebantur

M SftCH*






Looking-Glaflcs i. are pjotifaeD, that map fee tfeemfeUjes *

Spe&ades, 2. tfeat fee map fee better, tofeo featfeatoeak tgfet*

JDfefage a far off, are fem fa a peripeaive-glafs, 3. ae tfefags nfct at feano*

SL jflea appeared in a multiplying-glafs, Ifkealfttle^og* (4.

®fee rapes of tfee Sum barn ®0mo tfeOSOte a burning- glak 5.

Sfecttld 1, parantur, ut homines intueantur felpfos j

Perfpicilla, 2* ut acri&s cernat, qui habet Vifum debilem.

Per TelefcopiuMj 3.

videntur remota,

ut proxima ^

in Microfcopto, 4. Pulex apparet ut Porcellus.

Radii Solis accendunt ligna

per Vitrum art ns, $.










The Coop«r.


The Cooper, i. fjaftfttg an Apron 2. tfea about Ijfm, makctl) Hoops Of Haflel-rods, 3, upon a cutting-block, 4 toft!) a Spoke-ftiave, 5*

ana Lags 6. iff Timber.

^emaketh Hogs-heads 7. ana pipes, 8. tof th ttoo Heads* attb Tubs, Sees, 1 Of. Flaskets, i t. Buckets, 12. tofthoneJIBottom, Of Lags.

Chert ho Mnaeth them tofth Hoops, 13. tohf ch ho tpeth tatt tofth fmall Twigs, 15. hg means of a Cramp-Iron, 14. ana he fitteth them on tofth a Mallet 16. atti a Driver* 17*


Victor, 1. ami&us Protein ft oris, 2. facit e Virgis colurrtis, 3. (4. fuper Sell am incifariam Scodpro bimanubriato, Circulos • (5. & ex //g#0 Ajjulas. 6.

Ex ajfulis conficit Dolia 7. & Cup as, 8. Fundo bino turn Lacfa, 9. Labra, 10* Pitynas ii* & Sitrflas, 12. fundo uno.

Poftea vincit Circuits* I 3. quos ligat ope Faids vie tor if, ,14.

Viminibus, 15. & aptac Tudite 16. ac TrudiculL .17.

M 3 Refill

(i 66)


Rejiio, & Loraritif.

The Roper, and the Cordwainer.


3E&e Roper i. tfofttetb Cords, 2. Of Tow, 0} Hemp, 4. (tobfeb fie tojappetb about bfmfelf ) bp tbe turn fug Of a Wheel* 3.

ffibuo there are Dlabe, firft Cords, 5. tfien Ropes, 6. ano at laft Cables. 7.

®be Cordwainer 8. cattetb jjr eat Thongs, 10. Bricjles, 11. Girdles, 12. Sword-Belts, 13. Pouches, 14. Port-mantles, 15. &c. out Of u Beaft-hide. 9.

Reftio 1. 'contorquet Funes* 2. agitatione Rot id &, 3.

Vel Cannubt, quamfibi circumdat

Sic front., primo Funiculi, 5- turn Reftes, 6. tandem Rudentes. 7.

Lor dr ins 8. feindit de corio bubulo, 9. Lor amenta, 10. Frena, 11. Cingula* 12. Baltheos, 13. Crumenas, 14. Hippoperas, 15. &c.

M 4 The

(i 68)


The Traveller. Viator,

A Traveller i. bearetf) on btetboiii* Orrs in a B*udger, 2. tbofetbrngofobfcbbte Satchell 3. oj Pouchy 4. cannot hoiof

^z fe coooroD im'th a Cloak 5 5.

?£e holocth a Staff 6. fn hio ^ano, torero* fottfj to boar up hfm* felf;

Viator, r. portat Humeris in Bdg*, 2. quae non capic Fun da 3. vel AFarfufium. 4.

Tegitur Lacern* • 5.

Manu tenet

Baculum9 6.

quo fc fulciat 5

Ci69) hath n©D of

Provifion for the way, aoalfoofapleafant Companion. 7.

net him notfojfake the High-road, 9. fo; a Foot-way, 8. unleffe it he a beaten- Path.

By*wayes, c o. anO places where two wayesmeet 11. oecef he,ano lean men affOe into uneven- places, 12. fo Do not by-paths, 13. anD crofle-wayes, 14.

Het hint therefore enquire of thofe he meeteth, 15. tohfch leap he mutt go; ano let hint fake fee*0 Of Robbers, 16. a* <n the toap, fo alfo fn the inne, 17. inhere heloogeth SB jWgfcft

Opus habet Fiasco, ut & fido fit facundo Comite. 7.

Propter S emit ant y 8. nifi fit CalUs tritns, non defetat Vi am regiam. 9.

Avia 10.

& Bivia 11. faliunt, &.feducunc in Sale bras y 12. non aeque, T ramltes 13. & Com pita. 14.

Scifcitet lgitur

Obvios, 15.

qu* fit eundum ^ & caveat Pradones, 16.

utin via, fic etiam

in Diverforio, 17.

ubi pernoftat.


C *7°)


The Horf-man. Eques*

The Horfe-man i. fcttct'g a Saddle, 3 • on Horfe,2.

fctmtft it on Ixiftft a Girth •, 4.

^0 lapct^ a Saddle-Gloth 5*. ^ifo upon fctnr. v ©3 sector !)im with Trappings, a Yore-flail, 6. a Breaft-Goth, 7.

JEques I. imponit 2. Fphippiutn, 3. idque fuccingit Cingtilo ^ 4.

Infternit etiam DorfusJe; 5*

Ornat eum

Phdleris, Frontalif 6. Antilenb, 7.

(«7i) MID a Crupper. 8.

SCbett be gettetb upon |f s l^oife, pnttetb W jfeet ftltotbe Sprrops, 9. tafeetb ttjC Bridle- rein, 10,11, falls left-bans toberetoltb be gufoetb ( boloetb tbel^ejfe; Cben be puttetb to

|fs Spurs, 12. and fettetb bim on fnitb a Switch, 13. ano boloetbbim in foftb a MufrolK 14.

SE^e Holders, 15. bang colon from the Pummel of the Saddle, 16. fit fobf eft the Piftols are put 17.

SDheiRfcer is clac fn a (hort-Coat, 18* bfs Cloak befng tfec belfnobfm* 19-

APoft 30. is earrfecon1£o*fes baek a fall Gallop*

& Poftilen* 8. Deinde

infilit in equuni, indit pedes Stapedibus9 9. liniltra capeflic Lorum (habenam ) 10. Freni, ,11. quo equum fledic &retinet-

Tum . admovet Calc aria, i£. incitatque Virgula, 13. & coercet Poftvmide. 14.

Btdga, 15. pendent ex tf/dcr ephifii, 16.

quibus inferuntur Sclopi. ly,

Ipfe eques induitur Chlamyde-5 18. Lacernd a tergo revinda. 19.^

Vcredarius 20. curfim equo fertur0


C *72 )


Carriages. Vebicula.

Me ate canted mi a sled i. ote &noto, am 3ce.

A Carriage with one Wheel, is calleo a Wheel- barrow ; 2. Ijafth tivo Mljxte a Cart^ 3.

four Ml* eels

j Trah A i . • yehimur i taper nivibus I & Glacie.

^thiculum unirot um, dicitur

^ 2. birotum, Carr us; 3. quadrirotum


( *73) a Wagon, tobicbis either a Timber-W agon, 4. 0} a Load-wagon. 5.

3Cbe parts of a WHn* gon are, the Ncep, (oj Bjaug&t‘tr&,) 6. the Beam, 7. the Bottom, 8. and the tides ^ 9. ( 10.

3£|en t&e Axle-trees, about tobfeb the Wheelsrutt, theLin-Pins n. ana Axletree-ftaves, 12. being fattenen before t&ew-

The Nave, 13. is tbe grouno’fatt Of tie wheel, 14. from fobicb toms ttoeltteSpokesi IS-

3Lb* Ring encom* patietb there. tobicb in mane of fir fellows 16. annas man? Strakes.17 Hampiers,! Hurdles iB

arefetin a Wagon-

Currnt, qui vel Sarrbctun, 4# vel PUuftrttin. 5.

Partes Currfcs font,

Tdmoy 6. Jttgum, 7. Comp Ages, 8. S pond a-, 9.

Turn Axes, 10. circa quos currunc Rota^ praefixis pAxillis II.

&Obicibus. 12.

Bafisi^ou 13

eft Modiolus, 14. ex quo prodeunc duodecim Radii ^ 15.

Hos ambit Orbile, compofitum e fex Ab ft dibus 16. Sctotidem Cantbu. 17.

Currui imponuntur

Corbes Sc Crates. 18.


<,*74) LXXXV.

Carrying to & fro. VcSura.

%%Z Coach-man, i. Jopnetl) a Horfe fit to match aSadle-horfe,2,3 to tt)C Coach-tree, toftt) Thongs o; Chains 5. Ranging ooUm from the Collar, 4.

SLbentje fitted up¬ on t^e Saddle-horfe, anomfbetb t&ofe tfjat go before bfat 6.

Auriga, T. jungit Parippnm 2. Sellario, 3. ad Tcmonem> de Helcio 4.

dependentibus LorxvtXCatenij. 5*

Deinde infidet Sellario, agit ante fe Antecejfores 6.

075) farfth a whip, 7. auo gufoetif them tofth a String. 8.

Cteafeth the Axle- tree with Axle-tree- greafe out of agreafe- pot 9. ana (toppetl the tofjal tofth a trigen i o. in a ff&p oefcent

#nb tbuotbeCoacb f0D2<t>en along t be wheel-ruts, u.

Gr*eat Perfons are canryed with fix Horfes 12. bp ttoo Coach-men, m a bangfnrfoagott, tobfebacalleo a Coach • 13.

ffitbere, toff b t too Horfes, 14. in a Chariot 15.

Horfe-Litters 16,17. arecarrfeobp ttoo

®bep ute Pack hor¬ fes (tttteao of Wagons ftojotigb no t$at are not padabUt

Scuticd, 7, & fle&it Funibus. 8.



ex vafe unguent trio 9, Axungi^ & inhibet rotam Sfamine, jo. in praecipiri defcenfu.

Etfic aurigatur per Orbit as, II.

Magnates vehuntur Se'jugibw duo bus Rbcdariis, Curru penfili quivoc^tur (13. Carpentum[ pilentum^ ]

Alii, Bi)HgibHst 14. Effedd. 15.

Arcera 16. 8c Lexica 17. portantur I duobus equis.

Pcrinvios montes utuntur, loco Curruum, jmenth Glinllmu.ii.

(17<0 *1. .11 ■ ■ I' ' ■! I ■ I ■! !■ ■


%rsttfitHS aqttarm.

Paffing over Waters.

07?) &*ft fte that (3 to

paffeober a Sifter fhonlobealltoet, Bridges i. toere fnbenteo fo * Carriage®, ana Foot* bridges af to^ ifoot^mem

3f a Iftfber hate aFoord, 3. (t I® toaoeo ober* 4.

0otes, 5. . alfo are maoe ot XI m* her pf tmeo together; 0) Ferrie-boats, 6. of plank® lalo clofe together, to fear the? fljoulo reeefbe toater.

IBetlae® Scullers 7. are maoe, tohfch are rotoeo tofth an Oar, 8. 0} a Pole, 9. 01 fcaleo tofth a haleing-rope. 10.

^ Trajedurus flumen

ne madefiat,

excogitati font Pontes 1; pro Vebicnlis,

ScPontictiH 2.

pro Pedidbus. Si flumen

hahet Vadum^ 3. vadatur. 4. Struuncur etiamlfaf#/,5

ex compa&is tignis j

vel Pontones, 6. ex crabibus confolida- ne ftis,

I aquamexcipiant* Porro

fabricantur X/^m(Lembi) 7. qui aguntur Jfawo, 8. vei Conto, 9. aut trahuntur Remtilco. 10.

N ti4UtUS*






20m are fcoonr alfo toffofmobertoaterr upon a bundle of flags, i * bettoea upon bio ion Beaft-bladders; 2«. ano after, bp throwing tfcefr Hands % Feet 3. abroad*

;3tUff tftep learned to tread the water, 4. bef ng plunged up to tbe gfrdle-ttcad, aud^arrpmg tbefr Cloatbes upon tbefr ^eao*

A Diver, 5. can ftofm alfo under tbetoater, Ifce a |f fflb

Solent etiam tfanare aquas,, fuper /cirpeuin fafcental porrb fuper inflatas bourn Veficas \ 2.

deinde, liberc jaftAtu m Annum pedumque. 3.

Tandem didicerunc calc Are aquam, 4. cingulotenus immerfi, &veftes fupra caput geftando.

VrinAtor> 5. etiam natate poteft fub aqua, ut Pifcis.



Navif sSfataris.

A Galley.



A Ship farniftit) foftb&ero i. <0 a Barge 2. 0} a Foyll, &c. fit tofcf th the Rowers, 3. fitting OH Seats 4. 4? the Oar-Rings, 3ftoto 5. bpfiriktagtheteater totth the Oars.

The Ship-maftcr 6. ffan&tng in t|f Fore-caftell, atlD the Steers-man 7. fitting at the Stem anoftolDfngthc Rudder, 8. 86* the Vcffcl.

Navis inftrufta remis 1. eft ZJniremis 2* vel Biremis9 &c. in qua Remires9 3. eonfidentes per Tranftra, ad Scalmos, 4. aquam Remis pellendo, remigant. 5.

Proreta9 6. ftans in Prord,

& Gubcriuttor 7. fedens in Puffa tenenfque CUvtit8. gubernant Naviginni.



A MerchantsTnip. Navis oneraria.

A Ship i. U tuition ontoaro, not bp £Dars,butbp tljc onipfo^ee of tbc lnfriDS.

3!u ft fo a Maft 2. fc! up, faltenco Uutb Shrowds 3. on all fioeo to tbc main-chains, tola Inch the Sail-yards 4. ("5. are tpoo,ano the Sayls, to tbefe •, tofcfcb are

Naviginm 1. impellitur, non remis, fed fol| vi ventorum.

In illo erigitur Ma- undique (/«f, 2• ad Otas Navis funi bus 3. firmatus ^

cui anne&untur

Anttnn&y 4. his, Vda^ 5. quae ad Ventum

fpirt open 6. to tbe totes, ans are lopfeo bp bowlings 7.

S£b e fcaplee are tbe raain-Sayl, 8* tbe Trinket

fore-Sail, 9. the Mifen-Sail> 0} Poop-Sail. 10.

The Beak 11. {0 to the Fore-deck.

Jtbe Ancient 12. places tn the Stem.

f0 tbe fore-top 13. tbe watch-tower ot tl)C &bfp, f Ober the fore¬ top a Vane 14. lo (fceto tobfeb toap tbe totos ttansetb*

SDbe fofpte (tapes toftb an Anchor, 15.

v Cbe septb <0 fatbomes toftba Plumet. 16.

$a([ensdr0 toalk up ans sotibn tbe Decks, 17

2Dbe &ea6men run to ans fro tb WJb tbe Hatches^ 18.

Aristbuo, eben jfceaa are pales ober*

expanduntur 6. & Verforiis 7. verfantnr.

Vela font, Artcmon, 8.

& Epidromns. 10. (11. In Prcr^ eft Rofirum.

Tn Puppi, Signttm (vexillum) 1.2. ponitur.

In malo eft Corf?is i3f Navis Specula^ & fupra £<*/<?*;» Apluftre 14.

Ventorum Index.

Anchor h 15* navis fiftitur.

Bolide, 16. profunditas exploratur.

Navigantes deambulant in TabnUto. 17.

Nautx curfitant per Boros. 18.

Atq, ita,etiam Maria trajiciuntur. Natt-





Mb** a Storm i.

arffeti on a foooafit> tbe? ffrfke Sayl, 2. Iett tbe febf$ foonld be aaflbeo agafiift Hocks 3 0* imtivm (helves 4.

3lf t&ep cannot bin* aerfieMbep fuffer (hipwrack. 5.

»W then tbe $9en, the wares, $ ad tbfngo ate mfferablp loft.

ipo* ootb tbe (heat-anchor, 6. being caft toftb a Cables DO an? goto*

Soome efcape, eftber on a Plank 7. ana bp flufntmf ng, O* In the Boat. 8.

ftort of tbe toareo loltb tbe ocao jpolkg (s carried on tot tbe Sea 9., upon tbe Iboara.

Cum Procella i. repent* oritur, contrahunt Vela, 2. ne Navis 2AScojulos s.allidatur, autin j?rm*(Syrtes)4. incidat.

Si non poflunt prohibcre, patiuntur Nanfragipm.

