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Submitted as partial fulfillment of requirements to obtain Strata One (S1)

Degree in English Education Section

Oleh :


NIM : 2316.096


Leli lismay, M.Pd





Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama/NIM : Nofia Gadisma Chandra/ 2316096

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Tualang Cut, 28 Maret 1998

Fakultas/Jurusan : FTIK / PBI

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis of Students‟ Grammatical

Errors in Writing Invitation Card at 8th

grade of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa karya ilmiah (skripsi)

saya dengan judul diatas adalah benar asli karya penulis. Apabila

dikemukakan hari ini terbukti bahwa skripsi ini bukan karya sendiri, maka

penulis bersedia diproses sesuai hukum yang berlaku dan gelar

kesarjanaan penulis dicopot sampai batas waktu yang tidak ditentukan.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya untuk

dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Bukittinggi, Januari 2020

Saya yang menyatakan

Nofia Gadisma Chandra



Thesis entitled of “An Analysis of Students’ Grammatical

Errors in Writing Invitation Card at 8th

grade of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi

Academic Years 2020/2021” written by Nofia Gadisma Chandra NIM

2316096 has fullfilled the requirements to be tested and has been

considered and approved to be presented and retained in Thesis


Bukittinggi, Januari 2021


Leli Lismay, M.Pd

NIP: 198307272015032002


Nofia gadisma chandra (2316096) “ Analisa Kesalahan Tata Bahasa Pada

Penulisan Kartu Undangan Kelas VIII MTsN 1 Bukittinggi”, Skripsi, Institut

Agama Islam Negeri Bukittinggi.

Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh permasalahan siswa kelas VIII MTsN

1 Bukittinggi. Pertama, beberapa siswa memiliki keterbatasan dalam pengetahuan

aturan tata bahasa, yang menyebabkan siswa menghilangkan sesuatu ketika

mereka menulis. Kedua, beberapa siswa masih merasa bingung ketika

menggunakan kata penghumbung (to be), artikel (a, an, the). Ketiga, beberapa

siswa kurang memahami penggunaan kosakata yang tepat, jadi mereka salah

dalam memilih kosa kata. Pertanyaan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah apa saja

jenis kesalahan tata bahasa yang di lakukan siswa dalam penulisan kartu

undangan dan apa saja penyebab kesalahan tata bahasa yang di lakukan siswa

pada penulisan kartu undangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk

mengetahui apa saja jenis dari kesalahan tata bahasa yang di lakukan siswa dan

apa penyebab terjadinya kesalahan tata bahasa yang dilakukan siswa ketika

menulis kartu undangan.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan kelas

VIII sebagai populasi penelitian. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 36 siswa yang di

pilih melalui teknik purpossive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes

dan kuesioner. Pada tes menulis, siswa di minta untuk menulis kartu undangan

dengan dua topik. Selain itu ada 10 pertanyaan dengan 2 pilihan jawaban.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini mewakili apa saja penyebab kesalahan tata bahasa yang

dilakukan siswa.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan Kesalahan yang paling sering terjadi pada

kesalahan tata bahasa siswa adalah kelalaian dengan persentase 62,89%,

kesalahan tertinggi kedua adalah kesalahan informasi dengan persentase 26,41%,

berikutnya kesalahan tertinggi adalah misordering dengan persentase 10,06% ,

dan kesalahan terendah adalah tambahan dengan persentase 0,63%. Banyaknya

persentase di atas menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan tata bahasa masih terjadi pada

kartu undangan menulis siswa. Penyebab kesalahan tata bahasa dibedakan

menjadi kesalahan interlingual dan kesalahan intralingual. kesalahan pertama

berdasarkan kesalahan interlingual disebabkan oleh kesulitan bahasa target.

55,55% siswa membuat kesalahan karena mereka tidak mempertimbangkan tata

bahasa ketika mereka menulis. Kedua kesalahan tersebut adalah intralingual,

58,33% siswa melakukan kesalahan karena masih ragu-ragu menggunakan kata

“to be” saat menulis. Kemudian 61,11% siswa melakukan kesalahan karena sering

lupa menambahkan “s / es” pada kata kerja pada kalimat simple present saat

menulis kartu undangan. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa sebagian besar siswa

melakukan kesalahan tata bahasa yang disebabkan karena mereka tidak

mengetahui aturan tata bahasa itu sendiri.

Kata kunci: kesalahan tata bahasa, menulis, kartu undangan.


Nofia Gadisma Chandra (2316096) “ An Analysis of Students’ Grammatical

Error In Writing Invitation Card at Second Grade of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi, A

Thesis, State Islamic Institute Of Bukittinggi.

This research background was motivated by the problems of class VIII

students of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi. First, some students have limited knowledge of

grammar rules, which causes students to omit something when they write. Second,

some students still feel confused when using the conjunctive word (to be), article

(a, an, the). Third, some students do not understand the use of proper vocabulary,

so they are wrong in choosing vocabulary. Researcher's questions in this study

were what types of grammar errors did students make in writing invitation cards

and what were the causes of grammatical errors made by students in writing

invitation cards. The purpose of this study was to find out what types of grammar

errors were made by students and what were the causes of grammatical errors

made by students when writing invitation cards.

This research used quantitative research methods with class VIII as the

research population. The research sample was 36 students who were selected

through purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out through

tests and questionnaires. In the writing test, students are asked to write an

invitation card with two topics. In addition there are 10 questions with 2 answer

options. These questions represent what causes the grammar error students make.

The results showed that the most frequent errors in student grammar errors

were negligence with a percentage of 62.89%, the second highest error was

misinformation with a percentage of 26.41%, then the highest error was

misordering with a percentage of 10.06%, and the lowest error. is addition with a

percentage of 0.63%. The number of percentages above shows that grammatical

errors still occur on students' writing invitation cards. The cause of grammatical

error are devided into interlingual error and intralingual error. first error based on

interlingual error or developmental error was caused by difficulty of the target

language. 55.55% of students made error because they did not consider grammar

when they wrote. The two errors were intralingual, 58.33% of students made error

because they were still hesitant in using “to be” when they wrote. Then, 61.11%

of students made error because they often forgot to add “s / es” to the verb in the

simple present sentence when writing the invitation card. It showed that most of

students did grammatical error were caused they didn‟t know the rules of

grammar itself.

Key words: grammatical error, writing, invitation card.


Alhamdulillah rabbil ‘alamin, praised be to Allah SWT, the

Almighty and the Most Merciful, who always gives knowledge, strength

and healthy to the writer in completing this thesis entitled “An Analysis of

Students’ Grammatical Error In Writing Invitation Card At Second Grade

of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi”. The writer also expresses her peace and salutation

to our lovely Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The writer wrote this thesis as the requirement to obtain Strata 1

Degree in English Education Department in IAIN Bulittinggi. This great

task was impossible to be completed without helps and supports from

many persons. As a result, the writer wants to highly express her sincere

gratitude and appreciation to the following persons for their valuable


1. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M.Hum as Rector of IAIN Bukittinggi.

2. Dr. Zulfani Sesmiarni, M.Pd as Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teaching Training.

3. Loli Safitri, M.Pd as Head of English Education Department.

4. Leli Lismay, M. Pd as advisor who has patiently given her ideas,

suggestions, inspirations, guidance, great willingness, and time to the

writer during completing this thesis.

5. Mery Prima Dewi, M. Pd as Academic Advisor who sincerely

supported the writer.

6. The Librarians of IAIN Bukittinggi who have sincerely helped and

allowed the writer in collecting the references.

7. All of the lectures and employees in IAIN Bukittinggi who have

contributed their ideas, knowledge, and helps.

8. Syafni Refeliani, S.Pd as pamong when teaching practice in MTsN 1

Bukittinggi who has helped her to give the data about the students and

allow her to do the research in his classes.

9. The writer also shows thanks to beloved family especially for my Dad

and Mom ( Syahrial Chan and Nurhayati), all of my brothers, sisters

and family who never stop giving prays, supports, motivation, even

their smile to the writer whenever and wherever they are.

10. The writer also shows thank to beloved friend Annisa Rahma Nada,

Nur Anisa, Wahdini Hendri, Tri Agustin, and Copcopbob(mita, mutia,

mona, merlin, afifah, cici,femil,dezy). Thanks for them support,

motivate, and give suggestion to finish this study.

11. All of friends at English Education Department especially PBI C 2016

who have shared and helped the writer to finish my study.

The writer hopes that the readers would like to give their criticts

and suggestions for any mistakes or errors found in this thesis. Besides, it

is hoped that this written would give contribution and benefits for those

who read it, especially for those who will conduct the similar research.

Bukittinggi, February 1, 2020

The Writer


ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................

LIS OF APPENDICES .........................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1

A. Background Of The Problem .................................................. 1

B. Identification Of The Problem ................................................ 4

C. Limitation Of The Problem ..................................................... 5

D. Formulation Of The Problem ................................................. 5

E. Purpose Of The Research ......................................................... 5

F. Significance Of The Problem .................................................... 5

G. Definition Of The Key Term .................................................... 5


A. REVIEW OF RELATED THEORY ...................................... 7

1. The Nature Of Error Analysis .......................................... 7

2. The Nature Of Grammar .................................................. 28

3. The Nature Of Writing ..................................................... 29

4. The Nature Of Invitation Card ......................................... 35

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................ 38

A. Design Of The Research .......................................................... 38

B. Population And Sample ........................................................... 39

C. Instrument ................................................................................ 40

D. Technique For Collecting Data ............................................... 41

E. Technique For Analysing Data ............................................... 41

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION..............................46

A. Findings ...................................................................................... 46

B. Discussion ................................................................................... 68

CHAPTER V ......................................................................................... 74

a. Conclusion .................................................................................. 73

b. Suggestion .................................................................................. 74




Table 3.1 Total of sample...................................................................... 40

Table 4.1 the result of types of error in students writing .................. 47

Table 4.2 The result of causes students’ grammatical error in writing

invitation card ...................................................................................... 50

Table 4.3 The result of causes students’ grammatical error in writing

invitation card ....................................................................................... 51

Table 4.4 error omission ....................................................................... 54

Table 4.5 error addition ........................................................................ 58

Table 4.6 misinformation ..................................................................... 59

Table 4.7 misordering ........................................................................... 61

Table 4.8 categories of errors in students’ writing invitation card .. 62

Table 4.9 interlingual error .................................................................. 63

Table 4.10 intalingual error ................................................................. 65


Figure 1 types of error based on the highest and

lowest occurance ................................................................................... 62

Figure 2 interlingual error .................................................................. 64

Figure 3 intalingual error .................................................................... 66


Appendix I research guideline ............................................................. 77

Appendix II Writing test ...................................................................... 79

Appendix III research guideline .......................................................... 80

Appendix IV Questionnaire ................................................................. 83

Appendix V the data of ........................................................................ 84

Appendix VI surat penenunjukan pembimbing ................................ 85

AppendixVII SK pembimbing ............................................................. 86

Appendix VIII surat izin penelitian .................................................... 87

Appendix IX surat izin penelitian kesbangpol bukittinggi ............... 88

Appendix X surat telah melakukan penelitian ................................... 89

Appendix XI validation sheets ............................................................. 90




A. Background of the research

In indonesia English is taugh as a foreign language. In indonesia

english is not daily languages, but becomes a compulsory subject that must

be officially taught at schooll. It is taught from elementary school to

university. The purpose of learning english in indonesia based on the 2013

curriculum is for students get ideas from others countries along with

globalization and politenss in using languange. Therefore they must learn

and master that subject.

