Volunteerism in UTP : An analysis of social contribution and misunderstanding

07H0314 TITLE: Volunteerism in UTP: Analysis of social contribution and misunderstanding profession in RMUTP. NAME: MOHD HUSAINNI SAAID, MUHD ALFIAN OMAR BIN MONARSHAH MUHD QAEYYUM HIFFNIE MAHADZIR PAPER ID : 07H0314 UNIVERSITY: UTP COUNTRY : MALAYSIA

Transcript of Volunteerism in UTP : An analysis of social contribution and misunderstanding


TITLE: Volunteerism in UTP: Analysis of social contribution and misunderstanding profession in





PAPER ID : 07H0314




Volunteering in UTP: An Analysis of Social Contribution & Misunderstanding Profession in


Volunteerism among students (youth) in university culture is a good practice for future

development. Although Malaysia currently has 1.2 million university students with more than 20

higher institutions, there is a lack of recent study of the involvement of students in volunteerism.

Realizing the importance of student’s involvement in this profession, this study seeks to

emphasize the truth of volunteerism towards morality in self and social responsibility for this

country. Through analysis of legal framework related to volunteering in UTP, analysis of the

history of culture of volunteering in this university and survey research of UTP’s students, it can

be prove the hypothesis that voluntary profession is still underperformed due to underdeveloped

of culture and recognition of volunteering and misunderstanding of the concept of volunteering

among students , low level of focus towards surrounding community and poor management of

volunteers which causes the failure to generate constant motivation to do altruism, beneficiaries

and lack of implementation and exploitation of this practice . It can be concluded, impact of

volunteerism is actually stimulate social and cultural benefits by using SWOT analysis .Most

importantly, factors that motivating students are also discussed so as to provide a guideline in

enhancing volunteerism.

Keyword: Culture, Altruism, Volunteer, Islam

1.0 Introduction.

The term volunteering in this paper refers to “an activity undertaken out of a person’s free will,

choice and motivation without concern for financial gain (non-remunerated) in an

organized setting (within NGOs, volunteer centers, more or less organized groups etc.) with the

aim to benefit to someone other than the volunteer and to society at large contributing to values

of general interest (although it is recognized that volunteering brings significant benefit

equally to the volunteer)”[4].Volunteerism is very important in our life as it indicates a social

network development, shaping individual characteristics and enhancing spiritual values

throughout the course of life. According to Penner, volunteerism aspects involve long-term,

planned, prosocial behaviors that benefit strangers, and usually occur in an organizational setting.

Based on her justification above, volunteerism has 4 attributes in details which are longevity,

planfulness, non-obligatory helping, and an organizational context [1]. All these four points

will establish the true meaning of volunteerism, and impact of social contribution. The following

paragraph will explain further on the attributes above consistently.


Longevity. Volunteering is usually a relatively long-term behavior. For example, a recent national

survey of volunteerism in the United States (Independent Sector, 1999) found that almost 50 per

cent of the people who volunteered do commit to a regular rather than a one-time basis [2].

Another recent survey of volunteers found that more than 90 percent of them wanted to engage in

long-term volunteering activities (adapted from:Volunteer Match, personal communication,

September 15, 2001).It also supported by Smith saying basically people with high religious

commitment actually spent longer hours (long term) in performing volunteer works [3] . In fact,

specific study about volunteers have found that once people begin to work regularly as a

volunteer, a large percentage of them continue this activity for several years [4],[1] and [5].From

here, we can see volunteering requires long term planning to strategize step by step working


Planfulness. Volunteering is a part of definition of a thoughtful and planned action. On first

inspection, data from national surveys of volunteers would seem to contradict this statement. For

example, ‘in its national survey the Independent Sector (1999) found that about 90 percent of the

people asked to volunteer agreed to do so. However, it seems unlikely that requests to become a

volunteer are directed at a random group of people or that people impulsively agree to become a

volunteer at the moment they are asked to volunteer’ as stated by [3].It show that, peoples like to

volunteer but with some interest from other side. Furthermore, the work of Davis et al. and article

written by Robbie Crew suggests that before people actually agree to volunteer, there is some

thoughtful consideration of both the costs and benefits of engaging in this action [6] and [7]. From

his opinions, two ways of promoting volunteers to participate committedly at first is by explaining

to them what are the benefit of the event alongside with the opportunity given by joining the event.

