Download - 警察學院開放日 - 香港警務處



P.09 警隊舉辦「防騙月」廣傳防騙信息






「全民國家安全教育日」,警隊同日在警察學院舉辦開放日活動,讓市民進一步了解國家安全的意義和警隊在維護國家安全方面的工作。開放日以「國家安全 護我家





警 察 學 院 開 放 日

OffBeatissue 1182

w w w . p o l i c e . g o v . h k / o f f b e a t香 港 警 務 處

警隊流動應用程式(App Store) (Play Store)

《警隊公眾網頁》 《警聲》 HKP Facebook HKP YouTube


忠誠勇毅 心繫社會


家安全處與警察學院於警察總部警隊圖書館設置「警隊國家安全書刊專區」,並在四月十五日的「全民國家安全教育日」由處長鄧炳強及副處長 (國家安全)劉賜蕙主持啟動禮。處長及副處長(國家安全)亦參觀書刊專區,體驗「NSmart網上問答活動」及了解紀念品自助提取機的運作。書刊專區共展出一百一十本書籍,












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OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182













香 港 警 察 學 院 榮 獲 「 H R Appreciation Awards 2020」的「最佳人力資源運用──培訓與發展組別」大獎,副處長(管理)郭蔭庶在三月三十日的頒獎典禮上代表警隊接受獎項 。 南 華 早 報 首 次 主 辦 H R Appreciation Awards,旨在肯定香港人力資源界別傑出從業人員的成就,及分享他們的寶貴經驗。警察學院是首個政府部門獲此獎





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《警聲》編輯委員會 編輯部警察公共關係科總警司 郭嘉銓(主席)警察公共關係科高級警司(媒體聯絡及傳訊) 梁仲文警察公共關係科首席新聞主任(宣傳及刊物) 黃惠虹警察公共關係科督察(傳媒關係) 梁慧施東九龍總區助理訓練及職員關係主任 鄒雅麗新界北總區助理訓練及職員關係主任 陳潤華人事部高級督察 蔡映彤警察學院署理總督察 楊莉刑事總部高級督察 黃筑筠員佐級協會代表 馬德雄行政主任(文職人員關係) 胡依韻

編輯: 梁慧欣(2860-6171)記者: 嚴泳欣(2860-6172)攝影: 林志軒(2860-6174) 林雨燊(2860-6175)傳真: 2200-4309地址: 香港灣仔軍器廠街一號 警察總部警政大樓十樓警隊網頁網址:電子郵件地址: [email protected]第1183期截稿日期: 二〇二一年四月二十二日(下午六時前)第1184期截稿日期: 二〇二一年五月六日(下午六時前)









共同努力保護兒童 攜手合作


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創 新 方 案 實 驗 室手機應用程式設計工作坊








日正式推出少年警訊流動應用程式J P C Mobile App(JPC App),提供一站式數碼服務平台,加強與會員互動。六至二十五歲的青少年可透過程式登記為

少年警訊會員。會員可透過程式內的「好玩JPC」報名參加少訊活動,並利用二維碼登記入場,更可回顧曾參與的活動,而程式內的「J 頻道」則提供不同短片及線上問答遊戲。會員亦

可透過程式內的「朋輩推薦計劃」推介朋友成為會員。會員可透過出席活動、參與線上問答遊戲及推介朋友成為會員賺取會員積分J Coins,以換領禮物。讀者可掃描二維碼下載應






此外,一系列介紹「智慧城市」的「STEM-Up電子教室」短片已上載至少訊流動應用程式(JPC App)及比賽網頁,當中邀請了各範疇的專家及教授講解,加強學生及市民對STEM與智慧城市的認識,他們更可參加線上問答遊戲,贏取豐富獎品。是次比賽的截止

報 名 日 期 為 五 月三十一日,讀者可掃描二維碼了解詳情。

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182

2021年4月21日至5月4日 P.06





















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西九龍總區指揮官陶輝於三月三十一日正式 委 任 犬 隻 E T 及Jackson為「西九龍動物守護‧社區巴打」。ET曾接受專業訓練,個性溫馴及高度服從,而Jackson則為受訓中的搜救犬。兩名「社區巴打」會聯同西九龍「動物守護‧社區領袖」及「動物守護‧社區大使」推動教育及宣傳工作,在社區及校園宣揚愛護動物及尊重生命的信息。












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▲反詐騙協調中心「防騙一站通」網站提供一站式服務及多媒體防騙資訊。"ADCC One-stop Platform" website provides one-stop services and multimedia anti-deception information.

