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Cui bono? Why 12-15 was an inside job

The Australian deep state, manufacturing domestic consent, gearing for a future

war with Iran, fueling Islamophobia, the patsy “mad sheikh” Man Haron Monis and

the Lindt café siege

N Wahid Azal

© 2014

…An act of terror generally…[is]…capable of rippling waves of public indignation, and

accordingly provides the adversarial faction(s) with the pretext for commencing war.

Recruiting terrorists never seems a problem: these appear at the basic level to be a loose

collection of desperadoes, who end up being easily trained, provisioned, and oriented by

the undercover intelligence services…

In general, the art of terror entails the (state’s) underground promotion of a

fractious grouping: say, an ‘ethnic army of liberation,’ or a radical militia…Meanwhile

the higher levels of this conspiratorial franchise feature a mix of intelligence officers in

charge of disinformation, organization and cover-up, and hired ‘consultants’ –

themselves intelligence officers ‘on loan’ from other state agencies, foreign and

otherwise, or former soldiers of fortune, whose expertise runs the gamut of recruitment,

financial shuffle, subversive methods and like techniques of destabilization.

In the simplest configurations, the subterranean instruction of the terrorist

‘cell’ by the state’s secret services is part of a maneuver aimed at implicating this

phantom ‘organization’ into a more or less spectacular act of sabotage. Sabotage either

against the state itself, or against the ‘targeted enemy’, that is, a nation whose ruling

clans are to be antagonized by the terrorist recruits in the name of ethnic or religious

rivalry. In the first case, while the wounded government in the vengeful heat of

retaliation ‘clamps down on the terrorists,’ a variety of prearranged ends, all congruent

in point of social control and surveillance, is swiftly implemented.

-- Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich,

London, 2005, 20-1.

Nothing about the official Australian story regarding the sixteen hour Lindt café

siege that occurred in Martin Place, the Sydney CBD, on Monday, 15 December 20141

makes any sense. All the elements making up its “official” narrative have been so

clumsily cobbled together, are so blatantly inconsistent, embarrassingly porous,

conceitedly fake and outright contrived -- yet simultaneously so obviously

orchestrated and staged -- that to believe in the official corporate presstitute MSM

line (or, rather, lies) about any of it requires a total suspension of belief, not to

mention reason. As demonstrated in subsequent days, the only level at which this

story maintains any level of consistency (albeit, still without any actual credibility)

is on the level of the memeocracy2 itself, which is to say on the level of hype, wilful

misinformation and disinformation perpetrated by the Australian corporate state’s

propaganda apparatus which in this case are the duopoly of the Fairfax Media

group3 controlled by Australian mining queen Gina Rinehart4 and Rupert Murdoch’s

News Corp Australia (formerly News Limited).5

This whole debacle, even before it began, maintains all the classic hallmarks

of a false-flag staged by powerful, behind the scenes interests within Australia itself;

namely, the entrenched Australian plutocracy which together with the Australian

intelligence establishment (particularly ASIO)6 and assorted powerful Zionist

lobbies7 and organizations properly constitute the unelected Australian ‘deep state’.

This is the main constituency that practically installed the current Liberal-National

Coalition party (Tory conservative) government of Tony Abbott on 7 September

2013 and has stood behind this government’s nasty culture wars, its draconian (even

criminal) anti-asylum policy, as well as, above all, its policies of economic neo-

liberalization on steroids and casino-type deregulations solely benefiting the

corporatocracy. However hastily concocted and clumsily executed, perhaps due to

an urgency of some sort, nevertheless it appears that this false-flag was undertaken

by the Australian deep state with intent in order to clear several decks. That a

counter-terrorism training exercise was conducted by the Australian Defence Force

in Martin Place, the Sydney CBD in May 2013 only bolsters the case for the staged

nature of 12-15 and that something had already been planned by the system long


12-15 could also not have come at a more opportune time for the Abbott

government whose electoral fortunes have been consistently sinking in the polls

ever since (and even before) it handed down its May 2014 national budget; a

situation increasingly going from bad to worse with each fortnightly electronic

polling result revealing a palpable sense of genuine hatred rising among significant

portions of the Australian electorate for the Abbott government: an electorate who

only fourteen months prior could not get rid of the former Rudd-Gillard-Rudd ALP

(Labour) government fast enough, itself plagued by rotating leaderships, paralysing

internal destabilization and electoral back-flips.

In fact, on the very same day that this spectacle unfolded, Abbott

government Treasurer Joe Hockey was to release his mid-year economic report that

reveals the Australian national budget deficit to be a further $100 billion AUD in the

black than anticipated back in May 2014.9 Had the Lindt café siege not occurred,

most certainly this would be the issue dominating the news cycle and its headlines

in Australia on that specific day. On that score alone, the “mad sheikh” Man Haron

Monis threw the Abbott government a providential life-line (a veritable life-raft, to

be sure) to its fast sinking electoral fortunes. But this hasn’t been the first occasion

that “Muslim extremism” and the threat of home-grown “Islamic terrorism” have

salvaged the Abbott’s government’s declining fortunes in the past fourteen months

of its term so far.10 It was merely the most publicized and most hyped of such

occurrences yet, and one thoroughly capitalized and milked for every last contrived

element of it by the Australian deep state establishment and its chief estates,

particularly the Australian corporate presstitute media.

Besides the strategic consensus building exercise this event was designed to

be for purposes of shoring up official justifications for future “interventions” and

wars in the Middle East (together with the expected enactment of tougher, more

punitive “anti-terror” security measures to follow), there are other background and

noteworthy elements to this story that further reveal its transparently orchestrated

nature: issues which pundits so far have not given adequate attention to. Indeed 12-

15 has been a literal gift from heaven on a whole litany of issues to the Australian

deep state establishment and the Abbott government specifically, and this is why

none can take the MSM’s official narrative seriously. As the old Persian adage goes,

the tail of the rooster shows.