Turn miferabiliter pereunc. Homines, Mercesy omnia*, (juvat

Ncq- hie quidquam Sacrd anchora, 6.

Rudenti jada.

Quidamevadunt, vel tabutt 7. ac enatando, vel Scafh&> 8.

Pars Mercium

cum mortuis

\Mdri 9.

in littora defertur.




Writing. Ays Scriptoria.

Cb&Stacfentofxiift in IVlles done over with Wax inf eh a bjafett poitrehi inftl)tl)eltiap ent) 2. inhereof betters Incre cnc^a^o;*, am rubber out aaai'it inttb the treats ens 3.

flftcTiosrmbcp ln?ft Letters toftb a fmaJl Reed. 4.

tSHcufe a Goofe-quill, 5.

Veteres feribebant in tabellis ceratis aeneo Stilo, 1.

cujus parte cufpidata 2.

exarabantur literal, planS 3.verb

rurfum obliterabantur.

Deinde litcras pingebant fubtili Ca/arpQ* 4.

Nos utimur anferinh Penn a, $•

the Stem 6. eftohfchtoemake tofth x Pen'knife •, 7. tontine Dip the neb ill an Ink-horn, 8/ tohfch iottoppeo teftj) a Stopple, 9. ano toe put np one Pens fnto a Pennar. ia

Me B?p a to? fit tic l6fth Blotting-paper, 0} Calis-fand, ont of a Sand-box. 11.

0nt> too fno&o, twite front the Ieft!hano, totoaroa the right; 12. the !&eb?eto0 from the tight'hano totoaros the left; 13. the Chinoie, xno other Btnofans, from the top soton- toaroe, 14-

" " ‘ 1 ■ h n 11 . ■ t ■ ■ 1 1

cujus Cattlem 6. temperamujr Stalpello, 7. turn intingimus Crenam in Atrament ario, 8. quod obftruitur Opercnlo, 9. & Pennas recondimus in Calamarlo. 10.

Scripturam ficcamus, chart& bibvl*, vel arena Jcriptoria, eXThee*

Et nos quidem, feribimus, ifiniftr^ dextror&m ^ 12. Hebraei &dextera finiftrorfum^ 13. Chinenles & Indi alii,1 i fummo deorfum. 14.


Ci88) * n~


Oj Leaver as site Barks 3 . of Trees* «tpecial!)f of an ®«?ptfan (touK tobfcbtoae talleD Papyrus.

#0fo Paper fa fn ttfe* ttlWeftt6e#Paper- maker maketb frt $P^r*miff,4. OtLinfcen-rags, 5. tfeampeo to Ma(h, 6. tobfcb befng taken: ttpTn Frames, 7. betpjesoetbfnto Streets, 8. sne fettetb them in tbe afr tbst tbep map be ujtfe&*

Ctoentp iteof tbete make a quire, 9. ttoentp quire* a Ream, 10. atio ten of tbefe a Bale of Paper. 11. &b*tteWcbf*tolat

long tetotttttt tn Parchment, ia.

Veteres utebantur Tahull* fa gin is, I. auc Foliis 2. ut & Lihris 3. Arborum^ praefertim

arbufculae ^Egyptiae, cui nomen erat P apyrns.

Nune,eft in ufu Chart a, quern Chartopans, vc^mola papyrace^,4. corificit £ /juftix W*/- in pAmentum (fits, J. contufis, 6. quod, Normulis hauftum, 7. diducic in plagtilaty 8. acrique exponit* uc ficcentur.

HarumXXW faciunt S cap urn, 9. XX.Scapi Volumen m'tntu-% 10*

horum X. Volnmen majus. 11.

Diu duraturum, fcribitur in Afemkrtnh iz.


c «*o %$» ancftntanfeo

Becch-Bords, i.



Printing. Typographic

The Printer

fcatb Copper Letters

in a great number

pat Llto Boxes. 5.

2D&C Cunipoficor 1. fahetl) them out enebpone, ano (accoutring to the Copy, tobtcb be batb fattened before fttmma Viforum 2.)

compofetb toow*

Typography habcc aneos Typos, magno numero, diftributos per Loculajnenta. 5.


eximitillos fingulatim,

& componit (fecundum Exemplar,

quod Retinae alp 2. fife! praefixumbabet) .verba

C«sO - -r - - v - - -

ftl a compofiog-ftick, 3. Gnomone, 3. donee fiat Verf ns • till a Line bemaoei

be puttetb tbefe in a Gaily, 4* till a Page 6. be maoe,ano tbefe again in a Form, 7. ana be loeketb tbem up in Iron Chafes, 8. toitb coyns, 9. I eft tbep (boulo u;op out, ano puttetb tbem unoer tbe Prefs, 10. SCben tbe PrefTe-man

beatetb it ober iDitb Printers-Ink b{? means of Balls, 11. fp^eaoetb upon it tbe l&apere, put in tbe Frisket, 12. tobfebibefng put unoer tbe Spindle, 14. on tbe Coffin, 13. ano p^eCTco ooton toitb the Bar 15. be mahetb to tab* Impreffion#

hos indie

j For?t?<ey4.

' donee fiat Pagina ^ 6.

has iterum tabula compoftoria^ 7, eofque coar&at Jldarginibuferrets, 8. ope Cocblearum, 9. ne dilabantur •,

ac fubjicit Prelo. 1 o.

Turn Imprejfor, opc Pilarumy 11. illinic yttrameuto impreflorio; fiiperimponit, inditas Operculo 12, Chartas, quas, in 7agello 13. fubditas Troc hie a, 14. & SucuU 15. impreffas, facit typos irabibere.




The Book-iellan Shop.



The Book-feller i.

flHett H5ok0

fn a Bookfellers-lhop,2

of tolfcb letotftetb

a Catalogue* j.


plates on Shelves, 4.

anoareUiD open


SI mnttf case of S5oto

10 tales

a library. 6.

Bibliofil* I,

vendit Libras

in Bibliepalio, 2.


confcribit Ctfdogum, 3 ■

Libri difponuntur

per Repefitoria, 4.

& adufum,

fuper Piute urn 5. exponuntur.

Multitudo Librorum,


BiilkthetA 6.

Biblioftgnt, O




The Book-binder

095) 31m tfmesjatt

tbep glueo paper to paper, aito rofleo them ap together Into one Rowl. i.

Sit tbte oap the Book-binder1 Wnoetb JiSajbo, fobfltt be tof petb 2. otter papere ft dept fn Gum-water; ano then foioetb them together, 3- beatetb toftb a Jammer, 4- up, 5. tjenftftc betb tjem ftteffet J them fn a Prefle, 6. fobfcb batb ttoo Scrues 7 (baek> gluetb tjem on tbe cattetb off tbe eogeo toftbarounoKnife,8. ano at laCt cobcref b tbomtDftjParchm^nt 0£ Leather, 9. maketb them bans* feme, ano fettetb on

Olim agglutinabant Cnartam charts, convolvebantque eas inunum Volumes 1.

Hodie compingitLibros Comfattor^ dum Chartas a(jui glutinofii maceratas,terget ^ 2 ;

deinde complicat, 3, rrialleat 4. turn coniuit, 5.


Prelo, d. (quod habet duas Cccbleas 7.) dorfo conglutinat* rotundo Cultro 8. demarginat, tandcin

JlPembranil vel Corio 9. veftit, cfformat, & affigit,

(190 *

A Book.

M ' ■ .> " — 1

C m )

SltSotik aetefteonttoarD fbufti* either in Folio, i. 0} ft! Quarto, 2. faOftavo, 3- in Duodecimo 4. eftfcer made to open Side-Wife, 5.

Long-wife} 6. toftft Braten Clafps, 7. 0} Strings, 8. attft Square-bofies. 9.

®Kte&fn are Leaves 10. fof ttoo Pages* fometfmea Dfbfoen toftfc Columns 21.

& Marginal Notes. 12.

Liber, quoad formam exteriorem, eft vel in Folio, t* vel in QyartOy 2. in Ottavoy 3. in Duodecimoy 4.

vel Column at us, 5- vel Lin gnat us y 6. cum CUufuris aneiSiJ. vel Li gulls, 8. & Bullis

Int&s funt Folia 10. duabus Paginis, aliquando Colnmnis divifa, 11. cumque notis marginalibus. 12

O 5 Shola.




A School.

099) A School i.

i* a (bop, fn tofjfeb Yong wits are faftjtojto to bertue, ano it te offtfngufftieo fntO Forms.

The'Matter, 2. Cttcth (it a Chair •, 3. theScholars, 4. fit Forms * 5. he teacbetb, t&eplearn.

fcoMethtago arefoattoohm before themtoUh Chalk erta table. <.

Sa>ome fit at a ®able, ano to^fte: 7. iemenoetb8. tbefr Faults.

dome fiatiD ano refcearfe things com5

mftteo to memo;?* 9- dome talk

together, 10. 1 bebabe tbemfelbe* « toantonlp, ano carelefl?; tWt arec&aftf feo tofth a Ferula 11. ano a Rod 12.

Sc-hola 1.

eft officina,inqu* novelli animi advircucem formancur & diftinguicur in Clares.

Preceptor, 2.

. fedet in Cathedr'd •, 3. ■( Difctpuli, 4.

in Sub fell Us ; 5. iile docet, hi difeunt.

Quaedam praeferibuncur illis creta.

in tab ell a. 6. Quidam

fedent ad menfam, & icribunc: 7. ipfe corrigit 8. Afendas.

Quidam ftant, & recitant memoriae m^ndaca.9.

Quidam confabu- lantur, 10, ac gerunt fe petulances & negligences.: hi cattigancur Feralh (baeuluy 11-

'fkVirg*. 12. The


XCVIII. The Study. Mujettm.

The Study i. i0 a place toherea Student, 2. a part from men, tftteth alone, aoof cteo to \)i* Studies, to bill* he rcaoetb Books, 3. tobfeb being toftbfn f)ia reach, he lapetb open upon a Desk 4. ano pfeketb aB the heft thfngo out of them into h<0Ototi Manual, 5.

Mufcttm 1. eft locus, ubi Studioftts, 2. fecretus ab horainibus, folus fedet, Studiis deditus, dum le&itac Librosy 3. fuos penes fe ftiper P Intern* 4. exponit, & exiliit in Mttfttale fuum pptima quacqs exc$rpit,



0) markets t|em fn t&emtoft&adalh, 6. 0} a little ft ar, 7. fll t^e Margent.

JBefng to fit up late, be tettetb a Candle, 8. on a Candle-flick, 9. fobfcb to fnuffeo toftb Snuffers ;io. before the Canoie be placetb a Screen, 11. tobfcb 10 grin, that It map not butt bis epe- fig|t s richer perrons nfe a Taper, fo$ 8 Tallow-Candle ftfchetb, ana fmoahetfj.

A Letter 12. f0 tojappeo np, tojftnpon, 13. anofealeo. 14.

<5ofng abjoao bp nfgbt, bo mahetb nf$ of aLantorn 15. 0) a Torch. 16.

autin illis Lituri, 6. vcl iimarzinem

An *r- Ajtenjco^s hotat.

Lucubraturus, elevat Ljehnum (can del am) 8. in Candelabro5 9. qui emungitur E munttor 10 ^ 10. ante Lychnum collocat ZJmbractilttm, 11. quod viride eft, ne hebetet oculorum aciem .* opulentiores utuntur Cereo9 nam Candela febacea fcetet & fumigat.

-r ‘/l i b Epiflola 12. complicatur, infcribitur, 13. & obfignatur. 14.

Nodu prodiens,

utitur Later nh 15.

vel Face.


( ao 2 ) fc

XGIX. Arts belonging Artesfermoms. to the Speech.

Grammar, i. is cotmrfarit about Letters, 2. of &ftfcftitmafcetft words 3. f teaeftetft ftototo after tojfte,4. pat together, ano part tftem rigfttlp*

Rhecorick, 5. ootft as it toerc pafnt 6.

Grammatics i*

verfatur circa Lit eras, 2. ex quibuscompooit Voces ( verba 3. eafq-, docet red* eloqui* feribere, 4. conftruere, diftinguere Qnterpun-

Rheterica 5. (gere] pingit 6. quajS

a rude

f 203 ) * robf/ejm?. of &pe*c]j tottb Oratory

{^loupi flies, ft. fact an ate. Figures, Elegancies,


Apophthegms, Sentences, Srmilies Hietoglyphicks, &c.

Poetry 9. gettyteth the Flours of speech 1 o. anti; tft$ them 80 it tom Int0 a Ijttle Garland, 11. ant fa mating of Proftr a Poem, it ma&etb federal fojto of Verfes* ant odes, ant 10 therefore rrofonet 5»itba Laurell. is«

Muiique 15.

(etteth Tunes, 14.

ttftb Pricks, toS»Wcbtt$ttetb&o*t0, ant foflngctb alone, 0} In Conforr, a* bp topee, ai £$uflcal 3lnomtmnt, 1$.

ridem/«rw4w 7. Sermonis Oratoriis

pigmentis* 8. ut func Figure,

Elegant it, Adagia (Proverbia) Apophthegmata, Sententia fGnoma?J Similia Hieroglyphic*, &c.

Poejis 9. colJigir

hos Flores Oratmis 10. & colligat quah in Corollam, 11.

latqueita, faciens e profa ligatam Orationem, componic varia Carmina, & Hymnos ( Odas ) ac propterci coronatur Laura. 12:

Mujica 13. componic Notts Mdodias, 14. quibus Verba aptar, atqueitacanrat fola vcl Concentu^ Symphenia) aut voce, aut Inflrumentis Muficis. 1$




Mufical Inftruments. Inftrumenta. Mujlca-

Mufical Tnftruments ate ffcofc toijfcb mafee a (eu»tK

tebtntbcp are beaten upon, 00 a Cymball 1. $»itb a Peflill, a little Bell *. with an Iron Pellet Svit^nj 0 Rattle, 5. bp teftng it about} a lewes-trump. 4* being pni to toe moutb> Svitb tbc finger 5 a Drum 5. anb a Kett)e, 6. U)itb a Drum-flick* 7.

Mufica Inftrumenta foot* quseedunt Vocem:

Frimo, cbm pulfantur, uzCymbdlupt |» Piftillo, Tintinnabulum •* intus globukferteoi Crepitaculunty 5, circumverfando * Crembdlum, 4. ori admocum* digito)*, Tympanum $.

•& Ahenum% 6. Claviculd, 7.

C *>5 ) aHb rhc Dulcimer, 8.

tty* Ihepheards-harptf ailbtbeTymbrell. io.

Aeconblp, •pon which brings are ftrcttbpo, anb Bruch upott, 80 the Pfalteri, n. anfege Virginals, 12.

feitj both time s the Lure 13. ttwbich iff the Neck, 14 the Belly, 15. tjiePcgs, 16. 1% tubtcb die Strings, 17. art flmtyfc upon the Bridge, 18. the Cittern ; 19. trttbfbe right hanh onlp, the Viall, 20. With a Bow* 2i. an&theHarp, 23. SBftbamberifeitbiti, tobteb iff ttmwD about * the Stops, *2. in ebtrpen* are tonchfb Sufththeleft-banb.

Btlaft, tbofeSobicbarebloam, 80,fctib the month, the Flute 24. the Shawm, 29. the Bag-pipe, ad. the Comet, 2 7. the Trumpet; 28: 29. HMftMMKfca*, apiir of Organs jo.

ut & Sambuca, 8. cum Qrgano paftoritio * 9. & Sifirnmf Crotalura. ) 10.

Secnndo, in qaibes Chorda inteudontur & plcflumur, ut Nablium, u. cum Clavicordio, 12. utraque manu * Dexrer a can turn, Tefludo (^ChelysJ 13, (in qua Jugum, 14. Magadium, 15. & Verticilli, id. quibus Nervi 17. intenduntur fuper Ponticulum 18. J & Cythara * 19. Pandura, 20. Pletfto *, »i. fe Lyra, 23. incus rota, quse verfatur : Iu fingulis, Dimenfiones 22. finiftrA tangunmr

Tandem quz inflancur, uc. Ore, Fifiula ([Tibia) 24. Gingras, 25. Tibia ntrtadaris, 26. Limns, 27. Tuba,22. Butrina, 29. vel Follibus (cum. 30 ut, Crgnmm pnemati-




C *073

%\z ^aturalift, i. trfefoetk all the too?kse£ <©00 fntketKJortp*

SLl)Z Supernatnralift)2i fes^ucth oat the Qajafes>f Effe&s o(t%h\$x.