There are basic skills in english that must be learned, namely

reading, writing , listening, and speaking. Reading and listening are

receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skill in

language learning. In writing, there is message that is delivered by the


Writing is one of important skills required bye the students when

learning english. According to Zamel, wri ting is process through which

they can explore as well.1thus, it is process that writer explores the

message and his mind and gives information to the readers through his


. When the students are not able to deliverd their idea or give

information directly in spoken, they can write in writing form. As walsh

1 Zamel, Vivian. 1982. Writing : The Process Of Discovery Meaning. Vol 16. No 2. P.207


says writing is important because it‟s used extensively in higher

education and the workplace. If students don‟t know how to exprees

themselves in writing, they can‟t communicate well with professor,

employers, peers, and anyone else.2 So that, writing is the important skills

to be mastered by the students.

In writing, there are several things that students should know, such

as a proper organization, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation. Grammar

is one of the important aspect that student should be considered. So that, if

students want to write something, students should know about the

grammar, students should pay attention to grammar. According to

Thornburry, grammar is a description of the rules that govern how

language construction are form.3 Furthermore, Greenbaun & Nelson said

that grammar refers to the st of rules that allow us to combine words in our

language into larger units.4 In conclusion, students should pay attention to

grammar to make a good writing.

Grammar is important in writing, because if students want to write

something, they should use grammar correctly. It will make their writing

meaningful and understood by the reader. According to Greenbaum &

Nelson, grammar is a help in the interpretation of literary as well as

nonliterary texts, since the interpretation of passage sometimes depends

2 Walsh, K. (2010). The Importance Of Writing Skills: Online Tools To Encourage Success.

Retrieved December 27, 2012, From 3 Thornburry, Scott 1999. How To Teach Grammar, 4th Ed. London : Longman. P.1

4 Greenbaum, S. & Nelson, G. 2002. An Introduction To English Grammar, 2nd London.


crucially on grammatical analysis.5 Thus, a grammar is important in

writing, because when the grammar is correct the writing will be

meaningful and easily to understood by the reader.

Many of students commonly make grammar mistake in their

learning, especially in writing. Sometimes the teacher didn‟t aware about

the students mistakes. Then the students make a mistakes repeatly, because

the students don‟t have a correction and it was we called error. Erroe cause

by lack of knowledge about the target language or by incorrect hypothesis

about it, while mistake cause by temporary lapses of memory, confusion,

slips of the tongue and so on. If the learner can correct themselves that is

probably a mistake, but if they can‟t that is an error.

According to 2013 curriculum, writing is one of skills which have

to be mastered by all of the students. Related to syllabus for eight grade

for junior high school, there are some materials that will be learned by

them, one of them is short functional texts. The student of junior high

school are hoped to be able to create an invitation card and greeting card in

written form shortly and simply. Because invitation card is one of the short

functional texts. Invitation card is one of the short functional text. Writing

invitation card is a card which written to invite someone to come to

specific event. There are some types of invitation cards that students have

to know. They are birth day, wedding, anniversary, graduation, baby born

and meeting OSIS.

5 Greenbaum, S.& Nelson, G. 2002. An Introduction To English Grammar, 2nd London. P.1


Based on the prelimenary research that reseacher did on september

2019 at MTsN 1 Bukittinggi, the researcher found some problems by

doing interview with the teacher, the teacher said that some students have

limited knowledge of the grammatical rules, so that it makes students

omit something when they write, some students still confused when using,

to be and article (a, an, the),and some students do not understand the use of

proper vocabulary, so they are wrong in choosing vocabulary, they didn‟t

know the function of the word it self.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher know that students

still get difficulties in writing invitation card, more than a half of students

were confused about grammar when they write invitation card. The study

will be done at the second grade of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi. So that, the

researcher would like to conduct a research which is entitle “ analyzing

grammatical error in wring invitation card at second grand of MTsN


B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the research above, there were some

problems occured. It defined as follows.

1. some students have limited knowledge of the grammatical rules, so that

it causes students omit something when they write.

2. some students still confused when using to be, article ( a, an, and the)

3. some students do not understand the use of proper vocabulary, so they

are wrong in choosing vocabulary


C. Limitation of the problem

In a research, it is important to make the scope of problem to get

the spesific data. In this research, the researcher limits the research to

analyze the grammatical error in writing invitation card at second grade of

MTsN 1 Bukittinggi.

D. Formulation of the problem

The problems of this research can be formulated into :

1. What types of grammatical errors were made by students in writing

invitation card?

2. What were the causes of students‟ grammatical error in writing

invitation card?

E. Purposes of the research

The purpose of this research are :

1. To find out the types of grammatical errors in students grammatical

error in writing invitation card

2. To know the causes of students‟ grammatical error in writing invitation


F. Significant of the research

The researcher hopes that this research can give benefits fot the

teacher, for the students and for the next researcher. For the students, it

will be useful information, they will know come errors made by the

students in writing invitation card, and they will learn more about it. For

the teacher, by knowing some error that are faced by the students in


writing invitation card, they will find out a better strategy to teach it in

order that students can solve their errors. For the next researcher, the

researcher expects that the result of this research can be useful for the next

researcher to conduct the related research.

G. Definition of key terms

1. Grammartical error: grammatical error related to te error in linguistic

form, such as morphology, syntax (word), semantic (meaning), and


2. Writing: is a means of communication between the writer and the


3. Invitation card: Invitation card is a request in written form that aims to

invite someone to come to a specific event





A. Review of related theory

1. The Nature of Eror Analysis

a. The definition of error analysis

It is natural if students make some error in language learning

process. That is impossible if the students never make some error

during learning process. Some of students make an error in produce

english, because most of them have not mastered the rules of language

being learned. The students get through some errors first, then they can

learn from their own errors.

Brown state that learning is fundamentally a process that involves

the making mistake. Mistake, misjudments, misculculation, and

erroneous assumtions f rom an important aspect of learning virtually

and skill or acquiring information.6 Futhermore, Harmer state that

errors are part of the students interlanguage that isthe version of the

language which a learner has at any one stage of development and

which is contunually re-shape as he or she aims towards full mastery. 7

it means that errors are the process of students to develop their mastery

in leraning language especially in writing.

6 H. Douglas Brown, Principles Of Language Learning And Teaching ( New York: Pearson

Education, Ine.,2007) 7 Jeramy Harmer.Op. Cit., Pp.138


Error analysis claims that students error to large degree are caused

by the influence of their first language, instead their errors reflect some

common learning strategies.8 So that, it has a great contribution for

foreign language teaching, teacher should be sensitive to their students

error and summarize wwhat kind of error that students are most likely

to make, and then modify their teaching materials in order to adapt the

students need.

According to Brown, error analysis is the fact learners do make

errors can be obseved, analyzed and clasified to reveal something of

the system operating within the learner, led to asurge of study of

learner.9 Error analysis is consist of a set of procedures for identifying,

describing, and explaining learner errors.10

Besides, james explained

that error analysis is the process of detrmining the incidence,nature,

causes and consequences of unsuccessful language.11

In addition,

according to David, error analysis is technique for identify, classify,

and interpret systematically of unacceptable form produced by learner

in learning second language.12

8 H. Douglas Brown, Principles Of Language Learning And Teaching, ( Usa: Pearson

Longman.2007) 9 H. Douglas Brown. Op. Cit ., Pp. 171

10 Rod Ellis, The Study Of Second Language Acquisition 2nd Edition, (New York: Oxford

University Press, 2008) 11

Carl James, Error In Language Learning And Use : Exploring Error Analysis, London:

Longman, 1998) 12

Crystal, David. 2008. A Dictionary of Linguistic and Phonetics. Sixth Edition : Blackwell Publishing Ltd. p. 173


In conclusion, error analysis is findout the students error to

analyzing it to be more detail. By the error analysis, it can help teacher

to measure students ability and improve students ability.

Error and mistake are not same, most of the people

misunderstanding in getting definition both of them. Error cause by

lack of knowledge about the target language or by incorrect

hyphothesis about it, and mistake cause by temporary lapses of

memory, confusion, slips of the tongue and so on. Another way to

differentiate between error and mistake is if the students can correct

themselves, that is probably mistake, but if they can‟t, that is an error.

In conclusion, when the students make a mistakes they cancorrect it by

themselves. Whereas, if the students make an error, they can‟t correct

it by themselves.13

b. The categories of error

There are two categories of error made by students who learn

english as foreign language. According Politzer and Ramirez, the

categories are ; 14


Brown, H.D. 2007. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Fifth Edition. San Francisco State University : Pearson Education Inc. p.257 14R. Politzer and A. Ramirez.1973, “An Error Analysis of The Spoken English of Mexican American Pupils in Bilingual School and a Monolingual School.” Language Learning. A Journal of Applied Linguistic 23, 1. Reprinted by permission.


