






1.1 Research Findings

In each junior high school, mostly using student worksheets to help

achieve the objectives to be achieved in learning, as well as on SMP Al Washliyah

and MTs Al Washliyah that use the worksheet in the learning process, both in

delivery of materials and the provision of duty, but the difference is the difference

in the selection of student worksheet used, and it is concerned with the quality of

the worksheet, in SMP Al Washliyah, student worksheets used is the New Star,

while used by MTs Al Washliyah is A-Zetcendikia.

Two student worksheets will be analyzed to reveal the contents of a

worksheet used by both schools are about aspects of the content appropriateness

of student worksheets with the applicable curriculum.

Description of the data content appropriateness of student worksheets

with educational unit level curriculum can be seen in the following table:


Tabel 2.1

Description of the content appropriateness level data of student worksheets

Name Maximum score Score percentage%

NEW STAR 43 10 23%



43 14 33%

According to data contained in the table above, of the total 43 indicators

contained in the syllabus, student worksheets that have the first level to the level

of contents appropriateness of students' worksheets with educational unit level

curriculum is A-zetcendikia with percentage of 33%, has a difference of 10%

higher than the New Star. However they both have a value that is less than

satisfactory in achieving appropriateness with the contents of the indicators on the

educational unit level curriculum, because a greater percentage of the indicators

do not achieved or do not appropriate compared to the indicator reached or


1.2 Discussion

This study discusses the quality analysis of Students 'English Worksheet

"New Star" and Students' English worksheet A-ZET TES cendikia ". In this study,

the analyzes the content appropriateness of student worksheets with the


First, researcher focus conducted an analysis about appropriateness the

materials which be explained by “New Star” and “A-zettescendekia” with

comparing the opinion of experts about the materials which be explained.

1. An Analysis of Material at Students’ English Worksheet “New Star”

and at “A-zettescendekia”

There are some material in the syllabus which must be learnt by students,


a. Descriptive text

b. Procedure text

c. Expressions of asking and giving services


d. Expressions of asking and giving items/ things

e. Expressions of asking and giving fact

f. Expressions of asking and giving opinion

g. Expressions Likes and Dislikes

h. Expressions of asking for clarification

i. Functional texts, namely:


Shopping list



A. Descriptive Text

According to Artono (2008,p.100) explains that descriptive text is

a kind of text with a purpose to describe a particular something. The

context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal,

person or others for instance: our pets or a person, a place we know well.

At “New Star” there is no explanation about the definition or social

function of descriptive text. Meanwhile at “A-zettescendekia” there is

explanation about it. There explains that descriptive text is a text that

describes the features of someone, something or a certain place. In other

word that described at “A-zettescendekia same with opinion of experts.

The aspects of text namely generic structure and

lexicogrammatical. Generic structure is general form of genre. Each of

genres has its own generic sructure. Alexander (2009, p. 4) explains that

generic structure is the general form of a paragraph which is owned by a

type of text. Lexicogrammatical or grammatical futures according to

Alexander ( 2009, p. 4) that is the characteristic features of language

contained in a text which can be found by analyzing in detail a type of

text, including the form of time / tenses that be used, the use of

conjunctions, etc.

According to Gerot&Wignell (1994, p. 208) explains that the

generic structure of descriptive text are identification and description.



The aim of identification is to identify the phenomena to be

described. The identification is usually stated in the first paragraph to

introduce reader what to be described in the next paragraph. It also can be

in form of definition. Alexander (2009, p. 14) explains the identification is

contains a general introduction about the object that will be described.

At “New Star” there is no explanation about definition of

identification. It make students unfamiliar with definition of identification.

Meanwhile At “A-zettescendekia” there is explanation about

identification. There explains that identification is the part of text that

introduces the character. In other word, that described at “A-

zettescendekia same with opinion of experts.


Description is to describe part, qualities and characteristics. According

to Alexander ( 2009, p. 14) says that description talk about physical

appearance , quality, behavior, etc. At “ New Star” there is no explanation

about definition of description.

Meanwhile at “A-zettescendekia” explains that description is the part

of text that describes the character.In other word, that described at “A-

zettescendekia same with opinion of experts. So that “A-zettescendekia more

complete than “New Star” in a discussion of the material social function and

generic structure of descriptive text.

According to Alexander ( 2009, p. 14) Lexicogrammatical features of

descriptive text include:

Focus on specific participant, example: my car, my dog, my new house.

Object depicted is unique and depiction more demonstrate the difference

of others, example: my dog doesn’t like bones.

Using simple present, example: I live in a simple house.

Detailed noun phrase to describe something in detail, example: I have a

white skinned girl friend.


Using adjectives ( describing, numbering, and classifying), example: two

strong legs.

Using thinking verb and feeling verb to express a personal opinion of the

author on the thing are described.

Action verb, example: my cat eats mouse.

Figurative language like simile, metaphor, example: John is white as


At “New Star” there is no lexicogrammatical/ language features of

descriptive text. It make students unfamiliar with language feature of descriptive


Meanwhile at “A-zettescendekia” there is explanation about language

features although not as complete as that delivered by Alexander. At “A-

zettescendekia” expalins language features of descriptive text are:

Use of particular noun

Use of detailed, noun group to provide information about the subject

Use a variety of types of adjectives

Use of relating verbs to provide information about the subject.

The result of analysis find out that the material about descriptive text at

“New Star “ only about division of generic structure, but there are no about

definition of descriptive text, definition of generic structure of descriptive text.

Meanwhile at “A-zettescendekia” there are explanation more complete than

explanation atv “New Star”.

At “ New Star” there is one example of descriptive text, the result of

analysis of the text namely there are some elements lexicogrammatical structure in

the text has title “ Mr Andy’s Papayas” namely: focus on specific participant,

using simple present tense, linking verbs, feeling verbs, action verbs, using

adjective to classifying subject, and conjunction.


Descriptive text at students English worksheet “New Star”

Language Features

- specific



- specific

participan ( non


- linking verb

- action verb

- adjectives

- feeling verbs

- conjunctions

- simple present


paragraph 1 :


paragraph 2 & 3 :


Mr Andy’s Papayas

My neighbor, Mr Andyhas a garden of

papayas, He likes to plant papayas because the soil

in his garden is very fertile for papayas to grow,

Papayais a nutritious tropical fruit, Immature

papaya is greenand the ripe one is redororange, In

has edible flesh and leaves, Papaya flesh is rich in

vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and calcium,

So many people like to plant it in their garden like

Mr Andy does.

Mr Andy plants this fruit in the back garden. His

papayas are very big, They are round and oval,

Most grow between 20 to 35 cm longandweight

about 0,5 to 1,5 kg.

Descriptive text at students English worksheet “A-zetTesCendekia”

Language Features:

- specific




- linking verb

- adjectives

- conjunction

East Nusa Tenggarais in many ways different from the rest

of Indonesian provinces. It is geographically ethnical and

culturally a border area where the transition from Asia to

Australia and Micronesia takes place.

The province of East Nusa Tenggara is formed by the

protruding peaks of a mountain chain which begins in

northern Sumatra, stretching across java toward the east. But

unlike Sumatra, java, Kalimantan which are separated from


- action


- simple



paragraph 1 :


paragraph 2 :


the asia mainland by shallow seas, the province of East Nusa

Tenggara has apparently always been separated from Asia

land mass by deep sea-beds. The arid landscape of

eastrenand southeastren Nusa Tenggara are the result of hot

and dry winds coming from the Australian continent. In

many coastal areas, no a deep or rain falls during most of the

year. The rain falls during most of the year. The rainfall

varies between 50 mm and 200 mm a year. Temperatures

vary from hot in coastal areas (30-35degree C) to very cool

in mountainous areas (about 15-17 degree C). The province

of East Nusa Tenggara comprises 566 island. The three

main island are Flores, Sumba and Timor.

Based on analysis above, so the material of descriptive text at “New Star”

is not complete because just give an example which devided into identification

and description. In other word, this material is not accommodated. Then material

of descriptive text at “A-zettescendekia” is complete because there are

explanation of things relating to descriptive text. In other word “A-zettescendekia

is accommodated.

