Download - 破解大学英语四级新题型——— 综合模拟分册 - 晋安区图书馆



——— 综合模拟分册

主编  郭立民  谢福之

     鞠鸿达  李志岭

编者  王瑞瑶  吕凤平  巩向飞

     李树清  李  游  吴  郡

     娄辛悦  赵  鹏

清 华 大 学 出 版 社

内 容 简 介

该书在 2006年 6月份实行四级新题型考试的背景下设计编写 ,全书设计 10套综合模拟题 ,每套题内

容包括四级考试的所有题型 ,选材新颖 ,解析精当 。附录是最新大学英语四级考试的标准样卷 、答题卡和答

案解析 。

该书紧握四级考试最新脉搏 ,完全以 2005年教育部颁布的大学英语四级新样卷为蓝本 ,四级辅导专家

和多年的四 、六级阅卷教师联袂预测命题方向 、重点和难点 ,指点高分诀窍 ,准确反映四级考试大纲要求 、最

新变化和命题趋势 ,具有权威性和超前性 。答案和解析紧跟每套测试题 ,听力原稿配有语音纯正的录音 ,最

大限度地方便考生使用 。该书集知识性 、趣味性 、预测性 、前瞻性和权威性于一体 ,是四级备考的必备用书 。

版权所有 ,翻印必究 。举报电话 :010‐62782989   13501256678   13801310933本书封面贴有清华大学出版社防伪标签 ,无标签者不得销售 。

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破解大学英语四级新题型 .综合模拟分册/郭立民等主编 ;王瑞瑶等编著 .—北京 :清华大学出版社 ,2006

ISBN 7‐302‐12598‐8

Ⅰ畅 破 ⋯   Ⅱ畅 ①郭 ⋯ ②王 ⋯   Ⅲ畅 英语 —高等学校 —水平考试 —习题   Ⅳ畅H319畅6

中国版本图书馆 CIP数据核字(2006)第 014880号

出 版 者 :清华大学出版社                  地 址 :北京清华大学学研大厦

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开 本 :185 × 230  印张 :  字数 :千字

版 次 :2006年 2月第 1版   2006年 2月第 次印刷

书 号 :ISBN 7‐302‐12598‐8/H · 732

印 数 :1 ~

定 价 :00畅00元

本书在认真研究 枟大学英语课程教学要求 (试行)枠 和 枟全国大学英语四

六级考试改革方案 (试行)枠 的基础上 ,根据 2005年 9 月公布的 枟大学英语

四级考试 (CET - 4) 试点考试样卷枠 编写而成 。该书有以下鲜明的特点 :

1 .紧握四级考试最新脉搏

最新模拟题库各部分选材精当 ,内容新颖 ,富有时代感 。全面考查学生

的知识水平 ,文化素养 ,语言能力 ,听说能力 。大部分材料在四级辅导班经过

试用 ,效果良好 。

2 .预测方向 ,把握潮流

由经验丰富的一线教师和四 、六级阅卷教师编写 ,全国大学英语考试专

家委员会部分专家审定 ,准确反映四级考试大纲要求 ,最新变化和命题趋势 ,

具有权威性 、超前性 、全面性 。模拟试题增加了样题中没有但考试改革方案

中要求的题型 ,如改错 (Error Correction ) 和短句问答 (Short AnswerQuestions) 。

3 .解析透彻 ,详略得当

答案解析简洁明了 ,一步到位 ,具有代表性 、规律性 、指导性 。

4 .实战演练 ,方便实用

答案和解析紧跟每套测试题 ,听力原稿配有语音纯正的录音 ,最大限度

地方便考生 。每做一套题就是一场实战演练 。

前 言综合模拟分册


5 .作者权威 ,经验丰富

该书编者均是多年从事大学英语教学的资深教师 ,具有丰富的教学经验和四六级辅导

经验 ,对四六级的应试和复习难点和重点了如指掌 。


2006年 2月

Model Test 1 1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 2 26⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 3 52⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 4 77⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 5 102⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 6 128⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 7 155⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 8 181⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 9 207⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Model Test 10 232⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

Appendix 大学英语四级考试试点考试样卷 257⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art , you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite A Letter to a Student IHelped .You contributed money to Proj ect Hope and have kep t in touch w ith a student ,who has j ust p assed the college entrance examination and w ill go to a local universitysoon .You should w rite at least 120 words according to the outline given in Chinese below .

1 .祝贺他顺利完成学业 ;

2 .告诉他当今社会学习知识和掌握技能十分重要 ;

3 .鼓励他努力学习 ,实现理想 。

A Letter to a Student I Helped

Dear Zhang Hua ,

Test 1 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 11


Sincerely yours ,

Wang PengP a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing) (15 m inu tes)Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

Science Education for a New Age

The very great advances in science just before and af ter the midpoint of the twentiethcentury have caused education in the United States to realize that science teaching in the fu‐ture must differ from science teaching in the past .During the past twenty years science hasplayed an important part in shaping the character of our civilization .The welfare ,stabili‐ty ,and security of our nation are closely related to the discoveries of science and the appli‐cations of these discoveries .The scientific revolution which we are beginning to experi‐ence ,together with the trend toward world industrialization ,demands a program of scienceeducation with new emphasis ,purpose and content .Simply knowing about the existence ofthe scientific enterprise is not enough for effective citizenship .

Needs for Good Science TeachingGovernors ,lawyers and business leaders have to deal with scientists ,and every edu‐

cated person has his view s influenced by science .Yet our science teaching of nonscientists ,in school and college ,has built up mistaken ideas ,dislikes ,and the common boast ,“I nev‐er did understand science .” Even those students who arrive at college with plans to becomescientists usually bring a mistaken picture of science ,some have a collection of unorganized

Test 1 - 2


facts about science ,and some regard the study of science as a game which involves gettingthe right answer .

The first of these attitudes seems to come from a kind of course which provides bits ofmiscellaneous information ;the second ,f rom a training course on how to pass examinationsthat do not ask about the student摧s understanding but simply require him to put the num‐bers in the right formulas .Neither type of course (in school or college) seems to givestudents an understanding of science as we find it among scientists .Neither show s studentshow real scientists work and think ,how the facts are gathered ,how discoveries are made ,

and what they mean .

Young people need good teaching of science ;not so much a great wealth of know ledgeas a healthy understanding of the nature of science .They need an understanding of know l‐edge leading to a sympathy with science and a keen awareness of the way scientists work .

Given these ,it is easy to encourage later reading and learning .

Balance in EducationIf it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on

a mass basis or to find the gif ted few and take them as far as they can go ,our task wouldbe fairly simple .The public school system ,however ,has no such choice ,for the two jobsmust be carried on at the same time .Because we depend so heavily upon science and tech‐nology for our existence and progress ,we must produce specialists in many fields .Thepublic school must educate both producers and users of scientific services .

In education there would be a good balance among the branches of know ledge that con‐tribute to effective thinking and wise judgment .Such balance is defeated by too much em‐phasis on any one field .This question of balance involves not only the relation of the natu‐ral sciences ,the humanities ,and the arts but also relative emphases among the natural sci‐ences themselves .

Similarly ,we must have a balance between current and classical know ledge .The at‐tention of the public is continually drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the dis‐covery of new knowledge ;these should not be allowed to turn our attention away from thesound ,established materials that form the basis of courses for beginners .Knowledge and Enterprise

Science teaching must deal with the know ledge and methods of science ;both are nec‐essary .From science courses students should acquire a useful command of science conceptsand principles .Science is more than a collection of unrelated facts ;to be meaningful andvaluable ,they must be arranged to show generalized concepts .A student should learn

Test 1 - 3


something about the character of scientific know ledge ,how it has been developed ,and howit is used .He must see that know ledge is subject to grow th and change and that it is likelyto shif t in meaning and status with time .

At each grade level in school the student needs to increase his know ledge in an organ‐ized way , to acquire sufficient vocabulary in science for effective communication ,and tolearn some facts because they are important in everyday living ,such as know ledge that isuseful for his health ,for his safety ,and for an understanding of his surroundings .Science and Society

Young people need to understand how our society depends upon scientific and techno‐logical advancement and to realize that science is a basic part of modern living .The scien‐tific process and the knowledge produced cannot be considered to be ends in themselves ,

except for the classical scientist .A student should understand the relationship of basic re‐search to applied research ,and the connection between technological developments and hu‐man affairs .

The know ledge and methods of science are of little importance if there is no inclinationto use them properly .An open mind ,a desire for accurate know ledge ,confidence in theprocedures for seeking know ledge ,and the expectation that the solution of problems willcome from the use of tested and proven know ledge — these are among the “scientific atti‐tudes .”

Science instruction should acquaint students with career possibilities in technical fieldsand in science teaching .A continuous effort should be made to identify and encourage thosewho develop special interests .They should be given opportunities for some direct experi‐ence of a professional nature ; they should also learn about the extent of various sciencefields and how these fields are related to each other .But it is even more important foryoung people to acquire those skills and abilities that will enable them to take the responsi‐bilities for expanding their own learning .

1 .The author摧s purpose of w riting this article is to show what kind of science teaching pro‐gram is needed in the new age .

2 .The welfare ,stability ,and security of the United States can accelerate the scientific dis‐coveries and the applications of them .

3 .In American colleges and schools ,the kind of course which provides a variety of unrelat‐ed information seems to result in a healthy understanding of the nature of science .

4 .In the author摧s opinion ,the best approach to science teaching is a good study of know l‐edge available in all spheres of science .

Test 1 - 4


5 .In American education today ,too much emphasis is laid upon new possibilities in scien‐tific fields and the discoveries of new know ledge ,and classical know ledge is overlooked .

6 .The know ledge and methods of science are not very important unless they are appliedproperly .

7 .Science should be taught to people since their childhood .

8 .The balance among the branches of know ledge is defeated by .

9 .From science courses students should get a useful command of .

10 .Science instruction should acquaint students with in technical fields and in sci‐ence teaching .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) Bob and Helen were not happy .

B) Bob and Helen are happy .

C) Bob is not as happy as Helen .

D) Bob and Helen used to be happier .12 .A) By car .       B) By train .       C) By bus .       D) By taxi .13 .A) David got on the train early . B) The train lef t an hour before he got there .

C) David was late for the train . D) The train was delayed .

14 .A) He went to class late .

B) He was not interested in the course .

C) He had to go to other courses at the same time .

D) It was too late for him to register the course .

15 .A) The woman does not find physics interesting .

B) Physics is as interesting as the woman wishes .

C) The woman is interested in physics .

D) Physics is difficult to the woman .

Test 1 - 5


16 .A) Store detective . B) Customs official .C) Saleslady . D) Waitress .

17 .A) $ 250 . B) $ 30 .

C) $ 160 . D) $ 280 .

18 .A) She has to watch her weight . B) She doesn摧t like sweet things .C) She is too full to eat anything else . D) She would like something else .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) The man and the woman are worried about a student摧s absence .

B) The man and the woman are complaining about attendance problems .

C) The man and the woman are wondering if the student needs extra tutoring .

D) The man and the woman are trying to figure out how to call students at home .

20 .A) He always used to skip classes .

B) He摧s a very undisciplined student .C) He had perfect attendance prior to the past two weeks .D) He was probably missing class due to illness .

21 .A) Husband and wife .

B) Two co‐workers .C) Brother and sister .D) Best friends .

22 .A) The man has seen Mark Brown .

B) The woman has seen Mark Brown .

C) Mark Brown摧s friends have seen him .

D) No one has seen Mark Brown .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) Famous composers .

B) The man摧s favorite composers .C) The importance of knowing about Brahms .

D) The subject of a guest speaker摧s lecture .

24 .A) His tutor .B) His student .C) His nephew .

D) His collaborator .25 .A) In seeking help with his career .

B) Through Brahms摧 interest in Central European melodies .

Test 1 - 6


C) In learning the Czech language .

D) In discovering the extent of this man摧s talent .S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) It摧s an urgent announcement .B) It摧s an important announcement .C) The managers wish to divert their workers from their work .

D) It摧s about an important promotion .

27 .A) 7 a畅m . B) 11 a畅m . C) 8 p畅m . D) 3 a畅m .

28 .A) To show the importance of their decision .

B) To play a joke on the American manager .C) To start cooperation as soon as possible .

D) To show that they were very efficient .29 .A) He was irritated . B) He was well pleased .

C) He was very much troubled . D) He prepared himself for a fight .Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .A) A pupil . B) A graduate . C) A seminar . D) An undergraduate .

31 .A) To present their results . B) To show off their results .

C) To make themselves brave . D) To become active people .

32 .A) To get information . B) To know the related areas .

C) To know the latest new s . D) To make friends .

Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .A) Larger than that of North and South America .

B) Far smaller than that of North and South America .

C) About the same as that of North and South America .

D) Equal to that of North and South America .

Test 1 - 7


34 .A) To make important scientific discoveries .

B) To explore the possibilities of commercial development .C) To get enough food ,oxygen and water .D) To make industrial diamonds .

35 .A) Moon Colony . B) Moon Playing .

C) Moon Walking . D) Moon Landing .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Electricity ,as a part of our daily life ,is so much taken for (36) nowadays thatwe hardly think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio .At night ,roadsare brightly (37) ,enabling people and traffic to move freely .Colorful street‐lightshave become part of the (38) of every modern city .In the home ,many labor‐savingdevices are powered by electricity .Even when we turn off the lamp and are fast (39)

,electricity is still working for us ,heating our water ,or keeping our rooms warmin winter .

Every day ,train and trolley buses take people to and from work .We (40) stopto think why or how they run until something goes w rong .In the summer of 1959 ,some‐thing did go w rong with the power plant that supplies New York with electricity .For agreat many hours ,life came almost to (41) .Trains refused to move and the peoplein them sat in the dark ,(42) to do anything ,lif ts stopped working so that even ifyou were lucky enough not to be (43) between two floors ,you had the unpleasanttask of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs .



At the same time ,similar disorder happened in the home .People sat impatient and fright‐ened in the dark as if an unseen enemy had landed from Mars .

(45)   .

Test 1 - 8


And one of the strangest things that took place was that some fif ty blind people led manysighted workers home .



P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , there is a p assage w ith ten blanks .You are required to selectone word f or each blank f rom a list o f choices given in a word bank f ollow ing the p as‐sage .Read the p assage through care f ully be f ore making your choices .Each choice in thebank is identi f ied by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter f or each item on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words in theblank more than once .

Play is the principal business of childhood ,and more and more in recent years researchhas shown the great importance of play in the development of a human being .From earliest  47   ,every child needs opportunity and the right material for play ,and the main tools ofplay are toys .Their main   48   is to suggest ,encourage and   49   play .To succeed inthis they must be good toys ,which children will play with of ten ,and will come back to a‐gain and again .Therefore ,it is important to choose   50   toys for different stages of achild摧s development .

In recent years research on infant development has shown the standard a child is likelyto reach ,within the   51   of his inherited abilities ,is largely determined in the first threeyears of his life .So a baby摧s ability to   52   f rom the right play materials should not beunderestimated .A baby who is encouraged and stimulated ,talked to and shown things andplayed with ,has the best chance of growing up   53   .

The next stage ,f rom three to five years old ,   54   knows no bounds .Every type ofsuitable toy should be made   55   to the child ,for trying out ,experimenting and learn‐ing ,for discovering his own particular ability .Bricks and jigsaw s and construction toys ;painting ,scribbling and making things ;sand and water play ;toys for imaginative and pre‐tending play ;the first social games for learning to lay and get on with others .

By the third stage of play   56   f rom five to seven or eight years — the child is atschool .But for a few more years play is still the best way of learning , at home or atschool .It is easier now to see which type of toys the child most enjoys .

Test 1 - 9


A) available                           I) developmentB) mystery J) anxietyC) infancy K) profitD) comfortable L) functionE) suitable M ) assistF) successfully N) masterG) system O) curiosityH) range

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

In many ways ,though ,definition of such skills is quite unnecessary for an analysis ofpolicing .It is really most unlikely that the average police officer will ever in his career per‐form or even witness those detective skills that he has enjoyed in countless TV products .

The reason for this is simply that the vast majority of crimes are usually either very likelyto be solved by routine investigation or they are very unlikely to be solved at all .Fortu‐nately , the clear‐up rate for serious crimes tends to be very high .Zander (1979) hasshown why .In his study of Old bailey cases ,the identity of the de f endant (被告) seemsto have been reasonably clear in 87% of cases .Morgan (1980 and ongoing) has shown thatwell over 92% of crimes known to the police are discovered by the public who provide themajority of decisive information .In Morgan’ s study ,crimes that were “solved” containedin their crime files over twice the amount of qualitative information as crimes that were not“solved” .The various bits of information in the crime files were each rated by experiencedpolice investigators on a large scale of value .In this ,where information was provided bythe public during a police interview ,the information was believed to the police “since it wasfelt that in an interview genuine police skills are involved in the collection of information .”

Evidently this method can be justified thus ,but will necessarily overestimate the policerole .Nevertheless ,in this analysis of crime files it was shown that in cases where crimeswere solved ,the public still provided nearly twice the amount of information as the police .

Test 1 - 10


57 .The part previous to this passage is most likely about .

A) police skills B) the role of informantsC) TV products D) studies of crime files

58 .Which of the following statements is true according to the passage ?A) Excellent detective skills are highly necessary for the police to solve crimes .

B) Police officer摧s experience in detection forms the basis for detective series on TV .

C) Actual solving of a crime case is more demanding than the TV series show us .

D) The average police in practice rarely demonstrate or need the sophisticated detec‐tive skill shown on TV .

59 .According to the passage ,the vast majority of crimes .

A) are very likely to be solved by routine investigationB) cannot be solved simply through routine investigationC) are unlikely to be cleared up at allD) cannot be solved because the defendants are unknown

60 .According to Morgan , the solving of the overwhelming majority of crimes dependslargely on .

A) the police摧s collecting evidences on the site of the crimeB) experienced police investigators摧 rating information in the crime filesC) information collected by the police in police interview sD) information provided by the public who discovered the crime

61 .We can learn from the passage that the collection of information in police interview s.

A) requires genuine police skillsB) cannot be justifiedC) is crucial for the solving of a crimeD) over‐estimates the informant摧s role but ignores the police摧s role

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage .

Women摧s minds work differently from men摧s .At least ,this is what most men are con‐vinced of .Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke .Nowthe biologists have moved into this minefield ,and some of them have found that there arereal differences between the brains of men and women .But being different ,they point outhurriedly ,is not the same as being better or worse .

There is ,however ,a definite structural variation between the male and female brain .

Test 1 - 11


The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex intellectualprocess — and the link between the two halves of the brain .

The two halves are linked by a trunk‐line of between 200 and 300 million nerves ,thecorpus callosum .Scientists have found quite recently that the cor pus callosum in women isalways larger and probably richer in nerve fibers than it is in men .This is the first timethat a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and itmust have some significance .The question is “What ?” ,and ,if this difference exists ,arethere others ?Research show s that present‐day women think differently and behave differ‐ently from men .Are some of these differences biological and inborn ,or a result of evolu‐tion ?We tend to think that is the influence of society that produces these differences .Butcould we be w rong ?

Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions ,and thatthe corpus callosum enabled them to work together .For most people ,the lef t half is usedfor word handling ,analytical and logical activities ;the right half works on pictures ,pat‐terns and forms .We need both halves working together .And the better the connections ,the more harmoniously the two halves work .And ,according to research findings ,womenhave the better connections .

But it isn摧t all that easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men andwomen on this basis .In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at“language subjects” and boys better at maths and physics .If these differences correspondwith the differences in the hemispheric trunk‐line , there is an unalterable distinction be‐tween the sexes .

We shan摧t know for a while ,partly because we don摧t know of any precise relationshipbetween abilities in school subjects and the functioning of the two halves of the brain ,andwe cannot understand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum .But this strik‐ing difference must have some effect and ,because the difference is in the parts of the braininvolved in intellect ,we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing .

62 .Which of the following statements is CORRECT ?

A) Biologists are conducting research where psychologists have given up .

B) Brain differences point to superiority of one sex over the other .C) Results of scientific research fail to support popular belief .D) The structural difference in the brain between the sexes has long been known .

63 .According to the passage it is commonly believed that brain differences are caused byfactors .

Test 1 - 12


A) biological B) psychological C) physical D) social64 .“These differences” in paragraph 5 refer to those in .

A) skills of men and women     B) school subjectsC) the brain structure of men and women    D) activities carried out by the brain

65 .At the end of the passage the author proposes more work on .

A) the brain structure as a wholeB) the functioning of the brainC) the distinction between the sexesD) the effects of the corpus callosum

66 .What is the main purpose of the passage ?A) To outline the research findings on the brain structure .

B) To explain the link between sex and brain structure .

C) To discuss the variation factors that cause brain differences .D) To suggest new areas in brains research .

P a r tⅤ  C lo ze (15 m inu te s )Directions : There are 20 blanks in the f ollow ing p assage . For each blank there are f ourchoices marked A ) , B) , C) ,and D ) .You should choose the ONE that best f its into thep assage .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a single line throughthe center .

Every human being ,   67   what he is doing ,gives off body heat .The usual problemis   68   dispose of it .But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University ofPittsburgh set themselves the   69   problem — how to collect body heat .They have de‐signed a collection system which utilizes   70   body heat ,but the heat given off by suchbodies   71   light bulbs and refrigerators as well .The system works so well   72   noconventional fuel is needed   73   the campus摧s six buildings comfortable .

Some parts of most modern buildings — theatres and offices   74   classrooms — aremore than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes they must be air‐conditioned  75   in winter .The technique of   76   heat and redistributing it is   77   “heat recov‐ery” .A few modern buildings recover   78   for themselves ,but the university摧s systemis the first to recover heat   79   some buildings and reuse it in   80   .Along the way ,

Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers .The   81   a student stud‐ies ,the more heat his body   82   .Male students emit more heat than   83   students ,and the larger a student ,the more heat he   84   .It is tempting to   85   that the hottest

Test 1 - 13


prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a   86   ,overweight male genius .

67 .A) though B) no matter C) however D) in spite of68 .A) how to B) how C) what D) what to69 .A) similar B) w rong C) opposing D) opposite70 .A) both B) not only C) as well as D) neither71 .A) for example B) like C) of D) as72 .A) which B) then C) that D) therefore73 .A) make B) to be made C) to make D) making74 .A) including B) as well as C) with D) as well75 .A) even B) so C) ever D) much76 .A) saving B) being saved C) disposing D) being disposed77 .A) talked B) thought C) suggested D) called78 .A) loss B) cold C) temperature D) heat79 .A) to B) from C) with D) for80 .A) the other B) other C) others D) the others81 .A) hard B) hardest C) harder D) more hard82 .A) takes in B) gives off C) gives in D) takes out83 .A) other B) female C) girl D) boy84 .A) produces B) manufactures C) designs D) assembles85 .A) start B) conclude C) end D) begin86 .A) easy‐going B) fun‐making C) hard‐working D) good‐for‐nothingP a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .87 .Living in modern times ,we should face reality and be mature  

(迎接生活的挑战) .

88 .College education does not (确保每个毕业生都找到好工

作) .

89 .We should learn to (适应) different working condi‐tions .

90 .Armed with computers ,people can (很容易地获取)

the latest information they need on the Internet and download it .91 .An enormous number of plastic bags have been replacing paper bags ,      

Test 1 - 14


(因此造成了严重的 “白色” 污染) .

P a r tⅠ W riting1 .Sample Writing

A Letter to a Student I Helped

Dear Zhang Hua ,

I am so excited to receive your letter telling me that you have passed the college en‐trance examination and will soon go to a local university .All your efforts and hard‐work‐ing are eventually paid back .Congratulations !

I do hope you will study hard in the future because knowledge and skills are of greatsignificance in today摧s world .For one thing ,the world is developing so fast ,we can onlykeep up with its pace by acquiring more knowledge to broaden our vision .For another ,thedevelopment of our country is in great need for people with know ledge and skills .Besides ,

only those with specialized skills are able to win in the competitive job market .Once you are armed with knowledge and skills ,you are sure to realize your dreams .I

would like to suggest that you try all means to acquire know ledge and skills in college andput them into practice .

Sincerely yours ,

Wang Peng2 .简评

在信件写作时 ,应特别注意开头段减少寒暄词句 ,在时间 、字数有限的情况下 ,尽量开门见山 ,为主体段留出更多的发展空间 。同样 ,结尾段也不必啰嗦 ,就此文而言 ,审题

后可以确定把文字落在 “建议怎么做” 上 。本文的强势在其主体段的阐述层次清楚 ,从世

界发展到中国发展再到个人发展 ,对每一论据虽然没有过多的扩展 ,但是陈述清晰到位 。

建议在写主体段之前 ,简拟提纲 ,并考虑如何安排论述顺序 ,通过结构层次为文章添彩 ,

而不是想到哪儿写到哪儿 。

3 .点睛用词

be of great significance ,keep pace with ,acquire know ledge ,be in need for ,be armedTest 1 - 15


withP a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )Science Education for a New Age1 .Y .文章一开头就指出 20世纪中期左右科技的巨大进步使美国的教育界认识到未来的

科学教育要与以前不同 。而此段倒数第二句指明 ,我们将要经历的科技革命要求科学

教育要有新的重点 、目标和内容 。接下来的四个标题下的内容就从不同的角度说明了

将来的科学教育应该是什么样子的 。

2 .N .此句与文章第一段第三句的内容不符 。

3 .N .此句与文章 Needs for Good Science Teaching下的第一段的陈述不符 。

4 .N .此句与文章 Know ledge and Enterprise下的论述不符 。

5 .Y .相关信息在 Balance in Education下的最后一句话 。

6 .Y .相关信息在 Science and Society下的第二段第一句话 。

7 .NG .全文没有与之相关的信息 。

8 .too much emphasis on any one field 答案在 Balance in Education 下的第二段的第一 、

二句 。

9 .science concepts and principles 答案在 Know ledge and Enterprise下的第一段的第二句 。

10 .career possibilities 答案在 Science and Society下的第二段第一句 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .D)   12 .A)   13 .A)   14 .D)   15 .A)   16 .B)   17 .D)   18 .A)  

19 .A)   20 .C)   21 .B)   22 .D)   23 .D)   24 .A)   25 .B)S ection B26 .B)   27 .C)   28 .A)   29 .C)   30 .B)   31 .A)   32 .D)   33 .C)  

34 .C)   35 .A)

S ection C36 .granted 37 .lit 38 .character 39 .asleep40 .rarely 41 .standstill 42 .powerless 43 .trapped44 .People were afraid to leave their houses ,for although the police had been ordered to

stand by in case of emergency ,they were just as puzzled and helpless as anybody else45 .The only people who were not troubled by the darkness were the blind

Test 1 - 16


46 .When the lights came on again ,hardly a person in the city can have turned on a switchwithout thinking how great a servant he had at his finger‐tips

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .C   48 .L   49 .M   50 .E   51 .H   52 .K   53 .F   54 .O   55 .A   56 .IS ection BPassage One57 .答案 :A) 。推理判断题 。文中的首句就指出 : In many ways , though ,definition of

such skills is quite unnecessary for an analysis of policing (such skills的定义对于分析policing时不重要) ,因此可判断 such skills 应该是 police skills , such表明了与前面内容的承接关系 ,因此前面一段应该是关于 police skills的 ,A) 为正确答案 。

58 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第二句说 :一般的警务人员在其警务生涯中很难展示或

亲眼看到无数电视节目中的侦探技巧 ,这里的 perform 与 demonstrate同义 ,所以 D)

正确 。 A) 项与文章前两句的描述不符 ,故排除 ;B) 项是主观臆断 ,在文中没有根

据 ;C) 项与原文第二句的意思恰恰相反 ,忽略了此句的 most unlikely ,故排除 。

59 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第三句提到 ...the vast majority of crimes are usually ei‐ther very likely to be solved by routine investigation (通过日常调查 ,绝大多数犯罪案

件可以被解决) ,所以 A ) 正确 。 B) 项过于绝对 ,文中说的是 very unlikely to besolved ,而不是 cannot be solved ,故排除 ;C) 项 solve与 clear up并不同义 ,因此 C)也不正确 ;D) 项犯了与 B) 项相同的错误 。

60 .答案 :D) 。 事实细节题 。 答案在第七句 Morgan has shown that well over 92% ofcrimes known to the police are discovered by the public who provide the majority of de‐cisive information ,D) 项与之相符 ,为正确答案 。 A) 项是读者的主观判断 ,文中并

没有提到警察在现场收集证据 ,故排除 ;B) 项颠倒了主次关系 :只有在收集到足够

的破案信息之后 ,有经验的警察才能对其进行评估 ,故排除 ; C) 项不够确切 ,因为

在 police interview s中 ,信息也是由公众来提供的 ,故排除 。

61 .答案 :A) 。文章倒数第三句说 , in an interview genuine police skills are involved inthe collection of information ,因此 A) 正确 。 B) 项与倒数第二句中的 Evidently thismethod can be justified 相悖 ,故排除 ; C) 在文中并未提及 ,故排除 ;D) 与倒数第

二句中的 but it will necessarily overestimate the police role相悖 ,故排除 。

Passage Two62 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。此题可用排除法 。第一段最后一句说 “有所区别 ⋯ ⋯不同于

Test 1 - 17


有好有坏” ,据此可排除 B) 项 ; C) 项中的 popular belief 指的是 “男女大脑功能有

别” 这种观点 ,从第一段可知 ,一些生物学家发现男女大脑真的有区别 ,可见科学研

究结果证明了大众的观点是正确的 ,由此排除 C) 项 ;由第三段第三句 This is thefirst time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women andmen ,可排除 D) 项的正确性 。剩下的 A ) 项便是正确答案 。 A ) 项的正确性可根据

第一段第二 、三句进行推理 :第二句说 “心理学家把这个观点看作让人沮丧的事或是

笑话” ,第三句说 “现在生物学家走进了这片雷区 ⋯ ⋯ ” ,言下之意为 “生物学家做着

心理学家不愿做的研究” ,A) 项表达了此意 。

63 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第三段倒数第二句讲到 :We tend to think that is theinfluence of society that produces these differences ,由此不难得出正确答案为 D) 。解

题的关键是把握题干中的 commonly believed的意义 。

64 .答案 :A) 。 语义理解题 。 根据第五段各句之间的关系不难发现第三句中的 thesedifferences指的就是第一句中的 differences between skills of men and women ,故 A)

项为正确答案 。

65 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章结尾处作者提到 : we should be looking for differencesin intellectual processing ,B) 项中的 functioning of the brain正好表达了 intellectualprocessing这一意义 。 A) 、 C) 两项在文中并未提及 ;D) 项并非文章结尾处的暗含

之意 。

66 .答案 :D) 。主旨大意题 。作者从生物学家发现男女大脑结构确实有差异谈起 ,然后谈

造成差异的原因 ,接着谈左 、右脑的协作 ,但这些又很难解释男女各自特长 ,最后指

出我们无从知晓的问题 ,应从智能处理上寻找区别 ,多做研究 。因此 ,作者的真正目

的是建议大脑研究的新领域 ,D) 项表达了此意 。 A) 项不符合文章的思路 ;B) 项不符合文章的内容 ,因为作者并未解释男性和女性各自有怎样的大脑结构 ; C) 项内容只在文章后半部分谈及 ,以偏概全 。

P a r tⅤ C lo ze67 .答案 :B) no matter 。根据句子结构分析 ,这里需要一个让步状语从句 ,才能使得句

意完整 ,即 : no matter what he is doing 。68 .答案 :A) how to 。根据句意 ,一般的问题是如何处理 (人类散发出的) 体热 。

69 .答案 :D) opposite 。文中 But表示转折 ,提示下文的 collect body heat 与上文的 dis‐pose of意义相反 ,所以选择 D) 。

70 .答案 :B) not only 。本句中的 but提供解题线索 ,与答案构成固定词组 : not only ...

but ...。71 .答案 :D) as 。句中 such与答案构成固定词组 : such 。

Test 1 - 18


72 .答案 :C) that 。本句中 so引出答案 ,因为它们构成一个常用的结构 : so ...that 。73 .答案 :C) to make 。根据句子结构分析 ,这里 to make引导的不定式短语在句中作目的状语 。句意 :该系统工作性能良好 ,以至于无需常规燃料就可以保证校园里六幢大

楼的供暖 。

74 .答案 :B) as well as 。这里 theatres ,offices ,classrooms 应该是并列关系 ,所以选择

B) 。75 .答案 :A) even 。even用在本句中表示出乎意外与强调 。而 ever表示时间 at any time ,

或 “总是” 、 “究竟” 之意 。

76 .答案 :A) saving 。根据本句中的 redistributing (重新分配) , heat recovery (热能回

收) 可以判断出 ,这里应该是 saving heat 。77 .答案 :D) called 。

78 .答案 :D) heat 。上句的 heat recovery和本句中 but后面的 recover heat 为本题提供了解题线索 。

79 .答案 :B) f rom 。 Recover sth .f rom sth .是固定搭配 ,“从 ⋯ ⋯重新获取” 。

80 .答案 :C) others 。根据句意 ,校园 (热能回收) 系统从某些大楼中回收热能 ,再用其

为另外一些建筑供暖 ,选择 C) 。81 .答案 :C) harder 。本句中 the more heat提示 The more ...the more ...句型 。

82 .答案 :B) gives off 。根据句意 :学生学习越勤奋 ,他散发出的体热就越多 。 B) givesoff “散发 (光 、热 、气味等)” ,符合句意 。而 A ) takes in “吸收” ,C) gives in “让

步” ,D) takes out “拿出 、取出” 不合文意 。

83 .答案 :B) female 。句中 male以及比较级结构提示出答案 female 。84 .答案 :A) produces 。根据句意 ,学生个头儿越大 ,产生的体热就越多 。虽然 B) man‐

ufactures也有 “生产 ,产生” 之意 ,但强调的是大批量 、集约化生产 ;而 C) designs“设计” ;D) assembles “组装” 不合文意 。

85 .答案 :B) conclude 。本句是文章的最后一句 ,也是具有概括性的话 ,所以应选择表示

总结意义的词 。

86 .答案 :C) hard‐working 。上文提到 ,一个学生学习越勤奋 ,产生的体热就越多 ,那么

该校园里散发体热最多的人应该是一位学习勤奋 、身材超重的男性天才 。

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion87 .参考答案 : in our responses to life challenges / to meet challenges in life译文 :生活在现代 ,我们应该面对现实 ,用成熟的心态迎接生活的挑战 。

88 .参考答案 : ensure every graduate a good position / make sure every graduate can get agood job

Test 1 - 19


译文 :大学教育并不能确保每个毕业生都能找到好工作 。

89 .答案 adapt to译文 :我们应该学会适应不同的工作环境 。

90 .参考答案 : gain / get easy access to译文 :有了电脑 ,人们可以很容易从互联网上获取并下载所需的最新信息 。

91 .参考答案 : hence the severe “white pollution is produced” / resulting in the serious“white pollution”译文 :大量的塑料袋取代了纸袋 ,造成了严重的 “白色” 污染 。

Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) ,B ) ,C )

and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .W :What about Bob and Helen ?I haven摧t seen them for a long time .

M : They aren摧t as happy as they once were .

Q :What does the man mean ?

12 .W : I摧ve got to go to New York this af ternoon ,but I am too tired to drive and the busis so uncomfortable .

M :No problem .I摧ll drop you off at the train station on my way to work .

Q : How is the man getting to work ?

13 .W :Did David catch the train yesterday ?

M : He boarded the train an hour before it was supposed to depart .Q :What can you learn from the conversation ?

14 .W : I was hoping we both will be in the psychology class .

M :Me too ,Amy .But by the time I got to the registration the class was closed .

Q :What does the man mean ?

15 .M :Do you like your physics course ?W : I wish physics were interesting .

Q :What does the woman mean ?

16 .W :Good morning .Your passport ,please .Do you have anything to declare ?Test 1 - 20


M :Only these two cartons of cigarettes ,a bottle of brandy and some silver jewelry .

That摧s all .Q :What do you think the woman is ?

17 .W : How much is the rent ?M : It摧s $ 160 a month unfurnished ,or $ 250 a month furnished .Utilities are $ 30

extra .

Q : How much will it cost the woman to rent a furnished apartment including utilities ?18 .M : I摧d like to have some chocolate cakes and a glass of orange juice to follow the main

course .Would you want the same ?W :No ,thanks .I摧m on a diet .Q :What does the woman mean ?

Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneM : Hi Jane .How are you doing ?

W :Oh ,Bob !You摧re just the person I wanted to see .You have Mark Brown in your A‐merican Literature class ,don摧t you ?

M :As a matter of fact ,I do .But he hasn摧t been coming to classes lately .

W : That摧s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about .I摧m really concerned about him .

He hasn摧t come to my classes for two weeks .

M :Yeah ,I guess it摧s been that long for mine .

W : I asked his classmates ,but no one has seen him or know s what摧s going on .

M :Well ,that is worrisome .He摧s such a good student .It摧s not like him to miss class forno good reason .I don摧t think he was ever absent before this .

W :Yeah ,he had never missed any of my classes before .I wonder if we should get hisphone number from the department office and call him at home .

M :Great idea !Do you know who in the office would be the right person to ask for hisnumber ?

W : I think Amy is the one who keeps track of all the student information .

M :Okay ,I摧ll get right on it !Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What is the main idea of this conversation ?

20 .What do the man and the woman say about Mark Brown ?

21 .What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman ?

22 .According to the conversation ,who has seen Mark Brown in the last two weeks ?Test 1 - 21


Conversation TwoM : I hear that we摧re going to have a guest lecturer in our Music Appreciation class today .

W :Oh ?I hadn摧t heard that .What摧s he going to be speaking about ?M : He摧s supposed to be covering Brahms摧 tutoring of Dvorak .

W : Is that something we need to know ?

M : Yes .Apparently Brahms was interested in Central European melodies and came acrossthis young Czech composer named Antonin Dvorak who ,he thought ,was very prom‐ising in this area .

W :Why is that important ?Brahms and Dvorak sound familiar ,but I didn摧t know about aconnection between the two .

M :Without the tutoring by a famous composer such as Brahms , it is doubtful thatDvorak ,one of my favorite composers ,would have become a major composer .

W : Thanks to all that information .I can摧t forget about that lecture !Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .What is the main topic of the conversation ?

24 .According to the man ,what was Brahms摧 relationship to Dvorak ?

25 .According to the man ,how did Brahms learn about Dvorak ?

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

Time talks .It speaks more clearly than words .Time communicates in many ways .

Consider the different parts of the day ,for example .The time of the day when some‐thing is done can give a special meaning to the event .Factory managers in the UnitedStates fully realize the importance of an announcement made during the middle of the morn‐ing or af ternoon that takes everyone away from his work .Whenever they want to make animportant announcement ,they ask ,“When shall we let them know ?”

In the United States ,you don摧t usually telephone someone very early in the morning .

If you telephone him early in the day ,while he is shaving or having breakfast ,the time ofthe call show s that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention . Thesame meaning is given to telephone calls made af ter 11 :00 p畅m .If someone receives a call

Test 1 - 22


during sleeping hours ,he assumes it is a matter of life and death .The time chosen for thecall communicates its importance .

Imagine the excitement and fear caused by a crowd of people arriving at the door at2 :00 a畅m .on an island in the South Pacific .A factory manager from the United States hadjust such an experience .The natives met one night to discuss a problem .When they ar‐rived at a solution ,they went to see the factory manager and woke him up to tell him whathad been decided .Unfortunately ,it was af ter two o摧clock in the morning .They did notknow that it is a serious matter to wake up Americans at this hour .The factory managerdid not understand the local culture ,though摧t there was a fight and he called the police .Itnever occurred to him (or to the local people) that parts of the day have different meaningsin different cultures .Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What is the special meaning of an announcement made during the middle of the morn‐ing or afternoon ?

27 .Which of the following is the best time to phone an American ?

28 .Why did the local people on the small island wake up the American manager at twoo摧clock in the morning ?

29 .What was the American manager摧s reaction to the natives摧 visit at such an early hour ?Passage Two

I will let you know that there摧s a big difference between undergraduate and graduateschool .Undergraduate school is very course‐intensive .That摧s all you do : go to classes andgo to labs .In graduate school ,you have a lot of free time .Much of your learning is self‐in‐itiated ,and you摧 re typically taking a much lighter class load .This gives you more time forindependent study and research .While you摧re in graduate school ,you摧re going to have todevelop yourself as a scientist .You do this by performing creative work and thorough re‐search and developing a reputation for being a good scientist .You摧ll also be developingyour speaking skills .You have to be comfortable in presenting your results and your re‐search to very critical audiences .That摧 s very important .You also want to attend confer‐ences where you can mingle with your peers and groups from other universities ,becausethere will eventually be your colleagues at some point .

Also ,it摧 s important to attend seminars and colloquial that your university has .Notonly does this keep you informed of what is the latest and greatest in your area ,but alsolets you hear about other unrelated areas as well .You can摧t be so focused ;you have tohave a broad base of know ledge .

Test 1 - 23


Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .Who has more time to do research ?

31 .Why should the graduates develop their speaking skills ?32 .Which of the following is not the purpose of attending seminars ?Passage Three

The next great land area that man hopes to colonize is the moon .In size it is nearly e‐qual to the area of North and South America .However ,it presents a hostile environment .Temperature ranges from + 120 to - 150 degrees Centigrade .There is no air ,no water .

Today there is considerable scientific speculation about living on the moon .When manwill begin life on the lunar surface is still not determined ,but experts believe that coloniza‐tion will take place in three steps .First , there will be increasing periods of explorationwith temporary shelters .These periods will be followed by longer stays with housing un‐der the surface of the moon and daily necessities brought by the colonizers themselves .Fi‐nally ,colonies that are self‐supporting will be established .

The principal job of the early settlers will be to stay alive .They will have to plantcrops under huge domes to produce food and oxygen and find water sources .After this isdone ,the settlers will have time to explore the possibilities of commercial development andto make discoveries important to science .

The characteristics of the moon that make it bad for human survival may make it idealfor certain kinds of manufacturing .Operations requiring a vacuum ,extremely cold ,or ste‐rility are examples .Precision ball bearings ,industrial diamonds or pharmaceuticals mightbe produced on the moon .

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .How large is the area of the moon ?

34 .What must the early settlers first of all be able to do to stay alive on the moon ?

35 .Which of the following might be the best title for this passage ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Test 1 - 24


Electricity ,as a part of our daily life ,is so much taken for (36)granted nowadays thatwe hardly think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio .At night ,roadsare brightly (37)lit ,enabling people and traffic to move freely .Colorful street‐lights havebecome part of the (38)character of every modern city .In the home ,many labour‐savingdevices are powered by electricity .Even when we turn off the lamp and are fast (39)

asleep ,electricity is still working for us ,heating our water ,or keeping our rooms warm inwinter .

Every day ,train and trolley buses take people to and from work .We (40)rarely stopto think why or how they run until something goes w rong .In the summer of 1959 ,some‐thing did go w rong with the power plant that supplies New York with electricity .For agreat many hours ,life came almost to (41)standstill .Trains refused to move and the peo‐ple in them sat in the dark ,(42)powerless to do anything ,lif ts stopped working so that e‐ven if you were lucky enough not to be (43)trapped between two floors ,you had the un‐pleasant task of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs .

(44)People were afraid to leave their houses ,for although the police had been ordered tostand by in case of emergency ,they were just as puzzled and helpless as anybody else .At thesame time ,similar disorder happened in the home .People sat impatient and frightened inthe dark as if an unseen enemy had landed from Mars .

(45)The only people who were not troubled by the darkness were the blind .And one ofthe strangest things that took place was that some fif ty blind people led many sightedworkers home .

(46)When the lights came on again ,hardly a person in the city can have turned on aswitch without thinking how great a servant he had at his finger‐tips .

Test 1 - 25

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icHow Should We Spend Our College Time .You should w rite at least 120 words according tothe outline given in Chinese below .

1 .一些大学生认为应把主要精力放在学习上 ;

2 .另外一些大学生则认为应多抽时间从事各种课外活动 ;

3 .我的观点 。

Test 2 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 22


P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )(15 m inu te s )Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES )         i f the statement agrees w ith the in f ormation given in the p as‐sage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the in f ormation given in the p as‐sage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the p assage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

CAUTION :Animals on the Move

It looked like a scene from “Jaw s” but without the dramatic music .A huge shark wasslow ly swimming through the water ,its tail swinging back and forth like the pendulum ofa clock .

Suddenly sensitive nerve endings in the shark摧s skin picked up vibrations of a strugg‐ling fish . The shark was immediately transformed into a deadly , efficient machine ofdeath .With muscles taut ,the shark knifed through the water at a rapid speed .In a flashthe shark caught its victim ,a large fish ,in its powerful jaw s .Then ,jerking its head backand forth ,the shark tore huge chunks of flesh from its victim and swallowed them .Soonthe action was over .Moving to Survive

In pursuing its prey ,the shark demonstrated in a dramatic way the important role ofmovement ,or locomotion ,in animals .

Like the shark ,most animals use movement to find food .They also use locomotion toescape enemies ,find a mate ,and explore new territories .The methods of locomotion in‐clude craw ling ,hopping ,slithering ,flying ,swimming ,or walking .

Humans have the added advantage of using their various inventions to move about injust about any kind of environment .Automobiles ,rockets ,and submarines transport hu‐mans from deep oceans to as far away as the moon .However ,for other animals movementcame about naturally through millions of years of evolution .One of the most successful ex‐

Test 2 - 2


amples of animal locomotion is that of the shark .Its ability to quickly zero in on its preyhas always impressed scientists .But it took a detailed study by Duke University marinebiologists S畅A .Wainw right ,F畅Vosburgh ,and J畅 H .Hebrank to find out how the sharksdid it .In their study the scientists observed sharks swimming in a tank at Marineland inSaint Augustine ,Fla .Movies were taken of the sharks摧 movements and analyzed .Studieswere also made of shark skin and muscle .

Skin Is the KeyThe biologists discovered that the skin of the shark is the key to the animal摧s high effi‐

ciency in swimming through the water .The skin contains many fibers that crisscross likethe inside of a belted radial tire .The fibers are called collagen fibers .These fibers can ei‐ther store or release large amounts of energy depending on whether the fibers are relaxed ortaut .When the fibers are stretched ,energy is stored in them the way energy is stored inthe string of a bow when pulled tight .When the energy is released ,the fibers become re‐laxed .

The Duke University biologists have found that the greatest stretching occurs wherethe shark bends its body while swimming .During the body摧s back and forth motion ,fibersalong the outside part of the bending body stretch greatly .Much potential energy is storedin the fibers .This energy is released when the shark摧s body snaps back the other way .

As energy is alternately stored and released on both sides of the animal摧s body ,the tailwhips strongly back and forth .This whiplike action propels the animal through the waterlike a living bullet .Source of Energy

What causes the fibers to store so much energy ?In finding the answer the Duke Uni‐versity scientists learned that the shark摧s similarity to a belted radial tire doesn摧t stop withthe skin .Just as a radial tire is inflated by pressure ,so , too ,is the area just under theshark摧s collagen “radials” .Instead of air pressure ,however ,the pressure in the shark maybe due to the force of the blood pressing on the collagen fibers .

When the shark swims slow ly ,the pressure on the fibers is relatively low .The fibersare more relaxed ,and the shark is able to bend its body at sharp angels .The animal swimsthis way when looking around for food or just swimming .However ,when the shark de‐tects an important food source ,some fantastic involuntary changes take place .

The pressure inside the animal may increase by 10 times .This pressure change greatlystretches the fibers ,enabling much energy to be stored .

This energy is then transferred to the tail ,and the shark is off .The rest of the storyTest 2 - 3


6 .Like the shark ,the dolphin is another fast fish in the ocean .

7 .The shark and the dolphin are among the largest animals in the ocean .

8 .The greatest stretching of the collagen fibers occurs when a shark   .

9 .A laminar flow is formed when   .

10 .Consuming the equal amount of energy as a slug does ,a mouse can traveltimes as long as a slug .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) ,B) ,C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) Jacket .         B) Suit .             C) Overcoat .         D) Sweater .12 .A) The man doesn摧t know the woman摧s plan .

B) The man would like to know the woman摧s plan earlier .C) The man agrees with what the woman is going to do .

D) The man had to make a plan for the woman .

13 .A) The man should listen to the program too .

B) The program will be over soon .

C) The man should leave the radio on .

D) The program is important to her lesson .

14 .A) He meant she would make a phone call if anything went w rong .

B) He meant for her just to wait till help came .

C) He was afraid something would go w rong with her car .D) He promised to give her help himself .

15 .A) Her job is in the city .

B) Living in the suburbs is less expensive .

C) Life is expensive in the city .

D) Jobs are easy to find in the city .

16 .A) The test was cancelled because the teacher had to attend a meeting .

Test 2 - 5


B) The students will take a test this af ternoon .

C) The teacher will have a meeting this af ternoon .

D) The teacher won摧t have a meeting this afternoon .

17 .A) 9 :30 . B) 11 :30 . C) 10 :00 . D) 10 :30 .

18 .A) Description of the friends . B) Car collision .

C) A bank robbery . D) A tall man .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) To improve his skating technique .

B) To take a vacation .

C) To take a course .

D) To learn to ski .20 .A) Her sister lives there .

B) She attended college there .

C) She lives thirty‐minute‐walk from there .

D) She visited there last year .21 .A) He has been to New Mexico many times .

B) He has just graduated from college .

C) He enjoys sports .D) He has relatives in Albuquerque .

22 .A) The low humidity .

B) The changing climate .

C) The high altitude .

D) The extreme temperatures .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) He is unable to attend class .

B) He wants to deliver something to her office .

C) He wants to hand in a late assignment .D) He wants to drop her course .

24 .A) Paint a landscape .

B) Give an oral report .C) Take a final exam .

D) Buy several books .25 .A) Come to her office before her meeting .

B) Change his major .Test 2 - 6


C) Meet with her tomorrow .

D) Discuss the class with his roommate .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) Red Cross is another name for hospitals .B) Red Cross workers are in many countries .

C) Many people who are in need work in Red Cross .

D) Red Cross has only one name .

27 .A) David . B) Dunant . C) Barton . D) Cross .

28 .A) War . B) Providing services .C) Natural disasters . D) Providing blood .

29 .A) 1875 . B) 1859 . C) 1881 . D) 1818 .

Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .A) Bike for a Better City . B) Bike for a Safer City .

C) Ride for a Better City . D) Ride for a Safer City .

31 .A) Paint additional lanes on the main streets .

B) Ban the use of cars on weekends .C) Paint special lanes on some of the main streets for bicycles only .

D) Restrict traffic on some of the main streets .32 .A) Bike riders in New York City are not so many as there should be .

B) Bike riders in New York City use the same lanes as cars .

C) Bike riders in New York City have special lanes on some of the main streets .

D) Bike riders in New York City can ride in Central park without being disturbed bycars on weekends .

Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .A) Because they like the taste of tar .Test 2 - 7


B) Because smoking makes them feel relaxed .

C) Because smoking to them means fun .

D) Because smoking cures them of cancer .34 .A) Cigarette ashes . B) Nicotine .

C) Tar . D) Not mentioned here .

35 .A) Buy cigarettes with less tar . B) Smoke only a few cigarettes a day .

C) Smoke only during a break . D) Give up smoking entirely .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

The history of American new spapers has (36) the history of our culture .Asour society has changed ,so have its new spapers .

Early colonial new spapers were designed for the elite — those who were interested inpolitical and business information .With the (37) of new technology ,compulsoryeducation and the (38) cultural changes brought on by industrialization and urbani‐zation ,newspapers moved into the popular culture with the advent of the penny (39)

The (40) changes in our society as the United States was (41) into a tru‐ly industrial nation between the end of the Civil War and the (42) of the 20th centu‐ry brought about many changes in American (43) , including the era of sensational‐ism .


.This era also has seen the development of electronic new s media ,

interpretative reporting , investigative reporting ,advocacy journalism ,“new journalism”

and specialized new spapers .(45)  

.The two largest American wire services are the Associated Pressand United Press International .The other dominant worldwide new s sources are Reuters

Test 2 - 8


and Tass ,headquartered in London and Moscow respectively .

Individual biases and other problems play a role in making mass communication acomplex activity .(46)  


.Reasons for this are that people tend to blame the messen‐ger for unpleasant information ,and fail to understand the watchdog function of the media .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section ,there is a short p assage w ith some questions or incomp lete state‐ments .Read the p assage care f ully and then answer the questions or comp lete the state‐ments in the f ewest possible words .Please w rite your answers on Answer Sheet 2 .

Surprisingly ,no one knows how many children receive education in English hospitals ,still less the content or quality of that education .Proper records are just not kept .

We know that more than 850敞000 children go through hospital each year ,and that ev‐ery child of school age has a legal right to continue to receive education while in hospital .We also know there is only one hospital teacher to every 1敞000 children in hospital .

Little wonder the latest survey concludes that the extent and type of hospital teachingavailable differ a great deal across the country .It is found that half the hospitals in Eng‐land which admit children have no teacher .A further quarter have only a part‐time teach‐er .The special children摧s hospitals in major cities do best ;general hospitals in the countryand holiday areas are worst off .

From this survey ,one can estimate that fewer than one in five children have some con‐tact with a hospital teacher ,and that contact may be as little as two hours a day .Mostchildren interviewed were surprised to find a teacher in hospital at all .They had not beingprepared for it by parents or their own school . If there was a teacher , they were muchmore likely to read books and do maths or number work ;without a teacher they would on‐ly play games .

Reasons for hospital teaching range from preventing a child falling behind and maintai‐ning the habit of school to keep a child occupied ,and the latter is often all the teachers cando .The position and influence of many teachers was summed up when parents referred tothem as “the library lady” or just “the helper” .

Children tend to rely on concerned school friends to keep in touch with school work .

Test 2 - 9


Several parents spoke of requests for work being ignored or refused by the school .Onceback at school ,children rarely get ex tra teaching ,and are told to catch up as best as theycan .

Many short‐stay children catch up quickly .But schools do very little to ease the anxie‐ty about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed .

47 .The author wants to tell us in the first paragraph that  


48 .According to the latest survey ,how many English hospitals have full‐time teachers ?  .

49 .Why were most children interviewed surprised to find a teacher in hospital ?  .

50 .Children in hospital usually turn to in order to catch up with their schoolwork .

51 .We can conclude from the passage that the author is thepresent state of hospital teaching .

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) ,B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage .

Few westerners know much about Pakistan beyond media impressions of Islamic fun‐damentalism ,communal violence and martial law , but it contains some of Asia摧s mostmind‐blowing landscapes ,extraordinary trekking (坐牛车旅行) ,a multitude of culturesand a long tradition of hospitality .