Arithmetician, recHonetfj numbers, ifcmfcfog, wbffratffng, mtltiplslng, mfrtbMt®; WtMfetit either ^Cyphers 3. Satiate, <J$ ^Counters 4. upon a Deck:

Countrey-people reckon 5. with figures of tens X+ anO Figures of five V. hp twelves, Fifteens,

ana threefcores

PhyficfiSy I. fpeculatur omnia Dei Opera in Mundo.

MetafhjftcttSyZ- pericrutatur rerum Ca uf,as and Ejfetta.

Arithmetic us, computat numeros addendo, fubtrahendo, multiplicando, dividendo -9

idque vel Cipris 3. in Palimpfefioy vel Calculis 4. fuper Ahaeum ;


numerant 5.' T)ecujfibus X. & ghtincuucibus V. per Duddenas, Quin den aty & Sexagenas.



Cl I.




A Geometrician moafuretb tlpt heighth of a Tower, i... 2. bl the diftance ?f places, 3.... 4. fitter toftl) a Quadrate, 5. 0} a Jacobs-ftaff. 6.

markets out tty Figures of things, with Lines, 7. Angles, 8. artO Circles, 9.

■bp a Rule, 10. aSqaire,.n. (fcs. 12. ann a pair of Compaf-

4Dut Of tbefe artfeawoval,i3. a Triangle, 14. a quadrangle 15. ano otfter jf fgurea.

Geometry. metitur allitudincm Turns, 1.... 2. autdiftantiam Locorwn, 3... • 4. five guadrante, 5. five 6.

Figurus rerun* defignat LirteisiJ. Angiitis, 8. & Circuits, 9f ad Regulum, io* Normam 11. & Circinum. I2«

Ex his oriuntur Cylindrus, 13. Trigonus, 14,

Tetragonuss 1

1 & alia: figure.

F The


chi. T he celeftial fphaere. Sphar* c ale ft is.

Aftroiomie COafi&Ctetb the motion of the Stars, Attro ogiefycifftctfif of them-.

The Globe of Heaven to tf&ncB about tty on tin Axle-tree i, «bout the globe of r'tc earth, s. tnthefpac* of xxiv board

Polar fh?s, oj Poles> rhe Artbtick 3. fitiB Anrartickj 4- £t:UCiUbe the Axle-tree ct both Ctib0.

The Heaven (0 fait Of &tar0ebet£ tobm.

fCbereawrecfconeto afeofec athoufand fixed-ftars$ tut of conftellations

Ajtronomia confide rat Aftrorummotiis, Aftrologia eorum cffeftus.

Coeli globus volvitur fuper Axem 1. circa globum Teme>2. fpacio XXIV. horarum.

Axem utrinq-, finiunt Stella Polares five Poli3

Artticus g« & Antarflicus. 4.

Coelum undiq*, cftftcllatum:

Stellarumfixantm numerantur plus mile ; Sidcrmmo cowards

C ) cowards the North, XXI. Septentrional'xum, XXL towards the South, XVI. Meridmaldum, XVI. SNftetO theft the XII. Signs ' Adde Signa XII. OftheZodiaque, $. I Zodiaci, $. ebcr? one Of XXX. fetgterd, j quodlibet graduum XXX. Sohofe ttatltfS arc, T Aries, j quorum nomina funt, & Taurus, H Gemini. j vMn>J,b Taurus,H, Gemini ® Cancer, & Leo, Virgo, m Libra, fTScorpius, •? Sagittarius, Vf Capricor. xss Aquarius, K Pifces.

fl&nDtrthis thefcfctn wandering Stars, VII. Sotyich thep cal) Planets, rnofoe, not)ofc toap Is a circle in the mtDDie of the 3oWacb, cailet) the Ecliptick. 6.

$>tl;er circled are the Horizon,7. the Meridian, 8. the Equator j 9. the t$DO Colures, the one of the iEquinofts,ic (of the Spring, tohttt the 0 entereth into r Autumnal, Snheu it entemh into £1) the othtrof the Solfticcs, 11. (of rhe Summer, when the ® entereth into $ of the Winter &h*n it entereth into v J the twoTropicks, theTropick of Cancel 12. thf Tropick of Capricorn, 13 •nhthe tfco Polar circles. 14... 15.

1 & Cancer, S\ Leo, m Virgoy dh Libra,za Scorpius, $ Sagittarius,^ CapriwmSy cs Aquarius, 3K Pifces.

Sub hoc, curfitant

Stella err antes VII. quas vocant Planetary

i quorum via eft, Circulus in medio Zodiaci,

; di&us, Ecliptic4. <5. Alii Circuit funt,

Horizon, 7. i Meridianus,2. j s¥.quatf>rj 91 duotoluri, alter ALquinoUiorum, 10. (Verm quando ® ingreditur T Autumnalis quando ingreditur fiiJ alter Solftitiornm, 11. f AEftivi quando ® ingreditur Hyberni quando ingreditur Vfj J duo Tropici,

Tr. Cancri, 12.

Tr. Capricorniy 13:

& duo PoUres. 14. „ i$. p 2 rime*


Flanetarmn AdfpeShtJ.

The Afpe&s of the Planets.

The Moon 5 runneth thoiofo the t|e Zodiaque eporg Moneth.

If he Sun,® in a gear

Mercury 5 ant) Venus, 2 about the fcun, the one in a hunojee ano the other in 585. capes-

Mars, $ in ttoo gears; Jupiter, V in alrnott ttueltjc ■, Saturn, Tj inthfrtp gears,

hereupon theg meet barfoudp araongtt themfelhes, ano ijaljc Guthat afpects one

toares another¬ 's here the 9 ano 5

are in Conjunftion j •ano jin Oppofition, © ano t, in a Trine,

AfpeiS, © anO v in a Quarnle,

BinO(J in a Sextile.

Luna 3 percurrit Zodiac urn fingulis Menfibus,

Sol,® Anno

Mercurius 5 & Venus, 2 circa Solem, illeCX V, hiec DLXXXV. Diebus.

Mars, j

Biennio • <7 • ^ fupiter, v fere duodecim • Saturnus^ Tj

tringinta, annis. Hinc varic

inter fe conveniunt & fe mutu5 adfpiciunt:


® & 5 in ConjunEhionc,

0 & > in Oppofitione, ® &|j in Trigono^

® & y in Quadra

® & $ in Sextili.

P 3 Fhajes

(2*4) T. ■ —


Thames Luna.

The Apparitions of the Moon.



(*!*:) ^T— — ii

The Moon, fcfnetb not bp bee Otott Light, but tt»at totjfct) fa bo^rotoeO of the Sun.

$oy tbeone half of ft fa altoapa enlfgbt= neb, the other remafnetb oarfefflj*

hereupon toe fee ft fn Conjunction toftlj the Sun, i. to be, ebftnre, almott none at all; fn Oppofition, 5. toholc ano clear, (anb toe call ft the Full-Moon ) fometfmea fn the half> (anb toe call ft •the ptime 3. anb laft quarter; 7. ' flDthertoffe fttoaretb 2--4- 0} toaneth 6....8. ano f a taf 0 to be horned 0} to#JO than half round.


lucet, non fua propria, fed a Sols mutuata j\jttC s»

Nam, altera ejus medietas temper iliuminatur, altera man-ct caliginofa.

Hinc videvnus, in conjtfflffioite Soli*, 1. obfeuram, imo nullam-, inOfpoJitiotic, 5* totam & lncidam (dc vocamus Plcnilunium • )

alias dimidiam, ( & dicimus primurn^. & nltimam 7.QucKhrum)

Cateroqui crefeit 2.. .4. aut decreteit, 6. ..8. & vocatur Falcata vel gibbofa.

P 4 Edip.




The Eclipfes.

C ai'7) %\)Z Sun

f * p fountafn of Ifgljt, fnlfgitnfngaUtifngo; tat tie Earth i. ana t^e Moon 2. befng fljaap Boofeo, are not pferceo tofti f to lHapeo, fo; tie? calf a fljafcoto upon fie place juft otter agalntt tiem.

&ierefo;e, toien $ ^oon ifgiteti Into tie (foaooto of tie ftfsDarfcneo(Carti 2; toifci toe call an Eclipfe, o£ Defect*

But toien tie spoon runneti bettof rt tie Sun ana tie Carti 3* it cotereti ft tofti ftotiaaoto: ana tifo toe can the Eclipfe of the Sun, becattfe ft taUeti from no tie fight of tie fun, ana fto If git; Heftieraoti tie dun fb; all tiat fuffer an? tifng,tat tie Carti.

Sol, eft fons Lucis, illuminans omnia: fed non penetrantur Radiis ejus Corpora opaca, Terra 1. & Lana ^ 2, nam jaciunt urnbram, in locum oppoflcum.

Ideo, cum Luna incidit in urnbram Tcitjc, 2. obfcitratur: quod vocamus Eciipfin [deliquium]

Cam verb ( Lm<z. Luna currit inter Solem & Terrain, 3. obtegit ilium umbra fua: & hoc vocamus Eciipfin Solis, quia nobis adimit profpe&um Solis & lucem ejus -7 nec tamen Sol aliquid patitur, fed Terra.



Cue ^arch id remit), $ therefore to be rcp;e fettteb bg ttoO Hemifpheres,a... b

Cbe ctvcnic of it (grees is tbjeebttnbjeb f Qjctp cte- O»bc«of eberp ouetmtmb fifteen cSerman mttes ) 0^ 5400 mtlefl *, anbpettt is bot a p;fc&, betng cotttpateb *5 p fc>e;U>, whereof it is the Centre.

Ctjepmeafnre tbclengf* tube Of it bp Climates, anb tie ftatttube bp Parallels, x. (ft about,

The Ocean 3. COtttp&ffrty anbfibe SeasfoaUMt, the Mediterrane Sea, 4. the Baltick Sea, 5 * the Red Se*,6. the Periian $ea, 7. anb the Cafpian Sea, 9.

Terra eft rotunda, fingenda igitur duobus ftemifpharii1. a... b

Ambitus ejus, eft graduum CCCLX. (quorum quifque fade Milliaria Germanica XV) feu Milliarum VMCCCC: & ramcn eft Pentium, collara cumOrbe, cujus Centrum eft.

Longitudinem ejus dimetiuntur Clmatibtu, 1. Laritudinem, lineis FaraUelk. 2.

Earn ambit; Occam#, 3. & perfundunc V Ataria, Mediterranean, 4.

Balticum, $. Erytbraam, 6.

Ferficum, 7. Cafpium. ?.

(219) CVII. b.

The terreftrial Sphere. sphtfra terrejlris.

io7. If

^tfSbibf&ebintO $ Zones, fehcrof the i frigid OIK0 9.9 are inhabitable, the 2Temperate Onc0, 9 £ Torrid one,u. habitable, ^eflbca it in bibibeb

into tbjfeConrinents*,fbft)e& thfft Of 01*0,12. K iofabBi- into Europe, 13 Alia, 14. Africa? 15. America, (»hofc inhabitants are Antipodes to an) ant) the 17... 17 pet unfenototi. Cbep that bSoel unber the

North- pole, 18. habe £ Ddpg ant) ftightn d months long.

jQfnite Iflands float in thecas.

Diftribuitur in Zonas V. quarum du* Frigid£,9 . . 9. font inhabitabiles \ du& Temper atee, 10 • r • IQ. 8c Torrida, 11. babirantur.

Ceterum divifa eft in tres Continentes : Ncftram,ia.quse fubdividitur in E urepam, 15* Afiam, 14 & Africam, 15 in American, id... 16 cujus incolse nobis func Antipodes &in TcrramAHftralcmJi^vj adhuc mcognftam.

Habitantesfub femeftralcs habent Noftes Diesque.

In maribus. Infinite natant/>>/#/**


C 220 )




C Ml)

%L\)Z c|Uf Kingdom in oat Europe, arc Spain, i. France, 2. Italy, 3. England, 4. Scotland, 5. Ireland, 6. Germany, 7 ♦ Bohemia, 8. Hungary, 9. Croatia, 10. Dacia, 11. Sclavonia, 12. Greece, 13. Thrace, 14. Podolia, 15. Tartary, 16. Lituania, 17. Poland, 18* 3tNetherlands, 19. Denmark, 20. Norway, 21. Swethland, 22., Lapland, 23. Finland, 24. Lifland, 25. Pruffia, 26. Mofcovy,27. atio Ruffians.

In Europe noftr^, funt Regna primaria, Hifpaniai 1. Gallia, 2. Italia, 3. Anglia (Britannia) 4, Scotia, 5. Hibernia, 6. Germania, 7. Bohemia, 8. Hmgaria, 9. Croatia, 10. Dacia ^ 11. Sclavonia, 12. Gracia, 13. Thracia, 14. Podolia, 15. Tart aria, 16, Lituania, 17. Polonia, 18. Belgium, 19.

9Dania, 20. Norvegiay 21. Suecia, 22. Lappia, 23. Finnia, 24. Livonia, 25. Borufsia, 26. Mofcovia, 27. Rufsiay 28.

( $20)


Moral Philofophy. Ethica.

SOjfs Life f £ a way, 0£ a place divided into two ways, Uke Pythagoras’* letter Y; b^oao i. on the left‘ban& track, narroto 2* on the right; that belongs to Vice 3. this to Vertue, 4.

^hto^fiongman^* fmltate Hercules., icabe p left'hano Soap, turn from mfee*

five Biviftiny j fimile | Liters Pj/thagorica Y •, i finiftro tramite

latum 1. dextro anguftum : 2. ille Vitii 3. eft, hie Virtutis 4.

Adverte, juvenis, 5. Herculem imitare^ Siniftram ftrlque, Vitium averfare:


tbe Entrance fs fafr> blit the End, 7. <0U0lp$ lteep ooton.

©0 on tbe right bano, tbobgbftbetlwnp: 8* no farap to unpayable to ttHcrtue; fotioto (etb, tobttber Sertueleao* through narrow places to (lately places, to tbe tower of honor,9

ftaptbemi&Dle ano ttrafgbt path(fafe* anotbou ftalt go berp

Cabo b<*& tbon 00 not go too much on tbertgbtbauo: 10. 3®*foletn> 12. tbetofloebo&fe, n. of affection,(beaolong* left tbon fall ooton

Sbfctbou soft not go arntfo on tbe left5 b«no,i3. In an fltedifce flwggifbneto,14. Mtgopntoaroa conffantlp, perfebere to tbe tm? ano tbon (bait U cro toneo> is-

fpeciofus^iiw, led turpis & praeceps Bxitw, 7.

Dexters ingredere, utut fpinoft • 8. nulla via invia Virtuti * Sequere, qu&ducit Virtus, per angufta ad augnfla, ad arcem Honoris, 9,

. Medium tene & redum tramitem 5 tutiflimus ibis.

Cave excedas addextram. 10.

Affedus, equum ferocem, 11. compefcefreno, 12. ne praeceps fias.

Cave deficias ad Siniftram, 13.

fegnitie afinina: 14.

fed progredere

conftanter, pertcndeadfijnem, &; coronaberis. i$.


(234) cx.

Prudence. Trndentia.

Prudence,i. loofetf) upon all t&fngs as a Serpent, 2. ana Doetb, fpeaUettj,02 tt)fnket& noting in fain*

looks backward, 3 as into a lookingglafs,4 to things paft • anD fCCti) before her, 5. as a Perfpedtive- glafs, 7. things to come, 0^ the end ^ 6. ano to ifee pmeffjiti ,

Frudcntia, 1. omnia circumfpe&at, ut Serpens, 2. nihilq^ agit, loquitur, & cogitat in caffum.

Refpicit, 3. tanquam in Speculum^ 4 ad Prateritd ^ & profpicity 5. tanquam Telefcopio^ 7.

Futura feu Finem: 6. atq-, ita pcrfpicit,


ttfcatftebatb done, an# tobat remafnetb to to Done* •be ftopofetb an

Honeft, Profitable, oofte, and fejftbaMHt map be apleafant End to tor actions*

fading fojefeen ttoEnd, (be tobetb out Means, as a Way, 8. tf leadetb to tbe eno; but fatb as are certain and ea(te3 and fetoer ratber than mo*e, left anptbfng f&oulo binder ftunity,9. •bstoatcbetbOpporr- (tobicb babing a bufhy forehead,io. f bcfngbald-pated,i i. ano mo*eoder having wings, 12. both qufcMp flip atoap) and catcbetb it*

•be goetb onbertoap toarilp, fo* fear (be fljouio fltamble o> go amfts.

quid egerit, & quid agendum re~ (let.

A&ionibus fuis praefigit Scofnm>

Honejlttm, Vtilenty fimulq;fi fieri poteft, fuctmdum.

Fine profpe&o, difpicit Me di*y c^u Viant-i 8. qux ducit ad Fineni ^ led certa & facilia, pauciora potius quam plura : ne quid impediat.

