Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09 - Synergetic Wiki

Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09 Module Resolved Version Type Program 66.72 Bug Resolved 42318 Win Idam Update WS call should be sending 'PersonalEmail' and 'OccupationEmail' rather than 'Email' and 'OccupEmail' The IDAM Update WS is now sending correctly labelled email elements as part of the Request XML. The system now sends PersonalEmail and OccupationEmail instead of Email and OccupEmail. 66.66 Bug Resolved 42360 Win The Request xml when creating a spouse for an existing community member with an address should contain the address details (Windows) The Request xml when creating a spouse for an existing community member with an address now contains the address detail. 66.66 Bug Resolved 42431 Win Student Transfer - Data Transfer failed Student Data Transfer - Data Transfer messages are now correctly being sent to the previous school, automatically actioned and response Action messages sent back to the requestor for action. 66.68 Bug Resolved 42830 Win Applications to future student process may not be working or exists when converting data captured school preferences data from SynOnline web application Applications to future student process may not be working or exists when converting data captured school preferences data from SynOnline web application 66.70 Bug Resolved 42933 Win Process Student Transfer - Missing Data Allergy and Disability details not transferring 67.05 Bug Resolved 48292 Win Unable to restore default tab layouts Fix issue if you have a customised tab layout and wish to return to the default layout. Pressing the 'Default' button and answering the following screen was not actually resetting the tab layout. 67.05 Enhancement 48294 Win Add Customise Tab Layout and Show Default Tab Layout to tab sheet popup menu Include these options in the menu that appears when you right click the tab headings of a maintenance program (eg Student Maintenance, Community Maintenance etc) 66.97 Bug Resolved 48904 Win vDocuments - Not all documents are showing When looking at vDocuments - Some documents are not displaying correctly. They can be seen through the interface but not through the view. 66.97 Enhancement 49026 Win CEOVIC - Stats Report Additional fields for CEO to submit STATS report for schools New additional fields required for the CEO STATS export file. - School System Code (ENumber) - defined under System>School Setting Maintenance - The Year of the export - automatically populated - ‘SynergeticManual’ - automatically populated to indicate the file was a manual export 66.97 Bug Resolved 49125 Win Future Students - un-archive future student record When trying to un-archive a future student record, the following error message was ocurring: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table 'SynergyOne.dbo.ActionMessageSubscriber'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. This was because there were historical future student records with a followup id of 0 and this was causing issues. 66.97 Bug Resolved 49201 Win BOSNSW Export - Previous Year data When exporting data for the previous year no year 12's were appearing. 66.93 Enhancement 40072 Win ********** MAJOR FEATURE ********** New Program: System Queues + Dashboard New Program to monitor System Queues Page 1 of 49 Generated @ 20/09/2016 Windows

Transcript of Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09 - Synergetic Wiki

Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.72 Bug Resolved 42318WinIdam Update WS call should be sending 'PersonalEmail' and 'OccupationEmail' rather than 'Email' and 'OccupEmail'

The IDAM Update WS is now sending correctly labelled email elements as part of the Request XML. The system now sends PersonalEmail and OccupationEmail instead of Email and OccupEmail.

66.66 Bug Resolved 42360WinThe Request xml when creating a spouse for an existing community member with an address should contain the address details (Windows)

The Request xml when creating a spouse for an existing community member with an address now contains the address detail.

66.66 Bug Resolved 42431WinStudent Transfer - Data Transfer failed

Student Data Transfer - Data Transfer messages are now correctly being sent to the previous school, automatically actioned and response Action messages sent back to the requestor for action.

66.68 Bug Resolved 42830WinApplications to future student process may not be working or exists when converting data captured school preferences data from SynOnline web application

Applications to future student process may not be working or exists when converting data captured school preferences data from SynOnline web application

66.70 Bug Resolved 42933WinProcess Student Transfer - Missing Data

Allergy and Disability details not transferring

67.05 Bug Resolved 48292WinUnable to restore default tab layouts

Fix issue if you have a customised tab layout and wish to return to the default layout. Pressing the 'Default' button and answering the following screen was not actually resetting the tab layout.

67.05 Enhancement 48294WinAdd Customise Tab Layout and Show Default Tab Layout to tab sheet popup menu

Include these options in the menu that appears when you right click the tab headings of a maintenance program (eg Student Maintenance, Community Maintenance etc)

66.97 Bug Resolved 48904WinvDocuments - Not all documents are showing

When looking at vDocuments - Some documents are not displaying correctly. They can be seen through the interface but not through the view.

66.97 Enhancement 49026WinCEOVIC - Stats Report Additional fields for CEO to submit STATS report for schools

New additional fields required for the CEO STATS export file. - School System Code (ENumber) - defined under System>School Setting Maintenance - The Year of the export - automatically populated- ‘SynergeticManual’ - automatically populated to indicate the file was a manual export

66.97 Bug Resolved 49125WinFuture Students - un-archive future student record

When trying to un-archive a future student record, the following error message was ocurring:Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID', table 'SynergyOne.dbo.ActionMessageSubscriber'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

This was because there were historical future student records with a followup id of 0 and this was causing issues.

66.97 Bug Resolved 49201WinBOSNSW Export - Previous Year data

When exporting data for the previous year no year 12's were appearing.

66.93 Enhancement 40072Win

********** MAJOR FEATURE **********New Program: System Queues + Dashboard

New Program to monitor System Queues

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.69 Enhancement 40303WinMultitenant Service Broker Queue Processing Job - SynergeticMessageQueueProcessor

Multitenant Service Broker Queue Processing Job - SynergeticMessageQueueProcessorPreviously known as Syn Service Broker Import.One job created per tenant to run under the schema user context.Created as part of the SecurityGrantMultitenant script.

66.64 Enhancement 40332WinCALENDAR_Manually maintain a public Calendar Appointment

Manually created Public calendar appointments can now be edited or cancelled from the Calendar screen.

66.61 Bug Resolved 41129WinSynergeticDailyMaintenance - job failure on multitenant system

Changes have been done and tested on Steve's machine.

66.64 Bug Resolved 41186WinReallocate an Orphaned Task

When an orphaned task is reallocated it no longer appears on the orphan list.

66.62 Bug Resolved 41187WinLaunch/Open a TASK in it's own dialog

The issue has been fixed.

66.65 Bug Resolved 41669WinPerformance issues in Action Centre

Numerous performance enhancements for action messages

66.63 Bug Resolved 41703WinAction center - Enquiry Inactivity report hasn't been generated

This was a dependent issue on the daily maint jobs.

66.62 Bug Resolved 41827WinOnline Reciepts Listing - Error displayed when making a payment for a paid event

Online Reciepts Listing - Error displayed when making a payment for a paid event

66.67 Bug Resolved 41946WinLook up Table Maint: ModifiedDate and ModifiedUser columns are showing blank

ModifiedDate and ModifiedUser columns are showing blank for luEventConsentTypes when you do the following: a. Add Consent b. Modify Consent

66.75 Bug Resolved 44953WinUnable to add staff to Class or PTI. Error: '' is not a valid integer value.

Fixed an issue when trying to add a staff member to a class or PTI, where an error pops up: '' is not a valid integer value.

67.05 Enhancement 44959WinSearch for tabs

Adding the functionality to search for the tab names in all SynMain Maintenances.

67.05 Bug Resolved 45274WinYear Level lookup tables does not search code field

Fix an issue where year level code was not part of enhanced filtering of lookup combo-boxes

66.79 Bug Resolved 45293WinError when de-duplicating records

Fixed an issue when de-duplicating Community members which occured when the community members had Ability records.

66.80 Enhancement 45837WinAutomatic Timetabler Import - Support for Version 9.0

Database files have changed for version 9.0. These have been be added to the automatic import routines.

66.80 Bug Resolved 46099WinSingle Database environment only - Labels incorrectly adding prefix

Fixed an issue with the conversion to a multi-tenant database structure, where the conversion of code resulted in some labels showing incorrectly. For example in Class Maintenance > General tab, the following label should read: Always Keep Assessable on Timetable import was showing as: Always Keep Assessable on dbo.Timetable import

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.80 Bug Resolved 46179WinError message when re-allocating Action Centre update task - Single database environment only

Fixed an issue where re-allocating an Update Community Details task caused an error message to be displayed.

66.82 Bug Resolved 46251WinAction centre message_Unable to drill down to debtor in - Debtor balance reached level 4, no arrangement

Unable to access debtor record by clicking on button under "Linked to Debtor" in Action centre

66.83 Bug Resolved 46597WinSingle Database - Right mouse clicking on Active Control lookups does not display all extended options

In some lookup tables displayed in the windows client that use active control components, extended options were not being displayed. E.g. Cash Receipts Entry > G/L Allocations tab

66.82 Enhancement 46598WinAbsence Events Maintenance - Slow loading

Implemented Performance Improvements to speed up loading Absence Events Maintenance as the screen was taking up to 30 second to load.

66.90 Bug Resolved 46850WinUser can select a campus even though NoCampus configuration is true

Fixed an issue where, when the configuration setting Sudents|NoCampus was TRUE the Campus field in windows was not disabled in all locations. In some cases, it was enabled:Debtors > Automatic Tuition...Students > Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance > Sessions tab > [Add...]

66.91 Enhancement 47973WinTimetabler Automatic Import - Timetabled classes without students - not on file

Fixed an issue with the Timetbaler Automatic Import where classes without students were appearing as "not on file".

66.91 Bug Resolved 47975WinWhen running a subsequent V66R2 upgrade the luMedicalConditionType & luMedicalImmunisationType are reset to a specific set of defaults.

Fixed an issue where, after an upgrade, the default values for luMedicalConditionType & luMedicalImmunisationType are reset to a specific set of defaults. If a record had been deleted for any of medical lookup tables the upgrade re-populated those lookups by adding back the default values.

67.05 Enhancement 45516SynDBDeprecate tmedicalDetails and all dependent views and reports

Deprecated the old medical structure entirely

67.05 Enhancement 23104SynDBGL Receipts on Community Portal and Debtors Maintenance

Include G/L only receipts that have been made by the debtor on the finance tab which currently only shows receipts that have an impact on the debtor account.

The G/L only receipts will always show in Community Portal, however it is configurable if they are included in Windows Debtor Maintenance (default = include).

There are two values in Finance Configuration Maintenance (Debtors Page 2) 'Include G/L Only Receipts in Debtor Maintenance Receipts Grid' tick box to control the visibility in Windows, there is also a 'Default Receipt Description for G/L Only Receipts' that displays in the grid if no specific description has been entered for the receipt.

66.60 Enhancement 40100SynDBModification to Action Centre Details for School Code and Name


66.60 Bug Resolved 40632SynDBxfriUpdateStaff is creating extra community record

the inserting issue in xfriUpdateStaff is resolved

66.61 Bug Resolved 40757SynDB_INT3_GL Account new and changed by T1 heading in Action centre summary is incorrect

No Issue

66.62 Bug Resolved 41353SynDBGLJ WS - Student Class charges should not be executed when an inactive GL Account is specified. Appropriate error message is not being triggered.

GLJournal WS - Student Class charges should not be executed when an inactive GL Account is specified. Appropriate error message is not being triggered.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.61 Bug Resolved 41359SynDBxfreMessageQueue.RequestXML is NULL

If in Finance Config, the Debtors Control Account and the Unearned Instalments Control Account are the same.When charging a Debtor an instalment fee (and the first charge is not generated) the RequestXML field is displayed as NULL

NOTE: If you are exporting to a third party financial package using ESB then we no longer permit the control accounts to be the same.

66.61 Bug Resolved 41619SynDBError message for CLRActionMessageException_DocumentFile_DoInsert

the error message issue is resolved

66.65 Bug Resolved 41642SynDBModify a transaction after it's posted from Synergetic cash receipts and is sending the difference only

Modify a transaction after it's posted from Synergetic , Synergetic is sending the difference only

66.65 Bug Resolved 41643SynDBClean up duplicate Action Centre Messages

A number of legacy action centre message type have now been cleaned up so that duplicate message types are removed

66.64 Bug Resolved 41835SynDBIDAM - Creating a student who is a contact results in only one role being created for the student

IDAM - Creating a student who is a contact now results in two roles being created for the student

66.68 Bug Resolved 41874SynDBDuplicate action message types

DB matches the message types from the excel sheet provided for 66R2

66.65 Bug Resolved 41897SynDBSynergeticDailyMaintenance job is dropped and re-created - loses job history and email notifications

In an upgrade, SynergeticDailyMaintenance job is no longer dropped and re-created

66.69 Bug Resolved 41898SynDBCorrespondence tab loses some DBMail items on migration to a new server

Some DBMail items shown in the correspondence tab are stored in the master database and when the system is migrated to a new server, access to these items is lost. Suggest DBMail items copied to a table in SynergyOne on a nightly basis and correspondence tab also refers to that

66.65 Bug Resolved 42065SynDBNot all IDAM requests are populating CreatedByName

When a request is made to xfreMessageQueue, the CreatedByName is being populated in all cases where necessary.

66.68 Bug Resolved 42080SynDBA Poisoned Replication Service Broker Queue occurrd during transfer to future from online applications

A Poisoned Replication Service Broker Queue occurred during transfer to future from online applications when there were multiple Future Students with the same IDAMGuid.

66.64 Bug Resolved 42091SynDBWhen max retries is reached, system gives up trying to send outbound message - Create nightly job to allow the resending of requests when maximum retry count has been reached

New overnight Job looks at requests that did not send for that day (due to maximum retries being hit) - this will attempt to resend again to confirm whether the issue that stopped them running during the day has been resolved.

66.64 Bug Resolved 42141SynDBDebtor's spouse details in IDAM not matching synclient details

Debtor's spouse details in message queue are now separated from the Debtor's details.

66.64 Bug Resolved 42150SynDBIncorrect Mobile Phone field mapping

In the refSystemImportFieldMapping table, PersonalMobile is now correctly mapped to MobilePhoneActual

66.64 Bug Resolved 42204SynDBError message processing payments in Portal

When a payment is made on the Portal, the user is presented with receipt details, however the message is also displayed to the user: Your payment has been successfully processed. Your account will be updated within the next 48 hours.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.65 Bug Resolved 42207SynDBInterrogate Addresses when eHR updating Community

When a change to home or postal address is received, from external interface, and the Same-as-Postal-flag is not provided, the system will determine the value of this flag by comparing the home and postal addresses

66.65 Bug Resolved 42209SynDBNo Action Centre message is created for the Configuration File Maintenance - Finance

Action Centre message are now generated when centrally managed configuration keys are modified (finance)

66.65 Bug Resolved 42441SynDBTrigger in Config creating incorrect Action Centre Messages

Updates to Config keys and Finance Config keys no longer create Centrally Managed action centre messages for keys that are not centrally managed.

66.65 Bug Resolved 42465SynDBTimeout issues due to system not setting Processed Inbound messages as 'Complete' resulting in the import job processing same messages in a loop

The data has been reverted and the fix made.

66.66 Bug Resolved 42558SynDBDaily Maintenance job error message in multi-tenant environment

Fixed nightly maintenance datetime conversion error

66.68 Bug Resolved 42700SynDBAction Message of No Subscribers

Subscribed action centre messages are no longer shown under No Subscribers.

67.05 Enhancement 42703SynDBSet AUTO_UPDATE_STATS_ASYNC ON in SecurityGrant - default for all Synergetic databases

Set AUTO_UPDATE_STATS_ASYNC ON in SecurityGrant - default for all Synergetic databases

67.09 Enhancement 42704SynDBAdditional SQL Indexing after missing index review of several sites

Added additional table indexes for performance improvement

66.69 Bug Resolved 42727SynDBChange student details not sent to VSR when student in exception

Change student details not sent to VSR when student in exception

66.69 Bug Resolved 42792SynDBDaily Maintenance error

Daily Maintenance error is no longer showing.

66.68 Bug Resolved 42838SynDBEvent payment errors are not being presented to the user

Error message now displayed in the report.

66.68 Bug Resolved 42884SynDBAccepting a change of community details is causing repetitive requests

Accepting a change of community details is causing repetitive requests

66.68 Bug Resolved 42885SynDBCrystal Reports username has too high priviledges

Report is now being displayed for this scenario.

66.68 Enhancement 42984SynDBSynergyOneFinance.spgConfigResourceUserTables - use fnGetSchemaID instead of SynergyOne.dbo.fnGetSchemaID

Was crossing to SynergyOne database in order to do the schema call. Use function within the finance database instead.

66.68 Bug Resolved 43041SynDBInstead Of Trigger issue in action centre

Error occuring when accessing payment page of SynOnline ApplicationsWhen modifying a lookup table

Error appears as:Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure luRelationship_IUDTR, Line 47INSTEAD OF triggers do not support direct recursion. The trigger execution failed.Msg 3609, Level 16, State 1, Line 3The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.69 Bug Resolved 43067SynDBTransferring a Future Student from Online Applications appears to show multiple IDAMUpdate in xfremessagequeue

If you create a student from SynOnline > Student Application and transfers the future student in Process Online Applications/Enquiry Import, the xfremessagequeue shows multiple IDAMUpdate.

66.68 Bug Resolved 43089SynDBRemove error checking for same preference number for Future Student applications

In future student maintenance > Other Schools tab > Preferences child tab, there is a check whether the same preference number has been entered.This is allowed and therefore the check is to be removed.

66.69 Bug Resolved 43115SynDBError message processing an event payment

After successfully processing an event payment, the user is presented with the receipt page. No error is displayed to the user.When running the report DEBRSPTOLLIST (Online Receipts List), the following error may appear:The DELETE permission was denied on the object 'Constituencies', database 'SynergyOne', schema '{schema name}'. sptwkEnrolmentDeposits @211 sptReceiptsDebtorTransactions @ 1294

66.70 Bug Resolved 43126SynDBAction Messages are not in sync

The tables luActionMessageType and ActionMessageType were not in sync, meaning that not all the correct active action message codes are showing in Group/User Security Maintenance.

66.71 Bug Resolved 43196SynDBIncorrect numbers reported in Action Centre

Fixed a logical error that was reporting incorrect numbers for the Alert/Task/Info icons in action centre

66.75 Bug Resolved 43306SynDBMulti-tenant - Families address incorrectly reporting as deceased in target school

Fixed an issue where action messages were allowing community records to be marked as deceased without any error checking e.g. they have a spouse.

66.74 Bug Resolved 43318SynDBVSN/GovernmentStudentNumber not being received in tenant

Fixed an issue where the GovernmentStudentNumber (VSN) was not being sent on a Student Details Request.

