Download - German Short Stories - Forgotten Books



the free use of his grammar, his di ctionary , and his

F or help ful suggestions in the comp ilation of the

notes the editor is indebted to several of hi s coll eagues,

in particular to Professor Max F Blau.


PRINCETON Umvnnsrnr.

J ANUABY , 1917.

I. S et Sbofifcbmieb

II. S ac e dmnic bet

III. G in Dpfet ber at ifioIV. 3m 6 11mmmfintmb

V. 9 a fl inchbeim 8mtmmt

VI. iDieRm mfdiebet

VII. G in rbmifcbco85mm!“VIII. 856: i 8a!“ 3tmaIX . ungtddnRamcmbm

X. fin ite Gétbuitem

XI. 816 hem fleinmmate! baa$0116nicberbtamtte

XII. 8m mmumXIII . I rcffs l eXIV. fingibco

XV. fibet flanbutmftcin

XVI. limofidmatlanb




firiebt id) 8mm»mmM isha!“

find ew e:

S helf ‘Brafib

mm»8mW ine S imu ct

Q uintet: 9mm6mm{ftiebricbmum!W inemil lage:Griebt icbe piclbogm

13cmmomma{iris fi rmtano

Submig l mmgrubctS ofty !)mm: non ®dnflel

{fricbridj Qienbarb


Q et Q at ffdymi eb

23m S r i ebrmfii enbarb

8a {patermionbnacbt fcbritt id) bard) ein maffetbutd)muffins ©ebitg6tal , 1116 in m in I tfiumen ein ftember

I on brema. $art {6011 has mic ein Qltbeitetag unb

bod) betfitirt mmbet milbemben ©ti lIe bet gtofaenmacbt, N .

in beten waiter $aIIe bet etnfte I onmelobifd) betflang. 5

66 war has fifimmem einet é dmfiebe. mat non 3cit311 3m, mim fémieg bet newsmanswam, xiahieMainacbt ummid) betum atmete alIein waiter.2116 id) um cine (Ede betW homfab id) in

beIIem {feuerfcbein hie ©®mi¢be nor mix: itchen. llnb

nabet tretenb fab id) and) hen ©cbmieb.21mm in einem {funfmt egcn ftanb bet Mann. fDie

i nf Binte mit bet 33m; hielt baa glflbenbe eifen gefafzt, unb6 6mg auf 6 6mg fubt ans bet {tuftigen SRedfien auf hen

M mbofi. G in getaitfiblenhgfi ?Bilb! (Sjmf;brei t finah ct ,mit bobet, Lugs; 6mm, baamfinnl icfie ?Int

lie bard) bufcfiige 58mm nub einen turgen ©dmurrbart

betfinftert. 58m $al€ nacft, hie Q embiirmel bis unter

hie©d)ultetn gurfidgeftfilpt, bus 6 611173e umgebtmgt

fo ftebt er beute 1106) nor meinet ©cele z ein Mann, her 20

[cine ‘Bflicbt tut!

Meifter 6 6mm) ! rief id)er ?Itbeit


f riebrid) i ienbatb

i nch Mann fabanhi rgmmtg einen "(Sinten flbmb unb

fubt harm gleicbmfitig fut t, ans feinem toten (Eifen fiunten


fDet macbt nidfi hie! QBorte, badfie id), unb feete mid)

5 auf einen Ieetz a ?Imbofi. (51mm ®cbmieb mag id) gem

(56 i ii einmuticbee, miftigeéfianbmert, hasm

G émubebanbmet t. flBat’e nidfi in einemBmeigemeinet

M gamilie (Etbfitte, but; her filtefte éémieb mutbe? 3d)

M ate mob! and) an hie iReiQe getogpgen, abet mm,

10 grfifs’bid) SZBaIbfifimieb!

fDer Meifter tat nod) ein bulb fDueenb g dflfige, ftedte

bann bass G ifen in hiem m febte hen 5Blafebalg in 58atmgung.

58mmbtebte ct fid) and) mix:um. n515305431: bee

ftagte ct unb befabmid) gelafien.

ab ibm ? baht 3m einen gefl idnn Matfd) hinter

(End), meinte er. l e'

c ichim iit’e butt oben. unb

mo fall ’s nod) bingeben beute abenb, menu man fragen

"3118 maétquattier, benf’ id). S it fain Q orf in her


"gu inea, ba hinter bet ©dmiebe. Sibel: fibemaéten

W hamS ht in hen pant fifiufem nidfi. (Siambaben wit ia, abet ein SBett finbet S ht ba fdme


clid). 3116

25 ©tfibtdmxiit’e cine baIbe®tunbe.

unb rubig, ale oh er allein in feiner EIBet tftatt mare,

M ahm er fein G ifen ans bet Q iie unbjg }: [ein aim lnemkfi ,q

©agt mit , matter,“ fubt id) nad) cinetr hg—iinnl igg

Der Dorffdymieb

QBeiIe fort, "micrommt’s, bat;(Eute6mm”abfcitonormW

fborfe ftebt? Giab’é feinen ‘Blab brinnen?

"2mm 5mm 1mmhen 8am nicbt bettragm,

“ mat hie


Dhol“rief id), nit!) bacfite bisbet , nut bie G tfibter 5

warm newenrtant! 3&t bus jcet and) betCiud) an?“ mu n

“n6 haiii feit ffinfgebn S abreni igg‘

[agte bet 912mm um

Simbofi.AL“ .

”Qld) fo,“ macbte id) nub fdmieg. G ina

emM M ° fiber ®d)mieb I)

befab mit biefen emiten 912mm mit einet pm

"baht Sbt Rinber?“

M i f id)miter.

"G in EIRtibdmt.

"(i nnatfifm inbat; es {cineMutterM en fmm? “ 3‘

EDM finmfien ift init toDie! Saba alt, ale {cineMutter

{rant Iiegt. 58d {einet (55mmfing’émit ibt an. QBaB

bus i3flegen unbelangt, fubr er fort nubmarf bus fettige

Q ifen in hen gyfifimbsmfl afiemog, "fo ift bus fo hum ?6 um. fbaémam i ii non feiner ©ebutt an Iahm. 66 20 1

gebt an Q rfiden.

"211k wetter !“entrant mit , ”bu feib3b]: idwa bran

"fiat mit fdyon mancbet gefagt,“ hematite ct

M Ma2m!» ulmhas 5361161:nub fing nu, fid) hiefifinbe

311 mafdym. S‘d) aufmeinem 2Imbof; fdmieg, [mete bus 25

Q ixm in hie fianb nub fab febr emit hem morttatgen

212mm 311.

2116 cr fertig mar, nahm er einen 551mm! ansRanne nubIangte iid} non einemmagel hie ‘Bfeifehemmtet.

j riebrid) Eienbarb

”flBobet finb 6 k eigentlicja.,menu’s erlaubt ift 311 fra

M en?“ fing at an, mfibrenb aw e i3feife ftopfte.

3d) nannte ibm meine fflbbeutfcbe ficimat, ffigte abetbingu, baf; id) aué 58mmtame, nub etgfiblte,meldnIiingere

5 flBanberung hinter mix: lag.

"mun, ba baben 6 h ein fcbbn g unmen beutfdm t e

gefeben,“ meinte er. 3d) mat and)


fo, ale id) unber

heiratet mar. Smnét fort, immer meitet ! SUEein 23ammoutemid) ftubieten Iaffen, 1391 , habranntgid) butd). ?q é

G dfiffmoflt’id) and), bamat

’e mir abet gum .



tam bet Rfieg mit gtantrcid), hen bab’id) mitgemacht.

d) nabm id) memes 23ater6 6mm“ ? miebet auf,unb triebgnid) 1106) {0ein paat Saba ale

llnb immet q tig, immet boll Biebe'

c, ale

timid).W menu’s cine M Maid)t bet fiesta. ma id), and) mandwe nflbfidne iQ-ggmfi-gelefen. fDa bab

’ id) meme granen gelemt, unbmit hem Bigeunem ar

’e ans. 3c!)

nut cine:menu einet due to glfidlidn3citmmbut,mic mitt amei in unferm SBtaug


gbr unb im etftm 3amunfm G be, bann fol! ct mit feinem fien gott guffieben

d fain, unb menu’s ibm nachher nod) fo butt etgebt. 3m

ameiten Saba tam has finneben gmt flBeIt, nub feitbem

Iiegtmeine gran fled), nub hasMabel ift Iahm. fifinfgebn

25 S abre.“

3c!) muf; gefteben: mid) auf meinem ?Imbofiaberrantbiefem anne gegenfibet , hem hué

tte, ein (Mil l)! bet 58

Der Dorfidpmieb

i lls wit [andam, untet mbigm ©dv abet bis

nub 11116, bard) hie marme fl aimét hem fi brfdmtfd)ritte11,m um hen 6 6mm, einmal

65411111! 3nrfid3ufomme11.

mbimt fprad; id), "baa tin frifdm 5

2171111111 mic 3111: has to w hig 111111 obne fBetbittcrung 11116:

butt. tannteBente, hie {id} in fibnlidyen fcbmetmEat s

d tnifien hem 1 11 111? ergaben abet

8 11 11116 311 bank mat fogar einer, bet lief; 281315 111111

Q ia‘

oi111 G lmb {ism nub bmnute 11m92116)t i mer'

da ia

"1306 mats in dhnflhw fdn. bet (0

tut!“em iberte bet ©dm1ieb. "111111 menu

’s bet 62qohm cine: getan, fomi l! id) boffen, but;8111 nidnbid 11011

bet 6 0m i111 8mm baht. 861 t11e bier meine ‘Bflidn, mic35111111 einmal 11111et ©errgott mill . Db

’é 111111 ffinf3eb11

S aba mit meinen smeien 311 $a11fe {o fortgeht abet

breifiig. 11111 id) bin mit meinemfictmottmm M4


ift hie bauptfacbe, bmt’ id). 111111 meine Slum 1111bmein N

fitmdnn aucb.“

"I tch cIIgbem?“

[gagte id). 1.

"t rotsaIIebem, fagte er 11 11113. 1

29111111 fing ct , bu es 111m ofienbat pcinlid)mat , bafi11111:W11011 111111 nub feinen ?Betbaltnifim gefptocben murbe, emiReben 1111m w mge. 11111 wit 11mm 25

bulb in ein 65411171111) bcmidelt, bus hie S eit (116 311111

1 1 0

rud 111111 einem tubigm

Sicife bet l iefimid) bet emfteml ana.

Shae (Bebeimnié bet 211111911 11;(fin;memuaqw


gewme23011 811 11 111 13 Q angbofz t

Wahrmb braufien 1101 ben‘

ifenftem Me 1111m in

f(5111111 5 111 ®Q tdnge fid)W 1118 mare hie

311113116 111111 111 SBemegung unbflufmbr, Iagerte hieéfim’

teten SUlauem cince getdumigen Rafieelotalee. 91111: 31nd

dften [611mm biefe éfimmung nidfi311

teiien. ®ia {aim in einet fide bee meiten g naw 1111

teinem “11111111 1 1m. $8 111: cine 11011 {bum bet in feinem

M M ‘

iiufiem henW ill kann betriet, trug [111011 bah

1 5 6511 111 bee 21mmubet bet boben 6mm . mubiget G raft11111: bet ? Iuébrud feines glattmfietten ©efid11e6, 111111 [cine

ftdblgrauen 211191111 hafteten mit qef111111111 i gm531mm auf henMfia erre


gten, 111111 in Eieberwtebtmnena

hen 3fige11 feinee ®ege11fibere. 58 116 11111 1: tin Mann 11011

ig S abtm,?eine 115111111119. ,

t111ftig53h ,

1319111: (Si eitalt. G in meidns (55m in 1111b hie feite (Eats

fdflofiehbeit bed ietprobten ?Irbeitete [111 1161011 111 feltfamet

111111111115 11118 feinem (Siefidrte, has 11011 btaunen,mW arm umrahmt mar. 6 0 {1131211 fid) biz W ait

20 111011 166 gegenflbet . (Enblid) kmfiltere 11116 6 611116

gm:mun, Ibm SlBiflen 6 111 bum 3111 [due

finttoott 311 finbcn?“

5 1151013 G angbofer

11111 011 11111 3103111 , 1111311116111 21113111 , 11115 51111 21113111

161111111 311 101 16111: "23011 1 1, 11111 6 01116 10111111 , 230111 1,

103 511 11111 10 111616 11111 15111 0011 51111 161161111 81 1 1 1.

1006 11111111 511111 500011 , 1011111 511 1111111 33301 3111

5 6 115 1111 51011111 11131 11 111111111 11115 1511111111 511111 11 5111151 1 11

11115 511 2111111111 11111101 11 31105’ 111 511 21113111 f6011111 .

803511 111616 11111 151 11 , 23011 1 11“

11111111 111913 911111 1010113 511 1111131 27101111 0011

111111111 6 111111 1111001 , 111 1 1111 506 301 1131 1 61111 6 11161 m11

5111 511131115111 211131 11 10111 11511 5111 $ 116 11115 [101111111111

11111 51111 1 11 6 11mm1 : 11115 50628111111 , 111 1111111 6 11 , 50610115 116 501111 f6011 11115111 ? 2811111 6 11 11116 11 11 111111101

0111 311111 30111"111 351 111 33111151 11 51111111 , 501111 11111111111

6 11 mi6 f6011 10 101131 1111 1111 11115 51015111111 , 503 11111

161113116 111616 01151 16 1151 13 511151 , 016

10115111 11115 311111 11 506 {5051 1101100631111 111 111116

11313111 $ 11 10 311 01 1 101111 .

301 1113 001111 11 11 111111 $ 111, L_ M

1111011 11111 1151 1 511 31

Lglfibtemféaare, j100fte 11111 101131 11 6 61 111111 500011 11115

{603 3111 $ 111 1 111110116. 18 11 21113111 011f 506 5116111111

6110111 1 31111111, 10 [1111 111 11 11 511

6 1 111011 11113 1111161111 011 11 11111 6 1 111 001 1151 1 . 6 1 50611

011 511 8151 110363111 3111 1111, 511 11 111 11111111 61 111116111

805010101 1001 5111631111061 110111 , 11115 011 511 11 11111 6 1

11 1111110111 1 , 511 1 1 10111 0011 51 1 6 1111101 111 11111111 3103111

6 1061011 1 01151061. 5801111 1001 1 1 11111031 1010111 111 11115

110111 111 511 6 105111001101610 91101011101051 11 11111 11611 1

6 11111 31311151 11 . 58 1 1 31111 6 11 13011 110111 111111 11111 11516

28115 11115 311111151 , 11111131 5111151 1 51161 1 1 v iu, .1va6 1001111


S ubw ig G angbofer

[cbon gum l enbefien gebedt, unb feitmtitte, auf einemniebem fiuiten, ftanb bet th ine, nidfiaflaufdmet bgbgngte

(Sbriftbaum, autet meldnm hie {girglicbm QBeibnaQtegabm

fur hie (Si tofamuttet unb hie Rinbér auégebteitet warm.

5 ©ie rebeten cine QBeiIe fiber biefe G acben nub ©fid)eld)m

bin unb bet , harmbegannm fie hie Reg en aufaufteden,mdbtenb ans hem anftofsenben s immer bet flbermfitige

S‘ubel bet brei fid) bfiren Iiefs.

SDIir tommt but , ale b&tteft beut’ einen

f1025311m gehabt ?

“ fragte nacf) cine: QBeiIe big iunge gran.

"G ott bemabr’I“brummte ct unb fcbflttelte hen Q opf. 6 h:

fragte nidnwaiter, berm fie tannte ibn unb ba fam’é

helm nad) turgen SUEinuten non felbft ans ibm betaue, biefe

Raffeebauegefcbicbte. "©eute nachmittag, gerab’ mic id)

1 5 cue bet gabrit bab’ fort moIIen, bat mit einet einen ?Brief

gefcbidt, id) {011 311 ibm i116 Raffeebaue tommen, mail ermix: cine mit ige Mitteihmg anmacben

"Hub bift bingegangen

?Ratfirfid) mar er bingegangen nub batte but t ienm por

20Mmen Sperm gefunbe’

n, bet ficf) ibm ale SBefieer einet

gtofgen ‘Borgefianfabrif gemmnt batte. SDa mar es mm

bulb Quigefommetb baf; 6 6mm cine wichtige Smitteilungnicht empfangen, fonbem geben, bet taufen iolIte. Sbic

fiabrif, in meldm er atheitete, _Iief_ette neben unbem~


451 fglijgigen 28mm cine gemifie SDEaioIifa=©orte, meldnban


z lpjggj hen fie gefunben, bet tqbeIIofen h

g éflnsfi “

‘ beit unb hem unba gleicblicben 6mm; ihrer {Satben betbautte. >Biele {Sabriten batten es beriucbt, hen

?Ittitel nadnumadm, abet menu and) hie gut

fins G ebeimnis bet mifdyung

biefer ©®m¢lgfatben nfltigcn ®toffe betannt warm, fo

bem ocbte bod) teinat bet giaggbmet hie ridnigeMifdmng’


311 treffen. fDiefelbemat hasn lhmm®ebeimni6 bet

g énbermannfobm {fabrit geblieben, baa aufiet hem

SBefibet bet {fabrit tannte biefee (Siebeimnis nut and; ein 5

eingiger, alter ?Irbeitet , bet in einem beflélofimenmaumebie Smifcbung fDiefer Qltbeitet mar mmbut“d”Eugen Rmnfbeit erlegen, nub mobert w 4 x


6 6mmmat an {cine g teIIe getreten.

“ W M “ fl

"nubmic mit bamaIé am borigen ©am6tag bet 6m 10

aIIesB gefagt but, was id) an meiner neuen ?Itbeit bab’

miffen mfiflm, bat er rein flmfpt ecben, rein 583m unb

reinen 6 6mm hon mit bet langt. firth ein btabet ,

m l . Smenfcf), id) babe 25crtrauen 311 31mm, nub id)

weifi, baf;6 h meine gute i ncimmg nicht tfiufcbeg‘

metben!“ 1 5f‘

SDaemat aIIee, was at getagt bat. flaunt acbt I ag’

fiab’e bet , feit ici) Don bnfi flmflm fiins Baboratorium

getommen bin unb iebt bat fid) beut’

fcbon bet Ret l

ba an mid) angebaftelg, unb bat gemeint, er braut nut

[cine 58rieftafcf)’aufgumacben, baf; id) meine (Sibt

binein= 20

fallen Iafi’

smifcben {cine éunbertmgbgtgetteln.

?q atmenbfdmfieg er. g eine iungeman emiberte reinA£53011 . ®ie ftanb auf einem «5mmunbM e hie bunten r

Q etglein auf hie oberften Bmeige befl iBaumeé. Dubai ?sittetten ihre fidnbe nub nadE) einer [tummen SIBeiIe 25

fubt ee ibt pl iielid) beraufi: ”$Robertl ! 253mmbu 3a einet

folcben ®cblecbtigfeit batt’

it ia fagen taxman bet Iiebe

Giott fol! mir beIfen, abet , id) glaub’

, bamar’e ans gas


en mit meiner

w t 1



t“ muttet bermf l


Subw ig G angbofer

(i t nidte nut , uIG btitte fie etmae ®e ftberftfia id7e6


mun {mung fie Dom 6mm, unb bie 9mm murbenangegflnbet. iRobet t Bffnete bie berfcblofiene l ute, bet

5 (S k ofimuttet bomn ftfirmten hie "brci SIBiIben“ bet ein,

nub Iacbenbe, iaucbgenbe $t enhe ffiIIte hie 6mm, hie nor

menigen Wtinuten nod) to emfte 253mm gebfitt. ?IIG ficI)bet erfte Sahel bet Rinbet ein wenig gelegt batte, tammitbet SBefcbemng bie EReibe an ben 25am. sumIlid1eInber

m Buffiebenbeit betracbtete er cine and) bet anbem non hen

gmtiIf btcttbiden g oden, mec e bie G rofimuttet ibm ger

itridt batte eineé and) hem unbem non hen {¢c rot

{eingeitidtemforgfii ltig geffiumten‘

I afcbentficbem, hie ibm

WJaime gran befcbert batte. SDaxm Iam abet et it bie ©aupt


Mfucbe hie 23011119a bet fl irt meibeit btefiigtten

SEEM SDie fiebeniiibrige 6 111e brachte ein pant gas

be unb befIamiette bagu cine ‘Bantoffe vmne,dI6 bet en

Dichterin fidE) mit betIegengn G n fifimhie Girofis

"Eichet SBater, biefe 6 cbub’

I raq in ®efunbbeit unbSbic Q inbefifieb

, momain {bergéab

’id) brinncn bindngeiti dt;

50mm, mean fie bit warm baIten bie811V,Eben! an beine I ocbter (Eli?

IDIcfe 58cmbapertenmar, abet fie {amen non 36mm.

23mm rfldte bte breiiiibrige SDIariebI an. 6 k Ionnte nut

mit einem bom Semen nod) warmen Qiaterunfet a

marten. fDer fflnfifibrige grimbinmieber buttéficf) ftattauf,


bus G eheimnis bet mifdyung

hiemel igion auf hieRunft—pgt legt. smu{einem giepfenbm (

ft ,

©timmlein fang er has {fiatetIiebM um, nub umbier?L1:ftolgeW bee {Eate


fi Iaum nod) Gh enam ( 1 ; 1 .

tannte, ram et it bet RnaIIefiett; bte "58mm.

23m breth

?IIten barging box: i3a Mt bet ?Itcm, aIB bet Heine 5

3 1mg autet hem mefmin beé q tigen Siebes mit

W M) emftet Mime nub in fteifem fiocbfcbrittmeimalum hen I iicI) mat fcfierte.

"Q inbet l Q inbet ! her an mit t fdwie bet iunge 58am,

in beflm Badmt ficI) IIi/ugit fcbon rinnenbeB&Dtm gcmifcbt xc

batten. sumbeiben 21m m fat;te ct bie brei Rnimfe 311fammen, nubmfibrmb ct fie 10eng an {cine 58mmbrfidte,bat

; fie Iange fibefidnet fdmitten, f61mmer, fiber ihre

8 Ionbt6pfe hinweg , ins 8am unb ftammeIte: "fDer bet

fol! mir Iommen nub fol! mix: [0cine {Steub’berbctben 1 5

molIm in z inc

23a Hang non btaufien tin febriIIenbet ®Iodenton in

hie ©tube. {ftan ©chalIer fdmute ibt en Mann etfdmdenan mesbaIb fie ericbrat, hue mufite fie fe ft nidfi

harm ging fie, um hie Star 311 fiffnen. Bmei fb imfhnfinner 20

brachten einen gtofzen Ruth nub fcbIeppten iIm in Die

6mm;honmam er mat e, mufiten fie nidyt;ein bomebmet

bent blitte fie gefdfidt nub Iiefse auéridnen, Sat; «at fe ft


Emit sittemben fifinben fdflug {Emu ©dmllet hen SDedeI 25has flames in hie fibbe, unbme ba13311 QBpricbein tam,

entIodte hen brei fi inbermtiuc en ein ftaunenbee, iubeInbee « 5

?II) ! ©pielfa61en, SBadmet t, meibet ftoffe, hue moIIte faftrein Embenehmen iuib gang3a unterftmutbe ein IIeineG ,

i ubw ig G angbofer

M u m aietIid) befdflagenefiRdftdmt auegegtaben, bus fie!) his auntml , {RanbeW geigtemit i tabIanIen g ilberguIbm. firs

bIaBt his in hie Bippen fcbaute gum6 dw!“ an ihrem

Smanne auf; bet abet [tredte {chum has (Sjeficbt non

5 bunIIet 3omrbte fibetgofien, bie beiben Satinbe, nacfte has

Rfiftcben unbmuf f es in hen flomgurfid, bat;Mewflim nb

_in hie fibbe fprangen. fort mit ”hem

n" ®éib, [ag

’id) unb hie fifinb

’non hem 3595 Rinbet ,

hie fidnb’ meg febrie er mit bebenbet ©timme. "Ibex:

10 81mm meiI et’6 auf getabem flBeg nicht fertig ges

Imufit bat jcet meint ct , er Iann mid) non hinten

pachuL witnehmen fallen fie’s mieber auf bet ©teII’

G r eilte'

m hen595 , binaue, um hie beiben iDienits

manner surfidaurufen.

Dtaufien abet ftanb er mic bet

1 5 {teinett unb brad)“ rein 28011 {that hie Bippm. um:

bet offnen flBobnungetfire ftanb fain Qbef, gen: 6mm:

mam , cine [tattIidnt dximmg Don t et l iésbebfibigm

flufifeben. Z ? ”(

f m h

”Ginten 2Ibenb, Iieber g dmIIerI“

"6 h gm fi enbelmatm ©ie Iommen 311 mitt?“

SlBie ©ie feben. ll nb miffen 6 h and), was id)

mbdfie? [liebelte bet aIte $ 611 . mbdm6 k fmgen,mic Sbnen beute nadmittag bet fiaffee gefdmedt bat.

23m 111a Smaane fieIen hie Bippen aueeinanber nub

25 mit aittembem ?Irme mime ct nad) tier naben Manet .

SIBie ein gwaer ggffleiet Iam’é ibm bot hie 211mm, er

fab nicbts mebt , er ftlbIte nut , mic ibm fein (Sibef bie

fianb auf hie 6 6mm Iegte, nub bbrte ibn mit Ieifet ,emftet ®timme fagen:

I o,

G in Dri er bet Q t i fié

58mm ‘BauI 6 d1fiIer

{wane moIIte beitaten: ct muta te nut nod) aidyt gencm,

men. 6 1: fcfimanfte amifcben Winchell nubM m.

Mindyen mat bIonb unb arm; ‘Bbimben mat britnett unbbatte @e . DnIeI Rat ! riet 3a Winchell . (531: um

i 5mandymul unbmenu eB ibn nichte Ioftete, fate S heale.

I Winchel l ift reigenb,“

fagte 63am, "abet Immit bumitten, oh fie mid) and) um meiner fe ft milIen heiratenmitb

fagte mitflid): ,,um meiner felhit millen. Date!

Rat! berfidmte ibm, but;at henM enwuba babe.(SJ Iaubft bu bieIIeid1t, bat; ‘Bbind nn bid) um heiner

fe ftmiIIen beitatenmfirbe

213mm hem fo ift“

fagte gums; er fagte mirIIid),"menu hem fo ift

"bal mpigtaid) aufe gamiIienIeben.

1 5 36) maiz ‘

p pIIgfiItige ?Bemeife baben, bat;man mid) Iiebt

M beimte id) fiberbaupt nicbt.“

G in paar I age fpiiter fptadm Date! nub ?teffe fid)miebet .

bu 161011 , fagte Date! fiat l, ”bat; bu ‘BIeite

20 hift?“

"28cm bin id)?

Da bait bard) hie Q t ifié in 2Imerita bein gauges?Betmfigen eingebufit,

f in (Dpfet bet Kt ifis

"18a fagt has?“

"3 d) babe cc I ante (SliciIie gefagt nub I ante Memetagt ee iebem, bet es with will . Da monteft bod) ,boII=

gfiItige Sl iemife’ baben. munmetben wit ia feben.

"(Sat nicht fibeI,“

fagte 35am, "has bait bu gut gemacfit.“


Enate (Edema batte, min, mar ein S nftitut 3111: 23m

breitung anbertrautet ©ebeimnifie. 9mmfonnte fieI) auffie betIaflen; fie arbeitete prompt. SIBie einM fenet

verbreitete fid) hie 92ad1rid1t, bat; 63am fain ®e im

Banbe bet unbegremten Wtfiglicbreiten betIoren babe. mic 1 a A :“

madnen fid) jpimi bemet fbat . Die SIRfitter,

ft mit gegfidtem Qm j afafien, menu er nut

hie ?ftfibe fam sfl uf ciumaI tumnub 131 1111111; biew I fidfier batten ftrifte QBefl


ung, hem I auge

nicbté ans hem QBege 311 geben; unb menu er fouit ans 1 5

hem t einen $ embe nicbt berauétam, fo mufite er mme.

1 ‘ f

3 5? m t, was er mit feinen freien ?Ibenben fl

anfangen foIIte. Rut; gefagt: bet iunge 913mm batte

neummbneunaig ‘Btoaent feineé bieberigcn Q urémerts mit

einem ©61Iage eingebfifzt. ?Im fcbmeralicbften mat ibm, 20

but; and) ‘Bbincben fid) autfidaog.

Die einaige, bie in bidet S eit beegag ginmmadame,

3a ibm bieIt, mar Mincfien. S br mat es 311 banfen, bat;er hen (35Iauben an bie Menicbbeit nicht berIor.


G age! mm einem mummacbte ibm fo

IteitenzaIe oh eB niemale cine amerifanififie Rfifie ge=

geben batte. "QSoIIgfiItigere, SBemeife“Ionnte er nicfitmob!

bet Iangen.

2q bet Ibodneimeife, amifdm SBetIin unb sofien,

K ‘"

p aul S dn’

i let

fagte er: er nannte fie (aolbcben nes ift

bit gemifi 311 Dbten gefommen, bat; id) ein Dpfer bet

ameritanifcben firifis gelnorben bin.


fagte fie ciufud).

5 "Hubtrobbembaitbumid) genommen! ©eine®timme

3itterte bot ERfiImmg{wv/L ‘

"fiber ia, Mantl e, fie nannte ibn SDItinne: fiofljes

1 11m m finb nicht'

unmet gefifimadbofi. fl } :


fagte er, nid) Iann bit Se 23a1o ficbemng geben, ©olbd1en, bat; id) nod) im SBeiiQe aIIet

meiner ®e er bin.

86) weifi,manna.“


"greilidy Date! Rat! bat ia aIIeemit mix: beiprocben.

1 5 Me S heemit bet Q rifis ftammt iammmix.“

3m S ump fe berfh deub

QIboIf ‘Brafcb

G ina {slime mar ee, cine mime, hie mil: neuerhingfiimefi 5511113“c 9 19111119 in Q t imterung brad)te, mc e


bus 5be wenigen émnbcn ergtauen Iiefi.

Céibe ba sieml id) {put im fiberbfte, Dommegen getriebm,

in einfamct fiauemmirteftube ale einaiger ©aft. CétiIIe 5'

matb’e um mid). SDaB I iden bet é cbmargmdlber ubr,

baa einfflrmige 3311 111511 11 bet faIIenben I ropfen, hie

ffidige, bumpfe Baft Iiefien in traumerifd) grfibeInbeGiBrfiten betfaIIen.

1 m fcbarfe fingenbe I on cine: hotbeiftfimirtenbm 1°

Sliege emecfte hie fdflummemben 6mm unb bief; fid)

fofort M ind): bereit ridyten, bean id) bafie bide‘

W m“ hem ganaen”31133111111meinet 6 eele.

?' f

A A ~( l


6 h: batte iebocI) ein anbet Bic! 311 03311 , SDer Iodmb

fflfie SDuft eineé mit rIebriger Mafia bebedten ‘Banim 1 51 ,

bIattee mat ibr QSnberben. Qiopfitfitig, beinabe fingftlid), r

Iiei; fie fid) Ieife taftenb um ?Ranbe bee ?BIatteB nieber.

SDocI) hie $ etfudyung mm: 311 miicbtig. G in fleinet SRud

nub fcbonM3fie aufbet fi bfingnifiboflm.%lficbg, abmmgss

106, abet 1 1111 15111111 ,bem Iangfamen abet fid1eten 6 11-1

L4 Q“ .

?Ibmecbflung [11mm fndyt fie Iid) suerbeb cd) bergebens ift ibt M en, ein 58m! ift bereite


2IboIf p rafd,

feftgerittet. G in amine SBein mirb feit aufgefebt iid) 106

guhringen, bod) and) biefeé bIeibt mmbatten.

M ”? 8111 fortgefetaten SBemfiben hie fiteibeit 3a erringen,merben nacI) unb nad) and) bie anbet en iBeine gefefieIt.

5 Ieetee SRettungémitteI 131t tafdm gIfigeIfcbIag ein.

QIlIee, aIIee bergei cI). QIud) biefe merben non hen 1m

fidfibaren Rattanx

umfcfiIungen unb t egungsIoe ift has

arme Eier an bieétefle («Erin berameifeItet SBers

ind) fid) im Rreie 311 brc mu: an aim : unnatfit

4 1 c Iicben“

21511 1gl ingung bet ©Iiebet unb fie muf; in biefer

©teIIung his her QIIIerbarmer t ub fie non

ihren Seihen et lfift. 21m m, arme i ege, meldmn M

fl fiebft bu gttgegen! mod) finh hie SBeine i geftredt,nod) 135111 has bfigfigeSangeln aufSchen. G rit nacI; itans

1 5 benlanger fi nal , cifie (Smigfeit in hem furgen SDafein w

einet griegm ggafiga bie Rrfifte, bie iBeine taiden ein,

bie (SrIbfung i ii gefommen. QEin mitIeibiger ©dflagbradfie biefimaI hem Seihen ein bopaeitigeq (a be.

31) bafle biefesi

ungeaiefer,marches nut bie $RuI1e raubt20 unb and) Rtanfbeit, I ob unb SBerberben bringt, bis gumSIBabnfinn nub befflrtnogj gj ebeé raid) unb fichet mittenbe

MitteI311 befien 23cmid1tung.

SDod) biefe non graufamerM M etjgm fi anga

metbobe ift, meiI nut Q ualen bringenb, hem and) bie1 5 fiIiege iii ein fubIenb QBeien, umfomebr be


mut hig, ale fie fid) gegenfiber beren grofger 28cm ebmng€

ffibigfeit bfiIIig gnéulfiqglicb, baber nubIoé em .

SIBeffen (351ieber {c 1511—

11 11! non unwebaren 58a

8am! gehalten, bie Umnfigl imeit bet ©e ftrettung nor

3m S umpfe vetfinfenb 23

1 1 ,s f 1 rm

QIugm, 11111: bet barmag hie einem bcmrt Q efimgenen

M 011111011 311 ermefien 11110Im'

Be fie burdyge

Ioftet beinahe bis 3111:wage. 5.0mm: and) main 3101111111001:1110111:berartigen quiiIerifcben gangmetbobe.

fib er 6 umpf, imeé grfil icbe_1111geI)e11et melcbeé0116 a s


f“! fafite Dpfet mit GEEW 69mmféftbfilt, es Iangfam abetunfebIbat ficber 111 fid) bineinaiebt, 11m es {11111 106 311111 i8 m

[1111011106 1 311 bringen, 10111: es, bet mid) cinit 06mg einfmn11110g g lafign, mit feinen gemaItigen ?Irmm griff 111101111ben 91111100138 58120011:m brachte.

?Ibet nidfi imer 6 11mm, bet {cine M am meitbotftredt 11110 anfiere seicben 001

' bet brobenben (b k

fabt maw t, {0110111 1 iener trugmf619 U m 111

mitten bet (3591111361110amfat gelggene/6 umpf, bet in

feiner QBeife 001: hem 6 d)idicI fienntnie bringt, 0118 1 5

QBanberew 9311 11 011 1011 0011111136106 betritt, bar 1111 ®e= G 1 .

gentei l 01116) W 6 10610111116 11110Iiei cben SBIumen

fcbmudM amm y » bebqgfidm

miebet lafien Iodt, 10m: es, bet m 6 nie aII feiner

811111130125; J f

11110biefi 10111: f0 getommen: SDem l l fer eineé gtofsenf"

6 tt0me6 entIang murbe cine ?Baa inie gebaut. (526

m ate 1111 6 tei11 , gutem, Iaggrn ten 6 1m bet 6 eeIe

fur ieben 5131101161111. 23011 weitem bet muta te ermit 6 d)i ffberbeigefflbrt 10crbe11 . SDie $re11


e maren 11110Inc 1 5

11015 001:

G intt itt bet mit hen

fiunbamenten bmmm .

92111: cine fume I aIftrede trennte e fid) erbebenbe

l I

1 A.7 l

Hbolf 1300120 AV A ,


01101110000111 1111011 01101101 . 6500011 00601111010100,311 ft000t011 010 580000100011 1111111000000000111 50311111110!0111000011. 2q 0011 6 0110011 0001010f0ftlic008 51001100110411 3110meife 1100

5 te1t0te, 1000011 0103511001 mit 9000011 00p 0113t 1111011110010eingeftreutm 03000010000100111 i00011 000006 {11000I0011s0011 3011001011 000c0te11 01111000010000101110111 010 (Einffit smigfeit. 58101111 1611000000000000000110011 6010011 10101011111 10001:01111I010I011011 800011110011f 920001001300110110.901606 [00 110000, 016 000t 1101000111





020100i010311 [QMQ L Die $0ff111111010001110050001110. J92111: 000301001 0111110 111 00111 000M om atmn 011005

00010011 2q0011 0111011 I011100I100011 (501001100fi110011 1017011.11110meit entfemt 0110110010 01110111001 fein,001111 0106 001010010100.00021011100 {01111 0000$ 00


6 0 00000110111110001111 011106'

6 01111t00m0000116 011i010 6 11000 5910 ”118011111111000001100116 801mmb0ette111 6 t000011t, 11110 800000110101, in


z o 1001100111 001 8001101001001“ 111100111 010810010[1000 920:000100m am. 211100000111 10110000111000W

t tdftod

3110$01100011001111011 .


0010011 21

{chm0000011f00000011000000, 10000

I 000000t 11110f0I0ft f0

8I0f100 00011101010010

6 11001011be.

6 01t1111m a1100010111 60100111 .

601111! 0116 001:11101 311i s :

3m S ump fe vetfinl enb

6 0 nérflofien einige mam ©efunben, mdbrmb bet (a f k 1;

g®eift aIIe bet iRettung bienlicben SUtfii cbfeitm mitr'

581“;e dwell e emoa. 32301: alIem bief; es, hiem Lick

é tod, bcn Revolver nub hie

©ammermm ale hefchmercnh. 53a befeifigm. c r ®tod, meld mgleidyfafié hie 1m hie j ‘ ,

M int ?Bobcn ftedte, abet {m ©rifibeteidlg/Iag, (s; v

murbe Iangfam nub bor fidytig gehoben nub bet Duet:

nad) hingelegt, mebolbet unb $IafcbeM m bet am: w 1

W ait nub feinem 6 dfidfale flberlaffen. QIIIe to

biefe SBemegungen, mit grfifiter ?Bcbutfamfeit burdyges

Mmmm m mime ©infm, menu as fid) and) m

Iangfam, febr Iangfam, abet ununtetbrocbenM g, ,Stun4


ging es an has ?Beobacbten. 25m: idfiig murbe bet Q opf on

gemeubet, um 3a erfunbeg, oh bet fiat nicht 311 em icben.

QBmfiQL batte {bu bereits entfuhrt. ©orgf¢i ltig

fptibten bie ?Iugm, einen fibultepuntt 311 finbm, mussreichenb feft:fid) emporaugieben. 2mm, nidyté mm: 311

erbl ictm, unb unter hem£3139 9” (53mm her ageP z

bril tmbm6 0mmbefiémanben aflgflmfificw 1 u

3t erft tam hie G rtemttnis bet ®efabr gum Durd)bmd). Mmfcbenbilfe fonnte nut bet 3ufaII bringen, bean

hie (mgmb mat einfam unbw arn . Sbic 6mmM atte bus gefamte fifigel lanb mtbfiltert. (fine

W an!) es bei hem betfléenben fiberfcbut'

; an QBeins 25

gut but her 3cit bet meife nicht.‘


8mm burmitterte hen ganam RBtpet unb fingfts

f(bmeififeucbtete hie 6mm . 86) mm: bertorm,_u_tfigmm

verloren, einem Iangfamen, fid men abet quaIboIIen $ in=




Hbolf p rafd)

lftetben berfaIIen. nicht ruhten, nicht reden

nicbt mebren, aid) ffinnen, 3m: untfitigfcit

berbammt, mbig augumarten, bis fid) hué®®W L

maren has SUtarterbiIb, melcbeé fie!) meinem inneren ?Iuge

5 entrofite,


; SDie Qiebanfen

ejggtmr, aIIeé cub, mas min: has Beben Iieb nub

inert machte. © ia i eben bei meinem beifigeliebten

QBeibe, bei meinem Rinbe, has id) mic meinen ?Iugapfelfr 441 ”

to bebfitete, bei meinen gggijm G ltem gaften, benen aIIen id)cv bie eingige ©tfibe mat . 28cm; ttaurigee 806 ift ibnm

f‘ bpfgbieben, menu ibr 6 6mm,EBen ter nub Gmfibrer

[nat loé bericfiminbet.

fi 6?Bittere subren floffen bei biefen ®ebanten unb trumpf

” ‘

x5 bafte6 é dflucbgen burcbaittertc hen fifirper. fdflime

mid) biefer I taucu nicht, gotten fie bod) nut meinen

M Sfieben, unb fie bmcbten g len w nb

$ erubigung.

SDie (Sinetgiemath non neuem gemedt, aw20 {id} auf. 2mmfampflos mofite id) mid) ergeben, gaIt es

bod), ficf) fur fain Biebftes 3a efl qltm. Hubmat es gnaba

mg bbar, tomonte id) bod) mic ein 502mm ftetbm.

Sbic $Rube 1111a a mm:mieber eingetelm. 3 e

miter betW ~ bee gfinalicben 23crfinfen6 Wn hM ar, beito gtflfger and) bie ©offnung. umunb

ten bie sum fianbeln nod) betffigbatefl seit

L fefqteueb(Si n flierfud), mittels $e bee 6 tode6 mid) an beben,

fdflug febI;to bl ieb bean nut biemettung non aufien.

vetfinl enb

é cbreien umfiilfe an. i bie

M 6 Sbod) nidmmm: 311 J

mud:bemebmm. fi gfiqfigfiéfifie ringeumber, felhit has 6mm

men bet S‘nfeften mum smei fRabm ftg

cben J

w it beiferem ®efrd§3ep bet mit nub fdfienm 6q 5

mid) berabgufeben. ?Ih unb atx bus_ g


einer (me

W ilma:©onnentube geftfirten G ibegzie. Sbic 6 0mmbmnnte


; bemieber. ?DerM Ropfmar ihren ©trablemh c

fdmtam M aggghcg , Die Reble'

trodnete ein, bie

©timme mit biefet mufgte baucgebaltm 13"

flmerben. bfitftiget ©chlud ans hem {put s m m .

lichen S uba'

lte bet {flafcbemar bie einaigefiche. XY;L «

Mertelftunbe auf 513iertelftunbe ban ana. Smart ‘BegelMmicemu:mebr ffinfBebea tunbenauf. ERufaufSRufbaIIte

in hie 8um . 911m, allee bergebene. SbicCétimme berlot 1 5

ihrenmung, bus $RufenmurbeW k m t 13; q


[ggtc -anb teidfie nod) gerabe bin, in eiliger 920th mein


fal 3a beraeidmen nub hie ?Brieftafcbe/auf feften

M iBoben 311 iglmbem. Die ‘Bulfe blimmefi-




u bie Dbren

M5),tauften,M 6. fiber Ropf febmerate 20

wirbelten im Q taife,

311 fflnnen. ©fin3fid)e

?Ipatbie bemfiéfigte jid) meiner. 6 k Iiifte fid) aIImtii cI)

in mobltii tigerw fiber Rfirper batte hen

©ei ft unteriocbt.W “

G unmen berrannen. G in tablet Suftbaud) medte bie

gefangenen 6mm. 9206) umgab mid) befiefi I ageelidfi,

hie 6 0mmmm: bereite gefémunben. M manberten bie (L5 27

211mm. mod) lag bet ©eift in ?Buaben. Qangfam, tang

W V’}w


111111 11111:nahm er bie dc auf. 6 11111111) erbieltm b1e

QBabmebmungm. 811111111. 2316131111) fatate hie

t enntnis e111. has SDurdflebtemarmad) geworben. fieftigefi $ eraflopfe11 id1im b1e 5811 111 311

aw b1e Reblefl mlrte 1111) ftampfenb 111111 111167e

356111 111 111 1 111 hen 1111111 emeute 1115. Cédmdl icbcs

{Slugftgefllbl bemlidfiigte 113) meiner mit 2111511111111 nub

fd)1e11 hen Ietten 91111 11011 (Energie 311 580111111 311 btfiden.

?Iber bet 23311111 311111 8ebe11 111111: 1111111111311: 911111, 11cit1 ,

m 1d) 10111, 1d) fann, id) barf nicht fterben, 511W 11d;


heftig 111 111 11:J EL 58 1111111 mar bet 5831111 4 1111o 111111

frifdm2171111 hielt 91111: faltes 581111, 8 319111153 ,

afud v .

15 bait b1e6 11111111 1111111 91111111113 b1:111ge11 .

31nd ©11111be11 111111 111 nod) gegeben, 111111 biefe 111111311111

1 5 311111131 merben S ebe 6 11 1311113 111111 111: gemaltf11111 unterbrfidt. 36) mm id)1:e1e11 , bod) bet (6 1111111111 111111 11116

1getrodnet. fiber mm mm {1111 11111 ci11 beifereé

M 911111 1111 2111111 111d Q t berbaIIte ungebbrt.

91111: 11011) brei 6 11mm, 11111 beam mufite gefpart werben.

ao $ 11 311111 Iebtm warm 1116 ul tima ratio 1111: mid) be

111111111 1, hen Q ualen bee («Errftidene 311 mtgeben.

4111111 fort

”m1Smide murbe 1t bie 31

11: tedyten gs;

Iw e 2811 1111, 11m 1106) 11111 hem 6 1011 11 1 1 111111111 ,mLftert. $911 1111 ©01111e11g tlaj ,

e1nftirbige grungelbe {flack25 b&tte (015411111, {Kathe 111111 Seben am058 0

(Lt ?£11115 incube e1111ge 2213111311d ercben ©1e 1161111111 einem ftfiftis

gen 28111 31111t 311 11 111 11313111

6 11111111) ci11 fle111e1: fioffnungeftrabl , ober foIIte nod)

er barren? 6 ih tat iebt not, bean

3111 S umpfe 5 1 1 1111 11 115

16511 1551 511 21111111115 11115 Sl J L’Dflfi

50111 11561151 51 5511 5111 91111 511 511 511 311 1115111 111.

2351116115 11115 51511115111 1511151 351156111 5111 86116111

i f ”? 1111 [5611 6 15 151 116 mit 51111 [515111 6 151111151 511511, 11111516 311111 6 151111111 311 51 11151 11. 911111 1 11616 585115131, 151 151

16 5116 11111 51111 6 15111 1 116111 ? 91111 11111 355111, 1151

6 11111151 111 1511551 . 81151 156 1 1511151

M4 61 15116, 1115116 1551 511 W 1161. ®11 93f151131 1 ‘

15115511551 11 6 11111 111111 55111 f1 1111 6 511515111111 516 11111

1111 111 556 1M 51 9155 531131151. (53111 11155 11115112 10 u

W M “ 1551 16, 51 1 116 111111 11115 tiefer 11111114 “

31111111 1 1511111 1511151 515551 1, 511111 1156 1551 11111 $ 511

311 11115111 . 6111 3151111 1 985 1311111 555 1511151 5155511151.

(531 11 111311 5111 11 11111 11115 55111 116 m11 15111 51 11615 115111 .

"13116 111 511 911 1111115“

11151111 16 5111.

1311 6 151151 11111 . 1511151 111111 1 511151, 11111 511 5115111

6 11 51151 51116 9 1 15111 1156 111111 311 51 1 11 11111. 911111 5151

16 5111 11115 815111 . 9811 5111 511 9811131111 , 15115 51 1

6 1511 5511111 ? (5111 91115111 551 1 581 16111 111 11611 16 251 1 :51 15111 . (536 1111155115 551 15 1 15111 .

{51 11 1511151 51 1 ©1511 mit 5115111 5535115111 5151 15111 11115

111 11 [5115151111111 551 1 11 151151111 31151 51 1 11161, 116 51 1 11111 »

115m11111 11115 311 -111m (531111 111111 1 85111 1 11115 1551

m5155 1 , 511 9131511 115115 551 1 1156 311 51 55, 511 9 15111 311511 1115. 21116 511 581111111151 1 111 1151111 311111 8 511 1 1511111 . 25

21111 231 15155555111 151115111 mit 51 551 1 6 615111 151111 51

1511. 21111 561 1511 151115111545511111 11115 51 1 515151 1 555

116 1111 6 111116111 . 3151 11111 feit 55111 11 11115 15 11161 311=

1 1111111111 11 , 551111 111 51116 5115 51111111 . 9256 111131 1 11351111 ,

2IboIf p rafd)

lichen fl inben bereite aIIee borbereitet. Neuefl idm

g dflaf. 21m Morgen neu geftiirft emadfi, ©timme faft

flat . Rouata balb ergiiblen, miefo es gefommen. Sbre

3 iibren r ffen, unb fie brat e meinenb hen 6 piegel . 59m

5 (Sfiefidfi non bet 6 0mm q trot gebrannt, bie {baare boll s

251m” fommen ergraut. 3c!) erholte mid) bulb, bie ?Ratur i eb

06) bie machineben maren fflrcbterlid). ?Iat

fur ERacbt bard) 3abre tam hie ttaumM SlBieberfebr

bee G rleggm SBebemmung bet ?Itmung, grfifil icbefi“ 16 V

m flugftfiéflfbl . Emu Iautem g ebrei erfolgte bus Gmacben.

Rein 9mm! bet flbmebr baIf, id) mar in ftetet flugft but

bem SBette nub hm hm QBaImfinn nabe. 92cm G in

hruda unb ?IIIbeiIer gait brachten Iangfam Eggilberung.?Iber beute nacf) faft breifiig S abren bin id) b

1 5 I raumfpufee nod) nicht ficher bum 28cflinfen im

}~ Qcw

fiber ?Befud) beim S eutuaut

iBonmum Ben;

(58 mat ?Ibenb;bet EUlonb ichien nicbt. mar 6 oms

met , nubmix firth in einem (Sinttm.

311 biefem (55at ten gebt Seawant Don ©turmfelb.gebt aidyt alIein.

SReben ibm fdneitet hie iunge unb fdyfine ?DZat ie, Smat ic 5

(Sdcfiia QBunnefmn; fo biefifie, QBmmefam.

Dtto hon ®tutmfelb mar es gelungen, ibt $ er3 anet chem, nod) batten fie fid) aidyt erfIdrt; abet er

mutate e6.

(51:mar ihre erfte Biebe, fie {cine breigebnte ober bier:

gebnte. 92cm, eigentlid) mar fie bod) feine crite.Rein Smttbcfm nod) batte er angebetet mic Marie (Stt

cilia;nubmenu ar bacbte, baf; er fie bieIIeicbt nidnheiratenwane, badfie er 311 gleicber 3eit mit baran, {id} cine faIteRage! bard) has ungIfidIicbe ©er3311 fdfiefm.

Db er es mirflicf) getan, has waif; id) nicht. 3wr

© tunbe fabod) mar es fain bitterer Gmft. battect es nut gefcbmoren, abet fewer nicht an feinen 6 6mm:


imarie fidd liaé 58am gebfirte nicht 311 hen am en Bansten. (Ex befaf; cine gabri f, ein ©au8 in bet ©tabt, einIbaué auf bem Banbe mit einem grofien $arf, berfcbiebene

q fipagen unbmeitpferbe S ebeé S abr machte er mit

Dhilipp S ens

feinet {Em ilie grofge mama. Small fBunte babet mob!annebmen, bat; SUtarie Q ficifia cinit cine gute M tgift an

zw arten batte einft? SD hoffte 8cutnanth

©turmfelb. G t fonnte®eI QBelcber Beutnant

5 ffinnte rein ®e braucben? sum, menu Emarie arm ge

mefenmic ein SBetteIfinb, er b&tte fie etft recfit gum EIBeibe


b. llnb hawQeumant hon ©turmfelb6 58am: batte 3a feinem ©obn

Ic gefagt: "8mm, fur beine Ratriere ift es um heften, bu

febl iigft bit hie grauengimmet mfiglicbft ans hem Ronfe.

bu abet einer $ erfon i116mes gefaIIen nubmumfieans heiraten, nun, bann fomme

311 mix amblftau

fenb I nlet finb nod) uhrig. ?Ibet id) bitte bid), mad)’

1 5 feine g dmlben baraufbin.

(636 ift immer gut, menu her 2172m ettnas ©e bat.

SDer aIte QBunnefam batte folcben imenfcben Iieber nu

einen, bet armmar. QBir iinb aIIe fo. SDa6 S amort gut?Bem ttblung mit einem


am en Beumant bdtte feinem20. I bétet cben Marie G dcilia bieIem ad eand) mob!mandje I riine gefoftet.W V

f ietatgm; bet aIteabet: nut , bat} Dttonub Swuria(«Sdcilia einanber Iich batten.

?(Ifo, bet Dffigier unb has iunge Emiibdnn gingen imw


as buffigen ffibIen ®arten, nub mas fie gufammen fpmdnn,ift gang getnfibnlicbeé 3umgemefen;meiftené abet i eben

fie ftumm.

Die ?tadfiigau, hie fie fur ein Siebespaar bieIt unb ibnen

aubfiten moIIte, meiI fie non hen Biebeéleuten bie fufien

Der Befud) beim Eeutnant

280m Iew t, bie fie bann 311 Qiebem in ibtermacbtigaflens w t m‘


fpradyeM arget te fid) abet biobeibcn, meil fie nichtéSBraucbbaree Don ibuen et lauiglzen fonnte. M 2 (

t N

ll nb ale fie mm Iange genug gegangen warm nub bet

Swmant {cine SDame mieber 3a bet flbrigen @efelIfd)aft 5

fuhren mufgte, on eicI) es {bnen fdfiner math, ibte {title

(bn iefigfeit an enhen nub hm hm (Sjfiften 311 tunmic gmei

getnfibnficbe $etfonen, hie eigentlid) gut nidfié ?tdberec

miteinanbet 311 {M benz ba gab er ibr ben erften

fiat} .

unbmubrenbfie 1106) 13011 {einer SBerfibrung bebte, fagte

er ibr: "imam (S&cilia! id) nam e bid) 1t ,bu‘. SDumirft

meine gran. Smorgen nachmittag bin id) mieber bier nub

© ia fagte nicbte. QBenigftene iebt fagte fie nicbte.

macbber, aw bet Baumant ?(bfdfieb nahm, um nad) bet

© tabt surfidgufabren, gab fie ibm ibt e sittembe 65mm, unbS eawant Dttomar fibergeugt, hiefe beiben QBorte befitans

ben an baben: "Romme ia!“

Dann lief fie fcbneII bon ibm‘ fort.

SDaG Banbbaufi, in meldmn Marie (Sdciliamobnte, Iaghon bet ®tabt gute gmei g unmen entfernt. Seawant

Dtto batte j ig borgenommen, gegen gmei ubr binauégw/Qu ( mreiten nub feinem iBurfcIJen beéwegen beteité 5846n g ; L;

gut SUtittagégeit in has fiajtfiio ram, 254

mo hie ®erren f iaiere bee megimenté fpeiften, fanb er( “ J

{cine Rametaben in einer gemifien ? q regung. 311 einer

©ruppe tretenb, fragte er, oh irgenb etmaé SBefonbeteé

Dhilipp Sens

paffiett fei, oh $ranfreid; hem SDeutfcfmt SReicf) bieIIeicIJtmieb


er einmal hen Q rieg erfiii tt babe

"main, ©eine G ggefleng, (55mm ! Don I butm, unfew0b v

“ i neuer Q orpéfommanbeur,M beute bieti il h unb um

M s


funf ift groin:M agma.‘Buurt funf, ®turmfelb, bier

A H im fiafinofl fitenftlig!“

gab ibm jemuah SBefcInib.

S it bae mimic!) mabt ? “

fagte Dtto non ®turmfelb


1441 t "imamholler (graft, berfetateMW 86)

l o macbe biefimal feinen 6 pm.

"3a, Baumant gmm felb, bet (fieneral fommt, hes

ftefigte hon ?Idwig, {bauptmann bet fiompagnie, betmeld)“ unfer Dtto ftebt. 68 ift S

‘Imen bod) boffentligu w recbt angenegm?

“ fragte er etmaé maligifié

"21567 611 bod) hen betbammten ©eneral bet I eufel

boIen! M113bean bet bumme Q erl gerabe beute fommen!“

rief Dtto Iaut, heftig mit hem guise aufftmnpfenb.

QIIIe mutben ii iII unb faben nad) ibm bin. Bu fpiit

errannte Dtto, mas er fe et eben far ein bummer S M!

20 gemefen.

"Bantam“; hon ©turmfelb, es tut mir Ieib, fagte

fiauptmann ?Idmig emit. S‘cf) muf; Sbnen fur biefe

r f morgen mittag (M g eien 6 k frat), me nicht nod)meitm unannebm

. w


;5 Iidfieiten entftebn. mien.

Jgenerwte fiber has (Sjefidn, ba te Dtto in [Lima


H ," bienftlicber ©auptmanne6 futae SRebe an.

1‘ M I, e er bann, machte febtt unb ging fort.

unten an I nt boIte ibn fain firearm, bet SIbius

8 1aq beim Sentnant

taut 8 11i tin, Iegte il7m bio553111111 auf hie 6 1511116 111111

meinte trfiftenb: "1011 bift 3111111 febr grob gemcfen;abet bit©acbe ift aidyt inmm ? ©auptma1111 Qldytgig founta

nicht anbere;abet er melbet bid;nicbt, bat er gefagt. 5911:

©efdfidne bleibt aIfo unter 11116. QBabrfcbeinIid; [dist er 5

bid;miebet balm, menu bet 6 1mm! bu ift. 911mm bid)

antiinffig abet in acht. ©ag’

, mas batteft bu bean eigents

lid) fur bente nadymittag nor

gab ibmDttoW t 2111111101 1, machte

fid) 11011 bem gramme [06 unb fcbritt fcbnelI feiner 5233o no

nung 311.

gang 11m m ®efcbicbte, gm bemflnfdfi! 2116 6 “

oh cine bfife geees geruhe fow wtte! ?Ibet es ift Amil:aIIeS gIeid). QBaé'

giltmit bet ©e11eral , mas ®tuben=

arreft, 111116 b’

1e IttngfteEnnimhigb—id) mufgfauMarie!“

1 5 1

6 0 fprad) 8cutna11t Dtto 11011 ©111m1felb, born 6 ohauffptingenb, aufmam er fid; gemoflen, nacbbem at 111

feiner QBobmmg angefommen mar, unb auf bem er bieI

Ieicbt cine baIbe 6 1mm gelegen batte.

"3d; foIIte fie gar nicht febn, fubr er fort, 11111 111d 20

1131311 ©d)fittm bin nub bet fpagmenb. n3‘

t febe id) fte

erft red)t, hie! [finger clé id) eigentlicbgewoll t, Iange, febrIange o, bumeine Marie!

631: rannte 11nd) bet 511111 , bffnete fie nub fdnie binaus

"1 6pm, I fipfet , I ii pfer! I fifi pfeeem ! 5180 25

ftedt bean bet Ra ! 111 aIIer (Sirofimutter Slamm!“G t

febrie basfelbe unb fibulicbes bieIIeidfi nod) ffinf ?minutenlung , bis bet 191111611111 1 ram nub, fo fteunbfid) ein ©au6

mitt nut 311 bitten vermag, bat, bet ©121 1:Beutmnu;misdfien

pbifip p 151 113

11011) 11111111 101161 11 8111 111 1 11 161 11 , 11101111 111 1 1151 11611111 1

, u ¢ 111111 1M 11b1111, 11111 31111 1 10 1 10111 (551obb1111 11 ,11111 1111 811111 1 111 111 11111 111 1 111111 11 111 111111 11 011111 11) 11

11111116 11 1 111111 , 1 1 61 1110111 11W 11 811111 1 111 11011)

5 11 11111 1161 11 .

11 (311 111111 11191111 1 1 111111 hinauf, 1111 x

11111516 1 111111 16 1 16 1111M e 11111 10111111 , 111 11 111111

1 5111116 (551111 111 1111 . SD11 811111 1 111 11 111111 1111116 1 1 1111111

1 1111 11, 16111111 1111) 111 1 11111 11111 1131 1111 111111 11 111111 1111 111 1 1

Ji o 511 1111 311111W ispfew 1111 11111 21111 11 111111, 1111fe w ®nlba fififlfiM o1 1bm 111b11 111111 111 . J

211111 , 1 16 16 10 111111 1111 1 , 1 11 11101 11 1 1 11111 311 11 1 111 11

"1 61111 1 , bu 111 11 1 1111111 ©11 u11111 11be1 11nob1 11 b11 1 1111 11131 ,

"11111111 1 111 111111 $DWW 1 111, 1 1 111 01 1153 1 11 5 01113111 651 1 11111 11111 1 11 1111115111111111111 2011111 1 .

11 1 15311 1111 81 1111 1 111 1111111 1 , 111111111 11 311

1 11111) 11111 111111 ©olb1 1111 111 1111 6 11151 3111 111111 1 1, "1 1111111 ,

mm; 1161 111 , 111 1; 111 6 1 1 1131 ©1 1 61 1111mm1n11 1111, 111 1111

[111 1 11111 111151 1101 , 111 11 bu 1 111 1111 11 $3011 1 1 11 111 11 [111

1 1111111, 1511 1 8111111 1 1 1, 111) 1111 1 1 111 1 1111 $011 .

311) babe31111 1 1 61 1 1101111. 59 1 1111 11 1111 111 1 11 1111516M1 111 .“

1 61111 1 11 1 beinahe 1111111111 1.

11 1 11 1111 811111 1 111 11 10111111 11151 11111111

111116 111111111 1111 1 1511 , obne 1111 11111111 2301 11 2111111 boIen

25 31 11111111 11 1 151111 1 , 11111111 bu 111111, [111 1 11011) 11111111

111116 111161 10 1111111111 ! 5811 1 1111 , 111 11 111 6 311 1 1 1 611011111lct

g anj g 111 1 151 111111 111 11 [11 111 b61 111

"31 , 111111 11 1111 11 1111111

(5111 b1ob1111>11 581111 1116 811 11 1 1116 11611111 1 1111

p hilipp ( ens

ift. Mebr farm man bod) non einer Q ueipe nicbt bet


I fipfer Iegte {id} nod) einen flugenblid auf bae ©ofa,ebe er bie Q affcemafcbine reinigte unb hie 6mmwither

5 rfiumte. iDie I fir hinter 6 am: mieber 3a betfcbliefsen,batte er nicbt fur nfltig gebalten abet cc bergeffen.

11mm an bet Sbmwtfir begcgneten ®afie 31nd f igiere.

fiber cine mar ein ©eneral , bet anbere mat ein pfigfifiitflmfiéigmacbte er $ront.

"QBobnt bier bet gen: Beutnant mm®turmfelb, main

Céobn rebate bet ®encraI ibn an.

"Bu 5Befebl !“


it bet fiber): Emmant nod) 311 fiaufe?‘ fragte bet

©eneral waiter.

yM:5 "311 5Befebl !

“antinortete bet fcffle te afiemieber.

,,S‘nmeldm: (Stage mobntmyG rfte (Stage, rechte!

6mm, id) banre, main 6 um. SDann nich e bet Q es

natal unb entlief; ben ©oIbaten. 311 feinem SBegIeiter

20manbte er fid) bann: ,,SlBoIIen 6 k {0 freunblid) fein, auf

mici) 311 marten.

,,SlBie (5m. (imam; befehlen, entgegncte bet 53cgleiter,

bie fianb an benW legenb.

©eneral non I burm ftieg bie I reppe binauf his in bie25 erfte (Stage, 30g bie RIingeI, brfidte, ale nicbt gleid) gebffnetmurbe, bie mints nieber, gelangte auf einen fleinen ?BDrg,

flur, podman cine I flr unb macbte biefelbe auf, obne

W fierein abaumarten. G il t ®eneral barf fid) bae mob!erIauben, menu

er in gemiffen fingelegenbeiten 311 einem

1m 0

p hi lipp S ens

S tonie; 3mm: fannte er hen flufibmd S tonie nicht, mob!abet benM

bitte um ?Intmort!

I fipfer f(bmieg.

5 ift eigentl id) gar nimt meinem ftreng mit

31mm 311 mam ; iebod) id) waif; mimic!) nicht,M 6 k henchmen {id} {0agfigfljg fonberbar, {0gang nub gar

nidyt, micman esmob! ematten ffinnte. ben tbabcn©ie

bean gar nidfie 311 fagen? Bangs balte id) mid) aid)t bei

S‘Imen auf.“

"S ch, ici), ftotterte I bpfer. (513mm, id), id) babe

bannmar’e mieber borhei mit bemmebeftrom.

fiber ®eneral ftampfte firgerlid) mit hem fiufie auf.

"9l tm, 6 h baben 81m acht S age, gleid) non feet ab.


1 5 S brm gnacbften EBorgefebten merbe id) SUZe ungmacbenm p


SDamit ging er, bot {id} binmurmelnb: ,,SDet SDIenfcb

nafit gangunb gar nicht gum f iaier.

fib er Beatnant, bet unten auf ban ©eneral gewartet,20munbette fid), hen Iebteren to {dwell mieberfommen an

febn;abet er fragte nidyt. G t merrtemobl , bah 6 a (Ex

gammaatgmfifimmt warm.

6 pm: abmbe, ale bent non I burm in bafi Rafino

gurfidfam, fudyte ct fogleid) $auptmamt Don ?Idmig auf25 unb erafibltc ibm: ,,S d) bin ebeu fc er bei hem BeumantDon ©turmfelb gemefen.

SDaG mar febr freunbl id) non (Em. G amma. nub id)boffe, ©ie baben Don bem iungcn f iaiet cine gute SUM:


fie: Ectady beim S cutnant

"G inagatemam a 8m©egentei l t ief bet Q meml .

,,G rbenabm fid) berjtodt im bficbftm®rabe, in bat; id) gar

feineQuit batte, mid) irgmbmie [finger bei ibm aufgubalten.

Rein 583011 fonnte id) ans ibm bm uebermnmm, rein

233011 , Sbm $auptmann! G e ift ibm nidneinmal cine 5

gefalIm, M) 311 enticbulbigm. 28cm fagen 6 k baguSDcr fiauptmann fagte, bat;cc ibn in bbdfitec (Efltaunm

fete, foldnfl ll rtq'

l bemebmen 311 mflfien. Hubwaiter fagte 6}er: "Bcutnant non ©turmfelb ift bet Siebl ing bee gamutmegimente, einmanta , offener, fmmblidyet iDZenfd), nut

gumei len etmaeheftig . 5la ein gates233011 nonmitt (3m.

M (EggeIIenagereglztetl ll nmiIIen b&mpjen hum, bin id) germnubmit bet grfifitm fireube bereit, cc fur ibnM


"6 ebn g it , Iicbcr fiauptmann! es ift ia gar nidytmeine‘ v

M gemdm, ben 8cutnant 311 Qgfimfim. 3d)moflte ibm 1 500051~

nut 3a ©emfite fuhren, but;man {cine 3unge im 3mm

batten mats. unb um fo weniger muIIte id) bie ©adye

J im gnfigfim, met! fiemir nut inbireft unb auf einemEIBegemitgeteilt murbe, mit hem einggfiggben 311 fein id)mei t entfemt bin. Main ©ott, ein iunger, feuriger 912mgibt feiner Statur cinmaInad) unb Iafit

’s bgrbogiprubeln, 5m ,


mie’c ibm umfl fibers ift. SZBet mficbte bae ein fi crbtecbcn

m um! Man mnabnt nub gibt gute314m: fiber 111W

ncbmenbg fi crftanbmacbt bann fdwn bus M en . 211m:

man ba langt freiee 5Befennen bet ©dmlb unb ein guteé 2534 -4

M 921111 , Baumant ®turmfelb ift110—QBgegen mid) gemefen, ftatt banfbar bafur 311 ELI?



fein, but; id) obne 23m in feinen cigenen bier ‘Bffibleu

mit ibm 311 fprecben tam. SDcBbaIb babe id) berm and)

p hi lipp seni “

v ita

7 21 , qw fi — r—fi

V W‘ nicht Iange nacbgefragt, meebalb ibm {0 bid baran Iagfbeute nachmittag frei 311 fain non ieber bienftlicben 5Be=

{9gcfi l lm febrfinfun unter 11116 gefagt, Iieber gm {balmsmam , er but {0um©emeine6 in feinen 3119en.

J H’ 5 fiber Q auptmannW ntefl ippe fiber hie Dbers

M fifw

fiwe' machte ein M W ©eiicbt, ale oh er fid) bic"

é 3mm: bee Beutmmte recbt W hat 211mm rufe nub“

meinte: mutate aidyt, G gaefieng.“

"921m, barauf fommt cc nicbt an. ib is bauptfiube ift,

,,t o but; at ubemfigggb, fdmeIImeine 6 nmpatbim 3a beg]gen

M W 1 391, genmfst bat. 6mm © ie amifdmt ibm nub hem

Maior ©todbein ift bod). aué) gemif; frfiber einmal etlnasborgefallen, bieIIeidyt gar etlnafi fibulicbeeZ

M(Ssgeflenamir cine offene ?IntmOtt

1 5 offen.

w » ? ,,fierr Maior non ©todbein ift ein etmeM M9m .


+4 14 03"

,,Eeutnant ©turmfelbmat gugthingfl einmaI etum nus

x_m gg ,

gegen ben gem Main

,,g eben 6 k , ba baben mir’e!“

8d) berfidme (Em. (Exaefieng, bat; cc cine gang harm

Iofe (SMcbicbte mar, megen bet niemann hem BeutnamLN °xf


"etmwfi gmgm batte, auegenommen

U25 ,,SDer ©611 3 9mmmoIIten 6 k fagen,

“bembete bet

(55mm, ale bet bauptmann nicbt waiter forud). icfifarm ibm nicbt bcIfen. (Er hut

’é mit nub


tfid) felber bie (écfmlbbeimefien,menu bie acht

I age ibm nicht gefafien. 1

Der Befud) be im S eutnant

"(mellma baben ©tubenatt eft fiber Ecumant bun

©tutmfelbgggbfinm fiber bauptmunn fdfien ccgp fricbs .

fig 311 bebguem.

mm , unb 3mm: cine SZBod)e. QBecbaIb geruhe

cine QBocbe, has beifst aIfo sieml id) Iange, mbgen 6 h {id} 5

non ibm {ether eradblen Iaffm. fbuc mar and) cine balbe

112W"8d; babe bereits bot getaumer seit hm ?Ibiutantm f m;

8 xxid) 311 Bantuant 6 hmnfelb gefcbidt. 6 k muffm iebcn

?Iugmblid bier fein. Hater foldnn llmftfinben mfirbm xp

(Egaefleng mob! nicht Ieiben, bat; er bae Rafino betritt.?Ber3eibm n efima, id) mbdfie © ie bitten, cc an admin

nubmil? 311 ggfigi tm, ben Beutnant nod) einmal i116 2m:

bat an nehmen. 36) bin fiberaeugt, es fpieIt bier irgenb

ein sufaumit. 918m l ©turmfelb fid) fo benahm, mic 1 5

(Em. (Emma; fcbilberten, muf; etlnae gang 5Befonbere6feinen fonft fo offenen nub Iiebmemfirbigen (Ebarafter

betfiubert baben. nub bieIIeicbt and), menu 65k ibn nod)

cinmaI bor fid) treten Iafien, erbaItenfi ie cine befiere JEWeimmg Don ibm.

"macbbem id) ibm ?Im ft gegeben, fann cv bier bod)nicht eridyeinen.