For example, the public distraction role these events of 12-15 may have

played in diverting attention from the Australian government and corporatocracy’s

ongoing secret negotiations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)11 –-

the greater Pacific region’s version of the Transatlantic Partnership Area (TAFTA),12

both of which are effectively ceding state sovereignty and rights over to globalist

corporatocracy and its looting –- is something that will certainly need to be

explored more fully in the near future. Although nothing is apparent online as yet

palpably demonstrating as much, some are however privately speculating as to

whether something important having to do with the TPP was occurring in mid-

December 2014 (on or just after the event) and which may have prompted the

Australian deep state to orchestrate the events of 12-15 during this time. Watch this

space, but no need to point out that any false-flag event that would predictably

beef-up the surveillance state and increase court and government gag order powers

would certainly help the plutocrats and their government lackeys who are deeply

engaged in this process and who wish to continue keeping both its ongoing

negotiations as well as its provisions secret.

Now, given Australia’s role on the geopolitical front as the Empire’s stooge,

as a specifically Iranian refugee who left Iran in 1996 under questionable

circumstances and was granted asylum in Australia in 2001 under even more

questionable circumstances; Man Haron Monis’ role in 12-15 provides the perfect

justification (dare one say, ploy) for the Australian establishment to now begin

smearing Iran more aggressively than ever before, even though Australia and Iran

officially maintain diplomatic relations and there is an Iranian embassy in Canberra,

ACT. No need to mention that on one level this all has the stench of similar

developments in Canada during 2011-2012 and appears to be following a script

straight from the Stephen Harper playbook in 2012 when his Canadian conservative

government unilaterally cut off all diplomatic relations with Iran, closing down the

embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Ottawa and expelling all diplomatic staff

for totally bogus, trumped up reasons and with obvious and deliberate Zionist

engineering.13 But more than the Islamic Republic of Iran itself, the immediate

target here is more explicitly Iranian asylum seekers and especially those

incarcerated in processing and detention facilities on the island nation of Nauru or

Papua New Guinea’s Manus island. Tangentially, and possibly in the long term, such

a target may also include the relatively well integrated, successful and materially

affluent immigrant Iranian-Australian community itself as a whole.

Up until now, usually the targets of either the social Islamophobia of those

racist “bogan” Australians, or official police and security probes and raids, have

been Arab, South-Asian, some Turkish, Sudanese, Bosnian and Albanian Muslim

immigrant communities with some white converts here and there (all generally

Sunnī by creed and always Salafī/Wahhabī). As of 12-15 this has now been

augmented and implicitly extended to also include Iranians, where an engineered

and manufactured consensus-building exercise casting suspicion on Iranians and

Shiʿi Muslims alike is presently in the works; this, irrespective of the fact that

Australian Shiʿi Muslims have themselves been victims of hate-crime attacks

perpetrated by local Sunnī takfīrī extremists in Sydney and elsewhere as recently as

the 2014 commemorations for the Shiʿi holy day of ʿAshūrā.14 Moreover, while

Iranian immigrant communities (other than the now single case of Man Haron

Monis), including religious ones, have more or less remained distant and aloof from

the circumstances, conflicts and politics plaguing other Australian Muslim

immigrant communities -- many of whose internal circumstances and mosque

cultures have produced such hotbeds for “extremist” recruitment and activity --

this will not stop them from being cast in a negative light from here on out by the

system as of 12-15.

The figure of Man Haron Monis, now elevated to the official ‘personfication

of evil’ meme, allows the Australian deep state and the Abbott government

specifically to smokescreen and shift the Australian public’s attention and further

whitewash the deplorable, criminally inhumane conditions Iranian asylum-seeking

refugees presently face within these island detention facilities, not to mention

having to answer any further for the publicized case of Hamid Kehazaei15 or similar.

12-15 has provided the Abbott government just such a perfect foil, and so the

implied justification for a wider cover-up by giving it this golden opportunity it

otherwise would not have possessed in order to implicitly cast all of these Iranian

asylum seekers as being potential Man Haron Monis’. Here the present government

or its supporters would not even need to articulate anything explicitly because

these orchestrated events (as reinforced by the corporate media spin) have already

seeded such notions into the greater mainstream Australian collective conscience.

By extension, all immigrant Iranians in Australia (guilty by ‘ethnic’ and ‘national’

association) have likewise been made suspect as well here, implied scapegoats, as it

were; and one will have to watch closely from now on to see how such

manufactured hysteria and Iranophobia will be further cultivated by the Australian

corporate media. There is ample evidence of it already as some of the stories being

put out as of the week of 22 December 2013 by the MSM amply demonstrate.

Yet the deliberate and quite transparent social engineering going on is quite

unmistakable, nor can a straightforward causality implicating the Australian deep

state be denied since it ultimately benefits from such polarization within the

greater Australian polity, as the past decade and a half has abundantly shown.

Indeed an action-reaction-solution dialectic is palpably at play here, and one which

can be easily graphed and mapped out. That the event has already claimed the

political scalp of a prominent New South Wales state parliamentary leader also

speaks to it.16

The long-term benefit to the Australian deep state lies especially in the

event of a future build-up to a war with Iran which Australia, as a key Five-Eyes

Transatlantic partner of the United States in the southern Pacific (and as recent

conflicts from Afghanistan to Iraq have amply demonstrated), would certainly

participate in. 12-15 allows the Australian establishment to draw upon the event,

together with the predictable mythos they are presently erecting around it, in order

to galvanize future domestic public opinion in order to sell such a conflict to the

wider Australian masses. This manufactured consent would seek to further

demonize Iran and Iranians (both domestically and overseas), while simultaneously

muting or otherwise dampening anti-war sentiments against that segment of the

Australian population who would likely dissent and protest –- and particularly if

there happened to be any outspoken Iranian-Australians amongst such future

dissenters, where the official narrative about Man Haron Monis would be

conveniently trotted out in order to serve as a means to discredit them with the

mainstream, if even by innuendo.