66.70 Bug Resolved 43331SynDBGenerating Attendance Semester Summary

When generating the Attendance Semester Summary there's an error message that comes up:'AbsenceTypeFinal', table 'SynergyOne.dbo.AttendanceSemesterSummary'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.The statement has been terminated.

66.70 Bug Resolved 43366SynDBA Poisoned Replication Service Broker Queue occurred during transfer to future from online applications

In a Multi Tenant environment when there are multiple future students with the same IDAMGuid the Queue processing can become disabled during transfer to future from online applications.

66.72 Bug Resolved 43452SynDBAttendance Notifications uses current cycle day instead of definition day

Attendance Notifications were using the cycle day instead of the definition day specified in Timetable Maintenance. This caused notifications to be sent at wrong expected times.E.g. Synergetic -> Students -> Timetable Maintenance -> Timetable Definition tab -> A timetable day of 50 is added. Under the Calendar Events tab, an entry is added with 'Calendar Type' of D4=D50. Attendance Notifications were sent from day four's timetable instead of using day 50.NOTE: Timetable Definition Period and Times should be sequential in order for absence notifications to be sent correctly. e.g. "Period 2" should have Period value of "2" and not "3", and the time-from and time-to needs to be before Period 1's

67.08 Enhancement 43472SynDBCreate clustered indexes on all tables for performance increase

Added CLUSTERED indexes for performance improvement to various tables

66.74 Bug Resolved 43516SynDBSynergeticDailyMaintenance - Multitenant error on spdActionMessagePurge

Fixed an issue where the SynergeticDailyMaintenance SQL Agent Job was failing on spdActionMessagePurge

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.72 Enhancement 43613SynDBNZMOE Roll Return Changes for 2016

New changes for NZMOE 2016 roll returns. These includes modifications to some errors and warnings, as well as a change to the structure of the MoE file. There are no interface changes required for this update.

66.72 Bug Resolved 43626SynDBLogic error when attempting to resend nightly queues

Fixed a logic issue which resulting in an error occurring when attempting to resend nightly queues.

66.77 Bug Resolved 43783SynDBluActionMessageType is not in sync with Action Centre Types

----------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW PROGRAM - SETTINGS MAINTENANCE----------------------------------------------------------------------------A new Settings Maintenance program in the Synergetic Windows Application > Systems menu was created to configure action message types. This replaces luActionMessageType which has been removed from the database. Configuration of action messages must now be done through the Settings Maintenance program instead of through lookup tables maintenance. This program also provides a framework that other configuration can be added to in the future.

66.76 Bug Resolved 45029SynDBSystem generated Action Messages have no originating username

Fixed an issue where System generated Action Messages had no originating username.

66.76 Bug Resolved 45135SynDBContact information replaces student information

Fixed an issue in the transfer of student details between schools where Contact information replaces student information

66.80 Enhancement 45254SynDBAssess recommended Indexes and add where appropriate.

Added 56 recommended Indexes to various tables including AbsenceEvents; AttendanceMaster; ConfigGroupSecurity; DebtorStatementBalancesRecipients; DebtorTransactions; GeneralLedgerJournals; PTInterviews; PurchaseOrders; StudentClasses and SubjectAssessments

66.77 Bug Resolved 45336SynDBCreating staff from web service calls are incorrectly sending IDAMUpdate requests

Fixed an issue where creating staff from web service calls was incorrectly sending IDAMUpdate requests

66.78 Bug Resolved 45344SynDBSpecial characters not being sent to VSR correctly

Fixed an issue where special characters were not being sent to the VSR Service correctly

66.79 Bug Resolved 45993SynDBError message attempting to update config key

Fixed an issue that occurred in Configuration File Maintenance - Finance in multi tenant systems. In the master tenant when the user attempts to save a modification made to a SynchronisedField key, the following error appeared: Unable to post data objectdsetConfig:-Incorrect syntax near '<'

66.90 Bug Resolved 46253SynDBFuture student information is overriding Current TSI and Indigenous flags for a Request Student Details

When attempting to request student information from one tenant to another, if the sending tenants student existed as a future as well as a current student, the future student record of the TSI and Indigenous information is being sent. The current student information is now prioritised.

66.81 Bug Resolved 46298SynDBWhen a future student is being transferred to current and not deleted an IDAMAddRole action centre message is being generated

After transferring a future student to current students, a list of constituencies is sent to IDAM. If IDAM is aware of this constit it returns an error which then is generated in the action centre. This has been fixed by ignoring the IDAM Add role error.

66.92 Bug Resolved 46368SynDBXML error messages in action centre are not consistent with collapsible XML

Action Centre now has an XML Data Tab which displays formatted XML. The tab is only visible if there is XML data associated with the Action Message. The following configuration key has therefore been removed: System|ActionCentre|CollapsibleHTML

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

66.97 Bug Resolved 46723SynDBError message linking to IDAM with special characters

Fixed an issue where special characters in XML packets were not being handled correctly

66.90 Bug Resolved 46746SynDBTax codes not being properly handled

Fixed an issue where the Tax Code assigned to the GL treatment of an event was not being honoured. The Tax code assigned to the actual GL itself was being used.

66.95 Bug Resolved 46752SynDBSystem is not populating users default FileYear & Semester

When a new user is created with their FileYear and/or Semester set to 0 (zero) the FileYear/FileSemester are set to the default values.

66.85 Bug Resolved 47089SynDBUpdating General Ledger codes does not create action centre messages

Fixed an issue where updated general ledger details originated from TechOne, then imported into Synergetic is not generating an action centre message.

66.91 Bug Resolved 47779SynDBDailyMaintenance job is creating additional records into CommunityCorrespondenceRecipients with a blank Email address

Fixed an issue where the overnight DailyMaintenance procedure was creating additional records into CommunityCorrespondenceRecipients with a blank Email address or ID as the Email address

66.91 Bug Resolved 47809SynDBPerformance issues due to SynergeticDailyMaintenance taking many hours to complete

Improved performance of the overnight Daily Maintenance job.

66.91 Enhancement 47970SynDBSynergeticShared..spgSynergeticDatabaseUsersMultitenant - support for FQDN and availability groups

The server availability group FQDN needs to be placed in xreplSQLServers and xreplSchoolLogins. The proc has been changed to support this when creating user accounts, as it was previously searching only on the AG "CName"

66.93 Bug Resolved 48303SynDBCentrally managed changes are being pushed to all tenants

Fixed an issue where centrally managed changes made to security groups were not being published to other tenants.

66.93 Bug Resolved 48369SynDBLarge centrally managed messages are not being processed

Fixed an issue where large centrally managed messages were not being processed

66.93 Bug Resolved 48371SynDBPerformance: Executing job to centrally manage security group

Fixed an issue where setting security permissions for centrally managed groups would generate an action message for each security resource. This could wind up creating thousands of action messages. Now one message per group is generated

66.96 Enhancement 48737SynDBAction Messages for Staff Anniversary Dates

Implemented a new requirement for staff anniversary reminder action messages (daily and monthly).

67.07 Enhancement 48776SynDBAction Message for new Purchase Order

Added action centre message that is sent to the possible approvers of a purchase order requisition.

67.07 Enhancement 48778SynDBAction Messages for Purchase Order Approval workflow

Added action centre message sent to the requestor when a purchase order is approved or denied.

66.96 Bug Resolved 48836SynDBSaluFmt Config Key is not changing the salutation

SalFmt Config Key now changes the salutation.Also added comment for SaltFmt

66.98 Bug Resolved 49028SynDBIDAM Search webservice - order of results in response is not being preserved when shown in grid

Fixed an issue where IDAM Search order of results was not being preserved when shown in grid

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66.97 Enhancement 49116SynDBSpeed up processing of spsxfreMessageQueue

Restructure of stored proc and new index to use improve speed

66.78 Enhancement 39558CrystalCDAUpdate STUHLTHALT Report for new Medical Structures

Update STUHLTHALT Report for new Medical Structures

66.60 Enhancement 39560CrystalCDAUpdate FUTENROL Report for new Medical Structures

Update FUTENROL Report for new Medical Structures

66.60 Bug Resolved 40755CrystalCDAChange report STUMEDEXCURSUM to use more efficeint view vStudentDetailsPrimContact

Change report STUMEDEXCURSUM to use more efficeint view vStudentDetailsPrimContact

66.85 Bug Resolved 47251CrystalCDAUsers cannot access any finance crystal reports in SynWeb

Fixed an issue where Finance Crystal Reports could only be seen in SynWeb if logging in as a superuser.

AST 66.66 Bug Resolved 41738WinDeleted Asset Depreciations Appearing in list

Deleted depreciation runs no longer appear in the list "Select Asset Depreciation to DELETE".

AST 66.78 Bug Resolved 5560WinAsset Depreciation CalcAsset Depreciation Calculation Posting Description

Fixed an issue in Windows > GL > Asset Depreciation Calculation where users were unable to add characters to the Posting Description

AST 66.80 Bug Resolved 16313WinAsset MaintenanceUndoing Sale of Asset leaves the depreciation record/amount in the system

Fixed an issue in Windows > GL > Asset Register Maintenance. When an asset is sold, depreciation is re-calculated as at the sale date and stored in the system. If the asset sale is subsequently undone, the depreciation was not removed and was still visible in the grid.

ATT 66.94 Enhancement 40343WinReport showing attendance percentage by year level and overall attendance percentage

Added Support for BOSNSW Student data export

ATT 66.64 Bug Resolved 40825WinUpdate NZ MOE Attendance Codes list in refExternalSystemAbsenceType to include missing items

Update NZ MOE Attendance Codes list as there are 2 new codes

ATT 66.93 Bug Resolved 48372CrystalCDAATTSTFNO Report Fails when selecting YES for 'Attendance Entry Required'

Fixed an issue that occured when executing the "Staff Without Attendance Submitted" (ATTSTFNO) Crystal report where it would fail when selecting YES for the 'Attendance Entry Required' field in the Report Selection Filter.

ATT 66.92 Bug Resolved 43890WinAbsence Events MaintenanceAbsence reason copied from previous absence event

Fixed an issue where the reason type was not correctly being applied to Absence Events on bulk update

ATT 66.79 Order 41645WinAbsence Events Maintenance Add Tutor Group field to Student Search criteria and Student Search grid when adding new absence record in Absence Events Maintenance.

[SynMain]: Added Tutor Group to Student Search Criteria in Create new Absence Event[SynWeb]: Added Tutor Group to Student Search Criteria in Create new Absence Event, Add Student in Class Maintenace, Sign in Student in Study Period, and Where is.

ATT 66.98 Bug Resolved 46101WinAbsence Events MaintenanceUser unable to modify absence event

Fixed an issue where after an absence event has been created, if the user attempts to modify, incorrect information is displayed.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

ATT 66.94 Bug Resolved 10902WinAttendance MaintUser cannot see absence event coming through on the attendance rolls

Fixed an issue where users could not see an absence event coming through under Attendances Maintenance if the excursion/event was starting from middle of the day and goes for next few days. For example, if an excursion is entered to depart on Monday at 3:30 pm and to return on Wednesday at 4:00 pm, only the period from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm on each day is shown as covered by the excursion. All students on the excursion will not have absence events explaining their absence when classes are marked on Tuesday and Wednesday.

ATT 66.73 Bug Resolved 42329WinAttendance MaintAbsence type clears and late clears.

Fixed a UI issue in Win > Attendance Maintenance where, when the user updates a student's attendance and then moves to another record, if they first marked the student as Absent/Present a late entry will disappear.

ATT 66.72 Bug Resolved 43451WinAttendance MaintAttendance Search Criteria -> All substitution classes are displayed when 'Up to End of Period' is period zero.

Fixed an issue where the 'Show All Classes Not Yet Marked by a Staff Member' is ticked, and 'Up to End of Period' dropdown list is set to period zero. In this case all substitution classes were shown for that day regardless of its period number.This only occurred if a period zero is defined in the timetable maintenance for the timetable groups. It also occurred in SynWeb, and sent attendance notifications to substitute teachers prematurely for period one and onwards.

ATT 66.78 Bug Resolved 45239WinAttendance MaintIndividual Plans Icon does not appear on Attendance Maintenance

Added the individual plan icon in Windows > Attendance Maintenance

ATT 66.69 Bug Resolved 42701CrystalCDAAttendance Screen (ATTSCREEN)Attendance screen report [ ATTScreen ] crashing with an error message

Attendance screen report crashing with an error message.The error only happen on multi tenant environment

ATT 66.71 Bug Resolved 43582CrystalCDAAttendance Screen (ATTSCREEN)Large summary table starts on second page

Fixed an issue where the summary table in the ATTSCREEN Report could commence on the second page

ATT 66.98 Bug Resolved 47244SynDBATTSCREENspiAttendanceSemesterSummary needs modification - ATTSCREEN report not using start and stop date.

Fixed an issue where ATTSCREEN report was not working as expected

ATT 66.83 Bug Resolved 46763CrystalCDAScheduled Appointment Attendance (ATTCOCURRSCH)

Report shows appointments from all years rather than the specified file yearFixed an issue where student information (e.g. year level and form) shown in the ATTCOCURRSCH (Scheduled Appointment Attendance) Crystal Report were from the file year in question, but all appointments, from all file years were returned.

ATT 66.84 Bug Resolved 27146WinStudent Classes Bulk CancelPerformance issues in Student bulk cancel classes program

Made performance improvements to running the student classes bulk cancel program. Running the process also locked other users from entering attendance details.

ATT 66.76 Bug Resolved 45186CrystalCDAStudents with Low Absences for Term (STULOWABSENCE)

Student with Low Absences for Term Report (STULOWABSENCE) Not filtering on House correctlyThe Student with Low Absences for Term (STULOWABSENCE) Crystal report now correctly handles house level filtering.

CEOVIC 66.67 Bug Resolved 42786WinArithmetic overflow error for data type smallint, value =-71475

the error mentioned happens when running CEO Export Data, August Census when running year level 7 to year level 12

CEOVIC 66.76 Bug Resolved 42816CrystalCDAError message displayed when running CEOVIC_08

Fixed an issue where a 'This field name is not known' error appeared when running the Student Enrolments Expected (CEOVIC_08) Crystal report.

CEOVIC 66.67 Bug Resolved 42731CrystalCDAClass List (CEOVIC_10)Class list sorting by form rather than class

Class list now sorts by class rather than form.

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CEOVIC 66.67 Bug Resolved 42748CrystalCDAFees (Recurrent and Capital) Reconciliation Report (CEOVIC_F08)

Some report fields not large enough to show numerical valuesReport updated to support large numeric values

CEOVIC 66.76 Bug Resolved 44710CrystalCDAStudent Enrolments Expected (CEOVIC_08)

Year Level Description not displayedFixed an issue in the Student Enrolments Expected (CEOVIC_08) Crystal report where the year level description did not appear on the report.

CEOVIC 66.64 Bug Resolved 42026CrystalCDAYear Level List (CEOVIC_11)CEO VIC Crystal Report: CEOVIC_11 and STUHSE reports are returning an error

CEOVIC_11 and STUHSE returns an error message

COMCOR 66.98 Order 40991WinDisplay sent date of drag and drop emails

When emails are dragged and dropped into the correspondence tab the date listed against them is now the date sent date of the email (rather than the date the email was dropped).

COMDET 66.60 Bug Resolved 39490WinSome Controls on Community Maint > Events tab > Guests tab > General tab are not visible at 1280 by 768 resolution

- Not all controls are visible at 1280 by 768

CRD 67.05 Enhancement 39970WinShow only approved suppliers (creditors)

Some users should only see approved suppliers (creditors) Others users should see all suppliers (creditors)

1) Add security resource to show all suppliers (creditors)2) Filter creditors retrieved based on new permission (Creditor maintenance, purchase order maintenance)3) Add a column 'Approved Supplier' to creditor search grid in purchase order maintenance4) Add a dropdown for 'Approved Supplier' in Creditor Search screen in purchase order maintenance with options for ('All, 'Approved Supplier', 'Non Approved Supplier' - only appears when you have permissions to all creditors.

CRD 66.92 Enhancement 47897WinConversion Entries for Creditor Transactions should be reconciled

When conversion entries for Creditor Transactions are processed, the converted entries should show as reconciled.

CRD 67.05 Bug Resolved 45575CrystalCDAAudit Creditor Records (CRDRECCHG)Update to stored procedure

crspAddressChanges has been updated to reflect the correct length for the AddressComma fields (200 characters)

CRD 66.92 Bug Resolved 43117WinCreditor Invoice EntryDue Date Override option not working as expected

Fixed an issue where modifying a creditor invoice would reset an overridden due date. Now, once a due date is set it will not change unless you change the value of the invoice date; this will cause the due date to be recalculated.

CRD 66.72 Bug Resolved 43478WinCreditor Invoice EntryIssues when using the Bank Fees button in Creditor Invoice Entry

Fixed an issue that made EFT Processed invoices (in Win > Creditor Invoice Entry) appear as though they were still required to be invoiced

CRD 66.62 Bug Resolved 41795CrystalCDACreditor List of Outstanding Transactions (CRDOS)

Error when running CDROS reportAn error may be returned when running the CRDOS report - 'This field name is not known'. This is due to a column missing from the view vCreditorTransactions.

CRD 67.08 Order 29209WinCreditor MaintOptions to input category or payment days/term

New fields on the creditor creation screen. They are Supplier Category, Approved Supplier, Normal Payment Terms and Our Account Reference.

CRD 66.66 Bug Resolved 41489WinCreditor MaintCreditors Maintenance - Maintenance Tab recording creditor Invoice posting details

Changes made in Creditor Invoice Entry are now correctly shown in Creditor Maintenance, Maint tab. Changes made in Payment Details tab are also correctly shown in Creditor Maintenance, Maint tab.

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CRD 66.60 Bug Resolved 40049CrystalCDACreditors Trial Balance (CRDTB)Creditor Trial Balance Report - Runs a long time and produces incorrect balance

The Creditor Trial Balance Report (CRDTB) - Runs a long time and produces incorrect balance for the Creditor Transaction Account.

DEB 66.66 Bug Resolved 42511WinModifying a posting date after the posting is closed doesn't reverse and re-create for a new date

Modifying a posting date, after posting to T1, is now transferring the amount from old to new period

DEB 66.80 Bug Resolved 46175WinFinance Configuration error message

Fixed an issue in Finance Configuration > Debtors tab, where an error message would display: ' Unable to post data object sqlFinanceConfig:- Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OldValue', table '; column does not allow nulls. Insert fails.' This affected Single Database deployments of Synergetic only.

DEB 66.61 Bug Resolved 37686SynDBRSVP to Free Events Creates Receipt and Receipt Posting

Responding as 'attending' to a free event over the Community Portal still creates a receipt posting and a zero-dollar receipt.

