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Contents董事長序言 From the Chairman

核心服務About TAITRA

開拓海外市場 Developing Overseas Markets

品牌台灣Branding Taiwan

推廣服務業貿易Service Trade Promotion

市場研究發掘商機Market Research Service

提供網路行銷服務Online Trade Service

培訓國際企業人才 Trade Education

辦理多元展覽業務 Taiwan International Trade Shows

營運台北世貿及南港展覽館Exhibition Venues

營運台北國際會議中心Convention Service

加強國際經貿聯繫及據點服務Global Network & Overseas Connection

組織圖 Organizational Chart

重要業務服務績效Major Accomplishments in 2012

駐外單位名址Overseas Offices
















2 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

董事長 序言 From the Chairman

2012 年台灣對外貿易總額達 5,718 億美元,其中出口

金額為 3,011 億美元,因受到歐債、主要經濟體政府財

政困窘、國際市場景氣低迷之影響,雖較 2011 年衰退

了 2.3%,不過貿易總額及出口額皆為歷年來第二高。

其中對新興市場出口成長 5%;對中國大陸出口雖減少

3.87%,惟依據中國大陸海關統計,2012 年自台灣進

口則成長 5.8%。就市占率而言,台灣產品在日本及韓

國激烈競爭情況下,仍能提高 0.1%,顯見在各界努力


歐洲出口雖分別減少 9.3% 及 7.8%,然對東協六國及


回顧 2012 年,在經濟部指導及本會同仁共同努力下,


572.17 億美元,各項重要工作均展現績效:

在開發新興市場部分,2012 年鎖定中東歐、非洲、中




易尖兵專案」,派遣 25 位資深人員赴本會尚未設據點

且廠商鮮少前往的 29 個城市,根據廠商拓銷需求,協

助蒐尋客戶並開發商機。3 月 29 日辦理的「新興暨歐

盟市場採購大會」,邀請來自 59 國 566 位買主與 2,000

家國內供應商進行 1 萬多場次洽談,促成 45.6 億美元


這些拓銷市場之努力已顯示在我出口表現上。2012 年

出口至新興市場比重達 27.9% 較 2011 年增加近 2 個



王志剛董事長Chairman, Dr. Wang Chih-Kang

3Taiwan External Trade Development Council

王董事長於「2012 年新興暨歐盟市場採購夥伴大會」 開幕典禮致詞Chairman Wang addresses the opening ceremony for 2012 Sourcing Taiwan

In 2012, Taiwan's trade with the world reached US$571.8

billion. Of this figure, exports decreased by 2.3% to

US$301.1 billion due to the challenges of European debt,

financial strains on governments and the international

market downturn, but the total volume of trade and

exports was our country's second highest ever. Taiwan's

exports to emerging markets grew by 5% while exports

to Mainland China decreased 3.87%. Yet, according to

the Mainland China's statistics, Taiwan's market share in

Mainland China grew by 0.1% under the keen competition

of Japan and Korea. This demonstrated the positive effect

of our expanded marketing efforts in the region. Taiwan's

exports to the United States and Europe decreased by 9.3%

and 7.8%, respectively, but exports to six ASEAN countries

and Japan posted a record growth.

With guidance from the Ministry of Economic Affairs

(MOEA) and efforts from all our staff, TAITRA helped

Taiwan's enterprises generate over US$57.22 billion in

business opportunities. Here, we share with you our

achievements over the past year:

In the emerging markets, TAITRA's efforts went toward

helping Taiwan's enterprises further expand into Central

and Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South

America, the ASEAN countries (Vietnam and Indonesia, in

particular), and India. The major trade promoting projects

of 2012 included "Procurement Plan for Attracting Buyers

of Emerging Markets", outbound delegations, and video-

conferencing trade conventions. TAITRA also initiated the

Trade Pioneers Project, with 25 senior market specialists

dispatched to 29 cities that did not yet have TAITRA branch

offices set up and were less frequented by Taiwanese

exporters. TAITRA's specialists helped provide business

match-making services with new clients for Taiwanese

enterprises. In March, TAITRA organized the "Sourcing

Taiwan" convention. Over ten thousand business meetings

were conducted between 2,000 Taiwanese suppliers and

566 international buyers.

Exports to emerging markets grew by two percentage

points and represented 27.9% of Taiwan's 2012 export

value. The figures indicated the mounting importance of

emerging markets to Taiwan's export.

In the Mainland China market, TAITRA organized nine

"Taiwan Trade Fairs", participated in three cross-border

expositions, and invited eleven procurement groups to visit

Taiwan. The events helped Taiwan's enterprises capture the

enormous opportunities presented by Mainland China's

Twelfth Five-Year Plan and assisted small and medium

enterprises to build brands and to enter the marketing


TAITRA held the first "Taiwan Trade Fair" in Nanjing in

September 2009. The event was a huge hit and twenty-two

fairs have been held since. In 2012, TAITRA organized nine

fairs across Shanghai, Nanning, Chengdu, Tianjin, Dalian,

Nanjing, Qingdao, Beijing, and Chongqing. The themes of

the fairs were individually designed to meet the needs of

each local market. The fairs were held in high numbers,

contained plenty of highlights, generated large numbers of

leads, penetrated high-level markets, produced widespread

marketing effects, and had in-depth participation from

partnership bodies.

4 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

辦理「第 20 屆台灣精品金銀質獎頒獎典禮」邀請國內外專家與業者分享榮耀 , 馬英九總統及王董事長在會中致詞President Ma Ying-Jeou and Chairman Wang speak at Taiwan Excellence Gold and Silver Award Ceremony



本會於 2012 年辦理 9 項台灣名品博覽會,參加 3 項邊境國際博

覽會及邀請大陸 11 團來台採購,上述活動均獲得我商與大陸採



自 2009 年 9 月首次在大陸自辦的「南京台灣名品交易會」在當

地造成轟動後,迄今已辦理完成 22 場台灣名品展。2012 年於

上海、南寧、成都、天津、大連、南京、青島、北京及重慶等 9



等六大特點;共計 4,510 家廠商參展,使用 1 萬 1,550 個攤位,

參觀人數 233.l 萬人,促成 35.5 億美元商機。




業者重要的拓銷目標。2012 年本會組團參加逾 29 項國際大展,




貿易協定生效對台灣產業的影響,本會分別於 5 月在台北辦理

「台日企業商機媒合大會」、8 月「美國商機日」及 10 月舉辦

「台歐盟貿易採購洽談媒合會」,共計邀請 151 家買主來台,

與 844家我國業者進行 1,495場次洽談,爭取 5.32億美元商機。

自 2009 年 7 月台灣成為第 41 個 WTO GPA 會員後,本會已加

強培養我商國際競標能力。2012 年聘請美國專業顧問公司專案

輔導 8 家業者申請美國聯邦採購總署 (GSA Schedule) 供應商資


韓及香港等 28 國 60 家政府採購得標商來台,與我業者一對一



共促成 GPA 採購商機逾 8 億美元。

2012 年本會持續執行「品牌台灣發展計畫」,協助廠商發展品


總價值,由 2003 年的 35.64 億美元提升至 2012 年的 108.4 億

美元,成長幅度高達 204%,總價值是 2003 年時的 3 倍。在歷

年調查中,台灣國際品牌產業已邁向多元化發展, 2012 年成果


度 C、統一、王品等共有 5 個品牌名列前二十大。

2012 年本會辦理 31 項國際專業展,共有 1 萬 1,066 家國內外

業者參展 ( 較前一年成長 8.9%),前來採購國外買主人數為 7 萬

3,897 人 ( 增加 2.5%);台北國際會議中心承接會議場次 941 場,

並協助我 NGO 組織成功爭取 11 項國際會議來台舉辦,同創歷


5Taiwan External Trade Development Council

馬英九總統與王董事長出席 2012 年台北國際電腦展開幕典禮President Ma Ying-Jeou and Chairman Wang join in the opening ceremony of COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2012

Some 4,510 Taiwanese enterprises participated in the fairs and

spanned across 11,550 booths. The total number of visitors to these

fairs reached 2.3 million, and the total amount of business generated

was worth US$3.5 billion.

The developed markets remained strong purchasing powers

despite the challenges of GDP slowdowns and financial strains on

governments. In terms of aggregate demand, the United States,

Japan, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom ranked among

the major economics and were vital export markets for Taiwan's

enterprises. In 2012, TAITRA led Taiwan's enterprise delegations to

participate in over twenty-nine international exhibitions including

CeBIT in Hanover, CES in Las Vegas, and IPF in Japan. These major

international exhibitions continued to be important platforms for

Taiwan's enterprises to expand their global reach.

To strengthen Taiwan's expanding sales to Japan and help Taiwan's

suppliers counter the effects of marginalization brought on by the

major economies’ free-trade agreements, TAITRA organized large-

scale procurement meetings in Taipei – "Trade with Japan" in May,

"Trade with the U.S" in August, and "Trade with the EU" in October.

Over one thousand business meetings were conducted between 844

Taiwanese suppliers and 151 international buyers, generating more

than US$532 million in business opportunities.

Taiwan became the 41st WTO GPA signatory in July 2009. To help

Taiwanese enterprises enhance their competitiveness in global

government tenders, TAITRA hired experienced consulting companies

to advise eight companies in obtaining GSA Schedule contracts. In

October of 2012, 60 foreign tender winners from 28 countries joined

the "Sourcing Taiwan for Government Procurement" meeting held in

Taipei. TAITRA also set up economic and trade delegations to Brazil,

Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and other countries to explore business

opportunities. In the process, tender groups were formed for a Guam

solar power plant project and others around the world. Overall,

TAITRA helped generate over US$800 million worth of GPA business

opportunities in 2012.

The "Branding Taiwan Plan" is an ongoing project implemented by

TAITRA to assist Taiwanese enterprises that wish to develop their

brands globally. The 2012 Taiwan brand value survey showed the

total value of the top-10 brands grew from US$3.564 billion in 2003

to US$10.84 billion in 2012, a growth rate of 204% that tripled

2003's total value. Over the years, the surveys showed Taiwanese

brands have greatly diversified. In 2012, the food and beverage

industry in particular performed remarkably well. Brands such as

Master Kong, Want-Want, 85 ℃ , Uni-President, and Wowprime all

made the top-20 list.

6 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

王董事長接受 WTCA 主席 Ghazi Abu Nahl(左一)頒發 8 項最佳營運認證及道賀Chairman Wang accepts eight "Best Practice" certificates and is congratulated by WTCA Chairman Mr. Ghazi Abu Nahl





在增設海外據點方面,也再創佳績,2012 年 12 月本會正式於




特別值得一提的是,由本會經營的台北世界貿易中心於 2012

年獲得世界貿易中心協會(WTCA)頒發 8 項最佳營運(Best

Practice)認證,創下自 1994 年 WTCA 開始評鑑以來,全球

330 個會員中唯一全數獲得「最佳營運」認證的歷史紀錄。

面對愈來愈激烈的國際競爭情勢下,2013 年本會當加倍努力,



.在大陸市場,將辦理 8 個台灣名品展及 4 個邊境國際博覽會,



.新興市場方面,將加強拓展「3 多 1 大」( 國家多、人口多、

關聯產業多,市場規模大 ) 的穆斯林市場商機。








.增設海外據點,將規劃在印度 ( 加爾各答 )、緬甸 ( 仰光 )、菲

律賓 ( 馬尼拉 ) 及中國大陸 ( 大連、青島、成都、廣州 ) 增設



7Taiwan External Trade Development Council

王董事長與美國商務部桑傑士次長簽署「太平洋商貿合作計畫」意向聲明書 , 加強雙邊經貿合作Chairman Wang and US Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade Francisco Sanchez at the signing of the Pacific Bridge Initiative (PBI) statement of intent, aimed to strengthen trade cooperation

In 2012, TAITRA organized thirty-one international trade shows that

attracted a total of 11,066 exhibitors (up 8.9% from 2011) and

73,897 overseas buyers (up 2.5% from 2011). In addition, Taipei

International Convention Center (TICC) was the venue of choice for

941 events. TICC also collaborated with local non-governmental

organizations to bring a record number of eleven international

congresses to Taiwan, to be held between 2014 and 2018.

To facilitate the internationalization of Taiwan's booming service

industries, TAITRA organized overseas promotional events and invited

global buyers to procure from Taiwan in the fields of medical tourism,

culture and creativity, construction and environmental protection,

franchising, software, consultant management, and Taiwanese


Following years of unrelenting efforts, TAITRA inaugurated its

Shanghai and Beijing branch offices in December 2012 to help

manufacturers explore the Mainland China market. TAITRA also set

up branch offices in Saint-Petersburg and Kuwait to further spur

Taiwanese enterprises to do business with Russian and Persian Gulf


The Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC), operated by TAITRA, won a

record number of eight "Best Practice" certificates from the World

Trade Center Association,Inc. (WTCA). The WTCA is a New York-

based international trade association with 330 "World Trade Center"

members around the globe. It was an amazing feat achieved by

TWTC, as it was the highest number of certificates WTCA had ever

awarded to a member since the "Best Practice" certification program

began in 1994.

Looking into 2013, TAITRA will remain committed to promoting

Taiwan's external trade. Faced with an ever-changing world economy

and tougher global competition, TAITRA will keep on complementing

the government's economic policies and help Taiwan's enterprises

reach all corners of the world. For 2013, TAITRA will promote a

series of focused activities with full force:

In the Mainland China market, TAITRA will hold 8 Taiwan Trade Fairs

and participate in four cross-border international expositions. Of

which, Taiwan Trade Fairs in Zhejiang, Hebei , Anhui and Shaanxi

Province and the First China-South Asia Exposition are organized for

the first time.

.In the emerging markets, TAITRA will strengthen to expand trade

opportunities in Muslim market.

.In the developed markets, TAITRA will organize large-scale

procurement meetings in Taipei and keep exploring GPA business


.To promote the exports of intermediate goods, the "Sourcing

Taiwan" convention and "Taiwan industry clusters weeks will be

held again.

.To implement "the Taiwan MICE Pilot Plan" to promote Taiwan

as an important MICE destination and improve the quality of

Taiwan's MICE service, as well as international competitiveness.

.TAITRA plans to increase branch offices in India (Kolkata),

Myanmar (Yangon), the Philippines (Manila) and China (Dalian,

Qingdao, Chengdu, Guangzhou).


8 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

外貿協會核心服務About TAITRA中華民國對外貿易發展協會 ( 簡稱外貿協會或貿協 ) 為台灣最重



本會擁有 1,200 多位海內外專業經貿人員,除台北總部外,設

有新竹、台中、台南及高雄等 4 個國內辦事處和遍佈全球各地

49 個辦事處及 8 個大陸駐留據點,形成完整的貿易服務網,提



Founded in 1970 to help promote foreign trade, the Taiwan

External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) is the foremost

non-profit trade promotion organization in Taiwan. Jointly

sponsored by the government, industry associations, and

several commercial organizations, TAITRA assists Taiwan

businesses and manufacturers with reinforcing their international

competitiveness and in coping with the challenges they face in

foreign markets.

TAITRA boasts a well-coordinated trade promotion and

information network of over 1,200 trained specialists stationed

throughout its Taipei headquarters, four local branch offices in

Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, forty nine overseas

branch offices worldwide and eight service posts in Mainland

China. TAITRA has created a wealth of trade opportunities

through effective promotion strategies.

經濟部卓士昭次長於 2012 年台灣產業聚落採購週開幕典禮致詞Vice Economic Minister Cho Shih-Chao addresses the opening ceremony for 2012 Taiwan Procurement Industry Cluster Week

台灣產業聚落採購週 - 買主及現場洽談Taiwan Procurement Industry Cluster Week- buyers and one-on-one procurement meetings

9Taiwan External Trade Development Council


全球拓展 貿協相伴,成為:




10 大核心服務











Core Missions.To assist Taiwan businesses and manufacturers in developing

the international market.

.To collaborate closely with the Taiwan government to promote

international trade.

.To provide business alliance consultation and connect

international firms with Taiwan partners.