"253mm er birett geholtmirb

mun, meinettnegen. S it er ha, in fpredwn 6 k mit

ibm. Mfigficbcrmeife berfudy : id)’e and) nod) einmaImit 25

ibm, on eid) ici) nicht glaube, baf; id) main urteil dabemmerbe. fDa ffiIItmir nod) ein trinrt Seaman? 61mm

fe gumeilen ehnaémebr ale ibm gut ift?“

"mic!“ berfebte bet $auptniann entfdfieben. fin d ? “

p hilipp ( ens

3d) meinte nut . 36) fa!) cine grofseRoguafflafcbe leer

auf feinem I ifd) ftebn nub {cine ?Iugen warm gang um:

Wfiber gauntmann fcbflttelte ben Ropf unb mieberbolte

5 Beatnant ©turmfelb fei ein 202mm, bet beim I rinfen fiber

bae erlaubte imafsnie binaueginge.,,11m {0heifer, fagte bet ©eneral , nich e ?Idmig freunbs

l id) 311 nub begamt ein Q efprfid) mit hem Dbetften bee


bafi ift mieber maI gut gegangen,“

fagte I fipfer

311 fid), morauf er in Ianges SBefinnen berfiel , beffen (Enhe

abet ans nicbte anberem beftanb, ale baf; er gum 3c

mebcl gebn nubfid) gum ?It reftme enmuffs. G t fdmanfte

bfid tens, oh gum {trengen ober gummittleren 21m inbe~fdflof; abet, es barauf antommen 3a Iafi


en nubmittleren

e teft 311 mfiblen.

(El ? Iegte biem anteuniform ab nub trod) miebet in

J J {cine 58 11177dnamontugbinein. Sbann rdumte er bie©tube

V al) “ aufunb fdflid) enblid) nad) bet Enigma.

QBie ein armer ®flnber ftanb er bor bem fielbmebel ,nadybem er es ea id) fiber fid) gebracbt, an ben geffirdyteten SUZann binamutreten; er mufste cc ia mit bem

5Befehl since ®caerule ift nicht 311 fpafien.

SlBaBmoIIen © ie? “ fragte bet gelbmebel , ba er natur25 l id) nicbt ciufud) ans I fipfcre (Siefidfl: Iefen fonnte, macI fipfermolIte.

full mid) gum 21n d? welben.

9 c: Befud) beim S eutnant

"311m ?Irreft foIIen g it (id) melben? 6 0, W hat!)

bean? “

2M ! id) hen 5mm Emmant boa ©turmfelb {cinel lmform angegogen babe.


"ei W 912, but fteut mid), bafi 5” c

bu einmaI m’

mgfgflen bift. 3d) babe he hit Mon 24

Ringit pm has batte {cinemicbfigfgg 13a: M M ; w

W e! batte es iebem einaelnm bet gamut Rompagniem igftene bereite ein bubmbmal ptopbeaeit; bean bus

$ropbe3eienmat [cine iturre g ate. "92a, matte nut .“

$ 1: nahm I bpfer mit in bus Rompagniebureau y inuuf,um hie ?In efmtbre 311 fdmiben.

"251m fdyicrt bid) in ?Im ft?“ fragte er. ,,SDet 5m

fientmnt {ether bet bod)mob! nicbt.“

"g e. Quentin, 55m gelbmebel .

"253116 f(bmabt bu bu!“

,,6 e. (EgaeIIena mebt meif; id) nidfi.“

fib er gelbmebel M ate, er muffs nod) mebr miffen,nubbrachte bard) ?Infcbreien and) gIfidIig) aIIes cue I fipfet {win


"921111 geftelmCéie maI, but but 650mm! gefagt: ftrcngobet mittel .“

"(Sr bat nut fit teft gefagt.“

"S it menigftené cine ebrlidw ?Inttnort. 36) mi l! 6 k M ,

furs erfte in Emittelatreft bringen Iaffen, mirb mob! in 2 .

ricbtig fcin.

2mmmI bpfer traurig im finch. fat}, mfinfcbte er, bat;g affe bod)menigfteneand)mitW mmbm fainmfidyte. ,a z

f 1’

g affe abet wartete bet ‘Bingel mit ®cbmet3en auf {einen

p tfil ipp S ens

flamemben, bet {Inn berfprmfien, fur ibn 311 beaublen. flufbiefe ©offmmg bin batte g affe bereite gwai (Sjwfer mebr

getrunten, ale er begablen fonnte. 2116 er mmmblid) fort

mufite, erlebte cv cine bfife ®tunbe; bean bei $ ingel war

[2atArt entincber man berichtigte feine3eche abet man

murbe binauégelnorfen; kmW M ananut,

j mwfi '

f gab es nicbt beim alten $ ingel .“f" ? macbbem I fipfer fie!) cine 3:11.1a QBciIe barfibcr ge/00L .

tN‘ ftmtgert batte, bat;©affe nichtmit ibm gufammetdgmmm,

u 9 xc mutate, gg tjgfic er fid) in bie untetfcbiebe amifdmt bemfi enebmen z ines 65mm “ nub einee gelbmebele, fotneit

4 biefes 58mebmen hen Umgang mit einem gemeinen C601;

baten betrifft.k fl '

?Ibiutant fiufd) rief, er mart”:cbie t ilt eintreten. (Er

meinte bie 1 111: 311 jeines Rameraben Beatnant bun

6mm felb SlBobmmg. SDie LQIingeI batte ct {cbon ab


fDemw fdfien, ar babe mmgebulbet, mafi 3abuIben fei bun einem 8cutnant, unb machte fid), auf aIIe

20 (sjefabr bin, auf, waiteren ®ranbal 311 verbieten. be

fdflofs febr encrgifd) boraugebn.

,,6 ie babmmob! S hun ®cblfiffel bergefien, Sm? Beats

nant fmgte er, auf bet I reppe ftebn bIeibenb. fDaG

nannte cv energifd) borgebn.

QIbiutant 58q fat; fid) nad) ibm um.

5180Emmant non ®turmfelbmare?fib er Q auemittmufste es nidfi.

5830bee Ecumanté SBurfdyemut e?

gy m unb (i t at {duet 8mmufd) aufieinanber, M balb er bier fci

nubmobin Dttomit ibm fommen foIIe.

iebefioffmmg erfcbiipftmar, bat;I bpfet tame, fagte

fiber flex?! ift nod) auf hem SBierborfz“ nahm {cinem

8umfelber hen 6 am! nub Baq eug ab, jagte ibu in

hen ©taII nub gab ibm hen fdfledfien ?Rat, felhit fur fid)

311 forgea, er babe feine Bei t. Sbuc tat bet ©2111! benn

and). 21m nfidfiten 2020e mar bie fi tfigfi fi; leer, bet

OW auf ad)t I age fur gmei ‘Bfetbe W Mf

nub few er warm gmei ©taum mit fdmmtaigflBaffer, hie bet faul t I fipfer auflaugiefien bergeffen batte,auegetrunfen. fDicfe Seijtungeg baben hem fiudfi weitet

nidfié gefdmbet;er erfreute fid) eben feiner gefunben Ron:


©trablmb nor281mm. unb iugmbl icfier g dybnbeit trat

Dtto in M11 Rafinofaal . SDer ®eneral fat; ohm an einem

Iangen I ifdye, hen cine gang refpertable 211ml)! mm$Ia=

[dyen belaftete, (She bet finaptmann non ?Idwig ibn nod)

heifetteminrcn fonnte, f(britt Emmant non ©turmfelb aufhen ©eneral 311 . fiberrafét i eb er plbtalid) ftebn.

find) her ©eneral f(bien fibertafdyt, nubmm in nid fi

geringem (35rabe frcubig. Q t erhob {id} 13011 feinem®tuble

nub, ebe Dtto nod) feine Melbung aufifpredm formte,

fafite ar bee Beumante fianb, brfidte fie warm nub bub

father an: ,,G i , main Iieber iunger firearm! 211i0 id) babehie fibre unb bie grofie 8mm, in S‘Imen einen tapferen

Rm eraben fennen 3a Iemen. 2330maten Céie, bat; S ic

[o fpdt rommen. fi einube butte id) 6 h nimt gefebn;bean

fier Befud) beim S eutnant

in cine: ©tunbe gebt meinm at). QBet id) bin, metben

© iamob! bereits mifim. mun fagen 6 k mir aim and)

S‘Imn 91m m. fDamalG trenntenus baa©339 1 aufbem58abnbof {o fdmeII unb (fate f(bienen cc and) gefliffentl id)W 2


barauf g ym , mix: 311 entfcbmpfen, bat;mit feine 3cit 5 fl “

blieb, 6 k 3a fragm.

,,Dtto Don ©turmfelb, 8mtnant ufm.

,fl ie?“ fragte bet ®encral .

,,Dtto non ©turmfelb, Emmant ufm. ufm.

,fi ibt ee 3M ©turmfelb6 beimmegiment?“

,,Skurmid), (Egaeueng, 3a 8mm.

"mm: g it ? fiber: Q anptmatm non QIdwig, iit baa8a taunt Don ©tutmfelb, bet

"311 SBefebI, (553mm, bus ift 8mtnant non 6mmfe , bet entgegnete Sbmmtmamt hon Qldmig.

"2330mobnen 6 k berm, fientmmt

8mtnant Dtto nannte nub befcbrieb hie QBobmmg, mobet (Scum ! {bu befudfit batte. fiber ®eueral fdmttdte benRouf. Q t nabmDtto beifeite.

"g iub6 k her, her gefagt bat, bet I eufel toIIemid) bolen 2°

mfb 05 id) bummer 93mgeruhe beute fommenmttfie?“

"SBM babe id) 19m: gefagt, 613mm, nub menu 61:

scum;mit beraeibn fflnnen

"921m bannCM” SDann mi ll id) and)_Manna , mecbalb id) es gefugt 25

babe, (Ez geflena. 233mm(Essellengmi: betfprecben, es nicht

3a Den aten.

mi ll cc betfprednn. 523ml einem unhem (116 81mmItefie tcbmu:abet feme ?BebingungenM g } ,

p hi l ipp S ens

r/f,,SlBeiI id) bente nadymittag 11111 meine SBrautM


mute 11111 {dflecbter 6 11 11111, nm fljfl,bei 11111111

meinte $ 611 11011 I burm. ,,S‘a bie QBeiber, bie

5 5181115111 ! {13611111 ©ie mat, g it fagten bu eben 58mmift fic

’e benn geworben?“

Dtto fab 11m einen Moment mit blibenben 211191211 annub fagte bann frei nub offen:

"3a? 6 11: baben bod) gmbenan eft gehabt!“

"613 1113113, id) babe 11111:3mmeme 581 1111158 116 mare gar feine (E1111ebulbigung, behauptete bet

(35mm ! "518111111 id) 11116 311mm {bauptmunn mieber


Dtto ichien fid) wenig 6 01mbeebaIb 311 macbcn.

1 5 . 921111 fieI hem (si enna! ein, bat; er iemanb acht I age£4129 6mbe11atteft gegeben babe. (Sr bericbtete bus 911mm nub

befcbricb bie ‘Berf011 .

ift iebenfaIIG main 581111cbe gemefen, meinte Dttottoden.

”3111: 5811171116? Sb ic 31 1261111111 mare bod) aid)t 311 glau

ben! 921111, 1111 11 11 ficf) bie©acbe fo perbfijt with bat Mann

5J ieiner ftrengen ©11 afe nichtmtgegn fiber iatt 3t

{111 11 111 bet ©eneral cine SIBeiIe tang febr emit mit hem

8cutnant, unb bet 821111111111 bfirte ibm icht emit 311; bann

émarb nod) bet bauptmann gerufen. fiber Q auptmmm


it“ fcffien bie ©acbe fab: milbe atM niM enn bet ©enet al

f(bfitteltc 311 feinen EDIeinungen betfcbiebene Male hen

Q opf. Gia id) gaben bie brei {id} bie ©utth 111111 macbtm

febr bergnugte 65411111111 .

Der Befudy beim 51 11111 11 11 1

"21110, $ 11 1 811111111111, 16 10111 11111 6 116 11131 1 111 11161

f0 {11 1113 3111111111 111111111 11111 6 1 . 6131 11111361 1111111

{3311 1111 6311011031111 0011 2161313, ,W“

,,S a, 1011f {11311 11 116 1111 6 1111 1 111. "911111, 16 {011

811111 11 011 3111111 f1111; 111111 1111111111 6 11 3111 1 (3511111 11111 111611011111 1 11111111111 11 1 1 11 . 6 11 31f1111111 11111 11111 131116 3116312,

31161111, 6 01111131111 {3111311 1 f1111 , 1011 6 11 1111111“

£3110 11111311 11111111 111111 6 111111 111 1311113 11111111111 111111 111111

0111 0011 f111111 581 11111 1 1311111111. (56 10111 111 1 161

11111 9 111111011161 .

911111 £ 11111. 6 1 . 6131111 113 11111 1106 111116: 1011 111 1

217111116 1011 1 , 111 11 1 1 1111 111 11 811111111111 3166 11 11 . 918111

8 110 311113 11611111111 1 1 1 11111 11 , 16 f11 f1111 1111111 I flpfer

31106111 , f010111 111 11116 I fipfer 31f61111.

$ 1 1 211111611111 1 I bpfer befinbet 116 1111 211 1 111, 111 11=

111 11 1111 11 11311611111 $111m1 16, 11a6b1111 1 1 10111111 311111d=

31 10mme11 , 310111 f011 1 1 , 1011 111 1 311111011111 11111111111 ,0011 6 111. (5131111 113111111 1 1161 $ 1131 11 116 11 11 111111111, 10111 1 1

116 11111 Dffi3111 611111f01 111 6 131303111

2116 1111 (591111 16 biefe 111111111 01 1 111111111 , 1001111 1 1 001

81161 11 111 1 11111, 111111 111111116 31113 16 111 111 63110111131111 . 111111

111111 11111f 111616 1111111 , 111111 1 131011113 11 116 0011 53110 (Srs

11111111116, 1111 3111131 (591161611 311 1 1311111111 . 6 0161111 1111111

1111111 116 1111 111111110131131 11161 11111111111 1,M 0161

1011111 1111 (51111116 bamar;11111 11 111 65131111011 1 1 111111 1 1611 1 1 11

lJ/fib‘ ”

16 3110111111116 1 110116 1111

111111 11111111 1011 11116 1111 6 1161 111111 113111, 1111111111 1011and) 311111111, bat} fie

21111 1111611111 1 113 f i311 1 1 1106

$Di c fl at t enmi cbcr23m: Q


ermine I mmune:

66 gab auf bet Smelt teine fcbmeigfamem 8amale

baa (Ebepaat 6®mflnleim SlBet hie beiben bee 6 01mm:

motgene mit bet ibnm angebomm fictbt iefilidyfeit not

her ©au6tflte itchen fab, mic fie in hen Q afen, her an

ihren {ffifim lag, ftatrtm, itunbmhmg, obne baf; cc

ibncn einfiel , itgenb etmae, was in biefer i BeIt bot fid)

ging, 3a bcfprecben nhet 311 beltidnln, bet bacbte gemifiabet allee unbre ale: "2111 hem (Shepaat tuna man fid; ein

fi dfpiel nehmen.

?Ibet ©®mflnlein6 warm and) nicht hie Reute, hie man

{My bee 6 mmtage aufiudym mufite. 2111 biefem Euge

mufitm fie in bet I nt nidnhas geringfte mit fid) (mans

fangen. ib es madymittage ging bet 9mmin cine 523ier=

fdymte nub ram gemfibnl id; hes l mbe angetmnfen nad)

éaufe. 2111 ben SlBodyentagen abet boten bie Saute einen

gang unhem flubl id.

“Der Smann mat Safttrfiger; er

ftanb in ?Itbeit bet einem ?Baubetm nub Iub hen gauacu

Stag S iegcl iteine ans ben iBooten, hie in km éafeu ein

l iefen, nub fubr hie Qabung ans Saab. fib reifiig S abre

fdwn trieb er biefeé©efdmft, unb gerabe in lung and) ftanbfein 28cmauf ihrem iSoftm.

“Due beifit, fie baIf ibm hie

S iege! in ban Ram a fem nub ging baun binterbet nub

fdmbbcn SRannmit aIIer Rraft fiber bus SBtett 311mufet .63

Qermine Dillinger

S umter maren ihre beiben {baube auf feinemmum , nub

fo Iebten nub fcboben fiemiteinanber unb batten fid) meis

ter nicbte 311 fagen. SDaf; bet imam immer hen gIeidmtmfibfeligen ‘Boitea innehatte, lag an bet éémetfull igfeit

5 feines fi etftanbee; fo' mic er angefangen, fo maste es

meitergebn. (Sir ftanb bu, h aste fid) hinter hen Dbren

nub herIor aIIe gaffung, menu einmal im (bjefcbaft etmaé

anbete ging ale aIIe I nge. unb hie gran mat and) gas

frieben mit ihrem©efcbid. SDaé é dfiebmmar ibr in 3m:

10 smeitenmatur geworben, bat; fie fogar ben angemmtenen(édymunlein bee 6 0nntagabe1ib6 hie I remwe hinauf inbie fbacbfammer fcbob, mas biefet gar nicht bemet tte.

Q uiz fiemit bet 3cit gang trumm gemorben mat , met fte

bet 912mm and) nicht, nub fie fIagte nie. 6 h buftete nut ,1 5 fie! 311iammen, tam um ibre S haft, unb cince I ageé fcbob

fie ihren QIItcn gum Iebtenmal , Iegte fid; i116 5Bett unb

ftarb geruhe inma, mic fie geIebt.©dmatinlein begrub bie fitu , at finah an ihrem ®rabe,

fcbaute hinein, febfittelte hen Q opi nub ging beim.

20 um ein g cantag, nub er ging i116 QBirtebauG , tranf nicht

mebr nubnicht weniger umaIIe Euge nub f(blief bie gauge

? ladfi. 21m anbem I ug begab er fid) gebanfenloe micimmer 3am ©afen nub begann [cine flrbeit.

“Die S iege!

maten aufgelaben, mit einem uff itief; er mit feinem

25 flatten ab. SDa nlbtaficb i eb er itchen, lief; hen flat ten

finten nub fubr fie!) mit bet gauft nae!) bem S‘taden. 5180

wat er: fie, hie treuen édnbe, hie in lung unb feit auffeinemmuden gembt? 59m:202mmftatrte ins Qfiafiet ,

fcbfittelte ben Q opi nub nahm hen flat tenmiebet auf. 66

66 fyermine Dill inger

moflt’ ich’e hem ©erm gefagt baben, but} man mid) 311

meiner 2mm Iegm foII cc ift nut in cine bumme


"(91mgut, 6 ®mflnleinfl ricf bet Qiauberr, ,,ee fol!

5 gefcfieben, mic S‘

br fagt, abet es bat S eit bamit, filter,

id) 2mm(End) and;gut btuucben.

SDaraufbin murbe 6®mflnlein miebet rubig nub ans

frieben, Mob nod) ein mar 28o feinen Rat tan, bis

es pIfitaIid; mit feiner Rraft 311 G abe mar. G in paar

manner trugen hen G infamen i116 é pital . 2116 fein Ices

tee ®tflnblein ichlug, Iae ibm cine bam betgige g cbmeftetcue einem frommen 28min nor, in mec em bet QBeg 3111:

Gi lnigteit befcbriebm mat , lung, fteiI nub ungebeuet

bcftbmet l id).

fiber 6 dmfinlein [Mate ftiIIbetgnfigt nor fid) bin. 65:

tam ia 311 feiner QIIten, ba tonnte bet SlBeg feinetbalben

fain, mic er mute. 6 am fteifen {finger betfudyten nod)

einmaI, ban S‘tfidm 311 en eitfien. an, sun, an:


fptad) er Ieife unb berfcbieb.

G in t’

flmi fdyeé fi benteuet

S on Q abt i etc 9 mm

Db er fie mieberfebm mfirbe? Db fi e ibm and) bit

flBabtbeit gefagt batte, ale fie ibm bit ®tmfge nub baa

bans m ute, mo fie mobnte? iDiefe l’Iaffifdnmutants

Iicbteit, mit bet fie ibn anfforberte, fie 3a befncbm! (Eat

afidmb! bafi cc {0 etnmé bod) gab bafs er SRom 5

nidyt bet laffm iolIte, obne fie gefunben 31x baben bie

?Rfimet in, bet ©efd)id)te nub 33mmeinen unbememidnnBotheerfmna um bie fdymargen {Elednm unb bie ebIe

g fim gemunben fDaé rflmifcbe Mdbdmt, bun betaIIe beutfcbm nub aIIe englifcfien iungen manner 311traumen beginnen, fobalb auf bie ewige € >tabt hiemebetaut imes gtofiat tige, emite, gewaltig fdyflne, bom ffib

Iicbcn 6 01111m gebriiunte nub butcbgwbte QBeib

SDer 65mm nub fein 8mm, batten in biefen hieraebn

Eugen hue fiBoIfGIeben auf bm ?SIfitaen, bie afiftoftatifdn©efeIIfdmft anf hem £ 0110, in and) bie SBettIereden

aufhenRirtfientreppen eigentl id) nut nad) ,,ibr burdyforfcbt

nub warm febon flbereingetommen, bat} bie

mic fie fie m nten, ein $umbug ober cine Mantafie

flberreiatet Rfinfflet fei .

SDet G ame I&cbelte but {id} bin. I t iumpbl— Qcmurbe

ibm f(inner, hem gteunbe nicht 3a erattblen, baf; er, bet

65mm, ihrem Shea! mblicbbod) Ieibbaftig begegnet mar!67

68 G abrie le Renter

fiBwber batten fie aIIeG geteilt ibrm 30m abet banfalten mebel , her fie in 930m empfing ihre G uttlin,

fdnmg beim QImid bet breiten mobemen 6 ttafienunb bie Sangemeile, bie fie bei bet 58cficbtigung butt

5 ungebeuet unbequem angebracbten SDédengemttlbm unb

fcbmutaigen EDZarrnortorfoé empfqnbm, gemeinfam and)

batten fie abenbe in ibret febt befcbeibenen ital icnifcbm‘Benfion ©oetbe6 rfimifme (Elegim geIefen.

®cit brei Eugen abet um hm ©rauen bie G rtemttnis

aufgebttmmert, bat; es G enflife gab, benen man heifer

einfam fid) nfiberte.

G in baIbeG é tfinbcfnn nut batten fie borgeftem fid'


getrennt bet {Ereunb aim; in einen S umel ierlaben,6 d7mud fur [cine 6 d)meftem 3a faufen, bet ©raue trat

bemeil in cine nabe Rircbe teine non hen gang hes

rahmten, mo hie fireman unruhig bin unb bet Iaufen

nub gaffen. 66 mar totenftiII in hem but ch hie gemalten

fimfter tief unb goIbig belemfiteten é cbiff. 58m in3elte

58cm: fnieten auf ben EDZarmorftufen, aIte QBeibcben, bie

inmom in bfifsl id) finbmic anberemo and), nub fiurger

frauen mit fi inbem an bet $anb. {fem in einer ?(Itar

nifcbe glommen Rergen, bort bewegte (id) ein ‘Briefter mit

einem (i borfnaben, fain ®emurmel burd tang bie g fifle

mic has ®emurmel eineé fiBacbee.

Q taufgen mebte bet g cbirotfo; fdflaft ig Iebnte bet

®raue gegen cine 6mm. ©cblant unb elegant mat {cine

(Sj eftalt unb machte fid; gut ba mit bet trfiumerifcben

éaltung, in bem Iangm, bellgtauen fibetaiebet nub hem

meicbeu gtofien {silgbut hon bet gleichen fiarbe. fDiefet

f in rémifdyes Z lbenteuet

2111q unb fiberbaupt fcine iBofliebe fur 3am, gebfimpfte

fi ne in feiner Rleibung mic in feinem 28cm, batten

ibm bei feinen $ erbinbungebtubem hm 6 pit§namen ,,bet

Qmue“eingetragen, fonft biefier ©erbarb.

21116 feinem ©inhfimmem murbe er mit einem ®dflage 5

mad) abet febr mad) ale er ein Mdbdnn non hem

?Bei tfitftubl , bot hem fie getniet, fie!) etbeben nub an fid)borfibetfmeiten fab. fiimmel biefer G ang biefet

gelaffene © iegerf®ritt nub bier in bet Rircbe, Don

bet Qiaicbte fommenb in bet pracbtboflen mational s m

trai t, hie man {0 felten nod) fab bus meifse I nd;mit

filbemm mabeln auf bem berrfidxn Ropf gehalten

nub bu fudyte ?Imolb, her arm Q erl , britben and) 65m

men mit febfinen ‘Brofilen!

?IlIeG aIIee batte fo etlnaé Inpifcbes (Sin 1 5

blonbet SDeutfcber, bet ibr folgt, fie beim SIBeibmaffet

fefiel antebet SDer ©raue ram fid) gar nicht bot , mic

er felhit, mic ein stud. jur . ans ERoftod ct mat cine

Iebmbig gamutbene momanfigur ans ‘Bau! fiegice ms

beIIen, ans ERicbarb Qiofz’italimifcben I rfiumen.

fDaB eritemaI gleid) wagte er bod) nidnaIIgu ftflrmifd)boraugebem Mien ibm aubrifiglid). mar nod;

febr iung unb mufste gemifi'

ermafien [cine eigene blonbe,bomebms teferbierte Statur fiberminben.

er has 9166m um nddfiten I nge 3m: felben 25

©tunbe in berfelben Rimbe mieberttaf unb mit ibt

but ché ‘Bortal febritt, 311 plaubem beriucbenb, unb fie in

feinem atmfel igen S tal ienifd; nae!) ihrem SIBege fragenb,z tfcbfltterte cB ibn beinah, ale fie ibm fo unbefangen

70 G abriele Renter

antmortete: oh er ibt nicht hie (Elm geben moll te, fie


(56 mar nut Miner, 2111 10113 abauIenfen. 55mm betneugierig mutbe, btitte ct hie ©efcbidyte Iieber gIeid) gum

5 aufgegeben. SDet ©raue rebete babel: {einem {fmmbe

Iebbaft 311, hen (55mmRielmannéegg 3a befucben, bet

ibnen G intrittetarten gut iSonfifi faImeffe in bet ‘Betetc

fitdy: berfprocben batte, esmar bie bfidyfte S eit, fid) bamm

an bemfiben. G r felhit battemiebet mafilofeRopficbmergen

m bei hem féeufilitfien ®dfitoffo tonnte unmbgficf; mit

unb hen {tartan SZ ee bet ©rfifin trinfen ct moflte einbificben an bie Suft in hen é tmfim bummeln.

iDie grofie, boltreidye 6mmnahm hen Q raum bet

betgenb auf nub Ieitete ibn bard; etbabene St rummer unb

1 5 gerabe 6 trat'

3en, bard; frumme Gjaifen, an ragenben

31mmfen unb pItitftfiembm SBrunnen bomber, 311 mmberboIIftem ®ebeimni6 3a entafidenbem G rleben.

(i t bacbte fid) cine fiutte in einem bemilberten ©arten,non S inonenbfiumen nub SIBeinranfen bie Mutter an

20 her 1 111: Iebnenb, hm {fladwwodm im 21m , bie 6 1mm!auf bet ©dmeIIe tangenb (Sj iottannamit grofzen 211mmibm entgegenblidenb. fi iel leicbt mat hie imutter and) aneinermacbbat in gegangen

fiber bet ©raue tam immer tiefet in hie é tabt. Stein

25 fie mobnte nicbt in einet non aerbofltenen Q apitfilen

geftfitaten éfitte, fonbem in einem bteiftbdigen SUl ietés

bane fibnlid), mic {cine QBafd rau in iRoftod.

(Sin fleineé ?w cben, has an einem 6 6k ! Malone

nagte, mice ibm auf [cine berIegene gtage hen 5l8m, bie

(Ein témifdpes Xbenteuct

Eteppe hinauf. ©ie lief neben ibm bet , ftarrte ibn an

nub bit; babei tapfer in has gmétfmd, beffcn 6 mii):an hen mtunbmmfeln beta!) auf bus Q leib mit hem bet s

fdflifienen g m teinfas lief. 13mmt if; fie cine I ii: auf,

fdn'ie geIIenb cums nnberftunblidyea bindn, nub Q ios

banna erfdfien bod) unb ftolanor hem ©tubenten. ©te

mar erfreut, ibn 311 febea, nahm iimbet be: 5m!) unb

ffibrte ibn bard) einen buntIen glut . (Er bctfudyte hie

gflnffige ©elegenbeit ausgubeutm nub ibt hen 21m um

hie fl ame 3a Iegen, bod) angleid; bemcrfte er mit unbcshogan, but} has imdbdmt mit bet SDIeIone ebcnfallé bidytan feiner 6 cite mar, nub fo betgidytete er borlfiufig aufbiefe etfte fibulbigung.

SD“ S immer, in has Mom ma ibn 30g, mat grofi,nicht ig nub fcbmusig, hon Roblenbunft, Bmiebel s nub

{fettbampf bIfiuIid; angefii llt. Slut einem 6 oh 0011

gmeifelbafter {fame lag ein 202mm in einem moIImen

©emb unb fdflief. (Er murbe sewedi , tam herbei nub

begtflfite hen (Suit feiner I odfier mit gtofier ERebegc?

manbtbeit, flopfte hen 65mm! auf hie 6 6mm: nub

nannte ibn mio illustre amico. (i t mar untafiert

nub trug Dbrringc. i bie SDluttet intimate mifotto aufbcm SDteifuf;mit bem Roblenbeden, has mitten in hem

fonft Ieerenmama ftanb.®i0banna bob ein auf hem g tfinfufiboben herums

triecfienbee Rinb auf nub hielt es ©athath freubeftrablenb


"S it er nicht ein 311ml , bet SBambino?

mat etwae unbeftimmtemBacheln blidte bet 65mm bus

72 G abri ele Renter

{chime Mabdyen an, ex:mufite nicht recbt, mas er babon

baIten fume. 3qngenfertig ermine hie SUhtttet : fiemut enicht mebr tedfi gut auf hen gfifzen, {cit baB Rleinfte ge

rommen helm brei 6 M ! Itigen febon auf hemmahbof5 ba bdtte ©iobanna fid; bee $ rfibmben6 angenommenmic cine richtige émutter nub fie mare inert, in bet

Sottet ie 311 gewinnen, bae golbne fl int) .

G igentlid; war has bod) teigenb, bacbte ©erbarb nub

bettacfitete has EDlttbcben mit bem Rinbe in feItfamet

m ?Riibrung. 3a, ba fab ct mm in ein iBorbiIb 31: ben

Enabmmen bee ?RaffaeI! QBie fie ben 58ambino an hen

gbttlid) garnfilbten SBufen brttcrte, bamber binaufi, mit

ihrem mficbtigen bunflen ?lu’

genpaat emit unb tief in bie518m fcbauenb es ram fiber ban bentfcben ©tubenten

1 5 etmaemic ?Inbacbt.

unb aIG aIIe fid) nun um ben“Dreifut


;mit hem Rowenbeden Iagerten, hie ERifottofcbfiffeI amifwen fid), nub er

aufgeforbert murbe, teiIgunebmen ia, tour bus nicht

anti! naib biefe ffiftlicbe unbefflmmertbéit um feine20 Qiagenmart? 6 1: tat mit er tat mimic!) mit, bet(55mm menu and) etmae gagbaft, bean aIIe bie gingetnub fiolglfifiet, bie in hen bligen ?Reie tambten, war mnicht barber gelnafcben nub es gab im ‘Buntte bet

6 aubetteit feinen peinIicbeten Smenfcben 4116 ben ®rauen.

25 G in bificben gabl teid) fteilid) warm ©i0banna6 ?Inge

bfifige baa batte er fid) nicht in gebacbt ?Iber mm

fat) er in and) gIeid) hinein in has intime flamilienleben

bee ital ienifdyen iBoIfee, unb bus mat nicht 311 autet

fdflitaen. fibrigene gefeIIte fit!) and; ein ®nft 311 her all

74 G abriele Renter

banna mlingte fogar hem ?m ino ein firfifirotefl Q leib'

dwt an unbmacbte cine SBemerhmgmegen bet aerriffmmg fiefelettdxn {brat fleinen é dmaefter nebenan gfibe estdaenbe 3a {dufen Q erbarb murbe gun; hermitrt

5 unter ben ei ligen nub ungenierten SBorbereitungen.

3a moIItm bean hie aIIe

(«Er em anate fid), ©iobanna auguffllftem, oh fie nicht

mehr ©paf; batten, menu fie beibe bus t heater alIein be

fucben mfirbén. fiber ba tam cv {cbbn cu. QBoffir er

fie baIte? 6 k mate ein braves Mfibcben, fie ginge nicht

obne ihre {gammain hie Dper menu ct hue etton gIaube,{bane er nut macben, bat; er fortffime ‘Bracbtboll

glfibten ihre fémargen ?Iugen, ibr bronaenee ©efid)t inbiefem S omesauqbrud). ©erbarb murbe fie!) aufé neue

mit cine: atemlofen é pammng bemufit, bat; ct nod) nie

ein fo fcbfineé SIBeib gefeben babe.11111) in tamen fie bean aIIemit: bet 58am, hiemutter,

has e ine g émeftermn unb bet 5Bambino. i ber gtof;tarierte fim i lienfreunb fdflug bienfteifrig hie I ii: bee

QBagene an nub fdJmang fie!) aufban iBod neben hen RatsQBdbtenbman aueftieg, batte erMon hie SBilletts


SDer ( mane fanb fie!) 311 feinem 6mm in einemt iefengrofim, eIeftrifd) etbeIItm t heater in bet hotbet ften

?Reibeeinet eleganten Boge. Sieben ibn fetate fid) G iovanna,prangenb in ihrem roten SUtieber, ihren fi lbemen Q etten

nub meifien I fldnm bus ©dmmdftfid unb gluebdnges

[dyi lb bet fiamil ie. {Steubig aifcbelnb unb richembnahmenibte flugebbrigen tinge um fie [1617Wat}. 13a:Rarierte

(f in rémifdyes ubenteuet

et flfirte: geruhe unter ibnm fei bie Sage bee Rflnige nub to

[liken fie recbt in hermum.

(Si erbm‘b fat) fitb


um, oh er nidfiim $ intcrgrunbe [tebcn

wane. SDet meifelbafte 8ami lienfreunb batte ibm fdwnborbin fein ‘Bortemonnaie entrifien, um hie 211161a 31:

beftt eiten. G r mifiberftanb©erbatb6 unmbige ?Bemegungunb reichte fiber hiemmbet anbet en einen I beatcraettel

nub ein 6 cbfildy n Gris fur bie©ignorina.

Q etbatb begann nachaureénen, michiel ibn bet heutige

2!m toften mutbe. Sbic ERubrif ,,Gmaw sgabm“war

in feinem 580131111(blag bet ?Reifefoften etloaé fdymal be

w eifen. Hub 21131011) ffibrte bie gemeinfame Rafie mic

iolIte er berm hem et fltiren

Q iobanna battemabt enb bet Dubertfire bem fim ino

has 5mcbtei6 eingewffelt. S tgmbmie mochte hem fleinen58mm! bie 2& 1:a nicht behagen, et began an miauen

mic ein fifibcben. ©etbarb nahm feine ubr [mane nub

lief; ibn bamit iniclen. 2mmmutbe in kmmacbbat logenaufmerffam, bum crften ?Rang bfidte man bemuf. Eat}

Q iobmma and) [o fdwn mar!“Der 6mm empfanh ein

®maiid) non @d)am nub G tola.

SIBie angenehm, but} id) bod) febl iefilid) gumfremb bierbin, badfie er nub entbedte in bemfelben Qlugenblid bie

Q tfifin Rielmannéegg, neben ibr feinen {mantal olb.

fi mmfifcbeWitter! Db bie ©t iifin ibn miebererfannte?

fi migftmfi mar ?Imolb furaficbtig! fiber freilid), menu

er has Dpemglae richtig fteIIte

fb et ?m ino fing an anmeinen. (Sjiobanna fdmufelteibn in ihren 21mm nub fufite ibn.

“Der 6mm fabmit

76 fi abriele Renter

drgerl icbem ?Ieibe an. 2q her SBfiIJne begann {namifcbencine ®fingerin, bie mit pbrenetifcbem iBeifaII bom $ l zw

rum begt ilfztmutbe, cine gtofie21t h.

Wt!“t iefman bem SBambino311, bet immet Iautet

5 fcbrie. ©etbarb befam Ropfidymeraen, ale foIIe ibm bet

6mm! ipt ingen. SDa fegte ©iobanna mit ihrer antifen

unbefangenbeit bus btnIIenbe, ftrampelnbe Q inb ciufud)auf {cine fiuie nub forberte ibn auf, eiu wenig 6mmmithemRIeinen 311 treiben.

65“ b mat to entfebt, but;91:fid) nicbt einmal mebrte.

i biefdybnemiimet in Iacbte IacbtebatmIoG . SDcr®ignor

ffibe fo tomifd) ans mit hem Q iube! 51a ct nut mfifgte,mic tomifd) er auéfdbe.SDer im ino acterte mic cine butchbringenbe I rom

1 5 pete. nub aIIe Rbpfe t edten fid) bot , aIIet QIugen, bun

berte non Dpemgwfem ricbteten fie!) auf ban ©rauen.

©inter ibm aanfte her Bogenfcbliefiet mit hem Rarierten.

8acben, S ifdmt, unmiIIige ?Rufe, ‘Bfeifen unb S obIen

baIIte bie SReiben mtlang, baIIte harem‘Barfett nub hie

20 ©alerie hinauf ein unbefcfireiblicbet Bdrm etfflIIte bus

t heater. Sbic g anget in unterbtad) ihre21th

fDa fanb (Eberharb es an bet S eit, fein rfimifdyee

?Ibenteuet 311 [beenbem Emit pIfitaIid) m acbmbet (Energie

mart er hen tIeinen Miffetater bet afirtlicben 6 dm>efter25 auf ben G cbofg, btungte fid) amifcben SBater unbmutterbard) nub ent oI) mu: binaué in hie fDunte cit

nut fort! Morgen mit bem frubften mofite er fortans bet é tabtfaué S talim, bamit hie fcbbne ®iobanna

nicht bieIIeicbt nad) ©elegenbett fudye,mm fain sBut tes

(Ein témifcbes Hbenteuet 77

monnai e aueaubfinbigm. Sl eufel hie urn batte er and)mtgefi



"©eut mat ma!miebet ein ed)t ital ienifdm:®fanbal inbet Dpet , etadblte l olb, ale ct beimfam, hem (S haman,

bet fcbon im SBett lag, mit hem (Sididnnad) bet 28mm."G in Q inb, busman betrfidtemeife ins t heater genommen

batte, fing an 311 fcbteien. marubet tagten fid) biz Qeuteunmtifsig auf. 86) babe nicht etgrttnben fbnnen, was in

I&cbet licban bet (acidicbtemar, id) batte main Dpemglae


(Sj ott feimun bacbte bet (3mm unb tat, ale fcbliefe ct


(Si bbe 28am? 3 t ma$ 011 $ an6 gr i ebt i dy 58mm!

I bice Emmet , bet fl attenarbeitet , padte Iungtum

13mmunb 2m311iammen, hing hie biden, gelbgefmltmMable, hie er non ha:e beit fibfigbebalten batte, nhet hie®dmltem unb fab nod) einmaI prufenb nhet hie aneges

s befierten iBubnen, hie in bunflen 6 nei'

fen meit fiber hen

gtaubtaunen 6 dflid Iiefen. SDann bolte er bebficbtig feine

fumeWeife ans bet modtafcbe, ftopfte fie, t it; ein 6mm!)bolaan unb fab einen Qlugenblid aufmerl

‘fam in hie bell

auffladembe 81m m in feiner boblen snub. 2116 hie

QSfeife brannte, manbte er fid) unb ftampftemit fdmeren

®cbritten burcbe QBatt hem Smith 311, bet fem mic cineIange bunfle QBeIIe nor hem Barth lag.

580m 5mm , has in grauen ©tricben fem unter bet

Rimmung Iauerte, mebten burftige grubl ingebfien, barbnod), bod) Ienafrobunb iungmic flfigge Sfifimm.

I bice Smaller ffiblte hen fettfamen QBinb, bet fo warmum {cine 6mm itt icf), unb Ieite ffiblte er fein SBIut, huein {cbrneren ®trfimen aufftieg nub in hen 6 dfllifen pochte

unb hammet te. unb I biee Emmet [mmunb munberte

fit!) fiber bie Embroen, hie milh nub gel! fiber hen QBatten

h eiften, ate ffinnten fie nicht ruben nor hem mum 88113

unbmunberten fid) fiber hen QBinb unb feine numbe.CSt bob hen Q opf unb ftarrte bod) in hen $ immel, (118


fibbe IDq s 31mg

fucbte er hm feltfamen ©ei ft, bet ibn erfflIIte, nubmfifste

ibn feben nub greifen tfinnen; abet ba fubten um M ike

QBoIteti autet gtauen fifingen. Sb ic maten mic fpielenbe

Rinbet , unb bet QBeft pfiff fein t auglich baau. 13amarfbet mam hie $ fable non ha: ©dmlter, blieb itchen nub

t eerte {id} auf, alemolIte er hem {Binb brohm. fiber bet

fpottete nut , roarf Iofen 6 um) unb ®eemooe fiber {cine

gfifie nub griff ibm butd) hie 9mm, bis I bice smallernacbbenflid) hen Rouf icbfittdte unb gebficrt fiber hie game

G infibe fcbaute.

G in einfamer, berfotmenet 502mmmar bet Ql tbeitet .

fiinfam mic fein 583mmitten in bet braunen, unmblicbenQBeite. G in pant gifcberfraum, bie mit ibt en boben

Q iepen mntgene um $riel entlangmanberten, unb hie

28am, hie taqlid) ftiegen nub fi elen, maren {cine eingigen

? lacbbam geblieben. 6m! nub in fie!) gefebrt nub bod)boII beimficbem ®tutmen unb 6 13mm Iebtc er babin,gmbeIte ar fiber busmeite 28a“ , {cine SBtanbung nub feine


I bies mallet fdmt auf. i8om i3m! roar ein belles

8um 311 ibm berfibergebtungen. 6 dwt bl idte er fit!) um

nub fab b e 28q 6 81mg unb hinter ibm grits Saffen,hie mutterfeelenallein nae!) Sa efong Iiefen.

(Er bmbte ibnen: "5830mulIt bin

"I oQ ue!“

Iat e guns $153q unb fprangmic ein QBiefeImit nadten 81mm bard) unb fRinmn, baf; bet

©t 6§ere SUZflbe batte 311 folgen.

op, fiane, be I ibe (S lut) ffimmt!“rief bet

?Itbeiter mammb, abet bet Sunge mar Itingft borhei unb

80 Qaus Sriebricb B land

mitbelte im Qaufen mit beiben ?Irmen bard) hie 811it, (118

fpiele er mit hem {BirthSDa padte I bieé 932mm fain ?Irbeitegeug unb ftapfte in

icbmeten ©tiefeln miter bard) g dflid unb 6mm, marf5 ben Rani bod), alemofite er ennae abfcbiltteln, nub fublte

bod), mic fie!) {cine ®inne Iungtum mit ‘

frieblofer Harait


b e i Bq G 31mg! Wallets (Si ebanfen flogen 3am

S abre garnet, bamale, ale er ale 8 1111d) 311 hen g olbatm

fofite. Swangig S abre mag er gemefen fain, nub (Ebbe

28q mar amtaebn. n ub I hies Smfiller unb GM»: 5253qmarenauegemacbt im®orf bei henBeaten, nub ieber bacbte,bat; es ein [cbt


oeter l fcbiebmfirbe. l er hie Beute batten

311 biel gefprocben unb 311 hie! genedt, unb reinet bon beibenmolIte hem anbem bae et fte emite 28m geben nub ibm

geigen, mic Iieb er ibm fei. ®o gingen fie {tauaneitumbet

borbei unb fucbten {id} unbmoflten fid) bod) nicht finben


21m Iebtm 21m erft, ale I bice 5mm: and) einmal

aIIein auf hem SDeid) entIanggegangen roar unb weithin

bet l enb [mute gabnen fdn'

oentte fiber hem grauen 2mm ,

roar hie ®ebnfucbt fiber ibn gefommen mic cine aIIeé er:

ffidmbe glut, unb ibmmar geroefen, ate fbnnte ct nidn

Ieben ba braufzen obne fioffnung auf (EbbeSDa

‘mat er umgetebrt, ale Iiefe er um fain 8am, unb

mar mit tencbenbem Qltem 311 [miter S eit box: ibr gumgefommen. ll nb EIRaren 281117, (Ebbeé Mutter“

, empfingibnmic einen iBmutmerber;borhmiltig unb bod) freunbl icb.

?Iber in bet 6 tube batte ein unberet gefefien, bus mar ain'


82 [jans 5t i ¢bt id7 B land

frau, ale er mieberfam, nub ibt Sunge fpielte um ibte

Q uiz . 21t her I t chmar bet aIte geblieben bei beiben.

6 h: grflfgten fie!) faum unb faben iid) feinbfelig an, menufie fid) trafen.

5 Hub bod) batte I bice Mlbfier einmaInachgeben muffen.

$Da6mat bamale gemefen, ate er [cine 6 t Iung ale 55mmtnecbt in Sa G foog aufgab nub ienfeit bet 58t fl at:

tenarbeiter murbe. (631: um mfibe gemtben, time!) anffimpfen, nub batteaugegriffen, ale er cine ©tunbcweitet

sieben burfte, mo ct %rieben batte but (5559. QBq . Emu

bente l ief Sums 518q UN: ibm nbers 253m.

SDet SRegen riefelte fadfi in feinem ®taub 311 SBoben.

Sn hie QBoIfen roar bet Weft gefahren unb acu te fiemic

6m! im QBinb. (56 mar, ale bbt te man ibr unmbigesEReiBen unb Rnattern, ale padten riefige Wiufte in ihre®cbotten, nub ale fIfingen balbbemebte ?Rufe im QBinb.13a brad) Iangfam ein gelber flBibetfcbein bom SDleet .

Sbic I ropfen begannen 311 blinfen, mic p itternbe ®teine

311 fallen. (fine riefige Sobe ichlug bunfelrot auf im28mmunb netbriimte 28m unb 5la mit brennmben Satbm.

ibis flBoIten ichicaca tief 3a finfm, mutben bunt im (5mm;bet itetbenben 6 0am unb Iiefien t iitIicbewebel ant (Erbe


I biza Smfiller fab fid) um nub munberte fid), baf; bet

Slbmb bet gleid)e roar mic bamale, ale er aws feiner 6 d

mat foIIte. ll nb er bet gaf;hie S eit, hie berronnenmar, unb

lief mit feinen (Sjchauren and) damn! butch ben bdmmen v

hen ?Ibenb fiber hen SDeicI) 311 b e QBq G Smué. i3a

ffibrte bard) Embel, ale hie ®onne gefunfen mar, bard;

(Ebbe wulfs Bung

g dwaben, hie non bet SBisfd'

mng gegen {bu frocben, mit

meifien Q eficbtem brobten nub fid) an ibn flammcrtm,

alemufite er fie alIemit (id) tragen auf feinem 583m.

fiber bamale rout er iung gemefen nub batte gefpottetfiber hieEmbel .

fi lms mallet mm fid) pl isblid) bod) auf, brebte fid)um nub {tartte mit meitm Slugen libel: bafi 28cm. Sbic

6 0mmmat gefunfen, unb fem bum 502m trochea humus

bunrle {Boltm auf. G ina ftbftclnbe mute 309 bar hem?Ibenb bet , unbmic ans unficbtbaten Reuben 309m ringes

um in bfinnen 3am unb @d)leiem Embel fiber bafi


23a fab er grit Qafien, bet unw hig um 33m! entlanghem Banb guftt ebte. (Qinen einaigen Slugenbfid ftartte bet

?Itbei tet fiber hie {Beitm SDann brad) ein gurgelnbet I on:

"i be S ung ans feinem2mm , nub in wenigen 6 cbrittenmar er am QBafiet .

"flBoneem is {cbrie er hen 5811d an.

?Der bl icrte fingftlid) auf. meet aid). 6c {6 aIIcenmiber [open

I hies fmbfier fab hen anhern befinnungelos an, harm

fubt cine sittembe Slugft in ibm auf. smu einem ?Rud

manbte er {id}, febte in Iangen ®prfingen um $riel entlangubet SRinnm nub 8acben nub taunts atemloe in busmite,braune QBatt binaue, babin, mo er fiams 28q auteist

gefeben batte. $Da6 waif“ mucbe ante: ibm unb fcbob

bum $ riel ans meifse ©cbaumftt eifen fiber hen geri ffelten

g dflid . i )a {Bait intang auf unb [dmob fiber hie bun

feluben {51mm ale rooIIte er fie fteipeitfcben fur [cine

84 [111 11 5 51 1151 1111 B land

{1111111151 %1111. 91111111111 flogen 11 111531115 auf 11115 {11151111

6 151113 11111 51111 111111115111 2151 115.

1 11116 91151111 1 11111111 , 1116 91111 16 11111 53151 11 , 1 11111111

11111 5ama16, 1116 1 1 5161111151115 311 (5551 213q 6 15111116 1151 1

5 5111 591115 lief 11115 511 911511 1115 111 111111 11 11151 1 11 11111111 .

35111 fie1 1111) 1111 , 51111 51 1 5001111111 111 1111 51 11 1 1131 11 1111111

11111111 21313 1111111 1 115 5011 58 1 11116foog 1111111111 , 51 1 111 i11115 1 1151115 111111 , 51111 11111111 je1r1a11b 1111) 5a1 11511 111a5111 111 . 11115 1 1 ffi5111 11d) 11511151g an 51111 31mg, 511 5111

111111 1151 1 5a62131111 gelaufen 111111 , 1116 11111111 1 1 581 111 111156 11 11115 1511 111111 51 1 2111111.

6 11111 11a1111151 11 (5115a111'

111 flogen 111111 501 11116, 11m

g115111 5116 511115, 11115 111111 111111 , a16 f11 16 f1111 11g11116, 5a65a 51 1111111 11 11 13111511 0111 1 051611111111111 5111 15511 111111511 115111

81115111 11 1 11 .

5011 111111 {115 51 1 931 111 111 5111 1111111 11115 11111111 211 111 .

6 111 111 2Iug11151111 1111511 $ 5116 91111111 1 am 8 1151 11 . 53111111

111115 11 111111 1 3115111111111 , 511 1151 1 511 6 111155111 1 1 11111

11111111 6 11 11111 11111a11g1111111 .580111 9111 11 1am 111a 11111 11111 . 511511 9115111511115. 5911

11 1111) 111 1 1111 11111 1111 515116 1 111 111111 1 2111g111 , 5116 1111111115

11115 11 0g11151 211 111 1 11116111 11111 11115 11111 11111111 31111 11115

811115 91 1111 11115 1115106 11111ich1a11g. 5011 9115111111 f105111

311111 811115, 11115 51 1 981115 111g 111111106 a11f 51 11 1181111111 , 1116

ffl1 1511 1 1 1115. 6 151111 1 111111 511 S'

Dfimmerung 11115 1111511

511 8111151 51111111, 11115 511 911511 11111151 51 111111 , 5111111 s

51 111111 1111 1161111 8111151111 .

1 5116 9115111 1 11 1 11 , 111111111 51 131511 111 5111 15 511 1111115

111151 $1111 11115 {111511 1111111 281g 5111 11) 5111 £8 11 11. 59 111111,

£ 551 IDq s 3115 5

516 11 515 931 111 11111 11 1151115115 211115 15 1155551151111 11

1551 , 055 1 1115 5115 311 55515 , 51115 1 1 5155115 111515 11115

151 11 15111 511f501 21 1151 11115215511 1115 (5551 2811116 81155,

555 16 51111115 1151 1 511 2851115 1551111 11115 51 11 215155

311 1 15. (515 15 21115155111! 501511 11 15111106 11115 5111511

115 501 , 516 11111511 51 1 911511 215 11501 1 51 111515 , 11115 ibm

1551 , 516 51551 1115 815111 55 115 115 311515 . 2116 51116

1515115, 1 11111 11 115 505 11115151 5111 11115 151 11 51 11 91515 15

(5551 2811116 11115 151 16 5115516, 516 1011115 1115 1 811551 11

51 1 1115 . 8 16 1 1 5011 f11 5 , 11111111 516 81 1116, 115 5115 5 1

115 5515 111m15 1 551 11 , 511511115 11115 511551115 , 516 155511

111 5 151, 515 911511 35 15111111 . 285 {51 55 5 85116 91151111

111 511 515151 151551 81111, 1551111 516 55 511 8 1 1111 51115511 2851111 , ftemmte 1115 11115 1 55 5 15115 51515 511 1 1151551

© 11 5m1155, 516 15551515 511 8 0515 11115 11115 15 151111,

1151 1 1515 115 15 11 2851115111511 51 1 1111. 9105 11515 51 1151 11

1 5116 91151111: 5111;55 15 51 511 6 1115 15 1 516 115 5515 5 551 ,11115 5116 51 111 5511115 11 5515 911511 15111 115 1115 1 15155 11

2311 311551 5155 1115 31111 1 55 55 1511 .

6 115 1 6511151 1 51511 11 1511 151 81151 1 , 11115 15111111106 1115 1 1

115 5111 515 211m 5 1515 15 .

8555155 1 1111511 1 5116 91151111 5111 15 511 81111 1111115

2815. 31511 5111 , 5515511111111 581 1111 , 511 1 1 5111 1 51115

f51 111, 555111 15111 511 21151555 5 55 8 1 11561005. 5955 5

511 101 115 1511511’

51116 15 115 11 1555111151 5 , 115151515 15

28551111551 , 15 511 11 {15 15 11515111 55 1535 51511115 51 1 :

111511 . 21511 511 911511 1511151 515111 , 51 51155115, 1155 556


11 115 1 f115 1 115 11 15111 51 55 1 11515, f1ug 55 , 1551115 151

b e IDq s 31mg

tccbte binaué bet 6 cbleppet , bet bat fibeImBort lag nub

beimmew {cine G infabrt fanb, [ant unbmamenb fcbrie,nub hamutate I biec Emmet auf einmaI, baf; ct auf hemtecbten flBeg mat , baf; bot ibm 58mn8toog liegen mufite,nub bat; er mitten im berfanbeten alten ‘Briel mat .

Hub mit neuer Rraft beugte er fie!) nub brangte gegenhie 6 tt ismung, futbte ct fibalt in hem gleitenben 6 cm)unter feinen fififsm nub mm hen Sci !) ans hem QBaffet ,hue gegen [cine SEmit ffieg. be: iBoben miebet alibermutbe nub hie mat nicht iger nub ans hem mebel tinsittembes 8am, baa Qotfenfeuet bun iBtunétoog anfs


59a fiBI bieé 932311“ nod) einmal hue mnb an fid).

311m mat , ale mitt;te ct iubeln, Iant aufiubeln, nub

Iadyenb fcbrie at in but mebel binein: ,,Romm, 31mg, ml

wantmi to flJhxbber!“

uug l ei dye Q amembeu58 1m fi ermi ne fl i tti ng”:

13a, mo unite Iiebe ®tabt nae!) bet fiftlicben micbtungbin aufbisrt, um fcbmataen (Sjittertor bee Ritcbbofeé,mfeit fmmfcbengebenrm ein Q fifermeib nub bet taufte {cine181m , melcbe in i lpfeln, (Eiem nub Rafe beftanb. 28cm!

5 hie 21min regungeloe, has Q aupt gegen has (Sjitter gas

Iehnt, bafafi, mdcbte fie hen (Einbtud einee niebet lfinbifcbeniBiIbeB.

Daran mat bet bunteltote Rattunmcmtel idmIb,aue befien bteitauégefcblagener Ravage ein faltigeé ©eficbt,bIaue ?Iugen nub fdmeemeifieé 9am: (id) fcbarf abbobm.

Céie gdblte acbtaig S abre, batte immer um Riabbof ge

feflen, nub hie $oefie ibreé 8cben6 warm Seicbenbegfingnifie. 2mihre I riinen, ©euf3et unb ©ebete galten hen

I nten, hie in ibt er Babe {fill an i171: borfibergogen. Sbic

Qltmfel igfeit, macbe obne iBlumen nub SBegIeitung babel:

tam, griff ibt inc fibers, nub fie meinte ans Smitgeffibl;fiber ein n iches Beidmtbegfingnie aetflof; fie in I taucu betfi emunbemng;menu ibr abet gar bet ?IBinb einen 65m!)

gefang gutrug, fiber ibt hie alten s ittetpappcln raufcbten

unbhie l enbz oberEmittagefonne ibt warmaufbus©1 111”

fcbien, harmmar hie ?(Ite im fiebenten fiimmel . S ebod)nicht oft bereinigte (id) aIIbieé 311 ihrem SBebagen;es {tats

hen mebr ?Irme alemeidn, nub meit ubere balbe 3am:binaus blie6 i171: bet QBinb um bieDbten, unbmegen nub


90 fietmine Di llinger

begegneten fid); fie btitten fbnnen hie SBetradnung unite!Ien, bat; man nicbt Ieicbt filter nub mob! faum ifinger

fein fonnte, um fein tdglicbeé SBrot 311 berbienen; abet

bet eicben fie! ibnen nidfi ein. SDet SBube feete [due

5 hammen, mit aIten Bappen ummidelten SBeindyen in

Eemegung, hie ibn fcbnurftrade nor hen fipfelfotb be

ffirberten. fagte er, ,,gibmir einen ?Ipfel l“

banabre, entgegnete hie 8mm, unb nad) einerbititem ‘Baufe manbte (id) bet fiunhe 311m ©ebn nub

nahm {cine iBefcbliftigung auf: ct fummelte hen ?lbfaII

bet ©afie.

8m Eaufe beemacbmittage tam er etmae mfibe unter

bet Bait bee geffiIIten Q effele hie (Siafie einbetgemadelt.

QBieber aogen ibn hie Iacbenbenfinial unmibetftebfid) in ibre

(Sir fcbaute fie Iange an, ea icb fagte ar 311 bar

aIten gran, hie ibn fcbarf beobacbtete: id) geb’bit

gleicf) mas ans meinem fieffel , menu bu mugit.nub id) geb

’bit and) gleicf) mas,

“ meinte fie mit einetbegeicbnenben Q anbbmegung, ,,pfui I eufel , fort mitbeinem Qumpengeug1

SBettfibt fcbl icber babon.

21m unbem Morgen ftanb er idummiebet bu, ein

Qeicbengug ging eben borhei, unb hie ?IIte meinte. fib er

8 ttmawartete hen geeigneten Smoment ab unb fragte bann:gibft bumit einen 21pm, menu id) tot bin?

28a tot ift, btaucbt feinen 21pmmebr,“ entgegnete hie?IIte.

?lber id), bebauptete er.


it bus ein SBengeI,“

fubr fie auf, ,,nicht eiumal Tein’

ungleidye Hameraben

Qeicb’ 1111111 111 1111 11111 911117

’bctrad71e11 ! imacb’

bid) fott,

fag’ id) 1

£13116 1111117111 1111111 1111111 bet 5811111: 1101: hem neugeffillten

616 101 11 11e17e11: "280 111111 11111111 1111 (1111 17e1 ?“ fragte er,

111111 1116 117111 111111 211111001 1 111111 1111, gab er fid) felbet cine: 5

,,D , 1117 1111111 110111 15111711 , 16 111 fe171 11171111 11011 e1ne111

©111711 , to gate legen.

"911111, baffir 171111 1111 6 111711 , bmmmte bie 2111e.

11111117 111m: 3311111e 11efe11 52311111a 11 11111 11 bet S‘nnge

1111171, 111111 11mm1d) and) 1111 {1 111711

211m and) hiefe ?IBorte, 111 benen gemifi cine grofie 2111ertemumg 1171 11 118111 1: 1119, bermocbten 11111 21111 1111171 311

1 11171 e11.

(5111 1111111 118 932111 1111 11171111 er boll G iferez 1101 1 a11

bet (Ede 1111 c85am11e171 e111¢ gran, hie 1 1111 1111: fd7011 Iange, 1 5

1111 101111

17111 111111 fag’1171 , fie 1011 berfommen, ermibertehie

©61e1‘ 111 , 111111 bet fleine811mm131113 111111 fe171'te 1111171 1011111 1 .

2116 e11111111a16 cine fe111e fc17111a13ge11e1be1e 5911111 1. 11 11

hem 9 611 1 10111111 111111 hem Rleinen botuberging, 11111 18 hie 20

2111e 9111: gemaltig hie iBaden auf. fagte fie, ,,hué

111 cine 11101119 bie f1e171 111111 1 11116 gar 1111171; abet 11111:

fommen aIIe auf 111 111e1be11 griebbof, 11116 111 111111111 meine

311 fie cine, hie 111c171 arbeitet? fragte bet meme, ,,bie 25

111mm 110111 6 1. 91110111116 17ir1te11 brauf.“

5911 meme 1111111 111 116) 11711 bie 81 1111, "11111111

e111er and) [o 9111 111d716 11011 bet flBeIt weifi, [cit 111a1111

arbeiten bean hie reid7e11 Beut’

, bummet 181111?

94 fy ermine Di ll inger

fibferin erhob fid) mambmaI unb i dte bie ©afie mtlung; er mat nod) immer nicht gu feben. Ropfi



tranf fie ihren Raffee, nub ha er ibt beute gar nicbt ben

gewohnten (Sem i; gemfibrte, fing fie an 311 fd)eIten: ,,SDer

5 23am! boI’ibn bet I eufeI treibt fid) ba im g dmee

bemm, unnfitaee bie Rinbet , foIIten gleid)

gtofs auf bie QBeIt fommen.

“SlBiebet erhob fie fid),

ridfiig, ba tam es bard) hen g cbnee gemanft, cine fleine,frummbeinige, bomfibetgebeugte ©citalt.

23cm id) nicht 311 fauI gum Qlufftebn miir’

, id) moIIt’

bit ?Beine macben, brummte hie 21m unb bermanbte

feinen SBIid non bem SBuben.

G t ichien abet beute aIIe Quit gut abea icfien Haters

baltung bet lot en 311 baben; sittemb eritieg er hie paar

©tufen, um in MB ©au6 3a geben, abet aw er an bet

Rfinfe brfidte, fanb er hie I nt beddflofien.

fagte hie QIIte, ,,bie fiauéleute finb ia 311

einer fiodneit, bu baben fie abgafcbloffen, unb an baB

Rink) bat niemanb gebacbt.SDet SBube fteIIte feinen RefieI [amt ©afen bot bie Int

unb fegte ficbauf bie ©®mefla 58a fat;er einen i lugenbl id

mic tatIoB, harmerhob er fid) plfigl id) nub l ief gut {fibret in

binfibet , beulenb, ibt bie blau geftotenen ©finbcben cut


nidte fie, ,,bae gefcbiebt bit fdwn redfi, meinft,’6 gibt einen ?IpfeI, Dbtfeigen gibt

’é, abet feinen ?IpfeI.

fDabei hielt fie ibm hie Raffeefcbflffel bin, unb ar ttanf

mtt bolIen 31mm, biz Qlugen fingftl id) auf bie QIIte gas

richtet, meld»: immer 311 fcbelten fortfuhr.

ungIeidye Kametaben

‘Blfitl icb, fie mutate fe ft nidn, mie’e augegangen mat ,

batte fie hen erftot enen ?Buben auf hem fie fdflug

hen weiten Mantel um ibn, nub immer meiter f(beltenb,hielt fie ibn {o feit an fid) geprefit. $ aIb bfirte fie an hemmbigen, tiefen QItembee Rinbee, bat; ee eingefiblafenmat , 5

nub fie {cbmieg nub rilbrte fid) nidfimebt . 2111 bem set

gen bidet fichuigidbrigen batte nie ein menicblidyeeM en

gembt;mebet Qiebe nod) 23017111)o nod) Smitleib battenbiefe ftarren 21mm an bffnen bermmbt. fDenn fie matimmer brummig gemefen unb nut ffit ibtm 23mm ins

teteffiert, unb bet ericbien ibr ftetB gmeifelbaft, {o oft ein

SUZann habei im 6 pmwar. 8t ging non hem ium

gen Beben ba cine mobltuenbe 28mm auf fie abet; fie

Iaufcbte auf bie ?Itemafige bee Rinbee, beffen saupt unterihrem Rinn mbte; fie wiegte es facbte, unb ee fie! ibt e



S ieb ein, has fie in bet ©dwle gelemt; fie begann es 311

fingen, bBIIig finnIoB, mit gifcfmtben I finen.

2116 bet Batemanpuiaet beimfam, rief fie ibn 311 fid).baht S bt and) 6mm SBuben, bab

’ibn C&ud) 311m

Ietatenmal gebfitet, bebanf’ mid) unb fie Iegte bem

SUZann baB [chlaftrunfene Rink) in hie 2Irme. ©ietauf

fubt fie fiber cine 6 tunbe fpii tet ale gemfibnlid) mit ihren

Rfitben nad) ©aufe.

21m unbem SDIorgen ttat bet fleine 932mm gut ge

wohnten 6 t1mbe auB hem ©aufe, um feinem SBeruf nachs

augeben. iben SBIiden bet aIten 3mm briiben begegnenb,

i eb er itchen unb fdmute, mic fid) befinnenb, emftbaft 311

if): binfibet . 131mm et innerte er fid) an baB SlBobI

behagen, has at um betgangenen flbenb empfunben. G t

Ijermine Di ll inger

mat obne ?Dhtttet aufgemaéfen unbmutate nidytemmbetIiebmben g orgfalt, nidyté non hem garten iBeruIJ ten einet

treuen Muttetbanb. 28m: ibm cine 2Ibmmg babon gas

morben am 9mm bet alten firm ?

5 miitalid) ftanb er auf feinem altenmats bot bem Rowerotkmbtenbet ?infel , abet er fdmute fiber biefe bimeg bet

?IIten ine ?Intlitaunb fagte bieemal obne iebemeben:

abfidfi: ”1311, id) beitat’

6 k mafite Iad)en, 311m erftenmal mufite fie fiber

hen fleinen fled Iacben, unh obne fid) 311 befimten, reichte

fie ibm ben f(bfinften ?Ipfel im gauacu Rowe bin. marabet and) her einaige $ eitat6antrag three e ens gemefen.

j t iebt idy S p ielbagen

QBae fcbmdeeft bu hamieber ciumaI, bu alter, fdflecfitet

bteitféultt iget fmarm,“ fagte Gimmi , inbem fie hie

3ndetfcbale auf hen I ifd) fteIIte unb ihrem ©atten babei

einen Ieifen 6 6mg auf bie bomfibergebeugtm, in bet“

l at

5 ungemfibnlid) breiten ©dmltem gab.

,,6 dfilt nut nicht auf meine g dmltem,(51mm, fagte

®ottlieb; ,,bu meifit, bat; bu eé ciam'

unb alIein meinembteiten ?Radm betbanfft, menu bu in biefem flugenblid

nicfitmebt fitfiulein (gmmi Sager, non bet {Sitma S ager,iBteitfopf u. Q uinn, fonbem {Stan ®a6biteftorin SRoIanb


fagte Qimmi .

,,l et , (Smmi , bu ratmft bod) aid)t Ieugnen, bat} obne

meine g cbultem

"©0ttl ieb, bu bift unauéfteblid), fagte (immi , inbem

fie einen fdmadnn 25mm machte, beleibigt au63u=


6 h: madmt nué in bet I nt neugierig,“

{agte bet

?Iffefiot g trider, bet {id} Ilingft mieber gefetat batte.QBae ift

’é mit S btm

/éafitem, iRoIanb fagte bet

Baumant non SBet fenfe .

,,miéte ift, gar nidm, fagte hie iunge {Stauj jfgjgift ein ®®mfi13et y flaw , ein $Renom=

"main, bus gebt 311 meit! S‘In Sm art, ieet foIIt 3m:felber bfiten nub urteilen, oh biefe fleine, ein balbee 3am:aIte 3um bier berechtigt iff, mid) ibt en Iebenéliinglicben

(55atten, mit foldmt t entiteln 311 ffimfiden; unb oh id;

hie iBefcbcibenbeit verlege, menu id) bebaupte, bat; id) nicht

Breite d ultern

meinem 2M}, uicbt meinen Renntniflen, aid7t meiner

fonbem eingig unb alIein biefen meinenW“

unb hen ?Irmen, hie batan bungen, mein

W eintt tiglidxe ?Imt nub meine unbetttfiglitbe {Eran ber=

bank .

"Baffen 6 k nus bfirm!“

fagte bet ?Iffefior.

,,Sbic gndbigegran gibt S bnen hie Erlaubnie,“



,,SDEeinetmegen, fagte Gmmi .®ie batte ficbmiebet in bie g ofaede gefebt nub tat, ale Io

oh fie fcbmolIte; abet her 53t fat; nicht obne einige

“ W hat; bie fanftcn 211mm bet iungen granmit fab:

freunbl itbem fluebmd auf bet mficfifigen ®citalt ihres

®nttm mbten, bet ben bampfenben Subalt feineé (55mmnod) einmam bae, ein paat bIaueminge nué feiner 1 5

,3igarre bl ieé, fid) bebagl id) in feinen g tubl gurudlebnte

nub aIfo aubub

"g it mfifien nfimlig miffen, l ichen gamma, but; id)eigenflid) ein I augenicbte bin, ober, menu has gubid fain

iolIte, ein I nnicbtgut. 66 maiz baemob!mabr fain, berm 20

fie baben es mil: oft genug gefagt. 2116 id) faum Iaufen

fonnte, bat meinew mid) gleicbfam gum ameiten

finalemit biefemmamenw yfi, id) mat nod) feine baIbeW

76 mm in bet m ute, fo battemid.) bet sabre: aIIen

anbetn Rinbem aw einen I augenid)te benungiert;m ine 25Iicbe feIigemutter batmid) oftmit I rfinen an ibren SBuiengebtudt unbmid) fdfludnenb gefragt: oh id) berm gar nicht

gut tunmoIIe? unbmain 25am bat mid) mebt ale einmaIin {cine 6mm fommen Iafien nub mi: Iange $Reben

f riebrid) S p ielbagen

gehalten, non beam id) meiften6 nut ba6 cine berftanb

but; id) ein beiflofet I augenicbw fei ,Mien {patete6 6 dfids

”A w i n “ [at fain (meine6 btaben aIten sISater6) fin;mit bgmita©0t erfflIIe.

5 _ ,,6 ie glauben nicfit, wieviel beige Imam mid) biefe

xjw . (é;Mifteten ‘Bropbegeiungen gefoftet baben 36) batte nfims

IiQfl LM te Smitleibmmitmir felber. 8c!)fa!) mid) fe ft in gab: unb {cbroaq geftteiftem ?Inguge,

cine (Eifmftange amifcben hen SBeinen, einen SB uf bct/r :

m ©c6ulterm deuf®aft anbetet fienm in bemfelbm

n 13 A Q oftfim but t!) bie ®tm§en meinet; 58aterftabt geftlbtt,

Gum M a aIIer maébatfieute nub befonbew alIer

madam bie [amtfigfl ein nub unfcbulbig geblie=

hen warm, mdbt enb id) 311 fold)“ ©tfifse be6 2cibe6 unb

1 5 kmSafterg, betanmudw; id) fabmid) um ©algen Imageryb he6 92acbt6 im Smonbenfcfieinefl tm mmmgi ftM m P! ”


pigben nub QM ; id) fabmid) uni ba6“M “ gmmmy bie6 iBiIb abet meniget beutIid), meiI id) mit rein:

1w ine QSOtfteIIung non bet intetefiantm 6 ituation madmt

20 tonnte./Enfin-Hd)mar innig fiberaeugt, but} id) bie6 alIeB

unb nod) bieImebr bard) meine abgnmbtiefe 6 d)Ied)tig=

reit bieIfad) betbient b&tte, unb bafi, menu bet g imme!mitfeinenW and) immer gfigme, er bie6 nut/Afi w

meine6 Q anat iennogew megen tue, bet obne mid) bet s

25 bungern mutbe. ‘Da Iieber fitmmel z bet Ranarimnogel

e6mat ein bflbfcbw golbgelbe6 I iercbenmit einet grim:

CM braunen glttngenben I oIIe nub befafimeme game Riebect betbungertemitflid), abe



nicbt obnemid), fonbem bunfimid), unb id) benre 1106) 1t m ie Statbt,

3 ielbagen

anberer unbnidyt bie e6 iiIetaten 311mm; bteitenmam ge

nommen. SDa6 flingt nun aIIetbing6 faft

S bt fim en;abet , ma6 Bamt ia) bdffit , ba6I

rpeite nub meine g cbultetbteite in feinem proportionalen

7M 7 " $ erbfiItni6 itanben? ,Gétma6 muf; bet Emmfd) fein eigenmnennen,

fagt g dfiflet , unbmenu iemanb non bet matur(WW ; berbammt ift, in einem ftet6 hie meiften

50 3-44gamer 3amacben nub non ichemRuirm, hen er, fogufagen,

10 in hie I aicbe fteden farm, fiberfeben 311 merben, fiiIIt er

gang naturgemfif; batauf, fid) mit feinem fibetflufi an

A w erftaft fiber hen Mange! feiner geiftigen fiapaaittit

311 ttfiften. unb id)M g egieyung fow wlr

1Mf, Q6

“ : b'

af; man mm!)M hen btcfen, abet.

hen ftarten

d qttheb, and) mobI ®oItatb£W & ttltep nub bet :

glucben, aI6 hen hammen ober hen faulen (Sjottheb nannte.SDidemeine 6mmmutbe neben meiner ®utmfitigteit bie


gmeite Q ueue, au6 bet fur mid) bid gbet and), mic

®ie bulb feben metben, ba6 £ 311 meine6 8eben6 gefloffeniff. 66 mar, aI6 oh mid) bie mam: [ene erfon gut ?Iu6fflbrung bummer unb btimmfter

id»: gegeicbnet bdtte. (56 mar, mic in hem Qiolr6liebe:

,@eh bu botan, bu bait bobe®tiefel an, bat; bid) bet S n?aid)t beifien Bann.