「防騙Everywhere」宣傳車到大埔區一所中學宣揚防騙信息。T h e " A n t i - D e c e p t i o n Everywhere" promotion truck is deployed to a secondary school in Tai Po to promote anti-scam messages.

反詐騙協調中心網址ADCC website

《反詐時速》宣傳短片"The Race Against Fraud" video

▲副處長(行動)蕭澤頤參與拍攝防電騙宣傳短片《反詐時速》。Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Siu Chak-yee participates in the filming of the anti-telephone deception publicity video "The Race Against Fraud" .

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The Cha i rman o f t he S tand ing Commi t tee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of

Service (SCDS) Dr Chui Hong-sheung inspected the passing-out parade for 36 probationary inspectors and 121 recruit police constables at the Hong Kong Police College on April 17.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Chui said that the Force has contributed significantly to the stability and p r o s p e r i t y o f s o c i e t y s i n c e i t s establishment. In the past year, apart from being committed to preventing and combat ing cr imes, the Force also spared no effort in support ing the Government in the fight against the epidemic, inc luding implement ing quarantine orders, and carrying out

contact tracing work in respect of COVID-19 confirmed cases.

Dr Chui also noted that the work of the Force is diverse and complex. Over the years, the political, legal and social changes have broadened the scope and increased the complexity of policing work, and have impacted upon the working environment of the Force. He said that the SCDS is now conducting a Grade Structure

Review for the Disc ip l ined Serv ices Grades. The Committee will consider all relevant information and balance all factors to come up with a recommendation that will be conducive to the sustained development of the Force and other discipline services, and at the same time benefit the whole community.

Lastly, Dr Chui mentioned that people’s expectations on public services are constantly on the rise. Police officers inevitably have to face overwhelming pressure and challenges when discharging their duties. He encouraged all graduates to uphold their professionalism, hold tight to their beliefs, and carry out their duties in a fair and impartial manner, whatever the circumstances, while serving the community.

Police Collegepassing-out parade

April 21 to May 4, 2021

▲ 崔康常博士檢閱一眾結業學員。

▲ 見習督察羅錦峯(左)獲頒施禮榮盾及榮譽警棍;學警陳煒良(右)獲頒薛富盃及銀笛。

▲ 崔康常博士(前排右一)和處長鄧炳強(前排右二)恭賀結業的見習督察。

Dr Chui Hong-sheung inspects the graduates at the passing-out parade.

一眾結業學員進行會操。The graduates participate in the passing-out parade.

Probationary Inspector Law Kam-fung (left) is awarded the Brian Slevin Trophy and the Baton of Honour while Recruit Police Constable Chan Wai-leung (right) is presented with the Shave Cup and the Silver Whistle.

Dr Chui Hong-sheung (front row, first right) and Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (front row, second right) congratulate the probationary inspectors on their graduation.








一眾結業學員進行會操。Graduates on the march.

▲ 結業會操後,崔康常博士(前排右二)在處長鄧炳強(前排右一)陪同下,與結業學員會面。Dr Chui Hong-sheung (front row, second right), accompanied by Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (front row, first right), meets the graduates after the passing-out parade.

紀律人員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會主席崔康常博士(左二)在警察學院出席結業會操。Chairman of the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service Dr Chui Hong-sheung (second left) attends the passing-out parade at the Police College.


OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182

The Force organises‘Anti-Deception Month’

To enhance public awareness of fraud prevention, the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) is

organising the “Anti-Deception Month” in April and joining hands with the Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau, the Crime Prevention Bureau, the Police Public Relations Branch and the Regional Crime Prevention Offices to hold a series of anti-deception publicity activities.

The “Anti-Deception Month” was kicked off with the launch of “The Race Against Fraud”, an anti-telephone deception video starring Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Siu Chak-yee. The video demonstrates the concerted effort made by ADCC, Scam Response Team and the banking sector in combating deception.

In addition, “ADCC One-stop Platform” website was launched on April 1 to provide one-stop services and multimedia anti-deception information. A subscription function will be added in the third quarter this year, enabling members of the public to subscribe to anti-deception information of specific types of deception cases.