Core Services.Developing Overseas Market

.Branding Taiwan

.Service Trade Promotion

.Market Research Service

.Online Trade Service

.Trade Education

.Taiwan International Trade Shows

.Exhibition Venues

.Convention Service

.Global Network & Overseas Connections

王董事長頒發證書予國企班學員Chairman Wang presents certificates to trainees

10 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

開拓海外市場Developing Overseas Markets

2012 年新興暨歐盟市場採購夥伴大會現場眾多我商參與洽談Thousands join Sourcing Taiwan 2012 to develop business with emerging and EU markets


2012 年全球經濟衰退,而我對新興市場出口仍有 5%成長率,

占我出口比重 27.9%,顯見新興國家已為全球經濟最大成長動


本會針對新興市場辦理 32 項拓銷團及參加 53 項海外展覽,總

計協助 1,678 家廠商赴海外拓銷,平均每週帶領 32 家廠商至新

興市場拓銷;國內部分共計辦理 2012 年新興暨歐盟市場採購大

會、10 項採購團、2 項商機媒合會及 24 項台北專業展,總計邀

請買主 8,501 人,平均每週有 163 位新興市場買主來台採購,

累計爭取商機達 71.2 億美元。


為振興出口並配合政府政策,自 8 月份起特篩選尚無本會據點

且廠商鮮少前往的 26 個新興市場的 29 個城市,根據廠商拓銷

需求,協助搜尋潛在客戶並開發商機。8 月 31 日由經濟部施部

長顏祥主持誓師大會,計有 602 家廠商報名,逾 700 人參加。

本專案動員本會 18 個駐外人員及國內 7 個資深人員共同執行,


則及回報商情 453 篇,初步接單捷報包括斯里蘭卡商採購投影



台灣目前在中國大陸進口市占率為 8.4%,有穩定爬升的趨勢;

2012 年我對大陸市場出口金額達 807.14 億美元,雖較前一年

減少 3.87%,但近數月已有多月出現出口成長。2012 年本會拓

銷大陸市場計爭取 153.88 億美元商機。以推廣台灣產業形象及



本會在中國大陸辦理的 9 項名品展,具備展數多、亮點多、商






「時尚之都」大連規劃 MIT 微笑標章形象館等,共計 4,510 家

廠商參展,使用 1 萬 1,550 個攤位,參觀人數 233.l 萬人,促成

35 億美元商機,成功搶搭 ECFA 總效益與大陸十二五規劃擴大


11Taiwan External Trade Development Council

2012 年貿易尖兵誓師大會Trade Pioneers Sign-in Ceremony

Major Events Aimed at Emerging Markets Showing Significant ResultsDespite the global economic slowdown in 2012, Taiwan's exports

to different emerging markets still grew by 5 percent, representing

27.9% of the total outbound shipments for the year. Emerging

markets have become the driving force of the global economy.

In 2012, TAITRA had organized a total of 32 trade missions and

participated in 53 trade shows in different emerging markets.

Some 1,678 Taiwanese suppliers had taken part in these outbound

activities, which averaged about 32 suppliers visiting these markets

per week.

In 2012, the TAITRA-organized inbound activities, in which buyers

from different emerging countries participated, included the "2012

Sourcing Taiwan", 10 procurement groups, two regional trade

meetings and market seminars, and 24 Taipei trade shows. The

number of visiting buyers reached 8,501, with an average of 163

buyers visiting per week. These activities generated a total of US$ 7.12

billion in business opportunities.

Sending Trade Pioneers to Tap into 26 New Markets

In line with the government policy of enhancing Taiwan's exports,

TAITRA has sent 25 senior market specialists to 29 cities in 26

emerging countries that did not yet have a TAITRA branch office

and were seldom visited by Taiwanese traders for business. A kick-

off ceremony for the Trade Pioneers Project was held on August 31,

2012, with Minister Yen-Shiang Shih of the Ministry of Economic

Affairs hosting the event. A total of 602 enterprises signed up,

with 700 participants, for the project to discover clients in the new


This project was executed by 18 market specialists from TAITRA's

overseas offices and 7 from its headquarters in Taiwan. Over a span

of five months, the project discovered 1,062 cases for business

match-making with Taiwanese traders. Some 5,372 trade leads and

453 related trade messages were collected. This project has turned

up good results in a relatively short time, which included initial order

from Sri Lanka for projectors, orders from the Kingdom of Bahrain

for moth orchids, and orders from Myanmar for plastic machinery .

Expanding Taiwan's Presence in Mainland China Market by Establishing A New Service PlatformTaiwan now accounts for 8.4 percent of the total products imported

to Mainland China, and it is likely that Taiwan's exports to Mainland

may expand further. Taiwan's shipments to the Mainland China

reached US$ 80.714 billion in 2012. It was bolstered by strong

growth in the last four months of the year and finished with a small

overall decline of 3.87% a year earlier.

TAITRA, which unleashed a string of trade activities held in the

Mainland market in 2012, was instrumental in generating some US$

15.39 billion worth of export opportunities.

The Taiwan Trade Fairs proved to be effective in the promotion of the

image of Taiwan consumer products in the Mainland China market ,thanks

largely to TAITRA's unceasing efforts in this regard.

12 中華民國對外貿易發展協會


Annual Report 2012

2012 年本會於中國大陸舉辦 9 項台灣名品展並參加 3 個邊境國際博覽會In 2012,TAITRA organizes nine “Taiwan Trade Fairs” and participates in three cross-border international expositions in Mainland China

加碼專場洽談會,媒合歐美日商機 2012 年先進經濟體雖面臨 GDP 衰退、政府財政困窘等諸多問



方面共籌組海外拓銷團 5 團、參展團 29 項,內引方面共邀得大

型買主來台採購 515 案,促成線上採購媒合及視訊洽談會 1,342

案,共促成歐美日商機 185.14 億美元。

對歐拓銷方面,分別於 3 月辦理「新興暨歐盟市場採購大會」

及 10 月首度舉辦「歐盟商機媒合會」,共邀請 60 國 600 家重

量級買主來台採購,服務我商近 2,500 家,辦理上萬場採購洽

談會,創造 46.5 億美元商機。另因應國際間簽訂自由貿易協定

(FTA),針對可能影響的產業,辦理「Online IMD」計畫,計

服務 88 家業者。

對美拓銷方面,除持續組團參加拉斯維加斯消費電子展等 9 項

知名大展,促成商機 2.2 億美元,為因應國際間自由貿易協定生

效對台灣產業的影響,加強協助業者拓銷北美市場,8 月在台北

辦理「美國商機日」,計安排 394 場次洽談,促成商機 1.6 億

美元。此外,辦理「2012 年台灣電子業與北美代工業者策略合

作說明會及商談會」,計有 46 家我商參加說明會,16 家業者


為加強對日拓銷,共籌組日本太陽光電展、日韓生活用品 / 專利

產品拓銷團等 11 項展團活動,爭取商機 4.8 億美元,另於 5 月

在台北辦理「台日企業商機媒合大會」,共邀得 46 家日商來台

採購,其中年營業額 10 億美元以上的日商 11 家,1 億美元以

上 20 家,共計 313 家廠商參加 400 場洽談,促成商機共 2.76



商情分析,吸引 370 位國內廠商參加。





































13Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Taiwan Trade Fairs Drive into the Domestic Market of Mainland China

TAITRA organized a total of nine Taiwan trade fairs in Mainland

China that attracted a large number of exhibitors. The fairs resulted

in impressive highlights including abundant business opportunities,

high upmarket penetration, wider product coverage, and more

intimate relations with Mainland Chinese partners. The theme of

each fair was designed with the needs of the local market in mind,

while not compromising the uniqueness of the fair. The following

are a few examples of the trade fairs held in the year: 1) the Fishery

Pavilion of the Taiwan Trade Fair in Shanghai was dedicated to

promoting the refined fishery industry of Taiwan; 2) The Energy

Saving & Pollution Reduction Pavilion was held in the "Green City"

Nanning; 3) The Taiwan Fine Tea Pavilion in the "City of Tea Houses"

in Chengdu; 4) The Cold Storage Chain Logistics Pavilion was held

in Tianjing, the number-one city of cross-strait logistics; and 5) The

MIT Trademark Products Pavilion was held in Dalian, the "City of


Some 4,510 Taiwanese companies and manufacturers participated

in the fairs with 11,550 exhibition booths used. The total number of

visitors to these fairs reached 2.3 million and the amount of business

generated was estimated at US$ 3.5 billion. TAITRA has successfully

utilized to its advantage the signing of the ECFA between the two

sides and the favorable economic condition offered by the Twelfth

Five-Year Plans in Mainland China.

Holding More Regional Events on Expanding Trade with Advanced Countries.Notwithstanding the difficulties faced by most advanced economies

in 2012 (declining GDP growth and austerity), they remained among

the main destinations of Taiwan's exports.

During this year, TAITRA continued to spearhead Taiwan's overseas

trade promotion campaign, sending large contingents of Taiwanese

suppliers to the markets. TAITRA-led trade groups took part in five

different overseas trade missions and 29 international trade shows

worldwide. TAITRA also played a lead role in organizing locally-

held procurement meetings for foreign buyers in 2012, hosting

some 515 large-scale onsite procurement meetings and 1,342 trade

videoconferences, which generated US$ 18.5 billion in business


For its EU trade campaign, TAITRA organized two large-scale

procurement meetings - the "2012 Sourcing Taiwan" in March and

the "Trade with EU" in October. The two events attracted a total of

600 major buyers from 60 countries, who took part in over 10,000

separate one-on-one trade meetings with 2,500 Taiwanese suppliers.

The meetings generated US$ 4.65 billion in business opportunities.

TAITRA also launched the "Online IMD" project to help local

suppliers cope with the threat of trade marginalization brought on

本會王董事長與上海市韓正市長聯袂參觀 2012 年上海名品博覽會農業精品館Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng visits the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion with Chairman Wang

14 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

2012 年南京台灣名品交易會吸引大批人潮進場參觀The Taiwan Trade Fairs in Nanjing attracts large numbers of visitors.











爭取全球政府採購商機 (GPA) 專案

台灣於 2009 年 7 月 15 日正式成為世界貿易組織 (WTO) 政府採

購協定 (Government Procurement Agreement, GPA) 第 41 個締




逐步直接參與競標的策略,協助業者爭取每年約 1.6 兆美元的

GPA 政府採購商機。

2012年 10月舉辦「全球政府採購大會」,洽邀來自歐、美、加、

日、韓、香港等 28 國 60 家政府採購得標商來台,與我業者一

對一洽談,成功爭取 3.19 億美元商機;聘請美國專業顧問公司

專案輔導 8 家業者申請美國聯邦採購總署 (GSA Schedule) 供應



隊,取得美國關島太陽能電廠等標案,共促成 GPA 及非 GPA 地

區政府採購商機逾 8 億美元。


2012 年我主要農產食品出口總值達 39 億美元,較前一年成

長 10.66% (較 2010 年成長 32.78%),出口至中國大陸更

高達 8.33 億美元,較前一年成長 17.66%(較 2010 年成長


籌組食品行銷主要活動包括分別在台北及高雄辦理 2 場大型採

購洽談會、1 場回教清真與新興市場食品商機日活動,13 場國




15Taiwan External Trade Development Council

2012 年台歐盟貿易採購洽談媒合會開幕式Opening ceremony for 2012 Trade with the EU

by the signing of international Free Trade Agreement (the FTA). So

far, 88 Taiwanese suppliers have benefited from the business match-

making objective of this project.

Another one of its campaigns focused on furthering trade with the

United States. TAITRA organized 9 Taiwanese business delegations

to major trade shows in the U.S., such as CES in Las Vegas, and

generated US$ 220 million in business opportunities. TAITRA also

organized a regional procurement event with U.S. buyers. The

"Trade with U.S." event was held in Taipei in August and was aimed

to mitigate the possible impact of the FTA on Taiwanese suppliers.

At the same time, the event could help expand Taiwan's reach in

North America markets. It resulted in a total of 394 trade meetings

between U.S. buyers and Taiwanese suppliers and generated some

US$ 160 million in business opportunities. A special forum called

the "2012 Taiwan Electronics Industry and the North American OEM

Strategy Cooperation Symposium" was also a part of the event.

It was attended by 46 Taiwanese suppliers and led to 16 trade

meetings between buyers and suppliers.

TAITRA's campaigns for the Japan market focused on trade with

Japan, through which 11 Taiwanese trade missions and trade

fairs, including the "2012 Daily Supply and Patent Goods Taiwan

Trade Mission" to Japan and Korea and the "2012 PV EXPO" were

organized. These events generated a total of US$ 480 million in

business opportunity. In addition, a procurement event entitled

"Trade with Japan" was held in May and attracted the attendance

of 46 Japanese companies. Of the companies, 11 reported annual

sales of over US$ 1 billion while 20 reported annual sales of over

US$100 million. Some 400 trade meetings were arranged as a result,

which generated around US$ 276.2 million in business opportunities.

A "Japanese Market" forum was part of the event. It was held to

give the Taiwanese suppliers first-hand market information and was

attended by 370 companies.

Assisting High Value-Added Industries in Penetrating the Global Market Under the "Economic Power-Up" plan of the Executive Yuan and

the proposed multidimensional industrial innovation strategy of the

MOEA, the Taiwan government is fully committed to carrying out

the "Three industries, Four reforms" restructuring program. The

program is aimed at shaping a more service-oriented manufacturing

industry, more technologically and internationally oriented service

industries, and more specialized traditional industries.

On its part, TAITRA assisted with campaigns to showcase the

capabilities of the local enterprises in supplying sophisticated,

higher added-value and high-precision products at leading trade

shows in advanced countries. The shows included EUROBIKE in

Friedrichshafen, Germany; the National Hardware Show in the United

States, MEDICA in Dusseldorf, Germany; and JIMTOF and FINETECH

in Japan. TAITRA also organized trade missions for the local bicycle,

hand tools, medical equipment, plastic machinery, and machine

tools industries to help Taiwanese companies explore new business


Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) ProjectTaiwan became the 41st WTO GPA signatory in July of 2009. To help

Taiwanese enterprises enhance their competitiveness with global

government tenders, TAITRA hired experienced consulting companies

to advise eight companies in obtaining GSA Schedule contracts. In

October of 2012, 60 foreign tender winners from 28 countries joined

16 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

武漢等地設置 6 處「台灣食品專區」,與中國、香港、澳門、

印尼、馬來西亞等國食品業者合作辦理 13 場通路促銷活動,總

計服務食品廠商 1,630 家次,計促成商機 4.14 億美元。

拓展經貿外交 2012 年外交部委託本會辦理海外商展計 23 項,包括中南美地


共徵集 687 家國內廠商參展 ( 含 349 家業者以型錄展示 ),促成

2萬 3,040位買主與我商洽談,蒐集貿易機會 1,701則,創造 1.7






我業者策略聯盟合作。2012 年累計開發的潛在外商策略聯盟案

源計 124 件,安排外商來台考察行程 39 件及於美、日、澳等地

辦理 10 場產業商機研討會。





投資。2012 年已開發 177 件潛在投資案源,協助 97 家業者安

排海外投資考察行程,並籌組海外投資考察團 3 團(計 102 個


177 件潛在投資案源分析,主要業別為資通訊、食品、機械及


2012 年精密零組件赴日拓銷2012 Precision Components Trade Mission to Japan

「2012 年東京國際食品展」台灣館開幕典禮,高雄市、台南市、嘉義縣、雲林縣等首長及立法委員等皆出席本活動 The Opening Ceremony of Taiwan Pavilion at FOODEX Japan 2012. The governers of Kaohsiung City, Tainan City, Chiayi County, Yunlin County and Members of the Legislative Yuan also participate at the event.

17Taiwan External Trade Development Council

the "2012 Sourcing Taiwan for Government Procurement" meeting

held in Taipei. TAITRA also set up economic and trade delegations

to Brazil, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and other countries to explore and

expand business opportunities. In the process, tender groups were

formed for a Guam solar power plant project and more around the

world. Overall, TAITRA helped generate over US$800 million worth

of GPA business opportunities in 2012.

