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  • 8/17/2019 Tugas Ke 2 MSDM - Copy


    Trilogy Enterprises Inc. of Austin, Texas, is a fast-growing software company, and

     provides software solutions to giant global firms for improving sales and performance. It

     prides itself on its unique and unorthodox culture. any of its approaches to business

     practice are unusual, but in Trilogy!s fast-changing and highly competitive environment, they

    seem to wor".

    There is no dress code and employees ma"e their own hours, often very long. They

    tend to sociali#e together $the average age is %&', both in the office s well-stoc"ed "itchen and

    on company-sponsored events and trips to places li"e local dance clubs and retreats in (as

    )egas and *awaii.An in-house +argon has developed, and the shared history of the firm has

    ta"en on the status of legend. esponsibility is heavy and comes early, with a +ust do it now

    attitude that dispenses with long apprenticeships. ew recruits are given a few wee"s of 

    intensive training, "nown as Trilogy niversity and described by participants as more li"e

     boot camp than business school. Information is delivered as if with a fire hose, and new

    employees are expected to commit their expertise and vitality to everything they do. /eff 0aniel, director of college recruiting, admits the intense and unconventional firm is not the

    employer for everybody. 1ut it s definitely an environment where people who are passionate

    about what they do can thrive.

    The firm employs about 233 such passionate people. Trilogy s managers "now the

    rapid growth they see" depends on having a staff of the best people they can find, quic"ly

    trained and given broad responsibility and freedom as soon as possible. 4E5 /oe (iemandt

    says, At a software company, people are everything. 6ou can!t build the next great software

    company, which is what we re trying to do here, unless you re totally committed to that. 5f 

    course, the leaders at every company say, 7eople are everything. 1ut they don t act on it.

    Trilogy ma"es finding the right people $it calls them great people ' a company-wide

    mission. ecruiters actively pursue the freshest, if least experienced, people in the +ob

    mar"et, scouring college career fairs and computer science departments for talented

    overachievers with ambition and entrepreneurial instincts. Top managers conduct the first

    rounds of interviews, letting prospects "now they will be pushed to achieve but will be well

    rewarded. Employees ta"e top recruits and their significant others out on the town when they

    fly into Austin for the standard, 8-day preliminary visit. A typical day might begin with

    grueling interviews but end with mountain bi"ing, rollerblading, or laser tag. Executives have

     been "nown to fly out to meet and woo hot prospects who couldn t ma"e the trip.

    5ne year, Trilogy reviewed 9:,333 r;sum;s, conducted 98,333? /eff 0aniel believes it was

    worth every penny.


    9. Identify some of the established recruiting techniques that apparently underlie

    Trilogy!s unconventional approach to attracting talent.

  • 8/17/2019 Tugas Ke 2 MSDM - Copy


    %. Bhat particular elements of Trilogy s culture most li"ely appeal to the "ind of 

    employees it see"sC *ow does it convey those elements to +ob prospectsC8. Bould Trilogy be an appealing employer for youC Bhy or why notC If not, what

    would it ta"e for you to accept a +ob offer from TrilogyC

  • 8/17/2019 Tugas Ke 2 MSDM - Copy


    0engan berasumsi bahwa perusahaan memberi "uasa "epada Anda untu" mengisi

    sebuah posisi, lang"ah beri"utnya adalah untu" membangun "elompo" pelamar, melalui

     pere"rutan. 7ere"rutan "aryawan berarti menemu"an danDatau menari" pelamar untu" posisi

    terbu"a pemberi "er+a. 7ere"rutan yang efe"tif tida"lah mudah. 7ertama beberapa metode

     pere"rutan lebih unngul dari yang lainnya, tergantung pada pe"er+aannya. edua , pere"rutantergantung pada isu-isu non-pere"rutan seperti s"ala bayaran. etiga, hu"um pe"er+aan

    menentu"an apa yang boleh Anda la"u"an.

