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In this chapter the writer will discuss more specific process of learning in

the class involved teaching description, teaching preparation, teaching analysis and

teaching evaluation that occur in the class.

3.1 Teaching Description

In this stage the writer will describe a teaching activity in the classroom.

Teacher analyze about learning by using storytelling method through picture for

eighth students of Integrated Islamic Junior high School of AlMarjan which consist

twenty two students decided by thirteen male students and nine female students.

The teacher taught for only one meeting and for 90 minutes. Teacher held class on

Monday 30th April 2018, starting at 10.15 AM until 11.45 AM.

3.1.1 Teaching Preparation

Before learning process is started teacher must be prepare the teaching and

learning instrument such as syllabus, lesson plan, series picture, student worksheet,

list of attendance laptop and LED TV. Those preparation is so important for

supporting the learning process.

Lesson plan is needed to help the teacher in organize the class time

management to be efficient and well organized. The teacher arrange step by step of

delivering material in the good time management, because the purpose of this

teaching is for develop the speaking ability of student, so the material or the theory


of English subject is least but most the practical. Because most student of eighth

grade of Junior High school have used English language as a daily language in the

school at scheduled time it’s in English subject they must speak English to anyone

in the class. So for the first meeting student must make story based on the picture

has given by the teacher and they must tell the story in front of class by their own


For the first step, before go to delivering main subject teacher check

student’s attendances and introduce the main subject will be learned on that day and

make some warming up in ten minutes for students in order to they do not feel brain


The second step is delivering the material, the teacher starts delivering

material about definition of storytelling and how to make story based on the picture

and how to deliver storytelling in front of the audience. And for this session will be

held on 20 minutes.

The third step is practice, in this session the students will be given some

series picture by teacher and they must write the story step by step based on the

picture they get and they must finish on 10 minutes before they deliver their story

in front of class.

The fourth step is delivering storytelling in front of class, in this step the

student must deliver the story has written in front of the class one by one. The

picture has selected is familiar picture such as comic, fable daily activity. The

example picture of fable is like “Dongeng Si Kancil”, this fable story is familiar

enough with their daily life. And for daily activity will be compose to some picture



And the fifth step is evaluation, in this step teacher must appreciate the

performance of students on delivering storytelling in front of the class. That must

be done in order to develop student’s spirit in learning. And teacher evaluate some

performance as the learning for all what the general mistake give the solution of

that. Before the closing step, teacher let student to ask about material has learned.

For the sixth or the last step is closing, teacher give closing statement such

as apologize, and message for students.

After prepare the lesson plan, teacher must prepare learning kit, such as

attendance list, worksheet, laptop and LED TV. That all will help the learning

process be effective.

3.1.2 Teaching Process

In this section teacher will teach speaking subject for eighth grade of SMPIT

AlMarjan, for this meeting will discuss about storytelling based on picture series,

and from the preparation well organized before teacher has ready to start the class.

1. Warming Up

First step before the discuss about main material that day is warming up,

teacher start the class with asks student to pray together and check student’s

attendances. After that teacher makes small talk to warm up student’s brain and

emotion in order to forget the memory all about what happen before they go to


The function of warming up is to warm up student’s brain and emotion in

order to forget the memory all about what happen before they go to school, so they


can focus and enjoy learn the lesson. Checking attendances is useful for teacher to

knowing student’s name and their face one by one. Praying can help the students

accustomed to discipline in religion rules. Praying always be recited twice at once

meeting, it is before learning and after learning, in the religion view it’s our hope

to God in order to given the useful knowledge for our life in this world and here


Second after warming up, Teacher check the attendances list. This step will

help teacher know who is coming or not coming in that meeting.

2. Main Activities

After warming up, next step is delivering material, and for this session the

main subject is storytelling. Teacher give an example of storytelling based on

picture series appear in the LED TV and deliver the story in front of students, and

after that Teacher shows the different picture and ask them to make story based on

the picture appear on the LED TV like Teacher did.