Moreover, a six-episode television series will be aired on free-to-air television channels from April 26. Apart from introducing ADCC, the series reveals different defrauding tricks and provides prevention tips against telephone deception, employment fraud, online romance and investment scams, financial intermediary deception as well as scams involving the disclosure of bank account passwords.

Since March 4, ADCC has launched a four-month publicity campaign by deploying its “Anti-Deception Everywhere” promotion truck to visit 21 police districts across the territory. Officers of the Commercial Crime Bureau, together with police officers of various districts, community leaders and the Force’s anti-scam mascot “The Little Grape”, will broadcast promotional videos and distribute anti-deception promotion materials at places where the promotion truck stops.

▲商業罪案調查科高級警司鄭麗琪(右)與市民分享防騙資訊。Senior Superintendent of the Commercial Crime Bureau Cheng Lai-ki (right) shares anti-scam tips with a member of the public.

西九龍總區人員在港鐵站內提醒市民慎防騙案。An officer of Kowloon West Region reminds a citizen to beware of deception at an MTR station.

沙田警區人員設置攤位,向市民派發防騙宣傳品。Officers of Shatin District set up a booth and distribute anti-deception publicity materials to members of the public.

東九龍總區人員向屋邨居民派發防騙宣傳單張。A n o f f i c e r o f K o w l o o n E a s t Region hands out an anti-scam leaflet to a resident at a housing estate.

▲ 中區警區指揮官林鴻釧(右二)與中西區撲滅罪行委員會主席葉亦楠(左二)、副主席陳偉泉(左一)及委員林振風(右一)向市民傳遞防騙資訊。C e n t r a l D i s t r i c t C o m m a n d e r L a m Hung-chuen (second r ight), Chairman of Central and Western Dist r ict F ight Cr ime Committee Mr Ip Yik-nam (second left), Vice Chairman Mr Chan Wai-chuen (first left) and member Mr Lam Chun-fung (first right) d i s s e m i n a t e a n t i -deception messages to a member of the public.

P.09April 21 to May 4, 2021

檔案編號 職位 月薪(約數)Ref.No. Vacancies Monthly Salary(approx.)

34 家庭司機(港島區—中環) $21,000 超時$8035 兼職司機(港島區—深水灣) $100/小時36 家庭司機(九龍區—九龍塘) $18,000

37a 家庭司機(港島區—跑馬地) $18,000超時$8037b 兼職家庭司機(港島區—跑馬地) $9,000 超時$8038 公司司機(港島區—淺水灣/上環) $20,000-$21,000 超時$8539 家庭司機(港島區—中半山) $20,000 超時$10040 助理保安主任(新界區—馬鞍山) $19,00041 司機(新界區—何文田) $19,000 超時$10042 旅遊巴司機(九龍區—東九龍) 約$16,00043 兼職職業司機(港島區—灣仔) $10,000


合約期:一年 截止日期:2021-05-14(港九新界或其他指定地點)


45 Part-time Contract Inspector in Department of Health(PRSC)

Contract terms:12 monthsDeadline: 2021-05-06

$139 per hour(calculated based on

Master Pay Scale Point 12)46 私人私家車司機(港島區—半山) $23,000-$25,000 超時$10047 兼職保安主任(港島區—銅鑼灣)工作期:三至六個月 $120/小時

48 合約中學訓輔員(新界區—元朗)合約期:2021-09-01至2022-08-31 $13,000

適合 警隊 退休人員 及 行將退休人員 之職位空缺Jobs available for Retired / Retiring Force Officers


如有任何查詢,請致電︰2860-3232 / 2860-3209 / 2860-3243 傳真:2200-4334職位空缺詳情網址 :



為日後能順利按時接收電子結算單,敬請各社員儘快登記及/或更新個人電郵地址。如有查詢,請致電 2399-7878(按9字)與該社職員聯絡。備註:每年度是指由每年一月一日至該年底十二月三十一日止。





謎面 :「公主嫁王子, 大婚西敏寺, 共諧七十三,  終年九十九!」


二○二一年/月份 社員編號

四月 00001 - 27100

五月 27101 - 44000

六月 44001 - 61000

P.08April 21 to May 4, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處

issue 1182警聲

Tsuen Wan D is t r i c t (TWDIST) conduc ted an in ter -depar tmenta l major inc ident exerc ise ,

codenamed SAILMARK, at Yau Kom Tau Water Treatment Works on March 30. Over 230 participants from the Force, Fire Services Department, Government Flying Service, Civil Aid Service, Home Affairs Department, Social Welfare Department and Water Supplies Department were involved in the exercise.

