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Submitted to fullfilment one the requirements to obtain the

Undergraduate Degree (S1) in English Education Program of

Education Faculty of The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi

Eti Sutami

NIM. TE.161720












FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi

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Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin

In Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Eti Sutami

NIM : TE 161720

Department : English Education Program

Title : A Content Analysis of English Textbook Entitled “Bahasa

Inggris” for the Tenth Grade

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements

for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of

final examination.

Jambi, 08 Maret 2021

Advisor I

Hilma Suryani, M.Pd

NIP. 19861226 201503 2 005




Alamat: Jl. Jambi – Ma. Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Muara Jambi 36363Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website :




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R-0 - 1-1

Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

SulthanThaha Saifuddin

In Jambi

Assalamu 'alaikum wr.wb.

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Eti Sutami

NIM : TE 161720

Department : English Education Program

Title : A Content Analysis of English Textbook Entitled “Bahasa

Inggris” for the Tenth Grade

Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the requirements

for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for an immediate process of

final examination.

Jambi, 02 Maret 2021

Advisor II

Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd

NIP. 19860605 201503 2 004




In the name ALLAH SWT who is the most gracious and merciful who

has given me mercy and blessings, health and ability to complete this thesis.

I dedicate this thesis to my parents, my father Edy Hartoyo and my

mother Wati who have educated me until now, my parents who pray and support

me to complete this thesis. Do not forget also to my beloved sister and brother

Dewi Purwanti and Adnan Oktarian who have given me the enthusiasm to

complete this thesis. I do not forget to also thank my friends who have encouraged

me so that I can complete my thesis. May Allah always give them physical and

spiritual health. Amiiin.



قاللهموسىهلأتبعكعلىأنتعلمنمماعلمترشدا (66)

Artinya : ”Musa berkata kepada Khidhr “Bolehkah aku mengikutimu supaya

kamu mengajarkan kepadaku ilmu yang benar di antara ilmu-ilmu

yang telah diajarkan kepadamu”(QS. 18: 66).

Meaning: "Musa said to Khidhr" May I follow you so that you teach me the

correct knowledge among the sciences that have been taught to

you "(QS. 18: 66).



Alhamdulillah, Firstly, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and

merciful, the lord of universe. Because of Her blessings, the researcher could

finish this thesis as one of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education

Programme of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness. The researcher

realizes that this thesis would have not been completed without the help, advice

and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity the researcher

would like to express thanks and gratitude to following parties for their


1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi MA, Ph.D Rector of the State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadlillah, M.Pd. as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

of The State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as the chief of English Education Programme.

4. Hilma Suryani, M.Pd as my first advisor and Wahyuni Fitria, M. Pd as my

second advisor.

5. All lecturers at English education program and all lecturers the Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training of The State Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing to us. Aamin Ya Rabbal


Jambi, 10 Januari 2021

Eti Sutami




Name : Eti Sutami

Study Program : English Language Education Study Program

Title : A Content Analysis of English Textbook Entitled

"Bahasa Inggris" for The Tenth Grade of Senior High


This thesis discusses the analysis of the content of an English textbook

entitled "Bahasa Inggris" for the tenth grade of senior high school. This research

is a content analysis research with document analysis type. The subject of this

research is student book. Sampling in this study using chapter in English textbook,

where the sampling technique is to take 15 chapters. Data collection was carried

out by observation and documentation. The researcher analyzes the 2013

curriculum book used by teacher and student based on the content feasibility

standard set by the Education National Standard Council (BSNP). The suitability

of the content includes; suitability of competency standard and basic competency,

scientific substance and life skills as well as insight to progress and develop. From

the result of the research, the feasibility of the content of the English Textbook

entitled "Bahasa Inggris" for the tenth grade of Senior High School published by

the Ministry of Culture has met the feasibility requirement, namely 93.75% of the

material, assignment and text developed in the English book meet the assessment

rubric feasibility of the content of the BSNP.

Keywords: Content Analysis, English Textbooks, Book Feasibility.



Nama : Eti Sutami

Program Studi : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : A Content Analysis of English Textbook Entitled “Bahasa

Inggris” for The Tenth Grade of Senior High School

Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisa isi buku bahasa inggris berjudul “Bahasa

Inggris” untuk kelas sepuluh sekolah menengah atas. Penelitian ini termasuk

penelitian analisa isi dengan jenis menganalisa dokumen. Subjek penelitian ini

adalah buku siswa. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan bab

dalam buku pelajaran Bahasa inggris, dimana teknik pengambilan sampel adalah

dengan mengambil 15 bab. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan

dokumentasi. peneliti menganalisa buku kurikulum 2013 yang digunakan guru

dan siswa berdasarkan standar kelayakan isi yang telah ditetapkan oleh badan

standar nasional pendidikan (BSNP). Kesesuaian isi tersebut meliputi; kesesuaian

standar kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar, substansi keilmuan dan life skill

serta wawasan untuk maju dan berkembang. Dari hasil penelitian, kelayakan isi

dari buku teks bahasa inggris berjudul “bahasa inggris” untuk kelas sepuluh

sekolah menengah atas terbitan kementrian dan kebudayaan telah memenuhi

persyaratan kelayakan isi yaitu 93,75% materi, tugas dan teks yang dikembangkan

dalam buku bahasa Inggris memenuhi rubrik penilaian kelayakan isi BSNP.

Kata Kunci: Analisa Isi, Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Kelayakan Buku.












CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.......................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study............................................................................... 1

B. Focus of the Research.................................................................................... 4

C. Formulation of the Problem .......................................................................... 5

D. Limitation of Study ....................................................................................... 5

E. Purpose of the Research................................................................................. 5

F. Significance of the Research.......................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................. 7

A. English Textbook........................................................................................... 7

B. Function of Textbook .................................................................................... 8

C. Criteria of a Good English Textbook............................................................. 8

D. Analyzing of a Textbook ............................................................................... 9

E. Rubic Assessment for Textbook .................................................................... 10

F. Curriculum ..................................................................................................... 12

G. previous study................................................................................................ 14

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...................................................... 16


A. Research Method ......................................................................................... 16

B. Research Data and Research Sources Object .............................................. 16

C. Instrument of the Study ............................................................................... 16

D. Procedure of analysis................................................................................... 17

E. The Technique of the Data Analysis ............................................................ 17

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION...................................................21

A. Research Finding...........................................................................................21

B. Discussion.................... ...................................................................................72

CHAPTER V CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS..................................77

A. Conclussions.................................................................................................77

B. Suggestions......................................................................................................77

REFERENCESS.................................................................................................. 78





A. Background of the Study

Textbook has a major role in supporting the implementation of the existing

curriculum. However, it is often found that material is not always representative

and complete enough to support the demands of the curriculum. in this case, the

2013 curriculum is the newest curriculum applied in Indonesia to date. The

implementation of the new curriculum is one of the effort made by the ministry of

education and culture to improve the quality of education. Which aims to be

achieved if the government and the whole community, especially teacher, as

practical learning leader, apply the 2013 curriculum as well as possible.

Meanwhile, there are several indicators that reveal that efforts to improve the

quality of education have not been able to significantly improve the quality of

education. One of the contributing factor is the weak implementation of effort to

improve the quality of education. Therefore, they must apply english textbook in

accordance with the 2013 curriculum.

Based on observation of researcher in school, textbook play an important

role in the teaching and learning process. The teaching and learning process takes

place depending on the availability of the Textbook. In term of using Textbook in

the teaching and learning process, there must be several criteria for a good

textbook. Textbook evaluation is the process of selecting what textbook to use in a

particular course taking into account teaching needs and values. according to

Cunningsworth (1995), the purpose of textbook evaluation is to support teacher

development and help teacher gain good and useful insight into the nature of the

material. Textbooks are recommended by the Indonesian Ministry of Education

and Culture to assist teacher in the teaching and learning process of English and

also to assisting teacher in improving student skills. In fact, the phenomenon we

found in school is that skills are not yet balanced in the teaching and learning


process. Students studying English in high school seem unable to speak fluently

and accurately. In addition, for listening skills, students seem have sufficient

abilities according to their needs, even these skills have been taught by the teacher

in the teaching and learning process.

There are several criteria based on the 2013 curriculum (Kemendikbud,

2016). The textbook must fulfill 4 aspects, namely: material aspects, linguistic

aspects, material presentation aspects, and graphic aspects. In textbooks, almost

every content and material covers all aspects related to language skills. There are

also several criteria based on several experts (Cunningsworth - 1995, Celce-

Murcia - 1979 and Wahab - 2013) especially on the language skills of English

textbook . These language skills are listening skill, speaking skill, writing skill

and reading skill.