It摧s the site of some of the earliest human settlements ,home to an ancient civilizationrivaling those of Egypt and Mesopotamia ,and the crucible of two of the world摧s major reli‐gions ,Hinduism and Buddhism .You摧ll surely get more than what you expected there .

HistoryPakistan traces its history back to 2敞500 B畅C .,when a highly developed civilization

flourished in Indus Valley .Excavations at Harappa ,Menjodaro ,Kot Diji and Mehragarhhave brought it light ,the evidence of an advanced civilization existing even in more ancienttimes .Around 1敞500 B畅C .,the Aryans overwhelmed this region and influenced the Hindu

Test 2 - 10


civilization ,whose center moved to the Ganges Valley ,further east .Later ,the Persiansoccupied the northern region in the fif th century B畅C .up to the second century A畅D .TheGreeks came in 327 B畅C .under Alexander of Macedonia ,and passed through like a meteor(流量) .In 711 A畅D ., the Arabs , led by Muhammad Bin Qasim ,landed at Debal nearmodern Banbhore and ruled the lower half of Pakistan for 200 years .During this time ,Is‐lam took roots in the soil and influenced the life ,culture and traditions of the people .

In the 10th century A畅D .,began the systematic conquest of South Asia by the Mus‐lims from Central Asia ,who ruled here up to the 18th century .Then the British came andruled for nearly a century over what is Pakistan now .The Muslim revival began towardsthe end of the 19th century when Sir Syed Ahmed Khan ,a famous Muslim leader and edu‐cationist ,launched a movement for intellectual renaissance of the Muslims of South Asia .

In 1930 ,the well‐known poet‐philosopher ,Allama Muhammad Iqbal ,conceived the idea ofa separate state for the Muslims of South Asia .In 1940 ,a resolution was passed by theAll‐India Muslim League ,demanding a separate independent homeland for the Muslims .After seven years of un‐tiring struggle under the brilliant leadership of Quaide‐Azam (thegreat leader) Muhammad Ali Jinnah ,Pakistan emerged on the world map as a sovereignstate ,on August ,14 1947 .

Tourism attractionsPakistan is a destination of special interest for travelers and tourists .Its main attrac‐

tions include adventure tourism in the northern areas ,cultural and archaeological tourismas found at Taxila ,Meonjodaro ,Harappa ,Swat ,along the Karakoram Highway and earlyMuslim and Mughal heritage of Multan ,Lahore ,Thatta ,and Peshwar .From the mightyKarakoram in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the South ,Pakistanremains a land of high adventure and nature .T rekking ,mountaineering ,white water raf‐ting ,wild boar hunting ,mountain and desert jeep ,Camel and Yak safaris ,trout fishingand bird watching ,are among the few activities that tempt the adventure and nature loversto Pakistan .

52 .For many Westerners ,Pakistan is a country of the following EXCEPT .

A) Islamic fundamentalism B) mind blowing landscapesC) communal violence D) martial law

53 .How long had the Persians occupied the northern region of Pakistan ?

A) 300 years B) 500 years C) 700 years D) 200 years54 .When did Islam come to the soil of Pakistan ?

A) 1敞500 B畅C . B) 327 B畅C . C) 200 A畅D . D) 711 A畅D .

Test 2 - 11


55 .Which of the following statements about Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is INCORRECT ?

A) He was a famous Muslim leader .B) He was an educationist .C) He was born before 1900 .

D) He launched a movement against British rulers .

56 .If you want to have an adventure travel ,which of the following places will you go to ?

A) Multan . B) Lahore .

C) Thatta . D) The Northern Areas .

Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

In recent years , Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they摧ve becomewealthier and more worldly‐wise .Foreign travel is a national passion ;this summer alone ,

one in 10 citizens will go abroad .Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere ,Israelisare returning home expecting the same .American firms have also begun arriving in largenumbers .Chains such as KFC ,McDonald摧s and Pizza Hut are setting a new standard ofcustomer service , using strict employee training and constant monitoring to ensure thefriendliness of front‐line staff .Even the American habit of telling departing customers to“Have a nice day” has caught and says ,“Let摧s be nicer ,” says Itsik Cohen ,director of aconsulting firm .“Nothing happens without competition .”

Priv atiz ation (私有化) ,or the threat of it ,is a motivation as well .Monopolies (垄

断企业) that until recently have been free to take their customers for granted now fearwhat Michael Perry ,a marketing professor ,calls “ the revengeful consumer .” When thegovernment opened up competition with Bezaq , the phone company , its internationalbranch lost 40% of its market share ,even while offering competitive rates .Says ,Perry ,

“People wanted revenge for all the years of bad service .” The electric company ,whose mo‐nopoly may be short‐lived ,has suddenly stopped requiring users to wait half a day for a re‐pairman .Now ,appointments are scheduled to the half‐hour . The graceless ELA1 Air‐lines ,which is already at auction ,has restrained its employees to emphasize service and isboasting about the results in an ad campaign with the slogan ,“You can feel the change inthe air .” For the first time ,praise outnumbers complaints on customer survey sheets .

57 .It is implied in the passage that .

A) customer service in Israel is now improvingB) wealthy Israeli customers are hard to pleaseC) the tourist industry has brought chain stores to Israel

Test 2 - 12


D) Israeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones58 .In the author摧s view ,higher service standards are impossible in Israel .

A) if consumer complaints go unnoticed by the managementB) unless foreign companies are introduced in greater numbersC) if there摧s no competition among companiesD) without strict routine training of employees

59 .If someone in Israel today needs a repairman in case of a power failure , .

A) they can have it fixed in no timeB) it摧s no longer necessary to make an appointmentC) the appointment takes only half a day to makeD) they only have to wait half an hour at most

60 .The example of ELA1 Airlines show s that .

A) revengeful customers are a threat to the monopoly of enterprisesB) an ad campaign is a way out for enterprises in financial difficultyC) a good slogan has great potential for improving serviceD) staff retraining is essential for better service

61 .Bezaq摧s international branch lost 40% of its market share because .

A) the rates it offered were not competitive enoughB) customers were dissatisfied with its past serviceC) the service offered by its competitors was far betterD) it no longer received any support from the government

P a r tⅤ C lo ze (15m inu te s )Directions : There are 20 blanks in the f ollow ing p assage . For each blank there are f ourchoices marked A ) ,B) ,C) and D ) .You should choose the ONE that best f its into thep assage .Then mark the cor responding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 w ith a single linethrough the center .

Everyone wants to be healthy and happy .   62   ,illness or accidents may occur with‐out any   63   .Frequently the person who is ill can   64   at home if there is someone  65   of looking af ter him under the doctor摧s   66   .Sometimes arrangements can be  67   for a visiting nurse to give the necessary   68   once a day ,or of tener ,if necessa‐ry .The responsible one in the home   69   on with the rest of the care during the   70  

between the nurses摧 visits .The rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment   71   the spot of an accident or sudden

Test 2 - 13


illness ,   72   awaiting the arrival of doctors ,is called the first aid and quite   73   f romthe home nursing .

When illness does come , the whole family is   74   .Many adjustments have to bemade   75   the family routine needn摧t be   76   completely .Often it can be rearrangedwith home duties simplified to save time and energy ,thus reducing   77   on the family .

The   78   responsibility for giving nursing care is usually   79   by one person ,f re‐quently the mother .   80   ,in order that she may have some much needed rest ,or   81  

she herself is ill ,other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness oc‐curs .62 .A) Apparently     B) Unfortunately     C) Naturally       D) Occasionally63 .A) reason B) information C) warning D) notice64 .A) care for B) be caring for C) be cared for D) have cared for65 .A) suitable B) efficient C) appropriate D) capable66 .A) direction B) introduction C) decision D) education67 .A) taken B) made C) put D) supplied68 .A) care B) cure C) treatment D) concern69 .A) works B) carries C) depends D) looks70 .A) occasion B) turn C) interval D) holiday71 .A) at B) in C) f rom D) on72 .A) while B) before C) as D) where73 .A) separate B) valid C) urgent D) distinct74 .A) interfered B) affected C) protected D) suffered75 .A) if B) and C) but D) since76 .A) maintained B) ignored C) neglected D) disturbed77 .A) strain B) trouble C) worry D) pain78 .A) technical B) overall C) minor D) reasonable79 .A) consumed B) retained C) assumed D) obtained80 .A) Consequently B) Moreover C) Unexpectedly D) However81 .A) in fact B) in case C) as a result D) on the contraryP a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .82 .The Entrance Exam is about to be over ,and his years of study (也

Test 2 - 14


将有所收获) .

83 .The general manager signed the contract (代表公司) .

84 .In the past ,many countries developed their industries (根本不考

虑) protecting the environment .85 .The computer (正起着越来越重要的作用) in our daily life .

86 .International trade majors should know modern finance and information technology and(关注) global political and economic trends .

P a r tⅠ W riting1 .Sample Writing

How Should We Spend Our College Time

How should college students spend their time ?Opinions vary from person to person .

Some are willing to devote time and energy to extra‐curriculum activities .They argue thattaking part in some school activities can help them broaden their horizons and develop skillsof cooperation and communication ,which will benefit their future career .Besides ,they be‐lieve that “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy” , so it is necessary to participate insome school activities to recharge their batteries .

Others ,however ,prefer spending their time in studying .In their view s ,the competi‐tion of modern society is becoming tougher and tougher .They must study harder to ac‐quire as much academic know ledge as possible .And those who have extensive know ledgewill have a brighter future .

As every coin has two sides ,spending college life is no exception .I take the view thatthese two ideas are both correct .Of course ,students should study hard ,but school activi‐ties are also very important .Therefore ,I suggest that college students learn how to appor‐tion college time .On one hand ,they should study hard ;on the other hand ,they shouldspare some time to participate in school activities .

Test 2 - 15


2 .简评

本文以设问开头 ,然后用一句 “Opinions vary from person to person .” 自然地引出两

方面的观点 ,最后阐明了作者的看法 ,观点明确 ,过渡自然 ,同时 ,一些谚语 、俗语的使

用 (如 “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy” ,“every coin has two sides” 等) 也为

文章增色不少 。

3 .点睛用词

devote much time and energy to sth .,broaden one摧s horizons ,skills of cooperationand communication ,recharge one摧s batteries ,apportion college timeP a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )Caution :Animals on the Move1 .Y .相关信息在第二段的第一句 。

2 .N .此句与 Moving to Survive下的第三段第一 、二句不符 。

3 .Y .相关信息在 Skin Is the Key下的第一段第一句 。

4 .Y .相关信息在 Skin Is the Key下的第一段的倒数第二句 。

5 .N .此句与 Source of Energy下的第一段的第二 、三句不符 。

6 .N .此句与 Dolphin Has Speed Record下的第一段的前两句话不符 ,海豚是 mammal而不是 fish 。

7 .NG .文中只说鲨鱼和海豚的速度非常快 ,并没有提及它们的体积大小 。

8 .bends its body答案在 Skin Is the Key下的第二段的第一句话 。

9 .a fish swims slow ly through the water答案在 Dolphin Has Speed Record下的第一段的第五 、六句 。

10 .twelve .答案在 Other Animals Less Efficient下的第一段的最后一句 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .B)   12 .B)   13 .C)   14 .A)  15 .A)   16 .C)   17 .A)   18 .C)   19 .B)   20 .D)21 .C)   22 .C)   23 .B)   24 .B)   25 .C)S ection B26 .B)   27 .B)   28 .A)   29 .C)  30 .A)   31 .C)   32 .C)   33 .B)   34 .C)   35 .D)

Test 2 - 16


S ection C36 .paralleled 37 .advent 38 .major 39 .press40 .significant 41 .transformed 42 .turn 43 .journalism44 .Twentieth‐century new spapers ,for the most part ,have attempted to blend objectivity

and social responsibility .

45 .Wire services play an important role in gathering new s and information for the massmedia .

46 . Although the various functions of the media — to inform , entertain , advertise ,

etc ., — are criticized ,the most severely criticized is the function to inform .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .答案 : not enough is known about hospital teaching 。推理归纳题 。文章的首句就指

出 :人们不知道有多少孩子能在住院时接受教育 ,对教育的内容和质量了解得更少 。

因此第一段大意是 :人们对医院内的教学状况了解甚少 。

48 .答案 :Only one‐fourth of the hospitals have full‐time teachers 。推断理解题 。根据提

示词 “the latest survey” 可在文章第三段找到相关信息 。综合分析可知 ,50% 的医院

没有教师 ;25% 的医院只有兼职教师 ;由此推理出只有 25% 的医院有专职教师 。

49 .答案 : They had not been prepared for it 。事实细节题 。根据提示词可找到文章的第四

段第三句话 。

50 .答案 : schoolmates 。事实细节题 。 文章第六段提到 “Children tend to rely on con‐cerned school friends ....”

51 .答案 : unsatisfied with / complaining about / criticizing 。综合理解题 。全文表明目前

医院内教学状况不尽如人意 。有教师的医院的教学质量也不令人满意 。

S ection BPassage One52 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。此题考查对第一段的理解 ,关键是把握住原文的 beyond一词的含义 。此段的意思为 :除了从媒体上得到的 Islamic fundamentalism ,communalviolence and martial law 以外 ,没有几个西方人对巴基斯坦有更多的了解 ,但是它却

有着亚洲最令人难忘的风光 ,非凡的牛车旅行 ,丰富的文化和悠久的历史 。由此可看

出正确答案为 B) 。53 .答案 :C) 。推理判断题 。根据第三段第四句话可知 ,波斯人从公元前 5世纪至公元 2

世纪统治着巴基斯坦北部 ,把公元前 500年与公元后 200年相加 ,就可得到正确答案

Test 2 - 17


700年 。

54 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第三段倒数第二句说 :公元 711年 ,阿拉伯人登陆 De‐bal ,开始对巴基斯坦南部长达 200年的统治 ;而此段最后一句说 :在此期间 ,伊斯兰

教开始在这片土地上生根 。据此可知正确答案为 D) 。

55 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。此题考查对第四段的理解 。根据第四段第三句可以首先确定

A) 、 B) 两项符合原文内容 ;再仔细分析此句中的 towards the end of the 19th centu‐ry ,可以判定 C) 也符合原文大意 。剩下的 D) 项表面上似乎符合原文 ,但是其偷换

了概念 ,将原文中的 a movement for intellectual renaissance of the Muslims of SouthAsia换成了 a movement against British rulers ,而原文中并没有提及反对英国统治者

的内容 ,因此可判定 D) 项不符合原文内容 ,为本题答案 。

56 .答案 :D) 。此题考查对最后一段的理解 。根据该段的第二句话可得到正确答案 。

Passage Two57 .答案 :A) 。推理判断题 。从原文的描述 :美国各商家提高服务标准 ,以及美国人的习

惯在以色列得以推行 ,可以推断出 :以色列的服务水平在提高 ,即 A ) 。原文说以色

列人日渐富有 ,并不是 B) 项中的以色列富人 ,两者是不同的概念 ,故排除 B) ;以色

列人出国旅游并不是外国连锁店进入该国的原因 ,故排除 C) ;原文没有提及以色列人

是喜欢外国商家还是喜欢国内商家 ,故排除 D) 。

58 .答案 :C) 。 推理判断题 。 文章第一段最后一句引用 Cohen 的话 : Nothing happenswithout competition ,由此可推知以色列服务水平的变化在于竞争的推动 ,因此 C)为正确答案 。原文并未提及顾客投诉 ,故排除 A) ,B) 和 D) 两项都只是促进以色列

服务水平的因素 ,而不是必然的原因 ,故排除 。

59 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。原文第二段倒数第三句说 : Now ,appointments are sched‐uled to the half‐hour (现在预约时间已经减少到半小时) ,因此 D) 为正确答案 。 A) ,

B) 项与原文内容不符 ,故排除 ;C) 项中的 half a day是过去的预约维修时间 ,故排除 。

60 .答案 :D) 。推理判断题 。文章倒数第一 、二句说 ,对 ELA1航空公司来说 , praise首次超过 complaints ,即向顾客提供了 better service ,其原因是前面提到的 has restrain‐ed its employees to emphasize service ,因此 D) 为正确答案 。 A ) 项与第二段第一句

话不符 ,故排除 ;B) 项中的 financial difficulty 在文中并未提及 ,而且文中提到的广

告宣传的是航空公司服务质量的提高 ,广告宣传本身并不是化解企业危机的途径 ,故

排除 ;C) 项中出现的 slogan在原文中是向着顾客说的 ,是对他们服务质量提高的一

个总结 ,并不是这个口号引起了变化 ,故排除 。

61 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。 文章第二段中 Perry 的话说明了原因 : People wanted re‐venge for all the years of bad service ,B) 项是这一表述的同义转换 ,因此为正确答

案 。 A) ,C) ,D) 项在文中都未提及 ,故排除 。

Test 2 - 18


P a r tⅤ C lo ze照料家庭病人   (Taking care of the patient at home)62 .答案 :B) Unfortunately 。根据文意判断 ,第一句与第二句之间为转折关系 ,所以选

择 B) 。这里 A) Apparently “显然” ,C) Naturally “自然地” ,D) Occasionally “偶

然地” 不合文意 。

63 .答案 :C) warning 。根据句意 ,疾病和事故常常在没有预警的情况下发生 ,所以选择

warning 。64 .答案 :C) be cared for 。根据本句结构 ,病人应该受到照顾 ,所以选用被动语态 。

65 .答案 :D) capable 。选项中能与句中 of 搭配使用的只有 capable ,即 : capable of “能

够” 。 A) suitable “适合的” ,常用词组 : suitable for / to sth畅 /sb畅 ;B) efficient “效

率高的” ,常用词组 efficient at :“能胜任 ,有能力” ;C) appropriate “适宜的” ,常用

搭配 : appropriate for 。66 .答案 :A) direction 。根据句意 ,护理人员应该在医生的指导下进行工作 ,选项中只有

direction (指导) 符合此意 。

67 .答案 :B) made 。本句主语是 arrangement ,通常与 make构成搭配 ,意为 “做安排” 。

68 .答案 :C) treatment 。根据句意 ,如果必要也可以请护士上门进行必要的治疗 。 A )

care “照顾” ,下文提到其余的照顾事宜由家中负责照顾的人完成 ,所以排除此项 ;B)cure “治愈” ,强调结果 ,显然不合文意 ;C) treatment “治疗” ,强调过程 ;D) con‐cern “关注” ;这里只有 C) 符合句意 :护士上门进行治疗 。

69 .答案 :B) carries 。本题中四个选项都可以与 on搭配 ,A ) works (on) “从事” , “对

⋯ ⋯产生影响” ;B) carries (on) “进行” , “执行” ; C) depends (on) “依靠” ;D)

looks (on) “旁观” 。根据句意选择 B) 。70 .答案 :C) interval 。根据句意 ,在护士来访的时间里 ,家人应该承担起照顾病人的事

宜 。两次来访之间的时间叫做 “间隔” ,即 interval 。71 .答案 :D) on 。 on the spot固定搭配 ,“在现场 ,到现场” 。

72 .答案 :A) while 。根据文意 , diagnosis (诊断) , treatment (治疗) ,awaiting (等待)

the arrival of doctors应该是同时发生的事 ,需要表示时间 、同时之意的引导词 ,即

while 。73 .答案 :D) distinct 。这里 distinct from 相当于 different from ,符合句意 :急救与家庭

护理完全不同 。 A) separate (f rom) “把 ⋯ ⋯与 ⋯ ⋯分开” ;B) valid (法律上) 有效

的 ;C) urgent “紧急的” ,B) 和 C) 不能与 f rom 搭配使用 。所以选择 D) distinct 。74 .答案 :B) affected 。根据句意 ,疾病真的来了 ,全家人都受到影响 。 affected “受到影

响” ,家中有了病人 ,肯定生活各个方面要受影响 。 A ) interfered “干涉” ,不及物动

Test 2 - 19


词 ,不用于被动语态 ;C) protected “保护” ;D) suffered “遭受痛苦” ,不合句意 。

75 .答案 :C) but 。空格前后句子形成对比 ,所以应该选择表示转折关系的词 but 。76 .答案 :D) disturbed 。根据句意 , (家有病人时) 虽然不得不作很多调整 ,但家里的日

常生活秩序却没必要被完全打乱 。 A ) maintained “维持” , “保持” ;B) ignored “忽

视” ;C) neglected “忽略” ;D) disturbed “打乱” 。这里只有 D) 符合文意 。

77 .答案 :A) strain 。根据句意 ,可以重新安排家庭生活 ,简化家务以节省时间和体力 ,

因而减轻对家庭的压力 。选项中只有 strain (负担 ,压力) 具有此意 ,并且可以与句

中的 on搭配使用 。

78 .答案 :B) overall 。这里 A ) technical意为 “技术的 、专门的” ,B) overall “全面的 、

全部的” ,C) minor “较小的 、次要的” ,D) reasonable “合理的 、适度的” 。根据句

意 ,护理的全部责任通常由一人承担 ⋯ ⋯ ,选择 B) 。79 .答案 :C) assumed 。根据动词搭配规律 ,只有 assumed可以与 responsibility 搭配 ,完

成句意 :承担责任 assume the responsibility 。 A ) consumed “消费 、 消耗” ,B) re‐tained “保持 、保留” ,D) obtained “获得 、得到” ,不合句意 。

80 .答案 :D) However 。空格前后的句子之间存在转折关系 ,所以应该选择 D) However“然而” 。 A) Consequently “因此” ,表示因果关系 ;B) Moreover “而且” ,表示递进

关系 ;C) Unexpectedly “突如其来” 不合文意 。

81 .答案 :B) in case 。根据文意 ,为了让母亲得到适当的休息 ,或者万一母亲也病倒了 ,

家中其他成员也应该学会照顾病人 。 这里 B) in case “万一 、 以防” ,符合句意 ,而

A) in fact “事实上” ,C) as a result “结果是” ,D) on the contrary “相反” ,不合

句意 。

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion82 .参考答案 :will soon pay off译文 :高考就要结束了 ,他多年的学习也将有所收获 。

83 .参考答案 : on behalf of the company译文 :总经理代表公司在合同上签字 。

84 .参考答案 :with no thought at all of / never thinking of译文 :过去许多国家发展工业时根本不考虑保护环境 。

85 .参考答案 : is playing an increasingly important role译文 :电脑在我们的日常生活中正起着越来越重要的作用 。

86 .参考答案 : concern themselves with / be concerned with译文 :外经贸专业的学生应该了解当代金融和信息技术 ,关注全球的政治 、 经济

动态 。

Test 2 - 20


Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .M :Do you think I must wear a suit to see your parents ?I really prefer jacket to feel at

ease .

W : This is your first‐time meeting .For such a formal occasion ,you know ,jacket willonly make me feel embarrassed .

Q :What is the man going to wear to see his would‐be parents ?12 .M : I wish you had told me earlier that you were going away this summer vacation .

W :Oh ,I摧m sorry .I thought you knew my plan .

Q :What can we learn from the conversation ?

13 .M :Do you mind if I turn the radio off ?W : I摧m in the middle of listening to a program .

Q :What can be inferred from the woman摧s response ?14 .W :Could you tell me what I should do if my car breaks down ?

M :Well ,I摧m sure you won摧t have any trouble ,Mrs .Smith .But if something shouldhappen ,just call this number .They摧ll see that you get help .

Q :What does the man really mean ?

15 .M : Have you decided where you are going to live when you get married ?

W : I would like to live in the city near my work ,but my fiancé wants a house in thesuburbs to save our expenses .

Q :Why does the woman want to live in the city ?

16 .M :Are you going to take an English test this af ternoon ?

W : It was postponed because the teacher had to attend a meeting .

Q :What do we learn from the conversation ?

17 .M :We摧ll have to finish studying for tonight .It摧s 10 :00 and the library closes at 10 :30 .

W :Relax .Your watch must be fast ;we摧ll still have an hour to study .

Q :What time is it now ?

Test 2 - 21


18 .M :Well ,um ... could you describe the two people who robbed the bank for this re‐port that we摧re filling out here ?Anything you remember would be helpful to us .

W :Well ...,the man was tall — six foot one — and he had dark hair .Q :What are they talking about ?

Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneM : I摧ve been studying too much and need a change ,so I just make plans to go away during

January break .

W :Really ?Where are you going ?

M : I摧m planning to visit New Mexico .

W : Hey !My sister and I vacationed there last year .We had a great time .

M :Did you get into Albuquerque ?W : Sure ,whenever we were skiing .

M : Is it far from the mountains ?W :Not at all .See even though Albuquerque is on the right flat plateau , there摧re even

higher mountains near it .Just half an hour away from the city ,there摧re snow‐coveredslopes .

M :Well ,if the mountain is only 30 minutes away ,I guess I should take my ice skates andmy skis .

W :Definitely .

M : I heard the weather there is great .W : It is ,low humidity ,moderate temperatures ...But you do need to be careful of the

high altitude .

M :What should I do about that ?W :Oh ,just take it easy for a few days .Don摧t go hiking up the mountains or exercise too

much .Just do everything gradually .

M : I摧m sure I摧ll be fine .And I摧ll let you know all about my trip when I come back .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What is the main purpose of the man摧s trip ?

20 .Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque ?21 .What can be inferred about the man ?

22 .According to the woman ,what may cause the man problems in Albuquerque ?Conversation TwoW :Elizabeth Martin speaking .

Test 2 - 22


M :Dr .Martin ,my name is Mark Johnson .My roommate Benjamin John is in your arthistory class ,Art History 502 .

W :Yes .

M :Well ,he摧s sick and won摧t be in your class today .He asked me to bring his term paperto your office .

W :OK .The paper is due by three o摧clock .

M : I have a class from one to two .I摧ll bring it to your office af ter my class .

W :Well ,I have a meeting this afternoon ,so you can drop it off with the secretary of theArt History Department .She摧ll see that I get it .

M :OK .Oh ,and I almost forgot .I摧m a biology major ,but my adviser told me that I needone more humanities course to graduate .I noticed you摧re teaching a course on land‐scape painters next semester .Could you tell me a little bit about it ?

W : Sure .Well , it摧s a course for non‐art majors .We摧ll be looking at several differentpainters and examining their works .We摧ll also look at the history and politics of theera in which they lived .

M : That sounds interesting .What are these required ?

W : There摧s no final exam ,and there摧s only one required book .But each student has togive a major presentation about an individual painter at the end of the course .

M : Hmm ,it sounds good .Will you be in your office later today .I摧d like to talk with yousome more .

W :Well ,my meeting is scheduled to last all af ternoon .Why don摧t you stop by tomorrowanytime in the af ternoon ?My office is in the Fine Arts Building right next to the li‐brary .

M : Thanks .I摧ll do that .Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .Why does the man call the woman ?

24 .What will students be required to do in the course the woman describes ?25 .What does the woman suggest the man do ?S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .

Test 2 - 23


Passage OneRed Cross is an international organization which cares for people who are in need of

help .A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood ,and a family in India that lost theirhome ,and a woman in Mexico who was injured in an earthquake may all be aided by RedCross .

Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe .The world Red Cross or‐ganizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent ,The Red Mogen David ,The Sun ,andthe Red Lion .All of these agencies share a common goal of trying to help people in need .

The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war startedwith Jean Dunant .In 1859 ,he observed how people were suffering on a battlefield in Italy .

He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for .The most important result of his work was an international treaty called the Geneva Con‐vention .It protects prisoners of war , the sick and wounded and other citizens during awar .

The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881 .Today Red Cross in theUnited States provides a number of services for the public ,such as helping people in need ,

teaching first aid ,demonstrating water safety ,and providing blood .

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What is true about Red Cross ?27 .Who started the idea of Red Cross ?28 .What was responsible for the idea of forming Red Cross ?29 .When was the American Red Cross set up ?

Passage TwoSome people think that they have an answer to the problems of automobile crowding

and pollution in large cities .Their answer is the bicycle ,or “bike” .

In a great many cities ,hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day .In NewYork City ,some bike riders have even founded a group called Bike for a Better City .Theyclaim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in thedowntown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines .

For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bicycleriders .For example ,they want the city to paint special lanes — for bicycles only — on someof the main streets ,because when bicycle riders must use the same lanes as cars ,there maybe accidents .Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes ,more peoplewould use bikes .

Test 2 - 24


But no bicycle lanes have been painted yet .Not everyone thinks it is a good idea .Taxidrivers don摧t like the idea — they say it will slow traffic .Some store owners on the mainstreets don摧t like the idea — they say that if there is less traffic , they will have less busi‐ness .And most people live too far from downtown to travel by bike .

The city government has not yet decided what to do .It wants to keep everyone happy .

On weekends ,Central Park — the largest open space in New York — is closed to cars ,andthe roads may be used by bicycles only .But Bike for a Better City says that this is not e‐nough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown .Until that happens , the safestplace to bicycle may be in the park .

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .What is the name of the group recently set up in New York City ?

31 .What has the group been trying to get the city government to do ?

32 .Which of the following is Not true ?Passage Three

Why do people smoke ?One reason is that people become addicted to cigarettes .To be addicted means that

your body comes to need them .The addictive substance in cigarettes is nicotine .Whenpeople smoke the nicotine goes right into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed .

A smoker摧s body gets accustomed to the nicotine and if he stops smoking he feels nervous .Many smokers try to stop smoking but because of the addiction to nicotine they feel so un‐comfortable that they of ten find it too difficult to stop .

Another reason is that people simply enjoy smoking and what it symbolizes .Having acigarette for many people means taking a break .For some people smoking becomes part ofcertain social rituals ,for example ,the cigarette af ter dinner .Many people enjoy smokingbecause it gives you something to do with your hands .Reaching for a cigarette ,lighting it ,flicking the ashes are especially comforting in situations where a person feels tense .

Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes .However ,it is the tar that causescancer .While governments and health experts have tried to get people to give up smokingentirely ,cigarettes manufacturers have tried to keep selling them by producing cigaretteswith less tar .Many people in western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since theyfind it hard to stop smoking but want to reduce the risk to their health .

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .Why do so many people become addicted to cigarettes ?34 .What is the substance in cigarettes that causes cancer ?

Test 2 - 25


35 .Health experts are trying to persuade people to ?

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

The history of American new spapers has (36)paralleled the history of our culture .Asour society has changed ,so have its new spapers .

Early colonial new spapers were designed for the elite — those who were interested inpolitical and business information .With the (37)advent of new technology ,compulsory ed‐ucation and the (38)major cultural changes brought on by industrialization and urbaniza‐tion ,newspapers moved into the popular culture with the advent of the penny (39)press .

The (40)significant changes in our society as the United States was (41)transformedinto a truly industrial nation between the end of the Civil War and the (42)turn of the 20thcentury brought about many changes in American (43)journalism ,including the era of sen‐sationalism .

(44)Twentieth‐century newspapers ,for the most part ,have attempted to blend objectivi‐ty and social responsibility . This era also has seen the development of electronic new smedia ,interpretative reporting ,investigative reporting ,advocacy journalism ,“new jour‐nalism” and specialized new spapers .

(45)Wire services play an important role in gathering news and information for the massmedia .The two largest American wire services are the Associated Press and United PressInternational .The other dominant worldwide new s sources are Reuters and Tass ,head‐quartered in London and Moscow respectively .

Individual biases and other problems play a role in making mass communication a com‐plex activity .(46)Although the various functions of the media — to inform ,entertain ,adver‐tise ,etc ., — are criticized ,the most severely criticized is the function to inform .Reasonsfor this are that people tend to blame the messenger for unpleasant information , and fail tounderstand the watchdog function of the media .

Test 2 - 26

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icHow to Get Along with Roommates .You should w rite at least 120 words according to theoutline given in Chinese below .

上个周末 ,你的两个大学室友由于一件琐事而大打出手 ,现在两个人的关系很僵 。请

你就此为学校校报写篇文章 ,文章中须包括以下内容 :

1 .简要描述事件 ;

2 .室友之间和睦相处的重要性 ;

3 .你认为如何才能做到和睦相处 。

Test 3 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 33


P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )(15 m inu te s )Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the in f ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

News Is Going Mobile

A college student in Singapore is being criticized by the teacher for doing unacceptablework .In a fit of rage ,the teacher tears up the poor student摧s paper in front of the wholeclass .

Sound familiar ?In fact ,this sort of thing would normally have gone unnoticed outsidethe classroom .But ,it摧s become the talk of Singapore ,with questions and concerns aboutthe state of student‐teacher relations in the education system there coming out .

But the outcry over the teacher摧s behavior was not the result of complaints by the poorstudent .Nor did it come from some news account .So ,where摧d it come from ?Digi‐world ,

of course .A classmate captured the punishment scene on camera — and ,bingo ,it instantlyappeared on the Web ,thanks to just a cellphone .

EquippedThe minor student victory was an example of the latest net trend — the “moblog” .Pro‐

nounced like two words ,“Moblog” ,it sounds like something from outer space in a Holly‐wood movie .It摧s a website specifically geared for people with the latest cellphones and mo‐bile devices .Many of these are equipped with built‐in digital cameras and wireless Internetaccess so people can do “mobile blogging” .

“Mobloggers” develop public digital journals on websites ,similar to weblogs .But ,in‐stead of recording in text , they snap pictures with a cellphone or handheld computer ,wherever they see something interesting taking place . And , with wireless capabilities

Test 3 - 2


supported by the telecom firms , the digital images can be published instantly and sharedwith others online .

AttunedAt H ip Top畅 Bedope畅 com ,to give just one example ,there are bizarre photos of adver‐

tisements for lobsters in Maine ,in the United States .Or perhaps you摧d like to see what摧s happening in post‐war Iraq ?You can just go and

check out geeingbaghdad畅 f otop ages畅 com .It摧s a photo journal maintained by a mobloggerreportedly in Baghdad .

If this moblogging craze catches on ,what can we expect ?Well ,cellphone companieswon摧t be the only ones to see benefits .

“Once you start moblogging ,you become more attuned and interested in things aroundyou ,” says Mike Popovic ,the programmer in Maine who started the hiptop畅 bedope web‐site last year .“You摧re more alert to things that might make an interesting story .”

Some are going further .They say that moblogging can greatly affect how “news” andinformation are disseminated in the digital age .Things like the Singaporean student摧s situ‐ation ,for example .

“Once it becomes more widespread ,it can have a great impact on journalism ,” saysSteve Outing ,a senior editor at the Poynter Institute ,a journalism teaching and researchorganization in Florida .“When you have big events happening ,there will be people on thescene reporting and taking photos when there摧s no one else there .”

ProblematicFor all the possibilities the technology may bring ,however ,there are plenty of prob‐

lems .Already ,the use of cameraphones in certain circumstances has been called into ques‐tion ,especially when someone uses them for peeping .

Then there are those who doubt that moblogging will ever take off on a massive scalebecause they believe most Americans are still information consumers rather than produc‐ers .

Very Social But Also a Real ThreatOut in the countryside of southern Austria ,surrounded by snowcapped mountains and

not much else ,Mario摧s bored .Slow ly ,the 16‐year‐old secondary schoolboy finds a way tokill time — create computer viruses .

Online ,he摧s w ritten more than 150 examples of “malware” .At least that摧s what com‐puter experts call it .What that means is tiny programmes that exist solely to self‐repro‐duce .It infects computers hooked up to the Internet .

Test 3 - 3


But ,only a few of these devastating tricks are released .“I just prefer to create virusesthat don摧t intentionally w reck data because that摧s pointless ,” Mario says .

Nowadays ,the motives of top virus w riters can seem odd .They spend hours dreamingup new strategies to infect computers .Then they spend hours more bringing them to real‐ity .But when they摧re gone ,most of them say they have lit tle interest in setting their crea‐tions free .

In fact ,according to experts ,99 percent of all malware never successfully makes it in‐to the world .That is either because it was not designed to do so or because the author mis‐programmed his virus .Why bother to write viruses ?

So why bother to w rite a worm ,if you摧re not going to spread it ?“Anyone can rew rite a hard drive with one or two lines of code ,” Mario says .“But ,it

makes no sense and it摧s mean .” And he likes to be friendly .

For the top worm w riters ,the goal is to make something that摧s brand‐new ,never seenbefore .

“A virus is a simple little creature whose only intention is to survive ,” a 21‐year‐oldUS virus author says .

He says that to get a programme to travel swif tly online the w riter must keep its codeshort and efficient .“One condition of the art ,” he goes on to explain ,“ is doing goodthings with less .”

Success ,for a virus author ,brings the sort of fame that a particularly daring piece ofwall‐painting used to produce . The author摧s name automatically repeats itself in cyber‐space .When antivirus companies post on their websites a new warning of a fresh menace ,

the author is thrilled like getting a great book review .

The virus scene is also attractive partly because it摧s very social .The virus community attracts a lot of smart but alienated young men ,f reedom seekers

who are of ten bothered by social details .Is it safe ?

And ,even though many elite w riters do not spread their works at all it does not meanthat things are safe .Because it摧s social ,they “publish” their work ,posting them on web‐sites ,of ten with detailed descriptions of how the programme works .They leave their viru‐ses lying around for anyone to use .

And ,invariably ,someone does .The people who release the viruses are of ten anony‐mous mischief‐makers .Sometimes referred to as “script kiddies” ,a funny term for young

Test 3 - 4


hackers ,usually teenagers or curious college students .They don摧t yet have the skill toprogramme computers but like to pretend they do .

They download the viruses ,claim they have w ritten them themselves and then setthem free in an attempt to be fearsome .Script kiddies of ten have only a dim idea of howthe code works and little concern for how it can run out of control .

This change worries security experts ,because it means that virus‐w riting is no longera high‐skill profession .By freely sharing their work , the elite virus w riters have made iteasy for almost anyone to cause havoc online .

1 .The poor student shot the scene of punishment and sent the picture to a new s agency .

2 .The latest cellphones and mobile devices are equipped with built‐in digital cameras andwireless Internet access .

3 .On geeinbaghdad畅 fotopages畅com you can see strange photos of ads of lobsters .4 .The moblogging craze will benefit new s agencies .

5 .One problem brought by the technology is that some people use camera phones for pee‐ping .

6 .Mario creates viruses to infect computers and w reck data .

7 .The majority of malware is not released .

8 .The purpose of the top worm w riters is to   .

9 .The virus world attracts a lot of   ,

f reedom seekers who are of ten bothered by social details .

10 .The people who release the viruses are young hackers ,usually   .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) The fif th floor .                     B) The six th floor .

C) The ninth floor . D) The third floor .12 .A) At the men摧s ward . B) At the doctor摧s office .

Test 3 - 5


C) At the post office . D) At home .

13 .A) She is worried about the woman摧s husband .

B) She is worried about John .

C) She has spent too much money .

D) John might get mad when he comes home .

14 .A) She thinks it is easier said than done .

B) She totally agrees with him .

C) She feels that what he says is simply nonsense .

D) She think that he is a rather impolite person .

15 .A) He is not to blame . B) It was his fault .C) He will accept all responsibility . D) He will be more careful next time .

16 .A) He will not accept a late paper from her .B) He is interested only in her ideas .

C) He wants her to correct the paper he has just given her .D) He will accept a late paper from her .

17 .A) He doesn摧t like the color of his shirt . B) The blouse was too large .

C) He doesn摧t like either of the two . D) He never wears silk .

18 .A) She only read the selected parts of the book .

B) She is an extremely fast reader .C) She enjoys reading novels .

D) She read the book straight through .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) She is waiting for her father .B) She摧s having her bicycle repaired .

C) She wanted to surprise John .

D) She works there .

20 .A) To replace his stolen bicycle .

B) To begin bicycling to work .

C) To join a bicycle club .

D) To train for a bicycle race .

21 .A) Buy a used bicycle .

B) Buy a racing bicycle .

C) Replace the tires on his bicycle .

D) Sell his old bicycle to the shop .

Test 3 - 6


22 .A) It must be the right height .B) It must have several gears .C) It must have good tires .

D) It must be the right weight .Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) To pay part of her university grant .B) For a more colorful summer vacation .

C) For the preparation of a contest .D) To have working experience .

24 .A) An employment agent from a big company .

B) A swimming coach at the university pool .C) A personnel office at the Sports Center .D) An assistant manager of a gymnasium .

25 .A) A swimming life guard .

B) A swimming coach .

C) A teaching position of the life‐saving course .

D) A beach guard .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) 100 years .       B) 200 years .       C) 350 years .       D) 400 years .

27 .A) The value of machines . B) The value of time .

C) The value of work . D) The value of money .

28 .A) Machines . B) Technology . C) The children . D) Unionization .

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .A) They can go almost anywhere .

B) They need to have something built on the ground before they can work .

C) They are cheap forms of transport .Test 3 - 7


D) They are bigger than helicopters .30 .A) Because they will help to carry heavy things .

B) Because they can cross rivers and mountains .C) Because they will get bigger and more efficient .D) Because they don摧 t need expensive ground installations .

31 .A) How to use helicopters . B) A useful kind of vehicle — helicopters .C) The prospect of helicopters . D) The wide use of helicopters .

Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the following passage .

32 .A) Poison control centers and doctors .

B) Bathing from a container or in the shower .C) Water temperature ,as it affects eyeballs .

D) First aid treatment of eye problems .

33 .A) Fif teen minutes . B) Two to three inches .C) Immediately . D) Into the inside corner of the eye .

34 .A) Chemical burns . B) Victim .

C) Urgency . D) Physician .

35 .A) Delay in treatment or inadequate treatment may cause permanent damage .

B) The eyes are the window s to the soul .C) Adults need to wash out their eyes in a shower periodically .

D) Only physicians can treat eye burns .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Social change is more likely to (36) in societies where there is a mixture of dif‐ferent kinds of people than in societies where people are (37) in many ways .The(38) reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things (39)

in the first kind of society .There are more ideas ,more (40) in interest ,andTest 3 - 8


more groups and organizations with different beliefs . In (41) , there is usually agreater worldly interest and greater tolerance in (42 ) societies .All these factorstend to (43) social change by opening more areas of life to decision .(44)  



.And although conditions may not be satisfactory ,theyare at least traditional and undeniable .


. For exam‐ple ,it tends to be in technology rather than in values ;in what has been learned later in liferather than what was learned early ;in the less basic and less emotional aspects of societythan in their opposites ;in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones ;in formrather than in substance ;and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than instrange elements .

(46)hy change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their w hite counterparts .P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )

S ection ADirections : In this section , there is a p assage w ith ten blanks .You are required to selectone word f or each blank f rom a list o f choices given in a word bank f ollow ing the p as‐sage .Read the p assage through care f ully be f ore making your choices .Each choice in thebank is identi f ied by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter f or each item on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .You may not use any o f the words in thebank more than once .

The “standard of living” of any country means the average person摧s share of the goodsand services which the country produces .A country摧s standard of living , therefore ,de‐pends first and foremost on its   47   to produce wealth .“Wealth” in this sense is notmoney ,for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy : “goods” such asfood and clothing ,and “services” such as transport and entertainment .

A country摧s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors ,most of whichhave an effect on one another .Wealth depends to a great ex tent upon a country摧s national  48   ,such as coal ,gold ,and other minerals ,water supply and so on .Some regions of

Test 3 - 9


the world are well   49   with coal and minerals ,and have a fertile soil and a   50   cli‐mate ;other regions possess none of them .

Next to natural resources comes the ability to turn them to use .Some countries areperhaps well off in natural resources ,but   51   for many years from civil and   52  

wars ,and for this and other reasons have been unable to develop their resources .Soundand   53   political conditions ,and freedom from foreign invasion ,enable a country to de‐velop its natural resources peacefully and   54   ,and to produce more wealth than anothercountry equally well served by nature but less well ordered .Another important factor isthe   55   efficiency of a country摧s people .Industrialized countries that have trained nu‐merous skilled workers and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countrieswhose workers are largely   56   .

A) stable                             I) steadilyB) technical J) resourcesC) changeable K) numerousD) qualified L) favorableE) capacity M ) sufferedF) inside N) returnedG) external O) suppliedH) unskilled

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

It摧s very interesting to note where the debate about diversity is taking place .It is tak‐ing place primarily in political circles .Here at the college Fund ,we have a lot of contactwith top corporate leaders ;none of them is talking about getting rid of those instrumentsthat produce diversity .In fact ,they say that if their companies are to compete in the globalvillage and in the global market place ,diversity is an imperative .They also say that theneed for talented ,skilled Americans means we have to expand the pool of potential em‐

ployees .And in looking at where birth rates are growing and at where the population isTest 3 - 10


shif ting ,corporate America understands that expanding the pool means promoting policiesthat help provide skills to more minorities ,more women and more immigrants .Corporateleaders know that if that doesn摧t occur in our society ,they will not have the engineers ,thescientists ,the lawyers ,or the business managers they will need .

Likewise ,I don摧t hear people in the academy saying ,“Let摧s go backward .Let摧s goback to the good old days ,when we had a meritocracy (不拘一格降人才) (which wasnever true — we never had a meritocracy ,although we摧ve come closer to it in the last 30years)” .I recently visited a great little college in New York where the campus has doubledits minority population in the last six years .I talked with an African American who hasbeen a professor there for a long time ,and she remembers that when she first joined thecommunity ,there were fewer than a handful minorities on campus .Now ,all of us feel theuniversity is better because of the diversity .So where we hear this debate is primarily inpolitical circles and in the media — not in corporate boardrooms or college campuses .

57 .The word “imperative” (Line 5 ,Para畅1) most probably refers to something .

A) superficial B) remarkable C) debatable D) essential58 .Which of the following groups of people still differ in their view s on diversity ?

A) Minorities . B) Politicians . C) Professors . D) Managers .59 .High corporate leaders seem to be in favor of promoting diversity so as to .

A) lower the rate of unemploymentB) win equal political rights for minoritiesC) be competitive in the world marketD) satisfy the demands of a growing population

60 .It can be inferred from the passage that .

A) meritocracy can never be realized without diversityB) American political circles will not accept diversityC) it is unlikely that diversity will occur in the US mediaD) minorities can only enter the fields where no debate is heard about diversity

61 .According to the passage diversity can be achieved in American society by .

A) expanding the pool of potential employeesB) promoting policies that provide skills to employeesC) training more engineers ,scientists ,lawyers and business mangersD) providing education for all regardless of race or sex

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage .

After spending 14 years and $ 4畅5 billion on studies ,the Energy Department said to‐Test 3 - 11


day that it would recommend that Yucca Mountain ,a barren volcanic structure about 90miles from Las Vegas ,be used to bury thousands of tons of highly radioactive nuclearwaste from power plants and nuclear weapon factories .The department had been trying fordecades to find a place to dispose of the waste piling up at its bomb factories and civilianpower plants ,and today摧s decision is only one step in a tortuous (极其复杂的) processwith an outcome that is still uncertain .But it is the first time that the department has saidpublicly that it can make a scientific case that the waste can be secured at Yucca Mountain .

The project faces substantial , technical ,legal and political challenges ,and could bederailed (终止) by either house of Congress ,the courts or engineering problems .SinceCongress chose the site in 1987 as a prime candidate for the burial of wastes ,Nevada offi‐cials and environmental groups have questioned the ability of engineers to reliably predictthat it will not leak significantly for 10敞000 years ,as government rules require .The ener‐gy secretary ,Spencer Abraham ,added a twist to the debate today ,saying ,“We shouldconsolidate the nuclear wastes to enhance protection against terrorist attacks by movingthem to one underground location that is far from population centers .”

The project is expected to cost more than $ 40 billion .If President Bush approves ,

and no other problems block preparation , the earliest that waste could be stored in themountain is 2010 ,officials said .But the suitability of the site is still far from clear to somescientists ,and it faces the intense opposition of the Nevada Congressional delegation ,in‐cluding Senator Harry Reid ,the deputy majority leader .62 .The author is about the foreground of the project discussed .

A) optimistic B) negative C) positive D) cautious63 .The crucial problem of nuclear waste disposal is .

A) expenditure B) security C) validity D) practicability64 .The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that .

A) the project is faced with many challenges .

B) the project needs to be reviewed deeplyC) Nevada officials disapproved of the projectD) the project had no reliable technique

65 .Which of the following is not an opponent of the project mentioned in the passage ?A) Nevada officials . B) Spencer Abraham .  C) Some specialists .D) Harry Reid .

66 .According to the passage ,we can infer that .

A) it took researchers 14 years to find Yucca MountainB) the Energy Department is not confident in the project

Test 3 - 12


C) the great expense held the project backD) the project will probably be carried out in about 8 years

P a r tⅤ C lo ze (15 m inu te s )Directions : There are 20 blanks in the f ollow ing p assage . For each blank there are f ourchoices marked A ) , B) , C) ,and D ) .You should choose the ONE that best f its into thep assage .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a single line throughthe center .

One of the greatest mysteries of nature is the instinct to   67   .Every year ,millionsof creatures feel   68   to migrate (迁徙) and most people have seen arrival or   69   ofmigrating flocks of birds . In England , for example ,we always know when autumn iscoming ,   70   flocks of swallow s sit   71   the telegraph wires .Migration is not onlyseen in birds but also   72   reptiles (爬行动物) .Many of these creatures can   73  

their way over long distances .And   74   it is a mystery and a   75   to everyone ,

  76   for those of us who have difficulty even   77   a map covering 100 miles .Theseare several suggestions about   78   navigate .Firstly ,it is suggested ,they navigate by u‐sing stars and planets for   79   .Secondly , some people   80   that these migratingmammals (哺乳动物) find their way by following the pole of the earth摧s magnetic field .

Thirdly ,some people think that migrating birds ,insects and animals follow   81   smellor scent .Fourthly ,   82   group of people believe that animals migrate by recognizing ge‐ographical   83   .Fif thly ,some people think that animals migrate by following changes  84   temperature . And   85   , there are people   86   they migrate by followingsound .

67 .A) immigrate B) move C) migrate D) emigrate68 .A) a need B) the need C) needing D) to be needed69 .A) departure B) coming C) flying D) survival70 .A) because of B) because C) despite D) due to71 .A) by B) in C) on D) at72 .A) with B) on C) along D) in73 .A) see B) lose C) take D) find74 .A) how do they do B) how it does C) what they do D) how they do75 .A) wonder B) surprise C) nonsense D) skill76 .A) especial B) specific C) especially D) strangely77 .A) reading B) to read C) with reading D) of reading

Test 3 - 13


78 .A) how it B) what they C) why they D) how they79 .A) guiding B) guidance C) to guide D) being guided80 .A) think B) thought C) think of D) thought about81 .A) some of B) certainly C) a certain D) the82 .A) another B) other C) there is a D) there is another83 .A) characters B) characteristic C) feathers D) features84 .A) with B) in C) by D) through85 .A) at the last B) at the end C) finally D) above all86 .A) of whom to suppose    B) who are to suppose

C) who suppose            D) who supposedP a r tⅥ  T rans la tionDirections : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .87 .As the chairman of the board in the corporation ,he (深知) he

is taking on heavy responsibilities .

88 .As university students ,we are here to learn ,so we摧ve got to(充分利用这一学习机会) ourselves .

89 .These multinationals (做出保证) that they will neither givenor take kickbacks (回扣) .

90 .The company staff are asked to (只能因公事使用电话 ) atwork .

91 .Economic grow th must not be pursued (以环境污染为代价) .

Test 3 - 14


P a r tⅠ W riting1 .Sample Writing

How to Get Along with Roommates

Last Sunday ,two of my roommates got into a serious fight because of a trifle .Nowthey are still very angry with each other and no one wants to apologize first .

The story is not rare .Nowadays ,many college students are not able to get along withtheir roommates ,which does considerable harm to both their college lives and their futuredevelopment .On one hand ,quarreling and fighting ruin the friendly atmosphere ,makingdorms unpleasant places to stay in ;on the other hand ,if a person is not able to establishgood relationships with his roommates ,it is hard for him to develop other personal rela‐tionships which are important for his full development .

Therefore ,I advise those students to take it seriously .And the following are some ofmy suggestions .First ,you must respect your roommates , thus you can also win respectfrom them .Second ,if your roommates encounter difficulties ,try to help them out ,so thatthey will appreciate your help . Finally , do not talk about other摧s affairs behind theirbacks .These are certainly not the only points you should pay attention to .But I am sure ifyou are willing to follow them ,you will get along well with your roommates .

2 .简评

本文作者首先叙述了室友间发生的不愉快 ,进而分析了室友间和睦相处的重要性 ,最

后就如何与室友相处提出了自己的建议 ,可谓叙议结合 ,有条有理 。 尤其是一些连接词

(如 on one hand ...on the other hand , first of all ...second ...finally 等) 的使用更使文章

显得结构清晰 、层次分明 。

3 .点睛用词

get into a serious fight ,do considerable harm to ,ruin the atmosphere ,establish goodrelationship with ,take sth .seriously ,encounter difficulties

Test 3 - 15


P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )News Is Going Mobile ,Very Social But Also a Real Threat1 .N .此句与 News Is Going Mobile下的第三段的内容不符 。

2 .Y .相关信息在 Equipped下的第一段的最后一句 。

3 .N .此句与 Attuned下的第一 、二段内容不符 。

4 .NG .在 Attuned下的最后两段作者确实提到了 moblogging craze会对新闻业的发展有所促进 ,但并没有说这会给新闻机构带来利益 。

5 .Y .相关信息在 Problematic下的第一段的第二句 。

6 .N .此句与 Very Social But Also a Real Threat下的第三段的内容不符 。

7 .Y .相关信息在 Very Social But Also a Real Threat下的第四 、五段 。

8 .make something that摧s brand‐new ,never seen before .答案在Why bother to w rite viru‐ses ?下的第三段 。

9 .smart but alienated young men .答案在 Why bother to w rite viruses ?下的最后一段 。

10 .teenagers or curious college students .答案在 Is it safe ?下的第二段 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .B)   12 .B)   13 .C)   14 .A)  15 .A)   16 .D)   17 .C)   18 .A)   19 .D)   20 .B)21 .A)   22 .A)   23 .A)   24 .C)   25 .A)  

S ection B26 .A)   27 .C)   28 .D)   29 .B)   30 .D)   31 .B)   32 .D)   33 .B)   34畅C)   35 .A)

S ection C36 .occur 37 .similar 38 .simple 39 .present40 .disagreements 41 .addition 42 .mixed 43 .promote44 .In a society where people are quite similar in many ways ,there are fewer occasions for

people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be thesame .

45 .Within a society ,social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readilyin the material aspects of the culture than in the non‐material .

46 .Furthermore ,social change is easier if it is gradual .

