ViewScan Premium PDF ouput

.,. Suda:, aOeriaooD as l p,a,. m Miy 12'. •' tlie •~ . l'labllc Ll1lruJ wll1 kliow Ch{ !'!!a, , ''TIie larste Xld" _ bi Uii CoiimniDlty llaom of lhe llbruy. A warm and WODdaflil film about a peminJal 911 pound wealtllll& who learns bow ID 111m the tables on his tonDel'-, ttiia flaely cborcognphed brafe f!!Di demoDIIUICI . lhal humor, courqe, pride ud belle& arc what n:ally matins la disapu'- ine1111. The film aw. , Ralph Macchio, " Pat" Morita a. nd ~lh Shue. nus movie Is nled "PG'' and cblldttn will be a4mltted 'Wllh ail adult. I. I Is In · totoraadnmstwobcun.;Jbeteb , DO '. cJiarse for adlDlssion and everyone ls lii..tled: ~~um 0 The Gn:gory Musnm: Long bland Earth Sdcnie Catt er ' hu &DllOUDCC<I WI a aeries of chlld.rea'1 cn!"Dt~ won.shops will take place on Saturday af1ernooo.1, 11artlns May 18. Sandpaintlns w!Jl be lhe focus of the flnt of lhe moseuin's new sales of popular natiue craft programs cond11cted by Jou Scaacan:111. Open' IO chil. dren aafs- 9 • 12: ••Saadpallltlns" will offer youna• lien ID pPPOftUOlty I0 learn the history of sand la 'this world or ouri and 10 cn:atc a wori; or art to lake home. Rcalstntlona are now bcit>g taken by min or In penon. Tbe fee ror this craft pro,nm on May 18 li'ss.oo and should aC(:Ompaaylhe advance ttalstration. The Grcioty Muaeuin la located al Heitz Place, Hldnille, 11801. For further inCormatlon, call 822-7505. A 26 yc11 qld Hld1vllle man Is in serious condition _ al Nassau Cow,ty Medical Ctn. tcr, ,Easi Meadow , with head , triJuriea aur- tcred in an auto accident that ~.,:~ ~ - : :r~-~ ti=: Hicbvl~ on May 3. A 1984 ChCVICltt .. n O!)Cnlcd by Emanudlc Mariello,_ ~. of 143 Strcel, West Hempmad, west bouDd on Woodbury Road. . C1UCffll lhe eastbound lanea lo avoid a collisloD with aOOlhcr vebldc and a )97& iToyola HSI• 1,oand, on Woodbur)' lloe.d optl' - 11M tiy Ot-eioiJ ' S«lej, of 5 ~e""!"": ~'::=;~ -~ e-ah bit to'tholiqopltal I!!• ~le ~ .. r . ~. 1"'-' ~1 dbul"!'CO. llo Dimaa -ii, d Ma:,, 1$ Iii critlcal coiidl11oi ,' 'lbe '~ Re4euicr,,aoru• aiil~h •• aiordthe Clicvrolct a..S hla two -~ . .m ~ •- · &!' poal,11~ ~ "m, ,,.,. mjved; "Offcritii "' ~ -- ~ Dolh vdljcles wm, br.po,nic!ed for by Bread For The ' brake tnta and DO vlcl.alloos wm, Wodd.E¥a)'ycu,forlheputl0 cliec!, ~:!:"'~ca~"'.'~ Schools To Sell vital bungtt laue . 1bls yut - 'C' r, cu,rpa1.,. 1a focu.abla °" the Food Surplt1$ A.Ai wp. Asi1switt and Africa A&riaiJllstc Act bcfo(e Coogrcsa. Tbls l!d The follo#ltlg ""Ulpmenl Is CODt&lu two basic ptOYlslods; .... IDcrcucil u .s. ald for agrlcultunl offered (or sale IO lhe public OIi a developincat In Arrk~ · ind "cub and cany" buts. The sale ailequate CrnetafflCY food aJd fo.- :,rill be coaductcd 'lfCekdaya ~ yur. bctweca9a.m. and3 p.rrt In lhe M=bqil of Redtt~ will Wi.rebouse and Motor Veblde write letters Jo lhclr n:presenta• :~~se Buildlna bepaiilfta May; liv e-a uraJaa spoasonJ!fp and Air Compraaot S50, Gcl>CftlOr suppott for this blU, On lhe Om ' S50, WelderSSO,Eicq1rivcl>elb Sunday ' ln Jiinc, the emuscd SJ0,Sectt••-DesbSJ0; Stud(DI 1tt1cn w!Jl be offen:d up I!) -, s church and forwarded 10 ; Dew n, Studeol Chain I. Wublnatoa, , Adult Chairs S3, frecur (Reslall, If you care to participate send a nat) SSO, lldri&inlOr (Restaur- lettct In ,up_. of House Bill rant), 550, • Dlsh,.uheu S10, r·· tltts ,Sewln& Michlllcs 1 S10, T~H.R. 2080 to your n:pn:senta writ.en SS, Stalnjess Slnb SJ: N ___,AG Conduct . Wood W1Ddow1 ' SI , Mu&lcal .... .....,.., lnmu-11 SI0 t& $300. C':: ..... -wdwn 'lbls •list!Qg b o«lly •a ~I ~ ..... ' lavectqry cf surplus equlpni'eaf ..,_.,___ ayallabte. a. &"fY'___. Sealed bids for the hems lbted Betty Wilson, R.N. arnr1,ed· bt1ow wllf be rcc,r!ved In °"' for an early detcctlol\ of btclJI: PafQ&Sbi1 Dept. , Admlnlslnlioa canctt scn:cnlna a1 Holy Trinil:, &iidlna, DiYJs1oo Av enue at 61h High School. 'The facul ty and staff Strffl, Hld:sY!lle. Deadline (or parddpaled In learning BrC&Jt bids Is 2 p.m. oo May 31 . • S,lr E.umln11lon. A manual Coadltlou-: u Is. when: la, 10 be t,r,:u1 enmlnatlon was given by · plctcd up 1'!fhla five wottdna a physl'clsn and some blood and I daya oflhc award. Payment to be nuld umplu tested for choleat~• · certified ched: only. Equlpme111 ol, hormones and abnormal eel'!- w\11 be available for tns~loo at Ti,c American Can«r Soclcty IS the Motor Vehicle S1ora1e collaborajlng with the ,\merican Bulldina. , , Hcal1h Foundation to develop a Buld< SIOO, 1971 Dod,e test 10 aid In \he catly cle1~loo Plclt-11p SSO, 1964 Dump Trudt breast cancer. This scn:cnlns es SSO. · anothtt SttVlcc performed by the tr further lnrorm11lon la School Nurse. required pli(-o call 933.«>76. l!I CY.:i'J ll 1 J>U!? ' ll' LI S~ r\ !W l 69 J £R U3 /\L £" A 'U •• HI CY.SVILLE !LY. ll if' I MIT Full Day Kindergarten Under Consideration Tbc Bosrd of Education "'111 be asked to consider the ~mendatlon of lhe S11perin• te'Ddcnl Car lmplomcnratlon of a Cull clay kindrrprten _ proaram In Hlcbvllle In Sep1em~r. 1985. This recominendatlon, which llr\JI Involve no additional cost lo the dl1lrlc1 beyond the 193$,811 budaet, wUJ appear qa 1he apa of a special: meethia to be held May 15 II 8:15 p.m. The tladaprteft prop0N1 Is 11c ruoll 'If - caadacted b:, 1 committee: of elemeatary paffllls, pd 1-"cn wbo wlllted other districts - laoldlqthb tlad of pcosnm. The ~tai!! , wiew~tlle~ 111eillben raa1ed from tota} Apport for fll.lJ,day ~D 10'1'11D opjioeltloo to ndl a plaa,_ but committee membcra ,I n oppcl!lltlois lhdr oplnloas after. !he vjslts Weft COlllpleted and. ulatln,a . Protnma wen: obaenecl. A11otbcr elemcat la lhe dcve~t cl the proposal was a fun ttYlew, of curn:sit reaqrcb on the fac1onJ and advantages. lw:cnl edilea1i9ns) raearcb on atuclertts' li,aming-suoccucs hu empbaslttd that 1he slnale mos1 lmpottaal factor in' ensuring that all children hav,: an oppottunlly ta mast« basic sl<llls Is the amount of rhne the teacher devote-a lo attinly 'l!'<)rtlna with 'students on subject matttt. The profcs•lonal lltentun: n:fe!" to this u "time on lbt". not .;; a that the mon: lime studcnta have 10 prac,lce their akllls, the belier they will pctfonn. Tbe propm p~ • for Hlctsvlllc will not entail espand• Ing the cunlculum, but will glye teadien more lime 10 CO¥Cr the maierlal l" the curriculum now ii, place. No additional facilities will be required. slll« e1l1t1na duuooms needed lo.- tladet• prtc'I call be rdltled as aa estimated coa of SJS,000. Tbeae -ts · cu be cow'Cffld from~ Ill lhe 19'5-&6 bcd&et. $laftlaa brought abQ,ll b7 , redr,:. metllsof ladlcn II the lop c(@le pay -ie b:r ·• teadlcn and nuatam,,eata r,l bet~ iilalh teadlaa ud otller awr llle1llbcn with ~en •&l"rle/i~ wlU lo ne1ll1Jble htcrusies ln ,WI com for Ibo Ml-day tladagartffl proaram. In a1tmmar:r,~ ibe proaram could be dJCdiYcly , lmplemenfed within the~ bud&c~ rM the coming year'. Pan:1111 or Incoming klnder- a•rie" 11udon1s are belna 111rveyed to learn lhdr n:sporue 1n the full-day provam. The , 1nronna11oii aa1heted durina this prott$1 llr\11 be piovldcd to lhe Board befor'C lhelt vote. Pan:nll will also ' have the option or sendlftg their chlld~n (or a. half-day session II they. wish. ... ,r, ~-- .. ---_ .,. _____ _ -- - - -- · t , I :- .. •;j ,i t ;.\ ft ,; ,j

Transcript of ViewScan Premium PDF ouput

.,. "· Suda:, aOeriaooD as l p,a,. m

Miy 12'. •'tlie•~ .l'labllc Ll1lruJ wll1 kliow Ch{ !'!!a,, ''TIie larste Xld" _bi Uii CoiimniDlty llaom of lhe llbruy.

A warm and WODdaflil film about a peminJal 911 pound wealtllll& who learns bow ID 111m the tables on his tonDel'-, ttiia flaely cborcognphed brafe f!!Di demoDIIUICI . lhal humor, courqe, pride ud belle& arc what n:ally matins la disapu'­ine1111. The film aw. , Ralph Macchio, " Pat" Morita a.nd ~lh Shue. nus movie Is nled "PG'' and cblldttn will be a4mltted 'Wllh ail adult. I.I Is In · totoraadnmstwobcun.;Jbeteb , DO '.cJiarse for adlDlssion and everyone ls lii..tled:

~~um 0

The Gn:gory Musnm: Long bland Earth Sdcnie Catt er 'hu &DllOUDCC<I WI a aeries of chlld.rea'1 cn!"Dt~ won.shops will take place on Saturday af1ernooo.1, 11artlns May 18.

Sandpaintlns w!Jl be lhe focus of the flnt of lhe moseuin's new sales of popular natiue craft programs cond11cted by Jou Scaacan:111.

Open' IO chil.dren aafs- 9 • 12: ••Saadpallltlns" will offer youna• lien ID pPPOftUOlty I0 learn the history of sand la 'this world or ouri and 10 cn:atc a wori; or art to lake home.

Rcalstntlona are now bcit>g taken by min or In penon. Tbe fee ror this craft pro,nm on May 18 li'ss.oo and should aC(:Ompaay• lhe advance ttalstration.

The Grcioty Muaeuin la located al Heitz Place, Hldnille, 11801. For further inCormatlon, call 822-7505.

A 26 yc11 qld Hld1vllle man Is in serious condition _al Nassau Cow,ty Medical Ctn.tcr, ,Easi Meadow , with head , triJuriea aur­tcred in an auto accident that

~.,:~ ~-::r~-~ ti=: Hicbvl~ on May 3.

A 1984 ChCVICltt .. n O!)Cnlcd by Emanudlc Mariello,_~. of 143 ~ Strcel, West Hempmad, west bouDd on Woodbury Road. . C1UCffll lhe eastbound lanea lo avoid a collisloD with aOOlhcr vebldc and a )97& iToyola HSI•

1,oand, on Woodbur)' lloe.d optl' - • 11M tiy Ot-eioiJ' S«lej, ~ of 5

~e""!"": ~ ~'::=;~ -~ e-a• ~ h bit to'tholiqopltal I!!• ~le ~.. r.~. 1"'-'~1 dbul"!'CO..·llo Dimaa ~ -ii, d Ma:,, 1$ Iii critlcal coiidl11oi,' 'lbe' ~

Re4euicr,,aoru• aiil~h • • aiordthe Clicvrolct a..S hla two -~ . .m ~ •- ·&!' poal,11~~ "m, ,,.,. mjved; "Offcritii "' ~ --~ Dolh vdljcles wm, br.po,nic!ed for ~ by • Bread For The ' brake tnta and DO vlcl.alloos wm, Wodd.E¥a)'ycu,forlheputl0 cliec!, •

~:!:"'~ca~"'.'~ Schools To Sell vital bungtt laue. 1bls yut - 'C' r, • cu,rpa1.,. 1a focu.abla °" the Food Surplt1$ A.Ai wp. Asi1switt and Africa A&riaiJllstc Act bcfo(e Coogrcsa. Tbls l!d The follo#ltlg ""Ulpmenl Is CODt&lu two basic ptOYlslods; .... IDcrcucil u.s. ald for agrlcultunl offered (or sale IO lhe public OIi a developincat In Arrk~ ·ind "cub and cany" buts. The sale ailequate CrnetafflCY food aJd fo.- :,rill be coaductcd 'lfCekdaya ~ •yur. bctweca9a.m. and3 p.rrt In lhe

M=bqil of Redtt~ will Wi.rebouse and Motor Veblde write letters Jo lhclr n:presenta• :~~se Buildlna bepaiilfta May; live-a uraJaa spoasonJ!fp and Air Compraaot S50, Gcl>CftlOr suppott for this blU, On lhe Om 'S50, WelderSSO,Eicq1rivcl>elb Sunday ' ln Jiinc, the emuscd SJ0,Sectt••-DesbSJ0; Stud(DI 1tt1cn w!Jl be offen:d up I!) -, s church and forwarded 10 ; Dew n, Studeol Chain I. Wublnatoa, , Adult Chairs S3, frecur (Reslall,

If you care to participate send a nat) SSO, lldri&inlOr (Restaur-lettct In ,up_. of House Bill rant), 550, • Dlsh,.uheu S10,

r·· tltts ,Sewln& Michlllcs1• S10, T~• H.R. 2080 to your n:pn:senta writ.en SS, Stalnjess Slnb SJ:

N___,AG Conduct . Wood W1Ddow1 ' SI , Mu&lcal .... .....,.., lnmu-11 SI0 t& $300.