Next, Textbook used in the classroom must go through evaluation. These

considerations are made based on clear answers to whether the textbook meets

curriculum objectives, is in accordance with the context of students, and other

aspects. Because English teachers use textbooks in class, they have to choose

textbooks that are suitable for students. Before deciding to use them, they must

evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of the textbook so that it really fits and is

ideal for meeting student needs. According to Tomlinson (2011), "textbooks are

one of the tools used to assist teachers in teaching students". Awasthi (2006) states

that "textbooks are teaching and learning material for both teacher and student to

rely on the teaching and learning process". Thus it can be concluded that

textbooks are a source for teachers and students in the teaching and learning


Next, Cunnigsworth (1995) said,Textbook is an effective resource for

independent learning, an effective source for presentation material, a source of

idea and activity, a reference source for student, a syllabus that reflect

predetermined learning goal, and support for inexperienced teacher who are still

not confident. In addition, Hycroft (1998) states that one of the main advantages

of using textbooks is that they are very important psychologically for students

because their progress and achievement can be measured concretely when we use


them. Without textbook, the teaching and learning process will have no impact,

thus providing standard in learning. In addition, the use of textbook in the

classroom can ensure that learner at various level will obtain similar content and

therefore, they can be evaluated in the same way. Therefore, to determine the

relevance of English textbook material with the 2013 curriculum material, it is

necessary to conduct research on the analysis of English textbook material.

According to Richards (2002: 252), textbooks are a source of teaching used to

support learning through stimulation of cognitive processes and provide structure

and development for learners to follow.

Researcher found several examples that might support this research. To

support and strengthen this research, the researcher looked for several samples,

That are: the first, Merlina Ninik Setyowati, conducted research in 2018 on the

analysis of English grammar in the English textbook "When English Rings a Bell"

used in SMP n 3 in Boyolali. This study aims to describe the representation of

grammar material, namely grammar exercises, teacher and student perspectives in

terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the textbook as a whole. The results of

this study found that: first, the inductive approach is more often used to represent

grammar material, namely grammar exercises in textbooks. Second, regarding the

teacher's perspective on the textbook as a whole entitled "When English Rings a

Bell" has advantages and disadvantages, in terms of advantages the textbook

consists of good, interesting, and well-rated points. Meanwhile, the weakness of

the book consists of a lack of teaching and a lot of difficult material. Third, from

the student's point of view of the grammar material in the textbook, it is concluded

that the grammar material has advantages and disadvantages. In terms of

strengths, the textbook consists of a good, clear, interesting, and good structure,

but the weakness of the textbook consists from confusing, no Indonesian

translation, and has difficult words.

The second, Rohmatillah, Devi Audina Pratama conducted a study in

2017 on the Analysis of an English Textbook entitled "Pathway to English"

Published by Erlangga First semester Class XI senior high school. The purpose of

this study was to find out whether the Pathway to English textbook for the


eleventh grade of the first semester fulfilled the 2013 curriculum syllabus points

and how wide it is presented. The results of this study are: first, the first class

eleven-grade textbook has fulfilled the 2013 curriculum syllabus items.Second,

the first-semester eleven-grade broad path textbook meets the 2013 curriculum

subject syllabus covering basic competencies and learning materials which consist

of entering and develop basic competencies into several exercises 4 English

language skills and successfully interpret and develop learning. material based on

social functions, text structure and language feature items.

The third, Fahmawati Isnita Rahma, conducted research in 2013 on the

analysis of English textbooks for grade VII junior high school students based on

BNSP content standards. This study aims to assess whether the contents of the

English textbook in Focus for grade VII Junior High Schools are in accordance

with BSNP content standards or not. The results of this study, the authors

concluded that based on the quality classification scheme, the contents of English

textbooks in English Focus for Class VII Junior High Schools are in accordance

with the content standards and are very well used in the learning process.

Based on the description above, the Researcher is interest in conducting



HIGH SCHOOL". Researcher chose an English book entitled "Bahasa Inggris"

published by the Ministry of Education and Culture as object to research. The

reason the researcher chose this book as primary data, because two schools were

collected using textbook published by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

B. Focus of the Research

The scope of this research is the analysis of the content of the English

textbook published in 2017 by the Ministry of Education and Culture for class X

SMA which analyzes the fulfillment of the content requirement specified in the

2013 curriculum. The Education National standard council (BNSP) assessment


rubric that will be adopted. In this study, the four categories provided by BNSP

(Education National standard council) to analyze textbook were content

feasibility, language feasibility, presentation feasibility and graphics. However,

researcher only used one of the four categories provided by BSNP (Education

National standard council) as a textbook assessment, namely content feasibility.

Because the purpose of this research is to determine the suitability of textbook

material with the 2013 curriculum based on its content only.

C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background description, the formulation of this research can

be formulated into the following questions: How english textbook entitled

“Bahasa Inggris” published by the Ministry of Education and Culture for tenth

grade senior high school fulfill the feasibitity of content requirements specified in

curriculum 2013?

D. Limitation of Study

The focus of this research is to analyze the content validity of English

textbook based on the 2013 curriculum entitled "Bahasa Inggris" published by the

Ministry of Education and Culture for the tenth grade of senior high school. The

researcher analyzes whether the content of the English textbook entitled "Bahasa

Inggris" are appropriate or not with the current curriculum, and the researcher

want to analyze the material available in the textbook published by the Ministry of

Education and Culture. The reason was made because the purpose of this study

was only to determine the suitability of the material in the English textbook.

E. Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research is:

To know whether the English Textbook entitled "Bahasa Inggris"

Published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the tenth grade of senior

high school has met the content of feasibility for the 2013 curriculum. If this

English book meet the requirement, then the textbook has met the Board criteria

National Education Standard.


F. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to provide a significant contribution to:

1. The Principal

The principal can find out whether the English textbook used by the teacher

provides an appropriate and good evaluation or not. So, the principal knows what

is needed to support teaching English.

2. Teacher

The results of this study will be very useful for English teacher as a

reference in choosing English textbook.

3. Reader

From the result of this study, readers will be given an overview of how to

analyze the suitability of textbook.




In this chapter, the researcher will elaborate about some theories connected

to the thesis.

A. English Textbook

Textbook is a very important of media for teaching which has a function to

measure students' understanding of the material presented by the teacher in

textbook. Tomlison (2003) stated that textbook help provide a map of the learning

journey for teacher and student, which allow teacher and student to see what can

be done in the next lesson and what has been done in the previous lesson.

According to Tomlinson (2011), "textbook are one of the tools used to assist

teacher in teaching student". Awasthi (2006) states that "textbooks are teaching

and learning material for both teacher and student to rely on the teaching and

learning process". Thus it can be concluded that textbooks are a source for

teachers and students in the teaching and learning process.

Cunnigsworth (1995) also argue that textbook is an effective resource for

independent study, an effective resource for presentation material, a source of

ideas and activities, a reference source for student, a syllabus in which they reflect

predetermined learning goal, and support for teacher. the inexperienced who

haven't gained the confidence yet. In addition, Hycroft (1998) also stated that one

of the main advantages of using textbook is that they are very important

psychologically for students because their progress and achievement can be

measured concretely when we use them.

Textbook is object that support the teaching and learning process.

According to Cunningsworth (1995: 7), textbook is better seen as a source in

achieving the goals and objectives that have been set in the needs of students. In


other word, textbook is material design for the teaching and learning process that

aim to improve student understanding.

According to Richards (2001), textbook is a key component in most

language program. Brown (2001: 141) also has a simple definition of textbook.

He stated that textbook is book used in an educational curriculum. Graves (2000:

175) adds that textbook is stimuli or instrument for teaching and learning, while

Hornby (2005: 158) defined textbook as book that teach certain subject and are

used mainly in school and college.

Based on the above definition, the researcher concludes that a textbook is a

standard book for a particular subject of study and is usually a simplified way for

learning purposes.

B. Function of Textbook

Textbook used in teaching and learning process is important. Textbook are

meant to help teachers in providing them teaching materials as stated by Chandran

(2003) that textbook act as a guideline for inexperienced teachers or tools for

experienced teacher. It also provided either inexperienced or experienced teachers

with guidance on what students have to learn and what student wish to learn. The

statement from Chandran is also in line with the statements from Cunningsworth

(1995). According to him, there are several functions and roles of textbook which

are; a resource of material, a source of activities for practice and communicative

Interaction, a reference book (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation), a syllabus, a

resource for self-directed learning or self-access, a support for less experienced


The essence of a textbook is basically to help both teacher and students in

some ways. For teacher, it helps them in preparing and developing the

teachingmaterials that are going to be taught and in the other hand. As for the

students, it helps them to maintain and trace back their input in learning.