The exercise simulated a chlorine leakage incident, which required coordinated rescue efforts from various participating departments, followed by an emergency evacuation of nearby residents to the designated temporary shelter. Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau’s E-Security Audit and Incident Response Team conducted network scanning and system integrity check on the facility’s Industrial Control System.

During the exercise, the three-dimensional interactive layout system developed by the Police College’s Learning Technologies Division enabled responders to swiftly

apprec iate the ground through augmented real i ty technology. One of the users of the system was Sergeant (Auxiliary) Yung Yung, a member of District Operations

Room Cadre who was assigned to be the e-log keeper during the exercise. She said the system had enabled her to have a better understanding of the deployment at scene. She was glad that she could contribute to TWDIST with her knowledge as a serving Police Communications Officer, while enriching her experience in handling major incidents through participating in the exercise.

TWDIST Commander Kerry Carew commented that apart from strengthening the coordination and response capabilities among the district and other stakeholders, the exerc ise a lso prov ided an oppor tun i ty to adopt technological innovations to facilitate police work, which is a key aspect of Project “REFRAME”. TWDIST also collaborates closely with Information Systems Wing’s Innovation and Solution Lab by providing a realistic environment for trial of new technologies, in order to

col lect feedback from front l ine off icers for making improvements in the subsequent product development cycles.

New self-service digital forensic examination facilities open

TWDIST adopts new technologyin inter-departmental exercise

▲The three-dimensional interactive layout system enhances operational efficiency with augmented reality technology.

On March 24, students of the School of Journal ism and Communication of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Department of Journalism and Communication of Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong visited the Police Headquarters to exchange views with officers of the Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB).

Chief Superintendent of the PPRB (CSP PPRB) Kwok Ka-chuen led officers to introduce the work of Strategic Communication Bureau, Media Liaison and Communication Bureau, Community Relations Bureau and Information and Publicity Bureau. CSP PPRB also explained the public relations strategies adopted by the Force as well as the difficulties and challenges they encountered under the new media ecology. During the exchange, PPRB officers proactively responded to the questions raised by the students. Through small-group discussions, PPRB officers were given opportunities to have a better understanding of the younger generation’s views and opinions on policing work and police-media relations.

The Force respects press freedom and the media’s right of reporting. This valued opportunity to engage with young people helped enhance mutual understanding and communication.

Journalism studentsvisit PPRB

▲Chief Superintendent of CSTCB Dr Law Yuet-wing (front row, centre), CSTCB officers, representatives from Regional Crime Headquarters of Kowloon East, New Territories South and New Territories North and TCIRC members witness the opening of the new digital forensic examination rooms.

▲The event provides a platform for journalism students and police officers to enhance mutual understanding.

Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB) has initiated Project InField since 2019 to provide speedy mobile forensic examination service and enhance the capability of Force members in handling mobile devices. Under the project, there are 80 members of Technology Crime Initial Response Cadre (TCIRC) trained so far and qualified to use the self-service terminals for examining mobile devices.

On March 22, Chief Superintendent of CSTCB Dr Law Yuet-wing, together with the r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f r o m R e g i o n a l C r i m e Headquarters of Kowloon East, New Territories South and New Territories North, officiated at the opening ceremony of the new digital forensic examination rooms in the three regions via video

conferencing.The new se l f -serv ice d ig i ta l fo rens ic

examination facilities could greatly enhance the examinat ion eff ic iency by al lowing TCIRC members to conduct examinations within their respective regions. When compared with the traditional centralised workflow in which digital devices would be sent to CSTCB for analysis, the average examination completion time under the project is significantly shortened by around 80 per cent.

The project not only provides efficient mobile forensic examination service for investigation un i ts , bu t a lso demonst ra tes the Force ’s unwavering commitment to providing the best policing solution by adopting technologies.

