Download - Anorganik, suatu kuliah singkat reaksi kimia


By :Dina Kartika Maharani, M.Sc



Ionic bonding Inorganic Reaction Principles Acid Base Chemistry


2 Memahami perbedaan jenis-jenis ikatan kimia dan memahami pembentukan senyawa kovalen, koordinasi, ionik.

Ikatan Kimia: Pendahuluan, Ikatan kovalen: Teori ikatan valensi,teori tolakan elektron kulit valensi, Teori orbital molekul, momen dipol.Ikatan koordinasi: Teori ikatan valensi, teori orbital molekul. Ikatan ion: Sifat-sifat senyawa ionik, pembentukan senyawa ionik, radius rasio, energi kisi, kelarutan senyawa ionik, aturan Fajan, penyimpangan struktur ionik sederhana.

4 x 3 x 50 ‘ tatap muka

2 Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar reaksi kimia, teori asam basa, kekuatan asam, proses pelarutan, reaksi dalam pelarut air dan non air.

Reaksi-reaksi kimia: Prinsip dasar reaksi kimia, teori– teori asam basa, kekuatan asam, proses pelarutan, reaksi dalam pelarut air dan non air.

3 x 3 x 50’ tatap muka

Ionic Bonds One or more

electrons from 1 atom are removed and attached to another atom, resulting in +ve (cation) and –ve (anion) ions which attract each other

The positive sodium ion and the negative chloride ion are strongly attracted to each other.

Ionic Bonds

Covalent IonicCompounds Compounds

Crystalline solids

High melting and boiling points

Conduct electricity when melted

Many soluble in water but not in nonpolar liquid

Gases, liquids, or solids

Low melting and boiling points

Poor electrical conductors

Many soluble in nonpolar liquids but not in water

Struktur kristal fcc : NaCl

Struktur kristal bcc : CsCl

Ionic Crystal Formation

M+ (g) + X- (g) → MX (s)

Electrostatic Approach

Interaksi ion-ion menurut gaya coulomb :

Electrostatic Approach

Energi total = E tolakan + E tarik menarik

Coulomb Interaction in Ionic Lattice Setiap ion M+ dikelilingi oleh

Energi coulomb :

Tetapan Madelung A

NaCl :A= 6 – 12 + 8 √2 √3

Tetapan Madelung

Born Forces

Energi kisi total melibatkan gaya tarik menarik dan gaya tolak elektrostatik antar ion

Persamaan Born Lande

A = tetapan Madelung n = Born constant

Kapustinskii Equation Untuk kristal yang belum

diketahui strukturnya :

Born-Harber Cycle


Dissolution of sodium chloride in water.

Polar water molecules are attracted to Na+ and Cl- ions in the salt or crystal, weakening the attraction between the ions.

As the attraction between the ions weakens, the ions move apart and become surrounded by water dipoles.

The hydrated ions slowly diffuse away from the crystal to become dissolved in solution.

Solubility of Ionic Compound Ion size and charge : Hydration

energy Electronic configuration Crystal structure of solid HSAB Covalent character in ionic bond

: Polarization : Fajans rules

Fajans rules : Polarization High charge and small cation

polarizing power kation besar mempolarisasi anion dengan kuat

High charge and large anionanion mudah terpolarisasi

Electronic configuration of cationkation dgn konf : (n-1)dx ns0 gol transisi lebih mudah mempolarisasi daripada kation dgn konf (n-1)s2 (n-1)p6 ns0 (gol alkali dan alkali tanah)

Pengaruh polarisasi Peningkatan kelarutan dalam

pelarut polar seperti air AgF : sangat larut dalam air AgCl : larut dalam air dengan

bantuan ammonia AgBr : sedikit larut AgI : tidak larut

Penyimpangan Struktur Kristal

Crystal defect atau cacat kristal

Schotky Defect


Transition Metal Gems

Gemstone owe their color from trace transition-metal ions

Corundum mineral, Al2O3: Colorless

Cr Al : Ruby Mn Al: Amethyst Fe Al: Topaz Ti &Co Al: Sapphire Beryl mineral, Be3 Al 2Si6O18:

Colorless Cr Al : Emerald Fe Al : Aquamarine

Gemstones the colors of rubies and

emeralds are both due to the presence of Cr3+ ions – the difference lies in the crystal hosting the ion

Some Al3+ ions in Al2O3 are replaced by Cr3+

Some Al3+ ions in Be3Al2(SiO3)6 are replaced by Cr3+