Some of the questionable stories the MSM has put out, such as Man Haron

Monis’ purported connection to the Iranian military, security and intelligence

establishment, or those claiming his association with the founders of the Islamic

Revolution and members of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, are

solid proof of what we say.17 Such evidently fake stories are being solely put out for

purposes of a manufactured consensus building exercise targeting Iran. One

correspondent privately pointed out to us in email that with 12-15 there is every

indication that something is actually afoot and may be building up behind the

scenes against Iran as we speak such that this event constituted a sort of

domestically manufactured casus belli, as it were, that others elsewhere can also

draw upon (private communication, 17 December 2014).

Moreover, given Man Haron Monis’ public antics over Australia’s military

involvement in both Afghanistan and Iraq in the last decade, and especially the

publicity stunt and brouhaha in 2007-2008 over his inflammatory letters to the

families of Australian servicemen killed in Afghanistan;18 it would appear that if the

Australian establishment had not succeeded in generally de-legitimizing dissenting

opinions at home regarding Australia’s involvement among a greater mass of its

electorate up to that point (particularly as it has now re-entered the fray in Iraq

once again, this time to fight ISIS), they very well may have succeeded now after 12-

15. Anything with even a whiff of protest or dissent regarding Australia’s former

involvement in the Empire’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (and now Iraq once again)

will henceforth be opportunistically seized by the establishment and its media

agents against such dissent, with projections of the ghost of Man Haron Monis

following suit whose ‘manufactured’ shadow is now made to hang long over any

such criticisms. Given how the Australian establishment has behaved in the past in

other scenarios, it is not difficult to predict their future behaviour here either.

Now let us turn to the dubious character of the “mad sheikh” Man Haron

Monis himself. But first let us say that rarely does one come across a better typecast

for a proverbial “useful idiot” or patsy better than he was. If he was indeed mentally

ill, as all indications lead one to believe, then it makes the case for his useful idiocy

and patsy status all that more compelling, not to mention visible. But a few things

about this patsy’s biography currently circulating in the Australian and global MSM

need to be addressed and ruled out before proceeding further. Some of these stories

put out by the Australian media are without any doubt carefully constructed

sleights of hand and discursive subterfuges planted by the Australian deep state

itself whilst attempting to deliberately smokescreen and muddy waters while

shifting blame from the real culprits, who are none other than the Australian

intelligence agencies, and ASIO specifically.

(1) Man Haron Monis was unlikely to have been an Iranian Intelligence

officer, or even an asset, before he left Iran in 1996.19 Arguably this idea would have

first been incubated by Man Haron Monis’ ASIO handlers for use at a later time. It

first appeared in his media biography in the 2001-2002 period when the Iranian

government began asking for his extradition back to Iran to face criminal fraud and

embezzlement charges. (2) Whatever being claimed by dubious sources after the

fact, there is no evidence now, nor previous to 12-15, that Man Haron Monis was

ever an eminent figure in the Islamic Republic of Iran well connected to the

founders of the Islamic Revolution or anyone high-up in the government over

there.20 Had this been the case, then the Australian establishment would have

certainly known about it in the 1996-2001 period during his asylum application

process. This feature alone would also have been an indelible part of his media

biography in 2001-2002 when Australian authorities and media first paraded him

nationally as some kind of “reformist Ayatollah” taking asylum in Australia from

persecution in the Islamic Republic of Iran;21 but it has only been in the week after

12-15 that we have first heard anything about it at all, which in itself discredits any

veracity to the story. (3) Man Haron Monis was not a seminary trained Shiʿi cleric,

let alone an Ayatollah. At only 32 when he left Iran in 1996 he was far too young to

be an Ayatollah, nor did he author a major, independent treatise on Shiʿi

jurisprudence recognized by other Ayatollahs in the Shiʿi seminary system (hawza)

in order to qualify for the rank. In fact, not one shred of evidence has ever been put

forward showing Man Haron Monis even spent a single day in the religious

seminary in Iran. (4) It is questionable whether Man Haron Monis first came to

Australia in 1996 on a business visa and then obtained asylum. Up until 19 December

2014 this matter had never been mentioned as a feature of his official biography at

all.22 If true, bureaucratic bungling or oversight in no way explains it.23 Watch now

as the Australian government uses this issue as a pretext to place even more

draconian visa restrictions on Iranians legitimately travelling to or doing business

with Australia.

Born 19 May 1964, currently nothing is known about the early life of

Mohamad Hassan Manteghi Borujerdi, our mad sheikh. According to Persian

language sources, on the very same year of its establishment, in 1982 he enrolled at

Imām Ṣādiq University in Tehran as an entering undergraduate.24 Towards the

conclusion of his graduate studies for a Masters degree, he was expelled from the

university due to mental health issues. During this time he married the daughter of

one of the university administrators before separating from her some time later. It

was only after he had already left Iran when this woman obtained court dissolution

of their marriage on grounds of absence.25 In 1996 Mohamad Hassan Manteghi

Borujerdi fled Iran for Australia after embezzling two-hundred thousand US dollars

(U$200,000.00) from a travel agency he had set up. In 2001 Australia granted him

political asylum. Based on what documented evidence this asylum was granted, we

will never know, but it probably would have come with some help from Iranian

opposition groups such as the MEK/MKO, who would have certainly helped him

with his manufactured profile26 (and who are known to be working under the thumb

of ASIO within Australia), not to mention the Bahā’īs who are deeply entrenched

within some of the upper echelons of the Australian system and particularly its high

level Commonwealth government bureaucracies and security agencies, and who

have their own axe to grind with the Iranian government.27 And so began his rather

bizarre, sordid and shady public career in Australia as first an establishment saint

and then finally an establishment demon, solid testimony to the mutual psychosis

of subject and patron alike.

