Download - Gunman gives up in bank siege. - City of Newport Beach



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Coast Gov. George Deukmejlan promoted two Orange Co~nty Municipal Court judges to the'Superlor Court Tuesday./ A3

British mystecy writer P. D. James wilt appear at UC lrvlne Thursday./ A3 :;:::=:<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::!;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:

California San Diego firefighter~ help Mexican pollce ext­inguish a fire that de­stroyed four buildings In Tijuana./ AS

Nation President Reagan 's pushing for $37 bllllon in domestic cuts. Another $8 bllllon might come out of defense budget./ A4

Doctor says he's getting bored with his reports that artlflclal heart trans­plant patient is in 'good condition.' I A4

World • Gas leak In India leaves 1,200 dead and another 20,000 may suffer per­manent damage./ A6

Arab hijackers say man slain on je1 was an Ameri­can diplomat But Wash­ington can' t confirm that claim./A6 :::;.:::::.:.:=:::.:.·~::::.:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::;:::::::

flome Half of hardware sales of tools are made to women so home improvement centers are catering to them with more how-to cllnics:/B1

It 's easier for buyers to check out a house's energy efficiency when the weather is cold./82 ::::::::::J:::::::.:·:·:·:::.:·:·:·:·:·:·:::.:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::::::::

Make-ahead dishes are the best kitchen help for holiday hostesses./C1

Sports Ocean View emerges vlc.­torious but Huntington Beach falls In Fountain Valley Basketball Tour­nament./01

Mater Del upsets Foun­tain Valley in girls basket­ball action./02

Golden West is at home tonight while Orange Coast gets ready for a trip to San F'ranctsco In com­munity college basketball play./03

Entertainment The ' ' family hour'' is alive and well at NBC, says the network In praise of its 8 p.m. comedy shows./83

Working stiffs get their place In the !?POtllght In Orange Coast yollege's new rnuslcal./84

INDEX Bridge A10 Bulletin Board A3 Business 87 Ca{lfornla News A4 Cldsslfled 05-7 Comics A10 Crossword 07 Oea:p Notices 04 Foo C1- 10 Home , 81-2. Horoscope 06 Ann Landets B2 Mutual Funds 87 National News A4 Opinion A8 Paparazzi 81 Play Review 84 Pollce Log A3 Public Notices 04·5 Sport a 01·4 Stock Markets • 88 Tetevtslon 83 Theetert 83-5 Wnther A2 Wortd Newa A4

. ..,.,

Gunman gives up in bank siege. Two dozen workers, customers locked selves in vault during tense s~ndoff By TONY SAAVEDRA

An IOJUrl>d gunman su rrendered to pollCC Tuesday afkr a 4111-hour 'itand­ofT at a San Clemente bank where 24 customers· and em ployees locked

them'><!l\.CS tn a vau lt and hid aller a fotlcd holdup aucmpt ·

The alleg~ roh&r. 41-ycar.old William R1t1er Rnpp, whoapparentl> broke his left leg wha le flccang fro m pol\CC. took refuge In t~e bank. 4 tcr.

he "'heeled h1m\Clf ou1 oft he 'x'l·unt) Pacific Ban~. 115 N H C amino R<'al Dnvc. tn an oflice ch:ur around S·4S p.m.

The I I emplO)'Ce\ and 12 cu•.­tomero; \\ho had locked them~l"c' ~hand the caged door of the ban~·., monc~ .. ault were eo;coned 10 safet) h .. lrvtnc and an Clemente WAT team officers amid the hoots and whistl~s of onlooker~.

\nolhcr "'orker who hid an an emplo)et loun1e dunna the com mo· taon escaped about an hour eaI!!er after drumman& up enough ner"c to Kurry out~e bacl door

Nonr ot the people were harmed. ahhouih man~ ~ere dmraugbt O\ er the ordeal that had brouaht an ( kmente and 11"-ine police a' "ell a'i Orange County Sheriff!. deput1t'9-.. ( ahforn1a H1ghwa) Patrol officers

and FBI tl.&t'nb to the seaside bank. Pohce · id one officer ufTerm

manor 1n1ur1~ ane-r ltppina·down. !>lope hchand th t>ank :

Rapp. an eit·Mannc Corps rgca~ from Otcansidt, rcurc<l from tbt" \1ann<'· an May 1983 after 22 )CA~ 1nclud1ng t'>'O terms 10 Vietnam ~ hl·rt he >en ed 1n an admm1 trative l·dpanti. acconhna to police ..

· (PleaeceeeBAH/

Insurance hike to quadruple Lagµna 's·rate By USA MAHONEY °'' ... .,..,,.... .....

F-aced w11h a possible S25 malhon nCi11gence suit. Ldguna &ach of· fic1als decided Tue'>da) the) ha .. e little choice but to take a more than fourfold increase in habalm rn­

' urance prcm1umr, on thr ('htn for this year at least.

With 1tc; an<;urance rn'eragc dul' to be canceled Dec 12. the (ah ( ounol agreed to accept ihe off~r Planet Insurance Co of Ph1ladelph1a· ha!> made to the Orange Count) ~ask Management Agenc~ . an Clrgan1ta-

11on ol 12 Cllte~!> tormed 1n 1978 to purlha)e insurance collectivel y.

< oum·1I mem~rs dad not 1nd1cate thl· 'f)(>'>'>1b1h1~ ol a ~u11 played a part 1n their deu!>1on on insurance ca,.. rtl'f\

But later in the mee11ng. the counc1l rc:Jc:ltt•d a S2.5 malhon personal tnJUry claim tiled 'b} the mother of an .\nrnna bo} ldt a quadriplegic after a Jul\ 't S'>'1mrning ~cc1dent at Pearl Street Beach

The mother now ha!> s1A months to filt' a ~ull against the c11y. Caty Clerk

(Pleue aee LAGUNA/ A2)

N~-M trustees OK rais·es for aides By ROBERT HYDMA1' Of the o.tly l'llot Ital!

The Ne~port-Mrsa ~hool hoard conduded \ala!"\ nege11atmn'> lue\­da) n1gh1 ~hen 11 approHd a 4 percent ..ala!\ mcrea~ plui, ad· d111onal adJU'itml'Tlt<I for its dassalied supen 1sory personnel S<.hool of-ficials said. ·

Classified ~upcrvisor) pcl'\onnel include about 1(1 emplcnC'l'\ \\hu supen t'iC l'.U\lodaal and 1ranspor· ta11on St.·!' Ill'' Jnd thOM' \,\ hn ~n ea' l'\l'lUtl\ e Wl n·tanec; 3l lording to Kc' in \\ hcl'll·r thl' J1,tm 1\ a ..... ,.

wn t \UJX'fl ntC'ndrn1 of personnel \l'f\ Ill•\

'The: 4 pcrCTnt hrke was augmented , h~ a I 5 l)l'.nent increase n~cd to all1u't l:cna1n 1ncons1stenc1cs in the pa) \.3teti.ones, \\ heeler said

\ 'llm1lar package '>'a5 gi .. cn tn the 700'cla\'1tied cmplo~ecs in Late

- <ktolxr Thl J1-.1mt' ' 800 teachers we~

a"artkd :i sala~ pacl:igc in ear{$ 'x-~kmbc.·r 1ha1 lead' to a 7..!' pcrce~ htl..l \\ hl'l'kr ..aid. In add111on to tbe ~ pal mt 'Ml I Jn h1k(' teachl·rs <ACf'C

(Please Ke SCHOOL/ A~

• Unit 3 of the San Onofre nuclear power plant was returned ~ service this week after engineers corrected a minor leak fn fta ~ generator. Southern California Edison said. .

Edison, Which operates the power plant near San Clemente, Nii Unit 3 was taken out of service Oct. 27 for routine maintenance Md put back In operation Monday. .•

0.ity Not .,....o by Howe1d L""'"

Bank robbery suspect William Rapp wheels himself ln office chair to bank entrance.

The steam generator was leaking about 135 gallons per day, at about one-fifth of the amount permitted by federal requlremene., Edison said. It never posed a hazard to the publlc or to workers at the plant, the company said. •

. Chavez, 40 more picltet OC store UFW urging boycott of Alpha Beta stores in Southern areas By TONY SAAVE DRA Of .... ~ ""°' ll•lt

Thl' lln1 1eJ F-arm Worker' launched a s1a1cw1dc boycoll 1 ue\­day against Alpha Beta supermarket\. whose parent rnmpam as thl· lurgl''' bu}cr of lellU(l' from ·a grower long cmbauled with the fa rm' union

Brafn implants stu6-ied UC Irvine lecturer says his work n:iay lead to new cure& By PlllL SNEIDERMAN OttMOlll!r ..... 11 ...

I kart lrnn\plant~. Id tncy trnn<.­plant . cornea 1ran\plant, - o nce science fict io n. «.uch opcn1tt0n h vc now become almo't routine

\an brorn trnn\ pJanl\ b<' for be­hind?

Tht notion conjure\ up I 9SO, horror mo' 1c image, of mad ~•en· tt t\ can;sna h1g JI'"" ''"' lull of p1ddrd amy mattcr

l ' f\\ leader ll''klr < ha,e1 kd 'llflflMll'" as thq handed out pamphkl\ an front ul .rn \ lpha Beta'I 111 "'ian·1a \na. outlining lhe union·, ~·H·ar hallk "'1th produn· gro''l' 11'.un• < hurlh Im and thl' Ill' \Jr '"th thl· l1rn\°1, l.1rgc<.t k ttun· h H·r \nwncan \tore\ Im .

.\ma1rnn St<m·~. hascd 1n Sall I ah· Cat}.'" thc p.trent compan~ for lhl' ~7K \lphu Fkta ... upcrmarli.e1s tn < aldorn1.1 and Ne\ada. a'i \o\l' ll a<. k"cl mar~cl'> an the M•d\\CSI. Acme marl.l·t\ on the Fa\I C oa'it and \a, -on

(Pleaae aee CESAR/ A2)

Cops seek murder. clues By TE\ E MAR BLE Of IN D<tilf Pllol llelt

I lnnm tdl' dl'll'l ti\ l'' Ill\ l'\l 1g.111ng thl' -.lay1n1.1111 .1 Hun11ngt11n llarh<111r tin.1m1.1I \tH\\ultana IJ\I month ha\\' J'lrJdlt .111\ J1\.l\\l·mhkd th(' ouster tlcdroom ul the\ ll 11m·, 1n ll'\d llllHl111nan1um looli. ing hu due'>

~ .. ill h \\ .11 ran1' 'ho\\ r-1hl'l. rl·mo\ l'd l·n11n \\,111-. hJlhroom l.llltl'I'. ll\lllll'' , lnlhing JnJ tx·Jdin., 11001 lhl' muldl'I 'U'llt Bn\t'' ••I 1111.111l 1.ll rl'l11rd ... alc.o ''l'rt' conli,l.1tnl 1111111 tlw \l,111111 I .11w hollll' J\ po"1hk l•\ Ilk Ill l ,,I ,llH\I\ l,l\l' hl'l'll Ill.Id<' .111J l'klhn• h,I\\' 11111 announrnl .in\ hrt·.1l..1h111ugh' 1n thl pu11lin1t mu1da "hll'h tX.' l urred '-11\ I l\ 1n lhl' \l'\ ufll\ tight \11111pln near Pl'll'r c. l .tndinf

Ml·I Dula\ lh\1111 Ill "·" ,1,1hhC'J '"th J l..n1k "llh a long hladl' .111d hlnJ 111 ,k,11h polill' <,a1J

D''on arrar1·n1h ''·'' ,1,1htx·J in thl· hall.. It " bod\ "<I' lounJ 1n .1 li.m·l·lin11 r<h1t1un. Ill\ fale pu\hl·ll

ag.a1n\I thl tarpc.·t :.tllordinj,\ 10 p(lhH rt"\.ord!I used to llhtJ1n .1 ,,.,u,h "'Jrrant lnr thl' n:<.1dt·nn

I hl· mJn·, "'ill' "'ho hJd app.arenth fallen asl~ep 1n her '"n·., l)(;Jro .. m 1uld politl· 'hl' a"'o~c Inter md ".indl'rt•d hat~ :, • 1 tw m "'n l"f.·dr0<,m

Dl\ll D"on '·'"' h n.111\l'd that ah, co,ers were pulkd "·'' k lri1m trw ""'' 11· \t·,1l1ng .1 lar~l· <,tarn Pohcc latrr 1Jl'nt111,·d llh ,, '' hJ,,.,.1

'Ir\ rh wn I d I'"'",. ,h,· dll1n I \l'l. hn hu'lhand 1n hnl h1111111111l·d .1 l1f'"' 11n llw llnor 'iht• ..aid at the t 1 nll ,11, , nu .t tl• '' tdl r 11 h 1111· h, "h ·" twr hu .. band

l h,· 1\111• \,II.I \h\ A,I, ffJhl)(.'d lrt>m '1chind by a m.rn "h11 r11t .111 1h''" 1 rwrh:iri' .1 kngth ot rope. around h,·1 n,·, k I tw 111,111 1hn.'.ttt'rwd 111 kill her. she aold J)liliu·

" \t'l "h.11 , .in h.1ppc.·n · ,11,· quntt•d the man as ,,1\ 1nr "hl'll hr ~rat1hnl hn

\I I\ D"1•n '·"'' ,h,· 1•a' r.1pl·d .ind then bncfly (Please aee CLUES/A2)

LivingunderJWA -path:.TheHeightS . of pure frustration;

~ 1 1' mg in \.lnt:i \nn I k1{' l'.ln •

It .1 \ l' .i had ta<.ll' an \Our mouth - nul I nnh an th(' hleral 'i<'n~· "hl·n l.1llou1 lrnm 11•t cnganc., .i~ l umulatl·, on \ll\11

p.11.itl but .il '4.l 1n m6f\.' 1ru,1r;111ni """ \\ht•n \OU rcah1e \\)II ,1 rJthc1 ~1\l up the home \ou' \e h\cJ 1n fot ll '~r' t~n hc;1cn to w1c. lh

m nhtad tor C'' <'n one mnrr "eel

First of three articles

Rut "hen no bnt want' tn h'<' unJ l'r lhl' p.tlh of Jl't\ . hO\o\ Utn HlU

~II \Our hume and mt"c •~•'.,



·" mu, h a' "-l' m1 ht hke to," Rill Jone-.. '>'ho h11' hHd 1n c;.n 1 \ n:a lk1ght' '"' ~~ H;tf' ' -

< npmg ~tthJC't\lhat roUO'>'C'r\heir homt'"' 't'' ernl t1mt'\ each hour h til-t'omr :in unpll'U;tnt fa('t of lafc ~ th<' rc'1dcn1' of Sant• 1\01 He1 hl 'The' • rf' \ 1\('\! 10 h 'ina telephone 11ln~cN110M· 1!lttr rupttJ for I 0

M1xkm rc~ar\h<"I') are \tall .far l\~O> tmm 1ran,planlln1 c<>mpl tc brain\. Rut ruon rtn cxpcr1mtnl

1-_J~~!!!!!l"1!~····-=.::..---........... lPleaee tee BRAIJlt/ A2J Some reeldentaofSanta. Ana Hetchta(ln1reen)aretrytng to cet their propel'tJ r..oo.d for comme £aJ ue .

1 hat'' the tra)) mam 'ant.a .\n:\ I lei tm r.:..,.Jcn1., .,.., the\ "' lll"'Jht 1n , ._. I tt\Uft llf J'l"C' U~ lu C\(Y.lntf lohn W~~n \1fl'Ort whall' OlhC'I'\ ~'\·~ lo u-.t' thl" aH·a ~' thl" hf'tJanc nt dctcn)C.

.. , 'n-unaN\'toUfH'Mt nltnu\\( ' (Pl nrOHTS/ A2)

.. r l

·. .



CLUES SOUGHT IN SLAYING ..• From Al kidnap~ by hl't 3~~1lan1 Poltec wrrc: told the man fon;\·d tht• woman to dnve ham to an 1ntcr'i«tton 1n ~ntral Hunungton lkach "'here hc fl:\A out of her blue 1 oyo1a ( C"hl·a .ind n«t.

murdc~ 1n I luntma&l<>n lkach within the paM mon1h

toward a ht1U'IC on l.1m~·rt D11vt· W1tnC))C\ \a1d Ronald ldl.''l. a tele v1 .. 1on rl'p;urm,111 who lt\-t'd al a ( n\W Mc..a motel. ".I' .imhu)lll'd b' l"U ma'lkcd ml·n who were h1d1na 1n


-e loudy t Wet through Thursday The lateat In a aertes of weathet tron11 moving In off tht»

Pacific win keep Souttiern Callforn1a overcall and wet through Thursday, 1he National Weather S rvtce aald.

Lo• Angeles wlll be moslly cloudy, wrth a 70 percent chance of ahower1 tonight. decr .. slng to 60 percent Thurlday Highs writ be In the low 60s. after overnight Jowl In the low SOa

Thcnu:1 lcr101t1uth "la'>dt·~r1tx·d :J'l ll blnC'l mnn w11h a mc:d1um huald ~he latc:rrnnccdt.'<i 1ha11hc mJn 'uuld have bel·n white, poltC'e ~1d ' "fhc \lay1ng 1\ one ofthm: umoh l-<l

On Nm 15 a ll( )Car -old \U jll)I)' otfi C man,t&Cf WO\ \llJll&lcJ 1n ht•r Park'l1dt· Lane apanmcnt Pohu· !>J1d Ehr.ibeth Mn) HotT­'>chnrcder"~ b<xh wa~ dtM:ovcrcd the lollo"1n1 da) h~ rn-workc:r.. who "-Cll.' worried aboul the womnn\ "'h1:1 l·.1houts

On No~. 26. a ~3·)l'a 1 oltl mau wa~ taiall) 'ihot an the ht•n<J 01' he wnlkl·d

w mc: bu,hn nl'M thc hou~ _ I hc U" lll'r ul thl' hou~· .. ub-.c:­

qucnlh wa\ arrc\tt.•J on drug diaf¥t''.> but "''' 1101 n ullt l't.'tt.•tl with till' mur\.kt Polltl' lltl\.t' 1w1 '1atcd whcthl·r 1ht• lo.1llrngu>uld ~· h11lcd lo ' drug.,

Along the Orang& Cow. the .outlook calla tor ahowera tonight decroas1ng from the north on Thursday Stlght ch&nce ol thundershowers tonight and early Thursday bspeclaUy In Iha south Lows 45 to 55 with hlgt"I• In the upper 50s to low 601

The beaches wrll have showera tonlgl'lt decreaSlng lrom Iha north Thursday. with a sllght chance of tl'lunderst19wera early 111 the day. especially In the south Htghs will be In the upper 50s to low 60s OvernlQht lows wlll ranQe from 45 to 55


gl\en a longt:r ~hoot Ja} and \(.hoot -)C~r that will pro' 1dc an addllH>nJI

3 8 percent m pa~ Manng1mal personnel. 1m.ludmg

th;; superintendent und .is!>1stanl'>. , were' g1\>en ..alal) ancreaws at thl· ~c Uml' as the teacher... I hal ;fhercaSl' averaged 5.1 pcrLcnl Dut

.~tic some received the add1t1onal • P\.'rcent abon· the 4 pem:nl \ala I) ";Jn.kc. other'> dad not Whl·dcr \aid

; The school d 1w1c1· .. n!J><· 1:onfid1.·n­ cmplO)C:l'\ "'crcl(l\cn c;1milar

rca<,e\ as otht•r cmplO}l'l'S Thal group 1ndudcs ncgo11a1ors and ad·


"1tnl\lr.lltll">. In other action T uc\t!J~ n1gh1.

I orrt''>I \\ crnrr \113\ dee IL'd prc-.. 1dent ul 1 ht·,,., l'n-membl'r Bc1artl ot LdulU­t111n. rL·plJt1ng J ud11h f ranto '\hl'fl) I uolbourro"' tall''> over "' the hoard·, \.Ill' prc~1dent/clcr l

I rancu "'•II scr.e a'> tlw huanf'> ktit'>lat1\l· rcprl·r,cntat1 H· a!. ! wdl as th,· repn·'>l'Otall' c to lhl ( >r.ingc < 1111nl\ l.,dinol Board\ .\sMll 1at1un

RoJrd mt·mtx·r Rod \1ac\ldla.rn "'111 '>C'I\ l. .1 t" ti-H·ar tnm a\ J

nwmbn of the t 1110 ~1..huol Dulfu:J l ia1\on ( omm1lll'c

Jim dl' Boom "·" '><.lcuc-d J' th,· d1,1ru.t-., · rt·pr"''t'ntatt'l' on 1hc ( oa\llllll' l< Program hoard

L oothoum>'' " tht• nt·w rt.'J)fl'\Cll· tal1,c to tht• l\dopt-a·\tho<WMOR I program .rnd J om Wilhurns "-•II '>er"c a' thl' board n.'prl''lt'rtatnl· H> the Numan,111ng < ount) Comnlllll'l' on School l>1•.tr1ll Organ11n11on

Krnrll'th \\ J\ man " 1tw 'e' ,·nth inembt·r of llw Hoard of L durnt1on

.\s tht· dl\tm·t 'u~x·nn1t·nden1 John "'llOll "Ill lonllnut• lo \Cnt• J' \ecrl'taf) 10 till" '>thuoi hoard-

t LAGUNA OKS INSURANCE BOOST ... From Al Verna Rollinger ~1d.

Rolhnger said the claim,., prnbahl) the largest ever filed agam'>t lhc cat~ an ct personal inJUr)" cue

.. I don' t recall one e'"cr with that b•l? a pnce tag.·· she said.

The mun1c1paht) rou1tnel) rc1en<, claims of great magn11udc and one\ for which 11 does not frcl responsible Rollinger saJd..

U nder its new ansur-.incc plan Laguna Beach wall pa) S 161 .029 for a y¢ar°!. coverage. Premium s chargrd b)' the c~ )' ·., last earner. · Mead Reinsurance Corp. Wt·rl' lll\t $36.::!6.:!.

In add111on 10 pa,ing more ltir \.'Overage Plant'I tn .. uranct• ha'> H

qu ired Laguna Beach. along with tht• c111es of tan ton and San ( ·1emen1c to raise its deductible b} $I 50.000

tn .. tead of cu,t·ragl' \tan1ng .iftcr till' mu111upali1~ ha' '"'alln'H'd the tir\I ,_llKHKXI ol a 1udgmt•n1 Plant'l ln,ur.inu· \\un'1 !.tan wntang a cht·c~ until alll'r the $::!50.CXIO marlo.

J tw higher deduc11hlc ,, rt·quared tx·t:1u,t• of the h1gh·n'>l nature 1n\ur-1ng bt·ath (l lfC'>. \\-h1ch arc 1nncas1ng· I~ hc1ng h11 v.1th daum from bl'.tlh .1tt ldt·n1-. rnult1ng from natural ton· dlllllO\

Nn\pun lk::H.·h. Im c\ampk ,., .ippt·aJ1ng a mult1-m1lhon-dotlar 1udgml·n1 an Orangd ·ount) 'iupt·nor < ourt 1un J"ardl'Q d ( larcmonl man p.iraf\1,·d an a 11./Xll \\\-11nm1ng .itn­dl·nt

I ht· 5~5 m1ll111n dJtm .. ,h1th R11ll1ng..:r ..... " "'111 .ilmm1 1.:cnJinl~ rnull rn .1 la\.\\Ull \.\Ould he the 'cwnd '>Uth <.:a\l' facing Laguna

Beach . .\n $8 m1ll1on \Ult l1kd 1n 1982 b)' a

man cnpplcd an a di\ ang acc1dcn1 near D1~cr!. ( O\ l'" 1xnd1ng. she !>aid.

The Pearl \trel't Bt·.it:h claim !>a:,.s the Cit} as ·rcspum1blc for tt•cn-agcr Bryon M. Rombal!>ki


!> quadnplcgK cond111on bl'cau\c 11 tailed lO warn of hazardou!> bl'ach lOnd111ons

Rollinger ·i:harac1cr11cd JUr) awards hkc the om· an Ne"' pon Beath for $6 m1ll1on a!> "shocking ·· .\hhough 'ihe hcllnn \Oflle ar:angc­mcnl!> mu)\ bt' tound to pa)' for the long-term earl' ol an al-cadent v1c11m who ... permancnth dl\abkd. turning OUI the pockl'I'.> ol <,mall (lllCS IS nul 1he answer. Rollinger o,a1d

.. Eight m1ll1on '"all of our opcrat­rng budget for a )l'ar and ii Wl'


rc ~cang l\.\O ol thc'>c !>u•h a )Car. 11°\ goodb)'e Laguna .. \he said


Tht." allack .. Ya, la-uncht"d "Ith the pubhrn)-gl'ncratang p1d.:"·11ng I Ut'\· da) at two .\lpha Beta \tort.'' 111 predomanatcl:,. H1'>pan1l an.~,., ol \.in D1e1?,o and \an1a Ana

< haHt. holding J pl,1l.trd 1,' mbla1tmcd "'1th thl' \.\urd\ .. Tell .1

Friend. Bo)rnlt .\lpha Oda·· \did lhl· dTort wao, made to o,ho\\, ..\ml·m ·an

-Stores that the union \\-asa lorn· to Ii\• rel"konl'd w1th

"The\ '>lartl'd hu~ 1ng the ll'ltllH "hen the pm:n "cnl do"' n hcLaU'>1: 111 our ho) roll agatn<..I Brun:.< hun h -.aid (ha,c1 )7 -· r hc~.<\mt·nl.111 \torc\ l .ire rcalh taklnit U\ un

< >tlit 1al\ at thl' .\lpha lkta \outhcrn ( ahforn1a headquane-rs 1n l .i 1 lahra rctern·d 1nqu1nl'' 10 tht· parl'nt tompan) 1n l tah "-u onl· .11 \mcman l.iwrt.·'>. lnl "as 3) a11Jhk· Im rorn mcnt th1'> morning.

1111\\CH'r:. rcportl'dl)' none ol th1: \lpha l:kt.i '>IOrl'\ '>di Bruce< hurth lcllutr. although the produce ma) tx· \Old h\ 11tht•r chain' m\ncd b\ \ mt'lll .lll ~torl·'

" II°' Ill' ' hkt· oltl 11mt·, · rl'markcd ( h,l\l'/ ,I\ hl· \Uf\t'H·d till' l 0 \t1makd ~" Pllkl'\\ \Oml' LJrf\ ang tht tl'd llag. .. t lhl' I I\\ \IU11d 110 1h1• ... dl'\.\itlk Ill h 111 1 , 11 thl· \ lpha H1·t.1 11n Hrl\lol \ta I

H1: "a' rclcrrrng to lht· unwn bo-..c.:011 .. ol lht• la t'-= 60!> and carh 70!..

:.v..l' \t'r a lu1ot 1hr uld11mer\ 1ha1 haH· p1l·kctl'd"' 11h us tl<:forl' 11·, \t·r~ l'nwuragan~:· he '>aid

1 he union '>Int...: I IJ7Q has hccn .. 1rugghng to '>l.'ltlt• a contract "'"11h Bruce Church . Inc the .-.ccond largr'il grower 1n the na11on .

fht· uimp:tn} 1n lall' I Ytn v. .. , found guilt' h' tht· \tall' \gmultural Labor lh·lat111n., B11ard ot unt:ur l<ahor pral°l ll l'\ .ind IN.I\ ordt•r nt tn pa\ t ht· farm v.11rk,•r, lllr tlw ttnh lol\I \lnu· thl' \trt~t· lx· I hal rul111l! ., hl·•nl! Jppcakd

BRAIN TRANSPLANTS FORESEEN ... Prom Al are undi:r wav to dclcrm1nl' "'hl·thn '>mall 1ali1cd bm of ll'>'>ut· can Ill rcltxa1ed lo help rd1e"t' brain dam age that pre' 1ow,I~ \.\,J, \ '''"'''d a'> 1rrc\ cr.-.1blc

Proponent\ of hraan tcll tran\pl.anl rtt!>t.'a rch '>ii~ 11 ma' e'i:ntu.ilf\ kad to dlcc11' c 1rca1men·1._ lor a1lml•nt' \Ut h a' Park1n<,on ·r, d1<.ca'>l' .\l1hl'1111t·r'' dl\CJ\l' ..ind ll un11ng111n., thort.1 11 ma} C\l'O hold a ~C\ Ill lUflllg paral~'" l·au\l'd h; hrain .ind 'p1n.1l wn.I IOJUrtC~

On the t u1t1ng cdgl' 1111h1' rt'\l·an h I\ .\ndcr\ R1orklund. a rmk\\or .1t the l 1na\-er\ll\ of Lund in ~W l0tk11 B1orklund \\-hu h.1' t ondul tl·d ground-hrcak1ng brain\planl ,., pcnmt·nt<.. INl\h rat<o "al I C Ir ' llll' 1h1\ \\-Cck IO ll'l tUrl' on ··:..t,•ur.d T ran'>pl.in11on 111 thl· Dam.11•t•d .111!1 \l!l·d Hr.1in '

111 .1 nwc11ng V\ t·dm·,d,1' v. 11 h n·pttrll"I\ H1orklu11d v..,rnnl th.11 wrdt'\fl ll'3d brain tran,planl In.ii mt•n1 1n, ma' Ix· \l'.11\ .1v.,1 and th.11 mulh muo,t \1111 he ll',1111nl through \IUdlt''> wrlh ;1n11na" But ho rl·m.iancd op11m1'>llt.

I think thl' nnl dnatll- v.111 Ix \Cr\ IO\t•rco,tang 1n lhl\ tal'ld Aiorklund '><.ltd ··Tht\ "hrik lll·ld " not 'L'n old You t·ouhl to11n1 till' numtx·r 111 fll'Opk \.\urk1n~ un th" on >our finger' I 0 \Cars ago

Dr < arl ( otman. a l ( I prolt-...,111 of P'>)"t hohrolog~ "'ho nllt:ntl lhl bpclinit. \aid hra1n t<.'11 1ran,pl,mr rr<,carch ha\ "cxplmled •. "'nee· I 9!W

··~1cnc.c lrn tht'> area) ha' pro· grc·~.,cd 10 the prnn1 '-'hl'fc \\-e'rt• al a 'iunn')C or "hatn cr \OU want to t.tll 11 ol a ne"' era.··< 'llman ..aid ·I he p1t'lc<.. :ire llccom1ng tk;trl'r • .ind >A(··rl' karnang-hu"' lo appl~ 11 ··

Brain n•ll tran,planr \.\ork '" rl'l.1 · 11veh m·y. lx·tau'l° II "-t'nl,.l{WIO\l trad111onal medKal thanking ~kin cell'>. onu· damagt·d will tw rcplalrd h) the grnwth of nt'l.l '>kin But nkdrcal 'iUCnce h:i'i ht•ld th.11 tht•

D•llJ Piiot Detlnry

It Ouar•nt.ed ..., , , ..,.. . ., ''°' - rOUI Pl'<"' I •

31) p.. .... [J<>lnr .. , ""' •Art .,OUt Cf , ,, L# .-11'1


Anders Bjorklund

h111h 1,1nnot \11111larh rt'flJlf hr.1111111 'P'"·" u u ti di:t ma gt·

In rnt nt H'3r\ hr;11n tr..111\planl npn1mt·n1' ha'c ku 111 J rt·l'\,Jlu ,11 111n 111 lhl\ lhl't1r.

\\ c rt' .1t' umulaltnl!( t'\ 1tknu· 1h.11 I h1· IH Jiil l .tn JdjU\t and rq!l"nl·ratt• 1n ,111 t'tlort 10 de-al "11h LCrlJ1n dam· Jill' · Dr RJorklund 'aid

\11mr uf tht• n\0'1 pmm1\1ng C'\·

I'll r1menl\ ha\-l' Im U\l'd on hra1n d.1rt1Jjil'd rat\ nh1h111ng ~\mptom' <,1mil<ir to \.ll'ltm'> ol Parkan,on·, dl\t';.l\l' a dl'_gcncr Jll\d11lml'~t alku in~ rnu'><. It moH·ml·n1' Thit d1">Ca'.>c '' hdll'\l'd to hc <.tu\Cd h\ tl-u.· dt•ath 111 hr,11n tell<.. that produce a t ruc1al , ht rn1t.1l 1 .altcd dopJmtnt·

B111rldund and otht•r \l tt ntl\I\,pl.1ntn.I dop.imant•-produl llli! tl\\Ul lrnrn rat l'mhno'> 1nt11 thl' hrJIO\ 111 .11lang ml'> I h1.: ol)l·ro1tmm reduutl o r d1m1'fl'fttrd th1· Pnt l..1n'>1111 '>-llkl· '"mptom'I


Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill


MorL' rn·cnth . • 111rmp" h1 durll· calc tlw, trc.ument 1n t\.\o Park1mun·, \.ll 11111\ u\lng. tht• pa· t1t'nl\' own t1\\u1· ratht•r than kt.ii tl'llr, prndurcd ntl\l'd rl''>Ult<.. fh t· pa11ent\ \hO\.\l'd \nml' 1mpro\l·mcnt hut lht• rt'\Ull'I \.\t'rl' no• Uln\ldl'ft'd dramallt

H1ork I u nd doc\n 1 f11rt o,n m,an \ rllorc humJn hr;11n graft ll'\I\ 111 till' ncJr tu1url'

.. Rnl'.trl h ha' to o,ta\ with an1mt1I "'°' k for .1 wh1k." ht• '>ta id "What~·\ n ,.., donl' "'i 11 ht.' done on pu rt· guc\\\.\or~ \\>t• ha,l· muth to du 10 undt·r .. 1.and ho"' lrJn\plants Y.ork ..

In l'\pen mt•nt~. researcher\ ha\l' found lhat .ir1 cmbrvo·s brain ll<i'>Ul' rathl·r than mature animal tell<. mort· n·.1d1h lonncct\ "'-tth the dam.1gt·d hr.1111 111 .1 Jnother an1m:il In hum;trl' •hr tl'l1Hl\al 111 hraan tell ' from kl u"·' 1 nuld pnl\ 0~1· \t'rtou\ r lh1ta l tkh.1tn

One .1llrrn.1t1\l· Ill.I\ bl· 10 ~l·n1·11· l} cng1nrn ll"ll ' 1n ,1 lahoraton to pla) \fll'lllil min·n tran'>pl:intt•tl into a hr.11n

Bet au\\· 111 .111 1 hl unlno"' no, that '''" mu'' hl' \Ohl·d R1or~lund bl·· ltcH''- m;a"''l. luntlang .1lom· "'011·1 nncc,anl~ lo an !n crn1ght break· through 1n hraan tr:in,planl rc\Carch Aul he h\•lac\-t'' thl' tit'ld t\ npc lor add111onal 'ltud)

" I don ·1 thank v.c ' 't' touched more than tht• 'urlan· ... he -.aid

Correction Huntington &-.1th \lhool tl'at ht•r

P<it "Ad ulh , • .11d \hl' "J' m1~uoted an J rnrnt 'ton 1n the Oail) 1'1lot ahout hl't \ '"' 111 'l1cara~ua

Mt.'C ull' \atd 'the tl1dn't make rl'mark' that ,1 "fll"ttfil governmt.·nt manl\tl'I wa\ rcprL''l\1vc

Clrculatlon 714/ 942'"'333 ci. .. 1n.ct .ctnrtlelng 7141142·5171 All olMf department• 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE

~, T l OQll l r . ..... ~~ r~"'"• ~ ., ''°'..-\ .,.,,~,....,,,. ttidt!Ot • rnJI"'" nt •°"91'' ... "'"" u """'"'"" ""-t" ~ -~~ ,, ttJOv• rf*'.. '""' l:i•• fl l•r t I ,,,. I•• If

J~ k I I fllt ft•' l "Nf ttlf.ty'L-11•' •QJ• •O an of(,., , r..JI c "'"' .,,..

Frank Zln l Managing (d1ror

Keren Wittmer AdverfiCM<J OtrC'ctor

• ""MIQ< ! U\< y 'If' 0 C"' ...

°" 0-- ••M

Clrcui.tlon Teleptlonee

RoH m8J'y Churchmen Controller

Robert Cantrell Production Monn gar

Donald L. Wlltlem• Circulation Manager

'"\ <~"1 '• l ll'°'O"'J" I •~ II r-<' II M• • Ul'"llfl!lll 11f1>< I .. 9'!01 •,.,11 .. 1 f o•~ f>Y , .,,_. M I~ mnn1t\fy

by -· jlj !.o ""''"'•

VOL. n , NO. 340

Temps Atblny Albuqu<tr Q""

AM41tlln An<.h<w"lj• Alta"la All•nllc: C 1, Autio<\ 8alt•mcit• B1<monon1m 8111tT11te~ eo. .. BO•IO<> Bullak> C.a~ Ch111 teatw S t: Cnat .. a lOI' W V CnatlOll• N C Cn.yaon• Cnoe1go C1tt<mn•t1 t.11• .. al\<I Cotumt>o• SC C·;tvMwJOo '°""" ll N H 0•••• fl"'"'"' 0.ylOf•

°"''-Dea 1.4()11141• 09110<1

HI l• l4i H J1 ,, w l7 38 JI •8 J7 42 ;)$ H JI .. lJ • I JS ll 10 JI I~

40 " l8 17 U OS 56 4.1 l6 XI 46 )'I )7 01 74 II J.' 11 JI ,,, !.A )9 11 IS

31 ·~ 39 )3 31 16 )• 1l

20 " ll 10 io oa 4? 32 32 22 18 11 J9 JO 13 11 .. 7J

l•ll .. Roe:~ l0<it1Yllle IHl'llP"'­M·•"" 8'wt.h M•w ...... Mplt St Peut N ot.all¥ ..

~°'-" -YOO. NorlOlk Vo Olll.ollOtn• C11, Ot'ntnll Otlt1rl<JO f'n<leO•lt>htl Ph04WH& P11ttbu1gh l'O<lltnd Mto Porll•l"ld 0. Pro••~1tt1 Rei.ooh At>rlO AM"hmt,od SI I OU<t Sr Pet• r .,,,I'• S1tl L••• C•ly San Anronoo Sen Ju•n PA 6 1 o .. M ...... s. ... 11 .. S1>1.-Qott Sr>Ql. ­Sy1.tcuwo TQP<tk• f U(llOll

Tut .. Waahu.glon Wt<.M• Wiike• BerHt

.If ~I 3$ 21 40 37 II 76 2• 09 11 03 36 32 ~3 as •2 3• .. 37 J9 l()• 31 24 re 01 40 11 Sa 44 32 18 J8 2J 43 3!> 42 28 48 3S 45 lO •8 29 lb 19 8 I 6(1 J8 :' I ., 18 e4 12 ll 11 •t. ~, ab J7 13 oa J2 25 37 H ~5 38 37 30 0 35 33 29 l b 27

81!1>t>1W91JOO l~••Beec:n san ci.r.-1• Waoer temf) 60 59

2 I

1· 1

poot Ont .,K> 1>00f Palm Spr!<lQ•

63 31 89 as 63 41 112 4 1

la!< P..adena Ao-Mlle

l>W<lll 011ec1100 -.1n-1

Calif: Temps· Hton tow i.o•ec:JP1laUo" toi 2• llOU••

...01r111 ~· 5 • "' lodly !l41karal·...a ~4 •6 Cu• ... • 61 46 1 ,...,,., s:> •• lenuat., S7 44 loe Anve'M 65 ~ Oatrla,.d SI 411 Pa .. , Ao1>1e1 SI 4 1 A4MJ 8tvlf 52 46 A4M!woo<I Ctly S4 !>' Sac1-10 50 H Sa11n.. 55 S I San Otego r.3 56 San f" 1111e•1eo S4 5 I San•• 8srD•r• a I 53 S IOClll OI\ 50 06 Hlgll ,.,., p1t1c;ICllllllOf• lo• 2 4 hour• Wldlno 11 so m 9•"10"'

San 8ernar<11no S tn0•b•1411 Sen Jo .. S•nt• An•

·S.,,I• Cru1 l1hot1 Val~ Y0Mm11e \lly


Ill "° 85 ao se 35

-~ · <13 5e ., 43 17 '7 29

r •~ MO ,..,,,..., F1t01y AAon "'t!V Sa1uro1y C1eat1ngSund8Y Hlglls 55 to 6.5 Low. 1n ll>L 00. llncl - SOI


I 52pm 805pm


0 I 3 7

Oulult> l'IPuo l'111bank• Fa1go F1Aga1a11 Ortnd R11>•<I• Ha1tl0td H_,a Honolulu Hou11on tn01ant00i.a J.c;lltOn Ma JtKkllOn• ...

" 06 83 ,, H 40 29 10 39 JS 67 se :ie SS

Surf report Sig liff• 81a"<il> Blythe Cal.Otta

12 57 • m 7 ,. a "' 2 :.>5pm ll « pm

Ill 5t 03 37

) ........ 1Cen1U C1ty lHV!Oes

LOC ATION'"910fl a.ea.

SIU I HAPI: 1·3 1.., 2 l pOC>r

10<>9 &Mch MonfO~


Su0 .. 11 loelly •I a 43 p m N­Tnuttday at 8 4' a m and ••• eoaon al 4 43pm

J8 " 5& 39

A, • ., Jetty Newpof1 4011\ SlrMI ~ nnoSttN\ NlwP!;I''

2-3 POOf I 2 POOf

M l W•tOll NewDO<t a.acn

MoonuM• •t3 O'p m Ml• Thutl<lay al4031 m ancl••-eo-a133epm


HEIGHTS RESIDENTS WANT OUT ... From Al ond!. l'\l'I"\ fC\.\ minute\ £ht'\ no tongt•r ha'~ gue~t\ O\l'r tu t' llJll~ 1lwir 'an.I\ or lO harbclut·'t'pOlg late on \\l'l0 l..l·nd' ha' h\•t.onw a dream

John V..a)nc Airport t'>\11 mut:h .1 ran of thl· rnmmuntt~ \ 1dt·n11f\ tlrnt li\c photo'> 1llu\lra11ng thr n. pan ... un of the :urport O\ l'r pa~t dctadc' han~ on tht· v. all ol thl' nc1g.hbor hood \h Donald\ rr\tauran1

lunt''> and other\ "ho ltH· lwr homl' on< \flH.'"" \In.Tl dintt lu hll!X'' th.11 lht• uiunt} \\, 111 lh.1nge1lw toning Jl'\lgnat1ori 11f ltlnr m·1ghhorhon(l t11 nlll' tha·t \\Ill allu" 01tlitl' hu1ldan~-. to tx· hu1lt

lh \l'lling 1hl·1 r propt'rt\ to 111111 · nwrt•ial de' eloper'>. thq hope "' ma kl' enough monc) 10 mo\c a\\-a\ 111 11thL·r area\ nl thl· rmtnl\

I o promote thr 1dt-.i. th ow r l'" dt·rH' fornwd a gr11up l .ilkd \I\( C )\I .Ill .JllCIJl\lll tH lhd 1111111 tht 11\t 1t'\ 'trn·1, 111 tht 11 p.1rt ol tltl , 11mnH11111' \1 ,t ,1 H 111 h ! q>rl" ( lrlharJ .111d \h ,,1

I{ 111 lnn1 .. l\ \l'• 11 IJI 1,tl lh1 111111 'f't"ttt-"ltl ~tntJ fHtml tl' ctrn-1-pmmmcr

·· Pt•nrlt• ac-cuo,c 11\ nt lx·1nl? (!rt01'<h ll~l' \\l'


1l' fll\l llUt Ill mal..l· llllllll'\ llll

th" "hok 1h1ng. I hq 'J} \.\l tl' 'J'>Cl"U lalllf'> ... Jonr-. \aid .. But ho\\ can ;ou accu\c pt·opk \\-ho IW\ t' lx·l·n here 2ll or 10 ~t·<.tr' ot bean~ 'IJX't 11 la tor,·1 ..

f IH'rt• .trr t ho--c v. ho It\ l 1111 I ht• '.>amc 'ltrn·t\ ·" \H( 0'-1 nwmhc" \\ho "-iJOt 10 rl·ta1n the rural l'ltun­ln,1n lh\'Or ol lhl' l'Ommunll ~ I hnt· ;trl 111hcr'> \-\ho h\-l' on <..trl't"I\ 1.'.t\I ul C 'prt·" - and out ot the dtrn t oath


Just Call 642-6086

Gem Talk

/11 J <. Ill \ff'llR/£:5 <.n1if1rd t~mo/0815/, .\ G.5

DIAMONDS th e gem of d r eam•

o l tht· John \.\ a} nt• Jt'h - "ho \.\Ould l'a't1h · rather not '>t"l· utlin· hu1ld1ng't l'rettt·d Ld and Joan Hul!.t.• ha' c '" ed un nl'\l lu lht·1r homt'' Birch ~1rcc1 fur 18 )"car'> and ha'c

\nd lht•n that• .ire 1ho\c "ho ll\e four hall-acrt· lot\ on \\-hllh they 1n !'lt·wporl Beach 'Nho want 10 kecp hoard hur!>e.., ~un1.i .\na l·k1ght\ JU'll' the wa} 11 t!> , Thn 'a' thl'\ ·H. l'llJO)Cd thc nut onl} ht.·cau'>l' II\ rur:t l lh:aralll'r as cqucr,1.nan · ltfht)k San ta ·\na :rn amenit} to 1tw um1mun1t). hut l k1ghl'> ha' prtl\ 1dcd lor tht:m and :il'o tx·r:tu'l' a<; fimg ,1, 1x·opll' remain 1hl.'1r famtl} . hut arc"'"'"& 10 g1H· 11 tn <.,anta \na I lc1ghl '> thl'rc I!> a ltm11 up a'\ '>oon "' pO\'tlblc. 10 hu" 111uth tlw a11pnrt c.1n t'\Oand "' .\t fif'>I 1l "'-'~ onh thc '>mall

l.,ud1 .rn a111tudt• lttth'' '·"'·ma ~''!>''>. hut 11 "-cpl gelling wur'>c and m.lm in ~nUt .\n.i l k11i(.11l!> feel~ \\-or'l: ... I d Jlul'>l'. '31d. 1l ~ 1ugh lhl•\ ·n· tx1n~ hdd ho,tag.c frt lllll\l' 1\ <,omc1h1ng the Hul-.c

" ' Jon"t ltkt· 11t•11pk "'ho liH' an l~m•I} 1'> \\-ell al.quatntcd w11h Joke\ 111ha arl.l'> lt•lhng u' "h.11 \\l' 'hould unc-ol tht•1r n1ncch1ldrcn. ··You don·1 rn 'h11uld 11111 do' lum' 'a'"· " In ha\t'lt1'rCl~ouralarm dock 1ogl't up l.ll t 11' 1101 11n1, urw111ng. n's an thl· morning." 111,ulltni: l he'll" thing' '>huu ld be left L1 lo.c ot her AB( O M member'>. up tu the pcupk "'hn li\,e here." Hul'iC' says he'd lake to sci I if he was

\nd \\ htk thl'IC I\ far from COO- o0hcd a fair price. \t ll'> ll'> .imong ~<Jnla Ana I k1ghts St·' cral llml~ 1n recent years the ll''>Hknt-. un \\-hat I.lie thcir com- 1 lul'>e., ha'c put their property up for mun11~ .,hould a<lopt man\ 11, 1ngon r,ak hut found that those w11h the tlw 'IH'l"t' ·t111n 11, undl'I 1lw l11gh1 mmt 1n1an1 tn buying were de· p.11h' \\,111111u1 \elorx·r<,v.ho\.\t'rc tx·111ngon mal1ng

I 11" \l1nor J110l'' nt·x1-door monc) \hould th t• area bl' rezoned for 111 11d1 hor ha' h' 1 d 111 \an ta \ na pruk\\IOnal ntlilc dm-kmm,•ot I ktF~lnr 1: crr"'..:--1c) goucn !>u - ' 'V.-1.··,l' nc' cr had a ~nou'.> offer ·· h:id \\ t' can t C' l'n 'tand out here h) H ul~ \U}\

1 hl'lt'lll.l' .ind tal~ :1m mort• ·· \he '>a) '"I < tern Kno' '>U)' hC' can talk a1 \ l,1rgl' H"'''lll'. a Jl'\ldt.·n1 tor more ll'ngth about why '>O i:nany in Santa

1hJ11 ~°' \car-. ... aid all A B( O M Ana Ht.•1&ht~ arc 11ch1ng to leave if mcmlw" ~anl '' to tx· ahk to sell the) had the c hance. thl·n homl''I ior a lair pnn· and mo' l' " It's not JU!>t the noise. The vi-J \l ,I\ bration"> rau..c crack<i an you home.

·1 don t than~ \OU l'an 1..all that thdalloutlromthecngancs1sallovcr llt'111g grl."t'd} ·· B1\\c1tc ..a}!> the plal·c and the count)' says ·vou

'r 11u \hould ,11<..o kno" that.II 101 of can·1 do thl'. ~ou lan't do that 10 your 1 he pt·opk v. ho'"". ht•rt• art• rtt ired or prorx·rt) · ·· . m·.111n~ rt·t1rt•mt·n1 Jhcv lan·1 JU\I 'T \l:hcenherefor 47year'i." Knox rmk up and \t.lrl 11\rr a~11n thJI 'kl'" " Bui )'Cah. l 'tl leave.'·

Whal do ~ou like about lhe l>aily Pi lot'! Wha t don't you like ? Ca ll the numbe r al lefl and ~ our mc•ssaJtc> will be re<·orded, tra nscribed and de livered 10 tht• appropria te rdilor.

Th<" 'lame 2 l ·hour a ns we ring service may be used to record letters to the C'd11or on an~ topu· Contributor to our Letters column m ust Include their name a nd 1e lephon1· number tor ver ifica tion. l'\o cir culalion calls. please.

Tell us what's on your mind.

How many things 1n the world can you think of that flt this descrip­tion. An mvestment in beauty which can be used every day for many generations without look­Ing used. and without loslng Its value The first thmg you have to think of Is fhe diamond. But what else comes to mind? Probably nothing. Whioh tells us that the world's love affair --with the diamond Is based on more than Just beauty and pride of pos­session. It Is based upon the old adage, " Diamonds are forever. And, Indeed they are. In the past few years, we have seen flnanclal speculators dabble dangerously

(n order tu understand quality in diamonds one must undcr'ltand tht• 4C's: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat weight Your Amcncan Gem oc1ety (ACS) ,eweler ha th· hunt:ctty, integrity an~ gcmolog1 al expertise to hdp)'OU ~·l<'ct a diamond of quality

J. C. .JJump!i,.i116 J11w11fer6 • In the diamond market, causing a price volatlllty that this beautiful gem does not deserve Despite the machinations of the " lnveat· menJ " gang . gem-quali t y diamonds continue to hold the conf ldence and admiration of people everywhere. It Is still the U'llng of which dreams are mad - and fulfill d There 11 no finer. or more tasting gift than a beaut1•u1 diamond



F~~·=--~~~~•_._~~~----~~..J.--';..__--~~~~~~~~•--.__--~~~~~----';;..o_--.....-..-..~~~-----...--........ -----------::::~--·~ '

• . . - -------

. I

.. $addleback College se s spring signups

Apr>hcat1on" art beina.ecccplcd tor sprina scm I r rca1m1uon at ddlcbac:k C'olleac prina eta sc beJin J':n. 14 11 the community c:ollcae's Jrvinr and Mi ion V~o~m~ L •

New studenuand lhost who have m1~"lCd one or mort' scmesttrs m y fill out apphcu1ons an Bu1ld1n• AIOO 11 Saddleback Nonh in lrv1ne or 1n the Library at addle~c:k South an Mission Viejo.

These applicants will be given an appoi11tment t'o rc1ister for January. Con11nuing students who did not participate in pre-rea1strat1on in December also may reamer during the new student rc:a1strat1on per10d, Jan. 2-11. .

Rea.istrat1on procedures are outlined 1n the spnna class schedule booklet now bcana mailed to residents of the Saddleback Community Colleae District. More regi5. tration an formation can be obtained by calhng ddleback Nonh, 5$9-9300, extension 219. or Saddleback South, 831-4555.

Bu•lneu women plan party The' Irvine chaite'r chapter of the Amcncan Business

W-0men's Association wjll hold its monthly meting and Chnstmas pany Tuesday at the Shark Island Yacht Club 1n Newport Beach.

A Chnstmas musical proaram will be presented by the Madngal Singers from Golden West Collc,e. The event begins with cocktails al 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7.

Reservations arc necessary and may be obtained by caihng Micky Jeacodc at 7S 1-0226 or Mari1yn C-ooley at-838- 1022. .t·

Toa•tml•tre••• convene The next meeting of the Las Olas chapter of

Toastmistrelscs will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday at ~ths Grinder Restauraftt'"in Wcsuninster

The Toastmistresses club is devoted to improving communication and new mcmbets arc welcomed. Call Darlene Chadick at 842-9569 or Velma Bohn at 536-2939 for funhcr information.

La6fJna mayor.ta •ped Laguna Beach Mayor Dan Kenney wall speak at a

chamber of commerce breakfast Tuesday at the Hotel Laauna.

Kenney will assess the city's present and its prospects for l 98S at th1 breakfast which beains at 8 a.m. Tbere is a charae for the meal. Reservations may be made by calling the chamber office.

Niaht owls who can't make at for breakfast can take advantaae ofac:hamber mixer in the hotel's Riviera R0-0m the following day: Sponsored by SCA Services. the mixer will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Hors d'oeuvres will be served and a special Chnstmal proaram presented. There is a charge for the mixer.

Secretarle• meet In Irvine Th~ Bahia chapter of Professional Secretaries

International will hold its monthly dinner mcetinaDcc. 13 at the Cafe Ricard Room of the Airporter Inn. 18700 MacAnhu~ Blvd., (rvine.

· A special Christmas proaram and bouque will be the hlJhliaht of the stssjon. which also wall mark the ctra-pter's 22nd binhday. Reservations may be made by calling Helen Fitzner at 474-Q440 or 731 -8368. ·

Cymbldlum grower• fathering

CoNT INUHJ Sr uHH s - -

Bank emp14"ea (abo•e) return to office after 4 1h hour drama at Security Pacific National Bank ln San Clemente. 8eJow. an

BANK ••• From Al He was booked mto San Clemente

city JD•I for 1nvcst1gat1on of bank robber) and assault w11h a deadly weapon before beans transferred to the county Jail ward at the UCI Medical Center in Orange.

San Clemente police Lt. Al Ehlow said Rapp had no prior criminal record.

However. Rapp is suspected by the FBI of six bank robbcnes In San Dieao. Los Anacks and Oranae counties dunng the f>ast six months. Ehlow said.

Ehlow said · police suspect that Rapp was apparently try1n1 to pull himself out of debt after his tccunty· type business went "belly up."

Tuesday's ordeal bep n around I p.m. when Rapp allegedly entered the bank. arabbed a female cml)loyec and placed a 9mm handgun apinst her head. Ehlow said. He passed a blue backpack among lhe telleri, orderina them to fill it with money. Rapp then allegedly forced the customers and employees into the 5-foot b)' 13-foot bank vault. Ehlow said.

Officcn rcspond1ng to a silent alarm spotted Rapp trying to escape into a a tan Volkswagen parked behind the bank.

With guns drawn. tile patrolmen ordered ham to come out of the car and lay on the street. He instead ran up a slope and jumped onto the rO-Of of the bank

The backpack and an unspecified

cw;-,..,._.,.._.,.. Ujlla

lrf'ine police 8W AT team member crawl• on hie belly to check alde door Ju•t mlnutea before pnman aurrendered.


. 'Crime Queen' will appear at UC Irvine British author P.O. Jameshatl

.i' tmystery.novellsts ByJ. ANDREW ...... ..... ~ ...

P.O. Jam~ has bttn named ··1 he~ new QUten of Crime" by New wctk "an onarna1" by Timt and an .. tht · ranks of the best noveh.sts" by Edmund Fuller of the Wall Strctt Journal •

In a profile in Pan Amencan Oi~. O£rr) Plucnneke wnt.cS ''Brik h author P. D. James ~t home an a literan m11tcu pf madness. murder, suffetjta and l.lddendcath: her novelnrc pra1Kdu ~rio'-lsstudlft of the human ps)'che 5trcsitd. ts lh11 women's _.ork? Reade"' vote most l'mpl\111cally ti."

Jame~ (Phtlhs Dorothy), the creator of Cordelia Gray. feminist private eye and proprietor of Prydc's Dcttt­uve ' A\cnty, wall bc tt UC Irvine. at 8 p.m. Thursday an the Heniaae R0-0m. The om· n1bus, "Tnlaty of Death, .. include all 11\ree of her mo t recent be t sellers, - Death of an Expert W1t1'lcsf'. .. Inno­cent Blood .. and 00Tht kuJI Beneath the lun.''-tbe second book which features Cordelia who made her first appear­ance in "An Unsuitable Job fora Woman."

James' visit as a lUCSt lecturer as sponsored b) the Leona Gerard Lecture Senes P ~D . .i .... which was endowed to bnna to campus .. ~n1 ~f innovauve mind and fcchns who c:an offer ennchme1u to others." fames fulfills 1K'ese quahfic:ation1 ldmirabJy.

Presently James 1s a maaistrate of the EnaJ.isb coun system. a position somewhat stmtlarto American lay judacs. and comes to Cahfomaa from Bolton Univentty where she bis been wntcr-in-res1dencc for the put kw months. The realistic backbrounds and tecb.iques of de1ec11on which area hallmark of her books come from ~r two prev1ous careers. one as an administrator in Bri~n .. 1 hospital service, and in the Criminal Dcpanment of the Home Office.

" I knew I wanted to be a wnter u to0n u 1 cou}d read,'' James wd. " the surpnsc to me ll that I st.a.ned to late .. (It was not untal her late 30. that the wrote .. Cover Her Face.") " I feared that af l didn' t 1tttle down and write a novel. l'd end up an old lad)' ttlllna my children and arandch1ldren that I had always wanted to be a writer."

She spent three ycan on the book which was accepted by the first publisher she sent 1t to. a.nd which introduced Scotland Yard's Adam Da1aleish, a 1ensitivc. ruerved loner who like Cordelia cJray bu endured pcnortal depn vation and trqtdy. Dal&Jeish has appeared in si of James' mysterie1 and she states " I wanted a .Jcry scns1uve, essentially lonely and wuhdra.wn person."

She has reccived several awards o ver the ·yean; an Edpr from the Mystery Wnten of Ad\enca and a Silver Dauer from the Bntish Crime Wntcn Assodadon for •· hroud for a N •ah ti nple ... and a second S~ver Dager for "The Black· Tower "

PBS will show. a min1·scncs of " Death or an Exptn Wuness" 1h1s coming )tar, ·· innocent Blood" will soon be an film produc:uon and .. An Unsu1tableJobfora Woman" was l'CcllWT!ed at the I 982·Bcrhn Fcs}lvaL

Tickets arc av11lable at the UC Irvine Fine Aru Box Office and 1nfonnanon may be obtained by call1na 856-6617 Ot 856-6319

The Oran1e County branch of the Cymb1d1u m Society of Amenca wllfhold itsgcncral meetinJ Dec. 13 in the Community Services and Recreation Act1vi1~ Room of the Westminster C1v1c Center.

Flower arrangers Mildred Sonnenborn. Velma Hopson and Marguente Youry wall demonstrate arrang­ing of cymbid1ums. Admission and refreshments are free The c1v1c center as located at 8200 \\estm1nster A' e and parkmJ. 1s at the rear of the bu1ldm off J~_ckson Street.

. amount ol money were later found by down to ihe sidewalk in front of the FBI agents 1ns1de the Volkswagen. bank l'IJearb) businesses v. ere e'acuated

and the block cordoned off Localjudges to move up

Ehlow said officers tired 1wo sho:s ~eanwhtlc an Clemenle in· at Ra?p alter the suspeu. allejed} ,cstagator L~onard Goodwin "'a!> pointed J pistol at one 0~ the 1ns1dc 1be bank-ll)ICD 1cwm "'It·

Ehlov. ~1d trlephone contact "'as l'Stabllshed thret' t1mc:s "'1th Rapp "'ho hun& up the fiN time txfore talking w11Fi pollcr3fc1una J ~'pm The 'iUSpett J1d not makl' ctn\ lkmand5 hut assurrd police ncgo· 11a tor~ that he would not harm the peopll' 10 the "auh

patrolmen -- . d 1 Rapp WJti.D.Ol hit bul he apparen t! )' ncsses an ad"1s1ng emp oyee'I 10

Boy• Club •elllng ornaments The Boys Clu b of Laguna Beach is selling Christmas

trees, wreaths and mistletoe at the corner of Laguna Canyon Road and Canyon Acres Drive.

broke h1., left leg 1n three places after ltX~;;; ~nr~ ~:~s;ng for lhe ke'., Jumping from the one-story building when Rapp crawled back into the

bu1ld1ni through the side doors. prompting Goodwin 10 take cover and the people to hurry back into the money vault. pohce said.

\A( RAMENTO ( '\Pl - C:io' George DcukmeWln gavr two Orange Counl> Municipal Coun Judges earl) promotions to the upenor Coun Tuesday

Douglas, Plantation and Noble firs arc available as arc tree stands and fire retardant upon request.

The sales lot is open from I 0 a. m. to 9 p. m weekdays. The lot opens at 9 a.m. on weekends.

Proceeds from the tree sale wall benefit the Bo)'s Club operations.

Mondale returning excess $350,000 ~ i\SHI NUTON (AP) - As n val

Gary Han demanded last spnng, Walter F Mondale nov. has agreed to pay back the S350.000 an e' cess contnbuttons that labor committees poured into Mondale delegate com­mmee m kc} primary states.

Ehlow said Rapp propped himself into a chair wath casters and y.iheelcd himself into the records vault. The suspect, wearing a false beard and a wlg. pulled off tras dlSJuisc. and placed a gun to his head afier spoiling the investigator. police reponed

Goodwin. unable to talk Rapp 1010 surrendering or persuade the people into leaving the vault, left the bank.

"legot1at1ons w11h Rapp were ap­paren1I~ prolonged by troubles Y.llh the telephone ltnc patched into 1he bank Othc.-r ltne\ ""ere cut off at the request ol police The poltce connec'· 11on "'en1 dead "'h1le negotiators and Rapp ""ere d1K,~ssing the terms ofh1s surrendC'r dunns a second con\rr a-11on around 5 30 p m

Ehlov. said the alkged robber then contacted henfl's on another line that had apparentl y been overlooked.

The Republican governor named Judges John H m1th Jr of ll"\>1ne and Ragnar R Engtbrctscn ofM1ss1on

V1t'JO to replace t""'o ret1rC'd Judges 5m11h and EngebrctS<'n Y.ert elt<'1cd to the upcnor

loun :--:ov:·o Dcukme11an·s action allows them to cake office nov. instead of Jan 5.

Sm1lh. SS. replaces retired Judge Bruce Sumner EneebretS<'n, 57. replaces rcurcd Judge Bryon McM1nan

Both m1th and EngebrctS<'n were appointed to the Mun1c1pal Coun b) former Gov Ronald Reagan.

\Vedneaday.Dec.5 • 9:30 a.m .. Oru1e County Board of Su,ervlson.

Hall of Administration, I 0 Civic: Center Plaza, Santa Ana. • 1 p.m. Oru1e Couty Airport Commluion.Hall of

Admin1strat1on. I 0 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana.

But the monry will go to the Treasurv. not back into 1he union Poll11caf Actton Committee coffers , under 1hr terms of a conciliation agreement between the Federal Ekc-11on Comm1'1s1on and the Mondale campaign

Law enforcement officials 1mmed1· ately converaed on the scene, selling up a command post at the nearb) San Clemente Presbvterian Church

Rapp told officers that he had d1sman1lcd his weapon an m1l11ar. fashion . The gun " as reco\Crcd by police 1n thr records- vault. ""'here Rapp "3} rd throu&hout the standoff

Pnor 10 his appointment. En~brctsen was a deputy cou nt) counsclJn Orangl' and anti Barbara counties and a deput)' distnct attorne' 1n 'ianta Barbara Count) . m1th was a pnYate a1torne' bctore he was named to the "1 un1c1 pal Court

Supcnor Coun Judaes rtce1\C S 2. 763 a )ear

PoucE Loe

Second Irvine bank heist pulled by·same bandit?

Security Pacific National Bank on Culver Drive In lrvioe was held up Tuesday in a robbery that closely parallels a 1ucce11f'Ul heist laat week at Its state bank acroH the 1treet. ·

Irvine police say a neatly dreued youn1 man entered the national bank brancl\ at 1••77 Culver Drive about 2 p.m. Tuesday, handed a note to a male teller, statina he had a l'Un and wanted money.

Bank officials are not yet IUre how much wu · taken, bot the rob­berlpparently made off with at least

~400, poUce say. S,t. Dick Bowman said poltce haw

not concluded that Tuesday's robber wu the same man who netted $900 in a nearly identical incident at Security Pacific State Bank, 14222 Cµlver Drive, at about the same time last Tuesday. .

But a descri~tio'1 pro~ded by the teller ctn.ainly 'puts him 1n the same b&llperk." The national bank teller dcscnbed the th.1cfa1 a white man in his 20s with black hatr. The state bank rob~r also tiu that description,

Bowman 111d. In Tuesday's case " the auy just

comes an like he's doina busineA," Bowman said. He wore aJ11se1 and wiu neatly dressed in a jacke\ and jeans.

Bank personnel saw the n)an Nn· nin1 away Tuesday, Bowman said. ln last week's caper, the robber was seen aettina into to red pickup truck with a white camper on top.

No one was hun an either incident. police said.

COllta 11... be.tween I :30 p.m. and S p.m. T~e lo resident of the• 11100 block of A local newspaper boy reportedly was rcport~d at S 195· · Amethyst Circle reported Tuesday

was robbed Monda1y while collcctina r ._._ v 11 that someonl' used a firearm to ~u1 ,_ . OUDWU11a a •J 1wo hol" an th" dn'v"'r's d0-0r or "'r 1uscriptit>n money 1rom his route. · · h H I Cb h ... .. .. "'

Police 11id Daniel Earl Wilson. 12, AJannor 11 t e 0 Y pant urc • 1979 Chevrolet Monu sometime w1J accosted around 7:30 p.m. on 17270 Ward t .• reponed Tuesda)' durina the previous thrtt ~)'S. The Joann Street by a man dero1nd1na that he saw several people break.Ina dama~e was c t1mated at S2SO money. The as1tilant reponedly Into a trailtr in the parlOna lot. reached inside Wilson's coat pocket stealina newss:pers wonh about s40. Handnfton Beacb and arabbed $24 collected by the T.he people ed. In a beiat Dodie- oman w11h 1 small child an tow youth from susmbers. The robber PlCkup. • • • alleaedly shopllOcd S 17 worth of was described as 18 old. white, 5 A resident of the t 7500 block of. aroce"e , clothe and to~s ~· Alber· feet 7 lnchet tall and wci&)llna l H live Oak Circle rtponed Tuetd.a)' t on's market, 7101 Wamer Avr. The pQund.s. that someone brpkc into bh locked 1tcm1 were rtto"cred by market

A ,.•nvai jce•p •to•p was rc-pon""e~-tto t 98J Ni111n Scntra. per1'~d In hi ~unty officers ._ drivt'way. The lou incl uded uerco • • • S

stolen Tuelday somcllme between 12 equtpment v.onh S260 and K~t waller cootaanm.1 )0 an ~h was p.m. and 12· 30 p.m.. from a car parked covers wonh s uo. rc_porttd stolen from 1°Mlabod s bar. 11 South Coast P1na. The rop, was • • • iu12 Be h Bl\id, valued at S•l 6 · Ptyina open a reer door to enter, • • •

• • • someone bufl)anzed tht tcphcn • Burala~ entered a an the Caucue upu and ne~ 1pc1ken Oatt dental office If ~ 71 30 Magn.Mla 1000 bl k of f ne land I.hi® h ao

were rcponed stolen · from a car . t. wh_~e It wtt dowd late Me>tuiar or open bl k rtndo and 1tolc S 1n parked at Oranae Coast Coll ~i1y.TLtaday. The lg,,. andudtd S45 • h a11cJ a ssoo. ~o~un •• durinl I football &ame turday Cl h frum th fct'C:OUOtt ll'W'A

Someone smash~~ a loc ked \l1t11ng window and stole~l.250 1n Jrwclr) from a residence 10 tht• ,()()()block of Alhambra · ... .

Thieves stoic a S450 tt.'ll'\ 1\1on set. a $4SO microwa ve. S225 an cloth1nii and SH O 10 Je"'ell) from a houo;e 1n the 6000 block of Ro' al Onk

••• f

Buralar\ kicked 1n a door 1n the 8000 block of Jalm On\C and <;tole coins and a onv ponabk 1rreo • • • bout $21 was reported stolen from an ~n velope 1p the ROOO block of Marvale The v1ct1m rtponed that II pack of cigarettes was !cf\ on ht.'r hcJ

• • • Thieves stole 1cwelr' a I 000 savings bond. a 12 cahbct handgun and a $200 h~~nn b1C)dl! lrom a rcs1denct 10 the 14K>OIJ hhl( l of Aonda meet

I 8 ••

More than $600 1n C•Hh ""•' taken fn:>m a residence 1n thr 2QO() bh"'K k of

ottsdale. • • • omtonc stoic 1 S300 stereo from

th booth of a Chnstma,. tree lot 11 Stach Boulevard and (1arfirld " " enue.

Lapn.aBeach Police helped nt1n1u1\ h 1 minor

Carmelita treet and .\gatc treC't • • •

.\n Ocean \\a' rl's1dC'nl ""ho left her purse ou1s1dt' ~tonda' night discovered her walltt m1\\1ng fhe loss was 'alued at S~5

• • • Poltce officers inH\t1gated repons

of smoke coming out of thr \\ omen's helter. but their 1n' est1gat1on dt"­

term1ncd lht 'molt "'as onl~ produced b' a burned hrcaklast

Mewpon Beach .\stereo tQualzer, a g}m bag and a

leather ~It ""ere stoll'n from a 'ellou. 1978 C aittero puked at 4 12 t Birrh t The lo'\ was put at 2 n ·

• • • \ ' 00 ''"reo un11 v.a~ ~tolen from

~ tl\.Cr V\\ Rabbit parlmi 11 4>400 C'ampu5 0n .. e Pollet' \ltd the cr0-0l cut a hole an the car'1 '°*' top to ptn entr) • • •

.\ red one·speed bcll.h cruaSC'r b1C)cle was 1olen from an opcTI aa on the block of Ameth) St on Balboa Island The btkt' •as worth SIOO •

• • • " Ken"llOd cas\ttte de(k ,.. .. ,

\tolcn from a blue F111 p1dcr parkt'd on the 300 block ofE,enana Can) on. Tbe Ste~ CQUJpment ~H wonh s 00

ollice o'er the weekend The thief hrokc 1n h' cutting a hole 10 the wall, pol1ll' \&\ The firm is still tl')lf\I to de1rrmine how much l.ash was taken a\ opposed to check~ ""h1ch the thief ""'II rind hard 10 u~. police said.

• • • ks\( \ (11na 20. of Santa Ana

v.u ll'TC'~IC'd Tuesda~ afiern0-0n on su\p1cion ol committing a rcs1dcoual burilt'"r. earlitr 1n the da~ Pol.Jee. say Garza scar was stopped on Hamilton \trtc1 anc. a ne1&hbor reponed he wl\ cn.11s1n1 the area Police found a 1elc' 1\1on. video ca~scue recorder and Jewelry bclt"ed to bclona to a

cton Road resident whose tov.nhou~ was bursJcnttd Garn ..,.., booked into Orange County Jail. pohC't" \I\.

• • • Polact lrTt\ted Denna B Fl') . I •

for po ion of maruwana for tale. Pollet \I~ Fn . whott address wa1 not &\a1 lablc had about two ounca of marvuN S(patatcd into IS to .20 bqa1c Ht wa, booked 11 0 f'Q8C Co'-lnty Jail

Vandal real •

headache .: \thick fire 'tucsda~ n1aht'On uth • •• Coast HiahYta) " rt<I I ii • \ud• .\ n) · Portable m:order " • tauaht fire . \lolcn fronn b" 1ncs office 11 120 I ·man ustd has - hterall)!-

Tht dnvu or91• 11~er H,lnda lei\ a Dove trcet The r«0rdcr ""1 valued u a ~capon an an attack at• aujle-s onh Cout H11hwa> 1u tat~Qn 11 • 5o rt',taurant in Hunun11on 8each.

Tuc\dl) afternoon w11hout pa~ ma lnln• The IUlpc(t, dC\C'nbcd a bt:~~ h1l ltm-tnn !''.'~ 2 · Thie' t\ \tole SJS,CXX> 1n an11q_u_c .............. cnm Olf'lnd · -

Police re pandtd to rcpon1 of a • handaun anJ automobile pan\ from din} blond hair. butted lus ht.a tarht Orhc rgs1dent bt1n1 auaullt'd an andu m on 'lonh Mnchcll u·ttt aaa1nst a window of the re tau"'-"' It

by hit hammerwheld1n roomm tt T"ucsda\ niJht The ulpnt bro " a 7.302 C"en1er Dnvt for unt•plaa 'f"ut 1 afternoon ·o arrc\t rt Y<anoov.' 10 t 1n11de the build ans and rca.soa ma\!c mno't lM ucm • • • • • •

n unkno"n t.u•JX'(t or \tll c ln'C''lmcnt . 11 1a1n la hcd the um or 1.:an tS;C\! \ t repor\td that mronc t0-0

Tut '" on Ca11hn1 ~\Cnuc. S 000 tn 1\h ind \:hcc~' from 11!. l


OrMge Coul DAILY Pll.OT/WednMdly, o.c.mber 5, 't88•

Vndergroun~ traps 96 coal miners in Taiwan ~archers fear gioup might be-trapped - ,...-- - - - --tn area wf th poisonous carbon monoxtde,gas

'r AIPEI, Ta1wan (AP) - An ex· pf()sion believed caused by leaking p$ ripped through a coaJ mine near Taipei today, tntpping 96 miners deep in a tunnel, police reponed.

with the mjnen h d suddtnly ceased. The radio broadcasts could not be

immediately confirmed. Families of the trapped miners,

many weeping and prayinJ silently, converged on the mme. 16 miles southwest of Taipei. minutes after news oft he explosion. They were later joined by ra1wan Provincial Gov.

Chiu Chuana-huan. The cltpluMon was the third ma.1or

accident 10 a mine in Taiwan 1n <ii ll month .

Fire Traps Workers

In Coal Mine

Union Carbide town asks di~aster evacuation plaD By tbe A11ocla&ed Pre11

JNSTITUTE, W.Va. - Residents of this little town want the nearby Union Carbide plaqt to devi e an evacuation plan d)at would forestall a chemical disa ter like the one that has been blamed for at least l,000 deaths in rndia .. " We need a better system than rinaing bells," ~id Chari~ White, president of the lnstitutc·Dunbur Sub-Arca , Plaqmng COM'\m~ttee, a neiiltborh~ Jroup. The plant hu~ a system of whistles. w~en sometbtog goes wrong. hist1tutc's Union Carb1de Corp. plant 1s the nauon s only producer of

One miner scrambled to safety unhun moments after the explosion at • the Haishan Yiken• Mine and joined rescue teams try103 to reach tht minen believed trapped in a tunnel 1.2 mile~ from the mine's enJran.ce. Police reponed.

I methyl isocyanate. the pesticide invedient t~at l~aked from a ~ompany plant in 8fiopal India on Sunday. Offic1als tn India s~ud many who inhaled the sas

. would be ien blind or sterile. About 30 Institute residen~s who m~t Tuesday 1J niiltt decided also to ask Carbide to 1riclude a rcpresentauve of their aroup on 1J the trip by company officials to lndill to investigate the, accident.

-------------------------· Heart patlent 'looklng great•

In July. 103 miners wer~ killed in Taiwan's worst minina disaster when a fire swept through a mine near Taipei. fh1s rcsultccfin a government investigation of safety measures. the closure of 70 mines cons1dered un· safe, and orders to several others to install safety cquipmcm before being allowed to resume operations.

Six hours after the early aflemoon explosion, rescuers said they had reached a point only one.quaner of the distance to the miners because th~ir prQJrCss was t,eing hampered by caye-1ns and debris that had blocked SC(tions of the tunnel.

Radio stations. quoting uniden­tified rescuers, said there were fears tht miners were trapped in an area of heavy poisonous carbon monoxide gaf. They said radio communications

Reagan suggesting $34 billiOn in U.S.domeSticprogram cuts

LOUISVILLE, Ky. - After another re tful night, a.n ificial heart rec1pjent William J. Schroeder 1s beginning to think abo.ut movu~g fro'!' bis coro~ary,­care room and taking a wheelchair ride. hospital officials said today. It 1s getting bori ng. but I/hove to say again Mr. Schroeder is looiing great," Dr. Allan M. L(lnsing. head of Humana Heart Institute, said this mt>m1ng at .a news conference. He said Schroeder continues 1mproving,and shows. no sign~ oi infoction or other serious p<>st-op,crativc ·problcms. " Ac's starting to think about moving out of the room. ' Lansing ~aid . I k added tha1 Schroe!dcr .. thought maybe he'd be ready to take a !)de in a wheelchair." But Lansing was

Paring of defense -spendfn could _-_ total $8 bi llion

Smashing Styles for Your Holiday Wardrobe • EXCELLENT SELECTION OF FALL a






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S ERVICE (Company's Coming!)


line-by· linc cxami1)at1on of the unsure when that would occur. budget and officials- ha ve indica ted Viet e· .. emy numbers pushed that the department chiefs wall have n to make strong cases if they hope to NEW YORK - Pressure from Congress and the media forced the military reverse the tentati ve decisions. to release enemy strength estimates during the Vietnam War at a time when

The final decisions will become reliable information was hard to come by. former Deputy Defense Secretary part of the new budget Reagan sends Paul N. N1tze has testified. NitLe. 77. testified Tuesday at the tri'itl of retired to Congress early next yC"ar. Gen. Willjam C. Westmoreland's $1 20 million libel suit against CBS. Nitze

In. prC'v10\Js years. Reagan res!sted was a deputy to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara during· the Vietnam calls t~ trim the .srowth of military War. Westmoreland on Tuesday completed nine days of testimony after brief spending, but this year's round of questioning by his allorney. budget cutting - conductt."CI in an ' atmosphere ofgrowan8 concern about Flynt llbel trial under way deficits - apparently will extend to "ROANOKE. Va. - Hustler mao~zme publisher Larry C. ~nt was '"very the Pentagon. o- f Speakes refused Tuesday to say sane" when he said under oath he could prove the contents o a ustler parody that Reagan tlas embraced the idea of depicting the Rev. Jerry Falwell as an incest uous drunkard, FaJwell said. The reducing the military budget. But 1w1ce-published parody of a liquor ad vertisement "created the most difficult there has been li-tt le doubt that such year ... in my whole life," Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, testified action will be necessary if the overall Tuesday, the second day oft he trial of his $45 m1lhon libel suit against Flynt, !>pending reduction goal is· 10 be mtt. Hustler an~ Flynt Distribut!~g Co.Jurors watc~ed 4 7 m i~utesfiof ex~ts-fr~m

"On the early part of next week we a Jun~ 15 vadeot~J?Cd de~s1uon Flynt gave ~~•le he was in. a edcral pn~on ·~r wall finali ze defense spend ng .. when shouting obscemt1es at a Judge. In the depos1U01!• Flynt said the allegations in

f S l ~ the faked ad were true and that he had affidavits to prove them from three De e n se ec re tar Y (. a .5 P 8 r · residents of Lynchburg where Falwell is pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Wcinbcrlker returns from a meeung of Church • allied detensc min isters an Brussels. ·

s~.8:'-id~~~· 1ha1 "some initial de- Food prices rise slightly fense decisions are fa irly well made" WASHINGTON - Food prices. whether at grocery stores. fast-food and details will be worked out after places or fancy restaurants, will rise moderately agam next year, $ays the Weanbcrger's return. Agriculture Department. Collectively. they'll go up in the range of 2 percent to

Stockman has told congressional 5 percent ... compared with a 4 percent average gain in 1984. according to the Republ icans that there 1s an $8 bi I hon department's first forecast for the new year. A year ago, the USDA predicted target f~r reducing tht' planned in- that 1984 food prices would increase In the range of 4 percent to 7 percent. The creases in mihtary spcnd'ing. latest estimate puts this year's increase at the lower end.

