Download - 对外贸易最新合同范本 - 晋安区图书馆



对外贸易最新 合同范本( 上册 )

韦箐 主编

经 济 管 理 出 版 社

图书在版编目 (CIP)数据

对外贸易最新合同范本 ( 上、下册 )/ 韦箐主编 .—北京 :

经济管理出版社 , 2004

ISBN 7 - 80207 - 063 - 5

Ⅰ. 对 . . . Ⅱ. 韦 . . . Ⅲ. 国际贸易 - 贸易合同 - 范

文 Ⅳ.D996.1

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2004) 第 104375 号

出版发行 :北京市海淀区北蜂窝 8 号中雅大厦 11 层

电话 : (010) 51915602 邮编 : 100038

印刷 : 北京宏伟双华印刷有限公司 经销 :新华书店

责任编辑 : 何 怡

技术编辑 : 蒋 方

责任校对 : 郭红生 贾全慧 张晓燕 全志云

787mm×1092mm/ 16 72.75 印张 1851 千字

2005 年 1 月第 1 版 2005 年 1 月第 1 次印刷

印数 : 1—5000 册 定价 :135.00 元

书号 : ISBN 7 - 80207 - 063 - 5/ F·56

·版权所有 翻印必究·凡购本社图书 , 如有印装错误 , 由本社读者服务部

负 责 调 换 。联系 地 址 : 北 京阜 外 月 坛 北小 街 2 号

电话 : ( 010) 68022974 邮编 :100836

总 目 录


第一部分 国际市场产品买卖合同 1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二部分 技术贸易与许可证贸易合同 189⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第三部分 来料加工、来件装配与补偿贸易合同 319⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第四部分 中外合资、合作经营合同 339⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


第五部分 国际建筑工程合同 523⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第六部分 国际货物运输合同 757⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第七部分 国际信贷合同 805⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第八部分 国际劳务输出合同 951⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第九部分 对外贸易合同类单证 995⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

附件一 对外贸易基础性法规 1057⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

附件二 出口产品反倾销类法规 1119⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

后记 1150⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

上 册 目 录

第一部分 国际市场产品买卖合同

国际商会国际销售示范合同 (中英文对照 ) (仅用于旨在转售的制成品 , 1997 年版本 ) 3⋯⋯⋯ h


In tended for Resale ) 1997 Edition 17⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中德标准合同研究委员会一般货物销售合同示范条款 (中英文对照 ) (供德中两国公司

之间货物销售使用 ) 34⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h

Sino - German Standard Cont ract Commission MODEL TERMS OF CONTRACT S

FOR SALE OF GOODS ( For Sales Between German and Chinese Firms and

Corporations) 42⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

货物买卖合同 ( FOB 条款 ) 54⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

货物买卖合同 ( C &F 或 CIF 条款 ) 58⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

买卖合同 (国际版本 ) PURCHASE AGREEMENT 62⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中国对外贸易货物进口合同 (中英文对照 ) CHINA FOREIGN TRADE PURCHASE

CONTRACT (参考文本 ) 122⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中国对外贸易货物出口合同 (中英文对照 ) CHINA FOREIGN TRADE SALES

CONTRACT (参考文本 ) 128⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

进口商品买卖合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 132⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

出口商品买卖合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 140⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

成套设备进口合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 145⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


国际商业合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 183⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际货物贸易合同 (中文版本 ) (格式合同 ) 186⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际货物买卖合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 187⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第二部分 技术贸易与许可证贸易合同

国际许可贸易合同 (国际版本 ) LICENSE AGREEMENT 191⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际专利技术许可合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 210⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


技术引进合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 220⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯




国际专有技术许可合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 234⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


国际技术转让合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 256⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际技术转让合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 264⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h

License Cont ract of the Transfer of Technology For the

Manufacturing of 273⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际技术服务合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 286⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯


COM PLETE P LANT AND TECHNOLOGY(参考文本 ) 289⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际商标许可合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 308⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


第三部分 来料加工、来件装配与补偿贸易合同

中外来料加工 (或来件装配 ) 合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 321⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中外补偿贸易合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 324⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中外补偿贸易合同 (中英文对照 ) COM PENSAT ION T RADE AGREEMENT( 参考文本 )


补偿贸易购销合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 333⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

外商代理协议 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 335⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

第四部分 中外合资、合作经营合同


OF CO ., LTD( 参考文本 ) 341⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中外合资经营企业合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 359⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中外合作经营企业合同 (中文版本 ) (参考文本 ) 367⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中外合作经营企业合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 373⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


中外合资经营企业合同 (中英文对照 ) (参考文本 ) 384⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


国际合资合同 (国际版本 ) JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT 399⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ h


外商投资特许协议 ( BOT) (参考文本 ) 449⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

中外合资经营企业章程 (中英文对照 ) ART ICLES OF ASSOCIAT ION AND

BY - LAWS (参考文本 ) 481⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯

国际股份有限公司管理条例 (中英文对照 ) REGULATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT

OF A COM PANY LIMITED BY SHARES (参考文本 ) 495⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯




国际商会国际销售示范合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(仅用于旨在转售的制成品 , 1997 年版本 )

导 论

(一 ) 总特点

国际商会《国际销售示范合同》范本分两部分 :

A. 具体条款 :列明供某一特定销售合同采用的特定条件 ; 和

B. 一般条款 : 列明采纳国际商会一般销售条件的所有合同共用的标准条件。

本合同范本是在假定当事人通常都同时使用 A、B 两部分 , 且在草拟每一部分条款时都应


另一方面 ,合同双方可仅将 B 部分 (一般条款 )订入他们的合同。若双方当事人意欲仅采

用本合同范本的 B 部分条款 , 他们必须将下列条件列入其特定合同中 :

“本合同应受国际商会一般销售条件 ( 仅用于旨在转售的制成品 )管辖。”

当然 ,在此情况下 , A 部分条款不会被采用 ,用 B 部分中任何对 A 部分条款的援引都将被

视为对双方在他们的特定合同中所达成的任何相关具体条件 ( 若有 ) 的援引。 ( 见 B 部分 1.1

条之规定 )

(二 ) 适用范围

本合同范本主要是针对旨在转售的制成品的销售合同而言的 ,在此情况下 , 买方不是消费

者 ,该合同是一项独立的交易而不是长期供货协议的一部分。现将本范本适用的合同的各个

特征分述如下 :



“旨在转售”:本范本主要用于一般商业活动中所买卖的且易为替代的商品 , 而不用于定造

的商品或最终用户所购买的设备。对这些特制商品 ,或范围更广一点 , 对机器、设备而言 , 使用

别的标准条款或许更合适。如 ECE188 机械、电力和相关电子产品供货的一般条款。

本范本不适用于对消费者的销售 , 而只适用于对从事转售商品业务的购买者的销售 ,

如经销商、进口商、批发商等。本范本主要是为一次性买卖而设计的 , 而不是为连续供货协

议设计的①。这就是本范本合同未包含那些很可能出现在长期供货协议中的条款 ( 如价格

调整条款 ) 的原因。应该强调的是 : 上述提示只是想让那些可能采用本范本合同的人了解

负责起草本范本合同的起草委员会的意图 ; 并不妨碍在那些起草委员会没有特别针对的交


① 但是 , 若双方当事人对若干个单独销售合同的总体框架的设立达成了协议 (如经销协议 ) , 则在该总体框架协议下


易中使用本范本合同 (特别是 B 部分包含的一般条款 )。但若用于本范本合同的商品与起

草委员会最初考虑的有实质性不同时 , 合同双方务必搞清楚范本合同的所有条款皆能符合


(三 ) 适用法律

除非合同双方另有约定 , 本范本合同适用《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》( CISG) 即

《1980 年维也纳公约》。为了便于参照 , 该公约已作为附件Ⅰ附在本范本合同后面。通过将维

也纳公约并入范本合同 B 部分 1.2 ( a)款中 , 不论买卖双方所在国是否已经批准该公约 , 该公


起草委员会之所以选择在没有相反约定的情况下适用该公约 , 是因为采用诸如 CISG 这


的 ,即 : 合同双方的权利要受联合国国际货物销售合同公约 ( 维也纳 1980 , 以下称 CISG) 的约

束 ,并且 , 公约未规定的问题 ,要受卖方营业地所在国法律的管辖 ( 第 1.2 条 )。因此 , 不鼓励当

事人选择某一国内买卖法来管辖本合同。虽然 CISG 并未规定销售合同的所有方面 , 但它有

助于促进统一性与一致性。然而 ,倘若双方当事人意欲选择某一国内法律来取代 CISG[须填

定 A 部分表格 A—14(a) ] ,那么双方应慎重核实 , 以确保其所选择适用的国内法与本范本合同

之条款不相冲突。若双方当事人急欲选择某一非卖方所在国之法律管辖 CISG 未作规定的问

题 ,则应填写表格 A—14 ( b)。

(四 ) 修改须以书面证明

为保证双方所达成条款的最大确定性 , B 部分第 1.5 条规定合同之修改必须以书面形式


然而 , 该项要求并不是绝对的。在保持与 CISG 第 29( 2 ) 条一致的同时 , 范本合同 1.5 条

接着写道 :如果一方当事人已经口头或以行为表示同意某项书面条款之修改 , 且另一方当事人

已经信赖这样的口头协议或行为 ,那么该方当事人就不能援引书面形式之要求。

(五 ) 装运和交货条件

合同双方当事人应在 Incoterms① 中选择适当的贸易术语②。虽然合同范本 A 部分在

A—3 中列出了所有现行的国际贸易术语 , 但是 ,起草委员会建议双方当事人应慎重考虑 ,避免

使用需提交像提单这样可转让运输单据的术语 , 如 CFR 和 CI F: 制成品在运输途中是很少进

行销售和抵押的 ,因而很少需要使用可转让的运输单据。同样 , 在结合本合同范本 ,使用诸如

FAS、FOB、DES 和 DEQ 这类规定货物须交至或卸离船舶的贸易术语之前 ,合同双方当事人也

应谨慎考虑。制成品通常在装卸区交付运输 ,不论是港区内还是在内陆仓库 , 因此 ,使用这样


因此 ,起草委员会认为最适合合同范本使用的贸易术语通常是 EXW(工厂交货 ) , FCA( 货

交承运人 ) , CPT ( 运费付至 ) , CIP ( 运费保费付至 ) , DAF ( 边境交货 ) , DDU ( 未完税交货 ) 或

DDP (完税后交货 )。正因如此 ,本合同范本 A 部分表格 A—3 首先将这些术语列出 , 而没有按

照 Incoterms 所列顺序。还需提醒合同双方注意的是 : 尽管 Incoterms 阐明了卖方和买方各自

的主要义务及其相互间的风险和费用的划分 ,但并未对合同双方当事人间可能产生的所有争

议问题 ,提供全面的解答。因而 , 比如在某些如 FOB 术语项下 , 任何一方当事人皆无义务投


② 在未作此种选择的情况下 , 将适用 E XW 见第 8 条。

现行版本是 Incote rms1990 ( ICC 出版物第 460 号 )。

保 ,相应地 , 就须由双方当事人约定他们中间谁来负责投保。另外 , 术语 CI P、CP T 和 FCA 并

未划分装卸区操作费用该由哪一方负担 :这样 , 卖方与买方间对该操作费用的划分 ,就成为一


(六 ) 交货时间

由双方在合同范本 A 部分 A—4 中列明的交货时间 , 是指在某一日期或某段时间内卖方

有义务履行其在买卖合同项下 ,特别是在双方选择的相关贸易术语项下的交货义务。记住这

一点很重要。这里的“交货时间”是与合同约定的交货地点相联系的 , 该约定地点并不一定是

货物到达买方的地点。这样 ,在 CPT ( 运费付至 ) 术语项下 , 当卖方将货物交付承运人照管之

时 (根据该贸易术语项下 A4 款 ) , 而不是在货物到达目的地指定地点之时 , 卖方就完成了其交

货义务。起草委员会因此建议 :在填写合同范本 A 部分表格 A—4 从而就交货时间达成一致

意见之前 , 双方应根据合同范本 A—3 所选择的贸易术语 ; 仔细审核交货在哪个阶段进行 , 即

卖方于范本合同 A—4 所规定的时间之时/ 之前必须履行的在相应术语下被称做交货的行为。

双方可约定某一准确日期 ( 如 ,“1998 年 2 月 10 日”或“截至 1998 年 2 月 10 日”) 或者某一

段时间 (“1998 年 2 月份第三周 , 1998 年 3 月份”) 作为交货时间。双方也可以规定从某一特定

日期起算的一段时间 (如 ,“买卖合同签字后 60 天”,“收到约定的预付款后 90 天”) 。若规定一

段时间作为交货时间 ,根据 CISG 第 33 条规定 , 除非情况表明买方将选择某一日期 , 否则 , 卖


(七 ) 付款条件

按照 A—7 所列项目指定付款的方式和时间是很重要的。在向卖方银行转账付款的情况

下 ,应写明该银行及其分行的名称和地址 , 同时应附有足以鉴别银行账户的其他细节 ,并且 , 若

有需要 ,还需写明电信付款方式 ( 如电报转账、电子资金转账 ) 。

(八 ) 卖方须提交的单据

卖方向买方提供某些特定单证 ,如发票、运输单据、证书等 , 是国际买卖中的通常做法。合

同范本 A 部分 A—8 给双方当事人提供了一个明确表示其有关单证意向的机会。有两点值得

注意 :

( a) 合同当事人必须审核 A 部分 A—3 中所选择的特定贸易术语项下需提交哪些单证 ( 如

果有的话 )。若双方当事人意欲增加或改动所选择的术语项下的有关单证的状况 , 应在 A 部

分 A—8 中清楚地予以写明。

( b) 如双方同意通过信用证付款 , 应注意确保双方都清楚信用证项下所要求提交的单证。

当 A 部分 A—3 所选择的贸易术语并未要求卖方履行单证义务 ( 如工厂交货 ) 时 , 这一点尤为


为了本合同范本使用者使用之便 ,下面表格列出了常用的一些运输单据及其适应的运输

方式。下列单据中有些是物权凭证 ,它赋予持有者处置货物的权利 , 而其余的则只是证明货交



单证类型 运输方式 注 释



� �可转让的物权凭证 , 在单据做成指示抬头的情况下 ,




� �有许多名称 : 联运单、集装箱提单 ; 运输多式联运提单


海运单 海运

� �有多种名称 : 货物主要收据 ,不可转让提单 ,班轮运单

� 不可转让

� 除非海运单载有禁止变更的无处置权条款 ,卖方在卸


大副收据 海运

� �证明货交承运人的单据

� 按 FOB 或 FCA 术语销售时 , 有时签发给托运人 , 代


空运单 空运 有时也称做航空托运单

托运单 陆运有时也称做国际铁路货物运送公约 (铁路 )或国际公路

货物运输合同公约 (公路 )托运单或运单

仓单 海运或陆运当货物在卖方或买方所在地存仓以备买方提取时使用


运输行出具 的





装箱单 海运、陆运或多式联运

� �记录所装入卡车、包装箱 , 或集装箱的货物的单据

� 可作为买卖双方的交货证明 , 但重要的是要弄清楚


(九 ) 所有权的保留

正如本范本合同 B 部分第 7 条规定的那样 , 通过填写范本合同 A 部分 A—6 表格或以

其他方式 , 双方可约定在价款付讫之前 , 卖方将保留对货物的所有权。但仍应牢记 : 按照许

多国家的国内法 , 对旨在转售之货物保留所有权 , 并非总是有效。因此 , 卖方应按照相关法

律 ( 通常为货物所在国之法律 ) ,仔细审核能否以及在多大程度上他可援引 B 部分第 7 条之


(十 ) 对消费者之担保义务

本范本合同以其为主要适用对象的该类商品的制造商通常都向最终购买者 (消费者 ) 提供


① 若想更多地了解此问题 , 请参阅《所有权保留指南》, 国际商会出版物第 501 号 , 第二版。

担保 (根据实际情况的不同 , 或是修理或是交付替代品 )。在此情况下 , 制造商对最终用户的担

保 (义务 ) 可能与卖方在合同项下的义务重叠。实际上 ,当商品存在缺陷时 , 最终购买者原则上


在这些情形下 ,对国际货物销售合同双方当事人而言 , 适当的做法是 :双方具体约定 , 买方

将与其本身就可能是制造商的卖方进行合作 ,处理担保事宜 , 比如证实商品出售给最终消费者

的日期 ,该日期通常为制造商承担担保义务的起始之日。双方也可约定买方将代表制造商履

行某些担保义务 ,比如对不符商品进行修补或替换之义务。

本范本合同 B 部分第 12 条规定了双方间理想合作的基本内容。双方也可在合同范本 A

部分 A—15 表格中订立适当的条款来约定合作方面的其他事宜。

(十一 ) 责任限制

按照国际贸易惯例 , 合同范本 B 部分规定了可向违约方请求的损害赔偿的限额 , 目的是

为了合理协调以下两者间的矛盾 :买方要求卖方对其违约造成的损失进行全额赔偿 , 而卖方又

将其对损害赔偿之责任限定在可以明确预见的范围之内。鉴于对所有类型的产品而言 , 不能

以标准条款形式达成这样一种平衡 , 起草委员会决定在 B 部分中只规定基本方案 ( 第 10.1、

10.4、11.3、11.5 和 11.6 条 ) , 但在 A 部分中 (A—10、A—11 及 A—12 )为双方明确提供了商定


(a ) 迟延交货或不交货

买方可对迟延交货请求 :

( i) 第 10.1 条规定的预定损害赔偿金 ,即每周为迟交货物价款的 0.5% , 但最高不得超过

迟交货物价款的 5% ① ;及

( ii) 在因迟延交货买方按照第 10.2 条或第 10.3 条规定终止合同的情况下 , 买方除可要

求上述预定损害赔偿金外 ,还可对经证实的损失取得不超过未交货物价款的 10 %的金额 ( 见

第 10.4 条 ) 。

标题 ( i) 所指的损害赔偿是针对货物最终已交付且已被接受的迟延交货而言的。在此情

况下 ,买方只需证明迟延交付而无须证明实际损失 , 就可取得其最高限度为迟交货物价款 5 %

的预定损害赔偿金。标题 ( ii) 所指的损害赔偿是针对因迟交买方行使终止合同权利之情况。

此时 (买方 ) 仍可获得上述预定损害赔偿金 ,但仅在其能证明且在其能证明的范围内 , 在考虑了

其有权获得的预定损害赔偿金之后仍有其他损失时 ,买方才可请求额外的 (不超过价款 10% )


最后 ,合同双方当事人可通过填写范本合同 A 部分 A—10 表格来更改第 10.1 条和第

10.4 条规定的方案。

( b) 货物不符

对交付不符货物的救济方式遵循了适用于迟延交货的救济方式。这种违约 (货物不符 ) 本

身并不能给予买方终止合同权利 ,并且若卖方对此种违约进行了补救 , 那么买方的损害赔偿就

仅限于对由此而引起的迟延 ,请求最多不超过某一数额的预定损害赔偿金。该数额 , 与按照第

10.1 条对第一阶段之迟延要求的损害赔偿金合并计算时 , 不超过不符货物价款的 5%。只有

在这种不符未予补救 (且合同终止 ) 的情况下 ,买方才有权对其能证明的 , 即使返还价款和对迟


① 该最高数额于迟交 10 周后达到 ;该 10 周时间也为此后买方可以解约的时限。买方必须将迟延交货之情况通知卖

方 , 若买方自约定交货之日起 15 天内仍未这样做 ,则损害赔偿只能自通知之日起算。


若买方通知卖方货物不符 ,卖方可有三种选择 : 替换货物、修复货物或返还价款。如果卖

方延迟替换或修复货物 ,那么 , 买方有权按上述标题 (a ) ( i) 项下所规定的同一方案请求预定损

害赔偿金。另一方面若买方选择接受不符货物 ,他有权从卖方那里取得与相符货物间的价格

差额 ,但以不超过该货物价款的 15%为限。最后 ,若合同终止 ,买方除可请求返还价款和迟延

损害赔偿金之外 ,还可对其能证明的额外损失要求赔偿 , 但该额外赔偿金不得超过不符货物价

款的 10%。

起草委员会认为这些方案是对双方当事人间相互矛盾利益的合理平衡 ,当然 , 双方仍可另

作约定。通过填写 A 部分 A—11 表格 ,双方当事人可决定以下列方式来更改上述平衡方案 :

(a ) 确定一个高于 ( 或低于 )第 11.5 条之 10%限度的最高责任限额 ; 或者

( b) 另作其他规定。

(十二 ) 卖方违约买方终止合同

本范本合同拟订了买方因卖方违约而有权终止合同的三种情况 :

(a) 卖方未能在合同范本 A 部分 A—9 表格中所规定的解约日到来之前完成交货 (见第

10.2 条 ) ;或

( b) 在没有上述那样约定日期的情况下 , 如买方已按第 10.1 条规定及时将货物迟延情况

通知卖方 ,而迟延交货的最高预定损害赔偿金额已达到 , 即自卖方本应交货之日起算满 10 周 ,

并且卖方收到解约通知满 5 天 ,卖方仍未交货者 ( 见第 10.3 条 ) ;或

(c) 当迟延货物及/ 或不符货物之价款的 5% 这一总计限额已达到 (即在货物不符的情况

下自通知之日起满 10 周 ) 并且卖方收到解约通知已满 5 天时 , 而卖方仍未修复或替换不符货

物者 (见第 11.4 条 )。

(十三 ) 不可抗力

包含在本合同范本 B 部分第 13 条中的不可抗力条款 , 是以 ICC 不可抗力条款为基础 , 并

作了一些修改 ,目的在于 : 当发生公认的不可抗力事件时 ,更有效地分摊损失。

(十四 ) 争议解决

通过填写合同范本 A 部分 A—14 表格 ,双方可选择仲裁或诉讼方式解决合同项下发生的

争议。无论选择仲裁还是诉讼 ,双方都应具体规定仲裁或诉讼的地点。

在双方未对仲裁和诉讼作出选择的情况下 , 本范本合同将假定 ICC ( 国际商会 )仲裁是双


若双方选择诉讼方式而未表明诉讼地 ,根据法律适用规则 , 普通法院将有管辖权。


ICC 国际销售合同

(仅用于旨在转售的制成品 )



提供这些具体条款目的在于允许双方当事人 , 通过填写留有的空格或选择本文提供的可

供选择之条款 ,从而约定其销售合同的特定条款。显然 , 这并不妨碍双方在 A—16 表格中或

在一个或多个附件中 ,约定其他条款或进一步的细节。


卖 方

(姓名及地址 ) 联系人

(姓名及地址 )

买 方

(姓名及地址 ) 联系人

(姓名及地址 )

本销售合同将受这些具体条款 (以填就的相关表格中的条款为限 )和构成本文件 B 部分的 ICC 一般

销售条款 (仅用于旨在转售的制成品 )之约束。

(地址 ) , (日期)

卖方 买方

A—1 �所售货物


若空白外不够 ,双方可使用附件

A—2 �合同价格(第 4 �条)

货币 : 金额 :


A—3 �交货条件

建议采用之术语( I NCOT ERMS 1990 r) (见导论§5)

□EXW 工厂交货

□FCA 货交承运人

□CPT 运费付至

□CI P 运费保险费付至

□DAF 边境交货

□DDU 未完税交货

□DDP 完税后交货

□其他术语 ( INCOTER MS 1990 ) (见导论§5)

□FAS 船边交货

□FOB 装运港船上交货

□CFR 成本加运费

□CI F 成本保险费加运费

□DES 目的港船上交货

□DEQ 目的港码头交货 (完税 )


指定地点 :

指定地点 :

指定目的地 :

指定目的地 :

指定地点 :

指定目的地 :

指定目的地 :

指定装运港 :

指定装运港 :

指定目的港 :

指定目的港 :

指定目的港 :

指定目的港 :

承运人 (有需要时填写 )

姓名及地址 联系人

A—4 �交货时间

在此表明卖方根据相应贸易术语项下的第 A—4 �条规定必须完成其交货义务的日期或期间 , 比如 ,周


A—5 �货物检验 (第 3 :条 )

□装运前 (检验地点)


A—6 �所有权保留 (第 7 �条 )

□是 □否


A—7 �支付条件 (第 5 :条 )

□ 8赊账方式 (5 �.1 条 )

自发票日起 天支付 (若与 5 `.1 条之规定不

同 )

其他 :

□ A赊账以见索即付保函或备用信用证作为担保

( 5 �.5 条 )

□预付款方式( 5 R.2 条 )

8 日期 : (若与 5 d.2 条之规定不同)

□总价款 :

□该价款的 %

□跟单托收 (5 �.5 条 )

□D/ P 付款交单

□D/ A 承兑交单

□不可撤销跟单信用证 ( 5 !.3 条 )

□保兑 □未保兑

开证地点 (若有 ) :

保兑地点 (若有 ) :

信用证兑现方式有 :


□延期付款 : 天

□承兑汇票 : 天


分批装运 :□允许□不允许

转运 : □允许□不允许

必须将跟单信用证通知卖方的日期 (若与 5 �.3 条之

规定不同 ) :

□交货日期前 天



(比如 , 支票、银行汇票、电子资金转账至指定银行的卖方账户)

A—8 �单 据

在此列明卖方须提供的单据。建议合同双方要对其在具体条款 A—3 1中选择的术语进行审核。关于

运输单据 ,也见导论§8。


□运输单据 :表明所需运输单据之种类






A—9 �解约日期

仅在双方意欲修改第 10 �.3 条的条件下才可填写。

不论何种原因(包括不可抗力 )若在 (日期 )之前货物未交付 ,则在通知卖方的情况下 ,买方将



A—10 %延迟交货的责任 (第 10 �.1、10 �.4 或

11 R.3 条 )A—11 �

货物与合同不符的责任限制 (第 11 �


仅在双方意欲修改第 10 }.1、10 c.4 或 11 �.3 条时 ,才可



应为 :

□每周 (占延迟交货价款的) %

最多 (占延迟交货价款 ) %

或者 :

□ (规定金额 )

在因迟延而解约的情况下 ,卖方对迟延赔偿金额限

于未交货物价款的 %

仅在双方意欲修改第 11 �.5 条时填写。卖方对因货

物不符而引起的损害赔偿之责任应为 :

□仅限于已证实之损失 (包括间接损失、利润损失

等 )但不超过合同价款的 % ;

或者 :

□如下 (列举 ) :

A—12 %买方保留与合同不符货物时 ,卖方的责任限制(第 11 �.6 条)

仅在双方意欲修改第 11 �.6 条时才可填写。

如买方保留不符货物 , 价款的减让不得超过 :

这些货物价款的 %或 (订明金额)

A—13 %诉讼时效 (第 11 h.8 条)

仅在双方意欲修改第 11 �.8 条时 , 才可填写。

任何对货物不符之诉讼 (如第 11 �.8 条所规定 ) 必须由买方在不晚于自货物到达目的地之日起


A—14 %适用法律 (第 1 :.2 条 )

A—14 �(a ) A—14 R(b)


而不是 CISG 约束时 , 才可填写。以下解决方式并

未被推荐。(见导论§3 h)

此项法律由 (国家 )之国内法管辖。


法律解决 CISG 未作规定的问题时 ,才填写。

CISG 未作规定的任何问题将由 (国

家 )之法律管辖。


A—15 %争议解决 (第 14 h条 )

下列的两种解决方式 (仲裁或诉讼 ) 只能两者选其一 ; 当事人不能两者同时选择。如果未予选择 , 根

据第 14 �条规定 ,将适用 ICC 仲裁。


□ICC(根据 14 �.1 条 )


□其他 : (写明)

□诉讼 (普通法律 )

遇有争议时 ,


A—16 %其他


ICC 国际销售合同

(仅用于旨在转售的制成品 )

ICC 一般销售条款

(仅用于旨在转售的制成品 )

第 1 条 概述

1.1 这些一般条款旨在与 ICC 国际货物销售合同 ( 仅用于旨在转售的制成品 )的具体条

款 (A 部分 )结合使用。但亦可单独并入任何销售合同。在一般条款 ( B 部分 )独立于具体条款

(A 部分 )而单独使用的情况下 , B 部分中任何对 A 部分之援引都将被解释为是对双方约定的

任何相关的具体条款之援引。一旦一般条款与双方约定的具体条款相抵触 , 则以具体条款


1.2 本合同本身所包含的条款 ( 即一般条款和双方约定的任何具体条款 ) 没有明示或默

示解决的任何与合同有关的问题 ,应由 :

A. 联合国国际货物销售合同公约 (1980 年维也纳公约 ,以下称 CISG) 管辖 ;及

B. 在 CISG 对这些问题未作规定的情况下 ,则参照卖方营业地所在国的法律来处理。

1.3 任 何 对贸 易 术语 ( 如 EXW、FCA 等 ) 之 援引 都 视 为 是对 国 际 商会 出 版 的

INCOTERMS 的相关术语之援引。

1.4 任何对国际商会出版物之援引都视为是对合同成立时的现行版本之援引。

1.5 除非书面约定或证明 , 任何对合同的修改都是无效的。但若一方当事人的行为已为


另一方当事人信赖 ,那么 , 就此而言 ,该方当事人就不得主张此项规定。

第 2 条 货物特征

2.1 双方约定 , 除非合同明确提及 ,卖方所提供的商品目录、说明书、传单、广告、图示、价

目表中包含的任何有关货物及其用途的信息 ,如重量、大小、容量、价格、颜色以及其他数据 , 都


2.2 除非另有约定 ,尽管买方有可能得到软件、图纸等 , 但他并未因此而获得它们的产


第 3 条 货物在装运前的检验

若双方已约定买方有权在装运前检验货物 ,则卖方必须在装运前一个合理时间内通知买


第 4 条 价格

4.1 如果没有约定价格 , 则应采用合同成立时卖方现行价目表上所列价格。若无此价

格 ,则应采用合同成立时此类货物的一般定价。

4.2 除非另有书面约定 , 此价格不包括增值税 ,并且不能进行价格调整。

4.3 A—2 表格所示价格 (合同价格 ) , 包括卖方根据合同所负的任何费用。但如果卖方

负担了按合同规定应由买方承担的任何费用 (例如 EXW 和 FCA 术语下的运费或保险费 ) , 那

么 ,此数额不应认为已包括在 A—2 表格所示的价格中 ,而应由买方偿还卖方。

第 5 条 支付条件

5.1 除非另有书面的 , 或可从双方间先前交易做法推知的其他约定 , 价款和任何其他买

方欠卖方的金额 ,应以赊账方式支付 , 并且支付时间为自发票日起 30 天。到期金额 , 除非另有

约定 ,应以电传方式划拨至卖方所在国的卖方银行 , 记入卖方账户 ;并且 , 当各到期金额以即可

动用之资金形式由卖方银行收讫时 ,就认为买方已履行了其付款义务。

5.2 若双方约定货款预付且再无其他表示 , 则除非另有约定 , 应认为该预付款是对全部

价款的预付 ,且必须在约定的交货日期或约定交货期间的第一天前至少 30 天 , 以即可动用的

资金形式由卖方银行收讫。如果双方约定仅预付一部分合同价款 , 则余额的付款条件按本条


5.3 如果双方约定以跟单信用证方式付款 , 那么 , 除非另有约定 , 根据国际商会出版的


证 ,并且必须在约定的交货日期或约定的交货期的第一天前至少 30 天通知卖方。除非另有约

定 ,跟单信用证的兑现方式应为即期付款 , 并允许分批装运和转运。

5.4 若双方约定以跟单托收方式付款 , 则除非另有约定 , 应为付款交单 ( D/ P )。在任何

情况下 ,交单都应按国际商会出版的托收统一规则办理。

5.5 在双方已约定货款支付由银行保函作担保的情况下 , 买方应在约定的交货日期前至

少 30 天或在约定的交货期间第一天前至少 30 天 ,通过一家信誉良好的银行 , 根据国际商会出

版的见索即付保函统一规则 ,提拱见索即付的银行保函 , 或根据此规则或国际商会出版的跟单

信用证统一惯例 ,开立备用信用证。

第 6 条 延迟付款的利息

6.1 如果一方有一定金额的款项到期未付 , 则另一方有权取得该款项自到期日至付款日


6.2 除非另有约定 , 利率应比付款地支付货币现行的对信誉良好借款者计收的银行平均


短期贷款利率高 2 %。若在该地没有这样一个利率 , 则以付款货币国的同一利率为准。如果

两地都没有这样的利率 ,则应以付款货币国法律所确定的适当利率为准。

第 7 条 所有权的保留

若双方已经有效地同意保留所有权 , 则在付款完毕前 , 货物所有权仍属卖方 , 或按其他


第 8 条 合同交货术语

除非另有约定 ,应以“工厂交货”( EXW )为交货术语。

第 9 条 单据

除非另有约定 ,卖方应提供适用的国际商会贸易术语所指明的单据 ( 如果有的话 ) ; 若无国

际商会贸易术语可适用 ,则按先前交易做法办理。

第 10 条 迟延交货、不交货及其相应的救济措施

10.1 如果发生任何货物的迟延交付 ,则买方有权要求预定损害赔偿 , 每迟延一整周 , 其

金额为该货物价款的 0.5% ,或约定的其他比率 , 但以买方通知卖方交货迟延为前提。

买方在约定的交货日期后 15 天内照此通知卖方 , 则损害赔偿金应从约定的交货日或约定

的交货期间的量后一天起算 ,如果买方在约定的交货日期后超过 15 天才通知卖方 ,则损害赔

偿金应从通知日起算。延迟交货的预定损害赔偿金不应超过迟交货物价款的 5% , 或其他可


10.2 如果双方在 A—9 表内约定有一个解约日期 , 对于至解约日尚未交付的货物 , 不论

由于何种原因 (包括不可抗力事件 ) ,买方可通知卖方解除合同。

10.3 若第 10.2 条不适用 ,且在买方有权取得第 10.1 条规定的预定最高损害赔偿金额

时 ,卖方仍未交货 , 则买方可书面通知对迟延交付之部分的货物终止合同 , 但以卖方在收到该

通知后 5 天内仍未交货为前提条件。

10.4 在按第 10.2 条或第 10.3 条终止合同的情况下 ,除了在第 10.1 条下已付的或可付

的任何金额外 ,买方还有权请求不超过未交货物价款 10%的额外损失赔偿。

10.5 本条的救济措施不包括对延迟交货或不交货的任何其他救济措施。

第 11 条 货物不符

11.1 买方在货到目的地后应尽快验货 ,买方应当在其发现或应当发现货物不符之日起

15 天内将不符之处书面通知卖方。

另外 ,如果买方在货到目的地之日起 12 个月内未通知卖方货物不符 , 则他无论如何不能


11.2 尽管存在特定的贸易或双方的交易过程中常见的轻微不符 , 货物仍被认为是符合

合同规定 ,但买方有权对此不符 , 要求特定贸易中或双方交易做法中通常的价格减让。

11.3 如果货物不符 (只要买方已经第 11.2 条通知了货物的不符 , 但未在该通知中决定

留存这些不符货物 ) , 卖方可选择 :

(a ) 在不给买方增加额外费用的情况下 , 用符合合同的货物替代不符货物 ;或

( b) 在不给买方增加额外费用的情况下 , 修复不符货物 ;或

(c ) 偿还买方对不符货物支付的价款 ,并因此终止这些货物的合同。

对按照以上第 11.1 条通知货物不符之日起至按第 11.3( a)条提供替代品或按第 11.3 ( b)

条修复货物之间的延迟期 ,每延迟一周 , 买方有权请求第 10.1 条所规定的预定损害赔偿金额 ;

这些赔偿金额可与第 10.1 条下应支付损害赔偿金额 (如果有的话 ) 合并计算 , 但在任何情况


下 ,总计不得超过这些货物价款的 5%。

11.4 如果直到买方根据第 11.3 条已有权获得最高预定损害赔偿金额之日 , 卖方仍未履

行其在第 11.3 条下的义务 , 买方有权书面通知终止不符货物那部分合同 , 除非卖方在收到此

通知 5 天内进行修复或提供替代货物。

11.5 如果按第 11.3 (c) 条或 11.4 条规定终止合同 , 那么 , 除了按第 11.3 条作为返还价

款和延迟损害赔偿所支付或应支付的数额外 ,买方可请求不超过不符货物价款 10 %的任何额


11.6 若买方选择保留不符货物 ,则买方有权取得等于符合合同时此货物在约定目的地

的价值与所交不符货物在同一地点的价值的差额 ,但最多不应超过该货物价款的 15%。

11.7 除非另有书面约定 ,本条 ( 第 11 条 ) 项下的救济方法不包括货物不符的任何其他救


11.8 除非另有书面协议 ,在货物到达之日起 2 年后 , 买方不得对货物不符向法院提起诉

讼或向仲裁庭申请仲裁。双方明确约定在此期限届满之后 , 买方将不以货物不符为由或做出

反诉 ,以对抗卖方因买方不履行本合同而提出的任何诉讼。

第 12 条 当事人间的合作

12.1 买方应及时将其客户或第三者就所交付的货物或与货物有关的知识产权向其提出

的任何权利请求 ,通知卖方。

12.2 卖方应及时将可能涉及买方的有关产品责任的任何诉讼 ,通知买方。

第 13 条 不可抗力

13.1 一方当事人对其未履行义务可不负责任 ,如果他能证明 :

(a ) 不能履行义务是由非他所能控制的障碍所致 , 及

( b) 在订立合同时 , 不能合理预见到他已把这一障碍及其对他履约的能力产生影响考虑

在内 ,以及

(c ) 他不能合理地避免或克服该障碍或其影响。

13.2 请求免责的一方当事人 ,在他知道了此项障碍及其对他履约能力的影响之后 , 应以



如果未能发出任一通知 ,则该当事人应承担其原可避免的损失赔偿责任。

13.3 在不影响第 10.2 条效力的前提下 , 本款下的免责理由 , 只要且仅在此限度内该免

责事由继续存在 ,可使未履约方得以免除损害赔偿之责任 , 免除处罚及其他约定的罚金 , 免除


13.4 若免责的原因持续存在 6 个月以上 , 任何一方均有权不经过通知对方即可终止


第 14 条 争议的解决

14.1 除非另有书面协议 ,有关本合同的任何争议最终应由按照国际商会的仲裁规则所

指定的一个或多个仲裁员 ,根据此规则进行仲裁。

14.2 以上的仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方要求法院采取临时或保全措施。



(Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale)

1997 Edition


1. General characteristics

The ICC Model In ternational Sale Cont ract is divided in to t wo parts:

A. Specific Conditions , setting out terms which are special to a particular contract of sale ; and

B. General Conditions , setting out standard terms common to all contracts incorporating the

ICC General Conditons of sale .

The model has been designed on the assumption that parties would normally use both Par ts A

and B, with each part being drafted with the other part in mind .

On the other hand, it is open to the parties to incorporate in to their contract only part B , the

General Conditions . Where the parties wish to use only part B of this model contract , they should

include terms such as the following in their special contract:

@< This cont ract shall be governed by the ICC General Conditions of Sale( Manufactured

Goods Intended for Resale) . >

Of course, in this case part A would not be used and any reference in par t B to the clauses in

par t A would be deemed to refer instead to any relevant specific term , if any, agreed by the

par ties in their special cont ract : see article 1.1 of part B .

2. Scope of application

This model contract is primarily directed at cont racts for the sale of manufactured goods

in tended for resale, where the purchaser is not a consumer and where the contract is an

independent t ransaction rather than part of a long - term supply arrangement . Each of these

features of the cont racts for which this model is intended will now be dealt with .

� �“ Manufactured goods”: the model cont ract does not cater for the special terms required in

cont racts for the sale of commodities , in particular raw material , agricultural produce or food

and perishable goods .

� �“ Intended for resale”: the model is primarily intended for goods sold and bought in general

commerce and which can easily be substituted rather than for custom - built goods or

equipment purchased by the end user . For these specially - produced goods and more generally

for machinery and equipment, other standard terms may be nore appropriate , e . g . the ECE

188 General Conditions or the Orgalime General Conditions for the supply of mechanical ,

elect rical and associated elect ronic products .


� �The model contract does not cover sales to con sumers , but only to purchasers who are in

business of reselling goods , e . g . distribu tors , impor ters , wholesalers , etc .

� 9The model is principally designed for one - off sales rather than continuing supply

arrangements① . This is the reason why the model does not contain terms more likely to

appear within long - term supply agreements , such as price adjustment clauses .

It should be emphasised that the above guidance is intended only to advise potential users of

the model cont ract of the intentions targeted by the Working Par ty reponsible for drafting the

model cont ract ; it is not in tended to prevent the use of the model cont ract (and in particular of the

General Conditions contained in part B) in transactions other than those particularly the Working

Party .However, if the model cont ract is used in the context of goods which are substan tially

different from those primarily considered by the Working Party , the parties should take care to

satisfy themselves that all the terms of the model cont ract are appropriate for their purposes .

3. Applicable law

Failing contrary agreement between the parties , the model contract subjects the transaction

to the United Nations Convention for the In ternational Sales of Goods ( CISG) , also known as

the Vienna Convention of 1980 and which , for ease of reference, is appended to the model

contract as Annex 1 . By means of this incorporation of the Vienna Convention into the model

contract in ar ticle 1.2 ( A) of Par t B , the Convention will apply whether or not the countries of

the seller and buyer have ratified the Vienna Convention . The working party chose to apply the

Convention in default of contrary agreement because it was felt appropriate to adopt a uniform

law , such as CISG, expressly made for international transactions . The model contract has been

drafted on the assumption that the par ties�rights will be governed United Nations Convention for

the In ternational Sales of Goods ( Vienna 1980 , hereafter referred to as CISG ) and , as to

questions not covered by the Convention , by the law of the country where the seller has his place

of business ( art . 1.2 ) . Accordingly par ties are encouraged not to choose a domestic law of sale

to govern the cont ract . Although CISG does not cover all aspects of the sale cont ract , it

promotes uniformity and consistency . If however , parties wish to choose a domestic law in place

of CISG ( by filling in box A - 14 ( a) of part A) , they should carefully check to ensure that the

domestic law they have chosen to apply does not conflict with the terms of the model contract . If

they wish to choose a law other than that of the seller to govern questions not covered by CISG ,

they should fill in box A - 14 ( b) .

4. Modifications to be evidenced in writing

With a view to ensuring maximum cer tainty regarding the terms agreed between the parties ,

article 1.5 of Part Bprovides that modifications to the cont ract must be made in writing .

However , this requirement is not absolute . In keeping with article 29 (2 ) of CISG article 1.5

of the model cont ract goes on to say that a par ty may be precluded from invoking the requirement

of writing if he has agreed to a modification of written terms orally or by conduct and the other


① However , if the part ies en te r in to an agreement se tt ing up the framework for a number of indiv idual sale contracts ( like a

distribut ion agreeme nt ) the sale contrac ts ma de under such framework agreement may be govern ed individually by th ese conditions .

par ty has relied on such oral agreement or conduct .

5. Shipment and delivery conditions

The parties are invited to choose the appropriate trade term① under Incoterms② . Although

Part A of the model contract lists all current Incoterms in A - 3 , the Working Party recommends

that the parties should seriously consider avoiding the use of terms requiring t ransferable transport

documents , like bills of lading , such as the CFR and CIF Incoterms: manufactured goods are

rarely sold or pledged in transit and consequently rarely require the use of a transferable transport

document . Likewise , parties ought to think carefully before using , in conjunction with this model

contract , Incoterms providing for delivery to or discharge from a vessel , such as FAS, FOB, DES

and DEQ . Manufactured goods are normally handed over for carriage at terminals, whether

within the por t precincts or at an inland depot and the use of such terms might consequently be

inappropriate to the type of goods for which the model contract is intended .

Consequently, the Working Par ty recommends that the Incoterms most appropriate for use

with the model cont ract would normally be EXW, FCA, CP T , CI P DAF, DDU or DDP . I t is

for this reason that these terms are listed first rather than in the order set out in Incoterms .

Cont racting parties are also reminded that while Incoterms spell out the main duties of and the

allocation of risk and costs as between sellers and buyers , they do not provide comprehensive

answers to all the possible issues which may arise bet ween the parties . Thus , for example, in

some Incoterms, e . g . FOB, neither of the parties is under an obligation to insure and

consequently it is up to the parties to agree among themselves who is to effect any insurance

cover . Again , the CIP , CPT and FCA terms do not allocate the incidence of terminal handling

charges: the allocation of such charges between sellers and buyers is therefore a matter for special

agreement between the par ties .

6. Time of delivery

It is important to bear in mind that the time of delivery , to be inser ted by the parties at A -

4 of Part A of the model contract , refers to the date on which or period within which the seller

under takes to perform his delivery obligations under the contract of sale, and in particular under

the relevant Incoterm selected by the parties . This“ time of delivery”is linked to the cont ractual

place of delivery , which is not necessarily the place where the goods reach the buyer . Thus under

CPT (Carriage Paid to) the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver the goods (according to clause A4

of this Incoterm ) when he delivers the goods into the custody of the carries and not when the

goods arrive at the named place of destination . The Working Party therefore recommends that ,

before agreeing on the time of delivery by completing A - 4 of Par t A of the model cont ract ,

par ties should check carefully the stage at which delivery occurs according to the Incoterm chosen

in A - 3 of the model contract : i . e . the operation described as delivery under the relevant

Incoterm which the seller must perform at or by the time agreed in A - 4 of the model contract .

The parties can agree a time of delivery by agreeing a precise date(e . g .“10 February 1998”of“by


② Th e curren t version is Incote rms 1990 ( ICC Publicat ion n . 460) .

In th e absence of such c hoice EX W shall apply : see art . 8 .

10 February 1998”) or a period(“ third week of February 1998”,“March 1998”) . The parties can also

agree a period of time running from a certain date(“ third week of February 1998”,“March 1998”) . The

parties can also agree a period of time running from a certain date (e . g .“60 days from signature of the

sale contract”,“90 days after receipt of the agreed advance payment”) . If a period of time is agreed, the

seller may , according to art . 33 CISG, deliver the goods at any time within that period, unless

cirumstances indicate that the buyer is to choose a date .

7. Payment conditions

It is important to designate the mode and time of payment as set out in A - 7 . Where

payment is to be made by t ransfer to the seller�s bank , the name and adress of the bank and

branch should be stated , together with details sufficient to identify the account , and , if desired ,

the mode of the payment message(e . g . wire transfer , electronic funds t ransfer) .

8. Documents to be provided by theseller

It is common practice in in ternational sales that the seller provides the buyer with certain

documents: invoice, t ranspor t document , certificates , etc .

A - 8 of Part A of the model contract provides the parties with an opportunity expressly to

indicate their in ten tions as to documents . Two matters are well worth bering in mind .

(a ) Parties should check which documents , if any , are to be provided under the par ticular

Incoterm chosen under A - 3 of Part A . Should the parties wish to add to or vary the

documentary position under the Incoterm chosen , they should do so clearly in completing A - 8 in

Part A .

( b) Where the parties agree on payment through a letter of credit , care should be taken to

ensure that the parties are clear as to the documents to be required under the let ter of credit . This

is particularly importan t when the Incoterm chose in A - 3 of Part A is one which imposes no

documentary duties on the seller , e . g . EX Works .

For the guidance of users of this model cont ract , the following box contains a list of some

t ransport documents in common use with an indication of the type of transport for which they are

appropriate . Some of the documents lis ted hereunder are documents of title, which give to their

holder the righ t to dispose of the goods , while others are simply documents which evidence the

delivery of the products to a carrier or warehouseman .

Type of

DocumentMode of Transpor t Comments

Bill of Lading


Also frequently used for

multimodal t ransprot

Transferable Document of Title allowing buyer to sell or

pledge goods while in transit by t ransferring the documents

at any rate where made out“ to order”


Transpor t


Transit involving carriage by

at least two different modes

of transpor t

Known by many names: Combined Transpor t Document ,

Container Bill of Lading , Fiata Multimodal Transport Bill

of Lading and other variations



Type of

DocumentMode of Transpor t Comments

Seawaybill Sea

Known by many names:

Cargo Key Receipt , Non-negotiable Bill of Lading , Liner


Non Transferable

Seller may alter delivery directions until discharge , unless

the SWB contains a NO DISP clause preventing such


Mate�s Receipt Sea

Document providing proof of delivery to a carrier

Sometimes given to shipper when selling FOB of FCA, to

be tendered to buyer instead of Bill of Lading

Air Waybill Air Sometimes also known as air consignment note



Also sometimes kown as CIM ( rail ) or CMR ( road )

consignment note or waybill


Warran tLand & Sea

Transferable document used when the goods are warehoused

for collection by buyer at seller�s end or at buyer�s end

Freight - for -



Sea , Air , land or multimodal

Impor tant to identify whether the forwarder is undertaking

responsibility for the carriage of the goods as carrier or as

agent of the carrier

Packing List Sea , Land or multimodal

A document recording what has been packed into a lorry ,

package or container

May represent proof of delivery as between seller and

buyer , but impor tant to identify who has issued the list and

at what stage

9. Retention of title

The parties may agree , by completing A - 6 of Part A of the model cont ract or otherwise,

that the goods will remain the property of the seller until complete payment of the price, as

indicated in article 7 of Par t B of the model contract . It should however be remembered that

under many national laws retention of title of goods in tended for resale is not always effective .

The seller should therefore carefully check under the relevant law (which normally will be the law

of the country where the goods are situated) if and to what ex tent he may rely on article 7 of Part

B① .


① For more infor ma tion on this top ic see th e Guide on ret ent ion of Tit le, 2ndcd ., ICC Publication n . 501 .

10. Warranty to consumers

Manufacturers of the type of goods for which this model contract is primarily in tended

typically gran t a warranty ( for repair and/ or replacement as the case may be) to the ultimate

purchase (consumer) . In such a case , the manufacturer�s arranty to the final user may overlap

with the obligations of the seller under the sale cont ract . In fact , where the goods are defective

the final purchaser may , in principle, make a claim against his seller under the sale cont ract or

directly against the manufacturer under the warranty given by him . In these cases, it may be

appropriate for the parties to the international sale contract specifically to agree that the buyer will

co - operate with the seller , who might himself be the manufacturer , in managing the warranty ,

for example by confirming the date of the onsale to the ultimate consumer , normally the

commencement date of the manufacturer�s warranty . The par tiese may also agree that the buyer

will perform on the manufacturer�s behalf certain obligations under the warran ty , for example the

duties of repair or replacement of non - conforming goods .

Elements of desirable co - operation between the par ties are provided for in article 12 of Part

B of the model cont ract . Parties may wish to stipulate for other aspects of co - operation by

appropriate stipulation in A - 16 of Par t A of the model contract .

11. Limitations of liability

In line with general practice in in ternational trade . Part B of the model contract provides for

a limitation of the amount of damages that may be claimed against a defaulting par ty , in order to

reach a reasonable compromise between the buyer�s in terest to claim the full loss caused by the

seller�s breach and the seller�s in terest to maintain his liability for damages within clearly

foreseeable limits . Since it is impossible to strike such a balance in standard terms for all types of

products , the Working Party chose to state basic formulae in Part B ( at ar ticles 10.1 , 10.4 ,11.3 ,

11.5 and 11.6 )but expressly giving the par ties an oppor tunity (at A - 10 , A - 11 and A - 12 of

Part A) to agree on a modification of such formulae .

(a ) &Delay in delivery or non - delivery

The buyer may claim for delay in delivery :

( i ) the liquidated damages provided under article 10.1 , i . e . 0.5% per week with a

maximum amount of 5 % of the price of the delayed goods① , and

( ii) where the cont ract is terminated by the buyer for late - delivery under ar ticles 10.2 or

10.3 , the buyer may recover , in addition to the above liquidated damages , an amount for proven

loss not exceeding 10% of the price of the non - delivered goods: see article 10.4 .

The damages referred to in ( i ) relate to delay in delivery of goods which are ultimately

delivered and accepted . In this case, the buyer is entitled to the liquidated damages on mere proof

of delay, and without showing actual loss, up to a maximum of 5% of the price of the delayed

goods . T he damages referred to in ( ii ) deal with the case where the buyer exercises a righ t to


① This amount is reach ed afte r 10 wee ks, which is also th e time limit afte r which the buyer may t er min ate th e contract . T he

buyer must notify the seller of th e delay and if he does not do so within 15 days from the agreed d elivery dat e damages will run only

from th e d ate of not ice .

terminate the contract for delay . In this case he is still entitled to liquidated damages as above but

can claim further damages ( not exceeding 10% of the price) only if and to the extent that he

proves additional loss after taking account of the liquidated damages to which he is en titled .

Finally , the par ties may modify the formulae in article 10.1 and 10.4 by completing A - 10

of the model contract .

( b) Lack of conformity

(略 )

12. ⋯

13. ⋯

14. Resolution of disputes

Through the completion of Box A - 15 in P rat A of the model cont ract , the parties may

choose between arbitration and litigation for the resolution of disputes arising under the cont ract .

Whether they choose arbitration or litigation , the parties are also invited to specify the place of

arbit ration of litigation .

Where the par ties fail to choose between arbitration and litigation , the model contract

assumes that ICC arbit ration is the preferred method intended by the parties for the resolution of

disputes .

If the parties choose litigation , without indicating the form , ordinary cour ts will have

jurisdiction according to the applicable rules of law .

Model Form International Sale Contract

ICC International Sale Contract

(Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale)



These Specific Conditions have been prepared in order to permit the parties to agree the par ticular

terms of their sale cont ract by completing the spaces left open of choosing ( as the case may be )

between the alternatives provided in this document . Obviously this does not prevent the parties

from agreeing other terms or further details in box A - 16 or in one or more annexes .


( name and address) CONTACT PERSON

( name and address)



( name and address)CONTACT PERSON

( name and address)

The present contract of sale will be governed by these Specific Conditions ( to the extent that the relevant boxes

have been completed) and by the ICC General Conditions of Sale ( Manufactured Goods In tended for Resale )

which constitute par t B of this document .

(place) , (date)

The Seller The Buyer


Description of the goods

If there is insufficien t space par ties may use an annex


Currency Amount



Recommended terms(according to Incotems 1990 �) : ( see In troduction .§5 )

□EXW Ex Works

□FCA F ree Carrier

□CPT Carriage Paid To

□CI P Carriage And Insurance Paid To

□DAF Delivered At F rontier

□DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid

□DDP Delivered Duty Paid

named place :

named place :

named place of destination :

named place of destination :

named place :

named place of destination :

named place of destination :

Other terms (according to Incoterms 1990 �) : ( see Introduction .§5)

□FAS Free Alongside Ship

□FOB Free On Board

□CFR Cost And Freight

□CI F Cost Insurance And Freight

□DES Delivered Ex Ship

□DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (duty paid)

Other delivery terms

named por t of shipment :

named por t of shipment :

named por t of shipment :

named por t of shipment :

named por t of shipment :

named por t of shipment :

CARRIER ( where applicable )

name and address contact person


Indicate here the date or period(e . g . week or month) at which or within which the Seller must perform his

delivery obligations according to clause A �.4 of the respective Incoterm( see In troduction .§6)


□Before shipment ( place of inspection)

□Other :





□Payment on open account (ar t .5 �.1)

Time for payment ( if different from art .5 �.1 )

days from date of invoice other :

□Open account backed by demand guarantee or

standby let ter of credit (ar t .5 (.5)

□Payment in advance (art .5 �.2 )

Date : ( if different from art .5 �.2 )

□Total price

□ % of the price

□Documentary Collection ( art .5 �.5 )

□D/ P Documents against payment

□D/ A Documents against acceptance

□ Irrevocable documentary credit ( art .5 �.3 )



place of issue ( if applicable) :

place of confirmation ( if applicable ) :

Gredit available:

□By payment at sigh t

□By deferred payment at : days

□By acceptance of draf ts at : days

□By negotiation

Par tial shipments:

□allowed□not allowed

Transhipment :

□allowed□not allowed

Date on which the documentary credit must be notified

to seller ( if different from art . 5 �.3)

□ days before date of delivery

□other :


(e . g . cheque bank draf t , elect ronic funds t ransfer to designated bank account of seller)


Indicate here documents to be provided by Seller . Parties are advised to check the Incoterm they have selected

under A—3 �of these Specific Conditions . As concerns t ransport documents . see also In troduction , §8

□Commercial Invoice

□Transpor t document : indicate type of transpor t document required

□Insurance document

□Certificate of origin

□Certificate of inspection

□Packing list





If the goods are not delivered for any reason whatsoever ( including force majure) by ( date) the Buyer will be



10 R.1 ,10 8.4 AND 11 �.3)A—11 �




WISH TO MODIFY ART .10 D.1 , 10 *.4 OF 11 �.3

Liquidated damages for delay in delivery

shall be :

□ 8 % ( of price of delayed goods ) per week ,

with a maximum of

% ( of price of delayed goods)

OR :

□ % ( specify amount )

In case of termination for delay , Seller�s liability for

damages for delay is limited to % of the

price of the non - delivered goods .



Seller�s liability for damages arising from lack of

conformity of the goods shall be :

□ �limited to proven loss ( including consequential loss ,

loss of profit , etc .) not exceeding

% of the contract price ;

OR :

□as follows( specify) :




The price abatement for retained non - conforming goods shall not exceed :

% of the price of such goods OR ( specify amount )

A—13 %TIME - BAR (Art .11 -.8 )


Any action for non - conformity of the goods (as defined in article 11 �.8 ) must be taken by the Buyer not later

than from the date of arrival of the goods at destination .


A—14 %APPLICABLE LAW ( Art . 1 S.2)

A—14 �(a ) A—14 �( b)

To be completed only if the parties wish to submit the

sale cont ract to a national law instead of CISG . The

solution do not recommended( see Int roduction , §3 A) .

This law is governed by the domestic law of

(count ry)

To be completed if the parties wish to choose a law

other than that of the seller of questions not covered by


Any questions not covered by CISG will be governed

by the law of ( Count ry)


The two solutions hereunder (arbit ration or jurisdiction) are alternatives: par ties cannot choose both of them . If

no choice is made , ICC arbit ration will apply , according to art . 14 �.


□ICC(according to ar t . 14 �.1)

place of arbit ration


( specify)

□LITIGATION ( ordinary courts)

In case of dispute the courts of

( place) , shall have jurisdiction .


Model Form International Sale Contract

ICC International Sale Contract

(Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale)


ICC General Conditions Of Sale

(Maunfactured Goods Intended for Resale)

Art.1 General

1.1 These General Conditions are in tended to be applied together with the Specific

Conditions ( Part A) of the ICC International Sale Cont ract ( Manufactured Goods Intended for


Resale) , bu t they may also be incorporated on their own into any sale contract . Where these

General Conditions ( Par t B) are used independently of he said specific Conditions ( Par t A) , any

reference in Part B to Part A will be interpreted as a reference to any relevant specific conditions

agreed by the parties . In case of contradiction bet ween these General Conditions and any specific

conditions agreed upon between the parties , the specific conditions shall prevail .

1.2 Any questions relating to this cont ract which are not expressly or implicitly settled by

the provisions contained in the contract itself ( i . e . these General Conditions and any specific

conditions agreed upon by the parties ) shall be governed:

A. �by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

(Vienna Convention of 1980 , hereafter referred to as CISG) , and

B. �to the extent that such questions are not covered by CISG, by reference to the law of the

country where the Seller has his place of business .

1.3 Any reference made to trade terms ( such as EXW, FCA, etc .) is deemed to be made

to the relevant term of INCOTERMS published by the International Chamber of Commerce .

1.4 Any reference made to a publication of the International Chamber of Commerce is

deemed to be made to the version current at the date of conclusion of the Cont ract .

1.5 No modification of the Cont ract is valid unless agreed or evidenced in writing .

However , a party may be precluded by his conduct from asser ting this provision to the extent that

the other par ty has relied on that conduct .

Art.2 Characteristics of the goods

2.1 It is agreed that any information relating to the goods and their use, such as weights ,

dimensions, capacities , prices , colours and other data contained in catalogues , prospectuses ,

circulars , advertise ments , illustrations , price - lis ts of the Seller , shall not take effect as terms of

the cont ract unless expressly referred to in the Cont ract .

2.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer does not acquire any proper ty rights in softwate,

drawings , etc . which may have been made available to him . The Seller also remains the exclusive

owner of any intellectual or indust rial property righ ts relating to the goods .

Art.3 Inspection of the goods before shipment

If the parties have agreed that the Buyer is entitled to inspect the goods before shipment , the

Seller must notify the Buyer within a reasonable time before the shipment that the goods are ready

for inspection at the agreed place .

Art.4 Price

4.1 If no price has been agreed , the Seller�s current lis t price at the time of the conclusion

of the Contract shall apply . In the absence of such a current vist price, the price generally charged

for such goods at the time of the conclusion of the Cont ract shall apply .

4.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing , the price does not include VAT , and is not subject

to price adjustment .

4.3 The price indicated under A - 2 ( contract price) includes any costs which are at the

Seller�s charge according to this Contract . However , should the seller bear any costs which ,

according to this Contract , are for the Buyer�s account ( e . g . for transportation or insurance


under EXW or FCA) , such sums shall not be considered as having been included in the price

under A - 2 and shall be reimbursed by the Buyer .

Art.5 Payment conditions

5.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing , or implied from a prior course of dealing between

the parties , payment of the price and of any other sums due by the Buyer to the Seller shall be on

open account and time of payment shall be 30 days from the date of invoice . The amounts due

shall be t ransferred, unless otherwise agreed , by telet ransmission to the Seller�s band in the sellers

count ry for the account of the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed to have performed his payment

obligations when the respective sums due have been received by the Seller�s bank in immediately

available funds .

5.2 If the parties have agreed on payment in advance , without further indication , it well

be assumed that such advance payment , unless otherwise agreed , refers to the full price, and that

the advance payment must be received by the Seller�s bank in immediately available funds at least

30 days before the agreed date of delivery or the earliest date within the agreed delivery period . If

advance payment has been agreed only for a part of the cont ract price, the payment conditions of

the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article .

5.3 If the parties have agreed on payment by documentary credit , then , unless otherwise

agreed , the Buyer must arrange for a documentary credit in favour of the Seller to be issued by a

reputable bank , subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary credits published

by the International Chamber of Commerce , and to be notified at least 30 days before the agreed

date of delivery or at least 30 days before the earliest date within the agreed delivery period .

Unless otherwise agreed , the documentary credit shall be payable at sight and allow partial

shipments and transhipments .

5.4 If the parties have agreed on payment by documentary collection , then unless

otherwise agreed, documents will be tendered against payment (D/ P ) and the tender will in any

case be subject to the Uniform Rules for Collections published by the In ternational Chamber of

Commerce .

5.5 To the extent that the parties have agreed that payment is to be backed by a bank

guarantee, the Buyer is to provide, at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery or at least

30 days before the earliest date within the agreed delivery period , a first demand bank guaran tee

subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the In ternational Chamber of

Commerce, or a standby letter of credit subject either to such Rules or to the Uniform Customs

and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce , in

either case issued by a reputable bank .

Art.6 Interest in case of delayed payment

6.1 If a party does not pay a sum of money when it falls due the other par ty is entitled to

in terest upon that sum from the time when payment is due to the time of payment .

6.2 Unless otherwise agreed , the rate of interest shall be 2% above the average bank

short - term lending rate to prime borrowers prevailing for the currency of payment at the place of

payment, or where no such rate exists at that place, then the same rate in the State of the


currency of payment . In the absence of such a rate at either place the rate of interest shall be the

appropriate rate fixed by the law of the State of the currency of payment .

Art.7 Retention of title

If the par ties have validly agreed on reten tion of title, the goods shall remain the property of

the Seller until the complete payment of the price, or as otherwise agreed .

Art.8 Contractual term of delivery

Unless otherwise agreed , delivery shall be“Ex Works”( EXW ) .

Art.9 Documents

Unless otherwise agreed , the Seller must provide the documents ( if any ) indicated in the

applicable Incoterm or , if no Incoterm is applicable, according to any previous course of dealing .

Art.10 Late - delivery, non - delivery and remedies therefor

10.1 When there is delay in delivery of any goods , the Buyer is en titled to claim liquidated

damages equal to 0.5 % or such other percentage as may be agreed of the price of those goods for

each complete week of delay , provided the Buyer notifies the Seller of the delay . Where the Buyer

so notifies the Seller within 15 days from the agreed date of delivery , damages will run from the

agreed date of delivery or from the last day within the agreed period of delivery . Where the Buyer

so notifies the Seller after 15 days of the agreed date of delivery, damages will run from the date

of the notice . Liquidated damages for delay shall not exceed 5% of the price of the delayed goods

or such other maximum amount as may be agreed .

10.2 If the parties have agreed upon a cancellation date in Box A - 9 , the Buyer may

terminate the contract by notification to the Seller as regards goods which have not been delivered

by such cancellation date for any reason whatsoever ( including a force majeure event ) .

10.3 When article 10.2 does not apply and the Seller has not delivered the goods by the

date on which the Buyer has become entitled to the maximum amount of liquidated damages under

article 10.1 , the Buyer may give notice in writing to terminate the contract as regards such

goods , if they have not been delivered to the Buyer within 5 days of receip t of such notice by the

Seller .

10.4 In case of termination of the contract under article 10.2 or 10.3 then in addition to

any amount paid or payable under article 10.1 , the Buyer is entitled to claim damages for any

additional loss not exceeding 10 % of the price of the nondelivered goods .

10.5 The remedies under this article are exclusive of any other remedy for delay in delivery

or non - delivery .

Art.11 Non - conformity of the goods

11.1 The Buyer shall examine the goods as soon as possible after their arrival at destination

and shall notify the Seller in writing of any lack of conformity of the goods within 15 days from

the date when the Buyer discovers or ought to have discovered the lack of conformity . In any case

the Buyer shall have no remedy for lack of conformity if he fails to notify the Seller thereof within

12 months from the date of arrival of the goods at the agreed destination .

11.2 Goods will be deemed to conform to the contract despite minor discrepancies which

are usual in the particular t rade or through course of dealing between the par ties but the Buyer


will be entitled to any abatement of the price usual in the trade or through course of dealing for

such discrepancies .

11.3 Where goods are non - conforming (and provided the Buyer , having given notice of

the lack of conformity in compliance with article 11.1 , does not elect in the notice to retain

them) , the Seller shall at his option :

(a ) replace the goods with conforming goods , without any additional expense to the Buyer ,


( b) repair the goods , without any additional expense to the Buyer , or

(c ) reimburse to the Buyer the price paid for the non - conforming goods and thereby

terminate the cont ract as regards those goods .

The Buyer will be entitled to liquidated damages as quantified under ar ticle 10.1 for each

complete week of delay between the date of notification of the non - conformity according to

article 11.1 and the supply of substitute goods under article 11.3 (a) or repair under artiale 11.3

( b) above Such damages may be accumulated with damages ( if any) payable under article 10.1 ,

but can in no case exceed in the aggregate 5% of the price of those goods .

11.4 If the Seller has failed to perform his duties under 11.3 by the date on which the

Buyer becomes entitled to the maximum amount of liquidated damages according to that article,

the Buyer may give notice in writing to terminate the contract as regards the non - conforming

goods unless the supply of replacement goods or the repair is effected within 5 days of receipt of

such notice by the Seller .

11.5 Where the Cont ract is terminated under article 11.3 ( c) or article 11.4 , then in

addition to any amount paid or payable under art 11.3 as reimbursement of the price and damages

for any delay , the Buyer is entitled to damages for any additional loss not exceeding 10% of the

price of the non - conforming goods .

11.6 Where the Buyer elects to retain non - conforming goods , he shall be entitled to a

sum equal to the difference between the value of the goods at the agreed place of destination if

they had conformed with the Cont ract and their value at the same place as delivered , such sum not

to exceed 15% of the price of those goods .

11.7 Unless otherwise agreed in writing , the remedies under this article 11 are exclusive of

any other remedy for non - conformity .

11.8 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no action for lack of conformity can be taken by

the Buyer , whether before judicial or arbitral t ribunals , after 2 years from the date of arrival of

the goods . I t is expressly agreed that after the expiry of such term , the Buyer will not plead

non - conformity of the goods , or make a counterclaim thereon , in defence to any action taken by

the Seller against the Buyer for non - performance of this Cont ract .

Art.12 Cooperation between the parties

12.1 The Buyer shall promptly inform the Seller of any claim made against the Buyer by

his customers or third par ties concerning the goods delivered or intellectual property righ ts related

thereto .

12.2 The Seller will promptly inform the Buyer of any claim which may involve the


product liability of the Buyer .

Art.13 Force majeure

13.1 A party is not liable for a failure to perform any of his obligations in so far as he

proves .

(a ) that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his control , and

(b ) that he could not reasonable be expected to have taken the impediment and its effects

upon his ability to perform into account at the time of the conclusion of the cont ract , and

(c) that he could not reasonably have avoided or overcome it or its effects .

13.2 A party seeking relief shall , as soon as practicable after the impediment and its effects

upon his ability to perform become known to him , give notice to the other party of such

impediment and its effects on his ability to perform . Notice shall also be given when the ground of

relief ceases .

Failure to give either notice makes the party thus failing liable in damages for loss which

otherwise could have been avoided .

13.3 Without prejudice to article 10.2 , a ground of relief under this clause relieves the

par ty failing to perform from liability in damages , from penalties and other contractual sanctions ,

form the duty to pay in terest on money owing as long as and to the extent that the ground

subsists .

13.4 If the grounds of relief subsist for more than six months , either par ty shall be entitled

to terminate the cont ract without notice .

Art.14 Resolution of disputes

14.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing , all disputes arising in connection with the present

contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the In ternational Chamber of

Commerce by one or more arbitrators appoin ted in accordance with the said Rules .

14.2 An arbitration clause does not prevent any par ty from requesting in terim or

conservatory measures from the courts .



一般货物销售合同示范条款 ( 中英文对照 )

(供德中两国公司之间货物销售使用 )

合同号 :

合同签订日期 :

合同签订地点 :

卖方 :

地址 :

公司所在国 :

电报 :

传真 :

买方 :

地址 :

公司所在国 :

电报 :

传真 :

买卖双方经友好协商 ,同意以 [ ] FOB 或 [ ] CFR 或 [ ] CI F 或 [ ] FCA 或 [ ]CPT 或

[ ] CIP 术语签订本合同 ,并就如下条款达成一致 :

1. 商品名称 :

2. 品质/ 规格 :

[ ] 按照本合同附件中详细记录 (如果具体合同要求 )

3. 单位 :

4. 数量 :

[允许在金额及数量上有 ( ) %的损益 , 由 [ ] 卖方或 [ ] 买方选择 ]

5. FOB/ CFR/ CI F/ FCA/ CP T/ CIP 单位价格 : 。

6. 总额 :

实交数量按照第 4 款规定 ,比原定数量损益 ( ) % , 则应对价格作出相应的调整。 [ ]

7. 原产国及生产国 :

8. 运输标志 :

9. 装运 :

9.1 装运时间 : 。


9.2 装运港 : 。

9.3 卸货港 : 。

9.4 [ ]允许 , 或 [ ] 不允许“甲板上”装运。

9.5 [ ]允许 , 或 [ ] 不允许转运。

9.6 [ ]允许 , 或 [ ] 不允许分批装运。

9.7 [ ]集装箱运输。

9.8 最终目的地 : 。

9.9 卸货港转货商/ 货运代理人 : 。

10. 支付条款

卖方银行账户 :

买方银行账户 :

10.1 支付方式

(1 ) 信用证

[ ] 10.1.1 (这一段将作 [ ]保留或 [ ]删除 )

在卖方向买方提示由 银行开出的、以卖方为受益人的、金额为 的不可撤

销的银行保函之日起三十日内 ,买方应向卖方支付合同总金额 ( ) %的价款 , 即 。


[ ] 装运日后 ( ) 天 ,如果是分批装运 , 则在最后一批货物装运后 ( ) 天。

[ ] 最后一批货物到达卸货港之日。

[ ] 货物到达卸货港之日后 ( ) 月。


[ ] 10.1.2 即期付款


[ ] 合同规定的装运期第一天 (装运日 ) 前 ( ) 日 ,

[ ] 合同签订后 ( ) 日内 ,

通过 银行 , 以 [ ] 电传 , [ ] SWI FT , [ ] 信函 , [ ] 简式电报和信函方式出具以

卖方的受益人、不可撤销的、金额为 的。

[ ] 即期付款信用证 ;

[ ] 议付信用证。

信用证的内容应与合同规定相符 ,信用证的有效期持续至开证日后 ( )月 , 以便受益人在


信用证中应含有如下陈述 :该信用证以《跟单信用证统一惯例 1993 年版 , 国际商会第 500


[ ] 10.1.3 延期付款


[ ] 合同规定的装运期的第一天 ( 装运日 ) 前 ( ) 日 , [ ] 合同签订后 ( ) 日内 , 通过

银行 , 以 [ ] 电传 , [ ] SWIF T , [ ]信函 , [ ] 简式电报和信函方式 , 出具以卖方

为受益人的、金额为 的、不可撤销的信用证 , 凭

[ ] 即期

[ ] 海运提单、航空运单、铁路交货通知或多式联运单据


[ ] 提示单据 ,


[ ] 承兑

[ ] 延期付款

[ ] 议付

信用证的内容应与合同规定相符 ,信用证的有效期持续至开证日后 ( )月 , 以便受益人在


信用证中应含有如下内容 :“该信用证以《跟单信用证统一惯例 1993 年版 , 国际商会第

500 号出版物》为准。”

(2 ) 托收

[ ] 10.1.4 凭单付款 (D/ P )

货物装运后 , 卖方应通过银行向买方出具以买方为付款人的即期汇票并附上所需单据。

买方应于 (委托银行 ) 提交汇票及所需单据时立即付款。

[ ] 10.1.5 承兑交单 (D/ A)

货物装运后 ,卖方应通过买方的银行向买方出具以买方为付款人的、见票后 ( ) 天付款的

汇票及所需的单据以便承兑。买方应于卖方第一次出具汇票及所需的单据时立即承兑 , 并于


(3 ) 汇付

[ ] 10.1.6


[ ] 收到所需单据后 ( ) 天内 ,

[ ] 提单日后 ( ) 天内 ,以

[ ] 电汇 ,

[ ] 信汇 , [ ]票汇


10.2 有关单据

卖方应准备并向买方提交如下单据 :

1. 汇票

向 [ ] ——— (银行的名称 , 在信用证付款方式下 )或 [ ]买方 ( 在托收付款方式下 )出具的汇票。

2. 运输单据 (选择如下之一 )

[ ] 1) 标明通知收货人或———的全套清洁已装船提单 , 该提单为 [ ] 空白抬头 , [ ] 空白背

书 ,并注明 [ ]运费已付或 [ ]运费待付。

[ ] 2) 签发给———不可转让的海洋运单 ,标明运费

[ ] 预付 已付或

[ ] 待付 ,


[ ] 3) 多式联运单据

[ ] 4) 航空运输单据 (空运单据/ 空运货单 )

[ ] 5) 铁路运输单据

[ ] 6) 信使及邮递收据


3. 其他单据

1) 商业发票

2) [ ] 保险单

[ ] 保险凭证

3) 由———出具的质量检验证明/ 检验报告/ 分析证明

4) [ ] 原产地证明

[ ] FORM A(普惠制原产地证 )

5) 装箱单

6) 重量单

7) [ ] 发货通知书

[ ] 装船通知

1~7 项单据需要原本 份和副本 份。

4. 其他单据 (如需要 )

10.3 银行费用

依照根据上述 10.1 款选择的付款方式 , 买方应承担发生在

[ ] 开证行 (如以信用证支付 ) ,

[ ] 托收行 (如以 D/ P 或 D/ A 方式支付 ) ,

[ ] 汇付行 (如以汇付方式支付 ) ,


除非双方另有约定 ,卖方应承担发生在该国以外所有银行费用。

11. 交货条款

11.1 包装

所有货物均须包装 ,以防止因受潮、生锈、水分、腐蚀及震动致损 ,且包装应适合 [ ]海运 ,

甲板上/ 非甲板上运输 , [ ] 多式联运 , [ ]集装箱运输。


如果待运的货物中包含有易燃或危险品 ,卖方应在每一包装表面注明运输及搬运中特别

注意的事项以及识别号码或国际惯例及/ 国际规则中对此类物品要求的其他标记。

每一包装的尺寸、毛重、净重以及其他必要的注意事项 , 例如 :“不要倒置”、“防潮”、“小心

轻放”、“固定”等 ,无论何时如有必要应以不褪色的颜料印刷在每件包装的表面。

11.2 装运条款

11.2.1 如果是在 CFR 或 CI F 条件下装运 , 卖方应在装运前不迟于 ( ) 日 ,以电报/ 传真的方

式通知买方装运船名、船籍、船龄和其他有关该船的详细情况 , 以及每次装运货物的合同号。

经买方对船只公司确认接受后 ,卖方才可装运。但买方不能无理延迟上述确认 , 买方应在接到

通知后 3 个工作日内最迟 5 个工作日内做出确认 ,否则即视为已被确认。

11.2.2 如果是在 FOB 条件下发运货物 , 买方应按合同规定的装运期订舱 , 卖方应在合同规

定的装运期前至少 ( ) 天 ,以电报/ 传真的方式 ,将合同号、商品名称、数量、总金额、件数、总重


的日期至少 ( ) 日前 ,以电报/ 传真的方式通知合同号、商品名称、数量、总金额、件数、总重量、

总体积及货物在装运港适合装运的日期。买方应至少在船只到达装运港的预计日期前 ( )

日 ,通知卖方船名 , 预计抵港日期及合同号 ,以便卖方办理装运。如果需对运输船只或到达日


期做出变动 ,买方或其货运代理人应及时通知卖方 , 但不能迟于预计抵达日前 ( ) 日 , 以便卖

方做出必要的安排。如果船只未在买方通知的抵达日后 ( )日内未抵达装运港 , 买方应承担

自 ( ) 日后开始计算的一切实际费用 ,包括仓储费及利息 , 但这不影响卖方根据合同及国际贸


如果运输船只按卖方通知到达装运港而卖方未能按规定及时将货物备妥待运 ,那么卖方


11.2.3 如果是在 FOB/ CFR/ FCA 条件下发运货物 , 卖方应于货物装运完毕后立即以电报/

传真的方式向买方及/ 或其指定的收货人发出发货通知书。该通知书应包括合同号、商品名


如果在 FOB 或 CFR 条件下装运货物时 ,卖方未及时向买方及/ 或其指定的收货人发出发

货通知以致买方不能及时投保 ,那么卖方应对运输过程中货物发生的损害和/ 或损失负责。

11.2.4 此条款应作保留或删除

货物装运后 ,卖方应 [ ]随船将下列单据的副本一式两份发送给买方 :

(1 ) 海运提单 ( 或根据 10.2 条第 2 款要求的其他运输单据 )

(2 ) 商业发票 ( 分批装运时须注明装船批号 )

(3 ) 装箱单

(4 ) 重量/ 数量单

(5 ) 原产地证书

(6 ) 由 签发的品质检验证明/ 检验报告/ 分析证明

(7 ) 所需的其他单据 :

11.2.5 卖方应在实际装船日后 ( ) 工作日内向买方或其指定的收货人航寄上款所列单据副


11.2.6 装运期以第 10 条规定的信用证的及时签发为准。

发货日报指提单日 ,航空运单日期 , 铁路发货通知或多式联运单据日期。

12. 保险

如果在 FOB、CFR、FCA 或 CP T 条件下发运货物 ,应由买方负责投保。

如果在 CIF 或 CIP 条件下运送货物 , 卖方应按发票金额的 110%投保 [ ]平安险 ,或 [ ]

水渍险 ,或 [ ]一切险。另投附加险应包括 :

13. 担保 ( 分别选择 13.1 或 13.2)

[ ] 13.1 卖方应保证所交付的所有货物的品质、规格和包装符合合同规定。担保期应持续

[ ] 若为分批装运 ,则在最后一批货物交付日后 ( )月 ;

[ ] 在卸货港完成卸货日后 ( ) 月 ,但最迟不能超过交货日后 ( )月 ;

[ ] 货物到达目的地港之日后 ( ) 月 ,但无论如何不应超过货物到达卸货港之日后 ( )月 ;

[ ] 双方接受签署的验收证书之日后 ( ) 月 ,但不能超过货物到达卸货港之日后 ( )月。

[ ] 13.2 卖方应在保证其根据合同交付货物的品质、规格及包装符合合同规定。卖方不担

保货物适合特定目的或环境 ,除非合同另有规定或在签订合同时已告知卖方。担保期一直持



[ ] 交货日后 ,如果是分批装运 , 则在最后一批货物交付日后 ( ) 月。

[ ] 在卸货港完成卸货之日后 ( ) 月 ,但最迟到交付日后 ( )月。

[ ]货物到达目的地之日后 ( ) 月 , 但无论在何种情况下不应超过货物到达卸货港之日后

( ) 月。

[ ] 双方签署验收证书之日后 ( ) 月 ,但不应超过货物到达卸货港之日后 ( )月。

13.3 如果买方发现货物违反上述担保 ,并根据第 17.1 条在担保期内通过卖方 , 而且违反担

保的原因在于卖方 ,那么买方有权向卖方提出索赔。应根据第 17 条来解决买方担保权利和卖


在工厂的书面说明有误 ,或者对产品非正确使用 , 或者根据产品的正常损耗性质而对产品

的零部件造成的正常损耗的情况下 , 应排除卖方的担保义务。

14. 检验

14.1 交货前检验 (从 14.1.1 或是 14.1.2 中选择一款 )

[ ] 14.1.1 卖方应在货物装运前 ,向检验机构申请对货物的品质、规格、数量、重量、包装、安


[ ] 本合同中的规定 ,或

[ ] 标准 , 进行检验。


检验机构 :

在中国 : �a) 中华人民共和国 进出口商品检验局


(如果中国的法律、法规允许其他的检验机构则加入 )

在德国 :

(如果强制要求检验则加入 )

[ ] 14.1.2 工厂检验


[ ] 合同的规定 ,或

[ ] 标准



14.2 到货检验

为了实现担保权或其他请求权 ,买方有权在货物到达

[ ] 最终目的地

[ ] 卸货港后


检验机关 :

在中国 : �a) 中华人民共和国 进出口商品检验局 ;


在德国 :

(根据买方的选择或德国法则加入 )

买方应在检验前向卖方发出检验通知 ,以便卖方有充足时间参加检验 , 卖方可以自行决定


并承担费用参加检验。如果买方及时通知而卖方不参加 ,则检验可在卖方缺席的情况下进行。

买方应根据本合同第 17.1a)和/ 或 b) 的规定进行检验。

15. 不可抗力

合同当事人因洪水、火灾、地震、雪灾、旱灾、冰雹、风或其他该方当事人无法控制 , 并在签


分合同义务 ,则该合同一方当事人应免责。但是 , 因不可抗力而影响其履约的合同一方应尽快

通知另一方事件的发生 ,并应在事件发生后不迟于 ( )天向另一方发送由有关机构或某一中


如果不可抗力事件持续超过 ( ) 天 ,合同双方可协商合同的履行或终止。如果不可抗力

事件发生后 ( ) 月内双方不能达成协议 ,则任何一方有权终止合同。如果合同如此终止 , 则任

一方应自行承担各自的费用 ,且不能对解除合同有关的损失要求赔偿。

16. 延迟赔偿

16.1 如果买方在到期时未支付价款 ,则其有义务向卖方支付未付价款及逾期利息。利率按

从到期日至实际支付日以息 ( ) %计算 ,该逾期利息应按卖方要求支付。

16.2 未及时开具信用证

如果买方因为自身的原因未能按合同规定按时开具信用证 ,除非双方协议有宽限期 , 则买

方应向卖方支付罚金。罚金应按迟开信用证每 ( ) 日收取信用证金额 ( ) %的比率计算 , 但

罚金不能超过买方应开而未开信用证总金额的 ( ) %。在计算罚金时 , 少于 ( ) 日应视为

( ) 日。

16.3 未及时交货

如果卖方因自身原因未能按合同规定按时交付所有或部分货物 (包括达成一致的文件 ) ,

除非双方协议有宽限期 ,则卖方应向买方支付罚金。罚金应按迟交货物每 ( ) 天收取迟交货

物总金额的 ( ) %计算 ,但是 , 罚金不能超过迟交货物总金额的 ( ) %。在计算罚金时 , 少于

( ) 日应视为 ( ) 日。

16.4 在不影响合同双方根据第 18.1 条享有的权力下 , 第 16.1 条且/ 或 16.2 条且/ 或 16.3


17. 索赔

17.1 如果货物的品质、规格、数量、重量、包装及对安全、卫生或健康的要求不符合合同的规

定 ,则买方应向卖方发出索赔通知 , 并有权以本合同第 14.2 条规定的检验机构签发的检验证

明作为依据向卖方索赔 ,并在

[ ]a) 货物到达最终目的地之日后 ( )日内 ,只要该日不超过货物到达卸货港之日后 ( )日 ,

[ ] b) 在保证期内发现故障或缺陷的情况下 ,最迟应在发现故障后 ( ) 周内 , 列出索赔理由。

如果货物与合同不符并且卖方应对此负责 ,则卖方应在收到买方的通知后立即 , 或至多 ( ) 周

内 ,自己承担费用。

[ ] 修理或替换该货物 ,或补足短缺的数量。买方不得对所受损失索赔或要求解除合同 , 除非


[ ] 修理或替换该货物 ,或补足短缺的数量 , 并且如果买方因卖方而遭受损失的话 ,则根据第

17.4 条向买方赔偿。

[ ] 根据货物瑕疵程度 ,如果买方遭受损害、损失 ,则根据其受损害的程度和损失的数量 , 通过



[ ] 如果在双方协商的时间期限内 ,修理、替换或降价显然没有达到要求 ,并且/ 或者此种不符

达到了根本性违反合同 ,则买方有权解除合同。

17.2 如果买方未在第 17.1a)和 b)规定的时间内要求索赔 , 则买方应放弃对数量不足或明显


17.3 卖方在收到本合同第 14.2 条规定的检验机构出具的检验证明后不迟于 ( )日对买方

的索赔要求作出答复。如果卖方未在上述期限内作出答复 ,则买方的索赔要求则被视为接受。

17.4 [ ] 本合同中卖方的责任应限于直接损失和直接损害。这一限制不适用于完全疏忽或


[ ] 本合同中卖方的责任或因违约而构成的卖方的责任应限于总额 。这一限制不


至于下述情况 ,上述选择之一不适用 :

违约一方应对因其违约而由未违约方造成的损失负责 , 如果违约方在签订合同时根据其


18. 终止合同

18.1 除非另有规定 ,本合同在下述任一情况下终止 :

(1 ) 通过双方共同书面协议 ; 或

(2 ) 如果另一方完全因其责任在合同规定的时间期限内未履行其义务 , 程度严重 , 并且在收到

未违约方的书面协议后 ( ) 日内未能消除违约影响或采取补救措施 ,在此种情况下 , 非违约方


18.2 合同终止不影响终止合同方的任何权利 ,包括但不限于其根据 17.4 条要求对应合同终


19. 税收

与本合同有关及在执行本合同中由中国政府根据生效的税收法律征收的所有税收由 [ ]

买方 [ ] 卖方 ,即本合同的中方来支付。与本合同有关及在执行本合同中在中华人民共和国

领土以外征收的所有税收应由 [ ] 卖方 [ ] 买方 ,即本合同的德方支付。


20. 国际贸易术语解释通则

除非合同中另有规定 , 合同的条款应依照国际商会提供的《国际贸易术语解释通则

( INCOTERMS 1990) , 国际商会第 460 号出版物》予以解释。

21. 仲裁

因本合同而产生的或与本合同有关的所有争议 ,包括有关本合同的成立、生效或终止的问

题应最终通过仲裁来裁决 ,排除有通常的法院对争议作出判决。

为了以仲裁来裁决争议 ,案件应提交给

[ ] 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会。仲裁程序应在中华人民共和国 进行。

[ ] 德国仲裁机构。仲裁程序应在德国 进行。

[ ] ( 合同双方同意的其他国际仲裁机构例如巴黎国际商会的仲裁机构、苏黎世商

会的仲裁机构或香港国际仲裁中心 )。


22. 通知

任何通知应以书面形式 ,并应有专人送交 , 传真、电传发送或航空快件寄送 , 当在合同抬头


指定的地点由合同方派专人送交时 ,或若合同方以传真或电报的方式发送 , 则发送日后一天 ,

或若合同方以信函方式寄送 ,则另一方收到信函时 , 通知应被视为送达。

23. 其他

23.1 附件应构成本合同不可缺少的一部分。

23.2 本合同用英文书就 ,文件用 (语言 ) 。

23.3 生效日期 :

本合同应生效于 (生效日期 )

[ ] 从双方授权的代表正式签订日起。

[ ] 经 签署并批准后 , 如果法律要求批准。批准应在买方签署并通知卖方后 30 天


[ ] 其他条件 : 。

上述条款由买方和卖方协商同意 ,买方、卖方签字如下 :

买方 : 日期 :

卖方 : 日期 :

Sino - German Standard Contract Commission


For Sales Between German and Chinese Firms and Corporations

Cont ract Number : � 臤

Date of Signing of Contract: � 篷

Place of Signing of Cont ract : � 茡

Seller : � �5

Address: � 亲

Country of Incorporation : � 葃

Telex : � ��

Fax: � 山

Buyer: � ��

Address: � 耍

Country of Incorporation : � 蘀

Telex : � 嚏

Fax: � 蛪

The Buyer and the Seller , through friendly negotiation , have signed this Cont ract on a basis of


[ ] FOB or [ ] CFR or [ ] CIF or [ ] FCA or [ ] CP T or [ ] CI P and agreed to the

terms and conditions stipulated below .

1. Name of Commodity :

2. Specifications/ Quality :

[ ] As detailed in an Annex to this Cont ract ( if required under the specific case)

3. Units:

4. Quantity :

[ with( ) % more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at [ ] the Seller�s , or [ ]

the Buyer�s option]

5. Unit Price FOB/ CFR/ CIF/ FCA/ CP T/ CIP :

6. Total Amount :

[ If the delivered quantity is more or less than( ) % of the quantity as defined in item4 , the price

shall be adjusted correspondingly .]

7. Country of Origin and Country of Manufacture:

8. Shipping Mark:

9. Shipment

9.1 Time of Shipment :

9.2 Port of Shipment:

9.3 Port of Unloading:

9.4 “On - deck”shipment [ ] is, or [ ] is not allowed .

9.5 Transhipment [ ] is, or [ ] is not allowed .

9.6 Partial shipment [ ] is , or [ ] is not allowed .

9.7 [ ] Container shipment

9.8 Final desination :

9.9 Freight Forwarder/ Agent at port of unloading:

10. Terms of Payment

Seller�s Bank Account :

Buyer�s Bank Account:

10.1 Method of Payment

(1 ) Letter of Credit

[ ] 10.1.1 ( This Paragraph shall be [ ] maintained or [ ] deleted)

( ) percent of the total contract price, i . e . shall be paid by the Buyer to the

Seller not later than 30 days after Date of effectiveness against presentation to the Buyer of an

irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by ( Bank�s name) in the amount of

in favour of the Buyer . The L/ G shall be valid until

[ ] ( ) days after delivery date, in case of partial shipment delivery date of the last shipment

[ ] ( ) date of arrival of the last shipment in the port of unloading

[ ] ( ) months after the date of arrival of the goods at the port the port of unloading

The amount of L/ G shall be reduced automatically and proportionally in accordance with the

shipments made by the Seller .


[ ] 10.1.2 Sight payment

The Buyer shall ,

[ ] ( ) days prior to the first day of the time of shipment specified in this Contract ,

[ ] within ( ) days after the signing of this Cont ract , establish in favor of the Seller an

irrevocable letter of credit available by .

[ ] sigh t payment ,

[ ] negotiation ,

issued by (bank�s name) , by

[ ] telex ,

[ ] SWIF T ,

[ ] mail ,

[ ] brief telex and mail in the amount of the contents of which shall be in conformity

with the terms of this Cont ract , and the letter of credit shall be valid for presen tation of

documents in the locality of the beneficiary———months after issuing date of the letter of credit .

The statement“ this credit is subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary

Credits, 1993 Revision , International Chamber of Commerce Publication No . 500”shall be

contained in the letter of credit .

[ ] 10.1.3 Deferred Payment

The Buyer shall ,

[ ] ( ) days prior to the first day of the time of shipment ( the date of shipment ) , specified in

this Contract .

[ ] within ( ) days after the signing of this Cont ract , establish in favor of the Seller an

irrevocable letter of credit available by

[ ] acceptance

[ ] deferred payment

[ ] negotiation

after [ ] sight

[ ] the date of B/ L of Airway Bill or Railway Consignment Note , or Multimodal Transport


[ ] presentation of documents issued by (Bank�s name) , by

[ ] telex ,

[ ] SWIF T ,

[ ] mail ,

[ ] brief telex and mail

in the amount of

the contents of which shall be in conformity with the terms of this contract , and the letter of

credit shall not be valid for presen tation of documents in the locality of the beneficiary

months after issuing date of the letter of credit .

The statement“this credit is subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ,

1993 Revision , In ternational Chamber of Commerce Publication No .500”shall be contained in


the letter of credit .

(2 ) Collection

[ ] 10.1.4 Document Against Payment ( D/ P)

After shipment , the Seller shall deliver a sight bill of exchange drawn on the Buyer together

wigh the required documents to the Buyer through a bank . The Buyer shall effect the payment

immediately upon the presentation of the bill of exchange and the required documents .

[ ] 10.1.5 Document Against Acceptance (D/ A)

After shipment , the Seller shall deliver a bill of exchange drawn on the Buyer , payable

days after sigh t together with the required documents to the Buyer through a bank for

acceptance . The Buyer shall accept the bill of exchange immediately upon the first presentation of

the bill of exchange and the required documents and shall effect the payment on the maturity date

of the bill of exchange .

(3 ) Remittance

[ ] 10.1.6

The Buyer shall ,

[ ] within days after the receipt of the required documents ,

[ ] within days after the date of the Bill of Lading .

pay the invoice value of the goods to the Seller�s account with a bank designated by the Seller by

means of

[ ] T/ T( Telegraph Transfer) ,

[ ] M/ T( Mail Transfer ) ,

[ ] D/ D(Demand Draft ) .

10.2 Documents Required

The following documents shall be prepared by the Seller and submitted to the Buyer:

1. Bill of exchange drawn on

[ ] ( bank�s name, on L/ C basis)

[ ] the Buyer (on collection basis)

2. Transpor t document ( select one of the following) :

[ ] 1) clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to

[ ] order, or

[ ] to order of and blank endorsed marked freight

[ ] prepaid/ paid , or

[ ] to collect

notifying [ ] consignee, or

[ ]

[ ] 2) non - negotiable sea waybill made out to marked

freigh t �[ ] prepaid/ paid , or

[ ] to collect


[ ] 3) multimodal t ranspor t document


[ ] 4) air transport document (airway bill/ air consignment note )

[ ] 5) railway transportation document

[ ] 6) courier and post receipts

3. Other document ( s)

1) commercial invoice

2) �[ ] insurance policy

[ ] insurance certificate

3) quality inspection certificate/ inspection repor t/ analysis certificate issued by

4) �[ ] certificate of orgin

[ ] FORM A (GSP )

5) packing list

6) weight list

7) �[ ] notice of shipment

[ ] shipping advice

Documents 1 to 7 in originals and - copies

4. Other documents ( if required ) :

10.3 Banking Charges

Depending upon the method of payment selected pursuant to Clause 10.1 above, the Buyer shall

bear all banking charges incurred in the country of

[ ] L/ C issuing bank ( in case of payment by L/ C) ,

[ ] Collecting bank ( in case of payment by D/ P or D/ A)

[ ] Remitting bank ( in case of payment by remittance) , and the seller shall bear all banking

charges incurred outside such count ry , unless otherwise agreed by the par ties .

11. Terms of Delivery

11.1 Packaging

All goods shall be packaged to prevent damage from dampness , rust , moisture, erosion an shock ,

and shall be suitable for

[ ] ocean t ranspor t , on deck/ not on deck

[ ] multimodal t ranspor t

[ ] container transport

The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods att ributable to inadequate or

improper packaging .

The measurement , gross weight , net weight of each package and any necessary cautions such as

“Do not Stack Upside Down”,“ Keep Away From Moisture”,“ Handle With Care”,“Hook - on

Poin t” shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment, whenever

necessary .

If the goods to be shipped include any flammable, hazardous or dangerous materials, the Seller shall

indicate on the surface of each package appropriate cautions with respect to the special care for the

transport and handing thereof as well as the identification numbers or other indications required under

customary international practice and/ or regulations applicable to such materials, if any .


11.2 Terms of Shipment

11.2.1 If shipment is made under the terms of CFR or CIF , the Seller shall , not later than

( ) days before the time of shipment , inform the Buyer by Telex , or Fax of the name,

nationally, age and other details of the carrying vessel as well as the contract number for each

shipment . The shipment shall not be effected without the confirmation from the Buyer with

respect to the acceptability of the vessel; provided that , the Buyer shall not unreasonably withhold

such confirmation . The Buyer shall confirm the vessel , by telex , or fax , within 3 , latest 5

working days , otherwise , the vessel shall be regarded as confirmed .

11.2.2 If shipment is made under the term of FOB, the Buyer shall book shipping space in

accordance with the time of shipment stipulated in this Contract . The Seller shall , at least ( )

days before the date of shipment stipulated in this Cont ract , advise the Buyer by Telex , Fax of

Cable of the Cont ract number , the name of the commodity , the quantity, the total amount , the

package numbers , the total weight and volume and the date when the goods should be ready for

shipment at the por t of shipment . The Buyer shall , at least ( ) days before the estimated date of

arrival of the vessel at the port of shipment , notify the Seller of the name of the vessel , the

estimated date of arrival and the contract number for the Seller to effect shipment . In case the

carrying vessel or the date of arrival has to be changed, the Buyer or its shipping agent shall advise

the Seller in time, however not later than ( ) days prior to the scheduled date of arrival , to

make necessary arrangement Should the vessel fail to arrive at the port of shipment within ( )

days after the arrival date advised by the Buyer , the Buyer without prejudice to any other claims of

Seller under this Cont ract and the provisions of the Incoterms, shall bear all actual expenses ,

including, the storage expenses and interest charges , calculated from the ( ) day thereafter .

The Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, should they fail to have the quantity

of the goods ready for loading in time as stipulated , if the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of

shipment as advised .

11.2.3 If shipment is made under the terms of FOB, CFR, CIF or FCA, the Seller shall ,

immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods , provide the Buyer and the consignee

appointed by the Buyer , with notice of shipment by Telex , Fax or Cable . The notice shall include

the cont ract number , name of commodity , quantity , net and gross weight measurements ,

invoiced value, bills of lading number , sailing date and the estimated date of arrival at the por t of

unloading .

If shipment is made under the term of FOB or CFR, should the Seller fail immediately to provide

the shipment notice to the Buyer and/ or the consignee appoin ted by the Buyer , and the Buyer can

not procure the insurance in time, the Seller shall be responsible for any damage to and/ or loss of

the goods incurred in the course of transport .

11.2.4 ( This clause shall be [ ] maintained or [ ] deleted) Upon completion of loading , the

Seller shall send to the Buyer one duplicate copy of each of the following documents together with

the shipment

(1 ) ocean bill of lading ( or other t ransport document as perclause 10.2 , item2)

(2 ) commercial invoice ( shipping lot No . to be indicated in case of partial shipment )


(3 ) packing list

(4 ) weight lis t/ quantity lis t

(5 ) cer tificate of origin

(6 ) quality inspection cer tificate/ inspection report/ analysis certificate issued by

(7 ) other documents required :

11.2.5 Within ( ) working days after the date of actual shipment , the Seller shall airmail one

copy of each of the documents mentioned in the preceding clause to the Buyer , or the consignee

appointed by the Buyer .

11.2.6 Time of shipment is subject to timely issuance of the L/ C as set forth in Clause 10.

Delivery Date shall mean the B/ L date , date of Airway bill or the date of Railway Consignment

Note, date of multimodal t ranspor t document .

12. Insurance

If shipment is made under the term of FOB, CFR of FCA or CP T insurance shall be procured by

the Buyer .

If shipment is made under the term of CIF or CIP , insurance shall be procured by the Seller for

110% of the invoice value against [ ] F . P . A , or [ ] W . P . A, or [ ] All Risks .

Additional insurance shall include:

13. Warranty ( Select 13.1 or 13.2 respectively)

[ ] 13.1 The Seller shall warrant that all goods delivered by the Seller in quality, specification

and packaging shall conform to the contract stipulations . The warranty period shall remain in

effect until the expiration of .

[ ] ( ) months after the Delivery Date, in case of partial shipment after the Delivery Date

of the last shipment;

[ ] ( ) months after the date of the completion of unloading of the goods at the por t of

unloading , latest however ;

[ ] months after the Delivery Date;

[ ] ( ) months after the date of the arrival of the goods at the destination but in no

circumstances exceeding ( ) months after the date of completion of unloading of the goods at the

port of unloading .

[ ] ( ) months after the date of acceptance certificate signed by both parties however not

exceeding ( ) months after the date of arrival of the goods at the port of unloading .

[ ] 13.2 The Seller shall warran t that the quality , specifications and packaging of the goods

delivered by the seller pursuant to this Cont ract shall conform to the contract stipulations . The

Seller shall make no warranty as to the fitness of the goods thereof for any particular purposes or

environments , except as stipulated in this Contract or as expressly or impliedly made known to

the Seller at the time of signing this Contract .

The warranty period shall remain in effect until the expiration of

[ ] ( ) months after the Delivery Date, in case of partial shipment after the Delivery Date

of the last shipment;

[ ] ( ) months after the date of the completion of unloading of the goods at the por t of


unloading , latest however [ ] months after the Delivery Date;

[ ] ( ) months after the date of the arrival of the goods at the destination but in no

circumstances exceeding ( ) months after the date of completion of unloading of the goods at the

port of unloading .

[ ] ( ) month after the date of acceptance cer tificate signed by both par ties however not

exceeding ( ) months after the date of arrival of the goods at the port of unloading .

13.3 In the event that the goods are found to be in breach of the said warranty and so notified during

the term of the warranty in accordance with clause 17.1 and the cause of such breach is attributable to the

Seller, the Buyer has the right to lodge claims against the Seller . The Buyers rights and the Sellers

obligations under this warranty shall be settled in accordance with Clause 17.

The Seller�s warranty shall be excluded in case of deviation of the manufacturer�s written

inst ructions or other cases of improper use or normal wear and tear in respect of the goods or parts

of the goods which are subject to normal wear and tear by nature .

14. Inspection

14.1 Pre - delivery inspection (Select one of the following , i . e . 14.1.1 or 14.1.2 respectively)

[ ] 14.1.1 The Seller shall , before the time of shipment , apply to the inspection organization

for the inspection of the quality , specifications, quantity , weight , packaging and requirements for

safety and sanitation/ hygiene of the goods in accordance with .

[ ] the stipulations of this Contract or

[ ] ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯standards

The inspection certificate issued by the said , inspection organization shall be an in tegral par t of

the documents to be presented for payment .

Inspection Organization :

In China : a ) Impor t & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau of the People�s Republic

of China .


In Germany:

( to be inserted if the inspection is required by mandatory regulations)

[ ] 14.1.2 For Inspection by Manufacturer

The Seller shall before the time of shipment, provide the Buyer with the inspection repor ts signed

by the manufacturers on the quality , specification , quantity , weight , packing and requirements

for safety and sanitation/ hygiene of the goods in accordance with .

[ ] the stipulations of this Contract , or

[ ] ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯standards .

The said inspection reports shall be an integral part of the documents to be presented for payment .

14.2 Inspection upon Arrival

For the purpose of warranty and other claims , the Buyer shall have the righ t to apply to the

inspection organization for the inspection of the goods after the arrival of the goods .

[ ] at the port of unloading

[ ] at the final destinaion


Inspection Organizaion:

In China : Import & Export Commodity Inspection Bureau of the People�s Republic

of China .

In Germany:

(according to Buyers option or Germany law .)

The Buyer shall give a notice of inspection to the Seller within sufficient time to enable Seller�s

presence before such inspection is conducted . The Seller may , on its own option and at his own

expenses , be present at the inspection , The inspection can be conducted if the Seller is absent

despite of timely notification by the Buyer .

The Buyer shall conduct the inspection in accordance with the stipulations of 17.1 a) of this

Cont ract .

15. Force Majeure

Neither par ty shall be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this

Cont ract due to flood , fire, earthquake, snowstorm , drought, hailstorm , hurricane , or any other

events that are beyond the cont rol of the affected party and could not reasonably be expected at

the time of the conclusion of this Contract or have been avoided or overcome by such party .

However, the party who�s performance is affected by the event of Force Majeure shall give a

notice to the other party of its occurrence as soon as possible and a certificate or a document of the

occurrence of the Force Majeure event issued by the relative authority or a neut ral independent

third par ty shall be sent to the other par ty not later than ( ) days after its occurrence .

If the event of Force Majeure event continues for more than ( ) days , both par ties shall

negotiate the performance or the termination of this Contract , If within ( ) months after the

occurrence of the event of Force Maieure both parties cannot reach an agreement , either party has

the righ t to terminate this Contract . In the case of such a termination either party shall bear its

own costs, further claims for compensation in connection with the termination shall be excluded .

16. Indemnity for delay

16.1 Delay in payment

If the Buyer fails to pay any amount when due , the Buyer shall be liable to pay to the Seller such

unpaid amount plus overdue interest .

The in terest rate shall be calculated as % per annum from the due to the actual date of

payment . Such overdue interest shall be paid upon demand of the Seller .

16.2 Failure to Timely Open the Letter of Credit

In the event the Buyer due to reasons within its responsibility fails to open the Letter of Credit on

time as stipulated this Cont ract , unless the parties agreed on a grace period , the Buyer , shall pay

a penalty to the Seller . The penalty shall be charged at the rate of % of the amount of

the Letter of Credit for every ( ) days of delay in opening the Letter of Credit , however , the

penalty shall not exceed % of the total value of the Letter of Credit which the Buyer

should have opened . Any fractional days less than ( ) days shall be deemed to be ( ) days for

the calculation of penalty .

16.3 Failure to Make Timely Delivery


In the event the Seller due to reasons within its responsibility fails to make delivery of all or any

par t of the goods ( including the documentation agreed upon ) on time as stipulated in this

Cont ract , unless the par ties agreed on a grace period , the Seller shall pay a penalty to the Buyer .

The penalty shall be charged at the arte of - % of the amount of the delayed goods for every ( )

days or delay in delivering the goods , however , the penalty shall not exceed - % of the total value

of goods involved in the late delivery . Any fractional days less than ( ) days shall be deemed to

be one week for the calculation of penalty .

16.4 Without prejudice to the parties�righ ts under Clause 18.1 , the indemnities provided for in

Clause 16.1 and/ or 16.2 and/ or 16.3 shall be the sole compensation for the damages caused by

such delays .

17. Claims

17.1 Should the quality , specifications, quantity , weight packing and requirements for safety or

sanitation/ hygiene of the goods be found not in conformity with the stipulations of this Cont ract ,

the Buyer shall give a notice of claims to the Seller and shall have the right to lodge claims against

the Seller based on the inspection certificate , issued by the inspection organization provided in

Clause 14.2 of this Cont ract and itemizing the reasons for the claims .

[ ] a) within ( ) days from the date of the arrival of the goods at the final destination , provided

that such date shall not exceed ( ) days from the date of the completion of unloading of the

goods at the port of unloading .

[ ] b ) P romptly latest within ( ) weeks after malfunctions having been found in case of

malfunction of deficiencies during the warranty period .

In the event of the non - conformity and provided the Seller is responsible, the Seller shall

promptly, within ( ) weeks/ months upon receipt of the Buyer�s notification , on its own

account .

[ ] repair or replace such goods or supply the quantity that is deficient . Claims for compensation

of damages or replacement definitely fails .

[ ] repair or replace such goods or supply the quantity that is deficien t and compensate the Buyer

for damages , if any , in accordance with Clause 17.4 .

[ ] devalue by mutual agreement the goods according to the degree of inferiority , extent of

damage and amount of losses suffered by the Buyer if any .

If repair , replacement or devaluation definitely fails within the time limit agreed by the parties , or

if the failure by the Seller amounts to a fundamental breach of cont ract , the Buyer has the righ t to

terminate this Contract .

17.2 In the event that the Buyer does not make such claim within the time limit set forth in

Clause 17.1 a ) and b ) , the Buyer shall forfeit its right to make a claim with respect to the

quantity deficiency or the apparent quality defect .

17.3 The Seller shall reply to the Buyer�s claim not later than ( ) days after receip t of the

inspection certificate by the inspection organization provided in Clause 14.2 of this Contract and

the claims shall be regarded as having been accepted , if the Seller fails to reply within the above -

mentioned time limit .


17.4 [ ] The Sellers liability under this Cont ract shall be rest ricted to direct lossed and direct

damages . This limitation does not apply in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct .

[ ] The Sellers liability hereunder or resulting from breach of the Cont ract shall be limited to a

maximum amount of - This limitation does not apply in cases of gross negligence or willful

misconduct .

To the exten t , one of the above alternatives does not apply :

A party in breach of cont ract shall be liable for losses incurred by the non - defaulting party as a

consequence of such breach , which the party in breach foresaw or ought to have foreseen at the

time of conclusion of this Contract in the ligh t of facts and circumstances known to him as a

possible consequence of the breach of Contract .

18. Termination

18.1 Except as provided elsewhere, this Contract may be terminated in either of the following


(1 ) Through mutual writ ten agreement by both parties: or

(2 ) If the other party for reasons solely within its responsibility seriously fails to perform its

obligations within the time limit agreed upon in this Contract , and fails to eliminate or remedy

such breach within ( ) days following the receip t written notice thereof from the non -

breaching par ty . In such case the non - breaching party shall give a written notice to the other

par ty to terminate this Contract .

18.2 Termination does not affect any right of the terminating party including but not limited to

its right to claim compensation for damages resulting from termination thereof in accordance with

Clause 17.4 .

19. Taxes

All taxes in connection with and in the execution of this Contract to be levied by the Chinese

Government in accordance with the tax laws in effect shall be paid by the [ ] buyer/ [ ]

Seller, i . e . the Chinese Party to the present Contract , unless the respective payment shall be

made by the German Party according to mandatory taxation laws or regulations of the PR China .

All taxes in connection with and in the execution of this Contract to be levied outside PR China�s

territory shall be paid by the [ ] Seller/ Buyer , i .e . the German Par ty to the present Cont ract ,

unless otherwise provided for by mandatory regulations of the German tax laws . All taxes are

subject to the Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation between the PR China and the

Federal Republic of Germany .


Unless otherwise stipulated in this Contract , the terms and conditions of this Contract shall be

in terpreted in accordance with the“ International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms”

( INCOTERMS 1990) provided by International Chamber of Commerce , In ternational Chamber

of Commerce Publication No . 460 .

21. Arbitration

All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present Cont ract including any question

regarding its existence , validity or termination , shall be finally set tled by arbit ration to the


exclusion of the regular courts being competent for a decision in respect of the dispute , The case

shall be submitted for arbit ration to .

[ ] China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission , arbit ration proceedings

shall be held in .

P .R .Chian .

[ ] The German Institution for Arbitration , arbitration proceedings shall be held in

, Federal Republic of Germany .

[ ] ( other in ternational arbitration institute agreed by both par ties such as the

Arbitration Institute of the International Chamber of Commerce Paris or the Arbitration Institute

of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce or Hongkong In ternational Arbit ration Center) .

The arbitration procedure shall be conducted in English and in accordance with the procedural

rules of the respective above mentioned arbitration institute selected by the parties .

22. Notice

Any notice to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be hand - delivered, transmitted by

facsimile or telex or sent by express airmail , and shall be deemed given when so hand - delivered ,

or if transmitted by facsimile or telex , one day after the date of such facsimile or telex so

t ransmitted , or if sen t by mail when received , to the par ties at the addresses specified at the head

of this Cont ract .

23. Miscellaneous

23.1 Annexes shall form an integral part of this Contract .

23.2 The Contract is made out in English , documentation in ( Language) .

23.3 Date of Effectiveness

This Contract shall become effective (Date of Effectiveness) [ ] as of the date it has been duly

signed by authorized representatives of both par ties .

[ ] upon signing and approval by if the approval is required by the law . Approval

shall be obtained within 30 days upon signing by the Buyer and notified to the Seller .

[ ] further conditions:

The foregoing terms are agreed by both the Buyer and the Seller signing below .

Buyer Date

Seller Date



( FOB 条款 )

合同号 :

日 期 :

地 点 :

买方 :

卖方 :

本合同由买卖双方商定 ,在合同项下 , 双方同意按下列条款买卖下述商品 :

第一条 品名、规格、数量及单价

第二条 合同总值

第三条 原产国别及制造厂商

第四条 装运港

第五条 目的港

第六条 �装运期

分运 :

转运 :

第七条 包装

所供货物必须由卖方妥善包装 ,适合远洋和长途内陆运输 , 防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐野蛮

装卸 ,任何由于卖方包装不善而造成的损失由卖方负担。

第八条 唛头


上”、“小心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等字样及下列唛头 :

唛 NA

第九条 保险


第十条 付款条件

(1 ) 买方在收到备货电传通知后或装运期前 30 天 ,开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用

证 ,其金额为合同总值的 % ,计 。中国银行 行收到下列单证

经核对无误后 ,承付信用证款项 ( 如果分运 ,应按分运比例承付 ) :

a. 全套可议付已装船清洁海运提单 , 外加两套副本 , 注明“运费待收”, 空白抬头 , 空白背

书 ,已通知到货口岸中国对外贸易运输公司。

b. 商业发票一式五份 ,注明合同号 , 信用证号和唛头。


c. 装箱单一式四份 , 注明每包货物数量、毛重和净重。

d. 由制造厂家出具并由卖方签署的品质证明书一式三份。

e. 提供全套技术文件的确认书一式两份。

f. 装运后即刻通知买方启运日期的电报/ 电传副本一份。

(2 ) 卖方在装船后 10 天内 ,须挂号航空邮寄三套上述文件 ( f 除外 ) , 一份寄买方 , 两份寄


(3 ) 中国银行收到合同 中规定的 ,经双方签署的验收证明后 , 承付合同总值的

% , 金额为 。

(4 ) 买方在付款时 , 有权按合同第 15、18 条规定扣除应由卖方支付的延期罚款金额。

(5 ) 一切在中国境内的银行费用均由买方承担 , 一切在中国境外的银行费用均由卖方


第十一条 装运条款

(1 ) 卖方必须在装运期前 45 天 ,用电报/ 电传向买方通知合同号、货物品名、数量、发票金

额、件数、毛重、尺码及备货日期 , 以便买方安排订仓。

(2 ) 如果货物任一包装达到或超过重 20 吨 ,长 12 米 ,宽 2.7 米 , 高 3 米 , 卖方应在装船前

50 天 , 向买方提供五份包装图纸 ,说明详细尺码和每件重量 , 以便买方安排运输。

(3 ) 买方须在预计船抵达装运港日期前 10 天 ,通知卖方船名 , 预计装船日期 , 合同号和装

运港船方代理 ,以便卖方安排装船。如果需要更改载货船只 , 提前或推后船期 , 买方或船方代

理应及时通知卖方。如果货船未能在买方通知的抵达日期后 30 天内到达装运港 , 从第 31 天

起 ,在装运港所发生的一切仓储费和保险费由买方承担。

(4 ) 船按期抵达装运港后 , 如果卖方未能备货待装 ,一切空仓费和滞期费由卖方承担。

(5 ) 在货物越过船舷脱离吊钩前 , 一切风险及费用由卖方承担。在货物越过船舷脱离吊

钩后 ,一切风险及费用由买方承担。

(6 ) 卖方在货物全部装运完毕后 48 小时内 ,须以电报/ 电传通知买方合同号、货物品名、

数量、毛重、发票金额 ,载货船名和启运日期。如果由于卖方未及时电告买方 , 以致货物未及时


第十二条 技术文件

(1 ) 下述全套英文本技术文件应随货物发运 :

a. 基础设计图。

b. 接线说明书 ,电路图和气/ 液压连接图。

c. 易磨损件制造图纸和说明书。

d. 零备件目录。

e. 安装、操作和维修说明书。

(2 ) 卖方应在签订合同后 60 天内 , 向买方或用户挂号航空邮寄本条 ( 1) 款规定的技术文

件 ,否则 , 买方有权拒开信用证或拒付货款。

第十三条 保质条款

卖方保证货物系用上等的材料和一流工艺制成、崭新、未曾使用 , 并在各方面与合同规定

的质量、规格和性能相一致 , 在货物正确安装、正常操作和维修情况下 , 卖方对合同货物的正常

使用给予 天的保证期 , 此保证期从货物到达 起开始计算。

第十四条 检验条款


(1 ) 卖方/ 制造厂必须在交货前全面、准确地检验货物的质量、规格和数量 , 签发质量证

书 ,证明所交货物与合同中有关条款规定相符 , 但此证明书不作为货物的质量、规格、性能和数


(2 ) 在货物抵达目的港之后 , 买方须申请中国商品检验局 (以下简称商检局 )就货物质量、


量与合同不符 ,除应由保险公司或船方负责者外 , 买方在货物到港后 天内有权拒收

货物 ,向卖方提出索赔。

(3 ) 如果发现货物质量和规格与合同规定不符 , 或货物在本合同第 13 条所规定的保证期

内证明有缺陷 ,包括内在缺陷或使用不良的原材料 , 买方将安排商检局检验 , 并有权依据商检


(4 ) 如果由于某种不能预料的原因 , 在合同有效期内检验证书不及时办妥 ,买方须电告卖

方延长商检期限 天。

第十五条 索赔

(1 ) 如果卖方对货物不符合本合同规定负有责任且买方按照本合同第 13 条和第 14 条规

定 ,在检验和质量保证期内提出索赔时 , 卖方在征得买方同意后 , 可按下列方法之一种或几种

理赔 :

a. 同意买方退货 , 并将所退货物金额用合同规定的货币偿还买方 , 并承担买方因退货而

蒙受的一切直接损失和费用 ,包括 : 利息、银行费用、运费、保险费、检验费、仓储、码头装卸及监


b. 按照货物的质量低劣程度、损坏程度和买方蒙受损失的金额将货物贬值。

c. 用符合合同规定规格、质量和性能的部件替换有瑕疵部件 , 并承担买方所蒙受的一切


(2 ) 如果卖方在收到买方索赔书后一个月之内不予答复 , 则视为卖方接受索赔。

第十六条 不可抗力

(1 ) 签约双方中任何一方受不可抗力所阻无法履约 , 履约期限则应按不可抗力影响履约


(2 ) 受阻力应在不可抗力发生或终止时尽快电告另一方 , 并在事故发生后 14 天内将有关


(3 ) 如果不可抗力事故持续超过 120 天 , 另一方有权用挂号航空邮寄书面通知 , 通知受阻


第十七条 仲裁

(1 ) 双方对执行合同时发生的一切争执均应通过友好协商解决。如果不能解决 , 则可诉


(2 ) 仲裁应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 , 根据该会的仲裁程序进行仲裁 , 也可提交


(3 ) 仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力 , 双方必须遵照执行 , 仲裁费用由败诉方承担 , 除非仲


(4 ) 仲裁期间 , 双方须继续执行合同中除争议部分之外的其他条款。

第十八条 延期和罚款

如果卖方不能按合同规定及时交货 ,除因不可抗力者外 , 若卖方同意支付延期罚款 , 买方


应同意延期交货。罚款通过在议付行付款时扣除 ,但罚款总额不超过延期货物总值的 5% , 罚

款率按每星期 0.5%计算 ,少于 7 天者按 7 天计。如果卖方交货延期超过合同规定船期 10 星

期时 ,买方有权取消合同。尽管取消了合同 , 但卖方仍须立即向买方交付上述规定罚款。

第十九条 附加条款 (如果上述任何条款与下列附加条款不一致时 , 应以后者为准 )

此鉴 :

本合同由双方于 年 月 日用 文签署。原本一

式 份 , 买卖双方各执 份。本合同以下述第 ( )款方式生效 :

(1 ) 立即生效。

(2 ) 合同签署后 天内 ,由双方确认生效。

(3 ) 。

买方 : ( 签名 ) 卖方 : (签名 )



(C & F 或 CIF 条款 )

买方 :

卖方 :

本合同由买方和卖方商定 ,在合同项下 , 双方同意按下述条款买卖下述商品 :

第一条 品名、规格、数量及单价

第二条 合同总值

第三条 原产国别及制造厂商

第四条 装运港

第五条 目的港

第六条 �装运期

分运 :

转运 :

第七条 包装

所供货物必须由卖方妥善包装 ,适合远洋及长途内陆运输 , 防潮、防湿、防震、防锈、耐野蛮

装卸 ,以确保货物不致由上述原因受损 , 使之完好安全到达安装或建筑工地。任何由于包装不


第八条 唛头


向上”、“小心轻放”、“保持干燥”等字样及下列唛头 :

唛 NA

第九条 保险

在 CIF 条款下 :

由卖方出资按 110%发票金额投保。

在 C & F 条款下 : 装运后由买方投保。

第十条 付款条件

(1 ) 买方在装运期前 30 天 ,通过中国银行开立由买方支付以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信

用证 ,其金额为合同总值的 % ,计 。该信用证在中国银行 行

收到下列单证并核对无误后承付 (在分运情况下 , 则按分运比例承付 )。

a. 全套可议付已装船清结海运提单 , 外加两份副本 , 注明“运费已付”, 空白抬头 , 空白背

书 ,已通知到货口岸中国对外贸易运输公司。

b. 商业发票一式五份 ,注明合同号 , 信用证号和唛头。


c. 装箱单一式四份 , 注明每包货物数量、毛重和净重。

d. 由制造厂家出具并由卖方签字的品质证明书一式三份。

e. 已交付全套技术文件的确认书一式两份。

f. 装运后即刻发给买方的已装运通知电报/ 电传附本一份。

g. 在 CIF 条款下 :

全套按发票金额 110%投保 的保险单。

(2 ) 卖方在装运后 10 天内 ,须航空邮寄三套上述文件 ( f 除外 )一份寄给买方 , 两份寄目的


(3 ) 中国银行在收到合同 中规定的 ,由双方签署的验收证明后 , 在

天内 ,承付合同金额的百分之 ,金额为 。

(4 ) 按本合同第 15 条和第 18 条 , 规定买方在付款时有权将应由卖方支付的延期货物罚


(5 ) 所有发生在中国境内的银行费用应由买方承担 , 所有发生在中国境外的银行费用应


第十一条 装运条件

(1 ) 卖方必须在装运前 40 天向买方通知预订的船名及其运输路线 ,供买方确认。

(2 ) 卖方必须在装运前 20 天通知买方预计发货时间 ,合同号、发票金额、发运件数及每件


(3 ) 卖方必须在装船完毕后 48 小时内 , 以电报/ 电传方式向买方通知货物名称、数量、毛


(4 ) 如果任一单件货物的重量达到或超过 20 吨 ,长 12 米 ,宽 2.7 米 ,高 3 米 , 卖方须在装

船期前 50 天向买方提供 5 份详细包装图纸 , 注明详细的尺码和重量 ,以便买方安排内陆运输。

(5 ) 在 C& F 条款下 :

如果由于卖方未及时按 11 条第 ( 3) 款执行 ,以致买方未能将货物及时保险而造成的一切

损失 ,由卖方承担。

(6 ) 在目的港卸货和内陆运输的一切费用由买方承担。

第十二条 技术文件

(1 ) 下述全套英文本技术文件一份必须随每批货物一同包装发运 :

a. 基础设计图。

b. 接线说明书 ,电路图 , 气/ 液压连接图。

c. 易磨损件的制造图纸和说明书。

d. 零配件目录。

e. 安装、操作和维修说明书。

(2 ) 此外 , 在签订合同 60 天内 , 卖方必须向买方或最终用户挂号航空邮寄本条款 ( 1 )中规

定的技术文件 ,否则 , 买方有权拒开信用证或拒付货款。

第十三条 保质条款

卖方必须保证所供货物系用上等材料和一流工艺制造、崭新、未曾使用 , 并在各方与合同

规定的质量、规格和性能相一致 , 在货物正确安装、正常操作和维修情况下 , 卖方必须对合同货

物的正常使用给予 天的保证期 , 此保证期从货物到达 起开始计算。

第十四条 检验


(1 ) 卖方/ 制造厂商必须在交货之前对货物质量、规格、性能和数量进行精确全面的检验 ,

并签发质量证明书 ,证明货物符合合同规定。此证明书不作为货物质量、规格、性能和数量的


(2 ) 在货物抵达目的地港之后 ,买方须申请中国商品检验局 ( 以下简称商检局 )就货物质

量、规格和数量进行初步检验 , 并签发检验证明书。如果发现到货的质量、规格和数量与合同

不符 ,除应由保险公司或船方负责者外 , 买方在货物抵达目的港后 天内有权拒收货

物 ,向卖方索赔。

(3 ) 如果发现货物的质量和规格与合同规定不符或货物在本合同第 13 条所述保证期内

被证明有缺陷 ,包括内在缺陷或使用不适当原材料 , 买方将安排商检局检验 , 并有权依据检验


(4 ) 如果由于某种不能预料的原因在合同有效期内检验证书不及时办妥 , 买方应电告卖

方延长商检期 天。

第十五条 索赔

(1 ) 如果卖方对货物与合同规定不符负有责任 , 且买方在本合同第 13 条和第 14 条规定

的检验和质量保证期之内提出索赔时 , 卖方在征得买方同意后 , 须按下列方法之一种或几种

索赔 :

a. 同意买方退货 , 并将所退货物金额用合同规定的货币偿还买方 , 并承担因退货造成的

一切直接损失和费用 ,包括 : 利息、银行费用、运费、保险费、检验费、仓储、码头装卸费以及监管


b. 按照货物质量低劣程度、损坏程度和买方蒙受损失金额将货物贬值。

c. 用符合合同规定的规格质量和性能的新部件替换有瑕疵部件 , 并承担买方所蒙受的一


(2 ) 若卖方在收到买方上述索赔书后一个月之内未予答复 , 则视为卖方接受索赔。

第十六条 不可抗力

(1 ) 如签约双方中任何一方受不可抗力所阻 , 无法履约 ,履约期限则按照不可抗力影响履


(2 ) 受阻方应在不可抗力发生和终止时尽快电告另一方 , 并在事故发生后 14 天内将主管


(3 ) 如果不可抗力事故持续超过 120 天 , 另一方有权用挂号航空邮寄书面通知 , 通知受阻

一方终止合同 ,通知立即生效。

第十七条 仲裁

(1 ) 凡由于执行本合同而发生的一切争执 , 应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决 , 则可诉诸


(2 ) 仲裁应提交中国北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 , 按照其程序仲裁 ,也可提交双方


(3 ) 仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力 , 双方必须遵照执行。仲裁费用由败诉一方承担。仲


(4 ) 仲裁期间 , 双方应继续执行合同除争议部分之外的其他条款。

第十八条 延期和罚款

如卖方不能按合同规定及时交货 ,除因不可抗力事故之外 , 若卖方同意支付延期罚款 , 买


方应同意延期交货 ,罚款通过议付行在议付时扣除 , 但是罚款额不得超过货物总值的 5%。罚

金率按每星期 0.5%计算。不足一星期者按一星期计。如果卖方交货延期超过合同规定船期

十星期 ,买方有权撤销合同。尽管撤销了合同 , 卖方仍须向买方立即支付规定罚款。

第十九条 附加条款 (如果上述条款与下列附加条款不符 , 将以后者附加条款为准 )

此鉴 :

本合同由双方于 年 月 日用 文签署 , 原本一

式 份 , 买卖双方各执 份。合同以下述 ( )款为生效方式 :

(1 ) 立即生效。

(2 ) 合同签署后 天内 ,由双方交换确认书后生效。

(3 ) 。

买方 : ( 签名 ) 卖方 : (签名 )


买卖合同 ( 国际版本 )


This Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered in to as of the Effective Date, by and

among , as seller hereunder (“Company A”) , and (“Company B”) ,

incorporated in ; (“ Company C”) , incorporated in ; and

(“Company D”) , incorporated in ; as buyers hereunder (each of whom is

individually referred to as a“Buyer”, and two or more of whom are collectively referred to as

“Buyers”) .Company A, Company B, Company C and Company D each are individually sometimes

referred to as a“ Party”, and two or more of them are collectively sometimes referred to as



This Agreement is made with reference to the following facts and circumstances:

A. Each capitalized term used herein( i ) if defined herein , has the meaning specified in these

Recitals , in Article 1 below, or elsewhere parenthetically herein or( ii) if not defined herein, has the

meaning specified ( A ) in the instrument or document that is referenced where the term is

in troduced herein or( B) in the LLC Agreement , if no inst rument or document is so referenced .

B. Company A is in the business of ( i ) manufacturing integrated circuits to its customers’

specifications; and ( ii) selling its entrie output to customers .

C. Each Buyer has been , and currently is , a customer of Company A, and Company A has

made, and curren tly is making , in tegrated circuits to each Buyer’s specifications at Company A’s

existing wafer - fabrication plan ts .

D. In order to increase its output , Company A has expanded its manufacturing capacity by

subcont racting with its Affiliate , Company E ., a corporation (“Company E”) , to have

in tegrated circuits made for Company A pursuant to that certain Manufacturing Agreement dated

as of ( the“Manufacturing Agreement”) .

E. Under the Manufacturing Agreement , ( i) Company E has agreed to const ruct , or cause the

const ruction of , a semiconductor wafer - fabrication plant and related improvements in ,

( the“Foundry”)for the purpose of manufacturing integrated circuits; ( ii) Company E has

agreed to offer the entire Calculated Installed Capacity of the Foundry for purchase by Company A

for a three ( 3 ) year period ( as such period may be extended pursuant to Section 2.2 ) ; and ( iii )

Company A has agreed to purchase a minimum of eighty - five percent (85% ) of such Calculated


Installed Capacity for said period , with the optional ability to purchase up to one hundred percent

(100 % )of the Foundry’s Calculated Installed Capacity .

F. Each Buyer desires to purchase a por tion of its Company A - supplied requirements for

in tegrated circuits from the Foundry’s Calculated Installed Capacity .Accordingly , each of the

Buyers desires to secure for itself a minimum and maximum percentage of Calculated Installed

Capacity of the Foundry .

G. Company A is willing to sell , and each Buyer is willing to purchase, a percentage of the

Foundry’s Calculated Installed Capacity upon and subject to the terms and conditions set for th in

this Agreement .

H. Company E has entered into that certain Limited Liability Company Agreement dated as

of even date herewith ( the“LLC Agreement”) , with Company B, Company C, Company D, and

each of the other persons or entities identified on the signature page of the LLC Agreement as a

third par ty investor , for the purpose of forming WaferTech , LLC, a limited liability company ,

which will construct , own and operate the Foundry .

In connection with the formation of WaferTech , LLC, Company E has assigned its rights and

duties under the Manufacturing Agreement to WaferTech , LLC by written instrument dated as of

evendate herewith .

I. The Par ties intend that this Agreement shall be operative so long as the Manufacturing

Agreement is in effect , and that this Agreement shall terminate upon termination of the

Manufacturing Agreement .

NOW , THEREFORE , in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and the terms, covenants and

conditions contained herein , and for other good and valuable consideration , the receipt and

sufficiency of which are here by acknowledged , the Parties agree as follows:




In addition to the terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, the following words and

expressions shall have the meaning set forth below .

1.1.1 “AAA”means the American Arbit ration Association .

1.1.2 “ AFF ILIATE ”of a Party means any corporation , limited liability company ,

par tnership or other business en terprise:

(a) Which owns or cont rols , directly or indirectly , fifty percent ( 50% ) or more of the voting

righ ts with respect to the election of directors or managers , or which has practical cont rol directly

or indirectly, of the Party ;

( b) Of which fifty percent ( 50% )or more of the voting righ ts with respect to the election of

directors or managers is owned or controlled, directly or indirectly , by , or which is under the

practical control directly or indirectly , of the Party ; or

(c ) Of which fifty percent ( 50 % ) or more of the total voting rights with respect to the


election of directors or managers is owned or cont rolled , directly or indirectly , by, or which is

under the practical control directly or indirectly of , any corporation , limited liability company ,

par tnership or other business en terprise described by subsections(a)or( b)above .

Any corporation , limited liability company , partnership or other business enterprise which

would at any time be an Affiliate of a Party by reason of the foregoing , shall be considered an

Affiliate for purposes hereof only for so long as the foregoing conditions are met .

For purposes hereof , no Party shall be considered an Affiliate of any other Party .

1.1.3 ( a )“BASIC PURCHASE SHARE”of a Buyer at a given time means the Buyer’s

“Adjusted Percentage Interest”expressed as a decimal fraction( between zero and one inclusive) .

( b) For purposes of paragraph(a) , if no Percentage Interest is held by any Person as a result

of a gran t under the Company’s Executive Incentive Plan , then the“Adjusted Percentage In terest”

of a Buyer at a given time means:

( i) the Buyer’s Percentage In terest in effect pursuant to the LLC Agreement at such time;

increased by

( ii ) any prior reduction in the Buyer’s Percentage Interest attribu table to operation of( A) the

penultimate sentence of Section to the extent that ( I ) the Buyer has failed to cont ribute

that part of the Missing Capital that is not cont ribu ted by any other Person and such failure

reduces the capital contribu tion the Buyer would otherwise have made and the total capital

contributions that the parties to the LLC Agreement would otherwise have made or ( II)any part

of the Missing Capital is cont ributed by a member of the LLC that is not an existing Party and

does not become a Party at the time of the cont ribution , ( B) clause( i ) of Section of the

LLC Agreement , ( C) Section of the LLC Agreement , where the Buyer failed to make an

Additional Capital Contribution and such failure was not a Dilu tion Event, (D) the last sentence of

Section of the LLC Agreement , ( E ) Section 3.5.4 of the LLC Agreement , where the

Buyer failed to guarantee the Company’s debt and such failure was not a Dilution Event, or ( F )

clause( i) of Section 10.5 of the LLC Agreement ;

and reduced by

( iii) any prior increase in the Buyer’s Percentage Interest attributable to operation of ( A) the

penultimate sen tence of Section to the extent that ( I ) another party to the LLC

Agreement has failed to cont ribu te that part of the Missing Capital that is not contributed by any

other Person and such failure reduces the total capital contributions that the parties to the LLC

Agreement would otherwise have made or( II )any par t of the Missing Capital is contributed by a

member of the LLC that is not an existing Par ty and does not become a Par ty at the time of the

contribution , ( B)clause( i) of Section of the LLC Agreement , ( C) Section of the

LLC Agreement, where another par ty to the LLC Agreement failed to make an Additional Capital

Cont ribution and such failure was not a Dilution Event , ( D) the last sen tence of Section

of the LLC Agreement , ( E ) Section 3.5.4 of the LLC Agreement , where another party to the

LLC Agreement failed to guarantee the Company’s debt and such failure was not a Dilu tion

Event , or( F )clause( i)of Section 10.5 of the LLC Agreement .