’ll nbm6 babe id) im fpfiteren Behm

25 nicbt aIIe6 megen meiner breiten g dmltem Ieiben mfifien!

flBie oft bin id) au6 hen 916mm geplatat in (Bei'

ten, mo id.)mu: einen @ott unb eineu ?Rod batte;mic oft baben’



in ‘Doits unb fiifenbabmbagen meme macbbam bitter hes

nagt, baf; id) gut amei SDritteI be6 fin: gmei betedmeten


Breite d ultetn

Xfl aw of nod) butgeftem bat cine fleine fbame,hie im angefangen non bet chines c£4“

fijdm Smal l er 311 fpmben, meiIfiemebet recbt6 nod) Iinf6W i n mit botheifeben tonnte; ia, fie babcn mid)i gineracit

meiner breiten ®dmltem megen non bet ©dwle gemiefeu. 5

fDie ©dd)id)te ift dyatattetiftifd) far hen Haitem,bet in [M M

frfibeten S abra! fiber meinemQ anpte einem I age nor ben gtofsen ®nmmerfet ien,

nub wit in bet I ertia warm gutet SDinge, unbmeil bier”,


3cit, momit nod) aIIe beifammen warm, nut nod) fo febr xcfurs, fo benutaten wit bie 3mifdxnniertelftuube gum 21116fechten eine6 (11t mobei e6 gefcbab, bat;hie33mm,T


311 bar id) gebfirte, hie anbete ‘Bat tei fdfliefilid) gut I fit

bimmmatf. ,@ottIieb, bu mufit bie I fit subalten!’

bief;e6 mmnon aIIen é dten. 8d) ftemmte aIfomeine g dml s 1 5


tern gegen hie I nt nub I) {0mmand) hie Wu ).

non aufien btfingten, nub guletat, meiflung, mitban {gliuften gegen hie I nt fdflugen, mdbtenb meine Ras

merahen nor {fteube nhet meine QBibetftaa abigfeit mic

bie iBefefienen (Enbl id) mutbe mit fdfier 311 20 , V

111m m bet SDrud gegen meine g chultemW

311 ftat f; id) mufite nacbgeben, unb herein fi elen bard)

hie aufipt ingmbe I fir bet g éulbiener, bet SDireftot unb A 6,

SDubenb flehret , mit benen id) e6

S eit 311 tun gehabt batte. $Da6

a e rfimten®ie fid) beaten;icbjnlli bmeine SDrfinger t ecbt

gut gerannt baben;id) iolItenut hem fredmt fibetmut, hem‘




griebt id) S p ielbagen

auf bet fi bula bovgetommen mar, nub id)

uw"Swain gum: alter i 5ammar aufiet fid). S‘

n feinm

Qlugen mat relegiert nub auf offenemWlat fteM b

gebranbmat ft merben, fo sieml id) ba6felbe.

fdmeflermit mit betgab, unb weniger nub immer weniger

ronnte id) begreifen, ma6balb geruhe id) (Sfiottlieb beifien

mufite, bet (d) mebet ©ott nod) hen Smenfdmt l id) 31: feinnub etina6 recbt 111a 311 tinmen fd fien.

,,SDlein 23am: batte mid) an einem ©ut6befi$et in hie

Bebt e getan, bet ibm aI6 ein exemplarifdm bronom ge

tfibmtmorbenmar. 3d) bdtte in teine {Q limmeten ©6nbefallen ffinnen. 9m 28am!mat ein gfinafid) unmiffmbet ,brutaIer SDIenfd), ein $ ieb= nub

lid)“ Imam , bet ieben, bet e6 iid) gefaIIen l ief}, mit bet

mag m atfime. 3d) fa!) ba6 ein

atet6 megen, geSuIbig mit an, bi6 eine6 fcbflnen 6 0mmermargen6, gut 3eitMW auf offenem gelbe,

e6 ©immel6 nub ffimtlidmQ ut6leute beibers

t6, amifcben mit unb {Berra SBarteI cine

bet genannte 9m fcbmet lid) gronow'


e, menu ct hen 21n6gang betbergefeben butte. S Cfihuman: and) M6 bteimalige S an a, ba6 mx6

J ; x7 175””W

x 106 f riebrid) S p ielbagen

Rabettenfcbule geIemt batte, Iaffe id) baI) af; er

abet nicht6 betgefien batte, gum in M 6

fid) auf unfet friibere6 23cmbdltni6m mutbe mit nut

311 baIb flat . SDet 91mm tut nicht6 3111:6 um, S‘

bt ©erren;

5 and) babe id) hem SUEanne Iangit betgeben, unbmenu er inbiefem ?Iugenblid gut I nt hereinttdte, iolIte er mit mi l!

Iommen fain;abet bamaI6 mm: id; gebn S abre innget unb

bummer, bieIIeidfitrieb er £6 and) gar 311 toll;gymmenigs

ftenm id) nut ftlnf S abre aufmining, ma6, mic manmit fagte, unter biefen umftdnben ein gang unerbfirte6

(bjwd 311 nennen fci .911m: e6 bat iebe6

Ding {cine gmei 6mm, fe ft cine


Die {Q l imme nub ffilimmfte Quite tour

1 : fin:mid) hie, bat;main armer23am fid) fibermeine 6 dyanbe

1 5 gar nicht 311 trfiften Dermocbte, unb bulb batauf, id) fil tcbte,an gebrodmtem {S emen ftarb. 36) mar fein eingige6 fifinb

gemefen, unh, bet {bimmel meifi, meldx gIfingenbe 311:

funft er furmid) ertrfiumt batte. £‘ e batte e6 nieabet bie' @ teIIung eine6 bieI e ubeIte ©ubaltembeamten binau6'



20 bringen ffinnen; id) iolIte mmmmigften6w w

merben. Q t battemid) febt gel iebt, mein gutet alter25am,

unb bet grfifiteRummet meine6 8cben6 ift, but} id) ibmbet ©immel meifg, mic febt gegen meinen 28mm! {0

bid Rummer babe madmt muffen. (61:mar bieIIeid)t rein25 (S anie, mein gutet alter ?Batet , abet ein braver Mann

firiebe feiner 2mm!"3a! unb hie gute ©eite non meiner ffinfifibrigen 6mc

fpmmng? fi ieIIeiQt mat id) 311 boIIi itig, obet meiniBIut batte nicht hie redfle EUIifcbung, nhet;mutate fid; erft

B reite d ultetn

beiten, mic ein 28cm, hen man ein pact 502mmIiegen Itifit, bebor man ibn auf ?sIafcbcn siebt.

6 0 via waif; id), bat; in bet eriten s eit mein SBIut gar

fitt tbterlid) inmir£0663, to but; id) fdJier glanbte, id) fibers

Iebte e6 nicht, obet mutbe 311mmenigften bet rudtmerben;abet nad) unb nad) murbe e6 ftiIIer nub immer {fitter nub

rubiger in mir, orbentfid) fonntfigl id) ftiIInub rubig , unb

id) fonnte mid) gm: nicht in unglfidl id) fuhlen, mic id) £6

fur meme ‘Bflicbt hielt. 5la id) and) nicht recbt begrci=

fen fonnte, me6balb ein EDIend), bet fid) feine6 Qiubrednm

bemufstmat , mic ein iBetbrecber bebanbelt wethen mime, fobacbte id): bet Iiebe©ottmetbe e6 mob!miffen;unb, menu

bet fid) nidfi um einen am en g chelm beffimmere, {0 id

e6 eben mein Cédfidfal , unb gegen fein ®dficfial ffinne bet

Smenfd) nicht6. unbbannmat id) in bod) obne Smeifel febt

W WW unb e6 fie! mit {duvet auf hie g eek ,mic fcbIecbt id) immer meine Iateinifcbe SBofabeIn gelemtbatte. S alemtam id) aufhen ©ebanfen: id)muffe,m iner

gaulbeit, meine6 8cicbtfinn6 unbmeiner hammen C6 treicbemegm, ffinfSabre Iang mcbfitaen. $Da6 trfiftetemid) ans

gemein. ,f



tam, baf;man mid) auf bet {fefttmg febt , ia, id)farm mobl fagen, unberbientetmeife gut bebanbelte. 3m

gm flnfang batte id) aIIerbing6 meine Ram ichichen mfiflen,

a mic bie anbet en;abet in bet milben. 6 timmung, inmeld)“id) mid) bamaI6 beinah, mat hum an recbter

6mm ffirmid), nub ba id) Rt lifte fut brei batte, fo arbeitete ia) and) fur brei . 311 Meter ©tation bin id) abet mu:wenige QBodmt gemefen. SDer $eftung6goubemeur, 5mm

M w ' w A ” f t ;

i t

griebrid) S p ielbagen

mann non G ifenfrefler, bet trot feine6 grimmigen 9tamen6ein gar gfitiger, Iieber {am mat , mufitemobl wbt warm

fur mid) gefprocben babm. me Retten murben mitt abs

genommen, unb id) burfte in bem {9cftung6bureau aI6

5 ©Cbreiber arbeiten. S'

Da bin id) berm hie gauge fibrige S ei t

gemefen, nub met! id) mid), Mon cu6 purer SDanl’batfei t

gegen ben ebIen imam , bet einmirflicber (i belmarmmar ,

flmvg f .made; hielt unb cine redfigute $anb {cbrieb ba6 eingige,

ma6 id) auf bet ®dwle obne ?Infttengung gelemt batteffi

f o mutbe id) baIb ‘Bribatfefretfir, foaufagen, mejneL QfinmLunb fo freunblid) non ibm unb feiner gangen iEmniIie hes

banbelt, baf; id) eigentlid) nut nod) hem 92m m nacb ein

M r w fiW m“ . $ 611 : 11011 G ifenfrefier nahm fid) meiner C w

nod) waiter an. G r machte bie merfrbfirbige fintbefiuug,

1 5 baf; id) nicht blot; fdneiben, fonbem and) redmen fonnte,

M . ia, bat; id), mic er fagte, ein“mam mm fit: med“

Ematbematif babe. 3d) Iacbte barfibet guerft gang befper

V ic k mg” timid);abet , ba ar felhit aw Mathematiur

nub febr {tart {m Sl iemeifen war, {0bemie6 er min, bat; ar ,

2o recbt batte. Emit mat babei

8c!) befam gum erftm imalefelber, abet einen nod) bieI gtfifieren meinert bot meinemflBobIttitet , nub aI6 id) bulb barauf cine Ieiblig , fcbmete

? q gabe, bie er mix: gefteIIt batte, gang ricbtigm unbmuv

25 er mit auf hie g dmlter flopfte unb fagte: ,6 eben 6 k ,

iRoImtb, bat; g ie ba6 gang gut begreifen tbnnen‘

;ba babe

id) beIIe gnubentrdnen gemeint nub bem guten Mantle

hie filinbe gemfst.

f riebridy S p ielbagen

fdfledfigins, nub bafs id) efi fur ein groise6 (851m! bieIt, £116

4 a i“ 03mix:emicI) 6610116, in bet ®a6anftalt bier cine untetauts

,w' f"M tefiegu erhalten. 3d) battchen Smonat fitnf3ebn l ater.

6 k ffinnen fid) beaten, mic meit id) bamit bei meinem

5 l petite reit e! Dber bielmebr:®te tfinnen e6 (id) nicht

beaten. 3br ®em n feib in bet gumbe6 ®Ifide6 gtof;

gemotben nub baht teine“ M anon, mic iemanb 311

Swate ift, menu ibm bet ®enuf; in [0 fpli t licben inationen

fiw figg‘

m effeg mitb. 11111) bann, mat main 28am: and) mu:

{ 4 5l ow gemefen, [0mar er bod) ein ©mtleman


unb batte mid) aI6 ©entleman eraogen, ia, im finfang4 bieIIeidnein wenig bergogm. imeinemutter mar cine gas

bilbete, feine 3mm, unb meine C&Item batten fid) ftet6 in

mi Q teifen bewegt, hie eigentlid) f(bon fiber bie 6mm ihrer

1 5M g; €wteIIung Iagm. S‘d) batte,_bgj_aIIem“ fl

meinem Qddfifinn unb miIbem ®e

fcbmad meiner G uam ffit gate 30m m nub bieIIeit and)

etlna6 non bem Qbrgeiaemeine6 SBatet6 geerbt;unbmenu

A}iemanb bei 70”)a in einer SDacbfammet mobnt,

2a in einer ®atfligc M m. $Range6 unter SBebienten,W

W QBagenMiebem unb fibul icber gang ebtenw“

wet ter, abet nicht immer gang feiner ©efellfcbaft {cine

f SDiner6 unb ®ouper6 einnimmt nub gegmungen ift, in

einer befémubten ?Bq e, ober, 1106) [cblimmen in‘


25 fcbfibigen SRod, hen er fiber bie

6 mm311 geben in bat

mic id) g ie au6 iabrelang timfter C&rfabrung bet sfichem fann.

3nbeflen mar and) biefe t ffit mid) nicht bet loten.

m fi —L " .

Breite d ultetn

3d) Iemtemein n aIIen ®eiten nub cud) hon beamfennen, macbe nut bet eigentl icbe flrbeiter 311 feben be

5An :rommt;M trieb id), icacu au6 43mmfur ba6m enrmW

meine6 lichen berftorbemn SlBobItdtew, mettl e mathematifcben ®tubien eift ig fort, unb mit S filfe bcrfelben nub 5

meinet tagl icben ptaftifcben fim tam id) auf gemifie 2 u

(Entbedungen in bet Q onitruftion bet {Dim nub bet 28a» fi w W2,

baa ung be6 flow, biz id) “M M “ hielt, nah i ” g.

hie (id) in betW irflid) aI6 iolcha bemfibt t baben. c,

®a6 aIIe6 mat e mid) mmnatfit lid) ein wenignub id) fing cu, mid) mit ‘Blfinen au tragen, mic id)

bidet meinet W fl eotbmtm ®telhmg p f”

g '.~m m

in cine ‘Bofition gelangen mficbte, in bet id) meine Cmts

begruugert hermerten fbtmte, nub hie 119217119291 be6 ©ob=m {4

ne6 meine6 sISater6 mfirbiger mare. 6 k muffen nfimlid) x5

miffen, bat; mid) ba6 ?Inbenfen an meinen guten aIten

58am, bet in ©et3eleibabet mid) 3111:©rube gefabrenmar,

w unb bat; id) bie

[06 merben fonnte: er metbe fit!) 1106) im

menu id) e6 trot} aIIebem in bet SIBeIt 311 etwa6 Dtbenb 2o

te, l} u A ma f v '

ffinf 3abre, unb id) ting mcbgembe an, 4 1 4 g;barfiber ungebulbig 311 metben, bat; id)


nocb immer in

meiner fbacbfammermobnte. SDamutbe bie ©a6biteftot

fteIIe bier bafant, unb bie ©efelIfcbaft forbetteg y m; 25

W e mnhgt auf, fid) an malben. mat um 21 . 3anuagr,

nIfo getabe bcute nor einem 3abr, aI6 id) hie ?lnaeige Ia6,nubmeil init mein bteifiigfter ©eburt6tagmar, fo hielt id)ba6 ffit ein gute6 3&m unb fagte 311 mit : ,G ourage,

4 G .

griebrid) S p ielbagen

Qiot flieb, iegt abet nie!’unb e6 tat not, bat; bet bet

gangen 6 mm{0 ein gfinftige6 Dmen mat , fouit bdtte ic!)bad;um G abe henWhi t nicht gehabt. G iemiffen, bat;mit

WM “?

bidet e teue 329m; hie eine6 technifcben Dberbiumgg .

5 fat “ ¢ i biergig ©a6anftalteg, weIcIJe bie

feufcbaft bcreité gegrunbet bat, oerbunben ift. 3d)mufste alfom m meine6 eigenen bi6berigen ib i s

reftor6 merben, nub ba6 aIIe6 cu6 bet $ofition eine6b W W W id; nad) mic nor 851:r(1 ;t

t o 35mm mfifst gugeben, bat; hie 6 umeinen etina6 toIIm

(e m batte. ?Iber 136 mm: {m 3anuat be6 borigen

c fl 3abre6 febr ralt; bard) biej i ififln—N einer SDacbftubej fifii

bet eifige QBinb;mid) frot unb bungette meebfeltneife garetbdm lid), nub menu bet I aufel bamaI6 auf mid) gt :

25 boten bdtte, id) glaube, er butte mid) billig babcn tbnnen.

(i benfogut abet mic sum I eufel , bacbte id), tfinne id)and) aufba6 Rontogber {y im a 36g“ ,

iBreittopfu. Q omp.%geben unb mid; aI6 Q anbibaten fur hie erIebigte ©tel1e


2o "fi e 6 ammar abet nidngang in Ieidfi, micfie au6fab.

3mmmar ®efabr mm bermid) mutate, bafi fidwflt ‘

]brei eriten Euge gmeiunbgmanaig 8 9; W “

merbet gemelbet batten; nub bod; tonnte id) bot hem

111161t mo id) nad) bet Emorgemmge eincn'

wfl ‘

25 frdcn ?Radmittag batte, meinen ‘Boften nicht berlafien.

C‘Bobann fehlte e6 mir gfinalid; an eiuer ®arberobe, hie 0M

fur ban feierl ichen emberecbnet gemefenW hen

Céticfeln nub beg: ungefdbr, and) tinwar

fdmmae iBeia ei bie ibrcn S ince! an ct :

51 1eb1 1d) 5 p 1elbagen _,z w

G 111faIt 1116 gnten ®efefle11, abet {0gang gebefir 11111 1 11111

bean k1m111611, 1116 1d) 111 hem engen 81nd 1101 hem 1101110111011 3lige1 , 281 11110111 11. 51011111. ftanb 111111 erft Ie1ie, bann

1111111 1 111111 3uIe1§t feb1 [ant anflopfte.

5 fagte enblid) e111e {charfe 6 111111116. 311)

glaubte e6 babe 11 ge11b1no 111 her mane cine

/5 1 M fi, $ 111 gefnarrt., abe1: 16 111111 11111 11111) cine Menicbenftimme

gemefen, 111111 in 11 11 1 id) 1111111 11111

hem 111011111 S immer 1111111111 1111) 111 biefem 2111ge11=

m md 16 mar 1111111116) 1111011 1 1111116 111111 geworben 111111 hie

W maren 311111 f en gegangen 1111111 111111 ®e

1 111ge1 e6, 1116_


1a, 3111 Comm, meine 31 11 11 111 911161111)111 i hrer G de e111gefd11afe11 , 11111) {0 1mm 111) 311111111 sans

4 géne fagen, micme111 mfirbiget 6 61m1egerbate1 1111616111111,3“

1 5 menu 1111111 11111 311111 criten imale bef01111116 111 bet

©11111be 1101 1110 at 111111111 19 111111 11111119 111, 11ebt:

{ 1 11314 t

”1111e 11116 1 111111111“ auf 1111111 1 1111111(11111 ‘Bundb011111 km


2112026 111111 111a abet ci11 wenig g1 1mm1ge1

j ia, 1t11e e1 11111 11 11 bem iDl ittag 1101 111111 , gang aufierge1 . 1


20 11111a 111), 111111 [oaufagenz 10113111111a 91 111111119 nub

“TIL , 28116 1111111111 Heine aItehem er 1111) 11 111 111mm bulb 311 11111 11111 111 11111 .V

f 1? 1,31c ge 111) molIte fagen gebggfgmfi abet 111e11 111 11

25M6 fo buitete id) 11103

J111111 fagte 11111111 febr fedI1d): ,311 bet batanten ©a6b11 e1101 =

zf . fteIIeme en.

6 11 111111 bet bteifsigfte,‘

[dmatrte {3m 311g“ .

fcbabet fagte id).

Breite 56 11111 1 11

“ 6311111: 1111111 fie 1106 11111 betommen.

11111 Sam: brebte 116 1106 auf L

{11111111 6 11611 [11 1 11111 111111 fab 11116 1106 11111 31 1111111131 1

1111 , 1116 1101 111 1 . 1011 21113111 111111 1 ban 11111613111 8 1 1mm 5

11116111 11116 01 1111111116 11111 31111101111111161111 1101 e1111 111/l b f)65111 11111 ;111111 16 fagte 11111 : ,menn bu 11131 11111 be1 52531111116 :

3111111, 11111 bu berIoren,’111111 {0 111111 16 mader 11116 111111

1111611 :md’1111 11111 , 21111 1 ; bet 31nd 111 f1 11116 3111111111 ,

abet e6 ftedt 1111 1111 1161 1 Ret l 11111 111 .

11166 11 21113111111111 murbe 111111 1111116 11 11 hie I fire

31 1101111 11111»herein 11 111, 011111 ®e1 1 11 3113116 2111111 01 1 1111

3111011 11 611 , 1111 21711 1116, bet 11111 hoppelt mififiel , 11 116 16, A 4

111111 e1 11116 111 hem tete-é-tete 11111 3&3e1 , ba6

1 11111 111111 1113111 311 metben 111111113, 11151 111, 111111 311 1111116, 1 5

11111! et ci1te 111361 111161‘a fiognomie batte e1111 1 161e M v

brutale Q algmggjiogqpmipd ie 1101 11 117116 311 111111111a

3 ,

ir‘ unterfeeten, ftarffnogigen 11 61 111 1 1111311 . 1

n tx,m onen ©1e? ’

f611111 1 1e $01 1 1 3113e1 .

$8 116 111111111 g it 111111103111 1111e em1herte her 20

651113etrete11e 1111 31 151111111 $ 011 . ,36 111111'

111ci11 ®e 111111

J 2 s 1

[men bere116 31161 1111111 , 111161111111 16 31111111I

1136 11161 3ebe11 {11311 ©111 1 3113e1 311113613116 . 71 !W

11. her 1111111 1 1 . 25

men13 belfen,’1 1 11111 1 1 11 Com:


fagte 16.

etwa6, 1116 16 biefen

f '


51 11 1 1 1111 5 1 11 1111131 11

111511 11116 111 11111 1 (5111111 111 113 1 111 1111111 6 111111,11111 111 6 (63111 1 16 311 116111 1111 beibenm mm 111 11111

11111111 81 1 131 113. 131 13111 16111139 3 1 1 1 11 1 1 1111 ®61116=

11 1111 11 6 1 1111111 , 111 1111 1 116 ®1161111 111 111111 1116 $ 1 111

5 111113 31111 1 61, 11111 , 11 11 16 161111, 11111 1 11111111 11 1 1 11 1 11

p a 111111 116 31 1 111 1 113111 1 11 111 {911 1111 111 1 611 . 66 11 1 1 1111


{M ’

11 1 111 1 1 11616 11 1 11311 1, 1 11 11111 111 116 111 11111 311 11111 111, 1 16

11 1111 11 1 1 6 01 11 111111 11 1111 11 161 11111 11311111 111 bumpsM

31 311 6 111 1 1111 1 15111 111111‘

xc $ 1 1 11 111 1 111 1 11 611 . 5911 $ 1 1 11 11111 16 1 1111 1 111 11 1131 1

1 116 11 11 111 1311111 11111 1 1 111111 3111161 11 , 1 1 1; 111 8111111 1

161111111 1111 1 11 1 .

11111 16 1 1 11 911 1111 11111 {51 111111 1 1 11 .31 111 11111

6 11 111, 111111 31 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111113; 6 61 11111 11 1 1 1 111 mm.

1 5 111111 1 11 11 131

51 11 1111 11111 161 11 1 1 11111 313111 111 111 1 111 , 1163111113111M5

211 61 1111 111 1g1§11113111 ©11 1 1 3113116 111 1m 1111d (4

3 611159129913} PM .

11 1 1311 . 31 11 11311 ia) 1 111 ,'r1

111 1 1 111 11111. 11151 11 , 1 1 11111 , 11111 1 16 11 a ti

20 1 1 111 $ 1 1 1 1 $ 131 1 , 11 1 1 16 1 111 (611111 1111 1 111 1 111111 31 113

1 11111111 1 11 1 1 111611 1611 1 611 11111 1111 11 1 1 , 111111 11111111 1

81 1 11 1111111 1 11 511 1116161 1 11 1611111111 , 111 11 1 1111 21113111:111111 1161111 1 1 1 1 311161 11 11111611 1 11; 11111 1111116 1 1 11:

111116 111 1 1m . ftrmb auf, 1 11 1 31 1 1 111 , inbem id)

25 11111 11111 1mim116 31 1 1 1 1111111 31 11: 1 1 11 111 11 m16 11 111

1 1 1 111111 111 , 11 11 1 1 1 11116 1 16 581131111311 6 111111 1 ©1311111 1 1 1

1 111111 111161. 1011 111 1111111 11 111 111 1 1 1 1133111 31 113 11111111=

1 1 111 1 1111 111111 1 131 1111 116 11 111911111 1113311 31111 1 1111 , 1 1516 11 11 1116 11111 1111 1111111 11111 1111, 111 111116 11111 31111 1 1111

f riebricb S p ielbagen

all erbefte feinmochte, mar bet bet ?Inftrengung, hie es m id)berm bod) gefoftet batte, hen {tartan Si erl 311 bemii ltigen ,

aufi aIIen ?Riibten geplabt, unb hing , foaufagen, eigent l id)«4 J mu: 1106) ia

_ igegen aufmeinem fieibe. S‘d) fflbIte, baf; id)

5 febr rot mutbe, abet id) mat enticbloffen, bie ©acbc nicbtemfter 311 nebmen, aIB fie eé herbiente.

C&ntfdndbigen 6 k , imm S ager,’

fagte id), ,meine

berangiette t oilette; abet ba id) 31mm mid) fe er unbnicht meinenmod anbieten meme, [0 fommt eé fdfliefsl id)

t o uni cine beams. Rleibermmbm—mabE-t e, abet teinen

ficwfif tugtigen ®a8tedmifer.

,6 ie finbmein 932mm;bei Q ott, 6 k finbmaina !’

t ief bet 21m, tam non feinem©tubl betabgebfipft, gabm ir

[cine e ine magere Count) unb bliéft'


init einem beinabe

1 5 gdaliéen flufibmd 311 mir binauf. ,‘lBenn 6 k ihre

©ad)e berfteben, fallen 6 h: bie ©teIIe baben, fomabr iéS obann ?Iuguft S ager beifie.

3d) betftebemeine ©acbe, {flea S‘iiQer,’

fagte id), nub

id) waif; nod) bis auf hen heutigen I ug nicht, mobet id) in20 hem ?Iugenblid ben 2mm 311 hem guberfiétl iégnb grofi

intedjggmn I on nahm; ,aues unb inmenbig berftebe {Q

,S‘d) glaub

’e, gIaub

’s, gIaube 81mm nafé 518011 ; g ie

finb ein ‘Bracbmnub. 6 03m 6 k fi t!) bier an ben I ifd) ,25 unbmmfagen ®iami: einmaI, mo, mic nubmas®ie ge=

Iemt baben. QBaé beaten 6 k 3. 28. Don bet neuen ©afo

metertonftruttion bee 21721; éotmatet in Siberpool ?’

"S ch fa!) aué biefet Wage, bat; main alterbaé SDing febr gut beritanb. S c!) nabmmid)

Excite d ultem

fegte ibm aueeinanbcr, meébalb mix: hie fogeG


tfiflbmtg beeMc. 90mm: teiuemege ge

obe bei weitemicf) einmat gdgnq en

,in beam

id) meine Q rfinbung egljmm batte, ans bet I afdn, 5

breitete fie box:©etrn Sager aue, nub, meil mid ia bafi

10mg fe ft fo febr interefiiette, nub id) aufiet meinem

ehrlichen Dbneforge nod) niemanb gefunben batte, hemid) mid) bdtte mittei len fbnncn, fo murbe id) gang warm

in meinemM un!) intact) mobI cine baIbe em , to

mfibtenb bet flue m ufbflflid) nicftc nub ,fim, bm, ia,

ia;Mr gut; auégegeifcbnetf baamifdnn murmelte. fbamt,

meiI id) nun geruhe im 3155 p ar, eratiblte id) nod:metmeine G Itetn warm, unb {0 in aIIer Rummeine gangen

Cf5d)idfale, mobei id) meine 6 ndfl ingepet iobe 311 empbnen 15'

nicht bergafi. ?IIG id) um G abemar, ftredtemit bet 2IIte

has magere gunmen entgegen nub fagte: ,fbier, meme©aub, 9m: SRoIanb; 6 k fallen unfet Dimftor methen; amitaufenbfI nlet ifibrlicbj w enfttmbnnngr freie

fieiaung unb funf z o

$ rogent ®inb @ ie auft ieben

"EUR: fcblug baa in bie fleme, ale id) ban aIten

fi rm in fumben 1) 3c!) ergriff feine 6mmnub

ftammelte, id) mufite nidnwas. 86) mufite nut ,bat;mmbie Sl ot 311 j


a e fei, unb bat; 9um Dbneforge 25

hen fcbfinften {gradwhen iolIte, banw udberbdnbemacben


unbmmgebefi ©ie nad) ©aufe, 6m: iRoIanb,‘


bet ?(Ite, ,3ieben 6 k {id} einen anbernmod an nubrommen

j t iebrid) S p ielbagen

6 k bente um filai mieber bet , nub fpeifen g iemit nus .

3é) mill C‘Z ie meiner $amilie borfteIIen, nub bernad; rims

nen mil:hen Ronttatt unteraeicbnen. flue S htar biflberi

gen ©tefluug treten g ie non biefem ?Iugenblid ans. 3c!)

5 merbe fofort an S‘Intm SDiteftor fdneiben nub ibm hi e

iBewflberung, bie in unferms flagonaIe eingetreten ift,

notifigieren. fi ielleicbt braucben ©ie ($5e , iunge Beutebranchen immer 65cm. ©ier finh haubert I aler ?Immce.

Emmett ®ie {cine umftdnbe. { fiat unten S hunmamm.

xc fDante! e en 6 k mobl; auf flgiebgdcbm; ffinf 1151:



1 mmh” 1” f

‘ f‘

b ’v

,,SDamit entlief; mi Ite; id) berbeugte micb, nub

harmmeif; id) nicht mebr, mic id) 311111 gmxfe binaus nubin Dbneforgeé SZBobmmg getommen bin. 36) waif; nut ,

1 5 bat; id) mid) in ban 21mm bet treuen 65cmmiaberfanb,bet in einem fort meinte unb Iacbte nub baamikben t ief

,S‘d) bab

’ee immer gefagt: 6 k braufien ia nut metten

311 Iafien, bat;eé31mm (graft i t bagebt ee iaboa felbit.‘

20 ®efdficbte, mic id) um ffinf libf au ©erm Sager tam nub

811 mSager nub mum Sager nub {3um SBreitfopfnub gran $ reittopf u. Romp. borgeftellt murbe, mic id)bei I ifd) neben gtuulein Gmmi Sager fat;nubnicbtmutate,oh es bet Qbampagner ober G mmis fcbfine ?Iugen

25 ©m bee éimmew, bie grauen ! man braucbt blot; nonihren ?Iugen gu fptecben, {0 [pen ci l fie fie auf. fiaft gut

gefcblafen, Gmmi ?“

"3d; babe gar nicht gefcbffifen, bu fcblecbtet 272mm,

fagte bie iunge gran, bie mit ihren {cblummertot

f riebrid) S p ielbagen

66 with has and) mobIbus ®ef®ette1te fgim fagte bet

Qlffefior, inbem er in bie smofdife‘



égSDer fieutnant blidte nod) ciumaI mébmfitig and) hen

fienftem hinauf unb murmeIte, mabreub er hie ©ttaf3e

5 hinabging,,fi eneibenemerter 202mm): 3meitaufenb ifibrfid), ffinf

‘Brogent Dom SRettogeminn, 6 6miegetbater Mill ionii t ,bass reigenbe 28d!) nubmeld) horribel breite @cI)uItem

bet 9.7mmbat

91 16 hem f l eiueu Wage! 11 11 6 011 116

ui ebct bt annte

$ 011 ‘B'

eter manager

36) crinum mid) 1106) gar gut 11 11 11111 9111611.

6111 bumpfet Q uail , 1116 menu hie $ 111: 1116 6 6m“ :

“fibeufiW motben mat e, medte mid) auf. 1111b

1111 1111 flopfte iemanb um ?ymftet 111111 rief 111 bie 6 11161

bete1nz me1' bee fi leinét eI3511116 brennen febenmoIIe, bet 5

mfige auffteben unb fcbauen geben.

?Blein 2311111 {111 11113 11116 hem ?Bette, id) erhob ein

3 13mm chrei 1111b bacbte fare ndcbfte 1111 1 11 11, 111 111111:

Ranincben 311 rattan 28am bei befonbet en 6 1 1111111“ a

11111 anbeten ubet 111th fiber 11116 ?Ranb unb28am! gerieten, m 1

{0 11111 1 cc alIemaIhie bI'

mbe 311111 , hie 11116 bembigte. 6 0

fagte fie and) iett, bat; in 111t unfer 1611116 1111 ?yeuer itebe,bat; hue R

‘ IeinéUEaz ebfiaué cine baIbe ©tu11be 1111111 11011

11116 meg mut e;bat; es and) 111151 ficher fei, oh baémeinSmaz el sgnmé brenne, but; 1111 ©pafibogel


borbeigegangen 1 5

fein ffinne, bet 11116 hie 8119 311111 genfter bereingemorfen,111111 bat; 16 1116i 6) fei, bat; gar niemanb beretngefcbrien

butts, foubern 11116 11116 11111: {0 1111 1 1 1111111 1 norgefommen

mare.SDabei ftreifte fie 11111 11116mam 1111b hie é cfmbe 1111 , 20

nub 11111 eiIten 1101 11116 1611116, 11111 311 feben.

t iefmem QBatet , n

’e 1ft febon aIIeS 5111

CL/U W 123

Deter Rofegger

fiber 11111 fl albrgggu eruber, 111 1 1111) 111 11111 111 111111um1111109111111 5 111111 11111 11) b11 (

551911111 Iegt 111111 11116 D611:"

yW i fé


rlanb 1101111111111111 1 116111111,M M fiII 111111 [11 1141 511111 8111111111 1 auf. 5011111 1161 11 11111 figfiqfi 111111 {11131131111111116 fdfiine 111 111 1611116, 1111 11316 1111 1101 111113111 5530111 11

fert1g 131 11101 11111 11111 1 , 111 11111111 11111 551. $911 81111 11111 1:

feucbt, 1111 1511 1 111 1116 ©1mm116 111111 111 1111 111 111; 16 1111111 11

3111111 111 11 1 111 ib onmt , 11 111 1 11116 (5511111111 1 30g 1111511

b111a116 111 1111 ©1131a 11011 5811 11e 111111 5133113.

(5111 581115 {0 1131111111 111111 1111 201111111 , bet 11116 91

1111 111 batte, bcr, _ M 11 111111 1 11111111111111

[1111 s 111111 1111 9131161, btitte dnj g hmfxmm f 11111 1511111111 ! f911611 11111 11 111111 111111 1 bamt niebetmart6 gefabten. 6 1

11 111 1 abet 111ef)t mebt au6gelofd)1 11 , bet [111m115111111 11 11

1 5 111111111 1111111 11 G abe 111111 1 geweben 111111 1 11 c 911011 1111111

111111 ba bdtte 1111) 11 , 111 1 SDlann, gebat : @cI)au’1111, 11151

bat’6 hen e 111

’501111 11 troffen.

21811 1111111111 11011) 11511111 11 geben, bat; 11 11 M 6 belfen


f11911 111 1111 5231111 1 .

,,fielfen 11311111 1111 111 1111311 111 1 11111111 1 , "1110 1111 fbons

1111 1111 111 111111151 1, 1111 rfibt’111) 111111 16111111 1111111 . $311 f .


9 11 11111) fol! 111111 1 111 1911 113011 111151 entgegenarbeiten, 111111

11111111 b1 1'

1111111 11! 1111111 ©1mm11131 1 (581111) auf6 1911116

11111 11, {0 11111 11 11 111111) 111011111 , bat; 16 [11 11111111 1011. get ,

253m mufit miffen, 1ft {0 1111 G infélagetfiM gat 1111111


58 111111 SDummb11t and) 111151, 1 111 1111111 581111 1 , 11111)

301-111g, 11111 1d) 11m11011; 11111 11 91119111 1311 111 , {1111 11 11 111111

6 11111 1116 651111111: "1311 5111 1 J 1 41 1 1 1 1


2115 61 111 211 111 1 1 6115 511115 111161 1 51 11 11

1511116 gebaut. 811111 311111’ Iang but 11 Damn gea1beitet,

11111 1 11111111111 1111 11111111 111 111111 1 , 11111 ee _bagflmnbm ift

11111 11111 goIbroten 253111111111 , 11111 11111 belIen fienftem 111111

111 1M am111111 $ 1111) bernm [11111 1 bomgbm (mans A

i ;”w 111111 11111 . 6111 fei1tw 11101 111 11 a11f bet 6 11111 1 11 1111 ,111111 11 11 [um 111 1111 bet 11111, 11111; 11116 111111 1 Warm[11 1 1111W 11111 II1111

’201111 1! uIG 1111 $81111111I 1116

8I11§16 111111 1111 e beitfamteit 111 1133111531? 91111111? “ 1 A

211011111 but 11 be11utet1 moIIen; 111111 11111; 1 1 beraufgeftiegen111 110111 iBetteIImben 1116 311111 111 11111 11 ©a116bef1$1 1 111111 10

M/ 15111161 11111 5811111 233 111? 111111 $ 1111I1 111111 icht ift

auf 1111111 11! aII16 bin. $81 1 gauge ?wifs 111111 aIIe 211 111“

1111 11111111 S abr’[111 111 111111111111. ib er 1111113 1 {1151 111111111

auf bemfe en $Ied, 11111

311) babe 1111311q 111 1111 1 W 111 11011) 11116 1111 1 5

$ 1111I beaogen, 111111 {0 entgegngte 1d) auf bee Qiatete

gfiq ng: ®1m111 1I11a111 bat 11111 ?Dlaz eI [11111 geftraft, 1.

baf; 11 to 111116 3111111111 111 gegangen 11111 1111 21111111, 111111

111 1 21711111! bat 1167 1-

11171 umé $1111 1 L wenig geforgt.

Céehet 1111 5811311111 111 11111 Bfiften, 111 1111 11 1111111, 1113 1 111111 10

f, 6511 ftilI!“111111161 11 11) 111111) 111 1 581111 1 "111 1

11118 but gefagt, 111 111 1 5161119 6 11101110 111111111, 111 1 1111111 {0

111118 {111011 fagen. M 1 11111 1 foIIt’e probieren! 8 11)

111111’11119 111111111 11 a118 111111 11116 fag

’1d), 11111 10

gebt, 11111 111111 111111

’20111111, 1c11 [1111 1 1131191, 111111 beb


311 fauIengen. 2331 1111 1111 501111111) 11111 bem3 111111111111 . 111

fahrt, {0 11111 11 11 111 111 11 20111 1 geftedti h111 111t 11111111 16. 21111 1 1111 1111

9 1 11 1 11991 1

(15311111 110111 ©1111m11 51 1 1111111 5311111 9111 596 119911111 111©9116 11111 11, 596 1111 9 11 2115111619 999 91119111

5 659116 111 915 1

811111 11191 111

11191 1111516 911511 16 31 1119 151 11 , 916 5931111151 11 11115 31t311a

115911111 , 11111 511 11131111 R55I1 1151 111151 , 111 115m :C b h — Q

$ 96 81111 1 11191 111151 1111111115, 16 111 111111 111151, 16 11 91511'

to 111151, 16 £151 , 111151 111115 111 51 1 811f1 51 1 11111; 596 991131

1119116 11191 1 111 1 8191111111 , 11115 51139911111951 18 11115 1111 115

311111 {1 1111111 11 9111, 11911 159 1111111 {11 9119111111 111.

(Eine 111 1111 6 11 1 111 115111 581 91151 11191 51 1 6 1111159151 11,auf 1111115111 51 1 21719111 511 65111111 51 1 ©91111 1111111 31119111 =

(1 5 1111119111 99111 511111 . 2111 5111111111111 {95 1 1 111111 , 511 1111111 ,111 911111 , 11191111 11915191, 9719111, 11115 f95 9111 511 ©1111 5111,511 111 $ 151 a11i 1511 511 111 5111 11 . (51 11191 59111 91191 1111511,

59111 11111111 115111913111 6 59 9 199691911111, 596 11113191 , 1596

,1 1 91 1 11111, 11111 1 1115 91511111. 5011 811111 11 91111 111151 311

2015111; 1111111 23911 1 11151111 15111 91 1 11 1111 21191 1 51 1 25115

11951111 11115 516 1 1 111116 1991 11 , 9111 1 1 1 9 111 91111 1111) 91115111151 311 15111 . 131 1 911911 1 1151111 111 59 , 595 11111 11111111111,

1151 11115 11131 11111111 1 1 911fi111 1119111 11115 11111“

8111 15311111 {1111111111 111151 11 11115 1115 591111 111 511 $1

11115 11151115, 916 596 311111 11111 111151 911f 51111 (515111

91 11115511 11111 11 1111 11115 9116 5111 21115111 511

£ 11 516 91111191 1 11, 1151111 1115 51 1 2119111. 3111

91111 5111, 5911 11111 11 11511 9111 111153111151 11 111551111111111 911.

2Barou ‘Bi tadmt

581m {fr ie SBrentanon u


"SDem fi rm M mfafiut ggbpdgmMuM bat;

beuntenacbtmiebeg xmb‘ gmei ©ifenbabni®tvefleg _mn fboms iv»

torpIaB abbaubgg gefommen finb, unb fraglicbe biebifdw

Subibibiume nifii ggnfi b verben fonnten.

5 Emit biefer Welbung ttat bet‘Bol iseifi gflml lfiftfi 80a

dfim ®d)admit§ in hue 5Bureau feinefi iBomefebten, bee‘Bofigeifommiifdrémemené, meld)“ ebenmit grofiet ? q s

metrfamfeit einen 6 tedbrigL ftubierte, bet einem homer):tigten iBauemfdnge—L nadmefcbidt morben mar.

,,fiimmelbetrgott 3 1 o I bod) gleicjz ein fdcbfifcbeefl, gbonnermetggr breini cblgggn!

fubr er, ben g tedbfiefmegsIegenb, ben QBaétmeiftet an. ift um nué bet Smut an,

fabren! g ait acht I agen hiefe SDiebjtfibIe unb nod) feiner 7h”?betM m ertnifcbt!

1 5 ift reine Q egereifi‘

feufgte g éadmib.

2k !) mas, ®egerei !“

M ber Rommifitlt .

l ggm{m u

gfbaewaif; id) heifer!w — M an Quergie/lp;Q t bfiIt [cine Beute nidfi ftmmm, g chadmib!

Q A LLfbm:Rummfariue ein alter g olbat

w mitgemacbt, I apferfeitemebaifle, bub 16) once

{cbon bunbertmal gebfirt, ®tof3eQBorte, nicbté

babinter! I aten bemeifen! 6 6mmmix:bie©CbmeIIenbiebe,bann mill id) Stewart bor G urem g olbate aben.


Baron p i lsdyen ( “f 131

,,QBerbe all ee aufbietm,

ftammelteberagtfinl tr.6®ad= WW ”

mils nub moIIte feinen mudgug ans hem s immer feines

ungnfibigen (Sbefé nehmen, mac biefer abet mit einem

futaenM eihen“berbinberte.

fiber QBacmmeifter fteIIte {id} (1q neue mm nub 5 f

blidte hen Rommiifar fragenb an. fDiefet abet fat; einige

?Dl inuten grubelnb in [einem®eflel , balm erhob er {id} unbMfptad): "W hen“ nacht felhit in hermumbee 58mmtomlabee fain. I refit C&ute ?lnfigltm unb poffiert

Beute to, bat; wit bieémaI nkbt mieber ,

mit [anger Snafe

absieben. new li br bin id) im (Saff éédtt an treffen,

falw meine (Si egenmart bis babin nfitig iit; non ha ab

ffinnt Sbr mid) {M W ?Iugenbl id {cbon emat s

ten, berIaBt 63nd) barauf! 5mmberm, Iinféum,

fDie obige ll ntmtebung batte auf hem ‘Bofigeibureau 1 5

einer grfifieren éanbeles nub univerfitfitéftabt itattge

funben, mo man eben meine (Sjefdficbte fpielt in bet

fiftigt mar cine foge

angulegen, mec e bie

$ erbinbung fil t QBatentranéport smifcfnn ben beiben 20

W ntewalteu oIte. 58a bie SBabn bie C°5tab§o ta

fteIIenmej jggang nabc betfibrte, in warm bie 3a Iegenbeneidxnen g dfinefleu teiImeife in bet ©tabtM inn fie ‘

nad) SBebatf non ben ?Irbeitem entnommen murben.

fi ne gtofie 211ml)! mar auf bem SDomtorpIat}m i ce“ ;

A ftapeIt, unb bort mar cc and), too [cit acht I agen SDieb=

ftfible folcber ®d)meIIen mit einem SRaffinement unb einer

Q edbeit macbe afler QBadfiamfeit bet in


w z o SDenn nidfi 11111 , but; fie ibm bienftlicbeM M

( 0"

132 £1 13 BrentaT

° f“ERebier ftatiouierten ‘Boliaiften nub 11)4 10

fi/11L jeben Emorgen erhielt5 unhem I nge mieber 11111 km ftereotnpen Smelbung 311 er



cbeinen: "58 113i biebifcbe Subibibiumé nod) nicht

ermittelt merben fonnten.

553116 111111 ben S‘tfiffel betrifft, {0mar S oadfim 6 dwr

1 mic111 biefet SBeaieyugg ein febuglggmm alter S uuge.uw r fd “

t o $ 11 Iiebet met batte ibn nicht febon geruffelt 111 ben

funfunbbreifsig S abren feinerm111tanfcben nub pol igei lidmtSDienLLm (fir mar baran gemfibnt, mic bet (cabana: W


1d)Ie1ferI)unb 1111 hué 91cgentvetter. 21[6 er 1101: hie I fire“

j ;W ane er fid) einmal , got; 1111 nacbften Q tamlaben 114 .

1 5 einen fleinenW‘

binter hie 581nbe, 1111b hie 6 adn u qmar abgemacht

?Iber bet $ 611 : ‘Bofigeifommifftirmemens batte fie!) nicfit{0mid) bembigt, mic fain ®ubaItem S oadfim 6 dmd1mb.


bm mar bie Gbefcbicbte 1m boben 1 mm: unangenebm.

raw mutate 71d) and) ieben ?Ibenb hen 6 9m nub km


éncbeleten few er ©efeflfcbaft gefaIIen Iaflen, 11mm et 1111

w feine QBbtitpartie mad)te. fiber ©ad)emufite

energifd) ein a e gemadfi, bie frecfien SDiebe mufgten ers

25 mifdfimerben, 111th beute abenbmuIIte er fe ft ungefannt

nubungefeben QBadye batten (sj em tat er ee frei lid) 1111111,111: 1bm [cit S abren gut febr

11 11 has fibers gelmcbfen. 1 1

113111131111;ertfinte ein fé’

ftfifttQCB ‘Bodm 1111 hie t il t , bat;

31 115 Brentano

111111g and) e111e11 111111116 11118tnaderat tigen ?Inftfigbj afie, 3‘

111 1111 bod) augeben mufite, but; 16 e111 bfidflt fe111et 271111;fnader mar, 111eId1er bem SBeamten fe111e ?q martung

fl m q[M ' ” W PW ‘C

“ J

i"361 babe biefibre {berm ‘Bol igeifommifffir 5116 1101 16 311

M ” W "

fptedm?“ fragte bet

"311 b1e11e11, 111 ci1t $ err,“antwortete biefer.

Main 57111111 1 111 1151131111311, ?IboIar, 23111011 11011 ‘Bilacbenf

,uw ( fubt her ©1111 fort, "6 1111110q 1111 berj i/efigmuniba fis w

m 1111, bet ©111 1: 110mm mid)

,,16abe 111cbt bie

"911611? budne 11111 ! Siege fcbon fiber 31111111311;®w eitet

1111 ben 5811 1111111 bet biefigen ?IIma mater, obne [116 feet11111111136M burfiee 311W$ 111 1: 211101111 11011 ‘Bilgcben in einer mo

M m 9‘1ebe auée111a11be1'

, 111111 feit1 {berg ffir cine 58am1 b1efer 6 111111 entbrannt 111111 eé 111111 ea icI) gelungen 1111,

11116 3111111111 311 etbalten, {0 but; er gef011mmmat e, be11tuber ®tub1o 11116: 111111 baffir hen ©d)Iafrod

en 1151 1: {d

1 W arrangiert, 1111311111213 bent

,,Ioégefcboifen“ merben foIIe. SDem

far 111111011M a macben, fe1 311m! fe111¢6 Rommene,

5 111111 er boffe, baf; b1e g nebe feinen 2Injta11b, babe. W?Inftanb,

“ entgegnete biefer, 111eId1e23c1


f1d1erung $ 131 1: 11011 ‘Bilgcben 11111 geaiemeubm 59 11 11! A M“ ?111111 fififl pfgy lmmoms, 1116 her iBeamtc


” x i " L”

L I”

i ris

unb fo ein ftabtbefannt Unibetfitfit

gemotben war. (i t mar ein fcblaue; Ibalunfe, an alienmfigl idnn unb unmfigl icben, reinl imen unb unreinl idmt©efcbfiften 311 gebmucben, unb menu ein pumpenbet 58m

bet gmbio feinen ‘BfennigmebrM mufgte, menn/Aein altet 551mlS ubfolut nidfimebr begegs abet berteilbat/c. f"ein ?Bifletbo burcfiaué nichtmebr anaubringenmat , batm f,


fibemabm Smucf m [ester S nftanahie 6 acbe unb fie mutbefl'“

gemacht 61: berbiente babei bieI ®elb, abet er btaucbte

m 1106) mebr;bermct tum! nicht nut game, er tegaliette audrfianbete.

1L G in {Bin}? brachte ibn an hie ®cite ‘BiIacbené, hen er

,tmit einemW ém ?Baron!“ begrnfite.SDie beiben fannten einanber [cbon Iange, unb2mm! mufgte

1 5 gang genau, baf; ee, menu ‘Bilgcben [o mintte, etmaé 311 bet sbienm gab.

i biefet abet griff in bie QBeftentafme unb bratbteamifdnnSDaumen unbseigefinger ein3meitalerftfid gum $ 011(bein,macbeé er hem SEBidfiier unter hiemate hielt.

fagte er, ,,id) meits, S ht feibM W :

Smucf rniff bus Iinfe fluge 3a, gi gg ly . mit hem redmnbae (Sjelbftficf an unb ammortete: ”g em: f(bmeicbelbaft,©etr iBaron!


br ftecft immet mit hen ‘Bol iaeibienem aufammen.

SIBenn id) hie beute mittag meifg, marummir bet ‘Boligci s

fommifidr Q Iemené bie e aubnis 3a hem©tfinbcben bent:

abenb bermgigm. bat, in ift bet 61 m.

$ i13cbew’

teilte bem QBiéfiet temchungmit

Baron p i lsdpen

bem fi eamten mit nub 2021 16 bbrte mit gtofier flufmerts

[amteit 11112m 1 ‘

,,3‘cf merbe nad) I iid) auf hie iBube bei ©ie erfdninen,

fagte ct mtgnub ging.

(fine ©t1mbe [patet fat; er mit 3015011 g chadmib in 5

einetM 11 hermumbee SDomtorpIabefi, gang hinten111 cine: bunflen (Ede, mo fie ungeftfirt fluftem nub tufdxln

fonnten. 111111 1116 has bierte ,,fifirmdmt“

betwmunben unb1111 1111 1111) non £02116 begablt mar, fab fid) biefet bereité inbet glfidl iéen 8age, has smeitalerftud 1116 fain Q igentum xo

betracbten 311 ffinnefi.‘Bfinttl id; 11m amei 1151M et {115

311111 ?Rapport bei ‘Bilgdyen ein.

6 0 to,“

fagte biefer, 1116 er hen g y fammenbam, bet

6 11611: erfuhr, ,,aIfo bamm? 6 t 6 1115, wit moltenci11 ‘BIfincben madyen.

111111 fie maduea einen ‘Blan, 58111011 non ‘Bilacben nub

912116, bet (Edcbuftet 1111bM inute” ( 1 m L

(58 mar ci11 tedfi falter t oberabcnb, hen her 31 1 1:

$ ol igeifommifidr fit!) far [cine perffinlicbe SlBadxauf hem

“ x.W hat g chmeffenbiebftfible auégefucbt batte. fDer

2811111 pfiff ganu ghfirig.fiber be11 fDomtorpIata, 1111b geruheauf hie G de beé norfpringenben 3511 11718, 100RIemené £111

tiefen ©chatte11 poftiertmar, fdfien er es gangbefonberé ab

M m babm (i t buIIte fid) fefter in feinenMantel unb

fp libte mit Mariam 58116 me!) hem ®®meIIenIager bin»

fibet . 21mmand) geigte i111) n1®t8M 68 11111 1:

316 111111) [1111 unb 11111: bie 111111 b barmlofet

11 1 . [ a51 115 Brentano P 7

4 C; 58311111111 1 1:01111: 1111h

gggipgtew ieb 111111 31113

1 Iegenen‘Blae. (51 11 11 111111 1111 QBagen angefabten 111111 [11111


711755117 35111111 gegenfiber, bet1e11 erfte Q tage bell 1113111161111

mar. 311111 1311111 111 ffiegen u11é cine 11111311 1 111111 c111c

5 filters, 111111 11116 ihrem aw l:

1 baf;fie 11116 hem t heater 111111 111.‘Blfitalicb [1111311 1 1 , 1111111 1111 befanntet Name 1(111113 11 11

{1111 13111 .

j HW W “ QBarum ‘Bilgdmt mob! beute 1111111 1111 I beata:mar?

10 fragte 1111 iflngere. berfptad) eB

$311 2111111101 1 bet dIteren 111111 111 11011 1111 1111) fd111efse11be11

1 111: betfélungen.

28am(1111111111) {11111 ?Braut!“

111111 111 1111 11111:310111111 11161 .

1111 , mat; 111111 beute obne 6 111111161111 311 58 1111

1 5 geben.SBebauere febr, 111 11111 31 111111111 , abet

253116 mat 11116? 91115113! 911mm) fdflid) [111111 1

hem 6 d1mefienlaget 111 1 1101 , 111111 1 111111 211 111 1: {01 1311111111einen grofien, 111 bunfleé I nd) 9111111111 11 ®egenfta11b

genb. 9 1111 smeifel , 16 mar bet $D1eb!

"2530 her Q efi , bet 6 6111 11111113, 11111: ftedt!

ftief; bet

Q ommfl1111 111 1 11116 211111 , 1111 111 1111111 11 111 er ans

fl bem Q unfel 111111 bort fommt and) bet Small er. ‘Bft!

,‘Bffl M n Beutet 2711111 baben 11111 11111 [111111 2901 1

bruben1 1111319 1 er 11111 e111er g rinneIIe 111111 11 11 ?Irm feet

25 Iangiam 1116 11111 [11 1111111 111111, bat; 1111-1 11111

111111 1: faffen fbnnen. 2801 111111 16, 811m!“

111111 b1e bre1 11111161111 11159111511 (11 1 1111115106 hemwc111c 21111111113 babon

etecbtigfeit fid) 1111 {cine




I ‘

Baron p i lsdyew

melcbet ibm mit alter 6 celenrube antlvortetc: ,,fiBie ©ic

feben, meine M en, ein paar Ranonenfticbel , hie id;morgenmmin hit QBicbfe 311 nehmen3mm“

"Hubweshalbmnnten 6 k mic toll, a16 id) 31mm pbaIt’

guriefnubwit 6 k betfolgten inquiriertememenemiter 5

,,fiaben ©ia gemfen unbmid) verfolgt fragte tinkerft

barmloé Wind . "1 , {id} ma! an, banon babe id) nichteW‘7

bemertt 3c!) lief, meiImid) fror;meiu Snod ift’n bificbcn

bfimw, 33611 Rommififit , hie 3eiten finb fcbIccbt e6 \triigt teinen neuen

W m ©ie molten,“

crmiberte 4aittemb nor 30m bet Si‘ ommiflfit . 6 k ffinnen jest

geben, abet nehmen 6 k fid) normir in adyt,

,,QBerbe fo frei fein,“ fatad) Wind febr bbflid), griff nad)

feinen Ranonenftiefeln unb berfdmmnb mit einem gem“ fit: 5 15,

W macbt, S‘ocbem!

“in bet gefiffnetenw c.

Sitar mit ant;erftet Smi lbe untetbrudte bet ?Beamte einen211161311 16) feinee 30mm.

"Morgen frat), acht 1151: Stapport!“

benfcbte ar beifet

botw hem QBadytmeifter 311 nub fcbritt ao

cil igft um bie G ert .

sue abet bet fbm ‘Bofigeitommiflfir nad) feiner Mrs z

M S‘agb miebet in hie mdbe bee SDomtorpIabee

tam, i eb er pIBi cI) mic erftarrt itchen. 8aut unb bent: 4



l id) tbnten thm auf bet ©traf3e bte Iebten flfforbe emee 25

Mannet quartetté mit gen, nub eben

eéz "fichem 11Menu QBaIb!“

Ifo "92amat te!“

51 115 Brentono

RIemenB mar, mic 1111111 Ieicbt begreiflid)1 71111 Women nad) hem botftebag ag in”einer f 6 1111111111119 benn ie. (1531 mar 11111 11111111




f ft111'te11 ®cbnupfe11 aufgeftanben, 111111 fein atopf. [11311111111

X‘ J ‘” 11 5 11m 311m . 2q hem ®omtorplat§ 11111 1 111 1 19111111 111111111

é dmell en geftoblen morben 1111b aufgerbem lag Mud

1111 Magen, bean in Die! mat flat, but; her niebep,

ttfiglztigeflfiidfiier ibn unb {cine 8eute 11116 11 31 1111 11111111

651 111111 meggelodt batte. 2I11fa11g6 bradyte er 11116 11111 ha:

1 0 fb iebflgeféicbte 111 iBerbinbung, abet nad) 11111) 111111) gas

111111111 1 1 hiefibetaeugung, bat;hie 9011161111: 11111 hes 6 1111111

cbenémifley figgtghnfi orbmmar.

$Da6 ®tfi11b1be11 ! 311 , ha batte er menigftenfi etmafi

f“ ©reifba1'

e6,111111 ‘Bilgcben iolIte ibm hen geftt igen ?Ibmb

1 5 begablen. (55111 ‘Boligift 111111 1111 11111 11111 1: mfinbl idm 53a=

M w a hem 6 M entenM unb bet Rommififit

1fiberlegte {id}, 11111 hem ‘BoIigeijtrafgefegbuQ in 1111: 53111111,

,1 ben bett ej i uben 8um ,811 {11111111 flrger aid)t me!

311 mucben. (Sine ©trafe 11011 1— 50I aIern, 1111 QBieber

bolungefall tum $aft, mar fut berlet‘


Seiber abet lag bidet QBiebetboInngefaII


tam mieber 306x111 6 1511 1111113 megj


111111 namentlid) tegnete es ©rohheiten fiber ibn, 11111 f11111 1: a

45 bettraul idyen SBetannfiQaff'

11111 2172111? millen.

11mm bet {bet t fiommififir crft gemufit batte, baher ibm feinen berbcmtte!

,,S br nehmt 6 beute gmei 811111 mebr,tommanbierte er, b&wmmit hen 9 0111101111“ aufe

Baron p i lsdyen

er nut nodnnale ctfdyien, um { mt nub Mantel 311 boIen

unb feinen ‘Bartnem auaurufen, bat; an feinem griifsten V

SBebauem bienftl idye 654mmiby ni hen abriefen.a


(31: begab fid) bean and) rafcben g cbrittee auf fein 8 a

ram, gefoIgt non hem madytpabenben‘Boligiften, bet ibm f

hie ehcnfomidytige,m Iiée EUIeltumg gemadnbatte,bat; einer bet ©®mefienbiebe berbaftet fei .

SUZit grimmigem iBebagen feiste fid) memene an {einen

brad) einen M ‘Bapier sum ‘Btototofl r4

nub ? efabl :M‘

f fi d


58m 1 111: dffnete fut) unb bet (Sjefangene ttat em. wet‘Bol iaeifommiflfit bewaffnete fid; mit bet fieber, brficfte

hie iBriIIe feiter aut bie Snaie unb htahte {id} raid) um, um

has g ubieft“

ndber in ?Iugenféein 311 nehmen. ?IlIein

ng er beim ?Inblid beefelben bom

itanb ‘Bilacben, 211mm, 23m mnon

?BiIgcfim, bewacht Don 31nd‘Bol igeibienem, berm einet

cine mficbtige G ifmbabnfrbmefle im 21m bieIt.

,,3a, was [011 benn has ? “ rief bet Rommifltit , ,,id) babe

his 580e a beé 6 67meIIenbiebe6 befohlen.

fi ner bet ‘Bol igeibiener beutete Mmeigenb auf ‘Bilacben.

"S ch beritebe nicbt“

ftammelte etmaé barlegen

Q IemenG .

nod) weniger,“ fie! ibm ‘Bi lgdmt in hie SRebc.

s c!) tomme harmloe a116 meiner fineipe, um nad) ®aufe 25

311 geben, metbe non 3bzw Seuten fiberfaIIen nub hierher

gebtacbt unbj wi/ttg mit‘

natfit lid) cine (Ertlarung fiber biefe

SBebaa unmgmA‘

"nub hie G ifmbabnfémefle?‘ fragte bet SBeamte.

gag B rentano

,,I rug id) aflerbingé bei mit ,“ermibette ‘Bilacben, ,,ba

id) nidnmutate, but;has (Siefebhas Imgen betfelben irgenbmic verbietet.“

nubmic gelangten 6 h in hen ?Befitaberfelben?

"g em: ciufud), inbem id) mit biefdbe unfettigen lies.“"?Infet tigen? 6ml ©ebt fonbetbat ! nub 3ameldnm


3d) glaube faum, but; id) gut $ eantmottung biefer

{frage gefebfid) berpfl itbtet bin,“ mtgegnete ‘Bi lgcben, ,,aIIein

um S ‘

bnen einen SBemeiB meiner boéaww ©es .

’ 54"

geben, baIte id) bamit nichrt gumd. 3d)

a16 ?Briefbefcbmetet auf meinem @cbteibtifcb




t ! plume bet Rommifiat 106, ,,6 iemifibrau

1 5m meiue©ebulb.“

anttvortete icht fil l)! her ©tubent, mit einemé eitenhlid auf hie ibn bcmaéenben ‘Boligeibienet , ,,id)

glaube, bet SIRiBbraucbte bin id).(56 finb in hen Iebten I agen miebetbolt SDiebftfibIe

so bon (Eifenbabnfcbmeflen um Q omtotplabe borgefommen


,,SDa but man mid) a16 Q ieb berbaftet,

“unterbrad) bell

auflacbenb ‘Bilgcben hen SBeamten. berseiben 6 k

meine éeiterfeit in biefen emiten SRtiumen, abet baa i it

25 benn body 311 fomifd).

, Q od) nidfi fo fomifd), mic ©ie 311 glauben fcbeinen,

gun: iBaron, menu 6 k mit aid)t fofort glaubbaft nag):

weifen, mic 6 k in hen 58cm; biefee Rorpufibel iffi ffimcn.

tram gtfifsten iBergnfigen,“ mtgegncte bet 6mm ,


16m fl attens abet begab fid) cine Et eppe bfiber 111

[cine $180!)a 111111 Iegte fit!) 311 Slim.

fanb Iange feinen e dflaf. fi eQBut fiber hen 6mm;bee ®tubenten him not feinen Beaten 11116

5 ge£tisrte 6 11111 nubIofemawegebanfen, aIIee biee g t“



1111111 in [einem Q opfem unb fe ft a16 er cubsl id) einfcbl ief, L ujte ibm 11011) 1111 Imam bae bergnfigte

I&d7elnbe©ef1d7t ‘B1Igd7en6 entgegen, mdbrenb2172116 Rd) m1t

feiner fupfm oten fi ifagefiber ibn beugte 111111 cine mficbtige

m (Eifenbabnfcbmefle auf {cine 131-nit Iegte fo [timer — fo

{15mm Gi embe mar er hem C&rffiden 1116 ein traf

tiger 3119 an feinermacbfléefle ibn medte, bat; ar entfebtauffuhr, anMS genital: eilte nub 16 aufrifs.

,,SDet gen: 9011111111f(i t baben befoblen ibn 311 medm,

1 5 rief unten 1111 g ergeant. 23311 baben hen e cbmflenbieb!“

"(EnhIfib entfuhr es hen 811mm memené’. 658 mm:

bod) cine mebabil itation feiner pol igeil icben fibre. RI22:

gem nor R&Ite fubr ct 111 hie nottvenbigften RIeibungss

{tilde unb eilte binuntet in {cine Slmteftube, 4116 es chm

20W ifim I flrmen ein 11mfdflug.

?IIG er in has 311mm: trat, glaubte er 111 Die Girtbe

finfen 311 mfifien, benn miebet ftanb, non smei ‘Bol igei

bienem z ines anbet en 21mm begleitet, 15m: 21hoIar,iBaton non ‘Bilgcben mit feiner gmmefie box: ibm, nub

25 I&dwlte geruhe fo bergnflgt, 1116 et 1511 im 51 1 1111111 1 gefeben


,,6 ie feben, mating er hen fpracblofen Q ommimir,id) fol! beute 311111 291116 gemachtmetben. 11m

mid) fl ierbaftung 311W‘ 4

Baron p i lsdpen

1111111 11ab111 id) 11011) 1111111 1 1111116 Ifingeren 6 1111311 1n

11111 11) 1111 6 11 1111111, 111111 11 111 111 1 1111113 1101111111116 abgefafi1.

11111 161 31111111 11111 131116 111 1111 5101111111111 1 111 11111 1 1111

28311 1111111111111 3111 1 1 811111 . 811 1111 fl at, gut gefdyult! ,

6 11 -1~

11111111 1911 1 111, bat;6 11 1111) 111 111 111111 “131 111111 5

geirrt 1111111 11 , 11111 31111111 3111 1611 1 (Sbef,2M 1

111131111 1f11baft 10311 1W mm1rb1

58 1 1 "66511111 1“abet mar 111 11111111 11111 1 1111111111 311111111111 .

11111 {111111 .


11011) 1111111 borgefommefi. 38 1 1 510111 m w

{QW m {61 11111911 111111 mac 11101111 11 111111111 11 ?M31111111 1 1 fBrmIid) 111111 6 111111111111

_311, 56 11 1 . 1

11 11111 11 1111 abet id) faife 6 11 11011) 11011)icbfjafie

”2811 6 11 1111g19111111111131111 11 mit 111111111 11111111 = 1 5 f;

11111111116111 211611111 , ,,b111 111) gefafi111 , 1118 11111 [1111 11 .

"651 11111 6 11 geben 6 11 , 1 11f 111 1 510111111 111111 111111

11 11 11 6 11 111111311131, but; 111) 11111111 51311(1111111 111 geeigneten

D t teamg ringen 1111 1 111 ."3t W “

11 11311 11 111111111 1111 6 111111 111 20

$ 116 111 bed; 11111 1! 111111111 , but; id) 11 11111 ®1 1111b 1111111


6 111011 gut! 11116 11111 11 1111) mtgegnete 11113

fi remenfi. 6 11 {11111

3 11311111) 111111111 11 11111111 811111 11, 111111 1111 ®1feIIfcbaft

net fi cf; 11116 fBureau

6 111 {1111 1 11111611 [15111111 1111‘Bol iaeifommififit

n u b 1111111111 1111 51 1 11 111 binafif 111 11111 6 11111113111111111 .

i nbw ig Z lnscngrubcr

barbie ct , Ao aw id) mobl amt 3m m

Dbr, glaub’abet nicht, bet miicbt

fie (118 Don (1116

5 mich.‘

,,D, mic has bumm ift, has hie Scut’ molten hinter

m w aam m ba w , m wn 9 afiqjg§fa116 hem 58afiIi§fc71 =Qi ¥ ct am but mm breit 311

10 dnanfi cégigg t, 8um nub {matte breit a116. "6 0’n

8M) giht’é nidfi nub bat

’c niemals gegcbm;mo fie hie

(Eier babon bet babcn

, fii , baam bammte Rat tmlegm!“

G t fcufgte tief auf.

me: QBdébofer mat cin nod) itmger 8mm, a: mar

1 5 ftramm ganadfim, batte ein netteé fibefidnmit grofieu

bunfelblaum 211mm, cine: gerabm mafe mit cums bot streteuben M inn , fiber hen frifcbm flippen ttug ct aim

faubem g dmm'bart unb etinaé 8 artbaar butt: er and;

beiberfeité Don hen g cblttfen bis berab 311 ben Dbgfippf/21 993 f

tebn Iafien, bus bunfelblonbe Ropfbaar mar f(bl icbt

nad) rudmfirté gefttmmt. trug einen boben but non

Q933331, S ilg, mit einem breiten 5Banbe, baé an bet 6 da

r bard) cine {tablea ug dmaue aufammengebaltenmat , einen‘

Iangenmod bon buntelbtaunem Stud), einggglgjgmtefl efte

25 mit einem Emufter , has teine fdmieubm {Garbm geigte,

cine Rniebofe nub babe ©tiefel . (Er mar ciamMann, abet beute l ief; cv fidfl nicht anmet fen, er aim in

fglpttefigmabet , batte has Gjefidfi nacbbenflid) and) hem

en gmmbetmic einet , bet nad;hem 5801

0 f l ‘ :0

Crefs Is 155

— ben geftt igm t ag fufit, nubmet fin to dnbcm nbdn

fab, gab nichts auf ibn.

Women, flBeiflbofer,“

fagtc duct .