C'::.....-wdwn 'lbls •list!Qg b o«lly •a ~I ~..... ' lavectqry cf surplus equlpni'eaf ..,_.,___ ayallabte. a. &"fY'___. Sealed bids for the hems lbted

Betty Wilson, R.N. arnr1,ed· bt1ow wllf be rcc,r!ved In °"' for an early detcctlol\ of btclJI: PafQ&Sbi1 Dept. , Admlnlslnlioa canctt scn:cnlna a1 Holy Trinil:, &iidlna, DiYJs1oo Avenue at 61h High School. 'The facul ty and staff Strffl, Hld:sY!lle. Deadline (or parddpaled In learning BrC&Jt bids Is 2 p.m. oo May 31 . • S,lr E.umln11lon. A manual Coadltlou-: u Is. when: la, 10 be t,r,:u1 enmlnatlon was given by · plctcd up 1'!fhla five wottdna a physl'clsn and some blood and I daya oflhc award. Payment to be nuld umplu tested for choleat~• · certified ched: only. Equlpme111 ol, hormones and abnormal eel'!- w\11 be available for tns~loo at Ti,c American Can«r Soclcty IS the Motor Vehicle S1ora1e collaborajlng with the ,\merican Bulldina. , , Hcal1h Foundation to develop a 197◄ Buld< SIOO, 1971 Dod,e test 10 aid In \he catly cle1~loo ~ Plclt-11p SSO, 1964 Dump Trudt breast cancer. This scn:cnlns es SSO.

· anothtt SttVlcc performed by the tr further lnrorm11lon la School Nurse. required pli(-o call 933.«>76.

l!I CY.:i'J ll 1.£ J>U!? ' ll' L I S~r\ !W l 6 9 J £R U3 /\L £" A 'U • • HI CY.SVILLE !LY. ll if' I


Full Day Kindergarten Under Consideration

Tbc Bosrd of Education "'111 be asked to consider the ~mendatlon of lhe S11perin• te'Ddcnl Car lmplomcnratlon of a Cull clay kindrrprten_ proaram In Hlcbvllle In Sep1em~r. 1985. This recominendatlon, which llr\JI Involve no additional cost lo the dl1lrlc1 beyond the 193$,811 budaet, wUJ appear qa 1he apa of a special: meethia to be held May 15 II 8:15 p.m.

The tladaprteft prop0N1 Is 11c ruoll 'If -~ caadacted b:, 1 committee: of elemeatary ~ paffllls, pd 1-"cn wbo wlllted other districts -laoldlqthb tlad of pcosnm. The ~tai!! ,wiew~tlle~ 111eillben raa1ed from tota} Apport for fll.lJ,day ~D 10'1'11D opjioeltloo to ndl a plaa,_ but committee membcra ,In oppcl!lltlois ~ lhdr oplnloas after. !he vjslts Weft COlllpleted and. ulatln,a .Protnma wen: obaenecl.

A11otbcr elemcat la lhe dcve~t cl the proposal was a fun ttYlew, of curn:sit reaqrcb on the fac1onJ and advantages. lw:cnl edilea1i9ns) raearcb on atuclertts' li,aming-suoccucs hu empbaslttd that 1he slnale mos1 lmpottaal factor in' ensuring that all children hav,: an oppottunlly ta mast« basic •sl<llls Is the amount of rhne the teacher devote-a lo attinly 'l!'<)rtlna with 'students on subject matttt. The profcs•lonal lltentun: n:fe!" to

this u "time on lbt". not.;;a that the mon: lime studcnta have 10 prac,lce their akllls, the belier they will pctfonn.

Tbe propm p~• for Hlctsvlllc will not entail espand• Ing the cunlculum, but will glye teadien more lime 10• CO¥Cr the maierlal l" the curriculum now ii, place. No additional facilities will be required. slll« e1l1t1na duuooms needed lo.- tladet• prtc'I call be rdltled as aa estimated coa of SJS,000. Tbeae -ts ·cu be cow'Cffld from~ Ill lhe 19'5-&6 bcd&et. $laftlaa dwl■e,1 brought abQ,ll b7 ,redr,:. metllsof ladlcn II the lop c(@le pay -ie b:r·• teadlcn and nuatam,,eata r,l bet~ iilalh teadlaa ud otller awr llle1llbcn with ~en •&l"rle/i~ wlU 1t1■lt • lo ne1ll1Jble htcrusies ln ,WI com for Ibo Ml-day tladagartffl proaram. In a1tmmar:r,~ ibe proaram could be dJCdiYcly, lmplemenfed within the~ bud&c~ rM the coming year'.

Pan:1111 or Incoming klnder­a•rie" 11udon1s are belna 111rveyed to learn lhdr n:sporue 1n the full-day provam. The , 1nronna11oii aa1heted durina this prott$1 llr\11 be piovldcd to lhe Board befor'C lhelt vote. Pan:nll will also' have the option or sendlftg their chlld~n (or a. half-day session II they. wish.

... ,r,

~--.. ---_.,. _____ _ ---- --·

t , I

:-.. •;j ,i

t ;.\

ft ,; , j

To the Edltat: ,

Letters would seem that , uch a' 4-1t1oaue <00ld be more producllve than cMI disobedience, l&ndftll closlna dcfflOllstratlon,. &ustntlon and nae Ir everyone really wants 10 help one ~nothet and t1pcclally our bafned polltfdans.

Youth P,undl · To Honor Two

~ne Change Hearing In -r. mview ttar or the .,. .el, and 10 ereet' two free 11andln11 bulldlqs! euh approilmatcly ◄.000 square feet. In the frOtit of tho the which abuts Old Country Road.

The Town Board hu Khcdultd a June ◄ . public htaring on a ch ange of zone request In Pl&invk-<t.

Leltcn to the Editor whkh I wrote on the Lona Island gubaac

!2- ahls have bttn published In the a: Mid ....._. Timet and Levlnown :,: • Timea oii April 2~ and May J, I !' am aratd,h to the]" fat 'glvlna my ;a;. polnl or view thli opponunily to • be read by cl1lun1 and tupaycn f on Lona Island. ;£ Moot othtr m~dl& ttpeatedly

report on this 1ub~ct on the point ~ that Long Island l~ndfills thttatcn :;: OIi< drinking w11 and must be i: tlcmd do,l'll by I • Focu.slns on c:i thl1 point hu cre.attd panic and ~ (car among mo.i mldmts whlk !!I the only , ,lutlof>• ha~ t,«n

11udlu. 1111a,1lon. public 9 dcmonstr■Uon, ~•mnatlon. all :;: winding up u f,-matlon.

No rul solution is In • iaht while each panlna <by mort tons or unscparated garbage b generated and • ~ mul1tl113 all over Long hlard, Business . lndu1try, and '""1' rc1idcnt• dally gcncna• gnba&•• put It at curbside t•'lcc~ a Witek and 1ppam11l7 arc not C'On«med Wihat happens t n.

The two earlier lcncts I sent 10 the tditat tried 10 suw11 that =ryone ls rcspapsible and could help by tellina. ,state aod 1«al publk Offi(Ub 'F. &re "l;llina 10 cooperate and llnd a solution 10 pro1«1 the e 'l"lronm•nt. the pubtk health. and io,,.-u 1u rates.

The ulstlnc 1y11cm1 or cart>agc <0l1c<:'l~n and disposal on Lona Island arc arcllak and wnlc,ul. With I the immediate cooperation n( all sarbage aen.trators 1imp'f changes In the 1y,1cm could reduec 1uatlon. protect our drinking water. and mulmlz• productivity from nl,tlng equip. mlt and unll11lon department per nncl.

Angelina Slnkropl

To the Editor: Recently I Illegally parktd my

at II the Mid Island Shoppl111 Plua: before my rctum the ..,hkle had bttn towtd aw•Y• ..-ith <Ollsldenble d&ma&• done 10 It In th! pro«U.

The effon nctded to prove beyond doubt the rcspon1lbillty or the Towlna Company and their liability. b hardJy justllled el•en the aac of the cu and my lad of time 10 pursue the matter.

AU riaht: I did wrona and wound up paying for It quite dearly.

It Is hard to fathom, however, why Mid lslaud Plau chooses to adopt a poli<:y whkh alienate& local residents, ra.thcr than one whi<:h would ontlc,: tbcm to their Shopplna Complc.-.

The parting ,1tua1lon sur• · roundlna the Hkuvlllc LI.R.R. siatlon b, at bat. Inadequate: by contrail. the Plaza"• panlllg facllltic.s arc onnhtd even at the helaht ol the ,hopping season.

Why not set aside a ,mall arca. where occu lonal tn,'Clln-& wlll be able 10 part their "' 11 any time (or a rcUOMble fee?

Surely arran,cmcnt1 <OUld be made with the Plau ltetallers. 10 even rdund the parking fee (at part lhercoO. wh en mating purch11t• within. lef• say. 24 boors or having parttd.

Thi• policy (at a similar one, would moll likely 11encr11c, addhlonel 1~vcn9~ at very low cost.

On Sund&J, June 2. the staff and board of dlrccton or the Hldsvjlle Youth Council w\11 holfor WUliam M,o. Htbcrct, Jr, and, pastor Thtodate Grant a l a c,ocktall ttc:cptlon to be held 11 TJ . Counncy's from J:JO • 7:JO, p.m.

The BoaNI chose to honor thCIC ,,..., fine aentltmcn for their C'Ontributlons 10 the ~1h and development of the aa<ncy 1lncc Its 1.-poratlon In 19n. Putor Gnni. ,.bo hu reccntly,rtjolned the board of dlrccton. wu the lint ptt1lcknt and wu lllstru• mental In a11blishln11 1hl pur­pose and philosophy on which the agency b foundtd. During BUI"• tenure u president. the aacncy upcrienccd the largest &""'1h In Its history and greatly upanded h1 cppadty 10 provide <0,npctenl proreulol\al ,ervlces 10 the C'OmJllunlty and Its youna people. The agency was a..,.rdccl the 1982 C'Ommunlty 1ervkc award by the Hlct1vlllc.P,m1nunlty Counril (o th<lr worlc, in HlcU vllle.

The afternoon wlll Include door prhes • • -bot and cold hors d 'ocuvru. c,oc\ taUJ and sort drinn. ·~1.-arc m.oo pc, pcnqn sd.00 ptr couple and att tu dcducdble a• permitted by law. "

h will be an u<c,llent opponun• ity ror the community 10 join in honMna Bill and Pastor Grant , lcam abot11 the snvl«s of the youth c,oon<ll u .,.,.n as support • the c,ouncll in Its first major (undnlsing event. The support of the commttnlty Is bolh nccdtd and slnecttly apprclcstod.

For tickets call Buban i?. Ncbon, e:11ccu1lvc dircaor at 8U•7~1Ahe youth coundl l.1 open 10 a.m. • 9 p .m. Monday through Thursday and 10 a.m . . 6 1

p.m. on Friday.

The applkant , Rldltnl Notcy and Thomas Notey. a, Tenant• In common. 1nd Ethly Mar\cting Corporation, arc 'ttqueJtlng • chan~ ohone from ·o· residence dlstm to 'F' bustneas district ( neighborhood business), to dcrtlop propctty u a nclghbor· hood Jhoppln& ecnm. The 1ppll, • «nl5' plan 11 to construe1 c,onncc­ted retail JIOfCI toWing 1pprod· matel)' 23,000 sq,w,c feet In the

The paittl II loca.ttd II the southerly side of Old Country Road, cast or the lotffllt:Ctlon or

I Plainview aod Manetin Hill Road In Pl-1nvlew.

Thd hcarina hu been ld>cdul­td for Tllcsda7, J llne 4, 1935. beglnnln.a at 10 a.m. In the Town Hall East hcatlna rpom. A11drcy Avenue, ()ysttt Bay.

{ilii/M~ $11.95

Steak Scallops Chicken

Lobster Pork O.Ops All dinners include

Salad, P.otato, anc;t Vegetable

pecial . .-"~ ~ Dinnea - ·

,._ Every Mond11.1 Night , • Entertainment Reading

:l!"ltiar&..--~By Mae • The Iriah Psychic Public oflicla nctd c,oopcra•

tion from nsthurnlS to accompli,h .,.... lcgl>latlon that might bc<Ome nccclllry 10 a,'Oid 1erlous probl•'J'S, The Nauau Nelahborhood Netwo rk. Inc. iponsored a l,&ndlill • ao,,lng lkmoostration ba May 4. T°""' Cound1man Oougln J . H~ announ<c,d: "Bcainning ~turday May 4 , and 'continuing each Saturday and lsunday throu9h June 2. resldcnl.s will be able 10 take their rdu,e directly 10 the Solid Wbte Management Facility

h would ecnalnly be a betta civl< gcaturc by the Mid Island Plaza Management and. tc•

00(1lveJy, by its retailers, than their prucnt usoclatlon with a "'""'""Ing flrm. "'


• ~1-..:~q 11); ,l()_a.m. and 6 p.m:• . 1'own'Councllman Hynes docs

not say wfltther or not the landOII will be dosed and Kho•111 e; curbside garbage collection discontinued. The outcome or thii,c confu1ln1 o«umnttt. on May 4 remains to be-=•· It will <c,Mt lnly add much fuel to the nrcs of political C'ODtroversy but • ill it brina about solutions to the ,a~ac msis?

In my letter publi>hed In MW lalaad Tl•ea and Levlttown Timcs ,on May 3 I 1;11ues1ed and lnvlttd everyone 10 join a a dlaloJue with state and local public otnclah about source separation u a pan~ IOlutlon. It

Gianni M. t.«w&to

Arson Squad Checking Fire

The Arson Squad tcpotU the cletalb of an undctcrmlntd fire that Q('CUrrcd in the ganae at the Thompson rcslden«, 16 Warren

.Jl'lacc. Plainview a t 9:25 p.m .• t,,b)I ,

A ftelahbor ob1Ctvtd a lire in the 1111ehed ganae and notified thc..arcupants of the ho<at. The nrc ••led the aua,e and caused damall• to the wall of the i-sc, No lnJaria were rcpcncd.

dilcr Pam. Pl&lllvlew Fuc Department, responded to the s«ne with 5 uucu and 40 mctl, 1kt, Jay ltoui, Nassau c..,..nt:, Anon Squad and Fire Manha! Frank. Pendl arc lnvcstlaatlng.