( c) For purposes of paragraph (a) , if any Percentage In terest is held by a Person as a result of


a gran t under the Company’s Executive Incentive Plan , then the“Adjusted Percentage Interest”of

a Buyer at a given time means the quotient of( i) the quantity described as the“Adjusted Percentage

In terest”in paragraph( b) divided by( ii) (A)one minus( B) the total Percentage Interests held by all

Persons as a result of gran ts under the Company’s Executive Incentive Plan .

( d) On the Effective Date, the Basic Purchase Share for Company C is 0.18; for Company B,

0.18 ; and for Company D, 0.04 .

1.1.4 “BUSINESS DAY”means a day , other than Saturday or Sunday , on which banking

institutions are open for business in .

1.1.5 “ CALCULATED INSTALLED CAPACITY ”means the physical production

capacity of the Foundry from time to time based on the installed capital equipment which is

actually in service, as determined in the reasonable , good faith judgment of the Company’s

indust rial engineers .

The Foundry’s production capacity at any time shall take into account production of Risk

Wafers, Test Wafers , and Proven Products .

The determination of Calculated Installed Capacity may be adjusted from time to time based

on the skills , t raining and other organizational abilities of the Company .

Since the number of Wafers that can be produced at the Foundry depends on the Wafer

Specifications , the Calculated Installed Capacity shall be calibrated in“Wafer Equivalen ts”.

1.1.6 “COM PANY”means WaferTech , LLC .

1.1.7 “CLAIM”means a claim , demand , cause of action , loss , damage, liability , fine,

penalty , cost or expense( including reasonable attorneys’fees and litigation costs) .

1.1.8 “ COMMENCEMENT OF PRODUCTION”means the date upon which the

Foundry is deemed to have commenced manufacturing operations, which date shall be the date, as

certified in writing by Company A to the Buyers , that Company A determines , in the exercise of

its reasonable judgment , that one or more Products have attained the status of a P roven Product .

1.1.9 “ COMMENCEMENT OF P URCHASE RIGHTS”means the later of ( a ) the

Commencement of Production or ( b) the date on which the Company achieves the capability of

producing Products at an aggregate yield rate of * * * Wafer Equivalents per month for a period

of thirty ( 30 ) consecutive days, as determined by Company A in the exercise of its reasonable

judgment, or if there is an objection from one or more Buyers , as such date is fixed by the

Company’s board of directors .

1.1.10 “ DESIGN RULES”means the design rules and paramet ric information for a

par ticular Process .

1.1.11 “DEVICES”means good dies of a Buyer’s integrated circuits that are topologically

identical(or similar ) to those manufactured by or for a Buyer .

1.1.12 “EFF ECTIVE DATE”means .

1.1.13 “EVENT OF DEFAULT”has the meaning given in Section 14.1 .

1.1.14 “FORCE MAJEURE”means any one or more of the following to the extent outside

of the reasonable cont rol of a Par ty : acts of war declared or undeclared , nationalization ,

expropriation, civil unrest or other public disturbance, fire, s torm , flood , typhoon , tidal wave,


hurricane, cyclone or other severe weather conditions, earthquake , or other Acts of God , legal

restraints, governmental or like in terference, judicial action , accidental damage to equipment,

inability of the Foundry to deliver P roven P roducts to Company A under the Manufacturing

Agreement due to a Force Majeure event defined in the Manufacturing Agreement, as well as any

other cause outside the reasonable control of a Par ty .“Force Majeure”also includes the failure to

obtain such license( s) and other governmental approvals as are required by United States law or

other applicable law for any equipment, technical information , Proprietary Information , In tellectual

Proper ty Rights , Processes , or Products to be provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement .


( a) all paten t righ ts and all right , title and interest in and to all letters patent and applications

for letters paten t , and all other government - issued or - gran ted indicia of invin tion ownership ,

including any reissue, division, term extensions , continuation or continuation - in - part


(b ) all copyrigh ts and all other literary proper ty and author righ ts , and all right , title and

in terest in and to all copyrigh ts , copyright registrations , certificates of copyrigh ts and copyrighted

in terests;

(c ) all t rademarks , trade names and service marks , and all righ ts , title and in terest in and to

all applications , cer tifications and regist rations therefor;

( d) all mask work rights , mask work applications , and mask work registrations;

(e )all rights , title and interest in and to all t rade secrets and t rade secret righ ts; and

( f) all licenses or license rights with respect to the foregoing .

1.1.16 “MAXIMUM PURCHASE SHARE”of a Buyer at a given time means, the product

of( i) 1.5 times ( ii) the Buyer’s Basic Purchase Share at such time .

On the Effective Date, Company B’s Maximum Purchase Share is 0.27 , Company C’s

Maximum Purchase Share is 0.27 , and Company D’s Maximum Purchase Share is 0.06 .

1.1.17 “MEDIATION”has the meaning given in section 17.2 .

1.1.18 “MINIMUM PURCHASE SHARE”of a Buyer at a given time means the product

of( i) 0.85 times ( ii ) the Buyer’s Basic Purchase Share at such time .On the Effective Date -

Company B’s Minimum Purchase Share is 0.153 , Company C’s Minimum Purchase Share is

0.153 , and Company D’s Minimum Purchase Share is 0.034 .

1.1.19 “ MONTH”means ( a) a calendar month that lies en tirely within the Purchase

Period , or( b) in the case of a calendar month that lies partially within the Purchase Period , the part

of that month that so lies .

1.1.20 “ OBLIGATION PERIOD”means , with respect to each Buyer , the period ( a )

commencing on either( i) the Commencement of Purchase Rights, or , ( ii) if later , the date on which

the Foundry first achieves Process Qualification for a P rocess and Production Qualification for a

Product of use to the Buyer , provided the Buyer designates a Process for Process Qualification and

a Product for Production Qualification on or before Commencement of P roduction , such P roduct to

be substantially the same as one already being purchased by the Buyer from another foundry of

Company A or of an Affiliate of Company A at the time of designation , and ( b ) ending on the


termination or expiration hereof .

1.1.21 “P ERCENTAGE INTEREST”has the meaning given in Subsection 1.1.51 of the

LLC Agreement .

1.1.22 “ PERSON”means a natural person , partnership ( whether general or limited ) ,

limited liability company, t rust , estate, association , corporation , custodian, nominee or any other

individual or entity in its own or any representative capacity , in each case whether domestic or

foreign .

1.1.23 “PRICING SCHEDULE”means the prices at which Company A shall sell Proven

Products , Test Wafers , and Risk Wafers to Buyers in accordance herewith .

The initial Pricing Schedule will be established in accordance with Subsection 6.2.3 ( a) and

shall be updated as provided in Subsections 6.2.3 ( b) and 6.2.3 ( c) .Each such P ricing Schedule

will be deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“A”.

1.1.24 “PROCESS”means the process used to manufacture Products , or have Products

manufactured, which may either be a Buyer’s process , Company A’s process , or the Company’s

process , including those processes that are disclosed to the Company under ( a ) the Technology

License and Assistance Agreement , dated February 20 , 1996 , originally entered in to between

Company A Development and Company A Technology , Inc . and assigned by Company A

Development to the Company pursuant to the Assignment and Assumption dated as of the date

hereof and ( b ) the Advanced Process License Agreement , dated , , originally

entered in to between Company A Development and Company A International Investment Ltd .and

assigned by Company A Development to the Company pursuant to the Assignment and

Assumption .

1.1.25 “PROCESS Q UALIF ICAT ION”means the process flow, Design Rules and SP ICE

models established by Company A or the Company ( as the case may be) which , in the reasonable

judgment of Company A or the Company define a Process that will achieve a level of quality ,

consistency and reliability necessary to mass produce Products at Wafer yields acceptable to

Company A and the Company .

1.1.26 “ PRODUCT QU ALI FICATION P LAN”is that certain plan for producing a

Product with a Buyer’s mask sets using a Qualified P rocess , which will be agreed to by Company

A and the Buyer who decides to order the Product in question , acting in conjunction with the

Company , reduced to writing and signed by Company A, the ordering Buyer and the Company ,

and shall be deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“B”.

1.1.27 “PRODUCTION QUALIF ICATION”has the meaning given in Subsection 4.2.4 .

1.1.28 “ PRODUCTION RAMP - U P PLAN”means that certain ramp - up schedule

prepared by Company A in conjunction with the Company , which delineates the projected

production of the Foundry expressed in Wafer Equivalents by Month and calendar year within the

schedule .The initial Production Ramp - up Plan is attached hereto as Exhibit“E”.In March and

September of each calendar year during the Purchase Period ( or more frequently at the option of

Company A) , Company A shall issue to Buyers a projection , consistent with the Business Plan of

the Calculated Installed Capacity of the Foundry for each Month of the next six - ( 6 - ) Month


period from July to December( in the case of a projection issued in March )or from January to June

(in the case of a projection issued in September ) .With the exception of the Calculated Installed

Capacity calculation , the ramp - up figures contained in the Production Ramp - Up Plan , expressed

in Wafer Equivalents per Month , shall not vary from the ramp - up plan set for th in the Business

Plan(as such term is defined in Subsection 1.1.11 of the LLC Agreement ) , as the Business Plan

may be amended from time to time in accordance with the LLC Agreement .

1.1.29 “PRODUCT S”means Devices , Wafers and Units , as the case may be .

1.1.30 “PROPRIETARY INFORMATION”means any information that is cont rolled by a

Party and is identified as proprietary and confidential and that is disclosed by one Party to another

under this Agreement . Written Proprietary Information shall be clearly marked or labeled

“PROPRIETARY”or“CONF IDENTIAL”.All oral disclosures of Proprietary Information shall

be identified as such prior to disclosure and confirmed , in writing , by the disclosing Party within

thir ty(30) days of the oral disclosure .

1.1.31 “PROVEN PRODUCT”means a Product manufactured using a Qualified P rocess

that has verified functionality and yield and otherwise meets , and continues to meet , the Product

Qualification Plan as demonst rated in one or more Qual Lot Runs .

1.1.32 “ PU RCHASE ORDER”means an order or other release document issued by a

Buyer to Company A in accordance herewith for the purpose of purchasing Proven Products , Risk

Wafers or Test Wafers .

1.1.33 “ PU RCHASE PER IOD”means that period of time beginning with the

Commencement of Purchase Rights and ending with the termination or expiration of this

Agreement .

1.1.34 “ Q UAL LOT RUN”means manufacture of one or more Wafer lots using a

Qualified Process to verify a Buyer’s mask sets .

1.1.35 “QUALIF IED PROCESS”means a P rocess that has achieved Process Qualification

in the reasonable judgment of Company A .

1.1.36 “ Q UALITY AND RELIABILITY SP ECIF ICATIONS”means the quality and

reliability specifications, as well as other standards or requirements , that the Parties deem

necessary, as agreed to by Company A and those Buyers who intend to order a Proven Product .

Once the Quality and Reliability Specifications have been agreed to with respect to each Proven

Product, they shall be reduced to writing and signed by Company A and such Buyers , and shall

constitute the acceptance standards to be used by a Buyer for Proven Products , and shall be

deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“C”.

1.1.37 “Q UAR TER”means ( a) a calendar quarter that lies en tirely within the Purchase

Period, or ( b) in the case of a calendar quar ter that lies partially within the Purchase Period , the

par t of that quar ter that solies .

1.1.38 “RISK WAFER”means a Wafer containing a non - P roven Product and which has

been run on either a Qualified Process or on a Process that is not - yet qualified . Except as

otherwise expressly provided herein with respect to manufacturing defects ( including , by way of

illustration but without limitation , Section 5.16 ) , the Buyer takes full technical and financial


responsibility for , and assumes all risks related to design and other defects in a Risk Wafer .

1.1.39 “TERM”means the term of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of

Article 2 below .

1.1.40 “TEST WAF ER”means a Wafer that has been produced in a Qual Lot Run .

1.1.41 “UNIT”means a Device which has been packaged and marked in accordance with

the requirements provided by a Buyer and accepted by Company A and the Company .

1.1.42 “WAFER ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA”have the meaning given in Section 5.13 .

1.1.43 “WAFER”means an eight inch ( 8 ) diameter silicon wafer containing in tegrated

circuits .

1.1.44 “WAFER EQ UIVALENT”has the meaning set forth in the equivalency factor

table attached hereto as Exhibit“D”.


For the purpose of this Agreement :

1.2.1 Unless the contex t otherwise requires , (a )“or”is not exclusive( i .e ., it means either

or both ) ; ( b)words in the singular include the plural and vice versa ; ( c ) words in the masculine

gender include the feminine and neuter gender and vice versa; ( d ) words such as“ herein ,”

“hereinafter ,”“ hereto ,”“ hereby ,”and“ hereunder,”when used in this Agreement, refer to this

Agreement as a whole , unless the contex t otherwise requires; and ( e) forms of the verb“include”are

not limiting .

1.2.2 References to Articles and Sections are to Ar ticles and Sections of this Agreement

unless stated otherwise .Article and Section headings used in this Agreement are for convenience of

reference only and shall not be used in const ruing or in terpreting this Agreement .

1.2.3 References herein to any agreement, schedule or other inst rument shall , unless the

context otherwise requires(or the definition thereof otherwise specifies) , be deemed references to

the same as it may from time to time be amended , modified or ex tended .

1.2.4 Technical words and phrases not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the

meaning generally assigned to them in the semiconductor foundry indust ry .


2.1 TERM .

Unless sooner terminated pursuant to Section 2.3 or other early termination provisions hereof

or unless ex tended pursuant to Section 2.2 , this Agreement shall be effective upon the Effective

Date and shall continue in effect through the close of business on the calendar day immediately

preceding the third anniversary of the Commencement of Production .


2.2.1 If Calculated Installed Capacity does not equal or exceed thirty thousand ( 30 , 000 )

Wafer Equivalents per month by , , as determined by the Company in the

exercise of its reasonable judgment, then this Agreement shall be extended automatically for an

additional one year period , terminating upon the close of business on the calendar day immediately


preceding the fourth anniversary of the Commencement of P roduction .

2.2.2 If Company A desires to exercise its optional ex tension righ ts under the

Manufacturing Agreement , it shall notify the Buyers in writing of this fact at least sixty( 60 ) days

prior to the date that Company A intends to do so .

Each Buyer shall have thirty( 30 ) days from the date it is deemed to have received such notice

under Section 18.3 to notify Company A in writing whether each Buyer desires to continue to

purchase Proven Products , Risk Wafers and Test Wafers under this Agreement during the option

extension period or whether each Buyer declines to do so .

If any one of the Buyers notifies Company A that it declines to continue purchasing Proven

Products , Risk Wafers and Test Wafers under this Agreement , then Company A will not exercise

the applicable extension option under the Manufacturing Agreement .

Failure of a Buyer to respond to Company A in writing within said thirty ( 30 ) days period

shall constitu te such Buyer’s consent to continue purchasing Proven Products , Risk Wafers and

Test Wafers under this Agreement for the extension period in question .

If all Buyers either notify Company A that they desire to continue purchasing Proven

Products , Risk Wafers and Test Wafers as aforesaid , or are deemed to have consented to do so,

then Company A shall exercise its optional extension righ ts under the Manufacturing Agreement,

and this Agreement shall be extended for a period equal to the extended term of the

Manufacturing Agreement .

Company A shall give Buyers written notice of Company A’s exercise of its optional extension

righ ts under the Manufacturing Agreement within ten ( 10 ) days following the date that it has

exercised such extension rights , which notice shall specify the termination date of this Agreement,

as so extended .

2.2.3 Upon automatic extension of this Agreement under either Subsection 2.2.1 or

2.2.2 , all terms and conditions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect .


This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon termination of the Manufacturing

Agreement by lapse of time or otherwise .




3.1.1 Company A shall promptly notify Buyers in writing of the date upon which the

Foundry has achieved Commencement of P roduction .

3.1.2 Company A shall notify Buyers in writing at least sixty ( 60 ) days in advance of the

date on which Company A expects the Foundry to achieve Commencement of Purchase Rights and

shall keep Buyers apprised of any expected delay in such achievement .


During the Purchase Period, the Calculated Installed Capacity of the Foundry is anticipated to


increase as shown in the initial Production Ramp - Up Plan attached hereto as Exhibit“E”.

Company Ashall exert commercially reasonable effor ts to cause the Company to ramp

production in accordance with the schedule set forth on Exhibit“E”( as Exhibit“E”is updated from

time to time ) ; provided , however , there is no guarantee that actual Foundry production will

achieve the projected production levels or the Calculated Installed Capacity set forth in the initial

or any subsequent Production Ramp - Up Plan , either at the time indicated therein or at any time .


3.3.1 During the Obligation Period applicable to each Buyer , Company A shall have an

obligation to make available to each Buyer a quantity of Products ranging between its Minimum

Purchase Share and its Maximum Purchase Share of Calculated Installed Capacity .

3.3.2 During the Obligation Period applicable to each Buyer , each Buyer shall have the

righ t to purchase Products in amounts up to its Maximum Purchase Share of Calculated Installed

Capacity in accordance with Subsection 3.4.1 , and each Buyer shall be obligated to purchase only

its Minimum Purchase Share of Calculated Installed Capacity in accordance with Subsection

3.4.2 .

3.3.3 In the event that Company A cannot provide each Buyer with the quantity of

Products set forth in a Buyer’s Purchase Orders accepted by Company A for any given Quarter

during the Obligation Period ( a“ Quarterly Order Deficit”) due to inability or failure of the

Company to deliver to Company A those P roducts that Company A has ordered from the Company

or due to Force Majeure, then the following shall apply: (a ) where the Company has been unable or

fails to supply Company A for reasons other than Force Majeure , Company A shall not be deemed

to be in default hereunder so long as Company A can make up the Quarterly Order Deficit in the

following Quarter from Products supplied by the Company; and( b) where Company A’s failure to

fill the Buyer’s Purchase Orders is due to Force Majeure, the affected Buyer shall be excused from

its purchase obligations to the extent that the Buyer placed orders for Products in amounts equal to

or greater than the units of P roducts that Company A is able to deliver for the Quar ter in

question , and Company A shall only invoice the Buyer for the actual number of units Company A is

able to ship for the Quarter in question .

With respect to clause( a) of this Subsection 3.3.3 , to the exten t that Company A is unable to

make up the Buyer’s Quar terly Order Deficit in the succeeding Quarter , Company A shall be

responsible for any damages sustained by such Buyer, subject to the limitation on damages set forth

in Article 10 below .

With respect to clause ( b ) of this Subsection 3.3.3 , Company A shall have no liability or

obligation whatsoever to an affected Buyer where Company A’s inability to fill a Buyer’s Purchase

Order is due to an event of Force Majeure .

3.3.4 As used in this Ar ticle 3 ,“Quarter”refers to a Quar ter covered(or partially covered)

by each Buyer’s six( 6) Month forecast described in Section 4.1.2 or 4.1.3 .



3.4.1 During the Obligation Period applicable to each Buyer , such Buyer shall have the


righ t to purchase a maximum percentage of Calculated Installed Capacity in any given Quarter

determined by multiplying such Calculated Installed Capacity as shown in the applicable

Production Ramp - Up Plan times each Buyer’s respective Maximum Purchase Share; and

3.4.2 During the Obligation Period applicable to each Buyer , such Buyer shall have the

obligation to purchase a minimum percentage of Calculated Installed Capacity in any given Quarter

determined by multiplying such Calculated Installed Capacity as shown in the applicable

Production Ramp - Up Plan times each Buyer’s respective Minimum Purchase Share .

In each Quarter, unless the applicable Buyer and Company A otherwise agree , a Buyer’s

minimum purchase obligation is subject to the following limitation : a Buyer’s minimum purchase

obligation in any given Month may not deviate more than from the preceding Month’s

purchase obligation , unless Month - to - Month percentage deviations shown in the applicable

Production Ramp - Up Plan exceed , in which case a Buyer’s minimum purchase

obligation in any given Month may not deviate more than the Month - to - Month percentage

deviation shown in the applicable Production Ramp - Up Plan .

If a Buyer requests an increase in the Month - to - Month percentage deviation ,

Company A agrees to reasonably negotiate such increase with such Buyer in good faith , provided ,

however , that each Buyer recognizes that Company A’s flexibility in negotiating an increase in the

Month - to - Month * * * percentage deviation may be limited by commitments to other Buyers

and Company A’s other customers .

3.4.3 A Buyer’s purchase of Risk Wafers , Test Wafers, and Proven Products shall be taken

in to account for purposes of ( a ) the Buyer’s satisfying its minimum purchase obligation under

Subsection 3.4.2 and ( b ) Company A’s satisfying the Buyer’s maximum purchase right under

Subsection 3.4.1 .



3.5.1 During each Quarter of the Obligation Period applicable to each Buyer , such Buyer

agrees that it shall purchase Products from Company A in accordance with Subsection 3.4.2 .If in

any Quarter during its Obligation Period a Buyer( a“Defaulting Buyer”) is unable to purchase the

Products in accordance with Subsection 3.4.2 ( the“Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation”) , such

Defaulting Buyer shall give Company A and all other Buyers writ ten notice( a“UMPA Notice”) no

later than ninety( 90 ) days before the date that the Products in question are to begin manufacture

in accordance with the Defaulting Buyer’s six( 6) Months rolling forecast .

Company A and the other Buyers(collectively , the“Non - Defaulting Parties”) shall each have

a righ t of first refusal to take the Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation , provided they exercise

such right by written notice to the Defaulting Buyer and the other Non - Defaulting Par ties within

thir ty(30) days following receipt of the Defaulting Buyer’s written notice( the“RFR Deadline”) .

The apportionment of the Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation among the Non -

Defaulting Parties electing to take any par t of it shall be determined by the method set for th in

Exhibit“K”hereto, unless the Non - Defaulting Parties agree to another procedure at the time .

If the Non - Defaulting Parties exercise their rights of first refusal , then the Defaulting Buyer


shall be excused from any Bill - Back Charges (as defined below) applicable to that portion of the

Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation that the Non - Defaulting Parties elect to take; subject ,

however , to the last sentence of this Subsection 3.5.1 .If the Non - Defaulting Parties elect not to

take ( or fail timely to elect ) any part of the Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation , then the

Defaulting Buyer shall have no later than sixty(60) days following delivery of its UM PA Notice to

identify in writing third parties ready , willing and able to purchase from Company A the unelected

par t of the Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation .

So long as(a)Company A approves such third par ties or any other third parties( collectively ,

“Such Third Parties”) , which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed( provided ,

that in no event shall Such Third Parties be“ Prohibited Persons”, as that term is defined in the

LLC Agreement ) , ( b ) Such Third Parties purchase all of the unelected part of the Unused

Minimum Purchase Allocation within sixty ( 60 ) days after the date that the Defaulting Buyer

identifies Such Third Parties to Company A in writing , and (c) Such Third Par ties pay the invoice

price in full to Company A within thirty - five ( 35 ) days after the date of invoice , then the

Defaulting Buyer shall be exonerated from any Bill - Back Charges applicable to the Unused

Minimum Purchase Allocation .

A Buyer’s take - or - pay obligation shall be measured on a Quar ter - by - Quar ter basis;

accordingly, for a Defaulting Buyer to avoid Bill - Back Charges applicable to a par ticular

Quarter’s Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation , either the Non - Defaulting Parties or Such

Third Parties must have committed to purchase the Defaulting Buyer’s Unused Minimum

Purchase Allocation during the Quar ter in which the Defaulting Buyer is unable to purchase

Products in accordance with Subsection 3.4.2 .

3.5.2 If any par t of the Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation ( a) is not taken by the

Non - Defaulting Parties in accordance with Subsection 3.5.1 and ( b ) ( i ) is not sold to third

par ties or ( ii ) is not paid for by purchasing third parties in accordance with that Subsection , then

the Defaulting Buyer shall compensate Company A for such part of the Unused Minimum

Purchase Allocation at the full price for the P roducts in question , less any avoided costs( the“Bill -

Back Charge”) .

Company A shall invoice any Bill - Back Charges once each Quarter during the Purchase

Period , and within 30 days following the end of the Purchase Period by lapse of time or otherwise .

Any Defaulting Buyer shall pay the Bill - Back Charge within thirty( 30 ) days after the date

of invoice( the“Payment Date”) .

Any Bill - Back Charge not received by Company A within thirty - five ( 35 ) days after the

date of invoice shall bear in terest from the Payment Date until paid in full by the Defaulting Buyer

to Company A at the annual rate equal to 5 % above the prime or reference rate for commercial

borrowing announced by Bank of America N .T .& S .A ., as such rate changes from time - to -

time; provided , however , that in no event shall such interest rate exceed the highest rate

permissible under applicable law .

For the purpose of computing the Bill - Back Charge, the maximum Calculated Installed

Capacity shall not be deemed to exceed Wafer Equivalents per month .


The damage limitation excluding lost profits set forth in Section 10 .1 shall in no way be

deemed to limit or qualify the calculation of the Bill - Balck Charge or a Buyer’s liability therefor .

3.5.3 The provisions of Sections 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 shall be Company A’s sole remedy

under this Agreement for any failure by the Buyers to purchase their respective minimum

quantities of Calculated Installed Capacity in any Quarter as set forth in Subsection 3.4.2 .




4.1.1 On or before , Buyers shall deliver to Company A their initial forecasts of

Buyers’anticipated purchases of P roducts during the first six ( 6 ) Months following the

Commencement of Purchase Rights . The Par ties recognize that these initial forecasts are

provisional in nature because no P rocess has achieved Process Qualification .Such initial forecasts

shall be deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“F”.

4.1.2 Each Buyer shall , at the time of Company A’s notice of Commencement of Purchase

Rights, provide Company A with a six ( 6 ) Month purchase forecast according to the Foundry’s

projected output by Month set forth in the initial Production Ramp - Up Plan , with Product - mix

shown by P rocess and by geomet ry .The first four teen ( 14 ) weeks of such forecast shall be firm

with respect to the quantity of the Proven Products to be purchased or ordered within said period .

4.1.3 Each Month during the Purchase Period, Buyers shall provide Company A in writing

with a six ( 6 ) Month rolling forecast of the respective Buyers’requirements for Products , with

Product - mix shown by Process and by geometry .The first fourteen ( 14 ) weeks of such forecast

shall be firm with respect to the quantity of Products to be purchased or ordered within said

period .If the Company’s standard production lead time for a par ticular Processor P roduct exceeds

twelve( 12 )weeks , the Buyers’forecast with respect to such Process or Product shall be firm for

the Company’s standard production lead time plus two weeks .Unless the applicable Buyer and

Company A otherwise agree, the line arrate deviation for each Buyer’s forecast for a given Month

shall be of the preceding Month’s forecast , unless Month - to - Month percentage

deviations shown in the applicable Production Ramp - Up Plan exceed , in which case a

Buyer’s monthly forecast may not deviate more than the Month - to - Month percentage deviation

shown in the applicable P roduction Ramp - Up Plan .

The foregoing linear rate deviation applicable to Buyer’s monthly forecast relates to the

overall quantity of Products set forth in the forecast and not to any one Process or to any specific

Product .

If a Buyer requests an increase in the Month - to - Month percentage deviation ,

Company A agrees to reasonably negotiate such increase with such Buyer in good faith , provided ,

however , that each Buyer recognizes that Company A’s flexibility in negotiating an increase in the

Month - to - Month percentage deviation may be limited by commitments to other

Buyers and Company A’s other customers .



4.2.1 Company A shall advise the Buyers concerning each Process to be loaded at the

Foundry for use in the manufacture of Products .Company A then shall cause the Company to

engage in Process Qualification .Once Company A has determined , in its reasonable judgement,

that a Process has achieved Process Qualification , such P rocess shall be a Qualified Process .

Company A shall promptly notify the Buyers when a Process becomes a Qualified Process .

4.2.2 For each Product a Buyer desires to order, Company A shall cause the Company to

furnish Design Rules for the applicable P rocess , which shall be deemed attached hereto as Exhibit


For each Product a Buyer desires to order , Company A and the Buyer who intends to order

the Product in question ( the“ Relevant Buyer”) shall fur ther agree , in conjunction with the

Company , to a Product Qualification Plan .

Once Company A and the Relevant Buyer have agreed, in conjunction with the Company , to a

Product Qualification Plan , it shall be reduced to writing and signed by Company A, the Relevant

Buyer and the Company and shall be deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“B”.

Company A and the Relevant Buyer also shall agree, in conjunction with the Company , to the

Quality and Reliability Specifications , which shall be reduced to writing and signed by Company

A, the Relevant Buyer and the Company and shall be deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“C”.

4.2.3 Upon a Buyer’s request , Company A will cause the Company to designate a mask

vendor , to whom a Buyer shall provide device database tapes and to whom Company A shall cause

the Company to provide mask alignment and test structure databases , or the Buyer will provide

mask sets or portions thereof .

Buyer shall bear all costs and expenses of producing the mask sets necessary for the

manufacture of Products under this Agreement .

4.2.4 Using a Buyer’s mask sets and the Design Rules , Company A shall cause the

Company to perform one or more Qual Lot Runs .

Company A will provide each Buyer with such amount of Test Wafers produced in such Qual

Lot Runs as such Buyer may require for its qualification at the purchase prices specified in the

Pricing Schedule .

Within ninety ( 90 ) days following receip t of the Test Wafers , each Buyer shall inform

Company A in writing of whether or not such Test Wafers meet the applicable Quality and

Reliability Specifications , and if notification is in the affirmative, full qualification for that Product

is completed .

If Company A does not receive notification from the Buyers during the time period specified

in the preceding sentence, full qualification for that P roduct shall be deemed accomplished .

In the event that the Test Wafers do not meet the Quality and Reliability Specifications ,

Company A and the Relevant Buyers will work together in good faith to achieve full qualification

for that Product . The Successful completion of the procedures outlined in Subsections 4.2.1

through 4.2.4 , inclusive, is herein referred to as“Production Qualification”.

4.2.5 Prior to the completion of full P roduction Qualification for each Product , each Buyer


may , by giving at least seven(7 )Business Days notice to Company A, terminate the production of

any Test Wafers specified in Subsection 4.2.4 or Risk Wafers , and Company A will cause the

Company to do so following the completion of the Process steps at which such Test Wafers or Risk

Wafers reside at the time Company A receives such notice . The terminating Buyer shall pay

Company A for all the Test Wafers or Risk Wafers so affected , and the prices for such Test Wafers

or Risk Wafers shall be the respective purchase prices specified in the Pricing Schedule, equitably

prorated based on the completed stage of production .

4.2.6 Once Production Qualification has been achieved for a Product , such P roduct is a

Proven Product , and Company A will proceed to cause the Company to produce that Proven

Product pursuant to Purchase Orders issued by Buyers and accepted by Company A under Section

6.1 below .




Subject to the Buyers’Maximum Purchase Shares, Company A agrees to use commercially

reasonable efforts to cause the Company to meet all the quantity requirements of the Buyers for

Products .


It is an ticipated that from time to time there may be instances where an accelerated lead and

cycle time is required to serve the needs of a Buyer, and in such instances, Company A shall , upon

mutually agreed upon terms and conditions , use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the

Company to accelerate the schedule of production for Proven Products or Risk Wafers and/ or

increase the manufacturing volume in order to meet that Buyer’s needs .


If a Buyer desires that Company A cause the Company to make modifications to a Qualified

Processor to the Quality and Reliability Specifications , such Buyer shall give Company A written

notice thereof, and within a reasonable amount of time after Company A’s receipt of Buyer’s

notice, Company A shall confer with the Company and thereafter notify the Buyer in writing of

any additional costs associated with making such modifications ( including, without limitation ,

retooling costs) , any adjustments in price , production , delivery schedule , and any other terms and

conditions of this Agreement that are necessary to make such modifications ( collectively , the

“Modification Costs”) .Within thirty (30) days of its receipt of Company A’s written notification

of any such Modification Costs , such Buyer shall either agree in writing to accept the obligation to

pay Company A or the Company ( as the case may be) any such Modification Costs or the Buyer

may , in the exercise of its sole and absolu te discretion , withdraw its request that such modifications

be made .Company A and the Company shall not incur any Modification Costs on behalf of a Buyer

unless and until Company A has received Buyer’s written agreement to pay the Modification Costs .

In addition to the foregoing requirement , any such requested modifications must be acceptable to


Company A and the Company and further must pass the Production Qualifications procedures set

forth in Section 4.2 .If are quested modification is unacceptable to Company A or the Company , or

if it fails to pass the qualifications procedures set out in Section 4.2 , then Company A will instruct

the Company to continue to manufacture the Proven Product in question in accordance with the

existing Qualified Process and/ or the existing Quality and Reliability Specifications , in which

event the notifying Buyer shall be obligated to continue to purchase such Proven Product as so

manufactured . Once a Buyer has agreed to pay Modification Costs , such Buyer shall pay to

Company A or to the Company(as the case may be)all such Modification Costs within thir ty(30)

days of Company A’s invoice therefor .If Company A or the Company ( as the case may be) does

not receive full payment of Modification Costs within thirty - five ( 35 ) days after the date of

invoice , the invoice price shall bear in terest from the date of invoice until paid in full at the

annual rate equal to 5% above the prime or reference rate for commercial borrowing

announced by , as such rate changes from time - to - time ; provided , however , that in no

event shall such interest rate exceed the highest rate permissible under applicable law .


If a Buyer desires that Company A cause the Company to add or substitute a similar Product

type using a Qualified Process ( i .e ., one that has not been assigned a current product model

number) such Buyer shall give Company A written notice thereof .Within a reasonable amount of

time after Company A’s receipt of a Buyer’s notice, Company A shall confer with the Company

and thereafter notify the Buyer in writing of any additional cost associated with adding or

substituting a similar Product type( the“Additional Costs”) .Within thirty( 30 ) days of its receipt

of Company A’s written notification of Additional Costs, such Buyer shall either agree in writing

to accept the obligation to pay Company A or the Company(as the case may be)all such Additional

Costs or the Buyer may , in the exercise of its sole and absolute discretion , withdraw the request for

such addition or substitution .Company A and the Company shall not incur any Additional Costs

on behalf of the Buyer unless and until Company A has received Buyer’s written agreement to pay

the Additional Costs and Company A and the Buyer have agreed upon the purchase price for such

similar Product type .Thereafter , Company A shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause the

Company to produce such similar Product type as requested, subject to such similar Product type

achieving P roduction Qualification under the procedures set for th in Section 4.2 .Once a Buyer has

agreed to pay Additional Costs , such Buyer shall pay to Company A or to the Company( as the case

may be) all such Additional Costs within thirty ( 30 ) days of Company A’s invoice therefor .If

Company A or the Company (as the case may be)does not receive full payment of Additional Costs

within thir ty - five(35) days after the date of invoice , the invoice price shall bear interest from the

date of invoice until paid in full at the annual rate equal to 5% above the prime or reference rate

for commercial borrowing announced by , as such rate changes from time - to - time;

provided, however , that in no enent shall such in terest rate exceed the highest rate permissible

under applicable law .


Upon Buyer’s written request , Company A shall cause the Company to provide Buyer with


(a ) Process cont rol information , including but not limited to : P rocess and electrical test yield

results , curren t Process specifications , calibration schedules and logs for equipment, environmental

monitor information for air , gasses and DI water , documentation or operator qualification and

t raining, documentation of trace ability through the Company’s operation , Process verification

information , and the Company’s trouble reports with respect to P rocess control information ; and

( b)a status of work - in - process .


Company A shall cause the Company to main tain , for a period of five(5 ) years from the date

that any Qualified P rocess was performed to produce Proven Products , accurate records describing

in detail such Qualified Process on a by - die - lot basis .Company A shall cause the Company to

give each Buyer the righ t , at any time during the Company’s normal business hours and upon

reasonable notice, to inspect and make copies of any of the Company’s Qualified Process records .


With respect to t rademarks , the Parties agree as follows:

5.7.1 Except as au thorized in Subsection 5.7.2 , Company A shall not , at any time, in any

place, or in any manner , utilize the trademarks of the Buyers , nor any name or logo confusingly

similar thereto , in connection with Company A’s business activities , or in the manufacture, use,

sale or other disposition of P roducts , or in any other way whatsoever .Company A shall exert

commercially reasonable efforts to cause the Company to comply with the prohibitions set forth in

this Subsection 5.7.1 .

5.7.2 To the extent and only to the extent required by any Buyer , such Buyer may give

Company A and the Company writ ten authorization to symbolize or otherwise mark Proven

Products with the authorizing Buyer’s t rademarks or other proprietary logos .

5.7.3 The Buyers shall not , at any time, in any place ,or any manner , utilize the t rademarks

of Company A , its Affiliates , or the Company , or any name or logo confusingly similar thereto , in

connection with the Buyers’business activities , or the use, sale or other disposition of Products , or

in any other way whatsoever .


Company A shall cause the Company to protect all mask sets , whether t ransferred from a

Buyer or obtained by Company A or the Company from a mask vendor of a Buyer , as t rade secrets

of each Buyer in accordance with the confidentiality provisions of(a )Article 15 hereof , and( b)any

license or confidentiality agreement entered into between Company A and a Buyer or any Affiliate

thereof .Any masks generated by Company A or the Company from Buyer’s database tapes shall

be the proper ty of Buyer .When any mask set is no longer usable by the Company for the purposes

hereof , or upon the termination or expiration hereof , Company A shall cause the Company either to

immediately return such mask set to the appropriate Party , or upon such Par ty’s written

inst ructions, to destroy such mask set and provide such Party with written certification of such

dest ruction .The Parties understand that mask sets , if not used for a specified period of time, will

be handled in accordance with the Company’s idle mask policy then in effect .Company A agrees ,

upon written request of a Buyer , to cause the Company to disclose its idle mask policy to such


Buyer .


Company A shall cause the Company to grant to each Buyer ( a ) the righ t to inspect and

monitor production at the Foundry , ( b) the righ t to main tain one or more resident represen tatives

at the Foundry for the purpose of insuring compliance with the Quality and Reliability

Specifications applicable to Proven P roducts and otherwise aiding the Buyer in exercising its rights

under this Section , ( c ) the right to conduct quality and yield audits of the Foundry, and ( d ) the

righ t to perform monitoring tests and to recommend disposition/ corrective action , to the same

extent , and subject to the same terms and conditions , that Company A enjoys such rights under the

Manufacturing Agreement with the Company .At the request of a Buyer , Company A shall provide

such Buyer with a copy of those provisions of the Manufacturing Agreement that confer such

righ ts upon Company A .Subject to a Buyer’s end customer signing a confidentiality agreement

with the Company substantially in the form of Exhibit“J”, Company A shall cause the Company to

grant to each Buyer’s end customers the right to inspect the Foundry , to conduct quality audits of

the Foundry , and to review Design Rules at the Foundry .


To the extent that the proposed manufacture of any Products ordered by the Buyers

hereunder requires , in the reasonable judgment of Company A and/ or the Company , the grant of

non - exclusive In tellectual P roperty Rights ( including, by way of illustration but without

limitation, a non - exclusive gran t in mask work rights, copyrights , patents, u tility models or

design righ ts and applications for any of the foregoing ) to avoid infringement resulting from

manufacture or sale of such P roducts , the Buyers agree to obtain and grant to Company A and/ or

the Company non - exclusive rights in such Intellectual Proper ty Rights relating to ordered

Products , whether by way of non - exclusive license, sublicense , have - made rights or otherwise,

for the sole purpose of manufacturing such Products for sale to the respective Buyers .Any such

grant of non - exclusive Intellectual Proper ty Rights shall not confer the right on Company A or

the Company to gran t rights to others under any of the foregoing( unless expressly provided for in

the gran ting instrument ) .Notwithstanding the foregoing , a Buyer may decline to obtain a license

in such Intellectual Property Rights if the Buyer executes and delivers to Company A a written

indemnification agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit“M”attached hereto, whereby the

Buyer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Company A and the Company harmless from any

Claims of infringement or misappropriation asser ted by holders of such Intellectual Proper ty

Rights .Company A will neither deliver nor cause the delivery of P roven Products , Test Wafers or

Risk Wafers unless and until the Buyers have ( a ) obtained and granted the necessary non -

exclusive Intellectual Proper ty Rights to Company A and/ or the Company; or ( b ) executed and

delivered to Company A such indemnity agreement .The provisions of this Section 5.10 shall not

apply to any P rocess covered by the Company’s indemnification obligations assigned to Buyers

under Subsection 11.1.1 below .


If a Buyer desires that Company A cause the Company to load a P rocess , method or materials


at the Foundry that is unique to a Buyer( i .e ., one that (a ) in the case of a P rocess , deviates from a

Qualified Process that is then in use at the Foundry, and( b) in the case of a method and materials ,

deviates from methods and materials then in use or production at the Foundry) , such Buyer shall

give Company A written notice thereof .If Company A agrees to cause the Company to load a

unique Process , method or materials at the Foundry , then within a reasonable amount of time after

Company A’s receipt of Buyer’s notice, Company A shall confer with the Company and thereafter

notify the Buyer in writing of any additional costs associated with such unique Process , method or

materials, including , without limitation , purchase part and work - in - process inventory , supplies ,

tooling, and any equipment that is specific to such unique Process , method or materials

(collectively ,“ Unique Costs”) .Within thirty ( 30 ) days of its receipt of Company A’s written

notification of Unique Costs , such Buyer shall either agree in writing to accept the obligation to

pay Company A or the Company (as the case may be) all such Unique Costs or the Buyer may , in

the exercise of its sole and absolu te discretion , withdraw the request for such unique Process ,

method or materials .Company A and the Company shall not incur any Unique Costs on behalf of a

Buyer unless and until Company A has received Buyer’s writ ten agreement to pay such Unique

Costs .Once a Buyer has agreed to pay Unique Costs , such Buyer shall pay to Company A or to the

Company(as the case maybe)all such Unique Costs within thirty(30) days of Company A’s invoice

therefor .If Company A or the Company ( as the case may be) does not receive full payment of

Unique Costs within thirty - five( 35 ) days after the date of invoice, the invoice price shall bear

in terest from the date of invoice until paid in full at the annual rate equal to 5% above the prime

or reference rate for commercial borrowing announced by Bank of America N .T .& S .A ., as such

rate changes from time - to - time ; provided, however , that in no event shall such interest rate

exceed the highest rate permissible under applicable law .


Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, any adjustment in the Buyers’Percentage

In terests which results in a change in their Adjusted Percentage In terests(as defined in Subsection

1.1.3) , shall not become effective for purposes of the Buyers’Basic Purchase Shares until the

thir teenth(13th) week after the date upon which the adjustment in Percentage In terests occurs

pursuant to the LLC Agreement , and unless agreed otherwise by Company A and each Buyer

under a Purchase Order , no such adjustment in Percentage Interests , when so effective, shall

operate to cancel , amend or otherwise affect any Purchase Orders accepted by Company A prior to

the date that such adjustment in Percentage Interests is so effective .


The provisions of Section 6.2 through 6.5 , inclusive, and Article 7 respecting Proven

Products shall be equally applicable to Test Wafers .There is no product warran ty under Ar ticle 9

for Test Wafers unless Company A and the applicable Buyer agree to such warranty in writing

prior to shipment .If Company A and the applicable Buyer do enter in to such a written product

warran ty , then Test Wafers covered by such warranty shall be t reated as Proven Products under

the provisions of Ar ticle 9 .Additionally , Test Wafers covered by such writ ten product warran ty

shall be t reated as Proven P roducts under Atricle 8 .If Test Wafers are not covered by a written


product warranty , then Company A shall provied( or cause the Company to provide) the applicable

Buyers with the Company’s Wafer acceptance test parameters and outgoing visual acceptance

criteria ( such parameters and criteria, collectively , the“Wafer Acceptance Criteria”) .If on delivery

of Test Wafers to such Buyer , the Test Wafers fail an incoming test under the Wafer Acceptance

Criteria, such Test Wafers shall be deemed to be defective .Any such defective Test Wafers may be

returned within 120 days of Buyer’s receip t thereof to Company A in care of the Foundry , F .O .

B .the Foundry, and if such defective Test Wafers are indeed defective and not caused by Abuse

and Misuse(as defined below) , then Company A shall , at its option , either repair , replace or credit

Buyer for such defective Test Wafers; and furthermore, Company A shall return any such Test

Wafers repaired or replaced to the applicable Buyer , transportation prepaid, and shall reimburse the

Buyer for the transportation charges paid by Buyer for returning such defective Test Wafers to

Company A .Any dispute regarding whether Test Wafers fail an incoming test under the applicable

Wafer Acceptance Criteria or whether Test Wafers have been subjected to Abuse and Misuse shall

be resolved in accordance with Article 17 .


Company A shall provide the Buyers with sales engineering support in respect to all Purchase

Orders placed hereunder in the same manner and to the same extent as Company A provides

engineering sales support in respect to P roducts manufactured at Company A’s existing

semiconductor - wafer fabrication plan ts .The cost of such sales engineering support is included in

the prices quoted in the Pricing Schedule .Company A, at its election , may provide such sales

engineering suppor t through any of its Affiliates .


Under that cer tain Technology License and Assistance Agreement ( as that term is defined in

the LLC Agreement ) and that certain Advanced Process License Agreement ( as that term is

defined in the LLC Agreement ) , Affiliates of Company A have agreed to provide the Company

with as - yet - to - be - developed process technologies no later than such process technologies are

reduced to practice and released in to production at other semiconductor - wafer fabrication plants

owned by Company A or its Affiliates .In the event that any of these as - yet - to - be - developed

process technologies are in fact reduced to practice and released into production at any such other

semiconductor - wafer fabrication plan ts during the Purchase Period before being loaded at the

Foundry, and the Company notifies Company A that it desires to load such new process

technologies at the Foundry , then any Buyer that intends to have Wafers manufactured at the

Foundry using such new process technologies may place orders on Company A until such new

process technologies are loaded at the Foundry for the purpose of having Risk Wafers or Test

Wafers manufactured at those other semiconductor - wafer fabrication plants owned by Company

A or its Affiliates at which such new process technologies have been loaded .For any such Buyers ,

Company A shall provide the Design Rules for the new process technologies . The terms and

conditions of said sale of such Risk Wafers or Test Wafers ( including , without limitation , price,

delivery, and the gran ting of non - exclusive Intellectual Property Rights that relate to

manufacture or sale of Products produced using the new process technology) , shall be documented


by separate purchase agreements or wafer supply agreements which shall be negotiated in good

faith by and between Company A and those Buyers who desire to have early access to new process

technologies that are intended to be loaded at the Foundry .Any such separate purchase or wafer

supply agreements shall contain , as a general proposition , terms and conditions customarily

contained in Company A’s standard purchase or wafer supply agreements .

A Buyer’s purchase of Risk Wafers or Test Wafers pursuant to Subsection 5.15.1 shall be

taken into account for purposes of ( a ) the Buyer’s satisfying its minimum purchase obligation

under Subsection 3.4.2 and ( b ) Company A’s satisfying the Buyer’s maximum purchase righ t

under Subsection 3.4.1 .



For any Risk Wafers run on a Qualified Process (“RWRQPs”) , Company A shall provide( or

cause the Company to provide ) the applicable Buyers with the Company’s Wafer Acceptance

Criteria(as that term is defined in Section 5.13 ) .If on delivery of RWRQPs to such Buyer , the

RWRQPs fail an incoming test under the Wafer Acceptance Criteria, such RWRQ Ps shall be

deemed to be defective .Any such defective RWRQPs may be returned within one hundred twenty

( 120) days of Buyer’s receipt thereof to Company A in care of the Foundry, F .O .B .the Foundry ,

and if such defective RWRQPs are indeed defective and not caused by Abuse and Misuse ( as

defined below) , then Company A shall , at its option , either repair , replace or credit Buyer for such

defective RWRQPs; and furthermore, Company A shall return any such RWRQPs repaired or

replaced to the applicable Buyer, t ranspor tation prepaid , and shall reimburse the Buyer for the

t ransportation charges paid by Buyer for returning such defective RWRQ Ps to Company A .Any

dispute regarding whether RWRQPs fail an incoming test under the applicable Wafer Acceptance

Criteria or whether RWRQPs have been subjected to Abuse and Misuse shall be resolved in

accordance with Article 17 .


Company A shall sell Risk Wafers if so requested by a Buyer , subject to the negotiation of a

mutually acceptable risk star t agreement .



6.1.1 Subject to the provisions of Section 3.4 and 4.1 , each Buyer shall place Purchase

Orders for such quantities of Products according to the curren t Production Ramp - Up Plan .The

Purchase Orders shall ( a ) be open purchase orders for fixed quantities of P roducts; ( b ) constan tly

cover a four teen ( 14 ) week period ( unless the Company’s standard production lead time for a

par ticular P roduct exceeds thir teen ( 13 ) weeks, in which case Purchase Orders for such Product

shall constantly cover a period that is t wo weeks longer than the Company’s standard production

lead time for the Product in question ) ; ( c ) be placed with Company A no later than ninety ( 90 )

days prior to the shipment date specified in such Purchase Order ; ( d ) constitute firm purchase


obligations on the part of each Buyer, and (e) be final , subject only to acceptance by Company A,

which acceptance shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed .Company A may accept a Buyer’s

Purchase Order ( s ) either by written acknowledgement of the Purchase Order ( s ) placed or by

shipment of the Products ordered .On or before seven (7 ) Business Days prior to the date that the

Company commences production of Proven Products ordered by a Buyer , such Buyer may

substitute other Proven Products that have a curren tly - assigned product model number for those

actually ordered without incurring any administ rative cost therefor .

6.1.2 Company A shall notify a Buyer of any anticipated problems infilling a Purchase

Order within twenty - five ( 25 ) days following its receipt .To the extent that the terms of any

Purchase Order or any Company A corresponding quotation , order acknowledgment , or invoice

conflict herewith , this Agreement shall be controlling unless Company A and the Buyer placing the

Purchase Order expressly agree to the cont rary .To the extent that the terms of any Purchase

Order conflict with the terms of Company A’s corresponding quotation , order acknowledgment , or

invoice( the so - called“bat tle of the forms”) , Company A’s quotation , order acknowledgement or

invoice shall be controlling unless Company A and the Buyer placing the Purchase Order expressly

agree to the contrary .

6.2 PRICE .

Company A shall sell Proven Products , Test Wafers and Risk Wafers to Buyer in accordance

with the P ricing Schedule in effect at the time of shipment , subject to the following:

6.2.1 The prices quoted in each P ricing Schedule shall be firmand valid until the Pricing

Schedule is amended in accordance with Subsections 6.2.3( b) or 6.2.3 (c) .

6.2.2 The Prices quoted in the Pricing Schedule are in U .S .currency and net of any and

all taxes and duties , including but not limited to customs duties , sales tax ,value added tax , use tax ,

and excise tax .Each Buyer shall be responsible for all applicable taxes ( including one or more of the

above taxes ) , in addition to the prices quoted in the P ricing Schedule that relate to a Buyer’s

order .

6.2.3 The initial pricing , quarterly pricing and annual pricing shall be set as follows:

(a ) During the first calendar quarter of 1998 , the initial Pricing Schedule shall be established

as follows: For each Process planned for initial loading at the Foundry , Company A shall calculate

an average price for such Process in use at all of Company A’s and its Affiliates’Taiwanese

semiconductor - wafer manufacturing plants in the previous calendar quarter , and such average

price shall be the“Market P rice”for each such P rocess to be used to manufacture Products at the

Foundry .Using Company A’s standard procedures for t ranslating pricing of Processes in to pricing

for P roducts manufactured by means of such Processes , Company A shall calculate a price for each

Product .If the Parties agree upon the initial prices , such prices shall be reduced to writing and

signed by the Parties , and shall be deemed to be attached hereto as Exhibit“A”as the initial Pricing

Schedule .If and one or more of the Buyers objects to the initial pricing , Company A and such

Buyers shall at tempt to negotiate the initial pricing in good faith .If no agreement can be reached

with respect to initial prices by , , the Parties shall submit pricing to binding

arbit ration under Section 17.3 through 17.6 , inclusive; subject to the further provisions of


Subsection 6.2.3( d) .

(b) Within ten ( 10 ) Business Days after the beginning of each Quarter , Company A shall

provide each Buyer in writing with its determination of the Market Price ( based on the prior

calendar quar ter) for each Process used to manufacture P roducts included in the Buyer’s then -

current rolling six( 6) Month forecasts(“Company A’s Quarterly Pricing Report”) .If the Market

Price(as set forth in Company A’s Quar terly Pricing Report ) for the P rocess to be used to

manufacture a particular Product deviates , up or down , by more than three percent ( 3% ) from the

price of such Process used to calculate pricing for Products shown on the Pricing Schedule , the

Price for the Process and for each Product in question shall be revised accordingly , and such revised

price shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Par ties , and shall be deemed to be attached here

to as an addendum to Exhibit“A”, which shall be the new Pricing Schedule in respect to that

Product .If any one or more of the Buyers objects to any Market Price set by Company A in

Company A’s Quarterly P ricing Report ( the“Objecting Buyers”) , then the Objecting Buyers may

request an audit of Company A’s and its Affiliates’books and records containing information

necessary to confirm Company A’s calculation of such Market P rice for each P rocess and Product

in question .The audit shall be conducted by P rice Waterhouse & Company or by another public

accounting firm nationally recognized in the United States of America selected by the Objecting

Buyers and reasonably acceptable to Company A .Company A shall cooperate in the audit , cause its

Affiliates’ to do the same, and , if requested by the auditors , shall request any subcont ractor of

Company A or a Company A Affiliate to likewise cooperate .The Objecting Buyers shall pay the

cost of the audit unless the audit reveals a discrepancy of more than three percent ( 3% ) from the

Market Price in the average price of any Process and the related Product in question , which three

percent (3 % ) discrepancy must result in a higher which three percent ( 3% ) discrepancy must result

in a higher Market Price quoted by Company A than calculated by the auditors based on their

audit of Company A’s and its Affiliates’relevant books and records .The auditor’s calculations

shall be based on Company A’s standard procedures for t ranslating pricing of P rocesses into

pricing for Products manufactured by such Processes .In the event of such three percent ( 3% )

discrepancy, Company A shall pay the cost of the audit , the price for the P rocess in question as

established by the audit shall be the new price for such P rocess , and the auditors shall calculate the

pricing for Products to be manufactured using such P rocess based upon Company A’s standard

procedures for t ranslating pricing of Processes in to pricing for Products manufactured by such

Processes .The new prices as established by the auditors shall be reduced to writing and signed by

the Parties and shall be deemed to be attached hereto as an addendum to Exhibit“A”, which shall

be the new Pricing Schedule in respect to the Products in question .In no event shall there be more

than two( 2)audits of Company A’s Quar terly Pricing Repor t figures in any calendar year .

(c) The Par ties shall annually renegotiate the prices for all Processes used to manufacture

Products for each succeeding calendar year, which annual price negotiation shall commence on or

about August 1 of the then - current year .In advance of the annual price negotiation , Company A

shall provide each Buyer in writing with its determination of the Market Price for each Qualified

Process used to manufacture Products included in the Buyer’s then - curren t rolling six( 6) Month


forecast .Once the Parties have agreed upon the renegotiated prices for a succeeding year, such

renegotiated prices shall be reduced to writing and signed by the Parties , and shall be deemed to be

attached hereto as Exhibit“A”as the Pricing Schedule in effect at the beginning of such year .If no

agreement can be reached with respect to renegotiating prices by September 30 of the then -

current year , the Parties shall submit pricing to binding arbitration under Section 17.3 through

17.6 , inclusive; subject to the further provisions of Subsection 6.2.3( d) .

( d ) With respect to binding arbitration conducted pursuant to Subsection 6.2.3 ( a ) and

6.2.3( c)above, in advance of the hearing each Party shall submit to the arbit rator and exchange

with the other Par ties their last best offers with respect to pricing .In addition to the matters set

forth in Section 17.3 through 17.6 , the arbit rator shall base his award on his determination of

Market Price ( as defined in Subsection 6.2.3 ( a ) above ) for each P rocess to be used for

manufacture of Products hereunder , and on his determination of price for each Product

manufactured by means of such Process, based on Company A’s standard procedures for t ranslating

pricing of P rocesses into pricing for Products manufactured by such Processes .T he highest price

submitted by any Party for a specific P roduct shall be the maximum price that the arbit rator shall

be empowered to award for that Product, and the lowest price for a specific Product submitted by

any Party shall be the minimum price that the arbit rator shall be empowered to award for that

Product .For each Product , it is understood among the Parties that if the arbit rator awards an

amount between( and including ) the minimum and maximum prices submitted by the Parties for

such Product , then the exact award amount shall be the price set for that Product in the applicable

year .The prices as so set by the arbitrator thereafter shall be subject to quarterly adjustment as

described in Subsection 6.2.3 ( b)above .

(e ) All pricing for Products calculated or published pursuant to this Section 6.2 shall be

expressed as a price per Wafer .


Upon shipment of any P roven P roducts , Test Wafers or Risk Wafers , Company A shall

invoice the sale .Applicable taxes , freigh t , and insurance paid by Company A shall be separately

stated on the invoice .


Unless otherwise agreed upon by Company A and the ordering Buyer , payment terms shall be

net due thirty( 30 ) days after the date of Company A’s invoice( the“ Invoice Payment Date”) .For

any invoice that is due and owing under this Section 6.4 which is not paid within thirty - five

( 35 ) days after the date of invoice, the invoice amount shall bear interest from the Invoice Payment

Date until paid in full at the annual rate equal to 5% above the prime or reference rate for

commercial borrowing announced by , as such rate changes from time to time ; provided ,

however , that in no event shall such in terest rate exceed the highest rate permissible under

applicable law .Any payment made hereunder shall be in .


The prices charged by Company A to a Buyer hereunder shall not limit in any way the prices

that a Buyer may charge its customers .




Company A agrees to make all commercially reasonable effor ts so that the Proven P roducts or

Risk Wafers shall be delivered to Buyer’s designated delivery point in accordance with its“ route

and ship to ”inst ructions on the date ( s) set forth in any Purchase Order ( s) accepted by Company

A .

7.2 SHI PMENTS F .O .B .

Shipments shall be made F .O .B .Buyer’s designated place of delivery point ( the“F .O .B .

Poin t”) as designated in Buyer’s“ rou te and ship to”instructions .All title and risk of loss or

damage shall be borne by Company A from the time of the Company’s delivery of Proven

Products or Risk Wafers to a common carrier at the Foundry until delivery to the F .O .B .Point .


Company A shall package, or cause the packaging of, the Proven P roducts or Risk Wafers for

secure shipment according to good manufacturing practices in consideration of the method of

shipment chosen .The date of the bill of lading or other receipt issued by the carrier shall be proof

of the date and fact of shipment of the Proven Products or Risk Wafers .


Partial shipments are allowed , so long as full shipment of the appropriate quantities are made

by +/ - 10 days of delivery dates specified in Purchase Orders accepted by Company A .Such

par tial shipments may be invoiced individually or in combination with all the other partial

shipments made for the same Purchase Orders .


Delivery made within + / - 10 days of the delivery dates specified in Purchase Orders

accepted by Company A are deemed timely delivery .Buyer shall not be entitled to damages or

specific performance for any material failure by Company A to timely meet such delivery schedules

(a )when such failure is the result of any act or omission of Buyer , its employees or agents, or( b)

except to the extent otherwise provided in Subsection 3.3.3 , when such failure is the result of the

Company’s failure to timely deliver P roven Products or Risk Wafers to Company A where

Company A has timely placed purchase orders with the Company for Proven Products or Risk

Wafers ordered by Buyers hereunder and the Company’s failure to deliver is not attributable to the

acts or omissions of Company A , its employees or agents .Company A shall not be liable for any

penalty or any indirect , special , incidental or consequential damages imposed upon or incurred by a

Buyer as a result of failure of Company A to timely deliver Proven Products or Risk Wafers .


Whenever any actual or potential event of Force Majeure that reasonably can be anticipated

(e .g ., a labor dispute) delays or threatens to delay the timely performance of any delivery under a

Purchase Order , Company A shall promptly give notice thereof to the impacted Buyer .Whenever

any actual or potential event of Force Majeure reasonably can be anticipated to delay or threaten to


delay a Buyer’s ability to accept delivery under a Purchase Order , such Buyer shall promptly give

notice thereof to Company A .




Company A, the Buyers ordering Proven Products in question , and the Company shall agree

upon inspection and testing methods , which shall be signed by Company A and such Buyers , and

attached hereto as Exhibit“H”.Each Buyer may perform incoming inspection and testing on each

shipment of P roven Products received here under in accordance with the agreed - upon inspection

and testing methods . If such Proven P roducts fail to conform to the applicable Quality and

Reliability Specifications , or otherwise fail the inspection and testing standards set forth on Exhibit

“H”, the Buyer shall have the right to return such Proven P roducts to Company A for rework or

replacement at no cost to Buyer or for credit in accordance with the terms and conditions of

Section 9 .1 below . Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.16 , Risk Wafers may not be

returned .


Buyers shall accept all conforming tenders of Proven Products delivered under this

Agreement, and shall notify Company A in writing , within ( a) thirty ( 30 ) days following the

delivery of any Proven P roducts whose individual dies have been functionally probed or ( b ) six ty

(60) days following the delivery of any other Proven P roducts , as to either acceptance or rejection

thereof .If no notification indicating rejection is received by Company A within the above time

period, then such Proven Products shall be deemed accepted . Except as otherwise provided in

Section 5.16 , Risk Wafers must be accepted .


Defective Proven Products (either detected by incoming inspection and testing or during the

warran ty period) shall be returned to Company A in accordance with the terms and conditions of

Section 9.1 below .


9.1 Company A’S WARRANTY .

Company A warran ts that the Proven Products delivered here under shall meet the Quality

and Reliability Specifications and shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship under

normal use for a period of one(1 ) year from the date of shipment .If , during the one year period ,

(a ) Company A is notified promptly in writing upon discovery of any defect in the Proven

Products, including a detailed description of the alleged defect , ( b ) such Proven Products are

returned to Company A in care of the Foundry , F .O .B .the Foundry, and(c) such P roven Products

are indeed defective and not caused by accident , abuse, misuse , neglect , improper installation or


packaging, repair or alteration by someone other than Company A , or improper testing or use

contrary to any inst ructions given by Company A(collectively,“Abuse or Misuse”) , then Company

A shall , at its option , either repair , replace, or credit a Buyer for such defective Proven Products .

Company A shall return any Proven P roducts repaired or replaced under this warranty to a Buyer

t ransportation prepaid , and shall reimburse a Buyer for the transportation charges paid by the

Buyer for returning such defective Proven Products to Company A in care of the Foundry .The

performance of this warran ty shall not act to extend the one - year warranty period for any Proven

Products repaired or replaced beyond that period applicable to such Proven P roducts as originally

delivered .There is no warran ty for Risk Wafers .Unless otherwise expressly agreed to the cont rary

by Seller and a Buyer in writing prior to shipment, there is no warranty for Test Wafers .


The warran ties herein ( a) are exclusive and stated in lieu of all other warran ties , whether

express , statutory , or implied , including but not limited to the warranties of merchant ability and

fitness for a particular purpose, all of which are hereby expressly disclaimed; and ( b ) neither

assume nor authorize any other party to assume for company A any other liabilities in connection

with the manufactured or sale of proven products .The warranties shall not apply to any proven

products which have been subquected to abuse or misuse( as defined in section 9.1 above) .


Not withstanding the provisions of Section 9.1 above, prior to any return of allegedly

defective P roven Products by a Buyer pursuant to Section 9.1 , such Buyer shall first afford

Company A( and the Company if the Company so desires ) the oppor tunity , upon Company A’s

request , to inspect the allegedly defective Proven Products at such Buyer’s facilities .If Company A

thereby determines that the allegedly defective Proven P roducts are defective or non - conforming

with the applicable Quality and Reliability Specifications, or that such alleged defects are caused by

defects in material or workmanship of the Company or Company A , as the case may be, then the

Buyer shall be entitled to repair, replacement or credit under Section 9.1 . If Company A

determines that such allegedly defective Proven Products are not defective or conform with the

applicable Quality and Reliability Specifications , the disagreement with respect to defectiveness or

non - conformity shall be resolved pursuant to Article 17 . Inspection and determination by

Company A ( and by the Company, if applicable ) under this Section shall not be unreasonably

withheld or delayed .




10.1.1 With the exception of any loss , liability , damage or obligation arising of or relating

to disclosure of proprietary information in violation of article 15 , no party shall be liable for any

indirect , special , incidental or consequential loss or damage ( including , without limitation , loss of

profits or loss of use ) suffered by any other party arising from or relating to a party’s


performance, nonperformance , breach of or default under a covenant , warran ty , represen tation ,

term or condition hereof .except as specifically provided in the preceding sentence, each par ty

waives and pelinquishes claims for indirect , special , incidental or consequential damages .

Notwithstanding such waiver and relinquishment, with respect to any loss , liability , damage or

obligation arising out of or relating to disclosure of proprietary information in violation of article

15 ,a par ty shall be liable for any indirect , special , incidental or consequential damage ( including

without limitation , loss of profits or loss of use) suffered by any other par ty arising from or relating

to a party’s nonperformance, breach of or default under said article 15 .

10.1.2 No par ty shall have the righ t to recover punitive damages from any other party , and

each party hereby waives and relinquishes any and all punitive damage claims .

10.1.3 The limitations on liability and damages set forth in subsections 10.1.1 and 10.1.2

apply to all causes of action that may be asserted hereunder , whether sounding in breach of

contract , breach of warran ty , tort , product liability, negligence or otherwise .


Any arbitration , litigation , judicial reference, mediation , or other legal proceeding involving

the Par ties shall be commenced within two( 2) years after the accrual of the cause of action , except

(a) for arbit ration , litigation , judicial reference , mediation , or other legal proceedings in respect to

claims for indemnification hereunder , which claims shall be commenced within the statutory

limitations period provided by applicable law ; and ( b ) where there is an affirmative

misrepresentation of a material fact that was relied upon and the relying Party was entitled to rely

thereon , or where a Party fraudulently concealed the existence of a cause of action , the claims shall

be commenced within two( 2 ) years of the date that the aggrieved Par ty discovered the material

facts giving rise to the cause of action .



11.1.1 Company A assigns to the Buyers ( and to each of them ) Company A’s rights ,

remedies and interests in , to , or under Section 11.1 of the Manufacturing Agreement, pursuant to

which and subject to whose terms Company A is indemnified by the Company against Claims

based solely on an allegation that a Process that is normally specified and used by the Company in

the manufacture of a Proven Product or RWRQPs directly infringes a third party’s In tellectual

Proper ty Rights .T his assignment is made without recourse against Company A .

11.1.2 Each Buyer acknowledges that the Company shall have no liability for any Claim

(a)where infringement is att ribu table, in whole or in part , to( i) the Company’s compliance with or

implementation of any of the Buyer’s inst ructions, specifications , designs , mask works , utility

models or requirements, ( ii) a Process( insofar as a P rocess or any part thereof has been specified by

the Buyer and supplied by Company A or such Buyer to the Company and the deviation of the

Buyer’s specifications from the Company’s normal specifications causes direct or contributory

infringement) , or ( iii ) other information or materials provided by the Buyer and supplied by


Company A or such Buyer to the Company for the performance of this Agreement; or( b ) relating

to Risk Wafers that are not run on a Qualified Process .Each Buyer shall indemnify , defend ,

protect and hold Company A and the Company harmless from and against any and all such

Claims, provided that Company A complies with the provisions of Section 11.4 below and that the

Company complies with the provisions of the Manufacturing Agreement that are comparable to

Section 11.4 below .

11.1.3 If the cour t or a settlement enjoins the use of a P rocess by the Company , or if , in

Company A’s or the Company’s opinion , a Process is likely to become the subject of a claim of

infringement , then the Party providing the Process shall have the option to modify such Process so

that it becomes non - infringing , substitute a substantially equivalen t non - infringing Process , or

obtain the right to continue using such Process .If the curative actions described in the preceding

sentence cannot be accomplished within a reasonable period of time, the Company or Company A

shall have the right to decline to continue to manufacture or sell Proven Products or Risk Wafers

using such Process .

11.1.4 The foregoing states the entire and exclusive remedies of each Buyer for

infringement of a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights by the Proven Products , Test Wafers ,

Risk Wafers or the Processes used to manufacture any Products furnished hereunder .Company A

shall not be liable to any Buyer for any third - party Claim for the type of In tellectual Proper ty

Rights infringement described in Subsections 11.1.1 or 11.1.2 .


Each Buyer shall indemnify , defend, protect and hold Company A harmless against any and all

Claims arising out of injury or death of any of such Buyer’s personnel assigned to work at the

Foundry ,or while performing tasks at the Foundry pursuant hereto or any other agreement or

inst rument to which a Buyer and Company A are parties in connection herewith , notwithstanding

that such personnel are in Company A’s or the Company’s care, custody or control while at the

Foundry , provided that this indemnity shall not apply in any instance in which such Claims are

based upon the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Company A or its employees or agents .


11.3.1 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein :

(a ) Company A and the Company shall have no liability under this Agreement or otherwise

for any product liability Claim with respect to any of the Proven Products , Risk Wafers or Test

Wafers, whether such product liability Claim is based on alleged defects in the design ,

manufacture, or packaging of Proven Products, Risk Wafers or Test Wafers or on any other

adverse conditions .

(b) Buyers ( and each of them ) , on behalf of themselves and any of their Affiliates that

purchase or resell Proven Products , Risk Wafers or Test Wafers , hereby waive, release and

discharge Company A and the Company from and against any and all Claims arising from or

relating to product liability, including , without limitation , Claims based on alleged defects in the

design , manufacture or packing of Proven Products , Risk Wafers or Test Wafers or on any other

adverse conditions .The foregoing waiver , release and discharge is intended to extend to any and


all product liability Claims of any kind or character , whether fixed or contingent , known or

unknown .

11.3.2 Company A’s and the Company’s sole and exclusive liability and obligation with

respect to any defective Proven P roduct and any Test Wafers covered by a written product

warran ty shall be as set for th in Section 9.1 .Company A’s and the Company’s sole and exclusive

liability and obligation with respect to defective RWRQPs shall be as set forth in Section 5.16 .

11.3.3 Each Buyer shall indemnify , defend, protect and hold Company A and/ or the

Company, as the case may be, harmless against any and all product liability Claims brought by

third parties , including , without limitation , any of Buyer’s customers or any ultimate end users of

any product, system or subsystem into which a proven Product , Test Wafer or Risk Wafer(or any

par t thereof) has been incorporated .The foregoing shall not apply , however , to the exten t any such

Claims result from the negligence or willful misconduct of Company A and/ or the Company .


Each Party’s indemnification obligations hereunder shall be subject to the following


11.4.1 Indemnitor’s indemnification obligations also shall extend to any one or more of

indemnitee’s officers , directors , managers, shareholders , members , employees , and agents .

11.4.2 Each Party’s indemnification obligations hereunder shall survive the early

termination or expiration of the Term for the remainder of the statutory limitations period

governing actions on a written agreement .

11.4.3 Each Party’s obligation to indemnify any other Party hereunder shall be

conditioned upon:

(a ) Indemnitee’s giving indemnitor prompt notice in writing of any Claims giving rise to the

obligation to indemnify and of which indemnitee is aware ;

( b ) Indemnitee’s permitting indemnitor , through counsel of indemnitor’s choice and

reasonably acceptable to indemnitee, to defend against , contest or settle the same; and

( c ) Indemnitee’s reasonably cooperating with indemnitor and reasonably providing

indemnitor with information and assistance to enable indemnitor to defend , contest or settle same .

11.4.4 Unless expressly provided to the cont rary , the indemnification provisions herein

shall be in terpreted and construed as indemnifying indemnitee against indemnitee’s negligence,

whether active or passive .



Subject to the limitations set forth in Section 12.4 , should a Par ty be prevented from

performing its obligations hereunder due to a Force Majeure event , that Par ty shall not be liable to

the other Parties for any delay or failure of performance caused by such event; nor shall the Par ty

subject to such event be deemed to have committed an Event of Default hereunder .

Notwithstanding the foregoing , a Force Majeure event shall not excuse a Party’s obligation to pay


money .However , a monetary obligation shall be suspended until cessation of such Force Majeure

event if , and only if , the Force Majeure event actually and directly renders physically impossible a

Party’s payment of money due hereunder .


The Party prevented or delayed by an event of Force Majeure in the performance of any

obligation hereunder shall promptly notify the affected Par ty or Parties of the occurrence of any

Force Majeure event by cable, telex or telecopier .


Should the delay caused by a Force Majeure event continue for more than ninety ( 90) days ,

the Par ties shall settle the problem of further performance of this Agreement through good faith

negotiations as soon as possible with the objective of restructuring the relationship among them to

minimize the effects of such event .If the Par ties cannot agree on a mutually acceptable solu tion

within one hundred twenty( 120) days of a Par ty’s request for such negotiations , any Party that is

not subject to the Force Majeure event may terminate this Agreement by notice to the other

Parties .If the Party giving notice of termination is a Buyer , the termination shall be effective only

as to such Buyer , and this Agreement shall continue infull force and effect among Company A and

the non - terminating Buyers . Notwithstanding the foregoing , no Buyer shall be permitted to

terminate this Agreement due to the Buyer’s inability to pay for its Minimum Purchase Share or

to otherwise meet its financial obligations due to a continuing Force Majeure event .


This Article shall be void and inapplicable to any Par ty(a) if it fails to use reasonable diligence

to remedy any Force Majeure event that prevents or delays that Par ty’s performance hereunder by

continuously pursuing such actions as that Party reasonably can take under the circumstances; and

( b) in the event of a strike, lockout or other labor disruption , if the Party is found by the National

Labor Relations Board or other governmental agency having jurisdiction to have caused such

strike, lockout or labor disruption or if such Par ty refuses to enter into bargaining with respect to

such strike, lockout or labor disruption .



Should any government or agency thereof at any time during the Term hereof take any action

which is material and adverse to a Party or make recommendations to the Par ties or any of them

requiring directly or indirectly, formally or informally , alteration or modification of any term or

condition hereof , or of the performance of the Par ties hereunder , including refusal to grant any

necessary government approval , in a manner which is material and adverse to one Party , then , if

said one Party makes written request ( the“Requesting Par ty”) to the other Parties within six ty

( 60 ) days from said action or recommendation of the government or governmental agency , the

Parties shall enter into good faith negotiations with the objective of rest ructuring the relationship

among the Parties to minimize the adverse effect of said alteration or modification .If the Parties


cannot reach a reasonably acceptable modification hereto within six ( 6 ) months from the date of

dispatch of said writ ten request by the Requesting Party, or within such longer period of time as

mutually agreed upon , the Requesting Party shall have the righ t to terminate this Agreement

forthwith by giving notice to that effect to the other Par ties ; provided, however , that if the

Requesting Party giving notice of termination is a Buyer , the termination shall be effective only as

to such Buyer and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect among Company A and

the non - termination Buyers .It is expressly understood and agreed by the Parties that in the

event of termination under this Article, no Par ty shall incur any liability to the others for any

alleged default or breach in the performance hereof , arising from the exercise of the righ t herein

provided to terminate this Agreement .Termination under this Ar ticle 13 shall not be deemed to be

a termination for default .



The occurrence or happening , at any time and from time to time, of any one or more of the

following shall be a breach or default under this Agreement ( an“EVENT OF DEFAULT”) :

14.1.1 If any Party fails ( a ) to make any payment required to be made pursuant to this

Agreement when due, and such Party does not cure such failure following thirty( 30 ) days written

notice thereof, or( b) to perform any material obligation under this Agreement , and such Party does

not cure such failure following sixty (60) days written notice thereof .

14.1.2 If any Party breaches its obligations of non - disclosure and confidentiality set forth

in Subsection 15 .1 .1 .

14.1.3 If any representation , warranty or statement made by any Party under or pursuant

to this Agreement , or under any affidavit , cer tificate or other instrument executed in connection

with this Agreement , shall be false or misleading in any material respect as of the Effective Date or

shall become so at any time prior to the expiration of the Term , and such Party does not cure( to

the exten t cure is possible) the same following thirty( 30 ) days written notice thereof .

14.1.4 If any Party files a cer tificate of dissolution or otherwise dissolves, terminates or

liquidates, or is merged with or is consolidated into any other corporation , limited liability

company, par tnership , or other en tity other than an Affiliate of such Party , without the other

Parties’written consent ( which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld ) ; provided that the

following shall not be an Event of Default : (a )any dissolution , liquidation , merger or consolidation

that is permitted in accordance with Section 18 .14; and ( b ) any merger or consolidation not

entered in to for the purpose of and not having the effect of changing or influencing the cont rol of

the Party .

14.1.5 If any Party shall (a ) be adjudicated as bankrupt or insolvent; ( b ) make a general

assignment for the benefit of its creditors; ( c ) file a petition , answer or consent seeking , or have

entered against it (or fail reasonably to contest the material allegations of any petition for)an order

for relief( or any similar remedy) under any provision of or any other federal or state law


relating to insolvency , bankruptcy , rehabilitation , liquidation or reorganization , or consent to the

institution of any proceedings thereunder ; ( d ) convene a general meeting of its creditors , or any

class thereof , for the purpose of effecting a general moratorium upon or general extension or

composition of its debts; ( e ) fail to pay its debts as they mature; ( f) admit in writing that it is

generally not able to pay its debts as they mature; or( g)apply for or consent to the appointment of

a receiver , trustee, custodian , liquidator or other similar official of all or a substan tial por tion of its

assets .

14.1.6 If(a )a petition is filed or any case or proceeding described in Section 14.1.5 above

is commenced against any Par ty ,or against the assets thereof, unless such petition and the case or

proceeding initiated thereby is dismissed within six ty (60 ) days from the date of the filing ; ( b ) an

answer is filed by any Par ty admitting the allegations of any such petition ; (c) a court of competent

jurisdiction enters an order, judgment or decree appoin ting , without the consent of any Party, a

custodian , t rustee, agent or receiver of it , or for all or a substantial part of its proper ty , or

authorizing the taking possession by a custodian , trustee, agent or receiver of it , or of all or a

substan tial part of its property unless such appointment is vacated or dismissed or such possession

is terminated within six ty( 60 ) days from the date of such appointment or commencement of such

possession , but not later than five ( 5) days before the proposed sale of any assets of such Party by

such custodian, t rustee, agent or receiver .

14.1.7 If a Buyer is terminated as a member of the Company pursuant to Section 3.3.1 , , or 10.2 of the LLC Agreement .


14.2.1 If the Par ty committing an Event of Default under either Subsection 14.1.1 ,

14.1.3 or 14.1.4 above does not cure such Event of Default within the applicable cure periods ,

then any non - breaching Par ty may , subject to the procedures set forth in Ar ticle 17 , seek:

(a ) specific performance of the breaching Party’s obligations under this Agreement ;

( b ) damages suffered by said non - breaching Party as a result of such Event of Default ,

limited , however , by the provisions of Article 10 .

Except as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary herein , the non - breaching Party shall

not have a right to terminate the Agreement .If Company A is the non - breaching Party and the

Event of Default involves the non - payment of money due to Company A from a Buyer , then

Company A shall be entitled( in addition to any other rights and remedies it may have hereunder ,

at law or in equity) to suspend performance of all sales and services to that Buyer hereunder until

all delinquent amounts are paid in full .If the Event of Default is a breach by Company A of its

delivery obligations under Section 7.1 , as qualified by Section 7.5 , for any reason other than the

Company’s inability or failure to deliver Calculated Installed Capacity to Company A or Force

Majeure, then the affected Buyer may, in lieu of the remedies of specific performance , elect to

cancel the Purchase Order to the extent of any undelivered Proven Products , Test Wafers or Risk

Wafers; provided , however , that such Buyer shall remain obligated to pay for any partial deliveries

under such Purchase Order .

14.2.2 Each of the Par ties acknowledges that a breach or default by it of its covenants


regarding non - disclosure and confidentiality contained in Subsection 15.1.1 will result in

irreparable injury to the Party making disclosure of its Proprietary Information , and consequently

the disclosing Par ty shall be entitled to temporary , preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, or

to a protective order for any threatened or actual violation of the provisions of Subsection 15.1.1 .

Each Party agrees and consents to the entry of an injunction or protective order by any cour t of

competen t jurisdiction upon a showing by the disclosing Party of a reasonable belief that its

Proprietary Information is being used or disclosed cont rary to the terms of Subsection 15.1.1 .

The foregoing provisions are in addition to , and not in limitation of, the remedies of specific

performance, damages , and any other remedies at law , in equity or otherwise, that the Parties may

have upon breach of Subsection 14.1.2; provided , however , that the non - breaching Party shall

not have the righ t to terminate this Agreement .The Parties stipulate that the provisions of Article

17 shall not apply to any temporary restraining order , injunctive relief , protective order or other

provisional remedy sought to prohibit a breach or threatened breach of the provisions of Subsection

15.1.1 .

14.2.3 In the event of an Event of Default under Subsection 14.1.5 or 14.1.6 , the non -

breaching Party or Parties shall have the right , atits( their) option , to terminate this Agreement by

giving ten( 10 ) days prior written notice of termination .If Company A and one or more of the

Buyers are non - breaching Parties, they , or any one or more of them may terminate this

Agreement by giving such written notice to the breaching Buyer or Buyers , in which event this

Agreement shall continue in full force and effect between Company A and each of the non -

breaching Buyers .

14.2.4 If a Buyer’s Percentage In terest is reduced to zero in accordance with the LLC

Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate with respect to the Buyer , subject to Section 5.12

( including the effective date provided therein for the corresponding reduction in the Buyer’s Basic

Purchase Share and the effect , if any, on Purchase Orders prior to the adjustment date ) .So long as

any Buyer has a positive Percentage In terest , this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect

between Company A and any such Buyer .


Termination of this Agreement pursuant to any notice of termination given under any

provision of this Agreement shall be effective ten ( 10 ) days following the date such termination

notice is deemed to be given pursuant to Section 18.3 below .


The termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to ( a) the right of Company A

to receive upon its request all payments accrued and unpaid hereunder ; ( b) the righ ts and remedies

of any Party with respect to any previous breach of any other represen tations , warran ties ,

covenants, terms , conditions or provisions of this Agreement ( provided that the limitation on

liability set for th in Ar ticle 10 shall apply to such righ ts and remedies ) ; ( c ) any rights to

indemnification set forth herein ; and( d)any other provisions hereof which expressly or necessarily

call for performance after the termination of this Agreement .



The Parties shall have all rights, remedies and recourse gran ted in this Agreement , in any

other agreements entered into between the Parties , and available at law or inequity , and except as

otherwise provided in this Agreement the same( a) shall be cumulative and concurren t; ( b ) may be

pursued separately , successively or concurren tly ; ( c) may be exercised as often as occasions therefor

shall arise, it being agreed that the exercise or failure to exercise any righ t , remedy or recourse

shall in no event be construed as a waiver or release thereof ; and ( d ) are intended to be , and shall

be, non - exclusive .



15.1.1 Each Party agrees to maintain the other Parties’Proprietary Information in st rict

confidence, not to make use thereof other than for the performance of this Agreement, to release it

only to employees who have reasonable need to know the same , and except as required by law , not

to release or disclose it to any third parties , without the prior written consent of the disclosing

Party .The obligations set for th in this Subsection shall not apply to any information that: ( a ) is

now or hereafter in the public domain or otherwise becomes available to the public other than by

breach of this Agreement by the receiving Par ty , ( b) has been righ tfully in the receiving Par ty’s

possession prior to receip t from the disclosing Party , ( c ) is rightfully received by the receiving

Party from a third party without restriction on disclosure, ( d ) is independently developed by the

receiving Party , (e ) is au thorized in writing by the disclosing Par ty to be released or disclosed , or

( f) subject to the receiving Party’s compliance with Section 15.4 below, is required to be disclosed

by the receiving Party pursuant to law , governmental regulation or judicial order .

15.1.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection 15.1.1 , Company A shall be entitled

to t ransmit or disclose a Buyer’s P roprietary Information to the Company if Company A

determines , in the exercise of its reasonable good faith judgment , that the Company requires access

to or disclosure of the Buyer’s Proprietary Information in order to enable Company A to comply

with its obligations to such Buyer under this Purchase Agreement .In effecting such transmission

or disclosure to the Company , Company A shall identify Buyer’s information as“Proprietary”and

“Confidential”so that it will be protected under the proprietary information provisions of the

Manufacturing Agreement .

15.1.3 All P roprietary Information and any copies thereof shall remain the property of the

disclosing Party, and no license or other rights therein is granted or implied hereby .The receiving

Party shall , upon the disclosing Party’s request , return the original and all copies of tangible

Proprietary Information . Notwithstanding the foregoing, any of the Buyers ’Proprietary

Information that is t ransmit ted or disclosed to the Company by Company A in accordance with the

provisions of Subsection 15.1.2 and is thereafter incorporated into a Process or manufacturing

method used in the Foundry, may be retained by the Company in the form so incorporated or

used , and the Company shall have the nonexclusive righ t to use such Proprietary Information as so

incorporated or used , and as such incorporation or use may be modified or improved .



This Article is supplemental to and not in limitation of any confidentiality agreements to

which the Parties are signatories .


Any of Buyers’officers , directors , employees , agents , representatives or contractors who are

assigned to or visit the Foundry pursuant to Section 5.9 shall execute and deliver a confidentiality

agreement in form of Exhibit“J”attached hereto .


Except as otherwise provided herein , each Party shall immediately notify the other of any

private or governmental request for Proprietary Information or documents relating to the Proven

Products, Risk Wafers , Test Wafers or this Agreement; provided , however , that ( a ) a request for

documents relating to P roven Products, Risk Wafers , or Test Wafers received by any Buyer from

its customers or prospective customers in the ordinary course of business where disclosure of such

information would not contain Proprietary Information of Company A , the Company , or any other

Buyer shall be excluded from the provisions of this Section 15.4 and( b) a Buyer may disclose to its

customer , upon the customer’s request in the ordinary course of business, Design Rules or

reliability data relating to P roven Products , Risk Wafers , or Test Wafers , if ( i ) the Buyer and its

customer enter into a confidentiality agreement substan tially in the form of Exhibit“L”and( ii) the

Buyer notifies Company A of the disclosure before or promptly after it .Each Par ty shall have the

righ t to participate in the other Party’s response to any such request .In the event that a Par ty

receives any subpoena or other legal process requiring the production of information , documents ,

data, work papers , repor ts , or other materials relating to Proprietary Information , Proven

Products , Risk Wafers , Test Wafers or this Agreement, that Party shall :

15.4.1 Give the affected Par ty , if possible, the oppor tunity to participate in quashing ,

modifying or otherwise responding to any compulsory process in an appropriate and timely

manner ; and

15.4.2 Cooperate fully with the affected Party’s efforts to narrow the scope of any such

compulsory process, to obtain a protective order limiting the use or disclosure of the information

sought , or in any other lawful way to obtain continued protection of such information .


If any Party becomes aware of the loss , theft or misappropriation of P roprietary Information

which is in that Par ty’s possession or cont rol , that Party shall notify the other Party whose

Proprietary Information has been lost , stolen or misappropriated within five ( 5 ) days after the

discovery of such loss, theft or misappropriation .



Each Party agrees that , unless prior authorization is obtained from Government , it

shall not knowingly :


(a ) Re - export , directly or indirectly , any technical data ( as defined in of

) received from the other Buyers , Company A or the Company, their Affiliates, or their

respective customers to; or

( b)Disclose such technical data for use in ;or

(c ) Export , directly or indirectly , any Proven P roduct , Risk Wafer , Test Wafers, product

containing a Proven Product , Risk Wafer , Test Wafers or such technical data to any destination or

count ry to which the re - export or release of technical data or export of Proven Products , Risk

Wafers, Test Wafers or products containing Proven Products , Risk Wafers , Test Wafers or

technical data is prohibited by laws and regulations .These assurances are furnished by

each Party in compliance with Technical Data of the Export Administ ration Regulations

of the Department of Commerce of the Government of .


Each Par ty further agrees to obtain any necessary export license or other documentation prior

to expor tation of any Proven Product , Test Wafer or Risk Wafer, product containing a Proven

product , Test Wafer or Risk Wafer , or technical data acquired from any other party , its Affiliates ,

or their respective customers hereunder .Accordingly , each Party shall not sell , export , re - expor t ,

t ransfer , divert or otherwise dispose of any Proven Product , Test Wafer or Risk Wafer or a product

containing a P roven Product , Test Wafer or Risk Wafer, directly or indirectly , to any person ,

entity or country to which such disposal is prohibited by the laws or regulations of .

Further , each Par ty shall notify any person or entity obtaining any such Proven Product , Test

Wafer or Risk Wafer or a product containing a P roven Product , Test Wafer or Risk Wafer from

such Party of the need to comply with such laws or regulations .Each Par ty shall secure at its sole

expense such licenses and export and import documents as are necessary for the Party to fulfill its

obligations hereunder .


If Company A or Buyers are subject to the national expor t control regulations of ,

each Par ty shall take all appropriate measures to comply with such applicable regulations .




The Parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve any dispute, controversy or claim

(“Dispute”) arising out of or relating to this Agreement promptly by negotiations between

executives who have authority to set tle the Dispute .Any Party may give the other Parties written

notice of any Dispute not resolved in the normal course of business .Within twenty( 20 ) days after

delivery of such a notice, executives of the Parties who have authority to settle the dispute shall

meet at a mutually acceptable time and place, and thereafter as often as they reasonably deem

necessary , to attempt to resolve the Dispute .If the matter has not been resolved within thir ty(30)

days after such notice, unless ex tended by the agreement of the Parties in writing( the“Negotiation


Period”) , the matter shall be subject to mediation as provided in Section 17.2 .If a Party intends

to be accompanied at a meeting by an attorney, the other Parties shall be given at least three( 3)

Business Days’notice of such in tention and may also be accompanied by an attorney . All

negotiations pursuant to this provision are confidential and shall be t reated as compromise and

settlement negotiations for purpose of rules of evidence .


Any Dispute not settled pursuant to Section 17.1 shall be submitted to mediation

administered by the American Arbit ration Association under its Commercial Mediation Rules( such

mediation ,“Mediation”) , before resorting to arbitration as hereinafter provided .The Mediation

shall be completed within forty - five ( 45 ) days of its initiation pursuant to the Commercial

Mediation rules , unless the Parties otherwise agree .Executives of the Par ties with authority to

resolve the Dispute shall par ticipate in the Mediation .The Mediation shall take place in .

The Parties shall attempt in good faith to reach agreement on the appointment of a mediator .If

they cannot so agree, the mediator shall be appointed pursuant to the Commercial Mediation

Rules; provided , however , that the mediator appointed shall have a background in the

semiconductor indust ry .The Par ties shall each pay their own expenses of Mediation , including

attorney’s fees , and shall share equally the mediator’s fees and expenses .

17.3 ⋯

17.4 ⋯



17.5.1 Any Dispute subject to arbitration shall be submitted to a single neutral arbitrator ,

who, unless otherwise agreed by the Par ties , shall be a retired judge or other lawyer who is a

member of the arbitration panel of the Judicial Arbit ration and Mediation Service(“ JAMS”) or the

national panel of arbitrators of the AAA, and who has substan tial experience in the area of the

Dispute .The Par ties shall confer concerning the selection of AAA or JAMS with the objective of

selecting one or the other within thirty ( 30 ) days of the conclusion of the Mediation ; provided ,

however , that , if all Par ties to the Dispute do not agree on one or the other within such thir ty(30)

days period , the Dispute initially will be submitted simultaneously to both AAA and JAMS for the

sole purpose of picking the arbit rator .If the Parties select JAMS, then the term“Rules”as used

herein shall mean the then - prevailing JAMS rules .The AAA ( or JAMS, as the case may be)

simultaneously shall submit to each Party an identical lis t of five proposed qualified arbitrators

drawn from the applicable panel of commercial arbitrators .If the Parties are unable to agree upon

an arbitrator within thirty ( 30 ) days from the date that AAA ( or JAMS, as the case may be)

submits such list to each Party , then AAA ( or JAMS, as the case may be) shall simultaneously

submit to each Party a second list of five additional proposed qualified arbitrators drawn from the

applicable panel of commercial arbit rators . If for any reason , the appointment of an arbitrator

cannot be made from either lis t , AAA( or JAMS, as the case may be) may make the appointment

from among other qualified members of the panel without the submission of additional lis ts to the

Parties .If the Dispute is initially submitted to both AAA and JAMS for the purpose of picking the


arbit rator, then both AAA and JAMS simultaneously shall submit to each Par ty lists of five

proposed qualified arbitrators drawn from the applicable panel ( with each Party receiving the

identical list from AAA and the identical list from JAMS) , and if the Parties are unable to agree

upon an arbit rator within thir ty( 30 )days from the date that both AAA and JAMS submit the first

such lists to each Party , then AAA and JAMS simultaneously shall submit to each Par ty second

lists of five additional proposed qualified arbit rators( wtih each Party receiving an identical second

list from AAA and an identical second list from JAMS) .If the Parties for any reason are unable to

select an arbitrator from the first and second lists submitted by AAA and by JAMS, then a

majority of the Par ties shall select to arbit rate with either AAA or with JAMS, and the arbit ration

organization so selected shall make the appointment from among other qualified members of the

arbit ration panel of that organization without the submission of additional lists to the Parties .

Where the Par ties have initially submitted the Dispute to both JAMS and AAA , then once an

arbit rator has been appointed , the arbit ration proceeding will be terminated with the arbit ration

organization that has not been selected and the Parties shall equally share the costs and fees of the

arbit ration organization so terminated . If for any reason the Parties to the Dispute have not

selected an arbit rator within ninety ( 90 ) days of theconclusion of the Mediation , then the

arbit ration shall be conducted with the AAA .No matter how selected , the arbitrator shall have no

prior or existing affiliation or relationship with any Par ty or its counsel and shall sign an cath of

impartiality upon appointment .

17.5.2 The Parties shall be entitled to obtain pre - hearing discovery through depositions

and requests for the inspection and copying of documents and other items upon reasonable notice

and to obtain the issuance of asubpoena duces tecum therefor in accordance with applicable law,

including without limitation , 9 U.S.C.Section 7 and ( notwithstanding Section 1297.17 of the

Code of Civil Procedure) Section 1283.05 of the Code of Civil Procedure;

provided that depositions shall not be taken unless leave to do so is first granted by the arbitrator .

As between the Parties , the arbit rator shall have the power to enforce the righ ts , remedies ,

procedures , duties , liabilities and obligations of discovery by the imposition of the same terms,

conditions , consequences , sanctions and penalties as may be imposed in like circumstances in a civil

action by a Federal cour t .


The arbitrator , in deciding any Dispute, shall base his decision on the record and in accordance

with this Agreement and applicable law .In no event shall the arbitrator make any ruling , finding

or award that does not conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement , is not supported by

the weight of the evidence, or is contrary to statute, administ rative regulations or established

judicial precedents .The arbitration award shall be a factually detailed , reasoned opinion stating the

arbit rator’s findings of fact and conclusions of law .Unless the arbitrator for good cause determines

otherwise, the final award shall include attorneys’fees , costs and expenses of the prevailing Party ,

including exper t and nonexpert witness fees and the prevailing Par ty’s share of the administrative

fee and the arbitrator’s fees and expenses, if any .Notwithstanding any other provisions hereof , the

arbit rator shall have no jurisdiction to award damages in contravention of Article 10 hereof .The


arbit ration award shall be subject to judicial review in accordance with 9 U.S.C.Sections 10 - 12;

provided , however , that the arbitration award shall also be vacated to the extent that the arbitrator

exceeds his or her authority as set for th in this Section 17.6 , and , on balance, the Party seeking

vacation of the award has been materially and adversely affected thereby .Judgment may be

entered on the award by a States Dist rict Court in accordance with 9 U.S.C. Section

9 .


It is the Par ties’intent to avoid , to the maximum extent possible, having to arbit rate claims

arising out of this Agreement in more than one proceeding . Accordingly , the Parties hereby

consent to the joinder of the Company and any other person or entity sought to be joined where

the Company or other person or entity is substantially involved in a common question of fact or

law and its or his presence is required for complete relief to be accorded in an arbit ration

proceeding under this Article 17 . Should the Company arbitrate a claim or dispute by or against

Company A under the Manufacturing Agreement involving similar issues of law or fact arising out

of this Agreement , each of the Buyers hereby consents to consolidation of such arbitration with any

arbit ration brought under this Ar ticle 17 .Thus , by way of illustration but without limitation , the

Parties consent to the foregoing joinder and consolidation in respect to Disputes arising out of or

relating to P roduction Qualification under Section 4.2 , production and supply issues under Article

5 , purchase orders and pricing issues under Ar ticle 6 , delivery issues under Article 7 , production

warran ty issues under Article 9 , and indemnity issues under Article 11 .



If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes or is deemed invalid , illegal or unenforceable

in any jurisdiction , such provision shall be deemed amended to conform to applicable laws so as to

be valid and enforceable or , if it cannot be so amended without materially altering the intention of

the Parties , it shall be st ricken and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and

effect .


Each Party has received independent legal advice from its attorneys with respect to the

advisability of executing this Agreement and the meaning of the provisions hereof .Each Par ty

waives any real , apparent , possible or inchoate conflict in connection with , arising out of or

resulting from the representation of Company A and its Affiliates by the same law firm relative to

the negotiation and execution of this Agreement , the LLC Agreement , the Manufacturing

Agreement, the Advanced Process License Agreement , the Technology License and Assistance

Agreement, the Side Let ter ( as defined below ) , and any confidentiality agreement provided for

herein .The provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as to their fair meaning , and not for or

against any Par ty based upon any att ribution to such Par ty as the source of the language in

question .


18.3 NOTICES .

Any notices , demands , requests , waivers , or other communications required or permitted to be

given to a Party hereunder shall be in writing in the English language and shall be delivered or

sen t to such Party at its address set forth on Exhibit“ I”hereto, or such other address as such Par ty

may hereafter specify , and shall be deemed given (a) when personally delivered to such Par ty , ( b)

when transmit ted by facsimile and receipt of such transmission is confirmed by facsimile, ( c ) 24

hours after dispatch via an established overnight courier service, or ( d) three( 3 ) days after mailing

by prepaid first class , cer tified mail with return receipt requested .


Time is of the essence with respect to each provision of this Agreement in which time is a

factor .


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State

of , , without regard to conflicts of laws principles .The Par ties expressly reject

any application of the United Nations Convention on Cont racts for the International Sale of

Goods .


This Agreement , the LLC Agreement and a letter agreement dated as of the date hereof

between the Parties( the“Side Letter”) constitute and contain the entire agreement of the Parties ,

and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous negotiations , correspondence, understandings

and agreements among the Parties , written or oral , respecting the subject matter hereof .In case of

any conflict between the LLC Agreement and this Agreement , the LLC Agreement shall govern .


No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until made in

writing and signed by the Party to be charged .No waiver , forbearance of failure by any Par ty

hereto of its right to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall constitu te a waiver or estoppel

of such Par ty’s righ t to enforce any other provision of this Agreement or a continuing waiver by

such Party of compliance with any provision .Any amendment or modification of this Agreement

shall be by unanimous written consent of the Parties .


Each Party shall cooperate with the other Par ties hereto and shall take such further action

and shall execute and deliver such further documents as may be reasonably necessary or desirable

in order to carryout the provisions and purposes of this Agreement .


This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts , each of which shall be deemed

to be an original , but all of which together shall constitute one and the same inst rument .


All exhibits and schedules to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed to be

incorporated by reference in to this Agreement , whether or not actually attached hereto .



In the event of any litigation , arbitration , judicial reference or other proceeding involving the

Parties to this Agreement to enforce any provision of this Agreement , to enforce any remedy

available upon default under this Agreement , or seeking a declaration of the righ ts of a Party under

this Agreement , the prevailing Par ty ( ies ) shall be entitled to recover from the other ( s ) such

attorneys’fees and costs as may be reasonably incurred , including the cost of reasonable

investigation, preparation and professional or expert consultation incurred by reason of such

litigation , arbit ration , judicial reference or other proceeding .Not withstanding the foregoing , (a ) in

an arbitration proceeding the award of attorneys’ fees shall be governed by the provisions of

Section 17.6 ; and( b ) in a Mediation under Section 17.2 each Party shall pay its own attorneys’

fees and expenses in accordance with Section 17.2 .


If the date on which any performance required hereunder is other than a Business Day , then

such performance shall be required as of the next following Business Day .

18.13 SURVIVAL .

Following early termination or the expiration of this Agreement , the provisions of Article I

(Definitions and Rules of Construction ) , Article 9 ( Product Warran ty) , Article 10 ( Limitation on

Damages; Contractual Limitations Period ) , Article 11 ( Indemnities ) , Article 15 ( Proprietary

Information) , Article 16 ( Export Compliance ) , Article 17 ( Arbitration ) , Article 18 ( General

Provisions) , Section 14.4 ( Rights and Remedies Following Termination) , Section 14.5 ( Remedies

Cumulative, Concurrent and Non - Exclusive ) , and the Buyers’payment obligations under

Subsection 3.5.2 and Section 5.3 , 5.4 , 5.11 , and 6.4 shall survive and remain in full force and

effect in accordance with their terms .


Except as expressly permitted in this Section 18.14 , or as otherwise permitted elsewhere in

this Agreement, neither this Agreement nor any rights or obligations arising hereunder may be

assigned or transferred ( by operation of law or otherwise) by any Party , in whole or in par t ,

without the prior written consent of the other Parties . Not withstanding the foregoing , ( a )

Company A may assign or transfer( by operation of law or otherwise) this Agreement without the

Buyers’consent ( i ) to any corporation or limited liability company resulting from the merger ,

consolidation, reincorporation or reorganization of Company A ( excluding , however , a

reorganization in bankruptcy ) ; or ( ii ) to an Affiliate of Company A ; provided , however , that

Company A shall remain personally and primarily liable for all the rights and obligations under this

Agreement following any such assignment or transfer ( unless Company A is merged or consolidated

with an Affiliate contemporaneously withor subsequent to such assignment or transfer) ; and ( b)

each Buyer may assign or transfer this Agreement to any Affiliate of a Buyer; provided , however,

that such Buyer shall remain personally and primarily liable for all rights and obligations under this

Agreement following any such assignment or transfer( unless Buyer is merged or consolidated with

an Affiliate contem poraneously with or subsequent to such assignment or transfer ) . This

Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective

successors , permitted t ransferees , and permitted assigns .



There are no third - par ty beneficiaries of this Agreement , except as expressly provided with

respect to indemnitees under Section 11.4.1 .


This Agreement is in the English language only , which language shall be cont rolling in all

respects , and all other versions thereof in any other language shall be for accommodation only and

shall not be binding upon the Parties .All communications to be made or given pursuant to this

Agreement shall be in the English language .


Each Par ty irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of the state and Federal cour ts located in

a, agrees , subject to the provisions of Article 17 and Article 10 , that any action , suit or

proceeding by or among the Par ties( or any of them) may be brought in any such court sitting in

, and waives any objection which the Par ty may now or hereafter have concerning

jurisdiction and venue , whether based on considerations of personal jurisdiction , forum non

conveniens or on any other ground . Each Party hereby irrevocably designates , appoints and

empowers the Secretary of State of California to receive for and on behalf of such Party service of

process in the State of California and fur ther irrevocably consents to the service of process outside

of the territorial jurisdiction of said courts by mailing copies thereof by registered or cer tified

mail , postage prepaid , to such Party’s last known address as established in accordance

with Section 18.3 with the same effect as if the Par ty were a resident of the State of

and had been lawfully served in such state .Any process served on in accordance with the

preceding sentence shall also be noticed to the Party’s last known address established in

accordance with Section 18.3 in a manner permitted by said Section 18.3 . Nothing in this

Agreement shall affect the right to service of process in any other manner permitted by law .Each

Party further agrees that final judgment against it in any such action or proceeding shall be

conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction within or outside the State of

by suit on the judgment , a certified or exemplified copy of which shall be conclusive evidence of

the fact and the amount of such judgment .


Each Party shall designate an individual to act on behalf of the Par ty so designating him as its

authorized representative with full power and authority to speak for and bind such Party in

connection with all matters arising under this Agreement .Such designation shall be by written

notice delivered in accordance with Section 18.3 .Each Party may from time to time change its

authorized representative hereunder by giving written notice of such change to the other Party at

least seven( 7) Business Days prior to the effective date of such change .


The Parties intend that the relationship between them hereunder shall be solely that of buyer

and seller .Nothing herein shall be construed ( a ) to create a partnership or joint venture, ( b ) to

constitute either Party an agent or legal represen tative of the other Party ; or ( c ) to create any

fiduciary relationship between the Parties .This Agreement does not grant any Party any right or


authority to assume or create any obligation or responsibility on behalf of any other Party , and no

Parties shall be in any way responsible for the debts of any other Party incurred under or pursuant

to the terms of this Agreement .


Company A agrees to exercise its righ ts under the Manufacturing Agreement so as to comply

with its obligations to Buyers under this Purchase Agreement .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the Parties have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth

below their respective names , effective as of the Effective Date .

Company A:

Company B:

Company C:

Company D:


Pricing Schedule

( To be determined subsequent to the date of this Agreement )


Product Qualification Plan

( To be determined subsequent to the date of this Agreement )


Quality and Reliability Specifications

( To be determined subsequent to the date of this Agreement )


Wafer Equivalen ts



Production Ramp - Up Plan



Unit: 8 : Kpcs



Buyers’Purchase Forecasts

( To be determined subsequent to the date of this Agreement )


Design Rule and Parametric Information

( To be determined subsequent to the date of this Agreement )


Inspection and Testing Methods

( To be determined subsequent to the date of this Agreement )


Addresses for Notices

Company A:

Company B:

Company C:

Company D:




This Confidentiality Agreement ( the“Agreement”) is made and entered in to as of ,

by and between WaferTech , L.L.C. , a (“ Disclosing Party”) , and , ( a

corporation or other en tity) (a natural person ) ( the“Receiving Party”) .

WHEREAS, the Disclosing Party has agreed to give the Receiving Party access to the

Disclosing Party’s semiconductor wafer - fabrication plant located in ( the“Foundry”) ,

and as a result of granting such access the Disclosing Party has disclosed or will disclose to the

Receiving Par ty certain Confidential Information ( as defined below ) regarding the Disclosing

Party’s business operations and products( the“Business”) ; and WHEREAS, the Disclosing Par ty’s

grant of access to the Foundry and its disclosure of certain Confidential Information regarding the

Disclosing Party’s Business is for the following purpose: ( the“Purpose”) ; and

WHEREAS, the Disclosing Par ty desires to main tain the secrecy of its Confidential

Information and accordingly has requested that the Receiving Party execute this Agreement as a

condition precedent to the gran ting of access to the Foundry and the disclosure of such information

to the Receiving Party ; and

WHEREAS, this Agreement is made and entered into pursuant to that certain Purchase

Agreement by and between , incorporated in and the Buyers named as parties

therein , dated as of , ( the“Purchase Agreement”) , reference to which Purchase

Agreement is here made for all purposes , whereby each par ty agrees to grant access to facilities and

information to the other party’s engineers , technicians and personnel so long as they execute and

deliver a copy of this Agreement .

NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the above premises , and for other good and valuable

consideration , the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged , the par ties hereto

agree as follows:


As used herein ,“Confidential Information”shall mean all data , concepts , ideas , methods ,

processes, techniques, formulae, know - how , mask - works , trade and indust rial secrets and

improvements relating to research , development or manufacturing activities of the Disclosing Par ty

and other confidential and proprietary information concerning the Disclosing Party’s existing or

proposed business and marketing plans , operations , customers , and contact lists , marketing

expertise and strategies , the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement , business

development proposals and other information compiled and developed by the Disclosing Party for

use in semiconductor - wafer fabrication operations .Confidential Information shall include not only

written information , but also ( a ) information t ransferred orally , visually , electronically or by any

other means , provided that the Disclosing Party expressly indicates to the Receiving

Party that such disclosures constitute“Confidential Information”for purposes of this Agreement,

and ( b ) all notes , analyses , compilations, presen tations orother documents ( including materials


prepared by the Receiving Par ty ) , which contain or otherwise reflect such information .

Confidential Information shall include, if applicable, any confidential or proprietary information of

any subsidiary or other affiliate of the Disclosing Par ty .


The term“Confidential Information”does not include information which(a) becomes generally

available to the public other than as the result of a disclosure by the Receiving Par ty ; ( b ) was

available to the Receiving Party on a nonconfidential basis ( including , but not limited to

information developed by that par ty or, if applicable, its employer ) prior to its disclosure to the

Receiving Par ty by the Disclosing Party and/ or its officers, directors , employees , representatives or

agents; (c )becomes available to the Receiving Par ty on a nonconfidential basis from a source other

than the Disclosing Par ty or its officers , directors , employees , represen tatives or agents provided

that such source is not bound by a confidentiality agreement with the Disclosing Par ty or is not

otherwise prohibited from transmitting the information to the Receiving Party by a contractual ,

legal or fiduciary obligation ; or ( d ) is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to

law , governmental regulation or judicial order , provided that written notice is given to the

Disclosing Party prior to the required disclosure .


The Receiving Party shall use the Confidential Information solely forthe Purpose and for no

other purpose .In no event shall a Receiving Party use Confidential Information in the Receiving

Party’s own business( or , if applicable, in the business of its employer ) , or in the business of any

other en tity , or in any other manner whatsoever except as may be expressly permitted in this

Agreement or in the Purchase Agreement .The Disclosing Party shall have the righ t to review all

documents prepared by the Receiving Party relating to Confidential Information prior to any

dissemination of such communication to third parties . T he Receiving Party shall delete any

information from the documents that the Disclosing Party requires to be deleted .


Without the prior consent of the Disclosing Party , the Receiving Party shall not disclose to

any person(a) the fact that the Confidential Information has been made available to the Receiving

Party or that the Receiving Party has inspected any portion of the Confidential Information , or( b)

any of the terms, conditions or other facts with respect to the Business or the Disclosing Party ,

except to the extent the foregoing is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Par ty pursuant to

law , governmental regulation or judicial order , provided that written notice is given to the

Disclosing Party prior to the required disclosure .The fact that such information has been delivered

to the Receiving Party and any discussions regarding the Business or the Disclosing Party , are

deemed Confidential Information for the purposes of this Agreement, except to the extent the

foregoing is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to law , governmental

regulation or judicial order, provided that writ ten notice is given to the Disclosing Par ty prior to

the required disclosure .


Upon request from the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party ( a) the Receiving Party shall


either destroy or return to the Disclosing Party all Confidential Information which is in tangible

form, including any copies of which the Receiving Party may have made, dest roy all abstracts ,

summaries thereof or references thereto in the documents of the Receiving Party , and certify to

Disclosing Party that this has been done , and ( b ) the Receiving Party shall not use any of the

Confidential Information with respect to, or in furtherance of , any of its businesses ( or , if

applicable, the business of its employer ) or in the business of anyone else, whether or not in

competition with the Disclosing Party , or for any other purpose whatsoever .


The Receiving Party hereby agrees to indemnify , defend and hold harmless the Disclosing

Party from any damages , loss , cost or liability ( including legal fees and costs of enforcing this

indemnity) arising out of or resulting from any unauthorized use or disclosure by the Receiving

Party of the Confidential Information .


Receiving Par ty acknowledges that money damages would be both incalculable and an

insufficien t remedy for any breach of this Agreement by a Receiving Party , and that such breach

would cause Disclosing Party irreparable harm . In addition to all other remedies available to

Disclosing Party at law , in equity or under this Agreement , the Disclosing Party will be entitled to

specific performance and injunctive or other equitable relief as a remedy forany such breach , and

the breaching party agrees to waive any requirement of receiving or posting of any bond in

connection with such remedy . Each party agrees and consents to the ent ry of a preliminary

injunction or protective order by any cour t of competent jurisdiction upon a showing by the

Disclosing Party that its Confidential Information is being used or disclosed contrary to the

provisions of this Agreement .The arbitration provisions of Sections 17.3 through 17.1 of the

Purchase Agreement shall not apply to any temporary restraining order , preliminary injunctive

relief, protective order or other provisional remedy sought to prohibit a breach or threatened

breach of the provisions of this Agreement .


This Agreement does no imply any license to the Receiving Party ( or , if applicable, its

employer ) of Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information or any of its patents , copyrigh ts ,

t rademarks, mask - work rights or applications therefor .All proprietary righ ts , including but not

limited to patent rights and t rade and industrial secrets , in and to the Confidential Information

shall remain the Disclosing Party’s property .



If the Receiving Par ty is a corporation , limited liability company , or other business

organization , it agrees ( a ) that it shall hold all Confidential Information it receives from the

Disclosing Par ty in st rict confidence and with the same degree of care that Receiving Party gives

to Receiving Par ty’s own proprietary and confidential information , but not less than a reasonable

degree of care, and shall not disclose such Confidential Information to others , except as may be

required by law ; ( b) Receiving Party’s covenants and agreements set forth in this Agreement shall


be binding upon its officers , directors , employees , represen tatives and agents; and (c) the Receiving

Party shall cause its officers , directors , employees , representatives and agents to abide by the

provisions of this Agreement .Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4 above, the Receiving

Party may disclose Confidential Information without the prior consent of the Disclosing Party to

its officers, directors and employees who have a need to know such information in order to perform

their duties; provided, however , that each person to whom the Confidential Information is disclosed

must be advised of its confidential nature and of the terms of this Agreement and must have

entered into a written agreement with the Receiving Party that obligates such person to abide by

such terms(a copy of which must be delivered to the Disclosing Party upon the Disclosing Par ty’s

request ) .


It is understood and agreed that no failure or delay by the Disclosing Party in exercising any

righ t , power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial

exercise thereof preclude any or fur ther exercise or the exercise of any right , power or privilege

hereunder .


The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the

validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement , which shall remain in full force

and effect .


Except as otherwise provided herein , all disputes , differences or cont roversies arising from this

Agreement shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with and pursuant to the arbit ration

provisions set forth in Sections 17.3 through 17.6 of the Purchase Agreement , a copy of which

Sections 17.3 through 17.6 are attached hereto as Exhibit“A”and is incorporated by reference

herein .Each Par ty reserves the right to file with a court of competent jurisdiction an application

for temporary or preliminary injunctive relief, a protective order or other appropriate provisional

remedy( a) on grounds that the arbitration award to which the applican t may be entitled may be

rendered ineffectual in the absence of such relief , or ( b ) in the event of a breach or threatened

breach of the provisions of this Agreement prohibiting disclosure of Confidential Information .This

Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Delaware .


This Agreement shall become effective upon execution and delivery hereof and shall continue

in full force and effect for so long as the Disclosing Par ty shall exist ; provided, however , that the

obligation of the Receiving Party under paragraphs 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,9 and 12 shall survive indefinitely .


This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto concerning the subject

matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement or understanding of the parties .This Agreement

shall survive the execution of any other definitive document between the par ties hereto and may

not be modified except in writing , duly signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought .

This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and is binding upon each of the parties hereto and


their respective heirs , successors , assigns and personal representatives .


This Agreement is expected to be executed in one or more counterparts , each of which shall

be deemed to be an original , but all of which together shall constitute one and the same

inst rument .The facsimile signature of a party to this Agreement is and shall be deemed to be an

original execution and is binding .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par ties have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the

date first written above .





The Unused Minimum Purchase Allocation ( the“ UMPA”) will be apportioned among the

Non - Defaulting Parties(as defined in Subsection 3.5.1) in the following manner , unless the Non

- Defaulting Parties otherwise agree .Following the Defaulting Buyer’s ( as defined in Subsection

3.5.1) written notice to the Non - Defaulting Parties , as provided in Subsection 3.5.1 , each

Non - Defaulting Party will notify the others of the proportion( between zero and one inclusive)of

the UM PA the Non - Defaulting Party elects to take( in this exhibit , such proportion , as may be

reduced by the method below, the Non - Defaulting Party’s“ elected proportion”, and the part ( in

Wafer Equivalents)of the UMPA corresponding to the elected proportion , the Party’s“election”) .

If a Non - Defaulting Party fails to elect any par t of the UMPA within thirty ( 30 ) days following

receip t of the Defaulting Buyer’s written notice, that Par ty is considered to have elected to take

none of the UMPA .


If the Non - Defaulting Parties elect in the aggregate to take all or only part of the UMPA,

each Non - Defaulting Par ty will be allowed to take exactly the amount it elects .If, on the other

hand , the Non - Defaulting Parties“over subscribe”to the UM PA, some of their elections will be

reduced as required until their aggregate elections ( the“election total”) equal the UMPA( Since a

Non - Defaulting Party’s election can be reduced , but will not be increased , each Non - Defaulting

Party should elect the maximum amount of the UM PA the Party is willing to take) .

In the over subscribed case , the method will attempt to accommodate each Non - Defaulting

Party’s election within the available UMPA , yet will not permit one Party to take more than a

given multiple of its Basic Purchase Share to the exten t that other Parties also seek at least the

same multiple of their Basic Purchase Shares ( For purposes of this exhibit , Company A will be

considered to have a Basic Purchase Share equal to the difference of (a ) one minus( b) the sum of

the Basic Purchase Shares of the Buyers) .This fairness principal is operationalized through the


“election ratio,”i .e ., the ratio of a Party’s elected proportion to its Basic Purchase Share .For

example, if one Par ty has an election ratio of 2 , while another has an election ratio of 1 , the first

Party has elected twice as much as its Basic Purchase Share, while the second Party has elected its

Basic Purchase Share .

Any Non - Defaulting Party whose elected propor tion is less than or equal to the quotient of

(a ) the Party’s Basic Purchase Share divided by( b) the sum of the Basic Purchase Shares among

the Non - Defaulting Parties will be able to take the Par ty’s election without reduction .Among

the remaining Non - Defaulting Parties, the method reduces the elections of Parties whose election

ratios are higher than others’before reducing the others’elections and continues until the election

total is reduced to the UMPA or until the election ratios among such Par ties are all equal .If the

elections of several Parties with equal election ratios are to be reduced during any step of the

process , those elected proportions are reduced by the same percentage so as to preserve the equality

of those Par ties’election ratios after the reduction .( When all the election ratios among the Parties

are equal , the election of each such Party is proportionate to its Basic Purchase Share .) If the

election total still exceeds the UMPA after all election ratios among such Par ties are equalized , the

election of each such Par ty is further reduced by a percentage( identical for each such Party)which

yields an election total equal to the UMPA .For numerical examples of the method , see the section

“Numerical Examples”below .



If the election total is less than or equal to the UMPA , then each Non - Defaulting Par ty will

take its election without further adjustment .


If the election total exceeds the UMPA , then the following procedure is used to reduce the

election total to the UMPA:

Step 1: Assign to each Non - Defaulting Party whose elected proportion is less than or equal

to the ratio of( a ) its Basic Purchase Share to( b ) the sum of the Non - Defaulting Parties’Basic

Purchase Shares that Party’s election without reduction .

Step 2: List the remaining Non - Defaulting Par ties in decreasing order of their election

ratios .There will be at most three Non - Defaulting Parties on the list : Company A and two

Buyers .

Step 3:

(a ) If only one Party is on the list , reduce its election until the election total equals the

UMPA .(1 ) The process stops at this step and the Non - Defaulting Parties will take their

respective elections( as adjusted) at the completion of this step .

(b ) If two or more Parties are on the list , reduce the first Par ty’s election until ( 1 ) the

Party’s election ratio equals that of the second Party’s or(2 ) the election total equals the UMPA .

( 2) If the election total equals the UMPA, the process stops at this step and the Parties on the list


will take their respective elections at the completion of this step ; otherwise , the process continues

to the next step .

Step 4( when two or more Parties are on the lis t ) :

(1 ) The Party’s election will be reduced to ( 1 ) the UMPA less ( 2 ) the sum of the other

Non - Defaulting Parties’elections .

( 2) The first Party’s election will be reduced to the greater of(1 ) ( a) the UMPA less ( b) the

sum of the other Non - Defaulting Parties’elections or ( 2 ) the product of ( a ) the UMPA, ( b) the

Party’s Basic Purchase Share, and(c) the election ratio of the second Party on the list .

If there are two Parties on the list , reduce each of their elections( as adjusted through step 3)

by the same factor until the election total equals the UMPA .

(3 ) The process stops at this step and the Parties on the list will take their respective

elections(as adjusted)at the completion of this step .

If there are three Parties on the list , reduce each of the first two Par ties’elections(as adjusted

through step 3) by the same factor until (1 ) the two Parties’election ratios equal that of the third

Party’s or(2 ) the election total equals the UMPA .

( 4) If the election total equals the UMPA, the process stops at this step and the Parties on the

list will take their respective elections at the completion of this step ; otherwise, the process

continues to the next step .

Step 5( when there are three Parties on the list ) : Reduce each of the listed Parties’elections

(as adjusted through step 4) by the same factor until the election total equals the UMPA .

(5 ) numerical examples

As an illustration of the above method , suppose that the three Buyers’Basic Purchase Shares

are, respectively , 18 % , 18% , and 4% .Then Company A’s Basic Purchase Share for purposes of

this exhibit is 100% - 40% = 60 % .Suppose further that Buyer NO .1 with an 18% Basic

Purchase Share is a Defaulting Buyer and the remaining Buyers(Buyers No .2 and No .3) are not .

Finally , suppose that the UMPA equals 100 Wafer Equivalents .The table below shows three cases

with the Non - Defaulting Parties’initial elections and final elections after adjustments by the

above method .

(1 ) ⋯

(2 ) ⋯

(3 ) The appropriate factor is the quotient of ( 1 ) ( a ) the UMPA less ( b ) the election of the

Non - Defaulting Par ty not on the list divided by ( 2 ) the sum of the two elections before the

reduction .

( 4) The appropriate factor is the greater of(1 ) the quotien t of( a) the UMPA less the election

of the third Non - Defaulting par ty on the lis t divided by( b) the sum of the two Parties’elections

before the reduction or ( 2) the quotien t of( a) the election ratio of the third Party on the list divided

by( b) the election ratio of the first Par ty on the list .

(5 ) The appropriate factor is the quotient of ( 1 ) the UMPA divided by ( 2 ) the sum of the

three elections before the reduction .

Case 1: The Non - Defaulting Par ties elect 70 , 93 , and 0 Wafer Equivalen ts , respectively( rows


1 to 3 , column 2 ) .Since the election total( 93 Wafer Equivalen ts; row 4 , column 2) is less than 100

Wafer Equivalents, each Non - Defaulting Party will take its initial election ( see rows 5 to 7 ,

column 2) .

Case 2: The Non - Defaulting Parties elect 100 , 100 , and 4 Wafer Equivalen ts , respectively

( rows 1 to 3 , column 4 ) .Since the election total( 204 Wafer Equivalents)exceeds the UMPA, some

of the elections must be reduced .Comparing columns 4 and 9 (rows 1 to 3) , we see that Company

A’s and Buyer No .2’s elected proportions exceed their respective Basic Purchase Shares as

proportions of the sum of the Non - Defaulting Parties’Basic Purchase Shares .Since that is not

t rue for Buyer No .3 , it will take its entire election .

Company A’s and Buyer No .2’s elections must be reduced , since their elections sum to 200 .

Buyer No .2’s election is reduced first , because its election ratio ( 5.556 ) exceeds Company A’s

(1.667 ) .Even after Buyer No .2’s election is reduced so that its election ratio equals Company

A’s , the Parties’aggregate elections( 130 Wafer Equivalents) are still too much ( not shown in the

table) , so each of their elections is ( further) reduced ( rows 5 to 6 , column 4 ) until their aggregate

elections are 96 Wafer Equivalents .Note that at this point , their election ratios have been reduced

to 1.231 ( rows 5 to 6 , column 5 ) . Thus , once Buyer No .2’s election ratio is made equal to

Company A’s, each Party’s election is reduced by the same factor until the two Par ties’aggregate

elections equal 96 Wafer Equivalents .

Case 3: The Non - Defaulting Parties elect 100 Wafer Equivalents each .Buyer No .3 has the

highest election ratio , followed by Buyer No .2 , then Company A ( rows 1 to 3 , column 7 ) .As

shown in rows 5 to 7 , columns 6 to 7 , each Non - Defaulting Party’s election is reduced until their

three Parties’common election ratio is 1 .220 ( rows 5 to 7 , column 7 ) .In terms of the above

method , Buyer No .3’s initial election ratio( 25 ) is first reduced to Buyer No .2’s( 5 .556) .Because

the election total still exceeds 100 Wafer Equivalents ( not shown in the table ) , both Buyers’

election ratios are reduced to Company A’s( 1 .667) .Because the election total is still too high ( not

shown in the table ) , all Non - Defaulting Parties’election ratios are reduced to the final value of

1 .220 , at which point the election total is 100 Wafer Equivalen ts .




This Confidentiality Agreement ( the“Agreement”) is made and entered in to as of ,

by and between ( Buyer) , a (“Disclosing Party”) , and , a

corporation( or other entity) ( the“Receiving Party”) .

WHEREAS, pursuant to that certain Purchase Agreement ( as defined below) , the Disclosing

Party purchases part of the wafer production manufactured by Company , which owns and operates

a semiconductor wafer - fabrication plant in ( such plant , the“Foundry”) , and following

such purchase, Disclosing Party uses the wafer production in its own products for resale to its


customers; and

WHEREAS, the Receiving Party is a customer of the Disclosing Party an desires to obtain

from the Company design rules, paramet ric information , and reliability data relating to Foundry

products of interest to the Receiving Party( such information , the“ Information”) ; and

WHEREAS, the Receiving Par ty intends to use the Information to evaluate products

incorporating the wafer production for purchase form the Disclosing Par ty ( such purpose, the

“Purpose”) ; and

WHEREAS, the Disclosing Par ty is willing to provide the Information to the Receiving Par ty

subject to the terms below ; and

WHEREAS, the Disclosing Party is a party to that certain Purchase Agreement , dated as of

, between( i )Company A and ( ii)other parties which , together with the Disclosing party ,

are named as“Buyers”under the Purchase Agreement ( the“Purchase Agreement”) ; and

WHEREAS, the Disclosing Par ty is obligated by the purchase Agreement to enter in to this

Agreement with the Receiving Par ty as a condition to the disclosure of the Information ; and

WHEREAS, the Receiving Par ty is willing to use such information and preserve its

confidentiality in the manner set forth below;

NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the above premises , and for other good and valuable

consideration , the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged , the par ties hereto

agree as follows:


As used herein ,“Confidential Information”shall mean ( a) all data, concepts , ideas , methods ,

processes, techniques, formulae, know - how , mask - works , trade and indust rial secrets and

improvements relating to research , development or manufacturing activities of the Company or

other parties to the Purchase Agreement .Confidential Information shall include not only written

information, but also ( a) information transferred orally , visually, elect ronically or by any other

means, provided that the Disclosing Party expressly indicates to the Receiving Party that such

disclosures constitute“Confidential Information”for purposes of this Agreement , and( b) all notes ,

analyses, compilations , presen tations or other documents ( including materials prepared by the

Receiving Party) , which contain or otherwise reflect such information .Confidential Information

shall include the Information .


The term“Confidential Information”does not include information which(a) becomes generally

available to the public other than as the result of a disclosure by the Receiving Par ty ; ( b ) was

available to the Receiving Party on a nonconfidential basis ( including , but not limited to

information developed by that party) prior to its disclosure to the Receiving Party by the Disclosing

Party ; (c) becomes available to the Receiving Party on a nonconfidential basis from a source other

than the Disclosing Party provided that such source is not bound by a confidentiality agreement

with the Disclosing Par ty or the Company or is not otherwise prohibited from t ransmitting the

information to the Receiving Par ty by a cont ractual , legal or fiduciary obligation ; or( d) is required

to be disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to law , governmental regulation or judicial order ,


provided that written notice is given to the Disclosing Party and the Company prior to the required

disclosure .


The Receiving Party shall use Confidential Information solely for the Purpose and for no

other purpose .


Without the prior consent of the Disclosing Party , the Receiving Party shall not disclose to

any person the fact that Confidential Information has been made available to the Receiving Par ty

or that the Receiving Party has inspected any Confidential Information , except to the extent the

foregoing is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Party pursuant to law , governmental

regulation or judicial order , provided that written notice is given to the Disclosing Party and the

Company prior to the required disclosure .The fact that such information has been delivered to the

Receiving Par ty is deemed to be Confidential Information for the purposes of this Agreement,

except to the extent the foregoing is required to be disclosed by the Receiving Par ty pursuant to

law , governmental regulation or judicial order , provided that written notice is given to the

Disclosing Party and the Company prior to the required disclosure .


Upon request from the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party ( a) the Receiving Party shall

( i)either destroy or return to the Disclosing Party all Confidential Information received in tangible

form , including any copies of which the Receiving Party may have made, ( ii) dest roy all abstracts ,

summaries thereof or references thereto in the documents of the Receiving Party, and( iii)cer tify to

Disclosing Party that this has been done , and ( b ) the Receiving Party shall not use any of the

Confidential Information with respect to, or in fur therance of, any of the Receiving Par ty’s

businesses or in the business of anyone else, or for any other purpose whatsoever .


The Receiving Party hereby agrees to indemnify , defend and hold harmless the Disclosing

Party, the other parties to the Purchase Agreement , and the Company ( each such indemnified

par ty, an“ Indemnitee”) from any damages , loss, cost or liability ( including legal fees and costs of

enforcing this indemnity) arising out of or resulting from any unauthorized use or disclosure by the

Receiving Party of the Confidential Information .


Receiving Par ty acknowledges that money damages would be both incalculable and an

insufficien t remedy for any breach of this Agreement by a Receiving Party , and that such breach

would cause one or more Indemnitees irreparable harm .In addition to all other remedies available

to an Indemnitee at law, in equity or under this Agreement, the Indemnitee will be entitled to

specific performance and injunctive or other equitable relief as a remedy for any such breach , and

the breaching party agrees to waive any requirement of receiving or posting of any bond in

connection with such remedy . T he Receiving Party agrees and consents to the entry of a

preliminary injunction or protective order by any court of competen t jurisdiction upon a showing

by an Indemnitee that Confidential Information is being used or disclosed cont rary to the


provisions of this Agreement to the det riment of the Indemnitee .


This Agreement does not imply any license to the Receiving Party of Confidential

Information or any of paten ts , copyrights , trademarks , mask - work rights or applications

therefor .All proprietary rights , including but not limited to patent rights and trade and indust rial

secrets , in and to the Confidential Information shall remain the property of its owner prior to

disclosure by the Disclosing Par ty to the Receiving Party .


Receiving Party agrees (a ) that it shall hold all Confidential Information it receives from the

Disclosing Par ty in st rict confidence and with the same degree of care that Receiving Party gives

to Receiving Par ty’s own proprietary and confidential information , but not less than a reasonable

degree of care , ( b) Receiving Par ty’s covenants and agreements set forth in this Agreement shall

be binding upon its officers , directors , employees , represen tatives and agents; and (c) the Receiving

Party shall cause its officers , directors , employees , representatives and agents to abide by the

provisions of this Agreement .


It is understood and agreed that no failure or delay by the Disclosing Party in exercising any

righ t , power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial

exercise thereof preclude any or fur ther exercise or the exercise of any right , power or privilege

hereunder .


The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the

validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement , which shall remain in full force

and effect .


This Agreement shall be governed by and const rued in accordance with the laws of



This Agreement shall become effective upon execution and delivery hereof and shall continue

in full force and effect for so long as the Disclosing Par ty shall exist ; provided, however , that the

obligation of the Receiving Party under paragraphs 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 12 , 14 and 15 shall survive

indefinitely .


This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties hereto concerning the subject

matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement or understanding of the parties .This Agreement

may not be modified except in writing, duly signed by the party against whom enforcement is

sought .This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon each of the parties hereto

and the ir respective heirs , successors , assigns and personal representatives .

15. The Company and Company A are third - party beneficiaries under this Agreement .

Further , the parties in tend the Indemnitees, other than the Disclosing Party , to be third - par ty


beneficiaries of the provisions of paragraph 6 .


This Agreement is expected to be executed in one or more counterparts , each of which shall

be deemed to be an original , but all of which together shall constitute one and the same

inst rument .The facsimile signature of a party to this Agreement is and shall be deemed to be an

original execution and is binding .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par ties have executed and delivered this Agreement as of the

date first written above .





This Indemnity Agreement (“Agreement”) is en tered into as of by ( Buyer ) , a

corporation , as indemnifying party hereunder (“ Indemnitor”) , and Company A , and

WaferTech LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ( the“Company”) , as indemnified parties

(collectively“ Indemnitees”) .


Indemnitor and Company A, among others , are parties , to that cer tain Purchase Agreement,

dated ( the“Purchase Agreement”) .

A .⋯

B . Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Agreement have the meanings given them

in the Purchase Agreement .

C . Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement , Company A will sell and the other par ties will buy

semiconductor wafers produced by the Company at the Foundry .

D . Under Section 5 .10 of the Purchase Agreement , if Indemnitor orders Products from

Company A that require the grant of non - exclusive In tellectual Property Rights relating to the

Products’manufacture or sale, Indemnitor must , as a condition to Company A’s ordering such

Products from the Foundry , either gran t the necessary Intellectual Property Rights to Company A

and/ or the Company or enter into this Agreement .Indemnitor wishes to order Products under the

Purchase Agreement from Company A and declines to obtain and grant to Company A and/ or the

Company non - exclusive righ ts in Intellectual P roperty Rights relating to such Products .

Accordingly , Indemnitor desires to enter in to this Agreement .

E . The Product/ Products covered by this Agreement is/ are as follows:


NOW , THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and covenants herein and other good

and valuable consideration , the receip t and sufficiency of which are acknowledged , the parties

hereto agree as follows:

1. Except as expressly otherwise provided in Section 11.1 of the Purchase Agreement,

Indemnitor shall indemnify , defend , and hold harmless Company A , the Company , and their

respective Affiliates , employees , officers, directors , shareholders , partners , members , and agents

( collectively , “ Indemnified Persons”) , against or from any Claim of infringement or

misappropriation of a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights arising out of, related to, or

connected with the Product or products described in Recital E above .

2. This Agreement shall be governed by Section 10.2( a) of the Purchase Agreement .

3. Any payment hereunder shall be made in U .S .dollars .Any amount due and payable to an

Indemnified Person under paragraph 1 and not paid within 30 days of written demand for payment

shall accrue interest compounded annually at a rate equal to the lesser of( a) the sum of( i) the prime

or reference rate for commercial borrowing announced by .from time to time and( ii)5 %

or( b) the maximum rate of in terest permitted by applicable law .

4. Indemnitor’s obligation to an Indemnitee under paragragh 1 shall be conditioned upon:

a. Indemnitee’s giving Indemnitor prompt notice in writing of any Claims subject to the

indemnity of paragraph 1 and of which Indemnitee is aware;

b. Indemnitee’s permitting Indemnitor , through counsel of Indemnitor ’s choice and

reasonably acceptable to Indemnitee, to defend against , contest or settle the same; and

c . Indemnitee’s reasonably cooperating with Indemnitor and reasonably providing it with

information and assistance to enable it to defend , contest or settle same .