This decision process can be contrasted with the one that usually precedes helping in emergencies.

In such instances, the helping decision is made very quickly, without much (or sometimes no)

conscious thought, and is greatly influenced by the salient characteristics of the particular

situation that confronts the potential helper [7]. Second, though wavelengths of public promotion

(not personal approach) like awareness campaign and awareness talk.

This is not to suggest that volunteering is totally immune to situational forces. For

example,’ in the first few days after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the

Pentagon, the number of people who contacted one on-line service to volunteer for different

charities almost tripled; more people offered their services as volunteers than at any other time in

the service’s three year history’[3]. The above argument seems to agree that these people’s

behaviour was still much more thoughtful, planned, and deliberate than bystander interventions in

emergencies. The events that inspired the volunteering occurred at some distance from where the

modal volunteer lived; and volunteering required locating the on-line service, selecting an

organization that needed volunteers, and providing personal information so that the organization

could later contact the volunteer. Also, the events of September 11 produced increases in

volunteering for all the organizations listed by this service. For example, while organizations that

provided emergency services showed the largest increases, there were also substantial increases

in the number of people who wanted to volunteer for organizations that provided services for

animals, children and numerous other target groups [3]. This suggests that many of these people

had thought about volunteering for a certain kind of organization well before the day of the



Non-obligatory helping. The volunteer is not motivated by a sense of personal obligation to a

particular person. It is because the recipients of a volunteer’s beneficence is either strangers or an

organization that serves just for free and giving but creates feeling of grateful and empathy to

others [7]. Omoto and Snyder characterize this kind of pro-social behaviour as “non-obligated

helping.” By contrast, when helping (volunteering) is directed at a close friend or relative, it

typically will create friendly relationship between helper and recipient where Allah mentions in

the Quran, the purpose of creating human is to know each other (build strong relationship) [8];

thus, there is some implicit or explicit personal obligation to help [5] and [4].

Organizational context. Finally, volunteerism is far more likely than other kinds of helping to

take place within an organizational setting. As a result of those three above, the last attributes will

make the volunteerism more meaningful only through organizations, where it covers specifics

actions, job description and able to balance between individual weakness and strength among

each other. There are certainly individuals who, on their own, engage in sustained, non-obligated

helping of virtual strangers [9]. However, most volunteers (perhaps as high as 85 per cent) work

as part of an organization [3]. Thus, organizational variables are far more important in

volunteerism than in one-to-one, interpersonal kinds of helping.

Based on description above, volunteerism aspect brings significant impact towards the

civilizations of the society and the nations. The main objective of this paper is to illustrate issue of

volunteerism as a tool of social contribution and its’ misunderstanding and propose way forward

to improve volunteerism aspects in university’s life.

2.0 Literature Review

Volunteerism in later life has received growing attention among researchers and policymakers. It

has brought ‘change’ to people and act as catalyst to be more independent and hardworking. No

matter individual or groups, it can influence a change in the future and bring about an impact to

others. Through this, volunteerism can be explored into several categories such as voluntary

perspectives, attitudes, religiosity and effects.

2.1 Volunteerism and perspectives.

When a disaster or war occurs, it will give negative impacts to the community, thus creating an

immediate task to be done on a specific allowed time. For example, 11 September 2001 and

Tsunami in Aceh tragedies had given negative impacts towards environment and the surrounding

society. Volunteers around the world came and help in solving problems regardless of their

nationality, skin colour and others aspects. According to Seana and Alice, volunteerism may

increase knowledge about the lasting impacts of helping behaviours for those volunteers who

responded to need in times of disasters [10].As a result of that, volunteers would transform their

experience by spontaneously volunteering to help and commit by individual or organizations

responses, changed them from passive victims of loss to empowered participants in their

community’s recovery process [11].Other study cases also give a similar scenario like helping

AIDS survivors patient to reduce their negative emotions [12] and medical volunteers for post-

earthquake in Haiti [13].