It ls undetcm1lntd a t this time what caused the fire.

Md Island Tlmea & Levlttolrtln Tlmea

Pabllahed _....,, Frtda:, by uc-; hWlaWq Corp. ....... Paldat

Rlcll"lle, N,Y.'11901 Telcpa-.931.0012• USPS'346-760

81 E.BatdaySt., Hlc:b.W.,N,Y. 11801 ,_,Sa,d~aa..,.1e

Ml<I blulll • i...t1_.a ,,_;11 2. llarda7 St., Hldit .... N.Y. lllOl

llob«tt M'l'P" • Pabllal,,or. Y_.,. s.-,tptloa S.5 ,50

, 10TH & 11TH GRADERS Are ~f'ou Concerned About Being ~ccepted By The Right School?

.. \

••• H~ School Course Selectlon ... Testing~ ... Selection of Schools ... Admllllonl Procell ••• Flrwldal Aid

We Can Help· NOW

6 .T .S. Associates, Inc. ... $peclallata In E:m:atlonal Plamlng and College Placenart

(516) 294-7710 Brochure Upon Request Free ln1t1al CoDlllltatlon

2 Hlllslde Avenue, Suite B WIIllston Park, N.Y. 11596

Weis.s-Winberry · Wedding

.J .... ad Mn. a.-t J . WW..0-

Cbristine Ma,y Weiss beumc Roman J, Surama, who c:awc the bride of Mr. Robert J-i,b down &om Florida, Hew Yon: to Wlnberry durina a Hupdal Mus offldate. II st. lpadlla Loyola R.C •• TbebrldeWOl'eapnofwllltc ChuJdi on Sawmy, AP!ii 20, at 3 satin llld lace and carried a p.m. bouquet ol white orc:hlda, mph•

aDOdJ 111d lily ol the valieJ. Ha The Celcbru,t, 11 lhls eercmooy Mrs. Huey Weiss

WU llJe bride: . -,ab,, Rev, WU bft' MICZOO of-• , ('

"Money, More Or Less;. Is Always Welcome.,,


Ginn the choke, howenr, cbooN mon. U,oa Im ID B.-Yort aty llld,oa're ID the muimum tubracbt. eurelyJl)II would welcome the '420,oaptto keep If JOl1 earn 11,000 from a fully tuahle hmltment. But lhoaldJ'OUl' cboice be to keeptheomlreSl,000,hl· . nathlthlaFlmd. Mcauae thelbndbmmahl B11rYortllllUlidp&l bonda.Jl)llp&J DO foden1. state or!ewYon:


9.0CJ% 22.28% ~ - ~

atytuea OD JOIII' IIIOllthly clirideuda. So, a retma of

9.09%la oqu!Yaleat toa tuableyioldof 22.28%for umatonhlthemufmnm c;ombiueddty, lltatoand federal tu bracket. ~ ................ ~-:..-:::-:.,~ ---.n. ........... .. .,, ................ .. ...................... ...... ,,..,..,_. ---=::...-;::,..., __ .. __ ..