But Speakes refused to say that Reagan has endorsed the foture.


for Tht lltst Of Your life 1922 HARBOR Bl VD., COSTA MUA - ~I· I I S6

Proud Blrd fire damage 61 mllllon ' LOS ANGELES- Arson inve$tigators arc probing a blHe that killed a

fi refighter. tnJured four others and caused SI million damage to the Proud Bird restau rant near International Aiqx>rt. authorities said. City Hall Oags OtlW at half-staffTuesday for Benjamin P1nel. 29. of San Pedro. the first city firefighter to die on duty since January 198 1. Arson squads of the city pohce and fire

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l de~nmen~~wcll astheU .S. Bureau ofAkoh~.T~~o and ~rearms we~ attempting to find the cause. •

' 'We're the New Team in Town'' here to make a good hospital even b.etter/



' ' II

One-legged walker end• joum.ey SAN DIEGO - Jim Lethcrer. a one-legged San Diego man who said he

was inspired to wa lk across the country by Nonh Carolina State's miraculous t 983 basketball cham p1onsh1p, has fini shed his frip from Raleigh to the West Coast. Lethc~er. 50, completed the 3. 129-male trek Monday when he reached Jack Murph y Stad ium. home of the San Diego Chargers. Letherer said he raised $6.400 for cancer re'>earch - most from former N.C. State forward fhurl Bailey, who pledged a dollar a mile. " If I could mah· one child in a wheelchair smile or feel happy,- thcn the tnp was wonh ll." he said Tuesday.

Turner urges end to TV v1olence LOS ANGELES - Ted Turner, the broadcasti ng

and sports entrepreneur, told the Hollywood fi lm and television community that it has powerful tools to benefit mankind and should create proarammins of a "social nature." "What good does it do if you win the ratings battle and pollute the mi nds of the people ... ?" Turner told an Academy of Television Arts & Sciences luncheon Tuesday at the Centu ry Plaza Hotel. Turner. 46, -pra ised such socially-themed movies as .. War Ga mes." "Gandhi'' and "Chariots ofFire," while urgjng telcv1&1on executives to raise their eyes above the financial sheet's bottom line. "We should move away from the real violent cops 'n · robbers programs and show TURNER people ~ett ing along with each other," Turner said. Turner. who long has pro~lytazed a~in~t TV violence, told an industry gathering that producers, with their abthty to sway popular thanking. should promote world peace and understanding.

Marines named In sting operatlon SAN DI EGO - A bogus store set up by the iovernmcnt purchased an

estimated $500,000 in stolen military goods, according to a federal indictment that names Marines, their wives, family members, civilians and Navy personnel. The indictm.r;nts. returned last month and unscaled Tuesday stemmed from a 21h-year investigation that began in 1981 when several Camp Pendleton Mannes admitted stealing equipment and selling 1t to surplus stores in Oceanside. said U.S. Attorney Peter K. Nunez.

Woman In boz tri~l begins RED BLUFF - A bizarre case in which ·a woman claims she was

impnsoned as a sexual slave and tortured for 71/1 years neared its first court baule today. A preliminary hearing was scheduled in Red Bluff Justice Coun for Cameron Hooker, 31, a local mi If worker, who was arrested ~ov. 18 and accu~d of abdu.cti~g a 20-ycar-old female hitch~iker at knifepoint in 1977, holding her captive 1n home-made boxes and forcing her to have sex with him and his wife. ,


Salvador rebel• reject electton bid ., SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador- The leader of El Salvador's.. main leftist

coalition has rejected a govemment offer to participate in next year's local elect ions, i.aying "elections will not solve El Salvador's problems.'' The rejection came af\er the rebels killed 4S government troops and wounding 35 at El Saito, 30 miles southeast of the capital. according to the army press office. The rebels' radio claimed 60 soldier$ were killed, 43 wounded and 43 captured. No rebel casualties were given, but con'Cspondents said h was the worst beating the army has taken in six months. "

Grenada want. U.S. troo,,. to etay .ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada;- Orenada'.s n,ew prim'e mm1ster. on his first

day 1n office. wrote to President Rcaaan ask'ina that U,S. troops remain on the island nation until Its police force cari take over security duties. Hcrbcrt81alte, a 6~year-old anome1 who led Grenada in the I 960S while it was a British colony/ was sworn In Tucsda af\c:r his moderate New National Paey sw~Ut power n cleatons Monday. na 1onil holiday was dectarca today to celebrate the installation of an elected aovcmmcnt. It replaces an interim council established followl n- the U .. -led fnvuion ororeoada in October 1983 sill d~ys1aficr Prime Minuucr Maurice Bishop was killed in Lb y-powcrstruUJc

T - - - ., ~--r-:::'.' 't

Soviet. deploy 387 mJM.ue. WASHINGTON - The State Department says the Soviet Ur\ion tias

deployed It least 381 SS.20 mcd1um-ranJC nuclear miuilet - moro 1han double tho numbsr trun. had'*" deployed in 1979-and at least l O nC'I¥ are under consmmion. Most o1'the Soviet miuUes arc trained on the NATO countncs. with the.others lltJCttd on the Far Ea•t. Ho-wever, the mi11ilC"t •~ ha.ably mobile, .whjcb Alan 0 . Rom.nbcra. a State Dcpanmcnt sp0kcsman • undcncorcdm•nnouncinathcncwSovlct total1"uttdayindef'isclosln1th1tan ;add1tlonal 20 bite had become oper1tional •

.. The ~,_20 ' 'an 1nhtrtnlly mobjle Y tcm, and mobile launchcr1 can be moved to. and employed ftum. the field and other loca.11ons.·• he said.

• .. •


-. . I

Blaze demolishes block in Tijuana

TIJ UANA, Mciqco (AP) - Fire- othcrcommemaJ bualdinas. McNcall liahters overcame a severe water ad. shortaae to contain a· spectacular Firefighters, handicapped much of blaze that sent flames crackljn.g the niah\ by a wateT shortaae. used throuah a city block, dcstroyina four about a dozen trucks to shuttle commercial buildinas. authorities water to the fire from a hydrant 100 said today. yards north of the border. At ttme ,

"The city block is aone," said Denis only a trickle of water was comina out McNejll, a spakesman for the San of the' fire hoses. · Oieao Fire DeRfirtment, which "Tijuana has' a limiled water supp. rushed personnel and equipment to ly," said San Diego Fire Battahon help fight the Tuesday niaht blaze Chief Al Thomason, "and when you one-half mile across the border. have a fire of this magnitude, you JUSt

More than 200 U.S. and Mexican need hundreds of thousands of gal· firefiahters battled the inferno for Ions of water." about six.hours before it was declared Mexican officials SfJd about SO contained at midniaht, McNeil! said. employees escaped safely from the Fircfiahters remained to extinguish ....bumin.g buildings, and dozens more i>ockets of flames that continued to people were evacuated from nearby bum in th.e buildina . he said. hotels and restaurants just north of

There were no reports 'Of tn_Juries the business district. .amonj ~ivilians,, but two Tijuana At least seven fam1hes took refuae firefi&hters were overcome by smoke. in a fire stauon, said Tijuana Fire

The blaze in the bean of this border Department Sgt. Rafael A nae I Reyes. city reduced to rubble a warehouse frir At the height of the blaze, a thick the Dorian's depanment store chain, plume ofblack smoke was visible five a hotel-apartment building. and two males on the U.S. side of the border.

Early Bird Dinner Specl~ls 16.9S

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·niSease fea:fed in aftei:math·of g&.S, leak Death toll rises to .1,200 In India, 20,000 R nv tra. htad of Jairparka h around . . ktrbr. Lhc · 1P9knman. d the

- Ho, •id more than 1,400 had The oew ncy QUOttd a aravc-more Still may Uffer SCTIOUS aftereffects died. di r, Mub&nk Shah as say1na:

compan)' would ' Pl,Y, compensauon t>ut dccltned to pec1fy if the aovem· mcnt bad ~uested par.~nt . Police and rttcu.c v.-orkcntearchcd ··aocha an 1tiJI brina broua,ht an by

BHOPAL. India ~AP) - Doctors aroundt and monuants said at lttst today for bodjcs and the dozen (and) ~ean an ~t diwoa wda) warned dlK'I could prnd . 1.200 people •ert kiUed and more 1sttd in mus bunals and C'rema- out old~~ to bu? them."

Vasant Sathe, India 1 m1n111er of chcm1eah and fcrt1hier, 1d he eitpects Uruon Carbide to provide financial comperua11on to' v1cturu and their Cam1hes accard1ng to Amencan lepl standards. Negl1gtncc v1cums in f nd11 typically reccn·e considerably less an damages and compensation than an the United States.

, from· the C'Ofl* of thousand of thin 200,000wtrufTected by Lh leak t1ons durint the njpt that Lit up the l)Un ina,h. ctue m1n1$ter of the ~ people and 1nunal1 killed by a poit0n early Monda~ They said · 20,000 x)' of Bhopal, a central lodia.n city of Madhya Pradesh state, told rc1>0rters

p.1 leak at a post 1dc plant, and a people may suffer KnouunercfTcct , 900,000. be could confinn 6 70 dcathsand s.a1d ·~-- oewspa~r reported that four' uch as bbndness. · UNI u1d ne.arly 800 bodies v.-erc an e umated 50,000 rcs1denu had

[mvtOUs 1c.c:1dcnts occumd at the The Unakd News Of India newt buned at \be a ty's maan Firdaus . been trtattd for ps exposure. Most fac1hty. •JCncy reported the ckath toll had Manzil &raveyard or cremated at the suffered chest pains, nausea, red eyes

Docton and offlctals at cremation nscn to t,2SO and one physician. Or. Chola V1shram Ohar cremation and brcalhina difficulties, he said. Indian technical experts today -;;::;;;;::;;;;=========;;;::;;;;::;;;;=::;;;;::;;;;=::;;;;;:;;::;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;=;::;=========;;;;-,· bepn an investiption to pinpoint

blame for Lhe ps lcauae. inspectint the U.S.-bu1lt Union Carbide India Ltd. plant where the leak occurred. Environmental M1n1stcr T.N. Khoshoo said 1nvesuaators have yet to determine the cause of the leak.

.. , expect Union Carbide manage­ment tn tbe United States to nse to the occasion and provide relief as 1t would have done had thas incident occurred an the United States," Sathe


My Chriamas Lisl ... v Oiamond-. tlirdr t-lct. nN klarc. earrings. tiara )

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OR -..

A Union Carbidt spokesman 1n Bombay Uld hu company was nc10-uaun1 w1th Jndian authonues on compensation to the v1cums. P.K.

told a news conferenu. . He aJso allqcd that Union Carbide

failed to provide lhe same safety standards \Sat would for a U. plant " We knew It was a dangtrous indus­try.'' he said.

BONUS PartraitStar Ornament

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Make r.our child the star of your Christmas tree and get 20 beautiful portraits to enpy for seasons to come BONUS ornament come'S with two reversible mats which read "Merry Christmas or Baby s First Christmas· 95¢ deposit SI 11111ng lee for each add•t•ona1sub/flCt 1n sarre portrait PoHs o,;r se1ec110n One Portrait Star per advert sea oackaee Not valid With any otnar offflr

Anlllllll W1•111•1r, D1C1••er 11111'1 ._..,, llC1mer I lllJ: 10All-!PM ... .,...,,. .... ,: , .......

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GROCERY lack or Cheddar CHEESE ......... . $ 1.98LB

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Jumbo TIGER SHRIMP _ _ __ ..... .... . Q ...... ,


PRODUCE us #t RUSSET POT1\ TOES .... .. .................... 4 LBS./ 99¢

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, Extra Fancy Sweet fulcy Tan1ertne1. . ... . . .. . ......................... 49¢ LB.

Extr1 F1nq1 Jumbo • HAWAIIAN PAPAYAS ..................................... 69¢ EA.


·····' ... ................... , ....... .


.., ...... Soviet ace dead Pa•el 8. Kuta.kilo•, who o•era• buildup of SoYlet alr power ln 15 yean u head of the alr force , died Monday a t 70. Kutakho•, who ebot down 42 enemy planee dur­lD.C Wod d War ll, became bead of the air force ln l 969.

American reported kitled by:. hijackers

Jack.son concerts


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' L-------~~~~------~------------~----"::""~----------------------------°"'."'"----------~----._--------------.-.--.-.--......, ....... ~w----..-.-~~-~-.-..~._.....~-----... .. • 1

Getchel finally gets his gavel Named president of Irvine school board on third nomination

By PlllL NEIOERMAN Of the o .. , ..........

f-orC1ordon < 1cl(hel. the th a rd lime ""\a charm.

(1c1lhd . hc~1nnin&hl\'i1\lh \Caron lhl· Irvine l n1ficd xhool D1slml Roard or Educa11on hJd hccn n9m1-na1cd the pa-.11"0 V\:ar'> for the post ol board prc'>1den1 kut hoth lime' he tail«! lo ""' the ncn•\\an three \Ult\

Tuc\<l.t\ night (1(llhl'I "a' nom1-natt'd again Th1\ tinw he "a' thl· unan1mou\ chcmc to '>l'rH· om \l'ar a., board pre~1dcnt

· I've bc:cn nominated 'iC\cral 11 me' bu I I wu'i nc' l'r (he fore) able to LOn\1ncc t" o ot m> peer\ that I'm

. \.\-onh> That\ 1hc "a> things go wmeumcs." (1c1chel ~11d today. ,"A }Car ago "Chad thn:c people on~t hc

'board who "ere brand nc" ..\fler a year of \Ccing what's i'lllng on. I guc,., thc) "crc ahlc 10 form a morc pcrlepll'C opinmn"

<1ctchcl ·w ,., ~lf-cmplo)cd a'> a land-u~c planning and go"crnmcn1 rda11on\ rnn'iul tan1 Jk ha\ ll\ed in Jr, inc c1gh1\ and ha'> a daughter aucnd1ng a local m1ddll' \lhool

He al'io \Cncc, on the 10-mcmbcr School Board \knthcr ..\d' t\Or\ C omm111cc a ~talc"Hl<" group 1ha·1 meet~ h1-monthl~ "11h 'II.tic <;uix-r-1ntendcn1 ol Puhhl lrl\truttaon Ball Ho nag.

fnd.t\ Crt'lthcl "'II he 1n \acra­mcnto, 1t:\11f) ang brlorc a \late ~natc comm111cc holding hearing!. on 'iChool con\lruc11on tinancang. The 1"\Ul' "cntlt'.11 1n Ir' int· one of the fr" Orangl' (mint~ cumm un1t1l'\ wath a grov.1ng \tutknt populat1(')ri that "'II n·quir<· morl' .,lhool\

l ocalh . < •l'IChcl \au.J he " aware 1ha1 the hoard prt•\1lk0l \ ma~ lx·­( nmt• ;i ho1 '>l'at 1n lht· tnmang

Gordon Getcbel


HB school boards elec_t chiefs 8) ROBERT BAA KER :and l°' \n k,, :ii~ 1\ tht Ora a. .. !Mltr"-'*'-' Count) mcmhC'r ot the hfomta ~hool board member. ol 1"' 0 \lhool Ro n.h ..\'l-.tlC10&t1on and ha,.

clementar" da\lnct an rtuntinglon "'orled "'uh lht tiu..- l ~latu~ an\ e de~ttd ncw hoard prr,•- 1mpkmcnlan \t~tcw1dr t'ducallon dents to guide them through tht' pdhcie\ coming )Cllf \ht' ;al~> ~Cf\C'\ 1.>n U 1.0Ul\t)°"ldl."

Brian Garland. 44. "ho la't wncd ~t,mm1 ttl'l" that' \ re" mp1ng \llln · bo d d h tt dard"i lor moth. ~urncc <lnd computer

a\ ar p~\t rnt ant c untinaton , ... , chl-r\ (iamclt. "'"' ckctcd to thl' Bcuch ( 11) ~huol Dl\tnct tioal'\l 1n ~

Coat with $675 sold IQ76. v.a\ clet trd ag..ian Tuc\da) Ocean View b<.l.lrd 1n 11181 LO\ \ "l;(il u \-'f ~P) - h\Mn n1gh1. Ckcan \J II."" tru\lce\ hi.tH" alrcou.h hou'H:lu:pu'\ of""""' hcr

l ht• dl\tm t "hach '' grapphna dt'udcd to do')C lour cle<mcnwr\ n.ill\ t" t I \.th aJor '' por.tcJ alter with thr- emotional •~'>uc ot the school' amtwnwl1J 1r thrct middle thl· old r.11nn>11t th ,..btch hc"d closure ot t'-"O \ChO<>I~ in tht face of ..choul ne,1 \ummtr u a co!i.l-\.t\ 1111!' \4lU1tl'tl~ 3v.11' S6 75 ... ,. ~ld •1 • dcchnana enrollment generall> 1\ mo'c 1anut pr. gt- ~k

prmcnt, in which he had bttn stashana monc> since ~ust ror 1 Cbmtm1\tnp

r he KO\« "fft unaware. then. I "_i.,..,d" tie .. tM1r •woe 1ldrtn.sold \he ct-.:at 11 a pnt sale for . Sl.

ba"4.-d south of \dams \ \Cnue 1ncc rno\I of thC' rnntru\.C'r".1al ~"' 1.i faix-ran1Jl said hC' h;ad11"1 months The lr"1ncd1stnl11\rnrrent- Montl3) trusttt<i of Ckl·an V1t'.'" "orl. ;.ip~;.u, to ha'<' been lll · told her emplO)C'~. M nl)n Jnd 1, embroiled 1n cmottonal contract School Dl<itnct <"kcl<"d Janet C1arncl , comph'>hed \he: \<Ud such conctm'a" Jo\Cph l\.o,C'. about the old pink

H)(rtn11 ad an a ~nt mte~aev. . h( 1J he h d planned to u~ tht'

monc\ for the mp. nc1011allons "Ith 1eachc~ Dl'ilrtct 41. pru1dcn1 ol lhC' board that SU~ tbal tt'alht'rS arc ltt'alnl r-- -------------------~ ofl1ual~ ha\ c ~ad budget constraints go' cm~ lh< dastm I "t\tch indudc\ lairl) and he I pang the tommun11~ and ha' c kit' inuall) n.o funds to pro' 1de ..chools aeneroll) nonh of ..\J.tms chaldrcn lt't'I "clcomc at their nt'.'" pa\ rat~\ 10 lacult) members \ venue \(hools an- C\pt\.tcd to tall" 111p

.\~kcd about th<' cr111cal 1ssue<i no" Gamel.., the mother of tour .ind J pnonl) taung ihc school board, Get(het ..aid formcrclcmcntar) tt~achcr in C htlaRo But Hun11ngun Beach Ctl' tru,tcc\ "Oh' 1oush one 1s 10 find a .,olullon to .-----------------------------! 1hi: labor· ~1tua11on as 1.1u1ckl) a-. po~'>tblc . Whale' er that \Olullon ,., 11·, going to be C\Pl'n"'c ··

.\fter the teachers· ron1rau 1s "icttled. serious budget cu\.1> 1n tlthcr areas"'" probahl) .ha'c 10 be made. the ne'' board pre~1dcn1 said He said the concerned teacher.., who no" attend board mce11ng'I will \oon Ix.· replaced b~ parents hoping 10 pn:"cnl t u1<. 1n tht'tr tin ontc program~

.. , \\ OU ld \U\f>CCI the nc\t .,,, months"'" be a rcalh intense 11mt' 1n the d1s1nct." Gctchef ~ad

The maJor role ol 1hc prc.,1dent 1s 10 conduct the regular board meetings. and ( 1ctchel ..:t1d he \l.'.e<, no reason to change the "a> mcc11ng'> no" oix-r­ate

" In compan<,on 10 the maJortt\ of \lhool boards ''c hJ\e far and a"a) thl· most open Slhool board mcct­ang'>.'' hc ~1d .. I thank the communi­I\ hen: dcmandc, 11." - C1ell:hcl said h1'> mJ1l 1nd1ca1es that

C\.Cn "hen thl' lft · pcr\On audience as <,mall. man~ parl·nt'I arc "atch1ng the 'i\.hool board meetings at home o n table tclC\ 1~1on .

The nev. ·board prcs1tkn1 has a reputation as an 1ndcix-ndcn1 thanker and Getchel .-.aid that'' not likely 10 c-hange either

" (don't thank there·~ an~ \ tn:ngth 1n eH'r)ont· going along w11h 1hc llo"' .. hl' 'klld .


NOTICE The Transformers Autobot cars from Hasbro in today's Target sale section will not be in stock. This is due to an unprecedented demand· for these toys during a previous ~e. for which we are still filling ram checks _ .

Since the manufacturer 1s unable to supply addrt1onal ruerchandise before Chnstmas, we cannot issue ram checks

We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

·®TARGET Local Democrats


Ilamed delegates to state committee 8.) ROBERT llYM>MAl\ Of llM Oell, ~1101 lleft

£klq1 .• 1tl'' 111 tltl t >nnrn 1.1l1l \t,lll < l'ntr.11 < pn1111111n· \\l'rl dcl llll JI "°l'l'kend l.111u1w' hl'ld 1hro11gh1111t <>rangl·<ount' ,

I t\l' dl'lcttllll'\ V.l'll' dnll'd from l'3lh ~IJ\ l' \\\ernbh lll\lrtl'I Ill rq)­rc\Cnl 1ho\e an·ac, on thl' n·n1ral rnmm11tet·. "hllh "thl' gu1d1ng hod> for the< aldmn1a l>cmou<ttll' Pan~

I lw fl\t:-ml·mhl•r dl·ll'gat10n\ ah\J\\ 1nduJl' Jt kJ\I l"o llll'n anJ l\\O "-OnlCn

I <Xulh the ll\ecktll'd 1n the SM1h \'i\Cmhh l>l\lrtl I \.\l'rt• I nrlll'I \llx·r· ic,on knn' Oropc1 \lark 1 lagul' Ron ,d.,on .ind ( l.1rl'l1ll ( rfl'l(IJr)

rhs: dl\\rlll lac' l.Ul(l'" In I onfl h hut 1al..\'' 111 purt111n' 11t I lu1111ngton Hc:Jd1 <1nd \t1n\t't h .ind .Ill 111 \ l«tl Hl'Jl h

In thl· fll/th, \"l·mhh Jl\llll I tltl· lkk~a11on 111l ludl'\ Phlllqi ( .1l kt1 ~ kano1 f htl I.. J.1d, B.1ld\\ 111 < •l'lll g1;_1 HatJ"111 Jnd R<1Jrn \n.111d I 1H· alternate\ "l're aho \ctl'l'll'd

f ht• d1c,tm I 1nd11lk'i .11! ul f nun· ta1n Valk\ and portion'> ol l o\t:J Mc\a, Hur111ngton Bt.v.trh Nl'"f>l'" lkal·h .in~ In inc arnnng otlx•r\

In thl' .,lllh -\''l·mbh 1>1'tnU lltl' l'kl ll'd delegate' \\l'fC ·r aul Munu1 I hal\ L'ns1rom \ llrt•d Brigg' \udrl') R·edfl·arn Jntl Jeanne \1o1 ingo rv.o Uhl·rn,1ll'\ \I\ tan Jo1ob .ind f>a,e \.l u1an~11 - \H'rl' ,,1,11

"'"'' 1t·d

Ex-Soviets survey proves surprising Economic Inequa lity seen on th e- ri se: productivity ctropptng

( II \ \.11>.\ IC I~ 11 1 ( \I') Prchm1n.1r. rc\ull' ol ,1 '111'1'\ ot nc.•arh \.lll'iO forml'f \o\<tl' I '1 1111·n, 111d1cttll' that l'lnno1111l 1ncqu.llll) " on the n\c 1n thl' \o, tl'I I n111n ""hill' "nrkerprmh1<.\1\ tl~l'l rt.':J\ang th1· d1rt'l tOr of thl' proJCt I \ii\'

Jame' Mtlll''- a l 111\l'r\ll) ~>I llltnol\ profe\\or \Jill alw '>Ur"<'~ provadn nc" 1n\1gh1 11110 l1k 1n\tdl0

the ~o' 1C'I l n10n " fhl' uni} hm11un1hr 1n\l~ht"i lh.11

cnn be &.-11ncd lrom lhl\ 1ntrcd1bl\ nch m11c,\ of 1fo1a ., thl· .1mount ol 11me anti re oun.e' \l\ can bring IO bear on 11," Milkt \aid " We hn "l' JU'>\ mode the fi1't l Ul\ Into lhl· ll,110 "

The S7 5 m1ll1nn ~Cl\ 1c1 ln1crv1c" ProJ<'CI e1rnm1ncd pohl1t\. work and du1ly Ide 1n thl' \<.l""' t I lnmn through 1hc cyc!> of 2,800 rCC'<'nl cm1grc\ The prcliminnr) rC"-iult c, were.· rl•lca~cd today

llcrbcrt u•v1nc ol lhl'. Nmaonal Counci l toi ~ovil-1 nnd l u'>I r uwpcan Rc~arch \31cJ he w:.i' l"\Utl'll "nout the onoly\I\ of the 1nfurmot1on"

" II 1~ the fir\t e\H'n\avr c,urve\ rc~:mh that v.c huvc C"cr been abk to do on a aroup ot former Snv1c1 c1 111en\ 1nd 11 ha\ alrc. dy 'lhown <iomc of 1hc p1.w~1h 1 h1tc.., that 11

uc for \heddina renll) new

cconom1c hf 1n thc \o' 1et l 1d Ltvmc. waal acnll\I\ from uround the

country conduc1rtl 1hr<"l'·hour 1n1cr· v1rw' wuh c•ch ot 1h • lormrr \.tl'I' and ukctl thrm 10 fill out quc\llon n11rc' I he r dcral t)\trnment f); 1J for thC' "tUcl) ,

1 h1· "''let~ who "-at' QUr\Uoncd wrtt ~t \'rn .Wand 70 H'M' or "~1'.


and wcrr pnrn:mh Jc\\ 1<:.h n1Hgn·' .\mung 1lw prd111111Mn tlnd1n11.' l>u 11 ng t ht I 1l'' q, t har 1., ·" .1 n

1nl rr:t'l' in l'lt1111111111 11wq11.tl111. .111d h~ 1hi· l·nd ot tht· lkl'atk .. 4-1t'k!fl \'111111 lhl' \otul ',()\ ll'I "l':Jllh \\,I\ Ill till' hand' ot I() pcrl'l'n I ol 1 hl' rmp11 l.11 lllll 'laid \uron V1n11kur .in l'\Onomic,\ .11 1hc lln1,er\ll) ot lf .111:1 an l\ral'I

• rhc p10du~ II\ 11\ 111 lhl' \ti\ ll't '-'Ork lorn· "frnm thl' \hop tlom 111 \Upt:n •,\or, .. I\ dl'l ltnin~ r1·po11l•d l'aul ( 1rcg.or~ an l't.on111111\I JI lht• l nl\crsll\ ol ll ou\ton " l hl'H' "·'' lairl) unnnamuu' agrcl'ml'nt 1h.11 11'' an 1nu'flll\t" prohkm ..

• l ht• tear or hc1ng timl I\ h1l{hl'f :imong "'orkcn \\1th more cllm a11on ..._11ll C1rcgon " It'' th\· h1ghh cdura1cd "ho have high unt·mplo~ men1 "h•k the rornmnn '-'<>rl.t.•r., hoH~ lo" tiricmpto~mcnt ..

• '• fhou&ht -trlml'.. nnd 01h1·1 form' of nont0nform1I) m;n he on tile r1<.c. cspcl·tall)' nmonai 1ho~· lx't wec:n 20'nnd 40 }c~m of age . ..,aid John Garrnrd. n Ru'ic;rnn h1cra111 rl' ,pcctah'il from the lln1'Cr'il1> of .\r11ona. ·1 he hcho v1or 1nC'lu<fc\ hSlCnang 10 roreagn rnd1n 'ilnltOn'i holding \ lrong view' on 1hc un­rd1nh1hty of thl' ~oVJ<'I nr"'' mcdrn nnd .. am piing unofficfnl h1,·r:11urc und an rxh1h1\'>. h~ ~td

• 1 here i-. morl· prc.,<.urr for non­R uo;c,aan ~l\ICI c1111cn' to &l\C' up lhcar langua c :rnd culturr nnd anc­quul lfCUltTICnl or "iUCh pcoplt" I\ 10l'rt,a1ng. \Olld Ra<ima !l..arkhn11 a

latac:il acnMt a11hc \ na vl'r,11, ot

• Vo11n 1n \t,"1et ck~11nn\ " dechn1na. ~•th 1hr )Oun tt and rnorr cduc:ued le'~ hkrl> 1u t~ 1 b llot .

1d Donna B ho . a pohtll' I 't'IC'n · ll\I .ti ew Votk t ln1"l"f\1ly

"'\o for. our flJtd•na' hOH' an p1rnl u Jtc~t d al ''' rnnlid •ncr 1n lhC' 'nlad1\)' 11nd rl'l11h1lt1> nf nu1 antl'f· \'IC'W\." .mt Millar · \\ c haH' founJ nu m•1or tnl·on~l\lenc "'"' "

The more··you know about b s, the more

you'll like Home Federal.

I hc11' bt·<.t1ll't' I lo11w I t·dpr,tl t .ill Jlfll\.tdt• l'VCIYlhlllL! \011loot..1111 111 l>.111km~ 'l'r\'ll l''

A11d 111m1· Bt•( 11lht' 1111l1kl' llhlll\ lMll"'

I lci1111· 1't ·1 lt•r,1l l1111ll 1I' h1lt1r(' 1111


SJ"RENGTH ME.AN TABILITY c >m ... 1rt'11~th and 't'cuntv

n111w frnn1 ;i trt1dllH>11 uf 111V\ ' 'll11~ Ill (',1l1lnrr11<1 111 hl'lpt11~ 1woplt' thrrn11o(ho11t till' 'ltllt• 1mprtw<· lltP qt1<1l11v (>r 1h1·1r IM''

l'i nw h," ... ti own Jll'I ho" 'ound 1l1,1l lhi11kttt~ f\ I fo 11 lt' h·dl'rctl 1' lt><ltt't n·~·lldl•d , , ... Ol\t'

nl 1 tw m1 " ' ... 1.1hlt' h 11.111ct.1 I 1mltlul1011' m ltw t 0111111'\

1-r -~' ' -../_,I - I"" ,

111111 ... "'" \\l1t·th'\1·r \1111

\,,.ii.. 1111!• .1 I h11111 t'l01ftor.1l 11ll111

\111111111• 1111'1 I•\ l't'llflh· ""'I 1\1111\' 1111\\ to twlp 'nu Frw11d I) ,, ., B1111\111•'' ll'd~1·.1llll- . 1t11•

\11cl \Pll II .ti" 1 l11ul lh.11

\\ 111 II d1 I 1 ... 11111, 11.i\ I' It) ht '"'""' 1111'\ Ill ' lllollfc 1111' 111lllll llJt•f1 :\1 I 111\\t I t..l\ 1111l'lllli.,!'1) 11111,t'l'I\

( 111111111111·1 ·'


fodrl\ I Ii •llH' 1'1·d1·~.ll ( 11111111111'' 111 111\1 'I 11\ l .al1l111111.1

' 11111111H' ''"\'lh.111 t·\1•r \\ l11h · 11i.1111t.111111lQ llllf

1r,11l1l11111.1lh lwllt•r 11\.111 1>.111k'' \\t' !'' llll\\ 11lh'r111~ llllt•tt''I l'tlrlltll~ t ht•t ""'!-: .ll ( 1111111,

pt•r,1111.11lirn•-.111<11·d1t .111 (I ( l

t. clflh {M11rlit.1~1 ., Ii >t • 111 t 11ur..,1•

\11d lht•11 tlw11 · '" lull .irr I\ f 11th''""' 111\t' 'llllt 111 .111d '.t\ II\~' dl \ 11111 lh f1 I 'I Ill \ 11111

1111l1\11h111I 111•1•d' I ,11 h llil\111\l

\1111,11 1 1 \lt.s d1\tcl1 rut 1•1 ' ,H 1' 111 111 111d

I l• •1111 I 1•1h ·1.1 I \\1 · ll11p1

1111\\ \1111 II"''' \.\ II\ I\ t' I\ tl111ti.t \\t '

lt.l\t Iii ••lh•f '' lwt11•1 tll.i1111111flt'\ 111 lltt• li.1111\

('"II u11 at l ·ROO-H62-0539.




I ,\ ,. I



' 1 ;


- --- - ~- -

~ Sheriff--Coroner debate heats up Over death in jail

The inherent conflic t between the duties of county sheriff ltnd county coroner is o nce again haunting O range County Sheriff-Coroner Brad Gates. This time, the Sheriffs Department may be involved in a dea th that the Coroner's Office mvestigated.

An independent pathologist has concluded that a 22-) ear­old man serving a 10-day sentence in thecounly Jail for drunken driving did not commit suicide - contrary to the coroner's ruling. He was murdered. accord ing to the second opi nion.

Curtis Cupery was found by two county sheriffs deputies hanging from a noose fashioned from his ownjumpsuit at the Theo Lacy jail in Orange. The Coroner's Office, headed by Gates, ruled that Cupery committed suicide in the jail. The jail is operated by the Sheriffs Department, which is also adminis­tered by Gates.

But a pathologist hired by the dead man's father said the scratches and bruises o n C upery's back. elbow, neck. ankles and feet indicate the death was a homicide.

We don't know what conclusions to draw from the evidence at this this time; l'.ful we do kttow CotonerGate·s cannot order an inquiry of Sheriff Gates' jail without the question of conflict of interest a rising. We have to wonder if the administrator's dual role prevents the Coro ner's Office from conducting a complete and unbiased investigation of the Sheriffs Department.

Gates has finally admitted that the question of conflict of interest should be examined; he has endorsed a study of separating the two offices. although he attacked the arguments to dismantle his fiefdom .

The disparities in the two autopsy reports on Cupery·s death is the latest in a long series of apparent conflic ts of interest between the sheriffs and coro ner's offices. A Tustin man whose wife was a llegedly killed by deputies during an a ltercation with the mao is facing attempted murder charges from the incident. His attorney says he cannot obtain the woman's death certificate from the Coroner's Office while the Sheriffs Department's investigation remains open. The coroner is hampering the suspect's effort s to defend h1mseif against the deputies' accusations.

In another recen t case. Sheri ff Gates ordered his deputies to turn over to the Coroner's O ffice a confidential psych iatric report o n a prisoner who apparently committed suicide. The county's legal staff told Gates three years ago he had no right to such confidential files without a court order.

With the same administrator wearing both the coroner's and sheriffs hats, it is too easy to overstep the bounds of office.

The Board of Supervisors thi s week voted unanimous!~ to order the Orange County Grand Jury and AdministratJ \C Office to look into any confict of interest in the joint office and consider a lternau ve ways of running the two offices. The 'itUd) is expected to take four months

We hope the inqu10 results an a restructunng that creates two offices. Otherwise. the political integnt) of the county and the personal reputat ion of Brad Gates will conlinue to be tarni shed by innuendo.

Ex-Mayor Hart deserves thanks for all her elf art fo tht: f.d11or

Last ~eek. without muth tanfort: f"v<'l}'n H,m ended her term J\ the ma)Or of Newpon Beach While some an our city m~ regard the postt1on of ma}or a\ most!" ler· emon1al the truth of the matter 1c; that the JOb of ma} or 1s a difficult. demanding and \ 1tall} 1mponan1 pos111on

In 1.1.ntm~ tht'>. I admit that I ha'e a h1ac, I w nc,1dcr E"eh n Han a fnt:nd I >n nttawrn . hn1.1.e\er. I :.t\ nthl'r'> ha\1! dlfkrl·d "'Ith her 1111 l~'>Ul'\ "'1thtn DUI ut' '\iot"'llh\tand1ng lm•nc.hh1n or an\ lhmg cl \l' b ch n

ha!> always ma1nta1ncd her high 1dcab and convictions concerning hl'r per­ception of the 1.1.ell-being of our cttizcnry and the best interests of Newport Beach

Whether you agree with her or not on issues. Evelyn commands our

·respect as one who has sen ed faithfully and with dcd1ca11on .. h<' 1s a credit to all of us and to the (II\ of Newport Beach. ·

f-or this Evelyn Hart ~e!..

J ·\MF\ · tt1 11 r Pr K...,<>, Newport Beach

Reagan action unsurprising f 11 the Ed11C1r

I don·t bchc' e an~onc I'> '>urpr't'Jed that Mr Reagan ,., pu111ng himself Jbo\e the la1.1. of the V. orld ( oun !No> 26) '\.fan ) people bchcvc he lS nsht and the n!\I of U'\ hcl1e\C0 hC has a flawed character: none of us arc 'lurpnscd Thoc;e who put themo;clves

abo"r the law CR!l"hard "'"on for example I have one thing 111 common thC) will admit to no 1.1.rongdomg and belll'vc their onh ml\tal..e 1.1.a., in gctnng caught. ·

fOllN k..FRR < mta "1t·'>a

Annexation will save Helghts To the f-d1tor

I tru\t }OU arc willing to pubh\h hoth \1des of the ~anta ~na Hl'1ght\ annexauon propo<;al 1 he fall the author ~letter (No\ 19) l'i aga1n\t annex.tlton 10 Newport lloach tell\ you. 1n part, what annt'l(31ton 10 Newport Beach mcanc; It m,can'i preservation of the home\ and com­mun1t} of S•rnta ..\na Hc1ghl'.. or at ka'it a 'trong cffon in that dtrCt 110n

ure there an· long·tlml· rr'itdcnt'­"'ho w~tnt to \Cuttle the lfc1ght'I -.cuttle ll for profit profit that v.ould l Omt from re-10ning fhc) don't want 'ewpon Beach m the act 10 fight rc-1oning and the~ do "-Bnt more plants out of John W.i)'nc

\1rport 11 that "'Ill help their cau~ .\lso. the' wntc lcllt'l"S to the t•d1tor that 1mpl~ their \IC"' repre-.ent'I mo\t \:inta J\na Heights re~1dent\ •

Well. here'\ one rc~ident \.\'ho vcn mulh favon <iPON'c; current effort' to have Newport !leach annex u\, and there Jre lots more res1denh wb0-have 'itgncd pctit1on1> for that anncxa· uon Ju'it bccau<iC I.he letter you puhli'ihcd rall c; thl" area bltghtl"d doe,n't make 11 \O fherc arc many lmcly homh hfrl' \nd we don't think 1t will mcreaw the health and \.'llct> of ever) One to remo' e a few people and let tht big plane., roar.

LES W V[RLY anta Ano HCtJhl\

·· .. ~ theg~atest feat of moral Idiocy In modern history was committed by Psycnology Today In the recent Issue In which It proved that · sensitive. well-educat-ed people can't, really, tell the difference between thr Soviet Union and the United States. "

~Kl'M n:E!


Clash with Wallace goes on

WASHI NGTON - To be the victim ofa Mike Wallac.e"inqu1s1tion can be a dsscomfon ing experience. as t had the misfortune to discover ca rlicr this } ear.

CBS'\ lord high 1nqu1s11or pro­nounced one of m} reports a dud. Nov. evidence has come to light that shows 11 was Wallace who produced the real dud. Whtie I wait for him to acknowledge parentage. here are the details:

A year ago. I broke the story thal Vietna mese gangsters were extorting money from " hard-working, law· abiding Vietnamese refugees through terror and intimidation." The gangsters. I reported. "are believed to be directed by forrper South Viet­namese generals.".

I quoted from one police repon. which identified the "godfather" of the cnminal organization as Nguyen Cao Ky. the flamboyant former pnme minister of South Vietnam. I also published Ky's vociferous denial issued by a spokeswoman wh~ said there was " no truth" to the allegation.

Then along came Mike Wallace on

Brea~ing up may be hard but cure solirids worse

a ~arch·and-destroy mission for the While doing this your feet should be CBS television show "60 Minutes ... immersed 10 a bucket of. ice water.. He spent a few weeks c_herkmg into a Th is will destrQY !any " war:m·• · story..l that my associates. Donald

Just as the sun was coming up this morning, I heard. over the radio, Dr. Jo)ce Brothers talking ro handle the breakup ofa rclauonship. I'm not contemplaung breaki ng up m) happy relat1onsh1p, but I always listen to advice from a professional. People with letters after their names im press me.

Dr. Brothers !.aid men have a more difficult time than women when a love affair or a marriage is over.

I'm not going to refute that. I have no ~a.,. of kno"'1ng ~hat goes on 1n the m:nds and hcans of men. r, c tned - oh. hil\ e I tried - to figure 11 out for \t'ars ''"1thout success. I do QUl'~t1on. the formula '>he offered the ml·n lor rcco' enng from the trauma ol hd\ 1ng a IO\.Cr or wife walk awa} .

Dr. Brotha~ said 10 collec:t all clothes and personal eflects she left behind. (right hen· you know she doe!>n 't ha\t~ both oars tn the wa ter -what "oman lca'"cs anything Ix'· hind''I :ind pall' them on tht: floor in thl' ll' 111g room Nnt . you put on the mU\ll that ml·anl so much to both of \(1u , ., dtmn. loo!.. at the personal ctkc-1-. on the floor rind indulge in a heann·ndmg n10urn1ng \l''i'>IOn

~ L.M. Bovo 1..----~-~

You listen to the records, you cry. you your chest and scream. You do not eat or drink . This 1s to go on for 1. hours When you go to bed that night, according 10 her. you ~111 be tired and emottonall} d rained.

She didn't mentton that )'OU "'ould be thirsty and hung!") and hoarse, but 111s a poss1b1lit}. You might also Sta) awal..e the rest of the night worrying about wht•ther ~ou still had a JOb. If the breakup was sudden and you took the day off without notice. you might be 1n for another period of mourning. and a wall in line at the uncmplo} ­ment office.

Moving right along. 1f the cure 1'1 nut complete b\ tht· nl'Xt morning. ~ou arc to allot an hour a dJ} . unlit l"1,mpletely reco'el't'd. llc;tl•n1ng 10 the rt.·cord\ aJ!_a1n anll nl her

, &.hOllitll} )OU '14f!C of her. ( I swear. ~ '(.lol~ and Corky Johnson. had aro n& (Oajdng lhis up.) 1nves11ga1cd for ~veral months.

Then you go out and meet another As a courteS) from one re~ner to woman and get on with your life. You an~ther. I directed Walla~ to the take her to all the fa vorite places you Amona ~sk force that had linked Ky and your former love frequented. A to the Vietnamese underworld. My program such as this as guaranteed to offi ce offered 10 make the arrange· dispel an y lingering, fond memories. men ts for.Wallace to get a cop) of the Dr. Brothers didn' t menuon 11. but I task forces report. wouldn't advise going any place 10 Not long aflcfWard. on an . othcr­dance _ )'OU probably still have wise pleasant Sunday evening in frostbitten feet. March. Wallace Jabbed a needle into

I never thought Joyce had a cruel my balloon. He showed three on· streak m her unlll I heard this She looks JUSt like the girl next door -sweet. prelly. canng. The world is getting to be a scary place to live in when you can't trust Dr Brothers.

It's a good thing she didn't come up with this theory years ago when I was a bit more mobile than I am now. The thought of putt mg any man. regard­less of how I felt about him. through a session such as that would be more than I could handle.

I'd chicken out and \ta~ v.1th him. Columni§I Aea Well lives ia

Lag11na Niguel.


camera intcrvu:ws with law enforce­ment officials. He also interviewed K) . "'ho had refused to talk to me unless I paid him. A.II of them pooh­poohed m~ stol) ---- ·

Wallace disparaged the Anzona cnme report. With a deepening frown and a '>hon blast from his bassoon. he said hi s sources "either had no information on Ky's involvement in

Do y ou take exception to that? organin~d crime, or they dismissed the Arizona repon that Anderson cites a~ unreliable."

I protested to CBS that "police in several c111c!> had corroborated the repon." In fact, my associates had spoken to police sources in a dozen cities. But Roben Chandler. a senior vice president of CBS News. wrote

C}J \ wmmon \a}tng 1~· "The nn·p1111n prtl\C\ the rule." I don't get 11 Hov. doc' Jn exception prove a ru le"

.\ It J~,n·t \\ 1s. 11°<; a ridiculou'i c\prcc;\lon Hut the older meaning of

"pro,e" was ··1est." Onginall} . the common saying meant "The excep­tion tesl'i the rule " i.\nd that made sense.

Dcc;crt \Cterafl !> learn )OU can't ~ct

that llfe-sa' mg water out of a barrel cactuSJ USt b} tapping into it. You've got to beat 1t 10 a pulp, laterally.

L.M. Boyd 16 a &yadicated back, " I have seen nothing that columnist. challcn.Je" the accuracy of(Wallacc's)

report. What Ctiandler cou ldn 't see was

Psychology Today survey example of 'moral idiocy'

later emblazoned across the country; 11 has been in plain sight since October. Y ct apparently Chandler still can't see 11. at least he hasn't acknowledged 1t. So let me point 11 out to him:

Both Chandler and Wallace should read the Oct. 26. 1984. ediuon of The New.York Tames. They'll fi nd a two­column headline that declares: " Wit· ness Asserts Ky Heads Vietnamese Gangs 1n U.S." The story. which runs more than 1.000 words. 1s hard to

Test a llegedly shows Americans can · t tell the difference between U.S .. USSR W F miss. Here'" what 11 reports:

ILLIAM • The President's Comm1ss1on on The} can quarrel throughout the written a lot of books. one of them Organ11ed Cnme alleges that V1ct-

rest of h1stor) over who's prettier. called "Canvassing for Peace:· BUCKLEY namesc gangs operate in 13 states. Mani) n Monroe or Greta Garbo, another. "Cognttl\ e Control of One of the midd le-echelon gang "'ho's better. or Beethoven. Mo11vat1on:· and it sure takeo; a lot of leaders. tc t1fying from behind a v.howasthebettergeneral, Alexander cogn1tl\C control of mouvauon to screen guarded by a dozen federal or Napoleon. but one thing the} can maintain that on the bas1 of obJCC· throwing the re~ime 10 power at the marshals. identified Ngu}en Cao Ky ne.-..er4isagreeabou.L and tbatt.S lhat tl\e tests you can't tell the difference time. The invasion failed. and most as the top boss. the greatest feat of moral idioq in between Soviet and U.S. behavior. of the oriiinal invading forces were "Were you told by a s.upenor that modern history was committed by The Junior panner 1s identified only killed or imprisoned." Seventy-fi ve he was the leader'?" the witness was Psychology Today in the recent issue as a graduate student "comSplcting a percent correctly gues~ that it was as~,eYde. s. the i·n"or.mat1·o·n was that

d h . . doctorate 4n psychology at t~n ford the United States sponsoring the " tn\\hich itprove t a l sensi tive. well- llnivcnnty." His name(or should we attempted liberation of Castro's everyone should know that Ky was educatt"d people call 't. really. tell the assume 1t is a nom de plume?) 1s . Cuba. That. m the moral reckon in~ of the leader:· the witness testified. He differe nce between the 5ov1et lln1on Pious. S. Pious will not go far. if at age Messrs. z. and P .. makes the United later added that in Vietnamese com-and the United talcs .. ·t· " k .. h K rhc press rekasc read~. "Nat'I 25 (or is he 157) he can't tell the tates an aagrcssor. By those stan- muni 1cs everyone nows t at y

difference between the two <1upcr- dards. we aggrcsscd against France headed the crime organization. \une> Re,eals H1ghl> Educated powers when our troops landed in Nor- According to the Times account. .\memans Can't D1c;1ingu1~h Be· · mandy. " the witness said the gangs com· t...-n Unlai...lcd Russian & Amen- Acre is how the test was conducted. _.. d b..._ · ~.... ~ R d f p h I Tod There arc other questions that, in mllku mur ers. ro ""'nes and extor-can M1hta"' Al11ons" The tir!tt ea crs o syc o o~y ay were d t m .. d · ·· .. · ' 1 O h h h similar language, charactcnze the lion an rn 1c11.e m manJuana. .... n1 ..... ,.e of the "O'"" oocs on 10 say, given 9fcs11ons. o w 1c ere is a Be ·d K h ·d I' - --·~ ' I • I .. ..._ r invasion of Hun~ry b) the Soviet SI cs y. t e witness SAi 1ormcr ... r hc w1d••ly held assumption that the samp e: •ic.: government 0 a coun- So th v· t I d

"' I' r s "' Uruon in Novcm r t 9S6, when the u 1e namcse army~enera s an arms race I~ a strunn lc between nght trv not 1ar 1rom urarpower A. a11cr ffi-r I d • l . e6' d:1 · tanks ran over the freedom fin"tcrs. 0 i .... s were ca ers in e orgamza.

and wrong a good and an evil iscussing certain c ~gc in its party .,. , . th t l l..JI d h i... b · · d (" uperpower A intervened mili- ion a con rv e t e annp. ~upc:rpower . wn" today debunked sy tern. ,1';;gan roa rmng 11 tra e ,., .1 h · · · The witncsHonftrmed many other b) n n.a110nal 'urvcy devi!ied by a with Supcr.:power B. ro rtverse the~ ... n ~ to prevent t e incipient re- details that Wallace had condemned Ph l> candidat(' nnd 3 noted Stanford ch:snacs 11\ &0vemmcn1 and t1'3de. bclhon within the \mo.lier country.") ,. bl " h

A h It would be intere t1na to hand ov•r me ior pu is 1ng. but which have l lniv t\lly P'"clloll\01st, which m- upcrp<>wcr St'nt its troops into t e .. b bbl cd . h-. r

' "C> d 1 1 ba Led h 10 Zimbardo and Pious thcforoicct of now u e-~umm in is 1•ce. ·•1.-tec t'-t a ·m1rr·or im., ,.. C'"1~ 1 co.untry an m11tan •. ? c" t e , So t th . " .... ' m i • " ~ " 1 h d wnting a "ues1tonna1rt or publi· urcc c osc o e cnme com· between ~v1et and Ameru:an nul1 OnJJna government. ou 1 e rca er · '1p h 1 Tod m1ss1on ~1d the witne is credible taf) ronducf and posture.·· then mark down who? you t~inlc cation in syc 0 OI)' ay on and has supplied other rtl1ablc.infor·

•\nd the •rand conclusion or the .,.Superpower A is. Ready Go . Fifty. Whose Fault was the lfolocaust. the . ,tud"" " If 1t 15 diflkult or imPoc"ibl• fou r percent lfOt 1t naht. About h_alf Naiis· or lhe Jews"' Sample quc t1on: m~ion. K

; .., '" Th "' Th So u .. " m1nonty within utVorpowcr X rootnote: Y has contmucd to -----f=================:======:=========l~'~o:::d~1~'iC~r~1m~inl!la~t~e ~~~'""~ce~n~ugn~la~~~d~~~era~n~s~w;e~r~1;s=~~c;;~v;1c~t;:.~n~1o~n~~~"~~d.: ~ d th t h · · h h d · 1 pco•cs•c<t · eny o e IS connect wit 1 c

. ovil'l an Amencon actions, it 1 er~ to 1:1 lie k b 1 11 1 d un erwor . e ac-H. l. Schwar1z Ill •unhkel> that global con01c1 con mvas1ono Ctccho lovolciainAugust ta en ya C'&a ye ectc aovcmmcnt. knowled.aed to the Los Angeles Her-atcunucly be described as a Sfruulc 1968. That lnvasion was the b~Ull resulting in su~ ion of anti- ald·Eit1mincr that he is called "aod· bctw"cn good and evil .. 1 hat. theey end of the Praaue pnna dunni democratic :acu vity by forecful ,. h .. b h' 1 " h h h C h d mc"ns." I would Ille tocommi sion... ••t er Y t peop c. app.arently want u\ to thmk 1s w 1c l c pour lCC • un er .. .. r-PC\H holoii> today Oubcek. attempted to 11vc the ~oplc proj <:tthal wovld pose the question, c.d11or· note· Mr, Ky 1 1 hJtm~r

11 Ho.v. did me tv. o t'ha-.fts who JU t few little hbenies. "Are thee~htors of Psyt'holoaY Today rt 1dcnt of HunltflltOn &ach •nll

"'"' dcranacd? lf }OU an wer no. please now ''"'r:' in G1rdcn Grove. He hu drccJst'd 1h1\ up ao ~ut 1t. and who Anoe her one. " In the 1960s. upcr- tatc whctht'r )OU 10,,.rt' dcran~... <On , ten ti) dtnitd Jack Anderson· ore thn,I) Well . the ~nior panncr of po~r A ponsott<S a urprnC' 1n- . ttllcpt1ans.· th\' tram I'\ Profr~~r Philip G. VI ion of '- man countfY n <if lb Bildli1 & I ·~rs J•ct A•noa fj • •YHlald 7rmb:mto a 'Talc Ph.D. "1ho ha border. witli the ou~ of ovc~ col• ... &t. col1m•l•t •


Daily Pilat Fr•nlc Zlnl ¥ •• ~ I' <JI ~·•

Tom Tait '•

.. Cr•fg 8hetr

)QI" r :naoi

, • • ·a. ·.-t.-


I Michael WlttkoW9ld

Lottery winner 'retired'

CHICAGO (AP) - Michael Wll­tkowsk1. winner o(the biggest lottery 1ackpot in Nonh American history. says he quit his JOb as a. printer and changed his telephone number be­cause of the barrage of pubhclly after the drawing - but he's sull "happy with life in general."

Winkowski stayed 1n the news for more than two months after h11ung the $40 m1lhon Jackpot in September because he refused to pick up the pri1c until Inst week, when the l lltno1~ Lottery Control Board allowed him to officially share ll with h1.s father. brother and ~•ster

W11tkowsk1 said he returned to " urk after w11m1ng, but left for a two­month Hawa11an vacation because of the· number of calls from reponers

- and people seeking handouts. And when he came back from the

trip, he said. " It was 1us1 as bad. I really couldn't ~t my work done," adding that in his hne of work, "you lose fingers" if you don't pay atten­tion.

Now he describes h1msdf a'i re­tired.

"M} hfe hasn't changed much." W111kowsk1 said. " It's lond ofbonng. I've been watching a lot of TV. And rm still driving the same car."

He said he was "thinking about bu)mg a bowling alley ... hopefull~ a fam1l> operation "

Unhappy Cadillac owner's satisfied

LOS ANGELES(AP)-A trouble· plagued Cadillac that dangled from a aane for a wed. 1n a graphic d1spla) of lls owner's ful) was lowered gent I} to the ground Tuesda} - not de· !ttroyed as the owner had threatened.

The owner bought a new Cadillac. General Motors reached an un­

disclosed agreement with the owner. 'iteve Bubalo, so he decided not to caIT} out has plan to raise the 1982 El Dorado about 50 feet and smash 11 to pieces, said Bobbi Forest, oflke manager for Steve Bubalo Constrm:· t1on Co. in Rescda.

'Tm not mad at GM I'm not mad at Cadillacs." Bubalo said after thr car touched ground about 11 ·40 a.m. "The reason I did this 1s that I didn't want people to buy the diesel."

Cadillac doesn't sell diesels in Cahfomaa 1h1s year ~au~ the} don't meet the 'itate's smog rm1'is1on standards. <ia1d John Haut man. a'i'>I'>· tant zone manager for Cadillac

A dismantler paid $4.000 for the car, which Buhalo d1v1ded cquall) among four charities. handing out the checks at the scene on Be-.erl) Boulevard near Fairfax Avenue.

Although Bubalo said he was no longer angry at GM, he felt different last Wednesday. w,hen he hoisted the auto 12 feet ofTthc ground with a I ()(). ton crane he·s using to Tcpa1r Severi) Boulevard.

"I feel nobod> should havl.' the problem that I do with that car," he said as the $21 .000 d1e!>el-powered car dangled from the crane. " It spends most of the time 1n the garage. Anytime I take at 10, it costs me a fortune."

To make sure he got has message across, Bubalo attached a sign to the

·.auto: " If you want car tro\lhlc, huy a diesel Cadillac "

Ed Walson of Manin ( ad11lac in

We t Los Angeles, where Bubalo bou&ht the car. said last week, " We did sell the car. but we've seen it very little since then." Repair bills for the car at Martin totaled $2,600, Walson sa1d. but he noted thllt Bubalo said he'd had 11 repau~d Ot other 13rages.

Hllutman s:ud he met Saturday with Bubalo "and we reviewed all of hi concerns on his 80,()()()..m1le car and he decided to purcha~ a new car.

"He ju t bouJht it lake a cu tomcr would from a dealer." Haut man said. claiming that thert was no sp«aal , da oun or deal for Bub;ilo on the

he never contacicd us to beam with." Fore t s.:ud Bubalo was satisfied

with the amnsemcnt. " Ht "me ift las• oaaht and all h

said wa that' they're ao1n1 to tr'tl t him very fairly." Forc~t id.

The idea to aive the $4,000 to cli'arity \':lme from a man at the Na11 nal Black Community rund, he said

Teen hackers targeting newsman for 'revenge~ Newsweek reporter who cracked secret computer whiz society races ha~ment -

AN FRANCISCO (AP) -Teen-age computer hackers seeking elec1ron1c revenge against a News­week rcporler who cracked their secret network and wrote about their abu~s have thrcarcned his life, stolen hts credit card numbers and put him or\ .. tcletrial."

"The hardest part about this is remembering how s1~nificant what they've done 1~." Richard Sandza ..aad Tue~ay. ''Calling me up and harassing me is one thing. But going mto ffi) crecht reports got my attcnt1c>n. That really ttcked me otT. ., .

The harassment began after the ~o' I! Nc\\'swcek dcscnbcd what \andza fo und when he infiltrated the electronic underground, a network of you ng hackers who routinely outwit oni<:1al computer -;ecunty S)Stems and post their findings -on computer bulletin boards nat1onw1dc

" Most of the<ic people traffic 1n illegal information - credit card numbers, dial-up access numbers for long distance phone service, how to do this or that: everything from picking t oe~ to makmg n11roglyccnn." Sandia said.

Access to the bullctan boards 1s not automatic, he said.

" You have to tell them why you descn c 11 I took the name Mon­tana Vt. 1ldha<;~ an9 began d1ahng 1n and C'>labl1shing myself through ~C\\age,. I had the lingo down and


. Richard Sandza

could tell them why I should get in." said Sandia, who would describe himself to other hackers as "know­mg a lot about computer securit} and having a lot of contacts."

Within weeks, he had infiltrated some of the best bulletin boards in the_ country, and other hackers were leaving messages for him. Sandza said. By the time the story hit the streets, some of the hackers knew he

was a Newsweek reponer; others were up~t.

The phone started nngsn1 w11h hundreds of call& from hade~. some threatening to blow up his house, disconnect his telephone or

1 -tum off his power. In ·a Dec. 10 Newsweek piece

describing tus computerized night· mare, Sandza said he was put on teletrial on a Ga10esv1lle, Texas. bulletin board known as Dragon­fire. with a prosecuteT called Lin· known Warrior and a Judge known as Ax Murderer. Possible sentences ran~e from " life exile from the en tare planet" to " kill the dude.·· Sandza wrote.

"lt was sort of a game. They were calling me up. I was talking to some and hanging up on others," he said Tuesday. .. Some realized dis­closure about their methods and sources would only lead to public awareness and that should lead to somebody doing somethmg about 1 l.

·· 1 thank the ones who are reall} • 11cked off feel threatened b} this.

Some said their parents read the article and shut down their bulletin boards. Others said they felt my reponing was not really fair because I was ripping them off because I wasn't a hacker and phone ' phreak,"' andza added:

The fun ended when a fnendl) hacker tipped him that others had obtained his credit record by rinmg the computer files of TRW. the nation s largest credit information operation, which has similar re­ports on 120 million Amencans.

rlk I=erfccL I~ccuU\c Think about what you're mjssing

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'" the Daily Pilat



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"''' '( ,, 1i• l•ft•d •n ... , .. Tuudt 't•t1f>,U1AI f'ultt '""''·•••Mr ••In ' ahfofnla aut m1t11 t••""• •n• .. " ' '"• ... ¥tt .. t" J41l t. f t• f ... I t1 ' "it' ~u ' ' ... tt' \ rt «"k I r. h., .••• , 11• ' .... ,, ,, ,,,, ,., .. ,, \ ' .... , t on.,"",. .. 1~.,..._, i1 •••• v. "•I• •••pllt• ,.,.,

AneMfm Anaheim P1ua

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Irvine 14805 Jeftrey Road Suite F

-ore. Town & COuntry

1n S Main St Suit 11

' .

I .

• Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Wednesday, December 5, 1914



"You won' t hofta BUY stomps any more, Mommy. I' ll ORA W them for you!"

by Tom Batluk DOONESBURY


JlfJJI), fJJT IJlfl(e .1 IT'S THRE.C O'CLOCJ(, AN{) >rJJ'/f£ U5TEllHJ • 1"0 :4ll THJN66 HaJl)(PU!EP"

j ~ Nf/Jl!MLY ~IN(, ; H£U.. l/Al'51N6 a»lelj ' , 11

/ (' .. ~ , f - ~

by Virgil Partch (VIP)


't'ES, MA1

AM .. l1M




KID .. y----

''Well ·· what do you think of it?" DRABBLE

.. - ! I

by Garry Trudea,u



by Jeff MacNally



'°:.TUAN ~AT! .. ·

B··;~!if-/ ?~~, ----



~·,I I •,,1,. ,~,. / ~ \ ' W"' ::;::-:.~-;-;~·::._. ~ - ,. 'tf~


by Charles M. Schulz



by Kevin Fagan

MARMADUKE by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENACE Al-IE.M .. WE.L-L.1. llA~f-1\~f. l..O.lf.L.'t U.RRlt-1&51

l"Et>f. ARf.N'i ~RRI~. l~E.-f ~ t..A. 01..'{MV\C.

----. .----.r:r--i r----""'7· Pu-t~ ..

" He wants you off the phone ... he"s expecting a call from his girlfriend!"







by Hank Ketcham



PL~'e:R IN!

by Gus Arriola TUMBLEWEEDS

o~E 1~1~, -me: NOMtJeROF WAGON-rn.AINS HAS na:11< c.J..OOe PWUV~L..E:P 10 ~ING' L.AIE:L.V. ~1WIOI

£Al.J.LT ~~ '.\:)VI?.

~ILIV~ e!\J"R'. IT'!I'

by Jim Davis ROSE IS ROSE

by Ferd & Tom Johnson BRIDGE

by Lynn Johnston

PADDY··· "11SIHE SEASON1b . BE. <X>u..'f.

'11 ,,_ •

by Pat Brady


NO kNoW· HOW NO How ...

' OH, B~THSR :..: \ ''1r Do r GoTT,A ~~ ,~

Wors,A MATTE~.;­Tt·P T~CHERS oN S' TRI KE W~EN you WENT 10 S'CHoot..?



e:,oNNA P.AS5 ~ iHIS tN(,L/5 -r~sr !.'





by Harold Le Doux

Both vulnPrablt>. South deals. NORTH • J96 .;> 76 0 KJ 972 • 832

WEST · EAST +74 2 + AQ853 - 9s2 r:i QJ 5 43 0 1086" 0 43 + AQI04 ·~· 5

SOUTH +KIO 1.. v AK lo 0 AQ 5 +KJ 976

North EHt 3 NT P..a11

s howed 21-22 points, but he decided his five-card suit. and good in terniediate cards more than com· pensated for any high-card s hor· t.age. North's raise w ga me was bas· f'd on th<' hope his diamond suit would be a sour('e of tricks.


Tht same contract was reached In both room11 of the France-Belgium

was the nlnt> of hearts. ducked to drclarer'• ten. That gave declarer _

' c>ight tricks. The Belgian Soutti Two 25 year-olds. 1'; ric Eisunberg elect. d to pl3y on cluh. for his ninth

a nti f'rantof~ Cro1..f't , WMt\ the 11tars trick . He cuh d thl.' at • or of Frtnrf''s l"C•"\t"·from 0.-hind win In diamonds, ovt'rtook tht1 quticn with the 1984 Europt1an Junfor~hampion dummy'~ kinK ·~I~ dub to t.h 1hip. Here is El!lenherg At lht> helm j3ck. ot a lhrr& no trump ronlrart. Wt.1At won t h r.;uc n 3nd extt('d

In lh •ory South'• orwt1in1< bid with 11 heart. Declart'r won. cash d

dummy's diamonds on which ho sluf· fed lwo clubs, and le d another club from the board. That e nabled West. to score three more club tricks. and the ace of spades completed a one­trick set. Unluc~y .

Eisenberg found a simpler way to



Insur~ his contract. Arter winning the ten ot hearts, he led the· ldng of

. up a spade trick by rorce. and the contract could be ct.teated only H We11t start d epeclflcally with A·Q 10 or· club• and But wtth ac quetn o( spades. Slnr~ Eut l\ad only a slng~t.on club, dtrl4r r could noL. be prev.-nted from makinf hit contract and gaining 12 (nttrna· llonal Match Pou1t.a.




Yll:le Log's assembly simplified

In France. the e nd in g to a Christmas gathering would not be com­ple te wit h out a " Buche de Noel ," the t rad 1t1 ona l Christmas dessen.


STEWART In America, this •••••••••••• treat is called "Yule Log" because it is usually frosted and decorated to look like one.

Many recipes for Yule Lo$ are quite complicated: mine is quite easy and delicious. Try it instead of pumpkin or mince pie this C hristmas and sprinkle it with powdered Sugar tO 8JVC the illusion Of SnOW.

(Yes, there is no Tiour. The ground walnuts suffice.)

YULE LOG 7eggs ~ cup sugar

DlllJ Pilat

' '



Home lm provement centers remodel displays, add clinics

.\ recent survey by Home Center Magazme found that 50 percent of all tool <1ales were made to women -including 20 percent of all chain saws!

Smee relea~ of this startling statistic, home centers have been re-evaluauna their marketing strategies a.od tailoring their stores to attract female shoppers.

Homeccnter-Shavebegun to cater to the woman buyer by expandmg their mix of products women have trad1t1onally bought there. such as wallpaper, paint. shelving aod storage Items. Some go a step further by ofTenng a vanety of how-to chn1cs that are open lO all comers but arc espe't1ally designed to appeal lO women.

Following the nauonal trend. Kenn-Rima of Costa Mesa has JUSt remodeled its housewares department and offered clinics on picture-framing and cutlery and knife-sha rpcning last weekend -

··We've also hired more home decor consultants who ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an~~ecuMome~mo~1n~~ 1d~l1zed ad'i~wd~ow

l ~ cups ground walnuts l teaspoon baking powder t c•ps buvy cream

· Sacar .. There le nothing to atop me or any woman (Pleue see YULE/ B2) from building even a house,'' says Mindy

Kombert, 11fOrklng on her famDy'e dome vacation home in Pennsylvania.

1hem how to use the products the safes clerks have recommended ." said spokcsv.oman Jan Lorenzen.

(Pleue .ee'llOME/ 8 2)

l_ ~APARAZZ I __ ~- -~- _ _ _ r

O.ifr Not"*- lllf E,_, C .......

Ste.ven Wliht chats with L nne Spltalny an!U!Jlll Foor. Kathy Adams a nd Bob Allen enjoy atringa Cora Baldlkosld.,-l>arlene Jtkeatone and Sue Day lis ten.

Reception ushers in offiCial .Newport orchestra Aut hor's readings en tertain gues~s a t luncheon in Mesa

"I'm pleased and excited." said DirectorSteveo Wight about the Newpon Chamber Orchestra 's "adop­tion ."

He and the president o f the board Darlene Firestone were presented an offic ial plaque from the City of Newport Beach proclaiming the new musical group the c ity's official orchestra.

The presentation took place at P atti-Gene Sampson's ho me as supponersgathered for a "friend­raiser" reception to meet board members and the director.

Firesto ne reciprocated with a plaque from the 35-member orchestra to the city.

Board members arc Joe Morabito, Betty Tes man, Joe Swift, Frances Clayton, Kathy McClure Wight and Sampson.

Among tho e the re were Cora Baldikoski, Herb R euter, Frances Clayton, Anne Nutt, Martha and Dick Lee, Helen Walley, Barri Carian and Mary Powell.

O thers discussing the recent!> formed orchestra were Sue Day, Sharon and Keith Dawson, Gary and Carol La rson, Kay and Hal Pas torius, Mark Kebke, Georgia Conoally, Gall Foor and Lynne Spitalny.

A stnngensemble fro m the orchestra - MarUyn Harding, Stephanie Car ter, Isla Parmeter and Karen Emery-~ve a sample of how the mus1c1ans perform.

" The mteresting thmgabout this orchestra is that ~II of the members are under 35 -a young. vital and exciting group of musicians,'' said one o f the guests at ' the reception. (Twenty of the 35 members a rc females.)

There was talk and enthusiasm about the next concen set for Jao. 19 at Newport Harbor H igh School. On the program of 20th Ccntul) mastcrp1cccs(Copland and Ravel) 1s solo ist Maurita Phillips-Thornburgh.

" We no w d o fo urc:oncert\a year nn<l we hope to c w and that to eight or I 0. O ur goal 1'> to e'>tabhsh a high I> professional tm h<.·c;tra offcnngquahty cham ber mu!)1c." said Wight. ··w e .... 111 close out the season June 9 w1th11n all-Bcctho\ en co ncert."

• • • "There wasn' t a di)' eye 10 the hou~ " hen she

fini shed." sard Sylvia Hatton. he hosted a luncheon at her Mesa Verde ho me in

honor of Nina Horn, author of" Gentle Rc tlcct1o ns." who read selec tio ns fro m her boo I.. pubh hcd in I 982 no"' m 1t<;1h1rd pnn11ng.

The read ing about he r grandmother done with piano background music b} Barbara Phillipi was the

Hal Pastorius , Georgia Connally, Mark proclamation naming Newport Chamber · Kehke a nd Kay Pastorius are happy about Orchestra ••city'• official muelclana: :

real icar-Jerkcr .. ' Hom tcachcc; at \je" pon (enter l ' n1ted Mcthod 1<it

Church Pre-School in \.i t•"' pon Beach and \'.O-Own Manne~ orks with hu~band Larrv.

Gues ts at the luncheon '°" Paul ne Per on, Dana Christensen, Dotty tevensoo, Dian; Lesueur. Marge Botller , Virginia Attwill-Biderma.u, Yvette

Hud oa, Patty ue Glasgow, Donna Webs te r , Nancy Johnson and Keodra Jacoby.

The hoste'> · hobb\ 1Hool..mgand she sen.ed up t" oofher l>C'(1alt1c -crab lasagne and Fren ch "hocola tc cal..c (.,. 000 calo n es per p1~)

P:Jp;irou11 cd1 tcd b.\ D:u/\ Pt lot t~ le Ed11or Vidi CkJn

·----- - -_ .. .. -.

Kanoy ·Jolaneon ftnda a com.fJ •pot u K~d.ra Jacoby and llo.teM 8ylTla Hatton laa«ll at cake'• calorie count. Barbara Phllllpl and author l' B0m I I . . .

I .



. r

°'~ CoMt DAILY PILOT/ Wednesday, 09Cember ! , 1984

ails .. dhristi&.n Andersen returns as best ellCr I B10LE DUUS

P · coPENH~N. Dem rk - A boOk meant for a little airl named Chnst1nc has brought storyteller Hans Chnsttan Andersen back a bcst·Sieller almost 110 years aficr his drath. : ith S<'1ssors and glue. Ande~n

a friend , Adolph Ort\\<SCO, sat wn to paste up, hand-color and te commentary in rhyme for more

• 1.000 ptctures from all kinds of publications of their day. The rcsuh­lna book. a fairy tale, was a present for

hnstine tampe, Drcwscn's arand· davghter, 1n 1859 on her third ~hda}-. ; •J.levcr before publuhed ,

nstinc's Picture Book .. was re-

l)ro<luced 1n facs1m1lc on this past Oct. 25, to mark. Chns11ne's I 25th binhday. 1n ndcrscn' natl\e Den· mark and in Bntam.

h sold o ut in Denmark 1n lcc;c; than a wceti.. ln Britain. the Enghsh­language version wa named the bool ofthe.rponth by the trade Journal The Bookseller. and 1t was featured on a children's television show.

The project was the idea of .\lette Bardenfleth. lady-1n-wa1lmg to Den­mark's Queen Margrethe II and widow of one ot Christine's grand­sons.

.. L1trte Christine took good care of her book . and no~ 11 was mme." Bardcnfleth said. " But wa~ 11 really mine? What life could 11 have Wllh me. cons1denng that I have no

ch1ldrt·11"" Fo1 01herc; to \hare 1n " the iiOul that

its creator' put into 1t." '\he \Ct up 11 foundation lo receive royalties and use the fund) to suppor1 rescc1rch pnnc1pall} 1ntu Danish h1stor) lnnguaae and htera1ure

.\ndersen a bachelor. was god­father to numcrou'i of has f m•nds' children and made several similar picture book for them He dedicated the poem .. Ciodfalher's Picture Book" to the traditiOll that thnvcd in Denmark at a time when children '!> picture book~" ere not printed.

Befort· .. ( hnst ine's Picture Book." none o l his picture books had been publi$hcd. One Danish reviewer hailed 11 U$ the "ork of ··a genume fnend ot children who. w11h his' 1~ual

1mag1r1ut1on. hi\ picture, and h1 p;1pcr silhouette art. C'reatcd 11 wMm ront.ll't \~1th his <l<'•tr 1odch1ldrcn."

It 1~ nm how much lime .\nJcr\en and Dre\\<sen. a cnmmal n>un official. spent m comp1hng 1he book\ m1>re than 100 page . but the PlltUre'> cul from Danish. Gcrman. r rcnch and Enahsh pubhca11ons

cover an I 8-year period up to 1859. Dr. Enk Dal. an Andersen spcc1al-

1st who wrote a foreword and com­mentary for the book. said 1t clearly was a labor of love for the men. both in their m1d-50s at the 11me.

In Dal's 11 se sment. Andersen's main contributions were in some of the rh~mes and in fi ve graceful and

mtncnte paper silhouettes. The storyteller did at least 1,500 of

the 1lhouette) durinahis hfct1me. but experts rate tho~ in Christine' s book amona his be t. One ponrayina a fantastic troll bears Drewsen' hand­wntten mscnptaon: "~ man was authored b).' H C. Andersen, the friend of children ."

irst class: The only ·way _.!Or niailman to go . . ~J'RAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) daughters and three sons ages along his route on the Mlssfon

• A.II the man that poetmen 18 to 31. A co-worker In cap and Peninsula In northwestern Mich· rrts Kolarik deltvered Fncs.y untform drove the Cadillac after lgan. t first ctaas. the Traveree City limousine aer- "Yes, their Jaws probably

Family and co--worker1 of the. Ytce that owns the car made sure dropped as far as mine did when ~Iring mailman aurprfMd him • could handle It. t It .. K t lk Id ddl brtlth a llmoutfne and chauffeur to " I don't think I was ever so , saw • 0 ar sa • a ng "mefc• the lut dellverte. along his surprised In my life,•· Kolarik · people grabbed their cameras to 65-mlle rural route. said, recalling his first sight of the ~ his picture. L " The flrst-cl89' mail went first ttmo parked outalde the Traverse Kolarlk worked 28 years for the ;c1us1" 55, Mid. " That ~ty Post 'Offlce. He said he was U.S. PoStal Service after his two w .. probabfy my best day In my "pleasantly surprised. because years '«:' the Army and now Whole career here. It wu sups. I they've been working on this for a quall~ for a government pen­didn't expect to go out In qufte long time and I never heard a slon. He said he and his wife of 33 -that ttyte." word of it ... not even at home . ., years, Dorothy, plan to travet and

... The llmoualne wu the ld9ll of The sight "of the pampered continue their famlly-owned It's a dog's life Kolarik'• seven children - f~r postman surprised regular& pizza business In Traverse City. This canine enjoys a nap on the roof of hi• maater'• pickup on a lazy La• Vega• day.


Happy crowd for openers Dl:de Olaen, Elizabeth taicllore and Randy Howatt, pre•ldent, from R.uaty Pelican, above, were amonf neat.a at the open houae ol Cuzman/Gerrie AdvertJa­tng . .. Orange County Cow­boy.. Jeff Pearson, rlfht, waa emcee of the efiow JJhich included hia alnglng, faahions from Male Room, Laguna Beach, and more than $ 250,000 worth of fun from Ward Fun, Corona del Mar. Dean Gerrie, Judi Cavtgll and Robert Guzman, below. dlatributed limited edition poaten they created for Balboa.

AdopteQ. baby given Jots of love DEAR Ai\l'o L.\1'-DERS Rl'.centl\

I had Lhcopportuntt) ofseemg m} -best fnends rccc1' e their adopted baby. It was a da) that marked the l'nd ofdcspa1rand loneliness. The tears we shed wereJOYfvl and the-love in that room wasgrca tcrthan I' ve ever felt before 1


th mg. I hope )OU" 111 nc' crthtnk of )ourbab> asa mistake. Think of the child. instead. as a miracle who has transformed the hvesofan unhapp) cou pie to one of unprecedented JOY. -A FRIEND

DEAR FRIEND: Thank you for a beautiful tribute . I deleted tbe st.ate from wblcb your letter was malled. I would like every unwed mother wbo gave up her baby for a doption to think your letter was meant for her.

The onl~ sad thought that crossed my mind wa$ kno~ing that some­where a )Oungg1rl might Qegric.\ ing for thethtld she "ould ne' <.'r hold in her arm'> again .\nn. please print m) lettcr s<Hhe .... 111 ho'M speual she

\\Onderfulh health' and con tent Don't think oho-ur un.,..anted

prcgnanc) as an unforg1\ablcand l'mbarrassmg burden llold \Our h1.:ad high and tdke cumfon 1n the kdge that) ou g~n e )Our b,1h) to '" 1 qx•oplc "ho" tll l hen<,h Jnd IU\ c 'our ~1ft of J hie fore\ er and n l'r

• • • IS l Disco~ er ho"' 10 tl<.' datdxlll

Df-.\RI -.. \.\L D\10 1H ER Isa" )Ourbab) tuJ.i~ The infant "as.J) mg 1n a beauutullrth 1ha1 had been wa1t1ng forl'ight) car~ HJ\.cnngOH'i the ch 1 Id werl• two of the happiest people in thl' world. I -··

Picas<.' tn not 10 Ix• sad Your batn 1s 1n 'iak an·d lcn 1n~ hand' and look~

I" tll 'i1mpl) !.3) thank )OU for tx·1ng the pcr~on you arc. A~ I prayed fDrm) trn:ndstooncda) havcachtld, I \.I.Ill nowpra' toqou 10 know peace 1~ \Our heart for ha\ ingdonc the n~hl

~' ithout falling hooJ.. . /Jn(' and sinker .\nn Landen ·buoJ..lct ... Dating oo·s and Don 'ts.·· " 11/ help you be more poised and surco(yoursclfon dates.

end 50cen ts along w11h a long. stamped. self-addressed en velope I with your request to 4nn Landers. P 0 Bo t 11995 Ch1c,1go. Ill. 6061 I.


' .\nothl•r and1rn11un /1., the .. Pop l df'>t·n · 1..un'iumt'r

sen ice pro\ 1ded h) Builders Fmponum "ort''>. hcad ­quartered in Irvine w~h rnstomers can u1ll 1h1..• toll-frt't' 1-800-4:\~ - 7412 for as Stance regarding dO·lt·)Ollrsclf proJCCt'> ranging from I k> toilets to furn11urc rclin1'>h1ng.