C. Criteria of a Good English Textbook

In language teaching, teacher need to identify that textbook suitable or not

for the studens. Harmer (2007) ptoposes several criteria in choosing a suitable


textbook for the students, such as price and availability, layout and design,

instruction, methodology syllabus, language skills, topic cultural apropriacy, and

teacher guide. Moreover, Ur (2016) also suggest some points that should be

considered in using textbook, namely framework, syllabus, ready-made texts,

economy, convenience, guidence, and autonomy.

Tarigan (1992) states that textbooks must meet the following 10 quality


a. Textbooks must be attractive to students

b. Textbooks must be able to motivate students

c. The contents of the textbook must be pictorial

d. Textbooks must consider linguistic aspects

e. The contents of the textbook must relate to other branches of science

f. Textbooks should stimulate the personal activities of students.

g. The contents of the textbook must be written clearly so that students are not

confused in using it. h. Textbooks must have a clear point of view

i. Textbooks must be able to appreciate individual differences.

Become a qualified textbook, beside the textbook should be readability, the

textbook need to assess and the component of good textbook in content ( qualified

textbook), there are description about assessment of textbook component and

criteria for a good textbook.

D. Analyzing of a Textbook

Analyzing the textbook that will be used is very important to measure

the suitability of the textbook used by student and teacher in class. Quoted from

what Cunningsworth said that the selection of textbook must be in accordance

with the context in which the textbook will be used. Although no textbook is

really ideal for student. however, it would be even better to select book based on

the most appropriate criteria or complement inadequate or inappropriate material.

Analyzing the criteria determined from a textbook is one way to determine and

evaluate a textbook specifically whether the book is suitable for use or not in

teaching and learning activities. The criteria proposed by Cunningsworth (1995)

serve as guidelines for the preparation of an evaluation checklist, namely; (1)


textbook must be in accordance with the needs of students and they must be in

accordance with the aims and objectives of the language learning program. (2)

textbook should reflect the present and future of language and select textbooks

that help equip students to use language effectively for their purposes. (3)

facilitating learning in various ways, and (4) having a clear role as supporting


The Cunningsworth framework for textbook evaluation has a

comprehensive description of the internal approach to textbook evaluation. In

addition, it also contains criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of textbooks

when viewed from a reality perspective that students may face in real life by

presenting language outside the classroom.

E. Rubic Assessment for Textbook

BSNP (Education National standard council) itself has released an

evaluation process in Pusbukur (book center and curriculum, 2013) in form of a

rubric assessment to evaluate the properness and also the suitability of a textbook.

The rubric assessment from Education National standard council is designed to

qualitatively describe and assess any content related items and materials in a

textbook then quantitatively coding it. According to Puskurbuk, (book center and

curriculum, 2013) these are instruments in evaluating a curriculum 2013 textbook,

one of the instrument is:

a. Feasibility of Content

This feasibility of content is a group of assessment about the content of the

textbook. The feasibility content includes three measurements which are

compatibility of materials with core competency (KI) and basic competency

(KD), the accuracy of materials, and the last supporting materials.

1. The Compatibility of materials with core competency (KI) and basic

competency (KD).

In this criterion of feasibility of content which is compatible with KI (core

competency) and KD (basic competency) the criteria were divided into two sub

criteria which is Completeness and In-Depth.

a. Completeness


In completeness criteria, textbook is expected to expose students to

understand and produce both interpersonal and interactional conversation whether

in spoken or written to help them interact in contextual and themed situations

along with many other characteristic, religious and aesthetic values included.

b. In-Depth

In this criterion, textbook is expected to fulfill several points of In-Depth.

The first is exposure which means that the textbook is expected to expose student

with as many kinds of text that relevant with students’ daily life in order to help

them get used to any kinds of texts as possible. Then, text retention means that

textbook should guide students in understanding the social function, structure of

text, and linguistic features. The last is production textbook which should be able

to guide students in every step in producing both verbal and written text.

2. The accuracy of the materials.

In this criterion of feasibility of content which is the accuracy of the

materials, the criteria were divided into three sub criteria which is Social function,

Generic structure and Linguistic feature.

a. Social Function

In this criterion, the text provided in the textbook or the exercises given

from the textbook that have been done by the students are expected to have values

in social function in its relation with student’s daily life either in interpersonal or


b. Generic Structure

In this criterion, the text provided in the textbook or the exercises given

from the textbook that have been done by the students are expected to give the

students an insight and ideas to think systematically in doing exercise or

producing it in daily life.

c. Linguistic Feature

In this criterion, the text provided in the textbook or the exercises given

from the textbook that have been done by the students are expected to be

understandable and fulfill the norm and characteristic values of a good

communications in student’s daily life.


3. Supporting materials.

In this criterion of feasibility of content which is supporting materials, the

criteria were divided into three sub criteria which are Up to-Datedness,

Development of life skills and Development of Diversity Insight. In this criterion,

Up-to-Datedness means every item in supporting the materials and exercise

provided within the textbook (Tables, Pictures, Texts, References) should be

taken from a relevance and newest sources available. Development of Life Skills

define that every text and communicative exercise and task available within

textbook should motivate students toward a good personality that concern about

social, academic and vocational life and the last is Diversity Insight that means

every text and communicative exercise and task available within textbook should

motivate students toward a good citizen that concern, understand and appreciate

the multicultural diversity.

The rubric assessment from BSNP (Education National standard council) is

a whole book analysis. This rubric assessment assesses the accurateness and

appropriateness of a content of textbook in delivering teaching materials, the

technique of presenting, the relation of every chapter, and social benefits from a

textbook (Puskurbuk, 2013).

F. Curriculum

1. Definition of Curriculum

Curriculum is the most essential of teaching learning process. A teacher

should teach his/her students according to the current curriculum because it has

been designed on the basis of students’ needs. Feez (2002:9) stated that

curriculum is a general statement of goals and outcomes, learning arrangement,

evaluation, and documentation relating to the management of program within an

education institution. Nana (1999:5) states that curriculum is a plan that gives

guidance in the teaching learning process activities.

The writer concludes that curriculum is a plan that is developed to make

teaching-learning activities progress well. It is kind of guidance in the teaching


learning process. The reformation of curriculum is sometimes done in order to

improve or to develop the quality of education. The curriculum also contains

science, knowledge, and experience worth giving to the students to obtain the

educational objectives.

2. Curriculum 2013

The curriculum in Indonesia has been increasingly developed to be more

advanced nowadays. From the last ten years, teachers in Indonesia already adapt

three kinds of curriculums from KBK (Competency based curriculum), KTSP

(School based Curriculum) and the latest curriculum 2013 which is finally

released in July 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia is developed by the Ministry of

Education and Culture of Indonesia. As we know that the recent curriculum

decided by the ministry is the 2013 Curriculum. The 2013 Curriculum includes

competency of attitude, knowledge, and skills integrated.

Therefore, the design of curriculum is also changed from teacher-

centered to student-centered. The 2013 Curriculum adopts scientific approach. As

conveyed in Permendikbud No. 81 in 2013, scientific approach is a learning

process that is designed to make students construct concept and principle actively

through some steps: observing, questioning, collecting information and

concluding, associating, and communicating. Mendikbud said in Modul Bahasa

Inggris that the content of the 2013 Curriculum is formed core competencies of

class and followed by the basic competence of subjects. Core competence is the

quality that must be owned by pupils in the class through basic competence which

is organized in pupils` learning process. Basic competence is competence that

must be learned by the pupils. This basic competence will be the reference for

teacher to write the syllabus and teaching-learning process. The latest Curriculum

2013 is perhaps the reformed and advanced version of School based Curriculum

(KTSP) because many aspects in the Curriculum 2013 are adapted from School

based Curriculum (KTSP). The basic competency (KD) are still used in the

Curriculum 2013. It also still uses the School based Curriculum frameworks as the

basis, yet in Curriculum 2013 introduced new curriculum variable which is core

competency (KI).


The main aspect that has been optimized in Curriculum 2013 compared to KTSP

(School based Curriculum) is that in Curriculum 2013 the contents are not only

based on student accomplishment on the indicator and standards, but also the

student comprehension in applying the value of honestly, self-discipline,

responsibility, cooperation, tolerance, polite, responsibility, and proactive.

The idea of Curriculum 2013 is to provide all indicators in core competency

(KI) and basic competency (KD) with religious value, believes, and social peace

and relate all those values into every single lesson that will be taught.

