Download - KASUS 2 BHBP7 2012

Page 1: KASUS 2 BHBP7 2012


• Akhir diskusi pada KASUS 2 ini, mahasiswa harus :

a. Mengetahui dan mampu menjelaskan mengenai aturan dan tata cara pengisian data antemortem dan postemortem.

b. Mampu menjelaskan dan memahami mengenai Aplikasi teknik radiografi konvensional dan digital intra oral dan ekstra oral di bidang forensik kedokteran gigi.

c. Mampu menjelaskan macam-macam Identifikasi forensik dari interpretasi radiografi di bidang kedokteran gigi.

d. Mampu menjelaskan pengertian dan macam-macam teknik fotografi dalam kedokteran gigi forensik.

e. Mengetahui mengenai Teknik super impose (Tehnik Hashimoto).

f. Mampu menyebutkan mengenai macam-macam tehnik Identifikasi melalui fotografi

g. Mampu menjelaskan mengenai Teknik “matching” antemortem dan postmortem.

• Penjabaran :

Kasus 2 :

Tim dokter gigi FKG Unpad menyanggupi permohonan DVI untuk membantu proses identifikasi korban pesawat. Sesampainya di RS Polri, tim ahli lintas ilmu juga telah berada di lokasi untuk membantu identifikasi korban. Mereka bertugas memastikan ciri-ciri korban menyangkut perkiraan usia, susunan gigi, dan asal-usul korban. Tim ahli yang terlibat telah mengidentifikasi 15 jenazah berdasarkan data-data primer seperti gigi geligi yang masih utuh maupun yang mengalami anomali bentuk, sidik jari, dan DNA. Hasil pemeriksaan tim ahli ini akan dicocokkan dengan data dari pihak keluarga. Tim DVI juga memberikan laporan orang hilang serta data-data pelengkap yang dianggap perlu kepada tim doker gigi.

• Instruksi :

1. Apa yang dilakukan dokter gigi untuk melakukan proses identifikasi korban tersebut?

2. Apa saja macam teknik radiografi konvensional dan digital intra oral dan ekstra oral

3. Apa saja identifikasi forensik dari interpretasi radiografi di bidang kedokteran gigi

4. Sebutkan macam – macam teknik fotografi dalam kedokteran gigi forensik

5. Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang data antemortem dan postmortem?

6. Bagaimana cara melakukan tehnik matching data AM & PM dalam rekonsiliasi?

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7. Ilmu apa saja yang menunjang untuk melakukan identifikasi di bidang kedokteran gigi?


Bowers, MC and Bell GL. 1995. Manual of Forensic Odontology. Pub. Of the American Society of Forensic Odontology. Page 21-23, 40-42, 67-73, 148-184, 200-232, 258-280, 283-298.

Itjingningsih. 1995. Anatomi Gigi. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.

Lukman, D. 1994. Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik. Ed. Ke-2. Jakarta: Buku Ajar Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Trisakti. Hlm. 1-2.

Clark.H,Derek. 1992. Practical Forensic Odontology. London : Redwood Press. Page 1-43, 67-80, 101-110, 128-137, 188-205.

Clement, JG and Ranson DL. 1998. Craniofacial identification in forensic medicine. London: Arnold. 37-187.

Eckert, WG. 1980. Introduction to Forensic Sciences. St. Louis : Mosby. Chapter 9 page 115-154.

Sopher, IM. 1976. Forensic Dentistry. Charles C Thomas. Page 57-107.

Valck, ED. 2000. Forensic Odontology. Proceedings of The European IOFOS Millenium Meeting. Leuven. Page 55-65.

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CASE 2 :

In the end of discussion, students are expected to:

Know and able to explain the rules of filling the antemortem and postmortem data.

Able to explain and understand the application of conventional and digital radiograph technique both extra and intra oral in forensic odontology.

Able to explain various types of forensic identification from radiograph interpretation in dental science.

Able to explain the definition and types of photography technique in forensic odontology.

Able to know super impose technique (Hasimoto technique).

Able to mention types of identification techniques through photography.

Able to explain matching technique between antemortem and postmortem data.

Explanation :

Case 2 :

Dentist team from dentistry faculty of University of Padjadjaran accommodate the request from DVI Team to identify the victims. As they arrived at the Police Hospital, a team of experts from across science fields is already on site to assist the identification process. They were in charge to ensure the characteristic of the victims concerning the approximate age, teeth, and their origins. The team has identified 15 bodies based on primary data such as intact teeth or teeth with anomaly shape, fingerprints, and DNA. The result will be matched with the data from victim’s family. DVI also provides other complementary data which required by the dentists.

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Instruksi :

What should dentist do to identify the victims?

What are the types of conventional and digital radiograph technique both extra and intra oral in forensic odontology?

What are the types of forensic identification from radiograph interpretation in dental science?

Mention the types of photography technique in forensic odontology?

What do you know about antemortem dan postmortem data?

Please explain how to do the matching technique between antemortem and postmortem data in reconciliation phase!

What are other science fields which support identification in dental forensic?


Bowers, MC and Bell GL. 1995. Manual of Forensic Odontology. Pub. Of the American Society of Forensic Odontology. Page 21-23, 40-42, 67-73, 148-184, 200-232, 258-280, 283-298.

Itjingningsih. 1995. Anatomi Gigi. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.

Lukman, D. 1994. Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Forensik. Ed. Ke-2. Jakarta: Buku Ajar Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Trisakti. Hlm. 1-2.

Clark.H,Derek. 1992. Practical Forensic Odontology. London : Redwood Press. Page 1-43, 67-80, 101-110, 128-137, 188-205.

Clement, JG and Ranson DL. 1998. Craniofacial identification in forensic medicine. London: Arnold. 37-187.

Eckert, WG. 1980. Introduction to Forensic Sciences. St. Louis : Mosby. Chapter 9 page 115-154.

Sopher, IM. 1976. Forensic Dentistry. Charles C Thomas. Page 57-107.

Valck, ED. 2000. Forensic Odontology. Proceedings of The European IOFOS Millenium Meeting. Leuven. Page 55-65.