" fen percent of th calle rs in 197tJ \.\t..'re wom1..·n and toda\ 40 percent are women:· '><lid Ann J ulscn. public relation., manager for Wine'>. parl'nt wmpan~ of Builders· Emponum. "Some of the rl'a\on., are that women feel lc'is in11m1dated b) the work no" and more \.\Omen arc heado; of households Plus. 11 thl·\ gel '>lU(k in the middle of a prOJCCt, the phone call is ~1 h.111d\ .,.. a) to get ad' ice or reac,\urance:·

(jhe also attributed the gro .... 1ng populJntv ol the \lore'>' handout brochures among \\flllll'll to their

YULE LOG ... From Bl

Vanilla Powdered sugar

C treac,e a Jelly-roll pan. I 51 b~ I 01 • "'lh 1111 lim· "Ith

wax paper and ltghtl} 011. . Preheat oven 10 350 degree'> ~l'par .1 tr q?.g'> l '>Ing J

"•re "wh1c,k heat the }Olks with ' • cup 'ugar until the m1x1urc1\ rrnlc 1 n color and thick l'nough 111 11hh1111 Beat 1n ground walnut'> and hak1ng powder lk.11 1..·gg white' ttl still I hen fold 1n egg }'Olk mixture

"iprcad the batter e\ cnl) 1n prepared pan Bake for IS to 20 minutes or until golden. ( ool thl' lJke in the pan co, er 11 "1th a damp to""el. and ch1ll 1t ·

. Du~t the mid ca ke generouSI) with '>lltcd po.,..dcrcd sugar and 1urn 1t out on 1 .... 0 O\erlapp1ng '>hcets uf "a' paper < ardulh stnp the paper from the hotto~ot the cake

\\. hip thl' ~ tups hea"~ cream and tlaH>r w11h 'iugar and' an1lla to ta'>IC Spread over rake and roll up the cake. u's1ng the wax paper as an aid. and shdc thl' roll onto a flat serving platier Sprinkle the roll w11h more powdered sugar. ·

Pi lar Wa~m· Stc~"arr 1s a rr.·~1dcnt of Nt•u/)Qrl Beach and the auth<;r o f .. Pilar WaJ nc ·s I a..,ontc and Fabu/ou!) Recipes ·· 4 ddrcss corresponderu:c to her uttc.·n11on. P:n Pub/1shins ( o I' 0 Bo" 2000-40. C orona drl M ar 92625

prt'lt'rl·mc in ha\ 1ng. a "recipe .. tor 4u1tk reference while ln\Cll\l·d tn a prOJl'CI

l:l<,c:where. a recent wallpapcr-hang1n~ clinic con­duLll'd by Srntt) ·.,, a major home cen t<: r chain in Flonda. was attended pnmanly b} women. Encouraged by the pos1t1 vc response. Scotty's plans to mcrease the frequency ofdio1n and d1vers1fy the products to include such basic ta.,ks a' altlc 1n'>ula11on and bath room remodeling.

Edward I lines Lumber m C h1cago alc;o conducls how-to chn1cs '

" \.\. e get both husband and w1fr attending ours:· rcportt'd Dan N1 kolich. ad.,,cr11S1 ng manager. ·· And 1fyou a<,ked me whose idea 1t was to come - I'd bet 1t was the .,..,fe ..

Hines alc,o has special " ladies' da> ··promotions where tood proccc;c;or~ and other pnzes arc g1 ven awa) .

Homt centers arc even changing formats to attract women \hopper:>. In 1979, the Lowe's chain redesigned the in tenors or its 240 stores. One side was wholly devoted to decorative or " fash1Qn .. products: the other was for tools and ~lruclural Hems. making 1t eas) for women to locate the products they came looking for most oflen.

··we already have a strong image w11h do-n-yourself men." e"< plamed John Buchan. v~e president ofad, en1s-10g, ··and we figure that 70 percent of dec1s1o ns concerning the hol!\C arc made b' women.

··'\o to attract ·them ""e enhanced our displays. t'\l'ntu~111' upgraded 'iome of 1he product line and rrn1errhand1~cd the product'> to appear to women:·

~k Jddcd that store:' were dea ned up, shopping cans made a"a1lablc and faster check-outs were installed to .. ucatc the shopping en\ 1ronmcnt in which women feel wmlonablc ..

"vt an) home centers also arc increasing the number of \vomen on their sales and service forces. ··Decor r,pccialiw ... mo.,t of whom arc women . help shoppers 1n their 1:1clcction of ··fashion products.. - wallpaper. panl·ltng. pa111t. bath van111cs and accessories.

C1racc Circcnlcc. a bu}cr for a Milford. Del. lumber '>UPPI> com pan) . has upgraded ils decorative products fo r kitchens and bathroom!. including all-in-one fiberglass ~hower uni ts that arc easy for women to insta ll.

" I know from a woman·s point of view that you get tired uf the same old thing." she said. "You want to lhmk )ou'rc ahead of the next person 1n yourdccoratmg. So I've acted to keep up with cu~,, decorating trends more than men tend to do ..

Winter assists buyers

Structural problems In house standout more In cold weather

NEW YORK - It is ....., to check out a houte when the weather It cold, notee Home magazine, drawing on the ex­~I• of the U.S. league of ~ lnetltutk>ns CMlrmM Paul W. Prior.

For one thing, the hc>me'• energy eff lclency can be asaested more easUy durlnO SM c old months. Special attention should be paid to the cond111on of. the windows and d00r'9, 9nd variations of temperature i.veta Should be noted throughout ~ hOUN.

The presence of leak• around windows and doors can be Meer· talned by placing a hand near the edges of the frames. ·

The movement of COkl alt may Indicate that addttlonal= or weather stripping ts , If 1torm windowt are h1 ~ either the lnstallatlon wortc II defective or the units ~ to be recaulked. Heavy frost or ,ce on the Interior panes 11 a _,,. e(gn tha~ the storm wfndows need to be repaired, replaced or In­stalled.

A breeze coming at the...,.. Of etectrlcal outlet• may me1r1 o.e the houN needs -..at1on or It not property teeled, WllMI thl Novembef" luue of Home.

The potential buyer """9t lllO be wary of a J!.oute In whkm the upstairs ro9(nl'1we col(t, even H the living area below , .... com­fortable; the fumaoe ~ .,. Inadequate.

Prior luggeet8 that ~ the MU<>n, the bu)W "'°'*' '* to ... the uttllty blll for tbe.Jllt three or four Y9l'I - W. .. provide tome ldMof true....unG. and cooflng. costa. The i ... ·01 appllancee 9'80 lho&dd ~GI**· ed,uoldermodlll .... ~ efficient than newer onel.

On the exterior. lclctl9.MI•• "°"'~ .. tt .. mtlY be - bUt they mtY lleO ..... water 18 frwlno, ~ underneeth the INrtQUI "'

JGranaryconverted into unusual hOHJe, gardens • Pllll •\DEL PHI.\ (A P) - In n •proJett he com pared .to one of the

.,c,cn wonder<; of the ancient world . e1'cnneth Parker paid SC\Cn high

'1Chool students to spend a full ... um mer hauhna 110 tdns of eanh 10

-.tone\ to "bnng the outside 1n ·· • .. It was like building the p)r11-

m1ds:· '31d Parker. a 45-year-old • architect. ltves an the Grana . a

hen brewene'\ a few miles away ked Philadelphia pub'

He makes his home 1n a twO-,lOry-gJas\-cnclosed a that once

scd procc, in1 equipment on the t floor he ha\ placed his office 1n a li"t· floor area once used to rcce1"c vain from ra1lro d cut.

Between the t"'o arc:a\ ,.and ~ven reinforced 1tra1n \ ilO$

The Granary. wh1l h rank-; with the Yale 1ad1um as 1hc fir'lt 1n the country 10 emplo~ steel-rein forced concrete draws stares from the street with a forest of trec'I. hushe'i and Oowcrs among the umbrellas .ind Oags on decks more 1han 100 ti:ct off the ground

The build mg stands one block from Ph1ladclph1a·, famou\ tree-lined Oen-am1n Franklin Pa rlwa w

oven c ow mar e u1 dings to () ITcr an unobstructed view of bustling downtown Ph1ladclplua 10 the cast and the maJe\t1c Ph1h1delph1a An Mu~um 10 Lhc west. -...

" I was loo*tn f<lf mtere'ittng offt<Y \pace "-ht•n I came upon 1h1s 1n 1982:· Parlccr '81d. " The bu1ld1ni had been emJH) for lCl >Cat, and wa\ ttmng ur> fonheriff~ ~IC' . When I the view\ frnm thc top. I knew I had 10

take advantage of them ·· Pa rker'<, love tor the building\

h1'ilof) and the gardening op· ponun111e\ 11 presents become clear 1n the old clc\ator 1ha1 ascends slo~I > to his home

.\ rnrner \land holdUJg a largt• wh11e a1alcn plant testtfic to ParkC'r°'> love for planl\ hut hardl} prepare' v1s1lors for the Jungle of 1he whirlpool

Two whll\ around the pool offer a view of downt<1wn through window'> Parker removes 1n the summer to .send a con'llant hree1e throuJh the 8 foot-tn ll ph1lodcndrom and hu&e frrn, • ·~

Oo lh\" other \Ide of the C'lcvator '>haf\ the ··c1rt't"n hou\C" nl~opcM to a brecr<' 1hat ru'ltlc' amona more plant\ and cane furo1turc. ere 11na 1 1rup1~ .1l .1111111\nhl'll• with J bad.drop

ot urhan beaut). c >fl cac:h room \1t deck' where

Parker plant\ rosc'i, mangold\ and 11nnrn'I among bu'lhes and 12-foot­ht(lh tree'> On the other 'llde of the hvin2 room another deck run\ the kngth of lhc home but laces a Ice;., pt(turt!'i(iUC urban ~enc ot row hou't<'~. warehouses and a littered ra~!roaJ track. -;

u Ci t)' person. when I -iow these larae delkS that were structurally rcm­fon:cd . I knew the> could handle unylh1na I wonted 10 put on them," rarker \ntd

P:trk..-r c,~nt $125.000 to bu) the < 1r:inan - '1hc: bc,t dcnl I c' er m clc" - and ha\ put some S800.®0 into ht\ home 10 nc;lte lhc lcclina or hv ing outdool'\ 1n I ~ .000 S(Juarc feet

" That\ ""hat'\ UOIQU<' .1tlout th111

place." said Parker. whose firm And he never forgot the on&inal designs office space for Fonune 500 purpoi.c of the Granary. firms " It brin&s the out<111de m." In the office area, where so ctn·

To achieve the effect. he made two- ployees work. an old Jrain waaon c;tory-h1gh w1odoW1 thc focus of most hanaci overhead and s1h1ng bi ns now rooms and 1umcd many walls into hold goldfi'lh A small wmdmill g1an1 mirror' to reOect the sunhatu of bu1ldma "111 stands. and we1&t11n1 day and the c.: uy lights of night. mechani.,ms decorate the library

r () lessen the fcchna of being .... ccihng dworfect Parker built several room5 In his home, Parker turned the to wtt 1n rooms. comp etc wit roo s. o 11 s1 o in o o g an-covere co ce includmg a larae bar 1n the llVlfl8 t11ble tlH1t overlooks a wide, wmdin& room and a bedroom and s1tt1ng area stairca c. The stairs lead to a piano for aue5ts an a " play room." which alcove, a telev1s1on room and an al'iO feature' a Iona aoldfish pool and informal d101na arta on Qnc Ooor and a \mall worknot rea ~ a formal dinma room that scat 14

,.. He add<'d warm&.h to the mo<lern people on another . ~tt1na \tath onwork and 1rufacu he He atw tumcd la~ circular nms

• ha~ c()llccted from throu&hout the from r.rocc ina equipment uuo ..... orld. 1nclud1na two 19lh-ccntury chande 1e11 and n1adc no attempt to 11ldcd C h1nc~ hor~ . • hide the occu1onal anun i hute


'Family Hour' alive and well on NBC, network Proclaim ...... ~ Comedies, non-violent drama at 8 p.m. Blues," "Cheers" Ot''St. Elsewhere," ••• 0by'1umed 1h1np around for

dlt d 1th I 1he more aduh series lhat have NBC on Thursday niaht." said Bob ere e w c im bin to second place dom1na1ed the Emmy awards in lalcl.1en1or vice pres1den1 of the NW recent years. lnSle~d. the Peacock A~er ad aaency. "Th t' 1he key

By FRED ROTHENBERG together," said the ad, showana an all- Network was boasting about show clement." .,, .......... ...., smiles mother, father and three youna that families can watch together, and !• 'Cheers' and ' Hill Street Blues'

kids. On the facina paae. there were have helped make NBC second Ill the (NBC's 9 and 10 o'clock •hows on . NEW YORK -Once upon a time beamina portraits of the casts of nine ratings. Thu™11y) used to be self·staners.'.' an the land of the network aiants, the NBC shows: eiaht comedic& and "NBC has become No. 2 (displac· sa,id Pohrack. "Now 'Cosby' brinas in first hour of prime time was known as "Highway to Heaven," the only 8 ing AB ) by taking away ABC's tht kids ond their parents watch. too. the family viewinJ hour. Yes, boy,s o'clock drama without helicopters. franchise of kids and young adults," Then the kids go to bed. The adults, and airls, prime ume used to begin The ad was not aimed at the public said Dave Poltrack. CBS' chief rt- who 't'ere brou&ht to the set, as a without mayhem and machismo. in aeneralsancc it appeared only i111he searcher ... All the shows (in the ad) secondary audience, end up staym1

AJthouah the family viewing hour Wall Street JoumaJ, the New York appeal to kids. teens and youna the niaht. The same thing happens on is n.o lonaer an industrywide policy, Times, the Washington Post. USA adults." Tuesday na1ht." as 11 was for a short time an the Today and the Los Angeles Times- Poltrack said NBC had the top 10 Tuesday "The A-Team" at 8 sets mid- l 970s, NBC took out a three- important links to the business and shows watched by children and teen- up " Riptide" and " Rcmmpon Plae advcnisement in several major advcnisang communities. agers. Breaking 1t down further he Steele" for NBC's most popular n1&ht. newspapers last week to proclaim that " What we're saying 1s that our said NBC had 1 s of the top 20 shows "The A-Team".was not mcnuoned families were still watctting families schedule has a strong family feeling. for teen-agers and of the top 10 1n NBC'sad. and tt has-been lasted by on NBC. and that it fits in with the kind of for children aged 2-11 , v1olcnce-monatonn1 aroups as one 9f

The ad reflected the current company that we are and want to be," The ad cued "The. Cosby Show" TV's most ofTendina shows. But it's stratc.Jy and philosophy ofa network $aid Bud Rukeyser. executive vice and ··family Ties" - two of the few an example of another angred1ent an that as finally reaping some of the -president of corporate communaca- shows with the original mother and N Be's early even ma success formula. rewards of NBC Chairman Grant tions and one of the ad's architects. father raising their kids - and six the action-adventure shows. with Tinker's patient guidance and his ··we're also say1ns that NBC' has other kiddie-co~ comedies: "The " V" on Fnday and "Knight Rider" commitment to relevant. intelligent moved up a little bit (i n the ratin$S). Facts of Life." "It's Your Move," on Sunday. . TV. and we've done it with proarammang "D1trrent Slrokes," ··Gimme A CBS' successful. but different.

"Nine reasons why American fam- we're proud of." . Break." "Silver Spoons" and " Punky Thu~ strategy 1s to hook adults ilies arc spending more time The ad did not cite " Hill Street Brewster.'' with ''Magnum. P.l." and keep them

These 'Partners,in Criril.e ' sleuths with British accent By TOM JORY A1111 .. ll• "-"""'

NEW YORK - There's no ques­tion . who's the boss in "Agatha Christie·s Partners an Cnme." which started last Thursday on pubhc television. although Tommy is the one posing as Mr. 91 unt, owner of the International Detective Agency. and his wife. Tuppen~. as his assist.ant. Miss Robinson. ·•

the ~yndicated Mobil Showcase Network. "Why Didn't They Ask Evans?"

"We do have a certain depth of rclat1orfsh1p." Warwick said. "and I think It makes a difference an a series like 'Partner5 an Cnme.' We can take shortcuts that you can't take when you're working with someone new."

''I think we complement each other quite nicely," said Annis. ··and there's a certain affection that comes from working together that you cannot pretend."

the way, was the first Christie novel made into a movie. in Germany. in 1928).

"The Secret Adversary" features Lt. Thomas Bcresfor~. at the tame an officer 1n the Bnush army. and his childhood sweetheart. Prudence Cowley, who ts nicknamed Tup­pence.

for "Simon & Simon" and "Knots Landing." "The Fall Guy" grabs adults and sets up ABC's wmnang night. Wedne~.

"The risk with the kJds' strategy is that kids are fickle." said lgiel. "They vow .up and chan'~ their taste. ABC is seeing that now.

Tinker came to. NBC in 1981 thankinf, that every show co.uld re­semble ' Mary Tyler Moore" or "Hill Street ... shows produced by his for­mer production C:ompany. MTM. Now. his goal is for a more ··ectecuc" schedule. He says he's made his peace wllh .. The A-Team," which he con­siders a program that delivers what audiences expect - and want.

··1 used to say ' MTM quality' a little too loudly.'' said Tinker. "Now. I'm no longer apologizing for shows that go after 35 and 40 share (percent of the '1ewing audience)."


Holiday aplrlt . ~ -Shirley Jonee willjoln Bob Hope on the •eteran comed.laD'" 35th Chrlatmu it:lal OD 1'BC Dec. 16. Al8o lD tM . company will be ;GOu 8blelda. Olympic &old medelW • Mary Loa Retton and tlae A9eoclated PreM All-~. coneae football team. ~

·: ··Agatha Chnstie's women are very

bright, very together. very indepen­dent people," said Francesca Annas. who plays Tuppence Beresford in the five-pan " Mystery!" series. "More often than not, they arc equal to her men, and Tufpence manages to stay a

. step ahead o everyone else." Christie created Tommy and Tup­

pence Beresford for ''The Secret Adversary." published in 1922. but credit the folks at London Weekend Television for learning Annis and James Warwick in the TV adaptation .

That's important. because it's not clear at first who 1s dominant. Tommy or Tuppence. and Christie. of course. won't say. But by the end of the second episode. there 1s no question: " I was, wasn't I. dhrling?" Tuppence asks Tommy after they have solved the cnme. "As always.'' Tommy replies.

" Partners in Crime," not to be confused with the NBC show of the same name starring Loni Anderson and Lynda Carier. 1s based on a senes of short stories wntten subsequent to "The Secret Adversarv" (which. by

The stones 1n "Partners in Crime" are set an the pcnod after Worl,Si War I and are marvelous in their attention to period detail. They arc, in a sense, satire on the British upper class. A proud and wealthy man. for instance, can die a violent death but maintain his rather peculiar dignity:

"Dennis. you know you are a bit of a rot.'' one victim-to-be is informed. to which he replies. in obvious shock. "Oh, I say!"

Tonight. in the first of the five self­contained installments. "The Affair of the Pink Pearl.'' Tommy and Tuppence are hired to dd!!rmine which of the guests at a dinner party stole a valuable Jewel. The hour-long program features Dulcie Gray as Lady Laura Barton.

Kry:stle battles with Blake; stunned inf all down stairs

The two appeared together an " bttlie," broadcast some time ago on " Masterpiece Theater," and 1n another Christie dramatization on

.. .....



offi~r who's been harassina San. P8Y' him a v1s11 at the precinct. ~he CA.presses herlo\eforh1m, hcd~n·t rcciprocate As Vera turns to go. she takn a sun. staru 10 shoot at Stan and 1s killed by a barrq.c of bullets The moLhcr of Fabian. Lucy's ward. 1s brought in under the influence of drugs. Fabian·\ mother opts 10 stay 1nJa1I over Thanks&J.,,inJ. so she can have proper drug trcatmenL 81fTl.owic asrttt to wear a win· and 1raps lhc Barltll brothers Al thc poh~ sta11on. Ma)or Ozzie C'le.,,eland ("Onfront\ hi\ v.ould·bc assassins "°h1le B1fflov.e tnc\ to comm1t ,u1c1de h) cat1n1 his ~hin . \.f 1rl. h<"anbroker when Robin tdls him she loH·~ htm .rnd k.10'- S he lo" t s her but ht'0 s w «mot1onall~ s110cd that 1hc1r relalKln&h~ u O\CL Lut }car·~ would-be ·T154:0 1'.1d .. rt'turn\ this 11me a\ Coch1~

KNOTS LANDING: Ale>. l..cshe al· t<"mpts to stop 4-bby. Kart"n and Gal) from entcnng into business Wlth Paul Galveston. Mack and the a1hn& Karen go away for wcc:kend and rttonc1lt'. Laura accepts Sumner's offer to go 10 Wuh1na· ton with 1he ~nator and his chief •~s1stan1. Scou Easto n clOSC1 the water deal wnh Paul and promises a bonus. Abb) troubled as to what Galveston will wan1 1n return Val and &n's rcla11onsh1p starts 10 be more posmve Pills pmicnbcd by Dr ~ckerman causc Val to suffer lfCll discomfort Kart'n 'ssons Enc and Michael "rush Val 10 hospital. wh<'rt' sh<' aivcs birth to prcma1ur<' 1wins. Val believes sh<' sen a.nd hears twins dunng dehlft'n but 1s hcanbrok<"n when Dr. Ackerman says lhc babies \lo('rc s111lborn .\bb) d1Koven 10 her horror what Scou Easton·s Cl')'puc remark about a bonus mean1 Sh<' rcttlH's anon)'mous phone call req~una ··1he children's fatht'r's blood t) Pt'" -a s1inal thll thccallerkno\lot Lhat Gal)' . not &n 1s the father of Val's twins.

PAPER DOLLS: Racmt' ge1s nd of Mark Batie) "°hen hc shows up on htr doorstep after he and Sara have bro ken up. She savs she -«Ot whal ' h<' wantcd. the

cover of N~t magazine Wnhoul ask1n1 David, Grant him nurse for Blair. Blair t.clls DaVld to devot.c his e nerpes to tht l\t'W dn1gn and the menswear lint Grant wants to bu) Colcnc Femcr·s cosmeuc compan) When Julla picb Taryn up from Caswens· ~ ~ Dinah oftl')'1n1to 1urn Taryn ap.inst htt Juha then lets MJChacl know Jake tb1n 1he world oflJinah. causlng~K"hael to hr a bllJt'alous Maf)one tellsGran1 with tum or v.11hou1 him sh<''~ going on a cru1st Racine at1d \\ cslC) conunu<' th<' plot 10 ta l.r O\er Harpcr Worldwide Sara planu mo\r IO Wash1n1ton D.C because of brt"akup '-llh Mark L.aunc d1sturtx-d ~ l t'nain Ian v.ho l.ccps "' nllng hrr Pu111ng <\\lo~: MJ ma~·nttl~ -t"'lotttn:-- Starr 1rlh Oa\ 1d she hu relumc:-d to modrltn~ (1rant cncouragc<1Da\1d to bu\ srl l. trom a HJirpcr-owned compan) Slc\e Jealous of photos uaken ofLaune and Chm In Louis Crosby's room a1 M1c h1gan Stale. ~r methodically cuts out all ptctures of C'lms York from the ads with Laun<' Col.cut Ferner shows up 11 Grant"s oilier and offers to sell him her compan)

ST. ELSEWHERE: Jack·s fn<"nd ~d) 8'lttS 10 l.D exl)t'nmrntal proccdUrt' "°hettb) his hver functio ns v.ould bt transferred lO his daughter .\lu.1:.. giv1n1 her h-ver a~ Jack wern And} tbal 1ft,t trea1ment ma) pro"e fatal for both. .\uschlander. no1 "-anung Jack to take rcsponsab1ht) makn 11 appear as thoup 11's his proccdurc 1ouall) With Jack mcrel) ass1st1ni. Fiscus rcfuscs 10 ~heve that

hirle) could iu-.e bttn rcspons1bk f01 shoouna Pett'r '-' hne "- hen 4..nm<' rt'" cab 1ha1 her housct~I IS P>· everyoot assumes l\nnie 1s also .\nn1c 1s ap~ bu1 later she and her "'s1tor dcct<k lo &r platonic fnends.. Helen surpnsed wbt'll R 1chard 1ht· man she 1s ha.,,ing an atraU with. rt"-veal> his ..,,fc M1m 1s about 10 t'l«omr a volunteer al hospi tal Or C'rata aoes before govt'ming commmtt, sayina he tolall)' disagrees w11h doc1on· salane& bc.'1ng frozen

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l "6:,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Wedn..Oay, Oecem~r 5, 198<4

ing' works well at occ_ nyone who works for a hvtng

bly can identify with some of chan1cters and Imes 1n "Work· "a musical play which spotli~ts

30 different kinds of Amencan kers as they share their thoughts feelings about their jobs.

pelting last week in the Orama at Orange Coast Colleg~. " Work·

• is based on Studs Terkel's book e same name and was dapted for stage by Stephen Schwartz and

Iii Faso.

cal vignettes otfcrcd by u 2S-member cast which performs songs by Schwarll, Craig Camelia, M1ck1 Grant . Mary Rodgers, · Susan Birkenhead and J~mcs Taylor.

tevc ' loan as tl'k steelworker gives a strong, forceful petformance as he opcni; the show in Act One ftnd comes

. back to deliver the final monologue at the end of Act Two.

Following Sloan is Alex Golson in a knock-your-socks-off portrayal of the parking lot attendaJll as he sin.&$, dances and cartwheels hi.s way through a fasHempoed song about parking cars. Golson, a.member of the district theater faculty , directed "Working" with assistance from Terence Alaric as musical director

and Doreen Kay, choreo"°apher. who delivers an 1mpress1ve singing voice and charocteri1.auon of the hooker.

Other standout work in singing and dancing is offered"by Lisa Spell as the waitress, Zachary Cordero as the ga<1 mcu:r reader. t;mily Bruce as the

. newsgirl and Ruben Salazar as the break dancer.

One of the funniest monolugues in the play is delivered by Andre DeLeon (the copy boy) as he very realistically becomes the kick-back. counter-culture, long-haired youth who can't adapt to general office procedures.

.. The play's slurk. staae de ign (by Harricl Wh1tmyer) is an apprapnate· ly bland bakcdrop for lhe diverse and colorful costumina (by Ashley Harris) of the various occupations rep­resented. •

"Working'' continues Thursday . through Saturday at 8 p.m. and concludes with a matinee Sunday at 2:30 p.m. in the Drama Lab on the OCC campus in Costa Mesa. Call 432·5~80 for ticket information. •

ln a more serious v~in, the show also offers a number of sketches which are thought provoking and

~C:========================;:::;:;::;::;::;::;::=;i sometimes poignant. These are skil· !fully performed by H.J. Mendez (migrant worker), Jim Blakemor~ (fireman). Alva Lee Christensen (teacher), Glenn Smith (retired man) and Kimberlee Burnes and Sy.lvia Koyoumjian (mill workers). Offering

The play is a vigorous celebration iddJe America at work, ex pressed ugh a fast-moving series of must·

'Missing' tops at

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dramatic juxtaposition to t m· HOLLYWOOD (A P) - "Super­workers' labor is the simultan ous girl" revenues plummeted by more b"llet sequence strikingly performed than 50 percent as "Missing in by Robin Flemin$. Action" and "The Terminator" rose

Another effecuve contrast is the tQ the top of the box office chans in a sketch of the-interstate trucker, lonely weekend that saw all top movie for human company (given a fi ne earnings drop in the pre-Christmas

1 ponrayal by Bryan "Wild Bill" lull. Burnes), immediately followed by the Cannon's .. Missing in Action," telephone operators (Manha Salazar starring Chuck Norris as a man sent and Astrid Hansen), switchboard to Vietnam to rescue American operator (Bernice Fallsl and recep- soldiers still held captive, claimed the t10nist (Tracy Cannon), who are tired top spot by drawing $3.02 million at of talking to other people. 1,204 screens. That was down 39 ,_ __ .._ __ .... ._..._ _ _. __ .. _ percent from the previous week for a HAVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SEEN three-week total of S 18.2 million, but

THE 111 SUPER HI-! IN AMER/~? up a notch OD the scorecard.

Her flf'St great adventure

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Orion's "The Terminator" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a terror of the future · sent to present-day Los Angeles. gathered 52.98 million at 1.032 screens for second place. The take was down 24 percent. but 1t was enough to move the film from No. 3 to No. 2. The film has grossed $29.1 milhon in six weeks.

"Supergirl," a Tri-Star film aboll1 Superman's cousin starring Helen Slater in the title role and Faye Dunaway as the villainness. debuted at No. I in her first week of release. but tumbled to No. 3. The film collected $2.5 million at 1,620 screens. a two-week total of SI I million.

"Oh God. You Devil" starring George Burns as both God and the Devil . "Night of the Comet" about a comet that creates a horCfe of zombies and "Falling in Love'' starring Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep all held steady at founh, fifth and sixth plan·s .

Herc are the top 10 gross1n~ films over the weekend . with, distnbutor. weekend gross. total gross and number of weeks in release.

" Missing in Action," Cannon. $3.02 m1llion, $18.2 million, three weeks.

"The Terminator," Orion, $2.98 million. $2<1. I million. six weeks.

"Supcrgirl ," Tri -S tar . $2 .55 m1l11on. S 11 m1llton. two weeks.

Elton J ohn, Sir John Gielgud ~rform In pantomime.

Elton arid Gielgud birds of a feather


By MATT WOLF Auocl•led ,, ... WrtMt

LONDON - Actor Sir John Gielgud and pop musician Elton John teamed up on stage in a Christmas ritual as familiar in Britain as plum pudding: the annual pan­tomime.

In a one-night charity performance of " Mother Goose" at London's Theater Royal Sunday night. the 80-year-old Giel&ud played Egg Yolk the First. the Goose King, and John was cast as Elton Watford, a poor villager on his way to Gooseland to get the Golden Egg.

It may have seemed like eccentric casting. but pantomime devotees 1nsis1 that the time-honored enter­tainment is perfectly suited to its audience.

.. The British are tOt.most eccentric natton 10 the world.'1td the panto 1s the great ifritish tradttion." writer John Morley. Bntain's widely ac· knowledged King of Panto. told The Associated Press.

Based on well-known stones and fairy tales, pantomime titles include "Puss in Boots," " Jack and the Beanstalk," "Humpty Dumpty," " Robinson Crusoe," and tht two most poP,ular: "Cinderella" and "Aladdin.'

The stories always feature a clear fight between good and evil, a woman plays the Principal Boy, a man is Principal Dame. and there are plenty of occasions for audiet;ice hissing and cheering.

"For thousands of c;hildren. this is their very first encounter witfi the theater." said Roger Redfarn, direc· tor of the Gielgud "Mother Goose" and artistic director of the Theater Royal in Plymouth , 180 miles south· west of i.,ondon.

"Children must come away with a sense of something exciting. · and magical," Redfam said. adding, 'The panto is the one thing fami lies go to see even if they don' t go to the theater the rest of the year."

" Pantos are aimed· absolutely at mum, dad, and the kids," said Morley, explaining that the panto constitutes " its own ·s6n of ritual, a whole series of amazing rules."

He'.&beenchosedT thrown-ihrOYgt:i...o.wiodow, and O!restecL Edd ie Murphy is a Detroit cop on vocation in Beverly Hills.

"Oh God. You Devil," Warner Hros .. $2 m11l1on. $ J 8. 7 million. four \.\CC ks.

Morley's script for the Gielgud "Mother Goose" marks one of 16 pantomimes he has W1'itten this year. The former actor and 20-year veteran of panto-wnting estimates that 200 pantomimes arc performed around the world each year - all by trad111on-lo" 1ng. expatriate Britons.

Morie}' said the extravaganza's ongms lie 1n ltahan commedia dell'arte. which the British adapted and took to America in the early 1800s.

T he cross-gender casting is chief among these rules, but Morley said that the attitude towards trans­vestitism must be kept innocently saucy.

"The Pri ncipal Dame is often a JOiiy, beery man of 50 or 60. with three or' four kids." said Morley.


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"COSTA AUA Edwards tUrbor I win 631 JSOI "COSTA lllA £ dwirds So4ilh Cont Pim ~•6 ?11 l

. , .

STARTS· TODAY n roo> [d#llds U loro Sii 9500 ... . (dwMds 8~4 BAI I

411JORMSTEI l rl@IJ:LJ Edward\ .. «11'1 " 11- .. C111em1 Wnl 891 393~

WEITfllllfffTUI P11C1hc '~ W4y 3IJ Ofl\lt In 891 34'>3

"Night of the Comet." Atlantic. $1.9 million. $11.2 million. three weeks.

"Falling in Love." Paramount. S 1.6 million. $5.3 million, two weeks.

"Nightmare on Elm Street," New Linc. SL I million, $6.5 million. four weeks.

..Mother Goose" was performed at Broadway's Bowery Theater in 1820 -a time when, said Morley, "Ameri· ca was much smaller and largely British."

Pantomimes often have a historical base. " Mother Goose" is based on the mother of the French King Charlemagne (742-81 4), who was known as the "mere d'oie!' - Mother Goose - because she had flat feet, waddled, and told fairy tales at court. "Amadeus." Orion. SI . I millton.

$15 million, 10 weeks. "Places In the Heart," Tri-Star.

Pantomine died in America when the Wild West tC$ends of the 1860s and 1870s gave it its own folklore, he said. Musical comedy and burlesque arrived soon·after. and the pantomtne was finished - except on British turf.

"Babes In the Woods" tells of the two young princes kidnapped and put in the Tower of London whom Shakespeare wrote about in '-'Richard 111."

SI . I million, $27. 7 million. 11 weeks. "Just the Way You Are," $1.1

million, $6. 9 million. three weeks.

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Diana Ross launches '2nd· career' After Supremes, solo superstardom, -she. mov@d 1Rto business of showblz 87 ROBERT M ACY •11 111 ,,.,_ • .....,

of her llaht " RO'i$ wac; appeanna at lbd10 City

LAS VEGA - Diana Rosscurlcd Music Hall m New York when bcr on a ooueh and talked of the tenaeit) mother returned to her Detrou·homc that freed her from a Detroit gheu o. for her final di)' , he said the dt'iri lhtemotional Jou of her mother • .a to be with her mother left .her .. tom" sec nd career and the price of fame. and the death has left her confused

" tell my audiences I am an and scared . • A erican dream. I started in what " First 1 was angry becau$C I'm a

w called the ghetto and proved real moos womah and my mother tbe js a way out," the superstar with was real stron1.'' she sa1d . "l thought the infectio~s smile and the sensuous 1f my mother could &et sick, maybe I voi~ said as she gazed across her could. That scares you a lot. Then you Caesars Palace suite. stan to think 'What's really import·

Diana Rou tradinl microphone for manacement.

Phyllis Kirk quits roie as CBS spokeswoman

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Phyllis Kuk. who 1s best remembered as television' s Nora Charles on "The Thin Man" in the 1950s, is leaving Hollywood and her role as spokeswoman for CBS News to join her.husband, producer Warren Bush. in Florida.

Kuk was forced to gi ve up acting about I 0 years ago when a viral infection .weakened m usc les previously affected br a child hood bout of polio and meningitis.

.. I think the last acting I did was on 'The Name of The Game' and I was having difficulty walking then1" she said. "It's reall) more of a nuisance because my head 1s ,o miles ahead of my crumbling bones."

For the past six years Kuk has been a public rela tions representaovc for CBS. first with the network's Los Angeles station (KCBS) and later with CBS News.

Bush. a former CBS news producer and writer who originated "The National Driver's Test" with Walter Cronkire. is moving a major portion of his production company to Boca Raton, Fla.

Kirk starred as Nora Charles from 1957-59 on the TV version of "The Thin Man." Peter Lawford was Nick Charles. "That was the most happy and interesting work experience I ever had as an actress." she said. " But my experience a t CBS is by far and away the best work relationship I've ever had." .•.

"I hope to inspire people and make ant. May~ I shouldn' t work so hard. them understand you can' t JUSt sit Maybe l should spend more ttmc with there and watt for people to give you my kids."' that aolden dream: you've got to get Her daughters - 'Rhonda. 13: oot there and ma.kc it happen for Tracee, 12, and Chudney. 9 - art her yourself." greatest JO)'. She 1s divorced from

She laughed as she rec.atled her their fa\her, Robert S1lbcrstc10. But "start" in show business _ singing her hiJh visibility ts often a detnment and dancing for family fnends at the to their rclat1onsh1p. . age of 5 - p;tssing the hat to buy a $6 "I want to walk down the street pair of tap shoes. Wlth them. have some pnvatc mo-

Then Fred and Emestjne Ross and men ts with them, but I can' t," she their six children moved to the said. "I think that mi&ht be one of~he Brewster Housfog Project in a Detroit most difficult parts 01'th1s business." ghetto. She shoved a band down between

"That' s when I met Florence the sofa cushions, illustrating how she (Ballard) and Mary (Wilson).'' Ross used to dig down as a child to find

· said in a recent interview. change that slipped from somebody's , The three formed the Supremes, pocket performed at parties "for our trans- "I could always find some money," portation ~sts and dinner,'' met she laughed. Berry Gordy and a meteoric rise in 1962 with Moro~ds. Today the Jirl who went searching

"We became suooessful so q uick- for errant coms is building her own ly," she said. " I don't think we even empire: There's RTC Management had a dream to be stars.·That wasn't Corp .. for her production companies. our dream: our dream was to smg. to Diana Ross Productions for record­be able to perform." ing act1 v111es , music publishing com-

She lcf\ the Supremes in 1970, won panics Ross to wn Music and an Academy Award nomination for Rossville Music, Chondce Inc., "Lady Smgs1hdUues" two )ear! la1flttt~-'Ww,hru1cft-haAdles her l0Ur$ and concerts; and 1s now launching a "second JFF Enterpnses Ltd.. which Wlll career" m the areas of talent manage- direct the research and development mcnt. productions, writin g. cos- of proposed cosmetics. fashion and metjcs. films. records and television merchandising lines; and Ana1d specials. (Diana spelled backwards) Film Pro-

At 40 she fi nds herself wondering ductions Inc.. which is developing where the last two decades have gone. and producing feature films and TV And she dabbed at moist eyes as she spec1aJs. talked of her mother Ernestine Jor- " I know l can' t forever be on the dan -she had· remarried -who died road. doing two shows a ·night.'' she in late October following a tw0.-year said. " I want to be more mvolved in bout with cancer. the busmcss end, bnngmg other

" I know without her I wouldn't be young people into the performing si nging. She supported me and be· business. I'd like to help them learn lieved in me," she said. " If I'd have throu&h the mistakes I' ve made in my said I was going to the moon, she career." would have said. 'You will.' because She' s done three fil!hs and has she believed in me. I used to say if I bought the movie rights to "Naked at had one person who believed in me I the Feast," a story on cabaret smger could do an ything. Jo5ephine Baker she plans to begin "S~e was so important to me. I tell filming next year

my kids mother 1s st1ll around Her career has run in segments that because she gave each of us a little bit seem lo f.aJtow the decades. s~e said.

CdM'.High staging 'Romeoandduliet' .. Romeo and Jultct , "

Shakespeare' s classic romantic tnt'gedy. opens Thursday at Corona dd Mar High School as the per· forming arts depanment's entry in the Southern CaJ1forn1a Educational Theater AsS0C1at1on's high school theater fesuval.

Marc Stewart and Deann? Jacobs wtll play the otlc roles of the teen-age lovers in the production. directed by drama instructor Jo Black. \

Others in the cast include Janis Thomas, Tom Norwood, Don Grail. Mathias Schar and Lawrence O'Connor. The Corona del Mar High Madrigals also will perform.

Performances of "Romeo and • Juliet" will be given Thursday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Friday at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the Thursday and Saturday are S3.' while the fare for Fnday's performance 1s S 1 O. which includes an Elizabethan feast.

Deanne Jacobe

The pla) will be presented 1n the ' Little Theater at the school. 21 01 "'FAWNG IN LOVE' IS A Eastbluff Dnvc. Corona dcl Mar. Call MOVIE TO TREASURE." 760-3350 for add1t1onaJ informauon. _.__ ..c.n n.T-.-

YeareD.d movie blitz und~r way Liz to receive DeMille A ward

By JAY ARNOLD ,.,_ ..... ,.,.., ...... HOLLYWOOD - Cops ·n· rob­

bers. robots and romance decorate Hollywood's Chnstmas tree this year. as the film studios launch a year­ending blitz of movies ranging from soft-focus nostalgia to 21st century adventure.

10&. mutual respect," Warner Bros. says.

··2010:· the sequel to the epic ·· 200 I: A Space Odyssey." also opens Friday. with Roy Scheider. John L1thgow. Helen Mirren and Keir Dullea (in a brief appearance). taking up where the computer. HAL 9000, and the spaceship. Discovery. left off.

lnitial reviews indicate the MGM­UA release will satisfy neither those who loved the dccp-thinkinJ original or moviegoers who cut their science fiction teeth on the swashbuckling "Star Wars" trilogy.

of cultural clashes m 1920s India. Lean's film 1sa good bet to catch the

eye of Academ y Award ''oters. who have honored the director's pre \ 1ous works. mcluding "La" rence ol Arabia," "Dr. Zhivago" and " Bndge on the River Kwa1." w11 h 24 Oscars.

"The River," which should be another major Oscar contender. de· buts Dec. 19. with Sissy Spacek and Mel Gibson playing southern farmers trying to save their land from nature and the RovernmenL

tnes to JUggle mamagcs to two women. Amy In mg and Ann Remk- LO .\ "'IGELE I .\ PJ - Eluabeth ing. Ta\ lor has been selcued h\ the

.\lso on the 21 ~t is .. Protocol: · 10 Holl~ v. ood Foreign Pre'is -\ss<X 1a­which Goldie Ha"' n pla) S a cocktail uon to rece1H 1t'i annua l ( «11 B wamess who. in an onl\ -1n-Holh - DeM1lk .\v. ard wood twist of fa te. become'> head of Ta~ lor. ~ltc·ted Im herou t~ta nd1ng protocol for the l 1.S. ~t<i le Depan- contn bu11on to tht• enten a mment ment. field . will rece1'e ~he av. ard dunng

the 42nd annual Golden Globes Two nostaligia piece . " Bird) ·· and Awards Jan. 16. al the Be verh Hilton

"The Flamingo Kid," debut on the Hotel. · 2 lst. In ·•Birdy," Matthew Modine JorJe Camara. president of the

. and Nicolas Cage play- former assoc1at1on. said the group al'io boyhood friends who paths d1 \-Crgt " recognizes Mi ss Ta) lor's resilience and then re-cross, while ··The Flam- and courage as a human being. ingo Kid" features Man Dillon grow- thereby prov1d1ng 1nsp1rau on and

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Heroes and heroines will abound. of course, with the likes of Sissy S_pacek, Jeff Bridges. Bun Reynolds. Clint Eastwood. Mall Dillon. Tom Selleck. Eddie Murphy and Goldie Hawn pitted against bad guys such as rock star Gene Simmons of the band Kiss.

A few " senous" films. including David Lean' s " A Passage to India." will crop up m what trad1ttonally 1s a period devoted 10 big-budget fan- . tasies such as "20 10" and ··Dune" or comic confections such as M 1chael Keaton's "Johnn) Dangerously" or Dudley Moore's " M1ck1 & Maude."

The competition really heats up Dec. 14, when six maJor films begin slujging 11 o ut for a share of the box office dollar and Academy Award notice.

And for the contemporary crowd there will be " Breakin' 2 Electric Boogaloo," a followup to the highly successful " Breakin' movie that fea· tured franti c break-dancing action:

ing up in 1963 Ne" York C It}. hope to others, as " ell as her generous I And finall\ , D1sne' will reissue the _.!P8~rt~ic:'.1~pa~u~· o~n~in~ch~a~n~t~)~a~c~t1'..:'~1t~1 e:_:s:_'_' -~============~

1940 evergreen . .. P1nocch10." which. 1f the usual pattern of D1sne} reissues holds true. should pro' e considerably more popular than most fil ms on the

,. ~ "'~ -~

Unl\ ersal " ill ha ve l\S own sci­ence-fic tion powerhouse. ·· Dune." based on the classic no\el b) Frank Herbeo. It features Ken McMillan and rock singer Sung.

"Johnny Dangerousl).'' the 1930s gangster spoof stamng Michael Keaton and Joe Piscopo. opens Dec. 21. as docs another comedy. " Mick! & Maud," m which Dudley Moore · Yuletide scene

T here even should be a few Thanksgiving lenovers such as "Supergirl" and "Falling 10 Love," starring Meryl Strce\> and Robert De Niro. when the Chnstmas s1ockin1S are unstuffed and the studios battle for those final 1984 box offi ce dollars.

The emphasis. as always. will be on brawn over brain s. bu1 the lineup 1s di verse enough to satisfy even the pickiest of cinema addict~.

Eddie Murphy gets the ball rolling today with " Beverly Hills Cop," 10 which the versatile comedian plays an eastern policeman tracking down killers among the Southern California palm trees. Advance reviews of the film indicate the yocks begin early and 1a1I off toward the end. bvt Murph y maniacs should find plent} of Christmas cheer nonetheless.

Chnt Eastwood and Bun Reynolds. in what Warner Bros. hopes will be dream-come-true castin~ follow Fn· day-wtth "City Heat," m which the popular film stars ponray a cop and a private eye. respectively. Dcsp11c their inevnablc clashes while pursu­Ui1 aanasters. they exhibit a "grudg-

"Starman" also will enter the fantasy film arena on the 14th. with Jeff Bridges ponraymg an alien who falls in love with Earthling Karen Allen.

Another futuristic yam. " Run­away." features TV hunk Tom f> Selleck as a cop trying to track down a bunch of nefarious robots that arc doing the b1dd1ng o f baddie Gene Simmons.

Francis Coppola's much-troubled .. Collon Club" al so debuts. with Richard Gere. Diane Lane, Gregory Hines and Loncu e McKee stamng in a sto ry about Prohibit ion-era Harlem.

But Orion Pictures face an uphill battle makfog a profit on the movie. which had a budget that soared to nearl} SSO million dufing a series of squabbles involving producer Roben Evans and ~1s financial backers.

British director David Lean. in his first film in 14 years. comes out w11h " A Passage to India," based on the E.M Forster novel. It fea tures Dame Peggy Ashcroft, Judy Davis. James Fo11 and Sir Alce Guinness m a story


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cal v11nt'tt~ offered by a 2S-mcmbCr and Dortcn Kay. chore~aphcr, who ''ast which perform$ ongs by delivers an impressive stnging voice

nyonc who works for 8 ltv1ng hwam, Craig ('ameha. M1ck1 and charnctct1zu1on of the hooker. bly can idenufy with some 01 Grant, Mary Rodaers. u 11n Other standout work 1n sing.ingand

characters and hnes 10 " Worli.- 81rkenht'ad and James Ta)lor dancing 1s offered by L1~ Spell a the .. 1 mu ical play whicf\ pothJb i.- teve loan astht' steelworker i!Vt'S waure~co. l.achary Cordero as the ps

30 different kinds of Amencan a tronJ, forceful l)t'rformance o he meter reader. Emily a~ as the kirs as &hey sbuc their thoughts open the show 10 Acl One and come newsgirl and Ruben alazar as the ,.. 1 back to dchver the final m6nologul' at break dancl'r. . •tt ma.s about their JObs. the end of Act Two. One of the funniest monolugues an penina last week in the Drama Following Sloan 1s Alex Gol on in a the play is delivered t1Y Andre at Ora nae Coes& College. •>Work- knock-your- portrayal of the Deleon (the copy boy) as he very is based on Stud' Terkel' book parking lot attendant as he sings, rcalisllcally becomes the luck-back, same name and was dapted for dances aflJ canwhecls hli. way counter-culture. long-haired youth

tqe by tephen Schwartz and through a fHt-tempocd ong about who can't adapt to general offi~ Da Faso. parking cars. Golson, a member of the procedures. The play 1s a vigorous eelebrauon distnct theater faculty , directed In a more scnous vein. the show

iddJe America at work, expressed " Working'1 with assistance from also offers a number of sketches


The play' stark ~t.1ae des1&n (by I lornct Whumycr) is an appropriate­ly bland bakcdrop for the diverse and colorful costumina(by Ashley Hartis) of the ·vanous occupations rep­resented .

"Work1na" continues Thursday through aturday at 8 p.m. and concludes with a matinee Sunday at 2:30 p.m. 1n the Drama Lab on the OCC campus in Costa Mesa. Call 432-5880 for ttckct information.

--. • .

ugh a fast-moving scncs qfmus1- Terence Alaric as musical director which are thought provolung and ill~=======================:.:===r:;::.:;;:::;;::=;i sometimes poignant. These arc skil­

lfully performed by H.J. Mende1 (migrant worker). Jim Blakemore (fireman), ,<\Iva Lee Christensen

'Missing' tops at box office

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' (teacher). Glenn Sm1th (retired man) and Kimberlee Burnes and Sylvia KoyoumJ1an (mill workers). Offenng dramatic juxtaposition to the mill HOLLYWOOD (AP) - "Supcr­workers' labor is the simultaneous girl'' revenues plummeted by more ballet sequence stnktngly performed than 50 percent as "Missing in by Robin Flem1n~. >\tuon" and "The Terminator" rose

Another effecuve contrast is the 10 the top of the box office chans 1n a sketch of the tnterstate trucker. lonely "'eekend that saw all top movie for human company (given a tine earnings drop an the pre-Cbnstmas portrayal by Bryan "Wild Bill" lull. Burnes}. immediately followed by the Cannon's "Missing tin Acuon," telephone operators (Martha Salazar starring Chuck Norris as a [Tlan sent and Astrid Hansen). switchboard to Vietnam to rescue American operator (Bernice Falls) and reccp- soldiers still held captive, claimed the tion1st (Tracy Cannon ), who are urcd to~ spot by drawing $3.02 million at of talking to other people. 1,-04 screens. That was down 39

Lr __ _.,_ __ .... _... ____ ..,..1_ percent from the previous week for a HAVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SEEN three-week total ofS 18.2 million. but

THE 111 SUPER HIT IN AMERICA ? up a notch on the scorecard.


•COSUICA • .._ • ._

"·-"-·~ 91~lAJ • C.Oll••tl.A lAIUlol RACH

.. , "l

f d• l fd'\ \i .,,,. towl"ty OIUllfCtl .... 191 tlll ,.,,.


. .... .. ,.,. S.Ullfl t'1110(ol .. ' ~

·­co---ACADEMY MEMBERS Your t4rd will aor,-,,t ·1ou

and a guPsl lo ~nv perform;ince Mon Thul'\

Orion's "The Terminator" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a terror of the fu ture sent to present-day Los Angeles. gathered $2.98 m1lhon at 1.032 screens for second place. The take was down 24 percent, but 11 was enough to move the film from No. 3 to No. 2. The film has grossed $29. l milhon in six weeks.

"Superg1rl," a Tri-Star film about Su~rman's cousin starring Helen Slater in the utle role and Faye Dunawa) as the villaanness. debuted at No. I 1n her first week of release. but tum bled to No. 3. 1The film colfected $2.5 million at 1,620 screens. a two-week total of S 11 million.

"Oh God. You Devil" starring George -Bums as both God and the Devit "Night of the Comet" about a comet that creates a horde ofzomb1c'i and "Falling 1n Love" starring Rohen De Niro and Meryl Streep all held stead) at fourth. fifth and sixth plaC('S

Here arc the top I 0 gross1n$ films O\er the we('kend. with distnbutor. weekend gros<;. total gross and number of weeks 10 release.

"Missing 10 Acuon." Cannon. S3.01 million. S 18.2 m1lhon. three week~.

"The Terminator," Orion. $2.98 milli on. $29. 1 mllhon. six weeks.

"Superg1rl. " Tri-Star. $2.55 m1lhon. S 11 mllhon. two weeks.


Elton John. Sir John Glelpd perform tn pantomime.

Eltol] and Gielgud birds of a feather

" Based on well-known stones and I

By.MATT WOLF "-i.ted ,,_ Wrtt.r fairy tales. pantomime titles include

"Puss in Boots, • "Jack' "and the LONDON - Actor Sir John Beanstalk," "Humpty Dumpty,"

Gielgu" a~4. pop musician Elton "Robinson Crusoe... and the two Jdhn tClllJleq up on stage in a ~ C' II " d Chris\mas nt~al as familiar in Bntain T:i~tdd~P.ular: .. indctre a an as ph(m pudding: the annual pan- The stories always feature a clear tomime. ...,... .

In a one-night diarily i>erfor'tllance fight between good and evil. a woman of "Mother Goose" at London's plays the Principal Boy, a man is Theater Royal unday mght. the 80. Pnncipal Dame. and there arc plenty year--Old Git'lgud played Egg Yolk the of occasions for audience hissing and First, the Goose King. and Johri was cheering. cast as Elton Watford, a poor villager "For thousands of chrldren. this is

G their very first encounter with the on his way to ·ooselaod to get the theater," said R'oger Redfarn, direc­Golden Egg.

It may have seemed .like eccehtnc tor Qf the Gielgud " Mother Goose" casting. but pantomime devotees and artistic director of the Theater insrst that the time-honored enter- Royal m Plymouth. 180 miles south· tainment is perfectly suited to its west of London. audience. "Children must come away with a

"The Bnmh arc the most eccentric sense of something exciting and nation 1n the world, and the panto 1s magical." Redfam said, adding, 'The the great British tradition." writer pan to is the one thing families go to John Morley, Britain's widely ac- seeevcniftheydon'tgo tothetheater knowledged King of Panto. told The the rest of the year." Assoc1aled Press. "Pantos arc aimed absolutely at

Morley's scnpt for the Gielgud mum, dad, and the kids." said " Mother Goose" marks one of 16 Morley, explaining that the panto pantomimes he has written this year. constitutes " its own sort of ntual, a The former actor and 20-year veteran whole series of amazing rules."

He's been chased thrown through a window. a nd arrested Eddie Murphy is a Detroit cop on vocation 1n Beverly Hills

"Oh C.1od. You Devil." Warner BroL $2 m1ll1on Sl8.7 m1lhon, four v. ceks

of panto-wr1ting estimates that 200 The cross-gender casting is chief pantomimes arc performed around among these rules, but Morley said the world each year - all by that the attitude towards trans­trad1t1on-lo' 1ng. expatnate Bntons. vestittsm must be kept innocently

Morie} said the extravaganza's saucy. ongins he 1n Italian commcd1a "The Pnnc1pal Dame 1s often a dell'artc. which the Bntish adapted JOiiy, ~ery man of SO or 60, with and took to America in fhe early tfirce or four kids.'' said Morley.

-1800$..- - ----1-'A·ntem imes often-ha~.a-h1sterieel


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"Night of the < omet ... Atlantic. Sl.9 million, SI I 2 million, three WC~

''Faitmg- ; n tov~"- Paramoun r. -~-!herttoose" was perfonnedllr DaSe.''Mother Goose" is based on the S 1.6 million. $5.3 million, two weeks. Broadway's Bowery Theater in 1820 mother of the French Kina

- a time when. said Morley, " Ameri- Charlemagne (142-814 ), who was ca was much smaller and largely known as the "mere d'oie" - Mother Bntish." Goose - because she had flat feet,

"Nightmare on Elm Street," New Line, SI . I m1lhon , $6.5 million . four weeks.

.. Amadeus.'' On on. S I. I m1lhon. S 15 rnllhon. I 0 weeks.

"Places In The Hean.' ' Tn- tar, SI. I m1lhon, $27.7 million, 11 weeks.

"Just the Way You Are." $1.1 m1lhon, S6.9 million. three weeks.

Pantom1ne died in America when waddled, and told fairy tales at court . the Wild West le$ends of the 1860s "Babes In the Woods" tells of the and 1870s gave it its own folklore, he 1wo young pnnces kidnapped and put said. Musical comedy and burlesque in the Tower of London whom arrived soon after, and the pantomll)e Shakespeare wrote about in " Richard was finished-except on British turf. Ill."


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'~~~--~------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~ DianaROsslaunclJes '2nd career'

Diana Rou- tradln& mlcropbone for management.

Phyllis Kirk quits role as CBS spokeswoman

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Phyllis K.srk, who 1s best remembered as television's Nora Charles Oil "The Thin Man" in the 1950s, 1s leaving Hollywood and her role as spokeswoman for CBS News to join her husband. producer Warren Bush, 1n Florida.

Kirk was forced to give up acting about I 0 years ago when a viral 1nfect1on weakened muscles previously affected by a childhood bout ofpoho and men1ng1t1s.

.. I thmk the last actmg I did was on 'The Name of The Game' and I was ha,ing difficulty walkinf then," she said. " It's really more o a nuisance because my head 1s 90 mile~ ahead of mv crumbling bones··

For the past six years Kirk has been a public relations representative for CBS. t\rst with the network's Los Angeles station (KCBS) and later· with CBS News.

Bush, a former t BS news producei and writer who originated ''The National Driver's Test" with Walter Cronkite, is moving a major portion of his production company to Boca Raton, Fla.

Kirk starred as Nora Charles from 1957-59 on the TV version of "Th'e Thin Man." Peter Lawford was Nick Charles. "That was the most happy and interesting work experience I ever had as an actress," she said. " But my experience at CBS is by far and away work relationship I've ever had."

After Supremes. solo superstardom, · - mo~fnto-business of showbt6---

LAS VEGAS - Diana Ro~s curkd on a couch and talked of the ten city that freed her from a ghetto. the emotional loss of her mother, a 1CCOnd career and the price of fame.

"I tell my audiences I am al\. Amcricat1 dream. I staned in what was called the ~hello and proved there is a way out. ' the superstar with the infectious smile and the sensuous voice 1aud as she pzed across her Caesars Palace suite.

"I hope 10 inspire people and make them understand you can't j ust sit there and w11t for people to give you that aolden dream; you've gol to get out there and make it happen for yourself."

She laujhed aJ she recalled her "\tart" in -show business - singing and dancina for family friends at the aac of S - passing lhe bat to buy a $6 pair of tap shoes.

Then Fred and Ernestine Ross and 1heir six children moved to the Brewster Housing ProJCCt in a Detroit ghetto.

"That's when I met Florence (Ballard) and Mary (Wilson)," Ross said in a recent interview.

The three .formed the Supremes, performed at parties "for our tran~ portation costs and dinner,"'' met Berry Gordy and began a meteoric rise in 1962 with Motown Records.

"''We became successful so quiclc­ly," she said. " I don't think we even had a dream to be stars. That wasn't our dream; our dream was to sing, to be able to perfonn."

'She lefi tht Supremes in 1970, won an Academy Award nomination for " lady Sings lhe Bfues" two years later and is now launching a ''second career" in the areas of talent manage­ment. producuons, writing, cos­metics. films. records and telCYision specials.

At 40 she finds herself wondering where the last two decades hav.c gone. And she dabbed at moist eyes as she talked of her mother Ernestine Jor­dan - she had remamed -who died in late October following a two-year bout with cancer.

" I know without her I wouldn't be singing. She supported me and be­lieved in me," she said. " If I'd have said I was going to the moon, she would have said, 'You will.' because she bel ieved in me. I used to say if l had one person who believed in me I could do anything.

"S}le was so important to me. I tell my lmis mother is still around because 'lhe gave each of us a little bit

of her hght." Ross wa appeanna at Radio ity

Mu 1c Hall 1n New York when hCT mother rcturntd to her Dctro1l home for her final days. ' he said the cksitt to be with her mother ltfl her ••tom" and tht death ha Jen her confused and ,5(!8\- d. . •. ~ ,

~· First I was angry because I'm a real strong woman and my mother was real strona." she id. " I thou&ht 1f my mother could &et sick, maybe' r

· could. Th:H scares you a lot Then you start to think ' What's really impon­ant. Maybe I shouldn' t work so hard Maybe r should pend motttime with my luds."'

Her daughters - Rhonda, 13; Tracee, 12; and Chudnq. 9- arc'her greatest JOy. She ts d1vprocd from their father, Robert S1lberstem. But

'her hiJh visibility is of\en a deLnment to ttre1r relationship. .

" I want to walk down the street with them, have some pri vate mo­ments with them, but I can't.'' she said. "I think lhat miaht be one of the most difficult parts o1 this business."

She shoved a hand down between the sofa cushions. illustrating how she used to dig down as a child to find change that slipped from somebody's pock.cL

" I could always find some money," she laughed.

Today the Jirl who went searching for errant coins is building her own empire: There's RTC Management Corp .. for her production companies: Diana Ross Productions for record­ing act1v1t1es; music pubhshing com­pan ies Rosstown Music and Rossville Music; C'hondce Inc .. which handles her tours and concens; JFF Entcrpri$CS Ltd.. which will direct the research and dcvelopmttit of proposed cosmetics, fashion and mcrchandisina lines; and Anaid (Diana spelled backwards) Film Pro­ductions Inc., which is developing and producing feature film~ and TV specials.

" I know I can't forever be.on the road. doing two shows a night," she said. "I want to-be more involved in the business end. bringjng other young people into the perfonning business. I'd like to help them learn through the mistakes I've made in my career."

She's done three films and has bought the movie rights to "Naked at the Feast," a story oo cabaret smier Josephine Baker she plans to begin filming next year.

Her career bas run 10 segments that seem to follov. the decades. she said.

CdM High staging 'Romeoan.dJuliet' " Romeo and Juliet ,"

Shakespeare's classic romantic · tragedy, opens Thursday at Corona del Mar High School as the per­forming arts depanment's entry in the Southern California Educational Theater Association's high school theater fesuval .

Marc Stewart and Deanne Jacobs will play the title roles of the teen-aae lovers in the production, directed by drama instructor Jo Black.

Others in the cast include Jams Thomas, Tom Norwood, Don Grail, Mathias Schar · and Lawrence O'Connor. The Corona del Mar Hi&h Madrigals aJso will perform.

Performances of .. Romeo and Juliet" will be given Thursday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Friday at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the Thursday and Saturday stagings are $3, while the fare for Frida) 's perfonnance 1s S 10, which includes an Ehzabethan feast .

Deanne Jacobe

The pla:y w1U be presented tn the ' Little Theater at the school. 21 0 1 °'FAWNG IN LOVE' IS A EastbluffDrive. Corona del Mar. Call MOVIE TO TREASURE." 760-3350 for add111onal 1nformauon.

Yearend movie blitz under way Liz to receive DeMille A ward

By JAY ARNOLD AOMCleted ...... Wlil ..

HOLLYWOOD - Cops 'n' rob­bers. robots and romance decorate Holl) wood's Chrntmas tree this year. as the film studios launch a year· ending blit1 of movies ranging from soft-focus nostalgia to 21st century adventure.

Heroes and heroines will abound. of course. with the likes of Sissy Spacek, Jeff Bndges. Burt Reynolds. Clint Eastwood, .Matt D11Jon, Tom Selleck. Eddie Murphy and Goldie Hawn pitted ag:unst bad guys such as rock star Gene Simmons of the band Kiss.

A few "scnous" film!>. including David Lean's "A Passage to India." will crop up in what trad1t1onally 1s a penod devoted 10 big-budget fan­tasies such as "20 10" and " Dune" or comic confec11ons such as Michael Keaton's ··Johnny Dangerously" or Dudley Moore's " M1ck1 & Maude."

There even should be a few Thanksgjving leftovers such as "Supergirl" and " falling sn Love," starring Meryl Strcep and Robert De Niro, when the Christmas stocki ngs arc unstuffed and the studios battle for those final 1984 box offi ce dollars.

The emphas1111, a'i alwa ys. will be on brawn over bra1nc;, but the lineup 1~ diverse enough to satisfy l'Vt:n the pickiest of ci nema addict<;

Eddie Murph} gets the ball rolling today with " Beverly H1ll'i <op." in which the versau lc comedian plays a,n eastern policeman tracking down killers among the Southern California pa1m trees. Advance reviews of the ntm indicate the yocks )? earl) and tail off toward'l the end. but Murph) manian should find plent} of Chnstmas cheer nonetheless.

C:hnt Eastwood and Burt Reynold'\. tn what Warner Bros hopes will be dream-come-true cas11n~. follov. Fn­day wath "Caty Heat." 1n which the popular film stars ponrny a cop and a private eye. respcct1 vel} . Despite their inevitable clashe"I while pursu· ina gangsters. they exh1b1t a "grudg-,

ing. mutual respect," Warner Bros. says.

·· 20 I 0." the sequel to the epic "2001: A Space Odyssey." also opens Friday, with Roy Scheider, John Lithgow. Helen Mirren and Keir Dullea (in a brief appearance), taking up where the computer, f'tAL 9000, and the spaceship, Discovery, left ofT.

Initial reviews indicate the MGM­UA release will satisfy neither those who loved the deep-thinkm~ original or moviegoers who cut their science fiction teeth on the swashbuckling "Star Wars" trilogy.

The competition really heats up Dec. 14, when six major films begin slugg1!)g 11 out for a share of the bo'< office dollar and .\cadem y Award nouce.

Universal will have Its own SCI· encc-fict1on powerhouse. "Dune ... based on the classic no' cl by Frank Herben. It features Ken McMillan and rock singer Sung.

"Stannan" also will enter the fantasy film arena on the 14th, with Jeff Bndges portra} ing an alien who falls in love with Earthling Karen Allen.

Another futuristic yam. " Run­away." features TV hunk Tom Selleck as a cop trying to traCk down a bunch of nefari ous robots that are doing the b1dd1ng of badd ie Gene C0!1mmons.

Frant:1s Copp<>I~\ much-troubled "( otton Club" also debuts. with Richard Gere. Drane Lane. Gregory Hines and Loncttc McKee stamng in a story about Proh1biuon-era Harlem.

But Onon Pictures faces an uphill battle making a profit on the movie, v.h1ch had a budget that soared to m~arl} $50 million dunng a series of squabbles in volving producer Roben E\alls and his financial backers.

Bntish director David Lean, in his fir t film in 14 }'Cars, comes out ~ 1th " I\ Passage to lndin." based on the E. M. Forster novel. h features Dame Peggy Ashcroft. Judy Davis. James Fox and Sir lee Giunnc s- in a story


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of cultural clashes 1n 1920s Indta. Lean'sfilm 1sagood bet to catch the

eye of Academ y Award voters. who have honored the director's pre' 1ous works. 1ncludin~ "Lawrence of Arabia,'' ··or. Zhivago" and " Bndge on the River Kwa1 ,'' with 24 Oscars.

"The River," which should be another major Oscar contender, de­buts Dec. 19. with Sissy Spacek and Mel Gibson playing southern farmers trying to save their land from nature and the itovemment.

tries to Juggle mamaacs to two women. Amy Irving and Ann Rcmk· LO .\!\GELES I .\Pl - Fh1a~th iog. Ta~lor has been 'iek'ued h\ thr

Also on the 21st 1s ··Protocol," 1n Ho.II} \.\Ood Foreign Pre.-.~ .\!>'>OCla· which Goldie Hawn pla)S a cocktail 110n to ret.-el\e m annual ( c-ul B waitress who. 1n an onl)-IO· HOll}- DeM1lle '\"'ard wood twist of fate. becomes head of T3~ lor. ~electl'd tur hl'r outstanding protocol for the U.S. State Dcpan- contnhutson to the en1enasnmcn1 t ment. field . will rece1'e the a\.\ard dunng

the 42nd annual Golden Globe-; Two nostahgia pieces. "Birdy'· and Awards Jan. 26. a1 the Be"crl ) Hilton

"The Aamingo Kid," debut on the Hotel. 21st. In " Birdy," Matthew Modine JorJe Camara. president of the and Nicolas Cage play former association. said 1he group also boyhood friends who paths dfverge " recognizes M 1ss Ta) lor·.-. res1hen<:c­and then re-cross, while "The Flam- and courage as a human being. ingo Kid" features Matt Dillon grow- thercb~ pro' 1d1ng 1nsp1ra11on and mg up in 1963 New York City. hope to others. as "'ell as her generous

f •:. ••• 11 ~ • i.i I ~ --_. __ . ...,.._ ...::

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ti- -- --!.,. ... ,., • ..,. -----And for the contemporary crowd

there' will be "' 2 Electric Boogaloo," a followup to the highly successful we realun' movie that fea­tured frantic break-dancing action. And finall y. D1sne~ will reissue the ~p~an~ic~tpa~t~io~n~m~c~h~a~n~t!_) ~a'..:c~t'~' ~ll~ie~s_· _· _JL!::=============!

1940 evergreen. " P1nocch10." which, 1f the usual pattern of D1sne) reissues holds true. should pro'e considerably more popular than most films on the Yuletide scenl' -

.. ... 'Xi -_ · ~-

"Johnn) Dangerously,'' the 1930s gangster spoof stamng Michael Keaton and Joe Piscopo. opens Dec. 21, as does another comedy, "Miclu & Maud." 1n which Dudley Moore

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Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT l'Wedneeday, December 6, 1"4




Gateway takes over RAC stores Gateway Computer President Ron Siegel says the Huntington Beach­

based compa~y h~s assumed the operations of two RAC Computer stores in Northern Calt\or!'1a. The two Gateway add1uons. one located in Fremont and the other on Madison A venue in acramento, will be company-owned and wtll oper~te as full-p~c!ged Gateway Computer business centers. •

The ndd1t1op of these fac1ht1es complement the aJrcady extensive geograph1ca overage Gateway otTers throughout California," Sieael said.

CM firm works on monographs Victor Communications, Inc of Costa Mesa. Calaf. has been retained by

Merck. Sharp & Dbhme I ntemat1onal of Rahway. N.J . to create and"develop a )(nes of four monographs entttled " Prescnptton for Exercise" for the overseas family ph}SICISO

This project 1s being donl' 1n conJunc11on with Wilham Haskell. Ph.O . at Stanford Univer>lt) Department uf Med1une. 'itanford Heart Disease Prevenuon Program

Xmas club checks in the mail . With the C'hnst.mas season now under way. checks totaling more than $58

m1lhon have been disbursed to 115, 76 7 accountholders in Southern Califom1a throuRb- Bank of America's annual Chnstmas Club program.

These checks are pan.of a distribution 9f nearly S 119 million to 238 916 Bank c;if A.mcri~a Christmas Club accountholders throughout Cahfonua. StateWlde. ind1 v1dual account balances averaged $498. Northern California ~avers accumulated $60 m1lhon in more than 123.000 accounLS.

MUTUAL FUNDS Presents for Christmas CLdr tr 11 l~ 12 21 Goidfd l 50 NL C.NMA 1 '3 NL C.row 110 NL Re.n 1413 NL

L•"4!0• nl9 NL l """' ti 0 1 NL

Roc1>T1 944 10)1

'~na• IN ,fb !;~o S«.., u•I t 07 NL

rwm lS W N L 1nco 11 •t N L Muno< 11 l 1 NL

Datlned for Chrlatmaa Oft wrappln& in homea throu&hoat America, thouaanda of t'Old..lng chain in •arlou colon and •tylea, theae foldlng chaln move throUCh four mllea of overhead tonveyon at the SamM>nlte Furniture Co.'• 1-mllllon-.quare-foot manufacturtna and dlatrlbutlon


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Sc~ F t Nt Bank names ~~: n ~L

~~ irn ~~ new exec vp ~%~ l"unc1i . ~ Chester John PetLel has J01nec. ~°"1 ~ i~ Tusun's Eldorado Bank as execuuve ~';fl ': 1 h1 vice president, J . B. Crowell . presi­~41~~u ti. NL dent and chief executive officer.

Sot s'ht 1 a NL announced. ~~:'J1; Grj~ 12 ~ Petzel will be Eldorado Bank's ~~~ 'I~~ 11 senior credit officer and oversee the '{f!:'""' 11t!.,j bank's real estate. intenm construc-t~r· / n t1on, consumer and commercial lend· ~~;.~= 1 a:. rn ing program~. In addttio.n. he has ~low 'lto rn respons1b1hty for the bank's newt}

1M1 Gr- established · BA (Small Business ,. ! •

1110:1t, .. 1 t 7• Adm1n1strat1on) loan depanment.

"'s Im IJU

~-~~~ AtlfG~ 'J: : ~~j l~.U I '" iooai 1~6. H NtW YORI<. l API - Tne tollowlng liSt vtYkl ' sh o w1 th e · Ov er ·the · Counltr ti'~, 1 l stocks ·and warrants tha t have ~ UQ MM;;,. 1 7 the mosl and down lhe most based on NYM~ 1 ~, u e>erctnt of chanoe for Tuesd11Y ~.err~ 1 fi ~t No securl!leJ trading below S2 or 1000 {'0;.; sherH are Included r:i unyl 19 1,32 Nel and e>ercenl11ge changes 11r e lhe

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GINNIE MAES Govern ment-G ua ran teed

Pools of Mortgages

112 0/0 *

center in llu.rfeeaboro, Tenn. Dick Ba1nea, director of manufacturtna. inapecta tbe con•eyor line of chain on · they way to palntin& and packlne •tatlon•. The com::;z la part of the Home Product.a DlYialon of ~trice Com ea, Inc.






(71-f J 759--1080


• ..


UXXI:-C. REWARD WrTHID.! '\., , .. • m ,... r C.ih1 ~1a




Western Thrift & Loan has joined the West· em Financial Savings Bank family. We are now over $450 million In assets . .. and growing!

We ' re celebrating our " new " look w ith some of the highest paying money market passbook accounts In town Insured up to $100.000 by FSLIC. Our mon19y market pass­book earns 9. 75~ annual rat~. compounded dally (10.24% annual y ield!) when you Invest a minimum of~2 .SOO .

We also ffer full lender services Including real estate, me Improvement and auto loans

Vtatt us odey end be a pen of the growing Western Financial family!

.. - V#EB TERN FINANCIAL ~'V!JOcrnD~ ~mcxs.

# 10 toe.ti~ t~t ~ •nckld•no

2000 Harbor Blvd.• Ph: 645-3153


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, •




NYSE LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) - Sal•'· ' p ml price

and net change of lht llletn m<>$1 active New York Stock Eicchenve iuues , trad i ng natlonallv al more than Sl PhillP!iPet ITT Corp Un Carbide unoca1 BrllTet or MeHPlr Mobil IBM Amer T& T FordMot Kantt>Svc KanGasEt KerrMcge. Gen Motors Chrvster

UPs AND DowNs NEW YORK (AP) - The fottQwlno tlst

shows the New York Stock E>Cch1n11e stocks and warrants that have oone uo the most and down the most based on ptrcent of chanoe regardleu of volume for We<inesdav

No securities trading belOw S2 are tnct· · uded. Net and i>ercenlage ct11n11e5 are the drtference between the previous clOstng orlce and Wednesday' s 2 o.m orlce.


1 ~nP~a'r.~or LaN 3;. IC~~ utct20.o 2 nPw •or 191

1• l>;. Uo 16.7 3 nPw 4 O~or 19' • \. UP J6.7 4 ~nPw 3 8ior {l'.., ~ Uo ;t·~ ~5 nPPw ~ fll or 1 ~· ~ Uuo 1 . n w or ., ..., o .

nPw • or 12 ti i 1~ Uo 1 1 8 nPw 2 2 or 11"\ l 'i> Uo }' · 9 AmA11r9 2 ' • Uo 4

10 ~Pw J 98or 19lil 2~ Uo ' ·

ll cnW~'P·e~Oor ro~~ I ~~ 8~ l~:a l~ LFE Corp 1 '• i•• Uo f.4 f4 ~nPw 7.7t~I 3 ~ Uo 1·i l~ vaf.rl'ur? ~1'1 J37

• r= 8~ :! 17 BrockHll ••• 1 "· UP . 111 ITT Corr ~ 2' • Up . 19 MesaPtr 21~ 1~ Uo 6 20 KerrMcgff 28l.. 1\• UP 6. 21 PlqnterCo 28'w I~ Uo 1· n ITT CP PIN 37' . I 2 Uo . 13 Consu Pow 41,. ' • Uo .6 2• Rollfns 9~. ,,.., Uo .• 25 Kanet>Svc 10 ,,, Uo .3 26 Lennar 12' > ~ Uo .3

DOWNS Name Last · Chg

I MGM+UA wl 2''" - ~ 2 World Alrw 2~ - \Ii J Etsc;int SJ .. - :l• 4 Christiana 7~ - l • S PantrvPr1de 3'• - ~ 6 Kaul Broad 1~ - 1\11 7 RLC 6 7 e - ~ a L.ehVallnd 2 1

-. - • 9 Wstn Union 9• e - >.,.

10 Bu1te1 Gas •~ - lt 11 FlowGenl J~ - • • 12 Damon Co 10:1,. - '~ 13 MfltQnRov 11'·• - ¥• 14 NatCnvStr s 14J• - I lS Tacom8oat l'• - 1

• 16 v1ChrtCo ol 2 - . ..,. 17 PubSvc;. NH 4 • 18 AlexAlex 21 - l ' • 19 W111msEI 2 .. - ...

Jo Fedders • ') - • I. l Redman Ind ~ - ' 2 SvceCP s 27'1 - 1•1 1

23 EIMemMg 4Jia - ''• 24 APL Co 9 1~ 112 25 QulckRell 14) \. - l1a


foday Advanced 177 Oectlned 377 Unchan1;1ed 260 Total Issues 814 New highs 8 Nell( tows 62


Prev day

Wi 18 9


NEW YORK (AR) - Sates, • p,m orlGe and net change ot the ten mo$1 active American Stock Exchange luues, trad in g n at lon allY at more than SI MtchlEng TIE Comm WangLabB AmMedBld KeyPharm Petroltw Pico Prod CrntatOll NY T imes HouOllTr

NEW YORK (AP) - Most active OVf!· · the-counter stocks su_polfed bv NASO.

Name Voturog Bit Asked Cho GrohSc 1,3'6, 1,.. 6 +· T,,_ PicSav rn61 , 00 I 19111 - ''I MCI l,a 7~ n,, + 1, 1 Convgt 1 , 4'11 S - ~ UnBrd S S, 00 20 20 '·• + •.I') AppleC 531,400 241, 24'i'8 + ~ CousP s S25,400 · 17' , 'i tntet 445,900 28 2 ' • - ''• FMI 419,t OO SJ• 1\ + \Ii OigitSw 419,300 20'4 2 'I'> - to,,.

CoLD QuorEs


Thal~ s an apt des ri ption of both business and business !)eopl along the-Orang Coast. To keep tra k of wh r compani saregoin~andwhichp oplearehelping

· them get her ,just watch Credit Lin ' - v ry day in ttie Bus iness tlenofyournew Daily Pillt


f{eep ;liolida;y menus liglJt, simp~Q Make-ahead dishes ease entertaining

There's no doubt abOut it. The busiest ii me of the year brings the most oceasions for entertaining. And there's something special about the season that makes these geMogethers truJy special. , .

For the host or hostess planning menus for these festivities, the best kitchen help is make-ahead dishes. You can save a lot oflast minute bother and have more time to enjoy your guests with food that can be prepared a day or more before the party. .

Also keep simplicity in mind. It's the joy of the season you ' re celebrating, not how much you can serve people. Al~hou$ft you may have wonderful memones of your grandmother's hol­iday tables ~den with delicious fare, today's generation offitness buffs and dieters welcome light and simple foods. An en tree, vegetable, salad and dessert served from a festive table is all you need.

For example, an ideal partyentree is Seafood Lasagna. This pasta dish features a winning combination of shrimp and crab. And you can make the entire dish io advance.

Another suggestion, Broccoli Brunch Pie, doubles as a buff et vegetable or brunch en tree. You can

. make the crunchy crust, chop the vegetables and grate the cheese any­time. It's ready to assemble for the party.

For a holiday dessert that pleases the eye as well as the sweet tooth, try Blueberry Merinjue Clouds. The are simply crisp menngue shells crowned with colorful fruit fillings and whipped creai:n. You can kee p the meringues for several days in plastic bags and the fruit fillings may be made the day ahead. Servea tray of these goodies for a bu ff et finale; for a dinner dessert · simply arrange three varieties on a plate.

A new idea, Zucchini Dip, is a delicious blend of zucchini and walnuts that's ideal with bread ticks.

ZUCCHINI DIP _ 1 package (8 oun~e~ cream cbee1e, softened % tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dre11lng . 14 teaspoon Beau Monde seasoglng •;, teaspoon lemon juice % tablespoons finely chopped walnuts '1'I cup unpeeled grated zucchini

In medium bowl com bane cream cheese, maronnaise, Beau Mondea·nd lemon juice unul smooth consistency. Stir in walnuts and zucchjni. Cover. Refrigerate 3 hours. Serve with bread sticks. Makes 11/2 cups.


Note: Dip is even better when made a day ahead.

BROCCOLI BRUNCH PlE 5 tablespooas batter or margarine 4 cups bite-sue com cereal, crusbed to 1 cup• · t teaspoon ground oregano

Filling package (10 ounces) .froxeo

chopped broccoli, tbawed and drained 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour l-a cup coarsely chopped ~nlon 3 eggs, beaten

Preheat ovc'n to 350 degrees. Butter 9-inch pie plate. Melt butter. Add cereal and oregano. stirring to coat evenly. Press into bottom and sides of pie plate. Bake 8 to I 0 minutes. In small bowl combine broccoli . flour, onion. eggs, half-and-half, salt and pepper.

Microwave on Medium 5 minutes, · stirring after each minute. Slowly pour mixture into pie shelt Sprinkle cheese over top. Bake40to 50 minutesorunul knife inscned in center comes out clean. Makes 6 servings.

•Measure and crush cereal in glass measuring cup.