QBeicbofer fab auf, bot ibm fttmb tin flcincfl Mann:

Icin, hue btitte frei lid) beginnen tihmm, mac cc mochte, 5

fid) ftreden nub to ftrammw mic ein ©olbut,hie g cbiinbeit mfirbc cc bod) nigmhgt/babm. G s butt:bie cine 6mm bebeutmb bflbet nub barium liefi cc

hm siemfid) gtofim Ropf ennae nod) bet anbem G eite

bfingen. 11nter bet I umfappe, hie cc untemebmmbauf to

bas Iinte Dbl? gebrndt battc, fielen etIi'

cEe Iange Spaat

ftrfibnm bcrab, bit tei ls weifi, teilc [a913e u1t6!abm

Hater hem 3 &1b funfelte cine trciétunbe £9qM , hinter berm ®q em t in pact fleine, gtaue

augen gar luftig in l igtertm, aIIe6 im (Sefidfl mar x5

nmbl id) unb geristet mic ein gefunbet ?Ipfel; bet Mann

fat),menunidnmisj utmflfig, tobod)miefl ggtfl ut gelaunt 1a116. (i t batte einen SRod um Seibe, befim {garbe nicht

gum Ieicht 3a beftimmen mar: mabtmb borne abet: bet A t

w it hué I nd) bunfel erfcbien unb gegen henW ins 20

ante: grunlicfiw berlief, geigte fid) ummi ldenteilbidefi Mi ll embe ®tfin oben, nub bie g dflifie,

Iagen im

1 31mm. fbaffit warm bie SBeintIeiber auégefptocbmu ’

ftaubgtau;bat; fie galtenmat fen,mo fie nicfit tollten, unb

M me es nicbtggbgfigmar, bus lag nidfian ibnen,bus matbten hie é dbelbeine, bie in ibnen ftafen. Smei

QBanbubt Don beg:®attang,h ie man ,,écbmatgmtilber nenn ctr mit mm© tride aufannnmw lt, , unb hie cine fiber

W ‘

Subw ig a engt uber

bet boben ©chnltet nub hie anbre hing borne an bet


?Emit berab; a11 einem 6 pagatenbcben, baé burd) ein

1mu . 11 Rnopfb gi gegogen mat ,M ein paa ifel vu

1 Wunb in bet Iinfen 35111111 tmg er ein grobleineneé ®fidcbe11,

a w“ )

5 Iupfte 11011 31311 311 S eit hen 21m , maten mobI®em1d)te

nub manbetnbe Hbrs

1116 we mit feinen,U

fmmmen SBeinen vermocb m QBeiebofer nub bet s

m italIte hen QBeg.

”®ute11Worgen, EIBeiebofer,“

fagtect .

"Q uten EDIotgen,“

fagte bet .

"Whit nad) betLRxsiaftabtf"30.


1 5 ,,Q aji1et it wieber b1e paar ®rofcl5en 31nfe11 e1gintamer am ?Ratbaué

1, f 1 , 1 17 ,( “

rQBeifibofer nictte

i 3a unattacher‘

fnifi hie ?IugenW ,,Sfiitteft

mobI eI)’l ieber bein ©e gang hexane?

"92530111. 36) fann

’é abet nicht a116 hem flabe

reifien. Q ommt 111 11:{0box, n16 btitt’er bulb fe et nichts.

1"9133118 gibft mitt, mean id) bit cine recbtfcbaffnemeuigs


fag’é obet fag

’8 nicbt!

25 mar id) beim Q rfimer auf’m Snatbausmat} .flat; bit fagm, bet 21111:mm

’1101: $reub

gem gefpn mgm

1019. £111 iungefi abet b

cine aIte flab. G rbfcbaft

11011 at! benen, ar gefagt hie ibn hie batte ,8e1t

~L 158 Eubmig 21 1131 1131 1111 1 11

,@11afg 111111 1111 11 1111111 10011111 111111 1111111 1611 13011 31 131

11111 1 111’61 1111 ? 6 1111111 111 1111) 1111 , 111 ma1111


11 111 311111 1111111 11111. 1111 10 11 11111 13, 11 11M111111111 11511111

’111 11 111 111111 , 1011 111 1111) a111 211111111 31111, 011

3113101111131? 1011111 311 m111111 11. 2Ibm1131 1 11 1111 1’11111 0011

$ 113 311 51 113. 211161 1111 11 11111 111 1111, mu ch 31

111111131111 6 1111111’11111 111) 11111111 1111 311111111 , 111111


111 1101 1111 11111 0111, 31111 11111 111 11111111

11116 00111§ L 1bem10 111 11131 6 25301 1,

10 1011’6 1 1 111 m11131

’ 00111 111 1 111 11 1 311 m111111

2111311 1111 11’111) mit 1111111 SD01101 11116 01 1 ©1001

011 17111 0111 $1011 111111111 111111 ,5811 131 1111 1113 1 3 ,

{ 11 st SW 8 11) 111111’

1110111 1111 3111131

0113111111. ”6111 , bm,

but 11 111 11111m111, 11111 111111 580

1 5 171 100131303111 , 111111111 1’11111, nimmt 11111

111 11111 0111 mam ma‘


eba 311 ,m1011 11 100111 1111 SDummbeit ,


fDottor,’111111 111) 3111131,

11111 1 111111) 11111 m11111 bumme (5011 1M“SD

w 1 1 1

20 fubr 1111) 11111 01111 211 11111 11111 1 1111 21113111.

1111 10011 1 1111111 11 1 21311111 111111 1111

2311 1111111 11111 111011 1 1 111111111111 1111111111111) 11111 310111 11

1110111, 10 01111 11111 11111 1 011 351111110111 1 00111 11111111 8 111 1111111116 1111. m11 111111 1 111011111 11116

25 311) 1113’bit ,

11111 11 01 1 1111131 58 11111 1 , 111111 111 11 011

6 1111111 1116 311111 1110111 11111101 11011, 111 10 3111 1011

101 1 311 011 253111’1111111 1111 111 113

’ m11)1 11111111111.

66 111111 11111 91111111 1111016 f111b’1 1111) 11111 91111, 0 bu

111111131 1 19111111101 SDam1111 1’

111 11111 101 1 11111 1“

Eubw ig Xngengruber

bet mufste bard) ein ‘Bffirtlein in bet ‘BIanfe unb fiber hen


Dahinein ging bet ubrmacber. fleiner 6111111 an

sitter Iangen, fcbmeten fietteM aui 11711 1013.

5 6 1111511, Iacbte bet ®aufiere1‘

, "mas mill it w itrbean, bu groise Rette an einem fleinen Gif t

flirrte mit hem SIBerfgeugfade gegen bus fl ier, has has

angelte hen e inen 912111111 , nziHfiterte e6 fain 211111116 einifl -J

abet bacbte ee fid) feinen fl ail , furs, ee trod) Iangfam 111

m feine éfltte surfid.

me: ttat in bie £ 11151 , mo baé ©erbfeuer q tiu rajjelte, unb bfirte in bet ©t11be hie SBduerin

mit halber 6 11111 111 9. ein geiftlid) Sieb fingen; ar flopfte an

unb ttat ein.

1 5 "65mmMorgen!,,G i, grufi

’©ott, fiaueners imicbel .

ia, banf’

fagte ber, ba er fur hen flugen

md nicht mufste, mass ar fagen iolIte, fo fiberraféte ibn

11118 11511 21q eben bet SBiiuerin. mine brei immat’ ift’620 her, ha ftanb 1111 her ein totbfidigefi, braIIee 28cm:

cben mit ft ifcben in but ibm, unb ietat

mar fie es, — fa11b er 111111 393314


graueneperfon, G inen flugmblid

6 (S k iicbt in bet SIBeif’

, micmir’6

a116 fltger meinen ober [a(benbebor fie [115 311 einem babon ent

ar henQBet faeugjad auf einen 6 111171,11011 ber 21c el unb iteIIte fie auf henat uni biz SBiiuerin 311 nub fagte: "fies

'/f w f

S ubw ig

1111b id) bm’é gIeicI) miebet fort. 111 mil! id)

amii 5831 1111 bu bi 2933]fdmuft, el leidnfo bringft 16

511111116) auf hie 6 1111 nub 11111111 bmucbt’bet: 5811111 1: nit

5 311 miffen, 111116 bu 1111 1131111 bait. gait 1111 S am:mil! id)bit 8111 Iaffen, abet um nddfiten meniabtétag tomm’


111111 1111 111119’111 1111 651111. 2311 1ntereffiert

’é bid), Ieg’id)

bit ham and) bie 9 111 1111, m11 id)’s betfteb

, nub i131 hes

bfit’bid) (35011.

SDamit ging bet ©ubp er=§micbel a116 bet ©t11be nub

lief; hie S& eiébofet in febt nacbbenfl id) 31111 16.

6 0111 1 um bod) 631, fomfir’bod) auf 1111516

, { ff“ mebr 1111 5811 1113! I reff=216 bebent

’ ’11 I obl

®iemuf;te 31111131 nimmer, foflte fie fid) 311 13110111111111 5 ffltcfiten ober 311 111 1 1111 1 11 ftcuen.

2116 um {115111 macbmittage bet SZBeiébofer eilig auf bet©traf31 11nb11fcbritt, fat) 1 1: ben 1311111111 ubrmadm auf11111111 SBrettlein itchen, hué fiber b111 651 115111 gelegt tour,

I 7 bamit 111 11 11 1111 11) 1111 1111 551111111 111 geIangen fonnte, bet

,720 1111 1 111 naben $ 0111 ffibrte. G r lief aufhen2mm 311.

{ a ,,éautanw fl icbel ! 28311 ftebt’é?

“ fib er “11111 2112111111W 1 , 6 1: fab hem 8 111111

11116) 111111 mode, bet forgftiltig augefnbpft mat nub 1111 herIinfen 2811 17171111 1 machte. 5911: 16111131111 :

25 217211511 133’

gte mit 1 1 and; 1111 6 11111 . "5t


"311 , abet reb’bu

‘Bft! 86) bab’

mic id) boff’

, nit


t ‘ f “


¢ 1 1ff=215

535111 11116 51111 151511 311151 11 11015 311511115 11111 1

’511 31115 1111 53511111 , 1115

511 3111551111 1 11133.

(61111 53151 6 1111151 1111111 1 11 31 511 51311650f11 111 f111116 11151; 1131551 111 11 f1 111 5153115 5131 1151 53111 , 51331111 11 5

f1111111 91011 3111311111551111, 303 11111 1151511 1 581 11f13f151

51 1501 11115 11311 [11 111 511 221d 1351 , d/L515336 5311 511 511111 11 3311 511 58111111 111.

"6 151511 6 115, 0551 1 1! 5831151, 11136 511111 11 1 111111 1 111

51 1 6 1351 311131151 11 531 11115 150 1511 R505 511 3111 51 1

31 111 11111 535111, 16 51115’501 1 31115 1115111 $1111 6 15115311

531 1 1 311113151 11115 53 531 1 1 11111’6 51 1 3563351111

$ 11 ©1511 11115 ‘Bf1111113.“ 1 . g

"58 115f1 1111

’6 151 1113?

"6 1, 13 15051, 13311 511 651 1 1, 1135111 511 8 1 14131151

3116 51 1 8351 , 3115111 536 65115 11115 1511151 53511 35

15 1 15111115 5315 5135, 5315 101.

103 11115 fort 656 1531 151 311311115 111151

11115 115151 1 111116 $1 1 13.$8011 53 35M 311f6 511811 11153f1111 11115

6 531 111, 5311 511 515311650111 15051 111 11 111 , [11 511111 1111 6 111-1

6 11 15111 111111 1151 131 3111. 81 me5r 16 3511 3131 11 536

(111151 516 8351 16 31113, 51110 51151 115111511 1511151 {11 11115

3 16 511 9111113516133 501 51 1 52111 1 113115, 53 31113115 111

151 1111 501311111 , 11111 111 313111 51 11 6 311131111 411111511 51 11111111

11115 31115 3111 51111 11 9131 51 1 111 151 5351 , 1 1 151

111051 111151 536 111 51 1 213311 1115311 511 1111 311 51 111=

511511113 215 31 5 31 1151 1

315 , 1511 515 2511 11111 51151151111515 311 1555 15 . 21115 15115

1 511 6 51551151 35 1 1 1 1115 1m 3351 10mm15 11115 {115

(55115 51 1 13113111; 111 531 351 1 5 1151 515 5111 115 21111 auf51 15315 1555 15 , 1511 111 116) 3116) 3111555515 5351 .

05W 5 1115531 111 1111 151 111 58 113115553 [M/1 { 1 15“ 2331 315 150511 , 1 1 515 111

515 D51 151 13111g 511311515 1501111 1 1 1 1 151 31 1 111 11115‘


31115115’505 33531m 1331 1315 , 15 111 15m 5 111 [115 1 65111

115111 3151115111 15111"11115 1511511 f1 11


6) 531111 11115’

10 536 331131 6 115 5 11 15 2155111 3151 11115 51 1111131 1"

0 5111

5 1151! {51 1111151555’

33113 11111116515513 55mm, 15 11111

1511111 511 1513111111 1 1 311 151 61 1531 116 mit 5 1916 511 5 1616"

101 111 3315 1151 13156 5511’511 5135 155131 10

m11 51 11111 11 511 21111’ 1151 161 11115 5 11 f0 313.

1 5 21110 150111111 351531 115 , 516 11 1015 15 1.

C”: 1155 316 11 135 1 , 53 1531 5 1 1 mit 115 13151 21115111111157 35131501551 15 , 11 131 351 1 , 316 15 1 1 11 11 5 11516, 11311

1115 15 1151 1n 35 1155 11511 116) 51 1 2311111 1 15 31315f


,1 1 1151 1 35 515 6 1115;25311650111 {35 3511116 3111205352 5 16 31531 155 , 1536 5 115 31115 1015 15 15 15 33,

5 11516 35 .

615 1 28111’ m31511 511 631155 1 160566 515 111 {115 11

1 115515 5101 551 1111 51135 11311 2111315 , 5355 f3311 11 :

"21115 , 23111111 15 , 16) 511 11511

25 513355 511 , 555 11 15 151 {11 i1‘

15 151

[1113 151 511 91511 156 6 11165. 15351 536

9 1 1115216 1111 5 1151 515 605 515111115 , 105511 5 1156 1111 , 1

6 115 156 1513116; 1515 5 351 1 115 11 111115, 535 536 f0 11151 115


’511 51 31 11 11531116) 51111 1 5111 oft 115 1


-3 .

1. A

i ubw ig unsengrubet

mm, but; her ©au1§net =202ic5el fit!) ettna

batte, abet mic et {0 hie beiben Eeute betrachteat but fBetgnfigen immer non einem $ui3e auf hen cmbem

unb hielt nicht ftiII, in but; her 28mm: {cine mot batte,5 ibm bus ®e in bie I aicbe au bringen. Swat ftanb ct

mit einmal tubig nub lief; ben QBeiébofet madyen.

"Smut; id)’6 nehmen, fagte ct , ,,fo nebm’id)

’e. mt

ficf) bod) ein SDoftor gablen,”

menu er and) nichte richtetunb id) bab

’ba mebt gerichtet a16 ein ®oftot . 2mm,

SBfiuerin, mas iftffi, bet interefiiett

’e bid) nit? 3d) bab

bit ia and) berfptocben, id) tdt’bit flatten Iegen auf


fagte hie R eiebofet in, ,,meinft, id) mficbt’


1 5 bent’ Yelbet , bat; bu bit babon nichte mebt bet s

JIangit 211m: teid)

’ mix: nut baé bericbmierte 6 3m! but t0 a116 bet I ifdflab


bet , id) bab'e n mob! bat in Iiegen

feben. 6 0, banf’bit [cbfinl genng {cbmete

i M "C‘Bom’

gemadfi! w ift ee mobI nut 31: einem 1m”0


3 20 fdmlbigen W W t mutben, abet, mic mum

jiw “

bielen SDingen, bat bet 202mm) and) bamit angeboben,

{M M 311 treiben, nub’6 ittM enu , bat;bus fiafatm

es Dim mele Manner arm macht, foII bus Rartenfcblagenand) 1106) hie QBeibGIeut

’bumm macben? SDu betIaubft

25 Mon, bat; id)’6 ins $ erbfeuet merf’, ba ffilIt teinem ein

SBIatt, tunhem bIeiben ibm fin: alIgeit aIIe gmeiunbbreifiigfem, nub bus ift bie befteMania , flatten 3a Iegm. glad;hem, mic {id} bet ?menfd) au6= unb inmenbig berbdl t,rechtfcbaffen unb gufrieben oh W “

W t“

¢ reff=2l s

man ibm mob! fagen, oh ct auf bet EBeIt glfid fid) fainmirb obet nit, ein anber QBabrfagen abet gibt

’e nit.

beifit, bee EUIenfiben ©d)id1'

al ftebt in ©otte6 fianb,id) mflfst

’nit, mic es 11011 ba untet {cbmierige flat tens

bIfittet unb fdnnuiaigeBigeunemeibet fdm’ meilid) bei 5A 1

hem, was an aIIer ilBeIt (Enben unb G den 111 einem ?Item

[6111111 3 nub weifi, faIt unb mamw wwith , farm mobl unter taufenb einmaI gufaIIig cine 3u=

treffen, unb non bem einen [writ bu bann taufenbmal , 11011

km neunbunbertneununbneunaig berfeblten nit ein eingig m

202111 t eben. 21110, menu bid) jemuah 311 {0mac einlab’t,

fo fucfit ein G fel einen flametaben, unb bu btaucbft mt 311

fi ltd)te11 , bat;man 1116) fflL hmfimflfig 11q cbm t menu bu f wd

i nd) ffit b1e (i br’

W men, fagt bet $ faff, menu M r “ w e

er nicbtemebt meif;1“

1 5

J & L V

n iheu

(S ine al te (S eftbitbte

58011 S‘ofepb iB i ftor non Cé cbeffel

SDet iugenblfibe 28am 92min, nachbem er bei SBafeI

feinen 8a11f berfinbert unb 111 reétminfliger SBiegung

{cine g tmmberiinbemng gen iRorben fortfetgt, bat but t:

[1111116 wenige SBerge unb ftoIge éfiben mebr 3111 g eite,

5 hie ibn an {cine aIpenumtfirmte fi ximat gemahnen. $306)

fdfidt ibm bet ©Cbmargmalb einen feinet flufilfiufer gl eichs

{am 1116 ‘ bienfttuenben Rammerberm entgegen, bat} er

hen g tromgemaltigen ehrerbietig empfange unb ibm e inen(5’ i mitgebe an bus, was ienfeite 912111113 mieber a16

Io frfibl icfieé®chi1‘

ge feine Il fet umfiiumt.

©e iget fluelfiufet ift cine fentrecbt unb fteil in hie

mbeinflut abfaIIenbe Ralfmanb, ein eingelner borgc

[cbobenet ‘Boitea iener grofien fieerfdm, bie bet SBec en

unb bet SBIauen befehligen, bat feine febr anmutige i50m1 5 111111 mirb non hen Beaten feineé grfibficfien fiufiem baI

bet mit nidbt [dbmeicbelbafter SBenenmmg bet "mot; non

S ‘ftein

gebeifien. SlBticIflt fibrigené beutgutag’ein gutet

I ropfen SlBeineé barauf.

2118 man gfiblte 11nd) unit es fi rm d)e111 e11 b ierz o haubert unb ffinfgig S abr

, mat’e sin fpfirIid) bemobntet ,

wilber g tfid) 8111111136, was hurt um recbtenmbeinufet fit!)

bingog. SDtttben am ftiibtereiéeren Iinfen ufet gaIt


174 Bofepb Diftor non d efial

ein Weft {11 hen 8ambauen, mic cine Elnauerfcbmalbe, 111111111 ifrieben gebat ten, his main Stag fid) neigt, bus foII

meine IebteRunft fain

21111 mbein brunten fanb ct einen alten 6 almenfifd1cr,

5 her bief;mebi nub gab ibm fi efdwib, bat; niemanb einen

Swing 111111 2811 1111 fiber benmobmm S ftein ube, 111th bat;sJ lefter bauen ffinne, met ba ©efilfte trage 111111 bee Smal l er“funhig fei .

f8a bub bet ifrembe an {16) eingubauen in bie

lung bee $eIfen6; et fdfien ben 926mm ein «511m ibree

?Itcbitefturmef1 116 abgefeben 311 baben: in Eutaet ?st ift

ftunb ein fteinern ©eIaf; fed nub mobIgeféim t in fdfiet

unnabbatet ?Ibgefcbiebenbeit err’ubtet ein Q lauéner

bduGIein, mic bagumal an mambem ital ifdwn nub gaIIi

{cben 8 am111111115136 eingeflebt ftunb, bean ein anftdnbiget

Smenfd) batte in fe iget 3mebet fDrang nub ©m11b, bic

QBeIt au flieben, ale fie gu fucben.

QBie es fertig mat , ging bet neue ®iebel auf etl iche

I nge bon bannen fiber hen mbein binfibet , unb mic er

miebet tam, trug er einen Q orbmit ififd): 1111b S agbgeugauf bem 921161 11 unb cine {cbneemeiize Mannorbfifte ant

hemfiaunt nub trug 65mmunb20211131101:ben 28cmbincm111 feinemanic.Sbic finite abet tour 11116 21551111 einer iugenbfdyfinen

mfimerin, einet bun ienen Rfipfen, bet en ?Inbl id aubert

bulb S abttaufenbe fplttet ben QIItmeiftet i BoIfgang mm

gtanffurt anmutete mic ein (Qefang bee fiomeme.

bag 1911 111: in Iofet {Elecbte ummaden gefnflpft, frei , ebeIunb gtof; bus 211111115, ein gfiIbener Steif um bie 6mm.

n ibe

S ‘enfeite bee ®teinbduelein6, ba 1110 ein gcleboxtfprung

SRaum gibt in bet fi iegung bee iBetgee, bdmmerte bet

Mann cine 911icbe 111 bie 253mmnub ftelIte bus ftembe

$muenbilbnie batein, a16 foIIt’es bet {chirmmbe ©ei ft

hes Q rtee fain unb alIet , hie unten bomber ruberten.

111111 emf bat; rein ungemeibtet $u§ fid) imer ©telIenabe, fteilte er bie gelemcmb fenfrecbt ab unb baute a116t annenftdmmen cineBugbtfide, aufmeldm er aIIein 11116

but manicmudfenftet binflbemanbeln mochte. 228116 er

fonft trieb, math nicht bieImcbbat 1111 8111111;6 6mm111111

bie 111 Ieicbtem Q abn rbeinabfubten, faben 11m

oftmaIG bei finfenber 6 1mm brobenfiben nub binaue

f(bauen gen 6 11113 1; es mat bamals nicht bat;einet

fid) bicI brum flimmerte, was her anbete tat, 1111bnod) biel

meniget , bat; bon Dbrigfeitémegen einem ieben bet Q edel

non feinen I fipfen gelanitmarb— foIiefaen fie ibn gemlibten.

SDet 911m abet fdmf hem RIaufemann cine 2Itbeiteigenet 2m, berm er baIt befonbete 8 1iam in fl etteffbet Staten, bie {cine SZBeIIen fortttagen fatten. 28a: fern

1m SBobenfee ubet an belbetifcbem Il fer 3111: fi eute

mirb, hen bebfilt er unb trfigt ibn gelaffen miter butch

taufd)enbe11 $1111 unb 6mm! unb fbwbadm binbutd),his ex: hen meftmurte gemenbeten Eauf umfebtt; abet 3111

QBanben m'

g gen morben 111111 in bee mbeingauee frfiblid)SRebengefiIb nimmt er bie Sl eidnn bee oberen Banbee rtimmit unb in bet ffiIIen 8 11t ammob non S ‘

ftein inult ct

fie f01:37am a116 Il fer.

$311 ram oftmalemebi, bet 6 almenfifdm, 311mmanenet geftiegen 1111b t ief ibn betab, hen ftiIIen unbefannten

176 j ofepbDitto: Don d effel

©dfte11 hie Ieiate (fihre 311 emeifen,'

unb fie fdmufeltenmanchem ein ©1 115, ben bei ééaffbaufen obet 1m tofenben

6mm bun Baufenbutg hie SIBeIIen bericblungen, 11111)

mancbem, hen cmbet 2111 1: ober meat; bet gifdfiang 11165 $ e1

‘betben gefflbtt; tam and) mancher gefdmommen,befien 6 6mm 11011 aIemannifcbem g cbmettbieb flaffte abetbefien 2311 171 nod) cine abgebtocbene é peerfpiiae trug21munb S unge,madte unb SBee ibete, mic iolcha, bie nutnod) einen am rechten $113 nhet ein aet riffen

Bebemame am Beibe ttugen: aIIemurben fiemit gleicben

G bren empfangen unb in gleicher ffibIet (Erbe eingebetbergt.

3m bierbunbett ein unb flinfgigften S abte mat ein

milber grubl ing aufgegangen, nub batten nicbt bide

Beute Muse, bem ©ptoifen bet ®ci lfie Iume11 nub

g ang bet ?Racbtigallen 311 Iaufcben. fBieImebt mat ein

50mm 111 aIIe bieefeité hes 91mm gefabren, a16 mfifitm

fie felbet 3ugbfigel merben unb gen Céfiben nub QBeften

11q cbmiirmen, t1img imme halber, fonbem bewehrt unbbefcbilbet auf SBeute, ?Raub unb ‘ISfiIferfcbIacbt.

Hub mieber tam 9?c her g almenfimer, betauf nubfpracb: "©6t (6211131: Iangefi (hjemanb an ben ERageI,

i mgibeo, unb tuftet (5116) 3111: ©ee1'

fabtt; fcbon ftebt bet

Ranig mit feinen finnnenreitem unten gegenfibet

11011 211mm 111111 fein belIet fiaufen mirb abet ben SRbein

fcbmimmen, bat; benen btfiben {3513 11 nub ©eben betgebt.’6 1ft nod) mane!) g tud SBeute 311 bolen unbmam!) tfimifd)Mutterffibnlein tot 311 fcfflagen. 2811:aieben and) mit 1m

grofaen {bunnenfcbmeifi 2111136 muf; minim fein! fagt

bergog Q tofue’

feIige ©108mutter.“

Bofepb Diftor Don d effel

Qange i dte ibt fiugibeo nad), his hat; bie Iebt‘


QBafletringe auf bem e piegel bet QBeIIen geu onnen warm,

bann Iiicbelte at but fid) bin, ging in {cinemanic binfiber,griff 6 6mm! unb fiadm unb grub ein ©tab am fibbang

5 {einee SBetgeB feitmfirte non bet mbeingefttanbetengemeinfamen ?Rubeftatt.

QBie ct abet nad) boIIenbeter ?Irbeit mieber gut manicbeimgefebt t mat , fam plbial icb ein ©ebanfe fiber ibn, a16

babe ct etmaé 311 tun bergeffen ,,nocf) etmaé,“

fptad) ar,

,,nod) etmae!“

QBie ftebt gefcbrieben in hem Siebetbud),befien g pracbe fie mid) cinit gelehrt ?

Te sp ectem , suprema mihi cum veneri t hora,te teneam moriens deficiente manu

11111) et ftieg abermule binab unb grub ein ameiteé

©rab neben baé erite. unb [cine QItbcit bauerte bié tiefin hiemacbt hinein.

QBie ar mfibe unb fpiit feinen 8 ambinaufitieg, ftanbein gteIIet $euerf¢bein am filmchen ©immel nub hie

mfite nahm nicbt ab bie gauge macbt binburd). finathen

20 char fd)ritt unruhig auf feinem auf unb niebet , a16

fcbeucbten ibn aIte G rinnetungen, ct fpfibte unb fpiibte

but t!) ben ®cbimmet bet 9mmunb intact) baffige, abge

t iffene 280m bot fid) bin, unb fain fina flopfte beim

femen $euergefunf.

68 maten hie {glammen non ?lugufta ?Rautacomm, bet

reicben, bocbbetfibmten ?Rfimerfolonie, hie SUtunatiué

Wann a einft awfiom auer gegen hie ?(Iematmen unweit58amum mbeineeufer gegttlnbet, ptficbtig in I empeIn,

182 j ofepb Diftor non d efiel

mobin, fingibeo t ief Stem, bet gifcber, nub lief; etftaunt{cine g chaufel fallen. SDie 65mm fteben ia butt gut


,,SBegrabe fie bent nacbt! intact) fingibeo.

5 l lnb er mtg fie binauf in feine manic unb fegte fie

forgfam auf hie fteingebauene Sbaar bet Belle nub fegte

fid) ibr gegenfiber unb bieIt fcbmeigenb I ntenmadx unb

flocbt Dom Effeu, has hen umt aufte, amei fi tting: nub

fcbmfldte bus ém t bet 8eiche unb fein eigenes bamit

nub ffiIIte ficf) einen 58cd7er QBeineé nub nidte ibt 311, hact ibn Ieerte, unbmid) nicht mebt non iht .

11m Emittemacbt abet trug‘

er fie binab, mo hie gmei®rfiber, non feiner fianb aufgemorfen, gum (Empfang

gerfiftet ftanben, nub fenfte fie ein unbmarf brei @d)ollcn

aIemannifcber G rbe a16 Ietatenm ; auf hie tote SRfimer’


nub begrub fie in einfamer 6 tiIIe bet Monbnacbt nub

mfitate einen ®tein auf baé ®rab. SDann ging er 3a bee

fiifdme Sofitte unb rief binein: itt beforgt, alter

g chaufelbmber, nub bet ?Rubeplab neben ibt ift fur mid),mert’ bir’


29m folgenben I ug trug bet mhein mancben ane Il ia ,

an beffen Seidmam bet SIRauertampf unb {fall unb 5mmbranb non flugufta ?Rautacorum mit blutigen 3flgm ge

{cbrieben ftanb.

,,2Iud) bu, S unius SIRefiianue, alter SBaumeiftet , firearmunb Scht et l“ fprad; Saugibeo, ba fie einen ebrmflrbigen,

munbenbebecrten ©raufopf a116 hen $Iuten aogm.

fiber bei einem QImid fdmttme er gufammm: ein

trotaig tedeé, agtbiebburdmxrcbtee mannetbaupt taudm

n ibeo

auf, ungerilbrt aogmebi , bet mit langem é cbiffe’

baren hen I oten ans Banb, muftung nub©dymud geigtenhie 8&c dues G enturio bet gmeiunbamanaigftm 8egion,

her p rimigenia p ia fidelis, nod; hing imMm! fein amei s

fcbneibiger fDoIcI).

iDa flog ein bfibnifd; Q&cbeIn fiber fingibeofi flntlib, ct

[Bite hie teicbgefcbmfldte QBaffe bom mm! M I oten

nub befcbaute fie Iange ein grober Dal): prangte im

(Qriff, , ,fortes adjuvat ip sa Venus

ftaub um bafi fain

gefcbnittene SBiIbmcrf gefcbriebcn.

fingibeo ftetfte hen $30c 311 fid) nub iprad) grimmig

311m {fifcberz ,,2IIIe bier ! nut bieten nicbt!“

llub fie fcbIeiften hen cblagenen an feinem hauteln,

fteIIenmeifé branbberfengten 80denbaar in km Nady a,m bedten ibn mit flbergemorfenen 92mm, fubren ibnmit 1 5

Don bannen a116 ber 58t in hen teibeuben I alweg bee

SRbeines unbmarfen ibn obne 6mm nub {fabrmobl mieberin hie gluten, auf bat; er Ianbabfcbmimme, wait, meit uttsihrem SRebier.

ift gut!“

fpracl) fingibeo. 58mm fubren fie beim. 20

"é cbau’ morgen fut!) ein wenig betmit um,

rief er gum

fllbfdfieb hem fiifcber an.

flBie mebi, bet ©aImenfifcbct , bee ndcbften Emorgens311 fingibeoc Rlaufe tam, faf; bet aufrecbt auf bet fi teins

banf nub batte (id) hen fDoIcI) bee Gianturio burcbfi $ 8133 25

gerannt, bat; er bis 3am ®riffe im Q firper baftete; ein

ftolges fifidnln fdnnebte um {cine Bianca.

59a begrub ibn bet fitfcbet an bet g eite bet Sungfrau,hie bet 9mm gebtafit.

j ofepb Diftor non d efiel

SDie I oteDiet; SBenigna6 mm nubmar bie I ocbtet bee?Ifinius ?Ibunbantiué, cince reicben nomebmen mantl esnub taiferl icben ©teuereinnebmer6 311 ?Iugufta mauracosrum. 6 k batte hen priefterl icben g cbleier genommen unb

5 bar ©Bttin (Subtle gebeimniéboll SBiIb im I empel unten

um mbeine gebfitet; abet etft {cit $rift einee S abres.

gril l)“ mar fie ein beiter QBeItfinb, bie fcbfinfte im SReigenbet S ungfrauen, non bieIen umicbmtirmt, non hen geiftreicfien ‘Bflaftertretem bet $ronin3ialftabt n16 ,,

SBerIe bee


®ugibeo, bet S‘utbung, mat normals and) in flugft

gemefen bei hen ?Rfimem

bentigen I agee ift untoeit tenet ©tmnbgrabftfitte ein

t unnel in hen 58cmgebrocben unb bie Sotomotibe fauflquet bard) ben S‘

fteinet 9 1015. 25011 2Iuguftamauracosrum tagen nod) wenige bemitterte EBadfteinmauem a116

hem QBiefengmnbe, barfibet ftatt tfimifdyer 3mperatoren

iebt hie weifen i 3am bee Q antone fiBafeIIanb berrfdyen;abet bann nubmann pflfigt bet SBauee ann einen gfilbes

nen ming ober cine gemunbene ?Im fpange chet einenchemen éauegfitaen a116 ban $urcben beraue unb ein fptit

gebomer aIemannifdmmadflomme benft babei an iene

Beitm, bean im (Sjreifenalter faIIen henMenfdyen mic henfifiltem bie (Sjefcbicbten bet Rinbbeit Iebhafter ins (Ebes

b&cbtnié, ale fouit, monod) Eaten bet Smtinnet 311 tun finb.

194 sriebridy Eienbarb

hie bdfilidye SBegIeitung bidet‘

Blfinben mg: icht bofienbeerfcboIImiebembeé G el licbter. fiber I&ngft ergrimmte nub

30mig befcbfimte 9um, bet fid) auf feiner {Seftung fo wenigbemertbar machte, erhob fie!) facht nub fpiibte binab. 6m

5 erfter iBIid traf baé babe fbccbfenftercben bet S ungmagb

(Elébetb: hie iBIumen maren fort, bie genftetflfigel 38t=

trfimmert ftatt beffen fcbaute ein ftabmféneibenb

$anburengeficbt a116 bet genfterfiffnung in hen ©of unb

batteubet hen I fcbato G lébetbe fiaube geftfilptl

SDaB gab ban 2Iu6fdflag! Emit einem SRud mat ©1116auf ban EBeinen, fcq g unbemufit hie Soafenmflbe feit, micmenu er raufen moflte, unb {cbrie aomrot fiber bie 58111

itung bimmter: ,,Sumpmferl ! Bumpenferl , bu elenbet !

QBiIIft bu bus gIeid) Iiegen met Itingft Dot1 5 (Emptmmg sittembe nub mimmembe intang 311

gIeid) auf unb beIItemit borgeftemmten ibehummic rafenbin bie I iefe. ©an6 abet padte bie l bruft unb

brfiben flog ein I fdmfo Dom 9 om ll nb ©teine bet !SEBie ein fiBerferfer, rafenb nor 30m nub fluftegung, be

20 fdflimt, bat; er fid) fo Iange gebudt batte, griff bet empfirte

81mm311, fcbmang, marf brfibnenb flogen bie bat ten

Gjefdmfie in hen ©of. (5mberteibigte (Slébetbé fiaube!


Bferbe ftampften unb wieherten ant, iUlenfcben

tobten efi mar unten imma cine toIIe ‘Banit! ?IIIeG

25 mdbnte, bet mare befebt. I rompetenfignale, Q omsmanbo nub mit mirrem G etfife, bulb im 6 am! bungenb, rafielte bet befltfirte I rupp burcbe SBurgtor hinaus

in ban naben Small), unter fidme SlBipfeIunb bide SBliume.fiane abet marf matf, bat; ibm bus 28mm fiber bet

Il er Danburenftein

iEntft getfptang, to bebnten fid; hie imuefeln, fo flog fain?Item. ibis a116 hem ficheren QBaIb amb [mum é cbflffefnatterten, hon benen ibm eine'c hie image Dom Q opf t it;ba erft matf er fie!) bet Stinge nad) ixx6 65m , sittemb non

Ropf 311 3113nor fibermticbtiger Qu egung.

I agsflber ergab fid;nun ein feItfam g chaufpiel :ein gun

get grofser ‘Banburentrof; belagerte einen eingigen {S it tens

iungen. fibermic ibmbeirommen? (SineBeitlangmurben

6 tangen gefall t;man moIIte Seitem anfertigen; abet: fie

Iicfsen bie g tangen Iiegen, t itten i116 58t binab unb

famen mit Iangen Seitem gurud. SDie Seitem warm abet

bod) mobI3a furs, nub fe ft menu man fie gufammens

banb:met mochte fie in hen SBurgbof tragen, met aufeben?

21mmacbmittag mar bet auéficbtélofe Rumpf um ben

311 (gube. SDie EBeIageret batten in ihrem

S ome mebt ‘Bulber bergeubet a16 in einem gamen (Séefedfi,

nub trabten gleicbmobl beuteloe babon. 6 ignale riefen

but cf) aIIe $ 611“ bet (Shane: flberaII befcbleunigter 21h

matfd)! (56 marmacbridngefommen, baf; bet ‘Breufien

ffinig in $ fibmen eingerfldt fei;has faiferl icbsfiften eiéifée

Rfiegsbolf 30g baber in G ilmii tféen nad) bem fernen

Rfiegsféauplata. SDer eingige QBiberftanb, ben fie bier

gulanbe gefunben batten ein {bitteniunge batte ibn“

gewagt, ergrimmt non Q ifetfucm, geruttelt non erftet

S iebe.

mod) hen gangen flbmb nub hie barauf foIgenbe 9mmblieb bet iunge $e auf [einem boben ®tein. $Regen 30gmiebet fiber hen QBaIb bet; EIBoIren umwogten hen gels;

196 sriebrid) Eienbarb

nub hie SBItitter bet 8 irren mifpetten tingfflid) bie gauge

macbt. G t fdflief taum;311 febr sitterte hie Gm gung nady.

2116 er am folgenben Emorgen fcbmanfenben é dntitteé311 ban fieimgefebrten binabgeftiegen mar, ftanb ct mic

5 triiumenb smifcben ihren bieIen gragen. fDie gufammen

geftrfimten Beute, bie mit (Enfieben bus bid e é dfiefim

bemommen batten, mufsten ibm mit Sift chet Ungeftflmben SBeridnnhet bie QSDrgfinge abIoden. 6 h: Iiefien hieburcblficberte swamnon fianb 311 fianb manhem; fie

geigten einanber auf hen g uinea bie QSIutflede non bet smunbeten ‘Banbuven;nub im nabcn QBaIbe fanbman gut

ein bermbetee ‘Bferb.

$1?a rebate fit!) hie 6 umbemm nub mutbe gar nod)trdftig fibettt ieben, mic bae {03a geben pflegt. fDet 23a :

teibiger bet 8 1 mg mar mit einem ©dflag bet berfibmtefte

932mm bet gangen ©egenb. fDet benacbbarte ©mf, ein

abenteuerlicber $ageftola, bet wait in bet Rat bemmgug

tommen pflegte, lief; ben tapferen S ‘ungling bot fid)tommen unb bot ibm fofort cine 6mm: in feinm unmit=

ao te aten' fDienften an, hie ienet haarbar annabm.

fiané ging um Ietaten I nge emit, bemunbert nub micbetfiubt butd) bie aItenmaume. G t febaute bie neugiet i

gen {frager oft mit grofsen 2Iugen an, a16 mflfit’er fid)

orbentlid) auf fain fmberee Seben aurfidbefinnm. fiber

bei aIIer rubigen G enugtuung mar cine feine, tiefe I rauetin feinem ftiIIen SIBefen, hie iebermmm a16 etwaB Stem!»

artigefi fpfirte unb achtete, bie abet niemanb 311 beaten

mufste.9116 at an bet Q flcbmtur non (Elébetb, hie raid) ihre

11 111 6 Q eimat l anb

23011 i nter SRofegger

S ‘m b ode milbe mot. ? q hem ‘

Blabe Iaufen Qeute

gufammen, flBeiber, (S heik unb fi inber.

“Die Manner

unb inagau $ urfcben finb aIIe I&ngft fort. G ine 3cit

mirb rommen, fo fagte ein alteé ©pricbmott, mo hie

s QBeibéleute um ben 6mmraufen merben, auf bem einmaI

ein Mannébilb gefeffen. fi e 3eit mar ieet ba nub bafi

bergagtefte unter hen EIBeibem {cbrie Iaut nhet ben SDorfs

plats bet : ,,6 cbab’umé iBIut! ’

6 ift aIIeB umfonft, bus

I irolerlanb ift bin!“

SDu Saultbéfott!“

rief biefet cine anbere 311.

ni 3a: {fainb ift mit {baufen bot bet I fir!“

ni 30m Rdmtnerifcben rudt er ein.

SDie Siemerftabt brennt ! fi e Manner baben fie er=

fdmffen, hie Rinber mit ban 6 &belu aufgefpiebt. SD“

befte, mix: flficbten 11116 gen SBrigen nub i116 S tal ienifdnhinein.

,,6 cbnurgtab rennft bem {framofen aufban ©niefs. 8 dI rient itchen fie fdwn.

©o Iaufen wit nad) S‘mtébmd 311m fiofer.

DI), bet itt Iang nicbt mebr in S‘nnébrud, hen baben

bie $ anem vielleicht {cbon aufgefnflpft.“

,,mieberfcblag’id) bid), menu bu has 23011 nod) einmal


urns beimatlanb

,,fiabt es nicbt gebfirt, mas bet geinb {111 Santa! ans

fteIIt? ‘Blfinbem nub Snauben, ® a nub SBtcnnen,

Rircben f(biinben

,,S a, bus ittmabv! fiber bittgig 21)?m baben fie bet‘Ififirgl mic hie $ eifigen gemartert ergttbl

’e, ergtibl



l lnb bet ‘

Beter, ein alter b lttfiger a116 hem ,BiIIertaI

,,S‘efué imaria! bei 6 6mmift’é gemefen. ©cbma3 ftebt

gar nimmer. miebetgebrannt bié in hen C&rbboben. Hub

bass Gjm ebel , ibr 8eut’! 2IIIe iBanem befoffen. fDie QBei s

bet finb non hen Sa mm geriffen nub bot ibten 211mmbetfcfmnbiert.

,,fifirft mix: auf, ‘Betet l

QBiII’B um 1106) Don hem netbammten SIBrebe ers

sablen, Dom iBanemgeneraI. fiber aIte ©raf I annenbergiii ein bfinber imam ;bei hem but her (Sieneral 3a Smittaggegeffen. SDer (Sbraf Ififst ibm aIIeé ®nlb= unb ®ilber3eug

bertragen, mas er bat, nut fain ©6103mficbte bet saiah

befcbfiben um ®ntte6mi11’ ! QBaG mirb banal mod) eh’

fie gar abgegeffen baben, bebt bus ©dflof; 311 brennen an,

nub bet aIte blinbeMannmur’

fcbier mitberbrannt. fDaB

finb ©aIgenbieber, biefe fi tment.,,l lnb bait ibnen nit ffinnen ©forpionfil in hie Q rfig

fcbfitten, baf; fie trepiert infirm?“

bei benen tut’6 rein (S iftfil . ‘Bmmint, es mfir’

SBranntmein, baben fiemir fe er bie ‘Blutser geleert. Reina:

ift bin morben! Q einer! m fiBanem baben hen I eufel

{m Beth! 5811 gebft bigeit! bent”id) mir unb bin babon.

®citem in her much , mic id) fiber hen Gjerloé fteig’

, bat

p eter Rofegget

mieber 113116 (Sirofge6 gebrannt 1111 Santa! glutrot ift bet

©immel gemefen.

,,unb hie fifterreicbifcbm g olbaten finb babon baben11116 1111 6 1111) gelaffen in her

5 $911 111tierigen felber {11111 11111111 hie! heifer? met6 pedbacber. $ 111 er nit binau6fcblupfen moIIen? 58a

unten in unfetm Ea! tft’6 gemefen, mo ibn bet fiofer er

mifcbt but.“

n51a hie Dbriften einmaI Iaufen!

"macbbct muife11 bie (Sbemeinen au6baIte11 111111 11mm fie

[111011 gar 11111316 mebr babeu, fiber hen {SeiahbetfaIIen mit

mdgdn unb 361mm!“

,,i’Birft ermfirgt aufgetnfipft!‘

,,ilnir {Chou ein6 id) menb’ mid) auf hem Q algm to,

bat;main Sainterteil hen {frangofen 3nftebt.“

6 0murbe gefcbrien nub geflucbt 111 milbflutmbem©11fgegen ben {feinb be6 $ aterlanbe6.

fDa trat ein bageret , einarmiger 912111111 nor, bar 6 6 11!meifter mar

’6 be6 Drte6. 93211 frfiftigcm é cbritt ig1a

so er auf hie fteineme a tritt6tteppe 1111116 Q auf t it; mi t

feiner einaigen fianb ein ‘Bapietblatt (1116 M111 6 111! nub

rief: ftedt iebt bie 311mm in hen 6m! baht

?Rube. 5150111 QInbrea6 {Sofa

$ 11 Iegte [16) 11116 QBettet .

fDet Mann 1116

,,fiergallerfiebfte I iroler!

8111 ©ott, Q aifer 1111b 23aterla11b! Morgen in bet

gruff ift be: 161111 ?Ingrifi. 2811:moIIen hie 80am mit

196 firiebt idy Eienbarb

nub hie SBIdttet bet iBit ten mifpertm angftl id) bie gameStacbt. G t fdflief faum;311 febr sitterte bieM umand).

2116 et um folgmben Morgen fcbmantenbcn ©67ritte6

3a hen $ eimgel'ebrten bimbgeftiegen mar, ftanb er mic

5 traumenb amifdmi ihren bieIen 8mm. Sbic 311iammen=

geftrflmtm Scute, bie mit (Enfiebm hue bide 6 6mg“ !bemommm batten, mufiten ibm mit 8ift obet lingeftumhen SBericbt fiber hie iBorgfinge abIoden. 6 h: Iiefien hie

burcblfiéet te Emilee non 65mm 3a fianb manhem; fie

m geigten einanber auf ben g uinea bie SBIut ede bon bet s

munbeten $anbuten;nub im naben QBaIbe fanbman garein bermbetee ?Sfetb.

maid) tebete fit!) bie g acbe bemm unbmurbe gar nod)ft tiftig flbettt ieben, mic has {03a geben pflegt. fiber

1 5 teibiget bet 2iammar mit einem 6 6mg bet berflbmtcfte502mm bet gangen ®egenb. ?Det bmacbbarte ©raf, ein

abmteuet licber fingeftolg, bet meit in bet QBeIt bemmgus

fommen pflegte, IieB hen tapferen Sand ing bot fié

,rommm nub bot ibm fofort cine 6 telIe in feinm awaits

cc te aren Q ienften an, hie iener haarbar annahm.

{mus ging um Ieisten I age craft, bemunbett nub wit

betaubt bard) bie aItm indium . G r fanate hiemugieri s

gen fin ger: oft mit grofsen fingen an, a16 mfifit’er fid)

orbentlid) auf fein fruberee Beben gurudbefinnen. l et

35 bei aIIer rubigen Q enugtuungmat cine feine, tiefe i n nerin feinem ftiIIen QBefen, bie iebermann a16 etwaé 8mm) :attigeé fpfltte nub acbtete, bie abet niemanb 3a beaten

2116 en: an her Q fidnntur bun G lcbetl), hie raid; ibre

l ime b cimat l u b

8 4m Q eter l oi eggcr

nub imam 23mm filmal l: Ifingft forL— G inc 36“

with (m m , [o [agtc tin nltcB W , mo bit

sm wum k n émbl raufm mmmwn dmml

cin fltanuébilb gefcfim. m m m w mm bus

bcq agttflz tmtct bcn c ibem fcbric lmxt fiba m otfz

flat bar: "G cbab’ mus 231m: ’

6 ift aIIeB mnfonft, bus

I itolct lanb iii bin!“

,iDu $unb6fott!

rief bidet cine anbere 311.

,,fDer gem ift mit {mufcn nor bet I flt !‘

"580m R&mtnefifcbm t udt ct tin.

"fi e Qianetftabt btmnt! fDie imam : balm! fie et =

[cbofiem biz Rinber mit ben 6 6mmaufgefpiefit. Emsbefte, wit finchtm nus gen SBt igen unb i116 S tal ienifcbe


g dnmtgrab rennft hem {Gtanaofen auf hen 58d

I nmt [teben fieman.

6 0 [aufen mi: nad) S‘tmebmd atm 9um.

Db, bet ift lung nicht mebr in S nnébrud, ben baben

bie 80mm bieIIeicbt fcbon aufgefnfipft.“

"miebetfcblag’ id) bid), menu bu hué 233011 nocb einmal


ums Qeimatlanb

"fiabt cc nicht gebfitt, mas bet {feinb im Santa! ans

fteIIt? ‘Blfinbem unb SRauben, G engen nub iBrennen,

fi itdmt fdydnbenbaa iftmabr! fiber bieraigMmfcben baben fie bet

5& 3t mic bie fieiligen gemartert etafibl’e, ergdbl

’s, 5


nub bet ‘Beter, ein alter fi ltrager ans hem ,8ilIettaI

,,S‘efué272mmbei 6mm; iit’e gemefen. 6 6mmftebt

gar nimmer. miebergebrannt his in hen Q rbboben. Hub

hué Qim eiael , ibr fieut’! 2IIIe SBanem befoffen. fDie QBei s

bet finb bon henWannem get iffen nub bor ihren ?Iugen


,,fifirftmit auf, ‘Beter!“

SIBiII’e nut 1106) Don hem berbammten QBrebe er:

guhlen, Dom ?Banemgeneral . SDer aIte ©raf I annenbevgift ein blinber Mann; bei bem but her ®eneral 311 ?mittaggegefien. fiber (35raf Itifst ibm all eé nub g ilbcrgeug

berttagen, mas er bat, nut fain ®dflofimfidyte bet 55mmbefcfyfiben um ©otte6miII’ ! QBaé with balm! SI0C!) eh

fie gar abgegefien baben, bebt baa G dflOf; 311 brennen an,

unb bet aIte bl inbe272mmmfir’

fdfier mitberhtannt. ®ué

finb ©ulgenbieber, biefe SBanem.

l lnb bait ibnen nit tfinnen ®forpionfil in bie n’

[cbfittembat; fie trepiertwarm?“

Dbo, bei benen tut’e fein (Sjiftfil . $ ermeint, eémfir

SBtanntmein, baben fiemit felbet hie SBIuiaet geleert. minerift bin morben! miner ! “

Die iBanem baben hen I eufel

im SDu gebft bigeit! benf’id) mir unb bin babon.

©citem in bet 92mm, mic id) ,fibet hen (5mm fteig

, bat

p eter q egger

miebet mas ( moses gebrannt im S anta! glutrot ift bet

$ immel gemefen.

,,unb hie fiften eiéifdyen ®oIbaten finb bamm babennae im g tid) gelaflen in bet Slot.

5 "SDie unfet igen [ether finb etwa bieI heifer? 23a

g pedbacfm. fiat cv nit binauéfcblupfen moIIen? f8a

unten in unfetm I a! iit’e gemefen, mo ibn bet { Met er


,,QBenn hie Dbt iften einmaI Iaufen!“

,,Wacbbet mfifien hie ($5emeinen auebalten unbmenu fie

[dyon gar nichts mebt baben, nhet hen geinbbefiaIIen mitSilageln unb 3ubaca!

"QBit ft ermfirgt aufgetnfipft!

SUEir fdwn cine id) menb’ mid) auf hem Q algen to,

bat;mein ©interteil henmangofen guftebt.“

6 0mutbe gefcbrien unb geflucbt inmilbflutenbm { mitegegen ben {geiah bee 58atet lanbe6.

fDa ttat ein bagetet , einarmiger 932mmbot , bet 6 6m!

meiftet mat’é bee Dtteé. 27mh fiffigem 6 6m“ intang

z o er auf bie fteineme flutt ittétt eppe eineé $aufe6, t it; mit

feiner eingigen fianb ein ‘Bapierblatt ans hem ©ad nub

rief: ftedt ietat bie S ungen in ban 6m! unb baht

mube. 580m flnbreae fiofet mas!“

fDa Iegte {id} baaSlBetter.

DerMann Ins

nfimaflefl iebfteEiroler!

gut (Sjott, Ratiat nub fiaterlanb! Morgen in bet

{frilly ift bet Iflfte ?Ingrifi. i 8h:moIIen bie 8 0am mit

p eter Rofegget

bie aIten ?Radet unb Botter mit ben hummer! SRilcrm

nub G flbfigen, mit hen meifsen $ aat fttdbnen unb 6m)pelbfitten, auf ben 216mmbie 6 1mi n nub 6mmunb

Wntgenfteme nub ®taflgabelu unb ©aden nub gegdbnte

5 91mmnub roftige fianaen nub {flintcm 2IIIe in falben

Sebetbofen, 303mm nub bteiten {Gilabutm SBoran

maricbiette bet ©amer=8uibL baé iBtennfcfyeit umgetebrt

auf bet 6 6mm tragenb unb untermegé bie SlBeifung

{cbnaufenb mobin unbmic cmpaden! 311 feinermadman10 bar s immermeifter non G antt 212mmmit einem eifen

afibnigen, ftablbefpitaten ©®IagprfigeL bet bor haubert

nub haubert S ubten id)on auf hie I flrfenfcbdbel folI nie=

bergefauft fein. Sbm baneben bet SRicbtet non Dbet fdmb,hem bus 9?t in biefen Eugen 3am imamgetnorben.

1 5 S iamnon Quit)! bet meifibdttige SBiebatgt SIBimmet Don

Rteugecr in feinem mttcbtigen S‘oppenfad nicbt biz ge

ringite bet QBaffen fcffleppenb einen macbtigen iBrotIaib.

11mm bintenbet aIIe anberm, QBaIbIer unb ?Bergler,

éirten, g teinflaubet , 3fidmet ; fogat bet aIte

z o ul ze Smit nub ein éen gflttlttaget

a116 hem ‘Bitatale ift bintenber; ieeunb brandyen bie Beut’

feine Q anarienbflgel nub teine fibriftuéle fintemal , 311:

fdflagen beifit’e jeiat !

?IIIe fdneiten brain in finiterem (Smite, ihren 6 6mm25 nub G nteln nad), biegmeimal fdyon baéEirolet lanb beft eit,bus brittemal bet Bift nubfibermmfit bet {feinbe an unters

Iiegen btoben.

fiber SIBeItcrobetet fuhrt Erica gcgen hie Eiroler; nubalIe, hie er niebergemotfen, fcifen Iobbubelnb ihrem

ums Qeimatlanb

SBfinbiger hinter unb neben ibm bet unb finb hie firgftenSBIutbunbe.

"(Sbott nub 6 mm ®ebaftian!“biefer muf mirb bet s

nommen in bet SBauemtotte; bee QBeiteten berlcgen fie

fid) beute nicht aufe SBeten, beutet bet 513iebar3t, 5

,,bie 280mm beten felbanber gum ndmlicben fien gott, bet

11 11 6 beIfen foII. fDaf;wit ibn brandyen, bus waif; er;bat;wit unfer gut SRedfi baben, baa fiebt ct , unb mill er


tun, {0with er nus finben.

fDennod) abet tl ingen hie brei ©Ioden auf bem fpibcn 10

fbcrffircbtum e unb baa geflenben ©IfldIein bet Ranelle,bie oben an bet gelemanb ftebt. ®ie rufen nicht ©ott, fiemfen bie Wimféen.

SDer bimmIifcbe inert , {agte bet 3immermeiftet Don

6 mm?Rattin, "bat {cine ®ad)’ getan, mic er bie I iros 1 5

Ierberge bat aufgebaut. SIBir baben nut hie 86d)“ 311

bitten, mo bus QBaffet binauérinnt, bat; {cine EBIaubofennub QBeifimiinteI beteingeraten.

nit 311 fpttt, fo funnt’e nod) fun) genug fain!

ricf bet g dytager hon Dberfcbttla.

ib er g dn‘

aget and) babei !“ grout bet ©1 116 6 6nd)“

hon auferem SDorf, bet fdwn ha iftmit {einem G piefs, umfid) gIeicf) anbeten hem3ugeanguicfiliefzen. ,,SDet é cbtaget !

fDa bleib’id) haheim, bet with hen isaiah febon aIIein bet

taudnn, menu’s mit hem SUtauI gebt.

,,iDa, 9um!“

tuft fain SlBeib, "menu einer fo rebet in

Eirol nub ee ein macbbmcftteit tut, bat; einer nit gegenhen Banbeefeinbmill bernacben ift

’e pfutfcf) mit unfret

nub Iafit hen {geinb herein Iieber bent a16morgen, fo

p eter q egger

finb mix: fet tig nub ift baa granélig Sentmnbringen nit


,,fiaft cl) recbt, 28cm,“ brauf bet g dmcbet , id) trad)’ in(Sfiotteenam’ mit.“

5 "Mann,“

fagt fie fiebemb, ,,bein ©eficbt halt bet ; id)mad)

’bit ’e Q teua; bebiit

’ bid) ©ott bet bimmfifd) 515m:

nub bet 6 01mnub bet heilige ©eift nub bie IiebcMutter

Maria bom grunen ?Baum. 31nd $aar 6 111 11o bab’

id) bit in hie SRangen padt nub ein Wahaeng ift and) brin

nub brei SDirbdnbp after fur hen gall , bat; bod) ein 1111:

glad mar’. fiat bid) feit, éanfele! Emt

, bu beraablft

ben 580mm bie n eI, bie unfew SBuben bat ttoffen.

5Bmabl ’6 gut, must ibn nit 311 wohlfeil gebm, unfem


"3a, mic bift berm? fagt er unb [chant fie mit mffen211mm an, ,,meinct t ag

’ batt’ idy’e nit bermeint, bat; bu

einem fo gutebm funntft.

"6mm:mbcbt’ id) mit nub beifie©tein’auf fie niebet s

marten I ug nabmacbt, bis bie fibergmdnb’

gar warm.

,,fiaft hiea elfinber babeim. SBetgiBmid) nit.“

,,SDa, baé bu,“nub fie entroIIt ben Buféarianersmofens

{ranga116 ihrert

{E(ntft, ,,betenmi l! id) fur bid) to lung nub to

bid mit benRiabera, bis ibr glfid fid)mieber haheim feib.

G in target fidnbebrud nub baa aIte G bepaar gebt a116:

einanber. 2q hem 6 6m: bee nfidjften $aufe6 fist ein

nod) iunget , abet bIafier Mann; bem b&ngen bie Smart

arg nhet bie ®time, abet bie ?Iugenglut mflgm fie ni tbt

betheden. g ain QBeib nub {cine gwet fiubm mfifien ibn

nieberbalten auf biz SBant, baf; er nicht auffpringt unb

206 p eter Rofegger

{feuer nub auf bie Rinber! 3‘t hormfitté in (Sjottee

heil igem 92m m!“

fDie G tangen, Sangen unb G enfen fdflagen flirrenb

aneinanbet fibet hen alten minim, bie eifenbefcfilagenens ©dmbe geben gunten im ®eftein bee QBegeB fo btauft

nub grout bar3113 babon.

i 3a auf bem 580171111113. fDie Q rfippel , bie QBeibet111th Q inbet fteben nod) an hen 1 11m nubmcrea traurigben Emanuem nad) bet Ieiaten S haft unb Sboffmmg bee

fdymergeptfiften Sunbee. SDa fdbtt has SIBettet 106 unb

bie am en berlafienen Smenfcben sieben fid) 3111 111? in bie

finiteren ®t11l1en. film 1tim11m 311 Hagen nub 311mitt en .

fDie SRiegeI bet I firen unb bie fdymeren genftergi ttetwethen unterfucbt, bie QBanbs 111111 Q adflufen bericblagen

unb betrammelt. SBeiIe unb $ ade11 merben hematgebol tunb alIeG Q ifenmet faeug, 111116 fdmeiben, ftecben nub fd flas

gen fann, with in 58cteitfcbuft gebalten. fDie Rettenbunbe

merben an hie 6 11 1111111 111 gefcbloffen, bus gaberbieb in hen

©emabrfam bee {311 117126 gebracht. unb aIIeé, mué inert 1 1111)

fdflitabar an SUletaII, bie {Salétettem hie G ilberfreusl ein ,

hie I tauringe unb hie Ealerfdcflein, aII bergh icben mi t btief in hen Saa b bermauert ober im Q efler betgraben.

G in emfig muftan i t’s ein armielig

' $ eftenba1 1en ,

faum gut gegen hen eingelnen SRiiuber, gefcbmeige gegeneinen ©d)wa1

°m bun gtanacica ober SBanem.

583m: einen I nbiaefegen bat, bet nagelt ibn art hie


11 11 15 Qeimatlafib

11111) 111 bet Q laufen ift’e, 1101: 81m. fiberaII 1111 ben

fiBfiumen 511t gram: ?Raud) mit {einem 8 1 11111» 111111

‘Bulbergerucb. 21118 bet Biemetftabt, biz butt i111 fdwmmbreiten t ale Iiegt, fteigt trttge 58 111171 111111 ©cmfilte a116

{emetftdtten auf. fiber in bet g dfludnipt ingen raid) bie 5

meifienmaucbfttablen berbor (1118 111111 916511 11 , 111111mandm,

bet fie 11011 obcn binab ficht, merit and) fcfnmhas 581131 infeinem {Gleifdmhie! eber, 1116 1106) her final! beraufbringt

a1té bet I iefe.

6 11111 1011111511 geworben, hie I itolet . 6 01171 baben fie m

hinter 58m6m 111111 5Btt11me11 gelauert unb 11nd) hem

geinbe gefcboffen, obne fid) felhit treffen 311 Iafien. S‘ebt

abet 111111: 11116 311 wenig nub bie 23111 311 grot'

; ge

morben. 911mmebr mit tleinen SBIeiftuden ftreiten fie,wuchtige fielfiblflde fdfleubem fie niche: a11f ben {Geinbefis x5

baufen, bet mit hen aifdxnben SIBeIIen hes flmmflufies

t ingenb bard) bie ®dfl11cbt brfingt. S'

Die QBege 1111 ben

Sebnm finb Iangit aerftbrt 111111 hie ?Braden aetrifien, 111th

hie G inbringlingemuffen bei bet 6171111 111 11ng bet ©dflucbtmebr 581111 Iafien, a16 fonft bei bet (Einnahme einer grofzen 20

6 111111. $806) {11111 ihrer 311 bieIe 111111 111116) 11116 23111ebfinge flettem fie 171111111 , gabIIoe mic hie ?Imeifen 111111 hie

(Eibecfflen i111 ®eftei11 . fDa gebt’é 3ab11 11111 3111711 , 1111b

hie I itolet bmben mit ihren g ntefien 111111 272111cm 108,

111111 mit ben batmlofen, 111 QIrbeit gebeiligten SIBet taeus 25

gm bee Banbmanneé, hes Sbolgffiflew, bee fianbmerfete

foIIen fie ietunb bae fiaterlanb nod) retten.

2301: aIIem gilt cc beute, bus I nt bee $uftertale8 311berteibigen. ?DZancber g tein ffibrt nieber hen fteilen

131 11 1 3011991 1

151 11113, 1111 5811111111 111 11111 1 1: 1111 111101111111 11110[11111111 [11 ,t1efe 801111 1 grfibt 1 1 1111 1101111 911101 11c111113111 111 0111

0001 11 , 11110011 10111011111 20111111 , 011 1111) 1111101196 111 [am[11111111 91011111 11110191 110111 , macht 6 111 1111g1 111 immer

5 1011111 111 11110001111 111 2803111, 1116 {11 , 11 111 1111111 8116g1°


f11111110, 111 01111 6 111111 31111111 111, 10111111 111111 mit 311111 :

10101111 58110110111 111101 1111111111 11111 011 f1111011111111 9101111111110111111 1: [111111 1101111 111113111011101111 6 1111111111 111 011 81111111

1111 1113111 .

811111111: 011111111 10110 11111111 011 6 111111 , 111111: immer

10111111011: 1111, 11116 111g 1111 01 1: 281 11110111100111101 110, 11116111011 0111 11) 006 2811111 1: 1 1111110, 111 001011 , 1111111 [111011 01 1:6 11 111 , 100011 6 1111111111 {16) 1011111 111100116 811011110 ges

1001111111 111.

1 5 1 11111; 9 110011 1106) 111111“

11111 111 01 1: 6 11111 1011: 11111011: 21110001 11110111111 111101101101 1111 1111 1111 m006gtu111 11

811601011, 1101 1:01 1 mag 111 1111111, 1601111’111 11111111 11 31111911 1 1

1111 111111 1111011 011 511 1111 1 1 1110111, 10100111 1 1 01111 2111111 1111 11)11011) 1111111 1011c1)1 11. 1111011111111 111001111111 6 11111, 011: 111 11

20 111111 1: 01 1 10111011 11 111 1111011011) 11111 111 1901011111 81 1:

1111 1 111111 01111 1 11111011c11111 ©1101111111111 1 1311011, 10 11111111

51103 11116, {1131 111131 1101111 111011111116 9 11 11 1111111011111

auf 001 1 1011011:0011 1011110111 1601111111 1 11 311 6 1m§1 11=

gcfdflagen 001 1:311 1111 1 1 3011110101111111111 g1m1131 11.25 25311 011111 01 1: 11111 6 1011 101 1:0111 211 1111 11 111106 111119111 1111 11)bob 111100111111110111 , 011: {5116111011 0111011113111.

58 1 1 21111 0111111 11111 1111) 11110fab, 16 111111 fin:0111 2111s

91110111! 111111 1: 01 1: (551110111 11 1111111 genug, 11111 111111 0116

2531 1 1 11111 gu 0111111, 111100011) 1111) 1011 16 1 1111101106 10

ums Qeimatlanb

t inbiger bintet nub neben ibm bet unb finb bie fitgfteniBIutbunbe.

"(Sbott nub 6mm g ebaftian! biefet ?Ruf with bet snommen in bet SBauermtotte; bee QBeiteren berIegen fie

ficf) beute nicht aufé SBeten, beutet bet SBicbatgt, 5

,,bie fiBoam beten felhanber gum nflmficben fien gott, bet

une beIfen 7011. Q uiz wit ibn btaucben, has weifier;bat;wit unfet .gut SRecbt bahen, has ficht er, unb wi ll wetun, [o wit h er 11116 finben.

fbennod) abet tl ingen bie btei ®Ioden auf bem [pigen Io

fbofifitéturme nub bus geIIenben ®Ificflein bet Q apeIIe,bie oben an bet {gelemanb ficht. 6 k rufen nicht (55m, fie

mfan hieEmmfcben.


Der bimmIiMe ©err, tagte bet 3immermeiftet non©anft Martin, "bat {cine g ad)

’ getan, mic er bie Z iros 1 5

Ietbetge bat aufgebaut. SIBit baben mu: hie EM)“ 311

bitten, too has QBafier binauerinnt, bat; feine iBlaubofennub QBeiBmiinteI bereingeraten.

,,QBfit’é nit 311 fpii t, fo tunnt

’e nod) frat) genug fein!

rief bet 6 6mg“ bon Dberfdmia. 20

i )“ g dnager and) babei !“

groIIt bet {bane 6 ®adyer

hon auferem S'

Dorf, bet fdmn ba iftmit feinm g piefi, um

fid) gIeicI) anbeten hem3ugeanguicbl iefien. ,,SDer®dnager!

1 h bIeib’ id) haheim, bet mirb hen %einb fdwn aIIein bet

tamfien, menn’émit hem SUtauI gebt.

,,SDu, 8aw l“

tuft fein SIBeib, "menu einer fo rebet in

I it ol nub es ein macbhmftteit tut, bat; einet nit gegen

hen Banbeéfeinbmill bernacben ift’e pfutfd) mit unfrer

nub [afgt hen {Geinb herein Iieber bent a16morgen, fo

p eter Rofegget

finb mix: fet tig unb ift bus gtauél ig Bcutumbringen nit


"bait c!) tedfi, 28cm,“brauf bet g dmcbcr, kfi ftad)

’ in

©0tte6nam’ mit.“

5 Mann,“

fagt fie fichemb, ,,bein (Si eficbt baIt bet; id)mad)

’bit ’s t ua; bebfit

’bid) (55m bet bimml ifd) 25am:

nub bet ®obn unb bet heilige (shift unb bie IiebeMutter

Maria bom guinea 523mm. 31nd ‘Baat ®trumpf’


id) bit in hie ?Ranaen padt unb einmahaeng ift and) brinxc unb btei Q itbdnbpflaftet fur ban gall, bat; bub ein l l n

glad mar’. {oaIt bid) feit, Coanfele! m ’

, bu versablft

ben 580mm bie Raga, bie unfew SBuben bat troffen.

c rgabl’é gut, must ibn nit an wohlfeil geben, unfew

SUZirt !“

1 5 mic bift bean?“

fagt ct unb fcbaut fie mit nafl'


Slugcn an, ,,meiner I ag’

b&tt’{dy e nit vermeint, bat} bu

einem fo garchen funntft.

mficfit’id) mit nub beific ®tcin

’auf fie niebet

werfen t ag nubmacbt, hie hie SBetgmtmb’

gar warm.

,,éaft bie ( afel finbct haheim. 513mm;mid) nit.“

"$Da, bus ha,“

unb fie cntroIIt hen Bufcbarianetmofens

Eran; tms ihrert

{gaufn,,betenmitt id) fur bid) in lung nub [0bid mit henRinbcm, bis ibt glfidlid)miebct haheim feib.

G in Burger éfinbebmd unb bus aIte (Sibcpaat gebt anes

z s‘

einanbet . 2q hem ®fiflet bee nddfiten i mamfist ein

nod) iunget , abet bIafict Mann; hem bangen hie ©aareatg fiber

bie 6mm , abet bie ?Iugenglut mbgen fie nid)tbetheden. ®ein QBeib unb [cine amei iBuben miifien ibnnicberbalten auf bie 58mmbut; at nicht aufipringt nub

206 p eter Rofegger

getter unb auf hie fi inbet ! 3‘t bomfirte in ©btte6

heiligemEnamenSbic 6 tangen, Sanaen unb ®cnfm fcblagm flin cnb

aneinanbet fiber hen aIten Rbpfen, bie eifenbefcblagenens ®cfmbe gebenmnfen im ©eftein beB QBegeé fo btauft

unb grollt bet 3tlg babon.

a ié auf hem Sborfplab. SDie Rumba, hie QBcibetunb Rinbet fteben nod) an ben

I firen nub bliden ttaurig

ben Smiinnem nacf) bet Iebten Rtaft unb $offnung befi

{cbmetgeprfiften Baubee. SDa fahrt bus QBettet 106 unb

bie am en berIafienen SUtenfcficn sieben fid) ant itd in hie

finftcren 6 tuben. ?Iber nicht um 3a fIagcn unb gumeinen.

SDie SRiegeI bet I firen unb hie fcbmet en {?enftergi ttet

merbcn unterfucfit, bie QBanbs nub SDadflufen bcrfcblagen

unb verrammelt. SBeiIe unb $ aden merben bemomebol tnub aIIee (Sffienmcrfaeug, mas {cbneibemftecben unbMm:gen fann, mirb in SBereitMaft gehalten. SDie Q ettenbunbe

mcrben an bieg tafltflren gefcMofien, baafiebemiebin ben

Gjemabrfam bee©anfe6 gebmcfit. ll nbaIIee, mas inert unb

f(biibbar an Wletafl, bie galefetten, bie © ilbet fteu31ein,bie I rauringe unb bie Ealcrfiicflein, aII betgleicben mitbtief in ben berb bermauert ober im React bergtaben.

(53m emfig SRttften ift’é cin armfel ig QSdtenbauen,

faum gut gegen ben eingelnen mfiuber, gefcbmeige gegeneinen ©®marm Don {framofen ober iBanem.

SIBet cinen I obiafifegcn bat, bet nagelt ibn an hie


11 111 5 Qeimatlanb

ll nb in bet RIaufen ift’fi, but 81mg. flbemII an hen

d umen blingt gtauet iRaud; mit feinm SBtanb= unb

‘Bulbergerucb. 91118 bet Bimet ftabt, hie bort im fcbflnen

breiten Stale Iiegt, fteigt tt ligc Q unft nub ©c1n61fe a116

generftdtten auf. ?Iber in bet 6 & t ipt ingen raid; hie 5

meifien ?Raucbfttablen [Jerbor (1116 ben SR'

obren, unhmancber,bet fie bon oben binab ficht, merit and) fdwn hue 523min{einem bieI ebet , ale nod) bet Q uart bemufbringta116 bet I iefe.