Occafioni 9. (quae, Fronte capillata^ 10

fed Vertice ealva, 11 adhaec alata912 facile elabicur) attendit, eamque capcar.

In via pergic caute (provide) ne impingat auc aberret.



Diligence. Sednlitas..

Diligence i. lotictli labours, abotoctb Sloth, f altoap0 at work, IfiiC tljePifmire, 2. amj carnet!) together, as ihctiot^foa her feif, ftoreot aUt&folgS. 3*

&be Dotf> not attoaps fl&p,o£ make fcoUDap*,

Sednhta* I. a mac labores, tugic Iwaviam, Temper eft in opere, uc Formica, 2. & comporcat fibi, ut ilia, (am. 3. omnium rerum cm-

Non dormit Temper, aut ferias agit*


(227) 80 tbeSluggard^ 4. j tlje Grafnopper 5. DO, btyom Want 6. at the latt obertahetf).

pnrfuet b fobat things lie bat!) unoer- takcn cbeerfuBp, ebtiHo the enD; (be pftttetb notbfng off tiB t&e mojroto, no* Doth (be ftng tbe Crows fong, 7. (tier to&ttfc faftb ober io-

ras, eras. &ftet labours under¬

gone,ano enoeo, being cben toearfeo, (be rettetb berfelf; bat Doing refreibeD toftb Reft, that (be map not uic her Celt to idlenefs, Abe falletb again to ber bufinefs.

SL Diligent Scholar is like Bees, 8. fobief) tarrp honey from Diberff flowers 9. into tbefr Hive. 10.

ut I^navus 44. & Cicada; 5. quos tandem premit Inopia. 6.


urget alacriter,

ad finem ufque ^

nihil procrailinat,

nec cantat

cantilenam Corvi^ 7*

qui ingemmat

Cras, eras.

Poft labores exAnt* lat os,


Sed, qmte recreata3

ne adfuefcat Otto,

redit ad Nemia,

Diligens DifcipulttS} fimilis eft Apibus9 8. quiexvariis Floribus,9. Mel congerunt in Alveare io.fuum. *







Temperance i. pjeferfbett) a mean to meat anO drink, z. aito rettrafnetfe the defire 80 hritf) 8 Bridle, 3. ano fo mooeratetb an tbfngo, taft an? ttfng too tmufe beoonef

Revellers are maoe drunk, 4. t&epftumble, 5. ttiep fpue, 6. aito brabble.7.

jjf: rottl drunkennefs pweeoetb lafeivioufnefs ^ from tbia, a lewd life (fters,8. among® Whorema- anO Whores, 9. In killing, touching, embracing, anO dancing. 10.

Tempcrantia i. rnodum, praeferibit Cibo & Potui, 2. & continet Cupidtnem ceu Freno, 3. &fic omnia moderatur, ne quid minis fiat.

Hduones (ganeones) inebriantar, 4. tit ub ant, 5. ruttant (vomunt) 6. dcrixantur. 7.

E Crapuld oritur LafciviA ^ ex hac, F*Y/z libidinofa inter Fornicatores 8. & Scorta, 9. Ofculaudo (bafiando) palpando, amplexAndo, & tripudtAndo. 10.

CL3 Porti-





(33 *J

Fortitude i. t 0 nnoaitnteo to aftberfftp, ano bola as a Lion- 2. bat not ftaug^tp to p*ofperrtp, leanfog on be* oton Pillar 3, Conftancy ^ am> befog tbe fatne to an tbtogo? mop to nrtoergo both effaces mb an eben rnfnoe*

febe recefbetb tbettroheo of misfortune forth tb® Shield 4. Of Sufferance ; ano feeepetb off the Pafitou?, tb«nenrte0 Of quietnefs, forth tbe Sword 5. Of Valour.

Fortitude I.

impavida eft in adverfis, uti>o,2. Scconfidens^

. at nontumida in Secundis: innixa fuo Columiniy 3. Conftantidt, & cadem in omnibus, para t a adutramcj:, fort mam aequo animo ferendam.

Cljpeo' 4* TolerantU excipit icftus Jnfortmii j & Gladio 5. Virtutis, propellit hoftes Fttthjmu,


Q.4 Patience.

C**.o -*■






Patience i. enouretfe \ Calamities 2. I Wrongs, 3 ♦ m&felp if fee a Lamb, 4. 80 Gods ^atfeerlp i chaftifement. 5*

31n tfee mean tobflc (fee leanctfe upon the Anchorof Hope, 6, (80 a Ship 7. | toCTeo bp toabea j in tfee &ea) (he prayeth to God 8, toeepfng, t erfpectetfe the $un-,i o after cloudy-weather 9. fufferfng etuis, ano hoping better tfefngo*

£>a tie contrary the impatient perfon 11 toafletb,lamcntctfe, ragethagainfi: himfelf, grumbietbUfee (12* a Dog, 13 v ano pet both no goto ; at^laff fee oefpafretfe, ano becometfe his own murtherer •, 14. feefng full of r age fee oeGretfetorefeeitge to^ongo,

Patient id 1. tolerat Cal imitates 2. & Injuria*) 3. humilitcr ut Agnus y 4. tanquam paternam JDei \ feral am. 5.

Interim innititifr

Spei anchors, 6* ( ut Navi* 7.

mari fluftnans)

Deo fupplicat 8. illacrumando, & exfpe&at poll Nubila 9. Phoebtim 51 o. ferens mala, fperans mcliora.

Contra Jmpatiens 1 u plorac, lamentatnr, in /ei-pfvfn deb *c chat ur* obmumiurnt (12. ut Canis, 13. & tamen nil proheit *,

tandem defperat,

& fit Autockir , 14. Injurias vindicare cupit,

furibundus. Hum a-

C 234 )

cxv. Humanity. Humanitas.

Men are ma&e fo; one anotfeers good' therefore let them fee kind..

Be tfeou t&aet anolotalp in tfep countenance ^ 1. gentle^ dbflfntbp behaviour,<| manners*2. affable % true>fpoken Sdtfe thy Mouth 5 3.

Homines fa&i funt ad mutua commoda; ergo fint human*.

Sis fuavis, & amabilis, Vultu ^ 1. comis & urbanus, Gefiu ac Moribus *, 2. affabilis& vetax, Ore^ 3,


Cl 35) affectionate $ candid fnt&P heart* 4*

bo lo&e, mo fo (halt tftou be lobea •, mo t^ere foffl be a mutual friendfhip, 5. *8 t&at Of Turtle-doves, 6. beartp, gentle, ana toffelng toell m both par to.

jfrotoar^en, are fateful, teattp> wtjpleafant, contents S, 7. (ow#>

. 8. ana implacable, (rather Molfceo ana&pono,than ^cn) ana (utb as fan out among t&emfelfceo, hereupon tbep fight fttaDuell. $.

Envy, xo. tof ftfng n to ot&ero, pfnefp atoap |er felf*

candens & Candidas Corde. 4.

Sicama, fic amaberis 5

Sc He t Hiutua Amicitia, 5.

ecu TurtHrum> 6.

Concoiu, mSnfueta,

& urrinq-,,t>enevola. Moroli homines,

funt odiofi,torvi, iilepidi3 contention, iracundi, 7. crude les 8. ac Implacabiles,

(magislupi & leones,

qu*m homines,,)

& inter fe dilcordes,

hinc confligunt Duello. 9.

Invidta, to. aliismal£ cupiendo, feipfam conficit.



CXVI. Juftice. lujlitia.

Juilice t. ts pafnteo, fitting: on a fquare Stone ^ 2. fo>tf)0oui$t to be fmmobable

loft!) hoodwinked eyes 3

tljatfijcsiap not rcfpect peifonc; Hopping die left ear, 4. to be referbet) foj tbc other party ;

|)olofnof«i)errf£j)t ftfiltO a iword, 5. ant) a Bridle, 6.

Juflitia 1. pingicur, iedens in lafide cjHddrato : 2- nam debet effe

immobilis ^ obvelatis oculis, 3. ad non refpiciendum perfonas; claudens anrem jinifiram, 4, refervandam

I alteri parti; Dextera tenens

Gladivtn, 5. & Fran urn, 6.


(837) topunftb ano dftrafn eWH$£en;

Beffoes a pair of ballances, 7. fnthe right fcalc 8f tohereof oefcrts, am fn the left (9. rewards befog put are maoe ebetT one toitfi another, ana fo 00)0 ;$)en are fneftea to bfrtue;as ft foere Ulftlj Spurs, 10.

Bln Bargains, 11. let men Deal canof Dip j let them (tana tothefr Covenants % Promifes; let that which is given one to keep, anD that which is lent berettojeD; (12. let no man be pillaged, 0£hurt; 13. let eberp one babe hte oton; thefe are the precepts of Blultfce*

&uch things as thefe arc fojbfaoenfn Gods 5-& 7.Commandement, ano aefcrbcaip ptmflfeeDonp Gallows anD the Wheel. 14.

ad puniendum & coercendum Malos -7

Practerea St*teram7 7 cujus dextra Land &. Merita, Sintji rst) 9. Premia impofita, fibi invicem execquantur, arque itaBoni ad virtuteni, ceu Calc arib mt 10. incitancur.

In ContraBibus, 11. candidc agatur *, Pattis & PromiJJls ftetur j Depo ftum, Mat mm,

reddantur ^

nemo ex filet ar-* 12.

autUdatur ^ 13.

fuum cuiq-, rribuatur;

hacc funt Prarepta


Tali a prohibentur, qninto&. feptimo DtipraceptOy & merito Cruce ac Rota 14. puniuntur. Liht-


cx vn.



C 239)

Libefality, i. liapetb a mean about Riches, fobfcb (he bonettlp feehetb,tbat(bemap hade fometoljat to beffoto on them that want; 2.

&hc cloatheth, 3. nouriflieth, 4. ant) enricheth, 5. there tofth a chearful countenance,£. ant) a winged Hand. <7.

&be fabmfttetb her wealth 8. to bet fclf, not her felftoft, as the covetous man, 9. ooth, tobo bath,that he map babe, * to not the owner,bnt the keeperol’ hto 0tooo,{ betnguufa- ttable altoapo ferapeth together 10. bte nafls-

tpojeober befparetb, ano hffipeth. Hoarding up 1 i.(babe: that he map alfoapeo ISutthc Prodigal, 12.

baoip fpenoeth things toell gotten, ano at the latt toantethf

Libcralitas t. modum fervat circa Divitias>

quas honefU quaerit*

ut habeatquod largia-

Egents • 2. (tur Hos, veflit, 3.

nutrit,^. ditatr 5.

Vtilt a hilariy 6, & Mann alat*. 7.

Opes 8. fibifubjicit • non fe illis, ut Avarus^ 9 quihabet, uthabeat, & bonorum fuorum non Pofjcjfcr eft fed Cttftos* &, infatiabilis, Temper eorradit to. Unguibus fuis.

Sed & parcit & adfervat,

oedudendoy 11. ut Temper habeat:

At Prodigy 12. male dilperdit bene parta, ac tandem eget. The

024° )

CXV1II. The Society betwixt Man Societas Conjugalis.

and W he..... j—^

Marriage foae appointed bp <3ob fn paraotfc, f0£ mutual help, artDthe Propagation ofraaivktttD* (man

A yong-man (a fingle- bcmg to be married, ftoulo befurnftbeo, either boftb wealth, 0$ a Trade anb Science, tobfcb map ferbe fo^ getting-? U&fng; tbatbemagbe able t* matntaf n a Fam&y.

i Alatrimonium a Deo ell mltitutum, in Paradifo, ad mutuum Adjutoriunt* & Proparatiortcm generis human!

Vir-Invents (c oelebs)

conjugium initurus, inftruaus lit aut Opibtis aut Arte & Scienti** quae fit, de pane lucrando: ut poffit fufientarc Familiaijrr.


040 Cfetn b* tbetfctb blmfetf

affaidthath marriageable, (Of a Widdow } fofcom l)« lobctb* robcte Ntbenbtictte a' fimtir maro (0 to be bab OfVcrtue ant Honefty, than of Beauty 0} Portion.

2Mttrtoarb0, bctiotfc not betroth ber to

do&ip, but tatttattrb fo> ber 10 a woer, Xf0 to the Father i. ant tfctn the Mothers 2. 0} the Guardians aab Kinsfolks, bp fuch as help to make the match* 3. ICtbe fbe <0 efpouftt) to bint

be bftomctb f bridegroom,4 anb (be the Bride, 5. anb f coetrafi i$ mate, f an Inftrumertof the Dow¬ ry in

3t tbc left the wedding if mate, ft>bmtbe*arc|o?ncD together bf the prieft, 7. gibing tbcif Hands 8. one to another, 8UD wedding Rings i 9. tbentbcp feafttotfb tb« Soitncfft0 that are tnbtttt. Sftcr ttyf tb<P ate talicb

Hosband anb Wife j Sobtn (be tel beat be be- fOmctba Widdo^cr*

Deindc digit fibi Virgiv\em hubilertt, C aut P'iduam) quam adamat: (habeada nbi ramen major ratio Vvtutis & Honeftatis, qui n hurtrk aut Dot is.

Pofihsec, non clam defpondec fibi cam, fed ambit, ut Proem, apud Pnircm 1. & Mat re nit a*

j vcl apud Tutores & Coghatos, per Pronubos. g.

Ea fibi defponsa, fi tSponfus, 4. & ipfa, Spctifa \ 5. fiuntqi SponfalU, & ferihirur Itftwrnentum dot ale, 6.

Tandem hunt

( ubi copulancur I a Sitter dote, 7. I datis u*tr6 citroq; ! M*nibm 8. , fc Annulis nuptiaiibus i 9. I rumcpulantur

cum invitatis Teflibus,

Abhinc dicuntur Maritas & Z/x«r, hac raortu$ ilk (it Vidaus.

K The


3n Confanguinity there touch a man i. In Lineal Afcent, the Father ( the Father in Law) 2. mt& the Mother (the Mother in Law,) 3. the Grand-father, 4. $ the Grand-Mother,5. the great-grandfather 6 ano the great-grand¬ mother, 7. the great- great-grand-father, 8. the great-great-grand¬ mother, 9. the great- great-grand-fathers Fa- er, 10.

Hominem 1 (§unt> Confan^ninitate attin- in Lined Afcendenti, Pater (Vitricus ) 2. & Mater (.Novetca) 3. A v/ts9 4. & Avia, 5. ProavHs 6.

& Proavia, 7. Abavns 8.

&, Abavia9 9

AtAVHS. IO. the

( 243) the great-great-grand- mothers Mother, n. the great-great-grand- fathers-grand-fathcr, 12 the great-great-grand- mothers-grandmoth. 13 Tljofe bepona tftefe are caH0&anceftors*i4... 14 Hit a Lineal defcgc,(i5

the fon (the Ton in law) ana the daughter (the daughter in Law, 16.) the Nephew 17. aitfctheNeece, 18. the Nephews Son 19. f the Nephews daughter 20 the Nephews Nephew xi. «lt> the Neeces Necce, 22. the Nephews Nephews Son 23. the Neeces Neeces daughter, 24. the Nephews Nephews Nephew, x$. the Neeces Neeces Neece, 26. heponh fyefe arecaliefc Pofterity. 17. 27.

a Collateral Line ate the uncle by the fathers fide 18 ant) the Aunt by the fathers fide, 29. the Uncle by the Mothers fide, 30. ant) the Aunt by the Mo¬ thers fide,3i. the Brother 32 ant) the Sifter, 33. the Brothers Son, 34. the Sifters Son, 3$ % the co¬ fin by the brother 8c filter. 6

H.-.U SAjJta


TritAVus 12.

& Tritavia -13, Ulteriores diewntur Afajores. 14*.. 14, In Defcendenti,

Filins (Privigmts) 15 •

& Filia (Privigna) 16, Nepos 17. & Ncptisi 18. Prompts 19. ifffPrtncpusy ao. Abnepos 21. ZcAbnept'tSy 22.

At nepos 23. 8c Atneptisy 14.

Trinepos 25.

8c Trincptis j 26. Ulteriores dicuntur Pofteri. 27. . .27.

In Line* Collaterals

funt P&truus 28.

Sc Amit<*y 19. Avunculus 30. Sc Matertcrdy 31, bracer 32. & Sorory 33 ♦ Fatrudis 34 Sobrinusy 35. Sc AmninUs ^6>..* 36.

i\ x Societal



Soctet at Parent alii.

The Society betwixt Parent® and Children.


Married Perfons, (bp $ blefff ng of <5oo) babeiflue, ano become Parents.