B. Procedure Text

According to Derewianka (1990, p.27) explains that instruction

belong to a group of text types concerned with procedures, which tell us

how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. It

is very important genre in our society because it is eables us to get things

done, and it is equally common in the oral and written mode.

According to Artono ( 2008, p. 134) expalins that procedural text is

a text that gives some clues of how to do something through a series of

actions. At “ New Star” explains that the purpose of procedure text same

with Artono that is giving guide to how to do something through a serie of

actions. Meanwhile, according to Derewianka (1990, p. 27) states social


function or purpose of procedure text is to tell someone how to do or make


At “New Star” explains that procedure text is instructions how to

do something through a series of actions or steps. Then At “A-

zettescendekia” expalins that procedure text is types of text that describe

how to achieve something or to do something through a series of activities.

So that can be conclude that at “New Star” and “A-zettescendekia” have

same opinion with experts.

Procedure text has generic structure include: goal, material, and

steps. According to Alexander (2009, p. 18) the generic structure of

procedure text include:

Goal ; contain information what we will do.

Materials ; containing materials and tools necessary to achieve the


Steps ; contain a series of actions or steps that lead to the achievement of

the initial objectives.

The generic structure of procedure text at “New Star” just give the

generic structure namely: goal, materials, and steps but does not give

definition about goal, materials and steps. In other word, explanation about

generic structure of procedure text is not complete.

Meanwhile, at “A-zettescendekia” be explained that generic structure

of procedure text are:

Goal; contains the purpose or what will be done.

Material; contain materials or tools necessary to achieve the objectives.

Series of steps; a series of steps or actions to achieve the objectives,

written or made in accordance with the order.

Then procedure text has language features. According to Alexander (

2009, p. 18) explains that the language features of procedure text are:

Using Imperatives; example: put into, do not mix, add sugar and milk.

Using action verb or material process; example : take, turn,grind, stir, put,



Using connectives that sort of activities; example: then, after that, while,


Adverbials to declare the details of time, place, or manner that is accurate;

example: wait for ten minutes, mix throughly.

Subject, subject here usually “you” that is implicit; example: add salt and

grind all spices. It is clear the subject “you”, so do not have to be written.

At “New Star” does not explains about language features of procedure

text. It can make studens are confused when they will make a procedure text.

Meanwhile at “A-zettescendekia explains that language features of procedure

text, include:

Using imperatives because contain instruction.

Using action verbs.

Using conjunction to linking step one with the next step.

The result of analysis, researcher find out that the material about

procedure text at “ New Star” explains about the generic structure, purpose of

procedure text, but in generic structure “New Star” does not explains

completely. Then there is no explanation about language features. Meanwhile

at “A-zettescendekia” there be explained about generic structure and language

features. In other word at “A-zettescendekia” more complete than “New Star”.

At “New Star” there is one example of procedure text, the result of analysis of

the text namely there are some elements lexicogrammatical structure in the

text has a title “ Soya Milk” include: imperatives, action verbs, connectives or

temporal conjunction, adverbials and subject.

Procedure text at students English worksheet “New Star”

Language Features:

- Action verb

- Adverbial

- Connectives

- Imperative and

subject “you”

Soya Milk

125g whole soya beans to make 1 litre of

soya milk

1 l of water








Flavoring (optional)

Clean the soya beans and soak them in water

for 10 to 16 hours

Then, remove the hulls by kneading the soya

beans and flushing the loose hulls with water

After that, heat the soya beans for 2 to 3

minutes, next grind the soya beans and 1 litre

of water in blende

And then, sieve the mixture through a cloth

and recover the soya milk

Then, heat the soya milk until boiling point

and continue boiling for about 5 to 10


Finally, cool the soya milk and add some

salt, sugar and other flavouring as desire,

The soya milk is ready and can be kept in the

fridge for another 3 days.

Procedure text at students English worksheet “New Star”

Language Features:

- Action verb

- Adverbial

- Imperative and

subject “you”



- Matrerials


Sunrise Salad


- Some strawberries

- Some grapes

- A banana

- A cup of yoghurt

- Some mint leaves


- A knife

- A small bowl



1. Wash the fruit and let them dry on paper


2. Cut the strawberries and grapes in half or

two slices

3. Slice the bananainto chunks.

4. Combine all the fruitin the large bowl and

mix them.

5. Take three spoonfuls of mixed fruit and put

them in a small bowl.

6. Add a bit of yoghurt on top of the fruit salad.

7. Place a small bundle of mint leaves on the

yoghurt as a garnish.

8. Sunrise salad is ready to use.

Based on analysis above, so the material of procedure text at “New Star” is

not complete because there are no explanation about the definition of goal,

materials, and steps, and about language feature of procedure text. In other word,

this material is not accommodated.Then material of descriptive text at “A-

zettescendekia” is complete because there are explanation of things relating to

procedure text. In other word “A-zettescendekia is accommodated.

C. Expressions of asking and giving services

According to Alexander ( 2009, p. 270) explains that to express asking and

giving services among others are:

Asking for


Would you/ will


Could you/ can


Giving for services:

Can I…?

May I…?

What can I help


To responses:

Yes, of course



Sorry, I can do it

No, thank.


Would like to...

No, I can do it

my self.

At “New Star” gives examples of expressions of asking and giving

services among others are:

Expressions of

asking services:

May I...?

Could you

accompany me


Would you....?

Expressions of

giving services:



Of course

Expressions of

refusing giving


No, thank you

Not now, I am

busy sorry.

At “A-zettescendekia” gives examples of expressions of asking and giving

services among others are:

Would you like

to go with me?

Do you want me

to phone a taxi?

Would you like

help me?

To responses (+):

With my pleasure

Yes, please

It’s allright.

To refusing:

I am sorry, I

can’t accept it

I’d love to, but


Based on analysis above, so the material about expressions of asking and

giving service are accommodated because same with opinion of expert.

D. Expressions of asking and giving items/ things

According to Artono (2008, p. 106) explains that to express asking and

giving items among others are:

Can you give me...

Could you please...

Take me that.

To responses:

Yes, of course.

Certainly, here it is.


Sorry, I can’t do it

Sorry, I need this item.

At “New Star” gives example of expressions asking and giving items/

things are:

May I have one, please?

Can I borrow...?

Could you bring me...?

To responses:

Sure. Here it is

Of course


I am sorry. I am using it.

At “A-zettescendikia” gives example of expressions asking and giving

items/ things are:

Would you like a candy?

Do you want some sugar?

To responses:

Yes, please

Yes, of course

No thanks

No, thank you

Based on analysis above, the material about expressions of asking and

giving items/ things are accommodated because same with opinion of expert.

E. Expressions of asking and giving fact

According to Artono (2008, p. 128) explains that to express asking and

giving facts are:

Expressions of asking facts:

Can you tell me what’s going


Tell me more about it.

How did it happen?

I must know what happened.

I need to know the facts.

Expressions of giving facts:

Here’s the fact/ story...

Let me tell you.../ the fact...

Well the story is like this...


At “New Star” gives example of expressions of asking and giving facts


Expressing of asking facts:

What is your...?

How did it happen?

Tell me more about it.

What fact do you know


Expressions of giving facts:

It’s a fact that...

Let me tell you...

Well the story is like this...

Here’s the fact/ story...

No, in fact….

I don’t know

At “A-zettescendekia” gives example of expressions of asking and giving

facts are:

Expressing of asking facts:

Is this your mother?

Is he a teacher?

Can you tell me what’s going


Tell me more about it!

I must know what happened.

Expressing of giving facts:

No, she’s my aunt.

No, he is a doctor

Here’s the fact...

Let me tell you the fact...

Well, the story like this...

Based on analysis above the material about expressions of asking and

giving facts are accommodated because same with opinion of experts.

F. Expressions of asking and giving opinion

According to Artono( 2008, p. 91) explains that to express asking opinion


What do you think about...?

What’s your opinion of....?

What about...?

What would you say to...?