DEB 66.81 Bug Resolved 46036SynDBError message processing event payment

Fixed a bug when reviewing a payment made from an Online Event Booking, the following error appears in the report: Error: The stored procedure 'spiDebtorAutoPaymentsLoadFileSYN' doesn't exist

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DEB 66.77 Enhancement 38778CrystalCDACustom Statements/ Invoices/ Receipts/ Underlays

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--------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW STANDARD CRYSTAL REPORTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Synergetic Debtor Statements--------------------------------------------------------------------------There are now an additional 10 Synergetic Standard Debtor Statements reports for clients to use. To run these you are required to enter a statement suffix via Finance Configuration Maintenance. The new Statements can bring in a logo to the statement report and Support can assist clients with this. The bank account details that appear are the Schools Main Account bank details and the School Address details come from Finance Configuration. The statement report is known as DEBST and below are the new report variations with their suffix in the name: Note that ‘BP’ means this style with BPay catered for. DEBST0 - The original debst report reformatted in ArialDEBST0BP - The original debst report reformatted in Arial with BpayDEBST1 - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentIDDEBST1BP - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with BPayDEBST2 - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with running balance columnDEBST2BP - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with running balance column with BPayDEBST3 - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with a debit / credit columnsDEBST3BP - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with a debit / credit columns with BPayDEBST4 - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with a Tax columnDEBST4BP - DEBST0 format Grouped by StudentID with a Tax column with BPayDEBST5 - DEBST0 format Grouped by Debtor Fee CategoryDEBST5BP - DEBST0 format Grouped by Debtor Fee Category with BPay

-------------------------------------------------------Synergetic Debtor Receipt Reports-------------------------------------------------------There are now an additional 5 Synergetic Standard Debtor Receipt reports for clients to use. To run these you are required to enter a receipt report suffix via Banking Configuration Maintenance. The new Receipts can bring in a logo to the receipt report and Support can assist clients with this. The School Address details come from Finance Configuration. The receipt report is known as the rcpt and below is the new report variations with their suffix in the name. RCPT0 - The original RCPT report reformatted in ArialRCPT1 - RCPT0 format with only 1 signatureRCPT2 - RCPT0 format with no signaturesRCPT3 - RCPT0 format with name of person who created posting as signatureRCPT4 - RCPT0 format with debtor Outstanding Balance and extra detail in descriptionRCPT5 - RCPT0 format with name of person who created posting as signature, debtor outstanding balance and extra detail in description

--------------------------------------------------------------Synergetic Debtor Tax Invoice Reports--------------------------------------------------------------There are now an additional 2 Synergetic Standard Debtor Tax Invoices reports for clients to use. To run these you are required to enter a invoice suffix via Finance Configuration Maintenance. The new Invoices can bring in a logo to the report and Support can assist clients with this. The bank account details that appear are the Schools Main Account bank details and the School Address details come from Finance Configuration. The invoice report is known as the invoice and below is the new report variations with their suffix in the name: Note that ‘BP’ means this style with BPay catered for. INVOICE0 - The original invoice report reformatted in ArialINVOICE0BP - The original invoice report reformatted in Arial with Bpay

--------------------------------------------------------Synergetic Purchase Order Reports--------------------------------------------------------There are now an additional 2 Synergetic Standard Purchase Order reports for clients to use. To run these you are required to enter a receipt suffix via Business Unit Maintenance. The new reports can bring in a logo to the Purchase Order report and Support can assist clients with this. The School Address details come from Finance Configuration. The purchase order report is known as the purord and below is the new report variations with their suffix in the name. PURORD0 - The original purchase order report reformatted in ArialPURORD1 - PURORD0 format with requested by name populated

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DEB 66.65 Bug Resolved 42397CrystalCDADebtor Statements both Standard and Custom

If a boarder has been used on a field; ie and underline to a total, a black box will now appear PLUS hairlines or modification to line thickness are now longer recognised.This can only be seen when printing form Stored PDFs. The problem is not evident in the Bulk PDF.

DEB 66.77 Bug Resolved 43920CrystalCDAAnnual Fees (DEBANNFEE)DEBANNFEE report erroring when annual Discount parameter a percentage such as 5.5

The report and definition screen for the Annual Fees (DEBANNFEE) Crystal report have been updated to cater for the entering of 1 decimal place for the Annual Discount

DEB 66.65 Bug Resolved 42011WinCash Receipts EntryZero amount request XML being sent

If a cash receipt utilises more than one DocumentType (e.g. RECCASH & RECPOS). If the posting is closed and then re-opened and a receipt is deleted, the requestXML is sending a zero receipt.

DEB 66.67 Bug Resolved 42013WinCash Receipts EntryBlank DocumentType RequestXML can be sent

If all receipts are deleted from a posting, the first node in the list has a zero amount for a blank DocumentType

DEB 66.78 Bug Resolved 44883WinCash Receipts EntryBPAY close off report ID getting truncated

Fixed an issue in BPAY reports where long debtor IDs could be truncated.

DEB 66.94 Bug Resolved 27564CrystalCDADebtor Aged Balances as at Date (DEBAGE)

DEBAGE report shows the same incorrect 'Not Yet Charged' figures for all debtors in some circumstancesFixed an issue where the Debtors Aged Balance as at Date (DEBAGE) Crystal Report was showing the same 'Not Yet Charged' amount for all debtors.

DEB 66.82 Enhancement 9389CrystalCDADebtor Automatic Payments (DEBAPM)Display a total on Automatic Payment Methods Report

Subtotals of amounts by payment type have been added to Report Footer of DEBAPM (Debtor Automatic Payments) report

DEB 66.82 Enhancement 41775CrystalCDADebtor Automatic Payments (DEBAPM)Calculate Total Payments

Combined total of all payments now displayed in the report footer of DEBAPM (Debtor Automatic Payments) Crystal Report

DEB 66.82 Enhancement 46621CrystalCDADebtor Automatic Payments (DEBAPM)Modify the information printed when Hide Account Details is selected so that it matches output in DEBAPMNOACC

When Hide Account Details is selected on the report selection screen, truncated account details in the same format as shows in DEBAPMNOACC are shown in the DEBAPM (Debtor Automatic Payments) Crystal Report

DEB 66.80 Bug Resolved 46000WinDebtor Automatic TuitionRunning Auto Tuition and clearing the Special Billing Type may case an error

Fixed an issue running Auto Tuition. If you ran Auto Tuition, chose a Special Billing Type and also ticked the option to 'Clear Special Billing Type From Students Charged' this could cause an error along the lines of "The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted'. This was only applicable when generating charges, not doing the "What if" run.

DEB 66.72 Bug Resolved 43375WinDebtor Instalment ChargesInstalment process left over amount due to rounding

If a credit instalment amount (eg sibling discount) does not divide equally into the number of instalments selected the payment was not rounding up to the next cent. This means that when all the instalments are charged out there could be one or more cent still outstanding: E.g. for a credit of -962.50 over three instalments, the instalment amount was being calculated as -320.83 (should be -320.84). When multiplied back out the total value is -962.49. When the total is higher than the originally charged amount, the final payment is increased/reduced as necessary by a few cents.

DEB 66.61 Bug Resolved 41538WinDebtor Instalment ChargesMaximum number of entries per posting not working

If you specify say 500 records per posting this value has no effect and all charges are processed in the one posting.

DEB 66.65 Bug Resolved 42413WinDebtor MaintPayment Type onlinepayments

All other Debtor payment details were shown in the online payment tab with out filtering single Debtor online payment detail.

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DEB 66.85 Bug Resolved 28644WinDebtor MaintUnable to Rename/Merge a Debtor

Fixed an issue where it was not possible to rename/merge a debtor if there were online payments associated. In order to rename a debtor with online payment methods defined *both* debtors must have their payments inactive or marked as deleted. Once the merge has been completed the online payments can be set up again. This approach was taken as stored credit cards associated with a community member may not necessarily belong to the new community member.

DEB 66.60 Bug Resolved 41386WinDebtor MaintSearch by concession code is supposed to allow just the start of the concession code but forces the user to select the whole concession code

You are unable to search for partial concession code TUIT for example to see all students who have a tuition concessions

DEB 66.78 Bug Resolved 45558WinDebtor MaintAdd a new Debtor from the archive

Fixed an issue in Windows > Debtor Maintenance, when occured when restoring a Debtor from the archive. The following error message now no longer appears: Invalid column name 'Allowonlinepaymentselectflag'

DEB 66.81 Bug Resolved 46117WinDebtor MaintSingle database only - @DEB constituencies are not being removed

In a single database environment, when a debtor is deleted from Debtor Maintenance, their constituency is not being removed. This does not happen in a standard Synergetic (traditional three database) setup.

DEB 66.80 Bug Resolved 46166WinDebtor MaintIncorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM' when attempting to merge a debtor

Fixed an Issue in Synergetic Single Database builds. When attempting to Rename/Merge a debtor and you choose a name from the list of possible matches you received the following error:Unable to open data objectsqlCheckExist:-Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'

DEB 66.91 Order 46388WinDebtor MaintAllow Sales to be selected to a business unit level

The Allow Sales flag has been changed to drop down list (on the General tab) as you can now authorise debtor sales at a business unit level. This means that a debtor can be authorised to receive sales charges from some business units but not others.

DEB 66.65 Bug Resolved 42041WinDebtor Reconciliation ReportsDebtor Recon Report: Error message appears when running the report

An error message is no longer shown when running the Debtor Reconciliation Report

DEB 66.72 Bug Resolved 43928WinFee MaintenanceFee code drop down list is not wide enough to show a 15 character fee code

Fixed issue where some long Fee Codes were being truncated when being displayed in Win > Debtors.

DEB 66.60 Bug Resolved 41083CrystalCDAOnline Receipts List (DEBRCPTOLLIST)Online Receipt Listing - online applications - The Report needs to be modifieds to show additional information

For anonymous online application payments and anonymous online event bookings, the Online Receipt Listing report now displays the program source (e.g. 'Online Event Booking' or 'Online Application' and the Description passed in with the payment (e.g. name of applicant) rather than the generic community ID and name.

DEB 66.84 Bug Resolved 46037WinStudent Course ChargesError checking when users are exiting a window

Fixed an issue in Windows > Debtors > Student Course Charges when, after an error message has been received (due to error checking), when selecting to cancel the error message it continues to display. E.g. If the GL end of year date is set to 31 Dec 2015 and it is current 1 Jan 2016, when attempting to create a posting the following error it will appear: You may not date a posting past the end of the current financial year. Once this type of message had appeared, unless the user modified the posting date, they were not able to cancel the posting.

DEBEBANK 66.91 Bug Resolved 46018WinPAYWAY - file importing rejected transactions

Fixed an issue when importing PAYWAY bank files where the transactions that had been rejected by the bank were being included in the posting.

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DEBEBANK 66.67 Bug Resolved 42578WinElectronic BankingDebtor Electronic Banking - Other Electronic Receipts not processing Bank Account or BankBSB masks

When trying to process Westpac Quickweb payments through Debtor Electronic Banking - Other Electronic Receipts, an error is thrown indicating that the Bank BSB and Bank Account Numbers are invalid.

The stored procedure (spiDebtorAutoPaymentLoadFilesSYN) seems to be testing the BankBSB and BankAccount field values from VARCHAR to Numeric and failing the masking characters.

DEBEBANK 66.71 Bug Resolved 42446WinElectronic BankingDebtor Electronic Banking - Other Electronic Receipts

Fixed an issue where obfuscated BSB/Account numbers could cause an error message

DEBEBANK 66.97 Bug Resolved 48928WinElectronic BankingSynergetic Standard File Import - Receipt Date

When using a different receipt date to the posting date, the posting date was getting used instead of the Receipt Date.

DEBEBANK 66.98 Bug Resolved 48967WinElectronic BankingNotified balance credit card receipts being processed when only selecting Fix amount

Fixed issue when processing Debtor > Electronic Banking > Automated Credit Card Receipts and selecting only to process Fix Payment amounts, the Notified Balance payments are being processed as well.

DEBEBANK 66.61 Bug Resolved 18008WinElectronic BankingDonation Receipt gets created with the recognition flag always set to false.

I tested all the scenarios with Luke and the new fix worked for all of them.

DEBEBANK 66.80 Bug Resolved 39590WinElectronic BankingDEB-Import of banking generating donation records with no luFund reference.

Fixed an issue in the automatic creation of donation records. When two voluntary contributions are added during the generation of debtor statements eg. 1 = Building Fund and 2 = P&F and only one of these has a link to luFund a donation record was generated for the second even when there was no link to luFund but only when the 'total' (account balance and both voluntary contributions were paid).

DEBEBANK 66.83 Bug Resolved 46851WinElectronic BankingUnable to perform credit card or EFT export in a cash accounting environment

Fixed an issue that occured when running electronic banking and performing a credit card or EFT export *in a cash accounting environment*. The error was along the lines of 'Debtor ID XXX could not be allocated the full receipt amount of 100.00, only 200.00 could be allocated. The amount allocated was double the amount of the receipt.

DEV 66.63 Bug Resolved 28398WinDevelopment MaintFoundationBasis constituencies are not updating correctly for joint receipts

FoundationBasis constituencies were not being updated fir both joint parties when a joint receipt is created

DEV 66.83 Bug Resolved 45437WinDevelopment MaintDonor Constituency - The constituency when a donor reaches next foundtaion range is not being created when configuration key is set to false.

Fixed an issue with the configuration key Development | Donations | AutoUnallocateConstit. When it was set to 'True' this will automatically allocate and deallocate constituencies (correctly working) but when set to 'False' this was NOT automatically allocating constituencies (not working) but was retaining the current constituency

DEV 66.62 Enhancement 41915CrystalCDADonor Annual Receipt Summary (DONRECANN)

Donor Annual Receipt Summary EnhancementsThe following enhancements have been made to the donor annual receipt report (DONRECANN)... - Differentiate between joint receipts from individual receipts, so that a separate summary is generated for donations against 'Mr Smith' as opposed to 'Mr & Mrs Smith' - Group by donation fund, so each summary letter is specific to a single fund. Include the fund description within the letter wording and in the summary section as well as conditional tax deductible wording which is based on the TaxDeductibleFlag in luFund - Add a letter date, populated via a report parameter - Include appeal description for each receipt in the receipt listing - Add receipt total - Revamp selection screen with criteria for fund, appeal, tagged IDs, donor preferred name and whether the fund is tax deductible

DEV 66.63 Bug Resolved 41864WinEvents MaintWeb Tab - The text editor has regressed in functionality

Web Tab - The text editor has regressed in functionality. Mainly change of font type and size.

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DEV 66.65 Bug Resolved 42347WinEvents MaintUnable to Bulk add/remove in Communications Maintenance/Event Maintenance

In the Bulk Add/Delete screen, that appears in both Communication Maintenance and Events Maintenance, the filters now work correctly.

DEV 66.64 Bug Resolved 41326WinEvents MaintEvents Maint > Organisers/Staff: Staff displays blank

In Organisers/Staff tab, Staff 1 now saves correctly. If a public event, system will now confirm that the Staff 1 will be automatically created as a Current Attendee.

DEV 66.74 Bug Resolved 41701WinEvents MaintEvents Maint > Web: Pop up error message for Date From and To

Fix an issue in Windows Client > Events Maintenance > Web tab where adding a value in 'Publish Date From:' before adding a 'Publish Date To:' would result in a date validation error popup. Date validation is now only performed at the point of saving.

DEV 66.62 Bug Resolved 41769WinEvents MaintError in Events Maintenance > Current Attendees

When going to the Current Attendees tab in Events Maintenance the following error is displayed: "Unable to open data object sqlCommunityEventsCurrent:- sqlCommunityEventsCurrent: Field 'AttendeeTypeCode' not found"

DEV 66.80 Bug Resolved 42048WinEvents MaintWeb Tab - Missing insert image functionality

Fixed an issue in Windows > Develop > Events Maintenance > Web tab where the end user was unable to insert an image in the Web Page section.

DEV 66.78 Bug Resolved 44686WinEvents MaintSynOnline Events is populating the Comment section with useless information

Removed the comment when purchasing a ticket through Online Event Bookings. The same comment is being posted in the comments section of the Events > Current Attendees tab > Attendee Detail child tab. The comment was similar to the following: Userform Simple (EA91DD6A-E28B-4142-8449-AFE6A30C7999)

DEV 66.93 Enhancement 46805WinEvents MaintAllow HTML editing of the comment field

Two new sub-tabs now exist on the Windows > Event Maintenance > Web tab. One is for the Web Page itself and one is for the comment field. Both support HTML editing and loading

DEVCOM 66.92 Bug Resolved 42839WinCommunications MaintIssue when matching email addresses in Communications Bulk Add

Fixed an issue in Windows > Communications Maintenance when using the 'Separate as individual' option with the 'Remove duplicate emails' flag enabled when a community member's primary email is the same except for one character, it would not add the spouse eg: [email protected] would cause their spouse with the email [email protected] to not appear, despite the email addresses being different.

DEVCOM 66.60 Enhancement 39694WinCommunications MaintSupport constituency based data selections when adding past parents

Add extra selections when adding Past Parents

DEVCOM 66.79 Bug Resolved 44653WinCommunications MaintWords flagged by spell checker affect behviour of hyperlinks

Fixed an issue in Windows Spell Checking of emails in order to not split multiple words in Hyperlink Text into multiple links.

DEVEVT 66.69 Bug Resolved 42713WinEvents MaintUnable to export to excel from Event module Grids

When trying to export grid contents to excel from any of the Tab Grids, an Access Violation message is thrown, and after several attempts, Synergetic shuts down.

DEVEVT 66.98 Bug Resolved 48899WinEvents MaintSearch functionality not working in Event Maintenance

The search/filter functionality in Events Maintenance no longer works

When moving to the Attendees tab, and filtering the list by typing out an Attendee's name, nothing happens. In previous versions the list would reduce until the name had either been completely typed or the user navigated to the desired attendee.

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DEVEVT 66.77 Bug Resolved 44734WinEvents MaintSynOnline Attendees is not populating Email or Mobile details

Fixed an issue where Online Event Bookings was not populating the attendee's Email or Mobile details

DEVEVT 66.78 Bug Resolved 44735WinEvents MaintShortcut keys are being selected automatically

Fixed an issue in Windows "Send Email" functionality from some locations (e.g. Development Maintenance) where shortcut keys were being selected automatically.

