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The coins of al-Andalus: evolution and historical context

دلس الان�� م�سكوك�ات 1

“The Arabic coins, when compared to all other coinage, are the richest in historical data and should draw our attention more than any other series, as with them we can follow, step by step and year after year the history of our country during the Middle Ages, something that cannot be done with any other coinage struck in the Iberian Peninsula.” Francisco Codera 1879

The seven numismatic periods of al-Andalus

92- 897/ 711-1492 1- Conquest & govenors 92-138 / 711- 756 ال�ول�ا�ة 2-Independent Emirate 138-300 / 756- 912 م�ا��رة الا� 3-Caliphate 3oo-400/ 912-1009   ة�� ل�����اف� ال�خ� 4- Taifas (Party Kings) 400-503/ 912-1109 ف� لو��ك�$ال�ط�����و���ائ� م����� 5- Almoravids 480-541/1087-1146 ط�����و��ن'  ال�م���ر�اب�( 6- Almohades 524-667 / 1129-1268 ال�موح��دون'  7- Granada 630-896/ 1237 -1492 ي12ة�� ص���������ر� ال�د ولة�� ال�ن�

Conquest & govenors 92-138 / 711- 756 ال�ول�ا�ة Three phases Latin solidi 93-95 /712-714 Bilingual dinar 98/716

post reform 102-136/720-753

Coins struck during the period of Musâ b. Nusair, probably done by a mobile mint or mints which directly melted down metal from booty taken 93-95 / 712-714

The probable booty origin is evident through a gold content which is extremely variable, rarely is the gold content above 80% , most are electron. The exception is the fractional coinage which are all of good gold.

6The transitional Latin coinage 93-95H/712-714

Sólidus/dinar year 93 H.(712)

AV. Solidus. mint SPN (Spania), date XCIII = 93/712, Indiction XI. 4,30 g (Col. Tonegawa)*IA IC/ Star in center (Hespérides)

IM/ IN N DN N S SL D NNITR S DS.I S DIN Nomine DomiNi Non Socius SoLus Deus NosTeR Solus DeuS Non Socius Deo


IIM/ N N SLD FRT IN SPN N(sl)DT XCIIINovus Numus SoLiDus FeRiTus IN SpaNia N(sl) DT XCIII

½ Solidus/dinar with Latin ledgend with mint but no date,

Perhaps stuck after the departure of Musa b. Nusair during the governorship of his son ´Abd al-

Azizz b. Musa 95-97H (714-716)

AV.1/2. mint SPN (Spania). No date. 2,15 g (Col. Tonegawa)

.…but by whom?

Probable period falsifications…..

The bilingual coinage 98H/716Solidus/dinar in Latin & Arabic

AV. Solidus/dinar. Mints SPANia & Al-Andalus. 98H/716. 4,24 g (Col. Particular)

م��������ر� ال�ـح���������ر(ا)ـ)ـســم��) ق�������


س�)) سم الا م���� ال�لة���ب������������������( دل�ــسق� ن��The seal under, over struck by one of Al- Hurr, is probably of

an earlier date.

A lead seal overstruck by one ofAl-Hurr ibn ´Abd al-Raman al Thaqafi


• Dinars in Latin : SPANia & Hesperia (*)• Bilingual Dinars : SPANia , al-

Andalus & Hesperia (*)

SPANia Al-Andalusدلس الان��



The three names for the Iberian Peninsula

Why add a third geographic name to a single area? nothing similar occurred in Ifriqiya

Original design of coin Al-Hurr’s or ´Abd Al.Aziz’s?

Tonegawa collection

The fals لس ال�ف�

The fals were struck in very large quantities during the period of the

Umayyad conquest

Al-Andalus 108H/726

Al-Andalus 110H/728

Andalus = *Hesperia

Sturgen ?

Helmeted bust

The first post reform coinage in al-Andalus 102-/720

AV. Dinar. 4,24 g. Mint Al-Andalus 102 h

AV. ½ Dinar. 2,16 g. mint Al-AndalusAV. 1/3 de dinar. 1,44g. Mint Al-Andalus

First post reform dirham AG. (103-136H/721-753)

AG. Dirham. mint Al-Andalus 103H/721. 2,98 g

Tonegawa collection

Sura 112

The Cor`an’s Sura 112 ,al-Ikhlas (the Purifying), is among the most cited on talismanic lead amulets found in al-Andalus. A fact that denotes its central importance to the bearers.

The 112 is the most cite d on protective amulets of al-Andalus is:

T. C

To present the know dates for dirhams struck during the period of the Umayyad governors,103 & 123 have been confirmed and 128 has appeared in a recent auction.