The implementation of the storytelling in teaching process is mention in

some stage bellow. Firstly, teacher gave an explanation about storytelling. The

explanation included the stages in delivering storytelling, the linguistic component,

etc. Second, the researcher asked all students to work in pair, and they had to

practice storytelling with their friends. Third, the teacher asked the created five

group discussion consisted of six students. In this step, each student had to practice

storytelling in front of their friend in their group. They had to do it until the entire

group member did storytelling. Then each group had to choose their best storyteller

as the representative, and he/she had to come in front of the class performing


storytelling. After the students got twice treatment from the teacher, their speaking

ability is increasing. This condition happened because of some process from the

implementation of storytelling. When the teacher gave treatment, the teacher made

students read first. In this stage, the students got an information from the text. After

the students got the information from the text, the students had to had 10 to play

with their imagination. They had to do improvisation of the story, but it still based

on the real plot in the text. After that, they came to the next stage that was

storytelling performance. They had to retell the story that they had read with their

own words.

The process that happened in the treatment made students practice a lot.

They practice to use the correct sentence pattern; they also improved their

vocabulary and fluency by performing storytelling. In twice opportunity of

speaking practice, they had to speak in front of other students; firstly in front of

their pair partner and secondly in front of their group work partner.

By twice storytelling performance and got feedback from the other students,

it made their speaking skill getting better. Their difficulty in speaking, especially

their fear of making mistake had decreased step by step. And their ability to deliver

their idea and the plot of the story was getting better. At that time they started to

use various vocabularies and expression to make their listener understood their

story. And the most important effect of performing storytelling continuously was

the improvement of student’s fluency in speaking English.


Theme: Storytelling Through Picture Series

In this session teacher directly give an example telling story based on the

picture which shown in the LED TV.

Telling About Kancil And The Crocodile (Teacher Gives Example)

Figure III:1 Picture of Kancil and Crocodile

Teacher : “Ok, now we will discuss about storytelling based on the picture,

do you know what’s storytelling?”

1 2

3 4



Students : “No, I don’t know Mr”

Teacher : “It is delivering story in front of audience or in front of the class,

later I will give you some picture series and you must write down

the story based the picture you see and you must deliver the story in

front of the class by your own language, are you ready class?” (yaitu

penyampaian cerita di depan penonton atau di depan kelas, nanti

saya kaan memberimu beberapa seri gambar dan kalian harus

menulis cerita sesuai dengan gambar yag kalian lihat dan kalian

harus membawakan cerita itu di depan kelas dengan Bahasa kalian

masing-masing, apa kalian siap anak-anak?)

Students : “Ready Mr”

After introduction the material teacher give example about storytelling,

teacher shows the picture and he tell the story based on the picture.

Teacher : (Shows the picture about kancil and crocodile) “ok now I will tell

story about kancil and crocodile. (1) Once upon a time, there was a

kancil, he was feeling hungry, but his favorite food cucumber was in

across the river, so he must looked for way how to go there, (2) he

was in doubt because in that river lot of crocodile, and finally he

found an idea, (3) and he came close to river and called the

crocodiles and said “Hello Mr Crocodile, have you launch today, are

you hungry?”, “yes I’m hungry and we are ready to eat you now for

our lunch” said crocodile. “Ok never mind I want to be your lunch,

but I’m not sure that my meat enough for you and your friend” kancil

said. Crocodile paused while though. Then kancil gave an idea “Ok.


I have an idea how to make my meat be enough for you all, firs I

must count all of you, it will help you to decide my meat, and now

you must make a line”. (4) Directly crocodiles made a line until

across the river and kancil walked on the lined crocodiles while

pretended count them. (5) Finally, kancil left crocodile and said

“how stupid you are, thank you for the bridge for me to across this

river with your body, and now I can lunch as I pleased, bye”.

Crocodiles angry with kancil behavior. But kancil just walked left

them and eat some cucumber in the farmer’s garden.

After giving the example, now student turn. Teacher shows the different

picture in the screen and asks them to write the story based on the picture and deliver

the story in front of the class.

3. Practice

This session students write down the story based on picture they see on the

their worksheet. And then teacher give an opportunity for all student who wants

come forward for deliver their storytelling.

Student A : Telling about A Lion and A Mouse

1 2


Figure III:2 Picture of A Lion and A Mouse

Teacher : “Ok, now I want you see this picture and you must make a story by

your own language. Do as I did”

Students : “Ok. Mr”

(a moment later)

Teacher : “Who want to be first delivering storytelling?”