DEVEVT 66.90 Bug Resolved 45735WinEvents MaintCurrent Attendees tab - Unable to send HTML email to current attendees from Events maint

Fixed an issue where trying to send an HTML email from the Current Attendees Tab in Windows > Events Maintenance which would result in a message saying 'You must enter a value for Message'. This was not an issue with plain text emails

DEVEVT 66.79 Bug Resolved 45825WinEvents MaintLine breaks can only be put in to an HTML email is some fields by entering <Shift> <Enter>. This is inconsistent with other email or HTML editing fields.

Fixed an inconsistency with sending emails within Windows some places required that a new paragraph was formed by clicking [Ctrl] + [Enter] while others were simply [Enter].

DEVEVT 66.83 Bug Resolved 45952WinEvents MaintEmailing guests is not locating email address

When attempting to grid email a grid with non-community members, the non community members are not emailed. The system will now issuing warnings if people in the email list are not community members. Please note that you still cannot actually email non-community members but you will be informed of that when you attempt to do so.

DOCMAN 66.94 Bug Resolved 48662WinForeign key error when deleting document

Fixed an error that could occur when deleting documents from Docman: Unable to Execute data object cmdDocumentsToArchive:- The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint ?FK_tDocumentReferences_tDocuments?. The conflict occurred in database ?SynergyOneMedia?, table ?dbo.tDocumentReferences?, column ?tDocumentsSeq?

DOCMAN 66.92 Bug Resolved 41742WinCannot store documents with https in the URL

Links with https prefixes are now supported in DocMan

ENQ 67.05 Bug Resolved 47217WinOnline Applications: Permissions problem in Online Application Import

Issue fixed where the end user is able to do a right click to transfer a student to enquiry or future when config key is not set.

ENQ 66.71 Bug Resolved 43054WinEnquiry Student MaintFlipping spouses in Enquiry Maint doesn't update relationships

Fixed an issue in Windows > Enquiry Maintenance when flipping spouses (ie to make the Mother the primary contact), the relationship was not swapping (ie Mother and Father).

ENQ 66.69 Bug Resolved 43098WinEnquiry Student MaintWhen transferring an enquiry to a future student the application date is no longer populated on the wizard screen

When transferring an enquiry to a future student the application date is no longer populated on the wizard screen. This causes the ranking to fail.

ENQ 66.70 Bug Resolved 43150WinEnquiry Student MaintEnrol Date column missing from Enquiry grid

The Enrol Date column was missing from the grid

ENQ 66.70 Bug Resolved 43377WinEnquiry Student MaintIf an enquiry contact is linked to the community it shows as blank in the grid in enquiry maint

Fixed an issue where an enquiry contact that is linked to the community shows blank in the grid

EVTEXC 66.76 Bug Resolved 41577SynDBConsent Description luEventConsentType is much too short

Updated lookup table luEventConsentType consent description field with a new higher maximum character length.

EVTEXC 66.63 Bug Resolved 41889SynDBCannot assign department or overall approvers for event types that are 'All' security meaning as they do not appear in group/user security maintenance

Need to show all records including those with security meaning of 'ALL'

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

EVTEXC 66.67 Bug Resolved 41027CrystalCDAEVTSTUATTPHOT Report displays as blank when run through synweb

Bug fixed in SP crspEventAttendeeGroupMember

EVTEXC 67.05 Enhancement 41566CrystalCDAA report that lists the risk details for an excursion

A report that lists the risk details for an excursion

EVTEXC 66.76 Bug Resolved 41572CrystalCDAEvents show in dropdown on filter screen

The 'Event Code' filter on the Excursion Student Attendee Photo List (EVTSTUATTPHOT) Crystal report selection screen has been changed to just show Excursions and not Events as well.

FUT 66.65 Bug Resolved 41708SynDBCreation of Future Student is not creating an IDAMAddRole request

Addressed IDAM issue

FUT 66.97 Bug Resolved 47786SynDBView vFutureStudentActivities has a misspelled field FutureStudenttStatus which should be FutureStudentStatus

vFutureStudentActivities field FutureStudenttStatus has been renamed to FutureStudentStatus

FUT 66.96 Bug Resolved 48788CrystalCDAFUTSTACTIVITY - Header or Footer Longer than a Page

The column Comment is included in the page header which should only include the column labels. In the case of a long comment, this can result in the page header not fitting on a page...


Crystal Report Error in Processing Job: Error in File [File Name & Location] Page Header or Footer longer than a page (Code: 567)

FUT 66.61 Bug Resolved 41369WinFuture Student Activity Bulk AddIf student has full name longer than 50 chars, get Unable to Execute data object ssqlBulkAdd when attempting to BulkAdd Student Activity

Get Unable to Execute data object ssqlBulkAdd when attempting to BulkAdd Student Activity and a student in the selected group has name longer than 50 characters

FUT 66.66 Bug Resolved 42234WinFuture Student MaintFuture students applications displaying multiple records.

Future students applications now correctly displays multiple records.

FUT 66.67 Bug Resolved 42730WinFuture Student MaintCurrent and Future Students are not being linked to IDAM during creation wizard

When a new current or future student is created with new contacts, the Contacts (ie Parents) are saved in Synergetic with an IDAM Guid, however the Current/Future Student is not.

FUT 66.80 Bug Resolved 42979WinFuture Student MaintTransfer record from Future Student Archive back to Future Students sometimes failing

When transferring a student from Future Student Archive back to Future Students the system sometimes reports that the transfer was successful and loads the record in Future Student Maintenance. However if you go to the criteria screen and search for the ID again, no record will be found. The record remains in the Future Student Archive. This was an intermittent problem and appears to be data related. Safeguards have been put in place to ensure that data issues do not cause this error to occur.

FUT 66.79 Bug Resolved 42988WinFuture Student MaintTransfer from Future Student Archive to Future Student returns all scholarship records

Fixed an issue that occurred when transferring a record from the Future Student Archive back to Future Students where all records in FutureStudentScholarshipArch were transferred back to FutureStudentScholarships table. Now only the scholorships for the relevant ID are restored.

FUT 66.68 Bug Resolved 42992WinFuture Student MaintUnable to finish new future student wizard due to error: dsetOnlineImportStudent: Field 'OnlineImportStudentsSeq' not found

Clicking [OK] on the last screen of new future student wizard gives an error. The student is not created but the contacts aredsetOnlineImportStudent: Field 'OnlineImportStudentsSeq' not found

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

FUT 66.71 Bug Resolved 43190WinFuture Student MaintImported other school preferences are being cleared

Fixed an issue where other school preferences imported from the Online Application Form were being cleared on import.

FUT 66.98 Bug Resolved 49319WinFuture Student MaintRequest Student Details button always appears in Future Student maintenance and current student maintenance.

Fix issue where the 'Request Student Details' button was always appearing in Future Student maintenance and current student maintenance. It is only supposed to show in a ICON environment

FUT 66.72 Bug Resolved 37530WinFuture Student MaintError message creating a Future Student or on Steps tab

An appropriate error message now gets displayed instead of the previous technical error. Also added a foreign key to tActivities from luActivityStatus to enforce integrity

FUT 66.62 Bug Resolved 41366WinFuture Student MaintAn error is displayed when creating a future student via the IDAM wizard and a match is not returned in IDAM

If a match is not found in the IDAM, you can still press the 'Link to This Person' button. If you do this you get an error message saying '{}' is not a valid GUID value.

FUT 66.61 Bug Resolved 41558WinFuture Student MaintFuture Student auto priority not accepting spaces in CSV

If in luFuturePriority the Religion and Parish CSV fields are being utilised. If spaces exist between each record (e.g. 100, 101, 102) the system is not reading this correctly

FUT 67.05 Enhancement 45043WinFuture Student MaintConsistency of dropdowns in Future Student Maintenance

Enhanced drop downs to allow filtering as users type

FUT 66.79 Bug Resolved 45069WinFuture Student MaintOther Schools tab - User can directly modify table from grid

Fixed an issue in Future Student > Other Schools tab where the user could directly modify the table from the grid. (It should be read only).

FUT 66.76 Bug Resolved 45127WinFuture Student MaintShared Applications not showing in other schools

Fixed an issue where shared applications for enrolments were not showing in other schools

FUT 66.67 Bug Resolved 42746CrystalCDAFuture Students Applications (Other Schools) (FUTAPPSOTHER)

Add school name to reportAdd school name to report

FUT 66.75 Bug Resolved 43100CrystalCDAFuture Students Applications (Other Schools) (FUTAPPSOTHER)

School name and Preferences column are getting truncated . Changes required in layoutThe Future Student Applications (Other Schools) (FUTAPPSOTHER) Crystal report has been designed to work with multi tenant environment. Changes to layout have been made to accommodate School name and preferences.

FUT 66.91 Bug Resolved 45957CrystalCDAFuture Students Applications (Other Schools) (FUTAPPSOTHER)

Unable to run reportWhen running the FUTAPPSOTHER Crystal Report, the Surname and Preferred name fields on the report selection screen now do a LIKE sql filter instead of an EQUALS sql filter.

FUT 66.78 Bug Resolved 43138CrystalCDAMulti-Year Future Enrolment Statistics Expected (FUTESE2)

Column labelled incorrectly.This report uses a Based on File Year (look at students in this file year and roll them forward for future years) and also Print From Year and To Year (show me the numbers for each of these years) which will usually be years in the future; The report will print a set of values on one page for each of these years. The title for current students data (second set of columns from left) has been changed to reflect A) if the year of the report page is the same as the Based On File Year, then the title will be Current Students yyyy or B) if the year of the report page is after the Based On File Year, the title will be the Current Students continuing yyyy

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FUT 66.79 Bug Resolved 43919CrystalCDAMulti-Year Future Enrolment Statistics Expected (FUTESE2)

School Total Full Fee students incorrectFixed an issue in the FUTESE2 Crystal report that occurred when a full-fee paying student who was also a boarder was marked as Left. The School totals for Full Fee students would be too low in the future years on the report. This has now been corrected for both Full Fee Boy School Total and Full Fee Girl School Total.

FUT 66.67 Bug Resolved 42580WinOnline ApplicationsFuture Students cannot be created when not linking to IDAM

If attempting to transfer an application to future, and the IDAM errors or the user elects not to link to IDAM, the future student is not created.

FUT 66.68 Bug Resolved 42977WinOnline ApplicationsMulti-tenant - Unable to transfer and create student record

Multi-tenant - Unable to transfer and create student record

FUT 66.70 Bug Resolved 43095WinOnline ApplicationsVisa dates are not being tranferred

Fixed issue where visa application date and issue date does not get transferred to future student record.

FUT 66.72 Bug Resolved 40225WinOnline ApplicationsEnquiry Student record not deleted when transferred to Future

Fixed an issue where an Enquiry Student record is not being deleted when transferred to a Future Student

FUT 66.77 Bug Resolved 41325WinOnline ApplicationsFuture Student Online Application import omits data

When importing the XML file for Future Student Online Applications, the House field is now correctly imported.

FUT 66.65 Bug Resolved 41501WinOnline ApplicationsOnline_Application Import - Spouse Date of Birth not appearing in Future Student Wizard

Online_Application - Spouse Date of Birth now appears correcctly in Future Student Wizard

FUT 66.62 Bug Resolved 41537WinOnline ApplicationsOnline Application Import -IDAM Selection Screen is not displayed when transfering a student to Future

Online Application Import -IDAM Selection Screen is not displayed when transferring a student to Future

FUT 66.65 Bug Resolved 41539WinOnline ApplicationsOnline Application Import - The Passport number is not being populated in the Students Grid

Online Application Import - The Passport number and Visa Type are now being populated in the Students Grid

FUT 66.64 Bug Resolved 41700WinOnline ApplicationsOnline application Import - transfer to future wizard - The Application Date field displays the date the application is transferred to future rather than the date the online application was submitted/made

Online application Import - transfer to future wizard - The Application Date field now displays the date the online application was submitted/made instead of the date the application is transferred to future

FUT 66.64 Bug Resolved 41706WinOnline ApplicationsAction center - Enquiry Action Centre messages not being received

Recxtified when Daily maint jobs started

FUT 66.75 Bug Resolved 43954WinOnline ApplicationsTransfer to future wizard - VSN number entered in Online app not displayed

Fixed an issue in Windows> Future > Transfer to future wizard where the VSN entered in the Online application form is not displayed

FUT 66.79 Bug Resolved 45665WinOnline ApplicationsUsers unable to reject applications when there are money implications

In Windows > Future > Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import, iIf an application exists and the applicant paid an enrolment or application fee, so that Synergetic can process the cash receipt the record cannot be rejected. The Reject Student button is now disabled with a tool tip that there are money implications. The recommended process is to transfer the record to future or enquiry and then to follow normal processes to reject the application.

FUT 66.85 Bug Resolved 46880WinOnline ApplicationsApplication amount columns show different values but are labelled the same

In Windows > Online Application/Enquiry Import, The Application amount grid headings were changed to more easily distinguish their different meanings: Application Amount in Application grid was changed to "Fam Based Amt" while Application Amt in Students grid was changed to "Stu Based Amt"

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

FUT 66.90 Bug Resolved 47698WinOnline ApplicationsAllow Auto Tuition/Charges flags are not being set by default

Fixed an issue when a student is transferred to future from Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import. After the import, on the Debtor tab of Future Student Maintenance, the Allow Auto Tuition and Allow Auto Charges following flags were not checked by default:

FUT 66.71 Bug Resolved 43112WinTransfer Future Students To CurrentsPostal address added to online application manually not reflected in eSIS after student is transferred

Fixed an issue where postal address details were not being populated in the online application import.

FUTIMP 66.80 Bug Resolved 43376WinTransferring an online application record to future students keeps a transaction open during the whole process.

Fixed an issue in Windows > Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import when transferring an application record a client-side transaction was generated and kept open until the import process was done. This had the potential to unnecessarily block other users during the process.

FUTIMP 67.05 Order 41392WinEnhancement to Enquiries - addition of flags

The following 3 new flags, IndigenousFlag, TorresStraitIslanderFlag and IBFlag, have been added Enquiry Maintenance and Future Student Maintenance.

It does not include:- Adding the ability to set these values during the transfer wizard- Adding them to the enquiry/future student maintenance search filters

FUTIMP 66.62 Bug Resolved 41559WinOnline Application Import problems

Program name changed to Online Application/Enquiries Import Now remembers the selected status.Auto populates the title if blank (for the student)

FUTIMP 66.74 Bug Resolved 44200WinError when Future Enquire Contact is the Enquiry Student

Fixed an issue when creating a new Enquiry when the enquiry contact is the same as the enquiry student. The 'Field BirthDate not found' error message no longer occurs.

FUTIMP 66.80 Bug Resolved 42651SynDBOccupation Code field too short in Online Import

Fixed an issue when importing Online Applications. The process would only accept 8 character Occupation Codes however the code column in luOccupation is 15 characters.

GEN 66.67 Bug Resolved 42811WinModifying a posting date exports duplicate journals

If you modify the posting date for a closed posting duplicate journals are being exported to TechnologyOne. The Synergetic journals are fine, it is the export that has the issue

GEN 66.60 Bug Resolved 37890WinAdd G/L code via Cost Centre or Chart of Accounts Maintenance

Issues Fixed

GEN 66.91 Bug Resolved 46714WinReplicate GL Journals - Payroll Posting with spaces

If there are leading spaces in a payroll posting and the posting gets replicated, this will continue to be replicated in the GL Journals.

GEN 66.62 Bug Resolved 41652SynDBSub Ledger Web Service Requests are not automatically applying to all GL Codes

trigger is modified to Apply To All GL for insert as well

GEN 66.92 Bug Resolved 41857CrystalCDAGENFR2 Screen Definition does not handle Clear All button

Fixed an issue with the GENFR2 Crystal report where the selection screen did not handle the 'Clear All' button being pressed.

GEN 66.78 Bug Resolved 45430WinCreate Next General Ledger YearError while creating Next G/L Year

Fixed an issue when creating the Next G/L Year where the following error occured: "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'From' ".

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GEN 66.92 Bug Resolved 47872CrystalCDAG/L Detailed Audit Report for Prior BAS (GENBAS)

Columns out of order when exporting to ExcelFixed allignment issues with the GENBAS report causing export to excel to not function as desired. The following modifications to the report were made:- Changed the report font to Synergetic Standard (Arial)- Aligned all the field and headings- Standardised the fonts sizes among all the field.

GEN 66.61 Enhancement 41705CrystalCDAG/L Finance Report (Last Year Comparative) (GENFRLYC)

New P&L-Style Finance Report - GENFRLYCNew report for use in conjunction with structures defined in Finance Report Maintenance, including columns for current YTD and period figures as well as last year comparatives for the same periods.

GEN 66.67 Enhancement 40544WinGeneral Ledger MaintCommitment Calculations

Amounts used in purchase order commitments calculations now use amounts exclusive of tax and in the local currency (i.e. that of the general ledger). This includes the purchase order authorisation process, the Budget/Actual and Purchase Orders tabs in General Ledger Maintenance and the Crystal Reports GLDEPDET and GLJNLSC.

GEN 66.84 Bug Resolved 46595WinGeneral Ledger MaintUsers are not seeing all purchase commitments made to a GL account on the Budget/Actual grid

Fixed an issue where the 'Commitment' column of the Budget/Actual Grid was only showing figures from business units that a user is authorised to. This would mean that previously any authorised orders in other business units were not included in the totals and would mis-represent the actual figure

GEN 66.65 Bug Resolved 42079SynDBGenTnyCreating the next GL Year adds too many records to the monthly budgets

When the next gl year is created, the table GeneralLedgerMonthlyBudgets creates 13 records when there should be 12 (one for each month in the gl year).This manifests itself as a duplicate line in the finance reports. Causing numbers to either duplicate or display incorrectly

GEN 67.05 Order 28591WinJournal ImportSpecify tax amount when doing journal import

New 'Tax Amount' field added when doing GL journal import so that you can specify the tax amount

HR 66.72 Order 42444WinHR Job Position maintenance - build organisational chart.

Nothing done

HR 66.60 Bug Resolved 40377WinStaff Job Position may display incorrect 'Reports To'

When assigning a new job position to a staff member, the greyed-out 'Report To' which is displayed may be incorrect. After saving and re-opening the record, the 'Reports To' is displayed correctly.

HR 66.60 Enhancement 39500WinStaff MaintSeparate the School tab into two sections with an additional security resource for the Status sub tab

Add new resourceREP|StaffMaint|School|StatusAdd Status sub tab at bottom section of School tab linked to the new security resource (looks same as StudentMaint>School>Status tab)Separate the fields currently on the school tab as per attachment

HR 66.62 Bug Resolved 41611WinStaff MaintStaff Maint: Unable to delete a Staff Member

Allow deletion of a Staff Member even if the member has got a staff job position. However, after confirmation.