Test 3 - 16


P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .E   48 .J   49 .O   50 .L   51 .M   52 .G   53 .A   54 .I   55 .B   56 .HS ection BPassage One57 .答案 :D) 。语义理解题 。本段前面的一句话说 :在公司的领导人中 ,没有人说要消除

那些会产生多样性的东西 。而所考查词汇所在的句子是对这一句话的进一步解释说

明 :实际上 ,他们认为公司如果想要在国际市场上具有竞争力 ,多样性是 imperative ,

根据上下文的联系与意义来判断 ,肯定是非常重要的 ,因此 D) 为正确答案 。

58 .答案 :B) 。推理判断题 。文章开头即指出 : It is taking place primarily in political cir‐cles (关于多样性的争论主要发生在政界) ,由此可判断政治家对多样性的看法是不一

致的 ,因此 B) 为正确答案 。 A ) 项是反对多元化者们所排挤 、反对的对象 ,因此他

们肯定是欢迎多元化的 ,故排除 ;C) 项与第二段第一句话相悖 ,故排除 ;D) 项与第

一段的第三 、四句话不符 ,故排除 。

59 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。文章第一段第四句话说 : In fact ,they say that if their com‐panies are to compete in the global village and in the global market place ,diversity isan imperative ,由此可判断 ,企业领导人赞成多元化的目的是为了提高企业在国际市

场的竞争力 ,因此 C) 为正确答案 。其他三项在文中都未提及 ,故排除 。

60 .答案 :A) 。推理判断题 。文章第二段中说 : which (meritocracy) was never true — wenever had meritocracy ,although we摧ve come closer to it in the last 30 years (我们从来

就没有实现过不拘一格选拔人才 ,尽管在过去的 30 年里 ,我们离这个目标更近了一

步) ,而且下面 professor说自从实行人才多样化以来所有的人都觉得这所大学越来越好了 。因此我们可以判断 ,不拘一格选拔人才的情况只有在实现多元化的条件下才能

实现 ,A) 正确 。文中说在美国政界对多元化存在着争论 ,这并不能得出政界不会接

受多元化这一结论 ,故排除 B) ;文章最后说美国新闻界对多元化存在争议 ,这也不能

得出新闻界不会出现多元化的结论 ,故排除 C) ;文中所举例子中的少数民族确实是处

于对多元化没有争议的企业界和学术界 ,但并不排除少数民族可以进入对多元化有争

议的其他领域 ,故排除 D) 。61 .答案 :D) 。推理判断题 。文章第一段说 :企业家们认为对有才能 、有技术的人才的需

要要求我们扩大潜在劳动力的来源 ,而扩大劳动力的来源意味着必须实行更多的政

策 ,使得更多的少数民族 、妇女和移民获得技术 ,否则就无法获得所需的工程师 、科

学家和律师 。由此可见 ,要想实现多元化就要让所有的人获得同等的学习机会 ,因此

Test 3 - 17


D) 项为正确答案 。 A ) 、 B) 、 C) 三项都是为了说明这一结论所涉及到的细节 ,故

排除 。

Passage Two62 .答案 :D) 。态度观点题 。文章第一段说 : today摧s decision is only one step in a tortu‐

ous process with an outcome that is still uncertain (今天的决定只是在一条前途未卜的

曲折道路上迈出的一小步) 。从这句话可以看出作者对这一项目的态度是谨慎的 ,没

有完全肯定或否定或是表示乐观 ,因此 D) 为正确答案 。

63 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段第二句中说到 : Nevada officials and environmen‐tal groups have questioned the ability of engineers to reliably predict that it will notleak significantly for 10敞000 years畅 (内华达州的官员们和环保组织一直在怀疑 ,工程

师们是否能够可靠地预测出这些废料在 10敞000年之内不会泄漏) 。可见 ,大家最关心

的应该是安全问题 ,故 B) 正确 。其他三项在文中没有相应的表述 ,故排除 。

64 .答案 :A) 。主旨大意题 。本段第一句为主题句 ,A) 项正与主题句相符 。

65 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。根据第二段第二句可知 A) 、 C) 两项是持反对态度的 ;第三

段最后一句表明 D) 项也是持反对态度的 ;第二段最后一句表明 B) 项是持赞成态度的 。因此正确答案为 B) 。

66 .答案 :D) 。推理判断题 。文章最后一段第二句说 :如果布什总统同意 ,也没有其他问

题阻碍准备工作的话 ,最早在 2010 年就可以在这个地方掩埋核废料了 。前面提到 ,

从 1987年选定了这个地方 ,经过了 14年的研究 ,综合这几个因素可以推断出 D) 为

正确答案 。此题是推理判断题 ,因此不能是文中直接表达的 ,故排除 A) 项 ;B) 、 C)两项文中没有提及 ,故排除 。

P a r tⅤ C lo ze67 .答案 :C) migrate 。全文通篇在讲迁徙 ,动物和禽类的迁徙似乎出自一种天性 ,所以

这里应该选择 C) 。68 .答案 :B) the need 。此处 need后面带有不定式作后置定语 ,所以前面要加定冠词 the 。69 .答案 :A) departure 。本句中 Departure与 arrival互为反义词 ,表示迁徙鸟群的来去 。

70 .答案 :B) because 。根据句意 ,人们知道秋天的来临 ,是因为成群的燕子停在电线上 。

这里 A) because of 和 D) due to都可以表示 “因为 、由于” ,但是后面要求跟名词短

语 ;C) despite “尽管” ,不合句意 。

71 .答案 :C) on 。考查介词的使用 ,“在电线上” 用 on 。72 .答案 :D) in 。从句子结构分析 , not only ...but also ...作为连词 ,它们后面的结构

应该相同 ,所以在前面也应该有 in ,表示迁徙的行为不仅在禽类身上可以看到 ,在爬

行动物身上也可以观察到 。

Test 3 - 18


73 .答案 :D) find 。根据词语搭配 , find与句中的 way 搭配 ,符合句意 :找到它们 (迁

徙) 的路 。短文第九行至第十行也为解题提供了线索 : these migrating mammals findtheir way by following the pole of the earth摧s magnetic field (哺乳动物通过地球磁场

的南北极找到其迁徙路线) 。

74 .答案 :D) how they do 。how they do it在本句中作主语从句 。

75 .答案 :A) wonder 。根据句意 ,这对所有人来说都是个不可思议的事 ,即 wonder 。nonsense “无稽之谈” 。

76 .答案 :C) especially 。根据句子结构 ,这里需要一个副词 ,表示对于某些认地图都有

困难的人来说 ,更是如此 。

77 .答案 :A) reading 。 read a map 表示 “认地图 、 看地图” ,而 have difficulty in doingsth畅 “做某事有困难” ,所以要求 read用动名词 。

78 .答案 :D) how they 。根据下文得知 ,本句意思是 :关于它们 (迁徙动物) 的导航方法

有几种说法 。 how they navigate符合句意 。

79 .答案 :B) guidance 。根据句意 ,有些人认为 ,这些动物用日月星辰作向导 。 guide的名词是 guidance (向导 ,引导) 。

80 .答案 :A) think 。从语法角度分析 ,谓语动词应该用一般现在时 ,而且 think of 后面不能跟从句 。

81 .答案 :C) a certain 。a certain smell表示 “某种气味” 。

82 .答案 :A) another 。another group of people表示 “另一群人” (有其他的看法) 。 peo‐ple后面有谓语动词 ,所以不可以用 there is结构 。

83 .答案 :D) features 。根据句意 ,有些人认为动物通过辨认地形特征进行迁徙 。选项 A)

characters “性格” 、 “特性” ,常用来指人 ;B) characteristic “特征” , “特点” ; C)feathers “羽毛” ;D) features “特征” 。这样看来 B) 和 D) 都可以与 geographical构成 “地形特征” ,然而地形特征应该用复数表示 ,而 characteristic是单数 ,所以被排

除 。

84 .答案 :B) in 。表示 “在 ⋯ ⋯方面” 用介词 in 。85 .答案 :C) finally 。根据文中举例的顺序 firstly ,secondly ,引出最后一项 ,所以用 fi‐

nally 。86 .答案 :C) who suppose 。根据 there be结构判断 , people后面需要一个表示一般状况的定语从句 。

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion87 .参考答案 : is fully aware that译文 :作为该公司的董事长 ,他深知肩负重任 。

Test 3 - 19


88 .参考答案 :make the most of it译文 :作为大学生 ,我们来这里是为了学习 ,所以我们应该充分利用这一学习机会 。

89 .参考答案 : have given their assurance / have assured译文 :这些跨国公司做出保证 ,他们既不给回扣 ,也不收回扣 。

90 .参考答案 : to confine their use of the telephones to business calls译文 :公司职员在上班时间只能因公事使用电话 。

91 .参考答案 : at the expense of environmental pollution译文 :不应该一味追求经济增长而置环境污染于不顾 。

Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) ,B ) ,C )

and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .W :Excuse me ,sir .Where is professor Smith摧s office ?

M : The professor摧s office is on the six th floor ,but the elevator only goes to the fif th .

So you摧ll have to use the stairs to reach the six th floor .It is the ninth room on theright .

Q :On which floor is the professor摧s office ?12 .W :What seems to be the trouble ?

M : I摧ve been seeming pretty run down for the past few days ,and I think I am runninga fever now .

Q :Where do you suppose the above conversation takes place ?13 .M :Mary ,that摧s beautiful .How is John ?

W : Thank you .He摧s fine .As a matter of fact ,I摧m a lit tle worried .I think John willraise the roof as soon as he sees the bills for this month摧s expenses .

Q :Why is Mary worried ?14 .M : It摧s partly your own fault .You should never let in anyone like that unless you摧re

expecting him .

W : It摧s all very well to say that ,but someone comes to the door and says “electricity”or “gas” and you automatically think he is OK ,especially if he show s you a card .

Test 3 - 20


Q : How does the woman feel about the man摧s remarks ?15 .W :What an accident !If you had been careful ,things would not be as they are .

M :What do you mean ,it was my fault ?If it were ,surely I would take all responsibil‐ity for it .

Q :What does the man means ?16 .W : I have plenty of good ideas ,Dr畅 Johnson ,but I haven摧t been able to organize them

clearly .May I give you the paper a few days later ?M :You know that I always prefer a well‐w ritten paper even if it is late .

Q : How does Dr .Johnson react to the student ?17 .W :Which of these dresses do you like better ,the brown wool or the black and white

silk ?

M : That摧s not an easy question for me to answer ;since brown isn摧t one of my favoritecolors ,and the style of the other one is too fancy for me .

Q :What conclusion can be drawn from the man摧s answer ?18 .M : Have you read that whole book since noon today ?

W :Oh ,I haven摧t read it straight through the way you摧d read a novel .A few chapterswere on topics that interested me ,so I just read those .

Q :What conclusions concerning the woman can be drawn from this conversation ?

Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneW : Hi ,John .

M :Oh ,hi Laura .What are you doing here ?W :Eh ,I摧m usually here on weekends .It摧s my Dad摧s shop .So you摧re looking for a bike ?M :Yeah .Now the weather is warming up .I thought I摧d get some exercise instead of tak‐

ing the bus all the time .

W :Well ,you came to the right place .Do you know what you摧d like ?M :Well ,I don摧t want a racing bike or touring bike or anything .Mostly ,I摧ll just be using

it to get me back and forth from work .

W : How far is that ?M :About 4 miles .

W :Are there a lot of hills on the way ?

M : Some I guess .But ,maybe I should just tell you the truth that I摧ve only got 150

dollars .Can I get anything good for that ?W :Well ,you摧re not going to get anything top the line ,but we do have a few second hand

Test 3 - 21


bicycles in the back that are in good condition .

M : That sounds good .

W : And you摧re right .For the kind of riding you摧re going to be doing ,the most importantthing is comfort .You want to make sure it摧s the right height for you .Follow me andI摧ll show you what we摧ve got .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19畅Why is Laura at the bicycle shop ?

20畅Why does John want to buy a bicycle ?21畅What does Laura suggest that John do ?22畅What does Laura say is the most important about a bike ?Conversation TwoW :Excuse me .Is this the Sports Center Staff Office ?M :Oh ,yes .Come in ,please .Hot day ,isn摧t it ?W :Yeah .Do I understand you have a position here for a kind of vacation job ?Well ,I摧ve

come for the job .

M :Good ,Miss .We do need someone to help us .Do you have any references ?W :References ? I摧m sorry ,but I摧ll ...M :We need references to employ you ,you know .But since you are here ,we may ex‐

change some information first .I understand you are a student at our university andyou want some vacation work here as a swimming life guard .Am I right ?

W :Yes ,that摧s right .I摧m on a grant now and I would like some extra money .I think I摧llsatisfy your requirements for the job .I have been qualified in life‐saving .

M : I see .What qualifications do you have ?W :Well ,I once won bronze medal in a life‐saving contest .I started training for life saving

in 1996 and passed the test two years later .M : That seems fine ...Have you any experience as a swimming life guard ?

W :Not actually at a swimming pool apart from when I was taking the life‐saving course ,

but I did work as a beach life guard last summer .M :Oh ,good .It seems you have the skills and the abilities we need .Well ,if we do offer

you the employment ,it w ill have to be on a part‐time basis .Would that suit you ?

W :Yes ,that摧ll be all right .Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .Why does the girl want to get the job ?

24 .Who is most probably the interviewer in the conversation ?

Test 3 - 22


25 .According to the talk ,what job does the woman apply for ?S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

The United States owes its high level of development to many factors .But in the last100 years it has been the workingman that was the backbone of the nation .What is the A‐merican workingman ?He摧s a worker in a shoe factory or a meat packinghouse or a coalmine .But more than that ,he摧s a husband and a father .He raises his children to under‐stand the value of a day摧s work .He raises his children to respect the usefulness of coopera‐tion .And he raises his children to help them better themselves .Frequently his children goto college and leave the working class .But seldom do they forget the values they havelearned at home .

The workingman fought hard to achieve what he has .In the beginning he was littlemore than a slave .Long hours working in dirty and dangerous surroundings for almost nopay took a heavy loss of lives .But the successful unionization of the workers changed manyof the dreadful conditions of his life .

Today the workingman is faced with a new kind of struggle .Ever advancing technolo‐gy is taking his job .It摧s very probable that the workingman will be replaced by a machine .

But the legacy he will leave will not be forgotten .He has served his country well .Hiscountry owes him a debt which can never be repaid .

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .How long has the workingman been the backbone of the United States ?27 .What is one of the main things the workingman teaches his children ?

28 .What changed working conditions for the better ?Passage Two

It may not have occurred to you before ,but helicopters have one distinct differencefrom all other vehicles and it is this : they do not need to have anything built on the groundbefore they can begin work .A railway train cannot run until the track has been laid .Shipsneed ports .Lorries and cars need runways .But a helicopter is free to go almost anywhere .

It can go over swamps and forests .It can cross rivers and mountains ,and it can take off onTest 3 - 23


land almost anywhere without any special preparation .This is what makes the helicoptersuch a useful vehicle .It is this special ability , too , that will one day make helicopters aparticularly cheap form of transport ,because all the expense involved in laying down roadsor railways is avoided .

It has already made helicopters very useful to prospectors in the jungles ,by takingthem to different parts ,carrying all they need .Moreover ,sick or injured men can be flownto hospital very quickly .Helicopters make excellent flying cranes because they can go any‐where ,hover over one spot and lif t heavy loads ,etc .In the future ,helicopters will be‐come bigger and better and do more and more work .

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the following passage .

29 .In what way are trains ,ships ,lorries ,cars and aeroplanes similar ?30 .Why will helicopters one day become a cheap form of transport ?31 .What is the main idea of the passage you have just heard ?

Passage ThreeMany substances that come into contact with the surface of the eye can cause chemical

burns ,allergic reactions or inflammations , or can even be absorbed through the eye .

Whenever one of these types of substances does come into contact with someone摧s eye ,theeye should be flushed out immediately with water .Lukewarm water should be poured gen‐tly into the inside corner of the eye from a container ,two to three inches above the victim摧seye .A water tap will do very nicely as it produces controllable pressure .The victim摧s headshould be tilted so that the water will flow across the eyeball and off the face .This proce‐dure should be followed for five to fif teen minutes ,depending on the severity of the prob‐lem .Adults who are not otherwise incapacitated may use a shower to wash out the eyes .Urgency is the key word in treating eye problems of this sort .Wash out the affected eyeimmediately ,and as soon as possible call a physician or a poison control center for addition‐al advice .

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the following passage .

32 .What is the topic of the talk ?

33 .How far from the victim摧s head should the water be poured ?

34 .What is the key word in the treatment of eye problems ?35 .Why is the treatment of eye problems so important ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage is

Test 3 - 24


read f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Social change is more likely to (36)occur in societies where there is a mixture of differ‐ent kinds of people than in societies where people are (37)similar in many ways .The (38)

simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things (39)presentin the first kind of society .There are more ideas ,more (40)disagreements in interest ,andmore groups and organizations with different beliefs .In (41)addition ,there is usually agreater worldly interest and greater tolerance in (42)mixed societies .All these factors tendto (43)promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision .(44) In a societywhere people are quite similar in many ways ,there are fewer occasions for people to see theneed or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same .And althoughconditions may not be satisfactory ,they are at least traditional and undeniable .

(45) Within a society ,social change is also likely to occur more frequently and morereadily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non‐material .For example ,it tendsto be in technology rather than in values ;in what has been learned later in life rather thanwhat was learned early ;in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in theiropposites ;in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones ;in form rather than insubstance ;and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange ele‐ments .

(46) Furthermore ,social change is easier if it is gradual . For example ,it comes morereadily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp difference .Thisis one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared toother American minorities because of the sharp difference in appearance between them andtheir white counterparts .

Test 3 - 25

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top ic AMemorable Trip .You should w rite at least 120 words f ollow ing the outline given in Chi‐nese below .

1 .旅行的时间 、目的地及旅行方式 ;

2 .简述一路的所见 、所闻或所作所为 ;

3 .你对那次旅行的感受 。















Test 4 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 44




P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and Scanning )(15 m inutes)Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

Lessons from the Titanic

From the comfort of our modern lives we tend to look back at the turn of the twentiethcentury as a dangerous time for sea travelers .With limited communication facilities ,andshipping technology still in its infancy in the early nineteen hundreds ,we consider oceantravel to have been a risky business .But to the people of the time ,it was one of the safestforms of transport .At the time of the Titanic摧s maiden voyage in 1912 , there had onlybeen four lives lost in the previous forty years on passenger ships on the North Atlanticcrossing .And the Titanic was confidently proclaimed to be unsinkable .She representedthe pinnacle of technological advance at the time .Her builders ,crew and passengers hadno doubt that she was the finest ship ever built .But still she did sink on April 14th ,1912 ,

taking 1敞517 of her passengers and crew with her .Iceberg Locations — not Plotted

In the ten hours prior to the Titanic摧s fatal collision with an iceberg at 11 :40 p畅m .,

six warnings of icebergs in her path were received by the Titanic摧s wireless operators .Onlyone of these messages was formally posted on the bridge ;the others were in various loca‐tions across the ship .If the combined information in these messages of iceberg positionshad been plotted ,the ice field which lay across the Titanic摧s path would have been appar‐ent .Instead ,the lack of formal procedures for dealing with information from a relativelynew piece of technology ,the wireless ,meant that the danger was not known until too late .

This was not the fault of the Titanic crew .Procedures for dealing with warnings receivedthrough the wireless had not been formalized across the shipping industry at the time .Thefact that the wireless operators were not even Titanic crew ,but rather contracted workers

Test 4 - 2


f rom a wireless company ,made their role in the ship摧s operation quite unclear .Captain Smith — Overconfidence

Captain Smith摧s seemingly casual attitude in increasing the speed on this day to a dan‐gerous 22 knots or 41 kilometers per hour can then be partly explained by his ignorance ofwhat was laying ahead .But this only partly accounts for his actions , since the springweather in Greenland was known to cause huge chunks of ice to break off from the glac‐iers .Captain Smith knew that these icebergs would float southward and had already ac‐knowledged this danger by taking a more southerly route than at other times of the year .So why was the Titanic traveling at high speed when he knew ,if not of the specific risk ,atleast of the general risk of icebergs in her path ?With the lack of coordination of the wire‐less messages ,it was simply standard operating procedure at the time .Captain Smith wasfollowing the practices accepted on the North Atlantic ,practices which had coincided withforty years of safe travel .He believed ,w rongly as we know now ,that the ship could turnor stop in time if an iceberg was sighted by the lookouts .

There were around two and a half hours between the time the Titanic rammed into theiceberg and its fatal submersion .In this time 705 people were loaded into the twenty life‐boats .There were 473 empty seats available on lifeboats while over 1敞500 people drowned .

These figures raise two important issues .Firstly ,why there were not enough lifeboats toseat every passenger and crew members on board .And secondly ,why the lifeboats werenot full .Low Priority Placed on Safety

The Titanic had six teen lifeboats ,and four collapsible boats w hich could carry just o‐ver half the number of people on board her maiden voyage and only a third of the Titanic摧stotal capacity .Regulations for the number of lifeboats required were based on outdatedBritish Board of T rade regulations w ritten in 1894 for ships a quarter of the Titanic摧s size ,

and had never been revised .Under these requirements ,the Titanic was only obliged to car‐ry enough lifeboats to seat 962 people .At design meetings in 1910 ,the shipyard摧s manag‐ing director had proposed that forty eight lifeboats be installed on the Titanic ,but the ideahad been quickly rejected as too expensive .Discussion then turned to the ship摧s dé cor ,andas the director later described the incident ,“We spent two hours discussing carpet for thefirst class cabin and fif teen minutes discussing lifeboats” .

Ignorance of the Impending DisasterThe belief that Titanic was unsinkable was so strong that passengers and crew alike

clung to the belief even as she was actually sinking . This attitude was not helped byTest 4 - 3


Captain Smith ,who had not acquainted his senior officers with the full situation .For thefirst hour after the collision , the majority of people aboard the Titanic ,including seniorcrew ,were not aware that she would sink ,that there were insufficient lifeboats or that thenearest ship responding to the Titanic摧s distress calls would arrive two hours af ter she wason the bottom of the ocean .As a result ,the officers in charge of loading the boats receiveda very halfhearted response to their early calls for women and children to board the life‐boats .People felt that they would be safer ,and certainly warmer ,aboard the Titanic thanperched in a little boat in the North Atlantic Ocean .Not realizing the magnitude of the im‐pending disaster themselves ,the officers allowed several boats to be lowered only half full .Inadequate Training

Procedures again were at fault ,as an additional reason for the officers摧 reluctance tolower the lifeboats at full capacity was that they feared the lifeboats would buckle underthe weight of 65 people .They had not been informed that the lifeboats had been fully test‐ed prior to departure .Such procedures as assigning passengers and crew to lifeboats andlifeboat loading drills were simply not part of the standard operation of ships ,nor werethey included in crew training at this time .

As the Titanic sank ,another ship ,believed to have been the Californian ,was seenmotionless less than twenty miles away .The ship failed to respond to the Titanic摧s eightdistress rockets .Although the officers of the Californian tried to single the Titanic withtheir flashing Morse lamp ,they didn摧t wake up their radio operator to listen for a distresscall .At this time ,communication at sea through wireless was new and the benefits notwell appreciated ,so the wireless on ships was of ten not operated around the clock .In thecase of the Californian ,the wireless operator slept unaware while 1敞500 Titanic passengersand crew drowned only a few miles away .

After the Titanic sank ,investigations were held in both Washington and London .Inthe end ,both inquiries decided that no one could be blamed for the sinking .However ,they did address the fundamental safety issues which had contributed to the enormous lossof life .As a result ,international agreements were drawn up to improve safety proceduresat sea .The new regulations covered 24 hour wireless operation ,crew training ,proper life‐boat drills ,lifeboat capacity for all on board and the creation of an international ice patrol .1 .Passenger ships across the North Atlantic Ocean had had an excellent safety record for

four decades before Titanic摧s maiden voyage .

2 .The Titanic crew ,who had been warned of the dangers of the icebergs in her path ,wereto blame for the submersion .

Test 4 - 4


3 .Captain Smith ,while speeding up ,thought he could handle the emergency in case of acollision with icebergs .

4 .Nobody had thought of installing enough lifeboats to accommodate all the passengersand crew in the event of an emergency .

5 .Captain Smith didn摧t inform his officers of the true situation because he didn摧t want tocause a panic .

6 .The lifeboats would have buckled if they had been fully loaded .

7 .The enormous loss of life on the Titanic was primarily attributed to inadequate equip‐ment ,training and procedures .

8 .Lifeboats not used           decreased the opportunity of saving lives .

9 .             didn摧t arouse any response from the Californian .

10 .One positive outcome was that the inquiries into the Titanic disaster sought to improve                by initiating new regulations .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) Teachers like Professor Helen Johnson are rare .

B) Professor Helen Johnson has won a million dollars .

C) There are many teachers as good as Professor Helen Johnson .

D) Professor Helen Johnson likes to teach at the school .12 .A) At a bank .                         B) At a department store .

C) At a lawyer摧s office . D) At school .13 .A) Tom was not interested in the movie .

B) Tom wanted to watch the movie on TV at home .

C) Tom was too busy to go to a movie last night .D) Tom went to the movie .

14 .A) That the speakers did not go to the meeting .

Test 4 - 5


B) That the woman went to the meeting ,but the man didn摧t .C) That the man went to the meeting ,but the woman didn摧t .D) That both speakers went to the meeting .

15 .A) They are both very tired of it .B) They are happy she摧s playing it a thousand times .C) It is one of their favorite songs .D) They摧d like to listen to it again .

16 .A) He is going to slow down . B) He is not clear about the time .

C) He realizes he is driving too fast . D) He thinks he has no other choice .

17 .A) Six .           B) Eight .          C) Four .           D) Five .

18 .A) It摧s raining . B) It摧s not a sunny day .

C) She doesn摧t want to get sun‐burned . D) The beach is too crowded .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) Start a new program at State College .

B) Study at a different school .C) Work at an art gallery .

D) Move to a warmer state .

20 .A) Journalism .

B) Education .

C) Management .D) Art .

21 .A) Since the fall .B) Since the summer .C) For a year and a half .D) For three years .

22 .A) Its reputation isn摧t as good as State College摧s .B) She can摧t get a good recommendation there .

C) The registration office hasn摧t answered her letters yet .D) She may not get accepted there .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) One of his classes finished early .

B) He wanted to get some studying done .

C) The library had a special display on the industrial Revolution .

D) His books were ten days overdue .

Test 4 - 6


24 .A) Checked them out .B) Took notes on them .

C) Returned them to the shelves .

D) Put them in his book bag .

25 .A) They are marked with colored labels .

B) They are specially coded .

C) They are checked out .D) They are inspected by the guard .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) The grow th of Detroit as an industrial city .

B) Detroit ,the fif th largest city in the U畅S畅A .

C) The geographical advantages of Detroit .D) The car industry in the U畅S畅A .

27 .A) 56% .         B) 96% .         C) 24% .         D) 28% .

28 .A) 96 hours . B) 24 hours . C) 48 hours . D) 28 hours .29 .A) Bicycles . B) Cars . C) Machines . D) Farm tools .

Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .A) Potato chips . B) Cookies . C) French fries . D) Beans .31 .A) Hot dog . B) Hamburger . C) Brown rice . D) Potato chips .

32 .A) Children eat more and more junk food nowadays .B) Television influences children摧s food choice .

C) People serve little health food at their parties .

D) There are many TV advertisements for health food .

Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .A) How to use an encyclopedia .

Test 4 - 7


B) Encyclopedias in the future .

C) The function of a computer network .

D) Where to look for up‐to‐date information .

34 .A) We can read the information on the music .

B) We can get a set of records of the music .

C) We can hear an example of the music .

D) Both A) and C) .

35 .A) Encyclopedias may soon be available in full color and sound .

B) Information can be immediately updated with a computer encyclopedia .

C) Encyclopedias are sets of books with articles and pictures .

D) Encyclopedias will not be the form of the printed word .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be (36)      

by social conditions ,which are themselves of ten affected by historical (37)       .As anexample ,look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century ,around thetime of the Great Depression .The art movement (38)       as the Regionalism had begunin the United States even before the Depression (39)       .But it really flourished in the1930摧s ,during the Depression years .Why ?Well ,many artists who had been living in bigcities were forced by the economic (40)       to leave those big cities and move back totheir small tow ns in (41)       America .Some of these artists came to truly (42)      

the life in small towns and to reject city life in so‐called “sophisticated society .” These art‐ists ,or more (43)       ,certain painters ,really built the regionalist movement .(44)                                                                      .And theydepicted the really big glorified or romanticized country life ,showing it as stable ,whole‐some ,and embodying important American traditions .(45)                          

                                        .You see ,the Depression had caused manyTest 4 - 8


Americans to begin to doubt their society .But regionalist artists painted scenes that glori‐fied American values ,scenes that many Americans could easily identify with .(46)      


                                            .But in the 1940摧s ,before and after theSecond World War ,American society began to take on a much more international spirit ,and Regionalism ,with its focus on small town life ,lost a lot of popularity .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section ,there is a short p assage w ith some questions or incomp lete state‐ments .Read the p assage care f ully and then answer the questions or comp lete the state‐ments in the f ewest possible words .Please w rite your answers on Answer Sheet 2 .

In the late 1960摧s ,many people in North America turned their attention to environ‐mental problems ,and new still‐and‐glass skyscrapers were widely criticized .Ecologists(生态学家) pointed out that a cluster (群 、 组) of tall buildings in a city of ten overbur‐dens public transportation and parking lot capacities .

Skyscrapers are also luxury consumers and wasters of electric power . In one recentyear the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York Cityraised the peak daily demand for electricity by 120敞000 kilowatts — enough to supply the en‐tire city of Albany ,New York ,for a day .

Glass‐walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful .The heat loss (or gain) througha wall of half‐inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical masonry wallfilled with insulation board . To lessen the strain on heating and air‐conditioning equip‐ment , builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double‐glazed panels of glass ,and reflec‐tive glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films that reduce glare as well as heat gain .

However ,mirror‐walled skyscrapers raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affectneighboring buildings .

Skyscrapers put a severe strain on a city摧s sanitation (卫生) facilities ,too .If fully oc‐cupied ,the two World T rade Center towers in New York City would alone generate 2畅25

million gallons of raw sewage each year — as much as a city the size of Stanford ,Connecti‐cut which has a population of more than 119敞000 .

Skyscrapers also interfere with television reception ,block bird flyways ,and obstructair traffic . In Boston in the late 1960摧s some people even feared that the shadow from

Test 4 - 9


skyscrapers would kill the grass on Boston Common .

Still ,people continue to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have alwaysbuilt them — personal ambition ,civic pride ,and the desire of owners to have the largestpossible amount of rentable space .

47 .The main purpose of the passage is to   .

48 .According to the passage ,one disadvantage of skyscrapers that have mirrored walls isthat   .

49 .What aspect of skyscrapers were some residents of Boston concerned about ? 

50 .Where in the passage does the author compare the energy consumption of skyscraperswith that of a city ?


51 .The author raises issues that                     concern most .S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage .

A growing world population and the discoveries of science may alter the pattern of dis‐tribution in the future .As men slow ly learn to master diseases ,control floods ,preventfamines ,and stop wars ,fewer people die every year ;and in consequence the population ofthe world is steadily increasing . In 1925 there were about 2敞000 million people in theworld ;by the end of the century there may well be over 4敞000 million .

When numbers rise ,the extra mouths must be fed .New lands must be brought undercultivation ,or land already farmed made to yield larger crops .In some areas the accessibleland is largely so intensively cultivated that it will be difficult to make it provide morefood .In some areas the population is so dense that the land is parceled out (共同拥有 ;分

享) in units too tiny to allow for much improvement in farming methods .Were a large partof this farming population draw off into industrial occupations ,the land might be farmedmuch more productively by modern methods .

There is now a reason for science ,technology ,and industry to keep the output of foodrising faster than the number of people to be fed .New strains of crops being developed will

Test 4 - 10


thrive in unfavorable climates ;there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle in Siberia andNorth America ; irrigation and dry‐farming methods bring poor lands under the plough ,

dams hold back the waters of great rivers to ensure water for the fields in all seasons and toprovide electric power for new industries ; industrial chemistry provide fertilizers to suitparticular soils ;aeroplanes spray crops to destroy insects and many plant diseases .Everyyear some new means are devised to increase or to protect the food of the world .

52 .The author says that the world population is growing because       .

A) there are many rich valleys and fertile plainsB) the pattern of distribution is being alteredC) people are living longerD) new land is being brought under cultivation

53 .According to the passage in densely populated areas the land might be more productive‐ly farmed if       .

A) the plots were subdividedB) a large part of the people moved to a different part of the countryC) industrial methods were used in farmingD) the units of land were made much larger

54 .We are told that there are now farms beyond the Arctic Circle .This has been madepossible by       .

A) producing new strains of cropsB) irrigation and dry‐farming methodsC) providing fertilizersD) destroying insects and diseases

55 .Which of these words is nearest in meaning to the word “strains” ?

A) Types . B) Sizes . C) Seeds . D) Harvests .

56 .The author摧s main purpose is to       .

A) argue a belief B) describe a phenomenonC) be entertaining D) propose a conclusion

Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

Around the world ,people gather to explore their emotions through dance .The dancesare created as part of celebrations ,as religious services , as preparation for challenginghunts and warfare and to express sorrow (less of ten than the other situations) .Indeed ,

dance does play an important role within a culture and reveals a wide range of informationTest 4 - 11


about the characteristics of a culture .Three of the most revealing aspects of dance are thenature of the culture摧s symbols and art forms revealed in costumes and equipment , thebody language (moves and gestures) which give information about social contact behaviorsand frequently the style of preferred music for the culture .

Ethnic dances ,and certainly popular dancing ,anywhere around the world have associ‐ated preferences for costumes and special clothing .Through dancing ,the participants areable to reveal and express their chosen role in the garments they choose ;social roles in thedance are shown public ally to the observers as well as the other dancers .Frequently danc‐ers utilize objects like swords or sticks or hoops or musical instruments to further reveal in‐formation about their role in the social story portrayed in the dance .Items such as specialheadwear and jewelry are further examples of the garments that in general express prefer‐ences and culturally significant details about the particular culture .

Dancers ,by the very nature of the activity ,physically express beliefs and attitudes as‐sociated with their specific culture .In many dances the participants are modeling typicalactivities of their culture and thus imparting instructions and historical information to theaudience .In other dances ,one can see expressions of deep emotion : love ,worship ,grief ,strength ,anger ,etc .and thus obtain clues about the inner feelings of the culture摧s individ‐uals .Dance provides an opportunity for others to witness some of the special behaviors as‐sociated with activities in the culture .Also ,dance is (usually) a public statement so thatobservers can see how members of the culture treat those who are older members of the op‐posite sex ,more respected members ,etc .

The third aspect of dance that reveals much about a culture is the music or singing thatis typically a part of the event .Observers can see evidence of the types of instruments char‐acteristic of the culture ,and who plays these instruments as well as how they are used‐in‐struments may be associated only with special events and thus transmit valuable culturalinformation .Frequently singing is part of a dance program ,and again an observer has anopportunity to observe who is singing and the nature of the voices .I found this aspect ofdance particularly fascinating during a brief time I spent in a rural village in Zimbabwe afew years ago .

Dancing is indeed a very important aspect of any culture .It provides a communal op‐portunity for members of the culture to artistically express emotions while acting out typi‐cal activities and concerns in their world .For outsider observers ,many valuable details a‐bout the culture are revealed .

57 .People around the world use dance for the following purposes EXCEPT       .

Test 4 - 12


A) as part of celebration B) as part of religious servicesC) to express sorrow D) to build one摧s body

58 .Which of the following statements is NOT true of ethnic dances ?A) Ethnic dances have been associated with special costumes and clothing .

B) Dancers usually wear ornamental objects to indicate their social role in the por‐trayed story .

C) Ethnic dances are always symbols of oncoming warfare .

D) Dancers摧 special headwear and jewelry are culturally significant details about theparticular culture .

59 .Through dancing ,dancers can       .

A) show their respect to other members of their societyB) fall in love with his/her partnerC) exercise their musclesD) exhibit their body

60 .From the last paragraph we can infer that       .

A) dances are not important in a nation摧s cultureB) few people like to danceC) ethnic dances are one of the ways of communicating between culturesD) people dance just for fun

61 .The passage is primarily concerned about       .

A) the importance of dancing in revealing a cultureB) the special costumes and garments worn in dancingC) the beliefs and attitudes expressed in dancingD) the singing and instruments used in dancing

P a r tⅤ  C lo ze (15 m inu te s )Directions : There are 20 blanks in the f ollow ing p assage . For each blank there are f ourchoices marked A ) , B) , C) ,and D ) .You should choose the ONE that best f its into thep assage .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a single line throughthe center .

Science is based upon observation .However ,observation   62   is not science .Sci‐entists generally state a problem ,   63   then guides them in their observations .But with‐out observation people generally are not   64   of a problem .This then raises a question :

  65   comes first ,the observation or the problem ?

Test 4 - 13


Curiosity awakens a need   66   observation .Observation will usually   67   specificquestions in the mind of a scientist .   68   his curiosity he begins to make observations .  69   ,he formulates a specific statement that can be tested .This statement is called ahypothesis (假设) .It is the starting point for an experiment .

  70   experimenting ,the scientist tries to show or prove that the hypothesis is trueor false .He must use good   71   to create an experiment that   72   the problem .Theexperiment must produce   73   information or data .The data gathered during the experi‐ment are observations .

Observations can be made directly or indirectly .For   74   observations ,instrumentsare often used .   75   instruments used by modern scientists are quite simple ;others arevery   76   .

To complete his experiment ,the scientist must state his observations   77   numeri‐cal (数字的 ) form . This means that he has to make measurements .With the results  78   these he can make more exact comparisons or descriptions to   79   his hypothesis .

The result of a scientific experiment   80   on a valid hypothesis can of ten   81   abetter understanding of the world and the universe .

62 .A) alone           B) lonely             C) mere           D) sole63 .A) it B) which C) and D) as64 .A) known B) regardless C) aware D) informed65 .A) Who B) Whether C) Where D) Which66 .A) at B) for C) in D) on67 .A) raise B) arise C) rouse D) rise68 .A) Satisfy B) Satisfying with C) To satisfy D) Satisfied with69 .A) Again B) Still C) Thus D) Then70 .A) On B) While C) By D) At71 .A) imagination B) memory C) capacity D) machine72 .A) fits B) fits with C) fits out D) fits in73 .A) variable B) valuable C) valid D) various74 .A) scientific B) careful C) direct D) indirect75 .A) No B) Some C) All D) Few76 .A) convenient B) comfortable C) compound D) complex77 .A) on B) with C) in D) by78 .A) in B) f rom C) on D) at79 .A) research B) prove C) approve D) improve

Test 4 - 14


80 .A) to base B) basing C) based D) being based81 .A) carry out B) lay off C) move D) lead toP a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .82 .It has taken scientists a long time                       (探索宇宙的奥秘) .

83 .People are dreaming about                           (用原子能代替汽油作燃料)

someday in the future .

84 .Generally speaking ,a woman has to                           (做出比男性更大

的努力) to work her way up the rank of a large company .

85 .Don摧t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or         (比你聪明的人) .

86 .Emphasis on education and                       (高科技产业的迅速发展) makethe country dynamic and creative .

P a r tⅠ  W riting1 .Sample Writing

A Memorable Trip

Last summer vacation ,my friends and I went to Huangshan for a tour .It is a trip fullof surprises to everyone of us .

The 21 hours of train traveling was tiring ;however ,we all became excited at the an‐nouncement of the arrival of Huangshan station .We decided to climb Huangshan the nextday ,because we were warned it would be very energy‐consuming .The first part of theclimbing was boring ,with stairs af ter stairs ahead .Hardly had we arrived at the first rest‐ing spot when it started to pour ,and our hearts sank .Surprisingly ,half an hour later ,thesun emerged from the clouds .As the sky turned bright blue ,we were amazed at the spec‐

Test 4 - 15


tacular view of the mountain range ,sea of clouds ,and pine trees in the fog .All exhaustionvanished all of a sudden ,and we were jumping and cheering .For the rest of the trip ,wewere deeply impressed by more fantastic rocks and fancy pine trees .

I started to understand better the saying that life is full of unexpectations ,just like thetrip we had at Huangshan .Splendid view s were waiting for us af ter our great efforts .

2 .简评

记叙文写作最怕没有突出的主题 ,把事件记成流水账 。所以在打腹稿时 ,一定要首先

确定写作主题 ,如范文以 “full of surprises” 为题眼 ,在第二段文字中展现旅行带给作者

的一个又一个惊喜 。此外 ,描述所见所闻 ,可以以时间或空间进程为线索 ,记述有特色的

事件和活动 ,切忌啰嗦 。最后一段发表对旅行的感受 ,也不宜过多 ,突出一点感受优于面

面俱到 。

3 .点睛用词

be energy‐consuming ,hardly ...when ...,our hearts sink ,emerge from ,be amazedat ,spectacular ,vanish ,fantastic ,fancy ,splendidP a r tⅡ  Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )Lessons from the Titanic1 .Y .相关信息在文章的第一段第四句 。

2 .N .此句与 Iceberg Location — not Plotted下的倒数第三句内容不符 。

3 .Y .相关信息在 Captain Smith — Overconfidence下的第一段最后一句 。

4 .N .此句与 Low Priority Placed on Safety 下的倒数第二句内容不符 。

5 .NG .此句在 Captain Smith — Overconfidence下的段落中未提及 。

6 .N .此句与 Inadequate T raining下的第一段的第一 、二句内容不符 。

7 .Y .相关信息可从 Inadequate T raining 的第一段得出 。

8 .at full capacity .答案在 Inadequate T raining下的第一段的第一句 。

9 .Eight distress rockets .答案在 Inadequate T raining 下的第二段的第二句 。

10 .safety procedures at sea .答案在文章最后一段的倒数第二句 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .A)   12 .A)   13 .D)   14 .A)   15 .A)   16 .D)   17 .B)   18 .C)   19 .B)   20 .D)21 .C)   22 .D)   23 .A)   24 .D)   25 .B)

Test 4 - 16


S ection B26 .A)   27 .B)   28 .D)   29 .A)   30 .D)   31 .C)   32 .D)   33 .B)   34 .D)   35 .D)

S ection C36 .affected         37 .events         38 .known         39 .occurred40 .crisis 41 .rural 42 .embrace 43 .specifically44 .They created things from everyday life in small tow ns or farming areas .

45 .And this style became very popular ,in part because of the economic conditions of thetime .

46 .So the movement helped strengthen people摧s faith in their country , faith that hadweakened as the result of the Depression .

P a r tⅣ  Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .答案 : describe skyscrapers and their effects on the environment 。文章主要是描绘摩天大楼以及它对环境的影响 。

48 .答案 : the temperature of the surrounding air is raised and the neighboring buildingsare affected 。事实细节题 。根据提示词 “mirrored walls” ,可在文章的第三段最后一句

找到答案 。

49 .答案 : The harmful effects on the city摧s grass 。事实细节题 。文章倒数第二段提到 :波

士顿居民关注摩天大楼对草地的危害 。

50 .答案 : In the second paragraph 。在文章中的第二段 ,作者比较了摩天大楼的能量消耗

与纽约州首府 Albany 城市的能量消耗 。

51 .答案 : environmentalists 。作者在文章中提到的主要问题是环境问题 ,因此是环境保

护主义者最关注的问题 。

S ection BPassage One52 .答案 :C) 。推理判断题 。文章第一段的第二句话说 :随着人类慢慢学会控制疾病 、洪

水和防治传染病 ,每年的死亡人数很少 ;因此 ,世界人口在稳定增长 。由此可推断

出 ,人口的增长是由于人类的寿命越来越长 ,因此 C) 为正确答案 。 A ) 项在文中并

未提及 ,故排除 ;B) 项是人口增长的结果 ,而不是原因 ,故排除 ;D) 项也是人口增

长的结果 ,而非原因 ,故排除 。

53 .答案 :D) 。推理判断题 。文章第二段第四 、五句说 :在一些地方 ,人口非常密集 ,人

Test 4 - 17


们拥有的土地面积太小 ,无法改善种植方法 。如果更多的农业人口进入工业行业 ,土

地就可以用现代的方法耕种 ,耕种效率会大大提高 。由此可以推断出 ,能够使土地提

高耕种效率的可能途径就是使耕种面积增大 ,因此 D) 为正确答案 。 A ) 项与 D) 项

内容相反 ,故排除 ;B) 项与以上的叙述不符 ,故排除 ;C) 项在文中并没有推断的依据 ,故排除 。

54 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第三段的第二句话说明了原因 : New strains of cropsbeing developed will thrive in unfavorable climates ,因此答案为 A ) 。根据文章 ,B)项的目的是使贫瘠的土地适于耕种 ;C) 项的目的是适合特定的土壤 ;D) 项是飞机喷洒农药的目的 ,故可排除这三项 。

55 .答案 :A) 。语义理解题 。根据后文的内容 ,发明的 new strains of crops能够在不利的天气条件下生长 ,后面举例说明 :在北极圈和北美洲地区都有了农场 。由此判断 ,发

明的肯定是以往所没有的作物种类 ,故 A) 为正确答案 。

56 .答案 :B) 。主旨大意题 。纵观全文 ,作者一直在以客观的态度描述人口增长给人类带

来的巨大的食物上的压力 ,以及为了应对这种压力人类所采用的一些方法 ,因此 B)项为正确答案 。

Passage Two57 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。本题考查的是对第一段的理解 。根据第一段第二句 ,我们可

以确定 A)、 B)、 C) 三项符合原文 。只有 D) 项在文中没有提到 ,因此为本题的答案 。

58 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。根据文章第二段 ,我们可以确定 A ) 、 B) 、 D) 三项符合原

文 。 C) 项内容似乎与第一段第二句里的内容相符 ,但 C) 项中的 always与原文有出入 ,因此不符合原文意思 ,为正确答案 。

59 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。根据第三段最后一句 ,我们可以确定 A ) 项为正确答案 。其

他三个选项无法在文中找到对应的说法或依据 ,故排除 。

60 .答案 :C) 。推理判断题 。根据文章最后一段的最后两句 ,我们可以推断出民族舞蹈是

文化交流的一种方式 ,因此 C) 项为正确答案 。 A) 项内容与最后一段的第一句内容

相反 ,故排除 ;B) 、 D) 两项在文中没有提及 ,故排除 。

61 .答案 :A) 。主旨大意题 。第一段的第二句话即给出了全文的主旨 :舞蹈在一种文化中

起着非常重要的作用 ,表达了该文化特征的大量信息 ,因此 A) 项为正确答案 。其他

三个选项都是舞蹈发挥作用所采取的方式和途径 ,以偏概全 ,故排除 。

P a r tⅤ  C lo ze62 .答案 :A) alone 。根据句意 ,单靠观察也不科学 。选项 A) alone意为 “独自的 ,单独

的” ,B) lonely “孤独的” , C) mere “仅仅的 ,起码的” ,D) sole “单独的 ,唯一

的” 。而其中只有 alone必须放在被修饰名词之后 。

Test 4 - 18


63 .答案 :B) which 。根据句意及句型结构分析 ,这里需要 which引导 ,构成定语从句 。

64 .答案 :C) aware 。本题的几个选项都可以与 of 构成固定搭配 , A ) know of “知

道 ⋯ ⋯ ” ,B) regardless of “不管 ,不顾” ,C) aware of “意识到” ,D) inform sb .ofsth .“通知/告诉某人某事” 。显然这里 C) 比较符合句意 。

65 .答案 :D) which 。这里 which指后面的 “科学” 或 “观察” 。

66 .答案 :B) for 。介词与 a need搭配 ,表示 “对 ⋯ ⋯的需要” 。

67 .答案 :A) raise 。根据句意 , “观察通常在科学家心里提出具体问题” ,这里选用 A )

raise “提出 (问题)” 比较合适 。 B) arise “出现” ,C) rouse “唤醒 ,激起” ,D) rise“上升” 则不合句意 。

68 .答案 :C) To satisfy 。不定式在这里表示目的 。

69 .答案 :D) Then 。根据文意 ,本句需要一个表示顺序的词 ,即 Then “然后 ,于是” 。

A) Again ,B) Still ,C) Thus “因此” ,都不能表示顺序 。

70 .答案 :C) By 。根据句意 ,科学家通过实验来验证其假设的正确与否 , by 在这里表示“通过 ⋯ ⋯方式” 。

71 .答案 :A) imagination 。想出好的实验方法需要 “想象力” ,即 imagination 。

72 .答案 :A) fits 。根据句意 ,试验要适合该问题 ,所以需用 A ) fits “适合 ,符合” 。而

B) fits不能直接与 with搭配 ,而可以构成下列词组 : fit in with “适合 ,符合” ; C)fits out “给 ⋯ ⋯供应 (服装等)” , “把 ⋯ ⋯装备起来” ,D) fits in “把 ⋯ ⋯ 放进去” ,

“给 ⋯ ⋯安排时间” ,均不合句意 。

73 .答案 :C) valid 。根据文意 ,试验需要产生有效的 、有充分理由的 (valid) 信息或数据 。而 A) variable “可变的 ,变量的” ,B) valuable “珍贵的” ,D) various “各种各

样的” ,不合句意 。本文最后一段第一句 (a valid hypothesis) 也提供了解题线索 。

74 .答案 :D) indirect 。本段第一句话谈到 ,观察可以是直接的也可以是间接的 。本句的

意思是 :在间接观察中 ,经常用到仪器 。

75 .答案 :B) Some 。这里前后两句话互为补充 ,前句说明科学家们用的有些仪器相当简

单 ,而另一些仪器却十分复杂 。所以这里要用 Some 。76 .答案 :D) complex 。这里 A ) convenient “方便的” ,B) comfortable “舒适的” , C)

compound “复合的” ,D) complex “复杂的” 。解释见上题 。

77 .答案 :C) in 。“以 ⋯ ⋯形式” 用介词 in表示 。

78 .答案 :B) from 。这里 “结果” 应该来源于 “试验” ,所以选用 f rom ,即 With resultsfrom these (experiments) 。 本文最后一段第一句 (The result of a scientific experi‐ment) 也提供了解题线索 。

79 .答案 :B) prove 。试验的目的就是 prove his hypothesis (验证其假设) 。本文第三段第

一句话 (the scientist tries to show or prove that the hypothesis) 也暗示了答案 。

Test 4 - 19


80 .答案 :C) based 。词组 based on意为 “建立在 ⋯ ⋯之上” 。

81 .答案 :D) lead to 。本句意为 :以有效假设为基础进行的试验得出的结果 ,常常会使人

们对世界和宇宙有一个更好的了解 。 A ) carry out “执行” , “贯彻” ;B) lay off “解

雇” 、 “下岗” ;C) move “迁居” ,“移动” ;D) lead to “导致” 。所以选用 lead to 。P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion82 .参考答案 : to explore the mystery of the universe .

译文 :科学家用了很长的时间探索宇宙的奥秘 。

83 .参考答案 : replacing petrol with atomic energy as fuel译文 :人们向往将来有一天能用原子能代替汽油作燃料 。

84 .参考答案 :make a lot more efforts than a man does译文 :通常 ,女性要做出比男性更大的努力才能在大公司里得到逐级提升 。

85 .参考答案 :who might even be more intelligent than you are译文 :不用害怕那些想法比你高明或者比你聪明的人 。

86 .参考答案 : rapid grow th of the high‐tech industries译文 :对教育的重视及高科技产业的迅速发展使得该国充满活力 、富于创造性 。

Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) ,B ) ,C )

and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .W : This school is lucky to have a teacher as good as Professor Helen Johnson .

M : She is one in a million ,isn摧t she ?Q :What does the man mean ?

12 .M : I just stopped by at your office in the bank . They told me that you had quit .Where are you working now ?

W : I摧m working for a lawyer now .The pay is better and the work is much more inter‐esting .

Q :Where did the woman work before ?Test 4 - 20


13 .W : It was such an interesting movie !What a pity Tom couldn摧t go last night !M :But he did !

Q :What does the man mean ?

14 .W :Didn摧t you go to the meeting last night ,either ?M :No ,I had a slight headache .

Q :What do we understand from this conversation ?

15 .M : I wish Mary would put on a different record .She has played that song a thousandtimes .

W :At least .It used to be one of my favorite before I had to hear it so of ten .

Q :What does the man and the woman say about Mary摧s record ?

16 .W :Can摧t we slow down ?We摧re going beyond the speed limit ,we摧ll be fined .

M : Slow down ?Don摧t you realize how late we are going to be ?Q :What does the man mean ?

17 .M : How of ten should I take these pills and how many should I take ?W : Take two pills every six hours .

Q : How many pills should the man take in twenty four hours ?18 .M :Want to come to the beach with me if it doesn摧t rain ?

W :No ,I don摧t think so .It摧s very hot out and I burn easily .

Q :Why doesn摧t the woman go to the beach ?

Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneW : I摧m thinking about transferring out of state college into another school in the spring .

M :After a year and a half ?How come ?I thought you liked it here .

W : I do .But our commercial art department doesn摧t give Bachelor摧s degrees ,only associ‐ate .I want a bachelor摧s .

M : So where do you want to go ?W : I wouldn摧t mind going to Westwater University . It has an excellent reputation for

commercial art ,but I have a feeling it摧s very selective .

M :But you摧ve gotten grades in the three semesters you摧ve been in the state college ,

haven摧t you ?W :Yeah ,mostly As and Bs .

M : So what are you worried about ,just ask your professor to w rite letters of recommen‐dation for you ,and you摧ll be set .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What is the woman planning to do ?Test 4 - 21


20 .What field is the woman interested in ?

21 .How long has the woman been studying in state college ?22 .What concern does the woman have about Westwater University ?Conversation TwoM :Do you know what happened to me today ? I was so embarrassed .

W :What ?M :Well ,Doctor Brown摧s class finished ten minutes early ,so I went to the library be‐

tween classes .I know I didn摧t have much time ,but I wanted to get those books on in‐dustrial revolution .I looked them up in the card catalog and went right to the stacksand found them .So I put them in my book‐bag and headed back toward the door .Then it happened .The exit gate in front of the door wouldn摧t open and a guard imme‐diately warned me that I hadn摧t checked out my books .He thought I was trying tosteal them .

W : That must have been embarrassing .Then why didn摧t the exit gate open ?

M : I asked him that .It seems that the books in the library are all magnetically coded andwhen you check them out ,the librarian behind the desk demagnetizes them ,then theexit gate will open .

W : How interesting .I still don摧t quite understand how they do it though .I摧ll have to goto the library and see it for myself .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .Why did the man decide to go to the library ?

24 .After getting the books ,what did the man do ?

25 .According to the man ,what happens to all the books in the library ?

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

The territorial grow th in the United States was followed by great industrial expan‐sion .The country was rich in natural resources .A constant flow of immigration providedthe labor force necessary to develop these resources .New industries were started .Chica‐go ,St . Louis , and Detroit grew from small towns to large cities . The United States

Test 4 - 22


became the greatest industrial country in the world .

Detroit摧s grow th has been typical of these new American cities .Situated on the DetroitRiver close to the Great Lakes ,it had the geographical advantages necessary for industrialgrow th .Factories for manufacture of bicycles and wagon bodies were established there .