SEAFOOD. LASA'GNA 6 lasagna noodles, cooked drained 1 can (6 "'6 ounces) crab meat, draloed 1 package (6 ounces) frozen salad shrimp, thawed ~ 'iAa cup chopped celery % tablespoons chopped· green peP:- . per 2 tablespoon chopped onion 2 ~ups bite-size com cereal, crushed to l cup• "'1 cup milk 2 tablespoons sherry lh cup (4 ounces) dairy sour cream Ya teaspoon Italian berb seasoolng '1'I teaspoon garlic powder '>W teaspoon dry mustard 3 cups (12 ounces) sliced or shredded mouarella cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 2-quart shallow bakangdish. In large bowl combine crab meat, shrimp, celery. itreen pepper, onion and cereal. In smaJI bowl combinc milk,sherry.sourcream, Italian seasoning, garlic powder and dry mustard. Pourantocereal mixture. Toss to combine

Layer 1h of noodles in bottom ofbaking dish . Trim noodles to fit dish if necessary. Cover noodles first with 1/1 seafood mixture and then 11/i cups of cheese. Repeat w11h remaining noodles. seafood and cheese. Bake 30 minu1cs or unul cheese 1s mdted and bubbly. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Makes 8 servings.

*Measure and crush cereal an glass measuring cup.

(Please aee LIGHT / C2)

Proper foods feed fitnes.s By SUZANNE FREY Dell1 Pllol C~I

As the sudden de:!th of long-d1'>lanc1.· r.unner and best-selling author Jun f1\' indicates, physical fitness 1s no gll4lrantcc against heart disease.

Unless people stop eating the .. typical American diet," consisting of too much fat , salt, sugar and refined products, chances are they will sooner or later end up with cardiovascular disease. says Frank D. Addleman. author of .. Th1.· Winning Edge: Nutntton for .\thle11c Fitness and Performance ...

The ~ 7-}'ear-old athlete and \Hec;tltng coach bases his statement on hi'> 21 \l'.H'>

of experience a!> health and liinc..,., . Sl! ... , ha\C seen athletes literally starve on Jun food." he says. " Many adults tend to look at exercise as an excuse to treat their bodies as garbage disposals. When )OU look and feel good, at is hard to bcltc,<.· that what you are eating is actuall) bad for you.··

Advoca ting a low-fat. h1gh-carboh>dratc diet 1sn 't exactly umquc: bookstores are full of literature stattng thr same thing. However. Addleman main­tains that his boot.. is different from the others and that it is needed.

" In the years f have taught nutriuon 1n college. there haven't been t>oot..s avail-

able 1hat were basic enough." he 5.a)S. .. People need a hook that deals w11h the medical aspects of nutntion in a non­technical, simplified way." He sa)s his book is based on the latest developments in scientific research and has the approval of medical experts.

.. There are too many books out there promonng weight loss diets that send out m1s1nformat1on and contrad1ctor) message.s," he says. "People. get con­fu!>ed ..

Th~ hook. a\ atlable in most Wald1.' n and A Dalton t>ookstores for $7.95. " aimed at an) one interested m the basu.:c; of nutntwn

In 1.kar la} man's language. the book ~1' nut the maJor functtons and 1mponance of maJor nutnentnrRM'hO<t groups. It does not advocate a specific diet. " I don't want to tell people what the) should cat. but rather wby the} should cat ... the .author expla1n.s. "A professional athlete. a \.\eekend jogger and a young girl who \\ants to lose weight can all bcndit from the ·same diet principles ...

,The book also discusses methods of weight control. deals with the hazards of foo<l additl\·e . caution!> against eaTing \ 1taman supplements as a way of com­p<.>n~ttng for a poor diet, stresses the importance of drinking water and much more The end of each chapter conuuns a

question and answer sectton that clarifies the cont<.>nt in the chapter These ques­tions deal with. an) thing related to nutnt1on and are the accumulauon of the most frequently asked questions by A.ddleman's students over the years.

.\ddleman. who has a master's degree in ph-.s1cal education . spent four years wriung and rC'Search1~ his book. He is pleased with the response it has received ~o far.

<;itting 1n his Santa <\na College office dunng a break from tcac·hing. Addleman \J\ S hl' uses the bonl.. a5a text in his classes and the <,tudentc; ltl..c 11. " It 1s informative \\lthout heing too technical and borint"

J udgmg b) the man) phone calls he as rcccn ed from people who have su~ l'trtt~ 1mplcme111cd Ins eoneep~,--­.\ddleman says the book "seems to have a motl\ating effect on people." Anoth~r man an C\-fo~tball player. had casually p1cl..ed up the book and. after reading a fc\' chapters. decided to completelY. change his hfest\ k .. He lost 50 pounds.' .\ddleman savs .

The teacher sa} she thanks ifs good that so man) are into physical fitness these days; HlSITlt'ssage lS Stmply that people who are ph) s1cally active must realize that diet 1 \ astly 1mporum1 to tolal fitnes "E\em e JU t doesn't do tt by llSdL" be

(Pleaee aee WmNtrfG/CS)

-......-- - --- . . . - . GOOD DIET· FIGHTS INTERNAL POLLUTION . .•

By AMY SANDERS, M.A. appetit.C, nausea and vom1ttng, •111 • • ~ havint to follow a sevcrly restricted

Kidney dilcasc is one of the diet, kidney transplant. and dialysis nation's biggest killers. About as a last reson. 65,000 Amcrieans must undergo The kidneys arc two very busy rcaular kidney dialysis treatment to organs located at the b:ick of the filter waste products from their abdominal wall, one on each side of blood because their kidneys have th pine. Their function 1s to cca$Cd to function. · excrete urine that conlains execs

Most of us don'!&.ive our kidneys glucose, amino acids, toxtns and any thought until we have a end product~ of-metabolism. uch problem with them. Some knowl- as urea, unc acid, ~ulfate. crcatininc cdac of their functions and how to and organ1c acids. property car'e for them can do much They alw help reJulatc water m preventing future problems, balance b> .monitonna sodium, ranaina from back pains, kidney pota sium. chlondc and the acld­stoncs and need for surpry, lou of base content of the blood. 1 he

kidneys control blood pm1sul'('. produce a hnrmon<' required in making red blood cells. and by their action on vitamin D, help in C3lc1um ab orpt1on 1nto bone. Ob­v10usly, any kidney malfun"cuon will have a darc<;t cflcct on health

When kidneys furl ro funcuon well. sodium m3> acrumul tc 1n the blood and u ue . holdm ba k enoua}l wntcr to dilute . Qd1um to "orm:ll concentration; causin bloauna or edema 1 his may be the first '>tin of ovcrhutdcncd kidney~ The cau of mo l k1dnr\ '1ones •~ }Ct unk1own. ·


Kidney or !'('OBI failure ma;r be chronic or htt sudden!) Causes could be acc1dcnts. bum<>. -.hock.. ncglc<·ted bladder infccti<m\. ob­structions from stones or t\lmo~. uncontrolled high hlood prcs~ure and diabetes

mtt the t 960$. th~ trndmonaJ <h t for lr.1dney paucnts ha ~n one hi.ah m carbohydrates and fat~. and very low 1n 1>rotc1M. food h1&h 1n wdium and pota 1um a~ hm1tcJ. J-1u1d mtalr.e 1i, adJuM~ to individual output. The main purpo ef th• diet 1 to decrca~ the work of the a1lina lr.tdnc)"

A vcgctanan diet with smalf da1l5· portions of meat anq selected suppl~mcnts has recently shown great promise tn .am:stmi ludne) disease in ho p1tal pancnts in Boston and Balttmorc Jn tht case. the diet thcrap)' proved so success~ ful that the pauents dtd not haH to undergo kidn~ y dial ts.

It, theccfore, follows th t treat1na our health~ lidncys kmdl} 1s the be t prc"cnt1on for k1dncy d1scas.c.

diet too ht h lfl pr-0tcm. sodium, i>ho~phatc , ug,ar., art1fic1 I ~tam.le colo~ and other to"<ans puts a great strain on the fiht'nng

ropa 1t) ot the kidneys. Mo t types of drug~ arc also hard on the k1dnc\S, therefore, thelr benefits -.crsu~ n ks must be carcfullt weighed by doctors

E\ctpt when kidney d1scast ia alre d\ pl'('scnt. the best insuran« fOf .k1dnc~ ~alth l to dnnk a to crght gla~~s of water a da):. Th11 -usurc-. adCQuatc dilution of wattt producb1ntMblood trcama thty nre t>rocc d 1hrou~h the ~idne~ ~rnd J>Ol"scd onto the bladder.

U-t's not forget our kJdnc)' , our P<.'"9°"' weapon aptnst i.ntcm.IJ pollunon.


Orange CoHl DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, December 5, 108'

- . . Gi ts from th~ kitchen: S·weet e:xpressio_n_s_ An array off es ti ve desserts makes a fine finale for any holiday gathering

Whether tnmm1ng the trt~ . bak- ho\\ child ren how to \\<Ork 1ng the cooku:s or hanging the product1on-hne !It) le to cre:llc these ~la<:kmg • the holiday~ are a time charmers eaSJI)' Ha ve first for family trad1t1on. Gift-gavang 1s arrange all the pt.-cans an clusters. an important part of the sea on· then drop the melted caramel ttadit11>n and 1t takes man) de~ mixture over each. La tly, top wnh lightful forms. chocolate. The caramel will melt u

In omc families. giving home- to spreading consi tcncy in mo­fllade. heartfelt and hand-wrapped mcnts. creauons from the k.ttchen as a Fudge making may be thou&ht of cherishe~ Christmas custom. ln as a culinary s~1alty. but with the others, giving parties. where f~ ll "'.e • help of a .. secret, tngrcd~nt," even foods enhance the me.rry-m.ahloi...tS.. less-expencnced candy m;\k.ers can 1n annual family 1rad1t1on. aehievesucccss. Peanut Butter Rip.

When seasonal party anv1t11t1ons pie Fudge. a festive, treamlined • extended, a favonte ans\\<er to fudge variation, as made with • e quel) " What can I bnng?" 1s marshmallow creme a year 'roun~ ·~lfow about a dessert"" When staple for candies,' desserts and

uests patch 10 to share the treat- snacks. ,C ikang. the result will be sweet Look to marshmallow creme to

tasfacuon for all add frothy tcxtUTC and lightly sweet • •.Ever) dessert arra} needs a focal flavor to Festive Creme Eggnog, as l'>int. a dramatic ofTenng to catch well. Easier to prcpa'"' than stan­-~ eye and focus a11en11on on the dard l'ggnogs. which often require _. ... i\Jgarplum . " Men) C'ranbcrr) beating separated eggs to achieve • Oeeseca.kc 1s JUSt thl' 11cke1. W11h the desired te;cture, th is shortcut rich. s hghtl} tangy fla\-or and hght- recipe can be doubled to fill a as-a-cloud texture. 1t'!. the perfect hohday punch bowl. eonclusion to a festive dinner.

Min iature marshmallows provide the lightly c;wcet vanilla

· flavor for C'nspy'Chnstmas Tree. a s~ck-up treat for kids of all ages.

• easy enough for children to make • w,j tb the help of an adult. 11's an p.Jdeal Chnstmas project for young-sters.

Remember. too. that miniature marshmallow . interspersed wi th

, fresh. whole ranberm:s, make simple, homey ds that k.Jds will have fun for the

· family tree. Youngsters can also ha .. e a hand

in making Chocolate Caramel • Creatures. a fun-to-fh hostess gift ' or add1t1on to dessert. Made easal) , with caramels, milk chocolate ' candy and pecan hal ves to form the , creature head and feet , the fixing 1s

-even faster af a microwave oven as

~ Cl-..a1lablc. ~ ..


I cup graham cracker c rumbs 3 tablespoons 11gar 11, cap margarine, melted .,.. cup chopped walnuts

4 cups miniature marshmallows ·~cup milk 2 8-ouoce packages) c rea m cheese, softened l teaspoon vaoma 2 caps wbtpped topping with real cream 1 14-ounce jar c ranber ry orange sauce Combine crumb'>. sugar and mar­

ganne· press onto bottom of 9-inch spnngform pan. Spranl.le with walnuts. Bake at 325 degrees. 10 minutes. Cool.

Melt marshmallows wuh milk o'er low heat, stirring unlll smooth. (hill unlll slightly thickened; mix until

. . . -

. c • . • • '#

• • ..

well blended l ombt nc l·hcc'>c und vanilla. m1l(1niia1 ml"d1un1 '>Pt't.•d on dcctnc m1, until well blend~ lkut 1n marshmallow mixture, )Ill tn I cuo cranberry oianae suucc Fold 1n whipped topping, pour O\er cru)t. Chill until ltrm: top with rt·mu1ning cranhcTI) orang\." sauce I 0 to 12 cocr' 1ngs.

CRJSPY CHRISTMAS TREE 8 cups mlolatvre marshmallows ~ cup margarine 10 cups crisp rice cereal Red aad areen 1umdrops, sliced

Melt marshmallows with margar-ine over low heal, sti.mng until smooth. Pour over cereal: toss unttl well coated. Press into t~o greased 13 ' 9-i nch baking pans. Cool; cut into I 11-1 nch squares Arrange squares 1n sh.ape of tree on 8-inch plate: dtcorate with gumdrops.


1 cup pecan b.aJves 1 14-<>unce bag caramels 1 tablespoon milk 3 ( 1.45-ounce) milk chocolate candy bars, cut Into twelfths .\rrangc dusters of five pecan~ on

greased wax paper. Melt cnrnml'I~ w1 1h mil~ in heavy I 'h-quan !klucepan over low heat, stimng frcqucntl) until smooth. Let stand at room lempcrture 3 to 5 minutes or un11I thickened. Drop heaping te~ spoonfuls of caramel mixture onfo each pecan arrangment: top with chocolate. Spread chocolate evenly over caramel ; cool. tore in refnger· ator. About 2 dozen

MICROWAVE TIP: lo melt caramels. reduce milk to i teaspoons. Microwave ca ramels and milk in 1-quart glass bo~I on High 21h to )'h minutes or un11I ~uce 1s smooth, \llm ng after each minute


3 caps sugar s• cup margarine ~ cup (5"'3 fluid ounce can) evaporated milk I 7-ounce jar marsbmalJow creme l cup c reamy or cbunk style peaout butter

l &e11poon vanilla I l ·ouo<'f' packaae tml-sweet cbocol• tt pltt.a ( omb1nc \ugar m.irganne and

m1ll.1n hcu' ~ 21 •to '-quart ..aui:cpan. hnng 10 lull rolhng boil. st1mng com.tantl) C ont1nul' boiling ~ mrnutc) ovc1 medium heat or un11I candy thcrmomctt•r rcuche) ! \4 degree 1111mng constant I) 10 preven t scorching. Remove from hcu1: '>ttr 1n pt:nnut butter unlll mclll-d. Aud marshmallow <.:rcmt• and var11lla. beat until w{'ll blended.

Pour into arca.scd 13 x 9-int·h bakina pan. sprinl.Je w11h chocolatt· pieces. Cut through fudge w11h ~ntle for marble effect. Cool at room temperature: cut into squares. 3

- -.J pound'

Ml( ROW Vl· M1t"rowavc mar­gannc rn 4-quart bowl on Ha&h I manutl' or unul melted Add r,ugoir und mil~ . n111t well Mttrowave S n11nu1cs or until 011.\turc l'Omci. to lull iolltug hutl, !lllrnng 1homughl) ttlH:r 3 m1nu1ei.. Ma.\. well. r,uapin& '>1dc'I ol howl ( llllllOUC m1c1owa\ 1ng 51, minute\, mn.ang well Jnu \Craping bvwl alkr .l minute!>. S11r 1n peanut huttcr until mcl1ed Add inar,hmallow crcnw 1111<.J va nillu. beat uniil wdl bknued Continue a~ dtrellt'd atxn-c (If fudge 1s 100 'ioli a lier rnoling. rh1ll.)

F&STIVE CRE ME EGGN~ 1 cup milk

1 7-oUDct jar manlllmallow <'reme ... 6qa1

'•cup rum I lea1poon vullla I II-ounce cootaloer (3 cup1) whipped topping with real cream, thawed Ground outme-_ Gradually add milk to

mar.tunallo~ creme. m1x1"i with electric mixer or wire whisk until well blenued. Add eggs, ont! at a tame. maxing well after each addition. Stir in rum and vanilla; fold in whipped topping. Chill. Mi;c well; spnnkle wuh nutmeg. b cups.

Vanauon: ~ubst11u1c I teaspoon rum extract for rum.

Swedish Cl.lstom sweet, spicy Whether given as gift'> or

prepared as treats dunng the hol­idays. C'hnstma'i cakes. hn•ads and cookies always take a six:c·1al place during the hohdays.

"Special foods at Christmas are a trad111on that extends around the world." suggests Donna H1gg1ngs. director of Del Monte Kttchens. In fact . she says. man} cou ntries have reupcs na11vc to their culture prepared Just at Chnstmas time

For example. in Sweden. ch ildren look forward to a tangy gingersnap called Pepparkakor. In Germany, young an'd old enJOY tollen. a

tru1tcd \ra~l bread. that " ..crvcd throughout tht· holiday ,cason. cspeciall} at hn:al..tao;t on C hnstmas Eve

Fruitcake 1s the ( hmtmas tra­dition of England. Although many countries claim the origin of fruit­cake. the. Engh sh have taken It for their o"n. Fruitcake cp1tom1zes ~bundancc. with tts many types of lru1t. nuts and nch Oa1,.or As the Engli sh left their shores 10 colonize new world5, the)" had 10 1mprov1se with local 1ngred1cnts. creating the wealth of fruitcake vanataons that are available today.

Herc 1s the recipe for gin$er cookies. a must in most Swedish homes dunng the holidays.

GINGERBREAD COOKIES I cup sborten1Dg I cup sugar 1 cup light or dark molasses 4 1-'l cups flour l teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon groa.nd gl.nger •ta teaspoon groud clnoamon lfa tea1poon salt

Cream shoneningand SUJlH. Star 1n molasses. Max in remaining ingre­dients. Cover. Chill. On floured

--'--=-------=-...;;;.;;;==-----------------------"'----"------1-----------.... =-------__;_---=-----. surface. roll to 1/•-inch tlliek.ncss. With

coolue cutter. cut into desired shapes. Bake at 375 degrees. 8 to 10 minutes. Cool. Frost or decorate. if desired. About 4 do1en.

LIGHT ... From Cl


Meringue % egg white• (room temperature) "• teaspooa almond extract ~ cupsagar % cup1 blte·slle rice c real, cruslted to li'I cup•

Fill Ing '•cup water 1 tablespoon cornstarch I packaae (1% ouces) frnllfro1ea blueberries rlosed, drained aad thawed•• Whipped lopplnr

Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Beat egg whites and almond extract until foamy. Gradually ~dd sugar beat until stiff peaks form. Gently fold in cereal. Place a heapina tablespoon on baking sheet, mak.Jng a dcgr~ssaon 10 center for filling. Bake 2 minutes. Turn off oven Leave in oven I hour. Gently remove from bakina !lhcct.

To prepan fllllng: In small saucepan combine I/• cup water and corn!)tarch. Coo~ over medium heat unlll th1ckened. Cool slightly. Fofd in bluc~mc' poon a hcapina tea· spoon of blucbcmn into mennJUC 'ihcll~ To-p wnh whap~d iopp1na. (1am1 h wllh rcmaan1n bluebem Rcfnger.Ut' ~veral hoalf\ before scr­vina Mal<c, 20 mcnnguc \hell

•Men'tu;t and cru h <'creal 1n &)a mca.,unna cup - .. V ri hon I p;1ckn e ( 12 our1tc ) tr h k o1t•n peaches. thuwcd, drained and ppcd. or I pant h1hou1 1112 cup ) ft\:\h '> trawtlcrrie,, \ may llc \Uh\lttuh.·d'for hlucbcmc'i


Old favorite transformed for holidays

Hash. that all-American favorite, underaoes a tioliday trans­formation in this recipe that utilizes leftover sweet potatoes and turkey.

Prepared in the classical way with onion, cream, and seasonings, Sweet Potato Hash may entice you more than the dishes that provided its inared1ents!

SWEET POTATO HASH l cup flaely 1llced green onJon (lncl1dln1 part of 1ree11) 3 table1900n1 batter ! C11pt dice4, cooked turkey ! C11pt diced, ~ooked fre1ti Call· foraJa 1weet potatoes (yam var­iety)• 1 te11pooa ult ¥. tea1pooa frealtly aroud, white pepper ! tablffpooDI finely chopped, fresh parsley ¥. c•p bea~ c ream

In large skillet. saute onion in butter until translucent. Add turkey. sweet potatoes. salt. pepper and parsley. Saute 3 to 4 minutes over hi&h heat. Pour in cream. - Mix gcnt1¥and spread hash evenly in skillet. Cook over low heat aboCJt 30 minutes or until underside 1s crusty. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

•To cook raw sweet potatoes. cook unpeeled sweet potatoes. covered, in salted, boiling water, 20 to 30 minutes or until just tender.



Dried tomatoes piquant By TOM HOGE U WIM lftd ,eed Wtft«

I love tomatoes, and over the years I've tried them in every known form. At least, I thought I had.

Since childhood, I ha ve grown red and yellow tomatoes in veg­etable J&rdens. producing all sorts, from little cherry tomatoes to the big pondcrosa.

Tomato juice is one of my favorite dnnks, from breakfast

' pickups to spicy Bloody Marys before lunch or dinner.

And I usually round out a meat stew with canned tomatoes of various shapes and sizes.

But now l have learned of a new

vanation that 1s dehc1ous .\ tomato buff named Nicole Geno­vesi of Dayton, Ohio. has been taking tomatoes from her garden for more than a decade, drying them and bottling them in herbs and vegetable oil. h seems this is a specialty in certain parts of Italy.

Until last year Genovesi made these tidbits only for her family and friends, but their popularity gained and in 1983 she offered some on a test ·basis in stores in Dayton. and Washington, D.C. Success was im­mediate. and now they are a mall­order business. · The mixture 1s a simple one. The tomatoes are cut in half and dncd. The pieces arc packed 1n vCjl.etablc

- WINNING-EDGE •• -. ~ From Cl emphasizes.

It's ironic. he says. that "most people wouldn't dream of putting the wrong kind of gas in their cars, yet they have no qualms about putting the wrong ltind of food in their bodies ...

The trim. suntanned and blond · 'ke he

follows his own advice. Docsn t e

ever splurge in "forbidden" foods? Yes, he does. " I love ice cream." )le confesses. "And brownies and chocolate and French food ... but I try to restrict myself and not eat 1t more than once every other week or once a month."

The point, Addleman says. is to not make unhealthful foods a dail y

oil. oregano. garlic and sah, then aged for one month.

The pronounced flavor makes these tidbits delicious with various cheeses. I prefer them with cream cheese on crackers with drinks.

They also make a piquant ad­d1tton to breads. vegetable dishes, meats and dressings.

Here's a tasty formula for the tomatoes w1th deviled eggs.


s la rge bard-cooked en• ' • cup mayoanal1t $ tablespoons 1our cream 4 tablespoon• drted tomatoes, drained ud minced Cut eggs in halflengthwisc. remove

yolks and set whites aside. Crush yolks with a fork and work them into a smooth paste with the mayonnaise_z 3 tablespoons sour cream and .> tablespoons tomato bits. Spoon mix­ture into a pastry bag fitted Wlth a la~ decorative tip and pipe into the whites. until filled.

Spoon the remaining 2 tablcspoorrs of sour cream into a small pastry bag fiued wtth a small star tip. Pipe a star onto the top of each egg. Spnnlde egs with the remainder of the minced tomatoes. Makes 12 deviled egg hal ves. Good with wine or cocktails



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Orano- Coalt DAIL V PILOT IWtdneeday, Oeoemblr 5, 1M4

Arc you. lookina for a unique Make the mennauc: mut ea v.-tmes C''""''"'"'' tr1n1fn the perchmeat de sen ade to add a touch of in a larae bowl at medium peed until papm onto 2 blkina lheeta aad t.M elcpncc to your holiday entcrtam· fo my. Add c~am of t1nar and salt. in a 22.S~ oven for about l'h ina? A beautiful white mennauc OraduaUy increase mixer t))ttd to hours Of' until the matnaue la wan with a body of dark and hiah and beat mennaue until aoft compl tely dry. AOow to cool lliabtly · c 1 · peaks form . Continue to beat and on papers, aod canfWlJ remow dehc1ous hoco ate ice cream will d 11 kJ m.-.01 ..... , .... _'or ........ ( r ......... ...-... JTI ua ) pnn C IU I OVU mer• ~·, -. u._. 11 .. - _.. ~

beacrcattvcadJunctto)'ourmealas 1nauc about ' • cup 11 a time. Beat at once1 store in an airtiaht concaiMr · well •s a dcliaht to your chocolate- whites until ulrand aJos y in a cool room.) lovinaauc ts. Prtheatovento2U~s. poon Te AIM•_. l•w: Make o.-e

The mennauc base. winp and merinaue (halhta time) snto a p1p1n1 1W.n at a tune. Place a ICOOP of ice b d be bak d ...... ah ,. d bag.(med with a number 5 s\lr tube. cream on the 1wan bite and pre11 lbC ca can e u.ys ca~ an ln"ert the p;mhmcnt papers Cao w1nas aently but nnnly onto Meta

the final assembly is not much more that the template drawinat are on the sjde Ute the top of a knife to l'riaK1 difficult than scoopina six ponions bottom), and carcfull,Y pipe the swan small hole for the swan neCk (about•' of ice cream. · haP" (L1ft1na the p1p1n1 baa as you depttsdown from the top) and intKt

Perhaps this dessen is the aenesas come to the end of uhapt WllJ create the neck a.od Mad. free:z.e the,... of 8 new legend: the chocolate ace the tapenni c~t - for the swan ..,h1le you make the olben Serve~ cream ball that became a beautiful ..,.;.;.hc;.;;a-.d.;;..u;;.;n;;.;d;..w;...i;.;.;n;a..;;ti"""""."---· ____ .... o .... n-.ce.-. ________ _,__ swan.

CHOCOLATE WAN ' en wblte1, at rOOJD temperature "'4 tea1poon cream of tartar Pl.Deb 111& l cap 1aperflne H&ar ! plDCI claocolaft Ice cream ,. Prc~re the template for the

swans bodies by drawina 7 of each ~hapc on parchment paper. (You will need 2 sheets.)



In.a nat.mtrkie Olllt1tasl! lfJSl(lnll namm llll ~ ~ ~ria.t ReOetibrhel 's•Gcumet• ~Com ~IS ta_,hld JallfTW PrlllU!Mllr ttAleSs fW Q:rn The tnnd lhl fllllP'CY dme as lm!r~ was.-, lime Pr8INln!

Try It l has the taste that GI ttina ~Tn.•• 1 r.-.O~flfh~'-C11111C.... • OI*~.- n1Gcun.-n ..... r.._,a1..--...~ lk

Say Cheese! And save 50~ on new Rud 's Farm Cheese ausaae

·and Biscuitsr

Rudy's Farm has taken two old favorftes and pul lhifm togtltfeT fora1'ewflavor­sensatlon: Rudy'5>Farm Country Sausa~e with zesty chunks or real ,cheddar chee.sel -Tender patties of this dellghtfully delicious combination are Oame-brotled and placed

Inside Rudy's special biscuits to make a unique treat your f&mlly wlll ask for again and agatnl Try 'em today and save 50•1

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I • •.

.... Coat OAILV>er 5, 1984 holiday relisfl c;id·ds style to turkey dinner

Holiday re filltd "'tth JOyful ~ cap cbopptd apple whip or rotary beater. blend 1n sour mcmones of faintly aatht'nnas and \la ttp IN>UDCI craakrrtet cream tulJ. tirring occa 1onally, gin giving. Trud1t1onnlly, we decor- ~ cup cbopped celery until mixture is consistency of un· ate our tree with treasured orna- 14 cup cbopped wahutta beaten egg whites. Fold in rcma1nina mcnts, our homes with fe tive In medium bowl, mix unflavored iniredients. Turn into prepared hangings and our hearts with songs gelattn with 2 tablespoons sugar; add molds ~nd chill until firm. Makc'i 8 o( cheer'. Now ¥OU can decorate hot cranberry apple dnnk and ,ttr servings.

tour table as well with Festive until gelatin 1s comple1e1y dissolved. •Festive Topr.:rs: .

Spoon 2 tablesPQOns mixture into Apple "Stars· - Cul 8 ~1/1-inch) oppe<l Relishes and feel that small bowl; reserve remaining mix- lengthwise slices from 2 apples. Use

Christmas s_pirit come alive! turc. Into small bowl. stir 1/\ cup cold 2-mch cookie cutter 10 form stars- or You'll find these two-toned cranberry apple dnnk and water. Into other hoHday sbapes: dip m lemon

layered delights offer an unusual each of 8 ('/J-Cup) molds or h&htly Juice. · alternative as the tradi\ionar ireased custard cups. spoon I table- Cranberl)'_"Wrcaths" -Arrange 6 cranberry accompaniment. and spoon· mixture: top with Fe uve cranberries in a circle with celery odd style and flair to your turkey Toppers. Chill unttl set. leaves as grttns. meal. The creamy pink bottom Meanwhile. to reserved gelatin Cranberry " Holly" - Arrange

layer is a mix of chopped apple, mixture. add remaining cranberry celery leaves and cranbcme~ 10 form cclery, walnuts and cranberries :a~p~p~le~d~n~n~k~a~n~d~su~ga~r~--W~11~h....:!!...w~1rc~~h~o~ll~y~sp~n~~~--------=---------~====:=:::::=:::;~~!:=::~~~==::::::!!!!:::::::=~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ blended wt th sour cream. ,....

Tht' top layer is a rosy gel that clearly reveals the holiday garnish. of ·your choice: Apple "Stars," Cranberry "Wreaths" or Cranberry ··HoUy". All the natural colors. flavors and textures of the ingre­dients shine through thanks -to. versatile unflavored gclat10.

And unflavored gelatin is1the key to quick and easy preparation . Simply dissolve it 1n cranberry apple drink, then divide this mix­ture - use some for the top clear layer to hold the garnish in place; combine the rest with sour cream and chopped ingredients for the bottom layer.

Chill in ind1v1dual fluted molds for a dramauc and elegant effect. For case and convenience, prepare these relishes ahead of time in the morn mg. when thmgs arcn 't so hectic.

When served on a bed of lettuce on your finest chma. these Festive Topped Relishes can add a de­licious flair to decorate your table with cheer.

FESTIVE TOPPED RELISH % envelopes aallavored gelatin 3 tablespoons sagar 1 cap cranberry apple drink, beated to bolllllg % c•pa cold cranberry apple drink % tablespoou water F~tJve Toppers• 1 cap sour cream

Party plans eased with helpful tips By Tbe A11oclated Press ' I Unexpected guests who show up dunng the hohda> season ma} be warmly welcomed. but the> can pose a problem for the unprepared host or hostec;s

If you are seeking the tttle of holtda} entertainer of the )ear. )'Ou'll need the answers to some questions ahout ltqu1d rcfte5.h· mcnt•.-

How much 10 huy'' Big bottles or httle bollles? Where to store the ice? What kind of cocktail snacks?

To help in such planning, one beverage company has come up wtth ~veral survival tips for hol­iday enterta1n1n11,

.. An important first step would be to ask your liquor store if any unopened bottles of liquor can be returned for crcdtt." says Paul Connor. bartend1ng consultant for Schweppe'I. "Thus the holtda} host bu} extra bottles to cover any 'i1ze part} and return what isn't needed

"For guests who ask for exotic dnnks. the host could buy a full assortment of miniature bottles of cordials 10 make Black Russians. Harve) Wallbangers. Brand) Alex­anders and the like."

When 1t comes to m1~crc,, he c,ayo;, party·throwers o;hould consider buying the smalll'r W-ouncc sile ho t1les. which ma -. cost a fe>w pennies more but c,a-. c money 1n the long run hccauc,c the lontcnts arc used quicker. hcfort• going flat . ~1xcrs can be used for wine coolers and non-alcohol drinks mixed with fru1uu1ce and topped"' 1th a oflemon or lime

Spmtsalsocould he purchased in "mailer c;11cs - '>uch as fifths. which contain 25 oounce~ - rather than quarts or 14-ouncc ltters

Having both red and white wmes on hand for unc"<pcctcd parties 1s another suggcsuon

For garn1shc'i he suggests keep­ing on hand an abundant suppl)' of lemons. ltmes. oranges and even frozen seedless grapes. along with oltves. chem~. small white onions, Tabasco and WorceMersh1re sauce.

Small six-pack cans of tomato or vegetable Juice arc recommended. but orange Juice and grapefruit Juice concentrate are easier to store than containers and won'r spoil .

Where docs the ice go when the refrigerator and freezer are packed (ult? One simple soluuon 1s to put 1t in the bathtub. the sboww 6r Jhc sink, where the porcela1n'will keep the 1ce cold and the melt will run down Of~ dta1n:

Un ltcd cocktail nach are recommended. ~use salt tends to makt' aue u thirsty and the) ma) over-indul,c, Connor says

"Try unsalttd peanuts. or better yet, dried fruit. .. he add$. "Dnt'd frutt 1s ta ty. require no prcp­aratton and won't ao stale dunn the pany.

" Have plenty of cocktail napkin~ on hand, and use pla uc aJasse for t'vcryone except your favontc aunt or arandparcnt ,.

&lllL!&i E

-~ '



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------; •


Krug Champagne only top of _tbe line quality& J he Krua story (ubou1 the /.

famou Champ gne hou e - not hnc. . . The style of Krug has ch1n1ed modern ta l • but the old cham- \tp n<.1 vor, with an afl nasi 1he Charles Krug Winti; in Napa ny fla\\cd wine arc ~Id off 1n omt over the )'Ur$, but the pagne-m ldnJ method' emelo>cd worthy of pondennJ. The no~ 11 Vat~ey) 1 a fa 1na11ngone, 1nclud- J bul~ KJug make ~nly two ch m- trad1t1onal met~ods of producuon by Krua see u remain a more nd' ubde >cast end frun. complex b) ma Its ht tory, hut the modern-day EllY pagne • nd until this ye ronly one l\ not While othc~ emplo> nd compl x ch m1>1 n than th &od n in the blend nd the story j perhap even more 1ntcrc~t- of them w;ts old in the United machine r1ddltna (the process of mo~t. • carbomn1on ,, fine and lacy. yield. 1ng. Most champagne firms M late · hakmg the yea t $Cdtmt-nt down The Krua chamJ)3gne you att ina a pin·want mou when fir5l prod,uce a. range of wine. from EAD Dom Pcnanon mu> be the wine 1~to the neck of the oo~tle for most likely to find (thouah even 1t pcured. relatively inexpensive, to 1op-of- of ~1?utat1on , the 54:lect1on of those d1sao~ment). Krug \till •<> wall onl> be: found at the be\t wine " ··mou ." by lhc wa)', i to the-line products ~uch as Dom a~pinna to luX.uf'Y.. but th~ not·so- comph he this task by hand. hop and' l"C$taurants) ij Krua champ31nr what a "head" is on a . Pengnon. which M:ll for S50 the but tne greatest of srngle vintages. w~ll-known Krug is more ltkely the At v1nuallr every other cham- "&rand cuvee" ($SO), one of lhc few be: r. · bottle or more. ··vantage yea(s" rn champagne are wine of the connoisseur .. Krug c n pagne house, the !>a9C wine are how non-van~ag ch mpaane to be so Havani Iona btt11 a fan of .. ~nd

The lesser wines ~re 6ften sweeter declared about once every 3 to 5 never be so ~pular or widely sold aged exclusive~ 1n neutral s.wnJes\ expenStve a~d able toco"!mand the cuv~.'' n was with ~me C\cit~ :<1

(sugar covers m}nt'd flaws). and }ears ~s Dom Pingnon. because Krug teel tanb, while K11.41 continues to loyally ofa • cogne enu' walhna to ment that I recently met wilh Rema • provid~ an outlet for wanes from Krug i.s different '"a number of make so ew case · Only a few age every drop of wine an oak pay the pnce. Krus to ta te the first vinuiae-dat.ed lesser vineyards and poor vintages h f thousand cases reach Amencan barrels. Its blend (cuvee) as weighted to Kru& champaSJ\.C to be exponcd to

Most French champagne as non~ ;hay~ c ie among them being that sho~es each year, and that. amount The cha.nge that h~~ come over chardonnay. as is Dom Pengnon our shores 1n many years. ft is t 976 , v111taae. the theory being that an e ?.U(e pr<><}u<;es only "tetc de has tncre3:JCd only shghtly an recent the years as the addition of more and a oumbcr of other top-of-the· and onJy a few hundred cases will expert champagncmastcr can make ~hvee · top 0 the line) quality. years: being accompla b,cd b> .al- chardonnay to . th~ other classic hne products, but I thank }OU will have to sene a ' a better wi9e from a blend of -. ere 15 no second-class Krug, no locations from other nat~ons being chaml?a&ne. vaf!Clles, .PtnOt noar find 1t ~asa grcaterbackbon .• more Amenca. It tJ more expensive that\ , inuures than can be made from any anex~nsave. non-vintage extrtl dry targeted for the more important and p1not meunier. -This has light- authonty,'Wlthout being vanetal or "grand cuvcc .. not because lt is ''

"" or ot er sweet champagnes an the Amencan market ened the style to keeping w11h overbeanni. h 1 a champagne to better. admn krug. " .. but because ..

• UMIT 2


59 EA.





11 1s different and more rare." Tho · 1976 will sell for abdut $65 at bottle \hops.

Ho\\ does at differ'> It 1s riehcr yet, fuller bodied, and contains a larger port1on of pi not noir. It i yeastter (I 11ke that). and wa~ only d1 gorged ir few months ago. meaning that It aged to the bonle. in contact wnh the yeast. for roug.hly seven ycaJT. The average 11me J'or this process at most houses as 2 to 3 years.

When :your vaJue-onented writer commen\s on wanes that sell for $50 or more. the quesuon always nSC$ a5 to value. Can any be worth so much money? 1

CLOSER TO HOME - A small winery in the Portola Valley of the­Santa Cruz Mountains is makinig it~ move on the super-premium level

~ of the marketplaee. Tbe wines rve --;..~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiii-~---;;~iiiiiiiiiiiim111111. tasted are supenor. but convincing •


TREES F~turiD9 the fi11at q.aalJty Noble Fir a.d Calture-d Plantation Chrietmas tre-a at AJplla Beta pricu. Doa not ieclllCle regalaJ' Douglas Fin. Sale will begin on Thu1'94.ay, Dec. 6ancl colldude oa Thund.iay, Dec. 20, 1984.

-= ............ jfJ!l·l:lii·· ·-··-··-. .• """! 1 1 - l,.IMlll'lfotl~ &1

• I I I • OHl nm Pf.II C•~!.11 •



UICtP't QGUl.NI DOUGl>~ f'1ll

the pubhc to spend its money on e previously unheralded label tn lht!se very compct1uve umes w1U be' more than a small challenge.

The brand oame is Thomas Fogan) for the doctor and fonncr home winema¥er whchumed prd­fessaonal by equipping a small but · efficient winery, bmng a top wine­maker and 1ns1stang on buyinJ fruit from establtshed and highly re­garded vineyards.

The wines arc currently available pnmanly an the San Franc1se-0 Bay· Area. but distnbution is being sought throughout the west. Con· sumers w1shmg to seek infonnauon on the nearest retail outlet, or to make an appointment to vts1t t~ ~1ner} when an the area. can do so b> contacung: Fogarty Wtnery: 5937 .\lpme Road, Portola VaHey, Cala f 94025. (415)85 1-1946. ·: 500 OFF ANY CUT I

-== •• WITCOUPOH THNIS TREE IN STOCK •• -- I ... ........, .. -0........ I

Two of the wines I previewed "-On' t be out until about the first o( the )car or a hnle later. but ar~ ~onh looking for. A 1984 ··Santa Cruz" gewurztrammer 1s absolutel> delac1ous. tastmg Mee tightly swecf: ened grapef run, with a gorgeous

I c-,_. .... o..11. aM4 I --- \ A\/Alt.ABU AT MOST IU.PMA BETA TOU.S •

~-----------·····-···- --ll!!!!ll! ... 1!1111111•~!!!1 • ~-'"fruit· p1~ aroma to make you sah vate 1-n ant1c1pauon.

.\ 1983 .. WmCJ) Lake·· chardon· na\ IS as fin t> a \.Crsaon as f", e tasted from th is famous "lapa Valle} ' tne\ard. and 1s bo und to win ra ve re' 1cws and mt>dals at ne~t 'car's JUdg1 ng.s.

"-Ei~ ..... ~~IW,LU&ll~~._,, 1'133 ~·ve&aJt1 .. • Cbardoouy ( 14 501 Pan.all~ bar· rel-fermented, left on the tees until the fim raclong. and then aged 1n­half new, half once-used. Frencn oak barrels. a ll this technical mfor. mat1on 1s meanmg.less. unless it pa}s off 1n the mouth and 11 does. Good "anilla-c1trus bouquet and fla,ors. the 1ntensm gro~s'in the mo ut h



•SIX PAO< • I t-01. CANS

EA. ·~ LIKE COIA SUGAlt f1lll









• 14.()Z; CAlm)flC

EA. • 4 \IA•tlT1£S



DOUBtE· SAVINGS COUPONS --------- -------'

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·--------cu:r----.---..... • • • l ~, I . . """ C•1 • ' .


!\ I I ~ '"' lftii CO.,pc!4' • ..,.. ., CW\t 1111 11t1t111•tt t urns oil tOVl)O~ I

1114 Qtt OOUll't TH( SAVll'CGS •11111 fOll purtllt •, tn« ""' I I orm .. , r11 u1tl ttTA1m ·~~rJ:"''"' et mt m• 11 • I I llUUll llAY IOT llCUI ¥A Ill m MJCCT. ti ITIC llAll

unua1 UO\IOl TllACCO A ... ' n

I ·•••u•'3•111111f• I ll fll(tHUH ... Uf hMllCIUNU IO 8


u ll flllfl 111111.l ... ClllflMI I ctf ........ ,.ILIR,llRllS•Wll .. t(C 1t. 1114 ~


\\. ha k the first sen~taon 1 plea~nt. 11s growing 1ntenStt) throu@h the middle all the ~a} to tht' l1ngenng aftena\te will hkel) astound \.OU and "our senses It is a collcctor.quah t) chardonna) that 1$ ,..,ell "-Orlh the mone) Quantity purlhases arc sale. as the ~ane \hould am proH for ; to 5 )ears.

Mandarin or anges dress up salad

OR.\~C.E ALMO'O ALAO b <'Ups lightly packt'd lorn rom•iu l 1-ou.n<'t' ean Mandarin orangts, drautt'it 1 grt't'D ODIODS. tb1nl) shef'd I tablt''lpoon finel y chopped par<1ley

"C..c.J.1 G ~ 0i"~' t-hl ~ , rt'<'tpefollov. •, eup slivered almonds, toasted

J U\I hcfOrl' \Cl'\ ·n~ Ill!>" IOitClht'r rnmJinl· or JO(lC'' grl·cn union,

I pa"'k \ aml \\H'Cl -\ nur Drc'istng.. \t.•1\l' 1n 1ndn 1dual -.a lad h\lwl and 1ur "11h alm1,nJ~ \1akc' ti \<'I'\ mg.s

Swttl ur Dr b1~: In a <.mall ho" I ~h1<>~ together unlll l'rt'am}: anJ 1.omli1ned mp \ CjCtahlc 011 ' • cup "hate ""IDl' rnrragon 'mcgar I' , tca<.poon<, ~~r ' lL'J<,poon d ned tarra~on '" tt·a~rx,on "31t. 1

'11 tt n' l'l<>On Pl'Pfl<'r and a da\h of hqu1d hot pt'p fl( r !>3 Ul' C

R<'fn geraw ttt lcac;1 10 minutes to blend tlavoN Mn hcfort' scrvmg. Male<. 1

• cup C oun('S\ of Maa1c Pan restaurant and Jl"t'n on rea&11-request

. I



Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedn•lday, 5, 1084

Fitne s fher, a pa sion of the '80s. has now spread ovei»most of America. Symptoms include daily uerdsc, conscientious t atina habits, and improved physical and mental wcll .. ~ina. How these ·•symptoms" affect consumer food choices is the subject of an Ameri· preferences study. ·

The stud)' divides consumers into five different })hysical fitness clusters depending on the type of exercise they engage in ~ ranging from those who " live" in health clubs to thc?se who would rather exe~se vicariously by watching spons events on television.

According to the study, only the

most active aroup1 called Club~rs because of their tendency to frt• quent health club and panicipatc to all forms of indoor and outdoor e.xer<::i e, keep a close watch on what they eat.

ince Clubbers would rather spend time sweating in a sauna than over a hot stove, effortless, time­savina meals are as much a part of their regime as Cltercise. The follow­ing main dish recipes eombine handy canned condensed soups

ASPARAGUS CRAB SOOP 1 can (10~ ouncea) condensed cream of aapara1111 soup ~ IOUp CU milk ,. ~ 1oup can water


l can (I 011.Dctl) crab meat, 1 can (10% ouncea) condea1ed dralDed cream of potato 1oup 1 to ! tableapooa1 dry wblte wine !.\ soup cu mJlk ~ teaapoon prepared mustard !.\ soup cu water

ln 11/l-quan saucepan over me· l c11p cbop»ed cooked cblcken aium heal. stir oup. OraduaUy $tir in GeneroH)b 1b pepper i'nilk and water. With fork, flake cmt> . '4 cup 1laredded claeddar clleete rescrvin• several pieces for ilam1s'fs; In l 1/1..q,uart sau~pan over me· gentJy stir into soup. Add w1ne and ·dium· lljah heat. in hot butter cook ~orseradish . Reduce hut: simmer 5 carrot and mushrooms with parsley minutes or until hot. Garnisl\ With and saae until tender. about S reserved crab. Makes 21h cu'J)S' or 2 minutes. Stir in remainina ing~-servings. dients except cheese. Reduce heat;

COUNTRV CIDC~EN BAXE simmer 5 minutes or until hot. 1 tabl~pc>on batter or mar1arlne . Preheat broiJcr i.f ma11ufacturer ~ clJ,1>'4lt.ed carrot d.1rccts. Ladle soup into 2 1 0-ou~ce \i. otp slfoed musbrooms size oven-proof bowls; top wnh 1 tablespoon cbopped parsley cheese. Broil 2 minutes or until cheese ·~ teaapoon 111(e melts. Makes 3 cups or 2 servings.

.. ..

~ • > I

r r

Tlae FollowlD9 "-tor Supe.rmarllet Dool• Coupou Are ....___. ..

•t Vo1U:

Ralphs, Safeway, Albert.sons and

Alpha Beta.


on.r epptlcs only to cunent supcorma~ cou~ '" Southe rn C.Ubmia Coupon combtN dons whkh ttl!Cl!!ed the .-lue of the item not ~ °'11y rnel'uf.ctu~r s coupons of $I C»OI ~SJ can be Liquor and delry ptOclucu ucl~ Subject to llmlu lmptlnted on~ coupon Triple or unllmned coupo<1 ol­fen not ootq)teci If compelltOI ~ not require )'OU to cut out ooupoM. just brl!lg ln • <'Oii)! ol thelr current o~r end Von• will rT--.11 II.


OLYMPIC MEAL BREAD 89 I ~Pl>t....s Round Top or SaflCl.o4<tl e

X2N~ ~~!~!t~0~91>L.~ 0·- 135



DELICIOUS · 39 APPLES La e Rtd OI Oolden 5-et a..O Juicy

f~~ce£~HOP SUE;! .59

~~!.t.SAro9~~FLOWER LB .59

~~';,L~ .. ~~~~~t1. ~ La .5 9 FRESH BASIL, DILL °' r.,._ BULK CARROTS Llr9" Po-•- f• 6q·

SALAD 10/'t\AlOES lM¥ Z.Uno A....,.,..;o. • FOR 1 00

GREEN CABBAGE 8"n Ss><ouls L8 29

BUN .69

t 6 .19

18 .49

L8 .15 4" CHRISTMAS TREES 299 ~ Eh

2-R~~~~0,q~!?_ll5 BUN .10

GOLDE!' 17 RIPE . BMIANAS lune~ LB e

• f<tl'l>r1tf

y~~ .... ~tkP~!i~.l?P~ LA 234

~~~CHEESE 139

f2~~°'~~~~KS .89

~<j?U~ ~l~2:'J~ .. ~HSE. 219 !!R~ 1~p DRESSING · 149

t<~~~~Y!~~~HEESEt 79


t!t~~!_~ft,!_ ~~ LOAF ···-• 95 VONS COOKED HAM 149 Sliced Oblong ~ 8-0unoe Pe<Ullf'

VONS MEATS 3~100 Thin SllQ,d MT n111D MVI .35 Beef. Ham <>< Turkey, ~ PO(:lqigt

SMIRNgFF VODKA 1 751,11,. ~tk ' ' ~ j

.:.: Wl~SOR CANADJAN . "7ri;eonl• ca......i .. n Wh11k1

~~~.~~~ISH CREAM 699

~~"'~~~DY 499 SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN 1»11o11nn11., llo<ll•

KAHLUA UQUEUR 750 l'llllUlle< 8ottle. CoflH

CUITY SARK SCOTCH 150 M1llilll°' !lout•


859 899

~,Sl~!i:fT AGE BOURBON 999

~~.~!~u!'l,k 499

Rtgut.r Pr!o!

Sltle Price Leta Br-ry ~e> ----

LOWENBRAO J49 • 't\'.XJR S- 160 BEER COST After Ritbetc

LIQht or 0.rk 6<, 12-0unor N llB


CONTINENTAL YOGURT Mon.Ftt ~ ,,,.,_,,., 8-0unco Carton

WHIPPING CREAM .1"_,...•d 16 0v- C..."°"

JERSEYMAID EGG NOO Old FeanloMd. J2~ C.non

.43 119


TROPICANA J59 ORANGE JOICE 64-0unor C.non · 100'!1. Pure From Concentr•t~


FRESH 89 GROUND !~F Lae Chub ~ Approxlmelrly 3-USS. Does ~ EllCMd )()"' Fel ,


. G'rinulatecl . . 5Pound ~

un .20

JELLO GELATIN 6-0unQ! Bore A-Md f1.-s

DEL MONTE FRUIT /olu..d. Lil• Chunky. 16-0unc:e Con

GRAPEFRUIT COCKTAIL • M>unco !lot*, Pir>k. °""" ~


.85 139

DR PEPPER RE GOLAR 319 Or Suoe• Free 12 Pkl<. 12-0unor C.n1

COMSl'OCK APPLE PIE FUl•no 21-0ura Con


~~°"~~ONEY BEANS .79

&~l,!'l~~ 10MA10ES .59

WESSON SALAD OIL 24-0unt. Bottle

APPLE JUICE l ·l'kl<. 2'.l'-Ounce f'KUot. Sllm ~

CORNED BEEF HASH 15 °"""' c..n. Ubl>)••

M.J.B. COFFEE 26-0unclt Con "-"tum, ~od


• 59 122


M.J.B. COFFEE 599 Colomblen -~ -----

"}E!: ~~ ~DLES4~100 ~!~~..,E DRESSINQ .88

130 JONNY CAT LITTER IOl'l>t....s Beg

VONS CHUNK 59 UGHTTONAe 6.5 Ounce <:en In Wllter Of 011

KAL KAN CAT FOOD ~Ol#'a Ctn. ,, __ ' '-

AJAX CLEANSER l 1 °"'* c.r. FABRIC SOFTENER .ec>r-~. hN.&iell .,_.


.58 111


~ WHOLE FRYING57 CHICKENS l: e FOlter or Z.Cky F•rm. C.lllomt. Otown. F <flh




\048 STRAWBERRIES Wllolt. 20-0ullce ...

OH BOV 'POTA10 SKJN§. 7 '°"""' lb . T'"



OH BOY POTATOES W-1111 9-fl. a- Of OIMI. 12-0l.nel 8ott .65 DANCAKE DESSERT c.... '"'°"'- 4-Sel«'N Yer"" ...

. .-111

SNOW CROP FIVE ALIVE 99 Or 'Nit P...w:t\ 12~ (Ill •

ROMAN MEAL WAFFLES 85 1)0-. 8orr •

\048 VEGETABLES MIX 99 Gii~ twllft. Ot-.i. ~... •

KLONDIKE BAR 219 I C..__ I<._ Otteio11. 6111 ~

JIMl'8 BCJRRllOS 4 ~1~ Ji,;f; hit f, ._, '"'f, CMIL J.Ol. ... It

Roaster going regional By CECILY BROWNSTONE "' '"41 ldltet

Anne Lindsay Greer, an authority on Southweste~ Cook­ing, recently sent me a recipe for a roast chicken stuffing that was far different from any ever tried in my kitchen. And was it good. Interest­ingly enough. pa~ of the stuffi~g is baked in the chicken, part m a casserole. ·

Although lots of ingredients are called for in Anne's recipe, this didn't faze my tester. She asked for the recipe to repeat at home to serve to her three sons.

We used one of the comparative­ly new oven-stuffer roasters with a tiny thermometer in it that pops UP. when the bird is done. However, if you use a regular roasting chicken, you can of course use your own thermometer.


5 to 7-pound oven-1tuffer roatter 3 tablespoon• vegetable oil Medium onion, diced t-eup converted-type rice 2 caps water I tablespoon fresh Hme juice I teaspoon salt 4-ounce can diced green chillea, drained 1 medium (stem, seeds and rtb1 removed), diced lO·OllDCe package frozen corn, thawed 10 to 12 taco 1bell1 (from a 4 '1'J • ounce package), broken into "'• to 1-lnch pieces Sour Cream Mixture, recipe fol·

. lows lO~•·oance can conden1ed chicken broth, andJluted Remove giblets from roaster and

wash inside and o~t ; dry with paper towels.

In a large skillet, heat oil. add onion and cook unt11 yellowed. Add rice and stir for severaLmiruues. but do not crown. tir in water, lime juice and salt. Simmer, uncovered, for I 0 minutes. Stir in chilies, sweet red pepper and half the com. Off heat. add 2 cups of the taco pieces and toss together. Rice will be partly cooked with some liquid remaining.

Fill body cavity of roaster with 3 to 4 cups of the stuffing, reserving the rest. Close cavity; tie legs together: fold back wings. Roast in a pan in a '356-degree oven until the thermometer that comes with the roaster pops up and the legs twist easily - 21h to 23/4 hours; or test with an instanf:reading thermometer.

About an hour before the roaster 1s done, stir remaining com into re· served stuffing. Butter a 2-quart casserole and layer with 1/3 of the com­stuffin~ mixture. 113 of the. remaining tacos pieces and 1h of the Sour Cream Mixture. Repeat layering and moisten with a scant 'h cup-chic-ken broth, reserving the rest of the broth .

Cover and bake with roaster for 45 minutes; remove cover after 35 minutes and baste with 4 tablespoons of the drippings from the· roasting Jf.lil. Continue baking. uncovered, to crisp top.

To serve with a light gravy, pour off all but 1/ 4 cup of the drippings from the roasting pan. Add the reserved chicken broth and bring to a boil. Serve with chicken and stuffing.

SOUR CREAM MIXTURE: Whisk together 'I• cup sour cream, 1h cup heavy cream, l teaspoon fresh lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin and salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Let stan<t at room temperature until you are directed to use tt.

BLUEBERRY CAKE 'l•·po1ad 1Uck batter 1 capH1ar ~ te.11pooa bak!N toda V• tea1pooa salt l tit tea1P90a vanilla S lar11 eq1 · ! cups all0 parpo1e. noar 114 c1p btlttermilk 1 CIJ> 111weeteaed troaen blae· berrlt1 (1ee Note) In a medium bowl cream butter,

suaar1 baking soda, salt and vanilla. Beat 1n cus one at a time. Stir in flour in 3 additions, alternately with but­termilk. just until smooth each1t1mc. Fold tn blueberries. Turn into a veated. and floured 9-inch square cake pan. Bake in a preheated 350. dearce oven u.ntil a cake tester inserted in center comes out free of bttter--'4S minutes. Loosett ~ Tum ow 01\°wi!'i rack.; tum riaht side up. Serve warm. . _

Note: Just before usin1 betfiC5. rinse with cold water; drain but do not thaw; toss with 2 tablcsPOQns a.U· purpose flour..... · · ,. .

.. .

~II 142 • 5671. Pul I ftWWOldl Co work for you .

Oftnge Coast DAILY P1LOT IW9dnnday, ~- 5, 1994 C7

-R-ecipesunn ecessary-wit-h-casse1·0 efarrri By OOROTll\' WEN K ........ ~ UC C .... ellff Ill.....,

l he cold \\eathcr brina,s craving..\ for hot main d15hes such a~ .,0 up and rnsse1olc These meals·1n-a­da~h al'o have the ndvanwge of being time saver\ dunng lhc bus) holiday season . You can make enough for several meals.

If you grew up in a home where your motht'r ofien prepared ltome­made casseroles, you probably yearn for the old-time taste of the made-fr~m-scratch recipes. But do you avoid making them because your recipes arc too large for your small family?

If )Our an wer to 1h1 que uon as roh celery bean !.prouh. broccoli. To make while ucc. mell I to 2 ve money at }ou: A. The \\:U used to Jive an ")'cs:· here's a guide for creating - Sauce enough to moisten the tablc\poons maraarine; add 2 table· •M kc )'Our own u~. u an the appeti1in1 httn to fresh apples ll )Our own Ul'i<;erolc d1,he in nny m1~turc - whatt' ~uce, canned J><><>n flour and blend well. add 1 white ucc rttipe bOve, rather madt of bees wax or c:.oconut oil -quuntlt) from large to small You cn:amwup\, lomato~uce. leftovcr cup milk: cook and ur until thanu inac msoupsorprcparcd both of wtuch att safe to cat. can useleflovermeat orpouhryand aravy. or prepared sauce or grav) thJckencd (Fora thinner uce use mi>.es: HowcHr, if you pre er to remove vegetable to help stretch )'our food max. les nour or more milk ) • Use recon htutcd df) .milk m· the wax, wash lhe apples 1n warm dollars. - A topping (1f de411red) such a.. Add wh11e sauce to the chicken... tad of fresh whole milk for the .water to which you have added

A casserole can be made without bread or cracker crumb , crumbled noodle-vegetable mixture. Pour uce and margarine, not butter; some hand di hwash1na dettr1tnt. u recipe. Here's the formula: pOtato chips, or grated cheese. an to small l-n serole di h. Top wuh • Use nc:c, macaroni or •P8thetti Rin~ wcU and drv with a towel:

- I pai:t protein food ~uch as Here's an example of how you buttered crumbs. 8 ke at 350 instead of more~ostl)' noodJes: • ' ~ • meat, chicken or turkey. fish. eggs. might follow this formula to make a degrees 20 to 30 minutes or until • Make your oW11 bread crumbs . ,.Q. Cu )'H ~ell me ·~• Tof•UI cheese. or beans. ca<1serolc to serve just two people: heated through. (To save ume the ffom dry bread r.nher than buy1na it. S.mene toN .,,, '* 1 ,_. I«

- 2 parts cooked starchy food Begin with 1h cup leftover cooked m~ture can be hecued on top of the expensive prrparcd crumb mixes. pMplewtloareaJJerp: .. mllk- it such as noodles, macaroni, spa· chicken or turkey. Combine with I range and served without a crumb • • • ~11 tne? ghetti. rice, or canned chow mein cup boiled noodles and I cup · ) Q"E TION WE ARE ASKED: A Tofutti is a frolen de sen topping. • "' ad Ii om '--A d o· 1 noodles. cooked mixed vegetables. For~ucc lfyou are ona tight bud&et, u in& Q. Wlat do tHy 1se to wai fnlts m e r soy~ns an com l .

- 2 parts vegetables such as u e cream of chicken soup or make leftovers to make casserole can sac• as applea? II It urmflll ud incc 11 has no milk products, at green beans. peas. tomatoes. car- your own white suace. save ou mone . But ou also can bow can you gel rid of It? would be •Sood choice for someone

------------~::.:.:....:..:=:::....!=::..:....:.:.:.::::.::::.::.....:.::.:..._....!..:.::::.~:..:.:....::.:.:..:~::::::.::.:... ____ ~~:.L!~~~r.:..!:~~~~!:.!!!_.:.:.::.!::=_:~~~:..:.:...:.:..:_ ___ who is allergic to milk. Ttte produC1 1s nuinuou• because it coowos healthful O)'bean , but it 1s b1&b in fat, so no better choice than ioe cream forthe person who's ttyio& lo save caloncs.

• _,,.., "·::! .a ... . "lt-. ..



C~~~K La. 1.98 Smok.d , 8fff or Polish



·~ • "' ' l'ilB 79 · 'IJ 1 lOAF • .,

Two 8-0z Tubs or 1 lb Mo>et Tub



c Lli.

--------' 1m f I

.. I~ Pon Ready (BoMd lB 1 tl9)

PRISH IDAHO RAIN.OW TllOUT ...... .... . li\1'8 Eoslem Poc1flc Frozen CULTURED MUSSELS lB 1.29 SWORDFISH STEAKS

1-lb. Pockoge WILSON SLICED BACON ..... EA. 1.59

Sweet or Hot HUGHES ITALIAN SAUSAGE.l a. 1.99


6 .S.0%. CAN ~



CHU•l Ll9llT

c IA.




1 ·~-LB. PKG. LONG

11-0t. Pkg .. Potato Chips LAYS OR RUFFLES ....

8-0unc• Size

NEWMAN'S OWN DRESSING. ..99 ... 1.79

c LB.

Fr•ah Tender


12-0unce Pkg .• ChffH Food

....... . 139 A .... ICAN SINOLIS ....... .' ..

I• 2-0unce Reg ChlneH or l< lnogc>•h•

HINOICHI 55 'l'Ol'U .... .... . . . . ...... . ......... .

7•0•• •oasr ---.- c~J~K La. 1.2 9

l()HIUll aoo ... .U. 1.te

Louis Rich ( 'It Hen 8r905t ... Lb. 2.29)



Big Roll ,


VIVA TOWELS ........•........

l111'8 Decorot.d (• · Inch Pot) CHRISTMAS TREE


.18 •••

EA 2A9,


1-lb. Pkg LOUIS RICH TURKEY FRANKS. .... .... .89

25.• ·0unce Bottle, Marukon

RICE VINEGAR W.l·Poc Azvkl, 12-0t Pkg

ISO·Counl WASH-A-BYE BABY WIPES 2.59 .................. H 36-Count Bottle Former John 12·01 Pkg

HAM ROLL ............................. 1.89 RED BEAN . ST. JOSEPH'S ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN .69 .....................• 79

\"2tMCK .......... 12-~~N 8 99 lllEOUlAlll •

750-MI., Mexican coff .. liquor · DECAFFEINATED KAMORA ... 6.H

80-Proof 1.75-LITER CLUNY SCOlCH ...... 9,91 Conodlon Whltky 1.75-LITER BLACK VELVET ........ 9.91 Chobllt. Rhine or Ch.nln llonc 1.5·LITER Al.MADEN WINES.~.

16-02. c~. 'fAS 79 ~UN MANS Olt


12·01 HAWAIIAN PUNCH.... . ...• 69 6-0a. ~~ or theeM ' SARA LEE CftetSSANfS ...... 1.69

II GUSH ·-· ...... ~ 1.29

I •••••• a1•1 •

PLUS \NI (() N T• N UI TO /\((fl'l

( I I I 'I' I , .,,. <., I I,' I l ', • o'l l l <_)I ~I ~ <, U I' \'I'\• I\ W" l I \

......... Ooolt ........ .... ,.._ ...


........... ..,_ . 0.-. c_., I (-• I 1•1 _____ ._ _.,_....._.

--t ~--- J """""'"'-::~ :.. .. -:::::.-:=-...:... • ...::=.::::::: _..........,..,_. ----....... ·-­~ ... - ........... t · - ·----_..... .. -·----- .. -- _.....,. . ,, -........ ~~---- ......... --..... _ .... ._ ... _ .. .. i-. " ,.... ................ ~ .......... -....

... ____ ""' ....... , ........... _, =


• • • Q. We are abo.t to ••ve oer ...

rtfrisentor . to dae f.&nle ' I• occuJoul ue 11Dce we ve ..._,a aew refnsera&or. Bow ea we e~ld·proof It aM still be Able a. ue It? I 1arely doa't waat to llave Mate clllJd crawUD1 lnto it ad nffoeat~ lng.

A. You arc to be commended for your concern about child safety and your old refrigerator. If you only use tho refrigerator in the Pl'afC: on rare occasions. you might con51der tum· 1n~ 1t around facing the wan so­chaldren can't get mto it. Thi1 means you'd have to go to the trouble of moving it when you want to use It

Another idea as to chain the refngerator shut, using a chain and padlock. The chain needn' t be hea \y but at does need to fit tigbtly around the refnguator and ~go through fhe handle, if possible, so children can't remove 11.

Lifestyle big factor in obesity ·

People suffering from obesH} don' t eat faste r than normal weight people. They don't take bigger bites ln fact, they don' t even cat as much as nonnal we1ght individ\lals.

According to the California 01eteuc .\ssociauon (CDA), it's the lifestyle and food selections that make obese ind1vtduals so over­""ea&ht.

··Obese persons. eat an average 11 percent more protein than normal weight people," said Rita Store) . R.D., president of CDA.

"They have a less acuve lifestyle. with httle or no exercise. which results an a n~d for fewer calones. Glandular or metabolic problems account for few of the obestt) cases in the United States:· she sa1d.

E~cess protein as a problem becau!IC man) sources of prg1cin are calone-dense and 1f those caJones aren't burned. they"re stored as fat . Most Amencans eat twice their requirement for protein, Storey says.

" B> hmattn~ food choices to low­calone sclecuons of the reqwred number of servings from the four food groups - milk, meal, veg­etables and fruits. breads and cereaJs - ~ou can be sure to get su fficient protein to meet nutn· uonal needs ...

..\ccording to Store). JUSt two two-to-three-ounce sen' tngs oflean beef fish or Poult~ "'111 fulfill the aHrage adult"s daal') requirement for the protein-centered meat group

If 'ou·re o'e""'e1ght and snack on nut!. or shced meats. thmk about replacing those snacks wnh more comple"< carboh)drates such as fruit or "'hole·"' heat toast.

In add111on 10 two ser\'lngs from the ml·at group. t~o servings each da\ lrnm the milk group and four daih <.en 1ng~ from the veg­l'I J~lc lrul\ and breads/cereal!> grnup<. \\ill pnn 1de an adull wllh all the nulnents the\ need to l"(laintain a health, . act1'e hfesnle without ga rmng ~'t'lght ·

l t e '~r 1 c to bum e'\cess ca Ion cs ,.., d111icult due to limited physical rapabilm • tore~ recommends a da1h ''i-m1nu1e wall l\ftera while. \hl' ·.,uggc')tS one might subsutute "ailing for an aftem<x>n snack..

Obes1t' d~med a scnous na-11onal nu tnuon problem by the

natc ~lect Commtttec on utn­taon and Human Niteds.quadruples an 1nd1' 1dual'o; chan~ of develop­ing d1ahctc\ It increases the nsk for hean ,1ttaci... .... . hlood clots. \aricose 'ein'), gout. respirator) diseases. ga'>trointe tinal disorders and gall hladder and II\ er disease

TANGERINE PUNcB-ln an elcctnc blender whirl

to&rthu unul -.mooth and frothy '" ~·up fro1en uin nne JUiet concen­trate. 1 • C'UP milk. ''I C"\!J> water, ~.cup u11ar ' teaspoon 'an11la and S ace cube'' ne 11 onct Mak~ _. sen1nr" ft1\'en on ~u~t

No matter what you're doing. your hometown newapeper

The lllllllll .; fits tn:

, I

'flhole Body 49 Chicken SOUTHERN lB • FRYEf'.I GRADE A

Drumatkk•··Or Thighs l lt(Sw 1•V(ll SO\Jff"t(RJtw _ • ff TO'' Pif CfS ~ft TAA¥

Fryer Spilt Breast r11lS>< ' •Ot""lClS"tll ' ""'

£'!!:~P.,R~~~en . Crou Rib Roast I ONllUS IONOlO BH< CHU<"-

T-Bone Steak

Porterhouse Steak IONOCD llCll lOIN

!Seasoning Salt

LAWRY S 11;01 Bfl

rSeneca Applesauce

. ~


• i ~ O l JAR

... 99 .. 1.55 ,9.69

.. 1.98 ... 2.69 .e2.79



Watch for our Holiday mailer. ArrMnQ tn yovt mtilbO• Mtl•I ~II

M eatballs simple, quick


'. '!}!/!u~!!..~!'!u~~6!f k

Loin Lamb Chops ~---• l us o • c ... o•c£

Lamb Rib Chops u SD A CHOlCl


.. 3.29 lb3.19

Lamb Breast ·9s • ~¥ c; " • ,.

~?!~c.~".!!c'!lder Chops .. 2.09 Pork Loin Roas} 5fllt01N CUT 3\1 olVG

r Farmer John Franks


~B 1.4_9


P' Hunt's g~t= A Ketchu~, 01 Bfl • ~

r Grapefruit 139 Juice ..


!Potato Buds

8£TTV CROCKER ,. ozeo• 169

-~,.,,~rent .• :w .-59 £9.~~~ WMel Mu~'!~ . • 59 °"' _ ..._.._,..,.._ .... _ .. _ .. __ _, ... _ ,_ ,__, ... _ " ....



Fc:.t1v1tic5 abound throughout the holiday season. It's urne to do a ltttle entena1nina as we look for­ward to vi 1ttng friends and sampl­ing each other's r ulinary creations.

Now is the lime to prepare someahinJ that's a bit d ifferent, but not too time consuming to make. Spanish Meatballs with Spicy-Nut Sauce 1s an appetiur recipe that meets these · taste and time de­mands.

The meatballs of Jean ground beef are nchly Oavored with lemon. cumin and red pepper. then sim­mered in beef broth for just a few minutes. (Simmering is the secret to serving moist, plump meatballs.)

For do·Dhead convenience, the meatballs may be formed and refngerated 24 hours in advance and simmered just before rvina.

A traditional Spanrsh accom· paniment to boiled meats i a sauce called rome~u. Spicy-Nut Sauce is a s1mphfied version of romescu. It is qu ickly made by cooking tomato sauce, ground almonds, ctuli pow­der and vinegar until thickened. The sauce may be prepared 24 hours in advance and reheated j ust prior to serving.

A chafing dish is rhe ideal utensil 10 which to serve tbe meatballs and sauce. Or keep the meatballs warm in the broth and place in a serving

,. 199 Dellclous Red Apples ~ .39 WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY

Cal/tom/a Avocados .._..,.IOS·ll

Quarter Pork Loin ,, 1.49 t'~:c; 1.69 ia2.89 Ll.99

.. 1.39

!~~~':'o~.~~Sh ·t!!i!'e11~~um~n

. l • • 19 ... 59 , .. 23

I Nl'.l V[)(S q19 l OIN tk,AO( ..... o S1A"O N C" 0Y\

Lady Lee Bacon RlOUlAR 0 1! fHtC• Sl•C f O

')Fresh Boston Scrod . . ... ,, "°).'

Cherrystone Clams •A( ~,..

Fresh Trout P•1tStll •

r Continental 45 Yogurt ·

4 fl AVORS 8 OZ CUP • ·/ r Totlno's 99 JvA'!~ty ~~~eox . FROZEN

!.!~= ~oze<c 119 CONCEllfTRA TEO

~~!!.BIWfl - ~ or;11 •• • 99-E!~ !?~!!!· Bera ., 99 . , •• t:9'. • ' l ,. /("'f .... ~ • '·

.~ .17 Table Carrots "()T(D ' 0 " <IT• .. •N A

Fresh Mushc_ooms I 1l P•<. • 79

G~.1 ~ua~~~°'." Mix, oz P•o .5 7 ..... .

!Dawn Liquid 199 Detergent

320Z BTL

rLowenbrau ~ Beer


f !;a;a;;~~~-0 229 Scottie• Facial Tluue .,~

nn • .-I-ii

!~~Sol Cleaner QI ,,L 2. 79 E!~ryl~.~~PI • / ••a .69 £Lad~ LH Smolcle 1~!!'~! f.49 r~~~r..~,..m c~~on~a .95

dish with a slotted s~n as n~ed. Welcome in the holidays wtth the

party spint.Jf1 easy to do when the entcrtainina is simple. Spantsh Meatballs with Spicy-Nut Sauce Is an appetizing creation for your holiday parties.


1 'rii pouad1 1ro11Dd roud 1eu 5 cloves aarllc, flaely cbopped l onJon, flaely cbopped l 'rii tablespoons anted lemOD peel (I lemon> Yi teaspoon red pepper fiaket 14 teaspoon 1roud camla Z cups beef brotb Z caps water Splcy-N11t Saoee (reel~ folJ0~1) Mix beef and next 6 1narcd1ents

until well blended. Form mixture into 36 meatballs. Heat beef broth -and water until boiling. With a slotted spoon, carefully place into broth mixture a few at a ume. Simmer gently 3 to 5 minutes or until just done.

Remove to chafing dish; keep warm. Repeat until all meatballs are cooked. Meatballs may be formed up to 24 hours in advance and refriger­ated. Cook in simmenng broth mix­ture just prior to serving. Serve with Spicy-N ut Sauce and toasted rounds ofFrench bread. Makes 36 meatballs.

SPICY-NUT SAUCE I cu (15 onces) tomato 1aace i,; cap almonds, toasted, aroud 1 tablespoon cltJll powder l &able1poon vlae1ar

In a small saucepan, mix all ingredients. Heat , stirrina oc­casionally, until hot and thickened about I 0 minutes. Place in serving bowl. If desired, garnish with slivered almonds and parsley. Serve with Spanish Meatballs. Makes 121> cups sauce.

Mincemeat not just for the holidays By TOM HOGE ,., .... , ..... ,...,

Si:& I was a child, a feature of Christmas at my home bas been the huge mince pie that wound up the holiday meal. So I was interested to read a recent article on how many new uses mincemeat is being put to the year round.

My mother. and later my wife, spent hours as Christmas neared preparing the pungent mincemeat for pies, cakes and cookies. But there was never a thoupit of using the miltturc for anythmg but des­serts.

Later. we saved many hours of work by using the prepared mince­meat available in the markets. This proved just about as good as the homemade variety. especially if you added some chopped nuts, dried fruit and seasonings to taste.

Toda). mincemeat is still a holiday favorite. of course, but It plays other roles on a year-round basis. They include flavoring for meats and vegetables, acting as a stuffing and even a filling for omelets.

For a delicious turkey dressing. you can combine savory sausage with the spicy tang of the apples and raisins found in mincemeat.

Since apples and raisins arc traditional ingredients for curry as well as mincemeat, the mixture makes an excellent base for curried meatballs.

Mincemeat is also used as a stuffing for large cored onions. As a filling for pear halves, it is deliciou! with roast ham and poultry.

Mixed with shredded carrots anc chopped onion, mincemeat m~ a tasty relish for meat.

In hot weather mincemeat can tx blended with whipped cream sweetened condensed milk anc nuts and then put in the freezer fo· about six hours to make a spicy ice cream.

Here's a recipe for the cumec meatballs.

CORRIED MEATBALLS l cup soft bread crumbs l U-ouce jar ready-to-aae mince meat I i,; pounds leu 1round beef 1 eu t tea1poo11 salt •;, tea1poo11 pepper 1 &ablespooa ~etable oil

I -·-· ~dNlopped~~ 'rii ctip cMpped 1nn pepper t teaapooa1 cvry pewder ~ ctp lemon jatce Hot c.ff ecl rice In medium bowl, combine crumbl

11> cup mincemeat, beef, cg. salt an pepper, and mix well. Shape Into l V inch meatballs. In larae pan btow meatballs in 0 11, remo\'e whe browne . In ~pan, cook orno and ~n pc~per until tender. Ad ~m11n1nJ mincemeat curTy an lemon juice. mix well. Return mca balls to skillet. Cover and simmer J minutes. stirring occas1onally. Ser. with rice. Serves 6.

,, 1",_.os 1000 \ \1i c.• ......

~~ter - H f-- - t, .. .Lt-4 ''°"11· ll""'-a~--­

') ••"' . ..., ,.,

. -


' ,.- \11111

·'> ~-\ '"" -~ l N o ma tter what you ' re domo. your ho m .e t o It n newspaper

• ,, The 11111 Piil ma 1n.

'• i

:-0 e

PlanQing ahead aids h·ostesses

Pan of the an of easy and ele~ant holiday meals is in the preparation. Advance food preparation steps weamline time spent in the kuchen - whether you use microwave or conventional oven techn iques.

Here are some suggestions to help expedite and enjoy holiday meals.

Oran~ Coat DAILY PILOT IW..edneedey, December 5, 1 ...

Ancient foOds star ane---~ Ltntil~ and fip, two of the most

ancient foods, star 1n this heart> wmter cas~role . Lentils origin~tcd 'n-C,cntM-A&1a. wh re lhc.> h<lvc heen <'uh ivated 'iince prehistoric times. Fi~. to~. hnve an equal . longevity; theu n1story may even go

Pork and apples take on a new navot when combined with lentil• and nca.

back as far as the Garde!\ .,f Eden. i tabtn,.... DIJ• ..... ,.. ( omb1ned here with tan lfCtn • tea~ dlyme

apples and "tel omons. the fig Dao C1yeue pepper and lenuls make a h rty base for--! ea.,tt,, .... e••••d ,.,..,_....,.__ .. musu1rcJ..sauoed pork cho~. h 's a Cook lenul~ a packafe dlrecu. • fta~orful oven-baked dish that drain. Combine lentil WJtb •PSNe~ • bnn~ nll the nchnes-. of these fias and 1mall !!•·inch onion ~ ancient food to the table in a Pour into 2;,quan blk1n1 dish. tet contemporary way. ' aside. Brown pork chops in bo4' .

u1llet, spnnldl' with &alt and i>ePP'r. PORK AND LENTIL BAKE

1 patkl&t (1% ounces) leetUs % caps cored aod sllced tart apples 1 cap sliced 1nl11loa 1111 I • mall ODIOD, peeled c pon ctiopa 1 clalckn boailloe cabe •;, cap botJwater Ya cap ••ne wllle

Place oo top of lc-nt1ls. D1 solve bou1Uon cube in bot

water Add to skillet with wine. • m~tard. thyme and cayenne pepper, boil 3 minutes Pou.rover pork chops. Cover 'pan with foil. Bake at 3SO degrees, 60 minutes or until meat is tender. Spnnklc with parsley. ' 4 scrv1n15. '

• Accomplish as many do-ahead tasks as possible before a special meal. Chop nuts. pears and onions for stuffing. sprinkle with lemon Juice and wrap tightly in plastic wrap to seal in flavors and keep

No Games ... No Gimmicks ... Everybody Wins Witb Stater's Low, Low Prices!

refngerated odors out. . • Tear lettuce and spinach

leaves, wash and sea l in plastic wrap with a dam~ned paper towel to maintain cnspness until serving time. Or plan salad's that can be accomplished in advance. such as marinated vegetables or gelatin molds.

• Defrost poultry in the refriger­ator, allowing even thawing and reducing chances for the bacterial growth that encourages contamina­tton of food at room temperature.

• Discourage food spoilage ·ltti­stuffing turkey or fowl wi th p\\!: cooked dressing. The heat required to roast a turkey may be insufficient rodestroy bacteria in dressing.Stuff bird with hot dressing during the roasting process; test for doneness with a food 1hermometer.

Remove leftover stuffing and wrap tightly in plastic wrap for overnight storage in refrigerator. Another solut ion 1s to serve indi­vidually stuffed turkey breasts. Serving sizes for small gatherings can be easily handled this way, and leftovers are easier to refrigerate than a turkey carcass.

Following is a simple and ele~ant recipe that can be prepared 1n a microwave or conventional oven. and is an unusually dcl1c1ous blend of poultry with pear. ra1'iin and !>pice dressing.