HR 66.84 Bug Resolved 46879WinStaff MaintError message attempting to delete a Staff record

Changed the error message that can occur when attempting to delete a Staff record that has been created via an external web service. The fix has provided a more meaningful message to be displayed rather than the prior technical error.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

HR 66.92 Bug Resolved 42974CrystalCDAStaff Phone Extension List (STFPHONE)STFPHONE Crystal Report Error

Fixed an issue with the Staff Phone Extension List (STFPHONE) Crystal Report which could result in the following error: "Failed to retrieve Data from Database Vendor Code 209 (Code 723)". This report now runs correctly in both windows and web environments

INV 67.07 Bug Resolved 48970CrystalCDAUnable to view INV reports in V67

Fixed. Updated LookupSQL in ConfigReportForms table

INV 66.83 Bug Resolved 46784WinItem MaintStock unit prices not rounded to two decimal places on the stock tab

Fixed an issue where the Unit Prices Inc Tax or Ex Tax may not round to two decimal places. If your unit prices included tax the Ex Tax price may show more than two decimal places, likewise if your unit prices do not include tax then the Inc Tax may show more than two decimal places. This was a display issue only, when sales are made the figures are rounded to two places.

INV 66.96 Bug Resolved 43813WinSales EntryUnable to view "Last Docket" via the New Sale screen

When attempting to view the "Last Docket" via the Sales Entry > New Sale Screen, the following error appears:

Crystal Report Error in Unable to set Table Location on: vItemSales

INV 66.90 Enhancement 47822WinSales EntryImprove performance issue with shop sales functionality

Fixed an issue in Windows > Sales when using the item search screen and no search arguments are entered the screen takes several seconds to return the list. This happened if you do not have a barcode and you invoke the search screen.

MED 66.85 Bug Resolved 43350WinStudent's DOB and age not showing on Summary tab of Medical if going via the Student Maintenance screen

Fixed an issue when launching into Medical Maintenance from one of the other maintenance screens (eg, Student, Future Student, or Staff Maintnenance) was not displaying the birth date and age of the student. on the right hand panel of Summary or Incidents tabs

MED 66.72 Order 43437WinCrystal Report for Camps / Excursions

Changes has been done as per required by client

MED 67.05 Enhancement 37754WinNew program to bulk add immunisations to students

New feature for Bulk Immunisation Entry

MED 67.05 Enhancement 39985WinPermission to dispense medication

Ability to link Document (Written Authorisation) to Medical Plan

MED 66.66 Bug Resolved 41803WinMedical Summary page should sort first in order of severity (including allergies) and then by sortorder

Medical Summary page now sorts first in order of severity (including allergies) and then by sort order

MED 66.78 Bug Resolved 43253SynDBluMedicalRisk default flag behaves like the ActiveFlag

Fixed an issue in Windows > Medical Maintenance > Medical Condition > Risks > [Add], where active records weren't ticked by default if they were marked as 'default' from lookup table luMedicalRisk.DefaultFlag

MED 66.72 Bug Resolved 43632SynDBFix for missing medications can result in duplicates being created

Fixed an issue where medications can result in duplicates being created

MED 66.92 Enhancement 48310SynDBview vStudentMedicalHealtcareAllContacts missing h in healthcare.

Renamed view from vStudentMedicalHealtcareAllContacts to vStudentMedicalHealthcareAllContacts (Was missing an h in Health)

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

MED 66.76 Enhancement 45338CrystalCDAMinor Quick Changes

Changes to Synergetic Standard Medical reports include:- Icons such as Health Alert, Community Legal and Split Parents brought into reports- DOB appears on all reports- Medical Detailed (Audit) reports include Seq number on confidential conditions to assist Trainers and Support staff in identifying records

MED 66.95 Bug Resolved 47938CrystalCDASTUMEDICALDETAILED looks at ConditionTypeDescription instead of ConditionTypeCode

Selection criteria now compare selected Condition Type entry to Condition Type Code rather than Condition Type DescriptionModifications to report selection screen by LMM on 8/07/16 committed 15/07/16.

MED 66.66 Bug Resolved 42322WinStudent Medical MaintenanceOther Treatment Details column not visible in Medical Maintenance > Summary tab

Other Treatment Details column is now visible in Medical Maintenance > Summary tab

MED 66.67 Bug Resolved 42912WinStudent Medical MaintenanceActive Flag on Allergies (without a sub type ticked) are converted in migration to v66r2 as inactive.

The V66 medical conversion is creating an UNKOWN allergy record but it is marked as inactive for Allergies where none of the Bites, Foods, Medications, Stings or Other are checked

MED 66.68 Bug Resolved 42978WinStudent Medical MaintenanceMedical Migration: Missing Medical information from the Allergy/Medications - Medications text field

Missing Medical information from the Allergy/Medications - Medications text field

MED 66.78 Bug Resolved 43807WinStudent Medical MaintenanceBUG - Symptoms not relating to other LuTable

Fixed an issue in Windows > Medical Maintenance > Medical Conditions > Symptorms where the dropdown for symptom type under a condition showed all symptoms types. It now only show symptoms linked to the related condition type in the lookup table as well as any symptoms that are not linked to a condition type at all.

MED 67.09 Bug Resolved 49449WinStudent Medical MaintenanceUnable to use Medical Maintenance

Fix issue when Medical Maintenance is opened and no incidents appear in the Sign In Selector. The following error would appear and there is no ability for the user to add an incident:

Unable to open data object sqlMedical:-Invalid object name 'tMedicalDetails'

MED 67.09 Bug Resolved 49561WinStudent Medical MaintenanceDeleting a community member from the medical maintenance selector grid gives an error - Invalid object tmedicaldetails

Deleting a community member from the medical maintenance selector grid gives an error - Invalid object tmedicaldetails

MED 66.60 Order 38552WinStudent Medical MaintenanceUser unable to navigate away from scale of injury in Citrix environment

On the Injury Details child tab (of This Incident or Incidents tab), when the Scale of injury field is selected and the field has Popup Text set, the popup appears and upon selecting OK on this message, the Scale of injury field is still selected with the Not Selected record being highlighted. The user is unable to save the selected record.

This only appears to happen when utilising Synergetic via a Citrix remote connection.

MED 67.00 Enhancement 38824WinStudent Medical Maintenance********** MAJOR FEATURE **********

Bulk Add ImmunisationsOn the immunisations tab, added a button that launches a pop up window that allows the user to multi select a set of immunisations and add them in one hit.Made it easy to auto select the default immunisations.

MED 66.60 Bug Resolved 40922WinStudent Medical MaintenanceSuppressing allergies on medical condition tab and medical summary tab is not correct

New request has been done

MED 66.66 Bug Resolved 41855WinStudent Medical MaintenanceUnable to delete a Signed In record

If a record has been incorrectly signed in to Medical Maintenance, the user can now delete this record.

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MED 67.05 Enhancement 45045WinStudent Medical MaintenanceConsistency of dropdowns in Medical Maintenance

Made the dropdowns consistent across Medical Maintenance

MED 66.76 Bug Resolved 45200WinStudent Medical MaintenanceSign Out from Medical Maintenance does not use the correct sign out time in Automatic mode

Fixed issues in Windows > Medical Maintenance > Sign out so that in Automatic Discharge mode, the sign out date and time are recorded correctly in the created absence event and in Manual Discharge mode, the sign out time in the absence event creation form will be populated based on the time specified in the release (Sign out) options form.

MED 66.77 Order 45305WinStudent Medical MaintenanceMedication and Medical Plan extensions to Medical Maintenance

Adding Medical Plan Tab to Medical Maintenance and storing more details about Medications

MED 67.02 Enhancement 45629WinStudent Medical MaintenanceAdd ability to link a medical condition to a document

Added a new functionality to Medical Condition to be linked to a document. The Medical Conditions/Plans with linked document are distinguished by icon in the grids.

MED 66.79 Bug Resolved 45838WinStudent Medical MaintenanceMedical Plan tab generating an error when you try and click on it.

Fixed an issue with Windows > Medical Maintenance to allow linking existing medical plans to medications.

MED 66.80 Bug Resolved 45889WinStudent Medical MaintenanceInactive records in lumedication table are visible under the 'Medication' drop down field in Medical Maintenance

Inactive records in lumedication table are no longer visible under the 'Medication' drop down fields in Medical Maintenance

MED 66.80 Bug Resolved 46399WinStudent Medical MaintenancePossible to delete many immunisation records if pressing Delete on a blank immunisation code

Fixed an issue where if you pressed the 'Add' button on the medical immunisation tab of Windows > Medical Maintenance and then pressed the 'Delete' button BEFORE you entered a value in the immunisation code field it was possible to wipe out many immunisation records.

OBJ 66.97 Bug Resolved 49129WinObject Bookings MaintenanceSlow loading when checking Accommodation availability

When attempting to create a new accommodation this process was taking considerable time to load.

PAY 66.91 Bug Resolved 47947WinCannot open Payroll Maintenance

Fixed an issue which prevented access to specific modules. E.g. Payroll.

PAY 66.67 Enhancement 42634WinChange Payroll EncryptionAllow encrypting of user payroll tables

Support encrypting of user payroll tables. This should be developed in conjunction with Synergetic as there is a fair degree of groundwork to encrypt your user tables.

PAY 66.83 Bug Resolved 46940WinCreate New PayNZ - Error calculating Supercontribution tax if employee has multiple lines of pay and one of them has a zero amount.

Fixed a Division by Zero error that occured when an employee had two lines of gross pay that are applicable for super calculation and one of them does not have an amount defined.

PAY 66.91 Bug Resolved 48360WinCreate Next Payroll YearCreating next payroll year may not copy all the required superannuation funds

Fixed an issue where creating the next payroll year may not copy all the superannuation records.

PAY 66.66 Bug Resolved 42296WinCurrent Pay MaintG/L and Sub Allocation Codes are from the most recent GL Year

When launching from Current Pay Maintenace > Previous Year Run, the GL Year displaying in GL Maintenance will display the same previous year.

PAY 66.92 Bug Resolved 48074WinCurrent Pay MaintBack pay tax calculation

Fixed an issue that could occur when multiple back pay lines were created related to a single previous posting, the amount of back pay tax added to the current pay is multiplied by the number of back pay lines.e.g. If 3 back pay lines are created from the same past pay the amount of back pay tax would be 3 times the amount of what it should be.

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PAY 66.98 Bug Resolved 21939WinCurrent Pay Maint(NZ) 'Debits do not equal credits' error when Super Contribution pay code amount is cleared to 0 from Pay Maintenance

Fixed issue where two lines of normal pay cancel each other out and have a zero contribution to super can cause a 'debits do not equal credits' error when updating the pay

PAY 66.60 Enhancement 41012WinPayroll Configuration MaintPay Code Discrepancy Check Mode

When utilising the pay code discrepancy check, an option now exists in Payroll Configuration Maintenance to elect whether the check is expecting employee standard pay details to include all pay codes linked to an award level, or only expecting them to include at least one of the pay codes linked to an award level.

PAY 66.98 Bug Resolved 45543WinPayroll Employee MaintStart and Stop dates defined in standard pays are looking at the Posting Date and not the Start/End date of the pay period

Issue fixed where pay line start and stop dates would only compare themselves to the actual pay date. This meant that if your pay was dated August 31 and your pay line stopped on August 30 it would not be included. Now the start and end of the pay period is used for comparing the start and stop dates on the pay line.

PAY 66.91 Bug Resolved 47910WinPayroll Pay Rate MaintenanceMissing super fund link from Superannuation Pay Code

Fixed an issue where, if Pay Events have been enabled and certain updates are done to the Employee pay codes(i.e. update pay rate) under the 'Pay Details' tab, the 'Super Fund' link gets cleared when generating new Pays. This resulted in the Employee not being included in the Super Export.

PAY 66.69 Enhancement 43084WinPayroll Super ExportNew fields for Super export

New fields for Postal address as well as allowing employment status mapping.

You can specify the export value to be used for a clearing house by specifying a SuperExportValue on luPayrollPayrollEmployeeStatus field.

PAY 66.70 Enhancement 43373WinPayroll Super ExportImprove speed of export

Getting slow response on some clients so made a change to the proc to speed it up

PAY 67.05 Enhancement 21199WinPayroll Super Export********** MAJOR FEATURE **********

Superannuation changes for 2016 financial yearNew tab to contain super fund details for an employee. Now we setup a record for each superfund an employee has, and link a pay code to that fund. The employee super fund record is also linked to an luPayrollSuperannuationFund record (this was previously on the pay code record). This means that we do not have to set up as many luPayrollSuperannuationFund records.

Also support for custom super export definitions which means that as long as the super clearing house accepts a flat file (one record per employee) then you can define your own export formats within Synergetic.

PAY 66.97 Bug Resolved 49179WinPrint Payroll JournalPAYAUDIT - Slow to run

PAYAUDIT - This report was taking considerable time to run. There has been some speed tweaks to the underlying procedure in order to decrease the time this is taking to run.

PAYSUP 66.79 Bug Resolved 43800WinMonthly Superannuation Calculation does not produce PayStartDate

Added new fields on the superannuation monthly calc screen in Windows. These are Pay Start and End Date, as well as Super Payment Expected Date. Some super clearing houses require pay date in the export file, and without it, will reject the file.

PST 66.94 Bug Resolved 44805CrystalCDAMedical Incidents by Date (MEDINCDPS)"Total Incidents printed" = 1 when it should be 0 as no records are returned

Fixed an issue with the Medical Incidents by Date (MEDINCDPS) Crystal Report: the Report now reports zero records when none are returned.

PST 66.92 Bug Resolved 44809CrystalCDAMedical Incidents by Date (MEDINCDPS)No medical incidents are displaying in these reports when they do exist

Fixed an issue with the Medical Incidents by Date (MEDINCDPA) Crystal Report so that it correctly shows the selected medical incidents.

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PST 66.92 Bug Resolved 47790CrystalCDAMedical Incidents by Date (MEDINCDPS)Report returns no records when Past Student Medical Incidents do exist

Fixed an issue in the Past Student > Medical Incidents by Date (MEDINCDPS) Crystal Report where the Report returned no records

PST 66.96 Bug Resolved 43362WinPast Student MaintFinance error when accessing Past Student Maintenance

If a user's account hasn't been granted any permissions to the SynergyOneFinance database through SQL Server Management Studio they will get the following error message when launching Past Student Maintenance: "Unable to open data object dsetStudentDebtorNameUno:- Cannot open database 'SynergyOneFinance' requested by the login. The login failed." The error will occur even if the user doesn't have access to any finance tabs. After clicking OK, Past Student Maintenance loads normally.

PST 66.98 Enhancement 49421WinPast Student MaintAdd Disability tab

The Disability tab used for the NCCDSSD export is now available in Past Student Maint. Please note that data is not actually exported for past students though.Resource is Module PST: PastStudentMaint|Disability. Any users with existing access to the medical tab will have been grated the same level of permission to the disability tab.

PST 67.05 Enhancement 45048WinPast Student MaintConsistency of Dropdowns in Past Student Maintenance

Made the dropdowns consistent across Past Student Maintenance

PST 66.96 Bug Resolved 45320WinPast Student MaintIntended tertiary qualification is Missing under past students maintenance.

Post School Activity, Intended Tertiary Course and Intended Tertiary Qualification have been made available for editing under [Student] tab > [School] tab

PST 66.77 Bug Resolved 45532WinPast Student MaintUser cannot access past student maintenance if they don't have DB level access to SynergyOneFinance

Fixed an issue with Past Student Maintenance where an error was displayed if the user did not have access to the Finance Database.

PTI 66.61 Bug Resolved 40633CrystalCDAParent Teacher Interview Bookings (PTIBOOKINGS)

Spelling mistake in report headerSpelling Mistake in Heading has been amended

PTI 66.91 Bug Resolved 42247CrystalCDAParent Teacher Interview Bookings (PTIBOOKINGS)

PTIBOOKINGS report showing duplicate bookingsFixed an issue where the PTIBOOKINGS Crystal report was listing each booking slot multiple times.

PTI 66.98 Bug Resolved 13975WinParent/Teacher InterviewsWhen parents book in an interview the windows client shows a different time

Verified in SynMain Version, It is working fine.

PUR 66.65 Bug Resolved 42249WinPurchase Order MaintSupplier purchase order email address

The system no longer ignores the Purchase order email address under Creditor maintenance.

PUR 66.66 Bug Resolved 42469WinPurchase Order MaintPO email notification

Unable to send PO email notification to the originator and Authoriser.

Error appears as 'Email address is empty'

PUR 66.69 Bug Resolved 42513WinPurchase Order MaintDeleting Creditor invoice payment does not update Purchase Order status

Deleting Creditor invoice payment does not update Purchase Order status

PUR 67.09 Order 16082WinPurchase Order Maint********** MAJOR FEATURE **********

Decimal Purchase Order QuantitiesWhen using the PO module the quantity field only accepts whole numbers, but this only works for discrete goods and not for labour which may be in part quantities, e.g. 1.5 hours labour @ $150/hour.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

PUR 66.60 Bug Resolved 29165WinPurchase Order MaintSupplier purchase order email address

Issue Fixed, see the Activities for more info

PUR 66.94 Bug Resolved 40037WinPurchase Order MaintNo email authentication window when emailing purchase orders

PUR 67.05 Bug Resolved 42002WinPurchase Order MaintFocus is out of whack

the focus on the creditor selection window has gone out of whack.

PUR 66.91 Bug Resolved 47783WinPurchase Order MaintPerformance issues with the Purchase Order Module

Improved the performance of Windows > Purchase order maintenance.

REP 66.60 Order 39523WinNew calculation function sfWeightedAverageEnteredValues

New calculation function called @sfWeightedAverageEnteredValues. It works out the weighted average of all numbers that have been entered whilst ignoring ones that have not been. Therefore if you have entered two of three results then the result will be the weighted average of those two numbers. The similar function @sfWeightedAverage would not give a result until all numbers have been entered.

REP 66.80 Bug Resolved 46192SynDBError when creating a new code in luExternalTestType: "Invalid column name 'ExternalTestTypeSeq'"

Fixed an issue in where an "Invalid column name 'ExternalTestTypeSeq'" error occured when creating a new record in luExternalTestType.