With the coming of the automobile ,these factories were converted into automobile plants .

The American system of mass production was introduced .The industry grew and Detroitgrew with it .

Detroit today is the fif th largest city in the United States .Four Detroit automobilecompanies produce 96 percent of all American cars .Twenty thousand of these cars roll offDetroit assembly lines each day .Some of the factories there never stop .They have threegroups or “shif ts” of workers .Each shif t works eight hours and is relieved by a new shif t ,making all together a twenty‐four‐hour day .So it is that Detroit has been called “The Cityof Three Shif ts” .As a result ,in the Ford plant it is possible to build an entire car in lessthan twenty‐eight hours .In little more than a day ,pure iron ore can be converted into ashiny new car of the latest model .Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What is the main topic of the talk ?

27 .What percentage of American cars is produced in Detroit ?28 .How long is it possible to manufacture a car in Detroit ?29 .What did the factories manufacture before being converted into automobile plants ?Passage Two

All right !Enough cookies ,cola ,and chips !It seems that junk food is all that the chil‐dren want to eat these days .Television controls their tastes .The kids see well‐known per‐sonalities eating potato chips ,candy and other processed food ,and they want to be liketheir heroes .How do they do it ?They eat the same food .I wish there were more charac‐ters like old Popeye the sailor ,who ate spinach and not French fries .

Just because I like brown rice ,beans ,and fresh vegetables ,I don摧t expect my childrento eat this “health food” .I摧m glad to cook traditional meals of meat and potatoes for them .

I really can摧t be too upset with the kids because most adults aren摧t careful about w hat theyeat .The other night ,my wife and I went to a party where there was plenty to drink butvery little for us to eat .They served hot dogs and hamburgers .I can摧t eat hot dogs ,withall those preservatives ,and hamburgers are filled with chemicals so that they look good .

Besides the meat ,they had sugar‐filled cookies and cakes ,and ,of course ,chips .Terrible !I don摧t want the world to change because of me ,but I think that people should realize that

Test 4 - 23


there are alternatives to eating meat .They always tell me that I probably don摧t get my es‐sential proteins .But I feel better than ever and I am sure that it摧s because I摧m vegetarian .

I would really like to see more television advertisements which show the benefits of good ,

healthy ,natural food .

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard30 .What is not junk food according to the speaker ?31 .Which of the following is mentioned as health food ?

32 .Which of the following statements is NOT true ?Passage Three

When a person needs information on almost any topic ,where does he or she look forit ?The most likely place is an encyclopedia .Today an encyclopedia is a set of books witharticles and pictures .Encyclopedias may soon be available in full color and sound .Insteadof going to the bookshelf for an answer to a question ,a person may switch on the televisionset and key into a computer network .The information will then be instantly printed acrossthe screen with music and sound effects ,if appropriate .If the researcher is looking for in‐formation about baroque music ,he or she will not only read information about the music ,

but will also hear an example of the music at the same time .Information about the canarybird will include the sound of its song .Sound is not the only advantage of storing encyclo‐pedia information on computer tape .Information can be immediately updated .As eventsoccur and information changes ,the “computer encyclopedia” can add and change informa‐tion . “Our concept of the encyclopedia will change ,” said Kenneth Kister ,author of theEncyclopedia Buying Guide .“Encyclopedias will be released from the imprisonment of theprinted word .”

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .What is the main idea of the talk ?

34 .What can we do if we want to look for some information about baroque music in the fu‐ture ?

35 .Which of the following statements is NOT true ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exact

Test 4 - 24


words you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

One important thing about art movements is that their popularity can be (36)affectedby social conditions ,which are themselves of ten affected by historical (37)events .As anexample ,look at what happened in the United States early in the 20th century ,around thetime of the Great Depression .The art movement (38)known as the Regionalism had begunin the United States even before the Depression (39)occurred .But it really flourished in the1930摧s ,during the Depression years .Why ?Well ,many artists who had been living in bigcities were forced by the economic (40)crisis to leave those big cities and move back to theirsmall tow ns in (41)rural America .Some of these artists came to truly (42)embrace the lifein small tow ns and to reject city life in so‐called “sophisticated society .” These artists ,ormore (43)specifically ,certain painters , really built the regionalist movement .(44)Theycreated things from everyday life in small towns or farming areas .And they depicted the re‐ally big glorified or romanticized country life ,showing it as stable ,wholesome ,and em‐bodying important American traditions .(45)And this style became very popular ,in part be‐cause of the economic conditions of the time .You see ,the Depression had caused many A‐mericans to begin to doubt their society .But regionalist artists painted scenes that glorifiedAmerican values ,scenes that many Americans could easily identify with .(46)So the move‐ment helped strengthen people摧s faith in their country ,faith that had weakened as the result ofthe Depression .But in the 1940摧s ,before and after the Second World War ,American socie‐ty began to take on a much more international spirit ,and Regionalism ,with its focus onsmall tow n life ,lost a lot of popularity .

Test 4 - 25

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icCompetition or Cooperation .You should w rite at least 120 words according to the outlinegiven in Chinese below .

1 .一些人认为大学生在校期间应学会如何竞争 ;

2 .另一些人则认为他们应学会如何与他人进行合作 ;

3 .我的观点 。















Test 5 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 55




P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )(15 m inu tes)Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

Adjustment to a New Culture

People are products of their cultures and environments .As you grew up ,you learnedvalues ,attitudes ,customs ,one or more languages ,and other aspects of the culture thatsurrounded you .The characteristics of that culture have shaped you as a person .Leavingyour home and going to a different country ,you must adjust to many new and differentthings all at the same time .Living abroad can be an exciting and satisfying experience ,butit takes much effort ,patience ,and perseverance on your part .Adjustment Cycle

Cultural adjustment is the process that people go through when they leave one cultureand go to live in another .The cycle of emotions that people experience when going throughcultural adjustment differs with each individual and therefore cannot be described preciselyfor each person .The following stages show the adjustment cycle which many people haveexperienced in going to new countries ;it may help you understand your reactions to livingin the United States .Remember that the stage descriptions are general outlines ,and whilesome people may experience the cycle as it is shown ,others may find that one stage is morepronounced than another or that they do not seem to pass through all the stages .

STAGE 1 .When you found out that you were coming to Ithaca and began preparingfor your trip to the U畅S .,you were undoubtedly excited about living and studying in a newand different place .Perhaps you also felt some fear and anxiety since you didn摧t know whatto expect .At this point you probably had an overall good feeling about what was happen‐ing and a heightened interest in the experience .

STAGE 2 .Soon after your arrival here ,you will probably begin to find that manyTest 5 - 2


aspects of life in the U畅S .are different from life in your own country and culture .You willfind differences in the educational system ,food ,dress ,language ,accents ,idioms ,values ,customs ,climate , architecture , transportation , etc . Facing so many new things at thesame time can be difficult ,and people react to the situation in different ways .These reac‐tions have sometimes being called “culture shock ,” which refers to the sudden realizationthat you have many new things to learn and new situations to adjust to .

Culture shock can be characterized by frustration at the difficulty in learning so manynew things all at once ,and disappointment that adjustments must be made .Sometimespeople feel that they will never adjust to living here ,that they do not like the things theysee ,and that perhaps it was a mistake to travel so far from family ,f riends ,and familiarsurroundings .This leads to a psychological low point ,a negative about what is happening .

As new comers begin to make the first adjustment — registering for classes ,beginningtheir studies ,meeting a few other students ,finding housing and settling in ,learning howto get around the university — they may start to feel that they can get along af ter all andthat maybe their frustrations at the beginning are now over .They feel better about beinghere ,have fun with their new friends and classmates ,and begin to enjoy their classes .Ingeneral they are experiencing another high point .

STAGE 3 .At this point ,many people start to feel generally down again about theirexperience .As time goes on , their first adjustments do not seem sufficient . They misstheir friends at home .The friends they have made in the U畅S .seem superficial and friend‐ships are not as meaningful as the ones they had at home .The novelty of living in a newplace has worn off and the day‐to‐day routine is not as exciting as it was at the beginning .

They may have the difficulties in school because the educational system is different — theway teachers teach ,the kinds of examinations that are given ,the papers they must w rite ,

etc .All these things come together to make them feel depressed again .

At the same time ,they begin to make deeper adjustments to living in a different cul‐ture .After the first year or so ,they may feel that they now understand the U畅S .educa‐tional system .They may have joined student organizations ,meet other students ,and be‐come involved more in the daily life of the university . They may have developed closefriendships with one or two classmates .In sum ,they settle down to a routine and probablyadjust to living here as much as they are ever going to adjust .There will always be aspectsof the culture here that they do not like and do not want to adapt ,but there may be otheraspects that they do enjoy and will continue to explore .

STAGE 4 .When students make the adjustments mentioned above ,they usually stay atTest 5 - 3


that stage until they complete their studies and decide that it摧s time to return to their owncountry permanently .They then begin to feel the same mixture of excitement and anxietythey felt before they came to the U畅S .,only this time in reverse .They now must return totheir own country af ter a long period of absence ,and they need to readjust to their ownhome .Students of ten find it strange to talk about readjustment . “I摧m just going home ,”

they say ,“to a place I already know .” However ,af ter a long time away and having adjus‐ted to a new culture ,you are no longer the same person ;the people at home may also havechanged .So as you prepare to return home you begin the whole process of adjustment overagain ,starting with Stage 1 .You may go through the same high and low points until youmake some sort of final adjustment to living and working in your own country again .Reso‐lution involves somehow internalizing the experience you gained from living in another cul‐ture and incorporating it into your life .

Cross‐Cultural AdjustmentAs you go through the adjustment cycle ,your experience may be very different from

the description above .Your high and low periods may be much more pronounced ,or muchless .Each person reacts to a cross‐cultural experience in a different way ,depending ontheir background ,experience ,and personality .You will slow ly adapt to living in a newplace by trial and error ,by observing the behavior of others and by learning how to func‐tion in your new culture .Ask yourself questions constantly : How do you do that in thiscountry ?What does that mean here ?Did that person understand what I said and what Imeant ?Does that mean the same thing as it does in my culture ?By asking these and otherquestions and by trying new things daily ,you will adapt to living in the U畅S .in a way thatwill best fit your individual needs and abilities .Since there are so many aspects to any par‐ticular culture ,you cannot expect to learn everything all at once .You will probably makemistakes ,but you can learn from those mistakes and thus help yourself .

As you become more involved in your new environment ,you will begin to discover lessapparent aspects about the new culture which complicate social interaction .For example ,ifyou come from a country where students stand up in class to address the professor ,youwill quickly notice that in the U畅S .students speak up in class but do not stand up whenthey do so .This is an obvious difference .After you have lived in the U畅S .longer and haveexplored the culture more deeply — looking below the surface — you may discover reasonsbehind some of the behavior you see among your American classmates .How Far to Adjust

You may ask yourself , “How far must I go in adapting to the United States ?”Test 5 - 4


Students wonder whether they must become “Americanized” ,whether they can maintaintheir own cultural identity ,or whether there is some way to balance their own culture andthe new culture they are just entering .There are two extreme responses to a new culture .

At one end — to tal rejection — is the person who refuses to make any adjustments to the newculture .If you are unwilling to try new foods ,to explore new places ,and to change any ofyour daily habits ,it w ill be difficult ,perhaps even impossible to function in a new culture .

At the other end — assimilation — is the person who changes himself or herself in order to becompletely assimilated to the new culture .You may adapt so completely that you seem tohave been born and raised in this country .Almost everyone eventually finds a positionsomewhere between the two extremes ,and it is unusual to find a person at either end ofthe scale .There really is no set answer to the question “How much should I adapt ?” It摧s avery individual matter .You may find that some American ways are not good for you ,andyou do not want to adopt them .You may find some other customs ,habits or ideas thatseem to work well for you and that you would like to adopt .You do not need to reject eve‐rything that is new to you ,just as you do not need to accept everything .Most people wantto be able to function well and to feel comfortable in their new surroundings .Beyond beingable to function well and feel comfortable ,there is no obligation to take on American hab‐its ,to give up your own customs ,or to Americanize yourself in any way .

1 .People who go to new countries will experience an adjustment cycle and pass through allits stages .

2 .You are experiencing culture shock when you are excited as well as afraid and anxious a‐bout living and studying in a new culture .

3 .Once starting to make the first adjustment ,newcomers may feel that they can get alongaf ter all and their frustrations at the beginning are over .

4 .After a year or so deeper adjustments ,they may find out there are some aspects in thenew culture they do enjoy and will continue to explore .

5 .Careful observation and frequent asking questions will contribute to a quick adaptationto the new culture .

6 .Completion of study and the decision of returning home permanently will lead to thewhole process of adjustment over again .

7 .Struggling over maintaining one摧s cultural identity or being “Americanized” , somestudents will go to the extreme of either total rejection or complete assimilation .

8 .After experiencing the high point ,many people started to feel that the novelty of livingin the new culture                           .

Test 5 - 5


9 .Each person reacts to a cross‐cultural experience differently depending on   .

10 .When a person holds a total rejection to the new culture ,he will be unwilling to    


P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) He doesn摧t like them as much as he likes the movies .

B) He rarely misses them every week .

C) He likes them as much as the woman .

D) He watches them occasionally .

12 .A) It摧s the first time they have climbed a mountain .

B) They think it is not worth to climb the mountain .

C) They hope to climb the mountain again when they are old .

D) They found it hard to climb the mountain this time .

13 .A) The new teacher is strict .B) The new teacher is boring .

C) The new teacher is patient .D) The new teacher is likely to get angry .

14 .A) She thought the performance was too bad .

B) She did not know how to comment on it .C) She did not know enough about it .D) She thought they were : on the whole not bad .

15 .A) He looked unhappy .                 B) He looked tired .

C) He was happy . D) He was sad .

16 .A) The shop itself is a product of modern art .B) The shop摧s collection is only limited to modern art prints .

C) He prefers modern art .Test 5 - 6


D) He shares her opinion .

17 .A) About how silly people try to make people laugh .

B) About a form of amusement .C) About people who ride donkeys .

D) About how people fall while riding donkeys .

18 .A) In a hospital . B) In a bookstore .

C) In an office . D) In a library .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) He drives too fast .B) he plays his guitar too loudly .

C) His radio wakes her children up .

D) His friends are too noisy .

20 .(A) At midnight .(B) In the morning .

(C) When the car is turned off .(D) When the neighbors摧 son leaves for work .

21 .(A) She doesn摧t want to make a bad first impression .

(B) She is afraid of getting off the subject .(C) She is afraid they won摧t listen .

(D) She knows that they can摧t do anything about it .22 .(A) Nancy should call the neighbors to complain .

(B) Nancy should introduce her children to the neighbors .

(C) Nancy should ask the neighbors摧 son to baby sit .(D) Nancy should bring the neighbors a gif t .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .(A) She摧ll ride with Jack摧s roommate .

(B) She摧ll drive her own car .(C) She摧ll fly .

(D) She摧ll take a train .

24 .(A) At a concert .(B) On a train .

(C) At camp .

(D) At Jack摧s party .

25 .(A) They both live in New York .

Test 5 - 7


(B) They both know Jack .

(C) They are both interested in music .

(D) They both enjoy camping .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) It is clean and easy to store .

B) It is easy to be controlled and put to work .

C) It can be used for various purposes .

D) It is more economical to be transported .

27 .A) It can be stored in any type of containers .B) It can be transported by truck ,rail car and pipeline .

C) It is cheaper than natural gas when used and transported .

D) It is less dangerous than natural gas when used and transported .

28 .A) They take a pessimistic point of view about it .B) They take an optimistic point of view about it .C) They are optimistic but feel some changes about it .D) They are worried that natural gas will be replaced by other kinds of fuels some day

in the future .

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .A) Two years . B) Four years .

C) One or two years . D) Three or four years .30 .A) 120 quarter hours . B) 95 quarter hours .

C) 120 semester hours . D) 72 semester hours .

31 .A) A technical associate degree .

B) A degree which is designed for transfer .C) A bachelor摧s degree .

D) The last degree one can ever hope to attain .

Test 5 - 8


Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .A) She is very active . B) She is dark‐haired .

C) She lives a busy life . D) She lives with her daughter .33 .A) A peacemaker . B) Her daughter .

C) A dressmaker . D) A battery .

34 .A) In the skin beneath her ribs .B) In her heart .C) In her stomach .

D) In the skin beneath her breastbones .35 .A) They help solve the problems of life .

B) They are numerous in number .C) They are a new type of engineer .D) Both A) and C) .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

There is a saying in English that “money is the (36)       of all evil ,” but most peo‐ple in fact love money ,and think that not having enough money is the real evil .We allwork hard to make money ;therefore ,we should keep it in a safe place or spend it (37)      .

A bank account is one way of keeping your money safe .Keeping it at home is not safe .

Even if you are lucky enough never to be (38)       ,if you keep your money at home yourun the (39)       of losing it in a fire or other (40)       .The safest place to keep yourmoney is in a bank ,either in a checking account or in a savings account .You can use themoney in a checking account at any time ,but there is of ten a service (41)       .Thereare often restrictions on (42)       money from savings accounts ,but your money worksfor you by collecting (43)       while you摧re not using it .

Test 5 - 9


Opening a bank account is not difficult .(44)  


Not only is a checking account safe ,but your canceled check is proof that you paidyour bill .(45)  

                                      .Also ,since it is unsafe to mail cash ,checksmake bill paying safer and more convenient than paying in person .

(46)                                             . You can buy them at mostbanks .If these are lost or stolen ,the traveler摧s check company will refund your money .

P a r tⅣ  Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , there is a p assage w ith ten blanks .You are required to selectone word f or each blank f rom a list o f choices given in a word bank f ollow ing the p as‐sage .Read the p assage through care f ully be f ore making your choices .Each choice in thebank is identi f ied by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter f or each item on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once .

The worldwide consumption of bakery products is increasing .Many populations thatformerly   47   solely on rice or coarser grains at their main source of carbohydrates showa preference for compounded bakery products as new industry and increased incomes makethem more widely   48   . Japan is an outstanding example of countries following this  49   .The United States has shown a steady downward trend in per capita consumptionof cereal‐based foods for many years ,and the consumption of sweet bakery foods ,such ascakes or pastry ,has been increasingly displacing bread   50   .

Probably 95% of the white bread sold in the United States is enriched with thiamin ,

niacin ,riboflavin ,and iron ,and about 30% of the 50 states have law s requiring whitebread enrichment .Formerly ,calcium and vitamin D were   51   added to enriched bread ,

but lack of consumer demand and questionable nutritional   52   led to gradual phasingout of these enrichments .India has   53   to encourage consumption of protein‐enrichedbread ,with some success .Except for research projects ,little has been done in other coun‐tries ,however .In areas where bakery products   54   a large proportion of the diet ,they couldbe an ideal vehicle for nutritional supplementation .The need for better quality protein in the dailydiet occurs   55   in the developing countries ,where carbohydrate foods — usually cereals — are

Test 5 - 10


the basic   56   of the diet and therefore the logical protein carriers .A) relied                                 I) componentsB) produced J) normalC) consumption K) mostlyD) f requently L) compriseE) encountered M ) associateF) attempted N) benefitG) trend O) accessibleH) likely

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

The most glaring (明显的 ,不能忽视的) inequality is that between mangers and therest .For most managers ,work is an opportunity and a challenge .Their jobs engage theirinterest and allow them to develop their abilities .They are constantly learning ,they are a‐ble to exercise responsibility ;they have a considerable degree of control over their own andothers摧 working lives .Most important of all ,they have the opportunity to initiate .By con‐trast ,for most manual workers ,and for a growing number of w hite‐collar workers ,workis a boring ,monotonous ,even painful experience .They spend all their working lives inconditions which would be regarded as intolerable for themselves — by those who take thedecisions which let such conditions continue . The majority has little control over theirwork ;it provides them with no opportunity for personal development .Often production isso designed that workers are simply part of the technology .In offices ,many jobs are soroutine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic ma‐chine .As a direct consequence of their work experience ,many workers feel alienated fromtheir work and their firm ,whether it is in public or in private ownership .

Rising educational standards feed rising expectations ,yet the amount of control whichthe worker has over his own work situation does not rise accordingly .In many cases hiscontrol has been reduced .Symptoms of protest increase‐rising sickness and absenteeism ,

Test 5 - 11


high turnover of employees ,restrictions on output ,and strikes ,both come more profes‐sional — itself a good thing — the opportunity for promotion from the shop floor becomesless .The only escape is to another equally manual job ;the only compensation is found notin the job but outside it ,if there is a rising standard of living .

57 .The major difference between a manager and a white‐collar worker is that       .

A) the manager earns much higher than a white‐collar workerB) the white‐collar worker has got no freedomC) the manager works for interest but the white‐collar doesn摧t work for interestD) the manager enjoys more holidays

58 .“Workers are just part of the technology” (Line 10 ,Para 1) means that       .

A) workers have know ledgeB) part of the technology is designed by workersC) workers have to do according to the designD) workers do what is required and have no right to decide what to do

59 .The only compensation is found       .

A) in the job                         B) not in the job but outside the jobC) not outside D) in the middle

60 .The word “alienated” (Line 12) means       .

A) lonely       B) ally       C) make unfriendly       D) make far away61 .The w riter tries to tell readers that       .

A) white‐collar workers are in bad conditionB) the manager摧s work is admirableC) manual workers are better than office workersD) the difference between a manager and the employees

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage .

If a colony of honeybees is a “superorganism ,” then might the hive be expected to“breathe” ?Far‐f etched (牵强附会的) though this may seem ,it now appears that the hon‐eybee nest does breathe ,and in a manner somewhat characteristic of vertebrate (脊椎动物的) breathing .

A colony of honeybees controls the temperature ,humidity and concentration of re‐sp iratory (呼吸的 ,与呼吸相关的) gases within its nest by the combined efforts of indi‐vidual bees fanning their wings to create a current of air .The bees start this fanning whenthey detect ,by receptors on their antennae ,a high concentration of carbon dioxide inside

Test 5 - 12


the nest .In natural nest ,however ,bees tend to close all openings but one ,which they leave

unobstructed to provide ventilation .If there is only one opening ,there cannot be continu‐ous flow of air .To find out how the fanning behavior exchanges stale air in such nests withfresh air from outside , two American scientists placed established colonies of bees in achamber with only one entrance hole .The opening was the same size (2 centimeters in di‐ameter) as that in the bees摧 original hive .They then monitored the volumes and character‐istics of air passing into and out of the entrance .

The result showed that there was a regular pattern of ventilation ,as if the hive were“breathing ,” at an average rate of 2畅9 breaths a minute .At about 35 ℃ ,the bees formedgroups of several hundreds fanners around the inside of the hive chamber ,causing air tocirculate within the cavity .At higher temperatures ,however , this air was diverted to‐wards the hive opening .

There ,special fanners oriented themselves with their abdomens pointing outward atthe entrance .No more than three were responsible for this “expiration ,” but their fanningresulted in the warm ,stale air flowing outwards .Each “expiration” was immediately fol‐lowed by a brief in f lux (流入 ;注入) of fresh air .This “inspiration” seemed to be the re‐sult of bees simultaneously ceasing to fan .

The scientists point out that hive ventilation shares many characteristics with verte‐brate breathing .Both have active and passive phases .Both are stimulated by high concen‐trations of carbon dioxide and by the need for cooling .In the case of the bees ,however ,coordination of the social group causes the ventilation — another example of the colony act‐ing as a superorganism .

62 .A hive appears to breathe in a manner somewhat like vertebrate breathing because it al‐so       .

A) form ventilationB) exhales carbon dioxide and inhales cool ,f resh airC) has one opening which works as a mouthD) breathes at an average rate of 2畅9 times a minute

63 .The bees in a colony start fanning when they       .

A) discover a high concentration of CO2 inside the nest with their antennaeB) find it difficult to breatheC) find out there is no circulation of air in the nestD) feel that the inside temperature exceeds 25 ℃

Test 5 - 13


64 .If the inside temperature is higher than 35 ℃ ,       .

A) the air will circulate within the cavityB) the bees will have to fan their wings even harderC) the air will be directed towards the entrance of the nestD) bees will have to leave their nest

65 .Inside the nest ,       are directing their abdomens towards the entrance ,so as todrive the hot and stale air out .A) at least three fanners B) several hundred fannersC) at most three fanners D) all the bees

66 .The word “cavity” in the fourth paragraph refers to       .

A) the hive opening B) the inside of the hive chamberC) a bee摧s abdomen D) the entrance hole

P a r tⅤ  C lo zeHave you ever seen a movie in which a building was burned down or a bridge was de‐

stroyed ?Have you seen films in which a train   67   or a ship sank into the ocean ? If  68   ,you may have wondered how these things could happen   69   harming the peoplein the film ?

The man who knows the answer is the “special effects” man .He has one of the mostimportant jobs in the film   70   .He may be ordered to   71   a flood or to make a bat‐tlefield   72   .But he may also be asked to create a special effect w hich is much   73  

exciting ,though just   74   important to the success of the film .

In a scene for one   75   there was a big glass filled with water in which small fishwere swimming .The director of the movie wanted the fish to stop   76   suddenly whilethey seemed to stare   77   an actor .Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring  78   swim away .But the fish can摧t be ordered to do anything .It was   79   a problem .

The special effects man thought   80   this problem for a long time .The result wasan idea of controlling the fish with a   81   use of electricity .First he   82   electricity tothe fish bow l ,causing the fish to be   83   still .   84   he rapidly reduced the amount ofelectricity ,   85   the fist to swim away .Thus he got the humorous effect that the direc‐tor   86   .

67 .A) cracked         B) crowded         C) crashed         D) crept68 .A) thus B) so C) such D) true69 .A) by B) through C) with D) without

Test 5 - 14


70 .A) industry B) imagination C) entertainment D) environment71 .A) cause B) create C) check D) cross72 .A) exploding B) to explode C) exploded D) explode73 .A) less B) as C) more D) so74 .A) so B) much C) as D) too75 .A) move B) movie C) step D) stage76 .A) swim B) to swim C) swimming D) to be swimming77 .A) to B) for C) in D) at78 .A) and B) but C) then D) thus79 .A) very B) quite C) pretty D) fairly80 .A) out B) better of C) about D) up81 .A) harming B) harmed C) harmful D) harmless82 .A) applied B) appealed C) appointed D) approved83 .A) relatively B) absolutely C) comparatively D) abstractly84 .A) Thus B) So C) Then D) Therefore85 .A) forbidding B) allowing C) instructing D) requesting86 .A) was wanted B) was wanting C) would want D) wantedP a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .87 .Students should focus their attention on their studies                       (而不

是打工挣钱) .

88 .In a workplace ,                       (处理好人际关系问题) of ten helps youmake your career a success .

89 .The dangers of pollution to human health are impossible                     (以美

元来计算) .

90 .It is doubtful                               (人人都意识到) the importance of e‐conomizing on energies .

91 .Governments at all levels                     (开展了反腐败运动) this summer .

Test 5 - 15


P a r tⅠ  W riting1 .Sample Writing

Competition or Cooperation

Recently a debate has been arising upon competition or cooperation ,which


P a r tⅡ  Read ing C omprehens ion(Skimm ing and S cann ing )Adjustment to a New Culture1 .N .此句与 Adjustment Cycle下的第一段最后一句不符 。

2 .N .此句与 Adjustment Cycle下的 Stage 1内容不符 。

3 .Y .相关信息在 Adjustment Cycle下的 Stage 2的第三段第一句 。

4 .Y .相关信息在 Adjustment Cycle下的 Stage 3的第二段 。

5 .NG .在 Cross‐Cultural Adjustment下的第一段并未提及 “ ⋯ ⋯有助于迅速适应新的文

化” 。

6 .Y .相关信息在 Adjustment Cycle下的 Stage 4的第二句 。

7 .N .此句与 How Far to Adjust下的第六句内容不符 。

8 .has worn off and become less exciting .答案在 Adjustment Cycle下的 Stage 3的第一段第五句 。

9 .their background ,experience ,and personality .答案在 Cross‐Cultural Adjustment下的第一段第三句 。

10 .try new food ,explore new places ,and change any of his daily habits .答案在 How Farto Adjust下的第四 、五句 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .B)   12 .D)   13 .C)   14 .D)  15 .C)   16 .B)   17 .B)   18 .D)   19 .C)   20 .C)21 .A)   22 .B)   23 .D)   24 .C)   25 .C)S ection B26 .D)   27 .C)   28 .C)   29 .B)   30 .C)   31 .A)   32 .D)   33 .A)   34 .A)   35 .D)S ection C36 .root           37 .wisely           38 .robbed           39 .risk40 .disaster 41 .charge 42 .withdrawing 43 .interest44 .It摧s easy to learn how to make a deposit and balance your monthly bank statement so

that you don摧t w ithdraw more than you should .

45 .In most cases ,the bank sends you these canceled checks every month with your state‐ment .

46 .Another way to protect your money is by buying traveler摧s checks .

Test 5 - 17


P a r tⅣ  Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .A   48 .O   49 .G   50 .C   51 .D   52 .N   53 . F   54 .L   55 .K   56 .IS ection BPassage One57 .答案 :C) 。推理判断题 。文章第一段第三句说 manager 从事的工作给他们带来 inter‐

est ,而第六句说白领工人的工作枯燥 、 单调 ,由此可推断出 C) 为正确答案 。 A ) 、

D) 两项在文中未提及 ,故排除 ;B) 项是对内容的扩大化 , “工作单调” 并不意味着

“失去自由” ,故排除 。

58 .答案 :D) 。语义理解题 。此句是前一句的进一步说明 。前面一句说 :大多数工人对工

作没有控制权 ,也没有个人发展的机会 ;此句的意思是 :生产过程的设计使得工人仅

仅是科技的一部分 。根据两句话的联系 ,可以推断出此句的意思是 :工人让做什么就

做什么 ,没有自主权 。因此 D) 为正确答案 。

59 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。答案在最后一句 : the only compensation is found not in thejob but outside it ,if there is a rising standard of living ,故 B) 项正确 。其他三项均与

此不符 ,故排除 。

60 .答案 :C) 。语义理解题 。由前面的内容可知 ,工人们感到无聊 ,由此而产生的结果当

然就是他们对工作不满 ,故 C) 正确 。既然感到工作无聊 ,当然不会想与工厂联盟 ,

排除 B) ;也不可能远远地躲开工厂 ,故排除 D) 。 A) 项意为 “孤独的” ,与上下文不

符 ,故排除 。

61 .答案 :D) 。主旨大意题 。文章第一句即指出 :最明显的不平等就是经理人与其他员工

之间的不平等 。接下来马上对种种的不平等作了具体的说明 ,因此文章的主题就是经

理人与其他员工之间的区别 ,故 D) 正确 。

Passage Two62 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章的最后一段指出了蜜蜂巢的空气流通与脊椎动物呼吸之

间的相似之处 :Both have active and passive phases .Both are stimulated by high con‐centrations of carbon dioxide and by the need for cooling ,而这里的 active and passivephases即是指前面描述的呼出二氧化碳 、呼入新鲜空气的过程 ,因此 B) 项为正确答案 。 A) 、 B) 、 C) 三项都是蜜蜂巢进行空气交换的特点 ,但文中并没有指明脊椎动物

的呼吸具有相同的特点 ,因此可排除 。

63 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段最后一句话说 :当蜜蜂通过触角上的接收器感觉

到巢中的二氧化碳浓度过高时 ,就会开始挥动翅膀 ,因此 A ) 项为正确答案 。其他三

Test 5 - 18


项在文中都没有依据 ,故排除 。

64 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。文章第四段最后一句话说 :当温度高于 35 摄氏度时 ,空气

的流动就被指向巢的出口处 ,因此 C) 项为正确答案 。 A ) 项发生在巢中温度大概在

35摄氏度时 ,而不是高于 35摄氏度 ,不符合题目要求 ,故排除 ;B) 、 D) 两项在文

中没有提及 ,故排除 。

65 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。文章第五段前两句话说 :特定的蜜蜂使它们的的肚子朝着入

口外面 ,做这一工作的蜜蜂不超过三只 ,但它们振动翅膀却能够使巢内的闷热空气向

外流动 ,因此 C) 项为正确答案 。 A) 项与上面的内容相悖 ,故排除 ;B) 项是巢内温度处于 35摄氏度左右 、不需要蜜蜂用腹部对着巢穴外面时的情况 ,故排除 ;D) 项在

文中没有提及 ,故排除 。

66 .答案 :B) 。语义理解题 。根据所考查的词语所在的句子 : ⋯ the bees formed groups ofseveral hundred fanners around the inside of the hive chamber ,causing air to circulatewithin the cavity ,我们可知 the cavity与前面的 the inside of the hive chamber指的是同一对象 ,因此正确答案为 B) 。其他三项与被考查的单词没有联系 ,故排除 。

P a r tⅤ  C lo ze电影特技效果 (Special effects in movies)67 .答案 :C) crashed 。根据句意 ,火车撞毁应该用 crashed 。而 A ) cracked “破裂 ,爆

裂” ;B) crowded “拥挤” ;D) crept “爬行 ,蠕动” ,不合句意 。

68 .答案 :B) so 。 so在本句中指代上句提到的那些事 ,意为 “如果是这样的话” 。

69 .答案 :D) without 。根据句意 ,“你可能曾经奇怪发生这些事情怎么会不伤害电影里的

人呢 ?” 所以只有 without符合句意 。

70 .答案 :A) industry 。 industry与 film构成 “电影业” 。

71 .答案 :B) create 。根据前文介绍 ,特技效果人员可以在电影中制造出所需特殊场景 ,

这里当然也可以 create a flood 。72 .答案 :D) explode 。根据语法知识 ,make后面可以跟不带 to的不定式作宾补 ,即 ex‐

plode 。73 .答案 :A) less 。从语法的角度看 ,more或 less 用在这里都可以 ,但是从句意的角度

分析 ,只能用 less ,因为 though “尽管” 用在句中表示让步 。

74 .答案 :C) as 。根据句意 ,他也可能被要求做一种不那么激动人心 、但对电影的成功同

样重要的特殊效果 。 just as意为 “正如” 。

75 .答案 :B) movie 。既然文章讨论的是电影特技 ,具体举例时当然讲的是 movie中的一个场景 。

76 .答案 :C) swimming 。根据句意 ,应该是 stop swimming (停止游水) 。

Test 5 - 19


77 .答案 :D) at 。 stare at词组 ,意为 “盯着 、凝视” 。

78 .答案 :A) and 。 stop staring和 swim away这两个动作应该是并列关系 ,所以用 and 。79 .答案 :B) quite 。除了 A) very外 ,其他三个选项都有 “相当” 之意 ,但是只有 B) 可以用来修饰名词 ,表示 “相当大” ,本句句意 :这的确是个难题 。

80 .答案 :C) about 。 think about意为 “思考” ,符合句意 。 A) (think) out “设计出 ,解

决” ;B) (think) better of “对 ⋯ ⋯ 有更高的评价” ,D) (think) up “发明 ,捏造” ,

不合文意 。

81 .答案 :D) harmless 。根据下文可以看出 ,特技人员希望能控制好缸里的鱼 ,而又不对

它们造成伤害 。

82 .答案 :A) applied 。根据句意 ,特效人员把电引入鱼缸 ,使鱼完全静止不动 ,然后迅

速减少电量 ,让鱼游走 。选项中 A ) applied “应用” ; B) appealed “呼吁 ,恳求” ,

C) appointed “任命 ,约定” ;D) approved “同意 ,批准” 。只有 A) 符合句意 。

83 .答案 :B) absolutely 。根据句意 ,应该选用 B) absolutely “绝对地 ,完全地” 。 A )

relatively “相对地” ; C) comparatively “比较低” ; D ) abstractly “抽象地” ;不合

句意 。

84 .答案 :C) Then 。这里需要一个表示顺序的词 ,即 then 。85 .答案 :B) allowing 。根据剧情需要 ,该让鱼儿游走了 ,所以要用 B) 。 A ) forbidding

“禁止” ;C) instructing “指示” ;D) requesting “要求” 。不合句意 。

86 .答案 :D) wanted 。显然这一切正是导演想要的 ,所以用 wanted ,在定语从句中作

谓语 。

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion87 .参考答案 : rather than (on) part‐time jobs for money译文 :学生应该把注意力集中在学习上 ,而不是打工挣钱上 。

88 .参考答案 : skillful handling of interpersonal issues译文 :在工作单位 ,处理好人际关系问题往往会使你事业有成 。

89 .参考答案 : to calculate in terms of dollars译文 :污染对人类健康造成的危害是无法用美元来计算的 。

90 .参考答案 :whether everyone is aware of译文 :是否人人都意识到节约能源的重要性还值得怀疑 。

91 .参考答案 launched an anti‐corruption campaign译文 :今年夏天 ,各级政府开展了反腐败运动 。

Test 5 - 20


Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .W :Do you get absorbed in games on TV ,as my brother does ?

M : I摧m afraid I do .Almost every weekend .

Q : How does the man like games on TV ?

12 .M : The mountain seems to have grown .I feel so dizzy when I climb it this year ,but itis worth for the view s .

W : The mountain may not have grown ,but we have grown older .Q :What can we conclude from the conversation ?

13 .W : I hear that your new teacher never gets angry with his students .M : That摧s true .He never seems to get upset over anything .

Q :What conclusion can we draw from the conversation ?

14 .M :Now that you摧ve seen the performance ,Mrs .Smith ,how did you like it ?W :Well , I don摧t know enough about your style of singing .As for the acting , I

thought they were wonderful .Q :What does the woman mean ?

15 .W :You look unhappy .What brought about the change in your mood ?M : I saw Prof .Johnson and he said I failed the test .Q : How did the man feel before he saw Prof .Johnson ?

16 .W : The art museum shop has all kinds of prints that are inexpensive and colorful .M :Only if you like modern art .Q :What does the man mean ?

17 .W :Most clowns work in circuses .They do all kinds of silly things to make the audi‐ence laugh .

Test 5 - 21


M :Yes ,they run , jump and fall down .They ride donkeys backwards .And some‐times they shout and sing .

Q :What are the two speakers talking about ?18 .M : How long can I keep these books out ?

W : Two weeks .Then you will be fined if they are not returned in time .

Q :Where are the two speakers ?Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneW : How are you new neighbors ,Nancy ?

M : They seem nice enough ,but they have a son who摧s driving me crazy .

W :What do you mean ?

M : He comes home every night around 10 with his car window s rolled down and radio bla‐ring .It stops as soon as he turns the car off .But by then Brian and Lisa are wide a‐wake .

W :Oh ,no .

M :Oh ,Yes .Sometimes it takes us full mid‐night just to get them settle down again .

W : Have you tried talking to them ?

M :We haven摧t even really met them yet except to say a quick hello .I hate to get off onour own foot .

W :You are not going to like them when you do meet them if you keep on simmering .

M : I know ,but I feel stupid complaining .It摧s not as though he blasting his stereo allnight .

W :You said yourself it is driving you crazy .

M :Well ,you know how early I have to get up to be here at the office .I摧m just not gettingenough sleep and neither are the kids .They摧re so irritable when I get home in the af‐ternoon .

W :Maybe you could go over sometime with a little gif t : a plant for the yard or some‐thing .Then you could ask about their son whether they have any other children andthey摧ll be sure to ask about yours .

M :Yeah ,and then what ?W : Then you could mention that the hardest thing at this stage is getting your kids to get

sleep at night ?M :And keeping them in the sleep .

W : That摧s the idea .And you should do it soon .The longer you wait ,the harder it摧ll be toTest 5 - 22


do politely .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What bothers Nancy about her neighbor摧s son ?

20 .When does the noise stop ?

21 .Why is Nancy reluctant to speak to her neighbors about the problem ?

22 .What suggestion does Nancy摧s friend make ?Conversation TwoM : Hi ,Kate .Mind if I join you ?

W :No ,not at all ,have a seat ,Jack .

M : Have any plans for the weekend ?

W :Yeah ,I摧m really excited .I摧m going up to New York city for a couple of days .M : That摧s a coincidence ,.My roommate摧s going to New York too .Are you driving ?May‐

be you two could ride together .W :No ,I摧m going to take train to the Plain Station .I摧ve already got my ticket .M : So what are you going to do in New York ?

W : I摧m visiting a friend I met last summer at the last music camp .Remember I went to amusic camp in Vermont ?I shared a camp with Laura and she摧s just moved to Manhat‐tan .So I摧m going up to see her new place .

M :You two probably have a lot to talk about ?Didn摧t you tell me you were from NewYork ?

W : No ,I摧m from California .I摧ve never been to New York before ,I摧ll give you three gues‐ses what we are going to do Saturday night .

M : Something to do with music ,I bet .W :Right ,we are going to hear the New York Philharmonic at Lincoln Center .M :Wow ,I wish I were going with you .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .How will Kate travel to her destination ?

24 .Where did Laura and Kate meet ?25 .What do Laura and Kate have in common ?

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) andD) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a single

Test 5 - 23


line through the center .Passage One

Among the various forms of the .sources of energy ,natural gas has been a favorite a‐mong U畅S .consumers for more than 30 years .It has a number of outstanding characteris‐tics that add to its popularity among consumers .First of all ,natural gas is a comparativelyclean‐burning fuel .Second ,natural gas heat can be carefully controlled .This factor makesit the favorite fuel of certain industries .In the home ,gas is preferred by most people forcooking and heating because of the ease by which it can be put to work .Gas cooking stovesand furnaces can he turned off and shut off quickly and easily .

Besides ,natural gas can be made into a liquid by a special process and then stored intanks .This type of gas can then be transported by truck ,rail car ,or pipeline to regionswhere transport by natural gas pipelines is not economically possible .

Although the supply of natural gas in the U畅S .appears to be decreasing ,geologistsestimate that billions of cubic feet of natural gas still remain to be discovered and produced .

The challenge is to find more unexploited fuel in order to produce a continuing supply tocook food ,heat homes ,and provide power for industry for many years to come .

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the outstanding characteristics ofnatural gas ?

27 .What is the advantage of liquid natural gas in its gaseous state ?28 .What do geologists think of the prospects of the use of natural gas ?Passage Two

There are four basic types of college degrees ,starting with the associate degree .Theassociate degree takes about two years to complete when one is enrolled full time . Thebachelor摧s degree takes four years when one is enrolled full time ,with the master摧s takingone to two years ,and the doctorate three to four years .The associate degree may be sub‐stituted for the first two years of bachelor摧s degree if it is a transfer degree .Not all associ‐ate degrees are designed for transfer .Some are technical degrees that are called terminaldegrees ,which mean they do not count toward a bachelor摧s .The bachelor摧s is normally re‐quired before one can work at the master摧s level .Likewise the master摧s is normally re‐quired before one can work at the doctorate level .

The length in credit hours of university degree programs varies from one school to an‐other .In general ,the AA is 60 semester hours or 95 quarter hours .The BA (or BS) is120 semester hours or 185 quarter hours .The MA is 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours

Test 5 - 24


and the PhD is 60 to 72 semester hours or 95 to 120 quarter hours .Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .How many year (s) does the bachelor摧s degree take ?30 .What is the number of credit hours requires for a BA in literature ?31 .What is a terminal degree ?Passage Three

Mrs .Rose Cohen is an attractive ,dark‐haired Brooklyn widow whose busy life in‐cludes housekeeping ,work at home as a dressmaker ,and frequent visits with her daughterand two grandchildren . The description may make Mrs .Cohen sound like hundreds ofthousands of American women .But in one respect ,she is most unusual .She is alive to en‐joy he routine only because a tiny ,battery‐powered device known as a pace‐maker has beenimplanted in the skin beneath her ribs .Wires carry the signals generated by the pacemakerinto her heart to keep it beating steadily .Without this man‐made rhythm‐keeper ,Mrs .Cohen摧s heart would be unable to beat normally ,and she would almost certainly die .Sheowes her life to a new breed of engineers ;the bio‐engineers ,who focus on the engineeringproblems and possibilities of living things .These engineers are still a small group ,but theadvances they have helped to bring about have already had an important impact on the livesof ordinary men and women .They promise to have even more significant effects in the fu‐ture .

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .Which of the following is not true of M rs .Rose Cohen ?33 .What saves M rs .Cohen摧s life ?34 .Where is her pacemaker ?35 .What do we know about bio‐engineers according to the passage ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

There is a saying in English that “ money is the (36)root of all evil ,” but most peoplein fact love money ,and think that not having enough money is the real evil .We all work

Test 5 - 25


hard to make money ;therefore ,we should keep it in a safe place or spend it (37)wisely .

A bank account is one way of keeping your money safe .Keeping it at home is not safe .

Even if you are lucky enough never to be (38)robbed ,if you keep your money at home yourun the (39)risk of losing it in a fire or other (40)disaster .The safest place to keep yourmoney is in a bank ,either in a checking account or in a savings account .You can use themoney in a checking account at any time ,but there is of ten a service (41)charge .There areof ten restrictions on (42)withdrawing money from savings accounts ,but your money worksfor you by collecting (43)interest while you摧re not using it .

Opening a bank account is not difficult .(44)It摧s easy to learn how to make a depositand balance your monthly bank statement so that you don摧t withdraw more than you should .

Not only is a checking account safe ,but your canceled check is proof that you paidyour bill .(45)In most cases ,the bank sends you these canceled checks every month with yourstatement .Also ,since it is unsafe to mail cash ,checks make bill paying safer and moreconvenient than paying in person .

(46)Another way to protect your money is by buying traveler摧s checks .You can buythem at most banks .If these are lost or stolen ,the traveler摧s check company will refundyour money .

Test 5 - 26

P a r tⅠ  W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icSeeking Help .You should w rite at least 120 words f ollow ing the outline given in Chinesebelow .

1 .在遇到困难的时候 ,我们常常会向谁求助 ?

2 .你的一位同学家庭生活很困难 ,你认为他可以怎样获得帮助 ?
















Test 6 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 77综合模拟分册 Model Test 77综合模拟分册 Model Test 77综合模拟分册 Model Test 66


P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )(15 m inu tes)Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

United States of America — for the international visitors

WelcomeWelcome to the United States of America !We hope you enjoy your visit to this coun‐

try and can experience some of its many wonders — no matter how long you stay . Thisshort guide will introduce you to the people of the United States and their way of life .

As you read this Culturgram ,please remember the United States is not only a largecountry but also a land of diversity .It is hard to describe the many different customs foundhere ;we can only share some of the more general and common characteristics of the peopleand the country .

Background :Land and ClimateThe United States covers the central portion of the North America and includes Alaska

and Hawaii .It is the fourth largest country in the world .Because of its size and location ,

it has many different climates and a variety of geographical features .Large mountains ,vastdeserts ,wide canyons , rolling hills ,prairies , frozen tundra ,extensive coasts , forests ,tropical islands ,wetlands ,swamps ,and other features can be found .Beyond the beachesand mountains of California ,the Rocky Mountains in the west give way to a vast centralplain ,which merges with the rolling hills and low mountains of the east .Hawaii摧s rugged ,

volcanic topography is lush and green year‐round .Alaska has towering mountains ,broadvalleys ,and glaciers .

Climates throughout the country are as varied as the terrain .Humidity is of ten high inthe east and southeast ,while the west is drier .Most of the nation experiences all four sea‐sons ,with cold and snow winters and warm summers .The southwest and southeast expe‐rience fewer variations in climate and rarely receive snow in the winter .Natural disasterssuch as floods ,hurricanes ,tornadoes ,earthquakes ,and severe winter storms impact vari‐

Test 6 - 2


ous regions .Language

American English is very different from other forms of English spoken around theworld .If you learned English as a second language ,you probably learned a British varietyin a classroom setting .One of the first things you will notice in the United States is the A‐merican usage of English does not always conform to strict rules .Even among well‐educat‐ed Americans ,spoken English is very flexible and popular idioms are common — anotherexample of American informality .

To understand American English ,listen carefully ,relax and be aware that idioms areof ten used .For example ,an American might greet you with How ya doing ?As a way ofsaying hello .Other common phrases include Shape up (Behave yourself ) , suit yoursel f(Do as you please) ,and knock it o f f (Stop what you are doing) .If you do not understandan American摧s phase ,ask for an explanation .

Throughout the country ,only a few minor dialectal variations exist .Except for somedifferences in pronunciation ,Americans speak a uniform language .This is due largely toAmerican mobility ,the national mass media (especially television) ,and the nation摧s educa‐tional system .In areas such as New England , the “r” maybe dropped from the end of aword ;in the South ,English is spoken at a slower pace that leads to different vowel pro‐nunciations .In general ,Americans draw out their sounds , rather than speaking in con‐cise ,clipped syllables .Some ethnic groups also have their own variety of English ,espe‐cially in large urban areas .Spanish is common in many Hispanics communities ,and NativeAmericans speak a variety of Amerindian languages .Many first — and second‐generationimmigrants continue to speak their native tongues .Shopping and Business Hours

Except for retail stores ,businesses are open from 8 :00 or 9 :00A .M to 5 :00 or 6 :00

P畅M .Retail and grocery stores of ten remain open until 9 :00 or 10 :00 P畅M .,and many areopen 24 hours a day ,7 days a week .Large supermarkets usually carry anything from foodand school supplies to electronics and sporting equipment ,as well as prescription medica‐tions .

In suburban areas ,people shop for various items at large shopping complexes calledmalls .A mall has dozens of businesses with clothing ,computer equipment ,jewelry ,fastfood ,books ,and music and entertainment items .Department stores ,which are sometimesattached to malls ,carry clothing ,household goods (such as cooking items and pillow s) ,

hardware items ,gardening equipment ,gif ts ,and hundreds of other products .If you needTest 6 - 3


to shop for a specific item ,you should either ask an American friend what type of storecarries what you are looking for or you can look in the yellow p ages of the local telephonebook .The yellow pages are organized by subject (automobile ,hardware , travel ,etc .)

and carry advertisements from businesses dealing with those items .

When shopping ,be aware that many states add a sales tax onto retail sales .This taxis not included in the price of the item you are purchasing .Therefore ,if you buy some‐thing for $ 20畅00 ,you will pay more than that for the item .Sales tax rates are different ineach state but average about 7% .

RecreationBaseball ,basketball ,and American football are the most popular spectator and team

sports in the country .Soccer ,which may be the national pastime in your country ,is not amajor sport .It is gaining popularity ,however ,especially as the United States served asthe host for the 1994 world Cup and fielded its national team in the competition .Publicschool provide team sports for the youth .Professional sports are an important part of A‐merican culture and professional athletes are paid very high salaries .Americans enjoy cyc‐ling ,tennis ,swimming ,golf ,bow ling ,jogging ,and aerobics .Physical activity is consid‐ered important for a long and healthy life .Leisure activities include watching television ,

going to movies ,eating out ,having picnics ,attending concerts ,and traveling .

MeasurementsUnlike most countries ,the United States doesn摧t use the international metric system

for measuring size ,weight ,distance ,and temperature .If you will be dealing much withmeasurements ,you should acquire a complete conversion chart .Below are some of themore common measurements you will probably encounter .Most Americans will not be ableto tell you the metric equivalent to an American measurement .Although metrics are taughtin the schools ,Americans have resisted the elimination of their unique system .

U畅 S .Measure                       A p p rox imate Metric Equiv alent1 mile 1畅6 km1 yard (3 feet) 0畅91 m1 foot (12 inches) 30畅48 cm1 inch 2畅54 cm1 pound (16 ounces) 0畅45 kg1 ounce 28畅35 gm1 gallon (4 quarts) 3畅79 L1 quart 0畅95 L

Test 6 - 4


32°F 0 ℃

95°F 35 ℃

To convert Fahrenheit (F) degrees into Celsius (C) ,subtract 32 ,multiply by 5 ,anddivide by 9 .

Transportation and CommunicationAmerica has an extensive network of paved highways ; the private car is the primary

form of transportation .If you plan to drive while you are in the United States ,you shouldhave an international driver摧s license and should be familiar with the road signs ,which donot always conform to the international standard .

In large cities public transportation (buses ,railways ,and subways) is usually availa‐ble .Many people travel long distances by air .T rain travel is limited to short commuterdistances and relatively few cross‐country routes .

The communications network is ex tensive .There are hundreds of radio and televisionstations throughout the country .Most of them are privately owned .Freedom of the pressis guaranteed .Although newspapers are available everywhere ,only about half of the peo‐ple read one every day .Others prefer to watch television for new s .

TravelingIf traveling extensively in the United States ,you should make careful plans ,especially

if this is your first visit .You are free to travel anywhere without restriction .Make flightand hotel reservations in advance .Youth hostels are not as common in the United States asin other countries .Be aware that crime is a problem in large cities : do not carry large a‐mounts of cash ;avoid walking alone at night ;do not leave your possessions unattended ;

and lock the door to your car ,hotel ,or apartment .Crime is not as common as you mightsee on television or in American movies ,but it is still a serious problem in large cities ,andyou should be careful .

If you do travel ,you will find the United States has more than large cities .There arevast areas of wide‐open spaces where several kilometers might separate homes or towns .Insome towns ,life is relaxed and friendly .We invite you to experience this part of the Unit‐ed States as well as its famous cities .

1 .The passage gives a general description of the American attitudes towards internationalvisitors .

2 .The climate in the southwest of America can be described as variable .

3 .The minor variations of dialects is attributed to the American way of life — mobility .

4 .Besides English ,Spanish and Amerindian languages ,there are also some other langua‐Test 6 - 5


ges which are being spoken nowadays .5 .The local telephone book is available in most shopping malls .

6 .If you ask an American about the difference between U畅S .measure and metric equiva‐lent ,he or she might not give you the answer because Americans don摧t know how toconvert them .

7 .If the high temperature in daytime is 40 F ,it摧s probably the season of winter .8 .If you want to travel in the U畅 S .by car ,you have to make sure that you understand the

road signs because                       .

9 .T raveling by train is limited because                               .

10 .While traveling in America ,you are advised                     in advance .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) In a store .   B) At an exhibition .   C) In a factory .   D) In a supermarket .12 .A) The office is in disorder .

B) The man doesn摧t of ten clean his office .

C) The man thinks cleaning is troublesome .

D) The man neither hates nor likes cleaning13 .A) The woman is an exceptional student in his class .

B) The student will probably not be able to complete the course .

C) Circumstances will not permit the woman to take the make‐up exam .

D) The student摧s request will be granted .

14 .A) The man expects Mary to accept a reduced salary .

B) The woman disagrees with the man .

C) The boss notified Mary that she摧s been fired .

D) Mary will be changing job soon .

15 .A) To make one more request to the professor .Test 6 - 6


B) To expand their papers to meet the request .C) To complete their papers within three days .

D) To postpone finishing their essays .

16 .A) Recording the man摧s voice .         B) Hosting a radio program .

C) Recording her own voice . D) Broadcasting on TV .

17 .A) To run into each other . B) To get bargains .