1 pound sliced turkey breast '>ii teaspoon garlic powder '>ii teaspoon ground cinnamon •;, teaspoon salt

Pear Stuffing 1 pear, peeled, cored and cut Into chunks 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons raisins 1 tablespoon butter

-~ .. ---:.~ .. zACKY FARMS -,-~"if HQL,_EJ30DY . 9lng :fttens



Jell.() ·Gelatin

2 tablespoons chopped walnuts 31, cup toasted croutons

Coating 3 cinnamon graham crackers If. cup com flakes

Meat Dept. Savings Frozen Food Favorites 1 egg 2 tablespoon• water Divide slices of turkey breast into

four equal portions. Place each por· tion in overlappi ng sltccs on plastic wrap. Combine garlic. cinnamon and salt. Sprinkle evenly over four por· 110ns. Pound lightly with wooden mallet to seal overlapping edges. Top wtth second sheet of plastic wrap and refrigerate ovcm1gh1.

Combine pear chunks. lemon Juice, onion, raisins and butter. Wrap t1ghtl)'. in plastic w_rap and refrigerate

walnuts on square of plastic wrap.

Back RibS am Quarter Pork Lo t SllCEO

I n Fii i 0 111 LOIN POllTK)N

Corn Dogs ::~i~~~·c" ·

L~m b Chops iE.~lttEST~ Chuck Roast :J~~ms

LI 69C Tater Tots ~~~~~!HOES l l s1.49 Toti nos Pizza ~ri~TK)N l• S2.99 Orange Ju ice C•TRUS'11lL

LB s1. 79 Bread Dough !~1.~FOAO B s1 .79 Citrus Punch ~~ .. ~~.Oh~ .. ,


E• s1.S9 Apple Juice ~~~·E ·2ot 81c (A s1 .69 Sandwich Steaks !rt; O••" ''''J·••)l S2..19

s Shells =~~ Wrap tightly and store at room temperature overnight. Compare these Low Prices


Cat When ready to bake turkey breasts.

place graham crackers and corn flakes on square of plastic wrap. Co11er with another square and crush with a rolling pin. Remove top sq uare. Combine egg and water io a bowl and E'~ cover with olastic wrap: set aside. ,;' ~

water. Cook over medium heat for 10

Put pear mixture into a medium $4-69 saucepan and add 2 tablespoons

to 12 minutes. or until pears arc JUSt . 7·LB. tender: sur frequently. Sttr 1n , croutons and walnuts. D1y1dc stuf- • So fing mixture ev~nly among four Onion up LIPTON

. tY.Illy_bttasL PQillOD _ ..-.•-...--Lifl CdiC Of plastic wrap (0C8fefully a ice '1ANSEN $

roll up turkey. enclo'l1ng stuffing. ff p dd" · C needed, secure with a wooden pick. u 1ng ups '~~,,~~7;~ Roll each turkey roll-up in cag B D • k mixtutt. then in crumbs. Bake on OX rt n S .. ~f:,~ r~t:"v rack fit 325 dCJ.fCCS for 20 to 25 p· kl minutes, or unul turkey IS rooked. Sweet IC es OllW)NH •

Serve with pureed cranbcrrv ~aucc . . - Micro ave. D1n:ction8: Put pear Do~ Food ., .. ,,.Al.,..

mixture m a 4<up glnss mcnsunng $ f • --.....uv.,.~VCt ~ l>laSllC WTl!j): fold tu lnn .:i~,~~~

back. small SCC\Jj)n 10 vent. Cook at • ~ • H!&h c100 pc~1n powcrl ror l'h io J Rice Kr1spres u~~~ca minute • or unul pears arc JOSI tender: • . tiron('r Cake Mixes '"'(l;-Y l'\U~ • IO VAllllflH

•Prepare turkc)' hrcus1 toll-ups ai. C b• S abo\lil. Place on m1cr6W11vabll"' rnc:'lr. L:og a In yrup C'ook at Hl&h ( 100 percent pow,r) for · 6 to 7 m1nu1es. or unul turk<'Y 15 cooked. rouue rack halfway through cookina. Let stand 2 m1nu!C"I. Malec, 4 rv1n .

• •

·&-Giasc ~1 .. 46

UOl •

fl'><ll agc

•DOZ~ Grape Jelly WElC .. ~ Zee Napkins ( AATM10Nf .. ,.,, 7~ Chocolate Chips :ki~~~.c .. 'X.,Ol s1.69 Cheddar Cheese !~~;~r-~· l. sa.09 Waft les :~U!"''"'.

l \ITTUl1'111 tt


' ... ,.r •

... ,__.,......-. 9


.... n- ..... ........ 1-

6_ .... •• II u I

Garden Fresh Produce Lettuce , A N(;V


Pears ~~,


Large Cucumbers

I Oly Beer ;:~:: Almadeh Wine ~m•fT~~ Taylor Wine m•1( T1f\

Black Velvet , ..... M... . '\• '" sg_gg Lord Calvert tANAO.AM '<•Tl~ s7 .39 Seagram's f-1"•<>"· "" ,~ ••• sg_gg

r:~--:-----.. RED LABEL

Smirnoff Vodka ~

' di 99,~ ..... ' .... 1 75--UTER

... ... IJ"" •


GUARANTEE We SlfM IO 1"914 Ofl tlWld allfir:Jlnt llOdl • ol ~-~If ~'lo GOloOlllOI• ~ °"" oontl'OI. .. ""' CJUI of 811 .,,., ....

"**' 1 IWN ()4(0( ... ---~ ~ '° ~ ... "'"' .. "" .,..,,.., ~ .. IDCl'I •.~ ....... Of wllt1ln 30 ~ •

: \.

--. -



... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, o.c.tnbet 5, 1984


...... ......... -· -.:: :.:••·

...... lvlc• ..c.ttlA.ttl. Ctllltl1

ll4 0t CMon


·Fresh · --· le Fryers

Manor House Whole F~ Chieken

!Cut·UP It> 79•)

............... ll9fltlCll•p• Frtsn Auotleo Cenler

& End I.Don C~

.. $149

Ketcll•p H1Anr1 Bonus Pllck

32 Ol Bonte


IS IN·THE PUDDING - the do> giow ~ oner and the

air more rrisp. nothing entices like the "-ett scent ofb3kcd goods. And prune arc a baking favorite for cookie . cakes, breads and aJI k1nd!I of other tempting goodic.-..

Steamed Prune and Apricot Pud­dmg with Custa rd aucc as a warm. and nostalgic dessert. It's a great make-ahead de sert for holiday entertaining, too.


~ cup chopped apricots I cup diced prooe1 I teaspoon (l'ated orange rind 1 cup all-purpose flour \'J cup ora11ge juice ·~ cup boner or maraarlu "• c.ap mola11es 1 1~ cupt all-purpose flolir' Yi cap packed brown 1a11r 11 teaspooa 1alt 1 tH1poon baking powder .,., teaspoon baking 1oda 1 e13, beaten 1 tea.spoon vanilla

Custard Sauce 3 table1poon1 butter or margarine 9'1 cup powdered s ugar 3 egg yolks % c•p milk 2 tea1poon1 van.Illa Com bine apricots. diced prunes.

orange nnd"and 1/4 cup flour in bowl.

Steamed Prune and Apricot Puddllll ~th Cuatard Sauce t. a 1reat make-ahead des~ aert lor holiday entertain­ln&.

• .Pepsi Diet Pepsi

• Pffps4 Free • Slee • OellCloua Anytime

f •t:Jv.,.,, .. ,. Al S.t•t•-. •f ...... .,., o. .. '" ,,, J "•Of f•-.N.\ '

Weter Colors I P1i ~ " ,. \.·t1 ' t ..

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SCt u1dc In - -.aut·cpan combine orange JUtcc. buncr and mola\scs Platt over low heat unul boner melt~. .Remove from heat and C't a 1dc

In larac mixing howl ~llr t<>il'thcr flour. brown 'ugnr, nil. bakmg pow-1.ler and w<lu Add melted butter mixture. ciu& and vani lla to dry '"Jrcd1en1s. St1rjust until n101 tened. Stir 1n apncot-nronc nuxturc Pour into u wcll-arcn'lcd nnd 41ugarcd 6-cup mold. If you don't have 11 mold l''JX'l'iully for 11 aJa!ls or ceramic: bowl may be u'!Cd Cover 11gh1ly with ~\'crul layer~ of foal. Secure w11h strina.,

Pince mold in large<·cpan or Dutch oven in I inch of gently s1mmcnng water C over !lauccpan.

te;.am for about I hour and 10 m1nutc'I (for mold with <enter-tube). or 211 to 3 hours (for mold w11hou1 center-tube). or un11I 1oothp1cl\ in­~rted 1n ccnte( -comes out dry

· Uncovcr•m61d and ullow to wol for I 5 mmutc!l ocl(>rl' unmold1ng.

Pudding mav hc ~er' cd ""arm or at room 1cmpcratu1l' with warm ( u~tard sauce To pn.•.,cnc nudding for later u~c . rcco,cr w11h frnh frnl and rcfngl'1atl' for up tu 1 wct·k<, l·orcxtra fl.I VOr, Sprtnklr Warm pudding With 2 table4'poons ofhrandy befon· rdngcr­aung. To reheat pudding. 'Ileu m 1n mold , as before. for about 20 minutes. Makes 6 serving~.

Custard Sauce:- Melt bu11cr 1n 4'auc:cpan over low heat S11r 1n poY.dcrcd o;ugar until \mooth With w1rl' v.h1!ll heat Ill egg yolks and milk ( ook. wh1lc wh1!>king COO\tant· f\ . O\ er mcd1um-h1gh hl'al, until

..01,turc hcgin!> to bubble and thicken. about S minute\. RcmO\l' lrom heat and 't1r 1n 'an1lla If not u'>1ng sauce 1mmcd1atcl) . rnvcr lClp v.11h pla'illl' v.rap or a lid to prncnt film from forming

I ...._. ... - ~ ... ,, .... __..w. . _.,,, _.._....., I c.-::; ;-..:. "":~ ;:.--: ... :-.: : ::.:: .. -:. I :.:-:. ;-= ~.: :.::::. ~::_ .... ~· :': • ,.. I . ...._ -· "' ..... .... .... I - .. . I.... _________________ J S~ar glazed almond• and buttery abort putry combine ln

this eaay yet elegant deuert tart. '. ,DOUBLE COUPON (,,

'- ··· ~·· .. ""' ..,,., , ......... _, ..... ,. ..... ..... .. ,.. f . ~ .. • • _.,_,,,. ..... # ot• , _ .. _. .. I. " ••• --,._,,_, I ,_ ·~··~- .... ........ ... -···-· ~ ·· - • • h ..... ..... _..,.. ... . .. -· . ...... ,..

...... , ··- -f'W ..... - ..... , ..... - ... .....

<#~··-·-· .. -· -- Spectacular tart unbelievably easy

Spectacular looking tarts, the kind that appear on dessen cans in the nicest restaurants. arc dccepuvcl:r cas) 10 make. All you rcall) need 1sa tart pan wi th a removable bottom and an accurate oven thermometer for success. especially wnh this pat-in-pan trust

This elegant pastry l'Cln be Wllh a dollopofhqueur navored whipped cream, a thin raspberr} or chocolate sauce. or absolutel)' unadorned. The butter nch pastry and sweet crunchy almond filling netd no cmbcll1shmen1 -even (or the sweet tooth The filling takes care of that Sugar and he-avyeream combine to form a crynal gJazeoverthccnsp al monds that toast to golden brown as the tart bakes.

Not only do the almond1i taste crunch) and sweet . they add nutnents to the dessert as well. Rich an V1tam1n E. nboOav in. phosphorous and magnesium. they mal-.c this a glamorou'I, healthful dessert.

ELEGANT ALMONOTART 1 cup flour 3,4 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar "'a cup butter, froien - cut into pieces l tablespoon cold water 11/1 teaapoon1 vanilla .,., cup heavy cream

~~=-="--~.+---l~effpoetl-gt'~~Fuge-peel Muttvooma S....tHd ll't Buniw Red US WHIW!Qlon 11 I d t t

0t Re•, C•qmy MullN()()t'I So..c> 51111• E~tt• Fency 1• tea1poon a moo ex rac

I ,,., N•tt' }IJ c;.,.,..f>f Ct"'l ~'( 1tff

trt , lfwf ,,Jkk.,'J N\I f' I f CtflfY!C..

pl(>.OM Or·t.;,b "I Stw $

- l cup sliced almond•

149 · 39c Wblpped cream, optlonal

• .. Place flour, I tablespoon sugar, buttc1 . watl'rand 111 tca.,poon vanilla in

food procc.ssor bowl. Process with on and ofTmouon unul mixture fonnsa ball Press into 9-inch tart pan. bc1ngcarcful there arc no holes or tears: chill.

~hllo Y• ..... c~ w!. •i" ...... H W.lllvts~ ti 419• Lmctartshellw1th alum1numfo1landfillRw1thp1c~c1ghtsor ncc. Bakeon lowest ~hclfin oven at 4(>0dcgree\, 8 minute., cmove 1011 and bake 3 to 4

lm>•hlck Velvet~ ~;; '9" ......... atoe1w':~'°c;..~., ., 29• minutesorun11lpastry1ssct ,cool. D?l)Score1&... •--..a.....&...

88Proo1 l•:; .... -.HIOw .._ .... r ... ~# r~-,,. .., .. ~ , ••• Combine l/4cupsugar. hea vycream.orangc ix·d. 1 tca~poon vanilla nad

_.., ~ •• WW .... r . ar, • ...,., • almond extract. ~t1ri n almonds. let stand Is minutes Pour anto cooled shell. Glbey Gin • ,, '~ '9Qll Cha'npagne "t;.,: 3 ·~ •500 Crisp Carrtos C"">e.'"' 2 0•~ 59• Bake in middle ofovcn at 400degrces 25 to 30 minutes or until goldcn;cool. To

serve. carefully run spatula under crust to loo~n from pan. Serve with whipped Kahlua LJQueur,.';.!_. '.:. 18" Bennger r..,;:... '.: '2" Or••• v RlodA9u>a.nn 4l e.n-,_ •1• cream.1fdesircd. Make .. 8to lOserv1ngs.

Ull"r's C.... • Ch110 S..O. l!I ' , Ot Clr1

FREEi '2.M CAM--• f.;,~ CMrliatM II DI.I SIOfl! pYI ,.,,,.. llnl' . , ..

NIWt AV'J"l..,1 Olu.nTll

•• IN.US

Whole Wheat ·.:: ~,··i:F.' ~1. ... .... Bread • r • t .

• • .• ) t•' " ~ r - Mr IV• I' 1 " • I• • .. • • ·ii. .• : , ·~ ~. , I . I . I •' •f' ~ • • ~· J) ,

,,.. I (~,, ·,,.~, s 11• Gl>I Qoe Al R"U'.i.11 .... , ,,, .... 01

Sweet P3tatee9

• 59'

Sunchokes ".;.... .... ~ 99• ~1 Endwe •·':!' ~ 11"

Red Apples .::!"' ~:·; 7 9' Green Cabbage 4 , • 100

4-H cookbook f ocUses on California cuisine

I u cckhratl' thl· nchc"' of lou1I cookang. take a cuf1nar~ <1a lan ot ( ahforn1a cuisine. using a new cookbook lo guide you.

The illustrated 1.62-pagc book. "California 'Cootong. Favorite

cc1pcs o F'lrhfr~ high-lights what's happening in delicate and robust regional fare

With 500 recipes from 4-11 mem­bers. parents. vol unteer leaders and staff. the book shows how 4-H'cr'i earned their cooking reputation\ There's food to please clas4'1c and creati ve cooks. conno1~seurs and those with plain palates.

• Examples of the featured tn­umphs include Mushrooms Floren­tine, Creamy Garlic Spinach Soup, and Gina's Pasta alad, Shrimp Rockefe ller . Special Ca rrot rasscrole. and Chocolate Truffle Loaf Torte.

The .. onbound book 1s divided 1nlo nine food cate&oncs, from· appcl17ers to <1cs~n \. Also an~

eluded arc '>Uh'i t1lu t1on and cqu1 ... ;ilcnt r harts. tips on pies and pa<>tnc~. and nutnt1on data.

Proceeds from the sale of the book , -,ponsorcd by the Cahforn ia 4- H Foundation and 4-H Leaders E'uonol. wrll bcn?ftt¢-f1~1T- and help keep them cookmg.

Books can be ordered by title by wntang ahforn1a 4-H Foundation, 48 Shattuck Square, Box 72-N, Berkeley 94 704. Enclose a check for S7 JO. covering postage, tu. and handling. payable to California 4-H Foundstton. Or phone, in Cali­fornia. 1-800-223-3389. for VISA or Master Card orders.

T he 'lta tcw1dc 4-H program ad­ministered by UC Cooperative Ex tension. in volves more than 94.SOO youth members and nearly 22.000 adult volunteer leaders. Through the program, urban and rural youth , aees 9 to 19, develop interest~ in ·~team _!>y _doing" ro­Jects

.. ,.. .. _ Rr re• AMor!e<J s ~ .... • ...... c.. c.r. ~ l.- 1~ ··· ·:..:' ••. Beef barley soup's {learty • .__ .. '°""" ~ • Slicf"I ' .' ,,, ...... .,.. • CtwloOld .. .. ()/ •.. .,. ....... _ ... ,._


2 ':•1• ._ ..... ••••• == a. .... i.,, ... ,.. ~~ 79•

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""'··-- ~ ,,, !M•.,....,_nt-T• c- W.OC,e.s.....,

-.. .. -­~ ~ 111;(.f.l'I tQ(lD .,-~,

BARLEY SOUP 1 ~., poeod.1 (1boul) Ilk~ be f d1acli Deck boat % 111 qurt1 water t do•H prUc. nstn~d 1't cap pearl barlty 1 large rib celtry, tlalaly llctd ( t cvp) •

I tar t Pl°' coarUJy c~ CI cep) 2 mt d'8m C'lrrot•, tblely llctd II c•PI} 1•, .. u1ct t11f i r tfl llma bean.,

draJned 8aU 6 ptpper to taste In a larac ~uccpan bnna to ra boil

the ~-er chuck nl"Ck bones, water and garltc: •11mmcr. CO\'<"red, for I hour. Add Nirlcy. celery and onion; tmmcr I h(.lur lonacr. .dd carrots Continue 1mmcuna until carrot' art trndtt

;about 20 minute . Remoy,; JQup bOno: c.;ul mc11t from bone, dice and add to soup. ~ctn ralccovtrcd until fat hardens un top. Remove fat , add hma hc,.n,, rthcat. st1mna oflcn and add1na \.lit ilnJ pepper to tute. Makr" uhout 21

.,. quan\.

. . •


hilJ Pffat WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 198~

Ex-NFL greet• ,,.. Two l•t• goela Harrt.,Bro - IT..IA.TL:!C! h Klnp___e.,n_~ plan two-men . .IILl Y.lT~ 2-2 de8dlock competition. D2. ~ In Mlnneeot.. ~ "

It's ·a breeze for Mater Dei )

Crisell moves Jn to semifinals

Lewis scores 39 to lead Monarchs to 75-40 victory over La Habra By HUGH SILER Deir ..... c.., .. , ••• 1

Com1na into the 1984-85 basket­ball season with very high credential \he Mater Dci H1ah basketball squad -o~ should we say demohtJon squad -did httle to upset any of1tJ faithful , brcezina to a 75-40 win over La Habra 1n the opening round of the Valencia Tournament Tuesday n1Jht.

By virtue of the win, re1gn1ne tournament champion Mater Dc1 advances to the Thursday's sero1-finals aµ 1ns1 Rancho Alamuqs while E<S1son H1gh•s Chargers will try

their hand 1n scm1flnal 1ct1on tonight against Valencia (8 o'clock)

" We just tried to run our offense and &el our patterns down_,•· Ml.l.U Dc1 CoachV!fy~ nignt ~1d " We were a little sloppy m the first quarter."

The Monarchs may na t have played up to their potential at the . outset of the pme, leading only 12-8 .with 1 :3~ to go in the fim ~uaner. but un(onunatel~ for the Highlanders. senior sensation Tom Lewis cau&ht fire and pumped in 17 of Mater De1's 22 points. as 1t led 22-10 at the end of the first pcnod.

Ocean View out of shell? Seahawks top Compton, 57-54 for first victory By ROGER CARLSON Of .. .,..,N.e .....

Tabbed as the team to beat m Jbc Sunset League. but tagged with a loss before they could even get to the first round of the Fountain Val~y Baro baskctball 1nv11a11onal, Ocean View's Seahawks flexed their muscles JUSt at the nght time Tuesday night.

The y put Compton H1gh 's Tarbabcs away in the first round. 57-54, to advance to Thursday's 6 p.m. semifinals against Capistrano Valley at Fountain Valley High.

Coach Jim Hams' Scahawks had already endured a season-opening shocker in a 49-48 non-league loss at Mission VieJO. and highly-regarded Compton had a 54-53 lead with.2:22 to go - the Tarbabes' fi rst lead s1oce opening up at 2--0.

But i'n the end it was Dave Straight grabbtng a rebound off Tony Pan-. zica's m1 sed free throw attempt and quick bucket from inside with eight seconds to go that ~alcd II aner R1ckv Butler's ofTens1vc rebound and bucket put Ocean View in front . 55-54.

" We ha ve a good blend of youth and expcnencc," stud Ocean Vie"' Coach Jim Ham~. "but right now the youth is feeling the pressure of bemg good. But, they came out of their shell tonight and as I said earlier, I really can' t understate the future of this team.

" We may st umble, but we' re get­ting the idea. That (Compton) was a good ball club."

The Tarbabes. down by as many as 10 points in the second quarter (32-22). pulled into a tic at 45 at the

end of Lhe third pcnod and appeared to have the momentum to put It awa:r. but when things got tough the Seahawks went to Butler, Blame DeBrouw~r. Panzica and Straight 1n the clu tch moments.

DcBrouwer led Ocean View \COr­mg with 14, with Straight, Butler and 6-5 Mike Labat each contributing 11 .

"We got -a httle tired and stopped movi ng," explained Harris of Ocean V1ew'l> third-quarter lapse "and we start~l-1-ng----be•H-- nn -defense. Guarding that kind of quickness you can get tired."

* * * Jitters hurt Pilerhopes in 70-57 loss

" First game. fi rst-quarter Jitter\ ·· That was Huntington Beach H1&h

basketball coach Roy Miller's view following his team ' 70-57 IO'>'i l<l Capistrano Va He) ·~-Cougars T uc!.da) ni~ht - a decision which sends the Oilers into Thursda\ ·c; con<1ola11on ~m1finals of the Fountam Vallq Baron baskc1ball 1n ' 11a11onal. t

The Oilers fell heh1ntl In an M-CI c0u nt and were do"' n h' f ti thrl:l' limes 10 the third quanl·r ht.'fon· pu tting on a mild rall}' lO get to ""1th1n 11 (62-5 1) hcfore how1ng h\ I~

Greg Rujnovsk y. Nathan < all and Reid Lukes led Capo Va lll'\ with 24. 16 and 15 points. rcspcct1vcly in the rapid-fire game. which became ragged on many occasions.

" You sort of expected 11." con­tinued Miller. "bu t JUSI hoped 11 wouldn' t happen. We JOSI have 10 find out who our leaders are and who we want 10 get the ball to."

(Please Ke OILER8/ D2)

.. Tom l~w1s was very unsclfi h. He wa\ havins fun out there." McKmaht \aid of hi 6-7. 210-pound shooting guard. .

Although I cw1~ wa having fun at the expense of the I.a Habra Jefense fir't ~car I hghlander Coach George Fa1rch1ld that 11 would not be an ca y ta k taymgw11h Mater Ge1.

" It '~ hke playing a small colle$e We a ked for Mater Dc1." F:urch1ld said, rcfcrnng to when the pamngs were made for the tournament .. You cfon't get any better pla) in·g Junior high teams"

The ~onarcbs mcrca~d their lead to 46-18 at the hall, as Mt Knight was not he<11tant in going 10 his resene<>. us1na 14 player\

"l he ~cond half was lots of fu n and a good expcnence for 11\e kids."

McKnight added t cw1$ who fin1~hcd with 19 point~

(although \l\11na out the entire founh "uartcr) five rebound two ll!ls~ts .and one steal, wu the only Monar~h 1n doublr d11m.

Mtkc Mitchell (headed for rre<> no Stat(') al o had " aood evening for Mater Dc1. dishing off five asmt, while \Conng nine poi nu.

He nry Esparza and Jame\ Maninet scored 14 and 12 pciint'i , re'ipccti\.el)' . .for La Habra ..

Toatgbt'• Schedule CCon1olatloa Semlflaall

6 15-Esperania V'i. El Mo<fena CCbamplonstlip Semifinal>

ts-f d1son v<> Valencia Tbunday'1 ScbeduJe

CConsolatloo Semifinal ) 6 15-Katella vs. La Habra Tom Lewla

Nathan Call of Capo Valley (wltb ball) look• for teammate while being defended

0eMy NM pNlo Illy......._·-­by Ollen Mike Schutz (25) and Joel MUler during Baron Clautc Tue9d.ay night.

.Jabbar gets LA . off floor He scores 31 as Lakers rally past Cavs, l 16-IT2


The Lakers. however, ralhcd Tuell' day n1Rh1 10 defeat the Cavallen 116-11 ! led by Kareem Abduk Jabbar w1th 31 pomts and Earv1n ··Matuc" Johnson with 28

"We Just pla)ed flat and the reason behind II wal> Phil Hubbard." Ra ley s~ud of the first half -He·~ a work horY and his clTon makes him better than \OU mtghl Uunl...

Hubbard ~<>red 28 ofh1s 31 potnts. a carttf h1gh. in the frrst half ... fteT h m1s'4:'d hi first shot. he made 15 1n 1 rm' hd(in.• m1\s1n1t.h1l> last fi,e

" f 'en though I pla)C'd "'ell I fot"I had th.JI \\l' d1dn·1 win •• \aid Huh. hard ·· T hl'' tned to \tor me from gt•111ng thl' hall in thl' \t>tund halt and th<'\ did .1 prt·t1~ good 1ob I got 11red 10 the founh ~~rtt'r ··

Lo' .\nick., 1"\-7 trailed < In eland '+.:!Ya~ tht' end of the fi~t quarter and 68-58 at halfti me before Johnwn and Jabbar each scored eight po1nl'i m tht' third quarter to give the l..aktn an 89-86 lead cntenng the fourth quarter

'"llC"'\ the ke\ ... Johnson said of Jabb3r ·He got u" olT and running and hi\ hool.. <>hot ""as on. When our h1g threat l'i wor~mg hk-e that. tl make'l l'"C'" bod\ t"lst' better··

Eagles snuff out Flames in 93-46 laugher ~1th _loh.nson d1r«un~ the Laker

IJ\thrral.. . Los .\ngel~ built their lead w Ill~ 102 "'1th c; .p remaining..

\.1rl Turpin then made one fol.ft -;hot and Ro) Hin!>On made a pair of haske~ to pull (le\ eland wtthtn ono p<>1nt w11h 3 21 left. but Jabtxu htl Jll

-Melodyland no match for Estancia five: Chadwick next on tap at Laguna Beach By JOSEPH DUDEVOIR o.lly ""°' .. ,......

It was JUSl cri minal what fat11nc1a High did to the haplc's Melodyland Flames Tuesda}' night 1n the fir'lt round of the 15th annual Laguna Beach basketballtournament.

First, the Eagles picked Mel­odyland's pocket to the tune of 31 $teals, and then Estancia shot a1 pomt blank range with a quick-triggered fast break that resulted m one lay-up after another 10 blow the Aame'i out.

Holiday shopping made easy

You have no doubt been holf crazed with antic1pat1on pending am val ofTuckcr's annual shopping suMestlonsdedic..41ned 10 the prop. os111on a merry 'hrutmas ts sporting ('hmtmos

Without funherhcmm1ngand hawinathen .

For the man 1n )Our hfc. a1ve him a jOlfblll. This maysmkryou o a mockst item but 1t\ true value 1\ hidden. A &Olfball will open I new world ofhcalthful and cnJoyahlC' 1ctiv1tyand his hfc will be olccn•d fo1 the better

You Wiii nave tarted h11t1 on hi\ waytob«om1naaaolfcr. but he will nctda few incidental 1o complC'tC' h1., ~crnaha . .. • for opcnc". hew1ll n\'Cdll~t of

.... __ """"°'10,,--,f <"lqbswilh which to hit h1 aolf ball. C'lubll, mctimeHa lled \tick\, come an auonmcnt of 1mplemcn1" known&\ woocband 1ton' A bc11n· ncr·u c t can be picked up for und1.·r $600.

93-46 and qualif> for a qu.1ncrli nal\ berth against Chadw1l"k Thursda > even mg (5·45).

r 1r.-.t-y(•ar Eagk C oach Jo._· Rl·1d wa<, low-key 11fter thl' win hut h.1pp} noncthele\\

" We pla-,,cd all right." he "'"d " It wao; kind of rag-tag at tht rhtl. hut everyone got to play and huvc some fun "

[very Eagle scored. led h> l:m year''I all-league forward Scol t Clr­mcnts. who put m 2"\ f>OJOI\



He will need a bag in which to cnrry his golf clubs and golfball. f'rom th\' standpOinl oTappcaf~ncc arounaa JOlfcoursc, the bag is on 1mponan1 l\em. J mean, noonc wtth an ounc<' nt sclfrespect would be wen car-r;1na canvas which 'A.Cnt out with plu!t· fou~:indAraylcs<>ck\ .

E.nghsh lcathcraotfbag!t, conc.1'dcr-1ogquaht1 and appearance. urc 1ood value. A hnlccarcful shop_p_ina will tum uponcforl 1hanSJOO.

Nc~t. he will nct'd11 If can 1n wh1chtondcand1ran ponh1 101 t>aaand h1sgol(clubund ha 1011 bell.

ewcan run in ihc nciahhorhood or U .OOOwhich include the U\\lal .. ncccc,wric · Hcw'-!lnotw htobe nouccd tna ttnppcd-<t n model wh1ch1'11nthcca1 oryofa n,,. b:\ • f lo~cvcr. " u~d call 1Y.a «'J>lahl

lor abta1 nn r 1hc u d~artlot~tn (PleaMNeHOLIDAT/021

Lc.tanc1a. the Jc:knding l.hamp1on of tht' tournament. got off to a qu1"·1i.. \tart. opening a 12-4 lead 1n the fir~t quarter on guard \dam l od.woo<f<> l\tc;il and lay-up I .tx kwood ""a~ foulc:d on lhl' shot .ind made the lrt'l.' ttlrow to tomplctl' till thrt'l' p11int pla'f I m k\.\- ood I\ .il\n ,1 f\' tlll n111g,1ll · ll·apm• 'l'ktt111n

I Ill' k.1d hall111111nl 111 4 \ I 'I 111 thl· \nnnd pt>r1od <1111 ·1 I 11dd "1ounn 1111 .1 p1111 of fn·c· lhrm.,, \\1th 4 "\) rl•ma1n1ng 111 the ·h,111 Mount'' fin · 1~hed the ganw w11h I h rrnnt~ and

Thi:' Fagle' whc11.Jo11 1 h,1\1.,l plavcr ovn 6-l had no trouhk "onlrollmg tht· bo.m1' rom1n11 a\\3\ \\Ith SO

rcboundl> ( ra1g < u\C}' • • 1 I> \ JUllltH (and tht• onl) non i;enwr on lhl' <.quad) ~anl..t:d do\.\-11 18 rchound' tn lead ho1h tl'ollll\ 1n 1h.1t <krartml'nt

In thl' \t'llllld h.1lf th1· f ,11tln r 1d,l•d Up \.\- hl•rt· thl. \ kit ofl \UICI 01/. fiH· po111t' m I~''' th.111 ,1 m11111t1 illl ,1 'l!J 14 .1lf\ .111 t,ll/.l I hr k.1d kt' pt• rro"llll/.. \.\-Ith tht· \tclll' h11t1n1t ~ ~ \ I 11n C 11\l'\

0 \lh11·1 p111111pl.I\ \\llh I'" rl·m.11111nv 1n th1 1h11d 1)1:r111d

r hr I laml'\ \.\ho J)t'\, C:r (11•1 'tn\t"I' I p<11n1\ 1n till' 't'l<llH.I h.111 \\1'11· led h\ Pat< H'tH~'t ' 11 p<11n1' 1.111 111 ~--trait) ililtl t< tOc I \Ont\ hint·

Wht•n ~klod\ l.rnd "'·"n I h,I\ rng lhl' hall \tolen th1• H.1ml'' g.l\r 11 .1\\,I ~ l<ltJh llj!. 4' IUlll<l\l'r\

Toda) ·, Scbed11lt CConsolatlon Quartt>rflnal" >

4 I '\- l 11\ \ la m1to\ '' Ruh1dou\ .., 4 '\- f rt\\ " \.in11.1~11 ~ ' () I .1 \f 1r.1da '" < .11l tnm1a

t C'bamp1oashlp ''uarlerflnol 1 I) r n I .1~4111.1 B1·a1 h \' I I)\

\ Jll llll ' ' Tbur,d&) ·, '-t·htd11le

It ·on~ola lion '-<'mlf1na1 .. 1 :_ \ ,_ '"' \l.111111 '' l< uh1dn11\

\\llllll'r" I .1 \lir .1 It< ,111lurn1a IA.111· fll'f

..i I'\ fr1>\ \,111t1.111.11 \.\11'0l'f ' ' 'l:rnd «111 11

tfhampion hip Quartuflnal I ) .l '> - l \ t,tnl I.I \' ( h,tJ'I' It I.. ., Jn-\\ .1rrl'll " \an < knwntl' •1- Tu,t1n '' C m10,11kl :\1ar

pair of hook hoL\ to pu'ih the Laker lccuJ back 10 112-107 with 2:1& rem11ning. H1n~n then hll a 10-foot JUmpc(.

and added a frtt thro" on the pla) to l ut the Laker lead to 112-1 I 0 with ~ tl'i left Rut John"ion made a layup at thl I 12 marl on a goal -tending call agam)t H1 n<,0n and M1r hael \oopcr m.ldl l"'P lrt'l thm""' to gl\t> th~ I ah·f\ J " ' point kad wtth 21 \CUlnth left. \l'\.' unng tht' \.ICtOr)

Jame'i Wonh\ added 16 point<; fot _ __...___... ~~- ----

( lt"vcland I' now 2-16 the "-Orst rl'\.or<l m the league Hin~on added 24 potnt\ for C'fcvt'land and P:iul Thomn\<1n <l\Orc'd 18

Murphy still hasn't made up his mind Missouri , Oregon State top his list. but Cal State Fullerton s till in pi turc

From AP dispatches It appcnr~ thC' hcot of linah c;l\ for the

hrad fe><)thall rnach1ng 1oh at C )rq~on hn' hccn nnrrm.wtl 111 1wo

n. mt'\ ftlrtnlt'Y'Vll'WTTlfllroct"ttto '\('It"\ t ft

nl'W lO<ll h for th<' Pac-ilk In < on· ft'renCT \"<:hool hn\ mo' C'd intn 11\ ~ccond rihu 'IC.' - that 1ll tnt('n. Jl'\\lfl~ hnlh\t\ nn l.tmpu'

fh l' t"o nHl\I likrl\ l·and1datr' r,·nl.l1111ng to repliln .. lo~: \ \('llano, "'ho\\' <ontru(t ":u nut tl'nt'~nt . art" ( I 'itatc fulknon'' C n:ne Murph) and lll:lhn' ' th·nn1.. ·rid..\nn Murph)"'" \1\1t th<" campus v.11h111 1ht' nt'\t couple ol da~~ l:r1, 'on v1~1ttd 1ondav and luC"~la\

lllnlffillll'l" nil ( 3nlf'IU '> , ol\ h.ltl Murph) . ""~k CI rll \; \on I 1\ thl" f1 r\t nnl· \\ho

h,1, Oel' f\ h,1\ ~ hu1 11 · .. 111 nu 1 tn.un o~k1 · \mlro' "ml

. Murph' 1t.:turncu fut·'-'l.t) night f1rvn \.1 1"01111 "'ht·n· hi: nw1 Y.1th I Jl't'f \t hlt-t1t l>m·t tnr l>:'IH· H:\rt 1n "a"'·''< 11' '.1 uq1h\ 1nd1\o.at1:1l 1ha1 h,· " \till 1n 1tw runn1n for 1ht• M1\\our1 h11.111 (o,1r h1ng Joh

Ju" :i' hl' ha\n·t \-<' l 'l\11Cd Or-r nn S1.1h· ht1"l'H'r. \.1urph\ hih \d In~ \' the \t1\,(\llfl \3"1flU\

\t ur rh' -.;11\f I ue~il' niaht that he '' II h" not m:idt• up hi\ mind from amun1M1~suun O\l\ana1t ~ ulh·rton

" We' rt down to a fcv.: , .. \aid lkt" nJro I~ 'llC:f\. athl"'ll~ dm tor

Whn u llo1n1 mo 'ot thr cnnt 1 t wor~ ~ r I af I~ lttln (ummancc lhllt Yi'b Kt up by unt\(' r)lt) Pru1Mru J hn 8Yf'!C "We'd h~(' IO ~ 2M(' ICl name 1 nclo\ l h \hi\"" ~tnu ..

\ \kC'\l (11 r ''' thr: 1uh\ ~1n1 olTt'l't',t "' h1Al Murph' q1J Gene Murphy .

' l mutaun:tll). 1 ulknun I\ No I ' ltnan\:tllll) nn t rr t1 ' "'I •• Ma' uiul'l " ~.. I, an 1 mm an c l\

\t 1n,•ro11\l 1turn1n :u1\und a

nd: m, 17. hoaJ ptt' mu h hr"n 1ntcn1c""Cd b~ m mbcr\ of th<'

.. ..

JU•l rAmt Orcs,on St:tt(' 1\ No I •• • \hir1lh} ... 1d that "'111\lCIN hi

I\ 1 ~111 tu \11'\mm Ill ' 1'11 tht \'lmpu\

n t 1 uesil ) or t"dnc,d3'. htH that h 111;,o ~ \ rtl:.innin.-; to , th• On:ion Stat~ mpu~ 1h11, ""'.

.. fX,' lolltmcncnm 1 n n)thin <1nJ rm \UT'C I\ h II not imna tu do an\ thin until 1 et' 1ln '"m<'"'--.d' ·,

. .

lJOl I\ \1urph\ \aid \.h1rph\0

..i ~oachru tht: Titans to .in 11 I rnnrd th1\ ~ason tht l ulmmn1111n ''' a fi\l''·\t'ar rt'bu1ld1na 1nh 11 1' lc,ntrall ha' e\p1rt'd and ht \3'' ht• " OHi .. urt: y, ht: \\ilnt_s ,. d 11

.. \11"nun ha' got a hl'C'li of 1 lot of monl'\ and thl') ·," ~·l·n 1n lht' bov.1 ~1 mr' 1n \l'"l'n '"a":· he ..aid. '" But 11 ' .1 l1f'<'"un·-l 1)(11il'r - 1 liecp r h:mgin., m' mind

I rn· i..,11n l7. ha' rnmr1lcJ a 23-12 rt°\1U~ :11 1 ~1ttho 1n thrC"C )car$.\ 1ndu1hnt .l ..ti -~~ upwt of O~n \t.ll • 1n \ln\Ct'" thl' 'C'a\<10

I h '~ Orl·son \t.ttl' htrt'\ Murph) .. tunrnrruv. ;· ld.1ho .\thlt't1c l>trcc-tor Rill Rclln:tp \a1J Tur~' ·-1 don't ..,, nt thl\ 10 lira lln anotht"r ""ttk ..

I wn ot hc-r t"Nt hM tu' t' bttn mtrn lt'"'<"d b~ Oregon S111c -fkKlkt'r Rrc'Ol'. th {ltTI ru1H· C'-O<lrdl· n l<•f on \\('/111'10'\ <'lcJ t:afT arid

m R<• ,,.,, an u ''lAnl c· h 11h thl' I o'i ~n t'I" R 1det\ .ind a

tomu'1 _ \t IM\l :ai 0 ~c • Uc hu~1a n ~11J Tunda)' "

Ml nd1Ja1c- tor tit 1ob R• 1v1L.. .,n .. •1nl1l('ll 1• of

tli ~huu1 .. l1lJ)1Ml 1' 01, \IUI head h

............. -·--- - -

Harris, Brown set two-IDan ' for$100 000 From AP dl1patcbes

LOS ANGELES - In a duel tailored [il for telev1son, Jirn Brown and Franco 4 • Harris will ena.aae inn four.cvent compett· tion dunna Super Bowl weekend next January, It was announced Tuesday.

The motchu p of the second- and th1rd-kadina rushers in National football League bmory will be held 1n Atlantic City, N.J., a1 the Trop1cana Hotel and ('a~1nn w11h three events - including a 40-yard dash

- to be staged mdoors. Al a press conference 10

announce '1he com pct1t1on. the 01her 1hree events were not rt"­vealed by promoters Andy f"nendl) and Bob Parkinson. who '\aid the athletes would compete f~r a to1al purst ofS L00.000.

Bro" n. the 4a-~ear-old for­n\er ( le' e t'.ind Browns' great. drlier had quesuoned Hams' :ib1lit\ ac; a runner. when both

• ttams and Walter Pa' ton "ere nearing Bro"n's 'l fL ~areer rushing mar~:of 12 \12 \ard~ · Pa\lon 'urpassed Brown's record this season . "h1le ihe \-l-)ear--0ld I-jams. a former P1ttsbu rgh Sh1elers' \tar who "-a!. waived recent!) b~ cattle and has not signed wnh another cl ub. stands at 12. 120. h

"I'm not going to make very much money, but Lm · going to prove something to all the old guys in the country," ~id Brown " I want all the perfect people to be for Franco. I' m going to represent all the undcrpnvileged. fat gu)'I. old ~ople. everybod) who

·has been told they can't accomplish something. "I belle-.e 1n physical fitnesses and I'm g01ng to

compete senousl) ... Hams. shannf the podium with Brown at the pre~s

conference. said:" 'm looking fornard to 1L He was m) hero grow1n~ up. And how man) limes do )OU get to compete against your hero ..

Taking a swipe at Brown's age Hams remtirked. "I'm chairman of the Penns)hania-· Governor's Coun<:1I on Physical Funess and one of our main programs i to make sure "e alwa)s have programs for our senior ci\Jzens. to keep them ac11' e ..

Quote of tile day ,, ... LaJden, c:oech of the Utah JUE, chkffng

Portland fana over the TraR Bmerl' dM>k'A of Sam Bowle In the NBA draft fnate.t of MichMI Jordan, the hlgh-ftytng r00kl9 atar of the Chago Buis: ''I

· know why you (Portland) didn't draft Jordan- your -;buffdfng'~ bJo en()tigh... - -

Decker to run at Sunkist meet LO<i ANGELES - Man Decker will m

run her first race since the memorable collision with Zola Budd at the Ol)mpic Games when she 1..ompetes 1n the indoor mile ne't month at the unk1s1 Im 1tat1onal. mel'I promoter '\I Franken said Tuesda)

Delker. whose hope~ for a gold medal \.\Crc da\hed v.hen she and Budd lOlhded in the 01) mpic 3.000 meters final on Aug 10. <1u1Tered a hip inJur: in the incident and had 10 pass up the European urcu11 follo" ing the. liame">

Dick Bro""· Ded.N '>Coach . ..aid -.he 1 .. rnmpktel~ "ell no" and has been training for the indoor seavm according 10 Franken

The meet at the lo~ i\ngele\ ~port' ~rena I\ scheduled for Jan 18

Detroit rallies to nip Toronto John Ogrodolck 'rnn·J three third-~

period goals. the la't \.\llh 4Y ">Cl"unJ.., • remaining. 10 lift Detroll tu a Jramatll come-trom-beh1nd 7.o "1ctul) O"cr Tor-onto 1n the Nattonal HoLkC) League Tuesda) night. O~odn1ck beat Maple Leafi, netm1nder Ken Wregget with a slapc;hot from the top oft he face-off circle for _h1~ 14th goal of the ~ason to cap a five-goal third-period outbum Detroit trailed 6-2 after 1 .... 0 penods. but rallied on po\\er-pla) markers b) Osrodntd .. and Steve Yzermao around Frank Cernik's third of the '>Cason to cut the lead to 6-5 mtd .... a-. through the final period Elsc"here 1n the NHL Tucsda} Bob Carpenter and Greg Adams ~ored goals 4 1 seconds apart in the first penod and V.ash1ngton ""ent on 10 defeat :-.e" Jcr'>e\ 4-1 , e'tendmg the ( ap1tals' "1nn1ng streal to"" gam~., Washington goalie Pat Riggio posted h1'> fifth consel ull' e .. 1cton but lost hi' .. hutout "hen defenseman Bob Lorimer <,cured lur 'e"' Jerse~ earl) 1n the third period Doug Gilmour backhanded a rebound into the net on a po"cr pla~ at 10· 18 of the middle penod, g1' ing St. Louis a 2-2 lie'' llh 'W mnipeg.

Boston handed aecond def eat lalab TbomH S(.'Ort<l 11 of h1!. 23 m

point'> in the founh qutirlcr fueMiey n11ht to lead Detroit to a I 04.99 " •cton over Bo-smn. ~mtmg 1h~ t"'rtnCi tQ 11nly-i1mr

·~cond ational Ba letball Assoc1at1on defeat of the .. eason The los~ snapped a 10-gnme winnin& streak and lcfl 1hc ( cl11c'> I S-2. but i.t1ll 10 tirst plllce in the Atlt1nt1C' Dl\i ion \.\<h1le Detroit d1mbed a game over .SOO at 10-9 in the Central Division . In other NBA acu on ruc'ttlll\ O•rrell Walker's sc .. en-foot baseline: JUmpcr .------..---. "'i th three sc<.·onds left gave New

\' ork u I 00-9~ victory over Den­ver. Walker. who ~·ored nine of his I~ points 1ri the fourth quarter. also led u Ntw York defense that hm11ed the Nuggets, who led almost \he entire game. to 16 points in the final period .. Orlando Woolridge scored 20 of his 37 points 1n the third quarte1 as C'h1cago pulled awa~ to a 11 2-97 win over New Jtrsey.

T omu Quintin Dailey and Mfcbael Jor­dan both added 20 point) for the Buth. who "on their third straight Kenny Carr 's 22 pomts and 16 rebound., kd Pon land to a I 12-104 '1ctof) over Phocnl\. (arr and Jlro Paxson each scored I 0 points in the period a' the Blaze~ came from behind 1n the trnrd quarter to 1at..e an ~2-76 lead . Artis Gilmore's :?4 po1ntsand I Srebound'>paledSanAnton1otoa I 14-106 , icton .\tlanta Adrian DanUey and Darrell Griffith helped l tah .,..1pc out a Golden tate 23-point first-half lead to g1q• thl' Ian a 107-105 "1n ovrr the Warn or\.

Shrine Game coaches named SAN f RAN( IS( 0 - Joe Resue of [i]

Hanard and Jim Walden of Washingt?n c • • Slate ha' e been named h~ad coaches tor • the 60th ~hnne East-West Football Game. replacing 1wo men whose teams will bl' pla~mg in Jan. I bo"'I games

lhl' [ast-We\I (iamc will ht· pl:t}Cd Jan . 5 al ~tantord tad1um

Rest1t , .. 111 coach the East i,quad. Walden the We<>t 1eam Earle Brme ot Ohio State was 10 have coached the East. and Don fames of Wa'ihinglon had been named V.-est math

Browns coach blasts players Bl Rf.\ Ohio - Cle, eland Bro"ns [i]

(. oach Man.. S<:ho1tenhe1mer has in- 4 • • d1cated he "as furious "'Ith the rnnduct o f • soml' or hi\ defensive backs after C'incin- \ nat1 Bengals C ris Colhns"orth "'as hun in <iunda} 's "Jattonal fl)Otball L£ague game

Colltns"orth "as dazed after ca1ch1n& a se .. en· }ard pass on the Bengals' first pla) from scrimmage 1n the 20-1 7 < 1nnnnat1 '1c1ory

\~ < oll1n'"'orth la) on the ground foll<>"'1ng the tacklt' b) tht· Rro"m.' I rank Minn11icld . 11 appeared that defender-. Hanford Dixon and Al Gross were taunting him

·-rve told the pla~l·rs th is: The gu) across the line 01 scnmmagl' is yvu He JUSI happens to wear a dillercnt uniform." Schoth:nheimer said. "l here\ no place for that 1n our gaml' ··

f he Hro"' n">· rnaeh \\et) '1sibl} upset about the 1nc1<knt but hl' ded1ned to~~ 11 an~une was fined

·· 11\ 1ntolerablt• to ffil' •• 'ilhottcnhe1mer said ··1 dun·11tle 111 'ct.' 11 I h;ne too mm·h respect for "hat ll 1ai...e-. to pla' the game I talked to them both on the \1deltnl' ..

Lendl stunned by Curren \l E:LROl R~E \umaha - ~outh ~

\Iman ~~' 1n Curren knolked top '>eed h an Lend I of ( 1echoslo-.ak1a uut of the ·, .\u<,traltan Open Tmn1c; Champ1onsh1ps toda' and :Hhanccd to the quarterfinals ·

( urrcn "'ho had Ol''l'r belore beaten Lendt. "011

thl' fourth rounJ m.lllh 6-1 7-6. 6-4. T hl' ma(( h n·,uml·d toda' after being hailed h'

r;.11n 11n Tul'\UJ\ ''ht•nn1nth')ecded< urrenkd h-1 2-1 I l'nJ I ''ho ha\" on on h om• (irand Pr" ll lk 1\1 nn­

h I'> I rl'O•h Opl'll \llh>r) ll \er John Md:nrnl.' pla~eJ 11·d.1' v.11h hi'> -.1mnath hca' 1h \Happed 1n bandage'>

< >11iciah .,aid he WCI\ .. utlenng Imm a painful pulkd \tomath mu.,tlc

Television. radio TELEVISION

6 p .m . - PRO BASKETBALL: Lakers at New Jersey. Channel 9

RADIO 5:30 p.m . - PAO BASKETBALL: Clippers at

Dallas, KIEV (670). 5:30 p .m . - COUEOE BASKETBAU: Cal

State Fullerton at Texas-San Antonio, KWRM (1370), KEZV (1 190, 7 p.m.).

6 p.m. - PAO BASKETBALL: Lakers at New Jersey. KLAC (570). . '

6:30 p .m . - PRO HOCKEY: Kings at Chicago (delayed). KWVE·FM (108).

' . . Barons nipped by Mater De1

Mater Del 47, Fountain Valley 4!>: MJn C 1a1nn "ho c;cored a game-high 20 pmnt!\, capped the C''cn1ng b) hitting a turnaround Jumper at the buve-r I<> lilt the Monarchs 10 1he win over the v1s11mg Baron-;

Gaine)' took a feed from Noel Manfre. who had t•arl1er ttcd the game with a 'long Jumper and ~onvcrtt'd thl' 'lhol from the baseline

Manfre sparked Mater De1 with nine steal~ For Fountain Valle) wh1lh battled bad from a

'i('\en-po1n1 defiCll earl) 1n the game Dawn Lawler had·~ points. and J?ltk1e ( ook added 11

It wa the scason opener for both teamc;.

Ocean View 39. lngt•wood 38: After opening a 34-28 lead late in the game the ~:ihawkc; had to hold on for the

I I hl' \allM' ho'>l I orranu~ lJlurc;da) night at 7 311

In a l:Ommun1t) college ~me • addlebJck H , Glendale 41: Heather E<1tc:y. a ( orona

del Mar High product. poured in 28 points as the Gaucho'> "on their third game w11hou1 .i lo'l'I this st'ason.

victory ·----------------~---• ( •Ptatn 1.wr.1 'iimck contnbuted 13 po1n1 .. and 10 rebound\ and "1tlhdlt'' hom1C7 tallied io poant ... dc:sp11l· Area trio opens on road ~ 1tung out much ot the i,ccond half >A-1th foul trouble

Chom1cz ~nd Tnna Vlachoseach were wh1<1tlrd tor \'fmna I n1,er~1t\and l r-.inehigh\Chool.,open 1 he1r &heir founh foul5 midway tfirouah the third qbuartcr . w\th l"IM4-llS ba~kethall wa\on'i 1on1lhl on the road Sand) Miller hauhna in four rebound\ 111 a 'u srnutc roe Manna·, nrc 1 Mic; ion V1e10. whLch pro"cd ""placina Vhicho~ tough at home l.m .uurda\ in a 49-48 \\1n over Ocean

~wport Harbor U , II: The Satlor dc:fcn\C Vic:\\ lr.,,ine • ., Jt \.mta >\na Valle.>\ . Both arc 7 30 garnet. held \nah('fm to two potnl"i m the final qu'a r to break In 1ourn:imcn1 piny. lJn1vrNI)' opens thc ~a on w11h open 3 cl04e pme :.nd WIO going 8W8Y. :1 (l \Cl gQmC' :\~'Hnl\t i\nri;ta 10 thr \iahr HJgh tnv1tahOnOI.

()u1anne Cihnntr had I 0 of her I H D1>1nt\ 1n tht• lour1 h \\hill' Wondbndgt• f'l.'lurn\ to thC' con\Oln11on hracket of the pcm>d to help Newport r'tt>nd a,~ lti adv.intagC' .1fter- <1.irdt•n Cmn·r llltth ln\lt<llt0MI with a ftlS cncountrr 1hrcc quan('r 10 thr final m<irtin - \\tlh ' b1nn

... .. . ~ . .

OILERS ••• FromDl

L)arrco Sno\.\' artd Anthon) were the 01len.' I ·2 punch up front and 1n the b ckl·oun. with I 7 and IS po1nls, ~t1ve!J

Althouah rapo VaOey won >on

Otlllr .... ,......, NcMrcl ~..,., ,

Huntington Beach'• Darren Snow (51) and Reid Luka• of Capo Valley duel for jump b~ll at Fountain Valley Tueeday.

, I '\-point pread , 1he stat1s11cs show­ed the i8ffiC was much more lopsided . Hu ntington Biach was guilt) of I first-half turnovers on the way to a 39-27 defk 1t. and connected on 22 of 52 from the field for tht game (42 percent). us compal'Cd to Capo v'nl­ley's cmp 60 percent shoou oa (30 of 50). (' .

The victory Sl·nd~ 1he ougars into Thursda} 's championshiJ? semifinals a t Fountain Y1tllcy against Ocean V1ewandJ1m Jlams. the Ocean View coach, cau tioned e .. eryope o~ this one· "Don't blink or }OU re going to miss sornetlung"

The Oilers went after Capo Valle} with s1m1lar fao;t-break tendenc1es, but the Cougar\ proved mu~h more nu1d and as a result. the Oilers are faced w11h ( ompton H1gh's Tarbabes Thur~a) n1ght (6) 1n the consota-11ons al Ocean View

On the posn1,e side. Howard'~ nb1ht1c) in the backcoun stood out for Wunt1ngton Beach.

The Oilerc; settled down in the o;crnnd half in terms of taking care of the ball. bu1 the damage had already been done with Capo's comma nding lead and both teams subst ituted hberall)

Tonigbt's Schedule (at Fountain Valley Righ i

6-Serv11e vs. M1ll1kan 7 l0-1 uyola vs. Fountain Valley

Thursday 's Schedule tat Fountain Valley High ) Championship Semifinals

t>-( ap1!.trano Valley .. s. Ocean VIC"

7 30-Sl'r\llC·Milhkan "inner vs. LO\ola-Fountam Valle} Wlnner

- (at Ocean View Higb l Consolation Semifinals)

6-Hunt1ngton Beach \S. (om· pt on

7:30-Sl'n 1te-M1lhkao loser vs. Lo~ola-Fountain Valle) loser

Friday's Schedule (at Fouotalo Valley High)

4 .\U-rnnsola11on 6-third place 7 m-... hJmp1onc;h1p

Trojans topple Wyoming Notre Dame throttles No. 11 Indiana; SMU escapes with victory in Kentucky From AP dispatches

l O\ \ 'c ,[I.ES - Fof"ard Da­nd Du"'~ll \cored 14 point .. and grabbed \I\ n•buund~ T uesda) night 10 · k~1d l '\( to a 6 7 • 5 7 nun-n>n· ft· i ... ·nn• rolkgc ba,i...etball '1c1oi;. OVl'r \.\ \1\0llllg_

\ uu1hn n C al led H-11 at h.1ltt1ml· and \ll. ~..,. earl\ in the '>l'wnd halt txlc11 l' <t pair of fr ... ·l· 1hn1\\\ h) Kon I lnl11H'' and tour point'> trorn DO""l'll ke\t'd ,1 10-2 '>purt that &a'c the frn1.111' a 44- W lead '"Ith I.!· I Y In pl<J\ ,

W)om1ng rnuld get no tloscr than s1' poin" after that , ac; Southern (al maJc 11 \tra1gh1 free thro"~ down the <.trCll h

In c1c11on 111H1h 1ng top 20 teams: Notre Dame 74, Indiana 63: In

"outh Bend. fre.,'hman guard Oa.,,1d K1' er~ tallied a game-high 23 points. and "'otrc Dami.' held h1gh-~onng

Indiana guard Ste' e .\ltord to a singk field goal as the lrnh upset the I I th· rlnked Hoosiers.

Scott Hicks added 14 points fort he lmh. 4-0. "ho dominated the first half.

Indiana freshman guard l>clra:. l:irook" came on 1n the ~ccond halt to '>l'Ure IS pu1n1s.

Ml' 56, Kentucky 54: In l c\

1ng1on. guard Butd1 Moore ..ank a h· foot Jumper" 1th lour seconds to pla\ . hfung the No. 8 Mustangs 10 '1ctor~

The v1ctol) boosted SM l I to l-11. while the Wildcats ended a 23-g.amc home winning streak and dropped to 1-2.

Illinois 9Z. l:hlco State 47: '\1 Champaign. 1unior forwa rd .\nthon) Welch scored 25 points. leading seventh-ranked llhno1s.

Syracuse 52, Canls lus 48: Forward .\ndre Ha""k1ns broke a 48-48 o.,,cr-


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11mc lit'" 1th a pair llffret' thm\.\S "1th 31 ~rnnds left as I 2th-rank~d Syr­acuse dl·feated '1<,111ng t an1'i1us 1n an upc,tatc ~e" York rn aln

Kansas 8!>. outh Dakota State 7%: Dcsp11c a poor first-half showing in which Kan'ia'> romm1tted nine turn­overs tbe I 'lth-ranled Ja} hawks came back un tht· '>hooting of Ron Kellugg for thl· 'll tor) in Lawrence.

Kdlogg poured 1n 16 points in the -.euinJ fl.ill tnr :i game--high total of 2-l

In 111 hl'I \\ l''' l oasl action Fre\no Sta te a3, North Dakota 36:

Ciuard "v1ttrh \mold scored a same­high 21 ix11nts - including 16 in the !'.c<:ond halt - as the host Bulldogs prevailed

Sco11 Barnes added - 13 points for the Bulldog~. who improved to 2- 1. Nonh Dakota. which fell to 2-2. was led b) Roland Jacob!. ' 14 points

Stanford 86, Missouri-St. Louis 7%: At tanford. Junior forward Earl Koberlem scored a career-bigh 23 points to lead the Cardinal lo its founh straight '1ctor:

Santa Clara 87 , Nevada-Reno 6!>: Al anta Clara. senior guard Harold

Keeling scored 33 points. and added eight rebounds and li ve steals. to lead the Broncm..

Deltc1ous Top Sirloin Steak, cooked to your taste. and served w ith homemade soup, c risp green salad , choice of potato. dinner roll and dessert!


COITAMHA 2t2S Hwbof ·~cl

IRVINl 17901 MeeArthur l tyd,



•·S.n rren •ams New Orlffns Allen ta

Wett W L T

1) ' 0 9 s 0 ' • 0 3 11 0 c:.ntral

•·Chlc.ato Green 8 e v Detroit TelTIClt Bav MIMaSOte

9 S 0 '4 214 tlS

' • 0 ·'" :m 191 4 9 I .321 261 3S4 • 10 o ·* m 35.3 i 11 o o• m 395 ....

NV Olan11 9 s 0 643 m 26' • We ltll1191on 9 5 0 UJ 3'7 255 O•lle• 9 5 o UJ 2~ ?50 SI. LOUI• I 6 0 571 )6S 295 Plll~le S t I ln 10 277


v· Sattti. v · Otn11tr llt*n San Ditto Kan .. , Cltv

"'f'ltt~eh Clncln11e/I Clevela/ICI HOUllOll

Wfft It 2 0 II 3 0 10 4 0 7 7 0 ' I 0 ca... 7 1 0 ' I 0 • 10 0 2 II 0 I•" x· Mle ml 12 2 o

N- E119land t 6 O NY H IS 6 I 0 lndleneOOll• • 10 O Buff•~ 2 12 0

• · ctlnc.neo d1vl•lon tltlt

157 00 S71 )19 42' 790 216 212 1'3 212

v-cllncMd wlld·cerd lllevofl lle!' tl'I

160 llS 306 363 311

Se!vr .. V'S Gem. ~ Buffa~ et New Vorlr. Jets \Channel 4 11

HO e m.) MlnnHOte et S.n Francisco (Cnen~ 2

II 1 Pm ) SliftdaY' s G­

Houslon 11 •em• Alle11l• e t Tempe 8ev Clnclnn1tl t i New Orlae nt Cleveland e t Plttl burOh Green Bav • t Clllcaeo Mia mi a l tndl•neOOll• New Eneland a t Ptllladetollla Ntl# York Giant• . , SI Loul• Seattle 11 Kensaa Cltv Sen Dlello 11 Denver Walhl119ton • I OaHH

Mll'*V'• ~ .• lt.llldw1 a t Detroit ICl\ennal 1 a t S P m I

NtrL lndlYldUal .......

"'c OU.'1eftledr• PA PC Ya TD Int

Montana, San Fran llO 144 316S 23 10 8ar1kOwlAI, At\anll 269 Ill 21st 11 10 Loma•. St Loul• , .. 21S ... 23 IS Tl'telll'nefll'I , WH h 411 24' 2.e 21 ll O.nlalson , O.tro!t 400 24' 1957 17 14

lllltMn TC Y• A119 LO TD

Dldl~ll.- J17 1711 SA U 11 Pevton. Chlcaeo '24 16ot7 4.S n 10 ltl""'' Atlante l07 1345 4A S7 17 Wiider. Temot )It 1316 U 37 10 Tylef', Sen Fnn 22S 11'4 S.l 40 6

·~ PC Ydl A119 LG TD Monk , We.ill1191on • 1156 l l 1 n s Wiide!' . Te moe 74 603 I 1 SO 0 J J-. O.tro!t 6' SS9 I . I 39 • HouM , Tampa 8 eY •S lff IU SS S Gr"", SI Lou is 64 1270 19.I 13 9

•~c Qllal1!Htledr s

Merino. M iami Eason. Maw Eine Krla9, Ste lllt F OUll, Sen Olello Etwav. Oen,,.,

PA PC Ydl TD lrtt 4l ] 10 4340 40 14 • m 2911 21 1 m m >01• ,. 11 S07 ) \] 3740 It 17 321 117 2257 17 10

lllltllan PA Ydl AVW LG TO

Alen. .. ..,.. MS 1014 4.4 S1 1J McNtll, NY Jtl• nt 1070 4.7 5.l S Jecuon. C11aroer1 ?st 1032 4 o l2 I et1. eutta1o m "' o es 4 Winder. Denver 251 tl3 31 2• 3

llacefY'ef1 PC Ydl All9 L.G TD

Ntwwmt, Cltveland 11 t 50 11 6 S2 S StellWortll, P ltltllur9h 7• 1319- 17 I SI 11 ~lleMltn 71 t14 IU • 6 Ouoer , Miami .,. llOe 11 t ''° I We lson, Oenvw .., 1046 16 3 tS7 7

c ......... aowL OAMIS

ll.....,..ICllllC4 a.wt, Dec. 1S Virolnl1 Tech 7"1 ovtr Air Force

HelldeY a.wt, Dec. 21 • YU , • ., O\lef Mlchlg1n

C1tn11 a.wt. Dec. 22 Ftorlda $tell 4 OVef Gtore fe

SUn ..... Dec. 22 Marvl• nd 7 over r-. ...

CMrrY a.wt, Dec. 22 Mldlloan Stet• 4 ovw Armv

,.,....,,, ...... Dec. 2' low• I OVef Ttxe•

l.Jbt11'1' ..... Dec. 21 Auburn 3 ovw Arkensa1

Gater ...... Dec. 21 Oklahe>me Sttlt 21h O\llf Soutn Carolina

.......... Dec.29 Notr e Dame 2 OYef SMU

...... ,_ ...... WIKonV,n ~ over KenlUCll.Y

PMdt a.wt, Dec. J I Vlf'9lnll 2'-'t OYI' P\Jrdul

Ii. tUrs.t a.wt, Dec. JI TCU ) ' '> over WH I \llre lnle

C"'9MI ....._ Jllft. 1 Bo1ton Col'-" S ove< Hou1lon

............. JM. 1 Ml1m1. F ie S.,, over UCLA

•-a.wt.JM. I Ohio St1t• 4 over USC

~lewl. Jllll. 1 Netlr• .IA• ' over LSU

Or-.. lleW\ JI/I. I Oillahe>me 6 - Welhlnlllon ,rtfl'\ HMnlfl' I ·- llKI & 5"r1I .....

c ..... bewl KMdUte ( Al t1rMS PST>

SAT\JllDAY, DIC. IS ~ ....

(tt,,.._1 Toledo 11·2· 11 YI N11vad1 · L .. V99e1

<• ·2), I o m

polllDAY, DIC. 21 llM99H~1Celewl

( If .... ._.,, La.) Virginia TKll (l·ll VI. Air Fore.a 11 • I

s 11m H ... v lawl

latleftC*w) a vu 112·01 n M lcllkl• n 16- SI . ' o m

SATU.DAY, DIC. 21 "*'* c.-u. .... I 1t Ol1aMll, 1'19. I

Ge«OI• (7·• ) VI Florlcle Stat• 17·3· 11 ChenMI 4 e t 10 a m

SIM .... (It II P•sa)

TtnnetMt ( 7· 3 ·1) v• Marvte nCI (1-l)(Clla nMI 2 e l l'IOO/I )

CNtn'-' (at Dttrelt) •

MICl\lllln Sta te (6 · S) YI Army (7 l · 11 ,

10 • "' WIDttHOAY, DIC. M ,........, ....

<•• AMM!m) IOWt 17 4• 11 v• TfllH (7· 3· 11. Som

THU.JOAY, DIC. J7 UIMf'¥ ..... l at MemlHI)

Ar• e nsal 17· 3· 11 v1 Aul>urn (t·cl, UO p.m

,.tt>AY, DIC. a ....... (llfJMll~)

Solith C.rollne 110 I) v•. Olllel'IOm• State t9•21 IClltllMI 2 e l l o rn.)

IATUllDAY, 09C. 2t ............ , ......... , SMU (t-2 ) "'' Notre ~ IH I. l o m ...... ,_ ......

(et llllNNMfftr .... , WhceMlll C1 ., .. l) YI IC entudl ¥ It., I , S


MOMDAY, 09C. I I ,._., ..... , .. A ..... )

l'vtM 11· 4) vt Vfrtlftll 17 2•21 IC'*'·

11112 . , ~· llJtl , ....

,., ....... 1 TCV { .. )> vt Wnt Y.,,,,... • M l, "9"'-

TWC::,.Y~llL I ( .. .,.,...,

Hovttofl (M ) " ' lotltn C ..... <t It (C'l'llftMI 2 e t It.JO e rn I

, .......... letT..,.., Al1L)

UC L.A (I·)) n Mi.mi , .. lt•• I. (ClleflNI • • • • m .) ......... ,.,,. ....... ,

Otille . .... cw .t e t 2 e .m .I

sww ..... (etNftOf"-1

I.SU lt·t-11 n NWteske (9·21 (Cllel'IM4 1 ' ' s 10 • m >

Or_ .... Cat MMlmll

,,_ OlllahOme It+ 1) VI WHhlr\lllOll 00• 1)

(Channel 4 11 S OJTI I

CommunltV C-.. IOUTHl..AND llANtCINOI

..... SdlMI llKWll ....... I. Taft~ 10+ 0 ISO 2. Ful*"ton 10-1-0 llO 3. LA Pierce 10-1-0 125 .. ~ 9· 2·• 101 5. PeMl<leM 7•4 0 ,, 6. ltlvenkle 9· 2·0 71 7. C9'rll0t 6-).0 ... 1 Ventur• 1-S·O " t Sant• Monie• 7· 2· I 27

10 Oroumont l · l ·O 24 °''*' racaMnt votes A11telcltle Vallev IS-4-1), I , Sall Ber11trdlno Ve"-v (7-3-01.. 6. WH I I.A ( .. 4-0), l , LA Vellev (6+01, 2. S.nte AM ( .. 4•01. 2, E t Camino CS-S-01. I. B•k• n n.111 (S-S-0), 1, LA Ha rtlM IS-~01 . I


( 2Sth ef S9· 1111M ~ maetllle) ,.ST •ACL 350 ye r ch

APOOlonlus CE Oercla ) U O UO UO Cr9dlt With E •M !Piikenton) 9 60 UO Fe•t Wtlltefool (Ward ) UO

Also rac tld: Baby Lecv , F H I Jet Sir . Mefrv Oii•. Ml Ric.II Man, Sl11'tnee, SMHS Ace.

Time: 11.13 SICOND llACI. 3SO va r<11.

Wir e Lint IFrvdev l 9.<tO l .60 U O 8t Sur• Tonv (Ct mDbelt l U O l .20 8 ucll.1 Brol~ (Ward) '-"°

Alto reca<t· Sin Slllp , Roon, e u v To Sav. I/Ill.VI E H V Jal, Fu1Ul'llV Jet , Wortll A Ge!'lltlle.

Time. 17.'3 U DAILY DOVaLI 17· 41 M id l?UO. '2 IXACTA (4·71 paid M0.60. n..D llACI. 400 Yef'clt

Ro llembltr (P aullnel 10.AO • to 2 60 Alie!" Burners (H. 0¥Cla l 4.00 , '° F irst Nllt Out (Stvllle) 2.<fO

Alto raceo: Town SenMtlon, C°°"let Coe>v, l(IPJ 8 ua, OM Chad To Wlll, Ltffl F.ilOw , Gimme TllrM PacK.

Time 2U4 FOUllTH llACI. 400 yardL

Ja!ewav 0.0 (l"*ntn) 14.IO S 20 3 <fO Llmlttld lte<IUftt (E . GM cla ) l 40 2 60 Yldt Yeck IMllCMlll UO

Also raced: Goll• Slula S.nll, Self ExPf'W lon, Miu Bud Lle llt, Ml• Manctv Dane«. Chris Senz. F ifty Pwcent I.adv , Ftvlllll Unolo

Time: 20.11. n IXACTA 17· 91 oeld 53UO ,,,.TH llACI. "°° vardt.

Ods MOC Pr de (Mvll ) 33 IO 16 40 I 60 Good Tllltf S<iottl (Ha rmon> 32 IO 13 60 Chlcedo Rttl IE . Otrcla l 3.40

Also raced: Clabt>«llna ReCI. The Cr awdad Kid , Wevlon Awav. S.mlH Juo. ltlcll l(lp , CLlll>Oer LucllY Win.

Time: 20.52. U IXACTA (6·S) paid '52340

SIXTH ••c•. 400 ve rd• Cheuns 8avou (Ca rdoia l 6 IO U O l 20 Mr Connie Tex (MVIH) S IO 3 00 ll lent Resoon'9 (Lackey ) 9.40

Also r aced· The Claim JurnPer . Mr Duel Oeoo•fl, Br o wn MIHltl. Mel"lh Artlllerv , Da vid• "'Mii, F ull Time F encv

Time- 2023. Sl liX.ACTA <S· 7) ot ld '32 60 SEVENTH llACE. 400 verdt

Coella l Rocke t I Her mon) 10 40 6 00 3 IO Se A1utt Tt IE Ga rc ia! 9 20 4 00 Game &r eeker (F loueroe l SOO

Allo racad Hanni Pl11, Fanc.v $on Concaot. JttlV Jeeuer . TH Time EClfP'9, Nl9flt Mbod, Azure Cl\eltenea o.ctl1 CnamPlon

Tome: 20S7 u IEXACTA 12·9) paid sn '° EffrHTH RAC•. 350 verd1

Ima RosH Two {Ward) S IO 4 40 • 20 TnAvs Luci< (8 e rd ) II 00 7 IO Ole l E u e IMvle' ) 11 40

Also rectd Lill.H l>O. Rocio.•' Bv Word, Rove t Plan, u111me11 S<Mutlon. 8 l1t1nu11ev Crie nct , Miu Klov Ca t

:~":~!~~A IS-31 oela ISi 80 ' S2 f'tCK SIX 11+6-S-2· S141 paf<I

'6.256.IO wllll tllrft wlnnf119 lk:lr.• 11 (five "°'"'" ·Total cerrvovw POOi SlS,297.64.

NINTH llACI. 3SO ve rct1 Soul Starellln (Dtlombal 37 20 13'0 t60 P eclflc Glau (Ptutlntl 1 20 4 60 Netlve R~tloo (Myles ) 1 60

Also raced· Mr Native 8•" · Stlnt<ln9 Rldl, N1n E H v Olvlt T-. Run Eelella Jon. lhsPOtva

Time· 11.16 U IEXACTA (t -71 paid U 57 IO A ttenaenc.- •.Olt


SmvWle Of¥IMtll w L T~ OF

Edm<>11ton II l 3 3' 126 Ca klerv IS 9 I l l 121 1(1119S 11 9 • 2t 110

.. Wlnnloeo 12 t 3 21 10? Va ncouver • 21 2 10 13

Narrt1 DIVlll.n ClllcallO 12 II 2 26 10? SI. LOUii 17 9 , 26 93 Minneso ta I II • n 90 O.troll ,

" 3 11 93 Toronto • 11 4 12 ,.

WALH CON,IRllNCI .. hW1dt DMtleft Pflll1 ClllC>nl• 16 4 • 36 IOt NY t~ndars IS I I 3 1 123 W1\hit19I0<1 12 I s 19 " NY llaneen ' It 2 10 es N-Jl'MV 7 ,. 1 ,. n Pltt1bufOll 6 I • l IS n

Adtm• DM\lall MolllrH I lS s • 34 .. Quebec ,, II 2 ,, '1 Bolton 11 11 7 14 • 8 Uffl l0 ' 11 4 n • HertWd I 13 3 It n

T--.Y's SC.,... I( .... 2 .W-.01• 2 Watl'tl/IOIO'I 4 , H- JM MV I Oetr-oit 7, T orOlltO 6 Wl1111Coee 2, SI Louis ,

T ....... 1~ K-.. e t Clllcallo '°''°" e t 8 uffa lo MOlllfMI e t Hertford Ca!Hfv e t NY lt•"99'' SI Louis . , Pltt• bufllll 0.troll e t Toninto NY llit/IOtfl e t EdmOlllOll

GA 11 97 ,, 9'1


93 13

103 1 IS 121

" 101 ,., 100

" '°' n t7 79 ..


NIA WUTH.M coewau..e1 .. .-~

w L ~ Ga LAU.en " 7 650 ltoftla/14 11 I '°° "-nl• II 10 52• 2°'\ Seattle • 11 421 J 4~ LAClltllMr1 7 13 .350 • Ooldtft Sla te 6 13 316 . ...,

MllNft1 OM'*' Oen~" ll 4 1•5 Hou1ton 12 '

..,, 2 01lle1 t t J OO ,..., s.n Alltomo • 9 .500 .4 .... Ulafl 10 10 .500 41<'1 Kensal Cltv , ll ••• 911»

IASTlllN C<*,l•IMC• A-.....C OM.-

lot ton IS , ., ~ ll .. 765 i w e.i1lne1on 12 7 '32 • NewJ«MV I 10 ... ,..., ,...._ YoO. 9 " «2' • C..81 OM.a. Mllwe ull.M II I .$79 ClllcatO 11 ' .sso .... O.trou 10 ' .~· 1 Atllllte 1 II .ll9 ) "'

·~ s 14 Ml 6 Cltvtland 2 16 111 , . ..,

T--.Y'1 SC-LA L.Hen 116, Cle ..... fld 112 LA CllllllMn 116, Houtton 100 New YOf'" 100, Otnv• " Oetrolt 104, loston '9 Chlceto 111. Hew Jw'9Y n Sen Antonio 114. Atlanta 106 Ult h 107, Golden St1te lOS Portland 112. Phoenla 104

T--t'•G-LA L.Men • I New HrMV LA ~ a t Delle' Otnvw t i 8 0110" Mllwel>k• e l PfllladefPlll• Atlante 1 1 t<.en1H Cltv

Lahn 116, Cavelitn 112 LA LAK•llS C 1161 - SPl'lfltK 4· 10 l · 4

11. Worthy t · l3 0-0 16, Abdul·Jebber 13·23 S-S 31, COOHf 0-2 M 2, E. JoMton 13· 11 2· 4 21, b mbls 1· 2 0-0 2, McAOoo S-6 H 11, McG• l •t 0-0 6, WllllH 0-0 0-0 0, Scott l · t >·> 9, Kuocllk•" C>-1 C>-0 p Total$~ 50-'1 16· 19 116.

CLIVILANO (1 12) - Tl!omoSOn 1· 1' 2· 2 It, Hinson 11-17 2· 2 24, Turoln S-14 I·• 11, 8aelev 1· 3 0-0 2. D1vl1 6- 11 4--4 16 Cook 0-3 0-0 0, Hut>btrd 1S· 21 7·7 l7. Wiison C>-3 2· 2 2. WHI 1·2 C>-0 2, '"-iettt 0-1 0-0 0 Tote" : 47•91 11• 21 112.

Seer. w Ouwtlr'I LA Lekl'I 29 19 31 27- 116 Ctevalalld 34 l4 11 2'-112

Fouled ~ Reoouncb-L.alll'I 5.l (ADCNl· nDOer ll), Clevelalld ll (HuObefC!

11 • "'"''~"'' 2S IE JoMaon 14), Ctevetend 31 (De vi• 10 ). Tota l louh-l.a•• t It. Oevetanct 20. Tacnnl• celt-E JoMIOn, Cleveland 11eee1 dafensa.