Linguistic category and Error type Example of Learner Error

A. Morphology

1. Indefinite article incorrect

a. a used for an before vowels

b. an used for a

2. Possessive case incorrect

a. omission of „s

3. Third person singular verb incorrect

a. Failure to attach –s

b. Wrong attachment of –s

4. Simple past tense incorrect

a. Regular past tense

1) omission of –ed

2) adding –ed to past already


b. Irregular past tense

1) Regularization by adding –


2) Substitution of simple non-


3) Substitution of past


5. Past participle incorrect

a. Omission of –ed

6. Comparative adjective/ adverb


a. Use of more + er

a ant ( an ant)

an little ant ( a little ant)

“ a used for consonant, an

used before vowels”

the man feet ( the man‟s feet)

the bird help man ( the bird

helps man)

the apple fall downs ( the

apple falls down)

The bird save him ( the bird

saved him)

He calleded (he called)

He putted the cookie there

( he put the cookie there)

He fall in the water ( he fell

in the water)

I been near to him ( I was

near to him)

He was call ( he was called )

He got up more higher ( he

got up higher)

B. Syntax

1. Noun Phrase


a. Determiners

1) Omission of the article

2) Substitution of definite

article for possessive


3) Use of possessive with the


4) Use of wrong possessive

b. Nominalization

1) Simple verb used instead of


2) Proposition by omitted

c. Number

1) Substitution of singulars for


2) Substitution of plurals for


d. Use of pronouns

1) Omission of the subject


2) Omission of the “dummy”

pronoun it

3) Omission of object pronouns

2. Verb Phrase

a. Omission of verb

1) Omission of main verb

2) Omission of to be

b. Use of progressive tense

1) Omission of be

2) Replacement of –ing by the

simple verb form

3) Substitution of the

progressive for the simple


c. Agreement of subject and verb

1) Disagreement of subject and

He no go in hole ( he does not

go in hole)

He fall down on the head ( he

fall down on his head)

He put it in the his room ( he

puts it in his room)

The little boy hurt its leg ( the

little boy hurts his leg)

By to cook it (by cooking it)

The dove helped him putting

leaf on the water

He got some leaf

He stab him in the feet

(he) pinch the man

Is nice to help people

I don‟t know (it) in English

He (fell?) in the water ( He

fell in the water)

He in the water ( he is in the


He going ( he is going)

The bird was shake his head (

the bird was shaking his


Then the man shooting

(shot?) with a gun ( then the

man was shooting with a gun)


verb person

2) Disagreement of number

3) Disagreement of subject and


3. Verb-and-Verb Construction

a. Embedding of a noun-and-verb

construction in another noun-

and-verb construction

b. Omission of to in identical

subject construction

c. Omission of to in the verb-and-

verb construction

d. Attachment of the past marker to

the dependent verb

4. Word order

a. Repetition of the object

b. Adjectival modifiers placed after


5. Some transformations

a. Negative transformation

1) Formation of no or not

without the auxiliary do

2) Multiple negation

b. Question transformation

1) Omission of auxiliary

c. There transformation

1) Use of is instead of are

2) Omission of there

3) Use of it was instead of there


d. Subordinate clause


1) Use of for for so that

2) Use of indicative for

You be friends ( you will be


The apples was coming down

( the apples were coming


I didn‟t know what it is

I go to play ( I go and I play)

I go play ( I go to play)

I see a bird got the leaf ( I see

a bird to got leaf)

He was going to fell ( he was

going to falling)

The bird (object) he was

gonna shoot it ( the bird was

gonna shoot it)

He put it inside his house a

little round ( he put it inside a

litte round his house)

He not play anymore ( he

does not play anymore)

They won‟t have no fun

( they won‟t have fun)

How the story helps? ( how

does the story helps)

There is these hole ( there are

these hole)

Is one bird ( is one of bird)

It was round things ( there

was round things)



Source : R. Politzer and A. Ramirez.1973, “An Error Analysis of The Spoken English

of Mexican American Pupils in Bilingual School and a Monolingual School.”

Language Learning. A Journal of Applied Linguistic 23, 1. Reprinted by permission. 15

According to Dulay, Burt, and Krasen, errors divided into four

types : Error of omission, error of addition, error of misinformation,

error of misordering.16

a. Error of Omission

Errors of omission are errors happen when learners omit

something that should appear in utterance. For example: I want

make a cake. It should be I want to make a cake.

b. Error of Addition

Errors of addition are errors happen when appearance of an

item that should not appear in a well utterance. For example : we to

meet people different. It should be we meet people different. There

three subtype of addition‟s error :


R. Politzer and A. Ramirez.1973, “An Error Analysis of The Spoken English of Mexican American Pupils in Bilingual School and a Monolingual School.” Language Learning. A Journal of Applied Linguistic 23, 1. Reprinted by permission.

16 Dulay, Heidi, Burt, Marina, Krashen, Stephen. 1982. Language Two. New York : Oxford

University Press, Inc. p. 154-163.


1) Double Marking

Double marking is the failure to delete certain items which

are required in some linguistic construction. Such as “ She

doesn’t knows me”, it should be “ She doesn‟t know me”.

2) Regularization

Regularization is where learner make error in apply the

class of linguistic items, such the class of main verbs or the class

of noun. In this case a regular marker is used in place of an

irregular one. For example “ I falled” where it should be “ I


3) Simple Addition

Simple addition is an addition error is not a double marking

or a regularization.

c. Error of Misformation

Errors of misinformation are errors occur when learners use of the

wrong from of the sentence. For example : that‟s all I can told you

for now. It should be that‟s all I tell you for now. Dulay, Burt, and

Krasen divide misinformation into two types :

1) Archi- forms

Archi- form is the selection of one member of a class of

forms to represent others in the class. For example, in the set of

this/that/these/those the learner may use only one. Such as that

dogs, it should be those dogs.


2) Alternating forms

Alternating forms is free alternation of various members of

class with each other. For example, “I no play” it should be “ I

don‟t play”

d. Error of Misordering

Errors of misordering are errors that occur when learners make

utterance in wrong order in the sentence. For example : we meet

people different. It should be we meet different people.

There are differences between both of theory, the first theory is

type of error by Politzer and Ramirez, it is the type taxonomy for

morphology and syntax summarized is fairly traditional descriptive

taxonomy. While the second theory by Dulay, Burt and Krashen, it is

a type of errors not by specific linguistic type, but by the structural


c. The causes of error

The learners may make errors because they think that the

target language and their native language are similar. While in fact

they are different. According Hanna, classifies the causes of error

in second language learning into two kind as follows : 17

a. Interlingual error

Beginning stages of language learning is typically

characterized by interlingual transfer. The interlingual transfer


Hanna 1986 Second Language Learning Errors Their Types, Causes, and Treatment. JALT Journal, Volume 8, No 1.


means the process of transferring the elements of the first

language or mother tongue into the second language. The

native language of learners plays a significant role in learning a

second language. In this case, students tend to make error in

the process of interlingual. Errors due to the influence of the

native language are called interlingual error. Interlingual error

is caused by interference of the learners‟ mother tongue.

b. Intralingual error

Intralingual errors occur due to the difficulty of the second

or the target language. Intralingual errors are divided into :

1) Simplication

The learners tend to choose simple forms for their

sentence. For example, the students involve the use of

simple past tense instead of the present perfect tense.

2) Overgeneralization

The use of one form construction in one context and

extending its application to other contexts where it should

not apply is definition of overgeneralization. An example of

overgeneralization is : she will cooks. This sentence should

be she will cook. There is an over form of structure verb

cook becomes cooks.

3) Hypercorrection


It means sometimes when the zealous efforts of

teachers in correcting their students‟ error provoke the

students to make errors in otherwise correct form.

4) Faulty Teaching

It happens if learners‟ error is caused by teacher,

teaching material, or the order presentation. This factor is

closely related to hypercorrection above. It is interesting to

note that some teachers are even influenced by their pupils‟

errors in the course of long teaching.

5) Inadequate learning

It is caused by ignorance of rules restrictions or under-

differentiation and incomplete learning, such as is omission

of the third person singular s as in : she call

6) False concepts hypothesized

Many learners‟ errors can be attributed to wrong

hypotheses formed by the learners about target language.

For example, some learners think that is s the marker of

present tense, so that they produce : Boby is watch

television. While it should be : Boby watches television.

c. The procedures in analyzing errors

There are some experts explaining that error analysis is a working

procedure. According to ellis , error analysis is a working procedure


which is commonly used by the researcher.18

The working procedure

covers data collection, error identification, explanation of the error in

the sample, classifiction of errors .

According to targian, there are six procedures in analyzing error, as


a. Collecting data

It is the data which contain errors made by the student, for

example, the result of the test, students writing.

b. Identifying or classifying error

Knowing and choosing errors based on language category, for

example; error in word formation, word fusion and sentence


c. Ranking the error

Arrange the error based on the frequency of occurrences.

d. Explaining the error

Describing the place of the error, the causes and giving example of

the correct ones.

e. Predicting the area which is risk by error

Predicting the language area which has potency the cause error


Rod Ellis, Error Analysis And Second Language Acquisition. 2003. Oxford Press.


f. Correcting error

Correcting the error and if it possible, elicit the error through

compiling the correct material, appropriate hand out, and relevant

teaching technique.19

2. The Nature Of Grammar

a. Definition Of Grammar

Grammar is one of the important thing that students have to

mastered in learning english. When the students already know about

the rules of using grammar, that will be easy to them in learning

english especially in writing. In learning grammar students can

improve their ability to practice their expression inspeaking and also


Grammar is generally thought to be set of ruless specifying the

correct ordering of words at the sentence level. The longman

dictionary of apply linguistic defines it as “ a description of a language

and the way in which units such as words and phrases are combined to

produce sentences in the language”20

. Thus, a sentence can be accepted

if they follow the rules set of the grammar.

