War on Terror


Transcript of War on Terror


Resource PersonAhmad Sheikh Ex- Deputy Controller, (Head of National Broadcasting Service, Radio Pakistan, Lahore

Introduction USA is the largest economy of the world having gigantic arms, oil, food and medicine industries. To fulfil the needs of such an enormous industry, the economic elite (which holds power in US congress as well) was dire of cheap raw material from all over the world So the countries which partially or completely tried to resist the US policies in this regard, were planned to be attacked. To serve this purpose the armed groups in these countries (especially the Islamic countries) were encouraged and the term of Terrorism was created.

The term, “Terrorism”,” war on terror, “made the media propaganda for the powerful elite of USA e.g. .this term was extensively used by world media especially after US invasion on Afghanistan in 2011.

Under the propaganda of war on terror us has invaded in Somalia in …Date…., Afghanistan in 2001,Iraq in 2002,with the help NATO in Libya and Yemen.

What is War on Terror Background After USSR had lost its power in 1989, bipolarity was eradicated, world was out of the danger of 3rd world war, USA became the only super power of the world.

End of Cold War – “Anti Communism” slogan was finished, USA needed a term to be engaged in another war to fulfil the lust of resources, also called the perpetual war lust.

What is War on Terror Back Ground R-need of gigantic economy & enormous industry of USA which motivated it to formulate a structure to attack any country it wanted to.

Afghanistan was facing intra-society conflictions at that time, weak defence and poor foreign policy made it a very easy target to be attacked.

What is War on Terrorism Back Ground

Al Quaida (formed in 1992) had been against the interference of USA in Muslim countries, especially Saudi Arabia, which had given USA the place for settlement of its army. This confliction provides a solid reason why USA selected Al Quaida to be burnt in the war on terror.

Usama Bin Ladin, the leader of Al Quaida, was trained by CIA against USSR, but after the fall of USSR, USA claim him to be threat against her, especially when Al Quaida objected the penetrating nose of USA in other countries.

9/11 Osama Bin Ladin (Al Quaida) was alleged to be the master mind behind the attacks. USA demanded him from Afghanistan but Afghan Government asked for evidences if Usama were involved. USA not only refused but also attacked the described country. George W. Bush named it “War On Terror” in his speech on 20th of September 2001.

The same people were heroes and freedom fighters in the eyes of western media when they were fighting against USSR. In only 10 years, heroes became zeroes. As USA was against them.

Us Attack On Afghanistan USA started war in Afghanistan on Oct 7,2001 with the tag of “war on terrorism” which resulted in fall of Taliban Government in Kabul on 13 October, 2001, but Kandhar remained under the control of Taliban until 7th of December 2001, when Taliban lost it. The casualties and losses during the war on terror were horrible that happened.

Us Attack On Afghanistan Despite of losing Kandhar and Kabul,

Taliban kept on fighting against NATO forces. In May and June 2008, USA and UK increased their troops by 80% each. However, The war never stopped.

USA tried to negotiate with Taliban in June 2013 but both could not agree on any point, resulting the shut down of the Taliban’s office that was opened in Qatar. Though neither Al-qaida nor Taliban have been defeated yet USA is about to move back home with no fruitful result.


Issues of Iraq Iraq was labelled as the “State sponsor of terrorism” during 1979-89 and again in1990. Later on allegation of using weapons of mass destruction against kurds resulted in NATO air attack, backed by USA,in Iraqi “No Fly Zone”. Operation Desert Fox was started by USA in 1998 when Iraq did not fulfil its requirement of unconditional weapon inspection. Though UN inspectors had cleared Iraq but USA was not willing to trust that inspection.

US Attack on Iraq In October 2002, a large bipartisan majority

in the USA authorized the president to use force if necessary to disarm Iraq in order to “prosecute war on terror”. After failing to overcome opposition from France, Russia, and China against a UN resolution that would sanction the use of force against Iraq, the US assembled a coalition composed of nations which pledged support for its policy of regime change in Iraq. US-lead military coalition invaded Iraq in 2003.

Finally the war was declared as “Intelligence Failure” when nothing alleged was found there. A movie ( Fair Game, 2010) was released by Hollywood which covers the real truth behind the presence of mass destruction in iraq

Casualties in Iraq During War 2003-2011 according to Iraq Body Count Project(IBT)

Yaman and Somalia USA accused Yaman as well as Somalia of giving shelter to some of Al-quaida leaders. This claim lead USA to starting of drone attacks and use of force in the both countries.

Role Of Pakistan In War On terror

Gen. Zia was important figure back behind the roots of the whole scenario.

Pervez Musharaf sided with USA against Taliban and agreed on giving its airbases to USA for military operation. He also banned all the jihadi organizations and arrested number of MUJAHIDEEN leaders.

Role Of Pakistan In War On terror

Pakistan started operation in Sawat, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Wana and other tribal areas against militants according to the dictation given by USA. Later on, USA itself started Drone attacks in the Tribal areas of Pakistan.

Role Of Pakistan In War On terror

Laal Masjid, Islamabad Operation was one of the basic issues which resulted in the rise of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan following another wave of terrorism in the country.

Role Of Pakistan In War On terror

Conflict between TTP and Paksitan Army created anarchy and destabilized the country not only structurally but economically as well. Plenty of people lost their lives directly or indirectly in this war against terror. Public places, markets, educational institutions even the General Head Quarters of military were hit badly.

