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  • 8/11/2019 Artikel Kesehatan SC Dari Babycare


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    Giving birth by cesarean section

    Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

    Last updated: June 2014

    In this article

    What is a cesarean section?

    Why would I have a planned c-section?

    Why would I have an unplanned cesarean delivery?

    What happens right before a c-section?

    How is a c-section done?

    What are the risks of having a c-section?

    Video: C-section surgery

    Photos: C-section scars

    What is a cesarean section?

    A cesarean section, or c-section, is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the

    mother's abdomen and uterus. In certain circumstances, a c-section is scheduled in advance. In

    others, it's done in response to an unforeseen complication.

    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 33 percent of Americanwomen who gave birth in 2011 had a cesarean delivery. (The c-section rate in the United Stateshas risen nearly 60 percent since 1996.)

    Why would I have a planned c-section?

    Sometimes it's clear that a woman will need a cesarean even before she goes into labor. For

    example, you may require a planned c-section if:

    You've had a previous cesarean with a "classical" vertical uterine incision (this is relatively rare)

    or more than one previous c-section. Both of these significantly increase the risk that youruterus will rupture during a vaginal delivery.

    If you've had only one previous c-section with a horizontal uterine incision, you may be a good

    candidate for avaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC.(Note that the type of scar on your belly

    may not match the one on your uterus.)

    You've had some other kind of invasive uterine surgery, such as a myomectomy (the surgical

    removal of fibroids).
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    You're carrying more than one baby. (Some twins can be delivered vaginally, but most of the

    time higher-order multiples require a c-section.)

    Your baby is expected to be very large (a condition known as macrosomia). This is particularly

    true if you're diabetic or you had a previous baby of the same size or smaller who suffered

    serious trauma during a vaginal birth.

    Your baby is in abreech(bottom first) or transverse (sideways) position. (In some cases, such as

    a twin pregnancy in which the first baby is head down but the second baby is breech, the breech

    baby may be delivered vaginally.)

    You have placentaprevia(when the placenta is so low in the uterus that it covers the cervix).

    You have an obstruction, such as a large fibroid, that would make a vaginal delivery difficult or


    The baby has a known malformation or abnormality that would make a vaginal birth risky, such

    as some cases of open neural tube defects.

    You'reHIV-positive,and blood tests done near the end of pregnancy show that you have a high

    viral load.

    Why would I have an unplanned cesarean delivery?

    You may need to have a c-section if problems arise that make continuing or inducing labor.These include the following:

    Your cervix stops dilating or your baby stops moving down the birth canal, and attempts to

    stimulate contractions to get things moving again haven't worked.

    Your baby's heart rate gives your practitioner cause for concern, and she decides that your baby

    can't withstand continued labor orinduction.

    The umbilical cord slips through your cervix (a prolapsed cord). If that happens, your baby needs

    to be delivered immediately because a prolapsed cord can cut off his oxygen supply.

    Your placenta starts to separate from your uterine wall (placental abruption), which means yourbaby won't get enough oxygen unless he's delivered right away.

    You have a genital herpes outbreak when you go into labor or when your water breaks

    (whichever happens first). Delivering your baby by c-section will help him avoid infection.

    What happens right before a c-section?

    First, your practitioner will explain why he believes a c-section is necessary, and you'll be asked

    to sign a consent form. If your prenatal practitioner is a midwife, you'll be assigned an

    obstetrician for the surgery who will make the final decision and get your consent.

    Typically,your husband or partnercan be with you during most of the preparation and for the

    birth. In the rare instance that a c-section is such an emergency that there's no time for yourpartner to change clothes or you need general anesthesia, which would knock you out

    completely your partner might not be allowed to stay in the operating room with you.

    An anesthesiologist will then come by to review various pain-management options. It's rare these
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    days to be given general anesthesia, except in the most extreme emergency situations or if you

    can't have regional pain relief (like an epidural or spinal block) for some reason.

    More likely, you'll be given an epidural or spinal block, which will numb the lower half of your

    body but leave you awake and alert for the birth of your baby.