FRAN1CLIN ,..,.., ....... ----------------------- - ------------

~~~ '516-" 8fflJ KIii Rd., S7011ct, N,Y, 496-1040 I

l'llalooad .. •~caulall&---,lcttlalomalloaalioul rmkllallnYom'ha•ln,t1-Pad.lalchldlqCUl'l'ludu;,ema.lwlll _.llca,'lflllJbdort lbr..storlClld-,.

-- ....

.. The bridesmaid& ....., Jane

CanOYU, Ancell Wclu, Usa Weiss, Chrh1lne Wlnberrr, Nadine Winberry and Susan WlnbCl"{J'o Chrhth1c•• t11ccc. Danielle Welu, wu • mos1 able flower girt.

Canovai, Michael Graham, Sab1no Rullallaoo, · Richard Welu , 'Thomaa Wein and WUJlam Wdu. The ar-n'a brotbtt J ohft, WU the rin.bearer.

After • ail.I tteepdoci II the i HHllngton Town House, the · ,adlanl eo11ple ldt fOC' a hooey• ; moon lo Bermuda. Upon tbdr return they •111 rcalde In

The IIJ"OM"J best man wu hll brother, James Winberry arid the followi•Jt were his u$hers: ErneJt

At the conclulon of,the ~· mony, Fathct Sz.anma praclcd the bride aad aroom- wlth , Ill Apostdllc Blcnlng from Hla Hollncu. P09C John Paul II.

Holbroot. ' Chrisllne b tbe~ghtcrofMr, and Mrs, Robert H. Wd.u of 83

• Elm Street, Hlcbvllle. , i

To: Hicksville Parents I

of Pre-Schoolers Voice 7our support for the proposed all·day

kindergarten program. AUend the special .School Board meeting on Wedne~y; May 16th! at the AdmlnJstra~on BalldJng at 8:16 p.m.

The lalfft edocatfoual l'ffearch indJcates a sre•~r 111ccesa rate for elementary school youngstel'II who have attended extended or full-day kindergarten programs.

Our HJcuville pre•schoolel'II can get an excellent start in their school c:a.reel'II at 110

extra coat to the taxpayer. A quality school 8>'!tem enaures a stable community and Increases property values •

Support full•day ldndergarteu.e.

Hicksville Congress of


Who Would Come To & OpenHouse .

At A Funeral~Home? Thi, peraon who wants to bow what I.a golugon 1u bla or her

co'miuunlty. The penou who pridea bimaelf pr heraelf In keeplng lnfonned

and lmqwlng their options.

The .person wbo wants to have all the lacta before nwdng

decislom, '

Come Visit May 19th 1-4 p.m. aUbe

Vernon C. Wagner FUNERAL


Corper Otd·Country Road & JenuaJem Ave., Hlckaville


i I I ffi

: .

~ Ann Ocker ! To Visit GOP u

Oub itt.idcnt Kmn Galloway : hu announced th.It Oystn Bay i TO'l'n Oort Ann R. Oder will~ - welcomed as 1he "Spcdal Guest ~ of Honor" al lhc nu1 meeting of

1he Thl'Odon: Raosttcll Republl, i ean Oub of Bcthp,ge. ~ The mcclin1t ,.ill take pa« on

,11 Mond•.r c•·cnlng. May 13, 11 1hc ;! American ~11lon Hall on Wuh•

i:l ln~~~~~~:~~~~BJ:!!;I~~ :=;: ~ader of 1hc Bcthp,ge GOP I= Organit•uon, added th11 .. Ann 0 Ocl t'f. •• our T°"n O<rt.. 'hu j bttn in dail) eonca« "ilh lht !.':l 1c,lden1' of 1hi Tcw-·n of' Oy•ccr'

6>> for 12 <On>CCUlh'e )Carl. !: 1""11\nnlng in l97J. Her om« ~ prO\ Id~ ahc • idMI nngf' of

\Cnlc't's for 1hc pubhc than •ny ,nh<r II To,.·n 11,11, we·rc priv lle1;•d 10 "clt'l)me her 10 our Club •nd 1n offer h<r ••> help we n,n, .a, ,he bc:S,ttn~ ., C'i:llmpaign for her ~,h '"''h\('('Uli\f' tern, in offitt. •·

Mr r .,_hno•nn furth« added hi, th•rl~• 111 •JI 11)!1s< " '~O hcl~d "tth lhl" Cluh"" ._, utrcsdul .. ~l'""JI Oan.,••• ,,n April 20 .•• 1 m, C-u,lt..L. Jad: Cu\1r\. l ,,rrain<' 8u1Lr• 1c-,. Esthtr Sorrh, J ohn Cag1tlano. R•~ Gall""• >· Lenn> Kun,111. Craig C11n1c1f<•rd, Cllrcy Comcrf0<d. Ra, Rl11by. J ohn Kelly, Nk t Ma1lal1>. J osq,hlM ln~nho. O..nna J~nnou. Laun Paider. and. Es;peelally. Oo rol' Yochmann.

Youth Struck By Train

A Bcrhp,agc )Cllllh pla)'lng neat the Railroad Tracts Wcs1 d Ste--•art Ave •• lic1hpa3c. suffcr<d a \Crloul Injury 10 bis left arm ,.hen hc "H >1ruek by an Ea\lbound Eaprcu Train.

John Chc• 1h1m IS, o[ S Toncn S1rcc1, 8e1hp1ge, .,.u playing ,,.·Ith friends near the railroad 1racl< al c, p,m .. April JO. when apparently una•••r-c il wa.J ron1ln1t he >1cppcd Into the palh of an Ea"b<ound Eaprcu train.

I Clw•1ham ""' ~truel on 1he left 1rm~hk h t"iluscd a sC\' CTC lacer•• tion and scw:ral frae1urcs. Ht" *as 111cnd<d 10 by rMmbcn or 1he lkthp•~ Flrc O.,partmcnr ""° """ able 10 eon1rol 1hc bkcdlng. un1II 11\c, •m••l of • Nassau C,10111)' Poli« llrllrnprcr. The \Ot.llh " ' I~ thrn no~"n fO Nassau C,.,nh Medkal Cen1cr. by P110I P.O O l og;an, "hlle. A.M.T .. J . M1nu1<'11 rrc11cd the lnjur,d arm ond ""' able 10 ,1op 1hc bleed ing.

The l,n~• h n,ror1cd dolnl! good •Hc"llr1tCr) • .ulfercd three frar­tu~ a'nd s-,n,c- ncr,c dam•~ fn,m rhc laC"Cr01lon.

°"1 R,,t,.,, Danbaull of 1he l'iJthlh Squ•d """ I, invrstigat• lnJI 1lw incidcnl Nlports 1h11 th< 1r1in "a, nnt 1-.i.~1t the ""'"ll man lud ll<"cn hil till he "" 1old by Pol'Oct in Ro,.. l.4lf1l -,m;a

Bethpage Seniors Chinese Auction

Bcthpagc knlon an: having a dllncac aut11on on May IS from II a.m. to 3 p .m. Franks and eoffce 1.rc bclns sold ,.,1h a lot or otht'f aoodics, h will be held 11 lhc K.C. 11 S19 Central Ave. Bcthpagc.

Come occ, tome all and brow>c and enjoy,

Pul L Krlllllc7 .t lletl,pac9, • btto appojakd ..-11 npe,ia­t...Scnt ot the U.S, Meffllallt MllllaeA~yud.,.-m m durolatllr U.S. Muitleoe ~. A 19SO"-.,..i-ol"'"­A~, ,K,, la .......,tty th• N'C'OtMl ruklna adeloi.«nllve olllttr at the fcdcnl IDAl'I~ lulJl•tloa, rn_.n,le fw o-'ffS!I p1&aa1o1 ud opaattoa. Krln1•1 h■a uned at the A<'IUltmy aln<e 1953, ,....., he taught• ••rl•t1 of na.ta•lloo and .,..,,.•n•hlp t'OUnN. H• Isolde a llttnw: u chld mak. In 1965, he wu named the A...S-y'a dlltt­tor of admlulon, and uala&ul aradcmlc dta.n. £1aht yoon later ht wa• au,.an<d u l<'llllcmk dean, a po11Uon h< held ulll hla n11ttnl ~.pj>Olnllnml, In 1981, K lffiU7 retth'«I the U.S. Dtpatlmmt ot Co,Elllllntt Sllr.-r Modal ror Mmloriou Stn1N:, WI, ... , he WU al•fll. U.S. llluitlme Adml■l11ntloa Smlor Euc,nln Sa-w Ptt• f__,,..,Atranl. A lllil•< of BIOOIJ1a, KilMl)o, 57, heaaa l>IL cantt Ill 1951 u a llttnwd dccli olllttr •1111 Ualt.d S111" Unu aboud the SS Aamka and SS United Slalff. Ht .,.,.-..i Ill the U.S. Na.,- ,,_ 1955 to 1953 u --~ aboard USS Evtflladn ad u a uni· Id....., lrtstntCCOI' a t New Y eel! Stale Muillmt ~I•• Jolalq tho Acsdtmy'1 M&ff olttt Mo aa•-.1 wrvlN, KilMl)o nmalaod In the. Naval Rna.--e and rcilml wltli the nalt ol CSjKalll, USNR lo 1979 oftn Coar coaimaada, In addlllon to Illa USMMA «aree, Krlntky l>olda • -ecr•, Ill U...tloa flOm New Yooic Uah,_.11 (19591 and aa M.B.A. In ...._. .. ,., from Acldpbl Ulliffftlly (1930). Krlntky and hi• '!fife Aadtey ban two aoa1, David, 24, and R-.. n. The Atadnay la op<n,kd by the llluitbnt Admlllislrallaa .t 11,r U.S. Dcpatlmml of T........,.. lltlon.

Animal Program At Beth. Library

Calling all youngJl<rl, come on over and mcc1 lhc anlm1l1 al rhe lkthpagc Public Ubraryl On ~curday, May 18. the Bide-A· Wee Home Associ at ion o f Wan1agh , 'f'lll present a Ii•• animal progrem for )'Ollng people .. P,1 a Ptt",

Ch1ldren will havt' an or,ponunhy 10 mike friend> with live puppln, k.lucns, maku and other anlmala. They wlll a lso loam all about pct caNO, the development and growth of the anlmala and have 100$ of fun p<t!Ulg all the pcu. In addition. there will be a fudnatlng 1l1de lhow, ntm. and d:oa obedience dcmons1r11lon, · The •n.Jmal program will ~sin a t 2 p.m. and 1ku11 arc now available In the Btlhpag• ehUdtt\i', room fot )'OUnptcn in gndes K ~ who reside In OIJtrid 121. For funhu lnfonnatlon. plCUC, (!'11 9J[.J907.

Bethpage Cass 'Enjoys French Dining 870..UP-at

Ir )'OUt IIS1ebuds att cnvlna • for, aomc Frcndo cootma, the,, I'm sure )'OU·u ~ to bur about the trip 1h11 Miu Lowe's Bcthp1gc Hl:ah French duses 1oqt. ' •

On Muct, &, atudents boarded th< achOol bus and •rlcll to lttp their atomachs from rumblin& 100 loudly. By Jho time rhey arrifflht the restauran1, Le Petit Parla, everyone ,wu famhhcd and ul down II the tables ready 10 .. d ig

in". The meal 11ancd with a dlolcc of "soupc de le111mn" ot "quiche Lomlnc", The 11111n course WU cflher "boouf bourgulanon" o r "crepe au poulet. •· Freneh brud and vege11bles • ~ctt alJO snvcd Ml/I 1hc meal. The dnKn wu ··at•& a la VAl).~le" en "mousse au moeota1."

Having lunch 11 Le Peth Parb wu a n~ c-hanRe of pa« for 1hcK French J1udcn11.

Candl~llght Bowlli:ag P'11,y

When wu the Jue· time 7ou •~nl a hilarious evening whh friends? The Chrl>1lan Mo1hcn Ros.try Confra1ernhy,b spon-• ing ju,i ,udi an evening. On Sarurilay, May 18. come 10 Farm, ingdalc Lanes, 999 Contlln Street, Farmlnadale, for a Candlclrghr Bowling Pany. You c1on•1 have to l DOW how to bowl to cn,ioy 11th e,-cnl, u • manor ol fan, gunu balls an: the nmm, You may t"'- OM baU down th< alley while •lning on your pan• nrr's lnee,, « !"!ch, your eyes dosed.

We will ntn th< fun at 7 p.111, Sharpl Why not act a group of friends tog<thcr and n,11 ~22 for dclcts•Don11lon SlS couple. ~II this cxcrcl1e builds up. the appcthc .. ,so we will have a hot dinnu and cold buffet, call:t' and c:offtt around 10 o'eloct. J,,dudcd in rhls Novell)' bowl•

Ing p,ny arc 3 games, Scoceh Ooublu. Ron1al Sl>OC-s, Trophln and S"ccpstues l'riLesl Plus .. , ,.-e will raffle olT ii 1V and a Bulct of ~er, but )'OU musr ma~c Rcurvariolll Nowlll Call for tkkcts 1odayl "Cuh &r" ' 'Good Company","Joln u,;•.•

CAUINPUT93I~ 24 bo<iBa da.yl AJKwor

the Quntion of the Wttli or up-• an oplnkla .., other 1<>:jlk11 ol lnl<trttt

lo rciodon ........ . .............................................. r ......................................... "11!

I Kearney I i! Office - ,. I Machlnes I I . , 141.3240 I •~r~I ~~,.· ~I -~- --· 1 I -.iscM Authorized i! er j! TAA.0£-IHS j! i! A.CCl'TEO ~ I Now Located At I j! 312 llDWcla A-• j! .. W■lltoe!l'utl~: 11596• j! _...,,......,.. .... ,..,,.......,

1 A.nwtedn Kur, 0-.1PelnllJ, Sldaal a.tatna, Hepa N.W..., Mldu,elGa ..... FaWoleOullall'oCIIJo1bonf~

• • -1.!,_

Debbi. Y-,, Swve V--, Slcwlle Goldalela, e.,. N...,_ ... Daryle Md.acniey.


1nnddilldfta'1 pbotoe IDd tnlff- ''Wodd'JMeet Bullllfm Cnaddalldrtn••

coalal. See 11,e Noclce col11Dln la tbe a...lllcd

Sectloaformocela!-.uo., °' c:all 93I-0012.

CAU. INPUT 931--0027 2411ottnaday1Ae1Wff

11M Q-.doa.tllM Weeli ...~ ...... -allifftopb•~

torcadcn. .......

Young Peqple's Jaded Art

The Town of Oyster Ba:, Department of Community Servkea, Cultunl and Perform, ln,a Am Division, the lndepcn, dent An Society and the Fricncb of the Hlcbvllle Public Library will ~pon- a Y011ng iP~le's J uried An Show ai the HlcbvUle l'llblic Library. II wiU be open to all ~~6 arc between 12 and 18 )'C&n o(, age. l'ankul&n and a>try blanks 111.1y be otitah,ed al the Hlcbvllle l'llbllc • Library There will be · two cash a-..anb

t , and Honon for Ercellence cerdOeatcs awarded 10 , the w!nnen. A•ards will be present• ed and rdreshmtnll &EtVEd -on S..tuida:, momlna at 10 Lm. oo May 18 In the Commumt:, Room of the llbra?, All eatncs will be on view lllllil Friday, May 24. Entrlea bcl111 a ccepted oii Tonda:,, Miy 14 ftom-310 6 p.m.

• and Wednesday, May 15 &om 6 to 9 p.m.


PLEAS£ TAKE, N011CE, that the Town Board of the TO"Kn of Oyster Bay, N.,. YO<k. thall bold a n,giilar meeting t.o c:ondutl the public buslnw or thc ,IJOYCnlffl.CDt of the Town o r Oyster Bay, on Tuesday. the 2ht day of May,

• 1985 at 10 o'dock_ .A.M .. prevaililia time at the Hearing l\oom. rt'own Hall, Eu1 balld, in&, Audrey Avcaue, Oyster Bay, New Yort. All lntc,rested mcmben of the public are Invited 10 attend, l'llnuant to law, • public hearina will be held al the aforeuld tlmi and place. 'oi>µ ioiiD tMHifter.-U prl<'tlcabl,c, to COJtSlde< t!ic, • followlngamendmcnt to Chap, tor 17 "Motor Vebkles aJld Tnffic" or the Code of Oriil· nances of the Town_ of Oyster Bay, New Yort.. STOP SIGNS shall be ADDED 10 SECTION 17,lSln the hamlet alS)'OSSCi, NO STOPPING ZONES shall be ADDED or DEIECED from SECTION 17•152 In- the ham, lets of, Bethpage, Hldsvllle, L«ust Valley and Sn,ssct. NO PARKJNG ZONES sh.all be ADDED toSl!C'.ltON 17,-165 In' the haml<t of ' Oyster Bay. PARKING PROin:ilrTED ON CERTAIN DAYS OR .BOI.JKS shall,tlc DELETED from SEC­TIOl'j 17-166 In the hamlet of Hlcbvlllc. UMJTED PAIX• ING 1,0,NES ON CERTAIN DAYS OR BOUllS shall be ADDED,to SECTION 17-JM'in the hamlet of •Bethpag,;. The above mentioned 1me0dmen1 toChspler 17 "Motor Vehicles and Tnffk'' lion file and ma)' be viewed dally (ercc:pJ Satur• day, Sunday and Holidays) bct.,.'«n the hours of 9 A.M. and 4:45 P.M.. prevailing time, 11 the Office of the-Town Clerk. Any person interested In the 1ubjc<i matter or the s,itd ' hcaring will be give.n an opportunity 10 be heard • -Ith referenc:c 1hcre10 at the tlrm: and place: abo,-e de.signaled. BY ORDER OF THE tom BOAltD OF mE TOWN 01 OYSTER ~AY, Joseph Colby, SuP,Crvbor: Ann R. Oc-':cr, Town Clerk Daled: 'April 16, 1985, Oyster Bay. New York. MIT 1800 bS/10