At this very early juncture, and before he was officially granted asylum, Iran

began requesting his extradition, but the Australians refused on grounds that they

had no extradition treaty with Iran.28 The deep state’s management of their puppet-

in-the-making at that time demonstratively did not appear to care one iota for the

pre-existing criminal background of Man Haron Monis in Iran itself. According to

Iranian Chief of Police Brigadier General Esmail Ahmadi Moqadam, Man Haron

Monis possessed a long and dark history of violent crime and fraud in Iran, and that

he had first fled to Malaysia before coming to Australia.29 Moqadam further revealed

that Iranian authorities had provided all of Man Haron Monis’ criminal file to

Australian authorities during the four years while his application was in process all

the way to his being given formal political asylum by the Australians in 2001.30 The

Iranians additionally revealed that they had submitted international warrants for

his arrest via Interpol,31 which the Australians also knew about and ignored.

Australian authorities simply waved away all of these, thus bolstering the case

further that for them Man Haron Monis constituted a person of interest whose

sordid background in Iran did not bother them in the least. In fact, it may have even

helped him get his political asylum given the ‘potential’ they found in the figure of

Man Haron Monis.

In these first years, particularly during the 2001-2002 period, Man Haron

Monis was paraded by Australian authorities and the media as a pro-Western

religious renegade (whose family in Iran, he claimed, were being detained by the

Iranian government because of his flight and political dissidence). The implied meme

at that time about him was that he was a political asset to the Empire’s early stages

of crafting its assault upon one of the members of its designated “Axis of Evil,” or as

Tony Cartalucci aptly put it as “…the perfect poster child for the ongoing anti-Iran,

pro-war propaganda…”32 Seven and a half months before 911, the Australian

Broadcasting Association (ABC) introduced him to the wider public in these terms:

People in Sydney walking past the State Parliament buildings on Macquarie

Street in recent weeks might have noticed a tall Muslim cleric who has taken

up residence in a tent on the footpath outside. He is Ayatollah Manteghi

Boroujerdi, a liberal cleric who fled Iran four years ago after being very critical

of the Iranian regime. Ayatollah Boroujerdi's wife and two daughters are now

under house arrest in Iran, and he's hoping the Howard government will put

pressure on the regime there to let his family join him here in Australia.33

In this interview, Man Haron Monis, prompted parrot-fashion, says:

…the Iranian regime wants to make me silent, because I have some secret

information about government, and about their terrorist operations in the

war. I sent a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and

somebody on behalf of Mr Kofi Anan sent the answer, and they want to do

something…If we explain about the meaning of the word 'Islamic' as a

religious society, if we say Islamic society is a religious society, and a society

which has a relation with God, and wants to be honest, we can say Australia,

Canada, England, USA, so many western countries, they are religious societies.

They don't say 'We are religious', but in fact the spirit of religion, we can see

the spirit of religion in these societies. And some other countries in the Middle

East, in Asia, they say 'We are Islamic' they have a name of Islamic, but in fact

they are not religious societies and religious governments…Whenever I walk

in the street, whenever I go out in Australia, I feel I am in a real religious

society. I don't want to say it is perfect, we don't have a perfect society on the

earth, but when we compare, if we compare Australia with Iran and other

countries in the Middle East, we can say it is heaven.34

Of course, as far as this specific public profile and meme was concerned, such a

honeymoon oozing with platitudes was to be short-lived as the expendable nature

of Man Haron Monis (due perhaps to his erratic, loose-canon behaviour and mental

health issues) became more apparent to his ASIO handlers. So now he would be used

and built up by the Australian deep state for future use in a much more sinister

capacity, blackmailing him to play such a role being the easiest part. 911 and

Australia’s entry into both the Afghan and Iraqi theatres provided the means for

just such an opportunity.

We should now note that one motivation by the Australian deep state for

this back and forth, moderate-extremist dialectic displayed in the choreographed

public portrayal and presentation of Man Haron Monis was an attempt by them to

nullify all typologies of the “moderate Muslim” or “moderate Islam” in the

mainstream Australian public’s consciousness in order thereby to conflate all

Islamic persuasions under the single and convenient rubric of “extremist;” this,

while simultaneously pushing the mainstream of the Australian Muslim community

into a position of increasing servility towards the system’s policies and its

involvement in the Empire’s wars, blunting its discourse of dissent lest they be

branded with the “extremist” moniker, thereby pushing large segments of this

community and their leadership into a state of social and political (and dare one say,

paralytic) acquiescence in the face of starker realities. In other words, albeit subtle,

we are dealing with a very sophisticated and multifaceted system of institutional

blackmail of an entire religious and immigrant community. Such are the classic

divide, conquer and control strategies and tactics perfected and employed by the

imperial British colonial presence which indigenous Aboriginal Australians know all

too well in their own experience.

Nevertheless this in itself reveals the social engineering mechanisms at play

behind the Islamophobia in Australia and how the system ultimately benefits from

it together with those powerful Australian Zionist lobbies and organizations fueling

it from both the background as well as within the corporate media establishment

wherein the system succeeds simultaneously in both muzzling the Australian

Muslim community from engaging in real activism as well as pummelling it (in

demonizing it further in the media and public opinion) if it should protest over

anything. In other words, this is the Australian corporate state’s aggressive

mechanism of foisting a panopticon reality over the Australian Muslim community

where only two options remain to it: silence or opprobrium. Such a reality, which

naturally elicits serious resentment among certain segments of this community,

then inevitably generates the necessary fertile environment for “extremist”

preaching and recruitment, to which the system in one way or another also then

becomes the beneficiary. Throughout every phase and facet of this process the

system itself, of course, while always present in the background, maintains its

plausible deniability.

Let us now fast forward to the next phase of our mad sheikh’s Australian

career. Publicly protesting on the streets of Sydney in dramatic fashion, and as

Australia’s own role in the Empire’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq increased, in the

period between 2007 and 2008 Man Haron Monis re-emerged into the Australian

media spotlight, this time as a bad guy, after authoring, together with partner

Amirah Droudis, a series of inflammatory letters which were sent to families of

fallen Australian soldiers in Afghanistan. In these letters he described the soldiers as

“murderers” and “pigs” whilst simultaneously urging these families to call on the

Australian government to leave the Empire’s war in Afghanistan and bring home

the troops.35 This cause celebre further enflamed the ever rising Islamophobia in

Australia at the time, whose flames are ever carefully stoked and facilitated by the

Australian deep state at each juncture. But no one publicly challenged a key aspect

to this narrative by asking the pertinent question as to how he and his partner so

easily obtained these contact details in the first place? Why has this facet of the

story been accepted as a given?