G. previous study

First, Yudha Mamduh, he did research in 2016 entitled “The

Appropriateness of 2013 Curriculum English Text Book Content Based on

Content Standard f BSNP (Student English Book for the First Semester of Grade

X of Senior High School Published by Ministry of Education and Culture)”. The

objectives of this research was to analyze the appropriateness of textbook content

of the student English book for the first semester of grade X of Senior High

School published by of Education and Culture based on content standard of 2013

curriculum. This study used qualitative approach, which analyzed the materials of

the book or content analysis. The source of data analysis in this study was Student

English Book for the First Semester of Grade X of Senior High School Published

by Ministry of Education and Culture. To collect the data, the researcher used

documentation. The result of this study can be stated that the content of the

Student English Book for the First Semester of Grade X of Senior High School

Published by Ministry of Education and Culture isappropriate with content

standard of 2013 curriculum. It is based on the data as follows: the compatibility

of material items with core competence and basic competence is 84 % or in a

good category. The accuracy of material is 86 % or in a very good category.

Learning supporting sources is 84 % or in a good category. The similarity

between his study and the researcher`s study are on the objectives of this study

which is to find out the content quality of the book, method, data collection

techniques and criteria for evaluation. Then the differencess is on the subject of

the study. This study used English book for the first semester of grade X of Senior


High School published by Ministry of Education and Culture based on content

standard of 2013 curriculum and the researcher study used English textbook

entitled “When English Rings a Bell” for Grade VII Junior High School Published

by Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia.

The second, Hermansyah, he did a research in 2014 on the quality of the

english textbook used by teacher at the state junior high school 19 tanjung jabung

timur publish by platinum. The design of his study was descriptive qualitative

research because he wanted to know feasibility of the textbook. The result of this

study is the platinum published English textbook used for teacher at the state

junior high school 19 tanjung jabung timur as English textbook is feasibility to


The third, study is Mardiyah, she did a research in 2015 on analysis on the

feasibility of english textbook entitled “LKS CINTA” used for Grade Eleven

Students of Islamic Senior High School published by Cinta Sekawan. The design

of her study was descriptive qualitative because she wanted to describe the

general quality of the textbook. The result that an english textbook publish by

citra sekawan was 52,27% which means that workbook wass lessfair to use as the

source of materials in learning process.




In this chapter, the researcher would like to discuss the research

methodology. Some points will be the researcher discuss those are: a) method and

design of the reseach, b) research data and sources of the research, c) technique of

analyzing the data.

A. Research Method

In this study, researcher used a content analysis particularly document

analysis. This study analyze the feasibility of the theme and material in the

English textbook entitled "Bahasa Inggris" with the basic competence of the 2013

curriculum. The textbook used in this study is the English textbook for the first

class of Senior High School "Bahasa Inggris" published Ministry of Education

and Culture of Indonesia and used in SMA N 7 Muaro Jambi.

B. Research Data and Research Sources Object

This research is the content of an English Textbook Entitled "Bahasa

Inggris" for The Tenth Grade, a textbook published in 2017 by the Ministry of

Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This textbook was written by

Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah. This book consists of 15 units (one

hundred and ninety-three pages) and the researcher takes all units as a sample.

C. Instrument of the Study

To get accurate data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation.

The researcher used documentation checklist in collecting data sourced from

curriculum 2013 for first grade of Senior High School and Rubric assessment

from BSNP (Education National Standard Council) which was taken from aspect

material has 4 to 1 as follows: Score 4 is given if the textbook materials fulfill

91% -100% from the rubric assessment criteria, Score 3 is given if the textbook


material fulfill more than 76% - 90% from the rubric assessment criteria, Score 2

is given if the textbook material Fulfills 61% - 75% from the rubric assessment

criteria, Score 1 is given if the textbook material only fulfils 0% - 60% of the

rubric assessment criteria (Amrina, 2018). The researcher also used an English

textbook for the first year of Senior High School on odd semester, “Bahasa

Inggris”, written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, and Furaidah. Data were

collected from textbook totaling 6 chapters. The researcher also used book and

paper on textbook content analysis as a guide in analyzing and interpreting data.

Researcher adopted instrument from Education National Standard Council

(BSNP) to obtain accurate data collection and present reliable findings that are

close enough to real situation where textbook are used.

D. Procedure of analysis

In the procedure of analysis the researcher did the following step of study.

In the begining procedure, the researcher identified the researcher question from

the textbook evaluation criteria formulated by BSNP (Education National

Standard Council) by means of checklist evaluation than made the guidelines

appropriated with the data that the researcher had been looked for. Before the

researcher took the data, the researcher adopted the rubric provided by BSNP

(Education National standard council) to assessa textbook about how the textbook

fulfilled curriculum 2013.

Furthermore, the researcher read and understand the four categories

contained in the rubric, namely content feasibility, presentation feasibility,

language feasibility and graphic feasibility. The first one chosen is content

feasibility, because it is the closest thing to knowing how textbooks fulfill the

2013 curriculum through textbook content. Furthermore, researcher read and

understand the element contained in these criteria.

E. The Technique of the Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher analyzed the data from the textbook with Rubric

Assessment from BSNP (Education National Standard Council). This analysis



meant to evaluate the materials which are conformed in Curriculum 2013. In this

analysis, the researcher did the following steps;

1. Use an adapted scoring rubric to collect the required data.

After the assessment instrument is ready, data collection is immediately

carried out from the sample. Data collection is done by comparing it with the

characteristic given by the rubric. The rubric assessment was adopted from BSNP

(Education National Standard Council) and also integrated with the Likert scale,

and only one of the four categories provided by BSNP (Education National

Standard Council) was used. This is content eligibility.

2. Analyze data and present numerically in tables and descriptively in paragraph.

At the stage after the required data has been collected, the researcher

present the data into a content feasibility table for each chapter. Then the data is

evaluated by giving a score on the list of categories focused on rubric assessment

1 (not good), if Basic Competency (KD), Core Competency (KI) syllabus and

textbook material is not appropriate or not appropriate. 2 (enough), if the Basic

Competency (KD), Core Competency (KI), syllabus and textbook material are

still appropriate / appropriate. 3 (good), if the Mayor from Basic Competency

(KD), Core Competency (K)I, syllabus and textbook materials are appropriate or

appropriate. 4 (very good), if all Basic Competency (KD), Core Competency (KI),

syllabus and textbook materials are appropriate / appropriate and complete. The

Rubric rating was adopted from the Likert Scale, and only the even Scale was

used. The scale is taken because the researcher avoids biased or neutral result

when using an odd scale. Therefore, in evaluating the data, the researcher present

numerically and descriptively.

3. Reducing data based on research objectives.

Data reduction in this study was carried out during the research process.

Researcher follow the criteria listed in the rubric. Researchers select and focus on

the criteria data needed in the rubric. Then the data is reduced according to the

needs of the researcher to answer the research question of how the textbook

"English Contextual" meet the feasibility of the 2013 curriculum content.

4. Interpret the data obtained after the assessment of the evaluation.


Interpretation is carried out after data is reduced and presented. The data are

interpreted to show the results of the suitability of the textbook with the 2013

curriculum. Interpretation is taken from data collection, data reduction and data

presentation. Then the researcher interpreted the data in quantitative output with

the help of formulas in the form of percentages and numbers.

Then the researcher presented the data which was interpreted

descriptively. The author uses the following formula to help present data in the

form of a number formula according to Sudjiono Anas (2005, p.42).

Note :

Percentage : P

Total Score : A

Total Score maximal : B

Percentage Eligibility : P =𝐴

𝐵x 100% =




In this chapter, the researcher describes the research findings based on the

data collected. The researcher presented and interpreted the data as research

findings whose entire chapters were 15 chapters from the textbook which were

analyzed and evaluated. In other word, the researcher will present the findings that

are presented on the cover for semesters 1 and 2 of the textbook being taught.

Researcher used the scoring range provided by the BSNP. In addition, researcher

will use percentages as a summary representation of the feasibility of content.

A. Research Finding

The research finding based on The Textbook Entitled “Bahasa Inggris” for

the tenth grade published by Ministry of Education and Culture of

Indonesia used for SMA N 7 MUARO JAMBI are:


Chapter I “Talking about Self”

Feasibility of content in chapter I:

“ Talking about Self ”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Generic structure ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discussed applied aspect of learning, namely asking for and

providing information about identity and family relationship using language

elements: pronoun, subjective, objective and possessive.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. completeness

in chapter 1 in accordance with the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In Core Competencies and Basic


Competencies, “Applying social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of oral and written transactional interaction texts that involve giving

and asking for information related to identity and family relationships ,

according to the context of its use. (Pay attention to the pronoun linguistic

elements, subjective, objective, possessive)”. The learning aspects are: greeting,

introduction and invitation.