5. The indemnity of paragraph 1 shall be interpreted and construed as indemnifying

Indemnitee against its negligence, whether active or passive .

6. Time is of the essence with respect to each provision of this Agreement in which time is a

factor .

7. This Agreement shall be governed by and const rued in accordance with the internal laws

of .

8. This Agreement integrates all the terms and conditions mentioned herein or incidental

hereto and supersedes all oral negotiations and prior writings in respect to the subject matter

hereof . This Agreement may be modified , supplemented , superseded or canceled only by an

inst rument signed by the parties hereto .

9. If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes or is deemed invalid , illegal or

unenforceable in any jurisdiction , such provision shall be deemed amended to conform to applicable

laws so as to be valid and enforceable or , if it cannot be so amended without materially altering the

in tention of the parties , it shall be stricken and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in

full force and effect .

10. No waiver of any provision hereof shall be effective unless and until made in writing and


signed by the party to be charged .No waiver , forbearance or failure by any party hereto of its righ t

to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver or estoppel of such party’s

righ t to enforce any other provision of this Agreement or a continuing waiver by such par ty of

compliance with any provision .

11. In the event of any litigation , arbitration , judicial reference or other proceeding involving

the parties hereto to enforce any provision hereof , to enforce any remedy available upon default

hereunder , or seeking a declaration of the righ ts of a party hereunder , the prevailing party shall be

entitled to recover from the other such attorneys’fees and costs as may be reasonably incurred ,

including the cost of reasonable investigation , preparation and professional or expert consultation

incurred by reason of such litigation , arbitration , judicial reference or other proceeding .

Notwithstanding the foregoing , (a ) in an arbit ration proceeding the award of attorneys’fees shall

be governed by the provisions of Section 17.6 in the Purchase Agreement ; and ( b) in a mediation

under Section 17.2 of the Purchase Agreement, each Party shall pay its own attorneys’fees and

expenses in accordance with said Section 17.2 .

12. With the exception of Section 17.7 , the dispute resolution and arbitration provisions of

Article 17 of the Purchase Agreement are incorporated by reference herein ; provided that the term

“Parties”as used in said Ar ticle 17 refer to Indemnitor and Indemnitees hereunder .

13. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and

their respective successors , transferees , and assigns .

14. Each party hereto irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of the state and Federal courts

located in ; agrees , subject to the provisions of Article 17 of the Purchase Agreement,

that any action , suit or proceeding by or between the parties may be brought in any such court

sitting in ; and waives any objection which the party may now or hereafter have

concerning jurisdiction and venue, whether based on considerations of personal jurisdiction , forum

non conveniens or on any other ground .Each par ty hereby irrevocably designates , appoints and

empowers the Secretary of State of to receive for and on behalf of such par ty service of

process in the State of and fur ther irrevocably consents to the service of process outside

of the territorial jurisdiction of said courts by mailing copies thereof by registered or cer tified

mail , postage prepaid , to such par ty’s last known address as established in accordance

with the Purchase Agreement with the same effect as if the Par ty were a resident of the State of

and had been lawfully served in such state . Any process served on the

Secretary of State in accordance with the preceding sentence shall also be noticed to the party’s

last known address established in accordance with the Purchase Agreement . Nothing in this

Agreement shall affect the right to service of process in any other manner permitted by law .Each

par ty fur ther agrees that final judgment against it in any such action or proceeding shall be

conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction within or outside by suit on the

judgment , a certified or exemplified copy of which shall be conclusive evidence of the fact and the

amount of such judgment .

15. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counter par ts , each of which shall be

deemed to be an original , but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument .


IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date

first written above .




中国对外贸易货物进口合同 ( 中英文对照 )


(参考文本 )

�合同编号 Contract No:

签订日期 Date:

签订地点 Signed at :

买方 : 电话 Tel:

THE BUYERS : 传真 Fax:

地址 : 电报 Cable:

ADDRESS: 电传 Telex :

卖方 : 电话 Tel:


地址 : 电报 Cable:

ADDRESS: 电传 Telex :

经买卖双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同 :

The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have confirmed this cont ract in accordance with the

terms and conditions stipulated below :


货 号

Art No .



单 位

U nit

数 量


单 价

Unit Price

金 额


合计 :

Totally :

总值 (大写 ) :

Total amount : ( in words)

允许溢短 %。

% more or less in quantity and value allowed .


2. 成交价格术语 :



3. 出产国与制造商 :

Country of origin and manufacturers:

4. 包装 :


5. 装运唛头 :

Shipping marks:

6. 装运港 :

Delivery port :

7. 目的港 :


8. 转运 :□允许□不允许 分批装运 : □允许□不允许

Transhipment: □allowed □not allowed

Partial shipments: □allowed □not allowed

9. 装运期 :

Shipment date:

10. 保险 : 由 按发票金额 110% , 投保 险 , 另加保 险。

Insurance: to be covered by the for 110% of the invoice value covering

additional .

11. 付款条件 :

Terms of payment :

□买方通过 银行在 年 月 日前开出以卖方为受益人的


The buyers shall open a Letter of Credit at sigh t through bank in favour

of the sellers prior to .

□付款交单 :买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 天付款跟单汇票 , 付


Documents against payment: (D/ P )

The buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at

sight by the sellers .

□承兑交单 :买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 天承兑跟单汇票 , 承


Documents against acceptance: (D/ A)

The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft made out to the buyers at sigh t

by the sellers .

□货到付款 :买方在收到货物后 天内将全部货款支付卖方 (不适用于 FOB、CFR、

CIF 术语 )。

Cash on delivery: ( COD)


The buyers shall pay to the sellers total amount within days after the receipt of the

goods( This clause is not applied to the terms of FOB, CFR , CI F ) .

12. 单据 : 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/ 托收。

Documents: the sellers shall present the following documents required to the banks for

negotiation/ collection .

①运单 :

Shipping Bills :

□海运 :全套空白抬头/ 指示抬头、空白背书/ 指示背书注明运费已付/ 到付的已装船清结

海运/ 联运正本提单 , 通知在目的港 公司。

In case by sea : Full set of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading/ combined transportation Bills

of Lading made out to order blank endorsed/ endorsed in favour of or made out to order

of , marked“freight prepaid/ collected”notifying at the port of destination .

□陆运 :全套注明运费已付/ 到付的装车的记名清结运单 ,通知在目的地 公司。

In case by land t ranspor tation : Full set of clean on board land transportation Bills made out to

marked“ freigh t prepaid/ collected”notifying at the destination .

□空运 :全套注明运费已付/ 到付的记名空运单 ,通知在目的地 公司。

In case by Air : Full set of clean on board AWB made out to marked“ freigh t

prepaid/ collected”notifying at the destination .

②标有合同编号、信用证号及装运唛头的商业发票一式 份。

Signed commercial invoice in copied indicating Contract No , L/ C No .and shipping

marks .

③由 出具的装箱单或重量单一式 份。

Packing list/ weight memo in copies issued by .

④由 出具的质量证明书一式 份。

Certificate of Quality in copies issued by .

⑤由 出具的数量证明书一式 份。

Certificate of Quantity in copies issued by .

⑥保险单正本一式 份。

Insurance policy/ certificate in copies .

⑦ 签发的产地证一式 份。

Certificate of Origin in copies issued by .

⑧装运通知 :

Shipping advice:

另外 ,卖方应在交运后 小时内以特快专递方式邮寄给买方第 项单据副


In addition , the sellers shall , within hours after shipment effected , send each copy of


the above - mentioned documents No . , , , , ,

, , directly to the buyers by courier service .

13. 装运条款 :

Shipping terms:


卖方应在合同规定的装运日期前 30 天 , 以电报/ 电传/ 传真通知买方合同号、品名、数量、

金额、包装件、毛重、尺码及装运港可装日期 , 以便买方安排租船/ 订舱。装运船只按期到达装

运港后 ,如卖方不能按时装船 , 发生的空船费或滞期费由卖方负担。在货物越过船舷并脱离吊


The sellers shall , 30 days before the shipment date specified in the contract advise the buyers

by CABLE/ TELEX/ FAX of the contract No ., commodity , quantity, amount, packages , gross

weight, measurement , and the date of shipment in order that the buyers can charter a vessel/ book

shipping space .In the event of the sellers’failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at

the loading port , all expenses including dead freight and/ or demurrage charges thus incurred shall

be for seller’s account .



卖方须按时在装运期限内将货物由装运港装船至目的港。在 CFR 术语下 ,卖方应在装船

前 2 天电传/ 传真/ 电报买方合同号、品名、发票价值及开船日期 ,以便买方安排保险。

The sellers shall ship the goods duly within the shipping duration from the port of shipment

to the port of destination .Under CFR terms, the sellers shall advise the buyers by CABLE/ FAX/

TELEX of the contract No ., commodity , invoice value and the date of despatch two days before

the shipment for the buyers to arrange insurance in time .



The sellers shall ship the goods duly within the shipping duration from the port of shipment

to the port of destination .

14. 装运通知 :

Shipping advice:

一俟装载完毕 , 卖方应在 小时内电传/ 传真/ 电报买方合同编号、品名、已发运数

量、发票总金额、毛重、船名/ 车/ 机号及启程日期等。

The sellers shall immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods , advise buyers

of the contract No ., names of commodity , loading quantity, invoice values , gross weight , name of

vessel and shipment date by TLX/ FAX/ CABLE within hours .

15. 质量保证 :

Quality guaran tee :

货物品质规格必须符合本合同及质量保证书之规定 , 品质保证期为货到目的港

个月内。在保证期限内 ,因制造厂商在设计制造过程中的缺陷造成的货物损害应由卖方负责



The sellers shall guaran tee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality and

specifications specified in this cont ract and Let ter of Quality Guarantee .The guarantee period shall

be months after the arrival of the goods at the por t of destination , and during the period

the sellers shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of

the manufacturer .

16. 商品检验 : 卖方须在装运前 日委托 检验机构对本合同之货物进行

检验并出具检验证书 ,货到目的港后 , 由买方委托 检验机构进行复检。

Goods inspection : The sellers shall have the goods inspected by Inspection

Authority days before the shipment and issued the Inspection Certificate .The buyers

shall have the goods reinspected by Inspection Authority after the goods arrival at the

destination .

17. 索赔 :


如经中国 检验机构复检 , 发现货物有损坏、残缺或品名、规格、数量及质量与本合

同及质量保证书之规定不符 ,买方可于货到目的港后 天内凭上述检验机构出具的证

明书向卖方要求索赔。如上述规定之索赔期与质量保证期不一致 , 在质量保证期限内买方仍


The buyers shall lodge claims against the sellers based on the Inspection Certificate issued by

China Inspection Authority days after the arrival of the goods at the

destination, if the goods are found to be damaged , missing or the specifications , quantity , and

quality not in conformity with those specified in this contract and Letter of Quality Guarantee .In

case the claim period above specified is not in conformity with the quality guarantee period , during

the quality guaran tee period, the buyers have rights to lodge claims against the sellers concerning

the quality guaran tee .

18. 延期交货违约金 :

Late delivery and penalty :

除双方认可的不可抗力因素外 ,卖方迟于合同规定的期限交货 ,如买方同意迟延交货 , 卖


金总值不超过货物总价值的 5 % ,差率按 7 天 0.5 %计算 ,不满 7 天仍按 7 天计算。在未采用

信用证支付的情况下 ,卖方应将前述方法计算的违约金即付买方。

If the sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract , with exception of

Force Majeure , the buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on conditions that the sellers agree

to amend the clauses of the L/ C and pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank

from the payment under negotiation .the penalty , however , shall not exceed 5% of the total value

of the goods .The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days , if less than seven days .

In case , the payment is not made through L/ C, the sellers shall pay the penalty counted as above

to the buyers as soon as possible .

19. 不可抗力 : 如发生不可抗力情况 , 卖方应及时以电报/ 传真/ 电传通知买方 , 并在十四



Force Majeure: The sellers shall advise the buyers by CABLE/ FAX/ TLX in case of Force

Majeure, and furnish the later within 14 days by registered airmail with a certificate issued by local

government/ Chamber of Commerce attesting such event or events .

20. 争议之解决方式 :

Disputes set tlement:

□任何因本合同而发生或与本合同有关的争议 ,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 , 按

该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁地点在中国。仲裁裁决是终局的 ,对双方均有约束力。

All disputes arising out of the contract or concerning the cont ract , shall be submit ted to the

China In ternational Economic and Trade Arbit ration Commission for arbit ration in accordance

with its Arbit ration Rules .The arbit ration shall take place in China .T he arbitral award is final and

binding upon both parties .

21. 法律适用 :

Law application :

本合同之签订地 ,或发生争议时货物所在地在中华人民共和国境内或被诉人为中国法人

的 ,适用中华人民共和国法律 , 除此规定外 ,适用《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》。

It will be governed by the law of the People’s Republic of China under the circumstances that

the cont ract is signed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the people’s Republic of China

or the deffendant is Chinese legal person , otherwise it is governed by United Nations Convention

on Contract for the International Sale of Goods .

22. 本合同使用的 FOB、CFR、CIF、DDU 术语系根据国际商会《Incoterms 1990》。

The terms in the cont ract are based on INCOTERMS 1990 of the International Chamber of

Commerce .

23. 文字 :


本合同中、英两种文字具有同等法律效力 , 如文字解释有异议 ,应以中文本为准。

This cont ract is made out in both Chinese and English of which version is equally effective .

Conflicts between these two languages arising therefrom , if any , shall be subject to Chinese

version .

24. 附加条款 ( 本合同上述条款与本附加条款抵触时 ,以本附加条款为准 ) :

Additional clause : ( Conflicts between cont ract clause hereabove and this additional clause , if

any , it is subject to this additional clause)

25. 本合同共 份 ,自双方代表签字 ( 盖章 )之日起生效。

This cont ract is in copies , effective since being signed/ sealed by both parties .

买方代表人 : 6卖方代表人 :

Representative of the buyers: Representative of the sellers:

签字 : 签字 :

Authorized signiture: Authorized signiture:


中国对外贸易货物出口合同 ( 中英文对照 )


(参考文本 )

�合同编号 Contract No:

签订日期 Date:

签订地点 Signed at :

卖方 : 电话 Tel:


地址 : 电报 Cable:

ADDRESS: 电传 Telex :

买方 : 电话 Tel:

THE BUYERS : 传真 Fax:

地址 : 电报 Cable:

ADDRESS: 电传 Telex :

经买卖双方确认根据下列条款订立本合同 :

The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have confirmed this cont ract in accordance with the

terms and conditions stipulated below :


货 号

Art No .



单 位

U nit

数 量


单 价

Unit Price

金 额


合计 :

Totally :

总值 (大写 ) :

Total value: ( in words)

允许溢短 %。

% more or less in quantity and value allowed .

2. 成交价格术语 :□FOB □CFR □CIF □DDU □


3. 包装 :



4. 装运唛头 :

Shipping Marks:

5. 运输起讫 :由 经 到

Shipment from to

6. 转运 :□允许□不允许 ; 分批装运 :□允许□不允许

Transhipment: �□allowed l□not allowed

Partial shipments: □allowed □not allowed

7. 装运期 :

Shipment date:

8. 保险 : 由 按发票金额 110% , 投保 险 , 另加保 险至


Insurance: to be covered by the FOR 110% of the invoice value cov - ering

additional from to .

9. 付款条件 :

Terms of payment :

□买方不迟于 年 月 日前将 100% 的货款用即期汇票/ 电汇送


The buyers shall pay 100 % of the sales proceeds through sight ( demand ) draft/ by T/ T

remittance to the sellers not later than .

□买方须于 年 月 日前通过 银行开出以卖方为受益人

的不可撤销 无期信用证 , 并注明在上述装运日期后 天内在中国议付有效 , 信


The buyers shall issue an irrevocable L/ C at sight through in favour of

the sellers prior to indicating L/ C shall be valid in China through negotiation within

day after the shipment effected , the L/ C must mention the Contract Number .

□付款交单 :买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 天付款跟单汇票 , 付


Documents against payment: (D/ P )

The buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at

sight by the sellers .

□承兑交单 :买方应对卖方开具的以买方为付款人的见票后 天承兑跟单汇票 , 承


Documents against acceptance: (D/ A)

The buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft made out to the buyers at days

by the sellers .

10. 单据 : 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/ 托收。

Documents requireo: The sellers shall present the following documents required for

negotiation/ collection to the banks .



Full set of clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading .

□商业发票一式 份。

Signed commercial invoice in copies .

□装箱单或重量单一式 份。

Packing list/ weight memo in copies .

□由 签发的质量与数量证明书一式 份。

Certificate of quantity and quality in copies issued by .

□保险单一式 份。

Insurance policy in copies .

□由 签发的产地证一式 份。

Certificate of Origin in copies issued by .

11. 装运通知 : 一俟装运完毕 ,卖方应即电告买方合同号、品名 ,已装载数量、发票总金额、

毛重 ,运输工具名称及启运日期等。

Shipping advice : The sellers shall immediately , upon the completion of the loading of the

goods , advise the buyers of the Contract No , names of commodity , loaded quantity , invoice values ,

gross weight , names of vessel and shipment date by TLX/ FAX .

12. 检验与索赔 :

Inspection and Claims:

① 卖方在发货前由 检验机构对货物的品质、规格和数量进行检验 , 并出具检验


The buyers shall have the qualities , specifications , quatities of the goods carefully inspected by

the Inspection Authority, which shall issue Inspection Certificate before shipment .

②货物到达目的口岸后 , 买方可委托当地的商品检验机构对货物进行复检。如果发现货

物有损坏、残缺或规格、数量与合同规定不符 , 买方须于货到目的口岸的 天内凭


The buyers have righ t to have the goods inspected by the local commodity inspection

authority after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination .If the goods are found damaged/

short/ their specifications and quantities not in compliance with that specified in the cont ract , the

buyers shall lodge claims against the sellers based on the Inspection Cer tificate issued by the

Commodity Inspection Authority within days after the goods arrival at the destination .

③如买方提出索赔 ,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起 天内提出 ;凡属数量

异议须于货到目的口岸之日起 天内提出。对所装货物所提任何异议应由保险公司、

运输公司或邮递机构负责的 ,卖方不负任何责任。

The claims , if any regarding to the quality of the goods, shall be lodged within days

after arrival of the goods at the destination , if any regarding to the quantities of the goods, shall be

lodged within days after arrival of the goods at the destination .The sellers shall not take

any responsibilty if any claims concerning the shipping goods is up to the responsibility of


Insurance Company/ Transpor tation Company/ Post office .

13. 人力不可抗拒 : 如因人力不可抗拒的原因造成本合同全部或部分不能履约 , 卖方概不

负责 ,但卖方应将上述发生的情况及时通知买方。

Force Majeure: The sellers shall not hold any responsibility for par tial or total non -

performance of this contract due to Force Majeure .But the sellers shall advise the buyers on time

of such occurrence .

14. 争议之解决方式 :

Disputes set tlement:

□任何因本合同而发生或与本合同有关的争议 ,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 , 按

该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁地点在中国。仲裁裁决是终局的 ,对双方均有约束力。

All disputes arising out of the contract or in connection with the contract , shall be submitted

to the China In ternational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in

accordance with its Rules of Arbitration in China .The arbitral award is final and binding upon

both parties .

15. 法律适用 :

Law application :

本合同之签订地 ,或发生争议时货物所在地在中华人民共和国境内或被诉人为中国法人

的 ,适用中华人民共和国法律 , 除此规定外 ,适用《联合国国际货物销售公约》。

It will be governed by the law of the People’s Republic of China under the circumstances that

the cont ract is signed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the People’s Republic of China

or the deffendant is Chinese legal person , otherwise it is governed by United Nations Convention

on Cor tract for the International Sale of Goods .

本合同使用的 FOB、CFR、CIF、DDU 术语系根据国际商会 ( Incoterms 1990 )。

The terms in the cont ract are based on INCOTERMS 1990 of the International Chamber of

Commerce .

16. 文字 : 本合同中、英两种文字具有同等法律效力 ,在文字解释上 ,若有异议 , 以中文解


Versions: This contract is made out in both Chinese and English of which version is equally

effective .Conflicts between these two languages arising therefrom , if any, shall be subject to

Chinese version .

17. 附加条款 ( 本合同上述条款与本附加条款有抵触时 ,以本附加条款为准 ) :

Additional Clauses: (conflicts between contract clause hereabove and this additional clause, if

any , it is subject to this additional clause)

18. 本合同共 份 ,自双方代表签字 ( 盖章 )之日起生效。

This cont ract is in copies , effective since being signed/ sealed by both parties .

买方代表人 : ^卖方代表人 :

Representative of the buyers: Representative of the sellers:

签字 : 签字 :

Authorized signiture: Authorized signiture:


进口商品买卖合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

�编号 �日期

No . Date :

买受人 :

The Buyers:

�电报 : B传真 :

Cable: Fax:

出卖人 :

The Sellers:

�电报 : B电传 : l传真 :

Cable: Telex : Fax:

本合同由买卖双方订立 ,根据本合同规定的条款 , 买方同意购买 ,卖方同意出售下述商品 :

This Cont ract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers , whereby the Buyers agree to

buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned commodity according to the terms and

conditions stipulated below .

(1 �) 货名及规格


( 2 i) 数量


(3 �) 单价

U nit Price

( 4 !) 总价



(6 ) 装运期限 : TIME OF SHIPMENT :

(7 ) 装运口岸 : POR T OF SHI PMENT :


(9 ) 保 险 : INSURANCE :


To be covered by the Buyers .

(10) 包装 : PACKING :

须用坚固的新木箱/ 纸箱包装 , 适合长途海运 , 防湿 , 防潮 , 防震 , 防锈 , 耐粗暴搬运。由于


包装不良所发生的损失 ,由于采用不充分或不妥善的防护措施而造成的任何锈损 , 卖方应负担

由此而产生的一切费用和/ 或损失。

To be packed in new strong wooden case ( s )/ carton ( s ) suitable for long distance ocean

t ransportation and well protected against dampness , moisture, shock , rust and rough handling .

The Sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any

rust damage att ribu table to inadequate or improper protective , measures taken by the Sellers , and

in such case or cases any and all losses and/ or expenses incurred in consequence thereof shall be

borne by the Sellers .

(11) 唛头 : SHI PPING MARK :

卖方应在每件包装上 ,用不褪色油墨清楚地标刷件号、尺码、毛重、净重、“此端向上”、“小

心轻放”、“切勿受潮”等字样 ,并刷有下列唛头 :

On the surface of each package , the package number, measurements, gross weight , net

weight, the lifting positions , such cautions as“ DO NOT STACK UP SIDE DOWN”,

“ HANDLE WITH CARE”;“KEE P AWAY FROM MOISTURE”and the following shipping

mark shall be stencilled legibly in fadeless paint :

(12) 付款条件 : TERMS OF PAYMENT :

甲、信用证付款 : 在货物装运前一个月 ,买方应由上海中国银行开立以卖方为受益人的不

可撤销的信用证 ,凭本合同第 13 条甲项规定的装运单据交到上海 (银行 ) 后付款。

乙、托收付款 : 货物装运后 ,卖方应将以买方为付款人的汇票连同本合同第 13 条甲项所列

各种装运单据 ,通过卖方银行寄交买方银行即上海中国银行转交买方 , 并托收货款。

丙、信汇付款 : 买方收到本合同第 13 条甲项所列单据后 , 应于 天内信汇付款。

a . Payment by L/ C: One month before shipment, the Buyers shall establish with Bank of

China, Shanghai an Irrevocable L/ C in favour of the Sellers , to be available against presentation

in Shanghai of the shipping documents stipulated in Clause 13 hereof .

b . Payment by Collection : After delivery is made, the Sellers shall send through the Sellers ,

bank draft drawn on the Buyers together with the shipping documents specified in Clause 13

hereof, to the Buyers through the Buyers bank , the Bank of China , Shanghai, for collection .

c . Payment by M/ T : Payment to be effected by the Buyers not later than days after receipt

of the shipping documents specified in Clause 13 hereof .

(13) 单据 : DOCUMENT :

甲、卖方应将下列单据提交付款银行议付货款/ 托收付款 ,如为信汇付款 , 下列单据应径寄

买方 :

1 .全套可议付的洁净已装运海运提单 ,空白抬头 , 空白背书。注明“运费到付”,并通知到


2 .邮包收据注明邮费/ 空运提单。

3 .保险单或保险证明书注明投保险种 , 一切险包括 T PND。破碎 , 渗漏。无百分比限制 ,

并注明货物到达后倘发现残损情况 ,须向到货口岸之中国商品检验局申请检验。

4 .发票五份 ,注明合同号 , 唛头。

5 .装箱单两份 ,注明毛、净重、尺码和所装货物每项的品名数量。

6 .按照本合同第 18 条甲项规定由制造厂签发的质量和数量/ 重量证明书及检验报告各



7 .按照本合同第 15 条规定的货物装船后立即发给买方装运通知电报真实副本一份。

a . The Sellers shall presen t the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation/

collection , or to the Buyers in case of payment by M/ T .

1 . Full set of Negotiable Clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading marked“ FREIGHT TO

COLLECT”and made out to order , blank endorsed, and notifying the China National Foreign

Trade Transpor tation Corporation at the port of destination .

2 . Parcel Post Receipt , indicating postage/ Air Way Bill .

3 . Insurance Policy or Certificate , covering War risk and all risks including TPND,

Breakage and Leakage irrespective of percentage and indicating“ In the event of loss or damage,

request for survey upon arrival of the cargo at the port of destination be made to the China

Commodity Inspection Bureau of that port .”

4 . Invoice in quin tuplicate, indicating contract number and shipping mark .

5 . Packing List in duplicate with indication of both gross and net weights, measurements

and quantity of each item packed .

6 . Certificate of Quality and Quantity/ Weight and Testing Report , each in duplicate issued

by the manufacturers as specified in items of Clause 18 hereof .

7 . A true copy of cable to advise the Buyers of shipment immediately the goods are loaded on

ship as specified in Clause 15 hereof .

乙、货物装运后十天内 , 除上述装运通知电报副本外 ,卖方应另外准备各种单据副本三套 ,

以空邮将其中一套寄交买方 ,另外两套寄交到货口岸中国对外贸易运输公司。

b . Within 10 days after shipment is effected , the Sellers shall prepare three sets , each

comprising one copy each of the above mentioned documents with the exception of the cable

shipping advice one set to be airmailed to the Buyers and the other two Sets to the China National

Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the por t of destination .


甲、每次发货时 , 卖方应将下述英文技术资料一整套与货物一起装箱 ,运交买方 :

1 .基础图

2 .布线说明 ,电气及/ 或气动及/ 或液压接线图

3 .易损零件制造图

4 .零件目录

5 .本合同第 18 条甲项规定的品质证明书

6 .安装、操作和维修说明书

a . One complete set of the following technical documents written in English shall be packed

and depatched together with each consignment :

1 . Foundation drawings

2 . Wiring instructions , diagrams of elect rical connections and/ or pneumatic and/ or hydraulic


3 . Manufacturing drawings of easily worn parts

4 . Spare parts catalogues


5 . Certificate of quality as stipulated in Item a of Clause 18 hereof

6 .Erection , operation , service and repair inst ruction books

乙、 个月前 , 卖方应将本条甲项所列 1、2、3、4、5、6 各种技术资料 2 套 , 以空邮寄


b . months before shipment, the Sellers shall airmail to the Buyers two complete sets of the

technical documents mentioned in poin ts 1、2、3、4、5 and 6 under items of this Clause .

( F .U .M .P)

(15) 装运条款 : TERMS OF SHIPMENT :

甲、每次发货如毛重超过两公吨 , 卖方应于本合同第 8 条规定的装运期 60 天前 , 将合同编

号、商品名称、数量、价值、件数、毛重、尺码以及货物在装货口岸备妥日期函/ 电告买方 , 以便买

方订舱。如毛重不超过 2 公吨 ,则卖方应与装货口岸的买方装运代理人直接联系装运事宜。

a . For each shipment exceeding two met ric tons in gross weight , the Sellers shall , 60 days

before the date of shipment stipulated in Clause 8 hereof, advise the Buyers by cable/ letter of the

contract number name of commodity , quantity, value , number of packages , gross weight and

measurements and date of readiness at the port of shipment in order for the Buyers to book

shipping space . For each shipment not over two metric tons in gross weight , the Sellers shall get

in direct touch with the Buyers shipping agent at the loading port .

乙、每次发货毛重超过两公吨时 , 其订舱事宜将由买方装运代理人北京中国租船公司 ( 电

报挂号 : ZHONGZU BEIJING)办理 , 买方与该公司密切联系有关装运事宜。卖方则应与在装


b . Booking of shipping space for each shipment exceeding t wo met ric tons in gross weight

will be attended to by the Buyers shipping agent, China National Chartering Corporation ,

Beijing , China ( Cable Address: ZHONGZU BEIJING) with whom the Buyers shall keep in close

contact in the matter of shipment . The Sellers shall keep in close contact with ZHONGZU’S

shipping agent at the loading por t .

丙、北京中国租船公司或其港口代理人于估计承运船到达装货口岸日期十天以前 , 将船

名、预计装船日期、合同编号初步通知卖方 ,以便卖方安排装运。事先指定的承运船如有变更 ,

或其估计到达日期提前或延期时 ,买方或其装运代理人应及时通知卖方 , 如果该船未能于买方

或其装运代理人所通知的到达日期后 30 天内到达装运口岸 , 则从第 31 天起货物的仓租和火


c . China National Char tering Corporation , Beijing, China, or their shipping agent at the

loading port , will send the Sellers , 10 days before the estimated date of arrival of the carrying

vessel at the port of shipment a preliminary notice indicating the name of vessel , estimated date of

loading, cont ract number in order for the Sellers to arrange shipment . In case the carrying vessel

previously designated is to be replaced by another vessel or in case the estimated date of arrival of

the carrying vessel is to be advanced or postponed , the Buyers or their shipping agent shall advise

the Sellers to that effect in time . Should the vessel fail to arrive at the port of loading within 30

days after the arrival date advised by the Buyers or their shipping agent , the Buyers shall bear the

storage and fire insurance expenses incurred from the 31st day .

丁、承运船及时到达装货口岸时 , 如卖方未将货物备妥待装 , 因此而发生的空舱费和延滞



d . The sellers shall be liable for any dead freigh t or demurrage consequent upon their failure

to have the goods ready for loading after the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of loading in

time .

戊、在货物越过船舷并从吊钩上卸下以前 , 所有在搬运中发生的一切费用和风险均由卖方

负担。在货物超过船舷并从吊钩上卸下以后 ,所发生的一切费用均由买方负担。

e . The Sellers shall bear all expenses and risks involved in the handling of the goods before

they pass over the vessel’s rail and are released from the tackle, whereas all expenses involved in

the loading of the goods after they have passed over the vessel’s rail and have been released from

the vessel’s tackle shall be for the Buyers’account .

(16) 装运通知 : SHI PPING ADVICE:

货物全部装船后 ,买方应立即将合同编号、商品名称、数量、毛重、发票金额、船名和开航日

期电告买方。如单件货物的重量超过 9 公吨或阔度超过 3400 毫米 , 或两旁高度超过 2350 毫

米 ,则卖方应将该件重量和尺码告知买方。如由于卖方未及时将装运通知电告买方 , 以致货物

未及时保险而发生的一切损失应由卖方负担。如货物系属危险品 , 卖方应将其性质及处理办


Immediately the goods are completely loaded , the Sellers shall cable to notify the Buyers of

the contract number , name of commodity, quantity , gross weight , invoiced value, name of the

carrying vessel and the date of sailing . If any package is above 9 met ric tons in weight, or over

3400mm in width , or over 2350mm on both sides in height , the Sellers shall advise the Buyers of

the weight and measurements of such package . In case the goods are not insured in time owing to

the Sellers having failed to give timely advice, any and all consequent losses shall be borne by the

Sellers . In the case of dangerous goods , the Sellers shall cable to notify the Buyers and the China

National Foreign Transportation Corporation at the por t of destination of their nature and the

method of handling them .

(17) 质量保证 : G UARANTEE OF Q UALITY :

卖方保证订货系用最上等的材料和头等工艺制成 , 全新 , 未曾用过 , 并完全符合本合同规

定的质量、规格和性能。卖方并保证本合同订货在正确安装、正常使用的维修的情况下 , 自货

物到达到货口岸之日起 12 个月内运转良好。

The Sellers shall guarantee that the goods are made of best materials , with first class

workmanship , brand now, unused and correspond in all respects with the quality , specifications

and performance as stipulated in this Contract . The Sellers shall also guarantee that the goods

when correctly mounted and properly operated and main tained , will give satisfactory performance

for a period of 12 months staring from the date on which the goods arrive at the port of

destination .


甲、在交货以前 , 制造厂应就订货的质量、规格、性能、数量/ 重量做出准确和全面的检验 ,

并出具货物和与本合同规定相符的证明书 ,该证书为议付/ 托收货款而应上交银行的单据的组

成部分 ,但不得为货物的质量、规格、性能和数量/ 重量的最后依据。制造厂应将记载试验细节



a . T he manufacturers shall before making delivery, make a precise and comprehensive

inspection of the goods as regards their quality , specifications , performance and quantity/ weight,

and issue certificates cer tifying that the goods are in conformity with the stipulations of this

Cont ract . The cer tificates shall from an in tegral par t of the documents to be presented to the

paying bank for negotiation/ collection of payment but shall not be considered as final in respect of

quality, specifications , performance and quantity/ weight . Particulars and results of the test

carried out by the manufacturers must be shown in a statement to be attached to the said Quality

Certificate .

乙、货物到达到货口岸后 , 买方应申请中国商品检验局 (以下简称商检局 ) 就货物的质量、

规格和数量/ 重量进行初步检验。如发现到货的规格或数量/ 重量与合同不符 , 除应由保险公

司或船公司负责者外 ,买方于货物在到货口岸卸货后 120 天内凭商检局出具之检验证书有权


b . After arrival of the goods at the port of destination , the Buyers shall apply to the China

Commodity inspection Bureau ( hereinafter called the Bureau ) for a preliminary inspection of the

goods in respect of their quality , specifications and quantity/ weight . If any discrepancies are

found by the Bureau regarding the specifications or the quantity/ weight or both , except those for

which either the insurance company or the shipping company is responsible, the Buyers shall ,

within 120 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination , have the right either to

reject the goods or to claim against the Sellers on the st rength of the inspection certificate issued

by the Bureau .

丙、在本合同第 17 条规定的保证期限内 ,如发现货物的质量及/ 或规格与本合同规定不符

或发现货物无论任何原因引起的缺陷包括内在缺陷或使用不良的原料 , 买方应申请商检局检

验 ,并有权根据商检证向卖方索赔。

c . Within the guarantee period stipulated in Clause 17 hereof should the quality and/ or the

specifications of the goods be found not in conformity with the cont racted stipulations , or should

the goods prove defective for any reasons , including latent defect or the use of unsuitable

materials, the Buyers shall arrange for an inspection to be carried out by the Bureau and have the

righ t to claim against the Sellers on the st rength of the inspection certificate issued by the Bureau .

丁、卖方收到买方索赔通知后 , 如果在 30 天内不答复 , 应视为卖方同意买方提出的一切索


d . Any and all claims shall be regarded as accepted if the Sellers fail to reply within 30 days

after receipt of the Buyers’claim .


如货物不符合本合同规定应由卖方负责者。同时买方按照本合同第 17 条和第 18 条的规

定在索赔期限或质量保证期限内提出索赔 ,卖方在取得买方同意后 , 应按下列方式理赔。

In case the Sellers are liable for the discrepancies and a claim is made by the Buyers within

the period of claim or quality guarantee period as stipulated in Clauses 17 and 18 of this Cont ract .

The Sellers shall set tle the claim upon the agreement of the Buyers in the following ways:

甲、同意买方退货 , 并将退货金额以成交原币偿还买方 , 并负担因退货而发生的一切直接

损失和费用 ,包括利息 , 银行费用 ,运费 , 保险费 , 商检费 , 仓租 , 码头装卸费以及为保管退货而



a . Agree to the rejection of the goods and refund to the Buyers the value of the goods so

rejected in the same currency as contracted herein , and to bear all direct losses and expenses in

connection there with including in terest accrued , banking charges , freigh t , insurance premium ,

inspection charges , storage, stevedore charges and all other necessary expenses required for the

custody and protection of the rejected goods .

乙、按照货物的疵劣程度 , 损坏的范围和买方所遭受的损失 ,将货物贬值。

b . Devaluate the goods according to the degree of inferiority , exten t of damage and amount

of losses sustained by the Buyers .

丙、调换有瑕疵的货物 , 换货必须全新并符合本合同规定的规格、质量和性能。卖方并负

担因此而发生的一切费用和买方遭受的一切直接损失。对换货的质量 , 卖方仍应按本合同第

17 条的决定 ,保证 12 个月。

c . Replace the defective goods with new ones which conform to the specifications , quality

and performance as stipulated in this Contract , and bear all expenses incurred to and direct losses

sustained by the Buyers . The Sellers shall , at the same time, guaran tee the quality of the

replacement goods for a further period of 12 months as specified in Clause 17 of this Contract .

(20) 人力不可抗拒事故 : FORCE MAJEURE :

由于人力不可抗拒事故 ,而卖方交货迟延或不能交货时 , 责任不在卖方。但卖方应立即将

事故通知买方 ,并于事故发生后 14 天内将事故发生地政府主管机关出具的事故证明书用空邮

寄交买方为证 ,并取得买方认可 , 在上述情况下 ,卖方仍负有采取一切必要措施从速交货的责

任。如果事故持续超过 10 个星期 , 买方有权撤销本合同。

The Sellers shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or nondelivery of the goods

due to Force Majeure . However , the Sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of such

occurrence and within fourteen days thereafter , shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their

acceptance a cer tificate issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the

accident occurs as evidence there of . Under such circumstances the Sellers , however , are still

under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods . In case the

accident lasts for more than ten weeks , the Buyers shall have the right to cancel this Cont ract .


如延迟交货除人力不可抗拒事故者外 ,卖方应付给买方每一星期按迟交货物总值的0 .5 %

的迟交罚款 ,不足一星期的迟交日数作为一星期计算 , 此项罚款总额不超过全部迟交货物总值

的 5% ,在议付货款时由银行代为扣除 , 或由买方在付款时进行扣除。

如迟延交货超过原定期限 10 星期时 , 买方有权终止本合同。但卖方仍应向买方缴付以上

规定之罚款 ,不得推诿或迟延。

In case of delayed delivery , except for force majeure cases , the Sellers shall pay to the Buyers

for every week of delay a penalty mounting to 0 .5% of the total value of the goods whose delivery

has been delayed . Any fractional part of a week is to be considered a full week . The total amount

of penalty shall not , however , exceed 5 % of the total value of the goods involved in late delivery

and is to be deducted from the remount due to the Sellers by the paying bank at the time of

negotiation , or by the Buyers direct at the time of payment .


In case the period of delay exceeds 10 weeks after the stipulated delivery date the Buyers have

the righ t to terminate this Contract but the Sellers shall not thereby be exempted from the

payment of penalty .

(22) 仲裁 : ARBITRATION :

凡有关本合同或执行本合同而发生的一切争执 ,应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决 , 则应


裁决是最终的 ,买卖双方均应受其约束 , 任何一方不得向法院或其他机关申请变更。仲裁费用


All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution there of shall be settled through

friendly negotiations . In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations , the case should

then be submitted for arbitration to China In ternational Economic and Trade Arbit ration

Commission , Beijing, in accordance with its arbitration rules . The arbit ration so all take place in

Beijing and the decision rendered by the said Commission shall be final and binding upon both

par ties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities for revising the

decision . The arbit ration fee shall be borne by the losing part .

(23) 附注 : REMARKS:

本合同一式两份 ,买卖双方各执一份为证。

This Cont ract is made out in two original copies, one copy to be held by each par ty in witness

thereof .

出卖人 : ^买受人 :

The Sellers: The Buyers:


出口商品买卖合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

C .I .F ./ C . & F . 编号 No .


C .I .F ./ C & F .Form 中国 China

买受人 : �出卖人 :

Buyer: Seller :

地址 : 地址 :

Address: Address:

电挂 : 电挂 :

Cable: Cable :

电传 : 电传 :

Telex : Telex :

上述买卖双方按照下列条件于 年 月 日签订合同。

The Seller and the Buyer above named have this day of .

entered in to this Contract on the following terms and conditions .

1. 货物 :


序 号

Item No .


Descrip tion

单 位

U nit

数 量


单 价

Unit Price

总 价


2. 合同总价 :


3. 包装 :


4. 保险 :根据中国人民保险公司保险条款按发票金额 110% INSURANCE : 投保综合险。

Covering All Risks for 110% of the invoice value as per Insurance: Policy of People’s

Insurance Company of China( P .I .C .C) .



To be affected by the Buyer .

5. 运输标志 :


6. 装运港 :


7. 目的港 :


8. 装运期 :


9. 付款条件 :


合同货款应由买方通过卖方可接受的银行 , 按合同总价开出以卖方为受益人的、无追索

权、保兑、不可撤销、可转让、可分批装运、可转船的信用证支付。凭 即期汇票在提示

第 10 条所列装运单据时付款。该信用证最迟应于装运期开始前 天开到卖方 ,而且在

装运期结束后 15 天内仍能在中国有效议付。

若买方未能履行上述义务 ,根据卖方的选择 , 可终止本合同 ,或接受本合同的部分或全部 ,


Payment hereunder shall be made by confirmed; irrevocable and transferable without

recourse letter of credit in favour of the seller for the total contract value opened by a bank

acceptable to the Seller permitting part shipments and transhipments in one or more vessels , and

available by sigh t draft ( s) against presentation of the shipping documents mentioned in

Clause 10 .The let ter of credit shall reach the Seller not less than days prior to the start

of the Shipment Period and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the

expiry of the Shipment Period .

Should the Buyer fail to fulfil its obligations mentioned above, the Seller shall , at its

discretion , terminate the Contract or accept whole or part of this cont ract , or lodge a claim for

losses thus sustained , if any .

10 .装运单据 :


(a) 商业发票 ;

Commercial invoices( s) ;

( b) 空白抬头、空白背书、可转让的清结提单 , 或指定买方为收货人的记名提单 ;

Negotiable clean bill( s) of lading to order blank endorsed or naming Buyer’s consigee;

(c ) 原产地证书 ;

Certificate ( s) of origin ;

( d) 装箱单 ;

Packing list ;

(e ) 保险单 (只适用于 GIF 合同 ) .

Certificate ( s) of insurance ( in the case of GIF sales) .

11 . 合同的完整性与转让 :



(a) 本合同中的条件和条款构成买卖双方 ( 以下简称“双方”) 对合同项下货物的全部和最

终理解。对本合同的任何修改、补充或对合同任何条款的免除 , 均必须经受约束方书面确认 ,


The terms and conditions found within this Contract constitute the complete and final

understanding of the Seller and the Buyer ( hereinafter“ the Parties”) with respect to the

commodity referred to herein .No modification , ex tension or release from any provision hereof shall

be effective unless the same shall be confirmed in writing by the Party to be bound .

( b) 未经卖方事先书面同意 , 本合同及合同项下的任何权益不得转让。

Neither this Contract nor any in terest therein shall be assignable without the prior written

consent of the Seller .

12. 担保 :


卖方担保所有货物符合第一条规定的规格。除此之外 , 任何性质的陈述 , 担保和条件 , 均


The Seller warrants that all commodity will conform to the descrip tion set out in Clause 1 .

Save as aforesaid all represen tations , conditions and warran ties of whatsoever nature are hereby

excluded and extinguished .

13. 许可证、关税和税收 :


除本合同另有规定外 ,所有进口许可、许可证以及不属于卖方国家的任何政府机构征收的


Except as otherwise provided herein , all import permits and licenses and the import duties ,

customs fees and all taxes levied by any government authority other than the Seller’s count ry shall

be the sole responsibility of the Buyer .

14. 不可抗力 :


如果卖方遇到人力不可抗拒事件 ,包括但不限于火灾、水灾、地震、台风、自然灾害以及任

何其他卖方不能合理控制的任何意外事故和情况 , 阻止、妨碍或干扰了本合同的履行时 , 本合

同规定的卖方履约时间应自动延长 ,其延长的时间应相当于因人力不可抗拒事件直接地或间

接地使卖方不能履行本合同的时间。受不可抗力事件影响的卖方应在合理的时间内 , 用电报

或电传将不可抗力事件的发生通知买方 ,并于 1 个月内将有关当局出具的有关不可抗力事件


如果不履约的情况延续达 60 天以上 , 双方应立即协商修改合同。若从不可抗力事件发生

之日起 120 天内双方当事人未能取得双方满意的解决办法时 , 任何一方都可以终止履行本合


The time for the performance of the Seller’s obligations set forth in this Cont ract shall be

automatically extended for a period equal to the duration of any nonperformance arising directly or

indirectly from Force Majeure events including but not limited to fire, flood , ear thquake, typhoon ,

natural catast rophe, and all other contingencies and circumstances whatsoever beyond the Seller’s


reasonable control preventing , hindering or interfering with the performance thereof, The Seller so

prevented by force majeure shall in reasonable time inform the Buyer by cable or telex of the

occurrence of force majeure and within one month by air mail a relevant certificate issued by

competen t authorities as evidence thereof .If the nonperformance lasts for more than six ty ( 60 )

days, the Parties shall immediately consult together in an effort to agree upon a revised Contract

basis .If the Parties are unable to arrive at a mutually satisfactory solu tion within one hundred and

twenty( 120 ) days from the beginning of such force Majeure, then either of the Parties may

terminate the Contract in respect of the unexecuted portion of the Cont ract .

15. 索赔 :


如发现货物在质量、数量或规格方面与本合同第一条规定不符 , 卖方同意审核任何因此而


赔要求应于货物到达目的港后 3 个月内以书面形式提出 ,数量或规格方面的索赔要求 , 应于货

物到达目的港后 15 天内以书面的形式提出。

在任何情况下 ,卖方对利润损失、时间延误、商誉损害或其他由此而引起的任何特殊或间


对于任何原因造成的任何性质的一切灭失或损害 ,卖方的赔偿责任 , 在任何情况下不得超

过索赔部分货物的合同价款 ,或者根据卖方的选择 , 对此货物进行修复或更换。

Should the quality , quantity and/ or specification of the commodity be found not in conformity

with the description set out in Clause one, the Seller agrees to examine any claim , which shall be

suppor ted by a report issued by a reputable surveyor approved by the Seller , Claims concerning

quality shall be made in writing within three months after the arrival of the goods at the port of

destination .Claims concerning quantity and/ or specification shall be made in writing within fifteen

days after the arrival of the goods at the por t of destination .In no event shall the Seller be liable

for lost profits , delay , injury to goodwill or any special or consequential damages howsoever any of

the same are caused .

The Seller’s liability for any and all losses of damages of whatsoever nature resulting from

any cause whatsoever shall in no event exceed the portion of the Total Cont ract P rice att ributable

to commodity in respect of which the claim is made ,or at the election of the repair of replacement

of such commodity .

16. 仲裁 :


本合同受中华人民共和国的法律管辖 , 并按其进行解释。一切因合同引起的或与合同有

关的争议 ,如果可能 , 应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决 , 任何一方都可以提出仲裁。

仲裁地点为中华人民共和国北京。仲裁在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会进行 , 并适用它的仲

裁规则。仲裁裁决是终局的 , 对双方均有约束力。除仲裁另有裁定外 , 仲裁费用由败诉方


This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the People’s

Republic of China .All disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall if possible be

settled amicably through friendly negotiation .In case no set tlement can be reached thereby the


dispute may if either party so requires be resolved by the arbit ration shall be Beijing .People’s

Republic of China .The arbit ration shall take place in the China International Economic and Trade

Arbitration Commission and its arbitral rules shall be applicable . The award shall be final and

binding upon both parties .The arbitration fees , unless otherwise awarded , shall be borne by the

losing party .

卖方和买方授权的高级职员或代表于上述日期签订本合同 ,特此为证。

IN witness whereof the Seller and the Buyer have caused this Contract to be executed by

their duly authorized officers or represen tatives as of the day and year first above written .

出卖人 : �买受人 :

Seller : Buyer :


成套设备进口合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

目 录

第一章 定义

第二章 合同范围

第三章 价格

第四章 支付

第五章 交货与交货条件

第六章 包装与标记

第七章 设计与设计联络

第八章 标准与检验

第九章 安装、试车和验收

第十章 保证、索赔和罚款

第十一章 侵权和保密

第十二章 不可抗力

第十三章 税费

第十四章 仲裁

第十五章 合同生效、终止及其他

第十六章 法定地址

附 件

附件一 合同的供货范围和合同产品的内容 (略 )

附件二 “合同工厂”的规范及技术条件 (略 )

附件三 技术资料的内容及交付日期 (略 )

附件四 合同的分项价格 (略 )

附件五 出卖人技术人员的服务范围和待遇条件 (略 )

附件六 买受人技术人员的培训范围和待遇条件 (略 )

附件七 出卖人银行不可撤销的保证函 (略 )

附件八 买受人银行不可撤销的保证函 (略 )


合 同

合同编号 :

签字日期 :

签字地点 :

中国 , (以下简称买受人 ) 为一方与 国 , 市 ,

公司 (以下简称出卖人 ) 为另一方 ,双方授权代表同意就下列条款签订本合同 :

第一章 定义

1.1 “买受人”———是指 ,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。

1.2 “出卖人”———是指 国 公司 , 或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产


1.3 “合同产品”———是指本合同附件一中所列的产品及其型号和规格。

1.4 “技术资料”———是指本合同附件二中所列的全部技术数据、图纸、设计、计算、操作、


1.5 “合同工厂”———是指买受人使用出卖人提供的技术和资料进行生产合同产品的场

所 ,包括出卖人提供的全套设备和备件 , 即 省 市 工厂。

1.6 “净销售价”———是指合同产品的销售发票价格扣除包装费、运输费、保险费、佣金、


1.7 “技术服务”———是指出卖人根据本合同附件五和附件六中的规定 , 就合同产品的设

计、制造、装配、检验、调试、操作等工作 , 向引进方提供的技术指导和技术培训。

1.8 “商业性生产”———是指合同工厂生产第 台合同产品以后的生产。

1.9 “合同生效日期”———是指本合同的双方政府有关当局中的最后一方批准合同的


(注 : 可根据具体项目的需要增减上述定义 )

第二章 合同范围

2.1 买受人同意从出卖人购买 ,出卖人同意向买受人出售 成套设备项目 (以下

简称“合同工厂”) , 其中包括为保证合同工厂安全稳定地操作所需要的全部设备、材料和备件

(以下简称“设备”) ,以及合同工厂装配、安装、试车、正常操作 , 生产和维修所需的全部技术和

资料 (以下简称“技术资料”) 。

出卖人供货的具体内容 ,详见本合同附件一。


2.2 出卖人所供应的全部设备的技术性能和出卖人对合同工厂设备的技术保证详见本


2.3 出卖人派遣有经验的、健康的和称职的技术人员到合同工厂现场对合同工厂的施



2.4 出卖人负责培训买受人派遣的技术人员 , 其人数、培训地点 , 培训范围见本合同附



2.5 本合同签订后 年内 ,根据买受人的要求 , 出卖人有义务以优惠价格提供买


第三章 价格

3.1 出卖人按本合同第二章规定提供合同工厂“设备”和“技术资料”的总价为

(大写 : ) 。

3.2 上述合同总价的分项价格如下 :

3.2.1 机械设备部分 :

(1 ) 设备和材料费

(2 ) 备品和备件费

(3 ) 设计费

(4 ) 技术资料费

(5 ) 技术服务费

(6 ) 技术培训费

3.2.2 技术转让部分 :

(1 ) 技术转让费

(2 ) 设计费

(3 ) 技术资料费

(4 ) 技术服务费

(5 ) 人员培训费

上述分项价格清单 ,详见附件四。

3.3 上述合同总价中的设备部分为 FOB 港口买受人指定的受载船只船面交货

的固定价格 ,并包括装船费、包装费以及将货物装到买受人所指定的船面以前的一切费用 , 上


第四章 支付 (方案一 )

4.1 本合同买卖双方的支付均以电汇 ( T/ T ) 进行。买受人向出卖人的付款应通过北京

中国银行付给 银行 , 出卖人向买受人的付款应通过 银行付给北京中国银行。

4.2 本合同第三章所规定的合同总价 , 按以下办法及比例由买受人通过北京中国银行支


4.2.1 合同总价的 %计 ( 大写 : )。在买受人收到出卖人提交


(1 ) 出卖人国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证影印本一份 , 或者有关当局出具的不需


(2 ) 银行出具的以买受人为受益人 , 金额为合同总价的 % 不可撤销的

保证函正副本各一份 (保证函格式见合同附件七 ) 。

(3 ) 金额为合同总价的形式发票一式六份。

(4 ) 即期汇票一式两份。

(5 ) 商业发票一式六份。



买受人在收到出卖人按本合同第五章规定的货物装船通知后三十天内 , 经由北京中国银

行出具以出卖人为受益人 ,金额为合同总价的 %的不可撤销的保证函给出卖人 (保函

格式见本合同附件八 )。

4.2.2 合同总价的 % ,计 (大写 : ) ,买受人在收到出卖人提交

的下列单据经审核无误后三十天内支付给出卖人 :

(1 ) 全套清结无疵、空白抬头、空白背书 , 并注明“运费到付通知目的港中国对外贸易运输

公司”的海运提单正本三份 , 副本三份 ;

(2 ) 商业发票一式六份 ;

(3 ) 即期汇票一式两份 ;

(4 ) 装箱明细单一式六份 ;

(5 ) 质量和数量合格证书一式六份。

4.2.3 合同总价的 % ,计 (大写 : ) ,在买受人收到下列单据经

审核无误后三十天内支付给出卖人 :

(1 ) 商业发票一式六份 ;

(2 ) 双方代表按本合同第九章规定签署的合同工厂交接验收证书的影印本一份 ;

(3 ) 即期汇票一式两份。

4.2.4 合同总价的 % ,计 (大写 : ) ,买受人在按本合同第十章

规定“合同工厂”保证期满后 ,并收到出卖人提交的下列单据经审核无误后三十天内 , 即支付给

出卖人 :

(1 ) 按本合同第十章中规定的由买受人出具的经出卖人会签的“合同工厂”保证期满证明

书副本一份 ;

(2 ) 商业发票一式六份 ;

(3 ) 即期汇票一式两份。

4.2.5 按本合同第十章规定 , 如果出卖人应支付赔偿或/ 和罚款时 , 买受人有权从上述任


4.3 买、卖双方因履行本合同所发生的银行费用 , 在中国发生的 , 由买受人负担 ; 在中国

以外发生的 ,由出卖人负担。

(注 : 方案一适用于现汇付款的情况 )

第四章 支付 (方案二 )

4.1 本合同买卖双方的支付均以电汇 ( T/ T ) 进行。买受人向出卖人的付款应通过北京

中国银行付给 银行 , 出卖人向买受人的付款应通过 银行付给北京中国银行。

4.2 本合同第三章所规定的合同总价按以下办法及比例 , 由买受人通过北京中国银行支

付给出卖人 :

4.2.1 合同总价的 % ,计 (大写 : ) ,在买受人收到出卖人提交

的下列单据经审核无误后不迟于三十天即支付给出卖人 :

(1 ) 出卖人国家有关当局出具的出口许可证影印本一份 , 或有关当局出具的不需出口许

可证的证明文件一份 ;

(2 ) 由 银行出具的以买受人为受益人金额为合同总价的 % 的不可撤销

的保证函正、副本各一份 ( 保证函格式见本合同附件七 ) ;


(3 ) 金额为合同总价的形式发票一式六份 ;

(4 ) 即期汇票一式两份 ;

(5 ) 商业发票一式六份。


4.2.2 合同总价的 % ,计 (大写 : ) ,在出卖人按本合同第五章

规定交货时 ,买受人在收到出卖人提交的下列单据经审核无误后不迟于三十天 , 将每批交货总

价的 %支付给出卖人。

(1 ) 全套清结无疵、空白抬头、空白背书 , 并注明“运费到付通知目的港中国对外贸易运输

公司”的海运提单正本三份 , 副本三份 ;

(2 ) 商业发票一式六份 ;

(3 ) 即期汇票一式两份 ;

(4 ) 详细装箱单一式六份 ;

(5 ) 质量合格证一式六份。

4.2.3 合同总价的 % ,计 (大写 : ) ,在买受人收到下列单据经

审核无误后不迟于三十天支付给出卖人 :

(1 ) 商业发票一式六份 ;

(2 ) 双方代表按本合同第九章规定签署的合同工厂交接验收证书的影印本一份 ;

(3 ) 即期汇票一式两份。

4.2.4 合同总价的 % , 计 (大写 : )。在按本合同第十章规定

“合同工厂”保证期满后 ,买受人在收到出卖人提交的下述单据经审核无误后不迟于三十天即

支付给出卖人 :

(1 )商业发票一式六份 ;

(2 ) 双方代表按本合同第十章规定签署的合同工厂保证期结束的确认书影印本一份 ;

(3 ) 即期汇票一式两份。

4.2.5 合同总价的 % , 计 (大写 : )。买受人应自 日

起 ,于 年内 ,每 个月为一期 ,平均分期按下列办法支付给出卖人。 出卖人应开立分 期支付具有下述内容的远期汇票共 份 ,每份

正、副本各一份于 时提交买受人 :

(1 ) 票面金额为合同总价的 % , 另加第 章 条规定的延期付款

的利息 ,计 ( 大写 : ) ;

(2 ) 以 日期为出票日 ,到期日分别为自出票日满 个月 ;

(3 ) 以买受人为付款人 ;

(4) 带有利息条款。利息按年息 % 计算自出票日起算至到期日止。具体金额

如下 :

票期 本金 利息 本利合计




合计 买受人收到汇票后 , 于 时即对上述分 期支付的汇票正本承


兑 ,并交北京中国银行背书保证后送交出卖人。 出卖人收到汇票后应在各期汇票到期日前 , 分别将汇票正本提交北京中国银

行 ,由北京中国银行提请买受人于汇票到期日后一天支付给出卖人。

4.3 按本合同第 章和第 章规定 , 如果出卖人应支付赔款或/ 和罚款等

有关款项时 ,买受人在按本章第 4.2.2 条 , 4.2.3 条 , 4.2.4 条规定支付货款时有权从货款中


4.4 买受人支付本章第 4.2.1 条所规定的货款时 , 应向出卖人提交中国银行出具的以出

卖人为受益人金额为合同总价 %和延期付款的利息的保证函 (保证函格式详见本合

同附件八 )。

4.5 买卖双方因履行本合同所发生的银行费用 , 在中国发生的 ,均由买受人负担 , 在中国

以外发生的 ,均由出卖人负担。

(注 : 方案二各项条款适用于延期付款的情况 )

第五章 交货与交货条件

5.1 出卖人应于本合同生效日后 个月内分 批将本“合同工厂”的“设


总毛重大约为 公吨。总体积大约为 立方米。

本合同工厂“设备”的交货港口为 , 目的港口为中国 。

5.2 出卖人在合同生效日后 个月内 , 应向买受人提交初步交货计划一式六份


间、交货港口、危险品的品名以及国际危规号等 ) , 并提出超大、超重设备的尺码 ( 长、宽、高和体

积 )和大约重量 , 以及危险品、易燃品在运输保管方面的特殊要求和注意事项。不能拆卸的单

体设备重量最大限度为 30 吨 ,体积最大限度为长 12 米 , 宽 2.7 米 , 高 3 米。凡超过此限度的

货物出卖人应在本合同生效日后 个月内向买受人提供草图一式六份 , 经买受人同意

后 ,才能安排制造。买受人应于收到上述草图后一个月内用电传或信件确认 , 否则 ,出卖人即

开始制造。至迟不超过第一批交货前 个月 , 出卖人应向买受人提交最终交货计划一


毛净重、每件货物的大约尺寸、(长、宽、高 ) 体积、交货港、每批货物的交货时间以及超大、超重


5.3 已装船的提单日期为设备的实际交付日期。

5.4 出卖人供应的每批设备 , 应为本章第 5.1 条规定的港口在买受人指定的受载船只船

面交货。“设备”的风险 ,出卖人在买受人指定的受载船只船面交货后 , 即由出卖人转移给买


5.5 在每批货物备妥待运前不迟于 天 ,出卖人应以电报通知买受人如下内容 :

(1 ) 合同号 ;

(2 ) 货物备妥待运日 ;

(3 ) 货物总体积 ;

(4 ) 货物总重量 ;

(5 ) 总包装数量 ;

(6 ) 装船港口名称 ;


(7 ) 重量超过 20 吨 ,尺寸超过 12×2.7×3 米的每件货物的大约总毛重、总体积及名称 ;

(8 ) 危险品的品名、重量、国际危规号。

同时出卖人还应航寄给买受人下列文件 ,每件一式六份 :

(1 ) 发运货物的详细清单 , 包括合同号、序号、“设备”的名称、规格、型号、数量、单价、总

价、单重、单件体积和总体积 ,每件货物的外形尺寸 ( 长×宽×高 )总件数和装船港口名称 ;

(2 ) 重量超过 30 吨或体积超过 12×2.7×3 米的每件大件货物的外形包装草图 ;

(3 ) 易燃品和危险品的品名、性质、特殊防护措施及事故处理方法说明书 ;

(4 ) 对温度、震动等有特殊要求的货物在运输过程中的特殊注意事项证明书。

上述文件另一份航寄目的港的中国对外贸易运输公司 , 作为买受人安排运输和装卸工作


5.6 所有设备交货应单机成套 , 安装用的专用工具 ,材料、易损件应随主机一同交付。如


5.7 买受人应于受载船只抵达交货港口前不迟于十天将船名、预计抵达日期通知出卖

人。 (如买受人需要变更船只或改变船期 , 买受人或买受人船舶代理人应及时通知出卖人。)

5.8 如出卖人未能在买受人船只抵达交货港口时将货物备妥装船 , 买受人因此而遭受的

空舱费、船舶滞期费和有关费用 , 均由出卖人负担 ,按轮船公司提出的有关单据 , 作为结算费用


5.9 如出卖人在受载船只预计抵达日期已将货物备妥而买受人船只不能在预计抵达日

期后三十天内抵达交货港口 ,这三十天内的有关仓储费、保险费等由出卖人负担 , 但第三十一

天起以后发生的仓储费、保险费 , 按出卖人提供的原始凭证 , 由买受人核实支付。但出卖人仍

有责任根据买受人通知 ,在受载船只抵达交货港口后 , 由出卖人负责交货 ,在此情况下 , 出卖人


5.10 出卖人应在每批货物装船后四十八小时内 ,将提单日期和号码、船名、“设备”名称、

总价、总重、总体积、总件数和合同号以电传通知买受人。如遇有第 5.5 条的大件货物及危险

品 ,应逐件列明毛重和尺寸 ( 长、宽、高 )、品名、金额。买受人因出卖人未及时通知而未投保所


5.11 在将货物装到船上后 ,出卖人应于装船后将每批货物的整套交货文件 ( 即 :提单、商

业发票、装箱单和质量证明书各一份 ) 随船在目的港提交给中国外贸运输公司。



5.12 技术资料的内容和交付计划见本合同附件二。

5.13 出卖人在技术资料发出前一周将大约件数、大约毛重、合同号和资料预计抵达北京

和/ 或 的日期用电传通知买受人。在资料寄出后二十四小时内出卖人需将发出日期、


5.14 “技术资料”到达目的机场的日期为实际交付日期。

5.15 出卖人提供的“技术资料”应在北京和/ 或 机场交付 , 上述资料的风险 , 在

出卖人在北京和/ 或 机场交付后即由出卖人转移给买受人 , 如果技术资料短少、丢失

或损坏时 ,出卖人应在收到买受人通知二十一天内在北京和/ 或 机场补充提供丢失或

损坏部分 ,不再收取任何费用。

5.16 在每批“技术资料”交货后的两个工作日内 ,出卖人应将下述文件航寄给买受人 :


(1 ) 空运提单一式两份 ( 通知目的机场的中国对外贸易运输公司 ,并注明合同号 ) 。

(2 ) 技术文件的详细清单一式两份。

第六章 包装与标记

6.1 出卖人交付的所有货物应具有适合远洋和内陆运输和多次搬运、装卸的新的坚固木

箱包装。并应根据货物的特点和需要 ,加上防潮、防雨、防锈、防震、防腐蚀的保护措施 , 以保证


6.2 出卖人对包装箱内和捆内的各散装部件均应系加标签 , 注明合同号、主机名称、部件

名称以及该部件在装配图中的位号、零件号。备件和工具除注明上述内容外 , 尚需注明“备件”


6.3 出卖人应在每件包装箱的邻接四个侧面上 , 用不褪色的油漆以明显易见的英文字样

印刷以下标记 :

(1 ) 合同号 ;

(2 ) 唛头标记 ;

(3 ) 目的港 ;

(4 ) 收货人 ;

(5 ) 设备名称及项号 ;

(6 ) 箱号/ 件号 ;

(7 ) 毛重净重 ( 公斤 ) ;

(8 )尺码 ( 长×宽×高 ,以毫米表示 ) 。

凡重量为二公吨或超过二公吨的货物 ,应在包装箱的四个侧面以英文及国际贸易运输常

用的标记、图案标明重量及挂绳和重心位置 , 以便装卸搬运。根据货物的特点和装卸、运输上

的不同要求 ,在包装箱上应以英文明显地印刷“轻放”、“勿倒置”、“防雨”等字样以及相应的国


6.4 对裸装货物应以金属标签注明上述有关内容。装在甲板上的大件货物 , 应带有足够


6.5 每件包装箱内 , 应附有详细装箱单和质量合格证各一式两份 , 有关设备的技术文件


6.6 出卖人交付的技术资料 , 应具有适合于长途运输、多次搬运、防潮和防雨的包装 , 每

包技术资料的封面上应注明下述内容 :

(1 ) 合同号 ;

(2 ) 收货人 ;

(3 ) 目的地 ;

(4 ) 唛头标记 ;

(5 ) 毛重 ( 公斤 ) ;

(6 ) 箱号/ 件号。

每一包资料内应附有技术资料的详细清单一式两份 , 标明技术资料的序号、代号、号称和


6.7 凡由于出卖人对货物包装不善 , 保管不良 ,致使货物遭到损坏或丢失时 , 出卖人均应



第七章 设计与设计联络

7.1 为使本“合同工厂”的建设工作顺利进行 , 买卖双方应按照本合同附件和本章的规定


设计联络会议内容、时间、地点和参加人员 ,详见附件 。

7.2 出卖人承担的设计工作范围详见本合同附件 。出卖人提交“技术资料”的

要求、内容、份数和交付日期详见本合同附件 。

7.3 买受人承担的设计范围详见本合同附件 。买受人向出卖人提供的技术资

料详见本合同附件 。出卖人依此做为本“合同工厂”设计的依据。

7.4 本合同生效之日起 个月内出卖人应将有关标准、规范及其清单航空邮寄

给买受人。买受人将对出卖人提交的上述标准和规范提出意见 ,经双方讨论商定后予以更换 ,


7.5 出卖人在初步设计全部资料寄达北京后 个星期内 ,应自费派遣技术人员来

华解释设计 ,买受人应协助办理入境签证和居留手续。在解释设计期间 , 买受人有权提出改进

意见 ,出卖人对此应予充分考虑。初步设计经审核后双方签订协议书 , 该协议书即作为最终设


7.6 买受人在收到出卖人提供的最终设计全部资料后 天内 ,应予确认。

7.7 买受人在本“合同工厂”设计过程中 , 认为有必要时 , 有权自费派遣技术人员到出卖


入境证和居留手续 ,并免费提供所有与设计有关的技术资料和工作的方便条件。

7.8 在执行本合同期间 , 买受人提出与“合同工厂”有关设计和技术问题时 , 出卖人应予

及时答复 ,并免费提供有关资料。

第八章 标准与检验

8.1 出卖人供应本合同工厂的“设备”的制造、选材、检验和试验 , 应按出卖人国家和/ 或


本合同生效后 个月内 ,出卖人应将上述公司标准和规范一式六份和国家标准一



8.2 出卖人对其供应的全部“设备”应进行检验和试验 , 并向买受人提交由制造厂或出卖

人出具的质量合格证和检验记录 ,以此作为本合同规定的质量保证的证明书。“设备”检验和


8.3 买受人有权自费派遣检验人员到出卖人国家会同出卖人检验人员一起到制造厂车


日期通知买受人 ,买受人应在收到通知后一个月内将检验人员的名单通知出卖人 , 以便卖方协

助办理入境手续。主要设备的装配和检验应有买受人人员在场 ,买受人还应有权参加其他“设


8.4 买受人检验人员若发现“设备”的缺陷和/ 或不符合本合同规定的规格时 ,有权提出

意见 ,出卖人应充分考虑并自费采取必要措施排除缺陷 , 当缺陷排除后 ,应再次检验和试验 , 由



8.5 买受人检验人员在出卖人国家和制造厂的检验不代替“设备”运抵买受人合同工厂

现场的开箱检验 ,亦不能免除出卖人按本合同第十章规定的保证责任。买受人人员不签署任


8.6 出卖人应免费为买受人人员提供方便的工作条件 , 如必需的技术文件、图纸、检验工


8.7 如买受人不能在本章规定的期限内派出人员参加上述检验工作时 , 出卖人将自行


8.8 出卖人供应的全部“设备”的开箱检验应在合同工厂现场进行 , 出卖人有权自费派遣

他们的检验人员到合同工厂现场参加此项检验 , 买受人应在检验前一个月将开箱检验日期通

知出卖人 ,并为出卖人检验人员提供工作方便。


量标准与本合同 8.1 条和 10.1 条规定不符时 , 应做详细记录 , 并由双方代表签字。如属出卖

人责任 ,此记录即为买受人向出卖人要求换货、修理或补齐的有效证明。

8.9 如不属买受人原因 , 出卖人检验人员不能参加开箱检验时 , 买受人有权自行开箱检

验。如发现本合同 7.8 条所述问题系属出卖人责任时 ,应委托中国商品检验局出具证明 , 以此


出卖人接到买受人索赔证书后 ,应立即无偿换货、补发短缺部分或降低货价 , 并负担由此

产生的到安装现场的换货费用、风险以及买受人的检验费用。如出卖人对索赔有异议时 , 应在

接到买受人索赔证书后两个星期内提出异议 ,双方另行协商 ; 逾期 ,索赔即做成立。

出卖人换货和/ 或补交货物的时间 , 不迟于出卖人收到买受人索赔证书后 个月。

8.10 在开箱检验中 ,由于买受人的原因 , 发现“设备”有损坏 ,通知出卖人后 , 出卖人应尽

快补发、更换 , 其费用由买受人负担。

8.11 上述检验并不能解除出卖人对第九章、第十章所承担的责任。

8.12 在检验中 ,如发现出卖人提供的检验所需的标准仍不完整或提供的不及时 , 经与出

卖人协商 ,买受人有权按照买受人国家现行标准进行检验。

第九章 安装、试车和验收

9.1 “安装”系指合同工厂全部设备、材料和装配、就位和连接等安装工作。“试车”系指

机器和/ 或设备的单独或联动的试运转。


“考核”系指检查本合同附件 所规定的各项保证数值而进行的试验。

“验收”系指如果考核结果表明 ,本合同附件 所规定的各项保证指标能够全部达

到 ,则合同工厂即为买受人所验收。

9.2 合同工厂的安装将在买受人负责组织下和在出卖人负责技术指导下进行 , 出卖人有



安装工作开始前两个月 ,双方各自授权一名代表处理合同工厂从安装到验收期间有关合同工

厂的全部技术工作。具体工作应由双方代表友好协商安排。双方代表应充分合作 ,使合同工

厂在本合同生效日后 个月内建设完毕。

如果双方之间有任何问题和分歧时 , 双方将分析原因 , 澄清责任并在现场通过友好协商



9.3 在安装工作开始前 , 出卖人技术人员应详细介绍安装方法和要求。在安装期间出卖



9.4 安装完毕后 , 如双方代表认为安装工作完全符合设计要求时 , 双方代表应按技术文


的系统联运证书。上述证书将以附件 第 条规定的工作日志为基础。

如试车顺利完成 ,安装工作完全符合技术文件要求时 , 双方代表应在七天内在现场签署安




9.5 本章 9.4 条规定的试车完成后应尽快开始投料试生产 , 其开车日期由双方现场代表



人在安装及试车完成日前提出 ,并经双方代表讨论决定。

在投料试生产前 ,买受人应准备充足的维修工具、实验室及检验设施和熟练的操作、维修

及测试人员 ,其中包括本合同附件 第 条所列的人员 , 并准备好按本合同附件

所列必要数量和质量的全部原料 , 有关的公用工程。出卖人技术人员可出入试验室

和检验设施 ,以便取样分析。投料试生产和性能试验期间的采样、化验将在双方代表在场的情


除已同意的程序外 ,出卖人技术人员认为必要的采样和化验 , 在经与买受人代表协商后由


从试车到合同工厂验收期间 ,出卖人可以使用买受人库存的备品备件 , 如由于出卖人责任

出卖人使用了买受人库存的备品备件 ,出卖人应及时在现场予以偿还。

9.6 投料试生产期为首次投料生产开始日起的 个月。在此期间 ,当合同工厂主



每次考核的结果应做出记录 ,在每次考核完成后三天内双方在性能考核执行上签字确认。

9.7 如按本合同的附件 规定的考核期内实现了本合同附件 规定的全

部保证数值时 ,双方代表应在五天内签署合同工厂验收证书一式四份 , 双方各执两份 , 此即视


如因出卖人原因致任何一次考核未能成功时 , 出卖人应尽快在双方同意的期限内对“设

备”进行必要的修理、更换和/ 或修改。修改后应重新按照合同附件 的规定尽快再次

考核 ,买受人应大力协助。

如上述修理、更换和/ 或修改在现场进行 ,所需费用 ( 如工时费、材料费等 ) 应在合同工厂交

接验收前 ,由双方授权代表根据修理、更换和/ 或修改的情况商定 , 并由双方代表会签。

如因出卖人原因 ,需将任何设备运出中国以外进行修理或更换时 , 全部运费、修理或更换


9.8 在本合同 9.6 条规定的投料生产期间 , 本合同附件 规定的保证数值如有任

何一项或多项未能达到时 ,双方应会同研究 , 找出原因 ,澄清责任 , 并按以下规定处理 :


9.8.1 如由于出卖人原因未能达到保证数值时 , 买受人同意延长投料试生产期三个月 ,


未能达到保证数值时 ,买受人同意再次延长投料试生产期三个月。如在再次延长的三个月期

满时 ,由于出卖人原因 , 考核仍失败 ,未能达到保证数值时 , 应按本合同第十章第 10.8 条的规



9.8.2 如由于买受人原因未能达到保证数值时 , 投料试生产期应延长三个月。在此期

间 ,买受人将按本合同附件 的规定继续支付出卖人技术人员的全部费用均由买受人

负担。所需出卖人技术人员的人数由双方讨论决定 ,如在此延长的三个月期满时 , 仍由于买受

人原因未能达到保证数值时 ,“合同工厂”应由买受人验收 , 双方应在七天内签署验收证书。

然而出卖人应协助买受人采取一切必要措施 , 使“合同工厂”达到正常生产所需的指标。


9.9 如由于买受人原因 , 在按本合同第五章规定的第 批“设备”交货之日起

个月内“合同工厂”未能进行考核时 , 则按合同第四章第 条由买受人支付给

出卖人的款项应予实现 ,但不免除出卖人的所有责任。

9.10 如由于买受人原因 ,在按本合同第五章规定的第 批“设备”和材料交货之

日起 个月内“合同工厂”未能进行考核时 ,“合同工厂”应为买受人所验收 ,但出卖人仍


成协议。如由于出卖人原因 ,上述第 批交货延误 ,由上面所提的时间应相应顺延。

9.11 按本合同的 9.7、9.8 和 9.9 条规定的“合同工厂”的验收 ,并不能免除出卖人对“合


第十章 保证、索赔和罚款

10.1 出卖人保证其供应的本“合同工厂”的技术水平是先进的 ,“设备”是全新的 , 质量是

优良的。设备和材料的选型均符合工艺、完全运行和操作长期使用的要求 , 并符合本合同附件

和附件 的规定。

10.2 出卖人保证所交付的技术资料、图纸清晰、完整和正确并能满足“合同工厂”的设

计、安装、运行和维修的要求并符合附件 的规定。

10.3 在本“合同工厂”安装、试车期间 , 如果出卖人提供的“设备”有缺陷 , 或由于出卖人

技术人员的指导错误或/ 和出卖人提供的技术资料、图纸和证明书的错误造成“设备”的损坏 ,

出卖人应立即无偿换货或降低货价作为赔偿 ,并负担由此产生的到安装现场的换货费用和风

险。如出卖人对索赔有异议时 ,应在接到买受人索赔证书后两个星期内提出复议 , 双方另行协

商 ,逾期索赔即作成立。出卖人换货期限不迟于证实属实出卖人责任之日起 个月。

10.4 出卖人对本“合同工厂”“设备”的保证期为本“合同工厂”被买受人验收后

个月 ;如由于买受人责任而影响本“合同工厂”安装、试车、验收时 , 则不超过出卖人最后一批货

物交付日期后 个月。保证期满后 , 由买受人出具本“合同工厂”保证期满证明书正本、


10.5 在保证期内 ,发现出卖人提供的“设备”有缺陷或/ 和不符合合同规定时 , 如属出卖

人责任 ,则买受人有权凭中国商品检验局出具的检验证书向出卖人提出索赔。出卖人接到买

受人索赔证书后 ,应立即无偿换货或降低货价 , 并负担由此产生的到安装现场的换货费用和风


险 (货物到达目的港后的风险由买受人负责 )。如出卖人对索赔有异议时 , 应在接到买受人索

赔证书后两个星期内提出复议 ,双方另行协商 , 逾期索赔即作为成立。出卖人换货的期限 , 应

不迟于出卖人收到买受人索赔证书后 个月。

如属微小缺陷 ,可由买受人自行消除 , 但由此引起的费用由出卖人负担。

10.6 在保证期内 ,如由于出卖人责任需要更换、修理有缺陷的“设备”而使本“合同工厂”


10.7 在保证期满后三十天内 ,买受人出具的在保证期内发现的“设备”缺陷的索赔证书


10.8 如由于出卖人责任 ,在考核试车不能达到本合同附件 规定的一项或多项

技术经济指标时 ,出卖人必须采取有效措施在出卖人收到买受人书面通知后 个月内


所规定的保证指标时 ,出卖人应承担罚款 , 其计算办法如下 :

出卖人支付罚款 ,则本“合同”即为买受人所验收 , 并由买受人出具本“合同工厂”验收证


10.9 如由于出卖人责任未能按合同第四章规定的交货期交货时 , 买受人有权按下列比

例向出卖人收取罚款 :

迟交 1~4 周 , 每周罚迟交货物金额的 % ;

迟交 5~8 周 , 每周罚迟交货物金额的 % ;

迟交 9 周及 9 周以上 ,每周罚迟交货物金额的 % ;


迟交货物的罚款总金额不超过合同总价的 %。

出卖人支付迟交罚款 ,并不解除出卖人继续交货的义务。

任何一批货物迟交超过 个月时 , 买受人有权终止部分或全部合同。

第十一章 侵权和保密

11.1 出卖人同意向买受人转让非独占的 ,不可转让的权利 , 并允许买受人在中华人民共

和国内使用出卖人的 工艺进行“合同工厂”的工程设计、建设和操作 ,以设计、制造、销

售和出口合同产品 。其年产量为 ,其工艺说明见本合同附件 。

出卖人提供买受人用于本合同工厂的专有技术和专利如下 :

专有技术登记号 :

专利登记号 :

专有技术、研究报告、资料等包括在本合同附件 里。

11.2 在本合同生效后三十天内 ,出卖人应向买受人提供出卖人国家有关当局签发的包

括本合同第 11.1 条所述的工艺的专利登记证书的影印本两份。

11.3 如果任何第三方对买受人使用本合同第 11.1 条所规定的专利和专有技术提出任

何异议时 ,出卖人应负责处理 , 买受人对此无任何责任。

11.4 本合同生效后 年内 , 如出卖人对本合同第 11.1 条所规定的专利和专有技

术有所发明和改进时 ,不管其发明和改进是否已获得专利权 , 出卖人均应向买受人免费提供详

细资料。买受人有权将上述资料用于“合同工厂”。如有必要 , 关于技术指导的一切费用由买

受人根据双方同意的本合同第 章和附件规定的条件负担。


11.5 本合同生效后 年内 , 买受人对本合同 11.1 条所规定的专有技术对任何第

三方予以保密 ,对参加本“合同工厂”的计划、安装和施工等工作的其他单位除外 , 然而他们必

须承担同样的保密义务。在保密年限内 ,若专有技术的一项或多项 ,被第三者公开后 , 买受人


11.6 出卖人对买受人所提供的设计基础和现场条件资料的保密期不受上述时间的


第十二章 不可抗力

12.1 签约双方中的任何一方 ,由于战争及严重的火灾、水灾、台风、地震事件和其他双方

同意的不可抗力事故而影响合同执行时 ,则延迟履行合同的期限 , 延迟的时间应相当于事故所


12.2 受事故影响一方应尽快将发生的不可抗力事故的情况以电传或传真通知另一方 ,


12.3 当不可抗力事故终止或事故消除后 ,受事故影响的一方应尽快以电传或电报通知

对方 ,并以航空挂号信证实。

第十三章 税费

13.1 中国政府根据其现行税法对“买受人”课征有关执行本合同的一切税费 , 由“买受


13.2 中国政府根据其现行税法对“出卖人”课征有关执行本合同的一切税费 , 由“出卖


13.3 在中国境外课征有关和执行本合同所发生的一切税费 ,将由“出卖人”支付。

第十四章 仲裁 ( 方案一 )

14.1 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 , 双方应通过友好协商解决。

如协商仍不能达成协议时 ,则应提交仲裁解决。

14.2 仲裁地点在北京 ,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按该会仲裁规则进行仲裁。

14.3 仲裁裁决是终局裁决 ,对双方均有约束力。

14.4 仲裁费用由败诉方负担。

14.5 在仲裁期间 ,除了在仲裁过程中进行仲裁的部分外 , 合同的其他部分 ,应继续执行。

第十四章 仲裁 ( 方案二 )

14.1 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争执 , 买卖双方应通过友好协商解

决 ,经协商仍不能达成协议 , 则应提交仲裁解决。

14.2 仲裁地点在被告所在国进行 ,如买受人是被告 , 则在中国由中国国际经济贸易仲裁

委员会根据该委员会的仲裁规则进行 ; 如出卖人是被告 , 则在 由 根据该组


14.3 仲裁裁决对双方均有约束力 ,双方均应履行。

14.4 仲裁费用由败诉一方负担。

14.5 除了在仲裁过程中进行仲裁的那些部分外 ,在仲裁期间 , 合同其余部分继续执行。


(注 : 方案二的各项条款适用于仲裁在被告国进行的情况。)

第十五章 合同生效、终止及其他

15.1 本合同由双方代表于 签字。由各方分别向本国政府当局申请批准 , 以最

后一方的批准日期为本合同生效日期。双方应尽最大努力在六十天内获得批准 , 用电报或电

传通知对方 ,并用信件确认。

本合同自签字之日起六个月仍不能生效 ,双方有权取消本合同。

15.2 本合同有效期从合同生效日算起共 年 , 有效期满后本合同自动失效。

15.3 本合同期满时 ,双方的未了债权和债务 , 不受合同期满的影响 , 债务人应对债权人


15.4 本合同用中英文写就 ,一式四份双方各执两份。

15.5 本合同附件 至附件 ,为本合同不可分割的组成部分 , 与合同正文


15.6 对本合同条款的任何变更、修改或增减 , 须经双方协商同意后授权代表签署书面文

件 ,作为本合同的组成部分并具有同等效力。

15.7 在本合同有效期内 , 双方通讯以英文进行。正式通知应以书面形式 , 用挂号信邮

寄 ,一式两份。

15.8 双方任何一方未能取得另一方事先同意前 ,不得将本合同项下的任何权利和义务


15.9 除本合同规定的义务和责任外 ,双方中的任何一方都不承担任何其他义务和责任。

第十六章 法定地址

买 方 :

地 址 :

电报挂号 :

电 传 号 :

传 真 号 :

卖 方 :

地 址 :

电报挂号 :

电 传 号 :

传 真 号 :

买受人 : �

( 签字 )

出卖人 :

( 签字 )




Chapter 1 Definitions

Chapter 2 Scope of the Contract

Chapter 3 Price

Chapter 4 Terms of Payment

Chapter 5 Delivery and Terms of Delivery

Chapter 6 Packing and Marking

Chapter 7 Design and Design Liaison

Chapter 8 Standards and Inspection

Chapter 9 Erection , Test run and Acceptance

Chapter 10 Guarantee , Claim and Penalty

Chapter 11 Infringement and Secrecy

Chapter 12 Force Majeure

Chapter 13 Taxes

Chapter 14 Arbitration

Chapter 15 Effectiveness and Termin the Contract and Miscellaneous

Chapter 16 Legal Addresses


Appendix 1 Scope of Delivery and Products Contents Under This Cont ract ( omit ted)

Appendix 2 Specification and Technical Conditions of the Contract Plant ( omitted)

Appendix 3 Contents and Delivery Date of Technical Documentation (omitted )

Appendix 4 Breakdown P rices of the Contract (omitted)

Appendix 5 �Extent of Services and Treatment Condition of the Seller’s Technical Personnel


Appendix 6 "Extent of Training and Treatment Condition of the Buyer’s Technical

Personnel (omitted )

Appendix 7 �Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Seller’s Bank ( Specimen )

( omitted)

Appendix 8 �Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Buyer’s Bank ( Specimen )

( omit ted)



Cont ract No .:

Signing Date:

Signing Place:

China National Technical Import and Expor t Corporation ,Beijing , China( hereinafter referred

to as the Buyer ) as one par ty and ( hereinafter referred to as the

Seller )as the other party agree to authorize their representatives to sign the present Contract under

the following terms and conditions:

Chapter 1


1.1 “Buyer”means China Company or the legal representative , agent and

inheritor to the property of the Company .

1.2 “ Seller”means Company , City , Country or the legal

represen tative, agent and inheritor to the property of the Company .

1.3 “ The Contract Products”means all the products , models and specifications as stipulated

in Annex 1 to the Contract .

1.4 “ The Technical Documentation”means all the technical indices , drawings , designs and

other documents relating to the calculation , operation , maintenance and inspection of the Contract

Products as stipulated in Annex 2 to the Cont ract .

1.5 “ The Contract Factory”means the place which Buyer manufactures the Contract

Products by using the Technical Documentation and know - how supplied by Seller . That is

Factory , City , Province .

1.6 “ Net Selling Price”means the remaining amount of invoice value of the Contract

Products, deducted by the charges for packing; freight , insurance premium , commission ,

commercial discount , taxation and other dues as well as the value of the par ts purchased from

out - side the factory .

1.7 “The Technical Service”means the technical inst ruction and the technical training to be

rendered by Buyer to Seller with respect to the design , manufacture, assembly , inspection ,

adjustment, operation and other work of the Contract Products as stipulated in Appendix 5 and

Appendix 6 to the Contract .

1.8 “Commercial Production”means the production after Set No . of the Contract

Products is made in the Cont ract factory .

1.9 “ The Date of Effectiveness”means the date of approval for the Contract by the

competen t au thorities of both parties’Government , whichever comes later .

( Note : the above mentioned definitions may be more or less in accordance with the specific

project .)


Chapter 2

Scope of the Contract

2.1 The Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer

( hereinafter referrde to as the Contract Plant ) including all necessary

equipment , materials and spare parts ( hereinafter referrde to as Equipment ) for safe and stable

operation of the Contract Plan t as well as all technical documentation necessary for assembling ,

erection , test run , normal operation and maintenance of the Cont ract plant ( hereafter referred to as

Technical Documentation ) .The conten ts of Equipment and materials supplied by the Seller are

specified in appendix 1 to the present Contract .The contents of Technical Documentation supplied

by the Seller are specified in appendix 3 to the present Cont ract .

2.2 The technical performance of all Equipment supplied by the Seller and the Seller’s

technical guaran tees for the equipment of the Contract Plan t are specified in appendix 2 to the

Present Contract .

2.3 The Seller shall dispatch his experienced , healthy and competen t technical personnel to

the site of the Cont ract Plant giving technical inst ructions for const ruction , erection , test run .

Commissioning and performance guaran tee test of the Cont ract Plan t .

The number of personnel and the exten t of service and treatment conditions are shown in

Appendix 5 to the present Contract .

2.4 The Seller shall be responsible for the training of the technical personnel dispatched by

the Buyer . The number of personnel, t raining place and the exten t of training are shown in

Appendix 6 to the present Contract .

2.5 The Seller is obliged to provide the Buyer at favourable price with all spare parts

necessary for normal operation of the Cont ract Plan t within years after the signature of

the Contract according to the request of the Buyer .Agreement will be signed between both parties

at that time .

Chapter 3


3.1 The total Cont ract price of Equipment and Technical Documentation of the Contract

Plant to be supplied by the Seller as stipulated in Chapter 2 of the present Contract amounts to:

( Say: Only) .

3.2 The break down prices of the above mentioned total Contract P rice are as follows:

3.2.1 Machine and Equipment Part :

A .Fee for Equipment and Materials;

B .Fee for Spare par ts;

C .Fee for Design;

D .Fee for Technical Documentation ;

E .Fee for Technical Services;

F .Fee for Technical Training .


3.2.2 Technology Transfer Part ;

A .Fee for Technology;

B .Fee for Design;

C .Fee for Technical Documentation ;

D .Fee for Technical Services;

E .Fee for Technical Training .

The itemized price lis t of the Contract Plant is shown in Appendix 4 .

3.3 The above - mentioned total Contract price for the Machine and Equipment is a firm

and fixed price for delivery free on board the carrying vessel designated by the Buyer at the port of

including expenses for stowing and packing as well as all expenses incurred before

loading the goods on board the carrying vessel designated by the buyer and for the Technical

Documentation is an expenses before delivering the Technical Documentation at Beijing airport .

Chapter 4

Terms of Payment(Proposal A)

4.1 All payments to be made either by the Buyer to the Seller or by the Seller to the Buyer

under the present Contract shall be made by telegraphic t ransfer .In case of any payment by the

Buyer , the payment shall be effected through the Bank of China, Beijing , to the Bank for

the account of the Seller .

In case of any payment by the Seller , the payment shall be made through the Bank

to the Bank of China, Beijing , for the Buyer’s account .

4.2 The total Contract price specified in Chapter 3 of the present Cont ract shall be paid by

the Buyer to the Seller through the Bank of China, Beijing , and the Bank according to

the following manner and percentage:

4.2.1 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller not later than 30 days

after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order :

A .A photostat copy of effective expor t license issued by the relevant authorities of the

Seller’s count ry or one of their statement certifying that no expor t license is required ;

B .An irrevocable letter of guarantee for % of the total Cont ract price issued by the

Bank in favor of the Buyer in one original and one copy( specimen as per Appendix 7 to

the present Contract ) ;

C .Proforma invioce covering the total Contract price in 6 copies;

D .S ight draft in 2 copies;

E .Commercial invoice in 6 copies .

The said documents shall be delivered by the Seller not later than 30 days after the effective

date of the present Cont ract .

Not later than 30 days after having received the notification of shipment by the Seller

according to Chapter 5 of the present Contract , the Buyer , shall issue an irrevocable Letter of

Guarantee through the Bank of China , Beijing , in favour of the Seller with the amount of


% of the total Contract price( Specimen as per Appendix 8 ) .

4.2.2 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: Only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller not later 30 days after

having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order:

A .Full set of clean on board Bill of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed , marked

“F reight to Collect”, notifying : China National Foreign Trade Transpor tation Corporation at the

port of destination in 3 originals and 3 copies) ;

B .Commercial invoice in 6 copies;

C .Sight draft in 2 copies;

D .Detailed packing list in 6 copies .

E .Quality and quantity cer tificate in 6 copies .

4.2.3 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller not later than 30 days

after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order :

A .Commercial invoice in 6 copies .

B .A photostat copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Plan t signed by the

representatives of both par ties as per Chapter 9 of the present Contract .

C .Sight draft in 2 copies .

4.2.4 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller at the expiration of

the guaran tee period of the Contract Plant according to Chapter 10 of the present Cont ract and not

later than 30 days after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them

in order :

A .One copy of the Certificate confirming the expiration of the guaran tee period of the

Cont ract Plan t issued by the Buyer and countersigned by the Seller according to Chapter 10 of the

present Cont ract ;

B .Original commercial invoice in 6 copies;

C .Sight draft in 2 copies .

4.2.5 In case the Seller is liable for paying to the Buyer the penalty and/ or compensation

under Chapter 10 of the present Contract , the Buyer shall have the right to deduct it from any said

payment .

4.3 The banking charges of both parties incurred in China for the execution of the present

Cont ract shall be borne by the Buyer and those incurred outside China shall be borne by the

Seller .

( Note : Proposal A is suitable for the Contracts under cash payment )

Chapter 4

Terms of Payment(Proposal B)

4.1 All payments be made either by the Buyer to the Seller or by the Seller to the Buyer

under the present Contract shall be made by telegraphic t ransfer .In case of any payment by the


Buyer , the payment shall be effected through the Bank of China, Beijing , to the Bank for

the account of the Seller , In case of any payment by the Seller , the payment shall be made through

the Bank to the Bank of China ,Beijing , for the Buyer’s account .

4.2 The total Contract price specified in Chapter 3 of the present Cont ract shall be paid by

hte Buyer to the Seller through the Bank of China , Beijing , according to the following manner and


4.2.1 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller not later than 30 days

after having received the following documents from the Seller and found them in order :

A .A photostat copy of export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Seller’s

count ry , or one of their statement cer tifying that no export license is required ;

B .An irrevocable Letter of Guarantee issued by the Bank in favor of the Buyer for

% ( percent )of the total Contract price in one original and one copy( specimen

as per Appendix 7) ;

C .Pro - forma invoice covering the total Contract price in 6 copies;

D .Sight draft in 2 copies;

E .Commercial invoice in 6 copies .

The said documents shall be delivered by the Seller not later than 30 days after the effective

date of the present Cont ract .

4.2.2 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller pro rata %

( percent ) of the total price of each delivery effected according to Chapter 5 of the

present Contract and not later than 30 days after having received the following documents from

the Seller and found them in order :

A .Full set of clean on board Bill of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed , marked

“F reight to Collect”.notifying“China National Foreign Trade Transpor tation Corporation at the

port of destination”in 3 originals and 3 copies;

B .Commercial invoice in 6 copies;

C .Sight Draft in 2 copies;

D .Detailed packing list in 6 copies;

E .Quality cer tificate in 6 copies .

4.2.3 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller not later than 30

( thirty) days after having received the following documents and found them in order :

A .Commercial invoice in 6 copies;

B .A photostat copy of the Acceptance Certificate of the Contract Plan t signed by the

representatives of both par ties according to Chapter 9 of the present Contract ;

C .Sight draft in 2 copies .

4.2.4 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller at the expiration of


the guaran tee period of the Cont ract Plant according to Chapter 9 of the present Cont ract and not

later than 30 ( thirty) days after having received the following documents form the Seller and found

them in order :

A .Commercial invoice in 6 copies;

B .A phtostat copy of the Cer tificate confirming the expiration of the guaran tee period of the

Cont ract Plant signed by the representatives of both par ties according to Chapter 10 of the present

Cont ract ;

C .Sight draft in 2 copies .

4.2.5 % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price viz .

( Say: only ) shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller in equal

instalments within years from the date of in the following manner . The Seller shall issue time drafts each in one original and one copy

payable in with the following contents and submitting to the Buyer at .

A .The face value of the draft is % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price,

plus in terest for deferred payment according to the stipulation of Clause of Chapter

viz . ( Say: only) ;

B .The issuing date is and expired at the ending date of months and

months from the issuing date respectively ;

C .The Buyer is the payer ;

D .Interest at % ( percent )annually calculating from the issuing date up to

the expiring date .The amounts are:

Drafts Principal Interset Total (principal + interest )



Grand Total: The Buyer shall , after having received the drafts , exchange the said

drafts at respectively and send them to the Seller after having endorsed by the Bank of

China, Beijing . The Seller before each expiring date, submit the original draft to the Bank of

China, Beijing , who will ask the Buyer to pay to the Seller on the day after the expiring date .

4.3 In case the Seller is liable for paying to the Buyer the penalty and/ or compensation

under Chapter and Chapter of the present Contract , the Buyer shall have the

righ t to deduct it from the payment effected according to Clauses 4 .2 .2 ,4 .2 .3 and 4 .2 .4 of this

Chapter .

4.4 The Buyer shall at the payment under Clause 4 .2 .1 of this Chapter submit a Letter of

Guarantee( specimen as per Appendix 8 ) issued by the Bank of China , Beijing , in favor of the Seller

for the amount of % ( percent ) of the total Contract price together with interest

for the deferred payment .

4.5 The banking charges of both parties incurred in China for the execution of the present


Cont ract shall be borne by the Buyer and those incurred outside China shall be borne by the

Seller .

( Note : Proposal B is suitable for the Cont racts under deferred payment )

Chapter 5

Delivery and Terms of Delivery

5.1 The Seller shall complete the delivery of the Equipment under the present Contract in

lot ( s ) within months after the date of coming into force of the present

Cont ract .The total gross weight is approximately met ric tons and the total volume is

approximately cubic meters .The shipping of the Equipment under the Contract Plan t is

The por t of destination is , China .

5.2 Within months after the date of coming into force of the present Cont ract .

The Seller shall send to the Buyer a preliminary delivery schedule in 6 copies ( covering the

Cont ract No ., item No ., name of equipment, type of equipment , the approximate total weight,

specification , quantity , unit/ total price , the approximate total volume, delivery time, delivery por t ,

names of dangerous goods and IMCO No ., etc .) and the dimensions ( length , width , height and

volume) and approximate weight of the over - size/ over - weight equipment as well as special

requirements and precautions to be taken for the transportation and storage of dangerous and

inflammable Goods .The maximum limit of the weight of each inseparable integrated equipment is

30 metric tons while the maximum limit of measurement is 12×2.7×3 metres .The Seller shall

send the Buyer 6 copies of the sketch for those Goods over the above mentioned limits

months after the date of coming into force of the present Cont ract , and only after having the

Buyer’s confirmation can the Seller arrange the production of such Equipment .The Buyer shall

confirm it by telex or letter within one months after having received the said sketch , otherwise the

Seller can start the fabrication .

Not less than months before the first delivery , the Seller shall submit to the Buyer

the final delivery schedule in 6 copies indicating Contract No ., Despatch No ., I tem No ., Name,

specification, quantity , Unit/ Total Price . Approximate Gross/ net weight of the Equipment,

dangerous goods and Materials , approximate dimensions ( length×width× height ) and volume of

each package, shipping port and time of each shipment as well as the overall packing sketch of

over - size and overweight goods and the information concerning measures and precautions for

t ransportation in case of any dangerous goods .

5.3 The date of on board Bill of Lading shall be the actual delivery date of the Equipment .

5.4 Each lot of the Equipment to be supplied by the Seller shall be delivered on board the

carrying vessel designated by the Buyer at the port as per Clause 5.1 of this chapter of the present

Cont ract .The risk of the Equipment shall be transferred from the Seller to the Buyer immediately

after the Goods have been loaded on board the carrying vessel designated by the Buyer .

5.5 Not later than days before the readiness of each shipment, the Seller shall

notify the Buyer by cable of the following contents:

A .Cont ract number ;


B .Date of readiness of the Goods;

C .Total volume;

D .Total gross weight;

E .Total number of packages;

F .Shipping port ;

G .Name, total gross weight and total measurement of each piece exceeding 20 metric tons in

weight or 12×2.7×3 metres in measurement ;

H .Names , weight , IMCO No .of the dangerous goods .

At the same time the Seller shall airmail to Buyer the following documents , each in 6 copies:

A .The detailed list of the shipment covering Contract number , item number , name of the

Equipment, specification , type, quantity , unit/ total price, unit weight , unit/ total volume , the

overall dimensions of each package( length×width×height) .Total number of packages and name

of loading port ;

B .Overall packing sketch for each large piece exceeding 30 metric tons in weight or

12×2.7×3 metres in measurement ;

C .Description covering names , properties, special protective measures and way of handling an

accident for any in flammable and dangerous Goods shipped;

D .Description of the special precautions to be taken for those Goods with a special

requirement for temperature, shock , etc .during the transportation .

Another copy of the said documents shall be airmailed to the China National Foreign Trade

Transpor tation Coporation at the port of destination as a basis for arranging transportation , loading

and unloading of the Goods by the Buyer .

5.6 All the Equipment shall be shipped in complete set .Their special tools for erection ,

materials and easily worn out parts shall be dispatched along with the main machine concerned .In

case that any Equipment which are normally to be shipped on deck , the Seller shall be responsible

for their proper packing and take special protective measures .

5.7 At the latest 10 days before the arrival of the carrying vessel at the shipping port the

Buyer shall advise the Seller by cable of the name of carrying vessel , expected date of arrival ,

shipping agent and other information necessary for the shipment . The Seller shall contact the

shipping agent and ship the Goods according to the shipping date ( In case of substitu tion of the

vessel or alteration of the shipping schedule, the Buyer or its shipping agent shall duly advise the

Seller to this effect ) .

5.8 In the event of the Seller’s failure in effecting shipment upon the arrival of the Buyer’s

vessel at the shipping por t , the demurrage , dead freight and other relevant charges thus incurred

shall be for the Seller’s account .Such charges shall be calculated and settled in accordance with

the relevant documents issued by the shipping company .

5.9 Provided the Seller has the Goods ready for shipment by the expected date of arrival of

the carrying vessel , and the Buyer’s vessel fails to arrive at the loading port with in 30 days after

the expected date of shipment , the storage charges , insurance premium , etc .thus incurred within

the said 30 days shall be for the Seller’s account .However , the storage charges and insurance


premium from the 31st day shall be borne by the Buyer against the original documents provided by

Seller and after having found them in order .However , the Seller shall still be obliged to load the

Goods on board the carrying vessel at the Seller’s own expense and risk according to the Buyer’s

notification as soon as the vessel arrival at the shipping por t .In this case the Seller shall bear no

penalty for delayed delivery .

5.10 Within 48( forty - eigh t ) hours after each shipment is effected the Seller shall inform

the Buyer by cable of the Contract number , the date and No .of Bill of Lading , name of the

carrying vessel as well as name of the Equipment, total price, total number of packages , total

weight and total volume of Equipment .For each large piece of goods and dangerous ones , if any , as

mentioned in Clause 5.5 , the gross weight , measurement ( length×width×height ) , name and price

of goods shall be indicated .In case the Buyer fails to arrange insurance in time due to the Seller

not having informed in time, all the losses shall be borne by the Seller .

5.11 After having delivered the Goods on board the vessel , the Seller shall send a complete

set of shipping documents ( i . e . bill of loading , commercial invoice, packing list and quality

certificate each in one copy of each shipment along with the carrying vessel to the China National

Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination , At the same time , 2 copies

each of the said documents shall be sent to the Buyer by airmail , together with 3 copies each of

inspection record , test report and erection drawings for assembling .

5.12 The contents and delivery schedule of the Technical Documentation are stipulated in

Appendix 3 to the present Contract .

5.13 One week before dispatching the Technical Documentation , the Seller shall advise the

Buyer by cable of the approximate number of parcels , approximate gross weight , Contract number

and the expected date of arrival at Beijing and/ or within 24 ( twenty - four) hours

after dispatching the said Technical Documentation , the Seller shall notify the Buyer by cable of

the dispatching date, fligh t number , airway bill number , weight and number of parcels and

Cont ract number .

5.14 The arrival date of the Technical Documentation at destination airprot shall be the

actual delivery date of the Technical Documentation .

5.15 T he Technical Documentation provided by the Seller shall be delivered free Beijing

airport and/ or airport .The risk of the said Documentation shall be transferred from the

Seller to the Buyer immediately after its being delivery at the Beijing airport and/ or

airport .In case of any shortage, loss or damage caused to the Technical Documentation, the Seller

shall make supplemental delivery to the Beijing airport and/ or airport for the

par t lost or damaged within 21 ( twenty - one) days after receiving the Buyer’s notification without

any charge .

5.16 Within 2 ( two) working days after sending each batch of Technical Documentation ,

the Seller shall airmail to the Buyer the following documents:

A .Airway Bill in 2 copies ( marked with the Contract No .and notifying China National

Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the destination airpor t ) ;

B .Detailed list of Technical Documentation in 2 copies .


Chapter 6

Packing and Marking

6.1 The Seller shall have the Goods strongly packed in new and wooden cases and shall

take measures to protect the Goods from moisture , rain , rust , corrosion and shock , etc .according to

their different shapes and special features so as to withstand numerous handings , loading and

unloading as well as long - distance sea and inland t ranspor tation to ensure the Goods safe arrival

at the site without any damage or corrosion .

6.2 The loose accessories in package or bundle shall be labelled by the Seller , indicating

Cont ract No ., Name of main machine, name of accessories and its position number and accessory

No .on assembling drawings .Spare parts and tools shall be marked with the words .“Spare Parts”

or“ Tools”besides the above particulars .

6.3 The Seller shall mark the following on the four adjacent sides of each package of the

Goods with indelible pain t in conspicuous English printed words:

A .Cont ract No .;

B .Shipping mark;

C .Destination ;

D .Consignee;

E .Name of Equipement and I tem No .;

F .Case No ./ Bale No .;

G .Gross/ net weight ( kg) ;

H .Measurement ( length×width×height in cm) .

Should the Goods weight 2 or more than 2 metric tons , weight, gravity and hoisting position

shall be marked in English and with in ternational trade t ranspor tation practice marks illustrative

marks on the four adjacent sides of each case so as to facilitate loading , unloading and handling .

In accordance with the characteristics and different requirements in loading , unloading and

shipping different goods .The package shall be conspicuously marked with“Handle with care”,

“Right side up”,“Keep dry”, etc .In English and with appropriate international trade practice

marks and illustrative marks .

6.4 The above mentioned conten ts shall be indicated on those Goods packed without

packing with metal labels .For those large piece on deck , sufficien t shores or chocks should be

provided .

6.5 The following documents shall be enclosed in each package of the Goods:

A .Detailed packing list in 2 copies;

B .Quality certificate in 2 copies;

C .Technical documents for relevant equipment in one copy;

D .Two copies of the systematic assembling drawings for the machines and parts which are

necessary to be assembled .

6.6 The Technical Documentation provided by the Seller shall be properly packed to

withstand numerous handlings , long distance transporation and to protect damages from moisture


and rain .The surface of each package shall be marked with the following prin ted words:

A .Cont ract No .;

B .Consignee;

C .Destination ;

D .Shipping mark;

E .Gross weight ( kg) ;

F .Case No ./ Bale No . .

Two copies of detailed list marking Series No .Code , Names and Pages of documentation shall

be enclosed in each parcel of the Technical Documentation .

6.7 Should the Goods be damaged or lost due to the Seller’s improper packing and/ or

inadequate protective measures before shipping , the Seller shall be responsible for the repair ,

replace or compensation according to the stipulation of Chapter 10 of the present Cont ract .

Chapter 7

Design and Design Liaison

7.1 Both parties shall carry out and design and design liaison according to this Chapter and

Appendix to the present Cont ract in order to smooth up the consr tuction work of the

Cont ract Plant .The contents, time , place and participants of the liaison meeting are stipulated in

Appendix to the preset contract .

7.2 The scope of design undertaken by the Seller is specified in Appendix to the

present Cont ract .The requirements , conten ts , number of copies and delivery dates of the Technical

Documentation are stipulated in Appendix to the present Contract .

7.3 T he scope of design under taken by the Buyer is specified in Article of Appendix

to present Cont ract .The contents of technical documentation supplied by the Buyer to

the Seller is specified in Appendix to the present Contract .The Seller shall take it as the

basis for the design of the Contract Plant .

7.4 months from the date of coming into force of the present Contract , the Seller

shall airmail the relevant standards , codes and its list to the Buyer .The Buyer will put forward his

comments upon any of the above mentioned standards and codes submitted by the Seller .These

standards and codes may be altered and will be the basis for the Seller’s design after the

consultation and agreement between both parties .

7.5 Within weeks after having arrived in Beijing complete documentation of

preliminary design , the Seller shall send at his own expense technical personnel to China to give

explanation to the design . The Buyer shall assist to arange ent ry visa and sojourn formalities .

During the period of explaining design , the Buyer has the right to put forward his opinion of

improvement, to which the Seller shall give full consideration . After having examining the

preliminary design , both parties shall sign an agreement which will be the basis of the final design .

7.6 Within days after having received the complete documentation of final design

submitted by the Seller , the Buyer shall make confirmation .

7.7 During to period of designing the Contract Plan t , if it is necessary , the Buyer has the


righ t to send his technical personnel at his own expense to the Seller’s relevant designing

department and manufacturers to understand the relevant data and technical materials relating to

the Cont ract Plant .T he Seller shall assist to arrange entry visa and sojourn formalities and provide

free of charge all relevant technical documentation of design and facilities for work .

7.8 Within the validity period of the present Contract , the Seller shall answer in time the

questions put forward by the Buyer in connection with the design and technical problem in the

scope of the Cont ract Plan t and provide free of charge the relevant Technical Documentation to the

Buyer .

Chapter 8

Standards and Inspection

8.1 The Seller shall carry out the equipment manufacturing , selection of material , inspection

and test for the Equipment supplied by Seller according to the existing standards and codes of the

Seller’s country and/ or company .The Seller shall within months after coming

in to force of the present Cont ract airmail to above mentioned standards and codes of the Seller’s

company in 6 ( six) copies and standards and codes of the Seller’s country in 2 ( two) copies to the

Buyer . The Buyer may put forward his comments upon any of the above mentioned company

standards and codes . These standards and codes may be changed and will be the basis for the

inspection and test after the consultation and agreements bet ween both par ties .

8.2 All Equipment supplied by the Seller shall be inspected and tested by the Seller and

quality certificates as well as inspection and test records issued by the manufacturers or the Seller

shall be submitted to the Buyer . These documents shall be regarded as cer tificates of quality

guarantee as stipulated in the present Contract .All expenses involved in the inspection and test of

the Equipment shall be for the Seller’s account .

8.3 The Buyer shall be entitled to send his inspectors at his own expense to the Seller’s

count ry to inspect and test the manufacturing and quality of the Equipment in the manufacturer’s

workshop together with the Seller’s inspectors .The Seller shall notify the Buyer of the inspection

3( three) months prior to the assembling and inspection of the Equipment .The Buyer shall within

1(one) month after receiving the Seller’s notice, inform the Seller of the list of his appointed

inspectors so as to enable the Seller to render assistance in obtaining their en try visas . The

assembly and inspection of the main Equipment shall be carried out under the present of the

Buyer’s inspectors .The Buyer’s inspectors have also the right to join the Seller in the inspection

of the other Equipment and attend the meetings relating to the quality of the Equipment held by

the Seller and related manufacturers .

8.4 The Buyer’s inspectors shall have the righ t to put forward their opinions in case they

find that the Equipment has defect and/ or does not comply with the specifications stipulation in

the present Contract , and the Seller shall give full consideration to these opinions and take

necessary measures to remove the defect of the Equipment at his own expense . After the

elimination of the defect the Seller shall conduct test and inspection again .The expenses thus

incurred shall be for the Seller’s account .


8.5 The quality inspection and test done by the Buyer’s inspectors in the Seller’s count ry

and/ or manufacturers shall not substitute the open - package inspection and test of the Equipment

after its arrival at the site of the Buyer’s Contract Plant , and shall not release the seller from the

obligation of guarantee as specified in Chapter 10 of the present Cont ract .The Buyer’s inspectors

shall not sign any cer tificate .

8.6 The Seller shall provide the Buyer’s inspectors free of charge with working facilities

such as necessary technical documentation , drawings , testing tools and apparatus , etc .

8.7 If the Buyer fails to send personnel to join in the said inspection work within a certain

period as stipulated in this Chapter , the Seller will inspect it independently .

8.8 The open - package inspection and test for all Equipment supplied by the Seller shall be

performed on the Contract Plant site .The Seller is entitled to send his representatives at his own

expense to the Cont ract Plant site to join in the inspection .The Buyer shall inform the Seller of

the date of inspection 1 ( one) month before the date of open package inspection and shall also

render assistance to the Seller’s inspectors in their inspection work .Should any shortage, defect ,

damage or case which are not in conformity with the stipulation of the present Cont ract or with

the quality standards specified under Clauses 8.1 and 10.1 of the present Cont ract be found with

the delivered Equipment during open - package inspection by the representatives of both parties , a

detailed record shall be made and signed by them . This record shall be taken as an effective

evidence for the Buyer to claim replacement , repair or supplement from the Seller in case the Seller

is responsible .

8.9 If not due to the Buyer’s reason , the Seller’s inspectors cannot join the open - package

inspection , the Buyer shall have the righ t to open package inspection , the Buyer shall have the

righ t to open package and conduct the inspection independently .Should any problem be found as

stated in Clause 7.8 of the present Contract , a cer tificate shall be issued by China National

Commodity Inspection Bureau as an effective evidence for the Buyer to claim replacement , repair

or supplement from the seller in case the Seller is responsible .

The Seller shall make the replacement and supplement the missing parts free of charge or

lower the price immediately after receiving the certificate of claim from the Buyer and shall

responsible for the risk and freigh t arising thereof to the erection site as well as the inspection fee

of the Buyer .The Seller ask for renegotiation within 2 ( two) weeks after receiving the Buyer’s

certificate of claim and both parties shall negotiate again , if there is any different opinion .The

claim would be deemed as established after the said period .

The Seller shall replace and/ or supplement the goods not later than month after

having received the Buyer’s claim .

8.10 If any damage of equipment be found in open - package inspection owing to the reason

of the Buyer , the Seller shall supplement or replace it at the Buyer’s expense as soon as receiving

the Buyer’s notification .

8.11 The said inspection will not release the Seller from his responsibility under Chapter 9

and Chapter 10 .

8.12 During the inspection , the Buyer has the right to carry out the inspection according to


the Buyer’s current standards after negotiation with the Seller if the standards provided by the

Seller for inspection is found incomplete or not provided intime .

Chapter 9

Erection,Test run and Acceptance

9.1 “ Erection”refers to the erection work including assembly , connecting and placing the

par ts to its position according to the design drawing of all Equipment and Materials of the

Cont ract Plant .“ Test - run”refers to the test run of a single or a series of machines and/ or

equipment .

“Commissioning”refers to the initial production of the Cont ract Plant , withdraw materials

and utilities .

“Performance test”refers to the tests for examining the different guarantee figures as

specified in appendix to the present Cont ract .

“Acceptance”refers to the acceptance of the Cont ract Plant by the Buyer if the result of the

performance test shows that all guarantee indices specified in Appendix of the present

Cont ract can be reached .

9.2 The erection of the Cont ract Plant shall be carried out under the organization of which

the Buyer is responsible, and under the technical instruction of which the Seller is responsible, The

Seller will take over the technical inst ruction for the erection as far as all Equipment , for which the

detailed engineering work has been performed by the Seller are concerned , as well as inst ruction

for the connection points at battery limits .The test run , commissioning and performance test of

the Contract Plant shall be carried out under the organization of which the Buyer is responsible

and under the technical inst ruction of which the Seller is responsible .

Each party shall nominate , 2 ( two ) months before the beginning of erection , 1 ( one )

represen tative to deal with all technical matters in connection with the Contract Plan t during the

period from erection up to the acceptance of the Cont ract Plant .Detailed arrangements shall be

made through friendly consultation by the representatives of both parties .The representatives of

both parties should fully co - operate to complete the const ruction of the Contract Plant within

months from the date of coming in to force of the present Contract .In case there should

arise any problem and dispute between both parties , they should analyze the reason , clarify its

responsibilities and settle it on site through friendly consultation .

9.3 Before the erection work begins, the Seller’s technical personnel shall give detailed

descrip tions of the methods and requirements of the erection .During the erection the Seller’s

technical personnel shall give technical instructions to the erection work and take part in the

inspection and test of erection quality of all the Equipment .

Impor tan t technical instructions by the Seller’s technical personnel shall be submit ted in

written form .

9.4 After the accomplishment of erection , the representatives of both parties shall make

inspection and carry out test run together according to the technical documents and drawings

when they think the erection work is done in full conformity with design requirements .


The erection cer tificates for the same kind of Equipment as well as test run certificates for the

single machine and the series of machines and equipments will be signed by the representatives of

both parties .The basis for the above mentioned certificates shall be the logbook as specified in

Clause of Appendix to the present Contract .

If the test run has been successfully performed and the erection is found in full conformity

with the requirements of the Technical Documentation , a cer tificate for the finished erection shall

be signed by the representatives of both parties on Plant Site within 7 ( seven ) days .The date of

signing this certificate shall be deemed as the date of the completion of the erection and test run of

the Contract Plan t .But this certificate shall not set free the Seller from his responsibility as

specified in the Chapter 10 of the present cont ract for the defects of the Equipment and Materials

found during the period of commissioning , performance test and mechanical guaran tee .

9.5 After the completion of the test run specified in Clause 9.4 of this Chapter , the

commissioning shall be carried out as quick as possible .The star t - up date shall be fixed between

site represen tatives of both par ties through negotiation .Detailed procedures such as inst rument

calibrating, items of recording , sampling methods and analyzing methods , which are necessary for

the commissioning and performance test shall be submitted by the Seller before the completion

date of erection and test run and shall be discussed and agreed upon by the representatives of both

par ties .

Before commissioning , the Buyer shall make available sufficien t maintenance , laboratory and

testing facilities and skilled personnel including the personnel as per Ar ticle of Appendix

to the present Cont ract for operation , maintenance and testing as well as all raw

materials and utilities in the required quantity and quality as specified in Appendix to

the present Contract .The Seller’s technical personnel shall have access to the laboratory and

testing facilities in order to take samples and make analytical tests . The sample taking and

analytical test during the commissioning and performance test will be done in the presence of the

representatives of both par ties .

The sample taking and analytical test which are deemed necessary by the Seller’s technical

personnel beside these procedures already agreed upon shall be done by the Buyer after having

negotiated with the Buyer’s representative .During the period of test run until acceptance of the

Cont ract Plant , the Seller can use the Buyer’s stored spare par ts .Should the Buyer’s stored spare

par ts be used by the Seller due to the Seller’s responsibility, the Seller shall replenish the stores

with the same in time on site .

9.6 The commissioning period shall be months beginning from the date of

starting initial commissioning and during this period when good and stable operation of the main

Equipment of the Cont ract Plant has been achieved , the date of the first performance test shall be

fixed by both par ties .The performance test shall be carried out in accordance with the stipulations

of Appendix to the present Cont ract under the instructions of the Seller’s technical

personnel .The result of each performance test shall be recorded and the repor t shall be confirmed

and signed by the representatives of both par ties within 3( three) days after the completion of each

performance test .


9.7 If all the guaran tee figures specified in appendix to the present Cont ract are

fulfilled in the performance test period as specified in appendix to the present Cont ract ,

a certificate of acceptance of the Cont ract Plan t shall be signed by the representatives of both

par ties within 5( five) days in 4( four)copies .2( two)copies for each par ty .This shall be deemed as

acceptance of the cont ract Plan t by the Buyer .If any performance test fails due to the Seller’s

reason .the Seller shall have to make necessary repair, replacement and/ or modifications to the

Equipment as quick as possible within the period agreed upon by both parties .

After making modifications , a performance test shall be carried out again as soon as possible in

accordance with Appendix to the present Contract .The Buyer shall try his best to give

assistance .If the above mentioned repair , replacement and/ or modifications should be carried out

on site, all involved costs( e .g .working hour cost , materials cost , etc .) shall be borne by the Seller

according to the final calculation made by the representatives authorized by both parties in

accordance with the records of the repair , replacement and/ or modifications before the acceptance

of the Cont ract Plant .The above records shall be counter - signed by the representatives of both

par ties each time after each repair , replacement and/ or modifications .

Should it be necessary to send any equipment back outside China due to the seller’s reason for

repairing or replacement , all the cost for t ranspor tation , repair or replacement shall be borne by the

Seller .The Equipment repaired or replaced shall be delivered by the Seller to the site of contract

Plant .

9.8 During the commissioning period as specified in Clause 9.6 of the present Cont ract , if

any item or several items cannot meet the guaran tee figures specified in Appendix to the

present Contract , both par ties shall join tly make investigations so as to find out the reason for

clarifying the responsibility and to settle it as follows:

9.8.1 If the guarantee figures are not fulfilled due to the Seller’s reason , the Buyer shall

agree to give an extension of 3 ( three) months of commissioning so that Seller can make some

improvements to the cont ract Plan t and conduct further performance test .If during the extension

of 3( three) months the guaran tee figures still are not fulfilled due to the Seller’s reason , the Buyer

shall agree to give another extension of 3 ( three) months of commissioning .Should the performance

test still fail and the guarantee figures are not fulfilled at the expiration of another extension of the

3( three) months due to the Seller’s reason , Clause 10.8 of Chapter 10 of the present Contract

shall be applied .During the 2 ( t wo ) extensions of the 3 ( three) months, all the costs for making

improvement to the Cont ract Plant and all the costs for the Seller’s technical personnel shall be

borne by the Seller .

9.8.2 If the non - fulfillment of the guaran tee figures is due to the Buyer’s reason , the

commissioning period shall be extended for 3 ( three ) months .During this period the Buyer shall

continue to pay the expenses of the Seller’s technical personnel as specified in Appendix

to the present Cont ract . If due to the Buyer’s reason all necessary cost incurred for the

improvement of the Contract Plant shall be borne by the Buyer . The number of the Seller’s

personnel required shall be discussed and fixed by both parties .In case the guarantee figures still

cannot be reached due to the Buyer’s reason at the expiration of the extended 3 ( three) months ,


the Cont ract Plan t shall be accepted by the Buyer and an acceptance certificate shall be signed by

both parties within 7 ( seven) days .However , the seller shall assist the Buyer in taking all necessary

measures to make the contract Plan t reach the normal production figures .All costs thus incurred

shall be for the Buyer’s account .

9.9 If due to the Buyer’s reason , no performance test is conducted for the contract Plant

within months beginning from the date of delivery of the shipment of Equipment as

specified in Chapter 5 of the present Cont ract , the payment under Clause of Chapter 4

shall be effected by the Buyer to the seller . But the Seller shall not be released from his

obligations .

9.10 If due to the Buyer’s reason , no performance test is conducted Contract Plant within

months beginning from the date of delivery of the shippment of Equipment as specified

in Chapter 5 of the present Cont ract , the contract Plan t shall be accepted by the Buyer , bu t the

Seller shall still be obliged to assist the Buyer in starting - up and operating of the Contract Plan t .

The term and conditions of these services shall be discussed and agreed upon through friendly

negotiations .If the delivery of the shipment above is delayed due to the seller’s reason , the above

period and the months respectively shall be extended accordingly .

9.11 The acceptance of the Cont ract Plan t as specified in Clauses 9.7 , 9.8 , and 9.9 of the

present Cont ract shall not set free the seller from his responsibility for the Equipment of the

Cont ract Plant during the mechanical guaran tee period .

Chapter 10

Guarantee,Claim and Penalty

10.1 The Seller guarantees that the technical level of the Cont ract Plan t shall be the most

up - to - date and the Equipment supplied by the Seller is of the best quality , completely new and

reliable and the type selection complies with the requirements of process technology as well as

normal and safe operation and their long term service and also complies with the stipulation under

Appendices and to the present Contract .

10.2 The Seller guarantees that the Technical documentation and drawings supplied by the

Seller shall be complete, clear and correct in order to meet the requirements of design , erection ,

operation and maintenance of the Contract Plant as well as the stipulation under appendix

to the present cont ract .

10.3 In case any defect of Equipment be found or any damage to the Equipment owing to

mistake of inst ruction of the Seller’s technical personnel and/ or Technical Documentation ,

drawing and descrip tion supplied by the seller within the period of erection and test run of the

contract Plant , the Seller shall compensate immediately by lowering the price or making

replacement free of charge and responsible for risk and freigh t arising thereof up to the erection

site .If the Seller shall ask for renegotiation within 2 ( two) weeks after receiving the Buyer’s

certificate of claim and both parties shall negotiate again if there is any different opinion .The

claim would be deemed as established after the said period .Time for replacement shall not be later

than months from the date of verifying the responsibility .


10.4 The guarantee period of Equipment of the contract Plan t supplied by the Seller shall

be months after the date of acceptance of the cont ract Plant by the Buyer .The guaran tee

period shall not be longer than months after the delivery of the last despatch by the

Seller if the erection , test run or acceptance of the cont ract Plant is influenced due to the Buyer’s

responsibility .At the expiration of the guaran tee period , the Buyer shall issue a certificate to the

Seller for the expiration of guarantee period of the Cont ract Plant in one original and one

duplicate .

10.5 During the guarantee period , if any defect of the Equipment delivered by the Seller

any/ or any inconformity with the stipulation of the present Contract be found due to the Seller’s

responsibility , the buyer is obliged to claim for indemnity with an inspection certificate issued by

the China National Commodity Inspection Bureau .

The Seller shall make the replacement free of charge or lower the price immediately after

receiving the Buyer’s certificate for claim and responsible for the risk and freigh t arising out of the

replacement up to the erection site .If there is any differen t opinion , the Seller shall pu t forward

his opinion for renegotiation within 2 ( two ) weeks after receiving the Buyer’s claim and both

par ties shall negotiate again .The time for the seller to replace the Equipment shall not be later

than months after having received the Buyer’s certificate for claim .If there is any minor

defect , it can be removed by the Buyer himself and the expense arising thereof shall be borne by

the Seller .

10.6 During the guarantee period , if the operation of the Contract Plan t has to be stopped

owing to defective Equipment which are needed to be replaced or repaired for the Seller’s

responsibility , the guarantee period shall be prolonged according to the stoppage correspondingly .

The guaran tee period for Equipment repaired or for replacement should be 12 ( twelve ) months

after the acceptance by the Buyer .

10.7 The certificate for claim shall be still effective if they are issued within 30( thirty) days

after the expiration of the guarantee period for the defect of Equipment found within the

guarantee period .

10.8 If due to the Seller’s responsibility , the performance test cannot reach one item or

several items of technical economic indices stipulated under appendix to the present

Cont ract , the Seller shall take effective measures to reach the different guarantee indices within

months after receiving the Buyer’s written notice and shall bear all the expenses arising

thereof .If the guarantee indices stipulated under appendix to the present Contract still

cannot be reached after that period , the Seller be responsible for the penalty as follows:

After payment of penalty , the Contract Plan t shall be accepted by the Buyer and the Buyer

shall issue an acceptance cer tificate of the Cont ract Plan t in one original and one duplicate to the

seller .

10.9 If due to the responsibility of the Seller , the Equipment have not been delivered at

dates according to the delivery schedule as stipulated in Chapter 4 of the present Cont ract , the


seller shall be obliged to pay to the buyer penalty for such delay in delivery at the following rates:

—One through four weeks , for each week , the penalty shall be percent of the value

of the goods delayed .

—From five through eight weeks , for each week , the penalty shall be percent of the

value of the goods delayed .

—After eigh t weeks, for each week , the penalty shall be percent of the value of the

goods delayed .

As for the above mentioned calculation method, a period of delay of less than one week shall

be counted as a week .

The total amount of the above mentioned penalty will not exceed percent of the

total Contract price .

The payment of penalty shall not release the Seller from his obligation to deliver continuously

the above said Equipment

Any lot of goods delay in delivery for a period over months, the Buyer has the righ t

to terminate par tial or the whole Cont ract .

Chapter 11

Infringement and Secrecy

11.1 The Buyer is hereby granted by the Seller a non - exclusive , non - transferable righ t

and license to use in the People’s Republic of China the process of the Seller for

engineering, construction and operation of the Cont ract Plant to design , manufacture , sale and

export with an annual production capacity of metric tons . The process

descrip tion is as given in appendix to the present cont ract and the varieties and

specifications are as specified in Appendix to the present Cont ract .

The license and know - how to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer for the Contract Plant

are lis ted as far as patents are concerned as follows:

patent No .

patent No .

Contents of know - how, research repor ts , literature, etc .are contained in appendix

to the present Cont ract .

11.2 Within 30( thir ty) days after the date of coming in to force of the present Contract , the

Seller shall submit to the Buyer 2 ( two ) photostal copies of the Seller’s paten t regist ration

certificates per taining to the process described in Clause 11.1 of the present Contract issued by the

proper authorities of the Seller’s count ry .

11.3 Should any claim arise from any third party due to the use of the patent and know -

how as per Clause 11.1 of the present Cont ract by the Buyer , the Seller shall handle the matter

concerned .The Buyer shall undertake no responsibility for that .

11.4 Within years after the date of coming into force of the present Cont ract if

the Seller has made any improvement and invention with regard to the patent and know - how as

per Clause 11.1 of the present Contract , no matter whether the above improvement and invention


are paten ted or not , the Seller shall provide the Buyer free of charge with such detailed

information .The Buyer shallhave the righ t to use the information mentioned above in the Contract

Plant and , if necessary , the Seller shall give technical instruction so that those information can be

put in to practice in the Contract Plant after the acceptance of the Contract Plant .All the expenses

for the technical inst ruction shall be borne by the Buyer on terms and conditions stipulated under

Chapter of and Appendix to the present Cont ract .

11.5 Within years after the date of coming into force of the present Contract , the

Buyer shall keep confidential the know - how as per Clause 11.1 of the present Contract from any

third party except those which are engaged in the performance of planning, erecting and operating

of the Contract Plant , however , they shall be subject to the same secrecy .If one item or multi -

items of this know - how are made public by a third person within the secrecy years .The Buyer

shall be no longer subject to the secrecy obligation .

11.6 The Seller shall keep confidential the design basis and site information submitted by

the Buyer without the time limit mentioned above .

Chapter 12

Force Majeure

12.1 Should either party be prevented from executing the present Contract due to the case

of force majeure such as war , serious fire, flood , typhoon , earthquake and other cases which will be

recognized by both parties upon agreement as being cases of force majeure , the time for

implementing the present Contract shall be extended by a period equivalen t to the effect of the

occurrences .

12.2 The prevented party shall inform the other par ty as soon as possible by cable and

airmail by registered let ter a Certificate issued by competen t authorities concerned within 14

( four teen) days of the occurrence of force majeure for the examining and confirmation of the other

par ty .

12 .3 The prevented party shall inform the other party as soon as possible by cable or telex

of the termination or elimination of the case of force majeure and confirmed by registered airmail

letter .

Chapter 13


13 .1 All taxes, customs, duties and other dues levied by the Chinese Government on the

Buyer in connection with and in the performance of the present Contract according to the Tax

Laws in effect shall be paid by the Buyer .

13 .2 All taxes levied by the Chinese Government on the Seller in connection with and in

the performance of the present Contract according to the Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by the

Seller .

13 .3 All taxes , customs, duties and other dues arising out of China in connection with and

in the performance of the Contract shall be paid by the Seller .


Chapter 14

Arbitration (Proposal A)

14 .1 All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with the present Contract

shall be settled through friendly consultation bet ween both par ties . In case no agreement can be

reached through consultation , they shall be submitted to arbitration for settlement .

14 .2 The arbitration shall take place in Beijing and the arbit ration shall be performed by

China International Economic and Trade Arbit ration Commission , Beijing, in accordance with their

arbit ration rules .

14 .3 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties .

14 .4 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party .

14 .5 In the course of arbitration both parties shall continue to execute the present Contract

except those under arbitration .

Chapter 14

Arbitration (Proposal B)

14 .1 All disputes arising between both parties in connection with the present Contract shall

be settled through friendly consultations between both parties . In case no agreement can be

reached through consultations , they shall be submitted to arbitration for settlement .

14 .2 The arbitration shall take place in the defendant country . If the arbitration will take

place in China it will be conducted by China International Economic and Trade Arbit ration

Commission , Beijing , in accordance with the rules of arbit ration of the said commission , If the

arbit ration will take place in , it will be conducted by in accordance with the

statutes of the said institute .

14 .3 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties Both par ties shall act

accordingly .

14 .4 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party .

14 .5 In the course of arbitration the present Contract shall be executed continuously by

both parties except those under arbit ration .

( Note : )

Chapter 15

Effectiveness and Termination of

the Contract and Miscellaneous

15 .1 The present Cont ract is signed by representatives of both par ties on . The

Buyer and Seller shall apply to their respective authorities for the ratification The later date of

ratification either by the Seller or by the Buyer shall be taken as the date of coming into force of

the Contract . However , both parties shall make efforts to get the ratification within 60 ( six ty)

days , Each party shall inform the other of such ratification by cable or telex and confirm by letter .

In case the present Contract cannot be ratified within 6 ( six) months from the date of signing the


present Cont ract , either party has the righ t to cancel the Contract .

15 .2 The present Cont ract shall be valid for a period of years from the date of

coming into force of the present Contract . I t shall become null and void automatically at the

expiration of the period .

15 .3 At the termination of the Contract any unsettled credit and debt under the present

Cont ract shall not be affected by the termination of the Cont ract . The debtor shall s till effect his

obligation of reimbursement to the creditor .

15 .4 The present Contract shall be made in English in four .

15 .5 Appendices to of the present Cont ract are integral par ts of the

present Cont ract shall have the same force as the Contract itself .

15 .6 All amendments , supplements and alterations to the terms and conditions of the

present cont ract shall be made in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of

both parties upon the agreement reached between both par ties through consultation . They shall

form integral par ts of the present Cont ract and have the same force as the Cont ract itself .

15 .7 All communications between both parties in the course of implementation of the

present Contract shall be made in English . Formal information shall be made in writ ten form in

two copies and sent by registered airmail .

15 .8 No assignment , cession or t ransfer of any righ t or obligation arising under the present

Cont ract shall be made by one party to a third party without the previous consent of the other

par ty .

15 .9 Either of the two par ties does not undertake any obligation and responsibility except

those stipulated in this Contract .