According to Alexander (2009, p. 269) explains taht to express giving

opinion are:

I think...

I feel that...

In my opinion

I believed that...

At “New Star” gives examples of expressions of asking and giving opinion


What do you think of/ about...?

What’s your opinion of/ about...?

What’s your view/ opinion...?

What/ how about...?

Expressions of giving opinion are:

I think...

In my opinion/ view....

I believe/ feel...

From my point of view....

Expressions of refusing giving opinion:

I’m sorry I don’t know about it

I have no idea

At “A-zettescendekia” gives examples of expressions of asking and giving

opinion are:

What do you think of...

What is your opinion about...

In your opinion...

Expressions of giving opinion are:

I think...

In my opinion...

According to me...


Based on analysis above, the material about expressions of asking and

giving opinion are accommodated because same with opinion of expert.

G. Expressions of likes and dislikes

According to Alexander (2009, p. 261) explains that to express likes and

dislikes are:

Expressions of Likes:

I enjoy it

I’m fond of it

It’s really good

To be + pleased

Expressions of dislikes:

I hate it

That’s too bad

It’s not so good

To be + displeased

At “New Star” gives examples of expressions of likes and dislikes are:

Expressions of likes:

I like

I love

I am pleased with...

I am fond of...

Expressions of Dislikes:

I am not fond of...

I hate...

I am displeased with...

I dislike

At “A-zettescendekia” gives examples of expressions of likes and dislikes


Expressions of likes:

I like...


I am fond of...

I am interested in....

Expressions of Dislikes:

I don’t like

I am not very interested in...

I am not very fond of...

Based on analysis above the material about expressions of likes and

dislikes are accommodated because same with opinion of expert.

H. Expressions of asking for clarification

According to Artono (2008, p. 141) explains that to express asking for

someone’s clarification are:

Is it true/ right that....?

Is that right?

Is.... correct?


Are you sure?

Excuse me, Sir/ Ma’am. Is that right that....

Then to responses to someone asking for clarification are:

Yes, I am sure

Yes, that’s right


I didn’t do it. (mention the reason)

Yes, that’s correct

No, it is not true

I’m not a basketball player. (mention the reason)

At “New Star” gives examples for asking clarification are:

To for asking clarification:

What do you mean?

Are you sure?

What did you say?


To respon someone asking for clarification are:

I mean....


I said....

At “A-zet teas cendekia” gives examples for asking clarification are:

To for asking clarification:


Are you sure?

Did you understand it?


To respon someone asking for clarification are:


Of course

That’s right


Based on analysis above the material expressions for asking clarification

are accommodated because same with opinion of expert.

I. Short Functional Texts

According to Kezia (2014) explains that short functional text is a short text

that has particular meaning and purpose, and can be used in our daily life. Could

be in the form of notice, announcement, greeting card, invitation, letter, etc.

According to Nurul (2013) Functional Text is a special text that contains

the command, direction, something that should be done or not be done to a ban

(prohibition), invitation, short message, shopping lists , notice , announcement,

and others that contain meaning and use in everyday communication.


Instruction is an order or direction to do a job.


Close the door, please!

Keep your room clean!


Staff only

Shopping list

A sentence that contains a list of items to be purchased. Example:

Day: Monday

Date: July 22, 2007

4 Loaves of bread

3 kilos of beans

1 kilo of apples

2 kilos of sugar

1 kilo of carrots

1 kilo of oranges

Greeting cards / congratulation cards

Greeting cards are given to show the person's expression and awareness to

things that happen in someone's life. For example, to express feelings of

happiness, sadness, pride and others.

Example of congratulating card

Well done Mike!

Congratulation on winning the second place of basketball competition.

Your team is really the best one in our school. Keep practicing and get

the 1st winner on the next session.

School Board

Wendy Baker


The announcement is the message or information submitted to the crowds

/ public audience. Typically, the announcement is only to convey the

message or information concerning the general public. Such as

announcements on the school bulletin board, the announcement in

Newspaper or magazine.


Example of announcement:

“Our school basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events

will run from 8.00 – 10.00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will

be held on February 7. For more information, contact Rizka (021 12345678)”

Based on analysis that reseracher do at “New Star” and “A-

zettescendekia” there are no explanation about definition and example of

instructions, shopping list, greeting card/ congratulation card and announcement.

In other word, these materials are not accommodated.

Then theresearcher conducted an analysis of the appropriateness of the

contents Students 'English Worksheet "New Star" and the contents of Students'

English worksheet "A-ZET TES cendikia", analysis is performed by matching the

indicators in the syllabus with the material and questions in student worksheet,

this analysis is carried out for students' worksheets included one of the teaching

materials, so that the student worksheets can also be regarded as the embodiment

of curriculum.

2. Analysis of the contents appropriateness of Students 'English

Worksheet "New Star" and Students' English worksheet "A-Zet Tes

Cendekia" with the curriculum.

Analysis of the level of the contents appropriateness of students'

worksheets with curriculum was conducted to determine the content of the

curriculum student worksheets, As described by Prastowo (2012: 28-30), one of

the elements of the teaching materials is the relationship between teaching

materials with competencies that will achieved, the point is that any materials,

either the student worksheets or other kinds of learning materials should have

relevance or conformity with the standard of competence, basic competence and

indicators that should be controlled by the student, and the analysis was conducted

to determine the suitability of the indicators in the syllabus with the material and

tasks contained in the student worksheet. Here it can be seen whether the

existence of student worksheets that can help students in achieving the indicators


are determined, the results of the analysis of the suitability of the contents of

students' worksheets with this curriculum can be seen in the table 2.2 and 2.3


table 2.2

Recapitulation of the results of the analysis of the contents appropriateness of

students'worksheets at the Students' English Worksheet "New Star"with the


No Aspect Theme Indicator The content appropriateness with


accommodated Not accommodated

7.1 Listening Responding to


asking and

giving services

Responding to


asking and

giving items

Responding to


asking and

giving facts

7.2 Listening Responding


asking and

giving opinions



express their

likes and



Responding to

expressions of





8.1 Listening Responding to

the meaning in

short functional


instructions, list

of groceries,



Determine the


function of the

text is heard

Determining the



of each

functional text

that is heard

8.2 Responding to

the information

in the form of a


spoken text;


descriptive and


Determining the



of the text in


Determine the


function of the

text is heard

total 1 12

9.1 Speaking Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving services

Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving items

Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving the facts


9.2 speaking Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving opinions

Asked and




expressed likes

and dislikes

asking for




10.1 speaking Expressing

meaning in short

functional text-


instructions, a

shopping list,



Give verbal


Mentioning a

list of certain






10.2 speaking Disclose various

information in

the form of


monologue text,


Mention the


function of the

text is heard

Mention the



of the text in


Monologue in

the form of

descriptive /


total 7 9

11,1 Reading Identify a

variety of

information in

short functional

text form:


shopping list,




Responding to a

variety of

information in a

short functional


Reads the text

aloud functional

/ short

11,2 Reading Identify a

variety of

information in

the descriptive

text and


Identify the


function of

descriptive text /


Identify the

steps rhetoric

descriptive text /


Mention the



of descriptive

text / procedure


11.3 Reading Pronounce

words, phrases

and sentences

with intonation


Reads the text


descriptive /



total 1 8

12.1 Writing Writing short

functional text

in the form of

instructions, a

list of items,



Write simple


12,2 Writing Completing the

descriptive text

and procedure

compose text

Writing form of

descriptive text /


1 4


Tabel 2.3

Recapitulation of the results of the analysis of the contents appropriateness of

students'worksheets at the Students' English Worksheet “A-ZET TES

Cendekia” with the curriculum

No Aspect Theme Indicator The content appropriateness with





7.1 Listening Responding to


asking and


Responding to

expressions ask

ing and giving


Responding to


asking and

giving facts

7,2 Listening Responding


asking and

giving opinions



express their

likes and


Responding to


expressions of

asking for




8.1 Responding to

the meaning in

short functional



pping list,



Determine the


function of the

text is heard

determine the



of each

functional text

that is heard

8.2 Responding to

the information

in the form of a


spoken text;