Taiwan's Food PromotionIn 2012, Taiwanese food exports reached US$3.9 billion; increasing

10.66% from 2011 and 32.78% from 2010. Main categories of

Taiwan foods exported to Mainland China amounted to US$833

million, increasing 17.66% from 2011 and 60.68% from 2010,

which reflects the significant improvements in promoting Taiwan's

food products over the years.

TAITRA organized two large-scale trade meetings in Taipei and

Kaohsiung, a Sourcing Halal and & Global Food Trade Meeting,

thirteen delegations to international food exhibitions, and a

trade mission to the Middle East. To explore the Mainland China

market and its cross-border trade opportunities, TAITRA organized

delegations to the China-Eurasia Expo 2012, Northeast Asia Trade

Expo 2012, and CAEXPO 2013. In addition, six exclusive Taiwan Food

Zones in Shanghai, Wuhan, and Beijing were also set up. Moreover,

thirteen in-store promotional events were held in Mainland China,

Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Overall, TAITRA

provided assistance to 1,630 local enterprises and helped them

generate over US$414 million in business opportunities.

Expanding Foreign Trade and Economic RelationsIn 2012, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) entrusted TAITRA to

organize 23 overseas exhibitions. A total of 8 in Central and South

America, 2 in Africa, 4 in Asia-Pacific, 4 in Eastern Europe and 5

in Asia-Middle East were held. Overall, 687 Taiwanese enterprises

participated in the exhibitions with 349 of them participating

through catalog displays. 23,040 buyers took part in the events and

found 1,701 trade leads that were worth US$170 million. Moreover,

exclusive one-on-one trade meetings, press conferences, product

launches, and other activities were also held. These exclusive events

helped further boost Taiwan's bilateral diplomatic relations with

other countries while upgrading the image of Taiwan products.

International Business Alliance ProjectTAITRA has been working with its worldwide offices to attract

foreign investments to Taiwan. In 2012, a total of 124 investment

deals were generated from assisting 39 foreign investors. TAITRA

helped arrange fact-finding tours, site visits, business meetings, and

acted as a bridge between Taiwanese enterprises and the world. In

addition, 10 "Business Alliance with Taiwan-Your Gateway to Asia"

seminars were held around the world, including the United States,

Japan, and Australia.

Assisting Taiwanese Enterprises through the "Global Deployment Plan"TAITRA was entrusted by the Department of Investment Services

(DOIS) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs to implement the

"Global Deployment Plan" to respond to trends in global economic

integration. The plan helped Taiwan's enterprises penetrate

new markets and cross economic barriers through investments

in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central and South America, the

Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, and other fast-emerging

economies. In total, TAITRA led overseas delegations with102

Taiwanese investors and generated 177 potential investment deals in

2012. The investments covered areas in ICT, foods, machinery, and

auto parts.

60 位全球政府採購得標商參與2012 全球政府採購大會 60 foreign tender winners joined the"2012 Sourcing Taiwan for Government Procurement" meeting held in Taipei

18 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

品牌台灣Branding Taiwan




本會持續執行政府自 2006 年推出的「品牌台灣發展計畫」。

2012 年相關工作成果如下 :



從事品牌行銷相關工作人士的知識庫,2012 年累計造訪人數

405 萬人次,網頁瀏覽 2,996 萬頁次。在品牌政策行銷方面,

於台北、新竹、台中、台南、高雄及花蓮等 6 地辦理品牌政策




國際品牌總價值,由 2003 年的 35.64 億美元、至 2012 年的

108.4 億美元,成長幅度高達 204%,總價值是 2003 年時的 3

倍。在歷年調查中,台灣國際品牌已邁向多元化發展, 2012 年

成果顯示我食品餐飲業表現亮眼,包括康師傅、旺旺、85 度 C、

統一、王品等共有 5 個品牌都名列前二十大。

「2012 年台灣國際品牌價值調查」頒獎典禮於 9 月 25 日假台




品牌學院辦理 50 場品牌知識講座、論壇、研習營及培訓班,參



班」課程達 102 小時,是國內最完整、師資最優的系統化培訓





導」,共 53 案。


辦理第 20 屆台灣精品金質獎選拔與第 21 屆台灣精品獎選拔,



「台灣二十大國際品牌頒獎典禮」由吳敦義副總統頒獎,經濟部梁國新次長、本會趙永全秘書長與獲獎廠商Vice President Wu Den-Yih presents the awards at the Taiwan Top 20 Global Brands Awards Ceremony with Deputy Economic Minister Francis K.H. Liang, and TAITRA President & CEO Chao Yuen-Chuan

19Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Promoting the "Branding Taiwan Plan"In order to bring Taiwan's renowned and rising brands into world

markets, the Branding Taiwan Plan was introduced in 2006 to

provide necessary support in venture capital fund, talent, knowledge

and technology. Since its launch, successes were noted year after

year. In 2012, the following were achieved through the program:

Brand Development

The""website offers vital and concise

information on branding in Taiwan. The website is a database and

an online library for professionals and experts in brand marketing.

The site attracted over 4.05 million visit with over 29.96 million page

views in 2012.The Branding Taiwan project organized PR campaigns

in 6 locations nationwide, namely Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan,

Kaohsiung, and Hualien.

Brand Valuation

The "Survey of the Top Taiwan Global Brands" has reached its 10th

year. Over the past decade, the total value of the top 10 brands

grew from US $3.564 billion in 2003 to US $10.84 billion in 2012,

a growth rate of 204%, tripling 2003's total value. Diversification in

Taiwan's brand development was observed over the years. In 2012,

the food and beverage industry in particular performed remarkably

well. Companies such as Master Kong, Want-Want, 85 ℃ , Uni-

President and Wowprime were all on the top-20 list.

2012 年品牌大師講座邀請馬丁.林斯壯來台以全球性的研究實證發表專題演講「台灣企業如何創造品牌競爭優勢」,協助台灣企業建立及管理品牌In 2012, the world renowned brand master, Martin Lindstrom, was invited as the speaker for the "The Future of Branding for Taiwan Companies" seminar

Brand Training

A total of 50 brand related activities including forums, seminars, and

workshops were held in 2012. Altogether, 9,569 participants from

enterprises, and the consulting, academic, and management sectors

took part in the events. The "Integral Brand Manager Training

Course" covered 102 hours of training, making it one of the most

comprehensive brand training programs in Taiwan.

Brand Consultation

Professional consultation was provided to enterprises to assist them

with brand development and global marketing. Brand experts and

advisers worked on 53 individual cases, including Brand Diagnosis

counseling and Total Brand Management System counseling.

Taiwan Product and Image EnhancementThe 20th Taiwan Excellence Gold Award Selection and the 21st

Taiwan Excellence Award Selection were organized in 2012, along

with subsequent domestic and international promotional campaigns.

These activities encouraged Taiwanese enterprises to keep innovating

and establish international recognition.

In Taiwan, numerous PR activities were organized. They included

Taiwan Excellence Week; production and broadcast of internet TV

programs and newspapers; event-driven marketing campaigns for

Taiwan Excellence; a mobile version of the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion;

20 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

邀請世界第一高爾夫球后曾雅妮為台灣精品形象代言,並與國際貿易局江文若副局長及本會葉明水副秘書長共同造勢World no.1 golfer Yani Tseng endorses Taiwan Excellence, and promotes Taiwan Excellence Products with BOFT Deputy Director General Kiang and TAITRA Executive Vice President Walter M.S.Yeh




首創結合數位匯流銷售通路,設立台灣精品專區 12 場及辦理 3


國外推廣則包括參加 8 項國際展覽,於 2 展設立台灣精品館,

於 8 展辦理國際記者會,並獲刊超過 200 則的報導。2012 年首





象廣告,促成 CNN、Monocle 等知名雜誌製作台灣產業形象專

題,並成功在 AXN「誰是接班人亞洲版」節目中置入台灣品牌。

邀請 100 位國際媒體記者來台,促成報導 161 篇。


專案」(簡稱 IMC 專案),結合台灣 65 家資通訊、家用電子



精品(Taiwan Excellence)及台灣優質品牌產品帶來優質生活

(Excellent Lifestyles)的訊息,提升台灣產業及品牌在當地消費


IMC 專案主要工作內容包括辦理台灣精品及國際品牌消費者推




特別規劃了「The SmarTEST! ( 誰是最聰明的人! )」創新推廣活




21Taiwan External Trade Development Council

2012 年 於 英 國 倫 敦Westfield 購物中心展示台灣運動休閒精品S h o w c a s i n g Ta i w a n Excellence Products at Westfield London

台灣產業形象平面廣告刊登於紐約路透大樓Taiwan industry advertisement at the New York Reuters Building

and the permanent exhibition of a Taiwan Excellence Pavilion at the

Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

The above activities were complemented with 12 special Taiwan

Excellence sections that were coordinated with channel sales

partners. The Taiwan Excellence sections were set up on the premises

of physical retail locations, which improved the public's access to

award winners, ensured real-time transmission of useful information,

and bolstered product awareness and brand image.

TAITRA led Taiwanese enterprises in the participation of 8

international expositions, held the Taiwan Excellence Pavilion in

2 trade shows, and hosted international press conferences in 8

trade fairs. These efforts helped promote Taiwan's technological

innovations and boosted its global product image as over 200 media

coverage articles around the world were reported. Moreover, Taiwan

Excellence showcased sports and leisure products at Westfield

London and La Vuelta 2012 in Madrid. A cheering competition for

a popular Taiwan sports star in U.S. Major League Baseball was also


TAITRA also utilized a combination of traditional advertising forms

to promote trade, such as billboards, airport light boxes, and print

media. Two editorials were pitched in CNN and Monocle magazines

featuring Taiwan industries and businesses. Taiwan's products also

appeared in AXN Asia's new program "The Apprentice Asia". 100

journalists from targeted export markets around the globe were

invited to report on Taiwan's industrial development and 161 articles

were published.

Promoting the IMC Project The Bureau of Foreign Trade entrusted TAITRA to implement the

Integrated Marketing & Communications (IMC) Project, introducing

innovative, reliable, and super-value Taiwanese brands for ICT, home

and leisure products to target markets. In 2012, the IMC Project

worked with 65 Taiwanese brands to raise the awareness and

preference for Taiwanese brands among consumers in the target

markets of Indonesia, India, Vietnam, and Mainland China.

The IMC Project included promotional events, establishing

Taiwan Excellence Pavilions in international trade expos, channel

co-promotions, media and public relations campaigns, digital

communications, celebrity endorsements, and conducting consumer

awareness and brand preference market research surveys. These

IMC activities increased recognition for Taiwanese brands, boosted

product sales, and helped build customer loyalty. One of the largest

components of the IMC Project was an event that connected each

of the four-targeted markets. The engaging and exciting "The

SmarTEST!" event generated much hype across the four target

markets and helped enhance the popularity of Taiwan Excellence


22 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

推廣服務業貿易Service Trade Promotion

2012 年中國 ( 北京 ) 國際服務交易會-設立台灣館2012 China Beijing International Fair for Trade in Services - Taiwan Pavilion



年計辦理 30 展 7 團、來台採購 30 案,促成 6.19 億美元商機。


2012 年為台灣觀光醫療產業成長年,海外人士來台進行疾病治

療及醫美健檢高達 10 萬人次,為前一年的 3 倍,創造新台幣

700 億元的產值。此外,以「建立台灣國際醫療服務品牌」為


等國際記者會,獲國際媒體報導超過 450 則,成功建立我國際








爭取辦理遊戲開發者大會台北峰會 (GDC Taipei Summit ) ,GDC

為全球遊戲產業界的奧斯卡盛會。2012 年 GDC 台北峰會共辦

理 26 場演講,共邀請來自美、英、日、韓等國業者及專家,參

與人數達 660 人,除獲國內外業者高度肯定外,也為台灣數位

遊戲產業啟動另一個里程碑。2012 年文化創意產業共促成 2.3





太陽能板及 LED 路燈工程案,創造 4,300 萬美元商機;印度的

太陽能電廠新建案,創造 5,000 萬美元商機;緬甸仰光的五星

級飯店開發案,也可獲 5,000 萬美元商機。此外,舉辦台灣營

建環保業採購洽談會,促成 6,100 萬美元海外合作商機。


本會與台灣連鎖加盟促進會共同辦理「2012 年台北國際連鎖加







場開發總裁、中國連鎖經營協會主任及上海台商等共 10 人來台

23Taiwan External Trade Development Council

TAITRA focused its service trade promotion on medical tourism,

the cultural and creative industry, construction and environmental

protection, franchising, the software industry, consultant

management, and Taiwan cuisine. A total of 37 overseas promotional

activities were held and 30 procurement missions by overseas buyers

in Taiwan were organized in 2012, generating US$619 million worth

of business opportunities.

Improving Overall Image of Medical Services Offered in Taiwan Our efforts in promoting Taiwan's medical tourism over the past

few years reaped significant gains in 2012. The number of visits

for medical services grew significantly compared to 2011, with as

many as one hundred thousand visits recorded, approximately 3

times greater than in 2011. As a result, NT$70 billion in business

opportunities were generated. In addition, medical teams from

Taiwan successfully treated three patients with rare diseases from

Vietnam and Peru. Three press conferences were held and attracted

extensive international media coverage with over 450 reports, which

helped establish Taiwan's reputation and image in medical services.

Exploring Business Opportunities for the Cultural and Creative IndustryThrough the delivery of distinctive cultural ideas, combined with

creativity and design, Taiwan's cultural and creative industry is aimed

squarely at establishing its brand image, as well as adding value to

a huge range of activities in traditional manufacturing. In an effort

to increase industry awareness and explore business opportunities,

TAITRA hosted a series of overseas and domestic promotional

activities for the cultural and creative industry, which include the

creative and digital content industries, through the exhibition

platform. The digital content industry comprises the computer games

and animation sectors. In addition to participation in international

digital content shows, TAITRA hosted the GDC Taipei Summit, the

global gaming industry's equivalent of the Oscars. During the GDC

Taipei Summit 2012, 26 speeches were delivered by specialists from

the United States, Britain, Japan, Korea, and many other countries,

attracting a total of 660 participants and receiving positive feedback

from both local and overseas companies. The event marked a

milestone in the globalization of Taiwan's digital gaming industry. In

2012, the cultural and creative industry generated US$230 million

worth of business opportunities.

Seeking Overseas Opportunities for Construction & Environmental Protection IndustriesTo spur the internationalization of Taiwan's construction industry

and to increase the competitiveness of the construction and

environmental protection engineering industries, TAITRA integrated

the resources of those industries to offer customized services to

international buyers. In addition, TAITRA led three trade missions to

Thailand, Malaysia, India, and Myanmar. The missions found more

than US$43 million in PV and LED-related business opportunities in

Thailand and Malaysia, US$50 million in solar power in India, and

collaboration opportunities on the development of a 5-star hotel

in Myanmar. Moreover, we invited overseas buyers to participate in

procurement meetings with Taiwanese suppliers that generated over

US$61 million in business opportunities.