2.2 Factors volunteerism: recent study

The pattern and effectiveness of this activity usually bring some factors of practising it. Research

by Mattis agreed that scholars have theorized a range of factors that may explain why people

volunteer [14] and [15]. They also have argued that individuals with the greatest “social capital”

(e.g., age, education, and income) are most likely to engage in volunteer activities. In others

words, peoples who live with proper information and knowledge would eager to promote

volunteerism among themselves as well as developed positive environment. An individual with

higher family income also are significantly practised to volunteer .In spite of that number of

studies also have found that individuals who have a higher level of formal educational attainment,

and individuals with higher levels of occupational prestige are more likely than others to engage

in volunteer activities [16],[17],[18], and [19].

Other than that, volunteer awareness has been increased in age [19] and the pattern shown

maximum distribution during the later years of the life span when individuals tend to be more

materially secure means becoming rich and older, have more leisure time, and have the wisdom

that comes with life experience [20]. Besides that, factor that contributes towards voluntary habit

is coming from the rule of parents. This is proven that in the era of religious socialization, as

measured by parental religious attendance, has been identified as a particularly important

predictor of volunteerism. Parents (and families) who are religiously involved may tend to

socialize their children to embrace charitable values and attitudes [21]. Moreover, these parents

may involve their children in civic activities that promote future volunteerism. Second,

individuals who see themselves as religious or those who indicate that religion is important to

their life and practising it (i.e., those who are subjectively religious), are more likely to engage in

volunteer work [21].

Study has shown actually volunteerism aspect is nurtured by working in groups (Jamaah).

In the Quranic verse, Allah loves to those who work for the sake of Allah (Jihad fi sabilillah) like

in an arranged building. Which means Allah prefer the work of his servants in a group. In Hadith,

it is clearly mentioning an analogy of a wolf and sheep, where it is much easier for a wolf to catch

a sheep than a group of sheep. In other words, syaitan can easily harm human if they are alone as

compared in a group. Similarly, experience also contributes to attract peoples to volunteer [22]. In

addition, peoples who expert in some particular job will voluntarily share on their skills and

thoughts. For example, in new working environment, those seniors will help juniors or new

worker in problem solving situations or conflicts. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the

organizational variables that are most likely to influence a volunteer’s behaviour in this context. A

review of the theoretical and empirical literature suggests that two kinds of organizational

variables should have an impact on volunteerism [23]. They are: (1) perceptions of individual

members in organization and feelings about the way he or she is treated by the organization and (2)

the organization’s reputation, environment and personnel practices. A few recent studies have

examined how perceptions and feelings affect volunteerism. For example, Omoto and Snyder [4]

found that satisfaction with the organization was significantly associated with length of tenure as

a volunteer; and [1] and [6] conclude that organizational satisfaction is associated with the amount

of time spent working as a volunteerism factors. Next, Penner, Finkelstein and Grube, Piliavin

agree that a positive relationship between organizational commitment and the amount of time

people reported working for a service organization also give an impact to volunteer [1] and [24].

2.3 The positive Attitudes and Benefits towards volunteerism.


Basically positive attitudes and benefits are two attributes always together. Through Volunteer

Function Inventory (VFI), attitudes can be measured whether peoples do volunteer for either

selfish, egoistic reasons (social approval, self –protection, career promotion) or more altruistic

reasons (other focused values) .Penner also add volunteerism aspects bring positive effects for

both the society and the volunteering individual. Instead of that, engagement of both parties