descriptive and



Determining the



of the text in


Determine the


function of the

text is heard

total 5 8

9.1 Speaking Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving services

Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving items

Asked and

answered a

variety of


asking and

giving the facts

9.2 speaking Asked and

answered a


variety of


asking and

giving opinions

Asked and




expressed likes

and dislikes

asking for




10.1 speaking Expressing

meaning in

short functional


instructions, a

shopping list,



Give verbal


Mentioning a

list of certain






10.2 speaking Disclose various

information in

the form of


monologue text,


Mention the


function of the

text is heard

Mention the



of the text in


Monologue in

the form of

descriptive /


total 7 9

11.1 Reading Identify a

variety of

information in

short functional

text form:

instruction, list

items, greetings,


Responding to a


variety of

information in a

short functional


Reads the text

aloud functional

/ short

11.2 Reading Identify a

variety of

information in

the descriptive

text and


Identify the


function of

descriptive text

/ procedure

Identify the

steps rhetoric

descriptive text

/ procedure

Mention the



of descriptive

text / procedure

11.3 Reading Pronounce

words, phrases

and sentences


with intonation


Reads the text


descriptive /



total 1 8

12.1 Writing Writing short

functional text

in the form of

instructions, a

list of items,



Write simple


12.2 Writing Completing the

descriptive text

and procedure

compose text

Writing form of

descriptive text

/ procedure

total 1 4

In the study, the researcher analyze the suitability of the content of

student worksheets with the curriculum, the study was conducted by analyzing the

suitability of the indicators in the syllabus with the content and work in the

worksheets of students, from the analysis that was obtained indicator

accommodated and indicators that are accommodated in material and task


contained in the student worksheet. From the analysis obtained by percentage

indicators are accommodated and the indicators are not accommodated, are 43

indicators in the syllabus, the analysis shows that the students' English worksheet

"New Star" there are 10 indicators that are accommodated or 23 %, while the

Students' English worksheet "A-ZET TES cendikia" there are 14 indicators that

are accommodated, or 33%, which according to the indicators in the syllabus.

On Students' English Worksheet "New Star" in listening skills, only 8%

of the indicators are accommodated, and 92% indicators are not accommodated,

on speaking skills 44% are accommodated, and 56% are not accommodated, on

reading skills, 11% are accommodated, 89% are not accommodated, In writing

skills, 20% are accommodated, 80% are not accommodated.

On Students' English worksheet "A-ZET TEScendikia" in listening skill

38% are accommodated, 62% are not accommodated, the speaking skill 44% are

accommodated, 56% are not accommodated, the reading skills of 11% are

accommodated, 89% are not accommodated, the writing skill 20% are

accommodated, 80% are not accommodated, for a clearer explanation, can be seen

in the discussion below,

A. Students' English Worksheet "New Star"

1. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence listening.

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators asking and giving services, ask for

and give items, ask for and give facts.

In listeningcompetencystandards, understand the meaning of

transactional conversation and interpersonal very simple to interact with the

immediate environment has two basic competence, basic competence 7.1 Respond

to the meaning in conversation very simple transactional and interpersonal

accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment

which involves speech acts: asking and giving services, ask for and give items,

ask for and give the facts has three indicators, namely: 1) respond to expressions


asking and givingservice; 2) respond to expressions asking and giving the items;

3) responding to expressions asking and giving facts.

In connection with the first indicators, which responds to the expressions

asking and giving services, the analysis showed that the achievement of these

indicators are not accommodated, because it is not contained in matter but

contained in a summary of the material, in a summary of the material (page 4)

described the expressions of asking services, giving services and refuse to giving

services, Overall these indicators are not accommodated because only

accommodated by the material but on task at the student worksheets are not


In connection with the second indicators, which responds to the

expressions asking and giving the items, the results of analysis indicating that

these indicators are not accommodated properly, because it is only found in the

material (page 4), it clarifies the phrase toasking services, giving services and

refuse to givingitems, but there are not on duty, Overall these indicators are not


In third indicator, that responds to the expressions asking and giving the

facts, on these indicatorsare not accommodated because there are not on duty, but

only in the material (page 8), it clarifies how the expressions asking and giving

facts, Overall these indicatorsarenot accommodated, because there is only in the

material but not present in the task.

b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicatorsasking for and giving opinions,

express their likes and dislikes, asking for clarification, responded


In the second basic competence 7.2 Respond to the meaning in

conversation very simple transactional and interpersonal accurately, fluently and

thankful to interact with the immediate environment that involves speech acts: ask

for and give opinions and express likes and dislikes, asking for clarification, and

respond interpersonal, there are four indicators, namely: 1) asking for and giving


opinions; 2) express their likes and dislikes; 3) asking for clarification; 4)

responds interpersonal.

In the first indicator, that responds to expressions asking and giving an

opinion are not accommodated, because there are not on task, but only in the

material (page 42), it clarifies how to express asking, giving, and refuse giving

an opinion.

Then in the second indicator that responds to express their likes and

dislikes, these indicator are accommodated, as there are on duty and present in the

material (page 20), it clarifies how the phrase to express likes and dislikes, in

tasks related to this indicator found on page 19 category“task 1 number 2”.

Then on the third indicator, namely the asking clarification, these

indicators are not accommodated, do not present in the task, but only in the

material (pages 44-45), described the expressions to asking and responding


Furthermore, on the last indicator, that responds interpersonal, On theses

indicators also arenot accommodated, since the first and third indicators there are

not on duty in the student worksheet.

c) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet

students with a curriculum that has indicatorsmeaning in short functional

text form of instructions, a shopping list, greetings and announcements,

determine the communicative function of the text is heard and determine

the linguistic characteristics of each functional text that is heard.

In listening competencystandards, understand the meaning of spoken

text is functional and a short monologue very simple form of descriptive and

procedure for interaction with the immediate environment has two basic

competence, basic competence 8.1 Responding to the meaning contained in the

text is very simple short functional oral accurately , acknowledges and to interact

with the immediate environment, has three indicators, namely 1) respond meaning

in short functional text form of instructions, ashopping list, greetings and

announcements; 2) determine the communicative function of the text is heard; 3)

to determine the linguistic characteristics of each functional text that is heard.


In the first indicators are not accommodated, because these indicators

are not on duty and also the material in students' worksheets.

Then in the second indicators also are not accommodated, because the

indicator in the syllabus there are not included in the task and the material in the

student worksheet.

In the last indicators to the basic competence of 8.1, here is alsoare not

accommodated, because there are not on duty and matter, in the student worksheet

contained in the materials and the task is about the message and adverticemen.

d) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has an indicator responds to the information in the

form of descriptive text spoken monologue, procedure, determine the

linguistic characteristics of the text in the hearing, determining the

communicative functions in hearing.

On the basic competencies 8.2 Responding to the meaning contained in

the monologue is very simple accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the

immediate environment in the text form of descriptive and procedure there are

three indicators, namely: 1) respond to the information in the text spoken

monologue form of descriptive, procedure, 2) , determine the linguistic

characteristics of the text in the hearing, 3), determining the communicative

functions in hearing.

On the first indicators, to respond to the information in the text spoken

monologue form of descriptive, procedure arenot accommodated, because it is not

contained in the materials, but only in a task (page 42), In this task, the students

are required to complete a text and a dialogue after listening to the text and the

dialogue was delivered orally by the teacher, conclusion, these indicators are not

accommodated properly.

Then in the second indicators that determines linguistic characteristics of

the text in the hearing are not accommodated by the material and the task.

Furthermore, on the last indicator also can not be accommodated,

because the tasks and the material in the student worksheet nothing related to

indicators that have been determined.


Based on analysis of thecontentsappropriateness of students' worksheets

with the standard of competence listening curriculum of basic competence of 7.1

to 8.2 the result that all the indicators are not accommodated properly, there is

only in the task but it there is not included with the material, and vice versa , even

some that are not included in the task as well as the material, it is because the

indicators listed in the student worksheet on competency standards listening are:

1) listening to the words pronunciation, 2) understand oral texts on good food, 3)

understand oral texts on one's clothes, 4) listening to the words pronunciation, 5)

listening to the exprsession likes and dislike, 6) listening to the words

pronunciation, If the results of the analysis is written in the form of pie charts, you

will get a chart with percentages as follows:

2. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence speaking.