LEGAL NOTI~ , Plainview Atrium Ai• soda1n, 6 Manetlo HUI M&ll, Plainview, ~cw York H803,


Subs1anco o(a. ttrtlflcatc of Umltcd Palirnshlp flied In,: , lhe Nassau · County Clerk's office April 4, 198.S. Bullncu:, own, operate and cs•' ploit real propc,iy, continue to' ae<\ulrc, O'!"fl: operate and exploit real proj>erty. Name, amount of cash contr16utlon _iha,c o( profit& ,rhkf\ cub panner &ball receive: General Pinner: Crossroads Realty ln• vcllors, Inc, , ·6 Minetto HUI Mall, l'.lalnvlcw, New Yort • 11803, Sl .00, I 'll. Umlied Panncr: Howard J. Kmcr, "7 Nonhwood Cl911n, Dix Hilla. NcwYort-117,46, $99,(!0, 99,r., Term to December 31, iOlS, unlus JOODCT terminated , No addltOD&I contrlbulions may be iequlred of tb,e Limited Pannen. Prior 10 tcrmlnauon, Umlted Pani,cn shall not be entitled lo a ttturn or any part

, al their capital eootribudons. uccpl those dlSlrlbutlons

, dc.,111td to be a return al capital . No Limlled Pattntt shall have the •right to sub, ltllute an assignee, In his place wilhout the prior written con• sent of the Gcncnl Paruier.

'IIBA BuebaD WeeldYi Report

'I ilOtSINSTIIUC1tONA.L VlgUant~llon ' 17 Chase , 10

Vincent fuentcs played 011111.&ndlna offense ana defense In the wihnlna .Won. Henry Connt_lly hit a double ..,Ith the buca loaded, Billy Stahl playina 1hlrd made four " put ouis'' and had rive" hlt1, .

BOYSS£Nl0a5 Wlcl:crs l\cstaunnt ' ; M&lvnc Construcllon 2

K!"ln M~. thc mong 13 year old pitcher, pitched a 2-4 shutout complete _ same per. formanc:e with 6 str!teQuts. Chris Fcvola sh~ ~ aocict •pcrfonn­ana: bcbu,d the plate even lhouah he Is • re111iu lhinl bmman.

GWSMAJOJIS 1:'cter'sClcancn 24 Tcamll 33

The hitting attad: -s led by Poliseflo wltb ◄ jl.Bl' s and three players on base live for f\ve. Michele Iorio, Debbie Gardner, and Jennifer Mullen. Jennifer Aleunder had 4 ,s~l&r llome runs to the fcnc,e In center rield. , "

l'eter'i Ocucrs JO Big Red Qulcl: Print 7

T he ou111andlna offcn,lve playen for Peter's Cleaners wm Jennifer Alerandct wltll a triple and Kristina Kanawada a t riple and • double and five RBl's and Michele lorio with three runs scon,d. Outstandina dcfc"'"' was turned In b)'. Kdli Conn9\ly wh<) pitched three Inning,., Regina Grady at shon1lop llnd Usa Poliseno u catcher.


TiiiD W L' R & W Group, Inc. 3 I Couon,Bud>baum & Assoc. 3 I

• The General P_anner may admit additional Limited Partnen into the Panncrshlp wllh the-consent of the Umited Partners~ In the cvcat of· dissolution undct s111e law. or the removal of the General Panner, the Panncnhlp may eootlnuc only by c:onscni, In wr!tlna, 0151% orthe:Umlted Pinllers l'lthln liO days, and .elect Ion' or a 1ubS1lta1cd ~ Partner wjthln 1uc:h liO ,,.'1 period. Ill IM m'!l of rctlremcal, .death or liuanlty of a Gcncial Pulner, the remaining General Pulnen hive the right to contlnlM> the Pattnenhlp, or. l( no ttlll.lln• fog Gcncnl Pannen, the P~nncnhlp may continue by consent or all of the Umitcd Panncrs a.nd elc<ilon of a suMtitutcd General Partner wilhln liO days of ,ucb event. No !Jmltcd Partner may de• • mand and receive property 01her than cash 111. n,tur)I for his con1ribu1\on.

ewbridgcCate«erS ' 1 '◄ ('J'S. Li(e 2 3

GldoMa,Jon Peter's Cleaners · 2 I

SA 727◄ 6 X 513 , 10, 17, 2A, 31; 617.



WE J .. 9777 141 .".~"' ....

.... !,lie

Big Red Q Qu}ck Printers 2 2 Notthcrn 5&10 I 2

GldoSealon Big ApplcJuice & Drink , 4 J

1N11lonal Westminster Bank ) I Wagner Funenl Home I I Thrifty Beverages ,0 4 . Bo,-Mi-. V.F.W .. Post32l1 Newbrldge SIS Gulf

•Disc:ouni Liquor Old Country Dell Lions Club

, 'Boy1My,n Hicksville Bille DutcJ , ,., Long Island Trusl Hicksville Elks fi93I

◄ .r 2 I 2 2, I 2 0 3

3 2 3 2 2 2 I 3

Boys'Sittlon Malvcsc Construciion , ◄ .Qr., Antons Cai.ercrs ' 2 V Wickers I\C$1&uran1 i 3 Soloman Ins. I 3

ACS Sponsors , Bus Trip

• A one d•y mini vac•rlon 11 the Troplcana Hotel In A1'1n1k Cily is being offcn,d Friday, May 29, by .the American Can«r Soeie1y's Plalnvlel"'-"icbville Unit, The czpress bus leaves ,Morton :!~~e Shopping Cent~I 9;~

1 To reserve your ( pace call 293,7770 or 349-9199 and receive S10 In coins •nd a bor lunch for your 5.15 tu deductible check to the American ' Cancer Soeic1y, 1225 Round s.,amp Road, Old Bcthpage. N.Y. ,11~.

:E 0FFTCE i ·CAT . .,~~ ' ·! .

fllEaB Is DO more teague o( Women Voten ;; the TO'!llrn, 1'l,e l!nal f mtt,llnaoftbe f'O<IP took place -'!pril 27. The Town League decided to 11: donale Sl,000 £ri>m the: Jeaauc treuury 10 the county LWV In the name ,i: ofllea 'I'm who c!IN Iii 198◄, To now contac1 the LWV ln the county .. :sldcnlS can· address eorrespo11dence 10 LWV 19 Ruuell Pt Rd !>

yosSd or~ 681-1044 ..... TBJ! 2"0 of sewer COJtSlructlon ln s~ ii has l,,cen put a t J It -,UI aiean th•l most or 1he county bu been Gi scnred.. It ~I also mean possibly that Syossct can pull Itself back ll: 1oaetJ,er 19110 and rctuni to the no,,nal tuldentlal area II wu before 8 the d11SI began to Oy ..... TBEllE 11 tallr tha_t Ncwsday bavlni felled to Iii SCI ln10 New YOl'lt Ch>'. In .an.y 1.irge scale ~ ay with lls New YPtll. edition ' § might buy Its way in wjth the: H,Y, Post from Jupet1 Mui11odl who has Ip aell it~ that hcowns,ha!f of Channcl S In N.Y.C ..... TBE CJUME IIEN>RT IS publls!>ed each wed u • public service 10 alert resldenlS of I wh~ crime Is t.ulnr. place in the area and . as an aid In the Neish~ Watoh. ~DYOIIC';se,einl susplaqas 1t1lvlty-SIQlld phone · -911. BuaCUJS, utettd the ll&Jllnno ruldtnce 1a· La11n:I Lane Jleihpaae bctwttn May 4 and 5. '.['hey catered th~gb an unlbcted doo< and stole ~10 ui cash and ass«tcd }cwclry.: ... TBE: FIIOl'ff doo, lod: of tbe Spina home 175 JSth St., Jcrldlo was pld:cd on May I but DO nlry was made to the house .... ·,IURGI.AU cnttttd the Moon iuldcnc:e 20 ~ Cowt, Jericho on May 1. They came In throuali the: rear and stoic wncru and jc,,clry ..... lBTWBEN May 4 arid 5 bllrglan attemj!lcd lo enter the,,Frank residence 1- -0lcnn Drive, • Woodbul)', The a ttempt wu throuah a garage door but noen1ryand DO loss were, reported ..... CALCtJJATOils' were 11olen ,from the Underwater Ez~ shoj! 550 Old Country Rd,. Hktsvlllc between April 29 and 30. Entry was by breaklna alass In 1 ,Ide wlndow ..... lURGLAJIS picked the loc;k on the front dOl)t of Jericho Kosher Meats 441 N: Broadway,, ~encJ,o be1wec,n May m and 2. Cuh· was stole!', ... .BURGLAJlS broie Into 1he VIiia Parai1 Rcs1aunn1 318 N, Broadway, Jericho, between May I and 2, Th~ plckecl a loc:k on the front door to gain entry. The loss wu no1 lls1cd ..... Th11'.i all the news

·for now ... G.T. ·

Li6rary Exhibit Honors War Dead A touching and beautiful

tribute to HicuvUle' s ,,ar dca4 of four wars has "begun a month"•

, dbplay In the Hlcl:.svllle Plsl>llc Ubnry. • ~red bi the" Hlstoric1I

Committee of ihe Hlchville Greaoey .,Muse11111, the c"1hiblt ii a timely and filling mnembn,nc:e

• of those from thb vutagc who "gave the last full measure• of devotion" to the nation's wanlme CIUICI.

For the first time, the. com­monlly will be better able 10 grasp 1~ tragedy and enormity of Hkbvllle's wartime losses and

the fahhM sctviic:e of Its sons. There are plclurcs of most of the c:ommunlty's 37 he,olc dead. those or our lOfl. In Vli<tnam 'a ~gnant reminder of that bru11I and prolonged agony io rec:cal in our memories,

'l'hll exhibit comes most appropn 11ely fo r th.e 10th a.nd ◄0th annlvcnari.cs off the ends or World War 11 an"d the Vl<1n1m Wr. 11 complcmcn1s the, ucelkint renovation and p rcscrvllion wad. of 1he Hicbvlllc 'School Boird 11 1hc Hkbvllle War Memorials. al lhC Junior High School.


516 538-9393 ; ~ng Machll'M_t 811SW1111ng servlce ·.

24 Houra . ,7 Days

A~l .SLATE ROOFING .for Malnt"11ftC& 516-483• 7'JHJ lalie,)

Slue 1loollq EI1'ffil ~- H3J07◄aoooo

Estate Pool Service, Inc: ... Sales and ~rvlce

516 .. 785 .. 6994


Dr. Salvatore Sdarrfno hdllltk MtCSJ<I•• • f MI Speclt llot

3 Ct.,.,... Rd., Ctr.., W t llllflt1t11 ,bt , Oard"' Clly. N.Y. II"°

, ..... c. u, ... Appelftl"'tftl CJ11) JU.SW

r .. 1 So«lalittt

Stephen L. Pltcoff, D.P.M. F.A.A.F.S . .

Bruce A. Rudin, D.P.M. A.A.C.F.S.

~Nlatrk Mtdklfte • tld ........ ,.,

1, •l)1)0in11nJs1 101 Hittdh Ave • S1i1llt C ,, ,,. ,,,.,-,0 w11u,, ... , . ,, H v 11stt

Dr. Todd Rotweln • In OUiu f rM fMtiftl •I C6m1, C.ltu ....

IU"-~1. H U Ul'llflNI, tno, .. n N•II• • nd W.,t, • Chltcff•n't ,-.. , ,rtCHtmt

• Midkare t MOil ._.,,., Midi .. •OU~llc.1 • HeuNta!II

H• mptt ... P,.fMl ... n 11,0g. 1)1 fuHM A ... , HM1citl...S USS,0


Maryanne Alongi, D.P.M. MNftbff tf Uit AIM-t'ka.ft Podllltlc Med.kif Anoe.

o'11-:!~:~::g~,':7i:O~~ ~~,~. HOUMCllll

It>elntm.nt (S111 2U•MIO

m 711'1 S1fN1. Sulle 10$ (btdtn City. N,Y. HSlO

Thomas A. Kavazanjlan FMl.ndal Cen., .-1 Uftl

. SHEAASON LEHMAN/ AMEIIICAN ex,11us 21S ltHd Htllow flotd

f.,lelvlll• , H.Y. u u t • 1Ml01'U.SSOI ll! tl1SMl11

r , .. Office CtMut&.aUtift

Protu.flfflt<ftt ,., T.,._ CoUK\tr PortftOO MIMO•"'·"·

New York Coln Exchange, Inc.

JOHN J . WEBSTER (CNAl ,,e1ktt l'II

U1 Notth e,.o.ctw1y Hkhvlllo , N.Y

MUSICIAN Herbert Bradensten Jr.

Oh tct0t ol Mw1k & OtOlftl" n ·· Comm.Uf'llfy Chutdt • Eln W Ull110n

TMMkS--hland $+nt♦fl • Hklotlt.

Or91t'I Atchats . Pilutt ln1t,U<t1on WtddlftOI Pl.a"9, OtQtno Tf\Mry

) ln,;,1111 Drln , Hk\.nH ... N.V. UIOt s,a..,,

EDUCATION The Tutoring Center 11, cel14'Q• •Muf\d "'o"' tc:MOI ll~h

•$~1• ltt fletdli,o • Wrllln9 & Stwdy Stlftt, •M11tt •8 Jology •C"• "'lt t')' •P"Jtk:t

•Te n ,,. p111UOI'\

Ai~ $ (h1lntf. M .$ Ottt<-ltf

College Find C4H.g• AO"'h1M11i Oovtu t ll"'O 6

I f:JtU Mla t Ato P l11'1nll'IO

Fran• V VhON M ~ ~·· ,,1 osu

I• 1~-.1 ,.cCe--"1• .. , ttl-"""• Ottlu

I ·•i! _ -----------:--


Dr. Elaine Graepel Moore Dr.' Robert F: Townsend

J7' Se. 0-,attt h r Rd. t1eun Ir A~lftt "''°"' Hkh wHle, H.'(. Htot tltl) t~~• o.t,Hllo ,t.111¥1ow"'""""°.CMltt

Family Ollropractlc Office Ml , _ .,, A - . ........ N.Y. 1t11•


IMMt llftt U,.ftClt #San t AOOf')lld


.. f Flll!ll IPINAL eXAM

~ Michael L. Malmgren, D.C. , ... ·,."'~ J. Pepitone, D.C. ~i:!kl::-:,ln • , AM ILY CHIRO,RACTIC

HNdlchN lftd

Ltt h la ert t2 Ceftt1 Ave, ltWSJ:..6.200

:;':!..i~""r" ltowllrt M- Coll - tt, -'-

PHARMACIST Andrews Pharmacy ,

W att..- Ill. Al'ldt .. 1, I .S-.

••Pr t tc•lpt..,._, Art CNr lualMtt'' AU Uft .... 1'W1 , ,_,._, ..... Fnltcl Ht rt

2 ... 11,, no H ta, .... AnfMM, Wllltt lllfl , , n

2 bNc:•a t i t Httf'tQ.t 114.

,10. ,.,...c11, Olltn Cttopl""tftt.ry FlnoftCIII Pt.11'""9 tlld

1""'11Nf11 c.ntut .. U. I

,11uDENTI AL .. ACHI! ncu11ma -·,-­MtMll• , . N.Y. 1110

(S1',t2 ... 1'ff 711-CtS..Sli


J tM..,M~=~ S,.tt IIIC. , llEot1 Mtl11tltM I

N•• Yo,k Slee;k Eath• noe lmhhttwft. HY 11117 OIMt Principe I !1(1\anQII (111) :Its.MOO

~121 5111,4120

Robert w. Koop

OEAN W ITTER lllYNOLDl, INC. 1101.-hollowRotd, Zlld,_

MtlwUlt, N.Y. 111'1



Jerome W. Nammack Ill -••£~11',o

INOIVIDUAl' S sec"tiRITIH, l TO. II.JI OUMftt 1ml.

etmhurar. N. Y. 11313 ,11116lt-2f00 l'OOI tu--


Jeanne De Laurentls Kathy Ann Krefcas


M• rtHl•l ynch AHUtlCt ,11 '"''"'• tnc. 611·1600 t2t,2ff2

Gerrlanne Bodd,R.N.C., B.S.N.


Cllllcllllf1II ,,_,.u.,, ,u,u,.. ,,.,., . ''"'"""""

Tl>t llfl~ lltt ... ,tt Ct111t1 I lllll 1414S71'

t~•:,:.A;~"."N.Y. IIOfO ., 1'1-41U

,. Usa Kennedy, R.N., B.S. · ~ ,_,._, __

(111)2 ... SIH

A,1 ., . 0 . C«tllltd ~M•-,n,..-,no1

Wllllt .... ' "'• N.Y. 11111

DENTIST Jeffrey S. Rein, 0.0.S. Neel Seltzer, D.M.D.


FrNC-ultlltft. l1 Appo1',,_I

611-U t-cffl


NHllltlclo Aft., W lt C _It,... Pt~, N.Y.

Vlshu S. Batheja, 0.0.S. OENERAL 0£NTISTIIY