REP 66.94 Bug Resolved 42941CrystalCDAClass List (with Students and Emergency Contacts) (SUBCLSSE)

SUBCLSSE Errors when selecting from Tag list or Student IDFixed issues with the Report Selection Screen for Class List (with Students and Emergency Contacts) (SUBCLSSE) Crystal Report

REP 66.62 Bug Resolved 39552CrystalCDAClass List (with Students) and lines (SUBCLSSL)

SUBCLSSL returns no result in Synweb when using Class Code Like parameterFixed an issue where the % wildcard character was not handled for Crystal Reports criteria syntax

REP 66.92 Bug Resolved 48349WinClass MaintWeb Elective data not loading correctly

Fixed an issue in Windows > Class maintenance when the Web Elective tab has details entered and the user accesses the tab, no data may not show.

REP 66.92 Bug Resolved 48357WinClass MaintElective Group filter not allowing saves

Fixed an issue when on the Windows > Class Maintenance > Web Elective tab and the user selected an Elective Group, this was not enabling the save icon.

REP 67.05 Bug Resolved 45351WinClass MaintUnable to launch class maintenance

When selecting Class Maintenance from the Assess menu, the following error appears:

Unable to open data objectdsetLUYearLevel_:-dsetLUYearLevel_: Type mismatch for field 'Code', expecting: Smallnt actual: String.

REP 66.92 Bug Resolved 46617WinClass MaintError when opening Class Maintenance

Fixed a type mismatch error that occurred when opening class maintenance:Unable to open data objectdsetLUYearLevel_:-dsetLUYearLevel_: Type mismatch for field 'Code'

REP 66.92 Bug Resolved 43938CrystalCDAClass Student Photos (Vertical) (SUBCLSSP)

SUBCLSSP: Runtime error is displayed when generating the entire reportFixed an issue in SynWeb when running the Class Student Photos (Vertical) (SUBCLSSP) Crystal Report that occurred on clicking the [Show Report] button without filtering any fields

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

REP 66.65 Bug Resolved 41845WinExport Assessments To Home Computer

Mismatched field character limits luReportStyle: Code fieldIn Synergetic, the Code field in luReportStyle allows up to 50 characters to be entered. When exporting to standalone for reports in Assess > Export Assessments to Your Computer the code is truncated to 30 characters.

REP 67.05 Enhancement 45047WinStaff MaintConsistency of dropdowns in Staff Maintenance

Made the dropdowns consistent across Staff Maintenance, Class Maintenance, Material Maintenance, Print Students Report

REP 66.67 Bug Resolved 42753CrystalCDAStudent Class List with Dates (SUBCLSDAT)

Students not displaying in alpha-orderStudents now show in alpha-order

REP 66.93 Bug Resolved 48375WinStudent Result Calculations/ChecksVELS procedure taking a long time to run

Improved the speed to run the Student Results calculation for AUSVels.

REP 66.95 Bug Resolved 48859WinStudent Result Calculations/ChecksAusVELS Calculation does not observe some assessment settings

The AusVELS calculation may not populate the results table due to missing results even if the result areas in question are flagged as not to 'Show on Screen', or as 'Force Read Only' or if print flags are enabled and the result print flag is un-ticked. The initial check for missing results based on pvStudentAssessmentResultsVELSNotEntered DOES take these things into account, meaning that no message may be displayed on screen, but the results table will still not be populated.

REP 66.60 Enhancement 41352WinStudent Result Calculations/ChecksSupport year level calculations for Synergetic result calculation

Previously the year level selections were unavailable for Synergetic calculations. This is now be done.

REP 66.61 Bug Resolved 41716WinStudent Result Calculations/ChecksAusVELS results not calculating if NA results exist

When using calculation mode 1 (the default 'School Mode'), 'NA' results are considered to be missing and thus prevent the calculation from actually taking place. The feedback from the user interface is that the calculation has been processed, but no AusVELS result records are actually written out.

REP 66.63 Bug Resolved 42039WinStudent Results MaintReplacing words in overall comments is adding carriage returns

When using the Find/Replace button to replace words, carriage returns are being added to the entire overall comments making it go to multiple lines when it should just be 1 or 2 lines.

REP 66.72 Bug Resolved 42058WinStudent Results MaintMedian function does not assign a result to students who do not have a numeric result entered

A median calculation is performed based on results of all the students. The resultant calculation needs to be assigned to all assessable students.

REP 66.93 Enhancement 48073WinStudent Results MaintIncrease length of text for Markbook heading to 255 characters

Increased the length of text for the Markbook heading field to 255 characters.

REP 66.92 Bug Resolved 42864CrystalCDAStudents with No Results by Staff Member (REPNORES)

REPNORES incorrectly flags Comments as blankFixed an issue with the Students with no results by staff member (REPNORES) Crystal Report so that topic comments, where the SynergyMeaning of the Result Type is COMMENT, are handled correctly.

REP 67.05 Bug Resolved 46046WinSubject Assessment Area MaintError when attempting to delete a Subject Assessment

Fixed error that occurred when attempting to delete a Subject Assessment:

Unable to Execute data objectssqlAssessmentsDelete:-The formal parameter "@SubjectAssessmentsSeq"...

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

REPCLS 66.94 Bug Resolved 41818CrystalCDAError is returned when downloading the TIMSTU6 and TIMSTU7 reports

Fixed an issue when downloading Timetable (TIMSTU6 and TIMSTU7) Crystal Reports: Missing table in footer.rpt subreport. Replacement of table has resolved issue, reports now working in windows and Synweb environments.

REPSCH 66.60 Bug Resolved 28902WinStaff Schedule MaintenanceCopy week schedule

Issue fixed. See Activities for more info.

REPSCH 67.05 Order 38592WinStaff Schedule MaintenanceAbsence Types and Reason in Staff Schedule attendances

Allow for the three fields 'Absence Type, Absence Reason and Absence Comment', that you see in timetabled class attendance, to be entered against the cocurricular attendance record.

SPTCOCUR 66.78 Bug Resolved 44924CrystalCDACrystal Report showing wrong ages and the Show alerts tick box is reversed, shows Alerts when unticked.

Calculation of ages has been expanded and correct. Also if a student has 0 months, they will be shown with an Age of 7 years rather than 7 y / 0 m.

STU 66.91 Bug Resolved 42945WinStudent Awards - Created By fields not being updated

Fixed an issue that occurred when creating Student Awards - the Created By field was not being populated.

STU 66.70 Bug Resolved 43330WinFamily Position in vStudentRelationsAll refers to deprecated field

Updated familyposition in vStudentRelationsAll to refer to familyposition in the student years table.

STU 66.97 Enhancement 48654WinAdditional field in crspStudentsNoAutoTuition

Gender field has been added to crspStudentsNoAutoTuition

STU 66.94 Bug Resolved 48766WinvStudentsCurrentPastFutureCombined - Not showing students if they are in past

Fixed an issue that occurred when a student is in both current students and past students they were only shown as a past student in the view vStudentsCurrentPastFutureCombined and were being excluded from displaying as a current student.

STU 66.60 Bug Resolved 40896WinCocurricular Tab Items


STU 66.91 Bug Resolved 46651WinUpdating student information results in error.

Fixed an issue where updating student information results in an XML error similar to the following: FOR XML could not serialize the data for node 'Comment' because it contains a character (0x0004) which is not allowed in XML. To retrieve this data using FOR XML, convert it to binary, varbinary or image data type and use the BINARY BASE64 directive.

STU 66.95 Bug Resolved 14535SynDBvStudentSiblingsCurrent_crosstab ignores eldest in family

Fixed an issue where the view was not showing the eldest in the family.

STU 66.92 Enhancement 39260SynDBAdd default for Portal Details flag in luRelationship lookup table

Added default for Portal Details flag in luRelationship lookup table. When contacts or relations are added or new students/future students are created, the portal details flag is now defaulted according to how the lurelationship table defines the portal flag for that relationship.

STU 66.60 Bug Resolved 40890SynDBvAbsenceEventsDailyCalcIncluded - Slow to run

vAbsenceEventsDailyCalcIncluded running slow which is causing the Absence Events Daily calc reports to run slow also.

STU 66.65 Bug Resolved 41825SynDBxfreMessageQueue remove role for @SC when creating a new Current Student

When a new Current Student is created (with both Contact 1 and Spouse) the @SC constituency is being added (via an IDAMAddRole request) and no longer removed.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STU 66.71 Bug Resolved 43556SynDBUpdate existing record - Postal address details are not being send to IDAM for all update user requests

Fixed an issue where Postal Address details were not being sent to IDAM for all update user requests

STU 66.84 Bug Resolved 46445SynDBStudent Transfer Future to Future - missing information

Fixed an issue in the Student Transfer of information when transferring information from a Future to a Future student - missing information is now correctly sent including: Doctor, Dentist, Emergency Contacts, Occupation Postcode

STU 66.91 Enhancement 46859SynDBPerformance improvements for vStudentContactsAndRelations

Improved the performance of queries and reports using the vStudentContactsAndRelations view.

STU 66.90 Bug Resolved 47740SynDBStudent Transfer Future to Future - missing information

Fixed an issue that occurred when a student existed in two tenants and the student transfer is received, the contact information was missing the Postal Postcode.

STU 67.05 Enhancement 41235CrystalCDADeprecated Medical Reports

Due to utilising outdated medical data structures, the following Crystal Reports have been removed from Synergetic. Refer to the newer Student Confirmation of Enrolment Details report (STUCONFENROL) for a similar report based on the current data structures.

STUENRJR - Student Enrolment Details (Summary)STUENRLEGAL - Student Confirmation Enrolments With Legal ReqsSTUENROL - Student Confirmation of Enrolment Details (Large)STUENRCNF - Student Enrolment Confirmation

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STU 66.76 Enhancement 42910CrystalCDAStudent Medical Information

New Standard Synergetic Medical Reports----------------------------------------------------------------There are 13 new medical reports developed that are designed for Medical Staff use. There are 2 Staff Medical Reports and 11 Student Medical Reports.System Administrators will need to consider who should have permission to run these reports as they do not take into consideration the new visibility restrictions introduced.Please be advised that only 4 of the reports are considered to contain all recorded information. These are:- STFMEDICALDETAILED- STFMEDICALIMMUNISATION- STUMEDICALDETAILED- STUMEDICALIMMUNISATION

Staff Medical Reports - Module HUM - 2 Reports----------------------------------------------------------------STFMEDICALDETAILED - Reporting on all active Medical Details recorded for active staff members; excluding Immunization details.STFMEDICALIMMUNISATION - Reporting on all active Immunization details recorded for active staff members

Student Medical Reports - Module STU - 11 Reports----------------------------------------------------------------STUMEDICAL - Reporting on active Medical Details recorded for current students; excluding Immunization details and Internal Medical Staff note areasSTUMEDICALCONDDETAILS - Summary report on active Medical Condition Details recorded for current students STUMEDICALCONDITIONS - Summary report on active default Medical Conditions recorded for current studentsSTUMEDICALDEFAULTCONDDETAILS - Summary report on active Medical Condition Details recorded for current studentsSTUMEDICALDEFAULTCONDITIONS - Summary report on active default Medical Condition Details recorded for current studentsSTUMEDICALDEFAULTS - Reporting on active Medical Conditions; that are flagged as defaults, recorded against current students but excluding Immunization details and Internal Medical Staff note areasSTUMEDICALDEFAULTSFORM - Reporting on active Medical Conditions; that are flagged as defaults, for current students but excluding Immunization details and Internal Medical Staff note areas; filling in details if supplied or providing space for details if there are noneSTUMEDICALDETAILED - Reporting on all active Medical Details recorded for current students; excluding Immunization detailsSTUMEDICALFORM - Reporting on active Medical Conditions for current students; excluding Immunization details and Internal Medical Staff note areas, filling in details if supplied or providing space for details if there are noneSTUMEDICALIMMUNISATION - Reporting on all active Immunization details for current studentsSTUMEDICALIMMUNISATIONFORM - Reporting on all active Immunizations for current students; filling in details if supplied or providing space for details if there are none

STU 66.78 Bug Resolved 44698CrystalCDAMEDINCD displays date parameters in mm/dd/yyyy format

The DateFrom and DateTo report parameters are displayed beneath the report title in the MEDINCD Crystal report in mm/dd/yyyy format. This has been changed to d/mm/yyyy as per other reports.

STU 66.62 Enhancement 40144CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Modernise the look and feel of STUCONFENROLReport updated for new medical detail structure

STU 66.76 Enhancement 43283CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Skill level associated with a staff also shows under the abilities section in STUCONFENROL reportIn the Student Confirmation of Enrolment (STUCONFENROL) Crystal report Abilities with an AbilityType of SKILLLEVEL now only display check boxes for skill levels where luSkill.StudentFlag is checked.

STU 66.79 Bug Resolved 43506CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Asthma Emergency Treatment flags reversed in STUCONFENROLFixed an issue where the check boxes for 'Treat as per the individual Emergency Treatment' and 'Treat as per regions schools policy for Emergency Treatment' were flipped around the wrong way in the Student Confirmation of Enrolment Details (STUCONFENROL) Crystal report.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STU 66.78 Bug Resolved 43953CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Student contacts not displayed on STUCONFENROLThe STUCONFENROL Crystal report may return no contact data. There is now a separate parameter to control how many copies of the form should be generated (e.g. one per-contact or one per-student), in addition to contact parameters (contact type, lives with flag etc) to allow narrowing the selection of actual contacts.

STU 66.78 Bug Resolved 44746CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

STUCONFENROL doesn't display Contact relationship to studentIn the STUCONFENROL Crystal report, the 'Relationship to Student' field under Student Contact does not display any data. However this has been replaced in v66r2 with a new report format so is no longer an issue.

STU 66.78 Bug Resolved 45041CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Error message executing reportThe STUCONFENROL Crystal report may return a 'Failed to retrieve data from the database' error due to ambiguous usage of FileYear and FileSemester. This is no longer an issue with the new report format available with v66r2.

STU 66.78 Bug Resolved 45384CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Check boxes may not display properly over SynWebDue to check boxes using the Wingdings 2 font, the STUCONFENROL Crystal report may not render correctly when run from a server (e.g. via SynWeb). Uses of Wingdings 2 have now been replaced with Wingdings and different characters for an empty box and a ticked box.

STU 67.09 Bug Resolved 49596CrystalCDAConfirmation of Student Details (STUCONFENROL)

Report does not print out correctly when using Duplex mode.The report itself works correctlythe issue arises when printing the report in Duplex mode on the printer with a student record that ends on an ODD numbered page.

STU 66.94 Bug Resolved 48736WinCreate Next SemesterUnable to create a term higher than 9

Fixed an issue where the term control only allowed you to enter a single digit. Therefore if you were trying to create a term with a number higher than 9 you were unable to do so.

STU 67.05 Bug Resolved 42547WinCurrent Student MaintCorrespondence Tab: Error Unable to Open Data Object

Issue resolved

STU 66.72 Bug Resolved 42900WinCurrent Student MaintError in accessing student record with ID 1

Fixed an issue where, if a student with an ID of 1 is accessed in Student Maintenance, an error message appeared.

STU 66.73 Bug Resolved 43430WinCurrent Student MaintIntermittent locking occuring in Current Student Maintenance search screen

Improved performance when accessing Win > Current Student Maintenance search screen

STU 66.92 Bug Resolved 48075WinCurrent Student MaintOnly up to 7 Custom Icons are displayed in Student Maintenance.

Fixed an issue that could occur when using more than 7 custom icons for student maintenance where the last custom icons would be obscured by other display objects. This issue has been resolved by "bunching" the icons together. This way you will only have an issue with screen real-estate if a single student has all the icons visible. Previously each icon would "hold" it's position and cause gaps.

STU 66.97 Enhancement 48846WinCurrent Student MaintNCCDSSD- "Adjustment level" and "Disability category" both should be mandatory to capture student disability data

"Adjustment level" and "Disability category" are now both mandatory to capture student disability data

STU 66.98 Bug Resolved 49370WinCurrent Student MaintDeleting Students - Error

Fixed issue when trying to delete a student

STU 66.62 Bug Resolved 27113WinCurrent Student MaintList Index Out of Bounds Error

If the user does not have permission to the Emergency then the following error may occur... Error: List index out of bounds (2) pctEmergency. Student Maintenance work OK after the error.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STU 66.70 Enhancement 36903WinCurrent Student MaintCopy Grid Contents to Excel to include 'Given'

Given1 column included in copy to excel functionality for win and web

STU 66.60 Bug Resolved 40919WinCurrent Student MaintCopy Grid Contents to Excel on Medical Conditions Tab shows confidential information


STU 67.05 Bug Resolved 41350WinCurrent Student MaintIncorrect call when Non Community Relation added

Fixed - no longer makes a call to IDAM for non community members

STU 66.94 Enhancement 41398WinCurrent Student MaintNationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCDSSD)

New tab in Windows > Student maintenance so that disability adjustment data can be entered for the NCCDSSD export. New resource: Module STU -> StudentMaint | Disability

STU 66.65 Bug Resolved 42020WinCurrent Student MaintUnable to add multiple Alerts to a Student's Alerts Tab in Current Student Maintenenance

Once an Alert is added to a student's Alerts tab in Current Student Maintenance the Add button now functions correctly and therefore a second alert can be added.

STU 66.75 Bug Resolved 44684WinCurrent Student MaintIDAMSearch being incorrectly called and causing error message

Fixed an issue where IDAM Search was being incorrectly called and causing an error message.

STU 67.05 Enhancement 45042WinCurrent Student MaintConsistency of dropdowns in Current Student Maintenance

Made the dropdowns consistent across Current Student Maintenance

STU 66.95 Bug Resolved 46442WinCurrent Student MaintCourt Order Details error message when pasting or typing data of more that 200 characters into text field

When pasting information, or if text entered manually that is more than 200 characters, into the Court Order Details text field of the Legal tab, in Current Students Maintenance the following error message occurs.

String or binary data would be truncated

STU 66.66 Bug Resolved 41776WinFile Semester MaintChanging File Term date forces Season Type to be set

In File Term Maintenance, when changing the Start or End Date and not using the Sports module, no popup message appears.

STU 66.70 Bug Resolved 43384WinImport/Export Student Datae-asTTle export includes stopped classes

The export is not looking at start/stop dates for student classes. Therefore students who have a STOP date set to BEFORE the export are being processed, as well as those who have a START date set for AFTER the export.

STU 66.60 Enhancement 40580WinImport/Export Student DataExport instructional year level instead of funding year level for e-asTTle

Export instructional year level instead of funding year level for e-asTTle

STU 66.92 Bug Resolved 37429CrystalCDAMedical Incident by Person (MEDINCPPS)

Unable to generate MEDINCP report using ID number.Fixed an issue generating the Medical Incident by Person (MEDINCPPS) Crystal Report by using the ID number.