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators asking and answering a variety of

information asking and giving services, asking and giving items, asking

and giving facts.

In speaking competencystandards, express meaning in conversation of

transactional and interpersonal very simple to interact with the immediate

environment has two basic competence, basic competence 9.1 Expressing

meaning in conversation of transactional and interpersonal very simple to use a

variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the



Chart 2.1

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency listening


not accommodated


immediate environment that involves speech acts: asking and giving services,

asking and giving items, and asking and giving the facts has three indicators,

namely: 1) ask and answer the information asking and giving services; 2) ask and

answer the information asking and giving items; 3) asked and answered a variety

of information asking and giving the facts.

In connection with the firs indicators, that ask and answer a range of

information asking and giving services, the analysis showed that the achievement

of this indicator are accommodated in the summary of material and tasks, in a

summary of the material (page 4) described the expressions asking services,

giving services and refuse to giving services. In the students' assignments also

include tasks related to these indicators, of which there are at page 4 of the

exercise category “task 4 number 1, number 4 and number 5”.

In connection withthe second indicators, which asked and answered a

variety of information asking and giving items, the results of the analysis showed

that by these indicators are accommodated in the summary of material and tasks,

in a summary of the material (page 4) described the expressions asking items,

giving items and refuse to asking items. In the students' assignments also include

tasks related to these indicators, of which there are at page 4 of the exercise task 4

numbers 2 and 3.

Furthermore, the third indicators, that ask and answer a range of

information asking and giving the facts. On these indicators are accommodated in

the summary content and task, in a summary of the material (page 8) is described

to inquire the actual information to declare the asking and giving the facts, in

student assignments well there are tasks related to these indicators, of which there

are on the exercise categories “task 1 page 7, page 8 categories task 3, page 9

categorytask 4 number 1 and number 2, category task 5 numbers from 1 to 5”.

b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators asked and answered a variety of

information asking and giving an opinion, express their likes and dislikes,

asking for clarification, responded interpersonal


In the second basic competence 9.2 Expressing meaning in conversation

of transactional and interpersonal very simple by using a variety of oral language

accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment that

involves speech acts: ask for and give opinions and express likes and dislikes, ask

clarification, and respond interpersonal, there are four indicators, namely: 1) ask

and answer a variety of information asking and giving opinions; 2) ask and

answer various information expressed likes and dislikes; 3) ask and answer the

information asking clarification; 4) respond interpersonal.

In connection with the first indicators, that ask and answer a range of

information asking and giving opinions, analysis shows that the achievement of

these indicatorsare accommodated in the summary of material and tasks, in a

summary of the material (pages 42-43) explained about asking and giving

opinions, in a task well there are tasks related to these indicators, of which there

are the exercises page 14 categories of the first daily test number 8, number 10,

page 42 categories of task 1, page 43 categories of task 2, task 3 and task 4.

Then in the second indicators are asked and answered various

information expressed likes and dislikes, the analysis showed that the achievement

of these indicatorsare accommodated in the summary of material and tasks, in a

summary of the material (page 20) described the expression to inquire likes or

dislikes. In duty there is also a tasks related to this indicator, of which there are 19

categories on the exercise task page 2, page 20 categories of task 4 task 5, page 21

categories of task 6, page 22 categories of task 7.

Relating to the third indicatorsare asked and answered a variety of

information asking for clarification, the analysis showed that the achievement of

these indicatorsare accommodated in the summary content and task, in a summary

of the material (pages 44-45) described expressions to asking and giving

clarification, in task related indicators are on page 44 task category 5 number 1 to

number 3, pages 45 categories of task 6 number 1 to number 5.

Furthermore, on the last indicators, the analysis shows that the

achievement of these indicatorsare accommodated in the summary of material and


tasks, in a summary of the material and tasks related to these indicators contained

in the material and duties related to the indicators of 1 to 3 described above.

c) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicatorsreveal meaning in short functional

text form: instruction, list items/ shopping list, greetings and

announcements, gives verbal instructions, mentions a list of specific items,

announcing something, congratulate

In speaking competencystandards, reveals a functional meaning in oral

texts and short monologue very simple form of descriptive and procedure for

interaction with the immediate environment has two basic competence, basic

competence contained 10.1 Expressing meaning in short functional oral text is

very simple to use variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to

interact with the immediate environment, has 5 indicators, namely 1) reveal

meaning in short functional text in the form of instructions, a list of items,

greetings and announcements; 2) gives verbal instructions; 3) mentions a list of

specific items/shopping list, 4) to announce something, 5) congratulates.

In connection with the first indicators, which expresses meaning in short

functional text in the form of instructions, a list of items, greetings and

announcements are not accommodated by a task or a summary of the material, do

not available material relating to these indicators, as well as the duty.

Then the second indicators to fifth indicators that give verbal

instructions, mentions a list of specific items, announcing something,

congratulate, arenot accommodated by the task and matter, in the student

worksheet contained in the materials and the task is about the message and


d) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators reveal a plethora of information in

the monologue text which form of descriptive, procedure, mention the

communicative function of the text at the hearing, mentioning linguistic

characteristics of the text at the hearing, doing a monologue in the form of

descriptive or procedure.


On the basic of competence 10.2 Expressing meaning in simple short

monologue by using a variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to

interact with the immediate environment in the form of descriptive text and there

are 4 indicators procedure, namely: 1) disclose a variety of information in text

form monologue descriptive, procedure, 2) of the communicative function of the

text in the look, 3) mentions linguistic characteristics of the text in the hearing, 4)

perform a monologue in the form of descriptive or procedure.

In connection with the first indicators, namely, revealing a variety of

information in the text of the monologue form of descriptive, procedure, are not

accommodated by the material and tasks.

Then in the second to fourth indicatorsare not accommodated by the

material and the task.

Based on analysis of the contents of students' worksheets conformity

with the standard of competence speaking curriculum of basic competence of 9.1

to 10.2, the result that not all indicators are accommodated, more indicators that

are not accommodated, If the results of the analysis is written in the form of pie

charts, will be obtained by the following percentages:

3. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence reading

a) Analysis of the level of the contents appropriateness on students worksheet

with a curriculum that has indicators identify the various functional text

information in a short form of instructions, a list of items, greetings,



Chart 2.2The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency speaking


not accommodated


announcements, responding to a variety of information in a short

functional text, read text aloud functional / short descriptive / procedure.In

readingcompetency standards, understand the functional meaning of the

text and write short essays a very simple form of descriptive and procedure

relating to the immediate environment has 3 basic competence, basic

competence 11.1 Responding to the meaning contained in the text is very

simple short functional board accurately, fluently and thank relating to the

immediate environment has three indicators, namely: 1) identify the

various functional text information in a short form of instructions, a list of

items, greetings, announcements; 2) respond to a variety of information in

a short functional text; 3) reads the functional text aloud / short descriptive

/ procedure.

In connection with the first indicators that identifies a wide range of

information in a short functional text form of instructions, a list of items,

greetings, announcements, are not accommodated, it is because there are not in the

material but only in tasks, tasks associated with this indicator is contained on

pages 10 categories of task 3, page 47 categories of task 4, page 48 categories of

task 5 and task 6.

In connection with the second indicators, which responds to a variety of

information in a short functional text, analysis indicating that the achievement of

these indicators are not accommodated. On student worksheets, these indicators

only in the task but is not contained in the material, Tasks related with indicators

which this is page 5 category task 2 number 1 up to number 10, page 9 task

category 2 number 1 to number 5, page 16 categories of the first daily test number

24 to number 28, page 23 category of task 3 number 1 to 10.