Grammar is a set of structural rules of language. Grammar teaches

us how to arrange the words become a good sentence. Furthermore,

Brown stated that grammar is the system of rules governing the


Ramelan. Introduction To Linguistic Analysis. 1992. Semarang 20

Nunan David, Practical English Language Teaching, 2003.New York. Hal 153


conventional arrangement and relationship of words in a sentence.21


can be concluded grammar is a study deals with the rules to construct

the meaningful sentence.

There are some definition of grammar. According to siddney and

gerald, grammar is set of rules that allow us to combine word in our

language into large units.22

Then, according to Harmer, grammar is a

description of the rules that govern how a language‟s sentences are

formed. Grammar attempts to explain why the following sentences are

acceptable. In addition, grammar is conventionally seen as the study of

the syntax and morphology of sentences.23

In conclusion grammar is

the study of the classes of words, their inflections, function and

relation in the sentenceof language.

b. Word classes

Word classes are traditionally called part of speech. Greenbaum

and Gerald Nelson declare word classes can be divides into open

closes and closed classes. Open classes consist of noun, adjective,

main verb, and adverb. Closed classes consist of pronoun,

determiner, auxiliary (verb), conjunction, and preposition.24

1. Nouns


H. Douglas Brown, Principles Of Language Learning And Teaching, ( Usa: Pearson

Longman.2007) 22

Sidney Greenbaum And Gerald Nelson, An Introduction To English Grammar,2002. London.

2nd Edition, P 1 23

Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Grammar, 1999. England. P1&2 24

Greenbaum, S. & Nelson, G. 2002. An Introduction to English Grammar.2nd

London. P.86-112


Noun is part of word classes that the most important. It is

the name of person, place, thing or idea.

a. Noun Suffixes

A noun can be the only or main word in noun phrase.

There are several typical noun suffixes such as :

-tion : information, relation

-er, or : reader, actor

-ism : socialism, organism

-ity : community, reality

-ment : government, basement

-ness : sadness, happiness

b. Noun classes

Nouns consist of common nouns and proper nouns.

Common nouns or proper nouns

A common noun is a noun that refers to people or thing

in general. Common nouns can be sub-classified in two

ways, there are :

(1) Type of referent : concrete or abstract

Concrete nouns refer to people, places, or thing,

such as boy, book, kitchen

Abstract nouns refer to qualities, states, or actions,

such as belief, honesty.

(2) Grammatical form : count or non-count


Count nouns refer to entities that are viewed as

countable, such as book, table, etc.

Non-counts refer to entities that are viewed that

cannot be counted, such as information, sugar, etc.

c. Number

Count nouns make a distinction between singular

and plural, such as :

Woman – women tooth - teeth

Foot – feet child - children

Mouse – mice

d. Gender

Gender is a grammatical distinction which is

classified as masculine or feminine, such as :

Boy – girl

Waiter – waitress

Bull - cow

e. Case

Nouns have two cases, such as the common case

and the genitive case. The common case is used

ordinarily. The genitive case indicates that the noun is

dependent on the noun that follows it, it usually

correspond to structure with of, such as Mina’s shirt –

the shirt of Mina


2. Main Verbs

a. Verb suffixes

There are a few verb suffixes :

-ate, -iate : originate, differentiate

-en : sadden, darken

-ify, -fy : modify, beautify

-ise, -ize : apologise, rationalize

b. Regular and irregular verbs

The distinction between a regular and an irregular verb is

the formation of the simple past and past participle. Regular

verbs are consistently, the simple past and past participle ends in

ed, such as call-called-called, like-liked-liked. In contrast, the

simple past and past participle of irregular verbs end in several

and no consistent pattern, such as write-wrote-written, sing-


3. Adjective

a. Adjective suffixes

Suffixes are added into nouns and verbs to make adjectives.

There are :

-able, -ible :comfortable, suitable

-al, -ial : arrival, editorial

-ed : wooded, crooked

-ful : hopeful, forgetful


-ic : heroic, romantic

-cal : political, historical

-ish : childish, British

-ive, -ative : communicative, passive

-less : hopeless, useless

-ous, -eous, -ious : continuous, famous

-y : cloudy, tasty

b. Adjective classes

Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson divide adjectives into

three classes according to their function there are pre-

modifier of a noun, subject complement, and object


c. Gradability and comparison

Adjective are typically gradable, it can be arranged

them on scale of comparison, such as a bit cold, somewhat

cold, quite cold, very cold, or extremely cold.

For comparison, there are three degrees of comparison :

1) Higher

e.g : Maya is smarter than Boby (comparative)

Maya is the smartest child in the class (superlative)

2) Same

e.g : Maya is as smart as Boby


3) Lower

e.g : Maya is less smart than Boby

Maya is the least smart child in the class

4. Adverb

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or

another adverb.

a. Adverb suffixes

Adverb usually use suffix –ly,from adjective to make adverb.

e.g : calmly, lightly

b. Gradability and comparison

e.g : well – better – best

much – more - most

5. Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of one or more

nouns. It is used to refer a noun, make writing smoother, clearer,

and less awkward. There are several types of pronouns :

a. Personal pronouns

First person : singular ( I, me), plural (we, us)

Second person : singular / plural ( you,)

Third person : singular ( he, him, she, her, it, it), plural (they,


b. Possessive pronouns

First person : singular (my, mine), plural (our, ours)


Second person : singular/ plural (your, yours)

Third person : singular (his, his, her, hers, its), plural ( their,


c. Reflexive pronouns

First person : singular (myself), plural (ourselves)

Second person : singular ( yourself), plural (yourselves)

Third person : singular (himself, herself, itself), plural


d. Demonstrative pronouns : this, these, that, those

e. Reciprocal pronouns : each other, one another

f. Interrogative pronouns : who, what, which

g. Relative pronouns : Personal (who, whom,

whose), non-personal (which, whose, that )

h. Indefinite pronouns : some, none, any

6. Determiners

a. Classes of determiners

1) Pre- determiners

2) Central determiners

3) Post- determiners

b. Central determiners

It is consist of :

1) Definite article : the

2) Indefinite article : a or an


3) Demonstratives : this, that, these, those

4) Possessive : my, our, your, his, her, its, their

5) Interrogatives : what, which, whose

6) Relatives : which, whose, whatever, whichever

7) Indefinites : some, any, no, enough, every, each,


7. Auxiliaries

a. Classes of auxiliaries

Auxiliaries come before the main verb in a verb phrase. The

primary auxiliaries are be, have, and do. Furthermore, the

remaining auxiliaries are the modal auxiliaries, such as :

Present : can, may, will, shall, must

Past : could, might, would, should

b. Meanings of the modals :

1) Permission, intention, ability, or obligation

2) Judgement whether an event was.

c. Conjunctions

There are two classes of conjunctions :

1) Coordinating conjunction

The central coordinators which is used to link units of equal

status, there are : and, or, and but


The coordinators may be reinforced by correlative

expressions, such as both…and, either…or, not only….but


2) Subordinators

After, although, as, because, before, if, since, that, till,

unless, until, when, where, while

d. Prepositions

The preposition links the complement to some other expression.

There are several prepositions :

About, above, across, after, against, among, around, before,

behind, below, beside, between, but, by, during, for, from, in,

inside, into, off, over, past, since, than, through, till, to, until, up

with, without

Mastering word classes is very important for students,

because it can help students to create good writing. Commonly,

some students can write in English fluently, without mastering

word classes. This case can make readers confuse, and can make

them didn‟t understand what the writer inform.

3. The Nature Of Writing

a. Definition of writing

Writing is one of the four skill in language that should be learn by

students. According to nunan, writing is considered a productive skill


and useful tool for learning process.25

Thus, writing a productive skill

because it contain of process and product. Furthemore, nunan said that

writing is the mental work ofinventing ideas, thingking about how to

express them and to organize them into statements and paragraph that

will be clear to reader. Thus, by the writing the students can express

their ideas, though, and feelings in order to convince the readers.

According to Susanto, writing as process of expressing ideas or

though. In writing is not only requiring the students to combine a word

in to a sentence or paragraph, but in writing is how the students are

able to write a connecting series word and sentences, which is

grammatical correctly.

In other hand , tarigan in sangaji niken state that writing is activity

to produce or draw graphic symbols which presents a language that is

understood by people, so that people can read the graphic symbols


So that, the researcher concludes that writing is a process and

activity to express the idea, information and message that delivered by

the writer.

b. The writing process

In teaching of writing we can focused about the product that the

writing and the process of writing it self. According to According


Nunan David, Practical English Language Teaching, 2003.New York. 26

Hapsari, sangaji niken.2015. pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan menulis narasi.


Harmer (2004:4-5), there are four main elements in writing process,

namely :

1. Planning

On the first stage, writers had to think about three main issues,

as follows :

a. Purpose

The purpose of writing since it will influence many things

related to a good writing result. By knowing the purpose,

we can decide the most appropriate style of language; the

text of type which they wished to produce ; and the

information which they choose to include. Therefore, the

result will be effective to reach the purpose.

b. Audience

The audience here is the reader they will influence our

language style.

c. Content structure

It is important to consider the content structure that was

how best to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments which

they had decide to include.

2. Drafting

After make a good plan, writers are able to make a draft based

on their material to be written. A numbered of drafts may be

produced on the way the final revision.


3. Editing

After the writers already done in making the draft, they should

check their works. It means that we reread what we had written

as a draft. It is includes aspects such as spelling, sentence

structure, word choice, punctuation, capitalizations and others.

4. Final Revision

Final revision is the last of process of writing after all of the

processes had been done, they may re-write their final writing

and polish it to be read by the readers.

Based on the processes mentioned before, it could be

concluded that there were four elements in the writing process,

those were planning, drafting, editing, and final revision. After

all process had finished, the result of the writing was ready to

be published to the reader. 27

c. Element of writing

Writing has some elements which is important to be understood by

students when they learn writing skill. Students will have a good

writing when they apply the element of writing in the writing process.

There are some elements of writing according to Nurgiantoro

(2010:441). Those are :

1. Content


Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing. 2004. England


Content means the idea or a set of information that support the

specific topic which is written in the paragraph. In writing

invitation card, the students have to pay attention in the content

of the invitation card itself.