STU 66.71 Bug Resolved 43094CrystalCDAMedical Incident by Person (MEDINCPPS)

Error running MEDINCPThe screen selection for the MEDINCPPS report has been updated as there was an ambiguity issue (Two views have same field name- ID)

STU 66.84 Bug Resolved 44819CrystalCDAMedical Incident by Person (MEDINCPPS)

Header displays the date in American formatFixed an issue where date ranges displayed in medical incident reports were formatted in the format M/D/Y instead of the standard D/M/Y. All 12 reports beginning with 'MEDINC' are affected (this issue was addressed for the MEDINCD report on reference 44698).

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STU 66.97 Bug Resolved 49102CrystalCDAStudent Absences by Date (STUABSD)Bug in Crystal Report Selection Criteria

Report will not run via the User selection Criteria due to a incorrect report selection criteria, once removed report works fine.

STU 67.08 Enhancement 49318WinStudent Bulk ImmunisationAdd confirmation before performing a bulk delete

When selecting to perform a bulk delete, a confirmation is issued before the delete actually takes place

STU 67.05 Enhancement 41498WinStudent Bulk ImmunisationBulk Immunisation Entry

- Move Active Flag in 'immunisation add' window to the bottom- Provide a count of records inserted

STU 66.71 Bug Resolved 42942CrystalCDAStudent Census - Combined Style (STUCENS2)

Part-time students included in full-time student tally in STUCENS2The All Full Time Students table in the Student Census - Combined Style Report (STUCENS2) now correctly excludes students with an FTE < 1.

STU 66.67 Bug Resolved 42282CrystalCDAStudent Contact List - All Contacts (class select) (STUCONTLCLASS)

Date 'greater than' criteria uses the wrong SQL operatorFixed the operator in report selection screen.

STU 66.78 Bug Resolved 41777CrystalCDAStudent Evacuation Check List with Absences (STUEVACCHECK)

Includes student with entry date in the future.Report will not print any student whose date of commencement at the school is after the date that the report is being printed.

STU 66.63 Bug Resolved 36824CrystalCDAStudent External Studies Undertaken (STUEXTSTUD)

SynWeb does not produce any resultsWhen executing the report via SynWeb, no results are being returned

STU 66.69 Bug Resolved 43097CrystalCDAStudent Form/Tutor/House List with Dates (STULSTDAT)

STULSTDAT.RPT report has the Students not being displayed in alpha-order.Reports now sorts by surname.

STU 66.60 Enhancement 40800CrystalCDAStudent Health Alert (STUHLTHALT)Student Health Alert Report - v66R2 medical structure changes

The Student Health Alert report (STUHLTHALT) has been updated to account for the new medical data structures in v66R2. Additionally, it is now possible to search by medical condition, condition severity and other condition-related criteria.

STU 66.92 Bug Resolved 48338CrystalCDAStudent Immunisations (STUMEDICALIMMUNISATION)

STUMEDICALIMMUNISATION - Unable to set Table Location on: vMedicalImmunisationStudent"Fixed an issue when running the Student Immunisations (STUMEDICALIMMUNISATION.rpt) Crystal Report where the following error message occured: "Crystal Report Error in Unable to set Table Location on: vMedicalImmunisationStudent"

STU 66.84 Bug Resolved 43607CrystalCDAStudent Labels 2X8 (STULABS)Error running STULABS

Fixed an issue where the Student Labels 2x8 Crystal Report (STULABS) returns an error. Problem was resolved with fix for 40161

STU 66.62 Bug Resolved 41582WinStudent Medical Details MaintInactive records able to be selected

Medical Condition tab- Tests child tab > Test Type (Lookup shows those records that have been made inactive)- Equipment child tab > Equipment Type (Lookup shows those records that have been made inactive)

STU 66.61 Bug Resolved 41752WinStudent Medical Details MaintMedical Records - data Conversion Issues

Tested the data in School server. The issue have been fixed now. I have also added a script to updating the wrong data in schools

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STU 66.63 Bug Resolved 41865WinStudent Medical Details MaintNULL values when a new Medical Condition is added

If a new Medical Condition is added, and fields are not populated, they are being set as NULL in the back end database.The effect of this is that some reports or queries are not returning any results when they should.

STU 66.76 Bug Resolved 45064CrystalCDAStudent Medical Excursion Summary (STUMEDEXCURSUM)

Error message running reportUpdated the Student Excursion Medical Summary (STUMEDEXCURSUM) Crystal report to fix an issue caused by changing how excursion consents were stored in the database

STU 66.67 Bug Resolved 42259CrystalCDAStudent Medical Incident (STUMEDINC)Error running STUMEDINC

The screen selection screen had some issues like wrong type and single quotes

STU 66.95 Bug Resolved 48857CrystalCDAStudent SMS/Email Recipients - Contact & Relations (STUSMSEMAILREC)

Student year level does not display if campus is blankIf a student has a blank campus, the brackets after the student's name should display their year level, but are actually empty.

STU 66.98 Enhancement 48564WinTimetable ImportMake Skip all button available to non-super users when importing student classes

Previously Skip All was only available for members of the SynSuperUser group, now it is available for any user of the timetable import.

STU 66.83 Enhancement 46075WinTimetable ImportPlease update timetabler to cater for 'team teaching' when the same teachers take the same classes at the same time.

An addiitonal configuration option has been added for the automated Timetabler import to support team teaching: Timetabler|AutoImport|Timetable|AllowDuplicates. This allows for a duplicate timetable entry to be created if two staff members are both taking the class at the same time.

STU 66.91 Bug Resolved 48004WinTimetable ImportTimetabler Automatic Import - Assigning staff members

Improved the Timetabler Automatic Import process so that the first staff member is the staff member that has the most instances of the class for the Timetable being imported. After this the second staff member is the staff member with the second most instances of the class in the timetable and so on.

STUPC 66.62 Bug Resolved 41170WinPastoral Care box in Windows is cutting off text

Fixed issue of Pastoral Care box in Windows is cutting off text that goes to the edge of the screen.

STUXIE 66.80 Bug Resolved 42504WinSTATS export in 66.63 not working

Fixed an issue where the stats export was not working and displayed the following error: Unable to open data object dsetSTATS:- Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=, >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

STUXIE 66.66 Bug Resolved 42543WinSTATS export does not include students with exactly 90% attendance

The STATS student attendance export will not count any students with exactly 90% attendance.

STUXIE 66.69 Enhancement 42686WinNZ - When importing external NCEA results do not import current year or school results

When the option us taken to import external results for a student, do not import standards for the current year or for the current provider. These results are supplied through the normal results import process, whereas the purpose behind the external import is for standards studied at other schools.

STUXIE 66.72 Bug Resolved 43501WinNZQA Standards import is not importing LiteracyReadingQualification or LiteracyWritingQualification fields

Fixed an issue where, when running a standards import the LiteracyReadingQualification and LiteracyWritingQualification fields were not imported into Synergetic, despite being supplied in the file from NZQA.

STUXIE 67.05 Order 20889WinAbility to export NAPLAN file by gender

NAPLAN file can now be exported by gender

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

STUXIE 66.60 Enhancement 38160Win2015 Student attendance Data (STATS)

Enhancement request to make changes to the Department of Educations's annual data collection on student attendance to implement 2013 Council of Australian Government's decision to improve school attendance.

STUXIE 66.73 Bug Resolved 44226WinUnable to export Entries and results file to NZQA

Fixed an issue where the export file for NZQA was truncated and could not be processed

STUXIE 66.84 Bug Resolved 46913WinDuplicated rows in CEOVIC Assessment Period 1

Fixed an issue where duplicate entries are exported for some records in CEOVIC Assessment Period 1.

STUXIE 66.92 Enhancement 46920WinCurriculumn Council - ESQUALfile

Added ESQUAL support to Student Exports

SYS 66.78 Bug Resolved 11547WinReload Configuration Settings menu option is not reflecting changes to Module buttons when a SynSuperUser login removes that permission from themself

Reload Configuration Settings will now immediately reflect the permission change when a SynSuperUser login removes that permission from their own account rather than the next time they log in.

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 12668WinConsistency of lookup table combo boxes behaviour

Consistency of Lookup Combo boxes in displaying code first followed by description, etc

SYS 66.70 Bug Resolved 42356WinBulk Communications - add student contact

Bulk Communications - add student contact

SYS 67.07 Enhancement 42862WinAction Centre Student Birthday Reminders

Implemented a new requirement for student birthday reminder action messages (daily, weekly and monthly).

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 43165WinAbility to colour code tabs at the user level

Added a new functionality to user level to Set the order and Colours of each tab. User is allowed to load the default customisation and set the current customisation as the default if they have been granted update permission.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48390WinStudent Transfer Current to Current -Error when applying changes in Action message......" 'HomeAddressSameFlag' specified more than once."

Fixed an issue where accepting and applying changes specified in the action centre message ''request student details (contacts) received" an error was displayed.Also note that if a HomeAddressSameFlag is in the list of fields ** whether it is accepted or not ** it would stop the transfer proc from trying to determine the value.

SYS 66.93 Bug Resolved 48634WinAccessIt Synergetic sync failure

Fixed an issue accessing vxeAccessITStudentStaff where the following error message was received: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'XXX' to data type int.

SYS 66.97 Bug Resolved 48873WinError message attempting to link a record to IDAM

Fixed an issue where an error message attempting to link a record to IDAM

SYS 66.98 Enhancement 49382WinAddition of a 'test mode' when performing grid emailing etc

When emailing from a grid, allow emails to be sent to a test address. This allows a 'preview' mode to occur before sending the actual email.

SYS 67.01 Enhancement 25454Win

********** MAJOR FEATURE **********Ability to run SSRS in Windows

Created the Ability to run SSRS in Windows

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.60 Bug Resolved 41120WinUser forms incorrectly identified as invalid

On the User Forms tab in various maintenance programs, user form descriptions may be incorrectly prefixed with 'invalid' due to the current database schema name not being resolved. Functionality of the actual forms is not affected, however in addition to the incorrect description, the '#' column on the User Forms tab will always be blank.

SYS 66.65 Bug Resolved 41216WinINT_19 - IDAM login details not displayed in Synergetic for new community member

Fixed - IDAM Login now saved in community record

SYS 66.65 Enhancement 41932WinIDAM window is not handling returned messages

When there is a message returned to the IDAM search results screen, the returned message is correctly handled

SYS 66.65 Bug Resolved 41933WinGeneric handling of non-returned GUID values

When there is a message returned to the IDAM search results screen, the returned message is correctly handled

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 45389WinMake Combo Boxes Consistent in Misc Programs

Make Combo-Boxes Consistent across the system

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 45517WinMake Crystal Report dropdowns filterable and consistent with new dropdown behaviour

Changing the Crystal report forms to work with enhanced combo-boxes

SYS 66.84 Bug Resolved 45645WinSettings Maint: Refreshing a tree returns an access violation error

Fixed an issue in Windows > Settings Maint where refreshing a tree returned an access violation error

SYS 66.91 Bug Resolved 45646WinSettings Maint: Design issues

The following issues in Windows > Settings Maintenance have been addressed:1. Exit button changed to Close to be more consistent with the other pop up windows (e.g. Notification Maintenance).2. Child has an arrow that doesn't show anything when expanded.3. Checkboxes for 'Message is visible in Community Portal' and 'System Flag' do not have a visual indication that it is a read only field. 4. Icons are pixelated (e.g. Action Centre Message Type, Targeted icon) 5. Hide responsible User box as it currently doesn't affect anything6. Tooltips for all fields7. System flag is read only but looks like a changeable field (see item 3)8. When email is enabled the email subject should populate initially from the message label unless it has a stored value already.9. Change the target icon! (or hide if no suitable icon available)10. Add checkboxes 'Show Active', 'Show Inactive' to above tree view to show/hide active and inactive message types (within their parent structures). Makes it easier to find inactive ones and activate them.

SYS 66.84 Bug Resolved 46254WinNo Action Message is being created for finalised future student applications . Application Processing - Offer Made - Alert - Other School - Fails

When two or more schools are sharing applications, when one sets the application to a status with a synergy meaning of FINALISED, an action message should be sent to the other tenants. This is now correctly occurring.

SYS 66.83 Bug Resolved 46572WinDailyMaintenance causing performance issues

Fixed an issue where a NULL value was attempting to insert into a NOT NULL field on CommunityCorrespondence causing performance issues in the overnight Daily Maintenance procedure.

SYS 66.79 Bug Resolved 45668SynDBIssue with spiCommunityCorrespondenceFromDBEmail causing TempDB growth

Fixed an issue with spiCommunityCorrespondenceFromDBEmail which backs up DBMail items so that they are not loston server migration where it was causing excessive TempDB growth.

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 39946SynDBAction Centre message (subscriber) when a student is changed to a leaving or left status


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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 40931SynDBAction Centre Message when a new student enters the school

New action centre message when a new student starts

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42473SynDBSynergeticDailyMaintenance SQL Agent job multitenant version - error running spiActionMessageNightly

'RunMaintenanceProc' is successful

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 43224SynDBDaily Maintenance Failing - spiActionMessageNightly

Fixed an issue where the overnight daily maintenance could fail when the TargetUserID on an action centre message did not exist in the community.

SYS 66.72 Enhancement 43910SynDBCreating Tasks takes 30-60 seconds to execute

Improved the performance of the system when creating tasks.

SYS 66.73 Bug Resolved 44009SynDBexecuting spsActionMessageSubscription returns ActionMessageSubscription duplicate error

The system now removes duplicates from ActionMessageSubscription. The unnecessary foreign key was also removed from ActionMessageSubscriptionHistory Table.

SYS 66.77 Bug Resolved 45272SynDBVSN Service continually sending ChangeStudentDetail request-batches that are in exception

Fixed an issue with the VSN service. The service would continually add a new 'ChangeStudentDetail Request-batch' to the 'send queue' until the student(s), who have a process status 'exception', was successfully resolved by the VSR. Thus potentially there could be lots of requests to the VSR in a very short time, that always returned an invalid reconciliation batch.

SYS 66.90 Bug Resolved 46472SynDBLookup tables are not being marked/unmarked as centrally managed

Fixed an issue in Multitenant systems, that occurred when a lookup table was marked/unmarked as being centrally managed in the master tenant and the change was not being reflected in the slave tenants. An action message appeared to inform the user that the modification has taken place, but when looking at the lookup table the change was not there.

SYS 66.84 Enhancement 46958SynDBAdd CDA Comments for Configuration Keys for NameInternal, NameExternal and LegalName

Added comments to explain how to setup the Configuration Keys for NameInternal, NameExternal and LegalName and what they do

SYS 66.97 Bug Resolved 47176SynDBDaily Maint - Error in Update of Student School Status: Subquery returned more than 1 value

Fix issue where having more than one luStudentStatus with a SynergyMeaning of 'LEFT' causes an error with the nightly job

SYS 66.85 Bug Resolved 47655SynDBDaily Maintenance tasks running slowly when loading Database Mail into Community Correspondence tables

Fixed an issue where Daily Maintenance tasks were running slowly when loading Database Mail into Community Correspondence tables.

SYS 66.90 Bug Resolved 47693SynDBStored procedure for daily maintenance task to clean up tag lists is not handling external transactions gracefully

Fixed an issue where, when the Daily Maintenance stored procedure was called with an externally initiated transaction (usually when performing a debug testing investigation) the procedure logic to clean up tag lists was not correctly handling this.

SYS 66.90 Bug Resolved 47694SynDBDaily Maintenance job logic for cleaning up Subscriber Events is not handling external transactions gracefully

Fixed an issue where, when the Daily Maintenance stored procedure was called with an externally initiated transaction (usually when performing a debug testing investigation) the procedure logic was not correctly handling this, and was committing the transaction internally.

SYS 66.93 Bug Resolved 48558SynDBDaily Maintenance Failing

The overnigth Daily Maintenance job was running a procedure to do with the new calendar function. This is not relevant as it has not been released. This procedure has been disabled.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 67.07 Enhancement 48755SynDBAction Centre Staff Birthday Reminders

Implemented a new requirement for staff birthday reminder action messages (daily, weekly and monthly).

SYS 66.96 Enhancement 49077SynDBAdd debugging flag when logging SSRS trace

This is to allow verbose output when running SSRS reports: System|MessageLog|Record|SSRS|Debug

SYS 66.73 Bug Resolved 42509WinAction CentreUser field in the Detail tab is not populated when the action message is triggered by the system itself

Fixed an issue in Action Centre where the User field in the Detail tab was not populated when the action message is triggered by the system itself.

SYS 66.67 Bug Resolved 42645WinAction CentreError when opening tasks

When opening a task that was created prior to 66R2, the error message "Unable to open data object dsetTaskInfo:- Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Reference', table 'SynergyOne.dbo.ActionMessage'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails." no longer displays.

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 42832WinAction CentreAction Centre messages when modifying lookups and configurations

Action Centre error messages when modifying lookups and configurations

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42903WinAction CentreInconsistent values for True and False

Inconsistent values for True and False on the Fields Changed tab.

SYS 66.70 Bug Resolved 43077WinAction CentreStudent Transfer - Medical Details relate to Condition

Student Transfer - Medical Details relate to Condition

SYS 66.72 Bug Resolved 43271WinAction CentreUser unable to process an Update Community details task

Fixed an issue where the "Fields Changed" tab in Action Centre could show no records to change

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 43343WinAction CentreInformation types are being displayed as actionable tasks

Fixed an issue where, if a user in group/user security maintenance has the following checked: Subscribe AND Unactioned Tasks Read Online AND Actioned Tasks Read Info, when a task is actioned by another user, the task remained as a task for them and could not be cleared from their list. It remained as a read only task with a Status of Closed. There is now a read/unread button for the selected action message

SYS 66.74 Bug Resolved 43564WinAction CentreUser unable to access dependant tasks

Improved action centre functionality so that, when subscribing a group/user to an action centre task type, the system automatically adds the group/user to all open action messages of the same message type. When unsubscribing a group/user from an action centre task type, the system now automatically removes the group/user from all open action messages of the same message type.

SYS 66.74 Bug Resolved 43680WinAction CentreError message transferring student medical information - allergies

Fixed an issue where an error message appeared transferring student medical information related to new allergies and other medical data records.