P.07April 21 to May 4, 2021

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ISLAB runs mobile app design workshop

In order to enhance colleagues’ k n o w l e d g e o n m o b i l e

application design and promote the use of digital technology in streamlining pol ice work, the Innovat ion and Solut ion Lab ( I S L A B ) o f t h e I n f o r m a t i o n Systems Wing (ISW) held two s e s s i o n s o f “ F o r c e M o b i l e Application Design Workshop” at the Po l i ce Headquar te rs on March 24 and 25, attracting the part icipation of more than 80 officers from different units.

Ass is tant Commiss ioner (Information Systems) Kwan Chui-ching said in the welcome speech at the workshop that ISW would c o n t i n u e t o u s e i n n o v a t i v e technology solutions to boost the efficiency of frontline operation and promote the concept o f “Smart Policing” in accordance with the Force’s Strategic Direction of “Embracing the use of technology for policing in the digital age”.

During the workshop, speakers shared the experience

of developing “e525”, a mobile application for issuing electronic fixed penalty tickets against illegal parking, as well as the design process and development tools of mobile applications. In the discussion and practice sessions,

p a r t i c i p a n t s c o m b i n e d t h e knowledge gained in the workshop and their work experience to put forward their ideas in applying mobile applications in daily police work.

In view of positive responses received, ISLAB wil l hold two “Force Mobile Application Design Boot Camp - Advanced Edition” to provide an in-depth discussion on mobi le appl icat ion design on June 9 and 10. The boot camp is n o w o p e n f o r r e g i s t r a t i o n . Interested colleagues can sign up through the Training Management System.

I n o r d e r t o e n c o u r a g e creativity and facilitate all-round Proof-of-Concept testing, ISW will o rgan i se t he “Fo rce Mob i l e Application Design Competition”.

ISLAB will select suitable designs from the shortlisted entries and assist in the development of the mobile application so as to bring officers’ innovative ideas into police work. Please refer to the Force NoticeBoard for details.

Assistant Commissioner (Information Systems) Kwan Chui-ching (first right) delivers a welcome speech at the workshop.

The Police Public Relations Branch, with the assistance of the Information Technology Branch, officially launched the Junior Police Call Mobile Application (JPC App) on April 1. The app serves as a one-stop digital service platform for strengthening interaction among JPC members and the Police.

All teenagers aged six to 25 can register as JPC members through the app. Members can enrol in JPC activities in the “J Fun” section, check in to different events with their in-app member QR code, and maintain their personal event records in the app. They can also watch videos and play online quizzes in “J Channel”

and refer f r iends to jo in JPC through the “JPC Buddy Scheme” in the app.

Members will be rewarded with loyalty reward points “J Coins” through attending events, playing online quizzes and referring new members . The accumu la ted J Coins can be used to redeem a wide variety of gifts in the app.

Please scan the QR code to download the app.

JPC mobile app launchedJunior Police Call

(JPC) has launched the STEM-Up HK Innovation a n d T e c h n o l o g y Competition with a view

to promoting STEM (science, technology, e n g i n e e r i n g a n d m a t h e m a t i c s ) education, enhancing students’ creativity, team-building and problem solving skills, as well as instilling a sense of social responsibility.

The competition is supported by the Education Bureau, the Innovation and Technology Bureau, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association. It comprises Junior Primary

School, Senior Primary School, Junior S e c o n d a r y S c h o o l a n d S e n i o r Secondary School categories with a total of over 500 awards. Contestants are required to submit innovat ive and feasible solutions on the theme of Smart City.

In order to enhance the knowledge on STEM disciplines and the concept of Smart City among students and the public, a series of videos of e-learning workshops are produced for sharing STEM knowledge by professionals and professors from different fields. Students and members of the public can watch the videos and join an online quiz via JPC Mobile Application and the competition website to win prizes.

Application for the competition will close on May 31. Please scan the QR code for details.

