Download - Corpal Coin



LAPORAN JAGAOleh : Anies Indra Kusyati2 Mei 2013Nama : An. AAUmur : 3th 2 blnNo RM: 016xxxxAlamat: Bojasari, kertekKlinis : Corpal koin di esofagus


Klinis : corpal koin di esofagusFoto Thorax AP dan lateral view, asimetris, inspirasi dan kondisi cukup, hasil :Tampak corakan bronkhovaskuler normalTak tampak penebalan pleural space bilateralKedua diafragma licinCor, CTR = 0,44Tampak opasitas tunggal, bentuk bulat, batas tegas, tepi licin di esofagus di proyeksi setinggi VC 7- VTh 1Kesan : Menyokong gambaran corpal coin di esofagus di proyeksi setinggi VC 7-VTh 1

More common in children ( < 5 years old) Most often they impact just below cricopharyngeus at the thoracic inlet (70%) 20% impact at the level of the aortic arch 10% just above the esophagogastric junctionCoin in the

Coin in esophagus. Close-up of a frontal view of the neck and upper chest shows a round metallic foreign body (white arrow) that lies in the midline just above the aortic knob (red arrow). This is a quarter that is impacted in the esophagus. Coins in the esophagus are round in appearance on the frontal view whereas coins in the trachea are usually seen on end and are linear in shape.

www.learningradiology.comLeft Lateral Chest Radiograph

Esophagus Trachea Lung hiliHeart silhouette Lung apices Scapulae Thoracic vertebra Thoracic intervertebral foramen Superimposed posterior ribsCostophrenic anglesDiaphragm (yellow arrows)