We can saw that in Exercise 1 on pages 4 and 5, there is an email message

between two person and student will read the text carefully. Then they try to

answer the main ideas and most important details of the text through writing

that is packaged in their own words.

In this chapter we can also build student character. For example the

character building of this chapter is: friends are an essential thing in our life.

Without a mate we will be boring and uninteresting. So, it is important for us to

be friendly to others. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good

for the completeness of this chapter.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. This can

be saw from the completeness criteria in chapter 1 that this book has developed

question exercises that expose students to express greetings and accept

invitations. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more information to

develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements in the 2013 curriculum. Interpersonal communication taught on

pages 4 and 5 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students

to interact with others. for transactional communication saw page 17. This

teacher student to provided recommendation about student daily activity.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for social function.


2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of student systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 18, students are asked to write responses

about letters via email. In this case, students are required to know how to

express greetings, introduce themselves and others, say goodbye, accept

invitations or cancel invitations. Grammar inserts are taught simple present

tense. Therefore, the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very


3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

made it easier for student to understand the lesson and made it easier for

student to use greeting, farewell, send invitation, and pronounce. It is clear

from exercise 1 on pages 4 and 5 that the text used is self-introduction. Almost

all student know how to provided identify information. So the above

explanation gave a linguistic feature score of 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter which discusses student how they express separation, invite,

acquaintance with friend about hobby and memorable moments in their daily

activities. on pages 4 and 5 can make it easier for students to understand the

lesson. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for its


2. development of life skills

In this case, we can see that in tasks 1, 2 and 3 on pages 4 and 5, student

will analyze the greeting expressions, farewell invitations, introductions and

pronunciation. In this activity, student are required to communicate with other

student and solve problem from exercises. This chapter also explain about

student knowing more about their own abilities after the learning process is


complete by answering several questions from the teacher. So based on

these considerations, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good in its


3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developed a diversity perspective have been

successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.

Chapter II “Congratulating and Complimenting Others”

Feasibility of content in chapter II:

“Congratulating and Complimenting Others ”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 1 7


This chapter discusses implementing aspect of learning, namely giving

congratulation and praise by using text structure and language elements that are

appropriate to the purpose and context of use.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 2 in accordance with the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies, “Implementing social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of oral and written interpersonal interaction text that involves the act

of giving congratulations and winged praise (extended), and respond to it,

according to the context of its use”. The learning aspect is saying

congratulations and praising winged (extended).

We can see that in exercises 1 and 3 on pages 23 and 24, there is a

conversational text that congratulates his friend on his long hard work and

finally being appointed as director. And the other story tells about the victory

over a school storytelling competition. Students read the text on pages 23 and

24 and show expressions when congratulating their friends on their success.

then students discuss with their friends the answers to the questions on pages

24 and 25.

In this chapter we can also build student character. for example character

building in this chapter, namely everything our friends have achieved, we

should congratulate him on his success. And we can learn a lesson for his

tireless struggle. It can also be a spirit to achieve success that comes from your

own hard work. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for

completeness in this chapter.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 2 that this book has

developed a question exercise that exposes students to expressing


congratulations and praising friend who won champion and so on. This

chapter also uses other sources to obtain more information to develop their

understanding of the topic covered. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4

or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 26,

27 and 28 has been equipped with several exercises to stimulate student to

interact with others. for transactional communication, saw page 32. This

teaches student to give congratulation or praise to their friends who win or

wear beautiful clothes and so on. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or

very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure required for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by way of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 25, students are asked to complete the table

with the expressions of congratulation and the responses they find from the

previous conversation, namely on pages 23 and 24. In this case, students are

encouraged to know what are the expressions of congratulations and winged

praise (extended). Therefore, the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4

or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson and make it easier for

students to use expressions of congratulations, praise and correct

pronunciation. Obviously seen from assignments 1 and 3 on pages 23 and 24,

the text used is an expression of congratulation and praise for friend who get an

award or get the highest position. All students know the expressions of


congratulations or expressions of praise that they often use in everyday

life. So the researcher gave the linguistic features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter discusses how student congratulate or praise their friends

who got champions or so in the school or community environment. on pages

23, 24, 26, 27, 32 and 34 of the conversational text can make it easier for

students to understand the lesson. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or

very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, we can see that in assignments 1 and 2 on pages 23 and 24,

students will analyze expressions in expressions of congratulations or praise

contained in the conversation and their responses. In this activity, students are

required to communicate with other students and solve problems from the

exercise. This chapter also explains about students knowing more about their

own abilities after the learning process is complete by answering several

questions from task 5 on page 25. So based on these considerations, the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good in its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researchers gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter III “What are You Going to Do Today?”

Feasibility of content in chapter III:

“What are You Going to Do Today?”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discusses implementing aspects of learning, namely expressing

orally or in writing related to the intention of wanting to do something by paying

attention to social functions, text structure, and correct language elements

according to the context.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness


In chapter 3 according to the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies, “Applying social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of oral and written transactional interaction texts that involve giving

and asking for information related to the intention to take an action / activities,

according to the context of their use. (Note the linguistic elements of be going

to, would like to)”. the learning aspect is to express orally or in writing the

intention to do something.

We can see in task 1 on page 40, there is a conversation that talks about

vacation plans. Students will read the conversation aloud following the

direction of the teacher and students do this with their classmates. Next,

students answer the questions listed on page 42. In assignment 2 on page 42,

students will write a follow-up conversation from task 1 in their own language

and students will discuss it with their classmates.

In this chapter we can also build chemistry between student and

classmate. for example in this chapter, it is better to plan all intentions or plans

with friends or family. Therefore the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 3 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to express their intention to

do something with their friends. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain

more information to develop their understanding of the topics covered.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this


3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 42,

43 and 44 has been equipped with several exercises to stimulate students to


interact with others. for transactional communication see pages 40, 41, 43

and 44. This teaches student to express intentions or plan with friend or family

so that the plan will be smooth and fun. Therefore, the researcher gave a score

of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure required for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by way of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 42, students are asked to continue the

conversation from the previous dialogue on page 41. On page 45 student is also

asked to make short dialogues for situations that are contained in the question.

Therefore, the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topic taken also

make it easy for student to understand the lesson, because every activity they

will do must start from an intention or plan. we can see on pages 40, 41, 43 and

44, there are conversations in which they tell about vacation plans, making

cakes and so on. So the researcher gave the linguistic features score 4 or very


4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter discusses how students intend and plan to do something for

the future. on pages 40, 41, 43 and 44, the conversational text can make it

easier for students to understand the lesson. therefore, the researcher gave a

score of 4 or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, we can see on pages 43 and 44, students will analyze

expressions in a dialogue in which there is someone's intention to do

something. In this activity, students are required to communicate with other


students and solve problems from the exercise. This chapter also explains

about students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning

process is complete by answering several questions on pages 44 and 45. So

based on these considerations, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good in

its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researchers gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter IV “Which One is Your Best Getaway?”

Feasibility of content in chapter IV:

“Which One is Your Best Getaway?”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely describing

orally and in writing about tourist attractions and historical buildings with

linguistic elements of descriptive text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness


In chapter 4 in accordance with the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies, “Compiling oral and written descriptive texts, short and simple,

related to famous tourist attractions and historical buildings, by paying

attention to social functions, text structures, and elements language, correctly

and in context”. The learning aspect is to describe tourist attractions and

historical buildings using descriptive texts.

Have a look at assignment 1 on pages 53, 58 and 59, students will read

the text carefully. Then, they were asked to argue about the places described in

the text and they would also mention the similarities or differences from texts 1

and 2. Next, students would answer the questions on pages 54, 59 and 60.

In this chapter students describe a tourist spot or historical building with

their thoughts or experiences and compose their own words. So, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 4 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to describe a historical place

or building in their own words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain

more information to develop their understanding of the topics covered.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this


3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 53,

54, 58 and 59 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students

to interact with others. for transactional communication see pages 55 and 60.