The Father i. begef- tetb, ano the Mother 2. bearetb Sons 3. anO Daughters, 4. (fometimco Twins*)

The Infant 5* is tojappeo in Swadling-clothes, 6. f d laf0 in a Cradle, 7*. id fncfcleo bp the spo5 tbtt Mtb her breafts,8 ano feo toitlj Pap, 9.

gftertearoo ftlearnetbto go bp a Standing-ftool, 10. plapetb boltf) Rattles,11 I begfnnetb to fpeafc* 3d ft begfnnetb to

groin olocr, ftfdacc«; ftomeO to Piety 12. ano Labour 13. anofd cbaftffeo 14.

if ft be not outffcill Children Otoe to jpa*

rentdlReoerence, ano feerbfee.

® be father mafn- tafnetb bfo Cbflo^en by taking Pains. 15.

Conjuges, fufeipiunt (exbenedi&ione Dei) Sobolem (Prolem) & hunt Parentes.

Vater 1. generat, & Mater 2. parit Filios 3. & Filias, 4. (aliquando Gcmcllos.)

Infans 5*

involvitur Faf ns, 6. reponitur in Cmas. 7. a matre ladatur Vbcribus, 8. & nutritur Pappis. 9.

Deinde, incedere difeit Serpcraflro, 10. ludit Crepundiis, 11. & fari incipit.

Crefcente artate,

Pietflti 12. & Labori 13. adfuefit, & calfigatur 14. fi non fit morigerus,

Liberi d^bent Parentibus Cultum & Cfficium.

Pater, fuftentat Liberos, laborando. 15+ Socle-




Soctet oj ber&J.

The Society betwixt Matter# and Servants.


(*47) The Matter (the good-

man of the HoufeJ i. hath Men-Servants •, 2♦ the Miflrefs (the good wife of the Honfe) 3. Maidens. 4. She; appoint there

their Work, 6. ano OftrfOe them their Toc)r« •

tobfeb are f af tbfabp to be bone bp them ioftbont formating, ano Ioffe; fojtobicb tbetr Wagcs.ano Meat attb Drink fe allotoeo them.

A Servant toao beretofojc a Slave, oberInborn tbe fatter bae potoer of life anb Death*

tbto tap tbe pooler foxt ferbe <n a free manner, being bfreo fo? toageo.

Herns (Ptiter familias') 1. habet Famulos (Servos) 2. Hera (Mater fami l i- Ancillas.4. 0**3)

Jlli mandanthis Opera, 6. & diflribuunt Laborum penfa •, 5. qua ab his fideliter hint exfequenda, fine Murmure & Difpendio pro quo prabetur ipfis, Merces & Alimonia,

ServHs olim erat Aiandpiwn, in quern Vita* &necis Domino poteftas fuit:

Hodic Serviunt liberc pauperiores, mercede condufti.

R 4 A


A City. cUtks,

SDfmanp^onfca is tnafcc a Village, i.

a Town, ©£ a City, 2.

%\)zlt ano this are fencesam begf*t toft!) a Wall 3. a Trench, 4. Bulwarks 5. ant) Palifadoes. 6.

Mftljfn tfyeftalte is the voyd Place ; 7.

i Ex multis Donubus fit Vagus, 1. vel Opidum9

, vel Vrbs. 2. j Iftud&baec I muniuntur ficcinguotur

Manibut ( mur0) $ . Valla, 4. Aggeribus 5. & y aliis. 6. Intra muros, eft Pomotrifim -y 7.


(349) tefthout, the Ditch. 8.

3n the beano ate FortrefTes, 9. anD Towers, 10. Watch-towers, 11. are upon the higher placee*

2Dhe entranceinto a Cftp rnaoc out of the Suburbs, 12. through the Gate, 13. ober the Bridge. 14.

SChe Gate hath aPercullis, 15. a Draw-bridge, 16. two-leaved Doors, 17. Locks, ano Bolts, ao alfo Barres, 18.

3n the feuburbo are Gardens, 19. ano Garden-houfes, ana alfo Burying-places. 21.

extr^y Fojfa. 8.

In moenibus, funt Profugvacula 9 ScTurres10. Specula 11.* exftant in editioribus locis.

In Urbem ingreflus fit, ex Suburbio, 12. per Portam> 13* luper Pontent. 15.

Porta habet Catarattas, 15. Pontemverfatilem, 16. Valvas, 17. Glauftra, & Repagula, ut& Vettes. 18.

In Suburbiis funt Horti^ 19. & Suburb ana, 20. ut& Ccemeteria. 21.




The inward parts Inttrior* Vrbjs. of a City*

®£fftSfna Cftp are Streets, i. pallet) toftft (tones; Market-places, 2. (fn tome placets toftS Galleries) 3. ailD narrow Lanes, 4. SCfye pubitck buflftings are fatbemfDDlceftbe the Church, 5 (Cftp, the School, 6. the Guild-hall, 7. the.Exchange. 8.

InQ# Urbem funt Plate a ( Vici) 1. lapidibus ftratae-, Foray 2. (alicubi cum Porticibus 3.) & Angiporti. 4.

Publica aedificia funt in medio Urbis, Tempi urn, 5. Schola, 6. Curias 7. Donuts Merc at nr a', 8.



3bout tbe OTteHo, ano tbe ©ates, art tbe Magazine, 9. the Granary, 1 o. Jnnes, Ale-houfes, Cooks-ihops, 11. the Play-houfe, 12. attD the Spittle ,13.

3fn tbe bp^placeo are houfes of offi.ce, 14. anothe Prifon. 15.

3n tbe chief steeple is the Clock, 16. RttO the Watchmens DtoeUfug* 17*

3n tbe Streets are Wells. 18.

<0Dbe River 19. 0* Beck running about ? ©ftp, femtb totoafljatoap tbe filth.

The Tower 20. fanbetbfw tbebfgbe® part of tbe ©ftp*

Circa Maenia, & Portas, Armamentarium*) 9. Granarium, 10. Diverforia, Popint^

& Caupona^ 11. The at rum*) 12. Nofodochium 13.

In recefiib % Doric a, (C4 > ac) 14, & CuftodU ^Career) 15

In Turrc primama eft Horologium, 16 . & habitatio Vi 0 Hum. 17,

In Plateis funt /Va. 18.

pluvius, 19. vel Rhus, Urbem inter flue ns, infervit fordibus eluendis.

20. exftat in fummo Urbis,




C a53 ) SCbc belt Law fo

a qttiet agreement, maoe either bp tbemrelbee, (is, bettofpt tobom tbe tote 01 bp an Umpire. 3f tbte 00 not pieceeb

tbep tome intoicourt,i (heretofore tbep juog’o in tbe Marketplace) attbfooap in tbe Moot- in $ tbe Judge,2. (hall) fittetb tt bieAireirors,3 tbe Clerk 4, (toritfngt tabetb tbefr botea in

The Plaintiff 5. accufetb the Defendant, 6. f p^ODucetb witnefles 7. agafnft t)fm^

The Defen' ercufetb bfmfelf bpa counfelor,8 inborn tbe piafntfffo Counfelor 9. cgtra&fcto

2Cben tbe Judge p;ononncetb Sentence, acquitting p innocent, anfrtenaemning bint tbat is guilty (fine, to 8 punifhment, 0} a 0) torment.

Optimum Jus eft placida convention fa&a, vel ab ipfis, inter quos Lis eft, vel ab Arbitro.

Haec ft non procedit, vehitur in Forum, 1. (olim judicabant in Toro, hod.iein Pratorio) cui pr'afidet Judex[~Prac- cuAjfefforibus^ 3. (tor]2 Dicographus, 4. Vota calamo excipit.

A ft or 5. accufat Reumy 6. & producit Tefies 7. contra ilium.

Reus excufat fe per Advocatum ^ 8< cui contradicic Aftoris Procurator. 9,

Turn Judex- Sententiam pronunciat* abfolvens injontem^ & damnans fontem ad Pcenaw, vel MuF

flam, vd ad Supflicium*


( 254 )

cxx v. The tormenting of Supplicia Male-

M; 1 e fatten*. ficor urn.

Malefa&ors i. arcb;ongbt fromtbe Prifon, 3. ftoberrtbep aretoattobetojt&ireo) bp Sergeants, 2. 02 dragd with a horfe,i5

to place of Execution. Theeves 4.

are bangco bp tbe Hangman, 6. on a Gallows- 5.


mbstyrt&i 7-

Afalefici t. per LiFtores^ 2, c Car cere 3. (nbi torqueri folcnt) producuntur, vel ecjuo rapt ant ur* 15. ad locum Supplied.

F nrcs 4. in Fatibnlo 5 fufpenduntur & Carnifice y 6,

Aicechi decollantur y


C *55 ) Murtherers

ant) Robbers are cither lain upon ■ Wheel, 8. (ken, habing their legs bro- 0} faffneb upo a Hake.9

Witches are burnt in a great Fire. 10.

frome before the? be erecutto babe tbeir tongues cut out, 11. ej babe tbeir Hand 13. cut off upon a Block, 12 0) are burnt toitb Pincers. 14.

SGbep that babe tbeir life giben them, arefetonthePillory,i6 are ftrapadoed, 17. are fet upon a wooden- horfc, 18. btaf tbeir cars cutoff, 19.

are whipped, 20. are inanoeo, are bantdieo, are conftentteD to the galleys, (fotUHgt* 0* to perpetual fmp*f5

TraytorsarepuBeo In pieces tofth 4

Homicida (Sicarii) ae JLatrones (Piratx) vd crnrifragU plexi Rota imponuntur, 8. vel FaIo infiguntur ^ 9,

Striges (Lamia?) fuper Rogum 10 cremantur.

Quidam (ficianttir, antequam fupplicio af- elingnantnr, II. aut liipcr Cippnm 12. Mann ple&untur, 13. aut Forcipibns 14. uruntur.

Vita donati, Numcllis conftringun-

(tur> 16. lux ant nr, 17. Eqnulco imponun¬ tur, 18. Annins trnne ant nr, 19* Virgis cadnntur, 20. Stigmate notantur, rclcgantur, damnantur ad triremes5 (petuum. vel ad Carcerem per-

Perdnellcs quadrigis diTccrpuntur.






(257) Wares ('places,

brought from otper are either exchanged in an Exchange, i. o* erpofeo to foie in Warehoufes, 2. aijo thep are folo to% Money, 3. being either meafureo frith an Eln, 4. o* toeigheo in a pair of Ballances. 5.

Shop-keepers, 6. Pedlars, 7. ano Brokers, 8. toonlD alfo be caheo Merchants. 9

The Seller toaggeth of a thing that is to be folo, ano fettetb v rate ot ft, ano hofr much it map be folo foa*

The Buyer 1 o. cheapneth, ano offereth thep;ice» 3fanpone

bid againft him, 11. the thing is oelioereo to him that piomffeth theme®*

Merces aliunde allatae, in domo commerciQrHin 1 vel commutantur, vel venum exponuntur in Tabernis mcrcimonio- & venduntur (ra»,2; pro pecmi* (moneta) 3. vel menfuratae ZJlnd, 4* vel ponderatae Librd.

Tabernarii, 6, Circumforanei, 7. & Scruxarii, 8. etiam volunt did Mercatores. 9;

Vcnditor oftentat rem promercalem, & indicat pretium, quanti liceat.

Emptor 10. licitatur, & pretium oflfert.

Si quis contralicetur, IX;

ei res addicitur, qui plurimum pollicetur.

S Men



Me it fur & Tondtra.

Meafures and Weights.


C=59 ) Wemeafure things P

bang together toftb an Uqttfo tbfngo (Gin, i. toftb’a Gallon, 2. « Dtp things bp a two-buftiel meafure.3. We trp the beabtnes

of things bp Weights 4 aitD Ballances. 5.

3n this <0 the Beam ■, 6- intbemfotttobemffo a uttle Axle-tree, 7. abobe, the cheeks,f the hole,8. fit tobftb the Needle 9. mobeth ft felf to f fro ; on both does are the Scales, 10, banging bp little Cords. 11. TheBrafiers baUance,i2

toefgfjeth things, bp banging them on a Hook, 13. anbthe Weight 14. oppofltetotbem, ulna toefghethfuft aamnthaa the thing, fnbttofcefotnncb, incthi(cefomuth>&c.

Res continuas, metimur Vlnb> i. liquidas, Congioy 2. aridas. Aft dim no. 3.

Gravitatem rerurti experimur Fonderibus,4 & Ltir'i (bilance) 5.

In Me prim&ell Jugum (Scapus) 6. in cujus medio AxicnltiSy^j. fuperias Trutin a & a gin a 8. in qua Examen 9> feleagitat •, litrinq; flint Lances, 10. pcndentes Punic til is. 11.

St at era 12. ponderatres, fiifpendendo illas 1Vncoj 13. & Fondas 14. exoppolito, quod in a aequiponderat rei9 in b bis tantum, in c ter, &c.

S 2 Atf

(26oJ .... —I i >»1


Acs Medico.



The Patient, i. ( fenDeth fO} a Phyfician toho f&leth hfaPulfe, 3. an® l©feetlj upon his Water, 4, an® then pjefcrf bet ft a Receipt fit a Bill 5.

SDhatiemaoe rea®p hptfje Apothecary 6. fit 8H Apothecaries

(hop, 7. Inhere Drugs are feept fit Drawers, 8. Boxes, 9. an® Gally-pots 10,

an® fife either a Potion, n. 03- Powder, 12. 0* Pills, 13 • O^Trochisks, 14. O^anEle&uary. 15.

Diet atlO Prayer, 16. fetbe belt Phyfickf

The Chirurgion 18. curctl) Wounds 17. ana Ulcers, toftyPlaiftcrs. 192

ELgretans^ I. accerfit Medicum 2 qui tangic ipfius Arterlam} 3. & infpicit Ztrinam, 4. turn prarferibit Me die amentum in Schedule 5.

]flud paratur a Pharmacopto 6. in Pharmacopolio, 7. ubi P barmaid in Capfulis, 8. Pyxidibus, 9. & La gents 10. adfervantur.

Eftq; vel Potioy 11. vel Pulvis, 12. vel Pi/luU, 13. vel Pafiilli, 14. vel EleB^arium. i5<

7)i<cta & Oratioy 16. ell optima Mcdicina.

Cbirurgus 18. curat Vtilnera 17* & Vlcerdy Splenic ( empUjirii-19

S 3




A Burial!.


Dead Folks (burneo, heretofore foere ano their afibeo put into an Urn i.

We enclofc our dead Folks, in a Coffin 2. iaptftemnpo a Bier, 3.

ano fee tbep be carries out in a Funeral-pomp totoaroo $ Church- toberetbep are(yard,4 taiDiintO the Grave, 6. bp the Bearers, 5. ano are interreo • tbfe io coheres toitb a Grave* (lone 7. ano f s abodes foftb Tombs, 8. annEpitaphs 9.

tbe Corpo go along, Pfalms are tung, anp the Bells are rung* 10.

DefanEU olim cremabantur, & Cineres in Vrnb 1. recondebantur.

Nos includimus noftros demortms, LochIo (Capulo) 2. imponimus Feretro, 3* & efferri curamus Pompd funcbri verfus CxmeteritWi 4. ubi a Vefpillonibus 5* inferuntur Sepulchroy 6. & humantur • hoc Cippo 7. tegitur, & Monumentii 8, ac Epitaphiis 9. ornatur.

Funere prodeunte, cantantur Hymni, & Campana 1 o. pulfantur.



Lucias Scenicnt,

A Stage-Play,

<»«5) Sit a Play-houfe, i»

fobfcb is trlmmeo * Hangings, 2. ano cobereb tofcb Curtains, 3. Comedies, $ Tragedies are acteo, ioberefn memorable] tbfnga arc repjefen5 tco; as tjrrc, tbel£ltto»|? of the Prodigal Son, 4. a«b W* Father, 5, bp Inborn be is entertaineb, being returnee borne.

The Players att being In blfguffe; the Fool, 6. maketb Setts*

3D bo chief of tbe Srpeitatojs lit |n the Gallery, 7. tbe common fojt ffanb on the ground, 8. ana clap tbe banes If an? thing lleafetbem.

In Theatre, 1+ C quod veftitur Tapetibus, 2.


8tSipariis 3. tegitur) aguntur Comcedia vel Trag&dia,

quibus reprafentantur res memorabiles • ut hie,

I Hiftoria de pilio prodigo, 4. & Patre 5. lpfius, * quo recipitur, domum redux.

Attores ( hi (Briones') agunt perfonati; Morio, 6. dat Jocos.

Spedatorum primarii, fedent in Ore heft rk ^ 7. Plebs flat in Caved, 8. & plaudit, fi quid arridet.