    If you've already had an epidural for pain relief during labor, it will often be used for your c-section as well. Before the surgery, you'll get extra medication to ensure that you're completely

    numb. (You may still feel some pressure or a tugging sensation at some point during the


    A catheter is then inserted into your urethra to drain urine during the procedure, and an IV is

    started (for fluids and medications) if you don't have one already. The top section of your pubic

    hair may be shaved, and you're moved into an operating room.

    You may be given an antacid medication to drink before the surgery as a precautionary measure.

    If an emergency arises, you may need general anesthesia, which puts you at risk for vomitingwhile you're unconscious and inhaling your stomach contents into your lungs. The antacid

    neutralizes your stomach acid so it won't damage your lung tissue.

    You'll probably be given antibiotics through your IV to help prevent infection after the operation.

    (Some practitioners give antibiotics after the surgery, but the newest recommendations require

    giving them before the surgery.)

    Anesthesia will be administered, and a screen will be raised above your waist so you won't have

    to see the incision being made. (If you'd like to witness the moment of birth, ask a nurse to lowerthe screen slightly so you can see the baby but not much else.) Your partner, freshly attired in

    operating room garb, may take a seat by your head.

    How is a c-section done?

    Once the anesthesia has taken effect, your belly will be swabbed with an antiseptic, and the

    doctor will most likely make a small, horizontal incision in the skin above your pubic bone(sometimes called a "bikini cut").

    The doctor will cut through the underlying tissue, slowly working her way down to your uterus.

    When she reaches your abdominal muscles, she'll separate them (usually manually rather than

    cutting through them) and spread them to expose what's underneath.

    When the doctor reaches your uterus, she'll probably make a horizontal cut in the lower section

    of it. This is called a low-transverse uterine incision.

    In rare circumstances, the doctor will opt for a vertical or "classical" uterine incision. This might

    be the case if your baby is very premature and the lower part of your uterus is not yet thinned out
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    enough to cut. (If you have a classical incision, it's unlikely that you'll be able to attempt a

    vaginal delivery with your next pregnancy.)

    Then the doctor will reach in and pull out your baby. Once the cord is cut, you'll have a chance

    to see the baby briefly before he's handed off to a pediatrician or nurse. While the staff is

    examining your newborn, the doctor will deliver your placenta and then begin the process ofclosing you up.

    After your baby has been examined, the pediatrician or nurse may hand him to your partner, whocan hold him right next to you so you can admire, nuzzle, and kiss him while you're being

    stitched up, layer-by-layer.

    The stitches used for your uterus will dissolve in the body. The final layer the skin may be

    closed with stitches or staples, which are usually removed three days to a week later (or your

    doctor may choose to use stitches that dissolve on their own). Closing your uterus and belly will

    take a lot longer than opening you up, usually about 30 minutes.

    After the surgery is complete, you'll be wheeled into a recovery room, where you'll be closely

    monitored for a few hours. If your baby is fine, he'll be with you in the recovery room and youcan finally hold him. You'll receive fluids through your IV until you can eat and drink.

    If you plan to breastfeed, give it a try now. You may find nursing more comfortable if you and

    your newborn lie on your sides facing each other.

    You can expect to stay in the hospital for about three days. Your doctor will talk with you about

    your pain medication. Most use a patient-controlled anesthesia, through your IV, followed bypain pills as necessary when you're able to eat and drink.

    For the full scoop on what happens after a cesarean, see our article on recovering from a c-section.

    What are the risks of having a c-section?

    A c-section is major abdominal surgery, so it's riskier than a vaginal delivery. Moms who have c-sections are more likely to have an infection, excessive bleeding, blood clots, more postpartum

    pain, a longer hospital stay, and a significantly longer recovery. Injuries to the bladder or bowel,

    although very rare, are also more common.

    Studies have found that babies born by elective c-section before 39 weeks are more likely to

    have breathing problems than babies who are delivered vaginally or by emergency c-section.

    In addition, if you plan to have more children, each c-section increases your future risk of thesecomplications as well asplacenta previa and placenta accreta.
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    That said, not all c-sections can or should be prevented. In some situations, a c-section is

    necessary for the well-being of the mother, the baby, or both. Ask your practitioner exactly why

    he is recommending a c-section. Talk about the possible risks and advantages for you and yourbaby in your particular situation.