f tM X•Rt ya 111d E.tlM lo,-


14 J Ntl OfllcoH ... n l r

Appel/llfflOIII Oftly C.icl tp,lng Rood MM. & ffl. h ,01.:1P-'"• s,...... N.Y. 11111

TNt., Wtd ... "l"'ri .• I•·• ·• t1 • ~• ·

1111! 10 4000 Eat. 321 • 011kt (2121 ~ 1,117' • Ho,.,,

Sharon M. Kleemann

U C I IIO:zt 12 M1.1ue-

Swtdltl1 MOU190

o a.-cUyH,.., u ...... , .....

lJ Ap,pelt1ltatnl Ot \'dtft Clly. N,Y, tt5lQ,


Breakthrough Center Akdlolwo-,ONv

,.,., ... lltft lftd c-...llng ••f ,.. Cllla•lt.lloft''

M l f'rtn\ llft Avt •• O, rdt ft City, H.Y,

l lltt f'a,m lf'\t\u anc• C:H'lpen.ltt Ht"'• Ollko,: lltomlnglOII, IIU .....

Joseph J. Berardino Ao .. ,

o N .. H,Ot , 1rllllotd Fta,aktbl 1ctv11• , N .Y. 11010

o~p~, Harry Brody S.trtt ll•CHNMLlttn

Aulo. Homt, lift . Retlt...-ent 21S Pott Avenu• W Mlbury, N,Y. 115t0 csm UI.QII

I) K~~ ... ~.; 2~att ff .. York' Llf• huuranq Ct.

N.._ YtR Ufe IIUutan« end AnftllllJ Corp. (,a D•laware C.fp. t

LIi• , H .. lt.1'. Otwp '"'" DIH blllly, AMultlet.

P•n•lo" " •"• 100 Je,kho Out<111nglo. Suite )25 Jo(kho. N V. 117»



JI~ 21 Soli,1,.-,._

HlfflPl-,N.Y, IUSO ' ,·

•Aclolufttlnt ............... , ... . ...,..........,_,_ ~AmMlllllldd

c:..tfflod ,....,..;...,_ • : M-1111 __ 1,._

ll•tc,ft c-\, J,. IIIOl f ....... A"­u-..,, N,Y, 11501

11.,1c,4110-0oyt ,01-nu-•1. 11--21,w-. °""""' CIIJ, N.Y. IIUO

ATTORNEY Joh,:, J .' SUiiivan

A111ffltyall.ew Wllla•Etla ...

CINlap•c.r,on,­l ut'-Tr.,_-..... c,~INI

tut Hlll1*'A"-N .. H,-l'm, N.Y. IIQtll CJU) 7Fl-710t

~ and Reins

Wllll&EtlalN 0-1'­ Anamo7ull.ew

Wltlta"" P-lel!OI lldg. 1M Foo 1-1 CeilMtt,­IOS 'HIIWck A- It-,_ w,111 • ..,. Pm, N.Y, ~,.,,u.1000

PeterJ,E11!&6 At10ffl0y II

·llEAL EITATI! JU Slowut·A-, hlla f!O - City, N,Y. lls.lO

Ad.,lt1ecl N.Y. 6 fl, Ian 1111) W42N

,. ___ ,., .... 211, ..... , .....

MINolo, N .. YenltSOt

NoOtlgan<e • ;

·-..... Wlllo • llool Et .... ltlf17.W,U

William H. Morris AttorMJAti.­

.alC)N-t,-Y .,_, N-Yorlt lll'U


No01lv- • Ealale 6 WU .. • llool Eo-

QlaitfJj A. McGarvey ,.,_., .... r.rfmlaalM•IW>•Ml-•-C-

Wtllo I EotolN ll4el Et-

iooo .,.,.... ,._ C..pleto tAoal .__ Lao - ,.,_ AMI. D,J\, Q7,0112 21 y..,. e..,..-

Profesdonal Gulde Send In You,1Card

$7.SO per week Call 931-0012·

Ct<1111td l'ubUc-.,IMt

IIMl;-7171 11.,1.,_.,n :

l-4Muwolt­OOfHII Ctt,, N.Y. IIUO

!SIil 241,SUI

Frank W. DeP.letro ' COfilli.d ,.:bllc ,......,,..._,

•Flnandll P.bnnlfti • MtntJ M•Nf•Mtinl • •hie'- Plan~ • •rsl9ffl• A .Mt1'h

• l~I Audit • -•lloO 6 Tu s.n,lcft

1205Fr1n,1111A-•• •OtNI .. Clt7, N.Y. IIS>O

Thonm,J. Fallarfno CEllTIF!ED l'IIILIC ~CCONTANT

AndrewJ.DeJciseptl \ (SIi) 741-2t1t IOI 11'1•,Hll>Sllwt

0-Ctt,, N, Y, lls.lO

Mlcbae&:f.~~· M.B.A., C.P.A. C4H1lfa.cll'ubllo"-n ...,I

(Sit)-· , IIOWUJtaA-(Apt,20)

WIUl110ft P1r1<, N,Y, 11SN

John J. Marsala Conlflld Pwbllc ,._ .... ,

,...,_..,,.........,l'IIMlno •IIMOffl• JUN

Byrnes & Baker ; ~1.~-ta

tndlvld1Nl1U llatuma­Full ."-tlf!O­tlll-Prlooo

2N Old<7 IINd •• M"""",N.Y. 11601 (111)7U-4531

. 01ar1es P. Karazla


Joel H. Cooper• AIA Ar<hltod


0oolon. PloMlng. Juponloton

11AM Drlvo, l,..._t, N.Y. lll-t2M115

Garc,tan Qty flihyllcel ~ Center ..-TINnj,jl, ........... ,.

Ofthopfdla , ......,qlt- Pl"OCjro.,-1 . No foul! .....,_ M_,;,. . Worl<MM'I Ct~tlon



Speech/~ . ~Service

KAIIEN H. CO HEH• M.A .. C.C.C .. Dlr­N. Y.t. l-I ASHA c.rtffltd

hdlotrlulOorlalrla """"'-

CHANOE ... llliouoi, payeho-ap7, lo, 1 ,-.,..-, IO tllo -lor ...... -qut.l, VWldftttontto Hrlocl --""• ~ =-11>.~ ...... l't. ·--·""' Luz, E:, Slnllleua, C.S.W.

~;r'~ ~~~:::= Gwdon C1tJ, N.Y. II AO

PSYCHOLOGIST/ Psychotherapists American· Institute Of

catholic Psychotherapists •lndtwtduil ,- a,_, P•,cMtMt•PY ... ,.pin.tit

•MIU ..... ,..,,.,,, c ... ,. .... no ' .,-•. ,.,.. Ech,,iufMn y,.,,,,,..

1511 F•IUll\11• ,._.., O• r- ch-, ,.,-ot .. llldlno gqa. f... ,..,, fftlu!•~· MNPt~

TrNftMfl•I f .,-:

Binge- EatlQD Anoiaxla Bulimia

lllUCE O. FIIIEDIN, Pfl.D. Cllnlul Plr<holooltt

S,-tOlllco: S..llb't.wn'o111<o: 175.lerlclloT""•• nN .. MQlll-(SIIJ .... nu ,SIi) HJ ... 10

IOI Kt<1tlnQton ll­O.- CIIJ, N.Y. IIS,O 741-170, •

Douglas L. Egan, Ph.D. Cllnlcal~I

Jutte F H Hltlal<k.A".

WIUttllnPan. N,Y. "* . ., ,...,..., .... ,


1bornas J. Ferraro, Ph.D. LICENSED , YC'IDLOOIIT

Jullo HK fl Hlll11de Av1. Wllllataa ,en. N,Y. IUN (Tllo PrtlN,_, lulldlng)

If AP90lntmtnl !SIi) '2U-7tlt

. '

, ~


~ I:)

Iii ij < II,

! ~

i i ...

I = z: j ~

e :E

OUF . · Security

S.S. c,edit gers 1

for self-employed. . daughter Q. I lla•e' beta emploitd f«

aearty 30 Jean ud pld,llt:e to bow bow I cu coallHe to neeltt Soda! Secsl1ty credlt If l opeamyowaba!Ka~!lecome ,ell-~-1\.B..

A. If 'J0'01 net eanilDp from .tell-anp~t OfflOl!Dt to $400 or more • rear, ~ Wll Soc1a1 5'curity cttdll{1). Yoo report your Ul1IIDp for Social Security at the time yoa Ille your fedecal IDcllme tu tttuii. You ~ credlt for 'Ill eanilllp op to the IDUimam, whlcll .II ~eoo foe' INS.

Q. I will be a oa my 11nt bll'lit­uy, aid my~ II 57.11'U w~lflcuuaw•mr owa·naa I mdG aid dlCII nrtldl to Ma naa lie seta to be It. -P.J.

A,. Yes. you cu Ille foe' reduced ret1reme11t beoeflts wlltn you ruc:11 age t52 &lid tben Blt foe' , ._ wife's beodlts when your bl!Sband ruclies age 62.

Q. My wife pasted away Stpt. ZS. 1984. I retllnled lwr cbttll ror September, '"I 11Dcf Ille Uvtd

moat or Sepiember, fly c:iMllda'l I uve ■1, teut a pro-nltd portloo or ber dltcll:? - M.L.

• A. Tbe Soc!Al Se;cwity retire­ment. survivor and dlsablUty ID· Suranc1! prognnl WU eslabllsbed to pay mootbly btnefllS. Tile use of the calendar month as a sln&le time lii1U aUows for simple, fut. economic handlln& of claims and benefit payments. To pay benefits for a fraction of a month would be costly, slow and cumbersome.

Q. I am a widow wllo received survivor balents from Social Se­cwrlty. My moalkly cbeck wu 1iopped wlwa my rou,at 1011 be-

• cam·e 18 yean old. I will be 60 yean old lhJI year. WUI I be eUgl• ble to dnw Social Stcvjty beat­nta qala'? - F.G.S,

A. Yes. Widow's benefits c:an be pajd as u.rly u age 60; bowever, the -amount Is reduced. At ace 60, • y_ou would receive approximately · 7U percent of your dec:dse\S blO-: ~nd'1 primary, Lnsura.oce amowil

Q. 11ve Md a Soclel Sttvlty cttd smce Ille early '.OS ud ud beta em.ployci ■p utll Ftbrury 1980 wllri I ttdml. At tlw' tlme I

, WU 49 yean old. U J am aot employtd ajala

prt« to my 6$tll blr11!da1, wbt mat I do? - BSW,_

A. Yciu sboald verify that yoa have bad enoagb work ID order IA>' quality foe" retlmnalL,YOD sboald submit a request for ,"Statemeat· of ~ ,. Tbll (onn may be obtained at 1DJ Social Security, 0~

Q; l wa manW'to a - fOI' • MYS years. 8-- of Ma liaY)'

4rtu1Dgalidabele,laed' my middle aa.aie u my nnt ume • ui co« a - Sodal Secvtcy allmllff.

He d.le4 la lta ud I antt, re­aianw,I, IMat ~ II la m.y odler ume. I am a ud reidy to retire. Wat IUIJ I do?-LJLP.

A. Tate yow: birth c«tlllcate. marriage certlfk:ate. bo!,b Soda! Sffllrlty 1ccoa11t ~ cards U weU as, yov clec:eued buaballd'I Social SeClinty, ICCODllt nmntier to yoar local Socla1 Security office.

Q. Mr wife II S7 ,-- of ice ...... _..w __ So-dal Secvtcy. Recmuj ...... ~ - ._,.led.wtti an..,._._ I am aw-dJ ace a ud•I lateN to keep OD wcinac alil I am IS. la tllett uy poiilMllcy my wilt coaW be dlglble fOI' Slpplemitatal Secvity lacoaie « Social Sttvl· l)'?--,P.E.P.

A. Supplemeiital Securi!Y ln-> come 1s bated oo t11e 1ncome and

, resoun:es of an lniilvldual or cou, pie .. well as meetinc the require- •

.• meot of bein& •~ (age_ 6$). blind or dlsalil~ Sbe would not be ellgl• ble for Social Sfflinty lieneflts , UllUI ~ ,become tnUUed. You should check with your local So­cial Security office to see U she would mttl tbe requlremtt!ll for SSI. «

Q, I wa bona la IMS, Mt my' blrO Cffllflcate allowl tllal I wa

/ 41etifff'N by a 0.0., · lliitad of u M.D. MJ motller docil IIOI fflllftll• ber laklaC UJ .... artac Pftl• IIUC)', 1Mat m lt ao& eompldely nre. 'l'lle-=t«wllo,~­llao& tracuble. BowamlablelOIWo■tlfl

am10£S~l .. ,..ffllll. 10mldalloi■11& .... wWJeltloa'I wut to.-,.,....W, dleUte ot 11111111111 wwnes me. ' ftal . alloeW I tloT ..:.&N., .

A. Y~ are wbe to ~ ·tbb qaestioa; Allyca bom bet1l'eell IMl &lid 1m ,lioald beconcen,ed about possible aposare IO DES (dltUaybUlbestrol). Durilll that pmod s nilllloa to I mlUlOD pre&• Dant WCGWI In the Ualted States; and many otben worldwide, recdftd tbb clrq.

Approximately 11n 1,000 diqJY: ttn will de-felQP I rare but daD• au- rorm of vapnal caiicer that usually ts not ~ by: a normal Pap test. (Molt ~ have ~~ before age Sl).

In addJUon, half of DES daQ&b· teis ,rW bave ~ prob-

• lems: ~Jc prnnandet, rillJcar· rla'ses. ,premature labor or liifer• tillty. Som have hlgbel' rates of structural prcblems and poalbly in.fertility and testicular cancer. Mothers may bave hlebe!' rates of brust c:ancef'.

Un!orunat.el.J, ball of these peo­pl.e do not mow they were ex• postd. u , the dnJ11 wu marketed

prcblems of DES clal!cbten Is lm­p«taDL Soils aboald be - by a uroloc1St It tilef llatt uy prob­lems. &lid lbould ~ moaWy 11tll-

Wccnm wbo bave med DES In &DJ form during tbtir pre&Jl&IICY ibould tell tbtir - uid daup, ' ~ ten the1 baft bem a:poNd. Addi· Uonally, tbe9e wcmen llloald per--f°'1!1 mootbly briast euml!ll­


Al. to ''J0'01 q11eSllons &boat bow IO fllld put It 'JOO were ~ wben )'GUI' motlier II imcertaill. there are~ optical: ·

Contact the doctor wbo de11Y• end ,JOG. When a dodci' dla OI' qalta his pndlce. Im records are • freqlla!Uy tept 111 tbe pls)'llc:laD taklllc OYtt bis practice. Yoor local medical aaoclaUoa may 1mow who 1w Ille records.

Write to llie fudlcal Records office at the boapltal !'beft you were dellttred and ult about any drq exponre. mentlooed 1n your

birth NiCOC'dS. Tbey will Med JOllt motber's name. pmnllalon (If s--1ible). and your date C!.f birth.

Contact DES Action. a naU011&l orpniz.aUon that provides lnfor­maUoa' and support IO D~x­~ Individuals and tbeir bealth care providers. They have OYtt SO cbapten nationwide. liicludln& Su.Ule. so cbeck your pboo,e book or cootact one of the national of• flees listed below: Q. I wlll be 64 bl Juei',;198$. l

worl<fd ror w'tt yean la tlle '&Os. (I bad oaly Jal come to ... co,a11, 1ry.) Mier tllat I got manled bac·

• wu divorced afler Ove years. I •• ' ldl tbe U11lld Slales bat later re­

taned. I worked ooe more year ude~ Soda! ~rlty ud llavca'I worlted ~ iDd,er Social Sttllri·

undef•at lust 200 different names and admlnlslend . ·as ' pills, cap- , sules, sbots, suppositories, and sometlroes combined with vii.a•

DES Action National West Coast .Office 284524th ·sL San~; CA 94110

ty. . • I am a U.S. dttun. Am I aill•

tltd to uycllJll&1,- RA

A. It appea,n that you ,dld not work long tDOllcb to quaWy . for Social Security beiieflts. A person born In 1121 needs s; 'qumrs of CO\'ff&-se; You ibould cootact your local Soc!al Security office for aa, dltlooal lnformatl~ ' ·

inlDi 'l'berefore. 11 Is Important • for everyooe to !hid oat . U Ibey wett elJ)OStd. and l9 get tbe spe- • bealtll care they need. For daU&bt.en; that lnc:ludef an eum eYffY i1x months -with a 3'0 de- • p'te Pap test; 111iere samples are taken from all aides of the ngjnal area and tbe ctrfix.

U DES daupten are ~t, care by a hlgb_ risk precnancy ape­dallst famlllar wttb the W11que ,

~ Fuel Co., liic. "'Penonallzed Service"


746-SIOO 878-2228 . 80 Wlndlor Ave., HemJiHI Rd.

\ ' ;

Mneola Glen Cow


DES Action National East Coast Office L.l. Jewlsb•Hlllslde Medical

Center . •

New Hyde Parlt. NY 11040 U you are UDable to detmn!lle

If you were exposecl by any oqbe above metbods. you·•lboald bave the standard DES daus)iter eum by a DES-oriented pbyslcwi ll bum ciut1tllat 80, IO 90 ~t of DES daus)itm have~ iii tbeli vagina 'and cervts. alost of wbldl are not danceroos, _but are rarely fOWld ID non-expaied lndl· vldu!s. . '

U ~ bave any of tbeie cioadl· Ucaa JOQ lboGld probably 'be fol­lowed a U you bad a bowll expo. Ari.' - Dr. Deborall 1,. Wlnpld. IIIIRallt profeacr of commuolty &lid family, medldDe. UniflnitJ ill CaWornia. Su Dleco Scbool of Mediclae.