The Tumbler i, taafettb ieberal Showes, ft tip nlmbleneffe if |fo boop, bailsing to ami fro in bio hands, eapfng tlwfo i Hoop, 2. &c. i feometlmca alfo pdanceth 4. iabfng on a tfftaro. I lhejugler3. bOtoOtb Heights, kit of a Purfe. ! The rope-dancer, 5* joethanobanccth ipon a Rope, boioetl) a Poifej, 6. In fcto l^ano ;

bnngeth btmfelf Ibp the Hand i} Foot, 7. &c.

Prtftiriator r. facit varia Spg&4culay volubilitate corporis, deambulando manibusy faliendo per Circttlum, 2. &c.

Interdum etiam tripndiat 4. iarvatus.

Agjrta 3. Praftigias facit, e marfupio.

Fmabnlus, J. graditur & faltat fuper tenets manu Halterem • 6. aut fufpendit fe manu vAPedetf.&c.

(a 68)



The Fencing-School.


(ify) Fencers

ji&t fn a$u*l h a Fencing-place, Ightfttgtofth fwords,i spikes 2. fit) Halberds, 3. p Shojrt-fwords, 4. b Rapiers 5. laving balls at the point left t hep tooime one mother moitaBp J $to<th go Edged-fwords

0 a Dagger 6. ®gether* : Wrtftlers 7. "among the Homan* h tf me* jratt more nakeo, * anopn* too tofth 3Dpl) take hole o( one another, ano ffrf fee tohether can thtoto the other, gfpedallp by tripping uphi$Heels,8. Hood-Jinked fecers 9

fought toftfe thefr flft* fn a rfofcnlotitttrffe, to toft, tofth thefr epee cohere**

Pugiles CQnjgrediuntur Duello,1 in Pfiaftr*, decertantes vel Gladiis, 1. vAHaftilibus 2. & jBifcnnibus* 3. vel Semifpathis,4. vel Enftbus 5. mucronem obligates 9 ne lethaliter laedant.

vel Fnimeif & Pptgione 6. fimul.

Lutlateres 7. f apud Romanos olim nudi & inundi oleo J prehendunt fe invicentf & annijuntur, uter alterum profternere poflit, priprimis fuppfantando. 8.

Andabattyp. ^pugnabant Pugnis, ridiculo certamine, nimirum obvelatis oculis.




Ludtu ftU*



3l1 a Tennis-Court, i. tbepplap J»ftfrap%2. W&fcWnet&oteetfr, ano atfot&er taketb, l fcnoetli (t bacfc toftlf a Racket; 3. anat&attet&efpojt of^obie'tjten to Cfr t&efr boop*

A winde-ball 4. befog Men toft & afr bp a means of aVentil, it taffeo to ano fro tBttb the Fift 5. In tie open afr.

In Sphtrifterie, i„ luditur PiU, 2. quam alter m'ittir, alter excipit, &remittit Retie alii, 3, idq: eft Lufus Nobilium (ris._) ad cSmotionem corpo-

RoHus (pila magna) 4. aerediftenta ope Epiftemii, fubdio Pjtgm J. reverberatur.


(27* )


Ludnt Alex,


C*7*) ttlteplaj? foftb Dice i.

either tfcep that tbjote tbentoft take up all * o> toe tlnoto them tW tTOto a cafting-Box 2. upon a Board 3. marked toftfc jf iguree*, an ot&fste pice-players game ft catting Lots*

qpenpiap bp Luck altO Skill at,Tables In a pair of Tables, 4. amt at Cards* 5.

®Meplapat Chefle on a Cnefle-board, 6* inhere onlp art bearetb the ftoap*

SDbemoff Ingenious 6ime, Is the game at Chefs, 7 toberefnas ftfoere ttoo iSrmfes fgbt together fn fatten.

Tefieri* {jalis) I. ludimus, vel Plijtobolindam • vel immittimus illas per Frltillum 2.. in TabelUim 3. numeris notatam* idque eft Ludus Sortilegii Ale At ornm.

Sorte & Arte luditur CaIcuIis in alveo aleAtorio, 4. & Chartis luf mis, $ .

Abacttlis ludimus in Abaco,6. ubifolaars regnat.

Ingeniofiffimus hidus eft, L.Latrunc tiler nm, 7*

quo Yeluti duo exercitus

I prariio confligunt*



Curf&j Certdmtna.



* fa?* )

HBofto erereffe tbemfelbeatn rimfttg, eftbtr upon the ice, i. to Scrick-(hooes,2. 'toberetbep arecarrfeo al(oupon Sleds v 3- o; to tbe open fielo mabtog a Line, 4. Web, be that oeffretb totofn, ought to touch, but not to run bepono ft

^eretofoie Runners ran bettof rt Railcs 6. to the Goal, 7t ano be that touebeo ft firtt, recefbeo the prhe 8, from him that gave the pri7e. 9.

attofe**? Tilting, ( oi tbequfrt5 tain) to ufeo, fobere a Hoop 1 (truck at toft b aT runch ion, 1 o. toffCftO of Horfe-races, tobfeb are groton OUt Of UfOf

Pueri exercent fe curfu, five fuper Glaciem I* Diabatrifi 2. ubi etiam vehuntur Trahis ^ 3. five in campo defignantes Ltneam% 4. quam, qui vincere cupit, adtingcre, at non ultri procurrere, debet*

Olim decurrebane Car fore's f. inter Cancellos 6. ad Met am, 7* & qui primam contingebat earn, accipieDat Brabeum (yramhm) 8* a Brabeuta. 9.

Hodie habentur Hafiiludia, (ubi Lance k to. petiturCircuits XI.) Jo co E quirt or am quae in defuetudinem


T »



Ludi PneriUs.






Boyes «fe to giapeityer ferity Bowling-ftones; i. n thjotoing a Bowl 2. at Nine-pins; 3«. 0* ffrIHItfg a Ball tfrO^Oft) a Ring 9 $• fottft a Bandy,4. c&fcontgfngaTop 6> toft* a Whip-,7, o^t&tttfagfoit!) a Trunek, 8. anD aBow;9- 6} goftig upon Stilts^io. o* totting ano ftpmgfng themfelfco upon aMtu

Pueri ludere folent, vel globis fittilibus; I. vel ja&antes Globum 2. ad Conas •, 3. vel Sparptlam. CUvh 4. mittentes per Annultm *, 5. vel Turbinem 6. Flagello 7. verfantes; vel Sclopo, 8. & aAh 9. jaculantes j vel Grail is 10. incedentes ^ vel fuper Petaurum 11. fe agitantes &o?cillaui£t




Regntwt & Regia,

The Kingdom & the Region*



cities at!0 Villages make a Region «ID a Kingdom.

The King. 0> Prince, refioetb ftl the chief-City 5 1. the Noblemen, Lords, anO Baris, btoefl fit theCaftles 2.tbatl$?e routto about ft, the Countrey-people DtoeU fit Villages. 3.

batb bte toll-places tip6 navigable Rivers 4 atlD High-Roads, 5. tobere Portage anb Tollage fa etacteo of them that &apl, oiStabeH*

Mult* Vrtes & Pagi faciunc Regionem & Regnum.

Rex, aut Prince psy fedet in Metropoli 5 Nollies, Barones^ & Comitesy

habitant in circumjacentibus Arctbu2. Ruflici in Pagis. 3.

Juxta Tluminx navi gab ilia 4. & Vias Regias y 5. habec

I fua Telonia, ! ubi

a navigantibus & iter-facientibus, Portorium & Veftigxl exigitur.

T 4 Regal

<*8o) _ CXXXVIII.

Regall Majcfty. Regia JMajeJias»

The King, i. fitteth Ou throne 2- fit^tnglp fetatc, s&atfotclp Habit, 3. croVoneO i& Diademe 4. IjolfcnipaScepter, 5.

in tya ^acta, being attciioeo fcoftba company of Courtiers.

JSfyz thief, ftinwgft t^efc,arc the Chancellor 6. |xirti| tI)C Counsellors

ReXy I. in fplendore regio, fedec in fuo Solio, 2. magnifico Habit#, 3. redimitus Diadem flte 4* tenens manu Sceptruiv, 5*

| ilipatus frequentii Anlicortw

Inter hos, primarii funt, Cancellarins 6*. cum Conftliariis


030 atID Secretaries, the Lord Marfhal, 7. the Comptroller, 8. the Cup-bearer, 9. theTafter, 10. the Treafurer, n. the highChamberlain,i* I $ Maft.of the horfe.13

Cbere are fabowt* natetotbefe, the Noble Courtiers,14 the Noble Pages, 15 . toftb the Chamberlains, atftLacquies,i6. the Guard, 17. toftb their Attendance.

*j)e folemntp gfbetb auofewce to the Ambal- fadors Ot fojeftl ^flt- t£e fenoctb (ce*.i8,

tyfo Vice-gerents, Deputies, Governors, Treafur^rs, atm Ambafladors to other place*, to tobom be fenoetb new Commiflions ebee * anoit bp the Polls. 19.

The Fool cautetb laughter bp bfa topfom actfoiWt

Pc Secretariuy Pr&ftttus Pratoriiy 7. Aula -Jbfagifier\

Pocillator (pincerna) 9. Dapifer, 10. Thefaurarius, 11. Archi-C ubic ularias y 12. Pc Stabuli JiPagtfltrA 3

His fubordinantur Nobiles Aftlici, 14. Nobile Famulitiumy 15. cum Cubiculariis, PcCurforibiUy 16. 5 tip at ores, 17. Cum SateUUio.

Legatis Exterorum 18 praebet aurcs folehniter.

Aliorfum ablegat Vicarios fuos Adminiftrateres, Prafedos, ®aaft0reft 6 Fegdhs^ quibus fubinde mittit Mandata nova per Fp redarios. 19.

JIAorio 20. ludicris adionibus rifummovet.


C 282) CXXXIX.

The Souldier, Miles.

Bit to be to make tor, Souldicrs are lifted 1.

Sijctr Arms are, A Head-piece, 2. (tofrbteaoo^neDfoftb a Creft) ano the Armour, teijofe parts are, a Collar, 3. a Bred-plate, 4. Arm-pieces, 5. Leg-pieces, 6, Greaves, 7. toft& a Coat of Mail, 8. au& a Buckler, 9.

Si bellandum eft, leribuntur Militcs. 1.

Horum Arm a font. Gals a (Caflis) 2. (qua? ornatur C rifl'd) Armatnra, cu jus partes, Tors] As ferreus, 3. Thorax-, 4. Brae hi alia, 5. Ocrea ftrrca, G. Manic a, 7. cum Zon'raS. & *SV/#0 (Clypeo) 9.


tftefojrce tfte aefenatie flrrtto*

SCfte off&tfiue are, A Sword, io, a two-eciged Sword, 11> a Falchion, 12. toftf eft are put up IntOaScabberd, 13. ana aregfmb toftft a Girdle, 14. OjBclt-, 15. (a Scarf, 16. forbetft fo* ornament) atwo-hand-Sword, 17. awa a Dagger, 18.

3Bn tftefe in the Hafr, ip. Ijrftft the Pummel, to. snathe Blade, 21. ftsttnga Pohu, 22. In the miaaie ire the Back,23.* the Edge,*.}.

Cftc otftir tore poos are aPike,i$. a Halbert, 26, in tthfeb in the Hafr,27. 0 the Head,28. aCfubi 29 • snB a Whirlebar. 90. .^eisbiai* Whence Soltft Muskets, 31. ana Piftols, 3*. ttattCfctrgcB $ bullets,33. OIK Of a bullet-bag, 34. aaOlDitft Gun-powder Oat Of a Bandalier. 35.

haec funt Arma defen- liya.

Offenfiva funt, Gladius, 10. Framea, 11. ScAtirtaces, 12.

qui Vagin^ 13. reconduntur, & Cingtilo^ t 4. (gtintur •

vel BAthcd, 15. accii> (Fajcia milittiri-s 1 6. infervic ornacuij

Romphcta 17, dcPugio. 18.

In his eft Manubrium, jp. cum Fomo, 20. ScFerutum 21. Cuftidatum, 22. in medio Dorfmn, 23 .Si A cics. 2 4.

Relicjuj arma funr, Haft a, 15 Bipenni*, 26. in quibus Fajlile 27. & Mucro, 28. Clavay 2 9. kCaftwi. 30,

Eminuspugnatur BombardU (Selopctis) 31. & Sdopti,$2. quxonerantur GUbU$$* e 7foc<t bombarduridy 34. & pulvere nitrato c Fyxidc pulyerarid. 3$.


The Camps.


fatSl tWperiaDefignfa

onoertaken, tboCarop i- fa pftebeo, ano tt)e Tents (of Canvas 2. OJ Straw 3. are faff neo tnftfr (lakes-, «tie? entrench them about, foj fecurltleO tottb Bulwarks,4.(fake, attODitches; 5. Sentinels 6. arealfofet, aitO Scouts 7. are tent out,

Sallyings-out 8. are maoe foj. fojrage anp pltmoerfabe, topere tpeg often cope toftt) che Enemy 9 fn skfrmffbfng,

JDpe Lord Generals Pavilion fa fn tie mtott of tie Camp,

fc—■ ■ ■ ■■■— —..

Expeditions fufce* P.t*, Cdflr* 1.1 locantur, & Tentorifi paxillis figuntur, b L\vtteis 2. vel Stramentit * $• caquc circumdantt fecuritatis gratis, Agqeribus 4. &cFoffis, 5.

| conltituuntur ctiara Excfibt<et 6, & oi»ittuntur Explorntores. 7,

Pabulationis & prxdx causS

I fiunc I Excurfiones, 8. ubi faepius cum Hoftibus 9. velicando confligitur.

Tentorium fummi Jmperatorh, 10. eft in medio Caftrotum.



C X L f.

The Army, and Acies & Yrdium. i he Fight.

the Dattell is to be fotmljt, (ojoer, the Arm (3 fet f.t nnuafttiev ftftothe front, i. the Here, 2. a HO the Wings. 3.

The looc 4. an friertnfire} b)?tb the Horfe 5.

.2D&atteoftrfoe& Into Companies,

fate Troops.

Quando pug** committenda eft, inftruittir y&'jVj, & dividitur in Frontem, 1. Tergum, 2. & yf/rf/ ( Cornua.) 3.

P edit atus 4. inter mi feet ur Equitatut. 5.

Ille diftinguitur, in Centurias, hie, in Tom*/.


W)ff| CAttp Banners 6. ttyfe Flags 7. ftufcimtDftof t^cm.

CM* Officers arf> Coporals, Enfignes, Lieutenants, Captains, 8. Commanders oftheherfe,? Lieutenant Coronds, Coronels, the that 10 the ch<ef of all, the Genercl.

The Dfummers 10. fltfD the Drumdades 11. •8 fllfo the Trumpeters 1 a. ctiitoSJrmf,

anhtnflaim the 9tthc firftonfet

the Muskets, 13. a®h Ordinance 14. 8ft (hot off.

3ftirtearDs the? fi&ht 15. ftano to band loftlj Pikes anb Swords.

ffibep that are overcome are llain, 16. 0} taken pjtfoncrs, 0> run away-17.

They that are for the referve, 18. come upon them out of their places where they lay in wait.

The Carriages ate !<?• stanbcscD,

iliac, in medioferunr^ Vexilla j 6. hae, Labara. 7.

Eorum Prxfe&i dune, Decurioncs, Signiferiy Vicarii, Centurionesy 8. Magi ft ri E quit urn, 9. Tribmy Chiljarchjiy 8c omnium fummus Imperator.

Tympanift* 1 o. & Tympanotrib* ir# ut& Tubicines 12. adarma vocanc & nailitem inflammanr,

Primoconfliftu, exploduntur Bombard113. & Torment*. 14.


cominfos pugnatur ij. Ha fits & GUdiis.

rm, tracidantur, 16. vel capiuntur, vd aufugiunt. 17.

Succenturiate 18. fyperveniunt; CX itifidiis*

ImfcdinnntA 19. Ipoliaatur,



Pttgna Navalit.

The Sea-Fight.



A Sea-fight (0 terrible, fob#! huge Ships, like Cartels, run one upon another foitb tbefr Beaks, i. o* (batter one another foftjj) thefr Ordnance 2 ano fo being bo*eo tho^ofo, the? o*f nk in their efon oeffructfon, ano are Sunck-, 3*.

©i* fohen the? are fet on fire, ano either bp the irfng Of Gun-Powder, 4. men are blofon up into the air, 0; are burnt in the mioft of the teatere, o*elfe leaping into the feea areojotoneo. (away 5,

A Ship that flyeth fa overtaken bp thofe that purfueher, 6. ano ia taken.