Withal, Man Haron Monis’ new profile as a “dangerous Islamic extremist”

(directly opposite to the choreographed profile his handlers had constructed for

him only seven years before) was now in full swing, with him still in character

playing the role of an Iranian Shiʿi cleric no less. We should also pause and draw the

appropriate parallel here with Lee Harvey Oswald and his passing out pro-Cuban,

pro-Communist pamphlets in the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana just a few

months before the Kennedy assassination. Here Man Haron Monis’ public antics are

to the events of 12-15 what Lee Harvey Oswald’s pamphleteering was to the events

of 22 November 1963.36

These antics by Man Haron Monis earned him expected trouble with the

Australian law enforcement and legal system as well as the predictable widespread

media opprobrium37 which in turn further stirred existing community tensions

(particularly coming on the heels of the Cronulla riots of 200538), muddying waters

even further between the mainstream Australian and Australian-Muslim

communities; this, with Australian Muslim community leaders being increasingly

pushed into unenviable defensive positions of having to explain (or even sometimes

grudgingly forced to defend and justify or otherwise dissimulate) Man Haron Monis’

actions and behaviour at the time, since condemning him outright would

compromise their own stance against Australia’s involvement in Iraq and

Afghanistan, where fellow Muslims (and not even combatant Muslims) where being

butchered or brutalized daily by the Empire’s onslaughts, evidence then constantly

emerging regarding the Empire’s unmitigated war crimes in both the Iraqi and

Afghan theatres (the revelations about prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib was already a

fixture of the public discourse at this point). Yet, to reiterate, and as events showed,

none but the social engineers of the Australian deep state benefitted from these

specific actions of Man Haron Monis, and arguably they may even have put him and

his partner up to it in the first place.

Yet it was also in this very same period when Australian Shiʿi Muslim

leaders, led by senior cleric Kamal Mousselmani (then head of the Supreme Islamic

Shiʿite Council of Australia39), began publicly questioning Man Haron Monis’ official

narrative about himself and his credentials as an Iranian Shiʿi cleric specifically,

calling upon Australian authorities, and the Australian Federal Police (AFP)

particularly, to conduct an official inquiry regarding such claims.40 Kamal

Mousselmani stated to a correspondent of The Australian that “there are no

Ayatollahs in Australia” and that “…From the way he [Man Haron Monis] writes his

(fatwas or religious edicts), I don't think he is Shia Muslim…”41

The matter was even separately investigated by the Australian Federation of

Islamic Councils, a mainly Sunnī body, who could find no credible information as to

the real identity, credentials or background of “sheikh Haron.”42 Even though Man

Haron Monis now found himself in the middle of a highly publicized legal and

political battle over his inflammatory letters, no inquiry or official investigation

into this aspect of his official biography was ever forthcoming by Australian high

officialdom, the reasons being obvious since they were responsible for creating it in

the first place. Instead, as with earlier complaints by Iranian authorities during his

asylum application process, they were roundly ignored. Interestingly enough, Ikebal

Patel of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils even called out Man Haron

Monis as a possible shill whose antics were specifically being put up to stir anti-

Islamic sentiments within the greater Australian community.43

Clearly, therefore, as of 2007 the Australian Muslim leadership, from both

Sunnī and Shiʿi camps, were well aware of Man Haron Monis’ true provocateur

nature and so were on to him. This also demonstrates by implication that some

within this community may have privately held suspicions that there were

shadowy, behind the scenes players at work in Man Haron Monis’ activities here.

The silence and inaction of Australian authorities in properly investigating his

purported religious credentials when called upon to do so would have only

reinforced such notions even more firmly.

That said, in late November 2009 Man Haron Monis day in court over the

inflammatory letters finally arrived. Through his lawyers he first described himself

as being a “peace activist,” and appearing in costume as the Iranian cleric, he then

chained himself to the entrance of the court house to protest the charges.44 The

Sydney, New South Wales court predictably banned him from mailing further

inflammatory missives, and clearly overstepping its jurisdiction, likewise banned

him from communicating with UK families of fallen British soldiers.45 Upon what

legal basis or how a New South Wales court possesses any mandate to ban

communication outside of its jurisdiction -– a legality which would fall more

appropriately either under the purview of an Australian Federal court or the

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade -– is another aspect of this narrative that

makes little sense. To any legal expert, this alone suffuses this specific part of the

spectacle with the element of farce. Yet Man Haron Monis’ handlers would need this

slant in the story in order to build up their narrative regarding Man Haron Monis’

international level menace-hood, despite the fact that at this point of the story to

any actual, objective observer of events Man Haron Monis appeared more as a clown

than as any “international menace.”

Predictably Man Haron Monis appealed the court’s verdict to the New South

Wales Court of Criminal Appeals in Sydney, maintaining that the charges brought

against him “were invalid because they infringed on his implied constitutional

freedom of political communication.”46 The appellate court, however, dismissed the

appeal. Further appealing to the High Court of Australia, but due to the absence of a

single judge, the High Court was split 3-3 and so the NSW appellate court’s decision

was automatically upheld.47 Another, final appeal to the High Court of Australia over

the charges of “his criminal use of the postal service” was rejected for a hearing by

the court on 12 December 2014, only three days before the Lindt café siege.48

Now, where Man Haron Monis obtained the needed funding for such a

lengthy, grinding and obviously expensive court battle is a question that will one

day open up a whole pandora’s box of answers directly implicating the Australian

deep state puppeteering all sides of this public circus, since it appears our mad

sheikh’s main source of income was actually as a social security welfare recipient.49

That aside, this gruelling process would have also taken its personal toll even

further upon someone of Man Haron Monis’ already volatile and generally unhinged

psychological make-up. Arguably the system expected it and actively encouraged it

because Man Haron Monis’ essential use-by-date, the purpose for which he had

been cultivated and groomed, and whose “extremist” persona had been incubated

and ever carefully choreographed since 2007, was now beginning to approach.