JPC organisesinnovation & technology competition

P.06April 21 to May 4, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182

Mr Kenneth Kwok CSP PPRB (Chairperson)

Mr Leung Chung-man SSP MLC PPRB

Ms Jessica Wong PIO PP PPRB

Ms Phoebe Leung IP MR 1 PPRB

Ms Elly Chow ATSRO KE

Mr Marco Chan ATSRO NTN

Ms Will Choi SIP SR 1

Ms Phyllis Yeung CIP A&S HKPC (Ag)

Ms Ada Wong SIP HQ (2) CRM

Mr Ma Tak-hung JPOA REP

Ms Yvonne Wu EO CSR A

Editor: Ivy Leung: 2860-6171Reporter: Nicole Yim: 2860-6172Photographers: Hugo Lam: 2860-6174 Lam Yu-san: 2860-6175Fax: 2200-4309Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Internet: [email protected] for Issue 1183: April 22, 2021 (before 6pm)Deadline for Issue 1184: May 6, 2021 (before 6pm)

Published by the Police Public Relations Branch, Hong Kong Police Force

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:

Force Working Group on Community Engagement

holds third meeting with school headsTh e F o r c e W o r k i n g G r o u p o n C o m m u n i t y

Engagement (FWG) held the th i rd hal f -year ly m e e t i n g w i t h c h a i r p e r s o n s o f s c h o o l h e a d s a s s o c i a t i o n s i n t h e K o w l o o n E a s t R e g i o n a l H e a d q u a r t e r s o n M a r c h 9 . H o s t e d b y D e p u t y Commissioner (Operations) (DCP OPS) Siu Chak-yee and Director of Operations Kwok Yam-yung, the event drew over 20 principals from 17 Districts, with the attendance of officers of the Crime Wing Headquarters

and Police Public Relations Branch, as well as Commanders/Deputy Commanders of all police districts.

Concerted effort in child protectionIn a presentation by Chief Superintendent of the

Cr ime Wing Headquar ters Chung Wing-man, a l l participants were apprised of the overall crime situation in 2020 with particular emphasis on crime with young people

be ing the v ic t ims. The r is ing t rend o f substance abuse due to the proliferation of online drug sale, among other reasons, was a l s o b r o u g h t t o t h e a t t e n t i o n o f t h e participants.

F u r t h e r m o r e , C h i e f I n s p e c t o r o f Family Conflict and Sexual Violence Policy U n i t ( F C S V ) Cheung Po-yuet gave a presentation about sexual crimes and naked chats targeting young v ic t ims. Most principals were alarmed by the new modus o p e r a n d i o f sexual predators, and were thus

reminded to pay attention to youngsters’ usage of social media and mobile games.

During the open floor discussion, principals and police officers had a frank exchange on how to foster mutual trust and establish rapport in sustainable terms. Several principals suggested that the Police should produce electronic learning packages and teaching materials for schools to educate students about the latest crime trends and cultivate law-abiding awareness. Riding on the advice of principals, the FWG disseminated the presentation materials of FCSV to all school heads and chairpersons of Federations of Parent-teacher Associations after the meeting.

Hand in hand with change agents “I would like to express my gratitude to all principals

for supporting our work. It’s a joint effort between schools and the Police, who both share the common goal of protecting our young people and creating a s a f e l e a r n i n g environment. We hope to s t r e n g t h e n o u r c o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h principals, teachers and parents, especially when schools reopen,” DCP OPS said and encouraged all principals to share the positive message from the Po l i ce w i th the i r fe l low educators . He mentioned that District m a n a g e m e n t w o u l d

maintain regular liaison with schools and the Parent-Teacher Associations all year round.

Several principals expressed appreciation for the Police’s ongoing publicity efforts in crime prevention and child protection. After the meeting, they visited an exhibition showcasing publicity materials created by Police Community Relations Offices and were given a guided tour of the New Generation Report Room, including the detention faci l i t ies of Ngau Tau Kok Division.

▲Pr incipals v is i t the New Generation Report Room of Ngau Tau Kok Division after the meeting.

Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Siu Chak-yee (first left) and officers listen to the principals’feedback.

Superintendent Chan Wai-wah of the FWG's secretariat reviews its work in the past year.

P.05April 21 to May 4, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182

On March 24 and 25 , e igh t Ass i s tan t C o m m i s s i o n e r s a n d 2 6 C h i e f

Superintendents completed the Directorate Development Programme 2021 which aimed to provide them with a platform to contemplate and confront challenges faced by the Force. Members of the Senior Directorate Group shared their insights on strategic leadership from management, operational, national security, financial and resource management perspect ives. The participants were inspired to equip themselves to shoulder their leadership roles in the face of the ever-changing polit ical and socio-economic landscape.

The highly intensive and in-depth programme explored various issues including the new normal, media landscape, international relations and the Law of the Peoples’ Republ ic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as delivered by a panel of keynote speakers in their respective fields.