C) To join the crowds . D) To avoid the crowds .

18 .A) The car can摧t reverse . B) The second gear needs to be fixed .

C) The first gear needs to be fixed . D) Something w rong with the motor .Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) She lives so far away .

B) She has no time to visit her parents .

C) Her parents won摧t be back .

D) She need to work but also see her parents .

20 .A) Travel around the area .

B) Volunteer their services .

C) Teach in some schools .D) Visit relatives in the area .

21 .A) She has her own money .

B) She wouldn摧t be able to get a loan .

C) She prefers to be independent .D) Her bills are too high .

22 .A) If she works she can摧t see her parents .

B) She has no experience .

C) She can摧t find work .

D) She wants to relax .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) She wasn摧t quite ready to come back to campus .B) There are more endangered species in zoos than in the wild .

C) The birds won摧t learn to keep away from people .

D) She might change her major .24 .A) To prepare endangered species for life in the wild .

B) To breed animals to sell to zoos .C) To study animal behavior in the wild .

Test 6 - 7


D) To increase the public摧s understanding of endangered species .

25 .A) So that they are protected from scratches by the crane摧s talons .

B) So that they aren摧t exposed to infectious diseases .

C) So that the chicks can be examined in a sterile environment .D) So that the chicks don摧t become dependent on human .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) The Rapid Increase of Vans .       B) Van摧s Past and Present .C) Decorations of a Van . D) An Account of Commercial trucks ,Vans .

27 .A) A truck . B) A palace .

C) An art museum . D) A luxurious train .

28 .A) University students . B) Small children .

C) Young married couples . D) High school students .

29 .A) Because vans can be used for traveling .

B) Because vans are easy to drive .

C) Because vanners need freedom .

D) Because vans are fast .Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .A) The English . B) Peter Minuit .C) The Indians . D) The Dutch .

31 .A) Because of its people . B) Because it is an old city .

C) Because of its location . D) Because it has a lot of culture .

32 .A) Manhattan . B) Queens .C) Brooklyn . D) The Bronx .

Test 6 - 8


Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .A) They have plentiful resources .

B) They are very generous .C) They are richer than people in other countries .

D) They think consuming more can stimulate the development of their economy .

34 .A) They were afraid that other people would occupy their economy .

B) They could make the land richer with the ashes .

C) They could get their nails quicker and easier .D) They liked to see the hardwood go up in smoke .

35 .A) American banks use expensive stationery .

B) American people destroy things that other people save .

C) Too many names of vice‐presidents are listed on the bank pages .

D) The large English bank sent him a letter in a used envelop .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Last month ,the Educational Testing Service began using a new TOEFL .TOEFL isthe (36)       used Test of English as a Foreign Language .It already (37)       the a‐bility to read ,w rite and understand English .The new test does more to bring these skillstogether ,and also measures speaking ability .

The TOEFL examination is used by more than five thousand colleges and universitiesaround the world .About seven hundred fif ty thousand people (38)       the test lastyear .American schools generally require it of foreign students seeking (39)       .

E . T . S .officials say the new test better measures how well students are able to(40)       in English .Skills in reading ,w riting ,listening and speaking are tested in (41)

      .There are questions where test takers must read ,listen and then speak their an‐swer .Or just listen and speak .Or read ,listen and then w rite their answer to the question .

Test 6 - 9


The students speak into a microphone .Three to six examiners will listen to the (42)

      answers .Experts have long said that one of the major required abilities for (43)       college

in the United States is speaking English well . (44)  


The new test is called TOEFL “IBT ,” for Internet‐based test .E . T . S .officials sayit is the first major test of English to be given over the Internet .

Students have already taken the new TOEFL at testing centers in the United States .Itwill be given on October twenty‐second in Canada ,France ,Germany and Italy .(45)  


E . T . S .officials say they expect the new test to change how English is taught a‐round the world .(46)  


P a r tⅣ  Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section ,there is a short p assage w ith some questions or incomp lete state‐ments .Read the p assage care f ully and then answer the questions or comp lete the state‐ments in the f ewest possible words .Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2 .

For every mile they drive ,people age 75 or older are more likely to be seriously injuredor killed in an automobile accident than are drivers in any other age group except for teen‐agers .In fact ,up to age 75 there generally is no significant decline in the mental and physi‐cal abilities needed to drive a car without endangering public safety .Even beyond that age ,

they are not appreciably more likely to have an accident .Rather ,elderly drivers are simply more v ulnerable (脆弱的 ,易受伤害的) .Thus ,

when involved in an accident ,they are more likely to be seriously hurt .Yet in matters oftransportation policy ,old age ,like the weather ,is more often the subject of talk than ac‐tion .When a serious accident caused by an elderly driver makes the new s ,the public re‐sponse often tends to be “Get the old folks off the road !” But aside from raising questionsof basic fairness ,pushing old folks off the road would only raise another problem : how toget the elderly around .The need to move from one place to another does not end declinewith advancing years .There was a time when old people could walk to the market or drugstore .However ,today摧s stores and other facilities are miles away ,of ten accessible only by

Test 6 - 10


roads lacking any room for pedestrians .Although some of the elderly now spend their ad‐vancing years in retirement communities with easy access to needed facilities ,most of themhave stayed out and are as dependent on the car for meeting daily needs as they have everbeen .

The challenge facing the transportation community is how to provide the elderly withthe easy mobility they have enjoyed throughout their lives ,while at the same time protec‐ting them from the risks they face from driving .Already tough enough ,this task will be‐come increasingly hard to deal with .People over age 75 make up one of the fastest‐growingpart of the U畅S .population .In addition ,projections are that an increasing proportion ofthe elderly will continue to drive and at the same time ,there has been little increase in theamount of public resources being committed to meeting the nation摧s alternative transporta‐tion needs ;not only the needs of the elderly but of society at large .

Efforts to improve safety for elderly drivers fall into several main categories :makingautomobiles safer ;making roads safer ;assessing drivers摧 skills and ,where necessary ,ei‐ther offering remedial help or restricting driving privileges ; and developing alternativemeans of transportation ,both public and private .

47 .Why elderly people are more likely to be seriously injured or killed in an automobile ac‐cident ?


48 .What is the public response when a serious accident caused by an elderly driver makesthe new s ?


49 .How do most of the elderly people now meet their daily needs ? 

50 .What is the challenge facing the transportation community ?


51 .How many efforts are mentioned in the passage to improve safety for elderly drivers ? 

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .

Test 6 - 11


Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage .

It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies inthe 10th and 11

th centuries .As a wife ,the woman was protected by the setting up of a dow‐ry or decimum .Admittedly ,the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of de‐sertion ,but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much moreimportant .The decimum was the wife摧s right to receive a tenth of all her husband摧s proper‐ty .The wife had the right to withhold consent , in all transactions the husband wouldmake .And more than just a right ,the documents show that she enjoyed a real power ofdecision ,equal to that of her husband .In no case do the documents indicate any degree ofdifference in the legal status of husband and wife .

The wife shared in the management of her husband摧s personal property ,but the oppo‐site was not always true .Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritanceagainst husbands who tried to exceed their rights , and on occasion they showed a finefighting spirit .A case in point is that of Maria Vivas ,a Catalan woman of Barcelona .Hav‐ing agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited for the needs of thehousehold ,she insisted on compensation .None being offered ,she succeeded in draggingher husband to the scribe (印刷术发明前的抄写员) to have a contract duly drawn up as‐signing her a piece of land from Miro摧s personal inheritance .The unfortunate husband wasobliged to agree ,as the contract says ,“for the sake of peace” .Either through the dow ryor through being hot‐tempered ,the Catalan wife knew how to win herself ,within the con‐tex t of the family ,a powerful economic position .

52 .A decimum was       .

A) the wife摧s inheritance from her fatherB) a gif t of money to the new husbandC) a w ritten contractD) the wife摧s right to receive one‐tenth of her husband摧s property

53 .In the society described in the passage ,the legal standing of the wife in marriage was      .

A) higher than that of her husbandB) lower than that of her husbandC) the same as that of her husbandD) higher than that of a single woman

Test 6 - 12


54 .What compensation did Maria Vivas get for the field ?

A) Some of the land Miro had inherited .

B) A tenth of Miro摧s land .

C) Money for household expenses .

D) Money from Miro摧s inheritance .

55 .Could a husband sell his wife摧s inheritance ?A) No ,under no circumstances .

B) Yes ,whenever he wished to .

C) Yes ,if she agreed .

D) Yes ,if his father‐in‐law agreed .

56 .Which of the following is NOT an effect of the dow ry system ?

A) The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage .

B) The wife was protected from desertion .

C) The wife gained a powerful economic position .

D) The husband was given control over his wife摧s property .

Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

Under the 1944 act ,primary and secondary education became a local responsibility .

Local Education Authorities (LEAs) employ the teachers and are the major providers ofeducation .In addition ,a few schools are run by voluntary bodies ,mostly religious .Thereis also a small private sector .

Primary education is free and compulsory from age 5 to 11 .Secondary education ,

which is organized in a variety of ways ,is provided by LEAs for children aged 11 to 19 ;itis free and compulsory to age 16 (the minimum leaving age being raised from15 in 1972) .

Teachers employed by the LEAs are paid on an agreed national scale .Primary and seconda‐ry education is financed almost entirely by the state out of central and local tax revenues .

Under the 1944 act children were examined at age 11 (the so‐called eleven plus) ,onthe basis of w hich they were assigned either to grammar schools ,which prepared them forhigher education ,or to secondary modern schools ,which they usually lef t at the minimumleaving age ,of ten without having passed public examinations or having been awarded a cer‐tificate .In 1964 the Labour government reorganized secondary education on comprehensivelines ;that is ,each school accepted pupils of all abilities .The eleven plus was abolished inmany areas ,and the great majority of children now go to comprehensive schools .

The education Reform Act of 1988 brought about substantial changes .Of its provi‐Test 6 - 13


sions for schools ,five were particularly important .It laid on the secretary of state a dutyto establish a national curriculum ,applicable to all state schools ;introduced a system bywhich individual schools controlled their own management and finance ; and permittedschools to apply to get out of control by local authorities . In addition ,schools were re‐quired not overly to restrict numbers ,and the Inner London Education Authority ,whichprovided education in the inner London boroughs ,was abolished .

57 .The first paragraph tells the reader that in Britain ,in accordance with the 1944 act  


A) the government no longer cared about the secondary and primary educationB) Scotland had to be responsible for its secondary and primary educationC) there were more schools run by voluntary religious organizationsD) private organizations and institutions could also run their own schools

58 .Before 1972 ,       .

A) children under the age of 15 must go to schoolB) only children under 16 did not pay for their educationC) children could choose not to receive secondary educationD) secondary education was completely free

59 .The eleven‐plus examination is to       .

A) test the students on their grammar know ledgeB) prepare the students for higher educationC) prepare the students for secondary modern schoolsD) place children into different secondary schools

60 .In 1964 in Britain ,       .

A) secondary modern schools were improved to include children of all abilitiesB) primary education was adjusted to include children of all abilitiesC) most children began to go into comprehensive schools after primary educationD) the eleven‐plus examinations were declared illegal in most cities

61 .The Inner London Education Authority was abolished for the reason that       .

A) it refused to carry out educational reformB) it limited school enrollment to a certain districtC) it failed to follow the national curriculumD) it applied to get out of control by local authorities

Test 6 - 14


P a r tⅤ  Erro r C o rrec tionDirections : This p art consists o f a short p assage . In this p assage ,there are altogether 10mistakes ,one in each numbered line .You may have to add a word ,cross out a word ,orchange a word . I f you add a word ,put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) and the new word in thecorresponding blank . I f you cross out a word ,p ut a slash (∕) both across the word andin the blank . I f you change a word ,cross it out and w rite the correct word in the corre‐sponding blank .

    Young people often wonder at the large number of employers whodo not respond for their applications for jobs .They say that despite en‐closing return envelopes they hear something at all or ,at best ,an im‐personal note is sent declaring that the post to which they applied hasbeen filled .Applicants of ten developed the suspicion which vacanciesare earmarked (特意预留) for friends and relatives and that advertise‐ments are only put out to avert this accusation .Many of them tire withw riting around and feel that if only they could obtain an interview withthe right person their application would meet with success .

Not to acknowledge applicants摧 letters is polite and there seems lit‐tle excuse for this .Yet even sending brief replies to the many who ap‐ply take much time and money .That so‐called return envelope may nothave been stamped by the sender ,and a hard‐pressed office managermay be reluctant to send off long letters of explanation to disappointjob‐hunters .A brief note is all that can be managed and ever that de‐pends on the policy of the firm .But this difficulty is reasonably easy toremove with little goodwill .

62 洓.        

63 .        

64 .        

65 .        

66 .        

67 .        

68 .        

69 .        

70 .        

71 .        

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .72 .Please come and get the books back                   (在你方便的时候) .

73 .The beautiful landscape of his hometown is                     .(远远超出了我的


Test 6 - 15


助 ,及通过兼职自立 。此文的另一个难点是从第一段到第二段的过渡 ,即如何引入你的同

学家庭生活困难这一问题 ,从而提出建议 。

3 .点睛用词

be confronted with ,turn to sb .,sharing bitter as well as happy experience ,in poverty ,

relevant ,help sb .out ,offer a handP a r tⅡ  Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )1 .N .此句与文章内容不符 。

2 .N .此句与 Background : Land and Climate下的第二段第三句不符 。

3 .Y .相关信息在 Language下的第三段第三句 。

4 .Y .相关信息在 Language下的第三段最后一句 。

5 .NG .在 Shopping and Business Hours部分 ,作者只提到可查阅当地电话簿 ,并未提及

哪里能找到电话簿 。

6 .N .此句与 Measurements下的第一段最后一句不符 。

7 .Y .相关信息可根据 Measurements下的对应表推出答案 。

8 .they do not always conform to the international standard .答案在 T ransportation andCommunication下的第一段最后一句 。

9 .it is only for short commuter distances and has few cross‐country routes .答案在 Trans‐portation and Communication下的第二段第三句 。

10 .to make flight and hotel reservations .答案在 T raveling下的第一段第三句 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .B)   12 .D)   13 .D )   14 .D)   15 .C)   16 .B)   17 .D)   18 .C)   19 .D)   20 .B)21 .C)   22 .A)   23 .A)   24 .A)   25 .D)

S ection B26 .A)   27 .C)   28 .A)   29 .C)   30 .A)   31 .C)   32 .D)   33 .A)   34 .C)   35 .D)S ection C36 .widely         37 .measured         38 .took           39 .admission40 .communicate 41 .combination 42 .recorded 43 .attending44 .Many times ,foreign students have earned high scores on the TOEFL but have had

problems at school because they could not speak in class .

Test 6 - 17


45 .It will come into use in testing centers in other parts of the world next year .46 .News reports say many Asian students are worried about the new test .Their English

teachers prepare them mainly to read and w rite ,not speak .

P a r t IV Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .答案 : Elderly drivers are more vulnerable 。事实细节题 。文章的第一段提到 “满 75

岁的人安全驾车所需的脑力和体力均没有显著下降 。即使 75 岁以上的人驾车发生交

通事故的可能也不会高于其他人” ;随后作者在第二段第一句指出了原因 。

48 .答案 :Get the old folks off the road 。事实细节题 。文章第二段第三至第四行提到 “当

老年人开车引起严重车祸时 ,公众的反应往往是 ‘让老年人远离马路’” 。

49 .答案 : They are still dependent on their cars 。推断题 。文章第二段最后一句提到 :虽

然现在有些老年人在老年中心度过余生 ,获取一些必要设施也很方便 ;但大多数人仍

和从前一样依靠小车出行 ,满足日常生活所需 。

50 .答案 : How to provide the elderly with easy mobility 。事实细节题 。答案在第三段第

一句 。

51 .答案 : Four 。文章最后一段 。提高老年人开车安全性的努力主要分为以下几方面 :使

机动车更安全 ;保证路面更安全 ;评估司机的技术 ,必要时 ,提供救援或是限制或废

除某些驾车优先权 ;拓展不同的出行方式 ,包括公共的和私有的 。

S ection BPassage One52 .答案 :D) 。语义理解题 。文章第一段第四句解释了 decimum 一词的意义 : The deci‐

mum was the wife摧s right to receive a tenth of all her husband摧s property ,因此 D) 项

为正确答案 。

53 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。 文章第一段倒数第一句话说 : In no case do the documentsindicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife ,C) 项正是这一表述的同义转换 ,故为正确答案 。 A ) 、 B) 两项与上面的陈述不符 ,故排除 ;D)

项中的 single woman文中并未提及 ,故排除 。

54 .答案 :A) 。 事实细节题 。 文章倒数第三句说 : None being offered ,she succeeded indragging her husband to the scribe to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her apiece of land from Miro摧s personal inheritance ,A) 项与此相符 ,故为正确答案 。其他

三项在文中均未涉及 ,故排除 。

55 .答案 :C) 。推理判断题 。第二段所举的例子中 ,在夫妻都同意的情况下 ,卖掉了妻子

Test 6 - 18


Maria继承的一块土地 ,说明在妻子同意的前提下 ,丈夫是可以出卖妻子所继承的财

产的 ,故 C) 项正确 。 A ) 、 B) 项过于绝对 ,与文意不符 ,故排除 ; D) 项中的 fa‐ther‐in‐law 并未在文中提及 ,故排除 。

56 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。 A) 项出现在文中第七行 : she enjoyed a real power of deci‐sion ,equal to that of her husband ,故排除 ;B) 项出现在文中第三行 : the purpose ofthis was to protect her against the risk of desertion ,故排除 ; C) 项出现在文章最后一句 : the Catalan wife knew how to win herself ,within the contex t of the family ,apowerful economic position ,故排除 。 D) 项与文章第二段第一句 : The wife shared inthe management of her husband摧s personal property ,but the opposite was not alwaystrue不符 ,故为正确答案 。

Passage Two57 .答案 :B) 。推理判断题 。文章的第一段第一句明确指出 : Under the 1944 act ,primary

and secondary education became a local responsibility ,苏格兰作为英国的一个行政区

当然也不例外 ,故可推知 B) 项正确 。 A ) 项在文中没有提及 ,故排除 ; C) 项中的more与文中的 a few 不符 ,故排除 ;D) 项内容正确 ,但不是 1944年法律的规定 ,故

排除 。

58 .答案 :A) 。推理判断题 。第二段指出 : it is free and compulsory to age 16 (the mini‐mum leaving age being raised from 15 in 1972) ,由此可推断 1972年以前 ,结束中等教

育的最低年龄为 15岁 ,而且为免费的义务教育 ,故 A) 正确 。 B) 、 C) 两项与上面的描述不符 ,故排除 ;D) 项说中等教育是完全免费的 ,与事实不符 ,故排除 。

59 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第三段指出 : “11加” 考试是指学生在 11岁参加考试 ,

以便将他们编入不同的学校 ———普通中学 ,准备上大学或中等现代学校 ,为就业做准

备 。因此 D) 项为正确答案 。其他三项均与上面的内容不符 ,故排除 。

60 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。第三段提到 :1964年工党政府按照综合性的要求 ,对中等教

育机构进行改革 ,学校接受各种学生 ,不管其能力如何 ,结果 “11加” 考试在很多地

方被取消 ,绝大多数学生都进入普通中学学习 。因此 C) 为正确答案 。 A ) 、 B) 两项的内容与这次改革无关 ,D) 项的内容不符事实 ,故排除 。

61 .答案 :B) 。推理判断题 。文章最后一句话说 :学校不能过分限制招生人数 ,只为本学

生提供教育的伦敦中心教育局被撤销了 ,由前后文的关系可以推断出 ,伦敦中心教育

局被撤销的原因是它把入学地区限制在一定范围内 ,故 B) 正确 。其他三项都不是被

撤销的原因 ,故排除 。

P a r tⅤ  Erro r C o rrec tion62 .答案 : for ( to 。 respond to固定搭配 ,意为 “对 ⋯ ⋯产生反应” 。句意为 :年轻人常常

Test 6 - 19


奇怪 ,大部分雇主对于他们的工作申请并不给予回音 。

63 .答案 : something ( nothing 。本句中 though表示让步关系 ,而 at all一般放在否定句中 ,强调语气 ,显然这里 something应改为 nothing 。如果不改的话 ,句意也不通 。本

句句意 :他们说尽管 (工作申请里) 附上了回函信封 ,他们还是没有接到任何消息 。

64 .答案 : to ( for 。本句中 to which引导定语从句 ,限定 post ,而 which前面的介词应该与 apply 构成搭配 ,表示 “申请 ⋯ ⋯ ” 。而 apply 的固定搭配是 apply (to sb .) for sth .

“ (向某人) 申请某事” ,本句中 the post是申请目标 ,因此应该用 for而不是 to 。65 .答案 : which ( that 。同位语从句引导词只有 that 。

66 .答案 : with ( of 。 tire of固定搭配 ,意为 “对 ⋯ ⋯厌烦” 。

67 .答案 : polite ( impolite 。根据文意 ,对于申请书不予回复是礼貌的 ,这句话本身从常

识的角度就不合情理 ,下文说 ,这样作是没有理由的 ,因此这里应该将 polite 改为impolite ,这样句意就通顺了 。

68 .答案 : take ( takes 。本句主语是 sending ⋯所带的现在分词短语 ,所以要求其谓语 take为第三人称单数 。

69 .答案 : disappoint ( disappointed 。 send off a letter to sb .为固定搭配 ,意为 “寄信给

某人” ,这里 to 为介词 ,后面直接跟人 , disappoint 作为动词不可以直接用在这里 。

事实上 ,这里应该用 disappointed “失望的” ,用以修饰 job‐hunters (找工作的人) 。

70 .答案 : ever ( even 。根据句意 ,一位工作繁忙的经理所能作的就是 (给申请人) 寄出

简短的回执 ,即是如此 ,也要看该公司的规定 。这里应该用 even “甚至 、即使” 表示

转折含意 ;而 ever ,常常用来表示时间 ,表示 “无论何时” 、 “曾经” 、 “总是” 等等 。

71 .答案 :在 little前面加 a ,构成 a little 。因为根据句意 ,稍有诚意的话 ,就不难克服这

一困难 。这里 a little意为 “有一点” ,是肯定的意思 ;而 little “几乎没有” ,为否定

意思 ,不合句意 。

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion72 .参考答案 : at your convenience / when it is convenient for you译文 :请在你方便的时候把书取回 。

73 .参考答案 : far above / beyond my expectation译文 :他家乡的景色远比我预想的美丽 。

74 .参考答案 : have easy access to译文 :在大城市工作有许多有利条件 ,你很容易进入一流大学 、 好图书馆 、 音乐厅

等等 。

75 .参考答案 : are entitled to译文 :这些教授在大学工作多年 ,理应享受一个休假年 。

Test 6 - 20


76 .参考答案 : either fake or (of) inferior quality译文 :公众对矿泉水的兴趣减少了 ,因为市场上不少矿泉水是假冒伪劣产品 。

Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .M :Can you help me ? I摧m looking for electronics exhibits ,I warn to see some TVs ,

videos ,CDs ,that kind of things .W :Well ,several countries are displaying electronics .Korea摧s selection is very large

this year .Q :Where does this conversation most probably take place ?

12 .W :You know ,Marc ,this office is really a mess .How can you find things ?M : I know where things are .Cleaning is such a pain .I mean ,I do clean sometimes .

But you know ,you take a day to really clean — you know ,put everything awayand clean the desk and straighten the files ,and then ,six months later ,you摧 re gotto do the whole thing again .

Q :According to the conversation ,which of he following statements is NOT true ?13 .W :May I take a make‐up exam next week ?

M : It摧s not my policy to give make‐up exams ,but the circumstances in your case areexceptional .

Q :What can be concluded from this conversation ?

14 .M :Mary didn摧t get the raise she asked for so she摧s given notice at the office .

W : She摧s done the right thing .She摧ll be able to get a much better position if she goesto another firm .

Q :What can you infer from the talk ?

15 .M : If Professor Brown was willing to give us three days extension to finish the paper ,maybe he should give us a few more days .

W : Jack ,you shouldn摧t make too many requests .It摧s time for us to work hard to fin‐ish the paper .

Test 6 - 21


Q :What are the two speakers going to do ?

16 .W : Have you ever had your voice recorded ?I once hosted a program for the radio sta‐tion .It摧s so exciting .

M : I摧m not lucky enough .But what I dream of is lo be a broadcaster on TVQ :Which is one of the woman摧s experience ?

17 .M :Well ,this is a pleasant surprise .It seems to me we ran into each other here lastweek .

W : You and I must have the same idea .The only way to beat the crowds when you dogrocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they open at nine o摧clock sharp .

Q :Why did both of them do grocery shopping at nine o摧clock ?

18 .M : Something is w rong with my first gear .It seems to run fine in reverse and drive ,

but when I shif t it into second ,the motor stalls out .W : I hope that it won摧t be too hard to get it fixed .

Q :Which gear needs to be fixed ?

Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneW :Are you going to find a job again this summer ?M :Yes ,of course .Otherwise ,how am I going to pay for the tuition fees in the next se‐

mester ?W : I am thinking of working too but my folks insist I have to spend something with them

during the summer .You know ,I haven摧t seem them for two years .

M : That摧s considering you are only an 8‐hour drive away from your hometown .Whyhaven摧t you been home for so long ?

W : It摧s not that I didn摧t want to go home but because my parents were volunteering in thecharitable organization in Central America for the last couple of years .

M : In that case ,the more you should visit them in the summer .W : That摧s true ,but I didn摧t want to spend the whole summer staying at home .I want to

make some money and pay off my tuition fees too .

M :Well ,you can always get a loan .

W : Loan ?I hate the idea of borrowing .I would rather make my own money and pay itoff .

M : That摧s true .It not uncommon for people to have whopping bills to pay once they havegraduated .

W : Yes ,that摧s exactly what I didn摧t want to get myself into .What do I do about money ?

Test 6 - 22


M :Well ,you can work part‐time when you are at home .There摧s no need to think of thisas a dichotomy .Why not do both ?

W : I was thinking about that but my parents think I should be at home with them full‐time .

M :Well ,I think you do have to make a decision then .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What is the woman摧s main problem ?

20 .What did the woman摧s parents do in Central America ?21 .Why does the woman not want to borrow money ?

22 .What is the problem of working ?

Conversation TwoM : Hi ,Claire .How does it feel to be back on campus ?W :Keach ,hi .Well ,to tell you the truth ,I have mixed feelings .M :Oh ,why ?

W : I have this great summer job that I really hated to leave .I worked at the wild life re‐search center in Maryland .

M : That makes sense for a genetic major .What did you do ?Clean the cages ?W : This is a wild life center ,not a zoo .This place raises endangered species and tries to

prepare them for life in the wild .

M :You mean the endangered species like the tiger and the panda ?W :Well ,endangered species ,yes .But not tigers or pandas . I was working with pea‐

cocks .It was really neat .I taught the baby peacocks how to eat and drink ,and I helpthe vet to give medical check‐ups .

M : I can see why it was hard to leave that job .But how did you teach a bird how to eatand drink ?

W :We covered ourselves up with clothes and used puppets made out of stuffed peacock toshow the baby chicks what to do .Then the chicks copied what the puppets did .

M :Clothes ?Puppets ?Sounds like fun .

W : It was .The clothes and puppets are the key tool of this .We all covered ourselves up ,

the scientists ,the vets ,everybody .You see ,baby birds will become attached to theircare‐takers .

M : So if the care‐taker is a person ,the peacock will stay in places where people are .

W :Yeah .And their chances for survival aren摧t very good .But by covering ourselves andby using birds puppets the chicks are more likely to seek out other birds rather than

Test 6 - 23


people .And their transition to the wild has a better chance of being successful .M :A chance of being successful ?Hasn摧t this been done before ?W : It摧s been successful with some other wild birds .

M :Yeah .It摧s exciting ,isn摧t that ?Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .Why does the woman say she has mixed feelings ?24 .What is the goal of the wild life center ?25 .Why do the staff members cover themselves with clothes as they work ?

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) andD) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

Until a few years ago ,vans were commercial vehicles used mostly by business firms asdelivery trucks .Today , the van has become a palace on wheels .It is a place where theowner of a van ,called vanner ,can relax ,visit with good friends ,eat ,drink ,sleep and e‐ven watch television .

A van may often look like an art museum on wheels .The exterior of vans is a visualfeast of colors and styles .Many vans have paintings of various kinds on the sides or penal .Each van is decorated and finished to reflect the personality of its owner .The most luxuri‐ous van has TV ,a refrigerator and a sink ,etc .Some even have paintings on the walls .

Van is very popular with young married couples with small children ,and with youngpeople ,such as high school and university students .The latter frequently use their vansfor traveling parties ,of ten going from place to place ,or city to city ,gathering friends a‐long the way .

In 1966 there were about 190敞000 vans registered in US .By 1976 sells of vans weremore than 2 million a year .What is the reason for van boom ? Freedom and chance to bewith other people are some of most often expressed reasons .

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What is the main topic of the talk ?

27 .What does a van look like nowadays ?28 .With which group of persons aren摧t vans popular ?

Test 6 - 24


29 .Why are vans booming ?

Passage TwoIn 1626 ,Manhattan Island was purchased from the Indians by Peter Minuit .It cost a‐

bout $ 2敞400 .At first ,it was called New Amsterdam by the Dutch settlers .Later it wasrenamed New York by the English .

The city grew rapidly .There were several reasons for this ,but the most importantone is its location .New York is situated on the best American harbor on the Atlantic O‐cean .It also lies on the Hudson River ,which allow s water transportation into the middleof the United States .

Today New York has a population of approximately eight million .The city has groupsfrom many races .It is famous for its Chinatown .It also has the largest Jewish populationof any city outside Israel .After the blacks were released from slavery ,a large number ofthem moved into cities like New York ,Philadelphia ,and Washington .More recently ,peo‐ple from Puerto Rico have done the same thing .

New York is made up of five boroughs .The Bronx is the only one located on the ma‐inland ,with Brooklyn ,Richmond ,and Queens being on islands .It is a large manufactur‐ing center because factories can be located near good water transportation .Two of the mainbusinesses are the clothing industry and the printing industry .Most large publishing com‐panies have their headquarters there .

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .Who named the city New York ?

31 .Why did New York grow so rapidly ?

32 .Which New York borough is not on an island ?

Passage ThreeWe Americans are wasteful people ,not used to saving .The frontiersmen began this

pattern : for nature摧s resources are so plentiful that no one ever imagined a shortage .With‐in a few years of the first Virginia settlement ,for example ,pioneers burned down theirhouses when they were ready to move west .They wanted to have the nails for future use .

No one ever gave a thought to the priceless hardwood that went up in smoke .As a peoplewe destroy many things that other people save .I noticed this when I was living in Eng‐land .I received a letter from one of England摧s largest banks .It was enclosed in a used en‐velope that had been readdressed to me .Such a practice would be unthinkable in the Unit‐ed States .American banks ,even the smallest ,always use expensive stationery with thenames of 28 vice‐presidents listed on one side of the page .

Test 6 - 25


Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

36 .According to the speaker ,why are Americans wasteful ?37 .Why did pioneers burn down their houses when they were ready to move west ?38 .What makes the speaker feel unthinkable ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Last month ,the Educational Testing Service began using a new TOEFL .TOEFL isthe (36)widely used Test of English as a Foreign Language .It already (37)measured the a‐bility to read ,w rite and understand English .The new test does more to bring these skillstogether ,and also measures speaking ability .

The TOEFL examination is used by more than five thousand colleges and universitiesaround the world .About seven hundred fif ty thousand people (38)took the test last year .American schools generally require it of foreign students seeking (39)admission .

E . T . S .officials say the new test better measures how well students are able to(40)communicate in English .Skills in reading ,w riting ,listening and speaking are testedin (41)combination .There are questions where test takers must read ,listen and then speaktheir answer .Or just listen and speak .Or read ,listen and then w rite their answer to thequestion .

The students speak into a microphone .Three to six examiners will listen to the (42)

recorded answers .

Experts have long said that one of the major required abilities for (43)attending collegein the United States is speaking English well . (44)Many times , foreign students haveearned high scores on the TOEFL but have had problems at school because they could not speakin class .

The new test is called TOEFL “IBT ,” for Internet‐based test .E . T . S .officials sayit is the first major test of English to be given over the Internet .

Students have already taken the new TOEFL at testing centers in the United States .Itwill be given on October twenty‐second in Canada ,France ,Germany and Italy . (45)It will

Test 6 - 26


come into use in testing centers in other parts of the world next year .E . T . S .officials say they expect the new test to change how English is taught a‐

round the world .(46)News reports say many Asian students are worried about the new test .Their English teachers prepare them mainly to read and write ,not speak .

Test 6 - 27

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icHow Should We T reat W ild A nimals .You should w rite at least 120 words ,and base yourcomposition on the table and the outline given in Chinese below .


The year of 1980 览The year of 2004 靠Main reason for the


Pet dogs in a big cityin China about 10敞000 {over 500敞000 ycare of human beings

Chirus in China over 1敞000敞000 èabout 100敞000 憫man摧s huntingfor money

1 .描述图表中反映的信息 (25年间中国藏羚羊数量与某大城市宠物狗数量变化对比及其

原因) ;

2 .你对这一现象的看法 。








Test 7 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 88综合模拟分册 Model Test 77综合模拟分册 Model Test 77综合模拟分册 Model Test 77











P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )(15 m inu te s )Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on A nswer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1 - 7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8 - 10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

Say “No” to Drugs

Drug Abusing has become a serious problem to human beings and the peace and quiet‐ness of the international society have met a severe challenge .Various kinds of campaigns a‐gainst drug abusing and illicit trafficking have been surging . It is now or never that weshould put all irons in the fire to fight against drugs .Approach

“To me it was cool ,I felt like I was in paradise on my first high and everything wasfunny .”

“I am in middle school and almost everyone in my school has sipped or gotten totallydrunk from alcohol .And I have to admit I have to .”

“I started smoking when I was 14 and I smoked for four years on a steady basis .I toldmyself I could stop if I wanted to .I figured it摧s not so bad and I摧ll just stop when I haveto .”

Those are the expressions of the American teen drug abusers摧 motivation .While aYouth Research of Drug Abuse among young people in Hong Kong showed that most abus‐

Test 7 - 2


ers were shown ,led and aroused to the first take by friends who were drug abusers .It re‐flected that the young lacked the watchfulness of the risk of drug .Health risks exist re‐gardless of whether cocaine is inhaled (snorted) ,injected ,or smoked .

About half of the interviewees said that they knew the channels of gaining the sof tdrug .The most common ways — f rom the store , f riends and doctors — show that youngpeople can easily get sof t drug .

People might not consider cigarette and alcohol as drug .But they are not far from itindeed .

“I am a white 16 - year‐old male who is addicted to cocaine .My drug use started withalcohol and marijuana ,then it escalated to LSD ,ecstasy ,pills ,amphetamine ,and finallycocaine .

” As a result of this I am still struggling with this addiction and from time to time Igive in .This drug has ruined my life ,I have become paranoid ,lost weight ,trust no one ,

been to jail for breaking and entering so I could buy more cocaine and most importantly Ihave lost my friends and family .They no longer trust me and neither do my friends .

“So I beg all parents at whatever the cost keep your child away from cocaine and pleasetalk to them about it .It摧s ruined my life please don摧t let it ruin your children .”

The reasons of teenagers taking drugsToday more and more youth are involved in drug abuse without correct guidance and

the trend seems to be more severe among the teens .Generally speaking ,it involves thefactors as follow :

1 .CuriosityPuberty is the most important stage for the teens to form their world view and outlook

on life .Puerility and curiosity is the characteristics of this period , the period that theywant to try anything new in order to fulfill their strong desire for the inaccessible .Mean‐while ,for lack of necessary scientific knowledge and the faculty to make a differentiationbetween right and w rong ,an uncontrollable situation is always foreseeable when teens in‐dulge themselves in this self‐abandoned behavior .According to a recent survey ,70% ofdrug abuser among teenagers due to their curiosity .

2 .Influence of domestic environmentDomestic education and the conduct of the parents have played an important role in the

period when the teens are facing perplexity about their future as well as the challenges andtemptation from the outside world .Well guided domestic environment ensures the teens ofhealthy development for their body and mind while the opposite can even lead to juvenile

Test 7 - 3


delinquency .Therefore ,parents ,as a child摧s first teacher ,have to take up the responsibil‐ity to provide the teens with a model leading to the right choice .A girl was addicted to co‐caine when she was twelve years old and had to become a prostitute two years later so as toearn enough money to buy the drugs — as well as for the mother with 10‐year drug abusehistory .

3 .Heedless make‐friendsIt is very significant for a person to make friends in his whole life .So you have to

make friends discreetly .According to the situation of the teen drug ,there are a majority ofteenagers taking drugs because of heedless make‐f riends .Take Liu for instance ,he had ev‐er received the education of anti‐drug ,and always cautioned his friends against drug .Butin 1992 ,he made friends with a person who has ever taken drug .He decided to experimentaf ter his friend induced that drug can release you from pain and refresh oneself .After that ,he cannot control himself ,joining in the party of druggers .According to a survey in somecountry ,there are 76畅9% of teen druggers addict because of curiosity and friends摧 tempt .4 .Mental Emptiness

Teenagers are immature both in physical and mental .They can be easily influenced bythe outside world .Teenagers face the stress of entering a higher school ,failing love ,etc .

They want to find something exciting to help them escape from those boring things .Drugcan make people excited for a short time and escape from real‐life temporarily .According‐ly ,those teenagers take drug as the tool of getting away from vexation .A millionaire Li ,for the sake of excitement and morbid fashion ,had been addicted to drug .Now she is pen‐niless .A survey on 116 juvenile druggers show s that there are 40% of druggers failing intothe habit because of boring and longing for excitement and comfort .

Finally ,experts claim that parents are the principal influence on their teenagers摧 atti‐tudes towards drug use .Education teens about drugs and the problems that accompanydrug abuse will help them to develop a healthy stance on drugs .

The ways to prevent dugs1 .Enhance anti‐drug education

We should use mass media and schools as stations for anti‐drug publicity .On onehand , teach the public about the teenagers of sucking drug abusing , and make themstrengthen the consciousness and solution of anti‐drug consciously .On the other hand ,

help the youth establish the correct outlook on life and world ,and encouraging them toface bravely the setback and unfortunate in the life ,to solve problems with proper attitudein right ways ,but not to escape the reality by taking drugs .

Test 7 - 4


2 .Cut the drug sourcesStrictly strike various drug criminal activities ,removing the prerequisite and founda‐

tion of drug spreading to the youth .Hence ,public security departments should enhancecooperation with departments of transportation ,customs ,industry and commerce ,etc .,tostop the drug from pervading ,transporting and circulating into our countries through vari‐ous channels to the maximum extent . Raise the financial allocation on cracking downcrimes related to drugs ,to make sure all the facilities for striking crimes are on good condi‐tions .Pay attention to global cooperation and beat the multinational and gang drug‐relatedcrimes .3 .Promote the work of kicking drug habit

At present ,there are still some problems about the work of kicking drug habit .Forinstance ,the quantity of the narcotic house is not enough ,the facilities there are simpleand crude ,the funds are in shortage ,the management is lack of centralized control ,andthe drug‐retaking rate is high .Then ,we must strengthen the leading to the work of kic‐king drug habits , increase the finance and manpower into the work ,and train medicalworkers and other staffs for the narcotic house in a planned way ,to reduce the resuckingrate progressively .

Poppy flowers tempt people to be addicted and fall into evil ;the love flowers inspiredruggers to go back to the society and the family .Let摧s wish with our whole heart and truelove :“Be removed the evil drugs and be precious to love life .”

1 .Most teen drug‐abusers lack the watchfulness of the risk of drugs and were led to theirfirst try by friends with drug‐abusing background .

2 . Places of entertainment ,such as bars and private parties ,are the prevalent channels forteens to gain soft drugs .

3 .Cigarette and alcohol addict are considered by many as serious as drug abusing .

4 .Though having received the education of anti‐drug and always cautioned his friends a‐gainst drugs ,Liu couldn摧t resist his friends摧 tempt .

5 .Domestic education and the conduct of the parents will help guide the teens to face chal‐lenges and temptation from the outside world .

6 .Publicity from mass media and schools are principal influence on teenagers摧 attitudes to‐wards drug use .

7 .More teens are exposed to drugs because of the increasing drug‐related crime rate .

8 .Curiosity drives teens to try anything new that enables them to                     .

9 .Drug can make people feel                       ,but is never a tool to get awayTest 7 - 5


f rom their troubles in reality .

10 .To promote the work of kicking drug habit ,there is a great need for training        


P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) No ,but she has almost done it .     B) Yes ,she has finished it .

C) No ,she will finish it tomorrow . D) Yes ,so she let the man into the room .

12 .A) He is very happy that he is out of bed .

B) He is unhappy though having got a lit tle better .C) He is much better .D) He is getting worse .

13 .A) She had got a bad cold .

B) She had got nothing to relieve her cough .

C) She began to feel bad that morning .

D) She couldn摧t go and see the doctor .14 .A) Mrs .Richards will turn up . B) Mrs .Richards won摧t be here .

C) Perhaps M rs .Richards will come . D) Mrs .Richards will be late .

15 .A) On the street . C) In a bus .

B) At the airport . D) In a post office .

16 .A) She wants to buy something more expensive .

B) She wants to buy something cheaper .C) She asks for something of good quality .

D) She likes something better .17 .A) The article is fine .

B) The article is too long‐winded .

C) On the whole ,she agrees with the man .

Test 7 - 6


D) She thinks it is one of the best ones she has ever read .

18 .A) The woman thinks steel tubes last longer than plastic ones .

B) The woman thinks plastic tubes are as good as steel ones .C) The woman agrees with the man .

D) The woman thinks plastic tubes can be compared with steels ones .Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) Where they should move .

B) How to negotiate with the landlord .

C) How to fight the increase .

D) Whether to accept an increase in rent or move .

20 .A) Stay and negotiate or move .

B) Move close to the University or near the subway .

C) Fight for a small increase or accept an increase offer .D) There is no choice .

21 .A) It is close to the school .B) It is cheap .

C) It has convenient facilities .

D) The tenant agreement is good .

22 .A) Next week .

B) This week .

C) This weekend .

D) By next month .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) Studying in the library .

B) Sleeping in the library .

C) Sleeping in his room .

D) Having a snack outside the library .

24 .A) He doesn摧t talk to the students .

B) He is nice guy but he is never happy .

C) He is always talking to himself .D) Too boring and is difficult to understand .

25 .A) It was about American women instead of the American revolution .

B) The professor talked about a trip and he was challenged .

C) The professor was challenged by a student .Test 7 - 7


D) The professor was challenged by a student by his lack of know ledge of female his‐torical characters .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) Grandville Ohio looks like a 20th century town .

B) Farmers from Massachusetts lef t New England and then settled down there .

C) The Broad Way ,the main street of the town is now the busiest and most prosper‐ous district .D) Many new comers come to Grandville to reside because they like the communityspirit there .

27 .A) Festival celebrations .

B) A football game in spring .

C) Community events for different seasons .

D) Supper at a Presbyterian church .

28 .A) They like change ,yet still keep their conventional community life .

B) They want change and give up their town摧s sense of history .

C) They oppose change .

D) They want to keep the community life only .

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .A) Three o摧clock in the af ternoon . B) Five thirty in the af ternoon .

C) Seven o摧clock in the evening . D) Eight o摧 clock in the evening .

30 .A) 4108 . B) 4118 .

C) 4018 . D) 4811 .

31 .A) Smoking cigarettes ,cigars or pipes is prohibited anywhere in the coach .

B) Smoking cigarettes is permitted anywhere in the coach .

C) Smoking cigarettes is permitted in the last three seats ,but smoking cigars andpipes is

Test 7 - 8


prohibited anywhere in the coach .

D) Smoking cigarettes ,cigars ,and pipes is permitted in the last three seats of thecoach .

Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .A) Reading magazine articles . B) Reviewing book reports .

C) Writing research papers . D) Selecting information sources .

33 .A) Gathering no relevant materials . B) Stealing another person摧s ideas .

C) Sharing notes with someone else . D) Handing in assignments late .

34 .A) Research assistants . B) Magazine publishers .

C) Unscrupulous authors . D) Inexperienced students .

35 .A) In the student摧s own words . B) In direct quotations .C) In short phrases . D) In shorthand .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at (36)       .Thesame problem ,on a smaller (37)       ,faces practically every company trying to developnew products and create new jobs .There can be little (38)       of raising the sort of(39)       needed from friends and people we know ,and while banks may agree to pro‐vide short‐term projects .So companies (40)       to the public ,inviting people to lendthem money ,or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future (41)       .

Thus they do by (42)       stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Ex‐change .By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of (43)       and institu‐tions ,both at home and overseas .

When the saver needs his money back ,he does not have to go to the company withwhom he originally placed it .(44)  


Test 7 - 9


Without hospitals ,electricity ,railways ,the country could not function . (45)  


                                                . The government ,local authori‐ties therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending , andthey ,too ,come to the Stock Exchange .

There is hardly a person in this country whose job does not depend on the ability of hisemployers to raise money to finance new development . In one way or another this newmoney must come from the savings of the country .(46)  



P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , there is a p assage w ith ten blanks .You are required to selectone word f or each blank f rom a list o f choices given in a word bank f ollow ing the p as‐sage .Read the p assage through care f ully be f ore making your choices .Each choice in thebank is identi f ied by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter f or each item on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once .

T raditionally ,universities have carried out two main activities : research and teach‐ing .Many academics would argue that both activities play a   47   role in serving the com‐munity .The fundamental question ,however ,is : How does the community want or needto be   48   ?

In recent years ,universities have been coming under increasing   49   f rom both gov‐ernments and the public to ensure that they do not remain “ivory towers” of study separa‐ted from the   50   of everyday life .University teachers have been encouraged ,and insome cases constrained (强迫) to provide more courses which produce graduates with thetechnical skills required for the   51   useful .If Aristotle wanted to work in a tertiary in‐stitution in the UK today ,he would have a good chance of teaching computer science butwould not be so readily employable as a philosopher .

A post — industrial society   52   large numbers of computer programmers , engi‐neers ,managers and technicians to   53   and develop its economic grow th but “man” ,asthe Bible says ,“does not live by bread alone” .Apart from requiring medical and social

Test 7 - 10


services which do not directly   54   to economic grow th ,the society should also value andenjoy   55   ,music and the arts .In these cost — conscious times ,it has even been pointedout in justification for the funding of the art that they can be useful money earners .A suc‐cessful musical , for instance ,can contribute as much as to the Gross National Product  56   tourist dollars as any other things .A) maintain                                 I) criticalB) organize I) offersC) pressure J) offersD) budget K) requiresE) commercially L) throughF) contribute M ) literatureG) overcome N) realitiesH) served O) circumstances

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

The way people hold to the belief that a fun‐filled ,pain free life equals happiness actu‐ally reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness .If fun and pleasure are equal tohappiness ,then pain must be equal to unhappiness .But in fact ,the opposite is true ;moreof ten than it things that lead to happiness involve some pain .

As a result ,many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happi‐ness .They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage ,raising children ,

professional achievement ,religious commitment (承担的义务) ,self‐improvement .Ask a bachelor (单身汉) why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be

less and less satisfying .If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commit‐ment .For commitment is in fact quite painful .The single life is filled with fun ,adven‐ture ,and excitement .Marriage has such moments ,but they are not its most distinguishingfeatures .

Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night摧s sleep or three‐day vaca‐Test 7 - 11


tion .I don摧t know why any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising chil‐dren .But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a childgrow up or of playing with a grand‐child .

Understanding and accepting that happiness has nothing to do with fun is one mostliberating realizations .It liberates time : now we can devote more hours to activities thatcan genuinely increase our happiness . It liberates money : buying that new car or thosefancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless .And itliberates us from envy : we now understand that all those who are already having so muchfun actually may not be happy at all .57 .According to the author ,a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because       .

A) he is reluctant to take on family responsibilitiesB) he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains singleC) he finds more fun in dating than in marriageD) he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement

58 .Raising children ,in the author摧s opinion ,is       .

A) a moral dutyB) a thankless jobC) a rewarding taskD) a source of inevitable pain

59 .From the last paragraph ,we learn that envy sometimes stems from       .

A) hatredB) misunderstandingC) prejudiceD) ignorance

60 .To understand what true happiness is one must       .

A) have as much fun as possible during one摧s lifetimeB) make every effort to liberate oneself from painC) put up with pain under all circumstancesD) be able to distinguish happiness from fun

61 .What is the author trying to tell us ?A) Happiness of ten goes hand in hand with pain .

B) One must know how to attain happiness .

C) It is important to make commitments .

D) It is pain that leads to happiness .

Test 7 - 12


Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage .

Everyone seems to be in favor of progress .But “progress” is a funny word .It doesn摧tnecessarily mean that something has become stronger ,wiser or better . It simply meanschanging it from being one thing to another and sometimes it turns out to be worse than be‐fore .

Consider medicine ,for instance .No one can say that medical progress has enrichedour lives tremendously .Because of medical advancements ,we eat better ,live easier andare able to take care of ourselves more efficiently .We can cure disease with no more thanone injection or a pill .If we have a serious accident ,surgeons can put us back together a‐gain .If we are born with something defective ,they can repair it .They can make us hap‐py ,restore our normality ,ease our pain ,replace worn parts and give us children .Theycan even bring us back from the dead .These are wonderful achievements ,but there is aprice we have to pay .

Because medicine has reduced infant mortality and natural death so significantly ,thepopulation has been rising steadily ,in spite of serious efforts to reduce the rate of popula‐tion grow th .Less than a century ago in the United States ,infant mortality claimed morethan half of the newborn within the first year of life .Medical advances ,however ,havenow reduced that rate to nearly zero .A child born in the United States today has betterthan a 90% chance of survival .Furthermore ,medical advances have ensured that most ofthose infants will live to be seventy years of age or more ,and even that life expectancy in‐creases every year . The result of this progress is an enormous population increase thatthreatens the quality of life ,brought about by progress in the medical profession .

62 .What does “progress” mean according to the passage ?A) Something has become stronger and better .B) Something has been changed from being one thing to another .C) Something has become funny .

D) Something turns out to be worse than before .

63 .The children born in the United States today       .

A) have much more chance of survival than those in the other countriesB) have as much chance of survival as beforeC) will probably live to be 70 years oldD) have much more chance of survival than that of death

Test 7 - 13


64 .“A price we have to pay” (Line 7 ,Para 2) most probably means       .

A) something we have to lose or sufferB) a large sum of moneyC) something very expensiveD) something desirable

65 .This passage implies that population increase is       .

A) not beneficial         B) helpful         C) threatening         D) dangerous66 .Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage ?

A) Progress doesn摧t always bring about an improvement .B) Modern medicine has made our lives better in some ways .

C) The grow th in population is partly the result of medical progress .

D) Progress is too difficult to understand .

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tionDirections : This p art consists o f a short p assage . In this p assage ,there are altogether 10mistakes ,one in each numbered line .You may have to add a word ,cross out a word ,orchange a word . I f you add a word ,put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) and the new word in thecorresponding blank . I f you cross out a word ,p ut a slash (∕) both across the word andin the blank . I f you change a word ,cross it out and w rite the correct word in the corre‐sponding blank .

    When imaginative scientists first suggested the possibility that oneperson could speak directly to another over a long distance ,few peopletook them serious .Among the few who did was a Scots‐born Americannamed Alexander Graham Bell ,who was one of the first to develop atelephone in 1876 儋.Now the most common mean of voice communicationin the world ,the telephone of today is infinitely less sophisticated andeffective than the crude instrument developed by Bell ,and it is beingused in ways he could not possibly have foreseen .

One area that is been seriously considered is communication service“on the move .” Because America is such a highly mobile society — a so‐ciety on wheels — telephones in cars and trucks are becoming as essen‐tially as those in homes and offices . Industry officials have predictedthat mobile communication service will soon be comparative in many

67 洓.        

68 .        

69 .        

70 .        

71 .        

72 .        

73 .        

Test 7 - 14


P a r tⅠ W riting1 .Sample Writing

How Should We Treat Wild Animals ?

As is shown in the table ,the period of 1980‐2004 saw great changes in the populationof both chirus and pet dogs in a big city in China .While the number of pet dogs remarkablyspeeded up by 50 times under the care of human beings ,the number of chirus sharply de‐creased from 1 million to 100 thousand just due to man摧s greedy hunting for money .

What is revealed in the table shocks me greatly because I think we human beings areplacing ourselves into a dangerous situation by this problem behavior .As is known to man‐y people ,to sustain the development of humankind ,we must maintain the balance of eco‐logical system to which every species makes its own contribution .The excessive killing ofsome species will undoubtedly destroy the ecological balance in the long run and thus en‐danger the existence of human beings ourselves .Therefore ,I suggest that every individualdevotes effort to keep the diversity of animals and that we protect wild animals in the waywe take care of our pet dogs .Otherwise ,man will not only destroy nature ,but also endhis own life .

2 .简评

在描述表格中的信息时要注意对信息进行概括和提炼 ,不能只满足逐项描述 。本文第

一段用两句话准确简洁地描述了表格中反映的信息 ,接着在第二段指出了人类这种做法的

危害并提出了作者自己的建议 ,语言精练 ,分析入理 。

3 .点睛用词

as is shown in the table ,see great changes in ,remarkably speed up by ,devote effort to ,keepthe diversity of

Test 7 - 16


P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion(Skimm ing and S cann ing )Say “No” to Drugs1 .Y .此句与 Approach 中第四段内容相符 。

2 .NG .在 Approach 中第五段作者提到从商店 、朋友和医生处 ,年轻人可得到毒品 ,并

未提到娱乐场所 。

3 .N .此句与 Approach 中第六段内容不符 。

4 .Y .此句与 Heedless make‐f riends 中内容相符 。

5 .Y .此句与 Mental Emptiness 中第二段内容相符 。

6 .N .在 Mental Emptiness 中作者提到影响孩子对毒品的态度方面 ,父母起主要作用 ;在

Enhance anti‐drug education 中 ,也提到媒体和学校的影响 ,但都不是最关键的 。

7 .NG .在 Cut the drug sources 中 ,作者虽然谈到毒品犯罪的种类 ,但未涉及与青少年接

触毒品的关系 。

8 .fulfill their strong desire for the inaccessible .答案在 Curiosity下第三行 。

9 .excited for a short time and escape from real‐life temporarily .答案在 Enhancing anti‐drug education 中 。

10 .medical workers and other staffs for the narcotic house in a planned way .答案在 Pro‐mote the work of kicking drug habit 中第一段最后两句 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .A)   12 .B)   13 .B)   14 .A)   15 .D )   16 .B)   17 .C)   18 A)   19 .D)   20 .A)

21 .A)   22 .C)   23 .B)   24 .D)   25 .D)

S ection B26 .A)   27 .C)   28 .A)   29 .D)   30 .B)   31 .C)   32 .C)   33 .B)   34 .D)   35 .A)

S ection C36 .large         37 .scale         38 .prospect         39 .sums40 .turn 41 .profits 42 .issuing 43 .individuals44 .Instead ,he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking

to invest his money .