    Fumber andidat Internal

    engisi posisi lowongan dengan "andidat dari dalam mempunyai beberapa

    "euntungan. 7ertama, tida" ada yang dapat mengganti"an pengenalan "e"uatan dan

    "elemahan seseorang "andidat, seperti yang Anda mili"i setelah be"er+a bersama mere"a

    untu" beberapa wa"tu. aryawan yang ada mung"in +uga lebih ber"omitmen terhadap

     perusahaan. oral mung"in a"an mening"at +i"a "aryawan melihat promosi sebagai imbalan

    untu" loyalitas dan "ompensasi. andidat dari dalam a"an membutuh"an lebih sedi"it

    orientasi dan mung"in pelatihan dibandi"an orang dari luar 

     amun mempe"er+a"an dari dalam dapat men+adi sen+ata ma"an tuan. 7elamar yang

    tertola" dapat mengalami disorientasi, memberi tahu mengapa Anda menola" mere"a dan

    tinda"an perbai"an yang dapat mere"a la"u"an adalah "rusial. Ini +uga dapat men+adi

     pemborosan wa"tu, "arena acap "ali mana+er telah mengetahui siapa yang ingin ia


    Fumber andidat dari (uar 

    1anya" $atau sebagian besar' lowongan pe"er+aan tida" dipubli"asi"an sama se"ali,

     pe"er+aan tercipta dan men+adi tersedia "eti"a pemberi "er+a secara "ebetulan bertemu

    dengan "andidat yang tepat.

    ere"rut via Internet

    Febagian besar pemberi "er+a mere"rut melalui situs mere"a sendiri, atau

    mengguna"an papan pe"er+aan. 7engguna dapat mencari pe"er+aan berdasar"an "ata

    "unci, membaca des"ripsi pe"er+aaan dan ga+i, menyimpan pe"er+aan "e daftar 

    favorit, dan mengirim"an pranala pe"er+aan dalam sural "epada siapapun dalam daftar 

    "onta" mere"a.. penguna dapat mengarah"annya untu" mencari hanya pe"er+aan yang

    de"at dengan lo"asi mere"a. edia Fosial dan F0

    7ere"rutan +uga sedang beralih dari papan pe"er+aan daring meneu+u situs

     +e+aring sosial seperti faceboo" dan (in"edIn. 7ere"rut +uga mencari "andidat pasif 

    $orang yang tida" secara a"tif mencari pe"er+aan' dengan mengguna"an situs +e+aring

    sosial seperti (in"edIn ecruiter untu" mencari-cari resume anggota dan untu" 

    menemu"an "andidat pasif seperti itu. Agensi 7e"er+aan

    Personnel Planning and Recruiting Page 3

  • 8/17/2019 Tugas Ke 2 MSDM - Copy


    Terdapat tiga +enis utama agensi pe"er+aan $9' agensi pemerintah yang

    dioperasi"an oleh pemerintah federal, negara bagian atau lo"al? $%' agensi yang

     berhungan dengan organisasi nirlaba? dan $8' agensi mili" swasta.


     o 9. Te"ni" re"rutmen dari Trilogy

    a. 4areer fairs in campus b. Furvei langsung berdasar"an prestasi a"ademi" mahasiswa $calon tenaga "er+a'c. Interviewd. 5utbond activitiese. Intensif training in trilogy university

     o %. Elemen elemen budaya "er+a Trilogy

    a. o dresscode b. Tida" ada +am "er+ac. Tempat "er+a fle"sibeld. er+asama yang tinggis

     o 8. enari" "arena tida" adanya batasan-batasan dalam be"er+a. 7roses re"rutmen nya

    menari". Training yan dila"u"an pun menyenang"an.

     o.< mengguna"an apli"asi dalam pere"rutan sehingga syarat-syarat re"rutmen bisa dipenuhi

    dengan bai" dan sesuai standar yang bisa diu"ur.


    0essler, Gary, %39%.  Human Resources Management. Third Edition. ew /ersey 7rentice


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