SYS 66.74 Bug Resolved 43806WinAction CentreNo Action Message is being created for finalised future student applications

Fixed an issue where no action message was sent to the other schools the student has applied to when the student's application was finalised at one of the schools.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48344WinAction CentreUnable to view Action Centre messages

Fixed an issue where, when accessing the action centre, the following error message is displayed: dsetMessage: Field 'XMLData' not found. Added XMLData column to ActionMessages

SYS 66.95 Bug Resolved 48615WinAction CentreAction Centre legal status not updating

Fixed an issue where modifying the legal status the second time doesn't send an action centre message.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.77 Bug Resolved 41147WinAction CentreAction Centre counts are not correct

Updated the action centre screen to make counts easier to understand

SYS 66.63 Bug Resolved 41743WinAction CentreIncorrect Action Centre Type being used for Centrally-managed configuration keys

When a configuration key value has changed it appears that this should be utilising the ENT_Config_I action centre type. When in fact this is using the ENT_Config_A type.

SYS 66.65 Bug Resolved 42061WinAction CentreDeletion of centrally managed lookup codes does not create action centre message

Prevent deletion when centrally managed (pop up error message)

SYS 66.79 Order 45822WinAction CentreBlank Action Centre Tasks

Fixed an issue where blank Portal Details Action Centre Tasks were created when the New value and the Current Value were the same in the task.

SYS 66.84 Bug Resolved 45936WinAction CentreCannot mark action message as read

Fixed an issue for the Action Centre message type Description: Request student details (contacts) - no response. When the user selects the Mark as Read button, the message is not cleared

SYS 66.81 Bug Resolved 46247WinAction CentreMessages are displaying incorrect descriptions

Some Action Centre messages (eg Student legal status has changed) were not displaying their correct message in the Description tab of Windows > Action Centre. If the user selected a message that contains a description, then selects a message that is not correctly displaying their message, the previous message's description is displayed in the currently selected message.

SYS 66.84 Bug Resolved 46256WinAction CentreEnquiry activity follow-ups launching incorrectly if the enquiry ID matches a future/current/past student ID

Fixed an issue where an action message is received for "Enquiry activity follow-up has been allocated" and the user selects the launch button (via the Linked to Enquiry) section. This was previously launching to an incorrect module if the enquiry ID is the same as an existing future/current/past student ID.

SYS 66.67 Bug Resolved 36082CrystalCDAavreps.aspx (avreps.aspx)STUABSEVTT report not working in SynWeb

STUABSEVTT - Report now should work with Synweb without error

SYS 66.76 Bug Resolved 42503WinCommunity MaintenanceUnable to merge duplicate records due to entries in Action Centre tables

Fixed an issue with merging duplicate community records due to entries in Action Centre tables.

SYS 66.67 Bug Resolved 42608WinCommunity MaintenanceIDAM information is not displaying for a Future Student in Community Maintenance. Only displaying for its contacts (mother and father).

A student is created in Future Student Maintenance via the wizard with a contact and contact spouse. When viewing these people within Community Maintenance > IDAM, there is no IDAM Guid and IDAM Login information for the student. Only the contact and contact spouse (mother and father) displays IDAM information.

SYS 66.67 Bug Resolved 42769WinCommunity MaintenanceTitle drop down ignoring sort order

If you override the sort order in luTitle, the values still appear in alphabetical order in the drop down lists on creation screen as well as main screen

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42881WinCommunity MaintenanceIDAM Link sending incorrect State and Suburb

When on the IDAM tab and the user selects the [Link] button the request now correctly passes the postal State and Suburb.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 43130WinCommunity MaintenanceRelations tab error when ID has relationship to multiple Non Community Relations

When multiple relationships are added with the same relationship type (eg: Two non community cousins/uncles/aunts etc) this error is generated:

Unable to open data object ssqlRelationships:-

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

Affects all relationship tabs (Future Students, Current Students, Past Students, Community).

SYS 66.75 Bug Resolved 43773WinCommunity MaintenanceCommunications linked to a community member are deleted when merging two community members

Changed the behaviour when merging two community members so that the Communications linked to both community members are now kept and attached to the record being merged into.

SYS 66.97 Enhancement 48774WinCommunity MaintenanceStudent Safety Community Changes

Changes to support the Victorian Child Safety Legislation. There is now a 'Checks' tab in Community and Staff Maintenance, in here is where Working With Children checks, Police Checks, reference checks etc get entered. Entry of data in this grid causes the legacy check fields to be populated, please note also that entry is disabled in the legacy fields.

There is also in involvement tab in Community Maintenance and this is where you can record a persons interaction with the school (eg volunteer, contractor etc) as well as any involvement activities they have undertaken.

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 40041WinCommunity MaintenanceRelations tab error when ID has relationship to multiple Non Community Relations

Relations tab error when ID has relationship to multiple Non Community Relations

SYS 66.62 Bug Resolved 41087WinCommunity MaintenanceConstituency order

In the Community Selector, the 'Constituencies' column was displaying the data in alphabetical order instead of system ones first

SYS 66.75 Bug Resolved 43967WinCommunity MaintenanceUser unable to deduplicate IDAM linked records

Fixed an issue where a user was unable to deduplicate community records which were linked to IDAM records.

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 45044WinCommunity MaintenanceConsistency of dropdowns in Community Maintenance

Made the dropdowns consistent across Community Maintenance

SYS 66.78 Bug Resolved 45527WinCommunity MaintenanceCannot delete a community member which has the constituency for payroll, even though the payroll record is deleted

Fixed an issue when deleting payroll and/or debtor records where the constituencies of the community member were not deleted.

SYS 66.90 Bug Resolved 46644WinCommunity MaintenanceError when updating Community Records

Fixed an Issue where an XML Error could occur when updating Community Records

SYS 66.65 Bug Resolved 42288WinConfiguration File MaintenanceUsers unable to modify DAT type config keys

For all the keys that have a DAT type, the user is now able to enter a date.

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42785WinConfiguration File MaintenanceMarking keys as centrally managed inconsistent with lookup tables

When a user attempts to mark a lookup table as centrally managed, a confirmation popup window appears. The same prompt does not appear for Configuration File Maintenance (finance and non-finance).

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 42834WinConfiguration File MaintenanceKeys not marked as centrally-managed are attempting to publish

Keys not marked as centrally-managed are attempting to publish

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.61 Enhancement 35009WinConfiguration File MaintenanceAllow schools in a multitenant system to set their own log in messages

Schools can set their own Login Message in a Mutli-tenant environment.It is fixed. See the Activities for more info please.

SYS 66.60 Bug Resolved 40530WinConfiguration File MaintenanceESB Retries not honoring configuration key - Inbound Service

ESB Retries not honoring configuration key

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42767WinConfiguration File Maintenance - Finance

Error message when attempting to update key valuesThis has been identified and confirmed as a data error. Ensure the data on the template school is correct before publishing

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42784WinConfiguration File Maintenance - Finance

Configuration keys are attempting to continually publishConfiguration keys are attempting to continually publish

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 42833WinConfiguration File Maintenance - Finance

No information Action Message appearingNo information Action Message appears for Lookup Table Maintenance - Finance. The action message should be sent notifying that a 'Centrally-managed lookup code value has changed' (like Lookup Table Maintenance does).

SYS 66.98 Bug Resolved 49276WinDocMan Bulk Print/EmailIncorrect documents possibly attached to emails sent from DocMan Bulk Print/Mail

In some cases the wrong attachment had been sent with an email. This was possible as all attachments went out with the same name and this may have been an issue if there were any delays with the mail server. Now the attachments have different names. There is also now a 'test mode' which allows you to send the emails to a nominated email address (default is the users) for testing purposes

SYS 66.97 Order 47159WinDocMan Bulk Print/EmailBulk Email parents of future students

It is now possible to do Bulk Emailing of Documents for Future Students (and/or their parents)

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42808WinFinance Config MaintConfiguration keys marked as centrally managed are not appearing as bold & italics and are editable

Bold text is now supported. Readonly works as expected.

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 43019WinGroup Security MaintKey not publishing to tenants

The following key is not publishing out to tenants: System|Template|Security|Prefix

SYS 66.93 Bug Resolved 48380WinGroup Security MaintUnable to delete security group

Fixed an error that could occur when attempting to delete a security group. The following message used to appear: "Parameter Error ParamName=@RoleName cmdSQLDelete: Parameter '@RoleName' not found." Please note that when deleting a security group, the logged in user requires elevated database privileges to be able to delete database roles

SYS 67.06 Bug Resolved 48759WinGroup Security MaintWPW modules are no longer in use and need to be removed

Removed WPW modules from group user security.

SYS 66.84 Bug Resolved 46248CrystalCDAInter School Relationships (SYSSHAREAPP)

Inter School Relationships report not RunningFixed an issue running the Inter School Relationships report where the following error was displayed: 'The SELECT permission was denied on the object...'

SYS 66.67 Bug Resolved 42576WinLookup Tables MaintPrevent deletion when centrally managed (pop up error message)

Delete key is removed for centrally managed tables for the template schema.

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42774WinLookup Tables MaintCentrally Managed tables are not publishing to tenants

When the master tenant publishes a centrally managed table, the slave tenants lookup table is not being marked as centrally managed.

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42826WinLookup Tables MaintPublish button remains active when it should not

Publish button remains active when it should not

SYS 66.70 Bug Resolved 43264WinLookup Tables MaintError attempting to publish finance lookup records

For multi-tenant environments only:

When attempting to publish records from luGeneralLedgerBudgetForecastPercents or luPayrollSuperannuationColumns one of the following two errors were reported:1. Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ', ' to data type int.2. Conversion failed when converting the varchar value ', ' to data type smallint.

SYS 66.72 Enhancement 43829WinLookup Tables MaintAdd foreign key constraint on luConstituency

Added a Foreign Key Constraint so that values cannot be deleted from luConstituency if they are linked to a community record. As part of deploying this change, any orphan codes will be added as inactive constituencies with the word 'deleted' next to their description.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48329WinLookup Tables MaintData errors in luFormItems

Fixed an issue in Community Portal > My Details where the default lookup table items in luFormItems did not match the menu and section field labels. Examples were ImmunisationsHealthcare and EmergencyContacts.

SYS 66.64 Bug Resolved 41122WinLookup Tables MaintUnable to publish centrally flag items for lookup tables

Published items for lookup tables, done in the template environment, now correctly show in the lookup tables in the tenant environment

SYS 66.62 Bug Resolved 41375WinLookup Tables MaintDeletion of centrally managed lookup codes does not publish

Changed Merge statement to Cursor due to ordering issue Publish deleted lookup recs Modified the way xml gets created. put the operation in chronlological orderFixed a bug in selecting modified recs

SYS 66.64 Bug Resolved 41899WinLookup Tables MaintUnable to Add new records when lookup tables are no longer centrally managed

Unable to Add new records when lookup tables are no longer centrally managed

SYS 66.64 Bug Resolved 41956WinLookup Tables MaintFinance lookup tables are not publishing

When a finance lookup table (e.g. luFund) is checked as being centrally managed, confirmed and then published, these changes are now being correctly reflected in the tenants environments.

SYS 66.77 Bug Resolved 44003WinLookup Tables MaintInactive consents available to select

Fixed an issue in Medical Maintenance > Consent where the Consent drop-down list included records from luConsentType that had been marked inactive.

SYS 66.94 Bug Resolved 48490WinNotification MaintenanceUnmarked rolls notification sent incorrectly.

Fixed an issue where attendance reminders were sent with the wrong FileYear/Semester and not respecting the term start and end dates.

SYS 66.80 Bug Resolved 40736WinNotification MaintenanceSchedule displayed in Notifications Maintenance does not reflect data in table

Fixed an issue in Notification Maintenance to calculate the correct next run date and time correctly and populate the resource information

SYS 66.66 Bug Resolved 41480WinNotification MaintenanceEditing Notification Daily Frequency in Windows client will not update next scheduled time

When editing the schedule of a Notification Rule in the Windows client, changing the Daily Frequency values of the Schedule now updates the Scheduled column in Notifications Maintenance (NextDateTime column in ConfigReportSchedule).

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 47885WinNotification MaintenanceAttendance reminder notifications are sent to classes based on their period numbers

Added support in attendance reminders so that period numbering does not have to be in chronological order.

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SYS 66.93 Bug Resolved 34880WinNotificationsMaintenance.aspxCalendar event not affecting notifications maintenance

Fixed an issue where modified calendar days does not correctly calculate period times for reminders.

SYS 66.60 Bug Resolved 38654WinOnline Payments MaintenanceFund Codes used in Online Payments

Fund codes used against level 3 options in Online Payments Maintenance to do not support the standard mapping of fund codes between the finance luFund table and the non-finance luFund table. As a result, donor receipt records may not have the correct fund code applied, and it may not be possible to save certain fund codes against a level 3 option in Online Payments Maintenance.

SYS 66.77 Enhancement 45304WinOnline Payments MaintenanceluPortalPaymentPlans SchoolAdministerDiscount and UserAdministerDiscount columns cannot be edited with decimals

luPortalPaymentPlans now allows decimal values (not just whole numbers) in the SchoolAdministerDiscount & UserAdministerDiscount.fields. eg. 5.5% is now allowed. The Community Portal > Payment plans tab correctly has also been updated to show the decimal discounts.

SYS 66.91 Bug Resolved 47828WinPhoto MaintenanceSingle Database - User unable to load photos

Fixed an issue when a user attempted to load a photo against a record and the following error message was received:Error updating databaseCannot generate thumbnail. Photo may be corrupted

SYS 66.69 Bug Resolved 42706WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenSMSs sent to multiple recipients not recorded in Correspondence

SMSs sent to multiple recipients not recorded in Correspondence

SYS 66.79 Bug Resolved 42860WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenAbility to replace/update email signature

Added new functionality within Windows to be able to replace/update email signatures and templates.

SYS 66.71 Bug Resolved 43102WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenUnable to edit email templates

Permissions to email templates has now been correctly tied to permissions for Document Classifications. E.g. Users without Update/Delete permission are unable to edit/delete templates that have the specified classification. Exception is that if you are the owner of the template.

SYS 66.79 Bug Resolved 44896WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenHTML disfunctional in Purchase order Email Notification Layout

Fixed an issue in sending purchase order approval emails to be able to send HTML emails

SYS 67.05 Enhancement 45371WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenmake font and font size combo boxes consistent

Consistency of Combo-Boxes in email form

SYS 66.92 Order 46485WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenFuture Student email templates - addition to selectable merge fields options with Enrol Year and Campus

Added Enrol Year and Campus are not included in the list of email merge field options. These come from the future student's default application.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 47222WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenItems in Correspondence removed after daily maintenance run

Resolved an issue where correspondence was incorrectly being inserted/removed after the overnight daily maintenance process.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 47856WinSynergetic Email and SMS screenCannot Edit Email Template

Fixed an issue where the user could not successfully edit an existing Email Template in Windows emailing screens.

SYS 66.68 Bug Resolved 42486SynDBSysMgm'CommunityPortalAdminPanel' group user security value not available

'CommunityPortalAdminPanel' group user security value not available

SYS 66.79 Bug Resolved 43328WinSystem DeduplicatorError message when deleting a community record

Fixed an issue that could occur when deleting a community member after performing a de-duplication. The user would receive a foreign key violation: 'The DELETE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ActionUserPreferences_ID_Community_ID". The conflict occurred in database "SynergyOne", table "dbo.Community", column 'ID''

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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.91 Enhancement 48011WinSystem DeduplicatorLookup table for ignoring user tables in merge process

When merging comunity records all user tables are merged if they have fields that are called of the following ID, ReceiptID, StaffID, ModifiedByID, DebtorID, CreatedByID. A lookup table luCommunityDedupMergeIgnore has been created to allow for certain user tables to be ignored in this process. This lookup table gives users the option to exclude user tables from the merge process.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48080WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

IDAMAddRole message: viewing the Response XML tabFixed an issue in system queues where the wrong xml response message could be displayed.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48383WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

ServiceBrokerQueuedDate not clearing when resubmitting an errored jobResubmit button in Windows > System Queues and Services Dashboard is now working correctly.

SYS 66.92 Enhancement 48384WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

Listing all SQL Agent Jobs on the ServerAdded database filter support to Windows > System and Service Queues dashboard

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48407WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

System Queues dashboard focus issueThe Winodws > System queues window is now brought to the front if already open.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48415WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

Service Broker Status Flag is disabled is appearing in the Errors section of the Health Check tabFixed an issue where an error that the service Broker Status Flag is disabled was appearing in the Errors section of the Health Check tab even though the service broker was enabled.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48436WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

Queues tab filters are not behaving correctly when populatedFixed an issue in Windows > System and Services Dashboard > Queues tab where filters were not behaving correctly when populated

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48440WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

All tennant codes displaying within the Agent Job tabFixed an issuer where all tennant codes were displaying within the Agent Job tab

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48444WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

Job History grid not clearing when no agent jobs appearFixed an issues in Windows > System and Services dashboard, where when no records existed in the Agent Jobs tab grid, the Job History still retained records.

SYS 66.92 Bug Resolved 48447WinSystem Queues and Services (dashboard)

The Outbound message count is not correctFixed an issue in Windows > Systems and Services Dashboard where the Outbound Message total count in the top grid did not match the number of outbound messages in the list below.

SYS 66.80 Bug Resolved 46016WinTask MaintenanceTask Templates removed from system

Fixed an issue where, through the overnight daily maintenance job, any task templates in the system were removed.

SYS 66.61 Bug Resolved 41194WinTask MaintenanceTemplate tasks are appearing with the most recent Action Centre description

The problem has been fixed and each template task now shows the related description.

SYS 66.62 Bug Resolved 41195WinTask MaintenancePerformance: Accessing Task Templates


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Windows Mods/Resolutions - v66.60 to v67.09Module Resolved Version TypeProgram

SYS 66.64 Bug Resolved 42246WinUser/Report Form EditorCannot open User/Report Form Editor

---------------------------Synergetic---------------------------Error reading syncompleteMemForm.Columns: Error reading TProposalColumn.BiggestWord: Property BiggestWord does not exist.---------------------------OK ---------------------------

SYS 67.05 Bug Resolved 47154WinUser/Report Form EditorERROR: dsetConfigResources_: Field 'SSRS' not found.

When attempting to Test a report, an SSRS error message is displayed

TIM 66.92 Enhancement 48135WinTimetable Import slow to process

When importing the timetable the last step was taking considerable time. This process has been tweaked to make it run faster.

TIM 66.75 Bug Resolved 44674SynDBTimetable Automatic Import - Substitues PeriodOffset

The PeriodOffest for the Substitutes was not being taken into consideration when automatically importing the timetable.

XGANZ 66.81 Bug Resolved 46263WinError generating roll return - Invalid column name Seq

Fixed an issue when performing the roll return where an error message may be returned saying 'Invalid column name Seq'

XNZ 66.66 Bug Resolved 41378WinNZQA Export Entries and Results File contains invalid characters

The NZQA Export Entries and Results File now checks addresses for invalid characters

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