45 .All these services require continuous spending on new development if they are to serveus properly ,requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone .

Test 7 - 17


46 .The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel ,and through it these savings can reachthose who need finance .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .I   48 .H   49 .C   50 .N   51 .E   52 .K   53 .A   54 .F   55 .M   56 .LS ection BPassage One57 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第三段说 :你问一个单身汉不结婚的原因 ,如果他诚实

的话 ,他会告诉你他害怕承担义务 ,由此不难看出 A ) 项为正确答案 。 B) 项并不是直接原因 ,故排除 ;C) 项与 he finds dating to be less and less satisfying 不符 ,故排

除 ;D) 项太绝对 ,结婚之后并不是就不会有 fun ,adventure和 excitement ,而是不像以前那么尽兴了 ,故排除 。

58 .答案 :C) 。推理判断题 。文章第四段说 :有孩子的父母如果能睡一夜整觉或度上三天

的假期 ,那真是太幸运了 。我认识的为人父母的人 ,没有谁认为抚养小孩是件好玩的

事情 ,但是决定不要孩子的夫妻永远也体会不到看着孩子成长以及有孙子玩耍的那种

快乐 。由此可见 ,作者的真正的意图在转折后面的内容 ,所以我们可以推断 C) 项正确 ,而排除其他三项 。

59 .答案 :B) 。推理判断题 。文章最后一段的意思是 :真正的幸福与 fun无关 ,这样的观

念使我们不去嫉妒别人 ,因为我们已经理解到那些总是充满 fun的人实际上可能并不幸福 。由此可推断 ,我们有时嫉妒是由于对幸福的误解 ,因此 B) 项正确 。其他三项

在文中没有提及 ,故排除 。

60 .答案 :D) 。推理判断题 。第一 、第二段的第一句话以及第三 、四段所举的例子 ,及第

五段都表明 :要想理解幸福的真正含义 ,必须要区分 happiness 与 fun ,故 B) 正确 。

A) 、 B) 两项与文章的意思不符 ,故排除 ;C) 项太绝对 ,故排除 。

61 .答案 :A) 。主旨大意题 。作者一开头就否定了 “玩乐 、无痛苦就等于幸福” 这一观

点 ,明确提出自己的看法 :实际上 ,导致幸福的事情多半伴随着痛苦 。随后几段都在

论证这一观点 ,很明显 A) 项正确 。

Passage Two62 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章第一段说 : It doesn摧t necessarily mean that something

has become stronger ,wiser or better . It simply means changing it from being onething to another and sometimes it turns out to be worse than before ,因此 B) 为正确答案 。 A) 、 D) 项只是 progress 一词意义的一部分 ,不全面 ,故排除 ; C) 项是对

Test 7 - 18


Progress is a funny word这句话的误解 ,故排除 。

63 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第三段提到 : A child born in the United States todayhas better than a 90% chance of survival .D) 项正是对这一陈述的同义转换 ,因此为

正确答案 。 A) 项在文中并未提及 ,作者并没有把美国新生儿的成活率与其他国家作

横向比较 ,故排除 ;通过文中的 Less than a century ago in the United States ,infantmortality claimed more than half of the newborn within the first year of life可判断出美国的新生儿成活率有了很大的提高 ,故排除 B) ; C) 项与 medical advances haveensured that most of those infants will live to be seventy years of age or more不完全符合 ,故排除 。

64 .答案 :A) 。语义理解题 。 首先从 but 表达的转折关系可以判断出 a price 与前面的wonderful achievements的意思相反 ,在根据下面的段落不难看出正确答案为 A) 。

65 .答案 :A) 。推理判断题 。从文章的最后一句话 The result of this progress is an enor‐mous population increase that threatens the quality of life ,brought about by progressin the medical profession (这种进步的结果是人口的大量增长 ,这种人口的增长会威

胁到由医学进步所带给我们的生活质量) 可以判断出 ,人口增长对人们来说是没有好

处的 ,因此 A) 为正确答案 。 B) 项与上面这句话不符 ,故排除 ;从上面这句话来判

断 ,人口增长的后果是影响我们的生活质量 ,并没有严重到 threatening 和 dangerous的程度 ,故排除 C) 项和 D) 项 。

66 .答案 :A) 。主旨大意题 。文章开篇即提出 progress ,并以此词的注释作为开头 ,可见

文章的立意在于此 。后面的内容均为了论证这一论点 。

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tion67 .答案 : serious ( seriously 。 take sth ./ sb .seriously 固定搭配 ,意为 “把 ⋯ ⋯当真” ,

“认真对待 ⋯ ⋯ ” 。

68 .答案 :mean ( means 。根据文意 ,电话是目前世界上最通用的声音通讯方式 ,即

means 。69 .答案 : less ( more 。根据文意 ,今天的电话肯定比 Bell最初发明的简单原始的仪器复杂并有效得多 ,所以应该是 more sophisticated and effective .

70 .答案 : been ( being 。根据文意可以判断 , that引导的定语从句中 ,谓语应该是被动语

态的正在进行时 ,即 is being seriously considered 。

71 .答案 : essentially ( essential 。Essential在句中做 becoming 的表语 。

72 .答案 : comparative ( comparable 。 comparable to 固定搭配 ,意为 “可与 ⋯ ⋯ 相比” ,

文中意思为 , ⋯ ⋯移动通讯业务在许多方面将很快与固定电话业务不相上下 。而 com‐parative 意为 “比较性的” ,“相当的” 。

Test 7 - 19


73 .答案 :在 do not前面加上 that ,形成定语从句 ,限制 、说明 telephone 。74 .答案 : like (as 。 regard ⋯ as固定搭配 ,意为 “把 ⋯ ⋯看成 、当作” 。

75 .答案 : have ( has 。本句话的主语是 overseas service ,第三人称单数 ,所以谓语应该用

has 。76 .答案 : have 后面加上 been 。本句话应该用被动语态 ,即 : charges have been greatly

reduced .

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion77 .参考答案 : helps improve the quality of their products and services译文 :市场经济促使企业间相互竞争 ,有利于提高产品和服务质量 。

78 .参考答案 : deprived students of their time for sports and relaxation译文 :频繁的考试剥夺了学生运动和休息的时间 。

79 .参考答案 : has been carrying out a series of reforms译文 :这家国营企业进行了一系列改革 ,旨在促进经营多元化 。

80 .参考答案 : are in urgent need译文 :目前中国发展越来越快 ,迫切需要大量专业人才 。

81 .参考答案 : First priority should be given to译文 :要发展乡村经济 ,应优先考虑筑路 。

Tapescript of Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .M :Good morning .Are you through with the cleaning ?If not ,I 摧11 come back a little

later .W : Never mind ,come right in .I摧ve almost finished it .Q : Has the woman finished her work ?

12 .W : I hear you摧ve been laid up with a bad cold .How are you feeling today ?M : It摧s hard to complain .At least I摧m out of bed now .

Test 7 - 20


Q : How is the man feeling today ?

13 .M : How are you feeling today ?

W :Worse than yesterday .I have a terrible cough and there is not a drop of medicinein the house

Q :What was the woman摧s trouble ?14 .W :Mrs .Richards said she would come .But look at the watch ;it摧s almost 7 o摧clock

now .

M :Don摧t worry .Her word is as good as gold .

Q :What does the man mean ?

15 .M : Is this the parcel post counter ?W :No .Parcel post is at Counter 5 .It摧s right over there .

Q :Where did this conversation most probably take place ?16 .W : The quality is good ,but the price is rather high .Have you anything lower‐priced ?

M : Here .This one is somewhat cheaper .Q :What is the woman摧s problem ?

17 .M : The article sounds all right ,doesn摧t it ?W :Yes .On the whole it摧s very well w ritten — all except the first part .That摧s some‐

what Long‐winded ,I think .

Q :What dos the woman think of the article ?18 :M : I suppose using plastic tubes will save a lot of money .

W :Yes ,it w ill .But they can摧t compare with steel tubes in durability .

Q :What do we learn from the conversation ?

Now you will hear two long conversations .Conversation OneM : Hi Sam ,I hate to bother you but I wonder if I could have a word with you ?W : Sounds so serious .What摧s up ?

M :Well ,the landlord just informed me that he摧s going to increase our rent by two hun‐dred .I摧m wondering how you feel about it .

W : How do I fell about it ?No way — In our tenancy agreement ,it says he will have to giveus three months notice if he wants to increase the rent .

M :Yeah ,that摧s right !It is going to be three months later .Well ,I think he realizes hisrental fee is below the market rate and he must be feeling a bit ripped off when hecould be charging a couple hundred extra .What do you think Sam ?Should we agree tothe raise or find somewhere else ?

Test 7 - 21


W :Good question .I摧m not sure either .The location we摧re at now is quite convenient .Close to the grocery and near the subway .It摧ll be hard to find another location likethis one .

M : I wonder whether he摧ll allow room for negotiation .Perhaps a hundred dollars insteadof two .Maybe he might be more willing to give a bit if we speak to him the right way .

W :Well ,he seems to be a nice guy to talk to .But what if he refuses ?Would you go fortwo then ?

M :Well ,I guess I would ,since it摧ll be hard to find such a convenient location .Besides ,

it摧s close to my school and I can sleep a little later in the mornings .

W : Ha !I figured that摧s what you摧d be concerned about .Well ,I have to give it some seri‐ous thought .I摧m not sure I can afford to cough up an extra hundred a month just tomake sure I can sleep in an extra 15 minutes .

M :Didn摧t you get your loan recently ?That摧ll cover what you need .Besides ,if you couldjust stop spending so much on cafeteria snacks you摧d have lots of money to spare .

W :Yeah ,but I摧m thinking of getting a new laptop .

M :Well I tell you ,there aren摧t a lot of apartments that are cheaper ,even with this newincrease .

W : I know ,so when does he want us to come back on this ?M : He told me to let him know this weekend .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What is the main problem the speakers have ?20 .What are the two choices they face ?21 .What is the advantage of staying according to the man ?

22 .When do they need to decide ?Conversation TwoW : Hey ,Jake ,rise and shine .

M :What time is it .Sheila ?I have no idea how long I摧ve been here .

W : Hmm — the library is too quiet .You need a place that is nice and noisy to study .

M :You摧ve got a point .I always mean to study hard but I quickly doze off .It摧s just tooquiet here .

W :Maybe you were thinking of Professor Carlson摧s chemistry lesson .That摧s as good as asleeping pill .

M :Yeah ,nice guy ,but he just can摧t seem to come down to earth .The whole time heseemed to be talking to himself .

Test 7 - 22


W :You should have been in my history class with Professor Rivers .What a trip !Onestudent got up and challenged him to name 6 women who contributed to the AmericanRevolution .He was speechless .

M : The class must have been buzzing .

W :Especially when the student listing over a dozen names . She was no fool and shewasn摧t going to let him off the hook .

M : Seems he gave Professor Rivers a good lecture .

W :Yeah ,although I kind of felt she should have given him a chance to save his face .Af‐ter all I doubt whether many people can name even one .

M : That摧s true .I sure can摧t .W : Jake ,Jake .You should attend Professor Anderson摧s class on women摧s studies .She

will tell you about people like Sarah Bradlee Fulton ,a spy who was a key figure in theBoston Tea Party .

M : Hmm — Maybe Rivers could join me .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .What was the man doing before the woman arrived ?

24 .What was the man摧s complaint about the chemistry professor ?25 .Why was the history lecture so interesting ?

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) andD) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

Grandville Ohio looks today more like a 19th century New England village than a 20


century Ohio town .The reason is simple .The first settlers were farmers from Grandville ,

Massachusetts and Grandville Canadian .They carefully planned the new town in Ohio be‐fore leaving New England .

The main street of Grandville is called the Broad Way .With its wide sidewalks andlovely trees it has become the downtown area . It is commercial and social center of thetown .There was a strong spirit of community in Grandville .This community spirit at‐tracts newcomers from large cities and suburbs to Grandville to live .

The daily routines of Grandville are broken by special events ,characteristic of differ‐Test 7 - 23


ent seasons .On a day in spring , there could be a supper at a Presbyterian church .On aFriday night in fall ,there could be a high school football game .Nearly all these special e‐vents are really community celebrations .

Grandville is growing as more people discover its attractions . Two large businessfirms have established two research centers nearby Grandville .These businesses providejobs for many residents of the town .

In general ,the people welcome change ,but they also want to keep the town摧s sense of his‐tory ,community life as a heritage of good things of the past and present .Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What is not true of Grandville ?27 .What breaks the town摧s daily routines ?28 .What is the townsfolks摧 general attitude toward the change ?Passage Two

Good af ternoon ,ladies and gentlemen ,and welcome aboard your Scenic Cruiser Bus toSaint Louis ,Memphis ,and New Orleans with changes in Saint Louis for Kansas city andpoints west .

This coach is scheduled to arrive in Saint Louis at eight o摧 clock .You will have a fif‐teen‐minute rest stop at Bloomington at three o摧clock and a half‐hour dinner stop at Spring‐field at five thirty .

Passengers on this coach are scheduled to arrive in Memphis at seven o摧clock tomorrowmorning and in New Orleans at five o摧clock tomorrow af ternoon .Please don摧t forget thenumber of your coach when reboarding .That number is 4118 .

Let me remind you that federal regulations prohibit smoking cigarettes except in the lastthree row s to the rear of the coach .No pipe or cigar smoking is permitted anywhere in thecoach .If you wish to smoke ,kindly move to the last three row s .

This coach is rest‐room equipped for your comfort and convenience .Please watch your stepwhen moving about in the coach .Relax and enjoy your trip ,and thank you for travelingScenic Cruiser Bus Lines .Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .According to the driver ,when will the bus arrive in Saint Louis ?30 .What is the number of the coach ?

What is the federal regulation that the driver reminds the passengers about ?Passage Three

Your assignments this term will be to w rite two major research papers .One of theTest 7 - 24


most important things about w riting a research paper is giving proper credit for yoursources of information .Failure to do this is called plagiarism ,which is a form of intellectu‐al dishonesty .Plagiarism is a kind of stealing or at least an unauthorized borrowing ofsomeone else摧s ideas .Sometimes inexperienced students will plagiarize unintentionally ,andthen be surprised when the teacher won摧t accept their papers or give them a failing grade .

The best way to avoid unintentional plagiarizing is to be very careful in gathering your in‐formation .As you take notes on books and magazine articles about the topic you摧ve select‐ed ,first try to assimilate the information thoroughly .Secondly w rite it down in your ownwords .This is called paraphrasing .If you do a good job of paraphrasing ,you摧ll capturethe main idea from your source without actually using any phrases from it .Most of yournotes should probably be paraphrases .

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard32 .What kind of assignment does the speaker discuss with the students ?33 .What does the speaker warn the students against doing ?

34 .Whom does the speaker mention as likely plagiarizers ?35 .According to the speaker ,how should most of the notes be taken ?

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at (36)large .The sameproblem ,on a smaller (37)scale , faces practically every company trying to develop newproducts and create new jobs .There can be little (38)prospect of raising the sort of (39)

sums needed from friends and people we know , and while banks may agree to provideshort‐term projects .So companies (40)turn to the public , inviting people to lend themmoney ,or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future (41)profits .Thusthey do by (42)issuing stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange .Bydoing so they can put into circulation the savings of (43)individuals and institutions ,bothat home and overseas .

When the saver needs his money back ,he does not have to go to the company withTest 7 - 25


whom he originally placed it .(44)Instead ,he sells his shares through a stockbroker to someother saver who is seeking to invest his money .

Without hospitals ,electricity , railways , the country could not function . (45)Allthese services require continuous spending on new development if they are to serve us properly ,

requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone .The government ,local authoritiestherefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending ,and they ,

too ,come to the Stock Exchange .

There is hardly a person in this country whose job does not depend on the ability of hisemployers to raise money to finance new development . In one way or another this newmoney must come from the savings of the country .(46)The Stock Exchange exists to pro‐vide a channel ,and through it these savings can reach those who need finance .

Test 7 - 26

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icRent O f f Campus . A university set a regulation f orbidding undergraduate students torent o f f campus .You should w rite at least 120 words f ollow ing the outline given in Chi‐nese below .

1 .近来某高校做出规定禁止本科生在校外租住房屋 ,引起了很多争议 ,

2 .你对该校这一规定的看法 。















Test 8 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 99综合模拟分册 Model Test 88




P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing )(15 m inu te s )Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

Reading Academic Writing

University students are of ten surprised by the amount of reading that is required .

Reading will probably take a good deal of your time ,leaving you less time to study .Thesolution is to study as you read .

Recognizing Signal Words Specific vocabulary is used to help the reader follow theauthor摧s train of thought .The reader needs to recognize these signal words in order to un‐derstand how the author has organized the ideas in a tex t .These w riting patterns are sel‐dom used alone .There is usually a dominant pattern with other subordinate patterns mixedin .Your reading comprehension will improve if you understand the organization of whatyou are reading .Your listening and notetaking skills will also improve when you listen forthe same signals .Here are some of the signal words used to show different patterns of or‐ganization that you need to recognized .

To emphasize important points :the key factor / above all / most important / particu‐larly

To generalize :in general / generally / on the whole / on averageTo give examples :for example / for instance / to illustrate / such asTo of fer proof :based on data / as proof / to substantiate / to supportTo show opposition :but / although / despite ,in spite of / on the other handTo contrast :but / in contrast to / differs from / unlikeTo give def initions :is / define / means / definitionTo show condition :if/ whether / unless / providing / provided / in caseTo refute :in opposition / erroneous / to lack consistency / in error

Test 8 - 2


want to read the chapter through very quickly without underlining .When you are ready ,

read carefully .Underline or highlight and make notations in the margins as you read .Asyou read ,try to answer the questions that you asked before you began to read .

RECITE   After you finish reading each section in you book ,stop and try to answerthe questions you formed earlier without looking at the book .You can do this orally or inw riting .If you cannot answer the questions ,look at your book ,review the material ,andthen try again to answer the questions without looking at your book .T ry to summarizebriefly the ideas stated in the chapter either orally or in w riting .By doing this ,you are tes‐ting yourself as you read .

REVIEW  After you finish the whole chapter ,review it entirety .T ry again to answerthe questions and to summarize the chapter .If you do this in w riting ,you can use thesenotes to help you study before an exam .

Learning New Words Can Be a Boring and Tortuous Process

We all know how difficult it is to remember new words when studying English .Longlists of words and heavy vocabulary books make it seem impossible .That摧s why we of tenget inquires about how to memorize new words .So ,we摧ve compiled some practical tips onvocabulary memorization .But remember ,learning new words can be a boring and tortuousprocess ,one that requires a lot of discipline .It is effort that counts most .Whatever tips orsuggestions you get can only facilitate your effort .They cannot replace the effort .Tip No 1

When studying new words ,try to identify prefixes or suffixes .In English ,these areof ten used to change or add to the root word摧s meaning ,creating a new word .Take ,forexample ,the word “move .” We can add the suffix “able” to make the adjective “movea‐ble ;” and then the prefix “im” to give it the opposite sense .There are many books availa‐ble that teach students how to use prefixes and suffixes to help memorize new words .Somehave lists of prefixes and suffixes .But ,our advice is :Don摧t overuse this method and relytoo much on prefixes and suffixes .Since they appear frequently ,you can learn them with‐out memorizing them intentionally .

Tip No 2Practice ,practice ,practice .Studying a word won摧t help very much if you quickly for‐

get it .The saying “practice makes perfect” is certainly true in vocabulary learning .Re‐search show s that it takes from 10 to 20 repetitions of a word to really make it a part ofyour vocabulary .It helps to w rite down the word — both the definition and a sentence u‐

Test 8 - 4


sing it — perhaps on an index card ,where it can be easily reviewed .Review your indexcards regularly to see if you have forgotten any new words .Tip No 3

Make up as many associations and connections as possible when learning words .T ryto relate the word to words you already know ,either as a synonym ,antonym ,or in someother way .This relating of the old with the new will help you memorize it .For example ,

the word “gargantuan” (very large) is similar in meaning to the words gigantic ,huge andlarge .You could make a sequence : small ,medium , large ,very large ,and gargantuan .

Create a mental image of the word that involves strong emotions .Think ,“the gargantuanwhale was going to swallow me whole !”1 .The passage summarizes the efficient ways of doing academic reading .

2 .A w riter usually uses only one w riting pattern in a text .3 .The SQ3R method will enable a reader to understand the reading material better .4 .Active reading will enable a reader to concentrate more easily .

5 .The SURVEY is the preparation step of reading .

6 .By reviewing ,the reader is testing himself as he reads .

7 .SQ3R is the best method of reading academic reading .

8 .Identifying prefixes and suffixes can help learners to   .

9 .Repeating a new word less than 10 times ,a learner is likely to   .

10 .Making connections in learning new words requires learners to   .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) Change her address .                   B) Mail some letters .

C) Deliver some telegrams . D) Call the post office .

12 .A) On a train . B) On a boat .C) On a airplane . D) On a bus .

Test 8 - 5


13 .A) No one come to the history test .B) Everyone was present in the history test .C) History was very popular among the students .

D) No one failed the history test .14 .A) 8 a .m .to 9 p .m . B) 9 a .m .to 5 p .m .

C) 10 a .m .to 4 p .m . D) closed .

15 .A) They didn摧t sing as well as they should .

B) It is unfortunate they didn摧t w in the first prize .

C) It is pitiful that they didn摧t review their song of ten .

D) They should have arrived earlier for the performance .

16 .A) The candy is too expensive .

B) There is not much candy left .C) The candy will harm their teeth .

D) The children don摧t like candy .

17 .A) Discussing a trip . B) Taking some pictures .

C) Reading a book . D) Looking at some pictures .

18 .A) The library remains open during lunch hour .B) The man used to have lunch at home .

C) The man usually goes shopping af ter lunch .

D) The man usually reads books during lunch .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) Holiday plans .

B) How to ski .C) Where to spend holidays .

D) Which place is best for skiing .

20 .A) Last year .B) When he was very young .

C) Last Christmas .

D) 4 years ago .

21 .A) She has no place to go .

B) She wants to ski .C) Her parents are away .

D) She loves Christmas .22 .A) She will challenge him .

Test 8 - 6


B) She will easy on him .

C) She will be safe .

D) She will take her home .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) He doesn摧t know what color his friend likes in a gif t .B) His friend has a broken bag .

C) The gif t he wants isn摧t there .

D) He doesn摧t know what his friend will find useful in a gif t .24 .A) A gif t should be decorative .

B) A gif t should be reasonable .

C) A gif t should be something he likes and show off to others .

D) A gif t shuld just have some useful functions .25 .A) Try a color he hasn摧t tried before .

B) T ry a color that stands out .C) Try a color that is similar to the last one .

D) T ry the same color as the last one .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) They live on their parents摧 income .

B) They live on begged food .

C) They live on food given by others .D) They live on potatoes only .

27 .A) Their parents died of AIDS .

B) Their teachers died of AIDS .

C) They had no money to pay for the tuition .

D) They were infected with HIV .

28 .A) About 4畅2% .

B) About 10% .

Test 8 - 7


C) About 20% .

D) Less than 30% .

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .A) Being compulsory in most countries .

B) Covering differently according to different situations .

C) Sharing risks of possible losses .

D) Helping the needy to survive .

30 .A) To prove that buying insurance is a wasted investment .B) To prove that it is wise to spend money on insurance .

C) To tell us that the sense of security is very important in driving .

D) To tell us that accidents may take place at any time .

31 .A) Business ,poverty and health insurance .

B) Car ,liability and life insurance .

C) Liability ,home and life insurance .

D) Property ,disability and health insurance .

Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .A) It is education . B) It is a concept .C) It is an organization . D) It is development .

33 .A) To establish the students摧 confidence .

B) To face danger and challenge .

C) To enhance the students摧 ability .

D) To overcome discomfort and frustration .

34 .A) The first .       B) The second .       C) The first two .       D) The third .

35 .A) Inevitable . B) Indispensable . C) Helpful . D) Amusing .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Test 8 - 8


注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Millions of Americans take part in adult education programs .Some adults are (36)  

    high school ,college or graduate school work .They attend classes (37)       espe‐cially for working people on weekends or at night .Other adults take classes by mail or ontheir computers .For example , the University of Arizona Extended University is one ofmany colleges now (38)       such courses .

Other adults learn job skills like computer science or wood‐working .Still other adultstudents learn to read or improve their English .

Some adult students are not trying to finish their education or learn job skills . In‐stead ,they want to (39)       new interests .They want to learn to speak a foreign lan‐guage ,play a musical (40)       or take good pictures .They attend continuing educationprograms at a community college or public school .For example ,Montgomery College inRockville ,Maryland ,offers many classes .They teach adults how to build a house or howto w rite their (41)       .

Adult education classes (42)       in schools ,public libraries and business offices .They also meet in (43)       centers or shopping centers .Classes in nature sciences andsports often take place outside .


                                            . These people say they want to con‐tinue developing their brains .

Some programs for older adults include travel .For example , the nonprofit organiza‐tion Elderhostel serves hundreds of thousands of people over age fif ty‐five .One Elderhos‐tel program takes place in the famous southern American city of New Orleans ,Louisiana .


                          .Students travel there to learn about New Orleans food ,

music ,history ,art and building design .



P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )Directions : In this section ,there is a short p assage w ith some questions or incomp lete state‐ments .Read the p assage care f ully and then answer the questions or comp lete the state‐ments in the f ewest possible words .Please w rite your answers on Answer Sheet 2 .

When it comes to predicting whether or not a romantic relationship is going to last ,Test 8 - 9


the female partner摧s friends seem to be particularly astute (机敏的) ,according to newstudy findings .The couple摧s joint friends are of ten good at predicting the success of the re‐lationship as well ,researchers report .To investigate ,Agnew摧s team performed a study of74 male‐female couples and their network of friends ,including both their joint friends andtheir individual friends .All of the participants ,including the couple members ,were askedto give their perceptions about the couple摧s relationship .

Study results show that the perceptions of the couples摧 joint friends and those of thefemale摧s friends were more successful in predicting the relationship摧s fate through the next6 months than the perceptions of the male摧s friends .Furthermore ,the perceptions of thefemale摧s friends remained significant predictors of the couple摧s fate even when the couplemembers摧 own perceptions were taken into consideration .

The reason for this may be that couple members have a “ tremendous personal stake(利害关系) in the romance that clouds their judgments regarding it ,” the researchers sug‐gest .“Sometimes our very involvement in a relationship can prevent us from seeing our re‐lationship as it is ,” Agnew said .

The female摧s friends ,in contrast ,are “ less biased” (有偏见的) and are therefore ableto make more successful predictions . In addition , women , in comparison to men , areknown to share more realistic and more intimate information about their relationships withtheir friends .Thus ,her friends may have more access than his friends to the relevant in‐formation on which their relationship predictions are based .

In other findings ,couples with a higher number of joint friends were more committed ,

satisfied and invested in the relationship ,and were more likely to have remained togetherby the 6‐month follow‐up .

“Having more joint friends in your social network acts to reduce your involvementwith your potentially commitment‐threatening individual friends ,” Agnew explained .Indi‐vidual friends “do not necessarily even know your partner and might lead you away fromyour partner ,either deliberately by introducing you to tempting alternative partners ,or ac‐cidentally ,by putting you in an environment whereby you are tempted .”

47 .What are the subj ects (实验对象) of the study ? 

48 .What摧s the objective of the study ?


49 .Who are more successful in judging the couples relationship ?


Test 8 - 10


50 .Why can female摧s friends make successful predictions ? 

51 .What should they do if the couple want to keep their relationship ?


S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage .

The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women .During the twenti‐eth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman摧s lifespent in caring for the children .A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth centurywould probably gave been in her middle twenties ,and would be likely to have seven oreight children ,of w hom four or five lived till they were five years old .By the time theyoungest was fif teen ,the mother would have been in her early fif ties and would expect tolive a further twenty years ,during which custom ,opportunity and health made it unusualfor her to get paid work .Today women marry younger and have fewer children .Usually awoman摧s youngest child will be fif teen when she is twenty‐five years old and is likely totake paid work until retirement at six ty .Even while she has the care of children ,her workis lightened by household appliances and convenience foods .

This important change in women摧s life‐pattern has only recently begun to have its fulleffect on women摧s economic position .Even a few years ago most girls lef t school at thefirst opportunity ,and most of them took a full‐time job .However ,when they married ,

they usually lef t work at once and never returned to it .Today the school leaving age is six‐teen ,many girls stay at school af ter that age ,and tough women tend to marry younger ,more married women stay at work at least shortly before their first child is born .Verymany more af terwards return to full or part‐time work .Such changes have led to a new re‐lationship in marriage ,with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satis‐factions of family life ,and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providingthe money ,and running the home ,according to the abilities and interests of each of them .

52 .According to the passage ,it is now quite usual for women to       .

A) stay at home af ter leaving school         B) marry men younger than themselvesTest 8 - 11


C) start working again later in life D) marry while still at school53 .We are told that in an average family about 1900       .

A) many children died before they were five years oldB) seven or eight children lived to be more than five years oldC) the youngest child would be fif teen years oldD) four or five children died when they were five years old

54 .Many girls ,the passage claims ,are now likely to       .

A) give up their jobs for good after they are marriedB) leave school as soon as they canC) marry so that they can get a jobD) continue working until they are going to have a baby

55 .One reason why the woman of today may take a job is that she       .

A) is younger when her children are old enough to look af ter themselvesB) does not like children herselfC) need not worry about food for her childrenD) can retire from family responsibilities when she reaches six ty

56 .Nowadays ,a husband tends to       .

A) play a greater part in looking af ter the childrenB) help his wife by doing most of the houseworkC) feel dissatisfied with his role in the familyD) take a part‐time job so that he can help in the home

Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

There are a great many careers in which increasing emphasis is on specialization .Youfind these careers in engineering ,production , in statistical work , and in teaching .Butthere is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in a great area at a glance ,

people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field .There is ,in other words ,a demand for people who are capable of seeing the forest rather than the trees ,of makinggeneral judgments .We can call these people “generalists” .And they are particularly nee‐ded for positions in administration ,where it is their job to see that other people do theirwork ,where they have to plan for other people ,to organize other people摧s work ,to beginit and judge it .

The specialist understands one field ;his concern is with technique and tools .He is a“trained” man ;and his educational background is properly technical or professional .The

Test 8 - 12


generalists and especially the administrators deal with people ;his concern is with leader‐ship ,with planning ,and with direction giving .He is an “educated” man ;and humanitiesare his strongest foundation .Very rarely is a specialist capable of being an administrator .And very rarely is a good generalist also a good specialist in a particular field .Any organi‐zation needs both kinds of people , though different organizations need them in differentproportions .It is your task to find out ,during your trained period ,into which of the twokinds of jobs you fit ,and to plan your career accordingly .

Your first job may turn out to be the right job for you but this is a pure accident .Cer‐tainly you should not change jobs constantly or people will become suspicious of your abili‐ty to hold any job .At the same time ,you must not look upon the first job as the final job .

It is primarily a training job ,a chance to understand yourself and your fitness for being anemployee .

57 .There is an increasing demand for       .

A) all round people in their won fieldsB) people whose job is to organize other people摧s workC) people whose educational background is either technical or professionalD) specialists whose chief concern is to provide administrative guidance to others

58 .The specialist is       .

A) a man whose job is to train other peopleB) a man who has been trained in more than one fieldC) a man who can see the forest rather than the treesD) man whose concern is mainly with technique and tools

59 .The administrator is       .

A) a “trained” man who is more a specialist than a generalistB) a man who sees the trees as well as the forestC) a man who is very strong in the humanitiesD) a man who is an “educated” specialist

60 .During your trained period ,it is important       .

A) to try to be a generalistB) to choose a profitable jobC) to find an organization which fits youD) to decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist

61 .A man摧s first job       .

A) is never the right job for himTest 8 - 13


B) should not be regarded as his final jobC) should not be changed or people will become suspicious of his ability to hold any

jobD) is primarily an opportunity to fit himself for his final job

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tionDirections : This p art consists o f a short p assage . In this p assage ,there are altogether 10mistakes ,one in each numbered line .You may have to add a word ,cross out a word ,orchange a word . I f you add a word ,put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) and the new word in thecorresponding blank . I f you cross out a word ,p ut a slash (∕) both across the word andin the blank . I f you change a word ,cross it out and w rite the correct word in the corre‐sponding blank .

    Economics is a way of understanding human behavior and of solvingproblems that characteristically involve scarce .Economics is importantbecause it provides a method to help make clearly a wide range of prob‐lems affecting human welfare .It has traditionally been thinking that e‐conomics is concerned with such broad topics wealth and income ; theproduction and contribution of goods ;money and banking ;the determi‐nation of prices ,employment and unemployment ;short‐term changes inthe level of business activity ;and long‐term trends that make some na‐tions rich and keep others poor .But economics has actually been con‐cerned also with the welfare ,working and living conditions ,and free‐dom of the individual person .The nineteen‐century English economistAlfred Marshall sought to show the universal importance of economicswhen he said that it is a study of man in the ordinary business of life .

He also notes that economics examines that part of individual social ac‐tivity that is concerned with getting and using the materials necessaryfor health and happiness .

Economics is a study of wealth and an important part of the study ofmen .This is because man摧s character has been shaped by his daily work ,andthe material resources he gains from them .In general ,then ,economics is a‐bout individual and social behavior and values .You can understand much a‐bout your society without having some knowledge of economics .

62 洓.        

63 .        

64 .        

65 .        

66 .        

67 .        

68 .        

69 .        

70 .        

71 .        

Test 8 - 14


P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .72 .What                       (塑造孩子的性格) ,family education or the social en‐

vironments ?73 .Psychologists are aware that both language and learning are                      

(从某种意义上说来) social phenomena .

74 .Our factory has dedicated itself to developing new products ,aiming at              

          (更具竞争力) in the international market .75 .As a part of quality‐oriented education scheme ,the school               (正在尝试)

new teaching methods .76 .This kind of automobile has an enormous advantage in that it                 (符合

标准) of environment protection .

P a r tⅠ W riting1 .Sample Writing

Rent Off Campus

Recently ,a piece of new s caught my sight reporting that some universities forbad un‐dergraduate students to rent off campus .The news arouses arguments among my friendswho present varied opinions .Some who are for the regulation claim that undergraduatestudents should live on campus where they can concentrate on their study and college life .

While ,those who are against the regulation hold that the university has no right to forbidthe students to rent off campus .When they do so ,students can live independently and en‐joy more freedom .

Personally ,I don摧t think it advisable for the university to set such a regulation ;how‐Test 8 - 15


ever ,I do believe undergraduate students can benefit from renting on campus .First of all ,no one can deny that it is far cheaper and convenient to live on campus . In addition ,

students won摧t be distracted by lots of housework .What摧s more ,there are a variety of ac‐tivities at evenings on campus ,through which students can show their talents or exchangeideas or view with experts .In short ,renting on campus has more advantages over rentingoff campus .

2 .简评

文章突出的特点在于观点阐述详细具体 ,且利用句子结构 ,形成一句多点 。如 ,第一段中

阐述正反两方观点时 ,通过 where引导的从句阐明住校内的优点 ;又利用连词 while ,形

成观点对比 ,前后两句在结构上平行对仗 。又如 ,第二段 what摧s more中 ,通过定语从句

说明学生可以从校园生活的各种活动中受益 ,句子简洁不赘 。

3 .点睛用词

arouse arguments ,present different opinions ,as well as ,enjoy more freedom ,advisable ,

no one can deny that ⋯ ,(school) facilitiesP a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kim


P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .D)   12 .C)   13 .B)   14 .B)   15 .B)   16 .C)   17 .D)   18 A)   19 .A)   20 .B)21 .C)   22 .A)   23 .D)   24 .D)   25 .C)S ection B26 .C)   27 .B)   28 .B)   29 .C)   30 .B)   31 .D)   32 .B)   33 .A)   34 .D)   35 .C)S ection C36 .completing         37 .designed         38 .providing         39 .explore40 .instrument 41 .memories 42 .meet 43 .religious44 .Education experts say the large numbers of retired Americans are a major reason for

the popularity of adult education .

45 .The program teaches older adults about the special culture of the city .

46 .Today ,more and more American adults are proving that education is not only foryoung people .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection AShort Answer Passage :

47 .答案 :Couples and their friends 。事实细节题 。从文章的第一段第三句可找到答案 。

48 .答案 : Learning who makes more successful predictions about the couples摧 relation‐ship 。事实细节题 。答案在文章第一段第一句和第二句 。

49 .答案 : The couple摧s joint friends and the female摧s friends 。事实细节题 。答案在文章第

二段第一句 。

50 .答案 : They can acquire the more accurate information about the relationship 。综合理

解题 。答案在第四段 。

51 .答案 : Have more joint friends 。综合文章最后两段可得出答案 。

S ection BPassage One52 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。从文章第一段第五 、第六句可得知 :如今妇女用在照顾孩子

上的时间大大缩短 ,妇女在 45岁时 ,最小的孩子也已经是 15岁 ,那么妇女可以出去

工作至 60岁退休 ,即在年纪较大时也可出去工作 ,故正确答案为 C) 。 A ) 项与第二

Test 8 - 17


段的第四句不符 ;B) 项混淆了第二段中的 marry younger的意思 ,这里的 younger是相对于以前的结婚年龄而言 ,并不是说妇女与比自己小的男人结婚 ;D) 项在文中并

没有提及 。

53 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第一段第三句说 :在十九世纪末 ,如果一个妇女生七 、

八个孩子就会有四五个活到 5 岁就死了 ,这与 D) 项完全一致 ; A) 项说有许多孩子

在 5岁前就死了 ,这种说法有其可能性 ,但不准确 ,与上面那句话不符 ;B) 项也与第一段第三句话不符 ; C) 项是对第一段第五句话的断章取义 ,没有注意到该句中

when引导的时间状语从句指出 :当妇女们五十多岁时最小的孩子也有 15岁了 ,并不

是说 19世纪时这些家庭中最小的孩子 15岁 。

54 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段第四句说 :如今离校的年龄是 16 岁 ,而许多女

孩过了 16岁仍然待在学校 ,尽管妇女结婚的年龄越来越小 ,但更多的已婚妇女起码

继续工作直到她们的第一个孩子出生 ,D) 项与此完全一致 。 A ) 项与上面的句子不

符 ,B) 、 C) 两项没有从原文出发 ,文中并没有提及女孩子们尽快地离开学校 ,也没

有说她们结婚以便得到一份工作 。

55 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第一段倒数第二句提到 :通常 ,一名妇女最小的孩子 15

岁时 ,她才 45岁 ,很可能从事一份有酬工作 ,直到 60岁退休 ,A) 项体现了这层意

思 。 B) 项在文中并没有提及 ,而且不符合常理 ;C) 项错误地理解了第一段最后一句话的意思 ,方便食品以及家用电器可以减轻妇女们的家务劳动并不意味着她们不用操

心孩子们的食物 ;D) 项也是与第一段倒数第二句话不符 ,文中说妇女 60岁退休是指

从工作中退休而不是从家庭事务中退休 。

56 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段最后一句提到 : the husband accepting a greatershare of the duties and satisfactions of family life ,A ) 项中的 part 与此句中的 share同义 ,故为正确答案 。 B) 项中没有理解 greater的意义 ,这里比较的是丈夫现在与过

去所承担的家务 ,而不是说丈夫比妻子干更多的家务 ;C) 、 D) 两项在文中并未提及 ,

故排除 。

Passage Two57 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章第一段说到 :对于那些 are able to take in a great area的人 ,也就是 “通才” 的需求呈上升趋势 ,紧接着对于这类人做了详细的说明 ,而选项

B) 恰恰是通才的工作之一 。 A) 、 D) 两项混淆了 “通才” 和 “专才” 的界定 ,而 C)项中的人属于 “专才” 的范围 。

58 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段第一句话明确指出 : The specialist understandsone field ;his concern is with technique and tools ,D) 项与此一致 ,为正确答案 。紧

接着说 He is a trained man ,因此 A) 项是不正确的 ;B) 项与第二段第一句的 under‐stands one field不符 ;C) 项是对于 “通才” 的描述 ,故也不正确 。

Test 8 - 18


59 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段说 “通才” ,尤其是管理者的工作对象是人 , hu‐manities are their strongest foundations ,所以 C) 项为正确答案 。 A ) 、 D) 两项中均

出现了 specialist ,故不正确 ; C) 项说 “见树又见林” ,应该是 “专才” 加 “通才” ,

因此也不符合要求 。

60 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章第二段的最后一句话说 ,在培训期间你的任务是确定自

己适合成为什么样的雇员 ,根据上下文判断这里的雇员指上文提到的 specialist 还是generalist ,因此 D) 项为正确答案 。 A) 、 C) 都与上面的意思不符 ;而 B) 项在原文中并未提及 。

61 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章倒数第二句明确指出 : At the same time ,you must notlook upon the first job as the final job ,因此 B) 项为正确答案 。 A) 项过于绝对 ,与

第三段的第一句内容不符 ;C) 项也过于绝对 ,与第三段第二句不符 ,忽略了句中的

修饰词 constantly ;D) 项是对最后一句话的曲解 ,原文并未提及培训阶段是找到最终

的工作的一个机会 。

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tion62 .答案 : scarce ( scarcity 。本从句中谓语 involve后面要求宾语 ,而形容词不能做宾语 ,

所以应改为 scarcity (缺乏) 。

63 .答案 : clearly ( clear 。本句中 clear 做宾语补足语 ,即 :make ⋯ problems clear ,而不是用来说明动词 make 。

64 .答案 : thinking ( thought 。固定句型 it has been thought that ⋯意为 “一直被认为” ,

“人们一致认为” 。

65 .答案 :在 wealth前面加上 as 。 such ⋯ as固定搭配 。本句句意为 ,传统观念一直认为 ,

经济学与诸如财富 、收入等范围广阔的课题相关 。

66 .答案 : contribution ( distribution 。contribution (贡献) 显然与其所在句的语境冲突 ,

而通过句意我们可以推测出 distribution (分配 、分销) 应该为正确的用词 。

67 .答案 : nineteen‐century ( nineteenth‐century ,表示 “十九世纪的” ,连字符前应该用

序数词 。

68 .答案 : notes ( noted 。Alfred Marshal是十九世纪的英国经济学家 ,他说话当然要用一

般过去时表示 。

69 .答案 :men ( man 。这里 man用来表示 “人类” 。

70 .答案 : them ( it 。这里 it 用来指代 his daily work 。

71 .答案 : can后面加上 not 。根据文意 ,没有一定的经济学知识 ,就不可能对社会有较好

地了解 。

Test 8 - 19


P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion72 .参考答案 : shapes a child摧s character译文 :是什么塑造了孩子的性格 ?是家庭教育还是社会环境 ?

73 .参考答案 : in some sense译文 :心理学家意识到 ,语言和学习在某种意义上来说都是社会现象 。

74 .参考答案 : being more competitive译文 :我们工厂致力于开发新产品 ,旨在在国际市场上更具竞争力 。

75 .参考答案 : is experimenting with译文 :作为素质教育计划的一部分 ,该学校正在尝试新的教学方法 。

76 .参考答案 :meets / live up to the standards译文 :这种车因符合环保标准而具有很大的优越性 。

Tapescript of Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .W : I need to inform the post office of my change of address ,and I don摧t want my let‐

ters to be delayed again .

M : I agree .

Q :What will the woman do next ?12 .W :Good morning .I摧m your air hostess ,welcome aboard .

M : Hello ,I摧ve got seat A8 ,is it a seat by the window ?I hope to see the view .

Q :Where did the conversation most probably take place ?13 .M :Did anyone fail to turn up for the history test they disliked so much ?

W :Not a single person was absent on the day of the test .Q :What can we learn from the conversation ?

14 .W : I certainly hope the library will be open this Saturday .

M : The sign says library hours !Week days 8 a .m .to 9 p .m .On Saturdays 9 a .

Test 8 - 20


m .to 5 p .m .Closed Sunday .

Q :When will the library be open on Saturdays ?15 .M : The students sang well at the concert and got a good review in the new spaper .

W : It was a pity they came second in the end .

Q : How does the woman feel about the students摧 performance ?16 .W :Don摧t give the children any candy .It摧ll spoil their teeth .

M :Oh ,just a few pieces .It won摧t hurt .Q :Why shouldn摧t the children eat the candy ?

17 .M :Did you take these pictures ?They are very good .

W :Yes ,I think they turned out well ,too .

Q :What are they doing ?

18 .W :You have been getting back from lunch late every day .Is that when you do yourshopping ?

M : No ,I spent most of my lunch hour at the library .But it摧s so quiet there that I fellasleep .

Q :What can we learn from the conversationNow you will hear two long conversations .Conversation OneM :What do you plan for Christmas ?W :No concrete plan yet but I think I摧ll most likely going skiing in Montana and spend a

few days in the mountain doing cross‐country skiing .

M : I heard you are good at skiing .Believe it or not ,I haven摧t done any skiing in my life .

I wish I could ski just like you .

W :Yeah ,you could if you gave it a shot .You know ,skiing is my love and the only rea‐son I like it so much is because it gives me great pleasure to speed through the snow .

M :My parents and I vacationed in Montana National Park when I was little and I remem‐

bered we had great time doing hiking .Now I feel like going back again .

W :Well ,since we have two weeks break for Christmas ,you can spend a few days inMontana and I can give you lessons on skiing .That would give you some basics andhopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days .

M : Ski like a professional ?No way .Actually ,you do have a good point .I could spendsome time in Montana and head back home before Christmas .Perhaps you could spendChristmas at my place too .My parents would like to meet you too .

W : That would be great ,since my folks will be Jamaica for Christmas and New Year .Test 8 - 21


M :Oh ,now I can really look forward to learning how to ski .W :And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor .M :No problem .I摧ve been known to be an excellent student during my school year .W :Well ,maybe you won摧t be this time .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What are the speakers mainly discussing ?

20 .When did the man say he went to Montana National Park ?

21 .Why does the woman think spending Christmas at the man摧s home would be a good i‐dea ?

22 .What can be inferred about the way the woman will teach the man to ski ?Conversation TwoM : Hi ,Linda .

W : Hi ,James .What are you doing in the mall ?I thought you said you avoid these placesand here you are .

M :Oh ,I still do but it摧s my roommate摧s birthday tomorrow and I am looking to get him apresent .He摧s no exactly the easiest person to find a present for ?

W : Have you any idea what to get ?M :Not really .I want to get him something he will be able to use instead of something

he摧ll just put into the closet .W : That摧s true .I know half the time I get something from somebody I hardly ever use .

And they stay in the closet before they get away .

M : I know ,I know .That摧s the problem .That摧s why I hate buying gif ts for somebody be‐cause it can never be perfect .So ,I am heading over to the clothing store right now .

W : Perhaps you are trying too hard to get something very impressive or decorative .I al‐ways think a gif t should be practical .I know what ,why don摧t you think of somethinghe might like or something that he will most likely get soon ?

M :Oh ,I know .His bag is almost w recked and the zipper has almost had it .Maybe Ishould get him a bag instead .

W : Here you go .It sounds like a perfect gif t .M :Gosh ,now I am wondering which color I should pick .He is really picky about the color .W : That摧s not difficult .What the last color he chose ?He obviously chose it for a reason .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .What is the main problem ?

24 .What is the woman摧s opinion of what a gif t among friends should be ?Test 8 - 22


25 .What color will the man probably choose for his roommate摧s gif t ?S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) andD) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

Thembeka is a 12‐year‐old girl who lives in a rural village of southern Africa .Her par‐ents died of AIDS ,and she was lef t to care for her three little sisters aged ten ,six andfour .The girls have no income and rely totally on neighbors摧 kindness — a loaf of bread or afew potatoes .A picture of the four orphaned girls was displayed on the front page of aSouth African new spaper that reported on the 13

th International AIDS Conference ,heldduring July 2000 in Durban ,South Africa .

Millions of AIDS orphans face a situation similar to that of Thembeka and her youngersisters .The conference discussed methods of dealing with the growing AIDS crisis ,such aseducation on the prevention of AIDS through the use of condoms ;the use of a less expen‐sive AIDS treatment ,which is now available ;and more funding for the development ofAIDS vaccines .

Statistics released at the conference were frightening .Every day an estimated 7敞000

young people and 1敞000 infants are infected with HIV .In one year ,1999 ,some 860敞000

children in sub‐Saharan Africa couldn摧t go to school as they had lost their teachers becauseof AIDS .

According to a survey published by the Medical Research Council of South Africa ,4畅2

million people in South Africa are infected with HIV ,representing 1 out of every 10 citi‐zens .The situation in neighboring countries is worse .

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .How do Thembeka and her sisters live ?27 .Why couldn摧t the 860敞000 sub‐Saharan children go to school in 1999 ?

28 .According to the survey ,what percentage of the population in South Africa has beeninfected with HIV ?

Passage TwoIn some lands certain kinds of insurance are compulsory . In others ,most kinds are

practically unknown .In addition ,the cost of insurance and the type of coverage providedTest 8 - 23


vary widely from country to country .But the fundamental principle of insurance — sharingrisk — remains the same .

Naturally ,the more property a person owns ,the more he has to lose .Similarly ,themore family responsibility a person has , the greater impact if he or she dies or becomesphysically disabled .Having insurance can reduce one摧s concern about the possibility of suf‐fering a loss of property or a disabling accident .

Yet ,is it wise to spend money on insurance even though a claim may never be made ?Is keeping a spare tire in the car a wasted investment ,even if the tire is never needed ?Thesense of security to the car driver may make the expense of the extra tire worthwhile .

Much of the insurance purchased by individuals falls into the categories of property ,

health ,disability ,and life insurance .Property insurance is to insure against the loss ofproperty — home ,business ,cars ,or other possessions .Health insurance pays some medi‐cal expenses or may pay for only certain medical care .Disability insurance provides someincome if a person is injured and cannot work .Life insurance provides financial assistanceto a person摧s dependents in case of his or her death .

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .What is the universally fundamental principle of insurance ?30 .Why does the speaker mention the spare tire ?31 .What categories of insurance have been mentioned in this talk ?

Passage ThreeOutward Bound is an educational concept that is developed over the last 35 years .It is fa‐miliar to thousands of people in many countries around the world .People use wildernessareas as classrooms .

Outward Bound course consists of a series of carefully planned but difficult physicalactivities .The purpose of the activities is to build the students摧 confidence in his or herown ability to face danger , discomfort , stress , f rustration and challenge .Building thestudents摧 confidence helps to relieve the human instinct for survival ,and the students learnto triumph over fear and self‐doubt not only in wilderness but also in everyday life situa‐tions .

The standard Outward Bound course lasts for 3 or 4 weeks ,during that time thestudents live in wilderness ,and go to many physical activities of ever increasing difficulty .

The first few days are given to physical conditioning and to the teaching of basic skills ,

such as first aid ,map and compass reading , rope climbing and those similar activities .

During the second part of the course ,students learn how to climb rocks and cliffs ,climbTest 8 - 24


mountains and make long distant hikes . The first two parts of the course are done ingroups .In the third part of the course ,students are sent out alone for 3 days to survive inwilderness with only a few necessities .

Not all students complete the Outward Bound course . In some cases the individualcannot meet the physical challenges .Most students who finished the course share a com‐mon experience .They are surprised by themselves they finished the course and they feelgreat pride in doing the impossible .

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .What is “Outward Bound” ?

33 .What is the purpose of the “Outward Bound” activities ?34 .In which part of the course are students sent out alone ?35 .How do people feel about “Outward Bound” ?

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Millions of Americans take part in adult education programs .Some adults are (36)

completing high school ,college or graduate school work .They attend classes (37)designedespecially for working people on weekends or at night .Other adults take classes by mail oron their computers .For example ,the University of Arizona Extended University is one ofmany colleges now (38)providing such courses .

Other adults learn job skills like computer science or wood‐working .Still other adultstudents learn to read or improve their English .

Some adult students are not trying to finish their education or learn job skills . In‐stead ,they want to (39)explore new interests .They want to learn to speak a foreign lan‐guage ,play a musical (40)instrument or take good pictures .They attend continuing educa‐tion programs at a community college or public school .For example ,Montgomery Collegein Rockville ,Maryland ,offers many classes .They teach adults how to build a house orhow to w rite their (41)memories .

Adult education classes (42)meet in schools , public libraries and business offices .Test 8 - 25


They also meet in (43)religious centers or shopping centers .Classes in nature sciences andsports often take place outside .

(44)Education experts say the large numbers of retired Americans are a major reason forthe popularity of adult education .These people say they want to continue developing theirbrains .

Some programs for older adults include travel .For example , the nonprofit organiza‐tion Elderhostel serves hundreds of thousands of people over age fif ty‐five .One Elderhos‐tel program takes place in the famous southern American city of New Orleans ,Louisiana .

(45)The program teaches older adults about the special culture of the city .Students travelthere to learn about New Orleans food ,music ,history ,art and building design .

(46)Today ,more and more American adults are proving that education is not only foryoung people .

Test 8 - 26

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a letter in rep ly to a f riendX iao W ang摧s inquiry aboutwhich is a better way to further one摧s study , staying home orgoing Overseas ?You should w rite at least 120 words according to the outline given belowin Chinese .

1 .提出你对在国内还是在国外求学的建议 ,

2 .说明你的理由 。















Test 9 - 1

综合模拟分册 Model Test 1010综合模拟分册 Model Test 99


P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and Scanning )(15 m inutes)Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees with the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the inf ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

University Curriculum Goes Global

It摧s the age of globalization and some universities think they need a more internationalapproach .At least that seemed to be the idea floating around the International ResearchWorkshop of Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) ,which opened at Beida lastFriday .

Entitled “Internationalization of APRU Universities” ,the workshop gathered profes‐sors of 40 universities from around the Pacific Rim and the US ,Britain and Australia .

Curriculum internationalization ,a key element in the internationalization of higher ed‐ucation ,was the main topic of the two‐day event .

“Internationalizing curriculum involves creating programs with international content ,cultivating cultural awareness and offering international internship experiences ,” explainedSteven Sample ,chair of APRU and president of the Universities of Southern California(USC) .

Some Chinese universities are trying to add an international dimension to their curricu‐lums as well ,according to Hao Pin ,vice president of Peking University .Peking Universi‐ty is planning to invite 50 students from the University of California to take part in inter‐disciplinary social science courses with its students .

Hao explains that ,“The two types of students can get a taste of different cultues through group discussions ,presentations ,and joint effort projects .”