6 11111 toflffibn getnorbcn, bie I iroler. 6 01mbaben fie xo

hinter SBilfcfien unh SBdumen geIauert unb nad) hem

5}einbe gefcboficn, obne fid) felbft treffen 311 Iaifen.


abet war 11116 311 wenig 1111b hie SIBut 311 gtot; gemorben. 5mmmebr mit e incn SBIciftuden ftreiten fie,

mudfiige gelebl’

oére fcbleubem fie nieber auf hent

i§ei11t1e6= 1 5

baufen, bee mit ben aimenben SZBeIIen bee ?(Ipenflufiee

t ingenb bard) bie © 131t brfingt. Sbic QBege an ben

S emen finb I&ngft aerftbrt nub bic 55mm acrrifi'

en, unb

hie Q inbt ingfingemuffen bei bet Q rfturmung bet ©dflucfit

mebt SBIut Iafien, a16 fonft bei bet Q innabme einer grofien® tabt. SDocf) finb ihrer 311 bieIe nub bard) hué 2153111ebtinge flettcm fie binan, gablIoe mic bic ?(meifen unb bié

(€ ibecbfe11 im ©eftein. 33a gebt’é S aba 11m 3abn, nub

hie t itular brecbcn mit ihren 6 111683 1 111111 Smeffem (06,

nub mit hen batmlofcn, in ?(rbeit gebeil igten QBet taew 25

gm beB Banbmannee, bee $olgfiifleré, bee fianbmet feté

foIIen fie iebunb baaEBaterIanb nocf) t ettau.

2301: aIIem gilt ee beute, has 3301: has ‘Buftertalee 311

berteibigen. Emancbet 6 tein fahrt nieber ben fteiIen

p eter Rofcggcr

16mg, 1111 fiBtiume praIIt et 1111 1111b £11161 1111b faultet fie,tiefe Bfldm gtfibt er bei iebemmiebcflélagen 111 be11 (551 11boben, 1111b hie mucb1ige SUtafie, hie {id} anfange in lung{11mm 9?o bewegt batte, macbt é ptfinge 111 immer

5 meiteren 111111 bbbeten 523mm, [118 fie, auf einen 31116311 11111

fall enb, 111 bide ®tude aerfcbeIIt, weldya 111111 mit geht1 s

fachem 58c1rberbe11 nieberfa11fen a11f bie feinhl icben motten1111b untet fdmeemeifiaufgifcbenhem @d)a11m 111 hie {gluten


3mm : Minuet with unten bie ©cbar, abet immet

mutenbet eilt, teile eng a11 bet iBetgmanb bufcbenb, tai lstuba bard; hue QBaficr reitenb, fie 1101 1111, nabe {111011 bet©tefle, mo hie ©d11t {id} meitet 1111b bus 8e d in ge=

monnen ift.1 5 "63111 etl id) Rnfibel 1106) fdmit bet g chadm aufbet ?Inbfibe 1111b Ijebt 111111 fcbiebt an einem mooégraum

gamma, abet bet magmeinen, 116 [flitt’ manchet S‘fingemr

1111 ibm {61011 bieRtaft etptobt, to 1110111: et hem21111111 and)1106) 1111111 meicben. 111111 einem moofigm 6 1cm, bet m i t

20 feiner G rbe bemadfien ift 1111b mit betgolbeten S et

tern {cine batefliinbif61m fielbcntaten etadblt, in einem

R101; ift’é cine, fitat fingenb ci11 tirol ifcbefi ©irtenf11£ibl ei 11

a11f ibm obct with er 11011 melfcben Q iimmem 311 ©111 1Be11

fdmttet gefcblagen obet 311 einet ,Boflfcbtanffdule gemeifsel t.

25 flBie bean bet aIte®cbacbet mit 911mm 1111b®ta11ge11 and)

bob 1111b anitemmte, bet %el§blod i cb Iiegen.

21mblidte 11111 fid) 111111 fat), ee mat ffit hen ?Ius

genbl id refiner bet ©e110fie11 nabe genug, 11111 ibm has

23111 ? t1111 311 beIfen, 111111 bod) fab ar, Me 116 entfdx'



from place to place , both practi sing and learning hi s trade . Th en

after an examination , which consisted chiefly of an inspection of

his masterpiece (Wdfttrftfld), the M en: became amafia , mas ter

workman . The training of the ind ividual artisan and his re l a

tions to hi s employer were regulated down to the pettiest detail .Not until a half-century ago was t trbeft tibcit un iversal l yestabl ished in G ermany, i .e ., the principle that any employ erand any employee may contract for services upon an y terms an d

condi tions that may be mutual ly satisfactory, provided th e

publ ic interes ts are in no way endangered . To some exten t ,

however, the ol der practice and the older terms still prevail , b u tthe ®¢c ¢ has become less of a journeyman ”

and more o f a.



23113 G ebeimnié bet M i fdmngL udwig G anghofer, a South G erman dramati st and nove l i s t ,

was born in 1 855 at Kaufbeuern in Bavaria. He stud ied fiv e

years at the universities of Muni ch and Berl in , and for a sh ort

time was stage-critic at the Ringtheater in Vienna. L ater h e

was an editor of the Wi ener Tageblatt, but since 1 895 he has

lived independently as a writer in Munich .

G anghofer’s works consist mainly of plays and stories of l i fe

in the Bavarian Highlands . His dramas Der Proz eflhansl an d

Dar G eiger van Mi ttenwald have merit , and Der Hm gottschn i tz cr

van Ammergau has been quite successful on the stage, but G an ghofer i s best known for the novel s Der K losterja


ger and D i e

Martinsk lause. Das G eheimm‘

s def M i schzmg is one of a co l l ee

tion of short stories entitled Doppelte Wahrhei t.

10. 4. b&ttft: except in the third person of the impera t iv e ,the singular p ronominal subject , 16, bu, tr, fit, or tfi, is o ft en

omi tted incol loquial language.

22-26. Ci . note to 6 , 1 4.

14. 1 5- 1 6. fitdbd t ht tffiet ttu mum,

"wi ld an i ma l s

trained to perform wi thout guidance, e .g . , horses wi thout brid i e s .

1 5. z .4. has fiiafet l icb and bit "8 111154“were 909 1113 1 (titti e s

the latter a generation ago, the former a coup le generations ear l i er .



G in v er bet 1mmPaul Schil ler is a modern writer who lives in Berl in . He is

the author of a trilogy of one-act plays entitled Nacldstdck e.

Among his other work s are the stories Bad S anta»: and Wi lhelmKraft, and the novels Mu: and Ein wahres G litch. In recent

years he has publi shed a number of humorous sk etches and shorts tories of a popular nature .

18. 5. S had e: adjective used as a noun.

10. 9- 1 o. $ 118 her uabcgreuatenmfigl idfleitcu

1s, in G er

many, a frequent designation of the United S tates.1 2. nu gem emu: translate freely, with manifest ap

proval . The phrase is a play on the expressionmit geafldttm23mm,

w ith drawn sword.


3 111 6 11 111 11“ berfintenb

Adol f Prasch is a modern Viennese feui l letonist. The presentstory is tak en from the Al lgemei ne Z cinmg, Munich, November9 , 1 9 1 2.

27. 1 6— 1 8. G orgflilfig mam, etc . : a loosely constructedsentence; onertitfltnb Mt refers to $0l “, and ficb tmpouu

aichen refers to an indefini te one ,”or to the narrator.

N . 2o. ul tima ratio, the last resource; cf. ul timo ratio regum,

i .e ., war.


fiber ?Befudy beim S eutuant

Phip L enz was born in 1 850 in Hamburg, and studied at

the universities of Jena and L eipz ig . At the age of thirty heen tered the foreign service and was sent to China; some yearsl ater he was appointed G erman consul at Chi-fn. In 1 876


h e publ ished five smal l volumes of short stories entitled Mi l i tan


sak e Human sk cn .

35. 6. wm efam: the name is repeated to cal l attention to

th e l iteral meaning of the word. fl umufam is the Middle High


G erman and L ow G erman eq uivalent of the obsolete New HighG erman monnefam, del ightful . In Engl ish it is represented bothas to etymology and meaning by the adjective winsoma.

38. 1 —5. A l ieutenant in the G erman army receives as p ay

from $300 to $600 p er annum, the amount depend ing uponlength of service . It is universal ly and frankly recogniz ed that,unless the c ihost has independent means, marriage with a

goldfish ,”

or heiress, is almost ind ispensable to his mil itarycareer . The father-in-law is expected to provide his daughterwith

a respectable dowry and to settl e her husband ’s debts.8. marriage-bond law. In

order to insure hi s financial abil ity to support both a wife and

the dignity of hi s rank the G erman law requires, before marriageis permitted a captain or l ieutenant , that a certain sum of

money, cal led Rantion, cauti on-money , be invested in government bonds which are to be deposited with some designatedbanking establ ishment . The premiums are paid ‘

to the oflicer,

but the bonds themselves remain under the control of armyofficials . The minimum amount required is fixed by the government ; it varies with the rank of the oflicer, but the lowest sumaccepted is approximately37. 25. hué Q afinn, the casino, a kind of ofli cers

’club at an

army post . It contains the mess-hal l for unmarried ofi cers , a

l ibrary, a reading-room , bowl ing-al leys, etc . It is supportedpartly at the expense of the S tate, and is used for ofi cial as wel las for social purposes . The lower officers and privates also havetheir casino.38. 23. emfieuarrcft, confinement to quarters . In G ermany(not , however, in Austria) ?Irreft, impri sonment, confinement, asa term for criminal or discipl inary punishment , appl ies only tomil itary persons . There are four classes : g tubmarteft, and ge

Iinber, mittlerer, and ftrenger ?Irreft. In cinfadm: ©tube11arrcftofficers are restrained without guard in their own quarters .

©cfcbfirfttt fimbenarteft is restricted to commissioned ofi cers fromthe rank of captain down;they are confined in a so-cal led



”In neither case are visitors al lowed . Q tl inbtt flt‘ t tft ap

pl ies to subordinate ofii cers and privates; its only penal ty issol itary confinement . Mittlerer ?Irrtft is inflicted upon the lower


flm ft is misunderstood. The general means ®tubt11a1‘

rcft becausehe thinks Tfip fer is a l ieutenant . The latter, because he bel iev esthat the general knows him to be a private , assumes that e ithermittlerer or ftrenger fitteft is intended . See note to 38, 23.

61 . 1 5— 1 6. mute ibm 11111 511 ffibtcu, I onl y

wanted to impress i t upon his mind .

53. 24. S it er ha, When he comes .

54. 1 4. 1111 311111 {trengeu abet 311111 mittlemt arteft, whether forstrict or for medium confinement. Ci . note to 38, 23.

55. 5. {M 111 11 ! cine: 11 11: probably a blend of febe 11111! cine: 1111and fit!) maIan! Translate simply, Now , y ou see !

57. 1 1 — 1 2. {cine S tir ware betfdflofl'

tu 1111b hie 111mm abges

rifieu gemeftu: not an implausible report . An officer under

G tubtmn '

eft is not permitted to receive visitors.62. 6. mutual): i .e ., 1111161 11116 S ank a.

‘Di e fl at t enfdy i eher

Hermine Vill inger was born (1 849) in F reiburg im Bre isgau ,

Baden , but has l ived most of her l ife in Karlsruhe . Her earlyeducation was obtained in Karl sruhe and at the convent inOfienburg . Her l iterary work has been restricted almost entirelyto the wholesome short stories in which she real ist ically butoptimistical ly depicts the l ife and customs of the Swabian peasants , whose characters she studies with sympathy and psychological insight . Among her best collections of stories are : Au:

dem K leinl eben (from which the two stories in the present volume

are taken), Au: meiner Hcimat, S chwarz waldgeschichten , K lei neL ebensbi lder, Al lerlei L i ebe.

G in rhmi fdyeé fi benteuer

G abriele Renter was born of G erman parents in 1 859 at

Alexandria, Egypt . At the age of twenty-one she moved to

Weimar, in 1 899 to Berlin. Often with more sp irit and vigor


than l iterary art , Renter champions the woman’s cause and de

mands for her sex ful ler liberty and a deeper sense of responsibil ity . Her famous “

novel of purpose,” Au: guter F amil ie,strings on a rather slender thread of plot the author’s argumentsfor social reform . Other stories are : Der L ebenshttnstler, F rau


trgel in und i hre Sohne, Eines Toten Wiederhehr.

08. 5. Q edcugemhlm : notablyM ichelangelo ’s great series offrescoes in the S istine chapel of the Vati can .

8. G oetheé rflmifdyc G legieu: G oethe l ived in Rome al togetherfourteen months (1 786 the Komische Elegien , written 1 788

89 , publ ished 1 795, are perhaps the most L atin of his works .25. G dfimfln, S i rocco, a name given in S icily and southern

Italy to a dry , hot , dust-laden wind blowing from the Africand esert. Its physical eflect is very depressing. In some partsof the Mediterranean region the name is appl ied to the moist,sul try wind which prevail s in the winter rainy season and blowsfrom the same general direction .

00. 1 8. stud . jur.-studiosus j uri s-é tubmt bet 91155 -1 12

dent of law . Sloftnd (on the Bal tic) is one of the oldest, smal lest,and most conservative oi the G erman universities.

1 9 . final Omit (l ived 1 830- 1 9 1 4, chiefly in Munich), p rol ific

and versatile short story writer, novel ist , p oet , and dramati st,w as a student and lover of Italy , and laid the scenes of many ofh is stories in that country. Among his best novels are K inder derW el t, Im Porodi ese, Merl in; his most successful play is Maria

eon Mogdala. In 1 9 10 he received the Nobel priz e for l iterature.

20. 1111111111 1 23q (1 851 l ikewise sought Italy for muchof hi s material . Among his novel s may be mentioned : S an S ebastian, Di e neuen Romer , Die neue Ci rce; dramas : S aoonarola,

L uigi a son F el i ce; stories : Rami sche Dorfgeschichten .

71 21 ., ,mio illustre amico

(Ital ian), my i l lustrious

72. 6—7. tie mate inert, in bet 211mm311 gemhmeu, she de

s erved to win a pri z e in the lottery . In Italy, as wel l as in othercoun tries of the Continent , lotteries are not only permitted , butthey stil l figure in the state budget .

1 0—1 1 . bel l 91111011111 11 11 1 mafiad :Raphael Sanz io (1 483


the great Ital ian painter, produced a large number of Madonnas ,the most famous of which is the “ Madonna di San S isto ”

o r

“S istine Madonna,” the glory of the Dresden G al lery.


t e 28 1MB 3 1mg

Hans F riedrich Blunck l ives in Al tona, where he was born .

He studied at K iel and in 1 9 10 took hi s degree at Heide lbe rg .

In addition to several legal and economic works he has writ t e na number of stories of North G ermany. He is the author o f

Nordmarkbal laden , F euer im Nebel , Nordwestdeutsche Novell en ,

Sohne def Erde, Heimatroman . Ebbe Wulj s J ung is reprin t e dfrom Di e Woche of June 1 4, 1 9 1 3.

78. Titl e . 31111g = 31111gc. See note to 79 , 28, below.

1 — 1 2. The scene of the story is undoubtedly the coast of t h eterritory of D ithmarschen in southwest Schleswig-Hol st e i n .

Along this coast , almost at sea-level , extends the “ Marshl an d,

a strip of al luvial soil from five to fifteen mi les in breadth, form e d

partly by the natural deposits of the North S ea and partl y b ythe artificial processes of reclamation . At many places i t i s

protected by a system of dykes (fDeicbt) similar to that emplo y e din Hol land . Between the dykes and the sea are shal lows a n d

marshes (28am), most of which are covered wi th water at h i g h

tide. In many of these shal lows breakwaters (fiubnen) are c on

structed whi ch serve the double purpose of protecting t h e

dykes from erosion and promoting the growth of accret ion , o r

warping , as i t is termed . These breakwaters are of vari o u sk inds, but they are often made

,as apparently here , of row s o f

fascines, i .e ., huge bundles of rods or sticks bound together W i thwire .

1 3. fil ter, here a bie ?torbice.79. 3. 83mm: the word itself is obscure , but meteorolo g i c

al ly it seems to refer to the cirrus clouds above the

Translate , streamers , mare ’s-tai ls .

1 4. lBrleI, tidal channel . Water-courses are maintained in t h e

shallows to control the influx of the tide and to permit the om


6—7. elucB nichet l lluhifdyeu fi i l beB: e .g ., one of the genre paintings of the Dutch school of the seventeenth century , such as

those of Ver Meer of Del ft or the brothers van Ostade.

90. 1 . fie 11 1m 15111101 hie ?Bctmdnuug auftelleu: this positionof the modal auxil iary is found occasional ly even in the bestauthors, but fflnntn, which is real ly a participle , woul d stand moreproperly after the dependent infini tive fie batten bit ficttathtlmganiteIIen 16111101 .31 . 26. 6 1. 11111111 1 3: S t . Nicholas is the special protectorof children and is supposed to reward and pun ish them for theirdeeds. In many parts of G ermany, in Switz erland , and in Hol

land presents are given secretly on the eve of S t . Nicholas Day

(December This custom, however, has been largely transferred to Christmas, and with it the association of the saintwith the latter festival . The American “

Santa Claus”is a

colonial corruption of the Dutch form “San Nicolaas.


?Brei te emul ternF riedrich Sp ielhagen was born in 1 829 in Magdeburg, but

was brought up at S tralsund on the Bal tic, where he learned tolove and sing the sea. He attended the universi ties of Berl in,

Bonn ,and G reifswald , taught in L eipz ig , was an editor in Han

over, and final l y became a novel ist of importance . He died in

Berlin in 1 9 1 1 .

With hi s novel Probl emati sche Natuf en (1 860) Sp ielhagen

suddenly won success . Then fol lowed a series of his best stories,Die 0011 Hohenstei n , In Rei h and G l i ed, S turmflut; but after thepubl ication in 1 876 of the last mentioned novel his work decl inedin power. A lover of l iberty, a ruthless but optimistic crit ic ofhis times, an honest and fearl ess fighter for reform,

Sp ielhagen

y et held the mirror too close to his own period and its p oli t icaland social problems to permit his becoming a truly great writer.

The present story, Brei te S chultem developed into the

novel Hammer and Ambofl which deal s with the conflict

between capital and labor.


07. 1 . 351 1110111: notice 6 dwt g it (97, and the interchange throughout the story of S br and 6 k as G ottl ieb ad

dresses his guests . Why is S br capital iz ed?00. 1 8. l ichen gramme: ci . Thomas, Practical G erman G ram

mar, 288, 2.

100. 20. Enfin (F rench), In fine, In short.

101 . 1 6—1 7. but; fie 111 ibreu fterbeu 11181 111 11, that they

would di e in thei r boots , i .e ., di e by vi olence, come to an evi l end .

1 8- 1 9. 1011 hit wel t damn! gebt 111th ftebt, as things go in this

world .

102.- 6—

7.,G tmqa 111111) km ”lentil; {tin clam 111 1111e11

': from

Johann Christoph F riedrich Schil ler ’s (1 759— 1 805) Wal lensteins

L ager, XI. Auftritt . The exact quotation is :

6111100111115 11 feta does 1111111111,Dber bet Menu 11111 11 11101 11111 111111 61 11111111.

21 . bummer: not comparative .

23- 24. bu 11111 1111, bu heft babe 6 81meu, M1) hit!) her0111


nidpt bcificu taun‘: a G erman S pruch that occurs in more than one


104. 1 —2. cum infamia (L atin), in di sgrace, di shonorabl y .

105. 1 6- 1 7. ammeta 31101 311 G abe alas: under the G ermansystem of a nation in arms ”

every able-bodied adul t male isl iable for mi l itary service. Ordinarily two or three years are

spent with the colors , but young men who have reached a certainstandard of education are required to serve in the active armyfor only one year, provided they defray their own expenses .They are cal led fi nifibfigfi rtltni ll lge, one-y ear volunteers , or (Sins

itibrigt, one—y ear men .

100. 9 . tam id) 11111 fiiuf S abre auf ?ydtuug, etc . In the G er

man army insubordination is always a punishable ofiense . Eventhe sl ightest lack of respect toward superior ofi cers is punishedw i th imprisonment, and actual disobedience is vi sited with theseverest penal ties under certain circumstances, with death.

107. 23E. It is the pol icy in G erman prisons to providesu i table work for al l prisoners except those serving very shortterms . A special efiort is made to adapt the employment to theinterests and capabil ities of the individual prisoner.


1 10. 7. 11 111 11 10: dative.

1 13. 27. erwiirbe gefegt (11151 11:on the word-order ci . Thomas,Practical G erman G rammar, 41 8, 2, a.

1 1 4. 1 3— 1 4. sans gene (F rench) without restraint,

wi thout embarassment.

1 7. Punch, the great Engl ish journal of wi t and satire,the cover of which is characteriz ed by the grotesque , hooknosed , hunchbacked figure of the marionette Punch, or Punchinello , the fami l iar squeaking-voiced puppet of the Punchand Judy” show. In the right of the picture appears in cap

and bel ls a mongrel in whose blood the p ug-dog seems to p redominate.

1 15. 1 4. tete-h-téte (F rench), private conversation .

25. ,Q amt foil hué teem: bt clttftblagcu, ‘then there wil l be afine

row .

1 18. 1 0. Melba 111a Seats, clothes mak e the man, fine

feathers mak efine bi rds . A famil iar proverb.

26. 3. Em ai lm fidfpltl , for examp le.

121 . 25. man bel la senz a sp ine (Ital ian), 0beautiful rosewithout thorns .

26. lasciate ogni speranz a,voi eh ’

entrate (Ital ian), al l hopeabandon, y e who enter here. F rom Dante ’s Inferno, III, 9.


1112 hem tIeinen 8131151 1 11 11 6 Q aué ni eberhranute

Peter Rosegger was born in 1 843 at Alpl , a vil lage in the

S tyrian Alps of Austria, n ine miles southeast of Krieglach.

His father was a poor peasant , his mother the daughter of acharcoal burner, his early education the scantiest . F or fouryears he wandered from house to house as a tailor’s apprent ice .

But even at fifteen he had begun to write of the forests, mountains, and people around him; at twenty-two he had secured

sufi cient recognition and assistance to enable him to study fouryears at the Handelsakademi e in G raz . F ame and honors sooncame to him, but he seldom set foot outside of hi s belovedS tyria. He died in 1 9 1 8.


25. To tin G iuftblagetc-¢in bard) G infcfilagen bee2mmbemrfacfiteribranb.

126. 2-3. hué G ngtai and hie ?y t are presumably a smallval ley and its brook in the neighborhood of Alpl .

1 3. fl aibwhad) or flBaIbbacb is the name of a stream and a

vil lage southeast of Alp ].1 5. The provinc ial particle bait has various mean ings, usually

to be gathered from the context. Translate the clause , wel l , his

house burn) down, that’s al l .

1 9 . [eidjt-biel ltiét.z o. bermmu’-bergflmte.22—23. mfit ’

gemefcn: col loq uial G erman in general and the

speech of Rosegger ’s peasants in particul ar al low considera

ble freedom in the position of the fin ite verb in dependentclauses .126. 2; tommeu: cf. note to 124, 1 7.

8. fi fatetbfib’: apparently a hil l near Alpl .

9 . bieI-febt ; the use of bit! as a pure adverb is col loquial .21 - 22. G o bat er firbcitfilnbu bafiit dugeiafien, S o he left his

wages stand , paid for them with hi s wages .

26. augebebt= angebobm27. bnaableu-hegablm.

127. so. G enet hie ?Biiglciu inbet! sfifmt, etc. : see S t .Matthewvi , 26.

23. gemeft-gemefen.

128. 24. ftofzcu-aueftofien.

?Bat on $ i lad nn

F ritz Brentano was born at Mannheim in 1 840, and studied

at the university of Heidelberg. In 1 848 he came to America,and later was United S tates consul-general at Dresden . At

various times and places in G ermany he was a successful journal ist , actor, and stage-manager. He was the author of a large

number of humorous stories and several of his plays have beenwel l received on the stage, especial ly the military drama. Im


F dddim t and the comedy Ein Pensionsk ind, the latter writtenjointly with J . Kel ler. He died in Berl in in 1 9 1 4.

130. 1 . Q ummfat iné-Rommifiatiu6 Rommifidr. His associat ion with the law and the courts and a sense of the dignity ofhis position lead Schack w itz to attempt legal L atin terms withmore or less success . Ci . below S ubibibium and ,Rorbfi bd i l


2. hwate-bcute. micbmuub

1 o—1 1 . ha foil bod) gleidati l t ffidififdieé wom en“ breinl’


gcul z there is no direct paral lel in Engl ish for the expression, anda l iteral translation woul d be meaningless . Perhaps some suchexclamation as thundcration l , the devil tak e i l l , or damnation !

w oul d render the force of the original . The use of the adjectivep robably finds its origin in the fact that thunder-storms are morefrequent and severe in Saxony than in most other parts of G ermany. Ci . note to 1 15, 25.

1 2- 1 3. (59 iii um ans bet b unt an fabreul It is enough to mak e

one j ump out of one’s sk in , to drive one mad!

1 8. G r hi l t:or as a pronoun of address was once used as a pol itesubstitute for 6m , but it gradual ly degenerated into use by a

social or ofi cial superior as a form of address to an inferior.

1 31 . 1 0—1 1 . mit [augermafe abaiebeu, come of empty -handcd.

1 32. 1 1 — 1 2. mi l itariflbcu nub vol iacflidm! Q ieuftacit: the vastmajority of G erman pol icemen have formerly served in the army.

1 33. 22. fi flmifieu“: al though duel l ing and fencing are not

so common as formerly, scars on the face and scalp are stil l considered marks of honor by a large preportion of G erman uni

v ersity students.1 34. 1 9 . aufls = au63u3iebm.

139. 3. "31! metbe uad) S ift!) auf hie ?Bube bei G ie et fdniueu“

a col loquial sentence . S d-id);et icbeinen is not properly fol lowedby a phrase in the accusative;nor does bci take the accusative .

23. er-ber flBinb.

1 40. 9 . 10051, I wonder .

143. 27. "Sew mom, Iebe mom, bu Mime: 28am“

: the t e

frain of a song entitled Der l ager Abschi ed (War hat dick , da

schimer Wald) by Joseph von Eichendorfi , lyric poet of theRomantic school , born 1 788 in S ilesia, died 1 857.

232 NOTE S

145. 1 7- 1 8. fiber Qm Rommifl


fit hatches : cf. note to 39 , 29 f.149. 8. mt .

-I clet .

1 52. 9—xc . ,Rm

'bé bel i l tué‘= Rorpu6belifti.

’6 i§ G B ift.

ba e igte-ba6ielbige-haeielb¢. bus hem.


S t effd té

L udwig An z engruber, dramatist and noveli st , was bornl ived , and d ied (1 889) in Vienna. He was educated at

the Real sehul e in his native city . After years of privat ion as a

clerk and as a barnstormer, the performance of his anti-clericaldrama, Def Pfarrer oon K i rchfel d , brought him recognition, andafter 1 870 he devoted himsel f exclusively to l iterature .

An z engruber’s fame rests chicfly upon his reali stic plays ofAustrian peasant l ife , which, despite a didactic tendency, combine psychological depth and genuine sentiment with usual lygood technique . Among his best-known dramas are Der Mein

eidbauer, Di e K reuz eischreiber , Der G’wi ssenswurm, Der Dopp el

selbstmord , Dos vi erte G ebot, Dos J ungferngift. His novel s DerS chandflech and Der S ternsteinhof , and hi s short stories are

real istic peasant tales, marked by excel lence of descript ion and

portrayal of character.

1 53. 3- 1 7. This

,with its sequel at the end of the story

(170, 27 is a favorite theme with An z engruber. The idea offate attracts him, but he always insists that human destiny islargely determined by the human wil l ;beyond that, any attemptto read the future is based upon superst ition .

1 3. fi lter ?y reub’: dative . Ci . einem hie {frame berberbcn, to spoi l

one’s p leasure, to throw a wet blanket over one.

154. 2—3. cine tiidjtige biuteté Din, a good one back of the ear.

F or the gender of tflcfitige, ci . cine tfldfiige Dbt‘

feige, a hard box on

the ear.

3-5. glaub

’abet nidit, bet miidat

fie tubigM etal , fostersbafiit mid): translate freely, onl y I

’m afraid he wouldn

’t put up

wi th i i , but would have me put up instead. The verb tinftedtu.



n i beo

Joseph Viktor von Schefiel , one of G ermany’s most popular

poets and noveli sts, was born in Karlsruhe in 1 826 and d ied inthe same place sixty years later. He was educated at the L yceumin his native city and at the universities of Mun ich

,Berl in , and

Heidelberg . After attempts at the law and at painting he devoted himsel f to l iterature , but weaknesses of temperament andconsti tution final l y developed into nervousness, melancholy

, and

even delusions, and most‘ of his later years were spent in drifting

from place to place and from one unfulfil led l iterary plan to


Schefiel’s chief works are Der Trompeter von S dhk ingen ,


romantic epic tale of the Upper Rhine , and Ek k ehord , an his

torical novel of the tenth century. He is loved by the studentsof the G erman universities, especial ly Heidelberg , for hi s G audeonms , a col lection of songs which wil l probably outl ive al l hisother works. The l ist of his more important writings is com

p leted by the mention of J uniperus , a love-story of the Crusades,and F ran Aventiure, a col lection of charming lyrics placed in the

mouths of various minnesingers both of which the authorintended to include in his great unfinished romance of the Wart

burg, the famous medieval castle at E isenach .

1 72. 1 . ingeubl idae: in the neighborhood of Basel F atherRhine ”

is stil l a comparatively smal l streani .5. alvemtmti


trmte b eimat: the Rhine rises in the mountainsof the Swiss canton of the G risons .9

— 1 0. 523, was ieufeitB Shaina wither awmwm G ebirge

{cine ll fct umffiumt: between Mainz and Coblenz both banks of

the river abound in vine-clad hil ls .1 3

—1 4. M S cldmt nub bet 8 11mm: the Black Forest is div idedinto two natural di visions by the val ley of the K inz ig . B lauen

is one of the loftier peaks in the southern g roup , while Belch en isthe highest mountain in the north .

1 73. 1 . t imifd): the adjectival ending is frequently, omi ttedbefore the nominative or accusative singulag


Oi a neuter noun.


This uninflected form is especial ly common in poetry and in

col loquial phrases, but it is often , as throughout Hugideo, a con

sc ious archaism.

4—5. ,,auf 11111 11 31 1151 11 9 1115 (31551 1) 1111 31 551 1 a coarse

wedge (i s required) for a coarse log, roughness must be met with

roughness .

1 74.—9 . 5115: an older form of 505; it is stil l common in

southern G ermany.

1 2. {1111151 poetic and South G erman for ftanb. 311111 1 11: ci .

note to 173, 1 .

26- 27. 51 11 3 111111 11111 281117311113 111111 mantra“ : i .e . , JohannW ol fgang G oethe, who was born in Frank iort-on-Main in 1 749

and died in Weimar in 1 832. In hi s Ital i eni sche Rei se — Rom,

den 6 . J anuar (1 787) G oethe writes : 111111111 (Erquidung [71151

11531 ftet 11 11111 11 211163113516 1010111111 11 311noto11f19, 111011011 5119 01 1311111!111 51 1:2811111 8115011111 ftebt, 111 5111 6 1111! 31 111111. 656 111m: 511m111 11111

erfte 8115fcbaft 111 810111 , 11115 111111 51115’ 115 fie. 3 11111 2801 11 3151 11 11111

2151111113 51111011 . (59 l it 11111 1111 65151113 150111 11 6.

1 75. 1 5. 111111 051 1311118 111131 11, by (or in behalf of) the au

thori ti es . The —6 is analagous to the -6 in such compounds asfiitbeéhrief, where, in keeping with the genitive ending of mascul ines and neuters, it is used even after feminines. On the phraseas a whole, ci . 11011 811 11116 11113111 .

1 8. ct -bet 9151111 .

1 76. 2. 511 6 1511fi511 1111 11: less than two miles below the

town (see Vocabulary) is the Sibeinfall or F al ls of the Rhine,w here a great volume of water d mp s 60 feet : including the

rapids above and below, 1 00 feet .

3. G trubel 5011 2a11f1 115111 3: the river-bed at L aufenburg (seeVocabulary) is narrow and rocky and forms practically unnavigable rapids called the L aufen .

23. 951113 (531 1:Attila, king of the Huns (433—4 led a large

al l i ed army into G aul , sacking and destroying until he was defeated , 451 , at the battle of Chalons by the Romans under Aétiusand the Visigoths under Theodoric .

29. 191 1303RtofuB: the reference probably is to an Alemanniank ing, Crocus or Erocus , who l ived early in the fourth centuryand was largely responsible for the accession of Constantine as


Roman emperor. As G watk in remark s (Cambridge Medieool

Hi story , vol . I, p . it was perhaps the first instance in historyof a barbarian king as a Roman general and the first case ofbarbarian action in the bestowal of the imperial purple . Ci . al soG ibbon , Decl ine and F al l , vol . I, p . 399 .

1 77. 1 2. 1110113011e : see 151111111 in Vocabul ary. 6 01113:

31131 1: Attila was cal led by the peoples whom he invaded the

Scourge of G od .

1 3. 6 111327E. 11111 111111 6 11 1151011 51 1 autumn, etc . It woul d seem that

in the case of Serapion the sins of the father were visited uponthe son . Ammianus Marcel l inus, a Roman historian of thefourth century, says (Kemm G estarum, l iber 1 6, caput 1 2) thatSerapion fought very bravely in the battle of S trasburg in 357

and that next to Chnodomar he was the most distinguished ofthe Alemanni an kings . Ammianus adds that Serapion was a

son of Mederich and a nephew of the Alemannian king Chnodomar; in his youth he was cal led Agenarich, but his name was

changed by his father to Serapion ,in honor of the Cra co

Egyptian god S erapis, after Mederich had spent some t ime as a

hostage in G aul and had there learned secret G reek rel igiousrites . The Roman historian ’s final tribute to Mederich is the

statement that he always was p erfidious .

1 78. 1 1 . 1111 foubetbatet ©111131 1 , a strange k ind of saint.

Ci . the modern col loquial expression 1111 munbtr11151r 9 1111311 , a

pecul iar fel low, a queer duck .

1 2. partitive genitive; translate the entire clause, whichordinari l y three men of hi s sort could scarcel y manage.

25. 51 11 9 111111 11: Valentin ian III, at Ravenna, was Romanemperor of the West;Marcian, at Constantinople, was emperorof the East .

27. 1831111 11111511111, deluge of notions , i .e . , the

great migration of nations,” a vast and general movement westward and southward in the fourth, fifth

, and sixth cen turies ofbarbarian Asiatic and northern European tribes, resul ting in theoverthrow of the Roman Empire , the establ ishment of new

states and national ities, a mixture of races and institutions , and,in general , the transformation of the face of Europe. Two of the


that rise from the surface of the plateau. The crest of the foremost of these rocks, the is accessible by ladderand stil l preserves as a kind of parapet the remains of a wal l ofthe ancient fortress . It was from this point that the Hans oithe story hurled stones upon the heads of the Pandours . It

offers a Splend id view of the Vosges and of the plain of the Rhine;Z abern l ies at its foot and S trasburg in the distance . The

frontispiece of this volume shows the rock just described, withZ abern in the background . The smal l building in the foregroundOpens on the court of the fortress; it is a Romanesq ue chapel ,dating probably from the eleventh century .

2. 8111111 11: a farm-house stil l stands in the midst of the ruinsof the castle.

183. 1 . 511 11511 $ 1111 , in sp i te of the heat.189. 2-3. 111 51 11 9 1 113: i .e . , the Second S ilesian War (1 744a struggle between Frederick the G reat of Prussia and Maria

Theresa of Austria for the possession of S ilesia. It was really apart of the War of the Austrian Succession (1 740 in whichF rance, to whom Alsace then belonged, was an al ly of Prussia.

4. 1811115111 1 11. The Pandours were a force of irregular sol

diers raised in 1 741 near Pandur, Hungary, by Baron von der

Trenck from among his Croatian tenants . They became under

Trench ’s leadership an irregular regiment in the Austrian armyand served against Frederick , but they plundered as much as

they fought and were feared throughout G ermany as a rovingband of cruel robbers .9

— 1 o. 51 111 3111 1 1 11151m 0511 11 11011 51 1! £ 1 1 111: Baron F ranz

von der Trench , the organiz er and leader of the Pandours, wasmade a colonel in the Austrian army in 1 744 . He was brave andefi cient as an ofi cer, as a man he was brutal and vic ious . He

robbed enemy and friend al ike and even his country ’s treasury;he was twice condemned to death for his crimes, but on eachoccasion the sentence was commuted to degradation and im

prisonment .

1 41 511 11111 6 11151: Z abern .

192. 1 9 . 11011 111 531511 31151 1 11 : evidently a sl ip. Accordingto 185 , 20—21 , Hans was only sixteen years of age two days before.


1 94. 1 9 . 8 1 11 1 111 1 : a name of certain warriors in Norsemythology who fought with frenz ied fury the ao-cal led ber

serk er rage .

1 95 . 1 9—20. 51 1 $ 1 1 11f3111151113 111 835111 1 11: F rederick the

G reat of Prussia invaded the Austrian kingdom of Bohemia in1 744 and took i ts capital , Prague , in September.

20—21 . 528 9 1 113811011: i .e ., the Pandours,who were soldiers of Austria. The adjective 151111 1115, however,w hich here refers to the Holy Roman Empire, would not properlyap p l y


to them between. 1 742 and 1 745. Before and after thesedates 1111111 1115was more or less synonomous with 51111 1 1115155 and

w i th 6 115651113115 but in 1 744, the t ime of the story, the HolyRoman emperor was the Bavarian , Charles VII. Against himand hi s claims as well as against F rederick the Austrians under

Maria Theresa were now fighting .


11 111 6 Q eimat l anb

F or a sk etch o f Peter Rosegger see page 228.

1 98. 1 2. 8 5111 9 111 1111111 11151 11 = 5Bo111 1111 1111111 1f15111 51151111 or

2111151 . Ordinarily, however, such phrases as 5116 53 11111151 , 5116

3 101111111151 , etc ., refer to languages . 8 1111 11111, Carinthio, is a

duchy and crownland of Austria east of Tyrol .1 3. $ 11 211 1131 111551: L ienz , the easternmost town in Tyrol , l ies

at the confluence of .the B rave and the Isel , and is the gatewaybetween Carinthia and Tyrol . Cf. l ine 1 1 , above .

1 5. 8 1 151 3 : Brixen , a small c ity in southeastern Tyrol , iss ituated on the ancient highway between Innsbruck and Verona.

1118 315111 1111151 : see note to l ine 1 2.

1 8. 21 11 111: Trent , the capital of the Ital ian-speaking part ofTyrol , is about 60 miles south of Brixen , and has l ikewise beens ince Roman days a station on the great road from Verona to

Innsbruck over the Brenner Pass .1 9 . $0111 : in the history of G erman patriotism there is no

more inspiring chapter than that headed by the name of AndreasHofer. In 1 805, by the treaty of Pressburg , Napoleon compel led


Austria to cede Tyrol to his al ly Bavaria. But for centuries the

Tyrolese had been Austrians and they resented foreign domination ;when Austria declared war against Napoleon in April 1 809they too rose in arms. Again and again were the trained Frenchand Bavarian tr00ps defeated by these hardy mountaineersunder the leadership of Andreas Hofer (born a smal l innkeeper of the Passeiertal . In October, however, Austria oncemore admitted defeat by Nap oleon and by the treaty of S chonbrunn (Vienna) unconditionally assured Tyrol to Bavaria . But

the peasants fought on until Napoleon sent an army of

men into their Al pine villages and crushed and scattered Hofer’sl ittle band . Hofer himsel f was betrayed , captured, and executed

(F ebruary but his l ife and his death were an inspirationto al l G ermans in their struggle against Napoleon . H is fatefurni shed material for Das Trauergpicl in Tirol by Karl Immer

mann (1 796- 1 840) and Andre Hafar, a tragedy of less merit byBerthold Auerbach (1 81 2 as wel l as for numerous popularbal lads . Reference should al so be made to Rosegger ’

s novel ofthe uprising in Tyrol , Peter May r , def Wi rt an der Mahr.

20. b1t tft [ 11 1m111151 111 31111351 11d: the time of the story isAugust 1 809 . A few weeks earl ier the Tyrolese capital had beentaken by a large F rench and Bavarian force .

1 99. 1 - 1 2. In May 1 809 the Bavarians under Wrede in

vaded Tyrol from Sal z burg by way of the valley of the Inn,

inflicting unspeakable cruel ties upon both soldiers and non

combatants. After taking Wfirgl they proceeded up the valleyto the town of S chwaz which they burned after a bloodyfight .

1 4. 281 1 111 : Prince Karl von Wrede (1 767 Bavarian

fiel d-marshal , commanded his country ’s troops throughout the

Napoleonic wars .23. fi fowionii l : the bel ief in the deadl iness of the poison of

scorpions is an ancient one, but, as a matter of fact, it is seldomfatal to man .

29 . hen 6 11 103: the G erlos Pass is about eighteen miles southof the Inn and has an elevation of nearly a mile .

200. 3-4. hie 3111 1 1 111111m eoibateu babeu 11118 1111


eu: after her defeats by Napoleon near Ratisbon (Ap ril


he once more entered Innsbruck, he was elected 8 1111 111111t ,

governor-general , ofTyrol , and for twomonths he rul ed the countryin the name of the emperor.

1 7. 311119fra11 Maria 311 01111 11119: a mere exclamation . The

editor has been unable to find any significance attached to the

words 311 Dttttfing.1 8- 1 9 . 1111131 1111 9101111 1f11 1: in the Cathol ic church the

motbelftt (sometimes cal led bit 910117111196 1) helpers in need, are

fourteen saints upon whom one call s in time of special need,either together or singly . The names of these saints vary tosome extent, but their number is constant .

26. 6 111111 9 1111 1111: at least five vil lages and a pilgrimagechurch in Ty rol bear the name of S t . Martin, a favorite saintamong the Tyrolese. The vil lage meant here is probably theone in the Ahrntal , about midway between Innsbruck and L ienz

or possibly the one in the G siesertal , 25 miles west of L ienz .

01111 1111118 presumably is an even smal ler vil lage in the same

neighborhood .

202. 20. provincial forfim gottfibfinblcr, deal er in crucifixes .

—I,-1 1, and

-11 are S outhG erman and Austrian dialect forms of the original ly S outhG erman d iminutive sumz 4 1111 -the essential ly North G ermanending

25. N1 51111 11111 1 {111011 baB 1 11011 1 111 10 B1f1'

1 11: v iz . in April andin May , 1 809 . The present revol t , the third , was in August ofthe same year . Ci . L ewis, Hi story of G ermany , p p . 602fi.

28. 531 1 fi elterobe m: Napoleon .

29 fl. a111 8 11111111101 : the reference is particularly to Bavaria and Saxony. See L ewis, History of G ermany , p p . 562, 570fi . ,

581 , 583 11 , 603.

203. 1 7— 1 8. 8 111 1111011 11 111th 281 11311131111 1, bluebrecches and

The former refers to Bavarian infantry, the latterto the F rench.

1 9 .-16111111 18.

214. 7-8. hie 11151 9111111 1 81111 1111 1111111 91 11111 11 8mm ,


blessed Mother Mcry of the green tree. The epithet probablyal ludes to the tree under which, according to Cathol ic tradi tion ,

the Holy F amily rested on the flight to Egy pt. The tree is sti ll


pointed out to travelers, and plays a large part in Christianlegends.

1 1 . beraafilfi-begablft.1 7. 10113111-1011111111.21 —22. 01 11 finftbariaun smnfeuh ana, a rosary from L uschan



a mountain in southern Carinthia on the summit of which is oneof the most frequented pilgrimage-churches in Austria.

207. 1 . 111 11 1 9 111 11f1 11 1101 811 115, i .e ., 111 1111 81111311 111111111

(the usual form of the word), in the L iens Dcfile, a steep and

narrow ravine, nine miles long, at the eastern end of the Postertal south of L ienz (ci . note to 1 98, Rosegger

’s account of

the successful defense of the val ley is historical ly correct; onl ythe detail s concerning individual s are fiction and possibly not

al l of them. In the story as a whole, however, there are severalsl ight inconsi stencies of time and place . But Rosegger

’s own

words in the introduction to P eter May r (cf. note to 198, 1 9 ,

end) find appl ication here : "(ES [011 mambmal 001 1001111111, bat; 1111i bidytct 1111 111111 1 10011111011111 111 g toff {111111 1 100111110111 1 11111 11, 5811 91 1111 :

1191, 3111111“

01 1 11511111, 11111011 111 111111 621 119111111 11111111111. 6 01111 11116

111116 111; 111111 {10011 11119111 111 1 ‘Boetmunfeblbarteit [11 111 111111 1111181111 31 1111100 111119 17111 011 {51111 11111 , {091 111 1111 111 1111, 11113311 11 111111 6 111111 ,11110 and; 311 11111111 1 10111 1 101111 , 1111 9 111 1111 91 1111t 311 11111 11111

1 6. 018 ”101 1171111115: i .e. , of the B rave.

23. 3 11 1111 11111 8 11 1111, (a) tooth for (a) tooth. Cf. Exodus xxi , 24and S t . Matthew v , 38. In its present appl ication , however,th e phrase woul d seem to have the connotation of 11111 21113111111110311011111 , wi th tooth and nai l (200, 1 1

28. has $01 1018 280111 1 111 118: i .e., 1111 81111311 51111101 . Cf. notesto 207 , 1 , and 198, 1 3.

208. 26. 01 1 81 160101! 11111 11 11131 11 : on the word-order ci .

Thomas, Practical G erman G rammar, 4 1 8, 2, a.

200. 1 6—1 7. 1 111 fiebeu-cinunbficbgig 1 771 .

210. 22. 11118 01 11 ®010111111 11: the Drave'

rises in the D010


-29 . 1 1117100131 11 1111 81111 1 11 1111 11111 1 1111 1 6 101 111011: 1111

81 1111 11 1111 has here a double meaning . Scorpions are remarkabl ysuscep tible to heat and succumb very quickly when exposed to


fire . Thi s is a common method of k i l l ing them. There is an

ancient and wide-spread but unfounded bel ief that scorpions commit suicide by stinging themselves to death when tortured by fire.

21 1 . 3. 9 61 1111 11: see note to 198, 1 2.

1 6. inchest-iaudnt.1 9 . 011111151 1: there are numerous - t61 1s in Tyrol , but ap par

ently no Hochtii rl at least within a day ’s journey of the

G erlos, as is required by 199 , 29. F or the purposes of the story,however, it must be assumed as a mountain pass northwes t ofL ienz . Cf. note to 207 , 1 , end .

21 3. 2. 11111 111 111 with the doublc-hcadcd eagle of

the Austrian coat of arms .

5. 6 11111111 113: avoid the confusion of the peasant ’s synecdocheby translating, imperial eagle.

215. 8. 11011 2811 11111 1 11011 111 111 1311111111 1111, of the Passei er val ley .

In this vall ey in central Tyrol Hofer was born and here he l ivedmost of hi s l ife.

1 8. 11 11111 bielld tbt.

The Vombnhxy oontz im all the ' u ds of the tm m thm defined

W a h au as auxil iary of tense . Separable pmfim are set d by a hy phm.

Adjed ives m oompared in fnfl when they show m h ut or are m nhr.

Adva bs are listed onl y w hen they differ in form er m nmg from the

might find reasonable

A du h denotes the rep cti tion of the catch-word.


indie .


confer, compare


impen .


fl at , f . , Aar or Aare, a navi

gable river in Switz erlandflowing into the Rhine aboveL aufenburg.

C5, adm, 011 , from; 11115 311,now and then , on.

5 55115,—1 1 , copy, l ikeness .

”551111 , f . ,apology; 11111111,

beg pardon.

p ay ofi with serv

me .

“ 51 10, m.,-1 , evening .

1111 1 1 1 1 111 11, supper, evening

1151 1151115, adj . , evening.

8 5cubfmue, f ., evening sun.

3 511111 111 1 , adventure.

1151 1111 1111 11111, adj ., adventur

ous , wild , strange, romantic .

3 511111 111 11 , m., adventurer,swindl er.

a51 1 , conj ., but , however.

u51 1 111 1113, adm, again, oncemore .

”Mali , m ,4 1 , waste, rubbish,

refuse .

11 1141 111 11, 11 , a, fal l 03 , drop,slant .

11541 111 11, seiz e .

111 1111 1 , f .,removal , transpor

tation .

ab-gebeu, furnish, make.

a5ge510¢51 11, 9. adj ., brokenofl , fragmentary.

a5g15tfi51, 9. adj ., fig., sea

soned , hardened .

115341 1 1101, 9. adj . , dispatched,sent away.

1 531 1131 11, 9. adj ., retired , out

of the way .

a5911 1fl'

1 11, 9. adj ., detached,incoherent , broken , tom .

f ., seclusion .

1 54 1 11 501 1 11, wean; break a

person of a habit .fi5g1 11115, m.,

‘ 1 , abyss , chasm.

11531 11115111f, adj . , abysmal .a5s5a111 11, del iver, perform.

a55a11'51 11, a im, lost .

5 5511113, m.,“ 1 , slop e , side .

a55iil gig, adj ., dependent , subordinate .

a5c5151 11, o, I), l ift ofi; rcfl. , be

contrasted , be brought intorel ief.

(15:51If1 11, correct , rid , rel ieve .

a5i, adm, ab, from, 03 , away.

115s l 1g1 11, lay down ,lay 03 .

1 541 1111 11, di vert; turn 03 .

1 540111 11, coax, draw out .

1 54511 11, rel ieve, take someone ’s place .

1154 11 11 15111, settle, arrange .




l geru, for absmagem, grow1


n .


35111 11 1 16, m.,‘ 1 , departure,



m, a, 1 , measure 03 .

absuebmeu, a, 0, tr. , take 03 or

away; intu , decrease.

c15erc15en, rub down .

1154 1111 11, depart .1154 1 1111 11, tear out , pull off .1154 111111, cal l away.

1154113111, saw 03 .

m. ,*1 , deposit; inter

ruption; heel ; sale, demand,market.

35161 11, m., horror, detestation .


awful .115461151 11, push 011 ; clear out .3516115, m. ,

—1 , departure ,leave-taking.

1 546 111 111 11, 0, 0, close, lock,terminate , settle .

11546111 151 11, 1, 1, cut down , cut

03 .

354611111 111, shake off .

weaken , soften;lessen .

1154151 11, (1, 1 , learn by obser

vation , copy, fix the ey e

upon , have designs upon .

11511118, adm, a side, apart from.

3 5116 1, j . , intention .

35116 1116 , adm, purposely.

354111 11, si t down .

adj ., absolute, positive.

adj ., pecul iar, es

p ecial .

“ 4511 11 11, p lay 05 ; rcfl. , takeplace, be performed , be en

acted .4

35411111 11, slop e down , steepen .

055110111 11, 11 , 0, push ofi.

adj . , detestable,


351111131166 1 , f ., precipice , steepsurface.

351111131113111 , f ., land-sl ide .

1151111111113, adj ., disloyal , faith

less .351111531 1 11 8, 311511118, m ,

L atin name.

11516 131 1111, wait for.

115111111 13, adm, downwards,away, 05 .

1 51111611 1115, adm, al ternately.

3511 161111113, f ., change, variety .

35111151 , j ., guard , protection;

3111 in defense .

3511 111 115111, f . , absence .

a5=51151 11, withdraw, march ofi.

3611 1, f . , shoul der.

361, 1mm , eight .361, f .

, attention , care; 111 11611115111111, take care, look out


1161111, judge, consider, regard;take care , notice .

36111113, j . , respect;(dot ), esteem for.

36131511, 1mm , eighteen .

36 1313, 1mm , eighty.

flotaiaifibriue), fl, adj mm .

woman eighty years old .

ab11 11'

, interj . , good-by .

m.,—1 11,

-1 11, adjutant.m., Aétius , a Roman

general . Cf. note to 176 , 23.

chum, suspect ; foresee .

11511116 , adj ., l ike , similar.

adj . sum ,

something simil ar .

l ittle and very old.

351111113, f . , presen timent , foreboding, idea.


cul tivate .

1131 1 1 115111 1 31, con

cerning , in respect to.

1 1 s51 11 11, adore .

3 1 51 11 1 61, m.,consideration .

1 1 4 1 111 11 , beg from.

1 11 511 11 11, 0, o, ofier.

3 1151111, m.,

—1 , sight , aspect;view.

look at .

1 11 5111 31 11 , bl ink at , ogle .

bring to a place,del iver.

3 1151 1151 11, roaring , bel lowing .

3 1 51 61, f . , devotion .

3 1 51 1 11 11, memory .

1 1 51 1 , adj .,other, difierent;

1111 1 1151 11 , another; adv.,

otherwise .

1 1 51 18101 , adv. , elsewhere .

1 1 511 151 15, 1mm , one and a

hal f .31151 1 111 3, f .

, change, al tera

tion .

thunder at , shout .

1 1 1 1111 11’51 1 , together, near

one another.

3 111 1 511 11 1 , cfier.

3 111 1 11 1 1 1 113, j ., appreciation ,

recogn ition .

1 1141 51 1 11, approach , arrive,drive up ;fig.

, scold , rebuke.

3 1111 113, m.,

“ 1 , beginn ing .

1 1141 1 31 11, begin , do.

1 1 11 113116 , adm, at first .

1 1111 1 38, adv.,at first .

1 1 41 1 1131 11, manufacture, makeready.

1 1141116 1 11, curse at .

crowd , stufi .

state, name, tel l .

alarm ,

1 1131501 1 1 , adj ., inborn , natural .

1 113151 1 6 1, p . adj .,placed , ap

pointed .

m. , adj . saint ,the one attacked , se iz ed .

1 114 151 11, begin ; be possible;concern; mm 311 3 18 1 11 5111

3 1051 61111, the next thingwas to look about .

1 1131551 13, adj ., belonging to,

related .

m.,adj . subsa,

relative .

1 1 31 1111151 1, p . adj ., stranded .

1 1 31 1131 1 , adj . , interesting; 11111111 11 11111, take an in terest

in ,have at heart , make a

point 01.3 1 31 1131 1 5111, j . , afiair, circumstance .

1 1 31 1 151 1 , adj ., pleasant , agree

able .

3 1 31 1 151 11 , m.,adj . subst. , the

person addressed .

1 1 31116 18, adm,in the presence


1 1131 11 111 11 1 , p . adj .,

a l ittledrunk , tipsy .

3 1131 111, m.,

—1 , attack .

3 1 311, f .,

‘ 1 , dread , fright,agony .

3 1 31131fi'

151, ‘ 1 ,

anxiety (feel ing of).1 1 311116 ,

adj .,anxious, uneasy,

timid .

cold p ersp iration .

1 11311505, adj . , fearful , anxious,painful .

1 116 1 51 1 , wear; harm; 1111 11

11 1111 15111 111618 one can’t

get at him .


dich , stick ; hang

1 1 351 111 1 , stop, hal t, hold to;

1 111, ask for, propose .

hang ou , adhere;be attached to.

3 1 5111 311 1, appendage, fix

ture .


3 1 5551 , f . , height, hi ll .1 1 451 1 1 , l isten to.

3 1 111 31 , f . , accusation.

1 1 4 111511 , p ut on cl othes, dress.

1 1 3 1105111 , knock.

1 1 3 101 111 1 1 , arrive; succeed; 5111 111 11 16511 1 11 , he met witha fine reception; 18 11 111 1511111161 1 11, he did not mind;51 1 1 1 1 1011111 1 16 11161 1 11, thatis not the point .

3 1 151 11 1111 3, m.,

—1 , new ar

rival .1 1 5 11 61 1 , smile at .

1 1 41 1 31 1 (aux. arrive,reach.

1 1 1 11 31 1 , lay , construct; 6 1 115take in hand , attempt .

1 1 9 1151 1 1 , lean against; leave(the door) ajar.

3 1 111 31 1 , n ., request , demand .

1 19 1 1 1 1 11 1 , observe, perceive,not ice .

1 1 3 1 11 11 1 , interest , please .

1 111111 113, adj . , graceful , pleasant , charming .

31 1 6 1 1 , dim. foraccept , take; as

sume ; rcfl., interest oneselfin , take care of

seiz e , attack .

strike against ,bound .

press against .

1 1 :-1110511’

1 1 1 , try ou .

charge, blame; 11161311 506 not to blame too


1 1-1 151 1 , speak to, address.1 1 1 1 1 1111 1 , scratch (a match).1 1 4 11111 1 , push forward , approach.

1 1 1 1 1111 1 , cal l , implore .

1 1 41 31 1 , announce; maketrumps .

1 1 46 1 111 1 , provide, furnish,fit.

1 1 46 1 1 1 1 , gaz e at, behold,view.

1 1 461111 1 , rcfl., prepare, set

about .

3 1 1611 3, m.,

‘ 1 , scheme, trick,plan , estimate .

1 1 46111111 1 , join .

1 11461 111 1 , shout at .1 1 4151 1 , 1 , 1 , look at .3 1 1151 1 , n .

, appearance .

1 1 4151 1 , set up , fasten , apply.

3 1 1161, f ., view, Opinion .

3 1 151 116 , m. ,“ 1 , claim, preten

sion , aspiration .

3 1 111 11, f ., preparation;

1111 , prepare .

3 1 111 1 5, m.,

‘ 1 , delay; digni ty,propriety.

1 1 111 1 513, adj . , decent , honest ,respectable .

1 1 411 1 1 1 1 , gaz e at , stare .

1 11411 111 11, kindle .

1 1 411 111 11, assign , prepare , ap

point; 8 111 1 611 1 3111 1 511 11s

101 6 reflect , speculate ;refl., act , set about , do.

1 1 411 11 1 11 1 , push , brace against .1 1 411111 1 , suggest, encourage .


1 1 1101110, p .

adjoining .

1 1 411 1111 1 , pul l ou .

3 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 , j ., exertion , efiort,struggle .

3 1 111 16 ,-1 , aspect .

1 1 41111 1 1 1 1 (aux . rushagainst , assaul t , charge .

adj . , antique, quaint .3 1 1110

’b1 , m. ,

—1 ,- 1 , ant i

pode, exact Opposite .

3 1 1111, —1 , face .

1 1 41 1 11 1 , approach , set out on ,1 1 111 11a 6711111 replace,succeed , be substitute .

j ., front stair

case .

3 1 111 01 1, f .,answer, reply.

1 1 111 01 111 , answer, reply .

aus berttaueu, confide in , en

trust to.

3 1 31 11, f ., number.

3 1 3116 1 1 , sign, mark, indication .

3 1 3111 1 , j ., advertisement, no

tice .

1 1 4 111 1 1 , indicate , forebode .

1 1 4 11 111 1 , p ut ou , dress; pul l ,tighten; attract; cul tivate ,instruct .

3 1 51 1 ,me, suit, attire .

1 1 3111 116 ,adj .

, sarcastic , ofiensive .

1 1 41101 1 , l ight, set fire to.

1 1 4 1 1111 1 1 1 , force on .

3 1 1 111113f . , apathy.

3 1 11 1, m.,i t

,apple .

31 11 1101 13, m. ,‘ 1 , apple-basket.

m. ,—1 , appetite .

3 1 13111, f . , work , task .

1 1 111111 1 , work .

3 1 131 111 1 , m., worker.

misery, pov

3 1 511111 1 1 111, f ., industry.

3 1 11111810111 ,1 1

, wages .

3 1 1111131 1 1 1 1 , m. ,laborer.

3 1 111 11311 1 ,—1 , work-days

3 1 1111151 1 1 ,—1 , tools; ma

terial for work .

n ., style of

archi tecture .

1 1 1 , 1 1 1 11 , 1 1 1 11, adj ., bad,wicked, strong , fierce, serious;dial . , thick , rough.

31 1 1 1 , anger.

111 1 1 1 116, adj ., bad, angry.

111 1 1 1 1 , annoy, irritate ; 7111 ,

grow angry.

3 111 , f . , aria, solo.adj . , aristocratic.

1 1 1 1 , firmer, 1 1 11 11, adj ., poor,


3 1 11 , m. ,-1 , arm .

3 1 1 1111 1111, j .,

‘ 1 , cross-bow .

ut1 th11 , adj . , thick as one ’sarm.

adj . subs1., the

poor man .

31 1 11 1, sleeve .

1 1 1 111 111 , adj ., miserable, poor;broken .

3 1 11 11 111 1111, f .

et ty.

211 1 11111 1 1 1 , j ., bracel et.

3 1 1 1 1 1, f ., poverty.


m.,—1 1 ,

-1 1 , prisoner.

3 1 1 111’01 b1 1 , j . , order for arra t.

arrest, hinder.

n ., being ar

rested , arrest .

31 1, f . , kind, manner.

3 1 11’11 1, article .

3 131, m.,

‘ 1 , physic ian , doctor.

3 16 1 , f ., ashes .


3 1111 1 1 1 1 1 , f ., excitement, tumult .

1 1114 1 11111 , tear, burst , forceOpen ;511 3111 11 stare .

1 1111 16111 , adj . , sincere , frank.

3 1 11 11111 , m.,

—1 , commotion ,disturbance , uproar, tumul t .

1 11146 1 1 1 1 , look up , take heed ;p ay attention .

3 1111611 1 , ‘ 1 , stroke .

1 1114611 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 , Open , beatOpen; (aux. strike uponthe ground; ri se, spring up ,kindl e .

1 1 1461 1 1 1 1 , 1 , 0 (aux. startup with fright .

1 1 1461 111 1 , cry aloud , shout .3 1 111 111 1 , m.

, overseer, foreman .

1 11141 1 11 , p ut on ; raise; rcfl.,

mount .1 1 14111131 1 , groan , sigh.

1 1 1411 1 1 , mount .

1 1 141 11111 1 , run through, pierce .

1 1 141 1 11 1 1 1 , leap, jump up .

1 1 11111 111 1 11, adj . , splashing,squirting .

1 1 1411 1 11111 1 , stamp.

1 1 1411 1 1 11 , pile up , store .

1 1 1411 1 1 1 1 , stare up at; riseerect .

1 1 1411 1 11 , set up , stick up , p utin place .

1 1 1411 111 1 (aux . get up ,arise .

1 1 141111 1 1 , rise , mount .1 111411 111 1 , set up , erect , raise;state , assert .

1 111415111 1 1 , groan aloud .

1 1 141111 1 1 , stir up , start , disturb .

1 1 1410111 1 , thrust Open .

1 1 1411 151 1 , struggl e upward.

1 1 141 151 1 , search for, hunt up ;make a call .

1 1 14 1 1 11311 (aux.emerge .

5 1 111 1 1 , ‘ 1 , charge, dircetion , order.

1 1 141 1 151 1 , break Open; fig.,

raise (money) .1 1 141 1 , Open .

1 1 141 1 1111 1 (aux. grow up .

1 1 141 1 1 11 1 , serve, ofier.

1 1 111 1 1 18, adv. , upwards.3 1 1131-1 11 1 1 , j ., attendance;maém, p ay one ’s respects.

1 1 141 1 1 1 1 , waken , rouse .

1 1 141 1111 1 , indicate, show.

1 1 141 1 111 1 , turn up , dig .

1 1 14 11 11 1 , draw up , raise , infer.1 1 1311111 1 11, adj . , siz z l ing.

£ 1 131 1 , m.,

‘ 1 , parade .

$ 1 1 1 1 11 l , m. ,a

,apple of the

ey e , darl ing .

8 1 1 1 ,- 1 , ey e, sight ;but — 1

baben, look in the face , havein view.

$ 1 1 1 1M1d, m. ,—1 , moment .

3 1 1 1 1 1 11 1, f . , glowing of theeyes .

5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , n., pair of eyes.3 1 1 1 1 111 1 11 , view; 111 11mm, inspect .

3 1 1 1 , n . , Angst . Cf. 211 1 1 111mauracorum.

211 1 1 711 811 1 1 1 101 1 11 , Augusta of the Rauraci , a Romancolony establ ished under Augustus in 27 B .C. by L uciusMunatius Plancus . It isnow the Swiss vil lage ofAngst , seven miles east ofBasel .

111 3, prep . (dot ), out, from.


1 1 84 1 1111 1 , repair.

1 1 6411 11 1 , implore, pray to theend .

1 1 6411 1 11 1 , make the best of,

p rofit .

1 1 3431111 1 , request.1 1 6431111 1 1 , stay away, fail to

come .

1 1 8411 1111 1 , spread , display, nufold ; expand .

$ 1 Bbmtb, m.,“ c, outbreak, ex


$ 1 3b1 1 1 1 , f . , perseverance .

1 1 64 151 1 1 , refl. , extend .

1 1 34 1 1 11 1 , imagine , invent .5 1 6mmm.

,“ 1 , expression .

1 1 34 1 111 1 1 , express .1 1 3111 1 1 1 11 1 , adv. , apart .

explain , demonstrate .

fiuédnan’berfebuug, f . , state

ment , explanation .

n . , scattermg .

3 1 311 11 11 1 , set tlement (byfigh ting).

1 1 84111 1 1 1 , perform, petpetrate .

5 1 611151 1 1 1 , f .,performance ,

execution .

1 1 34111 1 1 , fil l up , occupy .

m.,‘ 1 , end , resul t ;

exit .

1 1 31 1501 1 1, pp .,lent .

1 1 61 1 11 1 111, adj. , settled ,agreed .

1 1 81 1 11 1 1 1 1 11, p . adj . , thin ,worn .

1 1 61 1 1 011 1 1 1 1 , pp . , excepted;bafi, conj .

, unless, exceptthat .

1 1 31 1 11 10111 1 , 9. adj .,decided .


1 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 1, p . adj . , equipped ,furn ished .

1 1 61 13116 1 1 1, p . adj ., distin

guished , excel l ent .

1 1 64 1131 1 , pour out .

1 1 3411 1 1 1 1 , d ig up .

m. ,“ 111 , cast , copy.

1 1 6411 111 1 , endure , resist, holdout .

1 1 66 111 1011 1 1 , give up .

3 1 811 1 1 116111 n .,

—¢r, signboard .

1 1 641 1 1 1 1 , refl. , know, see

one ’s way; 1 161 be besideonesel f .

1 1 64101 11 1 , beat out; dust(clothes) .

211 611 1 11, f . , information .

5 1 611 1 111 1 1 1 1 , m. , informant .

1 1 64 1 6 1 1 , laugh at , deride,make sport of.

1 1 64 1 111 1 , 1 , 1 , unload .

f ., expense , outlay.

1 1 61111 1116 ,adj .

, strange , foreign .

1 1 64 1 1 11 1 , run out , extend,spread .

111 611 1 11 1 , spur; runner,


shoot .

1 1 64 1 1 1 1 , lay out, interpret ,explain .

1 1 64 111 1 1 , hire .

1 1 64516 1 1 , 1 1 0161 1 ( extingu ished .

1 1 6=m1 6emcs macbt nicbte 1 1 8,it is of no consequence .

auénebmenb, adj .,exceeding

l y .

1 1 6411 151 1 , p rofit by .

$ 1 61 1b1 , f ., excuse , evasion .

1 1 6=1 1b1 1 , d issuade , talk a p erson out of something.


1 1 61 116 1 1 1 , adj . , sufi cient ,ample .

1 1 64 1111 1 , ride out .

1 1 64 1 1 11 1 , c lear .

1 1 64 1611 1 , do, perform; defray expenses; send a mes

sage; succeed .

1 1 64 1 1 1 1 , rest .

fi 1 61 11111 1 1 , f . , equipment .f . , lookout .

1 1 646 1 1 1 1 , look , appear.

fl 1 61611 1 , m. ,4 1 , first blow ;

issue , resul t ; ben geben,turn the scales, decide .

1 1 6461 111 1 , cry out , report .

1 1 6461 1111 1 , step out , stride .

1 1 646 1 31 1 11 1 1 (aux. swarmout , skirmish .

1 1 641 1 1 1 , look, appear.

3 1 611 1 1 1 , n . ,appearance, air,

bearing .

1 1 64111 , (of time) pass ; beall over, brought to an

end .

1 1 1 1 1 , adm, out , outside .

1 1 1 1 1 , prep . (dot ), outside of,beside , except , beyond .

1 1 1 1 1 , adj . , outer, external ;1 1 16 — 111 , extremely, execssivel y , utterly .

adm, besides.fi1 1 1 1 1 (6), adj . subst. , out

side , exterior, appearance,surface .

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 1 6 , adj. , unusual,extraord inary .

1 1 1 1 1 116 ,adv. ,

apparently .

fi1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , f . , expression , de

monstration .

1 1 641 11 1 , turn out, p ut ofi .

5 1 616 1, f ., view, prospect ,

chance .

281 6 , m.,

‘ 1 , brook.

8 1 111 , f ., cheek.

f ., br ick wall.

1 1 611616106, adj ., hopeless,without prospects .

1 1 641 1 16 1 1 , speak out, utter.

1 1 641 1 1 1 1 , Spit out;fig., burst

out in anger .

211 6111 111 1 1 , f . , equipment, furnishing, outfit .

1 1 641111 1 1 , al ight , get 01 .

1 1 6411 1 1 1 , drive out ut ter;

break forth .

1 1 3411 1 111 1 , radiate .

1 1 6411 1 1 1 1 , stretch out .

1 1 641 6 1 1 , choose , select .1 1 641 1 11 1 , walk out , leave , t esign .

1 1 641 11 11 1 , drink up , fin ish .

1 1 641 1 1 1 1 1 , dry, pat ch; in”.

become dry, wither.

1 1 641 1 611 1 , refl. , grow up .

1 1 6=w1161 1 , sl ip away, avoid .

1 1 641 111 1 1 , rcfl., cry one ’s eyes

out .

1 1 61 31 1 111 , adj . , without , out

side .

5 1 611 1 66, m. ,‘ 1 , projection ,

protuberance .

1 1 64111 1 1 , tr ., pull out , ex

tract ; undress , t.

ake 01 ; ex

tend ; intr . (aux. marchforth, depart .

0 clear !

f .,advance .

$ 1 1, f . ,“ e, ax.

1 1 1111 1 131 1611 161, adj ., fur

rowed by a blow from an

ax, scarred .


51 1 11 1 11 , dangle .

8 1 1 11 11 1141 1, m., tree-top .

8 1 1 16 , m.,

“ 1 , cushion , bunch .

8 1 1 1 1 , —1 ,—1 , Bavarian .

51 1 1 1 116, adj ., Bavarian .

M e, Bavarian general .

p . subst. , oi

ficial , employee .

8 1 1 1 1 1 01 11 1 1 , f .,reply.

51 1 1 51111 1 , work at , cut , hew ,

dig; recast , belabor.

51 1 1 1 1 571 11 , made-up word,?Iugapfel and 511 1 1 111 .

51 1 1 1 1 11 , ey e, ogle .

5151 1 , shake , qu iver .

8 161 1 , gobl et , beaker .

515116111 , adj ., thoughtful ,

careful .5151 1 11 1 , refl. , return thanksfor; 16 5151 1 11 1 116, I beg tobe excused , to decl ine .

8 151 17, m. , need , demand .

5151 1 1 1 1 , regret , be sorry .

5151 1 1, p . adj . , covered .

5151 1 11 1 , 51 11 1 1 11 , 5151 61, con

sider .

5151 1 1116 , adj ., serious , critical ,

doubtful .5151 1 11 1 , signify;make known ,

p oint out .

5151 1 11 1 5, p . adj . , considerabl e,great .

5151 1 11 1 16501 , adj ., sign ificant .

51511 1 1 1 , refl. ,make use oi .

m., adj . subst. ,

man-servant .

8 1511 1 1 1 1 , f . , cond ition , terms .515111 f1 1 , 5151 1 f11 , beburft (gen ),have need oi , want ; lack.

8 151 1 f1 16, 411 , necessity.

51 1 1 51 1 , bring to a close.

company, at

8 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1161 1 , n ., clump of

berries.51711511 1, p . adj . , capabl e , fit .

517151 1 1, adj ., trimmed with

feathers .8 17151, — 1 , command;31

ofiicial an swer to mil itarycommands y es , sir .