Chapter 16

Legal Addresses

The Buyer :


Cable Address:

Telex :


The Seller :


Cable Address:

Telex :


The Buyer : gThe Seller :



( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

买方 :

卖方 :

按本合同条款 ,买方同意购入 , 卖方同意出售下述产品 ,谨此签约。

1. 品名、规格 :

单位 :

数量 :

单价 :

总价 :

总金额 :

2. 原产国别和生产厂 :

3. 包装 :

须用坚固的木箱或纸箱包装 ,以宜于长途海运/ 邮寄/ 空运及适应气候的变化 , 并具备良好


同于包装不良而引起的货物损伤或由于防护措施不善而引起货物锈蚀 , 卖方应赔偿由此



4. 装运标记 :



5 .装运日期 :

6 .装运港口 :

7 .卸货港口 :

8 .保险 :


9 .支付条件 :

分下述三种情况 :

(1 ) 采用信用证 :


① 商业合同是一种通用合同。在国际贸易中 , 若双方对合同货物无特殊要求的条件下 , 一般都采用国际商业合同的


买方收到卖方交货通知 [详见本合同条款 11 ( 1) a] , 应在交货日前 15~20 天 , 由

银行开出以卖方为受益人的与装运金额相同的不可撤销信用证。卖方须向开证行出具 100 %

发票金额即期汇票并附装运单据 (见本合同第 10 款 )。开证行收到上述汇票和装运单据即付

以支付 (电汇或航邮付汇 ) 。信用证于装运日期后 15 天内有效。

(2 ) 托收 :

货物装运后 ,卖方出具即期汇票 , 连同装运单据 (见本合同 10 款 ) , 通过卖方所在地银行和

买方 银行提交给买方进行托收。

(3 ) 直接付款 :

买方收到卖方装运单据 (见本合同第 10 款 )后 7 天内 , 以电汇或航邮向卖主支付货款。

10 .单据 :

(1 ) 小海运 :

全套清结海运提单 ,标明“运费付讫”/“运费预付”, 做成空白背书并加注目的港


(2 ) 空运 :

空运提单副本一份 ,标明“运费付讫”/“运费预付”,寄交买方。

(3 ) 航邮 :

航邮收据副本一份 ,寄交买方。

(4 ) 发票一式五份 , 标明合同号和货运唛头 (若货运唛头多于一个 , 发票需单独开列 )。发


(5 ) 由厂商出具的装箱清单一式两份。

(6 ) 由厂商出具的质量和数量保证书。

(7 ) 货物装运后立即用电报/ 信件通知买方。

此外 , 货发 10 天内 , 卖方将上述单据 (第 5 条除外 ) 航寄两份 , 一份直接寄买方 ,另一份直

接寄目的港 公司。

11. 装运 :

(1 ) FOB 条款 :

a . 卖方于合同规定的装运日期前 30 天 , 用电报/ 信件将合同号、品名、数量、价值、箱号、

毛重、装箱尺码和货抵装运港日期通知买方 , 以便买方租船订舱。

b . 卖方船运代理 公司 (电报 : ) ,负责办理租船订舱事宜。

c . 租船公司或其港口代理 ( 或班轮代理 ) , 预计船达装运港 10 天之前 , 即将船


系。当需要更换装运船舶及船舶提前、推迟抵达时 , 买方或其船方代理应及时通知卖方。

若船在买方通知日后 30 天内尚未抵达 , 则第 30 天后仓储费和保险费用由买方承担。

d . 若载运船舶如期抵达装运港 , 卖方因备货未妥而影响装船 , 则空舱费和滞期费均由卖


e . 货物越过船舷并未从吊钩卸下 , 一切费用和内险由卖方承担 ; 货物越过船舷并从吊钩

卸下 ,一切费用和风险属买方。

(2 ) C &F 条款 :

a . 在装运期内 ,卖方负责将货物从装运港运至目的港 , 不允许转船。

b . 货物经航邮/ 运时 , 卖方于本合同第 5 条规定的交货日前 30 天 , 以电报/ 信件把交


货预定期、合同号、品名、发票金额等通知买方。货物交办发运 , 卖方即刻以电报/ 信件将

合同号、品名、发票金额、交办日期通知买方 , 以便买方及时投保。

12 . 装运通知 :

货物业经全部装船 ,卖方应将合同号、品名、数量、发票金额、毛重、船名和启航日期等立即

以电报/ 信件通知买方。若因卖方通知不及时致使买方不能及时投保 , 卖方则承担全部损失。

13 . 质量保证 :

卖方保证 :所供货物 , 系由最好的材料兼以高超工艺制成 ,商标为新的和未经使用的 , 其质

量和规格符合本合同所做的说明。自货到目的港起 12 个月为质量保证期。

14 . 索赔 :

自货到目的港起 90 天内 , 经发现货物质量、规格、数量与合同规定不符者 , 除那些应由保

险公司或船方承担的部分外 ,买方可凭 出具的商检证书 ,有权要求更换或索赔。

卖方担保货到目的港起 12 个月内 , 使用过程中由于材料质量低劣和工艺不佳而出现的损

失 ,买方立即以书面形式通知卖方并出具 商检局开列的检验证书 ,提出索赔。商品检

验书乃索赔之依据。按买方索赔要求 ,卖方有责任立即排除货物之缺陷 , 全部或部分更换货物


15 . 不可抗力 :

在货物制造和装运过程中 ,由于发生不可抗力事故致使延期交货或不能交货 , 卖方概不负

责。卖方于不可抗力事件发生后 ,即刻通知买方并在事发 14 天内 , 以航空邮件将事故发生所

在地当局签发的证书寄交卖方以作证据。即使在此情况下 , 卖方仍有责任采取必要措施促使


不可抗力事故发生后超过 10 个星期而合同尚未履行完毕 , 买方有权撤销合同。

16 . 合同延期和罚款 :

除本合同第 15 条所述不可抗力原因 , 卖方若不能按合同规定如期交货 , 按照卖方确认的

罚金支付 ,买方可同意延期交货 , 付款银行相应减少议定的支付金额 , 但罚款不得超过迟交货

物总额的 5 %。卖方若逾期 10 个星期仍不能交货 , 买方有权撤销合同。尽管合同已撤销 , 但


17 . 仲裁 :

凡涉及本合同或因执行本合同而发生的一切争执 ,应通过友好协商解决 , 如果协商不能解

决 ,则可提交 仲裁委员会根据该会暂定的仲裁法则和程序进行仲裁。仲裁将在

进行 , 仲裁裁决是终局 ,对双方都有约束力。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。仲裁也可在双


18 . 附加条款 :

本合同原本两份。经双方签字 ,各执一份 , 仅此声明。

卖方 : 买方 :

年 月 日


国际货物贸易合同 ( 中文版本 )

(格式合同 )①

卖方 : - �%

地址 : - 磺

电报挂号 : - 糹

买方 : - 江

地址 : - 綩

电报挂号 : - 抉

兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下 :

1. 商品 : - 雷 。

2. 规格 : - 羪 。

3. 数量 : - �� 。

4. 单价 : - 陆 。

5. 总价 : - 胈U .S .D .(大写 : )。

6. 包装 : - �� 。

7. 装运期 :收到信用证后 - 模 天。

8. 装运口岸和目的地 :从 - 臙 经 - 臙 至 - 臙 。

9. 保险 : - 喷 。

10. 付款条件 : - 茐 。

(1 ) 买方须于 - �+ 年 - �+ 月 - �+ 日前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让、可分割的即期信

用证开到卖方。信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后 , - 峭 天在 - 峭 到期。

(2 ) 买方须于签约后即付定金 - 萶 %。

11. 装船标记及交货条件 : 货运标记由卖方指定。

12. 注意 : 开立信用证时请注明合同编号号码。

13. 备注 :

卖方 : - 藱

买方 : - �;


① 格式合同亦称标准合同 ( St and ard Contract )。在国际贸易买卖中 ,由一个国际组织或外贸商业组织或律师事务所根

据买卖合同应具有的基本内容而拟订的固定条文 ,即成固定格式的空白标准合同。经双方当事人签字后 , 才能成为有效的

合同 , 对双方当事人都有法律约束力。

国际货物买卖合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

年 月 日 , 为卖方和 为买方。双方同意买卖 ,其条

款如下 :

1. 合同货物 :

2. 产地 :

3. 数量 :

4. 商标 :

5. 合同价格 : FOB

6. 包装 :

7. 付款条件 :签订合同后买方于 7 个银行日内开出以卖方为受益人的、经确认的、不可撤


8. 装船 :从卖方收到买方信用证日期算起 , 45 天内予以装船。若发生买方所订船舶未按

时到达装货 , 按本合同规定 ,卖方有权向买方索赔损毁/ 耽搁费 , 按总金额 % 计算为限。

因此 ,买方需向卖方提供银行保证。

9. 保证金 :卖方收到买方信用证的 14 个银行日内 ,向买方寄出 %的保证金或银行

保函。若卖方不执行合同 ,其保证金买方予以没收。

10. 应附的单据 : 卖方向买方提供 :

(1 ) 全套清结提货单 ;

(2 ) 一式四份经签字的商业发票 ;

(3 ) 原产地证明书 ;

(4 ) 装箱单 ;

(5 ) 为出口 所需的其他主要单据。

11. 装船通知 :卖方在规定的装货时间 , 至少 14 天前用电报方式将装船条件告知买方。


12. 其他条款 : 质量、数量和重量的检验可于装货港一次进行。若要求提供所需的其他证

件 ,其办理手续费、领事签证费应买方负担。

13. 装船时间 : 当日 13: 00 或次日 8: 00 装船。

14. 装货效率 : 每一个晴天工作日 ,除星期日、节假日外 ,每舱口进货为 立方吨。

15. 延期费/ 慢装卸罚款 :对于 载重吨船来说 ,每天 U .S .D .。

16. 不可抗力 : 签约双方的任何一个由于台风、地震和双方同意的不可抗力事件而影响合

同执行时 ,则延迟合同的期限应相当于出事故所影响的时间。


买方 : f卖方 :

证人 : 证人 :

日期 : 日期 :




国际许可贸易合同 ( 国际版本 )


This License Agreement ( the“Agreement”) is entered in to as of ( the“Effective Date”)

by and between ( the“Licensor”) , and ( the“Licensee”) .


( a ) Licensor has developed a proprietary architecture for FPGAs and Multichip Modules .

( Unless otherwise defined in this Agreement, capitalized terms herein are as defined in Exhibit A

to this Agreement ) .

(b ) Licensee desires: ( i) to develop such architecture for use in such FPGAs and Multichip

Modules , and ( ii ) to license such proprietary technology for use in FPGAs and Multichip Modules

and in other in tegrated circuits .

(c ) Licensor is willing to license such proprietary technology to Licensee for such

development and use, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement .


In consideration of the foregoing and the covenants contained in this Agreement , the parties

agree as follows:

1 License

1.1 Grant of License .

Licensor hereby grants to Licensee under all intellectual property rights of Licensor , now

owned or , to the exten t it is not prohibited from licensing such righ t , hereafter acquired ( a) an

exclusive (except as it may subsequently become non - exclusive as provided in Section 6 below) ,

worldwide, perpetual license to develop , make, have made, use , offer for sale and sell , design ,

modify and create derivative works of Licensed Devices , and ( b) a non - exclusive , worldwide,

perpetual license to develop , make , have made, use, offer for sale and sell design , modify and

create derivative works of Products ( such licenses shall be hereinafter referred to, collectively, as

the“License”) .


1.2 Improvements .

If Licensor makes any Improvements to any of the Technology , Licensor shall promptly

thereafter ( so long as the License is in effect ) provide to Licensee such information , in reasonable

detail, with respect to such Improvements as is reasonably necessary to permit Licenseeto in

corporate such Improvements in Licensed Devices or P roducts .

1.3 Assignment and Sublicensing .

Licensee shall not sell , assign , or transfer any of its rights or obligations under this

Agreement without the prior written consent of Licensor , except for any such sale , assignment or

t ransfer that occurs as a result of a Change of Control of Licensee . Licensee shall have the righ t to

grant one or more sublicenses of its rights under the License, other than with respect to the

development , making, use, offer for sale or sale of any Emulation/ Simulation Device; provided,

however , ( a) that the sublicensee under each such sublicense, as a condition to the effectiveness

of such sublicense , shall agree , in the written agreement memorializing such sublicense, to be

bound by the terms and conditions of Section 4 of Exhibit“ A”hereto as it relates to the

Technology , and ( b) Licensee shall be obligated to pay royalties to Licensor with respect to the

sale of any Licensed Devices or Products permit ted by any such sublicense equal to the product of

( i) the Net Receipts received by the third party which sells such Licensed Devices or Products to

the user thereof , and ( ii) the applicable exclusive royalty rate under this Agreement . Each such

sublicense shall be memorialized in a written agreement with the sublicensee, a copy of which

agreement shall be delivered to Licensor promptly after it becoming effective, which provides that

( x ) such sublicensee has no righ t to further sublicense or assign or otherwise transfer such

sublicense, and ( y ) the pricing of all Licensed Devices and Products subject to such sublicense

shall be determined on an“arms�length basis .”

2 Development of Licensed Device

2.1 Delivery of Technology .

Promptly after the Effective Date, and from time - to - time thereafter , Licensor shall

deliver to Licensee such tangible information concerning the Technology as Licensee may

reasonably require to understand the Technology and implement the Technology in the design of

Licensed Devices . Such tangible information shall includeschematics of the FPGA Architecture

and a portion of the layout for adevice employing the FPGA Architecture .

2.2 Development Activities .

Licensee shall be responsible for the development of Licensed Devices, and will engage in

good faith efforts to develop , manufacture and sell Licensed Devices .Such responsibilities shall

include the management and direction of such development program . So long as the License with

respect to Licensed Devices remains exclusive, Licensor shall use good faith efforts to suppor t such

development program .


3 Initial Payments for License

3.1 Advance Minimum Royalties .

As consideration for the grant of the License, Licensee shall pay to Licensor the following

non - refundable advance minimum royalties from the Effective Date until Tapeout .

The first of the above - described monthly advance royalty payments shall be made on the

Effective Date, and each subsequent payment shall be made on the first Business Day of each of the

succeeding months .

3.2 Termination of Agreement .

At any time, beginning three months after the Effective Date and prior to Tapeout , Licensee

may terminate this Agreement , and its obligation to make the advance minimum royalty payments

described above, effective 30 days after it gives Licensor writ ten notice of such termination .

4 Royalties

4.1 Additional Advance Minimum Royalties .

As consideration for the grant of the License, after Tapeout ( and subject to Section 4.3

hereof) , Licensee shall pay Licensor , as non - refundable advance minimum royalties , the

amount , if any , by which ( i ) the amount due under Section 4.2 below for each month exceeds

( ii) beginning with the anniversary of Produce In troduction , so long as the License

with respect to Licensed Devices is exclusiv . The first of such payments shall be made on the first

Business Day of the month immediately succeeding the last month during which the advance

minimum royalty payments under Section 3.1 are made, and each subsequent payment shall be

made on the first Business Day of each of the succeeding months . Each of the advance minimum

royalty payments under Section 3.1 above or under this Section 4.1 (collectively , the“Advance

Payments”) and the lesser of ( a ) and ( b ) the direct expenditures of Licensee for the

development of two Product Families ( but no more than with respect to the first Product

Family and with respect to the second P roduct Family ) ( collectively , with the Advance

Payments, the“Recoupable Payments”) , shall be creditable against royalties payable under

Section 4.2 below . Notwithstanding the foregoing , ( y ) prior to the anniversary of

Product Int roduction , Licensee may only credit Recoupable Payments in an amount not in excess

of of the royalty payments , pursuant to Section 4.2 below , in excess of in any

quar ter , payable with respect to the applicable royalty period , and (z) subsequent to the

anniversary of P roduct Introduction , Licensee may only credit of the royalty payments ,

pursuant to Section 4.2 below, in excess of in any quar ter , payable with respect to the

applicable royalty period .

4.2 Curren t Royalties .

As partial consideration for the gran t of the License , Licensee shall pay to Licensor a royalty


on each sale of a Licensed Device or Product by Licensee or any of its sublicensees ( under clause

(a) of Section 1.3 above) in an amount equal to the following applicable percentage ( based on

whether the License applicable there to is exclusive or non - exclusive on the date of sale thereof)

of the Net Receipts from the sale of such Licensed Device or P roduct ( the“Royalty”) . Each

Royalty ( a ) so long as the License with respect to Licensed Devices is exclusive, shall be paid

quar terly , within 45 days after the last day of the quarter during which the sale giving rise to such

Royalty occurred , or ( b ) upon such license becoming non - exclusive , shall be paid monthly ,

within 15 days after the last day of each month , based on Licensee�s reasonable estimate of the

sales giving rise to a Royalty during such month . Notwithstanding the foregoing , the monthly

royalties payable pursuant to clause ( b) above with respect to a successive three month period may

not be less than the actual average monthly royalties paid ( after adjustment , as described below)

with respect to the immediately preceding successive three month period . Licensee shall calculate

the actual royalties payable pursuant to clause ( b ) above for each successive three month period

during which such Royalties are payable, and shall pay such Royalties , less the estimated Royalties

paid with respect to such period , to Licensor within 45 days after the end of such period . In the

event Licensee overpays Royalties with respect to any period and gives Licensor written notice of

such overpayment, and a calculation , in reasonable detail , of such over payment , Licensee shall

have the righ t to ! credit such overpayment against subsequent payments of Royalties . Each

payment of Royalties ( after any such crediting ) hereunder shall be reduced by the amounts

creditable against such Royalties , as provided in Section 4.1 above .

4.3 Cancellation of Exclusivity .

At any time after the anniversary of the Effective Date, Licensee may cause the

License with respect to Licensed Devices to become non - exclusive, by giving Licensor written

notice of its cancellation of the exclusive nature of such license, 15 months after Licensor�s receipt

of such written notice .Upon Licensor�s receip t of such written notice , the minimum advance

monthly royalty payment described in Section 4.1 above shall be reduced to . After such

15 month period has run , Licensor shall no longer be obligated to pay any such advance royalties

and shall no longer be entitled to credit any Recoupable Payments not then credited .

4.4 Set - Off .

In the event Licensor does not timely pay any amount it is obligated to pay to Licensee under

this Agreement and fails to cure such failure within 20 days of receiving written notice , in

reasonable detail , of such failure, Licensee shall have the righ t to set - off against such past due

amount any royalty payment it is obligated to pay to Licensor , up to the amount of such past due

amount . Notwithstanding any implication to the contrary herein , Licensee�s set - off righ ts shall

not permit it to avoid its obligations to pay advance minimum monthly royalties pursuant to

Section 3.1 and 4.1 above .

4.5 Deferral .

In the event a Third Par ty Claim, In the form of the filing and serving of a complaint

instituting a legal proceeding , is initiated, Licensee shall have the righ t to defer the payment to

Licensor of Royalties otherwise payable under Section 4.2 above after such initiation ( up to the


aggregate damages claimed in such complain t , if a specific amount of damages is claimed in such

complaint ) until such legal proceedings are dismissed , the defendant ( s ) therein is gran ted a

judgment in its favor ( including , without limitation , summary judgment ) on all claims therein , or

such legal proceedings are settled ( collectively , a“ Terminating Event”) . All such deferred

Royalty payments shall be paid in to an escrow account , in the name of Licensor and Licensee, at

a bank reasonably acceptable to Licensor and shall be invested in a succession of 90 - day

certificate of deposits until payable under this Section 4.5 to Licensor and/ or Licensee . Upon the

occurrence of a Terminating Event, all funds in such account shall be paid to Licensor within 30

days thereafter . Licensee shall gran t Licensor a first priority perfecting security interest in the

funds in such account , pursuant to a security agreement and other required documentation

reasonably acceptable to Licensor . Licensee shall been titled to draw upon the funds in such

account to the extent necessary to reimburse it for any amounts to which it is en titled under

Section 3.2 of Exhibit“A”hereto in connection with such legal proceedings if Licensor fails to pay

such amounts within 30 days of receiving a written notice, in reasonable detail , setting forth the

components, by dollar amount and descrip tion , of such amounts . Notwithstanding any

implication to the cont rary herein , Licensee�s deferral rights shall not permit it to avoid its

obligations to pay advance minimum monthly royalties pursuant to Section 3.1 and 4.1 above .

4.6 Most Favored Nations Pricing .

In the event Licensor enters into a written agreement to license any of the Technology with

respect to any Product pursuant to a gran t substantially the same as the gran t in Section1.1 ( b)

above, but with a royalty rate with respect to such Product which is lower than the royalty rate

for P roducts hereunder during the period of exclusivity for Licensed Devices , the royalty rate

hereunder for any Product sold by Licensee which would be covered by the terms and conditions of

such grant ( a“Comparable P roduct”) shall be decreased to the royalty rate for such Product under

such written agreement with respect to sales of such Comparable Product during the period

commencing with the first month with respect to which Licensor is required to pay a royalty on a

sale of such Product and ending with the month immediately succeeding the month in which the

exclusive License with respect to Licensed Devices ceases to bein effect .

5 Cancellation

After Tapeout , but prior to Product Introduction , Licensee shall have the right to cancel this

Agreement by giving Licensor written notice , received by Licensor during such period, of such

cancellation . Such cancellation shall be effective three months after Licensor receives such written

notice ( the“Cancellation Date”) . In the event Licensee cancels this Agreement in this manner ,

(a ) the License shall terminate, and Licensee (subject to Section 8 hereof) shall have no right to

develop , manufacture or sell any Licensed Device or any P roduct or to use the FPGA Architecture

after the Cancellation Date, ( b ) no further Advance Royalties shall be payable by Licensee

hereunder, ( c ) Licensee shall have no right to recover any Recoupable Payments , and ( d )

Licensor , as a condition to the effectiveness of such cancellation , shall be gran ted the licenses


described below . Prior to the Cancellation Date , and as a condition to its effectiveness , Licensee

shall provide Licensor with a writ ten license ( to become effective on the Cancellation Date) , in a

form reasonably acceptable to Licensor and Licensee , granting Licensor a perpetual , royalty -

free , worldwide, non - exclusive license, for all uses and purposes (except as noted below) , with

a right to sublicense, to the Join t Technology , and Licensee�s object code ( for internal use only ,

with no right to sublicense ) with respect to the FPGA Architecture . Not withstanding any

termination of this Agreement and the License, the rights and licenses of Licensee�s sublicensees

shall survive, subject to the continued payment by Licensee of the royalties specified in Section

1.3 hereof; provided , however, Licensor shall cooperate with Licensee, at Licensee�s request , and

Licensee shall cooperate with Licensor , at Licensor�s request , to convert any sublicensee of

Licensee to a direct licensee of Licensor and the terms of Licensee�s sublicenses shall provide for

such conversion .

6 Exclusivity of License

The License with respect to Licensed Devices shall be exclusive so long as each of the

following conditions to exclusivity are met by Licensee . In the event any of such conditions are

not met , such license shall become non - exclusive at the election of the Licensor, notice of which

change has been given to Licensee .

( a) The following minimum annual Net Receipts from sales of Licensed Devices and Products

must be achieved during each of the 12 - month periods , described below, beginning with the

first day of the month immediately subsequent to the month in which the and each

subsequent anniversary of the date of Product In troduction occurs; provided , however , in the

event any of such minimum annual Net Receipts are not achieved during any such 12 - month

period, Licensee may retain exclusivity with respect to Licensed Devices if it pays Licensor

percentage royalties on the short - fall from the amount of such minimum annual Net Receip ts in

such period , at the applicable exclusive rate in Section 4.2above, within 45 days after the end of

such period .

( b) The minimum advance royalty payments paid pursuant to Section 4.1 above ( after all

applicable crediting of Recoupable Payment ) shall be per month ( per month ,

beginning with the year after Product In troduction) .

7 Termination for Breach

Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement in its en tirety in the event of a

material breach by the other party of any of its obligations hereunder . In the event a party does

materially breach any of its obligations hereunder , the other par ty may effect such termination by

giving the breaching party written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement , which notice

shall specify , in reasonable detail , the nature of such breach . Such termination shall occur 30 days


following the effectiveness of such notice, unless the breaching par ty cures such breach prior to

the expiration of such 30 - day period ; provided , however, that ( a) if such breach is not curable,

such termination shall occur upon the effectiveness of such notice , and ( b ) if such breach is

curable, but does not relate to the payment of any sum of money or to Section 1.3 above , is not

capable of be ingcured within such 30 - day period , and the breaching party commences engaging

in all reasonable effor ts to cure it after receiving such notice and continues to engage in such efforts

until it is cured , a termination of the Agreement with respect to such breach many not occur

unless the breaching party fails to cure such breach within 90 days following the effectiveness of

such notice .Not withstanding the foregoing , in the event Licensor gives Licensee written notice,

claiming that Licensee has failed to pay royalties hereunder on products sold by Licensee, and

Licensee gives Licensor written notice that it does not believe that it is obligated to pay such

royalties and the reasons , in reasonable detail , for such belief, within the 30 - day period after the

effectiveness of such notice from Licensor , such dispute shall be submit ted to arbitration pursuant

to Section 7.18 of Exhibit“ A”hereto . This Agreement may not be terminated during the

pendency of such arbitration as a result of the claimed breach to be resolved in such arbitration .

8 Sell - Off Period

Any Licensed Devices manufactured pursuant to the License prior to the termination of this

Agreement may be sold pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement within 18 months

from the date of such termination .

9 Sale of Licensor

During the period that the License with respect to Licensed Devices is exclusive, ( a )

Licensor shall not solicit a purchase of the Technology , all or substantially all of its as sets or all of

its outstanding voting securities , (collectively , a“Purchase”) , and ( b) Licensee shall have a righ

t - of - first - refusal with respect to any Purchase , as described below . In the event Licensor

receives a written offer with respect to a Purchase that it is willing to accept , it shall give Licensee

written notice of the material terms and conditions of such offer ( the“Offer Notice”) .Licensee

shall have the righ t to make such Purchase in the event it ( x) gives Licensor written notice that it

is willing to make such Purchase, on such material terms and conditions , within ten days of

receiving the Offer Notice , ( y) en ters in to a definitive agreement with respect to such Purchase,

which includes such material terms and conditions and such other terms and conditions as are

normal with respect to such a t ransaction , within 20 days of receiving such agreement from

Licensor, and ( z) consummates such transaction pursuant to the terms and conditions of such

agreement .If Licensee fails to timely meet any of such conditions, Licensor shall have the righ t to

consummate such Purchase on such material terms and conditions , taken as a whole .


10 Confidentiality of Agreement

The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute Confidential

Information, as defined in Section 4 of Exhibit“A”hereto, of each of the parties, and shall be

subject to all of the terms and conditions of such section ; provided , however , Licensee may

disclose any such terms and conditions , as permitted by such section or with the approval of

Licensor , which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed .

11 Continuation of Business

So long as the License with respect to Licensed Devices is exclusive and Licensor does not

have the righ t to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 7 above, Licensor shall not wind

up its affairs , liquidate or dissolve without Licensee�s written consent , which shall not be

unreasonably withheld or delayed .

12 Additional Covenant

Licensee shall not unilaterally terminate its consulting relationship with Ben Ting , Peter Pani

or Richard Abraham until the last to occur of ( a ) the License with respect to Licensed Devices

ceasing to be exclusive, and ( b ) an aggregate of 267 , 772 shares of Licensee�s Common Stock

subject to options granted under the consulting agreements between Licensee and Ben Ting , Peter

Pani and Richard Abraham having vested . Licensee shall not unilaterally terminate its

employment relationship with Ben Ting , Peter Pani or Richard Abraham unless and until the

License with respect to Licensed Devices ceases to be exclusive .

13 Other Terms and Conditions

Exhibit“A”attached hereto, which contains additional definitions , terms and conditions, is

hereby incorporated in , and made a par t of , this Agreement .Each of the parties has caused this

Agreement to be executed and delivered by its duly authorized representative as of the date first

written above .






This Exhibit“A”contains additional definitions, terms and conditions which are an in tegral

par t of the License Agreement , dated as of , , between Licensee . and Licensor ( the

“Agreement”) .

1 Definitions As used in the Agreement , the following terms shall have the following


1.1 “Affiliate”shall mean , as to a party to the Agreement , any corporation or other en tity

directly or indirectly cont rolling , controlled by , or under common control with such party .

1.2 “Business Day”shall mean any day other than a Saturday , Sunday or any national

holiday in the United States of America or in the states of Nevada or California .

1.3 “Change of Control”means the occurrence of any of the following events:

( a) Any“person”or“group of persons”(as such terms are used in Sections 13 ( d) and 14 ( d)

of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 , as amended ) is or becomes the“ beneficial owner”( as

defined in Rule 13d—3 under said Act ) , directly or indirectly , of securities of the Company

representing 50 % or more of the total voting power represented by the Company�s then -

outstanding voting securities; or

( b) A change in the composition of the Company�s Board of Directors occurring within a two

- year period as a result of which fewer than a majority of the directors are Incumbent Directors .

“ Incumbent Directors”shall mean directors who either ( i) are directors of the Company as of the

date hereof of ( ii ) are elected , or nominated for election , to the Board with the affirmative votes of

at least a majority of the Incumbent Directors at the time of such election or nomination ( but shall

not include an individual whose election or nomination is in connection with an actual or

threatened proxy contest relating to the election of directors of the Company) ; or

( c) T he shareholders of the Company approve a merger or consolidation of the Company with

any other corporation , other than a merger or consolidation that would result in the voting

securities of the Company outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing to represent ( either by

remaining outstanding or by being converted into voting securities of the surviving entity ) at least

50 % of the total voting power represented by the voting securities of the Company or such

surviving entity outstanding immediately after such merger or consolidation , or the shareholders

of the Company approve a plan of complete liquidation of the Company or an agreement for the

sale or disposition by the Company of all or substan tially all of the Company�s assets .

1.4 “Cont ributing Consultants”shall mean Ben Ting , Peter Pani and Richard Abraham .

1.5 “ Emulation/ Simulation Device”shall mean a combination of one or more Multichip

Modules using the FPGA Architecture , together with supporting software, the principal function

of which is as a development and/ or diagnostic tool .

1.6 “ Field Programmable Gate Array”or“ FPGA” shall mean an integrated circuit


comprised, in whole or in part , of an array of logic or analog elements , interconnects and

programmable switches , the principal function of which is to perform logic or analog functions .

1.7 “FPGA Architecture”shall mean the FPGA architecture covered by claims in U .S .

Paten t # 5457410 and augmented by U .S . Paten t Application # 08/ 229 , 923 , all foreign

counterpar ts of such U .S . patent or paten t application (whether or not the foreign counter parts

claim priority from such U .S . patent or paten t application) , any and all revisions , continuations ,

divisions, substitutions , reissues , renewals , continuations in part , parents, counter parts and

extensions thereof , and all paten ts and patent applications , whether filed in or granted by the

United States or another count ry , claiming, in whole or in part , the benefit of the filing date of

such patent or paten t application .

1.8 “ Improvements”, with respect to technology , know - how or any product, whether

hardware , firmware or software , shall mean any modifications , alterations or improvements made

thereto by , or for the benefit of , the owner thereof or licensed with a righ t to sublicense (subject

to any restrictions which are a par t of such right ) .

1.9 “Joint Technology”shall mean any Technology developed through the joint efforts of

Licensee and one or more Contributing Consultants which is an Improvement to the FPGA

Architecture .

1.10 “License”shall mean the License to the Technology granted to Licensee by Licensor

in Section 1.1 of the Agreement .

1.11 “Licensed Device”shall mean any device , including an integrated circuit , constituting

a Fied P rogrammable Gate Array or Multichip Module designed with , or utilizing, in whole or in

par t , any of the Technology , other than Emulation/ Simulation Devices .

1.12 “ Multichip Module” shall mean a device containing multiple integrated circuits ,

including one or more FPGAs .

1.13 “Net Receipts”shall mean the gross amount recognized as income on Licensee�s books

( pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles consisten tly applied) in connection with the

sale of a Licensed Device or P roduct , less deductions for payment of sales , value added or any

similar taxes , and shipping and insurance charges , with respect to such Licensed Device or

Product .

1.14 “ Product” shall mean any in tegrated circuit , or any device containing several

in tegrated circuits , designed with or utilizing , in whole or in part , any of the Technology that is

not a Licensed Device .

1.15 “ Product Int roduction”shall mean the date on which Licensee has sold , in the

aggregate, Licensed Devices with respect to which it is entitled to Net Receipts aggregating in

excess of .

1.16 “Product Families”shall mean a series of products that have differen t capacities , but

are based on a common FPGA architecture and a common process technology .

1.17 “ Tapeout”shall mean the completion of the physical specifications , including without

limitation , fractured data ready for mask making , of the first integrated circuit using the FPGA

Architecture .


1.18 “Technology”shall mean the FPGA Architecture and any and all know - how and

engineering data related to the FPGA Architecture and any Improvements thereto , and all related

patents, copyrights, t rade secrets and other intellectual or indust rial property rights; provided ,

however , Technology shall not include any Improvement thereto which is developed atthe specific

request of , and pursuant to a written agreement with , a third par ty that is not an Affiliate of

Licensor unless Licensor has a license with respect to such Improvement with a righ t to sublicense

( subject to any rest rictions which are a part of such righ t ) .

2 Reports, Records, Audits

and Inspections

2.1 Reports . Licensee shall deliver to Licensor as soon as practicable, but in any event

within 60 days following the last day of each calendar quarter during the term hereof , a written

report showing , in reasonable detail , sales of Licensed Devices by Licensee in such quar ter ,

including, without limitation , the Net Receipts at tributable thereto and any credits given by

Licensee on previous sales .

2.2 Records . During the term of the Agreement, and for a period of at least three years

thereafter , Licensee shall main tain true and complete books and records related to all sales of

Licensed Devices; provided, however , notwithstanding the foregoing , Licensee shall not be

required to maintain any of such books and records more than ten years after it is firs t prepared .

2.3 Audits and Inspections .

(a ) During the term of the Agreement and for a period of one year thereafter , Licensor shall

have the righ t , at its expense and upon reasonable notice to Licensee, to have examined by an

independent auditor with a national reputation , reasonably acceptable to Licensee, Licensee�s

books and records in order to determine or verify the Net Receip ts and sales of the Licensed

Devices . Licensor shall not make any such examination more than twice in any calendar year .

( b) If an error in the reported Net Receip ts or the reported number of Licensed Devices sold

by Licensee is discovered as a result of such an examination and the reported Net Receipts or the

reported number of Licensed Devices sold by Licensee during the period ( s ) examined were in

excess of 5% less than the actual Net Receipts or number of Licensed Devices sold by Licensee, as

the case may be , during such period ( s) , Licensee ( i) shall pay all of Licensor�s out - of - pocket

expenses related to such examination , and ( ii) shall pay Licensor in terest on the amount of such

underpayment, at the rate of 12 % per annum , from the date such amount was due and payable

until such amount is actually paid .

3 Protection of Proprietary

Information and Rights

3.1 Third Party Infringement and Misappropriation . Licensee shall give Licensor prompt

notice of any activities or threatened activities of any third party of which it becomes aware that


infringe any patent , copyrigh t or other intellectual or indust rial property righ t subsisting in or

related to any of the Technology or that constitute a misappropriation of trade secrets or act of

unfair competition which may dilute, damage or destroy rights subsisting in or related to any of

the Technology ( collectively , the“ Infringing Activities”) . Licensor shall give Licensee prompt

notice of any Infringing Activities of which it becomes aware so long as the license gran ted to

Licensee pursuant to the Agreement is exclusive . Licensor shall have the righ t , in its sole

discretion , to take whatever action , whether in the nature of legal proceedings or otherwise, it

deems necessary to remedy or prevent Infringing Activities .Licensee shall not be permitted to take

any action to remedy or prevent any Infringing Activities without Licensor�s prior written

consent , which , so long as the License with respect to Licensed Devices is exclusive, shall not be

unreasonably withheld or delayed . In the event Licensee takes any such action , it shall be

obligated to pay all expenses it incurs in doing so and shall be entitled to retain all damages and

reimbursement of fees and expenses it receives as a result of doing so .

3.2 Third Par ty Claims .

(a ) Each party shall promptly notify the other party in writing of any legal proceeding

instituted or claim or demand asserted by any third party , of which such party becomes aware,

with respect to the infringement of any patent , copyright or other in tellectual or indust rial

property righ t , or misappropriation of any t rade secret or act of unfair competition , which is

alleged to result from Licensee�s use of any of the Technology as licensed under the Agreement (a

“Third Par ty Claim”) .

( b) In the event of a Third Party Claim , Licensor may elect at its own cost and expense to

be represented by counsel , which is reasonably acceptable to Licensee, and to participate in , or ,

at its op tion , take exclusive cont rol of, the defense, negotiation or set tlement of such Third Par ty

Claim, including , if it so elects, by bringing counter claims , in its own name or in Licensee�s

name ( if such counterclaim may only be brought in Licensee�s name and Licensor obtains

Licensee�s approval to bring such counterclaim , which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld

or delayed ) , as to the validity of any alleged patents, copyrigh ts , t rade secrets or other

in tellectual or industrial property rights involved in such Third Party Claim; provided , however ,

that Licensor shall not have the righ t to agree to settle such Third Party Claim without Licensee�s

consent , which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, unless ( i) the terms and conditions

of such settlement require only the payment of money, and do not require Licensee to admit any

wrongdoing or take or refrain from taking any action , ( ii) the full amount of the set tlement is

paid by Licensor, and ( iii ) such settlement does not materially and adversely affect Licensee�s

righ ts under the Agreement .In the event that Licensor elects to take such control , Licensee may

par ticipate in such defense , negotiation or settlement with counsel of its own choice and at its own

expense .

(c ) If Licensor elects not to cont rol the defense, negotiation or settlement of any such Third

Party Claim , or fails to pursue such defense, negotiation or settlement, Licensee may defend ,

negotiate or settle such Third Party Claim provided , however , that Licensee shall not have the

righ t to agree to settle such Third Par ty Claim upon the License ceasing to be exclusive in any


respect without Licensor�s consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed , unless

( i) the terms and conditions of such settlement require only the payment of money, and do not

require Licensor to admit any wrongdoing or take or refrain from taking any action , ( ii) the full

amount of the set tlement is paid by Licensee, and ( iii) such settlement does not materially and

adversely affect Licensor�s rights to any of the Technology . Licensee may be represented by

counsel in any such defense , negotiation or settlement which is reasonably acceptable to Licensor .

(d ) Notwithstanding any implication to the contrary herein , Licensee shall make such

modifications to the design of a Licensed Device as may be reasonably requested by Licensor in

order to reduce the exposure to Licensor or Licensee of any Third Party Claim with respect to such

Licensed Device if such modifications may not reasonably be expected to materially and adversely

affect the costs of producing such Licensed Device or the reasonably projected sales volume of such

Licensed Device .

(e ) Licensor shall pay any reasonable out - of - pocket costs or expenses Licensee incurs with

respect to any Third Party Claim if Licensee cont rols the defense, negotiation or settlement of

such Third Party Claim , any damages awarded against Licensee as a result of any Third Par ty

Claim , and the amount of any set tlement of any Third Party Claim ( other than a set tlement by

Licensee which Licensee is required to pay pursuant to subsection ( c) ) . Licensor�s obligations in

this subsection ( e) with respect to any T hird Par ty Claim are conditioned on the following: ( i)

Licensor being notified in writing of such Third Par ty Claim ( provided , however , that any failure

to provide such notice on a prompt basis shall not affect any of Licensor�s obligations hereunder

unless such failure materially and adversely affects its ability to defend such Third Par ty Claim)

promptly after Licensee becomes aware of such Third Par ty Claim; and ( ii) should any Licensed

Device become, or , in Licensor�s opinion , is likely to become , the subject of a Third Par ty

Claim, Licensee shall permit Licensor , at Licensor�s option and expense, to do one of the

following: (A) procure for Licensee the righ t to continuing using the Technology and to make,

use, offer to sell and sell the Licensed Device subject to the Third Par ty Claim; or ( B) modify the

Technology so that its use is non - infringing but the Technology continues to have the same

material benefits with respect to the development process for such Licensed Device as it possessed

prior to such modification . Licensor shall have no obligation under this subsection ( e ) with

respect to any Third Party Claim , to the exten t such Claim involves modifications of the

Technology by Licensee .

4 Confidential Information

4.1 Protection of Confidential Information . Licensor and Licensee each acknowledge that ,

during the term of the Agreement , it will have access to proprietary or confidential information ,

including, without limitation , documents or other items which have been marked or otherwise

identified as confidential or proprietary in nature of the other party , including , without limitation ,

information related to the Technology , the Licensed Devices and the business or business practices

of the other par ty related to the Technology or the Licensed Devices . Each party shall use its best


efforts to protect such proprietary or confidential information of the other party in the same

manner in which it would protect its own proprietary or confidential information , and shall not

use proprietary or confidential information of the other party for its own benefit or the benefit of

any other person or entity , except as may be specifically permitted hereunder .

4.2 Exceptions to Confidential Treatment . The obligations of confidentiality and non - use

shall not apply to any confidential or proprietary information of one party which : (a ) was known

by the other party prior to the date of the Agreement and not obtained or derived, directly or

indirectly , from such party or any of its Affiliates; ( b) is or becomes public or available to the

general public or generally to the computer or semiconductor manufacturing industry , or generally

to any other industry in which the Licensed Devices are used or sold , otherwise than through ( i)

any act or default of a party that has an obligation of confidentiality and non - use with respect to

such information , or ( ii ) the disclosure of such confidential or proprietary information by such

par ty , subject to an obligation of confidentiality and non - use; (c) is obtained or derived prior or

subsequent to the date of the Agreement from a third party which is lawfully in possession of such

information and does not hold such information subject to any confidentiality or non - use

obligations; or ( d) is required to be disclosed by the other par ty pursuant to applicable law , or

under a government or cour t order ; provided , however , that ( i ) the obligations of confidentiality

and non - use shall continue to the fullest ex ten t not in conflict with such law or order , and ( ii) if

and when the other party is required to disclose such confidential or proprietary information

pursuant to any such law or order , such par ty shall use its best efforts to obtain a protective order

or take such other actions as will prevent or limit , to the fullest extent possible , public access to,

or disclosure of, such information .

5 Indemnification

5.1 Protection of Par ties .

Subject to the limitations in this Section 5 , each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other

par ty harmless from any and all damages , liabilities , losses, and costs or expenses suffered or

incurred by the other party arising out of , or resulting from , any breach of its representations ,

warran ties or covenants in the Agreement .

5.2 Procedure For Indemnification .

(a ) In the event that any legal proceedings are instituted , or any claim or demand is

asserted , by any third par ty which may give rise to any damage, liability, loss , or cost or expense

in respect of which either party has indemnified the other party under Section 5.1 above, the

indemnified party shall give the indemnifying party written notice of the institution of such

proceeding, or the assertion of such claim or demand, promptly after the indemnified party first

becomes aware thereof; provided , however , that any failure by the indemnified party to give such

notice on such prompt basis shall not affect any of its rights to indemnification hereunder unless

such failure materially and adversely affects the ability of the indemnifying party to defend such

proceeding .


( b) The indemnifying par ty shall have the right , at its op tion and at its own expense, to be

represented by counsel of its choice, subject to the approval of the indemnified party , which

approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed , and to defend against , negotiate with

respect to , settle or otherwise deal with such proceeding , claim or demand; provided, however ,

that no settlement of such proceeding , claim or demand shall be made without the prior written

consent of the indemnified par ty , which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed ,

unless , pursuant to the terms and conditions of such settlement, the indemnified party shall be

released from any liability or other exposure with respect to such proceeding , claim or demand;

and provided , fur ther , that the indemnified par ty may participate in any such proceeding with

counsel of its choice and at its own expense . In the event , or to the exten t , the indemnifying

par ty elects not to , or fails to , defend such proceeding , claim or demand and the indemnified

par ty defends against , settles or otherwise deals with any such proceeding, claim or demand , any

settlement thereof may be made without the consent of the indemnifying party if it is given

written notice of the material terms and conditions of such settlement at least ten Business Days

prior to a binding agreement with respect to such set tlement being reached . Each of the parties

agrees to cooperate fully with each other in connection with the defense, negotiation or settlement

of any such proceeding , claim or demand .

6 Representations and Warranties

( a) Licensor and Licensee each represents and warrants to the other that: ( i ) it is organized ,

validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the country or state in which it is

incorporated ; ( ii ) its execution and delivery of the Agreement , and the performance of its

obligations under the Agreement , have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on

its part , and it has full corporate power , righ t and authority to enter in to the Agreement , to

grant the license it has granted thereunder and to perform its obligations thereunder ; ( iii) neither

the execution and delivery of the Agreement by it , nor the performance by it of any of its

obligations under the Agreement , violates any applicable law or regulation of any count ry , state or

other governmental unit , or its Articles of Cer tificate of Incorporation or By laws or other charter

documents , or constitutes a violation of, or a breach or default under , any agreement or

inst rument , or judgment or order of any cour t or governmentalauthority , to which it is a party or

to which it is subject or to which any of the Technology or the Licensed Devices is subject; ( iv)

the Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of it , enforceable against it in accordance with its

terms, except as such enforceability may be limited by equitable principles or by bankruptcy or

other laws affecting creditors� righ ts generally ; and ( v ) no consent , approval , order or

authorization of any person , entity, cour t or govern mental authority is required on its part in

connection with the execution and delivery of the Agreement or the performance by it of its

obligations thereunder .

( b) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that it has title to , or a license with a righ t

to sublicense, the Technology , in the form in which it is delivered to Licensee , free and clear of


any liens , claims or encumbrances or interests of any third party or any license which is in conflict

with the License . As of the Effective Date, no par t of the Technology has been licensed to

Licensor and Licensee has not granted any license with respect to any par t of the Technology .

(c ) Licensor shall ( i ) file such paten t applications covering the FPGA Architecture as may be

reasonably requested by Licensee, ( ii) prosecute in good faith each paten t application covering the

FPGA Architecture, and ( iii ) main tain in force all paten ts covering the FPGA Architecture;

provided, however , upon the License becoming non - exclusive, Licensee shall be obligated to

reimburse Licensor for all of its costs and expenses ( promptly after it receives written notice of

any such expenditure ) incurred in preparing , filing , prosecuting and maintaining any patent

application which Licensee thereafter requests Licensor to file .

7 Miscellaneous

7.1 Acknowledgments .

Licensee acknowledges that it has no ownership righ ts , and will not , pursuant to the

Agreement, acquire any ownership rights, in the Technology .Each par ty acknowledges that a

breach of any of its obligations under the Agreement would cause the other par ty irreparable harm

and, in the event such par ty breaches or threatens to breach its obligations under the Agreement,

the other par ty shall be entitled to injunctive and other appropriate equitable relief .

7.2 Warranties .

Licensor has granten the license on an“ as - is ”basis . Except as set for th in Sections 6 and

7.1 above, licensor makes no warranty with respect to any of the technology . Licensor makes no

implied warranties with respect to the technology , including , without limitation , any implied

warran ty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose .

7.3 Limitation of Liability .

Neither par ty shall be liable for any special , incidental or consequential damages suffered by

the other party , any of its affiliates , any of its sublicensees or any third party arising out of, or in

connection with , the license or use of the technology or sale or use of any licensed device . In

addition to the foregoing , neither licensor nor licensee shall be liable to the other for any special ,

incidental or consequential damages suffered by the other party , any affiliate ir sybicense of the

other or any third party arising out of, or in connection with , this agreement , the performance by

either party of any of its obligations hereunder , any representation or warran ty of either par ty

hereunder or otherwise , except any such damages which arise out of, or result from , any

in tentional and knowing breach of this agreement . The foregoing limitations apply to all claims ,

including, with out limitation , breach of cont ract , breach of warran ty , negligence , st rict

liability , misrepresentation or other torts .

7.4 Compliance With Applicable Law .

Licensee shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of any count ry , state or

government unit relating to the use of any of the Technology or the manufacture or sale of Licensed

Devices , including , but not limited to , the Export Administ ration Act and Export Administ ration


Regulations of the United States of America . Licensee shall obtain and main tain in effect all

licenses , permits and authorizations required for the performance of its obligations hereunder .

7.5 Relationship of Licensor and Licensee .

Nothing in the Agreement shall create a join t venture, partnership or principal - agent

relationship bet ween Licensor and Licensee .

7.6 Notices .

Whenever any matter in the Agreement provides for notice or other written communication

to be given to Licensor or Licensee, such notice shall be given at the address of such party set

forth below , or such other address as such par ty shall provide, in writing, to the other par ty . All

notices may be given by being personally delivered , by being sent by prepaid air freigh t , delivery

of which , within one Business Day of receipt by the air freight company , is guaranteed , or by

being sent by facsimile, the receipt of which is acknowledged , addressed to the party hereto to

whom notice is to be given at the above - described address . Each such notice shall be deemed to

be effective upon receip t , if personally delivered , one Business Day after receipt by the airfreigh t

company, if sen t by airfreight , and one Business Day after being sent by facsimile .

If to Licensor :

If to Licensee:

7.7 Attorneys�Fees .

Should any litigation or arbit ration be commenced between the par ties hereto concerning the

Agreement , or the righ ts and duties of the parties in relation to the Agreement , the par ty

prevailing in such litigation or arbit ration shall be entitled , in addition to such other relief as may

be granted , to a reasonable sum for attorneys� fees in connection with such litigation or

arbit ration , which sum shall be determined by the trier of fact in such litigation or arbitration or

in a separate action brought for that purpose .

7.8 Assignment .

The Agreement shall be binding upon , and inure to the benefit of , the respective legal

represen tatives, successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto . Notwithstanding the

foregoing, except as otherwise provided herein , neither party may assign the Agreement , or any

of its rights or obligations under the Agreement , without the prior writ ten consent of the other

par ty , which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed . So long as any por tion of the

License is exclusive, Licensor shall not assign ( directly or indirectly , by operation of law or

otherwise) or sell any of the Technology without the prior written consent of Licensee, which


consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed . Any such sale or assignment not permitted

hereunder shall be deemed to be null and void and of no effect .

7.9 Cumulative Remedies .

No remedy or election hereunder shall be deemed exclusive, bu t shall , wherever possible, be

cumulative with all other remedies at law or in equity .

7.10 Severability .

Should any portion or provision of the Agreement be declared invalid or unenforceable in any

jurisdiction by a cour t of competent jurisdiction , then such portion or provision shall be deemed to

be severable , to the extent invalid or unenforceable, from the Agreement as to such jurisdiction

( but, to the exten t permitted by law, not elsewhere) and shall not affect the remainder thereof .

Not withstanding the foregoing , (a ) such provision of the Agreement shall be interpreted by the

par ties and by any such cour t , to the exten t possible, in such a manner that such provision shall

be deemed to be valid and enforceable, and ( b ) such court shall have the right to make such

modifications to any provision of this Agreement as do not materially affect the rights or

obligations of the parties under the Agreement and as may be necessary in order for such provision

to be valid and enforceable .

7.11 Waiver .

No waiver of any right or obligation of Licensor or Licensee under the Agreement shall be

effective unless in a writing , specifying such waiver , executed by the party against which such

waiver is being enforced . A waiver by either par ty hereto of any of its righ ts under the Agreement

on any occasion shall not be a bar to the exercise of the same right on any subsequent occasion or

of any other righ t at any time .

7.12 Other Terms .

The terms and provisions set forth in the Agreement shall control over any terms and

provisions set for th in any purchase order or other document or instrument submitted to Licensor

by Licensee, and no such purchase order or other document or inst rument or course of conduct or

t rade practice may be used to modify , vary or supplement any terms set forth herein unless

Licensor expressly agrees in writing to such modification , variation or supplement .

7.13 Headings any Titles .

The designation of a title , or a caption or a heading , for each section of the Agreement is for

the purpose of convenience only and shall not be used to limit , in terpret or modify the provisions

of the Agreement .

7.14 Presumptions .

Because each of the parties hereto have participated in drafting the Agreement , there shall be

no presumption against any party on the ground that such party was responsible for preparing the

Agreement or any part thereof .

7.15 Amendment or Modification .

The Agreement may be amended , altered , or modified only by a writing , specifying such

amendment , alteration or modification , executed by Licensor and Licensee .

7.16 Counterparts .


The Agreement may be executed in two counter parts, each of which shall be deemed an

original , but all of which shall constitu te one and the same instrument .

7.17 Governing Law ; Jurisdiction .

This Agreement , and the righ ts and obligations of the parties hereunder , shall be governed

by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of .Any action with respect to

the Agreement filed by one party against the other may only be brought in the Court


7.18 Arbitration .

Any cont roversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or its breach shall be

settled by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules then in effect . In

any arbitration hereunder , Licensor and Licensee may agree on the selection of a single arbitrator ,

but if they can not so agree, each such party shall select an arbitrator and the two selected

arbit rators shall select a third arbitrator . No arbit rator may be affiliated , whether directly or

indirectly, with any of the parties , including , without limitation , as an employee , consultan t ,

par tner or share holder . The arbitrator ( s) shall permit each of the par ties to the arbitration to

engage in a reasonable amount of discovery . In the event either party requests such an arbitration ,

the arbitration shall be held in .The award by the arbitrator or arbitrators shall be final ,

and judgment upon the award rendered may be entered in any cour t having jurisdiction thereof .

Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither party shall be prevented from seeking injunctive relief,

including, without limitation , a temporary restraining order, as contemplated by Section 7.1 ,

from the courts specified in Section 7.17 .

7.19 Survival . Sections 4.2 ,4.4 ,4.5 ,5 ,8 ,10 and 12 of the Agreement and each section of

this Exhibit“A”shall survive the termination or cancellation of the Agreement .

7.20 Complete Agreement . The Agreement constitutes the complete understanding of the

par ties hereto regarding the subject matter thereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous

agreements of the par ties , whether written or oral , with respect to such subject matter .


国际专利技术许可合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )


第一条 定义

第二条 合同范围

第三条 合同价格

第四条 支付条件

第五条 资料的交付和改进

第六条 侵权和保证

第七条 税费

第八条 争议的解决

第九条 合同生效和其他

附 件

附件一 专利资料的名称、内容和申请情况 ( 略 )

附件二 合同产品的型号、规格和技术参数 ( 略 )

附件三 提成费的起算时间和计算方法 (略 )

附件四 出让方查账的内容和方法 (略 )


�签约时间 :

签字地点 :

合 同 号 :

中国 , 公司 ( 以下简称“受让方”) 为一方 , 国 公司

(以下简称“出让方”) 为另一方 ;


鉴于出让方是 技术的专利权持有者 ;

鉴于出让方有权并且也同意将 专利技术的使用权、制造权和产品的销售权授予受

让方 ;

鉴于受让方希望利用出让方的专利技术制造和销售产品 ;

双方授权代表通过友好协商 ,同意就以下条款签订本合同。

第一条 定义

1.1 “专利技术”———是指本合同附件一中所列的技术 , 该技术已于 年 月 日经中

国专利局批准 ,获得了专利权 , 其专利编号为 。

1.2 “出让方”———是指 国 公司 , 或者该公司的法人代表、代理


1.3 “受让方”———是指中国 公司 ,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。

1.4 “合同产品”———是指合同附件二中所列的产品。

1.5 “合同工厂”———是指生产合同产品的工厂 , 该工厂在 省 市 , 名叫


1.6 “净销售价”———是指合同产品的销售发票价格扣除包装费、运输费、保险费、佣金、


1.7 “专利资料”———是指本合同附件一中所列的有关资料。

1.8 “合同生效日”———是指本合同双方有关当局的最后一方的批准日期。

第二条 合同范围

2.1 受让方同意从出让方取得 , 出让方同意向受让方授予合同产品的设计、制造和销售


2.2 出让方授予受让方在中国设计制造合同产品、使用、销售和出口合同产品的许可权 ,

这种权利是非独占性的 ,是不可转让的权利。

2.3 出让方负责向受让方提供合同产品的专利资料 , 包括专利的名称、内容、申请情况和

专利编号等 ,具体的资料详见本合同附件一。

2.4 在合同的执行中 , 如受让方需要出让方提供技术服务或一部分生产所需的零部件或

原材料时 ,出让方有义务以最优惠的价格向受让方提供 , 届时双方另行协商签订合同。

2.5 出让方同意受让方使用其商标的权利。在合同产品上可以采取双方的联合商标 , 或


第三条 合同价格

3.1 按照第二条规定的内容和范围 , 本合同采用提成方式计算价格 ,计价的货币为美元。

3.2 本合同提成费的计算时间从合同生效之日后的第 个月开始 , 按日历年度计

算 ,每年的十二月三十一日为提成费的结算日。

3.3 提成费按当年度合同产品销售后的净销售价格计算 , 提成率为 % , 合同产品未


3.4 在提成费结算日后十天之内受让方应以书面通知的形式向出让方提交上一年度合

同产品的销售数量、净销售额和应支付的提成费 , 净销售额和提成费的具体计算方法详见本合


3.5 出让方如果需查核受让方的账目时 , 应在接到受让方根据第 3.4 条规定开出的书面

通知后十天之内通知受让方 ,具体的查账内容和程序详见本合同附件四。


第四条 支付条件

4.1 本合同第三条中规定的提成费 , 受让方将通过 银行 ( 此处为受让方的业务银

行 )和 银行 (此处为出让方的业务银行 ) 支付给出让方 ,支付中使用的货币为美元。

4.2 出让方在收到受让方按第 3.4 条的规定发出的书面通知后应立即开具有关的单据 ,

受让方在收到出让方出具的下列单据后三十天内 ,经审核无误 , 即支付提成费给出让方 :

A. 提成费计算单一式四份 ;

B. 商业发票一式四份 ;

C. 即期汇票一式二份。

4.3 按本合同规定 , 如出让方需要向受让方支付罚款或赔偿时 , 受让方有权从上述支付


第五条 资料的交付和改进

5.1 出让方应按本合同附件二的规定向受让方提供专利资料的名称、内容 , 以及出让方


5.2 出让方应在签订合同的同时 , 将第 5.1 条中规定的专利资料交付给受让方。 (注 : 由

于专利资料都是现成的 ,因此要求出让方在签约时提交 )

5.3 在合同有效期内 , 双方对合同产品涉及的技术如有改进和发展 , 应相互免费将改进


5.4 改进和发展的技术 , 其所有权属于改进和发展一方 , 另一方不得利用这些技术资料


第六条 侵权和保证

6.1 出让方保证是本合同一切专利技术和专利资料的合法持有者 , 并且有权向受让方转

让 ,如果在合同执行过程中一旦发生第三方指控侵权时 , 则由出让方负责与第三方交涉 , 并承


6.2 出让方保证本合同中涉及的专利在合同执行期间是有效的和合法的。如果由于出

让方的原因导致专利提前失效时 ,出让方应将专利失效后受让方支付的费用偿还给受让方 , 并

按 %的年息加计利息 , 与本金一起偿付给受让方。

6.3 在合同有效期间 , 出让方应按照中国专利局的有关规定按时缴纳专利维持费 , 以保


6.4 在合同执行期间 , 如果本合同涉及的专利的法律性质发生了变化 , 出让方应立即将

此情况以书面形式告之受让方 ,然后双方再协商本合同的执行问题。

第七条 税费

7.1 中华人民共和国政府根据其现行税法征收受让方有关执行本合同的一切税费由受


7.2 中华人民共和国政府根据其现行税法征收出让方与执行本合同有关的一切税费由


第八条 争议的解决

8.1 因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 , 双方应通过友好协商解决。

8.2 如双方通过协商不能达成协议时 , 则应提交中国的仲裁机构或中国的有关法院解

决。如果是诉诸仲裁 ,则由中国国际贸易促进委员会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会按该地的仲裁

程序暂行规则进行仲裁 ;如果是通过诉讼 , 则由受让方所在地的人民法院根据中国的有关法律



8.3 仲裁裁决或法院的判决是终局决定 , 对双方均有约束力。

8.4 仲裁费或诉讼费由败诉方负担。

8.5 在争议的处理过程中 , 除正在进行仲裁或诉讼的部分外 , 合同的其他部分将继续


第九条 合同生效和其他

9.1 本合同由双方授权代表于 年 月 日在北京签字。各方应分别向其有

关当局申请批准 ,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期。双方应尽最大努力争取在九

十天内获得合同的批准 ,然后用电传通知对方 , 并用信件确认。

9.2 本合同自签字之日起六个月如仍不能生效 , 双方均有权取消合同 , 一旦本合同被取

消 ,受让方应将第 5.2 条中规定的专利资料退还给出让方。

9.3 本合同的有效期从合同生效日算起共 年 ,有效期满后本合同自动失效。

9.4 本合同失效后 , 如果合同中涉及的专利仍然有效时 ,受让方不得继续使用此专利 , 如

需继续使用 ,则应与出让方续签合同 , 本合同失效后 ,如果合同中涉及的专利也随之失效时 , 受


9.5 本合同期满时 , 双方发生的未了债权和债务不受合同期满的影响 , 应继续履行各自


9.6 在合同执行中 , 对其条款的任何变更、修改和增减 , 都须经双方协商同意并签署书面

文件 ,作为合同的组成部分 , 与合同具有同等效力。

9.7 本合同由第一条至第九条和附件一至附件四组成 , 合同的正文和附件是不可分割的

部分 ,具有同等法律效力。

9.8 本合同用英文书就 , 一式四份 ,双方各持两份。在合同有效期内 , 双方通讯以英文进

行 ,正式通知应以书面形式 , 航空挂号邮寄 ,一式两份。合同双方的法定地址如下 :

A. �受让方 : 公司

地 址 : 国 城市

电 传 :

传 真 :

B. �出让方 : 公司

地 址 : 国 城市

电 传 :

传 真 :

受 f让方代表 : 出 �让方代表 :

( 签 字 ) (签 字 )





Section 1 Definitions

Section 2 Scope of the Contact

Section 3 Price of the Cont ract

Section 4 Conditions of Payment

Section 5 Delivery and Improvement of the Technical Documentation

Section 6 Infringements and Guarantees

Section 7 Taxes and Duties

Section 8 Dispute Settlements

Section 9 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous


Appendix 1 �Name, Content of Paten t Documents and Application of the Patents (omitted)

Appendix 2 �Models , Specifications and Technical Indices of the Cont ract Products

( omitted)

Appendix 3 The Starting Date and Counting Methods of Royalty (omitted )

Appendix 4 The Content and Methods of Licensor�s Auditing (omitted)

Licence Contract for Patented

Technology of

Signature Date:

Signature Place:

Contract No .:

China , Company ( hereinafter referred to as“Licensee”) on the one hand , and

Country , Company( hereinafter referred to as“Licensor”) on the other hand;

Whereas the patent right of is owned by Licensor ;

Whereas Licensor has the right and agreed to gran t Licensee the rights to use , manufacture

and sell the Contract Products of the Paten ted Technology;


Whereas Licensee hope to use the Patented Technology of Licensor to manufacture and sell

the Cont ract Products;

Both Parties authorized representatives , through friendly negotiation , have agreed to enter

in to this Cont ract under the terms as stipulated below:

Section 1 Definitions

1.1 “Paten ted Technology”means the technology which has written in Appendix 1 to the

Cont ract , it was approved by China Paten t office in and granted the patent righ t , the

patent number is .

1.2 “ Licensor ” means Country , Company or the Legal

represen tative, or agency and the property successor of the Company .

1.3 “Licensee”means China Company , or the legal represen tative, or agency and

the proper ty successor of the Company .

1.4 “The Cont ract Products”means the products stipulated in Appendix 2 to the Cont ract .

1.5 “The Contract Factory”means the factory which manufactures the Contract products ,

it is located in City , Province nad named .

1.6 “Net Selling Price”means the remaining sum which the selling commercial invoice

price deducts the packing expenses , t ranspor tation expenses , insurance premium , commissions ,

commercial discounts , taxes and expenses for broughtout elements and parts etc .

1.7 “ The Paten t Documents”means all related documents covered in Appendix 1to the

Cont ract .

1.8 “The Date of Coming into Effect of the Contract”means the date of ratification of the

Cont ract by the competent authorities of both parties , whichever comes later .

Section 2 Scope of the Contract

2.1 Licensee has agreed to obtain from Licensor , Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee the

righ t to design , manufacture and sell the Cont ract Products . The name, model, specification and

technical indices of the Contract Products are detailed in Appendix 2 to the Contract .

2.2 Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee the licence and righ t to design , manufacture,

use, sell and export the Contract Products in China . The licence and righ t are non-exclusive and

unt ransferable .

2.3 Licensor has been responsible to provide Licensee with the Paten ted Documents of the

Cont ract P roducts , including the name, content , application for patent and number of the patent

etc . the specific documentation is detailed in Appendix 1 to the Contract .

2.4 In the course of implementation of the Contract , Licensor has obligation , upon the

request of Licensee, to provide Licensee at the best favourable price with the technical services or

some components , spare parts and raw materials which are necessary for manufacturing the

Cont ract Products . When the time comes , both parties will sign the new cont ract through


friendly consultation .

2.5 Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee the Licence and righ t to use the t rade mark of

Licensor , and use the combination trade mark of both par ties or mark the wording“ production

according to Licensor�s licence”on the Contract Products .

Section 3 Price of the Contract

3.1 Price of the Cont ract shall be calculated on Royalty in accordance with the conten t and

scope stipulated in Section 2 to the Contract and shall be paid in U .S . Dollars .

3.2 Royalty under the Contract shall be paid from months after the date of

coming into effect of the Contract in terms of Calendar Year . The date of settling accounts shall

be 31st , December of each year .

3.3 Royalty at the rate of % ( percent ) shall be calculated in terms of net

Selling Price after the Cont ract P roducts are soly in this year , the Contract Products which not

sold shall not be included .

3.4 The report of the selling quantity , net selling amount of the Cont ract Products and

Royalty which should be paid in last year shall be submitted to Licens or in written form by

licensee within 10( ten) days after the date of settling accounts to Royalty . The specific methods

which calculate net selling amount and Royalty are detailed in Appendix 3 to the Contract .

3.5 If Licensor demand to audit the accounts of Licensee , it shall notice Licensee within 10

( ten ) days after receiving the written notice of Licensee in accordance with Section 3.4 of the

Cont ract . The specific conten t and procedure of auditing accounts are detailed in Appendix 4 to

the Cont ract .

Section 4 Conditions of Payment

4.1 Royalty stipulated in Section 3 to the Cont ract shall be effected by Licensee to Licensor

through the Bank ( here it is the business Bank of Licensee) and the Bank ( here it is

the business Bank of Licensor) , payment shall be set tled in US Dollars .

4.2 Licensor shall immediately issue the related documents after receiving the written

notice submit ted by Licensee in accordance with Section 3.4 of the Contract . The Royalty shall be

paid by Licensee to Licensor within 30 ( thirty ) days after Licensee has received the following

documents which are provided by Licensor and found them in conformity with the stipulations of

the Cont ract:

A. Four copies of the statement on calculation of the royalty ;

B. Four copies of the commercial invoice;

C. Two copies of the sigh t draft .

4.3 Licensee shall have the righ t to deduct from any of the above mentioned payment the

penalties and/ or compensations which licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulations of the

Cont ract .


Section 5 Delivery and Improvement of the

Technical Documentation

5.1 The Patent name , content and related situation which licensor applied for the patent

from China Patent Office shall be provided by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with stipulations

in Appendix 2 to the Cont ract .

5.2 The Patent Documents stipulated in Section 5.1 to the Contract shall be provided by

Licensor to Licensee while the Cont ract was signed . ( note: Because the Patent Documents are

readymade , Licensor shall provide with in signing Cont ract .)

5.3 Within the validity period of the Cont ract , both parties shall provide each other with

the improvement and development of the Technology related to the Contract P roducts free of

charge .

5.4 The improved and developed technology shall be owned by the par ty who improved and

developed the technology , the other par ty shall be prohibited from applying for the paten t , or

t ransfering to the third party .

Section 6 Infringements and Guarantees

6.1 Licensor guaran tees that Licensor is the legitimate owner of all the Patented

Technology and Documentation supplied by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with the Cont ract ,

and that Licensor is lawful in a position to t ransfer all such Technology and Technical

Documentation to Licensee . In the course of implementation of the Contract , if any third par ty

accuses Licensee of infringement , Licensor shall be responsible for approaching the third par ty

about the accusation and bear all the economic and legal responsibilities which may arise .

6.2 Licensor guarantees that the Patent covered by the Contract shall be lawful and valid in

the course of implementation of the Contract . If because of Licensor the Paten t advancedly cease

to be in force , Licensor shall repay expenses which have been paid by Licensee after the Patent

has ceased to be in force, and plus the in terest at the rate of % ( percent ) per

annum shall be paid by Licensor to Licensee .

6.3 Within the validity period of the Contract , Licensor shall pay the cost of maintaining

the patent on time in accordance with related stipulation of the China Patent Office so as to

main tain the Paten t effectiveness .

6.4 In the course of implementation of the Contract , if the legal nature of the Patent

concerned in the Contract has changed, Licensor shall immediately notify Licensee this case in

written form , then both parties solve the problem of fur ther execution of the Contract through

consultation .


Section 7 Taxes and Duties

7.1 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Cont ract to be

levied on Licensee by the Government of the People�s Republic of China in accordance with the

Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensee .

7.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in execution of the Contract to be levied

on Licensor by the Government of the People�s Republic of China in accordance with the Chinese

Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensor .

Section 8 Dispute Settlements

8.1 All disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Cont ract shall be settled

through friendly consultation by both parties .

8.2 In case no settlement to disputes can be reached through friendly consultation by both

par ties , the disputes shall be settled by Chinese arbit rational au thority or related Chinese Court .If

arbit ration is chosen , the case shall be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbit ration

Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of In ternational Trade for arbit ration in

accordance with its provisional rules of procedure . If lawsuit is chosen , the case shall be submitted

to the People�s Court which is located in Licensee�s residence for hearing in accordance with

related Chinese laws .

8.3 The arbitration award or the Court judgement are final and binding upon both parties .

8.4 The arbit ration fee or the lawsuit fee shall be borne by the losing party .

8.5 In the course or set tling disputes the Cont ract shall be continuously exected by both

par ties except for the part which is under arbitration or lawsuit .

Section 9 Effectiveness of the Contract

and Miscellaneous

9.1 The Contract is signed by the authorised representatives of both parties on in

Beijing . Immediately after signing the Cont ract , both parties shall apply to the competent

authorities of their respective Government for ratification of the Contract , the date of ratification

of the competen t authorities of both par ties Government, whichever comes later , shall be taken as

the date of coming in to effect of the Cont ract . Both par ties shall try their utmost to obtain the

ratification within 90 ( ninety ) days after signing the Cont ract . Upon obtaining the ratification

from the competent au thority of has Government , one party shall inform the other party by telex

or fax within the shortest possible time and send to the other par ty a letter confirming the date of

ratification .

9.2 If the Cont ract has not come in to force within 6 ( six ) months after signing the

Cont ract, both parties shall have the right to cancel the Contract . The Patent Documents


stipulated in Section 5.2 to the Cont ract shall be returned by Licensee to Licensor once the

Cont ract has been canceled .

9.3 The Cont ract shall be valid for period of years from the date of coming into

force of the Contract . The Contract shall become null and void automatically after the expiration

of the said period .

9.4 After the Cont ract has expired , if the Patent concerned in the Contract is still valid ,

Licensee shall not continuously use the Patent . If Licensee demands to use the Patent

continuously , the Cont ract shall be renewed between both parties; if the Patent concerned in the

Cont ract lose effectiveness, Licensee may continuously use the Patent without paying any charge

to Licensor .

9.5 After the date of the expiry of validity period of the Contract , all those creditor�s rights

and debts which have not been fulfilled by either of the Parties shall s till be fulfilled by both

par ties without any influence of the expiry of validity period of the Cont ract .

9.6 In the course of implementation of the Contract , all the alternations, amendments ,

supplements and subt ractions to the Contract have been agreed upon and signed in written

documents through consulation by both parties . They are integral par tes of the Cont ract and have

same legal force and effect as in the Cont ract .

9.7 The Contract consists of Section 1 to Section 9 and Appendix 1 to Appendix 4 , the

text of the Cont ract and annexes are integral parts of the Contract and have same legal force and

effect .

9.8 The Cont ract is made out in English in four originals , two for each party . Within the

validity period of the Cont ract , the communication between both parties shall be made in English ;

the formal notice shall be made in written from in two copies , sen t by registered air mail . The

legal addresses of both par ties of the Cont ract are as follows:

A. �Licensee: � Company .


Telex :


B. �Licensor : Company .

Address: �

Telex :

Fax: h

Authorized representative of Licensee !Authorized representation of Licensor

licensee ( signature) licensor ( signature)


技术引进合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

前 言

合同编号 : XC 8807

签约日期 :1988 .5 .27

签约地点 :中国·深圳

本合同于 在 签订。

一方为 , 以下简称甲方。

一方为 , 以下简称乙方。

鉴于乙方拥有合同产品生产的专有技术 , 并有权和愿意向 公司转让该


鉴于 公司希望利用乙方所拥有的专有技术 , 以生产销售和出口合同


甲方受 公司委托 , 由甲方同乙方经过友好协商 ,同意按下列条件及条款

签订本专有技术合同。本合同由 公司与乙方执行。

第一章 定 义

1.1 “专有技术”, 原指生产合同产品 ,甲方所需要的乙方所拥有和提供的全部生产技术



1.2 “合同产品”, 指 产品 , 该产品符合本合同附件一所规定的技


1.3 “技术资料”, 指制造合同产品所需要的全部“专有技术”, 以及乙方在生产合同产品

的过程中 ,所使用的全部有关设计和制造图纸、加工技术和工艺文件等资料。具体内容及要求


1.4 “考核产品”, 指甲方用乙方提供的专有技术和专用设备所生产和制造的合同产品。


1.5 “工艺文件”, 指生产合同产品所需要的全部加工方法、加工手段、工艺过程卡片、工


1.6 “工艺守则”, 指生产合同产品的全部生产和加工过程所必须遵循的原则。


第二章 合同内容和范围

2.1 乙方同意向甲方转让 , 甲方同意从乙方取得合同产品的专有技术。甲方采用乙方的

专有技术和主要设备 ,能够在甲方工厂生产出合格的合同产品。其产品规格、型号、产量及技


2.2 乙方向甲方提供在甲方工厂生产合同产品的全部完整工艺文件和资料 , 能正确指导


2.3 乙方在提供技术资料的同时 , 还要提供全部技术标准。

2.4 乙方向甲方提供用于在甲方工厂生产合同产品的全部专有技术资料必须是完整的


2.5 乙方在向甲方提供技术的同时 , 并为甲方提供和选择生产合同产品所必须的关键设

备。这些设备的具体要求和规格详见“设备引进合同”。设备合同的交付规定和交付办法 , 按


2.6 为了保证合同产品的生产 , 乙方同意甲方采用部分中国国产设备 , 和乙方选择提供


2.7 乙方按照本合同附件四所规定的条件和要求 , 在乙方工厂为甲方培训技术人员 , 以

保证所培训的人员能够掌握这些专有技术 ,生产合同产品。

2.8 乙方按合同附件五所规定的条件 , 派遣称职的专家到甲方工厂进行技术指导、技术


第三章 价 格

3.1 按第二章所规定的合同内容和范围 , 乙方所提供的合同产品的专有技术包括工厂设

计图纸、全部制造图纸、工艺文件、技术服务和技术培训等的全部资料总价格为 美元。

其中技术转让费为 美元 , 考察培训费为 美元。

3.2 上述合同的价格为固定价格 , 包括本合同第二章所规定的全部技术资料运抵深圳费


3.3 本合同内的一切费用均以美元计算和结算。

3.4 设备引进合同的总价格为 美元。其具体执行办法按设备合同的


第四章 支付与支付条件

4.1 本合同项下的一切费用 , 用 M/ T 信汇方式支付。甲方通过 银行 , 乙方通过指

定的 银行进行支付。凡发生在中国境内的银行费用 , 由甲方负担 ;凡发生在中国境外的

一切银行费用 ,由乙方负担。

4.2 本合同第三章 3.1 款所规定的总价格 美元 , 由甲方按照下列比例、方式支付

给乙方 :


4.2.1 合同总值 美元的百分之 ( % ) 计 美元 , 甲方在收到乙方提

供的下列技术文件和单据并经审核无误后三十天内由甲方以 M/ T 方式汇付乙方 :

(1 ) 按本合同附件二的规定 , 乙方应于合同生效后两个月内交付所有技术文件。技术文


(2 ) 乙方说明按本合同附件二规定 , 应于合同生效后两个月内交完所有技术文件的确认


(3 ) 即期汇票正、副本各一份。

(4 ) 金额 美元的商业发票四份。

4.2.2 合同总值 美元的百分之 ( % ) 计 美元 , 甲

方在收到全部技术文件及技术培训开始前十五天内用 M/ T 信汇方式支付给乙方。

4.2.3 合同总值 美元的百分之 ( % )计 美元 , 甲方在

完成设备安装、调试合格、正式投入生产、生产出合格产品 , 双方签署了合格证书 , 并在收到乙

方的下列单据后 ,经审查无误 , 三十天内以 M/ T 信汇方式支付给乙方 :

(1 ) 金额为 美元的商业发票一式四份。

(2 ) 由双方签署的合同产品考核验收合格证书一式两份。

(3 ) 即期汇票正、副本各一份。

4.3 设备合同总值 美元 , 其支付和支付办法按设备合同的规定


第五章 技术文件及设备的交付

5.1 乙方应按本合同附件二规定的内容和交付日期 , 将技术文件交付甲方。

5.2 设备和设备技术文件的交付 , 要严格按照设备合同的交付规定执行。

5.3 每批技术资料发运后的两个工作日内 , 乙方应用电话将发运日期、发运数量、包装件

数和重量、空运提单号、合同号、班机号和预计抵达时间通知甲方 , 并同时用航空挂号信将下列

单据寄交甲方 :

(1 ) 空运提单正本一份 , 副本四份。

(2 ) 技术文件详细清单一式三份。

5.4 全部技术文件派专人送到深圳甲方 , 以甲方签收日视为实际交付日。

5.5 如乙方交付的技术文件在途中丢失、短缺或损坏 ,则乙方应在最短期间内 , 最迟不得

超过在甲方通知后二十天 ,免费补给甲方。

5.6 乙方发运和寄送的技术文件及资料 , 包装要牢固 , 适合于长途运输、多次装卸、防雨

和防潮。在发运的每一个包装箱上面 ,均要用英文标志下列内容 :

(1 ) 合同号 ;

(2 ) 收货人 ;

(3 ) 唛头号 ;

(4 ) 目的地 ;

(5 ) 发货人 ;

(6 ) 重量 ;

(7 ) 包装箱号/ 件号。


5.7 每一个包装箱内 , 均附有详细的装箱单一式两份。

第六章 技术的修改和改进

6.1 乙方提供的技术资料如有不适合于甲方生产条件的 , 如设计标准、材料标准及要求、

工艺装备及其他生产条件等不适合于甲方生产实际 ,乙方有责任协助甲方进行修改 , 并由双方


6.2 在本合同有效期内 , 双方对合同规定的技术内容和范围 ,如有任何改进和发展 , 双方


6.3 改进和发展的技术 , 所有权属于改进和发展技术的一方 ,对方不得去申请专利 , 也不


第七章 产品的考核和验收

7.1 为了保证乙方提供合同产品的制造专有技术的正确性、可靠性和先进性 ,由甲方和

乙方技术人员一起 ,在工厂按本合同附件六“考核和验收”的规定 , 共同对合同产品进行考核和


7.2 按本合同第二章的规定 , 产品的技术条件、技术标准、生产图纸 , 均作为考核验收合


7.3 产品考核验收合格后 , 双方代表要签署验收合格证书一式四份 ,双方各执两份为凭。

7.4 如果考核验收达不到本合同的规定要求 , 则双方要友好协商 ,共同研究分析原因 , 采

取措施消除缺陷 ,进行第二次考核和验收。

7.5 如果第一次考核不合格属于乙方的责任 , 乙方须派遣专家参加第二或第三次考核和

验收。其一切费用由乙方负担。如果属于甲方责任 ,其一切费用应由甲方负担。

7.6 如经过第二次考核仍达不到合格要求的 , 如系乙方责任 , 乙方必须赔偿甲方因此而

遭受的直接损失。并要求采取措施消除缺陷 ,参加第三次考核 , 如系甲方责任 , 则其一切损失


7.7 若经过第三次考核仍不合格 , 如属乙方责任 ,则乙方应承担由此而造成的一切损失。

甲方有权终止合同并按第八章的规定由甲方向乙方索赔。如属甲方责任 , 则双方应共同协商


第八章 保证和索赔

8.1 乙方保证向甲方提供的技术文件是乙方实际使用的、成熟的、可靠的和最新的技术

资料和文件 ,并保证在合同的有效期内及时向甲方提供任何新的发展的改进的技术资料。

8.2 乙方保证向甲方提供的技术文件是完整的、正确的、统一的、清晰的和及时的。其有

关规定如下 :

完整 :就是乙方所提供的技术文件应该包括本合同附件二所规定的全部技术文件和资料。



正确 : 就是乙方所提供的技术文件没有任何错误。甲方按照乙方所提供的技术文件所制


统一 : 乙方所提供的技术资料应有统一的符号、统一的标准、统一的规范等 , 不得有任何


清晰 :技术文件的图纸、曲线、文字、符号等均应清晰、明确、易读 ,不得模糊。

及时 :就是技术文件的交付日期不得晚于本合同附件二所规定的交付日期。

8.3 如果乙方所交付的技术文件有不符合 8.2 款规定的 , 在收到甲方书面通知后三十天

内 ,乙方应按 8.2 款免费补寄技术文件给甲方。

8.4 乙方提供甲方的设备 , 由乙方负责安装调试 ,最终应保证达到技术工艺要求和加工


8.5 若乙方为甲方提供的设备达不到 8.4 款的要求 , 则乙方负责更换和再调试 , 直到达


8.6 若任何一批技术文件的交付晚于本合同附件二规定的交付日期 , 从规定交付日期的

第二天算起 ,乙方应按下列规定向甲方支付 :

迟交 1~4 周 , 每迟交 1 周罚款为合同总值的 % ;

迟交 6~8 周 , 每迟交 1 周罚款为合同总值的 % ;

迟交 8 周以上 ,每迟交 1 周罚款为合同总值的 % ;

但上述罚款的合计不能超过合同总值的 %。

8.7 乙方在按照 8.6 款的规定被罚款时 , 将不解除乙方继续交付技术资料义务。

8.8 乙方如果迟交技术文件超过 4 个月则甲方有权终止合同。在这种情况下 , 乙方必须

将甲方已经支付的全部金额并加上年利 10% , 尽快一并退还甲方。最迟不得超过乙方接到甲


8.9 按本合同第七章规定 , 由于乙方责任 , 验收三次不合格 , 且在双方同意延长的时间

内 ,乙方仍不能消除缺陷时 , 则甲方有权终止合同。乙方将甲方全部已付金额连同年利

% , 在 8.8 款所规定的时间内 ,一并退还甲方 , 并承担由此给甲方造成的一切损失。

第九章 侵 权

9.1 乙方保证乙方能合法地并且有权向甲方转让合同产品专有技术而不受任何第三者

干涉和指控。如果发生第三者干涉和指控 ,则由乙方负责同第三者进行交涉 , 并由乙方承担法


9.2 在本合同终止后 , 甲方仍有权继续使用乙方提供的专有技术和全部技术文件进行合


第十章 税 费

10.1 凡因履行本合同而发生在甲方国家以外的一切税费 ,均由乙方承担。

10.2 乙方因履行本合同而在中国境内所取得的收入必须按照中国税法规定“外国企业

在中国境内所取得的收入 ,要按中国税法纳税”, 所纳税款由甲方在支付乙方合同货款时代乙


方从其付款总额中扣除 ,并由中国税务当局出具原本证明 , 说明税款已缴纳。

第十一章 仲 裁

11.1 凡因执行合同所发生的一切争议 , 均由双方通过友好协商的办法解决。如果协商

仍不能解决 ,则双方同意将争议提交仲裁。

11.2 仲裁地点在 仲裁机关 , 仲裁程序按中国贸促会仲裁机关的


11.3 仲裁裁决是终局裁决 ,对双方均有约束力。双方均应遵守。

11.4 除了在仲裁进程中进行仲裁的那一部分外 ,不受仲裁影响的另一部分双方仍应继


第十二章 不可抗力

12.1 人力不可抗力 :人力不可抗力的因素 , 如战争、严重水灾、火灾、台风、地震 , 以及双


12.2 发生人力不可抗力的责任方应尽快将发生人力不可抗力事故的情况 , 在尽可能短

的时间内 ,用电传或电报通知对方 , 并于事后十四天内 ,以航空挂号信将有关政府当局出具的

证明文件给对方 ,予以认证。

12.3 因发生不可抗力而影响了合同的执行 ,如果事故延续二十天以上 , 则双方应尽快通


第十三章 合同的生效终止和其他

13.1 本合同由双方代表签订后 ,双方分别向各自的政府或审理机构申请批准 , 以最后批

准一方的日期为合同生效日期。双方均应尽最大努力在六十天内获得批准 , 并用电传或电报

通知另一方 ,然后用航空挂号信予以确认。

13.2 本合同用中英文书写 ,双方各执一份为凭。

13.3 双方同意与执行本合同有关的一切联系均使用中文或英文进行。凡属正式通知以


13.4 本合同的有效期为甲方用乙方提供的专有技术及设备生产和制造出合格的合同产

品后 月。合同有效期满 , 无须任何手续 ,本合同自动失效。

13.5 本合同期满时 ,双方发生的债权债务不受合同期满的影响 , 债务人应对债权人继续


13.6 本合同附件一至附件六是本合同不可分割的一部分 ,与合同正文具有同等效力。

13.7 本合同条款的任何改变、修改或增减 , 均需经双方协商同意后双方授权各自的代表

签署书面文件 ,作为本合同不可分割的一部分 , 与合同其他条款一样具有同等的效力。


13.8 与本合同有关的所有技术文件和技术资料均用英文书写。

甲方 : �乙方 :

法人代表 : 法人代表 :



No .: XC 8807

Date: May 27 , 1988

Place : Shenzhen , China


This contract is signed on this date of in by and between ( hereinafter referred to as Party A)

and ( hereinafter referred to as Par ty B) .

Whereas Party B is in possession of the know - how to manufacture the cont ract products and

has the right and is willing to t ransfer such know - how to Company;

and whereas Company . wishes to utilize the know - how possessed by

Party B to manufacture, sell and export the cont ract products;

Party A, authorized by Company , held friendly discussions with

Party B and have concluded under the following terms and conditions this contract .

Chapter 1 Definitions

1.1 “Know - how”shall mean all the manufacturing technology and process engineering to

manufacture the contract products which are required by Party A and which Party B possesses .

Such technology engineering shall include technical details of all designs , operation drawings ,

technical documentations , manufacturing engineering , procedure and techniques .

1.2 “Contract products”shall refer to the products which are in

conformity with the technical specifications and standards as specified in Appendix 1 of this

contract , e . g . the products manufactured by Par ty A with the know - how and equipment

supplied by Party B .

1.3 “ Technical Documentations”shall mean all the know - how necessary to manufacture

the contract products and all the designs , drawings , processing techniques , and engineering


documents , etc . that Party B uses in manufacturing the cont ract products . The conten ts and

requirements of such technical documentations are set for th in Appendix 2 of this cont ract .

1.4 “ Test Products”shall mean the contract products manufactured by Party A with the

know - how and special equipment supplied by Party B which , when tested , shall meet the

technical specifications and standards as specified in Appendix 1 of this contract .

1.5 “Engineering Documents”shall mean the complete set of processing methods , means of

processing, engineering cards , drawings , work procedures , etc . which are necessary to

manufacture the cont ract products . Details are set forth in Appendix 2 of the contract .

1.6 “Engineering Regulations”shall mean those regulations which should be followed when

manufacturing and processing the cont ract products .

Chapter 2 Contents & Scopes of Contract

2.1 Party B agrees to t ransfer to Party A and Party A agrees to procure from Par ty B the

know - how to manufacture the contract products . Party A shall , in its own factory , use the

know - how and equipment supplied by Party B to manufacture qualilied contract products of

which the specifications , types , quantity , technical specification and standards are specified in

Appendix 1 of the contract .

2.2 Par ty B shall provide to Party A the complete set of engineering documents and

technical documentations to be used for the manufacture of cont ract products in Party A�s factory .

Such engineering documents and technical documentations shall correctly direct the manufacture .

Details are set for th in Appendix 2 of the cont ract .

2.3 The related technical standards shall be submitted by Party B at the same time the

technical documentation is provided .

2.4 The technical documentation covering the know - how to meanufacture the contract

products shall be complete .

2.5 In addition to providing the know - how , Party B shall also select and provide to Par ty

A the key equipment necessary for the manufacture of contract products . The requirements and

specifications are specified in the“ Equipment Purchase Cont ract” ( E PC) of which the delivery

and payment are subject to the provisions thereof .

2.6 To ensure the manufacture of cont ract products , Par ty B agrees to the introduction of

some domestic equipment by Par ty A to be used with the equipment provided by Party B in the

manufacture . Details of such domestic equipment are set forth in Appendix 4 of the contract .

2.7 Party B shall , according to the conditions and requirements as specified in Appendix 4 ,

render technical training to Party A�s personnel in the factory of Party B so as to ensure that the

personnel can master the know - how and be able to manufacture the cont ract products .

2.8 Par ty B shall , according to the conditions as specified in Appendix 5 , assign competent

experts to Party A�s factory to render technical supervision and technical service .


Chapter 3 Contract Price

3.1 According to the cont ract contents and scopes as specified in Chapter 2 , the total price

of the know - how to manufacture contract products provided by Party B including the designs ,

drawings , engineering documents , technical service and t raining shall amount to US |S

of which US |S shall be t ransfer fee and US |S shall be

t raining fee .

3.2 The above contract price is fixed and shall include the expenses to ship all the technical

documentation to as specified in Chapter 2 of the cont ract . Such contract price shall

slso include the expenses for Party B to carry out the other contract obligations of this contract .

3.3 All the calculations and payment of expenses of this contract shall be in U/ S/ Dollars .

3.4 The total price of the equipment shall be US |S .The execution shall be

subject to the provisions of the EPC .

Chapter 4 Payment & Payment Conditions

4.1 The payment to all the expenses under this contract shall be made by M/ T through

Bank of China , Shenzhen Branch and the bank designated by Party B . All the bank expenses

occuring inside China shall be borne by Party A and those outside China shall be borne by Par ty

B .

4.2 ⋯

4.2.1 % of the above contract price, e .g . US |S shall be paid by Par ty

A to Party B by M/ T within 30 days after Party A has received from Party B the following

technical documentations and documents and providing that they are in conformity with the

contract :

(1 ) The technical documentations as specified in Appendix 2 of the contract to be delivered

within 2 months after the contract takes effect ; the detailed list of such technical documentations

and the airmill of lading in four copies respectively .

( 2 ) One original copy of the letter of confirmation of Par ty B to complete the technical

documentations as specified in Appendix 2 of the contract within 2 months after the cont ract takes

effect .

(3 ) Sight draft one original and one copy .

(4 ) Commercial invoice of US |S in four copies .

4.2.2 % of the US |S . 00 cont ract price amounting to US |S

shall be paid by Par ty A to Party B by M/ T after Party A has received all the

technical documentations and 15 days prior to the technical t raining .

4.2.3 % of the US |S cont ract price amounting to US |S

shall be paid by Par ty A to Party B by M/ T after in installation and testing of the equipment are


completed, the equipment is put into operation and produces qualified products and both parties

have signed cer tificate of acceptance, and within days after Par ty A has received the

following documents and proved that they are in conformity with the contract :

(1 ) Commercial invoice of US |S in four copies .

( 2) Certificate of acceptance of contract product quality signed by both parties in two copies .

(3 ) Original and copy of sigh t draft one copy respectively .

4.3 Payment and terms of payment of the EPC amounting to US |S shall be

subject to the provisions thereof .

Chapter 5

Delivery of Technical Documentations & Equipment

5.1 Party B shall deliver the technical documentations to Party A in accordance with the

contents and schedule as specified in Appendix 2 of the contract .

5.2 The delivery of the equipment and equipment technical documents shall be subject to

the terms of delivery of the E PC .

5.3 Within 2 working days after each lot of technical documentations is shipped , Party B

shall notify Par ty A by telephone the date of shipment , quantity , number of cases , weight,

number of airbill of lading , contract number , flight number and expected date of arrival and send

by air - mail - register to Party A the following documents:

(1 ) Air bill of lading one original and four copies .

(2 ) Detailed list of technical documentations in three copies .

5.4 If the technical documentations are hand carried to Shenzhen , the date when Party A

signs the receipt shall be taken as the date of delivery of the technical documentations .

5.5 In case of any loss , shortage of damage of the technical documentations during

shipment, Party B shall , within the possible shortest time which , however , doesn�t exceed

days from notification by Party A , make replacement to Party A free of charge .

5.6 The packing of the technical documentations should be st rong, suitable for long

distance transportation and repeated loading and unloading . Precautions against rain and moisture

shall also be taken . Each case shall be marked in English indicating the following contents: h

(1 ) Contract number 4( 2) Consignee

(3 ) Shipping Mark ( 4) Destination

(5 ) Consignor ( 6) Weight

(7 ) Case number

5.7 In each case, a detailed packing list in two copies shall be inserted .

Chapter 6

Modifications & Improvement of Technology

6.1 In the event there is any par t in the technical documentations not suitable for Party A�s


practical production conditions, such as standards of design , standards and requirements on

materials, engineering and facilities , Party B shall be responsible to assist Par ty A to make

modifications which shall then be confirmed by both parties .

6.2 During the term of contract , if either par ty makes any improvement and development

with regard to the technology contents and scopes of the cont ract , such party shall provide the

information of the improvement and development to the other party free of charge .

6.3 The ownership of the above improvement and development shall be retained to the

providing party . The other par ty shall not be entitled to any application for paten t , neither shall

the other par ty transfer such improved and developed technology to any third par ty .

Chapter 7 Assessment & Acceptance of Products

7.1 To ensure that the know - how supplied by Party B is correct , reliable and advanced ,

both parties shall jointly perform in Party A�s factory the assessment and acceptance of the

contract products in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 6 of the contract .

7.2 According to Chapter 2 , the technical requirements , s tandards and drawings shall be

taken as evidence of the assessment and acceptance of cont ract products . The details are set -

forth in Appendix 1 of the contract .

7.3 If the contract products are qualified , both parties shall jointly sign a certificate of

acceptance in four copies , two for each party .

7.4 If the products cannot meet the requirements of the contract , both parties shall hold

friendly discussions to analyse the reasons and take measures to correct any defect and prepare for

the second assessment and acceptance of the contract products .

7.5 If the failure of the first assessment and acceptance is due to Par ty B�s responsibility ,

Party B shall send experts to par ticipate in the second or the third assessment and acceptance, and

expenses thus occur shall be borne by Par ty B; if the failure is due to Party A�s responsibility , the

expenses shall be borne by Party A .

7.6 If after the second assessment and acceptance the products still cannot meet the

requirements , if the responsibility lies in Party B, Party B shall compensate Party A for the direct

economic losses thus occur , take measures to correct the defects and participate in the third

assessment and acceptance ; if the responsibility lies in Par ty A, all the losses shall be borne by

Party A itself .

7.7 If the products are still not qualified after the third assessment and acceptance and the

responsibility lies in Party B, Par ty B shall be responsible for all the losses thus caused and Par ty

A shall have the righ t to terminate the contract and raise a claim against Party B according to

Chapter 8 ; if the responsibility has in Party A, both par ties shall mutually discuss the further

implementations of the cont ract .


Chapter 8 Guarantee & Claim

8.1 Party B guarantees that technical documentations are those used by Party B and such

documentations are proved reliable and of latest technology . Party B also guarantees that during

the term of contract , Par ty B shall notify Party A on time of any development and improvement

of the technology it achieves .

8.2 Party B guarantees that the delivered technical documentations are complete, correct ,

uniform , clear and the delivery is on time . Detailed requirements are as follows;

complete: The technical documentations delivered by Party B shall include all those specified

in Appendix 2 of the contract without omission .

Correct : There is no error in the technical documentations delivered by Party B . When Par ty

A st rictly follows such documentations , the products manufactured are qualified .

Uniform: All the signs , standards and specifications used in the technical documentions are

uniform and there is no contradiction .

Clear: All the drawings , lines , language notes , signs , etc . used in the technical

documentations are clear and easy to read .

On time: The date of delivery of the technical documentations shall not be later than the

delivery schedule as set forth in Appendix 2 of the contract .

8.3 If there is any part of the technical documentations not in conformity with the

requirements of 8.2 , Party B shall , within 30 days from receip t of notice from Party A , make

supplements or replacements free of charge .

8.4 The delivered equipment shall be installed and tested by Par ty B and shall fully comply

with the technical requirements and processing quality of the cont ract .

8.5 If the equipment supplied by Par ty B cannot meet the requirements of 8.4 , Par ty B

shall replace and retest such equipment until it meets the requirements .

8.6 If any por tion of the technical documentations is delivered late as specified in Appendix

2 of the cont ract , Party B shall , from the 2nd day, pay to Party A a penalty as follows:

For late delivery of 1 to 4 weeks , the rate of penalty shall be % of the total

contract price per each delayed week ;

For late delivery of 5 to 8 weeks , the rate of penalty shall be % of the total

contract price per each delayed week ;

For late delivery of more than 8 weeks , the rate of penalty shall be % of the total

contract price per each delayed week .

However, the total amount of the above penalty shall not exceed % of the total

contract price .

8.7 The payment of any penalty by Party B according to 8.6 shall not release the obligation

of Par ty B to continue the delivery of the technical documentations .

8.8 In case the late delivery of the technical documentations exceeds 4 months , Party A

shall have the right to terminate the contract . In this case, Par ty B shall refund to Party A the


amount which Party A has paid to Party B plus the related interest at the rate of % per

year immediately , but in no case shall such refunding by Party B exceeds 30 days from receipt

from Party A of the notice to terminate the contract .

8.9 In case the acceptance of the cont ract products according to Chapter 7 cannot be

successful after three attempts due to Party B�s responsibility, and within the mutually agree -

upon extended period , Party B still cannot correct the defects , Par ty A shall have the righ t to

terminate the contract . In this case, Par ty B shall refund to Party A the amount which Party A

has paid to Party B plus the related in terest at the annual rate of 10% within the time specified in

8.8 and be responsible for the losses thus caused to Party A .

Chapter 9 Intringement

9.1 Party B guarantees that it can legally t ransfer the know - how of the contract products

to Party A without any in terference or charge from any third party . In case of any interference or

charge from a third party , they shall be handled by Party B and the third party . The

responsibility and loss , either legally or economically , shall be borne by Party B .

9.2 After termination of the cont ract term , Party A shall still have the righ t to use the

know - how and technical documentations to manufacture contract products .

Chapter 10 Tax

10.1 Any tax relating to the implementation of the cont ract imposed by Party A�s country

shall be paid by Par ty B .

10.2 The income tax relating to the implementation of the contract imposed on Party B in

China according to the Foreign Enterprise Income Tax Law of China shall be paid by Party B .

The amount shall be deducted from Par ty A�s payment to Party B . The original receipt to prove

the payment of such tax shall then be issued by the China Tax Authority .

Chapter 11 Arbitration

11.1 Any dispute arising from the implementation of the contract shall be set tled through

friendly consultations . If no settlement can be reached , both par ties shall agree to submit the

dispute for arbitration .

11.2 The arbitration shall take place in for the P romotion of

In ternational Trade according to its rules and procedures .

11.3 The result of such arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties .

11.4 Both parties shall continue their respective cont ract obligations except those under

arbit ration .


Chapter 12 Force Majeure

12.1 Force majeure shall refer to war , flood , fire, typhoon , earthquake and other

accidents that both parties mutually agree as force majeure .

12.2 In case of force majeure, the affected par ty shall notify by telex or cable the other

par ty of the accident as soon as possible and send by registered air - mail to the other par ty the

evidence issued by the local government within 14 days from the accident .

12.3 If the implementation is affected by force majeure and the accident lasts for more than

20 days , both parties shall hold friendly discussions as soon as possible with regard to the further

implementation of the contract .

Chapter 13

Effectiveness, Termination of Contract & Miscellaneous

13.1 After this contract is signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties ,

both parties shall submit the cont ract to their governments or Boards of Directors for approval .

The date when the later par ty obtains the approval shall be taken as the effective date of the

contract . Both parties shall attempt to get the cont ract approval within 60 days from signing and

notify by telex or cable the other party of the approval which is confirmed by the following

registered air - mail letter .

13.2 This contract is written in both Chinese and English and made out in two copies , one

for each party .

13.3 Correspondence relating to the implementation of the contract between both parties

shall be in either Chinese or English . Formal notice sent by registered mail shall be in duplicate .

13.4 The term of contract shall be 60 months from the date when Party A can manufacture

qualified contract products with the know - how and equipment supplied by Party B . Upon

expiration of such term of contract , the contract shall au tomatically become voil and null .

13.5 The termination of the contract shall not release any party from the obligations to pay

the debts between the two parties .

13.6 The six appendices shall form an integral part of the cont ract and shall bear the same

force as the contract itself .

13.7 Any changes or amendments to the contract cause shall be mutually agreed upon by

both parties and signed by duly authorized representatives . Such changes or amendments shall be

an integral part of the contract and have the same force as the other clauses .

13.8 All the technical documentations shall be written in English .

Praty A: �Party B:

legal Representative: legal Representative:


国际专有技术许可合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )


第一条 定义

第二条 合同范围

第三条 合同价格

第四条 支付条件

第五条 技术资料的交付

第六条 技术服务和人员培训

第七条 考核和验收

第八条 保证和索赔

第九条 侵权和保密

第十条 税费

第十一条 不可抗力

第十二条 争议的解决

第十三条 合同生效及其他

第十四条 法定地址

附 件

附件一 合同产品的名称、型号、规格和技术参数 (略 )

附件二 技术资料的内容、数量和交付计划 ( 略 )

附件三 合同产品的考核程序和验收标准 (略 )

附件四 出让方技术服务的内容和要求 (略 )

附件五 受让方人员培训的内容和要求 (略 )

附件六 出让方银行出具的不可撤销的保函格式 (略 )

附件七 受让方银行出具的不可撤销的保函格式 (略 )



签约时间 :

签字地点 :

合同号 :

中国 , 公司 (以下简称“受让方”)为一方 , 国 公司 (以下

简称“出让方”)为另一方 ;

鉴于出让方拥有设计、制造、安装、销售 产品的专有技术 ;

鉴于出让方有权并且也同意向受让方转让上述专有技术 ;

鉴于受让方希望利用出让方的专有技术设计、制造、销售和出口 产品 ;

双方授权代表通过友好协商 ,同意就以下条款签订本合同。

第一条 定义

1.1 “受让方”———是指中国 公司 , 或者该公司的法人代表 , 代理和财产继


1.2 “出让方”———是指 国 公司 , 或者该公司的法人代表 , 代理和


1.3 “合同产品”———是指本合同附件一中所列的产品及其型号和规格。

1.4 “技术资料”———是指本合同附件二中所列的全部技术数据、图纸、设计、计算、操作、


1.5 “合同工厂”———是指受让方使用出让方提供的技术资料进行生产合同产品的场所 ,

即 省 工厂。

1.6 “净销售价”———是指合同产品的销售发票价格和除包装费、运输费、保险费、佣金、


1.7 “技术服务”———是指出让方根据本合同附件四和附件五中的规定。就合同产品的

设计、制造、装配、检验、调试、操作等工作 , 向受让方提供的技术指导和技术培训。

1.8 “商业性生产”———是指本合同工厂生产第 台合同产品以后的生产。

1.9 “合同生效日期”———是指合同的双方政府有关当局中的最后一方批准合同的日期。

(注 : 可根据具体项目的需要增减上述定义。)

第二条 合同范围

2.1 出让方同意向受让方转让 , 受让方同意从出让方取得合同产品的设计、制造、销售、


2.2 出让方承认受让方在中华人民共和国境内设计和制造合同产品 , 以及使用、销售和

出口的权利。这种权利是非独占的 ,不可转让的权利。

2.3 出让方负责向受让方提供与合同产品有关的专有技术和技术资料 , 具体内容、数量


2.4 出让方负责派遣技术人员来华讲解技术资料 , 并对合同产品的设计、制造、装配、检

验、考核等进行技术指导和服务 , 技术服务的内容和要求详见本合同附件四。

2.5 出让方负责接受和安排受让方人员在出让方工厂的技术培训 , 出让方应尽最大的努


力满足受让方的要求 ,使受让方人员能够掌握上述专有技术 , 受让方人员培训的要求详见本合


2.6 根据受让方的需要出让方有义务以最优惠的价格向受让方提供合同产品所需要的

零部件、原料、或标准件等 ,具体的供货内容届时双方将另行协商签订合同。

2.7 出让方同意受让方使用其商标的权利 , 合同产品可以采用双方的联合商标或标明


2.8 受让方生产的合同产品经考核合格后 , 出让方同意按本合同第八、九条的规定返销


第三条 合同价格

3.1 按照本合同第二条规定的合同内容和范围 , 受让方向出让方支付的合同总价为

美元 ( 大写 : 美元 )。其分项价格如下 :

A. 技术转让费 美元 ;

B. 设计费 美元 ;

C. 技术资料费 美元 ;

D. 人员培训费 美元。

3.2 上述合同价格为固定价格 , 其技术资料价格为在 机场交付前的一切费用。

(注 : 此处的机场应为受让方合同工厂附近的国际机场。)

选择方案一 :适用于按提成计价的合同

3.1 按照第二条规定的合同内容和范围 , 本合同采用提成方式计算价格 , 合同货币为


3.2 本合同提成费的计算时间从双方签署合同产品考核合格证书之日开始 , 按日历年分

年度计算 ,每年的 月 日为提成费结算日。

3.3 提成费按当年度合同产品销售后的净销售价格计算 , 提成率为 % , 合同产品未


3.4 在提成费结算日后 天内受让方将以书面形式向出让方提交上一年度合同产品

的销售数量 ,净销售额和应支付的提成费 , 净销售额和提成费的具体计算方法详见本合同附件

3.5 本合同的技术服务和人员培训费用将按实际的工作日计算 , 其日工资标准和计算方

法详见本合同附件 。

3.6 出让方如需查核受让方的账目时 , 应在接到受让方按照第 3.4 条规定开出的书面通

知后 天内通知受让方 , 具体的查账程序、内容和方法详见本合同附件 。

选择方案二 :适用于固定与提成相结合的计价合同

3.1 按照第二条规定的合同内容和范围 , 本合同采用入门费和提成费两种方式计算价

格 ,合同货币为美元。

3.2 本合同的入门费为 美元 (大写 : 美元 ) ,入门费为固定价格。

3.3 本合同提成费的计算时间从双方签署合同产品考核合格证书之日开始 , 按日历年度

计算 ,每年的十二月三十一日为提成费结算日 , 提成费按当年度合同产品销售后的净销售价格

计算 ,提成率为 % ,具体的计算办法与选择方案一的第 3.4 条相同。

3.4 技术服务和人员培训费用的计算办法与选择方案一的第 3.5 条相同。

3.5 查账的程序、内容和方法与选择方案一中的第 3.6 条相同。


第四条 支付条件

4.1 本合同中规定的一切费用将以美元用电汇 ( T/ T) 或信汇 ( M/ T ) 通过北京中国银行

和 银行支付。所有在中国境内发生的银行费用由受让方负担 , 所有在中国境外发生


4.2 本合同第三条所规定的合同总价 , 按下述办法由受让方支付给出让方 :

(1 ) 合同总价的 % , 计 美元 ( 大写 : 美元 ) , 在受让方收到出让方提成的

下列单据之日起 天内经审核无误后支付给出让方 :

A. 出让方政府当局出具的有效出口许可证影印件一份 ,或者当局出具的不需要出口许可

证的证明文件一份 ;

B. 出让方银行出具的金额为 美元 ( 大写 : 美元 ) , 以受让方为受益人的不可

撤销的保函一份 ,保函格式见本合同附件六 ;

C. 金额为合同总价的形式发票一式四份 ;

D. 即期汇票一式两份。

受让方在支付上述款项的同时 ,应向出让方提交由北京中国银行出具的金额为 美元

(大写 : 美元 ) , 以出让方为受益人的不可撤销的保函一份 , 保函格式详见本合同附


(2 ) 合同总价的 % , 计 美元 ( 大写 : 美元 ) , 出让方交付完本合同附件二

规定的技术资料后 ,受让方收到出让方提交的下列单据后 , 经审核无误 , 在 天内由受让方

支付给出让方 :

A. 商业发票一式四份 ;

B. 即期汇票一式两份 ;

C. 交付技术资料的空运单一式四份。

(3 ) 合同总价 % ,计 美元 (大写 : 美元 ) , 在受让方收到下述单据 天内经

审核无误后 ,由受让方支付给出让方 :

A. 商业发票一式四份 ;

B. 即期汇票一式两份 ;

C. 由双方签字说明合同工厂性能保证期已开始的证明文件一式两份。

(4 ) 合同总价的 % , 计 美元 (大写 : 美元 ) , 在受让方收到出让方提交的下列

单据 天内经审核无误后 , 由受让方支付给出让方 :

A. 商业发票一式四份 ;

B. 即期汇票一式两份 ;

C. 由双方签字的合同产品考核验收合格证书一式两份。

4.3 根据合同规定 , 如出让方需向受让方支付罚款或赔偿时 , 受让方有权从上述任何一


选择方案一 :适用于按提成计价的合同

4.1 本合同第三条规定的提成费 , 受让方在合同产品考核验收合格后开始支付。

4.2 受让方在提成费结算日后 天之内 ,应将上一日历年度内合同产品的实际销售量

和净销售额通知出让方 , 受让方在收到出让方出具的下列单据 天内经审核无误后由受让

方将提成费支付给出让方 :

A. 该期提成费计算单一式四份 ;


B. 商业发票一式四份 ;

C. 即期汇票一式两份。

4.3 本合同的技术服务费和人员培训费的支付办法详见合同附件 。

4.4 按本合同规定 , 如出让方需要向受让方支付罚款或赔偿时 , 受让方有权从上述支付


选择方案二 :适用于固定与提成相结合的计价合同

4.1 本合同第三条规定的入门费的支付办法与第 4.2 条的支付方法相同 , 其支付次数可

根据具体合同的需要而定 ,每次支付所需的单据与第 4.2 条相同。

4.2 提成费的支付方式与选择方案一中的第 4.2 条规定相同。

4.3 本合同的技术服务费和人员培训费的支付办法详见本合同附件 。

4.4 支付罚款和赔偿的方法和第 4.3 条相同。

第五条 技术资料的交付

5.1 出让方应按本合同附件二规定的内容、数量和时间在 机场交付技术资料。技术

资料运抵 机场后 , 其风险即由出让方转移到受让方。

5.2 交货机场的印戳日期为技术资料的实际交付日期。

5.3 在每批技术资料发运后 小时内 , 出让方应将合同号、空运提单号、空运日期、资

料的项号、件数、重量、班机号和预计到达日期用电传或电报通知受让方 , 同时 , 将空运提单和


5.4 如技术资料在空运中发生丢失、损坏、短缺 , 出让方应在收到受让方书面通知后

天内 ,免费补寄或重寄给受让方。

5.5 交付的资料应具有适合于长途运输、多次搬运、防雨、防潮的坚固包装。

5.6 每件技术资料的包装封面上 , 应以英文标明下述内容 :

A. 合同号 ;

B. 收货人 ;

C. 目的机场 ;

D. 标记 ;

E. 重量 (公斤 ) ;

F. 箱号或件号 ;

G. 收货人代号。

5.7 包装箱内应附技术资料的详细清单一式两份 , 并标明技术资料的序号、文件代号、名


第六条 技术服务和人员培训

6.1 出让方应按照合同规定派遣技术熟练的、身体健康的、称职的人员到受让方的合同

工厂现场提供技术服务 ,技术服务的人数、专业、任务和内容 , 在华时间等详见本合同附件四。

6.2 受让方应为出让方的技术服务人员提供入出境签证和在华的工作和生活条件 , 出让


6.3 出让方的技术服务人员在华服务期间应遵守中华人民共和国的法律和工厂的规章


6.4 受让方有权按照合同规定派遣技术人员或操作工人到出让方有关的工厂进行培训 ,



6.5 出让方应为受让方的培训人员提供入出境签证和培训的条件 , 培训人员在出让方的


6.6 受让方培训人员在出让方接受培训期间应遵守出让方国家的法律和当地工厂的有


第七条 考核和验收

7.1 为了验证出让方技术资料的正确性和可靠性 , 出让方应派遣代表与受让方的技术人

员一起在合同工厂共同对合同产品进行考核和验收 , 具体的考核程序和验收标准详见本合同


7.2 经过双方共同考核证明合同产品符合附件三规定的验收标准时 , 双方授权代表应签

署合同产品考核验收合格证书一式四份 ,双方各持两份。

7.3 如果合同产品经考核后证明其技术性能未达到合同规定的技术指标时 , 双方应友好

协商 ,共同研究、分析原因、采取措施 , 待缺陷消除后再进行第二次性能考核 , 考核合格后按第

7.2 条规定双方签署考核合格证书。

7.4 如果第一次考核不合格是出让方的责任时 , 出让方再次派遣技术人员参加第二次考

核的一切费用将由出让方负担 ,如系受让方的责任 , 则由受让方负担。

7.5 经过第二次考核合同产品仍不能达到验收标准时 , 如果是出让方的责任 ,出让方必

须赔偿受让方遭受的有关损失 ,同时 , 出让方还应采取措施 ,消除缺陷 , 自费派遣技术人员参加

第三次合同产品的考核。如系受让方的责任 ,一切费用将由受让方负担。

7.6 经过上述三次考核 , 合同产品仍然达不到验收标准时 ,如系出让方的责任 , 受让方则

有权终止合同 ,同时按第八条的规定 , 出让方还应赔偿受让方的有关损失 ,如系受让方的责任 ,


(注 : 考核验收的次数可视项目的具体情况确定。)

第八条 保证和索赔

8.1 出让方保证根据本合同的规定所提供的技术资料是出让方实际使用的和最新的技

术资料 ,并保证在合同执行过程中及时向受让方提供其改进和发展的技术资料。

8.2 出让方保证所提供的技术资料是完整的、正确的、清晰的 , 并保证能按合同附件二的


8.3 出让方对合同工厂提供的性能保证期为 个月 ,性能保证期的起算和终止时间


8.4 如出让方交付的技术资料不符合第 8.2 条的规定时 , 出让方必须在收到受让方书面

通知后 天内免费将有关的技术资料航寄给受让方。

8.5 如出让方不能按本合同附件二规定的时间交付技术资料时 , 出让方应按下列比例向

受让方支付技术资料的迟交罚款 :

第 1~4 周 , 每迟交一周罚款为合同总价的 % ;

第 5~8 周 , 每迟交一周罚款为合同总价的 % ;

超过 8 周者 ,每迟交一周罚款为合同总价的 % ;

以上罚款总额不超过合同总价的 % , 不足一周时 ,罚款按一周计算。

8.6 受让方按照第 8.5 条的规定对出让方罚款后并不解除出让方继续交付技术资料的


8.7 出让方迟交技术资料超过 个月时 , 受让方有权终止合同。在这种情况下 , 出让


方必须将受让方已支付的全部金额 ,并加上年息为 %的利息 ,一起退还给受让方。

8.8 按本合同第七条的规定 ,由于出让方的责任 , 合同产品经第 次考核不合格时则

按以下办法处理 :

(1 ) 如果由于合同产品不合格导致受让方不能投产 , 只能终止合同时 , 出让方应按第 8.7

条的规定退还受让方已付给出让方的全部金额 ,并加计年息 %的利息。

(2 ) 如果是合同产品的部分性能尚未达到验收指标 , 但受让方仍可以投产使用时 , 出让方

应按以下规定赔偿受让方的损失 :

A. 合同产品的 性能指标降低 % ,赔偿合同总价的 % ;

B. 合同产品的 性能指标降低 % , 赔偿合同入门费总价的 % ;

C. 合同产品的 性能指标降低 % ,赔偿金为降低提成率 %。

(注 : 迟交罚款和性能赔偿可以根据具体合同的情况 ,拟增加或减少一部分条款。)

8.9 合同产品经考核合格后 , 出让方同意逐年返销部分合同产品 , 返销的型号和数量详

见本合同附件 。

第九条 侵权和保密

9.1 出让方保证是本合同规定提供的一切专有技术和技术资料的合法持有者 , 并且有权

向受让方转让 ,如果发生第三方指控侵权时 , 则由出让方负责与第三方交涉并承担由此引起的


9.2 受让方同意在合同有效期内对出让方提供给受让方的专有技术和技术资料进行保

密 ,如果上述专有技术和技术资料中的一部分或者全部被出让方或第三方公布 , 受让方对公开


9.3 出让方应对受让方提供的合同工厂的水文、地质、生产等情况保密 , 其保密时间应按


9.4 本合同终止后 , 受让方仍有权使用出让方提供的专有技术和技术资料 ,有权设计、制


第十条 税费

10.1 中华人民共和国政府根据其现行税法对受让方征收的与执行本合同有关的一切税


10.2 中华人民共和国政府根据其现行税法对出让方征收的与执行本合同有关的一切税

费由出让方负担。其中 ,根据《中华人民共和国外国企业所得税法》第十一条的规定对出让方

征收的预提税将由受让方从本合同第四条的支付中予以扣除 , 代替出让方向中国税务当局缴

纳 ,然后将税务当局出具的完税凭证正本一份提交出让方 , 出让方应缴纳的其他税费由其自己


10.3 在中华人民共和国境外征收的与本合同有关的一切税费由出让方负担。

选择方案一 :适用于已与我国签订了避免双重税收协定的国家中的企业

10.1 中华人民共和国政府于 国政府于 年 月 日签订了避免双

重征税的协定 ,该协定已于 年 月 日开始实施 ,出让方和受让方均应遵守该


10.2 中华人民共和国政府根据其 税法和 税法的规定对出让方征收的

税和 税将按避免双重税协定第 条和第 条办理。

选择方案二 :适用于已得到我国税务当局批准享受减免税待遇的项目


10.1 根据中华人民共和国现行税法的规定 ,在执行本合同的过程中 , 出让方负有

税和 税的纳税义务。

10.2 中华人民共和国税务当局已于 年 月 日决定对出让方负担的

税和 税实行减税 (或者免税 ) 处理 ,具体的处理办法详见本合同附件 。

第十一条 不可抗力

11.1 合同双方中的任何一方 ,由于战争或严重的水灾、火灾、台风和地震等自然灾害 , 以

及双方同意的可作为不可抗力的其他事故而影响合同执行时 ,则延长履行合同的期限 , 延长的


11.2 受不可抗力影响的一方应尽快将发生不可抗力事故的情况以电传或电报通知对

方。并于 天内以航空挂号信件将有关当局出具的证明文件提交给另一方进行确认。

11.3 如果不可抗力事故的影响延续到 天以上时 , 合同双方应通过友好协商解决


第十二条 争议的解决

12.1 在执行本合同中所发生的与本合同有关的一切争议 , 双方应通过友好协商解决。

如通过协商不能达成协议时 ,则提交仲裁解决。

12.2 仲裁地点在北京 ,由中国国际贸易促进会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会按该会的仲裁


(注 : 此条有两种选择 : A. 仲裁地点若在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩 , 就按斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院

的仲裁程序进行仲裁。B. 仲裁地点选在被诉国 , 则按被诉国仲裁机构的仲裁程序进行仲裁。)

12.3 仲裁裁决是终局裁决 ,对双方均有约束力。

12.4 仲裁中的适用法为中华人民共和国的法律。

(注 : 在斯德哥尔摩仲裁时 , 瑞典法为适用法律 ; 在被诉国仲裁时 , 被诉国的法律为适


12.5 仲裁费用由败诉方负担 ,或者按仲裁的裁决执行。

12.6 在仲裁过程中除了正在仲裁的部分外 ,合同的其他部分应继续执行。

第十三条 合同生效及其他

13.1 本合同由双方授权代表于 年 月 日在北京签字 , 然后各方分别向本

国政府有关当局申请批准 ,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期。双方应尽最大努力

争取在 天内获得批准 , 并用电传通知对方 ,然后用信件确认。

13.2 本合同自签字之日起六个月后仍不能生效时 ,双方均有权取消此合同。

13.3 本合同有效期从合同生效日算起共 年 , 有效期满后 ,本合同将自动失效。

13.4 本合同期满后 ,双方的未了债权和债务不受合同期满的影响 , 债务人应对债权人继


13.5 本合同用英文书写 ,一式四份 , 双方各持两份。

13.6 本合同由第一至十四条和附件 1~7 组成 , 合同正文与附件均为本合同不可分割的

组成部分 ,具有同等法律效力。

13.7 对本合同的任何变更、修改和增减 , 须经双方授权代表签署书面文件 , 并作为合同

的组成部分 ,具有同等法律效力。

13.8 在本合同的执行中 ,双方通讯以英文进行 , 正式通知应以书面形式 , 用航空挂号信

件邮寄 ,一式两份。


第十四条 法定地址

14.1 �受让方名称 :

地址 :

电传 :

电话 :

14.2 �出让方名称 :

地址 :

电传 :

电话 :

14.3 �双方授权代表签字 : ^

受让方 出让方

(签 字 ) ( 签 字 )



Contents of Contract

Article 1 Definition

Article 2 Scope of the Contract

Article 3 Price of the Contract

Article 4 Conditions of Payment

Article 5 Delivery of the Technical Documentation

Article 6 Technical Service and P resonnel Training

Article 7 Tests and Acceptances

Article 8 Guarantees and Claims

Article 9 Infringements and Confidentiality

Article 10 Taxes and Duties

Article 11 Force Majeure

Article 12 Disputes Settlement

Article 13 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous

Article 14 Legal Addresses



Annex 1 TNames , Models , Specifications and Technical Indices of the Cont ract Products .

( omitted)

Annex 2 NThe Conten ts , Numbers and Schedules of Delivery for the Technical

Documentation . ( omit ted)

Annex 3 NTest procedure and Acceptance Standard of the Contract Products . (omitted )

Annex 4 NThe Contents and Requirements of the Technical Service of Licensor .( omitted)

Annex 5 NThe Contents and Requirements for Training of Licensee�s Personnel . ( omitted)

Annex 6 NSpecimen for Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee issued by the Licensor�s Bank .

( omitted)

Annex 7 oSpecimen for Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee Issued by the Licensee�s Bank .

( omitted)

The Licence Contract for—Know - how

Signature Date:

Signature place:

Contract No .:

China, Beijing , Company ( hereinafter referred to as“ Licensee”) on the one hand , and

Company , Count ry ( hereinafter referred to as“Licensor”) on the other


Whereas Licensor has the Technical Know - how which design , manufacture , install and sell

the products; Whereas Licensor has right and agreed to t ransfer the above - mentioned

technical know - how to Licensee;

Whereas Licensee hope to use to technical know - how of Licensor to design , manufacture,

sell and export the products; T he authorized representatives of both parties , through

friendly negotiations , have agreed to enter in to the Cont ract under the terms and conditions as

stipulated below :

Article 1 Definition

1.1 “ Licensee”means China Company or the legal representative, agent and

inheritor to the property of the Company .

1.2 “Licensor”means Company , Count ry or the legal represen tative, agent

and inheritor to the property of the Company .

1.3 “The Cont ract products”means all the products , model and specifications as stipulated

in Annex 1 to the Contract .


1.4 “ The Technical Documentation”means all the technical indices , drawing , design and

other documents relating to the calculation , operation , maintenance and inspection of the Contract

Products as stipulated in Annex 2 to the Cont ract .

1.5 “ The Cont ract Factory”means the place which Licensee manufactures the Contract

Products by using the Technical Documentation and know - how supplied by Licensor . That is

Factory , P rovince .

1.6 “ Net Selling Price”means the remaining amount of invoice value of the Contract

Products, deducted by the charges for packing , freight insurance premium , commission ,

commercial discount, taxation and other dues as well as the value of the parts purchased from out

- side the factory .

1.7 “The Technical Service”means the technical inst ruction and the technical training to be

rendered by Licensor to Licensee with respect to the design , manufacture, assembly , inspection ,

adjustment , operation and other work of the Contract Products as stipulated in Annex 4 and

Annex 5 to the Contract .

1.8 “Commercial Production”means the production after Set No . of the Contract

Products is made in the Cont ract Factory .

1.9 “ The Date of Effectiveness”means the date of approval for the Contract by the

competen t au thorities of both parties�Government , whichever comes later .

Article 2 Scope of the Contract

2.1 “Licensor has agreed to t ransfer to Licensee and Licensee has agreed to obtain from

Licensor the technical know - how for the design , manufacture , sale, install and maintain of the

Cont ract Products . The name, model, specifications and technical indices of the Contract

Products are detailed in Annex 1 to the Contract .”

2.2 “ The Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee to licence and righ t to design ,

manufacture, use, sell and export the Contract Products in the People�s Republic of China . The

licence and righ t are nonexclusive and non - transferable .”

2.3 The Licensor has been responsible to provide Licensee with the relevant know - how

and technical documentations related to the Contract P roducts . Their conten ts , quantity and time

of delivery are detailed in Annex 2 to the Contract .

2.4 Licensor will be responsible to dispatch his technical personnel to China for explaining

the technical documentations and rendering technical instruction and service on design ,

manufacturing, assembly , inspection and acceptance test of the Contract products .The specific

contents and requirements of the technical instruction and service are detailed in Annex 4 to the

Cont ract .

2.5 Licensor will be responsible to receive and arrange for technical t raining of the

Licensee�s personnel in the Licensor�s factory , Licensor shall make his best effects to satisfy the

needs of Licensee so that the said technical personnel are able to master the above mentioned know

- how . The specific training contents and requirements are detailed in Annex 5 to the Cont ract .


2.6 Licensor shall be obligated to supply Licensee at the most favorable price with the

par ts , components , raw materials and standard parts for the Cont ract Products , when Licensee so

requires .Both par ties shall have consultation and sign the new contract for the specific contents of

supplying in due time .

2.7 Licensor agrees that Licensee has the righ t to use the Licensor�s trade mark . The

Cont ract products can also be adopted combination t rade mark of both parties or marked the

words:“Made in China under licence of Licensor .”

2.8 After the Cont ract P roducts manufactured by Licensee are up to standard through the

acceptance tests , Licensor agrees to buy - back a part of the Cont ract Products in accordance with

stipulations in Article 8 , 9 of the Contract .

Article 3 Price of the Contract

3.1 The total Contract price which shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor in accordance with

the contents and scopes stipulated in Article 2 to the Contract shall be U .S .Dollars

( Say: ) .Their break down prices are as follows:

A. the technology t ransfer fee is U .S .Dollars .( Say: ) ( or the licence fee)

B. design fee is U .S .Dollars .( Say: )

C. technical documentation fee is U .S .Dollars .( Say: )

D.personnel t raining fee is U .S .Dollars .( Say: )

3.2 The above - mentioned total Contract price shall be firm and fixed , all their technical

documentation price shall be all expenses incurred before delivery of the technical documentation

at the airport .(Note: the airport shall be the international airport which is close to the Contract

Factory of Licensee .)

Selection Proposal 1

Suitable for the contracts to be priced on

Royalty of products

3.1 In accordance with the conten ts and scopes stipulated in Ar ticle 2 to the Cont ract , this

Cont ract shall be priced on royalty of products made by Licensee . The Contract currency shall be

U .S . Dollar .

3.2 Royalty of the Contract shall be calculated starting from the date which both parties

sign the acceptance certificate for the Contract Products , the date of set tling accounts shall be 31 ,

December of each year in terms of Calendar year .

3.3 Royalty at the rate of % shall be calculated in terms of net selling price after the

Cont ract P roducts sold in those year . The Contract Products which not sold shall not be included .

3.4 The quantity of selling , net selling amount and Royalty which Licensee shall pay for

the Contract P roducts in last year shall be submitted to Licensor in writ ten forms by Licensee

within 10 ( ten ) days after the date of settling accounts for the Royalty .The specific methods


which calculate net selling amount and royalty are detailed in Annex to the Contract .

3.5 The fee of the Technical Service and personnel training of the Contract shall be

calculated according to the real workday . The standard of daywork wage and calculating methods

are detailed in Annex to the Contract .

3.6 If Licensor demand to audit accounts of Licensee, it shall notice Licensee within ( )

( ) days after receiving the written notice issued by licensee in accordance with the stipulation

of Clause 3.4 .The specific contents , procedure and methods of audit are detailed in Annex

to the Cont ract .

Selection Proposal 2

Suitable for the contracts to be priced on

combination of fixed price and Royalty

3.1 The initial payment and Royalty shall be adopted in calculating the prices of the

Cont ract in accordance with the contents and scopes stipulated in Ar ticle 2 to the Cont ract . The

Cont ract currency shall be U .S .Dollar .

3.2 The initial payment of the Cont ract shall be U .S . Dollars ( Say: ) , and

shall be fixed price .

3.3 The royalty of the Contract shall be calculated star ting from the date which both

par ties sign the acceptance certificate of the Contract Products in terms of Calendar year , the date

of settling accounts shall be 31 , December of each year .Royalty at rate of % shall be

calculated in terms of net selling price after the Contract Products sold in those year . The specific

calculating methods is the same with Clause 3.4 of Selection Proposal 1 .

3.4 The calculating methods of fee for technical service and personnel training is the same

with Clause 3.5 of Selection P roposal 1 .

3.5 The procedure, contents and methods of audit are the same with Clause 3.6 of

Selection Proposal 1 .

Article 4 Conditions of Payment

4.1 All the cost stipulated in the Contract shall be effected in U .S . Dollar by telegraphic

t ransfer or mail transfer through the Bank of China, Beijing and the Bank of .All the Bank

charges incurred inside China shall be borne by Licensee, and all the bank charges incurred outside

China shall be borne by Licensor .

4.2 The total Cont ract price stipulated in Ar ticle 3 to the Contract shall be effected by

Licensee to Licensor according to the following manner :

(1) % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price, namely U .S . Dollars

( Says: ) shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within ( ) days after Licensee

has received the following documentation which are provided by Licensor and has found them in

conformity with the Stipulations of the Contract :


A. �One photostat copy of the valid export licence issued by the relevant authorities of

Licensor , or one copy of the let ter issued by the relevant authorities of Licensor stating

that the valid expor t licence is not required ;

B. �One original of the irrevocable let ter of Guarantee issued by Licensor�s Bank for a sum of

U .S . Dollars ( Say: ) in favour of Licensee . The specimen of the letter of

guaran tee is detailed in Annex 6 to the Contract ;

C. �Four copies of the preforma invoice covering the total Contract price;

D. �Two copies of the sigh t draft .

When making the above - mentioned payment , Licensee shall submit to Licensor one original

of the irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by the Bank of China, Beijing for a sum of U .

S . Dollars ( Say: ) in favour of Licensor . The specimen of the letter of guarantee is detailed

in Annex 7 to the Contract .

(2) % ( percent ) of the total Contract price, namely U .S . Dollars

( Say: ) shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor after Licensor has delivered the last batch of

the technical documentation stipulated in Annex 2 to the Cont ract and within ( )

days after Licensee has received the following documents which are provided by Licensor and has

found them in conformity with the stipulations of the Cont ract:

A.Four copies of the commercial invoice ;

B. Two copies of the sigh t draft ;

C. �Four copies of the airway bill for delivering the Technical Documentation .

(3) % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price, namely U .S . Dollars

( Say: ) shall be paid by licensee to Licensor within ( ) days after Licensee has

received the following documents and has found them in conformity with the stipulations of the

Cont ract :

A. Four copies of the commercial invoice ;

B. Two copies of the sigh t draft ;

C. �Two copies of the cer tificate signed by both parties stating that the performance guaran tee

period of the Cont ract Factory has star ted .

(4 ) % ( percent ) of the total Cont ract price, namely US Dollars( Says:

) shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within ( ) days after Licensee has

received the following documents which are provided by Licensor and has found them in

conformity with the stipulations of the Cont ract:

A. Four copies of the commercial invoice ;

B. Two copies of the sigh t draft ;

C. �Two copies of the certificate for the test and acceptance of the Cont ract Products signed

by both par ties .

4.3 Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any of the above - mentioned payments the

penalties and/ or compensation which Licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulations of the

Cont ract .


Selection Proposal 1

Suitable for the contracts to be priced

on Royalty of products

4.1 The royalty stipulated in Article 3 to the Cont ract shall be paid by Licensee after the

Cont ract P roducts is up to standard in the acceptance test .

4.2 T he real selling quantity and net selling amount of the Contract Products in last

calendar year shall be submitted by Licensee to Licensor within ( ) days after the

date of settling accounts to Royalty . The royalty shall be paid by Licensee to Licensor within

( ) days after Licensee has received the following documents which are provided by

Licensor and has found them in conformity with the stipulations of the Cont ract:

A. Four copies of the statement on calculation of Royalty within this period ;

B. Four copies of the commercial invoice;

C. Two copies of the sigh t draft .

4.3 The payment of the fee for technical service and personnel training under the Contract

is detailed in Annex to the Cont ract .

4.4 Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any of the above - mentioned payments

penalties and/ or compensation which Licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulations of the

Cont ract .

Selection Proposal 2

Suitable for the contracts to be priced

on Combination of fixed price and Royalty

4.1 The initial payment stipulated in Article 3 to the Cont ract shall be in the same paying

method with Clause 4.2 . The number of their payments is decided according to the requirement

of specific contract , the documents which are demanded in each payment are the same with Clause

4.2 .

4.2 The payment of Royalty is the same with Clause 4.2 of the Selection Proposal 1 .

4.3 The methods of payment for fee of technical service and personnel t raining under the

Cont ract are detailed in Annex to the Cont ract .

4.4 The way of payment for the penalties and compensation is the same with Clause 4.3 of

this Contract .

Article 5 Delivery of the

Technical Documentation

5.1 Licensor shall deliver to Licensee the technical documentation at airpor t in


accordance with the contents , quantity and time stipulated in Annex 2 to the Cont ract . The risk

of the technical documentation shall be transferred from Licensor to Licensee after its arrival at

airport , China .

5.2 The date stamped by airpor t , China shall be the actual date of delivering the

technical documentation .

5.3 Licensor shall , within ( ) hours after dispatching each batch of the

technical documentation , inform Licensee by telex or cable of the Cont ract number , airway bill

number , airway bill date, documentation number , number of parcels , weight , flight and

expected arrival date, and at the same time, shall airmail to Licensee two copies of the airway bill

and the detailed list of the technical documentation .

5.4 In case of any loss , damages or shortage caused to the technical documentation in the

airway, Licensor shall make supplementary or replaceable delivery to Licensee within

( ) days after receiving Licensee�s written notice without any charges .

5.5 The technical documentation shall be packed in st rong cases suitable for long distance

t ransportation and numerous handlings with protective measures against moisture and rain .

5.6 The following contents shall be marked on the cover of each package of the technical

documentation in English :

A. contract number ;

B. consignee;

C. destination airport ;

D. marks;

E. weight ( kg) ;

F. case No ./ piece No .;

G. consignee code .

5.7 There shall be two copies of the detailed list of the technical documentation marked the

order number , documentation code , name and pages inside each package .

Article 6 Technical Service and

Personnel Training

6.1 Licensor shall send his skilled , healthy and competent personnel to the Contract

Factory of Licensee to provide technical service on side in accordance with the stipulations of the

Cont ract . The number of people, speciality , task , content and duration in China are detailed in

Annex 4 to the Contract .