No governor’s period dirhams have ever appeared in later treasure troves found in the Iberian Peninsula.



Dates known of dirhams: 103-125,128-129,135-136.


Last known date for a coin of the last Damascus Umayyad governors is Al-Andalus 136/ 753

The fall of the dynasty in Damascus was in 132/ 749 this four years later coin is evidence that die for stamping and the engraving was done in situ and not in Damascus

Tonegawa collection

Independent Emirate 138-300 / 756- 912 م�ا��رة الا�

Strikes only silver coinage & very sporadically some copper

First known coin of ‘Abd al-Rahman I 138-172/ 755-788 al-Andalus 144 /761Since last coin in 136 a 7 year laps without coinage

Tonegawa collectionMANQUSO 1, October 2015, p. 11-13

Period falsification al-Andalus 149 /766.

which one?

Muhammad I 238-273 / 852-886 ن'                                           دب�����������������( م�ح��م����

ال�خك��م ن' ب�����������������( دال�ر�ح�م�ن' ع�ب����(

Dirham al-Andalu 267 /880

Epigraphic decadence?

Governors 92-138 / 711- 756

‘Abd al-Rahman I 138-172/ 755-788

‘Abd al-Rahman I I 206-238/ 821-852

During the Independent Emirate copper coins were very rarely, only three known late dates.

Attributed to �Abd Allah a rare fals of al-Andalus 282h /895 a date after which there is a closure of the mint during more the fourty years.

طع The clippingsال�ق

Additions to increase weight of coin

Caliphate 3oo-400/ 912-1009   ة�� ل�����اف� ال�خ�

Strikes gold and silver but no copper

ن' ي1 م�ب� ال�مو ر مي1 لا ال�رح�مـن' د ع�ب(

( ) ة ـاي� م�ـ لات\ ون�\ رة ع�ش\ ـ س�ت ة س�ن� دلس لان�� ن�(

His first known dirham 316h /928 simply as “ for the emir of the believers”

‘Abd al-Rahman III, 300-350/ 912-961

ن' ي1 م�ب� ال�مو ر مي1 لا ال�رح�مـان' د ع�ب(

..... ر�ة ع�ش�����\ ع� ب( س�������� ة ن� س�������� دلس ل��ان�� ن����������������( ة�� ـاي� م����� ل��ات\ ون���\

‘ABD AL-RAHMAN III, 300-350/ 912-961His first known dinar 317/ 929 as just emir

‘ABD AL-RAHMAN III, 300-350/ 912-961Dinar de 317h/ 929 as Imam & honorific title. Why Imam???

..... ة�� ـاي� م����� ل��ات\ ر�ةون���\ ع�ش�����\ ع� ب( س�������� ة ن� س�������� دلس الان�� س�كة�� ب�����������������( 317h/929. “in the mint of al-Andalus”

ـاصـر ال�ب� الام�ـامال�رح�مان' د ع�ب( ال�لة ن' 1hب ل�دـن' ـي1 م�ب� ال�مـو ـر امي1

الام�ـامال�لة ن�( ال�مهدي�1

ن' ....... ي1 ت�� ا� وم������� ن' عي�1 ع�وس�ب( ب( س�������� ة ن� س�������� ر�وان' ي����1 ا�ل�ق 297ن����������������( h/910.

Fatimid ´Abd Allah Al-MAHDI. 297-322/910-934

Dirham of al-Mahdi (158-169/ 775-785)mint Armenia dated 167 /783He is the first to name himself khalifa on coinage. literally ,for the khalif .

ال�مهدي1 ة ق� لب1 ل�لخ�

الام�ـامم�ون' ال�ما

ة ن' وم�ن سعي1 مان' وب� ة ث�\ 198…….س�ن� h.

Al Ma’mun (198-218/ 813-833) as Imam198/813

A dirham of Al-Ma’mun (198-218/ 813-833) as khalifa naming ‘Ali Rida as successor. Numismatic evidence of a failed attempt to reconcile Sunism with Shiism… ال�لةم�حمد رس�ول ال�لةل�لة ة ق� لب1 م�ون' ح�� ر ال�ما ة الامي1 ام�ماامر ي�( ال�رض�� ن' ن' م�ـوسىولي1 ع�هد ال�مسلي1 ي1 ط�ـال�ب(ع�لى1 ب�( ـن' اب�( ـن' ع�لى1 ب�( ن'ب�( ي1 اس�ب و ال�رن�1 ذ�

…and this is your nation, it is one nation… Cor´an, 21/92

…umatan wahida!…

Up to here nearly all agreed, but as for the minor point as to who would be its head, and why?...well, that was to be quite another matter on which a lot of ink and a lot of blood was to be spilled and seemingly still is……..