5171511 1 , 1 , o, command , order.

befehl igen, ir ., command (ah

army), order (troop s).51711 51 1 , 1 , 1 , find ; refl. , be in

(a position);find onesel f .5175151 1 1 , bring forward , ad

vance .

5171 1 1 1 1 , ask , q uiz .

5171 1 11 1 , free , del iver .

5171 111, adj . , exempt .

517111 11 01 11 1 , recommend .

51 1 151 1 , refl., betake onesel f,

set out .

51 1 1 1 1 1 1 (aux. dot , meet .

51 1 151 116 ,adj .

, greedy .

8 1 1 11 1 , m ., beginning , origin .

51 1 11 1 1 1 , 1 , o, begin , under

take , start ; do .

51 1 11 111 1 , accompany, attend ,escort , conduct .

8 1 1 11 111 1 , compan ion , es

cort , assistan t8 1 1 1 111 1 1 , f 1 ,tendance .

51 1 11 1 1 1 , make happy , bl ess.51 1 1 1 51 1 , bury.

51 1 1 1 171 1 , feel , touch , handle;understand , grasp .

51 1 1 1 17116,adj .

, obvious, com

prehensible .

8 1 1 1 177, —1 , idea.

51 1 1 11751 1 , greet , salu te .

51511511 , adj . , easy;prosperous.5151 1 1 1 (duh ), please , comfort .


8 151 1 1 1 , comfort , pleasure.

5151 1 116 , adj . , agreeable, comfortable , easy.

5151 111 1 , keep, preserve .

5151 1 51 11 , treat, handle .

8 151 1 511 1 1 , f ., treatment.

515111 1 1 1 , adorn , deck, decorate with hangings.

5151 1 511 1 , maintain , assert.18 151 11 11 1 1 1 , f . , stopping , ar

rest , interception .

5151 1 511 , adj . , smart , quick .

8 1551 51 , f . , authority, management .

5151111 1 , guard , watch over,preserve .

5151 171 11 , adj ., prudent , careful .

8 151 171 1 111 11, f . , caution.

51 1, prep. (dot ) , adv. by ,at , near , at the house oi , in

the case 01, along with,among .

511 5111 1 1 1 , bring before, prove.

8 11611 , f . , confession .

511611 1 , confess .8 1 16 1711 51, “ 1 , confessional .51151 , adj . 9L , both, the two,


51151 1 111, adj ., of both k inds .

51151 171 118, adv. , on both sides .8 1171 11, applause .

51 1401 11 11 1 , get at , get around .

8 1 11, —1 , hatchet .

1 16 1, on no account .

Inci smeficu, 1 , c, attribute, credit.8 111 , —1 , leg; 16 10111 511 — 1

1 11 611 , 3L ,I wil l make y ou

hustl e .

1 ,ada , almost , nearly.

8 111 6 1 1 , l ittle leg .

8 1 11 111 151 1 , n . p l . , trousers .

51171 1 1 1 111 , ada , together.

ada , aside.

8 117511 1, 91 ,—1 , example, in

stance; 1 1 iemanb 111 1 1511 1 1 , take one as an example .

51 1731 1 , 1, 1, bite .

51 17311 , adj ., snappish, bl t l ng .

51 11 11 571 1 5, adj ., repressing,

overcoming .

5111 1 1 1, p . adj . , known .

m. , adj . subst. , ac

quaintance .

8 1 11 1 1 176 1 71, f . , acq uaintance .

51 11 1 1 1 1 , 51 11 1 1 11 , 51 11 1 1 1, con

fess;716 acknowledge .

51111 151 1 , clothe , cover;111 2111 1fil l an ofi ce .

5111011 11 1 1 , adj ., uneasy,anxious.

51 151 1 1 1 1 , 1 , 0, get, have, take,receive .

511111 1 1 1 1 1 , refl., be concernedfor

, care about , look after;

pp . , heavy-hearted .

51 116 1 11 , smile at .

51 11 51 1 , p . adj ., loaded , burdened .

8 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 , besieger.

51 11 1 1 1 1 , besiege .

51 11 771 1 , 11 , 1 , al low to remain .

51 11 711 1 , load , burden .

51 11 51 1 , enl iven , animate; inv igorate, restore .

51 11 1 1 1 , impose .

51 1151 1 1 , inform, instruct .

51 111511 1 1 , ofiend , insul t .

8 1 111511 1 1 1 , f . , insul t , ofiense .

51 11 1 611 1 , il luminate .

8 1 11 1 611 1 1 , f ., l ight, il lumination .

51 11151 1 , be pleased , think it isright .


8 1 11151 1 , 71 , discretion .

51 11711 1 , cheat .51 111 1 , bark , bay .

51 1 116 111 1 1 , rcfl. , seiz e up on ,take possession of, lay hold01.

51 1 11 1 151 1 , adj ., noticeable, p er

cep tible .

51 1 11 1 11 1 , notice , discover.8 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 , f .

,remark, obser

vation .

51 1 11771 1 , 1 , 1 , portion out, l imit .51 1 11151 1 , trouble ; rcfl., makean efiort , try .

8 1 1 11151 1 1 , f ., trouble, efiort,

exertion , p ains .51 1 1 651 1 1, adj .


51 1 151 1 1 1 , refl. , behave .

51 1 1 151 1 611 1 1 1, adj ., to be en

vied .

8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , f .,name , appella

tion .

8 1 1 1 1 1, urchin , chap, k id .

51 1 1 51 1 , use .

51051 611 1 , watch, observe .

510151 1 1 , command , commission .

515711 1 51 1 , plant (with) .8 1 1 1 11 1 , m.

, adviser, counselor.

51 1 1 1 51 1 , rob , d ivest , plunder.

51 1 1 1 7151 1 , refl., get intoxicated .

51 1 161 1 1 , calculate , estimate .

51 1 16111 1, adj ., justified ,q ual ified .

51 1 151 1 , talk over, discuss .8 1 1 116 , m. ,

—1 , scape, range,province , reach .

51 1 111, adj . , ready, prepared .

51 1 1111 1 , prepare, occasion ,

make ready .

51 1 1116, adv., already, as early



8 1 1 111761 71, f . , readiness.8 1 1 1 , m. ,

-1 , mountain .

adv. , down-hil l .adm, up

-hil l .51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18, adv. , up


adm, up-hil l .

51 1 1 1 1 , 1 , o, hide, shel ter , con1 1 1 1.

8 1 1 1 1 1 771 , f . , mountain road .

8 1 1 151 1 1 , m. ,A 1 , mountain

slop e , decl ivity.

8 1 1 1 11 551 , f .,round mountain

top .

8 1 1 1 11 1 5, highland .

8 1 1 1 11 1 , mountaineer.

8 1 1 1 111111 1 , ridge of a mountain .


of a cave .

8 1 1 1 11 1 1 5, f .,m1 , cl ifi , blufi.

8 11 161, m. ,-1 , accoun t, report;

notice .

511 1611 1 , report , announce.

511 16111 1 1 , settle , p ay .

51 1711 1 , 1 , o (aux. burst.

511 11 111 1, adj . , notorious .8 7, m.

,- 1 , business, cal l ing,

trade .

51 1 1 511 1 1 , refl. , calm down,submit , console onesel f .

51 1 11511 1 1 , calm , pacify, com

fort .

8 1 1 1 511 1 1 1 , f .,

calming down .

51 1 11511 1, adj . , famous, noted ,il lustrious.

51 1 1151 1 1 , touch , be adjacent .8 1 1 1151 1 1 1 , f . , touch .

5176 1 771 1 , provide , supply, get .8 17617111 1 1 1 , f . , occupat ion ,business .

5176 1 1 11, 9 . adj ., ashamed.


5171 6 1 1 , attend , go to, visit .

5177771 57, p . adj ., amaz ed , disconcerted , dismayed .

51 7771 57, adj ., stup efied ,

stunned , diz z y.

8 171 1 , n . , praying .

8 171 1 , m. , worshiper.

5171 1 1 1 , deceive , befool , dupe.51771 11,go begging .

8 17711 1 1 711 , f . , beggar ’s corner.5171 1 671 1 , behold , observe,consider, regard .

8 171 1 671 1 1 , f .,med itation, t e


8 171 1 1 ,“ 1 , amount .

8 171 177, reference; regard .

5171 1771 1 , catch ; concern .

5171 171 1 , tread upon , trespass;enter.

1 1717757, p . adj ., dejected, troubled .

8 177, -1 1 , bed .

8 1771 1171 171 ,-1 ,

- 1 , beggar

boy .

8 1771 171 1 1 1 , -n,—n, beggar

boy .

8 1771 1771 5,—11 , beggar-chi ld .

8 1771 1771 11, -1 , bedstead .

51 1 1 1 1 , refl. , stoop , bend .

8 1 1 71 , f ., booty, prey; victim.

51 1 71 11 1 1 171 , adj ., hungry for


8 1 1 71 1, m. , bag.

51 1 71 11 , shake .

51 1 71 11 3, adj . , without booty.

conj ., before .

5171 1 6 1 1 , watch over, guard .

1 1 71 1 771 1 1 , refl. ,arm.

51 71 1 171 1 1 , keep , guard , protect;5171 1 11 1 1 heaven forbid !

5171 77171 1 1 , verify, prove; rcfl.,

be verified , prove true .

5171 771771 1 1 , overcome, subdue.

5171 1 1 1 1 , move; remove , disturb;rcfl. , move , exerc ise.

51 71 1 1 1 1 , 1 , o, influence , induce.8 171 1 1 1 1 1 , f . , motion, movement .

5171 1 11 1 1 , arm , eq uip .

8 171 178, m. ,—1 , token , proof,

ev idence;demonstration , argument.

5171 1771 1 , 71 , 71 , prove , demonstrate .

8 171 1 1 51 1 , applicant .8 1 71 1 11 11 , inhabitant, resident .

51 71 1 1 1 7, p . adj . , inhabited .

8 171 1 1 51 1 1 1 1 , f wonder, ad

miration .

51 71 1 777, adj . , known; 7171 , beconscious oi , aware oi .

8 1 71 1 77711 771 1177,f ., unconscious

ness, swoon .

1 151 1 11 1 , p ay .

515176 1 1 1 5, p . adj ., expressive.

51571 11 1 , obtain ,draw, receive

(salary); 16 1 137117776 1 1 7i t refers, relates , appl ies to.

8 1571 11 1 1 , f ., respect , relation .

8 151 1 ,4 1 , receipt of one ’



515771 176 , adj . ,referring to, rel

ative;prep. (gem).8 751 1, f .

,B ible .

571 1 1 1 , 1 , o, bend , turn .

8 71 11 1 1 , f . , bend , turn .

8 71 1 , beer.

8 71 1 1 1 17, n .,

“ 1 1 , suburb havingtaverns.

8 71 1 11 1 6, n .,1 1 1 , beer-house.

8 71 1 11 1 1 ,“ 1 , beer-jug .

8 71 176 1 1 11 , f ., tavern .

57171 1 , 1 , 1 , show, ofier; rcjl . ,


present itself; 1 777 1771 1 8bid for.

8 711 ,—1 1 , picture , image,

form .

5711 1 1 , form, shape,compose; educate.

8 71171 1 1 1, n .,

—1 , carving; sculpture.

8 7111 157776, -1 , bil l iardtable .

8 7111751 1 1 (F love-letter.

—8, ticket .

571171 , adj . ,cheap .

8 71 51 , f . , necktie .

1 71 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 , bind .

171 1 1 1 , prep. within .

8 71 11 , f . , birch-tree.

8 1 71 1 1 1 1 1 76 1 1 , small birchtree .

578, prep. to, even to, asfar as , ti l l ; conj .

,until .

adm, til l now ,as

_ y et .

1731 1 1 1 1 , adj . , hitherto existing , till now .

1 7811 1 1’a-176 1117, up to this

t ime .

57776 1 77, adj .,l ittle hit , some

what .

57771 1, prov.,-1777611 .

8 7771 1 , m. , bite , mouthful .57771 1 , 1 , 1 , ask ; 57771 , pl ease .

57771 1 , adj .,keen ,

bitter , st’ing


adv. ,betimes , in season .

8 11 71 1’

1 1 (F rench) , f . , disgrace.

511 1 771'

1 1 1 , di sgrace ;refl., make

a blunder.

511 1 7, adj . , bright , shining.

8 11 71 51 11 , m.,4 1 , bel lows .

511 71 1 , 71 , 1 , ir ., blow, sound.

adj ., blasé, scp histicated.

511 73, adj ., pale.

8 177771 , f ., paleness.

8 11 77, leaf, blade; card.

517777171 , turn over leaves in a.


8 11 7711 1 1 1 1 1 , f pock-mark,p it .

1 11 771 1 1 1 1 1 71 , adj ., pock

marked .

511 1 , adj ., blue .

51771 170, adj ., bluish .

1 1101 1 1 , adj . , tin .

8 11011771 1, m. , tin kettle .

8 11071 17, m.,4 1 , tin kettle.

8 117, lead;bul let .

1 1171 1 1 , 71 , 71 (mm . stay, t emain .

51170, adj . , pale .

8 117171711 1 , pouring mel ted

lead .

8 117777711, n .,-1 , piece of lead .

8 1711, m. ,—1 , glance, look.

517711 1 , glance , look .

5171 1, adj ., blind .

5171 11 1 , gl isten , spark le.

8 171 , m. ,—1 , flash of l ightn ing .

5171511 1 1, adj . , very bright .51711 1 1 1 1 , adj .

,extremely stu


51711 1 1 , p . adj . ,flashing .

8 171 18701 1 111 , f . , rapidity ofl ightn ing .

5171701 1 11, adj ., q uick as l ight

ning .

8 11 1 , m. ,4 1 , boulder.

51771 1 , adj . , stupid , timid .

517711 1 , bleat , low .

511 1 1 , adj ., fair , blonde .

8 11 1 111 17, m.,“ 1 , person with

fair hair .

511 1 111 1 71 , adj ., having faircurly hair.


Blofi, adj. , bare; adm,merely,



gelegt, p . adj ., laid bare, ex

posed , denuded.

Blfibeu, bloom.

231mm , f . , flow er.

fi Iumeuflot , m., assortment of

flowers .

fi Iumm mufl, m. , display offlowers .

fi lamentopf, m. ,“ e, flower

p ot .

E lufc, f . , blouse .

?Blut, n ., blood; fal teé coolness.

q tcigcn, adj ., native, of one ’s

own blood .

E lntflefi, m. ,—e, blood-stain .

fi lutbunb, m.;—e, bloodhound;

tyrant .

blutig, adj . , bloody.

blutrot, adj ., crimson .

30th m.,A c, coachman ’s box.

?Bobeu, m.,


, ground , soil,floor; base .

mobenfee, m. , L ak e of Constance, next to G eneva the

largest Alpine lake . It is

formed by the Rhine and

borders on Switz erland, G ermany, and Austria .

309611, m. , or 4

, curve, circle;sheet (of paper).

f . , bean .

fiobren, dril l , bore, pierce;gnaw .

3 n3m, m., bol t , arrow.

—e, boat, barge .

8 511511119, f ., slope , dec l ivity.

biife, adj . , bad , ill , ev il, harmful , fierce , angry .

?BoBbeit, f ., malice, spite .

Et anb, m. ,a t, fire .

?Btanbgmtd), m.,*e, smell of

burn ing .

fi tanhfmm, blighted corn .

$ taubftfitte, f . , place wherethere has been a fire .

btanhmarteu, stigmatiz e , brand.

Q tanbuug, f . , surf; seething .

btanbna fengt, adj ., singed.

fin antmdn, m .,

—e, brandy.

93mm!» m. ,“ e, custom , usage.

n . , adj . subst.,anything useful .

braudmt, use; need;want .8mm, f . , eyebrow .

braw l , adj . , brown .

braunbuntel a bunfelbraun, adj . ,

dark brown .

braungclb, adj ., brown ish y el

low .

branica, rumble , blaster .

f . ,“ e, fiancée ; engaged

girl .fi t ttutiabr, n .

,—e, year of be

trothal .

Q rautmerbet , m. , suitor.

bran, adj. , honest, good .

bredmt, a, 0, break .

breit, adj ., broad, w ide ; itchen,

straddle .


gef¢blagcu, p .adj . widespread , turned back.

btdfiaul ta ig, adj . , broadshouldered .

lum en;brannte, gebtmmt, burn,glow .

fi remflbd t, n . , long st ick ofwood .

?Btctt,—er, board, plank.

bn ttbid, adj . , thick as a board.

?Btettlcin, small plank.

Bfief, m.,—f , letter.


C&ct’tiaG &ci

'lte:}f" Ceaha.

Caféemu, n . , name of a. restaurant .

Cent, f . , pol itical division,penal court .

(Scutu'tto, m. , 4 ,

—um, centu

rion .

G bamvagn’er, m. , champagne.

adj .,distinctive,

characteristic .

Chef, m. ,—6, employer, man


Q emifd), adj., chemical .

Q iue'

fifd), adj ., Chinese .

Cbmh abe,m.,—n,

—n, choir-boy .

(Sbt iftbaum, m.,“e, Christmas

tree .

Cbt iftml tbre, f . , instruction inthe catechism .

G bfiftml iebc, f ., Christian char

i ty .

lbt iftl id), adj. , Christian .

G bfiftuéle, n . , dial . dim , cruci


Comme’bta (Ital ian), f .

, comedy .

G outa'

ge, f . , courage.

a d e, f . , Cybele , a Phrygianand G reek goddess, wor

ship ed by the Romans as the“

G reat Mother of the G ods ”

and under various othernames . Hers outl ived mostof the other pagan cul ts.


ba, adm, there , then, here, inthat case; conj . , as , since


when , where.

9 nd , m. ,-e, fog, mist .


, adm, thereat , at it, withthat , near there; besides;about it .

band'sblctbeu, stick to it.

basbleibeu, stay there .

S ad), n .,

‘ cl'

, roof.Eafibt etflefin, n .

, board of theroof .

Q aafeuftetdam, n ., garret


dow .

Q ab lammcr, f ., att ic room .

Q atblufe, f ., garret


Q afifdjiubel , f ., shingle , slate .

Q atfiftube, f . , attic room .


, adm, for it , for that, instead; itchen, warrant , ahswer for.

bafiir'sbafteu, be respons ible.


gw , adv. , against i t , on theother hand .


,ada , at home .


,ada ,

thence , hence,along; conj . ,

for that reason ,



getnm t, pp . , rattl ingalong .

baba'h mmen, come there,

come along .


, ada ,there , that place;



, ada , in therebabin

geftell t, 1m;leave undecided .

babin'tet , adm, behind it , after it .

babin'sttotteu, trudge along.

bamattg, adj , of that time .


at that time ,then.

Q uint , f . , lady.

bm it', ada , with it , thereby ;conj ., in order that .


Q uinn , m. ,e e, dam, dike, bank .

bi tumen , l ight dimly; dawn,grow dusk .

Q &mmm ug, f . , twil ight .b&nwfett, soften , appease.

Mmfeub, 9. adj . , steaming .

baue’bcu, adm, near by .

S aul , m. , gratitude, praise,thanks .

banfbat , adj . , thankful , grateful , p rofitable .

fbanfbat lctt, f ., gratitude.

battl es , return thanks; owe

thanks to.

ban ,adm, then; nub mm ,

now and then .

banana, adm; Don thence,away.


,adm, there , thereon .

butau’s ltegeu, be of consequence .


,ada , thereupon , upon

it , to that .


,adm, on the strength

of that .bateiu


,adm, therein , in it .


, ada ,afterwards.

bat ii'l m'


, on which, overthat , about it .

bm m'

,ada , around it , there

fore , on that accoun t .

barnu'tet , adm, below, under,

among .

Q afdn, presence;existence;l ife .

basflbeu, sit there .

bat}, conj . , that , so that , in or

der that .basftebcn, stand there.

Q aua lauf, m.,“ e, endurance

race .

batten , intra, last , endure .

Q uan ta, m. , thumb.

ceil ing


, adm, of it , thereof, ofi'



S avou'laufeu, running away,

desertion .

Mbor', ada , before it;from that .baan


, adm, besides; tam, bafi,added to this

baguuml , ada , then , at thattime .

Mmi ’

flflm, ada , between , at

intervals .Q edcl , m. , cover, l id .

bedcu, cover, lay the table;hide ; protect .

Q edcugemfilbe,painting .

fi eqen, m., sword .

bebnett, extend , stretch, ex

pand .

Q eid), m.,

—e, dikebeta, pass . prom , your .

bettamte’rm, recite .


,adm, shortly, soon.

benet t, but , y et .

beaten, bacfite, gebacbt, think;(metmae, think of remember;

{w imagine .

beau, conj . , for, because ; ada ,

then .

bennod), conj ., y et , stil l , however.

bcnuuaie’rcu, denounce , tel l tales .

bet , hie, b“ , m . , the; pron .

dem.,he , she , i t, that , this ,

they, those; rel . , who, which ,that .

M augiett’

, p . adj . , d isordered .

berart, ad a , in such a manner,so much .

berattig, adj ., of such a k ind,

such .

bu b, adj ., heavy, strong, harsh,



bn geftalt, adm, such , of such a

nature; so much .

bn gleidmt, adj . , of that k ind,l ike , such .

bcfl c'

lmt, dial . ,-erleben, exp e

ricuce .

ba ld , adj .,of such a k ind.

bermad)’en, dial . , get done, bring

about .bet fel

’be, biefelbc, bacielbe, dam.

prom , the same .

termei l ’

,ada ,

meanwhile .

beBbaIb, ada , on that ac

count .

befpcl tict’l id), adj . ,

disrespectful .bcfto, adv. , wi th comp .

, ic

befier, so much the better .

beéwegen, ada , on that account .

beaten, tn ,explain , interpret;

i ntra , auf, point to.

beutl id), adj . , plain , di stinct .

bentid), adj . , G erman .

m.,adj . subst. , a

G erman .

Q iamant't iug, m.,

-e, diamondring .

bid”, adj . , thick; close.

Q idjtcriu, f . , poetess .bidyttt ifd), adj .

, poetic .

bid, adj. , thick , large, fat . 1

Q ieb, m. ,—e, thief.

biebtfd), adj . , thievish.

f . , afiair of therobbers .

Q iebégut, stolen property.

Q iebftabl , m. ,“ f , theft .

himcn, serve.

bteultd), adj . , fit , convenient ,suitable , serviceable .

t ft, m. ,—c, service , employ

ment , duty.

bieuftcift ig, adj ., obl ig ing , oi

ficious .

bieuftl id), adj . , omcial .$ ienftmanu, m.

,“ er, porter .

btcnfttuenb, adj .,ofi ciat in g .

Q imftmobnung, f ., ofii cial l od g


Q icuftacit, f ., term of serv i c e .

bidet , bide, hides, pron . c djthis , these .

bic eitB, prep . (gem) , on t h isside of adv.

, on this sid e .

bicmei ’len, adm, dial . , in the

meanwhile .

biftic’teu, prescribe, order .

Q inn'

(F rench) , —6 (p ronounce dee d inn e r .

Q ing,- e, thing , object ; guter

itin, to be in good s p i r i ts .

b irbfiubvflaftcr, n .,dial ., SDm—


banbpflafter, plaster for s ca t

tering inflammation .

Q hef’tot , m. ,

—6,—eu, prin c i p al ,


bod), conj ., y et , but, how e v er,

st il l , after al l , notw ith s ta nding ;adv. , indeed, surel y , y es .

Q uip“ , f . , daw .

9 011 013, m.,

—6 ,—en, D oc t o r .

m. ,—e, dagger.

S olomi’teu, hie, M, the D 010

mi tes, a mountain d i s t r ic tin the South Tyrol ese A l p s .

Q nmtorplab, m. , name o f a

square near a church .

Q uintet , m., thunder.

Q uatterfci l , m.,

—e, thund e rb ol t .

monu mettet , n ., th u n d er

storm; interj . , con foun d i t !

Q uantiricl , m.,—e, sloping c h an

nel .

Q ovveiablet , m.,double e ag l e .


btfidett, press, impress; crush .

btum-barum, adm, around it ,about it .

bmntcn, adm, there below.

bu, pars . prom , y ou .

batten, refl., stoop , crouch, dive .

S ufi, m.,

“ e, odor, scent , fragranee .


buffig, adj . , fragrant , balmy.

bulben, endure, bear with p atience .

mom, endurance, patience,snfiering .

bumm, bummer, bummft, adj.,

stupid , dul l .Q ummbeit, f ., stupidity.

hampf, adj . , hol low, dull ,gloomy, damp .

bmdel , adj . , dark, obscure, dim.

$ 1“!c n ., darkness .buutclblau, adj . , dark blue .

bunfclblnnh, adj . , brown , darkblond .

buntelbtatm, adj . , dark brown .

fbunfelbeit, f . , darkness .buuteln, become dark .

bunfelrot, adj . , crimson .

buutelrotbt auu, adj . , crimsonand brown .

Q unlclmerbeu, n . , dusk .


tttfcn, seem, appear.

hitita, adj ., thin, smal l , slender,

fine .

fbuuft, m. ,“ e, vapor , mist .

but tl), prep . through, bymeans of adm, sap . and ia

scp . , compl etely .

burdasarbeiteu, work through .


, adm, absolutely, by s t r ideal l means .masbctteln, refl.

, beg one ’sway through.

but tbbob’

ten, pierce , p enetrate .

but tbsbrcmten (aux . L ), burn

through; run away .

b urabmd), m. ,a-e, break ing

through; gum 3 fommen,

break through; biz G r imm,

niB lam gum was rea l i z ed .

butdjsbriiugcn, crowd throu gh .

but tbbt in’

gm, a, u, pene t ra t e ,pervade .


bn ,adm, confu s e dl y ;

pel l-mel l .burtbsforfdpcu, examine , s e a rchthrough .

but tb=fiibt cty carry through , exe

cute , accompl ish, main t a in .

burdyfur'dpeu, furrow.

but tbgwt iigel t, ”L , sou n dl ythrashed .


, adj ., inflam ed ,

heated .

butdys toftcu, taste thoroug h l y .

bmdy laufen, run through q u i c kl y .

Q ut tblcb’tc, n . , adj . subs t .

, ex

p erience .


make hol e sthrough , pierce .

burdasmadaen, get through , fin

ish ; undergo .

burdpreu’ueu, burcbtannte, burd y

taunt, run through , p ie rc e ,stab .

burdysreuneu, ranate, gerannt

(m m. run through.

burdasfdmueu, see through .

but tbsffi efien, shoot thro u g h ,ridd le .

butdas fd neiteu (auxthrough .

but tbftrfi’men, crowd through ,

transfuse , fil l,pervade .


mah ie'beu, adj . , crafty, sl y .

burasmiibleu, dig up , grubthrough, harrow; (al so in

but dnit’

tmt, make shiver, causeto shake .


tt fcu, burftc, geburft, be al

lowed .


tt ftig, adj . , poor, pal try, ihsufi cien t , scanty.

bftrr, adj ., barren , dry , arid .

Q utft, m. , thirst .

Q urftgefiibl , -c, feel ing ofthirst .

burftig, adj . , thirsty.


, adj . , gloomy, dark, dim .

biiftcrbtauu, adj . , dark, dismalbrown .

S uburb, n . ,—e, doz en .

fbutcnhmal , —e, doz en times.


(Shi nfi n“, woman ’s name .

ebeu, adj . , level , flat , even; adm,

even ly; exactly; just now .

(Eben , f ., plain , level .

ebcufallé, ada , also, too .

chenfogut, adv. , as wel l as, justas wel l .

ebcufooft, adm, just as often .

ebenfomeutg, adv. , just as l ittle .

ed”, adj ., genuine, real , true .

(Ede, f ., corner.

ebd ,adj .

, noble .

(Shamans , m., G bel leutc, nobleman .

G fett, m. , ivy .

ebc, adm, sooner, before , rather,ere ; conj . , before .

G in, f . ,marriage .

(Ebcmann, m.,“ ct , married man.

(impact , n . ,-e, married couple.

t int , adm, sooner, rather.

chem, adj . , braz en , ccp p er,

bronz e.

cb’bor-cbcbcbor, adm, before .

elnbat , adj ., honest, steady.

f . , honor.

t mtitel , m., title of honor.

ebteuboll , adj . , honorable .

cbrenmet t, adj . , worthy, honorable .

ebrcrbietig, adj ., reverent, t e

sp ectful .

t fuubt, f ., reverence, respect .t geia, m. , ambition .

ebrl id), adj ., honest .

ebt lniitbig, adj ., venerable, rev

erend .

(Si, n . ,—er, egg .

G idbaum, m. ,“ e, oak -tree.

cidmt, adj. , oak .

G iflcnbols, n . , oak -wood .

G ibcdm, f ., l iz ard .

G icrforb, m.,"e, egg

-basket.(Effer, m.

, warmth, z eal .ciferu, exclaim angrily.

(Eifcrfud fi, f ., jealousy, envy,


G ift ig, adj ., z ealous, hasty, eager.

t iara, adj ., own ,

pecul iar .

G igcttfitm, m. , stubbornness .cigcutl id), adj .

, true , real ,proper .

G igcuhtm, n . ,A er, property.


l idp, adj .,own , proper,

pecu l iar .

G igantiim’l idyc, n .

, adj . subst

characteristic mark .

(fi l e, f ., haste , celerity.

ci lcu, hurry , hasten .

t ilenbfi-in (Si lt, ada , speedily,in haste .


fi l ig, adj . , hasty’

, swift .G i lmarfd), m.

,“ e, forced march.

G intet , m., pail , bucket .

tin, cine, tin, indef . art. and

1mm ,a, an ,

one; indef . prom ,

einer, cine, time, (some) one;tins, one thing .

einau'bet , adm,

one another,eachother.

eiuarmig, adj .,one-armed .

einsbaueu, bu ild in , inclose.

cilk biegett, turn in .

ein=bi lbeu, imagine;rcfl., fancy,

pretend .

G inbi lbmtg, f ., imagination,fancy .

dus bmbeu, a, 0, break in , invade, set in .

dnsbt etmen, burn in .

G iulimd), m.,

“ e, breaking in ,invasion ,


etnsbiifieu, ir . , intr ., lose, for

feit .

dubt ingl id), adj . , impressive,forcible , urgent .

G iubt ingl iug, m. ,—c, in truder.

G inbtud, m.,

“ e, impression ,stamp .

duet , cine, tines, indef . prom,

somebody, a person .

einfad), atij ., simple .

(Einfabtt, f ., entry;mouth of a

harbor .

eiusfalieu, ie, a (aux. L), fal l in ;invade ; interrupt ; occur to

some one; recol l ect .(Giufal t, f .

, simpl icity.

einfii l tig, adj . , simple , artless .einfarbeu, adj .

, deeply colored .

einfiirbig, adj ., of one color.

ein=finbett, refl. , present onesel f,appear .

un iformity,

einfiitmig, adj .,un iform , mon

otonous .

(Einfiitmigtett, f .

sameness .eiugebeut, adj . , m indful .

einsgeben, enter into.eingcp lattft, adj . , fenced in .

tingeftidt, adj .,embroidered .

(Eingetreteneu) , m. , adj . subst. ,one who en ters , intruder.

timberbergeu, lodge, lay to

rest .eiubcr

’s gebett, stalk before, p re

cede .


gemadel t, pp . , staggeringalong .

dubet'sftbrciteu, walk along .

chthcr’smanbeln, wandering

along .

einsbolen, meet , overtake.

einig, pron . adj ., some

,any , a

few , several .eiuigcrmafieu, adm, to some ex

tent .

eius laffie'

t en, coll ect money .

(S'htk br, f ., lodging , resting

place .

cind ebreu (aux. L), enter into,abide; lodge .

eins tlebeu, glue , stick , paste in .

eius tniden (aux. bend in,fail , give way .

dus tommeu (aux. make a

demand , request .

eius labeu, u, a, invite .

G inlamutg, f ., invitation .

eius lafi'

eu, admit ; refl. , commitonesel f to; get in to .

eius laufeu (aux. L), en ter, p ut

in (a harbor); come to hand ,drop in .

eius legen, p ut in (a good word).


G lfeufiabubiefi, m.,—c, railway

thief.G imbabummeuc, f ., railwaytie , cross-tie .

G ifeubabnmagcu, m., railway


d feui cftblagen, adj . , iron-shod,hobnail ed .

d fenfatbig, adj . , iron-colored .

(Elfenftefin ; non m. , sur

name .

G ifeubafen, m. , iron hook.

G lfcnftaugc, f . , iron bar.

t euinertgeug, n .,

—e, iron implement .

elfenaalmig, adj . , iron-spiked .

eifern, adj . , iron .

elite, 0411 , icyW fommefie, f . , ice-compress .

d eI-elel baft, adj . , disgusting,d istasteful , nasty, ugly.


, adj . , handsome, te

fined .


, f ., elegy.

elef’tt ifd), adj . , electric .

elenb, adj . , wretched , miserable.

(Sla b, i h , misery, want .(sumo), m., adj . subst ,wretch .

elf, 1mm , eleven .

elfenbeiucm, adj ., (oi ) ivory.

G lfeufi'

migiu, f . , fairy-q ueen .

G l i’

fe, f . , El isabeth (dim ).(Ellbngeu, m. , elbow.

(Elle, f . , yard-stick .

(Elfafi, Alsace .

G um , pL , parents .(Emmi, f . , dim. for Qmma.

v faug, m. ,1 c, reception.

m vfaugeu, i, a, receive, get;greet .

euwmflen, rcfl., take leave.

wan t

mvfiubeu, a, u, perceive; take(pleasure) in be sensitive to .

v fiuhmtg, f . ,feel ing, im

pression .

v finbuuaélofiak it, fof feel ing .


, adm,up , aloft , up

wards .empii

’tcu, stir up , excite ; t e

vol t ; shock.

W u'sbebeu, l ift up , raise.

v fi'rtmg, f .

, rebel l ion ; ind ignation .

empor’saiebeu, o, o, raise , l ift up

rcfl. , be raised .

cmfig, adj ., d il igent ; laboriou s .W , m,

-n, end , l imit; net):

mm, cease .

cum ,bring to an end .

cnbl id), adv. , final l y , at last ,after al l .

(0108, adj . , endl ess , infini te .

n e'

, f . , strength, energy .


gifd), adj . , vigorous .tug, adj .

, narrow, close, tigh t .

G ucci , m. ,angel .

mal ifd), adj ., Engl ish .

W ei , m., grandson .

W el l inb,—er, grandchil d .

mtfilfifit, adj . , bared , unc overed ;deprived .

cutbmtuen (aux. L), be kindl ed ,

burn .

eutbcdeu, discover, disclose .

G utbeduug, f ., discovery .

eutfabm t (aux. esca p e ,break from .

eutfcmt, p . adj . , remote , far , 06 .

G utimumg, f . , distance .

eutfiiebeu, escape, vani sh .

eutfgbren, carry away, sna tch



entgegen, adm, prep . (dot ),against, towards, up to.

M gmw mficlteu, work against,oppose .

mtgcgeusbtideu, look towards,look in the face.

eutgegeus lpalten, present, ofier;hold out toward .

eutgcgeustommeu, come to

meet ; jig. , welcome, confron t , thwart, cross.

eutgegeu’ucbmeu, receive, ac

cept .M gegeusfcbeu, look forward to,expect, await .

mtgegw ftemmeu, rcfl., resist,

set oneself in opposition to.

mtgegeusftmreu, hol d out,

stretch out .

eutgegeus ti'

meu, resound .

mtgegueu, reply.

entgehen, escape, flee, avoid .

entheben, deprive.

m flaug, along .

mtiaugs laufeu, run along be

side , extend .

mtlaugsmanbm , walk along,wander.


eu, dismi ss .eutl egeu, adj . , distant, out of

the way .

eutlodeu, draw out , el icit.mtuelmmt, take from, gather.

cuttdfieu, snatch , tear away.éutt iugcu, tear away, snatch,w ring from .

cutrollcu, unrol l , unfol d .

catfdnibeub, adj . , decisive .

cutfdyiehcu, p . adj ., decided ,

p osit ive .

mfid flicfieu, raft , determine ,resol ve.

G fifldflnfin bd t, f ., deci sion ,

resolution .

mfitblfipfen, escape, sl ip away.

G nfldjlufi, m. ,a fie, resolve , de

el si on .

eutfdmlbigeu, excuse , pardon.

G utiebeu, terror, amaz e

ment .

cutfebl id), adj ., terrible , horrid,frightful .

a ttest, p . adj . , horrified,shocked .

eutfmfieu, o, o (aux. L ), grow,sprout forth.

cutftelmt (aux. L), rise up ; t e

sul t; fol low, ensue.

eutftelleu, deform, distort ;misrepresent , falsify.

W tfiufdmng, f ., disil lusion,

disappointment .cnthiiflm , depopul ate , desolate .

cuttnaffttct, adj . , disarmed .

mttnebn , conj ., either.

cutwicrelu, develop; evolve .

mtaauba tt, disenchant .

G utai'

tdcu, del ight .cutai


ttlenb, p . adj ., charming ,

fascinating .

euaiaublau, adj ., gent ian blue .

G paul et'te, f . , epaulet .


ge, f ., carriage .

er, fie, es, pars . prom , he, she,i t; they.

t armen, pity, compassion ;gum most wretched .

a bam l id), adj ., pitiful .erbeu, inherit .

a blafzt, adj . , turned pale.

a bleidmt, turn whi te .

a bl iden, perceive , discover,catch sight oi .


t fdjaft, f ., inheritance .

(Erbfitte, f . , inherited custom,

tradition .

t hoben, m. , earth, ground .

t lmtd), m.,1 c, sinking of the

ground , crevice .

G rin, f . , earth.

t eugtuub, m. ,‘ e, ground .

G thtuuerc, bowel s of the

earth, interior .

t trume, f ., black earth, topsoil .

(Etbteid), m, earth, ground , soil .t t ifi, m. ,


e, cleft in the

ground .

G rbftvalt, m.,-c, crack, crevice,

fissure in the ground .

t ftura, m., land-sl ide.

G reigttié, m ,-ffe, event.

etfabteu, learn , hear, ascertain .

(Etfabtung, f ., experience,knowledge .

crfafit, adj ., sei z ed , caught .

G tfinbtmg, f . , invention, patent .a folgcu (aux. L), occur; resul t .

a irmen, rejoice , del ight; refl. ,

enjoy, take pleasure in .

etft tttl id), adj ., pleasant, satisfactory.

etft ifdjcu, refresh, comfort , t evive , cool .

et ftm'

cu, p . adj . , chil led , froz en .

a ffillctt, fil l with refl., be

fulfil led , real iz ed .

trachea, refl., surrender , sub

mit; give up to; resul t , follow , appear .

a gelmt, 9. adj ., humble , t e

sp ectful .

a gelmt, impera ; es crgebt ibmhe fares (luck or

state of health).

an, t e

« gram (aux. L), grow gray.

a gt etfcu, seiz e .

a st immcu (aux. L), grow an

gry , rage , fret .a gri


tnbcu, fathom, discover .

u haben, 9. adj . , raised , high,lofty, subl ime , noble.

a baltcu, keep hold ; rece ive;maintain ;rcfl. , preserve onesel f.

a bebea, raise, l ift; rcfl. ,

start up .

“ beam, l ight up , il luminate,make clear.

t fibuug, f . , el evation .

erbolcu, rcfl. , recover, get well .(ft lwhulgflvanfc, f ., pause for

breath .

erbflm t, hear.

a ilment, remember;mind; refl. , recal l .

G t iuuetuug, f ., memory , recol

lection .

menu“ , a, a, perceive , iden tify ; recogn iz e; d iscern , dis

tinguish ; express , ack now l

edge-gu geben.

t ennhtiB, f .,-fie, percept ion ,

knowledge, decision; feat:til l , a real iz at ion of my con

dition came to me .

a l lfitcu, explain , declare.

t lfirlmg, f . , explanation .

a tmen, pp . (a ffirm), chosen ,

elected .

crfuubeu, find out, search.

a ffirm, error, ertomi , choose,

elect .

a laulmt, permit , al low.

t aubttié, f ., permission.

a laufdpeu, overhear.

“ lantern, make clear, ill us trate .


erftatutt, p .

surprised .

et ftcigeu, te, it, cl imb up , mount .etfteué, adm, in the first place .

etftideu (aux. sufiocate,choke .

etfttedcub, p . adj ., extending,

stretching .

t fiitmuug, f ., assaul t .

n tci leu, grant , impart .et ti


mcu (m m. L), sound , ring .

ertragen, bear, endure , sustain .

ettriigl id), adj ., bearable, en

durable .

et tt ii l l tttett, imagine, dream .

a triufen, drown .

“ madmt (aux. L), awake, beroused .

nmadfien, p . adj ., grown up ,

adul t .

“ wage r, o, o, weigh, ponder,balance , think over.


ibtmt, mention.

ermfirmcu, warm.

“ marten, await , expect .

“ medal , waken , excite , arouse .

amateur, prove , show, p ay

(honor); refl.,be found ,

prove to be .

etmibetu, return ,answer, reply.

amb tfibafteu, gain by economy .

nmiftbt, 9. adj . , caught .

et tni'

trgeu, choke , strangle .

naiiblen, tel l , relate .

(Etaiibl tmg, f . ,story, narration .

cram, adj ., bron z e .

G taeuguttg, f .,production .

m. , arch-rascal .eratebeu, train ,

educate, bring up .

nal iebcrl id), adj . , extremelywicked .

“ swinger, a, u, force, extort .

adj., astonished ,


excel lence .



, f . , factory .


gebeimuié, m ,-fic,

secret method of manufac

(Sid , m., ass , fool .G iclei

, f . , stupidity.

(fife, f . , forge, firep lace .

efleu, afi, gegeflen, eat .(511m, dinner;meal , food .


ge, f . , floor, story .

etl idpe, adj . prom, some,several,

a few .

ctl idmual , several times .etwa, adm, about , nearly, p er

chance; perhaps .ctmaé, indef . prom, something,anything , somewhat .

(53 d, m. , Attila. Cf. note to

176, 23.

euer, cure, euet , pass . adj ., your.

G ad), 060. and dot. p l . of bu.

G movfi’et , m.

, European .

G M“ , udder, bag .

(Shed , f . , dim. for (Eva.

twig, adj .,adv.

, eternal , endl ess.(Emige, m, adj . subst . , eternal

afiairs .

(Emigfeit, f ., eternity;non bet ,

time out of mind .

cgm vla't ifd), adj . , exemplary ,

model .G augi


tium, n .,

—tien, exercise,task .

G gfdwftcr, m., ex


t emtmra’

le, n ., extempore

exerc ise , written in c lass .n aauégabeu, 1 . p l . , extra ex

penses .G taeliena

, f . ,


ma), met'

, trade, special ty.

8um , m. ,e

, thread .

fabl , adj ., earth-colored , l ivid .

falflgel b, adjm p al e yel low.

game, f .,flag , banner, colors .

fifiburid), m. ,—e, ensign .

fabt en, u, .a (aux. L), drive , go,ride, travel ; in many idiomsfor quick mot ion or changeof position .

flabttat te, f . , ticket .

gab“ , f .,voyage, trip, journey.


, farewel l .falb, adj .

,pal e

,faded .

fal tig, adj .

,with folds, gath

ered .

8a“, m.,

“ e, fal l ; case;bett effen:

bet case in hand .

fall en, te, a (aux. L), fal l .fall en, cut down , fel l ; kil l .faufi, conj .

,in case, ii .

mi te, f .,fold

,wrinkle , pleat ,

tuck; — n marten, causewrinkles.


J anet , m.,butterfly .

faIfig, adj . , wrinkled .


{y ami’l ig f .

,family .


—e, friendof the family .


Emmi’Ii¢ttleltett, family l ife .


, adj ., sl . , capital .m. , braggart .

gauge, 2L ,claws .

fungal , i, a, catch, capture , entrap .


a f . , method of

trapping or catching .

3um , f ., color, hue , t inge .


irlmt, color , t inge .

fifit lmttg, f ., coloring, hue,

shade .

?y iiferfien, m , small fibre .


elt, seiz e , take , grasp; conceive; cine filletmmg forman Opinion ;cinenCintfdflufiresolve .

gamma, f . , sel f-possession,calmness.

faft, adm, almost, nearly.fatal


, adj . , vexatious , od ious.813mm,

- ta, fate, dest iny.foul , adj . , laz y.

fauleuaen, be idle , loaf.fiatd lmt, f .

, laz iness .8um, f .

,1 c, fist; hand ; grasp.

fifiuftelbammet , m., miner ’s


fechten, o, 0, fight .

8th“ , f ., p en

gebetbieb, m, poul try.

f . , fairy.

febl eu, make a mistake;he absent ; be wanting; fail ; prom,

cs fehlt ibm auf bet 8 ruft, hehas a cold in his chest .

m. ,mistake , faul t .

febl s fmlageu (aux. L), fail , miscarry, be unsuccessful .

?y ein abenb, m.,

—e, evening freefrom work .

felet l id), adj., solemn .

feta, adj ., fine

, excel lent , n ice,refined .

?y dnb, m. ,—e, enemy .

fidubeébaufeu, m. , enemytr00p ;horde .

fidubeéftbar, f . , hostile crowd .

feiubfel ig, adj . , hostile;spiteful .fielb, n . ,

—cr, field .

?y d bbieuft, m. , active service .

?y dbflaftbc, f ., soldier ’s flask ,

canteen .

fielbtain, m. ,—e, strip of gras s

between two fields .


?y elbmebel , m., sergeant-major.?y d baug, m.,

e e, campaign .

?VCIB, —en6,—ett, m., rock, cl ifi .

?y d éblnd, m. ,“ e, block of stone.

{y ewgruumm. ,n e, l edge .

?reléfattte, f ., edge , corner of

rock .


b lofi'

, m.,

-fie, giganticrock.

fielfimafle, f ., ledge, mass ofrocks .

fl‘d é'maffib n . ,

—e, bul k ,central

mass, massif, faul t block.

fielfip lattc, f . , shelf of rock.

M éfti'

td,—e, piece of rock .



fe, j . terrace of rock.

?y d étutm, m.,

“ e, towering rock.

?relébmfk g, m.,“ e, rocky

projection .

fielémanb, f . ,“ e, rock wal l .

Smitten window.

?reuftn fl i'

tgel , m., sash, casemen t .

ficuftn gittet , window gra

ting .


{y euftet iiffmmg, f ., open ing of

the window.

gmftn fcbeibe, f ., pane of glass.

fern, adj . , d istant , far, remote .

fm ab'

, adm,far 03 .

?y cme, f . , distance .

adm, afar.

?y et fe, f . , heel .fet tig, adj . , ready, done, fin

ished ; merben, manage,succeed .

fettigeu, prepare .

?Miel , f . , fetter, chain , bond .

feit, adj ., sloid , firm, sound,

steady, close .

feftgel ittct, p . adj . , stuck fast ,glued .


feftsbalten, hold fast , arrest;


fiemgfd t, f firmness , strength,sol idity.

feftsnebmeu, arreSt .

feftsfcblageu, fix by beating , pullon firml y .

fefts ftelleu, establ ish, determine,fix.


{y eftuttg, f ., fortress , strong

hold; auf fommen, be sen

tenced to mil itary prison .



, n ., 4 , prison

ofii ce .


ftuugégounm eur’

, m . , 4 ,

governor, commandant of a

mil itary prison .

fieftuttgébaft, f . , imprisonment

in a fortress.feftmuraeln, take deep root .

fettig, adj ., greasy .

fiettbamvf, m.,

“ e, steam of hot

fat .

803m, m. , shred , rag .

{felmm 55mm.

fentbt, adj . , moist , damp, raw .

feucbten, moisten , dampen, w et .

fiw tbtigfeit, f ., moisture, w et

ness .3a m, fire.

feun farbett, adj ., flame-colored .

?y eucrgefunt, m, conflagrat ion ;shower of sparks .

ficttttft elé, m. ,- e, circle of fire .

feum ot, adj .,red as fire .

?y eucrébruuft, f .,a t , fire, con

flagration .

gma ffiein, m.,

—c, flame, g lare .

?y nwtftiittc, f ., firep lace .

fearig, adj ., fiery .

fit s, F ez , the chief c i ty of



3mm ”, f ., claim, demand .

5301 111 , f .

, form, shape;manner.

ffirml id), adj . , formal , stifi;plain ; ada , real ly, actual ly.

forftbenb, p . adj ., searching ,

scrutin iz ing , inquiring .

fort, ada , ou , forward , along,away; in einem continual ly .

fortsfabmt, continue .


{ wttgaum m., progress, way ,

advance .

fortsgebeu, go forth, advance,continue .

fot tgemcfcu, pp . , absent .fmtstommeu, go out , leave .

forttmacbeu, refl., get away,

hurry ofi .

fortsfcbidctt, send away.

fort=febeu, continue, proceed ona journey.

$mtfebuug, f ., continuation .

forts trageu, carry away.

forts treibeu, continue, pursue .

fortmiib’reub, adv.

, constantly,stil l .

fortsmolleu, intend to go, wantto be 05 .

?ymd, m. ,“ e, dress-coat .

grass, f ., question , inquiry.

frugal , ask , inquire .

mag”, m., questioner.

fragl id), adj ., uncertain , doubt

ful .

fin ale, m. ,-n,

-n, F rank , a

member of a body of G ermanic tribes that appearedin the third century on the

lower Rhine between the

Main and the North Sea.

8 mm “ , F rankfort ; umMain, Frank fort-on-Main , a


large ci ty in Hesse-Nassaunot far from the confluence

of the Main w ith the Rhi ne;an bet Dher, Frank fort-on

Oder, a town in B randen

burg southeast of B erl in .

granh ei tb, n , France .

s mug , f . , fringe .

fit auso'

fe, m.,

—n,-n, F rench

man .

frateufdmeibeub, p . adj . , gri

macing .

3 mmf .,

—en, wife , woman .

gt aucubi l bnié, n .,

—fie, l ik enessof a woman .



, f . , woman .

gtaueugimmet , n ., woman .

firti uleht, n . , young lady, M iss .

freq , adj ., impudent .

?y rubbeit, f ., impudence, fresh

ness.fret, adj .

, free, Open , frank ;clear.

fitdbeit, f ., freedom .

?yn lbm , m.,

—n,—en, baron .

ftei l id), adv., certainly, o f

course ; to be sure .

frei =veitfd)ett, clear by lash in g .

freimi ll ig, adj ., voluntary .

ftemb, adj .

, strange , fore i g n .

frembat tig, adj ., strange , s in

gular .

?y rembeu), m., adj . subs t .

, thestrange man , stranger .

f joy , 813410353 , p l easure .

mentoegeffibl , —e, fee l i ng ofJ oy .

fitmheulaut, m. ,-e, soun d of

J O)“

meuhentaumd , m., tran sp ortof joy .


fitmbcutrl tml , 1 . p l ., tears of

J oy .

ftmbcfttulflcnh, adj ., beamingwith joy .

fteubig, adj ., merry .

fa tten, impera ; es freut mith, Iam glad ;raft , be glad , enjoy.

8t enah, m. ,—e, friend .

ft euubl id), adj . , friendly, kind .

fitwelmut, m. , insolence, wickedness .

firiebe, m.,—tt6, peace.

fiflebbof, m.,fi e, cemetery.

frleblid), adj . , peaceful , q uiet .ft iehlné, adj . , peaceless; unrec

onciled .

frieteu, o, o, impera ;mid;friert,I am cold .

frifd), adj . , fresh , cool , new,

bol d; rosy.

frifie’m t, dress one ’s hair.

Si tift, f . , space of time, respite .

?y tibl , m. , dim. for $113, griebt

fro!» adj ” happy, gladfrnbgcmut, adj ., cheerful , l ighthearted .

grublauue, f . , cheerfulness,good-humor.

ftfibl id), adj ., happy , joyous.

fromm,adj .

, upright , pious;devotional .

fitfimmigfeit, f . , piety, rel igion .

grout, f .; madmt, face front .ft telnb, adj .

, chil l ing .

G rad”, f .,

“ c, fruit ;produce .

mattié, fruit ice-cream .

gmcmftfid, n . ,—e, piece of fruit.

ft iib, adj ., early.

f ., dawn .


tbtt , adm, formerly; earl ier.

fitfiljl ing, m.,-c, sp ring .


M bl iugfl fi, f ., spring squal l ,

gust .


genfl, 04a , early in themorn ing .

b dpoweu, m., morningdraught .

8m“ , m. ,e a, chestnut horse .

fibl bat , adj ., tangible , percept ible .

fitment, feel , touch; rcfl., be

sensible oi , perceive .

ffiblmb, 9. adj . , sensit ive, feelmg .

ffibrm, lead , guide , carry .

W e, f ., fullness, plenty, abun

dance .

fallen, fill .


,—e, foundation ,

basis .?ymfi ftellc, f .

, place where a

mine is found ;quarry .

fiiuf, 1mm , five .

fiiniiiibtig, adj ., five-year old .

fihlfmtbbt ei’

fiig, mum, thirtyfive .

fiiufaebn, 1mm , fifteen .

ffiufaig, ”um , fifty .

mute, m. ,—n,

—n, spark.

fuutelu, flash , sparkle .

funfelnb, p . adj . , sparkl ing .

fiuuteuregeu, m., shower of

sparks .flit , prep . (aca ), for; furB-fflthas, for that .

81min, f . , furrow.

84min, f . , fear.

futd nbat , adj ., fearful , dreadful , awful .

filt tbtm, fear; refl., be afraid

oi .

filtdnet l id), adj . , fearful , territble, horrid.


?yfirfitbfigtelt-i iorfl tfitigteit, f .,

providence .

ffirmitig, adj ., dial ., inquisitive,pert .

Sul fa, m.,e e, foot .

fiufibobeu, m. ,floor.

{rufztapfq f ., footstep .

gutterflfte, f ., grain-bin.

gafieu, stare.

361mm, yawn .

G alerie'

, f . , gal lery.

G algu , m. , gal lows .

G al'


, f ., hangdog look .

G algmhieb, n . , fiber, brute.

G uile, f . , gal l ; anger.

G all icu, G aul or G al l ia, theterritory inhabited by the

G auls, an ancient Cel ticrace; it included what isnow northern Italy, France,Belgium, and parts of Switz erland , G ermany, and Holland . Ca sar ’s wars madeal l G aul Roman territory.

G auin lanb, n . , land of Can] .gall ifa), adj . , G al l ic.

G ang, m.,e a, gait , carriage; er

rand .

gangbar, adj . , salable.

G one, f .,n e, goose .

gang, adj ., whole, entire, quite;


gangl ia), adj ., complete, full ,

total , whole .

gar, adu , very, qu ite , at al l ,even ;adj . , baked through.

G atk w’be, f . , wardrobe .

G atfiitbc, f . , eating—house .

G at tm, m., garden .

G aéattftal t, f . , gas—w orks.

f . ; {frui t —, wi fe

ofmanager of a gas company.

G aé’bitd


totftclle, f . , positionof manager in a gas plant .

G afomc’tet , m. , gasometer.

G afome’tctgebfinhe, n . , a buil d

ing belonging to the gas

work s.G afome



, f con

struction of a gasometer .

G affe, f ., narrow street .G ait, m.,

‘ 0, guest .G aétedmifa , m.

, gas—techn i

eian , gas—engineer.

(Sam, m. ,-n,

—n, husband .

Q uantity , f . , genus, class, race .

G aul , m. ,“ 0, horse .

(Sauna , m. , sharper, cheat .

geballt, p . adj . , cl inched , d ou°

bled up (fist) .G ebfitbe, f . , gesture.

getarm , refl., behave, gest i en .


(S ebfinhc, buil ding , edific e .

gebeu, a, e, give;cc;gibt, ther e i s .

n . ,—e, prayer.

gcbi lhet, 9. adj . , educated .

G cbttgc, m,mountain-ran g e ,

moun tains.(S ebttglet , m. , mountaineer .

G ebirgéelufamteit, f . , lon e l i .

ness of the mountains .(Si ebttgétai , e er, moun t a in .

vall ey.

geblfibt, 9. adj ., swell ed , i nflated .

gcblfimt, adj ., flowered, fig .

ured .

G ci ot, m ,—e, commandme n t .

G ebtaud), m.,e e, use.


gcbfit ig, adj ., right, conven ient,proper.

geborfam,adj . , obed ient.

gebubelt, p . adj ., careless, bungl ing .

Octet , m., vul ture.

G eifi, f ., goat.G eift, m. ,


, spirit .geifteébet iot en, adj ., inane, stu

p id , spiritless, having lostone ’s mind .

gclftig, adj . , mental , spiritual ;Spirituous .

geiftl id), adj . , spiritual , sacred .

geiftreid), adj . , ingenious, clever,smart , witty.

G amma, n ., jingle, cl ink.

Q eftfitbae, n ., croaking .

gel t iiftigt, p . adj . , streng thened , invigorated .

Q el iitbtct , n ., burst of laughter.

gelangeu, intr . (aux. L), arrive,get at , reach; at tain .

fi clafi’

, m,-fie, space, room.


eu, p . adj ., cool , calm,


gelattnt, adj . , disposed , tempared .

gelb, adj . , yel low.

gelbgcfdjfilt, adj . , yel low fromhaving the bark removed .


, adj ., yel lowchecked .

(S elb, n .,—cr, money, coin .


td; n .,—e, piece ofmoney.

gel egen, adj ., situated .

(Bclcgcnlnit, f ., opportunity.

gelenl i , p . adjmdirected, turned ,guided .

gel iugcu, a, u (aux. L), (withdat. often succeed ,p rosper, be successful .

gen, adj ., shril l .gcllcub, 9. adj ., shrill , piercing .

gcl tett, a, o, intn , be worth, beconsidered, hold good , he

meant for, pass for, prevail ;permit, al low; es gait, the

main point was .

geluugeu, p . adj . , successful .(S elim, m,

-e, desire, longing ,mind .

m , room , apartment .

gcmfitbl id), adj ., slow,gentle .

gemcbtteu, remind , p ut in

gemalt, p . adj ., painted , stained(glass).

semel it, adj ., common .

n ., adj . subst.,

something common ;m. , common sol dier, private .

gemeinbiu, adm, commonl y,usually, general ly.

gemeiufam, adj ., common , i a

mil iar;adm, in common .

G emifd), n .,—e, mixture .

G emme, f . , cameo , intagl io.Q eméifiger, m.

, dial . , Chamo ishunter.

(Beututmel , n . , murmuring .

G icmi'

tt, n . ,—er, feel ing , min d ,

heart, disposition.


ttl iq , adj . , pleasant , goodnatured .

gemiltéftaul , adj . , melancho l y,


gen gcgen, prep . towa rd s .


, adj . , close, exact , p ar

t icular.

g eneral'

, m.,A c, general .

gw e’


“ 6! gen ius ,



e, m.,-n,

-n, compan ion.

stung, adm, enough.

gcniigeub, adj ., sufii cient .

G enugtnuug, f . , satisfaction .

G w i}, m. ,“ fie, pleasure, bene

fit .

Q wi'bcu, m. pk , G epidae or

G ep ides, a G ermanic tribe,probably a branch of theG oths, which l ived in the

fourth century east and

north of the middle Danube .

G wnltet , n ., noise, uproar.

gn abe, adv. , straight, directly,just .

ga abemeg’

, ada , freely, frankl y , Openly.


, ada ,straight ou, di

rectl y ; absolutely.

G wau’iumftod, m., ®erauiens

ftiide, geranium stems, stalks.G u fit,

-e, implements , utea, te, a (aux. get, fallinto; with adm, turn out,

prove ; succeed .

get aum,adj .

,ample, long .

get t'

iumig, adj ., roomy, sp a

cious , wide .

get iiufdfloé, adj . , dl t, adj .

, just , fair.

(S etetbtigtcit, f . , justice .

(sh rew, n . , talking .

(Beridm —e, court .

act ing, adj ., smal l , insignifi

cant , sl ight .G eriugerdé), n ., adj . subst.,smal l er, less thing .

germa'uifd), adj . , G ermanic .

ada , Iieber, um Iiebften,gladl y, wil l ingly; baben,be fond oi .

get iitet, 9 . adj ., reddened .

-fie, event, cir

gtt iitteit, 9. adj. , shaken,stirred , roused .

gefamt, adj .,whole, entire.

G etting, m.,“ e, song.

gefiittigt, 9. adj ., satisfied , sa

tiated .

geffinmt, p . adj ., hemmed .

gcfdyabet, adj . , injured .

G efdflift, n .,—c, business, ocen

p ation ;afiair.

Q efdjfiftématm, m., m , business man .

gefcbeben, a, e (aux. happen;£6 gefdfiebt bit recbt, i t servesy ou right .

G efdjelmifl, m,

cumstance .

gefdjeit, adj ., smart, sensible,

prudent .m, adj . subst.,

the most sensible thing .

gcfdmtett, adj ., scoured .

c dpidjtc, f ., history, story,afiair.

G cfdyicl , n . ,—t , fate , lot .

G cfdm'

t ,—e, dishes, utensils.

c d fletbt, fi t , sex; race,


(S cffimad, m. ,“ e, taste .

gcfdjmatfbnll , adj . , tasteful , elegant .

Q efdyiivf, n .,-e, creature .

Q efibiipfd nn, ?L , dim. for Q t:

fdflipf, creature.

G cfdwf}, m,- [fe, missile .

gcfdmeigt , conj ., much less, tosay nothing of.

gcfdmiub, adj . , swift , sudden .

(S efelKe), m. ,-n,

-n, comp an

ion , fel low, journeyman .

gefellen, join; refl., associatewith, unite.


Odell el ialn, m,-c, time of ser

vice as journeyman .

G efellfibaft, f ., company, so

ciety .

gefcllfdyaftl id), adj ., social .G cfel}, m,

—e, law .

G dc BftelIe, f ., passage of thelaw .

gdcbl id), adj ., lawful ; adm, bylaw .

G Cfidyt, n .,—er, face.

G efimmug, f ., feel ing, character.

gdbaunt, p . adj ., tense,strained ; tight-strung .

t miid), n . ,-t , conversat ion .

G cftal t, f ., figure, form.

gcftii tft, p . adj . , refreshed , re

newed , strengthened .

geftattcu, al low.

geftebeu, geftanb, geftanben, con

fess, grant , own .

Q eftein, n .,

—e, stone, rock.

geftetu, adm, yesterday.

gcftiful ie'teu, gesticulate .

geftt t'

iubt, p . adj ., rufii ed , bris

tl ing , rebel l ious.gcftt ig, adj .

, of yesterday, y esterday .

geftfitt, p . adj ., supported ,propped .

geinah, adj ., heal thy, wel l ,sound .

G cfuubbcit, f . , heal th.

G etier, n ., an imal s, beasts .

G etiifc, n . , din , clashing, clatter.(amaze, n . ,

-e, beverage, drink,decoction .

getratteu, refl. , venture , dare .

getreu, adj ., faithful , loyal .getwfieu, p . adj ., hit, smitten,wounded .

G ettofieud r), m. , adj. subst.,wounded man , the one


getfipfelt, adj ., spotted .

geiibt, adj . , practised, ex

pert.gmafinct, p . 0411 , armed .

gcmabreu, gran t ; afiord , ofier,impart ;einen Iafieu, let one

go his own way .

(bewabtfam, m., safe keeping.

6mm“, f ., power, authority,

influence, force .

gemalfig, adj ., powerful ,mighty.

sewal tfam, adj ., violent , forci

ble .

G ewant, n . ,‘ er or -e, robe , gar

ment .

geimmbt, adj ., clever.

gemeubet, adj ., turned .

Q emidyt, n .,

—e, weight .Q emimmel , swarm , crowd,

flock .

gemimteu, a, 0, gain, w in , ac

quire, get .

G emtrt e, n . , confusion .

gemifi, adj . , sure , certain ; ada ,

indeed .

(semifim, n . , consc ience; sc u

p le .

Q cmificubaftigteit, f . , conscien

tiousness , high principle.


fien, adm, to a cer

tain extent .

Q ewittet , (thunder-)storm.

fi tmobubcit, f ., custom, habit .gemiibul id), adj . , usual , com

mon , customary.

gemolmt, adj . , usual , fami l iar.

gemfibnt, p . adj ., used to, ac

customed .


n i hig, adj., gracious;— e gran,madam .

r tbc, 3. wolfgang mmG ermany ’s

greatest poet.G olb, gold .

Qiol bdmt, n ., darl ing, sweetheart .

gol heu, gild .

golheu, adj ., golden;precious .goIbge , adj . , golden-yel low.

golhgt iffig, adj .,with a gold

hil t.golhig, adj .

, golden .


mae, f ., gold coin .

goihrot, adj , gol den-red .

G olbseug, n ., article made ofgold .

Q o'l iatb,m. , G ol i ’ath, the nameof the Phil istine giant slainby David (1 Samuel xvii).

giitmeu, grant , al low.

6 3mm ; m., patron , benefactor.

m. ,A er, G od .

G otteégcifzel , f .,whip, scourge

of G od .

G iottcénamc, m., name of G od .

Q otteémium, m. ; um for

Heaven ’s sake .

Q fitfiu, f . , goddess.g


dttl id), adj .,divine .

Q ottficb, m., man

’s name .

G inttlob'

,interj ., thank G od !

gottloé, adj ., profane , w icked .

Q ottéeib'

, m., G od ’s oath; I


Q ottfudnt , m., G od-seeker.

G rab, “ ct , grave , tomb .

Q tabeu, m. ,4

, ditch, trench.grabcu, u, a, dig .

G rfibm eibcu, pL , rows ofgraves .

cruel ty, out

G rabgefaug, m.,ac, funeral

song , dirge .

(S tabb eua, n ., cross on a

grave .

(5um, m.,-e, degree .

(5raf, m.,

—en,—en, coun t .

(Sriifin, f ., countess .

gt iiml id), adj .,crusty.

(5m , n . ,“ er, grass .

graébemadyfen, adj ., overgrownwith grass .

Q raBbfifd nl , m., tuf t of grass,

tussock .

grfifsl idy, adj ., terrible , ghastly ,

dire .

G raémudjé, m. , growth of grass.gran, adj ., gray.

G ran, adj . subsL ,gra y color.

graubraun, adj . , gray-brown .

gtancubaft, adj . , d ismal, sinis


m. , adj . subst. , the

gray man .

gtattgclb, adj . , grayi sh-yel low.

®taufnvf, m.,‘ e, gray-headed

person .

graué = gtauienbaft, adj .

, awful ,dreadful , horrible .

gtaufam,adj . , cruel , fierce , hor


(Q taufamteit, f .

rage .

graufetig, adj ., horrible .

(S taa, n ., G raz , capital of S tyria.

n ., adj . subst. ,

something tangible .

gt eifett, griff, gegt‘ ifien, sei z e,

grasp .

grciB, adj ., gray-haired;aged .

(stew,m., ol d man .

Q rdfenal tet , n ., old age .

gt ell , adj ., bright, glaring .


g rease, f ., l imi t; pL , bounds.Q t euauadybar, m.,

-n,-n, bor


G l rifi. m-c, grip, grasp.

(S rifibcteid), m. ,—c, reach,

grasping distance , i .e ., arm’s

length.grimmig, adj . , grim, neree .

gt iufeu, grin , smirk .

grub, grflber, grflbft, adj . , coarse,thick, heavy, rude, insol ent .

G rabbeit, f ., abuse .

gw bleiucu, adj . , coarse l inen .

grfibl id), adj . , rather coarse,rough.

G rog, m. , toddy.

groan , growl ;be resentful .G tofdycn, m. , groschen; penny.

grok , grfifier, grfifit, adj . , great,

tal l , large.

gtnfiat tig, adj ., magnificent .

e rase, f ., magnitude , siz e .

gtofieutei lé grfifitmteilé, adm,mostly, for the greater part .

G tfifzcumabu, m .,megalomania.

Q tfificumabufitw , m. , megalomania, ambitious monomania.

G tfifietc, m., adj . subst. , the


G tofiew), n ., adj . subst. , some

thing big .

gt nfifat iet t’

, adj . large-checked .

Gi rofzmuttcr, f .,1

, grandmother.

gtnfzfptcdnriftb, adj . , boastful .groteéf

, adj . , grotesque .

65mi n, f . , grave .

griibelu, meditate , brood , ponder.

G riiu, adj . subst. , greenness .griiubcmooft, adj . , overgrownw ith green moss .


oaar, n . ,—e, hair .

Q uatftrfibue, f ., strand of hair,

wisp .

b abe, f .,property, possessions;

{pub unb (Shut, goods and

chattels .

gtfiubtamt, adj ., green ish-brown .

(3n d ), m.,‘ e, ground; reason ;

bas is; int -c, on the whole.

gtfiubeu, found , establ ish,ground .

gtftnbl id), adj . , thoroughl y.


iufluteuh, adj ., green-flow

i ng .

gtfinl id), adj . , green ish.

(3mmf . , groupG mfi, m.

,‘ e, greeting , bow.

gt i'

lfieu, salute, greet, welcome;grufi


'G od speed , good

day .

galben, adj ., gol den .

gftnftlg, adj . , favorable.

gut gclnb, p . adj . , guttural ,

gurgl ing .

G firtcl , m., girdle , bel t .G fit tcl l mlm, f . , railway around

a town ; bel t-l ine .

G ut, n . ,l et , property, chattels ;

the good .

gut, befiet‘

, heft, adj , good ;adv.,

wel l .Q i


ttc, f . , goodness .(Sfitel , dim , l ittle farm.

gftfig, adj . , kind , friendly .


ttig, adj . , good-natured .

(Sutmiitigfcit, f ., good-nature .

®nt§befitmy m. , land-owner.

pL , farm-hands .m.



balm y batte, gehabt, have.

Oabidytégmfe, f . , hook-nose .

Q adln’ett, -er, dulcimer.

b ade, f ., hoe, pick.

batten, chop , hew .

b aker, m., quarrel .b aba lump, m., 4 or ~cn,


ragamufiin .

outta, m. ,A

, harbor.

bait, f ., arrest, confinement

bafteu, cl ing, stick , be fixed, t e

bagelu, impera , hail .bag“ , adj .,

haggard, gaunt .b ageftoia, m.,

—cu,—en, old


Oabueufebet , f ., cook ’s feather.

bulb, adj ., hal f.halber, prep . (after gem), on

account oi , for, for the sakeof.

outbuart , m. ,-en,

-en, hal fcraz y person .

bal bbetmcbt, adj ., faint.OfiIftc, f . , hal f.fiuue, f ., hall .mum, sound , clang , resound .

Q alé, m. ,‘ e, neck , throat .

b aléfette, f . , necklace .

b alsaminge, f ., ring or col lar

near the head of a cane .

Q al t, m., support, hol d , footing .

bait, adm, prom, just , to be

sure, I think.

bait, interj ., hal t, stop .

bal tcu, te, a, hold , keep;regard ,consider, think;employ, use;mitcinanbcr stand up for

one another.

Q al twuult, m.,

-e, restingplace, stand .

“ l l ,“ no Shep ‘

manner of

oal terlmbc, m.,

herd-boy .

Q altmtg, f ., posture, att itude ;carriage.

Q uinn’fe, m.,

—n,-n, rascal .

bamlmrg, Hamburg, a c ityon the Elbe in northwestG ermany; the largest sea

port on the Continent.bfimifd), adj ., spiteful .Q uaint“ , m.,


, hammer .

bfimmm , hammer, p ound.beat.

Q anb, f .,“e, hand; handwrit

i ng .

Q anbatbcit, f . , fancy-work .

b aubbcmegtmg, f ., mot ion ofthe hand .

Ofinhdmt, l ittle hand .

Q finbebmd, m. ,-e, hand-shake.

baubelu, act, proceed ;ts banht ltfitb um the ques tion is

it is aboutb aubelu, action , procedure.

oau'belsatabemie', f . , commer

cial school .Ouubd éftabt, f .,

‘ e, commercialcity.

oauhluugémeifc, 1 .

doing business .mam a,

-c, craft, trade.

m., mechan ic .

enumerates“ , pk , mechanics,tradespeople .

0mm, m.,i t , S lope, decl ivi

ty .

Q i ngelamtn , f . , hanging—lamp .

bang“ , i, a, intr . , hang , cl ing.

b&uacu, b&ngte, gebangt, tr., sus

pend , hang .

bane, m. , John, Jack; ©5116


beimsfel netl (aux. L), return


beims lommen (aux. L), comehome.

beiml id), adj . , secret, on the

sl y ; steal thy.

beimtfiflifd), adj ., insidious,

treacherous.beimmfitté, adm, homeward .