6.2 Licensee shall provide facilities for ent ry and exit visa, work and live in China for

Licensor�s technical service personnel .The t reatment conditions of Licensor�s technical personnel

in China are detailed in Annex 4 to the Contract .

6.3 Licensor�s personnel of the technical service shall observe the law of the People�s

Republic of China and rules and regulations of the Cont ract Factory in the period of service in


China .

6.4 Licensee have right to send his technical personnel of operative workers to the relevant

factory of Licensor to be training . The number of people , speciality , conten t , time and

requirement of training are detailed in Annex 5 to the Contract .

6.5 Licensor shall provide facilities for en try and exit visa and t raining conditions for the

Licensee�s trainees . T he t reatment conditions of the trainees in Licensor�s country are detailed in

Annex 5 to the Contract .

6.6 The Licensee�s trained personnel shall observe the law of the Licensor�s count ry and

the rules and regulations of the Licensor�s factory in the period of training .

Article 7 Tests and Acceptances

7.1 In order to verify the correctness and reliability of the technical documentation supplied

by Licensor , Licensor shall send the representive to test and inspect the Contract Products join tly

with the technical personnel of Licensee in the Contract Factory . The specific procedure of tests

and inspection and the standard of the acceptance are detailed in Annex 3 to the Contract .

7.2 If the standard of the acceptance specified in Annex 3 to the Cont ract are achieved in

the joint tests , both parties� authorized representative shall sign four copies of the acceptance

certificate for the Cont ract Products , two copies for each par ty .

7.3 If the technical performance of the Contract P roducts are not achieved the technical

indices stipulated in the Cont ract in the acceptance tests , both par ties shall friendly consult and

join tly discuss , analyse the causes and take measures . The second test shall be done after the

products defect has been eliminated . Both parties shall sign the acceptance cer tificate in

accordance with the stipulations of Clause 7.2 after the acceptance test has been up to standard .

7.4 If the responsiblility for the failure of the first test lies with Licensor , Licensor shall

again send his technical personnel to participate in the second test and shall bear all the expenses;

if the responsibility for the failure of the first test lies with Licensee, Licensee shall bear all the

expenses .

7.5 If it is due to Licensor�s responsibility that the acceptance standard of the Contract

products are still not achieved upon the second test , Licensor must compensate related loss

suffered by Licensee, and send at his own expenses his technical personnel to participate in the

third test of the Cont ract Products; if the responsibility for the failure of the second test lies with

Licensee, Licensee shall bear all the expenses .

7.6 If it is due to Licensor�s responsibility that the acceptance standard of the Contract

Products are still not achieved upon the above-mentioned three tests , Licensee shall have right to

terminate the Contract and Licensor shall compensate all related loss suffered by Licensee in

accordance with the stipulations in Article 8 to the Contract ; if the responsibility for the failure of

the above - mentioned three tests lies with Licensee, then both parties shall discuss and agree

upon fur ther execution of the Contract .


Article 8 Guarantees and Claims

8.1 Licensor guarantees that the Technical Documentation supplied by Licensor to Licensee

in accordance with the Cont ract shall be of the latest Technical Documentation which are actually

used by Licensor and the improved and developed technical documentation shall be supplied in

time by Licensor to Licensee in the course of implementation of the Cont ract .

8.2 Licensor guarantees that the Technical Documentation supplied by Licensor to Licensee

in accordance with the Cont ract shall be complete, correct and clear, and shall be delivered in

time in accordance with the stipulation in Annex 2 to the Contract .

8.3 The period of performance guaran tee supplied by Licensor to the Cont ract Factory shall

be ( ) months . The star ting and termination date of the period of

performance guaran tee are detailed in Annex 3 to the Contract .

8.4 If it is found by Licensee that the Technical Documentation supplied by Licensor is not

in conformity with stipulation in Clause 8.2 to the Cont ract , Licensor shall send the related

technical documentation by air to Licensee free of charge within ( ) days after

receiving Licensee�s written notice .

8.5 If Technical Documentation can�t be delivered by Licensor in accordance with date

stipulated in Annex 2 to the Contract , Licensor shall pay to Licensee penalty for late delivery of

the Technical Documentation at the following rates:

% ( percent )of the total Cont ract price for each week of late delivery from the

first week to the four th week ;

% ( percent ) of the total Contract price for each week of late delivery from the

fifth week to the eighth week;

% ( percent )of the total Contract price for each week of late delivery exceeding

eight weeks .

The above - mentioned total penalty shall not exceed % ( percent ) of the total

Cont ract price, if the daysless than one week of late delivery , it shall be counted as one week .

8.6 penalty made by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with the stipulation in clause 8.5

to the Cont ract shall not release Licensor from his obligations to continue to deliver the Technical

documentation .

8.7 If the delivery of Licensor�s Technical Documentation delays over 6 ( six ) mouths ,

Licensee shall be entitled toterminate the Cont ract . In such case, Licensor shall return to Licensee

the total amount which Licensee has already paid plus % interest per annum thereon .

8.8 If it is due to Licensor�s responsibility that the Cont ract Products is not still up to

standard upon the test , this case shall be dealt with the following methods in accordance

with the stipulations in Article 7 to the Cont ract :

(1 ) Due to the unqualified products , Licensee can not put in to production and has to

terminate the Contract , in this case, Licensor shall return to Licensee the total amount which has

already been paid by Licensee to Licensor plus % interest per annum there on;


( 2) If only some par t of the Contract Products can not achieve the acceptance standards , but

Licensee still can put into production , Licensor shall compensate Licensee�s loss according to the

following stipulations:

A. If performance target of the Contract Products come down % , Licensor shall

compensate Licensee % of the total Contract price;

B. If performance target of the Cont ract Products come down % , Licensor shall

compensate Licensee % of the total Contract Initial payment;

C. If performance target of the Cont ract Products come down % , the compensation

of Licensor to Licensee will be the reduction of royalty rate % .

( Note : the penalty of late delivery and the performance claims may be added or subtracted

some clauses in accordance with specific cont ract .)

8.9 After the Contract Products is up to standard upon the acceptance tests , Licensor

agrees to buy from Licensee a part of the Contract products year by year . The model and quantity

of buy - back are detailed in Annex to the Contract .

Article 9 Infringements and Confidentiality

9.1 Licensor guaran tees that Licensor has lawful ownership of all the know-how and

Technical Documentation supplied by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with the Contract , and

that Licensor has the righ t to transfer them to Licensee . In case a third party brings a charge of

infringement, Licensor shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all legal and

financial responsibilites which may arise .

9.2 Licensee agrees to keep the know-how and Technical Documentation supplied by

Licensor under secret conditions within the validity period of the Contract . If a part or the whole

of the above-mentioned Know-how or Technical Documentation will be opened to the public by

Licensor or any third party , Licensee is no longer to have the secret obligations to the opened

par ts .

9.3 Licensor shall keep secret for the information of hydrology , geology and production of

the Contract Factory supplied by Licensee . The secret period shall be kept as long as Licensee

requires .

9.4 Licensee shall have the right to use the know-how and Technical Documentation

supplied by Licensor , and design , manufacture and sell the Cont ract Products after the

termination of the Cont ract .

Article 10 Taxes and Duties

10.1 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be

levied by the Government of the People�s Republic of China on Licensee in accordance with the

tax law in effect shall be paid by Licensee .


10.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be

levied by the Government of the People�s Republic of China on Licensor shall be paid by Licensor .

In accordance with the stipulation of Article 11 of the Income Tax Law of the People�s Republic of

China Concerning Foreign Enterprises , the withholding tax to be levied on Licensor will be

deducted from the payment under Ar ticle 4 of the Cont ract by Licensee and on behalf of Licensor

paid to China Tax Authority . Licensee shall send to Licensor one original copy of Tax receipt

issued by the Chinese Tax Authority . The rest taxes and duties will be paid by Licensor , and the

tax formalities will be gone through by Licensor itself in China Tax Authority .

10.3 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be

levied outside China shall be paid by Licensor .

Selection Proposal 1

Suitable for those enterprises whose government

already signed the taxation agreement

with our government

10.1 The Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation signed by the Government of

People�s Republic of China and the Government on .The Agreement was

put in to effect on . Licensor and Licensee shall observe the stipulations of the

Agreement .

10.2 The tax and the tax to be levied on Licensor by the

Government of People�s Republic of China in accordance with the Tax Law and the

Tax Law will be dealt with according to Article and Article of the

Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation .

Selection Proposal 2

Suitable for those projects which has already got

the tax reduction or tax exemption from

Chinese Tax Authority

10.1 In the course of implementation of the Cont ract , Licensor shall have the obligations to

pay the tax and the tax in accordance with the People�s Republic of

China Tax in effect .

10.2 The Tax Authority of the People�s Republic of China decided on that the

tax and the tax to be paid by Licensor would be reduced ( or exempted) ,

the specific methods of reducing and/ or exemption is detailed in Annex of the

Cont ract .

Article 11 Force Majeure

11.1 If either of the cont racting par ties is prevented from executing the Contract by such

cases of force majeure as war , serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which


are agreed upon by both par ties as cases of force majeure , the time for performance of the Contract

shall be extended by a period equivalen t to the effect of such cases .

11.2 The effected party shall notify the other par ty of the cases of force majeure occurred

by telex of cable as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail , within

( ) days thereafter , a cer tificate issued by the authorities or depar tments concerned to

the other par ty for confirmation .

11.3 Should the effect of the force majeure cases last for more than

( ) days , both parties shall settle the problem of fur ther execution of the

Cont ract through friendly consultations as soon as possible .

Article 12 Disputes Settlement

12.1 All the disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Contract shall be settled

by both parties through friendly consultations . In case no settlement to the disputes can be

reached by both parties through such consultations , the disputes shall be set tled through

arbit ration .

12.2 The arbitration shall take place in Beijing, China, and be conducted according to the

provisional procedures and rules of the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee of

China Council for the P romotion of International Trade .

(Note: Clause 12.2 has two selections: ( a ) if the arbitration takes place in Stockholm ,

Sweden, the case shall be conducted by the Arbit ration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of

Commerce in accordance with its arbit ration procedures; ( b) if the arbit ration takes place in the

accused country , the case shall be conducted by the arbitration institute of the accused country in

accordance with its arbitration procedures .

12.3 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties .

12.4 The applicable law in the arbitration shall be the law of the People�s Republic of

China . ( Note : While the arbit ration takes place in Stockholm , the applicable law in the

arbit ration shall be the Swedish law . The accused count ry law shall be the arbitration applicable

law while be arbit ration takes place in the accused country .)

12.5 The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing par ty or in conformity with the

stipulation of the award .

12.6 In course of arbit ration , both par ties shall continue to execute the Contract except the

par t of the Contract which is under arbit ration .

Article 13 Effectiveness of the

Contract and Miscellaneous

13.1 This Contract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on

in Beijing, Both par ties shall file applications with their respective government for ratification of


the Cont ract , the date of ratification for the last party shall be the effective date of the Cont ract .

Both parties shall do their u tmost to obtain the ratification within ( ) days , and

shall advise the other party by telex or cable and send a letter for confirmation .

13.2 If the Contract cannot come in to force within ( ) months after the date

of signing the Contract , both parties shall have the righ t to cancel the Cont ract .

13.3 The Contract shall be in force for years from the effective date of the

Cont ract .After the expiration of its term of validity , the Contract shall au tomatically become null

and void .

13.4 The outsanding creditor�s right and debts between both parties at the expiration of

the Contract shall not the influenced by the expiration of the Cont ract . The debtor shall continue

to pay the creditor the outstanding debts .

13.5 This Contract is done in English language in four originals , t wo for each par ty .

13.6 The Contract is formed by Article 1 to Ar ticle 14 and Annex 1 to Annex 7 , the text

and annex of the Contract shall be integral parts of the Contract and have the same legal force .

13.7 Any changes , amendment , supplement and subtractions to the stipulations of the

Cont ract shall be valid after both par ties� authorized representatives have signed written

documents which shall form integral part of the Cont ract and shall have the same legal force as the

Cont ract .

13.8 In the course of implementation of the Contract , all the communications between

both parties shall be in English language . Formal notice shall be in written form in duplicate and

be sent by registered airmail .

Article 14 Legal Addresses

14.1 �Licensee:



Telex No .:

Telephone No .:

14.2 �Licensor :



Telex No .:

Telephone No .:

14.3 Signature of the both parties�authorized representatives:

Licensee(signature) Licensor( signature)


国际技术转让合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

本合同于 年 月 日在 签订。

甲方为 :中国 公司

合同工厂 :中国 厂 (以下简称甲方 )

乙方为 : 国 公司 ( 以下简称乙方 )

第一章 合同内容

1.1 乙方同意向甲方提供制造××合同产品的书面及非书面专有技术。用该项技术所

生产的合同产品的品种、规格、技术性能等详见本合同附件一 (略 ) 。

1.2 乙方负责向甲方提供制造、使用和销售合同产品的专有技术和其他所有有关技术资

料。技术资料的内容及有关事项详见本合同附件二 (略 ) 。

1.3 乙方负责安排甲方技术人员在乙方工厂进行培训 , 乙方应采取有效措施使甲方人员

掌握制造合同产品的技术 ,具体内容见本合同附件三 ( 略 )。

1.4 乙方派称职的技术人员赴甲方合同工厂进行技术服务。具体要求详见本合同附件

四 (略 ) 。

1.5 乙方同意在甲方需要时 , 以最优惠的价格向甲方提供合同产品的备件。届时双方另


1.6 乙方有责任对本合同项目甲方需要的关键设备提供有关咨询。

1.7 乙方应向甲方提供合同产品的样机、铸件和备件 ,具体内容详见本合同附件五 ( 略 )。

1.8 甲方销售合同产品和使用乙方商标的规定 , 见本合同第八章。

第二章 定 义

2.1 “合同产品”指本合同附件一 ( 略 )中所列的全部产品。

2.2 “蓝图”指乙方制造合同产品目前所使用的总图、制造图样、材料规范及零件目录等


2.3 “技术资料”是指为生产合同产品所必须具有的乙方目前正用于生产合同产品的全


2.4 “标准”指为制造合同产品向甲方提供的技术资料中 , 由乙方采用和制定的标准。

2.5 “入门费”指由于乙方根据本合同第一章 1.2 条、1.3 条、1.4 条、1.6 条、1.7 条规定

的内容以技术资料转让的形式向甲方提供合同产品的设计和制造技术 , 甲方向乙方支付的



2.6 “提成费”指在本合同有效期内 , 由于乙方所给予甲方连续的技术咨询和援助 , 以及

甲方在合同有效期内连续使用乙方的商标和专有技术 ,甲方向乙方支付的费用。

2.7 “合同有效期”指本合同开始生效的时间到本合同 14.3 条规定的本合同终止时间的


第三章 价 格

3.1 按本合同第一章规定的内容 , 甲方向乙方支付的合同费用规定如下 :

3.1.1 入门费为 美元 (大写 : 美元 ) 这是指与本合同产品有关的资料转让费

和技术培训费 ,包括技术资料在交付前的一切费用。入门费为固定价格。

3.1.2 合同产品考核验收合格后 , 甲方每销售一台合同产品的提成费为基价的


3.1.3 计算提成费的基价应是甲方生产合同产品当年 12 月 31 日有效的、乙方在

国 市公布和使用的每台目录价格的 %。

3.2 乙方同意返销甲方生产的合同产品。返销产品的金额为甲方支付乙方全部提成费

的 % ( 百分之几 )。返销的产品应达到乙方提供的技术性能标准。每次返销的产品品


返销产品价格按 3.1.3 条规定的提成基价计算 ,即目录价格的 %。

第四章 支付和支付条件

4.1 本合同项下的一切费用 , 甲方和乙方均以美元支付。

甲方支付给乙方的款项应通过 中国银行和 国 银行办理。

如果乙方和甲方偿还金额 , 则此款项应通过 国 银行和


所有发生在中国的银行费用 ,由甲方负担。发生在中国以外的银行费用由乙方负担。

4.2 本合同第三章规定的合同费用 , 甲方按下列办法和时间向乙方支付 :

4.2.1 甲方收到下列单据 , 并审查无误后 天内向乙方支付入门费 美元

(大写 : 美元 ) 。

(a) 由乙方出具的保证函。在乙方不能按照合同规定交付技术资料时 , 保证偿还金额


( b) 即期汇票正、副本各 1 份。

(c ) 应支付金额为入门费总价的形式发票正本 1 份 ,副本 3 份。

( d) 国政府当局出具的许可证影印件 1 份。若乙方认为不需要出口许可证 ,

则乙方应提出有关不需要出口许可证的证明信 1 份。

4.2.2 甲方收到乙方交付第一阶段产品的下列单据并审查无误后 天内向乙

方支付 美元 ( 大写 : 美元 )。

(a ) 即期汇票正、副本各 1 份。


( b) 商业发票正本 1 份 , 副本 3 份。

(c ) 空运提单正本 1 份 ,副本 3 份。

( d) 乙方出具的第一阶段产品的技术资料、样机、铸件和备件交付完毕的证明信正、副本

各 1 份。

4.2.3 甲方收到乙方交付第二阶段产品的下列单据并审查无误后 天内向乙方

支付 美元 ( 大写 : 美元 )。

(a ) 即期汇票正、副本各 1 份。

( b) 商业发票正本 1 份 , 副本 3 份。

(c ) 空运提单正本 1 份 ,副本 3 份。

( d) 乙方出具的第二阶段产品的技术资料、样机、附件五 (略 )规定的 已交付完

毕的证明信正、副本各 1 份。

4.2.4 合同产品第一批样机验收合格后 , 甲方收到乙方下列单据并审查无误 天

内 ,向乙方支付 美元 (大写 : 美元 ) 。

(a ) 即期汇票正、副本各 1 份。

( b) 商业发票正本 1 份 , 副本 3 份。

(c ) 双方签署的“合同产品考核验收合格证书”影印件 1 份。

(注 : 如果验收试验延迟并是甲方的责任 ,将不迟于合同生效后 天内支付。)

4.3 本合同第三章规定的提成费 , 甲方将在抽样产品考核验收合格后按下述办法和条件

向乙方支付 :

4.3.1 甲方在每日历年度结束后 天内 ,向乙方提交一份甲方在上一日历年度的


4.3.2 乙方每年可派代表到合同工厂检查和核实甲方合同产品实际销售量的报告 , 甲方

将给予帮助。乙方来华费用由乙方负担 ,如果汇总和/ 或报告中所列的合同产品数量在检查时

发现出入很大 ,则甲乙双方应讨论此差距并洽商采取正确的措施。

4.3.3 甲方收到乙方下列单据并审查无误后的 天内向乙方支付提成费 :

(a ) 即期汇票正、副本各 1 份。

( b) 商业发票正本 1 份 , 副本 3 份。

(c ) 该年提成费计算书一式 4 份。

4.3.4 在合同期满年度内 , 甲方在合同终止后 天内将提交一份最后销售合同产

品数量的报告 ,以便乙方计算提成费。

4.4 按本合同规定 , 如乙方需要向甲方支付罚款或赔偿时 , 甲方有权从上述任何一次支


第五章 技术资料支付

5.1 乙方应按本合同附件二 ( 略 )的规定向甲方提供技术资料。

5.2 乙方应在 机场或车站交付技术资料。 机场或车站的印戳日期为

技术资料的有效交付日期。甲方应在收到资料两周内 ,确认资料收悉。

5.3 第一阶段产品的技术资料、样机、铸件和备件 :

5.3.1 在合同生效后的 周内 ,乙方必须发出一套蓝图、一套二底图和一套标准。



5.3.2 在合同生效后的 周内 ,乙方必须发出与第一阶段合同产品有关的全部技


5.4 第二阶段产品的技术资料和样机 :

5.4.1 第二阶段开始日期后的 周内 ,乙方必须发出与第二阶段产品有关的一套


5.4.2 第二阶段开始后的 周内 ,乙方必须尽快发出与第二阶段合同产品有关的


5.5 在每批技术资料或样机、铸件和备件发运后的 小时内 , 乙方应将空运提单

号、空运提单日期、资料编号、合同号、件数和重量电告甲方。同时 , 乙方应以航空信将下列单

据寄给甲方 :

(a ) 空运提单正本 1 份 , 副本 2 份。

( b) 所发运技术资料、样机、铸件和备件的详细清单一式 2 份。

5.6 若乙方提供的技术资料或样机、铸件和备件在运输途中遗失或损坏 , 乙方在收到甲

方关于遗失或损坏的书面通知书后 ,应尽快不迟于 个月内免费补寄或重寄给甲方。

5.7 交付技术资料应具有适于长途运输、多次搬运、防雨、防潮的坚固包装。

在每件包装箱的内部与外表 ,都应以英文标明下列内容 :

(a ) 合同号 ;

( b) 运输标记 ;

(c ) 收货人 ;

( d) 技术资料目的地 ;

(e ) 重量 (公斤 ) ;

( f) 样机、铸件和备件目的地。

5.8 每箱内应附有详细装箱单一式 4 份。

第六章 技术资料的改进和修改

6.1 为了适应中国的设计标准、材料、工艺装备和其他生产条件 , 在不改变乙方基本设计

的条件下 ,甲方有权对乙方的技术资料进行修改和变动。甲方必须将这些修改和变动通知乙

方。乙方有责任在培训或技术指导时协助甲方修改技术资料 ,详见附件三 ( 略 )和附件四 ( 略 )。

6.2 甲方必须在型号后加注尾标 , 以示区别那些影响形状、配合或功能的修改 , 并通知


6.3 合同有效期内 , 双方在合同规定的范围内的任何改进和发展 ,都应相互免费将改进、


6.4 改进和发展的技术 , 所有权属改进、发展的一方。

第七章 质量验收试验

7.1 为了验证按乙方提供的技术资料制造的合同产品可靠性 ,由甲、乙双方共同在合同


工厂对合同产品的技术性能和要求进行考核验收。如果需要 , 也可以在乙方工厂进行试验或

重做。甲方可派指定的人员验证重复试验 ,乙方负责重复试验和乙方人员的费用 , 甲方负责甲

方参加重复试验的人员和翻译的费用。具体办法见本合同附件七 (略 ) 。

7.2 考核试验产品的技术性能应符合乙方提供的本合同中的标准规定 , 即通过鉴定。

甲、乙双方签署“合同产品考核验收合格证明”一式 4 份 , 双方各执 2 份。

7.3 如考核试验产品的技术性能达不到附件规定的技术参数 ,双方应友好协商 , 共同研

究分析原因 ,采取措施 , 消除缺陷后进行第二次考核验收。

7.4 如考核试验产品不合格是乙方的责任 , 则乙方派人参加第二次考核验收的一切费

用 ,由乙方负担。如系甲方责任 , 该费用由甲方负担。

7.5 若考核试验产品第二次试验仍不合格时 , 如系乙方的责任 , 乙方应赔偿甲方遭受的

直接损失 ,并采取措施消除缺陷 , 参加第三次考核 ,费用由乙方负担。如系甲方责任 , 该费用由


7.6 若考核试验产品第三次考核试验不合格时 , 双方应讨论执行合同的问题 ,如系乙方

责任 , 则按合同 9.8 条规定 ,甲方有权修正合同。如系甲方责任 , 则由双方共同协商进一步的

执行问题。乙方将根据甲方的要求 ,为改进不合格的样机提供技术咨询。

第八章 “合同产品”的出口和商标

8.1 甲方生产的“合同产品”可在中华人民共和国国内销售 , 可根据下列条件出口到其他

国家 :

8.1.1 甲方应首先与乙方协商 , 要求在乙方的销售/ 分配网所在地区安排销售 (销售、分

配网包括乙方子公司和代理商 )。

出口销售的数量和项目将通过友好协商决定 ,若无法安排 , 则甲方可以自由出口 ,但是 , 甲

方必须在完成交易后一周内 ,将项目、数量和购买商名称通知乙方。

8.1.2 在乙方销售/ 分配网不包括的地区 ,甲方可以自由销售。

8.2 对于甲方把“合同产品”装在中国的主机上出售到任何国家 (包括在乙方销售/ 分配

网所在地国家 )的权利 , 乙方不得干涉。为维修中国出口的主机 , 甲方可以自由销售作为配件


8.3 在合同期间 , 甲方可以在“合同产品”上使用乙方使用的商标和标上甲方的商标 , 并

注上“中华人民共和国××厂制造”。商标许可证应由甲方和 公司单独签订。

8.4 当使用商标时 , 甲方生产的“合同产品”必须符合本合同项下由乙方提供的标准。在

必要的时候 ,每年乙方可进行一次抽样试验。在抽样试验结果不符合乙方提供的标准时 , 乙方

应建议甲方改进不合格的“合同产品”,并在 个月内再次进行试验。若结果仍不符合 ,


次抽样试验结果符合乙方提供的标准时 ,乙方将再次给予甲方使用其商标的权利。

第九章 保 证

9.1 乙方保证其提供的技术资料是在合同生效时乙方使用的最新技术资料 , 并与乙方拥


有的技术资料完全一致。在合同期间 ,“合同产品”设计变化的技术通知书和技术改进、发展资

料 ,乙方将及时地送至甲方。

9.2 乙方保证其提供的技术资料是完整的、清晰的、可靠的 , 并按第五章的规定按时交

付。有关定义如下 :

9.2.1 “完整”系指乙方提供的资料是本合同附件中规定的全部资料 , 并与乙方自己工厂


9.2.2 “可靠”系指甲方按技术资料制造的合同产品应符合乙方按本合同提供的合同产


9.2.3 “清晰”系指资料中的图样、曲线、术语符号等容易看清。

9.3 如果乙方提供的技术资料不符合 9.2 条的规定时 , 乙方必须在收到甲方书面通知书

后 天内免费将所缺的资料 , 或清晰、可靠的资料寄给甲方。

9.4 当乙方不能按本合同第五章或 9.3 条规定的时间交付资料 , 则乙方应按下列比例向

甲方支付罚款 :

迟交 至 周 ,每整周罚款为入门费总价的 %。

迟交 至 周 ,每整周罚款为入门费总价的 %。

迟交超过 周以上 , 每整周罚款为入门费总价的 %。

9.5 若发生 9.4 条事项 , 乙方支付给甲方的罚款总数不超过 美元 ( 大写 :

美元 ) 。

9.6 乙方支付给甲方的 9.4 条中规定的罚款 , 应以迟交的整周数进行计算。

9.7 乙方支付给甲方罚款后 , 并不解除乙方继续交付上述资料的义务。

9.8 按第七章的规定 , 由于乙方的责任 ,产品考核经 3 次不合格时 , 则按以下办法处理 :

9.8.1 若考核产品不合格以致甲方不能投产 , 则必须修改合同 , 采取有效措施将不合格


产品总的范围中不合格产品所占部分 ,并加年利 % (百分之几 ) 的利息。

9.8.2 如果根据 9.8.1 条修改合同 , 则甲方放弃只涉及不合格的那部分产品和零件的制

造权 ,甲方将退回有助于制造这些不合格产品的全部文件 , 不可复制或销毁。

第十章 许可证和专有技术

10.1 乙方保证自己是根据本合同规定向甲方提供许可证和专有技术的合法者 , 并能够


如果第三方提出侵权的控诉 ,则乙方应与第三方处理此控诉并负责法律和经济责任。

10.2 与本合同有关的完整的 国专利清单列入附件二 (略 ) , 本合同生效 1

个月内 ,乙方将向甲方提供专利影印件一式 2 份。但不给予 国专利许可证或不应包


10.3 本合同终止后 ,甲方仍有权使用乙方提供的许可证和专有技术 , 而不承担任何义务

和责任。合同终止后 ,使用 商标的权利也将终止。

10.4 双方都应履行本合同 ,不应以任何方式向任何第三方透露和公布双方提供的任何



第十一章 税 费

11.1 凡因履行本合同而引起的一切税费 ,发生在中国以外的应由乙方承担。

11.2 在执行合同期间 , 乙方在中国境内取得的收入应按中国税法缴税。此税费由甲方

在每次支付时扣交 ,并将税务局的收据副本 1 份交乙方。

第十二章 仲 裁

12.1 凡因执行本合同而引起的一切争执 , 应由双方通过友好协商来解决。在不能解决

时 ,则提交仲裁解决。

12.2 仲裁地点在北京 ,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按该会仲裁程序暂行规则进行

仲裁 (仲裁在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩进行 , 并由斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院按仲裁院的程序进行仲裁 )。

12.3 仲裁裁决应是终局裁决 ,对双方均有约束力 , 双方都应遵照执行。

12.4 仲裁费应由败诉一方负担。

12.5 在仲裁过程中 ,本合同中除了接受仲裁的部分外 , 仍应由双方继续执行。

第十三章 不可抗力

13.1 若签约的任何一方 ,由于战争及严重的火灾、水灾、台风和地震所引起的事件 , 影响

了合同的执行时 ,则应延迟合同期限 , 延迟时间应相当于事故所影响的时间。

13.2 责任方应尽快地将发生的人力不可抗拒事故电告另一方 , 并在 天内以航


13.3 若人力不可抗拒事故延续到 天以上时 , 双方应通过友好协商尽快解决合


第十四章 合同生效及其他

14.1 合同在甲方和乙方代表签字之后 ,双方需向各自政府申请批准 , 并以最后批准一方

的日期作为生效日。双方应尽最大的努力在 天期限内获得批准。并用电报通知对

方 ,随之以信件予以确认。若合同签字后 个月内不能生效 ,则本合同对甲方和乙方都

无约束力 ,经双方同意 , 申请批准的期限可以延长。

14.2 本合同用 文和中文书写各 4 份 , 文文本和中文文本具有同等效

力。双方执中、 文文本各 2 份。

14.3 本合同从合同生效之日起 年内有效。有效期满后 , 本合同即自动失效。

除非在合同有效期内双方另有协议 ,第二阶段合同产品开始日期将由乙方来华指导时 , 双方签


合同期满前 个月之前的任何时候 , 甲方或乙方均可提出要求进行合同延期的谈

判 ,届时签订合同延期的专门条款。


14.4 合同第一阶段在合同生效之日开始 ,合同第二阶段的开始日期预期为合同生效后

的第 个月。

14.5 合同终止前 , 任何合同项下发生的未清理的赊欠和债务将不受合同终止的影响。


14.6 本合同附件均为本合同不可分割的部分 ,与合同正文具有同等效力。

14.7 合同签字前双方之间的所有来往通讯文电 ,从合同生效之日起自动失效。

14.8 只有根据双方授权代表签字的书面文件才能对本合同进行更改和补充。这些文件


14.9 双方为履行本合同而进行的通讯应以 国文书写一式 2 份。

14.10 在对方预先没有同意前 , 双方不应将本合同的任何权利和/ 或义务转让给第三方。

14.11 本合同中的任何条款并不影响 国和任何其他国家之间的贸易。

14.12 甲方同意从乙方购买一批 ( 原材料或半成品 ) , 以便甲方生产“合同产品”, 金额为

美元 ( 大写 : 美元 )。特定零件的订货和计划由考察小组在 国确定 ,

如价格和条件优惠 ,甲方将从乙方再订一批 ( 原材料或零件 )。

第十五章 法定地址

甲方 : v中国 公司

地址 :

电报挂号 :

电传 :


地址 : 中华人民共和国 省 市

电报挂号 :

乙方 : v 国 公司

地址 :

电传 :

本合同于 年 月 日在 签字 h

甲方 : 公司代表 �乙方 : 公司代表

(签字 ) : (签字 ) :

工厂代表 ( 签字 )

甲方律师 : - 蘫 ( 签字 ) 乙方律师 : (签字 )


国际技术转让合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )


第一章 定义

第二章 合同范围

第三章 合同价格

第四章 支付条件

第五章 技术资料和软件的交付

第六章 技术服务和人员培训

第七章 合同产品的验收

第八章 保证和索赔

第九章 侵权和保密

第十章 税费

第十一章 履约保函

第十二章 不可抗力

第十三章 争议的解决

第十四章 合同生效及其他

第十五章 法定地址

签字日期 : 年 月 日

签字地点 :

合同号 :

根据世界银行第 号贷款项下第 号招标 , 中国技术进出口总公司国

际招标公司 (以下简称“引进方”) 为一方 ,德国 公司 (以下简称“让与人”) 为另一方 ;


产品的专有技术 ;

鉴于让与人有权并同意向引进方转让上述铁路 产品的专有制造技术 ;

鉴于引进方希望利用让与人的专有技术设计、制造、维修、销售和出口铁路 产

品的专有制造技术 ;


一合同规定的设备、工具和必要备件以用于铁路 产品的制造 ;



合同规定的一定数量的部件和零件以用于组装和制造铁路 产品。

双方授权代表通过友好协商 ,同意就以下条款签订本合同 :

第一章 定 义

1.1 “引进方”是指中国 公司。

1.2 “让与人”是指 国 公司。

1.3 “合同”是引进方和让与人签署的如合同所述的协议 , 它包括所有附件、附录以及其


1.4 “合同价格”是指引进方支付给根据合同全部圆满完成其合同义务的让与人的金额。

1.5 “合同产品”是指由合同工厂根据让与人提供的专有技术生产的满足本合同附件二


1.6 “合同工厂”是指引进方使用让与人提供的技术制造合同产品的地点 , 即中国


1.7 “技术资料和软件”是指让与人按照合同附件三的规定提供给引进方的所有文件 , 它

包括下列内容 :

A. 所有技术指标、图纸、设计、所有技术文件以及有关合同产品的设计、制造、计算、装


B. 所有技术指标、图纸、设计、所有技术文件以及有关合同设备的设计、制造、计算、装


C. 所有技术指标、图纸、设计、所有技术文件以及有关合同部件的测试、检验、调试、组


1.8 “技术服务”是指让与人根据合同附件六和附件七中的规定向引进方提供的技术指


1.9 “中外运”是指中国 公司 ,它是引进方指定的在目的港接收技术资

料和软件、合同设备及部件的代理 :

A. 中国 港 :


地址 :

电传 : 传真 :

B . 中国 机场

地址 :

电传 :

1.10 “P.R.C.”是指中华人民共和国。

1.11 “ ”是指 国。

1.12 “世界银行”是指国际复兴开发银行 ( IBRD)和国际开发协会。


第二章 合同范围

2.1 让与人同意向引进方转让 , 并且引进方同意从让与人获得设计、制造、装配、安装、测



2.2 让与人同意给予引进方在中华人民共和国境内设计、制造、使用和销售合同产品以


2.3 让与人同意向引进方提供与合同产品有关的技术资料和软件 , 其具体内容、数量和


2.4 让与人同意派遣技术人员到合同工厂进行技术服务 , 其具体内容和要求详见合同附


2.5 让与人同意在让与人的工厂和合同工厂对引进方的人员进行技术培训 , 并保证使引

进方技术人员掌握转让的技术 ,培训的内容和要求详见合同附件十。

2.6 让与人同意根据引进方的要求在本合同有效期之后的 年内以最优惠的


2.7 让与人同意根据引进方的要求在本合同有效期之后的 年内以最优惠的

价格向引进方提供让与人自己生产或改造的制造合同产品所需的设备和软件 , 并协助引进方


2.8 让与人同意 , 如果合同产品达到合同附件二所规定的技术和质量要求 , 引进方有权

在合同工厂生产的合同产品上标明“由 ( 让与人名称 ) 许可在中国制造”的字样 , 至

于是否在合同产品上标明上述字样 ,则由引进方自行决定。

第三章 合同价格

3.1 基于本合同第二章规定的内容和范围 , 以及让与人按本合同的规定应完成的义务 ,

本合同总价格为 欧元。分项价格如下 :

专有技术费用为 欧元。专有技术分项价格为 :

A. 技术转让费 : 欧元 ;

B. 技术资料费 : 欧元 ;

C. 人员培训费 : 欧元 ;

D. 技术服务费 : 欧元。

3.2 以上合同总价是对于让与人在本合同下应尽的包括按 CI P 条款将技术资料和软件


第四章 支付条件

4.1 本合同的所有费用将使用世界银行第 号贷款以欧元通过不可撤销的、允



4.2 让与人应在合同生效后 工作日内 ,通过其中国 银行向让与人

推荐并经引进方认可的让与人所在国的一个银行开出不可撤销的信用证 , 该信用证的金额应

等同于合同总价。该信用证将允许按本合同第 4.3 条规定的支付条件进行支付。

4.3 专有技术费用的支付。

4.3.1 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的 % ,即 欧元

将在让与人提交下述单据并符合合同规定后支付 :

A. 让与人国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证的影印件一份 ,或让与人国家有关当局出

具的无须出口许可证的证明信的影印件一份 ;

B. 让与人银行开出的金额为合同总价 %的不可撤销的银行保函的正本一份 ,副本

一份。该银行保函的格式详见合同附件 12;

C. 全额形式发票四份 ;

D. 向开证行开出的即期汇票两份 ;

E. 商业发票四份。

以上单据不得早于合同生效 之前提交。

4.3.2 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的 % , 即 欧

元 ,将在让与人按合同附件 6 的规定交付了第一批技术资料/ 软件 , 并提交下述符合合同规定

的单据后支付 :

A. 商业发票五份 ;

B. 向开证行开出的即期汇票两份 ;

C. 交付第一批技术资料或软件的空运单副本五份 ;

D. 第一批技术资料或软件的装箱单五份 ;

E. 引进方出据的证明让与人已交付第一批技术资料和软件的确认函副本两份。

4.3.3 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的 % , 即 欧

元 ,将在让与人按附件 6 的规定交付了最后一批技术资料软件 , 并提交下述符合合同规定的单

据后支付 :

A. 商业发票四份 ;

B. 向开证行开出的即期汇票两份 ;

C. 交付最后一批技术资料或软件的空运单副本五份 ;

D. 最后一批技术资料或软件的装箱单五份 ;

E. 引进方出据的证明让与人已交付全部技术资料和软件的确认函副本两份。

4.3.4 按本合同第三章规定的合同总价中专有技术费用的 % , 即 欧

元 ,将在合同产品样机验收完成、让与人提交下述单据且符合合同规定后支付 :

A. 商业发票四份 ;

B. 向开证行开出的即期汇票两份 ;

C. 双方签字的合同产品验收合格证书副本两份。

4.4 引进方有权从履约保函或正在议付的付款中扣除让与人根据合同规定应交付的罚

款/ 或补偿费。

4.5 在中国境内产生的银行费用由引进方承担 , 在中国境外产生的银行费用由让与人承

担。除了因引进方的延误支付而产生的利息之外 , 议付过程中产生的一切利息费用均由让与



第五章 技术资料和软件的交付

5.1 让与人应按本合同附件 5.6 中规定的内容、数量和时间将技术资料和软件运至北京

机场。技术资料和软件的风险将在该技术资料和软件运达 机场之后由让与人转移


5.2 机场盖章的日期将作为技术资料和软件的实际交付日期。

5.3 在每批技术资料/ 软件交运后的两个工作日内 , 让与人应通过电传或传真将合同号


此同时 ,让与人应向引进方和合同工厂各邮寄两套空运单和技术资料/ 软件的详细清单。

5.4 如果技术资料/ 软件在运输过程中发生丢失、损坏或缺少 , 让与人将在收到引进方的

书面通知后 天内免费补发或更换。

5.5 技术资料/ 软件应包装在坚固的箱子内以适于长途运输 ,且能防潮、防雨。

5.6 每箱技术资料/ 包装的外包装上应以不褪色的油漆用英文注明以下内容 :

A. 合同号 :

B. 收货人 :

C. 收货人代码 :

D. 到货机场 : 机场

E. 唛头标记 :

F. 毛/ 净重量 (公斤 ) :

G. 箱号/ 件号 :

H. 外形尺寸 (长×宽×高 ) :

5.7 在每箱技术资料/ 软件中 ,应备有两份详细的装箱单。

5.8 技术资料和软件可分批交付 , 但不得转运。

5.9 技术资料和软件应由属于世界银行成员国的国家或瑞士的班机承运。

5.10 让与人负责在合格的保险公司办理保险 , 投保费用由让与人负担。引进方为保险

的受益人 ,投保金额为合同总价 %的“一切险”和“战争险”。

5.11 本合同下提供的所有技术文件、软件和技术服务应来源于现行世界银行采购指南


第六章 技术服务和人员培训

6.1 根据本合同的规定 , 让与人将派遣其熟练的、健康的、合格的技术人员到引进方的合


本合同附件 。

6.2 引进方将为让与人技术人员的出入境签证、在华的工作和生活提供帮助。让与人技

术人员在华的待遇详见合同附件 。

6.3 让与人的技术人员在华进行技术服务期间应遵守中华人民共和国的法律以及合同


6.4 引进方将派遣其技术人员到让与人的有关工厂进行技术培训。培训人数、专业、内


容、时间及培训要求详见合同附件 。

6.5 让与人将为引进方培训人员的出入境签证提供帮助并提供技术培训必需的设施。

培训人员在让与人国家的待遇详见本合同附件 。

6.6 引进方的培训人员在培训期间应遵守让与人国家的法律以及让与人工厂的规章


第七章 合同产品的验收

7.1 为了检验让与人根据合同所提供的技术文件和软件的完整性、准确性和可靠性 , 让


序和标准详见合同附件 。

7.2 在合同产品的验收试验中 , 如果合同产品达到合同附件 所规定的所有技

术要求 ,让与人和引进方受权代表应签署四份验收证明 , 双方各执两份。

7.3 如果合同产品在验收试验中达不到合同附件 中规定的技术指标 ,双方将

进行友好协商并共同分析原因 ,采取措施排除缺陷。第二次验收试验将在排除缺陷后进行。

7.4 如果由于让与人的原因造成第一次验收试验失效 , 让与人将采取措施排除故障 , 并

再次派技术人员参加第二次验收试验 ,费用由让与人承担 , 同时让与人应承担第二次验收试验

的有关直接费用 ,包括材料费。如果是由于引进方的责任造成第一次验收失败 , 引进方将采取

措施排除故障 ,费用自理 , 并承担第二次验收试验的有关直接费用。

7.5 在第二次验收试验时 , 如果是由于让与人的责任导致合同产品的技术指标仍未达到

合同附件 的要求 ,让与人将赔偿引进方的直接损失 , 并自付费用采取措施排除故

障 ,再次派技术人员参加第三次验收试验 , 并承担第三次验收试验的有关费用 , 包括材料费。

如果由于引进方的责任造成第二次试验失败 ,引进方将采取措施排除故障 , 费用自理 , 并承担


7.6 如果由于让与人的责任造成在上述三次验收试验中合同产品的技术指标仍未达到

合同附件 的要求 , 合同条款第 8.7 款将被引用。如果由于引进方的责任造成在上

述三次验收试验中合同产品的技术指标仍未达到要求 ,双方将通过协商达成进一步执行合同


第八章 保证和索赔

8.1 让与人将保证按合同要求向引进方提供的技术资料和软件是让与人实际使用的和

最新的并被证实了的技术资料和软件 ,并保证在合同执行过程中及时向引进方免费提供改进、


8.2 让与人保证所提供的技术资料和软件是完整的、正确的、清晰的 , 并保证按合同附件


8.3 如引进方发现让与人交付的技术资料和软件不符合本合同第 款的规定 ,

让与人应在接到引进方的书面通知后 天内免费将有关的技术资料和软件邮寄给引


8.4 如让与人没有按本合同附件 及第 款中规定的时间交付技术


资料和软件 ,让与人应按下述比例向引进方交付技术资料和软件的迟交罚款 :

每迟交一星期 ,按专有技术部分合同总价应付金额的 %交付迟交罚款 ,但上述罚款

的总额应不超过专有技术部分合同总价的 %。



8.5 让与人按第 8.4 款向引进方交付迟交罚款后 , 并不能免除让与人继续交付迟交部分


8.6 如技术资料和软件的迟交超过 个月 , 引进方将有权终止合同。在这种情况

下 ,让与人必须将引进方已支付的全部金额加上年利率为 % 的利息 , 一起退还给引


8.7 在合同产品的验收中 , 如果由于让与人的责任造成合同产品的技术指标达不到验收

标准 ,则按以下方式处理 :

如果由于让与人的责任造成合同产品在验收时不能达到合同附件 所规定的技

术指标 , 以至于引进方不能把合同产品投入成批生产 , 引进方有权终止合同 , 在这种情况下 ,

让与人应将引进方已支付的全部金额加上年利率为 %的利息 , 一并退还给引进方 ,同时

根据双方的协定 ,赔偿引进方的直接损失。

如果由于让与人的责任造成合同产品在验收时有些技术指标达不到附件 的规定 ,

但引进方还能把合同产品投入生产 , 让与人应根据上述技术偏差的严重程度按合同总价的

%~ %赔偿引进方的直接损失。

第九章 侵仅和保密

9.1 让与人保证对根据本合同向引进方提供的一切专有技术和技术资料和软件拥有合

法的所有权 ,并有权向引进方转让该专有技术和合同设备。如果发生第三方指控侵权 , 让与人

应负责与第三方交涉 ,并承担由此引起的法律上和经济上的责任。

9.2 合同双方应在 年内对相互提供的具有技术和商务性质的技术诀窍、技术文

件 ,以及有关合同工厂的水文、地理和生产等方面的资料承担保密义务。如果上述技术诀窍、

技术文件或资料的某一部分被公开 ,不管是由上述技术诀窍、技术文件或资料的所有方还是由

第三方公开的 ,则另一方不再承担对上述技术诀窍、技术文件或资料的保密义务。

9.3 引进方有权在本合同的有效期之后使用让与人提供的专有技术、技术资料和软件设


第十章 税 费

10.1 中国政府根据现行税法对引进方征收的与执行本合同有关的一切税费应由引进方


10.2 中国政府根据现行税法和《中华人民共和国和 国政府关于避免双重征税


10.3 在中华人民共和国境外发生的与执行本合同有关的一切税费应由让与人承担。


第十一章 履约保函

11.1 合同双方签字后 天以内 , 让与人应提交金额为合同总价 %的履

约保函 ,该保函应由北京中国银行根据外国某一银行向北京中国银行提交的反担保开具。该


11.2 让与人应按合同附件 的格式提交履约保函 , 由此产生的费用由让与人


11.3 如果让与人未能履行合同规定的某项义务 ,引进方将有权对该保函行使追索权。

第十二章 不可抗力

12.1 如果让与人和引进方中任何一方由于战争、洪水、火灾、台风、地震或其他双方认可

的不可抗力事故而影响合同的执行 , 则履行合同的期限将推延一段相当于该事故所影响的


12.2 受不可抗力影响的一方应尽快通过电传或电报将发生不可抗力的情况通知对方 ,

并于 天之内以航空挂号信将有关当局出具的证明文件交另一方确认。

12.3 如果不可抗力持续 天以上 , 双方应通过友好协商尽快解决继续履行合同


第十三章 争议的解决

13.1 合同双方应通过友好协商解决在执行合同过程中发生的一切争执。如协商后仍不

能解决时 ,应提交仲裁解决。

13.2 仲裁将在 进行 , 由 商会仲裁委员会按其程序和规定进行仲裁。

13.3 仲裁裁决是终局的 ,对双方都有约束力。

13.4 仲裁费用将由败诉方承担 ,除非仲裁院另有裁决。

13.5 在仲裁期间 ,除了合同中提交仲裁的部分之外 , 双方应继续履行合同义务。

第十四章 合同生效及其他

14.1 本合同由双方授权代表于 年 月 日在 签字。双

方将在必要时向各自政府申请批准合同 , 合同生效日期将以下列事项最后一个发生的日期

为准 :

A. 最后得到政府批准一方的批准日期 ;

B. 世界银行对合同的批准 ;

C. 引进方收到履约保函。

双方将尽最大努力使合同获得批准 ,并用传真或电传通知对方并以书面确认。

14.2 如合同自签字之日起经过六个月仍不能生效 ,则双方有权取消本合同。


14.3 本合同自生效之日起 年有效 , 有效期满后合同将自动失效。

14.4 合同有效期满将不影响双方未了的债权债务关系 , 债务人将继续付给债权人未付


14.5 本合同以英文书写 , 正本一式两份 , 双方各执一份。

14.6 本合同由条款第一章至第十五章及附件 至 组成。合同正文及附

件都是本合同不可分割的组成部分 ,具有同等法律效力。

14.7 有关本合同的任何变更、修改、补充和分包将在双方授权代表签署书面文件以后生

效 ,同时将成为本合同的组成部分并与合同具有同等法律效力。

14.8 在本合同执行过程中 , 双方通讯应以英文进行。正式通知应以书面形式一式两份


14.9 尽管本合同本章第 14.1 款的规定 , 如果不是由于让与人的责任而使合同

在签字后 个月内未能生效 , 双方均有权终止已经或可能生效的本合同 ,如果由于让与人的

责任使合同 在签字后 个月内仍未生效 , 引进方有权在两个月内决定是否终止本

合同。在终止本合同的情况下 ,双方应通过友好协商解决赔偿支付和双方已产生的费用。

第十五章 法定地址

15.1 引进 �方 :

名称 :

地址 :

电传 :

传真 :

15.2 让与 �人 :

名称 : 公司

地址 :

电传 :

传真 :

15.3 双方授权代表签字 :

引进方 (签字 ) 让与人 (签字 )

附件 1~12(略 )


License Contract of the Transfer of

Technology For the Manufacturing of



(Object of the Cont ract )

( Contract Price)

( Terms of Payment )

(Delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software)

( Technical Service and Personnel Training )

(Acceptance of the Contract Products )

(Guarantees and Claims)

( Infringements and Confidentiality)

( Taxes and Duties)

( Performance Bond)

( Force Majeure )

( Settlement of Disputes)

( Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous)

( Legal Addresses)

Date of signing:

Place of signing:

Cont ract No .: h

In accordance with Bid No . under the I . B . R . D . Loan No . ,

Company of China , ( here-inafter

referred to as the“ Licensee”) on the one hand , and Company , ( hereinafter

referred to as the“Licensor”)on the other hand Whereas the Licensor has the technical know

- how for design, manufacture, assembly , installation , test , inspection , adjustment,

operation , maintenance , management and sale of Railway as required by Licensee;

Whereas the Licensor has the right and agrees to t ransfer the above-mentioned technical

know-how to the Licensee for the manufacture of Railway product;

Whereas the Licensee agrees to int roduce the Licensor�s technical know - how for design ,

manufacture, main tenance, sale and export of the Railway product;


Whereas the Licensor agrees to supply the Licensee and the Licensee agrees to obtain from

the Licensor a certain amount of parts and components for the assembling and manufacturing

of the Railway product under other cont ract .

The authorized representatives of both parties , through friendly negotiations , have agreed to

enter in to the Contract under the terms and conditions as stipulated below ;


1.1 “ The Licensee”means Company of China .

1.2 “ The Licensor”means Company .

1.3 “The Cont ract”means the agreement entered between the licensee and the Licensor , as

recorded in the Contract signed by both par ties including all annexes , attachments and appendices

there to and all documents incorporated by reference therein .

1.4 “ The Cont ract P rice”means the price payable to the Licensor by the Licensee under

the Cont ract for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations .

1.5 “The Contract Products”means all the products with the models and specifications and

performances which are manufactured by the Cont ract Factory as defined below , in accordance

with the technology transferred by the Licensor to the Licensee as stipulated in Annex 2 to the

Cont ract .

1.6 “The Contract Factory ”means the place where the Licensee manufactures the Contract

Products by using the Technology supplied by the Licensor , That is factory

1.7 “ The Technical Documentation and Software”means all the documents to be supplied

to the Licensee by the Licensor as stipulated in Annex of the Cont ract , I t consists of

the followings: h

A.All the technical indices, drawings , design , technical documents and software relating to

the design , manufacture, calculation , assembly, installation , test , management,

inspection, adjustment , operation , maintenance, acceptance test and sale of the Contract


B.All the technical indices , drawings , design , technical documents and software relating to

the inspection , installation . commissioning , testing acceptance, operation and maintenance

of the Cont ract Equipment;

C.All the technical indices , drawings , technical documents and software relating to the

inspection , testing , adjustment, assembly and main tenance of the SKD/ CKD Parts .

1.8 “ The Technical Service”means the technical assistance, supervision , instruction ,

t raining and other services under the Contract to be rendered by the Licensor the Licensee as

stipulated in Annex and Annex to the Contract .

1.9 “SINOT RANS”means Corporation , which is the pointed

agent of the Licensee for receipt of the Technical Documentation and Software, the Contract

Equipment and the Parts at the por ts of destination :

A. � Seaport :


, China Telex :


B. � Airpor t:

Telex :

1.10 “PRC”means the People�s Republic of China .

1.11 “ ”means

1.12 “The World Bank”means the International Bank for reconst ruction and Development

( I .B .R .D .) and In ternational Development Association .


2.1 The Licensor has agreed to transfer to the Licensee and the Licensee has agreed to

obtain from the Licensor the technical know - how for the design , manufacture, assembly ,

installation, test , inspection , adjustment , operation and main tenance and management of the

Cont ract Products . The name, model, specifications and technical indices of the Contract

Products are detailed in Annex to the Cont ract .

2.2 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and right to design ,

manufacture, use , sell in the PRC the Cont ract P roducts and export the Cont ract Products . The

license and right are nonexclusive and non - t ransferable .

2.3 The Licensor has agreed to provide the Licensee with the Technical Documentation and

Software related to the Cont ract Products . The contents, copies and time of delivery of the

Technical Documentation and Software are detailed in Annex and Annex to

the Cont ract .

2.4 The Licensor has agreed to dispatch his technical personnel to the Contract Factory ,

for Technical Services .the specific conten ts and requirements of the Technical Services are detailed

in Annex to the Contract .

2.5 The Licensor has agreed to give the Licensee�s personnel technical t raining in

Licensor�s factories and at the Contract Factory, to ensure that the Licensee�s technical personnel;

shall master the above technical know - how transferred to the Licensee . The specific contents

and requirements of technical t raining are detailed in Annex to the Cont ract .

2.6 The Licensor has agreed , upon the request of the Licensee for a period of

( ) years after the date of validity of the Cont ract , to supply the Licensee at the most

favorable price with the parts , components , raw materials and accessories which are necessary for

manufacturing the Cont ract Products under a separate cont ract to be signed in due time .

2.7 The Licensor has agreed , upon the request of the Licensee for a period of

( ) years after the date of validity of the Cont ract , to supply the Licensee at the most

favorable price with equipment and software which are made or developed by the Licensor and are

necessary for manufacturing the Cont ract Products , and to assist the Licensee in obtaining the

equipment and software which are made or developed by the third par ty and are necessary for


manufacturing the Cont ract Products .

2.8 The Licensor has agreed to grant the Licensee the license and righ t to use, on the

Cont ract P roducts manufactured by the Contract Factory, the word“Made in China under license

of ” followed by Name of the Licensor , at the option of the Licensee , provided the Contract

Products can meet the technical and quality requirement as specified in Annex of the

Cont ract .


3.1 The total Contract price, which is based on the contents and scope stipulated in Article

2 to the Contract and the Licensor�s fulfilment of his obligations under the Contract , shall be

EURO, ( SAY : DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) details as follows:

3.1.1 P rice for Technical Know - how : EU RO ( SAY : DEUTSCH

MARK ONLY) . The breakdown prices of the technical know - how are as follows:

A. Technology transfer fee is:

B. Technical documentation and software fee ( Port ) is EURO ( SAY:


C. Personnel training fee is EURO ( SAY : DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) .

D. Technical service fee is EURO( SAY : DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) .

3.2 The above - mentioned total Contract Price shall be firm and fixed price for the

Licensor�s obligation under the Cont ract including all expenses incurred for delivery of the

Technical Documentation and Software Airpor t , china .


4.1 All the payment stipulated in the Contract shall be effected in DEU TSCH MARK

( EURO) through an irrevocable letter of credit partial shipment allowed under the I .B .R .D .Loan

No . for the price for the Technical Know-how, obtained from the World Bank opened in

favour of the Licensor .

4.2 The Licensee shall within ( ) working days after effectiveness of the

Cont ract , open an irrevocable letter of credit by the Bank of China , Beijing in favour of the

Licensor , in a bank in his count ry nominated by the Licensor and accepted by the Licensor , for an

amount equivalent to the total Contract price, the letter of credit shall permit payments as

stipulated in Ar ticle 4.3 .

4.3 Payment for the Price for the Technical Know - how .

4.3.1 % ( ten percent ) of the total price for the technical know - how under Article

3 , namely EURO ( SAY : DEUTSCH MARK ONLY ) shall be paid after the

Licensor has presented the following documents provided they are in confirmity with the

stipulations of the Cont ract .

A. One photostat copy of valid export license issued by the relevant authorities of the

Licensor�s or Licensor�s subcont ractor�s country, or one copy of the letter issued by the relevant

authority of the Licensor�s count ry stating that the valid export license is not required .


B. One original and one copy of the irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by the Licensor�s

Bank for a sum of % of the total price for the technical know - how in favor of the

Licensee . The specimen of the lit tle of guarantee is detailed in Annex to the Cont ract .

C. Four copies of the proformal invoice covering the total price for the technical knowhow .

D.Two copies of the sigh t draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing .

E. Four copies of commercial invoice .

The above - mentioned documents shall be presented not earlier than days after

effectiveness of the Contract .

4.3.2 % ( percent ) of the total price for the technical know - how under Article

3 , namely EURO ( SAY: DEUTSCH MARK ONLY ) shall be paid after the

Licensor has delivered the first batch of the Technical Documentation/ Software as stipulated in

Annex to the Cont ract and against presen tation of the following documents provided they

are in confirmity with the stipulations of the Cont ract:

A. Five copies of the commercial invoice .

B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing .

C. Five copies of the airway bill for the first batch of the Technical Documentation and/ or

Software .

D. Five copies of the packing list for the first batch of the Technical Documentation and/ or

Software .

E. Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered

to the Licensee the first batch of Technical Documentation and/ or Software as stipulated in Annex

and Annex

4.3.3 % ( percent ) of the total price for the technical know - how under

Article 3 , namely EURO ( SAY : DEUTSCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after

the Licensor has delivered the last batch of the Technical Documentation/ Software as stipulated in

Annex to the Cont ract and against presen tation of the following documents provided they

are in conformity with the stipulations of the Cont ract :

A. Four copies of the commercial invoice .

B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing .

C. Five copies of the airway bill for delivering the last batch of the Technical Documentation

and/ or Software .

D. Five copies of the packing list for delivering the last batch of the Technical Documentation

and/ or Software .

E. Two copies of the letter issued by the Licensee confirming that the Licensor has delivered

to the Licensee all Technical Documentations as stipulated in Annex

4.3.4 % ( percent ) of the total price for the technical know - how under

Article 3 , namely EU RO ( SAY : DEUT SCH MARK ONLY) shall be paid after

acceptance of the Contract Products by the Licensee and against presentation of the following

documents provided they are in conformity with the stipulations of the Cont ract :

A. Four copies of the commercial invoice .


B. Two copies of the sight draft to be drawn on the Licensee to the Bank of China, Beijing .

C. Two copies of the Acceptance Cer tificate for the Contract Products signed by the both

Parties .

4.4 The Licensee shall have the right to deduct from the performance Bond or relevant

payment under negotiation the penalties in form of liquidate damages which Licensor shall pay in

accordance with the stipulations of the Cont ract .

4.5 The banking charges incurred in the P .R .C . shall be borne by the Licensee and those

incurred outside the P .R .C . shall be borne by the Licensor . The Licensor shall bear all interest

charges in case they occur in the negotiation of the payment , unless these interest charges have

been occurred by reasons of default by the Licensee .


5.1 The Licensor shall deliver to the Licensee the Technical Documentation and Software

at Beijing Airpor t in accordance with the conten ts , copies and time stipulated in Annex to

the Cont ract . The risk of the Technical Documentation shall be transferred from the Licensor to

the Licensee after its arrival at Airport , China .

5.2 The data stamped by Airpor t , China shall be the actual date of delivery the

Technical Documentation and Software .

5.3 The Licensor shall , within ( ) working days, after dispatching each

batch of the Technical Documentation and/ or Software, inform the Licensee and Cont ract Factory

by telex or fax of the Contract number , airway bill numder , airway bill date , documentation

number , number of parcels , weight , flight and expected arrival date . At the same time, the

Licensor shall airmail to the Licensee and the Cont ract Factory each two copies of the airway bill

and the detailed list of the Technical Documentation/ Software .

5.4 In case of any loss , damages or shortage causea to the Technical Documentation and

Software during the transportation , the Licensor shall make supplementary or replaceable delivery

to the Licensee within ( ) days after receiving the Licensee�writ ten notice

without any charges .

5.5 The Technical Documentation and Software shall be packed in strong cases suitable for

long distance t ranspor tation and numerous handling with protective measures against moisture and

rain .

5.6 The following contents shall be marked on the cover of each package of the Technical

Documentation and Software with indelible pain t in conspicuous English printed words:

A. Cont ract No:

B. Consignee: Company of China

C. Consignee Code:

D. Destination Airport : Airport .

E. Shipping Mark:

F. Gross/ Net Weight ( kg) :

G. Item No ./ Case No .:


H. Dimension ( L×W×H in CM) :

5.7 In side of each package of the Technical Documentation and Software , there shall be

two copies of the detailed list to identify each part .

5.8 For the delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software, partial shipment is

all owed . Transshipment is not allowed .

5.9 The Technical Documentation and Software, shall be carried flight belonging to the

member count ries of the World Bank and Switzerland .

5.10 The Licensor shall effect the insurance , with insurer from eligible source country , for

an amount of % of the total cont ract price on“ all risks” and“war risk”basis at the

Licensor�s expenses with the Licensee as the beneficiary .

5.11 All of the Technical Documentation and Software , and services supplied under the

Cont ract shall have their origin in the countries and areas eligible under the curren t World Bank

Guideline for Procurement .


6.1 The Licensor shall send his skilled , healthy and competent technical personnel to the

Cont ract Factory of the Licensee to provide Technical Service on site in accordance with the

stipulations of the Contract . The stipulation , the number of personnel, speciality, task , content

and duration in PRC are detailed in Annex to the Contract .

6.2 The Licensee shall provide assistance for ent ry any exit visa , work and life in PRC for

the Licensor�s Technical Service personnel . The treatment conditions of the Licensor�s technical

personnel in PRC are detailed in Annex to the Contract .

6.3 The Licensor�s technical personnel sent to PRC for the Technical Service shall observe

the laws of the People�s Republic of China and rules and regulations of the Contract Factory in the

period of service in PRC .

6.4 The Licensee shall send his technical personnel to the relevant factories of the Licensor

for technical t raining . The number of personnel, speciality , content , duration and requirement of

t raining are detailed in Annex to the Contract .

6.5 The licensor shall provide assistance for entry and exit visa and shall provide the

facilities necessary for the technical training for the Licensee�s trainees . The treatment conditions

of the t rainees in the Licensor�s count ry are detailed in Annex to the Cont ract .

6.6 The Licensee�s personnel under training shall observe the laws of the Licensor�s

count ry and the rules and regulations of the Licensor�s factories in the period of training .


7.1 In order to verify the completeness , correctness and reliability of the Technical

Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor under the Contract , the Licensor shall , at

his own expense send his representatives to carry out acceptance test on the Cont ract Products

join tly with the technical personnel of the Licensee in the Cont ract Factory . The specific

procedure of the acceptance test and the standard of the acceptance are detailed in Annex


to the Cont ract .

7.2 If the technical performances of the Cont ract Products specified in Annex to the

Cont ract are achieved in the acceptance tests, both parties� authorized representative shall sign

four copies of the acceptance certificate for the Cont ract Products and , two copies for each party .

7.3 If any technical performance of the Cont ract Products specified in Annex to the

Cont ract is not achieved in the acceptance tests , both par ties shall have friendly consultation and

discussion and jointly analyse the causes and take measures to eliminate the defect . The second

acceptance test shall be carried out after the defects have been eliminated .

7.4 If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the Licensor ,

the Licensor shall , at his own expenses , take measures to eliminate the defects , again send his

technical personnel to participate in the second acceptance test and shall bear all the expenses

incurred in the second acceptance test including the expenses for the materials used in the second

acceptance test . If the responsibility for the failure of the first acceptance test lies with the

Licensee, the Licensee shall , at his own expenses , take measures to eliminated the defects and

bear all the relevant expenses incurred in the second acceptance test .

7.5 If it is due to the Licensor�s responsibility that any technical performance of the

Cont ract Products specified in Annex to the Cont ract is still not achieved in the second

acceptance test , the Licensor shall compensate the Licensee for the direct expenses sustained by

the Licensee , for the acceptance test , and shall at his own expenses , take measures to eliminate

the defects and send his technical personnel to par ticipate in the third acceptance test including the

expenses for the materials used in the third acceptance test . If the responsibility for the failure of

the second acceptance test lies with the Licensee, the Licensee shall , at his own expenses , take

measures to eliminate the defects and bear the relevant expenses incurred in the third acceptance

test .

7.6 If it is due to the Licensor�s responsibility that any technical performance of the

Cont ract Products specified in Annex to the Cont ract is still not achieved in the above-

mentioned three acceptance tests , the stipulations in Chause 8.7 shall be applied . If the

responsibility for the failure of the above-mentioned three acceptance tests lies with the Licensee,

then both parties shall discuss and agree upon further execution of the Contract .


8.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied

by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Cont ract shall be of the latest and well -

proved Technical Documentation and Software which are actually used by the Licensor and that

the improved, modified and developed Technical Documentation and Software shall be supplied in

time by the Licensor to the Licensee in the course of implementation of the Contract , without

charge .

8.2 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied

by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the Cont ract shall be complete , correct and

legible , and shall be delivered in time in accordance with the stipulations in Annex to the


Cont ract .

8.3 If it is found by the Licensee that the Technical Documentation and Software supplied

by the Licensor is not in conformity with the stipulations in Annex to the Cont ract and

Clause 8.2 to the Contract , the Licensor shall mail the related Technical Documentation to

Licensee free of charge within ( ) days after receiving the Licensee�s written

notice .

8.4 If the Licensor fails to deliver the Technical Documentation and Software in accordance

with the time schedule stipulated in Annex to the Contract and Clause 8.3 , the Licensor

shall pay to the Licensee penalties for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software

at the following rates:

% ( percent ) of the total Contract price of the Technical Documentation and

Software for each full week of late delivery . The above mentioned total penalties shall not exceed

% ( percent )of the total Contract price of this Contract .

The penalty paid shall be in the form of Liquidated Damages and shall fully indemnify the

Licensee for all costs incurred as a result of such delay .

8.5 Payment of penalty made by the Licensor to the Licensee in accordance with the

stipulation in Clause 8.4 to the Contract shall not release the Licensor from his obligations to

continue to deliver the Technical Documentation and Software which is subject to penalties for late

delivery .

8.6 If the period for late delivery of the Technical Documentation and Software exceeds

( ) months , the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the Contract. In such

case, the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the total amounts which the Licensee has already

paid plus in terest at the rate of % per annual thereon.

8.7 If it is due to the Licensor�s responsibility that any techniacl performance of the

Cont ract Products is not achieved in the acceptance tests , the case shall be dealt with in the

following manner:

If it is due to the Licensor�s responsibitity that any technical performance of the Contract

Products specified in Annex to the Contract is not achieved , and the Licensee can not

put the Cont ract P roducts in to production , the Licensee shall be entitled to terminate the

Cont ract. In the case of termination of the Contract , the Licensor shall return to the Licensee the

total amounts which have already been paid by the Licensee to the Licensor plus interest at the

rate % per annual thereon and compensate the Licensee for direct losses upon mutual


If it is due to the Licensor�s responsibility that only some of the technical performances of the

Cont ract P roducts specified in Annex to the Contract are not achieved , but the

Licensee still can put the Cont ract Products in to production , the Licensor shall compensate

Licensee for the direct expenses at an amount pf %— % ( to percent ) of

contract price according to the significan ts of the discrepancy.



9.1 The Licensor shall guarantee that the Licensor has lawful ownership of all the technical

know - how , the Technical Documentation and Software supplied by the Licensor to the Licensee

in accordance with the Cont ract , and that the Licensor has the right to t ransfer the technology

and supply the Cont ract Equipment and the Parts to the Licensee. In case any third party brings

a charge of infringement, the Licensor shall take up the matter with the third party and bear all

legal and financial responsibilities which may arise.

9.2 Both Par ties shall keep secret all technical know - how , technical documentation and

all the information of hydrology, geology and production of the Cont ract Factory regarding the

business of the other party, being either technical or commercial of nature, during the validity

period of the Contract as well as thereafter for a period of years. If a par t of the whole of

such know - how , information or documentation becomes or is made publicly known , either the

Party knowning such know - how , in formation or documentation or through a third party, the

other Par ty shall no longer be held to his secrecy obligation.

9.3 The Licensee shall have the right to use the technical know - how and the Technical

Documentations and Soft ware supplied by the Licensor to design , manufacture and sell the

Cont ract P roducts after the termination of the Cont ract.


10.1 ALL taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be

levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensee in accordance with the Chinese tax laws and

regulations in effect shall be paid by the Licensee.

10.2 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in the execution of the Contract to be

levied by the Government of the PRC on the Licensor in accordance with the tax laws in effect

and the“ Agreement between the Government of the People�s Republic of China and the

Government of for the Reciprocal Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Provention

of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Property”shall be borne by the Licenor.

10.3 All the taxes and duties in connection with and in thee execution of the Contract to be

levied outside the PRC shall be paid by the Licensor.


11.1 The Licensor shall , within ( ) calendar days after signing of the

Cont ract , furnish a Performance Bond to the Licensee, issued by the Bank of China, Beijing

against the counter - guarantee issued by a foreign bank to the Bank of China, Beijing ; in the

amount of ( ) percent of the total Cont ract Price. The Performance Bond shall

remain valid until the acceptance of the Contract Products and expiration of the guaran tee period


of the Cont ract Equipment.

11.2 The Performance Bond shall be furnished by the Licensor by a Bank Guarantee in the

form as stipulated in Annex to the Contract. The cost thereof shall be borne by the


11.3 In case the Licensor fails to perform any of his obligations under the Contract , the

Licensee shall have the righ t to have a recourse from the Performance Bond.


12.1 If either of the cont racting par ties is prevented from executing the Contract by such

cases of force majeure as war , serious flood, fire, typhoon and earthquake or other cases which

are agreed upon by both par ties as cases of force majeure , the time for performance of the Contract

shall be extended by a period equivalen t to the effect of such cases.

12.2 The affected party shall notify the other party of cases of force majeure occurred by

telex, cable or fax as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail , within

( ) days thereafter , a certifcate issued by the authority or department concerned to the

other party for confirmation.

12.3 Should the effect of the force majeure casea last for more than ( )

days, both par ties shall set tle the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly

consultation as soon as possible.


13.1 All the disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Contract shall be settled

by both Par ties through friendly consultations. In case no settlement to the disputes can be

reached by both Par ties through friendly consultations , the disputes shall be settled through

arbit ration.

13.2 The arbitration shall take place in , , and be conducted by

the Arbitration Institute of Chamber of Commerce in according to the provisional

procedures and rules of the said Arbitration Commission.

13.3 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both Par ties.

13.4 The arbit ration fee shall be borne by the losing party , except as otherwise awarded by

the said Arbit ration Commission.

13.5 In course of arbit ration , both par ties shall continue to execute the Contract except the

par t of the Contract which is under arbit ration.


14.1 This Cont ract is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties on

in .Both parties shall file applications with their respective


governments for ratification of the Contract , if required. The date of effectiveness of the Contract

shall be the date of last happening of the followings:

A. Ratification of the Contract from the last par ty.

B. Approval of the Contract by the World Bank.

C. The Licensee�s receip t of the Performance Bond.

Both parties shall do their u tmost of obtain the ratification , and shall advise the other party by

telex or fax and send a letter for confirmation.

14.2 If the Contract cannot come into force within ( ) months after the

date of signing the Contract , both par ties shall have the righ t to cancel the Contract.

14.3 The Contract shall be in force for from the effective date of the Cont ract.

After the expiration of its term of validity , the Contract shall automatically become null and void.

14.4 The outstanding creditor�s right and debts between both par ties at the expiration of

the Cont ract shall not be influenced by the expiration of the Contract. The debtor shall continue

to pay the creditor the outstanding debts.

14.5 This Contract is made out in the English language in two originals , one for each

par ty.

14.6 The Cont ract is formed by Ar ticle I to Ar ticle 15 and Annex I to Annex .

The tex t and Annex of the Contract shall be integral parts of the Contract and have the same legal


14.7 Any changes , amendment , supplement and subtractions to the stipulations of the

Cont ract shall be valid after both par ties� authorized representatives have signed written

documents which shall form integral parts of the Cont ract and shall have the same legal force as

the Cont ract.

14.8 In the course of implementation of the Contract , all the communications between

both parties shall be in the English language. Formal notice shall be in written form in duplicate

and be sent by registered airmail.

14.9 Notwithstanding the stipulations in Clause 14. I of this Clause of this Cont ract , both

par ties shall have the right to terminate this Cont ract which has already or may become effective,

if the Cont ract No. has not come in to effect not due to the Licensor�s responsibility

within months after signing this Cont ract. In case that the Contract No. can

not become effective due to the Licensor�s responsibility within months after the signing of

them , the Licensee shall have the righ t to decide within months thereafter whether or not to

terminate this Cont ract. In such cases of termination , both par ties shall settle account through

friendly consultation as regard to compensation of payment and expenses already made by each

par ty.


15.1 �The Licensee :




Telex :


15.2 �The Licensor :

Name: Company , Germany

Address: Germany

Telex :


15.3 Signature of the both parties�authorized representatives:

Licensee(signature) Licensor( signature)


国际技术服务合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

在 注册成立的 公司 (以下简称甲方 )和中国 公司 ( 以下简称乙方 ) , 于

年 月 日签订本技术服务合同 :


1. 应甲方邀请 , 乙方同意派遣 名工程师组成的中国技术服务组 , 于 年

月 日赴 ( 甲方国名 )的 (市 ) (或某工地 ) ;

2. 在 ( 甲方国名 ) , 受甲方邀请的乙方中国技术服务人员应有准备 , 并且愿意同

甲方的 公司共同工作。


乙方人员在 (甲方国名 ) 期间 , 应服从甲方国家的法律 , 受甲方的管理规章制度



1. (1 ) 甲方负责向乙方人员支付乙方提出的每人每月 (币别 ) 的免税技术服务费。

(2 )上述免税技术服务费的 %应以美元 (或英镑 ) 支付。

(3 )本条 ( 1) 款提及的技术服务费自乙方人员到达 ( 甲方国名 )之日起开始计算。

2. (1 ) 在甲方服务期间 , 乙方人员在工作或业余的全部时间内 ,应保证行为端正。

(2 ) 甲方对乙方人员在甲方服务期间的犯罪行为不承担责任。


甲方负担乙方人员往返中国和 ( 甲方国名 ) 的国际旅费和每人不超过 20 公斤的超

重行李费 ,并负责安排机票。


1. 第三条 1 (1 )款中所提的技术服务费的 % 应以 币 ( 即甲方的国币 ) 支付给

在 的中国技术服务组 , 其余 % 应由甲方按银行当日公布的兑率折成美元 ( 或

英镑 )。

2. 所折成的美元 (或英镑 ) 应电汇 (如伦敦 ) 中国银行转汇北京 (或其他中国城市 )

中国银行营业部 公司 ( 即乙方公司 ) 号账户。

3. 甲方应以书面形式将汇款情况通知中国驻甲方国大使馆经参处。


甲、乙双方执行合同期间 , 甲方同意 :

1. 为乙方技术服务组人员免费提供设备齐全的住宿 ;

2. 为乙方技术服务组人员免费提供交通工具 ;

3. 免费提供乙方必要和充分的劳保用品 ;

4. 为乙方技术人员免费提供人寿保险 ;


5. 为乙方技术服务人员免费提供足够的办公设施和用品 ;

6. 在指定的医院或诊所为技术服务组人员提供免费医疗 , 但不包括镶牙、配镜和性病的

治疗 ;

7. 乙方技术服务组人员因公出差 , 应按照甲方人员待遇 , 发给出差补助费 , 以 币

(甲方国币 ) 支付给乙方技术服务。


合同期间 ,乙方技术人员享受中 (甲方国名 ) 两国的全部公共假日。


1. 乙方人员每年享受三十天的休假 ,工资照发 ( 从开始工作之日算起工作十一个月 ,第十

二个月为休假 )。休假期间工资应全部以美元 ( 或英镑 )支付。

2. 乙方技术人员每年应得 元 ( 甲方国币 )的奖金 , 奖金的 %以美元 (或英镑 )


3. 在甲方服务期间 ,甲方为乙方技术人员回国休假提供往返经济舱机票。


甲方还同意为乙方人员办理移民手续 ,其中包括 :

1. 办理出入境签证 ;

2. 为乙方人员办理合同规定雇用期间的长期居住许可 ;

3. 承担本条 1 和 2 款所产生的费用。


在合同期间内 ,乙方技术人员由于家庭不幸和/ 或其他原因 ,可请紧急事假十天。

1. 准予乙方人员事假时 ,甲方不负责 :

(1 ) 乙方事假人员旅费 ;

(2 ) 本合同第三条 1 (1 )款中所规定的技术服务费 ;

(3 ) 因乙方人员事假期满后不能返回 (甲方国名 ) 而换人时所需费用。

2. 乙方应负责 :

(1 ) 从国内另行换人 , 替换不能返回甲方服务的技术人员 ;

(2 ) 承担换人所需的全部费用 ;

(3 ) 因乙方人员事假期满后不能返回 (甲方国名 ) 而换人时所产生的费用。

3. (1 ) 在合同期间内 ,由于甲方或所在国原因 , 致使乙方人员不能工作时 , 甲方同意 : 向

乙方技术人员支付双方同意的技术服务费 (见第三条 1 (1 )款 ) ;

(2 ) 因甲方原因终止合同、甲方违反合同或阻挠合同履行时 ,甲方同意 :

a. 按合同规定费用 ,向乙方人员支付三个月的技术服务费 ( 见第三条 1( 1)款 ) ;

b. 执行本合同第四条的规定。


1. 乙方技术人员因身体不好或工伤 ,在两个月内不能痊愈时 , 乙方同意 :

(1 ) 从中国另行派人替换上述人员 ;

(2 ) 承担替换人员从中国到 (甲方国名 ) 的旅费 ;

(3 ) 甲方同意承担因病或工伤返回中国人员的旅费。

2. 在合同期间内 ,技术服务组人员因工伤致残或死亡 , 甲方同意 :

(1 ) 处理事故、工伤或死亡的一切善后事宜 ;


(2 ) 负担所产生的费用 ;

(3 ) 按 (甲方国名 ) 现行的工人补偿法向死者伤残者支付抚恤金和/ 或补偿费。


本合同未尽事宜 ,由双方通过友好协商解决。

双方对本合同的解释如有不同意见 ,发生分歧和争执 , 或由本合同产生或与本合同有关的

其他事项 ,应根据 (甲方国名 ) 的现行法律 ,提交双方均能接受的惟一仲裁人解决。


本合同的执行从 年 月 日开始 , 有效期限共 年 , 此为第一阶段。

年合同期满后 , 双方应进一步商定延续合同期限和与之有关的条件。


本合同共两份 ,分别用中、 文写成 , 双方各执一份。两种文本具有同等效力 ,并对双



甲方签字人 : 2乙方签字人 :

甲方公司名称 : 乙方公司名称 :

见证人姓名 : 见证人姓名 :

地址 : 地址 :

职务 : 职务 :

签名 : 签名 :


成套设备技术引进合同 ( 中英文对照 )



(参考文本 )

This Agreement is en tered in to and made in duplicate on ( Date ) , in ( Place) , between

Corporation ( hereinafter called Corporation ) , incorporated by the California

Corporations Code and having its principal executive office in the city of ,

USA, as PARTY OF THE FIRST PART and Corporation , ( hereinafter

called Purchaser) as PAR TY OF THE SECOND PART .

本协议由 按美 国《加利 福尼 亚州 公司 法典》组建 , 总部 设在 美国 地 的

公司 ( 以下称公司 ) 为甲方与 公司 ( 以下称为买方 ) 为乙方于×月×



In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained , it is agreed by

and between Corporation and Purchaser as follows:

鉴于公司和买方就本协议达成一致意见 ,特此订立以下条款 :


For the purpose of this Agreement , the following terms shall have the meanings defined


第一条 释义

本协议各术语的释义如下 :

“Acceptance Test Manual”


The Acceptance Test Manual shall be the document prepared by Corporation which will be

used by Corporation and Purchaser for checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the

Specifications and Approved Data .

验收手册是指由公司提供 ,供方公司与买方检验设备是否符合技术规格和规定资料标准


“System Par ts”


System Par ts are those which are necessary to Corporation in the performance of this

Agreement and derived from Approved Data and shall include but not be limited to those parts

which are manufactured by Corporation�s suppliers . Notwithstanding the foregoing, mutually

agreed simulated and modified equipment used in lieu of the foregoing shall be deemed to be


System Parts .

系统零件是指公司执行本协议所必需的按规定资料标准生产的零件 ,其包括 , 但不必一定

是公司供货商所生产的零件。经双方同意 ,用以替代上述零件的仿制或改进设备也应视为系


“Approved Data”


Approved Data shall mean those drawings , data and other technical information which are

relevant to the System , and which are necessary to Corporation in the performance of this

Agreement .


“Associated Items”


Associated Items shall mean those associated items and services specified in Exhibit“C”

which is attached hereto and made a part hereof .

附属项目是指 C 表中规定的附属及服务项目 , C 表附属本协议且为本协议的一部分。

“Deficiencies or Detects”


Deficiencies or Defects shall mean those areas of the Equipment ( configuration and

performance) that fail to meet identified sections of the Acceptance Test Manual .

缺陷或瑕疵是指设备 (结构或性能 ) 不符合验收手册有关规定之处。

“Effective Date”


The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date on which Corporation is au thorized to

proceed with the work hereunder to Purchaser�s account or the date on which the first payment is

received by Corporation . The authorization to proceed referred to in the foregoing may be either a

telex or letter from a duly authorized officer of Purchaser providing such authorization to proceed ,

or a copy of this Agreement duly signed by both parties . The said Effective Date shall be

const rued as the date of the commencement of work hereunder .


述授权书可为买方正式委任的官员所发之电报或信函 , 或是双方正式签署的本协议副本。上


“Excusable Delay”


Excusable Delay where the term is used in this Agreement shall mean those causes of delay

specifically identified in Article 7 hereof ( Excusable Delay) .

本协议中使用的“可容许的迟延”一术语是指由本协议第 7 条 (可谅解延迟 ) 中明文规定的


“Proprietary Software”


Proprietary Software shall mean any program or other information stored on tapes , discs ,


documents or other material , in machine readable or other form , which is the proper ty of

Corporation .

专有软件是指储存在磁带、磁盘、文件或其他材料 (不论属于计算机直接处理或其他形式 )


“Site Acceptance”


Site Acceptance shall mean the final acceptance of the Equipment carried out by the

Purchaser at Purchaser�s Facility in accordance with the Acceptance Test Manual .




Specification shall mean the document identified in Exhibit“A”hereto .

技术规格是指本协议附表 A。


第二条 销售主体事项

( a) Corporation shall sell to the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall purchase from Corporation

the Equipment together with the Associated Items .

公司愿意向买方出售 ,买方愿意向公司购买设备及其附属项目。

( b ) The Equipment and Associated I tems shall be in accordance with this Agreement and the

Specification .


(c ) The Equipment shall have the capability to perform in accordance with the performance

standards expressed in , to the extent that such standards are covered by the

Specification and Approved Data and subject to the availability of all necessary drawings , data and

other technical information .

设备性能必须符合 所规定的性能 , 达到技术规格和规定资料的标准 , 遵


( d) Corporation will prepare and submit to the Purchaser three draft copies of the Acceptance

Test Manual not later than . The schedule for review and approval of the Acceptance

Test Manual is contained in Exhibit“B”hereto .

公司应于 ( 日期 )之前准备且提交给买方验收手册草案副本 3 份。审议和批准

验收手册的日程载于附表 B。

( e) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement proper and those of

the Exhibits hereto , the provisions of the Agreement proper shall govern . In the event of any

conflict between the Acceptance Test Manual and the Specification or Approved Data, the

Specification and Approved Data shall govern .

本协议正文规定如与附表规定相抵触 , 以本协议正文规定为准。验收手册若与技术规格

或规定资料相悖 ,则以技术规格和规定资料为准。



第三条 价格

The Total Purchase Price of the Equipment and Associated I tems with All Risks transit

insurance prepaid to Purchaser�s Facility shall be .

设备及附属项目购买费加上买方设备的预付运输保险金 ,总价为 : .


第四条 支付

(a) All amounts stated or referred to herein are in lawful money of and all

payments shall be made in lawful money of by the Purchaser to Corporation at

Corporation�s Plan t , unless Corporation otherwise directs by notice in writing to the Purchaser .

本协议所规定或涉及的所有款额均为 (币种 ) 法定货币 , 买方支付公司的所有

款项都必须使用 法定货币 , 公司书面另行通知买方的除外。

( b) The Purchaser agrees to pay Corporation the Total Purchase Price, as follows:

买方同意向公司支付买价 ,总金额为 。

(c) The Purchaser shall , upon receip t of Corporation�s respective invoices therefor , pay to

Corporation all amounts which become due by the Purchaser to Corporation hereunder , including

without limitation an amount equal to the taxes and duties .

收到公司的各种发票后 ,买方必须即刻付给公司业已到期应付的所有款项 , 包括各种税收

费用在内 ,不得有例外。

( d) If by reason of delay on the part of the Purchaser or Purchaser�s agent or represen tative,

any payments due to Corporation are not made in accordance with the agreed payment schedule

Corporation reserves the righ t to apply a late payment charge of one and one-half ( 1 .1/ 2% )

percent per month ( 19 .56% per annum ) on all overdue amounts and Purchaser agrees to

promptly pay any such late payment charges which are properly due hereunder . In the event that

one or more payments are delayed for six ty ( 60 ) days or more, Corporation shall have the rihgt to

stop all work under this Agreement and shall also have the right to claim such period of work

stoppage and the effects thereof as excusable delay pursuant to Ar ticle 7 hereof ( Excusable

Delay) . Purchaser agrees to reimburse Corporation for those additional reasonable costs incurred

by Corporation resulting from such work stoppage ( s ) and restart ( s ) .Should one or more

payments by delayed for one hundred and twenty ( 120 ) days or more, this Agreement may , at

Corporation�s option , be deemed to be cancelled under the provisions of paragraphs ( b) through

(e) of Article 23 hereof ( Termination for Insolvency & Cancellation) .

如果由于买方或买方代理商或代理人的延迟 , 不能按议定的付款时间支付公司业已到期

的款项 ,公司保留收取延付费的权利 , 延付费月率为到期末付款的 1 .5% (年率为 19 .56 % ) , 买

方也同意即刻交付本协议所规定的此种费用。如一次或数次延迟付款达六十 ( 60) 天或以上 ,

公司有权停止本协议所规定的工作 ,并有权根据本协议第 7 条 (可谅解的延迟 ) 称此段工作停


如一次或数次延迟付款达一百二十 (120 )天或以上 , 根据本合同第 23 条 ( 因无力清偿债务而终

止和撤销 )第 2—5 款规定 ,按公司的意愿 , 本协议可视为被撤销。



第五条 交货与验收

( a) Corporation shall give the Purchaser at least twenty-eight ( 28 ) days preliminary notice in

writing and at least seven ( 7 ) days firm notice in writing of the date on which Corporation

proposes to offer the Equipment to the Purchaser for Plant Acceptance . The Purchaser shall have

five ( 5 ) working days per week during a consecutive week period , being , a total of

working days , after said offer for Plant Acceptance within which to accomplish the tests

laid down in the Acceptance Test Manual .

公司至少得在二十八 (28) 天前将提供设备让买方作设备出厂初步验收的日期用书面形式

通知买方公司 ,且至少在七 ( 7) 天前书面通知买方设备验收的确切日期。买方须在上述设备验

收日期之后连续 周内 , 每周为五 (5 )个工作日 , 共计 个工作日 , 完成验收手册所规


(b ) In the event that Deficiencies in the Equipment become evident, such Deficiencies shall

be corrected by Corporation either during the two days per week during which the Purchaser will

not be testing or during the testing provided the corrective action does not impede or restrict the

Purchaser in carrying out said tests . After correction , the Purchaser shall be afforded such

additional time as may be agreed to repeat any unsuccessful tests together with any other tests

necessary to confirm that said Deficiencies have been cleared and that previous successful tests

have not been affected .

如发现设备有缺陷 ,得由公司进行校正 , 或在每周买方不进行检测的两天中进行 , 或在检

测期间进行 ,只要不妨碍买方进行上述检测。校正之后 , 应给买方额外时间以进行尚未完成的

以及其他的任何必要检测 ,以证实上述缺陷已清除 , 同时不得影响以前成功的检测。

(c ) Upon successful completion of the tests the Purchaser shall sign a Plan t Acceptance

Certificate evidencing such completion and listing any agreed Deficiencies to be corrected by

Corporation within such period as may be agreed with the Purchaser .

顺利完成这些检测后 ,买方须在出厂设备验收证上签字 , 证明业已完成检测 , 并注明双方

认可的 ,且应由公司在买方同意的期间内校正的缺陷。

( d) After the signing of the Plant Acceptance Certificate by the Purchaser , Corporation shall

dismantle and pack the Equipment for surface shipment to Purchaser�s Facility .

买方在出厂设备验收证上签字后 ,公司须将设备拆卸、包装 ,以便运往买方工厂。

( e ) Shipping arrangements between Corporation�s plant and Purchaser�s Facility will be

made without undue delay by, or to the direction of , who will be responsible for all costs of

surface shipment and transportation of the Equipment and Deliverable Associated I tems .

从公司工厂至买方工厂的装运应由×××进行或由他安排 ,不得无故延误 , ×××应负责


(f) The Purchaser shall have consecutive days after being offered the Equipment for

Site Acceptance within which to check and ensure that the Equipment will s till accomplish the

tests completed during Plant Acceptance .

买方需要连续××个工作日对设备进行现场验收 ,在此期间 , 检查并确保设备仍能完成出


( g) Corporation shall , as soon as practicable after the said check , and during said check to


the exten t that the Purchaser is not impeded or restricted in carrying out checking , correct any

Deficiencies of which the Purchaser shall have notified the Corporation supervisor . After

correction , the Purchaser shall be afforded such additional time as may be agreed to repeat any

unsuccessful tests together with any other tests necessary to confirm that said Deficiencies have

been cleared and that previous successful checking has not been affected .

公司必须在上述验收后尽快 ,或在验收期间 , 在不妨碍买方检验条件下 , 校正买方向公司

监督员所通知的缺陷。校正之后 , 应同意给予买方额外时间以重复尚未通过的检测 , 以及进


(h ) Upon completion of said check the Purchaser shall immediately sign a Site Acceptance

Certificate evidencing such completion and listing any agreed Deficiencies to be corrected by

Corporation within such a period as may be mutually agreed upon .

上述检测完成后 ,买方须立即在现场验收证上签字以证明验收完毕 , 并注明双方认可的 ,


( i) Such Site Acceptance shall take place within a period of weeks after the Effective

Date as such period may be extended pursuant to Article 7 hereof ( Excusable Delay) . In the event

the Purchaser shall use the Equipment for training , Site Acceptance shall be deemed to have

occurred and the Site Acceptance Certificate shall be signed for thwith and shall be effective the

date on which the Purchaser first used the Equipment for training .

现场验收应在协议生效后×周内进行 ,该期限可按本协议第 7 条 ( 可谅解的延迟 ) 规定延

长。若买方用该设备进行培训 ,则认定现场验收已经进行 , 应立即签署现场验收证 , 此证须从


( j) If re-calibration or reprogramming is needed to clear Deficiencies during Plan t Acceptance

testing or Site Acceptance testing , the latest available drawings , data , and other technical

information relevant to the System shall be used if no additional delay or cost is involved . If

additional delay or cost is involved , such drawings , data and other technical information shall only

be used upon the written request of the Purchaser . The drawings , data and other technical

information referred to in the foregoing of this paragraph shall become Approved Data by virtue of

the execution of a Change Order executed pursuant to Article 9 hereof ( Changes) .

如在出厂验收试验或现场验收试验期间 ,为查明故障而需重新校正或重新编排程序 , 在不

致引起延误或价格增加的情况下 ,应尽可能采用最新的图纸、数据及与该系统有关的其他技术

资料。若因此会误期或使价格增加 ,则只能按买方原来书面要求采用原图纸、数据和其他技术

资料。本项前文所述的图纸、数据和其他技术资料 ,在按本协议第 9 条 ( 更改 ) 更改订单后 , 即



第六条 所有权和损失的风险

Corporation shall retain title in and to the Equipment and Associated Items until payment in

full of the Total Purchase Price . Notwithstanding the foregoing , risk of loss of or damage to the

Equipment and deliverable Associated Items shall pass to the Purchaser at the time the Equipment

and deliverable Associated I tems are delivered Ex-Works ( Per Incoterms 1980 Edition )

Corporation�s Plan t .


公司保留对设备及其附属项目的所有权 ,直到总买价全部付清为止。尽管如此 , 该设备及


(根据《国际商会国际贸易术语解释通则》1980 年版 )。


第七条 可谅解的延迟

(a ) Corporation shall not be in breach of any of its obligations under this Agreement when

failure to perform , or delay in performing, any obligation is due wholly or in part to act of God ,

act of the public enemy , war , civil commotion , insurrection , riot , embargo , fire , explosion ,

earthquake, lightning , flood or other major action of the elements, or other catast rophe,

legislation , any act , order or regulation of any governmental or other duly constituted authority ,

delay or failure of carriers, delay by the Purchaser or strike or other labor troubles , lack or

shortage or delay in delivery of supplies , materials, accessories or equipment , or any other cause

beyond Corporation�s practical control . In the event of such failure or delay the time fixed for the

performance by Corporation of any obligation whatsoever imposed in this Agreement shall , at

Corporation�s option , be extended for a period not longer than the period during which any such

cause and the effects thereof persist . However , Corporation shall use all reasonable efforts to

minimize the effects of any Excusable Delay hereunder .

如部分或全部因下列原因而致使任何义务没有或延迟履行 ,公司不得承担任何违约责任 :


事件、其他重大灾难、政府或其他合法当局的法律、法规、命令或规定、运输延误或故障 ; 因买方

或罢工或其他劳动争议造成的延误 ;因物资、材料、附件或设备短缺或供货延误或其他任何公

司无法实际控制的原因。如由此而没有或延误履行协议 , 公司愿意可以延长其执行本协议规

定义务的时间 ,但延长期不得超过事故或其后果的持续期。但公司应尽一切努力减小可谅解


(b ) Without limiting the generality of the provisions of the foregoing paragraph , the

following causes shall be deemed to be causes of Excusable Delay:

除上述规定之外 ,下列原因也应视为可谅解延迟的原因 :

If Corporation shall not have received all the necessary Approved Data, provided however ,

that any such cause of delay is reasonably beyond Corporation�s practical cont rol and not

occasioned by fault or negligence of Corporation .

如公司没有收到有些必要的认可资料 ,但这种延误必须是公司实际无法控制 , 而不是由于


(c ) Corporation shall advise the Purchaser promptly of any anticipated or actual delay

affecting Delivery or Site Acceptance together with any relevant detailed information and the

anticipated extent of any such delay .



( d) Where the period of any Excusable Delay caused or in troduced by Purchaser is at least

one hundred and twenty ( 120) days and the Parties have not agreed within a further thirty (30)

days period upon a revised basis for performing the obligations under this Agreement , including


the adjustment of the Total Purchase Price, then Corporation may thereupon by written notice

cancel this Agreement and such cancellation shall be deemed to have occurred pursuant to the

provisions of paragraphs ( b ) through ( e) of Article 23 hereof ( Termination for Insolvency &

Cancellation) .

如果买方导致或引起的可谅解的延迟达一百二十 (120 )天 , 在其后的 30 天以内 , 双方未能

就变通履行本协议的义务达成协议 ,包括调整总买价 , 公司可就此书面通知买方撤销本协议 ,

这种撤销应视为是执行本协议第 23 条 ( 因无力清偿债务而终止和撤销 )第 2—5 款规定。


第八条 税收

In addition to the Total Purchase P rice to which reference is made in Ar ticle 3 hereof, the

Purchaser shall also pay to Corporation all export brokerage fees and all sales , consumption ,

turnover, use , excise or similar taxes or duties levied by any taxing authority in having

jurisdiction under any present or fu ture law , whether now or hereafter in force and effect ,

required to be paid by Corporation in connection with this Agreement .

除第 3 条所提及的总买价外 ,买方须向公司支付所有的出口经纪人佣金以及销售、消费、

营业、使用、货物等税或类似的由××地任何税务部门根据现行法律或今后制定的法律 , 不论

其是现在或今后生效的 ,对公司征收的与本协议有关的税收。


第九条 更改

( a) After the date of this Agreement no alterations shall be made to this Agreement proper or

to the Exhibits except by means of a Change Order made pursuant to this Article except for

alterations made pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Article .

自本协议生效之日起 ,不得对本协议正文或附表作任何更改 , 按本条第 3 款所作的更改除

外 ,但须按此条规定制作更改订单。

(b) Every Change Order shall be in writing and shall set forth in detail the effect of the

alteration on the Specification , price, performance, design , acceptance dates and

in terchangeability of spare parts whether delivered or to be delivered or any other matter

substan tive to this Agreement and shall be signed by the Purchaser and Corporation .

更改订单必须作成书面形式 ,详细说明更改对技术规格、价格、性能、设计、验收日期、已交

付或即将交付备件的更换性能以及本协议的其他重大事项的影响 ,而且应由买方和公司签字。

(c ) Corporation may make such minor changes and corrections in the Specification as it may

deem appropriate to correct defects or improve the Equipment ; provided that such changes shall

not adversely affect the Total Purchase P rice , functional characteristics , performance,

in terchangeability of spare parts .

为修补瑕疵或改善设备 ,公司可适当对技术规格做微小的更改或校正 , 只要这种更改不会



第十条 备件

(a ) Corporation shall supply spare par ts of Corporation�s design or manufacture to the

Purchaser for a period of ten ( 10 ) years from the date of Site Acceptance . Spare parts ordered by


the Purchaser during the said ten-year period shall be supplied F .O .B Corporation�s plan t or

Corporation�s then current commercial prices prevailing at the time of receipt of order, which

prices shall be reasonable . Upon the expiry of said period and prior to disposing of any special

tooling used to make spare par ts of Corporation�s design , Corporation shall notify the Purchaser in

writing in order to permit the Purchaser to place orders therefor .

公司在十 (10)年期内 (从现场验收日起 ) 得向买方提供公司设计或制造的备件。在此 10

年期间 ,买方订购的备件得以收到订单时公司的现行销售价或公司的工厂交货价供货 , 哪种价

格合理即适用哪种。上述期限到期时和在处置用以制造公司设计备件的专门机床之前 , 公司



第十一条 侵犯专利

(a ) Subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth , Corporation will indemnify and protect

the Purchaser against any payments made by Purchaser in discharge of its liability, excluding any

liability for consequential or incidental damages as enumerated in Ar ticle 14 hereof ( Limitation of

Liability) resulting from any infringement or claim of any infringement of any American paten t ,

but no other patent or righ ts , by the Equipment purchased hereunder , except that Corporation�s

only paten t indemnity with respect to accessories , equipment or parts which are not manufactured

exclusively to Corporation�s detailed design shall be that specifically set forth in paragraph ( b)

hereof .

公司将按以下所规定的条件 ,保护买方免予承担因按本协议购买设备而侵犯或被指控侵

犯美国专利 (非其他专利或权利 ) 的任何赔偿责任 ,本协议第 14 条 (责任范围 ) 所罗列的间接损

害或意外损害责任除外 ,只属公司所有 , 且涉及没完全按公司设计详图制造的附件、设备或零

件的专利保护由本条第 2 款别行具体规定。

( b) Corporation shall only indemnify the Purchaser in respect of the infringement , or claim

of any infringement , of paten t by the accessories , equipment and parts not manufactured

exclusively to Corporation�s detailed design , but incorporated into the Equipment , in the same

manner , to the same extent and with the same limitations as the respective manufacturers of such

accessories , equipment and parts indemnify Corporation therefor and provided , in each case, that

the indemnity obtained by Corporation from the manufacturer shall be assignable to the

Purchaser . Corporation shall use all reasonable effor ts to obtain from its venders and suppliers the

most favorable indemnity protection for the Purchaser hereunder .

对于没完全按公司设计详图制造 ,但安装在本设备上的附件、设备或零件 , 公司只能按此

种附件、设备及零件的制造商保护公司免责的方式、范围和限度保护买方免责 ,在这种情况下 ,



(c ) Corporation shall not be liable with respect to any actual or alleged infringement unless:

公司对买方任何实际或被指控的侵权概不负责 ,除非 :

(i) Suit is commenced against the Purchaser for infringement or the Purchaser receives a

written claim alleging infringement , and the Purchaser gives notice in writing to Corporation

within ten ( 10 ) days after the receipt by the Purchaser of such written claim , as the case may be;



买方被诉侵权或收到指控侵权的索赔书 ,且在收到此种索赔书后十 (10 )天之内将情况书


( ii ) The Purchaser shall assist Corporation and shall use all diligent efforts , in full

cooperation with Corporation , to reduce ( otherwise than by non-use of the article in respect of

which infringement is claimed) royalties, claims , damages and expenses involved and promptly

furnishes to Corporation copies of all data , papers , records and other documents within the

Purchaser�s possession , material to resistance or defense againsf such claim or suit , and the

Purchaser refrains from making any payment and from assuming any obligations , expenses ,

damages , costs or royalties for which Corporation may be asked to respond .

买方必须协助公司且与公司通力合作 ,以便减少 ( 或不使用被指控是侵权的物品 ) 专利权

使用费、索赔费、损害赔偿金及有关费用 ,并及时向公司提供买方掌握的可用在此种索赔或诉

讼中作为辩驳材料的所有资料、文件、记录及其他文据副本 , 对于可能要求公司承担的任何义

务或支付的任何费用、损害赔偿金、诉讼费或专利权使用费 ,买方概不承担或支付。

( iii) Corporation shall be enabled and entitled to conduct negotiations concerning, or defend

any action in respect of , any claim or allegation and may choose to negotiate and defend either in

its own name or that of the Purchaser .

公司有权进行任何有关索赔之诉或指控的谈判或辩护 , 且可以本公司名义或以买方名义



第十二条 免责保护

(a ) The Purchaser and Corporation will remain employees of their respective companies for

all purposes during the carrying out of activities under this Agreement . Each party will carry

Workmen�s Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance with respect to their employees

only .

在本协议执行期间 ,为了各种目的 , 买方和公司均应使各自的雇员保持稳定。各方仅对自


( b ) Purchaser will indemnify and hold Corporation , its officers , agents , servants and

employees harmless from any and all loss, damage, liability , cost or expense which may be

suffered or incurred by Purchaser or the officers , agents , servants or employees of Purchaser ,

arising out of the activities carried out by Corporation under this Agreement , or the furnishing of

services by Corporation for the Equipment , unless caused by the willful misconduct or gross

negligence of Corporation , its officers , agents , servants or employees .


设备提供服务而使买方 ,或其官员、代理人、服务人员或雇员所受到或承担的任何或一切损失、

损害、责任、费用或开支的责任 ,因公司、其官员、代理人、服务人员或雇员故意渎职或严重过失


(c) Corporation will indemnify and hold the Purchaser , its officers , agents , servants and

employees harmless from any and all loss, damage, liability , cost or expense which may be

suffered or incurred by Corporation or its agents , servants or employees of Corporation , arising


out of activities carried out by Purchaser under this Agreement , or the furnishing of services by

Purchaser for the Equipment unless caused by the willful misconduct or gross negligence of

Purchaser, its officers, agents, servants or employees .



任、费用或开支的责任 , 因买方、其官员、代理人、服务人员或雇员故意渎职或严重过失所致的


(d ) In connection with the performance of this Agreement, each par ty shall be responsible

for damages caused by his fault to third par ties whether by positive act , imprudence, neglect or

want of skill .

履行本协议时 ,各方须对因自己的过失 , 不论是积极行为、鲁莽、疏忽或缺乏技术而给第三



第十三条 担保

( a ) In accordance with the provisions of this Article, Corporation warran ts that the

Equipment will be free of Defects in material and workmanship and from defects or faults in

design , insofar as the Equipment fails to meet the requirements of the Specification .

按本条款规定 ,公司保证不致因设备材料和工艺方面的缺陷 , 以及设计不完善而导致设备


( b) With respect to Defects in Equipment parts manufactured exclusively to Corporation�s

detailed design , Corporation�s liability is limited to making good at Corporation�s Plant by

replacement , or, at Corporation�s option , repair , Defects which under proper use appear therein

within a period of two ( 2) years after the date of signing the Site Acceptance Certificate .

就完全按公司设计详图制造的设备部件 ,在正常使用情况下 , 从签署现场验收合格证之日

起 ,如在两 ( 2) 年之内出现故障 ,公司只负责在公司的工厂进行调换 , 或视情况进行修理。

( c ) With respect to Defects in Equipment parts not manufactured exclusively to

Corporation�s detailed design , Corporation�s liability is limited to making good at Corporation�s

Plant by replacement or , at Corporation�s option , repair , Defects which under proper use appear

therein within a period of one ( 1 ) year after the date of signing he Site Acceptance Certificate,

except that in respect to Parts , Approved data and expendable and consumable parts the warran ty

provided shall be restricted to that provided hereafter in this Article .

就非完全按公司设计详图制造的设备部件 ,在正常使用情况下 , 从签署现场验收合格证之

日起 ,如在一 ( 1) 年之内出现故障 ,公司只负责在公司工厂进行调换 ,或视情况进行修理 , 但就


( d) With respect to Parts , Approved Data and expendable and consumable parts , Corporation

shall make every reasonable effort to obtain the best warranties possible from the manufacturer

thereof and assign to the Purchaser any such warran ties to the extent that such warranties shall be

assignable to the Purchaser .

就部件、认可资料和耗损零件而言 , 公司须尽一切应尽的可能从其制造者处取得最大的担

保 ,并将此种担保尽最大程度转让给买方。


(e) The above warranties shall not apply to Defects in the Equipment arising from repair ,

alterations , misuse or abuse by Purchaser personnel or from the Purchaser�s failure to operate and

main tain the Equipment in accordance with Corporation�s handbook of maintenance and operating

inst ructions furnished to the Purchaser .



(f ) The Purchaser shall return Equipment par ts which are alleged to be defective to

Corporation�s plant . The repaired or new Equipment par ts will be delivered to the Purchaser F .

O .B . Corporation�s Plant free of charge if the Equipment part returned was warranted hereunder .


交付买方 ,如所退设备部件属本协议的担保范畴 , 则可免费。

( g) EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES: The foregoing warranties provided in this Article

13 , the indemnification provided under Article 12 hereof ( Indemnification ) and the patent

indemnity provided under Article 11 hereof ( Patent Infringement ) are given by Corporation : ( 1)

In lieu of all indemnities arising in law or otherwise in respect of the work to be carried out under

this Agreement , and ( 2 ) IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR





担保除外规定 :公司应提供由该 13 条以上所规定的担保 ,第 12 条 (保护 ) 规定的保护和第

11 条 (侵犯专利 )规定的专利保护 , 而 : ( 1 ) 不再承担因履行本协议而导致的所有法律或其他

方的赔偿 , ( 2) 不再提供因履行本协议而出现的所有法律或其他方面的其他担保 , 不论是明示

或默示的 ,包括且不限于任何特定的有关可售性或适用性的默示担保。


第十四条 责任范围

Corporation shall not be liable under any circumstances for any consequential or incidental

damages of whatsoever kind or nature including but not limited to any loss , costs , or damages

incurred as a result of or arising out of any lack , or loss of use of the Equipment , or any other

property, of whatsoever nature or kind , for any reason whatsoever .

任何情况下 ,公司均不对任何种类或性质的间接或意外损失承担责任 , 包括且不限于因设

备或其他任何财产的短缺或使用而导致或发生的任何损失、费用或损害 , 不论其为何种性质或

种类 ,也不论是何原因。


第十五条 使用专有软件的特许

(a ) Notwithstanding the supply of Proprietary Software to the Purchaser , all righ ts in the

Proprietary Software remain the property of Corporation . However , Corporation hereby grants to

the Purchaser a non-exclusive, non-t ransferable license to use the Proprietary Software for its

in tended function , the consideration of such license being included in the Total Purchase Price .



专有软件 ,但该特许不属买方独有 , 且不可转让。特许权费应计入总买价。

( b) The Purchaser shall not make available or otherwise disclose to any third party the

Proprietary Software or any part thereof or any information relating thereto without the prior

written consent of Corporation .

未经公司预先书面同意 ,买方不得向任何第三方提供或泄露专有软件或其任何部分或与


(c) The Purchaser shall be able at all times to account for all copies of the Proprietary

Software which are required to be made to permit its efficien t use in its intended function .



( d) Corporation shall be entitled to terminate this license in the event of failure by the

Purchaser to comply with any of the conditions stated in this Article . In the event of termination

the Purchaser shall return all copies of the Proprietary Software to Corporation within fifteen (15)

days of such termination .

凡买方违反本条所规定的条件 ,公司有权撤销此种特许。如果撤销特许 , 买方须在撤销后

十五 (15) 天内将所有专有软件拷贝交还公司。


第十六条 出版物

(a ) Unless Corporation�s consent in writing is first obtained , none of the publications ,

documentation, manuals or data provided under or in furtherance of this Agreement shall be

reproduced by the Purchaser and no such publications , documentation , manuals or data nor any

copies or duplicates thereof , shall be used by the Purchaser or released out of the Purchaser�s

possession , nor shall the conten ts thereof be divulged by the Purchaser to any other person , firm

or corporation , except :

预先未经公司书面同意 ,买方不得复制按本协议规定或为促成本协议而得到的任何出版

物、文件、手册或资料 ,买方也不得使用或公开任何为其所有的此类出版物、文件、手册或资料

及其任何副本或复制本 ,也不得将其内容泄露给任何其他个人、商号或公司 ,除非 :

( i) for the purpose of enabling the Purchaser to operate and maintain the Equipment; or

为使买方能操作和维护本设备 ;或

( ii) to a purchaser , lessee or transferee of the Equipment provided , however, that such

Purchaser, lessee or t ransferee shall hold and use such publications , documentation , manuals and

data subject to the same limitations as those imposed upon the Purchaser by this Article; and shall

have executed an express written agreement in favor of Corporation so to do .

给设备的其他买主、承租人或受让人 , 但此种买主、承租人或受让人必须与买方一样按本

条款的限制性规定保存和使用此类出版物、文件、手册和资料 ; 并必须签署一书面协议以取得


(b ) It is expressly understood and agreed that all righ ts to copyright are reserved unto

Corporation and that all such publications , documentation , mannals and data in whatever form

supplied hereunder by Corporation to the Purchaser shall not be transmitted , disclosed or used by

the Purchaser except as herein expressly permitted .


双方清楚知道和同意所有版权均属公司所有 ,买方不得传播、公开或使用由公司提供给买

方的一切出版物、文件、手册和任何形式的资料 ,本协议明文规定的除外。

( c ) Except as herein provided , it is fur ther expressly understood any agreed that the

provision of publications , documentation , manuals or data does not permit , nor provide a license

to , manufacture or to have manufactured any par t , component, system or element of the

Equipment .

双方还清楚知道和同意 ,提供出版物、文件、手册或资料并不是准许或特许制造或让他人

制造本设备的任何零件、部件、系统或元件 ,本协议另有规定的除外。


第十七条 合同的保密

Both parties , their servants , agents , representatives or advisors will t reat as confidential this

Agreement and any agreements supplemental thereto and all its terms and conditions and shall not

at any time unless required by law disclose the same or any part thereof to any other person or

body without the consent of the other Party .


件为机密 ,无论何时 , 不经另一方同意 ,均不得将其或其中任何一部分向任何人或团体公开 , 法



第十八条 买方人员

Corporation agrees , without additional charge, to allow a reasonable number of the

Purchaser�s representatives to attend Corporation�s plan t during the period of manufacture, test

and acceptance to enable them to obtain knowledge of the const ruction and functioning of the

Equipment , and to establish that the Equipment meets the performance standards established by

the Acceptance Test Manual . Purchaser�s costs associated with such at tendance shall be for the

Purchaser�s account .

公司同意不收额外费用 ,让一定数量的买方代表在设备制造、试验和验收期间到公司的工

厂见习 ,以熟悉设备的构造与性能 , 确认设备是否符合检验手册规定的运行标准。买方发生的



第十九条 检查会

(a ) Progress review meetings will be held at Corporation�s plant with the Purchaser�s

represen tatives as necessary during the manufacturing of the Equipment . At such meetings ,

Corporation shall report progress and indicate completion status against schedule .

在设备制造期间 ,必要时 , 将与买方代表在公司的工厂举行进度检查会。会上由公司报告


( b ) Minutes of such meetings shall be prepared and circulated by Corporation to all

attendants and other agreed personnel as soon as possible following each meeting .

此种会议的记录由公司整理 ,并在每次会议后尽快分发给每位与会者及其他双方一致认


(c) Commencing one month after the Effective Date and continuing until the Equipment is


offered for Plan t Acceptance, Corporation shall issue monthly progress reports to the Purchaser

providing information on the curren t status of the Equipment .

从协议生效后一个月起到提交设备作出厂验收为止 ,公司必须每月向买方递送进度报告 ,



第二十条 转让

This Agreement shall ensure the benefit of and be binding upon each of the Parties hereto and

their respective successors and assigness, but neither this Agreement nor any of the respective

righ ts or obligations of the Par ties hereunder may be voluntarily assigned , in whole or in part , by

either Par ty without the prior written consent of the other Party , except that Corporation�s

in terest shall be assignable to any company which succeeds all of its assets , and that Corporation

may assign any of its fixed or contingent righ ts to receive money hereunder , and may assign the

benefit of any security to be given by the Purchaser hereunder for the payment of any such

money .

本协议确保协议双方当事人、其各自的继承人和受让人的利益 ,且对双方当事人、其继承

人和受让人均具有约束力 ,未经一方当事人预先书面同意 , 另一方不得擅自全部或部分转让本

协议、其所规定的双方当事人各自的任何权利或义务 , 如公司的权益必须转让给继承其全部财

产的其他公司时应当例外 ,且公司还可转让其协议所规定的任何固定或偶然的收款权 , 也可以



第二十一条 履行权不得放弃

The failure of either party to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Agreement, or

to require at any time the performance by the other party of any of the provisions hereof, shall in

no way be const rued to be a waiver of such provisions , nor in any way affect the validity of this

Agreement or any part thereof, or the righ t of the said par ty thereafter to enforce each and every

such provision .

不论何方在何时未执行本协议的任何规定 ,或未要求另一方履行合同的任何规定 , 都不得

解释为放弃这些规定 ,也不得影响本协议或其任何部分的效力 , 以及上述一方此后执行任何和



第二十二条 因无力偿付而终止协议和协议的撤销

(a ) Either Par ty at its op tion may terminate this Agreement with respect to the Equipment

to be delivered hereunder which is undelivered on the effective date of such termination , by giving

the other Par ty written notice as hereinafter provided if , and at any time after , the other files a

voluntary petition in bankruptcy , or proceedings in bankruptcy are instituted against the other

and it is thereafter adjudicated bankrupt pursuant to such proceedings , or a court takes and retains

for a period of at least sixty ( 60 ) days jurisdiction of the other and its assets pursuant to

proceedings under the provision of any reorganization act , or the other is adjudged insolvent, or a

receiver of the other�s assets is appointed on account of insolvency and is not discharged within a

period of six ty (60) days thereafter , or the other is otherwise divested of its assets for a period of


at least sixty ( 60 ) days , or the other makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors .

在任何时候或之后 ,如双方当事人呈交了自愿破产申请书 , 或被提起破产之诉 ,且在此后

根据此种起诉被判破产 ,或法院根据任何改组法规的规定对对方当事人及其资产实行保留管

辖至少六十 (60) 天 ,或对方当事人被判无力偿还 ,或因对方无力偿还 , 指定了人员接收对方的

资产 ,且在其后的六十 ( 60 )天内未作清偿 , 或对方资产被剥夺至少六十 ( 60 ) 天 , 或对方为清偿

债务而将全部财产转让 ,任何一方则可终止本协议 , 停止交付按协议规定应交付但在终止生效

日期前尚未交付的设备 ,但得按下述规定书面通知对方。

( b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph ( a) of this Article, the Purchaser shall have

the right to cancel the purchase of the Equipment at any time during the term hereof by giving to

Corporation written notice of such cancellation . Upon receipt of such notice Corporation shall take

such steps to ensure that production of the Equipment is discontinued as rapidly as possible and at

the latest on the expiration of thir ty ( 30 ) days after receipt of such notice Corporation shall s top

work on the Equipment altogether , notify any subcontractors to stop work , protect all property in

its possession in which the Purchaser shall have acquired or may thereafter acquire an interest and

take such other reasonable actions as may reduce the cancellation costs due to Corporation under

paragraph (c) of this Article .

除本条第 1 款之规定之外 ,在协议期限内 , 买方还有权随时书面通知公司取消设备购买。

收到此种通知后 ,公司应采取措施确保尽快中止设备的生产 , 至少在收到通知三十 ( 30 ) 天后 ,

完全停止该设备的生产工作 ,并通知各转包人停止工作 , 保护一切为公司占有而买方应取得或

之后可能取得利益的财产 ,并采取其他合理行为 , 以减少本条第 3 款所规定的应向公司支付的


(c ) In the event of cancellation in accordance with paragraph ( b) of this Ar ticle, Corporation

shall be entitled to reimbursement for all actual costs which shall be properly allottable or

apportionable under recognized accounting practices to the performance of this Agreement and its

cancellation , plus a profit which shall be computed at the rate of ten percent ( 10% ) of the said

actual cost . Payments previously made hereunder by the Purchaser shall be credited against such

reimbursement .

如按本条第 2 款规定撤销协议 ,公司有权获得按公认的会计惯例合理计算的因本协议的

履行和撤销而发生的一切实际成本费用的补偿 ,外加为实际成本 10% 的利润。买方以前根据


( d) Upon payment of the amounts provided for in paragraph ( c) of this Article , together

with any packing costs , Corporation shall t ransfer to the Purchaser the title to and deliver to the

Purchaser Ex Works ( Per Incoterms 1980 Edition ) Corporation�s plant the incomplete

Equipment , fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process , and other material the costs of

which have been included in the costs determined in accordance with paragraph ( c ) of this

Article .

收到本条第 3 款规定的付款数额连同任何包装费后 , 公司必须在公司的工厂以工厂交货

价 (根据《国际贸易解释通则》1980 年版 ) 将未完工的设备、零件成品或半成品 , 尚在加工的工

件及其他成本已纳入本条第 3 款规定成本的材料交付给买方 ,同时将其产权转移给买方。

(e ) Corporation , provided the Purchaser so agrees , may retain the whole or part of the said


incomplete Equipment , fabricalted or unfabricated parts, work in process, and other material

referred to in paragraph ( d ) of this Article in which event the amounts to be paid by Purchaser

shall be reduced by a sum equal to the value of the proper ty so retained . Corporation shall , if

requested to do so by the Purchaser , dispose of for the account of the Purchaser any proper ty

which it does not elect to retain as above provided and the net proceeds from such sale or other

disposition shall be paid or otherwise credited to the Purchaser by Corporation .

只要买方同意 ,公司可全部或部分保留上述未完工的设备、零件成品或半成品、尚在加工

的工件及本条第 4 款所规定的其他材料 ,在此种情况 , 买方付费应当减少 , 减少金额等同公司

保留财产的价值。如应买方要求 ,公司必须替买方卖掉公司不想保留的任何上述规定的财产 ,


( f) Corporation shall upon written request by the Purchaser advise Purchaser of the estimated

cancellation costs for which the Purchaser would be liable if it had elected to exercise its

cancellation rights hereunder at the time of such request .

应买方书面要求 ,且在提出此种要求时买方已经决定行使其本协议所规定的撤销协议的

权利 ,公司必须通知买方其应承担的撤销费用的责任。


第二十三条 仲裁

Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted for discussion and

settlement to a committee consisting of a representative of Corporation and a representative of the

Purchaser . During such discussions Corporation shall diligently proceed with the performance of

the terms of the Agreement . If no settlement is reached within fifteen ( 15 ) days after the matter

has been submitted to the committee, the dispute shall be finally settled under the Rules of

Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one arbitrator

appointed in accordance with said rules . Such Arbitration shall be held at and the language

of arbit ration shall be English .The decision of the arbit rator shall be final and binding on the

Parties hereto . The arbitrator shall have authority to determine and assess all expenses of the

arbit ration against one or both of the Parties hereto .


的委员会讨论解决。讨论期间 ,公司必须继续努力履行本协议的条款。如在提交委员会后十

五 (15) 天内未获解决 ,则按国际商会的仲裁调解规则 , 由根据该规则指定的一名仲裁员最终裁

决 ,此种仲裁将在 地举行 , 仲裁必须使用英语。仲裁裁决为最终裁决 , 对协议双方均有


No such dispute shall be submit ted to arbitration as herein provided nor shall any action be

brought by either Par ty against the other except within one ( 1) year after the breach or alleged

breach of this Agreement shall have occurred .

如违反或指控违反本协议的时间超过一 (1 ) 年 , 则不得将争议按协议规定提交仲裁 , 双方



第二十四条 通知

(a ) No notice or communication pertaining to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been


duly given by the Purchaser to Corporation unless addressed to Corporation as follows:

买方对公司送发的有关本协议的通知或函电 ,如果不按下列地址送发 , 则一律视为未按规

定送发 :

(地址略 )

nor by Corporation to the Purchaser unless addressed to the Purchaser as follows:

如果公司未按下列地址给买方送发有关本协议的通知或信函 ,也被视为未按规定送发 :

(地址略 )

( b ) Any such notice, request , requirement, approval , permission, consent or other

communication in connection with this Agreement shall be given in writing and if delivered by

hand shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee on the day when the same shall have

been so delivered , or if airmailed shall be deemed to have been received by the addressee on the

tenth day following the day on which it shall have been so airmailed , or if telexed , shall be

deemed to have been received by the addressee upon acknowledgement .

凡与本协议有关的通知、请求、要求、审核、批准、同意或其他信函必须作成书面形式 , 如派

专人递送 ,得视为其在递送当天就被收件人收悉 , 如用航空邮寄 ,得视为寄出后的第 10 天应被

收件人收悉 ,如用电传 , 一经答复则视为收件人收到此件。


第二十五条 其他

( a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes and

cancels all prior represen tations , negotiations , letters , acceptances , agreements , understandings

and cont racts whether verbal or writ ten , between the Par ties hereto or their agents , with respect

to or in connection with any of the matters or things to which this Agreement applies or refers .

本协议为双方的完整协议 ,以前协议双方或其代理人就本协议适用或涉及的任何事项或

事物所作的一切陈述、谈判、信函、承诺、协议、协商和合同 , 无论是书面的还是口头的 , 均撤销


( b) The titles to the Articles in this Agreement and in the said Exhibits are for convenience

of reference only , are not part of this Agreement, and shall not in any way affect the

in terpretation thereof .

本协议及上述附录中的标题仅为了查阅方便 ,并非本协议的构成部分 , 不得影响对本协议


(c ) Corporation personnel required to t ravel between and in order to perform

duties made necessary by this Agreement shall be provided with Economy Class air transportation

on Purchaser aircraft at no cost to Corporation .

为执行本协议必要职责而需要往返于 地与 地的公司职员 , 应由买方提供二

等舱机票 ,公司不负担此项费用。

( d) Each Party represents and warran ts to the other Party that :

当事人双方相互保证 :

( i) I t is a corporation duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction

indicated in this Agreement .



( ii) The entering into and performance by it of its obligations in this Agreement are within

its corporate powers and have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action and are not in

violatiov of any law and do not require the consent of or approval of, or registration or filing with ,

any governmental agency or authority other than those already obtained or effected .

本协议的签署及协议所规定的义务的履行均属其法人权限范围之内 , 且全都经过股东决

策的正式授权 ,不触犯任何法律 , 除已经取得或生效的外 , 不再需取得任何政府部门或机构的

同意和批准 ,或在这些部门或机构登记或备案。

( iii) The person executing this Agreement on behalf of each of the Par ties hereto cer tifies and

warran ts that he has been vested with the necessary authority and power to enter in to this

Agreement on behalf of that Party .


26. LAWS

第二十六条 适用的法律

This Agreement shall be governed by and in terpreted in accordance with California

Corporation Code, USA .


IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been duly executed by the Parties hereto on

the date first above written .

协议双方在协议之首所述之日正式签署以上各项规定 ,特此为证。


( 甲方代表签字 )


( 乙方代表签字 )


国际商标许可合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

本协议于 年 月 日生效 , 由 公司 , 依中华人民共和国法律设立 ,

以下简称甲方和 , 依 法律设立 , 以下简称乙方 ,双方共同签署。

鉴于甲方拥有合同产品的生产及销售所涉及的技术信息 , 包括设计、技术、工艺、配方、技

能和其他资料的专有权 ;

鉴于乙方希望获得使用上述技术协助的许可权利 ,以及以生产、使用和销售合同产品为目

的的持续的技术协助的权利 ;

鉴于乙方希望使用甲方所有的下述商标 :甲方 ( Symbol) 。

据此 ,双方就下列内容达成一致 :

A. 商标许可

1. 在本合同项下 ,产品意指甲方系列左驾驶车辆 ,“许可证产品”意指包括所有改进、增

补、改正之后的部件 , 其现有形式和将来可能采用的形式均为合同产品不可分割的一部分。

乙方应标明许可证产品是依照甲方许可形式制造 ,而且这一标志的形式的位置应经甲方


2. 乙方要求就其所生产的货物许可使用上述商标 ,且甲方同意依后述条件和条款作出许可。

3. 据此甲方授予乙方在 境内使用甲方商标和独占权利 , 这一权利仅限于由乙方

所生产的许可证产品的范围 ;由于此独占权利仅适用于与产品有关的范围之内使用商标 , 双方

确认 ,该商标可以由他方使用 , 但不得使用于许可证产品的范围之内。该许可仅向乙方授予而


4. 乙方同意并允诺严格依甲方的指令和指导和甲方在向乙方技术协助中规定的生产工

序和生产方法使用上述商标 ,以使由乙方标识商标的产品符合由甲方设立的标准和规格 , 并且


5. 乙方知晓甲方对上述商标拥有所有权 , 并且允诺在任何情况下不做出或不默许他人做

出对于上述甲方商标权利有害的行为。在工作期间的任何时间内 , 甲方有权派员或通过代理

商基于商标许可检查乙方的工厂和由乙方生产的任何许可证产品 , 并确定上述商标的必要保

护范围 ;在依本协议第 C 部分规定由甲方判定产品未能与甲方在同类商标项下生产和销售的

产品质量一致的情况下 ,甲方还享有停止许可证产品销售的权利。

6. 乙方同意并允诺严格依照 的法律使用上述商标并且在相关产品上使用此类标


NORIN - CO 在正式使用之前进行批准。


B. 提供资料及技术协助

1. 在收到书面请求之后九十 ( 90 ) 天内 , 甲方将乙方提供如下两套资料 , 其中一套应是可

复制的 ;

a) 由甲方所拥有的为支持秘鲁生产产品型号的全部组装用图纸 ;

b) Ⅰ .对于包含甲方自外部供应商所获得的部分许可证产品部件 , 甲方提供依其供应商

所制作的图纸和/ 或规格 , 但应依从于由供应商对于图纸用的限制条件 ;

Ⅱ. 对于供应部件 ,甲方应提供外观尺寸 , 性能特性 , 设计参数以及其他甲方可能开发的

为使乙方在 得到相同规格的供应部件的相关信息 ;

Ⅲ. 甲方对于任何外部供应商不愿向乙方提供技术资料的后果不承担责任。

c) 材料和依甲方的设计的规格生产全部零件所需规格 ;

d) 工具及设备图纸 ,其应依甲方现可能存档图纸为限。

2. 技术资料和专有技术将依甲方所使用的标准生产技术为准 ; 所有图纸均以原有国家语

言和度量制为准 ;全部资料度量制式转换为公式的责任和费用由乙方承担。

3. 在本协议期间以及每一个许可证产品由双方达成一致的起始日之后 , 甲方承诺向乙方


4. 甲方将提供并负责安排在适当的工厂或其子公司、分支机构或受证人所在地对乙方的

职工进行培训 ,此类培训的期间和时间将由双方商定。

C. 操 作

1. 乙方同意依甲方向其提供的资料、专有技术和技术协助生产及装配许可证产品。除非

因生产能力、履行不能或材料适应性方面的原因之外 , 乙方均应依从于甲方的设计。

变更均依以下方式为之 :

a) 翻译图纸 ,即公制转换 , 材料替代 ,语言翻译等 , 工作由乙方承担 ;

b) 依乙方要求所作的强制性变更应由乙方进行 ,但应事先向甲方发出书面通知并就此变

更得到甲方的认可。乙方将向甲方提交图纸、草图、实验结果或其他必要的数据 , 并以英文做

成以尽快得到回复。更换零件的性能、工作质量及可替换性均由乙方负责保证 ;

c) 由当地购买的零件 , 如密封件、轴承、五金件等 ,均由乙方负责保证。

2. 甲方有权在任何时间检查由乙方或其供应商生产的许可证产品或部件 ,以决定其材料


3. 乙方确认由其所生产的许可证产品须严格按照甲方所提供的设计、图纸和规格生产 ,

除依 C.1. 规定的修改内容以外 , 而且 ,在任何情况下许可证产品均应具备与甲方所生产的产

品相同的质量与运行性能。如果乙方未严格依照甲方的设计、图纸及规格生产 , 则甲方对于乙


4. 乙方同意保持并维护带有甲方专有标记的图纸、规格和其他技术资料的严格秘密 , 并

同意不向任何人披露任何上述信息 ,除非其是属于保证乙方许可证产品生产的材料和部件所




双方同意为生产及采购的便利 ,乙方可依需要重新描绘或转换甲方的图纸为公制度量并


由其重新描绘的甲方图纸上均标明如下文字说明 :


5. 乙方同意对于由甲方的外部供应商向乙方提供并标明的图纸、规格和其他技术资料保

持完全的秘密 ,乙方也同意未经甲方的许可不向任何人披露上述信息。

D. 改进和限制

1. 各方同意对于有关生产及装配许可证产品或部件所开发的改进、修正、更新发明或设


似的法律保护程序 ,由此产生的专利将属于该方所有。在本协议的有效期内 , 另一方可以与本

协议不相予盾的方式无偿使用和销售利用改进、修正、更新发明或设计 (无论其是否取得专利

权 )生产的产品。

2. 甲方无义务保证乙方在由于行使或使用下述许可权利而事实上或被指控侵犯任何专


3. 本协议不包含如下内容 :

a) 授予任何一方权利或强加于任何一方义务从事某种对第三方侵权的行为 ;

b) 要求或强迫任何一方承担义务侵犯第三方的专有权利或专利权。

E. 协议的期限


十 (90) 日前以书面通知终止本协议。

1. 作为本协议的重要条件 , 乙方须依照本协议条款积极从事许可证产品的生产和销售。



2. 在一方破产或资不抵债的情况下 , 另一方可以终止本协议。

3. 双方合意可终止本协议。

4. 与终止协议相对应 , 乙方将在终止协议后十二 ( 12 )个月内停止使用商标或任何类似标

记。如在乙方未于协议终止后十二 (12) 个月内停止使用一个或数个甲方的标记 , 则乙方商标


F. 价 格 (略 )

G. 一般条款

1. 除非另有书面通知 , 则双方的邮政通讯地址依下述为准 (除本协议另有约定之外 ) :

甲方 : 乙方 :


2. 乙方确认甲方对于其商标的所有权 , 并承认由甲方或某个相关公司所属的商标在秘鲁

或其他外国的商标登记及商标的有效性。乙方同意在本协议期间或其后的时间内 ,不直接或

间接地否认甲方商标的有效性及所有权 ,并不允许此类行为发生。乙方进而同意在本协议期

间或其后的时间内 ,其在秘鲁或世界上任何地方所获得的与本协议所指商标有关的任何权利 ,


3. 乙方同意不使用或不默许使用可能与本协议商标相类似混淆的商标。

4. 乙方应在发生任何对于商标侵权行为及冲突性使用的情况时立即通知甲方并与甲方

合作以采取合理手段向此类行为进行追究索取而使甲方及时地保护其商标权的合法性 ; 同时

双方明确在未得到甲方的书面许可之前 ,乙方不得单独采取任何行动。

H. 争 议

本协议依 法律解释。

除非另有明确表示 ,则与本协议有关或无关的协议双方的所有争议、纠纷或歧义 , 以及任

何违约及过失 (包括但不限于有关本协议存续的争议仲裁条款有效性的争议 ) , 如不能以友好

协商的方式解决 ,则提交仲裁 , 仲裁应依 的程序及规定进行。仲裁由固定的仲裁庭 ,


仲裁庭由三名仲裁员组成 ,乙方与甲方各依联合国国际贸易法委员会规则及规定指定一


本文件一式两份 ,由双方分别于文首日期订立 , 特此为证。

甲方公司 �乙方公司

代表 : 代表 :




THIS Agreement effective on the 16th day of June, 1993 between a corporation

organized under the laws of the People�s Republic of China, hereinafter called“ Party A”, and

, a company organized under the laws of the Republic of Peru, hereinafter called“Party B”.

WHEREAS . Party A possoses proprietary technical information including designs .

techniques , processes , formulas, skills and other data useful in the manufacture and marketing of

certain products; and

WHEREAS . Party B desires to acquire the right and license to use the aforesaid technical

assistance, and the right to receive continuing technical assistance for the purpose of

manufacturing , using and selling such products; and

WHEREAS . Party B desires to use the following t rademarks owned by ONRINCO; Party A

( Symbol ) .

NOW . THEREFORE, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:


1. In the present cont ract , the term PRODUCTS shall be interpreted as the Par ty A -

Series . Family of vehicles released for left hand drive application and the term“ Licenced

Products”is meant to included all components as improved , added to or modified , which now

form or may hereafter form an in tegral par t of the Licensed product ( s) .

Party B shall identify Licensed Products as being made under licence form Party A . The form

and location of such identification shall be approved by Party A - Series .

2. Par ty B has requested permission to use the above mentioned trademarks upon goods

made by itself , and Party A is willing to grant such permission on the terms and conditions

hereinafter set forth .

3. Party A hereby grants to Party B the exclusive right to use in the Republic of Peru the

Trademarks Party A ; only on PRODUCTS made by Party B; provided , however, that such

exclusive right applies only to the use of the trademarks in connection with the PRODUCTS and

the praties understand that the t rademarks may be used by others , but not on the PRODUCTS .