This growing psychological meltdown on Man Haron Monis’ part can be seen

during this period especially in the events surrounding the murder of his ex-wife

Noleen Hayson Pal in April 2013 where she was found stabbed to death and set on

fire.50 In December 2013 Man Haron Monis’ partner Amirah Droudis51 (a dubious

character in her own right and possibly being the Australian deep state’s very own

infiltrated honey-pot) was formally charged with the murder, with Man Haron

Monis charged in the capacity of an accessory before and after the fact.52 During the

bail hearing, taking a page from an earlier script, our mad sheikh first declared that

he was being set-up for the murder by the Iranian intelligence apparatus who, he

claimed, had actually committed the murder and were framing him.53 When that

was rejected by the court, he then blurted out that it was in fact ASIO who were

responsible,54 which is probably closer to the real truth of the matter given what we

believe about the role of Amirah Droudis. While the court rejected both these

arguments, inexplicably it granted bail to both Amirah Droudis and our mad sheikh:

a convicted murderer and her purported companion-accessory in the murder, with

both walking.

Later in January 2014, again appearing in court, Man Haron Monis this time

declared that he had evidence that ASIO were “conspiring against him to have him

jailed,” urging the judge to force a legal disclosure of all documents about him by

the intelligence organization, which the judge promptly indicated he did not have

the power to do.55 Yet here, on this point, we can take our mad sheikh’s word for it

about the actual responsible parties, albeit maybe not as to their specific intent. The

patsy was now fully in loose cannon mode and so events needed to be brought ever

closer to their denouement conclusion where the useful idiot would play his final,

assigned role. While all the above was underway, in March 2014 our mad sheikh was

now arrested, arraigned and then released over an incident from 2002 involving an

alleged sexual assault of a woman who had responded to an add he had put in the

local papers advertising his services as a “spiritual healer,” where Man Haron Monis

claimed to be an expert in “astrology, numerology, meditation and black magic.”56

In October 2014 further charges were laid against him over this including “22 counts

of aggravated sexual assault and 14 counts of aggravated indecent assault,” with six

more women subsequently coming forward to make the same allegation against


Clearly the system was putting the proverbial squeeze before the upcoming

grand finale for which our mad sheikh had been groomed for some time. But with

all of these serious criminal charges, convictions and court verdicts against him, it is

utterly inexplicable to all reason, nay beyond comprehension, as to how a convicted

criminal such as he would be allowed to roam and walk freely in any modern

Western Anglo-American, Five-Eyes society, especially one in the post-911/post-Bali

world: a man who was also a purported “controversial Muslim cleric” and deemed

to be “extremist” by the system and corporate media establishment, no less. Any

suggestions as to systemic oversight, bureaucratic failure or breakdowns is utterly

preposterous, to say the least. No, that Man Haron Monis was not locked up in April

2013 (if even in December 2013) after the murder of his ex-wife is solid, irrefutable

testimony to the fact that the Australian deep state possessed an agenda and had a

direct hand in keeping him on the streets whilst preparing those necessary

conditions before the main event when he would be unleashed for his final act in

the play they were staging. This was their way of keeping him on a short leash and

the manner in which they could simultaneously maintain their plausible deniability.

And then, all of a sudden, to trudge up old allegations from 2002 (whether with a

basis or without it, being tangential to the plot) from the period when he was the

system’s proverbial golden boy for their anti-Iranian war propaganda memes,

further stretches credulity but also makes perfect sense to those who understand

how these patterns unfold and how the deep state system predictably behaves at

such junctures of the narrative.

So here now we enter the timeline on the eve of 12-15 itself. We should first

note that forty-eight hours before the events at the Lindt café even got underway --

that is on Saturday, 13 December 2014 -- an anonymous tip-off to the Australian

National Security hotline was made about the recent “extremist” content appearing

on our mad sheikh’s website.58 Predictably authorities did nothing, demonstrating

no intention or compunction whatsoever in picking him up, since that was not part

of the plan. The anonymous caller had responded to recent changes made by our

mad sheikh to his website only five days prior where -- just like that! -- he had

dramatically renounced his lifelong Shiʿism (so much for being an Ayatollah!) and

reverted to the radical, takfīrī Wahhabī Sunnīsm of the Islamic State

(IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh), while (without mentioning him by name) in Arabic formally

pledging allegiance to its CIA-MOSAD puppeteered “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadī,

referring to him as the Commander of the Faithful (amīr al-mu’minīn).59

In English the reversion is even more explicit, where he says, “I used to be a

Rafidi [i.e. the pejorative term in which Shiʿi Muslims are referred to by Sunnī

fundamentalists], but not anymore. Now I am a Muslim, Alhamdu Lillah,” dated

December 2014. The die was finally cast and the “expected” event was about to

unfold. What chain of events specifically set-off his reversion to takfīrī Wahhabī

Sunnīsm, and then how this built into his decision to play his final, assigned role as

the Lindt café hostage-taker –- particularly what actors besides his honey-pot ASIO

mole partner Amirah Droudis may have played a part -- will be a tale all unto itself.