(individual or group) in volunteering will create positive pro-social tasks, building social

relationships and acquiring new knowledge and skills empower volunteers, and result in various

psychological and social gains. Besides that, empirical studies on the individual characters based

on motives and values by using volunteer process model have highlights understanding of

volunteering as the focus point that influence an initial decision step to volunteer [25]. Moreover,

participating in volunteering activities will nurture sense of community (teamwork, humanity and

self-discipline), reflects positively in their commitment to the event and ultimately their role in

making contribution towards the society. In 1998, about 56 per-cent of US population volunteered

in prior 12 month [25]. Wilson add in his research of voluntary, make a success in improving life

satisfaction, self -esteem, self-efficacy, self-rated health status, educational and occupational

achievement, solidarity and social interaction, and dealing with own fear, pressure and

apprehensions around a health issue like AIDs, cancer and others. For older adults, volunteerism

may enhance feeling of respects, willing to live, lesser symptoms of anxiety and depression and

lower mortality rate.

Besides that, Wilson and Musiuk in their research ‘Effects of Volunteerism on Youth’ has

enlighten it benefit which can reduce problem behaviour among volunteering youth, increases the

probability of becoming politically active adults and positive effect on civic commitment. By

having this, volunteer can also increase self- acceptance [26], instrumentality [27] and civic

identity [28], [29] and [30]. In addition on psychological parts, volunteer works also promote pro-

social actions like helping behaviour [31] and unbiased political participation. Study case of 9/11

volunteer work have shown volunteers developed new relationships and respect for community

members, and pursued political activities, non-disaster volunteer work, and new directions in their

professional lives.

2.4 Religion and volunteers

Every religion in this world promotes a sense of giving (charity) in term of volunteerism. Thus

recent studies shows waqf is greater in term of scope, magnitude, effect and viability more than

other voluntary institution. This means waqf has a great potential to pursue Muslim developing

voluntary behaviour [32] .It also cover economy sector of muslim’s affair. In Islam a form of

voluntary activities consists of In spite of that, William in his journal of Power of Volunteerism

has emphasize the factor of religion is the important part in this aspects based on one of his

argument ‘we are all the same family of man (and God), and, therefore, we have a deep-rooted

responsibility to help each other in a world filled with illiteracy, hunger, poverty, disease, death,

major disasters, atrocities, war, and an endless number of other problems’.[33]

3.0 Methodology

3.1 Introduction

Generally in this specific chapter, we will be focusing on the research methodology in

which covers several important aspects in conducting this research. It basically covers


points such as the research area, research design, the instrument used, sample population,

questionnaire structure, the analysis and sources of data.

3.2 Research area

In this study, 50 students from Rakan Masjid UTP are selected randomly to complete

online survey made by the team. Each of them has enough experience in running

voluntary work like corporate social responsibilities programme, humanitarian drive and

awareness campaign.

3.3 Research Design

Set of questionnaire is taken from a msc thesis from University of art in Belgrade. It was

contributed by discussion of postgraduate student and university’s lecturer. This is to

ensure capability of experts who designing questionnaire reliable and significant with the

field of study. In general, the survey consists of 3 parts:

Part A : General Information

Part B: Volunteers

Part C: Social Contribution and misunderstanding

3.4 Research Instrument and Analysis

All result in part B and C discussed above will be more analysed by using SWOT analysis

The questionnaire questions became supporting tools for making SWOT analysis and thus

proposing path forward ( motivating factors and lesson learnt) in conclusion part as

guidance for Rakan Masjid UTP (RMUTP) future development .

Items Justifications

For this part, majority (66%) choose

volunteers as person in charge (PIC) for

any voluntary work. Impression of this,

illustrated poor management side of

committee organization. The best focal

person should be the one who

responsible and expert for particular

details of work. Experience and

knowledge are two important

parameters to engage volunteers in any

voluntary work. Otherwise, bad

impression and perception would rise as

consequence of poor managerial factor

of conducting voluntary event

preparation. Volunteers may lose

interest to join the event for future time.





Question: Person incharge in voluntary work




Person who ispaid for that


[1] By issuing them a certificate for


[2] By having an appreciation night.

[3] By involving them in the planning of

next activities.