Allendanee - 11,291,

~ 116, lt.clleta 100 LA CL ... •llS ( 116) - M. JoMton 7-17

11-12 2.5, Watton f. 15 S·S 23, Oona lchon 3-3 C>-2 ' · Nl1on 1>· 10 2-3 19, $mltll 3· 10 2· 2 I . 8f'l~n 7-12 2·3 17, CatCl\111111 3· 5 M 7, Warrick 0-0 0-0 o. Wllll• 0-0 0-0 o. Ceet I · I C>-0 2. Tola lt. 4'-13 23· 29 116,

HOUSTON ( 100) - ~rev • · I 2· 2 10, Se"""°" • · 12 1·2'. Oltluwon 12· 23 6·10 JO, L~vd • · 1 0-1. Lucet l · t I · 10 10, Raid I · 16 7· 1 23, Petw'8n 0-2 0-0 o. Hofllns C>-3 1· 2 1. Ford 2· 5 C>-0 4, W'9111nt 1· 4 1-13, E lllo 0- 1 0·0 0, McDowell 1· I 0-0 2. To tell: 37·94 26-36 100

Sc>are '" CNef1WI LA Ctl-1 35 31 2S 25'-1 1' Houston 26 23 21 n-100

Thret-POlnt eoa11....arld9el'nan. FOUied out-None Re bOund1- CllPoer1 St l Oon• ldson 13), Houlton S2 (Olaluwon 19). Anlt11-Ctf~ 24 (Nlaon I ), Ho<nton It tl.uc.' 61 Tota! folb-Cl1-. 27. Houlton 24

Attendance - 11,21 I

COLLEGE CJvtlt C ..... IO, <:.i Tedi 64 , ..... ~)

CAL TECH ( '4) - l(vrlelletds 24, Za nel 7, Bul l'! • . Por1w 6, Ht49r9ft • . Foro ll Co11er111 o Oin1e lson 2. Warntt 2 Tote t1 21 I · 10 "

C"lllST COl,.LIGI l lOI - 8fft 19, • Hartman 20. HC>lmft 13, K.iso S ElcNttl«oer 11, SUl' rldoa 13, Brendon o Loflnt< O Tota l\ 32 16· 2• IO

H1tftlme Ca l Tacti, 36·'7 Toie t loull Ca t Teen It, c nr111 Colleoa

12. OUI Guste tson (Ca t Tech) Zen• lll CCI I Tecnl, Tecl'lnlce t Z1nt1tl IC t l Teen). C• I Tech Coacri Wik!

S.Cal C ..... 1t.te•tk1 <S·O) "'9ver G 'G 1'T ,..._ AY9-&erd1lev s 32 " n 16,4 Ward S 29 10 61 13.6 Durham S 2 I I SO 10.0 Alldef'son S IS 11 41 9.6 McAHltlef S Ii 10 40 IO &rue• S l3 12 31 7.6 Tibo1 S 9 l ! 1 S.3 RllCICllck • 1 S 19 U Sllvef'' 4 t 0 II 4 1 Ce rtMtlal S • S 13 2 2 Mvlft S S 1 11 2 I 0 1vl• 3 3 0 6 2 0 T.-tl S 167 to 04 tu


( ..... bHbtbel TVISDAY' S SCOttES

Wftt use 67, wvom1119 S7 Pacific 13, Wntmont 1 1 &Iola 7• , Cf\epma11 SS Santa Cler• 19. Haveda-ll- •S Fr " "° St 5.l , Horii\ Dakota 3t Stentord " · Mlu - l·SI LOUii n S.n F rencllCO St n. Notre Dime Ca l

Rtldlllnds 19. LA 811111" 10 Ca t 8e11t111 74, Claremont · Mudd ' ' w111111w 71 , AluH P eclflc "

lledllft Ar li one t2, Lov04e -Mervmounr 75 Ide lle> n , W11llln9t0<1 St S6 Idelle> St 13, Doane 76 Ute ri 65 , Wtt>er St S9 MaH 71. Air F ore• 76 (of) Mont1ne n. E Monl1n1 5e New Maalco SI 67. New Mexico M N. Arizona 60, Gr and Ce nvon u u 1a11 s1 '7. evu 93

s.utllwnt TCU 76, N Ten• St. SI HOutton 93, $ou1nwestw n. Tu 11 I I

~· Notre Oame 14. lndle l\t 63 IMlnof• 92, Clllco SI • 7 l( ansat ts, Sou111 Oeko t1 St n Cr tleflton ti , trier C.Jif4 67 towt St 54. tow• SO MefQIAttt 14, l.ovOla. rn. 67 W Mlclll9111 90, Lekt ~tor St 61

s.utll SMU 56, K9fttuci<V ~ Ve Comrnonwea1111 69. RlcN'nond 60 Bowl 119 Orftft 67. Bolton U ~ Davion 76. E. l(..,tucilv SS Florida ft. $ F lorida 61 0ru e1 ao. e c ... o11"' n N t1Hnol1 97 G_.oa Mason ,. ... , Connec:tkut tS. Y ... n Cor"'41 47 , COl9ate 40 Hat11erd ••· ,..... Hemotlllre t3 tone '7. St uo 6' Svrecuw Sl, Celll•klt 41 lo tl F.i,.._ '4, lfendll• 64 llltov~ M. Hotv Crou 7S 11 on ltut""' S.. Prlll«IOn • 1 SI Pell'' t 73, Ullc.a S1

HIGH SCHOOL Oc.- Vttw D, C.,.._ 14

, , ..... Y..,T•....-1 COMl'T<* , .. ) - H..- .. . OUtldl,."

t , MMrfl 1G O.v11 It, Htlal4't t ~ \J, AllM.'!!J~ .. llOll 0, £'- 0. T ..... b • t>

OCIAM vtP ('7) - autW 11, Oearouwar i. ~•Yftll t , Het.411¥ 6, 1..-.i 11, P• 11zl(e t , ltlll'IWtr 0, S1ttoeftl 11 Tola :l4 M 1 S7

SareW°"""' CometOll IS 1• 16 lJ-51 Ocftll View 20 1S lO 9-''4

To1t1 tou11 c~ 16, OcN" v...- '' C.... Vflln 7t, H•ell .... -..dt S7

, , ..... Y....,T...._._.> HUNTINGTON llACH (11) - Hcnffrll

IS, SCllulz 7, Miiier 6, HaMlltft I , !flow 17, Vita 2, HeU leM 0, f.d\11111(0. 0, Mlb 1, ' "'-"'"" o. Toi .... n l>-22 !1 CA~ANO YAU.8Y Ot) - l u ·

lllovt h , 4, CAii! 1', LUkH t5, Mefttey 4, lte.d t , Aovtter 0, a.itllftll 4, hrneft t . Kelfv 0, ltomlM O. It_,. 2, TraNI 1 lWels 20 10- 13 10

Sare "" ___... Huntl"8'10ll IMdl t 'It 11 12-S7 c .. 111r- VeleV 1t 21 15 1 .... 7t

Tofil ~ Hunllnttofl IMctl 11, C.olllr- V....., 1', l'outect 91.11 : Lui<tl CCVI

lltlMle n. '""' ...... 46 (Le911M e.dl ., __ , .... ,

MSLOOYLANO ( .. ) - 0-ee II, 1.YOtll 9, Btlll 4, C_.Oll 0, Ro'lbelcl 3 AfftO 6, 8elfd 1, l lckm«I 6. Mendota 2 JeoMillot 2, 2, Totalll: I• 1._,2' ..

ISTANCIA ( 9J) - t,.odlWOOd 12, Ve11 ~ell j , Moonf.v 16, Clan*ltt 1l. $1-11. Covey I . Fll!'ln 6, .._ .t, ,._,..1' 2. Must• I• ? , Erlc\Oll 2. ~• 1 Totll• l7 lt-3' f)

SC-lrl~ Meloch'land 11 13 11 l ,_ .. E1tancle D 31 20 lf-91

Total toutt MelOClvi.M 2.S, E 1tenc;la 23 F ouled out. Britt (M ), C-00 (Ml Teet1nµts. Clements <E l 2. LocXWOOCI IE )

-- 0.. 75, u " ...... CV.._.T-wn""U

LA HA.IA.A <•> - Hemeno 2. SltV~' 4, leloalle ?, Marti/la& 12, ElMl'te I• Atti ln• 0, Ernrlcll 0, -SC!a«e 2, Gr N ll'IOv"' 0, •elemlll 0, Lf9'1tfool 2, WMIMOPOOn 1 Tota lt: 1) n -2\ 40.

MAT•ll Dll (71) - LAwls >9, MllcMlt 9, Thoma• 1, Ow-;er 7, PMbOdV o. Kellv 2 ~ >. Str'ldltln o. ltemMrl 2, O'Connor J, lteclouttv 0, Jovce 0, SN/ICef' 2, MaorlQtl O; Tote11· 30 1~13 75.

Sc-.W~ La Hebr1 10 I I 1'-40 Matar Otf f2 24 16 t)-7S

Totll loull Matar Def 23, LI Hebr1 11

COMMUNITY COLL.GE WOMEN S.ctdltbedl ... ~ ..

( Nall-< I .-ce> SADDLllACK (fl) - Contrwe 1

E 1lev 21. VonH 6, JoMi 13. Aldfodtt ) , Llrnebrook • . Cumlll 11, Te")Or 10, H net 6 Tolelt ll 12·30 tt

GLIMDAl.I 1461 - Amt I . Pvtrtka 6, c. Florft 2, ltt11noldt ' · Wttn IS A Flora\ 9 Tota11 21 4· t 4'

Halftlme ~. 42·21 T04el tou11 SeddleOec1l II , Giendelt ?S

HtGH SCHOOL G•LS .,....Olftdl 74, MaftM • (WIM ,_ Ml\'lllll)

MAlllNA t• > - l(tnue> I , s.otllno l , Cllerro!n 2, Kuestw • · 8f'ew11er s. t1klerll• 0, KH ulllt 4, Srnllll 2. Duran 0, Ortv• 0 Totall. 14 2·6 >O

llllA·OLINDA (741 - e ven 20. Sctlutl11et 1• , KleOer 12, Tl'IOmH 6, Cl\lottl I , Mullro 2. 81alr o. Nelton 6, Ven Oort 2. KQfll/le 2. McPllet 2. Total\ 35 4· 10 74

SC..lrt ~ Marine 4 2 9 lS-30 BrH ·Ollnda 16 10 2'2 2t-74

Tottll to.ill. Merine 12, BrH -Ollnda 10.

MIUlen v .... "· •dheft 4' (lr'llM T--'*"I

M15MOM Vll.IO (QI - AOt lt t , Ktllv 11. Ort lr.1 2, Wilt I• , Lo th 10, Raid 6, A. Powers t To1a11 13 } · 11 5.l

ID!iOM 1 .. 1 - H-18V 10, 0eourn 11, Nolfllneer ' · WlllOll I) , Tvltf' • Tot• •• 17· )1 ..

kere IW ~rtln Mlu lOll VlelO t IS 20 9-Sl Edlson I• If S I.....,

Total foub Mln- Vltlo 25. E Oltot1 17 Fouled out Kellv IMVI

OcMn V1eW Jt, .,._Md 31 (Heft·"""')

IMGLIWOOD t• > - Hav'-l 6, Aoemelllv s. Mo«t 10. Knox 12 tter'taV S Tota1' IS 1· 21 31

OCIAN V11W ( ltl - Cl'IOmlCl 10 Ooutv ' · HOun\all 0 UwSOfl 0, Mitter 0 Roarioutr 2. SI~ 13, ~1r1l1111t 2, \lledlol 6, Z.nllfll 0 Tot11l IS t · U lt

k- bV 0Uer1W1 lnvlewood 1 9 I 14-ll OcH n vi.w 10 10 I 11-39

Tot1l louh ll'glawOOd U 0c .. n \/law IS F oulltd Ht rvn (I) Tacnn1<:1 1 Hervt v Ill. Douty (OVI

Matw o.t 47, Feuntltln Va/Mv 4S INM•leffUe)

'OUNTAIN VALL.IV IU ) - Ha ntev 1 W1lln 3, Cook 11, Cloww S. M ver• 7, Lawler IS To tell 16 ll · ll 4S

MATlll D•I ('7) - M Ge lntv 10. G Ge lnev 10. Manire 6. Wood 2, Ellerman 2, Formenec• I, Olehl • Tole tt 20 7-20 • 7 F-teln Vaflev I IS 9 1~5 Matw Del IS t 12 11.._.7

'l'oft l lo\Hs Founteln \111tev 16 Metw Def 16 OU1 L.e wltf' (F V)

'"•'*' Harber l6, Ana""'1 11 (NM·leffUel

M•~T HAlllOlt ( )6 ) - K- l Dr eoa s. Nolen I . Sl'lrtntr II Pe<rv O Cordrev 2. Nelrno. 0 . 8 reclY 0 Total' 17 2-• 3'

ANAHllM 1111 - 8 1r111v 7 Coi t,,., 2. Perrlclll t . Hud$0n 0 8al...., 0 Tolll' I 2 I

" ~by Oue"9rt "'-llor1 He roor s ' 11 14-lt ANlltlm • • I 1-11

Tota l 1out1 Hawoorl Hert>ot t . Ananelm


5'rl condlt!Ons SOVTHIRN CALlpo()ttNIA

MOUNTAIN HIGH - 12 10 36 • 11'Cr> °'" en.In tn oe>art tlon

Sl<I SVN•tH - Scntdulltd to ootn Trlul'Sde v

MT. IALDY - IS 10 16·1nch beH <><W

cllalr In - ••Ion MT. WATlllMAN - ScheOuleel 10 ootn

F rldev 5MOW SUMMIT - 4·1oot ba'9 two

Cllalt'I end one ~nMr ' Che or 1n 009f e tlon

SNOW VALLIY - 13 to 1S·1n<P! DIH

'"'" lilts Ill - • !Ion GOLDMIN• - II 10 10·i"Cn bal8 "'.._

ct!alrt In -··-Sll•••· NIYADA. RANGI JUHi MOUNT.AIM - U · lllCh l>eM

tllf" CT1elr1 Ill - • tlon MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN - Sl·lnc.h

Ot.M, II 11f1t In - • lion DODGI RIOGI - l 1 to • · loot _,... 111

1u11 - ··-MT •llA - 4 to 7'·1nch baM ftve crwtn 111 - ••Min

tt•KWOOO - • 10 l · tool oe.. 111 lull oe.te tion

Ml•RA Sl(I RANCH - 5.l·lnch l>e M

... "' '" -r• t-Nl•VINL Y VALl.IY - 3 IU s-too1 ,_.. .._., t.tlt n OOef•lk>n

.,.THSTAa - 67·111Ch _,... 18vefl

n 111 - •''°" S10 .C:LIMI l to H oot IMl18 , 1lx hlh .. -.110t1

toUAW VALL•Y - , 1 to • · toot l)eM

... - ••!Oft

~' ...... ..... ICMOCM. "''* ' ..S, IM•• 11

.. I UI W' i l l 9 W.""""'8 51~ • kw. ~ '# ' ..,. .... forlell

1l~(Wl e ... 11 1 CWI e lit nd U • 1 Il l - .... "'"°9•1 1 ... 1w1 • • . J JI ut--.. ... c• t ~:-its

('1111 . ~- ' "' ~ (¥11 1 • ,.._ 1CJ

16t--4tie<t. !WI e . . .... S4 I ,,_ I IW' • ,....._, 1'2t­ft....,.. _,.I ""' O.....• ( • ~ ~


AU1"'91MO.... (et ........ 1

Mml', ........ ....... Ktvln C11tr111 (s.utfl A..frtca) ... Iva/I

LMldl <C~vlllla), .. 1. 1~•. • · • · kott O• vlt IVS ) Clel ltld O..,t (U.S I, .. l . 7· 5, 3 6, .,4, lorls« (W..1 o.r,.,.,_v1 dt4 (i.uv '°'"' (FrenQ), , .. , 6· •, .. , , JOl\ell Kr!llr. CU S. I • P e l Getfl (A"'trll· la). M . • · I, M , hi\ TM~ (U.S.) 4'ff Joell.Im lolvstrom llwedellt , 7•6, 6 ) , 6 1, 7· S. '


Martini Nevre tlaove (U,S I def lartler• PO!lef' t U S >, , ., .. , . Cllrb E \Wt UWd IU S I di! Wertth T11t"°"' (A14trllllal , ... :t. ..,

""" KM91 ... Clf' IMOIVIOUAL TOUIUt.AM9WT let"> 0..-Mlwl~

SN<I IC~) Clef '-" ( $Ml Merl/IO I. 6- 1, 6· 1, Wt lelleOI (L.M ~) di! YOUllO (hMTY) , ... . 7·S, LOtlOOft IMlfall\ta l di! (.e(cato ('9nl• lertiwa l, •-o. 3· 6 •-2. Cr•MI IMatlNI .. Sen'llW• t t P1lo1 \ltfdll), ... 2. 2· 6, ... l

0...M ... 0..-. ,Pieo'lllOll"Wllllems CPMll VM'clft) def

kl'IUlli · Si.wert (Wnltltka). 1111 tc0r• eve •i.1111 Sanford· L .. lhll& (Dot fl'uel:MM) Clef McM4JAllll-McM;.ilatl (~ Verdell. ,., •·2 f<ieron· Heron <O• l'Wl'd ) Clef Amtne1· 8e•1rt IMlr llHte l. 6-•. 6·1. We1~'*·Novefte (Mirllnl• l Ml lkrllot • Stukon~., fC.merllol 6· 2. 6-1

...... vc S.lst SeftM

( IM6elc9u.) Tllltlle - 1 Jim Drurv. Soulfl snore YC.

2. 8ot1 8all. Ba lboa VC Lal« - Jim Otts. Alemitot h 'I' YC, 2

JOM!t\on Duarte 9 Y C; J Mllr.e T t vtor, &al'lla Coflllthlen YC

L.ld0· 14 - 1 crelt Fllt<Mr. a v e . 1 llowlend LQM\an e v e . ). Tim Mulva rrev. 8CYC

SatlOI A & a - 1 Ettc Prout. a ve. t. C.,.Olvn Ula/ldltf' 8 YC.

AdUll Stoor - 1 8etlY ~ ave~ 7 Collnt GlbooM, BYC. (o.tlidl deloM9)

PHRF· A 1 A/llNm, •oear MKGr_., LldO Ille YC. 2 ROiier. S..... Frent• . 0- Point YC l lklllt•, Tim S1'9Mftl, ~I "8t'OOf YC

PHRF· • _, ContenllOll. ROd Gl'aflem. e v e . 2. Vorltx. &ruc.e Twlcflel, voveeen YC; 3. ~t. Ted S«inHr. NHYC.

PHRF ·C - 1 ~;re Crft.I , "-1 Ole~. VYC; 2. Trn Gordo, Tom Purcel. 8 VC, 3 rmPttuous. Pfllt Glasoow. BYC.

SOC1ft11 - 1 H01 LUCk, Ff anll Simon. $$YC, t Animal. ~, .... 8«:1<, I YC

0... SH flsl:llne DANA WHAJlF - ?6 -'-'t I• ~"· I

tion110. 30 m.cktf'll . 3 ~

n-is .... , '""' 116..m LOS AHGILIS - 8~ ROCk CrMll .

Cu ta ic Lekll. Cu ta lC 'l.l90C>n Er Oor.00 Pan. Lek•. e 11uoe111 J.I"- L .... ~ 1toa0 Perk Lek• Pucld•nvstone Let.I , S.n ()90t,.i itlver (M SI west l«k.11 Senti Fit RtMf'Yo.r

VIN'T\lllA - P oru La• t lllVIRSfDE - Futm« Lat!.e Htmt1

Lall• SAN DtCGO - OMne PQllCI SAN LlltS ~ - Ata~o I.a'•

Leeune L.•k.• L-Z Lek.• KERN - Hart Pe r\ lAk• k efll RI,,.,

! 8or9'1 Po_ nou.. to o.rne>cra • o~ k il l Power1'0uM to Le•• 1 .. c.t1a1 Ml"9 Le k.t

INYO - 0w9ft' ll tvt!f' ILe w' Br '°'le oown1lrH l'T' to Stewert unel ~ .. 111

Ve llav st tt¥volr

&ov• sec~ _. •·" ·~ .. ,. HIGH SC'400L

c:i..remant I, ~ V1"I 0 Haw'*1 Me111er 1.. !Nina I

HtwPOrt Ha roor 1<orl1111 T arn0ttn I Neoe•man l

Wff.,,..._ I, SMtleee I w 11,rm.nttt!f' acor1119 Otletrlnidecl I


AAtM 6s-61M Quinn ,.._~errv 8aele 11-8 11

HUOQeonS .,. ..... , 67-Gwe lel JICk'O" ~ran• !ton

70--09ll Cent1ti4 . c f"lltilll

61-k•n S,.., ·~ 6& C•• • • nc t Wt'l l D4h1Ur..r • 7- Eo Pokf

0 l"lltll1 11>--<• rl 8Kklun0 11 Jom Poll\

73'-ftoman Ca ton 11 '9 P•''"~ I Fllltot

67-<><>r4on Ravf)uf>f it oeha•d Ptter\Oll 61-ir.1119 Grav Ch1rtel Pie re• 7 1-Low•~ H• KOC" S.ndl l'ierllanclll Fto•CI Nutt

• ~ .. ,~

I AH IA LL AmericML.....-

CLEVELANO INDIA NS-•11· u9r 11d Andrt Tl'9rn1on dftillf\atec! h it'- ro • I-· - conrrect

DET•OIT• TIGEIU-~amad Wii t -ton ml/IOr INeue n1111n9 ~11 sir­Marv1, F-., c.e teher IO I mo/lot ,....,. contrKI

MINNESOT A Ovftv over mane• o• K..,.tlle of tl'lt MklwHI LHO\lt. And CNlfM MallUel. l"Nl!\H« of OrlenOO ol the Sout!WNI LN llVI Ne!MCI o a11 SCllmllz mel\IW o1 v1 .. 1ia of 1tw Celfforn•I LH 9U9 •

NEW YORK YANKEES-Tr~ Rey l"on1- t. Pilef* • nd lflan O.vett 111 flelOOf-ou~ 10 11'11 Clltt>l90 Cuba tor !ton He$ .. Y ctlctler ~ (0'10 OUI .... lflCI RIC!ll lor~ encl • ~11

""•m-r- . IMllCN!f\ ........~

NEtv YORK M£TS.-C- tenctN "'- COii lrll(1 ol O.vt JOl\Mefl ~. ltrou«I

'"' 1'e6 '"'°" , OOTaALL UlllllM ..... ..-.. °""" DI. NV[ It GO\. 0--S.- VIN.9 E • ..,, ~ ... ,... ..... ..., (~~ ,,.,.. ._...,,. AllLiM. Ell n..n. Mid ,.y W..._.

en Trt41f IC.111 HMW! . - · ~. 11•"'9 ~....,.. .... .. 1111 ..,.., •• .., ~

UN AN TONIO GVN.SL.INGe u -H.,,..,. Clla luttlf ............ !IM C..o1

• MOCK8Y .............. L.-...

'V ANCOUVl !lt -CANUCK~ l"9 ,..,,9'1Nf!l • Oerti' l a1&, fltwat•

C.OUAM Ci f ORGl A STAT -•w-.. Tal'l'I



OCC. Gauchos travel north,­f or tourneys Ora.nat c tJJld.~~~~4'-41 COllCJCS head north this week be :ketbalT toumamenu.. *tl1lt GOl4-~ en Wnt wrn play i ll rm1 bOiDe Pat of t he ICHOn ton.PL

OCC, 4-1 and continaoffa "'°°""' place tn ias own Miles ~ Tournameo~ ·u oiptn the eip~ team Sltyhnc to urney aaau•• · Hartnell Thurlda) at 6:30 in S.,: Bruno, south o(San Franciw::o. •

occ Iott lll fiiit pmt S..tunitif, after openina the :.-00 ..-itb ~ 11.raj &ht Wl.OJ, Hichl= Lodit Bcacn cc defeated T~ G illis' Plratet. 67-s.4.

Golden W~ 1·2. wdJ ~ . Ptcrce toniabt (7:30) after pla)'1QI ill first three pmes m tbc Antelo~ Valley Tournament Last Yreek..

Coach Jim Greenfield's 1Rustkft won their opener. 77-66 o-ver W Hills but tbeu fdJ "°Taft. 9S-72, aiit Antelope Valley. 63-57.

Saddleb9ck., which dropped a 70-~ dcciiion to Col~ of the Canyons ht tbe championlbip pmc of the Moor· park Tournament Saturday. opens

.the ruged etabt-team Santa BatbaJC tourney Thunday night (9) apinst Santa Moruca. ~T~

( ........ ) TOMG#rS GAMIS - Cl\IOCM 1t1..,5Janlwd J V uo - ....... v...., "' Sii Ylrw

THUllSOA Y'S GAMIS •..30 - Orenoe , _, "'- Hal1flOI I .JO - Mann VI CC of Sell F~

s.nta ...,_.,,. T.., ..,..-THUaSOA Y'S GAMeS

) - Etc- VL HMCOd< S - Lone a.di CC n s.nta Alie 7 - Set<te 8"11er• CC "' S.-, Ulal'I ' - Sa6dll09Cll "'" Safttl Moft1ca cc

Newport toppl~~ Irvine in soccer

F'1rs1-h:atr goal" b) G°rath Tambho and Pete Mtteham hf\td the cw­pon Harbor H igh boyssoettrteam t o a ~..()'"·~tor\ oHr l f"1 n e T~ay n1&ht

lt wa · the fi"1 match of the season for both teims

In .goal. Jason Nt'dclmlln v.a!> credited v. 1th 12 saves for the 1lon

El\C'whcrt. desp11c tinn.g ~6 \ hol\ at the ( larcmont ' oahe . ()(-can 'v 1cw t~m could not hit tht b31. ~ o t the ncl

nd dropped a I~ dt"C1s1o n In the ma t<'h. the 'icahawks \oc,t the

~" 1ct~of\Utne" A..nd) A.usv.1c\. and A.nd) uter who cut tht'msthe 1n a colh ion earh 1n th<' fin.t half Mom<"ntJ later. c ·1aremom 'lt"ortd 11 aoal

Ocean \ 1ev. host!> t uh er C'iw Thu~) afternoon at ~ • S

Mnnwh1lt1 Eff't'n ~lat.nn16&d \C'Orcd the pme's \one pl 10 minute anto the fim half a W • min ter po tcd a 1-0 n-opeaina O\tr nt o

Goal.cs te Wt>iJk and lc-c H.a com t>. ftCd f4 r the LiOM • • UlOUt. \\C'tmtn \Cf lOol lk h w,e n Friday· in t match .

-· , .



Dodgers, 's -~

Come up em~!Y PtalC ll>JlCE. "8.IC fl)TlC[ "8.IC NOTIC( NIJC NOTICE- rt!lJC fl)JlC[ Ml IN binULT PICTmOUI .....

___ !(i 1_4111 JtCTITIOUI ~h • • ,,_ llf011CI °' -' - ~A A O((OWTIOT ,tO'TTTIOU9 IM*Nlll tt~ ITATDllltlT ''°'f'mOUe.,.._.. DIAnt°' NOTICI OflAi.I OATID MAY tt, ttM. UH- T'-~..,....,. ..... ITATIMINT The lollowlng w-on• Ill ..,.. eTATlllllUtT ouca ITUAAT ntUeftl'I. LISS YOU TAl(I ACTIOH dOlt'I ~ .... ALIJ(.

r1141'°'°"'1ng 119teone we OOinG bl.I..,,... u "fhe fOllOw4ftt ~et• AND Oil Ntifl<* .... IMl-11 TO PAOTICT YC>llt'"'O,._ AHOIA-ICIHT, '11 1 Dovt

OOlng l:lUllMtt .. C AYIT AL RfFL£C - OOlng bu8'nMI ... to Ul•llTP ~ot:;AUL.T E"TY IT MAY 11 IOl.D AT •• • 11.. tao. Hewpot1 CA .. OINALI Tl"AACC, TIONS. sot Sen ~d~ IOUNO MACl'flNt 7tl llTAT9 NO, uJ~ .. ~ Dt!D Of T"UIT A MLIC SAL.I If' YOU leech. CA t2te0 I

LTD . SOI iell '7th ltrwt, Newpott e..dl. 111 Of Tu.tlftA~, Ofainot. Cell· A,_, OA'f.fO J ANUARY t lTH NU D AH EXPLANATION MleMI• Ann• pHcfl Sutt• 211. Coet• ~ C... t2"3 torn11 t 1tet To all .....,~ . YOU TAKI OF THI! NATUM Of THI. ~ 110 Arie Vllta Wty, tomhttteN flwtlr' TON ~'1{0 HOIHG AGA!MaT ,...., ...... CAUl41- -

Cubs, Yankees swap players; t hornton signs

HOU r ON (API - Andre tflornton • rc·StJn in~ w1 th c."tivclnnd in the nm ~ig frt't"­aaent decision and a ~ux·player Li;ifde between t h e C:h1caao Culh • New York Yankee) m4> ha\ c thawed 1he frccLc ot baseball'\ wfhter mecunp .

.. T here wert i nd1cauon\ that vacsday\ activity would be fol· 1.-ed b some morl'. free~a cnt uc Lac) rt'ponc:dly

·~ clo~ to 1gnin& with Bult1rnurt. l4.ata$aS (It) IS t i) lllj to get c her Jim ~undberg fi om Mil· ..Jtlukee. and then want \ to \hip catcher Don ~1aught to c;an Diego f~outficlder Carmelo M.trtinc1. ~ Montrcul ma> ~nd rehl'H'T J~~ Reardon 10 Toronto lor 1~eldcr Dama~o C raroa

1;1\lso. 1he mo\1 intnguing ~port tAld Boston utTcnng slugger 11111 ltJle. about 10 t'nter the l.i'>t H·<H Ot!h1s con traLI . 10 1 lou~ ton for st~cral pla)crs including rd1l'~l·r Frank D1P1no. R 1n~. becau\C of ~t 10 years with the Red ~ox. cm.Id veto such a dcttl. and then: wu speculation that Bo<.wn had atllldc the offer on ly to <.C\' whJt o\hc:r teams would give for him

The action and rumor<1 hit alll'r ;Omajor trade proposal - Oalo. IC!f.d outfielder R1ckq I lcn desson to Lo.s Angeles for pitcher i\ltJandro P e na and a )uung l!~J>CC' t - struck out. ·we communicated with them ~>.'' Oakland Vice P~1dent

J. . ("

Rangers sign ClifC-Johnson

HOU TON (AP)-The Texa!> R:thgcrs announced today that t~'ey had s1gned free-agent de411g­nated hitter ClttT Johnson to a thtte~ycar contract. 1 •J.ohnson appeared in 127 ~mes for the Toronto Rlut· Ja~<i ltst season. 109 as a DH. and tmted .304 with 16 homer" and 61 RBI.

J ohnson. 37. Joined the Blue /~)IS in November 1982 from Oakland, where he had played for two seasons. Johnson staned his maJOr league ca reer tn 1972 with Houston. and ha'I pla}'cd for the: New York Yankees. Clc,cland and Chicago Cubs.

nd> Ider on ad ol tht' DodJtrs' offer "l hert was no tt olutton at that time. I fot'1tt no rcwlutton " Cub~ General Min &er ()alla5

Orren. who built his team into champions by trades. ended tht letharay here b y romplctma thr deal with the .

The Cubs sent pitcbcrJ R ich Bordi and Porfi Altam1rono. catc hl'r Ron Ha~~Y and out· fit'lder Hr nry <..'otto to the Yan· kres for pitcher Rn) Fontenot and o utfielder Brian Dayett.

for ('hie &O 1he key w s rontenot. a ten.hander who ha\ been u~d as a \tancr and a reliever.

··1 plan to usr ham 1n the hull pen:· ( ub~ Munagcr J im Fre> $111d ··" e made 11 through la\! 'ear "-11hout a lcft·hander m the bullpen and no~ we have one "

f-ontenot al'>o helps 1h0, ub)' p11(h1ng \1tuat1on. which 1~ h;1mpc-n:d b' the uncena1n fu . iurc' of frl·c-agcnb Rick Sutcliffe \tl·\ l' I ruul and T 1m •toddard

fhl· lndtan'i announced at J pre"' wnfcrencc that Thornton, '4hO '4l'nl through th~ free lljt n t rc-entr) draft . had signed a four· \l•ar cootract to stay with the club.

0uy A TOf It , 17" Hum· 50t San &.rn1tdino, ........... bow Averiut. AneMlm. Cell· Ofedltora. end ""°"' wflO ¢8v:. ~"°""TY IT MAY YOU. YOU IHOULD CON· Thi• bull~ •• con· mlngblrd Ave, Coeta Meae, ~ 8Meh, Clllfomlt "'.,.... f0tnla 112IO t may be 01MniW4ee lflttr•ted ' PUlllC TACT A L.AWYl... dUCt9d bf:"' lndMdUtl c a11forn1a 9H28 " Thia butlMN '' co n- T1111 1>uatne11 i. con· In the wl» aM/Ot Miii• Of 88~1.l~~oC~~O A~ EX· NOT.Cl°' M~ ,...,.,,

CllWIM W Orey, 51'15 ducted by en lndlvlduel Ouet9d l>y an ltldl\lldull OAAC! 8TUAAT · O F THI TMllTll'I tALI Thlt ataterMnt Wiii ,_ Cold•lltf Cenyon Av• . AOl! RTIP! NOL(R PETEA LH Apetltlon halbMll tlltd PLANAT IO N THI Tl. Me.- wtttltheCountyC..,.ofC>t· d20, Ir-man O•• · Cfltt. ™' ''-'ttMncl w .. offl~ Thi• •t•t«n..,t Wll flied by AANOI ITUAA1' In IM ~:o~~:D~NO 0

:OAINIT NOTIC I II HIAUY anoe County on November IOfnlt 91423 With tile County ler1I • with the County Cl9t'tc of Or· SuptflOr Court ot Ofangt I OU o CON OIV[N thtl on WeOneeday. 21, 1964

Tlllt bualnf'• 11 con- anoe County on No"*"'* ang41 Coun ty on NOVtrnW County raqueallng that ~~gt ~~W:e" L • 0aetm'• 12, 1"4, at 11:00 "'11" ducted by • l!mltecl pertrfar· 11. 1N4 .. 20, 1N4 RANDI STUART be IP. On Oaciember 2111 1914 o 'cloell u n. or Mid day, In PublltMd Orange Coeet .nip '1t1 l'ltHtl Potntecl 11 !*tonal ,. Conaoild t.d ttlt room Ml ..iM for oon- Dally Piiot NoYtrnW H , 0.. , OUY R TOAEL. l l Publlmed Orenga ~0~12\ Publ19he0 Ort"O" Coaat rtMntlll""l 10 aomll'llll., the Th 11&::io!:" 1 Caltt!nla ducting Truet .. ' e SalM. Cl911'W 5, 12, It, 1"4

Thia atatemant WU 11!90 Dally Piiot .,, . O.itY P,Jlot December 5 12 .. ,." Of the ~I. Thll • wttllln 1119 OtllcM of AEAI. w ... 21 with the Counly Clal'k Of Or· It, lie . 1914 W .. ~ tf, 28. IH4 ' ' petition requeete ~t!Orlly ::~,~~.: u~~~ :d fSTAT! HCUAITl!S HA• .,_.,. MM1C( ano• County on Novembtt · • . l '"i W-4311 to 9dmlnl1ttr the ffta11 " t io o..ct of Ttwt VICI! IOOet9d at 1100North 1 __ ..,,.. ...... ~ ...... -""---'--2 1, ttt.4 Pta.IC NOTICE • uncMf tlle t~t M- :::O JAN 20 ttl' ,,. er~•Y· Suitt 100, In !ht '1CTmOUI llUtlMll

"81111 .... IC fliii'IJIC[ m n1ttf&tlon'or t1111eeAct. 111 t No l4-<>2tm ot'OI· C1ty 6fSan11Ana.Countyot MAmeTA.,....,, Publllhed orano- CON! ,tenTtout au...... ,._ iw, A IMMlrlnQ on '"' peOtlon ~~· AeCord• 1Jtteui9d by. <>ranv-. Stet• of Callfornla . TM ....._.._ .,.

Dal~ Piiot 09C*T\~r s. t2 , NAMll ITAT9MINT ,temtou• IU..... • tit be held on ~C!MBl!A Anne I Prav~M. an unmar· REAL ESTAT! SCCURITIH dolnO ·;;;;;.~r"" It, e . 1964

1 The tollowlng peraona are NAflll tTATPllNT at, IN' 11 t: A.M.~ rt.CS womlll'I u htf llOlt and SERVICES, a Olllfomla COf· I p H--a A A &. I INT I A • W·~ dOlng l>\>alneal u · P J The ~ ll't g::. N~ ~~~ a°.nta tapatltt l)(aptny 111ru1l0f. potlllon. 11 d~ ~~ NATIONAL WLH, 12na v•

LIOlJOA, 518 W ltth dolnG IM.lllneet u C 9 70,, ' In the office ol thl County Tru.1 .. un<* pur i.y V\ew I 1 Oardtn Grove. 1--------- St1 .. 1, Co••• M.... CA NORVALS LIQUOR. 1148 AM. A 2 • . Atoofdet of Orange County. to lht power of ..... COtt- CA 928-45 • Ml.IC NOTICE 9at27 Placiantla .Avtnua1. Cotta ... :.~~ ?:'~!.: .;: Stat• of callf0tnla. WILi- 19rred In that~~~: Wlllllltn L. Head, HOit

, __ .;..;..~ ....... .;.;...----- Piefre J acque. ht10llno, MMe, Caltt0tnla t2e12e ... '"'¥ • tM SELL AT PUii.iC AUCTION TMI IJltClll- -· Aoundlllll °'· HunllnotOll K· 1.,-0 ' 4 1 W .. tbfoolc Place. Coet• IMO" 8 Browning, 1&3 10 lhould either appear at TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOA S trut htte and J o a nnt ~ CA 92$49

ftClTTIOUI 8UIMll M .... CA H82e OenbOrOUQ"· Weetmlnat• . :::~ ~ n.:~1~:!; CASH (payable at time Of S trulht re , hulb~d •;t Ttwa' bualnen la con• NA• ITATl•NT Thia bu1lna11 11 con· CllllO<'nll net3 ·~Oft Mia In lawM mOMY of the wife. recorded rt • M1.o by an lndMdUll

Tl'lt lo!IOwll\O pereon• are dUC1ed by an lndlvldull Tlllt bualntH 11 con· ::·=~he Y:;:1 IP~~ United Stat .. ) II: tht aoutl\ 191'. "' ll'lt ~ Ofot .!.': w1111em L. HMd t dOlne ~ 11· ~ J a.no11no dlletad b'J 111 lnOh'ldual In .... tront entrance to the O..anoe County Raoor Thi• ataterMnt WM 111911

TRAVELING UOHT. 3333 Thia 1111emen1 Wll lli.d IAEOER I BROWNING anca may be panon or-· COUl\ty Otd (;outttlOule, 2'1 Cout\l'J, u R«iOto.r'• In- wftll tile Couf\ty CWtl Of Qr. l rlatol Str .. I, Cotta M ... Wtlh Ille County Clatll ol Of· Thlt 111temant wu flleO ~ :~~e A CREDITOR W. Santa Ana louleVard, ltrument No M-226=. ~ engt County on Oc1ob« 111 C• litorn11 ne2e anoe County on No\19mt>« wun Iha County CWll ot Of. 1..-... edl City of hnt• AM. State of reaon of• brNCh or eu tN4

L F.W Corp . 1 Ca lltOl'nl• 21. 194-4 ange Covnty on Nowm~ :::.:;~r mu': 11: Celif0tnl1111 right, thle and In pt)'IM'lt or perform"': ~ cOfpora tlon. 1740 Union Fa11'77 8. 1994 wtin 1n1.,..1 conveyed to and of tht obllgetlon• NCUf p blllhed o..anoe Coell Slraat, San Frenclaco, Publlahacl Orange Cou t ' ,_,. 'f04lr claim the COUf'1 °' now held by It undtf Mid the reby, lnc ludlng lhl l D~ PllOI Nowm• 14 21 lornla 94 123 D• 'v PllOt NOV9mbet 28 0. .Action lao,_, IM.., t00 N. pree«tt It to the ~aonaJ OMd Of Tr\191 In the propetty braactl or defllUl1 , NOtlce of 21. ~bet & 1994 ' '

Thia bullneu 11 con- cemi,v 5. 12. 111. 198-4 T_,.1111 AHn!:i.::!'9 0. =r=t:~n~ ,,::,~ eltuated In 11ld Counl'J and #tllCh •11 recorded Augu: ' ' W-411 ducted by a corporlllon ~ lent• Ana. C 917'1 from the data o f 11,.1 I• State deecrtbed H Lo1 111 In 11. 196<4, u ~~~eo 1---------

RicharO Flahma n , PrMI· ounllC NOTICE Pubttlhed Oranoe COUt auanoa of letltr• 11 provided Blodl 4'40 of Coron• Del ttrumant No T 4

• PUBLIC rta.JC NOTICE d9"1 . r uu Dally Pllol NO~b« 21. 0. S 700 I h Mar In Iha Cl1Y of NewpOf1 WILL SELL A

Thi• 1111amant Wll lllad cemt>er $ 12 Ill 1964 In t cllon ° t c 8MCh County of Orange AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST ....... " .. wtth the County Clef!( ol Or· 'ICTITIOUI IUllNHI . . , • W-424 Probate CoOa ot California. Stale


01 California. u ,,_;. BIOOER FOR CASH, lawful of "-I ~ l nfll County on Novemt>« NAM ITATIMINT The time for ftllng clalml wlll Map racot<Md In Book ' money of tht unlt9d StatM, at,,_.... .... 20 lllM The tollowlng persona are NO nol explte ptlor to Jow P 41 and 42 o r Mi.: or 1 0Mh1at'1 cMclc drawn No A 11 ee 11

-------------• • f'3ltaoa doln~ bualnaN ea: PWLIC TICE montllt lrorn the date of tht cei-r.'MOUa Map• record• of on 1 atale or nallonll bank. 1 1,,_ ~ Oourt of

Pl•rates, "T'exas Publlehecl~ CoU1 LTi R~3~ - ~~~~.A ~~: ORANOICOUWTY rnyg~=~m,:.~NE ttlt Orange County.Calttornla . I 1111t or tedet'll.:!~lllt tht"Stett of Cllllor'nla. tot J. 1 Delly Piiot 5. 12. ·· · MUNtC•Al COURT 1 unlon, Of • etate or ,..,... the County of OAANOE 19, 28, 1984 #2 IC, Coal• MMI, Call· lllt 11-s>I by Ille court. Ufn Tile atreel addr ... end Mll1ng9 and loan uaoclatlon In the Matt., Of the £11$

S Wap Playe r-s? ~-------W--4-34 tornla 92828 c ... ': ~~ .. , are • perton lntar•t tn othet common csealgn•tlon. dornlCilaO In thl• a11te, Ill of MURRAY KARPMAN °"' .I

1 J a nel Be rgen , 1300 tht eetate. you may NNa 11 an y, 01 the real property payable at the time ot aale, caaMd · •

Adam• Ave, 112 tC. Cott• IMC ~ upon Ille executor or eomtn. d e 1 c, 1 b • d 1 b 0 v e 11 111 r)Ol'tt tltla and lnter•t N 11Ca 1 .._..... N9n thet Mesa. Cllitornla 112826 A-·- latretor, or upon the •t· d 1 b 4211 Nld by i1 11 Tl'\ltt .. In l"41t 0 1 ,_ ..... ,II

ICHU WORl H l exa .. (AP) - I hr Te.llas Ranger\ and P1t· !\burgh have agreed to a multt· plah·r 11t:al that '4 111 \end ~cond b,1..,i:man Johnn) Ra~ to the . Rangl'r\ and outli l'ldcr LalT) Parmh to the Pirate\ the Fort " orth ~tar· Telegram reported toda\

Ttit: Mal ma\ also include left· handed pitcher John Tudor and fir<it ba'>Cman Jason Thompson of the Pirate). the new'ipapcr said Other Ranger pla)ers remained unclear but !>peculat1on centered on pitcher Dann> Darwin. second baseman Wa) ne Tolleson and poss1bl) outfielder 8 111} Sample.

The kc) to the trade, the Star­T elegram ..aid .. was when Pil· tsburgh reluctantly agreed to let go of Ra~ .

The new!>paper Quoted un· named Pittsburgh source~ from the 'baseball w101cr meeting-; in Houston.

Ranger General Manager Tom Grieve refv')ed 10 either confirm or den) the trade.

" l ca n't that 4uest11Jn ·· Cme' c said

Thia bualneu 11 con P11ln1111 C REDIT RE· torrwy for Ille executor or ~urporte A 0 •corona Ml ' altuate In MIO the unO«'llgnecl wlll 1111 91 T47714 duC1ed by. an lnOMOual COVERY ASSOCIATES , admlnlalrllor. and lllt wtttl o:~MU·c.u~=·92e26. ~°!:'l111e daleflbed Private Nie. to the hlgl'le9t

NOTIC9 Of' JENCI BERGEN INC the court with proof of - · er. • .. follow9:LOI 13 8lodl 5 of and bait bidder. IUbjaGI to TfWITl .. I IAU: Thtt 1tatament w11 Iliad Oefend1n1 DANIEL C vloa, 1 written requeet atat· The undatliQMCI Trust .. e.lbOa Tract II allown on 1 confirmation of Mid 811-

T.I . No. wllh the County Clarlc of Or· FULWILER Ing ll'lat you deelrt ~ dllcllllm1 any lla blllty tor any ~ racofded In boot< 4 parlor Court. on or aft•~ 12..a402...-a anga County on NOV9mbaf c ... No . 163032 notice of the nttno of an In· lncorrtetnaM 01 the 11,_ 11 Of Mlleell_,,; 19th day of Oeolmber. I.-,

0 ·Re IN """F•ULT 14 1984 IUMMOMI ventnrv ---aw~t OI PIO' .... ·~-- II the offtoe of Jamea L Jo~R A DEED OF~TRUST • l'2IOIG NOTICE Yeu twwe M9ft ... .;·.;;.,°'of !ht pa1J. .Odr- and 01'* comrnon Mape. In ll'le omoe of "" Rubel. Jr . Attorney at~ ATED SEP TEMBER 5 , PublllMO Orange Cout MM. Theoawt ....., .... Ilona or IRlCOUfltl mar'lllonecl =•tlon. If "'>'· lhoWn coun't:def of Mid Or· 3432 Via Oporto, NwPot'

1980 UNLESS YOU TAl(E Ollty Piiot Daoembet 5 12, aeatft•I ,_ _...... ,_, In s.ctlon l200 end !200.5 Of ~ e06 Beadl. CA. County of Or· CTION TO PROTECT 111, 26. 11194 balftt heetd ....... ,_,.. theCallfornlaProbateCoOa SalOMlawlll ~made. bUt olt:: ~ ~ ange, State of Cafffomt.. ell OUR PROPERTY IT MAY W·4« .;otMt""""'........... ......... ........ ,.,., . wttt' cownant Ot war· of he ,... - right. tltJe end Int ..... Of E SOLD AT A PUBLIC tM lnfet,.._ ...... .......,, bJ l41&1nM • · •- "'i.d I pr...,_.., Mid ci.o....O at the time Of Pl8l.IC NOTICE tt you wleh to..- the ad· r..- A1tafMf at Law ttl ranty, upr ... Of....... ' r• • b 0 v • d • 1 cr 1 b • d 11 death and 111 tht right ttttt ~~EN~ ii~UNNE~~ ANT ~E 1llCa of an attorrwy In tl'llt CW.. 'c.iaw l>ttft Weat, gardtl,'ltle, pcnm 'on, or purported to be' 107 Palm ano lntareat that tl'lt e.t ... A T u R E 0 F THE H-1t111 matter. you ehou4d dO IO .... 210. ...,.. AN, Ca = I ~::, r::.n1

': ~tr=. Newport hactl. Call· of Mid <*:UHd 11411 .. ROCEEDING AGAINST NOTICE OF' promptly IO that 'f04lr writ · W701 Iha no121 eecured by Mid °'r11e underlloned hlrtby QUlted by operation of lew or OU, YOU Sl10ULO CON· TilUITll'I IAU ten reac>onM, 11 any, mty be Publlen.d Orange Coeat OMd of Trull, with lnteraat dlaclelma 111 lllbllNty tor elf'( Ol,,.,..... other thin or In ACT A LAWYER T.I . No. ' · 21111 flied on time Dilly Piiot o.c.mi- 6, e . tller90fl u provldfd.'ln Mid lnoor ec1MM In NlcS atrMI eddltlon to 111411 of Mid ct. Continent a l Au l! l llary twe>RTANT NOTICI AV110f Uated ha lldo d4I- 12, 11184 note(•l · edVancee If any, edO r 1,_ common CMNCI, It the tlmt Of~!

ny, 1 Ca llfornla cor· TO "'<>"frf'f mandedb El trtbunll puade WTh-43 t under the tarme of MIO o..ct r ... ,i! 0 In and to all the ott1'"1 ,.... I lion. Trull .. under the YOU •ROEWNllN" OEF• ULT Oectdlr contra UO. tin tu· of Trull f ... ctlargee and ~ .. wlll be mede P'°'*1'/ alluated In the~

boue "---4 ot Tr· -t ~•11 ....... , " ,. dlencil I menot qua Ud . r• ' f 1.:.... T at .. _...,,, of Hunti-ton a.act!. Coun. • ..,_.. w• ' .. , _. UNDER A DEED OF TRUST aponda dantro de 30 d lU . axpanMI o ' ';.1~ b ;jd without warranty, axpr ... or ty of ~. Sllte Of C ...

he proper~:;lb:~ DAT.ED 7· 17·80. iJHLESS lei le lnlOfmt clon Qua ~~ ~T%at ro! the lmpli.d, raoatOlng~. ROI'- html• . -p1rtlov de-w ()(I • YOU TAKE ACTION TO llQua • ....ion. Of encum ... anoae. ecrltted .. '°"°""'to-Wit'

11184 · 11 ll:OO a.m .. 11 1~ PROTECT YOUR PROP· 11 y0u with 10 Mek the •d· MLIC NOTICE am1°_".!'

11 ~·~•,o7n7•5b2ly .. !111• to aatlafy lht principal b9'- An uhdlvldad 115 lnleteat In

r•~v!r~'!!u~r:,~ EATY. II MAY BE SOLD AT Ylca of II\ attorney In thfl m•"" 0 ~· • & "'" ance of the Note °" other LOtl 5 and 7 81o<* 910 of oceled In lhe 200 Blodl ot 'A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU malle<, you anould do IO ~-ric~o obllglllon NOVred by Mid Huntington eMctl Tract • tie WMI Sa nll Ana Blvd.. NEED AN EXPLANATION p romptly ao that your Wfft· CllllDfTORI Of TM beneficiary under Mid Deed Of Tru1t, wtth lnt.,..t per map recorded In 8oo6C I , formerly WN t 81h Str .. t) OF THE NAfURE OF THE ten reaponM, II any, may be IUU( TlllANWllll .ANO Dead ot Trull htfatofor• •• • and other aume u prOYlded Paga 38 of M~

C Ill PROCEEDING AGAINS T Iliad on time acutacl and dallvered to the ti.etn; plul 9dvanoM, If M ...... Otllclll Aecofda of •;~ ~ w~I :"~ade to YOU. YOU SHOULD CON- SI Uated d .... aollcltar et Of' llfnNTION TO und«liQnacl 1 written Dec- any, under !ht term• thereof <>r;;;Q. County Callfornia.

1 CMh TACT A LAWYER con .. Jo de un abogldo an TRANWllll Al.COHOUC 1ar111on of o.teult and O. and lnler"t on IUCh ad- more commor~ known llt ne hlQhell bid~~ .. or bla On January 9, t ll85. at .. ,. aaunto , debar11 n-10 llVl"AQI LICINll(I) manO tor Sai., and • written .vancaa, a nd p lua '"'· 305 1otll Str .. t Hunll""10fl r • cuhlar't e ........ P• Y• 10 00 AM , IMPERIAL COR- lnmedlatamente, de Ht• LMCI. 1101 .. 107 Nola of Default and EJee. etlergee and •llJ*llM of Illa a.en.. Cllltornt.. ... I ,,,. time 01 .... In ~·Wful PORA TfON OF AMERICA ma nera, I U reapuell• .c,c. ANO M07I uon to Sall The unOarligMd Trull .. and Of the trueta Term• Of..,.~ In 1-. ooey 01 lhe United tat. as duty 9')90lnted Trull .. ncrlta , el hey •IQuna. puade n MO 11 ') cau..O Mid Notlca of 0. Cl'Mled by MIO OMd 01 tul money of the Uni*!

1 ,.,,,.,le• Tile ctleck mull under and purau1n1 to OMd .., reQ111rao1 a llempo Notloa la l'lefeby given 10 fault and Elactlon to Sall to Trull The total amount of Slit• on confirrnat!On of -:n:·b':k~ :.:::'! ~= ol Tn.oll recorded July 25, ,. TO THE DEFENDANT A Iha Credltora ol ANTONIO ~ recorded In the oounty aalO ObHgatlon. lncfudlng .... or pan ceatl and be!--


'craclll union or a atate or 11180, a Inst No 27712, In cMI r.omplalnt hU beet! tiled ~8R~i~ OT 8 n ~ N I~ wtiare the rMI property II reuonably Mllmated f .... ance eYldtrioad by note ... PUBLIC NOTICE Pta.IC NOTICE DlllHIC NOTICE .0-11 nd IOa bOOI( 13677, page 19 , of 0 1· by the pe1nt1N 99alnat you II • rant aror • located Chargee and·~ of the cured ~ Mortgage &r TNlf

rUU\. let~·~~.;lad In~ llclal Racofda •n the ottlca ol you with to OefanO thla lew· l.leaneM. ~ IM.lllneea Truat ... et Iha time of Initial OMd on tile Pf°"'1Y IO TITlOUt _,..... lhe County Racorderl ot Or· autt you mu1t wttl'lln 10 addreu It 1 II NawpOft C publleatlon of IM Notlca. It aotcs S500 00 to M ct. ~ ITA,.._lfT PlCTfTIOUI ~:::,.u N<tTICI Of ornta Tl'la Nie will be m.oe ange County Stet• of Call· dayi altar t11i. iummona le Boulevard. In the City of ~eot:,..:o ..,. 1 101.m M potlled With blCI

• Tile follOWlftO .,.,_are T~:::o:.T~ pe!'tonl are ~~:~~~~E !~.~~;led~: lornl-. exte~ted by JOE a«ved on you, Ille With tllle ~J~M:!iec:'"g~~ etlon, :. MW Trweee~ DATED November 20, BlOacwort.n tobelnwrft• 4olng ~ u · doll\Q bullnell 11 ftUIMNCI: ardlnQ lhe Utle. ponealion BENSON BAKER, AN UN· eoun 1 written reeponM to 92827° thet a bUlll tranafaf Qva41al•pe t4 Lepea !116<4 Ing end wtlt M '~.

FAMILY ANO CHILO IN· 0 H SCHAAF co .. 455 03~1ot I MARRIED MAN WILL SELL the complaint Unlael you • • T ... Ottloaf i10a1 t/ ' Iha • for.Mid otnot I t any NOVATIVE SERVICES, 133 Ca brlllo, Coeta M- Cell· YOU ARE IN DEFAULT c':i~1nenla l Auxili ary AT P UBLIC AUCTION TO Oo, your dei111lt wlll be l .. boutto be made~o ALFf ,::Mwd .. 1•'a.w.:: MAL llTATI llCUllll· time after the flrlt pubfj;.

Oflve, •tO, ~ f0fnla 92827 UNDER A DEED OF TRUST ompany 11 the TruelM HIGHEST BIDDER FOR anterad on apptic.ttonoflhe ~ML¢~.!. OLE~ 1 land Hllh CA t1 .. (Ht ) TillllftVICl, •C""°"* cation hereof and before ,.._... 1 112....... 0 •• ... 1 4 .. 5 ESS ~ f CASH IPIY•ble at time ot plelnllff. and thla court may • r .,.. n- uA. - 10 ' oorparedeft. • TNetee oate Of ......

. .,..,Ofn • ....., a \lld .., ,.,.,, • . ., DATED 8/ 17/82 UNL nder Iha et>Ove .,..,., o N ie In lawful money Of tile enter 1 judgement agllnat tended Trantlar ... wtioM -- ., t>. J, .._..,, tta ..,.._ Oatacl 7ni. 271h di 01 No-, Wdtth Ill. Matttoff PhD . Ce bflno. Cot18 M .. a Call- YOU TAKE ACTIO N TO ruet tlQned by Oouglu B United Slates) 11 lhe North y- · lor tile ret•·f d-•ftded mllllng 1ddre11 11 887 1 dent, 1t00Nar1tl lfeadw.,, u_...__ 1...,4 Y 1f60 18th SI (F30 1), New· tornle 112827 PROTECT YOUR Pf40P· Bynon a nd M a 9yn0fl , wtlo ""' ,. ... ..... . Rook Oflve In the City ot Da te November 1lllh I t 100 IMt A CA .... .. .- ..., AOf18Mch. Cellfornla 92H3 Kalhlaen N Sch Hf 1778 ERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT re married lo each other lronl eotrance 10 the County In lhe comple lnt. which Huntington · Beach County 1994 · 1"2 ~O t ' T I• ::-·"a UNDA KAlll'MAN. W.

Thie bu1lne11 11 con- WMtmlnat«. Coale Mesa . A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU nd rlleord.a on September Coutl"oute. 7oo C ivic could reault In oarnllhmanl RA ' o c · • • p 0

: mtnlatratrtx of the latate el ducted bf: an lndhlldual Ca ltlornla 112827 NEED AN EXPLANATION 15. 1990. u 1n11rument No . Center Drive w .. t. Santa ot w.-. llklng or money or ot O ... N~E7. Sta le

01 Call· Pubpll•heO range28~1 <714,...10 aa6d Mwr•J Karpmtft o.

r.-- OF Ana, C1lllornl1, • II right. lltle pr.....,. or othef· retlof re- lornla .2.,.. Dally llol Novemt>IH •..,.. ............... l • ,, •JUOt H N MELTZ F Thia bu1lna11 11 con· OF THE NATURE OF THE 18818, In Book 13742, Page and Interest COflveyed 10 q~ln the complalnt Tile loca tlon In Ca lllornla camber 5. 12. 11184 Publllhed by the Otenge _.,J R J • . - thl• 1t1lamant WU tlled ducted by • genera l P•t1 · PROCEEDINGS AGAINST 1558, o( Ottlell l ~di. and now "-Id by II undaf Da ted ol the cnlof executive office W-'420 Co111 Dally Piiot NOV9mbet t • .,,,.. L., - ubel.;. 3r2 .. vt"'

..:ltf\ th• County Clerk of Ot· nar1hlp YOU. YOU SHOULD CON· County of Orang•. Call · aald De60 ot Truet In the NOV 1e, 11182 o,r ~nc, I~~·,'"~ ottloa, . 21, 28, December 15. 198-4 ~o ~~ -h c% ang. Couaty on November DAV ID M HA RRIS , TACT A LAWYER forn11 Thal Deed ol Truat pro...,.y ellueled In Mid ~OBERT B KUHEl. Clark o 1,,.. nt,.."""" ran • • eror 1. W-417 ;:

2,,.,. .... • · v-.. ~ · •

28 . 198' KA T11LEEN N SCJ'iAAF On o.c.tnbaf 28. 11184 e1 ee given 10 aacure e n In· .,... ' ume 11 above "' ....., F•11M Thia 111temon1 was llled 1 oo PM. A IC TRUST e btedneu In favor o f Bank ~~~c·;~ ~tala deecrlbed ~.i'rg lnla Boc kelman , All other butlneea namaa P\B.IC NOTICE Publllhed Oranoe COMt

PubllaheO Orange Coeat with lhe County Clark or Or- DEED S ERVICES, INC , f Amerlea Nallonal Trull Unit 2 11 ~hown and d• ~v~t Law ()Mooe a a nd addr ..... ulld by Ille Diiiy Piiot o.c.mbet 5, I , De lly Piiot o.c.tnbor 5, 12, anoe County on NOV9mbaf Agent tor PLUS FINANCIAL. d S1vlng1 Auocllllon, • 1<1rlbed Ort thll certain Con· North '1nt ltreet a:i.t. lntendacl ttanaferor within IUNMC>f' COURT 12, 198-4 1g 28. 1984 21, 11184 INC A FLORIDA CORP. u atlonel banking usoole- d omlnlum Pla n recorded 100 Ian JON CA "'11 thr .. yeara lut pall ao tar Of' CAL•o..MA. Pta.IC NOTICE WTh-41

W-442 '2111V2 lhe duly appointed Trull .. t1on You are In default for Aprll 21 19 80 In Bcx»c (G) ~ • 11 known 10 Ille Intended COUNTY Of'~ DEA TH Nor1cf s Publletled Orange Co111 under end purauant to Ooad talllng lo carry ovt your obll· 1358 1 P~ 1780 of Ottlcia l Publl·.._.. Or...,.. Cout 1r1neteror are: none. In the Meller of Ille WOMIQ'

- - Ml--IC_NO_T_IC_E__ Delly PllOt November 28, 0. ol Tru11, Recorde d on e llona undet lhe DMd ol · ... - ...... - ·.- T"- prr.:' 11 deacrlbed ~leatlon Of CO...NIATION 2 " "8 ~di ot Ora""'"' Coun ty, Otl'b::, NOV911'1...__ 14, 21, In ,... u .. II It__.. In C RISTO PHER J •MES •-•• • ...,, .. _ oember 5, 1 , 1., 1. 4 6123182, u Document no ru11 The deteult w11 re- .... .,.. , genar ,. ........ " ......... _ --

W-427 92· 214535. of Otticlal ~ ded on July 8, 1116'4 . .. Ce~l~~L 2· 28• bet 5· t116<4 W-'402 trade. ftxturae. aQUlpmant REAM ..... " STABLER F~~A~:::.,u cord• In tile oNlc:e or the~ ln11rumant No 14·2764 12. An unOlvlOacl 115 lnt«Mt and goo0 WIH of 1 c.naln on lor Change of Name Caltel• MARIE A. ST ABLER,

eo<dar ol Orange Counly, I Olflctel Recofdt of lhe (being 1 115 lntarMt par aaJe ~ & wlM cal• bull· No. A 125508 C... No. .....-~ Tl'la t<>UOwtng pareon• 11• Ca lllornta exacuteo by e t>ove county More than Unit) u 1 tenAnl In CO<'Tlmon MLIC NOTICE ,_.known 11 THE NVT & ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE e2 SBR 871n ~ away Sunday

dols1A~~~~·NING & THO MAS J HALL & hr .. mon1h1 have p....CS In and 10 Lot 1 of TrlCt No C RAC KER C AFE e n d FOR CHANGE OF N.AME NOTICI Of' December 2, 1Q84 ., ~ f>talC NOTICE C ASSA NORA J HALL, nc. the notlea of defeufl NOTICI Of' located at 1797 ~ (Sec ecMM) .. ANNO H H l I

MAINTENANCE lle92 0. --~.;.;...---.;.;... ___ HUSBAND AND WIFE WILL .. recorded Baceuee or l0&46 u .nown on .:: In O.Ant Of' }' Ni'lrtard, In Iha City of Chftlt09her J llMI AMm ALAN BRIAN MONTOYA. o ag ospita • ft lalle ld Clrcle Huntington NOTICE OF SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ha oata utt . Iha Truat .. wtll ~1~1• Pagot !:IPI r3:. HAlllOU> CMOROI Coate Meea. County of Or· llU fMecl I petition In thll App lleent ve JOHN 0 Newport Beach. Otar BNcn Calllorn•• DEATH Of' TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER I .. pUbflc • uctlOn to the 0 a naou• . INOOMAlll anoe State of California. court kif an ordet aAowtno CAUSEY AKA J AMES RAY· m o ther o f Valarie

lhomu MlfM Ca lvlrl, OAARETT H. 9MOOI FOR CAS H. (payable It time lgh .. I bidder the lnlarMI cord• ot aeld Or~ Coun- AHO Of' NTntON and .~anater tile toffowtng .... patltlonet to CllanQe llle/htf MONO J OHNSON, UN· Clark. Jane Owen . 21 !17 1 Newt1r1dStraat, • 92 ANOOF'NTITIOH o lllle lnlawful monay ol the ow held by the Truatae ty, logethar wtth lll pro.,.. TO~ITIJt cohOllc beYerlQ9 11C«lM (or [lllllt from Chrlatophe r INSURED EMPLOYERS Also survl v•d by Mu!'tlng1on BH ch. Ot ll· TO AOMNI~ Unite d StateaJ 11 THE nOar tfle Deed ot Trvll on manta localed tr.eon. • •· llTATI NO. A111m llC«llllt. ON SALE BEER Jarnw Ream to Ctwtetopnar FUND. Oefendantl "" lorn111128'8 l!IT.AT'ENO. ,...,MO NORTHFRONT ENTRANCE ha tollowlng d H crlbe d ce ptlng the refrom co,~ To all hetf1. ~1tlee. AND W INE Numbe r JarneaMcK..,..., You ate hereby no1lfled .even grandchildren.

Let Arnold Cllrl i tl a n , To all helra. beneflelarles, T O T HE COU NT Y rOPe rty loca led In the ::n:.:.~t~~:,,5 credlton and oontlngent 4 1·145092, now IMUed to IT IS HEREIY ORDERED that tile • bove entlti.ct e... Mrs Stabler WU ac-96112 Delatletd Ctr . Hun1· cr.altore and eontlng•nt COURTHOUSE. 700 CIVIC nty o1 Oranoe. Ca lllornla P .. ..,..EL

3. cr9dlton, anO paraon1 wtlo pramlMI l~ted at 1797 that all paraona lnt'"'1ed In la Ml tor llMrlng b9fore the Uve ln th• Hun•-

1r•oton BH eh Calllornl• creditor•. and peraorllWhO CENT ER DRIVE WEST THE SOUTHEASTERLY eo ,....., . maybe~M lntar .. ted NawpOftBlvd .. ColtaMaaa, thamatt• lfOl'IMldlPPMI Wortcara' Companeetlon~ .. ... 921146 m• y be OthorwfM lntareeted SANTA ANA, CA alt rlgflt , FEET OF LOT 34 , TRACT A non4XOlutlve MMmanl In Ille wtll and/or .. late of. tor the preml ... localed at before thll coun In Da9an· peala Boatd of the Stall of Chapter of the AUX•

Th•a bu1lne11 la eon· In lhe will And /or .. late Of. tltle anO ln tareet conveye<I 114, IN THE CITY OF :-9put1enattl to Mch U~lt t0< H AR 0 L 0 0 E 0 R 0 E 1797 ~ BlvO. In the mant No. 3 I I 700 Civic Caftfornla at STATE BUI~ Wary of Hoat Holpl· ducted by 8 general Piii· GAAREn H BRIGGS to and now hOld by It under COST A MESA, COUNTY OF ngr .... egraea. uae 1 ~ ENGOMAR City ol Cotta M.... Canter Drive Wee!, Santa INO, 303 WEST THIRD ta.l. Priv ate tervic. l'lershlp A petltlOn hat bean Iliad seld Deed ot Truat In lhe ORANGE. STATE OF CALI· toyrnant : .. ar:: L~~ A petltlOn hu bean fti.d That the amoun t o f Ana, California, on Decem· STREET. ROOM 400, SAN

fru:E.~.~.,;.~~l!T~:~led by YOLANDA E BRIGGS In propeny 1llu1ted In H id FORNI A, AS PEA MAP RE· ~L 4• . by JEAN A ENGOMAR In purChlM prlea Of conlldef· bar 17, 1994, .. 9· 15 o'clodl BERNARDINO. ~ 10, ~ being held by tht the SuperlOf Covrt ot Or· County, Cellto•nla . d• · OROED IN BOOK t 1 PAGE · the Superior Court of Or· anon In connectlOl'l wtlth Mid A.M . and lhtn 1nd thtfe ,.. at tieO • ·"'· ,. family In lieu o f

with the Covnty Cl• rk or Or· ange County raQuMllng that acrlbed the 11nd therein 14 . M ISCE L LANE OUS An ,._:01~~'~• e:h't9nTt~~ enge County raQueetlno 11111 cranaler ot aald uconae (or anow cauM. tt any they nave CONTINUANC ES AAE flowers the family ''•09 CO\Jnty on Oec.mber YOLANDA E. 8 RIGGS be LOT 56 OF TRACT NO MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF appu a n e 1 JEAN A ENGOMAR be Ip· llcon ... ) and aald buelneee • why NIO pe tition for NOT FAVORl!D ANO Will tribuU 1 ,984 '2H214 •PPOl1'1 19CI .. peraonal rep· 3722. IN THE CITY OF H1E COUNTY RECORDER :::: ru~r:r~ ~=c:r! pointed .. paraonal r-si- lncludlnQ lhe Mtlmllad In: enanoe of name ahOuld nol BE GAANTl!O ONLY UPON suggeal con Onl

Publis h'td Orano• Co••• res9"18Uve10 1dmlnlaterthe COSTA MESA. AS SHOWN 10F SAID COUNTY d:ned l ,;. Decl•raUon raaan11Uvt to 1dmlnl1tar the va ntory. 11 the eum or be gra nted CLEAR SHOWING OF may be made to es111eotthe dacedent The ON A MAP f HEREOF RE Theaddre11 orotllafcom· es n .. 111e ottlle decodent The 16e500 00 wtileh con1111e IT IS FURTHER ordeted OOOO CAU8E H . M . H . P . FOUN·

Da lly Piiot December '> 12, petition raQUMll authority CORDED IN BOOK 135 mon dMlgnatlon •• 11 any. Of ot d c;::n:.r;:; Cond~::n~ petition requaata 1utllor'lty o t the loltoWtng: Clllfl In tl'lt that I CoP'J ot lhl1 ordet to NOTE TO INSURED l!M· DATION of Hoa1 IC) 28 Hl!l4 w.

438 I• ltdmlnllte< the eate te PAGES 48 TO 411, MIS Ille ree l property CS..Crlbed ~ 13; 81 P~~7113 01 to adm1n11te< IM Ht•I• amount or 13,000 00; Prom- lhow cauea be pub119'1ed In PLOYl!RS: YrNI at,andanoa Memorial H Olp ltal under Ille lndepandertl Ad- CELLANEOUS MAPS. RE. a bove ,, purpof'led 10 be • _,,... under lhe Independent Ad· laaory notee In the amount of tile Oranoe CoMt Deity PMot, ti '"" hearlng may no1 ~

--------- m1n111ra11on ot Ell• •" Act CORDS OF S AID ORANGE 136 Al1>ar1 Piece, Coet• g:e1:1 :~ 0!,,, ·~~ m1n111r11l0rt ot t:.111 .. A~. m .soo.oo. ex1at1ng Sacur· • n9Wlpaper of gen.,11 neoeeaary AH your In· Preabyterlan , 301 MLIC NOTICE A hearing on the pattllon COUNTY M•" CA 11282& n Y A heiring on the petition lty AQrearnant In the amount ClrculttlOn. publlthod In thll aurance company. N•wport B lvd, N.Jl.

________ ;;...;;,_ _ _ win be held on DECEMBER .AS S ESSORS PARCEL The Tru11 .. <11ac1alme any CondomlnlUm Plan tor MCh wlll be held on DECEMBER of 111,&00.00: New Securlly '°""ty It IMtt once • weetl Dated 11·1·14 92663 ,ICTITIOUllUllNlll 21, t9M e l 1115 AM In NO 1311..oge,..12 llabllltyloranylncorrectnMt u"VM etaat eOdr ... and 111, 11114 11930 A.M lnAgreement ln the amountof IOr four coneecutiw ..-1 JOHN &.OMOa•CKIR,t-:::======::::::-

NAMI ITATIMINT Dept No 3 I I 700 CMc TM llrMt 9ddr... '"° I ,,,. •ddr ... Of Olher com· o1tlet ~mon dealgnetlon Oep1 No 3 I I 700 Civic lt,500 00 ~to tht day Of Mid hell· .....,.., ....... C..· 1 fhe following pereone we Canlar Drive Weet San11 other common dMlgna Hon mon datlgnatlon, If any. If any of Ille real proper1y Center Drive Weat, Santa The t It hat bean 99re9d · ,... .... " ..... ....,

d<>'"O t>vtlno.t It Ana , CA 92702 11 eny, of the reel pr09et1'1 anown In 1h11 notice If the ' h Ana CA 112702 ~ Mid llcanaee and led November &, 1964 Martt Gunn. Attorney 9' P A C I F I C C 0 A S T IF YOU OBJECT to Iha d 11 c r Ib a d a bo ve 11 t>ove proper1y nae no atroet d ea c r ~ ~: ~ a-1i2 ~~ IF YOU OBJ!CT to tile tntenOacl tranaf« .. u r• Frank Oomenlohan Law, 872 Notth Ano.Med

ENERGY 1152 Sanlle Coat• gref)tlng ot Ille patlllon, you purported to be 3285 DA· eOOreM or olhtf common ~02 Coetl Meea Call- orentlng Of IM petition. you QUlr9d by Sac. 24074 of the Judge Of IM A\'tlrM, S4M\ lerMtdtnO. CA M"8 CellfOfnll 92827 etlOUld ellher eop91r e l the K'OTA AVENUE COSTA dellgne tlon, dlr«;tlOne fOf • ' lhould lllllef ~et tile .,..,..... and ProfMelont Suporlor Court 92401

Benjamin N O.W-, 11&2 heatlno and etate your ot>- MESA. CA 92828 the property may M tor;: 92'27

Trv•t.. heiring end ttate 'JOUf ot>- Code, that the conaldaratlon Pubflllled Ofanga Coeet ~ Oranoe Coell !>enare Colt1 M ... Call 1ec11on1 or 111awr1t1en ooiec· TM undaralgned tru11 .. ob ll l n e d fr o m l h• dl.clalml~torany tecttone or tMtwrttten oo~ forflletranatarOfaaldbull- OaltyPllotNovern~ 14, 21, DeltyPllof~• t•. 21. ll>fnla 92827 Ilona wll" lhe court bef« e Oleclalme any liability fOf ~ ~llelely under the OMd Jncorrtetneet of tht llt .. I Ilona wllh Iha ~ l>efora MM end traneMr of Mid 28, Deoember &, 1994 21, f>eoam'- I , 1tl4

RICtlerO A Cline 31485 E the hearing Yo.H ~· lnc«rOC1neae of the t1r.., lof True1 wflO llM roqueelOd 9ddr ... end other common the Maring VOVt ~ ltclnM II to b9 IHJld onty W·Hot W"'40S N•r>e Drive. Lagune N!Qual • nee ma y be In peraon or by edd reee and other OOfTllllon tha t Iha Nia M Mk! Nrt deelOnatlon If any lf!Own •nee mey ~ In parton Of by etter Mid traneltt l'IN beet! Cautornle 112877 your a ttorrwy dMlgn111on 11 any, anown raQveat IOI' the dlrec11onl htfeln • ' yovr attorney. 19P'ovad by tile Oepet1• rta.IC NOTIC( ..... ti' Mft'hl't

Thia bualnee• le eon· IF YOU AAE A CREDITOR herein ould ~ made In wrttlng, said Mlawlll be m.oe bl.II IF YOU AAE A CltlDffOA mant of AIGOhotlo Beverage ------------·--.;."-=;;;"'.;...;""~'~--;;...-ducted by • 09'*11 Pett· or 1 contlflganl creditor Of Said Nie Wiii be made, but wllhln 14"1 dlyl of the 1n1t1e1 wlttlcM COYenanl Of ;_. or • conllnoetJI crN ttOt of Control r..,anlp the doce...O. you muat Iii. wlll'IOllt eovene nt or wer· ~1>11Cetlon of Ihle notlea 10 ranty .xpr ... orlmpiled re the daoMMCI. you~ flla That a Mia, lrantfer and NOT~.::::ii~TION

BEN DEWEES your clalm wtlh the court or ttl\ly, • •P'• " or 1mp11ec1 ro- tllt ean.ineary at tlle fOllOw· gerdl~ tlll• poiunlon 0, your Cfaltn wl1tl Ille court or MllQnrnant of the atof-.ld ..._..... .,..._..._.. .... T"'' 1t119mant wee ni.cs pr_,t 11 to tNt P9ftonl/ girding tltl• poueeelon, or 1no eddr•••· SANK Of encumbranO.. (o P•Y 'tti• preaen1 11 to tile peraoMI atocli In trade. th1ture1.

Nllh the Counfy Clerk Of Of. r-siretentltlve appointed by eneumbranc .. , to pey lhe AME R IC A NAT I 0 NA L ,.,lllnl"9 ~ tum 01 repr taent111W .ooolnt9d by ~I and good wfll ot • no• County on Oaolmbet Ille court wtthln tour monlh• remaining pr1nc1p11 aum of TRUST ANO SAVINGS Al· the llOta(•I ~ed by Mid the court Within lciur montlle Mid bl.I..,_ wttt be oon-3 1ta.& from the da te of flr11 , .. the nott aacured by MIO SOCIATION, LOAN AO• OMd of Truat with Inter•• trom fht date of ftn1 It- eummated. ano tht con

'mtM euanoa Of leller1 u prOVIOed Dead o l Trull, with lnler"t JUSTMl!NT DEPARTMENT thtfeon u l)(Ovtoao In Mid eua nce ot i.ttere .. prOYlded tldotlllon thetafor lo09lllar Publllha<I 0r•"9f Cout In S ection 700 ol the tlleratXI, t i prolllded In aeld NO 4321, FOR!ClOIUAf notl(a) ' IOvln<:* If any In Se c tion 100 Of lhe With tl'lt contk*etlon tor

Delly Piiot Oecamber 5, 12, Probate Code of Calllorl'lll note, edvanoee. ltany, under SECT IO N. 45 80UTH utld«lhaltnNotiaicso..d Probate Code Of Cellfornla. the trantlet 1n0 uetonment Ill 28, 196<4 The 11~ for flllnQ 011lm1 wlll the terme of Iha Ooad Of H U 0 &0 N A V E NU I! . of Trutt .... Clllrgee end The time for fltlng ClltlTl9 Wiii of the aforeaald llcenM (Ot

W-437 not expire prior to four Truat , 1- . Chllgee tnc1 ex· PASADENA, CAL,,OANIA 911~ of 1,;_ Trull .. and 1101 tl!Plt• PflOr to lour llcenael) 11 to ~ paid 9f1 or --------- month• from Iha Oii• of lhe .,.,, ... Of Iha Trull .. I nd of • t 101 of "'- trul1 CfMled ..... .. Id mOtl,hl ttom tile dM• of tht •fl• !ht 11 TH DA'( M ll!S. N••• .,.,,. '-'Ing no11Ct t bOYe Ille tru1t1 eraeted by Mid Ae Of the data of the lnltlll Dead Of Trull fo: tl'le "-rtno notio. abOVe. RUAAV, 1984. 11 tile eactow LOCATION: 3301 ' • lrvlew Aoad, Colla M ... , CA


YOU MAY EXAMINE the Deed ot T"'"· 10-Wlt EITI· publloatlon of Ihle NOflOt ol ernoun l touonabty M tl· YOU MAY l!XAMINI the det>ertrnant ot bcrow ln· 92e 2e • .......... ntf tti. kt0tb)lheCOU'l ::t::: MAT!DTO BE SH.22915 8 Ai.. tht tOtalarnoun1offM m91edlO bet102 000 00 flla leepl bytlle~ counter• . Inc, ., 11320 ~NTI M ... ConlOlldat9d Wit« oe.trlet.

ere a peraon lnl•'f'I In The banellclary undef JNJd unpaid l>e lanet Of_ .. ~ Tile balltfldlty ~ Nl4 lft I per.on In IMiCll Boulavatd. In tile City 1...,. . p•--tlt Avenue. Coela Moaa. CA 112t27, T ....

'. "· f°' CW.lfifd ~

AfT IO"i n ~

.t. OAfU " LOT AO.YllCM MJ·""

11'141 eeta te , VCMI may ~ l>Mcj of Truat l'lett4oloree11· •l ~eObythe ........... Oetct ITrUIM her otor the eet_.., ~ mey ..w ot Huntington IMGtl. Covn- ..,., ._..,., ~ thet~teutOf 0t 9dmln- ~tad and detlvered to lhe Of Trvat wfth 1n1er .... .CU..: Ind ...;eel 1! :~ upon lhe•toUt«or ~ ty of Orange State ri c-. phone ('ll 4l IJ t-129 1 ~

trtlO<' Of upon IN t i• und«l6QMCI I wrttten 0.C. U prO'iiCMd In the nD1e, Pl'it ~ltd t Wfltt_, 0.0. 1ttr110t, or l.ipon t"9 .._ tomlt, pr~9d ttlat Iha 0.- fl torrwy tor the ••ewt0t 0t 11111ion or Default end 0. edVlnCa9. If :CS""°" tM IMal~of default anO 0.. torrwy !Of the aaecutor or ~me11 1 of Alcollollc ~ o4 tht Initial '1~.,.. on

119 and evlllabla tor

admlrllafnttOt, end Ille With mend for Siie. ltld . Wflttan "'"" Of tht Of Ttuet. ~tor SM end. MttWfl admlnt9ttetOt, Ind ... wttfl • Conbtrot hM .. iM4)9Ctton I t tht Office of I Pfoe>c>Mnl Ille eoun With PJOOI 01 w Notice ot OeflUl1 and [ fnc;ludlf'Q 1 .... °'*II" fld Notlea of Def~ and !*>- '"' CIDUf1 Wltfl proof of • · llfovad Mid tran• of Mid ~. a fllll'llWI raQtMt __, . 11on tow The unctarelgnad , 11,,.,.. of the Truet• , It w. The~ w.,. a ~ ~ ••· llceNe.- rne o.c.tnbat..-1M4. Ai10U1« MMtloO of tne laoetd Ing lhll ~ 0..W• "*'-' Caveod ...., NOttC9 of 0.- 1 .oot ... c.llaecl Mid ""'; ;ro; t11411 ~ ... _.., DA TEO NOV It 1118-4 ot OlfWlc1ort ..... begin., M IO pm lft ,,,. meeting room of notic. o1 "" tiling o1 e n 1n- teutt an0 Election 10 1e11 10 The ,.,.., "'• eddr~ fault and Clec11on 10 ... 10 ncltloe of IN fllll'll elf "' Jn. • ..._... lilef1alo, MIN the Mata Coneolld•ted w aw Olltrict offQ tocai.o a1 ventbfY anO ewwemem ol ~ r9'0fdacl "' lhe county Md ~ ~- .,. " rocorded In tM oourlty ytn10fY end~ Of ......,..,, •M 1115 P\IAntla A~. Cotta M .... Calttornta .. tat• ..... , or Of 111e pa11 where 1he r• I P<Ol*\Y te tht TNlltee or fltMr "'cOHtOfl _... ttle ,..., ,.,_. .. 19 ••••.._, or ol ttie pea. u..... tlOM or accounta menuonao IOated condUCtWICI tM...... • IOceted .... ........... . , ''°"'or aownta n•tt!Olled Mn A. ~ 0-. A. 0vtt11onundt0t oomment1anoutdbe difect9d10 !ht 111Section1200lind1200 5 of DATE I l/1Jt4 TI NENTAL AUX,•lo' ~",y O.ta u .. ..,,. f9 , .... In lection 1200 Ind ltOO IOI ~. ,, ..... ~ ... ..... PfOOO<*ll °"or "'°'' Otc9mbet e 1N4 fM Catlf.Ofnlt ProM tt Code UC TltUIT OHO MA. C 0 M PA H Y~...;..; " • ........... C. 1ii4 II !ht Cellfomlt,,... CO. ._., T,. ,,., ...