Navail pralium terribile eft, quum ingenues 1Slavesi veluti Arces, coiicurrunt Roftris, 1.

aut Tor mentis 2. fe invicera quaflant. atq-, ita perforatae, perniciem fuam imbibunt & Jubmirgnntur; 3

Aut, quum igne corripiuntur, & vel ex incendio pulveris tormentarit, 4* homines in aerem ejiciuntur* vel in mediis aquis exuruntur, vel etiam in mare defilientes fuffocantur.

Navis fugitiva J* ab infequentibus 6.

intcrcipitur* &capitUr.

U The



The Befieging obfidjum Vrbir. of a City.

Z<ZitV mt is Ifke to OltOure a Siege, ia firtt gnimmoneo bp a Trumpeter, i. a no pcrftxmoeo to Yield.

WWcft (Ut refute to toy it in aOTaulte} bptljeBeGcgero, artotaftmt bp &to>m:

©ftber bp cllmWng- obertbe Wlalls toftb Scaling-ladders,^*

Urb* ebfidiontm paflura, prina&m provocator per Tubicinem, i.» & invitatur ad Dcditionm.

Quodfacere G abnuat, oppugnatur ab obGdentibus, & occupatut:

Vdnwros per ScaUs 2* tranfeentjeado,


C 29* ) ' '»■ 1 ■ ■ 1 « -- ■'■■■■

ol bjeaUfngtljcmDotoii ttBitc^ang-engines, 3. 0} oemoUftfng tljem hjftft greac-Guns; 4. 0)- bjealUng tbo* roto ttjedDatea

a Petards • 0} catting Granadoes6. out of Morter-pieces 7. tatO the City, bp Engineres, 8. tobo Ipebehtnoo Leagure-Baskets ^ 9. o*obertfttofofng it fcftb Mines bpPyoneres 10.

They that are Befieged befeno tbemfelbeo the Walls, ix. (from toftb ano atones, $c* o$ break out by force*

A City that to taken by Storm, to plunoereb, aeffropea, ano fometf men lato eben tottb gwun&t

aut Arktibns 3. diruendo, aut Tormtntis 4. demoliendo % vel Portas Exoftrh 5. dirumpendo •, (6, vel Globos tormcntarios c Mortariis (baliftis) f. per Bdiflarias, 8. ( qui poll Gerras 9. latitanc) in Urbem ejaculando ^ velearn per Fojfores 10. Cunicklis iubvertendo,

Obfeffi defendunt fe de muris-) 11. ignibus, lapidibus, &c. aut erumpunt. 12.

Vrbs vi expugnatd,



interdum folo aequatur.

U 2 Re-


CXLIV. Religion. Religio.

Godhnefs, i. the cf $lertues> worihippeth God 4. &ef?eutip, tljeimoluieose of ©00 betas Deaton, cftljcc from t&e Book of Nature, 2. (foKieMo^fc xommenoetb

fatter,) ojtromt&e Book of Scripture $ 3. (be meottatetli upon i)fs Commanoements contefnea

Pittas, i. Virtutum Regina, haufta

Notitia Dei, vel ex Libro Natura, 2. ( nam opus commendat artificem) vel ex Libro Script nr3. colit Deum 4. humiliter • recolit Mandata ejus comprehend


(n the Decalogue; 5, ano treating reafon unoer jfoot, that Barking Dog, 6. flje gfheth Faith 7. ft to Aflent to the SJBOJDOf ©00, am» oallath upon him, 8 an s helper, fstattoerlltp.

Divkw Services are tone lit the Church 9, <tt inhlth are, the Quire, 10. ttith the Altar, 11. the Veftry, 12. the Pulpit, 13. Seats, 14. Galleries, 15. anD a Font. 16.

211 $pen ptrcefbe that there Is a <$oo, but all men do not rfghtlp knotu ©00.

lienee are Olbera Religions, fneo thereof iv. are reckon pet aa the chief*

(293)_ Decalogo ; 5.

& Rationem,

Canem oblatrantem, 6. conculcans, Fidcm 7. & adfen(um prxbct Verbo Dei, eumq-, invocat,8. ut Opitulatorem, in adverts.

Ofjicia divina Hunt in lemplo ; 9. in quo eft, Penetrate (Adytum) 10.

j cum Alt an, 11. Sacrariurn, 12. Suwejlxs^ 13. Sabfellia, 14. Ambwes, 15. & Baptijleriam. 16.

Deum efle, fentiunt omnes homi- fed n omnes (nes ^ rede norunc Deum.

Hinc dive fix Re li Aones quarum primarix I V. adhuc numerantur.

U 3 Gen*

(394) GXLV.

The Gentiles feigned to tbemfelbesncer Upon XIIM.Deities. Cbc c!)tcf of the tocre, i. $;efi5cnt % pecty-God of l^cahert • Neptune,2* of the Pluto, 3. of Mars, tEEIar; Apollo, 5. of Mercury, 6. of tljeehed,

auo eloquence; Vulcan (Mulciber) of jptire, am* jfcolus, of SSffnooj

Gentiles finxerunt fibl prope XIIM .Numina. Eorum prycipua eraui, Jupiter, 1. Cadi *, NeptmuSy 2. Maris*, Pluto, 3. Inferni *, Mars) 4. Belli • Apollo, 5. Artinm *, Mercurim, 6. Eurum, Mercatorum, & Eloquenttne 5 Vulc units (Afrdciher') Ignis St Eabrorum • jEohis, V’entorum Pryfideb Sc Deafiri:

(395.) ano tljcmott obfcestc of nU tl)E red Priapus.

Cfjcp had alfo Woman Ip SDeftles *. Tuc^ as toere Venus, 7» the Goddefs of lobes * pleafures, tolth her little ton Cu- Minerva(Pallas) (pid-8 tulth the nine Mules, of arts; (tDeoafngs-, Juno, of Riches, ano Vefta, of Chsttltp •, Ceres, of Cojni Diana, of Ranting, an)) Fortune ; ano beRoca thefe Mo r bon a, ano Febris her fclf.

The Egyptians, fnfteaoof <Coo loojlhlppeb all fojtsof JIBcatts ano plants, $ tohatfoefttr t hep fain flrtt In the spotting. The Phililtines Offered

to Moloch, 9. their Cfjllojcft to be burnt allbe.

The Indians 10. ebeit at this Dap h:oj, Oil? the Devil, n.

& obfeaenifiimus Priapus. Habuerunt etiam

Muliebria Numina: qualia fuerunt Venus, 7. Dea (ptatum, amorum & Volu-

cum filioio Cufidine \ 8

Minerva {PalLis') cum novem AhtJjs, Artium 5 (puarum^

Juno, Divitiarum & Nii-

V('fta,CMuu$ •, Cem, Irumentorum -5 Diana, Venationum, & Fort ana ^

quin & Morbona\

ac Febris ipfa.

J&gjptii* pro Deo colebant omne genus ("rum, Animalium & Planta- & quicquid mane prur.vim cSfpicabantur.

Philifiai offerebanc Molocho {Sat nr no) 9.

Infantes vivos cremandos.

Jndi 10. etiamnuto Yenerantur Cacodamona. 11.

U 4 Ju-



pztil)Ctti\z Worfhip of t\)t true God, remain#* toitb the Patriarchs, tofto IfaeO befojc,-i after? 3H00D.

toonglt: tbefe, that of tbs toomatt, theMeiPas of y> toO£l05 tone pcmtfcO to Abra¬ ham, 1 tho jFOUttOOt of thejewes, the gather of them that uelfe-;e; a no he (heftier railed atoap fro n Gentiles) toft&hi3|9oeerftp.

Veras tamen CultHS veri Dei, remanfit apud Patriarchs, qui vixerunt ante & poll Diluvium.

Inter hos, Abrahamo, 1.

Judaorttm Conditori, Patri Credentium, promifluseft. Semen illud Mulieris., Mundi Mejfias;

& ipfe,

aVocatus a Gentilibus, cum Pofteris,


( 297 ) being marfeeo the Sacrament of Circumfi- on, 2. maoe a peculiar $£0ple, a«D Church ot

ilftertoarojj ©oo gaoe Ufa Law tojfttenfeitbbte oton finger fn Tables of Stone, 5. to tbfe people bp Mofes, 3. fnUpount Sinai. 4*

|Furtbermo;e be 0** bafneo the eating of p PstfchalLamb^ 6. anfcSacrifices to be offeree upon an Altar 7 bp Priefts, 8. aitO Incenfe; 9. ano Commanoeo a Tabernacle 10. 1nit!) $Ark of the Covenant n to be maoe; 1 befioee, a brazen Serpent 12. to be fet up againtt tbe bfting of feerpenta fn tbe toflocrnefe*

an tobfeb tbfnga foere Types of tbe Meifias to come, lobomt&ejewes pet tools fo>*

Sacramento Circttmciji- notatus (onis 2. fingularem Poptilum & Ecclefiam Dei con-

Huic populo (ftituit. poftea DEUS, per Mofen, 3. in monte Sinai, 4. Legem fuam, feriptam digito fuo in'‘Tabulis lapidtis, 5. exhibuit.

Porro ordinavit manducatione Agni Pa- & Sacnficia (Jchalis•, 6 in Altari 7. offerenda per Sacerdotes, 8. & Santis ; 9. & juflit fieri Tabernaculiim 10. cum Area Foederis• 11 praeterea erigi aneum Serpcntem 12. contra morfum Serpentum in deferto.

Qiitf omnia Typi erant venturi Meffla, quem Judai adhuc exfpeftant.

C hrifu-



2C!)eonIp-begotten eternal Son of God,3. being p^omlfea to our firft Parents in Paradife, atthelaff being concethefc bp the Holy Ghoft, in tl)emo(t^o!pfccmb of the Virgin Mary 1. pt the fiopal ^oufe of David, ano clao itoitb human fleftj, came fnto thebwlo at Bethlehem of Judaea, in^exttmz po'oertp of a Stable, 2.

* J

f Unigcnitusaeternus Dei Filius^ 3.

promiflus Protoplasts

in Paradifoy tandem, impleto tempore,con- |ceptus per Sa. Spiritum inutero fanAiUimo AParia 1. Virginis de domo regia Davidis, &indutus humana carne,

jBethlehemi hid**., tin fumma paupertate. \S tab nil > 2. fa

(a99) tn $ fultteft of tfme, in the year of the world, 3 {>70. but pace from all (in, if name of Jefus, teas gfsett bfm, tobftb figttffietb a Saviour, toben betoas fptfnbles toftb bolp Baptifm, 4. (the Sacramenc of the New Covenant) bp John b<o fojcruuncr, 5 fn Jordan,f mod facreo Myftery of the of t?fne Trinity appeareo bp the fathers botte 6.(tobrr‘ bp be teftffieo tbattljfs teas his Son) ana the .Holy Ghoft fit tbC ©ape Of a Dove, 7. comfits ooton from beaben. jfrom tbattfmebefng

the 30. pear of b<safe, unto t be four tb pear,be Declares tobo be toas, bfo toojDs ano tooths mattffefftag bto ffi>fbf’ nftp; befttg neftber otoitea, not entcrtafa: eObpthe Jewes,

Anno Aiundi 3970. in mundum prodiit, fed mundus «b Omni peccato, eiq*, impofitum fuit nomen JeJ(torew. quod fignificat Salva-

Hie, cum imbueretur facro BaptFnto,4. ( Sacramento Novi Feeder is) a lohanne praccurfore in Icrdane, (fucs apparuic facraciflimum Myftcritm diving Trinit at is* Patris voce 6* fqua teftabatur, hunc efle Filium fuum)

& Spirits ScinBo in fpecie Columb&> 7. cadicusdelabente.

Ab eo tempore, XXX. actacis fu# anno. Verbis & Operibus, prae fe ferentibus Divinitatem,. dedavavit quis cflfet , in annum usq^ quartum: a Indais


(3<>o) becaufe of bis boluntarp pobertp.. J^elnaa at latt tafeen

bp tbefe (tuijen be ban ftrtt fnltftateo the Myftical Supper 8. of his body and blood, foj a &cal of the Ne w Covenant, arts tbe rcmcmbjance of bfntfelf;) entries to tbe Judgement-Seat of Pilate ©oOernoar Of CEfarea,accufe3, arts cortocmiiea, ns an (mtoceitt Lamb; ano being fafteneo upon a Crofs, 9 he dyed, being fact!* flees upon that dltar< foi tbe Unsoftbo iDOtlOf

Bnt foben be bau reblpeo bp bis oleine pefner, be arofe again tbe tbfrooap oat of the Grave, 10 ano fortp capes after, befng taken up from Mount Olivet 11. f.lto Heaven 12.

nec agnitus nec exceptus ob voluntarispaupertatS

Abhis (quum pri^s inftituifleC

Cxnam ntyflicam 8. Corporis & Sanpuinis lnSigillum novi Foederis. & fui iacordationem) captus* tandem, ad tribunal Pilati Praefe&i Cafarei raptus. acculatus,

& damnatus eft , A^rtHS innocentiflimus ^

a&usq-, in Crucem, 9. in an ifta, pro peccatis mmdi immolatus, mortem fubiit.

Sed terttf die, quum revixiffet divinl fu& virtute, refurrexit bSefulcroy 10, & poft dies XL,

de Afonte Oliveti 11. fublatus in Coelum 13.

( 901) anoreturnfng tbithee tohence became, he baniCbeoaoittoere, tobfUf the Apoftles gajeo upon hint, 13, to tohom he rent frf0 Holy Spirit 14. from Heaven, the tenth oap after hfs Afcenfion, ano them being Sues tofth tfjfss potoer, into thetoorlo, to preach of him; befng henceforth to come again to the laft Judgement, fitting in the mean time at the right hand of the Father, ano fnterceoing for no*

Jprom this Chrift toe arecalleo Chriftians, (alone, ano are faheo in him

& ed rediens unde venerat, quali evanuit, afpedantibus Apofiolis, 13. quibus decima die poll Adfecn[um fuum. Spirit urn Sandum 14. de Coeloy ipfos verbj hac Virtute impletos, de fe praedicaturos, in Mundum, milit ^ olim rediturus ad judicium cxtremumy

interea fedens ad dextram Putris,

& intercedes pro nobis.

Ab hoc Cbrifto dicimur Chrijtiani, inq; eofolo falumur.



CX L V111.

Mahometifm. Mahomet ifmus.

Mahomet i. atoarifke r, fntjcnteo to hfmfelf & nelo KeUgfon, mrpeo Of Judaifin, Chriftianity, 3BD Gentilifm, bp tie autifce of a Jew 2. SHQ an Arian Monk^ 3. ItameD Sergius * Cefgnfng,

I Mahomed 1. homo bellator,

j excogitabat fibi I novam Religipnem, j mixtam

ex ludaifmo, C hriflianifmoy & Gentilifmo, confilio Iudai 2. & Mo vac hi Ariani, 3.

nomine Sergii ^ fingens.


(303) toftfift he tiao the fit of the falling ficknefs, that the Archangel Gabriel atIO the Holy Ghoft talkeo tofth htm,uffng a Pigeon, 4. to fetch meat out ofhfo ear*

His Followers refrain themfelheo from Wine; are efreumeffeo •, hate many wives ♦, tmflD Chapels, 5. from the Steeples thereof the? are calieo to hoi? feerolce, noth? Bells, but bp a Prieft 6. the? wafh themfelbeo often; 7- thep oenp the Holy Trinity 5 the? honour Chrift, not fl0 the Son of God, but a* a great Prophet, pet leffe than Mahomet ; thep call their Law the Alcoran.

dum laboraret£pj7?py/£# fecum colloqui (lemt Archangelurn Gabrie- & Spiritum Santtum; adfnefaciens Colnmbam, 4? ut ex aure fui efcam peteref.

AjfecU ejus abftinent fe a Vino • circumciduntur ^ funt ¥ cljgarni - exftruunt Sacella, 5. de quorum. Turricftlis,

non & Campanis fed & Sacerdote 6. ad facra convocantur 5 faepius fe ablnnnt •, 7, negant S S. Trinitatcm 5

Chriftum honordnt, non ut Dei Filinm, fed ut magnum Propbetamy minorera tamen Mahomet* y Lecemiuzm


vocant Alcoran. God*

C 3°4 ) X


Gods Providence; Trovidentia Dei.

Mens States, arc to be attributes to Fortune, OJ Chance, 0£ the influence of the Stars(Comets i. fnsas arelncntto pojtens no goes) but tot be portent Eye of God 2. anbtobto Governing Hand $ 3.

Humana Sortes, non tribuendae funt Tortuna, aut Cafuiy aut Siderum Influxui, ( Com eta 1. quidem folent nihil boni portendere) fed provido Dei Oculo 2. & ejufdem Manui rcftrici \ 3.