This license is personal to Party B and shall not be assignable to anyone else .

4. Party B agrees and under takes to use the above mentioned trademarks st rictly on

accordance with the instructions and directions of Party A and in conformity with the process and


methods of manufacture given directly by Par ty A to Party B as technical assistance , so that the

PRODUCTS on which the t rademarks will be used by Party B shall conform to the standards and

specifications established by Party A and be uniform in quality with the PRODUCTS on which

Party A uses the said t rademarks .

5. Party B recognizes Par ty A�s ownership of and title to the said t rademarks and will not

at any time do or suffer to be done any act or thin which will any way impair the righ ts of Par ty

A in and to said trademarks . Party A through any of its officers or agents shall have the right at

any time during business hours to inspect Party B�s factory and any PROCUCT S manufactured by

Party B under the licensed trademarks and to the extent necessary to protect the said t rademark ,

the righ t to reject for sale any such PROCUCTS , after complying with the provisions of Section C

of this agreement, which in the judgement of Party A are not of quality to that of similar

PRODUCTS manufactured and sold by Party A under the said t rademarks .

6. Party B agrees and under takes to use the aforementioned trademarks st rictly on

accordance with the legal requirements in and to use such markings in connection

there-with as may be required by the applicable Law and any other pertinent legal

provisions . The manner in using with said Party A trademarks on the PRODUCTS will be

submitted to Par ty A for its approval prior to being used as a product graphic on the



1. Party A will furnish , one of which will be reproducible :

a . All drawings for assembly in the possession of Party A to support the specific models to be

produced in Peru .

b . i. with respect to components contained in Licensed Products which are obtained by Par ty

A from outside suppliers , Par ty A will furnish such drawings and/ or specifications as are made

available by Party A suppliers and as are required but subject , however , to any omitations placed

upon the use of such drawings by supplier .

ii. For supplier components , Party A will supply physical dimensions , performance

characteristics, design parameters and such other information Par ty A may have developed

regarding such supplier components in order to permit Party B to source components of equivalent

specifications in Peru .

iii. Par ty A shall not be liable for the unwilllingness of any outside supplier to provide

technical documentation for use by Par ty B .

c . Material and manufacturing specifications for all parts produced to the design and

specifications of Party A .

d . Tooling and equipment drawings such as may be available in the files of Party A .

2. The technical documentation and konw - how will be supplied in accordance with the

standard manufacturing techniques used by Party A . All drawings will be in the language and

dimensions of the count ry of origin . Any conversion to metric dimensions will be the responsibility


and cost of Party B .

3. For the term of this agreement and commencing with a date mutually agreed upon for

each Licensed Product , Party A undertakes to release to Party B details of major improvement

engineering changes made by Party A to the licensed P roduct .

4. Par ty A will provide or arrange for training at appropriate factories of Party A or its

subsidiarism , affiliates or licensees such of Party B personnel for such periods of time and per

terms as may be mutually agreed upon .


1. Party B agrees to manufacture and/ or assemble Licensed P roducts in accordance with the

documentation, know - how and technical assistance supplied to Party B by ONRINOC . Party B

will adhere to Party A�s design except for compelling and necessary reasons caused by

manufacturing capability , performance failures , or material availability .

Alterations or changes will be processed in the following manner;

a . Version drawings , that is , conversion to metric, material substitu tions, and language,

will be handled by Party B .

b . Compelling alterations or changes required by Party B may be processed by Party B

provided, however , that advance written notice is given to Party A of such alteration or change

and advance approval is given to Party A of such alteration or change and advance approval is

given by Party A . Par ty B will furnish to Party A drawings , sketched, test results , or any

necessary data, in English to enable an immediate response . The function , performance quality

and interchangeability of changed par ts will be Par ty B responsibility .

c . Substitution of locally purchased , such as seals , bearings , hardware, etc . will be

responsibility of Party B .

2. Party A has the righ t at any time to inspect the Licensed Products or components

manufactured by Party B or Party B�s suppliers to determine that the materials and workmanship

conform to the standard of drawings and specifications supplied by Par ty A . Party B agrees to

cooperate and make available the necessary facilities for such inspections .

3. It is understood and agreed by Party B that Licensed Products manufactured by Party B

shall be manufactured strictly in accordance with the design , drawings , and specifications

furnished by Party A unless modified pursuant to C . 1 . and in any event the Licensed Products

will possess the same characteristics in quality and performance as products produced by Party A .

Party A, however , does not assume any warran ty obligations with respect to Par ty B Licensed

Products if they have not been manufactured st rictly in accordance with the design, drawings ,

and specifications furnished by Party A .

4. Party B agrees to maintain and protect drawing , specifications , and other technical data

identified with proprietary markings of Party A in st rict confidence and agrees not to disclose any

of this information to any person whomsoever except as may be necessary to secure materials or

components for the production of Licensed P roducts by Party B . Party B also agrees to impose


similar restrictions on its suppliers to whom such drawings , specifications , and production

information are made available for the production of par ts or components required by Party B for

such purpose .

It is agreed that for manufacturing and purchasing convenience Party B may, at is option ,

redraw or convert Party A drawings to metric measures and Party B par t number and descrip tion

assigned by Party B . Party B further agrees to cause the following legend to appear on all Party A

drawings redrawn by Party B

“This prin t is provided on a restricted basis and is not to be used in any way det rimental to

the interests of Party A”

5. Par ty B further agrees to maintain drawings , specifications , and other technical data

which are marked or otherwise designated as proprietary to the outside suppliers of Party A and

made available by these outside suppliers and forwarded to Party B, in complete confidence . Par ty

B also agrees not to disclose any of this information to any person whomsoever without the

permission of Party A . Party B further agrees not to use any of the information furnished to it

prusuant to this Agreement in a manner inconsistent with the intent of this agreement .


1. Each party hereto agrees to immediately and fully communicate to the other par ty any

subject matter comprising an improvement, modification , fur ther invention or design it may

discover, make or develop with respect to manufacture and assembly of the licensed Products or

components thereof .

The party which discovers , makes of develops such subject matter may , at its own expense

and its own name file application for Letters Patent or take other necessary legal steps to protect

same , and any paten t issuing thereon will belong to the party so filling . Said other party , during

the life of the Agreement may make use, and sell products utilizing such improvement,

modification , further improvement or design ( whether paten ted or unpaten ted ) without charge

and royalty fee in any maner not inconsisten t with this agreement .

2. Par ty A shall not be obligated to defend or save harmless Par ty B against any suit , damage

claim , or demand based on actual or alleged infringement of any paten t or any unfair t rade practice

resulting from the excercise of use of any righ t or license granted hereunder .

3. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construde:

a. As conferring righ t or imposing an obligation on either party to bring or prosecute actions

against third parties for infringement .

b. So as to require or impose on either party any duty or obligation which will violate any

prorietary or paten t rights of any third par ty .


The term of this Agreement shall be five years from the date first above written . This


Agreement may be renegotiated for renewal after four years . Either par ty may by ninety( 90 ) days

prior written notice terminate this Agreement .

1. I t is deemed a material condition of this agreement that Party B will actively pursue the

manufacture and sale of Licensed Products in accordance with the terms of this agreement .

Annual manufacturing objectives will be mutually agreed upon by Party A and Party B as of the

date first above written Either party reserves the right to review this Agreement in the event that

Party B fails to meet the annual manufacturing objective mutually agreed upon between Party B

and Par ty A .

2. Either party may terminate this agreement forthwith in the event of the bankruptcy or

insolvency of the other par ty .

3. This Agreement may be terminated forthwith by the mutual consent of both par ties .

4. Upon termination of the present contract , Party B will , within twelve ( 12 ) months

thereafter , discontinue the use of the t rademarks or any similar marks . In the event that Party B

fails to discontinue the use of one or more of Par ty A�s marks within twelve ( 12 ) months from the

termination of this Agreement , Party B shall pay to Party A the sum of . U . S .

Currency for each month during which such unauthorized use of Party A�s t rademarks shall .

F. PRICE (omitted)


1. Until other wise notified in writing , the mailing addresses of the par ties hereto for notices

and communications, are as follows: ( unless otherwise specificed in this Agreement )

Party A: Par ty B:

2. Party B hereby acknowledges the ownership of the Trademarks in Party A , and admits

the validity of the Trademarks and any and all registrations in and foreign countries

thereto now or hereafter issued with respect to the Trademarks and owned by Party A or a related

company, Party B agrees that it will not attack directly or indirectly such validity or ownership

and will not permit the same to be done, both during the term of the Agreement and thereafter .

Party B fur ther agrees that in the event it acquires , during the term of this Agreement or

thereafter , and rights in the Trademarks in or elsewhere in the world , except as

granted by this Agreement , it will , at Party A�s request , assign such righ ts to Par ty A along with

and good will associated with such rights .

3. Party B agrees that it will not use or acquiesce in the use of any trademarks which are

likely to be confusingly similar to the Trademarks .

4. Party B shall promptly notify Party A of any conflicting use of , or acts of infringement

upon , the Trademarks of which it may become aware and agrees to cooperate with Party A in

every reasonable way in prosecuting all acts that Party A may deem advisable to protect the

validity of Party A�s rights in the Trademarks , it being expressly understood that Party B shall


take no action independently of Party A without first obtaining the writ ten approval of Party A .


This Agreement is submitted to the Laws of .

Except as is otherwise expressly provided herein , all disputes, cont roversies or differences

arising between the parties out of or in relation to or in connection with this Agreement, or any

breach or default hereunder ( including but not limited to, a dispute concerning the existence or

continued existence of this Agreement, and the validity of the arbit ral provision ) which cannot be

settled amicably shall be subject to arbitration .

Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules set forth in the

Civil Code of and Civil Procedure Code of .

The arbitral tribunal shall have its seat , and arbitration proceedings shall take place in


The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three arbit rators . Par ty B and Party A shall each appoint

one arbit rator and will be subject to the rules and regulations of UNCT RAL .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the par ties hereto have respectively caused this instrument to be

executed in duplicate, as of the date first above written .

Party A Party B

By By




中外来料加工 ( 或来件装配 ) 合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

本合同于 年 月 日在 签订。

甲方 : v中国 公司

地址 :

电报挂号 :

电传 :


地址 : 中华人民共和国 省 市 区 街 号

电报挂号 :

乙方 : v 国 公司

地址 :

电传 :

双方为开展来料加工(或来件装配)业务 ,本着平等互利原则 ,通过友好协商 ,特签订本合同。

第一条 加工 (装配 ) 的项目

乙方向甲方提供加工 ( 或装配 ) ( 产品 ) 套 ( 或件 ) 所需的原材料 ( 或散

件 ) ; 甲方对乙方提供的原材料 (或散件 ) 进行加工 (或装配 ) ,加工 ( 或装配 )后将成品交付乙方。

第二条 交付来料与加工成品的数量和时间

乙方将于 年 月 日至 年 月 日 , 每月向甲方提供

原材料 (或散件 ) ,并负责运至 港港口 ( 或车站 ) 交付甲方 ; 在甲方收到原材料 ( 或

散件 )后的 个月内 ( 或自 年 月 日至 年 月 日 ) 分

批将加工 (或装配 ) 后的成品负责运至 港口 ( 或车站 )交付乙方。

乙方在提供原材料 (或散件 ) 时 ,按百分之 的备损率提供给甲方 ,多提供部分不计加

工 (或装配 ) 数量。如乙方未能按时、按质、按量提供全部原材料 (或散件 ) , 致使甲方停工待料

造成损失 , 乙方在接到甲方提出的通知后 , 应予赔偿。如甲方未能按时、按质、按量交付成品 ,

在乙方提出后 ,甲方亦应负责赔偿。

第三条 加工费

甲方为乙方进行加工 (或装配 ) 的加工费 ,每件 ( 或套 )计 币 元。 ( 注一 )

第四条 付款办法

乙方将不作价的原材料 ( 或散件 ) 运交甲方 ; 加工费由乙方给甲方开出即期付款信用证。

(注二 )


第五条 来厂专家和技术培训

根据实际需要 ,乙方有义务向甲方派遣专家并为甲方培训必要的技术人员 , 来厂专家和培

训人员的数目、时间、任务以及费用负担等 ,由双方另行商议。

第六条 运费、保险费

乙方将原材料 ( 或散件 ) 运交甲方的运费、保险费由乙方负责 ; 甲方将成品运交乙方的运

费、保障费由甲方负责。成品的运输保险 , 由甲方按原材料 (或散件 ) 成本加上运费、保险费、加

工费之和的 110%投保综合险、战争险 (如陆上运输则投保陆上运输险 )。在加工装配期间 , 由

甲方负责投保火险。 (注三 )

第七条 质量检验

(1 )甲方在收到原材料 ( 或散件 )后 , 应按乙方提供的技术标准 , 对其规格、品质进行验收 ,

如发现乙方提供的原材料 (或散件 ) 的规格、质量不符合技术标准 , 或数量不足 , 由甲方向乙方

提出检验报告后 ,乙方负责退换或补足。

(2 )乙方在收到甲方加工的成品后 , 按双方议定的验收标准验货 , 如因甲方装配不当造成

质量问题 ,由乙方向甲方提出检验报告 , 甲方负责返修或赔偿。

第八条 不可抗力

由于战争和严重的自然灾害以及双方同意的其他人力不可抗拒的事故 , 致使一方不能履

行合同时 ,遇有上述事故的一方应尽快将事故情况通知对方 , 并与对方协商延长履行合同的期

限。对方由此而产生的损失 ,不得提出赔偿要求。

第九条 违约责任

任何一方不履行合同条款 ,致使对方遭受经济损失时 , 必须承担赔偿责任 , 受损害方并拥

有罚款 元的权利。

第十条 仲裁

本合同在执行过程中 , 如发生争议 ,双方应本着友好方式进行协商解决。如未能解决时 ,

提请×国 仲裁机构进行仲裁。仲裁裁决为终局裁决 , 对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用由


第十一条 担保

为了保证双方履行合同和及时按合同规定支付罚款或赔偿损失 , 双方应分别向对方提供


第十二条 转让

本合同所载明的权利和义务 ,非经双方一致同意 , 一方不得转让给任何第三方。

第十三条 有效期限

本合同自签字之日起生效 ,有效期到本合同规定的 套 (或件 ) 由甲方加工 (或装配 )


第十四条 续订

本合同有效期限届满之前 ,如一方认为需要续订合同 , 可以向对方提出并进行协商。

第十五条 文本

本合同正本一式二份 ,双方各持一份。副本 份。

第十六条 补充或修订

本合同如有未尽事宜 ,双方可以进行协商补充或修订。


第十七条 适用法律


甲方 : ( 盖章 ) �乙方 : (盖章 )

代表 : ( 签字 ) 代表 : (签字 )

见证人 :

律师 : ( 中国×××律师事务所 )

(签字 )

注一 : 如包装费用、辅料、运费、保险费等在加工费以外收取 , 须另订条款明确规定。

注二 : 乙方提供原材料 (或散件 ) , 如采用托收或远期信用证 (对开信用证 ) ,及成品出口不采用信用证方

式 ,而用汇款或托收方式可作相应更改。

注三 : 此条系双方均按到岸价格 (CIF)的价格条件。如价格条件为离岸价格( FOB)或其他价格条件 , 则此



中外补偿贸易合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

本合同于 年 月 日在中国 签订。

甲方为 :中国 公司

法定地址 :

电话 :

电传 :

乙方为 : 国 公司

法定地址 :

电话 :

电传 :

双方在平等互利基础上 ,通过友好洽商 , 特订立本合同。

第一条 贸易内容

(一 ) 乙方向甲方提供用于生产 型机械 台 ,以及各种其他辅助机械设备 ,并同

时提供各类机械设备所必需的附配件及备用件 , 以及在生产过程中各种必需的测试仪器。具


期限等 ,由双方另行签订设备进口合同 , 作为本合同不可分割的一部分。

(二 ) 甲方用乙方提供的机械设备所生产的部分产品以及其他商品 , 经双方协商后 , 也可

用 工厂生产的 商品来偿付全部机械设备的价款。具体的偿付商品之品种、数量、

价格、交货期限等 , 由双方另行签订补偿商品供货合同 , 作为本合同不可分割的一部分。设备

进口合同与补偿商品供货合同可合并为补偿贸易购销合同。 (见附件 )

第二条 支付条件与方式

由甲乙双方对开信用证。即由甲方分期开出以乙方为受益人的远期信用证 ,分期、分批支

付全部机械设备的价款 ;乙方开出以甲方为受益人的即期信用证 , 支付补偿商品的货款。甲方

用乙方支付补偿商品的货款 ,来支付全部机械设备的价款。当乙方支付的货款不能相抵甲方

所开的远期信用证之金额时 ,其差额部分由乙方用预付货款方式 , 在甲方所开的远期信用证到

期前汇付甲方 ,以便甲方能按时议付所开的远期信用证。甲方所开的远期信用证的按期付款 ,



第三条 交货期限

甲方用 年零 个月 , 分月用商品偿付全部机械设备的价款。偿还日期自乙方


第一批机械设备到货后约 个月后开始 , 原则上每月偿还的金额是全部机械设备价款

的 分之 。甲方可以提前偿还 ,但需在 个月前通知乙方。

在甲方用补偿商品偿还机械设备价款的期间 , 乙方应按本协议项下的有关补偿商品合同

的规定 ,开出以甲方为受益人的足额、即期、不可撤销、可分割可转让的信用证。

第四条 计价货币和作价标准

双方商品均以 币计价。乙方提供的全部机械设备及所有仪器、附配件用 币

作价 , 甲方提供的补偿商品则按签订合同时甲方出口货物的人民币基价 , 以当时的人民币

对 币的汇率折算为 币。

第五条 利息计算


分之 。

第六条 技术服务

货物到达甲方口岸后 , 由甲方自行安装。但在主要设备安装过程中 , 甲方认为需要时 , 乙

方必须派出技术人员进行现场指导 ,提供必要的技术服务 , 在此过程中由于技术上的问题 , 所


经双方协商 , 为完成此项工作 ,由乙方派出 名的技术人员。在中国的一切费用 , 均


第七条 附加设备

在执行本协议过程中 ,如发现本合同项下的机械设备在配套生产时 , 继续需要增添新的机

械设备或测试仪器时 ,可由双方另行协商 , 予以增订。增订的项目仍应列入本合同范围之内。

第八条 保险

设备进口后由乙方投保。设备所有权在付清货款发生移转后 , 如发生意外损失先由保险

公司向投保人赔付 ,再按比例退回甲方已支付的设备货款。

第九条 违约责任

乙方不按合同规定购买补偿商品或甲方不按合同规定提供商品时 , 均应按合同条款承担

违约责任 ,赔偿由此所造成的经济损失 , 并向对方支付该项货款总值的 %的罚款。

第十条 履约保证

为保证合同条款的有效履行 , 双方分别向对方提供由各自一方银行出具的保函 , 予以担

保。甲方的担保银行为中国银行 分行 , 乙方的担保银行为×国 银行。

第十一条 合同条款的变更

本合同内容如遇特殊情况需要变更 ,须经双方协商一致。

第十二条 不可抗力

由于人力不可抗拒的原因 ,致使一方或双方不能履行合同有关条款 , 应及时向对方通报有

关情况 ,在取得合法机关的有效证明之后 , 允许延期履行、部分履行或不履行有关合同义务 , 并


第十三条 仲裁

凡有关本协议或执行本协议而发生的一切争执 ,应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决 , 则应

提请×国 仲裁机构按 仲裁规则在 进行仲裁。仲裁适用法律为中华人民共

和国法律。该仲裁机构作出的裁决是终局的 ,甲乙双方均受其约束 , 任何一方不得向法院或其



第十四条 文字、生效

本合同用中、 两种文字写成 , 两种文本具有同等效力。本合同自签字之日起生效 ,

有效期为 年。期满后 , 双方如愿继续合作 ,经向中国政府有关部门申请 , 获得批准后 , 可

延期 年或重新签订合同。

甲方 : ( 签字 ) ^乙方 : (签字 )

中国 公司代表 ×国 公司代表

见证人 : ( 签字 )

中国 律师事务所律师



(参考文本 )

本合同于 2000 年 月 日在中国 签订。

甲方为 :中国 公司

法定地址 :

电话 :

传真 :

乙方为 : 国 公司

法定地址 :

电话 :

传真 :

This Agreement is made between (Name of the Chinese company) ( hereinafter

called Par ty A) , address for service of process , Tel . , Fax . , and

(Name of the foreign company ) ( hereinafter called Party B ) , address for

service of process , Tel . , Fax . , on this day of

2000 , in , the People’s Republic of China .

第一条 贸易内容


(一 ) 乙方向甲方提供用于生产的 型机械 台 ,以及各种其他辅助机械设备 , 并

同时提供各类机械设备所必需的附配件及备用件 , 以及在生产过程中各种必需的测试仪器。


货期限等 ,由双方另行签订设备进口合同 , 作为本合同不可分割的一部分。

a) Party B agrees to provide Party A with (designate make and number) machines to be used

in production , their auxiliary machinery, accessories and spare par ts and a variety of measuring and

testing inst ruments required in the process of production . The details of the models , names ,

specifications, quantity , prices , packing, delivery , etc . thereof shall be specified in an additional

equipment-impor t agreement to be concluded by and between both par ties which shall serve as an

component part hereof .

(二 )甲方用乙方提供的机械设备所生产的部分产品以及其他商品 , 或经双方协商 , 用

工厂生产的 商品来偿付全部机械设备的价款。具体的偿付商品的名


称、数量、价格、交货期限等 , 由双方另行签订补偿商品供货合同 , 作为本合同不可分割的一部

分。设备进口合同与补偿商品供货合同可合并为补偿贸易购销合同 (见附件 ) 。

(b ) The total value of the machines , auxiliary equipment , etc .supplied by Party B shall be

paid off by Party A with par t of the manufactures made therewith and/ or other goods , or with

(designate name) products made in ( Name of the plan t ) if both parties agree .The specific name

( s) , quantity , price, delivery , etc .of the goods gran ted as the make-up payment shall be decided in

an additional compensation-goods-supply agreement made by the parties which shall serve as a

component part hereof . The equipment-import agreement and compensation-goods-supply

agreement aforesaid may be merged as one called sales agreement on compensation t rade ( See

Appendix ) .

第二条 支付条件与方式


由甲乙双方对开信用证 ,即由甲方分期开出以乙方为受益人的远期信用证 ,分期、分批支付

全部机械设备的价款 ;乙方开出以甲方为受益人的即期信用证 ,支付补偿商品的货款。甲方用乙

方支付补偿商品的货款 ,来支付全部机械设备的价款。当乙方支付的货款不能相抵甲方所开的

远期信用证之金额时 ,其差额部分由乙方用预付货款方式 ,在甲方所开的远期信用证到期前汇付

甲方 ,以使甲方能按时议付所开的远期信用证。甲方所开的远期信用证的按期付款 , 是基于乙方


Both parties agree to open let ters of credit in favor of each other , i .e .Party A will open , at

regular intervals , long-term let ters of credit in favor of Party B to pay by installments the total cost

of the machines and auxiliary equipment provided by Par ty B; whereas Party B will open sight

letters of credit in favor of Par ty A to pay the products to be delivered by Party A .Party A shall

pay for the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment with the money remit ted by Party B

as reimbursement for the products to be delivered by Par ty A .In case the sum to be paid by Par ty

B fails to cover the value of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A, the difference shall

be made up by Par ty B by paying that much to Party A in advance, before the long-term let ters of

credit are due , to enable Par ty A to reimburse on time the long-term letters of credit it opens .The

payment of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A is based on Party B’s opening a sight

letter of credit under the provisions and on its paying the advance required herein .Thus , Party B

warran ts , guaran tees and covenants that it will open the letters of credit and pay the advance as

provided herein .

第三条 偿付期限


甲方用 年零 个月 , 分月用商品偿付全部机械设备的价款。偿还日期自第一

批机械设备到货后约 月后开始 , 原则上每月偿还的金额是全部机械设备价款的

分之 。甲方可以提前偿还 , 但需在 个月前通知乙方。

Party A shall reimburse Par ty B for all the machines and auxiliary equipment supplied by

Party B by delivering goods to Party B on a monthly basis and the reimbursement will last for

year ( s ) and month ( s ) . The reimbursement shall start approximately

month ( s) after the first delivery of the machines and, in principle, the money to be reimbursed per


month shall be percent of the total amount due for the machines .Par ty A may repay Par ty

B in advance upon notice to Par ty B .

在甲方用补偿商品偿还机械设备价款期间 ,乙方应按本协议项下的有关补偿商品合同的

规定 ,开出以甲方为受益人的足额、限期、不可撤销 , 可分割、可转让的信用证。

Within the reimbursement period , Party B shall , under the provisions of the additional sales

agreement aforesaid , open sight , irrevocable , divisible and assignable letters of credit , covering the

full amount , in favor of Party A .

第四条 计价货币和作价标准

4.Standard Money and Price Standard

双方商品均用 币计价。乙方提供的全部机械设备及所有仪器、附配件用 币

作价 , 甲方提供的补偿商品则按签订合同时甲方出口货物的人民币基价 , 以当时的人民币

对 币的汇率折算为 币。

The standard money for this transaction is (Name of currency) .All the machinery , auxiliary

equipment and measuring and testing instruments , etx .provided by Party B shall be valued with

(Name of currency) , while the goods provided by Party A to Par ty B as reimbursement shall be

valued with the basis price ( RMB) of the same goods expor ted by Party A at the time when this

agreement is en tered in to, and the total price ( RMB ) shall be changed into that of ( Name of

currency) in accordance with the exchange rate then .

第五条 利息计算

5. In terests


之 。

Party A shall pay the in terest on its forward letters of credit and the interest on the cash in

advance rendered by Party B .The annual in terest rate is agreed upon at % .

第六条 技术服务

6.Technical Service

货物到达甲方口岸后 ,由甲方自行安装 , 但在主要设备安装过程中 ,甲方认为需要时 , 乙方

必须派出技术人员进行现场指导 ,提供必要的技术服务 , 在此过程中由于技术上的问题 , 所造


The machinery, after arrival at its destination, shall be installed by Party A, Party B shall dispatch its

technicians to render spot instructions and other necessary technical assistance during the installation of the

main machines, as may be requested by Party A in case of necessity, Party B shall be liable for the losses

resulted in such a course of installation from technical default on its part .

经双方协调 , 为完成此项工作 ,由乙方派出 数量的技术人员 , 在中国的一切费用均


As is agreed upon by both parties , Party B shall send technicians to China to assist the

completion of the project .All costs thus incurred in China shall be borne by Party B .

第七条 附加设备

7.Additional Equipment

在执行本协议过程中 ,如发现本合同项下的机械设备在配套生产时需要继续增添新的机


械设备或测试仪器时 ,可由双方另行协调 , 予以增订。增订的项目仍应列入本合同范围之内。

During the enforcement of this agreement , if it is found necessary that , in addition to the

machinery and equipment lis ted herein , some new accessories or measuring and testing instruments

are needed for completion of the project , ( an ) additional order ( s ) may be made through

negotiation by the parties .The new items thus added shall be incorporated in this agreement .

第八条 保险

8. Insurance

设备进口以后由乙方投保。设备所有权在付清货款后发生转移 , 之后 , 如发生意外 , 损失

先由保险公司向投保人赔付 ,再按比例退回甲方已支付的设备货款。

The machinery and auxiliary equipment , after shipment , shall be insured by Par ty B .The title

thereof shall be transferred in to Party B after full payment therefor is made by Party B,

thereafter, the unforeseeable losses concerning the machinery and auxiliary equipment shall be

indemnified for first by the Insurance Company to Party B, then Party B shall remit to Par ty A , in

proportion, the sum already paid by Par ty A for the machinery or equipment involved in the

contingency .

第九条 违约责任

9.Liability for Breach of Agreement

乙方不按合同规定购买补偿商品或甲方不按合同规定提供商品时 , 均应按合同条款承担

违约责任 ,赔偿由此造成的经济损失 , 并向对方支付该项货款总值的 %的罚款。

Party B shall , if it fails to comply this agreement to make purchase of the goods delivered by

Party A as reimbursement , or Par ty A shall , if it fails to comply this agreement to deliver the

goods it is due to provide , be deemed liable for a breach of agreement and shall compensate the

non-breaching Party for the loss caused thereupon and shall pay the non-breaching Party a fine

accounting for % of the total value of the goods in question .

第十条 履约保证


为保证合同条款的有效履行 , 双方分别向对方提供由各自一方银行出具的保函 , 予以担

保。甲方的担保银行为中国银行 分行 , 乙方的担保银行为 国 银行。

To guarantee the implementation of this agreement , each party shall submit to the other par ty

a letter of guarantee issued by its bank respectively .The guaranteeing bank of Par ty A is

branch of the Bank of China, while the guaranteeing bank of Party B is Bank , .

第十一条 合同条款的变更


本合同内容如遇特殊情况需要变更 ,须经双方协商一致。

The modification of this agreement in particular cases shall be agreed upon by both parties

through negotiations .

第十二条 不可抗力

12.Force Majeure

由于人力不可抗拒的原因 ,致使一方或双方不能履行合同有关条款 , 应及时向对方通报情

况 ,在取得合法机关的有效证明之后 , 允许延期履行或不履行有关合同义务 , 并可根据情况部



In case that one or both parties are impossible to perform the duties provided herein on

account of force majeure, the par ty ( or parties ) in contingency shall inform the other Party ( or

each other) of the case immediately and may , provided the case is duly verified by the competent

authorities, delay in performance of or not perform the relevant duties hereunder and be par tially

or en tirely exempted from the liability for breach of this agreement .

第十三条 仲裁


凡是有关本协议或执行本协议而发生的一切争议 ,应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决 , 则

应提交 国 仲裁委员会按 仲裁程序在 进行仲裁。仲裁适用法律

为 国法律。该仲裁委员会作出的裁决是最终的 , 甲乙双方均受其约束 ,任何一方不得向


All disputes arising out of or concerning this agreement or the performance hereof , shall be

settled through negotiations .In case no settlement can be reached through consultation , the case

shall be submitted for arbitration in ( Name of the place) to the Arbitration Commission of ( Name

of the count ry) in accordance with the procedures of ( Name of procedures ) .The law of (Name of

the country) is the applicable law for the arbitration .The award made by ( Name of the arbit ration

commission ) is final and binding upon both parties , neither party shall appeal to a law court or

other au thorities for revision of the decision .The costs shall be borne by the losing party .

第十四条 文字、生效

14.Languages and Effective Date

本合同用中 两种文字写成 , 两种文字具有同等效力。

This agreement is made in duplicate one of which of is made in Chinese and the other in

, both of which are of the same effect .

本合同自签字之日起生效 ,有效期为 年。期满后 , 双方如愿意继续合作 , 经向中国

政府有关部门申请 ,获得批准后 , 可延期 年或重新签订合同。

This agreement comes in to effect on the date when both parties hereto set their hands

hereunto and will remain effective for years .Upon its expiration , the parties may , if they

choose , renew this one for years or execute a new one, provided they apply to and approved

by the Chinese depar tment ( s) concerned .

甲方 : �乙方 :

Party A Party B

中国 公司代表 国 公司代表

Representative of Co ., China Representative of Co .,

(Authorized Signature) ( Authorized Signature)

(签字 ) ( 签字 )


Witnessed By


中国 律师事务所律师

Attorney at Law at lawyers’office, the People’s Republic of China

( signature)

(签字 )


补偿贸易购销合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

本合同于 年 月 日在 签订。

中国 公司 (简称甲方 )和 国 公司 (简称乙方 )经双方友好协商 , 在平等

互利基础上 ,同意签订如下合同 :

第一条 甲方同意从 年 月份起至 年 月底止 , 分期分批向乙方

提供产品 套 ( 件 ) , 计总值 万美元。

品号品名 :

规格 :

数量 :

单价 :

交货日期 :

第一期 :

第二期 :

第三期 :

目的口岸 :

支付办法 :

包装 :

其他 :

1. 甲方每次交货时 , 将出运的品名、规格、数量、金额、船名等在 小时前电告乙方。

出运后 , 将全套正本货运单据 ; 全套洁净装船提单 (正本 份 , 副本 份 ) ; 发票 ( 正

本 份 , 副本 份 ) ;包装单 ; 产地证明书 ;质量检验证书 , 由甲方直接寄给乙方的议付

银行。同时 ,由甲方将上述单据的副本 份 ,分别寄给乙方或乙方的代理人。

2. 乙方同意在 产品中 , 接受甲方次品不超过 %。次品价格 , 双方根据质量

情况 ,另行协商确定。

3. 其他条款根据中国 进出口总公司对 国出口商品合同规定。

第二条 乙方同意自 年 月起至 年 月底止 , 提供 机

器 台 , 准备设备 台 , 以及测试仪器 台 , 附配件 套等 , 计总值 万

美元。 (各种设备的名称、型号、台数、价值齐全 )

交货期 :

1. 机器 , 年 月交货。

2. 机器 , 年 月交货。

3. 其他设备 , 年 月交货。


目的口岸 :

支付办法 :

包装 :

其他 :乙方在发运设备时 , 应先将发运的设备型号、名称、件数、金额、重量、体积等电告甲

方。发运后 ,应将全套洁净的装船正本提单 ; 发票 ; 包装单 ; 产地证明书 ; 产品质量检验合格证

书 ;有关设备详细的技术图纸和安装、使用、操作等说明书寄送甲方。为便于甲方做好准备工

作 ,乙方同意在 年 月底前 , 先将各机全套图纸 (包括基础图 ) 寄交甲方。

第三条 本合同在执行过程中 , 如发生争议 , 由双方友好协商解决 , 协商不成时 , 可提

交 国 仲裁机构仲裁 ,仲裁裁决对双方都有约束力。

第四条 本合同如有未尽事宜 ,由双方协商同意后修改之。

第五条 在本合同执行期间 ,如发生人力不可抗拒的事件 , 甲乙双方均不承担赔偿责任。

但各方应立即把上述情况的发生通知对方 ,说明情势并预计持续时间的长短 , 以便对方采取相


第六条 本合同以中、 文书写 ,两种文体具有同等效力。自合同签字之日起生效。

甲方 :中国 公司代表

(签字 )

乙方 :

国 公司代表

(签字 )

见证人 :

中国 律师事务所律师

(签字 )


外商代理协议 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

本协议于 年 月 日在 签订 ,协议双方为 :

( 下称甲方 ) :

( 下称乙方 ) :


第一条 定义

1.1 产品 : 本协议中所称“产品”,系指由甲方制造并以其商标销售的 ( - 繐产品名称 ) 和随时


1.2 地区 : 本协议中所称“地区”,系指 国 。

1.3 商标 : 本协议中所称“商标”系指 ( - 羪商标全称 ) 。

第二条 委任及法律关系

2.1 委任 : 在本协议有效期内 ,甲方委任乙方作为其代理 , 以便在“地区”获致“产品”的订


2.2 法律关系 : 本协议给予乙方的权利和权力只限于给予一般代理的权利和权力 , 本协

议不产生其他任何关系 ,或给予乙方以代表甲方或使甲方受其他任何协议约束的任何权利 , 特

别是 ,本协议并不构成或委派乙方为甲方的代表 , 雇员或合伙人。双方明确和理解并同意 , 在

任何情况下 ,乙方可能遭受的任何损失 , 不论部分或全部 ,甲方均不承担责任。

2.3 指示 : 乙方应严格遵守甲方随时发来的指示。由于乙方超越或违背甲方指示而造成

的任何索赔、债务和责任 , 乙方应设法保护甲方利益并赔偿甲方因此而遭受的损失。

第三条 甲方的责任

3.1 广告资料 : 中方应按实际成本向乙方提供合理数量的“产品”样品、样本、价目表、广


3.2 支持推销 : 甲方应尽力支持乙方开展“产品”的推销 ; 甲方不主动向乙方代理“地区”


3.3 转介客户 : 除本协议另有规定外 ,如“地区”其他客户直接向甲方询价或订购 , 甲方应


3.4 价格 : 甲方提供乙方的“产品”价格资料 ,应尽可能保持稳定 , 如有变动应及时通告乙

方 ,以利推销。

3.5 优惠条款 : 甲方提供乙方获致订单的条款是最优惠的。今后如甲方向“地区”其他客

户销售“产品”而提供比本协议更有利条件时 ,甲方应立即以书面通知乙方 , 并向乙方提供比此



3.6 保证 : 甲方担任凡根据本协议出售的“产品”如经证实在出售时质量低劣 ,并经甲方

认可 ,则甲方应予免费修复或调换。但此项免费修复或调换的保证 , 以“产品”在出售后未经变

更或未经不正确地使用为限。除上述保证外 ,甲乙双方均同意不提供任何其他保证。

第四条 乙方的责任

4.1 推销 : 乙方应积极促进“产品”的推销 ,获取订单 , 并保持一个有相当规模和足够能力

的推销机构 ,以利“产品”在“地区”的业务顺利开展和扩大。

4.2 禁止竞争 : 乙方除得到甲方书面同意外 ,不应制造、购买、获取订单 , 或协助推销与本

协议“产品”相同或类似的其他国家商品 ,或将本协议内“产品”转销其他国家和地区。

4.3 最低销售额 : 在本协议有效期间的第一个十二个月内 ,乙方从“地区”客户获得的“产

品”订单 , 总金额应不少于 元。以后每十二个月递增百分之十五。

4.4 费用 : 在本协议有效费用内 ,乙方应承担在“地区”推销和获取“产品”订单的全部费

用 ,如电报费、旅费和其他费用 ,本协议另有规定者除外。

4.5 “产品”价格与条件 : 乙方保证按照甲方在本协议有效期内随时规定的价格和条件进

行推销。在获取订单时 ,乙方应充分告知客户 , 甲方的销售确认书或合同内的一般条款以及任

何订单均须经乙方确认接受后方为有效。乙方收到的“产品”订单 , 应立即转给甲方以便予以


4.6 督促履约 : 乙方应督促买户严格按照销售确认书或合同的各项条款履约 ,例如 , 及时


4.7 市场情况报道 : 乙方应负责每月 ( 或每季 ) 向甲方提供书面的有关“产品”的市场报

道 ,包括市场上同类产品的销售情况、价格、包装、推销方式、广告资料、客户的反映和意见等。

如市场情况发生重大变化时 ,乙方应及时以电报通知甲方。

第五条 佣金

5.1 佣金率及支付方式 : 凡经乙方获得并经甲方确认的订单 , 甲方在收妥每笔交易全部

货款后 , 将按发票净售价付给乙方百分之 佣金。为了结算方便 , 佣金每月 ( 季 ) 汇付一

次。如有退货 ,乙方应将有关佣金退还甲方。

5.2 计算基础 : 上述“发票净售价”系指甲方开出的“产品”发票上的总金额 (或毛售价 ) 减

去下列费用后的金额 ,但以这些费用业经包括在毛售价之内者为限 :

(1 )关税及货物税 ;

(2 )包装、运费和保险费 ;

(3 )商业折扣和数量折扣 ;

(4 )退货的货款 ;

(5 )延期付款利息 ;

(6 )乙方佣金。

5.3 甲方直接成交的业务 : 凡乙方“地区”的客户 ,虽已了解甲乙双方的贸易关系 , 或经甲

方转介予乙方 , 但仍坚持与甲方直接交易 , 则甲方有权与之成交 , 保留百分之 佣金予乙

方 ,并将此项交易作为本协议第 4.3 款最低销售额的一部分。

如乙方“地区”的客户在中国访问期间 ( 包括参加在中国举办的各种交易会 ) 与甲方达成

“产品”的交易 ,目的港为乙方代理“地区”者 , 甲方有权接受其订单 ,但不为乙方保留佣金 , 亦不


5.4 超额佣金 : 如乙方在本协议有效期内积极推销“产品”并超额完成年度最低销售额


(按实际出运金额计算 ) ,甲方对超额部分除支付规定的佣金外 , 应另付乙方奖励佣金 : ( 1) 超额

百分之五十时 , 奖励佣金为百分之 ; ( 2 ) 超额百分之一百及以上时 , 奖励佣金为百分

之 。奖励佣金在年度终了由甲方结算后一次汇付乙方。

第六条 协议有效期

本协议有效期为 年 , 期满自动失效。如双方同意延续本协议 , 任何一方应在期

满 天前用书面通知对方以便相互确认。

第七条 协议的终止

7.1 终止 : 协议双方应认真负责地执行各项条款。在下列条件下 , 每一方得以书面通知

另一方立即终止本协议或取消其中某一部分 :

(1 )如一方未能履行本协议的任何一项义务 , 而此项违约在接到另一方书面要求纠正的通

知后 天内又未能加以纠正 ; 或

(2 )如一方自动或被迫申请宣告破产 , 自动或被迫申请改组、清理、解散 , 或对该方指定了

产业管理人 ;或

(3 )如发生违反本协议第八条有关商标使用或注册的情况 ; 或

(4) 如发生本协议第九条不可抗力事由 , 一方在超过 天期限后仍无法履行其义


7.2 终止的影响 : 本协议的终止并不解除双方按照本协议规定业已产生但未了结的任何

债务。凡在协议终止前由于一方违约致使另一方遭受的损失 ,另一方仍有权提出索赔 , 不应受


乙方特此声明 :由于终止本协议而引起的损害 , 乙方放弃要求补偿或索赔 , 但终止本协议


第八条 商标

甲方目前拥有和使用的商标、图案、及其他标记 , 均属甲方产权 , 未经甲方特别以书面同

意 ,乙方均不得直接或间接地、全部或部分地使用注册。即使甲方特别以书面同意乙方按某种

方式使用 ,但在本协议期满或终止时 , 此种使用应随即停止并取消。

关于上述权利 ,如发生任何争议或索赔 , 甲方有权立即单方面取消本协议并且不承担由此


第九条 不可抗力

任何一方由于人力不可抗拒事由 ,以致直接或间接地造成任何迟延或无法履行本协议全

部或部分条款时 , 另一方不得提出索赔要求。此类事由包括 : 水灾、火灾、风灾、地震、海啸、雷

击、疫病、战争、封锁、禁运、扣押、战争威胁、制裁、骚动、电力控制、禁止进口 ,或出口 , 或其他非

当事人所能控制的类似原因 ,或双方同意的其他特殊原因。

有关一方应在事故发生后 天内以书面通知另一方 , 并提供当地有关机构的证明文

件 ,证明不可抗力事故的存在。

第十条 仲裁

凡有关协议或执行本协议而发生的一切争执 , 双方应通过友好协商解决。如协商不能解

决 ,双方同意提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终

局的 , 对双方都有约束力。任何一方不得再以诉讼或其他方式向法院或其他机构申请变更。

仲裁费用由败诉一方负担 ,仲裁裁决另有规定者按照规定办理。


第十一条 转让

本协议任何一方在未经征得另一方书面同意之前 ,不得将本协议规定的任何权利和义务

转让给第三者。任何转让 ,未经另一方书面明确同意 , 均属无效。

第十二条 协议生效及其他

12.1 生效日期 :本协议自双方签字之日起立即生效。

12.2 未尽事宜 :本协议如有未尽事宜须加补充或修改时 , 应以书面提出并经双方正式授


12.3 标题 :本协议各项条款的标题仅为方便而设 , 不应限制或影响协议中任何条款的实


12.4 全部协议 : 本协议系双方关于本协议主题的全部协议和谅解。除本协议有明文规

定者外 ,以前其他有关本协议主题的任何条件、声明或保证 ,不论是以书面或口头提出的 , 对双


12.5 正式文本 :本协议及附件以中文和英文缮就 , 每种文本有二正二副 , 签署后双方各

执正副本各一份 ,两种文本具有同等效力。

12.6 政府贸易 :本协议不适用于双方政府之间的贸易或甲方与乙方政府之间达成的交

易 ,亦不适用于易货贸易或投标交易。

甲方 : ( 签字 ) 乙方 ( 签字 ) :




国际有限责任公司成立合同 ( 中英文对照 )



(参考文本 )

第一章 总 则


中国 公司和 国 公司 , 根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业

法》和中国的其他有关法规 ,同意在中华人民共和国××省××市共同投资举办合资经营企

业 ,特订立本合同。

This contract is made by and between ( name of the Chinese company ) and ( name of the

foreign company) , who agree to jointly set up and run a JOINT VENTURE in city ,

Province in China under the Act of Sino-Foreign Join t Ventures ofthe People’s Republic

of China and other Chinese laws and regulations concerned .

第二章 合营各方


第一条 本合同的各方

中国×××公司 (以下简称甲方 ) ,在中国××地登记注册 , 其法定地址在中国××省××

市××区××街××号 ;法定代表 : 姓名 职务 国籍 。

××国××公司 ( 以下简称乙方 ) , 在 国 地登记注册 , 其法定地址

在 。法定代表 :姓名 职务 国籍 。

1.Parties to the Cont ract

Name of the Chinese Company , ( herein called Par ty A) , Registered in ( name of place ) ,

Address for service of process: St reet , Dist rict , City , Province,

China; Legal Representative: Name , Post , Nationality .

Name of the foreign Company, ( herein called Par ty B ) , Registered in ( name of place ) ,

Address for service of process: ; Legal Representative: Name , Post

, Nationality .


第三章 成立合资经营公司



第二条 甲、乙方根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》和中国的其他有关法规 , 同

意在中国境内建立合资经营 有限责任公司 ( 以下简称合营公司 )。

2.Party A and Party B agree to set up Co ., Ltd . ( hereinafter called JOINT

VENTURE) in China under the Act of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures of the People’s Republic of

China and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations .

第三条 合营公司的名称为 有限责任公司。

外文名称为 。

合营公司的法定地址为 省 市 路 号 。

3.Chinese Name of JOINT VENTURE : Co ., Ltd .

Foreign Name of JOINT VENTURE : .

Address for service of process: .

第四条 合营公司的一切活动 ,必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。

4.All t ransactions and activities of JOINT VENTURE shall be subject to the laws , acts and

regulations concerned of the People’s Republic of China .

第五条 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲、乙方以各自认缴的出资额对合营公

司承担责任 , 对合营企业超过认缴部分的债务 , 无论系分别债务或连带债务 , 均不承担责任。


5. JOINT VENTU RE shall be a limited liability company .Party A and Party B bear the

responsibility of JOINT VENTURE respectively according to the quota subscribed by each of

them , none of the parties shall be responsible for the obligations and liabilities exceeding his/ her

subscription quota, whether they are joint or several .Each party shall share the benefits and risks

as well of the JOINT VENTURE according to his/ her cont ributing share to the registered

capital .

第四章 生产经营目的、范围和规模



第六条 甲、乙方合资经营的目的是 : 本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望 , 采用先进而

适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法 ,提高产品质量 , 发展新产品 ,并在质量、价格等方面具有国

际市场上的竞争能力 ,提高经济效益 , 使投资各方获得满意的经济利益。 (注 : 在具体合同中要


6.Aims of setting up JOINT VENTURE by Party A and Party B: For the purpose of

improving economic co-operation and technological exchange adopting advanced and practical

techniques and in troducing scientific management in business, increasing the quality of products ,


developing new products , meeting competition successfully for price and quality in international

markets and raising economic efficiency so as to enable the investors to gain satisfactory benefits .

第七条 合营公司生产经营范围是 :

生产 产品 ;

对销售后的产品进行维修服务 ;

研究和发展产品。 (注 : 要根据具体情况写。)

7.Business Scope of JOINT VENTURE :


After-sales service

Research and Development

第八条 合营公司的生产规模如下 :

(1 )合营公司投产后的生产能力为 。

(2 )随着生产经营的发展 , 生产规模可增加 。产品品种将发展 。 ( 注 : 要


8.Scale of P roduction :

A.Production Capacity of JOINT VENTURE after it goes in to operation .

B.Along with the development of the business , production shall increase to .

Production varieties shall reach .

第五章 投资总额与注册资本



第九条 合营公司的投资总额为人民币 元 ( 或双方商定的一种外币 )。

9.Total amount of investment of JOINT VENTURE is ¥ RMB .

第十条 甲、乙方的出资额共为人民币 元 , 作为合营公司的注册资本。其中 : 甲方

元 , 占 % ; 乙方 元 , 占 %。

10.The total investment of Party A and Party B is ¥ RMB, which shall be considered

the registered capital of JOINT VENTURE .Party A alone shall contribute ¥ RMB,

accounting for % ; Party B alone shall contribu te ¥ RMB, accounting for

% .

第十一条 甲、乙双方将以下列作为投资 :

甲方 : v现金 元

机械设备 元

厂房 元

土地使用费 元

工业产权 元

其他 元共 元。

乙方 : v现金 元

机械设备 元


工业产权 元

其他 元 共 元。

(注 :外国合营者的投资比例一般不应低于 25% , 以实物、工业产权作为出资时 , 甲、乙双

方应另行订立合同 ,作为本合同的组成部分。)

对以上所列的各项目 ,除现金和土地使用费外 , 其价格应由甲、乙双方按下述方法进行评

议商定 : ( 注 :可以采用账面净值法或重估价值法等 )


Party A: �Cash



Usage of Land

Industrial P roperty


Party B: �Cash


Indust rial Proper ty


As to the items mentioned above, except cash and fees of usage of land , the values shall be

decided by the par ties herein in the following ways:

第十二条 合营公司注册资本由甲、乙方按其出资比例分 期缴付 ,每期缴付的数额

如下 : ( 注 :根据具体情况写。)

甲、乙任何一方 , 若未能按期如数向本合营企业缴付其出资额 ,则该违约方应向守约方 ( 或

合营企业 )按下述之方法进行赔偿 ( 或支付违约金 ) :

12.The registered capital shall be contribu ted by Par ty A and Party B respectively according

to their own investment shares in installments , each installment is .

Where any party fails to subscribe in time to JOINT VENTURE the provided quota, the

breaching party shall compensate ( or pay damages to ) the non-breaching party ( or JOINT

VENTURE) in the following way:

第十三条 甲、乙任何一方如向第三者转让其全部或部分出资额 , 须经另一方同意 , 并报


13.Any assignment of any par t or all of his shares to a third person by any party shall be

approved of by the other party and ratified by the depar tments concerned in execution of the

contract .

第六章 合营各方的责任


第十四条 甲、乙方应各自负责完成以下各项事宜 :

14.Party A and Party B shall be respectively responsible for the following matters:

甲方责任 :


办理为设立合营公司向中国有关主管部门申请批准、登记注册、领取营业执照等事宜 ;

Party A:

Applying to the competent Chinese department ( s ) for the establishment of JOINT

VENTURE , having JOINT VENTURE registered and getting the business license;

向土地主管部门办理申请取得土地使用权的手续 ;

Applying to the department controlling the land for the title of land usage;

组织合营公司厂房和其他工程设施的设计、施工 ;

Being in charge of the design and construction of the factory buildings and other projects and



Supplying JOINT VENTURE with cash , mechanical equipment , factory buildings, etc .which

are provided in Article 11 and Article 12 of this Cont ract;

协助办理乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备的进口报关手续和在中国境内的运输 ;

Assisting Party B to go through the customs ent ry formalities of the mechanical equipment

supplied by Party B as his shares in JOINT VENTURE and assisting Par ty B with the transport

of such equipment within the boundaries of China;

协助合营公司在中国境内购置或租赁设备、材料、原料、办公用具、交通工具、通讯设施等 ;

Assisting JOINT VENTURE to purchase or lease equipment , raw and processed materials ,

office and transportation appliance, communication facilities , etc .within the boundaries of China;

协助合营公司联系落实水、电、交通等基础设施 ;

Assisting JOINT VENTURE to get water supply , elect ricity , transport services and other

necessities required ;

协助合营公司招聘当地的中国籍的经营管理人员、技术人员、工人和所需的其他人员 ;

Assisting JOINT VENTU RE to employ local Chinese management personnel, technicians ,

workers and other needed persons;

协助外籍工作人员办理所需的入境签证、工作许可证和旅行手续等 ;

Assisting foreign employees to get entrance visas , work licenses and t ravel permits , etc .;


Undertaking other matters trusted by JOINT VENTURE .

乙方责任 :


械设备等实物运至中国港口 ;

Party B:

Supplying JOINT VENTURE with cash , mechanical equipment , industrial proper ty , etc .

provided in Article 11 and Article 12 hereof and shipping such physical proper ty as mechanical

equipment deemed as investment capital to the Chinese por t;

办理合营公司委托在中国境外选购机械设备、材料等有关事宜 ;

Purchasing mechanical equipment, materials, etc . outside China on trust of JOINT


提供需要的设备安装、调试以及生产技术人员、生产和检验技术人员 ;


Sending technical personnel for the installation and debugging of needed equipment and t rial

production and technicians for production and product examination ;


Training managerial and technical personnel, workers and other employees for JOINT


如乙方同时又是技术转让方 ,则应负责合营公司在规定的期限内按设计能力稳定地生产

合格产品 ;

Where Party B is transferor of technology, he shall assure JOINT VENTURE to turn out

qualified products in accordance with the designed capacity within the period herein provided;

协助合营企业工作人员及其他相关人员办理进入外国合营者所在国家或地区的签证 ;

Assisting the employees of JOINT VENTU RE or other relevant personnel to be granted a

visa to the state or dist rict where the foreign co-operator resides;


Doing other matters en trusted by JOINT VENTURE .

(注 : 要根据具体情况写。)

第七章 技术转让


第十五条 甲、乙双方同意 , 由合营公司与乙方 (或第三者 ) 签订技术转让协议 ,以取得为

达到合同第四章规定的生产经营目的、规模所需的先进生产技术 , 包括产品设计、制造工艺、测

试方法、材料配方、质量标准、培训人员等 ( 注 :要在合同中具体写明 ) 。

15.Party A and Party B agree that JOINT VENTURE may enter into Agreement of

Assignment of Technology with Par ty B ( or with a third party ) to get the sophisticated

techniques in production indispensable for gaining the purposes provided in Chapter Four of this

Cont ract , including product designs , manufacturing skills , inspection methods , directions for

producing materials, quality cont rol , personnel training , etc .

第十六条 乙方对技术转让提供如下保证 : (注 : 在乙方负责向合营公司转让技术的合营

合同才有此条款 )

16.As for assignment of technology , Par ty B warran ts , guarantees , covenants that :

(1 )乙方保证为合营公司提供的 (注 : 要写明产品名称 )的设计、制造技术、工艺流

程、测试和检验等全部技术是完整的、准确的、可靠的 , 是符合合营公司经营目的的要求的 , 保

证能达到本合同要求的产品质量和生产能力 ;

A.The design , production skills , technological process , examination and inspection methods ,

etc .of provided by Par ty B must be complete and integrated , accurate, reliable , fit

for the requirements of the business of JOINT VENTURE and keeping of the quality of products

and ascer taining of the production capacity herein provided;

(2 )乙方保证本合同和技术转让协议规定的技术全部转让给合营公司 , 保证提供的技术是

乙方同类技术中最先进的技术 ,设备的选型及性能质量是优良的 , 并符合工艺操作和实际使用

的要求 ;


B.Par ty B shall t ransfer all the technology to JOINT VENTURE under the terms in this

Cont ract and in the Agreement of Assignment of Technology , the technology transferred shall be

the most advanced of the same category in Party B’s portfolio , the type and function of the

equipment shall be good and shall meet the demand of technological process and practical usage ;

(3 )乙方对技术转让协议中规定的各阶段提供的技术和技术服务 , 应开列详细清单作为该

协议的附件 ,并保证实施 ;

C.As for technology and technical service provided by Party B in all stages according to the

Agreement of Assignment of Technology , Party B shall make out detailed lists as appendices to the

Agreement to guaran tee the enforcement of the Agreement;

(4 )图纸、技术条件和其他详细资料是所转让的技术的组成部分 ,保证如期提交 ;

D.Diagrams, technical conditions and other minute information are integral parts of the

t ransfer of technology and shall be supplied duly ;

(5 )在技术转让协议有效期内 , 乙方对该项技术的改进 ,以及改进的情报和技术资料 , 应及

时提供合营公司 ,不另收费用 ;

E.At all time during the term of the Agreement of Assignment of Technology , Party B shall

report and supply information to JOINT VENTURE duly with respect to any innovation made by

Party B in the t ransferred technology , and no extra fee shall be charged hereof;

(6 )乙方保证在技术转让协议规定的期限内使合营公司技术人员和工人掌握所转让的


F.Par ty B shall ensure the technical personnel and workers in JOINT VENTURE master

t ransferred techniques within the period provided by the Agreement of Assignment of

Technology .

第十七条 如乙方未按本合同及技术转让协议的规定提供设备和技术 , 或发现有欺骗或

隐瞒之行为 ,乙方应负责赔偿合营公司的直接损失。

17.Where Party B fails to provide equipment or techniques under the terms and conditions

herein or in the Agreement of Assignment of Technology or is found fraudulent , Par ty shall be

liable for the direct losses of JOINT VENTURE caused hereby .

第十八条 技术转让费采取提成方式支付。提成率为产品出厂净销售额的 %。提


18.Technology t ransfer fees will be paid by way of deducting a percentage ( % ) from

the net sales income of the products .Deducting time shall be the same as allot ted in Ar ticle 19 , the

Agreement of Assignment of Technology ,of this Contract .

第十九条 合营公司与乙方签订的技术转让协议期限为 年。技术转让协议期满

后 ,合营公司有权继续使用和研究发展该引进技术。

(注 : 技术转让协议期限一般不超过十年 ,协议须经对外经济贸易部或其委托的审批机构


19.The term of Agreement of Assignment of Technology made between JOINT VENTURE

and Par ty B is years .At the expiration of the Agreement, JOINT VENTURE is entitled

to continue to use and develop the said technology .


第八章 产品的销售


第二十条 合营公司的产品 , 在中国境内外市场上销售 , 外销部分占 % , 内销部

分占 %。

(注 : 可根据实际情况写明各个年度内外销的比例和数额。一般情况下 , 外销量至少应能


20.Products of JOINT VENTURE will be sold both in and out of China .Those that are to

be sold in China will amount to % while those to be sold outside of China account for

% .

第二十一条 产品可由下列渠道向国外销售 :

21.Products will be sold to foreign count ries through the following channels:

由合营公司直接向中国境外销售的占 %。

Those that will be sold directly outside of China by JOINT VENTU RE account for

% ;

由合营公司与中国外贸公司订立的销售合同 , 委托其代销 , 或由中国外贸公司包销的

占 %。

Those that will be sold by proxy or exclusively by the Chinese foreign trade corporation with

which JOINT VENTURE will make a sales agreement account for % ;

由合营公司委托乙方销售的占 %。

Those that JOINT VENTURE will ent rust to sell account for % .

第二十二条 合营公司内销产品可由中国物资部门 ,商业部门包销或代销 , 或由合营公司


22.Products for domestic market may be sold by proxy or exclusively by Chinese commodity

departments or commercial depar tments , or sold directly by JOINT VENTURE .

第二十三条 为了在中国境内外销售产品和进行销售后的产品维修服务 , 经中国有关部

门批准 ,合营公司可在中国境内外设立销售维修服务的分支机构。

23.Approved by the Chinese department concerned , JOINT VENTURE may set up sales and

main tenance and repair services within and outside the boundaries of China to sell products or

render after-sale service within and outside the boundaries of China .

第二十四条 合营公司的产品使用商标为 。

24.The t rade mark used for the products of JOINT VENTURE is .

第九章 董事会


第二十五条 合营公司注册登记之日 ,为合营公司董事会成立之日。

25.The date of the regist ry of JOINT VENTURE is deemed the date of the establishment of

the Board of Directors of JOINT VENTURE .


第二十六条 董事会由 名董事组成 , 其中甲方委派 名 , 乙方委派 名。

董事长和副董事长由甲乙两方协商确立或由董事会选举产生 (甲乙双方一方担任董事长的 , 由

他方担任副董事长 )。董事、董事长和副董事长任期四年 ,经委派方继续委派可以连任。

26.Board of Directors is made of directors , of which are appointed by Party A

and are appointed by Party B .Chairman of the Board is chosen by agreement of the parties

or by election of the Board of directors ( if Chairman of the Board is chosen from Party A while

Vice Chairman shall be chosen from Party B ) .The Chairman , Vice Chairman and directors are

appointed for four years and will be eligible for re-appoin tment where the appoin ting par ty

chooses .

第二十七条 董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构 ,决定合营公司的一切重大事宜 , 对于重

大问题 (注 : 按中外合资经营企业实施条例第三十六条列举主要内容 ) , 应一致通过 ,方可作出

决定。对其他事宜 ,可采取多数通过或简单多数通过决定 ( 注 :在具体合同中要明确规定 ) 。

27.Board of Directors is the supreme authority of JOINT VENTU RE which is responsible

for all importan t issues .As for such important issues as⋯ , no decision shall be made unless a

unanimous agreement is reached while other matters will be resolved through majority vote or

simple majority vote .

第二十八条 董事长是合营公司法定代表。董事长因故不能履行其职责时 , 可临时授权


28.Chairman of Board of Directors is the legal represen tative of JOINT VENTURE .Where

he/ she can not perform his/ her duties for some whatever reason , he/ she may , for a short time,

authorize Vice-Chairman or any other director to act on behalf of himself/ herself .

第二十九条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次 , 由董事长召集并主持会议。经三分之一以

上的董事提议 ,董事长可召开董事会临时会议。会议记录应归档保存。

29.The general meeting of Board of Directors shall be held at least once per year and shall be

called for and presided over by the Chairman of the Board of Directors .An ext raordinary general

meeting may be held upon the proposal of no less than one third of the directors .Minutes of the

Board meeting shall be placed on file .

第十章 经营管理机构


第三十条 合营公司设管理机构 ,负责公司的日常经营管理工作。经营管理机构设总经

理一人 ,由 方推荐 ;副总经理 人 ,由甲方推荐 人 ,乙方推荐 人。总经

理、副总经理由董事会聘请 , 任期 年。

30.An Administ ration shall be established by JOINT VENTURE for the routine

management and operation of the Venture .The Administ ration is composed of one President , who

is recommended by Party , Vice P resident ( s ) , of whom is/ are

recommended by Par ty A and of whom is/ are chosen by Party B .President and Vice

President ( s) shall be appoin ted by Board of Directors for a term of years .

第三十一条 总经理的职责是执行董事会会议的各项决议 , 组织领导合营公司的日常经



31.The President is responsible for the execution of all resolutions passed and adopted at the

meetings of the Board of Directors and organizes and manages routine administrative and operating

work while the Vice President ( s) shall assist the work of the President .

经营管理机构可设若干部门经理 ,分别负责企业各部门的工作 , 办理总经理和副总经理交

办的事项 ,并对总经理和副总经理负责。

Some section managers may be appoin ted within the Administrative framework who, charged

with the work of a section respectively , will settle the matters assigned by the President or Vice

President ( s) and hold themselves responsible to the President or Vice President ( s) .

第三十二条 总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职的 , 经董事会议决定可随时撤换。

32.Board of Directors may from time to time remove the President or Vice P resident ( s) by

resolu tion where President or Vice President ( s ) corrupt ( s ) or severely neglect ( s ) his/ their

duties .

第十一章 设备购买


第三十三条 合营公司所需原材料、燃料、配套件、运输工具和办公用品等 , 在条件相同情

况下 ,尽先在中国购买。

33.Raw materials , fuels , subassemblies and components , t ranspor t vehicles and office

apparatus needed by JOINT VENTURE shall be purchased under the provision that if conditions

are alike, China shall be given the priorityto be the country where the purchase takes place .

第三十四条 合营公司委托乙方在国外市场选购设备时 ,应邀请甲方派人参加。

34.Where JOINT VENTURE appoints Party B by proxy to buy equipment outside China,

represen tatives of Party A shall participate in the purchase .

第十二章 筹备和建设



第三十五条 合营公司在筹备、建设期间 , 在董事会下设立筹建处。筹建处由 人组

成 ,其中甲方 人 , 乙方 人。筹建处主任一人 , 由 方推荐 , 副主任一人 , 由


35.During the period of preparation and const ruction of JOINT VENTURE , a preparation

office shall be formed under the Board of Directors .The office is made of members ,

of whom are chosen by Party A and of whom are chosen by Party B; the Director of the

office is recommended by Party and the Vice Director of the office is recommended by

Party both of whom shall be appoin ted by the Board of directors .

第三十六条 筹建处具体负责审查工程设计 , 签订工程施工承包合同 , 组织生产设备、材

料等物资的采购和验收 ,制定工程施工总进度 , 编制用款计划 ,掌握工程财务支付和工程决算 ,


制定有关的管理办法 ,做好工程施工过程中文件、图纸、档案、资料的保管和整理等工作。

36.The preparation office is responsible for examining the designs of the projects , signing the

project construction contract , purchasing , checking and accepting production equipment and

materials , deciding the general const ruction progress , devising financial plans , making the payment

and the budget of the project , working out the administ rative methods concerned , taking care of

and sor ting out relevant papers , blueprin ts , archives and information , etc .during the construction .

第三十七条 甲乙双方指派若干技术人员组成技术小组 , 在筹建处领导下 , 负责对设计、


37.Party A and Party B shall appoint some technical personnel to form a technical group ,

which , led by the preparation office, is to examine, supervise, check and accept the design , quality

of the const ruction , equipment and materials and int roduced technology , and assess the

performance, etc .

第三十八条 筹建处工作人员的编制、报酬及费用 , 经甲乙双方同意后 ,列入工程预算。

38.The authorized size, payment and expense of the preparation office , upon the agreement of

both Party A and Par ty B, shall be lis ted in the project budget .

第三十九条 筹建处在工程建设完成并办理完毕移交手续后 ,经董事会批准撤销。

39.Where the project is completed and all the transfer formalities have been met, the

preparation office shall be disbanded by the resolu tion of the Board of Directors .

第十三章 劳动管理


第四十条 合营公司职工的招收、招聘、辞退、工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等事项 , 按

照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》及其实施办法 ,经董事会研究制定方案 ,


40.The recruitment, employment , dismissal , wages , labor insurance, welfare, rewards ,

punishment, etc .of the employees of JOINT VENTU RE shall be subject to the labor contract

collectively or individually made between JOINT VENTU RE and its trade union , upon the

resolu tion of the Board of Directors made under The Labor Management Rules of the Sino-foreign

Join t Ventures of the People’s Republic of China and its enforcement regulations .

劳动合同订立后 ,报当地劳动管理部门备案。

The labor contract , after its signing , shall be registered in the local labor administ ration

department .

第四十一条 甲乙方推荐的高级管理人员的聘请和工资待遇、社会保险、福利、差旅费标

准等 ,由董事会会议讨论决定。

41.As to the senior managers recommended by Party A or Party B, their employment , wages

and treatment , social insurance , welfare, criterion of travel fees , etc .shall be decided by the Board

of Directors at the general meetings .


第十四章 税务、财务、审计



第四十二条 合营公司按照中国的有关法律和条例规定缴各项税金。

42.JOINT VENTURE shall levy taxes and duties under relevant Chinese laws , acts and

regulations .

第四十三条 合营公司职工按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》缴纳个人所得税。

43.The employees of JOINT VENTURE shall pay personal income tax under the Personal

Income Tax Act of the People’s Republic of China .

第四十四条 合营公司按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》的规定从公司赢利中

提取储备基金、企业发展基金及职工福利奖励基金 , 每年提取的比例由董事会根据公司经营情


44.JOINT VENTURE may , subject to the provisions of Act of Sino-Foreign Join t Ventures

of the People’s Republic of China , set aside out of the gains and profits of JOINT VENTURE

such sums used as reserves , development fund , employees’welfare or reward fund , the propor tion

of such sums shall be decided at the general meetings of the Board of Directors in accordance with

the operation of JOINT VENTURE .

第四十五条 合营公司的会计年度从每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止 , 一切记账凭

证、单据、报表、账簿 , 用中文书写 (注 : 也可同时用甲乙双方同意的一种外文书写 )。

45.The fiscal year of JOINT VENTURE shall begin from January the first to December the

thir ty first each year .Any and all accounting papers such as receip ts , slips , statements , books , etc .

shall be written in Chinese (or in another language agreed upon by both parties ) .

第四十六条 合营公司的财务审计聘请在中国注册的会计审查、稽核 , 并将结果报告董事


46.Financial affairs of JOINT VENTURE shall be examined and checked by accountants

registered in China and the result of the audit shall be reported to Board of Directors and P resident


如乙方认为需要聘请其他国家的审计师对年度财务进行审查 , 甲方应予以同意。其所需


Where Party B thinks it proper to employ some foreign auditors other than the Chinese ones

to make the annual financial examination and checking , no protest shall be made by Party A and in

this case Party B alone shall bear all the charges in respect of the specially fixed audit .

第四十七条 每营业年度的头三个月 ,由总经理组织编制上一年度的资产负债表、损益计

算书和利润分配方案 ,提交董事会会议审查。

47.President shall , in the first three months of each fiscal year , direct to compile and make

the balance sheet , profit and loss account and profit dist ribution plan of last year and submit all the

aforesaid documents to Board of Directors to be examined and considered .

合营企业的全部利润 ,在缴纳所得税、提取第四十四条所列基金后 , 应按合营各方出资比


例 ,由董事会确定的利润分配方案进行分配 ( 若以前年度的亏损未弥补 ,不得分配利润 ; 以前年

度未分配的利润可并入本年度利润分配。另外 ,对分配形式应加以规定 ) 。

All profits of JOINT VENTURE shall , after the income tax is paid and the funds provided in

Article 44 hereof are reserved , be distribu ted under the distribu tion plan made by the Board of

Directors〔Note : No profits shall be dist ributed if the losses of the past year ( s ) have not been

covered ; the undistributed profits of past year( s) may be distributed along with this year’s profit

( s) Furthermore , regulations should be laid down as to the dist ribution method〕 .

第十五章 合营期限、解散与清算



第四十八条 本合营企业在下述情况下解散 :

48.JOINT VENTURE may be dissolved in the following cases:

(1 )合营期满 ;

A.This cont ract expires;

(2 )合营期满之前 , 出现下述任何一种情况或事件 ,经董事会决议 , 本合营企业也可解散 :

B.Prior to the expiration of this cont ract , in case any of the following situations or incidents

occurs and upon the general resolution of the Board of Directors , JOINT VENTU RE may be


a. 合营企业遭受重大损失 , 无法继续经营 ;

JOINT VENTURE fails to maintain operation due to heavy losses;

b. 任何一方违反经营合同规定 , 使本企业无法继续经营 ;

JOINT VENTURE fails to maintain operation due to any party’s breach of any provisions of

operating agreements;

c. 合营企业达不到经营目的 , 投资无法回收 ;

JOINT VENTURE fails to achieve the business aim and redeem the capital invested ;

d. 不可抗力 , 等。

In case of force majeure, etc .

第四十九条 合营企业宣告解散时 ,董事会应组织清算委员会 , 按《中华人民共和国中外

合资经营企业法实施条例》第 103 条至 108 条规定执行。

49.Where JOINT VENTURE is dissolved, a liquidation committee shall be established by

the Board of Directors under Article 103 to Ar ticle 108 of the Enforcement Regulations of Act of

the Sino-Foreign Joint Venture of the People’s Republic of China .

第五十条 合营公司的期限为 年。合营公司的成立日期为合营公司营业执照签发


50.The term of JOINT VENTURE is years . The date of the establishment of

JOINT VENTU RE is deemed the same date of the issuance of the license of JOINT VENTURE .

经一方提议 ,董事会会议一致通过 , 可以在合营期满六个月前向对外经济贸易部 ( 或其委

托的审批机构 )申请延长合营期限。


The term may be prolonged, upon the proposal of any party and by unanimous resolution of

Board of Directors , with an application submitted six months before the maturity of JOINT

VENTURE to the Ministry of Foreign Trade ( or any agency authorized thereby) .

第十六章 合营期满财产处理



第五十一条 合营期满或提前终止合营 ,合营公司应依法进行清算 , 清算后的财产 , 根据


51.In case of expiration or cancellation in advance, JOINT VENTURE shall be liquidated

under the relevant laws and the proper ty liquidated shall be distributed by and between Par ty A

and Par ty B upon their shares invested in JOINT VENTU RE respectively .

第十七章 保险


第五十二条 合营公司的各项保险均在中国人民保险公司投保 , 投保险别、保险价值、保


52.Insurance of JOINT VENTURE against all risks shall be from the People’s Insurance

Company of China , in respect to the coverage , value , period , etc of the insurance, Board of

Directors of JOINT VENTURE shall make a resolu tion at the general meeting under the

provisions concerned with the People’s Insurance Company of China .

第十八章 合同的修改、变更与解除



第五十三条 对本合同及其附件的修改必须经甲、乙双方签署书面协议 , 并报原审批机构

批准 ,才能生效。

53.No modification of this cont ract or the appendices hereto shall be effective unless it is

agreed by Party A and Party B in writing and reported to and ratified by the original examining

and approving department .

第五十四条 由于不可抗力 ,致使合同无法履行 , 或是由于合营公司连年亏损、无力继续

经营 ,经董事会一致通过 , 并报原审批机构批准 ,可以提前终止合营期限和解除合同。

54.In case JOINT VENTURE fails to perform this contract because of force majeure or to

continue to operate on account of losses for years , this cont ract may be cancelled or terminated in

advance by the unanimous resolu tion of the Board of Directors and with the approval of the

original examining and approving department .

第五十五条 由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务 , 或严重违反合同、章程规定 , 造成合


营公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的 ,视作违约方单方终止合同 , 他方除有权向违

约一方索赔外 ,并有权按合同规定报原审批机构批准终止合同。如甲、乙双方同意继续经营 ,


55.Where any party hereto fails to perform the duties and obligations provided herein or in

the articles of association , or materially breaches the provisions hereof or of the articles of

association so as to cause the failure of JOINT VENTURE to operate normally or to win the

operations objectives set herein , the breaching party shall be held to terminate this contract

unilaterally, the other par ty is entitled to , in addition to making a claim for damages to the

breaching party , demand to end this contract and repor t to the original examining and approving

department for ratification . In case both parties hereto agree to maintain the business , the

breaching party shall be liable for the compensation for the economic loss suffered by JOINT


第十九章 违约责任



第五十六条 甲、乙任何一方未按本合同第五章的规定依期按数提交完出资额时 , 从逾期

第一个月算起 ,每逾期一个月 , 违约一方应缴付应交出资额的百分之 的违约金给守约

的一方。如逾期三个月仍未提交 ,除累计收取违约方应交出资额的百分之 的违约金

外 ,守约一方有权按本合同第五十三条规定终止合同 , 并要求违约方赔偿损失。

56.Where any party hereto fails to cont ribute any sum or sums provided in CHAP TER F IVE

hereof as investment capital , the breaching party shall pay , beginning from the first month of the

default , a sum up to % of the due investment capital as default fine to the non-breaching

par ty per month .Where any par ty fails to pay the investment capital for three months , in addition

to getting % remedies turned over by the breaching party in accordance with the grand

total , the non-breaching party is en titled to treat this contract as ended upon the provisions in

Article 53 hereof and demand the breaching party to compensate for the loss .

第五十七条 由于一方违约 ,造成本合同及其附件不能履行或不能完全履行时 , 由违约一

方承担违约责任 ;如属双方违约 , 根据实际情况 ,由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。

57.Where this contract or any part of this contract or any appendix thereto cannot be

performed on account of any party’s default , the breaching party shall bear the responsibility ; in

case of both parties’default , each party shall take its responsibility respectively in accordance with

specific situations .

第五十八条 为保证本合同及其附件的履行 ,甲、乙各方应相互提供履约的银行担保书。

58.Party A and Par ty B shall provide a bank warran ty to guarantee their performance of this

contract and the appendices hereto .


第二十章 不可抗力


第五十九条 由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争以及其他不能预见并且对其发生和后果不

能防止或避免的不可抗力 ,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时 , 遇有上述

不可抗力的一方 ,应立即电报通知对方 , 并应在十五天内 ,提供不可抗力详情及合同不能履行 ,

或者部分不履行 ,或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件 , 此项证明文件应由不可抗力发生

地区的公证机构出具。按其对履行合同影响的程度 ,由双方协商决定是否解除合同 , 或者部分

免除履行合同的责任 ,或者延期履行合同。

59.Where the performance hereof is hindered by or is absolutely impossible under the terms

and conditions herein on account of force majeures , including ear thquakes , typhoons , floods , fires ,

war or other unexpected , irresistible or unavoidable forces in respect of their consequences or

results , the party in contingency shall inform the other party of such contingency by telegram

immediately, and within 15 days present valid documents signed by the notarial agency of the

locale, stating the details of the incident and proving it is impossible to perform whole or par t of

this contract or that extension of time of performance hereof is necessary .The parties shall decide,

judging by the consequence to the performance hereof, whether this contract should be cancelled or

the duties herein should partly be discharged or the time of performance hereof should be

extended .

第二十一章 适用法律


第六十条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的


60.It is mutually understood that this is a contract of which the entering , effects ,

const ruction, performance and solution of disputes are all subject to the laws of the People’s

Republic of China .

第二十二章 争议的解决


第六十一条 凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议 , 均应提交中国国际经济贸

易仲裁委员会 ,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的 , 对双


61.Any or all disputes arising out of or relating to this contract shall be submitted to the

China International Economic and Trade Arbit ration Commission for arbitration which shall be

conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbit ration rules in effect at the time of

application of the arbitration . The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties .



凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 ,双方应通过友好协商解决 ; 如果协

商不能解决 ,应提交仲裁。


Any or all disputes arising out of or relating to this contract or the performance hereof shall

be settled through friendly negotiation between the parties; where no agreement can be reached

such disputes shall be submitted for arbit ration .

仲裁在被诉人所在国进行 :

The arbitration shall be held in the defendant count ry ;

在中国 ,由中国国际贸易促进委员会对外经济贸易仲裁委员会根据该会的仲裁程序暂行


Where the arbitration is held in the PR of China, the dispute ( s ) shall be arbitrated by the

Foreign Trade Arbitration Committee of the China International Commerce Promotion

Commission under the provisional procedure rules thereof .

在 (被诉人国名 ) ,由 ( 被诉人国家的仲裁组织名称 )根据该组织的仲裁程序进行仲裁。

Where the arbitration is held in , the dispute ( s ) shall be arbit rated by

under the rules thereof .

仲裁裁决是终局的 ,对双方都有约束力。

The arbitral award is final and binding on both of the par ties .

(注 : 在订立合同时 ,上述三种方式仅能选一。)

第六十二条 在仲裁过程中 ,除双方有争议正进行仲裁的部分外 , 本合同应继续履行。

62.This contract shall remain effective and executable even in the process of arbit ration

except the part hereof in dispute that is being arbitrated .

第二十三章 文 字


第六十三条 本合同用中文和 文写成 , 两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文本

如有不符 ,以中文本为准。

63.There are two original cont racts made respectively in Chinese and , both of which

are of the same effect .Where any inconsistency occurs in account of the in terpretation of these two

texts , the Chinese text shall be deemed superior .

第二十四章 合同生效及其他



第六十四条 按照本合同规定的各项原则订立如下的附属协议文件 , 包括 : 工程协议、技


64.The supplementary documents made under the principles of this contract , including the


project agreement, the technical transfer agreement, the sales agreement⋯ shall be deemed as an

in tegral part of this contract .

第六十五条 本合同及其附件 ,均须经中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部 ( 或其委托的审批

机构 )批准 , 自批准之日起生效。

65.This contract and the supplementary documents hereof are subject to the approval of the

Foreign Trade Minist ry of the People’s Republic of China (or any delegated agency thereof) and

will take effect from the date of the approval .

第六十六条 甲、乙双方发送通知的方法 , 如用电报、电传通知时 , 凡涉及各方权利、义务

的 ,应随之以书面信件通知。合同中所列甲、乙双方的法定地址即为甲、乙双方收件地址。

66.Where any par ty serves any notice pertaining to the other party’s or both par ties’rights

or obligations on the other par ty by telegraph or facsimile, the written original shall be mailed to

the other party immediately .The process-service addresses herein of the par ties shall be held the

postal addresses of the parties .

第六十七条 本合同于 20 年 月 日由甲、乙双方的授权代表在中

国 签字。

67.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of Par ty A and Party B have

hereunto set their hands on day of , 20 .

中国 公司代表 �×国 公司代表

Authorized Representative of Authorized Representative of

China Company state Company

(签字 ) ( 签字 )

By . By .


中外合资经营企业合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

第一章 总 则

中国 公司和 国 公司 , 根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业

法》和中国的其他有关法规 , 本着平等互利的原则 , 通过友好协商 , 同意在中华人民共和

国 省 市 ,共同投资举办合资经营企业 , 特订立本合同。

第二章 合营各方

第一条 本合同的各方为 :

中国 公司 ( 以下简称甲方 ) , 在中国 地登记注册 , 其法定地址在中国 市

区 街 号 , 法定代表人 :姓名 职务 国籍 。

国 公司 ( 以下简称乙方 ) , 在 国 地登记注册 , 其法定地址

在 。

法定代表人 :姓名 职务 国籍 。

(注 : 若有两个以上合营者 ,依次称丙、丁⋯⋯方 )

第三章 成立合资经营公司

第二条 甲、乙方根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》和中国的其他有关法规 , 同

意在中国境内建立合资经营 有限责任公司 ( 以下简称合营公司 )。

第三条 合营公司的名称为 有限责任公司。

外文名称为 。

合营公司的法定地址为 : 省 市 路 号。

第四条 合营公司的一切活动 ,必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。

第五条 合营公司的组织形式为有限责任公司。甲、乙方以各自认缴的出资额对合营公


第四章 生产经营目的、范围和规模

第六条 甲、乙方合资经营的目的是 : 本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望 , 采用先进而

适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法 ,提高产品质量 , 发展新产品 ,并在质量、价格等方面具有国


际市场上的竞争能力 ,提高经济效益 , 使投资各方获得满意的经济利益 (注 : 在具体合同中要根

据具体情况写 )。

第七条 合营公司生产经营范围是 :

生产 产品 ;

对销售后的产品进行维修服务 ;

研究和发展新产品 (注 : 要根据具体情况写 )。

第八条 合营公司的生产规模如下 :

1. 合营公司投产后的生产能力为 。

2. 随着生产经营的发展 , 生产规模可增加到年产 。产品品种将发展 ( 注 : 要

根据具体情况写 )。

第五章 投资总额与注册资本

第九条 合营公司的投资总额为人民币 元 ( 或双方商定的一种外币 )。

第十条 甲、乙方的出资额共为人民币 元 ,以此为合营公司的注册资本。

其中 :甲方 元 ,占 % ;乙方 元 ,占 %。

第十一条 甲、乙方将以下列作为出资 :

甲方 : v现金 元

机械设备 元

厂房 元

土地使用权 元

工业产权 元

其他 元共 元。

乙方 : v现金 元

机械设备 元

工业产权 元

其他 元共 元。

(注 : 以实物工业产权作为出资时 ,甲、乙双方应另行订立合同 ,作为本合同的组成部分。)

第十二条 合营公司注册资本由甲、乙方按其出资比例分 期缴付 ,每期缴付的数额

如下 : ( 注 :根据具体情况写 ) 。

第十三条 甲、乙任何一方如向第三者转让其全部或部分出资额 , 须经另一方同意 , 并报


一方转让其全部或部分出资额时 ,另一方有优先购买权。

第六章 合营各方的责任

第十四条 甲、乙方应各自负责完成以下各项事宜 :

甲方责任 :

办理为设立合营公司向中国有关主管部门申请批准、登记注册、领取营业执照等事宜 ;

向土地主管部门办理申请取得土地使用权的手续 ;


组织合营公司厂房和其他工程设施的设计、施工 ;


协助办理乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备的进口报关手续和在中国境内的运输 ;

协助合营公司在中国境内购置或租赁设备、材料、原料、办公用具、交通工具、通讯设施等 ;

协助合营公司联系落实水、电、交通等基础设施 ;

协助合营公司招聘当地的中国籍的经营管理人员、技术人员、工人和所需的其他人员 ;

协助外籍工作人员办理所需的入境签证、工作许可证和旅行手续等 ;


乙方责任 :


运至中国港口 ;

办理合营公司委托在中国境外选购机械设备、材料等有关事宜 ;

提供需要的设备安装、调试以及试生产技术人员、生产和检验技术人员 ;

培训合营公司的技术人员和工人 ;

如乙方同时又是技术转让方 ,则应负责合营公司在规定的期限内按设计能力稳定地生产

合格产品 ;


(注 : 要根据具体情况写。)

第七章 技术转让

第十五条 甲、乙双方同意 ,由合营公司与 方或第三者签订技术转让协议 , 以取得

为达到本合同第四章规定的生产经营目的、规模所需的先进生产技术 , 包括产品设计、制造工

艺、测试方法、材料配方、质量标准、培训人员等 (注 : 要在合同中具体写明 )。

第十六条 乙方对技术转让提供如下保证 : (注 : 在乙方负责向合营公司转让技术的合营


1. 乙方保证为合营公司提供的 ( 注 : 要写明产品名称 ) 的设计、制造技术、工艺流

程、测试和检验等全部技术是完整的、准确的、可靠的 , 是符合合营公司经营目的要求的 , 保证

能达到本合同要求的产品质量和生产能力 ;

2. 乙方保证本合同和技术转让协议规定的技术全部转让给合营公司 , 保证提供的技术是

乙方同类技术中最先进的技术 ,设备的选型及性能质量是优良的 , 并符合工艺操作和实际使用

的要求 ;

3. 乙方对技术转让协议中规定的各阶段提供的技术和技术服务 , 应开列详细清单作为该

协议的附件 ,并保证实施 ;

4. 图纸、技术条件和其他详细资料是所转让的技术的组成部分 ,保证如期提交 ;

5. 在技术转让协议有效期内 , 乙方对该项技术的改进 , 以及改进的情报和技术资料 ,应及

时提供给合营公司 ,不另收费用 ;

6. 乙方保证在技术转让协议规定的期限内使合营公司技术人员和工人掌握所转让的技


第十七条 如乙方未按本合同及技术转让协议的规定提供设备和技术 , 或发现有欺骗或


隐瞒之行为 ,乙方应负责赔偿合营公司的直接损失。

第十八条 技术转让费采取提成方式支付。提成率为产品出厂净销售额的 %。


第十九条 合营公司与乙方签订的技术转让协议期限为 年。技术转让协议期满

后 ,合营公司有权继续使用和研究发展该引进技术。

(注 : 技术转让协议期限一般不超过十年 ,协议须经对外贸易经济合作部或其委托的审批

机构批准 )

第八章 产品的销售

第二十条 合营公司的产品 , 在中国境内外市场上销售 , 外销部分占 % , 内销部分

占 %。

(注 : 可根据实际情况写明各个年度内外销的比例和数额。一般情况下 , 外销量至少应能

满足合资公司外汇支出的需要 )

第二十一条 产品可由下述渠道向国外销售 :

由合营公司直接向中国境外销售的占 %。

由合营公司与中国外贸公司订立销售合同 , 委托其代销 , 或由中国外贸公司包销的

占 %。

由合营公司委托乙方销售的占 %。

第二十二条 合营公司内销产品可由中国物资部门、商业部门包销或代销 , 或由合营公司


第二十三条 为了在中国境内外销售产品和进行销售后的产品维修服务 , 经中国有关部

门批准 ,合营公司可在中国境内外设立销售维修服务的分支机构。

第二十四条 合营公司的产品使用商标为 。

第九章 董事会

第二十五条 合营公司注册登记之日 ,为合营公司董事会成立之日。

第二十六条 董事会由 名董事组成 , 其中甲方委派 名 , 乙方委派 名。

董事长由甲方委派 ,副董事长由乙方委派。董事和董事长任期四年 , 经委派方继续委派可以连


第二十七条 董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构 , 决定合营公司的一切重大事宜。对于

重大问题 (注 : 按中外合资经营企业法实施条例第三十六条列举主要内容 ) , 应一致通过 , 方可

作出决定。对其他事宜 ,可采取多数通过或简单多数通过决定 ( 在具体合同中要明确规定 )。

第二十八条 董事长是合营公司法定代表人。董事长因故不能履行其职责时 ,可临时授


第二十九条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次 , 由董事长召集并主持会议。经三分之一以

上的董事提议 ,董事长可召开董事会临时会议。会议记录应归档保存。


第十章 经营管理机构

第三十条 合营公司设经营管理机构 , 负责公司的日常经营管理工作。经营管理机构设

总经理一人 ,由 方推荐 ;副总经理 人 , 由甲方推荐 人 , 乙方推荐 人 ,

总经理、副总经理由董事会聘请 , 任期 年。

第三十一条 总经理的职责是执行董事会会议的各项决议 , 组织领导合营公司的日常经


经营管理机构可设若干部门经理 ,分别负责企业各部门的工作 , 办理总经理和副总经理交

办的事项 ,并对总经理和副总经理负责。

第三十二条 总经理、副总经理有营私舞弊或严重失职的 , 经董事会会议决议可随时


第十一章 设备购买

第三十三条 合营公司所需原材料、燃料、配套件、运输工具和办公用品等 , 在条件相同情

况下 ,尽先在中国购买。

第三十四条 合营公司委托乙方在国外市场选购设备时 ,应邀请甲方派人参加。

第十二章 筹备和建设

第三十五条 合营公司在筹备、建设期间 , 在董事会下设立筹建处。筹建处由 人组

成 ,其中甲方 人 , 乙方 人。筹建处主任一人 , 由 方推荐 , 副主任一人 ,

由 方推荐 , 筹建处主任、副主任由董事会任命。

第三十六条 筹建处具体负责审查工程设计 , 签订工程施工承包合同 , 组织有关设备、材

料等物资的采购和验收 ,制定工程施工总进度 , 编制用款计划 ,掌握工程财务支付和工程决算 ,

制定有关的管理办法 ,做好工程施工过程中文件、图纸、档案、资料的保管和整理等工作。

第三十七条 甲乙双方指派若干技术人员组成技术小组 , 在筹建处领导下 , 负责对设计、


第三十八条 筹建处工作人员的编制、报酬及费用 , 经甲乙双方同意后 ,列入工程预算。

第三十九条 筹建处在工厂建设完成并办理完毕移交手续后 ,经董事会批准撤销。

第十三章 劳动管理

第四十条 合营公司职工的雇用、辞退、工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等事项 ,按照《中

华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》及其实施办法 , 经董事会研究制定方案 , 由合


劳动合同订立后 ,报当地劳动管理部门备案。

第四十一条 甲、乙方推荐的高级管理人员的聘请和工资待遇、社会保险、福利、差旅费标

准等 ,由董事会会议讨论决定。


第十四章 税务、财务、审计

第四十二条 合营公司按照中国的有关法律和条例规定缴纳各项税金。

第四十三条 合营公司职工按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》缴纳个人所得税。

第四十四条 合营公司按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》的规定提取储备基

金、企业发展基金及职工福利奖励基金 , 每年提取的比例由董事会根据公司经营情况讨论


第四十五条 合营公司的会计年度从每年一月一日起至十二月三十一日止 , 一切记账凭

证、单据、报表、账簿 , 用中文书写 (注 : 也可同时用甲乙双方同意的一种外文书写 )。

第四十六条 合营企业的财务审计聘请在中国注册的会计师审查、稽核 , 并将结果报告董


如乙方认为需要聘请其他国家的审计师对年度财务进行审查 , 甲方应予以同意。其所需


第四十七条 每一营业年度的头三个月 ,由总经理组织编制上一年度的资产负债表、损益

计算书和利润分配方案 ,提交董事会会议审查通过。

第十五章 合营期限

第四十八条 合营公司的期限为 年。合营公司的成立日期为合营公司营业执照签


经一方提议 ,董事会会议一致通过 , 可以在合营期满六个月前向对外贸易经济合作部 ( 或

其委托的审批机构 )申请延长合营期限。

第十六章 合营期满财产处理

第四十九条 合营期满或提前终止合营 ,合营公司应依法进行清算 , 清算后的财产 , 根据


第十七章 保 险

第五十条 合营公司的各项保险均在中国人民保险公司投保 , 投保险别、保险价值、保期


第十八章 合同的修改、变更与解除

第五十一条 对本合同及其附件的修改 ,必须经甲、乙双方签署书面协议 , 并报原审批机

构批准 ,才能生效。

第五十二条 由于不可抗力 ,致使合同无法履行 , 或是由于合营公司连年亏损、无力继续

经营 ,经董事会一致通过 , 并报原审批机构批准 ,可以提前终止合营期限和解除合同。


第五十三条 由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务 , 或严重违反合同、章程规定 , 造成合

营公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的 ,视作违约方片面终止合同 , 对方除有权向违

约一方索赔外 ,并有权按合同规定报原审批机构批准终止合同。如甲、乙双方同意继续经营 ,


第十九章 违约责任

第五十四条 甲、乙任何一方未按本合同第五章的规定依期按数提交完出资额时 , 从逾期

第一个月算起 ,每逾期一个月 , 违约一方应缴付应交出资额的百分之 的违约金给守约的

一方。如逾期三个月仍未提交 ,除累计缴付应交出资额的百分之 的违约金外 ,守约一方

有权按本合同第五十三条规定终止合同 ,并要求违约方赔偿损失。

第五十五条 由于一方的过失 ,造成本合同及其附件不能履行或不能完全履行时 , 由过失

的一方承担违约责任 ;如属双方的过失 , 根据实际情况 ,由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。

第五十六条 为保证本合同及其附件的履行 ,甲、乙各方应相互提供履约的银行担保书。

第二十章 不可抗力

第五十七条 由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争以及其他不能预见并且对其发生和后果不

能防止或避免的不可抗力事故 ,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时 , 遇有

上述不可抗力事故的一方 ,应立即将事故情况电报通知对方 , 并应在十五天内 , 提供事故详情

及合同不能履行 ,或者部分不能履行 , 或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件 , 此项证明文

件应由事故发生地区的公证机构出具。按照事故对履行合同影响的程度 , 由双方协商决定是

否解除合同 ,或者部分免除履行合同的责任 , 或者延期履行合同。

第二十一章 适用法律

第五十八条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的


第二十二章 争议的解决

第五十九条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 , 双方应通过友好协

商解决 ;如果协商不能解决 , 应提交北京中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 , 根据该会的仲裁规则

进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的 ,对双方都有约束力。


凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 ,双方应通过友好协商解决 ; 如果协

商不能解决 ,应提交×国×地×仲裁机构根据该仲裁机构的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是

终局的 ,对双方都有约束力。


凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 ,双方应通过友好协商解决 ; 如果协


商不能解决 ,应提交仲裁。

仲裁在被诉人所在国进行 :

在中国 ,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会根据该会的仲裁规则进行仲裁。

在 (被诉人国名 ) ,由 ( 被诉人国家的仲裁组织名称 )根据该组织的仲裁规则进行仲裁。

仲裁裁决是终局的 ,对双方都有约束力。

(注 : 在订立合同时 ,上述三种方式仅能选一。)

第六十条 在仲裁过程中 ,除双方有争议正在进行仲裁的部分外 , 本合同应继续履行。

第二十三章 文 字

第六十一条 本合同用中文和 文写成 , 两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文本如

有不符 ,以中文本为准。

第二十四章 合同生效及其他

第六十二条 按照本合同规定的各项原则订立如下的附属协议文件 , 包括 : 合营公司章


第六十三条 本合同及其附件 ,均须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部 ( 或其委托的

审批机构 )批准 , 自批准之日起生效。

第六十四条 甲、乙双方发送通知的方法 , 如用电报、电传通知时 , 凡涉及各方权利、义务

的 ,应随之以书面信件通知。合同中所列甲、乙双方的法定地址即为甲、乙双方的收件地址。

第六十五条 本合同于 年 月 日由甲、乙双方的授权代 表在中

国 签字。

中国 公司代表 �×国 公司代表

(签字 ) ( 签字 )


中外合作经营企业合同 ( 中文版本 )

(参考文本 )

目 录

第一章 总则

第二章 投资总额和注册资本

第三章 合作各方应负责完成的事项

第四章 利润分配和偿还乙方投资

第五章 董事会

第六章 经营管理机构

第七章 劳动管理

第八章 财务会计和审计

第九章 合同的修改、补充、变更与解除

第十章 违约责任及争议的解决

第十一章 合同生效及其他

第一章 总 则

第一条 中国 公司和 国 (或地区 ) 公司 , 根据中华人民共和国法律和

有关法规的规定 ,本着平等互利的原则 , 通过友好协商 , 同意在中华人民共和国 ( 地点 )

共同举办合作经营企业 ,特订立本合同。

第二条 本合同的各方为 :

中国 公司 (以下简称甲方 ) , 在 登记注册 , 其法定地址在 市 路

号。法定代表人 : 姓名 职务 国籍 。

国 ( 或地区 ) 公司 (以下简称乙方 ) 在 国 (或地区 ) 登记注册 , 其法定地

址在 。法定代表人 : 姓名 职务 国籍 。

(注 : 若有两个以上合作者 ,依次称丙、丁⋯⋯方 )

第三条 甲、乙方根据中华人民共和国法律和有关法规的规定 , 同意在 建立合作经

营的 有限责任公司 ( 以下简称合作公司 )。

第四条 合作公司的名称为 合作有限责任公司。

外文名称为 。

合作公司的法定地址为 市 路 号。

第五条 合作公司的一切活动必须遵守中华人民共和国法律和有关法规的规定。


第六条 合作公司是由甲方提供土地使用权、资源开发权、建筑物等合作条件 ;乙方提供

资金、设备、技术等合作条件。各方不折算投资比例 ,按各自向公司提供的合作条件 , 确定利润

分享办法 ,并各自承担风险。合作公司实行统一管理 , 独立经营 ,统一核算。合作期限届满 , 公

司的财产不作价归甲方所有。 (注 : 应根据双方的约定具体写明 )

第七条 甲、乙方合作经营的目的是 : 本着加强经济合作和技术交流的愿望 , 采用先进而

适用的技术和科学的经营管理方法 ,提高产品质量 , 发展新产品 ,并在质量、价格等方面具有在

国际市场的竞争能力 ,提高经济效益 , 使合作各方获得满意的经济利益。 (注 : 在具体合同中要

根据具体情况写 )

第八条 合作公司生产经营范围是 :生产和销售 产品 ;对销售后的产品进行维修服

务 ;研究和发展新产品。 ( 注 :要根据具体情况写 )

第九条 生产经营规模如下 :

(一 ) 合作公司投产后的生产能力为 。

(二 ) 随着生产经营的发展 , 生产规模可增加到年产 。产品品种将发展 。

(注 : 要根据具体情况写 )

第十条 合作公司的经营期限为 年 , 从公司营业执照签发之日起 , 至 年

月 日止。

合作公司在经营过程中 ,如有一方提出 , 经双方协商同意 , 可以延长合作期限。但必须在

合作期满 6 个月前 ,向 提出申请批准。

第十一条 合作公司的产品 ,大部分在中国境外市场销售 ( 或全部外销 )。其中 :

(一 ) 向外销售 %。

(二 ) 对内销售 %。

(注 : 销售办法灵活多样 ,可由公司或乙方负责向外销售 ; 也可由公司与外贸公司订立销售

合同 ,委托代销 ; 对内销售部分可由公司或甲方经销 )

第十二条 合作公司应按中华人民共和国有关税法和 有关税收的规定交纳各种


第十三条 合作公司的各项保险均应向设在 的保险公司投保。投保办法、投保险


第二章 投资总额和注册资本

第十四条 合作公司投资总额为人民币 元。 ( 或双方商定的一种货币 )

第十五条 合作公司的注册资本为人民币 元。

第十六条 甲、乙方分别提供如下合作条件 :

甲方 :提供 N总面积为 平方米的土地使用权 ,其中 :

厂房 ( 上盖 )面积 平方米 ;

商场 ( 上盖 )面积 平方米 ;

维修部 ( 上盖 )面积 平方米 ;

其他用地 平方米。

乙方 :投资 N总额为 元 ,其中 :

现金 元 ;


机器设备和交通运输工具 元 (详见附表 ) ;

工业产权 元 ;

其他 元。

第十七条 甲方提供的土地使用权 ,应在合同批准之日起 天内办完用地手续 ,交付

合作公司使用 ;厂房和商场 ( 上盖 )应在合同批准之日起 天内交付合作公司装修 ;维修部

(上盖 ) 的交付时间由合作公司董事会另行决定。

乙方提供的现金投资分两期汇入合作公司在 的银行开立的账户内。第一期应汇

入 元 , 须在合同批准之日起 天内汇出 , 作为首期生产、生活设施的建筑费和流动

资金等 ; 第二期必须汇足投资总额减去第一期汇出后的差额 , 汇出的时间为 , 用途由公

司董事会确定。 (注 : 应根据具体情况写 )

第十八条 乙方作为投资的机器设备 ,必须符合合作公司的生产需要 , 并在厂房装修完工

前 天内运至 目的地。

(注 : 乙方以工业产权作为投资时 ,甲、乙方必须另订立合同 ,作为本合同的组成部分 )

第三章 合作各方应负责完成的事项

第十九条 甲方应负责完成的事项 :

(一 ) 办理为设立合作公司的申请批准、向有关部门登记注册、领取营业执照等事宜 ;

(二 ) 依照 省 ( 市 )《土地管理条例》的规定 , 向土地主管部门办理土地使用权的手续 ;

(三 ) 协助办理乙方作为出资而提供的机械设备、物资的进口报关手续 ;

(四 ) 协助合作公司在中国境内购置设备、材料、原料、办公用品、交通工具、通讯设备等 ;

(五 ) 协助合作公司落实水、电、交通等基础设施 ;

(六 ) 协助合作公司对厂房和其他工程设施的设计和施工 ;

(七 ) 协助合作公司在当地招聘中国的经营管理人员、技术人员、工人和其他人员 ;

(八 ) 协助合作公司为外籍工作人员办理所需的入境签证手续等 ;

(九 ) 办理合作公司委托的其他事宜。

第二十条 乙方应负责完成的事项 :

(一 ) 依照本合同第十六条第二款、第十八条的规定 , 提供现金、机器设备、工业产权⋯⋯并

负责将其作为出资机械设备等运至 目的地 ;

(二 ) 办理合作公司委托在中国境外选购的机器设备、材料等有关事宜 ;

(三 ) 提供需要的设备安装、调试以及试产的技术人员、生产和检验技术人员 ;

(四 ) 培训公司的技术人员和工人 ;

(五 ) 如乙方同时是技术转让方 ,则应负责合作公司在规定的期限内按设计能力稳定地生

产合格产品 ;

(六 ) 负责办理合作公司委托的其他事宜。

(注 : 要根据具体情况写 )

第四章 利润分配和偿还乙方投资

第二十一条 合作公司缴纳所得税后的利润 ,按下列顺序使用和分配 :


(一 ) 提取 %作为合作公司的储备基金、职工奖励及福利基金、发展基金。

(二 ) 以 %偿还乙方的投资 , 预计 年还清乙方的全部投资。 ( 注 : 根据双方的

约定具体写 )

(三 ) 其余部分按甲方 % , 乙方 %分配。

第五章 董 事 会

第二十二条 合作公司设董事会。公司注册登记之日 ,为董事会正式成立之日。

第二十三条 董事会是合作公司的最高权力机构 ,决定合作公司章程的制定和修改 ; 决定

公司转让、合并、停业和解散 ;决定公司经营决策、财务预算和决算 ; 决定公司利润分配和亏损

弥补办法 ;聘请总经理、副总经理和高级管理人员 ; 决定公司职工工资和制定职工奖惩办法等


第二十四条 董事会由董事 名组成 , 其中甲方委派 名 , 乙方委派 名。

董事会董事长由 方委派 , 副董事长 名 , 由 方委派。

董事长、副董事长和董事任期 4 年 , 经各方继续委派可以连任。

第二十五条 董事会会议每年至少召开一次。由董事长召集并主持。董事长因故不能召

集董事会议时 ,可委托副董事长或其他董事召集并主持。经 1/ 3 以上的董事提议 , 董事长可召


第二十六条 召开董事会须有 2/ 3 以上的董事出席方有效。董事不能出席时 ,可以出具


第二十七条 董事长是合作公司的法定代表人。董事长因故不能履行其职责时 , 可临时


第六章 经营管理机构

第二十八条 合作公司设经理部 ,负责公司的日常经营管理。

经理部设总经理 1 人 ,副总经理 人。总经理由 方推荐 , 副总经理由 方

推荐 人 , 另一方推荐 人 , 均由董事会聘请 ,任期 年。

第二十九条 总经理的职责是执行董事会会议的决议 , 组织领导合作公司的日常经营管


第三十条 总经理必须每季度向董事会报告公司的经营情况 , 半年向董事会作一次财务


第三十一条 总经理、副总经理及其他管理人员有营私舞弊或严重失职行为时 , 经董事会

会议作出决议 ,给予应得的处分直至解聘 , 对公司造成的经济损失 ,应负赔偿责任。

第七章 劳动管理

第三十二条 合作公司员工的招聘、解雇或辞退一律实行合同制。员工的聘请由公司做

出计划 ,报 市劳动局核准后 ,由公司自行招聘 , 经考核择优录用。

第三十三条 合作公司员工的劳动工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等事项 ,依照《外商投


资企业劳动管理规定》, 经董事会制定施行方案 ,由公司、公司工会与员工集体或个人订立劳动

合同 ,按合同的规定执行。

第八章 财务会计和审计

第三十四条 合作公司设总会计师和总出纳员各一人 , 负责公司的会计工作 ; 厂部、商场

和维修服务部分别建立账目 ,每个部门分别设会计师和出纳员各一人 , 负责各个部门的财务会


前款所列会计和出纳员的人选 ,均由甲、乙方协商推荐 ,董事会聘请。

第三十五条 合作公司的财务会计制度 ,根据 有关规定 ,结合本合作公司的实际情

况制定 ,并报 市财政局和税务部门备案。

第三十六条 合作公司设审计师一人 ,由甲方推荐 , 董事会聘请。

审计师负责审查、稽核公司的财务收支和会计账目 , 并向董事会报告。

第九章 合同的修改、补充、变更与解除

第三十七条 本合同及其附件的修改或补充 , 必须经甲、乙方协商一致 , 签署书面协议并

报经 市人民政府批准方能生效。

第三十八条 在合同有效期内由于本合同第四十五条规定的不可抗力 , 造成公司严重损

失 ,或因公司连续亏损 , 致使合同不能继续履行 ,经合作公司董事会特别决议 , 并报原审批机关

批准 ,可以提前终止合同或解除合同。

第十章 违约责任及争议的解决

第三十九条 由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务 , 或严重违反合同、章程规定 , 造成合

作公司无法经营或无法达到合同规定的经营目的 ,视作违约方片面终止合同 , 对方除有权向违

约的一方索赔外 ,并有权按合同规定报原审批机关批准终止合同。如甲、乙方同意继续经营 ,


第四十条 甲、乙任何一方未按合同第十六条、第十七条以及第十八条的规定提供合作条

件时 , 以逾期的第一个月算起 , 每逾期一个月 , 违约方应缴付 元违约金给守约的一方

(注 : 或按出资额的百分比计算 ) , 如逾期 个月仍未提供 , 除累计缴付违约金外 ,守约一方

有权按照本合同第三十九条规定终止合同 ,并要求违约方赔偿损失。

第四十一条 由于一方的过失 ,造成本合同及其附件不能履行或不能完全履行时 , 由过失

一方承担违约责任 ;如属双方的过失 , 根据实际情况 ,由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。

第四十二条 为保证本合同及其附件的履行 ,甲、乙方在合同生效后 天内相互提供


第四十三条 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 , 双方应首先通过友

好协商解决 , 如果协商不能解决 , 应提请中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁 , 仲裁地点

在 。仲裁的裁决是终局的 ,对双方都有约束力。

第四十四条 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决受中华人民共和国法律的保



第四十五条 合作期间 ,由于地震、台风、水灾、火灾、战争或其他不能预见并且对其发生

和后果不能防止和避免的不可抗力事故 ,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履

行 ,遇有上述不可抗力事故的一方 , 应立即将事故情况电报通知对方 ,并应在 15 天内提供事故

的详细情况及合同不能履行 ,或者部分不能履行 , 或者需要延期履行的理由的有效证明文件。

此项证明文件应由事故发生地区的公证机构出具。按照事故对履行合同影响的程度 , 由双方

协商决定是否解除合同 ,或者部分免除履行合同的责任 , 或者延期履行合同。

第十一章 合同生效及其他

第四十六条 本合同及其附属文件 ,均需经 市人民政府 (或其委托的审批机关 ) 批

准 ,并自批准之日起生效。

第四十七条 按照本合同规定的各项原则所订立的合作公司章程、工程协议、技术转让协

议、销售协议等 , 均为本合同的附属文件。

第四十八条 本合同用中文和 文写成 , 两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文本解

释有矛盾时 ,以中文本为准。

第四十九条 合作公司对甲、乙双方或甲、乙双方互送通知的方法 , 如果采用电报或电传

时 ,凡涉及各方权利、义务的 , 应随之发出书面信件通知。合同中所列的甲、乙双方的法定地

址 ,即为甲、乙方的收件地址。

第五十条 本合同正本一式 份 , 甲、乙方各 份 , 合作公司一份 , 报 份 ,

具有同等效力 ;副本 份 ,分报有关机关。

第五十一条 本合同于 年 月 日由甲、乙双方的授权代 表在中

国 签字。

甲方 : 公司 �乙方 : 公司

(加盖公章 ) (加盖公章 )

法定代表人 : (签字 ) 法定代表人 : (签字 )


中外合作经营企业合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

第一条 合同性质

有限公司 , 遵照 法律注册的 公司 ( 简称 ) , 地

址 为甲方与 有限公司 ,遵照 法律注册的 公司 ( 简

称 ) ,地址 为乙方。

甲方和乙方 (简称双方 ) 同意根据《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》和《中华人民共

和国中外合作经营企业法实施条例》及其他有关法律的规定 , 双方共同成立一家合作经营企业

(简称合营公司 ) 。

合营公司的宗旨系引进专利 , 按专利提供技术诀窍进行合作生产。甲方提供生产厂房及

所需设备 ,乙方提供专利技术。双方按本合同附件列明的项目投入。

合营公司由甲方独自经营管理 ,乙方承包使用技术的全过程 , 保证其产品达到合同规定的

要求。乙方提供的专利技术按本合同第五条规定 ,以提成费的办法作为补偿。

第二条 定义

本合同及附件中所引用的技术名词分别阐述 ,其意义兹明确如下 :

2.1 “产品”系指合同附件所列的产品。

2.2 “专利”系指登记获有专利权的和经登记获有实用型专利权的及本合同附件所列明


2.3 “技术”系指为满足生产、使用、保养及销售该产品所需的技术 , 并为乙方目前所持有



2.4 “商标”系指合同附件所列明的商标为准。

2.5 “技术协助”———按合同规定 , 乙方每年派出 3 名生产和发展该产品的技术专家至合

营公司生产部门指导生产 ,逗留期限由合营公司与乙方商定。该专家的薪俸及往返差旅费由

乙方承担 ,在中国逗留期间的住宿、膳食及生活津贴由合营公司负担。

应合营公司的要求 ,乙方按双方商定的适当时间内派 3 名技术专家至合营公司应有关生



2.6 “技术信息互换”———在合同期限内 , 乙方将已改进的技术通知合营公司。合营公司

在使用技术中作改进时 ,应通知乙方。经改进的技术 , 其所有权属改进的一方并受本合同载明


2.7 乙方保证 : 按双方协定时间提供的技术信息应是准确的、完整的和清晰的 , 并且由乙

方提供的实用技术是最先进的 ;合营公司按乙方的要求 , 在正确的应用其技术的状况下 , 合营



第三条 专利和商标的使用

3.1 按合同的规定生产、使用和销售该产品外 , 不经乙方同意 , 合营公司不得使用其专


3.2 事先未得到书面同意 , 合营公司不得对所生产的产品进行修改。合营公司生产的产



3.3 在合同期限内乙方向合营公司提供的使用技术系在中国境内生产及销售其产品 , 并


3.4 合营公司应乙方的请求 ,在可能的情况下 , 于适当的时候在 以乙方的名

义申请、登记、注册其提供的技术 ,使乙方获得技术专利及专利权。

3.5 合营公司按照双方的议定 , 在销售产品上须标志商标时 , 并标明该产品是按乙方的


3.6 合营公司出售的全部产品所使用的名称和标志均载明于附件。经乙方同意后合营


第四条 第三方伪造及侵犯

合营公司若发现有任何伪造的产品 ,或侵犯专利或商标时 , 应立即通知乙方。虽然 , 仅乙


其他行动的权利 ,但乙方对合营公司就上述有关情况提出的各种建议 , 应给予适当的考虑。为

此 ,乙方可用合营公司的名义作原告或双方联合作原告 , 合营公司对此不应无理由的予以拒

绝 ,但须先取得合营公司的专题书面批准。

第五条 提成费

5.1 在合同期限内合营公司须向乙方为合营公司提供的技术及协助给予补偿费。

5.2 根据合同及附件的生效日起 180 天内合营公司应支付售出该产品的总净售

额 %的提成费。其提成费应根据该产品的净售价计算。

5.3 按合同附件规定的提成费应从得到该项技术之日起执行 年以后 ,每年递

减 %。

5.4 合营公司应保持完整、正确的记录 ,便于确定向乙方支付的款额 , 乙方可派会计师代

表乙方审查其记录 , 自 年 月 日起 , 于合同期限内每年每季度后 60 天内向



5.5 合营公司根据合同及乙方书面指定的银行将所得款额以美元按时汇至乙方。

第六条 技术培训

6.1 按合营公司的合同 , 乙方应向公司提供技术培训 ,以提高公司雇员的技术水平。

6.2 乙方同意向合营公司选拔的雇员按下述技术范围提供培训 : 产品的制造、发

展、销售和使用 ; 加工生产及有关工厂实习 ; 培训其他有关的技术待合营公司与乙方协


6.3 乙方不提供与制造、销售或维修保养该产品无直接关系的任何事宜的培训 , 亦不提


6.4 培训人数和内容、地点、期限及其他有关培训事宜由合营公司与乙方商定。

6.5 合营公司若需要求乙方派遣指导人员、技术专家及有关管理人员至中国对中方人员


培训 ,合营公司应支付聘请人员从受雇地至合营公司的全部差旅费及在中国期间的住宿、膳食


6.6 按本合同规定 , 合营公司属下的雇员凡参加并完成由乙方提供的培训计划者 , 自培

训完结后 1 年内 ,不得向合营公司提出辞职。

第七条 优先条款

7.1 合营期间合营公司所需要的材料、设备、配件等在价格、供货时间和质量同等的条件

下 ,必须优先购买和使用中华人民共和国制造的产品。

7.2 合营期间合营公司所需的各项服务 , 在费用、时间和服务质量同等的条件下 , 必须优


7.3 在费用、时间和质量方面同等的条件下 ,合营公司必须优先购买和采用由甲、乙任何


第八条 保密


工作人员应按合同列明的目的使用其技术。在未得到乙方事先书面同意 , 不得向任何第三者

公开或透露此技术。自签署合同至终止合同 ,该项技术的保密期限为 年。

第九条 合营期限

9.1 合营公司的合作经营期限是以合营公司取得营业执照签发之日起计算 , 为期


9.2 当合作经营期限届满前 6 个月 , 除双方同意终止外 , 合营公司的合作经营期限可按

《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业登记管理办法》规定继续作为期两 (2 )年的延长 , 但必须经


9.3 在未得到乙方事先专题书面的同意 , 合营公司或甲方应保证将全部技术和其他权利

退还给乙方 ,且在将来任何时候无权继续使用与本合同有关的专利、商标和技术。

第十条 仲裁

10.1 甲、乙双方对本合同发生的任何争执应首先通过各方主管部门以互相信赖的精神

予以解决。若于 30 天内双方主管部门不能解决时 , 双方可推荐第三方予以调解。

10.2 若于 30 天内调解不能解决时 , 甲方与乙方同意将争执提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁

委员会 ,按该委的仲裁程序暂行规定予以仲裁。

10.3 若对本合同的有效性、解释或强制执行等发生争执时 , 仲裁员应根据合同条款及国


10.4 在发生争执 ,并将争执提交仲裁过程中 , 除所争执并提交仲裁的争执者外 , 双方都

应按本合同的规定 ,继续执行各自的权利和履行各自的义务。

10.5 仲裁的裁决是终局性的 ,对双方都有约束力 , 仲裁费由败诉方负担或由仲裁机构裁


第十一条 不可抗力

11.1 双方遇有无法控制的事件或情况应视为不可抗力事件 ,但不限于火灾、风灾、水灾、


行合同规定的义务时 ,应将履行合同的时间延长 , 延长至与发生不可抗力事件所延误的时间相


11.2 遭受不可抗力事件影响的一方应立即用电报或电传将发生不可抗力的事件通知另


一方 ,并于 15 天内用航空挂号信将政府或有关部门出具的发生不可抗力事件的证明书寄给另

一方。若因不可抗力引起的延误时间超过 60 天时 , 双方应通过友好协商进一步解决履行合同


第十二条 合同文字和工作语言

12.1 本合同及附件用中、英文书就 , 两种文字均具有同等法律效力。

12.2 合营公司的重要文件 ,一律用中、英文书就 , 两种文字均具有同等法律效力。双方


第十三条 其他

13.1 本合同书中的标题 ,仅为醒目参考用 , 不影响本合同的意义和解释。

13.2 合同的中、英文本各一式四份 , 每种文本双方各持 2 份。

13.3 甲、乙方及合营公司之间的通讯来往均以中、英文为准。

13.4 按本合同规定任何一方发出的通知或通讯 ,应以书面文字为准并按对方的地址寄

出后 7 天 ,视为有效送达。

甲方 : f乙方 :

姓名 : 姓名 :

职务 : 职务 :

电传 : 电传 :

电挂 : 电挂 :

见证人 :

姓名 : 日期 :

职务 :





COMPANY LTD ., a company duly organized under the Laws of and

having its registered office at ( hereinafter called“Party A”) .


COMPANY LTD ., a company duly organized under the Laws of

and having its registered office at ( hereinafter called“Par ty B”) .

Party A and Party B ( hereinafter referred to as the“Parties”) agree to join tly form a Co-operation

Venture Company ( hereinafter referred to as the“CVC”) in accordance with“ the Law of the

People’s Republic of China on Joint-operating Enterprise” and the“ Regulations for the

implementation of-operating Enterprise the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint”and

other applicable laws and regulations .

The aim of the CVC is to in troduce the Paten t and engage in production cooperation in accordance

with the technical Know-how specified in the Patent .Par ty A shall provide the factory building

and other necessary facilities for production , and Par ty B shall offer the technical Paten t .Both

Parties shall each cont ribu te their paid in capita in compliance with the items specified in the

appendix to the Contract . The CVC shall be run by Party A on its own , whilst Party B shall

under take the usage of the whole process of the technical Paten t and guaran tee the products

manufactured are up to the standards stipulated in the Contract .The technical Paten t supplied by

Party B shall be compensated for by the Royalties .



The technical terms defined in the Contract and in the Annexes attached thereto are

incorporated herein by reference as if set for th herein in full .In addition to such technical terms,

the following technical terms used herein shall have the meanings set forth below:

2.1 “Products”shall mean the products lis ted in the attachment to this Contract .

2.2 “Patents”shall mean registered patent rights , registered utility model rights and any

applications therefor lis ted in the Attachment to this Contract .


2.3 “ Technology”shall mean all technical data, formulations , manufacturing procedures ,

drawings and specifications , as well as manuals , catalogues and all other technical information

which is necessary or desirable for the manufacture, use, service and sale of the Products and which

Party B presently owns or will hereafter sell or transfer .

2.4 “ Trademarks”shall mean the trademarks listed in the attachment to this Cont ract .

2.5 “ Technical assistance”During the term of this Contract Party B shall send to the

Cooperation Venture’s manufacturing facility three (3 ) technical exper ts in the manufacture and

development of the P roducts for a period to be agreed by the CVC and Par ty B in each year of this

Cont ract .The salary and wages of such specialis ts and their travel expenses between their regular

place of employment and the CVC manufacturing facility shall be paid by Party B and the cost of

their accommodation , meals and living allowances while in China shall be paid by the CVC .

At the request of the CVC, Par ty B will send three ( 3 ) technical experts for a reasonable

period to be agreed upon by the Parties to provide fur ther technical assistance to the CVC with

respect to the manufacture, use and sale of the Products .The CVC shall pay such experts travel

expenses between their regular place of employment and the CVC manufacturing facility and the

cost of their accommodation , meals and living allowances while in China .

2.6 “ Exchange of technical information”-During the term of this Cont ract Party B may

inform the CVC of improvements relating to the Technology . The CVC shall inform Party B

should the CVC make any improvement to the Technology during the term of its use by the CVC .

The proprietary righ ts to the improved technology shall belong to the Party that made the

improvement and shall be subject to the confidentiality provisions set forth in this Cont ract .

2.7 Party B guarantees that:

The technical information it provides shall be accurate , complete and clear, and shall

incorporate up-to-date technology utilized by Par ty B at its home facility and that the Technology

shall be provided in accordance with the schedule agreed upon by both parties; subject to the

condition that the CVC correctly applies and Technology in accordance with the requirements of

Party B so that the CVC will be able to manufacture P roducts to international standards .



3.1 The CVC shall not use the Patents , Trademarks , or Technology , except for the

manufacture, use and sale of the Products as provided herein , unless otherwise agreed to by Par ty

B .

3.2 The CVC shall not make any modifications to the Products it manufactures without the

prior written consent of Party B .The CVC shall manufacture the P roducts to the same quality

standard as is done by Party B .Party B shall have the righ t to take whatever steps it deems

necessary to insure that the Products are manufactured to the specified quality .

3.3 Party B grants to the CVC, for a period equal to the term of the CVC Contract , the

righ t to use the Technology for the manufacture and sale of the products within China and for the


manufacture of the Products for sale by Party B in in ternational markets pursuant the Articles of

the Cont ract .

3.4 The CVC shall , at the request of Party B, take all necessary action to register Party B’s

name in the , the Paten ts and any other patent righ ts of Party B hereafter obtained

with respect to the Technology provided by Party B, when such registration becomes possible .

3.5 The CVC may use the Trademarks relating to the Products it sells in accordance with

the written inst ructions under Licence of Party B .

3.6 The names and designations to be utilized for all P roducts sold by the CVC are set forth

in Attachment .With the prior written approval of Par ty B, the CVC may adopt other tradenames

for P roducts sold by the CVC in the Chinese domestic market .



The CVC shall inform Par ty B immediately of any counterfeiting of the Products or

infringement of the Paten ts or Trademarks of which the CVC shall become aware .Although Par ty

B hereby reserves the right exclusively to in troduce and pursue one or several suits or other actions

against counterfeiters or infringers or any type whatsoever who wrongly use the P roducts , Patents

or Trademarks , it shall give due consideration to the CVC recommendations regarding these .To

accomplish this , Party B may use the name of the CVC as plain tiff or coplain tiff, either separately

or in conjunction with Party B, subject however, to the specific written approval of the CVC,

which shall not be unreasonably withheld .



5.1 The CVC shall compensate Party B during the term of this Cont ract for the

Technology and assistance provided by Par ty B to the CVC .

5.2 With respect to the P roducts listed in Attachment on the Effective Date of this

Cont ract within one hundred and eighty ( 180 ) days , shall pay royalties equal to the following

% of the gross net sales of such Products manufactured and sold by the CVC .The

royalties shall be calculated on the basis of the Net Selling Price of such P roducts .

5.3 The Royalty rates indicated in Attachment of Contract shall be applicable for

( ) years following the date of receipt of the technology , after which , they will be

reduced by one ( % ) percent per annum .

5.4 The CVC shall keep full and accurate records from which the amounts due Party B can

be determined, which records may be inspected on Party B’s behalf by an accountan t appointed by

Party B beginning , 19 , and a sale report shall be made to par ty B within

sixty (60) days of the end of the calendar quar ter for each calendar quar ter of each year during the

term of this Contract .Each sales report shall show the amount and Net Selling price of each


Product sold during the preceeding calendar quar ter and shall be accompanied by the payment due

in accordance with the repor t .The sales report shall be signed by the chief financial officer of the


5.5 The payments to be made by the CVC to Par ty B under this Contract shall be made in

US dollars to the credit of Party B at such bank as Party B may designate from time to time in

writing in accordance with the Attachment of Cont ract .



6.1 In accordance with the CVC Contract , Party B will provide the CVC with certain

t raining employees of the CVC .

6.2 Par ty B agrees to provide t raining to certain selected employees of the CVC in the

following technical areas: development , manufacture , sale and use of of

type; production and related factory practices with respect to processing ; and all other

relevant areas as may be agreed between the CVC and Party B .

6.3 Par ty B shall not be required to provide training in connection with any matter not

directly related to the manufacturer , sale or service of the P roducts or in connection with any

matter with respect to which Party B is under an obligation of secrecy with a third Party .

6.4 The number of participants in the t raining and the content , location , duration and other

matters relating to such training, shall be discussed and agreed upon between the CVC and Par ty

B .

6.5 In the event that the CVC requests Party B to send inst ructors, technical experts and

associated management personnel to China to conduct the Training of the Chinese personnel, the

CVC shall pay the cost of all travel between their regular place of employment and the relevant

facility of the CVC and cost of their accommodation , meals and living allowances while in China .

6.6 Any employee of the CVC who has successfully par ticipated in t raining programs

provided by Party B persuant to this Contract shall not be permit ted to resign from the CVC

within the year following the completion of the most recent training program in which such

employee par ticipated .



7.1 P reference shall be given to Products manufactured in the People’s Republic of China

in the purchase and use of material , equipment and components required by the CVC during the

period of operation , if such Products are competitive in terms of quality , delivery, time and price .

7.2 Preference shall be given in the signing of service Contracts with relevant organizations

of the People’s Republic of China for various services required by the CVC during the period of

operation , if such organizations are competitive in terms of cost , time and quality of service .


7.3 The CVC shall give preference to the procurement of goods and services with respect to

work Cont racts undertaken directly by Party A and Party B so long as they are competitive in

terms of cost , time and quality .



The CVC acknowledges and agrees that the Technology it will receive from Party B during

the term of this Cont ract shall be kept secret and confidential .

The CVC agrees that it and all of its employees and personnel shall use the Technology only

for the purposes specified in this Contract and shall not disclose in any way whatsoevevr any of the

Technology to any third Party or Parties without the prior written consent of Party B .Such

confidentiality shall be maintained during the terms of this Cont ract and for a period of

( ) years after the termination of this cont ract .



9.1 The term of the CVC shall be ( ) years , commencing from the date on

which it is issued its business license .

9.2 With the approval of relevant government authorities and after going through

registration procedures in accordance with the Regulation for the Implemention of the Law of the

People’s Republic of China on Co-operation Ventures using Chinese and Foreign Investment , the

term of CVC shall continue for successive two (2 ) year periods , unless six(6 ) months prior to the

end of the then current term the both parties agree to terminate the CVC .

9.3 All technology and other righ ts gran ted to the Paten ts and Trademarks shall be

returned to Par ty B and neither the CVC nor Par ty A shall have any righ t or privilege to use

further the Paten ts , Trademarks or Technology related to this cont ract or the co-operation

Venture contract in any manner whatsoever without the prior written consent of Par ty B relating

to any such future use .



10.1 Any dispute arising out of this Cont ract between Party A and Party B shall firs t be

settled by both Parties through consultation with their higher authorities in accordance with the

spirit of mutual trust .Should such consultation fail to settle the dispute within thirty (30) days of

notification to such higher authorities , mediation may be conducted by a third Party selected by

the Parties .

10.2 In the event that such mediation fails to resolve the dispute within thir ty (30) days ,


the dispute shall be finally settled by arbit ration .If Party A and Par ty B agree, the dispute shall be

submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for

the Promotion of International Trade and the arbitration and shall be Conducted in accordance

with the provisional rules of procedure of the Commission .

10.3 In the event that any issue concerning the validity , construction or enforcement of this

Cont ract shall arise, the arbitrators shall apply the terms and conditions of this Contract in order to

validate the provision of the Cont ract at issue and to give it the meaning that most accords with

general international commercial practice .

10.4 When any dispute occurs and when such dispute is under arbit ration , except for the

par t under dispute that is subject to arbitration , both Par ties must continue to exercise their

respective righ ts and perform their respective obligation in accordance with the provisions hereof .

10.5 The arbitration award shall be final and binding on both Parties . The cost of

arbit ration shall be borne by the losing Par ty or in accordance with the ruling of the arbitrators .



11.1 Any event or circumstance beyond the control of the Parties shall be deemed an event

of Force Majeure and shall include, but not be rest ricted to , fire , s torm, flood , earthquake,

explosion, war , rebellion , insurrection , epidemic and quarantine rest riction . If either Party is

prevented from performing any of its obligations under this Contract due to an event of Force

Majeure, the time for performance under this Cont ract shall be extended by a period equal to the

period of delay caused by such Force Majeure .

11.2 The affected Party shall immediatedly notify the other Party of the occurrence of any

Force Majeure by cable or telex and shall send to the other Party by registered airmail , within

fifteen (15) days thereafter , a certificate from the relevant government authorities or depar tments

confirming the occurrence of the cause of such Force Majeure .Should the delay caused by any

event of Force Majeure continue for more than sixty ( 60 ) consecutive days , both Parties shall

settle the problem of further performance of this Cont ract through friendly negotiations .



12.1 The Cont ract and annexes hereto have been written both in Chinese and English .Both

texts have the same legal effect .

12.2 All important documents of the CVC shall be written in the Chinese and English

languages .Both versions shall have the same legal effect .Both Parties agree to use Chinese and

English as the working languages .




13.1 The heading contained in this Contract are for reference purpose only and shall not to

effect the meaning or interpretation hereof .

13.2 The chinese and English texts of this Cont ract have each been executed in four ( 4 )

originals .Each Par ty shall keep two( 2) copies of each tex t .

13.3 All correspondence among Party A and Par ty B and CVC shall be in the English or

Chinese Languages .

13.4 Notices or other communication to either of the Parties to this Cont ract required shall

be in writing and shall be deemed to have been effectively given seven ( 7 ) days after mailing

registered airmail .