Student A : “Me Mr. I want to be first deliver storytelling”

Teacher : “Ok. Good, please!, time is yours”

3 4


5 6


Student A : “A Lion laid asleep in the forest, his great head rested on his paws.

A little Mouse ran around her body unexpectedly, and in her fright

and haste to get away, ran across the Lion's nose. Roused from his

nap, the Lion laid his huge paw angrily on the tiny creature to kill

her. "Spare me!" begged the poor Mouse. "Please let me go and

someday I will surely repay you." The Lion was much amused to

think that a Mouse could ever help him. But he was generous and

finally let the Mouse go. Some days later, while stalking his prey in

the forest, the Lion was caught in the toils of a hunter's net. Unable

to free himself, he filled the forest with his angry roaring. The Mouse

knew the voice and quickly found the Lion struggling in the net.

Running to one of the great ropes that bound him, she gnawed it until

it parted, and soon the Lion was free. "You laughed when I said I

would repay you," said the Mouse. "Now you see that even a Mouse

can help a Lion.". “Thank so much Mouse, now I declare you as my

prince in this forest” said the Lion. Finally, they became best friend


Teacher : “Wonderful, Give applause, what a great performance”

Student A : “Thanks Mr”

Student B: Telling about The Legend of Malin Kundang

1 2


Student B : Mr. I’ve already to bring my story about malin kundang.

Teacher : Ok. Please do!.

Student B : (1)“A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West

Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin Kundang and

his mother. His mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang's

father had passed away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang had to

live hard with his mother. Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent,

and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting

3 4


5 6


fish he would bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the

town. (2) One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he met a sailor

ship and the captain asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a

better life, Malin Kundang agreed. (3) He left his mother alone.

Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge

ship and was helped by many ship crews loading trading goods.

Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. (4) When he was sailing his

trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near a small village. The

villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin

Kundang has become rich and now he is here”. An old woman ran

to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin

Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug him, released her sadness of

being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother

came, Malin Kundang who was in front of his well dressed wife and

his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times

her mother begged Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at

her. (5) At last Malin Kundang said to her "Enough, old woman! I

have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!" After

that he ordered his crews to set sail. (6) He would leave the old

mother again but in that time she was full of both sadness and

angriness. (7) Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he

would turn into a stone if he did not apologize. Malin Kundang just

laughed and really set sail. In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm

came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin


Kundang to apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship.

He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his

curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone.

Teacher : “Wonderful, Give applause, what a great performance”

Student B : “Thanks Mr”

Student C : Telling About Kancil and The Farmer (Kancil Steal Cucumber)

1 2

3 4


Figure III:3 Kancil and The Farmer (Kancil Steal Cucumber)





Tacher : who’s next?

Student B : Me Mr.

Teacher : Ok. Please Do!

Student C : ”Ok, I would like to tell about Kancil and the Farmer. (1) One day,

Kancil is trying to steal cucumbers from a farmer's field. (2) The first

time, he steals some cucumbers successfully. (3) But then, he

encounters a scarecrow. He mocks the scarecrow because it cannot

scare off Kancil. (4) Kancil punches the scarecrow with his front leg,

but his front leg gets stuck in the scarecrow. The scarecrow has been

filled with glue by the farmer. Kancil forcefully tries to pull out his

leg, but it is useless; the glue is too strong. Then later on, the farmer

comes. He laughs at Kancil, who has finally been trapped by his

plans. (5) He puts Kancil in a cage for the rest of the day. Later at

night, the farmer's dog comes to see Kancil. (6) He mocks Kancil

and says that Kancil will be cooked the next morning. Kancil stays

calm and relaxed. The dog confused and asks Kancil why. Kancil

says,"You were wrong, I'm not going to be cooked! I'm going to be

a prince!" The dog becomes more confused. "I will marry the

farmer's daughter and I will become a prince. I feel sorry for you, all

of your loyalties were paid just like this! You just become a dog!

Look at me! Tomorrow I'll become a prince!" says Kancil proudly.

The dog, who feels discriminated against by his own master, asks

Kancil to switch place. (7) He thinks that by switching place with

Kancil, he will become a prince instead. So, he opens the cage and


lets Kancil free. The next morning, the farmer is confused, because

he does not see Kancil anywhere; instead, he sees his own dog in the

cage, wagging his tail.”