'-f7 T. Kw~ At- VJCll, INC~ A1ai.t fef CLO.VAi IE\.0 11\m, 3tOO AIMf'tee. , O IC'll'r IM ........ I. ..._..,, • ..... ~tatt. IM.. O.ATEO Ho¥9Mber I , 1tt4 ...... , . ...... ........... ~UI ,, .. ANCIAL, IMC., WUT CHA,MAN ~!~~) .,.... CA ... ,,. Cl1t) ...,.., .. u.. - 0-. f19 .... llwd.. ... .

luftlt ... LM An- TINSTl,L..., L ,.,, MA ORANG CA t 2 m• '11 lllt eflt• ,.. ....... ....,.,, ............ ~CA ma llarl K~ .......

"1~"'::,, eo.,. ~::!:• c;, .. eo.;, 11~.::.. OftnQt c.- c" ~•· • AM4 . .... c~':.c. °'.,,.. COiet ~~ ~~ eo... =~~AnD WA?..."'""°'

12. g:.aa. o.t..-n a 0 ~.:..uot '*'-"'ber I , f2, == ~- 2'. t ~~D ~ eoaat, 11 ~":, ~ H , 21, = Pilot Decerrtbar 5 P\lbhtl!ed Ofante coett Olll, Ptlol No'lemti. 'O. 21 • W'Th-434 W..441 • W-4 14 ~. '"""' -acam- • • WT1looUl °'°"91• 4 tt14

11 ftl4 2• W-44 T·


_,..TUAAV 110 Broadway Cott•M..a



WllTCUP' CHANL 427 E 171h St

COiia M ... ~8-9371


-.uoaoo..T 0.C~

COUN'NOP~ Tl\ltlll Tran, 9' II. PlelnUtt

ft , lulfnato O. TIPla, 9' 11, 0.. '-'Gant•

No 42h2~ ITATI__,

Spec.·t.acular bayfronl dplx. 2 Br. 2 Ba up 2 Br. 2 Ba down 2 boat spac~ S 1.250,000


......, ..... lmmeculate 3 bedroom. 2'A bath condo lreehty p1 1n ted , ta1telully w11tp1pered In excellent conlllonl Huge muter IUlll, w.ik In elOMtl. t>1lcony Patio on green· bell Pie and allp for 30' boat 2 block• to ocean Secu rit y g1 t e d 1235,000 Call 831 -1400

IUIH llHI OlllT YllW!l

Fantastic l<enalngton Plan encl unit With added lotl Exqulaltely and pro­leaalonally decorated with ev«y poMlble up. G""I de I n CI u d I n g trav.rtlne, oek. t>t ... and mirror• Contemp0tary IMng at Ill bell In thi• ' bed & family room home ln • guard gal• comrnunl· ty with pooia, 1ennl1 and epu Prlc4d at '5'86.000


..-.HTHH.IM Home1oup1ex 1se.9\e2 -5109 s.utlor• Oflv• N B I OWNER 1249.000 5 Br 2 frp! '" land, upper bay (Baycrett) 646· 1273

•·~u. a.... 11 oo Av O:n., 123.060 Spec t br patio yd 5 ya Nr Bay 11 CM 846-8483 846· 1456

UllUllLLI PARI< with a t>eautllully cu1tomtred 20x52' l<ey W•t home on a corner IOI 2 BR 2ba wlllghl In· terlOfa A W!fY attractlw home IOI only S25 000 Cell M0-5937

Oranoe Co 1 DAILY PILOT/Wednadty, Oecemblt 6. 1984

NOTICE Tbe Da.llJ Pilot wtll no toiacer be open on Satarday momlnC•· Ou operatlne will be Monday Uuu Prtday, 8 :00 a .m. to 5 :90 p.a . Dea411nee will be •• f olloW9:

EDJTl01' DEADLJlU Monday ...................................................... P'rlday. 4 :SO p .m. TaeedaJ .. ................................................. Monday, 4 :SO p.m. Wedn...S.y .............................................. TaeedaJ. 4 :SO p.m. T1aef9day ............................................ Wedneeday. 4 :30 p.m. FTtday._ ......... ......................................... . Tb~y. 4 :SO p .m . Satwrday ... .. .. . .. .. ... .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... . .... l'rlclay. S:OO p .m . Sand.ay ............................. ... ...................... l'rlclay. 3:00 p.m.

Daily Pilat •

642 .. 4321

.. .

' $2.l 7'P. day Thlt'I ALL you P1Y tor

3U...IOdayl In tN I



JJ e a &Si; ts e.;:z s

GGY Im Q;&t QUALITY LANOSCAP! ... .... • • ~ ewc:!n~ pctnter, bl~ MO " 11 yrt ..... .. ...... By NonMn Tht 060fmen Malnt~. ~rlnkl9r1. S 15.s~USt tllAN & IXP!AT ;e::o,·l\aippy ~;;;;;: yr1 eicp. "'°'~ ftt'9d Into ..... r .... Judi Iott-not ~ l "'· U?·OOOA otl'W.lpe. Scott 142"'3011 IN 8;.';.~r,::-r:,_~= Llo~·itoe.4•. e78-0383 wemlc. Q1W 13f.MH fypinO/Wcwd Proceealno

,,,__-~-----:--- ==~~'!!!"!'!~~1 • .. ~ H lllf ... le, ABC MOVING INT/EXT. 20 Ywt l!xper. fluMlf~ =. ~-a.c~1'=' .,........_ ______ , NW..,.. XUfRICXR HXRDYUXA ~Do~- Quldl cet9M. T13804e. Averege Room Ut -+. Int l!ld p:'ldi'"""pt;lt_~ au.HtyWOrt!, ...... , Carpan«ry, r.nclng. . ... ..... LO MTES, 552<0410 Ext.nor ltucco 1130 + c:U.tom t9l(tunng, ~o: ...... Cleul~ 42551$ "8-7.0t dow9. ptumblng, t'Mt11te. -- HING n·-~ mat.n.11.142-0442 wortc. PY~Ho ~ ~ WMtllnQ

RESID/COMM'L/INO 2t .. ~: :.::=:i:L= SERVICE: 1 ttw~ ltliiiii .,. •• llUNU PAllnll. lemll #3:MMA 554-7831 8etv. lpec. ~~ ~ Do my own ~ UC 'llo#30405) 147•2387 ~leM houM. 5-40.()157 °' Co. Ot'lalntl Int/ext. fr• .. t. L<><*,.. Pla .. a-- I03 BllbCMI 8'. 17>-'1'5

=~ . •tx•per-. .. m ........... m~om~~hU~ 278041· Al 64"'4121 • CHRISTMASCL£AN..0P Stuc:rMovera.lnturtd 10yruxp. bond9d, IMUI. ... HOiid9; Intro°""'· AWi•

lmmtdll ,1ng my ~~ Compettw Rat" fOf all HouMCINnlf!'1 . car~t•. I.le T12MM 141-t427 #457730(7t4)838-eet 1 H'D•lll-1111 ege 1ltory"°'*125; 2 ILBCXMe tn ~ d! .. ::':'~219 Em&&;t ~~of r C:-'y! uphOtL wlodOwL Etc. NEW Ww~ SIOfege PAINTER NEEDS WORKI • • Do Plumblng Ngfit-f ttory *"· AJ'• 8374036

my Huntington haoh- '5i ·~·a ~ '-In L~·a. _._..__ -c .... .,,.; 7• ·"""•2 lie. Kltby9 Mtllnt. IS1-6U2 ~ •---1~ lnVExt, oellnOI. reftn cab. ~ .... ......._*from a15 ga-hcme. (714) IA 1_.278 ~•U " "• ...... -... -..-- .,, .-.. ~ g8> exp worti guar ..,.._,._ ..

.. m _,_L J:' 1E"c1YL INTI ESTITCH HANDYMAN LAROE and FrH You ratlt ltrom ... ~ •• ~"4-3837 ~fl!UC*l, cfflp, etc. s i;P!.!ii, ...... ~~m~~~n::t~~ .. :I OAll TOOAYfl IN ._ " " e31-3ti35 or tea,.2200 Or~. R .. .onablt. Cert. Nu,_ Aaet '"'' "'V Anytime M&M 142·9033 ..........-. Ill,. Liii a,, ff W• Wiil clMn ~r hon'le. tm11t. I DO IT ALLI A9f1. ~ 413--6:M2 kX*lng for night cat•~· QUALITY PAINTING ~tr~cn who..-,_, ..

NAIL ARTISTRY ~tv,'C?' O.bble ~5-7014 141-7372 Pat or Ml m-sa. Xlnt refa avail Mt-28'8 FAIR PRICES FREE Exper18er'llloe & Repair work ovtr $200 lncludfng Your Dally Plot HendpM1VCua1om d911gn YOUR HOME OA BOAT Ft;;;o;a QUiity ;pjR' ONE CAU DOES rT ALLI HOUSECLEANING EST JOHN 831-2050 ~1 yrl txp. 18 yra In .,... labor and~ mutt ~ ~ory 8y Dl9ne K. M2-6328 Will BE CLEAN! ... ~,., "° 'A cord cMllv Wt ft• It, t><• 11. buy It Of R9Meble & lfflctent f alatla1 . Lie #409035 9644919 b9 **-d. Untloeneld

... ~-,. ut•tllttvot... Good'- .. hard to find 11\')'WMrl. Jim 836-15e1 haul It. 541-5009 Ael"t. 850-1234

PAINTER NEEDS WORK v .. .!6~-~~~:1=. .... ·~~= ::::t.:=, :=s .... : _,... .......... Eat. Ct\a(tlt te().0378 PROF. HOUSECJ..EANtNG Cut1om lnt.,lor/1xt•lor In ..,. .. ,_.,,.,. ngt. ...-. Con d con.

~~~~~~~~'l!ii~~'i:=!=~e·~;- la~ R9pllra, P11n11~. Oryw9JI. ~·\19 owN ~. 10 , st.,., 5'ta-soee Aelld./Comm ,,.. "'t io.. fotxt @X VIC£ ttactora art -i~-.a:: ;;::;:::e~ at11ct1n Ill ~··· Ga,.;ic· ~:~T''"pTL t"•1'Pft'. l<tthy847·7857 RAINBOWPAINTINO c#3te312 770- .02 &MAINT. 20Ywuxper. ~=~.~~~ --~ Doug Luctlenlky 75\·7701 11.rTf-1111'*"• Topped/~ CIMn- QUALITY CLEANING. Quality la our policy B&C POOLS 839-t&OI any q~tlonl. Contreo---.--.'"'"'ii! .. ~1-.~.~-I · Remodel/ Repairs; eomml up new tewne 7S1"3478 la!lla[ Call tor• GOOd Jot>. 650-U48 JEFF Lie 8688 Pa~iq tor ' • 8tttl ltcenH COtnputerlltd Acc0unUna ,._Lt-..... M-L.t and reeld. Uc'd. bond9d. ' • H~OVE REMOVE "-f••a'I. M1-1117 12 YRS EXP· I'm tmlll. ;MMOVXDAXNdlNdt IMfla.t Boltd, 28 CMc Center •

L 557·5211 ~ ....... Ina For • t 552·9142 Cleen Upe• Tr• Trimming • • T don'ttlYetn lrMlll 12 yruxpen.nce ;MEPXIR SPECIXUSt; Pica. Room UO. Santa a Tax Ser(loel. • I Yard Mllnt • H.ullng Furniture, Tritt!, ,... ~ellnowycu •:· I My prloel are MIKE 851·1800 S .. ME DAY SERVICIE Ana, CA 92701. ~ ACCHTG tor Wkly/mnthly ... ltL11111111 A toM CONSTRUCTION MIKE 850-3213 993-5415 NORM Round HOU.. • 'J04it RON or 808 8!0-8477 " T

""911 bullMU accta.. Get UlmTI Ml-1111 Addltlonl · patloa, roofing, GARDE ING LT HAULING . M.OVING ~ .=i. ~ DAN SALYER PAINTING FARTHING INTERIORS 953-8242 .. ,.,...a In or«* 673-7378 plum bing . heating , N ' HAULING, G11w & Y11d Clnup1 wlytt b9 Uc #425924 HANGING/STRIPPING Qu1lltyAoofl,,.,: Sr. citizen """"' Wall Unltt. EnttrtalnrMnt wrought Iron & concret1 o ... nupa, tree r91novat. J -..- 845-8192 W• ~ yOUr horn.• If Call A ytlmt te..e-2017 VISA·MC 673-1512 dlac. Ret1. L.iC. #3-48877. ................. ,....,t&Ul..---.-/""lta:---.. ...-.,)rrlat- lc.nt--. Kltc & Beth cab- ch repair 557-6381 Fr" eat1. 8~3031 on 11 WNour owrt, paytng It· n · F

11 145-0

193 in.ti. Ael"I John 15$-8417 por . LAwn & Spr1nlOer lnatall College ltudent w/ lg tnidt tentlon to ~ detelt. PARKER-BEECH Painting Expert Wal~lng In- __ K_,...u..,,..n_e_,....,,..-..,,..,,..,~ •UCf...-t""/m~~:-WSPeC~-. "'!kJt'e9, Compiet• property recon· Rototllllng lltt hlullng low rate, prompt. 'Thank Call UI tor Ir• eetlmate. Painting II ltl R9f'1. 1tlllatlon. RM9. ConlUll· REPAIR Spectllllt-$200 &

bath, otc. rm add. petto Carta~ . dltlonlng -:W-· ~~nt· 1,.. ..t. Ton 152_. 154 you COi.Wt 759-1978 CdM We gull'Mttil to mek• eat. Me-5437 ~ ant Alllgnmt. 511«1590 ,... Fr" .. t. 30yf1 exp.

c:ov/dcklS bly ~'fa· mc:;p;ntry rm ~c.::.' 1~iu~. lie, Prof Gardenl~ICllPe GEORGE'S HAULING ti~l/~u~~~j FINE PAINTING by Wavn. NORMS WALL COVERING 770-2725 anytll'M Wiit 44&415. teve n-.. '··FWnod' l-Addttloril & dep9ndat>Mt 845--604a No Job to Small _.__ Len19t. IXOYC. 10 yra In All KINDS. FAE! EST.

•TCI ConttNCtlon• :.=:-: _. ........ ..,. . Why Not The lnatall/ 8954008 · ............ Harb« atN. 751-9103 llc#330988 780-7211 lnbli/ lJter1tlft1 ..,.,.,._,c. _....., SCHMIOT CONST. Don' t remov• tr .. 1, 1awn1. - :.. ~-

.~==• G9ntf'IJ.~_,.doett movel Enl1tgel 1nau1ed, shrubt, Inn acetplng, KRUeGEAHAUllNG TIUTIU8lllPI HSEPAINTINO • INT/~ •WEOALSSHOULD* ••t:gaM&D~°s~'g~v ·=:·6~::.:;~ =~~~·~·=:;~~= ~54~~1~~=~~·6 =~~~;-1. Fu~~':tt':-:~ :::·:~a~ =~ti::~M~~ 93~~~TOO~~~l~E cu~thetyn 648et44 .

For Ad Action Cal a

Daly Plot AD·Vlsmt 642-5678

• ta hf. lf!"!'!tl, Val. ltut!nta, Uaf. Apartanta, Val. fU!!talt, · a.;::. t• 1111

Lttt I '" 1111 Waa... 1111 lelr ..... Ir ...... ...... 1711 Celt&.... c....... nt4 ..... ...... ZT•• lnprt ..... 2711

ownroom3 b<condoW/O fOlfl)ADS ••Mm• :'~~~~ Pooto!'~'cw!...ot.. h!h:11 Duplex on 1550 28r poo1 2 p«90nl llW LllllY IPTI. NEWPORT HIEIGHTS rdwd d9ck frpl pool IPI tDro fRE£ E~<l'ty ~~=.!: required. Cell 75-2232 llgr'9r for poo11 Md llnd-

011mond. Frplc. gar only. 325J · 17th Pl. APT W/ YllW Now renting on BMc:h Deluxe 2 melt• IUlt.M. M/F 1325 769-0443 Tom Mt avatt Min. 18 yr• otd. llAITY 1c1plng. Mu•~ have ltOOO yrty ,....,717 841-5137 alter ttam 28r 28e. patio, blllna, gar· Blvd, So. of Adema AV9. trplc, gar, no pata or . Cal•, 0wn' tranap. Bettat then Loolclng tor two uela- ey,b9tantlll·GJ*•noe In

809 MOO/mo. No pata. Studio, 1 l 28' + loft water b9d1. Avllt. now. Prof woman nae tum rm averaoe wage. we pro- tantato grow With our dHlgnlng 1wlmmtno Charming l\M 308 eor.I. f:--... . 2151 PACIFIC AVE unlta. Indoor raquetball, $850. mo. 759· 9194 for wne In~ Condo nr 142 llJI vlde guard card & uni- Ilion, Wed-Sat. fVcMtCI .~Need mottvettd 28' 2bl. frpl.1 dlflwr, 2 Wl:!ml -=al 931.-101 °' 855-0865 teon11, pool , apa, aeuna. Nr Hoag .Hoap 3Br 2Ba. 2 SC Ptza. Fu h9e pr1v, FOUND fem• Blk Lab/ Mutt form. Fun/part time. AH Ou•ll•tt• Salon. 200 ~for~tleltn patlot. ger. •1350, an-- APARTMENTS For l•11lng Info call • • , '-Pia. · Avl 12/t5 pool, )lc$250-546-3110 tllllt & Wkncta. AW'i Dr NB ,._ • ...,., null. (213)277-2120 &Mutltul g1rdtn apts, Quiet amall tBr l!ncl teo-2418 ~ All Ag193W551 S RE 3 BA HOUSE. CM ~o~o~H~1'y 911n'- 5Pm Mon tht\I Sit. ~1c.t'lt• , . . nrm. 14-241~

CL..EAN 18r 181. trpto, pat101 gar1g• BBQ patio. No pat• s445 IUWIR · · H.A ta50 1820 Orangewood. Suite DESK CLEAK WANTED M>W, frla Yr1y le00/mo pool.Nopet• . . mo+~OO d•p. Pep· ON SANO Upper unit 18' with 1 otlWman + 557 .. 78t . ..... M0-8S70 21a-. Orang• . Cl . ..,....... Wiii trWn. Ntahtll. AW! 87~· · 18drm · $520-540 paiwood Apta 548·90

74 VILUIE tB1. $800/mo yrty. Utll• ,_. utl per mo 831·5"8 Found: GOiden Rtvr' mM. 971-7243 foolclng for high ICtlool 7am- Noon, ._un-T]lure.

il1'N 301 A~ 142·9850 Sharp 2 BR 1'.~ bl, patio & New 1 & 2 Bdrm luxury Incl 650--051t lnt1l1 Wut.. ffit Frlefldly. M~ St, CM. 11udent w/boa11ng exper S.. Lark Mo!eft ' '2274 . P..Wala 2717 Sp111tl~c1Mn ~Bdrm 91ra;.. No peta. seoo. •Pl• tn 14 plant. 1 Bdrm, Pl...aA PfOf peraon ''g fOf aonny Call 548-« 1 lllll ILlll to work • f9w hr1 2.x!Wk. . Ntiwpoft llMI, CM.

• 1~~ 10. New~ Call 548·t377 2 Bdrm and Townhomel Nice 1BR1bleipt, 1 houM 1tudlo or 1BA. ?/1>9t Found: Large Whit• rabbit Nlth Mortg1g•/ 81nklng P0811Ummtt bolt OC*'· ii(, c:erpon, ,.. ~· r9frl0', pd. 2 ' amall 5pat111109 dean 28r 2ea. + poola, t9MI$. wet•· bet\, no gwege. no pett. $350/$450/utll, by Jan 1, (IOng halrtd) Vic wn.on txp. N.B. otc. s.nd r• lllng Job. 873-1578 · wtM•I $525/mo yrty. 111, • chldren '*· No 1)9!1 Quiet COmplex nr New- falls. ponda. Gii paid. 106 29th St 1520/ mo to6-"3-~71 d9Y9 KC CM 842·2829 IUIM wfth Miity requn. ..... 111410 9Venlngl. sM count~

·~ 1150 dlpollt 173-5198 t980 Walllcl $.41-6529 port BNd on Vlc1orla. No From Sen ~rwy yrly Incl. utlta.' AVlll now. tJel Fml ltudtnt-..- 18r, F 0 U N D parrot ment1 to Ad. 408, Dally SALES Eull ~ Colta Laguna Ntou-i. [ /jl CMrmln;2brw/1rpl2cate.u2t><21>1MtaV.CS. peta'545/mo. 851-952t ~~i:dC::.h.:w .. t~ W1yM Agt84&-88t8 n/amk r . Qul•t • t· Broolchurat/Hamllton vtc PMot. P .0:-Box 15e0, MeeaStatloner1 270E C hef . 9•m -3 pm ,

. .

J:,locat.d on ti: It. 1100 If frpl laund dthwtt •STUNNING lg 1 & 28' McFadden to S..vt!nd 1 & 2 BDRM CONDOS ~Irv/NB. Co119ct Mu.I Identify 983-2009 Colt• Meta. Ca. 92828 11th St., coat.i Meta: 498-6757 '., 17U~ ~ 5 Inc enc gar 1775 241-7383 28e Garden Apt. Pool VIiiage. (714)893--5198 VIII• BalbOa & V9'Millel (818)243-0031 st! 5pm Foul}d: Pat bird. Fountain 111 lllY WI Appty In peraon 10em.12. i--------

5 e.ut 28r 28e Condo . ... 15& S595. 710 W 18th 1_. ....... 631-4980 Agent rltft Valley. Call to Identify. ) · 11 PM lhlft. 382 Third CASH PAID DAILY •TmT _ MJ... HU New frig, w/d , ale, trplc, .... unal ••~ v.,..m.. 18', LR & OR In 2tl2 ~152 St., lag. Bch. 8"ctl Communlcatlonl le llllMll ,,.. sumr. tennl8 '875, 931-«>89 Imm IC Tu rtle Rock combo Nr OOMn All t - ·-· IHklnnh 10 hlghft I --· t"" ,...,_, f patio carport lndry No ' 1 Bd carpet .• chpea, prtv Hlghlnda Condo. UPP« ameniti. $495 84&-°2888 EHt1ide C.M. 16.26. FOUND Sp1nlel Mix llfllm ,..! _ .. _., motlv1tect P90Pie (M/ F) ~ ~~

S775tmo' 1eo-.f113 Bright & llky 2er 1

148a gar. + dee*. 2428 Of· 'Onlt W/b1leony & vu. atorage onfy. Sto. mo. ple puppy, malt , blk/wht l(tra SS tor ""'""ma . to move Chrl1t mu --.,..blllttel .,,.. P9tS · . Twnhtl. Micro, frplc, 2 t ange. Rear unit $525/mo. 28,~<*I. 2a.. dbl gar VERS AI LLES 2 Br . MC. Vrty IN. &45-7234 12/ 1 vcty300 blk Powy Good volc1 . phone me!'ehandl•. Poeltlve :f"~';;NCNltment

c.ita .... ftlf car gar w/Of**. l.akea, I Mngr 646-9794 w/optn•r. trplc, a le . 2ba,panthOUM with view, .. 1

CdM. 844·3858 tll$>« No Mlllng. J .W. t Call • 1BR 1 C th :::J -tr.., atrM~I & water!!"' · - lffD 1-ir c:omm pool. No pat• lrplc, MC, 2 car parking, Office lntala •• 4 lost ,... ... /wtit tom cat w/ Airport .,... $41. pl tw. allllude • mu1 . ..,.. and cotl9Ctlon1 .

.,. · ~· -· -7 Pool/apa.nopet.1. -75 "~ - $925 .. vl..,...,8,...1757 no pet1 S1 ,000/ mo250 L 2 lutlll t r-• ..... Viet· I 852·9151 M~641-8153, evea Mutt~~ ioc.ted. $435/mo 549-24'7 Of 549-31 15 Want I "'9ctlon of OfNI " ,.,,,_ ....,- 844--0452 aq " • rooms W wtl tummy, ' "' or a CHILD CARE my C.M. car Of In.Id! Md 9'\Joy

Ctll 851-0424 llvlng1 W• can oft• any· Lit u leacli 1741 pd. 779 w 19'1'1 St. CM. CM. REWARDI 650-3708 llT UUI home. 5 mo & 3 yr old. working wfttl young~ 0C tr d let - 1 • thlno tr I tmlllt apt to, • . WESTCLIFF 28r 1BI $250/rno. Bllr 832·4 18t LOii ' Mlle long haired l.Mdlng Calif. AM AIU P•m. 3 day/Wk, 8-5. and glrit. Dely Plot, 330

t br ~ gr :,..~u Feature•: Bullt·ln RIO. 4 8d h1t. If loOklnQ In CM, Large 1 br, ~ blk to w/comm pool. No petS. Hlm111 an Cat Near Gallery looklng tor T.... Start J ll'I. s. 145-4e22 Weet Bey, Coetl Mell. ngh 11 ~61-3~· DIW. trplc In 1m complex NB.°' HB think of u1 llrat tran1p. crpta. •450. S725fmo. yr IM. ht, lut *VIEW* BolM ~hie• & warner. phones .... prof, In th9 A.ppty In peraon wfttl onty lg pa o. w/pool. 381 Hamilton for that choice ld•al llvlng . 494-2797 64._9842 0< 720-9177 Rewatd. 940.8379 evea. Nwpt Bch llH. Wt C~ILDCAAE : WHk · tarn to 5pm. 1t,~~e"r~~20:-: '4t5 mo. Mngrl4&-

9794 ~~LR~~~ ~~~.~ lft'f''tltacli lu CltUate fifl *OFFICES* LOltamlwtit tmlcocklpoo ip.cllllze In Plc•Ho, endl/Fr1 pm thru Sun. DAIV£A8 WANTED.,.._ . 11th 126-5159 7Pf'l-89m College Partt Tr19fex 2er 1~ i 2er 1850. 3 6( 2 68 nr a;; HO;;>. w HI Lo Pt •1• fM 1213 17th1Wt1tmlnlst11 Miro. Ch,att, o.11. Earn ~·!::: "":"~ hWI ~ \19CH-

' t'hBa, DIW. gat. lndry. wtrn.llE YIU.Ill Dahwsttr. trig, stove Incl. patio trpt atove avl 12·15 --~ .:....... ... ...._ 'Tatty• 548-0048 ~~5-~·- L1~·~9 r :"ci ~. Np':\: 875-~~ a.. CallfcwlntoM2-8512 28' 1 ~ No peta. Mu 2 Nr park $585 '45-7738 1 & 2 Bd 1p11 Pool 1p1 No p1t1 Call btwn $595 801 t844 aft 8prn '".., .. ,.. ._ ~~-M2c.:'~= EA8TSIOE Cute 28r apt. gar, Indy rm, oo peU. . 9am-4ptn dally 545--4355 W _ 1_ . t 19 fM p..... ...... Lg~~~· V~~~~~!i 541-9353 ....,,...., IMt, Ull D1U rvivn-... Call 631-8087 TSL MAN~GEMENT Ht1a111I Ir flaza-J .... w/ rtHJf Ave C M Kida hNrt· AllllTllT Full time, front offlct. Mu1t 1•11111&1

2 br 2 b1 d /w gar, patio, E..SIDE 2Br 181 2 trplc. 645-8122 bUP\911 up1t1ir1 2'6r very lfta. o..tMtWtpl br~en.'831 .5357 lllTllOT ~=• ~-=~2~ng. Ull No pat• 1675/mo 2126 c All new d9cor • No pela W·llde CM 3 t>r ,,.. b• 2 ama11 S580 Utl pd ca11 .-.. - JIMl11 •AIAllU Thurin 875-5772 se151mo. 676-&458 atory. patl09 dlll'lwuner, Mary 8' 2-8010 day1 fr_... P11 .. aaJ1 3 I mllTIU PUT• fa&. TWI

2 br MC Ol1• pool encl oar bH Ina kid• «* no pell tet-2058 evea E'™Tl/ llllLI (Pert n .. ) •• .., ... ..... • ,. .. IBQ I· ··-.. • """' utl pd E·lide 28' 1S. w/ beamed ... 9 .. mo """7275 IN NEWPORT BEACH •-· Full MfV\oe. Ex. Sult.. .V... .. _._ ,......... L_....I,,., fat --bit'-- -54,_e90"t"'ry ~ cetllnga. lrplc, garage .., " g.,.,- A grNt place to live on th9 -•• from 1175 tvrn/unf, Irv. OUtcall ONLY 936-9199 T ..., i'Oi'~'M'1 10< ~tllty di.. l ~ ,;·~ ~

S855-S885 111. last. MC D1a1 Ptiat 7 Upper Bly. Prlv1t• Xttrac:tiVe turn. room for lnduat. complx 250-l13t ~n N!wport a':.~ 1bl9d children nNdl prO!JlO Earn a75 p/de,y $610. Lg quiet 2Br/ 1 bl $225. 2 paraon1. no pea. 1 ea 16. s3567mo POOi clubhouaea & hHlth ttMdlly tmplyd "*- or ••• , ....... 1 .... Or•· 4014 L•gun• Nlgu•I a nd h~ent'I. 957-8190 Wiii 5-40-732.1 •*1 f7:' UPP«. no pall, laund,,. 850-1 798 Jtcuzz.I, Inch of bl~ vtew'. apu, 8 tennla cour11, 7 ltmllt. NO DRINKING Ill mPllT II_.... LUii LUii LUii lagune BMCh for Dally ~ 3

tOAvocedo. e3t·217

LARGE 1Br 1B1 on Vlo- 49M807 ~·A~::rt'~~= ~:/~hc~~/~1~· 7~~;,3. 0::,1~-=: lfln11teetedln"-vlngyour Pllot ~I'. ....... ":::::."' 1575/ mo 2 Bd 1N. patio. torte. ..., of Harbor. 2 br 2 b• Nice aman com- lllllld conV9nlent 8"oe>e . Wiii bulkS to ault. Al9o ..,.. pwaonnel make Out ... lndude ~·~~ '"' csev.topmentalty ctt.. Colt• Meta. Pr9Pa1lng nice MltlkM location, Quiet Compteic. No pelt plex Some view 1875 on light Prof age 40-50 to rent rm ldJc 2000 11 Ready for fewer phone calla w/ 1 ~ ~

1 tbi.d children need• Sll'ldwtcMt & Sllld•

pool, tndyrm. c:loMtolll. "'45/mo. 851·9528 4~87 · · In lovely qul.t· E.CM occpy. 11 .25 g rou . hlg~aucceearatlo, ooo- ~Ion dc::'o:!; houltpwent'a. 957-8190 • ·.30•m·

3pm Mon· Frl·.

149 E. Bay 9 Condo •215 842-0870 852 8714 R & H INVEST tact UI by p hone : I.,, v TIL llllAIEIEIT NMd couple to manaoe

1 Deluxe 3Br 2B1 w/frplc, Slnglee t & 2 Bdrm Aplr1· • (305)491-73M or by mall: MfV\oe. Minimum of 25 •llll&LIULll For lnt•rvlew 1ppt.

142 1111 unit apt, mllne,~~ll· blllnl, 011. balcony. No manta & TownhOUIH letth.llettll .- . oc AIRPORT AREA: PROFESSIONAL houri '*' .,.., $4.00 -·- 213/404-47M • ty '**laty. pat1 559·7194 from $720. (Alk about R00m:;;JA;;tuv9L6' 225-830aq' 11.10 Ill, utll PROSPECTOR p/hr and ml!Mgt allow- ,_.

Sf25/mo Eutllde 2 Bd 1 PALM MESA APTS. •---L 74 lurnllhed apa, comptete StOfup . Balboa Inn: Incl, lotl of pat11'g . Jllit'I. PO BOX 5848 •nc•. Call 842· 4333 lmmtd. opening, lull time. flU.f1ml Plf' · 'Abl townhouN . Frplc, EutaJde 2 Br. S585. No But. -• with TV. 11"9N & utantll1. ooean vl9w. 875-87.0 Mo to mo«*. 152•93ee Ft. Laud9rdlle, A• 33310 (91.m. • 5p.m.) ~': ~ ~ !t':e PllT /TWl-yatd, 011. Indy rm. Nice petS. 1561 Meta Or. Call Ill.ID 2• 211. m•ybe rented tor thor1 Prime loc omct IP~ la t t tuto detailing and • Mlt ~ pportunlll" 1v1ll1ble loc. btwn 9.4 541-9860 1 mite blaeh, trplc, g11· :rm ~:i'tS). °:~"":" IUUll 91TEL w/bffutlful ooean_ vtew. ~~

41..._ STEVES DE TA 1 ll NG

1 to appt With th9 LOS ANGELES

2617 Orange Pv1 1 B 1 le pool t llo age DIW bllln1. amk " · • an qu n Wkly rantu now av.ff. 1000 aq ft. L.ooated In ,._,.. •• nMd1 ll*'getlc ~ (7141

S!le-0383 · TIMES Clroutatlon 0... TIL IWllll9UT gar. N~ ~ . .. 399 vr. Bay alrm, balCony, wtr pd. Hiiia R. d .... 1100 ~~,c~ 2:::_~5 prH1IOIOUI Newport TRADE edOIW FOR OF· to help wuti earl p & plrtrMnt In OUf door to

141 • llOI St $575 850-6357 $850. 1tt 5, 536-3149 ,.,.. .,.... • · · · c.t'itar. For l\.lrther Info FICES • New mtJor 0... Sat. Mull be wllllng to 11U mPfl door ntwtpaper ..a.. SUllllLMIE calll44-7844. veloper w /1 1mou1 workh11d. Cal1931..ff03 wry, 720-toet =•m. Guarant"d

...__.... ewn. color TV •CdM dlX autt-. AC, wnot =ec121_ under con~ SANKIHO _. - - _._..._ ..... .. _~com-to 2 • Slngte trailer. trig, stOV9 • ...,. _ _. • ...,.. , '""'25 2155 £: .. ~- P1r------11o1~ _...,_, -...- .,,,_.,,,,, """"' .. -"

PCH 11 ArcMI. Utlla pd. S125Wk IOI. no deposit. .,. .. g , rom - · w/ln cit .... N9ed1 fully _....,_ " ' ._ Cleln record. 8r1ng MVA. pm or 4pmtolpm. Trlln-S.-50 No pat• 850-3429 3028 W..t Cout Hwy Coat Hwy. 975-4800 furn plu1h offlc•• In tm~ ~ In New- Coet1 Meal Blueprlnt. Ing It pr<wtdtd. Potllntlal



2Br 1B1 Newport Penln· Vacatln Studlo/Ofc·W•tcllff Dr. Nwpt/lrvlnt area. Wiii t:"k ~/~lfM~~·: 1890 P11e1t1tll, CM to Mm l300 plut per _.. N ...... _ .. . .,75 ly ... .._1• __,, NB. Approx 700 SF a100 trld9 C«POfllt equity+ I 111 Of P (

10 AM r

2 _. -y .,_., For an ln1wvtew,

...... r ......., , .., yr .... •.v• mo. utlla pd 846-3879 poMlbl9 tax lheltat Alto let op«llOf to _...,_ o.11: 675--4912, 754-1792 Bkr HonotiU IGhaia twnti#. need partner a1 0K: PM dtllly) Pr~ PBX TIELEPHONE 957·2311-1. 12CM

•Br 2Ba. den, lrplc, nr Avlll Dec w/ear 1100/dy atrcl&I 11001<. Unu.ull return. 1XP9r. preferred, 111• DIRECTORIES """'--h Y ly I a 1200 C (•"• )732 5128 lnt·'1 2tll CALL DEVEt.OPER typing and check ftllng Temporary In l 1gun1 llllUl .... ....-. · r

19 • II uvv • or u '7 t•)53t-Ot70 anytJrn9 duu... Ctll P.,aonn.. a..ot'l arN. UM own eat. Entry i."'91 CW1cel P<*tlon

675-4912 Of 754-1792 (714)145-0919 Aft 5pm HU n-..... . . 851·9900 af1 10 AM. Earn to 14-8 par hr. '°' mllketlngoo. Mult.,. Acrou from t>eacil 2BA, KAUAI OcHnl ront '/\ 4347 aq It. Belt Waat.. 9 Comme!'oeB1nk. GuerentMd $3 . .0 par hr. Mlf be Mlf ltll'tat, r•

Thursday, December 6 w/~r Whitewater vlew prlcel Dec 9 10 Dec 22nd AIRPORT AREA .. toe: f1 *llUI 11111U.11• E.O.E M/F/V/ H C•ll 8:30 Im 5:00 pm ltabl9 & ~*· Utt ARIES (Marc h 21-Apnl 19): You locate needed matenal. Personal SS Guy 93 l-5300..,.. 1 br $39 nttety 499-1528 (714)844-4910 ~• you loOk'- for

1 Banking 1-8001343-2048 typing. Front omc. ap-

c tlo m pay d1v1dends Take in1ttative . make contacts, wnte letters and & wknda. 752


dya Loe Big Bear C•btn Pool Wtthf L T.,e.r h. et!~ and'~ Mure II. LIU lllY. ILlll lllTAL UlllT&IT ~ =::o = make necessaf} calls You arc likely to to make s1gn1ficant financ ial WT ILIFF nH. 51~~P· ~~· J~~f~ .. h ........ tl With lldVanoement In the BMctl ., .. mtg/banking A teem°"*'*' dental Of· ---....,..,=~--gain. Get read) . go' aotar fleld. NMd tructt nrm. Exp. req. 89'\d r• noe 1n Coeta Mell lo«*· •am

TAURUS (Apnl 2v-May ): OU re UC .o r surpnsc -o peasant NON· M '""Vant. '" Advice In Alt Matttr9 & ID w H ....... l ........ D II Piiot p 0 8o -.... .......,,._ .. n 20 y ' d fi f I S OKER ~ "' W.- avlll1ble. 545-8918 SPIRITUAL R£ADtNG8 and tooll with knowtedge aume w/Mlary Ad. ~few an tnthull..tlc & 2 Yrt -"· AL.80 •---variety Comes in form o fa1ft, token ofafTecuon from famil y m e mber tbrl1b1 1wnh1. S..u vu ltat1l1 tt CounMflnn, 1815 ao. El o · · ·· apace, -..- '"""• • Y • • • • -motlvl1td ADA with tlot. A.ppty In petaOn.

I;>" • • t b t p1 111o IL .aaa ... pool. lntltVlewlng · now. 1580, Cotta Mela. Ca. 11 IH1t 1 ytar e x· 1871 Plaoentll Ave. C.M. o r a; " special perso~" Jud. gment, 1ntu111o n continue o n ta rget. o upper 1Y r ; f •IH • .,.. Camino AMI, Sen a.m. c111 720-8045 92828 ~· 142


0 142-9237

Libra and another Taurus re pro minently ~gt911 11 19 7 oo 26 yr Oki prof nda 10 tflr Llo'd . 412.7291 GEMINI (May 2 1-Ju 0): Define terms. perfec t tcchntqucs. 2BR 1BA CM aptS293 • ABC HELPLINE

streamline procedures and get nd of superiluo us matenal. You' ll learn Lovely 3Br 2S. duplx. '-t + def>+'A utl 541-2033 145--2222 'II h I d . fi Cl d blk bch. Yrty p1tlol, dbl 2~ H T...__ "---.Linn a secret. you a ve access to pnv 1 ege in o rmat1o n. an co;t1ne gar No P9t s11oo+utllt. CdM ·~ Blk beh, 3 b<, 3 bl. "' r .._. ~-...

meeting 1s associated with romance, mystery and glamour. ~vt 1/t . Evea 550-1708 2 trpl, S.-25. prof fem I========~ CANCER (June 21·July22): Friendship could be transformed 1n10 pref. ~ 77S.76t7 ~ -

" intense" relationship. Spotlight on ro(llance. c reati v ity, a b1ltty to d1y9 or ev.t73-0l22 ( ..... \ transform wishes into reahtaes. Cycle ts suc h that you could sell almoo;t Spaciou<, "'"91" one Eut 811Jff 3br oondotoenr u anything to anyone. 6 two bedroom jph with 1 Fml n11mkr

LEO (July 23-J\ua. 22): Love pla~s paramo unt role. Honzons '450+'A utl 720-1141 expand, you no lonJerwill be satisfied with status quo. Focus o n added F«n1le pref. 2Br 28a. rccogn111o n , publicity. accolades from peers. Anes. Libra and ano the r =~:e ~~1f:: to Leo figure in scenario.

vmco (Aug. 23-Sept. 22$: Strcs~ lntllat1ve-; Tie w Stans . willingness Fem to enr 8eci ~ "'-........... 10 pioneer a project. A romantic 1 nd1 v1d ua I docs care. 1s s1 nccre and will ~ti.~ *4 • proven. Focus on Jona-ranac proJects. special mfo rmat1o n concern mg ruRNl5HrD or travel and publishing. UNFURNISHED Fml PrOf '° * 29r deoor

UBRA (Sept, 23-0ct. 22): Accent on possible Pannersh1p, ::::' :=;-~& tit, fina.nctal stat-us of prospectjve ~rtncr o r mate You' ll be asked to dine H(Al TH out,youdohavcs~ial''trc11' in store ln1u111onnngstrue. ind1v1dual ClU8S TrNNIS '::. ~. ~,,; )OU aaded 111 past is now read)' to return favor SWIMMIN(, plu~ 0y9


170 SCORPIO(Oct. 23-No v. 21): D1vers1fy , o pen line of oommun1ca- mu<h mort ~orry ~'eeo-1111 cw uon, mamtaan sen~ of fi1neu and ~umor. Delay 1s temPorary. no peb Modtl\ contractual masunderst.andina w1U be strai"., tened to your ad"An111ae. open dil ly 9 to 6 H.B. •·Pl• •viii 1214>

e ... ~· - $275 . .+ i.t. MO-e413 Perceive ~urc 1n it1 entirety. (ewe)l250-Gl40(1-S)

AG AJUUS(Nov. 22-DCC'. 21 ): Be w1lhna to rcv1sc.pQn1bly to rm d I'. uJ ( bu Id bl ba ......,,..lept,io.•--· tear own ror umatc purpose o re a ang on a mo~ suit.a c ~. o.lt_.. too. 8'tft/cw

Aootnt on basic mun, dependents. pets. unique strvaccs. Chec k Ap.1t11MntS tMtralgM. 131-tl43 calendar in connection with possible mcd1cal-<iental appointments. Nt wpo'1 lt•dt So. M.-.n Mii'

10 .,_. l\lr'ft

CAPRIOOllN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Good lunar aspect h1ghli1hts, t?OO 16th Strti'I eiipt, pttv rm & blttl. Lot• chanac. travel. varie•y. roman11c e ncounter. You pin valuable (at 0 Dvtr) of M*dttte H.I . tHmkr information, you learn from you re<:e1ve ucellent news 6•2·511 l ._ fnc::I uUt 2.0151 wath ~rd• co propoted creative PfOJ«l

AQUAIUVS (Jan. 20.Feb. 18): Dome uc adJus tmcnt takes place, family mcmberma.kca unusual request and it conccmsenJargcmcnt of quarten o r n:modelina. Focus on sccunty. ufety. lona+ranac project N•U cw Ocin tmt d>·Pht yrty and romoktion of sianificant transaction. • IM to IN MeO +- l200

Ntwpot1 8t.tdl No. 80 lritnf Anniuo

tat 16th) -64S-1104

p1SC£S (Feb. 19--Ma.tcb 20): Aura o f deceptio n could be pa.rt of •----- dep PP 11e.-1eoo tv MIO ~•no. Be alcn. awan: •nd refute to be 1nt1m1~ted by one "'ho , .,,., ,_..,. to w M'n

Distrid Managers If )'OU ~ WOfiiiftg wittl ~ boyt & glrlt ond detk lobt Ofe not for you, c0ntlder o cor"r In the newtpapet clrculo­tion field. Tllh It 0 vnlque potltlon wlttl dolly chol~ & reword1.

Our openings ore lm!Mdlote. Applicontt lrMJ" ~ o ¥On, ftcftion•oeon °' 1tud1. We off« on ••<.,lent tOloty wfttl o bonut pion .4lnCf tat atlowonce. Wt ~ on .. cellent benefit pton thot lncludtt ho.pi· totl1Cltion lnwronce, Mb.tot vocation ond holidoyi.

Condldotet mutt ~ o desire to be wcc"tfvl pnd b9 wllllng to work hord. If you th~ you ho¥e the quofifkottoM, pleoM oppty lft penon to1

thellllJl'lllt 330 W. Bar Costa Mesi, CA 9262'

ct.1m more power than 11 actually !)MSC: sect Stand taJI for nahts - =. ~~ mo

md priodplu. Virao play key role. ----1========~;.;..;.;~..;.;.;.;;;;;..,__.J.::======~:..=:=~=:!!!!~~===:;:===----------..__------_,... __ • -

·' /


t DAILY PILOT/Wedn.dty, December 5, 1914

I u ..... 1Wu-.. SIM&at~ -.&. L Tm NlftW ~ di Ciirii"iw; ;;;w ® · ...._ ...,, «Net ·u 1t1cy

I you are ln"'1iated In wtnled 1 davt 1 w.ic MTIT/UIPT/T:c circa 11t1, Celt• al.Md, Btlt pd 11300 a.c 9900 Hr~ '315.000 to S.t. Will, ttt Or Phonee, , nung, ' covw ~t..t?J.M12 Ind 111M M2-tee2. 150, °'"'°'~"L~ draltln~ b•ckground .,.., ~dutte. ~U.C.. 1 ltl!CtftoYWiro.MWYlot ~ = t:\W-::e OfFICE helpful , U4I Co b1Nf!t1. 10...- or t• to 3'30 Mon li((d@ WfiU m ( ~- V11111tl61ec .,... ""'· ~~11 . ASSISTllT. ~ f.~c:' tuo '""' M Cenlpw..- Otver IAOO ~P3': Pat ..._,31!:=-:::::t--.1111m1rr-~1 AM.l1y le tne moat ~ *'*" .. ~. ttrnt and ~t'°"- , --uq1ou1, moet growth ftlfESSllll Pll IPllAT $624731 E. Admit., 2 dr reilflQ 1181 IJVA flMlnt led·SQlinda :~1~:

-9lR1111tU•R-~,,0ino1ei1t1~1«1.dl'I~ r enaW9MQ M1Mce exp« 11...,UY ~2 9ot ~. m&~. Ill• Preper• yourMlf llEOllllTEll pref. Ful/pett lime day or rr 8 d1Y9. -- Du1... Dttux• Ff'IOldalt• Wllh- = c::~ ~ u: Ml-tMlt Ml-W 1 ;:·~~:'!;= IY*'ng• 842·t'403 ==.nail•=·= :'~;.~· •100 c.11 _~_~ __ .o_soo __

_.. ...... por1unlt1e1 avellable. a-u1r11 •xoeii.nt oom- n1-•TMI IWIWI ·~=t __ ....... L ·~ ..... _ port 8-c:f\ .,.. P'-M Genetal Ei.t 17 cu ,, 2 dr Dfflff r ' I to ....__ mod""• a .._, ic.n1tng training avail- munlceUon lkllll. CPA Ana. MtV. IXS* pref. Wlll eall Ginny 840'"8950 r ......... 1145 9412•1539 ara tut

.. _, • "' ·-- •b.. To Interview call Cltent•. no direct MU- train epptlcant w/ exoepo .,,-v ~ .... t 1121 S-Aonald 0.. homM. C M. ar... SS Walt MaclbOrtkl or Pam, Ing. Salaty + bonue; 20 t I on a I •pp 11 tu d • lllY1111Tlflll I Ill -p11'1. 842· 7«4 a,, 5stm at MerrlH Lynch R .. lfy et hourt, f!Ulb .. houre Call hm-3pm, 9 30-5.30 !IJU or ti,,,....,.. & 2· '~' wflt.,TT•IH. TH!ODORE

JAMES LUMIEA COM· 54&-f3et or "3·1310 HEIDI., (714) 752-0247, Mon-Fri. Grav•yard wttndt ~t appeerance LES =~ocrc:o~~~ 2 ~N•Yt1o"n•n2! ~mlnga2t 11•••11110.1.1. 8:30AM to Noon only, w .. k•nde . Newport l handwtttlng only Miid Utton Range a rnlctowaw .,.---....,..--~,,..-.,.._, ,...~ •VT .....,, , ..... , ~ Ple&M, Monday thtu Fri· BMch 780-8305 apply 2590 ~Blvd, combln Uk• new. '3()0. '""'" leMe on MlnOl1•


106(J HA•&r.111 9 , • C•

co~•• "' t\A '••l o•,10 potltlon• tor •II tumw MtnlWOf'Mn. Looal area, day. -••. ROI ,C.M • 045-1418 c 0 p1 • r E p - & 3 o yard )ob1. Mutt ha..,. own &mall..,.. r- 1152 43/mO 2 yre old Sample curren11 rat•: hlcle. Call 540.2395 ext. 3 Group home tor dlubled Shlppln~ &. A11a1v1nn Refrigerator• w .. tier & • • ••==rJU~Ui~~

• , oruer BHut . cond . 00od61~rome.· uaed. 1n am11-:-------r.1~ " L,_...._ Handleft ... 10 '"r TOii RO •-------• c:ttlldren nMdt """rlOn Clefk uU or ....... tlmil. 1 ~ J-""s'A:'et Truek at~7 nr" UTE Artl11 with 1 yr 9.H. Mod~ exp. Exp ~' ~ Call Blk/ wnt TV 547•2815 John EllOt 1175-1838 , ........ ;o&;; ... .._ __ ,_,,-ii.!iijiii9 -iiiiiiiiiii~~~ml!!I~~ Truck&trlllel'SU9hr 4vall1b1tln. OUllEOIAST 957-t190 · Berbera tor appt . Refr1g Freaar, dbl door '114'111-•D

Forttlltt 19.50 hr NEWPORT BEACH, IAILY PILIT M0-3280 s 150 c.11 842..uM Pl .... ~Or11a1 1221 Saod. 0/D, AIC ~. Ptt, ~ avail. untkllled Jot>t LAGUNA BEACH IUL llTATI -- tllt, lnt•mln.11..,1, Comp..,y prov1<111 hlalth AND LAO UNA NIGUEL. * llOllITT * Small 9P'fltnent 11%1 OU ~ntlque te lpinet piano r.., tnic IOCk, Md mote & d«llal Ina., pront ltlar- Experience preferred but hu an opening tor a pen. UUJPllSll Entry ~. U~mld ... •love 185 873-3887 1700 847..eMO (0994) $todl N. SU5 Ing, ate. Appty In pereon not n1c111ary. E11n time experienced Need llcMled agent tor curlty lnd~rtal poeltlona wuner & Oryw a145 ... :able N111on upright S11.m btwn 9am-3prn at 17311 SA50.·aeoc>. per month. crMllve L-vout .Ml1t to activ. hlboa llland ot- evllll Min. 18 yr• old. Gu 11v s 150, retrlQ S 150. piano 1750. 640-1992 o AAHGt-COAST NlctlOll St, H B No colleetlng Call 10am produce quallty ad la. Commlhklrl only Own tranap Better than Dlw.< $100 846-5848 • AMC1Jee9

~ 1 aa- to 4pm, Monday ·Friday layoutl. comps & ftyera F0< confkl411'1tlal lntlNlew a..,.,age wege. We pro- ' 9PINET PIANO L~t 2524 HAltbOt eo.ta~ .. __ ... goo...,.d w" orker

10 llUll MUT tpr a rut paced dally call Betty Walth at Water- ll1dl guatd c:etd & uni· Ct~attll II I walnut/bench S800 Ml-lftl

"'..,,. ~aper ~t 10 front Homea 87~ form Full/pert time. All Un Eab'-f M ..... tntoth Gd c:ond ~ ci.en up uard and .. .,cs IAILY Pit.IT t1 _.._... .,,_ ettltt• & wttncss """"" ,.,, ,. - ' f--L-, , n1 .. ..., art' • ...,,cs reeurne 9 lll'TI • 5pm Mon thru '$;{ printer & dlK drfve New, n Wit,

YILllWAlll/ inn

" . .. .. SOUTH COUNTY

.. I

VOLKSWAGEN I If •r • t ·~

1•1 • '" t• I •< • . f t• .i :::_of:':" ll~= Hf.UH · ~ ~0~4$~~ COS:.'::, ·~~~~~* 1820 Orangewood. sun• on1y s2100· 94s-7742 ittr• HlZ U el Camino leas Fltlrne. 1175-2550 Thi Dally Piiot Ad Sll"lloN Art Director ' Orang• IO< gatdln center 2 13 ' 0 r. n g. . c. . ''" •• ,.. 2 m1u ,41 COIOf;(l TV 283V8. FM/ lttr UM 42.U7 mltel '"" 11 n _ .

LIGL IOTY Oepertment hU lmmedt-- Cout Diiiy Piiot, p 0 Non-tmkr H 8 1142.eaM 975-7243 1 Yr Old whh. srna. )(Int cond $100 Cell RnsgcU 1400. 873--lMe Thia Nmn! ·' production " ™ iU bl m .. ~ ..,,.. ·- -

Excopm1~1.°"1.MC11"8•~a,!.'!s'or :i;::c;;~s~i:llEI ~~~ 9~~· Coat• M.... HOIPTilltST * PICTlll FUllEI • wtlll beh•vld, very qui.t. (714)874-9528 'l2 Fiii OMldl ._,.,, l'tM bMr\ o.ier eond imJtm AecS1bf1\.J!~ ....... ~ ""' ., ..,. • lrvlne baaed progereul..,. bp. tuH time,~ 1522 Fr" to gd hm. 7&0-1378 SeautlM 25" RCA Cir TV Pit.It pampered 1lnc:. 1879 $4800 664-5272

Partner In Newport OllT. lllY. lllP. -------- minded company Mek• Stained Glau Glazer Full Home n~ lor young 1148 3 yr wmty ~ ' apd., po bftk•. peu- lrom ltl ~I bufled bt91 Beach firm. Bright & Appllc:ants mull haYI a -------- outgoing receptlonl11 to or PIT. Exp necesury TurtolM thell female c:at, Sun TV JOhns 8'6-1 88 eng. tl\ell Only 5&K walnut dNh c:onacM to l---'------'111'. knowtedgable In court valld drlver1 llc:enM, • PAIT Tiii handle phone, Ilg ht Gd attitude nee: 873-5030 very playful 831-8334 :o1orec:t TV'1. 13' Admiral mllea (465370) Ila eutometlc: i.v.61ng 'Y'- .:

~:11c!c:xp.l~~f. ~tp~ri ~oodg1r1:Zi1n~n~:s~•n:, n--A1ble nannle to tie gty•pnln•"rat 1nodlllcocc• 'cs'ultoln.,•.I ···~ TUOllll Lhasa AP90, 2 yr old, male 1150. 18' 2.enlth $250 12111 =~.,n':~ "t!he!"O:::: CMJILM .. . ·- ............... ..-.. . ~ · -n•••.. a f-...... Gd wlc"'ldrn, w/remote. 5"'1·68e'4 .... ... .. CADll' Ar• -train . Salary nego- the area ... candidates papera for the Lot "n- ood work ing et· needed fOf gradN 4-8, o ..... ,.. " egWl1 et any p(loe. FUii ""' - .:-tlonable. 752·2522 1t1ould aleo dl1pl1y a getea Tlmee Newpaper. moaphere wllh exc.ltent min. requirement•. B.A. hMbrkn. 041·4 115 ~111antz Stereo. Infinity pc>wW/eurvoo1 LMtMI, ~~~

LIVE-IN l'IELP tor handl· poll11v• attitude and • 17 Yrs & up. 7 D•v- /wtt , 1&lary end t>enettt1. eon- degrM with CBEST, also Faraitart epkr1. S75, 640-5438 nu tlr• FuJt prtoe$35,800 Commerdel .__ , C,,.,...-..,.n,.,.,...lovable, wllllngne11toworkhard. M on· Sat n r 1 tact Oi.nda aJ (714) need Mullc: Subetltute p INt 701 Many 973-1345daye •LL•••-n• .,. _.,_ ..,.- ·~, Th ... are p.,-ftct part 1:30am-3:30pm, Sun hra 250-8180 fO< lnt.IJVleW. K-8. Vocal-lnllrumental. 5 Pc Dfnette Set, w.inut, ... I I 573-1$44 wknd...,.. (7,..

141132:m;. •

~.,:~~5--Jcggrnuuon. ~~· l:,~~~~!1:~11qu~~ 1:30am-4:30am. S5. p/hr. RECEPTIONIST PIT can for appllcatton O< 1150. 760-1289 13' 8osfoili WHALER 78MercaOet • SOSELU, •amT•••- ••• think you'd llke 10 join 't111 ~~-~~5 tire. 759.()630 8-12:30 deity. 875-1823. appt. Fountain Valley DINING RM SET, gt ... 109 w/35 hp. 673-7873 A r..i dUalc cart NABERS _,_. - Dally Piiot t .. m oontect Apply 501 20th et NB · Sc 11001 DI It r 101 · I brua legl. 4 tan upht 82 15'8" B011on Wheter. 73 El Camino, tullV auto, 117,000. 850-l635 :.:

Some•rnta~~9d, apt OonnaWOtl : P&ITTIIEREI. Certlflc1ted Peraonnel. ohra, gdCOlld. WuS850. 70 hp John1on. New mu1t ..... $1800. OBO c•ftll IC •. ~r:.:· .In IUHIOIUT Helpneec:tedlnSantaAn• •UOI~* 042..ee5text. 227 EEO new, now'350. 84S-38e0 Trallrlghttrlr, 15galtank, 650-83M OVEI 110 NILi.ft !.!

.2.1 .. • IAILYPILIT officeal ruXMI lngeur.1eyd. w1,11 ,~':.r~':9c::.'!. l•Hh/ lafll•luht. lllYFllllTlll ~·54~~~;! 11111 'llFHIWllllH of~~.~ION• "'"-~ • tr n nt f0< 1tu .,, ..- 842'"88M ~ !or Coron• cs.I LES 957'"8133 ~uto. air. wld• mags --......- ..,_.., • • ,...

M2·•111 Ca 11 M r• . Cr o • • . Non·emkr H.B. Mar marketing firm s· bolt w/motor Xlnt oond ( 1T88868) C*1111eca In 8outwn "" IUAlmM

lnapiflng l*'Ple needed to flH openfnga In Sanll Ana lllllPllPLI

&62·58•4 RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST . Exper pref, b\l1 not Nvylwtl_I eolabCI $75, Brn $550 54~9308 ••~•1 c.A1or"'91S.UI~ • PIT B RMI Et ' I F I t 3pc: aola $150 842- 1815 ...- l.41ft 1111

CllPITH/ llllUIOI floe M~: bl Pf..:~~~ ':~t= ea1f'1=:0; O<· Si.epet/eola, wthlon-. 1Mt1, Sail 7 14 1001 OUeUtreet ..,. 0"'9- taking Oldll'I fOf fM P•ll WMI expanding comp a~. no ••P nee:. No Mlllng. Wiii

background helpful. & rlllable. Wiii train but Ilk• new 1350 d•y• tlM wMr. 3 MIG UH. H9wport8eectl 2tOOHarbOl'IM1 Pmme, 5 csav- Incl 1/ 2 exp prefd. 4 tire deify IWROllllll 558• 12121854-29, 5 ..., Wlndgllder & Hy Fly NII- NI-.. ·COSTA MESA • day .. turday. State Ferm 9am-1pm O< 1pm-5Pm. IPIUTlll Sof• SM ~t 150 Gia bo1rd1 -m1k1 olfar ~nnlet IHI. lnSUtanc:t553-1115 Naney631·12M F0< 1~ an&'#lflng Mf 1 ... , ... 5 Lg lampt.... 581-9157 A,,5.30 * flEE * Good tncorne tnd r train. can Jane, 662-5843

adyancement. Call r . lllSlll ••••-s Orey, btwn 10am·2Pm _, M2-~ 7·3 ettm for 1mall private PUT Tiii ~. All thlftl evall """' .,. - ~5.- .,. 79 M aMbu Cl-* WllOI

FIT °' PIT POlltlons. $10 Lamp $ 15 54 27 l.Ahman 12 . wftrlr. Xlnt CllllTml lln •Int cond, 8fnltm • .,,, kl Home dellvery. LOI An- Gd cond $350 640-1992 ml, must ... 87M74' · ·• gelel Times. 7 Oeye, 6'2·3013 Vinyl aoll/c:ttalr c:ond 'IJ Timi P,I, •Sil From Souttlwett MotOI 1:30•3:30 am Car 1 Selle 1125 both 1175-5952 ev1 LUDER 18. Xlnt cones. s ap .. d , cauetl• Cit Oneluckyper90tl 'M lllfii ii .;:

----- ---• Convalac:.nt Hoaplt1l In t'Mdlc:al L1gun1 Beach. Xlnt

llllUL USllTdT saJary & bonut. Apply PIT bide office f0< ()C)hth THE GARDENS, Laguna · group. Wiii Train. Start, 450 Gi.nneyre or fmmed. 84&-3242 call btwn i-3 •94-8075

mustl $500. mo. Call 24 llllPTllltST TELEPIOIE i•t• -~~~"a~~;:,°"11, (2F79927) wlllwlnamlnlature ~rid Int«. No~ hrs . 759-01130 or Haavy phone•, typing. OPWTORI Jtwtlf7 • ,. parll•llY rutored . 11111 MercedeaSLConver'\lble r.q, Wll contldlr 1 ~~ 642-6015 PllUe l'n•k• confidential lO Ctt EMERALOS 151 875-8Ge2 ,,, Spm or r:•=/1::;!-C:: -... 476-0525

"tm .. •••li•iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~~5~·~~~ 0< Marian at Ean Ill. PlllJ atones) appr $3,750. 575-2291 teeve mao t>nnglnyourcurrent Newspaper 11n.,..w.... -Sac. $5001 ~8888 H heh 7f Merc:ed9-Benz



AGES 11-14 EARN lJ> TO $75.00 PER WEIK Wt llO• lll•t IS OlltntnCS !of ,OV,. HCet buYtrS to S«Ult rtalkfi '°' The 0rlf1Ct Cont Daily Piiot Our crews st1rt at 3 30 p m attd wo<\ 11nllt I pm wtddiyS On SlturOy, wt ..on a ltw urs You earn 1111111 ltips alld pnzn with urt1tnc 1our own monty

111trt is kver1nc or col1ectt0n 111wohed It YOll m 1nlttuted, pluse call Pitr Eul

Al£A COD£ (714) 548-7058



l Fa•nter 6 Ct1ee110

10 St1ert>e1t 14 E•P9tlee IS C.Otere<I 1n 16 S-malcings 17 Egyptian enter

l&lnlf'I II Anlnt 20 Al any rtll 22 Winter w .. ll'ler 23 Ltyers :t.>4 PrtcklH 25 E11pe,,ence

1g11n 28 - War 1899

1902 comt>al 29 Being cooteo 30 Hives 35 S1ouan 36 Tender 1pot1 37 XmHgtll 38 Beg9er 4 t Chlnue -'Ohl

un111 43 CAeo's m11d 44 SHrCh OUI 45 SnaC>P« a lun •8 Oppo1111 50 Reli.ves

55 Petteeu11on 57 Ovck 58 Ftlle<I emouni SO Al I lime 60 Best ht>et 61 Old lren at>t>r 62 Do gerden•no 63 StHlt


1 Atsound 2 Auto ptrl 3 Code for l • Aut>bery S B•lky 6 Swinehkf'

1n•mt1I 7 A1tr1y 8 Sharp po1n1 9 Citrus dril'llo.

10 Beseech 11 O.vtlment 12 Actteu

Var•· 13 Doe1n I detet• 19 Blancl'lll<I 2 1 01m11\uhve 2• P11cl'I 2S servtce 28 S.1no Sp 27 Untcorn s IOI 28 Cl'lard

'· 1,., ~ ... PREVIOUS


3 t Ending for or wast

32 Stiver at>br ' 3J P11nted 11n

34 Procell tt>br 36 Btg amount 39 Conducts 40 Oanoet slang 41 Annoyers ~ A olETA

• S Monopotoze •6 Pl'ltlOIOPhll

Thomes -• 7 Ofl 11'1• move 48 UK money 49 Chose S 1 BHctl mound 52 H•rmleu 53 - Adema 54 Mtddle Plrl

51 Pieced 30 AepllleS H Mr Ziegfeld 56 Indian gr .. ttng


2 II 12 13

., ..

r*tl;;'Sll,l~~~r.. Old Pli4 lilly 2 Ct Soll1alre whit• lA~I Slip nMdld f0< '=~':J=~ I No exper ntc .. wm train. diamond appralae $6000 ttlm S..Ray 25 ft. W()(k tr" drawtng. At the NIM

with good typing tk1He. 540-&648 ext. 8 Seer $2000 240-2733 u 7•7823 hm 536- 1952 t•-· ..... __._out OUf' •~ ...... Xlnt company & ti.n.1111. ~ ..,,...,,_,,. - ....

CHEVROt E ! -.... ":- I I •

' t ,...._ I ' \t •

~41>- I 200 Shamrock Peraonnll retephon• Sales Beaut.1acs1 .. diamond llud 91de Tie SAIL only to 40 ft. Vaaa 9040 M61c11on ol Mer<*Ma

384•campu10r, #111 , L-....... ,.... Hrlnga. Apprx 1 Kt S3•o' G t loc now1YallablelOl'Nle01 r-~ 1 . 0 - ta TOTAL WEIGHTI Fine • ~ mo rll ' 'lllllllYll nt1

Newport BMch 1152' 1252 llllLY PLll COii. qual worth S2300, uklng 873-8575 OMYDSllll ,'::9 on °'o:'~:1e:! •---.7-2_L.,,TD.,.....,..2d_r_.n_o_pe_pb__,~ llOIPT11111T Ambitious men I women. $1100. P.P 213 • 74-9700 911p wanted for 27' CAL ~ully Equipped Interior Cal Brook• Adema t0< e1r CtulM 4 gd rdtl 2 •

Exp phone pereonallty. no exper. nee. Call now. 1 . ll tt.21 aallbolt. Newport Bo.1 1903v EN) dlt.9111 obi arntlTI $450 142-4855- ; SOf'M typing & llllng. 5'0-8695 llCl. 28 llct ...... • UM poulbll 8'2-3245 11111 SOUTHWEST 631 ·M90 ••k f()f Suaan TIUPllllE soucn•• tk81 COC:k11H machlnet ilMI .. 7 21 .,. ,.1 ..

1111n1nr111 wmtraJnt0<C.M remod ... SlOOO OBO 7

58-1212 s!1t>o1rd. llil. new. com: IOTOR cu co. p~o ~;..fC:,., ~

IO< Interior det19n flrm. 1ng contractor. 30 Hr/Wk. 90g11 Aquarium $350 & 33 pi.te would mak• nieeX· 1220w Coal1 Highway Crulee. Ptu. LoU MCM1I Coate M ... can Karen, Barb1r1, 849-7922 gal $100 845-4914 mu gift $A50 1175-8193 Newpoft 8Mc:h (210UJY) • 95s.-2033 TILIPlllE soucn11 111nunn li~cln 1112 7141631

-4488 Sim Restaurant Phe>pe ..,.. experience. Nd OC 1waprnMt epaoe TIP s•• PAii

llLP llllllt dMJlng with bu11nes1 ex· Wilt pay tor spec./ lhare? J M reclng bike, xlnt .. , THEODORE

ROBINS ecutl..,... Expefllne• r• MIChael 673-5515 cones allOy Plf1•. ACS ... ~-.. FOf Pampered C101lng emp loyeu . 1 _.. 8 111 111 Z·rlms S200 obo 780-90n · -.• ' Mercedlte.t\l '3 85/ht to start Mull bl qu r.... en• 1 av • ~ree Jack1on T1ck111 Clanica 9045 18 or OWi( Apply 11 able. 780- 1145 w/purchase ot 20 pc ltttrrycln/ 27 Fores MOOll T 5 Wlt\dow Topl~~r~lld

FOID 1000 H.&ll()e al VD

COSTA MIU 642 OOIU WUIY'I TIUPlllO waterlus cookware Grt Sc .. ttrt 1011 coupe/ cloth top Body T • p11., 0< Ray at Baker & F1lr\'\ew Pafl time appotntmeo1 ae1- Xmas Gitt 775-5161 81 Suzuki GS Bo alf9et trame xtre A·lrame -.1n1 11111 If lllPll11 82 MUSTANG 2 °' IP0'1

432-9399 tera needed lo flll open· :; e 1 1 n a ti• p e Io r bike Xlnt cond 75 mpg C5~ .. ~k~S ~~:: ' ~Ill IEICEIES coupe, radio. hleter, 1111, RIOFEll 1ngs In expanding Santa Chris1mas-Mem1>1rahlp ~750 645--0490 .,...,,,...,,~ ....... • lllOk. lo ml . ldn1 oond In)

Ana otllc:e. 5-9pm Mon· Un1ver11ty Athle11C Club -- -- •6 Ford Woody ~r . 213 or 714 637·2333 :>ul S6QOO 000 642-2587 Min 10 yra HP 548-9734 Fri Wiii train Se1 salary s~oo s·"'·2 l2• 84 Suz AM125 Lks/ runs S ------ .. ~" .. 5 complett-run11 • PeracLe tl57

Rothachlld R .. taUriii't Call Mrs Hlc:-ks 662·58•3 greall S899 046-S74 -1929 A Ford St01n • Liactla John Wayne Tennis Club ~=====::==;;l~mfii;ii'iiiifiiJi WllTEI/ WllTRHI VETERINARY TECH In MemblrsttlP S850 obo Trailtn, SAOOO 1175~ 16 1 r. 'll LJIOILI Tift OM.

HLI NSmH ~~~=[~'!:.,e:f ;~I~. CM•" -FRle8nH • 55p4m0·&800 Tra"l I024 bttt ••rrtt4 c ·a11c·u 4YIO. alt, ~ lteertn;. now av1ll. Exp. req. Apply .. ...., on r 1m NANTEO· 18• or larger - n . n power brakes, po~ In peraon. 2407 E. Pac. , ... Waatt4 5105 Lellher Jacket dark blue, Travel Trailer PPwtll~y ID 1112 IVEBSON ~·~0~·Hr"1'0:;~

_c_•_t _H_wy_,_Cd_ M ____ laundry,,~done Pfk:okr busr ~:!· ~~m~:;.,,.n•s:.~ cut>. Call (7l4)t92~2'80 ·69 Red BMW. reblt eng. PORSCHE HURRY THIS .WON'T salle Bach ~1e1. -up .. 1400 tl50·&635 Aatt Ltlldl 1 aJc:amltm radlo-eaaa Gd AUDI ·LAST .( 1HKR742) Eiccltl'a' chance to Mii delivery. Yourhomeoror- __ - cones $2,800 573--0t48 CHEVROLET IHI

'The , .. ,., lnveatmenCent !Ice NICOii 673- 1624 "4agle l1tand Memberlhlp 7331 BMW 1979 blkl rld lflthHI Qvahty Opportunity ol Ille • S 1 Sllv tor ule SS Negotlable c;..1 •• a S.rvlu tury"I Fabuloue SSS terlng er 776-6882 774•419 1 Dorla Int sunroof. mu1t Miii po1enUal 714·"3·5535 Selmar Flute. $9,950 673-1 848 or CHICK

w/cue NICOii 673-1624 \4UST SELL Jottn Wayne •l&·Tlfltl 661-0388 Salee C t 5505 Tenn11 Club Member- aa99•I ------- IVERSON EARN WHAT YOU'RE I I thlp 780--0754 aft 8 -•-WORTHI at the Los An- Chrlltmu Persian kittens, ALL MAKES· $199 down ~ 1'1m."91n ·~s.!,!:~~:\I g1t11 Tlmu tel• · CFAregSlS0-.-631·7858 C E Comm L.... ~---" maritetl~ offlc:l In Co1ta No 111 or tut · No depot4t saie.-s.rvtc:.LMalng


6 7 3-0900 =-cX!,:'.!:nn=ieC: ~ICOC:ker Spans. ~JI SCRAM·LETS d~:i~;9.!:. ***•*** loWI you to eern mot• rid. m/I 5250.,. 557 •55n ANSWERS (714) 432· 1877 UCIWIT llYUTllY ~ti thanS200 lncommltelon - - Pll ......... ' & wagee by Mlllng lor11y Poodle Pups. Teacup. Toy, Shrank . Fruit b ... Wutt4 9020 1 11 ELiCX 5 epd, l+hbedt. 20 tubacllpt1on1 • week. Min $250 up 5'46-2848 Grain. Infant WI Ill 30 320l 5sp al e 21fz931 one own., am/tm 11ereo 11'1 poetlbte to .. rn more SS•Q TRUSTING !11 3201Sep1/ r 10UE497 S 1500 78M 112 Iv mag than a 1000 wHkly. Btrsn • OLW Aa•a IT 1D•G"'"~ ~,,If many mlMflbll n091 . ...,. !11 320I A air " .- 77 Coton.. tape csectt , -------r-:,....,,, Hou,.areftexlbllandthl 11yr Beytlbgetd Hunt· at all sort• of occupa· 913204599 ·s · 1ctogMO 11.,90 $1500 oeo 11m 'l" trc;! 3 S otflce I• Freeway cloM. erljum~r/11111 $1500, tlon•. 1 nelghbOr nnaJty !11320tl/tt/ r1btb408 551 ..0181 wrlt~383 __ For more lnlorm1tlon. 53M230 842--0880 became 1 huge success. !12 320I Sep e/ r 1-i407 • -- i! P larie. 13§5 080 call (7 14) 540--0301 Pttf 55)5 " What elM could 1 do?" 82 3201 5ep t /r 1dz1145 '12 Ttyet1 642-7517

a11Ttatf ••LEI _ he remarked ·everyone 92 320t 5tp air 1•• 15 hrtll Wip.. 76 Gral'd MOOerc:f\ Gl'll&. M - 'c •• .. t 1- Blue/ gold Macaw hand kept on TAUS TtNG me " 12 320! 5ap • ' r l l gP.-83 .. uto . • ·r 111,.,.. po Load-'", ·---- gd __ ..

ature nr 11 andlwomSan. relsed tame $700 Double !12 320l 5sp si r 11dc103 "brak .; roo t .,,,r t c k I S 1 """-;obo-. '~'j.. 7 ... .'7'"" Sateeexp nee 831-2822 !S2528Ea/ ll0(11dl700 ( lHBM lSel 79 Colony Park wagon ~~~~-~U~~~~~~ci~u~~~~·~


~~~~S3iOO~oib~o~5~4~1~·64~2~1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~32~~pl/rt~d~ ~ Q--82528E5spld lfnuloe $7111 L04DED' Xlnt cond In &



Gt tr-ts SellUlc:es Guide

. .

82633cslalt(1~2) oul Well maintain•~ . !S3320l5spt/ r 1twl515 $A950 662· 7•74 Curtis 93 32<>1 S•P ·s· o 10512 -------- -' • • 93 320I sep ·s · 390918 '11 llHllY L YU 93 320I alt ai r 072.,._ SE.DAN, ~to, air, PoflW S3 320l 5ap l/r 002204 b r I le I I I I e r I 0 , $3528E59') L 'd~I (lH0C145) 93 528E al t I'd 1HIW809 f J 11111 S3 5211£ l/t ld'd 207 lM VtlbWlf!8 17 ~318lattllr1hclh512 17 VW~MPER MANV ....,,. nm.~ EXTRAS GOOD CONO

~---" ' 1425530-H'48 (l 14)111··111 20ll W 1at, Santa AN CLOSED SUNDA VS





I.I· ., .... ,. \

('()'.\ ''" '". I t-.<~1- 'll ...

THE BITL'RBO. 1984 Maw.ii Btturbo,

$399 loddtd with all the extras inc lud•ng leather t>O mo IO~d end lose Cap cost

~20 225 Down payment \ J.7Bo,90cash ., trJdt ~· ; 9071) ~


~'~ -. - -

$238 42 "' Tiu,,., mo. --:HOD

1 11131:,~c:1-111 11


IM~ORTS IH cao,.,. $••""'1 ~ .._h • rM Ill tlOO OINllAl MO f O H COIPO IAflON

§ ~~ ~ TEAMS PLA Y·ING ~ ~~ c;~ * OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK * 6 ~ v JOE'S PICIS OF THE WEEI - Pro Teams Sunday, Dec. 9, 1984 B [J GREEN BAY LJ at CHICAGO

~ 0 CINCINllll #

::> 0 at NEW ORLEANS - -


® 85's ® ARE -HERE!






14949 112.0 later engine wt new automati<: valve ad-1usters80ouble wall cargo


I D HOUSTON ..... ::> 0



~ COMPARE! I ' box:laradlal hr lnted gla go area hght 9d00t-to-door cari>etong • 1-(201775). 5

( lf:'l4''::1sUB1SHI) ~ 0 f­::> (.)

. 2133 HIRIOR Bl YD






I 0 c ...... 0 c ......

I 0 c ......



540-4491 I 0 NEW YORK GIANTS 0 at ST. LOUIS Q 714/ S23-72SO • 714/ 7S0-7201•213/ 921-ISll

Previously Owned Cars SOUTH COAST DODGE

1976 DATSUN 280Z


s3999 1:67 FORD



~ Chide en • Cloffi< lwtte1 w / luttet & ,_.mon/ lAmon/ ,loln

(anc.1 s.ho, GuCKGmofe, T ortllfot, & Lettuc' , .......... .. c..1 " 610.132

17~1 .......... Awe, CM

1- ~ A._,.. Sonto AINl (5) ~- • looct\ ....

6 0 SEATTLE ..... ::>


§ 0 WASHINGTON ...... :::> (.)

I • ..... . :::> 0 ..... :::> (.)





Pro Teams Playing Monday Night, Dec. 10, 1984 (TIE-BREAKER)



I 0 c ...... 0

~ I () c ...... 0 c ......

I 0 c ...... 0 c ......

~ Put Your Score For Monday Night Tiebreaker Dec. 10, 1984 g (.),~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- ...... ! LAST WEEK'S WINNERS NAME ~ 6 Al MARRANT Costa Mm $50.00 ADDRESS ~ I 1- tlkE McCcmilCl( Newport Btldl 25.00 PHONE o :::> ~-4--~~~~-+-~~~~~ c o CAROl YotltG Costa Mesa 15.0 ATTENTION: WINNER' S CIRCLE (On Your Envelope) -t

RULES OF THE GAME Games list will be published each Wednesday. Make your picks on your entry blank, cut out, mail or deliver to The Dally Pilot, A TIENTION: WINNER'S CIRCLE, 330 West Bay St. , Costa Mesa-. CA 92626. Entries must be postmarked no later than 5 P.M. Friday, preceeding the Sunday game and Monday game. Late entries will not be counted . If more than one winner, a tie-breaker ~ill be determined by the score of Monday night's football game. Winners will be published the following Wednesday. Winners may pick up prizes at The Daily Pilot office on Friday before 5 P.M. following announcement published in the paper. In the case of more th~n one winner, prizes will be divided .