Later on indicators of the third, which reads the functional text aloud /

short descriptive / procedure, the analysis shows that the achievement of these

indicators are accommodated, because only in the task but there is no material,

tasks associated with this indicator is page 5 category of task 1, page 9 task

category 1, page 23 categories of task 1, page 24 categories of task 4 task 5, page


27 categories of task 3, task 4, page 45 categories of task 1, page 46 categories of

task 2, categories of task 3 page 47 .

b) Analysis of the level of the contents appropriateness on students worksheet

with a curriculum that has indicators to identify various information in the

descriptive texts and procedures, identifying the communicative function

of descriptive text / procedure, identify steps rhetoric descriptive text /

procedure, mention the linguistic characteristics of descriptive text /


In the second basic competence 11.2 Responding to the meaning and

rhetoric steps accurately, fluently and thank in a very simple essay related to the

immediate environment in the form of descriptive text / procedure has four

indicators are: 1) identifying a variety of information in the descriptive text and

procedure; 2) identify the communicative function of descriptive text / procedure;

3) identify the steps rhetoric descriptive text / procedure; 4) mentions linguistic

characteristics descriptive text / procedure.

In connection with the the first indicators, to identify a variety of

information in the text of descriptive and procedure, the analysis showed that the

achievement of these indicators are not accommodated, not contained in the

materials, but only in tasks, tasks associated with this indicator is page 5 category

of task 2 numbers 1 to number 10, page 9 categories of task 1, pages 15 to 16

category of the first daily test number 24 to number 28, page 23 categories of task

1, page 24 categories of task 4 and 5, page 26 categories of task 2, page 27

categories of task 3, page 30 the second category of daily test numbers 11 to 16,

page 32 of the second category of daily test numbers 27 to 30.

Later on indicators of the second, which identifies the communicative

function of the text descriptive / procedure, the analysis shows that these

indicatorsare accommodated, are in a summary of the material and contained in

the task, there is an explanation (page 27), which describes the procedure text,

tasks associated with this indicator is page 5 task category 2 numbers 9 to 10,

page 26 task category 2 number 2.


Relating to the third indicators, which identifies steps rhetoric

descriptive / procedure text, the results of these analysis are not accommodated,

there are no summary of the material and tasks related to these indicators

Then in the fourth indicators, the results of these analysis are not

accommodated, because there are not contained in the materials and tasks.

c) Analysis of the level of the contents appropriateness on students

worksheet with a curriculum that have indicators pronounce words,

phrases and sentences properly by reading words phrases and sentences

with correct intonation, reads the text aloud descriptive / procedure


In the third basic competence 11.3 Read aloud meaningful functional

text and vignettes and very simple form of descriptive / procedure by saying,

stress and intonation that acknowledges has two indicators, namely: 1) read word

phrases and sentences with correct intonation; 2) read the text aloud descriptive /

procedure properly.

In connection with the first indicators, which read word phrases and

sentences with correct intonation, analysis shows that these indicators are not

accommodated, No material and tasks in accordance with the indicators.

Later in the second indicators to the basic competence 11.3, the analysis

shows that these indicators are not accommodated properly, because there is not

contained in a summary of the material but only in tasks, tasks relating to this

indicator among others are on page 5 category of task 1, page 9 categories of task

1, page 23 categories of task 1, page 24 categories of task 4 task 5, page 27

categories of task 3, task 4, page 45 categories of task 1, page 46 categories of

task 2, task 3 page 47 categories.

Based on analysis of the contents of students' worksheets conformity

with the standard of competence speaking curriculum of basic competence 11.1 to

11.3, the result that not all indicators are accommodated well, very few indicators

are accommodated. If the results of the analysis is written in the form of pie charts

, will be obtained by the following percentages:


4. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence writing .

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators write short functional text form

instructions, a list of items, announcements, congratulations, writing

simple sentences.

In writing competency standards, revealing the functional meaning of

the text and write short essays a very simple form of descriptive and procedure for

interaction with the immediate environment has two basic competence, basic

competence 12.1 Expressing meaning in short functional text write very simple by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact

with the immediate environment has two indicators, namely: 1) write short

functional text in the form of instructions, a list of items, announcements,

congratulations; 2) write a simple sentence.

In connection with the first indicators, ie write short functional text form

of instructions, a list of items, announcements, congratulations, analysis shows

that the achievement of these indicators are not accommodated, because there are

not contained in the materials as well as tasks related to these indicators.

Then in the second indicators, the write simple sentences, the analysis

shows that the achievement of these indicators are not accommodated, because it

is not contained in a summary of the material but only in tasks, tasks related to

these indicators include on page 13 task 3, page 29 categories of task 6.



Chart 2.3

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency reading


not accommodated


b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has complement the descriptive text and procedure,

compose the text, write the text form of descriptive and procedure.

In the second basic competence 12.2 Expressing meaning and rhetorical

stages of a very simple vignettes using a variety of written language accurately,

fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment in the form of

descriptive text / procedure there are three indicators, namely: 1) complete text

descriptive / procedure; 2) constructing the text; 3) write the form of descriptive

text / procedure.

In connection with the first indicators, which complements the

descriptive text / procedure, the analysis shows that the achievement of these

indicators are not accommodated, not contained in the materials as well as tasks

related to this indicator.

Then the second indicator, which is preparing the text, the analysis

shows that the achievement of these indicators are also not accommodated

properly, because only in the task but are not included in the summary of material,

tasks related to the indicators of which is page 32 categories of the second daily

test numbers 26, page 51 categories of task 7, page 57 the third category of daily

test number 32.

Furtherthe third indicators, namely writing text form of descriptive /

procedure, the analysis shows these indicatorsare accommodated properly as

contained in the materials and tasks, material relating to this indicator are on page

5 are given examples of descriptive text, and on page 26 described how the steps

to make procedure text, tasks related to the indicators of which is page 29

categories of task 7.

Based on analysis of the contents appropriateness on students'

worksheets with the curriculum on standard of competence writing basic

competence 12.1 to 12.2, the result that not all indicators are accommodated

properly, very few indicators are accommodated, the more that are not

accommodated, If the results of the analysis is written in the form of pie charts, it

will be obtained by the following percentages:


B. Students' English worksheet "A-ZET TES cendikia"

1. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence listening.

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators asking and giving services, asking

and giving items, asking and giving facts.

In listening competency standards, understand the meaning of

transactional conversation and interpersonal very simple to interact with the

immediate environment has two basic competence, basic competence 7.1 Respond

to the meaning in conversation very simple transactional and interpersonal

accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment

which involves speech acts: asking and giving services, ask for and give items,

ask for and give the facts has three indicators, namely: 1) respond to expressions

asking and giving services; 2) respond to expressions asking and giving the items;

3) responding to expressions asking and giving facts.

In connection with the first indicators, which responds to the expression

expressions asking and giving services, the analysis showed that the achievement

of these indicators are not accommodated properly, contained in a summary of the

material but is not present in the task, in a summary of the material contained on

page 4, it clarifies how the phrase to offer , accept and reject the offer of services

or otherwise.



Chart 2.4

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency writing


not accommodated


In connection with the second indicators, which responds to the

expressions asking and giving items, the analysis results indicating that these

indicators are accommodated properly, contained in the summary of material and

tasks, material relating to these indicators are on page 4 and 48, it clarifies how an

expression for offer, receive the goods, or more, of which there are on-duty at

page 3 categories of activity 1, activity 3.

In the third indicators, that responds to the expressions asking and giving

the facts, on these indicatorsare not accommodated because there is only on the

material but there is not on duty, on page 7 described expression used to ask for

and give facts.

b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators asking and giving opinions,

expressed likes and dislikes, asking for clarification, asking for


At the basic competencies 7.2 Respond to the meaning in transactional

conversation and interpersonal very simple accurately, fluently and thankful to

interact with the immediate environment that involves speech acts: ask for and

give opinions and express likes and dislikes, asking for clarification, and respond

interpersonal, there are four indicators, namely: 1) asking for and giving opinions;

2) express their likes and dislikes; 3) asking for clarification; 4) responds


For the first indicators, that responds to expressions of asking and giving

opinions, the analysis shows that the achievement of these indicators are

accommodated properly, as there are on duty and matter, on the material page 19,

there to explain how the expression expressions to ask for and give opinions to the

another, and duties related to the indicators of which is page 18 categories of

activity 1,2 and 3.