2. Organization

Organization means how the writer arranges their ideas. The

organization of the text is clear ideas. The organization of the

text is clear ideas. The organization of the text is clear ideas,

good arrangement, logic, and cohesive. When the students want

to write invitation card, they have to concern in layout of the

invitation card to make their writing complete.

3. Grammar

Grammar means the language structure and sentence pattern.

The use of grammar can be applied in all the kinds of sentence

structure so it makes writing more meaningful.

4. Vocabulary

Appropriateness in choosing and using vocabulary in each

sentence is an important thing in writing.

5. Mechanic


Mechanic refers to the rule how the write. Paragraph is a

combination of some sentences which need good spelling and


d. The Criteria of Good Writing

There are some characteristic of a good writing. There are three

characteristics in writing a good text or paragraph , according to Boarman,

such as namely29


a. Coherence

A paragraph has agood coherence when the supporting sentences

are ordered according to a principle. The sentences are organized in a

good order, so that the reader can understand the ideas easily. The

principle for ordering depends on the ypes of paragraph that written by

the writer. Coherence means stick together, and basically that is the

requirement to have a good writing product.

b. Cohesion

Cohesion means all the supporting sentences connect to each other

in their support of the topic sentence.

c. Unity

The last characteristic of a good writing is unity. Unity means all

the supporting sentences should relate to the topic sentence. The

composition of text or paragraph is like organization but it is smaller in


Burhan Nurgiantoro , Penilaian Dan Pengajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra. 2001. Edisi Ketiga.

Yogyakarta 29

Boardman, A. &Frydenberg, J.(2008). Writing To Communicate : Paragraph And Pedagogy (2nd Edition). New Work: Pearson Rducation, Inc.


space, so it may be simple than organization to consider the good

composition as direction. Thus, chronological composition step is to

express the idea the written form.

4. Invitation card

1. Definition of invitation card

Invitation card is a request in written form that aims to

invite someone to come to a specific event. According to Ali,

invitation is a commemorative social action having the function of

informing and requesting the presence or participation of a person

kindly and courteously to some place, gathering, entertaiment, etc,

or to do something.30

Thus, invitation card is a card to invite

someone or request someone to come and participate to the specific


2. The generic structure of invitation card.

Based on the explanation from the Teacher in MTsN 1 Bukittinggi,

generic structure of invitation card are:

a. Heading or Salutation

a) Invited or receiver

b. Body

a) Occation or event

b) Date

c) Time


Elekaei Faramarzi, S & H. Tabrizi, H, Genre-Based Discourse Analysis Of Writing Wedding

Invitation Cards In Iran. 2015. Islamic Azad University. Journal Of Language Teaching And

Research. Vol 6, No 3, Pp 662-668, May 2015. 662. ( Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.17507/Jltr.0603.25)


d) Place

e) Additional picture

c. Closing

a) Inviter or sender

3. The contains of invitation card

a. Invited or receiver

b. Occation or event

c. Date

d. Time

e. Place

f. Inviter or sender

g. Additional information

4. The expression used in invitation card

a. You are invited in .............

b. I would like to invite you to..........

c. Mrs. Smith and Mr. Smith invite you to............

d. Come and join as to................

5. The language features of invitation card

Based on the 2013 curriculum in syllabus, the language features of

invitation card are:

a. A word and grammar that is commonly used in invitation card

based on the authentic resource.


b. The appropriateness of using plural and singular, with or without a,

the, this, those, my, there, and etc.

c. The utterences, stressing and intonation.

d. Spelling and punctuating

e. Hand writing

6. The social function of invitation card.

Based on the english syllabus in 2013 curriculum, the social function

of invitation card is to do interpersonal relationship care with teacher,

friends using text of invitation card.

7. The kinds of invitation card.

Based on the syllabus in 2013 curriculum, there are six types of

invitation card that students have to know, there are:

a. Bithday

b. Meeting OSIS

c. Wedding

d. Anniversary

e. Graduation

f. Baby born

B. Review of related studies

In supporting this reseach, these are several research studies

conducted by some research. The first previous study was done by

Imanuel Kamsali and Darni Nopi Nokas in 2017, entitled, “ Grammatical

Errors in Writing of the Second Class Students of SMA Kristen 1 Soe”.


The purpose of this research was to described the kind of grammatical

error that faced by students, and to found the grammatical errors in

students‟ writing. In this research, data were analyzed through phases,

namely correcting students‟ writing, solving errors of students, classifying

errors, tabulating results, and making conclusions. Then, the result of this

research showed the type of grammatical errors in verbs, nouns, pronouns,

adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, and prepositions. The percentage of

each error is as following 21,16 % verb errors, 19,70 % noun errors,

pronominal errors 29,74 %, adjective errors 34,27 %, and preposition error

32,94 %. The highest percentage of errors was an adjective error of 34,27

% of the total 243 errors. The fewest errors was nouns with 19,70% of

375. Grammatical errors overall students were 26,66 % with a total error.

The second is the reseacrh by nasifa with the title is an analysis on

second grade students‟ ability in writing short functional text in the form

of informal invitation letter at SMPN 1 VII Koto Sungai Sarik.” She

found that 7 students (21,21%) had high ability, 20 students (60,61%) had

moderate ability and 6 students (18,18%) had low ability.

In conclusion, the review of related finding above show that there

were some problems that was faced by the students in writing invitation

card. By having those previous studies, the researcher was interested to

conduct a research entitle “ an analysis of grammatical error in writing

invitation card at eight grade of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi.” The similarities

with this research is analyzed the students‟ grammatical errors. The


differences of this research with another research is this research will

analyze the students‟ grammatical errors in writing invitation card.


C. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework of this research can be created as follow:



Invitation writing

Error of


Error of


Error of



Grammar Error

What type of error are made students in writing invitation card?

What are the causes of grammatical error in writing invitation card?

Error of


Cause of error

interlingual intralingual


Based in the conceptual framework above, the researcher wants

to know the types of grammatical error of students‟ in writing

invitation card. The researcher did test to the students. After data were

collected, the researcher would analyze the data to get the conclusion

of the test that has been done.




A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher used descriptive quantitative

research. According to Gay, descriptive research involves collecting data

in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current

status of the subject of the study.31

Descriptive research is used to establish

the existence of phenomena by explicit describing them.

Quantitative research summarizes results numerically. According

to Sugiono, Quantitative research can be interpreted as a research method

based on the philosophy of positivism, used to study a population or a

spesific sample, data collection using research instruments,

quantitative/statistical data analysis, with the aim to test the hypothesis

that has been set.32

. In its implementation, this research method focuses

on the use of numbers, tables, graphs, and diagrams to display the results

of data or information obtained. Hence, quantitative research is research

that uses numbers, in the process of calculating and identifying research


Based on the explanation above, the researcher used descriptive

quantitative method. Moreover, the goal of the research were to analyzed


L. R. Gay, Education Research: Competensies For Analysis And Application,( Singapore:

Merrill, 1990 32

Sugiyono, Cara Mudah Menyusun Skripsi, Thesis, Dan Disertasi. 2015. Bandung .Hal 62


what were the types, and the causes of errors made by students of eight

grade at MTsN 1 Bukittinggi in writing invitation card.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Sugiyono, population is a generalization area that

consists of objects or subjects that have certain quantities or charactiristics

that area determined by researcher to be studied and the get the


It means population is numeral or quantities. The population

in this research were the eight grade students in MTsN 1 Bukittinggi in

academic year 2020/2021 Grade eight of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi consist of

eleven classes.

Table 3. 1

The Total population of Second Grade Students of MtsN 1 Bukittinggi

Class Number

VIII.1 36

VIII.2 37

VIII.3 36

VIII.4 37

VIII.5 36

VIII.6 37

VIII.7 37

VIII.8 36

VIII.9 36



Sugiyono, Cara Mudah Menyusun Skripsi, Thesi40s, Dan Disertasi. 2015. Bandung .Hal 62


2. Sample

A part of poupulation selected for data source is referred to as a

sample. According to sugiyono, sample is a part of number and

characteristics possessed by the population.34

To take a sample from

the population must be representatif. If the sample taken is not

representatif the the conclusion may be wrong. According to Gay, the

purpose of sampling is to gain information about the population; rarely

is a study conducted that includes the total population of interest as


It means that, in doing research the recearcher must

determine the sample from the population.

In this research, it used non probability sampling. One of technique

of nonprobability sampling is purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is

the technique that is used by the researcher by using some considerations

to take the sample.36

The researcher took 8th grade as the sample in this

research that includes 36 students.

Purposive sampling also referred to as judgment sampling that is

the process to select a sample which is believed to be representative of a

given population. In purposive sampling, the researcher took the sample

using the experience and knowledge of the group that have been known.

Prior knowledge or experience can lead the researcher to select the


Sugiyono, Cara Mudah Menyusun Skripsi, Thesis, Dan Disertasi. 2015. Bandung 35

L. R. Gay, Education Research: Competensies For Analysis And Application,( Singapore:

Merrill, 1990 P.102 36

Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung : CV Alfabeta, 2007), p.62-68



As a result, the researcher used purposive sampling because the

researcher has the experience and prior knowledge about the group that

will be sample.