[4] No reward for volunteers

In the next question, responses of the

way volunteers are awarded shows only

option one get promoted. Particular

respondents choose option 1 as most

common practice of the organizer give

significant value of 47% ( 23

volunteers), out of 50 persons. On

management side, rewarding volunteers

should not limit on giving certificate.

Others like appreciation night and

involvement planning of next activities

need to be considered. The best option

is option 3 as it covers pre and post

event management thus build good

reputation for future program. For about

12 % answered other option as some

did not rewarded.

This question was designed to identify

people perception on voluntary work.

48% of total respondents claim their

participation in voluntary activities as a

platform of social engagement. 23%

chose to collect working experience and

followed by make use of free time

(19%) and pre- intern and employment

training (10%). At this stage,

volunteerism aspect really makes social

engagement related as students realize

voluntary work also help in connecting

people network and understanding the

culture of altruism. According to a

research studies “social ties and

volunteerism in later life”, people and

organizations are important

volunteering determinants [20]. This tie





In what methods volunteers are rewarded?









Voluntary work is recognized by yourselves

as: Workingexperience


Pre- intern orpre-employmenttrainingMake use offree time


acts as resources for collective action

[21] and form of social integration

which is crucial to the society

In general, country likes Malaysia, the

significant approach led by ministry of

youth and sports like iM4U team was

initiated to nurture value of

volunteerism especially youths. From

the finding, 34% choices voted

moderate option while 29% decided to

disagree with the question provided.

Actually, governments spend for 100

million per year in order to initiate and

drive the team. This survey reflects

volunteer knowledge point of view as

majority choose middle option. With

this, financial support provided by the

government may not be fully utilized to

volunteers for running activities and


51% of volunteers agree on the

statement. In general, the meaning of

volunteering itself explains nature free

will act. In term of management, it is a

great opportunity to use volunteerism

method for dakwah and charity.

However, to drive voluntary activities

and planning, require strong financial

network. One should consider welfare

and safety of volunteer is secured.

Donations and fund raising should

continuously support voluntary

organization and events.

In the following SWOT analysis, the interpretation of research results from the questionnaire

will help on mapping strengths and weaknesses of the current stage of development of

volunteering of RMUTP from the internal perspective, and detect opportunities and treats

which come from external environment, such as legal framework, infrastructure of

volunteering, work strategies, and potential pools of volunteer workforce.


29% 34%



voluntary work doesn't contribute to the country

budget? 1- StronglyDisagree

2- Disagree

3- Moderate

4- Agree

5- Strongly Agree






Voluntary work is not paid

1- StronglyDisagree

2- Disagree

3- Moderate

4- Agree

5- Strongly Agree


Strengths Weaknesses

• Willingness to include volunteers in

Islamic knowledge and practises.

• Existence of idea of tasks which

volunteers could perform

• Volunteer programs which include

more volunteers, even though

sporadic, showed to have very

positive impact on UTP

volunteer and particularly final


Enable to initiate and participate

seminars and conference for


Volunteers come from different

background and point of interest.

Strategic location and point of


More volunteers are students,

educated, physically and mentally


• Misunderstanding of what

volunteering is and what


• Lack of awareness about the need for

more focus on audience and


• Lack of strategic planning

• Lack of proactive behaviour

• Sporadic rather than sustained


• Lack of funding for volunteer-related


• Lack of awareness about tasks which

volunteers could perform


• Existence of student interest

group in helping the maintenance

of university’s mosque. A good

demonstration of student


• Lack of knowledge and skills in

volunteer management

• Lack of recruitment strategies

• Weak reward and recognition systems

• Lack of standardized training for

more numerous volunteer programs

Opportunities Treats

• Recognition of the need for

volunteering by the National Ageing

Strategy and National Strategy for


• Recognition of volunteering through

Law on Volunteering

• Plans for creation of more local

volunteer centres and services

• Possibility to engage in campaigns

and promotion of volunteering which

will follow Law on Volunteering

• School and university curricula are

likely to recognize and value of

volunteering as a way of learning due

to changes in educational system.