With rumours abounding for years that the Sydney Sunnī takfīrī scene is riddled

with ASIO, AFB and other Australian law enforcement and intelligence moles and

shills swelling its ranks from top to bottom, it is not difficult to envisage how this

reversion may have transpired (and at whose hands) as the system geared up and

formally put its final, anaconda-like death-coil-embrace around our mad sheikh

where he was pushed to, and over, the breaking point and so had nothing more to

lose. And yet his total psychological meltdown is fully in evidence at this point with

his reversion and so why he would be even more malleable than ever (prone to

suggestibility and outright psychological manipulation) in order to perform his

assigned task in this defining, final act of these staged events. The only question

which will always remain is what he thought to himself he was actually going to

accomplish with these theatrics and whether he believed he would even survive the


Reports being vague as to precisely when he appeared on the scene, at

approximately 8:45-9:00am on the morning of Monday, 15 December 2014, Man

Haron Monis had already stepped into the Lindt café in Martin Place, the Sydney

CBD: an area with as many CCTV cameras in place as the most heavily surveillanced

area of London, where local Channel 7 TV station security cameras from across the

street had recorded a glimpse of our mad sheikh pacing up and down the area just

minutes before he entered the premises.60 With him, when finally entering the café,

was a duffle bag with effects and, more lethally, a sawed off shot-gun. Where and

how he had obtained the weapon, or whether he even knew how to use it, we do not

know. Reports say when he entered Lindt café he first ordered himself a coffee and

then sat quietly sipping it away before commencing the deep state orchestrated

festivities that promptly unfolded next. By 9:45am the siege was already underway

where clientele and staff were being held hostage in the Lindt café by our mad

sheikh, with a black on white takfīrī flag (donning the calligraphic Arabic of “no god

but God; Muḥammad is the Messenger of God”) –- used primarily by the Syrian al-

Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nuṣra and the Nigerian Boko Harām, among others –-

prominently displayed at the front window of the café for maximum dramatic


Within a short space of time after the siege commenced heavily mobilized

police with police military vehicles, together with the entire Sydney based

Australian counter-terrorism taskforce, had arrived on the scene armed to the teeth

surrounding the area. Then came the most bizarre feature of this story with our

mad sheikh sending out video recorded messages from his hostages inside the café

demanding the ISIS flag and a phone conversation with Tony Abbott while

designating the siege an ISIS operation (a point which was promptly denounced as

lacking any authorization by it).61 Contradictory reports also said he had claimed at

one point to have planted bombs in the area.

We will not recap all the remaining details and minutia of the siege, but as

the hours tolled away and hostages began to be released, the hollywoodesque

nature of this whole spectacle was not lost on some. This whole event had an eerie

feel to it of Al Pacino’s 1975 film ‘Dog Day Afternoon’ with the Black takfīrī flag and

self-association with ISIS a substitute for the film’s famous clarion call (invoking the

Attica prison riot): “Attica, Attica!”62

As the hours wore on, with weariness obviously setting in with both hostage

taker and remaining hostages alike, the zero-hour and moment of reckoning now

arrived. Sixteen hours into the siege and the police finally stormed the premises

clearing it and ending the siege in an obvious, one-way shooting spree, killing our

mad sheikh and the two remaining hostages in the café along with him. All of the

reports emerging in the first few hours, however vaguely worded by the local news

organizations, clearly but implicitly show that that the police did all the shooting,63

thus making of the finale of this staged event nothing more than a police execution

with hostages Katrina Dawson (38) and Tori Johnson (34) as collateral damage in a

police killing spree. For example, the initial SBS report after the siege –- which was

later post-dated to 10:03am the next morning (16 December 2014) -- states: “Both

hostages died when heavily armed police stormed the Martin Place cafe early this

morning. The 50-year-old gunman, self-described Muslim cleric Man Haron Monis,

was also killed.”64 All subsequent reports, however tortured their attempts in

articulating transparent vagaries, have in so many words asserted the same.

With not a single statement or brief forthcoming by either local or national

police, or by national counter-terrorism taskforce representatives or the state and

national elected governments, about what actually transpired at the conclusion of

the siege; on Sunday, 28 December 2014, local news organizations themselves began

partially confirming the true locus of blame for the killings.65 Given this, 12-15 was

no terrorist event perpetrated by Man Haron Monis in the name of radical Islam at

all. Indeed the event was a terrorist event, alright, except the real terrorist culprit

would be the Australian deep state itself and its police and security apparatus

staging a false-flag for ulterior motives while using the opportunity to permanently

decommission and dispose of one of their own patsy assets.

To further add to this tragicomic farce, the next morning Tony Abbott was

briefed by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) regarding Man Haron Monis’

possession of a firearm license only to be contradicted by the New South Police

some hours later where they unequivocally retorted that he had possessed no such

license.66 Clearly in all the post-fracas haste and hustle and bustle, and before the

smoke had fully cleared, the various levels of the Australian deep state had gotten

their wires crossed on key elements of their official story, which indicates a

developing, albeit even clumsier, cover-up. More aptly, Peter Symonds, writing for

Global Research, points out:

…As of today, neither the Abbott government nor the New South Wales (NSW)

state authorities has provided any official explanation for, or account of, the

police storming of the Lindt cafe. None of the many questions surrounding the

decision to activate the entire counter-terrorism apparatus on Monday have

been answered. Instead, following his “query” on Tuesday, Abbott announced

a joint review with the NSW government on Wednesday...the Abbott

government’s review seeks to deflect attention from the central question that

must be posed: why was a terrible, but relatively straightforward, police

matter elevated to the status of a national emergency involving the entire

security apparatus? The political purpose of that decision, like the review, is to

inflate the “war on terror” in preparation for greater Australian commitment

to US-led conflicts and a deepening assault on…social and democratic rights...67

While the mainstream Australian public consciousness has generally been

anesthetized by the power of the Australian corporate state propaganda machine

from believing in conspiracy facts when it stares them in the face; with the ever

ballooning surveillance state apparatus unfolding more and more in Australia and

intruding its tentacles into every nook and cranny of their personal lives and

futures, events may give pause to some who are more conscientious than others to

reflect on the cloak and dagger reality of the deep state which indeed surrounds

them and ultimately victimizes them as much as it callously does so to its assets as

well as its targets. More will certainly be written on this case in coming years and

much, much more will certainly be revealed as well. But given the facts right now

(most glaringly of all, the consistent silences and do-nothingism by the system at

crucial parts of the narrative) and as countless pundits in the alternative media

have independently conceded, the staged nature of 12-15 together with the useful

idiocy and patsy status of its claimed perpetrator Man Haron Monis -– who now

stands alongside names such as Gavrilo Princip, Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan

Sirhan –- will be difficult to deny.