This teaches student to be able to describe a place or historical building in


spoken or written form with their own thoughts and words. Therefore, the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of systematic thinking students in this chapter have

been successfully developed as on page 67, in the role play students will

explain an object and pretend to be a guide who will describe the peculiarities

of the tourist attraction. Therefore, the researcher gave a general grammar

score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on pages 53,

54, 58 and 59, in a text, students can understand the meaning of the text on the

page and students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the

linguistic features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about describing a place or historical building.

on pages 53, 54, 58 and 59, descriptive text can make it easier for students to

understand the lesson. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good

for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, we can see on pages 53 and 58, students will mention the

similarities or differences contained in the text. In this activity, students are

required to read carefully so that they know the similarities or differences

between the two texts. This chapter also explains about students knowing more

about their own abilities after the learning process is complete by answering

several questions on pages 54, 59 and 60. So based on these considerations, the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good in its development.


3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researchers gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.

Chapter V “Let`s Visit Niagara Falls”

Feasibility of content in chapter V:

“Let`s Visit Niagara Falls”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8


This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely describing orally and

in writing about tourist attractions or historical buildings using linguistic elements

of descriptive text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 5 according to the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic

competencies, “distinguishing social functions, text structures, and linguistic

elements of several oral and written descriptive texts by providing and

requesting information related to famous tourist attractions and historical

buildings, short and simple, according to the context of its use”. the learning

aspect is to describe tourist attractions or historical buildings.

It can be seen on page 74, students will match the pictures with the

stories contained on pages 72 and 73 and they will answer in what paragraphs

the pictures are. Then, they will answer the comprehensive questions found on

page 74.

In this chapter, students can describe a tourist spot or historical building

with their thoughts or experiences and compose their own words. So the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It is

seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 5 that this book has developed a

question exercise that exposes students to describe a historical place or

building in their own words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more

information to develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions


The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 72

and 73 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to

interact with others. For transactional communication, see page 79, the teacher

will create groups to write sentences about interesting places. After that,

students will exchange their group's writings with their friends and they will

read other groups' writings. This teaches students to be able to describe a place

or historical building in spoken or written form with their own thoughts and

words. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of systematic thinking. Students in this chapter have

been successfully developed as on page 79, the teacher will make groups to

write sentences about interesting places. After that, students will exchange their

group's writings with their friends and they will read other groups' writings.

Therefore, the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on pages 72

and 73, in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text contained

on that page and students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave

the linguistic features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about describing a place or historical building.

on pages 72 and 73, descriptive text can make it easier for students to

understand the lesson. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good

for its relevance.

2. development of life skills


In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

pages 72 and 73. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that

they know the similarities or differences of the two texts. This chapter also

explains about students knowing more about their own abilities after the

learning process is complete by answering several questions on page 74. So

based on these considerations, the researcher gives a score of 4 or very good in

its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter VI “Giving Announcement”

Feasibility of content in chapter VI:

“Giving Announcement”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discusses applying the learning aspect, namely making

announcements about school activities.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 6 according to the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic


competencies, “distinguishing social functions, text structures, and

language elements of several special texts in the form of announcements, by

giving and requesting information related to school activities, according to the

context of its use”. The learning aspect is making the announcement


It can be seen on pages 83 and 84, students are asked to read the

notification text. Students will form groups to identify the two announcements.

next, students will write down the most important details of the announcement

in their own words. After that, they will read their answers in groups with the

first question and vice versa.

In this chapter, students can make announcements about the school with

their own thoughts and compose their own words. So, the researcher gave a

score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It is

seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 6 that this book has developed

question exercises that expose students to making announcements in their own

words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more information to

develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 83

and 84 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to

interact with others. For transactional communication, see pages 85 and 86,

students will create groups to answer questions on page 85. After that, students

will write the answers listed on pages 85 and 86. This teaches students to be

able to make announcements in oral or written form with their own thoughts

and words. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.


2. Generic Structure

The general structure required for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of systematic thinking students in this chapter have

been successfully developed as on page 85, students will form groups to

identify the announcement text found on pages 83 and 84. After that, students

will write, write and read the main idea in the announcement text. Therefore,

the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on pages 83

and 84, in a text, students can understand the meaning of the text contained on

that page and students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the

linguistic features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is about making announcements. on pages 83 and 84, in the

text it can make it easier for students to understand the lessons being taught.

therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

pages 83 and 84. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that

they know the similarities or differences of the two texts. This chapter also

explains about students knowing more about their own abilities after the

learning process is complete by answering several questions on page 87. So

based on these considerations, the researcher gives a score of 3 or good in its


3. development of diversity insight


In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.

Chapter VII “The Wright Brothers”

Feasibility of content in chapter VII:

“The Wright Brothers”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely providing

information about events that occurred in the past which refer to the time they

occurred and the outcome of the incident. (simple past tense and present ferfect



a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 7 in accordance with the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic

competencies, “Applying social functions, text structures, and linguistic

elements of oral and written transactional interaction texts that involve giving

and asking for information related to circumstances / actions / activities /

events that have occurred / occurred in the past that refer to the time of

occurrence and their outcome, according to the context in which they are used.

(Note the simple past tense vs present perfect tense)”. the learning aspect is to

provide information about events that occurred in the past.

It can be seen on assignment 1 on page 97, students will read the

conversations on that page. On pages 98 and 99, students are asked to make

dialogues with expressions based on previous conversations on page 97.

In this chapter also, students can provide information about events that

occurred in the past with their thoughts or experiences and compose their own

words. So, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It is

seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 7 that this book has developed

question exercises that expose students to making announcements in their own

words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more information to

develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on page 97 is

equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to interact with others.


for transactional communication can be seen on page 105, students will

pair up to make a simple past tense that has been taught by the teacher. Then,

students will ask further questions about the activities carried out yesterday to

their partners using what, where, why, who, when or how. After that, students

will also make present perfect tense sentences with 5W1H. This can teach

students to be able to make simple past tense and present perfect tense

sentences using their own thoughts and words. Therefore, the researcher gave a

score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of systematic thinking students in this chapter have

been successfully developed as on page 106, students are asked to make

interview reports in the form of a chart as exemplified on page 106. After that,

students will write and read the contents their interview report. Therefore, the

researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 97, in

a text that students can understand the meaning of the text contained on that

page and students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the

linguistic features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter discusses making sentences simple past tense and present

perfect tense. on page 97, in the conversation text it can make it easier for

students to understand the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a

score of 4 or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills


In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

pages 98, 99 and 100. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so

that they know how to make simple past tense and present perfect tense

sentences. This chapter also explains about students knowing more about their

own abilities after the learning process is complete by answering several

questions on pages 98 to 100. So based on these considerations, the researcher

gives a score of 4 or very good in its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researchers gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter VIII “My Idol”

Feasibility of content in chapter VIII:

“My Idol”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely telling about

personal experiences using linguistic elements of recount text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 8 in accordance with the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic


competencies, “distinguishing social functions, text structure, and

linguistic elements of some recount text and writing by giving and asking for

information related to personal experiences in accordance with the context of

their use”. the learning aspect is telling about personal experiences.

It can be seen on pages 110 to 111, students are told to read the text.

Furthermore, students will answer comprehension questions from the text they

read in their own words.

In this chapter, students can share information about their personal

experiences in their own words. So, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very


2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It is

seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 8 that this book has developed

question exercises that expose students to recount personal experiences in their

own words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more information to

develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 110

and 111 is equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to interact

with others. Then, students will answer the questions on page 111. Therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 111, students are asked to answer questions

with their understanding of the text they read previously. Therefore, the

researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.


3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 110,

in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text on that page and

students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the linguistic

features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is about giving information about their personal

experiences. on page 110, in the text it can make it easier for students to

understand the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4

or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

pages 110 and 111. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so

that they know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also

explains about students knowing more about their own abilities after the

learning process is complete by answering several questions on page 111. So

based on these considerations, the researcher gives a score of 4 or very good in

its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researchers gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter IX “The Battle of Surabaya”

Feasibility of content in chapter IX:

“The Battle of Surabaya”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 2 6

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely providing

information about historical events orally and in writing with linguistic elements

of recount text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness


In chapter 9 in accordance with Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic

competencies, “distinguishing social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of several oral and written recount texts by providing and requesting

information related to historical events in accordance with the context of their

use”. aspect of learning is to provide information about historical events.

It can be seen on page 123, students will read the text about Heroes' Day

and students must also understand the text they read. Then students will discuss

with their friends and they will make conclusions. Then, students will compare

their conclusions with the reasons stated in the text, whether they are the same

or not.