(all students laugh loudly)

Teacher : “Wonderful, Give applause, what a great performance”

Student C : “Thanks Mr”

4. Closure

In the last step is closing, in this session teacher give the conclusion of

discussion that day, Teacher does not give the homework for student, but just give

some motivation for them to always practice their speaking, not only when they

were in the school but also everywhere they are. And here the writer mentions the

reason why the homework does not need given to students.

1. Students need time to relax and calm the mind. After learning 7-8 hours / day it

feels very unfair if they have to do the homework for 3 more hours at home.

Pressure like this is not good for children and they need time to renew their minds

and bodies.

2. Homework reduces their time with family. Time with family is very important

for Students who are growing mentally and physically and without this social

problems can grow in Students and can split families due to lack of time with


3. Homework can cause conflict between Students and parents when parents want

their children to do homework but the child does not want to do endless tasks.


4. Too much homework causes the Students to cheat or copy other people's work

so that their work can be completed.

3.2 Teaching Analysis

Teaching analysis consist the analysis in the classroom by the writer, it is

about the teaching method, teaching procedure, learning process and media applied

during learning about the material. The writer begins analyze the using of picture

as media to improve student’s speaking ability through storytelling.

When analyze the media which used by teacher, the writer sees the responds

from students is so good, they enthusiastic of the media, because the picture is

familiar and close with their age, so it is not difficult for them to understand the

material and make a story based on picture and also deliver the story in front of the

class. So, using picture as teaching media is useful to teach and develop speaking

skill ability of students. Another advantage of using series picture as learning media

is easier for student to arrange word by word be story and their it can trigger

student’s imagination about so they can find the vocabulary easily.

In the implementation of storytelling the teacher explains the definition of

storytelling itself, give the example one story which familiar story and easy to

understood by students. Make sure that they get the material and ready for practice.

When they practice deliver the story in front of class, teacher analyze the difficulties

of them while speaking in front of class to deliver story. One or more of them still

feel difficult to speak fluently and correctly. Beside that the other students can

understand and speak in front of class fluently and correctly. So the implementation


of storytelling in the teaching method is helpful for train the speaking skill of


And the advantage of storytelling as learning method is can drill student’s

speaking ability, because from storytelling they can direct practice speaking more

word than in once time. Not only arrange word by word to be some story but also

they must know the tenses used. If they make narrative story so they must use past

tense, etc. so from storytelling based on picture students can combine some aspect

of learning English, those are finding imagination, finding vocabulary, arrange

word to be story and speaking fluence in front of audience. So, the writer can

conclude that storytelling based on series picture is effective to improve student’s

speaking ability. They got easier in expressing their ideas because they were

watching the picture first, so they can easily remember about the stories which they

would retell. The stories that they use could give the students certain topics and

stories. They could retell scene by scene of the stories so that they could conveyed

the stories and the message that they should convey were delivered to the audience.

it can be concluded that the improvement of the students speaking ability using

retelling story is significant. The second point to be concluded is there are some

strengths of using retelling story in teaching speaking which can improve the

students’ motivation and students more enthusiastic in the class situation during the

teaching learning process. They were also more confident in speaking and

communicating in English. However, there is still a weakness of using retelling

story in speaking class. Few students still got difficulties in grammar and

pronunciation and generating the ideas from themselves.


3.3 Teaching Evaluation

After doing the teaching learning process and getting score of each student

at eighth grade of SMPIT AlMarjan the writer makes a summary based on

performance of students in delivering storytelling in front of the class and found

some problems in the learning process and also the solution if those problem.

1. Problem during Learning

First problem is students waste time in make a storytelling in their


And the second problem is students feel difficult in pronounce and

vocabulary using, when delivering the story in front of class some students

feel doubt with pronunciation some word and find out vocabulary to arrange

the story.

2. Solution of Problem

For the first problem teacher gives solution allowing whoever wants to

come forward first to deliver their story while waiting the others finished

their writing.

For the second problem teacher gives solution allowing the students to

ask when they are doubt to find out vocabulary, and also teacher corrects

the false pronunciation during storytelling in front of the class.