越南成年型早老症國際記者會P r e s s c o n f e r e n c e o n t h e treatment of a V ietnamese patient's rare disease

24 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

擔任主講人及與談人,共計 400 人出席。現場互動熱烈,並獲





味登等 5 家業者。其中福星茶業及喬治派克已成功在大陸南京








整合不同領域軟體業者,成立「產業 e 化服務團」,以團隊方

式行銷。2012年計參加 4項名品展 (上海、成都、青島及北京 ),

設立 e 化體驗館,異業結合顧問、軟體、連鎖品牌及設備業者



灣美食廣場導入 POS 系統備,提升營運績效;中國大陸多所學

校建置未來教室等,訂單金額更高達 6 億美元。2012 年資訊服

務產業計促成 2,453 萬美元商機。





能量,開發大陸台商及陸商製造業商機。2012 年管理顧問產業

計促成 505 萬美元商機。


6 月份,利用參加台北國際專業展多達 6 萬名國內外商務人士及





2012 年深圳國際文化產業博覽交易會 - 台灣文化創意館2012 China (Shenzhen ) International Cultural Industries Fair-Taiwan Pavilion

2012 年首度辦理遊戲開發者大會 (GDC) 台北峰會The first Game Developers Conference (GDC) Taipei Summit held in 2012

25Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Exploring Franchise Business OpportunitiesTAITRA, together with the Association of Chain and Franchise

Promotion, Taiwan, organized the 2012 Taipei International Franchise

Summit Forum at TICC on February 23, 2012. The keynote speakers

and panelists included David Foster of the World Franchise Council

Secretariat; Graham Billings, Executive Director of the Franchise

Association of New Zealand; Albert Kong, Chairman, International

Development, Franchise and Licensing Association (Singapore);

Abdul Malik Abdullah, Acting Chairman of the Malaysia Franchise

Association; Scott Chorna, Director, International New Business

Development at Focus Inc.; and Susan Su, Director of the Franchise &

Entrepreneur Dept., China Chain Store & Franchise Association. The

Forum had about 400 participants, and many media organizations,

such as Yahoo, CNA NEWS, Epoch Timts, PC HOME, BCC, and

NTDTV, covered the event, which gave emphasis to TAITRA's

promotion of Taiwan's franchise industry.

TAITRA is dedicated to encouraging cooperation between businesses

in the franchise and services sectors. TAITRA also organizes the

"Taiwan Trade Fair" every year and operates the "Franchise

E-management Experience Booth" to showcase Taiwanese brands.

The booth demonstrates the advantages of Taiwan's ICT industry,

which can improve internal management efficiency and enterprise

competitiveness to strengthen the overall effectiveness of the

franchise business model.

In addition, the comprehensive consulting services provided by

TAITRA have helped franchise businesses establish overseas stores

and build up their brand images. In 2012, TAITRA assisted seven

franchise enterprises with the opening of their new stores in the

United Kingdom, Indonesia, and China, as well as facilitated their

brand marketing in those regions.

Enhancing International Competitiveness of the Software IndustryTAITRA integrated different categories of software information

enterprises to build a team approach to marketing, as well as

connected hardware enterprises to co-marketing. TAITRA organized

a solid team to provide a "One-Stop Solution" to customers. It also

participated in 4 Taiwan Trade Fairs in Mainland China to meet the

demands of niche markets and helped Taiwanese companies find

potential orders of up to US$600 million in the following year. In

2012, TAITRA helped the Taiwanese software industry generate

US$24.53 million in business opportunities.

Promoting Taiwan's Management Consulting Service Overseas

TAITRA helped to enhance the image of Taiwan's management

consulting service by leading trade missions to Xiamen, Dongguan

and Guangzhou in 2012. The "energy-saving and emission-

decreasing related trade missions" were composed of various

companies in the fields of software, equipment and management

consulting. The aim was to help Taiwanese companies reach potential

customers through the assistance of TAITRA's overseas branches.

The estimated transaction value generated by the trade mission was

US$5.05 million.

Promoting Taiwan Food & Beverage Brands Every June, tens of thousands of international business people visit

Taiwan for Computex Taipei, MEDICARE Taiwan, Display Taiwan,

Food Taipei, and other world-class trade shows hosted by TAITRA. To

promote Taiwan's food culture to the world, TAITRA also hosted the

annual "Taste of Taiwan Cuisine" in June.

Over the course of one month, TAITRA invited local restaurants

to participate in the event. International business travelers to

Taiwan were able to taste Taiwanese specialties by presenting the

Exhibitor Pass or a Taiwan Taste Passport to the event's participating

restaurants. TAITRA also organized a press conference, a Taiwan Taste

Forum, and a closing event to showcase the delicious Taiwanese

cuisine by skillful Taiwanese chefs. In addition, TAITRA opened up a

dedicated website and Facebook fan page for the event. Discounts

and special were offered online, and best-restaurant polls were

conducted to further promote the food culture of Taiwan.

2012 年北京名品展 - 連鎖加盟暨智能生活應用體驗館Chain & Franchise Technology Applications Pavilion at the Taiwan Trade Fair in Beijing 2012

26 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

市場研究發掘商機Market Research Service





本市場重要產業發展分析」、「亞洲 10 大展覽主辦單位簡析」、






通路指南調查報告》系列後, 2012 年以新興市場通路及重要產





新興市場部分,2012 年本會派員赴東南亞、印度、中東、俄羅




羅斯二線城市及加入 WTO 商機調查 」、「杜拜轉口貿易及伊

拉克商機調查」及「緬甸商機市場調查」等 6 項市調。


究報告外,另透過辦理 30 多場市調發表會及研討會方式,吸引

逾 4,000 家廠商分享貿易新知。


國際商情雙周刊 ( 是一本專為貿易


部與本會 100 多個駐外單位蒐集全球各地商情與商機資訊,多






2012 年 3 月舉辦國際商情雙周刊感恩回饋講座,著眼東協龐大內需市場International Trade Biweekly hosts a seminar on the ASEAN market to celebrate its anniversary with its subscribers

27Taiwan External Trade Development Council

辦理中國大陸網路及電視購物通路暨專業店商機論壇,本會黃副秘書長與各主講人合影TAITRA hosts the "Business Opportunities in Online & TV Shopping and Specialty Stores in Mainland China" forum , with Executive Vice President Peter Huang in attendance

Economic and Trade AnalysesTo keep Taiwan's enterprises well-informed about the latest global

trade and economic news, TAITRA conducts numerous statistical

and analyses concerning Taiwan's foreign trade on a regular basis,

and collects significant trade information for decision makers. In

2012, topics included "New Business Opportunities following the

Democratization of Myanmar", "The Rise of Mainland China's

Affluent Class and the Trend of High-End Consumption", "The

Development of Important Industries in Japan", "An Introduction to

Asia's Top 10 Exhibition Hosts", "A Comparison of SMEs in Taiwan

and South Korea", and "An Analysis of Mainland China's Imports

from South Korea and Taiwan and Taiwan's Competitiveness"

Surveys on Mainland China and Emerging MarketsTo explore the huge domestic market in Mainland China, TAITRA

published the "Mainland China's Domestic Channel Guides Report"

series in 2012. It covered various channels such as department

stores, supermarkets, chain stores and wholesale markets. Due to the

rise of new consumption trends and distribution channels, TAITRA

also conducted market surveys on such channels as online shopping,

specialty stores, and cross-border trade in China. Moreover, TAITRA

published market surveys on industries with huge potential such as

the golden-ager industry and the snack food business.

As for emerging markets, TAITRA's researchers conducted on-

site market analyses in Taiwan's target markets, such as the BRIC

countries of India, Brazil and Russia, Southeast Asia and the Middle

East. They carried out detailed investigations into local sales channels

and industries with potentially important business opportunities.

To unveil the results and share them with the public, TAITRA

published cover stories of the surveys on Mainland China and

other overseas markets in International Trade Biweekly. TAITRA also

organized more than 30 seminars that were attended by over 4,000


中國大陸及新興市場調查報告Market surveys on Mainland China and emerging markets

28 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

為提供廠商海外拓銷所需市場資訊,針對 2012 年 8 月正式成為

WTO 會員的俄羅斯,推出《前進俄羅斯》,以寬廣的角度,介


出版《商旅秘笈 - 歐美洲續篇及亞太∕中東∕非洲續篇》,是奔




由經濟部與本會駐外單位及國內人員合作、匯集 168 個國家 /




《台灣產品雜誌 - Taiwan Products》創刊迄今已 43 年,是國內





《台灣產品雜誌》曾獲 2009 年世界雜誌聯盟(Federation of

the International Periodical Press, FIPP)評鑑為「台灣 B to B 主

流雜誌第一名」。2012年出版之專輯包括:《五金 /建材 /家具》、

《綠能 / 電子 / 通訊》、《機械》、《自行車 / 運動用品》、《汽

機車及其零配件》、《禮品 / 文具 / 家用品》、《農產食品 / 食

品機械》、《醫療器材 / 保健用品》、《紡織 / 服飾配件》等,

官網為。中國大陸及新興市場調查報告Market surveys on Mainland China and emerging markets






鑑於利用行動裝置閱讀的需求日益普及,本會於 2011 年 7 月推

出《WOW 國際商情》App,並於 2012 年 9 月推出《大陸商圈

GO》App,廠商可利用手機或 iPad,立即下載瀏覽拓銷市場所


台灣產品雜誌 Taiwan Products Magazine

29Taiwan External Trade Development Council

International Trade Biweekly and Trade-Related PublicationsThe International Trade Biweekly magazine (http://www.trademag. is a professional publication that reports on global trade.

Based on factual market information collected by numerous

journalists and over one hundred global offices of the Ministry of

Economic Affairs and TAITRA combined, the International Trade

Biweekly can present readers with the latest global market trends,

access to emerging markets, and success stories. On top of that,

to make the magazine even more accessible to modern readers,

International Trade Biweekly is also available in electronic versions

that can be downloaded through various e-book platforms.

To assist Taiwanese traders in coping with the challenges in the

global marketplace, in 2012, TAITRA published the "Business

Guide to Russia". It introduced the history, culture, geography,

and industrial characteristics of Russia as well as various strategies

for doing business in the region. In addition, TAITRA published

the "Business Travel Sequel", "Case Studies of Trade Risk",

"Trade Show Marketing", and many other research reports about

overseas markets. The reports also included useful information on

international marketing and trading risk management.

TAITRA's "The World Market Economic Information CD" contains

economic and marketing information on 168 countries and regions.

It is annually published based on the research by the overseas offices

of TAITRA and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It is an indispensible

tool for Taiwanese companies looking to develop global markets.

Taiwan Products Magazine (TP Magazine)With a history spanning more than four decades, TP Magazine

is Taiwan's longest-running international trade and commerce

magazine. Published in English, the products-for-export magazine

serves as an important tool for promoting products from Taiwan in

overseas markets. It is also a useful guide for overseas buyers to gain

insight into Taiwan's industries.

At the 2009 World Magazine Congress, TP Magazine was named

the "Number One B to B Trend Magazine of Taiwan" by FIPP World

Magazine Trends. Ten issues were published in 2012, covering

Hardware and Building Materials; Electronics and Communication;

Machinery; Sport ing Goods and Bicycles; Auto Parts and

Motorcycles; Gifts and Stationery; Agricultural Products; Food &

Food Machinery; Medical Equipment, Health Care & Biotechnology;

and Textile and Apparel. The key features of Taiwan Products include

industry overviews, company profiles, Symbol of Excellence (SOE)

award-winning products, trade show reports, and information on

manufacturers and exporters.

Digital Information ServicesTAITRA's trade library provides trade-related electronic data, such

as Kompass, D&B, World Trade Atlas, Graydon and Coface credit

reports, and CEIC data banks for local business communities to

explore overseas markets. TAITRA also consolidated all information

concerning trade and investment at to assist

in market expansion.

To help Taiwan suppliers expand their horizons on international

business, TAITRA launched its "Window on the World App" (WOW

App) in July 2011. In addition, TAITRA launched the "City Biz App"

in September 2012. The apps offer information about the domestic

market and industries with potential, as well as a list of distributors

for suppliers to contact and trade with. Entrepreneurs can use

smartphones or tablet PCs such as iPads to download and browse

market data and directories.

因應行動裝置閱讀需求,本會陸續推出《WOW 國際商情》及《商圈 GO》AppTAITRA successively launches the WOW App and City Biz App

30 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

提供網路行銷服務Online Trade Service


本會網路行銷中心營運台灣經貿網 (

tw),至 2012 年已邁入第 10 年的里程碑,多年來以全方位網路

行銷服務,協助 6 萬 5 千餘家進出口廠商運用網路拓銷全球市

場,每日超過 8 萬瀏覽人次。

2012 年台灣經貿網參加兩個國際評選皆獲得殊榮,由美國網路

行銷協會舉辦的 WebAward 獎項評選,自全球 42 國家,2 千多

個網站中脫穎而出,獲得 4 類網站評選的優選獎。台灣經貿網

的行動裝置應用軟體 (App) 也獲美國國際視覺藝術研究院頒發第



通過 ISO 27001 資訊安全認證






開發、維護與資料庫存取安全的管理,經 BSI 審查後,於 2012

年 11 月 19 日順利通過應用系統 ISO 27001 資訊安全認證。


「易成網 iDealEZ」台灣經貿網 B2B 線上交易商城「易成網 iDealEZ(http://www.」於 2012 年 10 月上線試營運,集中推廣線上商

品銷售服務,協助廠商開設專屬商店並展示商品型錄,搶攻 B2B

線上交易市場。易成網並與全球知名的網路市集 eBay 合作,串



協助業者搶攻國際熱門市場 B2C 商機。

31Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Administration of the E-Portal – TaiwantradeTaiwan's national B2B e-commerce portal "Taiwantrade" (www., administered by TAITRA's Trade Net

Center welcomed its 10-year Anniversary this year. By offering

comprehensive and professional online marketing services,

Taiwantrade helped more than 65,000 Taiwanese suppliers utilize

the internet to increase business opportunities over the years. The

site currently averages an impressive 80,000 daily visits by trade


In 2012, Taiwantrade's excellence in service quality was recognized by

two major international award institutions. Among more than 2,000

competing websites from 42 countries in the world, Taiwantrade was

recognized by the Web Marketing Association, winning 4 Standard

of Excellence WebAwards. Moreover, the Taiwantrade mobile app

was recognized by the International Academy of the Visual Arts for

Communicator Awards, winning an Award of Distinction.

Acknowledgement by the ISO 27001 Information Security CertificationTAITRA is entrusted by the government to implement numerous

trade promoting projects on the internet, including the websites of

Taiwantrade and Taipei International Tradeshows. These online portals

have become essential parts of Taiwan's trade and exhibition, and

they have achieved significant growths every year. These websites

have also been enhanced and updated by the latest information

security measures. Following the certification of network and server

room management by BSI, TAITRA has further strengthened its

management of application system development, maintenance, and

data access security. As a result, TAITRA was acknowledged by the

ISO 27001 Information Security Certification issued on November 19,


The Brand New iDealEZ Online MarketplaceTaiwantrade's B2B online marketplace, iDealEZ (http://www.idealez.

com) entered its trial phase in October, 2012. The site is focused

on promoting the sales and service of products from Taiwan,

and provides exclusive B2B online stores (eShops) for Taiwanese

suppliers to showcase their product catalogs. iDealEZ is also in

partnership with eBay to offer simultaneous product availability in

both marketplaces. Members of iDealEZ were also offered exclusive

benefit and marketing services as head-start measures to help them

compete in the international B2C market.

台灣經貿網榮獲美國網路行銷協會頒發「B2B」、「資訊服務」、「非營利組織」、「入口網站」4 類評選之 Standard of Excellence 獎Taiwantrade was awarded 4 Standard of Excellence WebAwards in the categories of B2B, Information Service, Non-Profit, and Portal.

台灣經貿網提供 14 國語系網頁,利於各國買主使用Taiwantrade provides multilingual interfaces in 14 languages

32 中華民國對外貿易發展協會


全球採購網( 集各




購洽談會平台及服務窗口。每年約服務 3 千家買主,安排

約 2.5 萬場次洽談會,估計採購商機約 106 億美元。





接軌, 101 年共計促成德國 Siemens、美國 Walmart、美國最大

連鎖藥妝店 Walgreen、中國第一汽車等 743 位買主,與國內供

應商進行 2,508 場次的視訊採購洽談會,估計採購商機約 5 億

美元。貿協執行政府「E 龍專案」辦理視訊採購洽談會;成為經







美商鄧白氏 (D&B) 合作,提供廠商「鄧白氏企業認證」,已服

務 4,400 家廠商獲得認證。另導入國際物流服務,與中華郵政、

UPS、DHL 及 TNT 合作並爭取寄件優惠價格,有效降低廠商物流

成本,並與國際知名 B2B 及 B2C 網站合作,提供日本 iPROS 電


易成網與 eBay 策略聯盟,於 2012 年 1 月 29 日辦理記者會宣告正式上線iDealEZ announced its strategic alliance with eBay and was officially launched on January 29, 2013

台灣經貿網 APP 榮獲美國國際視覺藝術研究院頒發第 18 屆傳播獎之「行動裝置應用軟體」類別卓越獎The Taiwantrade mobile app is recognized by the International Academy of the Visual Arts for Communicator Awards, winning an Award of Distinction

33Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Get the Newest Trade Leads on iSourcingThe iSourcing website ( pools

every trade lead from international buyers looking to procure from

Taiwan. The trade leads include international procurement meetings,

procurement policy seminars, procurement meetings at trade

shows, online trade matching services, and videoconferencing for

procurement meetings. The services of iSourcing deliver a seamless

platform for connection between international buyers and Taiwanese

supplier. On average, over 3,000 buyers use iSourcing services every

year with more than 25,000 trade meetings conducted and potential

business in excess of US$10.6 billion generated.