….. ة�� م ا � م ك� �ب م� ا � ة���� د� ه� دةوا�ن' …واح�

.The Andalus/Maghreb 10th century menu of Imamates from which to chose, in accordance to belief, practical expediency or both.

Addition of mint master

Al-Hakam II, al-Mustansir billah  350-366/961-976 Madinat al-Zahra' 358/968  ـ ت( ال�خاح�(

عف�ر ج�( ‘Amir as mint master

Al-Andalus 379 /989

Al Mansur’s son ‘Abd al Malik 393- 398/ 1001-1007 as khadjib of Hisam II

Al-Andalus 398/ 1007


‘Abd al Malik

On this coin ‘Abd al Rahman 399/1008 “ al-Sanchul”

names his 7 year old son as khadjib of Hisham II !

Sulayman al-Musta'in, first reign 400/1009Madinat al-Zahra' 400/1009 adds name of successor ولـي1 ال�ـعهد

Relative silver , dirham, production during the Independent Emirate and the Caliphate



MANQUSO 5, December 2016, p 17-28

Relative production of gold coins, dinars, during the caliphate

316/928 403/1012

MANQUSO 5, December 2016, p 17-28

Taifas period 400-503/ 912-1109 ف� لو��ك�$ال�ط�����و���ائ� م�����

‘Abbad ibn Muhammad, al-Mu´tadid 433-461 / 1041-1068As khadjib of the false Hisham II

ل�لة ا ن�( د ض� ال�معن اذ ع�ب( ن' ب�( م�حمد ن' ب�( اذ ع�ب( ع�مرو و ب�( ا

Andalus 438/949

Ali ibn Hammud al-Nasir 404-408/ 1013-1018 naming himself successor of Hisham II

اصر ال�ب� ح�موذ ن' ب�( ع�لى1Andalus 406/1015

'Abd al-Rahman V (al-Mustazhir)  414/1023-1024ل�لة ا ن�( هر ظ� ال�مسن ال�رح�من' د ع�ب(

Saraqusta 475/1082

'Imad al-Dawla Ahmad I ibn Sulayman, al-Muqtadir در ب ح�مد ال�مق 1083-1050/ 475 -441 ع�ماذ ال�دولة ا

Hisham III al-Mu'tadd           ل�لة����� ا� ن����������������( د ال�معب� ام ه�س��\This coin was struck in the same year as the Umayyad Caliphate was formally abolished by the governing authorities in Cordoba. The appearance on the II.A of the lakab and name of al-Mansur�Abd al-�Aziz means that the Andalus on the coin is actually Valencia and not Cordoba

418-422/1027-1031 the last Umayyad claiment

Andalus 422/ 1030

The Santa Helena hoard (Valencia)

Almoravids 480-541/1087-1146  'ط�����و��ن ال�م���ر�اب�(

al-amir Yusuf ibn Tashfin 480-500 / 1087-1106  r recognizing al-Imam ´Abd Allah

ن' ي1 ف� اس�\ ن� ن' ب�( ب�1سوف�

Sabta (Ceuta) 484/ 1091

م�ن' رة الاخ�� ى1 وه�وف� ة م�ن� ل ب( ق ي�1 لن' ق�� ا ب� ب¦1 ذ الاس�لام ر ي1 غ� ع� ب ب¨ ªت� ن'وم�ن' 1hب اسر ال�خ�Cor`an 3:79..and whoever desires other than Islam as a faith, then it will not be accepted from Him, and in the end he will be among the losers..

In favour of the Abbasid hypothesisis for the ‘Abd Allah as the Abbasid is simple fact that during a good part of the Taifa Century there were actually two ‘Abd Allahs reigning consecutively in Bagdad.

422-467/1031-1075 ‘Abd Allah al-Qa`im

467-487/1075-1094 ´Abd Allah al-Muqtadi

That is from 422to 487 / 1031-1094!

al-amir Yusuf ibn Tashfin 480-500 / 1087-1106  r recognizing al-Imam ´Abd Allah

ن' ي1 ف� اس�\ ن� ن' ب�( ب�1سوف�

Sabta (Ceuta) 484/ 1091

م�ن' رة الاخ�� ى1 وه�وف� ة م�ن� ل ب( ق ي�1 لن' ق�� ا ب� ب¦1 ذ الاس�لام ر ي1 غ� ع� ب ب¨ ªت� ن'وم�ن' 1hب اسر ال�خ�Cor`an 3:79..and whoever desires other than Islam as a faith, then it will not be accepted from Him, and in the end he will be among the losers..