l '

,......_,_.----, ...... '

. t, • . .

. . . ~ • ' 1 . .

. . " ' C. ·. "' : . ,_ .

' ' . • I, .f ~ $ • ' ~ .• • •

We've Chaqged ©ur Name To Wtn~op-Universio/ Hospital.

EFFECIJVE ~AY IS, 1?8.S Nassau H~pltal in Mineola Ull5(1fishly as unp:iid trustees of N~$11U Hospillll, Before lhcmr wilJ ,~OIJIC Wlnthrop-Uiih'ffSity Hosplta}, and -~ arc in the first two decades of this cen1ury, his uncle 11_nd. aunt were changing with a 1I1.Utture of_nostalgia and anticipation. active, volunteer trustees.

•Jn 1896, when a group of physici~ and volunteers from N.~ u Hospital ,i$ pleased to have enjoyed, a distinguished the community incorporated the fllllt nof:for-profit hospital on rcputatlon for the ,quality of p;uient care for nearly 90 ycurs. As Long Island and named it Nassau, there WIIS no Nassau County. a SJJ-bed teaching hospital, the second largest ~luntary, not• ' That ~ IWJ> years later. • . for-profit ~ospital-ccntei' on Long Island, we are prou'd of -ll •

In 1900, when wc mewed to •Mincola, thc lLong Island distinguishc;d past. • Railroad was the-major mode of transportation and nearby Old · • Asa modern. up-10-<late lcniary·hospital center o,ffcring ~try Road was a great horse and buggy, trail. l'jassall • • care to almost a hundred thousand 1Long.lslanders ~nually, wc Hospital, sparked by generous contributions fl'()m 'the f!elmonis, arc committed to serving you in our tradition of excellence with Vandcrbilts, Whitncys, Pratts, Wmthrops, Undcrltills and hundreds •• the best technical, scicntifro and, most importantly. personal, more, developed as Long Island's only hospi.!&I for ten years. ' human and q.ring skills possible.

It weathered the depression, World War U, the posl war • baby boom and from our founding to the late 1960's, wc were Don't F:orget as-the biggest and .busiest 'hospital on Long Island. But in 1m .We Won't fo,IYlet v...u when Meadowbrook Hospital became Nassau County Medical.. . .. :, IU

Center, as·thc county and its .institutions gn:w, as liqs of w· INTl!.IOQ- p thousands more people moved into;our region. confusiOJI and· , I rf:llil • ambiguity abou! our Jocat~on.and,idenlity surfaced;-~sitory ': . • UNIV' ER... SITV HOSP.ITA'I'• came here looking for patients at the County Medi,cjl ' , ,' , I •I • Nl"\L:.i

• 1lnd v,icc versa, p.iclcagcs, mail and-even an o.rnbulancc or two ' , • · ~ , • were ntlsdircctcd· the media :indeed oft.en~ confused . ., MINEOLA, LONG ISLAN D•NEW YORK 1,1 50,1

.. ...,..~ .... t.. ~ t 1 ,. l ......... . cl,_ , (NCC where. wc arc.ond who we arc.:·· ;-s . ' ~ Mojor·teacl,irq; Hospital Affiliate_

So we've changed. And. wc honor:,and,arc. honored in ,,oJSUNY at StoffJ Brook. Sclr<1ol of Meilic(µe

~(Um-by the•namc of Winttirop. For over 8:0 years, Mr. al1d • z;,; ..... rme.l"'l'.\J,·: A1nC''S'f11l, u.,:u-:nz'tal . Mrs. Robert Winthrop of Old.,Wcstbury, togc~e.r have served I'U , , -:., J. Vt..c.,, Uff 1-iit.h:Jy

. . .

! • Ill I)


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LOCAL Cl:ASSIFIED pega1. The largelt section In the·area to hlfp you buyr aell and locate things wtient ~ live.

It's all herii f/f8lr/ week and many more lq,ortant Items for YQU. ~'11,'-' " . We're the :g,uest •••• and_We're the Best ••••

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Yoo.. act the papc1' Mllvend I Name' . ' I • to you cet .1 •ttk lo, one ).'e&r: for I . • • • • • • • • • •.-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • .only _S5.SO. I .Ai:lclrela. •••• ......... ••• ••. ••• ••••••• •• •••••. •••.. I

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.. • Avmae, wmt..con Parlr, N.Y. I rtlUl!IIV ·~- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I 11S96. s .. ~ for two yean for n---•-• I OA11 s, .oo.~ I ~ .: •••••••••• ! •• ..,..,.~•······················ .J ~--------------------

:Audience ·~oys 'A.mile' Proclucdon Hkbvlllc J unior High School's

producdon of "Annie" ~ncd 10 tarac audiences and rave reviews. The 1how WIS presented on April 25, 26 and 27 and more than 1.000

· people attended _the three- per,' form1neoe1.::.

Jcuica Gamets rtarttd' 1S

Annie and did an outstandlnag job. Rkble Halstead, who played' Daddy Warbucts, was very dfecliy~ In his role. Suiaa Squl.-u, as Grace, added a .ophlrtlcatlon to the ro1e·tha1 the audience loved. Mcllsu Sbelnwold played Miu Hannlaant and one c:ouJd a<1U&Uy roe.I the orphans' fear of,bcr. Sal Noto and Jennifer Tower were pal u Roorter 'and Wy, the couple who tried to trkt Wubucb out of SS0,000. Stcv.: Ludwig, DUiy Ryden, • Tommy Schiffer, and · Eileen Shait.ey, playina supportitia roles, added pally to I~ overall qUl!lty of ihc show.

The orphans / and ·~ban's choru~. outstandlna 1n·••a1J the production numbers, wercihead• ed by Oorec:n Barile.' Chrµilne Behler, Shlpra Patel, Carol Rubin. and Mellssi Welnbtta. The servants and acn'ant•s

• chorus members were equally il')Od. Sandy was played by I dos Binao, and each nighr he wu the hit of the s'ho-,v. nie orchestn, numbering 25. was complimented eieh . night by many members or the audience. • Tbe $CtS weic very dfce1h-e and all facets of the prodocdon ran smoothly and worl:'ed ' well. Cong,ntulat.ions to the production 1talf mernbcn, Mlcbul Scbcd: (Director:, .Kalhleen Sc'1ect (Vocals). Hilary. Sperber (Music). Roe NovcUlcc(~gnphy), Don Homes (sdene:ry), and Brian Miin.roe (sound).

Depiesslon, Su.lcfdePanelTopl~

"Sa•e Our Kids"·wilJ be the topic of a free panel prcscntatloq ac, May 16, at 8 p.m. In the Hlcbvillc Junior High School Auditorium, sponsored by Ccntta11 Nassau Guidance and Counseling Ser·vlCcs, lac .. (formqly Plains Mental

' Health Sc;nccs)_or Hi~llc. -'braham Lurlc. Ph.D.. Pro-

• ~ \ fcuor of Soda! Wort at Adelphi University and formerly ~or

• of Soda! Scrvlccs at Long Wand Jewish Medical Center, ·will • be tlie rcatuttd ,j,ealer. He -.rill be Joined on lhc panel by Robert Pilosl, M.D., Medical Director; 111d Neal Millman. A.c .s.w., Chief Social Worter. ' both of Central Nassau Guidance and CouDSCllng Services, Inc. This Is ,Its rrn1 public fo/um since East Plains changed its n1mc to Central Nassau: The Agency ls stlll located at 246 Old Countty Road, Hkbvllle,. right behind Ant.un's Caferlng.

Siticc large numbers or chUd­n:n; adolescents' and young ,dulls czperiencc symptoms of depn:s-1lon wblcli' jo undetected, Central Nusau would 111:e to provide tlic pub Ile with ,some of lhc . fads

"about this wlde, sprcad phenomena: Its symptoms, ~•uses •nd treatment. With appropriate proressional help lite that provldcd ai Central N'u11u Guidance and CounsclJng Sct­viccs, Inc. most dcpn:ssion an be treated succcufully.

All parents, teenagers and mcmberi of the community an,

11<Clcome to :attend • . For further lnfOffllltlon or

dh«tlons. call -822-6111.

Teacher· Appreciation At East ·st. l • ' 111

The East St. PTA honottd Its were huna OD, each classrcion, I ~ in 1 very special _way for door late Friday altnnoon. when teacher Appred.ltlon Week, M\f all teachers had gone, TJ,e

, ., 6-10. entire staff was dellahtfully A committee of seven women surprised on Monday rnomlng. In ..i

handcrafted banners for each ,&ddltion to this. a " M~ Boa" J tcadler and . aide, hlghllghjlng ' wu placed In the l.unchroom and ,.. their pn,feisjo~1 aftributcs and the chlldrien of ,East St. were jc their ~ \nt.crcsts. Each lnvlled to write letters pf ,: banner Is made of colorful burlap appn:lcatlon to any tca;her OD the -and ls decorated with equally staff. . ' P colotful felt cut-outs which~ lf,they doubted It before. these ii inc,fude the, tead!cr' a name and teachers now rqllzc how mud, ii; Yet')'. aMlstlc plcturc_s rclatlns 10 tl!e), ai:e appn:leatcd by studenu ·;i: that teachtt. The banners were and pan:nts. , . •8 createdJ n stnct"'} confidence 111s .' ;

,AUTILUS~ long island~

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50 CII~ St., He111p1lwi ' Hc•pttcad Piasa Ccimple1

NAO'llLUS/LONG ISLUffl It the llland'a oldnt ud lirant NutUu c:na1a by rar. 2 ran e1ma11,, ~ IIIA<hlan. 39 •lalloos le aDt,i,u oat iii dmalt tqlllpme11t. Nobody dM la cnn doM!

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We .an aldmate la lnlMq r ... •lffl!ath, lledblllty, c:ardJovaic,iJu eoidldoalq, wcf&ht .... or pin, il.Dd the ~Ilea "' &lbldlc !!fllliN.

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Mr: Ofenloch Tallis To Students ,. · News From Road Runners

Mr ....... Ofaledl, .. ~,_.,.,_.,!ldh'lly .... 111cat91· 'fte I) I -•• ~.l-,~~ ~ IDc:lartllela ''dle.W-,.". a.-- .... --.. _ s-w. .. -...,,-.11r.~•-~n...v­~....., s-,t'w....- _. ltiteda Sdoia,,&; ~fir._, ..... , St- fomth sn,den Ill Wlllct tbe iw, of .,-owla1 lip Ill the

Amiac Scbool, ~. ue Ol!IIOlrJ, where CYCfJ'OIIC blew ~ local blltory IUllS the C1DC anotbet, where be wast Oil t.oa,otwtu, Mldiad aad Daaa1, borachck fto!D tbe femUyl• c,ome from a family lmpon&,11t.lD fannlaadlnl.oc,utValle7'-10 tbe blltory of HlctnUlc aad Rlck.-.llle. · He spoke about lllltOWldlal uea for the put Hlctmlle'1 s,eat foctbalJ team of ono bWldred yean, It seemed tbe lCJJO"s, tpOuond by tile Fire Ukel1 tbat tbdr 1rudfatbcr • Dcpart,Dcl. He told tbe lllldmts woald bm, IIWIJ ..--!cs IO . bow !be popa1adoo pew from 111arc. 5000 people befwe Wodd Wun

As a remit, Mr. ·s. Medard • co 50.000 ID a YffJ few n:an; u Ofcoloch WU tbc bcaored pest Hld.nlJJe be,aa lO dwl&C from a spcucr at a receitt local bistcfy "'pld:le'·' fatmlAa c:ommuily IO a pcosram In tbe WIiiet Amiuc 111butba,n traaspOrtalloa bab. Media Ceatu. He told i,f bb Some· of the th!n11 Mr. cxperlc11ce1 worklaa oa hi• OfClllocb meatloaed wue Dt)l!S to famU7'1 extciilm f,um.s, whlcll bolh teacbcn aad ltiadcntt-llb fliled con; ·lior■cl, cblcuu, tbe l&mpllabten aw,IW!y IJ&bt• dllcb and~ bi addltlaa 10 m1tbe~psooB~1. ..,ch etop1 u P"!_&IOU; eon,, aad _Ibo fad that ooe of, tbe few be1111 ,~d lllmlps,~ ~~ ,lobs available c« "'°!DC" ,can a11eac11ii1 1oca1 adioola. aildJ!leti aao 111\'0hcd 1oq.1~11>oar■ the loai' commutation 10 w,,cdla• ud plc:t&la on tbeJums Cb1mlnadc aad Cithcdral f« very lllllc pay. 0,UC~. Wbeii uked whit WU The propm WU cocmllna~ - uitaaib,1 abollt bb youth, by Media Spedallat lloaematy Mr. ol'eiiloc:h ~bccd about Barrow.

,O.A,fl!'IJS,Oll~•Arta.w,..._._....__,....,.._ ....... , ...................... ., .. dlltlN&; .,... .. ..,1>awa.....,Oldldaln..a■.:,w_.Di■ ........

Abo eompctllla ID the 12 Hour 111a .m 11e tbe amama 68,,­o1c1 WUUe .. of lldlcrOl>c, .6cise credltt lndado382 miles ID the 1984 ll&idall'e lalaDd Six Da1 llu mid a Ab-19 bom lllllsll ID the 19113 New Yoetc 'Road Raaacr■ Ollb 100 Mlle C'ballrplomhlp Ran al Shea Stadllam. I

Locsl f.&vorilel 11,dlldc 1eff 1~ oCPl&lavlcw, ·"° lbmbcd 2Dd la the 1985 Ebc'tihower Part 50 ltllomcla 1l1111. ·"boa11Wl" trlaibletc ~tao Wdadcrllch .of ' ' Woodbury, .- 1114 p~l11111 ~ newcomer■ Lis Flabavaa of HkuYiDo ud Dr, Mary TIOIW lo Smld1owa,r,i_~I-W challcflg.

• Ina vetcraa Samara Bal!our of Manbalt&II r« flnt plaee honor■ ~1 t.bewome11.

The Riin Is <klaa coaducted by .be Plalavlcw-0ld Betbpa,e Roacj Runnen Oub tad· dltcctcd by C ub· President Mite Polansky aa~ vcter111 ultramsrathoncr Larrr Davldton. •Tcchnkal umtaocc will ~ provided by David Katz of finish Linc

, P.romotloas. w"° recently served u Technlcal Dlttttor of Ilic Long Wand Marathoa. ·

"We arc pleiued to be bringing together this unlcjue combination

• of cUte ultra runocrs and those !l'hci arc newer to tbc ranks of ea durance athlclc■, " noted Polaiiaky and Davidson. "la teepln1 with our club's polic)' o( 11ron1ly ,promotlna women'■ ruanlna f.Dd fllneu, we're espcdally , happy to see such, a large pcrecntqe of WOfflCll la the Ran. All ID all, we~ May 18 ,to tie a majof breakthrough fl,r eadaraacc running on Long lil&ad·•·

The 1wtla1 pa will ,0 off at 6 e.m. ·oa tbc !"°"'1111 of •~ 18th.

G®P.winis:;;;;.. ... .. , ............... ~ --"W.w'eMN( ltentlflll G, t tftrr" .......... die ....

. .......... a-ca., ..................... ... ,, • .-u. . -··-·-· .. ·· ............. -.-··-·-.

' .

'!t .

DE LATRON Oonltructlon·CarR, Qlilllty Hamel~