Videoconferencing for Procurement Meetings - iMeeting The iMeeting service is videoconferencing-based, which gives it the

unparalleled advantages of travel-cost savings and time efficiency.

Since its launch, the service has become an indispensable tool for

many companies around the world. Through iMeeting's latest web-

tech and friendly service, TAITRA has helped countless buyers and

suppliers around the world reach successful business deals. In 2012,

we helped 743 buyers use this service. Those who used and praised

iMeeting in 2012 included Germany's Siemens, United States’

Walmart and Walgreen, China's FAW Group Corporation and many

other satisfied buyers. Over 2,500 iMeeting sessions were conducted,

馬英九總統親訪本會於台北世貿中心辦理之「2012 採購夥伴大會聯合視訊採購洽談會」President Ma Ying-Jeou visits "Online Trade Convention 2012" held at Taipei World Trade Center

with a total estimated procurement amount of up to US$500 million.

The iMeeting service was also a part of the government's economic

stimulus initiative. The service was deployed for several major online

trade conventions, and played a key role in enhancing Taiwan's

economy. Moreover, the iMeeting service was present in many

Taiwan International Trade Shows and was praised by the exhibiting

companies. The service enabled many more buyers around the world

to participate in the show through the online medium.

Strategic Alliance and Value-Adding Services for Domestic FirmsThe dynamic services of Taiwantrade are the best platforms for

Taiwanese companies looking to expand into the world market.

One such service is Taiwantrade's strategic alliance with the Dun &

Bradstreet Corporation (D&B). The D&B Certification is a globally-

renowned credit rating recognition system. So far, Taiwantrade

has helped over 4,400 members obtain the D&B Certification,

which greatly elevated the image of their respectable businesses.

Taiwantrade is also working with top international couriers, including

EMS, UPS, DHL, and TNT, to offer exclusive, special discounted

rates to the members of Taiwantrade. Moreover, Taiwantrade has

partnered up with worldwide B2B and B2C operators, including

iPROS of Japan and of the United States to offer free

online store setup and preferential final value fees to help Taiwanese

suppliers enter the online marketplace.

34 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

培訓國際企業人才Trade Education








分為二年期及一年期兩種學制,2012 年國企班在學學員共 387


一年期經貿組 29 人、國際行銷人才英語組 52 人、服務業菁英

幹部英語組 48 人。


檢定,一級合格率達 68%,相較於日本國內合格率 35.4%、

海外合格率 31% 高出甚多;二年期英語組結業學員多益測驗

(TOEIC)總平均高達 901 分。2012 年國企班就業輔導自 3 月

25 日至 10 月 31 日止,計 540 家廠商提供 2,236 個工作機會,

平均每名學員有 10.96 個工作機會。國企班自成立以來,已培

養 3,601 名畢業生,投身外貿及周邊行業者達 90%。

國際貿易特訓班 ( 國貿班 )

2012 年招收 2 期 ( 第 29 期及第 30 期 ) 共 192 名有志從事國

際貿易青年,並施予 6 個月的國貿實務及商務英語課程,計有


該班自成立以來,已培訓 2,135 名結業學員。



辦理 2 期 ( 第 18 期及第 19 期 )「碩士後國際行銷班」,共招收

98 名學員,其中 90 名學員順利結業,該班自成立以來,總計

培訓 798 名結業學員。


辦理 2 期 ( 第 26 期及第 27 期 )「碩士級商務英語班 ( 台北 )」,

共招收 160 名學員,其中 123 名學員順利結業,該班自成立以

來,計有 1,773 名結業學員。另應新竹科學園區廠商及從業人


內訓英語班,2012 年開辦 39 班,參訓學員達 376 人次。

王董事長主持培訓中心 25 周年校慶Chairman Wang presides at ITI's 25th anniversary in Hsinchu

35Taiwan External Trade Development Council

黃副秘書長頒發獎狀予 EXCO 國際院校城市行銷競賽得獎隊伍Executive Vice President of TAITRA Peter Huang presents awards to winners of the 2012 Destination Marketing Contest

Trade Specialist TrainingIn response to demands from the business community in Taiwan,

the International Trade Institute (ITI) offers a range of international

business programs that vary in length from six months to two

years. The combination of courses in trade and foreign languages

is designed to prepare college graduates for careers in international

business. In addition, ITI conducts on-the-job training seminars

and workshops to help participants increase their knowledge

and understanding of international trade, business languages

and management principles. ITI also organizes programs for local

organizations to help their employees better meet the demands of

international trade.

Pre-Job Training

International Business Administration Program (IBAP)Two types of IBAP courses are offered: a comprehensive two-year

program and an intensive one-year program. In 2012, a total of 387

trainees were enrolled, with 258 of them registered in the two-year

program, and 129 the intensive one-year program. The two-year-

program students were further divided into 113 English majors, 93

Japanese majors, and 52 Korean, Arabic and European language

majors. The one-year program saw an enrollment of 129 trainees,

of which 29 were Business majors, 52 were English majors, and 48

were Service majors.

The IBAP achievements and successes are plenty. The number

of Japanese majors who passed the first level of JLPT (Japanese

Language Proficiency Test) stood as high as 68%, as opposed to

35.4% for those who received Japanese language training in Japan,

and 31% for those trained out of Japan. In addition, the average

score of the two-year English majors in the TOEIC (Test of English for

International Communication) was 901 (out of a top score of 990).

Graduate recruitment in 2012 took place from March 25 to October

31, with 540 companies providing 2,236 job opportunities to ITI's

graduates. Each graduate had on average 10.96 job opportunities.

Since the establishment of its IBAP, ITI has trained a total of 3,601

graduates, of which 90% are currently working in the field of

international trade.

International Trade ProgramDuring 2012, the six-month International Trade Program was offered

twice with a total of 188 graduates. Upon completion, each graduate

had on average 5 job opportunities. Since the establishment of this

program, ITI has already trained a grand total of 2,135 graduates.

On-the-Job Training

Post-Master's International Marketing ProgramFocusing on international trade and marketing, this program runs for

six months. The program was offered twice in 2012 with a total of

90 students graduating. Since the establishment of this program, ITI

has trained 798 graduates.

Post-Master's Business English ProgramThis six-month program was conducted twice in Taipei and 123

students successfully met the graduation requirements in 2012. Since

the establishment of this program, ITI has trained 1,773 graduates.

In addition, to meet the demand for Business English in the Hsinchu

Science Park, ITI has been providing both the Business English

Program (BEP) and English In- House training courses in Hsinchu

and surrounding areas since 2001. In 2012, ITI conducted 39 classes

in the Hsinchu area with a total of 376 trainees completing the


36 中華民國對外貿易發展協會



及外國語文短期研習班,2012年共計 286班,參訓人次達 4,551


辦理之短期西語研習班計培訓 69 人次;短期韓語研習班計培訓

19 人次;短期法語研習班計培訓 40 人次。

培育會展人才及認證 會議與展覽產業通常能夠吸引大量外籍人士,間接帶動相關產







總培訓人數達 258 人。



專業人員進階認證考試」,共計 3,220 人報名,其中初階考試

通過人數為 854 人,進階會議通過人數為 3 人,進階展覽通過

人數 3 人。


由 國 際 會 議 組 織 Meeting Professionals International( 簡 稱

MPI)主辦之 The Certified of Meeting Professional( 簡稱 CMP)

認證課程與考試及國際展覽與活動協會 International Association

of Exhibitions and Events( 簡 稱 IAEE) 主 辦 之 Certified in

Exhibition Management ( 簡稱 CEM) 認證課程與考試,目的在提


本會自 2012 年起獲得主辦單位授權,在台辦理 CEM 及 CMP 課

程及考試。2012年計 18位業者及大學院校老師獲得CEM認證,

13 位獲得 CMP 認證。該證書在業界頗負盛名亦為企業徵才之




2012 年辦理會展種子師資培訓班、國內外 ( 倫敦、金門及韓國 )

會展參訪團、會展英語課程、2012 EXCO 展「會展城市行銷展


34 班,參訓學員共計 923 人次。

本會培訓中心陳谷海主任赴日主持國企班學員於日本研習始業式Dean of ITI Chen Ku-Hai presides at the opening ceremony of practical training in Japan.

37Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Short CoursesA large variety of courses, varying in duration from between six and

seventy-two hours, were conducted in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and

Kaohsiung to meet the needs of the local business people. Courses

included International Trade, Marketing, and language training.

ITI conducted 286 courses with 4,551 trainees completing the

program. In support of the government's policy of developing the

Spanish, Korean and French markets, ITI conducted Spanish, Korean

and French language training programs with a total of 69 trainees

completing the Spanish program, 19 trainees completing the Korean

program, and 40 trainees completing the French program.

MICE Certification and Training ProjectIn recent years, governments around the world have been paying

more and more attention to the MICE (Meetings, Incentives,

Conventions & Exhibitions) industry because of its high potential,

value added, and innovative benefits. Its potential for creating

employment and business opportunities is a powerful driving force

for all related industries.

Sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, ITI has been

responsible for the MICE Certification and Training Project since

2005. The project includes establishing the Certification System,

giving the Professional Training Program and Trainers’ Training

Program, setting up the HR Data Bank, and developing the

Mechanism of Learning Assessment.

In 2012, ITI conducted the Sixth Examination of Certificate in

Certified MICE Professional as well as the Examination of Certified

Professional Conference Organizers and Certified Professional

Exhibition Organizers with an attendance of 3,220 examinees.

The International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) and

the Convention Industry Council (CIC) are prestigious organizations

offering internationally recognized certificates in their field, the

Certified in Exhibition Management (CEM) and Certified Meeting

Professional (CMP) respectively. In recognition of TAITRA's endeavors

in promoting Taiwan's MICE industry, both of them authorized us to

deliver the tests locally in 2012. The tests came with a result of 18

candidates being awarded with CEM, and 13 CMP. It is deemed quite

an honor to have the certification mentioned in their name cards.

ITI provided 34 MICE training programs in 2012. Individuals who

are currently employed in the Meeting and Exhibition Industry or

are university graduates of related fields had the opportunity to

pursue continuing education to increase their industry involvement.

The programs included a Trainers’ Training Program, Meeting

and Exhibition Management, Site Inspection and Overseas Visits.

These programs, lasting from 24 to 50 hours, saw 923 trainees in


倫敦會展參訪團Students of MICE training program seen in a visit to London

38 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

辦理多元展覽業務Taiwan International Trade Shows


2012 年本會於國內辦理 31 項專業展,並於印度辦理「印度台

灣工業展」(EMMA),其中國內專業展部分,共有 1 萬 1,066 家

國內外業者參展,展出規模 2 萬 9,439 個攤位,國外參觀人數

為 7 萬 3,897 人;與前一年比較,參展廠商家數成長 8.9%,參

展攤位數成長 5.8%,來自國外買主人數則成長 2.5%。其中自


明展等國外買主人數亦有 10% 以上的成長率。


2012 年「台北國際電腦展」計有 1,781 家國內外廠商,使用

5,260 個攤位展出,吸引 13 萬以上國內外專業人士參觀,共創

造 265 億美元商機,係全球第二大、亞洲第一大之 ICT 專業展;

繼與 CeBIT、IFA 等知名大展簽訂合作協議後,2012 年又與 CES


產品發表平台者包括宏 、華碩、台達電、鴻海、微星、技嘉、


Texas Instruments 等。


功能、App 應用、展覽導覽系統、參展廠商電子名錄及網路整



台北國際自行車等四展聯合展出 規模創新高

2012 年台北國際自行車展,參展廠商及攤位數皆創歷史新高,

共計有來自 36 國 1,092 家廠商參展(成長 15%),使用 3,288

個攤位 ( 成長 7.5%)。為配合 25 週年慶推出多項創新作法,包

含與 iF 設計論壇合作,舉辦首屆 TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards,並

設立 d&i 創新產品專區;推出首屆「台北國際運動服飾、布料



合計超過 1,500 家廠商使用逾 5,000 個攤位,打造結合採購、

創新設計的 "One-Stop Shopping" 平台。此外與展覽結合舉辦

的國際自由車環台賽也提升至 2.1 級,加上電動自行車論壇、



2012 年台北國際食品產業四展展出盛況Taipei 4-in-1 Food Mega Show turns on the flavor

39Taiwan External Trade Development Council

TAITRA organized Taiwan Trade Shows soar in scaleIn 2012, TAITRA organized 31 trade shows in Taiwan and held

EMMA, a landmark overseas show in India. The number of exhibiting

companies, booths, and visitors to Taiwan all reached record highs.

In particular, the shows of 2012 attracted a total of 11,066 domestic

and foreign companies to exhibit in 29,439 booths. A total of 73,897

international buyers attended the shows. Overall, the 2012 shows

saw a growth of 8.9% in the number of exhibitors. The total number

of booths was up by 5.8%, and the total number of international

buyers increased by 2.5%. Among the exhibitions, TAIPEI CYCLE,


all saw growths of over 10% in the numbers of show-going foreign



COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2012 hosted 1,781 domestic and international

exhibitors to use 5,260 exhibition booths. In five days, the show

attracted more than 130,000 visitors. The show, expected to

generate US$26.5 billion in business, is the world's second largest

and Asia's largest professional ICT trade show. After the signing of

MOUs with CeBIT and IFA, COMPUTEX TAIPEI in 2012 also signed an

MOU with CES.

International brand names such as Acer, Asus, Delta, Foxconn, MSI,

Gigabyte, Intel, Marvell, Microsoft, AMD, nVIDIA, Ford, Samsung

馬英九總統與本會王董事長出席 2012 年台北國際自行車展開幕典禮President Ma Ying-Jeou and Chairman Wang join the Opening Ceremony of TAIPEI CYCLE 2012

and Texas Instruments chose COMPUTEX TAIPEI as a key platform for

new product launches.

COMPUTEX TAIPEI can satisfy all the needs of the buyers to have

the best show-going experience by providing a vast array of services,

including: 2-in-1 buyer badges with embedded Taipei 2-day Metro

passes, apps, exhibition navigation systems, a digital exhibitor

directory with a complete online network of marketing, electric

shuttle vehicles, and much more. These services exceed the level

of other large-scale international trade shows and have won much

praise from both the exhibitors and buyers.


TAIPEI CYCLE 2012 hosted a massive venue of 1,092 exhibitors (a

15% rise from 2011) from 36 countries. The show was held across

3,288 booths (a year-on-year 7.5% increase), making TAIPEI CYCLE

Asia's largest cycle trade show.

In its quarter-centennial year, TAIPEI CYCLE led several endeavors.

These included the TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards, which was executed

by the iF International Forum Design, arranging the TAIPEI CYCLE

d&i awards Display Area, the expansion of showground space

from Hall 1 of TWTC to include the second floor of TWTC, and

the most remarkable endeavor of jointly arranging TAIPEI CYCLE

with SPOMODE, TaiSPO and DiWas. The combination of all four

shows offered buyers the perfect "One-Stop Shopping" platform.