Then in the second indicators that responds to expressions express their

likes and dislikes, the analysis showed that the achievement of these indicators are

also accommodated, as there are on duty and present in the material (page 17), it


clarifies how the phrase to express likes and dislikes, in the task associated with

this indicator are on page 16 categories of activity 1 and 2.

Later on the third indicators, which is asking for clarification, indicators

are accommodated properly, there are on duty or in the material (page 34),

described expression expressions to asking and giving clarification, in tasks

related to these indicators are on page 35 categories of activity 1.

Furthermore, on the last indicator, that responds interpersonal, analysis

shows that these indicatorsare accommodated because it is associated with

indicators of previous indicators, tasks related to this indicator is also same with

the tasks have been mentioned in the indicator from one to three.

c) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that hasindicators respond meaning in short functional

text form of instructions, a list of groceries, greetings and announcements,

determine the communicative function of the text is heard and characterize

the language of each functional text that is heard.

In listening competency standards, understand the meaning of spoken

text is functional and a short monologue very simple form of descriptive and

procedure for interaction with the immediate environment has two basic

competence, basic competence 8.1 Responding to the meaning contained in the

text is very simple short functional oral accurately , acknowledges and to interact

with the immediate environment, has three indicators, namely 1) respond meaning

in short functional text form of instructions, a list of groceries, greetings and

announcements; 2) determine the communicative function of the text is heard; 3)

to determine the linguistic characteristics of each functional text that is heard.

In the first indicators are not accommodated, because these indicators

are not on duty and also the material in students' worksheets.

In connection with the second indicators, namely, determining the

communicative function of the text is heard, the analysis shows that the

achievement of these indicators are not accommodated, are not on duty and



Then the third indicators, which determines the linguistic characteristics

of each functional text that is heard, the analysis shows that the achievement of

these indicators are not accommodated, not available material and duties related to

the indicator.

d) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators responds to the information in the

form of descriptive text spoken monologue, procedure, determine the

linguistic characteristics of the text in the hearing, determining the

communicative functions in hearing.

On the basic competencies 8.2 Responding to the meaning contained in

the monologue is very simple accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the

immediate environment in the text form of descriptive and procedure there are

three indicators, namely: 1) respond to the information in the text spoken

monologue form of descriptive, procedure, 2) , determine the linguistic

characteristics of the text in the hearing, 3), determining the communicative

functions in hearing.

In the first indicators that responds to spoken text information in the

form of descriptive monologue, procedure, the analysis shows that the

achievement of these indicators are not accommodated. No summary of the

material and tasks in accordance with the indicator.

Later in the second and third indicators, the analysis shows that the

achievement of these indicators are not accommodated, not contained in the

material and tasks which refer to indicators such indicators.

Based on analysis of the contents of students' worksheets conformity

with the standard of competence listening curriculum of basic competence of 7.1

to 8.2, the result that all the indicators are not accommodated properly, there is

only in the task but it is not included with the material, and vice versa , even some

that are not included in the task and matter, If the results of the analysis is written

in the form of a diagram, it will obtain a diagram with percentages as follows:


2. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence speaking

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators asked and answered a variety of

information asking and giving services, asking for and giving items,

asking for and giving facts.

In speaking competency standards, express meaning in conversation of

transactional and interpersonal very simple to interact with the immediate

environment has two basic competence, basic competence 9.1 Expressing

meaning in conversation of transactional and interpersonal very simple to use a

variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the

immediate environment that involves speech acts: asking and giving services,

asking and giving items, and ask for and give the facts has three indicators,

namely: 1) ask and answer the information asking and giving services; 2) ask and

answer the information asking and giving items; 3) asked and answered a variety

of information asking and giving the facts.

In connection with thefirst indicators, that ask and answer a range of

information asking and giving services, the analysis showed that the achievement

of these indicatorsare accommodated properly in material and tasks, in hard copy

summary page 4 described expressions to offer, accept, and reject the services, In

student assignments also include tasks related to these indicators some of them on

pages 4 and 5 categories of activity 2 numbers 1 to 6.



Chart 2.5

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency writing


not acommodated


In connection with the second indicators, which asked and answered a

variety of information asking and giving items, the results of analysis indicating

that these indicators are accommodated properly in the summary of material and

assignments. In the material page 4 described examples of expressions to offer,

accept and reject the offer, one example is: do you want some sugar /, in tasks

related to these indicators of which are on page 12 competency test category

number 1.

Furthermore, the third indicators that ask and answer a range of

information askingand giving the facts, On this indicator can be accommodated in

both the material and the task, In the material page 7 is described phrases to ask

for and give facts, one example is: tell me more about it !, at such tasks are on

page 8 category activity 2, 3 and 4.

b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicatorsasked and answered a variety of

information asking and giving an opinion, express their likes and dislikes,

asking for clarification, responded interpersonal.

In the second basic competence 9.2 Expressing meaning in conversation

of transactional and interpersonal very simple by using a variety of oral language

accurately, fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment that

involves speech acts: ask for and give opinions and express likes and dislikes, ask

clarification, and respond interpersonal, there are four indicators, namely: 1) ask

and answer a variety of information asked for and giving opinions; 2) ask and

answer various information expressed likes and dislikes; 3) ask and answer the

information asking clarification; 4) respond interpersonal.

Relating to the first the indicators, which are to ask and answer a range

of information asking and giving opinions, analysis shows that the achievement of

these indicators are accommodated properly in material and tasks, material

relating to this indicator are on page 19, there is explained expressions ask and

give opinions to others, one example is “what is your opinion about…..”. Tasks

related to this indicator among the 19 categories activity page 2, page 26

categories of competency test number 8, 11 and 14.


Then in the second indicators are asked and answered various

information expressed likes and dislikes, the analysis showed that the achievement

of these indicatorsare accommodated in the summary of material and tasks, in a

summary of the material contained on page 17, there are described examples of

phrases to express likes and dislikes, for example, is: I like ,,,,, Tasks related to

this indicator such activity page 16 category 1.

In connection with thethird indicators, asked and answered a variety of

information asking for clarification, the analysis showed that the achievement of

these indicatorsare accommodated properly in the task, in the material contained

on page 34, there describes examples of examples of phrases to ask and give

clarification, but one example: are you sure?, tasks associated with these

indicators include on page 34 categories of activity 2.

Furthermore, on the last indicators, the analysis shows that the

achievement of these indicators are accommodated in the summary of material

and tasks, in a summary of the material and tasks related to these indicators

contained in the material and duties related to the indicator of 1 to 3 described


c) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet

students with a curriculum that hasindicatorsreveal meaning in short

functional text form: instruction, list items, greetings and announcements,

gave instructions, mentions a list of specific items, announcing something,


In speaking competency standards, reveals a functional meaning in oral

texts and short monologue very simple form of descriptive and procedure for

interaction with the immediate environment has two basic competence, basic

competence contained 10.1 Expressing meaning in short functional oral text is

very simple to use variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to

interact with the immediate environment, has 5 indicators, namely 1) reveal

meaning in short functional text in the form of instructions, a list of items,

greetings and announcements; 2) gives verbal instructions; 3) mentions a list of

specific goods, 4) to announce something, 5) congratulates.


In connection with the first indicators, which expresses meaning in short

functional text in the form of instructions, a list of items, greetings and

announcements, the analysis shows that the achievement of these indicators are

not accommodated, there are not on duty and material.

Then the second indicators to fifthindicator that give verbal instructions,

mentions a list of specific items, announcing something, congratulate, are not

accommodated by the task and matter.

d) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators reveal a plethora of information in

the form of descriptive monologue text, procedure, mention the

communicative function of the text at the hearing, mentioning linguistic

characteristics of the text in the look, doing a monologue in the form of

descriptive or procedure.