• Opportunity to advocate for changes

related to implementation of

volunteering in UTP in the Ministry

of Culture (recognition in the budget,

specific finances for volunteer

programs, creation of jobs for

volunteer coordinators or training for

student and staf)

• Opportunities for developing

Volunteer programs through

sponsorships, donations and applying

with projects

• General under recognition and

underdevelopment of volunteering in

UTP environment.

• Passivity, lethargy and low civic

Participation in UTP students

• Lack of implementation of actions

and measures related to volunteering

prescribed in National Ageing

Strategy and National Strategy for


• General lack of incentives and

support for institutions/organizations

which support volunteering

• Lack of research and monitoring of


• Lack of investments of Ministry of

culture in volunteering in cultural


• Lack of promotion of significance of

volunteering and informal education

in bridging the gap between formal

education and employment market

• Lack of recognition of



This research showed majority of volunteers have shown a positive opinion and

affirmative relationship towards volunteering and its impacts, which is a precondition for

the creation of volunteer programs. Majority of think the society at they deploy volunteers,

but in reality, there are mainly examples of non-sustained, sporadic, short-term

engagement of volunteers, while unpaid workforce which is engaged in UTP situation.

Strength for RMUTP based on volunteer point of view, volunteers shown good attitude

towards the field where awareness, system of belief at the beginning to explore the nature of

the program. it is visible that despite of shortcomings in management of volunteers,

volunteering based on principles of volunteering is very successful when it comes to impacts

it made, particularly in creating a new attitude towards the audience. Significant strength for

development of volunteering is the obvious need of RMUTP for volunteers, because 72 %

of surveyed s t u d e n t s responded that they need volunteers currently to achieve mission of

building conducive environment.

Weaknesses for development of volunteering are much more numerous. Evident is

confusion in terms of what are differences between volunteering and other types of unpaid

(and even paid) work. Majority of student understands volunteering as social interaction

and contribution and others make use of free time and gaining work experience. But, the

issue prior more in recruitment strategies, volunteers ’profile, and volunteering

management where misunderstanding took place based on the survey.. This approach

and understanding of volunteering is portrayed on the impact which volunteering in

UTP has on RMUTP, volunteers and audience and local communities which shows that

the impact made is extremely poor when it comes to benefits for audience and local

community, and extremely poor when it comes to economic capital. This shows that, in

majority of volunteers are treated solely as a free workforce within the boundaries of

profession and specification of working places provided.

Furthermore, data point out to underdevelopment of volunteer management: there

is a general lack of recruitment strategies and cooperation with volunteer centres, policies and

procedures related to volunteers. Particularly, weakness were triggered when question for

volunteer related policies, reimbursement policies and practices, systems for reward and

recognition of volunteers, training of museum staff connected with volunteering and lack

of any kind of literature on


best practices in management of volunteers. None of high committee has a post of volunteer

coordinator. There is a general lack of awareness that volunteers could perform jobs which

could not find a place within strict institutional paid job specifications, but are in need in

order to answer on requirements of the present time [34].

Lack of financial resources is seen as the biggest obstacle for development of practice,

followed by the unwillingness of people to volunteer. Unwillingness of people to volunteer is

the problem which actually lies in little focus put on recruitment and volunteer profile is too

tight. Apart from obstacles for implementation of volunteering, there are three main obstacles

related to volunteering in university, which are much broader and are not connected

specifically with this practice, but affect its existence and development much more than the

lack of financial resources or fear of volunteers’ amateurism. First one is related to general

lack of focus on audience, local communities and its needs and lack of participation

in contributing to objectives of national cultural and other policies among majority of

organizers. For instance, cooperate responsibility event; local representatives did not be

invited in a meeting, causing failure in supporting decision making and ethics. Secondly, as

seen from case studies, there is an overall lack of management and strategic planning

within organizer which come up with regular tasks volunteers could perform, number of

volunteers and volunteer hours needed, etc, but also the transitions time happening in

running the agenda – lack of concept, improper back up planning, less committee who is

willing to cooperate with volunteers. The final thing is an overall situation in UTP related

to volunteering which is situation of misunderstanding, underestimation, under

development and under recognition, particularly among students, managements and visitors.