Kairawan 441/1049

Anti Fatimid Zirid dinarة م�ن� ل ب( ق ي�1 لن' ق�� ا ب� ب¦1 ذ الاس�لام ر ي1 غ� ع� ب ب¨ ªت� وم�ن'

Coran 3:79

The month on Almoravid dinars of Cordoba, why ? starting with: Shawal 493 . Djumada 494 Sha´ban)  494 al-Muharram  495 Safar 495   


Early in 496/ 1102 Yusuf b. Tashfin , by this date about a hundred years old, arrives in Cordoba to proclaim his son ‘Ali as his chosen successor.

‘Ali ibn Yusuf 500-537 / 1106- 1143

As amir al-Muslimin

    ب�1سوف� ن' ب�( ع�لى1Balansiya (Valencia)  503/1109

Saraqusta (Zaragoza) 504/1110

Tashfin ibn �Ali 537-540 / 1143-1145

The Imam ‘Abd Allah as the Abassid, why then?   ع�لى1 ن' ب�( ن' ي1 ف� اس�\ ن�

Ishbiliya (Sevilla) 539/ 1144

The Almoravid silver, the “quirats”

Almoravid Taifas.Hamdin in Cordoba

Ibn Madarnish in Mursiarecognizing the Abbasid by name

Banu Ghaniya-The last Almoravid governors. 

Ahmad ibn Qasi in Mertola

Ibn Malik ? Abbasid recognition

Ibnb Wazir in Beja

Ahmmad ibn Hud

عـة ـب1 ال�ـب¨ ام�ـامـة ـاي�( ن�( ة حن1 ال�مسي1مى ال�عظ� رومة

The Imam of the Christian faith the

Pope,of Rome the magnificent!

Dinars in Arabic script struck during half a century by Alfonso VIII.Evidently the Christian North had not the slightest doubt asto what the Islamic Imama was symbolically all about!

س�ال�ما كون' ن�1 واع�تمد ام�ن' م�ن' ال�واح�د الالة دب�1س ال�ف وال�روح ن' والاب�( الاات( ب�(سمIn the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one God, he who has faith and reliance shall be safe.

ون' امي1ر ي1 ول�ـق ـي ال�قة ج( س�ي¶ ن' ب�( س ن� ال�ف�ال�لة ـدة ان�1

ـصـرة وب��

ل�لصف�ر وال�ف� ن' ي1 ب ب�1 وم�ا ر ع�ش\ ى ت ب¶ ات�« ة س�ن� طلة ط�لن1 ة ن� ب¦1 مد ث�( ار ب� ب¦1 ال�د ا ه�د� رت( ص�

Emirof the CatholicsAlfuns ibn Sandhamay God help him

& make him victorious

This dinar was struck in Medina Toledo in the year two & ten & two hundred & a thousand of the era of Safar (Hispanic Era). 1212 -38 = 1174

Almohads  524-667 / 1129-1268    'ال�موح��دون A numismatic revolution with major changes in the coinage

‘Abd al-Mu`min 524-558 / 1130- 1163. ع�ل���ى1 . ن' ب�����������������( م�ن' دال�مو ع�ب����( strikes only half dinars eliminates  dates and rarely puts the mint place and changes the imamate to that of Ibn Tumart the founder of the “heterodox “ Almohad movement

1/2 dinar Medinat Marakesh 2.30g. 20mm

ام�امال�هدي1 مالامة ائ� ال�ف

ال�لة امـر ن�(

1/2 dinar Medinat Marakesh 2.30g. 20mm

- - - - رت( ل�لة ال�حمد ن' ي1 م�ب� ال�مو ر امي1 ع�لى1 ـن' ب�( م�ن' ال�مو د ع�ب( م�حمد و ن'اب�( ال�عال�مي1

The rightly guided, is the leader

of the nation established

by the command of God

The praise is unto God, the master of all that exists. This is the second aya of the Cor`an 1:1


Anónimos Dirham Mayurca (Mallorca)

1.50gr 14x14mm

Millares. These Christian imitations of the Almohade dirham were struck in Aragon and southern France for use in trade with the Muslim states of North Africa.