For years this same mainstream Australian public opinion (against the

judgement of actual on-the-scene eye-witnesses as well as later court findings that

dismissed earlier expert testimony and proved one of its earlier court experts from

England to have been a fraud) was also firmly convinced of the established guilt of

Lindy Chamberlain in the murder of her baby Azaria at Uluru in 1980; that is, until

years later when events and especially developments in zoology and forensics

finally proved beyond doubt that indeed a dingo had taken her baby after all and

that indeed Lindy Chamberlain was innocent of the crime initially attributed to her

by corrupt officialdom of the Northern Territory government who (at the moment

of tragedy over the loss of their child) instead set her and her family up in the

territory’s court system in order to deflect from negative publicity falling upon its

tourism industry.68 Here in the events of 12-15 a wild, ravenous, diseased and mangy

demonic-dingo, which is the unelected Australian deep state, has in broad daylight

assaulted the baby that was the remaining innocence, good faith, sincerity (and dare

one say, gullibility) of mainstream Australia and forever destroyed whatever was

left of the illusion of the “lucky country.” It is perhaps time for the Australian public

to wake up from their slumber, stop blaming the wrong people, and realize how

they themselves have been massively hoodwinked and bamboozled in this situation

by the sinister forces of the Australian “corporate” deep state who have stood to

actually benefit from 12-15, the Lindt café siege, and thereby use the event as a

pretext to disenfranchise mainstream Australia in even greater proportions than

ever before.

1 As a shorthand, here we will be using the Americanized date 12-15 rather than the more accurate

Australian one 15-12. Our reasons should be obvious. 2 This is a neologism coined by us in our article on the Reyhaneh Jabbari case, see (accessed 25

December 2014). 3 (accessed 26 December 2014). 4 (accessed 26 December 2014). 5 (accessed 26 December 2014).

6 The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (accessed 26 December

2014). 7

extraordinary-influence-proisrael-lobby-had-on-former-pm-20140409-36dys.html (accessed 26

December 2014). 8

sydney-cbd/story-e6frfkp9-1226633535675 (accessed 26 December 2014). 9

hockey-prepares-for-economic-pain?CMP=soc_567 (accessed 25 December 2014) 10 (accessed 25 December 2014) 11 (accessed 28 December 2014). 12 (accessed 28 December 2014). 13 (accessed 28

December 2014) 14 (accessed 26 December 2014) 15

hospital/5716292 (accessed 26 December 2014) 16

report (accessed 27 December 2014) 17

20141222-12c9ny.html (accessed 26 December 2014) 18

letters-written-to-families-of-dead-diggers/story-e6frg6nf-1226713441205 (accessed 25 December

2014). 19

gunman-reveals-life-wealth-power-Man-Monis-left-fled-Iran-fundamentalist-beliefs.html (accessed

26 December 2014). 20 Ibid. 21

bush-muslims-in/3478556 (accessed 26 December 2014) 22

in-on-a-business-visa/story-fnqxbywy-1227161198324 accessed from (accessed 26 December 2014). 23 And this, in same year which the Howard government had no compunction whatsoever of

watching Afghan and Iranian asylum seeking children being thrown overboard sinking smuggler

boats in the Indian ocean while the Australian Navy was ordered not to interfere and just watch as all

of these children (as well as adults) went to their deaths (accessed 26 December 2014). 24 (accessed 26 December 2014). 25 Ibid. 26 (accessed 27 December 2014) 27 See (accessed 26 December 2014). 28 and

haron-monis/5972288 (accessed 27 December 2014)

29 (accessed 26 December 2014). 30 Ibid. 31 (accessed 26 December 2014). 32 (accessed 25

December 2014). 33

bush-muslims-in/3478556 (accessed 27 December 2014). 34 Ibid. 35

(accessed 28 December 2014). 36 Compare with

Sydney-siege-gunman-Man-Haron-Monis-in-2009-protest.html (accessed 28 December 2014). 37

sending-hate-letters-to-adf-families/story-fni0cx4q-1226713467150 (accessed 27 December 2014) 38 (accessed 26 December 2014). 39 (accessed 28 December 2014) 40

cleric/story-e6frg8yx-1111115413357 (accessed 25 December 2014) 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 43

feeling/story-e6frg8yo-1111115203676?nk=be1caeb72a2e4d0b7a0f1e6151d3619e (accessed 25

December 2014). 44

(accessed 25 December 2014). 45 (accessed

25 December 2014). 46

mail/3715612 (accessed 25 December 2014). 47

preachers/4548266#transcript (accessed 26 December 2014). 48 (accessed 27

December 2014). 49 (accessed 28 December 2014). 50

murder-ch/5111744 (accessed 26 December 2014). 51 That this woman was only finally taken into custody, with her bail revoked, after the events of 12-

15 is more than just a little suspicious and eyebrow raising, especially as regards to who she

ultimately answers to,

in-jail-after-bail-revoked.html (accessed 28 December 2014). 52 Ibid. 53

amirzh-droudis-granted-bail-on-murder-charges/story-fni0cx12-1226781623998 (accessed 25

December 2014). 54 Ibid.


wife27s-murder/5212862 (accessed 25 December 2014). 56

(accessed 27 December 2014). 57

healer-.html (accessed 26 December 2014). 58


1227163109222?nk=819918f1ff45043fb74900912bcfc6ce (accessed 26 December 2014). 59 (accessed 26 December

2014). 60 (accessed 27 December 2014). 61 (accessed 28 December 2014). 62 (accessed 28 December 2014) 63 (accessed 28

December 2014) 64 Ibid. 65

1227167655143 (accessed 26 December 2014). 66

licence-status-of-man-haron-monis.aspx (accessed 26 December 2014). 67

terror/5420757 (accessed 28 December 2014) 68 and (accessed

28 December 2014).