Chen oar fights, OJ overfights, 0) etien our Faults*

God hath h<0 Minifters and Angels, 4. tD 1)0 accompany aMan 5. from hfo Birth, 80 Guardians, again® wicked Spirits 0} the Devil, 6*, toho etierp minute lap eth toft fo> h<«n, to tempt anohephfm, Woe be to the mao

wizzards ano witches, too gfoe thcmfelhes to the SDehfl ( being CntlofeO in a Circle, 7. calfng upon him toith Charms) thep eaBp toftb him, ano fall from Coo foj the? (baa recefte thetr retoro a him.

— ■■ ———■

ctiam uoftrae Prudema vcl Imprudent!*, vel etiam Noxa.

Devs babet Af'nifiros fuos & Angelos y {. qui Homing ^nativitace :jus, fe affocianc, ut Cufioaes, contra Malign :; iritis, feu Diaholvw, 6. qm ^luiurarim cl s '•Idias ftruit, ad tentandum vel vexandum,

Vx dementibus Magis&, Lamiis, qui Cacodaemoni le dedunt, (inclufi Circulos]. eum advocantcs incantamentis) cum eo colludunt, &a Deo deficiunt l nam cum illo mercedem accipient.




The laft Judgement.

(3®?) $ 01 thelaftDay

(ball come, ft aU raffe

up the Dead 2. lofty the founo of a Trumpet 1. ano fummon the quick lofty them to the Judgement-feat of Cnrift Jefus, 3. (appearing In the Clouoo) to gfbe an account of all things oone.

Mhen the Godly ano Ele#4. ftan enter fnto Ufe eternal fnto the place of Blifsano the new Hierufalem; 5.

JSut the wicked anO the damned 6.

ftaU be th^uft fnto Hell 8. tofty the Devils 7. to be there tojmenteo foi eber.

Nam adveniet Dies mvijfima, quae Voce Tub& x. Adortnos 2. refufcitabit, & cum illis Vivos citabit ad Tribunal lefjiChrifii3 3. (ap parentis in Nubibus) (nem adreddendam ratio- omnium a&orum.

Ubi pii(jttfti) & Eletti 4. in Vitam seternam,

' in locum Beatituainis & novatn Hierofolymatn introibunt: (5*

1m fit vero & Damnati 6. cum Cacod<zmonibns 7. in Gehennam 8. detrudentur, ibi aeterndm cruciandi-

X z CldtiftfU*

The Clofe.



flfttt* tbou baft teen (n &oat all ttitnge tftat can belbefoeo, ano baft learneo t!j0 chief words Of tboEnglilhf Latine Tongue.

(Vo on noto, ano teas other gojD Books otlfgentlp, ano thou (bait become learned, wife, $ Godly*

Remember tbcfe thing*-, fear ®oo, ano can upon bfm, that bo map beftoto upon tb& the Spirit ofWifdom.


Ita vidifti fummatim Res omnes, quae oftendi potcrunt, & didicifti Voces pyimarias Anglic & & Latina Lingua.

Perge nunc, & lege diligenter alios bonos Libros, ut has Dottus^ Sapiens> & Phi*.

Memento horum ^ Deum time,

& invoca eum,

utlargitur tibi

Spin turn Sapiential

Vale l




A Cies & Praelium. OjlAer.

XLV. Agricultura. XXXlI. Amphibia. XLII. Anima Hominis XVIII. Animalia ■& frimnm Aves. VI. Aqua. XIJ. Arbor. CX1X. Arbor Confanguinitatis CXXVIII. Ars Medica. XCL Ars Scriptoria. XCIX. Artes Sermonis. LI. Aucupium. XXIII. Aves Aquadcae. XXL Aves Campeftres & Sylveftres. XIX. Aves Domefticae. XXII. Aves Rapaces.

B. LXXIV. Balneum, xcv. Bibliopegus. XC1V. Bibliopolium.

G XL. Canales & OlTa. XXXVIII. Caput & Manfis. XXXIX Caro & Vifcera* CXL Caftra. CXLVII. Cbriftianifmus. III. Coelum. LVII. Conviviura.

286 14

94 68 88 40 16 28

242 260 186 202 106

So 46 42 48


194 192

84 80 82

284 298

10 U8



uv. Coquinaria. ttz

cxxxv. Cqmis Gertamina. D.


XL III. Deformes & Monftrofi. 90 L Deus. 6 LX VI. Domus.

E. 136

CVI. Edipfes. 216 LXXXlII. Eques. 170 LXXVI. Equile. 156 CIX. Echica. 222 CVIII. Europa.

E. 220

LXVIII. Faber Ferrarius. 140 LXIII. Faber lignarius. 130 LXIV. Faber Murarius. 132 XXIX. Ferae Beftiae. 62 XXVIII. Ferae Pecudes. 60 LXX. Figulus. 144 XIV. Flores* 32 CXIII. Fordtudo. 230 XUI. Fru&fis Arborum. 30 XVI. Fruges. 36 XVII. Frudces.

G. 38

CXLV. Gentilifmus. 294 Cli. Geometria.

H. 2o8

XXXV. Homo. 74 LXXVII. Horologia. 158 XLIV. Horcomm Cultura. 92

X 4 Huma-


cxv. Humanitas. 234 LXXII. Hypocauftumj cum Dormitorio.

I. 14&

IV. Ignis. 12 XXXI. Infeda repentia. 66 XXiV. Infeda volantia. 52 c Jnftrumenta Mufica. 204 GXXIJI. Interiora llrbis. 250

Invitatio. 2 CXLVi. Judaifmus. 296 C XXIV. Judicium. 252 CL. Judicium Extremum. 306 XXVII. Jumenta. CXVI. Juftitia.

L. Lapides.


XI. 2 6 LIII. Lanionia. no XCVI. Liber. 196 CXVII. Liberalitas. 238 LX. Lintea. 124 CXXXIV. Ludus Aleae. 272 CXXXVI. Ludi pueriles. 276 cxxxni. Ludus Pilae. 270 cxxx. Ludus Scenicus.

M. 264

LXV. Machinae. 134 CXLllI. Mahometifmus. 302 XXX V. Marini Pifces & Conchar. 7* XLV1I. Meliificium 98 XXXVII. Membra Hominis Externa. 78 CXXVII. Menfurae & Pondera, 25$



CXXVI. Mcrcatura. 256 LXVIi. Metallifodina. 138 x. Metalla. 24 CXXX1X. Miles. 282 xlviii. Molitura. 100 ii. Mundus. 8 XCVIII. Museum.

N. 200

LXXXVII. Natatus. 178 xc. Naufragium. 184 LXXXVIII. Navis aduaria. 180 LXXXIX. Navis oneraria. 182 vu. Nubes.

O. 18

CXLI1I. Obfidium Urbis. 290 XV. Olera. 34 XX. Ofcines.

P. 44

cxxxii. Palaeftra. 268 XL1X. Panincium. 102 xcii. Papyrus. 188 LXXI. Partes Domus. 146 CXIV. Patientia. 232 XXVI. Pecora. 56 XLVI. Pecuaria. ,96 cv. Phafcs Luna?. 214 Cl. Philofophia. 206 lxxviii. Pidura. 160 1. Pifcatio. 104 XXXIII. Pifces Fluviatiles. 70 av. Planetarum Afpcdus. 212



CXXXI. Praeftigiae. 2 66 CXL1X. ProvidentiaDei. 304 CX. Prudentia. 224 CXLI1. Pugna Navalis. 28$ LX XIII. Putei.

Q. ijo

XXV. Quaurupediac7- pn'widwDomeftica.54 R.

CXXXVlII Regia Majeftas. 280 CXXXVII. Regnuro cr Regio. 27$ CXLIV. Religio. 292 LXXXI. Reftio & Lprarius.

S. Sartor.


LX I. 126 XCVII, Schola. 198 LXIX. Scriniarius & Tornator. 142 CXI. Sedulitas. 225 X LI. Senfusexterni & interni. 86 XXXVL Septem States Hominis 76 CXXIX. Sepultura. 262 XXX. Serpentes & Reptilia. 64 C XVIII. Societas Conjugalis. 240 CXXL Society Herilis. 246 cxx. Societas Parentalis. 244 LXXIX. Specularia. l6z cm Sphaera ccdeftis. 210 evil. Sphnera terreftris. 218. 2i[9 exxv. Supplicia Maleficoruin. 214 LX II. Sutor.

T. 128

CXIL Temperantia. 228 Terra.


VIII. Terra. 2 a IX. Terrae-Fcetfis. 22 LIX. Textura. 122 LX XV. Tonftrina. 154 LVlII. TradatioLini. il q LXXXVL Tranfitus Aquarum. 176 XCI1I. Typography. 190

V. LXXXV. Vedura. 174 LXXX1V. Vehicula. 172 LIL Venatus. 108 LXXXII. Viator. 168 LX XX Viecor. 164 LV. Vindemia. 114 CXXII. Urbs. 248

Z. LVI. Zythopocia. 116

An I N D B X of the TIT L E S'. Chapter. A. A. Page

XXXVii. qp^efebeit Sips of 76 VI. JL 14

XXXill. jampbfbfouo Creatures. 68 CV. Cbe apparitions of the £^oon. 214 CXLI. 2Dbe3rmp>anotbe^i0bt» 286 XClX. J&rts belortrrfns to the fep&cfj* 202 Civ. 2Dbe 5lfpecc0 of the planets. 212

55. 55, LXXIV. Che 515ath- 152 LXXV. SChe 55a*l;cr'£ (hop. 154 XXVIII. &abourfng-55eafto, 58 XXX. tmioe-55eatf*. 62



cm. C’-'./T i/Ui. cxxxiv. cxxxv. LA'III. XXVII.


V7/. CXIX. LV.

Che beftcgfttg of a Cftp* 3i5iro$.

that Itbc in the f toco&u. L^aiiencms-Bfros* Ringing-123 r'ros* Cb" panels and JBones* & 15:ok. Che S5ook-ftfnder* 2L&C BooMellcrVfhop* Cf;c 25oy~mahcr* l&oyes-fpo^ts* B^cafc-baltfng. lBicftrfng. SL U5iu fal. IBatcherp*

C. C* Che Celestial jfepljere* SC fee Camp. Carriages* Carrying to and fro. C be Carpenter. DcrO'CatteL Wftce-Cattef* Che Chanels and UBones* Cfftiftfanity* Si Ctty, Chcbeffegfngof aCftp* Che fnfoaro parts of a Cftp* Che Clofe, Che Clouds* Che %k& of Conlangnfnltp. Cookery.

290 40 46 48 44 84

196 194 192 142 276 102

116 262 no

210 284 172

174 130

S6 60

84 298 248 290 250 308

18 242


An UtOBTof-rtre TIYLVB.


Clje Cee'pit. l6* Cb« Co*b Soatact. X66

Ctatoltng ^ermine. 66 Cteatureg that iibe as feel! fcp towr, %g bf Cctf ping tbing*. iD. id IDetojmfbanb monttioag people. 3D(al0. IDtCfspUp. IDWgence. Cl)t bjefftag of d&arbeug Ctje Canb. <0. <£. CbeCccitpfcg. Cngfnco. Cojope. 9 iFeatt. ^p. -f. Cbejfenc(ng-&cba)!. dfire. iftlbtog. fRlbcr^fiCb, cnt> $onb-fU&.

Cbe fitty inu U&ofoeig. /ioroerg jfijtng^etmtoe. ^ ojtftube. jf oar-fateb JScafls about tbe feoufe. ^pofoltag Came-jfefel; 32iatce^oipf- Cijeftoitsof tbceaub- Jfxu\t& of Ct*s. 9 (0aUep. <£?. <£. tfetiMifm. <5eometrg. <£o&. <PeD0 gjobtoenw,' (Bjatiug, €tyffl>tng>


158 272

2 2$ 9* 20

2l» *34 220



M 104


72 82


52 *30

55 106

4* 5o 22

3* 180

>94 208

2 304



An! N D E X of the TITLE S.

XXXIX. Cfce C^aD, anD tfce $anD0, to XVI. l^ot )4 xxvn. l^cdrt Cflttcl, u IV. fcufctn, 10 XLVIH. Cb* malting of looney. 9$ lxxx/ii. tnat?, 170 L XV/. I^oufe, 1)0 Lxxr. Cliparts of al^ottfc. 346

304- CXV. l^umaMtv, JL///• f&HlMttg, iSe XLVI. If?u0bani^, 04

J. 3. 3.

Cbc 3tftftatfan, i$ c. #u0c«l3Rnftttttwtt0, 104 CXLV/. 3lBD*tfm> %$6 CXX1V. 3ttt>3cment, 253 CL. Cbeuft3uDgetnent, 900 CX V /. 3jafticc, fc &. 2)0 CXXXVJI. ftingtom anD l&tgtan, 3jt XXV/// JlabonrfngsDcafte, fL. &. s* CVI/. ILtbrralttp, X/ X. LibSng creator?#. 40 LfX. CbeDjcffng oflUne, 130 LX/. iLtnntfcClotbco,

lUohtng glide#, i»4

LXX/X. 102 cxLv/ir. ^abometifm, £0. 202 cxxxvnr. Ifctnglp <J$afe0t!> sto XXXVI. 74 Xxxv//. defeben Sa«0 of Sjjan, 77 Xxxvi//. Wk$ outitoars pait0 of a Matt* 7* LX/V« de O^afoH, 1)2 C XXV//. feature# anD SllcfgW, 2$S CXXV/. fljpercbanDtyng, 2J0 Lxxrar. SB fllpercbamo (to. lit XU $9*tal0. H LXVIl. a apinr. l|t cv. <Ct>» appatiKom of tic ftpam, 214

Aft INDEX of theTITt ES.

c» Cr. xcil Lxxxvi. Cxv. Cl. Cix. Chx vill, Lxxviii, JTxxi v. XV IfJtX. XOii- Cxli x. Ox. Cxxxv. jsrxti. Cxi i V. Jfxxi v. L xxxi. Cxxxyiii. •Jfcrii. Cxi i i. JfKXV. X\ »i. Xxxi. X& Lx Hi. Jfvi ii. ATxl. C x x x i. Cxvuu Cxx; Cxxi xiiu Cxxxix* Lx vii. Cxxxii.

al 0§i!0f@pbp,. 2ao #uficai Siritramemp, 204 $apt», 0. 188 paffage 0 Ut toatc w, 17 6 ybattcnct. 13 - $tytofoptyf, 206 ^•jaiytytiofortt?* 220 flWtfickf 260 TbC|£M<tt»tC> 16o i&onft.fUbi 70 |&ot»berb0, 37 Tb«f&omr, 144 Anting, 190 OBobapjotobencc, 304

224 1ft acts, . 1ft* 1ft. 274 Iftabenott* Wftof, 48 IReligfott. 292 IBtbeffilb, 70 Tbelftopw, 166 Iftegal £$ajeftg. 280 2B School, jt. Sb. 198 Tbe&ea fight, 288 5>ea=fi(b, BHD &b«lfi(b« 7» Tbc outooarb anb fnujaiD &enfe0; 8 6 jSDerpcnt*, $4 &btp*ft?acb, 184 Tt)c -^boomaber, 138 Abuibg, 38 ^toging-bitba, 44 &lefgbt0, 2 66

Tbf &oc(ct£ faetttf ;e man 9 Suite, 2 40 Tbe fecletp betwixt partntt 9 cljiltym. 144 Tbf focittt becSutpt $©atfcr % ftrbatir, 240 Tbtffeoalof man, 88 Tbe&oalDUr, 28* Sbeffiiatfe=£mftb, u0 ®O£0foO|t$, 2U


Ciii. jEt)e<£elettfal Sphere. 210 Cvii. the ter rettfat Sphere. 2l8 Xci x. arts belonging to tbc Speech- 202 Cxx v i. the Stable. i $6 C xx x. a Stage;plap. 264* Xii. Stones. 26 L x x i i. SCtje (lobe tof tti ttjc beoroom. 148 Xcviii. the Stuop, 200 L x x x v i i. <®tntatmfltn. 1^8

Lxii. the ffiaploi. 126 Cxi i. temperance. 228 Cxx xi ii. Eemtfsplap. 27O Cvii. the Eerreffrfal Sphere. 218 Cx x v. the torments of Malefactors. 254 L xx xii. the Erabeller. 168 Xii. 3 tree. 28 L xix. the turner.

m. m. 142

Xx v. jFlpfng5®ermfn. 52 X x x i i. *£riitoling:Clcrmfu. 66 Lvi. the mintage.

M. M. 114

Vii. tbe Mater. 16 Lx. Mcabfng. 122 L x x i i i. Mens. 150 Xxix. MiloeeCattel. 60 Xxx. Mfloe'teatts. 62 I ii. the OTojlb, 8 Xci. Mrftfng. 186

Trimini Deo Gloria