Abu Yusuf Ya’qub 580-595 / 1184-1190


Idris I al-Ma’mun  624-629 / 1227-1232  An attempt at a return to sunnie orthodoxy  by Idris I Dirham Marakush 628

  م�ون' ال�ما ذرب�1س ا� ال�علا و ب�( ا

ـا ـب� )hب ر ال�لةا رس�ول�ب( م�حمد

ن' اال�فرا م�ام�ب� ا�

God is our deity

Muhammad is our prophet

The Coran is our imam

MANQUSO 2, January 2016

Almohad Taifas

Banu HudBaha' al-Dawla Murcia 651reconizing the Abassids

Muhammad al-Wathiq635-636 (seven months) / 1238

Musa ibn Mahfuz Amir al-Gharb 631-660/1234-1262

661 /1262 fall of Baghdad to the Mongols

Ahmmad ibn Muhammad al-Badji                       اج(ى��1 ال�ب( م�ح���م����د ن' ح�م����دب�����������������( ا - 629-631 / 1231-1233

One of the last Arab-Islamic coin of Seville which was taken by Fernando III in 1248

Granada 630-896/ 1237 -1492 ي12ة�� ص���������ر� ال�ن� ولة�� ال�د

Dirham Djayan (Jaen) 1.44gr 14x14mm

Dirham recognizing the Abbasids

Has to be before the pact of Jaen in 1246 between Mahammad I & Fernando III

Muhammad I              ح�م�������ر� الا ب�(ن' ص���������ر�ا� ب���� ن' ب����������������( وس�ف� ب������������1 ن' م�ح��م����دب����������������( ل�لة����� ا د ع�ب����( و� ب���( ا 630-672 / 1237-1273

Dinar Madinat Mursiya (Murcia) 4.62gr 29mm


I  630-672 / 1237-73

Isma�’il I        714-724/ 1314-25

Muhammad IV724-734/ 1325-33

Isma�’il II710/ 1358

‘Ali ibn Sa�’d868-889/1464-85

Abu ‘Abd Allah Muhammad XII (Boabdil)  ل�لة����� ا د ع�ب����( و� ب���( ا ع�ل���ى1 ن' In two reigns 886-896/ 1482-92 م�ح��م����دب����������������(




دلس الان�� م�سكوك�ات

THE TONEGAW A COLLECTION Ύϐ ΗΔϋ Οϩϭ ϧϭ ϭϣϣ This is an ANTI-COPYRIGHT publication -oratio publicata res libera est- .

Please use it well and for that intended purpose. O verseer of collection & site: T. Ibrahim . https://independent.academ

Coins of al-Andalus. α ϟΩϻΕΎϛ ϛγϧ ϭ ϣ Texts & com m ents authored by T. Ibrahim . If images of coins or texts are used please be so kind as to give due reference, but as is clearly implicit in the anti-copyright principle stated above you are under no obligation to do so.

M aps & com puter work by Sebastian Gaspariño. https://independent.academño Objectives of collection: /intro.htm l Galleries for: North Africa, Alm oravids and Alm ohads 1.-2.-5.-6. έϐϟϣΏ Al-Andalus Seals of the Um ayyad conquest 8. α ϟΩϻ ΗϓϡΗΧϧ W eights of al-Andalus 9. α ϟΩϻί ϧ ϥ ϭ Com plete collection at: Separate galleries 1-9 of collection at: 1.Coins of the Um ayyad conquest and its governor’s Γϻ ϟβ ϟΪ ϻ ΘϓΕΎϛ ϜδϮ ϭ ϧ Ϯ ϣ /governors.htm l 2. Coins of the Independent Em irate ΕΎϛ ϜδϮ ϣ ΓέΎϹϣ /em irate.htm l 3. Coins of the Caliphate of al-Andalus β ϟΪϻΎΑΔϔϠΨϟΔϛ Ϝδϧ Ϯ ϣ /caliphate.htm 4. Coins of the Party-Kings ϒτϟϙ ϠΕΎϛ ϜδϮ Ϯϣ Ϯ ϣ /taifas.htm l 5. Coins of the Alm oravids & their Taifas ΘΑή ϟΖϛ ϜδϥϮ Ϥ Ϯ ϣ /alm oravids.htm 6. Coins of the Alm ohads & their Taifas ΪΣ ϟΖϛ Ϝδϥϭ ϮϤ Ϯ ϣ /alm ohads.htm 7. Coins of the K ingdom of Granada Δϳήμ ϟΔϟ ΪϟΕΎϛ ϜδϨ ϭ Ϯ ϣ /granada.htm 8. Lead seals of the Um ayyad conquest and its governor’s Γϻ ϟβ ϟΪ ϻ ΘϓϡΎΘΧϮ ϭ ϧ /Seals.htm l 9. W eights of al-Andalus β ϟΪϻΎΑΔϴ ϼγϻί ϧ ϣ ϥ ϭ /W eights.htm l Contact: AndalusTonegawa@ gm


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