Universities are not an exception in terms of their relationship towards volunteering, but just

one of the indicators of the poor condition of this practice in nearest society. A proof for that

are data related to attitudes and opinions about volunteering in general, which give a signal to

work harder in delivering true colour of volunteerism. There is lack of infrastructure for

volunteering, lack of awareness (motivation) of the positive impact and contributions which

volunteering can bring to overall students , low civic participation, lack of support and

incentives for the practice from authorities on all levels, lack of research of the phenomenon

and general lack of skills and knowledge in management of volunteers. In addition to this,


there is a Law on volunteering now, which requires the same administrative

procedure for short-term as for long-term volunteer programs, thus impeding

even this sporadic, project-based volunteering [35].


On the other hand, putting the Law on Volunteering might be taken as a

first step towards the more responsible attitude of public authorities towards

volunteering and effort in development of more participatory and active society

through fostering of voluntary work on all levels. This moment can be seen as

moment of opportunities for involvement in the process of building society’s

awareness, creating possibilities for volunteering and building national

infrastructure for it. National strategies, changes in educational system and

labour market go towards recognition of volunteering, which means that attitudes

of people towards volunteering and their participation in it might be expected to

change positively and that funding opportunities and incentives for volunteer

programs are likely to be created and increased. Both organizer and volunteers

should be educate with sense of acceptance and constant motivation in helping the

society and the nation. Room of improvement from all perspectives should be

considered and channelled properly.

Motivating factors

Based on the analysis, the most important of motivating factors for organizer and

volunteer is sense of understanding. Both parties really need to question themselves

the main purpose of being parts of altruism activities. Comprehension can be

elaborated through different scope of study, not only person in charge and strategies,

but more on situation framework For example, youth volunteering is important in

social and civic engagement because of positive impacts influence adolescents’

development and strong predictor to encourage adults volunteerism. It could be seen,

when the movement of unit amal (Organization of Parti Islam Semalaysia), had

succeeded calling volunteers in helping flood victims recently in Pahang and Johor.

Understanding need also a constant process of learning ( tarbiyah) from outsiders and

expects to inculcate experiences and sharing on promoting volunteerism.

Next, successful individual or team always cooperate with strong desire to move

forward. There was no sign of losing hope or give up to be addressed. For instance,

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) founder, Harland Sanders started his business

franchise at the age of 65 .Normally, most of the people will spend his or her time for

resting, travelling and

However, Sanders come with strong belief and confidence begun his business and

offered his product. Finally, KFC begin to be the second largest franchise after Mac

Donald. This means, strong desire and commitment to a vision ( jihad) will result to a


success. Allah SWT stated the word of Jihad in the quran , 42 times to indicate the

necessity for Muslim to struggle in achieving success. Jihad with knowledge, fear to

Him and hope, the All Mighty help with guidance and blessing are the discipline in


The war of Uhud gives significant lesson learnt to Muslim to put full commitment and

dependent to Allah. The success of Badar’s war cannot be created except return to

Allah and hope where Allah helps his Messenger even though in minority and less

equipped, but Allah make it a success to Muslims. In organization, we also should

always take lesson learnt from the surrounding in positive manner. This is

important for social contribution and management especially history and experience

of others to be learnt and applied in the scope of volunteering movement.


Volunteerism in university need to be restructured with latest concerns, point of views

and strong management and preparing steps. In spite of having a good platform to

nurture volunteerism, SWOT analysis from weakness part should be handled carefully

with the strength because both strength and weakness are internal factor of the

organizer in utilising voluntary management. Meanwhile opportunity and thread

represent external factors towards volunteering as to embark organizers and

volunteers from comfort zone to see the real picture of life. The best approach and

module implemented continuously so that theme of volunteerism always relevant to

the society. Impact of social and cultural benefit should be digested by volunteers in

bringing an harmony and responsible society.


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