40 中華民國對外貿易發展協會



2012 年兩展共吸引 1,051 家廠商參展,使用 2,840 個攤位,到

訪國內外參觀人數達 4 萬 6,000 人次,其中海外買主人數超過

6,000 名,參展廠商及國外買主數雙創新高。兩展今年共同設置





食品四展同時登場 盛況空前




實力的最佳國際平台。 2012 年於南港及世貿兩展館盛大展出,

合計 1,530 家廠商參展,總攤位數達 3,537 個,較 2011 年成長

逾 15%。四展共吸引國際買主 5,922 人,成長 15%;國內外總


配合產業發展需要 增辦新型展覽



與互聯網展等 4 項新展,不僅將展覽延伸至中南部辦理,也透


台北國際電腦展為廠商新產品發表中心COMPUTEX TAIPEI stands at the front line of shaping the future

台北國際自行車展提供買主 "One-Stop-Shopping" 的最佳採購平台TAIPEI CYCLE wheels out a massive hub of unparalleled one-stop procurement prospects

41Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Across the three venues of the combined shows, there were 1,500

exhibitors in more than 5,000 booths.

Taipei CYCLE dovetailed into a series of events. They included Tour de

Taiwan which was upgraded to class 2.1 by the racing body UCI, the

Electric Bicycle Forum, the International Bicycle Design Competition,

and Outdoor Test Rides. The events brought depth and interest to

further improve the overall image of the show.

Taipei Auto Parts & Accessories Show (AMPA) & AutoTronics Taipei

In 2012, the jointly exhibiting events of Taipei AMPA and AutoTronics

attracted 1,051 participating companies, who occupied 2,840

booths. The number of visitors also reached a record 46,000 that

included 6,000 foreign buyers.

Major exhibit categories at this double event included auto parts,

auto accessories, tuning and restyling, engine parts, chassis system,

automobile frame and parts, repair and maintenance, automobile

electronic components and parts, and automobile electronic

products. The twin-show format provided a true one-stop-shop to

offer a wide selection for global procurement.

Taipei 4-in-1 Food Mega Show

In the interest of building a platform to showcase the latest

developments in Taiwan's food industry to local and international

visitors, TAITRA organized a 4-in-1 mega show featuring four of

the biggest food-related shows in Taiwan, namely FOOD TAIPEI,


The 2012 show was held in TWTC and the Nangang Exhibition Hall

with 1,530 exhibitors in 3,537 booths. The show's size grew 15%

from 2011. The mega show attracted 5,922 international buyers and

台北國際汽車零件展與車用電子展為全球汽配業者年度盛會Global buyers cherish AMPA & AutoTronics Taipei as "must-get-to" event.

本會黃副秘書長陪同甘比亞共和國總統賈梅參觀台北國際食品展Dr. Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, President of the Republic of Gambia, visits the Taipei Int’l Food Show with TAITRA Executive Vice President Peter Huang

61,042 visitors. These figures were up 15% and 21% from 2011,


This multi-faceted endeavor generated an estimated total of US$100

million in business opportunities and provided a rare opportunity for

buyers and sellers to connect with every facet of the industry.

Launching New Exhibitions2012 also saw the successful launch of four exhibitions, namely

Taiwan Souvenir, Taiwan International Herb & Natural Products Expo,

Cloud and IOT Taiwan, and the Taichung Int'l Tea & Coffee Expo.

The new exhibitions can provide marketing channels for emerging

industries and are held in major cities outside of Taipei.

42 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

營運台北世貿及南港展覽館Exhibition Venues


本會接受政府委託營運台北世貿中心展覽大樓至 2012 年止已屆

滿 27 年,除辦理各項國際專業展外,亦出借場地予其他業者辦

理展覽活動。2012 年共舉行 82 項展覽,參觀人數達 580 萬人

次,展場使用率 70%,總使用攤位數約 4 萬 4,959 個。2012 年





台北世貿中心展覽大樓 2~7 樓設有 1,052 個展示間,提供進出


能完整,出租率 96%。此外,為促進外商對台投資,協助外商

降低來台之前置作業成本,台北世貿中心展覽大樓在 5 樓設有

16 間「國際商務中心」,提供僑外商配備齊全的商務辦公室。

自 2003 年成立以來,已有 80 家國外廠商進駐。


2012 年完成多項展覽大樓更新工程,包括一樓展場廁所第 4 階

段更新工程、展覽大樓頂樓防水第 2 階段修繕工程,及展覽大


級免費無線上網速度,並開發 TWTC 手機 App 等,提供參展廠


2012 年獲「世界貿易中心協會」(WTCA)頒布「世貿中心服

務評鑑」8 項最佳營運(Best Practice)榮譽,與展覽大樓相關

者包括 : 商務服務、租戶服務,以及展覽設施及服務,前 2 項係




南港展覽館自 2008 年啟用至今陸續引進台北國際電腦展、自行

車展、工具機展、汽車零配件展、食品展等 140 項大型展覽會

及尾牙餐會、演唱會、直銷會議及宗教祈福法會等 100 場各式

台北世貿中心展覽大樓為消費性展覽場地首選TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 is an excellent site to organize consumer shows.

43Taiwan External Trade Development Council

台北國際書展 - 亞洲最大文化出版盛會,吸引近 60 萬人次參觀Taipei International Book Exhibition, Asia's largest cultural and publishing event, attracts nearly 600,000 visitors

TWTC Showground OperationsTAITRA has operated and managed the Taipei World Trade Center

(TWTC) for more than 27 years, and in doing so has created

countless business opportunities for trade show participants. In 2012,

TWTC provided showground space rental service for 82 different

trade shows, which used 44,959 booths, and attracted a total of 5.8

million visitors. It achieved a remarkable 70% occupancy rate. Major

2012 trade shows included such events as the Taipei International

Book Exhibition, the Taipei International Travel Fair, Art Taipei, the

Taipei International Building, Construction & Decoration Exhibition,

and the Information Technology Month.

Showroom Leasing

The International Trade Mart (ITM), located on the upper levels of

TWTC Exhibition Hall 1, is a permanent display center with 1,052

showrooms that hosts the largest collection of samples under one

roof. The Mart is divided into the Export Mart on the second to

the sixth floors, and the Import Mart on the seventh floor. Overall,

more than 720 companies showcase their products all year round.

Occupancy rates reached 96% owing to the ideal location at the

heart of the Hsin-Yi special international business hub, convenient

transportation and comprehensive business facilities.

On the fifth floor, TAITRA also operates the TWTC International

Business Center (IBC), an area that offers fully-equipped temporary

office space to companies interested in pursuing investment

opportunities in Taiwan. Since 2003, the TWTC has rented out this

dedicated office space to 80 companies.

Facility Upgrades and Maintenance

In 2012, TAITRA completed several facility renewal projects which

included the 4th stage renovation of the first floor restroom, the 2nd

stage renovation of TWTC Exhibition Hall's roof waterproofing, and

the renovation of the panoramic glass elevators. Also, free Wi-Fi was

upgraded and a TWTC App was developed. These works at Exhibition

Hall 1 delivered increased comfort, safety, and updated information

to both exhibitors and visitors. Furthermore, TWTC achieved a record

win of eight "Best Practice" certificates from the World Trade Center

Association (WTCA) this year. TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 took part in

the evaluations of Business Services, Tenant Services, and Exhibit

Facilities & Services and for the first time obtained certificates in

the first two categories. TAITRA will keep on striving to provide the

most convenient venue with guaranteed quality that match or even

surpass world standards.

44 中華民國對外貿易發展協會


積極運用展館的場地特性與交通便利性,2012 年共承接辦理 43

項展覽與 32 場活動,來館參觀人數超過 160 萬人次,展場年度

使用率達 39.17%。面對全球經濟不景氣的嚴峻考驗,南港展覽











工程,使展館餐飲服務更多元外,另完成 13 項展場設施改善與






氧化碳減量」、「廢棄物減量」及「污水垃圾改善」等 7 項指








2012 年共計有 32 場不同類型的活動於南港展覽館舉辦,其中

包含 15 家知名企業辦理年度尾牙及春酒餐宴、8 場國際巨星或

團體之演唱會、1 場國際醫學會議、4 場大型會議及直銷會議、

2 場近 2 萬人與會的宗教集會等。

南港展館 4 樓雲端展場 更彰顯展覽磅礡氣勢With a high-rise, spacious showground, TWTC Nangang can bring the creativity of event planners and exhibitors into full play

45Taiwan External Trade Development Council

富邦集團尾牙席開 1400 桌員工 high 翻天,南港展覽館已為國內大型尾牙最熱門首選14,000 people attending the year- end party for Fubon Group, showing that TWTC NANGANG tops the list for hosting super-size gatherings

Exhibition Hall Management & OperationsSince its grand opening in 2008, more than 140 exhibitions and 100

events were held at TWTC NANGANG. Exhibition space at TWTC

NANGANG Exhibition Hall (TWTC NANGANG) measures 45,360

sq. meters with the capacity to accommodate 2,467 standard-size


The unique, spacious, and well-lit show space at TWTC NANGANG

allowed for bigger exhibitions and has made it possible to double

the size of previous shows.Under its client-focused approach, TWTC

NANGANG has served as the venue for 43 exhibitions and 32 mega

events in 2012, and attracted more than 1.6 million visitors. Even

in the midst of a global economic downturn, TWTC NANGANG

achieved outstanding performance, with its show occupancy rate

reaching 39.17 % in 2012.

Facilities Maintenance & Improvement

In order to provide even better venues for exhibitions and events,

TWTC NANGANG continued to implement its improvement program

that upgraded facilities with smart technology. Noteworthy among

these improvements were the addition of new shops. In 2012, 13

upgrades were implemented to provide safer, more convenient,

and more eco-friendly spaces as well as better services. By offering

customized professional services, TWTC NANGANG was able to

satisfy the needs of its customers.

The endeavors of TWTC NANGANG reflect its focus on global eco-

protection. For example, TWTC NANGANG was the first venue in

Taiwan to obtain the certified Green Building Label for meeting

the seven green targets of "Outdoor Green Environment",

"Ground Water-holding Capacity", "Daily Energy Saving", "CO2

Emission Downsizing", "Waste Reduction", "Water Resources"

and "Wastewater and Garbage Treatment". Moreover, it proudly

renewed its certification as a Green label holder in 2012.

TWTC NANGANG provides a comfortable, eco-friendly environment

and is committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions in order to

serve as a model for the MICE industry.

Service and Functionality Enhancement

Apart from exhibitions, TWTC NANGANG has gradually become a

popular location for holding all kinds of mega-size events. In the year

2012, TWTC NANGANG hosted 32 macro-events, including corporate

year-end parties, concerts, religious ceremonies, conferences, and the

conventions of several direct sales organizations.

Under the management of TAITRA, the TWTC NANGANG serves not

only as an Exhibition Hall, but also as a leading venue that delivers a

vast array of diverse and customized services.

46 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

營運台北國際會議中心Convention Service



的台北國際會議中心,在 2012 年仍交出亮眼的成績單,全年舉

辦活動場次達 941 場,創歷年之最,總計與會人數高達 57 萬餘

人,其中包含 15 場國際會議,如「第 22 屆亞太肝臟醫學會」、

「第 20 屆健康促進醫院國際研討會」、「第 34 屆亞太牙醫大

會」、「2012 年第 4 屆國際乳癌整型手術研討會」、「2012

年第 5 屆亞太心律醫學會學術會議」、「2012 年電機電子工程

師學會感測器大會」、「2012 第 4 屆世界小兒消化醫學會議」

等千人以上的大型國際會議,共計 8,000 多位國外專業人士與




本會長期耕耘會展產業資源的整合,協助國內 NGO 組織爭取國

際會議來台件數亦於 2012 年再度創下歷史新高,計成功協助爭

取 11 項國際會議來台舉辦 ( 如附表 ),大幅提升我國的國際能

見度,預估未來 6 年共將吸引高達 2 萬 5,500 名以上的專業人




另外,看好兩岸交流日益頻繁,大陸企業 ( 包括台企、陸企及跨

國企業 ) 來台辦理會議暨獎旅市場之龐大商機,在本會大陸各駐



等 20 家大陸知名企業來台辦理會議獎旅活動,估計已為國內會

議觀光相關產業帶來新台幣 12 億元的龐大商機。

2012 NU SKIN 大師趨勢論壇由諾貝爾和平獎得主 Muhammad Yunus 主講2012 NU SKIN Master Forum main speaker, Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus

47Taiwan External Trade Development Council

2012 年第 5 屆亞太藥物經濟學會議5th Asian Pacific Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Conference

「賽德克巴萊 - 電影交響詩音樂會」在大會堂演出氣勢恢宏An orchestral performance matched with the film "Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale" created a magnificent atmosphere in the TICC Plenary Hall

Operating Conference Venue & FacilitiesThe Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) has been and

continues to perform as a pioneer of Taiwan's meeting industry.

Though the economic crisis has yet to cease, the TICC managed

an outstanding performance for 2012. There was a record high of

941 events with an estimated 570,000 participants, including 15

international conferences with over 8,000 overseas attendees. Some

of the major events were the 22nd Conference of the Asian Pacific

Association for the Study of the Liver; the Annual International

Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services; the

34th Asia Pacific Dental Congress, the 2012 Taipei International

Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Symposium; the 5th Asia-Pacific Heart

Rhythm Scientific Session; IEEE Sensors 2012; and the 4th World

Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition.

Each of them attracted over a thousand delegates. Seeing the

venue's remarkable accomplishments, numerous multinational

companies and technology giants including Intel and Microsoft

also chose the TICC for their forums and exhibitions. The overall

achievements of the Center, with its events and clientele, have

contributed to the economic growth of Taiwan's MICE industry.

Winning Bids for International Conferences and Incentive Travel to TaiwanTAITRA remains deeply committed to integrating the resources of

Taiwan's MICE industry. In 2012, successful collaboration with non-

governmental organizations competing in bids to bring international

congresses to Taiwan resulted in another record high year of

congresses and participants. For the upcoming years of 2014 to

2018, 11 international conferences have been scheduled. Coupled

with the latest industry trend information and expertise provided

by TAITRA, the events can further enhance Taiwan's image through

global exposure. An estimated 25,500 participants are expected to

join the events, which can generate massive business opportunities

for the aviation, tourism, food, and hotel industries of Taiwan.

Aiming at the great potential marketplace of Mainland Chinese

enterprises' incentive travels and corporate meetings, the TICC

successfully attracted 20 renowned enterprises from Mainland China

to hold their company events in Taiwan in 2012, They including

Novartis, IBM, BMW, and Amway. The large scope of TICC's services

not only cover various kinds of promotional activities, but also extra

services such as assistance with visa applications, site inspections,

itinerary planning, arranging trade discussions, matching potential

buyers with Taiwanese suppliers.