In this chapter, students can find out information about historical events

that occurred in the past from what they read in the text. Then, students can

also provide information about historical events to friends who do not know

about historical events. So, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It is

seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 9 that this book has developed

question exercises that expose students to make inferences about historical

texts in their own words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more

information to develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 123

and 124 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to

interact with others. on page 23, students will read and understand a text. Then,

students will write the conclusions they understand from the text and they will

check whether the conclusions they write will be the same as the reasons stated


in the text. Furthermore, on page 124, students will answer questions

briefly based on the text. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very


2. Generic Structure

The general structure required for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of students 'systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 129, students are asked to make

recalculation texts based on students' experiences using their own words.

Therefore, the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 123,

in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text contained on that

page and students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the

linguistic features score 3 or good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about providing information related to historical

events. on page 123, in the text it can make it easier for students to understand

the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very

good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

page 123. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that they

know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also explains about

students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning process is

complete by answering several questions on page 124. So based on these

considerations, the researcher gives a score of 4 or very good in its



3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.

Chapter X “B.J. Habibie”

Feasibility of content in chapter X:

“B.J. Habibie”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 8

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely telling a person's

biography verbally and in writing using linguistic elements of recount text.


a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 10 in accordance with Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum.In core competencies and basic

competencies, distinguishing social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of several oral and written recount texts by giving and asking for

information related to a person's biography according to the context of their

use. the learning aspect is telling about a person's biography.

This can be seen on pages 134, 135 and 140. On pages 135 and 135,

students will read the text and understand what they are reading. then on page

136 students were asked to fill in the blank with the text information that they

had previously read. After that, in assignment 2 students will answer questions

that refer to the reading text they previously read on page 136. On page 140,

students will read a dialogue with their classmates. they tell about their idol,

namely BJ Habibie.

In this chapter, students can share information about the biography of

someone they idolize from reading samples they previously read. So, the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 10 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to understand the text they

are reading and answer the questions on page 136. This chapter also uses other

sources to get more information to develop their understanding of topics

discussed. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth

in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions


The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on page 140.

Then, students will write independently using the biography found on page 134

as a reference. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for

social function.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of systematic thinking. Students in this chapter have

been successfully developed as on page 141, students are asked to write

independently about the biographies of their idols. therefore, the researcher

gave the general grammar rating of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 134,

in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text on that page and

students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the linguistic

features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about providing information related to a

person's biography. on page 134, in the text it can make it easier for students

to understand the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score

of 4 or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

pages 134 to 135. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that

they know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also explains

about students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning

process is complete by answering several questions on page 136. So based on


these considerations, the researcher gives a score of 4 or very good in its


3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researchers gave a score of 4 or

very good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.

Chapter XI “Cut Nyak Dien”

Feasibility of content in chapter XI:

“Cut Nyak Dien”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 2 6


This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely telling about a

person's biography orally and in writing using linguistic elements of recount text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 11 in accordance with Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum .In core competencies and basic

competencies, “distinguishing social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of several recountlisan texts and writing by giving and asking for

information related to a person's biography according to the context of their

use”. the learning aspect is telling about a person's biography.

On pages 145 to 146, students will read a text and students must

understand what they are reading. After that, on page 147 the students filled

out the form by filling in the blank charts with information about the text they

had previously read. Then, students will answer the questions contained in

assignment 2 on page 147.

In this chapter, students are also required to understand the material they

are learning. The goal is that students can make a biography of someone in

their own words. Students can also share information about the biography of

someone they idolize from reading samples they previously read. So, the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 11 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to being able to make a

biography of someone using their own words. Students can also tell about their

idol biographies. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more

information to develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.


3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 145

to 146 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to

interact with others. Then, students will answer the questions on page 147.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure required for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by way of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 147, students will answer questions with

their understanding of the text they read previously contained in assignments 1

and 2 on page 147. then from that, the researcher gave a general grammar score

of 3 or good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 145,

in a text, students can understand the meaning of the text on that page and

students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the linguistic

features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about providing information related to a

person's biography. on page 145, in the text it can make it easier for students to

understand the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4

or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

page 145. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that they


know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also explains

about students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning

process is complete by answering several questions on page 147. So based on

these considerations, the researcher gives a score of 4 or very good in its


3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter XII “Issumboshi”

Feasibility of content in chapter XII:






1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 2 6

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely telling about

folk legends verbally and in writing using narrative text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 12 according to the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic


competencies, “Distinguishing social functions, text structure, and

linguistic elements of several oral and written narrative texts by giving and

asking for information related to folk legends, simple, in accordance with the

context of their use”. the learning aspect is to tell about folk legends by using

narrative text.

On pages 157 to 159, students will read the text carefully and they must

understand what they are reading. Then they will make up as many questions

as students can based on the stories they read previously. Students will ask

questions such as: who, when, where, why and how. Then, they would

exchange their questions with classmates who sat next to them and they

discussed together.

In this chapter, students can share information about the folk legends

they have learned with their friends. Then, students can also create a narrative

text based on the legends in their area in their own words. So, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 12 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to know the folk tales they

read previously. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more information

to develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on pages 157

to 159 has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to

interact with others. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure


The general structure needed for content feasibility to be implemented

successfully by means of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 159, students are asked to make questions

with their understanding of the text they previously read. Therefore, the

researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 157,

in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text contained on that

page and students know the meaning of the text. So, the researcher gave the

linguistic features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about providing information related to folk

legends. on page 157, in the text it can make it easier for students to understand

the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very

good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

page 157. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that they

know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also explains about

students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning process is

complete by answering several questions asked by their classmates. So based

on these considerations, the researcher gave a score of 3 or good in its


3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter XIII “Malin Kundang”

Feasibility of content in chapterXIII:

“Malin Kundang”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 2 6

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely telling about

folk legends verbally and in writing using narrative text.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness

In chapter 13 according to the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic


competencies, “Distinguishing social functions, text structure, and

linguistic elements of several oral and written narrative texts by giving and

asking for information related to folk legends, simple, in accordance with the

context of their use”. the learning aspect is to tell about folk legends by using

narrative text.

On page 172, students will read the text carefully which tells the story of

the Malin Kundang legend and then they will answer questions related to the

text they read previously on page 173.

In this chapter, students can share information about folk legends that

they have learned previously with their friends. Then, students can also create a

narrative text based on the legends in their area in their own words. So, the

researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It is

seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 13 that this book has developed

question exercises that expose students to make inferences about historical

texts in their own words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain more

information to develop their understanding of the topics covered. Therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this chapter.

3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on page 172

has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to interact

with others. Then, students will answer the questions listed on page 173.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure needed for content feasibility to be implemented

successfully by means of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been


successfully developed as on page 172, students are asked to answer

questions with their understanding of the text they read previously. Therefore,

the researcher gave a general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 172,

in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text on that page and

students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the linguistic

features score 4 or very good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about providing information related to their

personal experiences. on page 172, in the text it can make it easier for students

to understand the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score of

4 or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

page 172. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that they

know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also explains about

students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning process is

complete by answering several questions on page 173. So based on these

considerations, the researcher gives a score of 3 or good in its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter XIV “Strong Wind”

Feasibility of content in chapter XIV:

“Strong Wind”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 3 5

This chapter discusses applying aspects of learning, namely telling about

folk legends orally and in writing using elements of narrative text linguistic.

a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness


In chapter 14 in accordance with the Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. In core competencies and basic

competencies, “Distinguishing social functions, text structure, and linguistic

elements of several oral and written narrative texts by giving and asking for

information related to folk legends, simple, in accordance with the context of

their use”. the learning aspect is to tell about folk legends by using narrative


On pages 183 to 185, students are asked to read a story and they will fill

in the gaps in the story with words; shaking, lying, jealousy, bending over,

long, smooth, invisible, string, soft, cloth. Then, students will answer the

questions contained on page 185

This chapter tells about folk legends. students can create a narrative text

based on an existing legend in their area in their own words. So, the researcher

gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 14 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to create narrative texts set

in folk legends in their own words. this chapter also uses other sources to

obtain more information to develop their understanding of the topics covered.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this


3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on page 183

has been equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to interact

with others. Then, students will answer the questions on page 185. Therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good.

2. Generic Structure


The general structure needed for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by way of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been

successfully developed as on page 187, students are asked to complete the

story structure chart they previously read. Therefore, the researcher gave a

general grammar score of 4 or very good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. It can be seen on page 183,

in a text that students can understand the meaning of the text on that page and

students know the meaning of the text. So the researcher gave the linguistic

features score 3 or good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about providing related information to tell folk

legends. on page 183, in the text it can make it easier for students to understand

the lessons being taught. therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very

good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

pages 183 to 185. In this activity, students are required to read and fill in the

gaps in the text so that they know the content of the text they read and write.