To improve international cooperation in higher education ,the heads of about 80 Chi‐nese universities will head to Paris ,France ,in May for discussions with the heads of a sim‐ilar number of European universities .

Test 9 - 2


Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?

A recent study from the United States摧 Center for Education has revealed that fouryears is no longer the norm when it comes to earning a Bachelor摧s degree .Some studentsare taking more than five years to get one — if they finish at all .

The study showed that only about 33 per cent of the 1 million students nationwide whostarted college full time in autumn 1996 graduated in four years .Students who took fiveyears accounted for 16 per cent ,while about 5 per cent finished their coursework in sixyears .The rest of the students took even longer to graduate .Some never did .

“At least half of all students who entered a four‐year institution failed to realize theirdreams and aspirations that led them there in the first place ,” said Watson Scott Swail ,thepresident of the US Educational Policy Institute .

There are many reasons that students are taking more than the standard four years toearn a degree .

The reasons some students from the state of Pennsylvania gave for taking longer :study abroad ,working full‐time or part‐time ,double major ,switching major ,and having alarge list of required courses for the particular major .

Aaron Suen ,a senior in electrical engineering at Pennsylvania State University ,is inhis fif th year .

He decided to take a year off to participate in an internship and plans on graduating inAugust .

Janis Jacobs ,vice head of undergraduate education at that school ,said she doesn摧t seeany problem with students taking longer to graduate .

“Students are taking longer because of internship , study abroad ,co‐operative pro‐grams and other enriching experiences ,” Jacobs said . “I believe they are better preparedfor the job market ,which is more important than graduating in a standard time .”

American Higher Education Does Not Come Cheap

No money ,no spare time ,and no sleep .Such are the joys of being a college student inthe United States ,or anywhere I suspect .

Not having come from a rich family ,the prospect of paying for university haunted meall through high school .

There are many available sources for students in the US .They are based on race ,fi‐nancial need ,academic excellence , talent in sports ,and other criteria .Either private or

Test 9 - 3


government organizations can be the source of funds .

I happened to get a few scholarships while still in high school ,but the universities towhich I was applying still expected my parents to contribute about half the tuition ,whichwas around US $ 5敞000 .We did not have the money .I could earn tuition money ,forgeteducation ,or simply look for a more affordable school .And ,that seemed the best choicefor me .

I took my academic scholarships to Delta College ,in the state of Michigan .They cov‐ered most of the cost ,which was US $ 8敞000 .This is referred to as a community college ,

where there are two‐year programs .After two years ,students can work in their field ,orfinish at a four‐year university .

During those two years ,I worked part time to pay tuition ,and saved money by livingat home .In doing so ,I met a lot of people who were in the same situation .Either they didnot have the money ,or they weren摧t sure what career they wanted ,so they went for chea‐per courses at a community college .

After two years ,I chose Central Michigan University (CMU ) and applied for otherscholarships .I had made enough money in the two years and had enough scholarships thatI finally could afford the school .

I had the funds and was excited ,but I was nervous about moving away from a situa‐tion where no one really had a lot of money ,to a place where some students didn摧t need towork hard to get where they were .

Luckily ,some friends I had made at my old college were going to CMU .Living indorms on campus was often as expensive as tuition and was just too much .So ,we decidedto share an apartment .Split four years ,the rent only came to US $ 235 a month ,while adorm room was US $ 600 a month .Still , to cover the cost of cell phones , tex tbooks ,

meals ,and other necessities ,we all needed extra money .

My roommates got jobs in fast food places ,but I checked with the university to see ifthere were any jobs in the work‐study program .If CMU had not given me a job ,I wouldhave had to take out a bank loan .That money would have to be paid back with interest .Idid not want to start my new career after graduation ,in debt .1 .Many universities feel an international curriculum is needed in the age of globalization .

2 .International internship experience is one of the key elements in an international curricu‐lum .

3 .Eighty heads of Chinese universities will visit Paris in May to discuss the issue of inter‐national curriculum .

Test 9 - 4


4 .In 1996 ,more than half of the 1 million students in U畅S .failed to get their bachelor摧sdegree within four years .

5 .Physical problem is one of the reasons for students to take longer time in a university .

6 .Many school leaders take a positive attitude to students摧 taking longer time in universi‐ties .

7 .According to Aaron Suen ,regular school courses are more important than part‐time jobsand internships .

8 .Most universities in the U畅S .expected parents                       .

9 .Entering a two‐year college ,the author                           and saved moneyby living at home .

10 .The author was nervous to enter Central Michigan University because he found      


P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) Liz is on a business tour .               B) Ted takes Liz for a holiday .

C) Ted is gone for a holiday . D) Ted usually gives a ride to Liz .

12 .A) The food there is very good . B) It is closed on Tuesdays .

C) He could not find it . D) It is not as good as the Italian place .

13 .A) A physician . B) A student .C) A policeman . D) A bank clerk .

14 .A) Classmates . B) Boss and secretary .

C) Husband and wife . D) Teacher and student .15 .A) He is determined to go on with the experiment .

B) He thinks the woman摧s right .C) He wants to give up the experiment because of the setback .

D) He likes to go on with the experiment tomorrow .

Test 9 - 5


16 .A) The woman is unhappy about what the man said .

B) The woman is very glad to accept the man摧s offer .C) The woman can manage the luggage herself .D) The woman is very grateful for the man摧s kindness .

17 .A) Thursday afternoon . B) Tuesday morning .

C) Thursday morning . D) Tuesday af ternoon .

18 .A) In about 40 minutes . B) In about 30 minutes .

C) In about 20 minutes . D) In about 10 minutes .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) To find out what he did w rong .

B) To find out how to get research information .

C) To find out what his grades are .

D) To find out what the best forms to support his arguments .20 .A) His lack of effort with his arguments .

B) The logic of his arguments .

C) The base of his arguments lacks support .D) Not enough research citation .

21 .A) Use research to back up his arguments rather than so many logical reasoning .

B) Use logic and experiences with his arguments .

C) To put more detail in the paper .D) Use more research quotations and citations .

22 .A) Remember what she said about his weak arguments .

B) Work harder .C) Learn from his mistakes and not repeat them .

D) Find more research .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) You must return it immediately .

B) You must return it within 7 days of the due date of the book .

C) You must return it within 7 days of the recall notice .

D) You must return it as soon as you can .

24 .A) Telephone the person .

B) Give them a fine .

C) Send them mail .D) Give the notice to a teacher or someone form the department .

Test 9 - 6


25 .A) Go running .

B) Go and get her library card .

C) Go to class .

D) Go and get some books .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) ,B) , C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a sin‐gle line through the center .Passage One26 .A) There are no accepted standards .

B) There are too many schools .C) Decentralization brings much diversity .

D) No one has critically studies the subject .27 .A) From religious organizations .

B) From public sources .C) From corporate sources .

D) From research grants .

28 .A) They are less intelligent .B) They are less moral .C) They are more numerous .D) They of ten speak a non‐English language at home .

29 .A) Prestige schools may not be better .B) The quality is about the same in every school .C) Prestige schools are always best .D) In a good school the student always learns more .

Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

30 .A) To solve telecommunications problems on and off campus .

B) To notify university administrators of new telecommunication regulations .

C) To train campus personnel on the use of a new communications system .

D) To design and develop a new computerized data storage system .

31 .A) A lack of ex tension numbers .

Test 9 - 7


B) Inadequate technical assistance .

C) Too many complicated features .D) Slow speed of service .

32 .A) Sophisticated telephone jacks .

B) Call waiting .

C) Automatic memory redial .D) Quicker response time .

Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .A) They are inadequate to evoke any kind of image .

B) They are adequate to describe a picture .

C) They can be more evocative than any number of pictures .D) They cannot spark the imagination .

34 .A) Think abstractly .

B) Use technology .

C) Write poetry .

D) Paint abstract works .

35 .A) Electronic communication .

B) The printed page .

C) The theater .D) Debate .

S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Two professors ,Robert Engle and Clive Granger ,are the (36)       this year of theNobel prize in economics .Professor Engle is American ;Professor Granger is British .The(37)       honors their work to help economists better understand what are called “ timeseries” .These show the development of things like stock prices ,(38)       rates and lev‐

Test 9 - 8


els of national production .

The two professors worked together for many years at the University of California atSan Diego .They (39)       one of the top programs in economic measurement .CliveGranger became a professor at New York University three years ago .Both professors arenow (40)       retired ,but still active in their work .

Professor Granger摧s work in the nineteen‐seventies and eighties permitted him to (41)

      methods to study economic changes .He was interested in how prices change overtime .He found that economists (42)       many economic changes as if they did not haveforces that act upon them .This can lead to (43)       results .

Professor Granger developed methods to test his theories . These methods showedwhich economic changes are related .(44)  

                                              .Professor Granger worked withProfessor Engle to develop tests to show which economic changes are ,and are not ,relat‐ed .Economists use these tests widely .

Professor Engle also developed ways to estimate the risk of an investment during a pe‐riod of time . (45)  


Robert Engle and Clive Granger will share the prize of about one‐million‐three‐hun‐dred‐thousand dollars .The award is officially called the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory ofAlfred Nobel .Alfred Nobel did not establish the prize .The Bank of Sweden established itin nineteen‐six ty‐eight .The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm presents theaward .(46)  


P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , there is a p assage w ith ten blanks .You are required to selectone word f or each blank f rom a list o f choices given in a word bank f ollow ing the p as‐sage .Read the p assage through care f ully be f ore making your choices .Each choice in thebank is identi f ied by a letter .Please mark the corresponding letter f or each item on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once .

Test 9 - 9


The difference between a liquid and a gas is obvious under the conditions of tempera‐ture and pressure   47   found at the surface of the Earth .A liquid can be kept in an opencontainer and fills it to the level of a free surface .A gas forms no free surface but   48  

to diffuse throughout the space   49   ;it must therefore be kept in a closed container orheld by a gravitational field ,as in the case of a planet摧s atmosphere .The   50   was aprominent feature of early theories describing the phases of matter .In the nineteenth cen‐tury ,for example ,one theory   51   that a liquid could be “dissolved” in a vapor withoutlosing its   52   ,and another theory held that the two phases are made up of differentkinds of molecules : liquidons and gasons .Theories now   53   take a quite different ap‐proach by emphasizing what liquids and gases have in common .They are both forms ofmatter that have no permanent structure and they both flow   54   .They are fluids .

The fundamental similarity of liquids and gases becomes clearly apparent when thetemperature and pressure are raised somewhat .Suppose a closed container partially filledwith a liquid is heated .The liquid   55   ,or in other words becomes less dense ;some ofit evaporates .In   56   ,the vapor above the liquid surface becomes denser as the evapo‐rated molecules are added to it .The combination of temperature and pressure at which thedensities become equal is called the critical point .Above the critical point the liquid and thegas can no longer be distinguished ; there is a single ,undifferentiated fluid phase of uni‐form density .

A) contrast                               I) maintainedB) expands J) balancedC) disappears K) availableD) manner L) readilyE) identity M ) experiencingF) distinction N) commonlyG) condition O) tendsH) prevailing

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .

Test 9 - 10


Passage OneQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

It is generally accepted that every experience teaches the child something and theeffects are cumulative .“Upbringing” is normally used to refer to the treatment and train‐ing of the child within the home .This is closely related to the treatment and training of thechild in school ,which is usually distinguished by the term “education” .In a society such asours ,both parents and teachers are responsible for the opportunities provided for the de‐velopment of the child ,so that upbringing and education are interdependent .

The ideals and practices of child rearing vary from culture to culture .In general ,themore rural the community ,the more uniform are the customs of child upbringing .In moretechnologically developed societies ,the period of childhood and adolescence tends to be ex‐pected over a long time ,resulting in more opportunity for education and greater variety incharacter development .

Early upbringing in the home is naturally affected both by the cultural pattern of thecommunity and by the parents摧 capabilities and their aims and depends not only on upbring‐ing and education but also on the innate abilities of the child .

Intelligent parents ,however , realize that the particular setting of each family is u‐nique ,and there can be no rigid general rules .

All parents have to solve the problems of freedom and discipline .The younger thechild ,the more readily the mother gives in to his demands to avoid disappointing him .Sheknows that if his energies are not given an outlet ,her child摧s continuing development maybe warped .

A child must be allowed to enjoy this “messy” but tactile stage of discovery before heis ready to go on to the less physical pleasures of toys and books .Similarly ,throughoutlife ,each stage depends on the satisfactory completion of the one before .

57 .It摧s a general belief that a child摧s later character and personality is       decided byhis early experiences both at home and in school .A) chiefly       B) by chance       C) entirely       D) seldom

58 .The word “cumulative” (Line 2 ,Para 1) most probably means       .

A) decisive B) extremely beneficialC) strong D) progressively greater

59 .It can be seen from the passage that       .

A) the cultural pattern is the single factor that affects a child摧s upbringing in the homeB) by no means does the technological factor affect the development of children摧s char‐

Test 9 - 11


acterC) there are advisable rules for parents to go by in bringing up their childrenD) upbringing and education are mutually complementary

60 .A child摧s development might well be badly affected if       .

A) he was subjected to unusually strict disciplineB) his mother of ten gave in to his demandsC) his energies were freely given an outletD) he were brought up in a happy environment

61 .As it is presented in the passage ,rather than a smooth progression the development ofthe human character and personality is a series of       .

A) acts B) stages C) functions D) completionsPassage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage .

A robot that is so lifelike that it seats in helping the US Army to test protective cloth‐ing . “Manny” ,as the developer of the mannequin ,Battelle laboratories ,has christened(命名) it ,is also exciting the interest of clothing manufacturers ,who are looking for morerealistic tests for clothing for cold weather and athletics .

The original Manny ,which cost $ 2 million ,was sent to the army摧s Dugway ProvingGround in U tah in early November .The army normally uses Dugway to test chemical andbiological weaponry . “The mannequin resembles the human body in size ,limb and trunkgeometry ,” says David Bennett of Battelle摧s Applied Physics Center in Richland ,Washing‐ton .“It can simulate complex body movements and poses ,breathing ,changes in skin andbody temperature and sweating .It will test the effectiveness of clothing used to protectpeople from chemicals ,extremes of temperature and other hostile environments .”

Manny incorporates 12 heaters which warm the skin above them .Perspiration can bevaried so that it fits the robot摧s action — so it can sweat more and heat up if it is walking upstairs .The main limitation of this system is that there are very little good data around onjust how much individual parts of the body heat up and sweat in certain situations .

The mannequin has about 40 articulated joints ,driven by hydraulic (液压的) pumps ,that allow it to walk ,bend ,squat and craw l — to provide motion and stress on the clothingunder test .The skeleton is covered with a layer that contains the system for altering skintemperature and this layer is covered with a flexible “skin” .The dummy (假人) perspiresby injecting water through an array of narrow tubes ,and simulates breathing with its chestthat expands and contracts .A “mouth” and “nose” also inhale and exhale moist air .A

Test 9 - 12


computer in a room nearby ,connected to the mannequin by cable ,controls all its move‐ments and activities .

62 .Dugway Proving Ground in Utah is a place where the US army hold tests of       .

A) antitank weapons                   B) nuclear weaponsC) chemical and biological weaponry D) robots

63 .“Manny” is the name of       .

A) the mannequinB) the developer of the mannequinC) Battelle LaboratoriesD) clothing manufacturers

64 .Mannequin in this story is a       .

A) fashion modelB) fashionable dressC) machine which can put on clothesD) life‐size dummy of a human body

65 .In what way does the mannequin resemble the human body ?

A) The outward appearance .

B) Movements and poses .

C) Size ,limb and trunk geometry .

D) Body temperature and sweating .

66 .The mannequin can walk ,bend ,squat and craw l because       .

A) it provides motion and stress on the clothing under testB) its 40 articulated joints are driven by hydraulic pumpsC) it incorporates 12 heaters which warm the skin aboveD) it is covered with a layer that contains the system for altering skin temperature

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tionDirections : This p art consists o f a short p assage . In this p assage ,there are altogether 10mistakes ,one in each numbered line .You may have to add a word ,cross out a word ,orchange a word . I f you add a word ,put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) and the new word in thecorresponding blank . I f you cross out a word ,p ut a slash (∕) both across the word andin the blank . I f you change a word ,cross it out and w rite the correct word in the corre‐sponding blank .

Test 9 - 13


    Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East Tennessee is abody of water known for the Lost Sea .It is listed by the Guinness Bookof World Records as world摧s largest underground lake .The Lost Sea ispart of an extensive and historic cave system called Craighead Caverns .

The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Chero‐kee Indian nation .The cave expands into a series of huge rooms from asmall opening on the side of the mountain .Approximately one milesince the entrance ,in a room called “The Council Room” ,many Indianartifacts have been found .Some of the items were discovered includepottery ,arrowheads ,weapons ,and jewelry .

For many years there were insistent rumors of a large undergroundlake somewhere in a cave ,but it was not discovered until 1905 ,.In thatyear ,a thirteen‐years‐old boy named Ben Sanda craw led through a smallopening 300 feet underground .He found himself in a large cave halffilled of water .

Today tourists visit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in glass‐bottomed boats powering by electric motors .More than thirteen acresof water have been mapped out so far and still no end to the lake hasbeen found .Ever though teams of divers have tried to explore the LostSea ,the full ex tent of it is still unknown .

67 洓.        

68 .        

69 .        

70 .        

71 .        

72 .        

73 .        

74 .        

75 .        

76 .        

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .77 .The United Nations holds that any regional conflict may               (对 ⋯ ⋯构成

威胁) world peace .

78 .In the past twenty years ,some new forms of stagecraf t have sprung up ,but        

          (这并不是意味着) the traditional ones are going out of style .

79 .India               (仅次于中国) in the world in terms of population .

80 .The factory produced                 (四倍的个人电脑) in 1998 as it did in 1994 .

81 .The financial crisis eased in this region . The economy was gradually on the righttrack ,                   (社会秩序也有好转) .

Test 9 - 14


P a r tⅠ W riting1 .Sample Writing

Staying Home or Going Overseas ?

Dear Xiao Wang ,

Regarding the question of whether you should continue your education at home or a‐broad ,I think going overseas is a better choice .I agree with you that studying in a foreigncountry can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience .But in my opinion ,the dif‐ficulties are far outweighed by the advantages .

The most obvious advantage of overseas study is that it provides a golden opportunityfor you to use a different language in real life ,which is believed to be the best way to im‐prove foreign language skills .And mastering a foreign language offers a big advantagewhen you return home to apply for jobs that require the language .Moreover ,studying a‐broad gives you a good chance to establish important personal relationships .On a universi‐ty campus ,you are likely to encounter and make friends with other overseas students .That could lead to important overseas contacts which will be beneficial to your later profes‐sional life .

Therefore ,while your anxiety about studying abroad is definitely understandable , Istill advise that you do it because the benefits offered by the experience make it well worth‐while .

Yours truly ,      

Xiao Ming2 .简评

这是一封朋友间的建议信 。文章开头用 “Regarding the question of ⋯ ,I think ⋯ ” 这

一结构开门见山地引出主题并提出作者的观点 。接着 ,作者以退为进 ,自然地引出了第二

段对出国留学好处的说明 。最后一段是总结 ,在此作者又重申了自己的观点 。全文结构连

Test 9 - 15


贯 ,富有条理 ,措辞得当 ,有说服力 。

3 .点睛用词

regarding the question of ,a frustrating and sometimes painful experience ,far outweigh ,

provide a golden opportunity ,be beneficial to ,definitely understandable ,well worthwhileP a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion(Skimm ing and S cann ing )University Curriculum Goes Global1 .Y .此句与 University Curriculum Goes Global 中第一段内容相符 。

2 .Y .此句与 University Curriculum Goes Global 中第四段内容相符 。

3 .N .此句与 University Curriculum Goes Global 中最后一段内容不符 。

4 .Y .此句与 Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?中第二段内容相符 。

5 .NG .根据 Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?中第五段内容 ,作者提到学生用四

年以上完成学业的原因中未涉及身体原因 。

6 .Y .此句与 Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?中最后一段内容相符 。

7 .N .此句与 Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?中第六 、第七段内容不符 。

8 .to pay for their children摧s tuition .答案在 Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?中第四段 。

9 .worked part time to pay tuition .答案在 Are You Better Prepared or Just Slower ?中第六段 。

10 .both the people and the environment were quite different .答案在 Are You Better Pre‐pared or Just Slower ?中第八段 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A11 .D)   12 .B)   13 .D)   14 .C)   15 .A)   16 .A)   17 .A)   18 .B)   19 .A)   20 .C)21 .B)   22 .C)   23 .C)   24 .D)   25 .C)S ection B26 .C)   27 .B)   28 .D)   29 .A)   30 .C)   31 .A)   32 .C)   33 .C)   34 .A)   35 .B)S ection C36 .winners       37 .award       38 .interest       39 .established40 .partly 41 .develop 42 .treat 43 .misleading44 .For example , the methods showed a link between the foreign exchange rate of a

Test 9 - 16


nation摧s money and prices in its economy .

45 .Today these methods help banks ,for example ,decide how much wealth they need toremain financially healthy .

46 .The names of people nominated for Nobel Prizes remain secret for fif ty years .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection A47 .N   48 .O   49 .K   50 .F   51 .I   52 .E   53 .H   54 .L   55 .B   56 .AS ection BPassage One57 .答案 :A) 。推理判断题 。文章并未直接给出答案 ,从全文看 ,文章主要介绍了 up‐

bringing以及 education对儿童成长的重要性 ,由此可看出 :二者对儿童性格的形成起

到了主要作用 。

58 .答案 :D) 。语义理解题 。文章第五段中说 the younger the child ,the more readily themother gives in to his demands ,最后一句说 each stage depends on the satisfactorycompletion of the one before ,由此可推断 :孩子的经验是慢慢积累的 。其他三项都不

符合上下文 。

59 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。文章最后一段说家庭教育和学校教育是 interdependent ,mu‐tually complementary 与之同义 ,故 D) 为正确答案 。文章第三段明确指出除 culturepattern外 ,还有 parents摧 capabilities等其他因素 ,故 A ) 不正确 ;B) 项与第二段最后一句不符 ;C) 项与第四段 no rigid general rules相悖 。

60 .答案 :A) 。推力判断题 。根据文章最后两段的内容 :孩子年龄越小 ,母亲就越容易屈

从于他的要求而不让他失望 ,因为如果孩子的精力得不到释放 ,将来的发展会受到阻

碍 ;而且应当允许孩子享受主要靠触觉去探索去发现的那一阶段 。由此可推断出 :不

应对孩子进行过多限制 ,故 A ) 项为正确答案 。 其他选项均是有利于儿童成长的

因素 。

61 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。文章最后一句说 :从一生来看 ,每个阶段都要依赖上个阶段

的圆满完成 ,也就是说人的个性发展是由一个一个阶段组成的 ,故 B) 项为正确答案 。

A) 、 C) 两项与题意无关 ;D) 项是干扰项 ,正确的说法应该是 completion of stages 。Passage Two62 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。文章的第二段第二句讲到 The army normally uses Dugway

to test chemical and biological weaponry ,故 C) 项为正确答案 。 A) 、 B) 两项在文中并未提及 ;D) 项指的是 Manny ,而不是 Dugway 。

Test 9 - 17


63 .答案 :A) 。事实细节题 。文章第一段第二句讲到 :Battelle实验室为该人体模型取名为 Manny ,故 A) 为正确答案 。解此题的关键是正确理解原文第一段第二句话的意思

和结构 :Manny是主语 ,谓语是 is exciting ,宾语是 the interest of clothing manufac‐turers ,who are ⋯ weather and athletics 是定语从句 ,修饰 clothing manufacturers ,as the developer of ⋯ has christened it是 as引导的状语从句修饰主语Manny 。在 as从句中 ,Battelle laboratories是 the developer of the mannequin的同位语 。

64 .答案 :D) 。语义理解题 。文章第二段第三句说 The mannequin resembles the humanbody in size ,limb and trunk geometry (mannequin在大小 、肢体和躯干方面都与人体

相似) ,由此判断 mannequin是人体模型 ,故 D) 为正确答案 。

65 .答案 :C) 。事实细节题 。答案在第二段的第三句话 : the mannequin resembles the hu‐man body in size ,limb and trunk geometry 。

66 .答案 :B) 。事实细节题 。第四段的开头指出 :人体模型大约有 40 个枢纽关节 ,由液

压泵驱动 ,可以走路 、弯腰 、蹲 、爬 。故只有选项 B) 正确 。

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tion67 .答案 : for ( as 。(be) known as 词组 ,意为 “以 ⋯ ⋯知名” ,“被认为是” ;(be) known

for意为 “因 ⋯ ⋯而闻名” 。根据文意 ,在田纳西州东部的 Sweetwater附近的深山里有一片水域被叫做迷失的海 。这里显然用 known as贴切 。

68 .答案 :在 world摧s前面加上 the ,构成 largest的最高级 。

69 .答案 : since ( f rom 。 since用来表示时间 ,“自从 ⋯ ⋯时候开始/以后” ,而文中这里表

示的是距离 ,进入洞口大约一英里远的地方 ,所以用 f rom 。

70 .答案 :把 discovered前面的 were划掉 。本句中 discovered作定语 ,修饰 some of the i‐tems

71 .答案 : insistent ( persistent 。根据文意 ,多年来那里一直有传闻 ,说在洞穴的下面有

一个巨大的地下湖 。因此 persistent (持续的) 符合句意 。 insistent 意为 “坚持的 、强

要的” 。

72 .答案 : thirteen‐years‐old ( thirteen‐year‐old 。73 .答案 : of ( with 。 filled with固定搭配 ,意为 “充满” 。

74 .答案 : powering ( powered 。游船的动力是由发动机提供的 ,所以应该用过去分词

powered 。75 .答案 :Ever ( Even 。even though固定搭配 ,意为 “尽管” 。

76 .答案 :在 it后面加上 is 。本部分为最后一句的主句 , is与 known共同构成被动语态作谓语 。

Test 9 - 18


P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion77 .参考答案 : constitute a threat to / threat译文 :联合国认为任何地区冲突都可能构成对世界和平的威胁 。

78 .参考答案 : it does not follow that译文 :二十年来 ,中国涌现出了一些新的舞台艺术形式 ,但这并不意味着传统的艺术

形式就过时了 。

79 .参考答案 : is second only to China译文 :印度人口居世界第二 ,仅次于中国 。

80 .参考答案 : four times as many PCs译文 :该厂 1998年生产的个人电脑是其 1994年产量的四倍 。

81 .参考答案 : so was the social order译文 :这一地区的金融危机得到了缓解 ,经济逐渐步入正轨 ,社会秩序也随之好转 。

Tapescript of Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .M : Liz took a taxi to her office today .

W :Yes .Her friend Ted usually drives her to the office but now he is out of town onbusiness .

Q :What do we learn from the conversation ?

12 .W : How is the food at the new French restaurant ?M : I haven摧t eaten there yet .I went all the way down there last night only to find it摧s

not open on Tuesdays .So I tried the Italian place next door .It was very good .

Q :What did the man say about the French restaurant ?13 .M : I need two pieces of identification and your account number before I can cash your

check , sir .W : Here摧s my driver摧s license and credit card .

Test 9 - 19


Q :Who is the woman likely to be ?14 .M :Being an efficient secretary ,you should have to finish your work punctually at the

office ,not to do it now at home .

W : I know that .But I have been very busy and I couldn摧t finish it when the officehour was over .

Q :What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?15 .W : I摧m afraid we摧ll have to give up this experiment .

M : Just because of one setback ?No !I摧m not going to agree with you on that .Q :What摧s the meaning of the man摧s words ?

16 .M : I suppose using plastic tubes will save a lot of money .

W :Yes ,it w ill .But they can摧 t compare with steel tubes in durability .

Q :What do we learn from the conversation ?

17 .M :Do you think you could have this dress ready by Tuesday morning ?W : I摧m sorry Thursday afternoon would be the earliest that you could have it .Q :When will the dress be ready ?

18 .M :Mary ,just check the map and see how far we have to go before we get to thetown .

W : I think we摧ll have to go another 20 miles .Our speed is now 40 miles per hour ,sowe摧ll get there pretty soon .

W :When can they get to the town ?

Now you will hear two long conversations .Conversation OneM : Hi Professor ,I摧d thought to drop in and find out where I went w rong with this last

paper .Do you remember marking it ?W :Yes I do and — well ,my impression was that you were trying to connect argument af ter

argument without any grounds to support each point .M :Not surely ,you would agree that there simply isn摧t a lot of research out there to sup‐

port my arguments .W :Ah ,but research is only one way to back up an argument .M :May I know what other things I can use ?W : For starters ,your experiences .Experience forms the basis for conclusion .Then per‐

haps try to look at logic to see all that can help .

M :Are there any guidelines available on how I can use these ?W : I did give a whole lecture on it dated February 3rd ;you were there ,weren摧t you ?

Test 9 - 20


M :Whoops ,that was one that fell on the week I couldn摧t be there .I had to rush back forpersonal reasons .

W :Well ,perhaps on your next paper you摧ll know that every argument you make need legsor your paper will remain on the ground .

M :Oh yeah ,thanks ,Mrs .Moser .It摧s all food for thought and you can bet the next onewill have a solid base .

W : That摧s the spirit .Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What is the purpose of the man摧s discussion with the professor ?20 .According to the professor ,what seemed to be the man摧s major weakness in his paper ?21 .What does M rs .Moser suggest the man do the next paper ?22 .What will the man probably do in response to M rs .Moser摧s comments ?Conversation TwoW : Hi ,I am new here ,so I was wondering how I could go about applying ?

M :Well ,if you摧re regular student you can use your student I .D .as a borrower card .Ifnot ,you would apply at the loan office .

W :What exactly can I borrow ?I mean ,can I take anything out from the library ?M :Well ,you can borrow almost everything including books and multimedia materials .

But you cannot take out any serial like journals and magazines and you may not takeout any books or multimedia if they have a not‐for‐loan status .

W :Can you tell me something about the recall system here ?My friend tells me if a bookgets recalled ,you have to bring them back right away ,is that true ?

M :Oh ,certainly not right away ,but you do have to take it back within seven days of therecall notice .The reason we have this system is because that sometimes students needcertain material urgently .

W :But what if you摧re not around to receive it ?M : If we cannot contact you by phone or by letter ,we will contact the department that

you registered in and have a recall notice delivered to your teacher .W : Just a question before I run to class ,how much are the fines ,by any chance .

M : Thirty cents a day .So ,take care not to be late .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .What happens if a book you have borrowed is recalled ?

24 .How will the library handle cases when a student can摧t receive a recall notice ?25 .Where will the woman probably go af ter talking to the librarian ?

Test 9 - 21


S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) andD) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

Generalizing about education in the United States involves some hazard because educa‐tion is decentralized and standards vary from place to place .Even more ,diversity is thehall‐mark of American education .

Education is largely a public function in American but religious and private institutionsdo sponsor schools .These private schools ,particularly in the primary and secondary field ,

are now enjoying a resurgence .

Most children in America begin school in a kindergarten class at age five .There fol‐low s eight years of primary education ,then four years of high school .Education is com‐pulsory until about age 16 .The existence of large minorities ,many with a primary lan‐guage other than English ,complicates the educational process .Many Americans do not be‐lieve that their school standards are high enough . The high rate of functional illiteracygives credence to this charge .

Higher education in America is widespread with about 1敞800 post‐secondary institu‐tions .These include two‐year community colleges ,four‐year undergraduate colleges and u‐niversities , and many schools among which have extensive graduate programs . Someschools are privately funded ,more receive the bulk of their funding from public sources .

There is a great range of quality between higher educational institutions and some universi‐ties have outstanding academic records .These quality differences may be overemphasizedfor many non‐prestige schools have excellent programs .In the long run ,the individual de‐termines the education he gets .Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .Why is generalizing about American education so difficult ?27 .Where do most American schools obtain their funding ?

28 .Why do minorities create an educational problem in America ?29 .What is the generalization about quality in American higher education according to the

passage ?

Test 9 - 22


Passage TwoThe purpose of this session is to train you on the use of the university摧s new ,comput‐

erized communications system ,which will entirely replace the present operation within twomonths .We have now completed the second of three stages in the project .All campusbuildings and most off‐campus sites have already been wired ,and the main switching unitis in place .The rest of the wiring and installation of the telephone jacks will be completedby the end of the month .You won摧t notice much change in the most common uses of the e‐quipment ,but you will have a host of new features at your disposal .These include auto‐matic memory redial and call‐forwarding features .We摧ll be talking about these later in thesession .I摧m proud to say that the system is the result of a lengthy ,thorough analysis ofthe on‐campus needs of the administration ,faculty ,and students and will easily carry usthrough the next few decades .The most serious problem plaguing the current setup — thatis ,a shortage of ex tension numbers — will never again prevent the university from meetingits telecommunications needs .And of course our company will remain under contract withthe university to provide ongoing technical assistance .We don摧t expect any major prob‐lems ,but we摧ll be there just in case .

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard30 .What is the purpose of the session ?31 .What has been the most serious problem with the present system ?

32 .Which of the following is mentioned as a feature of the new system ?

Passage ThreeSome say that nothing is more vivid or memorable than a picture .We disagree .No

visual image is as vivid as the image created by the mind in response to words .The mainfunction of the poet or the artist ,in fact ,is to enable people to see more deeply into thingsthan they can with the unaided eye .There is more to life than meets the eye ,and this iswhat good prose or poetry or painting is all about .

It is not true that one picture is worth a thousand words .It takes only a few words —if they are the right words — to sparke the imagination and produce pictures far more color‐ful than anything within the range of electronic communications .

Yet the ultimate importance and power of print is represented not by its superior ima‐ges but by its ability to convey abstract ideas .No matter how intensive or prolonged aperson摧s formal schooling may be ,he is only partially educated if he is unable to think ab‐stractly .He knows that the most vital ingredient in the making of decisions in sequentialthought .This is what is meant by abstract thought .No other medium of communications

Test 9 - 23


can equal the speed and accuracy of print in moving an abstraction from one human brain toanother .If we are looking for a way to kill philosophy ,then let us by all means put an endto print ,for print is the natural habitat of ideas .

There is also a connection between reading and owning that is not accidental or inci‐dental .People who are impressed with ideas want to think about them on their own termsand in their own time .

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard33 .What is the most important ability of words ,according to the speaker ?34 .What does the speaker think a truly educated man must be able to do ?

35 .What method of communication is best at communicating abstract thoughts ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

Two professors ,Robert Engle and Clive Granger ,are the (36)winners this year of theNobel prize in economics .Professor Engle is American ;Professor Granger is British .The(37)award honors their work to help economists better understand what are called “ timeseries” .These show the development of things like stock prices ,(38)interest rates and lev‐els of national production .

The two professors worked together for many years at the University of California atSan Diego .They (39)established one of the top programs in economic measurement .CliveGranger became a professor at New York University three years ago .Both professors arenow (40)partly retired ,but still active in their work .

Professor Granger摧s work in the nineteen‐seventies and eighties permitted him to (41)

develop methods to study economic changes .He was interested in how prices change overtime .He found that economists (42)treat many economic changes as if they did not haveforces that act upon them .This can lead to (43)misleading results .

Professor Granger developed methods to test his theories . These methods showedwhich economic changes are related . (44)For example ,the methods showed a link betweenthe foreign exchange rate of a nation摧s money and prices in its economy .Professor Granger

Test 9 - 24


worked with Professor Engle to develop tests to show which economic changes are ,and arenot ,related .Economists use these tests widely .

Professor Engle also developed ways to estimate the risk of an investment during a pe‐riod of time . (45)Today these methods help banks ,for example ,decide how much wealththey need to remain financially healthy .

Robert Engle and Clive Granger will share the prize of about one‐million‐three‐hun‐dred‐thousand dollars .

The award is officially called the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memo‐ry of Alfred Nobel .Alfred Nobel did not establish the prize .The Bank of Sweden estab‐lished it in nineteen‐six ty‐eight . The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholmpresents the award .(46)The names of people nominated for Nobel prizes remain secret forfifty years .

Test 9 - 25

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )Direction : For this p art ,you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a composition on the top icDi f ferences in Choice of Occupation . The f ollow ing is a grap h based on a poll among200 college graduates , hal f o f them are male students and the other hal f are f emalestudents .You should w rite at least 120 words , and base your composition on the graphand the outline given in Chinese below .

1 .简要描述图表 ,说明男女择业的不同之处 ;

2 .你认为导致男女择业不同的主要原因是 ⋯ ⋯



Test 10 - 1

综合模拟分册 Appendix大学英语四级考试试点考试样卷

综合模拟分册 Model Test 1010

















P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and Scanning )(15 m inutes)Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions 1‐7 ,markY         ( f or YES) i f the statement agrees with the inf ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the in f ormation given in the passage ;NG ( f or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the p assage .

For questions 8‐10 ,comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .

Bluetooth摧s about to See a Comeback

Bluetooth wireless was considered a technological has‐been (out‐of‐date) just a fewyears ago .But it has been reintroduced by the release of lots of gadgets (小配件) andwidespread company support .

Bluetooth is a technology standard that was developed by Ericsson to let users connecta phone ,PC ,keyboard and headsets with one another through a wireless link .Unlike thetraditional in f rared (红外线的) connections ,Bluetooth does not require a direct line be‐tween two gadgets .

Daimler Chrysler ,Toyota Motor ,Toshiba ,Sony ,Nokia and Microsof t are among theTest 10 - 2


small number of manufacturers committed to reclaiming the technology .

Unlike WiFi ,a wireless Fidelity that can be found in Starbucks coffee shops and air‐port terminals ,Bluetooth works only within a 30‐foot (9畅14 meters) radius of device .It isdesigned to replace cables .

Great ExpectationsJust two years ago ,Bluetooth ,which was introduced in the early 1990s ,was not do‐

ing so well .“Initial expectations were too great ,” explained Alex Slaw sby ,senior analyst of mo‐

bile devices at IDC (International Data Company) of US .“It was a solution to a problemno one thought they had .”

But now ,helped by growing industry support ,shipments of Bluetooth devices are ex‐pected to increase about 60 percent in 2004 to 88 million units .That摧s up from 55 millionsold in 2003 ,according to US research firm Gartner .

“In the near future ,we still see Bluetooth more widely used as a cable replacement ,”said William Clark ,research director at Gartner .

These projections are a lot more conservative than the industry and media f renz y (狂

乱的 、狂热的) over Bluetooth in the late 1990s .“We are continuing to downgrade our forecast in terms of overall grow th in the next

three to four years ,” Clark said .

Bluetooth was once hailed as the dawn of a new era in the telecoms and PC industries .

But consumers could rarely get it to connect .The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (BSIG) ,made up of top technology and tele‐

communications companies ,went back to the drawing board .The idea was to make the de‐vices easier to use .

New DesignUsability improvements helped convince car makers to look for ways to allow people to

put down the cell phone while driving .

Honda Motors designed new Acura TL models with the ability to use the technologyto connect to existing Bluetooth phones .Toyota摧s Prius hybrid car and Daimler Chrysler摧sPacifica sport utility vehicle offer it as an option .

Still ,some analysts are cautious about replacing cables just yet .“Bluetooth products work well within a single vendor ,” said Clark .He pointed out

that even now ,devices from one company don摧t always play well with others .

Users of Nokia摧s 6600 phone ,available in Europe and Asia ,have complained about itsTest 10 - 3


inability to link with certain Sony Ericsson headsets .For Bluetooth to grow beyond tech lovers ,analysts said manufacturers will have to

control corporate interests . “It摧s not about the PC ,phone ,or car industries ,” said MikeMcCamon ,executive director of BSIG .“It摧s about all of them working together .”

Time to Grow Some Teeth

False teeth could be a thing of the past ,thanks to stem cell technology ,scientists inBritain say .

Successful tests on mice have shown that technology may let people grow their own re‐placement teeth .

The scientists say the technology will allow people with missing teeth to fill the gapsin their mouth without having to resort to false teeth ,bridges or implants (a man‐madetooth inserted into the new bone) .

The technology works by taking stem cells — “master” cells that can be programmedto make different kinds of tissue — for the patient and treating and culturing it in the lab .

AffordableIt is then re‐implanted in the patient摧s jaw under the gum where the tooth is missing .

Paul Sharpe , the genetic research scientist behind the technique , said that it washoped the tooth would then grow into a fully‐formed ,live tooth in around two months .

He said the technique had been tested in mice and they hoped to move on to trials inhumans in the next two years .But it could be five years before the technology is availableto the general public .

The researchers are testing the success of stem cells taken from different parts of thebody ,such as from bone marrow (骨髓) or teeth themselves .Sharpe said the cost shouldnot be more than the current price tag for synthetic (人造合成的 ) implants — around£ 1敞5000 (US $ 2敞700) to £ 2敞000 (UD $ 3敞600) .

A key advantage of the technology is that a living tooth can preserve the health of thesurrounding tissues much better than artificial replacement ,said Sharpe .Teeth are living ,

and they are able to respond to a person摧s bite ,he added .

AdaptableStem cells are unprogrammed cells in the human body that can be described as “shape

shif ters” .These cells have the ability to change into other types of cells .Stem cells are atthe center of a new field of science called regenerative medicine .

Because stem cells can become bone ,muscle ,cartilage and other specialized types ofTest 10 - 4


cells ,they have the potential to treat many diseases ,including diabetes and cancer .Even‐tually ,they may also be used to regrow organs ,reducing the need for organ transplants .

“Stem cells are like little kids who ,when they grow up ,can enter a variety of profes‐sions ,” says Marc Hedrick of the UCLA (University of California ,Los Angeles) Schoolof Medicine . “A child might become a fireman ,a doctor or a plumber ,depending on theinfluences in their life — or environment . In the same way , these stem cells can becomemany tissues by making certain changes in their environment .”Already Useful

Stem cells are already being used to treat leukemia (白血病) and some joint prob‐lems .

For example ,a bone‐marrow transplant is accomplished by putting stem cells from adonor into the bloodstream of the patient .Stem cells from bone marrow also have the abili‐ty to repair the liver .Researchers are studying stem cells to find out if they could correctbrain damage resulting from Parkinson摧s disease .

The next step will be to learn what influences stem cells to change into particulartypes of cells .Once that摧s known ,it w ill be possible to grow cells that perfectly matchthose of the patient .1 .The most striking characteristic of Bluetooth is that it can function without connecting

two gadgets .2 .There are a lot of manufacturers worldwide who are ready to explore the Bluethooth

technology .

3 .Industry and media were rather conservative in the 1990s over Bluethooth .

4 .Most consumers expect that Bluethooth devices would be easy to operate in the future .

5 .A Sony Ericsson Bluethooth user can easily link with a Nokia摧s 6600 headsets .

6 .Many motor companies are frenzy about Bluetooth phones because they like to followfashion .

7 .The technology of Bluetooth was developed by Microsoft in the early 1990s .8 .Stem cell technology is used to   .

9 .Scientists hope in the next two years stem cell technology   .

10 .Stem cells are adaptable in that   .

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .

Test 10 - 5


A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .A) She works part‐time this term .

B) She wants to become a scholar .C) She needn摧t work part‐time this term .

D) Her grades was not good enough for a scholarship .

12 .A) Scared .         B) Bored .         C) Tired         D) Terrible .

13 .A) Have her daughter counseled by a psychologist .B) Counsel her daughter herself .C) Discipline her daughter more seriously .

D) Put her daughter on a council .14 .A) By bus . B) By Train . C) By car . D) By plane .

15 .A) She mailed a letter .               B) She purchased post cards .

C) She used the Xerox machine . D) She bought stamps .16 .A) He must see the dentist . B) He must give a speech .

C) He has a meeting to attend . D) He must travel to a business conference .

17 .A) In a movie theater . B) In a department store .

C) In a fast‐food restaurant . D) In a supermarket .18 .A) No news is good new s . B) The woman works in the post office .

C) His family forgets him . D) He expects to hear from his family .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) She can摧t see any sign of it outside .

B) She doesn摧t believe the man .

C) She thinks the forecast has not been accurate this week .

D) She doesn摧t want it to happen .

20 .A) He is a Psychology professor with much know ledge .

B) His view s during arguments are very powerful .C) He may be able to add information to a research paper .D) He has personal experience in this field .

21 .A) He rejects labeling criminals .

B) He thinks criminals have certain psychological problems .

Test 10 - 6


C) He thinks criminals are abnormal .D) He thinks that criminals are crazy .

22 .A) They think that he can help w rite it .B) They think he can add support to their arguments .C) They think they can give scientific explanations .

D) They think he can add a different perspective .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) The designer couldn摧t handle the BBS .

B) The BBS failed .

C) The design was too bad .

D) The designer was out .24 .A) She has no qualification .

B) She couldn摧t do BBS .

C) She has no time .

D) She hasn摧t done any website design before .

25 .A) Scolded her .B) Didn摧t pay her .C) Told her to do it again .

D) Paid her only part of the salary .

S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a sin‐gle line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) Some future economic problems .

B) The membership of local organizations .

C) Conservation legislation .

D) The necessity for conservation .

27 .A) By slowing down the economy .

B) By encouraging more industry .

C) By recycling new spapers and glass .Test 10 - 7


D) By using open spaces .28 .A) Individuals can help very little .

B) Recycling new spapers and glass is the answer .C) Economists must participate .

D) Everyone should help .

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .A) It is of no real importance .

B) It is of some importance but one can do it in a month or so .

C) Immediate establishment of an account will ease transactions and give safety .

D) It gives the student prestige with his friends .

30 .A) Large bills are more bulky than small ones .

B) Small bills are easily negotiated .

C) Only new bills are accepted by cashiers .

D) Cash is safer to carry than traveler摧s checks .31 .A) Whether or not it has an authentic teller .

B) The design of its checks .

C) The availability of the bank to the student .D) The bank where you can meet your friends .

32 .A) Your passport must always be available to show .

B) Having personally imprinted checks and an ID card .

C) Having your I‐20 with you .

D) Carrying a letter from your academic advisor .Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

33 .A) Many economic and political events .B) The grow th of modern technology .

C) The use of new weapons .D) The defeat of the South .

34 .A) Because it happened so recently .

B) Because of the continuing interest expressed in it .C) Because it was bitterly fought .D) Because modern techniques and weapons were used .

35 .A) Its size .

Test 10 - 8


B) The drama of brother against brother .C) The economic warfare .

D) The clear cut issues of the war .S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

One of the best‐known collections of parallels is between the (36)       of AbrahamLincoln and John F .Kennedy .Both were (37)       on a Friday ,in the (38)       oftheir wives ;both were succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson ;both their killers werethemselves killed before they could be brought to justice .Lincoln had a secretary calledKennedy ;Kennedy a secretary called Lincoln .Lincoln was killed in the Ford Theatre ;

Kennedy met his death while (39)       in a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford MotorCompany — and so on .

Similar coincidences of ten (40)       between twins .A news story from Finland re‐ported of two 70‐year‐old twin brothers dying two hours apart in separate accidents ,withboth being (41)       by trucks while crossing the same road on bicycles .(42)       tothe police ,the second victim could not have known about his brother摧s death ,as officershad only managed to (43)       the first victim minutes before the second accident .

(44)                                                 .Dorothy Lowe andBridget Harrison were separated in 1945 ,and did not meet until 1979 ,when they wereflown over from Britain for an investigation by a psychologist at the University of Minneso‐ta .They found that when they met they were both wearing seven rings on their hands ,awatch on one w rist .(45)  


Dorothy had named her son Richard Andrew and her daughter Catherine Louise ;Bridgethad named her son Andrew Richard and her daughter Karen Louise .In fact ,she had wan‐ted to call her Catherine .Both had a cat called Tiger .(46)  


Test 10 - 9


How can we explain the above similarities ?P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )Directions : In this section ,there is a short p assage w ith some questions or incomp lete state‐ments .Read the p assage care f ully and then answer the questions or comp lete the state‐ments in the f ewest possible words .Please w rite your answers on Answer Sheet 2 .

Born in 1830 in rural Amherst ,Massachusetts ,Emily Dickinson spent her entire lifein the household of her parents .Between 1858 and 1862 ,it was later discovered ,she w rotelike a person possessed ,of ten producing a poem a day .It was also during this period thather life as transformed into the myth of Amherst .Withdrawing more and more ,keeping toher room ,sometimes even refusing to see visitors w ho called ,she began to dress only inwhite — a habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric .

In their determination to read Dickinson摧s life in terms of a traditional romantic plot ,biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life — her struggle to create a female lifenot yet imagined by the culture in which she lived .Dickinson was not the innocent ,love‐lorn ,and emotionally fragile girl sentimentaliz ed (被美化的) by the Dickinson myth andpopularized by William Luce摧s 1976 play ,The Belle of Amherst .Her decision to shut thedoor on Amherst society in the 1850摧s transformed her house into a kind of magical realm inwhich she was free to engage her poetic genius .Her seclusion (独自一人 ,远离他人) wasnot the result of a failed love affair ,but rather a part of a more general pattern of renuncia‐tion (拒绝 ;反叛) through which she ,in her quest for self‐sovereignty ,carried on an ar‐gument with the Puritan fathers ,attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doc‐trine ,their stern patriarchal God ,and their rigid notions of “true womanhood” .

47 .The author摧s main purpose to w rite this article is to   .

48 .According to the passage ,the most productive period for Emily Dickinson is   .

49 .What are mentioned in the passage as Emily Dickinson摧s eccentricities ? 

50 .According to the passage ,biographers of Dickinson have traditionally seen her life  


51 .Why does the author mention William Luce摧s play ,The Belle of Amherst ? 

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐

Test 10 - 10


tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) ,

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .Passage OneQuestions 52 to 56 are based on the following passage .

Actually ,individual human beings have survived under conditions which they them‐

selves would have called impossible .We see this over and over again in the face of naturaldisasters (earthquakes ,floods ,and famines) and also in the face of man‐made disasters(war ,concentration camps ,and slums) .But the point here is that the whole broad rangeof people has survived over the ages under more varied conditions than any one person en‐counters in a lifetime .

We must distinguish , then ,between what a person can do and what people can do .

Each person has her limits ,and they are ,necessarily ,narrower than those of her speciesas a whole .What one human being cannot do ,some other human beings somewhere — adistant brother or sister — can do . This diversity , these variations among us , are whatmake the human race viable — a species that can continue to live and to avoid extinction .

“Cherish (珍视) diversity !” might well be our motto .Both as scientists and as humanbeings ,we must value — actually cherish — the differences among individuals .This is notbecause we want to become tolerant (容忍的) of differences among people , though ,ofcourse ,we do !Nor do we value diversity because such vast variety is fascinating ,though ,

it is !We must cherish diversity because it is essential to our very survival .The variationsamong us (sometimes large and sometimes small ,sometimes obvious and sometimes almostimpossible to see) increase the chances that the human race ,as a whole ,will be able to a‐dapt to almost anything that might happen .

52 .It can be learned from the passage that       .

A) an individual can survive under almost any conditionB) natural disasters have strengthened our adaptabilityC) people have underestimated the harshness of natural conditionsD) the human race as a whole is remarkably adaptable

53 .The word “viable” (Line 4 ,Para 2) is closest in meaning to       .

A) able to survive B) weakC) likely to die out D) strong

54 . Human beings have been able to survive because of       .

A) physical size B) outstanding intelligenceTest 10 - 11


C) cooperative spirit D) vast variety55 .We should cherish diversity because       .

A) it is our mottoB) variety is fascinatingC) we enjoy being differentD) it is essential to human survival

56 .It is implied in the passage that       .

A) most human beings are intolerant of human differenceB) what a person can do is different from what people can doC) variations among us make it difficult for us to coexistD) unfortunately people don摧t value diversity despite its benefits

Passage TwoQuestions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage .

Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars ofthe classical and medieval worlds ,while during the fif teenth century the term “ reading”undoubtedly meant reading aloud .Only during the nineteenth century did silent readingbecome commonplace .

One should be cautious ,however ,of assuming that silent reading came about simplybecause reading aloud is a distraction to others .Examination of factors related to the his‐torical development of silent reading reveals that it became the usual mode of reading formost adult reading tasks mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character .

The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus the number of read‐ers .As readers increased ,so the number of potential listeners declined ,and thus therewas some reduction in the need to read aloud .

As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common ,so came the flourishing ofreading as a private activity in such public places as libraries ,railway carriages and offices ,

where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers .

Towards the end of the century there was still considerable argument over whetherbooks should be used for information or treated respectfully ,and over whether the readingof material such as new spapers was in some way mentally weakening .Indeed this argumentremains with us still in education .However ,whatever its virtues ,the old shared literacyculture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by booksand periodicals for a specialized readership on the other .

By the end of the century students were being recommended to adopt attitudes toTest 10 - 12


books and to use skills in reading them which were inappropriate ,if not impossible ,for theoral reader .The social ,cultural ,and technological changes in the century had greatly al‐tered what the term “reading” implied .

57 .Why was reading aloud common before the nineteenth century ?

A) Silent reading had not been discovered .

B) There were few places available for private reading .

C) Few people could read for themselves .

D) People relied on reading for entertainment .58 .The development of silent reading during the nineteenth century indicated       .

A) a change in the status of literate peopleB) a change in the nature of readingC) an increase in the number of booksD) an increase in the average age of readers

59 .Educationalists are still arguing about       .

A) the importance of silent readingB) the amount of information yielded by books and newspapersC) the effects of reading on healthD) the value of different types of reading material

60 .The emergence of the mass media and of specialized periodicals showed that       .

A) standards of literacy had declinedB) readers摧 interests had diversifiedC) printing techniques had improvedD) educationalists摧 attitudes had changed

61 .What is the w riter of this passage attempting to do ?A) Explain how present day reading habits developed .

B) Change people摧s attitudes to reading .

C) Show how reading methods have improved .

D) Encourage the grow th of reading .

P a r tⅤ  E rro r C o rrec tionDirections : This p art consists o f a short p assage . In this p assage ,there are altogether 10mistakes ,one in each numbered line .You may have to add a word ,cross out a word ,orchange a word .I f you add a word ,put an insertion mark ( ∧ ) in the blank .I f you crossout a word , put a slash (∕) both caross the word and and the new word in the corre‐

Test 10 - 13


sponding blank . I f you change a word ,cross it out and w rite the cor rect word in the cor‐responding blank .

    Accidents are caused ,and they don摧t just happen .Road accidents ,for example , happen frequently before a family quarrel , and we allknow people who are so of ten at odds with themselves and the worldwhere they seem to cause accidents for them and others .

Yet this should not make us think that accidents happen on otherpeople .By definition ,an accident is something you can predict or a‐void ,and the idea which used to being current , that the majority ofroad accidents are caused by a minority of criminally careless drivers ,

are not supported by insurance statistics .These show that most acci‐dents involve ordinary motorists in a moment of carelessness orthoughtlessness .