48 中華民國對外貿易發展協會



(Asian MICE Forum,簡稱 AMF) 於 2012 年邁入第 7 屆,本屆

首度採收費報名機制,與會人士共達 535 位,其中共有來自 24

個國家 ( 地區 )147 位海外人士,占總與會者比例達 27%,創


籌辦、數位行銷及城市行銷等議題,邀請全球 14 國會展權威

組織共 28 位會展領袖來台經驗分享,包括全球展覽業龍頭 - 國

際展覽業協會 (UFI) 總經理 Paul Woodward、國際展覽活動協會

(IAEE) 前主席 Chris Meyer、全球最大會議籌組公司 MCI 副總裁

Mr. Jurriaen Sleijster 等。本屆活動首次為所有與會人士設計個人

專屬的 QR CODE,建立電子名片,並延續使用 LED 主題背板,



2012 年本會成功協助爭取國際會議一覽表

項次 活動名稱

1 2014 年第 4 屆亞洲角膜學會大會

2 2014 年流行病醫學國際會議

3 2014 年世界內視鏡泌尿科大會

4 2015 年國際物流年會

5 2015 年第 13 屆亞澳小兒神經醫學會議

6 2016 年第 31 屆亞太眼科醫學大會

7 2016 年國際復健醫學會議

8 2016 年第 11 屆西太平洋區糖尿病大會

9 2016 年世界過濾大會

10 2016 年國際視網膜世界大會

11 2018 亞洲大洋洲神經放射線醫學研討會

2012 亞洲會展產業論壇 - 本會葉副秘書長與全球展覽業龍頭2012 Asian MICE Forum- TAITRA Executive President Walter M.S. Yeh and speakers from the world's most notable MICE organizations

49Taiwan External Trade Development Council

List of international conference bids TAITRA helped secure, and to be held in Taiwan in 2014-2018:

NO Conference

1 4th Asia Cornea Society Biennial Scientific Meeting 2014

2 International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology 2014

3 32nd World Congress of Endourology and SWL 2014

4Internat ional Federat ion of Fre ight Forwarders

Associations World Congress 2015

513th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Child Neurology


6 31st Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology 2016

710th World Congress of the International Society of

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2016

811th International Diabetes Federation Western Pacific

Region Congress 2016

9 World Filtration Congress 2016

10 19th Retinal International World Congress 2016

11 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology 2018

費玉清演唱會在大會堂場場爆滿Fei Yu-ching, a famous Taiwanese songster, has another sold out concert in the TICC Plenary Hall

A Platform to the World: The Asian MICE ForumThe Asian MICE Forum (AMF) has been serving as Asia's most

distinguished MICE industry communication platform for seven

consecutive years. In 2012, the AMF established a participant

registration fee for the first time; a total of 535 MICE professionals

from 24 countries/regions took part in the forum, and 147 of them

were international attendees a record high of 27%. The theme

of the 2012 Forum was innovation and technology. The topics

discussed included the organization of large-scale events, digital

marketing, and brand building. Speakers from the world's most

notable MICE organizations, such as the Global Association of the

Exhibition Industry (UFI), International Association of Exhibitions &

Events, the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, MCI (the

world's biggest professional conference organizer), and Tourism

Queensland were invited to share their experiences with cutting-

edge technologies and industry trends. There were 28 speakers from

14 countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany,

Australia, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Hong

Kong, and Macao. For the event, individual QR codes were created

so each participant had their own electronic business cards. In

addition, an LED truss replaced traditional decorations and paperless

documentation was practiced. With this year's advances, the Asian

MICE Forum once again set a new standard in green meeting.

50 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

加強國際經貿聯繫及據點服務Global Network and Overseas Connection






.參與國際組織:本會每年積極參與 WTCA( 世貿中心協會 )、

ATPF( 亞洲貿易推廣論壇 )、UFI( 國際展覽組織聯盟 )、IAEE( 國

際展覽協會 ) 及 ICCA( 國際會議協會 ) 等 10 多個國際組織的

活動。2012 年,由本會營運的台北世界貿易中心獲 WTCA 頒

發 8 項最佳營運(Best Practice)認證,創下 WTCA 全球 330


.推動國際合作交流:2012 年與俄羅斯雅羅斯拉夫商工會、西



製造商協會、芬蘭外貿協會及不丹商工總會等 9 個貿易推廣


.邀請及接待國外訪賓:2012 年計接待來自 54 國 989 位政經









為建構全球服務網,強化對我業者之推廣服務, 2012 年 12 月


王董事長主持科威特台灣貿易中心開幕典禮,世界貿易中心協會主席 Mr. Ghazi Abu Nahl ( 右一 ) 前來道賀Chairman Wang presides at the opening ceremony of Taiwan Trade Center, Kuwait with WTCA Chairman Mr. Ghazi Abu Nahl (first from the right) in attendance

51Taiwan External Trade Development Council

Real-Time Global Trade NetworkInternational Cooperation in Economic and Trade Affairs

TAITRA is devoted to enhancing relations with global societies

and committed to helping the Taiwan government and business

communities meet new challenges. With global access via overseas

offices, TAITRA strives to generate new trade opportunities. In 2012,

Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC), run by TAITRA, won a record

eight "Best Practice" certificates from the World Trade Center

Association, Inc. (WTCA), which has 330 "World Trade Center"

members globally. It was a great honor for TWTC to achieve such

a feat, with the eight certificates being the highest WTCA has ever

given to a single member. TAITRA signed cooperation agreements

with 9 trade promotion organizations and received a total of 989

VIPs from 54 countries.

Establishment of New Overseas Offices

TAITRA inaugurated its Shanghai and Beijing branch offices in 2012

to help manufacturers explore the Mainland China market. Branch

offices in Saint-Petersburg and Kuwait were also set up to further

spur Taiwanese enterprises to do business with Russian and Persia

Gulf states. Together with the overseas offices of the MOEA, TAITRA

has developed a comprehensive trade network serving as the eyes

and ears of Taiwan companies keen to explore international markets.

Major Functions of Overseas Offices

The mission of TAITRA overseas offices is wide-ranging and

Instrumental in carrying out numerous and various trade activities.

Examples of their 2012 operations included:

.Providing assistance to TAITRA Head Office and carrying out 133

trade missions and exhibitions.

.Collecting and relaying 13,901 business snippets to local traders.

.Recruiting 9,907 foreign members for the


.Collectiing of 44,868 company profiles for TAITRA's global

business database.

.Invitinh buyers to visit Taipei international exhibitions.

Domestic Branch Office ServicesTAITRA's four local branch offices in Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan,

and Kaohsiung provide services to companies outside metropolitan

Taipei. Through these domestic offices, TAITRA is able to maintain

close contact and interaction with local companies in their respective

areas, and provide direct and substantial services in areas such as

feature trade promotion, business information, market seminars, and

on-the-job training.

Local Company and Business Association Visits

In 2012, TAITRA staff visited 2,575 local companies and associations.

As a trade promoter, TAITRA is well-equipped to help identify the

needs of individual companies and industries. Moreover, it has the

resources to offer other trade and business services.

Market Trends and Business Opportunities Seminars

To help local companies understand more about world economic

trends and the international market, TAITRA domestic offices conduct

trade and business-related seminars regarding various issues on a

regular basis. In 2012, a total of 140 seminars were held, attracting

5,996 participants.

Business Information

Thousands of trade publications, periodicals, CDs, and non-

publication information were collected and displayed at TAITRA's five

trade libraries. In 2012, a total of 48,302 visitors benefited from the

trade information and statistics databases managed and operated by

these libraries.

WTCA 頒發的最佳營運認證The Best Practice certificate awarded by WTCA

52 中華民國對外貿易發展協會





2012 年共協助辦理貿易拓銷團、參展團活動共 133 案,遞報商

情 1 萬 3,901 則,蒐集 Taiwan Trade 國外會員 9,907 家,蒐集

貿易機會 4 萬 4,868 則,並推廣台北國際專業展等。另協助公

協會辦理國外推廣活動計 324 案。


本會在國內設有新竹、台中、台南及高雄等 4 個辦事處,對大





國內各辦事處 2012 年拜訪 2,575 家廠商及公會,發掘業界或目


趙秘書長與俄羅斯雅羅斯拉夫商工會會長 Mr. Valery A. Lavrov 簽署合作協議TAITRA President & CEO Chao signs cooperation agreement with Mr. Valery A. Lavrov, Chairman of Yaroslavl Chamber of Commerce and Industry






狀況,以為開拓國際市場的參考。2012 年共辦理 140 場,參加

人數計 5,996 人。



碟、其他非書資料及資訊服務供業者查詢,2012 年共計服務 4

萬 8,302 人次。

53Taiwan External Trade Development Council

王董事長主持台灣貿易中心上海代表處開幕典禮Chairman Wang presides at the opening ceremony of Taiwan Trade Center, Shanghai

台北總部Taipei Headquarters11012 台北市基隆路 1 段 333 號 5-7 樓

5-7Fl., 33 Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan.Tel:886-2-27255200 Fax:886-2-27576632E-mail: [email protected]

新竹辦事處Branch office in Hsinchu30071 新竹市光復路 2 段 287 號 6 樓

6Fl., 287 Guang Fu Rd., Sec.2, Hsinchu 30071, Taiwan.Tel:886-3-5163333 Fax:886-3-5163567E-mail: [email protected]轄區:桃園、新竹、苗栗等縣市

台中辦事處Branch Office in Taichung40442 台中市英才路 260 號 1-4 樓

1-4Fl., 260 Ying Tsai Rd., Taichung 40442, Taiwan.Tel:886-4-22035933 Fax:886-4-22038222E-mail: [email protected]轄區:台中、南投、彰化等縣市


台南辦事處Branch Office in Tainan70057 台南市成功路 457 號 15 樓

15Fl., 457 Cheng Gung Rd., Tainan 70057,TaiwanTel:886-6-2296623 Fax:886-6-2296615E-mail:[email protected]轄區:雲林、嘉義、台南等縣市

高雄辦事處Branch Office in Kaohsiung80251 高雄市苓雅區民權一路 28 號 4-5 樓

4-5Fl.,28 Min Chuan 1st Rd., Kaohsiung 80251,Taiwan Tel:886-7-3363113 Fax:886-7-3363118電子信箱 : [email protected]轄區:高雄、屏東、台東、澎湖等縣市

54 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

組織圖Organizational Chart

55Taiwan External Trade Development Council

重要業務服務績效Major Accomplishments in 2012

工作項目 Categories 服務數量(Annual Quantity)


壹、國際市場開發工作 I. International Markets Development

一、拓展新興市場 A.Emerging Markets Development 展 (shows)

( 一 ) 籌組專業展參展團 1.Participated in International Trade Fairs 家次(companies)

1. 展數 a.Trade fairs 27 百萬美元(million in USD)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 466

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 344.60 團 (cases)

( 二 ) 籌組貿訪團 / 拓銷團 2.Organized Trade Missions 家次(companies)

1. 團數 a.Trade missions 26 百萬美元(million in USD)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 602

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 648.71 家次(companies)

( 三 ) 辦理「新興市場採購夥伴大會」 3.Conducted "Sourcing Taiwan" 家次(companies)

1. 洽談買主 a.Service provided to buyers 566 百萬美元(million in USD)

2. 服務我商 b.Participated companies 2,000

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 4,560 案 (cases)

( 四 ) 辦理新興市場海外業務尖兵種子育成

4.Implemented Trade Pioneers Project of Emerging Markets

1. 案件數 a. Cases handled 18 案 (cases)

( 五 ) 廣邀新興市場買主來台 5.Invited Buyers from Emerging Markets 家次(companies)

1. 案數 a.Cases handled 50 百萬美元(million in USD)

2. 洽談外商 b.Service provided to buyerss 492

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 1,003.41

二、拓展大陸市場 B.Mainland China Market Development 展 (shows)

( 一 ) 舉辦台灣名品展 1.Organized Taiwan Trade Fairs 家次(companies)

56 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

工作項目 Categories 服務數量(Annual Quantity)


1. 展數 a.Trade fairs 9 百萬美元(million in USD)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 4,332

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 3,552 展 (shows)

( 二 ) 籌組專業展參展團 2.Participated in International Trade Fairs

1. 展數 a.Trade fairs 27 展 (shows)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 1,002 家次(companies)

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 397.54 百萬美元(million in USD)

( 三 ) 籌組貿訪團 / 拓銷團 3.Organized Trade Missions

1. 團數 a.Trade missions 5 團 (cases)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 66 家次(companies)

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 40.69 百萬美元(million in USD)

( 四 ) 市場調查與商情提供4.Conducted Market Research and Provision of

Market Information

1. 辦理市場調查 a. Market Survey 5 項 (cases)

2. 市調發表會 b.Seminars of Market Research Report 8 場 (cases)

3. 與會業者 c.Attendees 1,151 家次(companies)

( 五 ) 品牌形象推廣—配合重要展會設置台灣精品館

5.Product and Image Enhancement- Sited Taiwan Excellence Pavilions 10 案 (cases)

( 六 ) 邀請大陸採購團來台採購6.Invited Chinese Trade Missions to Procure in


1. 團數 a.Trade missions 6 團 (cases)

2. 洽談外商 b.Services provided to chinese buyer 110 家次(companies)

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 6,386.87 百萬美元(million in USD)

三、拓展歐美日等其他市場C.EU, U.S.A , Japan and the Other Markest


( 一 ) 籌組專業展參展團 1.Participated in International Trade Fairs

57Taiwan External Trade Development Council

工作項目 Categories 服務數量(Annual Quantity)


1. 展數 a.Trade fairs 34 展 (shows)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 1,066 家次(companies)

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 1,297.3 百萬美元(million in USD)

( 二 ) 籌組貿訪團 / 拓銷團 2. Organized Trade Missions

1. 團數 a.Trade missions 5 團 (cases)

2. 參展我商 b.Participated companies 156 家次(companies)

3. 爭取交易機會 c.Estimated transaction value 128.19 百萬美元(million in USD)

( 三 ) 推動國際策略聯盟合作計畫3.Implemented International Strategic Alliance


1. 開發合作案 a.Cases handled 124 案 (cases)

2. 安排投資考察件數 b.Arranged inbound investment inspections 39 案 (cases)

( 四 ) 推動我國成為全球採購中心計畫(ISC)

4.Implemented International Sourcing Service (ISC) Project

1. 促成大型外商採購案a.Assisted foreign companies and IPO with

sourcing products and vendors in Taiwan 515 案 (cases)

貳、提供商情資訊服務 II.Provision of Trade Information Services

一、國際貿易資料服務 A.International Trade Information Services

( 一 ) 國際商情雙周刊 1.Published International Trade Biweekly 25 期 (issues)

( 二 ) 處理及發布商情資料 2.Collected and Published Market Information 16,921 則 (articles)

( 三 ) 台灣產品雜誌 3.Taiwan Products Magazine 10 期 (issues)

( 四 ) 營運台北貿易資料館 4.Trade Library Services

1. 實體資料館 a.Taipei Trade Library 48,302 人次 (visitors)

2. 數位資料館 b.Digital Trade Information 286,574 人次 (visitors)

3. 貿協全球資訊網 c.Website of TAITRA Global Trade Source 251,569 人次 (visitors)

( 五 ) 海外市場調查 5.Conducted Market Survey 11 案 (cases)

( 六 ) 市場調查報告會 6.Seminars of Market Research Report 11 場 (cases)

參、網路貿易推廣服務 III.Power Sourcing with

58 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

工作項目 Categories 服務數量(Annual Quantity)


一、商機配送數 A.Initiated Trade Leads 573,001 則次 (pieces)

二、徵集企業網頁會員 B.Provided Enterprise-Portal Services 4,454 家 (companies)


C.Conducted eMarketing Services Promotion Seminars 8,285 場 (cases)

四、客服中心服務 D.Call Center Service 3,235.85 家次(companies)

五、建置及維護國內供應商資料 E.Updated Local Suppliers' Database 197,078 家 (companies)

肆、辦理人才訓練業務 IV.Trade Education)

一、國際企業經營班 A.International Business Administration Program 387 學員 (students)

二、國際貿易特訓班 B.International Trade Program 192 人次 (students)

三、碩士級商務英語班 C.Post-Master's Business English Program 160 人次 (students)

四、碩士後國際行銷班 D.Post-Master's International Marketing Program 98 人次 (students)

五、辦理廠商在職進修訓練 E.On-the-Job Training Seminars/Workshops 4,890 人次 (students)

伍、海外據點業務拓展 V.Overseas Office Services


A.Assisted to Implement International Sourcing Service (ISC) Project

( 一 ) 促成大型外商採購案1.Conducted Foreign Companies with Sourcing

Products and Vendors in Taiwan ) 515 案 (cases)

( 二 ) 服務我商 2.Participated companies 515 家次(companies)

( 三 ) 爭取交易機會 3.Estimated transaction value 1,929.24 百萬美元(million in USD)

二、推動國際市場開發專案計畫 (IMD) 及廠商海外模擬據點計畫 (POB)

B.Conducted Projects of International Market Development and Provisional Overseas Branch 114 案 (cases)

三、協辦貿易訪問團和專業展活動C.Assisted TAITRA Head Office in Carrying Out

Trade Missions and Exhibitions

( 一 ) 案件數 1.Cases handled 133 案 (cases)

四、徵集 Taiwan Trade 國外會員D.Recruited Foreign

Membership 9,907 家 (members)