C. Instrument of The Research

According to creswell (2012), researcher uses instrument to

measure achievement, asses individual ability, observe behavior, develop a

psycology profile of an individual,or interview a person38

. instrument is a

tool for measuring, observing, or documenting quantitative data. It means

that instrument is a tool for measuring, observing, or documenting data

quantitative data. In this research the researcher used two kinds of

instrument to get the data that were test and questionare.

a. Test that will be used by the researcher to find out the first

research question. According to Arikunto, a test is a set of

questions or exercises which are used to measure the

intelligence of each individuals or groups.39

b. Questionner

Questionnaire is a set of questions or statements about a certain

topic that is given to the respondents for getting the data. In this

research, the researcher used closed questionnaire. Closed

questionnaire is the response has been provided and the


Gay, Educational Research, (United States : Pearson Education, Inc, 2012),p. 141 38

Sugiyono, Cara Mudah Menyusun Skripsi, Thesis, Dan Disertasi. 2015. Bandung.P72 39

Suharsimi Arikunto. Prosedur penelitian.(rinekaCipta:Jakarta,1998)


respondents just choose.40

the questionner will be written in

indonesia in order to make respondents easier to understand the


D. Technique of Data Collection

In this research the techniqeu of collecting data used is a test. this

research the form of the test is a writing test. The students were asked to

write a personal invitation card besed on the themes provided by the

researcher. For the questionner, the researcher will collect the data as


a. Gather the respondents

b. Find a room for the respondent to fill the questionnaire

c. Give the explanation about what will the respondents do

d. Distribute the questionnaire to the respondent

e. Ask the respondent to fill the questionnaire

f. Collect the questionnaire after the respondent fill it.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher analyzed the students‟ error by focusing on their

error in writing invitation card.researchr will use error analysis method by

Ellis to answer the question.

a. Identifying errors


NeniHasnunidah, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Yogyakarta : Media Akademi,2017),p.73


The errors of students are identified from invitation card. To

identify errors, the sentences that students produce should be

compared with the correct in the target

b. Describing errors

After identify the error, then researcher described and classified

into types. After that, the researcher will classify the error

based on Dulay, Burd, and Krasen theory.41

The researcher used linguistic category toxonomy that was

presented politzer and ramitzer as cited in taringan with some modification

based on the data to classify the error.

To know the percentage of each type of error the formula was

follow :

where ;

P= the percentage of each category

f= number of the frequency of a type of


N= total number of the students‟ error


Ellis, Rod.2000. The Study Of Second Language Acquisition. Hongkong: Oxford University Press.p. 50




In this section, the researcher explains the data that have been gotten. This

research analyzes the data by using quantitative method. This chapther consists of

two parts that are research finding and discussion.


The finding of this research were based on the result of the data analysis to

answer the formulation the problem

1. What types of grammatical errors are made by students in writing

invitation card?

2. What are the causes of students‟ grammatical error in writing

invitation card?

In this research, the researcher used test and questionnaire as instruments.

Test aims to know what types of error in writing invitation card. In other hand,

questionnaire aims to know what are the causes grammatical error in writing

invitation card. The informants are the students grade VIII of MTsN 1

Bukittinggi. Total of informants are 36 students. This reseacrh has been validated

by Dr.Arifmeboy, S.Ag, M.Pd, Mrs.Agseora Ediyen, M.Hum, and Mrs. Elsy,



1. Description of the data

a. Data of test

The data based on the students‟ test to know the type of students‟

grammatical error in writing. As explained in chapter two, there are

four kinds type of error based on Dulay, Burt, and Krasen‟s theory

such as omission, addition, misinformation and misordering.

In this research, the researcher found 159 grammatical errors from

36 students writing. The most common error that made by the

students is omission. Most of the student forgot to add “to”

between two verb such as “ I want to invite you” became “ I want

invite you”. It will be explained on the table below.

Table 4.1

No NAME Omission Addition Misinformation Misordering

1 Fgr 6

2 Hap 1 2

3 Nrp 4 1

4 Rp 4 1 2 1

5 Ar 1

6 Vr 3


7 Seh 4 1

8 Gfa 4 1

9 Pt 1 2

10 Ih 4 2

11 Bag 3

12 Mar 3 2

13 Tgh 3

14 Af 2

15 Rps 4

16 Amf 2

18 AI 4 1

19 ZN 2

20 FBK 2

21 FNA 3 3

22 IA 2 3

23 MAY 6 1


24 NZR 5 2 1

25 NK 2 1 1

26 REZA 4 2

27 vf 4

28 A 2 2

29 DGP 2 1 2

30 RWR 1 4

31 THF 4 2

32 AFM 5 1 1

33 NLE 1 1

34 MNZ 5 1 1

35 NHF 1 1 1

36 SHP 4 3



100 1 42 16


The table above is the data of students‟s writing test. There are 36

students who took the test. The result of the error that occur was 159. The first,

the total of omission error was 100 from 36 students. Second, the total of addition

error was 1 student. Third, the total of misinformation error was 42 from 36

students. Last, there were 16 errors from 36 students in misordering. It can be

concluded that each error classification by Dulay, Burt, and Krasen was made by

students grade 8th of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi.

b. Data of questionnaire

a. Interlingual error

Table 4.2

The result of causes students‟ grammatical error in writing invitation card

Question item Ya Tidak

Apakah anda sering melakukan kesalahan

grammar ketika menulis invitation card karna

adanya perbedaan bahasa inggris dengan bahasa

yang di gunakan sehari-hari

1 19 17

Apakah anda mengikuti aturan bahasa dari bahasa

ibu ke bahasa inggris ketika menulis invitation


8 18 18

Apakah anda mencoba menulis dalam bahasa

inggris di kelas tanpa mempertimbangkan

10 20 16


grammar dengan benar

From the table above described about the causes of students‟ grammatical

error in writing invitation card. The highest causes is on third question, in option

“ya” with the total is 20 students. The lowest causes os on second question, in

option “ya” with the total 18 students, and on the first question of interlingal error

in option “ya” with the total 19.

b. Intralingual error

Table 4.3

The result of causes students‟ grammatical error in writing invitation card

Question Item Ya Tidak

Saya sering lupa menambahkan “s/es” pada verb

di kalimat simple present tense dalam penulisan

invitation card

2 22 14

Apakah guru selalu mengoreksi grammar pada

penulisan invitation card

3 24 12

Saya tidak mengerti menulis kalimat sederhana

seperti simple present tense pada invitation card

4 20 16

Apakah anda selalu memperhatikan grammar

ketika membuat kalimat dari bahasa indonesia ke

bahasa inggris

5 `17 19

Saya tidak bisa membedakan penggunaan tobe 6 21 15


yang benar pada simple present tense

Saya tidak mengerti ketika guru menjelaskan

tentang grammar dalam menulisan invitation card

7 18 18

Saya mengetahui aturan bahasa inggris tetapi tidak

dapat menerapkannya dengan benar melalui


9 20 16

From the table above, it shows that the first question of intralingual error

got the most of students choice was on (ya). there were 22 students from 36

students. Then, for the second question of intralingual error got the most of

students choice was on (ya). It was found 24 students who agree that the teacher

always correcting their grammar in writing. Bisides, there were 20 students

answer (ya) because they were didn‟t understand made simple sentence like made

simple present sentence in writing. In other hand, for the next question of the

intralingual error got the most of student wtih the number 19 students they were

didn‟t observe their grammar while make a sentence from indonesia language to

english. Therefore, only some of students observe their grammar while write a

sentence from the indonesian language to english with the number 17 students.

The fifth question of intralingual question got the most of students choice

was on (ya). It means the cause of students error in writing was because they can‟t

differentiated the use of to be in simple present. It can be seen on the table that 21

students that can‟t differentiated that. Moreover, the next question of intralingual

error there were got the half of students understand when the teacher explained the


material about grammar in writing invitation card. Besides that a half of students

can‟t understand when the teacher explained the material about grammar in

writing invitation card.

The last questions of intralingual error, there were got the most of students knew

the rules of grammar but they can‟t applied correctly by writing. It can be seen on

the table that 20 students from 36 students answer (ya) in that question.

2. Analysis of the data

a. Analysis of Test

The data based on the student writing test to know the type of

grammatical error. Test had given by the students was two topics to

make an invitation card. After the reseacher collected result of the

test, the researcher got the students‟ data to be analyzed. To know

the grammatical error in writing invitation card.

1. Types of students grammatical error

As explained in chapter two, there are four kinds of

grammatical error that found in students‟ writing based on

Dulay, Burt, and Krasen. The researcher found 159

grammatical errors from 36 students writing. The researcher

used initial name to make identification easier. In presents the

result of the research findings, the researcher used the table that

showed kinds of grammatical error, grammatical error analysis

based on the students‟ writing and corrected grammatical error.

a. Omission


Omission occured when students missed or omit something

that should appear in utterance. For example “I want invite

you”, it should be “I want to invite you”. The researcher

found 100 grammatical error in this kind in the students‟

writing invitation card. From the data it was found that the

students did the omission in their writing as seen in the

table below:

Table of omission 4.4

Name Error omission Correction of error

Fgr I want invite you to my birthday


I want to invite you to come to

my birthday party

I want invite you to graduation my


I want to invite you to come to

graduation of my brother

My brother graduation My brother’s graduation

Seh I want invite you birthday party I want to invite you to come to

my birthday party

I want invite you to graduation.... I want to invite you to come to


Gfa I want invite you birthday party I want to invite you to come to

my birthday party

I want invite you to graduation.... I want to invite you to come to



Pt I want invite you I want to invite you

Bag I want invite you to my birthday


I want to invite you to come to

my birthday party

Celebrate my brother graduation Celebrate my brother’s


Mar I want invite I want to invite

Af To my birthday party To come to my birthday party

Would you join his graduation? Would you like to join...

Tgh To my birthday party To come to my birthday party

Would you come and celebrate.... Would you like to come and


Amf To my birthday party To come to my birthday party

My brothet invite you My brothet invites you...

NK I would like invite you I would like to invite you birthday me... birthday of me...

NZR ... you to party.. ... you to come to my party..

I would like invite you I would like to invite you graduation my brother come to graduation of my


MAY I want invite you to my birthday


I want to invite you to come to

my birthday party my brother graduation... come to my brother’s



The party will be on The party will be start on

IA .... to my birthday party .. to come to my birthday party come my brother‟s graduation come to my brother‟s


FNA .... to my birthday party .. to come to my birthday party

.... to come my brother‟s

graduation come to my brother’s


VF I wants invite you to birthday party I wants to invite you to come to

my birthday party

I would like invitation you to my


I would like to invitation you to

come to my graduation

AI I want invite you to my birthday


I want to invite you to come to

my birthday party my brother graduation come to my brother’s


NLE I want to invite you come to my


I want to invite you to come to

my birthday

SHP comes my birthday party comes to my birthday party

My brother invite you come... My brother invites you to come


NHF My brother invite you My brother invites you

MNZ I want invite you come to my.... I want to invite you to come to



My brother invite you come he.. My brother invites you to come

to he..