Operation Neptune SpearOsama bin Laden, the founder and head of

al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, shortly after 1:00 am PKT (20:00 UTC, May 1) by Navy SEALs of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group (also known as DEVGRU or SEAL Team Six). A movie named Zero Dark thirty had been released before the last polls in USA.

And Finally…. USA has playfully exploited Pakistan for her great game. Afghanistan has been a difficult place due to his geographic position. USA knew the aftershocks of war and unfortunately, it made Pakistan face the worst consequences instead of itself.

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in Pakistan

And now my friend Syed Haider Ali would throw light on the violation that USA has done, along with the Bush’s Crusade approach.

Syed Haider Ali, Roll no. 57

Violation of Human Rights by USA

The illegal jails built up by USA menifest the worst pictures of violence of human rights, in Guantanamo bay (left the most) and Abu Ghuraib (middle one) prisoners are brutally tortured. In number of pictures the torture scenes are too cruel and immoral to be shown in any slide.

The “Terrorists” killed in drone attacksر م�ار دےوب� دے م�ار دے ،سرو ص�ن� و ب��رن�� ہ ک�ر م�ار دے۔ت��ُ �ت� گ�رد ک�ہ ش# �س ک�و دہ� ی ج�ِ ی-ری مرض� اب�س#ت�� اس ن�� ع�ب

People Killed by Drone Attacks

Violation of Human Rights by USANothing to


War on Terror or Crusade war

The Guardian, 7 October 2007, George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.. A try to start crusade war, the word once he had used also.

 "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

War on Terror or Crusade war

Mr. Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

American Public and War on Terror

Most of citizens of USA are against the war on terrorism

The worst economic crisis is the result of war in which US has spent 778 billion dollars. It had caused a macabre shut down and joblessness of thousands of American people.

Books on “war on terror”:

Books on “war on terror”:

Now I would like to call back Mr. Farhan Fani on Stage to take the presentation towards the Conclusion.

War on Terror and Critics The phrase 'war on terrorism' should

always be used in quotes, because there can't possibly be a war on terrorism, it's impossible. The reason is it's led by one of the worst terrorist states in the world, in fact it's led by the only state in the world which has been condemned by the highest international authorities for international terrorism, namely the World Court and Security Council, except that the US vetoed the resolution.

Noam Chomsky

War on Terror and Critics Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism. (Noam Chomsky)

Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it.

(Noam Chomsky)

“Terrorism" is not an enemy, but a tactic; calling it a "war on terror“

( Francis Fukuyama)

War on Terror and Critics The famous activist investor ”George Soros” has called "War on Terror" a "false metaphor." Linguist ”George Lakoff” of the Rockridge Institute has argued that there cannot literally be a war on terror, since terrorr is an abstract noun "Terror cannot be destroyed by weapons or signing a peace treaty. A war on terror has no end.“

War on Terror and Critics The remark, "You're either

with us or you are with the terrorists," by U.S. President Bush in November 2001, has been a source of criticism. “Thomas A. Keaney” of Johns Hopkins University's Foreign Policy Institute said "it made diplomacy with a number of different countries far more difficult because obviously there are different problems throughout the world."

War on Terror and Critics "As many critics have pointed, out, terrorism is not an

enemy. It is a tactic. Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today's war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world. A prudent American president would end the present policy of "sustained hysteria" over potential terrorist attacks..treat terrorism as a serious but not a strategic problem, encourage Americans to regain their confidence, and refuse to let al Qaeda keep us in a state of fright.“

( 3 star general William Odom, formerly President Reagan's NSA Director)

War on Terror and Critics The ex-United States Attorney

General “Ramsey Clark” has declared war on terror as “War against Islam

Mozam Baig, the director of “Cageprisoners”, said after his release from Guantanamo:

“I think that history is definitely repeating itself and for the Muslim world, and I think even a great part of the non-Muslim world now, are beginning to recognize that there are ambitions that the United States has on the lands and wealth of nations of Islam.”

Advantages I have tried to find out advantages objectively but seriously I could find nothing. Neither for USA nor for rest of world. If anyone of audience can tell me a single one, I’ll give him 10 rupees. :D

Disadvantages Terrorism rather increased instead of decreasing Al-Qaida was a local group with ordinary strength, war against terror has made it gigantic one extending its range all over the world

All the countries involved in the war are facing serious economic threats. USA alone has spent billions over it.

Muslims are facing discriminative behavior all over the world, especially Pakistanis and Arabs.

9/11, (story behind war on terror) resulted about 3000 deaths but war on terror has resulted about 0.3 million fatalities.

Was it really for peace?? Iraq is burning, Afghanistan still in flames, Pakistan pitiable, Yemen unpredictable, Somalia wretched, was it really war for execution of peace????

ConclusionIt’s ridiculous that Terror is never defined, it’s totally up to America whom to label as a terrorist. Moreover, It’s not war on terror in fact, but war for energy, aiming at 10 billion barrel oil hidden in Afghanistan, (billions of that in Iraq are besides it). The strategic importance of geographic location of Afghanistan was also a reason that urged USA to attack. The most important is to root out the base of terrorism i.e. illiteracy, joblessness, lack of political rights. Being armed is same like trying to heal the wounds on skin instead of purifying blood and eliminating disease at cellular level. So to say, the reality of war on terror is not as simple as is widely understood.