五、遞報商情 E.Collected and Reported Market Information 13,901 則 (articles)

59Taiwan External Trade Development Council

工作項目 Categories 服務數量(Annual Quantity)


陸、執行會展業務 VI.Exhibition and Convention Services

一、舉辦台北國際專業展 A.Organized Taipei International Trade Shows

( 一 ) 舉辦台北國際專業展 1.Organized Taipei International Trade Shows

1. 辦理專業展 a.Taipei trade shows 31 展 (shows)

2. 國內外參展廠商 b.Local and foreign exhibitors 11,066 家數 (exhibitors)

3. 國外買主人數 c.Foreign buyers 73,897 人 (buyers)

( 二 ) 展覽大樓展覽館場地外借2.Offered Showground Space Rental Service of

Taipei World Trade Center 104 展 (shows)

( 三 ) 展覽大樓二至七樓交易市場出租3.Offered Trade Mart Showroom Rental and

Management Services of Taipei World Trade Center

1,020 間 (rooms)

( 四 ) 展覽大樓進口市場樓層出租4.Offered Import Mart Showroom Rental and

Management Services of Taipei World Trade Center

130 間 (rooms)

二、營運台北國際會議中心業務 - 辦理會議B.Operated Taipei International Convention

Center-Convention Services 941 場次 (cases)

三、營運南港國際展覽中心業務C.Operated Taipei World Trade Center Nangang

Exhibition Hall

( 一 ) 南港展覽館場地外借 1.Offered Showground SpaceRental Service 43 展 (shows)

( 二 ) 承接各項會議場次 2.Provided Convention Facilities and Services 32 檔次 (cases)

備 註 : 2013 年主要拓銷活動包括籌組 90 項國際專業展參展團、籌組 35 項拓銷 / 貿訪團及舉辦 31 項台灣國際專業展,最

新訊息請至 查詢。

Remark: Major trade promotion events in 2013 including participating in 90 international trade fairs, organizing 35 trade missions and holding 31 Taiwan Trade Shows. Please check the latest information with

60 中華民國對外貿易發展協會


.孟加拉 Bangladesh達卡台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Dhaka12-B, Navana Tower, 45 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan 1, Dhaka-1212, BangladeshTel : +880-2-9840704/05Fax: +880-2-9840706Email: [email protected]

.中國大陸 Mainland China 台灣貿易中心北京代表處

Taiwan Trade Center, Beijing01A, 5F, China World West Wing Office, No. 1, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing, China 100004100004 北京市建國門外大街 1 號國貿西樓 5 層

01A 室

Tel : +86-10-65055801、65055802Fax: +86-10-565055803Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, ShanghaiUnit 2701, 2 Grand Gateway, 3 Hongqiao Road, Xu Hui District, Shanghai, China 200030200030 上海市徐匯區虹橋路 3 號港匯中心二座

2701 室

Tel : +86-21-63877250Fax: +86-21-63877230Email: [email protected]


Nanjing Liaison Office, Taiwan Trade Center, Shanghai Room 1507, 15th Floor, Hong Pouthier Building, No. 186-1, Mid-Jiangdong Road, Nanjing, China 210019210001 南京市建鄴區江東路 186-1 號宏普捷座 15 樓 1507 室

Tel : +86-25-68189100Fax: +86-25-68187155Email: [email protected]

成都駐點 (Chengdu)14th Floor , Shaocheng Mansion , No.25 , Shaocheng Road , Chengdu, Sichuan, China 610015610015 成都市少城路 25 號少城大廈 14 樓

Tel : +86-28-86240036Fax: +86-28-86241577Email: [email protected]

廣州駐點 (Guangzhou) Room 918, 9F South Tower World Trade Center Complex, No. 371, Huan Shi Dong Road, Guangzhou, China 510095510095 廣州市環市東路 371 號世界貿易中心大廈南塔 11樓 1118 室

Tel : +86-20-87659991Fax: +86-20-87787288Email: [email protected]

大連駐點 (Dalian)Room 1702, Wanda Building, No. 9, Jiefang Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian, China 116001116001 大連市中山區解放街 9 號萬達大廈 1702 室

Tel : +86-411-82642729/82642629Fax: +86-411-82642639Email: [email protected]

南寧駐點 (Nanning)Suite 2, 8F, No. 137, Qixing Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China 530022530022 南寧市七星路 137 號外經貿大廈 8 樓 2 室

Tel : +86-771-5315100/5327822Fax: +86-771-5312922Email: [email protected]

青島駐點 (Qingdao) 122, 12th Floor Min-Metals Building, No. 32, Hong Kong Road(M), Qingdao, China 266071266071 青島市香港中路 32 號五礦大廈 122 室

Tel : +86-532-85726075Fax: +86-532-85730438Email: [email protected]

武漢駐點 (Wuhan)Room 1618, 16th Floor, No. 8 North Jianghan Road, Wuhan, Hubai, China 430015430015 湖北省武漢市江漢北路 8 號金茂大樓 16 樓 1618 室

Tel : +86-27-85755185/85757125Fax: +86-27-85755685Email: [email protected]

廈門駐點 (Xiamen)Room 703, Puli Garden Bldg., No. 199 Bai lu Zhou Rd., Xiamen, China 361004361004 廈門市白鷺洲路 199 號普利花園大廈 7 樓 703 室

Tel : +86-592-2210261Fax: +86-592-2210262Email: [email protected]


61Taiwan External Trade Development Council

.香港 Hong Kong香港台北貿易中心

Taipei Trade Centre Hong KongSuite 1502, 15 Fl., Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Rd., Wanchai, Hong KongTel : +852-2824-3211Fax: +852-2824-0900Email: [email protected]

.印度 India台北世界貿易中心駐孟買辦事處

Taipei World Trade Center Liaison Office in MumbaiCenter 1, 11 Fl., Unit No. 8, World Trade Center, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005, IndiaTel : +91-22-2216-3074~77Fax: +91-22-2216-3078Email: [email protected]


Taipei World Trade Center , ChennaiChallam Towers, 3rd Fl., New No. 113, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600 004, India Tel : +91-44-3006316Fax: +91-44-3006327Email: [email protected]

.印尼 Indonesia雅加達台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, JakartaWisma G.K.B.I., 17 Fl., Suite 1717, Jalan Jend. Sudirman, No. 28, Jakarta 10210, IndonesiaTel : +62-21-574-1102Fax: +62-21-574-1082Email: [email protected]

.日本 Japan福岡台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Fukuoka7fl., Fukuoka shoko kaigisyo Bldg., 2-9-28, Hakataekimae, Hakata-Ku, Fukuoka, 812-0011, Japan Tel : +81-92-472-7461Fax: +81-92-472-7463Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, OsakaO's 520 ATC Bldg., 2-1-10, Nanko-Kita, Suminoe-Ku, Osaka 559-0034, JapanTel : +81-6-6614-9700Fax: +81-6-6614-9705Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, Tokyo3 Fl., Sawadakojimachi Bldg., 1-10 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, 102-0083, Japan Tel : +81-3-3514-4700Fax: +81-3-3514-4707Email: [email protected]

.哈薩克 Kazakhstan阿拉木圖台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Almaty5 A1-Farabi Ave., Nurly Tau Business Center, Building 2A, Office 3, Almaty 050059, Republic of KazakhstanTel : +7-7272-777-848/49Fax: +7-7272-777-850Email: [email protected]

.大韓民國 Korea首爾台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, SeoulRoom 1202, 12 Fl., Seoul Center Building, 91-1 Sogong Dong, Jung-Gu, Seoul 100-070, KoreaTel : +82-2-3789-8722Fax: +82-2-3789-8779Email: [email protected]

.馬來西亞 Malaysia吉隆坡台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Centre, Kuala LumpurSuite 20.01, Level 20, Wisma Goldhill, 67, Jalan Raja Chulan, 50200 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel : +60-3-2031-2388/6388Fax: +60-3-2034-1388Email: [email protected]

.新加坡 Singapore新加坡台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade CenterRepresentative Office Registered in Singapore6 Temasek Boulevard, #09-03, Suntec Tower Four, Singapore 038986Tel : +65-6235-0369Fax: +65-6235-0315Email: [email protected]

.泰國 Thailand曼谷台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, BangkokUnit 1204, 12 Fl., GPF Witthayu Tower A 93/1 Wireless Rd., Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, ThailandTel : +66-2-6514470/71Fax: +66-2-6514472Email: [email protected]

62 中華民國對外貿易發展協會

.越南 Vietnam台灣貿易中心駐胡志明市辦事處

Taiwan Trade Center, Inc.Representative Office in Ho Chi Minh CityUnit 1603, 16F, Central Plaza Office Building, No.17, Le Duan St., Dist.1, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamTel : +84-8-3939-0837、3939-0838、3939-0840Fax: +84-8-3939-0841Email: [email protected]



Taiwan Trade Centre, SydneySuite1002, Level 10, 280 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Tel : + 61-2-92315959 Fax: +61-2-92312131 Email: [email protected]


.巴西 Brazil巴西台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center do Brasil Ltda.Av. Paulista, 1274, 13 Andar, CEP 01310-200, Sao Paulo, BrazilTel : +55-11-3283-1811Fax: +55-11-3283-1804 Email: [email protected]

.加拿大 Canada多倫多台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Toronto2 Queen Street East, Suite 1410 Toronto, Ontario, M5C 3G7, CanadaTel : +1-416-363-9946Fax: +1-416-363-2023Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, Vancouver#1230, Park Place, 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver B.C. Canada V6C 2X8 Tel : +1-604-681-2787/3639Fax: +1-604-681-9886Email: [email protected]

.墨西哥 Mexico墨西哥台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Mexico CityPaseo de la Reforma 1945, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, C. P. 11000, Mexico, D. F.Tel : +52-55-5251-8883/5245-8889/5245-7011Fax: +52-55-5245-8890Email: [email protected]

.美國 U.S.A.芝加哥台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Chicago225 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2304, Chicago, IL 60601-7664, U.S.A.Tel : +1-312-819-7350Fax: +1-312-819-7346Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, Los Angeles3660 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 838, Los Angeles, CA 90010, U.S.ATel : +1-213-908-1801Fax: +1-213-908-1805Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, Miami5301 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 150, Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.Tel : +1-305-266-9191Fax: +1-305-266-8787Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, New York1 Penn Plaza, Suite 2025, New York, NY 10119, U.S.A.Tel : +1-212-904-1677Fax: +1-212-904-1678Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, San Francisco5201 Great America Parkway, Suite 306, Santa Clara, CA 95054, U.S.A.Tel : +1-408-988-5018Fax: +1-408-988-5029Email: [email protected]


.保加利亞 Bulgaria索菲亞台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, SofiaBusiness Park Sofia, Building 2, 5 Fl., 1766 Sofia, BulgariaTel : +359-2-489-9736/4899098Fax: +359-2-489-9734Email: [email protected]

.法國 France巴黎台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Paris75 Bis, Avenue, Marceau, 75116 Paris, FranceTel : +33-1-5689-5300Fax: +33-1-5689-5301Email: [email protected]

63Taiwan External Trade Development Council

.德國 Germany杜塞道夫台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, DuesseldorfImmermannstr. 33, D-40210 Duesseldorf, GermanyTel : +49-211-78180Fax: +49-211-781839Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, MuenchenSonnenstr. 1, 80331 Muenchen, GermanyTel : +49-89-5126710Fax: +49-89-51267171Email: [email protected]

.匈牙利 Hungary布達佩斯台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, BudapestH-1056 Budapest, Vaci Utca 81,1 emelet, HungaryTel : +36-1-266-4662-4Fax: +36-1-266-4665Email: [email protected]

.義大利 Italy米蘭台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, MilanoVia Stradivari, 4, 20131 Milano, ItalyTel : +39-02-2024-1008Fax: +39-02-2042-2986Email: [email protected]

.荷蘭 The Netherlands鹿特丹台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, RotterdamInnsbruckweg 118, 3047 AH Rotterdam, The NetherlandsTel : +31-10-446-0300Fax: +31-10-462-5265Email: [email protected]

.波蘭 Poland華沙台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center Warsawul. Domaniewska 39, 02-672 Warsaw, PolandTel : +48-22-288-8200 ~1Fax: +48-22-288-8202Email: [email protected]

.羅馬尼亞 Romania布加列斯特台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Bucharest3Fl., Chamber 1, Strada Buzesti Nr. 62-64, Sector 1, Bucharest, RomaniaTel : +40-21-3119971Fax: +40-21-3119974Email: [email protected]

.俄羅斯 Russia莫斯科台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow3Fl., Gate 4, 24/2 Tverskaya Street, Korpus 1, Moscow 125009, RussiaTel : +7-495-234-2988Fax: +7-495-234-2989Email: [email protected]


Taiwan Trade Center, St. Petersburg62, 3rd line of Vasilievsky Island,St. Petersburg 199178, RussiaTel : +7-812-677-3368Fax: +7-812-677-3369Email:[email protected]

.西班牙 Spain巴塞隆納台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, BarcelonaCalle Muntaner 239, Ent. 4, 08021 Barcelona, SpainTel : +34-932-419-306Fax: +34-934-147-503Email: [email protected]

.土耳其 Turkey伊斯坦堡台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, IstanbulEski Buyukdere Caddesi Ayazaga Yolu, Giz 2000 Plaza, K:8 34398 Maslak, Istanbul, TurkeyTel : +90-212-290-6042/43Fax: +90-212-290-6044Email: [email protected]

.烏克蘭 Ukraine基輔台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center Kyiv7B/34, 13 Pimonenko Street, Kyiv 04050 UkraineTel : +380-44-5370982Fax: +380-44-5370983Email: [email protected]

.英國 United Kingdom倫敦台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Centre, London3 Fl., 29 Wilson Street, London EC2M 2SJ, United KingdomTel : +44-20-7638-4676Fax: +44-20-7638-4686Email: [email protected]

64 中華民國對外貿易發展協會


.阿爾及利亞 Algeria阿爾及爾台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Algiers7 Lotissement El Feth (Les Sables Rouges) El Biar, Alger, AlgeriaTel : +213-21-922488/924580Fax: +213-21-922489Email: [email protected]

.埃及 Egypt開羅台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, CairoUnit 84, Building A2, Citystars Omar Ibn El-Khattab Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, EgyptTel : +20-2-418-4170/4941Fax: +20-2-418-5540Email: [email protected]

.肯亞 Kenya奈洛比台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, NairobiI&M Bank House, 4th Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue., Upper Hill,P.O. Box 19363-00202, Nairobi, KenyaTel : +254-20-271-1189Fax: +254-20-271-1169Email: [email protected]

.奈及利亞 Nigeria拉哥斯台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Centre, LagosB9F South Atlantic Petroleum Towers, No.1 Adeloa Odeku St., PMB 80145 Victoria Island, Lagos, NigeriaTel : +234-80-6287-5420Email: [email protected]

.南非 South Africa約翰尼斯堡台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, JohannesburgGround Floor, 5 Cradock Ave. RosebankJohannesburg, South Africa (RSA)Tel : +27-11-268-2004~7Fax: +27-11-268-2017Email:[email protected]


.伊朗 Iran德黑蘭台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Tehran3F, No. 47 West Farzan Street, Africa Ave., Tehran, IranTel : +98-21-8879-4243/88870146Fax: +98-21-8887-0113Email: [email protected]

.阿拉伯聯合大公國 U.A.E.杜拜台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Centre, DubaiM02, Shraifi Centre, Al Karama, Dubai, UAE (opposite to the Gentral Post Office, Zabeel Road, Dubai)P.O. Box 5852, Dubai, U.A.E.Tel : +971-4-396-7814Fax: +971-4-396-8541Email: [email protected]

.科威特 Kuwait科威特台灣貿易中心

Taiwan Trade Center, Kuwait9th floor, Mazaya Tower 2, Al Mutanabi St., Al Sharq, State of KuwaitP.O. Box 732, 32008 Hawalli, KuwaitTel.: +965-2226-1971~3Fax: +965-2226-1970Email:[email protected]