Commissioner Tang Ping-keung concluded the programme by sharing his decades-long leadership journey with the participants. This included the motto, “Strong wind reveals the strength of grass” which encapsulated on the need for senior officers to remain united, committed and resilient in facing organisational challenges. The Commissioner also stressed the importance of being adaptable and adopting appropriate strategies to turn vision into reality whilst leading in different circumstances. He added that it was important to remain faithful to one’s o r i g i n a l a s p i r a t i o n i n serving society and stay c o m m i t t e d t o o n e ’ s profession. Final ly, the Commissioner emphasised t h e n e e d t o w o r k altruistically towards the greater good of society.

Directorate DevelopmentProgramme

HKPC wins human resources awardThe Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) won

the Grand Winner Award of “HR Appreciation Awards 2020” under the category of “HR Best Practice in Training and Development”. Deputy Commissioner (Management) Kwok Yam-shu received the award on behalf of the Force at the presentation ceremony on March 30. The HR Appreciation Awards were launched by South Ch ina Morn ing Pos t ’s C lass i f i ed Pos t t o acknowledge outstanding efforts of Hong Kong’s leading human resources (HR) practitioners and share their best practices.

Being the first government department, as well as an operator in vocational and professional education and training with Programme Area Accreditation status, to get the Grand Winner Award, the HKPC is committed to equipping

officers with necessary attitude, knowledge and skills, and a strong sense of dedication to serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty.

The Award has further recognised the high-qual i ty, wel l -structured and var ied tra in ing programmes run by the HKPC for over 25 000 police officers each year. The HKPC not only demonstrates best HR practices in training and development, but also embraces the use of innovative technology, including virtual reality and augmented reality, to provide immersive experience for t ra inees that goes beyond the physical boundaries of conventional classrooms, thereby faci l i tat ing f lexible and interact ive learning environment. The HKPC will continue to strive for excellence to augment police training to support the Force’s strategic directives.

On behalf of the Force, Deputy Commissioner (Management) Kwok Yam-shu, accompanied by Director of Personnel and Training Chow Yat-ming, Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Chan Man-tak and Chief Superintendent of the Personnel

Services and Staff Relations Branch Fung Siu-lan, paid homage on March 18 to officers killed in the line of duty and buried at the Gallant Garden. Representat ives f rom the four pol ice staff associations also joined the annual homage.

Ching Ming homage to fallen officers

▲Deputy Commissioner (Management) Kwok Yam-shu (centre) and officers receive the award on behalf of the Force.

▲Chief News Editor of South China Morning Post Mr Yonden Lhatoo speaks on the topic of media landscape.

▲Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (right) presents a souvenir to Dr Weijian Shan to thank him for s h a r i n g h i s i n s i g h t s o n international relations.

▲Force representatives pay homage to fallen officers at Gallant Garden.

P.04April 21 to May 4, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182

CPC Presentation Ceremony

TIDERIDER Medal Presentation Ceremonies

Commissioner Tang Ping-keung, at a presentation ceremony held at the Police Headquarters on March 30 and 31, presented CP’s Commendations (CPC) to 157 officers in recognition of their outstanding contributions to Operation TIDERIDER.

Over 2 000 police officers and civilian staff members were presented with TIDERIDER Medals at the regional presentation ceremonies held in New Territories North (NTN) Regional Headquarters and four police districts between March 29 and April 9.

The ceremonies were hosted by NTN Regional Commander Tsang Ching-fo and District Commanders

respectively. At the ceremonies, the commanders commended the awardees for safeguarding the city and emphasised that their toil and sacrifices would be remembered by Hong Kong citizens. They encouraged off icers to keep up the spir i t of TIDERIDER in performing daily duties and facing challenges.

NTN hosts


NTN Regional Commander Tsang Ching-fo (right) presents the TIDERIDER Medal to an officer.


H O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182

April 21 to May 4, 2021

To enhance officers’ knowledge on national security, the National Security Department and the Police College

have set up the “Force National Security Book and Publication Corner” (NS Corner) at the Force Library in the Police Headquarters. Commissioner Tang Ping-keung and Deputy Commissioner (National Security) (DCP NS) Lau Chi-wai officiated at the opening ceremony on April 15, which was the National Security Education Day. The Commissioner and DCP NS visited the NS Corner, took the “NSmart” Online Quiz and were briefed on the operation of the souvenir dispenser.