(No employee of th~ Orange Coast Doily Pilot or their families ore eligible to enter.) -










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Coaet Gov. George Deukme)lan promoted two Orange County Municipal Court judges to the Superior Court Tuesday./ A3

British mystery writer P.O. James will appear at UC Irvine Thursday./ A3 :::::::~::::::::::.:::::::::::~::::::::::;;:;:::::::::::::::::::

Calif om la San Diego firefighters help Mexican police ext­inguish a fire that de­stroyedJour buildings In Tijuana./ AS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::

Nation President Reagan 's pushing for $37 billion In domestic cuts. Another $8 billion might come out of defense budget./ A4

Doctor says he's getting bored with his reports that artificial heart trans­plant patient Is In ·good condition.' I A4

World Gas leak In India leaves 1,200 dead and another 20,000 may suffer per­manent damage./ A8

Arab hijackers say man slain on Jet was an.Ameri­can dtplomat. But Wash­ington can't confirm that clalm./A8

Home Half of hardware sales of tools are made to women so home improvement centers are catering to them with more how-to cllnics./81

It's easier for buyers to check out a house's energy efficiency when the weather Is cold ./82 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::; .. ;.::::::;.;:;.;:::::::::::::::::

Food Make-ahead dishes are the best kitchen help for holiday hostesses.IC 1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Sports Ocean View emerges vic­torious but Huntington Beach falls In Fountain Valley Basketball Tour­nament./01

Mater Dei upsets Foun­tain Valley in girls basket­ball actlon./02

Golden West ls at home tonight while Orange Coast gets ready for a trip to San Francisco In com­munity college basket ball play./03 ·::::;::!::::::::::::;;.::;:::;,;:;:::::::;:::.:::.::::::::::::::::::·

Entertainment ' '·

Ttie " family hour" Is alive and well at NBC, says the network In praise of Its 8 p .m. comedy shows./83

Work ing stiffs get thetr place In the spotlight In Orange Coast College's new muslcal./84 ·

INDEX Bridge Bulletin Board Business Callfornla News Classlfled Comics Crossword Death Notices Food Home Horoscope Ann Landers Mutual Funds National News Opinion Paparazzi Play Review Pollce Log Publlc Notices· Sports Stock}Aarkets Tetevltlon Theater• Weather World News

A10 A3 B7 A4

05-7 A10 07 04

C1-10 B1-2

06 B2 87 A4 A8 81 84 A3

04.5 01-4

88 83

83-S A2 A4

Gunman giv_es up in bank. siege TWo dozen workers, customers locked selves in vault-during tense standoff L -

By TONY SAAVEDRA Of the DellJ "°' ..... • themselves 10 a vault and had after a

foi led holdup..auempt. The alleged robber. 41 ->ear-old

Wilham Riller Rapp. who apparentl y · broke has left leg whale fleeing from

police. look refuge an the bank. Later.

An lnJUred gunman surrendered-to police Tuesday after a 4Yz-hour stand­off at a San Clement~ bank where 24

· customers and employees locked

he wheeled h1mselfoul of the Secunt> Pacific Bani... 11 SN. El Camano Real Onve. in an office chair around 5 45 p.m.

Thr I I emplO)ttS and 12 cus­tomers who had locked thcmselve~ behind the caged door of the bani..·s monc) vauh were escorted to safet) by Irvine- and San ClemeMe ~-\ T team officers amid the hoots and whistles of onlookers.

.\noiher worker who hid m an cmplo)te lounge dunng the commo­tion escaped about an hour earlier after drumming up enough nerve 10 SCuIT} out the back door

None of the pcoJ>lc werc hanncd. although many were distraught ovrr the ordeal that had brought San C'lemenle and Irvine police. as well as Orange Co~niy Shrntr depuues Cahfom1a Haghwa) Patrol oflkers

and FBI agems to the 1eaudc batlk . Police · id one officer suffered

minor IOJUnes a0er lipp1n1 down a slope behind the bank.

Rapp. an ex-Marine Corps 1Cf'ICSDI from Ocean rde. ttl1ttd from the Manon in May I 9 3 after 22 years. ancludinJ two ienns an . yic1~m where he served 1n an adm1rustrattve capacity. according to police.

(Pleue eee BA.JlfK/AS) #

Cops tear room · apa~t seeking ·ID.urder clues No breakthroughs tnpuzzltng slaying at HB condominium By STEVE MARBLE OI .... 0.., "9t 9"""

Hom1c1de detcctl\ es. ln\.CSllgallng thr slaying of a Hun11ng1on Harbour finannat consultant lasi month. have practtcally disassembled the master

• bcqr,90m of the "1cum·s tn-le"et co~m1mum loolong. for clues. ~rch warrants show police re·

n1ove1l,, enure walls. bathroom 'f;rncct!. ~-ftxtures. cloth ang and bed· ding from ihe murder scene. Boxes of fmancaal records also were con. fi scated from the Manin Lane home as possible evidence.

No arrests have been made and police have not announced an} breakthro ughs 10 the pullling

murder, which occurred Nov. 18 an the sccunty·t1ght complex near Peter's Landing.

Mel Dulay O)'son. 30. was stabbed w1th a lr..nafe wub a lone blade and bled lO death. poltee said.

Dyson apparentl) was sta~ an ihe back Has bod) was fbund an a kneeling posauon. has fa~ pushed against the carpet. according to police records used to obt.atn a search warrant for-.he residence. •

The man's wtfe, who apparent-1~ fallen asleep 10 her soo·s bedroom. iold police she awoke later and ~andered back to the m~tcr bedroom.

Otiue D\.son ~1d she noticed that the.coven ·were p.uUcd bae.Lfrom the bed. revealing a large stain. Police later 1denufied the as blood.

Mrs D)son told police she didn' t ~her husband in· bed bul oouced 'a

(Plea.e see CLUES/ A2)

Fount~in Valley urged to oppose toxic waste.dump SCOTT STODDARD

f- ountain \ alll'' '>hould n11t kt 11selfbt·l'.ome the dumping ground lor IO>.ll' waSle sates. the C II\ ( ou ncil "J~ lold Tue~a;. n1gh1 ·

Fountain Valle' n.•<,1dcnt .\lli:n R Xatz told the counc1l 11 shq~d light a plan that would have mt1i~1al from the Stnngfellow Ha1ardous Waste Disposal Stte in R1 H~rs1de piped to Fountain Valle) and Huntington Beach for treatment and then irans­paned fi,c mil~ offshore into lhl' Pacific Ocean.

... ulnd111ondlh appro'cd the under­~rnund shipment of to"c waste. fkganmng Jan I, about I 87.200 gallon.-. uf ground ~att·r \NOUld be prtlll'\..Cd t•al h da~ h~ LreaLmC.Ol facihtlt'' in Hun11ngton Beach and 1- ountain \a Ile\ , l\.at1 \aid federal. state. and loc:aJ .. water authon11es agree that traces of rad1at1on in add1llon to such poisons .as arsenic. nickel and cyanide can be found in the water. though offietals

J <;a., thl' lOncen1ra11ons of those toxins \NI.II be than 1n 1ndustnal waste nov. treated at the local plants.

DellJ,...,..... ~ ..__,Uplft

Bank robbery auapect William Rapp wheels himself in office chair to bank entrance.

On "'lo' 14 diret1ur, 1ll the Orange Count~ Sanatauon Da~tnll\ I rcp­re.-.enting Orange Count\·., 2h '-111e•>1

Orange Count) upen-1sors Roger tanton and Bruce Ncstande have

(Plea.e see V AL'li.EY / A2)

Ch-vez, 40 more picket OC store

Witness cites clothing conflict in murder trial By STEVE MARBLE arre'ited CK t I 4 I 'IS' - the da\ Hazboun was found

dead 1 n her \t~nnd floor "hop on \\ a mer i\" en ue near Huntington llarh<lur UFW urging boycott

of Alpha Beta stores . in So. California

By TONY SAAVEDRA Of Ille Delly "°' llafl

The U nited Farm Workers launched a statewide boycott Tues­day against Alpha Beta supermarkets. whose parent compan y ts the largest buyer of lettuce from a grower long embattled with the farm<1 uruon.

Brain implants studied UC IrvTrie lecturer says his work may lead to new cures 8)' PIDL SNEJDERMAN Ot .. 0.-, ........

Hean transplant'- kidney'" plants. cornea tn11n plant - oncc science fiction. such operations ha ve now become almost routine

Can braiJl tran plant' be f'ar ~ hind?

The nouon COnJUrt5 up 19 b<>'lie lMllCJ Of mad ~­ll ti Cltl")'i Ill bis gla JI t" f u II of pickled &ray matter.

Modem rnnrthef'1 arr ttll far awa) from tl'.1"iP1ant1na complete brains But p1on~nna e11perunen1

(Pl ...... 8RAIN/ A2)

llFW leader Cesar Chavc1 led <,upportcrs as they haf\ded out pamphlets an front of an Alpha Beta markt·t 1n Santa Ana . outlining tht' union ·., 'i-ycar l'lattle with prodml' grower Bruce Church Inc .. and the Ol''-' war wi th the fi rm's largci.1 lcllucl· huvcr. American Stores Inc.

i\mcncan Stores.. based an Salt Lal.e Cit). ·~ the•parent compan~ for the :!78 AIJlba Beta supermarkets an Cali fornia and Nc\ada. as \Nell as Jewel markets an the Midwest. l\cmc markets on the East Coast and Sa' ·on

oi 1 ... a...., P11o1 11et1

:\I tun11ng1<H1 Beach tl'l'n-Jgcr accused ol k1lhng a shop li\\OCr v.;i., -.ccn <,hortl\ aftrr the murder 10 dtfli:n·n1 dnthl'\ than llH1<\l' deo;cn bed tn a v.11nc'' v. ho <.aid '>ht•'·'" thl' \11uth JI the murder ~c-ene

I .it har' Pt•ttu' 14 v.a' \l't'n at a ncarh\ oanl. am"hl'rt' lrom Ill 111 ~o m1nu1cc; after '>hop· O"-ner Darlct•n I la1hou n "a'> \tabbed 10 death. detensl" a11orne\ Milton l (1rt1llt''i <,au.J Tue da"

.\ hanl. cmploH'C recalled that Pc11us \Nas "canng t>lucJ<:an'i \\h1k an l.'arher v.11nc'is - v.ho sv.ear.. she sav. Pettus in the <;hop at the 11mc of the la' 1ng- said the m:rn 'ihe 'a" ,,a., v.t•anng "h11e shons. Gnmes said

Petlu 'I. a t<1rmcr \1ann.1 High School student. "-3

Bft·au<.t' of .in alkp..1t1on that the kllhng was nWll\ atcd h' rohht·r. l\·ttu-. tould he <.entcnct'd to dae 1n thl' ga<. t hJm~·1 The hr.,t-<legm:· murder tnal .. opened ,1 month .1~111n \u1'l4.·nm ( ou n 1n \\ e'itm1nster J ftn ,1 pr olonttt•J 1 u I\ 'dn 1111n prn1..c'><.

Pl'llU'> ha-. ht'l'll pu1 JI thl' murda scene b\ a Fountain\ allC\ "nman v.ho te<,11fied that she entei-cd ~ the c;hop the da' ul 1h.: l.1lling and \3\\ Pettus p1clu ~meth1ng ntl thl' lloor Tht· \-H1man alo,o testified that 'iht· hl'ard .. o meon1• v.1 mpenng

\hi: l IJ1ml·d P1•11u' hurrll'd her out ot 1hc $hop and (Pleaee M!e PETTUS/A2)

(Plea..e see CESAR/A2) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r ....J •


. UHIV(U IT:o Of CALl, 0Ufl



8omereatdauaofSanta Ana BelCb.ta(ln peen)aretr)'tn• to Cet tbelt pr~t) rezoned for co11Unerckl UH.

. I -I

LivingunderJWA path: The Heights of pure frustration

LI' ang 1n \an la .\na lk1ght' l'311 lru' <'a bad ta,tc in) outmouth - not onh in the htrrnl ~nqo v.hrn fallout from 1et C'nganc!> accumulate\ on 'our p31att. ut al~ 1n mort' frV'trntm1 ~l}'i "'hen Hlu rcahtt \ou·d rather ~1,e ut> th<' home \Ou',c ""('(! 1n for .o ~cars 1h1n h ten 10 1et-. th o"crheaJ fot <''en one more Y.C'd.

A.rat of three artlcleS

But "A.hen no on<' ~80\,.\ 10 "'" undt"f the f'9lhs ot J<'l'i hov. can 'ou \ell )O\lr homC' and mo"t IY.I\ '

1 haf' l~ trwn man_ 1nt1 na Heaghl\ f'C\1dC'nl' U) the\ re C'l\lllhl '" 8' a ~\Ult ()f p~\\Uf'\:\ '" C\pand fohn V &)1\C' \ 1rpol"\ v. h1lc o ther. \C'C '- 10 u~ thr a~ I\ the fi"1 lme ot \kkn..c

" \ \ I.' rf uMhlc to uprout and mm c



NEWS PERSPECTIVE '' much l'i "'<' m1cht hlr..c to:· sa) Rtta .J.ooM. who ha., h'-'td 1n . nta

OJ HC'aght\ for !~ \C':lf'\ ,

(Opt V.llh t -0\Cflh 1r homc1o ~eral time each hdur has bt\om an unpl n\ fa.ct of hie fi r thr rr ad nt~ of." nu ~na He r ht &tt u~ to ha\.1na telcp one mn"C' tmn' 1ntcrTUpl~ for 10 K'(·

(Plu.M eee H£1GBT9/ A.2)

~ * Orange COast OAIL.Y PIL.OTIWednesday, December 5, 1984

UC Irvine hosts ~--ln tern a tlonal

1\lf>S semincrr-

lJ( lr-.,1nc t\ lO-'ipon~nna an tntcmuttonal umft'nmcc for 'iCtcn­t1sh stud~ ing the CUU'>l''> and treat­ment of Acqu1mJ Immune Dcfic1en­l')' Svndrome (All> ' )

The wnfcrcm:C'. '>P<>n!>orrd b)' ffie tt~ or S:a\'lc 11 rRt'<"'t1TITt':lt Immunology anJ the National o-

c1ety of lm munolog} . will be held 'aturduy and Sunda) . ~c. ti and 9. at the Irvine M:miou Hotel

.\mon~ the ma1or '\JD re-'>CIW;,tJer\ fJllJC!P UUi M1chacl Coultcb o UCLA, David Punilo of I~ t;nnt•rs1cy of~IMI and Paul Volbc:'rJina of UC San Francisco.


CoN TINUEO SroR1£s Irr.. -- ~


locked the door. Hunt1n&ton Beach police tc~t1ficd

that the'.¥ later found a ~)·~·c of Ha1boun''i JCwclr} 1n Pct1u,· bedroom Wttncsses said tht· JCWClr) ma} ha\c bc~n ripped from the v.oman\ neck

Grimes !kltd he 1i. attempting to show that hts clien t. who t~ black. ma} ha-.c been confu ed wllh o ther blati~ men who Vvere ~n in and around the shopping center near the 11me uf til l' mwnJcr

l anru Kuurh tt'!llltkd that she~"" a \Oung blad. man Jt tht• ccnt1.•r ~iore thl.' murdl'f tou~ place and wa!> po\1t1H' 1t "'a!>n't Pcllu'> ~he claimed lhl' man ~ht• ~"' had .. ilcaming .,., h1t1:" h.:cth \vhtl t' the dcf1.·ndant doe!> not

" IJUSt r1.·mcmtx-r lht• tt-cth because he wa!I ltkt• Mr. Pcp:.t.xlcut. " !>he tl'!l ltfied

.\n area bancndl'r ll'\t1ficd at least 10 blad, men frcqucntcd the Lavern whl're she was cmplo~t·d. '\n e r:n-

plo) et· a 1 the 4'hopp1 ng center wht'rl' Ha1houn "'hop wu' ltx·;ited .;aid !>he !ioa"" twu men at the center the da) before the murder.

" \\ c:'rc 101ng to att.ack this rm· pre:1.s1on that !>l.'c1ng '3 black man 1n 1h1s area of Huntington Beach ' " unusual .. \Jtd (in mes dunnga break 1n the trial

C..1nme!> <,a1<.J ht• intends 10 call as man} :J'I JO w11nc\'> for the; defense rn<; luding Pcllu'> htm!lelf.


brug '>tOrl'!I Thl' auac~ "a!I launched "'llh tht•

publtc rt}-gencrating p1cke t1ng l ut•,. da> at two Alpha Beta stores 1n predominatel} H ispanic arca1; of San Diego and Santa Ana.

' ChaH1, ho lding a pla c;ird emblaLOncd with the words " Tell a Fncnd, Bo)COll Alpha Beta," said the dTon wa!> made 10 'ihow Amcncan Store!> that the union Y.B'i a forcc to bl· recko~ \.\'Ith

"The) 'itaned buying the let1uu· v. hen the pnce!> went down becau~ of our bo)COll against Bruce Church, .. )(}1d ChaveL, 57. "They (American tore~) are reallv takin~ us on ...

Ollinal!i al lhl' .\lpha Bl' ta '>outhem Caltforn1a headquarter' 10 La Habra referred inqumc' lo Lht· parent compan~ 1n Utah No one at .\merican Stores. Inc wa~ a' atlablc for comment this muming.

However. reponedl) nunc of thl' Alpha Beta stores sell Bruce C hun·h le ttuce. although thc proJutt' ma) bl· '>Old b' o ther l'hatn'> o" nl·d h' \ma1can Store., ·

" lt '4'JUSl ltke old times, .. rl·markt•d < ha,et. a., he surH\l.'d the l''> ttmatl'd 40 p11.keh. some carr)t ng the red llag ul thl' l 'F\\ . stood on the 'ltdewalk 1n frunt of the .\lpha Beta on Bmtul '\lfl'l'I

He "J' rt·fl·mng 10 the unton b<l\n>ll' ul thc late M)!i and earl\ 7<h

:. \\ e '>l'l' a lot o f tht' oldtrmtrs that hu-.e p1d1.'lt•d ....,·11h Ull before. It's \Cf\ t•ncouragrng ... he 'lard. '

fhe un10tl since 1979 has been ~lr\lg&Jtng 10, Setl)C 3 COrltrat't Wtlh Bruce Church. Inc., the second largest grower tn the natton.

The compa n) 1n late 1983 wa!I found guilt ) b~ the '>late Agricultural Labor Rc la11ons Board of unfair labor practices and v.a\ ordered to pay the tarm y,,'i tor the time lost !.Ince the 'itrtke began . That rult ng is being appealed.


demanded that thc state t0nd uc1 an environmental im pact stud} before allov.1ng Y.ater to flow 1n1u the rnunt\- and the board ha' \aid that 11 "'II g<; 10 coun 11 ~late otliual\ refu\e LO tunduct an co\ iron mental \IUd\-

But KatL cued the poss1hht) · ol " leaks. '>Piii !> .. (and) o ther po1cnt1al act·rdcnts" in urging council mem· ~r'l to rc\tst the plan regardkc;~ of an en\ 1ronmental impact rcpon·, find · in gs

He added tf .,.,astl' tran'>pon t!> permitted. "other toxic- .,.,a,te \llC'> beside'> ~lnngfello" v.111 hkeh dump their lOntam10at1on on uur t tl\ ·, treatment fauhl1l''> 1n the nl'.tr lu­lurc

" Our hou\tng \alue\ .ire 1n Jeop­ard\ 11 tht· \Hlrd get\ out 1ha1 th ts kind of thing 1s ha~ntng 10 thl!. area:· Ka11 said 1n add1t1on w the po'>'>l-01111\ ul Jang1.·r to publtt hea lth

" I d110 ·11h1nl. therc'c,a rea~n 1n the \.Vtlrld "'h' a rl· .. 1dt·n11al communll~ \Ut:h a~ fountain Valle> or I lunt-1 ngton Beach 'huu Id ha \l' to he 'uh1cct tu bnngrng tn indu'>tfial .,.,a,te. that '>on uf thtng '>hould tx- out 1n the desert. awa) from popu lated area!> 11 should he v.1thout the c.hghte'>I chance •>I cun1am1nal1on 10· rc<;1dl'n1t al propcn' or rt'>~ to human hll' ..

fht· Stnngfdlo" dump "a" or-

dercd clo'ied after utlic1als found tO\ll v.astes wne sccping mto the ground. eon1amina11ngground water. The p1pchne plan. 1n .,., htch the waste .,.,ater y, ould be pretreated at a fac1ltt ~ on thl' tnngfrllo .,., s11c. would sa"e $100.000 a month beca use v.astec; are no"' trucked to a dump 1n Santa Barbara ( ount >

Fountain Valle:> Ma)or Ben Nielsen said the council " pa ying clo!>C at1ent1on to the issue and noted that the council pa-,~d a mouon at m No' . 20 meeting su pponing the Orange Cou nt > Board ofSupcn t'>Or\· desire 10 t·ondull an en-.rronml'ntul 1mpac1 stud) .


'figure on the floor '\he -..11d at thl· 11me sht.• rnufd not 1den111\ thl' b1x.h a'> hn hu'lhand ·

The "' rte ..aid '>he was gral'lbnl lrom ht:h1nd O\ a man \\ho put an nhll'll rx·rh.1p\ .1 kngth ul rorx· :1111und hl'r nn ~ Tht· man 1hrt·.11t•m•d 111 i>.ill hl'I \ht· tulcl pol11..t·

" Scl' "ha1 l:inh:il:>rx·n - ,lit· quott·d lhl' a' \a\ 1ng. \,\ ht•n ht· gr;.ihhnl hcr

\-I r\ D\'>On <,Jtd -.he"'"' r;,i rwd .ind thl'n bnl'll) l.1dnappcd O\ hl'r .,,. c;ailant Polite v.ere told the m.111 forced tht v. oman 1odn'l' him 111;,in tntl'r'>4:tt111n 10 c:entral H11n11ng.t•in

tkat h "hcrt• ht.• got uul ol hn oluc fm ota < drca and fkd

fhl' aWtl 111111alh "J\ dl·,u1tx·d a' a blat~ man \\llh a ml·d1um build \ht: later rnnl'l'<kd 1ha1 tht• man wuld hJ' e hct·n "hlll' pnlttt' ,,11d

rhl'\fa)1ng 1\11nt•11f thrt'l' Un\Ohl'J _rnu rdt'r' in I l un11ngton lkath "11h10 the pa\I mon th

< )o 'u' IS. a 1X·H'.ir old mcd1u 1I \Uppl~ ullice managt·r 'q" •.ira nglet.l 1n ht•r Park.,tdt.• I ant.· apanmenl Polite c;a1d El11atx·th :v1a\ llo fT· '>thn1cda\ h<>d\ " a'> d1'><0,ercd the tof10....,1ng dJ\ b~ u1-y,or~cr'> v.ho "'t'rl· \\11rnl'd <.1hou1 thl' "oman''>

.,., hereabou '' On No' :!6. a .:''·\car-old ma n "a"

fa tall} '>hot 1n tht· head a'> he \\alked to.,.,ard a huu<,c un Lambert f>n ,t· \.\ 11ne">'te' '>atd Ronald It.le' a ll'k­-.1s1on rl'pa1rman \\ho It H'd al i:I < o'IJ 'vtc,a mutd \,\,I\ ,1mbu'>hrd In '"" ma'>kcd mt•n "hu \\Cft' h1d_1ng 10 {onfr ou\ht.·' near till' hou\t· -

I he o" ncr nl the house '> Ub~e· quently was arrested on drug chargl'S but was not rnnnected with thl' murder Police have not stated whether the k1ll1ngrnuld he linked to drugs


Ml' undn ";,i' lu dl'tl·rm1nl ""hrlhl'I '>mall '>JX'u;,ili1nJ h1i.. 11l 1"'Lll' l,1n hl· rd11tJlnl to hdp rd1t'H' hra1n dam Jgt• that pre\ urn~I' \\a'i '1nH·d ·" 1 rrt'VL'r" bk

II cil <1 nt" l'r<t.' ( Cilmiln \aid " l hr p1nn arl' tx•cum1ng. dcan:r. and \\t'


ll il'am1ng ho" 10 appl~ 11 .. Hra1n tl'll tr<Jn\pla n1 y,,ork "rela­

tl\d~ Ol'" heLau\e 11 y,cnt agarn~t 1rad1t1onal mt·d1t JI thinking Skin di' 11n1.l' damdgl·d v.111 be replaced

h\ lht· gru...,th ol nt'" \~tn But mnJ11.L1I \ucntl' hac, ht•ld that the he Kl \ lannol <,1milarl ) repair br:un or 'Pl n;il l 11rd tfamJge

AJorl.lund dol'\n ' t to resn· man} more human hratn graft ll''>t' in the near future

" Rc-.earch ha\ to 'ita\ with animal "'ork for a while : · he said " \\I hate\ 1.·r 1c, done "''II be done on pure gucsc,.,.,ork \.\. l' ha .. e much to do to undcr\Jand how transplants "Ork ..

__ Iba. latest ln..iL..serieJ-oLwMlbet ltonta mo11!ng l~Oll the Peclllo wlll k"p Southern Calllornla overcast and wet through Thursday, the National Weather 8~• said

Los Angeles will be mo1tly cloudy. with a 70 percent chance ot ahOw«s tonight. decreasing 10 60 percent Thursd•Y Highs wlll be In the low 60s. after ove<nlght lows In th• low 50s

Along the Orange Coast, the 00110011 calls tor showers tonight decreasing lrom tM oOfth on Thursday Sllghl chance ot thundershowers tonight and early Thursday especially in the sooth L.Qws 45 to 55 wltll high• In the upper 50s to low 60•

· The beaches wlll have showers tonight decreasing from Iii• north Thursday, with a allghl ehanae of thundershowers early tn the day, especlally_ln Iha south H~hs will be In the upper 50s to low 60s. OvernlQht lows will ran(le from 45 to 55.

Temps l•llleRocl< II J1 l •

·Q~~ FllOHTS l-•die JS

~·· <I() 37 w11m - Coao ...,... HI l9 MIM!ll6Mc.ll 18 16

AlbellJ S6 24 Albu-Qu<t ,, 18

............ l<I 09 sr.o .. e•5 Fiii' ~tumes Sno"' OccluCltO ,,,.... S1 a11ona1v .. Ametdlo ,}4 71 M!ll• SIPIUI 17 OJ

"'' """" w .. ,..... ~ • NO•• v s 0.1>1 ,. er,,..,.., · NMll..._ ) 8 Jl

"- • SI 78 Allanta .. 37

~O.tea111 ~3 ~ - YC)(~ • 2 J 4

Alt...toc C11y <12 3S Nor!OI~ VI 0 31 811 bO• W.09'1 l P<"" On•••"' 63 31 Authn ., 38 r>O'>' Patm Sll"''O' ee <IS Okla noma Cnv 3 9 )0 , Balllmo<• 4, J3 l aQUflol Beet:h l11r Pa110e<•• G3 41

Omlll• )l 8tfm1nghem 4 t JS Oclalldo Ill

14 1 :I Siii C t.ometlll 112 4, 63 R1ve,11df Wale< temp &O S9 Bcwnarck ,, to Plllladllpll•I • O JI S all BetnaclllctO 81 40

:ri .. 31 16 S<I s ... 11 d lrllC'lion IOIJl!l~l

San Gall<,.. 115 40 PhCNtnl• u

"°" 40 )I P1111ourg11 )7 II SI" JOW 58 JS 8ull•to 28 17 J9 23 Sant• Ana fl& 43 ea- 77 OS

POf't lllllO M• Calif. Temps se ., ChtH ... I Ol\ .S C u 4 ,

Portland 0c 43 JS s~n11 C1u1 ~ 3 17

Ch1H ... t0<1 WV 36 111 Pto<l>denc. 4 2 28 la-Val...,

47 29 Aelelgh 49 :IS vo~,.1Vly ChlrlOlte N C 46 lS Reno 4S 30 H'Qll tow 1><ec:111<l•t'°" t<.>1 24 r oun Ci..yenne 21 01 Rici>mo!WI 48 19 - •nQ at 5 I m IOOay C11<ago 7 <1 11 81w•1l.el0 ~4 41>

Extended St lou-t .145 29 Ctne:mna1i J2 23 St Pel• lame>• 81 69 Eura ... 1;1 •6 c-ana 31 16 ~·•no 51 41

C01um0<e SC Sa )9 San l lkfl C•IY ~9 • 7

21 l etl<'Ulll J8

~7 •• Fa , ""° ,..,...., F <oOaJ Ae.n lokely Columbus Oh 32 IS

San Anton•o L'l~Af'IJ- 115 S(, S 1h.c<Oay CINnnQ SunOay H.g,,. 5S to

Conc0<0 Ill H 37 IS Sen J.un PR 84 72 0 1kt1nO ~I 49 6~ LO*' '" I,,_ 40.llnCI IOwe< 609

Ollila. fl Wor1h 39 33 SI Sle M1rtt1 2J II

PuoRobfff 51 47 Seallle 46 JI

Oayloo 31 16 SNaveport • 6 J1 R.O BMI 52 •6 o... ... J 4 13 oe AN!wooO C11y !>a SI

SPOk- 23 0.s MOlllft 28 .. Syracuse 32 2S Sacra,,,..,to so 41 Tides O.trOll 31 10 s 111nu SS ~ 1

Duluth 08 f()!)IU 37 2S

San CMgo 63 56 20 Tuctol' 5S 36 TOOAY £1 Peto <12 32 TulM 37 30 S an Francieco Sa S1 1 S2p m 0 1 SKonO tow F1w1>1nk1 32 22 S ant• 81r1>ar1 61 ~ 1

WUhlngton 43 35 80Spm 37 fatgo 18 ,,

33 29 StocMtoo so <16 Se<ood W"MI

F1t.g111n 31 30 W1lk-8an a 38 27 Htoh tow 1><eei11111ttot1 tor 24 noura TMURIOAY OrllnCI Rll)oCJI 23 17 -lnQ•I Spm

f ol !Ow t2 511 m 11 H911IO<d 4 t 23 Bent ow 62 41 ~ 14 oe 4J 25 718 1 m 59

""'·~ HOnolUll> 83 13 Surf report· 81ll/IOI> S? 2• :iK to* 2 2s11m 03

Hou.loo • 7 40 81)'1,,. 6 & <16 '>ec:ond "'9'• 8Upm 3 7

~ .. 29 11 C1ta1tn1 &7 ,, JacUO<l .-.C• 311 3S lOCATIOtl SIZE S HAH lO!'Q S..Cn 6 2 43 S.,n Wit IOO•y I t 4 43 p"'

,,_ 39 l....,ldlty •I 6 4' Im and Mlt IQWI '1 Jadltonvltle 67 58 Hun11ng1on 8eecll 1 J t•ff' M onrov1e 6S

SS ~P"' ~ 3 6 3S RMlf JM ly Newpor1 ],J poor MOOIW9'( S2 oon ,. ... •• 3O<I11 m Ml• T11utl4llly

~City 39 2• 40thSltMI ~ ,.3 poor "1tWollO'l ..._,, 62 '6 II 4 03 • m llnCI •I- again II 3 :la II m LU Veges !>& 311 22nd Streel -1>9"1 1 2 poor



HEIGHTS RESIDENTS WANT OUT ... From Al onds l'\ el) few minutt·\ 1 he} no longer have guests over tu e n10} 1hc1r yard!. or to barbecue.

<ill·cping late on y,,ee~cmh ha\ llCl.'Omc a dream.

Jnhn Wa yne Arrpon I!> so much a pan oflhl· commun11y·., 1dt:n t1t}' that li ve photo!> 1llustra11ng the cxpano,1on of the airport O\Cr past decade!> hang on the "'all of the neighborhood 'v1l Dunald'!> restaurant

June'> and other~ "'ho ltH' nt·lr· ha home on C ~ pres~ Street cling to hope~ 1h;i11he coun t} .... 111 change the 1<ming dc'>lgnatton of the tr ne1ghhorhood Ht ont• that will alto"' offin· hutld1ng'i tu bl· hu11t . H~ \til ing their propcrt) to com­

mercial developers. the} hope lo make t.· nough mone) to mo' e ''"a' to ulhl'r area~ of the count'

To promote the td~l. thn't: res1-dl'OI\ fornwd a group called -\BC 0~1 an auun \ m nea It'd from 1 he Ii' e rt''>ldl• '\lrt'Ch in lht·11 p.irt of tht• t11mmunll\ \ tJllJ Hirth < 'pfl'" Orchard anti \k,.1

Rita lont''> 1s St'trt'IJf\ 111 thl· luur­\l'Jr-old gmupand in ch1rt promnttT

.. Pl'o r k acTuse u<, uf t~,. ing grc'l'lh ltkt.· we' rl' JU~I out 1u m:i l-.t• mlmq on th is wholt' thing. The) !.a) "l"re spcc:ulator\." Jones said . .. But ho"' can }OU au ,. use people who ha'c been he r.c 20 ur ' U 1ear .. of being spccu­lawro,'1"

There arc· tho<;e "'ho l"e on lht· same street!> as .\BC 0\1 nwmbcr'i y,ho want to retain the rural eque<,­lrtan na, orofthl'rnmmunll) . lhcrc arc other" "ho It h' on c.1reel\ eac.1 of C )pre'>'> - and oul of thl· d1rt.·<·1 path


Just Call 642-6086

of th\' fohn \.\. J\ nt• Jl't'> - .,., ho "ould ca\tl\ .. rathcrnt1t\ecotlin• bu1ld1ngscrec1ed Ed .ind JoJn H ul'i\' ha\ e lt\ed on next tu their humc\. Bm:h Strt.·ct for 18 year<> and ha vl'

.\nd then thcrc are tho'>C who ljve four half-a1..rc lot\ on whtl'h the) in Ncwport Bl·ach who wnnt to l eep board hof\t'' Santa Ana Hcighh JU St the wa) 1t is: The) '><•:>- they' -. c enjoyed 1he no1 onh hccau\t.' 11' rurakharactcr 1s c4Ul' 'llrt<1n ltfC'>t) k Santa \na an amenll) 10 the communtl ). but ffr ltp.hl"i ha'> J'lfO\ 1ded for them and al\o tx:cau!IC a'> long a~ people remarn their famth bu t art· willing to g1 \ t' II tn S<1nta .\na Ht.•1ghl\ there I'> a ltmrt up J\ \OOn a\ pm'>tbk. to ho" much the airport can noand .. .\I fir'>t rt v.a '> onlv thl' '\mall

'>ulh an at111Udc Jone'> 'ia' '>. make'> planl'' out 11 ~ept gen1rig .,., or'>c and man~ 1n \anta \na lfe1ght" feel a' "or'e .. l d Hul...c said. thuugh the) ·rl' tx·1ng held hm tagc. Jct nm\t '' something the Hul-.c

" I don·t ltkt.· J'll:ople "ho In c 11) famtl) ,., \\t'll a1,:qua1nted wtth. Jo~cs other area' telling u ... ""hat "'<' !lhould one o f their nine chtldrcn , "You don' t or \hould not do " June' 'iil\ ' · .. In ha' e to <,ct your alarm dock to get up fact. 11 ·, not uni~ up!il'tt1ng, •l 's• in th\' morning." 1o)ul11ng. The~ thing<, 'ihould be left l.tke other ABCOM members, up to the people v..ho hh' here .. lful '<l' '>3)~ he'd like 10 sell 1f he was

.\nd y,,h1le there l'i far from con- ofTe rt·d a l:itr price. \Cnsus among . an ta '\na Heights Sc' era I time!> 1n recent }ears the resident\ o n v.hat fate 1hc1r com- llul!.C' ha' e put their propcn) up for muntt ~ <ihould adopt. m~ U\ tog On \,lit.' hut found that those Wllh the thl' 'lrl't'l' l11rl'l' th under the flight mm1 tntt•r1.•\t in buying were dc-p.ith' ' •JOI 11111 q·lopcr., "ho "l're helling on making

' "'' 'vt rr111r lont·,· n1.'\t-doo1 n10n1.'\ \hou ld tht·area be rl'tuned for nt•tg.hhor ha' Ii H'd 1n 'tJnta Ana pmk'>'>tonJI onitt.• dn dopment tfMghto; for 1:! yc-nr> " It\ g01tcn-50- - - "Wc''c ne.,,er had a senou'i offer " bad . wt· can 't t'H'n ')land uut here b) Hul '>l' '·' )', thdence and talk an) more: · \he says. ('km 1', no:-. \a)' he ca n talk at

Marge Brs~cne. a r1.•s1dl·nt for more length about why so many 1n San ta than 25 yearo;, <,aid all ABC'OM Ana Heights arc 11ch1ng to leave tf members want 1c. to be able to sell the' had the chance their home'> for a fair price and move .:h., not JUSl the no1c;e. The v1-a" a) hrat1ons rnu-,e c racks in )OU home.

.. I don't 1h1nk )OU can call that thc fallou1fromthecng1nes1sall0\ er bt·1ng&n:ed).'' Bt\'\ette '3)S. the plat·e and the count) sa)s ·You

" You should also know that a lo t of can '1 do th ts. ) ou can't do that to }Our the people "ho lt'c here arc rt•llrcd or propcn) · .. Ol'anng rc11remcnt. Thc) can't JUSI ''l' 'e hccn here for47 year<1." Kno>. pil l-. up a nd \tart mer a1ta10 that \:I\\ " But )Cah . I'd ka,e."

What du ~ou hke about the Da il> Pilot" What don' t you like? Call the number a t left and~ our mei.saite ~ i ll bf' r t>co rded. tran-.cribed and deli vered to the appropriate editor.

Tbe same 24·hour answering -en-i<'e ma)' be used to record letters to the editor on an~ topic Contributors to our Le tt er column must Include their name and telephone number fo r verifica tion !'io C'l rculatlon calls, please.

Tell us what's on your mind.

Pr11runl'nl<, ol hn11n lCll tr;,in,pl.1n1 re'><.'ilH h ~il\ II ma\ t'\\'ntu'-llh k .1J Ill dfcl 11\l' trt'almt'nl\ for aiiml·n1' \m Ii a'> Parktn\on '> d1<.t·a\t \lthl'lnlt r' d1c;ea<il' and Huntington' l hore.1 ft ma' l'\tn hold a kt•\ 111 lUrlllg p;1r.11\ '" n JU'>t'd h\ hr;irn .ind 'r>tn.d 11rd 1111urn•,

In rn c·nt '1'iH\ hr.110 1ran'>plan l ,., ,~ r 1nH nt'> h,1\t' kd 10 a rc-t•\alu­.111 .. 1111 1 th" lhl'IH\

In Jn1mal c>.pcnmcnts, researchers ha'c found that an embf)·o's brain ti ssue rathcr than mature animal t.Cll \, more readtJ)' COnOCCIS "llh the rr===============;;;;;:w:T=======~~~=~=====~~=~~:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=. damagl'd ora1 n of a another arf1mal. In human'> lhl' rcmo\al ofhra1n ll' ll'i

.. •

'>n 1h1 u11t1n~ L'dgt nt 1t11' rt"•l'.Hd1

" \ ndl'I'., B1111U11 11d .1 pr11k''"' .t i rhl I 111\11\11 111 I 11nd tr1 °'"l'd1 11 li 1111~l11nd \.\h o h,1, 11 111d111 1ul ground hn".1l-.1ng hrd1n 11an,pl<inl t' \

~rrmuH\ "1th rJI' "at I C In 111\ lhl\ "l'l'~ lo kllurt 11n \. l 11r,tl r r.11l\J'lli10llC11l 10 lht• DJOIJl/.td .ind Ag.rd Hr.110 "

In a m,·1·111111 \.\ l'dnt·,d,I\ \\llh n·p11rtt'r\ HJor~ lu nd y,a'tnnl 111.11 '41tk\prl·ad ora1n 1r;1n,plan1 trt·,11 nwnt 1n humJn\ ITI<l\ he \l'(H\ ·"'·" and 1ha1 lllltl h mu\! \llll .ht· lr.11 rll·d 1hrough 'iludrcc. \\tlh .rn1m.11, Hu1 hr rcmatnl'd op11ml\tH

" I thin k 1hc nc\1 dt·1.l1k "Ill lw \ Cl') rntcres11ng rn 1h1\ fit·ld A111rklund ..a1J · T ht\ ....,hok lil'ld " nnt 'en old ' ou cou Id cou n 1 1 hl numoc:r nl people ....,ork1n1-1 •1n 1l11c, 1111 )our linger"> 10 \eJr' ag11

Pr c arl < 01man a l c I pmtt·,..,,,1 of P'H hobrolng\ ..., ho .ilknJ 1 ht bqcfing \atd brain lCll tran.,nlan1 research hJ'> "l' xnlodnl · \lntc 1 •-1xo

"ScrcmL' (10 1h1r. an·a1 ha\ pm· gre~sed to thr nrnn1 ....,hrn· wr 1i· .11 .1 'iunrr~. or \.\h::tlt'\l'r \!HJ '4,iOl 1111 .111

DeUy Piiot o.ttvery le Guerenteed

M0>-0.r r ,,,.., ~ f' " -> t'Ot ,,.,,. .,...,, P"l If" Ill' a. JO " m cM ci-•or• l p ITl """' ,(,11.. ,,,,,... ... "" ~

\\ · ll .1<lllllllll.1t1n11t·\itknll' thal Imm fl' lu\t.'' n>uld prmo~l' 'cnour. 1l1l hr.11n ,.10 ad1u't and ll'P,l'nt"rall' 1n c th1t al dl•hall' ' ,111 1 ll11n 111 dt•al "''h tl'na1n dam· Onc altt•rnati-.e ma) bt: 10 genc1t-1~t I >r HJ11rl...lund \Jid C'all :r engineer <:e ll' rn a lahorator~ 10

""mt ot thl' mo\I proml\tng n - pla) spcctfi<. roles when tran!iplantt•d ,,..,r mt·n1' ha' t lo<.u'it'd on brain- into a hrarn d.1m;,iged rat'> nh1h111ni '>) mptoms lk t·a u'>e o f all the unkno"'n'> that .... mrlar to 'tt.llm\ of Parktn\on'<, <,ttll must be c.oh cd. BJorklund he-cl1wa\l',.tdl'gl'nt'ra t1.,,ea tlmenta1Tect· lteve~ mas'il\ C funding alone "on 't ing nm"~ k ntm t'ml·n '" l he dr<;case necc~n h lead to an o' ern 1ght hrea k· I' hd1e,t•d to ht· c;i u'>t:d b} th<.· death through in hmm 1rnn'iplant research. nt hr;11 n n· ll;, that produce a c rucial Bui he bche\e'I tht• field IS npc for , lll'mt•al l'.J lled doram1ne additional c;tudy.

B1nr~lund and other scil'Oll\t'i " I don 't think Wl··ve toudwd rnort: tr;in•qitan1cd dl"p:lmln~~ t han the o;urfote." he !>aid tl\\lll' Imm rat t•mbno\ into the hr.1rr" 111 .11hng rat'> The npcralron'> fl' d u u· d or l' I 1 m 1 n .i I e d I h c c t 1'.ir~ lll\nn\-hh· ')'mptom\ orrec ion

\l 11n· 1ctrntl\ at11.·mrh 10 duplt­' .111 1111, 1rt•.1t m1. nt 1n l'-"o human l'Jr~IO\t>O' \ lll lm\ U\l ng the pa· t1t·n1,· """ tt\\UC 111tht·r than fetal l l'll' produ1.l•d ml\ed re~ult~ 1 he p.1111·nt., \hnwl·d \llllll' improvement. hu1 tlw rt·\ult., v.cre not l·on\1dl·r1.·d d1,1m.ll1t


Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill


H11n11ngton Beach ~hool teacher Pat Mc( ull ~ 'lard \he wa!I m1~uo1cd rn a recent '>IOI) in the D,i!tl} Pilo t about h<'r vmt to N1d1rag\J9

McCu ll}' c,n1d \he d idn't make remarko; that a c;pcctfit go, ernmcnt min1<,1cr wnc; reprt'\\IH'

Circulation 7141142-4333 Claaatfted ad¥ef11tlng 1141142-5171 All other depef1ment1142-4321 MAIN OFFICE i'W) .,.,,.,., .. I r~ l.t l,ll'U C A M• -- 8"' 1 !>eO eo.11 ..._ f A 'l1'>'G

!'lat"""'• .,..,.. '"'"1'1~ u ''"" t'Y.t ,,,.,. , .. ,...... l f'AM IX'f'Y "' I • m c•• r>oo!of• •o 4 "' "''° '°"' U:Vt •


""..,,.._.., · Frank Ztnl

Managing Editor Keren Wittmer

Ad11ert1s1ng Director

Cupyt'IJl'I l lltl l 0.e"il" Gnett P,-..nv C- ny "" ...,._.. ''"''" '"''•trallOf" ,..,,_tntti.\ f'WIH• ur ~IM .._ ... ,,.,._ "*' °'" •• .,.,. .. ~ ............. -~ f* ll'<MiOO c.t C.OOytcg/11 -

°"" c•• po.1-oe Pl! o a t C-Oi•• ,,.... c~ '"""41 1Vl'f; ' '" 8001 ~""""' °" ........ "" 1~ -t.i..

Clrcu .. tlon · Te~


Ao.emery Churchmen Cootrollftr

tty - • S6 ~ "'>Qfll""' ..

-MD'! OtltlQA Co.~ ,.,, ' ..,~

l...,;...~ ......

Aober1 Cantrell Productton


Donald L. Wllllem1 CirculAt1on MAnaqnr

VOL n , NO. 340

• I ..

Gem Talk

81 J, C. Ill \IPHR/f,:, lf'rrdi~ W.mologist, ACS

DIAMONDS the gem of dreams

· How many things in the world can you think of that flt this descrip­tion. An investment In beauty which can be used every day for m1ny generations without look­ing used. and without losing its value. The first thing you have to think of Is the diamond. Bu1 what else comes to mind? Probably nothing. Which tells us tha1 the world 's love affair with the diamond Is based on more than just beauty and pride of pos­session. It Is based upon the old adage, " Diamonds arJl forever. And, indeed they are. fn the past few years. we have seen f lnanclal speculators dabble dangerously In the diamond market. causing a price vofatltlty that this beautlful gem does not deserve. Despite the machinations of the " lnvest­m en t " gang, gem -quallty diamonds continue to bold the confidence and admiration of people everywhere It ts stlll the thing of which dreams are mecfe- and fulfill d There la no finer . or more fasting gift than a beautlful diamond

In order to understand quality in diamonds one mu'it under und the 4C's: Cut, Color, Clarity .ind Carat weight. Your Ameridm Gem Society (ACS} ,eweler ha the hone ty, integrity and gemolog1<al expertise to help you sel l-l a diamon.<l of quality,.





. -


Wf ONf ',Dl\V ou: 1Mm u ·, l 'ltM OHANC.t < 0\JN' 'I ( A l If OH N IA '}C, CENTS

Coast Gov. George Deukmejlan promoted two Orange County Municipal Court judges to the Superior Court Tuesday./A3

British mystery writer P .D. James wlll appear'at UC Irvine Thursday./ A3 :;:;:;~:::::!::;::::::!;:;:::;:::::::;.:;:;:~~~~:=:~:::;:

C•llfomla San Diego firefighters help Mexican police ext­inguish a fire that de­stroyed four buildings In Tijuana./ A5

Nation President Reagan 's pushing for $37 billion In domestic cuts. Another $8 billion might come out of defense budget.fM '

Doctor says he's getting bored with his reports that artificial heart trans­plant patient Is In 'good condition.' I A4

World Gas leak In India leaves 1,200 dead and another 20,000 may suffer per­manent damage./ A8

Arab hijackers say mar:t slain on jet was an Ameri­can diplomat. But Wash­ington can 't confirm that clalm./A8 ·

Home Half of hardware sales of tools are made to women

1so home improvement centers are catering to them with more how-to clinics./81

It 's easier for buyers to check out a house's energy efficiency when the weather is cold ./82

Food Make-ahead dishes are the best kitchen help for hollday hostesses./C1

Sports Ocean View emerges vic­torious but Huntington Beach falls in Fountain Valley Basketball Tour­nament./01

Mater Del upsets Foun­tain Valley In girls basket­ball actlon./02

Golden West Is at home tonight while Orange Coast gets ready for a trip to San-Francisco In com­munity college basketball playJD3

Entertainment The' 'family hour'' is alive and well at NBC, says the network In praise of its 8 p.m. comedy shows./83

Working stiffs get their place In the spotlight In Orange Coast College's new muslcal./84

INDEX Brldge Bulletin Board Business Calif ornla News Classlfled Comics Crossword Death Notices Food Home Horoscope Ann Landers Mutual Funds National News Opinion Paparazzi Ptay Review Police Log Public Notlces Spor1t Stoel< Market• Televlalon Theater• Weether • WOrtd Newt .

A10 A3 87 A•

05-7 A10 07 04

C1-10 81-2

06 B2 B7' A4 A8 81 ~ A3

04-5 Q1·4

ea ·e3 93 .. 5

A2 A4

e .

1vesu ra

Two'dozen workers, customers locked ~~ .

selves In vault during tense standoff " By TONY SAAVEDRA OfMDellr ..........

An inJured gunman surrendered to police Tuesday after a 41/J-hour stand­off at a San Clemente bank where 24 customers and employees locked themselves in a vault and hid after a foiled holdup attempt.

The alleged robber. 41-year-old William Ritter Rapp, who apparently broke his left tq whlle flcein1 from police. took refuse 1n the bank. La1er. be wheeled himself out oftheSecunty Pacific Bank. 11 S N. El Camino Real

Dnve. m an othct chair around 5.4J ·p.m. .

The 11 emplo)'ces and 12 cu,. t~ers who had locked themtelves behind the cqed door of the bank' s money vault were e5(10ned to aafet}' by 1rvrne and San Clemente SWAT team officers amid the hoots and whistles of onlookers. '

Another worker who hid in u emplo)tt lounic dunng the commo­uon escaped about an hour earlter O aficr drummina up enou&b nerve to

(Pleue Me BAJIO(/ AS)

Cops· tear room apart to find murder clues No breakthrou hs In puzzUn ·slaying atHBcondomlnium BySTEVEMARBLE . or .. ._ ... ...,

Homicide dcteeuvcs.. invesupung the slaying of a Huntington Harbour financial consultant last month, bave practically disauembled the master bedroom of the v1ct1m's tn-level condominium looking for clues

Search warrants show police re­moved entire walls. bathroom faucets. fi.ittures. clothing and bed­ding from the murder scene. BoxC"S o( financial records also were con­fi scated from the Martin Lane home as possible evidence.

No arrnts ha"e been made and pohce have not announettl am breakthrouahs 1n the puzzling mLM'd~r. wbteh.,~ec:1-blol.- 1~ m the security-tight complex near Peter's Landing.

Mel Dulay Dyson, 30, was stabbed with a knife with a, long blade and bled

· to death. pohce said. Dyson apparently was stabbed in

the beck. His body was found in 1 kneeling position. his face pushed against the carpet, according to pohce records used to obtain a search

Dellr,...,....._,~u,e. warrant for the residence.

I} fallen asleep in her son's bedroom, told police she awoke later and wandered back to the master bedroom.

OIXle Dyson said she noticed that the coven were pulled back from the bed, revealing a large stain. Pohce later 1den11fied tbe stain as blood.

Mrs. D}son told pohce she didn't sec her husband m bed but nouccd a figure on the floor. She said at the time she could not 1dent1fy the body as·her husband.

The wife said she was grabbed from behmd b~ a man who put an object. perhaps a length of rope. around hc1' neck. The man threatened to klll her. she told po11ce

··Stt what can happen." she quoted the man a~ SI} mg when he gra~ her ~~. DHon ..aid she was raped and

then bnen, l1dnap~d h' her as­sailant Pot1ce ""ere told the man fprced the ""oman to dn .. e ham to an lntersccuon in cenital Huntmgtod Beach ""here he got out of her blue Toyota Celica and fled.

The attacker 1n1ually was descrlbed as a:black man wath a medium build.

he later co nettled that the man could haYe been while, pohce said

Bank robbery auapect William Rapp wheel• hlmaelf tn office chair to bank entrance. The man's wife. who had a .,parent-

The sla}mg 1s one of th~ unsolved murden in Huntington Beach wttht'l the past month •

On No' 15. a .18-year-old medical (Please eee CLUltS/ A2)

Chavez, 40 mQre picket OC store UFW urging boycott of Alpha Betas in Southland --By TONY SAAVEDRA Of .. Dellr .........

supporters as t~ey handed out pamphlets in fronJ of an Alpha Beta 1n Santa Ana ouflt nmg the union·~ five-year battie with produce grower Bruce Church Inc. and the new war with the firm's largest lettuce buyer. A.mencan Stores Inc.

American Stores, based in Salt Lake Cny, 1s the parent compan) for the 335 Alpha Beta supermarkets throughout Cahfom1a. as ~ell a Jewel markets in the Midwest . .\cme markets on the East Coast and av-on

. Insurance · ~

hikeOK'd in Laguna 8)' LISA MAHONEY OI !tie°""' ,.... ...,.

f-an·d w11h a f)OS\tble S25 m1llton nt•g.hgenn~ 'iu1t. Laguna Reach o~ lk1al\ dcc1d{'d Tuesda) the} hav• 11111{' l ho1ce but to take a more than fourfold increase m hab1llty 10-.;urance premiums on the chm fortbil 'car at least

T.he United Farm Worker launched a statew1dc boycott Tues­day against Alpha Beta supermarkets. whose parent company is the largest buyer of lettuce from il grower long embattled with the farm union. Drug stores. Dellr,...,........, ~ L.,...

\\ 1m m m-.uran~ co' eragt due td he canceled Dc-c I~ . the Cny Council agreed to accC"pt the offer Planet Insurance ( o of Ph1ladclph1a ha$

UFW leader Cesar Chavez led

Brain -implants studied UC Irvine lecturer · says his work may leadtonewcures -By PH1L SNEIDERMAN °' ...............

Hean transplants, kidney 1ran • plants. cornea tran plants - once science fictioni such operat1on have no become 1. mo 1 rou11nc.

Can brain tran planu be fM bt· hlnd?

he notion coruurc up t9.SOS horror movie imqn of mid 1cien· ttsts e1rryin1 b11 &ta jm f\Jlt of pickled araY miner.

Mo«m tttNrtMn att 1tiU far away from. tr1nspl1nuna rornpktc • twains. But pionttrina c-_pm~nt\

(Pleue ... BaADl/A2)

' {

(Pleue tee CESAR/ A2) UFW leader Cesar Chaves ln Santa Ana. , (Pleue eee LAGU1fA/A2)



Living·14n.<f er JWJ1: path: The HeightS : of pure f rustrationi

L1 .. mg '" nta Ana Height' can lea .. e a bad tai.te 10 }Our mouth - not onlv in t~ literal !lt'nsc v,.hen tallout from Jt't rnpnn 1C'Cumuta1es on )our palate. but al 1n mott frustratmg ~I)'!. when }OU ttahze you·d rather 11ve up tht home )Ou·vc h"C'd in for 20 )ears than hstcn to Jets fl) overhtad for t'\'Cn one more wttl

But whrn no one wants to It~ undrr the path of ,cts. how can ~ou ~II your home and move av.a) "'

That's the trap many c;anu <\na Hti&hts m1dents Y ) the} ·rt' cauaht in a a rt' ult of~ 'urcs 10 c l)And John Wa) nc A.1rport v.h1le o\hcr\ 41Ce li. to u the 1rca ., the first hne of defense

'"We' rt' unablt to uproot and move. a m\Kh v.t mtiht .hkr to·· \I) Rita Jone\ ~ho ha h"rd 1n n11 .\na lk11hl\ for ~~ \ta1'






" " Sul don' t think 1t' :asy. we·"• ltved ht1T a tona trme. raised amihcs h'tl'C and ~ould bt d to ."

( opina ~1thJCt that r r ovq \ht tr homes ~veral t1m~ c.ach hour ha hctoomc an unpleasant f~ct of hfe f r the rt 1<knt • n-. Ana Hciaht . Th Jrt' u~ to ha"1n tcl«>h c con"c t1on intCrrur\ ~ r 10

(Pl ... ntOBT9/A2)

1 •


County DemOcr:ats elect d~ egates to state panel 1. By ROBERT HYNDMAN Of .. o..r .........

Delega1e 10 the ~mO<'ratac ' talc ( cntral Committee were elected at weekend c ucuse held throuahout Orange County.

Fi\IC d leptes were elected from each state s~mbly dimict to rep.. resent those areas on the central committee. wbicb is tbc guiding body for the C'altfom ta Dcmocra11c Pany

T he five-member delegations always include at least two men and two women.

Locally. the five elected an the S8th ssembly Di tnct were Lomer Altx-r·

UCirvinc#osts . international AIDS ~eminar



tson. Jenny Oropc7. Mark Hague, Ron Nelson und ('la~nce Gregory

The d1 tract hes largely an Long Be ch hut takes 1n ponions of Hununiiton 8cach and unset Beach and all of ~al Reach.

In the 69th ~scmbly da'itnct. the delcga11on includes Phillip Catlett. Eleanor Thick. Jock Baldwin, Geor­gia Baldwin and RaJcn Anand. Five alternates were also selectt.'Ci

The dastnct includes all of Foun­tain Valle> and ponaons of Costa Mesa. Huntington Beach, Newpon Beach and Irvine. among others.

Jn the 70th A'iscmbly District. the

L < Jr, ine ,., co-sponsoring an 1nternat1onal confl'rence for sc1en­t1sts ~~t ud} ang the causes and treat­ml'nt of' ·\ n 1u1 rcd Immune Defie1cn­l\ ')\ndrome (AID ).

rfw l onfercnce. 'iponsored b) the l 'CI ()1, t'>1on of Basic and C'l1n1l·al Immunology and the National ~<>·

elected delept~ were Paul Munoz, Thal'i Lyn!>trom, Alfrtd Rriggs. Audrey Redfearn and Jeanne: Mo1-ango. Two ahernatC'- V1v111n JoJola and Dave Mozingo - we're a l~ sele-cted.

The di tnct include.c; ponaons 'of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach and all of Laguna Beach. Laauna Naauel, Laguna Hill • M15s1on V1cJO and an Juan C.apistrano.

The caucu~ art the first steps m determining what stands the Demo­cratic Party wall tttke in 1986. says Joe Caldcrauo. e11e<:utive director of the Orange County Democratic Pany

c1ct)'. of Immunology .. will be held aturday and unday. Dec 8 and 9. at

the Irvine Marriott Hotel. Among the major AIDS re­

searchers pananpaung an.· Michael Gottlieb of U( LA. Da' td Purttlo of the University of Nebrai.lo..a and Paul VolbcrdinR of lJ( San Francisco.


The attack was launched with thl' publ1c11y-gcnerat1ng picketing Tue'>­day at two Alpha Beta stores 1n predominately Hispanic areas of San Diego and Sama Ana.

Chave1 , holdin...& a placard emblazoned with the w~ds "Ten a Fnend. Boycott Alpha ta.'' said the effort was made to sho ncan

\torl''> that the union was a forn• to tx· rl'llOnl'd With.

"The' stan ed buying the lettuce "'hen the pnces went down because ot our hoycott against Bruce Church." said Chavez. 57. " lfhcy (American store'>) arc Rally mlcmgus-un. ,._

" And 11\ JUSt like old times:· rcmar~ed Chavez. as he surveyed the

. c~timated 40 pickets. some carrying the red nag of the UFW, stood 011 thc: sidewalk in front of the Alpha Beta on Bristol Street.

He was referring to the union boycotts of the late 60s and early 70s ~we sec a lot of the old timers that

have picketed with us before. lt's very encouraging," he said.


suppl y office manager wa-; 'itranglcd in her Parkside Lane apartment Police sa id Elizabeth May Hoff· schnieder's bod) was discon·red the following day by CO-\\ Orlo..ers who were worried about the woman's whereabouts.

On ""u\ 26, a 23-year-old man was fatafly '>hot in the head as he walked toward a house on Lambert Dnve Wuneo;scs ~1d Ronald Ides. a telc­" 1s1on n:pa1rman who laved at a Costa Mesa motel. was ambushed by two masked men who were hiding 1n

~ome bushes near the house. The owner of ,the house subsc­

qucntl)' was arrested on drug char&es but was not connected with the murder. Police have not stated whether the killing could be linked to drugs.

LAGUNA OKS INSURANCE BOOST ••. From Al made 10 the Orange Count> R1~k Management Agenn . an organ11a­t1on of 12 c1t1es formed an 1978 to purcha'iC insurance collecuvel)

Council membc~ dad not and1catl' the pos51b1ht) of a \Ull pla)ed a pan 1n their decision on 1n'iurancc ear­ners

But later m the mccttng. the council re}CCted a $25 mtlh9n personal 1nJUI) claim filed b) the mother of 11n '\nzona bo~ left a quadnpleg1t after a Jul)' 31 '>w1mm1ng accident al Pearl Beach

The mother nuv. ha-;"'~ month~ 1n

which 10 fill' a su it against the cit) . Cit) C'lcrk Verna Rollinger said.

L'nder the Cll)'·s new insurance plan. Laguna Beach will pay S 161.029 for a year·~; coverage. Prt·miumc; t harged b\. the city's last earner. Mead Rean'>urame Corp. "ere JUSL S36 :!t.>:!

ln add1t1on to forking over more: tor coverage, Planet Insurance ha~ required Laguna Beach. along with the ut1n of \tanton and an C lemcntl'.to r:.t1'>C its tkductthk h' SI 511000

ln'>tc.1d ol U H crage \tarting altl'r

the mun1c1pahty has S\\allowed the first SI 00.000 of a Judgment. Planr 1 Insurance won't start wnung a chcclo.. until af\er the $250.000 mark.

The higher deductible 1s required because of the hi~h nsk nature insunn~ beach ci ties. which are increasingly being hat with claims from beach accidents resulting from natural conditions.

Ncwpon Beach. for exam ple: as appealtn_g a mult1-m1ll1on·d0Har Judgment awarded by an Orange Count> ~upcnor Cpurt 1ur) to a Claremont man who was para I) 1cd 111 a S\\1mmang acndt'nt.

BRAIN TRANSPLANTS FORESEEN •.. From Al are under wa y to determine whether small. '>pec1alized bit<> of tissue can be relocated to help rche"e brain dam­age that prev1ousl} was viewed as 1rrevers1ble.

Proponents of brain crll transplan1 research 'ia\. 11 ma} e'cntuall) lead to dkcll' e treatment<, for ailment'> such J'> Parkinson's d1~a..e . Al1hc1mer's cl1sea'>c and Hun11ngton·.., d10rl'a It rrnn e'l'n hold a kc~ tn cunng paral}s1<, 1.auscd h~ brain and spmal cord lnJUflC\

On the Lulling edge of th1'> research " .\ndcr'> B1olklund. a professor at the l n1 ... cr<,1t\ of I und 1n '"eden B1orklund .,;.ho ha'i conducted [!.niund-hrcaking hra1n transplant C"\· pcnml·n1' \\-tth rat., I\ at I ( Ir' inc • t11\ ...,i:i:f.. 111 kl tun: on "'eural fr.1n,pt.in1111n 111 lhl l>amagl·d and \lc'\'d llr .1111 "

Ir ,1 nH'\'ltn~ \l. 1·dn l'<od.1' o,1,11h r1.·p .. nn' li111rf.. I ind "-arnnl 1ha1 '1dnprl-.1d hrain\plant lrt.·at·

111cn1 1n humC1 n\ m.n he )'Nr<o awa)' ind 1h<.11 muth rnu\I \1111 Ix· learned •hmugh \tud1e<, "'11h animal\ Ru't he l'lllJIOed 11pt1m1<,1l(

·1 1h1n~ 1he next dl·tadt• will he \'f\ 1nll'rl' \t1ng 111 thr\ field."

B111r~lund \did I hi'> v.holc lield " n111 \l'n 11lll "r 1111 u1uld u1unt the 'wmtx·r ot people: \\.ur~1 ng un thl\ on , our fin~l'r\ I CJ \l'.H'> agc1

l>r < arl < otmJn ~1 l 'C I pmles'>Or o f ps\choh1olo1.t\ who allend the l)nding. \J1d hr;.iin tell tran'>plant rneart·h h.i\ · e~ploi.lcd " \Intl' 1980.

" <)ucnl l' Ian thl\ Jrl•aJ ha'> pro· ~l.'\\l'd to thl· ~·in• ""ht.•rt• "'l' rl' at a \ unn'ot' or \\.h3ll'\ l'f \OU \\-iinl ICJ C"all •I of a nt' W rra." < otm.rn '>aid "The ptl't('\ an· hccoming dcarH and we're learning ho"' 111 Jpph at ·

Rrain C(' ll tran'> ""Ork " rela ­tively n<'w h«au\C 11 wt•nt Jga1nst trad1t1onal nil·d1rn l thinlong Skin c.ell\. once damagtd will hr rt•plaC'('cl hy the growth of new \kin Rut medical o;c1rnce ha' hl'ld 1h.i1 rhc

A.oder• Bjorklund

body cannot si milarly repa ir brarn or 'ipinal cord damage

Jn recent years, brain transplant experi ments have led to a re-evalu· a1100 of this tneory

.. We're accumulating evidence that the brain can adjust and regenerate 1n an effort to deal with certain dam· age ... Dr BJorklund said.

Some of the mo~ prom1smg ex­penmcnt~ ha ve focused on br.uo­damagcd rats ex h1b1ting symptoms ~1m llar to v1ct1ms of Parkans<>n'!. disease. a dcgcnerat1"._e ailment affect­mg mu!.Cle movements. The disease 1s believed to tx- <;auscd by the dea th ot bram t·clls that produce a crucial chemical called dopamine.

BJOrklund and other 'iC1cnt1sts tran~plan tcd dopamine-producing tissue from rat embryos into 1hr brain'i of a1hng rats. The operation'> redu ced or e l1m1na1cd thl' Park1n~n li ke symptoms

More recently, attempts to dupll · cate this treatment in two human Parkinson's v1ct1ms. using the pa. tients' own ussue rather than fetal cells. produced m1ited results. The patients showed some improvement, but the results were not considered dramatic

Bjorklund doesn't fore'iCc many more human brain graft tcsb in the near future.

" Research has to stay with animal work for a wh1le," he sa1d ... Whatever is done will be done on pure guesswork . We have much to do to understand how transplants work ...

In animal experiments. researcher have found that an embryo's brain tissue, rather than mature animal cells, more readily connects with the damaged brain of a anoth('r animal. In humans. the removal ofhrain cells from fetuses could provoke ~nous et hical debates

One altcmat1ve ma y he to gcneta· cally engineer cells an a la boratory to play specific roles when transplanted into a brain.

Because of all the unk nowns that still must be solved, Bfl>rklund be­lieves massive funding alone won't nec-esanl y lead to an overn ight break­through an brain transplant rc-.earch But he believes the fi eld 1s npe for additional study.

·•J don't thank we've touched more than lhe surfa~:· he satd.

Correction Hun!JJlston Reach 'iChool teacher

Pat McCul~)' \aid shewn misquoted in a rccrnt \tory in the Daily Pilot about h('r vmt to Nicaragua.

McC ull) ..aid her comments that 'ihr had heard repons that the government of Nicaragua was re­pressive She said she d idn't make remark\ that a speci fic government m1n1§ter wn'i repressive

ORANGE COAST ·'Clrculetlon 114/142-4133 O•llJ Piiot Deflv.ry

It Gu••ntMd UOflOty fr10ejl " 1..,,... " "°' 1111-.. '(04ll ,_.... o, t JO p ff' Ulll ll4llor• I It "' lltKI 'fO'lt C'1f11 -.-n ~ ~ltd

s.i.-on ""'° ~1 " l yo.;~111)1-'f"'JI

CCISIY 11'1 1 • m ~· 10 • "' """ ,_ <op\r .. .,,...,_..,

cereve.tkNI ,,,.,,... ... .... ar.,.co,,.,,, • .... ...... i..-,... ......

Daily Pilat H.L. Schwartz Ill


Franlt Zlnl MAAAg1ng f d1tor

Keren Wittmer Ad\I rt1s1ng Olrectoc .

AOMmery Clturchmen Controller

Robert Cantrell Ptoduclton Manager

Donatd L Wtlllamt C1rcu1e1lon Manager

C .... tfled MfYMtelng 714/142-5171 AH othef depattrMntt '42-4321

MAIN O''ICE 130 w .. t 811 81 COllll ,....... CA .,_ ~ fl • 15'() C..00•1 ~ CA 111tllt

ClllJ'f"O!lt •M-, <>9r91 com '"''°"""'"11 e.....,., HO - Jtor- """'"''l(Jt'M .O.tc1•;e4 ""'" .. (II ~ ... ,.....,, • ...,..., ,.,., °' ~t>di..,.., '""'ouut - · .. .....,,."'~-

VOL. n, NO. MO

" .

Cloudy; wet through Thursday The l•t"t tn..._,i.. of WNCMr 11om.. moldng In olf the

Paclflo wllJ kMP SoutM!"n Callfoml• overca1t and wet through Thuraday. the N•tlonel Weather Servle• aald

Lo. Ang•les wlll bt moatly cloudy, With a 70 perC41nt ohenoe ol ahower. tonfOht. decreaalng to 50 '*~' Thurlday Hlgha will be In the low 809, efter overnight IOWt In the low 501.

Along the Or•noe CDesl, the ouUook calla for 1howers tonight decr ... lng from the north on Thurad•Y Slight Chane. of thun~• tonight and Mrly ThUfsday •specialty In the aouth Lows 45 to 55 with highs In the upper 501 10 tow 60a.

The belCheS wtll have ahower1 tonight, deer.Ung from the north Thursday, with a alight chance ol thunder1ho_,1 early In the day, espec:l•lly In the touth. Hight will bt In the upper 501 to tow &ot °"-!'night Iowa will r•nQe from 45 to 55

Temps l1Ute Roei.. 38 31

~-·1111 .. " ll

~· 40 37 HI Lo MlaMIS-h 71 78


~<;) F"OHTI Wf//m- Cotd~

All>Mt)< le 14 ............. 24 09 Att111q-que . 37 28 Ml>lt·SI Ptul 17 03 Showtta R11n FV-r1t1 Snow Occklat d ~ SlllC>naty .,._ Am1t1llo 3• 77 NMl\Vllle 38 32 ~-WM"'-' Setll<t "l()U US Otol ~ COl""lt'<• Anono< l'O'I 31 ;e N9W O<IMl>1 53 45 Atlanta 48 31 New YOllt 42 34 AllMlllC Cll'J' 4t 35 Hotiotl< Va 41 37 a.iooa::: 2 PC10t Onl.,IO 83 ~· ... 47 34 ()lllflhc)fNClty 31 30 L.9gun• I PC10t Palm Somgt Ill S.lllmOI• 4 1 33 O!Nlh• 31 24

SWI~ 1·3 ''*"~ ~

81rm1r>QllM1 41 35 0<1enoo 78 83 w., .. t-.i 80-&t Al-lllCN 62 819"1.,c_ 21 10 Phtllld911lfll• 40 3 1 Swett Cllfac!lon' IOUl"-1 S111 8-NtdlnO 8 1 8olM 3t 15 Phoan•• 54 44 San Qat>nel " 8oll0fl 40 31 P1t1tC>u<9h ' n ,.

S...>o. 61 Buttllo 28 t7 # 39 u - .. P~Mt Calif. Temps $Mia AM CM!* 27 05 POf11ltlO 0< 43 35 Senti Crut 61 CllMl4Mton.S C 5e 43 Pr~ 42 21 T 111>M V 9lley 43 Ch.,i.llOfl,W V 38 29 R.,.IQll .. 36 H19h. tow. l)feclpltalion I~ 2~ hOUfl vo..nll•Vf't 47 ChWIOtla .N C 411 as ~ 45 30 c~n. 27 07 R!Chmond 48 2t ene11no ., 5 • m todey

411 Cruc:.go 24 1t St louot Jll 2t e.llWPltld 54 Extended Vnc.innau 32 n St Pa1•Tamt>11 81 89 EU< ... a 81 48

C-1no 31 t6 S-'1 Ulll• City 39 21 Fr~ 52 411

,. 45 4 t 4 1 40

'° 36 43 41 17 2t

Cotumt><a SC 54 39 San Antoni<> 41 38 l-t .. 57 44 Ftl< tnd ww,,,., Frldey A91n likely COiumbus. Ol"l 32 15 8• n lot Angtltt 65 5e

81t1HOay CINt~ Sunday HiOht 611 lo C°"'Old NH 37 15

Sen Juan.PR 23 o ... 1and SI 49

Oellas Fl WO<lh 39 33 S1Stt Marte II

Pt t0 Rob198 51 41 115 LOwt In .... end lower 609 Seattle 46 31

Oayloo 31 111 46 37 Red Bluff 62 " '*'- 34 13 Slll-.c>on

23 01 ~City 5• 61 0.. MOllllll " 14 SPoll-

32 2~ Ster-to 50 47 Tides Otlfotl 31 10 Sy•llCUta

37 25 Sellnu 55 51 Duluth 20 08

TOl*tl 55 38 S111~ 83 55 -Tuceon 5 4 51 TOOAY El Paao 42 32 TulM 31 30 S...Frandtco

SecondlOw 0 1 1 $2pm Fi1Hb9Mt Santa S..bllt• 61 ~ 32 22 W1111tn91on 43 35 s.cono hlgll 106Pl'll 37 F1190 11 11 33 2t Stod!lon 50 48

w~t• FlllQlteff 39 30 W1111 ... Bw1e 38 27 HIO/I low, PHde>ltlt- lor 24 hOurl THUAUAY Grtlnd Rte>1<19 23 17 ill'Cllng at S p m

F1a110w 12 67 a m 18 MatlfOfd 4 1 ~3 Bwllow 82 .41 H.i.tla 14 oe 819her 43 25 7 lla m S t

=~ HonolulU 13 73 Surf report 8llhop 52 2• 225 p m 03 Houl10f> 47 40 Bly1ha 65 " 5-lcl PllQll l44pm 37

Ind~ 2t 19 Catalina 62 47 Jedi-., Ms 39 35 LOCATION fat M4AH long 8Mcll 112 43 • Sun Nit 100.,. at 4 ~ p m . n ...

es 39 1'hurtc1ey a t 8 u • m and Ml• -oein at Jectceon1nt1t 87 58 Hu1wno1on BHch 1·3 fill< M~Olll• 2-3 SS 40 4 43pm .iu- 31 35 Rtve< .i.lly, Newport POOi' Mool.,t)'

52 30 Moon•-•• 3 04 pm , Mii Thufldl)f K..- Clly 3t 24 40tn StrMI. Newpor1 2-3 POOi' Ml Wiiton Newoor1 8-:!' 82 48 t1403am ancl ••t33ep.m i..v-oa M 39 22ndStrNI ~ •· 2 poor -


HEIQ:JITS RESIDENTS WANT OUT ..• From Al _,. onds every few minutes. They no longer have guests over to enjoy their yards or 10 barbecue.

Sleeping late on weekends hai. become a dream.

Joh n Wayne Airpon is so much a pan of the community's identity that li ve photos illustraung the expansion of the airport over past decades hang on the wall of the neighborhood \1cDonald's restaurant.

Jones and others who hH: near her home on ( ypress treet ch ng to hope'> that 1he county will cha~ge the zoning des1gna11on of their neighborhood to one that wall allow office buildings to be built. •

B)' ~Jiang their propcny 10 com­merctal developers. the) hope 10 make enough mone)' to move awa)' to other areas of the count) .

To promote the idea. those re~•· dents formed a group called ABCOM. an auon)'m creak~ from the fhc res1dt·nt1al street<, 1n their pan of the co mmunity .\cal 1a Birch < 'pre\\. Orchard and Me-.a.

·Rtta Jones is \l'tTl'lal'\ of the lour· ~car-old group and m ch.1cfpromotcr

- Peoplc<1ccuse us of-be1flg greed~ like we're JUSt out 10 make money on this whole 1h1ng, They ~Y we're speculators." Jones said. " But how can you accuse people who have ~en hece 20 or ;l0 years of being specu· lators'l"

There are those who lave on the same streets as ABCOM members who wan! 10 retain the rura l. eques· tnan Oa vor of the community. There arc others who hve on streets east of C') pre-.~ - and out of the direct oath


Just Call 642-6086

Gent Talk

By J.C HUMPllR/f,S CertifiNJ ~molOBJst. ACS

DIAMONDS tlt• cr-m of dNana

oftheJohn Wa}nejets- whowould easil) ... rather not sec oflice buildings erected Ed and Joan Hulse have la ved on neitt to their homes. Birch Street for 18 years and have

And then there arc those who lt vt' fo ur half-acre lots on which they an Newport Beach who want to keep board horses. Sa nta Ana Heights just the way it is. They say thl"y'vc enjoyed the not only because ll'i rural character as equestrian hfe~tyle anta Ana an amenity to the community. but Heights has provided for them and also because as long as people remain their fa mil) . but are walling to g1\c 11 in Santa Ana Heights. there is a limit up as soon a~ po'>s1blc. to how much the a1rpon can exoand. ....\t first 1t was only the small

Such an alti tude. Jone'\ sa)'s. makes planes. bu1 11 kept getting worst' and many 1n Santa ·\na Heights feel as worse:· Ed Hulse said. though they're bei ng held hostage. Jct noise •~ something the Hulse

" I don't lake rx·ople who la ve 1n famtl)' 1s well acquainted with . Jokes other areas telling us what we should one of their nine children. " You don't or 'ihould not do." Jones says. " In ha ve to set )'Our alarm clock to get up fact. 1t''> not only upsetting. it's an the morning." insulting. These things should be left Like other ABCOM members, up to the people who hve here." Hui~ says he'd li ke to sell 1f he was

nd while there. is fa r from con- offered a fair pncc. sensus · among Santa Ana Heights Several limes an recent years the residents on what fa te their com· Hulses have put t'1eir property up for mun1t) should adopt. many hv1ne on sale. but fo und that those with the the 'itrecls d1fe{·tl) undrr tht.· flight most interest an buying were de­path' ~ant out vclopcrs who were betting on making

I oi' Minor. Jonc'i' next-door money shou ld the area be rezoned for nc1ghhor ha., II ved m Santa Ana professional offi ce development Heights for ~:! \Cars. " It 's gotten so "We·,e ne,t·r had a 'lenous offer.'' 9a<h "" '1 C-11ClUt,and out .hen:. b y --1iulse ..aH. . the fence and talk anymore.'' she says. Clem Knox says he can talk at

Marge Bissette. a resident for more length about why so many in Santa than 25 years. said all ABCOM Ana Heights arc itching to leave 1f members want is to tx- able to sell the) had the chance. their homes for.a fair pnce and move " It'-; not JUSt the noise. The va-away. brat1ons cause cracks in you home,

" I don't think you can call that the fallout from the engines as a ll over being greedy," Bissette says. ·~ the place and the c~unty says ' You

"You should also know that 1l lo t of ca n' t do this. you can t do that to your the people who li ve here are retired or property".'' neanng retirement: They can't JUSt " J' vebcenhercfor47years.'' Knox pack up and ~tart over again that sa ys " But )eah. I'd leave"

What do you like about tht' Oaily Piiot? What don 't you like? Call thf' number at left and your message will be recorded, transcr ibed and dellverd to the appropriate editor.

Tht' same 24 -bour answering service may be used to record letters co Cbt' editor on any tople. Contributor to our Letters eolumn must lncludt tbelr name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please.

Tell us what's on your mind .

How many things In the world can you think of that flt this descrip­tion: An Investment In beauty which can be used every day for many generations without look­ing used, and without losing Its value. "The first thing you have to think of Is the diamond. But what else comes to mind? Probably nothing. Which tells us that the world's love affair with the diamond Is based on more than just beauty and pride of pos.-

In order to under~tand quality an diamonds~ must und rstand the 4C's: Cut, Color, Clarity ond Cam . wtight. Your American Gem S<Xiety (AGS} jeweler ·seaslon. It la based upon the old

adage, ''Diamonds are forever. And. Indeed they are. In the peat few years, we have seen f lnanclal speculators dabble dangerouaty In the diamond market, causing a price volaUllty that this beautlful gem doea not deserve. Despite the mechlnatk>nt of the " lnvest .. ment " -G•ng , gem -quality diamonds COAtlnue to hold the conndence •nd admlratton of J*>Ple everywhere. It la atlll the thing of which dreams are made- and f~fllled. There 11 no finer, or more laatlng gift then a beautlful diamond

· has the hone ty, fntegrity and gemological expert•~ to help you SC!~ct a diamond of quality

J. C.JJunapfw" J.11111/m M£M8tA AM!:f!ICAH OEM IOCIETY p o .. a •~•3.,,

110t NEWl'Of'T at.VO , OOSTA MESA H ""' .... ,,.. - 1