On the basis of competence 10.2 Expressing meaning in simple short

monologue by using a variety of oral language accurately, fluently and thankful to

interact with the immediate environment in the form of descriptive text and there

are 4 indicators procedure, namely: 1) disclose a variety of information in text

form monologue descriptive, procedure, 2) of the communicative function of the

text in the look, 3) mentions linguistic characteristics of the text in the hearing, 4)

perform a monologue in the form of descriptive or procedure.

In connection with the first indicators, namely, revealing a variety of

information in the text of the monologue form of descriptive, procedure are not

accommodated by the material and tasks.

Then in the second to fourth indicatorsare not accommodated by the

material and the task.

Based on analysis of the contents of students' worksheets conformity

with the standard of competence speaking curriculum of basic competence of 9.1

to 10.2, the result that not all indicators are accommodated properly. If the result

of the analysis is written in the form of pie charts, it will be obtained by the

following percentages:


3. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence reading.

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that hasindicators to identify a range of information in a

short functional text form of instructions, a list of items, greetings,

announcements, responding to a variety of information in a short

functional text, read text aloud functional / short descriptive / procedure.

In reading competency standards, understand the functional meaning of

the text and write short essays a very simple form of descriptive and procedure

relating to the immediate environment has 3 basic competence, basic competence

11.1 Responding to the meaning contained in the text is very simple short

functional board accurately, fluently and thank relating to the immediate

environment has three indicators, namely: 1) identify the various functional text

information in a short form of instructions, a list of items, greetings,

announcements; 2) respond to a variety of information in a short functional text;

3) reads the text aloud functional / short descriptive / procedure.

In connection with the first indicators that identifies a wide range of

information in a short functional text form of instructions, a list of items,

greetings, announcements, analysis shows that the achievement of these indicators

are not accommodated properly, not contained in the material, but only in a task,

the task associated with the indicator this is page 11 category of activity 1 and 2.



Chart 2.6

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency speaking


not accommodated


In connection with the second indicators, which responds to a variety of

information in a short functional text, analysis indicating that the achievement of

these indicators are not accommodated. No material and tasks related to these


Later on indicators of the third, which reads the text aloud functional /

short descriptive / procedure, the analysis shows that the achievement of these

indicators are not accommodated properly, there are on duty but not contained in

the material, tasks related to this indicator of which is on page 23 kategory activity

1, activity 3, page 33 category of activity 2.

b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators to identify various information in the

descriptive texts and procedures, identifying the communicative function

of descriptive text / procedure, identify steps rhetoric descriptive text /

procedure, mention the linguistic characteristics of descriptive text /


In the second basic competence 11.2 Responding to the meaning and

rhetoric steps accurately, fluently and thank in a very simple essay related to the

immediate environment in the form of descriptive text / procedure has four

indicators are: 1) identifying a variety of information in the descriptive text and

procedure; 2) identify the communicative function of descriptive text / procedure;

3) identify the steps rhetoric descriptive text / procedure; 4) mentions linguistic

characteristics descriptive text / procedure.

In connection with the first indicators , to identify a variety of

information in the text of descriptive and procedure, the analysis showed that the

achievement of these indicators are accommodated properly in the summary of

material and assignments, At the material contained on page 23, there are

descriptive text and explanation of descriptive text, on-duty of which there are 24

category activity on page 3, page 26 category competency test numbers 1 through

3, page 27 category competency test number 12, page 40 category of activity 1,

page 42 category of competency test numbers 8 and 9.


In connection with the second indicators, which identifies the

communicative function of descriptive text / procedure, the analysis shows that

the achievement of these indicator are not accommodated in material and


In connection with third indicators, identifying steps rhetoric text

descriptive / procedure, the results of this analysis indicate that the achievement of

these indicator are not accommodated properly, not there may be in the task, but

there is in the material, the material relating to this indicator is page 23 and page


Later in the fourth indicators, which mentions linguistic characteristics

of descriptive text / procedure, the analysis shows that the achievement of these

indicatorsare not accommodated properly because there is only in the material but

not present in the task, in tasks related to this indicator is page 41.

c) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that hasindicators pronounce words, phrases and

sentences properly by reading words phrases and sentences with correct

intonation, reads the text aloud descriptive / procedure properly.

In the third basic competence 11.3 Read aloud meaningful functional

text and vignettes and very simple form of descriptive / procedure by saying,

stress and intonation that acknowledges has two indicators, namely: 1) read word

phrases and sentences with correct intonation; 2) read the text aloud descriptive /

procedure properly.

In connection with the first indicators, which read word phrases and

sentences with correct intonation, analysis shows that these indicatorsare not

accommodated in the task as well as a summary of the material.

Then the second indicators, which reads the text aloud descriptive /

procedure properly, the analysis shows that these indicatorsare not accommodated

properly, not contained in the materials, but only in tasks, tasks relating to

indicators which this is page 24 activity category 3 and page 42 categories of

activity 2.


Based on analysis of the contents of students' worksheets conformity

with the curriculum in reading competency standards of basic competence 11.1 to

11.3, the result that not all indicators are accommodated properly, very few

indicators are accommodated, If the results of the analysis is written in the form of

pie charts , will be obtained by the following percentages:

4. Analysis of the level of the content appropriateness of student

worksheets with curriculum on standard of competence “writing”.

a) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet students

with a curriculum that has indicators write short functional text form

instructions, a list of items, announcements, congratulations, writing

simple sentences.

In writing competency standards, revealing the functional meaning of

the text and write short essays a very simple form of descriptive and procedure for

interaction with the immediate environment has two basic competence, basic

competence 12.1 Expressing meaning in short functional text write very simple by

using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and thankful to interact

with the immediate environment has two indicators, namely: 1) write short

functional text in the form of instructions, a list of items, announcements,

congratulations; 2) write a simple sentence.

In connection with the the first indicators, namely write short functional

text in the form of instructions, a list of items, announcements, congratulations,



Chart 2.7

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency reading


not accommodated


analysis shows that the achievement of these indicatorsare not accommodated

properly, not contained in the materials, but only in tasks, tasks associated with

this indicator is page 11 category of activity 3 and 4.

Then in the second indicators, the write simple sentences, the analysis

shows that the achievement of these indicatorsare accommodated properly in

material and tasks, in the material contained on page 9, there is described how to

create simple sentences using simple present test, in tasks relating to indicators

These include 10 categories of activity pages 2 and 3.

b) Analysis of the level of appropriateness of the contents worksheet

students with a curriculum that has indicators complement the descriptive

text and procedure, compose the text, write the text form of descriptive

and procedure.

In the second basic competence 12.2 Expressing meaning and rhetorical

stages of a very simple vignettes using a variety of written language accurately,

fluently and thankful to interact with the immediate environment in the form of

descriptive text / procedure there are three indicators, namely: 1) complete text

descriptive / procedure; 2) constructing the text; 3) write the form of descriptive

text / procedure.

In connection with the first indicators, which is complementary to the

text descriptive / procedure, the analysis shows that the achievement of these

indicators are not accommodated properly, because only in the task but is not

contained in the materials, tasks relating to indicators which this is page 24

category activity 2, page 43 categories of competency test part II.

Later on the second indicators, which compose the text, the analysis

shows that the achievement of these indicatorsare not accommodated properly,

because only in the task but not contained in the materials, tasks associated with

this indicator is page 36 categories of activity 2, page 41 categories of activity 3.

Later in the third indicators, namely the form of descriptive text /

procedure, the analysis shows that the achievement of these indicatorsare not

accommodated properly because there are on duty, At the material contained on

pages 23 and 40.


Based on analysis of the contents of students' worksheets conformity

with the curriculum in writing competency standards of basic competence 12.1 to

12.2, the result that not all indicators are accommodated properly, very few

indicators are accommodated, the indicators contained in the syllabus there are

accommodated in duties, some are only found in matter alone, and there is also

contained in the material and tasks, If the results of the analysis is written in the

form of pie charts, it will be obtained by the following percentages:



Chart 2.8

The content appropriateness with curriculum on

standard of competency writing


not accommodated