Otimtoeg, m.,-e, homeward

way , return .

btitaten, ln ,marry; intr., get

married .

Odratéanttag, m. , proposalof marriage.

beifet , adj ., hoarse, raucous.beik, adj ., hot; ardent; fer

vent .beifmt, te, ti, tn , cal l , name, or

der; intn , be cal led, be said ,signify; has beifit, that is;jest beifit té arbeitm, now for

work !Intimate“ , adj ., ardently beloved .

better, adj ., cheerful , joyful .«beitcrfeit, f ., mirth.

Q eiauug, f . , heating .


-cn, hero, champion .

b cl bcutat, f . , heroic deed .

bcl feu, a, 0, help .

bell , adj . , bright , loud, cl ear;in -en fiaufen, in thickcrowds, full force .

fiella , m., farthing; bet tmh‘Bfmnig, to the last cent.

bellman, adj .,l ight gray.

Q elmfim’t, pr . n .

belbe'tifd), adj . , Helvetian,

Swiss . The Helvetii were a

Celtic people who in early


inhabited what is nowSwitz erland . The L atin

name of the country is Helvetia.

m , n.,

—en, shirt .Omthiitmcl , m.

, shirt-sleeve.

m etthwpf, m. ,‘ e, stud .

hemmeu, check, arrest , oh

struct .

(m, adm, here , hither.

l mah', adm,down .

l mab’sbagclu, to hail down .

ba ab'tbfipfeu, jump down .

betab'sfebctt, look down .

bcrab'sfintcu, sink down , fal l .

berau'sbraugeu, press near .

berau'sfalnett, approach.

berau'sbumpeln, hobble , l im p

along .

bctau'smadpfen, u, a, grow u p ,

increase .


, adv., up here, upward s .

betattf's ll l ilden, sparkle up fromgl isten .

berauf'sbriugeu, carry upwa rd ;

rise, travel up .

betauf'sfdyalleu, fdmllte, geféall t

or fcboll , geftfiollen, resou n d,

echo, ring .

bctauf’sfdpleuberu, strol l alon g .

betauf'sftcigeu (aux. L), rise .

betauf'saiebcu, draw near, ap



, adm, out; come ou t !

beraué'sbctommeu, elicit .

herauB”Btiugcu, bring out , d i scover.

betauB'sfabreu, rush out , b u rs t

out, blurt , bol t .ba auB

’sbabcu, work out , t e

cover (money)betaufl

'tbfimmm , hammer o u t .


bctauB’s tnmmeu, get out of,

come out .

betaué’sp laimt (a ux. L), burst

out .

ba auB'

s Id , creep out .beraué

’sftofzett, cry out .

beraué’saableu, p ay back.

bet aué’saiebcu, take out, ex

tract .

bet b, adj . ,sharp, rough , raw .

ba bei’

, adm,here, hither, on ,

near .

bn bei’f-fiibt en, bring ; cause, in



Q etbft, m. ,-e, autumn .

a ftabmb, m. ,-e, autumn

even ing .

Q a bftuwtgcu, m. , autumn

morn ing .

Q a b, m.,

—e, hearth .

a c, f . ,herd , flock , drove.

Q a bfeuet , n ., open fire .



,in here, here; —i

come in !

bet tiu’sgct ateu, stumble in , get

caught .

bereiu’s iaufeu, flow in , drift ih ,

c irculate , be current .

bet tin’svlalmt, break in with a

crash .

hereiu’s ttcteu, walk in .


gcfabt eu,Mmdi ck , comeou t .

hu sbal teu, hold here, reachforth.

bersfommeu, come here .

ba s laufen, run beside , run along .

ada , afterwards, then .

bm adi’en, adv. , prom,

afterwards, then .

ba uie’bct a berab, ada ,

down .

0m ,m.,

—n,—en, Mr. , mas

ter, lord , proprietor, em

ployer, gentleman .

bn aeidmt, hand over, passalong .

«bm gott, m., G od , the L ord .

bm l id), adj .,magnificent , splendid .

bet tfdjeu, rule , prevail .bm fdjcttb, adj . , prevalent .

bet sri'

tbreu, resul t, arise, date.

bet sfd nciben, refl. , to date froma certain time .

ba sfttfimeu (aux. L), streamou .

bersh'ageu, bring hither.

bet i'

t’bet sbltdeu, look over.


bet =briugeu (aux. L), penetrate (from a distance , hither); cin Bacbeu brang 3a ibm

berfibcr, a laugh came to hisears .

bm m'

, adm, around , about .bcrum

’sht iiden, refl. , sneak

around .

hm m’sfabreu, whisk about ,

dash around,

bm m’s lommcu, come round,

see the world , get abroad .

bm m’s l icgcu, l ie around .

bm m’luugcmb, adj .


ing , lounging , idl ing .

bm m’stebeu, refl.

, to be talkedabout , talked over.

11m m’=ftfibetu, rummage about .

bm m’s tteiben, refl. , rove , gad

about .Om m

trcibet , m. , vagabond .

bm n’tet , ada ,

down (fromabove) .

ba uu’ter=gebeu, go down .

betuu’tet s langcu, reach down ,

take down .


bm u'

ters teifzcu, tear down , pul lofi, destroy.


tet sfiugen, sing through.

ba bot'sbnleu, fetch , bring out .

bet bor's laugen, hand out .

betbot’s tufett, p rovok emroduce,

bring about .

ba bm'sfmubelu, burst out ,

splutter .

bet bot'saielmt, draw forth;come


b eta, n . , fi ns,-ett, heart .

haa'anefl iebft

, adj ., best-beloved .

Q atablut, n . , heart ’s blood .

b etabamc, f . , queen of hearts .

b eneath, m ,-e, agony of sor

row .

On staBaugfi, f ., angu ish ofmind .

b etwegmb, f ., cardiac region .

Imabaft, adj . , vigorous, resolute, hearty.

ba saicbeu, draw near, movethis way .

betaig, adj ., dear, sweet, be

loved ; hearty.

b etaflopfeu, heart-beating .

betal id), adv. , very, extremely;heartily.

betal iebft, adj ., dearest , beloved .

Q aaog, m. ,“ c, duke .

betaftiiblenb, adj . , invigorating .

Imam,howl , yel l , roar, moan ,


bmt-beutc, ada , to-day ;nadyt, to-night .beufig, adj , of this day ;nowadays;present .

bcutautag, adia, nowadays .m m at, m. ,

“ e, supply ofhay .

l o). fall

Q q a ei’

, f . , witchcraft .

hie, adm, here .

Q ieb, m. ,-c, blow, lash.

bin , adm, here .


, adu , hereupon , withthis, then .


, adm, for this.hierher, adm, this way , here .

bierilbet , adm, about thi s; hereupon .

biennium , adm, in this country .

biefig, adj . , of this place, native.

«blue, f .,-©fllfc, help, support,

rel lfefudnnb, adj .

, seeking aid .

b imbcm , f ., raspberry .

Q inwei , m. , heaven .

bimmelbm gnttéfafctmcutifib,adj ., blankety-blank .

Oimmelbatet , m., HeavenlyF ather.

bimml ifd), adj . , divine, heavenl y .

Oimml ifd n G fittet , interj . , y e

gods !(yin, adm, thither, to, al ong;nub bet , to and fro

, here and

there , over and over ; gone;merbcn, dial . , go craz y .


, ada , down there , downwards .

biuab’st eiten, ride down .

blushG h ent, sit , be (in an y posit ion); sl ip down .

biuab’s fteigeu, descend , c l imb

down .

biuab'sftfitaen (aux.

down , plunge .


, adm, up .

biuau'sflcttmt, cl imb up .

blunt! G ttetm, approach.


biuau'sfiigeu, add .

biusu's ttcteu, walk up to.

Q itt, m. ,—cu,

—eu, shepherd .

b it tminuge, m.,—n,

—n, shepherd-boy.

b it tcufuabc, m.,—n,

—n, shepherd-boy.

b itteufufiblein, n .,l ittle shep


b ite, f ., heat ; anger.

fwd), adj . (bOber, bube, bow),comp . bfiber, bfldfit, high, tal l ,deep , great .

Q odyadmmg, f .,respect .

bodjadytmtgéboll , adj . , respectful .


sefdwfieu. adj q long,lanky .


fdy lageub,‘

adj . , shooting high , leaping , blaz ing .

bodjbet i'

tbmt, adj . , very famous.bodjbb ub, adj .

, very l ight .

Ontbmut, m., pride, haughtiness .

bodymfifig, adj .,proud , haughty.

Q odjfdjritt, m. ,—e, high-step .

Q odjtmdb, m. , timber-forest .


gebmcu, adj ., Honor

able S ir, conventional ad

dress for business letters,


bodmeit, f . ,wedding .

Q odjaeitéteifc, f . ,wedd ing jour

ney .

03d“ , m. , hump , hunchback .

bnf, m. ,‘ e, yard , court-yard;

farm .

bofieu, hope .

bofientl ld), adm,I hope; as is

to be hoped .

finfitmng, f ., hOp e , expecta


oofiuuugfifttabi , m. ,—6,

-cn, rayof hope .

bfifl id), adj ., courteous, pol it e .

b ine, f ., height; in hit fabt en,

start up abruptly , ascen d ;in hie fpringen, jump up .

bobl , adj . , hol low.

b lem’aum, m.

,i t , cave .

Q ableufiQet , m. , cave-dwel le r .

Q abluttg, f ., cavity .

habitat, scofi , jeer, deride .

biibneub, adj ., scofi ng , moc k

ing, deriding.

bfibuifd), adj . , scornful , sn ee ri ng .

Ofifet itt, f . ,market-woman .

Q fifnmd b, n . ,—cr, mark e t

woman .

balm,fetch, go for, get .

Ofillbadcn, m. , name of rap i d sin the Rhein near Rhein fe l

den .


bet , m. , elder; lilac .

m.,woodsrnan .

basa l t, adj . , wooden; clum s'

y ,

bolaffillet , m. , wood-cu tter .

Q olabauet , m. , wood-cu t te r .

—e, wood -cu t t e r .

bolalfifiel , m. , wooden spoo n .

bolafdj lag,m.

a e, lumber cam p ,

cl earing .

Oolafdmitt, m. ,-e, wood cu t .

Q omet’

, oomc’mé, Homer .

oopfenftauge, f . , hop-pole .

(wtd nu, l isten , heed .

batm, hear.

om begleitung, f . , com e t a c

comp animent .

Oombt i lle, f . ,pair of horn S p e c

taeles .

00mm, m.,-c.bugle cal l .


hort i'bel , adj . , excessive, horri

bl e .

Q uint, pi . f ., trousers .

Q iiéleiu, n ., pair of trousers.

bfibfd), adj . , pretty, charming .

Q fifte, f . , hip .

fifigctfctte, f ., chain of hil ls.

oftgetlaub, n . ,s et , hil l-coun

try .

Q uint, n .,

‘ er, hen .

b ulbigmtg, f ., homage , atten

tion .

M lle, Aframe .

bum, wrap , cover, veil .Q uml mg, m. (Eng ), humbug .

Q umot'

, m. , humor.

Q umorcfi'tc, f .,

sketch .

bumvelu (aux. b. or L), hobble.

finch, m.,-e, dog .

haubert, mum, hundred .

Q uakertgul’

bcuaettet, m. , hun

dred-fiorin note .

baubn tmal , adm, hundredt imes .

Q uubfifott,rascal .

Q uuget , m. , hunger, appetite .

bangers , impers . ccbungertmid),I am hungry.

buuat is, M11 , hungryQ uin n, m.,

-n,—n, Hun. The

Huns were an Asiatic race

which in the fourth and fifth

centuries invaded G ermanicand Roman territory.

om m eitet ,m. , Hunnic horseman .

Onmmfdpmeif, m.,-c, train of

Huns .buuntfdp, adj.

, Hunnic .

covering ,


e ct‘

, coward,



biivfcu (aux. or L), hop ,dance.

Q fitbe, f ., fold , p en .

b urn , n . , hurrah !but tig, adj .

, brisk, q uick, l ively,agile.

bnfdmt (aux. pass rapidlythrough, sl ip away.

Q ufl'

a-maf, m.,—e, cry of hurrah !

Q ilftdu, n ., sl ight cough.

batten, cough.

0m, m.,

‘ e, hat .

Q iitel , n ., di ck , l ittle hat .

bfiteu, watch, guard , look after.

«biitte, f . , hut, cottage.


3, interj . , why, to be sure, justlook .

S heal’

, n .,-e, ideal .


, adj . , ideal , imaginary.

S hee’

, f . ,idea, thought .

immer, ada , always, ever.

immet fot t'

, ada , always, con

stantl y , for ever.


, ada , always; forward ! go on !

v eta’tnt ,m.,

—6 ,—en, emperor.

Smft, n ., Imst, a Tyrolese town

in the Inntal , 34 miles westof Innsbruck .

in, prep . (ace. and dot ), in, into.inbcm'

, adm, meanwhile; conj . ,

while , as .


, tubefTea, ada , in the

meantime, while .

iubircft, adj . , indirect .S uhibl

’btmm, 9L ,

—bucn, person .

iuciuau’bet , ada , in one another.

S ugt imm, m. , sul len anger.

ingrimmig, adj ., angry, furious.


S aba“ ,m. ,

—c, content , mean

ing , substance; contents .S ufog

’uito (Ital i an) , n . , d is

guise .

S utulpat'

(L at ), m. ,-cn, m i ,

cul prit .inmit'ten, adm, in the midst , inthe middle oi ; prep . (gem),amidst .

iuucsbaben, keep, hold , occupy.immi , adv. , within ; natbtowards the in terior .

S auere(3), n ., adj . subst. , in

terior; heart , soul .inuerbalb, adm, inside, within ;prep . (gem), inside oi .

iunig, adj . , heartfel t, deep, ardent ; ada , ful ly.

S uuébmd, Innsbruck, capital of the Austrian provinceof Tyrol .

S untal , n ., the val ley of the

Inn , a river in northernTyrol .

inquit ic't cn, inquire .

S ufeft’

, n .,—cn, insect .

S ufvct’torftelle, f . , position of


S uitaua’

, f ., instance ; resort .


, adj . , instinctive .

S nffitut’

, n .,

—e , establ ishment .


teu, d irect , inform .



, adj ., interesting .

intet cffic't cn, interest , concern .


, adj . , intimate .

tm enbig, adm, inside; Imam,

know thoroughl y .

S umobucr, m., inhabitant .


fd nu, adv., meanwhile .

it genb, adv., some , something,

whatever, some way ; tts

M C, anythi ng .


la, adm, y es, indeed, y ou know,


S ade, jacket .

S aab, f . , hunt .

S agbacug, n . , hunting-traps .iageu, chase, hunt , pursue;drive quickly.

ji b, adj . , hasty, rash, sudden,abrupt .

ifibl iugé, ada , suddenly .

S aint, n .,—e, year.

traumatic, adm, somehow; inany way .

it geuhmo, adm, somewhere .

trgmhmobiu, 04m, anywhere,somewhere .

S tunte'

, f . , irony.

ito'ltifd), adj .

, iron ical .in c, adj . ,

astray, mistaken , nu

steady, roving .

in n , wander, stray; err.

irrig, adj . , mi staken .

h t l ibtem, skip about , dance .

S trives, m. ,-e, error ; wrong

road .

S id , f . ,Isel , a river of eastern

Tyrol whi ch flows in to theB rave at L ienz .

S ik h , n ., Istein ,a vil lage on

the Rhine about ten milesbelow Basel ;RlobmmS ‘fteinor S ‘ftelner 9 1015, a l imes tonecl ifi overhanging the waternear the vill age .

S ta'i icu, n . , Italy.

itai ie'utfd), adj . , Ital ian ; S ta:

Iicnifd)(e), n ., the Ital ian language , country .

ita'l ifd), adj .

, Ital ic .



Rabet’teuftbule, f . , cadet-school .

Rafice, m. , cofiee .

Raficebaufi, n .,“ er, cofiee

house ; café.

Raficebausgefibidatc, f . , cofiee

house story.



, n . ,—e, cofiee

-house ,cafe.


fecmaftbi'ue, f . , spirit-lamp

and p ot for making cofiee .

Raficefat, m., cofiee-grounds .


el , f ., cofiee-bowl ,basin .

Rabi , adj . , bald , barren , bleak,bare .

Q uint, m. ,e c, boat , sk ifi, punt .

faifet l id), adj . , imperial .Rattgcmfifiet , n . , l ime-water.

Ralfmaub, re, l ime-cl ifi .

tau, rultcr, fultcit, adj . , cold ,cool .

Ri fle, f . , cold , chil l iness .Rumerab’

, m.,—cn,

—cn, comrade .

Rama ah’

fdaaft, f ., fel lowship .

S ummer, f ., chamber, room .

tiiuuuen, comb ; refl. , combone ’s hair.

Ramma feufter, n . , window ofchamber.

Q antuterbm , m.,-n,

—en, chamberlain .

Rampf, m. ,“ c, battl e , fight,

con test .

ffimpfeu, fight , struggle .

lanwflofi, adj ., without a strug

gle .


, m. ,“e, canal .

Rattan“ , n ., sofa .


t icubngcl , m., canary

bird .

wheelbarrow ,

er, single card

S aubihat’

, m.,-en,

-ctt, candi

date .

Rauin’dmt, n . , rabbit .

Rfinnd nn, n . , smal l mug or can .

flaunt , f . , pitcher, jug .

Ruan'ne, f . , cannon .


utuftitft l , m., hip—boot .

acute, f ., corner.


, m. ,-e, can ton .


, f . , capac ity.

Ranel’le, f . , chapel .


, n .,

—e, head of a

column .

Rappe, f . , cap , helmet .

Raveuftbirm, m. ,—e, peak of a

cap .


ae, f ., cowl , hood .

ffit gl itb, adj . , scanty , meager.

m. , adj . subst. , the

one in checks.ffimtucfifd), adj .

, Carin thian .

Rarnbamc, f . , queen of dia

monds .Run e, f . , wheelbarrow ,

-Rat t


Run es , m. ,

truck .

Ran euitbicbet , m. , pusher of awheelbarrow.

Ran ic'rc, f .

, career.

Rartc, f ., card .

Q arteuauffd flageu, n ., turning

up cards.Rartenblatt, n .


(oi a deck) .

Rartculcgcu, n .,laying the

cards to tel l fortunes .Rarteuftblageu, n . , tel l ing for

tunes by cards .S aran , m. , prison , detention.

Rafe, m., cheese .

R&Bdmt, n .,l ittl e cheese .


m , fixo, puny, tal l asa cheese .

Raitt'ue, f ., barracks.

Rafi'tw, n .

,—8, club-house.

Rafi'twfaal , m.

, hal l of the casino.

Rafi'twtifd), m.,

-t , table in the

casino .

9 am, f . , cash-box;manage the money.

Raita’nte, f . , chestnut.

Rfifttbeu, n . , l ittle box.

Raft“ , m., chest, box, trunk.

tatalau'uiid), adj . , Catalaunian .


pbe, f . , disaster.

Rattnn’mautel , m.,


, cottoncloak .

9 31mm, n . , kitten .

Rate, f ., cat .

fauna, crouch, cower.

taufcn, buy .

taunt, adv., scarcely, hardly.


gefcb, n .,—e, security

l aw .

l ed, adj ., bold , daring .

Redbeit, f ., bol dness.

l ed l id), adm, boldly, pluckily.

Reblc, f . , throat .

tel net! (aux. turn , return;

in fid) gelehrt, lost in thought.febrctt, wheel , turn about .

Rebt t-Rebt t madmt, mi l itaryorder, about face.

fd fett, scold , squabble.

Rai l , m.,

—c, wedge .

rein, feine, rein, adj . prom, no,

none;— er hon belbtn, neitherone .

l ciutémegé, adm,in no way ,

not in the least .

Reid), m.,

—c, cup , chal ice .

Relief , m., cel lar .

Stella“ , m., waiter.

tu nes , ranutc, getamtt, know,understand .

l eantl id), adj ., distingui shable ,cl ear; fitb madmt, makeoneself k nown.

RenutuiB, f .,-fie, knowledge,

information , notice .

Ret iculu m“ , m., jailer.

Ret l , m.,—e, fellow, chap ,


m cbageu, thorough comfort .

fungcfuub, adj ., sound, heal thy(to the core).

S wat , f . , candl e .

Retalciu, smal l candle .

Refiel , m. , kettle, basin , exca

vation , hole.

Refit , f . , chain , bond .

Retteubtmb, m.,-e, watch-dog .

l etetbaft, adj ., heretical , heathen ish .

feudmt, pant, gasp, p ufi .


ub, adj ., giggl ing .

Q iclmatmficgg, m., surname .

M e, f . , wicker-basket .

Rimmuug, f ., horiz on ;border.

Rial), n . ,—cr, child .

Q iubcrange,-n, ey e of a

child .

Rinbttmfiuldym, n . , dim ,mouthof a child .

Riubttfpicl , n .,—e, child ’s play,


Q iubeél icbc, f .,hl ial love .

Riubbclt, f . , childhood , infancy.

Rina, n . ,—c, chin .

Q irdie, f ., church.Rit tlml tremmt, f . 9L , churchsteps .

Q it tbbnf, m.,

“ c, churchyard .

304 vocw vm v

Rirtbbnftnt , n . ,—e, churchyard

gate .

Rit tbtag, m.,-e, festival-day .

Q irtbtm'm, m. ,

“ c, church tower,belfry .

firitbtnt, adj . , cherry-red .

flafiel l , yawn , gape; spl it .l lagcu, complain ,

mourn .

f(figl id), adj . , mournful , sad ,miserable .

flammmt, clasp; refl. , cl ing to,fasten .

Rlaug, m.,‘ e, sound , ring, res

onance .

flawmt, rattle, chatter.

flat , adj . , clear .

flaififd), adj . , classic .

flatfdicn, splash, beat; clap .

Rlatftbet ei'

, f . , gossip , slander.Q Iaufe, f .

, cel l ; ravine .

Rlanfenfcuftcr, n . , cel l window.

Rlaufeumamt, m. , pl . maufens

Icutc, herm it , recluse .

Rlaufinet , m., herm it .

RIauBnerbfiuBIeiu, n ., hermit ’


cell .

l ichen, fix, paste , stick.

flcbrig, adj ., sticky.

R[eib, n . ,-et


,dress, garment .

Rleibdmt, n . , l ittle dress.fleibett, rcfl.

, dress .Rleibet fifte, f . , clothes-chest .Rld bet ftofi, m.

,—e, dress-goods .

mam a, f . , attire .

Rleibuugéftiid, n . ,—e, article of

clothing .

flein, adj ., smal l ; Don auf,

from chil dhood .

Ricinea), m., adj . subst. , the

l itt le boy.

Rleiuigl tit, f . , trifle .

l leinlaut, adj . , dejected , humble .

Rldnl ebelt, n ., l ife of the l owly.

fleiul id), adj ., petty.

Rlemme, f . , d ilemma, p inch,bad fix.

fletk m(aux. f. and cl imb,creep, clamber.

Rfiugel , f ., bel l .

fl iugcu, a, i t, sound , ring, chime.

flunk , f .,latch .

Q l ippftbulc, f ., elementary

school .fl irtett, clash , clang , jangle .

flovfcu, knock, beat; slap , c lap.

S lot, m.,

‘ c, block , cl ifi; blockhead; Riot Don S ittin, see

flag, Huger, flflgft, adj . , c lever,intel l igent , wise , cunn ing .

Rnabcuftimme, f . , boy ’s voice .

Rufibldu, n ., boy.

Q uail , m.,

—t , crash, bang; t eport .



, m., sensat ion ,

stage-efiect .hump, adj . , close, straight , narrow , tight .

luan cu, creak , grate .

mum ,ratt le , crack .

Rum», f . , tavern; students ’


fatten, knead , tread , mold,trample .

mm , crush, spl it .Rule, -e, knee .

luieett, kneel .Ruicbnfc, f . , knee breeches .

Stair”, m.,

—e, wee bit of a boy .

futrfdjcu, crack, grate, crunch,grind .

luiftm , crackl e .

Rufibcl , m. , dumpl ing .

Rnovf, m.,

“ c, button .


Rotter, m. , prison (prom) .h admt, crash, crackl e, bang


Rmdmt, n ., crashing .

frfidmen, croak , caw .

Rtaft, f . ,‘ e, force , strength,

energy, power.

frfiffig, adj . , strong , powerful ,substantial .

h aftbnll , adj ., vigorous, strong.

9 11 mm, m. , col lar.

h i beu, crow.

frallm, clutch; rcfl. , cl ing to.

8 mm, m. ,‘ c, shop; smal l

wares; es pafit mlr nltbt in beuit does not suit me .

mama , m., shopkeeper.

mamlabcu, m. , shop .

h ampfenb, adj . , contracting ,cramping .

frauwfbaft, adj . , convulsive .

h aul , banter, h fintit, adj ., ill ,

sick , ail ing .

h finfcl l , hurt ; refl. , grieve .

Rtaufbeit, f .,sickness, disease .

friiufl id), adj ., sickly.

mash ing, f ., injury .

mans, m.,

‘ c, wreath, garland .

b almy scratch .

h aunt, scratch gently.

frfiuicln, refl., curl , ripple , wave.

Rramat’te, f . , cravat .

t bit’

ftite, f . , credit page.

Rteié, m.,-e, circle.

h eifdmt, scream .

h eifcn, move in a. circle, soar.

freiBtuub, adj ., circular.

Q rdéftabt, f .,

“ c, principal townin a d istrict .

h epie’mt (aux. die

smug, n . ,-e, cross;

madmt, cancel .

“ Ct ,

seat of


mettasaé, n . , ace of clubs.Rtmaed, n . , Kreuz eck, a mountain in northwestern Tyrol .

Irengen, ir . , cross; refl. , in tersect .

armameg, m. ,—e, cross-road .

lried nn, o, o, creep.

M etha d'

, f ., cringing ; toady


Rfieg, m.,

—e, war.

Mtgeu, get , receive; fie mac,they ’

l l catch it .

Rt icgerftbmarut, m.,re , swarm,

host of warriors .Rriegéfufz, m. , war

-footing , incommission .

N egfigdaug, m. ,e c, war song .

N cgfiluedjt, m.,

—e, mercenary.

M egBIagcr, n. , mil itary camp .

Megélfirmcnb, adj ., noisy with

the tumul t of war.

M egéfdaaup las, m.,


N egébnfl, n .,

tr00ps .Rt ifiB, f . , crisis.triftall


bell , adj . , clear as crystal .

Rrfidc, f ., crutch.

Rt iidftod, m.,“ c, crutch-cane,

stafi .

S tag, m.,‘ c, mug, pitcher.

humm, adj . , bent , crooked .

h ummbeiuig, adj ., bow -legged .

Rt iiml el , m. , cripple .

Rrufte, f ., crust .

M d”, f . , kitchen .



, f . , kitchen-door.

Raga, f ., sphere , bal l , bull et .

fugelt’uub, adj .

, round .

Rugelftute, f ., carbine , gun .

Rfigleln, n ., l ittle bal l .


Rub, f .,A c, cow .

ffibl , adj . , cool .ffibul itb, adm, boldly.

Sh immer, m. , sorrow, grief.ffimmm , tr . , concern ,

regard;refl. , care for, mind .

Sambe, f .,information ,

news .funhig, adj .

,skilful , famil iar


fiiltbigeu, give not ice.

Rnnbftbaft, f .,custom, patron

age .

fftuftig, adj . , future .

Runft, f . ,1 1 , art ; trade; trick .

Rfiuftlcr, m. ,art ist .

l i'

tuftlerifd), adj .,artistic .

l i'

tttftl id), adj . , ingenious, artful ,artificial .

h mftIoB, adj .,artless, natural .

h mtefl mnt, adj .,

confused ,topsyturvy.

fluvfcrbratm, n . , copper-colored .

fupfen nt, adj . , coppery-red .

Rutémcrt, m. ,—e, value on ex

change ; rating .

lura, tttraet , wrgeit, adj ., short,

brief; abrupt ; adv.,in short.

furafitbfig, adj .,near-sighted .

Stiitae, f . ,brevity; in alter

as qu ickly as possible .



, for short .

Rafi, m. ,“ fie, kiss .

Rumba , m. ,driver.


S ane, f . , refreshing drink , restorative .

fiaboratn’rium, n .

,— toricn, lab

oratory .

2nd ”, f ., pool , bog, puddle.

I&tbcln, smile.

fiatlml , n ., laughing , laugh ,


I&i itb, adj . , ridiculous.fiche, f .

, coflin ; drawer.

Sabra, m.,4

, shop .

subung, f ., summons .

Sage, f . , situation ,position,

condition .

finger, n ., bed , couch .

Iagerbaft, adj ., durable; — et

©tcin, with two flat sides,for sleepers or ties .

Iagm , lodge , rest ; camp; deposit ; store , pile up .

Iabm, adj .,lame .

Sai l), m. ,—c, loaf .

Saab, n . , m , land , country.


, ada , down-stream .

Iaubbiirtig Ianbgeburtig, adj . ,

native .

fiaubeinmobner, m., inhabitant .

Sanbcéfeinb, m. ,—e, enemy of

the country.

Saubbaué, country-house.

fianbmaun, m., Bow cutt , farmer.

fianbt‘ itbtcr, m., country judge .

fianbfttafie, f ., coun try road .

fiaubfturm,m .

,mil itia .

fiaubbol f, n ., col l . , country

people , peasantry .

Iaubmirtftbaf flid), adj ., agricul

tural .

Iaug, (linger, Ifingft, adj ., long ,

tal l .

Iang(e), Idnger, umI&ngftcn, ada ,

long , a long while , long since .



en, adj ., tal l ,

sl im , lanky .

flange, f .,length;ber full



Saugemtl e-fiaugmei lc, f . , te

dium, weariness, boredom.

Iangfaut, adj . , slow.

Iiingft, adm, long since;ere thi s.flange, f ., spear.

Samm y m. , rag, patch.

Sardimbaum, m.,“ c, larch.

sat in, m.,

noise, confusion,tumul t.

lam ent, p . adj . , shouting .

flatbe, f ., mask, face .


cn, IieB, gelafien, ir . , let , al

low ; grant, have somethingdone .

I&ffig, adj ., careless, idl e.

Saft, f .,load , burden .

fiaftct , n .,wickedness, evil , vice .

I&ftefl itb, adj ., impious.

Safttt iigcr, m., porter; dockhand .

Iatd’nifd), adj .

, L atin .

fiatn’mtwutn ,m.


Iaum , lurk , l ie in wait .

fianf, m.,“ c, course, run; speed;

gun-barrel .

Iaufcu, te, an (aux. L), run .

fianfeulmtg, n .,L aufenburg , a

Swiss town on the Rhinemidway between Schafihausen and Basel .

Saufieucr, n . , wil d-fire .

2011119 12, temper, mood ;whim,

caprice .

Iaufdmt, l isten to.

fiaufdnt , m., l istener, eaves


2am,m .

,—e, sound .

taut, adj .,loud

,noisy, distinct.

Iliuteu, ring , peal , tol l , sound .

Iautloé, adj ., mute, silent,

hushed .

Scbm,m,l ife.

Ieben, intr.,l ive; mobl, fare

wel l .Iebcn

'big, adj . , l iving , al ive.

m., adj . subst. ,the l iving person .

Scbeuébaum, m. ,“ c, arbor vitae.

Sebcuébi l b, n . ,—er, portrait .

e m fiiuftlcr, m. ,art ist of l ife,

one who makes an art of

l iving .

[ebmélfingl itf], adj .,l ifelong .

Iebeufpenbcub, adj ., g iving l ife,

reviving .

SebeuBftuubc, f ., hour of l ife .

c baft, adj .,l ively, an imated.

fitbtag, m. ,—e, in al l one ’

s l ife;l ife-time.

Ieden, l ick .

fiebet giit tcl , m. , leather bel t.seba bniett, f . pL , leatherbreeches .

Schamamfi, n . and m. ,‘ cr,

leather doublet .

labia, adj ., free, single , nu

married .

Icet , adj ., empty, vacan t , blank.

seen , n .,empty space


Ieeren, empty.

Iegeu, p ut , place, lay , spreadout; rcfl. , abate , subside,calm down; lid) auf oppress .


, f . , legion .

fielmc, f . , slope , decl ivity.

Ithaca, lean , rest .sam, f . , instruction ; in bitgcben, to apprentice .

c tcn, teach, instruct.Sebt et , m. , teacher.

Sebt l iugéaeit, f ., apprentice


Sti lt, m.,-a

,body , wai st.


S icbftew), adj . subst., whatone holds dearest .

fiich, n .,

—t t'

, song .

fiicbet lmd), n . ,“ er, song book .

l iebet l id), adj . , slovenly, disorderl y .

Iiefcrtt, supply, provide , p roduce .

Iicgcu, a, c, l ie , be situated ; cslagan ibncn, i t was their faul t.

sienacrfei te, f .,side of town

towards L ien z .

(inf, adj . ,left .

Bil l i e, f .,left hand .

IiufB, adv.,on the left .


, adm, left about .ewve, f l ip

gift, f .,cunn ing ; trick; craft .

Ioblmbclub, adj .,

flattering,fawning .

labial), adj ., praiseworthy.

n .,A ct , hole , jail .

Iodcu, al lure, en tice, tempt;decoy .

iodenb, 9 . adj ., inviting, al lur

ing .

Sndcubaar, —e, curly hair.

Inder, adj .,loose , slack .

Iodcrn lodcr macbcn, loosen, t elax.

Soderang, f .,loosen ing .

Iobera, blaz e .

Sngc, f ., theater-box.

Sogcnitbl iefier, m., box-keeper,

usher .

Sofie, f .,flame

, glow.


be, f ., engine, locomo

t ive .

M bccrl raus, m.,


208, n . ,—e, lot; fate, destiny;

pri z e .

“ c, laurel


(08, adj . , loose, untied , free.

IoBsbredmt, break loose, burstforth.

Ioésbt ittgcn, get away, set free .

[fifdmy o, o, extinguish.

fi fen, loosen , solve; refl . ,

resolve itsel f; di sengage ;emerge .

IoBs fabreu, rush at .

IoBgefdwficn, 1m,set 03

, dis

charged .

Ioésmadim, d isengage ,05 , break away.

Ioésmatm,burst out, blurt .

Sfififmmafinu, f ., formation of

loam deposit; loess .Sofleufeuct , pilot ’s fire .

Sotter, m. , vagabond .


, f ., lottery .


fi, name of Roman vil la.

fluff; f .,

“ c, air; p l . pack , in bat


Suftbaud), m.,—e, gentl e breez e,

breath of air.

2tlg, m.,-8ugc; unb Img, l ie

and fraud , snare and delu

sion .

Iiigel l , tel l a l ie.

fifignet , m.,l iar.

8mm), m.,—cn, fl u, wretch, ras

cal .

Snmveul et l , m. ,—e, wretch, ras

cal , blackguard .

Sumpmfammlet , m., rag

-pick er.

Sumpenaeug, n ., trash .

2111198, f ., lung .

Iiipfeu, l ift .Suit, f .

, pleasure , desire , joy .


tftm , adj ., longing , desirous»,

coveting .

lama, 0411 ,

jovial .


happy. merry,


madmt, make, do.

miidptig, adj ., strong, mighty,

powerful ; large .

”labtben, n . , girl .imam, n .

,l ittle girl .

Mahnn’ua (Ital ian ) , f .

, Smabons

next, Madonna.

flRagb, f .,

“ c, girl , servant ,maid .

mfigbd ammn , f .,servant-girls ’

room .

Mageu, m., stomach; Iiegt mitt

im fig.,I hate the very

sight or thought ofwager, adj . ,

lean ,meager .



,—e, magnet .

mfibl id) afimfiblid), adv., gradu

al ly, by slow degrees, by andby .

”tabla “, f ., meal , repast .

mabucu, remind,exhort , ad

mon ish.

mabacab, adj ., remindful ,

pressing , urgen t .

math, f . ,—c, maiden (poetic

form) .maiuatbt, f .

,4 c, May n ight .

Main , Main z or Mayence ,a city on the west bank ofthe Rhi ne Opposite the in

flux of the Main .


, f ., majesty.

fl ain'

l ilafabri l’

, f ., Majol ica


Waio'l ifasent te, f .

,kind , qual

i ty , typ e of Majol ica.


—e, major.

mat, n . ,—c, time , instance;

brittemal , third time .

mal iaifié'

, adj ., mal icious.

malftfitte, f ., court, meeting

place .

mammut, n .,mammoth.

man, prom, one , they, people.

mand), pf on . adj ., many, many


mantbmal , ada , sometimes ,often , frequen tly.

mama, m.,


,lack, scarc ity.

mangelu, intr . impers . , lacks, iswanting, fails;c8mangelt ibm(m nidfifi, he lacks nothing .


, f .,way , fashion .

mam , m.,

‘ cr, man, husband .

mauubar, adj .,marriageable ,

fit to marry .

mi nn -Wlfinmbm, n . , dear hus

band ; ?munnlein, dim , man .

mfiunn baupt, n .,‘ tt , head of a

man .



, male

quartet .

mauuleut EIRam cute, p l .

men-folks .mii ttul id), adj .


SRanuébiIb, n .,-cr, man .


bet , n . , manmuvre, trick.

mantel , m.,e

, cloak .

mautcl iad, m.,A c, val ise, sad

dl e-bag .

”latent, f .,woman

’s name .

forfl at “,Mamie .

marl , n .,marrow, pith , quick.

mat“ , m. ,A c, market, market

place .

murmur, m. ,marble .

marmmbi lb, n .,

—er, marble

statue .

matmmbfifte, f ., marble bust .

matmm'ftufe, f ., marble step .

Marmot'mrfo, m. ,—6, marble



marot’to, m, Morocco, a state

of northwestern Africa.

matfd), m.,

e e, march, tramp;be 03 !

marftbie’rcu, march.

mat tet bi lb, n .,-cr, picture of a

martyr .

marten , torture .

martia'l ifd), adj .

,martial .

mafmi ’ue, f .

, machi ne; spiritlamp .


ncumfifiig, adj ., mechanical , automatic .

mat}, -e, measure .

mam, f .,mass, quantity;


mafib fi, adj ., boundl ess, un

l imited , immoderate .

mafiftab, m. ,A c, measure, rule .

fl aterial’

, n .,

— icn, material .mathematif ', f .


Mathema’fifet , m.

, mathema

tician .

mathema'tifd), adj .

, mathemat

ical .mutt, adj .

, soft , weak .

mattiiugig, adj ., dul l-eyed .

matter, f ., wal l .

Maun tampf, m. ,re, fight

around the wal l s .Maum aub, m.

,net , edge of a

wal l .maua ftbmal be, f .


swift .Want, n . ,

e cr, large mouth,maw .

Maulé, n ., Mauls, a vil lage on

the Eisack in central Tyrol .mauB, f .

,4 c, mouse .

magcl , m., dim , Max.

media'nifd), adj .

, mechanical .mcdcrn, bl eat .

mam , n .,-e, sea.

mcbt , adj . and ada , more; pL ,several .

melnfad), adj . , mani fold ; adm,several times.

mcbtmaIB, adm, repeated ly.

flidn ei'

, f ., farm, homestead .

meta, pron . adj ., my , mine .

meiucu, bel ieve, fancy, imag ine,mean ; say .

meinetbalbeu, adm, as far as Iam concerned .

meinettnegeu, adm, for me , on


account, I don ’t care .

mcimum, f ., Opinion , view,

idea, judgment .ind i um, chisel , carve .

mciftené, ada , for the mostpart .

Meiftet , m., master.

welbcn, inform, not ify; refl.,

announce oneself; set in,approach; report for service.

”id lmug, f ., report .

mcln’bifd), adj .

,melodi ous.

meb'nc, f .

, melon .

meme, f ., quantity.

211mm, m., fl u,—eu, person,

man .

menftbcnbcifiig, adj ., man-eat

ing, l ike an ogre.

mmfdienfreuubl id), adj . , hu

mane , benevolent.Mmfmeugebeutm, n .

, memoryof man .

Meuftbeubitfe, f ., human help.

mettftbeufinb, n ,—er, man, hu

man being; pL , chi ldren of

men .

meuftbcul iitm,m., human noise.

mmftbml ift, f ., human cun

ning, craft.


mittel , mittler, mittclft, adj . ,

middl e, medium; ?In eft,sol itary confinement .

mittd , n . , means , instrument,


mittd biug, n ., compromise .

mittens, p rep . (gen ), by meansoi .

mitten, adm,in the middle, in

among .

mittetnadjt, f . ,4 a, midnight .

mittletmci 'le, adm, meanwhile .

mits tuu, join in , take part .mitnu'

ter, adv., now and then .

mitoerbranut, 1m,burned with

the rest .

miigm, gemodfi, may ,

can , desire , l ike; id) Iwould l ike .

mfigl id), adj ., possible; — ft, as

as possible, to the ut

most .

mfigl idjetmeifc, adm, possibly.

M al itbfd t, f .,possibil ity,

chance .

W il de, dial . ,-SlRtibel, girl .motic’

ren, refl.,mock.

Momeut ', m.,-e, moment .

”Intui t, m. ,-e, month.

monatégebalt, m.,-e, month ’s

p ay .

M b, m. ,—e, moon .

W nbnadjt, f .,

4 c, moonl ightn ight .

flinuhidnin, m. ,moonl ight .

mnugn'l ifd), adj . , Mongol ian .

mnné, n . ,—e, moss .

monégt an, adj . ,moss-gray.

moofig, adj . , mossy .

mu”, m.,

“ c, p ug-dog .

mntbbranb, m. ,l l~c, arson , set

ting fire to.

mom ing


mntbégcflbitbte, f ., wil d story;tale of murder.

mutant, adu , to-morrow;friib, to-morrow morn ing .

moment, m.,morn ing; to-mor

row .

flinrgcubiimmm ug, f ., gray of

morn ing , dawn .

morgtngrauun), daybreak .

Morgtuftet n, m.,

—t , club withiron poin ts .

M gtnmaat , f .,



, f ., exercise, mot ion .

imam, f ., sea

-gul l .

mfibc, ad1 ., t ired , weary .

mfibe, f . , weariness, fat igue .

mime, f ., pains, trouble , efiort .


tbfaut, adj . ,d ifii cul t , toil

some, painstaking .

mfibicl ig, adj .,laborious, weari


mnub, m.,mouth .

miinbl id), adj ., oral , verbal .

W nbminl t l , m., corner of the


manta ,adj .

, fresh, lively,awake .

muse, f ., coin .

murmclu, murmur,


marten, mutter, grumble .


,m.,—t n,

-en,musician .

Wluéfd , m., 4 ,

—n, muscl e .


, m. ,—t , musketeer .

make, f .,leisure, ease, spare

time .


eu, mufstc, gcmuBt, must,be obl iged to, have to.

Waiter, n ., pattern , design .

maitera, examine, inspect .

Mat, m., mood, cheer, courage;


cc mar mitt munberiid; 311 — e,

I fel t very strange .

mutter, f .,


mutteflmtft, f .,

at , mother ’sbreast .

Wifittertbeu, n .,l ittl e old woman .

flintterbanb, f .,

A t, mother ’shand .

“ fittet leiu, n . , l ittl e old woman .

muttcrfct l enauttu, adj ., quitealone .

fl uttetfnbuleiu, n ., mother ’s

son .

mutwi ll e, m. , wantonness, loveof mischief .mimic, f . , cap .

fi fitcufdiitm, m.,—e, visor of a.

cap .


an, interj ., now , wel l .

mad), prep . (duh ), adv. sofa,after, toward , accord ing to,

for; nub l ittle by l ittle .

uatbsfifieu, imitate .

maaabmet , m., imitator .

?Radabat , m.,

—6 or —n,


mambat iu, f .,neighbor.

?Radibarloge, f ., neighboring


macbbarfdjaft, f .,neighborhood .

mambatéfinb, n .,

~ cr, neighbor ’s child .

matbbatfileute, pL , neighbors.?Radibatfiftreit, m.

,—e, quarrel

among neighbors .?Radibatémtib, n .

,-cr, neigh

bor ’s wife .

uatbsbl idcu (duh ), look after.


, conj ., after; as , ao

cording to.

_n’ de

uadybcutl id), adj ., thoughtful ,serious.

nadi sbm m (dot ), thunder,roar at .

?Radmt, m., boat, sk ifi .

nadi sfrageu (dot ), ask .for, in

quire .

uatbsgcbm give way ,yiel d , bend .

uatbsgebm fol low, go

after, pursue .

uatbgeta'be, ada , gradual ly,



nadi s greifeu (dot ) , reach for .

uatbr-belfen (duh ), give aid to;touch up .


, adv.,afterwards, then .

uatbstl iageu, sound , continueto sound .

?Raditoutme, m.,—n,

scendant , ofisp ring .

uatbs tommen (dot ) , fol low.

nadi s lafieu, leave, give up .

nad fliifiig, adj ., careless .

nadi s lugen (duh ) , watch out for,look after.

natbsmatben, imitate , copy.

madjmittag, m.,

—c, afternoon .

nudi s t edmeu, reckon , calculate .

matbritbt, f ., news, account ,

notice .

uatbsriugeu (dot ) , strive for.

natbs fdmtten (dat.) gaz e at, after;look after .

nadi s ftbidm, send out after a

person ; issue .

uatbsftbmiitacu, blacken over.

natbsfitm,lag behind; stay in

after school .ttiidjft, adj .,

next , nearest , shortest , closest , immediate; furé-e, in the next p lace.


91am, f .,

“ e, night;beémacbtc,ada , by n ight .

?Raditbtnfd fle, f ., night-cab.

matbtfal tet , m., moth.

mamas, f ., n ightingale .

matbtigall eufmatbe, f ., language

of the nightingal e .

Ratbtfii lfle, f . , night coolness .

ufidjtl id), adj ., nightly; adm, by

night .


quat tict’

, n ight ’s lodsing .

natbs ttageu, bear a grudge.

?Raditfd nlte, f ., night-bel l .wadmebeu, n . pL , after-pain ,

consequence, efiect .nudi smeiieu, show, prove .

nadasaielmt (duh) , march after,fol low.

nadjsaittetu, leave a. trembl ingsensation behind .

”laden, m. , neck .

uadt, adj ., bare , naked .

Mabel , f .,

p in .

Mabelbnla, n ., col l . , evergreens ,

conifers; pines, firs .

Rabelbolabeftaub, m. ,“ t, pine

timberland .

magel , m. ,4

, nail .nagelu, nail , fasten .


, adj . , brand-new .

sages , gnaw, n ibble .

i tal), nithet'

, uficbft, adj ., near;

adm, near.

Wil l”, f . , nearness, neighborhood , vicinity .

nalmt, intr . (aux. refl. (dot ),approach , draw near.

Wfibcrd é), adj . subst. , anything nearer; part iculars.

uiiberu (duh ) , refl. , approach.


, adm, nearly, almost .

92am, f . ,“ c, seam .

Wfibsw g, sewing k it .uaib


(F rench), adj . , artles s ,simple .

fl ame, m. ,—ti 6,

-n, name.

uameuflid), adm, especial ly .

namhaft, adj ., famous ; con

siderable .

nfiml id), adj . , very same, identical .

ufiml id), adm, for, because , thatis to say .

uamt ’

, interj . , well l; wel lthen ?

”lathe, f .

,scar, mark .

mm , m.,

—en,—en, fool .

uarrcu, make a fool of.waft , f . , nose .

nafemeié, adj ., impert inen t .

1!a, adj .,wet , moist .

Mai}, moisture, fluid , wetness.

fi afioual'tt adjt, f . , nat ional cos

tume .

Watut ', f ., nature, inst inct, dis

position .


gemiifi, adm, natural ly.

adj . , natural , na

tive; adm, to be sure , ofcourse .



l idmmift , adm, of course.

matfit ’l itblcit, f .

,simpl icity.

mebel , m. , fog , mist .

uebel ig (nebl ig), adj ., misty,

foggy; dim .

Webelmaub, f . , dense mi st .uebeu, prep . (ace. and

near, by , beside .

Webeuabfidjt, f . , secondarymotive.


uim alfl, adm, never .

uiemanb, i ndcf . prom, no one,


nimmer, adv. , never; not at al l .92min, f .

, niche , recess.nit prov.

,-nid)t, not .

mobele, f . , adj . subst. , an ele

gant lady.

and), ada , y et , stil l , even ,

nicht, not y et ; einmal, oncemore ; conj . , nor.

nodjmalé, adv., once more .

Monicaé, m., nonsense .

mum , m., north.

mot, f . ,a t , necessity, distress,

pain , grief, trouble; £6 tutnot, it is necessary.

mom, f ., account , bil l .

mothelfet , m., helper in time of

need , saint .

notifiait'reu, notify.

niitig, adj ., necessary .

niitigtu, obl ige, force .

motif , f .,notice; note, memo

randum .

antineubig, adj ., necessary.

mobel 'l e, f . , story.

sun, moment , trice , jifiy .

mm, adv. now , wel l , so.

m art in ada ,now , by this

time .

nut , ada , only; then onlyjust , scarcely; 311, go on !

mufiluadet , m.,nut-cracker .

unfituadtrartig, adj .,l ike a



mfiftet , f ., nostril .

ufibeu, be useful , be good forsomething; util iz e , turnto account .

ufibl id), adj ., useful .

mqws, adj ., useless.


ob, conj . , whether, ii .Dhathi , f ., care , atten tion .

ohm, adm, at the tcp , above;nad


) upwards.obenan

, adv. , at the top , foremost ; bifl to the brim ,

brimful .abet , adj . , upper, high .


ebet , m. , chief overseer.


'tor, m.


-t n, su

p erintendent .

Cha ined”, m. ,—e, head man ,



, m.,

—t n,—tu,

commander-in—chief.Dbet lfiwet , m.

, trunk, upperpart of the body.

Oberlaab, n . ,“ er, upland .

Dbn lflwe, f ., upper l ip .

oberft, adj . , upper, highest .

Dba ft, m.,

—en,—en, colonel .

m., adj . subst , chief,

uppermost .conj .

, al though.

obig, adj . , foregoing .


, n .,

—e, object .

Dbrigl eit, f .,au thority;magis

trates, authorit ies .Dbft, m , fruit .obwohl


,conj . , al though.

Dtbfcnmagen, m., ox

-cart .

adj ., desolate, deserted .

abet , conj . , or.

bbuié, f . , desolation .

Dim, m. , oven , furnace , kiln .

Dfenbanf, f .,‘ e, seat near the

stove .

ofim, adj . , open , free, clear, nucovered.



,adj .

, evident .Dffiaiet


, m. ,—e, officer.

DffiaitrfiTimid”, m. ,—n,

—n, ofii

cer’s servant, orderly .



, f ., ofi cer’s

un iform .

Bfiuen, open .

oft, adm, often .

oftmaIB, adv. , often, frequentl y .

obue, prep . without .ohnehin


, besides.Ohr, n . ,

—en, ear.

Ohrfeige, f . , box on the ear .

Dbt lfippdmt, n . , lobe of the

ear .

Dbrt ing, m. ,-t , earring .

offupie'rcn, occupy .

bh u m'

, m. ,—en,

—en, farmer .

Otto’betabeub, m. ,

—e, Octoberevening .

6 1, n . ,—e, oil .

El ia, adj ., oily.

b l trii get , m. , oil-carrier.

Omen, n .,-6 or —ina, token,

omen .


, adj ., ominous.

a el , m., uncle .

Dung, m.,

—t , ony x.

Over, f . , opera.

Dvetnglaé, n .,

“ ct , opera-glass .v cr, n .

, ofiering , sacrifice .

mbentl id), adj ., exact , orderly,

decen t;adv.,regularly, down

right .

Drbentl idieé, m, adj . subst.,something substantial , ofreal value .

Dtbtmug, f ., order, arrange

ment .


, n .,

—e, original .Dirt, m.

,“ tr, p lace, spot;vil lage .


Dt tftbaft, f ., place, vil lage,

town .

fiftm eidjifdj, adj ., Austrian.

fiftl id), adj ., easterly.


t'rt , f ., overture.

“ tr, sheet of


$ aar, n. ,—t, pair; t in pant , a

few .

iBadjtbof, m. ,a t , farm.

iBad, m. ,—c or , e' packet .

iBfiddmt, packet .

vadeu, seiz e, clutch, grasp;pack.

iBal et’

, n .,

—e, parcel , bundl e .

iBal et'

triiget , m., carrier of theparcel .

iBaubu’tcngefidjt, n .



, face ofa Pandour.

fiscalm'reutrofi, m. , Cavalcade,

crowd (oi Pandours).mutt, f .

,panic .

$ autof'

fe1bnmnt , f . , slippersong .

vautomi'mifd), ada , by means

of gestures.iBaviet

'bIatt, n .

,“ er

paper .


, n . ,—t, Paradise.


—t , park.


, n .,

—t , orchestra seatsin a theater.

$ artei’

, f .,party, faction .

iBat tuer (Eng) , m., partner.

m. ,—t, passenger.


tu, fit , suit .pafii e

'rtn, happen .

iBaul e, f ., drum.

vauébiidig, adj ., chubby

cheeked .

iBaufe, f ., pause, interval,


$ ege1, m., water-gauge.

pdal id), adj .,painstaking; p ar

ticular; distressing.

$ citfditnbieb, m. ,—e, lash,

stroke with a whip.

$ elamiibc, f .,fur cap .

$ eufinu’

, f ., board ing-house .

fin k , f . , pearl .$ avenhi

'fcl , n .

, pendulum.


, f .,person , individual .


,—t , stafi .

vctfiil l'l id), adj . , personal .

$ et¢r3fitdm f . , S t . Peter’s

church .

viabInB, adj . , pathless.iBfafie, m.,

—n,-n, priest .

$ fab1, m.,‘ e, post , stake; 9L ,

wal ls.$ farter, m., pastor, priest.l eife, f . ,

pipe , whistle , flute .

vfeifen, vfiff. swfifim,whistle;

auf ttmaé not to care a


$ fciftn, n ., whistl ing.

fli feiflciu, n . , l ittle pipe .

iBftmtig, m. ,—t , farthing.

iBfetb, n .,—e, horse .

fifetbegcttawel , n ., clatteringof horses .

?Bftrbegtmiebcr, n ., neighing .

l erbet iideu, m., horse ’

s back.

pfiffig, adj . , shrewd .

iBfirfidibaum, m. ,at , peach-tree .

$ flanae, f .,plant .

pflauaeu, plant; refl. , take a

stand .

$ flafter, n . , plaster;pavement .iBflaftertrttet , m. ,

loafer, idler .

vfltgtu, be accustomed to, usedto; care for, tend , cherish.

$flegeu, n ., care , nursing .

?Bflidjt, f ., duty .

vflitbteift’ig, adj . , z ealous .

vflidjfig, adj . , bound to, obligedto;answerable .

pfl itbtitbulbig, adj .,dutiful , due.

Ofl iigen, plow.

Effitflciu, n ., l ittle gate.

vfat, interj .,shame ! whew l

pfutfd), adv., done for, ruined .

iBfiiQe, f .,puddle , pool .


, f .,imagination.

vbiIifterifié adj . p h il istine ,nar

row-minded .

$ bi ttdmt, dim. for S oiepbine,Josie .

pbmre’tifd), adj ., frantic .

$ btjfiogtwmie’

, f ., face , appearance .

viwfeub, 9. adj ., chirping .

Eid fit'

, f .,reverence, regard .

$ ifto'le, f . , pistol .

$ ittai , the val ley of the

Pitz bach , an afil uent of theInn south of Imst .

$ ladjc, f ., blanket , shawl .

p lagen, torment , annoy, worry.m.

,“ e, scheme, des ign,

plot .mama , n . , l ittl e scheme .

iBIaucuB, muua'ttufi, m . , L n

cius Munatius Plancus , a

Caesarian legate in G aul ,consul (42 friend and

time—server of each of thesecond tn'

umv irate .

finale, f ., fence .

vlfifitbern, splash , ripple .

iBIaQ, m.,

“ t , place, room , site;seat ;publ ic square .

platen (aux. L), burst , spl i tOpen .

plaubmt, talk , chat .

?BIeite, f ., 3L , bank rup tcy ;


mottlmci ’m, foretell .$ rovbe5ei

uug, f ., p rediction .

$w tofnll'

, m,-t, record of p ro

ceedings .

$ t0bht3ial'

ftabt, f .,‘ e, provin

cial city.

monoaie'ren, provoke.

$ toaeut’

, m ,—c, percent .

vt i'

tfen, examine, try , test, assay .

$ ubl ifum,.

ence .

$ ul), interj ., pooh.

$ u16, m. ,-t , pulse.

$ul tm'

, m , powder.

$ ulbergerttd), m., a , smel l ofpowder.

m., sl ., borrowing.

pumveu, sl ., borrow money.


—e, point , speck.

viiuftl id), adj ., punctual .

put , adj ., pure ; sheer.

$ uftet ta1, n ., Puster Val ley, a

long val ley in eastern Tyrolformed by the vall eys of theRienz and the upper Drave ,separated by the saddle ofToblach.

vases , refl., dress up , clean.

publ ic, audi


Dual , f . , torment,grief.

quaint, tease , worry.

qufil et ifd), adj ., tormenting .

Dufilgcift, m.,

—er, tormentor,nui sance .

Dmal itii t’

, f ., qual ity.




lmcn, emit smoke, smoler .


—t, lodging,


mm , m. ,—n,

—n, crow, raven .

marbegebanttu, m. pk , v indi c

tive thoughts.radar, scrape, drudge .

matter, m. , rascal .sl ab, n ., m , wheel ; auffi

fltdmn, break on the wheel ,torture .

rafieu, snatch up , sweep away.

maffiutmeut’, n . ,refinement .

raffi tticrt'

, adj ., subtl e , crafty .

rageu, project , rise ; tower.

maub, m.,“ er, edge , brim , rim ;

nutter unb 28mm, out of al lbounds .mung, m.,

4 c, rank , order, station ; tier, circl e .

manseu, m. , knapsack .

mammt t', m.,—t , report, infor

mation .

raid), adj .,quick , brisk , swift ,

prompt .

mafd nlu, n . , rustl ing , swishing.

tafeub, 9. adj .,raging , furious ,

desperate, mad .

quaIbolI, adj ., painful , agoniz

ing .



quarters.Q uelle, f ., source, Spring .

quelleu, o, o (aux. L), spring up ,rise; quot! auf ibn tin, rushedin on him .

quet , adm, diagonally, across,slantingly.

Dun e, f . , obl ique or d iagonaldirection; ber crosswise, aslant .

Duiuk l it'ren, m, piping .


t afielu, rattl e , clatter.

mutt, f ., rest , relaxation , shorthal t .

mat, m. (p l . Eliatfcbl llge), counsel , advice ; id) meif; mirfeinen I am at my wit ’send .

t atel t, it , a, advise , suggest .

matbauévlab, m. ,e r, city-hal l

square .


, f ., ration , share .

ratloé, adj ., helpless , perplexed .

9mm,riddle, puz z le .

maul) , m. , robbery, depredation ;prey .

t aubeu, rob, deprive , plunder.

mfiubet’, m., robber, pirate .

maubaug, m. ,‘ e, raid , preda

tory excursion .

wand), m. , smoke .

t ouches , smoke .

mautbfttabl , m., 4 , 4 a, streak

of smoke .

t fiuhig, adj . , mangy.

t auim, fight , scume .

maufetei ', f . , row , scume .

t utti), adj . ,rough , wild , coarse .

mama, m.,A t, space, room .

rfinmen, p ut in order .

raufdjeu, rush , splash , rustle .

rfiuftm'u, refl., hawk, cl ear the

throat .mabm'

na, n .,Ravenna, a city

in northeastern Italy. It

was the principal residenceof the Roman emperors from404 to the fal l of the WesternEmpire in 476 .

meal 'fdmle, f . ,school where no

G reek is taught , but moresc ience andmodern language .

mete, f .

, vine .

Si ebengefilbc, n .,vine-land .

redwen, cal culate, count .fli t tb



for, m., 4 ,


auditor, accountan t .redit, adj .

, right , proper;baben, to be right;adm, very,real ly; erft al l the more .

mean, n . ,—e, law , right , privi

lege .

f . , right hand .

redjté, adv. , on the right .rtditfdmfieu, adj .

, honest , upright .

mbtmtutl ig, adj ., right-angled ,

rectangular .

rtdeu, rack, stretch .

fi che, f . , speech, conversation .

mebegmaubtbeit, f . , read inessof speech, eloquence .

rebut, talk , converse; bin unb

ber talk over , palaver .

fli ebeuéart, f . , phrase , expression .

mebeftwm, m. ,a t , flow of words .

rebl id), adj . , honest; fair, cons iderabl e .

refet ie’reu, report .

meft ain’

, m. , chorus .regal ie

rcu, regale , treat .

megeu, m. , rain .

megem ettet , rainy weather.

megit 'ttmgérat, m.,“ t , coun

ci l lor.

megiment', n . , regiment .rogues , rain , pour .

reguugélos, adj . , motionl ess .mebabi l itatiou’

, f ., restitution .

reiben, te, te, rub .

raid), adj .,rich .

maid), —e, empire .

mama), m.,adj . subst. , the

rich man .


tcldmt, reach; extend; in meltbac fluge reicbt, as far as the

ey e can reach .


tdt, adj ., richly decorated .

reit id), adj ., plentiful , abun

dant , ful l .Si cif, m.

,—e, ring; diadem,


let .

flidfe, f . , ripeness, maturity.

mam , m. , dance .

meme, f ., row , l ine; an ble

tommen, take turns.rein, adj . , clean , pure; correct;plain .

t ciugtfalleu bet tingtfaflm, sh ,sold , caught .

rciuigeu, clean , wash.rcinl itb, adj .

, cl ean .

mete, m. , rice .

metfe, f ., journey.

malfegevfid, n ., luggage.

md fetofttu, f . pL , travel ing ex

penses .rdfig, adj . , prepared for the

fight , mounted .

reifieu, i, i , tear, pul l , snatch;intr . (aux. be torn ;mirt it; bit ®tbulb, I lost al l p a

tience .

reifieub, 9 . adj ., swift , rapid ,

ready;— cr ?lbfab, qu ick sale .

reiteu, i, i (aux. and L ),ride .

mammal», m. , 4 , squad ofcavalry, horsemen .

mel tveitfibe, f .,riding-whip .

meitpferb, n .,

—e, saddle—horse .

relacub, p . adj ., charming , de

‘ l ightful .meh ut', m.


—en, recruit .

relegie’reu, expel .

!Rel igimt'

, f .,rel igion .

retinal , ranntt, gerannt, run

Si ennmmift'

, m. ,—eu,

boaster, braggart .reverie

’m t, mend .

revriifeutie'rtn, represen t .


, m.,respect , regard .

refvefta'bel , adj . , respectable .

refveft’mibt ig, adj ., di srespect

ful .

fitt it, m.,

—t, remainder, rest ,remnant , balance .

retten, save .

matting, f . , salvation , rescue ,


mettmtgfimittel , m , resource ,means of escape .

mmfi, f .,Reuss, the river of

Swit z erland that forms L akeof L ucerne ; i t flows in to theAar a few miles above the

latter’s confluence with the

Rhine .

meban'dje (F rench) , f . , revenge .

menta '

,—t, d istrict, quarter;

preserve .


, f . , revolut ion .

tebolutiouii t’

, adj . , revolu

tionary .

mebol 'bet (Eng) , m.,revolver .

mbein, m., Rhine , a river rising

in Switz erland and flow ingthrough western G erman yand Hol land into the NorthSea.


, adm, down the Rhine .

mad ame, f . , Rhine val ley.

mbeinflut, f ., torrent of the

Rhine .

mining“ , m. , Rheingau , a

beautiful district on the

right bank of the Rhi ne be


motwanb, f .,

“ e, red wal l (if/rock .

rotmaugig, adj ., red-cheeked .

(Eng) , m., game of

whist .

mubrif', f . , heading ; item.

tudjbar, adj ., known , publ ic,

talked oi .

mud, m.,

—e, jerk, start, bol t .tuden-rflaen, move , push off .

mm , m., back .

mfideutci l , m.,

—e, back.

mil der, m., dink , push, shove.

miidfeufter, n ., back window.

flindfad, m.,

“ e, large knapsack , game-bag .

rildfeitig, adj . , forming the

background .

miidftaub, m.,

“ e, balance of a

debt , arrears .t i


tdmiirté, adv., back, back

ward .

mfidweg, m., 4 ,

way back, return .

miidaug, m. ,e e, retreat .

Emi lie, m. ,—n,

—n, dog, hound .

tuberu, tr . and intr . , row .

muf, m. ,—e, shout , cry ; sig

nal .

mfett, it, u, call , shout, bid,summon .

mfifiel , m. ,reprimand .


tfielu, reprimand .

iRube, f . , rest , calm,sleep .

w hen, rest , sleep .

mubevlab, m. ,“ e, resting-place,

grave .

mubeftatt, f ., no pL , grave,

rest ing-place .

mubeftiitte, f . , grave .

fli tti ng “, f .

,time for rest .

tubig, adj ., quiet , stil l , calm


peaceful .


t’iibmeu, commend, speak highl y oi .

tiibm t, stir, move; refl., bestir

onesel f .miibruug, f .

,feel ing, emotion .

t uinie'tcu, destroy.

tumbeln, rumble, roll .tuub, adj .

, round , plump;bttum


, round about .tunbl id), adj .

, round .

mnubmauer, f ., surround ing

wal l .rfifteu, prepare, arm.


l itang, f ., equ ipment , armor.

t iittelu, shake, rumbl e.


G aul , m., © li le, hall , salon,

room .

eater, m ., sabre .

g abel bciue, n . pL , bow-l egs .6 0636, f .

, object , subject, ai

fair, business, fact , matter;

has ift {O’ne the thing is

awkward enough.

e amwm, n ., dim. for g oat ,

l ittle thing ; gimcrack .

fadmemfifi, adj ., relevant , to

the point .

ffidfiifd), adj ., of Saxony .

fatbt, adj ., soft , l ight, gentle ,


G iua, m.,

“ t, sack , bag .

G fiddmt, sack .

film, sow .

G ait, m.,a t , sap , juice .

faffis, adj juicy, sappyfageu, say .

faftifd), adj . , dial . , damned .

G almtufifdm, m., salmon



G amma, m., Solomon, k ing of

Israel .faintie

’rett, salute .

g alaburg, n ., Sal z burg, an

Austrian duchy and crownland northeast of Tyrol ; itscapital .

fammelu, gather up , col lect;bit Q rilfte col lect one ’sforces

,ral ly .

G antétag, m .,

—t , Saturday.

famt, prep ,with, along with.

g amteinfaq, m.,

4 c, velvettrimming .

fiimtl id), adj . , al l , entire .

6 a“ , m ., sand .

G aubbarte, f .,sand-bar.

G auhfteiufel feu, m., sandstone

rock , cl ifi .

fanft, adj ., soft , gentle, kind .

6 mm, m.,a t, song .

G fiuget itt, f .,singer .


, i nterj . , the deuce .

e at gbedel , m., comn-l id .


rifd), adj ., satirical .

e atiéfatfimt'

, f . , satisfaction .

6 attel , m., saddl e .

fattelu, saddle .

faubet , adj .,neat , trim, clean .

G aubet leit, f ., cleanl iness .

fan“ , adj .,bitter, hard , pain

ful .

G aun giitel , n .,dim ,

l ittle farmof sedges .

g aunwiefel , small meadowof rough grass .

faugeu, o, o, suck .

G angland , m. ,“ e, root-hair,

the part of the root whichsucks up water .

G angl iug, m. ,-e, infant .

G &uIe, f . , pil lar.

G aunt, m. ,“ e, edge, hem.

faufen, rush, whi z .

ftbfibig, adj . , shabby, ragged .

e dwdmt, m., piece of woodl and

stand ing apart from the

forest .

fdiadmm, barter.

t abc, m. , harm , wrong; £8 {ftf(babt , i t

’s a. pity.

é tbiibel , m., skul l .

eaawmate, f ., width of skul l .

ftbabtu, hurt , harm ; bus fdmbetnidfié, that doesn ’

t matter.

fdjabenftob, adj . , mischievous .6 am,

—e, sheep .

e tbfifet , m., shepherd .

t fifetél mbe, m.,—n,

-n, shepherd ’s lad .

ftbaffeu, u, (1 , create , produce,make .

fdmfieu, be busy, get , furn ish; carry, take , remove ;do.

éflafibaufm, Schaflhausen ,

a town on the right bank ofthe Rhi ne , capital of the

Swiss canton of that name .

d F G ifteI-G us , the shepherd .

e dmit, m.,

‘ e, shaft; leg of a

boot .

e thaftftiefel , m. , top-boot .

G dnfl , m.,-e, shawl .

G dfii ldmt, n . , smal l d ish.

emu, f .,shel l , husk , peel .

6 6m“, m.,i t, sound , ringing .

fdwlleu, o, 0, (al so sound,clang , echo .

6 6mm, f . , shame .


imtn, rcfl., feel ashamed.

f . , disgrace , shame.

fdiiiubeu, defame, spoil .


fdjfinbl id), adj . , shameful .f ., troop, band.

Mari , fender. Marlin adjsharp, keen .

fi tbu fi'

tbfite, m.,-tt,

—n, sharpshooter.

Marten, scrape , rake .

6 tbarte'

te, f . , old book , trash.601mm, m. , shade , shadow.

fdyattig, adj . , shady.

fdjfitbar, adj ., valuable .

ftbaucn, tr . and intr q look at ,

gaz e , view; beau lookabout for it .

Ed na“ , m., shudder, thril l ,awe .

ftbauerl itb, adj ., awful , horrible,thril l ing .

G fiaufel , f . , shovel .S dmufelbtubet , m.,


, fell owd igger.

ftbaufelu, shovel , dig .

eflauget idit, n ., 4 , show-di sh,table ornament .


dwnh lu, rock, swing .

t aufel ftubl , m. ,“ t, rocking


60mm , m. ,‘ e, foam.

ftbaumig, adj . , foamyG aaumftt eifeu, m.,

foam .

6 4mm, m. , 4 , scene , stage.

e djaufviel , 4 , exhibition,sight; drama.

ftbeibeu, it, te, separate .

fdninen, it, te, seem, app ear;shine .

G d nlm, m., 4 , rascal , knave,

wretch .

ftbcl tett, a, o, scold , reproach,cal l names .

é tbel ta , m., scold , abuser.

d ettl el , m. , hip .

ftbenk u, present , give; G laubentrust, bel ieve.

e dm'be, f . , fragment .

G fla euftbleiferbuuh, m. , 4 , dogof the scissors-grinder.

fibers, m., 4 , joke, fun ;

treiben, play.fdmt, adj . , shy.

60611, f . , shyness, respect, timidity , awe .

fdmtdmt, frighten , dr ive away.d me, f . , barn , shed .

t euueubalten,m., barn-rafter .

e dw lmmetftblag, m., 4 , smal l

room in a barn .

ftbcufil id), adj ., frightful , horrid .

ftbiden, send .

é tbidfal , 4 , fate, destiny ,lot ;pL , experiences .

{Q iebemo, o, shove , push, sl ide .

(flier, adj . , sheer; adm, simpl y;total ly; nearly.

fdiiefieu, o, 0, tr. (aux. intr .

(aux. L), shoot , dart , dash ,rush .

fi d iefifibarte, f ., loop-hole,port-hole .

6007, n ., 4 , ship, vessel ;nav e .

e tbifiet , m., boatman , skipp er.

t ifiébatett, m. , boat-hook .

E tbifififavitt'

in, m., 4 , ship ’s

captain .

60m, m. , 4 , shi eld .

fdji lbetu, picture , describe.

ftbi ll erub, adj ., chang eabl e ,

iridescent .©0immel ,m. , white horse .

é tbimmet , m. , gl immer, gleam .

(bitumen , gl immer , shine , gl itter.


f6111111 111m ot, adj .,red, rosy

from sleeping .

m., 4 , throat .6 61113, m.

,“ fie, end , conclu

sion , inference .