The NS Corner exhibits 110 books, covering the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (the Basic Law) and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the National Security Law) with display boards explaining the relationship between the constitution and laws. To enrich officers’ knowledge on national security, the “NSmart” Online Quiz is offered in the NS Corner. After completing the

quiz, each participant will receive a souvenir from the souvenir dispenser outside the Force Library.

Officers are welcome to visit the NS Corner, borrow national security related books and join the “NSmart” Online

Quiz to learn more about the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Basic Law and the National Security Law to strengthen their ability on safeguarding national security.

Force National Security Book and Publication Corner

Commissioner Tang Ping-keung (second left), Deputy Commissioner (National Security) Lau Chi-wai (second right), Acting Director of National Security Kan Kai-yan (first left) and Acting Director of National Security Kong Hok-lai (first right) take a photograph at the opening ceremony of the NS Corner.

CSPO Scheme opens for applications

The “Continued Service of Police Officers Beyond Prescribed Retirement Age

Scheme” (CSPO Scheme) was launched on April 1, 2021. Two open forums were conducted on

March 22 at the Auditorium of the Police Headquarters (PHQ) to introduce the scheme to officers. The forums

were also broadcast live to the Multi-purpose Hall at PHQ, Police Sports and Recreation Club, New Territories North

Regional Headquarters and New Territories South Regional Headquarters.

In the opening address, Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Chan Man-tak, said that as a result of the social

unrest in 2019, the Force had undergone a rapid structural expansion to strengthen the internal security of Hong Kong. At the same time, the Force was experiencing a retirement wave and a recruitment shortfall that led to a significant manpower challenge. To address operational requirements and long-term manpower needs, the Force had secured an approval from the Administration for the implementation of CSPO Scheme.

As detailed by Superintendent of Extension of Service (EOS) Division Lau Fu-wah, all serving non-directorate police officers from Police Constable to Senior Superintendent ranks who joined the Government before June 1, 2000 and remained in active service on April 1, 2021, (i.e. those who have not

commenced pre-retirement leave, excluding those employed

under Post-retirement Service Contract Scheme) are eligible to apply, including police officers serving on Final Extension of Service up to 120 days or Further Employment.

The forums were concluded with a question and answer session hosted by Chief Superintendent of Human Resources Branch Lee Chung-wah, with the participation of representatives from EOS Division, Retirement and Agreements Division and Police Quartering Division. Over 1 400 officers of various ranks attended the forums to gain a better understanding of the policy.

Deputy Commissioner (National Security) Lau Chi-wai takes the“NSmart”Online Quiz.

▲Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Chan Man-tak delivers an opening speech at the forum.

The NS Corner is located at the Force L ibrary in the Police Headquarters.

P.02April 21 to May 4, 2021

OffBeatH O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C E香 港 警 務 處警聲 issue 1182


Police College Open Day Enhances

P.10 Police Collegepassing-out parade

P.09 The Force organises ‘Anti-Deception Month’

In support of the National Security Education Day on April 15 organised by the Committee for Safeguarding

National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Force held an open day at the Hong Kong Police College on the same day, with the aim of enhancing the public’s understanding of national security and the Force’s work in safeguarding national security.

With the theme of “Uphold National Security, Safeguard Our Homeland”, the open day featured a variety of activities. Apart from the first Chinese-style foot drill performance by police officers, Police Band performances and anti-terrorism exercises by special units of the Force, there were also exhibition panels on national security education, display of a specialised crowd management vehicle and a Unimog armoured personnel carrier, as well as equipment display by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau and the Railway

Response Team, etc.The Force hoped that members of the public could

learn more about national security by participating in the event, and would support and have a better understanding of the Force’s work in safeguarding national security.

▲Special Duties Unit officers give a demonstration of anti-terrorism exercise.

Participants tour an exhibition on national security education.

National Security Awareness

Video of the open day

OffBeatApril 21 to May 4, 2021

T H E N E W S PA P E R O F T H E H O N G K O N G P O L I C E F O R C Ew w w . p o l i c e . g o v . h k / o f f b e a t

issue 1182

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▲Officers perform Chinese-style foot drill for the first time.