It is not always clear , too ,what sort of conditions make peoplemore likely to have an accident .For instance ,the law requires all facto‐ries to take safety precautions and most companies have safety commit‐tees to make sure the regulations are observed ,and still ,every day inBritain ,some fif ty thousand men and women are absent from work dueto an accident .These accidents are largely the result of human error ormisjudgment — noise and tiredness ,boredom or worry are possible fac‐tors which contribute to this .Doctors who work in factories have foundthat those who drink too much ,usually people who have a high anxietylevel ,run three times the common risk of accidents at work .

62 洓.        

63 .        

64 .        

65 .        

66 .        

67 .        

68 .        

69 .        

70 .        

71 .        

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .72 .Nicotine‐related diseases                           (据估计造成三千人死亡) last

year in that province .

73 .The political crisis                           (加剧了社会不安定的局势) in thatcountry .

Test 10 - 14


74 .To strengthen the rule of law ,                           (珍惜人力资本) ,anddevelop natural resources are all essential for the making of a strong country .

75 .The country is heading for recession as its government                          

(无意进行) economic reforms .76 .Without social stability                           (国外投资的前景) in our econ‐

omy would not be encouraging .

P a r tⅠ w riting1 .Sample Writing

Differences in Choice of Occupations

This is a graph showing the result of a poll among 200 college graduates about theirchoices of occupations .With a detailed analysis ,we may come to distinct differences be‐tween male students摧 choices and female students摧 .Firstly ,manager is at the top of themale students摧 choice ,while teacher are the favorable choice for female students .Only 5%

of the boys feel like working as teachers .Moreover ,male students摧 choices are higher inpercentage in four fields of the listed occupations ,while girls摧 are higher only in the field ofteaching .

Primarily ,such difference in choices of occupation between male and female studentsis due to the traditional public opinions about choosing an occupation .Males are liable totake up jobs more challenging or managing jobs ;while ,females tend to choose a job morestable with extra time to take care of the family .Besides ,the personality of females ,suchas patience and carefulness make them favored by certain occupations such as teaching andnursing ,etc .

2 .简评

图表类文章写作切忌 “面面俱到” ,因为时间和篇幅的限定不可能完成对图表全面而

透彻的分析 ,所以抓住图表所传达的重点信息十分关键 。 本文的第一段抓住了两个信息

Test 10 - 15


点 ,一是男生和女生各自选择最多的职业 ,二是男生在四个职业的选择中比例高 ,而女生

只在教师这一职业的选择比例高 。同样 ,分析原因也不一定做到 “全” ,只要针对说清理

由即可 。另外 ,分析原因时添加少量信息是允许的 。

3 .点睛用词

with a detailed analysis ,come to distinct differences ,favorable choice ,feel like ,primarily ,

be due to ,be liable to ,take up ,involve inP a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion(Skimm ing and S cann ing )Bluetooth摧s About to See a Comeback1 .Y .此句与 Bluetooth摧s About to See a Comeback中第二段内容相符 。

2 .N .此句与 Bluetooth摧s About to See a Comeback中第三段内容不符 。

3 .N .此句与 Great Expectations 中第五段内容不符 。

4 .Y .此句与 Bluetooth摧s About to See a Comeback中第二段内容和 Great Expectations中第四段相符 。

5 .N .此句与 New Design 中第五段内容不符 。

6 .NG .根据 Great Expectations中第四段所给的信息可以判断 ,生产企业与媒体在 90年

代末对蓝牙手机曾经一度狂热 ,但没有提到目的是为赶时髦 。

7 .N .此句与 Bluetooth摧s About to See a Comeback中第二段内容不符 。

8 .replace missing teeth for patients .答案在 Time to Grow Some Teeth 下第三段 。

9 .could move on to trials in humans .答案在 Affordable 下第三段 。

10 . they can change into other types of cells .答案在 Adaptable 下第一段 。

P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionS ection A11 .C)   12 .C)   13 .A)   14 .D)   15 .B)   16 .B)   17 .D)  18D)   19 .C)   20 .C)21 .A)   22 .D)   23 .A)   24 .B)   25 .D)

S ection B26 .D)   27C .)   28 .D)   29 .C)   30 .B)   31 .C)   32 .B)   33 .A)   34 .D)   35 .B)S ection C36 .careers         37 .shot         38 .presence         39 .riding40 .occur 41 .hit 42 .According 43 .identify44 .Connections are also found between identical twins who have been separated at birth .

Test 10 - 16


45 .They married on the same day ,had won similar wedding dresses and carried the sameflowers .

46 .They also had a string of similar mannerisms when they were nervous .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )S ection AShort Answer Passage :

47 .答案 : explain Emily Dickinson摧s eccentric behavior 。文章主要叙述了 Emily Dickinson的古怪行为 。

48 .答案 : between 1858 and 1862 。事实细节题 。在这段时间 Emily Dickinson 每天写一首诗 ,这期间她是一个多产作家 。

49 .答案 :Wearing only white ;staying in her room ;refusing to see visitors 。答案在第一段 。

50 .答案 : in romantic terms 。答案在第二段第一句 。传记作者在描绘 Emily 时是以传统的浪漫情节措辞的 。

51 .答案 : To give an example of the sentimentalized Emily Dickinson myth 。 作者提及

William Luce的戏剧 The Belle of Amherst的目的是列举伤感的 Emily 古怪的一个例子 。

S ection BPassage One52 .答案 :D) 。事实细节题 。根据文章最后一句话 ,个体之间的差异使得人类作为一个整

体能够有更多的机会适应变化的环境 ,D) 项与此相符 ,因此为正确答案 。 A ) 项中

的 individual与文章第一句中的 individual human beings意义不同 ,因此可排除 ;B)项与文章不符 ,文章虽然提及自然灾害一词 ,但并没有说是自然灾害增强了我们的适

应性 ,故排除 ;C) 项是主观臆断 ,原文提供的信息并不能得出人类低估了自然条件

的严苛性的结论 。

53 .答案 :A) 。语义理解题 。从上下文的关系来看 , a species that can continue to live andto avoid extinction (能够存活下去 ,不致灭绝的生物) 是对 ⋯ the human race viable的解释 ,因此 viable的意思是 “能够存活下去” 。

54 .答案 :D) 。 事实细节题 。 文章第二段最后一句给出了本题的答案 : This diversity ,

these variations among us ,are what make the human race viable ,D) 与之相符 。 A)

项在文中并没有提到 ,可排除 ;B) 项 “杰出的智慧” 可能是人类能够战胜各种自然

或人为灾害的原因之一 ,但与 D) 比较起来不够全面 ; C) 项的 “合作精神” 在文中

Test 10 - 17


常与自己和他人过不去 ,以至于给自己和他人带来意外事故 。 at odds with “与 ⋯ ⋯产

生争执” 。

64 .答案 : them ( themselves 。根据文意 ,这种人给自己和他人带来意外事故 ,所以应该

用反身代词 themselves 。65 .答案 : on ( to 。 happen to sb .固定搭配 ,意为 “发生在某人身上” 。

66 .答案 :在 can后面加上 not 。根据句意 ,意外事故应该是某种你无法预测或避免的事

情 。

67 .答案 : being ( be 。 used to 要求后跟不定式 ,意为 “过去常常 ⋯ (而现在已不这样

了)” 。

68 .答案 : are ( is 。本句结构比较复杂 ,需要认真分析 。主语为 The idea ,后面 which引导定语从句限定说明 idea ,之后 that 引导同位语从句阐述 idea的内容 ,本句的谓语应

该是 is ,而不是 are 。句意为 :过去比较流行的看法 ,即 :大多数交通事故是由一小撮

粗心的司机违法造成的 ,现在并未得到保险 (公司) 数据的印证 。

69 .答案 : too ( either 。either用在否定句中 ,表示 “也” ,而 too用在肯定句中 。

70 .答案 : and ( but 。根据文意 ,法律要求工厂采取安全措施 ,绝大多数公司也设有安全

委员会以确保安全措施的实施 ,然而每天英国大约有五万工人因事故离开工作岗位 ,

由此可见 and前面的句子与后面的句子之间不存在并列关系 ,而是转折的关系 ,所以

要用 but 。71 .答案 : common ( normal 。句中 normal risk表示 “正常的风险” ,而 common意为 “普

通的” ,“常见的” ,不合文意 。

P a r tⅥ  T rans la tionDirections : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .72 .参考答案 : claimed an estimated 3000 lives / led to / caused 3000 deaths ,by estimate ,

译文 :据估计去年该省有 3000人因与吸烟有关的疾病而丧生 。

73 .参考答案 : intensifies the social instability译文 :政治危机加剧了该国社会动荡不安的局势 。

74 .参考答案 : cherish human capital译文 :加强法治 、珍惜人力资本 、开发自然资源是强国之本 。

75 .参考答案 : has no intention of carrying out / does not intend to carry out译文 :该国因无意进行经济改革而走向衰退 。

76 .参考答案 : the prospect of overseas investment译文 :没有社会稳定 ,国外对我国经济投资的前景就不可能令人鼓舞 。

Test 10 - 19


Tapescript for Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) ,and decide which is the best answer . Then mark the corresponding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .M : Helen doesn摧t take a part‐time job this semester .

W :No .Her grades enabled her to earn a scholarship .

Q :What is implied about Helen ?

12 .M : I must sit down .I摧m exhausted !

W : They really should have supermarkets and taxis here .

Q : How does the woman feel ?13 .W :My daughter is having some discipline problems at school .

M :You should have a psychologist counsel her .Q :What should the woman do ?

14 .M : The guests are leaving for New York today on the ten o摧clock flight .We needsomeone to get them to the airport on time .

W :Ordinarily ,I摧d be happy to ,but my car is in the garage .

Q : How are guests going to New York ?

15 .M :Did you get to the post office before it closed ?

W :Yes .The Xerox machine was out of order ,but I did buy the postcards you need .

Q :What did the woman do at the post office ?16 .W : Here摧s this week摧s schedule .On Monday ,there摧s the board meeting .Your speech

is at the Lion摧s Clubs on Tuesday .Then ,on Wednesday ,you摧re supposed to seethe dentist .

M : I摧m glad I don摧 t have to travel to the business conference until next week .

Q :What will the man do on Tuesday ?

17 .W :Excuse me .Could you help me locate the canned fruit ?M : Sure .You摧ll find them past the dairy section ,in aisle 4 .

Q :Where does this conversation take place ?18 .M :No mail for me today ? They must have forgotten about me .I hope everything is

Test 10 - 20


all right at home .

W :No news is good new s .Remember many things are slow these days .

Q :What can you learn from the conversation ?

Now you will hear two long conversations .Conversation OneM : The weather forecast says it will rain today .

W : Yeah ,doesn摧t it always ?They摧ve been saying that for a week and I haven摧t seen muchsign of it so far .

M :Yeah ,but look .This time maybe they are on target .The sky is very dark .I got afeeling the rain will be heavy .

W : If it摧s raining heavily af ter class ,wait for me and I摧ll bring you an umbrella .

M : That摧s kind of you to offer ,but don摧t worry I摧ll probably just wait it out .W :By the way ,what are the chances that you might be able to have a word with Profes‐

sor Simpson in Criminology class ?We still need some resources for our Psychologyproject and his viewpoints might be help .

M : I could ask him ,although I don摧t know how eager he摧d be to give us information aboutsuch a topic .

W :On ,come on .He摧s always so helpful .Why would he even hesitate ?M :Well ,he has his rule ,which opposes the idea that criminals must necessarily be psy‐

chologically abnormal .He feels it摧s just a prejudice .

W :Ok .But when it comes to certain crimes like mass murder ,there must be a few “mar‐ble loose” .

M :You would think so .But it摧s hard to convince Simpson that anyone摧s crazy .

W : Perhaps he摧d make a good reference source in the section where we include counter‐ar‐guments to our main thesis .

M :Good thinking .Let摧s give it a shot .W : There摧s the spirit .Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .Why does the woman seem unconvinced that it will rain today ?

20 .Why do the man and the woman want to talk to M r .Simpson ?

21 .What is Simpson摧s view towards criminals ?22 .How do they think he might be useful on the report ?Conversation TwoM : Hi ,Anne .Please come in and take a seat .

Test 10 - 21


W :Well ,I can摧t stay long .I摧ve still got these papers to mark but I thought I摧d check upyour progress with the website .

M :Well ,things are a little hold on right now .We摧ve got a problem with the BBS .Thefree lance web designer was not as good as we initially thought she would be .She in‐formed us last night that she could only do simply designing and that putting up a BBSis beyond her means .

W :Well ,didn摧t you make a list down on what you want with her at the beginning ?

M : Not really ,she was recommended by Jim and from what he told me ,this lady sound tobe pretty qualified to do the job .I摧m not asking for a terrific web design but to buildup a structure with all the basic elements of web design .

W :Did you ask her why she wasn摧t f rank with you in the beginning if she couldn摧t do theBBS ?

M : I did .She said I didn摧t bring that up and that it was a communication problem .Youknow ,I also realize that she is an amateur and is not w hat Jim has described exactly .

That really gets me .

W : I know you must be feeling you摧re being cheated or something .So what do you plan todo now that she got the job half done .

M : I don摧t want to be mean but I摧m .Basically ,I told her straight out I will not pay herfull fees because she wasn摧t honest with me in the beginning and because of this it hascosts me time and energy on this project since I have to search around for other peopleto complete the job .

W : That sounds fair .But I摧m sure she must be very upset af ter all the work done .

M : Hey ,but who摧s the loser here ? I don摧t think people should take up a job if it is notwithin their means to complete .That should teach her a lesson .

W :Well ,it still means we need to find someone .I suggest we go back to our Dean andsee if we can get extra funding somewhere in the Teacher Development Fund .Then weget a professional to work at it .

M :We can try but I think we haven摧t got a hope in hell .Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .Why hasn摧t the website been complete ?24 .What was the website designer not honest about ?25 .How did the man deal with the dishonest website designer ?S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

Test 10 - 22


you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assages and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) andD) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

As the nation摧s economy recovers from the current flow‐down ,conservation will be‐come our major concern .The demand for our natural resources will increase .In order tohelp conserve our decreasing natural resources ,we will need everyone摧s help and coopera‐tion in such ventures as recycling new spapers and glass so that they can be used again .Ifwe want to continue to enjoy our open spaces in woodlands ,then we must support conser‐vation legislation and join local organizations which promote these law s .Every little bitthat individuals do now will help all of us in the future .

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What is the speaker摧s main concern ?

27 .What is one way we can save some of our natural resources ?28 .What does the speaker suggest regarding conservation ?

Passage TwoStudents coming to the United States will immediately be faced with the mechanics of

handling their finances .It is not wise for a student to carry a large amount of cash whichcan be lost or stolen .It is wise to have some cash ,particularly currency of small denomina‐tions — such as tens and twenties .They should also have traveler摧s checks to last them forthe first two months ,including the major expense of school enrollment and housing .

Immediately af ter arriving in the city of enrollment , the student should establish achecking account .It is wise to select a bank near where the student will live and a bankwhich has an automatic teller on or near the campus .The student摧s bank will provide thestudent with personally imprinted checks and an identification card .With these it will beeasy for the student to make purchases or obtain money .

An important warning is to keep to a minimum the amount of cash in possession ,andto guard carefully one摧s checks and identification card .There are students and non‐studentswho take advantage of the unwary .

Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard29 .What is the importance of establishing a bank account ?30 .What does one learn about carrying cash in the United States ?31 .In selecting a bank in the United States ,what is the most important consideration ?

Test 10 - 23


32 .What items are needed in banking transactions in America ?Passage Three

The Civil War was one of American摧s great historic events .It was fought from 1861 to1865 and resulted in almost a million casualties .

The roots of the war were complex — changing attitudes toward the role of govern‐ment ,changing demographic and economic factors , and the diverging attitudes of theNorth and South toward slavery .A political deadlock developed in the 1850s which wasonly resolved by a war in which the greater resources of the North predominated .

The Civil War was bit terly fought and huge armies were used .As a war ,it was thefirst truly modern war .Railroads ,telegraphy ,coastal blockades and economic mobilizationwere as significant as the use of rifled weapons ,much artillery ,and even trench warfare .

The Civil War is eagerly studied by many Americans .It was a war of commitment andpassion .It divided sections and families — even brothers were made to fight against one an‐other .

Whatever its causes ,the Civil War changed America .Slavery was abolished ,the the‐ory of states摧 rights declined , and economic conditions were established for the rapidcoming of the Industrial Revolution .

Until recent years there were many Southerners who were emotional about the War .This was hardly true in the North .It is far easier for a victor to lay aside the memories ofa war than it is for a loser .Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard33 .What caused the Civil War ?34 .Why was the Civil War a modern war ?35 .What accounts for the American interest in the Civil War ?S ection CDirections : In this section ,you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the p assage is readf or the f irst time ,you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the passage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation . For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time ,you should check what you have w ritten .

One of the best‐known collections of parallels is between the (36)careers of AbrahamLincoln and John F .Kennedy .Both were (37)shot on a Friday ,in the (38)presence of

Test 10 - 24


their wives ;both were succeeded by a Southerner named Johnson ;both their killers werethemselves killed before they could be brought to justice .Lincoln had a secretary calledKennedy ;Kennedy had a secretary called Lincoln .Lincoln was killed in the Ford Theatre ;

Kennedy met his death while (39)riding in a Lincoln convertible made by the Ford MotorCompany — and so on .

Similar coincidences often (40)occur between twins .A news story from Finland repor‐ted of two 70‐year‐old twin brothers dying two hours apart in separate accidents ,with bothbeing (41)hit by trucks while crossing the same road on bicycles .(42)According to the po‐lice ,the second victim could not have known about his brother摧s death ,as officers had onlymanaged to (43)identify the first victim minutes before the second accident .

(44)Connections are also found between identical twins who have been separated at birth .

Dorothy Lowe and Bridget Harrison were separated in 1945 ,and did not meet until 1979 ,

when they were flown over fromBritain for an investigation by a psychologist at the Universityof Minnesota .They found that when they met they were both wearing seven rings on theirhands ,a watch on one wrist .(45)They married on the same day ,had won similar weddingdresses and carried the same flowers .Dorothy had named her son Richard Andrew and herdaughter Catherine Louise ;Bridget had named her son Andrew Richard and her daughterKaren Louise .In fact ,she had wanted to call her Catherine .Both had a cat called Tiger .(46)They also had a string of similar mannerisms when they were nervous .How can we ex‐plain the above similarities ?

Test 10 - 25

P a r tⅠ W riting (30 m inu te s )注意 :此部分试题在答题卡 1上 。

P a r tⅡ  Read ing C omprehens ion (S kimm ing and S cann ing ) (15 m i‐nu te s )Directions : In this p art ,you w ill have 15 minutes to go over the p assage quickly and an‐swer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 .

For questions l‐7 , markY ( f or Y ES)         i f the statement agrees w ith the in f ormation given in the passage ;N ( f or NO) i f the statement contradicts the in f ormation given in the passage ;NG (or NOT G IV EN ) i f the in f ormation is not given in the passage .

For questions 8‐10 , comp lete the sentences w ith the in f ormation given in the p assage .


You have just finished your meal at a fast food restaurant and you throw your uneatenfood , food w rappers , drink cups , utensils and napkins into the trash can .You don摧tthink about that waste again .On trash pickup day in your neighborhood , you push yourcan out to the curb , and workers dump the contents into a big truck and haul it away .Youdon摧t have to think about that waste again , either .But maybe you have wondered , as youwatch the trash truck pull away , just where that garbage ends up .

Americans generate trash at an astonishing rate of four pounds per day per person ,

which translates to 600敞000 tons per day or 210 million tons per year !This is almost twice

综合模拟分册 Appendix大学英语四级考试试点考试样卷


as much trash per person as most other major countries .What happens to this trash ?Somegets recycled (回收利用) or recovered and some is burned , but the majority is buried inlandfills .

How Much Trash Is Generated ?

Of the 210 million tons of trash , or solid waste , generated in the United States annu‐ally , about 56 million tons , or 27 percent , is either recycled (glass , paper products ,plastic ,metals) or composted (做成堆肥) (yard waste) . The remaining trash , which ismostly unrecyclable , is discarded .

How Is Trash Disposed of ?The trash production in the United States has almost tripled since 1960 .This trash is

handled in various ways .About 27 percent of the trash is recycled or composted ,16 per‐cent is burned and 57 percent is buried in landfills .The amount of trash buffed in landfillshas doubled since 1960 .The United States ranks somewhere in the middle of the majorcountries (United Kingdom , Canada , Germany , France and Japan) in landfill disposal .The United Kingdom ranks highest , burying about 90 percent of its solid waste in land‐fills .

What Is a Landfill ?There are two ways to bury trash :

瞯   Dump - an open hole in the ground where trash is buried and that is full of vari‐ous animals (rats ,mice ,birds) .(This is most people摧s idea of a landfill !)

瞯   Landfill - carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in whichtrash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater , air , rain) . This isola‐tion is accomplished with a bottom liner and daily covering of soil .

瞯   Sanitary landfill — landfill that uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the envi‐ronment

瞯   Municipal solid waste (MSW ) landfill — landfill that uses a synthetic (plastic)liner to isolate the trash from the environment

The purpose of a landfill is to bury the trash in such a way that it will be isolated fromgroundwater ,will be kept dry and will not be in contact with air .Under these conditions ,trash will not decompose (腐烂) much .A landfill is not like a compost pile , where thepurpose is to bury trash in such a way that it will decompose quickly .

Proposing the LandfillFor a landfill to be built , the operators have to make sure that they follow certain

steps .In most parts of the world , there are regulations that govern where a landfill can be


placed and how it can operate .The whole process begins with someone proposing the land‐fill .

In the United States , taking care of trash and building landfills are local governmentresponsibilities .Before a city or other authority can build a landfill , an environmental im‐pact study must be done on the proposed site to determine :

瞯   the area of land necessary for the landfill瞯   the composition of the underlying soil and bedrock瞯   the flow of surface water over the site瞯   the impact of the proposed landfill on the local environment and wildlife瞯   the historical value of the proposed siteBuilding the Landfill

Once the environmental impact study is complete , the permits are granted and thefunds have been raised , then construction begins .First , access roads to the landfill sitemust be built if they do not already exist .These roads will be used by construction equip‐ment , sanitation (环卫) services and the general public .After roads have been built ,digging can begin .In the North Wake County Landfill , the landfill began 10 feet belowthe road surface .

What Happens to Trash in a Landfill ?T rash put in a landfill will stay there for a very long time .Inside a landfill , there is

1ittle oxygen and 1ittle moisture .Under these conditions , trash does not break down veryrapidly .In fact ,when old landfills have been dug up or sampled ,40‐year‐old new spapershave been found with easily readable print .Landfills are not designed to break down trash ,

merely to bury it .When a landfill closes , the site , especially the groundwater ,must bemonitored and maintained for up to 30 years !How Is a Landfill Operated ?

A landfill ,such as the North Wake County Landfill ,must be open and available everyday .Customers are typically municipalities and construction companies , although resi‐dents may also use the landfill .

Near the entrance of the landfill is a recycling center where residents can drop off recy‐clable materials (aluminum cans , glass bottles , newspapers and paper products ) . Thishelps to reduce the amount of material in the landfill . Some of these materials are bannedfrom landfills by law because they can be recycled .

As customers enter the site , their trucks are weighed at the scale house .Customersare charged tipping fees for using the site .The tipping fees vary from $ 10 to $ 40 per


ton .These fees are used to pay for operation costs .The North Wake County Landfill hasan operating budget of approximately $ 4畅5 million , and part of that comes from tippingfees .

Along the site , there are drop‐off stations for materials that are not wanted or legallybanned by the landfill .A multi‐material drop‐off station is used for tires ,motor oil ,1ead‐acid batteries .Some of these materials can be recycled .

In addition , there is a household hazardous waste drop‐off station for chemicals(paints , pesticides , other chemicals) that are banned from the landfill .These chemicalsare disposed of by private companies .Some paints can be recycled and some organic chemi‐cals can be burned in furnaces or power plants .

Other structures alongside the landfill are the borrowed area that supplies the soil forthe landfill , the runoff collection pond and methane (甲烷) station .

Landfills are complicated structures that ,when properly designed and managed , serve animportant purpose .In the future , new technologies called bioreactors will be used to speedthe breakdown of trash in landfills and produce more methane .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 1上作答 ;8‐10题在答题卡 1上 。

1 .The passage gives a general description of the structure and use of a landfill .2 .Most of the trash that Americans generate ends up in landfills .

3 .Compared with other major industrialized countries ,America buries a much higher per‐centage of its solid waste in landfills .

4 .Landfills are like compost piles in that they speed up decomposition of the buffed trash .

5 .In most countries the selection of a landfill site is governed by roles and regulations .

6 .In the United States the building of landfills is the job of both federal and local govern‐ments .

7 .Hazardous wastes have to be treated before being dumped into landfills .P a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ion (35 m inu te s )Section ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation , one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)andD) . and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the centre .


注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

11 .A) The man hates to lend his tools to other people .

B) The man hasn摧t finished working on the bookshelf .C) The tools have already been returned to the woman .

D) The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing .

12 .A) Save time by using a computer .B) Buy her own computer .C) Borrow Martha摧s computer .D) Stay home and complete her paper .

13 .A) He has been to Seattle many times .

B) He has chaired a lot of conferences .

C) He holds a high position in his company .

D) He lived in Seattle for many years .14 .A) Teacher and student .

B) Doctor and patient .C) Manager and office worker .D) T ravel agent and customer .

15 .A) She knows the guy who will give the lecture .

B) She thinks the lecture might be informative .

C) She wants to add something to her lecture .

D) She摧ll finish her report this weekend .

16 .A) An art museum .

B) A beautiful park .

C) A college campus .

D) An architectural exhibition .

17 .A) The houses for sale are of poor quality .

B) The houses are too expensive for the couple to buy .

C) The housing developers provide free trips for potential buyers .

D) The mail is unwilling to take a look at the houses for sale .

18 .A) Talking about sports .

B) Writing up local new s .

C) Reading new spapers .D) Putting up advertisements .

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .A) The benefits of strong business competition .


B) A proposal to lower the cost of production .

C) Complaints about the expense of modernization .

D) Suggestions concerning new business strategies .

20 .A) It cost much more than its worth .

B) It should be brought up‐to‐date .

C) It calls for immediate repairs .

D) It can still be used for a long time .

21 .A) The personnel manager should be fired for inefficiency .

B) A few engineers should be employed to modernize the factory .

C) The entire staff should be retrained .

D) Better‐educated employees should be promoted .

22 .A) Their competitors have long been advertising on TV .

B) TV commercials are less expensive .

C) Advertising in new spapers alone is not sufficient .D) TV commercials attract more investments .

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .A) Searching for reference material .B) Watching a film of the 1930s摧 .C) Writing a course book .

D) Looking for a job in a movie studio .

24 .A) It摧s too broad to cope with .

B) It摧s a bit outdated .

C) It摧s controversial .D) It摧s of little practical value .

25 .A) At the end of the online catalogue .

B) At the Reference Desk .

C) In The New York Times .

D) In the Reader摧s Guide to Periodical Literature .

Section BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assage and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question , you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA) , B) , C) andD) . Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the centre .


注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .A) Synthetic fuel .                 C) Alcohol .B) Solar energy . D) Electricity .

27 .A) Air traffic conditions . C) Road conditions .

B) T raffic jams on highways . D) New traffic rules .

28 .A) Go through a health check . C) Arrive early for boarding .

B) Take little luggage with them . D) Undergo security checks .

Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .A) Beauty . C) Luck .

B) Loyalty . D) Durability .

30 .A) He wanted to follow the tradition of his country .

B) He believed that it symbolized an everlasting marriage .

C) It was thought that a blood vessel in that finger led directly to the heart .D) It was supposed that the diamond on that finger would bring good luck .

31 .A) The two people can learn about each other摧s likes and dislikes .

B) The two people can have time to decide if they are a good match .

C) The two people can have time to shop for their new home .

D) The two people can earn enough money for their wedding .

Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .A) Because there are no signs to direct them .

B) Because no tour guides are available .

C) Because all the buildings in the city look alike .

D) Because the university is everywhere in the city .

33 .A) They set their own exams .B) They select their own students .

C) They award their own degrees .D) They organize their own laboratory work .

34 .A) Most of them have a long history .

B) Many of them are specialized libraries .

C) They house more books than any other university library .


D) They each have a copy of every book published in Britain .

35 .A) Very few of them are engaged in research .

B) They were not awarded degrees until 1948 .

C) They have outnumbered male students .D) They were not treated equally until 1881 .

Section CDirections : In this section , you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the passage is readf or the f irst time , you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the p assage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation .For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time , you should check what you have w ritten .

注意 :此部分试题在答题卡 2上 ;请在答题卡 2上作答 。

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th ) (25 m inu te s )S ection ADirections : In this section , there is a p assage w ith ten blanks .You are required to selectone word f or each blank f rom a list o f choices given in a word bank f ollow ing the p as‐sage .Read the p assage through care f ully be f ore making your choices .Each choice in thebank is identi f ied by a letter .Please mark the Corresponding letter f or each item on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the centre .You may not use any o f the words in thebank more than once .

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage .

When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic , he knew only , afew words of English .Education soon became a   47   . “I couldn摧t understand any‐thing ,” he said .He   48   f rom his teachers , came home in tears , and thought aboutdropping out .

Then Mrs .Malave , a bilingual educator , began to work with him while teaching himmath and science in his   49   Spanish .“She helped me stay smart while teaching me Eng‐lish ,“ he said .Given the chance to demonstrate his ability , he   50   confidence and be‐gan to succeed in school .

Today ,he is a   51   doctor ,runs his own clinic , and works with several hospitals .


Every day , he uses the language and academic skills he   52   through bilingual educationto treat his patients .

Roberto摧s story is just one of   53   success stories .Research has shown that bilingualeducation is the most   54   way both to teach children English and ensure that they suc‐ceed academically .In Arizona and Texas , bilingual students   55   outperform their peersin monolingual programs .Calexico , Calif ., implemented bilingual education , and nowhas dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college   56   rates of morethan 90% .In El Paso , bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores fromthe lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

A) wonder                                 I) hidB) acquired J) prominentC) consistently K) decentD) regained L) countlessE) nightmare M ) recalledF) native N) breakthroughG) acceptance O) automaticallyH) effective

S ection BDirections : There are 2 p assages in this section .Each p assage is f ollowed by some ques‐tions or un f inished statements .For each o f them there are f our choices marked A ) , B) .

C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the centre .

Passage OneQuestions 57 to 6 1 are based on the following passage .

“Tear摧em apart !” “Kill the fool !” “Murder the referee (裁判) !”

These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events .At the time theyare made , they may seem innocent enough .But let摧s not kid ourselves .They have beenknown to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real bloodshed .Volumes have beenw ritten about the way words affect us .It has been shown that words having certain conno‐tations (含义) may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be ourusual humanistic behavior .I see the term “opponent” as one of those words .Perhaps thetime has come to delete it from sports terms .


The dictionary meaning of the term “opponent” is “adversary” ; “enemy” ;“one whoopposes your interests .” Thus ,when a player meets an opponent , he or she may tend totreat that opponent as an enemy .At such times , winning may dominate one摧s intellect ,and every action , no matter how gross ,may be considered justifiable .I recall an incidentin a handball game when a referee refused a player摧s request for a time out for a glovechange because he did not consider them wet enough . The player proceeded to rub hisgloves across his wet T‐shirt and then exclaimed ,“Are they wet enough now ?”

In the heat of battle , players have been observed to throw themselves across the courtwithout considering the consequences that such a move might have on anyone in their way .

I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent摧s intentional and illegal blocking bydeliberately hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play .Off thecourt , they are good friends .Does that make any sense ?It certainly gives proof of a courtattitude which departs from normal behavior .

Therefore , I believe it is time we elevated (提升) the game to the level where it be‐longs , thereby setting an example to the rest of the sporting world .Replacing the term“opponent” with “ associate” could be an ideal way to start .

The dictionary meaning of the term “associate” is “colleague” ; “f riend” ;” compan‐ion .”

Reflect a moment !You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reactionto the term “associate” rather than “opponent .”注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

57 .Which of the following statements best expresses the author摧s view ?

A) The words people use can influence their behavior .B) Unpleasant words in sports are of ten used by foreign athletes .

C) Aggressive behavior in sports can have serious consequences .

D) Unfair judgments by referees will lead to violence on the sports field .

58 .Harsh words are spoken during games because the players       .

A) are too eager to winB) treat their rivals as enemiesC) are usually short‐tempered and easily offendedD) cannot afford to be polite in fierce competitions

59 .What did the handball player do when he was not allowed a time out to change hisgloves ?A) He angrily hit the referee with a ball .


B) He refused to continue the game .

C) He claimed that the referee was unfair .D) He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T‐shirt .

60 .According to the passage , players in a game may       .

A) kick the ball across the court with forceB) lie down on the ground as an act of protestC) deliberately throw the ball at anyone illegally blocking their wayD) keep on screaming and shouting throughout the game

61 .The author hopes to have the current situation in sports improved by       .

A) regulating the relationship between players and refereesB) calling on players to use clean language on the courtC) raising the referees摧 sense of responsibilityD) changing the attitude of players on the sports field

Passage TwoQuestions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage .

Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (保护区) (ANWR)

to help secure America摧s energy future ?President Bush certainly thinks so .He has arguedthat tapping ANWR摧s oil would help ease California摧s electricity crisis and provide a majorboost to the country摧s energy independence .But no one knows for sure how much crude oillies buried beneath the frozen earth ,with the last government survey , conducted in 1998 ,

projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels .

The oil industry goes with the high end of the range , which could equal as much as10% of U畅S .consumption for as long as six years .By pumping more than 1 million barrelsa day from the reserve for the next two to three decades , lobbyists claim ,the nation couldcut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U畅S .f rom Saudi Arabia .Soundsgood .An oil boom would also mean a multibillion‐dollar windfall (意外之财) in tax reve‐nues , royalties (开采权使用费) and leasing fees for A1aska and the Federal Government .Best of all , advocates of drilling say , damage to the environment would be insignificant .”We摧ve never had a documented case of an oil rig chasing deer out onto the pack ice ,” saysAlaska State Representative Scott Ogan .

Not so fast , say environmentalists .Sticking to the low end of government estimates ,

the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3畅2 billion barrelsof economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR , a drop in the bucket thatwould do virtually nothing to ease America摧s energy problems .And consumers would wait


up to a decade to gain any benefits , because drilling could begin only af ter much bargainingover leases , environmental permits and regulatory review .As for ANWR摧s impact on theCalifornia power crisis , environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% ofthe Golden State摧s electricity output‐and just 3% of the nation摧s .注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

62 .What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR ?

A) It will increase America摧s energy consumption .

B) It will exhaust the nation摧s oil reserves .

C) It will help reduce the nation摧s oil imports .

D) It will help secure the future of ANWR .

63 .We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry       .

A) show s little interest in tapping oil in ANWRB) expects to stop oil imports from Saudi ArabiaC) tends to exaggerate America摧s reliance on foreign oilD) believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields

64 .Those against oil drilling in ANWR argue that       .

A) it w ill drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan regionB) it can do little to solve U畅S .energy problemsC) it can cause serious damage to the environmentD) it w ill not have much commercial value

65 .What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line 1 ,Para .3) ?A) Don摧t be too optimistic .

B) Don摧t expect fast returns .C) The oil drilling should be delayed .

D) Oil exploitation takes a long time .

66 .It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath ANWR摧s frozen earth      .

A) involves a lot of technological problemsB) remains a controversial issueC) is expected to get under way soonD) will enable the U畅 S .to be oil independent

P a r tⅤ C lo ze (15 m inu te s )Directions : There are 20 blanks in the f ollow ing p assage . For each blank there are f our


choices marked A ) , B) , C) and D ) on the right side o f the paper .You should choosethe ONE that best f its into the p assage . Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 w ith a single line through the centre .

注意 :此部分试题请在答题卡 2上作答 。

Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further . The  67   you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually   68   you money orcan add   69   the cost .

Take the   70   example of a hairdryer . If you are buying a hairdryer , you might  71   that you are making the   72   buy if you choose one   73   look you like andwhich is also the cheapest   74   price .But when you get it home you may find that it  75   tw ice as long as a more expensive   76   to dry your hair .The cost of the electrici‐ty plus the cost of your time could well   77   your hairdryer the most expensive one ofall .

So what principles should you   78   when you go out shopping ?

If you   79   your home , your car or any valuable   80   in excellent condition , you摧ll besaving money in the long   81   .

Before you buy a new   82   ,talk to someone who owns one .If you can , use it orborrow it to check it suits your particular   83   .

Before you buy an expensive   84   , or a service , do check the price and   85   is onoffer .If possible , choose   86   three items or three estimates .

67 .A) form           C) way             B) fashion         D) method68 .A) save C) raise B) preserve D) retain69 .A) up C) in B) to D) on70 .A) easy C) simple B) single D) similar71 .A) convince C) examine B) accept D) think72 .A) proper C) reasonable B) best D) most73 .A) its C) whose B) which D) what74 .A) for C) in B) with D) on75 .A) spends C) lasts B) takes D) consumes76 .A) mode C) sample B) copy D) model77 .A) cause C) leave B) make D) bring78 .A) adopt C) stick B) lay D) adapt79 .A) reserve C) store B) decorate D) keep80 .A) products C) material B) possession D) ownership


81 .A) run C) period B) interval D) time82 .A) appliance C) utility B) machinery D) facility83 .A) function C) target B) purpose D) task84 .A) component C) item B) element D) particle85 .A) what C) that B) which D) this86 .A) of C) by B) in D) f romP a r tⅥ  T rans la tion (5 m inu te s )Directions : Comp lete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chi‐nese given in brackets .注意 :此部分试题在答题卡 2上 ;请在答题卡 2上作答 。


答题卡 1 (Answer Sheet 1)学校 :

姓名 :


准  考  证  号

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[9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9]

Part Ⅰ                 Writing             (30 minutes)Directions : For this p art , you are allowed 30 minutes to w rite a campaign speech in sup‐port o f your election to the post o f chairman o f the student union .You should w rite atleast 120 words f ollow ing the outline given below in Chinese :

1畅 你认为自己具备了什么条件 (能力 、性格 、爱好等) 可以胜任学生会主席的工作

2畅 如果当选 ,你将为本校同学做些什么

A Campaign Speech









答题卡 1 (Answer Sheet 1) 






















Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)1 qf畅 [Y][N][NG]       2 �畅 [Y][N][NG]       3 槝畅 [Y][N][NG]       4 1畅 [Y][N][NG]

5 f畅 [Y][N][NG]       6 �畅 [Y][N][NG]       7 槝畅 [Y][N][NG]

8 f畅 Typical customers of a landfill are   .

9 f畅 To dispose of a ton of trash in a landfill ,customers have to pay a tipping fee of   .

10 敂畅Materials that are not permitted to be buried in landfills should be dumped at   .


答题卡 2(Answer Sheet 2)学校 :

姓名 :


准  考  证  号

[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

[1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

[2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2]

[3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3] [3]

[4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4] [4]

[5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5]

[6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6] [6]

[7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7] [7]

[8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8] [8]

[9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9] [9]

Part Ⅲ     Section A                       Section B11畅 [A][B][C][D] 16畅 [A][B][C][D] 21畅 [A][B][C][D] 26畅 [A][B][C][D] 31畅 [A][B][C][D]12畅 [A][B][C][D] 17畅 [A][B][C][D] 22畅 [A][B][C][D] 27畅 [A][B][C][D] 32畅 [A][B][C][D]13畅 [A][B][C][D] 18畅 [A][B][C][D] 23畅 [A][B][C][D] 28畅 [A][B][C][D] 33畅 [A][B][C][D]14畅 [A][B][C][D] 19畅 [A][B][C][D] 24畅 [A][B][C][D] 29畅 [A][B][C][D] 34畅 [A][B][C][D]15畅 [A][B][C][D] 20畅 [A][B][C][D] 25畅 [A][B][C][D] 30畅 [A][B][C][D] 35畅 [A][B][C][D]Part Ⅲ     Section C

Russia is the largest economic power that is not a member of the World T rade Organization .But thatmay change .Last Friday ,the European Union said it would support Russia摧s (36) tobecome a W畅 T畅O畅member .

Representatives of the European Union met with Russian (37) in Moscow .Theysigned a trade agreement that took six years to (38) .

Russia called the trade agreement (39) .It agreed to slow ly increase fuel priceswithin the country .It also agreed to permit (40) in its communications industry andto remove some barriers to trade .

In (41) for European support to jion the W畅 T畅O畅 ,Russian President Putin saidthat Russia would speed up the (42) to approve the Kyoto Protocol ,an international(43) agreement to reduce the production of harmful industrial gases .(44)  


Russia had signed the Kyoto Protocol ,but has not yet approved it .The agreement takes effect whenit has been approved by nations that produce at least 55 percent of the world摧s greenhouse gases .(45)  


The United States ,the world摧s biggest producer ,withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol after President Bushtook office in 2001 .So ,Russia摧s approval is required to put the Kyoto Protocol into effect .


  .Russia must still reach agreements with China ,Japan ,South Korea and the United States .


答题卡 2(Answer Sheet 2)Part Ⅳ   Section A             Section B     Part Ⅴ

47 屯妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 57 畅 [A][B][C][D] 67 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 77 n畅 [A][B][C][D]48 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 58 畅 [A][B][C][D] 68 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 78 n畅 [A][B][C][D]49 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 59 畅 [A][B][C][D] 69 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 79 n畅 [A][B][C][D]50 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 60 畅 [A][B][C][D] 70 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 80 n畅 [A][B][C][D]51 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 61 畅 [A][B][C][D] 71 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 81 n畅 [A][B][C][D]52 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 62 畅 [A][B][C][D] 72 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 82 n畅 [A][B][C][D]53 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 63 畅 [A][B][C][D] 73 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 83 n畅 [A][B][C][D]54 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 64 畅 [A][B][C][D] 74 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 84 n畅 [A][B][C][D]55 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 65 畅 [A][B][C][D] 75 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 85 n畅 [A][B][C][D]56 妹畅 [A][B][C][D][E][F][G][H][I][J][K][L][M][N][O] 66 畅 [A][B][C][D] 76 换畅 [A][B][C][D] 86 n畅 [A][B][C][D]

Part Ⅵ                 Translation             (5 minutes)87 挝畅 The substance does not dissolve in water   (不管是否加热)


88 挝畅 Not only (他向我收费过高 ) , but he didn摧t do agood repair job either .

89 挝畅 Your losses in trade this year are nothing  

(与我的相比) .

90 挝畅 On average , it is said , visitors spend only  

(一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London .

91 挝畅 By contrast ,American mothers were more likely  

(把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent .



P a r tⅡ Read ing C omprehens ion (S limm ing and S cann ing )1 .Y   2 .Y   3 .N   4 .N   5 .Y   6 .N   7 .NG8 .municipalities and construction companies9 . $ 10 to $ 40

10 .drop‐off stationsP a r tⅢ  L is ten ing C omprehens ionSection A11‐15 DBACB16‐20 CDCDB21‐25 BCAADSection B26‐30 DABAC31‐35 BDBBBS ection C36 .effort         37 .officials       38 .negotiate       39 .balanced40 .composition 41 .exchange 42 .process 43 .environmental44 .These “greenhouse gases” trap heat in the atmosphere and are blamed for changing the

world摧s climate .

45 .But currently ,nations producing only 44 percent have approved the Protocol .Russiaproduces about 17 percent of the world摧s greenhouse gases .

46 .To join the W . T . O ,a country must reach trade agreements with major tradingcountries that are also W . T .O .member .

P a r tⅣ Read ing C omprehens ion (Read ing in D ep th )Section A47‐51 EIFDJ 52‐56 BLHCGSection B57‐61 ACADD62‐66 ACBAD


P a r tⅤ  C lo ze67‐71 CABCD 72‐76 BCCBD 77‐81 BADBA 82‐86 ABCADP a r tⅥ  T rans la tion87 .whether (it is ) heated or not88 .did he charge me too much/ did he overcharge me89 .compared with mine/in comparison with mine90 .half as much (money)91 .to attribute their children摧s success to

Tapescript of Listening Comprehension

S ection ADirections : In this section , you w ill hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .A t the end o f each conversation ,one or more questions w ill be asked about w hat w as said .

Both the conversation and the questions w ill be spoken only once .A f ter each question therew ill be a p ause .During the p ause ,you must read the f our choices marked A ) , B) , C)and D) ,and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the cor responding letter on An‐swer Sheet 2 w ith a single line through the center .11 .W : Simon , could you return the tools I lent you for building the bookshelf last

month ?

M : Uh ,well ,I hate to tell you this but I can摧t seem to find them .

Q :What do we learn form the conversation ?

12 .W : I摧m going to Martha摧s house .I have a paper to complete ,and I need to use hercomputer .

M :Why don摧t you buy one yourself ?Think how much time you could save .

Q :What does the man suggest the woman do ?13 .W :Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences .

M : He摧s certainly in a position to make that comment .He摧s been there so of ten .

Q :What does the man say about Bob ?

14 .W :Mr .Watson ,I wonder whether it摧s possible for me to take a vacation early nextmonth .

M :Did you fill out a request form ?


Q :What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?15 .M :Do you want to go tot the lecture this weekend ?I hear the guy who摧s going to de‐

liver the lecture spent a year living in the rain forest .W :Great !I摧m doing a report on the rain forest .Maybe I can get some new informa‐

tion to add to it .Q :What does the woman mean ?

16 .W :Wow !I do like this campus : all the big trees ,the green lawns ,and the old build‐ings with tall columns .It摧s really beautiful .

M : It sure is .The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style .It was popularin the eighteenth century here .

Q :What are the speakers talking about ?17 .M : This article is nothing but advertising for housing developers . I don摧t think the

houses for sale are half that good .

W :Come on ,David .Why so negative ?We摧re thinking of buying a home ,aren摧t we ?Q :What can be inferred from the conversation ?

18 .M :Would you pass me the sports section ,please ?W : Sure ,if you give me the classified ads and local new s section .

Q :What are the speakers doing ?Now you摧ll hear two long conversations .Conversation OneW : Hello ,Gary .How摧re you ?

M : Fine !And yourself ?W :Can摧t complain .Did you have time to look at my proposal ?M :No ,not really .Can we go over it now ?

W : Sure .I摧ve been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strate‐gies .First of all ,if we want to stay competitive ,we need ot modernize our factory .

New equipment should摧ve been installed long ago .

M : How much will that cost ?W :We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to

half a million .

M :OK .We摧ll have to discuss these costs with finance .

W :We should also consider human resources .I摧ve been talking to personnel as well as ourstaff at the factory .

M :And what摧s the picture ?


W :We摧ll probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory .

M :What about advertising ?

W :Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials .

M : TV ?Isn摧t that a bit too expensive for us ?What摧s w rong with advertising in the pa‐pers ,as usual ?

W :Quite frankly ,it摧s just not enough anymore .We need to be more aggressive in orderto keep ahead of our competitors .

M :Will we be able to afford all this ?W : I摧ll look into it ,but I think higher costs will be justified .These investments will rest

in higher profits for our company .

M :We摧ll have to look at the figures more closely .Have finance draw up a budget forthese investments .

W :All right .I摧ll see to it .Question 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

19 .What are the two speakers talking about ?20 .What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory ?

21 .What does the woman suggest about human resources ?22 .Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV ?

Conversation TwoW : Sir ,you摧ve been using the online catalogue for quite a while .Is there anything I can do

to help you ?

M :Well ,I摧ve got to w rite a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s ,and I摧m reallystruggling .There are hundreds of books ,and I just don摧t know where to begin .

W :Your topic sounds pretty big .Why don摧t you narrow it down to something like ...

uh ...the history of the studios during that time ?M :You know ,I was thinking about doing that ,but more than 30 books cam up when I

typed in “movie studios .”

W :You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want . T ryadding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age .”

M : “Golden Age” is a good idea .Let me type that in ...Hey ,look ,just 6 books thistime .That摧s a lot better .

W : Oh ...another thing you might consider ...have you tried looking for any magazine ornew spaper articles ?

M :No ,I摧ve only been searching for books .


W :Well ,you can look up magazine articles in the Reader摧s Guide to Periodical L itera‐ture .And we do have the Los Angeles Times available over there .You might gothrough their indexes to see if there摧s anything you want .

M :Okay .I think I摧ll get started with these books and then I摧ll go over the magazines .

W : If you need any help ,I摧ll be over at the Reference Desk .

M :Great ,thanks a lot .Question 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard .

23 .What is the man doing ?24 .What does the librarian think of the topic the man is working on ?25 .Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles ?S ection BDirections : In this section , you w ill hear 3 short p assages .A t the end o f each passage ,

you w ill hear some questions .Both the p assage and the questions w ill be spoken only once .

A f ter you hear a question ,you must choose the best answer f rom the f our choices markedA ) , B) , C) and D) .Then mark the cor responding letter on Answer Sheet 2 w ith a singleline through the center .Passage One

In the next decades people are going to travel very differently from the way they do to‐day .Everyone is going to drive electrically powered cars .Do in a few years people won摧tworry about running out of gas .

Some of the large automobile companies are really moving ahead with this new tech‐nology .F&C Motors ,a major auto company ,for example ,is holding a press conferencenext week .At the press conference the company will present its new ,electronically opera‐ted models .

T ransportation in the future won摧t be limited to the ground .Many people predict thattraffic will quickly move to the sky .In the coming years ,instead of radio reports aboutroad conditions and highway traffic ,news reports will talk about traffic jams in the sky .

But the sky isn摧t the limit .In the future ,you摧ll probably even be able to take a trip tothe moon . Instead of listening to regular airplane announcements ,you摧ll hear someonesay ,“The spacecraf t to the moon leaves in tem minutes .Please check your equipment .And remember ,no more than ten ounces of carry‐on baggage are allowed .”

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard .

26 .What will be used to power cars in the next few decades ?27 .What will future new s reports focus on when talking about transportation ?


28 .What is the special requirement for passengers traveling to the moon ?

Passage TwoThe period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding

ceremony .Two people agree to marry when they decide to spend their lives together .The man usually gives the woman a diamond engagement ring .That tradition is said

to have started when an Austrian man gave a diamond ring to the woman he wanted to mar‐ry .The diamond represented beauty .He placed it on the third finger of her lef t hand .Hechose that finger because it was thought that a blood vessel in that finger went directly tothe heart .Today ,we know that this is not true .Yet the tradition continues .

Americans generally are engaged for a period of about one year if they are planning awedding ceremony and party .During this time ,f riends of the bride may hold a party atwhich women friends and family members give the bride gif ts that she will need as a wife .

These could include cooking equipment or new clothing .

Friends of the man who is getting married may have a bachelor party for him .This u‐sually takes place the night before the wedding .Only men are invited to the bachelor par‐ty .

During the marriage ceremony ,the bride and her would‐be husband usually exchangegold rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever .The wife of tenwears both the wedding ring and engagement ring on the same finger .The husband wearshis ring on the third finger of his lef t hand .

Many people say the purpose of the engagement period is to permit enough time toplan the wedding .But the main purpose is to let enough time pass so the two people aresure they want to marry each other .Either person may decide to break the engagement .Ifthis happens ,the woman usually returns the ring to the man ;they also return any weddinggif ts they have received .

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard .

29 .What was the diamond ring said to represent ?30 .Why did the Austrian man place the diamond ring on the third finger of the lef t handoff

his would‐be wife ?31 .What is the chief advantage of having the engagement period ?

Passage Three“Where is the university ?” is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask ,but no one

could point them in any one direction because there is no campus .The university consistsof thirty‐one self‐governing colleges .It has lecture halls ,libraries ,laboratories ,museums


and offices throughout the city .

Individual colleges choose their own students ,who have to meet the minimum en‐trance requirements set by the university .Undergraduates usually live and study in theircolleges ,where they are taught in very small groups .Lectures ,and laboratory and practi‐cal work are organized by the university and held in university buildings .

There are over 10敞000 undergraduates and 3敞500 postgraduates .About forty percentof them are women and some eight percent from overseas .As well as teaching ,research isof major importance .Since the beginning of the 20th century more than six ty universitymembers have won Nobel prizes .

The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research .It has morethan six ty specialist subject libraries ,as well as the University Library ,which ,as a copy‐right library ,is entitled to a copy of every book published in Britain .

Examinations are set and degrees are awarded by the university .It allowed women totake the university exams in 1881 ,but it was not until 1948 that they were awarded de‐grees .Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard .

32 .Why is it difficult for visitors to locate Cambridge University ?

33 .What does the passage tell us about the colleges of Cambridge University ?

34 .What can be learned from the passage about the libraries in Cambridge University ?

35 .What does the passage say about women students in Cambridge University ?

S ection CDirections : In this section , you w ill hear a p assage three times .When the passage is readf or the f irst time , you should listen care f ully f or its general idea .When the p assage isread f or the second time , you are required to f ill in the blanks numbered f rom 36 to 43w ith the ex act words you have j ust heard .For blanks numbered f rom 44 to 46 you are re‐quired to f ill in the missing in f ormation .For these blanks , you can either use the exactwords you have j ust heard or w rite down the main points in your own words . Finally ,

when the p assage is read f or the third time , you should check what you have w ritten .

Russia is the largest economic power that is not a member of the World T rade Organi‐zation .But that may change . Last Friday , the European Union said it would supportRussia摧s (36)effort to become a W . T .O .member .

Representatives of the European Union met with Russian (37)officials in Moscow .

They signed a trade agreement that took six years to (38)negotiate .

Russia called the trade agreement (39 )balanced . It agreed to slow ly increase fuel


prices within the country .It also agreed to permit (40)competition in its communicationsindustry and to remove some barriers to trade .

In (41)exchange for European support to join the W . T .O .,Russian President Putinsaid that Russia would speed up the (42)process to approve the Kyoto Protocol ,an interna‐tional (43)environmental agreement to reduce the production of harmful industrial gases .(44)These “greenhouse gases” trap heat in the atmosphere and are blamed for changing theworld摧s climate .

Russia had signed the Kyoto Protocol ,but has not yet approved it .The agreementtakes effect when it has been approved by nations that produce at least 55 percent of theworld摧s greenhouse gases .(45)But currently ,nations producing only 44 percent have ap‐proved the Protocol .Russian produces about 17 percent of the world摧s greenhouse gases .TheUnited States ,the world摧s biggest producer ,withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol af ter Pres‐ident Bush took office in 2001 .So ,Russia摧s approval is required to put the Kyoto Protocolinto effect .

(46)To join the W .T .O .,a country must reach trade agreements with major tradingcountries that are also W .T .O .member .Russia must still reach agreements with China ,

Japan ,South Korea and the United States .