6 611131111, m. , 4 ,final act .

6 6111171 1, m. , k ey .

6 61fifl'

61111111118, f .,primrose,

cowsl ip .

f6 111 111, adj ., narrow, slender,

thin .

16 111 111161 11, smoke .

f6 111edett, taste .

6 6 111ci6e1ei’

, f ., coaxing , fiat

tery .

f6 111 116elbaft, adj .,

flattering,compl imen tary.

f6 111e16e111, flatter.

f6111cifi1 11, 1, 1, throw.

6 6111613, m., 4 , enamel ;blend

ing .

6 6 111e15et’


, f . , smel ting-works,foundry .

6 6111615fa1 116, f ., enamel-color .

6 6111815,m. , 4 6, 4 11, pain , grief,sorrow.

161118156 1, be painful , smart ,ache .

Mmetsbaft, adj ., painful , bitter.

76 11161 5116 , adj ., painful .

6 6 1111¢b, m. , 4 , blacksmith .

f .,blacksmith ’s sh0p .

6 6miebebauhmert, blacksmith ’s trade .

6 611116 1 1 1? f ., business of

smith .

f6miegc11, bend , press, cl ing .

f6111 leris, adj . , dirty.

6 61111fi, m.,—fie, scar.

Mutants , sulk .

f611111d, adj ., trim,



6 6 111 1111, m., 4 , adornment,dress, finery .

1611111111 11, adorn , decorate.

6 611111611111, 4 , ornament .

16 111111131 11 , grin .

6 6 111111 , m. , dirt , fil th .

16 111 11113, adj . , d irty, muddy ,foul .

6 6 11 11 111 , f . , buckle, c lasp .

{61111151 19 crack the fingers .

1611111 1 1 11, snarl , growl .16 1111 11111 11, 0, o, p ufi , blow .

f6 11a11f1 11, pant , wheez e .

6 6 1111 1151 , f ., snout , muz z l e ,mouth.

6 6 111 1 , m., snow.

16 111 1 116 1 111, adj ., covered w i th


f6111 1 111 ftfit1111, adj ., powdered

with snow .

16111 1 1111111, adj ., snow-white .

16111 1111 11, 1611111, gefdmitten, c u t ;(551 116111 make faces .

6 6 111 1111 156 6, f . , 4 , hand o f a


f6 111 1big, adj . , sharp, keen .

f6111111111161. adj saucy, sn a ppish.

16111111, pret , 16111111111 11 .6 6 111111f1 11, m. , cold in t h e

head .

f6uu11f1 11, snufi , sn ifi .

(6 11111 1 11, rcfl., tie up , tighte n .

f611111 g1'

ab, adj . , straight a s a

string .

6 611111 1 116 1, m. , 4 ,mus tach e .

6 611111 1 111 1 11111111111 1 , m. , p k ,

mustachios, ol d soldiers .



ad3, adm, d irect ly.

6 60111 , f ., clod ; soil .

{6011, adm, al ready.

i(nlia, adj .

,beautiful , fine; fa ir,


nice, good ; 001111 thanky ou very much .

6 60110111, f . , beauty.

6 601111119, f .,spar ing, keeping

in tact .

6 6011, m., 4 , lap ; coat-tail ,

skirt .

6 6011, 4 11, bulkhead .

16 1011, adj . , unrelaxed , rigid .

16 1 110, adj . , obl ique; 0101 11:

1101 1 , almost opposite .

6 6 10111, m., 4 , chest , case.

16 1 1 11001 , adj ., frightful .

161 101 11, frighten .

6 61 1 111 11, m., terror .

16 1 1 110011, adj . , terrible, frightful .

161 1 11116 , adj . , terribl e, dreadful , horrid .

6 6 1 11, m. , 4 , cry , scream,

shout .

16 1 1101 11, 11 , 11 , write .

6 6 1 1101 1 , m. , clerk .

6 6 1 1101116, m. , 4 , desk .

16 1 111 11, 11 , 11 , cry , shout .16 1 1111 11, 1, 1 (aux. stride,step , walk .

6 6 1 111, f . , writing, essay, mem

orr .

161 111116, adj . , in writing .

161 111, adj ., shril l .

161 1111 110, p . adj . , piercing .

6 6 1 111, m., 4 , step, pace,stride .

6 6 110101 1 1 11, m. , wheelbarrow.

6 6 1101001 , f . , drawer .

16116 11 1 11, adj . , t imid , modest .

6 6 1111, m. , 4 , scoundrel , ras

cal , wretch .

m. , 4 , shoe , boot .m., master



6 61110, f . , guil t, blame, debt;1 1 111 161110001011, it is hisfaul t .

6 6111011 111 1 , m., jan itor of the

school .16 111013, adj ., guil ty, account

able .

6 61111 , f ., school .

161111 11, train , instruct .

6 6111011 1111 1 , m., schoolmas

ter .

6 611111 1 , f . , shoul der .

6 60111 101 1 111 , f . , breadth of

shoulders .16111 11 11, open , dig up ;prospectfor mines .

6 6111 11 , m.,


6 611131 , f ., apron .

6 6111311 11, 4 ,leather apron .

6 61111, m. ,4 111 , shot , report .

6 6111101 1101 1, m . , 3L , gun .

6 6 1111100111 , f . , missile, weapon ;pL , firearms .

6 611110001 11, m. , corn-loft.1611111 111, shake .

1611111 11, pour, throw.

1611111 1 11, shake, tremble .

6 6110, m. , shel ter, defence .

6 61101 , m. ,—11 ,

—11, rifleman,

skirmisher .

161101 11, protect , shel ter, guard .

6 61101 1 , m., protector.

16 110108, adj . , unprotected , defenceless .

fdmad » fobmfidier. 161016110adj . ,

weak .

6 610001 11, m., vapor, foul air;

heavy fog .

6 610001 1 , m., brother-inlaw .

6 6100111, m., 4 , trick, joke.

-11, vil lain ,


161001111 11, waver, hesitate.

6 61001111111, family name .

6 6100113, m., 4 ,tail .

6 61001 111 , m. , 4 , swarm, host .imam, icbwflraer, fdmflraeft,

adj .,black .

161001301011, adj., dark-blue .

6 6100130101, n ., black bread ,

ry e bread .

161001301111101 1, adj., dressed in

black .

161001301 10, adj. , black and y el

low .

161001301111 1111, adj.; 0e 0110yel low and black striped .

6 6 10013111 1600011111, n ., ey e as

bright as a black cherry.

6 6 1001310010, m.,B lack F orest ,

an extensive mountainousdistrict in Baden and W01 1temberg , north and east of

the upper Rhine .

16 10001 11, chatter, gossip .

16101101 11, chatter, talk non

sense .

6 610001 1 , m. , tattler.

6 6 10101 1, f .,flute .

6 610111, m., 4 , tail .

16101111 11, inl r. (aux. rove ,stray , range .

16 101101 11, 11 , 11 , intr . , be silent,pause .

16 101101 110, 0. adj. , silent .161011010111 , adj .

, sil ent , tacitum .

6 6 101111, m. , perspiration .

adj ., dripping

with sweat .

6 6 101 111 , f ., threshol d , sill;tie .

6 6 101 11100110, m., 4 , one who

steals ties.


é djmelleubiebftabl , m. ,‘ c, theft

of railway ties .eameuenlaga , n ., stock of ties .

ftbmeuten, swing, wave .


, adj. ,heavy, hard, severe ,

difficul t .

t nm‘ffilfigfcit, f ., dul lness ,clumsiness .

ftbweraevriift, adj .,

tried , afflicted .

f(bmet l id), adv. , scarcely; grievousl y .

eamerftein, m.,—e, stone

weight .

6 6mm “, n .,

—er, sword .

emanates, m.,

—e, swordthrust .


fi dnneftet , f ., sister.

S chmiegctbatet , m.,a, father

ia-law .

G amimgteit, f .,difli cul ty .

famimmeu, a, o, inl r . (aux .

and L ), sw im , drift, float .{Qwiubelmwhirl , grow d iz z y .

f(bminben, a, u (aux. L ), di sappear.

G aminbfmbt, f ., consumption .

fdmiugeu, a, u, refl. , swing ,bound, leap .

fcbmirteu, whiz , whir .

f(bmfiren, o, 0(p ut. al so femur),swear, vow .

60mm, m.,‘ c, oath .

e eba'

ffian, 6 am“ , S t . Sebast ian, who snfiered martyrdom at Rome under B iocle

t ian .

fedw, 9mm , six.

fet fdjfifflg, adj . , six-shooter .

tedsebniiibrig, adj ., sixteen

years old .

G eek , f ., soul , mind , heart.

EK34: ‘ flOCflhBIILAJ rY

adj., safe, secure; true ,

certain .

fidjmt, secure, save , insure.

fidjtbar, adj ., visible, evident,

d iscern ible .

fiebenifibrig, adj . , seven-yearold .

acheat, mum, ord . , seventh.

fiebaebu, mum, seventeen .

fled), adj ., incurably i ll .

eam-@ ieblet , m. , settler .

S iegcr, m. , conqueror, victor.

é ieget fdpritt, m. ,—e, trium

phant step .

fi egreid), adj. , victorious, suc

cessi u].

é igual’

, n .,

—c, signal .é ignor

(Ital i an), m. , gentle

man .

g igu man (Ital i an), f . , younglady.

filber, adj., silver.

e ilbn gulbeu, m. , si lver florin .

G i lbcrh’

euaiein, n . , small silvercross .

g ilberaeug, n .,—e, article made

of sil ver.

e iIbouet'te, f . , black p rofile,

shadow po’rtrait .

e i l be’

ftet , m. ;— abenb, New

Year’s Eve , named from

S t . S ilvester (Pope S ilvesterI, who d ied December 3 1 ,335)

fingen, a, u, sing .

finfen, a, u (aux. L), fal l , drop,sink .

6m , m.,

—c, sense , fee l ing ;mind; opinion ;mean ing .

flatten, a, o, meditate , ponder.

G iuneétfiuffluug, f ., delusion of

the senses; optical delusion .

fimdoB, adj ., sensel ess; absurd;mean ingless; unconsc ious .


, conj ., since , whereas.

é ituatiou’

, f .,situat ion .

g it}, m.,

—e, seat .

fiQen, fat}, gefefien, intr ., sit .

g fanbal’

, m.,

—e, row , r iot;racket .

é tlabe, m.,

—n,—n, slave .

S torpimt’

, m. ,—c, scorpion .

fo, adm, thus, so;menu hemift, if so.


, conj .,as soon as .

6 0d, f ., sock .


, adv. , then .

foc'ben, adm, just now .

6 oh ,—6, sofa .

éofaede, f ., corner of a sofa .

fofot t'

,adv. , directl y, at on ce



fofm’tig, adj., immediate .



,even .


, adj ., so

-call ed , p re

tended .

adv.,at once.

6 01m, m. ,4 c, son .

fold), adj . pi on ., such.

fol i a geftait, adv. , in su c h amanner.

S ol bat’

, m. ,—en,

—cn, sold i e r .

éol ba’tenmantei , m.


, s o l

dier ’s coat .eolba

’tcntum, n . , soldi ering .


, adj., solemn ; in c e le

bration oi .

foIIen, ioll te, geioll t, shal l , ou ght ,be said to .

6 5K“ , m . , balcony .


, adv., therefore , so.

6 0mm“ , m., summer .

€ ommet fet icn, pk , summe r va

cation .


G ammammgm, m. , summer

morn ing .

6 0mmcrtag§glut, f . , blaz e of asummer day; glow of the

sun .

fonbetbar, adj ., strange, queer,

pecul iar.

fonbetu, conj .,but (after

G onnabenb, m. ,—c, Saturday .

G ouuabenbmittag, m.,—e, Satur

day noon .

6 0mmf ., sun .

inanca, refl.,bask in the sun .

G onuenfeuet , n . , heat of thesun .

e ouuenglaft, m.,—e, radiance

of the sun .

G ommtglut, f ., blaz e of the

sun , heat .

g unneubite, f .,heat of the sun .

e nunem’

ube, f . ,rest in the sun .

S onnenffletu, m., sunshine .

founenfti ll , adj . , stil l and sunny.

G uantag, m. ,—e, Sunday .

Eonatagabenb, m.,—c, Sunday

even ing .

fonntiigl id), adj . , l ike Sunday.

G onntagmot geu, m. , Sundaymorn ing .

G uantagébei l iguug, f .,keeping

the Sabbath .

é onntagémantei , m. ,e


cloak .

G uantagémmgen, m. , Sundaymorn ing .

fonubcrbtamtt-fonnmberbrmmt,adj . , sunburnt , tanned .

fouit, adv. , el se , besides, moreover, otherwise ; usual ly.

fouftmie, adv. , otherwise .

G on e, f ., care , worry.

forgeu, care for, look after.

“ e, ball7 play

G orgfal t, f ., care, exactness.forgfii l tig, adj .

, careful , atten

tive, dil igent .


gfam, adj ., careful .f .

, kind , qual ity.


, n . ,-6, supper.


, conj .,as wel l as .


tiftb, adj., social

democratic .


gen, adv., so to speak .

é pagat'eubdjeu, n . , end of

string .

fviibeu, look, search.

fpal ten, spl it .

fpannen, strain , draw.

C‘Evmmung, f ., tenseness, ex

citement .

fpa en, save , economiz e .

fviifl id), adj ., sparse, scant,

scarce .

fvat fam, adj . , thrifty.

6mm, m. ,“ e, joke; fun .

fpafieu, joke, trifle .

é pafibogei , m. J Ok er.

fpfit, adj.,late .

fp iitgebot en, adj ., born later.


t eu, walk , pace .

S paaiet’

gaug, m. ,4 a, walk .

g veet fvifie, f ., sp ear-head .

fpeifen, eat , dine .

fpm en, open wide , spread .

é pesial’

, m.,

—e, bosom friend .

f .,sphere .

6 3mm, m.,mirror, surface .

evicl , n .,

—c, game , p ack of

cards ;im fein, have a handin the afl air.

g viclbau, m.,

4 :

thing .

evielfad n, f . , toy .

é pietba ba ba , m. , spoil-sport .6 pm}, m.,

—e, spear, lance.

336 momm y

{viefiemimpale, roast on a spit.EminbeI, f ., spindle .

evit ituo’

fen, pL , alcohol ic l iquors .


feuuiebct lagc, f . , storehouse for alcohol ic beverages.

G uital’

, n . ,“ er, hospital .

{NIL adj . , sharp , pointed .

évibbube, m. ,—n,

—n, rascal ,petty thief.

g oi ubeugefidjt, m ,—cr, face

of a pickpocket or rascal .evi l”, f . , point, peak, summit .G pibuame, m. ,

—as,—n, ni ck

name .

fvl ittcm, shatter, spl it , shiver.

m., derision , sarcasm,

ridicule .

fpotten, make fun oi , jest , deride .

G madjc, f ., speech, language .

finadflofi, adj ., speechless .fvt etbeu, a, o, intr .


‘speak, talk;ir .

, say .

fioridmort, n . ,“ er, proverb .

fpt iugeu, a, u (aux. i. and

leap, jump , spring, burst ,crack .

fpriQeu, spurt , splash, sq ui rt .

G wofi, m. ,- ffe, shoot , sprout;

scion .

{profien (aux. L), bud , sprout,germinate .

6 9mm, m. ,‘ c, leap .

fpudcn, Spit .


tlen, wash , rinse .

6 9m, f . , trace , track , sign .

fpiit en, fol low, trace ; perceive,feel .

fput lnB, adj . , traceless, withoutl eaving a trace.

G M ” , m. , sagacity, penetration .

ftaat efiibrl id), adj., dangerous

to the state .

6 tabt, f . ,‘ c, city, town .

ftabtbetauut, adj ., knownthroughout the city.

G tfibtdjeu, n .,l ittl e town .

g tfibtet , m. , inhabitan t of a


ftfibteteid), adj ., rich in c it ies .

e tii btlein, n . , l ittle city, tow n .

ftablbefvibt, adj ., steel pointed .

ftfiblcm, adj., steel .ftablgt au, adj.

, steel-gray.

ftafeu, old f ret. of ftedcn.

emu, m. ,4 c, stable .

G taueimet , m. , stable-pail .Ci tallgabel , f .

, pitchfork.

G tautfit , f . , stable-door .

e tamm, m. ,4 c, trunk , stem ;

stock , race .

ftammelu, stutter, fal ter.

ftammm, come, spring , or igi

nate .

ftiimmig, adj ., staunch, s t a l

wart .

ftampfeu, stamp, trample .

S taub, m. ,“ e, rank, posi t ion ,

profession .

g tfiubdjea, n ., serenade .

ftanbsbaiteu, te, a, hold on e’s

ground , hold out , s t an d


g tangc, f . , pole , stake .

ftapfen, tread heavily, stam p .

ftat f, ftfirfer, ftdrfft, adj . , strong ,mighty, deep (color).

e tfit fe, f . , strength, siz e .

ftat fflwdyig, adj . , strong-bon ed .

flan , adj. , stifi , rigid , fixed .

flatten, stare, gaz e.


G fiefel , m., boot.Etiefelett

’dmt, n . ,

l ittle shoe .

G tiefeltritt, m. ,—c, kick.

E tiel , m.,

—e, handl e, stem.

ftiftcu, establ ish, create, cause .

adj . , quiet , silent , stil l .g fille, f . , stil lness, silence .

{tingbal temstop .

éfilluug, f . ,quenching .

ftifibcrgufigt, adj. , inwardlyhappy .

G timme, f . , voice.

G timmleiu, n . , smal l voice (oia child) .

G timmuug, f ., mood , temper,disposition ; tone .

G titu, G tituc, f ., forehead .

ftfibcru, ransack .

Ci tad, m.,

“ 6, stick, stafi .

G tod, m. and n . ,—e, floor,


e todbtfide, f ., bridge made of

one stick .

6 todenbe, n . ,—n, end of a stick .


ftet , adj . , pitch-dark.

ftodtaub, adj ., stone-deaf.G tofi, m.

,—c, material .

ftfibueu, groan , moan .

ftnIperu (aux . L), stumble, trip.

ftoIa, adj., p roud l auf, oi );mag

n ificent , noble , lofty.

G tola, m. , pride.

ftopfeu, fil l, stop up , cram.

G towelbart, m. ,e

, scrubbybeard .

ftfit eu, d isturb, trouble, interrupt , upset .

M en, te, 0, hit , strike , fal l; i116$ 011 1 blow, sound .

ftnttcrn, stammer.

G irafe,f ., pun ishment , p enal ty.

fttafeu, punish.


ftrafi, adj., tightly stretched,rigid .

G h afget idjt, n .,—e, doom;judg

men t .

G h fifl iug, m. ,—e, convict .

G trfifl ingépet iobe, f . , term of

imprisonment .

ftmfloé, adj., unpun ished .

G h afprebigt, f .,scold ing, lec

ture .

G ati abl , m.,

—6,—cn, ray , gl eam,

jet , thin stream.

ftrableub, 9. adj.,radi ant, t e

splendent .

ftt umm,adj . , sturdy, straight,

stifi; strict .ftt auwetnb, p . , kicking .

G naubgtabftfittc, f . , burialplace on the shore .

G h ana, m. ,“ e, cord , rope,

(tough root) .G uam, f . , street .G h afimftbottcr, m. , road-ballast .

fttfiuben, ? efl.,struggle , resist.

ft nben, strive for, push to

wards, resist .e tu de, f . , distance .

ftreden, stretch, extend .

g h d d), m. ,-f , stroke ; tt ick.

ftt cid nln, p at , stroke.

ftt cidjen, i , i , paint , varn ish,white-wash; spread ; stroke ;cancel ; intr. (aux. L ), ex

tend; pass, move; wander,fly .

G h eidmoia, n .,

‘ fl‘

, match .

ftt eifeu (aux. L ), wander, rove.

G fi eifen, m. , strip, bar .

G ite“, m. ,—c, strife .

ftt citbat , adj., quarrel some,

warl ike.


ftteiten, i , i, fight, combat; dispute , contend .

ftt eng, adj ., strict , rigorous.

E tn a, f .,l itter, bed of straw.

S k id), m. ,—c, l ine, stroke; tract

of land.

E trid , m. ,—e, string, rope.

ftridcn, kn it .

ftri ft, adj ., strict .

S trut), n . , straw.

é h obbad), n .,4 er, thatched roof.

S fiobbut, m.,

‘ e, straw hat .E ttobfad, m.

,“ e, straw bed ;

mic ein fdflafen, sleep l ike a.

top .

6 30m, m. ,“ e, stream.

ftt iimen, flow , gush .

ftromgemal tig, adj ., with

mighty current .

S tromgtunb, m.,“ e, river—bed .

S trontium, f . , curren t .

e h omberfinbetung, f ., change

in current .

é trubel , m., whirlpool .

G trunwf, m .,

“ e, stocking .

6mm) , dial . for ©truppigfeit,f . ,

roughness .

ftmvvia. adj . , shaggy, rough ,rugged .

6 mm, f . , room .

e tu’benarrcft


, m. ,—e, confine

ment to one’s room (ar q uarters).

émbenbobea, m.,A

,floor of the

room .

G fiid , m ,—c, piece , part , speci

men , poin t .

G tiiddmt, n . , smal l piece , bit ,morsel .

G mbcnt', m. , 4 11 ,—cn, student .

G mheu’tcnftreidy, m.

,—c, stu

dent’s joke.




, m., bootblack for students .


ren, study.

G mbio’

fuB-fi ruber émbio(L at ), m.

, student .

G tubium, n ., ©tubien, study.

6mm, m. ,4 c, chair, seat .

fifilveu, p ut over, turn up , til t,pile up .

ftumm, adj . , dumb , silent .e tfinbtbeu, short hour.

6mm, f .,hour .

ftunheulang, adj., lasting for

hours; by the hour.

G tiinblcin, n ., dim. for 6mm,

last hour.

G tutmbfimou, m.,—6,

—cn, stormspirit , demon .


ttmett, storm ,rush; rave .

G turmgemalt, f ., tempestuous

force .

ffiirmifd), adj . , stormy, impetuous .

G tutmlfiuten, n ., tocsin , storm

signal .6 tutmuad)t,f “ e, stormy n ight .©turmfcbritt, m.,

—c, doublequick .

ftiitaen, hurl , throw, plunge;intr . (aux . L), be p recip i

tated .

e tfibe, f . ,support , mainstay.

©tuQeI, n . , name of a dog ;anything curtailed .

fatten, start ;to prick up his ears.G mtenlauf, m. ,

“ e, gun-barrel .m. , adj .

subst. , lower ofiicial .

6 nbal terfne(r), m. , adj . subsL ,

subal tern .

é ubm'bination'

, f ., subordina



6 nd”, f .,search , quest.

fudmt, seek, look for, search;attempt .

€ iibeu, m., south .

fiibbeutfd), adj . , South-G erman .

fiibl id), adj . , southern .

fiibaeub, p . adj. , expiatory.

G amma, f . , sum.

6 11mm“ , n ., buz z ing .

S unni , m.,“ e, swamp, q uag

mi re .

efinbe, f .,

G i'

mbflut, f ., deluge, Noah ’s

flood .

fatt en, buz z , whir.

{iii}, adj ., sweet ; fair; fresh.énmvatbie


, f ., sympathy.

6 3cm, f . , scene.


I abaf, m., tobacco.z abaféraud), m., tobaccosmoke .

tabcl lné, adj ., faul tless, perfect .fl ag, m. ,

—e, day; fiber toms

men, rise above ground , bebrought to the surface .

l agefil id fi, n . ,l ight of day, day

l ight .tfigi id), adj . ,


tagéiibet , adm, al l day long .

l ame (F rench) , f . , waist .z al ,

“ er, vall ey.


, adm, downhil l , val leyward .

z alent'

, n .,—e, gift , talent .

i nlet , m. , thal er, three marks.z ala fiidleitt, n . , purse .

S alftrufe, f ., stretch of val ley.

t alweg, m.,—e, channel ; road

through a val l ey.

Stunneuftamm, m.,‘ e, fir-trunk,

log .

S aute, f . , aunt.

tangent, dance.

I aual ieb, n . ,-et , danc ing-song.

taviet , adj . , brave , val ian t .z apfefl eit, f . , bravery, courage.

fl ap’

fetteitémehai l’le, f . , medal

for bravery.

tumm y stamp, tramp .

tawfen, stamp , grope , stumble.

l aid”, f . , pocket .

z aftbcnfeitel , n ., pocket-kn ife.

n .,

“ er, handk er

chief.tufteu, grope, touch, feel .taftenb, p . adj. , groping , feel ingfor, touching .

z at, f . , act , deed ; in bet

fact .

tatffid flid), adm, actual ly, posit ivel y .

tundwi , dip , plunge .

taufett, Christen , bapt iz e .

taugea, be fit for, good for; cBtaugt nidné, that is good fornothing .

I augenitbte, m.,—c, good-for

nothing .

tiiufdmt, deceive , d isappoint.z fiufdjuug, f . , decept ion .

taufcnb, mum, thousand .

taufeubfad), adj ., thousandfold.

taufeubmal , adm, a thousandt imes .

tetbnifd), adj . , techni cal .

i ce, m.,

—6, tea .

z en, m. and —e, part , share,port ion; id) bacbte mit meiuI had my own thoughts .

tei len, share , divide; refl. ,sep a

rate, be divided .


traben, trot , run , trudge .

tradmn, i ntr . ,aim at, aspire,

strive for, attempt .

triigc, adj . , idl e , sluggish.

tragen, u, a, carry, bear , wear;refl.

, ficb mit, cherish, harbor, concoct .

z tfigu’

, m. , bearer, supporter ,tragifd), adj .

, tragic .

traffic’rcu, treat , regale.

S tati c, f ., tear .

t raubenbiut, m, juice of thegrape , wine .

traucu, trust .

t rait“ , f ., mourn ing , sorrow,

grief.z rauerfpici , n .


trfiufen, pour down .

traul id), adj ., snug , cosy, com

iortable .

z raum, m.,

“ e, dream , fancy,revery .

ttfiumen, dream.

traumatifd), adj .,dreamy, fanci

ful .

ttaumbaft, adj . , dreaml ike .

z t aumfpuf, m.,

—c, dream

spectre , phantasm .

i taumtag, m. ,—e, day of dream

ing , dream-day .

traurig, adj . , sad , miserabl e.

z taut iug, m.,

—c, wedding-ring.

n ., ace of clubs .

trefien, a, 0, h it , st rike ; h it themark; arrange; refl.

, meet .

S t effen, n ., encounter .

treiben, it, ie, drive , carry oh,

pursue , do, act , behave;g pafi have fun .

trennen, separate , divide .

S t eppe, f ., staircase, ladder,

step s .


h eteu, a, e (aux. tread, stepon (aux. i) , wal k, go, enter,step .

tt eu, adj ., true, loyal , faithful .

tt eul m'

sig, adj . , innocent , art

less, candid .

trinfeu, a, u, drink .

z t iumpb’

, m.,-e, triumph .

triumpbie’teub, p . adj . , trium

phant .

troden, adj . , dry.

z tobbeimfitc, f . , tassel l ed cap .

z t iiblcr, m. , dealer in secondhand goods.

z tog, m. ,“ e, trough, tub .

troll en (aux. L), trudge , tod dl e ,trot; refl. , go away.

z tommel , f . , drum.

h ommeln, drum, beat .

z tommlet , m., drummer.

z tomve'

te, f ., trumpet .

t rome’teufigual


, n .,

—c, trum

p e t-cal l .

z topf, m.,

“ e, simpleton , fool .impfen, drop, trickl e, drip .

t rovfen, m., drop.

z toft, m., comfort , con sola

t ion.


dften, comfort ; refl. , con soleonesel f .

trotten (aux. L), trot , trud ge .

z tottoir’

(F rench) , —6, s idewalk

,pavement .

trot}, prep . (gem. in spiteoi , notwi thstand ing , for .

$ 1303, m., Opposit ion , defiance ,

spite .


,adv. ,

conj .,al though.

troben, defy, be obst inate;boast .

ttobig, adj ., defiant .

neverth el es s;


triibe, adj ., muddy; gloomy,dul l , sad .

z mhenhwa-fb tubenfufi, n .,


p entagram,sign of magic

power .

tt iiget ifd), adj . , deceptive, del usive .

z rumm, m.,

“ er, fragment,ru i ns .

St riimmetbaufeu, m. , heap ofruins .

t w at, m.,

“ e, drink;drinking.

2mm) , m.,

—e, troop, band .

tmvvmeife, adm,in bands,

troops .z ftbafo, m. ,

—6, shako, hel


find),“ ct , kerchief, shawl ;

cloth, material .z ud fltwpe, f .

,cloth cap .


ubtig, adj ., smart , fine, excel

l ent , vigorous , thorough .

z ftcbtige, f .,adj . subst. , a sound

box on the ear (Dbrfeige) .tun, tat, getan, do, make; carry

ou .

z uuid figut, m.,ne

’er-do-wel l ,

scamp .

21min , f . , I nniren, tugi c .

S auna, m., tunnel .

z fit , f . , door .

z firfenffliibel , m. , Turk ’s skul l .tfit fifd), adj .

, Turkish .

I arm, m.,

“ e, tower .

tutmbod), adj . ,very '

high ,tow

en ng .

z ufd), m.,sl . , insul t .

tufdjein, whisper secretly .

mud), adj . , typicalz nbiffld é), n .

, adj . subst. ,something typical .

z ntamt’

, m.,—en,

—en, tyrant .


fifid , adj ., bad , i l l , evil .iibeu, exercise , prac tise , exert.iibct , prep . (dot. and over,

across , about .


, adm, everywhere, al l


fibet sbt‘ eiteu, spread over.


, ada , besides .fibet ei

'len, refl.

,hurry rashly.

fibctcia's tommen, agree .

fibetfab'reu, run over.

iibet s fabten, drive over.

fibetfal’len, surprise , seiz e .

fibafluf},m., excess, abundance .

fibct sgeben, pass, change, blend .

iibctgenug, ada , more thanenough .

fibet gic’

ficu, flood,sufiuse .

iiba balwt’

, adv.,on the whole


general ly, at al l .fibcrfom'men, seiz e , take possession .

fibu laf'

fen, leave, give up , t e

sign .

iibers iaufeu, run over, overflow .

iiberlaut, adj ., noisy, boister

ous .

fibcrIe'ben, survive .


gen, consider, think over.

fibamadjt, f .,

“ e, superiority innumbers .

fibetmfitbfig, adj ., superior,

overwhelming .

iibetmot gen, ada , day after tomorrow .

ahumai , m., wantonness, spirit

of mischief .fibermiitig, adj .

, gay , jubilant ,exuberant .

liberuadj’ten, spend the night .


iibmteb'meu, take charge of


undertake .


, adj . , abnormal .fibm a

geu, tower above, overhang , surpass .

fibm a'

fflen, surprise .


tbm ei'

tben, hand over, del iver.

libett eiat’

, p . adj . , overexcited .

fibet fd fiebeu, n . , rol l ing over.

fiba s Iageu, pass rapidlyover, fal l over.

fiba sfatciten, step over, pass .fibct fdwf}, m.

,“ fie, surplus, ex

cess .libctfdpmem

'mcu, overflow , del

uge .

fibcrfdpmem'muug, f .,

flood, in

undation .

fibet fe'

beu, overlook, fail to

not ice .

fibet sftiitaeu, overturn .


aen, hurry; refl., tum

ble down .

iiberteu’etu, overcharge .

fibertt ei’ben, exaggerate , overdo .

fibertt ei ’buug, f ., exaggeration .

fibermet 'fen, throw over.

fibcrmiu'ben, a, u, overcome .


arch over.


gcu, convince ,p ersuade ,satisfy.

fibam '

guug,f ., conviction, bel ief .

fificraiel m'

, m. , overcoat .fibt ig, adj . and adm, remainingover; other.

libt igsbebalteu, it, a, to have leftover.

Bbt igmé, adm, besides, moreover.

fifiung, f ., exercise, dril l , praetice.

“fer, n ., shore, bank .

l l fcrfanb, m., beach-sand .

tiff! interj . , ugh !

l ibt ,f clock,watch;time of day .

l ibt cnlram, m. ,4 c, outfit for

mend ing clocks .ubrfette, f . , watch-chain .

m. , clockmaker .

um, prep . (am ), around , about ,for, at ; in order to; (gen )mi lieu, for the sake of.

umsbtegcu, bend , turn .

umsbl iden, refl., turn roun d to

see .

umbl ii ’lmt, surround with flow

ers .

umsbitbteu, recast, paraphrase .


geu, crowd around .

umsbt eben, turn around; refl .,

turn .

umfangreid), adj .“ exten s iv e ,bul ky, massive .


feu, embrace, enc l ose ,encircle , include, contain .

“manna, m.,“ e, association .

ummdmt, surround, enc l ose ,envelope .

umsbfingm, throw ou, sl ing ov er .

umsbaueu, bteb um, umgebaueu,fel l , hew .

umber'taftcuh, 9. adj . , grop ing ,

fumbl ing , feeling his wa y .

ums tebren, turn around , re turn .

l lmflam grasp, c lasp ,

embrace .

umlauf, m.,‘ c, circulation .

umrab'men, encircl e , frame in .

umtab'muug, f . , frame , se t ting .

umran'fcu, entwine , surround

with tendrils .111mm, m.,

—fie, outl ine .

umsrfibt en, stir up .


m bitt'l id), adj . , inexorable,


um bfitt'

, adj . , unheard of, ex

cessive .

unm d tb’bat , adj . , unattain

able , beyond reach.

unfiibig, adj . , unfit , di sq ual ified.

unfebl’bar, adj . , infal l ible, nu

fail ing; sure .

unfricben, m. , discord , strife.

ungebulbig, adj . , impatient .mtgdfibt



adv. , about , nearly;Don by chance .

mxgebeu’er, adj . , huge, p rodig

ious, dreadful .ungelml et , monster, prodi gy.

adj . , unheard .

uagefauut, adj . , unknown .

ungeleuf, adj ., stifi,



, adj . , uncommon,rare , wonderful .


, adj . , unceremonious,free and easy.

angeriibt t, adj ., unmoved, unafiected .

ungefdwteu, adj . , unshorn; IaBmid) leave me alone .

ungefebeu, adj . , unobserved .

ungefiibnt, unexpiated .

nugeftfit t’

, adj . , undi sturbed.

ungeftiim, violence , stress ,impetuosity.


, adj ., unhall owed,

p rofane .

mtgcwfibul id), adj . , unusual .ungemobnt, adj .

, unusual , nu

famil iar.

ungegiefet , n ., vermin; noxiousinsects .

unglaub'l id), adj ., marvel lous,

incredi bl e .

unnatural ,

unsigh tl y ,

“ giddy, adj ., un l ik e, incon

gruous; adm, by far, incom

p arabl y .

unglfid, mi sfortune, acci

dent .

ungl iidl id), adj ., mi serable , nu


nngulibig, adj ., ungracious .

newt, 1a , trouble , ev il .ambeiml id), adj ., d ismal ,

canny, uneasy.

llaiba fitiitfi’

ftaht, f . ,‘ e, uni

versity city.untIar, adj ., dul l , haz y.

“w ant, m,“ er, weed .

unlfifi'bat , adj .

, indissoluble.

unmiimd id), adj ., unmanly,

efieminate .

unmiifiig, adj ., excessive .

unmittclbat ', adj ., immediate,d irect .

unmflgl id), adj ., impossible .

numfig’l ib leit, f ., impossibil ity.

m ah’bar, adj . , inacces s ible ,

unapproachableunnatih'l id), adj .


forced .

mmiib, adj ., usel ess, idl e, worthless .


eub, adj ., unbecomi ng ,


unt aficrt’

, adj ., unshaved .

llmaft, f ., unrest;perturbation.

ll utubt, n . , wrong , faul t .unt eiul id), adj ., uncl ean .

11m in, f ., unrest , exci tement ,

commotion .

am big, adj ., restless, anxious ,excited .

unfdpciubat , adj .,

dim, simple .

unfdwlh, f ., innocence.


“ fault“, adj ., innocent.

uni“ , pron . adj ., our, ours.unfeteiuet , unmet“ , prom, one

of our sort .

M a ia, adj . , ours .

uufldytbat , adj ., invisible.

uufiunig, adj ., nonsensical .uufim , m., unl ucky star.

untfitigleit, f ., inaction, idleness, inertia.

unteu, adm, below .

W et , prep . (ace. and dot) , nuder, among, beneath; adj .,

lower, inferior.


ehetftelle, f ., positionas sub-inspector.

autetbte'tbcu, interrupt .

miterbtfi'deu, repress,

back, suppress .

antennas, m.,

‘ e, ruin , de

struction .

unta sgeheu (aux. L), sink , beruined , perish .

untn gm buet, adj ., inferior,secondary.

l l atemnmb, m. , ground .

unta bal’tcu, maintain , provide .

nutetbalt’lid),adj . entertaining .

l l atnhal'tuug, f . , entertain

ment, talk; support .

nutu indgt'

, 9. adj ., subjugated ,subdued .

l l ateflaub, n .,‘ ct , lowland .

untet s lcgcu, lay under, prop .

nata lie’

gcu, succumb, yield .

l l atn l it , f . , under-l ip .

M m ch’mcu, undertake, ven

ture .

untm eh’meub, adj ., bold ,

plucky, daring .

l l atm c’buug, f ., interview.

ma fdpfit'

am, undervalue.


untetflljieb, m. ,-c, difierence.

ufl fl lfim’f' ” 0:‘ f l Edging:

shel ter.mM t


, adj ., thick-set,stocky.

M et“, adj ., lowest; anthe bottom .

unta ftaub, m. ,‘ e, shel ter.

mtn fn’dlcu, examine , inspect.

autumn, adj . wi th dot , subjectto, obedient .


, adm, on the way .

untetaeid;’m , sign .

umfift’l idy, adj . , inconsolable .

m utethto'dnu, adj . , uninter

rup ted, constant.W a bimtetmei ’

fe, adm, unde

servedl y .

uuhn gleidy’l id), adj .

, incomp a

rable , matchl ess.aunetbei

’tatet, adj . , unmarried .


, adj ., unexpected .

unnu tenu'bat , adj ., unmista

kabl e .


iuftig, adj . unreasonable .

nunetfdjiimt, adj ., impudent.

l l umtfdpfimtljcit, f .,impudence,


nuvefitanbcu, adj .,not under

stood .

unba ftfiubl itb, adj ., indistinct,unintel l igible .

nunn ftfinbl itbcw), n . , adj .

subst. , something not un

derstood .

W et trfigl id), adj . , quarrelsome.


, adj ., unmov ed ,


unbnmeu'l itb, adj . , unfading ,

immortal .unbetmiift

’l itb, adj . , imp erturb



name“, adm, not far, near.

numiherftelj'l id), adj . , resistless,

overpowering, irresistible .

unmtnm, m. , indignation .

naming, adj . , indignant .unmi llfiit 'l id), adj . , involuntary,mechani cal , inst inctive .

unmitfd), adj . , cross, brusque .


cub, adj . , ignorant .unaiib

'l ig, adj . , countless.

unaul iiugl id), adj . , insufli cient,inadequate .

unameidnub, adj ., insufi cient .


felbaft, adj . , undoubted .

fivvig, adj .,luxuriant , rank;

wanton ; buxom .

utal t, adj . , very old , primeval ,time-honored .

mbcutfd), adj ., genuine G er

man .

ut tei l , -c, Opinion, judgment .

uttei leu, jadge, reason.



,adj . , vacant .

?Batet , m.,4

, father.

?Batet l , dim. for 23am?Baterlaub, n .

,A er, nat ive land .

batet l liubifd), adj ., patriotic.

b&tet l id), adj ., paternal .

?Batet ftabt, f . ,“ e, native city.


fet , n .,L ord ’s Prayer.

ba ubt eben, refl. , arrange , agree

up on .

net ii tbtl id), adj ., contempt iblescom ful .

bet iiubet’u, change , al ter.

fli efiiubm ug, f ., change .

beraulafieu, cause,induce .

cl ub

betaufluot tm, account for , beresponsible for.

Dethemcnb, adj . , hiding, conceal ing .

?Bet bcfi'

cruug, f . ,improvem en t .

bet lmtgcn, rcfl. , bow .

tmbietcu, forbid .

betbiubeu, obl ige .

?Bctbinbttug, f . , connection ;commun ication .

?Betbtnbuugébmbet , m.,a



?Betbittetuug, f ., bitterness , sul

lenn ess.

bet lmgeucu; im secretl y.

?Bet lwt, —e, prohibition, veto .

bct bt iimcu, border, trim, mak e

beautiful .?Betbtcdml , n ., crime , ofience .

?Betbt cdm'

, m., criminal , ofiend


bn btciteu, rcfl. , spread , ex

tend .

fi n bteih mg, f ., spreading , cir

culat ion .

betbm meu, burn .

ba bt iugm, spend (one ’s time),squander.

netbanbeu, p . adj ., connected ,combined ; bandaged .

n . , adj . subst ,anything suspicious.

ba bammeu, curse , condemn,damn .

hn bammuugémfirbtg, adj . , tobe condemned ;damnable .

bn baufm, be indebted to, oweto.

betheden, cover.

un beaten, verbatfite, w heat,blame .

verba tim, a, o, spoil , ruin.


ba lm“ , adj ., used by author to

mean infernal .?Betbiir, -t, trial , hearing.

ba biillcu, veil , cover, hide;di sguise .

ba buugm (aux. L), die of


bettutm ffie’ren, di ck , interest.

bei taufen, sell .bctfebteu, come and , go, asso

ciate .

bet lei l bat , adj ., sl . , fit to be

sold .

bet tetteu, fasten with a chain,

l ink together.

tm flfitt, adj . , glorified , en

hanced .

baflatftben, defame .

ba l l ing“ , a, u (aux. L), dieaway (sound).

tmtnd fcn, i, i, make (a wry

face), packer up .

berlangen, ir . and impera , de

sire , wish for, demand .

va langfamcu, slacken , delay.?Zicfl afi, m.

, dependence.


eu, tr .,leave ;refl. , auf,

depend upon .


en, p . adj ., forsaken.

ba laubcn, dial . , laufen, recede , extend;blend,fade ; astray.

betraufeu, adj ., wandering ,vagrant , stray.

ba lcaca, place el sewhere, postpone; lid) devote oneselfto.

net lcgcu, adj ., embarrassed ,confused .

berlei lmt, lend .

m iem, injure , ofiend, shock .

ba lebmb,’

9. adj ., ofiensive ,cutting , grating .

bet leugneu, refl., deny, disown ,


hu l in en, o, o, lose .

bn lobcu, promi se , vow.

fl a b btc, f ., adj . subst., fian

cée; betrothed .

ba lodenb, 9 . adj ., enticing , al

luring .

netb a l l , p . adj ., lost; bet lotmer

6 0m, prodigal son .

fliefluft, m. ,—e, loss.

?Betmiibluug, f . ,marriage .

bem alebeit’

, adj . , cursed .

i mmanent, wall in, hide in a

wal l .fli ttmebmugéfiibigteit,f . , breeding power, capacity for propagation .

bameibcu, te, it, avoid, escape ,dodge .

betmeinm, bel ieve, suppose, b eof the Opin ion .

bamfigeu, betmocbte, bermocbt,be able , have power .

fi nmfigcn, property, fortune , weal th .

hermagmb, adj ., weal thy,capable, influential .

bermutm, suppose .

?Betumtuug, f . , supp osit ion .

heritage“, 9. adj . , nailed down .

hm ebmbat , adj . , perceptible ,audible .

bm ebmeu, perceive , learn , un

derstand , hear .

hm d gen, refl., bow.

?Betnidptuug, f ., destruction ,

extermination .

fli tt intbtungfiaug, m. ,3 e, cam

p aign of extermination.


betuihtftig, adj . , reasonable,sensibl e , prudent .

netvfiidyten, bind , obl ige.

hm ammelu, barricade .

bw atu , betray; reveal , mak eknown , ind icate .

bm egtmt, spoil or mar by rain .

hert i tbtm, do, perform, execute,

achieve .

bert iuucu, a, o (aux. L), run 03,sl ip away, elapse .

bet t iidt, p . adj ., craz y, mad;out of order.

bettfidtetmeife, ada , fool ishly,madly.

flin g, m.

l—e, verse .

betfageu, deny, refuse ; refl., go

without; intr ., refuse to act;

hie é fimme berfagte ibm, his

voice faltered .

berfammeln, refl., gather, col

lect .

berfaubet, adj . , silted, fil led

with sand .

”Maniac“ , neglect;spend (time).ba fflafien, provide .

befitbfiubie'ren, prom, defame


d isgrace.

berfdyfitft, p in , intensified .

netfdnibeu, it, te (aux. ex

pire , die .

berftbetam, trifle away.

hefidy iebeu, shift .netfdpieben, adj .

, difierent , various .

netfdpimpfict t'

, pp ., abused .

beritblafm, sleep away, oversl eep .

net fdylagen, board up , repair.

hetfd fleificn, i, i (aux. L), wearout .

bu fd ltefien, o, o, lock .

bn ftbl ingeu, a, u, devour , swallow , engul f; refl., interlace,twine , twist.


cu, 9. adj ., locked ,cl osed , reserved .

fli ttftbmadoteu, n . , languishing,dying of thirst or hunger,starvation.

bn fdymtet t, 9. adj ., soiled ,greasy.

bn ftbofien, 9. adj ., faded .

fliu ftbteibuug, f ., legal order,bond .

befitbweigen, keep secret, suppress, conceal ; pp . , retired .

bcrfdjmiubeu, d isappear, vanish .

m idymam , ir . or rcfl. , swear

fin i tbmfirtt , m. , conspirator .

beficuten, lower, sink; refl., be

absorbed , plunged (into meditation).

netfcbbat , adj ., fit to be

pawned .

netfelml , misplace , rearrange;rejoin , say in reply; pawn ;p ut .

betfidjem, assure , convince , assert .

?Betfidyetuug, f ., assurance.

betfiufen, sink, be swal lowed , beabsorbed .

bcrfofien, p . adj . , intoxicated .

bet fommt, p . adj ., lost in

thought .herfpiitet, p . adj ., delayed , late.netfpieleu, lose by playing;gamble .

bid “ , adj . subs . , moneylost in gambl ing .

betftnedym, promise .

betfvfiten, notice, trace.


netfpfitt, 9. adj ., noticed , fel t ,traced .

?Betftanb, m., intellect, under


bn ftebcn, understand.

netfteiucrt, p . adj . , turned to

stone;p etrified .

bn fteflen, misplace ;obstruct .heritn beu, die .

bctftimmt, 9. adj ., in a bad


betftodt, adj . , stubborn, hardened .

ba ftorlmt, p . adj . , dead .

ba ffitm,disturb , confuse, be

wi lder.

befitnmmeu (aux. L), growdumb, be hushed .

En fud), m.,

—e, attempt , ex

p eriment , efiort .

net futlmt, try , venture, test ,experiment .

fi tt iudmug,f . , temptation , trial .bertaudmt, quel l , tcibigeu, defend .

lBerteibiger, m., defender, sup


Qia teibiguugémaficu, f ., pL , de

fensive weapons .bnfiefcu, refl. , become absorbed,lost (in thought).

hufilgen, destroy.

8 nfilgung, f . , extermination;consumption .

haunt“ ,adj . , annoy ing , vexa

tious, cursed .

bn ttagcu, endure .

?Bettraueu, n . , trust , confidence;al t, faith in .

tmtraul id), adj ., intimate .

flin trtml itbk it, f ., confidence,famil iarity.

bu tt infcu, tu , spend in drinkmg .

bet iilmt, commi t , perpetrate.

bemuebtcu, dishonor, d isgrace.

betuugliidt, p . adj ., unsuccessful .

betutfad nu, cause , produce .

betut tei lcu, sentence , order.

hermatbfcu, u, a, grow to be a

part oi ; be overgrown .

betwebteu, k eep, guard , se

cure .

m., adj . subst ,relat ive .

fli tt inaubt’


, n.,

—e, mark of relationship .

bcflnd gcm, refuse, deny .

hetmd leu, remain .

buwmbeu, turn away; er bet smanbtt fain 21am, he nevertook his eyes 03

bertncrtcu, make use oi, turn

into cash.

nnwcttcu, lose a bet .”W ide“ , p in, involved .

”W i lbert, 9. adj ., neglected,wi ld .

hnwirt t, adj ., bewil dered .

fl amit tuug, f . , disorder, con

fusion .

betwittett, adj . ,weather-beaten.

bertounbm, wound , gash, hurt.bawunbem, astonish, surprise,startle .

Q uwuubenmg, f . , admiration,astonishment , amaz ement .

bettomrfdjm, 9. adj .,enchan ted.

betwiiufdpeu, enchant ; curse .

hn tnfifteu, devastate , ravage,lay waste .

W oagt, p . adj ., discouraged,despondent, desperate.


m. , ful l possession .

bnll bl iitig, adj . , ful l-blooded .

bnll en'bet, p . adj .

,finished .

bnfleubé, odv. , whol ly, quite ;besides .

boner, indecl . , adj . , ful l oi .boll gftl tig, adj . , sufficient , un

exceptionable .

bBlIig, adj . , ful l , ent ire , perfect ;adm, quite .

nontom’mcn, adj ., perfect , com

p l ete .

bonftfinbig, adj ., entire , whole .

bnllaic'lmt, rcfl. , take place , be

accompl ished .

non, prep . oi , from , by ,with, about , concerning .

bmmfi’teu, adv.

, necessary, inneed oi .

hot , prep . (dot. and be»

fore , in front ; ago, for; ada ,

forward ; by , from,with .


, ada , before; onwards.flotaufd flag, m. ,

“ t, previousestimate .

?Bm'arbeitet , m.

, foreman.

?BOtbcbadyt, m. , purpose , del ibcration .


, adm, past , over, goneby .

nntbci’sgcben. go past .

borbei'sbafteu, hurry by .

bmbd ’sfebm, look past .

umbei ’

ftbwirt eub, p . adj . , whirring by , buz z ing past .

bnrsbet eitcu, prepare , get ready.

?Botbetcitmtg, f ., preparation .

Qinflti lb, —er, model .borsbt iugeu, produce, ofier,

g ive in advance .

bothet , adj . , anterior,fron t .


dial ., before .

?Bnrfall , m.,4 0, event .

bors fall en, happen .

?Borfeiet , f ., prelude to a celeb

bration .


, f ., entry.

bot sfiibtcu, bring beforejudge) .

fintfiibmng,f production , presentation .

?Botgaug, m. ,4 c,

event ;proceeding .

bot sgebcu (aux. L ), proceed;happen .

momentum, m. , adj . subst.,superior, chief .

norgeftemmt, p . adj .,braced ,

placed firml y .

bmgcftm ,adv.



inc ident,

day before

h ot sbaben, plan , intend .

norsbal tcn, present , aim.

bmbau’beu, adm,

at hand , ready,present .

bnt l m“

, adm, before .

hornet'sbcffimmcn, arrange be

forehand , foreordain .

bnrber’sfclmt, foresee .



,a li ttl e whil e ago.

bnrig, adj ., previous, last .

bou tommeu, happen , occur;seem, appear.

borlfiufig, adm, for the timebe ing , as y et .

bot s lcfcu, read aloud .

t IcQt, adj .,last but one .

finfl iebe, f ., preference .

bord icgeu, present itsel f; exist;be there .

bors liigcu, l ie;tel l a pack of l ies.hormaIB, adv. , formerly, once

upon a time .


?Bonuauet , f . , outer wal l , bulwark.

hm —t,—en), adm, in front ,

before ;nod) forward .

botuebm. adj ., genteel , fine,

aristocratic .

m 'uebmcu, occupy onesel fwith, work at ; {16) (dot )resolve .

bm ebms tefetniet t'

, adj ., wel l

bred and reserved .

boruii’bet gcbeugt, 9. adj ., bent

forward .

bu s ted“ , refl., stretch out,

crane .

fintfaal , m.,580111119 ante

room .

8M0dn, m. , gum tommm,

appear; gum bringen, p ro

duce , bring to l ight .unt sfdptebcu, push forward , advance; norgefcbobentt $ofteu,outpost .

m. ,“ e, proposit ion,


bor-fd n'

eibcu, dictate, prescribe.

bntfdjt iftfimfifiig, adm, according to rul es .

bot sfdminbelu, cheat , humbug ,swindle .

bu sfebeu, provide for by law .

butfldytig, adj . , cautious, p rudent

, careful , wary .

bnrfpt iugcub, p . adj . , projecting .

a t'


e, f ., narrow street

in a suburb .

bnrftcbenb, p . adj . ,preceding .

m -ftell eu, introduce, present .280tftcll uug, f . , idea, presentation .

horsftredeu, stretch forward ;advance; protrude .

L), pass

bu s tfiufdmt, simulate .

?Bofl eil , m. ,-e, advantage,

p rofit , gain , benefit .80th “ , m.,

‘ e, di scourse; t ep ort .

bot trcfi’l id), adj ., excel lent, p er

feet .

borh etcub, p . adj . , prominent.borii

'bet , adm, past, over, by ,

along .

hot ii’bet sgebeu (aux

by, ,go by .

?Bofiflbet gcbmbeu, 9L , passersby .

nu ii'bet cfdyiebeu, push by ;refl.,

move al ong .

bnt ii’bet sftbt eitcu, walk by .


bet s ttageu, carry past .bnrii

'bet ssiebcu, pass by .

bmwfit té, adm, forward , on

ward;— 1 go ahead !?Blmnm’

f, m. , reproach.

f ., bygone days.botacitig, adj .

, premature .

bot saielml , prefer.


load), adj ., awake, watchful ,l ive ly .

Wad”, f . , watch, guard .

maoclu, dial . , wave, flutter.

madmt, watch;be awak e .

fl adfiamteit, f . , watchfulness .wadficu, u, a (aux. L), grow;spring up , increase .

maas ftofien, it , o, waken bynudging , pushing , shaking.

wadytbabeub, adj ., on guard .

fl atbtmeiftet , m., sergeant .

madelu, shake .

wad“ , adj ., brave, good , honest.


fi che, f . , cal f of the leg.

28am, f . , weapon .

mageu, dare , risk, undertakeboldl y.

fl aunt, m. , wagon, cart, car

riage , car.

fi agtufdpicbet , m. , pushcartman .

fi abl , f . , sel ection .

manual , fancy, imagine , sup

pose .

Wabufiuu, m. , fren z y, madness.mahafianig, adj .

, frantic, craz y.

main,adj .

, true , correct .mfibt cu, last , endure , hold out.

walnu t, prep . (gem), during;conj .

,meanwhile , whil e .

wahrhaft, adj . , true , real .

wabtbaftig, adj ., true .

Hiabrbeit, f . , truth .

wabrbci tfigctreu, adj . , truthful .wabrsnebmen, perceive , noti ce .

QBabmebmml g, f ., perception ;

vision .

mabrfagm, soothsaying,foretel l ing .

mabtftbeiu’l id), adj . , probable .

fi abracid nu, token , sign ,mark .

QBaifcuhtabe, m.,

-u, or

phan boy.

Nu“ , m. ,“er, wood , forest .

fi albbaum, m.,

‘ e, forest-tree .

QBaIbgtunb, m.,

“ e, depth of thewoods; pL , recesses .

fl atbgcbfiuge, wooded-slope .

QBaIbbeimat, f .,forest-home .

malbbm , m.,

—n,-m, keeper

of the forest .QBaIbboru, n .

,u et , bugle,

F rench horn .

m., forester.

‘ e, son of the


fi albriiden, m., wooded ridge .

QBalbfdpmieb, m.,

—e, forestblacksmith .

waIbfdmlmeiftet , m. , countryschoolmaster.

walbfnbn, m. ,i t

woods .fi albftteit, m. ,

—e, quarrel overforest rights.

w l bwiefc, f . , meadow, lea.

manenb, p . adj .,waving .

mama, rol l .flBamé, n . ,

4 tr, doublet , jerkin .

28mm, f .,

“ e, wal l .manhelu, strol l , walk leisurely.

28am “ , m., wanderer; trav


manhunt (aux. f. and

der, travel , go.

manhunt”, f walking , travels; journey.

QBaubgang, m.,

‘ e, balconyaround the house .

flBaublufc, f ., smal l window in

a wal l .mama, f .

, wal l-clock.fl ange, f . , cheek.

maulen, totter, stagger, shak e .

manna , adm, whence .

R ate, f . , article , merchandise ;pL , goods, wares.

QBa't cutrauéport

, m. ,—c, con

vey ing of goods.matn , warmer, mum ft, adj .,

warm,hot .

fl aunt , f . , warmth .

wfim cu, heat , warm.

mutual , warn , caution , cal l attention to.

marten, wait , stay, await , ex

peet ; auf, wait for.

fl firm'iu, f .,nurse.


z em ebe, f ., grape-vine.

28cm, f . , manner, way , cus


weifen, te, ie, point out; expel .M in “, f . , wisdom.

fl eiélwfet , m., surname; — ia,

f . , indicates the wife of manby this name .

mcifi, adj ., white , clean.

QBeifi, n ., white color.

meifibfitfig, adj . , whi te-bearded.

fl eii’

ung, f ., direction , order.melt, adj .

, far, from, di stant ,remote; adv. , farther; hon-em, from afar.

mate, f . , di stance , space.

weitcu, refl. , broaden , extend .

mi ter, adj . and adm, further,on , forward .

mei tegbobteu, bore, dril l , penetrate further.

fl atn bieneu, n ., further ser

vice .

fi fitn e, adj . subst. , whatfol lows, remainder, rest .

weitet sfntfd nu, inquire further.mitet sgeheu, go on .

meitet saielmt, proceed, marchon , go on .

mei tgebogcn, adj . , broadlycurved .

weithin, ada , far away; - au6,long past .

meld», M idas, pron .

interrog., rah , who, which,what .

ma, adj . , w ithered , sick ly.28cm, f . , wave.

mud), adj . , foreign , strange .

Qfiel t, f ., world , people .

wel tetnbetet , m. , conqueror ofthe world .

w anna, n.,-ct , chil d of the

world .

weltweiéljeit, f ., worldl y wis

dom, philosophy.

incubus, manbte, gemanbt, al so

turn .

mafia, adj . and adm, li ttle ;-c,

few .

tneuigfteufi, adm, at least .

mm , conj ., ii , when ; aucb,

even ii .met , pron . rel ., interrog . , and

indefi, who, he who.

11mm , murbe or math, geworbcn(aux. L), become, get , he;shal l , will .

werfen, a, o, throw, cast ;mfirfe,pret. subj .

23611 , n . ,—e, work, action , deed,

production ;mechan ism.

fi ctfltatt, f . , workshop.

fifiet fscug,—e, tool , instru

ment , implement.Wn tseugtad, m. ,

‘ e, tool-bag.

am t, adj . , worth, dear, as

teemed .

?mmfdifituug, f ., esteem.

QBcfcu, n ., essence , nature,

manner, being; creature .


, interrog. and adm,why.

wcfpcuartig, adj ., wasp-like .

QBeft, m. , west wind .

fl efte, f ., vest .

wefteu, m. , west .

fi efteutafdye, f ., vest-pocket.

mtftmiirtfi, adm, westward.

mettcu, bet .mettet’, n . , weather, storm;

fig., row ;aIIe -l confound it l

wettetftnrm, m. ,“ e, storm.

fl hift'

vat tie'

, f ., game of whist.


whim, f ., blacking .

fi idfiiu”, m.,

-G , bootblack; attendant .

midptig, adj . , important, grave,weighty, momentous.

with in, wind , wrap, twist .

mihet , prep . against .lmibet fadnt , m.

, opponent .mibet fpcuftig, adj . , stubborn ,


23m m , m.,

‘ e, resistance .

fl ibcfitaubfiffibigleit, f ., powerof resistance .

QBibet itaubéttaft, f ., p ower ofresistance.

fl ibet fadm'

, m., antagonist .mic, ada , how; conj . , as , as ii ,l ike , such as; when .

wither, adm, again , back.

wi therserteuum,recogniz e .

mtebet sfinbeu, find again; refl.,

come to one ’s senses.

mtcbcrbn'lcu, repeat .

wiebetbnl t’

, adj .,repeated .

fi icbetbn’lungéfull , m., case of


fl icbn tebt , f ., return ,


rence .

miebet s tcbteu (aux. L), return ,


miebet s lnmmeu, return .

fl iebcfiaciu, m. , reflection .

mtcbn stebeu, see again .

fl icbetfebcu, meeting again;auf til l we meet again .

miebcb ttdfeu, meet again.

micbemm, adm, again .

wiegen, rock, balance , swing.

wtebm , neigh; miebcmbes ©CIltdmt , horse-laugh .

lEBh fe, f . ,meadow.

fl iefel , weasel .

‘ Cl'

, meadow

mefcumub, m.,fi e, meadow

land .


, adm, by what means,how.

miebiel ’, ada , how much.

milh, adj . , wild, unruly, nucultivated , dishevelled , frantic,savage .

fl abd t ), m., adj . sav

age , wild man .

wi lbfluteub, adj ., madly-surging.

QBiIbgtai , n .,

grass .wi lbwfittg, adj ., furious, mad ,outrageous.

M e, m. ,-n6, wil l , intention ,

design .

mitten (with um), prep . (gem);um Q Otteé for heaven ’


sake !mi ll enloi , adj . , involuntary, in

stinctive .

wintnm'meu, adj . , welcome .

toimmm , whimper, whine .

mtmmm b, 9. adj ., whining,moaning .

w ow“ , f ., ey e


wit h, m. ,—e, wind , air;breez e .

mtubfttu, adj . , calm.

fl iubftofi, m. ,l i t, gust of wind .

fl int, m. ,-e, nod , sign .

?minl cl , m., corner.

wi l l ful , motion , sign .

fl ivfel , m. , tree-top .

wirbeln, whirl , turn .

mitten, work; produce an ci

feet , operate.

mirflid), adj ., real , actual ;ada ,

truly .

withing, f ., efiect , impression .

win , adj ., confused, disordered.


QBit t, m.,

—e, innkeeper.

llBit tfdmft, f ., household .

fl it tfdpaften, n . , housekeeping .

fl it tébaué, A ct , inn .

miidmt, wipe .

winners , whi sper.

mi lieu, mufste, gemufit, know.

mificuébut’ft, m., thirst for

knowledge .

?lBitftau, f . , widow.

fl it, m.,

—e, wi t; jok e.

mo, adm, where , when .

mobci ', adm, whereat , at which,While , at the same time.

fi nd”, f ., week.

wotbenlattg, ada , for weeks (ata time) .

fi ndmttag, m.,

—e, week-day .

ada , whereby.


, ada , for what , what , forwhich.

wage, f ., bil low.

mogul , wave , surge .

wogcub, p . adj ., waving, surg

ing .


, adv. , from where , where .


,ada , whither, where .

wobl , ada , wel l ; indeed; p erhaps .

fl ow, n . , welfare, prosperity.QBobIbebagm, n . , comfort .

wnblbel amtt, adj . , wel l-known .

mnmbemabrt, adj ., wel l p re

served , careful ly guarded .

mnblemorben, adj ., honestly

acquired .

wohlfei l , adj ., cheap.


,adj . , wel l p ro

tected .

woblgcfdflt t t’

,adj .

, wel l harnessed .

mnblgefctt, adj ., wel l-arranged .

mnbl ljalmtb, adj ., wel l-to-do ,

prosperous .wnblraugiet t

, adj ., fig.

, steady .

fl obl tfitn‘

, m. , benefactor .

mnbl tiitig, adj . , charitable , salutary, wholesome .

wnbl hmtb, p .,adj . , beneficial ,

comforting .

fi nblmnnm, n . , good-will .$30m m.

,“ er, place of res i

dence .

flBobuung, f ., dwel l ing .

fl obmmgétiir, f .,house-door.


“ e, wol f .fi nite, f .

, cloud .

manta, adj ., woolen .

tnnfleu, moIIte, gamut, be wil ling, wi sh , intend .


, ada , by which; withwhat .

28mm , f ., joy .


, ada , in what;wherein .

fi mmé, n ., Worms, a city in

the grand-duchy of HesseDarmstadt on the left bankof the Rhine, 25 mil es southof Main z .

280th n . ,—e and “ er, word .

wot tfarg, adj .,reticent .

fl attel , n ., dial . , wood .

tnnrtloé, adj ., speechless, sil ent.



,of which .


, ada , for what , Why .


ah, adj ., rank, ram

pan t .

wutbtig, adj ., weighty, heavy.

miiblm, burrow , form channels,work a way through .

muub, adj ., wounded .

fl unk , f .,wound .

muubeubcbedt, adj ., covered withwounds.


M ichel , dissolve, mel t (intotears).

S etbatl lnlg, f ., chop p ing to


mlnitfdjt, 9. adj ., contrite,penitent .

att itudes , crash, bang.

sa lami , adj ., ragged , tattered .

am dfieu, tr., rend , tear; intr .

(aux. L), snap, burst asun


m elt, pul l at, twitch.3m m , a, o (aux. L), vanish;mel t, dissolve.

M H“ , 9. adj ., torn, t“ , pluck to pieces , tearup .

Bed l bduug, f ., sabering to

pi fdnlleu (aux. L), be dashedto pieces, spl it .mom , cut in pieces .

acrfmmgeu, burst open, ex

p lode .

M at ing“ , fly to pieces, burst.milk “ , destroy, ravage, ruin .

serftteut, 9. adj ., scattered ;con

fused .

Betftteutbclt,f ., absent-mindedness .

mtdimmm , shatter, smash,destroy.

adm , raise an outcry.

satani c“ , m., distributor of

bill s.

S ena, —e, stufi, material ;clothes.

S eagauéflovfeu, beatingclothes.

S mut ! ”W-n'

“ u, Witness.

S idleiu, n ., k id.

S iege, f . goat.

S tead , m., brick , tile.

S iegelftt iu, m.,—e, brick.

stem, m. mom , tu , draw,p ull ;i 1ur . (aux. go, move,march, come .

S id , n .,—e, aim, goal ; l imi t ,

end .

aim l id), adj . , seemly, sui table,fit;adm, rather, pretty.

Bietat, m.,—e, also f ., orna


adj ., graceful , pretty,dainty, n ice.

S inat’t e, f ., cigar.

aigeu'nerbtamt, adj .; brown as

a gipsy, tanned .

S igw’um , m, wandering li k e

a gipsy.


uermeib, n .,—tt , gipsy

woman .

S ila'be, f ., cicada, crick et,

grass-hOp p er.

S ina i“ , n ., the val ley of the

Z il ler, a tributary of the

Inn .

S imian , fl , room.

S immerbnlg, m , timber.

Bimmcrmeifiet , m., carp enter.

8h !» f . , peak. poin t, jaggedprojection.

BiuB, m., 4 8,-eu, rent , interest.

giftbelub, f ., whispering .

hiss, rush, roar .

Bitabel'le, f . , citadel .

f ., z i ther, a musical

instrument .S itw

'ueuhaum, m.,

e c, lemon,citron tree.

gitim , tremble, shak e .

S ittewuwel , f ., aspen , p oplar.

303m , delay, l inger.m., inch.

sonmaafw e, f . , stone whi chmarks a boundary for cus

toms.8001, m. ,

‘ c, plait of hair,braid .

8m ,m. , anger, passion, wrath.Sm efiatwbmdp, m.,

‘ c, out

break of anger.

m gafitet, adj ., flushed withanger.

30min, adj . , angry, passionate.

m ot, adj ., red with anger.

S murfitc, f ., glow of pass ion .

Bums , Z ossen , a town not

far from Berl in on the Berl inDresden railroad .

some, adj shaggy311, prep . (dot ), adv. so? ” to,

at , in , for, along, ou , with,towards; in order to; too.

Bi cbm , m.,nut-gatherer.

and“ ,move convulsively,

twi tch .

8nd“ , m., sugar.

8udn fdjalc, f . , sugar-bowl .gabem


, adm, besides, in addi

t ion .

subt iugfidp, adj ., intrusive , impertinent .

w w w , close, shut to.

gun ft’

, adm, at first .

S ufall , m.,s e, chance, accident,

event .

M i nis, adj ., accidental ,chance .


ifl lcgcu, fly shut , close q uicky .

ant fliifim , whisper to; insinuate .

auftiC’lmt, adj ., satisfied , con

tented , happy.

S ufrie'

benlmt, f ., satisfaction.

8ug,m.,fi e, pul l , attraction;mo

tion; march; train; draught,stroke, l ine , trait , feature;character; im —e, in fullswing .

813mm, m.,‘ e, approach, ac

cess .S ugbt iitle, f . , dra

amgeben, add ,wsgebeh, shut;happen .

ausgefeueu, refl.

S ufifimtu i ”w

together, along wi th.

ws gteifelt, seiz e , stretch out

one ’s hand ; set to work .

Bugbogel , m. ,e

, bird of pas

sage .

ausbal ten, k eep closed , shutstop .

su-lm'rfl lleu, speak in an over

bearing manner.

ausbiiteu, l isten to.

au-l ebmt, turn towards .w h etten, has huge, wink slyly.wsh fivfeu, button up .

aus lommeu (dot ), fal l to a p er

son ’s share .

S ubuni t, f ., future .

sulfinftig, adj ., future .

S uffiuftige, f ., adj . sai nt , the

future (wife), the intended .


cu, al low, admit.S ulufimlg, f . , permission.


, adm, at last , final l y .

aul ieh'

, adm,for the sak e of

(some one).ausmefl


eu, app ortion , dole out .ausmuteu, exact from, expectof gu Die! overwork .

M V, adm, next .


sw am, m ,‘ et , match.

S finbbi'

tttbeu, percussioncap .

auuebmeub, p . adj . , increasing .

Bunge, f . , tongue .

S fingelu, hissing; movement of the tongue .

auugenfertig, adj . , gl ib, voluble.

au-uideu, nod to.

aus tateu, advise , counsd .



,in good order.

aurecbt's legeu, arrange , prepare.

auredyt'smatbeu, arrange , p ut in

order .

aus telmt, persuade , encourage .

aut iid’sbefiuuen, refl. ,

recall , cal l

to mind .

aut iid’sbeufeu, reflect , recal l .

gut iid’s fabt eu, go back .

autfid'sfliebeu, fly back, retire

hastily .

aut iid'

geffiilpt, f .,rol led up .

autfid’s l ebteu, return .

aurfid’s frietbeu, creep back.

autiid’s legeu, p ut aside , lay by ;

travel , cover (di stance).auriid

’s lebueu, refl. , lean back.

aut iid's tufeu, cal l back.

ant iid's ftfiuelleu, jerk back.

aurfid'sfiufeu, sink, fal l back.

aurfid’s treteu, step back .

auriid’ssiebeu, refl.

, withdraw,fal l back , drop ofi .

Bumf, m.,—e, shout , cal l .

aus tufen, summon , recal l ; cal l


sus fageu, promise .

aufam’meu, adm, together,

jointly .

miam’mmsbiubeu, tie , bind or

tack together.

Quinnfluent bt iugeu, coll ect.


aufam'meusfaucu, col lap se ;grow

thin .

aufam’meugetoppel t,

leashed together.

S ufam’meubaug, m. , connec

t ion , relation ; facts .

aufam'meusflaubeu, scrap e to


aufam’menstnetfeu, i, i , draw to

gether; squint, pucker up .

aufam'meus laufeu, assemb le .

aufam'meuspafieu, fit , harmon

i z e .


'eu, foretell

contradi ctory resul ts fromone omen .

aufam'meus tafieu, snatch up ,

col lect hurriedly, summon .

aufam'meusftblagen, cl ap , strike


aufam'meusftedeu, be always to


miam’meusfitfimeu (aux. L),

flow , crowd , flock together.

aufam'meur-trageu, bring to

gether, col lect .ausftbaueu, look on (dot ) .ansftblageu, close; strike , bang .

auftbmettemb, p . adj . , banging ,crashing .

ausftbteibeu, ascribe, charge.

gustateiteu, walk towards,stride .

S uitaub, m. ,‘ e, state, situation.

aus ftelmt, stand .

aus ittebeu, strive to attain .

and rogen, carry towards, bringto.

aus trefieu, come true .

aubetfid)ma, adj confident.


, adm, too much.subat

, adm, before.

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