Party A >Party B

Name: Name:

Title: Title:

Cable: Cable:




Date :


中外合资经营企业合同 ( 中英文对照 )

(参考文本 )

第一条 总则

中国 公司与 国 公司遵照《中华人民共和国中外合资经

营企业法》及有关法律的规定 , 双方本着平等互利的原则 ,同意共同投资兴办合资经营企业 , 兹


第二条 合资双方

中国 公司 (简称甲方 ) , 以中国 登记注册 , 其法定地址 。

法定代表人 : 姓名 职务 国籍 。

国 公 司 ( 简 称 乙 方 ) , 在 国 登记 注 册 , 其 法 定 地

址 。法定代表人 : 姓名 职务 国籍 。

第三条 成立合资公司

3.1 甲、乙方遵照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》和中国有关法律 , 意在中国境

内成立合资经营 有限责任公司 ( 简称合资公司 )。

3.2 合资公司中文名称 :

合资公司英文名称 :

合资公司法定地址 :

3.3 合资公司的一切活动 , 必须遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法令和有关条例的规定。

3.4 合资公司的组织形式系有限责任公司。甲、乙方按注册资本的投资比例分享利润、


第四条 合资公司宗旨

合资公司以公正、合法、平等互利的商业原则为基础进行经营 ,加强经济合作和技术交流 ,


在国际及国内市场中显示其竞争能力 ,为投资双方获得满意的经济效益。

第五条 合资公司的经营范围

合资公司生产、经营 产品 ,对销售产品予以维修服务并研究开发新产品。合资公司

的生产规模为 。随着生产经营的扩大 , 生产规模可增加到年产 , 产品品种发展

到 种。

第六条 注册资本与投资总额

6.1 注册资本为 美元。实际投资为 美元。

甲方投资额为 美元 , 占总额 % ;

乙方投资额为 美元 , 占总额 %。

6.2 甲、乙方按双方商定的现金及实物投资 :

甲方 :现金 美元 ;


机器设备购入价格 美元 ( 附件在本书内简略 )。

厂房建造估算价格 美元 ( 厂房设计、进度、质量控制附件 ,在本书内简略 ) 。

乙方 :现金 美元 ;

工业产权 美元 ;

转让产品的制造工艺、专利费 美元 (附件在本书内简略 ) 。

6.3 上述的实际投资金额以双方同意的现金、实物和技术投入。全部投资需在合资公司

获得营业执照后的 个月内完成。除注册资本外若需合资公司增补资金 , 经董事会决定


6.4 甲、乙方按美元投入 ,在中国境内所需人民币支付的开销费需折合美元汇率 , 应以支

付日的前 1 日 17 时 , 中国银行公布人民币对美元的汇率为准。

乙方年终所获净利润的人民币部分金额应按年终审计师核准后 7 个工作日 17 时中国银


6.5 甲、乙方任一方若向第三者转让其全部或部分投资额 , 须经另一方同意并呈报有关

主管部门审批。一方转让其全部或部分投资额时 ,另一方有优先购买权。

第七条 双方的责任

7.1 甲方负责

向中国有关主管部门办理申请、批准、登记注册 ,领取营业执照等事宜 ;

向土地主管部门申请取得土地使用权手续 ,组织合资公司所需厂房和工程设施的设计、施

工 ,办理进出口报关手续及在中国境内的运输 ;

协助合资公司招聘中国籍的经营管理人才、技术人员、工人及所需的其他人员 ;

协助外籍工作人员办理入境签证手续 ;


7.2 乙方负责

为合资公司在国际市场中选购先进适用的机械设备并提供有关信息 ,以质择优 , 保质保量

地引进所需设备 ;

引进机械的合同条款待董事会审阅后由主管部门予以办理 ;

指派验收引进设备、安装、调试的技术人员 ,培训合资公司的技术人员和工人 ;

监督技术转让方按合同规定的技术指标能持久地稳定地生产合资的产品 ;


第八条 技术转让

8.1 甲、乙方同意由合资公司 方或第三者签订技术转让协议为达到本合同第

四条所规定的宗旨。引进先进适用的生产技术 , 包括产品设计、制造工艺、检验方法、材料配


8.2 按合同规定乙方和技术转让方应保证产品质量和数量。为此 , 引进先进适用的生产

技术应是完整的、准确的、可靠的 ,亦是同类技术中属先进的 , 设备的选型及性能应是优良的以


8.3 乙方对技术转让协议中规定的工艺流程和设备进厂时间及技术服务 , 应开列清单作


8.4 图纸、技术条件和其他技术资料是技术转让的组成部分 ,应保证如期提供。

8.5 在技术转让协议期内 , 乙方及转让方对该项技术的改进、技术情报和资料应及时提


供给合资公司 ,不另收费。

8.6 乙方保证在技术转让协议规定的期限内协助合资公司的技术人员掌握其转让的技


8.7 若乙方未能按合同及技术转让协议的规定提供设备和技术或发现有欺骗或隐瞒行

为 ,甲方可提出索赔以弥补损失。

8.8 技术转让费采取提成方式支付。提成率为产品的净销售额的 % ,提成费支付

期限按照本合同第 8.9 条款规定的技术转让协议期限为技术转让提成费的有效期。

8.9 合资公司与乙方签订的技术转让协议期限为 ( 大写 ) 年。技术转让协

议期满后 ,合资公司有权继续使用和研究开发该技术。自引进该项技术于正式投产后持

续 ( 大写 ) 年后 ,以合资公司的名义有权向任何第三方转让该项技术 , 原技术转让


第九条 产品销售

9.1 合资公司的产品可在中国境内、外市场销售 , 外销部分占 % , 内销部分

占 %。

9.2 产品可由下列渠道向境外销售 :

由合资公司直接向中国境外销售占 % ;

由合资公司与 外贸公司签订销售合同 , 委托其代销和寄售占 %。

9.3 为了扩大产品销售及保持产品信誉 , 可在中国境外设立“产品服务中心”,承办售后


9.4 合资公司的产品在技术转让期限内所使用的商标为 。

第十条 董事会

10.1 合资公司注册登记之日 ,为合资公司成立之日。董事会由 名董事组成 ,

甲方委派 名 , 乙方委派 名。董事长由甲方委派 , 副董事长由乙方委派。董事会是

合资公司的最高权力机构 ,决定合资公司的一切重大事宜 , 对其他事宜可采取多数通过决定。

董事长是合资公司的法定代表 ,董事长因故不能履行其职责时 , 可授权副董事长或其他董事为


10.2 董事会议每年至少召开一次 ,由董事长召集 , 主持会议。经 3/ 4 董事提议 , 董事长

可召开临时会议 ,会议记录归档保存。

10.3 合资公司的总经理和副总经理各一名 ,总经理由乙方推荐 , 副总经理由甲乙方推荐

并由董事会聘请 ,任期 年。总经理或副总经理若有营私舞弊或严重失职行为 ,经董事会


第十一条 职工管理

11.1 甲、乙方推荐的高级管理人员的聘请和工资待遇、社会保险、福利及差旅费标准等 ,


11.2 合资公司职工的雇用、辞退、工资、劳动保险、生活福利和奖惩等事项 ,遵照《外商投

资企业劳动管理规定》, 经董事会研究 ,制定劳动合同予以实施。劳动合同签订后由当地劳动


11.3 合资公司职工有权遵照《中华人民共和国工会法》的规定 ,建立工会组织 , 开展工会



第十二条 财务、税务、审计

12.1 合资公司的会计年度从每年 1 月 1 日起至 12 月 31 日止 , 一切记账凭证、单据、报


12.2 合资公司遵照中华人民共和国的有关法律和条例规定缴纳各项税金。

12.3 合资公司职工遵照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》缴纳个人所得税。

12.4 合资公司遵照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》的规定提取储备基金、企业

发展基金及职工福利奖励基金 ,每年提取比例由董事会根据公司经营情况予以决定。

12.5 合资公司的财务、审计应聘请在中国注册的会计师或审计师予以审计并将结果报

告董事会和总经理。若乙方需聘请其他国家的审计师对年度财务予以审查 ,甲方应予以同意 ,


12.6 每一营业年度的前 3 个月 ,由总经理编制上一个年度的资产负债表、损益计算书和


第十三条 筹备工作

13.1 合资公司在筹备、建设期间 , 董事会下设立筹建组 , 筹建组由 人组成 , 甲

方 人 ,乙方 人。筹建组组长一人 , 由 方推荐 , 副组长一人 , 由 方推


13.2 筹建组负责审查工程设计 ,签订工程承包合同 , 组织有关设备、材料等物资的采购

和验收 ,制定工程施工的总进度 , 编制用款计划 ,掌握财务支付和工程决策及做好工程施工过


13.3 筹建组负责引进技术的审查、监督、检验、性能考核 , 在条件相同的情况下 , 尽量优

先在中国购买 ,在国外市场选购设备应邀请甲方派人参加。

13.4 筹建组工作人员的编制、报酬及费用经董事会同意后列入工程预算。

13.5 筹建组在工程完成并办理移交手续后 ,经董事会批准 , 予以撤销。

第十四条 合营期限

14.1 合资公司的合营期限为 年。合资公司的成立日期即合资公司领得营业执照

之日。经一方提议 ,董事会一致通过 , 于合资期满 6 个月前向主管部门申请延长合资期限。

14.2 合资期满或提前终止 ,合资公司应依法进行清算 , 清算后的财产 ,根据甲、乙方投资


第十五条 违约责任

15.1 甲、乙方任何一方未按合同的第六条的规定依期按数投资时 , 从逾期第 30 个银行

日算起 ,每逾期 1 天 , 违约方应缴付投资额的 %的违约罚款给予守约的一方。若逾期

90 天仍未提交投资额 , 除累计应缴付投资额的 %的违约罚款外 , 守约方有权按本合同

第十六条终止合同 ,并要求违约方赔偿损失。

15.2 由于一方的过失 ,造成本合同及附件不能履行或不能完全履行时 , 由过失一方承担

责任。若属双方的过失 ,根据实际情况 , 由双方分别承担各自应负的违约责任。

15.3 为保证本合同及其附件的履行 ,甲、乙方应提供履约的银行担保书。

第十六条 合同修改、终止和解除

16.1 本合同及附件予以修改时必须经甲、乙双方签署书面协议并报原审批部门批准 , 方


16.2 合资公司由于某种原因出现连年亏损 ,无力继续经营 , 经董事会一致通过并报原审


批部门批准 ,可提前终止合资期限或解除合同。

第十七条 保险

合资公司的各项工程的保险均在中国人民保险公司投保 ,具体事宜由主管部门办理手续。

第十八条 不可抗力


可抗力事故 ,致使直接影响合同的履行或者不能按约定的条件履行时 , 遭遇上述不可抗力的一

方 ,应立即将事故情况用电报通知对方。于 15 天内提供事故的详情及合同不能履行 , 或者部

分不能履行、或者需要延期履行理由的有效证明文件 , 此证明文件应由事故发生地区的公证部

门出具。根据事故对履行合同影响的程度 ,由双方协商是否解除合同 , 或者部分免除履行合同

的责任 ,或者延期履行合同。

第十九条 仲裁

19.1 凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议 ,双方应通过友好协商解决。

若协商不能解决产生分歧应提交 仲裁委员会解决 , 仲裁裁决是终局的 , 对双方都有约


19.2 在仲裁过程中 ,除双方有分歧正在进行仲裁的部分外 , 本合同应继续履行。

第二十条 合同生效

20.1 根据本合同所列条款 ,包括附件 ( 合资企业章程 )均为本合同的不可分割的组成部


20.2 本合同及附件均须经投资双方的上级主管部门批准后生效。

20.3 甲、乙双方除签发的通知、电报、电传外 , 凡涉及双方的权利、义务时应以书面信件

通知 ,合同第二条所列地址为法定的甲、乙方的通讯地址 ,若法定地址有所变更应提前 30 天通


第二十一条 适用法律

本合同的签订、效力、解释和履行 ,均受中华人民共和国法律的管辖。

第二十二条 文本

22.1 本合同以中、英文书写 , 中、英文具有同等效力 , 中、英文本如有不符 , 以 文为


22.2 本合同各条款的标题系为醒目而用 ,不影响对本合同所列内容的解释。

甲方授权代表 : v乙方授权代表 :

中华人民共和国 公司 国 公司

签字 : 签字 :

见证人 : 见证人 :

日期 : 日期 :





In accordance with the stipulations of“The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Joint

Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment”and other related laws and rules , and on the

basis of equality and mutual benefit , of the People’s Republic of China ( PRC ) and

of , both agree to establish a Join t Venture Enterprise with joint

investment and hereby sign this contract .



of China ( hereinafter referred to as Par ty A ) is a registered company in the

PRC, its statutory address being and statutory representative: Name : ,

Position: , Nationality : .

of ( hereinafter referred to as Par ty B ) is a registered company in

with its statutory address being: and statu tory representative: Name:

, Position : , Nationality : .



3.1 In accordance with“ The Law of the People’s Republic of Joint Venture Enterprises

Using Chinese and Foreign Investment”and other related laws both Party A and Par ty B agree to

establish a joint venture enterprise in the PRC , a limited liability company

( hereinafter referred to as the Joint Venture) .

3.2 Chinese name for the join t Venture: .

English name for the Joint Venture : .

Statutory address of the Joint Vent rue: .

3.3 All the activites of the Join t Venture should abide by the stipulations of the laws ,

ordinances and related regulations of the People’s Republic of China .


3.4 The Join t Venture takes the form of limited liability company .Par ty A and Party B

shall share profits , risks and losses at the ratio of each contribution to the registered capital .



The Join t Venture is Operated on the basis of commercial principles of justice, legality ,

equality and mutual benefit , I t should strengthen economic cooperation and technological

exchange, apply advanced and applicable scientific management techniques to operate the

enterprise . It should demonst rate its competitiveness in the international as well as domestic

markets with such advantages as good quality , low price, timely delivery and comprehensive

aftersales service, so that economic results satisfactory to both Parties can be achieved .



The scope of the Joint Venture shall include the manufacturer and distribution of

serviced by a comprehensive aftersales service .I t shall also include research and development of

new products .The production capacity of the Join t Venture shall be with the option

of expansion , in accordance with favorable market conditions to an annual capacity of

and varieties .



6.1 The registered capital of the Join t Venture shall be US $ ; with a paid-up

capital of US $ ; and the cont ribution made by Par ty A shall be US $ ,

accounting for % of the total .

6.2 party A and Par ty B shall invest by cash and goods according to the agreed amount :

Party A: Cash US $ ;

Machinery equipment ( Purchase price) : US $

( The Appendix is hereby abbreviated)

Estimated price for the const ruction of factory : US $

( See appendixes for details of factory design , schedule and quality control) .

Party B: Cash US $ ;

Indust rial properties US $ ;

Charges for transfer of manufacturing technology & know-how US $

( The Appendix is hereby abbreviated) .

6.3 The actual amount of investment above should be made cash , goods and technology

agreed upon by both Parties . The total amount of investment should be completed within


months after the acquisition of the business licence by the Joint Venture .If it is

necessary for the Join t Venture to make up capital in addition to the registered capital , it can be

collected in China in an appropriate way upon the decision of the Board of Directors, or directly by

means of a foreign bank loan .

6.4 Investment by Par ty A and Party B should be made in US Dollars , and the expenditure

in China paid in Renminbi should be calculated in US Dollars according to the exchange rate of

Renminbi to US Dollars at five PM of the day prior to the pay date published by the Bank of

China .The amount of net profit in Renminbi shared by Party B at the end of a year should be

calculated according to the exchange rate of Renminbi to US Dollars at five P M of the seventh

working day after the audit of the auditor at the end of the year .

6.5 It is agreed that it shall be necessary to obtain the permission of the other Party and

gain the approval of the relevent higher authorities , if either Par ty A or Par ty B transfers part or

all of its capital investment to a third Party .The other Party shall have the first right of refusal to

purchase when one Par ty transfers investment , either partially or totally .



7.1 Party A shall be responsible for

Matters related to application to the authorities of China concerned for approval , regist ration

and acquisition of permit or licence ;

Application for the authorization of charge of estate and land for the right to use the land ,

organization of design and construction of factory and engineering facilities needed by the Joint

Venture, customs clearance for en try or exit and transportation with China;

Assistance in hiring personnel of Chinese nationality including administ rators , technicians ,

workers and other staff needed by the Joint Venture;

Helping the foreign staff in handling visa formalities;

Other matters ent rusted by the Join t Venture .

7.2 Party B shall be responsible for

Procuring for the Join t Venture advanced and applicable machinery and equipment from the

in ternational market , providing related information in that regard, putting quality first in the

selection , so that the equipment can be int roduced with the quality and quantity guaran teed .The

contract clauses for the int roduction of machinery shall be handled by the department in charge

after the checking and approval of the Board of Directors;

Assigning technical personnel to be responsible for the check , installation and maintenance of

the machinery and equipment int roduced; training technical personnel and workers of the Joint

Venture; Supervising the technology t ransferrign Par ty to guarantee sustained and stable

production of qualified products in conformity with the technical standards stipulated in the

contract ;

Other matters ent rusted by the Join t Venture .




8.1 Party A and Par ty B agree that for the objectives stipulated in Ar ticle 4 of this

contract, the Joint Venture shall sign with Party or a third Party technology transfer

agreement, int roducing advanced and applicable manufacturing techniques , including product

design , manufacturing technologies , testing methods , formulating of materials , quality standards ,

t rade mark , packaging , etc .

8.2 According to the stipulations of the cont ract , Party B and the transferring Party should

guarantee the quality of the products . Therefore, the advanced and applicable manufacturing

technology int roduced should be complete, accurate, reliable and among the state-of-the-art

technologies of its kind , the types of the equipment selected and their performance should reach

the requirements stipulated in the technology transfer agreement .

8.3 Party B should work out a detailed list of the technological processes , the date of the

arrival of the equipment at the factory and technical services stipulated in the technology transfer

agreement as an appendix to the cont ract and should be guaranteed .

8.4 Blue prints , technical conditions and other technical documents are an indispensable

par t of the technology t ransfer and their timely provision should be guaran teed .

8.5 Within the term stipulated in the technology transfer agreement, Party B and the

t ransferring Party should provide for the Join t Venture timely improvements , technical

information and new data on the technology without additional charge .

8.6 Party B should guaran tee rendering assistance in enabling the technical personnel of the

Join t Venture to master the transferred technology within the term stipulated in the technology

t ransfer agreement .

8.7 Should Party B fail to provide the equipment and technology stipulated in the

technology transfer agreement or perpetrate any deception or concealment , Party A shall have the

righ t to clain compensation for any losses incurred .

8.8 The technology t ransfer fee shall be paid by means of edeuction of a cer tain percentage

of the annual sales .The percentage to be deducted shall account for % of the net annual

sales of the products .For the term of payment for the deduction , the term of the technology

t ransfer agreement stipulated in Article 8.9 of the cont ract shall be the valid term for the

deduction for the technology transfer .

8.9 The term the Joint Venture has signed in the technology transfer agreement with Par ty

B shall be Years ( Say Years) .Upon the expiration of the term of the technology

t ransfer agreement, the Join t Venture shall have the right to continue the utilization , research and

development of that technology .For years ( Say years ) from the date of initial

production after the in troduction of the technology .The Joint Venture shall have the right to

t ransfer the technology to any third Party freely , without the advice or consent of the original

t ransferring Par ty .




9.1 P roducts manufactured by the Join t Venture can be sold on the markets both in and

outside China, with the total sold outside China accounting for % of the total annual sales ,

with those sold in China for % of the total annual sales .

9.2 Products can be sold in the world market through the following channels:

Direct overseas sales by the Joint Venture, accounting for % ;

Sales contracts signed by the Joint Venture with export companies for sales on a

commission basis and consignment , accounting for % .

9.3 In order to expand the sales of the products and keep their reputation and credit , it is

feasible to set up“Products Service Centres”outside China for aftersales service .

9.4 The trade mark used for the products of the Joint Venture within the term of the

technology transfer agreement is



10.1 The official regist ration date of the Joint Venture is the date of its establishment .The

Board of Directors shall consist of Directors, of which shall be assigned by Par ty A,

and of which shall be assigned by Party B .The Chairman of the Board of Directors , the

highest authority of the Joint Venture, shall decide all the matters of impor tance of the Joint

Venture .Other matters can be decided with the approval of the majority .The Chairman of the

board is the statutory representative of the Join t Venture .When the Chairman cannot carry out his

obligations for whatever reason , he can authorize the Vice-Chairman or other Director to act on his

behalf .

10.2 The Board meeting shall be convened at least once a year and shall be sponsored by

the Chairman .Initiated by three quar ters of the Directors , the Chairman can convene extempore

Board meeting while memorandum of the meeting shall be kept on file .

10.3 T he Join t Venture shall have one General Manager and one Deputy General Manager .

The General Manager shall be recommended by Party B, and the Deputy General Manager shall be

sclected by Party A and B together , and hired by the Board of Directors , and their tenures of office

shall be years .The General Manager and Deputy General Manager can be dismissed at any

time through the resolution passed at the Board meeting if they are found to practice graft or be

seriously derelict of their du ties .




11.1 The hiring of senior administrators recommended by Party A and Party B, their

salaries, social insurance, welfare and standards of t ravelling allowance shall be discussed and

decided at the Board meeting .

11.2 With regard to employment , dismissal , wages , labour insurance , welfare and reward

and penalty of the workers of the Joint Venture, the Board of Directors should discuss and work

out a labour cont ract and then implement it in accordance with“ Provisions on the Labour

Administraition for Foreign-funded Enterprises”.The Labour Cont ract , after its signing , should be

kept in the file of the local labour administ ration department .

11.3 Staff members of the Joint Venture have the right to establish their union and take

par t in its activities in accordance with the stipulations of“ Trade Union Law of the People’s

Republic of China”.



12.1 The fiscal year of the Joint Venture starts from the lst day of January and ends on the

31st day of December of each year .All the accounting certificates , documents , reports and account

books should be written both in English and Chinese .

12.2 The Joint Venture should pay all the taxes required according to the related laws and

stipulations of the PRC .

12.3 The staff members of the Join t Venture should pay individual income tax according to

“ Individual Income Tax Law of the PRC”.

12.4 The Join t Venture should draw reserve funds , en terprise development funds and

welfare and reward funds according to the stipulations of“The Law of the PRC on Join t Venture

Enterprises Using Chinese and Foreign Investment”, the ratio of which funds to be drawn each

year should be decided by the Board of Directors according to the status of business of the Joint

Venture .

12.5 For accounting and auditing , the Join t Venture should hire accountan ts and auditors

registered in the PRC, and report these results to the Board of Directors and the General Manager .

If Party B is willing to hire auditors of another count ry for auditing of the annual finance, Party A

should agree , bu t all charges shall be paid by Party B .

12.6 In the first three months of the business year, the Debt/ Credit accounts of the last

business year , documents of profit/ loss accounts and profit sharing plan should be initiated by the

General Manager and submitted to the Board of Directors for review and approval .




13.1 During the preparation and const ruction period of the Joint Venture, a preparation

group should be set up directly under the Board of Directors , which shall consist of

persons , selected by Party A and from Party B .A Group Leader shall be

recommended by Party , and a Deputy Group Leader by Party . The

Group Leader and Deputy Group Leader should be appointed by the Board of Directors .

13.2 The preparation group shall be responsible for auditing of engineering design , signing

of contract project agreements , organizing the procurement and checking of the related equipment,

materials and other goods , working out the general schedule of the const ruction plan for the

budget , controlling financial payment and design - making on the const ruction ; responsible for the

control and management of documents , blueprin ts , files , and data when the construction is in

progress .

13.3 The preparation group shall be responsible for the auditing , supervision , check , and

test of performance of the technology being int roduced .As for the procurement of equipment,

priority should be given to China under the same conditions .Appoin tees by Par ty A should be

invited when equipment is purchased from overseas markets .

13.4 The staff organization of the preparation group and their salaries and expenditures

shall be entered into the const ruction budget upon approval of the Board of Directors .

13.5 The preparation group shall be cancelled upon the approval of the Board of Directors

after the construction is completed and the procedure of transfer is implemented .



14.1 The term of the Join t Venture shall be years .The date of the acquisition

of the business licence for the Join t Venture shall be the date of its establishment .It is necessary to

submit an application to the department in charge for the extension of the term of the Joint

Venture six months prior to the expiration of the term of the Joint Venture provided a motion is

installed by one of the Parties and approved unanimously by the Board of Directors .

14.2 In accordance with the laws , the Joint Venture should be liquidated upon the

expiration of the Joint Venture or termination of the business in advance .The liquidated properties

should be distribu ted according to the ratio or investment made by party A and Party B .





15.1 If Either Party fails to contribute the amount of the investment committed by the

time stipulated in Article 6 of the contract , the Party breaching the contract shall pay the Par ty

observing the contract % of the total amount of investment overdue each day counting

from the 30th bank date overdue .Should the Party breaching the contract fail to contribute the

amount of capital it committed for 90 days , apart from the total sum of % of the

above-mentioned fines , the Party observing the contract has the right to terminate the contract

according to Article 16 of the contract and demand the par ty breaching the contract to compensate

for its losses .

15.2 Obligation should go to the Party if it is that Party’s fault that effects the

implementation or complete implementation of the contract and its appendixes .Both Parties shall

be liable for the breach of the contract , if the fault is due to both Parties .

15.3 In order to guaran tee the implementation of this contract and is appendix , Party A

and Par ty B should each provide a Bank Quaranty .




16.1 When amendment is made to this contract and its appendixes , it shall not be valid

unless a writ ten agreement is signed by both Parties and submitted to and approved by the original

inspection authorities .

16.2 With the unanimous agreement of the Board of Directors and approval of the original

inspection department , the Joint Venture can be terminated prior to the original term or the

contract be terminated in advance if the Joint Venture suffers losses in consecutive years and is

incapable of going on with the business for certain reasons .



Each engineering project of the Join t Venture should be insured by the People’s Insurance

Company of China .The procedures shall be handled by the depar tment in charge .




As the consequence of Force Majeure, such as earthquakes , typhoons , floods , fires , wars or

other natural calamities , which cannot be predicated , or the happening or consequence of which

cannot be prevented or avoided , and directly affects the execution of the cont ract , or execution of

the cont ract according to the terms stipulated in the contract , the Party that encounters the Force

Majeure should notify the other Par ty by telegram of the actual situation of the accident .Valid

documents to certify the detailed happenings of the accident, and valid documents to certify the

reasons of its inability to fulfill or completely fulfill , or the necessity to postpone the fulfillment of

the contract , should be submitted to the other Par ty within fifteen (15) days of the accident, and

should be certified by the notarization department of the region where the accident took place .

Disputes arising from cases of Force Majeure shall be resolved through negotiations between the

two Parties as to whether to terminate the cont ract or partially release the obligations of the

affected Par ty ,or postpone the fulfillment of the cont ract according to the effect of the accident on

the fulfillment of the contract .



19.1 Should any dispute arise from the implementation of or relating to the contract , both

Parties shall resolve them through friendly negotiations .If the discrepancies cannot be soloved by

negotiations , they should be submitted to the Arbit ration Committee of for solution ,

whose decision shall be final and legally binding on both Parties .

19.2 During the process of arbitration , the contract should be executed with no

in terruption , except for those parts relating to discrepancies under arbitration .



20.1 All the ar ticles of the cont ract including appendixes ( Regulations of the Joint

Venture) are indispensable par ts of this cont ract .

20.2 T he contract including its appendixes shall be valid only when it has been approved by

the higher authorities incharge of the two Parties .

20.3 Any communication relating to the righ ts and obligations of the two Parties should be

made in writ ten form , except notices , telegrams and telexes .The addresses stated in Article 2 of

the cont ract are statutory addresses for correspondence between the two Parties, Any change in

the statutory address should be notified to the other Party thirty ( 30 ) days in advance .




The signing , validity , explanation and implementation of this contract should abide by the

laws of the People’s Republic of China .



22.1 This cont ract is written both in English and Chinese .The cont ract in both languages

is of equal vaildity .Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions , the

text in the language should be taken as standard .

22.2 Subtitles for each article are for clearness and do not affect explanation of the content

of the contract .

Authorized representative of �Authorized representative of

of the people’s Republic of China of .

( Party A) ( Par ty B)

Signature : Signature :

Witness: Witness:

Date : Date :



THIS JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENY is made as of by and between

(“Company A”) and (“Company B”) .


A.Company A provides a World Wide Web navigation , search , directory and community

service which is supported by advertising and electronic commerce .Company A has exclusive

worldwide rights to cer tain technology and know how used in providing such service .Company A

is in terested in providing a comparable service, as culturally adapted and with suitable local

content , for the Republic of Korea market through a join t venture with Company B .

B.Company B is in terested in participating with Company A in the joint venture, and has

various knowledge, experience and resources which would be of benefit to the join t venture .

NOW , THEREFORE, the parties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows:


As promptly as possible after the execution of this Agreement , the parties shall cause a

to be incorporated under the laws of ( the“Company”) as follows:

1.1 NAME .

The name of the Company shall be“Company ”in English .


The authorized capital of the Company shall be [ * * * ] consisting of one common class of

shares , and the Company shall be authorized to issue 20 , 000 shares of [ * * * ] par value per

share (collectively , the“Stock”) at the time of establishment .


At the time of establishment of the Company , each of Company A and Company B shall

subscribe for 10 , 000 shares of Stock having an aggregate par value of [ * * * ] for a total

subscription of 20 , 000 shares of Stock having an aggregate par value of [ * * * ] .


Any share certificate issued by the Company to evidence any shares of stock of the Company

issued to Company A or Company B shall bear the following legend: ( omitted)



The initial directors of the Company shall be as follows:


The address of the registered office of the Company shall be initially as follows:

Company A:

Company B:


The fiscal year of the Company shall end on July 31 , and the initial fiscal year shall be the

stub period from the date of incorporation of the Company through , .


The Company shall keep accurate books of account and financial and related records in

accordance with generally accepted accounting principles , standards and procedures ,

consistently applied .Upon reasonable prior notice and during normal business hours, the Company

shall make available at its principal office in Seoul, Korea for inspection by Company A and

Company B, and their designated representatives, the books of account and records of the

Company .


The Ar ticles of Incorporation of the Company shall be in the form of the attached EXHIBI T

A .


The Company shall bear all costs and expenses directly relating to the incorporation of the

Company in the Republic of Korea, including without limitation regist ration fees , notary fees ,

stampduties and the like, and , to the extent permitted by law, at torneys’fees .Company B shall

advance any such expenses when and as required , and Company B shall be entitled to prompt

reimbursement of such expenses by the Company upon the completion of its incorporation .


Company B shall provide such reasonable assistance in connection with the incorporation of

the Company as may be required , including without limitation assistance in connection with the

preparation or filing of any reports , notices or other filings required to be made in the Republic of

Korea by the Company to or with any governmental authority .



As promptly as possible after the incorporation of the Company , Company A shall enter into

license agreements with the Company in the forms attached as EXHIBITS B—1 AND B—2 ( the

“License Agreements”) .The righ ts of the Company under the License Agreements shall continue


in accordance with the terms thereof notwithstanding any change in the ownership of Company

A, any t ransfer of the assets or business of Company A, or any merger , consolidation ,

reorganization or recapitalization affecting Company A .


Company A shall from time to time enter into good faith negotiations with the Company

regarding the licensing by Company A to the Company of additional technologies used by

Company A and not covered by the License Agreements , to the extent such additional technologies

are required to maintain a similar look and feel between the services offered by Company A and the

services offered by the Company .The licensing of any such additional technologies by Company A

to the Company shall be subject to the execution of a definitive agreement on mutually acceptable

terms and conditions , which may include provision for reasonable compensation to Company A .


In connection with the issuance of Stock to Company A and Company B, Company A and

Company B shall en ter into a shareholder agreement in the form of the attached EXHIBIT C( the

“Shareholder Agreement”) .


As promptly as possible after the incorporation of the Company, Company B shall enter into a

loan agreement with the Company ( the“Loan Agreement”) by which Company B agrees to make

loans ( collectively , the“Loans”) to the Company as follows:


The maximum aggregate amount of the Loans shall be [ * * * ] ( the“Maximum Aggregate

Commitment”) .


Advances of the Loans shall be made as follows:

(a ) promptly after the execution of the Loan Agreement, Company B shall advance to the

Company [ * * * ] ( the“ Initial Advance”) ;

( b)on the one ( 1) year anniversary date ofthe Initial Advance ,or at such earlier time as may

be agreed between Company Band the Company , Company B shall advance to the [ * * * ]

Company ( the“Second Advance”) ; and

(c) after making the Second Advance, Company B shall from time to time advance to the

Company such amounts as may be required by the Company to meet its financial obligations or

Business Goals ( as defined below ) ; provided , however , that the maximum amount of Loans

outstanding at any one time under the Loan Agreement shall not exceed the amount of the

Maximum Aggregate Commitment .


“Maturity Date”shall mean the 20th anniversary date of the Initial Advance , as automatically


extended for up to four ( 4) consecutive five ( 5) year periods unless the Company , by unanimous

affirmative vote of its board of directors , elects to fix the maturity date of the Loans at the end of

the initial period or at the end of any subsequent extension period and gives writ ten notice of such

election to Company B not less than six (6 ) months prior to the end of the initial period or any

subsequent ex tension period . The principal amount of all Loans outstanding under the Loan

Agreement on the Maturity Date shall be due and payable on the Maturity Date .


“Applicable Rate”means , at any poin t in time, the higher of (a ) eigh t percent ( 8% ) , or ( b)

the overdraft interest rate prescribed by law ( or such equivalen t rate as may be required

from time to time to avoid the generation of taxable income to Company B solely by reason of

payment of interest by the Company to Company B at a rate lower than a bench markrate

prescribed by tax law or the tax authorities) .


In terest shall accrue on the outstanding principal amount of the Loans at a rate per annum

which is equal to the Applicable Rate , and the Company shall pay accrued in terest , subject to any

available offsets , to Company B in arrears on the last business day of each calendar quar ter and on

the Maturity Date .Interest shall be calculated based on a 360—day year and the actual number of

days elapsed .


Upon the unanimous affirmative vote of its board of directors , the Company may, without

premium or penalty, voluntarily prepay all or any por tion of the Loans outstanding from time to

time .Amounts prepaid may not be reborrowed .


Company B shall have the righ t to accelerate repayment of the Loans in the event ( a ) any

voluntary or involuntary dissolu tion proceeding or any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy

proceeding is commenced by or against the Company, ( b ) any of this Agreement , the License

Agreements or the Shareholder Agreement is terminated for any reason , and (c) the Company is

or becomes unable to meet its financial obligations when and as due, including without limitation

the obligation of the Company to pay principal and in terest under the Loan Agreement .Except as

expressly set forth in this Section 4.7 , Company B shall not have any acceleration righ ts with

respect to repayment of the Loans .


All of the Loans shall be denominated in , and all advances and payments in respect of

the Loans shall be made in .


The Company shall pay all principal and in terest owing to Company B under the Loan

Agreement to such account as Company B may specify by written notice to the Company .


No collateral or guaran ty for any of the Loans shall be required .





Neither party to this Agreement shall have any obligation to make capital contributions to the

Company other than the [ * * * ] to be cont ributed as capital by each of Company A and

Company B ( for a total aggregate capital contribu tion of [ * * * ] ) in connection with the

incorporation of the Company .

5.2 LOANS .

Except as expressly provided for in Section 4 , neither party to this Agreement shall have any

obligation to make loans to the Company .



The Company shall at all times have an even number of directors , and the initial number of

directors shall be four ( 4 ) .Company B and Company A shall have equal representation on the

board of directors of the Company , and the par ties shall cooperate in the election of directors, as

more specifically provided in the Shareholder Agreement .


There shall be one representative director , who shall be a Company B nominee .


There shall be one statutory auditor , who shall be a Company A nominee .


The Company shall bear all reasonable expenses of directors in connection with their

attendance at meetings of directors , including without limitation t ravel , lodging and meals .




The business objectives of the Company shall include , without limitation , the following:

(a ) provide a World Wide Web navigation , search , directory and community service at www .

, which is generally similar to, and of like quality with , the World Wide Web navigation ,

search , directory and community service provided by Company A at www . , but which is

adapted culturally and in local content to be suitable for the marker ( the“Service”) ;

(b )generate revenue from the Service , including without limitation revenue from the sale of

advertising and electronic commerce;

(c )engage in all business activities relating to the development , main tenance, suppor t ,


enhancement and promotion of the Service, including without limitation the development and

acquisition of local conten t and the development and expansion of distribution channels for the

Service; and

( d)engage in all business activities ancillary or incidental to the foregoing .


Set forth on the attached EXHIBIT D are specific business goals for the Company for the

period from the date of this Agreement through , .Not less than three (3 ) months

prior to the end of such period and each consecutive three ( 3 ) year period thereafter , the parties

shall agree on specific business goals for the three ( 3 ) year period immediately following the

current period .Such business goals , as from time to time in effect , are referred to as the“Business

Goals .”



8.1 START U P .

Initially , the Service shall be operated and maintained at the U .S . data center of Company

A .When and as feasible , as determined by Company A and the Company , the operation and

main tenance of the Service shall be transferred to a site in .For so long as the Service is

operated and main tained at the U .S . data center of Company A, the Company shall pay to

Company A a fee of cents ( one quar ter of one cent ) for each query processed at the

U .S . data center of Company A in connection with the Service .


Company B shall be responsible for assuring that the Company is adequately staffed with

properly skilled personnel as required to enable the Company to meet its business objectives and

the applicable Business Goals .


Company B shall be responsible for assuring that the Service is operated on a twenty—four

(24) hour a day, seven ( 7 ) day a week basis , both before and after t ransfer of the Service to



The parties shall in good faith cooperate with each other to enable the Company to maximize

the success of the Company’s business .



Company B agrees to purchase advertising from the Company at the applicable rates from


time to time offered by the Company to unrelated third parties and otherwise as more specifically

described in the attached EXHIBIT E .Payments by Company B for such advertising shall be

subject to offset against obligations of the Company to Company B .


Company A shall , when there is the opportunity to do so, refer adver tising and electronic

commerce business to the Company , and the Company shall pay to Company A, as a commission ,

an amount equal to fifteen percent ( 15 % ) of all gross revenues generated by the Company from

such referrals , and shall reimburse to Company A ,on demand , all costs incurred by Company A in

connection with any such referrals .Within thirty days after the end of each calender quarter

during the term of this Agreement , the Company shall submit to Company A a statement setting

forth the calculation of all such commissions which are payable with respect to gross revenues

attributable to such referrals and received by the Company in such quarter, and shall concurren tly

make payment to Company A of the amount of such commissions shown in such calculation , as

conver ted to U .S . Dollars at the then current rate of exchange .


For so long as this Agreement remains in effect , Company B shall not , directly or indirectly ,

alone or in combination with others , purchase, establish , maintain , invest in or otherwise promote,

or agree to purchase , establish , maintain , invest in or otherwise promote, any navigation , search ,

directory or community service (other than the Service) , except that the foregoing restriction shall

not apply to passive por tfolio investments in a nentity not in excess of five percent ( 5% ) of the

total equity of such entity .For so long as this Agreement remains in effect , Company A shall not ,

directly or indirectly , alone or in combination with others, purchase , establish , maintain , invest in

or otherwise promote, or agree to purchase, establish , maintain , invest in or otherwise promote , any

navigation , search , directory or community service ( other than the Service ) operated from the

specifically for the local market , except that the foregoing restriction shall not

apply to passive por tfolio investments in an entity not in excess of five percent (5% ) of the total

equity of such entity .



Company A hereby represents and warrants to Company B as follows:


Company A is a corporation duly organized , validly existing and in good standing under the

laws of .Company A has all requisite power and authority to execute, deliver and

perform its obligations under this Agreement .


Company A has taken all requisite corporate action to authorize and approve the execution ,


delivery and performance of this Agreement by Company A . This Agreement has been duly

executed and delivered by Company A, and constitutes the legal , valid and binding obligations of

Company A, enforceable against Company A in accordance with its terms .


The execution , delivery and performance of this Agreement by Company A , and the

consummation of the t ransactions contemplated hereby , will not (a ) violate any provision of the

Certificate of Incorporation or Bylaws of Company A, ( b ) violate , conflict with or result in ( or

with notice or lapse of time or both result in) a breach of or default under any term or provision of

any cont ract or agreement to which Company A is a party or by which Company A or any of its

assets or proper ties is or may be bound , or ( c ) violate any order , judgment , injunction , award or

decree of any court or arbitration body , or any governmental , administrative or regulatory

authority, by which Company A or any of its assets or properties is or may be bound .


No action , suit or proceeding which seeks to prevent the consummation of the transactions

contemplated by this Agreement , or would impair the ability of Company A to consummate the

t ransactions contemplated by this Agreement, is pending against Company A , and no such action ,

suit or proceeding has been threatened against Company A .



Company B hereby represents and warran ts to Company A as follows:


Company B is a CHUSIKHOESA duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the

Republic of Korea .Company B has all requisite power and authority to execute, deliver and

perform its obligations under this Agreement .


Company B has taken all requisite corporate action to authorize and approve the execution ,

delivery and performance of this Agreement by Company B . This Agreement has been duly

executed and delivered by Company B, and constitutes the legal , valid and binding obligations of

Company B, enforceable against Company B in accordance with its terms .


The execution , delivery and performance of this Agreement by Company B, and the

consummation of the t ransactions contemplated hereby , will not (a ) violate any provision of the

charter documents of Company B, ( b) violate , conflict with or result in (or with notice or lapse of

time or both result in ) a breach of or default under any term or provision of any contract or

agreement to which Company B is a par ty or by which Company B or any of its assets or

properties is or may be bound , or ( c) violate any order , judgment, injunction , award or decree of

any court or arbitration body , or any governmental , administ rative or regulatory authority , by

which Company B or any of its assets or properties is or may be bound .



No action , suit or proceeding which seeks to prevent the consummation of the transactions

contemplated by this Agreement , or would impair the ability of Company B to consummate the

t ransactions contemplated by this Agreement, is pending against Company B, and no such action ,

suit or proceeding has been threatened against Company B .


For so long as this Agreement remains in effect and for a period of three ( 3) years after any

termination of this Agreement , each party shall keep st rictly confidential , and shall not disclose,

use, divulge , publish or otherwise reveal , directly or through any third party ( including without

limitation the Company) , any confidential or proprietary information of the other party which was

disclosed by or received pursuant to this Agreement , or in connection with the preparation and

negotiation of this Agreement , or by reason of the performance by the par ties of their obligations

hereunder or their involvement in activities of the Company, including , but not limited to,

documents and/ or information regarding customers, costs , profits , markets , sales , products , product

development , key personnel, pricing policies , operational methods , technology , know-how , technical

processes , formulae or plans for future development ( collectively ,“Confidential Information”) ,

except as may be necessary in connection with filings with governmental agencies as required

under applicable law , including , in the case of Company A, the rules and regulations promulgated

under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 , provided , however , that neither par ty shall make any

disclosure required under applicable law before providing the other par ty with a reasonable

opportunity to seek a protective order .Upon termination of this Agreement , each party shall either

dest roy or return to the other all memoranda , notes , records , reports and other documents

(including all copies thereof ) relating to the Confidential Information of the other party which

such par ty may then possess or have underits cont rol .Notwithstanding the foregoing , Confidential

Information of a party shall not include (a) information which was already known to the recipient

at the time of its receipt , ( b) information which is or becomes freely and generally available to the

public through no wrongful act of the recipient , ( c) information which is righ tfully received by the

recipient from a third party legally entitled to disclose such information free of confidentiality

restrictions ,or ( d ) information disclosed in connection with legal action initiated by a party to

enforce righ ts under this Agreement , or any agreement executed pursuant to this Agreement,

PROVIDED that adequate safe guards ( such as protective orders) are main tained .


If the Company fails to meet the applicable Business Goals for the period commencing from

the date of this Agreement and ending on December 31 , 2001 or for any consecutive three (3 ) year

period thereafter , then , within sixty ( 60 ) days after the end of such period , either party shall have

the right , at its option and in addition to any other righ ts and remedies it may have, to : (a ) elect to


dissolve the Company by giving written notice thereof to the other party , in which case the parties

shall cooperate to take all such steps as may be necessary to dissolve the Company; and/ or ( b)

elect to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice thereof to the other party and the

Company , in which case this Agreement , the License Agreements , the Shareholder Agreement and

the funding commitment under the Loan Agreement shall automatically terminate notwithstanding

any provision to the contrary in this Agreement , the License Agreements , the Shareholder

Agreement or the Loan Agreement .



As used in Section 16.2 ,“Major Matters”shall mean:

( a) liquidation , winding—up , dissolu tion or commencement of any bankruptcy or other similar


( b) merger , consolidation , reorganization , recapitalization , and the like;

(c ) sale of all or substan tially all of the assets of the Company , or the sale of any assets

individually or in the aggregate exceeding in amount ;

(d ) issuance, redemption , repurchase or retirement of any securities ( including any option ,

warran t or righ t to acquire any securities or any inst rument convertible into securities) ;

(e ) increase or decrease of authorized capital;or

(f ) approval of annual business plan ( including annual budget and marketing plans ,

dist ribu tion plans and pricing policies ) , and any major modifications to or departures from the

approved annual business plan .


In the event ( a) the board of directors of the Company deadlocks on any Major Matters , or

( b) the board of directors of the Company cannot , by majority or unanimous vote , agree on the

management of the affairs of the Company , such that the business of the Company can no longer

be conducted to advantage, then either party shall have the right , at its option and in addition to

any other rights and remedies it may have, to: ( i ) elect to dissolve the Company by giving written

notice thereof to the other party , in which case the parties shall cooperate to take all such steps as

may be necessary to dissolve the Company; and/ or( ii) elect to terminate this Agreement by giving

written notice thereof to the other party and the Company, in which case this Agreement, the

License Agreements , the Shareholder Agreement and the funding commitment under the Loan

Agreement shall au tomatically terminate notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this

Agreement, the License Agreements , the Shareholder Agreement or the Loan Agreement .


In the event that ( a ) Company A materially breaches or defaults in the performance of its

obligations under this Agreement, the License Agreements or the Shareholder Agreement , or ( b)


Company B materially breaches or defaults in the performance of its obligations under this

Agreement , the Shareholder Agreement or the Loan Agreement , and any such breach or default is

not cured within ninety (90 ) days after written notice of such default is given to the breaching

par ty by the other party , then such other par ty shall have the right , at its option and without

prejudice to any other righ ts and remedies it may have, to: ( i) elect to dissolve the Company by

giving written notice thereof to the breaching par ty , in which case the breaching party agrees to

cooperate with the other par ty to take all such steps as may be necessary to dissolve the Company ,

it being agreed between Company B and Company A that such other par ty shall have the right to

vote the shares of the breaching par ty in favor of dissolution if the breaching par ty fails to take

action as required under this paragraph ( a ) ; and/ or ( ii ) elect to terminate this Agreement by

written notice thereof to the breaching party and the Company , in which case this Agreement , the

License Agreements , the Shareholder Agreement and the funding commitment under the Loan

Agreement shall au tomatically terminate notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this

Agreement, the License Agreements , the Shareholder Agreement or the Loan Agreement .


If the accumulated losses appearing on the balance sheet of the Company as of the end of any

financial year exceeds the amount of the paid up capital of the Company, either of the parties may ,

by written notice given within thirty ( 30 ) days after receip t of such balance sheet , require the

par ties to meet at a location agreeable to both parties to discuss the appropriate steps to be taken

with respect to the financial situation of the Company .Such meeting of the par ties shall be held

within thirty ( 30 ) days after any such notice is given . If the parties can not reach agreement

within thirty (30) days after the date of such meeting on the appropriate steps to be taken , either

par ty may thereafter propose, by written notice given to the other par ty , that the Company

dissolve and , concurrently with giving such notice , shall offer to sell its stock in the Company to

the other party at a price determined on the basis of the net worth of the Company .If the other

par ty does not agree within thirty (30) days after the giving of such notice to purchase all of such

stock at such price and assume all of the obligations ( if any ) of the offering par ty to provide

financial assistance to the Company , then the parties shall take such steps as may be necessary to

dissolve the Company .


19.1 BROKERS .

Each party shall hold the other party harmless from any claims , liabilities or damages relating

to any commissions or fees claimed by any broker or finder by reason of any engagement or

relationship of such broker or finder by or with such party .

19.2 NOTICES .

Any notice, request , demand , approval or consent required or permitted under this Agreement


shall be in writing and shall be effective upon actual receipt when delivered by (a) registered mail ,

postage prepaid , return receip t requested, ( b ) personal delivery , ( c ) an overnight courier of

recognized reputaion ( such as DHL or Federal Express ) , or ( d) transmission by facsimile ( with

confirmation by mail) , in each case addressed as follows:

If to Company A :

Telephone :


With a copy to :

Telephone :


If to Company B:

Atten tion :

Telephone :


Either party may change its address or facsimile number for notice purposes by notice given

to the other par ty in accordance with this Section 19.2 .


Neither party’s righ ts , du ties or responsibilities under this Agreement may be assigned ,

delegated or otherwise t ransferred in any manner , without the prior written consent of the other

par ty .Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such consent shall be required in connection with the

assignment , delegation or other transfer of any such righ ts , duties or responsibilities (a ) by a par ty

to any affiliate which directly or indirectly controls , is controlled by or is under common control

with such party , where such control is by more than fifty percent ( 50% ) of the relevant voting

power, or ( b ) in connection with any t ransaction , regardless of its form , in which all or

substan tially all of the assets of Company A are acquired .


This Agreement , including the exhibits referred to herein , which are hereby incorporated in

and made a part of this Agreement , constitu tes the entire contract between the par ties with respect

to the subject matter covered by this Agreement .This Agreement supersedes all previous let ters of

in tent , agreements and understandings , if any , by and between the parties with respect to the

subject matter covered by this Agreement . This Agreement may not be amended , changed or

modified except by a writing duly executed by the parties hereto .


If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competen t jurisdiction to be

unenforceable , invalid or void in any respect , no other provision of this Agreement shall be affected

thereby, all other provisions of this Agreement shall never theless be carried in to effect and the

par ties shall amend this Agreement to modify the unenforceable, invalid or void provision to give

effect to the intentions of the par ties to the exten t possible in a manner which is valid and

enforceable .



All rights and remedies of the parties are separate and cumulative , and no one of them ,

whether exercised or not , shall be deemed to be to the exclusion of or to limit or prejudice any

other rights or remedies which the parties may have .The par ties shall not be deemed to waive any

of their rights or remedies under this Agreement , unless such waiver is in writing and signed by

the par ty to be bound .No delay or omission on the par t of either party in exercising any right or

remedy shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy .A waiver

on any one occasion shall not be const rued as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy on any

fu ture occasion .


In the event any dispute arises between the par ties with respect to any matter arising out of

or relating to this Agreement which cannot be amicably resolved , such dispute shall be submitted

to the In ternational Chamber of Commerce for binding arbit ration in accordance with the

commercial arbitration rules of the International Chamber of Commerce as then in effect .The

arbit ration shall be conducted in the English language, and shall beheld in .Any arbit ration

award rendered in any such arbitration proceeding may be entered in and enforced by any cour t of

competen t jurisdiction .Nothing contained in this Section 19.7 shall prevent or be construed to

prevent either party from seeking a temporary rest raining order or a preliminary or permanent

injunction or any other form of interim, provisional or equitable relief in any cour t of competent

jurisdiction .


This Agreement shall be governed by , and interpreted in accordance with , the laws ( other

than that body of law relating to conflicts of law) of ; provided , however , that either par ty

shall have the righ t to enforce the provisions of Sections 11 and 14 under the laws (other than that

body of law relating to conflicts of law ) of .Company B hereby consents to the non-

exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in , and waives all objections to

the laying of venue in , including without limitation any objection based on inconvenient

forum .Company B further consents to the service of process by mail or by any other means

permitted by law .


In the event any action or proceeding is initiated for any breach of or default in any of the

terms or conditions of this Agreement, then the party or parties in whose favor judgment shall be

entered or an arbitration award shall be made, shall be entitled to have and recover from the other

par ties all costs and expenses ( including attorneys’fees) incurred in such action or proceeding and

any appeal therefrom .

19.10 HEADINGS .

The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this

Agreement, and do not in any way interpret , limit or amplify the scope, extent or inten t of this

Agreement, or any of the provisions of this Agreement .



This Agreement may be executed in counterpar ts , each of which shall constitu te an original ,

but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement .Transmission off acsimile

copies of signed original signature pages of this Agreement shall have the same effect as delivery of

the signed originals .


For the convenience of the parties , one or more translations of this Agreement may be

prepared . Notwithstanding the preparation or existence of any such translations, the

English language version of this Agreement shall be controlling .


Neither party shall issue any press releases or publicity statements relating to this

Agreement, the t ransactions contemplated by this Agreement or the business of the Company

without the prior written approval of the other par ty , which approval shall not be unreasonably

withheld or delayed , except that each party shall be permitted to issue any press releases or

publicity statements (whether or not approved by the other party) to the extent required by any

securities laws or regulations applicable to such party .


The Company is a third par ty beneficiary under this Agreement .Except as to the Company ,

this Agreement is not intended to and does not confer any righ ts on any third party , and no such

third par ty shall be a third party beneficiary under or in respect of this Agreement .


Subject to Section 19.3 , this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit

of the par ties and the irrespective successors and assigns .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the par ties have executed this Agreement as of the date first

above written .

Company A:

Company B:






The name of the Company shall be in and“COMPANY A”in English .


The business objectives of the Company shall be the following:

(a ) to provide a World Wide Web navigation , search , directory and community service at

“www . . . ”which is adapted culturally and in local conten t to be suitable for

the market (“Service”) ;

( b) to generate revenue from the Service, including without limitation revenue from the sale

of adver tising and elect ronic commerce ;

(c ) to engage in all business activities relating to the development , main tenance, suppor t ,

enhancement and promotion of the Service, including without limitation the development and

acquisition of local conten t and the development and expansion of distribution channels for the

Service; and

( d) to engage in all business activities ancillary or incidental to the foregoing .


3.1 The head office of the Company shall be located at , .

3.2 Branches , other business offices or other agencies may be established, relocated or

closed , as required by resolu tion of the Board of Directors .


Public notices of the Company shall be given in newspaper , a daily newspaper of

general circulation published in .



Article 5 SHARES

5.1 The total number of shares that the Company is au thorized to issue shall be Twenty

Thousand (20 , 000) shares , each having a par value of .

5.2 The total number of shares to be issued by the Company at the time of incorporation

shall be Twenty Thousand (20 , 000) shares .

5.3 All shares to be issued by the Company shall be one class of common stock , in non-

bearer form , having a par value as stated hereinabove , with full voting rights .


6.1 The share cer tificates shall be issued in denominations of one ( 1) , ten (10) , fifty ( 50 ) ,

one hundred (100 ) , five hundred (500 ) , one thousand ( 1000 ) , and ten thousand ( 10000 ) shares

or such other denominations as the shareholders may reasonably request .

6.2 The share certificates shall bear the following words:“ Transfer of the shares of stock

represented by this certificate is subject to the Joint Venture Agreement dated ,

between Company A and Company B, and to the Shareholder Agreement dated ,

between Company A .and Company B, copies of which are on file atthe principal office of

the Company in .”


Unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors of the Company , payment for subscribed

shares shall be made in cash , payable to a bank or banks designated by the Company .Only those

shares that have been fully paid for may be issued .


8.1 The Company shall main tain a Register of Shareholders in compliance with the relevant

provisions of law .

8.2 A shareholder desiring an alteration of any ent ry in the Register of Shareholders due to

the t ransfer of shares or otherwise, or the registration of a pledge shall submit an application

therefor to the Company , in the form prescribed by the Company , together with its share

certificates involved and suppor ting documents as requested by the Company .



9.1 Any t ransfer of shares in the Company to anon-shareholder must be approved by the

Board of Directors and shall be subject to the Right of First Refusal stipulated in the Shareholders

Agreement .

9.2 The Company may appoint its transfer agent and entrust it with procedures of change

of entry in the Register of Shareholders of the Company .

Article 10 REPORT OF


10.1 Shareholders shall report to the Company their names , addresses , seals and any

changes therein ; provided , however , that foreigners who customarily use signatures may use

signatures in place of seals .

10.2 Shareholders who reside in foreign countries may , in addition , inform the Company of

their or their agent’s provisional address in to which notices may be dispatched .



11.1 Subject to the rest rictions provided in the applicable law , in order to determine persons

who are entitled to exercise voting righ ts , pre-emptive rights to newly issued shares or other rights

as shareholders or pledgees , the Company may suspendentry of alterations in the Register of

Shareholders for a certain period , or the Company may deem any shareholder or pledgee whose

name appears in the Register of Shareholders on a specified date to the shareholder or pledgee who

is en titled to exercise the rights enumerated above in connection with such shares .

11.2 The Company shall give public notice of the period or date referred to in paragraph

11.1 at least two weeks in advance of the commencement of such period or the occurrence of such

date .



12.1 A shareholder desiring re-issuance of a share certificate for reason of partition or

amalgamation of shares , or damage or soiling to a share certificate, shall submit an application

therefor to the Company , in the form prescribed by the Company , together with the share

certificate to be canceld .When the damage or soiling is so extreme that the share certificate is not

legible, however , it shall be regarded as lost and the following provision shall apply for its

replacement .


12.2 A shareholder desiring issuance of a new share certificate due to loss of his share

certificate shall submit to the Company an application , in the form prescribed by the Company ,

together with the original or the certified copy of a judgment of nullification with respect to the

lost share certificate .


Each shareholder shall have preemptive righ ts to acquire any additional shares which the

Company may issue subsequent to incorporation . Such preemptive righ ts shall be in such

proportion equivalent to the holdings of the issued and outstanding shares of each shareholder at

the time of issuance of such additional shares . In the event that a shareholder decides not to

exercise its preemptive right to subscribe to all or any portion of its proportionate amount of such

additional shares , such shares shall first be offered, in equal proportion , to the other shareholders .

The disposition of the shares not purchased by the shareholders after completing the above

procedure shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company .



Article 14 TYPES OF


14.1 General Meetings of the Shareholders of the Company shall be of two types: ordinary

and extraordinary .

14.2 The Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders shall be held within three ( 3 )

months following the last day of each fiscal year .

14.3 An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders may be convened at any time

in compliance with are solution of the Board of Directors and applicable laws .



15.1 All General Meetings of Shareholders shall be convened by the Representative

Director upon the resolu tion of the Board of Directors . The place for convening each General

Meeting of Shareholders shall be the head office of the Company unless otherwise decided by the

Board of Directors .

15.2 Each General Meeting of Shareholders shall be called by the Board of Directors giving


fourteen ( 14 ) days prior notice , stating in the English language the date , time, place and agenda of

the meeting and dispatched via registered mail to the shareholders who are residents of Korea and

via registered airmail , facsimile t ransmission or telex to all other shareholders . The notice

requirement may be waived by the unanimous written consent of all shareholders at the meeting .

The General Meeting of Shareholders may not resolve matters other than those stated in the notice

of the meeting , unless all the shareholder’s entitled to vote , whether presen t or not , unanimously

agree otherwise .


The Representative Director shall preside at all General Meetings of Shareholders . If the

Representative Director is absent or fails to serve as presiding officer at a General Meeting of

Shareholders, the Director designated by the Board of Directors shall preside at such meeting in his

place .


Except as otherwise provided by applicable mandatory requirements of law or by

these Articles of Incorporation , the quorum at all General Meetings of Shareholders shall be the

presence of shareholders representing more than fifty percent (50% ) of the total number of shares

issued and outstanding entitled to vote thereon .


All resolu tions of each General Meeting of Shareholders shall be adopted by the affirmative

vote of the shareholders who hold shares representing more than fifty percent ( 50 % ) of the shares

of the Company present at the meeting ; provided , however , that the following matters shall require

the vote of at least two-thirds ( 2/ 3 ) , or higher rate if required by applicable law , of the total

shares issued and outstanding:

(a )any change to the Articles of Incorporation or by-laws of the Company;

( b)a reduction of the paid-in capital of the Company and the manner thereof;

(c ) the liquidation of the Company or its merger into , or consolidation or amalgamation with

any other company;

( d) transfer or pledge of the whole or a substantial par t of the assets or undertakings of the

Company or the acquisition by the Company of the whole or part of the undertaking of any other

person or entity , or the capital stock of the Company, or en try by the Company in to any joint

venture or par tnership ;

(e ) major matters prescribed in the Shareholders Agreement ; or

(f) any other matters , the adoption of which requires a special resolution of the shareholders

at a General Meeting under the laws of .


Article 19 VOTING

19.1 Each shareholder shall have one (1 ) vote for each share registered in its name .

19.2 A shareholder may exercise its vote by proxy .In that case, the proxy holder must file

with the Company a document evidencing his proper authority at each General Meeting of

Shareholders at which he acts as proxy .

Article 20 MINUTES OF


The proceedings and conclusions of each General Meeting of Shareholders shall be recorded in

minutes in the English and languages , which minutes shall bear the names and the

signatures and/ or seals of the presiding officer and of the Directors presen t at the meeting , and

shall be preserved at the Company’s head office .





The Company shall have at least four ( 4) Directors and at least one (1 ) Statutory Auditor .

Article 22 ELECTION

The Directors and Statutory Auditor shall be elected at and by the General Meeting of

Shareholders and any such vacancies maybe filled at a General Meeting of Shareholders .


23.1 The term of office of a Director shall be three ( 3 ) years; provided , however , that the

term of office shall be extended until the close of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

convened in respect of the last fiscal year which ended in their term of office .

23.2 The term of office of a Statutory Auditor shall commence from the date of acceptance

of office and expire at the close of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders convened with

respect to the last fiscal year within three (3 ) years from the date of acceptance of office .


23.3 The term of office of a Director or Statu tory Audito relected to fill a vacancy shall be

the remainder of the term of office of his predecessor .



24.1 The Board of Directors shall elect from among its members one ( 1 ) Representative

Director , who shall serve as the P resident of the Company .

24.2 The Representative Director shall represent the Company and shall manage the day-

to-day business of the Company under the cont rol and supervision of the Board of Directors .The

Representative Director shall have the authority to execute cont racts on behalf of the Company

within the limitations established by the Board of Directors .

24.3 Other officers of the Company , including but not limited to Vice President , Secretary ,

Treasurer or Finance Director , and Senior Manager shall be appoin ted by the Board of Directors .

All such officers’duties with the Company shall be determined by the Board of Directors .


25.1 The compensation of the Directors and Statutory Auditor of the Company shall be

determined by resolution of a General Meeting of Shareholders .

25.2 Severance allowances for the Directors and Statu tory Auditor shall be paid in

accordance with the regulations of the Company adopted by resolu tions of a General Meeting of

Shareholders .


Article 26 MEETINGS OF


26.1 An ordinary meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately following the

Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders each fiscal year .Each Board meeting shall be called by

the Representative Director giving at least seven ( 7 ) days written notice, stating the date, time

and place of the meeting , to each Director and Statu tory Auditor and stating the agenda of the

meeting .T he notice requirement may be waived with the written consent of all Directors and

Statutory Auditor .

26.2 If any one Director requests to convene an extraordinary meeting in writing , the

Representative Director shall call an extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors in accordance

with the procedures stipulated in foregoing paragraph 26.1 .


26.3 Board meetings shall be held at the Company’s head office, unless the Board of

Directors determines otherwise .

Article 27 PRESIDING


The Representative Director shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors .If the

Representative Director is absent or fails to serve as presiding officer of any meeting , the Director

designated by the Board of Directors shall preside at such meeting in his place .

Article 28 ADOPTION OF


A quorum at any Board meeting shall consist of at least a majority of the Directors then in

office .Unless otherwise required by applicable laws or the Ar ticles of Incorporation , any actions

and resolutions taken at a Board meeting shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of at least a

majority of the Directors then in office; provided, however , that the following matters shall require

the vote of all of the Directors then in office :

(a )amendment or repeal of the Articles of Incorporation ;

( b) liquidation , winding-up , dissolution or commencement of any bankruptcy or other similar


(c ) merger, consolidation , reorganization , recapitalization , and the like;

(d) sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or the sale of any assets

individually or in the aggregate exceeding ( W ) 75000000 in amount ;

(e) issuance, redemption , repurchase or retirement of any securities ( including any option ,

warran t or righ t to acquire any securities or any inst rument convertible into securities) ;

( f) increase or decrease of au thorized capital;

( g)approval of annual financial statements;

( h ) approval of annual business plan ( including annual budget and marketing plans ,

dist ribu tion plans and pricing policies ) , and any major modifications to or departures from the

approved annual business plan ;

( i) declaration of dividends;

(j )acquisition or disposition of an in terest in any other corporation or entity , including the

incorporation of a subsidiary;

( k) guaranty of third par ty indebtedness;

(l ) the borrowing of any funds , except as otherwise expressly permit ted by an written

agreement between the shareholders of the Company and except for any funds borrowed in the

ordinary course of business and individually or in the aggregate not exceeding ( W ) 75000000;


(m) the sale, t ransfer ( other than by sublicense as expressly permitted under any relevant

license agreement between the Company and of its shareholders) , or encumbrance of any interest

in intellectual property rights;

( n) any changes or modifications by the Company of or to any of the technology licensed to

the Company by any of its shareholders , except as expressly permitted by and made in accordance

with the terms of any relevant license agreement by which such technology is licensed to the


(o) any material t ransaction between the Company and any of its shareholders ( other than as

expressly contemplated by the Joint Venture Agreement pursuant to which the Company was

formed, or any agreement executed pursuant to the Joint Venture Agreement ) ;

( p ) any material t ransaction by which the Company incursor undertakes any financial

obligation in excess of 75000000; or

(q) removal of the President, any Vice President , any Treasurer or Finance Director, or any

Senior Manager .



The proceedings and conclusions of each meeting of the Board of Directors and each shall be

recorded in minutes in the English and languages , which minutes shall bear the names and

signatures and/ or seals of the presiding officer and all other Directors and Statu tory Auditor in

attendance at the meeting and shall be preserved at the Company’s head office .


The proceedings and conclusions of each meeting of shareholders shall be recorded in minutes

in the English and languages .


Article 31 FISCAL YEAR

31.1 The fiscal year of the Company shall commence on the 1st day of August and end on

the 31st day of July of each year .

31.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph 31.1 , the first fiscal year of the Company

shall commence on the date of incorporation of the Company and end on the following 31st day of

July .


Article 32 APPROVAL OF


32.1 The Representative Director shall submit to the Statu tory Auditor at least six ( 6 )

weeks before each Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders the following documents , after

obtaining approval of such documents from the Board of Directors:

(a )a balance sheet ;

( b)a profit and loss statement ;

(c )a statement of disposition of retained earnings or deficit;

( d) supplementary schedules for (a) , ( b) and (c) above ; and

(e)a business report .

32.2 The Statu tory Auditor shall submit an audit report thereof to the Representative

Director with in four (4 ) weeks of receip t of the documents described in paragraph 32.1 above .

32.3 The Representative Director shall , without delay, give public notice of the balance

sheet approved by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders .


Subject to laws and regulations , profit for each fiscal year shall be disposed of in the

following order of priority :

(a )establishment of any reserves required by law ;

(b ) establishment of such other reserves as may be decided by a General Meeting of

Shareholders; and

(c) payment of all or a por tion of the remainder of such profit as dividends to shareholders in

accordance with the resolution of a General Meeting of Shareholders .


34.1 Dividends , if declared , shall be determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders ,

and paid to the shareholders of the Company who were duly entered in to the Register of

Shareholders as of the end of the subject fiscal year .

34.2 Dividends shall be paid within thirty ( 30 ) days after the declaration of dividends ,

unless otherwise resolved by a General Meeting of Shareholders .



Article 35 BY-LAWS

The Company may adopt, with the approval of the Board of Directors , by-laws and other

regulations as may be required for the administ ration of the affairs of the Company .


Matters not specifically provided for herein shall be determined in conformity with resolutions

adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors or the General Meeting of Shareholders of the

Company ,or with relevant provisions of the Commercial Code, as the case may be .


The Company shall bear the incorporating cost as set forth in the attachment .

Article 38 PROMOTERS

We, the undersigned Promoters of the Company , having made the above Articles of

Incorporation for the establishment of the Company have hereunder set out our hands and affixed

our seals this day of , .



Number of Shares:



Number of Shares:



Number of Shares:


1.Company A Web Server (a ) Pursuit Search Engine ( b) Advertising Support Code ( to the

extent owned exclusively by Company A) (c) Load Balance Code ( d) Fault Tolerance Failover (e)

Real Time Security and Traffic Monitoring ( f ) Log Analysis Code that provides collection ,


compression , and report generation of all h ttp services .

2.Fault Tolerance Monitoring and Security Demons .



THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT ( this“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of ,

by and between Company A, Licensee .


A.Company A owns or licenses from third parties certain righ ts relating to the Company A

Search service (as defined below) .

B.Licensee desires to offer a local version of the Company A Search service, in the

language and as otherwise customized for the market .

C.On the terms and subject to the conditions hereafter set forth, Licensee desires to obtain from

Company A, and Company A is willing to grant to Licensee, the rights and licenses described below .

NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein , and for

other valuable consideration received , the receip t and sufficiency of which are hereby

acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:


As used in this Agreement , the following terms have the meanings set forth below :“Affiliate”

shall mean , as to any Person , any other Person that , directly or indirectly , controls, is under

common control with , or is controlled by , such Person , where such control is by the power , directly

or indirectly, to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such Person ,

whether through the ownership of voting securities , by cont ract or otherwise .

“Derivative Works” shall mean all Enhancements which are“ derivative works” and

“compilations”as such terms are defined in the .Copyrigh t Act .

“Directory Software” shall mean all computer software owned exclusively or licensed

(without obligation to pay royalties and with righ t to sublicense ) by Company A, used by

Company A in connection with the Company A Search service, and performing the functionality

described in the attached EXHIBI T A .

“Enhancements”shall mean all enhancements , improvements , additions or modifications to

the Local Catalog , the Company A Catalog, the Licensed Software , the Licensed Technology or the

Local Search service, of whatever type or nature , whether created or developed solely by Company

A or its Affiliates , agents , consultan ts or independent contractors , solely by Licensee or its

Affiliates, agents , consultan ts or independent cont ractors , or join tly by Company A or its

Affiliates, agents, consultan ts or independent contractors , on one hand , and Licensee or its


Affiliates , agents , consultan ts or independent contractors , on the other hand .

“Effective Date”shall mean the date of this Agreement as set forth in the preamble hereof .

“ Internet”shall mean the various computer networks commonly and collectively referred to

as the“in ternet”, as the same may exist from time to time .

“ Initial Avaiability Period”shall mean the thirty ( 30 ) day period commencing from the date

Company A makes the Local Catalog and the Licensed Software initially available to Licensee

under Section 6.1 ,or such shorter period as may be agreed to between Company A and Licensee .

“Joint Enhancements”shall mean any Enhancements which are not Derivative Works and

which are created or developed join tly by Company A or its Affiliates , agents , consultants or

independent cont ractors , on one hand, and Licensee or its Affiliates , agents , consultan ts or

independent cont ractors , on the other hand .

“Licensed Marks”shall mean all trademarks and service marks owned or licensed ( without

obligation to pay royalties and with right to sublicense ) by Company A as of the date of this

Agreement and used by Company A in connection with the Company A Search service , which

t rademarks and service marks are listed in the attached EXHIBIT B .

“Licensed Property”shall mean all patents and patent rights listed in the attached EXHIBI T

B and all rights in copyrigh t now or hereafter owned exclusively or licensed (without obligation to

pay royalties and with righ t to sublicense) by Company A and pertaining to the Local Catalog , the

Company A Catalog, the Licensed Software, the Licensed Technology , the Local Search service or

the Company A Enhancements , EXCLUDING, HOWEVER, any of the foregoing relating to web-

crawler or spider technology used to index and catalog web sites on the Internet .

“Licensed Software”shall mean the Company A Software and the Directory Software, as

enabled to handle double-byte characters , and all relevant application programming interfaces , as

the Company A Software, the Directory Software and the relevant application programming

in terfaces are modified or supplemented to suppor t the Local Search service , and as thereafter

modified , supplemented, replaced or updated from time to time .

“Licensed Technology”shall mean all inventions , ideas , know how, expertise , t rade secrets

and proprietary information now or hereafter owned exclusively or licensed ( without obligation to

pay royalties and with righ t to sublicense) by Company A and used by Company A in connection

with the Licensed Marks , the Licensed P roperty and the Licensed Software, EXCLUDING,

HOWEVER, any of the foregoing relating to web-crawler or spider technology used to index and

catalog web sites on the In ternet .

“Licensee Enhancements” shall mean any Enhancements which ( a ) are not Derivative

Works , and ( b) are created or developed solely by Licensee or its Affiliates , agents , consultants or

independent contractors ( other than Company A ) without breaching any provision of this

Agreement .

“Local Catalog”shall mean a local version of the Company A Catalog, consisting solely of

U RLs ending with the designation“ co .kr”and such other conten t as may be accessed

through the World Wide Web , as such data base is modified , supplemented , replaced or updated

from time to time .


“Local Search service” shall mean a local version of the Company A Search service, as

customized for the Territory and in the principal language of the Territory .

“Local Site”shall mean www .lycos .co .kr , the In ternet site through which the Local Search

service is to be made available to users, as provided for in Section 3 .

“Company A Catalog” shall mean the data base compiled by Company A and accessed

through the search engine providing the search function of the Company A Search service , as such

database is modified , supplemented , replaced or updated from time to time .

“Company A Enhancements” shall mean any Enhancements which are ( a ) Derivative

Works ,or ( b) created or developed solely by Company A or its Affiliates , agents , consultants or

independent cont ractors .

“Company A Search service”shall mean the search service offered by Company A on the

In ternet at www .lycos .com , through an advertiser supported search engine used to access the

Company A Catalog , which provides to the user information regarding Internet sites relevant to

the user’s search request .

“Company A Software” shall mean all computer software owned exclusively or licensed

(without obligation to pay royalties and with righ t to sublicense ) by Company A, used by

Company A to operate and main tain the Company A Search service, and performing the

functionality described in the attached EXHIBIT A, EXCLUDING, however , any software

relating to web-crawler or spider technology used to index and catalog web sites on the Internet .

“Person”shall mean a natural person , sole proprietorship , corporation , general partnership ,

limited partnership , limited liability par tnership , limited liability company , joint venture,

unincorporated organization , joint stock company , trust , estate , Regulatory Boday or other entity .

“Regulatory Body”shall mean any national , state, municipal , local or other governmental body or

authority , or any quasi-governmental or private body exercising any regulatory authority , including

any subdivision or agency thereof .

“Territory”shall mean .



On the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement , Company A hereby grants to

Licensee the following righ ts and licenses:

(a ) the exclusive right and license to provide, operate and main tain the Local Searchservice at

the Local Site;

( b) the exclusive righ t and license to market , promote and otherwise exploit the Local Search

service in the Territory ;

(c ) the exclusive righ t and license to use, store, process , reformat , ret rieve and t ransmit the

Local Catalog and the Company A Catalog , or any por tion thereof, and to allow users of the Local

Search service to download from the Local Catalog and the Company A Catalog to the user’s

computer hard drive or onto a separate disk , in connection with providing , operating and


maintaining the Local Search service at the Local Site;

( d) the exclusive righ t and license to select , design and provide local conten t for , and to

incorporate such local content in to, the Local Search service ; and

(e) the exclusive right and license to use the Local Catalog, the Company A Catalog, the Licensed

Marks, the Licensed Property, the Licensed Software, the Licensed Technology and the Company A

Enhancements solely for purposes of exercising the rights and licenses granted under this Section 2.1 .


The righ ts and licenses granted under Section 2.1 are exclusive only to the extent such rights

and licenses relate to providing , operating and main taining the Local Search service at the Local

Site from any geographic location or to marketing , promoting and otherwise exploiting the Local

Search service in the Territory . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this

Agreement, Company A reserves and shall have the righ t touse or license the Local Catalog , the

Company A Catalog , the Licensed Marks , the Licensed Property , the Licensed Software , the

Licensed Technology and the Company A Enhancements for any purpose other than ( except as

required to perform its duties under this Agreement ) providing a Local Search service at an

In ternet site ending with the designation“co .kr”or marketing, promoting or otherwise exploiting

a Local Search service in the Territory .


Licensee shall have no right to sublicense, sell , assign or otherwise transfer, whether

voluntarily or involuntarily , any of the rights and license gran ted under Section 2.1 .


The rights of the Company under this Agreement shall continue in accordance with the terms hereof

notwithstanding any change in the ownership of Company A, any transfer of the assets or business of

Company A, or any merger , consolidation, reorganization or recapitalization affecting Company A .


To the exten t permitted under applicable local law and regulation , Company A shall at all

times be the owner of the domain name“www . ,”which is the domain name comprising

the Local Site .In the event Company A is at any time not permit ted under applicable local law and

regulation to be the owner of the domain name“ www . ,” then , at the sole option of

Company A, Company A shall procure for Licensee the right to use the domain name“ www .

”or, alternatively , Licensee shall be the owner of the domain name“www . ,”in

which event Licensee shall enter into an agreement with Company A, in form and substance

satisfactory to Company A , assuring to Company A the actual benefit of ownership of the domain

name“www . ”notwithstanding registered ownership in the name of Licensee .


Company A shall be solely responsible for compiling , main taining and updating the Local


Catalog and the Company A Catalog .Licensee shall not , without the prior written approval of

Company A in each instance, modify or change the Local Catalog and the Company A Catalog in

any respect .Company A shall initially make the Local Catalog and the Company A Catalog

available as provided in Section 6.1 , and shall update the Local Catalog and the Company A

Catalog as provided in Section 10.1 .


Company A shall be solely responsible for ( a ) making any modifications or changes to the

Company A Software which may be necessary to develop or create Licensed Soft ware capable of

suppor ting the Local Searchservice, and ( b ) updating the Licensed Software .Licensee shall not ,

without the prior written approval of Company A in each instance, modify or change the Licensed

Software in any respect .Company A shall initially make the Licensed Software available as

provided in Section 6.1 and shall update the Licensed Software as provided in Section 10.2 .




Within thirty ( 30 ) days after the Effective Date, Company A shall make the Local Catalog ,

the Company A Catalog and the Licensed Software, each as then existing , available for use on a

staging server located in the United States , and shall inform Licensee how to access the Local

Catalog , the Company A Catalog and the Licensed Soft ware made available on such staging server .

During the Initial Availability Period , Licensee shall conduct such tests of the Local Catalog , the

Company A Catalog and the Licensed Software as Licensee deems necessary or desirable, and

Company A shall use reasonable commercial efforts to resolve any performance issues with respect

to the Local Catalog , the Company A Catalog and the Licensed Software as may be identified by

Licensee and communicated by Licensee to Company A .


Promptly after the Initial Availability Period , and prior to the t ransfer of operations from

Company A to Licensee pursuant to Section 8.3 , Company A shall make the Local Catalog , the

Company A Catalog and the Licensed Software, each as then existing , available for use on servers

located in the United States and accessed through the Local Site . The equipment shipped by

Company A to Licensee in connection with the transfer of operations from Company A to Licensee

pursuant to Section 8.3 shall have installed thereon the Local Catalog , the Company A Catalog and

the Licensed Software, each as existing at the time of such shipment .Thereafter , Company A

Shall , if required and requested by Licensee, make the Local Catalog , the Company A Catalog and

Licensed Software available to Licensee by File Transfer P rotocol or Federal Express , as Company

A may determine in its discretion .



Licensee acknowledges that the displayable content available through access to the Local

Catalog , the Company A Catalog and the Licensed Software will be limited to the content of the

Local Catalog and the Company A Catalog and displays relating directly to navigation and search

functions . Licensee shall design and develop local content , including both information and

advertising, customized for the market in the Territory using the principal language of the

Territory , and combine such local conten t with the displayable conten t available through access to

the Local Catalog , the Company A Catalog and the Licensed Software , all in manner and format

substan tially similar to the Company A Search service .


8.1 LAUNCH .

Licensee shall commercially launch the Local Search service through the Local Site within

sixty (60) days after the end of the Initial Availability Period, and as promptly as possible within

such six ty (60) day period as circumstances permit , making due allowance for the development of

a well-considered plan for the launch and initial marketing of the Local Search service .


Initially , Company A shall operate and maintain the Local Search service for Licensee using

dedicated equipment purchased by Company A and installed and located in the United States .

Licensee shall reimburse Company A for all costs ( including indirect costs and overhead )

reasonably incurred by Company A in operating and maintaining the Local Search service for

Licensee, including without limitaion the cost of such equipment , and costs incurred in preparing to

commence such operation and maintenance .Upon reimbursement by Licensee to Company A for

the cost of any such equipment , title to such equipment shall pass from Company A to Licensee on

an“ as is , where is”basis, and Company A shall assign to Licensee any manufacturer warranties

relating to such equipment to the extent any such warranties are t ransferable .


When and as feasible , as determined by Company A and Licensee, Company A shall transfer

the operation and maintenance of the Local Search service from Company A to Licensee , and , in

connection with such t ransfer , the equipment as to which title has passed from Company A to

Licensee under Section 8.2 shall be shipped by Company A , at Licensee’s expense , to a site in the

Territory designated by Licensee .



During the period commencing from the Effective Date and ending three ( 3 ) months after


commercial launch of the Local Search service, Company A shall , without charge to Licensee, ( a)

provide reasonable technical assistance to Licensee in the form of ( i ) telephone consultation in

English between Company A technicians and Licensee’s personnel, and ( ii) written materials , in

English, covering matters specified by Licensee, and ( b ) provide t raining at Company A’s

principal place of business in the United States for up to two ( 2 ) technical trainees who are

employees of Licensee, for a total of not more than three ( 3) man months , provided that the cost

of travel , food and lodging for such technical trainees shall be borne by Licensee .


After the expiration of the period referred to in Section 9.1 , Company A shall ( a ) provide

reasonable technical assistance to Licensee in the form of ( i ) telephone consultation in English

between Company A technicians and Licensee’s personnel, and ( ii) written materials, in English ,

covering matters specified by Licensee , and ( b ) from time to time as reasonably requested by

Licensee make technical representatives available in , at times convenien t to Company A, to

consult with and provide technical assistance to Licensee .Licensee shall bear all costs relating to

such consultation and technical assistance, including without limitation the costs of t ravel , food and

lodging and per diem charges ( including coverage of overhead and indirect costs) on a per person

basis at the most favorable rates offered by Company A for providing such services .



Company A shall provide to Licensee updates to ( a ) the Company A Catalog when and as

such updates are made accessible through the Company A Search service , and ( b ) the Local

Catalog at the same intervals as , and as soon as practical after , updates of the Company A Catalog

are made accessible through the Company A Search service . Licensee shall make payment to

Company A for all such updates , and the payment amount for any such update shall be [an amount

equal to the product of ( i ) the spidering cost per day , multiplied by ( ii ) the number of days

required to generate such update ] .Until operations are transferred by Company A to Licensee

pursuant to Section 8.3 , such updates shall be made available on the equipment through which the

Local Catalog and the Company A Catalog are made available, and Company A shall promptly

notify Licensee each time any such update is made available .After operations are transferred by

Company A to Licensee pursuant to Section 8.3 , such updates shall be made available by File

Transfer P rotocol or by Federal Express , as Company A may determine .


Company A shall provide to Licensee, without charge, updates to (including entirely new versions of)

the Licensed Software at the same intervals as , and as soon as practical after, updates of the Company A

Software and the Directory Software become available to joint ventures in which Company A has a

significant participation interest through share ownership or otherwise .Until operations are transferred by

Company A to Licensee pursuant to Section 8.3 , such updates shall be made available by Company A to

Licensee on the equipment through which the Company A Software and the Directory Software are made


available by Company A to Licensee, and Company A shall promptly notify Licensee each time any such

update is made available .After operations are transferred by Company A to Licensee pursuant to Section

8.3 ,such update s shall be made available by Company A to Licensee by File Transfer Protocol or by

Federal Express , as Company A may determine .At the time Company A makes available to Licensee any

updates to the Licensed Software, Company A shall notify Licensee of the changes to the Licensed

Software effected by such updates .



Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Company A and Licensee have entered

in to a community services license agreement, as more specifically described therein .


In the event that Company A hereafter makes available at www .lycos .com new services

which are in addition to the Company A Search service and the community services provided for in

the license agreement referred to in Section 11.1 , and Company A exclusively owns or licenses

( without obligation to pay royalties and with right to sublicense) the rights to such new services ,

Company A shall , at Licensee’s request , grant to Licensee the right and license to provide local

versions of such new services , subject , however , to the execution of an appropriate license

agreement between Company A and Licensee on such terms and conditions as may be mutually

acceptable to Company A and Licensee , which license agreement shall include a provision for the

payment of royalties by Licensee to Company A and a provision requiring Licensee to pay to

Company A all costs and expenses ( including overhead and indirect costs) incurred by Company A

in connection with customization of the new service for the Territory .In the event Company A and

Licensee fail to enter into any such license agreement with respect to any such local version of any such

new service within sixty (60) days after the commencement of good faith negotiations, Company A shall

have no further obligation under this Section 11.2 with respect to any such new service .



As a material term of this Agreement, Licensee shall use its best efforts to market , promote

and commercially exploit the Local Search service in the Territory .


(a) Commencing on the fifth business day of the month immediately following the month in

which operation of the Local Search service is t ransferred by Company A to Licensee pursuant to

Section 8.3 , and continuing on the fifth business day of each month the reafter during the term of

this Agreement , Licensee shall provide to Company A via electronic mail a file, in standard

common log file format , containing a complete and detailed record for the prior month of (a ) user

accesses ( click stream data ) to the Licensed Software , ( b ) the total number of adver tising


impressions possible , ( c ) adver tising impressions , filled expressed as a percentage of advertisting

impressions possible, and ( d ) the number of specific advertisements placed by each advertiser ,

indicating whether such adver tisements are rotational , static or key word based .

( b) Commencing on the second business day of the week immediately following the week in

which the operation of the Local Search service is transferred by Company A to Licensee pursuant

to Section 8.3 , and continuing on the second business day of each week thereafter during the term

of this Agreement , Licensee shall provide to Company A via elect ronic mail a repor t summarizing

the previous week’s daily traffic to the Local Site .


Licensee shall operate and maintain the Local Search service in compliance with all applicable

laws , rules and regulations of any relevant Regulatory Body .


Licensee shall operate and main tain the Local Search service in a manner which is consistent

with the quality standards of Company A and which meets or exceeds the response performance

standards of the Company A Search service .


Company A shall have the righ t to approve, prior to distribu tion , samples of all hard copy

advertising and promotional materials developed by Licensee and using any of the Licensed Marks .

Licensee shall submit each such sample to Company A for approval , and , in the event Company A

fails to disapprove any such sample within fifteen ( 15 ) days after submission , such sample shall be

deemed approved .


For so long as this Agreement remains in effect , Licensee shall not , directly or indirectly ,

alone or in combination with others , purchase, establish , maintain , invest in or otherwise promote,

or agree to purchase , establish , maintain , invest in or otherwise promote, any navigation , search ,

directory or community service, except that the foregoing rest riction shall not apply to passive

portfolio investments in an entity not in excess of five percent ( 5% ) of the total equity of such

entity and , prior to any termination of this Agreement, the foregoing rest riction shall not apply to

the Local Search service or any additional or new services made available in connection with the

Local Search service as contemplated by Section 11 .


Licensee agrees to implement a privacy policy consisten t with that utilized by Company A in

connection with the Company A Search service, with such modifications as may be required by

applicable law .


13. (omitted)



Except as otherwise expressly set forth in Section 2.1 , no right , title or interest in or to the

Local Catalog , the Company A Catalog , the Licensed Software , the Licensed Technology , the

Licensed Marks , the Licensed Property , the Company A Enhancements , the Local Search service

or the domain name“ www . ,”or in or to any other intellectual proper ty , shall pass to

Licensee under this Agreement .Without limiting the foregoing , no right or license is granted or

shall pass to Licensee with respect to any web-crawler or spidering technology used to index and

catalog web sites on the Internet , or to any patents , copyrigh ts , knowhow , software or other rights

or proper ty relating to any such technology .


All ownership and other righ ts in and to the Company A Enhancements shall vest in and

inure to the benefit of Company A . Upon request , Licensee shall execute all such documents ,

including without limitation documents of assignment , and take all such steps and render all such

assistance as may be necessary to assure to Company A its rights under this Section 14.2 .


All ownership and other rights in and to Joint Enhancements shall vest in and inure to the

benefit of Company A and Licensee jointly . Each party shall have the right to use Joint

Enhancements , bu t neither par ty shall have the righ t to license Join t Enhancements without the

prior written consent of the other par ty .


All ownership and other rights in and to the Licensee Enhancements shall vest in and inure to

the benefit of Licensee . Licensee hereby grants to Company A a royalty-free, non-exclusive,

worldwide ( except for the Territory ) license , with the righ t to sublicense, to use the Licensee

Enhancements in connection with the Company A Search service or otherwise .


Licensee shall not , in the Territory or in any other jurisdiction , make any registration or

application with respect to any paten ts , trademarks, service marks , copy righ ts or other in tellectual

property owned or licensed by Company A, including without limitation the Licensed Marks and

the Licensed Property, or , except as otherwise expressly contemplated by Section 3 , with respect to

any domain name which includes the word“ ”, including without limitation the domain

name“www . .”

14.6 BENE FIT .

All use of the Licensed Marks and Licensed Proper ty shall inure to the benefit of Company

A, or , as applicable , its licensors .




Licensee shall include appropriate paten t , t rademark and copyright markings and notations in

the Local Search service and in all marketing , advertising , promotional and other materials which

use or refer to the Licensed Marks or the Licensed P roperty .Without limiting the foregoing , if the

t rademark“Company A ( R )”appears in any such materials , such materials shall include the

following statement :“ ( C ) - Company .Company A ( R ) is a registered

t rademark of . All Rights Reserved .”


The following statement shall appear on the ent ry screen of the Local Search service and at

the bottom of each search result , in a font no smaller than the font for the main text used in the

Local Search service and otherwise in such manner as Company A may specify to Licensee from

time to time :“ ( C) - Company A .Company A ( R) is a registered trademark

of . All Rights Reserved .”


Licensee shall at all times take such steps to protect the righ ts of Company A in and to the

Licensed Marks , the Licensed Property, the Local Catalog, the Company A Catalog , the Licensed

Software , the Licensed Technology, the Company A Enhancements and the Local Search service as

Licensee takes to protect its righ ts with respect to its own intellectual property , and in any event

shall use a reasonable degree of care to protect such rights of Company A .




Company A warrants that the licensed software , when used with the local catalog , will

function in substan tially the same manner as the Company A software functions when used with

the Company A catalog , and that the search results ret rieved from the local catalog using the

licensed software will have substantially the same appearance ( allowing for differences at

t ribu table to language, differences in conten t and local customization ) as the search results

retrieved from the Company A catalog using the Company A software .


Except as expressly set forth in section 16.1 , Company A makes no warran ties of any kind ,

written or oral , express , implied or statutory , including , but not limited to, any implied warran ty of

merchant ability or fitness for a particular use or purpose, or any warran ty regarding the accuracy

or content of any information obtained by using the licensed software, all of which other

warran ties are hereby expressly disclaimed .


16.3 REMEDY .

Company A sole obligation and licensee’s sole remedy under the limited warranty set forth in

section 16.1 is that Company A shall use reasonable commercial efforts to correct any problems

with the licensed software which prevent the licensed software from functioning as warranted, or

which cause the appearance of the local catalog to be other than as warranted .


The limited warranty set forth in section 16.1 shall cease to apply in the event licensee makes

any modification to the licensed software of the local catalog with out the express written consent

of Company A .


The limited warranty set forth in section 16.1 shall apply during the six ty ( 60 ) day period

commencing from the date of the commercial launch of the local search service , and shall apply

during the sixty ( 60 ) day period commencing from the date on which the t ransfer of operations

contemplated by section 8.3 is completed .Company A shall not have any obligation or liability

under such limited warran ty , except as to claims arising during either sixty ( 60 ) day period

referred to above in this section 16.5 and as to which Company A has received prompt written

notice .


Neither par ty shall be liable to the other for indirect , special or consequential damages ,

including without limitation lost profits . Licensee agrees that Company A maximum liability

tolicensee under this agreement, weither arising out of contract , negligence, strict liability or other

wise, shall not in any event exceed the sum of five hundred thousand U .S .dollars ( U .S .$

500 , 000) .



In the event the use of the Licensed Software by Licensee or any user of the Local Search

service is alleged or determined to infringe on the rights of any third party , Company A shall , at its

own expense and in its sole discretion , ( a ) procure for Licensee and users of the Local Search

service the right to continue such use , ( b ) replace the Licensed Software with non-infringing

software or modify the Licensed Softrwae to make it non-infringing , or ( c ) if neither of the

remedies described in ( a) and ( b ) are commercially reasonable , terminate this Agreement and

accept the return of the Licensed Software .


Company A shall defend ( or settle) , indemnify and hold Licensee harmless from and against

any claim , liability , damage , cost or expense ( including reasonable at torneys’fees ) arising out of

any actual or alleged infringement by the Licensed Software on the rights of third parties .In

connection with any such defense ( or set tlement ) , Company A shall have the right , in its sole

discretion , to select counsel of its own choosing .Upon disignation of such counsel by Company A,


Licensee may , in its sole discretion and at its sole cost and expense, choose to be represented by its

own counsel . In any event , Company A and Licensee shall cooperate in any such defense ( or

settlement ) .


Company A shall not have any obligation or liability to Licensee under Section 17.1 or

Section 17.2 with respect to any Licensed Software which has been modified by Licensee without

the express written consent of Company A, or with respect to any claim or matter as to which

Licensee fails to give written notice to Company A within fifteen ( 15 ) days after Licensee receives

notice or otherwise becomes aware of such claim or matter .


Company A shall have no obligations or liabilities under this Agreement with respect to any

claims , liabilities , damages , costs or expenses , by reason of actual or alleged infringement on the

righ ts of third par ties or otherwise, which arise out of any use of the Licensed Marks by Licensee

or any use of the Local Catalog or the Company A Catalog by Licensee or any users of the Local

Search service .



For so long as this Agreement remains in effect and for a period of three ( 3) years after any

expiration or termination of this Agreement , each party shall keep st rictly confidential , and shall

not disclose, any confidential information of the other party received under or in connection with

this Agreement , including without limitation any information , written or oral , relating to

customers, costs , profits , markets, sales , products , product development , key personnel, pricing

policies, operational methods , technology, know-how , technical processes , formulae or plans for

fu ture development ; provided , however , that confidential information shall not include, and the

disclosure rest rictions of this Section 18.1 shall not apply to , any information received from the

other party which:

(a )was already known to the recipien t at the time of receip t;

( b ) was at the time of receipt , or thereafter becomes , freely and generally available to the

public through no wrongful act of the recipien t ;

(c ) is right fully received by the recipien t from a third party legally entitled to disclose such

information free of confidentiality rest rictions;

( d) is disclosed by the recipient pursuant to the order of any cour t or in connection with any

legal proceeding commenced by or against the recipient , provided that prior to any such disclosure

the recipien t shall give the other party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order with

respect to any such disclosure; or

(e ) is disclosed by the recipient , or any Affiliate of the recipient , as required under any

applicable securities laws Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement , each party shall

either destroy or return to the other party all memoranda, notes, records , reports and other


documents ( including all copies thereof ) containing any confidential information of such other

par ty and in such party’s possession or under its control at the time of such expiration or

termination , and shall give written certification of compliance with this paragraph to the other

par ty .


Neither party shall issue any press releases or public announcements relating to this

Agreement, the t ransactions contemplated by this Agreement or the business of Licensee without

the prior written approval of the other party, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or

delayed , except that each par ty shall be permit ted to issue any press releases or publicity

statements (whether or not approved by the other party ) to the exten t required by any applicable

securities laws , and Company A shall have the right to issue press releases and make public

announcements relating to its products , services and plans .


19.1 TERM .

The term of this Agreement shall commence from the Effective Date and continue until the

soonaer of (a ) the date on which the parties hereto mutually agree to terminate this Agreement;

(b) the date on which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to the Join t Venture Agreement

dated as of March 19 , 1999 between Company A and Company B Corporation ; (c ) the date on

which any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding is commenced by or against Licensee ; ( d) the date

on which Licensee ceases to t ransact business for a period of not less than thir ty (30) consecutive

days ; or ( e ) the date on which Licensee ceases its corporate existence ( by dissolu tion or

otherwise) .


Either party may terminate this Agreement in the event the other party breaches this

Agreement and such breach , if susceptible of cure , remains uncured for thirty (30) days after such

par ty gives written notice of such breach to such other par ty .


The expiration or termination of this Agreement shall not affect any payment obligations of

either party to the other accrued or otherwise existing as of the date of such expiration or

termination .Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason , all of the rights

and licenses granted under Section 2.1 shall terminate , and Licensee shall immediately (a ) cease

any use of the Licensed Marks , the the Licensed Technology and the Company A Enhancements ,

( b) either return to Company A or dest roy all embodiments thereof, and (c) certify to Company A

in writing that Licensee has complied with the requirements of clauses (a ) and ( b) of this Section

19.3 .


The provisions of Sections 12.6 ,14 and 18 shall survive any expiration or temination of this

Agreement .



20.1 COSTS .

Except as may be otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement , each party shall bear its

own costs and expenses in carrying out its obligations under this Agreement .


All amounts payable by either party to the other party under this Agreement shall be due and

payable within thirty ( 30 ) days of the date of invoice .If any payment is not received within thir ty

(30) days of the date of invoice, in terest will be imposed on such amount from the date due until

paid in full at a rate of in terest per annum equal to the rate announced from time to time by the

Chase Manhattan Bank as its prime or reference rate , plus five percent (5% ) .

20.3 NOTICES .

Any notice, request , demand , approval or consent required or permitted under this Agreement

shall be in writing and shall be effective upon actual receipt when delivered by (a) registered mail ,

postage prepaid , return receip t requested, ( b ) personal delivery , ( c ) an overnight courier of

recognized reputation ( such as DHL or Federal Express) , or ( d) t ransmission by facsimile ( with

confirmation by mail) , in each case addressed as follows:

If to Company A :

Atten tion :

Telephone :


With a copy to :

Atten tion :



If to Licensee:

Atten tion :

Telephone :


Either party may change its address or facsimile number for notice purposes by notice given

to the other par ty in accordance with this Section 20.3 .


Neither party’s righ ts , du ties or responsibilities under this Agreement may be assigned ,

delegated or otherwise t ransferrred in any manner, without the prior written consent of the other

par ty .Notwithstanding the foregoing, no such consent shall be required in connection with the

assignment, delegation or other transfer of any such righ ts , duties or responsibilities ( a ) by

Company A to an Affiliate, or ( b) in connection with any t ransaction , regardless of its form, in

which all or substantially all of the assets of Company A are acquired .



This Agreement , including the exhibits referred to herein , which are hereby incorporated in

and made a part of this Agreement , constitu tes the entire contract between the par ties with respect

to the subject matter covered by this Agreement .This Agreement supersedes all previous let ters of

in tent , agreements and understandings , if any , by and between the parties with respect to the

subject matter covered by this Agreement . This Agreement may not be amended, changed or

modified except by a writing duly executed by the parties hereto .


If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competen t jurisdiction to be

unenforceable , invalid or void in any respect , no other provision of this Agreement shall be affected

thereby, all other provisions of this Agreement shall never theless be carried in to effect and the

par ties shall amend this Agreement to modify the unenforceable, invalid or void provision to give

effect to the intentions of the par ties to the exten t possible in a manner which is valid and

enforceable .


All rights and remedies of the parties are separate and cumulative , and no one of them ,

whether exercised or not , shall be deemed to be to the exclusion of or to limit or prejudice any

other rights or remedies which the parties may have .The par ties shall not be deemed to waive any

of their rights or remedies under this Agreement , unless such waiver is in writing and signed by

the par ty to be bound .No delay or omission on the par t of either party in exercising any right or

remedy shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy .A waiver

on any one occasion shall not be const rued as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy on any

fu ture occasion .


In the event any dispute arises between the par ties with respect to any matter arising out of

or relating to this Agreement which cannot be amicable resolved , such dispute shall be submitted

to the In ternational Chamber of Commerce for binding arbit ration in accordance with the

commercial arbitration rules of the International Chamber of Commerce as then in effect .The

arbit ration shall be conducted in the English language , and shall be held in London , England .Any

arbit ration award rendered in any such arbitration proceeding may be entered in and enforced by

any court of competent jurisdiction .Nothing contained in this Section 20.8 shall prevent or be

const rued to prevent either par ty from seeking a temporary rest raining order or a preliminary or

permanent injunction or any other form of in terim , provisional or equitable relief in any cour t of

competen t jurisdiction .


This Agreement shall be governed by , and interpreted in accordance with , the laws ( other

than that body of law relating to conflicts of law) of .Licensee hereby consents to the non-

exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in , and waives all objections to

the laying of venue in , including without limitation any objection based on inconvenient

forum .Licensee fur ther consents to the service of process by mail or by any other means permitted


by Massachusetts law .


In the event any action or proceeding is initiated for any breach of or default in any of the

terms or conditions of this Agreement , then the par ty in whose favor judgment shall be entered or

an arbit ration award shall be made , shall be entitled to have and recover from the other party all

costs and expenses ( including attorneys’ fees ) incurred in such action or proceeding and any

appeal there from .

20.11 HEADINGS .

The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this

Agreement, and do not in any way interpret , limit or amplify the scope, extent or inten t of this

Agreement, or any of the provisions of this Agreement .


This Agreement may be executed in counterpar ts , each of which shall constitu te an original ,

but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement .Transmission off acsimile

copies of signed original signature pages of this Agreement shall have the same effect as delivery of

the signed originals .


For the convenience of the parties, one or more translations of this Agreement may be

prepared . Notwithstanding the preparation or existence of any such translations, the

English language version of this Agreement shall be controlling .


This Agreement is not intended to and does not confer any rights on any third party , and no

such third par ty shall be a third party beneficiary under or in respect of this Agreement .


Subject to Section 20.4 , this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit

of the par ties and their respective successors and assigns .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the par ties have executed this Agreement as of the date first

above written .

Company A:




EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Licensed Software

Exhibit B: Licensed Marks




( omitted)



THIS SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of , by

and between Company A, Company A , a corporation organized under the laws of the State of

, and Company B . Company A and Company B are sometimes referred to

individually herein as a“Shareholder”and collectively as the“Shareholders .”


A.The Shareholders are parties to a Joint Venture Agreement dated as of ,

( the“Joint Venture Agreement”) relating to the establishment of Company C .

B. [ * * * ] NOW, THEREFORE , the par ties to this Agreement hereby agree as follows:



Each Shareholder hereby agrees that , for so long as this Agreement is in effect , such

Shareholder shall vote (or cause to be voted) the shares of Stock owned beneficically or of record

by such Shareholder and take all other actions necessary to insure that one half of the directors of

the Company shall be as designated by Company A and one half of the directors of the Company

shall be as designated by Company B, the Representative Director of the Company shall be as

designated by Company B and the Statu tory Auditor of the Company shall be as designated by

Company A .


Any director elected as a Company A designee may only be removed with the consent of

Company A , and director ( including the Representative Director) elected as a Company B designee

may be only be removed with the consent of Company B, and the Statutory Auditor may only be

removed with the consent of Company A .


Except as may be otherwise provided in the Ar ticles of Incorporation of the Company or

required by applicable law , and subject to Section 1.4 , the required vote for any approval by the

shareholders of the Company shall be a majority of the shares represented and entitled to vote at a

duly constituted meeting of shareholders at which a quorum is present , and the required vote for


any approval by the board of directors of the Company shall be a majority of the directors present

at a duly constituted meeting of the board of directors at which a quorum is present .


Notwithstanding Section 1.3 , any provision of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company ,

or any provision of applicable law , the parties agree that all of the follwing matters shall require

the written approval of both Company A and Company B, which approval may be evidenced by

unanimous approval of the board of directors of the Company or in any other manner :

(a )amendment or repeal of the Articles of Incorporation ;

( b) liquidation , winding-up , dissolution or commencement of any bankruptcy or other similar


(c ) merger, consolidation , reorganization , recapitalization , and the like;

(d) sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or the sale of any assets

individually or in the aggregate exceeding75 , 000 , 000 in amount ;

(e) issuance, redemption , repurchase or retirement of any securities ( including any option ,

warran t or righ t to acquire any securities or any inst rument convertible into securities) ;

( f) increase or decrease of au thorized capital;

( g)approval of annual financial statements;

( h ) approval of annual business plan ( including annual budget and marketing plans ,

dist ribu tion plans and pricing policies ) , and any major modifications to or departures from the

approved annual business plan ;

( i) declaration of dividends;

(j )acquisition or disposition of an in terest in any other corporation or entity , including the

incorporation of any subsidiary ;

( k) guaranty of third par ty indebtedness;

( l) the borrowing of any funds , except for any funds advanced to the Company by Company B

pursuant to Section 4 of the Join t Venture Agreement or the loan agreement executed pursuant

thereto ( the“ Loan Agreemet”) , and except for any funds borrowed in the ordinary course of

business and individually or in the aggregate not exceeding 75 , 000 , 000;

( m) the sale, transfer (other than by sublicense as permitted under the License Agreement ) ,

or encumbrance of any interest in in tellectual property righ ts , and the selection or designation of

sublicensees to which sublicenses will be granted pursuant to the License Agreement ;

( n) any changes or modifications by the Company of or to any of the technology licensed to

the Company by Company A, except as expressly permitted by and made in accordance with the

License Agreement ;

(o) any material transaction between the Company and any of its shareholders ( other than

pursuant to the License Agreement or the Loan Agreement ) ;

( p ) any material t ransaction by which the Company incursor undertakes any financial

obligation in excess of 75 , 000 , 000; or

(q) removal of the President, any Vice President , any Treasurer or Finance Director, or any

Senior Manager .



Nothing contained in Section 1.4 relieves the Company or the Shareholders from compliance

with applicable law as to requirements for shareholder or board approvals with respect to any of

the matters set forth in Section 1.4 .

1.6 VOTING .

The Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights and powers as shareholders of the

Company , and shall otherwise cooperate, to fully effect the purposes and implement the provisions

of this Agreement .


Minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company , including records of all

resolu tions adopted and all actions taken by the Board of Directors of the Company , shall be

prepared in both and English , and, as between the parties to this Agreement , in the event

of any inconsistency between the version and the English version of such minutes and

records , the English version of such minutes and records shall prevail and be given effect .


Minutes of meetings of the shareholders of the Company, including records of all resolutions

adopted and all actions taken by the shareholders of the Company , shall be prepared in both

and English , and , as bet ween the par ties to this Agreement , in the event of any

inconsistency between the version and the English version of such minutes and records , the

English version of such minutes and records shall prevail and be given effect .


Neither Shareholder may voluntarily t ransfer , sell , assign , pledge , hypothecate, encumber or

otherwise dispose of any or all of the Stock now owned or hereafter acquired by such Shareholder

without the approval of the Board of Directors of the Company with respect to the identity of the

t ransferee as required by the Articles of In corporation of the Company .Any offer to transfer , or

any attempted or purported t ransfer , of any Stock in violation of this Section 2 shall be null and

void .




Except as otherwise provided in Section 3.7 , any transfer , sale, assignment or other

disposition (collectively , a“ Transfer”) of any Stock by a Shareholder shall be subject to the rights

of first refusal set forth in this Section 3 .


In the event a Shareholder ( the“Offering Shareholder”) desires to make a Transfer of all or

any portion of the Offering Shareholder’s Stock , the Offering Shareholder shall give to the other


Shareholder ( the“Offeree Shareholder”) a written notice (“Offeror Notice”) of the Offering

Shareholder’s in ten tion to make such Transfer , which Offeror Notice shall set for th all of the

terms and conditions of the proposed Transfer , including without limitation (a) the name, identity

and address of the proposed transferee ( the“P roposed Transferee”) , ( b) the number of shares of

Stock to be Transferred ( the“Offered Shares”) and ( c) the consideration for the Transfer .The

Offeror Notice shall contain an offer to make a Transfer of the Offered Shares to the Offeree

Shareholder on the terms and conditions of the proposed Transfer described in the Offeror Notice

and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement .


Within thirty (30) days after the Offeror Notice is duly given , the Offeree Shareholder shall

give written notice (“Offeree Notice”) to the Offering Shareholder specifying whether the Offeree

Shareholder wishes to acquire all ( but not less than all ) of the Offered Shares upon the terms and

conditions of the proposed Transfer set forth in the Offeror Notice .For the purpose of this Section

3.3 , if the Offeree Shareholder does not deliver an Offeree Notice within the time required by this

Section 3.3 , or delivers an Offeree Notice specifying a desire to purchase less than all of the

Offered Shares , the Offeree Shareholder shall be deemed to have provided an Offeree Notice on the

last day on which an Offeree Notice may be provided specifying no interest in acquiring any of the

Offered Shares .


Unless an Offeree Notice specifying a desire to purchase all of the Offered Shares is timely

received, then , subject to Section 3.6 below , the Offering Shareholder shall be permit ted , for a

period of thirty ( 30 ) days from receipt of the Offeree Notice, to make a Transfer of all such

Offered Shares to the Proposed Transferee on the terms and conditions set forth in the Offeror

Notice .If the Offering Shareholder does not make such Transfer of the Offered Shares within such

thir ty ( 30 ) day period , then any subsequent proposed Transfer of the Offered Shares shall again be

subject to all of the terms and provisions of this Section 3 .


The closing of any acquisition of Offered Shares by any Shareholder under this Agreement

shall take place, notwithstanding any cont rary provisions in an Offeror’s Notice , within thir ty

(30) days from receipt of the Offeree Notice, unless another date is mutually agreed upon by the

par ties participating in the closing .At the closing of any Transfer of Offered Shares under this

Section 3.5 , the Offering Shareholder shall deliver to the Offeree Shareholder , a certificate or

certificates represen ting the Offered Shares being acquired, duly endorsed , or accompanied by

assignments separate from cer tificate, and in proper form and order for transfer , against receipt of

the consideration , and the Offeree Shareholder shall take all actions , including , without limitation ,

the filing of reports with any governmental authority , and execute and deliver to the Offering

Shareholder all inst ruments and documents , as may be necessary or desirable to consummate the

acquisition and Transfer of the Offered Shares in compliance with all applicable laws and

regulations .



Each t ransferee and each subsequent transferee of any shares of Stock , or of any in terest in

such shares of Stock , shall hold such shares of Stock or interest therein subject to all of the

provisions of this Agreement, and such transferee shall , to evidence such transferee’s intention and

agreement to assume all of the obligations of the t ransferor under this Agreement and to be bound

by all of the provisions of this Agreement , execute the original or a counterpart of this Agreement

upon acquistition of such shares of Stock or any in terest therein and deliver the original or a

counterpar t of this Agreement to the Company .


The provisions of this Section 3 (other than Section 3.6) shall not apply to any Transfer of

shares of Stock by a Shareholder to any corporation which directly or indirectly cont rols , is

controlled by or is under common cont rol with such Shareholder, where such cont rol is exercised

through ownership of more than fifty percent ( 50 % ) of there levant voting power .


The Company shall not be required ( a) to transfer on its books any shares of Stock that have

been sold or otherwise transferred in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement , or ( b) to

t reat any purported t ransferee of such shares of Stock as the owner thereof or to accord to such

purpor ted transferee the right to vote such shares of Stock as the holder thereof or to receive

dividends thereon .


Each Shareholder represen ts and warrants to the other Shareholder that (a ) such Shareholder

has taken all requislte corporate action to authorize and approve the execution , delivery and

performance of this Agreement by such Shareholder , ( b ) this Agreement has been duly executed

and delivered by such Shareholder , and constitutes the legal , valid and binding obligations of such

Sharebolder, enforceable against such Shareholder in accordance with its terms, and ( c ) the

execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by such Shareholder will not ( i ) violate

any provision of the charter documents of such Shareholder , ( ii) violate, conflict with or result in

(or with notice or lapse of time or both result in ) a breach of or default under any term or

provision of any contract or agreement to which such Shareholder is a party or by which such

Shareholder or any of its assets or properties is or may be bound , or ( iii ) violate any order ,

judgment, injunction , award or decree of any cour t or arbit ration body, or any governmental ,

administrative or regulatory authority , by which such Shareholder or any of its assets or properties

is or may be bound .


This Agreement shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events: ( a ) the

voluntary written agreement of all of the Shareholders ( or , as applicable, their successors in


in terest) to terminate this Agreement; ( b ) the dissolution , bankruptcy or in solvency of the

Company; (c) the sale of all or substan tially all of the Company’s assets other than in the ordinary

course of business; (d ) the acquisition of the Company by another entity by means of merger or

consolidation resulting in the exchange of any Stock for securities issued , or caused to be issued, by

the acquiring entity ; ( e ) termination pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Joint Venture

Agreement; or (f) at such time as only one Shareholder remains .



This Agreement shall be effective as of the date hereof .


Any notice, request , demand , approval or consent required or permitted under this Agreement

shall be in writing and shall be effective upon actual receipt when delivered by (a) registered mail ,

postage prepaid , return receip t requested, ( b ) personal delivery , ( c ) an overnight courier of

recognized reputation ( such as DHL or Federal Express) , or ( d) t ransmission by facsimile ( with

confirmation by mail) , in each case addressed as follows:

It to Company A:

Telephone :


With a copy to :

Atten tion :

Telephone :


If to Company B:

Atten tion :

Telephone :


Either party may change its address or facsimile number for notice purposes by notice given

to the other par ty in accordance with this Section 6.2 .


No par ty’s righ ts , duties or responsibilities under this Agreement may be assigned , delegated

or otherwise t ransferred in any manner, without the prior written consent of the other parties ,

except that no such consent shall be required in connection with the assignment , delegation or

other t ransfer of any such rights, duties or responsibilities by a par ty to any affiliate which directly

or indirectly controls , is cont rolled by or is under common cont rol with such party, where such

control is by more than 50 % of there levant voting power .


This Agreement constitutes the entire cont ract between the parties with respect to the subject

matter covered by this Agreement . This Agreement supersedes all previous representations ,


arrangements , agreements and understandings , if any , by and among the parties with respect to the

subject matter covered by this Agreement . This Agreement may not be amended , changed or

modified except by a writing duly executed by the parties hereto .


If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competen t jurisdiction to be

unenforceable , invalid or void in any respect , no other provision of this Agreement shall be affected

thereby, all other provisions of this Agreement shall never theless be carried in to effect and the

par ties shall amend this Agreement to modify the unenforceable, invalid or void provision to give

effect to the intentions of the par ties to the exten t possible in a manner which is valid and

enforceable .


Each party hereto may obtain specific performance to enforce its rights hereunder and each

par ty acknowledges that failure to fulfill such party’s obligation to the other parties hereto would

result in irreparable harm .


All rights and remedies of the parties are separate and cumulative , and no one of them ,

whether exercised or not , shall be deemed to be to the exclusion of or to limit or prejudice any

other rights or remedies which the parties may have .The par ties shall not be deemed to waive any

of their rights or remedies under this Agreement , unless such waiver is in writing and signed by

the par ty to be bound .No delay or omission on the par t of either party in exercising any right or

remedy shall operate as a waiver of such right or remedy or any other right or remedy .A waiver

on any one occasion shall not be const rued as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy on any

fu ture occasion .


In the event any dispute arises among the parties , or any of them , which cannot be amicably

resolved, such dispute shall be submitted to the International Chamber of Commerce for binding

arbit ration in accordance with the commercial arbit ration rules of the International Chamber of

Commerce as then in effect .The arbit ration shall be conducted in the English language, and shall

be held in London , England .Any arbitration award rendered in any such arbit ration proceeding

may be entered in and enforced by any court of competent jurisdiction .Nothing contained in this

Section 6.8 shall prevent or be construed to prevent either party from seeking a temporary

restraining order or a preliminary or permanent injunction or any other form of interim , provisional

or equitable relief in any court of competen t jurisdiction .


This Agreement shall be governed by , and interpreted in accordance with , the laws ( other

than that body of law relating to conflicts of law ) of .Company B hereby consents to the

non-exclusive jurisdiction of the federal and state courts located in , and waives all

objections to the laying of venue in , including without limitation any objection based on

inconvenien t forum .Company B fur ther consents to the service of process by mail or by any other

means permitted by law .



In the event any action or proceeding is initiated for any breach of or default in any of the

terms or conditions of this Agreement, then the party or parties in whose favor judgment shall be

entered or an arbitration award shall be made, shall be entitled to have and recover from the other

par ties all costs and expenses ( including attorneys’fees) incurred in such action or proceeding and

any appeal therefrom .


The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not a part of this

Agreement, and do not in any way interpret , limit or amplify the scope, extent or inten t of this

Agreement, or any of the provisions of this Agreement .


This Agreement may be executed in counterpar ts , each of which shall constitu te an original ,

but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement .Transmission off acsimile

copies of signed original signature pages of this Agreement shall have the same effect as delivery of

the signed originals .


For the convenience of the parties, one or more translations of this Agreement may be

prepared . Notwithstanding the preparation or existence of any such translations, the

English language version of this Agreement shall be controlling .


This Agreement is not intended to and does not confer any rights on any third party , and no

third par ty shall be a third party beneficiary under or in respect of this Agreement .


Subject to Section 6.3 , this Agreements hall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of

the parties and their respective successors and assigns .

Company A:

Company B:


( omitted)


The advertising rates and terms are to be agreed upon by Company A and Company B and

will be attached to this Exhibit E .


外商投资特许协议 ( BOT)

(参考文本 )

目 录

一、特 许

第 1 条 用语定义

1.1 用语定义

1.2 其他说明

第 2 条 特许

2.1 特许的授予

2.2 公司根据特许规定所承担的义务

2.3 运营项目的权利

2.4 特许期

第 3 条 先决条件

3.1 应由电管局履行的先决条件

3.2 应由公司履行的先决条件

3.3 先决条件未履

3.4 生效日

3.5 电管局履行付费义务的补充先决条件


第 4 条 现场的购置和使用

4.1 土地的购置

4.2 现场使用的限制

4.3 购置成本

第 5 条 设计

5.1 设计要求

5.2 设计标准审查

5.3 公司改动设计标准的权利

5.4 设计的审查和核准

5.5 公司的责任

第 6 条 建设


6.1 公司的主要义务

6.2 电管局的主要义务

6.3 交通道路

6.4 现场的准备工作

6.5 建设工程的质量

6.6 质量保证和质量管制

6.7 建设人员

6.8 设备和材料

6.9 建设承包商的选定

6.10 图纸和技术细节

6.11 电管局提供的电力设施和服务

6.12 项目时间表 ;重大日期

6.13 进度报告

6.14 建设中的预期延误

6.15 设计的改动

6.16 监测

6.17 工程的拒收等

6.18 义务的不予免除

第 7 条 检验

7.1 检验程序

7.2 检验期间的燃料

7.3 检验的参加

7.4 检验通知

7.5 证书

7.6 提前完工

7.7 不予免责

7.8 检验争端

第 8 条 完工延误和放弃

8.1 N完工延误

8.1.1 由于电管局的原因

8.1.2 由于公司的原因

8.2 因公司延误的约定赔偿金

8.3 长期延误 ; 放弃

8.4 被视为放弃

8.5 退还保证金


第 9 条 运营和维护

9.1 公司的主要义务

9.2 计划断电供期


9.3 安全和技术准则

9.4 供电

9.5 N紧急断电和减少送电

9.5.1 断电和减少送电的原因

9.5.2 通知和时间安排

9.5.3 断电和减少送电期间的收费

9.6 电管局设施的维护

9.7 检查和维护手册

9.8 维护不履

9.9 公共安全

9.10 电管局的进入

9.11 运营和维护承包商

第 10 条 燃料供应

10.1 燃料交付

10.2 质量

10.3 检测

10.4 供应

10.5 储存和安全

10.6 损失风险 ;保险

第 11 条 供电 ; 收费

11.1 供应

11.2 数量

11.3 通知

11.4 收费

11.5 收费发票

11.6 付款

11.7 收费争议

11.8 中国银行账户的使用

11.9 对外币账户的表示同意

11.10 外汇

11.11 利润的汇出

11.12 财务报表


第 12 条 特许期后的移交

12.1 移交的范围

12.2 最后检修

12.3 备件

12.4 保修

12.5 承包商保修单和保险的移交


12.6 技术的移交

12.7 培训电管局人员

12.8 合同的取消 ,转让

12.9 为公司所有物品的迁出

12.10 风险的转移

12.11 移交的费用

12.12 维护保证金的退还

12.13 移交程序

12.14 移交的效力


第 13 条 电管局的一般义务

13.1 遵守法律和条例

13.2 法律和条例的变动

13.3 纳税优惠

13.4 税法和条例的变动

13.5 必要核准、许可和授权一览表

13.6 协助取得核准、许可和授权

13.7 进出口

13.8 入境 ;就业许可

13.9 公用事业设施

13.10 不予干涉

第 14 条 公司的一般义务

14.1 所有权的变动 ;股份转让的限制

14.2 遵守法律和条例

14.3 法律和条例的变动

14.4 安全标准

14.5 环境保护

14.6 核准、许可和授权

14.7 保护考古、地质和历史文物

14.8 �中国服务和货物

14.8.1 使用

14.8.2 公开招标

14.8.3 未来特许

14.9 利用中国劳动力

14.10 项目文件的协调

14.11 税款、关税和费用

14.12 保险

14.13 为承包商负责

14.14 �融资文件中的规定


14.14.1 ⋯⋯

14.14.2 ⋯⋯

14.14.3 ⋯⋯

14.15 电管局的物权担保

第 15 条 电管局和公司共有的义务和权利

15.1 �不可抗力情况

15.1.1 因不可抗力情况暂停履约

15.1.2 适用于公司的例外情况

15.1.3 适用于电管局的例外情况

15.1.4 程序

15.1.5 费用 ;订正时间表

15.1.6 因不可抗力情况终止

15.1.7 协商和减轻影响的义务

15.1.8 毁坏与电站的维修

15.1.9 发生不可抗力情况后的终止

15.2 �对文件的权利

15.2.1 电管局文件

15.2.2 公司文件

15.2.3 守约

15.3 保密

15.4 合作义务

15.5 �防止不当付款的声明

15.5.1 公司声明

15.5.2 电管局声明

第 16 条 终止

16.1 由电管局提出的终止

16.2 由公司提出的终止

16.3 通知贷款人

16.4 贷款人的权利

16.5 补救的累积性

第 17 条 责任和赔偿

17.1 相互赔偿

17.2 环境损害

17.3 义务的继续有效

17.4 共同责任

17.5 无从属损害赔偿

六、转让 ;合同的核准

第 18 条 协定的转让

18.1 由电管局的转让


18.2 由公司的转让

第 19 条 合同的核准

19.1 合同的核准

19.2 核准程序

19.3 合同核准的效力


第 20 条 解释规则

20.1 合同文件

20.2 整体规定

20.3 修正

20.4 可分性

第 21 条 争端的解决

21.1 定期讨论

21.2 友好解决

21.3 �仲裁

21.3.1 仲裁语文

21.3.2 仲裁地点

21.3.3 费用和开支

21.3.4 仲裁期间的履约

21.3.5 继续有效

第 22 条 杂项规定

22.1 义务的分别性

22.2 通知

22.3 不予放弃

22.4 管束法律

22.5 协定向项目公司的转让

本协定系由根据中华人民共和国法律正式组建和存在的——— (中国主管机构名称 , 说明该

主管机构的法律性质 ,如“电管局”) 和根据中华人民共和国法律拟适当组建的、其主要办事处

设在 的一家私营公司 (项目公司名称 ) 订立。

说 明

鉴于 ,电管局要求开发新的动力设施以保持和推动经济增长 ;

鉴于 ,电管局于 年 月 日发出公开通知 ,邀请有关方面按建设 运

营 移交办法参加对 的 兆瓦燃煤热电厂项目的投标的资格预审 ;

鉴于 ,根据电管局发出的招标 , 发起人以公司的名义按建设 运营 移交办法投

标承担这一电厂项目 ;

鉴于 ,电管局经认真评价所有竞标项目报价书后选定公司的报价书为最符合需要和最有

利的报价书 ;


鉴于 ,公司有意于电站的设计、监造、融资、建设和运营 , 且电管局愿意按下述条件授权公

司如此行事 ;

鉴于 ,电管局已获 ( 授权法 ) 授权订立本协议 , 且本协定已获 必要的机构

核准 ;

当事各方兹协议如下 :


第 1 条 用语定义

1.1 用语定义

本协定中 :

“交通道路”系指附录 1 中所述道路及有关设施。



的许可、执照、同意、授权、核准、特许、认可或同样或类似的文书 , 其中包括但不仅限于附录 2


“电管局”是指 及其继承人和准许受让人。

“电管局的物权担保”系指依照第 14.16 条而为电管局设立或授予的留置权、物权担保、抵



“供电表”系指各当事方依照第 9.4 条商定的电站的发电能力表。

“保证”系指依照第 3.1( C)条应要求公司向电管局提供的保证、担保或备用信用证。



“资本回收费”系指附录 3 中所规定的电管局为使公司能够收回其与项目有关的资本成本


“煤炭”系指依照附录 4 中所列“燃料规格”的规定供电站使用的煤炭。

“交付使用”在具体情况下可指某一单元或电站达到或超过“运营参数”和第 7 条及附录 5


“验收”在具体情况下可指依照第 7 条和附录 5 进行某一单元或电站的检验。

“公司”系指 及其继承人和准许受让人。

“完工日”系指某一单元依照第 7 条交付使用之日和电站依照第 7 条整个交付使用之日。

“特许期”系第 2.4 条中所指的含义。





“建设工程”系指依照本协定第 6 条及其他规定为电站及其相关设施和设备所进行的设

计、监造、采购、建设、安装、完工和检验 , 其中包括分站和互联设施。

“约定能力”系附录 3 中所指的含义。

“交送点”系附录 6 中所指的计量地点。


“生效日”系指电管局和公司依照第 3.4 条证明已满足或放弃第 3.1 和 3.2 条规定的所有


“能源费”系指按第 11.4 条和附录 3 的规定电管局应向公司支付的向交送点交送电力净





的贷款协议、票据、契约、担保协议、提保及其他文书 , 但不应包括与创始投资者或任何其他股



要的各种融资文件已经完成和提交 ,包括对融资文件可能要求承付和摊付的各种股本的收讫。

“不可抗拒力情况”系第 15.1 条所指的含义。

“强制性断供”系附录 7 所指的含义。

“燃料”根据具体情况可指煤炭和 (或 ) 石油。

“燃料规格”系指第 10 条和附录 4 所述对储存、供应和交付电站燃料的质量和方法所规定




何部门、主管当局、机关、机构、司法机构或法庭 ,但不包括电管局。

“电网”系指由电管局或以其名义拥有或运营的对写明地理区域的输电和配电设施 , 电管


“互联设施”系指由公司依照第 6.1 条在现场建设、安装并与电管局协调连接且符合附录

8 中所述规格以使电管局能够接收电站电量净输出的设备、设施、输送线以及有关的遥测设



“重大日期”系指 6.13 条的项目时间表中所指日期。

“电力净输出”系指电站向交送点输送并在交送点计量的电能净额 (以千瓦小时表示 ) 。


“石油”系指按附录 1 第二部分中所列燃料规格的规定供应给电站使用的石油。

“运营和维护合同”系指公司与运营和维护承包商之间依照第 9 条就各单元和电站的管




“运营参数”系指附录 9 中所说明的单元和电站的运营参数。

“电站”系指现场位于 的 兆瓦煤力电站 ,并包括所有设备、燃料储存及有关设

施、保护装置、变压器、开关装置、固定装置、互联设施和分站 ( 但不包括由电管局拥有或运营的

输送线及其他设施和设备 ) , 所有这些均应根据本协定开发、设计、监造、融资、建设、配备、保





“项目文件”系指本协定、建设合同、运营和维护合同以及 。

“项目时间表”系第 6.13 条中所列时间表。


例、方法和行动 ( 包括大部分中国电力工业采取的国际惯例、方法和行动 ) , 如果根据已了解的

事实或做出决定时理应了解的事实进行合理的判断 ,这些设施可望以符合法律、条例、可靠性、

安全、环境保护、经济和省事的方式达到预期效果。就电站而言 , 谨慎的工程和运营惯例应包

括 ,但不仅限于采取合理的步骤 , 以确保 :

(a )提供充足的材料、资源和用品 ,包括燃料 , 以便在正常条件和可合理预期的不正常条件


( b)运营人员配备齐全 , 经验丰富 ,训练有素 , 可按制造厂家的标准和规格适当、有效地运

营电站 ,并有能力应付紧急情况。

(c )在确保长期可靠的安全运营的基础上进行预防性例行和非例行维护及维修 , 并应由知


( d)进行适当的监测的检验 , 以确保设备按设计要求运营并保证设备在正常条件和紧急情


(e) 以安全而且不对工人、公众和环境构成危险的方式运营设备 , 并要考虑到压力、温度、


“计划断供”系指附录 7 中所指的含义。

“服务费”系指按附录 3 的规定电管局为使公司能够从其对项目的投资中获得适当的收益


“现场”系指电站的所在地以及所有地役权、通行权及其各种附属权利 , 附录 10 对此做了


“规格”系指附录 10 中说明的电站和单元的规格。

“分站”系指 千伏安分电站 , 附录 10 对此做了更具体的说明。

“目标完工日”系指第 6.12 条中列为“目标完工日”( 此种日期以可按本协定规定予以修订

的情况为准 )的各个重大日期。

“转变日”系指 2 号单元特许期终了日后第一个营业日。


施、凸缘、管道或其他贮罐 ,附录 4 对所有这些均做了更具体的说明。


关的遥测设备、继电器、转换设备以及安全及保护装置 ,其规格列于附录 8 中。

“单元”系指共同组成发电站的每个各为 兆瓦的煤力热电单元。“1 号单元”系指拟

交付使用的第一个单元 ,“2 号单元”系指拟交付使用的第二个单元。

“单元供电能力”系指按供电表确定的一个单元在各个时期的最大发电能力 , 以 兆


1.2 其他说明

本协定中 :


凡提到的日、周、月和年 ,均指公历的日、周、月和年。

第 2 条 特许


2.1 特许的授予

电管局授予公司以在第 2.4 条规定的特许期内设计、建设、运营和维护电站以及向电管局

出售电站的电力净输出和发电能力的专属权 ,但须受本协定各项规定的管束。

2.2 公司根据特许规定所承担的义务

根据本协定的规定 ,公司应在特许期内负责电站的设计、建造、检验、运营和维护 , 费用和

风险由公司自己承担 ,但本协定中另有明确规定者除外。

2.3 运营项目的权利


2.4 特许期

特许期自目标完工日开始 ,为期 年 , 除非按照本协定另作改动。在特许期终了时 ,

公司应按照第 12 条的规定在无须任何赔偿的情况下将项目移交电管局。

第 3 条 先决条件

3.1 应由电管局履行的先决条件

电管局根据本协定履行义务的一个先决条件是 , 电管局至迟应在自本协定规定日期起

的 天内或在当事方可能书面商定的较晚日期前收到其形式和内容均符合电管局要求的

下述文件 :

(a) 电管局合理要求提供的组织文件、决议和其他任何书面证据的副本 , 以证明公司系根



( b)表明公司已从贷款人获得有约束力的出资承诺以及可使公司履行其根据本协定所承


(c) 可为电管局接受的金融机构向其出具的数额为 的保证、担保或备用信用证 , 以


( d)书面证据 , 证明公司已经 :

①取得附录 2 所列需在生效日前取得的所有核准 ;

②为取得附录 2 所列为开始建设工程所需的其余核准而向政府主管机构提交一切必要的


(e )基本上以附录 11 所列格式提出的有关公司法律意见。

3.2 应由公司履行的先决条件

公司履行其根据本协定所规定义务的一个先决条件是 , 公司应于 或于当事方可能

商定的较晚日期收到其形式和内容均符合公司要求的下述文件 :

(a )书面证据 , 证明电管局业经授权根据中华人民共和国法律执行和实施本协定的条款和

条件 ,且本协定已经中华人民共和国国家计划委员会核准 ;

( b)由符合公司要求的一中国银行出具的证明 , 表明电管局有权并有能力进行本协定规定

应由电管局进行的运营 ;

(c )符合公司要求的书面证据 ,证明电管局具有可授予本规定规定的必要的土地占有权和

通行权的充分的法律资格和权力 ,包括对交通道路的这类法律资格和权力 ;

( d)基本上以附录 12 所列格式提出的有关电管局的法律意见。

3.3 先决条件未履

如果到本协定规定的日期尚未达到上文第 3.1 或 3.2 条所述任何先决条件的要求 , 该项


条件的受益当事方可延长履行条件的时间 ,可放弃此项条件 , 也可以书面通知另一当事方的方

式终止本协定。如以此种方式终止本协定 ,任何当事方均不应因此种终止造成的损失或赔偿


3.4 生效日


出书面通知。上文第 3.1 和 3.2 条所列各种先决条件得到履行或以书面形式放弃的日期应为


3.5 电管局履行付费义务的补充先决条件


量净输出义务的一个补充先决条件是 ,电管局应已收到或放弃收取下述文件 :

(a )可证明所有必要的核准完全有效的书面证据 ;

( b)第 10.7 和 17 条要求提供的所有保险证明的副本 , 可证明所有保单和背书均完全有效

并符合本协定的要求 ;

(c )可证明 1 号单元已正式交付使用的书面证据 ;

( d)所有融资文件的副本 ;

(e )可证明公司或运营和维护承包商已依照本协定订立为电站的运营和维护而供应必要

的材料、消耗品 ( 不包括燃料 )和备件的一切必备的合同的书面证据。


第 4 条 现场的购置和使用

4.1 土地的购置

电管局应负责现场及其通道的购置。电管局至迟应于 允许公司使用现场。电管局

应保持现场不涉及任何留置权和债务负担 ,但对公司根据本协定而具有的权利和义务无实质

性不利影响的留置权和债务负担除外 ,以使公司在特许期内拥有对现场的自由专属使用权。

4.2 现场使用的限制

电站应设在现场 ,未经有关政府主管机构的书面同意 , 公司不得将现场用于项目以外的任


4.3 购置成本

公司应向电管局预付购置现场及其通道的款额为 的费用。

第 5 条 设计

5.1 设计要求

公司应依照下列标准编制项目设计 :

(a )附录 10 所列初步设计标准 (设计标准应在所有重要方面与下文 ( b) 中考虑到的任何可

适用的技术规格具有兼容性 ) ;

( b)附录 10 所列任何可能适用于本项目的技术规格。

5.2 设计标准审查

公司应于适用于本协定的重大日期或其之前就附录 10 所列初步设计标准以及所有列明

的可适用的技术规格进行审查并编写书面报告 , 以便就其中存在的任何不致处或模糊处向电

管局提出建议或请求对其做出澄清或给予进一步的揭示 ,如果公司未能通知电管局、未能发现

初步设计标准中存在的任何错误和疏忽之处 ,或未能将实际发现的任何错误或疏忽之处通知


电管局 ,由此产生的一切费用均应由公司承担。

5.3 公司改动设计标准的权利

公司可以在依照第 5.2 条编写报告时对设计标准提出改动或澄清 , 只要此种改动或澄清




5.4 设计的审查和核准

公司应于适用于本协定的重大日期或其之前依照附录 13 所列程序将详细的设计图纸提

交电管局审查。电管局应及时审查公司提交的设计图纸。如认为设计图纸不能接受 , 电管局

应迅即通知公司 ,公司则应及时提供任何必要的澄清或更正 , 公司无权以因需提供此种澄清而

造成延误或花费为由要求任何赔偿。如果电管局未在附录 13 规定的可适用期限内对设计图

纸提出异议 ,即应认为电管局对此种设计图纸和规格并无异议。公司不得在未事先征得电管


5.5 公司的责任


中的任何改动提出异议解释为电管局放弃本规定为其规定的权利 , 或对公司根据本规定所承

担的任何义务的解除。为此 ,公司 :

(a )承认电管局进行的任何设计审查完全提供其了解情况 , 电管局不因进行此种审查而对

电站、任何单元或其中组成部分的设计或建造质量承担责任 ;

( b)不应以任何方式向任何第三方表明电管局因进行任何审查而应对电站、任何单元或其

中组成部分的设计或建设的得当与否负责 ;

(c )应在接受本协定其他规定管束的情况下对电站、各个单元和其中的组成部分的技术可


第 6 条 建设

6.1 公司的主要义务


句中一般规则的情况下 ,公司的责任应包括如下方面 :

(a )在其建设方针和活动中优先考虑安全 , 以保护生命、健康、财产和环境 ;

( b)采取一切合理的措施 , 尽量减少建设期间给公众、地区居民以及商业造成混乱和其他

不便 ;

(c )及时取得并随后保持实施建设工程所需要的执照、许可和核准 ( 包括附录 2 中所列文

件 )以及支付此种执照、许可和核准所涉及的一切适用的手续费和费用 ;

( d)为外方人员获得各种签证和工作许可证并征聘当地劳工 , 包括支付一切与此有关的适


6.2 电管局的主要义务

电管局应负责 :

(a )依照第 4.1 条提供现场并依照第 6.3 条建造交通道路 ;

( b)在建设期间协调并促进与政府主管机构的一切交涉 ;

(c )及时取得并随后保持为工程所需要且只能由电管局取得的核准 ;

( d)做出一切适当的努力协助公司取得第 6.1 (c) 条所述各种执照、许可和核准 ;


(e )就公司依照第 6.11 条建造输送线和提供启动电及依照第 7.2 条提供所有检验需要的


6.3 交通道路

电管局应于本协定适用的重大日期或其之前依照附录 1 所列规格建造和完成交通道路。

电管局应在特许期内维护交通道路 ,成本和费用自负 , 但交通道路因公司、建设承包商、运营和

维护承包商或其各自的任何雇员或代理人的过失或渎职而受到损坏者除外 , 此时无论是由电



6.4 现场的准备工作

公司应依照本协定的所有要求为建设工程进行现场的准备工作 ,费用自理。

6.5 建设工程的质量

公司应确保依照已核准的设计并按本协定所列标准和规格 (包括但不仅限于谨慎工程和

运营惯例 )实施建设工程 , 或在无具体规定的情况下以适当的、娴熟的方式利用新的优质材料


6.6 质量保证和质量管制

在建设工程开始前 ,公司应根据附录 14 中说明的原则设立由公司和建设承包商依循的质


管制结果的完整文件。在不影响公司对本协定的义务的情况下 , 电管局有权参加或审查公司

和任何建设承包商的质量管制检查和方法 ,以证实有关的建设工程符合第 6.6 条中的质量要


6.7 建设人员


俱全的人员。在建设工程开始前 ,公司应将公司和建设承包商指派到项目上的所有主管人员


6.8 设备和材料


品 ,费用由公司支付。

6.9 建设承包商的选定

公司为了履行根据第 6.1 条所承担的义务 ,应有权挑选一合格的承包商作为实施建设工


承包商应按第 19 条的规定根据电管局核准的建设合同实施建设工程。建设承包商应通过公

开招标或直接提名选定 ,但须经电管局核准。凡是中华人民共和国的建造承包商 , 均应由电管


6.10 图纸和技术细节

公司应在单元或电站交付使用后三十 (30) 天内视情况向电管局提供 ( )份单元

或电站的“最后”设计图纸和图样的副本以及 ( )份电管局合理请求提供的与项目有

关的其他技术文件或资料的副本 ,其中包括但不仅限于下述各项 :

(a )机械和设备基本布局的最后安排计划 ;

( b)电动机械工程的基本的及具体的图纸和规格 ;

(c )土木工程的基本的及具体的设计图纸 ;


( d)建设承包商和 ( 或 )设备卖方建议采用的检验程序 ;

(e )锅炉和涡轮机效率输出的标准曲线 ;

( f) 表明锅炉能力与按符合规格的煤炭衡量的煤炭质量之间的关系曲线 ;