AFM To come my birthday party To come to my birthday party

My sister invite you come


My sister invites you to come to

her graduation

THF I want invite you comes I want to invite you to comes

My brother invite you to come he... My brother invites you to come

to he...

RWR comes my birthday.. comes to my birthday..

DGP I want to invite you come to... I want to invite you to come to...

Thank you for you attention Thank you for your attention

A ...come my birthday.. ...come to my birthday..

My brother graduation My brother’s graduation

VF I want to invite you to my birthday I want to invite you to come to

my birthday

I want invite you to my brother


I want to invite you to come to

my brother’s graduation

Rp In graduation brother In my brother’s graduation

Please come my brother graduation Please come to my brother’s


Vr I want invet you my birthday I want to invite you to come to

my birthday


I want to invite you my party I want to invite you to come to

my party

Ih I want invite you.... I want to invite you....

I want invite you.... I want to invite you....

Go to graduation my brother Go to graduation of my brother

Attent to graduation my brother Attent to graduation of my


b. Addition

Addition occured when the students apperance of an item

that should appear in utterance. For example “ thank you

uncle”, it should be “ thank you or thank uncle” The

researcher found 1 error in this kinds of students writing.

Table of addtion 4.5

Name Error of addition Correction of error

Rp I invite you iman... I invite you....

c. Misinformation

Misinformation accured when the students used of the

wrong form of the sentence. For example “ i want to

invitation you” ,it should be “ i want to invite you”.In this

kind, the errors that found are 42 as seen below:


Table of misinformation 4.6

No Error of addition Correction of error

Rps Your invited to come in the party You are invited to come to the


Your invited to come in the party You are invited to come to

graduation party

Mar I want invite yours attend I want to invite you to attend

Brother is celebrate his graduation Brother will celebrate his


Ar His graduation My brother’s graduation

Hap I want to you invitation I want to invite you

FBK I want to invite you to comes I want to invite you to come

My brother invites you to come to

he graduation

My brother invites you to come to

his graduation

REZA I wants invite you... I want invite you...

I would like invitation you... I would like to invite you...

FNA I want invites your to I want to invite you to..

I hope you coming to... I hope you come to...

IA I want invites your to I want to invite you to..

I hope you coming to... I hope you come to...

MAY I would like to invites you.. I would like to invite you..

NZR I want to invitation you I want to invite you


I want to invitation your I want to invite you

I want to invitation your I want to invitation you

NLE come to he graduation... come to his graduation...

dgp The graduation celebrate The graduation celebration

RWR I want to invites you to comes I want to invite you to come

My brother invites you to comes

to he graduation

My brother invites you to come to

his graduation

THF I want to invite you to comes to... I want to invite you to come to...

... come to he graduation ... come to his graduation

AFM I want you invites to I want to invite you

MNZ ... come he graduation ...come to his graduation

NHF ... come he graduation ...come to his graduation

SHP I want to invites to comes I want to invite to come

My brother invite you come her


My brother invites you to come to

his graduation

I invite you in my birthday party I invite you to my birthday party

I invite you in graduation brothers I invite you to graduation brothers

I want your attend to my


I want you attend

I want your attend to graduation ... I want you attend to graduation ...

Nrp His going to He is going to

Nk I would like to invitation you I want to invite you...


Ai I will like to.. I would like to..

d. Misordering

Misordering accured when the students make utterance

wrong in wrong order in the sentence. For example “ party

birthday”, it should be “ birthday party”. The researcher

found 16 errors in this kind of error.

Table of misordering 4.7

No Error of misordering Correction of error

Pt my party birthday My birthday party

Party graduation Graduation party

Gfa Graduation party my brother My brother’s graduation party

Seh Graduation party my brother My brother’s graduation party

Hap I want to you come I want you to come

I want to you invite I want to invite you


Party birthday Birthday party

A I want to you come... I want you to come...

I want to you invite.. I want to invite you

dgp Party birthday (2) Birthday party(2)


I want you invites to I want to invite you



My party birthday My birthday party


My party birthday My birthday party

Rp I invite you in graduation brother‟s I invite you to my brother’s


Nk My graduation brother My brother’s graduation

From the finding above, the researcher found four types of grammatical

error are made by 8th grade students of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi. The researcher

categorized the four types of grammatical error as seen in the table below:

Table 4.8

categories of errors in students‟ writing invitation card.

no Types of grammatical


Occurance of error Percentage(%)

1 Omission 100 62,89%

2 Addition 1 0,63%

3 Misinformation 42 26,41%

4 Misordering 16 10,06%


Figure 4.1

2. Analysis of Questionnaire

This questionnaire aims to know what the causes of grammatical error in

writing invitation card. The questionnaire asked based on the theory of the cause

of error in second language which had explained on chapter two. Based on theory

on chapter two, there are two main causes of errors, interlingual and intralingual.

Interlingual error is caused by mother tongue interference while inralingual error

is caused by the difficulty of the second language or target language.

a. Interlingual errors

The questionnaire‟s questions which were related to the interlingual

error‟s theories were question number one, eight and ten. Those questions will be

showed in the table below:








omission addition misinformation misordering

occurance of error

percentage (%)



Table 4.9

interlingual errors

Question No


Ya % Tida



Apakah anda sering melakukan

kesalahan grammar ketika menulis

invitation card karna adanya perbedaan

bahasa inggris dengan bahasa yang di

gunakan sehari-hari

1 20 52,78% 17 47,22


Apakah anda mengikuti aturan bahasa

dari bahasa ibu ke bahasa inggris

8 18 50% 18 50%

Apakah anda mencoba menulis dalam

bahasa inggris di kelas tanpa

mempertimbangkan grammar dengan


10 19 55,55% 16 44,44



Figure 4.2

From the table above, it shows that the first question got the most of

students choice was on (ya). It means the cause of students grammatical error was

because there is a difference between english and the language used in everyday

life with the number of students answer were 52,78% or there were 19 students

from 36 students. There were 47,22% who chose ( tidak) or there were 17

students. Then, for the second question got the half of the students choice (ya). It

means that half of the students made grammatical error due to students applied

their mother tongue rules in writing invitation card and also half of students didn‟t

do that. In other hand, the third question got most of students choice ( ya). It

means the cause of students grammatical error was because they were didn‟t

consider right grammar in writing with the number of students answer were

55,55% or there were 20 students from 36 students. There were 44,44% who

choice (tidak) or were 16 students from 36 students. It means some of student








question 1 question 8 question 10





consider right grammar in writing. In conclusion, interlingual error influence in

students writing. It can be seen from the table, the majority choice was they were

didn‟t consider right grammar in writing invitation card.

b. Intralingual error

The questionnaire‟s questions which were related to the intralingual

error‟s theories were questions number two, three, four, five, six, seven, and nine.

Table 4.10

intralingual error

Question No


Ya % Tida



Saya sering lupa menambahkan “s/es”

pada verb di kalimat simple present

tense dalam penulisan invitation card

2 22 61,11% 14 38,89


Apakah guru selalu mengoreksi

grammar pada penulisan invitation card

3 24 66,67% 12 33,33


Saya tidak mengerti menulis kalimat

sederhana seperti simple present tense

pada invitation card

4 20 55,55% 16 44,44


Apakah anda selalu memperhatikan

grammar ketika membuat kalimat dari

bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris

5 `17 47,22% 19 52,78



Saya tidak bisa membedakan

penggunaan tobe yang benar pada simple

present tense

6 21 58,3%3 15 41,67


Saya tidak mengerti ketika guru

menjelaskan tentang grammar dalam

menulisan invitation card

7 18 50% 18 50%

Saya mengetahui aturan bahasa inggris

tetapi tidak dapat menerapkannya

dengan benar melalui tulisan

9 20 55,55% 16 44,44


Figure 4.3

From the table above, it shows that the first question of intralingual error

got the most of students choice was on (ya). It means the cause of students

















Series 1

Series 2

Series 3


grammatical error was they were often forget to add s/es to the verb in the simple

present sentence with the number of students answer were 61,11% or there were

22 students from 36 students. There were 38,89% or 14 students who choice

(tidak). It means some of students didn‟t forget to add s/es to the verb in the

simple present sentence. Then, for the second question of intralingual error got the

most of students choice was on (ya). It was found 66,67 % or 24 students who

agree that the teacher always correcting their grammar in writing while there were

33,33% or 12 students who disagree about the teacher always correcting their

grammar in writing.

Bisides, there were 55,55% or 20 students answer (ya) because they were

didn‟t understand made simple sentence like made simple present sentence in

writing. Then, there were some of students understand how to made a simple

present sentences in writing with the number of students 44,44% or 16 students

from the 36 students. In other hand, for the next questionof the intralingual error

got the most of student wtih the number 52,78% or 19 students they were didn‟t

observe their grammar while make a sentence from indonesia language to english.

Therefore, only some of students observe their grammar while write a sentence

from the indonesian language to english with the number 47,22% or 17 students.

The fifth question of intralingual question got the most of students choice

was on (ya). It means the cause of students error in writing was because they can‟t

differentiated the use of to be in simple present. It can be seen on the table that

58,33% or 21 students that can‟t differentiated that. Then, there were 41,67% or

15 students can differentiated to be in simple present. Moreover, the next question


of intralingual error there were got the half of students understand when the

teacher explained the material about grammar in writing invitation card. Besides

that a half of students can‟t understand when the teacher explained the material

about grammar in writing invitation card.

The last questions of intralingual error, there were got the most of students

knew the rules of grammar but they can‟t applied correctly by writing. It can be

seen on the table that 55,55% or 20 students from 36 students answer (ya) in that

question. Then, there were 44,44% or 16 students from 36 students that knew the

rules of grammar and applied it correctly by writing.

In conclusion, intralingual error influence in students writing, it can be

seen from the tablethat the majority choice was they were know the rules of

grammar but they can‟t applied it correctly by writing, the, the most of students

can‟t differentiated the used of to be in simple present.