This chapter also explains about students knowing more about their own

abilities after the learning process is complete by answering several questions

on page 185. So based on these considerations, the researcher gives a score of 3

or good in its development.

3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


Chapter XV “You`ve Got a Friend”

Feasibility of content in chapter XV:

“You`ve Got a Friend”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness ✓

In Depth ✓

The accuracy of the


Social Functions ✓

Element and structure of

Meaning ✓

Linguistic Feature ✓

Supporting Materials

Relevance ✓

Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight

Total 2 6

This chapter discusses implementing aspects of learning, namely explaining

the content of song lyrics related to the lives of SMA / MA / SMK / MAK


a. Compatibility materials with Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence


1. Completeness


In chapter 15 in accordance with Core Competencies and Basic

Competencies in the 2013 curriculum. On core competencies and basic

competencies, “Interpreting social functions and linguistic elements of song

lyrics related to the lives of SMA / MA / SMK / MAK teenagers”. the learning

aspect is explaining the content of the song lyrics.

On page 197, the teacher will give a paper about song lyrics. Then,

students will listen to the song in the audio, while they are listening to the song.

They will fill in the blanks with what they hear in the song. Next, students will

answer the questions on page 198.

This chapter describes songs related to teenage life. students can explain

the song based on their understanding of the song in their own words. So, the

researcher gave a score of 3 or good.

2. in-depth

This chapter has succeeded in developing all the criteria in depth. It can

be seen from the completeness criteria in chapter 15 that this book has

developed question exercises that expose students to explain the songs they

have heard in their own words. this chapter also uses other sources to obtain

more information to develop their understanding of the topics covered.

Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for in depth in this


3. the accuracy of materials

1. social functions

The implementation of social functions in this chapter has met the

requirements of the 2013 curriculum. The communication taught on page 197

is equipped with several exercises that stimulate students to interact with

others. Then, students will answer the questions on page 198. Therefore, the

researcher gave a score of 3 or good.

2. Generic Structure

The general structure required for content feasibility is successfully

implemented by means of students' systematic thinking in this chapter has been


successfully developed as on page 201, students are asked to see the song

lyrics. Then asked to give reasons about the song. Therefore, the researcher

gave a general grammar score of 3 or good.

3. Linguistic feature

The language used in this chapter is well accepted. The topics taken also

make it easy for students to understand the lesson. So the researcher gave the

linguistic features score 3 or good.

4. supporting materials

1. relevance

This chapter is discussed about explaining related song lyrics. therefore,

the researcher gave a score of 4 or very good for its relevance.

2. development of life skills

In this case, students will know the meaning of the text contained on

page 197. In this activity, students are required to read carefully so that they

know the content of the text they are reading. This chapter also explains about

students knowing more about their own abilities after the learning process is

complete by answering several questions on page 195. So based on these

considerations, the researcher gives a score of 4 or very good in its


3. development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of developing a diversity perspective have

been successfully implemented. Therefore, the researcher gave a score of 3 or

good for the development of diversity insights in this chapter.


frequency table of 15 chapters





1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence


Completeness 15

In Depth 15

The accuracy of the


Social Functions 15

Element and structure of

Meaning 1 14

Linguistic Feature 3 12

Supporting Materials

Relevance 15

Development of

Life skills

3 12

Development of

Diversity Insight



Total 13 105

Based on the table of feasibility of content above, almost all chapters in

completeness, in-depth, social functions, Element and structure of Meaning,

linguistic feature, relevance and development of life skills get criteria scored 4. As

for development of diversity insight , there are six chapters which scored 3. And

beside it, other chapters which scored 7. All of them make up the total of 105

category in feasibility of content from 15 sample chapter out of 112 category

have fullfilled and 7 category from development of diversity insight could not met

the criteria of score 3.


Percentage : p

Total score : 105

Total score maximum : 112

P = 105

112 x 100%

= 93,75 %

Thus it can be concluded that 93.75% of the materials, assignment and text

developed in the English book meet the content feasibility assessment rubric of

the BSNP.

B. Discussion

Textbook provide core material for the language learning process and aim to

serve what student and teacher need during learning (Tomlinson, 2011, p.296).

This explain that textbook is a material that support the teaching and learning

process. The use of English textbook show how English textbook is very

important in the teaching and learning process.

The analysis above shows that the English language has met the evaluation

criteria of textbook on the suitability of the material with the core competency and

basic competency, the accuracy of the material, and the supporting material.

Textbook analysis involves measuring the potential value of a textbook by making

judgments about the effect of the material on the people who use it (Tomlinson &

Masuhara, 2004, p.31). Certain subjects Graves (2000, p.175) also states that

textbook is book that are used as a standard source of information for the formal

study of a subject and an instrument for teaching and learning. So it can be

concluded that chapter 1 shows good implementation criteria. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

On the criterion for the relevance of the presentation is quite high, until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.


Chapter 2 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in the

completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

On the criterion for the relevance of the presentation is quite high, until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 3 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

On the criterion for the relevance of the presentation is quite high, until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 4 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 5 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

On the criterion for the relevance of the presentation is quite high, until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 6 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a


score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 7 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 8 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 9 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures getting a score of 4, and linguistic characteristics and life skill

development getting a score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and

development have developed. The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are

also quite high until now the data with the latest information can be obtained a

score of 4 for its relevance. In addition, the development of insight into diversity

also gets a score of 3.

Chapter 10 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures, linguistic characteristics and the development of life skills getting a

score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high until now the


data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also received a score of 4.

Chapter 11 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function gets a score of 4, elements and

structures get a score of 3, linguistic characteristics and life skill development get

a score of 4. Then, the criteria for its relevance and development have developed.

The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high until now the

data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its relevance. In

addition, the development of insight into diversity also gets a score of 3.

Chapter 12 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures getting a score of 4, linguistic characteristics and life skill development

getting a score of 3. Then, the criteria for relevance and development have

developed. The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high

until now the data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its

relevance. In addition, the development of insight into diversity also gets a score

of 3.

Chapter 13 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures getting a score of 4, linguistic characteristics and life skill development

getting a score of 3. Then, the criteria for relevance and development have

developed. The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high

until now the data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its

relevance. In addition, the development of insight into diversity also gets a score

of 3.

Chapter 14 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures getting a score of 4, linguistic characteristics and life skill development

getting a score of 3. Then, the criteria for relevance and development have

developed. The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high

until now the data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its


relevance. In addition, the development of insight into diversity also gets a score

of 3.

Chapter 15 shows the criteria for good implementation. This can be seen in

the completeness of the criteria, social function, the meaning of elements and

structures getting a score of 4, linguistic characteristics and life skills development

getting a score of 4. Then, the criteria for relevance and development have

developed. The criteria for the relevance of the presentation are also quite high

until now the data with the latest information can be obtained a score of 4 for its

relevance. In addition, the development of insight into diversity also gets a score

of 3.

Based on the table on content evaluation, the results of this study can be

concluded as follows: from the feasibility of the content, 93.75% of the materials,

assignments and texts developed in English textbooks meet the criteria of BSNP

on how standard textbooks should be.




A. Conclusion

Based on the study analyzed the English textbook "English" published by

the Ministry of Education and Culture. the researcher concluded that the textbook

"English" is good for use for grade 1 senior high school. This book meets the core

competencies and basic competencies of the 2013 curriculum. Likewise, its

application. Because the total value of the evaluation in this study was 93.75% of

the material, assignments and texts developed in the English book fulfilled the

assessment rubric of the eligibility of the contents of the BSNP.

B. Suggestions

The research provides advice to the teacher. Teachers should facilitate

students by providing good material. Teachers must bridge the gap by providing

non-available material that must be based on content standards proposed by the

government to enrich and adapt students' cross-cultural understanding.



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1 2 3 4

The compatibility of

materials with Core

Competence (KI) and

Basic Competence (KD)


In Depth

The accuracy of the


Social Functions

Element and structure of Meaning

Linguistic Feature

Supporting Materials


Development of

Life skills

Development of

Diversity Insight



Name : Eti Sutami

Birthday : Sungai Aur, October 3rd 1997

Gender : Female

Address : Rt 03, Desa. Sungai Aur, Kec. Kumpeh Ilir,

Kab. Muaro Jambi, Jambi .

Email : [email protected]

No. Contact : 0852-6468-0796

Education Background

No Graduated Education Place

1 2010 SD Negeri 26_IX Sungai Aur


2 2013 MTS Negeri Jebus Kumpeh

3 2016 SMA Negeri 7 Muaro Jambi


4 2021 UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Muaro Jambi

Jambi, 31 Maret 2021

The Researcher

Eti Sutami