( g)按以下不同载荷计算的能量余额 : 25 %、50%、100%和 110%。

6.11 电管局提供的电力设施和服务

电管局应配合建设工程承担下述工作 :

(a )电管局至迟应于可适用的重大日期依照附录 8 的要求建设 , 安装并提供与公司的互联


( b)电管局应在现场供应或安排供应公司在建设期间可能请求提供的备用电话启动电 , 以


对单元或电站进行检验和投入使用所需要的电力。电力应符合附录 4 所确定的规格 , 并应按

电管局对接受基本上相当的服务的商业用户收取的当时通用的费率供应 ; 如果不是由电管局

供电 , 则应按供应商收取的费率供电另加 / 千瓦小时作为对电管局安排此种服务的补


6.12 项目时间表 ;重大日期

公司应依照下述项目时间表确定的重大日期履行本协定对其规定的义务 :


重大日期 P从执行本协定之日算

生效日 起的 (月 ) 数或 (天 ) 数

公司按第 5.2 条的要求向电管局提交报告

电管局按第 5.3 条的要求对按第 5.2 条提交的报告做出答复

该公司按第 5.4 条向电管局提交详细的设计图纸





检验开始—1 号单元

目标完工日—1 号单元

检验开始—2 号单元

目标完工日—2 号单元


如果出现不可抗力情况应依照第 15.1 条延长或修订适用于上述重大日期的最后期限。

6.13 进度报告

公司应 (每月 ) (每季度 ) 向电管局提交有关建设工程进度的报告 , 报告应比较详细地说明


公司依照第 6.7 条向电管局提供的关于质量管制方案的资料的补充。

6.14 建设中的预期延误

如果公司在任何时候合理地预计无法按项目进度表规定的某一重大日期完成建设工程 ,

公司应立即通知电管局 ,对下述方面做出比较详细的说明 :


(a )预计不能如期达到的某一重大日期 ;

( b)延误或预计延误的原因 , 包括说明任何据称的不可抗拒力情况 ;

(c) 在达到某一重大日期方面预计的延误 (天数 ) 以及任何其他可适当预见到的对建设工

程产生的不利影响 ;

( d)公司为克服或减少延误及其影响而已经采取或建议采取的措施。

如果公司未向电管局发出此种通知 , 则应向电管局支付因此不履行而产生的一切费用。


足以克服预期的延误问题 ,电管局可要求公司为遵守项目时间表而采取电管局认为必要的额

外措施。本第 6.15 条中的任何规定均不应减损电管局的权利。

6.15 设计的改动

公司可在建设期间随时对已核准的项目设计提出改动 , 但所有此类改动均应符合适用于

项目的各项设计标准并符合所有适用的法律和条例。未经电管局的书面核准 , 公司不应做出


6.16 监测



给予并责成建设承包商给予电管局可能适当请求提供的进入现场的便利 ( 包括为电管局的代

表提供临时办公设施 )、援助和设备 ,以使电管局得以对建设工程进行监测和检验。任何此种



此种检查 ,均须遵守第 15.3 条的保密规定。

6.17 工程的拒收等


材料和设备 ,并要求公司对此工程作出纠正或改用合适的材料及设备。

6.18 义务的不予免除

电管局未能监测、检验或拒收建设工程的任何部分 , 不应解释为放弃本协定对电管局规定

的任何权利 ,也不应免除公司根据本协定所承担的任何义务。

第 7 条 检验

7.1 检验程序

当事各方应在规定期限内依照附录 5 所列程序执行检验方案 , 以证实项目符合本协定中


电力 ,并按相当于能源费用的数额支付检验期内提供给交付点的能源费。

7.2 检验期间的燃料

检验期间使用的所有燃料均应由电管局提供 ,并应符合燃料规格 , 其一切成本和费用一律


损失风险 ,均应受第 10 条和附录 4 中规定的管束 ,但附录 5 中另有明文规定者除外。

7.3 检验的参加

电管局应有权由其代理人和专家出席在现场的任何检验。如已依照第 7.4 条发出书面通

知 ,且电管局已以书面形式谢绝参加检验 , 则可在无电管局代表参加的情况下按通知时间进行



7.4 检验通知

公司至少应提前十四 (14) 天或在经各当事方商定的更短期限内将其提议开始在现场进行

任何检验的日期书面通知电管局。此种通知应说明提议开始检验的日期和时间 , 并应在其他

方面符合附录 5 的要求。

7.5 证书

每次检验完成后 , 公司应立即出具检验已经完成的证书 , 并应向电管局提供此种证书副

本 ,证书应比较具体地说明检验程序和每次检验的结果。电管局应在附录 5 中规定的期限内

以书面形式 ,将电管局接受或拒绝接受此种检验结果的意见通知公司。依照本协定完成各个

单元的建设工程后 ,公司应立即书面通知电管局。

公司和电管局应在此种通知后迅速按附录 5 中的规定进行联合检查 , 以证实该单元的建

设工程已经依照本协定完成。电管局随后应立即出具证明该单元的建设工程已经完成 (“完工

证明”) 的证书 ,或以书面形式将出具完工证明之前尚需进行的工作通知公司。如果电管局未

在附录 5 中规定的时限内进行检查、出具此证明或发出通知 , 即应认为已在附录 5 规定的日期

出具了完工证明。2 号单元的完工证明也应视电站的完工证明。有关的完工证明一经出具或

被认为已经出具 ,即应认为单元或电站已交付使用和已到完工日。

7.6 提前完工

如果某一单元的完工日在该单元的目标完工日之前到达 , 电管局应向公司支付数额

为 的提前完工奖金。

7.7 不予免责

电管局检查和接受建设工程并出具完工证明 , 并不免除公司对项目设计或建设中的缺陷


7.8 检验争端

如果电管局与公司之间对本协定第 7 条规定的检验的结果产生争议 ,应依照第 20 条解决


第 8 条 完工延误和放弃

8.1 完工延误

8.1.1 由于电管局的原因


建设、融资费用增加 , 应按下述方式给公司以赔偿 :

(a )应调整资本回收费 ,以便在电管局支付的头六 (6 ) 笔资本回收费中按同等数额将因此

种延误而产生的所有额外的建设费用或根据融资文件应付的任何额外款额偿付给公司 ;

( b)一旦此种延误造成融资文件规定的任何本息付款到期或应在适用的完工日之前支付 ,


8.1.2 由于公司的原因

除第 6.15 条对公司规定的义务之外 , 公司应向电管局偿付下文第 8.2 和 8.3 条中规定的

约定赔偿金 ,以此作为按项目时间表的规定建设工程的完工或验收出现任何延误时对电管局

的惟一补偿 ,条件是此种延误并非电管局违反本协定对其规定的义务的行为或不行为所致 , 或


8.2 因公司延误的约定赔偿金



工日后的三十 (30) 天内交付该单元或电站 ,公司应自该日起直至该单元或电站 (视情况而定 )


(一 ) 发生在上述第三十 (30) 天后 ,头六十 ( 60 )天内的该单元完工日延误 , 应按每单元每日

偿付 美元的款额 ;

(二 ) 发生在上述第六十 (60) 天后的延误 ,应按每单元每日偿付 美元的款额。

为偿付此种约定赔偿金 ,电管局应有权动用保证金 , 直至其全部用尽 , 而在此之后公司即


8.3 长期延误 ; 放弃

如果因为公司的过失而非因为电管局的过失 : ( a ) 电站未在电站目标完工日 (目标完工日

以可因不可抗拒力情况造成的延误、电管局造成的延误或电管局准许延期而延长的情况为准 )

以后三百六十五 (365 )个日历日内按完工日完工 ; ( b)公司放弃或被视为已经放弃电站的建设 ,

则公司在依照第 8.2 条支付或应付电管局的任何款额付讫之后 , 应以约定赔偿金的方式向电


8.4 被视为放弃

如果公司采取下列行动 ,即应认为电站的建设已被放弃 :

(a )以书面形式通知电管局说公司已终止建设工程而且不打算重新开始建设 ;

( b)在适用于建设工程开工的重大日期之后的 ( ) 天内并非因出现不可抗拒力

情况或因电管局违反本协定对其规定的义务的行为或不行为仍未能开始建设工程 ;

(c) 并非因出现不可抗拒力情况的干扰或因电管局违反本协定对其规定的义务的行为或

不行为而未能在任何不可抗拒力情况结束之后的 ( )天内恢复施工 ;

( d)公司出于除出现不可抗拒力情况或电管局违反本规定对其规定的义务的行为或不行



8.5 退还保证金

电管局至迟应在电站完工日后的 ( )天内退还全部或尚存保证金。


第 9 条 运营和维护

9.1 公司的主要义务


修。公司应确保在整个特许期间始终按照谨慎工程和运营惯例经营电站 , 使其处于良好运营


9.2 计划断电供期

公司应有权利用附录 7 中所规定的计划断供期 ,以便对单元或电站进行计划中的检修、维

护、检查和维修。各当事方应在不晚于一号单元目标完工日前六十 (60 )天而且至少在特许期

期间每年年底前六十 (60) 天之内议定下一年期间计划中的年度断供期 , 但断供期应根据附录

7 中规定予以修订。公司在出现任何未计划断供或强制断供时立即通知电管局 , 并应向电管

局书面提供对未计划断供或强制断供可能的期间的最接近的估计 , 对这种未计划断供或强制



9.3 安全和技术准则


司代表 名和电管局代表 名组成。指导委员会应不定期地举行会议 ,

但最初时不得晚于一号单元目标完工日前 个月 , 以讨论并商定运营程序和安全

与技术准则 , 以便在运营参数和电管局系统要求范围内或按照谨慎工程和运营惯例结合电

站运营予以实施。一俟这类运营程序和安全与技术准则得以议定 , 公司即应照章对电站进


9.4 供电

供电的确定应按附录 7 的规定行事 ,以其中所规定的各种因素为基础 , 包括第 9.2 条及适

用情况下的第 9.5 条中所规定的计划断供期、强制断供期的未计划断供期等因素。各当事方

应商定年度供电表 ,并应在考虑到各当事方的要求的情况下不时对供电表进行审查。在议定

这类供电表时 ,公司应充分考虑到电管局的要求并应尽最大努力予以满足。

9.5( 略 )

9.6 电管局设施的维护


输送线、电网和电管局其他系统和设施 , 以确保电站电流净输出接收和配电系统的可靠性。

9.7 检查和维护手册

公司应根据运营参数编制电站检查和维护手册 ,手册中应包括进行定期和年度检查、例行



9.8 维护不履

公司应按电管局可满意接受的形式和金额提供保证、信用证或其他担保 , 以支付未能妥善

维护项目的费用。如果公司未能按照本协定维护电站 , 电管局可将未履一事通知公司。如果

公司在收到这一通知后未能迅速进行纠正性维护 , 电管局可自行维护 , 风险和费用由公司承

担。在这种情况下 ,公司应允许电管局雇员、代理人或承包商为此目的而进入电站。电管局应


9.9 公共安全

如果项目或其任何部分会发生不安全情况 ,电管局可对现场或运营或电站的进入实行限

制 ,直至电管局确信电站已经安全时为止。电管局应指示公司在其通知中所规定的时间内做


9.10 电管局的进入


9.11 运营和维护承包商

公司为了履行其根据本第 9 条规定所承担的义务 ,有权选出一名合格的承包商作为运营

和维护承包商 ,对各单元和电站进行管理、运营、维护和维修 , 但须有电管局事先的书面许可。

电管局有权在公司予以执行前根据第 19 条规定对拟议的运营和维护合同进行审查。电管局

在公司提出核准运营和维护承包商和运营和维护合同的书面请求后十五 (15) 天内如无书面反

对意见提出 ,即应认为电管局已同意提议的运营和维护承包商和提议的运营和维护合同。运



第 10 条 燃料供应

10.1 燃料交付

一切燃料均应按照附录 4 中所确定的交货时间表交付。当事方彼此间应及时协商 , 以编

写对这类交付时间表的修订或修改 ,说明拟由电站使用的燃料的预计时间和数量。煤炭和石

油均应交付至附录 4 中所规定的适用的转交点。

10.2 质量

一切燃料均应符合附录 4 中所述燃料规格。

10.3 检测

在每次将燃料交付至转交点前 ,将由各当事方对适当的抽样联合进行检测和分析 , 以确保

切实符合附录 4 中的燃料规格。一切检测均应严格按照附录 4 中所确定的检测程序进行。

10.4 供应

电管局应确保公司所要求的充分的燃料储备的供应。现场发生任何意外的燃料短缺时 ,

公司应负责迅速通知电管局。应要求公司在设在现场的储存设施中保持不少于三十 (30) 天的


10.5 储存和安全

交付至现场的煤炭应存放于附录 4 中所指定的煤堆中。交付至现场的石油应储存于公司

建造的贮油池中。一切燃料一经交付至适用的转交点 ,即应由公司负责其安全 , 并应由其负责


10.6 损失风险 ;保险

在燃料交付至转交点后 ,即应由公司负责并承担无论何种原因造成的燃料损坏或损失的

风险。公司应确保 (并应就此向电管局提供证据 ) 一直就损坏或损失同某一著名保险公司进行

了燃料的全额更新价值保险 ,而且任何保险收益都由电管局收取。对于保险未予包括的任何

这类损坏或损失 ,公司应立即向电管局做出偿还。

第 11 条 供电 ; 收费

11.1 供应

公司应根据电管局按照附录 7 规定发出的发送指示在交送点将电站电流净输出送交电管

局 ,电管局应根据这类发送程序接收并支付所有送电 , 但应以附录 9 所列运营参数为限。在特

许期间 ,公司应将电站约定能力专用于电管局 , 且在未得到电管局事先的书面同意或指示情况

下 ,不得将电流净输出中任何部分出售给任何第三方。

11.2 数量

公司交送电管局的电量应根据附录 6 中规定予以监测、测量和记录。

11.3 通知

只要发生任何引起或可能引起电站不能按规格规定在运营参数范围内运营的情况 (不包

括计划断供 ) , 公司应立即向电管局发出通知。只要发生任何引起或可能引起电管局不能按照

电管局以前发出的发送指示接受送电的情况 ,可行时还包括第 9.5 条所述各种情况 , 电管局应


11.4 收费

只要公司未违反本协定所规定的义务 ,并在接受有关这类违约的规定或有关人力不可抗

拒情况的规定的管束的情况下 ,电管局应按附录 3 中所列并作了更具体说明的数额向公司支

付下述约定能力费和电流净输出费 :


(a )电管局应就特许期间每一历月或其中某一部分时间向公司支付每一单元的适用的能


(b)如果单元完工日在该单元目标完工日之前 ,则电管局应就自这类完工日起至这类目标完

工日止的这段期间向公司支付固定运营费和能源费 ,但是 ,如果由于目标完工日后延而根据融资

文件出现欠款 ,则电管局也应支付适用于当时借记于融资文件项下款额的资本回收费构成部分。

(c )在检测期间 ,电管局应支付发出并送至送交点的所有电力的公司能源费。

11.5 收费发票

在本协定规定期间每一月月底前 ,公司即应就该月向电管局送出根据附录 3 编制的发票。

电管局在收到发票后 ( )天之内应按每张发票上款额向公司付款。

11.6 付款

向公司支付的一切费用均应以附录 3 规定的货币支付并应按附录 3 规定的时间、地点和


11.7 收费争议

如果电管局对任何发票中所列款额表示异议 , 则应在收到该发票三十 ( 30 ) 天内告知公司

并支付无争议部分数额。有关尚剩部分的争议应按第 20 条中规定予以解决。发票到期日以


11.8 中国银行账户的使用

公司与项目有关的需要外汇的所有财会事项 ,包括还本付息和收入的汇回本国 , 均应通过

经各当事方核可的某一中国银行账户完成 ;但是 , 外国贷款人和证券投资者用以支付外国承包

商或卖主所提供的服务或在中华人民共和国以外地方采购的设备或材料的外汇 , 则可无须通


11.9 对外币账户的表示同意


内的外汇银行账户的开户和经营及收入的保留所表示的同意 , 包括对不仅限于向这类账户中



目所需的资金从其在中华人民共和国中的账户划拨至其在中华人民共和国之外的账户 , 包括


11.10 外汇

公司应有权将项目收入从人民币兑换成 , 以便在特许期间支付项目费用、还本付息

和在符合第 11.11 条规定情况下支付股本盈利。电管局应确保时常为这种兑换提供外币。如

果公司有时候不能将其人民币兑成 ,电管局在接到公司书面请求时应负责在公司提出

要求兑换的书面请求三十 (30) 天内按照当前的政府汇率进行这种兑换。

11.11 利润的汇出

公司有权在每一财政年度底将其年利润汇往国外、条件是 :

(a )已根据第 11.12 条规定将公司该财政年度经审计的财务报表提交电管局 ;

( b)公司所欠一切到期和应付税款均已付迄或备齐 ;

(c )公司已支付到期和所欠公司全部款项 ,而且在其根据本协定所承担的任何义务方面并



11.12 财务报表

公司在开展其业务和活动时应保持应有的勤奋和效率 , 按健全的国际金融和商业标准和

惯例行事 ,并应通过编制并向电管局送交下述财务报表而对其业务的各个方面作出充分证明 :

(a )根据一般公认的国际会议惯例和中华人民共和国公司法中任何适用的规定 ( 以此类公

司法可能会不时加以修正的情况为准 )并经合格的独立审计员核证的经审计的年度财务报表 ,

包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表 ;

( b)公司季度收支简表 ;

(c) 电管局为监督对中华人民共和国法律和本协定遵守情况而不时合理要求提供的与公



第 12 条 特许期后的移交

12.1 移交的范围



产债务外的各种类型或性质的债权的情况下 ,向电管局或其委派人移交公司在维护得当并处

于良好工作状态的电站的一切权利 ,所有权和权益以及其使用现场的一切权利。公司还应在



12.2 最后检修

公司应在经与电管局协商的情况下在移交日前十二 (12) 个月内对电站进行一次计划中的


12.3 备件

各当事方应在移交日前至少六 (6 )个月内举行会议并就拟移交的备件清单、移交的技术细

节和有关保证安排成一致意见。在移交时 ,公司应向电管局移交足以满足电站为期 ( ) 个


12.4 保修

在移交日时 ,公司应保证电站处于良好运营状况 , 维护妥善 (正常耗损除外 ) 而且符合本协

定规定的一切安全和环境标准。公司还应进一步保证它将对自移交日起十二 (12) 个月期间项

目任何部分因材料、工艺或设计的缺陷或因公司 (或运营和维护承包商 )在特许期间的任何行

为或不行为而发生的任何缺陷或损坏 (普通损耗除外 ) 实行纠正。电管局在发现任何这类缺陷

或损坏后应立即通知公司。此类通知无论如何至迟应在十二 ( 12) 个月保修期到期之前发出。

公司在收到该通知时应尽快纠正缺陷 ,费用由公司自理。如果公司在电管局通知后一段合理

的时间内未能或拒绝纠正缺陷 ,则电管局有权自行或雇请第三方纠正缺陷。在这种情况下 , 公


12.5 承包商保修单和保险的移交



12.6 技术的移交

在移交之日 ,公司应在技术和专门知识可由公司移交或转让的最充分范围内向电管局或


其委派人移交和转让或责成移交或转让一切与电站的运营和维护有关的技术和专门知识 , 包


12.7 培训电管局人员

公司应根据附录 6 所列培训方案自费安排向电管局指定的为电站运营所需的人员提供充

分的培训。作为移交工作的一部分 ,公司和电管局应开展联合测验方案 , 以确定指定人员已接


12.8 合同的取消 ,转让

在接受第 12.5 条和第 12.6 条管束的情况下 ,如果电管局提出要求 , 公司订立的而且在移


消 ,电管局不应对因此而产生的任何取消费用负赔偿责任 , 而且在这方面公司应给电管局以赔

偿并使其不承担任何责任。否则 ,公司应努力将这些合同转让给电管局。

12.9 为公司所有物品的迁出

公司应在移交日之后六十(60)天内自费将为公司所有的一切物品自现场迁出 ,除非当事双

方另有协议。如果公司在上述时间内未能迁出这类物品 ,则电管局在将其意向通知公司后可将



12.10 风险的转移

在移交日之前 , 公司应承担电站整体或部分受到损失或损坏的一切风险。但损失或损坏


12.11 移交的费用

对于第 12.1 条至 12.6 条所规定的移交和转让 , 不应由电管局向公司支付任何赔偿或采购

费用。公司和电管局应各自负责自已的费用和开支 ,包括由电管局或其委派人移交电站所涉及



12.12 维护保证金的退还

电管局应在不晚于移交日后十二 (12) 个月的时间内退还全部或尚存的维护保证金。

12.13 移交程序

电管局在公司应在特许期结束前六 (6 )个月内举行会议并就电站移交的详细程序达成协

议。在这种会议上 ,公司应提交拟移交的结构物、设备、设施和物品的详细清单及其负责移交

的代表的姓名 ,电管局应将其负责移交的代表的姓名通知公司。

12.14 移交的效力

自移交日起 ,本协定所规定的义务和权利应予终止 , 但第 12.4 条规定的公司义务除外 ; 电



第 13 条 电管局的一般义务

13.1 遵守法律和条例


13.2 法律和条例的变动



物质条件发生了对公司权利和义务有着重大不良影响的变动 , 公司可以书面通知形式要求对

本协定条件进行调整 ,以使公司处于其在这类变动前所处经济地位基本相同的地位 , 公司应在


如何应付这类变动的意见。如果本条适用的任何支出的增长中包括资本支出 , 公司应在有关



13.3 纳税优惠



13.4 税法和条例的变动


国税法和条例变动减少或取消了第 13.3 条所述纳税优惠待遇或大大增加了公司的负担 , 应给


13.5 必要核准、许可和授权一览表


13.6 协助取得核准、许可和授权


行的范围内 ,电管局还应尽其最大努力协助协调这类核准、许可的授权的过程 , 并减少公司在




13.7 进出口


口电站建设、运营和维护所需的各种物品的设备 , 包括但不仅限于备件。此类进口应根据中华


务的任何人有权不受限制地出口根据本条规定进口的各种物品和设备 , 但应根据中华人民共



13.8 入境 ;就业许可

如公司提出要求 ,电管局应采取一切合理的措施 , 以加快公司、建设承包商和运营和维护


这类要求均应包括所有有关申请费和填写完整的申请表 , 以及入境和就业当局要求的其他资


13.9 公用事业设施


保养所必需的设施 ,并按不高于对利用与向公司提供的服务基本相当的服务的商业客户的一

般收取标准优惠收费。除非另有规定 ,电管局应自费负责这类设施同与现场邻近的各点的通


13.10 不予干涉

在接受本协定规定管束的前提下 ,电管局不得干涉电站的建设、运营的维护工作 , 但出于


保护公共健康、安全和履行其法定职责需要时除外。在公司提出要求的情况下 , 电管局应做出


第 14 条 公司的一般义务

14.1 所有权的变动 ;股份转让的限制

后附附录 15 为公司创始持股人一览表 , 按百分比列出了各自的股权。公司应将其所有权

的任何变动情况迅速通知电管局。公司应在其公司章程中作出适当规定 , 以确保在公司所有

股票上标有适当的标记 ,使未来购买者注意到这类股份的限制 ; 对于不符合这类限制规定的任

何股份转让 ,公司不应予以注册或使其生效。公司任何持股人均不得在尚未达到本第 14.1 条

规定前的任何时候转让为其所有的任何股份。公司任何持股人均不得在完工日后六 ( 6 )年期

间内转让其持有的任何股份 ,但下列情况除外 :

(a )中华人民共和国法律或法院、法庭或主管政府当局命令要求的转让 ;

( b)因根据公司及其贷款人、承包商或供应商之间的协议对任何股份安排或实施的物权担

保而出现的转让 ;

(c) 电管局已事先给予书面核准的转让 , 对该项核准不得无理扣留 , 而且应将其视为已经

给予 ,除非在电管局收到有关书面请求三十 ( 30 )天内以书面形式否定该项核准。

14.2 遵守法律和条例


项目的已公布的法律、条例和法令有关的一切必要的资料 , 并应始终被视为已对这些资料有充


14.3 法律和条例的变动

如果在本协定之日后中国法律、条例和法令发生了大大有利于公司的变动 , 电管局可以书

面通知形式要求对本协定条件进行调整 ,以使公司处于与其在这类变动前所处经济地位基本


14.4 安全标准

公司应遵守以下文件中所列保健和安全标准 :

(a )本协定 ;

( b)政府当局发布的现行立法、条例和法令 ;

(c) 本协之日以后在中华人民共和国生效的针对其类型类似本项目的各种项目的已获普

遍接受的国际保健和安全标准 ,但以遵守这类标准和惯例并不严重影响公司利益为限。


14.5 环境保护

公司应保持现场 (包括土壤、地面和地表的水和空气 )免受环境污染 , 应以一种使现场及其

周边环境免受污染的方式运营和维护电站、保护现场和周围的环境 , 并应采取一切合理措施在


14.6 核准、许可和授权

在受本协定规定管束的前提下 ,公司应自费取得的保存为项目建设、运营和维护所需的要


14.7 保护考古、地质和历史文物





时 ,应迅速核准公司采取或提议采取的保护措施或就要求进一步采取的措施发出书面指示。


电管局承担。因采取这类措施而造成的项目时间表的任何延误 , 应以适当延长施工期或特许


14.8 中国服务和货物

14.8.1 使用

凡是中国的服务和货物在质量、服务、有关专门知识、交付时间和价格方面具有竞争力时 ,

公司应利用中国的服务和货物 ,并应确保其承包商和分包商遵守这一规定。

14.8.2 公开招标

如中国承包商能提供所要求的那类服务和货物 , 公司应在其合同的公开招标书中列入中

国承包商 ,并应要求其承包商在分包合同方面也这样做。在对合同标书进行总体评估时 , 公司



14.8.3 未来特许



14.9 利用中国劳动力

除公司固定工作班子和所需最低限度的外国专家外 ,项目建设、运营和维护时应雇用有竞



14.10 项目文件的协调



14.11 税款、关税和费用


和费用 ,其中包括但并不仅限于公司应付的所得税和公司税。

14.12 保险

公司应自费取得附录 16 所要求的保险并使其在生效日至完工日期间保持有效 ; 公司应向


14.13 为承包商负责



14.14 融资文件中的规定

公司应尽最大努力在融资文件中包括下述规定 :

14.14.1 贷款人以可供电管局合法实施的方式向电管局作出的一项有约束力的承诺 ,

即 ,只要本协定生效和只要电管局不发生带有经常性的违约情况 , 贷款人将不采取任何行动

(根据本协定授予公司的权利行事除外 ) 干扰、影响或妨碍电管局根据本协定所享有的权利 , 包

括但不仅限于享受其建设、运营和维护项目的权利 ,并且在电管局得到下文 ( b) 项所规定的补



14.14.2 贷款人同意

(a )根据融资文件将公司的任何违约情况书面通知电管局 ;

( b)赋予电管局以在其收到有关这类违约通知后六十 ( 60 ) 天内对任何这类违约实行补救

的权利 ;

(c )在这种补救期间暂缓行使贷款人所能行使的任何权利或补救权。

14.14.3 贷款人承认电管局的留置权和物权担保应从属于融资文件中所规定的贷款人


14.15 电管局的物权担保

在财务交割时 ,公司应授予电管局以对本协定和其他项目文件中所规定的一切公司权利、

所有权和权益和物权担保 ,以作为公司履行本协定所规定义务的保证 , 并应授予电管局以为根

据适用法律完成和行使这种物权担保所需的其他权利。此种物权担保须有贷款人的核准 , 并


第 15 条 电管局和公司共有的义务和权利

15.1 不可抗力情况

15.1.1 因不可抗力情况暂停履约

各当事方均应有权暂停履行其根据本协定所承担的义务 , 但仅以这类履约受到超出其控

制的情况如天灾、战争、敌对行动、禁运、火灾和进出口限制 (均属“不可抗力情况”) 等为限。本

协定 15.1.1 条中所述情况只有在宣称受到不可抗力情况影响的当事方在协定订立时不能在




15.1.2 适用于公司的例外情况


不可抗力情况 :

(a )工程承包商、运营或维护承包商或二者之一的任何分包商的履约延误 ;

( b)电站任何材料、设备、机械中部件的任何交货延误或任何或明或暗的缺陷 ;

(c )电站材料、设备、机械或部件的故意或正常耗损 ;

( d)《任何外国政府对中华人民共和国实行的任何封锁、禁运、出口限制、配额或分配》。

15.1.3 适用于电管局的例外情况


责任的不可抗拒力情况 :

(a )任何政府当局对电站实行征收、征用、没收或国有化 ;

( b)任何政府当局实行任何封锁、禁运、进口限制、配额或分配 ;

(c )并非因公司违反本协定而引起的对任何核准的取消。

15.1.4 程序


种不可抗力情况所造成影响的详细情况 ,包括这种不可抗力情况发生的日期和估计停止的日


15.1.5 费用 ;订正时间表

在发生不可抗力情况时 ,各当事方均应负责自己一方因发生不可抗力情况所造成的费用 ,


但下文第 15.1.8 条所规定的情况除外。本规定为履行某项义务而规定的任何时间期限应适


15.1.6 因不可抗力情况终止


之日起 天 , 则各当事方应通过协商决定继续履行本协定的条件或经相互议定终止协定。

如果在自这种不可抗力情况发生之日起 天内各当事方不能就这类条件达成一致意见或

不能经相互议定终止协定 ,则任何当事方均可通过向对方发出书面通知而终止协定。

15.1.7 协商和减轻影响的义务

受不可抗力情况影响的当事方应作出适当的努力减轻不可抗力情况所造成的影响 , 包括

根据这类措施可能的效果支付适当的款额。各当事方应彼此协商 , 以确定为减轻这种不可抗


15.1.8 毁坏与电站的维修


务的能力的重大损坏 ,而且这种损坏未为保险所包括或可得到的保险收益不及时对这种损坏

进行维修所需费用总额的百分之 ( % ) , 则除非未予承保系公司未能根据本协定规

定投保所致 ,否则 , 公司在双方就电站建设的完工或维护的条件达成协议以前没有义务完成电


基本得到保证且不致受到重大影响 ,否则 , 公司没有义务接受任何此类协议。在发生这种不可

抗拒力情况时 ,各当事方应迅速秉诚开展讨论 , 以期达成此种协议。

15.1.9 发生不可抗力情况后的终止

如果在这类讨论开始后九十 (90) 天内各当事方不能就电站建设的完工或维修达成协议 ,

则任一当事方均可在事先发出书面通知三十 ( 30) 天后终止本协定。在发生这种终止时 , 各当

事方即均不承担本协定所规定的任何进一步的义务 , 但本协定所规定的任何义务或承诺如系


15.2 对文件的权利

15.2.1 电管局文件

电管局向公司提供的文件和计算机程序 ,或主要根据这类文件和计算机程序编制的文件

或计算机程序 , 应为电管局的财产。这同样也适用于这些文件和计算机程序的所有复制件。


协议 ,否则 , 在特许期到期时应将这些文件、计算机程序或复制件退还电管局。

15.2.2 公司文件

公司提供的文件和计算机程序 ,或主要根据这些文件和计算机程序编制的文件和计算机

程序 ,应为公司的财产。这同样也适用于这些文件和计算机程序的所有复制件。电管局或其

委派人在电站移交电管局或该委派人后 ,在对电站的运营和维护方面应有权得到这些文件、计


15.2.3 守约

各当事方应确保所有能利用这些文件、计算机程序及其复制件者均能遵守本第 15.2 条的


15.3 保密

无论哪一当事方或其代理人所得到的本不属于公开提供的一切资料和文件 (不论是金融、


技术还是与其他方面有关的 ) , 均应予以保守机密 , 且不得在未得到另一当事方事先的书面核

准情况下向第三方或公众泄露 ,但法律要求者除外。这一禁制不应妨碍任何当事方在征得对



15.4 合作义务


同意或核准时 ,不应无理加以拒绝或延误这种同意或核准的给予。

15.5 防止不当付款的声明

15.5.1 公司声明

公司郑重表示、承诺、保证并声明 :

(a )无论是公司还是其代表均未为本协定的目的而给任何政府官员或电管局官员或雇员

以不合法的 (贿赂或回扣形式的 ) 考虑或佣金 ;而且无论是公司还是其代表均未施加或利用任

何不合法的影响以求达成或促成本协定 ;

( b)在经充分披露有关事实后未得到由电管局事先给予的书面同意的情况下 , 公司不应将

项目工作的任何部分承包或由其任何承包商 ,将其分包给公司明知其身为电管局官员或雇员

或直接或间接参与合同授予或项目管理的这类官员或雇员的近亲 ( 配偶、父母、子女或兄弟姊

妹 )的任何人 , 或由这些人中的任何人在其中任行政首长或重要股东的任何公司或企业 ;

(c) 如果公司或其任何持股人为促成或达成本协定而已经或将要直接或间接地向中国境

内或境外的任何人、公司或企业支付任何佣金 , 公司应向电管局透露收款人身份、付款数额和


15.5.2 电管局声明

电管局郑重表示、承诺、保证并声明 :

(a)无论是电管局还是其代表均未寻求或获得不合法的 (贿赂或回扣形式的 )考虑或佣金 ;而


( b)公司不应在已知情的情况下允许将与项目有关的任何工程承包给身为电管局官员或

雇员或直接或间接参与合同授予或项目管理的任何这类官员或雇员的近亲 ( 配偶、父母、子女

或兄弟姊妹 )中的任何人 , 只要这样做就为不合法或会造成利益冲突。

第 16 条 终止

16.1 由电管局提出的终止

下述各项如果并非因电管局违约或不可抗拒力情况所引起 , 均应属于如不在允许的期间


公司违约情况 :

(a )第 6.13 条规定适用的重大日期后 ( )天内未进行财务交割。

( b)根据第 8.4 条规定公司已被视为放弃了电站工程。

(c) 公司或运营和维护承包商在未得到电管局事先书面同意情况下放弃项目运营已为期

( )天。

( d)公司停业清理、破产或停止付款。

(e )公司违反其根据本协定规定承担的任何重大义务且未能在收到电管局指明这一违约

情况并要求公司予以补救的书面通知后三十 (30) 天内对此种违约情况实行补救。

( f) 贷款人宣布已出现融资文件方面的违约情况并开始行使有关补救权。


16.2 由公司提出的终止

下述情况如果并非因公司违约或不可抗拒力情况所引起 ,应属于如果不在允许的期间内予


违约情况。即 ,如果电管局违反其根据本协定规定所承担的任何重大义务且未能在收到公司指

明这一违约情况并要求电管局予以补救的书面通知后三十 (30)天内对此种违约情况实行补救。

16.3 通知贷款人

发生第 16.1 或 16.2 条项下违约情况时 ,各当事方应迅速将其就这一违约情况同另一当

事方或来或往的一切通知的副本提供给贷款人 , 但应要求电管局将这类副本仅向贷款人的一


16.4 贷款人的权利

在财务交割前后且融资文件仍然有效的期间 , 电管局不应在未先给贷款人以补救公司违

约情况的机会并给予贷款人以本第 16.4 条所规定的其他权利的情况下终止本协定。贷款人

可进行要求公司进行的任何支付或采取要求公司采取的任何行动 , 其作用与公司进行或采取

的相同。如果贷款人未能或不能或不愿在收到第 16.3 条中所述通告后三十 ( 30) 天内对公司

违约情况进行补救 ,电管局可立即终止本协定。此种终止应自向公司或贷款人代理人或代表


16.5 补救的累积性

本协定所规定的当事方终止本协定的权利的行使 ,并不排除该当事方进行本协定所规定

或按照法律条文规定的其他补救。补救是累积性的 , 而且某当事方对一种或多种补救的进行


第 17 条 责任和赔偿

17.1 相互赔偿


失、费用和任何性质的有关人身伤害和任何财产的损坏或损失的索赔 , 各当事方应给另一当事

方以赔偿、保护并使其免负赔偿责任 , 但此类伤害、损坏或损失系寻求赔偿的当事方的疏忽或


17.2 环境损害


费用和索赔承担赔偿责任并应给电管局以保护、赔偿和使其免负赔偿责任 , 但此种损失、费用


17.3 义务的继续有效

第 17.1 和 17.2 条所规定的各当事方的义务在本协定到期或终止后就此种到期或终止之


17.4 共同责任

如果第 17.1 或 17.2 条所述任何损失或损坏仅系部分因电管局的疏忽或有意的行为或不

行为和部分因公司的行为或不行为所引起 ,则各当事方应仅对另一当事方承担与其自己过失


17.5 无从属损害赔偿

在任何情况下 ,任何当事方均不应就因由于、根据或针对本协定而提出的任何索赔对另一

方当事方承担任何间接的、特别的、附带的、从属的或惩罚性的损害赔偿责任 , 不论其是否根据


合同、侵权行为 ( 包括疏忽 )、严格赔偿责任或其他方面情况而提出。

六、转让 ;合同的核准

第 18 条 协定的转让

18.1 由电管局的转让


务的全部或任何部分。但本第 18.1 条并不妨碍电管局同中华人民共和国任何其他政府部、


人民共和国行政分部门所有的任何公司进行合并或联合或向其转让自己的权利和义务 , 但受


18.2 由公司的转让


务的全部或任何部分。但是 ,为了项目融资安排或再安排的目的 , 公司应有权根据本协定或任




第 19 条 合同的核准

19.1 合同的核准

公司不应在未得到电管局事先的书面核准的情况下订立除附录 17 中所列合同以外的任

何需要的合同期间支付超出 的款项的合同。

19.2 核准程序


商的方法和根据第 14.8 条利用中国承包商等方面的资料。电管局应在其收到公司的请求书

后十五 (15) 天内将其决定通知公司。如果电管局未能在此 10~15 天期间内采取行动 , 即应认


19.3 合同核准的效力

电管局对某一合同的核准 ,并不解除公司根据本协定规定所承担的任何义务或赔偿责任。


第 20 条 解释规则

20.1 合同文件

本协定包括附录 1~18 ,各项附录均应视为本协定的组成部分。

20.2 整体规定

本协定构成各当事方间达成的关于本项目的整体理解 , 并取代有关本项目的一切以往的


20.3 修正

对本协定的任何修正、增补或改动 , 只有在形成文字并经当事方双方经授权的代表签署后


20.4 可分性

如果本协定的任何或若干部分经任何主管仲裁法庭或法院宣布为无效 , 其他部分仍应保



第 21 条 争端的解决

21.1 定期讨论

在本协定整个期间 ,应由各方当事方 ( 写明有决策权的级别 )代表定期举行会议 , 至少每日

历季度一次 ,以讨论建设工作的进度并在完工之日后讨论项目的运营和维护 , 从而确保本协定


21.2 友好解决


或索赔 ,各当事方应根据其中任一当事方提出的要求迅速举行会晤 , 通过彼此讨论努力解决这

类争端、争议或索赔。如果不能如此解决 , 电管局 (写明电管局主管官员 ) 和公司行政首长应举

行会晤以努力解决这类争端、争议或索赔 , 而且其所作出的共同决定应对各当事方均有约束

力。如果不能根据第 20.2 条规定得以解决 , 则应适用第 20.3 条的规定。

21.3 仲裁

21.3.1 仲裁语文


21.3.2 仲裁地点


21.3.3 费用和开支



费用 ,包括法律顾问的合理费用和开支。

21.3.4 仲裁期间的履约

各当事方在将争端、争议或索赔提交仲裁直至仲裁裁决并公布之前 , 均应继续履行各自根

据本协定规定承担的一切义务 ,但不影响根据该裁决书进行最后调整。

21.3.5 继续有效

本第 21.3 条所载各项仲裁规定在本协定终止后应继续有效。

第 22 条 杂项规定

22.1 义务的分别性


性或集体性。本协定中任何条款 ,均不应解释为旨在建立各当事方之间的联盟、托拉斯、伙伴

关系或合资企业 ,各当事方均应单独或分别对其根据本协定规定所承担的义务负责。

22.2 通知

除非另有规定 ,否则 , 本协定规定的通知应以书面形式按下述各自的地方通过亲手、公认

的国际信使、邮件、电传或传真的方式送交或传送给当事方 :

电管局 : �名称


经办人 :

电传号 :

传真号 :

公司 : v名称



经办人 :

电传号 :

传真号 :

或按该当事方有时可能通知另一方当事方使用的其他地址、电传号或传真号送交或传送 , 而且

凡属下列情况 ,即应认为已经发出或递送了通知 : (一 ) 如果已经按该地址亲手、由国际公认的

信使或通过 (挂号的、需有回执的邮件并交了信函 ) ; (二 ) 如果妥善地按该电传号或传真号传送


22.3 不予放弃

除非以书面形式提出放弃 ,否则 , 本协定的任何规定均不应被视为已由任一当事方放弃。

任一当事方未能坚持严格履行本协定所规定的任何义务或利用本协定规定的任何权利 , 并不


22.4 管束法律


22.5 协定向项目公司的转让



本着接受法律约束的意愿 ,各当事方特由各自正式授权代表于下文各自签署处所列日期

签署本协定 ,以昭信守。


〔盖章〕 鉴证人 :

鉴证 : 姓 名 :

职 称 :

〔盖章〕 日 期 :


鉴证人 :

鉴证 : 姓 名 :

职 称 :

日 期 :


中外合资经营企业章程 ( 中英文对照 )



第一章 总 则


第一条 根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》, 中国 - 綩 公司 ( 以下简称甲

方 )与 - 抉 国 - 抉 公司 ( 以下简称乙方 ) 于 - 抉 年 - 抉 月 - 抉 日在中

国 - 繐 签订的建立合资经营 - 繐 有限责任公司合同 ( 以下简称合营公司 ) ,特制定本


1. These Articles of Association and by - laws are made under the Sino - Foreign Joint

Venture Business Act of the People�s Republic of China and the Contract of Join t Establishment of - ��

Co ., L td .( hereinafter called JOINT VENTURE) made on ( date ) in ( place) between

- 陆 Company of China ( hereinafter called Party A) and - 陆 company of - 陆

count ry ( hereinafter called Par ty B) .

第二条 合营公司名称为 - �� 有限责任公司。

外文名称为 :

合营公司的法定地址为 : - 臙 省 - 臙 市 - 臙 路 - 臙 号。

2. JOINT VENTURE is named - 喷 Company, Ltd。

The English name of it is: - 茐

Its address for service of process is: - �+

第三条 甲、乙双方的名称、法定的地址为 :

甲方 :中国 - 萶 公司 - ��

省 - �� 市 - �� 路 - �� 号。

乙方 : - 沙 国 - 沙 公司 - 蔝

国 - 蔝 。

3. The names and addresses for service of process:

Party A:

Party B:

第四条 合营公司为有限责任公司。

4. JOINT VENTURE is a company limited by liabilities .

第五条 合营公司为中国法人 , 受中国法律管辖和保护。其一切活动必须遵守中国的法



5. JOINT VENTURE is a Chinese corporation and is protected by and subject to the laws

thereof .Any and all activities of JOINT VENTURE shall be carried out within the ambit of the

laws , acts and relevant regulations of the People�s Republic of China .

第二章 宗旨、经营范围


第六条 合营公司宗旨为 :使用 - 簝 先进技术 , 生产和销售 - 簝 产品 ,达到 - 簝

- 笜 水平 ,获取甲乙双方满意的经济利益。 ( 注 :每个合营企业都可以根据自己的特点写 )

6. The in tentions of JOINT VENTURE are: Making use of - 黄 advanced technology ,

producing and selling - 糷 products , attaining - 糷 level , gaining the economic

advantage expected by the Parties herein .

第七条 合营公司经营范围为 :设计、制造和销售 - 浆 产品以及对销售后的 - 浆


7. The scope of business of JOINT VENTURE is: Designing , manufacturing and selling

- 繎 products and rendering after - sale repair service for - 繎 goods .

第八条 合营公司生产规模为 : - 勒

年 - 勒 (表示量的单位 ) - 羦

年 - 羦 - ��

年 - ��

8. Production Scale of JOINT VENTURE is: - 肻

per year - 谬

per year - 臒

per year

第九条 合营公司向国内、外市场销售其产品 , 其销售比例如下 :

9. JOINT VENTURE sells its manufactures both in domestic and foreign markets . Ratios

are as follows:

20 - �& 年 : 出口占百分之 - �& ;中国内销售占百分之 - �& 。

In the year of 20 - 侨 : Exports accounting for - 侨 % ;

Domestic sales accounting for - 萯 % .

20 - �� 年 : 出口占百分之 - �� ;中国内销售占百分之 - �� 。

In the year of 20 - 森 : Exports accounting for - 森 % ;

Domestic sales accounting for - 蔔 % .

(注 : 销售渠道、方法、责任可根据各自情况而定 )

第三章 投资总额和注册资本


第十条 合营公司的投资总额为人民币 - �� 元。

合营公司注册资本为人民币 - 渭 元。


10. Total amount of investment of JOINT VENTURE :¥ - �� RMB .

Registered capital of JOINT VENTURE :¥ - 斗 RMB .

第十一条 甲、乙方出资如下 :

11. Investment ratios of the parties:

甲方 :认缴出资额为人民币 - 笣 元 , 占注册资本百分之 - 笣 。

其中 : v现金 - �? 元 ;

机械设备 - 贯 元 ;

厂房 - 簝 元 ;

土地使用权 - �% 元 ;

工业产权 - 磺 元 ;

其他 - 糹 元。

Party A: Subscription of investment: ¥ - �� RMB, accounting for - �� % of the

registered capital .

Including: Cash ¥ - 綩 RMB;

Mechanical equipment ¥ - 抉 RMB;

Factory buildings ¥ - 繐 RMB;

Title to land ¥ - �5 RMB;

Indust rial Proper ty ¥ - 雷 RMB;

Others ¥ - 羪 RMB .

乙方 :认缴出资额为人民币 - �� 元 , 占注册资本百分之 - �� 。

其中 : v现金 - 陆 元 ;

机械设备 - 胈 元 ;

工业产权 - �� 元 ;

其他 - 模 元。

Party B: Subscrip tion of investment : ¥ - 臙 RMB, accounting for - 臙 % of the

registered capital .

Including: Cash ¥ - 茐 RMB;

Mechanical equipment ¥ - �+ RMB;

Indust rial Proper ty ¥ - 峭 RMB;

Others ¥ - 萶 RMB .

第十二条 甲、乙方应按合同规定的期限缴清各自出资额。

12. Both parties shall fully pay the subscribed quotas respectively within the time limited in

the cont ract .

第十三条 甲、乙方缴付出资额后 , 经合营公司聘请在中国注册的会计师验资 ,出具验资

报告后 ,由合营公司据此发给出资证明书。出资证明书主要内容是 : 合营公司名称、成立日期、

合营者名称及出资额、出资日期 , 发给出资证明书日期等。

13. After the subscribed capital is fully paid by the parties and is examined and checked and

an examination report is presented by a Chinese certified public accountan t employed by JOINT

VENTURE, JOINT VENTURE shall issue the subscription certificate the main conten ts of

which are: name of JOINT VENTURE , date of establishment, names of the parties to the Venture


and subscribed quotas of each , date of subscription , date of issuance of this certificate , etc .

第十四条 合营期内 ,合营公司不得减少注册资本数额。

14. During the cooperation , JOINT VENTURE shall not in any wise reduce the registered

capital .

第十五条 任何一方转让其出资额 ,不论全部或部分 , 都须经另一方同意。一方转让时 ,


15. Where one party transfers any of all parts of its shares , the transfer shall be consented by

the non - transferring party and the non - transferring party shall have priority in purchasing the

shares in transfer .

第十六条 合营合同注册资本的增加、转让 , 应由董事会一致通过后 , 并报原审批机构批

准 ,向原登记机构办理变更登记手续。

16. Any increase or assignment of the registered capital of JOINT VENTURE shall be

unanimously agreed by the Board of Directors, approved by the original ratifying agency and

reregistered at the original regist ry office .

第四章 董 事 会


第十七条 合营公司设董事会 ,董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构。

17. A Board of Directors is established for JOINT VENTURE which represents the supreme

authority thereof .

第十八条 董事会决定合营公司的一切重大事宜 ,其职权主要如下 :

18. All material matters of JOINT VENTURE shall be settled by the Board of Directors the

authority of which covers:

———决定和批准总经理提出的重要报告 ;

(如生产规划、年度营业报告、资金、借款等 )

* Examining and ratifying importan t reports presented by the General President , such as

projects of production , annual business repor ts , capital , loan , etc .

———批准年度财务报表、收支预算、年度利润分配方案 ;

* Ratifying annual financial statements , budget in balance, annual profits dividing plan ;

———通过公司的重要规章制度 ;

* Ratifying material rules and regulations of JOINT VENTURE ;

———决定设立分支机构 ;

* Approving the establishment of branches;

———修改公司规章 ;

* Modifying the regulations of JOINT VENTURE ;

———讨论决定合营公司停产、终止或与另一个经济组织合并 ;

* Discussing and deciding the cessation of business and termination of JOINT VENTURE

or its consolidation with any other economic organization ;

———负责合营公司终止和期满时的清算工作 ;


* Taking responsibility to the liquidation of JOINT VENTURE where it is terminated or

the performance thereof is expired ;


* Other material matters within the authority of Board of Directors .

第十九条 董事会由 - 笣 名董事组成 ,其中甲方委派 - 笣 名 , 乙方委派 - 笣

名。董事任期为四年 ,可以连任。

19. The Board of Directors is composed of - 灌 directors, while - 灌 are appointed

by Party A and - 簛 are appointed by Party B .Directors are appointed for four years and are

eligible for re - election .

第二十条 董事会董事长由甲、乙双方协商确定或由董事会选举产生。

20. The Chairman of the Board may be chosen by Par ty A and Party B by agreement or

elected at the general meeting of the Board of Directors .

第二十一条 甲、乙方在委派和更换董事人选时 , 应书面通知董事会。

21. Where appoin ting or changing the Chairman of Board , Par ty A and Party B shall inform

the Board of Directors by a written notice .

第二十二条 董事会例会每年召开 - 繍 次。经三分之一以上的董事提议 ,可以召开


22. The Board of Directors meets - 烙 time ( s ) each year and ext raordinary meetings

may be held upon the requisition of more than one third (1/ 3 ) of the directors .

第二十三条 董事会会议原则上在公司所在地举行。

23. The directors�meeting shall be held in principle at the locale of JOINT VENTURE .

第二十四条 董事会会议由董事长召集并主持 ,董事长缺席时由副董事长召集并主持。

24. The Chairman of the Board shall preside over the directors�meeting , in case that he/ she

is in default , the Vice Chairman shall convene and preside over the meeting on behalf .

第二十五条 董事长应在董事会开会前三十天书面通知各董事 , 写明会议内容、时间和


25. The Chairman of the Board shall inform the directors of the meeting upon thirty days

written notice wherein the business to be transacted, date and time and place shall be included .

第二十六条 董事因故不能出席董事会会议 , 可以书面委托代理人出席董事会。如临时

未出席也未委托他人出席 ,作为弃权。

26. Any director may attend the directors�meeting by proxy with a written instrument of

proxy where he/ she happens not to be able to attend the meeting in person for any reason .In case

that he/ she fails to be present at the meeting in personal or by proxy, the absentee shall be deemed

to have waived his/ her right .

第二十七条 出席董事会会议的法定人数为全体董事的三分之二 ,不够三分之二人数时 ,


27. A quorum at the general meeting shall be at least two thirds of all the directors , no

resolu tion shall be valid if such a quorum is not presen t when the business in t ransacted .

第二十八条 董事会每次会议 ,须作详细的书面记录 , 并由全体出席董事签字 ,代理人出

席时 ,由代理人签字。记录文字使用中文和 - 渭 文。该记录由公司存档。


28. Detailed minutes shall be made for each general meeting and directors presen t at the

meeting shall set their hands thereunto, in case of any person present by proxy, the representative

shall set hand thereunto .

第二十九条 下列事项须董事会一致通过。

(注 : 每个合营企业可根据各自情况而定。)

29. The following businesses shall be ratified by a unanimous resolution of the Board .

第三十条 下列事项须董事会三分之二以上董事或过半数董事通过。

(注 : 每个合营企业可根据各自情况而定。)

30. Business as follows shall be approved by overwhelming majority or simple majority of the

directors .

第五章 经营管理机构


第三十一条 合营公司设经营管理机构 ,下设生产、技术、销售、财务、行政等部门。

(注 : 根据具体情况写。)

31. The administ ration of JOINT VENTURE is composed of such departments as

production , technology , sales, finance, executive management, etc .

第三十二条 合营公司设总经理一人 ,副总经理 - 羪 人 , 正、副总经理由董事会聘请。

32. For JOINT VENTURE there is one P resident and - �� Vice P resident ( s ) , all ( or

both) of whom shall be appointed by the Board of Directors .

第三十三条 总经理直接对董事会负责 ,执行董事会的各项决定 , 组织领导合营公司的日

常生产、技术和经营管理工作。副总经理协助总经理工作 , 当总经理不在时 , 代理行使总经理


33. The President is directly responsible for the Board of Directors , he/ she shall execute all

resolu tions of the Board and organize and head the routine work of production , technology and

management of JOINT VENTURE .The Vice President ( s) shall assist the President with his/ her

work , in case the P resident is in default , the Vice P resident ( s) shall act on behalf of the absentee .

第三十四条 合营公司日常工作中重要问题的决定 , 应由总经理和副总经理联合签署方

能生效。需要联合签署的事项 ,由董事会具体规定。

34. No resolution in respect of main issues of the routine work of JOINT VENTURE shall

be valid unless it is cosigned by the President and Vice president ( s ) .The business subject to

cosignature shall be specified by the Board of Directors .

第三十五条 总经理、副总经理的任期为 - 树 年。经董会聘请 , 可以连任。

35. The President and Vice President ( s) are appointed for a term of - 藱 years and are

eligible for renewal of their termsof office .

第三十六条 董事长或副董事长、董事经董事会聘请 , 可兼任合营公司总经理、副总经理


36. The Chairman of the Board of Directors , and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of

directors may, upon appointment of the Board of Directors , concurrently hold the position of


President , Vice President or other officers in JOINT VENTURE .

第三十七条 总经理、副总经理不得兼任其他经济组织的总经理或副总经理、不得参与其


37. The President or Vice President ( s) shall not concurrently hold the office of President or

Vice President ( s ) of other economic entities or in any wise compete for other business against


第三十八条 合营公司设总工程师、总会计师和审计师各一人 , 由董事会聘请。

38. There shall be one General Engineer , one General accountan t and one Auditor in JOINT

VENTURE who shall be appointed by the Board of Directors .

第三十九条 总工程师、总会计师、审计师由总经理领导。

39. The general engineer , general accountan t and auditor are headed by the P resident .

总会计师负责领导合营公司的财务会计工作 ,组织合营公司开展全面经济核算 , 实行经济


The general accountant is in charge of the accounts of JOINT VENTU RE , heads JOINT

VENTURE to do all financial check work , and ensures the economic - contract - system to run

smoothly .

审计师负责合营公司的财务审计工作 ,审查稽核合营公司的财务收支和会计账目 , 向总经


The auditor is responsible for the auditing of JOINT VENTU RE , inspects and examines the

receip t and payment and accounting books of JOINT VENTURE , and deposits reports thereof

with the Board of Directors .

第四十条 总经理、副总经理、总工程师、总会计师、审计师和其他高级职员请求辞职时 ,


40. In the event the P resident , the Vice - President , general engineer , general accountan t ,

auditor or other officer asks for resignation , an advance written application in respect thereof shall

be deposited with the Board of Directors .

以上人员如有营私舞弊或严重失职行为的 , 经董事会决议 , 可随时解聘。如触犯刑法的 ,


Where the officers aforesaid should engage in malpractice for selfish ends or severely neglect

their duties , they may at any time be removed from their posts by resolu tion of the Board of

Directors . Those who violate criminal laws shall be imposed under by criminal penalties .

第六章 财 务 会 计


第四十一条 合营公司的财务会计按照中华人民共和国财政部制定的中外合资经营企业


41. The financial affairs and accounts of JOINT VENTU RE are subject to the financial and

accounting rules and regulations for Sino - Foreign joint ventures made by the Finance Minist ry of

the People�s Republic of China .


第四十二条 合营公司会计年度采用日历年制 , 自一月一日起至十二月三十一日止为一


42. The fiscal years of JOINT VENTURE shall follow the solar calendar each of which

begins on January the first and ends on December the thirty first .

第四十三条 合营公司的一切凭证、账簿、报表 ,用中文写。

43. All vouchers , account books and statements of JOINT VENTURE shall be made in

Chinese .

第四十四条 合营公司采用人民币为记账本位币。人民币同其他货币折算 , 按实际发生


44. JOINT VENTURE has its accounts denominated in Renminbi .Where Renminbi is

conver ted to other currencies , the conversion coefficient shall follow the exchange rate published

by the State Exchange Administ ration on the day whereon the conversion occurs .

第四十五条 合营公司在中国银行或中国银行同意的其他银行开立人民币及外币账户。

45. JOINT VENTURE shall open accounts of Renminbi or foreign currencies in the China

Bank or the banks agreed upon by the China Bank .

第四十六条 合营公司采用国际通用的权责发生制和借贷记账法记账。

46. The accounting of JOINT VENTURE shall be subject to the In ternational Uniform

Regime of Rights and Liabilities and the In ternational Uniform Accounting System of Debt and

Credit .

第四十七条 合营公司财务会计账册上应记载如下内容 :

47. Such items as hereinafter provided shall en ter into the account books of JOINT


一、合营公司所有的现金收入、支出数量 ;

A) All cash income and expenditures of JOINT VENTURE ;

二、合营公司所有的物资出售及购入情况 ;

B) All goods and materials purchased or sold ;

三、合营公司注册资本及负债情况 ;

C) The registered capital and indebtedness of JOINT VENTURE ;


D) Date of the payment , increase or t ransfer of the registered capital of JOINT VENTURE .

第四十八条 合营公司财务部门应在每一个会计年度头三个月编制上一个会计年度的资

产负债表和损益计算书 ,经审计师审核签字后 , 提交董事会会议通过。

48. Within the first three months of each fiscal year , a balance sheet and a profit and loss

statement shall be made by the finance depar tment of JOINT VENTURE and , having been

examined and signed by the Auditor , admit ted to be ratified at the meeting of Board of Directors .

第四十九条 合营各方有权自费聘请审计师查阅合营公司账簿。查阅时 , 合营公司应提


49. Each party of JOINT VENTURE is entitled to employ an auditor/ auditors to examine

the accounts of JOINT VENTURE , where this occurs , JOINT VENTURE shall make things

convenien t for such examinations .


第五十条 合营公司按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业税法施行细则》的规定 , 由


50. The term of depreciation of fixed assets of JOINT VENTURE shall be decided by the

Board of Directors pursuant to the Implementary Provisions of the Tax Act of Sino - Foreign Joint

Ventures of the People�s Republic of China .

第五十一条 合营公司的一切外汇事宜 ,按照《中华人民共和国外汇管理暂行条例》和有


51. All affairs per taining to the foreign exchange of JOINT VENTURE shall be arranged

under the P rovisional Regulations in Respect of the Administration of Foreign Exchange of the

People�s Republic of China and other provisions and rules concerned and the regulations of the

JOINT VENTURE contract .

第七章 利 润 分 配


第五十二条 合营公司从缴纳所得税后的利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金、职工奖励


52. JOINT VENTURE shall , after paying income tax , set aside out of the profits remaining

such a sum or sums as it thinks proper for the reserve fund, the enterprise development fund and

the welfare and employee - award fund , the rate of which shall be assumed by the Board of

Directors .

第五十三条 合营公司依法缴纳所得税和提取各项基金后的利润 ,按照甲、乙方在注册资


53. The profits of JOINT VENTURE shall , after income tax is paid and all funds

accumulated, be distributed by Party A and Par ty B in accordance with their shares in the

registered capital respectively .

第五十四条 合营公司每年分配利润一次。每个会计年度后三个月内颁布利润分配方案


54. JOINT VENTURE distributes its profits once every year .The Profits Dist ribu tion Plan

and the proportion each par ty will share shall be published within three months after each fiscal

year .

第五十五条 合营公司上一个会计年度亏损未弥补前不得分配利润。上一个会计年度未

分配的利润 ,可并入本会计年度利润分配。

55. No profits shall be distributed unless the loss of the last fiscal year has been recouped .

The profits of the last fiscal year , if not distributed , may be divided with the profits of this

year .


第八章 职 工


第五十六条 合营公司职工的招收、招聘、辞退、辞职、工资、福利、劳动保险、劳动保护、劳

动纪律等事宜 ,按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定》及其实施办法办理。

56. The affairs in respect of the recruitment, employment, dismissal , resignation , wage,

welfare, labor insurance, labor protection , labor disciplines , etc . of the employees of JOINT

VENTURE shall be subject to the Provisions of Labor Management of Sino - Foreign Joint

Ventures of the People�s Republic of China and the enforcement regulations thereof .

第五十七条 合营公司所需要的职工 , 可以由当地劳动部门推荐 , 或者经劳动部门同意

后 ,由合营公司公开招收 , 但一律通过考试 ,择优录用。

57. The employees of JOINT VENTU RE may be recruited on the recommendation or by the

approval of the local labor depar tment , they are, however , all subject to an examination and the

enrollment shall be on the basis of competitive selection .

第五十八条 合营公司有权对违反合营公司的规章制度和劳动纪律的职工 ,给予警告、记

过、降薪的处分 , 情节严重 ,可予以开除。开除职工须报当地劳动人事部门备案。

58. JOINT VENTURE is entitled to give a disciplinary warning to , record a demerit or

reduce wages of any employee who violates the rules and regulations or labor disciplines of JOINT

VENTURE, if the case is serious , such an employee may be dismissed .Where any employee is

dismissed , the case shall be repor ted to the local labor department for the record .

第五十九条 职工的工资待遇 ,参照中国有关规定 , 根据合营公司具体情况 , 由董事会确

定 ,并在劳动合同中具体规定。

59. The treatment and wages of the employees shall be decided by the resolu tions of the

Board of Directors pursuant to relevant provisions of China and according to the specific

circumstances of JOINT VENTURE and shall be specified in the labor agreement .

合营公司随着生产的发展 ,职工业务能力和技术水平的提高 , 适当提高职工的工资。

JOINT VENTURE shall duly raise the wages of the employees taking account of the

development of production and the improvement of employees�professional ability and technical

skills .

第六十条 职工的福利、奖金、劳动保护和劳动保险等事宜 , 合营公司将分别在各项制度

中加以规定 ,确保职工在正常条件下从事生产和工作。

60. The issues in respect of the welfare, premium , labor protection , labor insurance, etc shall

be covered in the regulations by JOINT VENTURE so as to ensure that the employees work in

normal circumstances .

第九章 工 会 组 织


第六十一条 合营公司职工有权按照《中华人民共和国工会法》的规定 ,建立工会组织 , 开



61. The employees in JOINT VENTURE are entitled to establish a trade union to carry out

activities under the provisions of the Trade Union Law of the People�s Republic of China .

第六十二条 合营公司工会是职工利益的代表 ,它的任务是 : 依法维护职工的民主权利和

物质利益 ;协助合营公司安排和合理使用福利、奖励基金 ;组织职工学习政治、业务、科学、技术

知识 ,开展文艺、体育活动 ;教育职工遵守劳动纪律 , 努力完成合营公司的各项经济任务。

62. The trade union in JOINT VENTURE is for the benefit of the employees , the task

thereof is: retaining democracy and securing material benefits for the employees , assisting JOINT

VENTURE to arrange and properly make use of the funds in respect of welfare or awards ,

organizing employees to gather political , professional , scien tific or technical knowledge and carry

out literary , artis tic and physical activities , educating employees to observe labor disciplines and

accomplish all economic tasks assigned by JOINT VENTURE .

第六十三条 合营公司工会代表职工和合营公司签订劳动合同 ,并监督合同的执行。

63. The t rade union in JOINT VENTU RE shall , on behalf of the employees , sign labor

contracts with JOINT VENTURE and supervise the execution thereof .

第六十四条 合营公司工会负责人有权列席有关讨论合营公司的发展规划、生产经营活

动等问题的董事会会议 ,反映职工的意见和要求。

64. The leader ( s ) of the t rade union in JOINT VENTURE has/ have the privilege of

attending the meetings of the Board of Directors with regard to development projects , production ,

business , etc .as( a) non - voting delegate ( s) to present suggestions and demands at meetings for

the employees .

第六十五条 合营公司工会参加调解职工和合营公司之间发生的争议。

65. The trade union in JOINT VENTU RE shall be involved in the mediation and

conciliation of labor disputes .

第六十六条 合营公司每月按合营公司职工实际工资总额的百分之二拨交工会经费。合


66. JOINT VENTURE shall appropriate to the t rade union funds every month at the rate of

2% of the actual wage footings this month of the employees of JOINT VENTURE .The t rade

union in JOINT VENTURE shall use this sum of money under Provisions of Management of

Trade Union Funds by the State Trade Union of China .

第十章 期限、终止、清算


第六十七条 合营期限为 - 藱 年。自营业执照签发之日起计算。

67. The term of JOINT VENTURE is - �; , beginning from the day whereon the

business license is issued .

第六十八条 甲、乙方如一致同意延长合营期限 , 经董事会会议作出决议 , 应在合营期满

前六个月向原审批机构提交书面申请 , 经批准后方能延长 , 并向原登记机构办理变更登记



68. Where both parties agree to extend the time of co - operation , the term of JOINT

VENTURE may still not be extended unless by the resolution of the Board of Directors a written

application is submitted to the original ratifying agency six months prior to the maturity of the

co - operation agreement and is gran ted thereby .The regist ration shall be renewed at the original

registry office .

第六十九条 甲、乙方如一致认为终止合营符合各方最大利益时 , 可提前终止合营。合营

公司提前终止合营 ,需董事会召开全体会议作出决定并报原审批机构批准。

69. Where both parties agree that termination of JOINT VENTURE will best benefit each

par ty respectively , they may cancel JOINT VENTURE before the date of expiration .JOINT

VENTURE shall not be cancelled before the date of expiration unless a resolution thereabout

made at the general meeting of Directors and then submit ted to and approved by the original

examining and approving agency .

第七十条 发生下列情况之一时 ,甲、乙任何一方有权依法终止合营。

(注 : 每个合资企业可根据自己的情况而定。)

70. Any par ty is en titled to terminate the co - operation where any case as follows occurs:

第七十一条 合营期满或提前终止合营时 ,董事会应提出清算程序、原则和清算委员会人

选 ,组成清算委员会 , 对合营公司财产进行清算。

71. Where JOINT VENTURE is wound up or terminated before the date of expiration , the

Board of Directors shall put forward the liquidation procedure and principles , nominate the

candidates of the liquidation commission , and divide up the assets of JOINT VENTURE .

第七十二条 清算委员会任务是对合营公司的财产、债权、债务进行全面清查 ,编制资产

负债表和财产目录 ,制定清算方案 , 提请董事会通过后执行。

72. The task of the liquidation commission is to examine and check the assets of JOINT

VENTURE, investigate the liabilities and obligations thereof , work out the balance sheet and

general inventory , draw up the liquidation program and remit if to the Board of Directors for

adoption before it is carried out .

第七十三条 清算期间 ,清算委员会代表公司起诉或应诉。

73. While in liquidation , the liquidation commission shall , on behalf of JOINT VETURE , act

in any legal proceedings .

第七十四条 清算费用和清算委员会成员的酬劳应从合营公司现存财产中优先支付。

74. Priority shall be given to the payment of liquidation expenses and the rewards of the

members of the liquidation commission ,out of the existing assets of JOINT VENTURE .

第七十五条 清算委员会对合营公司的债务全部清偿后所剩余的财产按甲、乙方在注册


75. The liquidation commission shall , after all the debts of JOINT VENTURE have been

paid off , divide the remaining assets between Par ty A and Party B according to their shares in the

investment capital respectively .

第七十六条 清算结束后 ,合营公司应向审批机构提出报告 , 并向原登记机构办理注销登

记手续 ,缴回营业执照 , 同时对外公告。

76. JOINT VENTURE shall , where liquidation ends , report to the original approving


agency , undergo de - registration procedures in the original registering office, hand in the business

license for cancellation and make a public announcement .

第七十七条 合营公司结业后 ,其各种账册 , 由甲方保存。

77. All the account books shall , where JOINT VENTURE expires , be kept by Party A .

第十一章 规 章 制 度


第七十八条 合营公司董事会制定的规章制度有 :

78. The rules and regulations made by the Board of Directors of JOINT VENTURE include:

(1 ) 经营管理制度 , 包括所属各个管理部门的职权与工作程序 ;

A. Business administration regulations , including those in respect of the functions and powers

of all sub - sectors and the work procedures;

(2 ) 职工守则 ;

B. Employees regulations;

(3 ) 劳动工资制度 ;

C. Manpower and payment regulations;

(4 ) 职工考勤、升级与奖惩制度 ;

D. Employees�at tendance, promotion , reward and punishment regulations;

(5 ) 职工福利制度 ;

E. Employees�welfare regulations;

(6 ) 财务制度 ;

F. Finance rules;

(7 ) 公司解散时的清算程序 ;

G. Liquidation procedures where JOINT VENTURE dissolves;

(8 ) 其他必要的规章制度。

H. Other rules and regulations where necessary .

第十二章 附 则


第七十九条 本章程的修改 ,必须经董事会会议一致通过决议 , 并报原审批机构批准。

79. Any modification of this Ar ticles of Association shall be adopted by the Board of

Directors by unanimous resolu tion and shall be repor ted to and ratified by the original approving

agency .

第八十条 本章程用中文和 - �; 文书写 , 两种文本具有同等效力。上述两种文本如

有不符 ,以中文本为准。

80. These Ar ticles of Association are written in Chinese and the - � language , both

texts are of the same effect , where any difference in meanings occurs with the two tex ts , the

Chinese text shall be superior .


第八十一条 本章程须由中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部 (或其委托的审批机构 ) 批准才


81. These Ar ticles of Association will not take effect unless they are ratified by the Foreign

Economic and Trade Department ( or a delegated checking and approving agency thereof) .

第八十二条 本章程于 20 - 笣 年 - 笣 月 - 笣 日由甲、乙双方的授权代表在中

国 - �? 签字。

82. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the authorized representatives of both the parties hereto

have hereunto set their hands at - 簝 , China, on - 簝 day of - 簝 , 20 - 簝 .

中国 - 磺 公司代表

(签字 ) t- 磺

国 - 磺 公司代表

(签字 ) - ��

Corporation , China - �� Corporation , - ��

BY( L .S .)

Authorized RepresentativeBY

( l .S .)

Authorized Representative


国际股份有限公司管理条例 ( 中英文对照 )



(参考文本 )


释 义

1. In these Regulations


“Act”means the Companies Act;

“法规”(Act )指《公司法》;

“seal”means the common seal of the company;

“印鉴”指公司的通常印鉴 ;

“secretary”means any person appointed to perform the duties of a secretary of the company;

“书记员”( secretary)指任何被指派履行公司书记员职务的人 ;

expressions referring to writing shall , unless the cont rary in ten tion appears , be construed as

including references to printing , lithography , photography and other modes of representing or

reproducing words in a visible form;

如无相反旨意 ,书面表达形式应解释为包括铅印、版印、影印及其他以可见形式呈现或复

制文字的模式 ;

words or expressions contained in these Regulations shall be in terpreted in accordance with

the provisions of the Interpretation Act , and of the Act as in force at the date at which these

Regulations become binding on the company .



Share capital and variation of rights


2. Without prejudice to any special righ ts previously conferred on the holders of any existing

shares or class of shares but subject to the Act , shares in the company may be issued by the

directors and any such shares may be issued with such preferred , deferred , or other special righ ts or

such restrictions , whether in regard to dividend , voting , return of capital , or otherwise, as the


directors , subject to any ordinary resolution of the company , determine .

二、根据《公司法》规定 , 董事会可发行公司股票 , 所发行的股票可附有董事会按公司通常

决议所决定的有关红利、投票、资本利润率 ,或其他事项的优先、延期 ,或其他特殊权利或限制 ,


3. Subject to the Act, any preference shares may, with the sanction of an ordinary resolution ,

be issued on the terms that they are, or at the option of the company are liable, to be redeemed .

三、根据《公司法》, 经一般决议通过 ,任何优先股均可发行为可赎股份 , 或按公司意愿 , 发


4. If at any time the share capital is divided in to different classes of shares , the rights

attached to any class( unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class)

may , whether or not the company is being wound up , be varied with the consent in writing of the

holders of 75% of the issued shares of that class , or with the sanction of a special resolution passed

at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of the class . To every such separate

general meeting the provisions of these Regulations relating to general meetings shall mutatis

mutandis apply , but so that the necessary quorum shall be two persons at least holding or

represen ting by proxy one - third of the issued shares of the class and that any holder of shares of

the class presen t in person or by proxy may demand a poll .

四、当股份资本分为不同种类的股票时 , 每种股票所附带的权利 ( 除非该种股票的发行条

件另有规定 ) , 经该种发行股票 75%的股民书面认可 , 或经该种股票股民召开股东特别大会通

过决议专门许可 ,则可以变更。本章程有关股东大会的规定在细节上作必要修改后可适用于

此种股东特别大会 ,但会议法定人数至少必须为两人 , 持有或代表该发行股票三分之一的股

份 ,且任何参加大会的股东或股东代表均可要求进行投票。

5. The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or

other righ ts shall , unless otherwise expressly provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that

class , be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking equally therewith .

五、股民所拥有的优先股的权利或其他权利 , 除非股票发行条款另有明文规定 ,均应视为


6. The company may exercise the powers of paying commissions conferred by the Act , pro-

vided that the rate per cent or the amount of the commission paid or agreed to be paid shall be dis-

closed in the manner required by the Act and the commission shall not exceed the rate of 10% of

the price at which the shares in respect whereof the same is paid are issued or an amount equal to

10 % of that price (as the case may be) .Such commission may be satisfied by the payment of cash

or the allotment of fully or partly paid shares or partly in one way and partly in the other .The

company may also on any issue of shares pay such brokerage as may be lawful .

六、公司有权按《公司法》规定支付佣金 , 但应将支付或同意支付的佣金比率或数额按《公

司法》规定的方式予以披露 , 且佣金比率不得超过有关股份发行价格的 10% , 或佣金数额不得

超过等同于该发行价格 10%的数额 (依情况而定 )。此种佣金可用现金支付 , 或用缴清股款或

缴清部分股款的股票支付 ,或部分用现金部分用股票支付。在每次发行股票时 , 公司也可依法


7. Except as required by law, no person shall be recognized by the company as holding any


share upon any trust , and the company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to recog-

nize ( even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, fu ture or partial in terest in any

share or unit of a share or (except only as by these Regulations or by law otherwise provided ) any

other righ ts in respect of any share except an absolute righ t to the entirety thereof in the

registered holder .

七、除非法律另有规定 , 公司不承认任何人按信托持有任何股份 , 公司无义务或责任承认

(即使作出有关通知 ) 任何股票或股票单位所附的衡平法上的权益 ,或有权益、未来权益或部分

权益 (除非本章程或法律另有规定 ) 或与任何股票有关的任何其他权益 , 注册股东享有的总体


8. Every person whose name is entered as a member in the register of members shall be enti-

tled without payment to receive a certificate under the seal of the company in accordance with the

Act but in respect of a share or shares held jointly by several persons the company shall not be

bound to issue more than one certificate, and delivery of a certificate for a share to one of several

join t holders shall be sufficient delivery to all such holders .

八、根据《公司法》规定 , 凡注册登记的股民均有权免费得到盖有公司印记的股权证 , 就数

人持一股或数股情况而言 ,公司无义务向所有联合股东发放卡证 , 每股只需向其中一个股东发



留 置 权

9. The company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share ( not being a fully paid

share)for all money (whether presen tly payable or not ) called or payable at a fixed time in respect

of that share, and the company shall also have a first and paramount lien on all shares ( other than

fully paid shares) registered in the name of a single person for all money presently payable by him

or his estate to the company; but the directors may at any time declare any share to be wholly or in

par t exempt from the provisions of this regulation .T he company�s lien , if any , on a share shall

extend to all dividends payable thereon .

九、对所有已经催缴的或在规定时间应缴的股款 ( 不管目前是否应缴 )的股份 ( 未缴清股款

的股份 ) , 公司都享有优先留置权 ,对所有以个人名义登记的 , 目前应由他或用他的财产向公司

支付股款的所有股份 (缴清股款的股份除外 ) ,公司也享有优先留置权 ; 但董事会可随时宣布任

何股份全部或部分不受本章程规定约束。公司对股份享有的留置权 ,如果有 , 应当扩大适用到


10. The company may sell , in such manner as the directors think fit , any shares on which the

company has a lien , but no sale shall be made unless a sum in respect of which the lien exists is

presently payable , nor until the expiration of 14 days after a notice in writing , stating and demand-

ing payment of such part of the amount in respect of which the lien exists as is presently payable,

has been given to the registered holder for the time being of the share ,or the person entitled there-

to by reason of his death or bankruptcy .

十、公司可按董事会认为适当的方式出售公司享有留置权的股份 , 但只有当与留置权有关


的一笔款项到期应付后 ,或在将要求支付与留置权有关的应付部分款项的书面通知送交注册

股东 ,或因股东死亡或破产而送交有权接收股份的人 14 天后方可进行出售。

11. To give effect to any such sale the directors may authorize some person to transfer the

shares sold to the purchaser thereof .The purchaser shall be registered as the holder of the shares

comprised in any such t ransfer , and he shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase

money , nor shall his title to the shares be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceed-

ings in reference to the sale .

十一、为执行此种销售 , 董事会可授权某人将所售股份转让给买方。买方应登记作为所转

让股份的股东 ,他无义务负责购买资金的使用 , 他对股份的所有权也不得因销售程序的不正规


12. The proceeds of the sale shall be received by the company and applied in payment of such

par t of the amount in respect of which the lien exists as is presently payable, and the residue , if

any , shall ( subject to a like lien for sums not presently payable as existed upon the shares before

the sale) be paid to the person entitled to the shares at the date of the sale .

十二、销售所得应由公司接收 ,用于支付所属留置部分现已到期应付的款项 , 如有剩余 ,应当

(扣除在出售前同样属于留置款项 ,但目前尚还未到期的款额 )交付给在销售之日股份的持有人。

13. The directors may from time make calls upon the members in respect of any money un-

paid on their shares ( whether on account of the nominal value of the shares or by way of premi-

um )and not by the conditions of allotment thereof made payable at fixed times , provided that no

call shall exceed 25% of the nominal value of the share or be payable at less than one month from

the date fixed for the payment of the last preceding call , and each member shall ( subject to receiv-

ing at least 14 days�notice specifying the time or times and place of payment ) pay to the company

at the time or times and place so specified the amount called on his shares .A call may be revoked

or postponed as the directors may determine .

十三、董事会可随时向股东催缴股款 ( 不论是就票面价值或是溢价 ) , 而不必按股票分配条

款规定的期限 ,只要催缴的款额未超过股票票面价值的 25 % ,或缴款日期超过上次催缴所定

支付日期一个月 ,所有股东必须 ( 但至少得在 14 天前收到通知 , 说明缴款的时间或地点 )在规


14. A call shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the resolution of the directors

authorizing the call was passed and may be required to be paid by installments .

十四、催缴股款通知应被视为是在董事会通过催缴通知决议时已经发出 , 且可规定分期


15. The joint holders of a share shall be join tly and severally liable to pay all calls in respect

thereof .


16. If a sum called in respect of a share is not paid before or on the day appoin ted for

payment thereof , the person from whom the sum is due shall pay interest on the sum from the day

appointed for payment thereof to the time of actual payment at such rate not exceeding 8 % per

annum as the directors may determine, but the directors shall be at liberty to waive payment of

that interest wholly or in par t .


十六、如果在规定之日没有缴清所催缴的某笔股款 , 应缴股款的人应缴纳从规定缴款之日

起到事实上缴清款项之时为止的利息 , 年利率不得超过本金的 8% , 数目由董事会决定 , 但董


17. Any sum which by the terms of issue of a share becomes payable on allotment or at any

fixed date, whether on account of the nominal value of the share or by way of premium , shall for

the purposes of these Regulations be deemed to be a call duly made and payable on the date on

which by the terms of issue the same becomes payable, and in case of non - payment all the

relevant provisions of these Regulations as to payment of in terest and expenses , forfeiture, or

otherwise shall apply as if the sum had become payable by vir tue of a call duly made and notified .

十七、凡按股票发行条款规定在分配时或在某一规定日期应缴纳的股款 , 不论是票面价值

或溢价 ,根据本章程规定 , 均应视为是发有正式催缴通知 , 且应在股票发行条款规定的日期予

以缴款 ,倘若不缴 , 应视正式催缴股款后款项到期支付的情况而适用本章程所有有关利息和各


18. The directors may, on the issue of shares , differentiate between the holders as to the

amount of calls to be paid and the times of payment .

十八、一旦股票发行 , 董事会便可按所催缴股款的数额和支付时间区分股东。

19.The directors may, if they think fit , receive from any member willing to advance the same

all or any par t of the money uncalled and unpaid upon any shares held by him , and upon all or any

par t of the money so advanced may ( until the same would , but for the advance, become payable)

pay in terest at such rate not exceeding ( unless the company in general meeting shall otherwise

direct ) 8% per annum as may be agreed upon between the directors and the member paying the

sum in advance .

十九、只要认为恰当 , 董事会可接收股东自愿提前缴纳的未经催缴的全部或部分股款 , 且

就提前缴纳的全部或部分股款支付利息 (直到如不提前交付 , 该股款到期应付为止 ) , 年利率不

得超过 (公司股东大会另有决议除外 ) 8% , 具体可由董事会和股东在提前缴款时协商。

Transfer of shares

股 份 转 让

20. Subject to these Regulations , any member may t ransfer all or any of his shares by

inst rument in writing in any usual or common form or in any other form which the directors may

approve . The instrument shall be executed by or on behalf of the transferor and the transferor

shall remain the holder of the shares transferred until the t ransfer is registered and the name of the

t ransferee is entered in the register of members in respect thereof .

二十、根据本章程规定 , 任何股东均可转让其全部或部分股份 , 转让应经通常或一般形式

或董事会同意的其他形式的书面文件进行。文件可由转让人或其代理人做成 , 转让人对股份


21. The instrument of t ransfer must be left for regist ration at the registered office of the

company together with such fee, not exceeding |S 1 as the directors from time to time may require,

accompanied by the certificate of the shares to which it relates and such other evidence as the


directors may reasonably require to show the right of the transferor to make the t ransfer , and

thereupon the company shall subject to the powers vested in the directors by these Regulations

register the transferee as a shareholder and retain the instrument of t ransfer .

二十一、转让文书必须交公司登记处登记 , 同时缴纳登记费 ,登记费不得超过 1 美元 , 董事

会可随时规定 ,转让时还得带上有关的股权证和董事会随时可能合理规定表明转让人有权转

让股权的其他证据 ,根据这些证据 , 公司将按董事会根据本章程赋予的权力登记受让人作为股

东 ,并将转让文件保留。

22. The directors may decline to register any transfer of shares , not being fully paid shares to

a person of whom they do not approve and may also decline to register any transfer of shares on

which the company has a lien .

二十二、董事会可拒绝登记将股份、未完全缴清股款的股份转让给其不赞成的人 , 并可拒


23. The registration of transfers may be suspended at such times and for such periods as the

directors may from time to time determine not exceeding in the whole 30 days in any year .

二十三、董事会可随时决定从某时起暂时中止一段时间登记转让 , 但每年中止转让登记的

日期总和不得超过 30 天。

Transmission of shares

股 份 过 户

24. In case of the death of a member the survivor or survivors where the deceased was a joint

holder , and the legal personal represen tatives of the deceased where he was a sole holder , shall be

the only persons recognized by the company as having any title to his interest in the shares; but

nothing herein contained shall release the estate of a deceased joint holder from any liability in

respect of any share which had been jointly held by him with other persons .

二十四、当一股东死亡 , 如果死亡股东是个联合持股人 , 公司应承认其他联合股东有权享

有股份权益 ,如果死亡股东为单独持股人 , 则其法定个人代表有权享有股份权益 ; 但不得适用


25. Any person becoming entitled to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a

member may , upon such evidence being produced as may from time to time properly be required

by the directors and subject as hereinafter provided , elect either to be registered himself as holder

of the share or to have some person nominated by him registered as the transferee thereof, but the

directors shall , in either case, have the same right to decline or suspend registration as they would

have had in the case of a transfer of the share by that member before his death or bankruptcy .

二十五、凡因股东死亡或破产而取得股份所有权的人 , 一旦出示董事会随时正当要求出示

的证据 ,可按以下规定 , 或自己登记作为股东 ,或提名让某人登记作为受让人 , 但这两种情况 ,

董事会均有权按该股东死亡或破产前转让其股份时的情况一样 ,拒绝或中止登记。

26. If the person so becoming entitled elects to be registered himself , he shall deliver or send

to the company a notice in writing signed by him stating that he so elects .If he elects to have

another person registered he shall testify his election by executing to that person a t ransfer of the


share .All the limitations , restrictions, and provisions of these Regulations relating to the right to

t ransfer and the registration of transfers of shares shall be applicable to any such notice or transfer

as aforesaid as if the death or bankruptcy of the member had not occurred and the notice or

t ransfer were a transfer signed by that member .

二十六、如取得所有权的人要自己登记作为股东 , 他必须向公司送达亲自签署的书面通

知 ,说明他的选择。如果他选择让他人登记 , 他必须给他人制作一份股份转让书以证明他的选


转让书 ,就像原股东未死亡或未破产而由该股东自己签署通知书或转让书一样。

Forfeiture of shares


27. If a member fails to pay any call or installment of a call on the day appoin ted for payment

thereof, the directors may, at any time thereafter during such time as any part of the call or

installment remains unpaid serve a notice on him requiring payment of so much of the call or

installment as is unpaid , together with any interest which may have accrued .

二十七、如果股东在规定缴款的日期没有缴付催缴的股款或分期缴付的股款 , 此后 , 董事

会可在未缴清催缴股款期内的任何时间向股东送达通知 , 要求他缴付未交足的催款或分期股

款 ,以及可能已经产生的利息。

28. The notice shall name a further day ( not earlier than the expiration of 14 days from the

date of service of the notice) on or before which the payment required by the notice is to be made,

and shall state that in the event of non - payment at or before the time appointed the shares in

respect of which the call was made will be liable to be forfeited .

二十八、通知上应另定一个日期 ( 从送达通知之日算起 ,至少得 14 天之后 ) , 规定应在该日

或之前缴纳股款 ,并规定如果在规定之日或之前不予缴纳 , 所催缴股款的股份应被没收。

29. If the requirements of any such notice as aforesaid are not complied with , any share in

respect of which the notice has been given may at any time thereafter , before the payment required

by the notice has been made , be forfeited by a resolu tion of the directors to that effect .Such

forfeiture shall include all dividends declared in respect of the forfeited shares and not actually paid

before the forfeiture .

二十九、如果不遵守上述通知书上的规定 , 在此之后 ,在通知的股款未缴清之前 , 可随时根


经宣布 ,但在没收前尚未真正支付的红利。

30. A forfeited share may be sold or otherwise disposed of on such terms and in such manner

as the directors think fit , and at any time before a sale or disposition the forfeiture may be

cancelled on such terms as the directors think fit .

三十、被没收的股份可以出售或按董事会认为恰当的条件和方式予以处置 , 如董事会认为

恰当 ,可在出售或处置之前随时取消没收。

31. A person whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to be a member in respect of the

forfeited shares , but shall , notwithstanding , remain liable to pay to the company all money which ,


at the date of forfeiture, was payable by him to the company in respect of the shares ( together

with in terest at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of forfeiture on the money for the time

being unpaid if the directors think fit to enforce payment of such in terest ) , bu t his liability shall

cease if and when the company receives payment in full of all such money in respect of the shares .

三十一、凡股份被没收的人将不再是被没收股份的股东 , 但他仍然应负责支付至没收之日

应由他向公司支付的有关股份的所有款额 (连同年利率为 8 %的就该笔未偿付款额利息 ,从没

收之日算起 ,如果董事会认为应当支付此种利息 ) ,但如果他缴足所有有关股份的此种款项 , 其


32. A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is a director or the secretary of the

company, and that a share in the company has been duly forfeited on a date stated in the

declaration , shall be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated as against all persons claiming to

be entitled to the share .

三十二、制作一份书面声明 , 说明声明人是公司的一名董事或书记 , 并声明公司的某一股

份已经在声明书中所述的日期被合法没收 ,该书面声明将是证明所有声明事实属实 , 任何人也


33. The company may receive the consideration , if any , given for a forfeited share on any sale

or disposition thereof and may execute a t ransfer of the share in favor of the person to whom the

shares is sold or disposed of and he shall thereupon be registered as the holder of the share , and

shall not be bound to see to the application purchase money , if any , nor shall his title to the share

be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings in reference of the forfeiture sale, or

disposal of the share .

三十三、出售或处置股份如有所得 , 公司可以接受 ,且可向股份购买人或接受处置股份的

人签发转让书 ,凭此他可登记作为股东 , 如果有购买资金 ,他无义务负责资金的使用 , 他对股份


34. The provisions of these Regulations as to forfeiture shall apply in the case of non -

payment of any sum which , by the terms of issue of a share, becomes payable at a fixed time,

whether on account of the nominal value of the share or by way of premium , as if the same had

been payable by vir tue of a call duly made and notified .


付的情况 ,不管款项是按股票票面价值或是按溢价计算 , 正如正式催缴股款并通知而应予以支


Conversion of shares into stock


35. The company may by ordinary resolution passed at a general meeting convert any paid -

up shares into stock and reconver t any stock into paid - up shares of any denomination .

三十五、公司可经股东大会普通决议通过 , 将缴足股本的股票转变成证券以及将任何证券


36. The holders of stock may t ransfer the same or any par t thereof in the same manner and


subject to the same regulations as and subject to which the shares from which the stock arose

might previously to conversion have been t ransferred or as near thereto as circumstances admit ; but

the directors may from time to time fix the minimum amount of stock transferable and rest rict or

forbid the transfer of fractions of that minimum , but the minimum shall not exceed the nominal

amount of the shares from which the stock arose .

三十六、根据转变成证券前股票的转让规则以及方式 , 或按情况按近似规则或方式 , 证券

持有人可将全部或部分证券予以转让 ;但董事会可随时决定转让证券的最低数额 , 并限制或禁

止把此数额分零转让 ,但最低数额不得超过转换成证券的股票的面额。

37. The holders of stock shall according to the amount of the stock held by them have the

same rights , privileges and advantages as regards dividends , voting at meetings of the company and

other mat ters as if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but no such privilege or

advantage(except par ticipation in the dividends and profits of the company and in the assets on

winding up) shall be conferred by any such aliquot part of stock which would not if existing in

shares have conferred that privilege or advantage .

三十七、证券持有人应按所持证券的数额 , 享有如同持有转换证券的股票的股东享有的有

关红利分配、在公司会议上投票以及就其他事项的权利和特权 , 但部分证券持有权不赋有此种

特权或权益 (除参与公司红利和利益的分配以及参与公司解散时的资产分配外 ) , 因为即使是


38. Such of the regulations of the company as are applicable to paid - up shares shall apply to

stock , and the words“share”and“shareholder”therein shall include“stock”and“stockholder”.

三十八、凡适用于缴足股本股票的公司规则也应适用于证券 , 规则中的“股票”和“股东”两


Alteration of capital


39. The company may from time to time by ordinary resolution :

三十九、经普通决议公司可随时 :

(a ) increase the share capital by such sum to be divided into shares of such amount as the

resolu tion shall prescribe ;

(1 ) 将股本增加到等同于决议所规定的股额和股数的数额 ;

( b) consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of larger amount than its

existing shares;

(2 ) 将全部或部分股金合并或划分成数额大于现有股份的股份 ;

(c) subdivide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the

memorandum; so however that in the subdivision the proportion between the amount paid and the

amount ( if any) unpaid on each reduced share shall be the same as it was in the case of the share

from which the reduced share is derived;

(3 ) 将全部或部分股份划分成数额小于通知所规定的股份 ; 不管任何划分 ,被划小的股份

已经缴纳 (如果有 ) 和未缴纳股款的比例应与股份未划分前的比例相同 ;


(d) cancel shares which at the date of the passing of the resolution in that behalf have not

been taken or agreed to be taken by any person or which have been forfeited and diminish the

amount of its share capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled .

(4 ) 取消在决议通过之日尚未被人认领或同意认领的股份 , 或已经被没收的股份 , 并通过


40. Subject to any direction to the contrary that may be given by the company in general

meeting , all new shares shall , before issue, be offered to such persons as at the date of the offer are

entitled to receive notices from the company of general meetings in propor tion , as nearly as the

circumstances admit , to the amount of the existing shares to which they are entitled .The offer

shall be made by notice specifying the number of shares offered , and limiting a time within which

the offer , if not accepted , will be deemed to be declined , and , after the expiration of that time, or

on the receipt of an in timation from the person to whom the offer is made that he declines to

accept the shares offered , the directors may dispose of those shares in such manner as they think

most beneficial to the company .The directors may likewise so dispose of any new shares which

( by reason of the ratio which the new shares bear to shares held by persons entitled to an offer of

new shares) cannot, in the opinion of the directors , be conveniently offered under this regulation .

四十、根据股东大会可能会作出的任何相反的决定 , 所有新股在发行之前 , 均得向在招股

之日 ,有权得到公司股东大会通知的人进行招股 , 招股按他们现有股份的比例进行。招股应发

放通知 ,具体说明出售股份的数额及招股的期限 , 倘若不接受邀请 , 则视为拒绝 , 期限一过 , 或

从被招股人处收到通知 ,说他拒绝接受所要约的股份 , 董事会可按其认为最有利于公司的方式

处置这些股份。董事会同样可以处置董事会认为按本章程不便作招股邀请的 ( 按新股与有权

得到出售新股邀请的人所持股的比例计算 )任何新股。

41. The company may by special resolution reduce its share capital , any capital redemption

reserve fund or any share premium account in any manner and with , and subject to , any incident

authorized , and consent required by law .

四十一、经特别决议 , 公司可用任何方式和因为或根据法律所核准、同意和规定的任何附

带条件而裁减股本 ,偿还资本准备基金或股份溢价账户。

General meetings

股 东 大 会

42. An annual general meeting of the company shall be held in accordance with the

provisions of the Act . All general meetings other than the annual general shall be called

ext raordinary general meetings .



43. Any director may , whenever he thinks fit , convene an ext raordinary general meeting ,

and extraordinary general meetings shall be convened on such requisition or in default may be

convened by such requisitionists as provided by the Act .

四十三、只要认为恰当 , 任何董事均可提请召开临时股东大会 , 临时股东大会应经董事提


请召开 ,或如无董事提请 , 可由《公司法》所规定的提请人提请召开。

44. Subject to the provisions of the Act relating to special resolutions and agreements for

shorter notice, 14 days�notice at the least ( exclusive of the day on which the notice is served or

deemed to be served, but inclusive of the day for which notice is given ) specifying the place, the

day and the hour of meeting and in case of special business the general nature of that business shall

be given to such persons as are entitled to receive such notices from the company .

四十四、根据《公司法》有关特别决议以及简短通知的决议 , 至少应在 14 天前 ( 通知送出或

认为送出之日除外 ,但包括通知送达之日 ) 向有权从公司得到此种通知的人士发放通知 , 说明

开会地点、日期和时间 , 如果是有关特别议题 ,还应说明议题的大概性质。

45. All business shall be special that is transacted at an extraordinary general meeting , and

also all that is transacted at an annual general meeting , with the exception of declaring a dividend ,

the consideration of the accounts , balance sheets , and the repor t of the directors and auditors, the

election of directors in the place of those retiring , and the appoin tment and fixing of the

remuneration of the auditors .

四十五、临时股东大会讨论的议题必须都是特别议题 , 股东年会讨论的议题 ,除公布股息、


定其酬金等之外 ,也都如此。

Proceedings at general meetings


46. No business shall be t ransacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of members is

present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business .Except as herein otherwise provided ,

two members presen t in person shall form a quorum .For the purposes of this regulation“member”

includes a person attending as a proxy or as representing a corporation which is a member .

四十六、在大会讨论议题时 , 如出席大会的股东未达到法定人数 , 股东大会不能处理任何

议题。除非本章程另有规定 ,否则两名股东亲自到场即构成法定人数。按本章程的意思 ,“股


47. If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not presen t ,

the meeting , if convened upon the requisition of members , shall be dissolved; in any other case it

shall s tand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place ,or to such other

day and at such other time and place as the directors amy determine .

四十七、如在开会时间过后半小时内出席会议的人仍达不到法定人数 , 且本次会议是经股

东提请召开的 ,则此次会议应当解散 ; 在其他情况 , 会议应延期到下周同一天同一时间同一地

点召开 ,或延期至董事会决定的日期、时间和地点召开。

48. The chairman , if any ,of the board of directors shall preside as chairman at every general

meeting of the company ,or if there is no such chairman ,or if he is not present within 15 minutes

after the time appointed for the holding of the meeting or is unwilling to act , the members present

shall elect one of their number to be chairman of the meeting .

四十八、董事会如有董事长 , 应由他作为主席主持每次的公司股东大会 ,如果没有董事长 ,


或如果开会时间过后 15 分钟内他没有出席会议或他不愿主持会议 , 出席会议的股东应推选他


49. The chairman may , with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present , and

shall if so directed by the meeting , adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place,

but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left

unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place .When a meeting is adjourned

for 30 days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original

meeting .Except as aforesaid it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment meeting

shall be given as in the case of an original meeting .Except as aforesaid it shall not be necessary to

give any notice of an adjournment or of the business to be transacted at an adjourned meeting .

四十九、经达到法定人数大会的批准主席可以 , 如经大会指示主席应该 , 随时随地中止会

议 ,但除了上次会议遗留未决的议题外 , 延期大会不得处理任何议题。如果大会延期长达 30

天或以上 ,如同初次开会一样必须送发延期会议通知。除上述规定外 , 不必因延期会议或因在


50. At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a

show of hands unless a poll is ( before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands)


五十、凡交股东大会表决的决议均应通过举手表决予以决定 , 除非 (在宣布举手表决结果

之前或刚宣布结果后 ) :

(a ) by the chairman;

(1 ) 由主席要求投票表决 ;

( b) by at least 3 members present in person or by proxy;

(2 ) 由最少 3 名亲自或代理出席大会的股东要求投票表决 ;

(c ) by any member or members present in person or by proxy and representing not less than

10 % of the total voting rights of all the members having the righ t to vote at the meeting ; or

( 3) 由占出席会议具有投票权的股东的总投票权 10 %或以上亲自或代理出席大会的股东

或股东们要求投票表决 ;或

( d) by a member or members holding shares in the company conferring a right to vote at the

meeting being shares on which an aggregate sum has been paid up equal to not less than 10% of

the total sum paid up on all the shares conferring that right .

(4 ) 由出席大会且持有公司附有投票权股票 , 所交付股款总数不少于所有附有投票权股

票股款 10%的股东或股东们要求投票表决。

Unless a poll is so demanded a declaration by the chairman that a resolu tion has on a show of

hands been carried or carried unanimously , or by a particular majority , or lost , and an entry to that

effect in the book containing the minutes of the proceedings of the company shall be conclusive

evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favor of or

against the resolu tion .The demand for a poll may be withdrawn .

除非由此要求投票表决 ,否则将由大会主席宣布这一决议经举手表决一致或多数通过 , 或

被否决 ,并将结果记录在公司股东大会会议记录册中 , 作为确证 , 而赞成或反对决议的人数或



51. If a poll is duly demanded it shall be taken in such marner and either at once or after an

in terval or adjournment or otherwise as the chairman directs , and the result of the poll shall be the

resolu tion of the meeting at which the poll was demanded , but a poll demanded on the election of

a chairman or on a question of adjournment shall be taken for thwith .

五十一、如果正式要求投票 , 大会主席应决定立即或在休息或休会或其他情况之后以某种

方式进行 ,投票结果应作为要求投票表决那次大会的决议 , 要求选举大会主席或要求休会的投


52. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or on a poll , the chairman

of the meeting at which the show of hands takes place or at which the poll is demanded shall be

entitled to a second or casting vote .

五十二、不论是举手表决或是投票表决 , 如果表决票数相等 , 进行举手表决或要求进行投


53. Subject to any rights or rest rictions for the time being attached to any class or classes of

shares , at meetings of members or classes of members , each member entitled to vote may vote in

person or by proxy or by at torney and on a show of hands every person present who is a member

or a representative of a member shall have one vote, and on a poll every member present in person

or by proxy or by at torney or other duly authorized representative shall have one vote for each

share he holds .

五十三、根据目前某类或某些种类股票所附的权利或限制规定 , 在股东会议或某些股东的

会议上 ,凡有投票表决权的股东均可亲自或由人代理或由律师参加表决 , 在举手表决时 , 凡出

席会议的股东或股东代理人有一表决权 ,在投票表决时 , 出席会议的股东或股东代理人或其律


54. In the case of join t holders the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person

or by proxy , shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders; and for this

purpose seniority shall be determined by the order in which the names stand in the register of

members .

五十四、如果是联合联东 , 排列第一的联合股东所投的票 ,不论是亲自或由人代理 , 应被接

受而排除其他联合股东的投票 ;投票顺序应按股东名册的登记顺序而定。

55. A member who is of unsound mind or whose person or estate is liable to be dealt with in

any way under the law relating to mental disorder may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a

poll , by his committee or by such other person as properly has the management of his estate , and

any such committee or other person may vote by proxy or at torney .

五十五、精神不健康或其人身或财产应根据有关精神失常的法律予以处理的股东 , 在举手

或投票表决时 ,可由其监护人或对其财产具有合法管理权的其他人投票 , 此种监护人或其他人


56. No member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting unless all calls or other sums

presently payable by him in respect of shares in the company have been paid .

五十六、在未缴清所催缴的股款或其他目前应付公司的与股份有关的款项之前 , 任何股东


57. No objection shall be raised to the qualification of any voter except at the meeting or


adjourned meeting at which the vote objected to is given or tendered , and every vote not disallowed

at such meeting shall be valid for all purposes . Any such objection made in due time shall be

referred to the chairman of the meeting , whose decision shall be final and conclusive .

五十七、除在进行投票的大会或延期会议上提出之外 , 不得对任何投票人的资格提出任何

质疑 ,凡未在此种会议上被否决的投票均为完全有效。任何及时提出的质疑均应提交大会主

席 ,由主席作出最终和确切决定。

58. The inst rument appointing a proxy shall be in writing , in the common or usual form ,

under the hand of the appointer or of his attorney duly authorized in writing or , if the appointer is

a corporation , either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorized .A

proxy may but need not be a member of the company .The inst rument appoin ting a proxy shall be

deemed to confer authority to demand or join in demanding a poll .

五十八、委托代理文书应做成书面文件 ,用普通或通常格式 ,由委托人或其书面正式授权的

律师签字 ,如果委托人为法人 ,可盖公章或由一高级职员或正式授权的律师签字。代理人可以但


59. Where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of voting for or against a resolu tion

the inst rument appoin ting a proxy shall be in the following form or a form as near thereto as

circumstances admit :

五十九、如要表明股东投票赞成或反对一个决议 , 委托代理文书应按以下或依情况而按近

似以下的格式做成 :

I/ We, - 陆 , of - 陆 being a member/ members of the above named company ,

hereby appoin t - 胈 , of - 胈 , or failing him , - 胈

of - �� , - �� , as my/ our proxy to vote for me/ us on my/ our behalf at the [ annual or

ext raordinary , as the case may be] general meeting of the company , to be held on the - 模 day

of - 臙 20 - 臙 , and at any adjournment thereof .

Signed this - 喷 day of - 喷 20 - 喷 .

This form is to be used - 茐* in favor of the resolution .


* Strike out whichever is not desired .[ Unless otherwise instructed , the proxy may vote as

he thinks fit .]

我/ 我们 , (姓名 ) , ( 身份等 ) , 是上述公司的股东 , 特在此委托××× (如填律师事务所等 )

的××× ,或他无法接受委托 ,则委托×××的××× ,为我/ 我们的代理人 , 代表我/ 我们为我/

我们在(×××年会或临时大会 , 视情况填写 ) 20××年×月×日所举行的公司的股东大会及


于 20××年×月×日签字。

本文书用于 * 赞成/ 反对决议。

* 注 :划掉心中不赞成的一项。 ( 除非另有指示 ,否则代理人可以按他的意愿投票 )

60. The instrument appoin ting a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority , if any ,

under which it is signed or a notarially certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited


at the registered office of the company , or at such other place in Singapore as is specified for that

purpose in the notice convening the meeting , not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the

meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote, or ,

in the case of a poll , not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll , and

in default the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid .

六十、委托代理文书和授权委托书或其他授权文书 , 如果有 , 一经签字或业经公证的授权

文书副本应当在代理投票人参加的大会或延期会议召开 48 小时之前 , 或 ,如果是投票表决 , 在

规定的投票时间 24 小时之前呈送到公司的注册登记处 , 或呈送到会议通知书中专门规定的新

加坡的其他某个地方 ,如不送达 , 委托代理文书应视为无效。

61. A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy or attorney shall be

valid not withstanding the previous death or unsoundness of mind of the principal or revocation of

the instrument or of the authority under which the instrument was executed, or the transfer of

the share in respect of which the instrument is given , if no intimation in writing of such death ,

unsoundness of mind , revocation , or transfer as aforesaid has been received by the company at the

registered office before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the

inst rument is used .

六十一、尽管投票前委托人死亡或精神错乱或文书或制作文书的授权被撤销 , 或文书有关

的股份被转让 ,如果在文书所使用的大会或延期大会召开前 , 公司注册登记处尚未接到有关上

述此种死亡、精神错乱、撤销或转让的书面通知 ,按照委托代理或授权委托文书条款规定而进


Directors: Appointment, etc .

董事 ,任命 ,等

62. At the first annual general meeting of the company all the directors shall retire from

office , and at the annual general meeting in every subsequent year one - third of the directors for

the time being , or , if their number is not 3 or a multiple of 3 , then the number nearest one third ,

shall retire from office .

六十二、公司首届股东年会上所有的董事均应辞职 , 在以后所有下一年的年会上三分之一

的现任董事 ,或 , 如果董事数目不是 3 或 3 的倍数 ,则近似三分之一 , 应当辞职。

63. A retiring director shall be eligible for re - election .


64. The directors to retire in every year shall be those who have been longest in office since

their last election , but as between persons who became directors on the same day those to retire

shall ( unless they otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lot .

六十四、每年辞职的董事应为从上一次当选以来任职最久的董事 , 但如同时当选 , 谁应辞

职应 (除非他们自己相互达成协议 ) 通过抽签决定。

65. The company at the meeting at which a director so retires may fill the vacated office by

electing a person thereto , and in default the retiring director shall if offering himself for reelection

and not being disqualified under the Act from holding office as a director be deemed to have been


reelected , unless at that meeting it is expressly resolved not to fill the vacated office or unless a

resolu tion for the re - election of that director is put to the meeting and lost .

六十五、在董事辞职的会议上 , 公司可挑选一人填补空缺 ,如果没有人选 , 辞职董事如果自

荐参加连选 ,且根据《公司法》其有资格作为董事任职 , 该董事应被视为已经当选 , 除非在该会

议上明确决定不填补空缺 ,或除非将连选该董事的决议交大会讨论而未被通过。

66. The company may from time to time by ordinary resolution passed at a general meeting

increase or reduce the number of directors , and may also determine in what rotation the increased

or reduced number is to go out of office .

六十六、经股东大会普通决议通过公司可随时增加或裁减董事人数 , 并还可决定增加或减


67. The directors shall have power at any time, and from time to time, to appoin t any

person to be a director , either to fill a casual vacancy or as an addition to the existing directors ,

but so that the total number of directors shall not at any time exceed the number fixed in

accordance with these Regulations . Any director so appointed shall hold office only until the next

following annual general meeting , and shall then be eligible for re - election but shall not be taken

in to account in determining the directors who are to retire by rotation at that meeting .

六十七、董事会有权在任何时候 , 且随时 ,任命董事 , 以填补正常空缺或作为新添董事 , 但


年会 ,届时可以连选 , 但不得被当做在该大会上应轮流辞职的董事予以考虑。

68. The company may by ordinary resolu tion remove any director before the expiration of his

period of office, and may by an ordinary resolution appoint another person in his stead ; the person

so appointed shall be subject to retirement at the same time as if he had become a director on the

day on which the director in whose place he is appoin ted was last elected a director .

六十八、经普通决议通过 , 公司可在董事任职期满前免去任何董事的职务 , 且可经普通决

议通过任命他人接替其职务 ;如此被任命的人应在他所替代的董事应辞职的相同时间辞职 , 如


69. The remuneration of the directors shall from time to time be determined by the company

in general meeting . That remuneration shall be deemed to accrue from day to day . The directors

may also be paid all t ravelling , hotel , and other expenses properly incurred by them in attending

and returning from meetings of the directors or any commit tee of the directors or general meetings

of the company or in connection with the business of the company .




70. The shareholding qualification for directors may be fixed by the company in general

meeting .


71. The office of director shall become vacant if the director :

七十一、如果董事出现以下情况 , 应当免去董事职务 :

(a ) ceases to be a director by virtue of the Act ;


(1 ) 根据《公司法》规定终止作为董事 ;

( b) becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally ;

(2 ) 出现破产或与他的债权人签订了任何协议或和解协议 ;

(c ) becomes prohibited form being a director by reason of any order made under the Act ;

(3 ) 根据《公司法》所作出的命令被禁止作为董事 ;

( d) becomes disqualified from being a director by virtue of section 148 , 149 , 154 or 155;

(4 ) 根据第 148、149 和第 155 条的规定无资格作为董事 ;

(e ) becomes of unsound mind or a person whose person or estate is liable to be dealt with in

any way under the law relating to mental disorder ;

(5 ) 精神失常或其人身或财产应按有关精神错乱的法律予以处理 ;

( f) subject to section 145 , resigns his office by notice in writing to the company;

(6 ) 根据第 145 条规定 , 向公司递交了辞职通知 ;

( g) for more than 6 months is absent without permission of the directors from meetings of

the directors held during that period ;

(7 ) 未经董事会同意 6 个月以上未参加该期间举行的董事会会议 ;

( h) without the consent of the company in general meeting , holds any other office of profit

under the company except that of managing director or manager ; or

(8 ) 未经公司董事大会的批准 , 担任了公司其他有收益的职务 ,常务董事或经理除外 ; 或

( i) is directly or indirectly in terested in any contract or proposed cont ract with the company

and fails to declare the nature of his interest in manner required by the Act .

(9 ) 直接或间接与公司签订的或旨在签订的合同发生权益牵连 , 并未按《公司法》所规定


72. The business of the company shall be managed by the directors who may pay all expenses

incurred in promoting and registering the company , and may exercise all such powers of the com-

pany as are not , by the Act or by these Regulations , required to be exercised by the company in

general meeting , subject , nevertheless , to any of these Regulations , to the provisions of the Act,

and to such regulations , being not inconsistent with the aforesaid Regulations or provisions , as

may be prescribed by the company in general meeting ; but no regulation made by the company in

general meeting shall invalidate any prior act of the directors which would have been valid if that

regulation had not been made .

七十二、公司事务应由董事会管理 , 董事会应当支付公司创立和注册登记而发生的所有费

用 ,并可行使按《公司法》和本章程规定不由股东大会行使的公司权力 , 但不得与《公司法》的规

定和公司股东大会按上述章程和规定制定的条例相悖 ;公司股东大会所制定的任何条例均不


73. The directors may exercise all the powers of the company to borrow money and to mort-

gage or charge its undertaking , property, and uncalled capital , or any par t thereof , and to issue

debentures and other securities whether outrigh t or as security for any debt , liability , or obliga-

tion of the company or of any third party .

七十三、董事会可行使公司一切权力 , 如借贷 , 用公司企业、财产、和未催缴的股本或其任

何部分作抵押或抵账 ,以及发行债券或其他证券 , 不论是不附留置权的或是作为公司或任何第



74. The directors may exercise all the powers of the company in relation to any official seal

for use outside Singapore and in relation to branch registers .



75. The directors may from time to time by power of attorney appoin t any corporation ,

firm , or person or body of persons , whether nominated directly or indirectly by the directors, to

be the attorney or attorneys of the company for such purposes and with such powers , au thorities ,

and discretion ( not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the directors under these Regula-

tions) and for such period and subject to such conditions as they may think fit , and any such pow-

ers of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing

with any such attorney as the directors may think fit and may also authorize any such at torney to

delegate all or any of the powers, authorities , and discretion vested in him .

七十五、董事会可随时通过授权任命任何公司、商号、个人或团体 , 不论是由董事会间接或

直接提名 ,在董事会认为恰当的期限内和根据董事会认为恰当的条件担任公司的代理人 , 为达

到董事会认为恰当的目的和具有董事会认为恰当的权力、职权和自由酌处权 ( 不得超过本章程

规定的赋予董事会并由其行使的范畴 ) , 任何此种代理权均可能含有董事会认为恰当的为保护

和方便代理人而作出的规定 ,且可授权此种代理人转授他的全部或部分权力、职权以及自由酌


76. All cheques , promissory notes , drafts , bills of exchange, and other negotiable instru-

ments, and all receipts for money paid to the company , shall be signed , drawn , accepted ,

endorsed , or otherwise executed , as the case may be , by any two directors or in such other

manner as the directors from time to time determine .

七十六、所有支票、本票、汇票、兑换券以及其他流通票据 , 所有公司款项收据都应由两名

董事签字、签发、接收、背书 , 或按情况处理 ,或以董事会随时决定的其他方式处理。

77. The directors shall cause minutes to be made :

七十七、董事会应叫人记录 :

( a ) of all appointments of officers to be engaged in the management of the company�s affairs;

(1 ) 所有管理公司事务官员的任命 ;

( b) of names of directors presen t at all meetings of the company and of the directors .

(2 ) 出席公司所有会议和董事会会议的董事的姓名。

Such minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the proceedings were

held or by the chairman of the next succeeding meeting .


78. The directors may meet together for the dispatch of business , adjourn and otherwise reg-

ulate their meetings as they think fit . A director may at any time and the secretary shall on the

requisition of a director summon a meeting of the directors .


时提出召开董事会 ;经董事提请 , 书记应召开董事会。

79. Subject to these Regulations, questions arising at any meeting of directors shall be


decided by a majority of votes and a determination by a majority of directors shall for all purposes

be deemed a determination of the directors . In case of an equality of votes the chairman of the

meeting shall have a second or casting vote .

七十九、根据本章程规定 , 凡是董事会的议题都应通过多数票表决 , 多数董事的决定应一

律视为董事会的决定。在双方票数相等的情况 ,会议主席应再投决定性的一票。

80. A director shall not vote in respect of any contract or proposed cont ract with the compa-

ny in which he is interested, or any matter arising thereout , and if he does so vote, his vote shall

not be counted .

八十、董事不得就他与她利益相关的公司缔结的或旨在缔结的合同 , 或与此合同有关的任

何事项进行投票 ,如果他投了票 , 他的票应不予计算。

81. Any director with the approval of the directors may appoin t any person , whether a mem-

ber of the company or not, to be an alternate or substitu te director in his place during such period

as he thinks fit . Any person while he so holds office as an alternate or substitute director shall be

entitled to notice of meetings of the directors and to attend and vote thereat accordingly , and to

exercise all the powers of the appointor in his place . An alternate or substitute director shall not

require any share qualification , and shall ipso facto vacate office if the appoin tor vacates office as a

director or removes the appoin tee from office . Any appointment or removal under this regulation

shall be effected by notice in writing under the hand of the director making the same .

八十一、经董事会批准 , 任何董事均可指定某人 ,不论是否是公司的股东 , 在他认为合适的

期间充当替代他职位的董事。凡替代作为董事的人有权收到董事会会议通知 , 参加会议和在

会上投票 ,并行使指定人职位的一切权力。替代董事不必需要股民资格 , 如果指定人辞去董事

职务或解除受指定人的职务 ,替代董事应依据事实辞去职务。按本规则所作的任何指定或解


82. The quorum necessary for the t ransaction of the business of the directors may be fixed by

the directors, and unless so fixed shall be two .

八十二、董事会会议处理事项所需的法定人数可由董事会规定 , 如不另行规定 , 其应为


83. The continuing directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body , but if and

so long as their number is reduced below the number fixed by or pursuant to the regulations of the

company as the necessary quorum of directors , the continuing directors or director may act for the

purpose of increasing the number of directors to that number or of summoning a general meeting

of the company , but for no other purpose .

八十三、即便董事会出现空缺 , 留任董事仍可履行职责 , 但如果或只要董事人数减少到公

司章程所规定的必要的法定人数以下 ,留任董事除履行增加董事到法定数目或召开公司股东

大会的职责外 ,不得履行其他职责。

84. The directors may elect a chairman of their meetings and determine the period for which

he is to hold office; but if no such chairman is elected , or if at any meeting the chairman is not

present within 10 minutes after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the directors present

may choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting .

八十四、董事们可选举一名董事作为会议主席并决定他任职的期限 ; 如果没有选举此种主


席 ,或董事会规定的开会时间过后 10 分钟主席仍未到会 , 到会的董事可挑选他们其中一名成


85. The directors may delegate any of their powers to committees consisting of such member

or members of their body as they think fit; any committee so formed shall in the exercise of the

powers so delegated conform to any regulations that may be imposed on it by the directors .

八十五、董事会可将其任何权力授予其认为恰当的由董事所组成的委员会 ; 由此组成的委


86. A committee may elect a chairman of its meetings; if no such chairman is elected , or if

at any meeting the chairman is not present within 10 minutes after the time appointed for holding

the meeting, the members presen t may choose one of their number to be chairman of the

meeting .

八十六、委员会应选举一名会议主席 , 如果没有选举主席 , 或在会议规定的召开时间过后

10 分钟主席仍未到会 , 到会的委员可以挑选他们其中一名成员充当会议主席。

87. A committee may meet and adjourn as it thinks proper . Questions arising at any meeting

shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present , and in the case of an equality

of votes the chairman shall have a second or casting vote .


同意通过 ,如果遇到双方票数相等 , 主席应再投决定性的一票。

88. All acts done by any meeting of the directors or of a committee of directors or by any

person acting as a director shall , notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered that there was

some defect in the appointment of any such director of person acting as aforesaid , or that they or

any of them were disqualified , be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was

qualified to be a director .

八十八、董事会或董事委员会的会议或任何代理董事职权的人的任何行为均应视为有效 ,

如同所有都经正式任命且具有董事资格一样 ,尽管事后发现任命董事或上述代理董事有些不

妥 ,或董事会或任何董事不称职。

89. A resolu tion in writing , signed by all the directors for the time being entitled to receive

notice of a meeting of the directors , shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a

meeting of the directors duly convened and held . Any such resolu tion may consist of several docu-

ments in like form , each signed by one or more directors .

八十九、书面决议 , 经当时有权得到董事会会议通知的全体董事的签名 , 应视为合法和有

效 ,如同该决议已经在正式召开的董事会会议上被通过一样。此种决议可由同样的数份文件

所组成 ,每份由一名或多名董事签字。

Managing directors

执 行 董 事

90. The directors may from time to time appoin t one or more of their body to the office of

managing director for such period and on such terms as they think fit and , subject to the terms of

any agreement entered in to in any particular case , may revoke any such appointment . A director


so appointed shall not , while holding that office, be subject to retirement by rotation or be taken

in to account in determining the rotation of retirement of directors , bu t his appointment shall be

automatically determined if he ceases from any cause to be a director .

九十、董事会可随时任命一名或多名董事担任执行董事职务 , 期限和条件由董事会决定 ,

且可根据按具体情况签订的任何协议条款 ,撤销任何此种任命。如此被任命的董事在担任职

务时 ,将不遵循轮流辞职制或不被列为轮流辞职的董事的考虑范畴 , 但如果他因故不再作为董

事 ,他的任命应自动终止。

91. A managing director shall , subject to the terms of any agreement en tered into in any

par ticular case , receive such remuneration , whether by way of salary , commission , or participa-

tion in profits , or par tly in one way and partly in another , as the directors may determine .

九十一、根据按具体情况所缔结的任何协议的条款规定 , 执行董事的报酬可由董事会予以

决定 ,不论其形式是薪金、佣金 ,或参与分红 , 或一部分以这种形式而另一部分以另一种形式。

92. The directors may entrust to and confer upon a managing director any of the powers ex-

ercisable by them upon such terms and conditions and with such rest rictions as they may think fit ,

and either collaterally with or to the exclusion of their own powers, and may from time to time

revoke , withdraw, alter , of vary all or any of those powers .

九十二、董事会可委托或授予执行董事任何可由董事会执行的权力 , 条件或限制由董事会

决定 ,董事会可与其共同行使权力或授权即剥夺了董事会自身的权力 , 董事会可随时废除、撤

销、变更 , 或改变全部或部分此种授权。

93. The directors may from time to time appoint any person to be an associate director and

may from time to time cancel any such appointment . The directors may fix , determine and vary

the powers , duties and remuneration of any person so appointed , but a person so appointed shall

not be required to hold any shares to qualify him for appointment nor have any righ t to attend or

vote at any meeting of directors except by the invitation and with the consent of the directors .

九十三、董事会可随时任命任何人担任副董事 , 并可随时撤销此种任命。董事会可安排、

决定和变更任何如此被任命的人的权力、职责和报酬 , 此种被任命的人不必持有任何股份以取

得任命资格 ,也无权参加董事会会议或在会上投票 , 除非收到邀请并经董事会同意。


书 记

94. The secretary shall in accordance with the Act be appointed by the directors for such

term , at such remuneration , and upon such conditions as they may think fit; and any secretary so

appointed may be removed by them .

九十四、根据《公司法》规定 , 书记应由董事会任命 ,其期限、报酬应按董事们认为恰当的条

件决定 ;如此被任命的任何书记可由董事会予以撤换。



印 章

95. The directors shall provide for the safe custody of the seal , which shall only be used by

the authority of the directors or of a committee of the directors au thorized by the directors in that

behalf , and every inst rument to which the seal is affixed shall be signed by a director and shall be

countersigned by the secretary or by a second director or by some other person appointed by the

directors for the purpose .

九十五、董事会必须妥善保管印章 , 只有董事会或由董事会授权代表董事会的董事委员会

才有权使用印章 ,凡加盖印章的文件必须由一名董事签署 , 并由书记或另一名董事或由董事会



账 目

96. The directors shall cause proper accounting and other records to be kept and shall dis-

tribute copies of balance - sheets and other documents as required by the Act and shall from time

to time determine whether and to what ex tent and at what times and places and under what con-

ditions or regulations the accounting and other records of the company or any of them shall be

open to the inspection of members not being directors, and no member ( not being a director) shall

have any right of inspecting any account or book or paper of the company except as conferred by

statute or au thorized by the directors or by the company in general meeting .

九十六、董事会应叫人保存普通会计账册和其他记录 , 并按《公司法》的规定散发资产负债

表和其他文件的副本 ,且决定是否和在何种程度 , 什么时间和地方 , 按什么条件或规则将公司

账册和其他记录或其任何部分向非董事成员公开 , 任何股东 ( 非董事 ) 均无权检查公司账目或

账簿或文件 ,除非由法规或董事会或公司股东大会授权。

Dividends and reserves


97. The company in general meeting may declare dividends , but no dividend shall exceed the

amount recommended by the directors .

九十七、公司可在股东大会上宣布股息 , 任何股息都不得超过董事会所建议的数额。

98. The directors may from time to time pay to the members such in terim dividends as ap-

pear to the directors to be justified by the profits of the company .


99. No dividend shall be paid otherwise than out of profits or shall bear in terest against the

company .

九十九、支付的股息必须来源于盈利 , 计息不得有损公司利益。


100. The directors may , before recommending any dividend , set aside out of the profits of

the company such sums as they think proper as reserves which shall , at the discretion of the

directors , be applicable for any purpose to which the profits of the company may be properly

applied , and pending any such application may , at the like discretion , either be employed in the

business of the company or be invested in such investments (other than shares in the company) as

the directors may from time to time think fit . The directors may also without placing the same to

reserve carry forward any profits which they may think prudent not to divide .

一百、在建议分红之前 , 董事会可从公司盈利中留存一笔其认为恰当的款项作为储备金 ,

董事会可自由酌处将此笔款项用于公司盈利可以正当使用的任何目的 ,且在如此使用之前 , 同

样可经自由酌处将其用于公司的事务或用于董事会随时认为恰当的投资 ( 不是购买公司股

份 )。董事会也可扣减任何其认为不应分配的股息而不必将它置入储备金。

101. Subject to the righ ts of persons , if any, entitled to shares with special righ ts as to

dividend , all dividends shall be declared and paid according to the amounts paid or credited as paid

on the shares in respect of which the dividend is paid , but no amount paid or credited as paid on a

share in advance of calls shall be treated for the purposes of this regulation as paid on the share .

All dividends shall be apportioned and paid proportionately to the amounts paid or credited as paid

on the shares during any portion or por tions of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid ;

but if any share is issued on terms providing that it shall rank for dividend as from a par ticular

date that share shall rank for dividend accordingly .

一百零一、根据对股息享有特权的股份所附的人权 ( 如果有 ) , 所有股息都应按股利支付或

存放的数额予以宣布和支持 ,但按本章程的规定 , 就未催缴股款的股份支息或存息 ,其数额不


例予以支付 ,如股份发行条款规定该股份股息应从某一具体日期算起 , 该股份股息分配应按规


102. The directors may deduct form any dividend payable to any member all sums of money ,

if any , presently payable by him to the company on account of calls or otherwise in relation to the

shares of the company .



103. Any general meeting declaring a dividend or bonus may direct payment of such dividend

or bonus wholly or partly by the distribu tion of specific assets and in par ticular of paid - up

shares , debentures or debenture stock of any other company or in any one or more of such ways

and the directors shall give effect to such resolution , and where any difficulty arises in regard to

such dist ribution , the directors may settle the same as they think expedien t , and fix the value for

dist ribu tion of such specific assets or any part thereof and may determine that cash payments shall

be made to any members upon the footing of the value so fixed in order to adjust the righ ts of all

par ties , and may vest any such specific assets in trustees as may seem expedient to the directors .

一百零三、凡宣布股息或红利分配的股东大会都可作出决议 , 全部或部分用特定的资产和

具体用缴足股本的股票、任何其他公司的债券或债券股 , 或其他任何一种或多种方式进行股息

或红利的分配 ,董事会应实施此种决议 , 一旦分配遇到困难 , 董事会可用其认为恰当的方式予


以解决 ,并确认用于分配的全部特定资产或其任何部分的价值 , 且可按所确认的价值确定分配

给股东的现金 ,由此调整所有当事各方的权利 , 董事会还可将此种特定资产委托给其认为恰当


104. Any dividend , interest , or other money payable in cash in respect of shares may be paid

by cheque or warrant sen t through the post directed to the registered address of the holder or , in

case of joint holders , to the registered address of that one of the joint holders who is first named

on the register of members or to such person and to such address as the holder or join t holders may

in writing direct . Every such cheque or warrant shall be made payable to the order of the person

to whom it is sen t . Any one of two or more join t holders may give effectual receipts for any

dividends , bonuses , or other money payable in respect of the shares held by them as join t holders .


或付款单支付 ,写明股东的挂号邮件地址 , 如遇联合股东情况 , 用股东名册上排名第一的联合

股东的挂号地址 ,或用股东或联合股东书面指定的某人和某个地址。所有支票和付款单的应

付抬头人都必须是收单人。联合股东尽管是两人或多人共同持股 , 但其中一人便可接受任何


105. The company in general meeting may upon the recommendation of the directors resolve

that it is desirable to capitalize any par t of the amount for the time being standing to the credit of

any of the company�s reserve accounts or to the credit of the profit and loss account or otherwise

available for distribution , and accordingly that such sum be set free for distribution amongst the

members who would have been entitled thereto if distribu ted by way of dividend and in the same

proportions on condition that the samebe not paid in cash but be applied either in or towards

paying up any amounts for the time being unpaid on any shares held by such member respectively

or paying up in full unissued shares or debentures of the company to be allotted , distributed and

credited as fully paid up to and amongst such members in the proportion aforesaid, or partly in the

one way and partly in the other , and the directors shall give effect to such resolu tion . A share

premium account and a capital redemption reserve may , for the purposes of this regulation , be

applied only in the paying up of unissued shares to be issued to members of the company as fully

paid bonus shares .

一百零五、经董事会建议 , 公司股东大会可以作出决议 , 将公司提留作为储备金及用于调

整亏盈账户或其他本可用做分配的资金款项的任何部分作为资本 , 同样可决定将此种款项留

存用于分配给原本有权按同样比例分到红利的股东 ,条件是不支付现金 , 或者用其抵冲股东所

持股份中未缴付的股款 ,不然则用其支付公司即将按上述比例分配和发行给这些股东的缴足

股款的股票或债券的股款 ,或部分用于这方面 , 部分用于另一方面 , 董事会应当负责作出此种

决议。按本章程规定 ,股份溢价账户和偿还资本准备金只能在将未发行的股票作为缴足股款


106. Whenever such a resolution shall have been passed the directors shall make all

appropriations and applications of the undivided profits resolved to be capitalized thereby , all

allotments and issues of fully paid shares or debentures , if any , and generally shall do all acts and

things required to give effect thereto , with full power to the directors to make such provision by

the issue of fractional cer tificates or by payment in cash or otherwise as they think fit for the case


of shares or debentures becoming distributable in fractions , and also to authorize any person to

enter on behalf of all the members entitled thereto in to an agreement with the company providing

for the allotment to them respectively , credited as fully paid up , of any fur ther shares or

debentures to which they may be entitled upon such capitalization, or , as the case may require,

for the payment up by the company on their behalf , by the application thereto of their respective

proportions of the profits resolved to be capitalized , of the amounts or any part of the amounts

remaining unpaid on their existing shares , and any agreement made under such authority shall be

effective and binding on all such members .

一百零六、不论何时通过此种决议 , 董事会都应负责做好作为资本的未分配利润的调拨和

使用工作 ,做好所有缴足股本的股票或债券 ( 如果有 ) 的分配和发行 , 做好实施决议的一切工

作 ,如果股票或债券可零星分配 , 董事会可全权作出发行零星股权证或用现金支付或其他他们

认为恰当的决定 ,同时可授权任何人代表有权得到分配的全体股东与公司签订协议 , 一旦资本

转换 ,由公司向股东分别分配缴足股本的股票或债券 , 或视情况要求 , 按转换成资本的红利的

比例 ,由公司代表他们缴纳他们现持股份中为缴足的全部或部分股款 , 由此授权达成的协议应

为有效 ,对所有此种股东均有拘束力。


通 知

107. A notice may be given by the company to any member either personally or by sending it

by post to him at his registered address , or , if he has no registered address in Singapore, to the

address , if any , in Singapore supplied by him to the company for the giving of notices to him .

Where a notice is sent by post , service of the notice shall be deemed to be effected by properly

addressing , prepaying , and posting a notice of a meeting on the day after the date of its posting ,

and in any other case at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course

of post .

一百零七、通知可由公司派人递送或按登记地址邮寄股东 , 如果股东在新加坡没有登记地

址 ,而他已给公司一个递送通知的地址 , 则递送到该地址。如果邮寄通知 ,只要写好地址 , 预交

邮费 ,并将会议通知寄出 , 则应视为在邮寄的第二天通知送达 ,在其他任何情况 , 信件按通常邮


108. A notice may be given by the company to the joint holders of shares by giving the notice

to the join t holder first named in the register members in respect of the share .

一百零八、向联合股东递送通知时 , 公司可将通知送交给在股东名册上就有关股份而排名


109. A notice may be given by the company to the persons entitled to a share in consequence

of the death or bankruptcy of a member by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter

addressed to them by name, or by the title of representatives of the deceased , or assignee of the

bankrupt , or by any like description , at the address , if any , in Singapore supplied for the purpose

by the persons claiming to be so entitled, or , un til such an address has been so supplied , by giving

the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death or bankruptcy had


not occurred .

一百零九、向因股东死亡或破产而有权持有其股份的人递送通知时 , 公司可按姓名邮寄预

先准备好的信件 ,或以死者代理人或破产资产管理人的抬头 , 或以诸如此类的抬头 ,将通知送

交由声称有权得到通知的人所提供的在新加坡的地址 , 或 , 如果还没有提供此种地址 , 可按如


110. ( 1 ) Notice of every general meeting shall be given in any manner hereinbefore

authorized to:

一百一十、( 1) 股东大会的通知应按上述规定的方式送达 :

(a ) every member ;

①每一位股东 ;

( b) every person entitled to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a member

who, but for his death or bankruptcy , would be entitled to receive notice of the meeting ; and

②每一位因股东死亡或破产而有权得到股份的人 ,如果该股东没有死亡或破产 , 他原本应

当得到通知 ;以及

(c ) the auditor for the time being of the company .


(2 ) No other person shall be entitled to receive notices of general meetings .

(2 ) 其他人一律不应收到股东大会的通知。

Winding up

停 业

111. If the company is wound up , the liquidator may , with the sanction of a special

resolu tion of the company , divide amongst the members in kind the whole or any par t of the assets

of the company , whether they consist of proper ty of the same kind or not , and may for that

purpose set such value as he considers fair upon any property to be divided as aforesaid and may

determine how the division shall be carried out as between the members or different classes of

members . The liquidator may , with the like sanction , vest the whole or any par t of any such

assets in t rustees upon such trusts for the benefit of the cont ributories as the liquidator, with the

like sanction , thinks fit , but so that no member shall be compelled to accept any shares or other

securities whereon there is any liability .

一百一十一、如果公司停业 , 经公司专门决议通过 ,财产清算人可将公司全部或部分资产

按实物分给股东 ,不论资产是否构成同一类实物 , 只要清算人认为适当 , 他可就上述所分配的

任何资产进行估价 ,并可决定如何在股东或不同种类的股东之中进行分配。经同样许可 , 财产

清算人可以将全部或任何部分资产交受托人 ,只要清算人认为此种委托恰当且对分配有益 , 但




赔 偿

112. Every director, managing director , agent , auditor , secretary , and other officer for the

time being of the company shall be indemnified out of the assets of the company against any

liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings, whether civil or criminal , in which

judgment is given in his favor or in which he is acquittee or in connection with any application

under the Act in which relief is granted to him by the Cour t in respect of any negligence, default ,

breach of duty or breach of trust .

一百一十二、凡董事、常务董事、代理人、审计员、书记和其他公司现任官员参与诉讼 , 不论

是民事诉讼或是刑事诉讼 , 如果胜诉 , 或被开释 , 或法庭援引《公司法》规定 , 免除他就任何疏

忽、违约、失职或背信的责任 ,因辩护而发生的任何债务应从公司财产中予以赔偿。