This research was to complete two research questions. First, what type of

grammatical error in writing invitation card and second, what the causes of

student grammatical error in writing invitation card. The researcher also used two

instruments, there were test and questionnaire. Test aims to know the type of

grammatical error in writing invitation card and questionnaire aims to know what

the causes of grammatical error in students writing invitation card. Based on the

data analysis above, the researcher found 159 identified in 36 students writing

invitation card. The types of error devided on four categories based on Dulay,


Burt, and Krasen theories such as omission, addition, misinformation and mis


First is ommision, which data percetage is about 62,89 % or 100 errors in

students‟ writing, as Dulay declares Errors of omission are errors happen when

learners omit something that should appear in utterance. And the writer found

that: I want invite you to my birthday party, it should be “ I want to invite you to

come to my birthday party. Based on the finding and the theory above concluded

that students were still make an error in grammatical especial in ommision part.

The second highest error made by the students was misinformation with 42

errors or 26,41%. According to dulay, misinformation errors are characterized by

the use of the wrong form of the morpheme or stucture. My brother invites you to

come to he graduation. The underline word was misinformation. The correct of

the example was, my brother invites you to come to his graduation.

Besides, the error made by the students was misordering with the

percentage 10,62%. Errors of misordering are errors that occur when the student

made utterance in wrong order in the sentence. For example, “birthday party”

became “party birthday”.

Then, the lowest error made by students in writing invitation card was

addition with the percentage 0,63%. Errors of addition are errors happen when

appearance of an item that should not appear in a well utterance. For example” . I

wants invite you to come to my birth day party became I want to invite you to

come to my birthday party. Based on the finding and the theory above the


researcher concluded that some of students were still make an error in

grammatical error in error addition.

Besides, from finding of questionnaire's data, the researcher found the

causes of grammatical error. First was interlingual, influenced by interference

from the first language where students tend to use sentence structures in

Indonesian or their mother tongue in English when they write invitation cards. It

can be seen on the table of interlingual error in the finding, there were 20 of the

students often made grammatical error when writing invitation cards because of

the differences between English and the language used daily. It means mother

tongue influences their grammatical error when their write invitation card. Hanna

stated that the interlingual transfer means the process of transferring the elements

of the first language or mother tongue into the second language. The native

language of learners plays a significant role in learning a second language. In this

case, students tend to make error in the process of interlingual.42

In other hand, in

this research the researcher found that the main causes was intralingual. It can be

seen on the table of the intralingual most of students or students still hesitant in

using “to be” when they wrote and they were often forgot “s / es” to the verb to

the verb in the simple present sentence when write invitation card. This is because

students do not understand the use of grammar rules in English. It was related to

Hanna stated that intralingual errors occur due to the difficulty of the second or

the target language.


Hanna 1986 Second Language Learning Errors Their Types, Causes, and Treatment. JALT Journal, Volume 8, No 1


In conclusion, intralingual error influence in students writing, it can be

seen from the table that the majority choice was they were know the rules of

grammar but they can‟t applied it correctly by writing.





The purpose of the research were to know the type of error in writing and

know what are the cause of error in writing of grade VIII students of MTsN 1

Bukittinggi. This research used test and questionaire as instruments. Based on the

findings and discussion, it can be conclude that student at VIII grade of MTsN 1

Bukittinggi in this study have four type of grammatical errors. Those types

include omission, addition, misinformation and misordering. Those types answer

the first research question of this study. The errors were found by collecting the

writing test of 36 students from 8th grade. According to the analysis, the errors

happened because the students are not able to remember the rules of grammar.

Morever, students first language also is the factor students did error. Related to

the second research question of this study, the errors that most common in the

students‟ grammatical error were omission with the percentage of 62,89%, the

second highest error was misinformasion with the percentage of26,41%, next the

highest error was misordering with the percentage of 10,06%, and the lowest error

was in addition with the percentage of 0,63%. The number of the percentage

above shows that grammatical error still happened in students‟ writing invitation


The cause of grammatical error are devided into interlingual error and

intralingual error. first error based on interlingual error or developmental error


was caused by difficulty of the target language. 55.55% of students made error

because they did not consider grammar when they wrote. The two errors were

intralingual, 58.33% of students made error because they were still hesitant in

using “to be” when they wrote. Then, 61.11% of students made error because they

often forgot to add “s / es” to the verb in the simple present sentence when writing

the invitation card. Besides, in this research, the cause of the students' grammar

errors when writing invitation cards was the intalingual error. It showed that most

of students did grammatical error were caused they didn‟t know the rules of

grammar itself.


Based on the result this research provides several recommendation for the

students or readers, the teacher and the next researchers.

1. For the students or readers.

In order to improve students ability in grammar, the researcher suggest them

to be aware in writing, especially in grammar. The students or the readers should

practice more related to the rules of grammar, so they can avoid their grammatical

error in writing invitation card.

2. For the teacher

Based on findings of the reesearch about analysis of grammatical error in

writing invitation card at VIII grade of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi, the reesearcher


suggests that the teacher should know the problem in grammar, especially in

writing and give more practice

3. For the next researcher

Based on the research about the types of students error and what cause of error

are made by students at VIII of MTsN 1 Bukittinggi, the researcher suggest the

next researcher who are interested doing the same topic on different focuss or

different methodologies



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Appendix I

Research guidline

Variable Sub


Indicators Sub indicator Descriptor


Error in




Type of


Omission - Omission article (a,

an, the)

- Omission auxiliary (

to be, has/have/had,

do, does, did, modal)

- omission of word

- omission possessive

- omission preposition

- omission –ed

- omission of third

person singular verb


a. Students do

not remember



rules in writing

invitation card

b. Students

confused about

the using



article, and

auxilary in


invitation card

c. Students forget

about the used

of third person

singular in


invitation card


1. Double


2. Regular


3. Simple



- addition of plural


- addition of


-addition of auxiliary

-addition of article

-addition of pronoun

-addition of noun

-addition conjunction

-addition of

possessive case

-addition of third

person singular verb (-


-addition of -ed

a. Students forget

to use auxilary,


pronoun, and

noun in


invitation card

b. Students forget

to use

conjuction ,


case, and

adding s/es in


invitation card



1. Archi-


2. Alternat



-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of

subject pronoun

-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


-Misinformation of


a. Students use of

the wrong

from the

sentence in


invitation card

( wrong article,

auxilary, verb,








Misordering -Misordering of noun

-Misordering of to be

-Misordering of


-Misordering of


a. Students make

utterance in

wrong noun,


possessive and

adverb order in

the sentence in


invitation card.

Table of Analysis Grammatical Error

Nama Siswa :

No Error sentence Correct Sentence Type of Error





Appendix II

Student Test

Date : Class :

Name : Student Number :


Write an invitation cards by the themes and situations below:

1. Birthday

You are going to have a birthday party. Invite your friends to attend the


2. Graduation

Your brother is going to celebrate his graduation. You are asked to write

an invitation card for your uncle. The date is on March, 26th 2021 at 20.00


Appendix III

Research guideline

(cause of error)






indicator No item Sub indicators descriptor





al error

1,8,10 The interlingual transfer

means the process of

transferring the elements

of the first language or

mother tongue into the

second language.

Example : the differences

the structure of

indonesian language and

english. Such as in

english the verb will be

added “s/es” related to

subject, another hand in

indonesian there ,no

adding “s/es” in verb


fail to

process of



elements of

the first


or mother

tongue into

the second

language in





al error






1. Simplication

Example: student tend

like study simple past

instead perfect tense

2. Overgeneralizatio


Example: she will cooks

( she will cook)

3. Hypercorrection

Example: -how often do

a. Studen

t tent

to use










you go to the market?

- Seldomly


4. Faulty Teaching

happens if learners‟ error

is caused by teacher,

teaching material, or the

order presentation

5. Inadequate


Example: she call (she


6. False concepts


Example: Boby is watch

television. ( Boby

watches television)

b. Studen

ts do













c. Studen



ly the




ar of



ge in





d. Studen

t do







y from





Appendix IV


Nama :

Kelas :

A. Pengantar

Angket penelitian ini berguna untuk mengetahui apa penyebab

terjadinya kesalahan siswa dalam menulis invitation card. Angket

penelitian ini tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai saudara. Agar penelitian ini

bisa memberikan manfaat yang optimal, peneliti berharap saudara mengisi

dan menjawab sesuai dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Terima kasih atas

bantuan, waktu, dan kesediannya.

B. Petunjuk

1. Mulailah dengan membaca Basmalah.

2. Bacalah pernyataan dibawah ini kemudian pilihlah salah satu jawaban

yang telah tersedia dengan memberikan tanda checklist (√) sesuai

dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya.

3. Jawaban yang diberikan hanya untuk penelitian ilmiah saja.

4. Atas kesediannya, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

5. Keterangan item :

Respon Penyataan Positif Pernyataan Negatif

Ya 1 0

Tidak 0 1

C. Contoh Pengisian Kuisioner

Pernyataan Ya Tidak

Saya tidak mengerti penggunaan article “a” dan “an” √




No Pernyataan Respon

Ya Tidak

1. Apakah anda sering melakukan kesalahan grammar ketika menulis

invitation card karna adanya perbedaan bahasa inggris dengan

bahasa yang digunakan sehari-hari

2. Saya sering lupa menambah kan “s/es” pada verb di kalimat simple

present tense dalam penulisan invitation card

3. Apakah guru selalu mengoreksi grammar pada penulisan invitation


4. Saya tidak mengerti menulis kalimat sederhana seperti simple

present pada invitation card.

5. Apakah anda selalu memperhatikan grammar ketika membuat

kalimat dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris

6. Saya tidak bisa membedakan penggunaan “to be” yang benar pada

simple present tense

7. Saya tidak mengerti ketika guru menjelaskan tentang grammar

dalam menulis invitation card

8. Apakah anda mengikuti aturan bahasa dari bahasa ibu – ke bahasa

inggris ketika menulis invitation card?

9. Saya mengetahui aturan bahasa inggris tetapi tidak dapat

menerapkannya dengan benar melalui tulisan

10 Apakah anda mencoba menulis dalam bahasa inggris di kelas tanpa

mempertimbangkan grammar dengan benar


Appendix VI



Appendix VII



Appendix VIII



Appendix IX



Appendix X



Appendix XI