•AJ.TDATIONS •IOOl'll'fG tSIDING'IDIM •EDl:NSIO!iS -ourrDS •nyvtAnoN •SIA ft llEl'ADIS •Dll'LACBMEN1' "'11(DOWS.

Ownld&'Mlrflgldbythl DILatranFlll'MySll:a1&

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741-7722 1.-..IBl,.._

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Antique Or .Junque

Exotic cabinet Louis XV style

By Jam<'I G. McCollam Member, Alltlqu

Apprabas Assodatloll or America

Q. Tkb c-ar1o cabblet Is beaatJ. rally hllald ,wllll esollc YeDffn &114 lrimmed wllll cllded brau. II Is abool 14 !Debes squre ud 66 IDdla kJ&.L 1ktt Is cvved alua OD lllrff 1ld<'I ud IWO &lass oetves. , • Wllal cu yoo tdl ,me aboal Ila vllltaae ud valae?


Q. Wllal CU )'Ge kll me aboel 1111s very small (4-llld) H•mmtl !tpriae or a uated little cJrl rudlq a book? TIie a11mber .a Is ODlllebollOm.

A. This Is lbt "Book Wonn" aod ~ mark fou provided ls Tnde Mart z or tbe "Full Utt" mark. It Indicates lbat It 'was made l,e. twffll 1950 alld I~ .C\lrrffltly It Is selling for about Sl:50.

Saad )'OV qll<'IIJoa abollt &II• llqDa wltll plcllll"e(1), a detailed ,duc rlptloa , 11amped, telr••d· dreued eavd ope, ud $1 per Item IO Jam<'I G. McCo1Jam, -

A. 1ills ls a Louis XV-Inspired curio cabinet made In lbe late' l 9th century. It 1ttms that lbtre Is a never t ndlaa demand ror pieces like this. so lbe going price Is (f1!m $1.200 lo Sl,500.



ANYWHERE or us.en \r.d• fo, new one.

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xhaulr Laboralory, Int , Anllquc Photo R ... 1orollon 1601 IIIU>ld.- A, r .. N•w ll)d• P11k,\l6 lS?,7lU

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Garden Oty Exchange U."'01 ol C.'C. Publk- Ubn l)'

Antiques & ColJectibles 55 HIiton Ave., Garden City

111-4 w ... u.,. 10-1 Sacan1a, , 74&-9694

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• Sales • Service • Parts 747-2626 245 Mineo lo Blvd ., Mineola. N. Y.

ffi 11.a I.eche ~agu~ § First Meeting 111 Thc)11ewly organized Plainview * SyOSKt Group of Ca Ledie

League will hold its fint mee1lng i_ on Wednesday. May IS, II 10

a,m. at I 78 Cold Spring Road, g Syouct.

i The Lethe. is Spanlih and means "the mflt.; • A

-~ non-s«tarlan. non-prom '1"8&nl• ~ ulion, the League·• purpose Is 10

help.encourage ' lgood molhering I 1hrou1h brcuif«<!lng."

.., The group will meet the t~ird A Wc~ncsday of each monlh, ;z; D)Jrlng a ••ii•~ or four mcc1inJ1•• ::i I.he group informally di=~ !O dllfcrcnt phucs of brcutfccding. ~ The lopk for the first mcc1!ng will "- be: Advantages or B~utfcedlna

10 Mother, C!)llcl and Famlly.

All women who arc lnt~tcd • In nursing thelr bable are lnvhed .. u are their babies. You need not be pregnant ,or even have a family 10 attend. If you hope some day to have children, if you arc a grandmo1her, if you arc lntercsted ... you arc welcome.

La Lechc League began in a Chlall() subilrb pvcr twenty•fi•• years ago, w_hcn one mother who had nursed her ba)>y. helped anoth« who wanted to brrasl• feed.

Thls is still the Ii.ask approach. allhough the League ls now ln1crnaiibnal fn scope, with more. than 3.SOO groups helping coupl• lcu women In the United S1~1cs. Canada, and over fony other counti;ics.

For funher lnrorm11ion abo111 the new ·Plainview/ Syouct Ca Lechc League Group. call ( 16)


Colam)>la Eal&lft la-10n 120 l!cthpage Rd .. Hicks•

,Ille . N.Y. Subsi.ncc of Cfflifkatc of limited Panner• shle filed In Nusau Coun1y Clerk's Office April 12, 1985. Business : Acquire. own, opeu1c, sell 11r 11ihc,,.isc: deil In real eitalc. G~noral Partner: Jeffrey P. Mullins. 11 Uttlt Hatblir Rd.. Mount Sinai, NY, Limited 1'a1tner, ('t.,1nbutlon and Share of

, Pn:>fii.: Paul J. Mullins. SO M,;ldon Ave .. Albcnson. N.Y.

• SIOO .. l f•. Term: Until Dec. JI. 202S unlCS$ o.ooncr tcr• mlna1cd. No additl!>nal rontn• b<JtWnt are obllga1cd to be n1o>dc. C11n1rib.ution.s- to be murncd upon dl.ssolutlon, A ,,mhcd pirtncr ma) not a.sslgo, ;sell. 1111nsk r.onllhcr• wise d•>P''"' ,,r h~ ln1c.rc$t In ~bole or fn pan to any pc™'n Cl CCpl b)' will or ,,perotl~n ,or i•w, • AddhlQnal' limited p,.rtnctJ ma)' be 2.dmittcd . No, priority • llmi!cd p1<1ncr<. Any rc m..aln1ng gc,\C111I pannensl nl•Y con• 1iouc the busincs._~ Qn 1he Cleath. dhS<llutJ,on. lnsinity or rctfrcmcnt of • gcncnl p>11ncr. A limited pan/ier may nQI dcmond and· recci\·e pn,pcny 01hcr than cash in rtrurn for his cqn1n1nnion. JIU 7704 , 6 X·4r26. S/3. 10. 17. 2~. 31


40tlO Hempstcao Turnpike, Bc1hp1ge. NY. Substance of Ccnlfica1c of Llmlted Pinner• ship filed In Nassau Count)' Clerk's omcc. March 29. 1985. Business: Supplying and servicing duroblc and dis• ponble mcdlul equipment . and devclopln.11 related medkal scnlces. Gencrll P•nl"'rs (GPs): Ednor Home Care, Inc, . .oeo Hempstud Turnpike: lk1hpage. NY and Midland Supply Corp.. t2'1S Hcmp,stcad Turnpi ke. Bcthpagc. NY. lnlllal Umiled Partner (LP): Mlchac,I N. Grecnblan. J Bering Court. Woodbury, NY, Cash cuntn1nnlon: SI0.~.00. Partnenhlp to, continue 'from year 10 ye•~ untll dissolved by agrccmcnl or GP,s ,,. after 33rd month following forma.tion of the Pannershlp cilher GP ,may dlss.ilve the Panncrship OJI tl)rcc month's notice. No

• cuntributlqns required or LP beyond lnhltl capJtal . Contributions uf each LP. to be .returned upon dlssolutlon or upon wl1hdra\lo>al qr LP subject 10 1hc apprtwal ur the GP,. No I.P an substllu1e •• uslgncc .. -11hou1 the consent of the GPs. No LP can substilulc 1<n •'sslgncc willwul the con;.ctit or the GPs. Net pruf1C. shared: Edni,r•Hume Care, Inc. · SO~. Mldl,nd Supply Curp. · 16-213'-. All LPs • ~-1 / 3~•­A• LP's arc added up to • 111uimum or twenty-four unlls 1he interest or 1he LPs shall decre"ase propuniona1ely. No priiirity' amilng LP, as to return of capll•I or e<>mpcn• satlon . Up~•. dhsulution. liquidation.or b1nkrup1cy or a GP. the Pannirs~le shall be dluol•cc1. No ~P may demand ur reccl,e propcny other than c~sh ln r rc1urn for his e<>n1nbo1lon. A special Jl'>"'Cr of auurney occuted by l.Ps for limllcd PU'P'l>CS, occpl to increase their liabllhy. ls on me II Goldberg & Goldbc'rg. 66 , No. VIiiage Avenue, Rock\'llle Ccnt(c. NY . toUn;.cl ur 1hc P,nnership, BN 2J76 • , 614/ 12.19.26:S/J.I0,17

Conservative Oab M~i& May 15

On W~d°'Jday. May IS, The Mid lslanjl Con.;.cr,,a1lve Oub will • meet at 8 p, m., 11 T.J. , Counneys'. 59'1 SQ, 8101dl"ty. ·

. Hicksvllle, The mect1ng is j>J)Cn to . the public. • '


' - NOTICE TO BIDDERS · · The BoanlofTNllCCS of 1he

Hicksville Free Publk Ubrary qf the Unfon Free School Di.strict No. (7 of,thc Town of Oyster e,y. Hkksvillc. Nus.tu County, New York (ln ac­cordance whh Section IOJ of Ankle ~A or the General M.upidpal uw) hereby, Invites the submlulon of scaled bids on carpeting for the Hicksville Free Public Library of said di<trict afortmcntiqned. Bids

' will be rrcclvCJI untll 2 p.m. on the 20th day of May 1985, at the lllcbvillc l'llblle Llbrory, Jerusalem Avenue, Hicksville . ?t'c:w York. in the ,Librarian's officc•at whkh time •~ct pll<'C all liids will be publicly opened. Spccln1111ions and bids mar bt ob_talneil at the Hicksville Free l\lblie library. Jerusakm A<cnu~. l-lkuville,

' New York. The Board ol iruslccs of the Hit~lc ~ Publlc Libnry reserve •the right · 10 reject ,n bids and •w,ard, thc contr•<t 10 o!hcr than the lowesi biddet, for ony r"i'son dcc11ed Jn 1hc titJt ilJterst of the Library. 1,-ny bid submitted "llb be bJnding for ~S days subicquena to lhe da1e or bid opening. ' '

Boa,dolTna•-•III,• l!'kbvlllt Frce'Publle library - · oflhe TownofQ71ltr8a,:

Hieb•~• NuU11Co1Ulty, - NcwYOtlt

ICtn~ili S. Barnet, Ubra,y •

Mil' 1802 I X SII0



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April In Paris For 5 Stadenm . 011 Friday, Apr!!, S, at JFIC On ,.April 14, Jodi, Amy,

and adventures to abarc pith . thtlr !amUlet · and' fmuda at school. The trip w':!. a • ~at ', latematloul Airport: lltt Bet~· Mlcbelle, Josh, Doan• aad Miu

pa,e stadcnta, Josliaa Bernrtdn, ~c rducuntly uld " Awevolr', Amy Oultls. Donna Plobu, Jodi to Pula, They bad many stories, Jlamb, Michelle Stuzin, and lhdt ' ·


teacher Miu 1.1.ada Lowe uld, "Aurewlrl" to thclr pa,:enta who wished them a "Boa Vora,e" In France.

After tllelr ~hi night to Lu1embour1, the, groap wu,mct · by their AJ'T toor aolde who.took them by mO!ortlOidl to Verdun to visit a World War I war memorial. Students thea yjslttd the (amolll cathedral of llelms whtte Fren~h · klnga have · been tndhlonally coronafed. On Easter Sunday, somt attended mus al Cbarires cathedtal, ifler whlc6 a guide e1pialfted the history or this bcautl(1ll church and lls stained glus windows. The magnlOcent

t cbateau1 of ihe Loire valley; lncJudlng Blois, Chamb<>rd~ Chcoonceaui aad Anau:s. •-ctt nest on the itlntrary. Touring the, French country,lde; S1uden1s also had the opportun11y 10 vlsi.t Jacques Cant.,·s binhplaee. S1.

, MalO. Mt . St. Michel. and Omaha beach lo Normandy where U.S. ltoops landed for the Invasion In 1944, Three days In , Paris cllmu ed the trip as students visited the Eiffel Tower, the· Are

•of Triumph, Notre Dame, Napoleon's tomb. Versailles, aad the Louvre muieum, •

In addition 10 the historical lmponanee or places vl&lted, students began' 10 apprclcalc the Frcnch1 culture ai>d uie_ their French languaac ullls on' a dally buts. ,FN>rD "day one" when Mkhellc Siuiln calltd room ICfYk:e, spoke In Frebch, and asked ror addltlonal toww abe found oat that speuloa Frcodi tt-ally wort.a. "Whal _Mlcl,dle , came daDdoa 11'10 mi room afttt having met •Ith her flrat IU(CCU," uld Mias I.owe, "I bew Mkhdle would have fun llllllg llkllls she bad learned to clan." After high school, Michelle'• plaoa Include a double major of foreign :1aaguage aad lntematlonal ,business' with • junior year ~d al La Sorbonne ID Paris .

Michelle, Amy, and Jodi quktly found out . th~ 'meeting pen paJs and new _friends al "~ Bowling", the cafcs. and "¼' disco" lncludcil speaking Frendi. Jodi and Michelle also st~ at Jcan,Yvca' Salon de Beaute ID-St. Malo tor a new collfutt, With a little courage ud lanitJage skills, the end rcsu:.Jl wru a aii:w look' .. • Joab Bcrn$tilln was quite !mprcsiccl by visiting places such u V_ci;saWes that he ha~ studied about In c!afs. Josh was a!Jo pleased ihal' he could use his Fre_nch. " I roally can ,peak frcnch ,and these people under• stand· me! ' "put ID a P,ract1.,.1 ·situation," uld Miu Lowe, "Jath really manages quite .ell, ll'a really fun to ·see 11udcn_1s meet with auccess. Enthudum for French Is high aaci othet students plan 10 visit France ncrt year."

Dinner 11 a Crcperie gave Donna Pluhar bet lint chance t!) speak French with .het Patjslan pen pal, Julie. Whea J,ulk's mother otreted to show l>onna around Paris tbc nm day, Donna e,:perlcnced "total 1mmen1oo•-: Sbe wu 1otali1 sunvunded by French lao8'1ace aad Frtnch people (or the day. .Donna en)O)'ed a boat ride on • "baleau mouc11e1•, 'lunch at iJ,c Ellfd Tower, and shopping al "Les Galleries Wa,ctle.''

DeGna PliJl&r, Jadl 'Rami., Mlebelle SCUID, /utJy Gf!Dda ud, Jou Jlerulelo .WI "la•,T_, EUfel'', ,

• !'

Bi·andon Builders Homel~ •FamDy8- •E•IC111laa •Pa.tlo

Allfflt'°" • Ba~ • ANDERSEN WINDOWS

• Ut72016000I

George Bnndon

'-..,, I t;;

Top oioeey,nlolq ~ Ill Fodi laae Sdlool'' J-p-A,n.,. ~ ~ plttllN4 a.- w-1111 t1M1r ~. Wt 1o,rla),1t a.rt. K-..Wil, ~ Dmj Lda, Owl& 'Robe7, ~ Pdlldcn ud Jfd DlamNd. Slslli 5' ,......_, Mattl,ew GoWl aoe III pl,olo. 1111a..,.. team nlNd Wl.80 :::: ud die odioGl'o psiid IOl'al WM 14,364.37.,.-JI f• a wo,tl,y euaer the ti! . Heart "-dalloa,

Fodl l.aii Cd, p,llr CllrW1aa e.a- ,....U:, ......,_ ._. cirdllcsle. Ck1o11M ...., nlNcl -- ._. ,_ Ille BNrt • A-I tee"'--,__,·,....._, Klee .-.1

College ·€redits At B~ H.S. In cooperation wiih the Enallsh

l>cpanmcnl cl Adelphi Urtl'ICr: ' 1il7. a new' program will be lns11tu1td In Bethpage Hlah School In September. 1985, In which Senion may choose ro earn ~I• (6) college credits Ip English.

. Adelphi bu aeeepttd'. two (2)

J. Students will enjoy llbrar,·, privileges u well as the oppor• 1uni1y 10 ancnd' unlvenlry 1CC: llJrea•

4, 0

The unlvcnlt7 pi:ovldes a "Speakers' Bureau" eompoud of members of chc racull)' who 'tl'ill come 10 Bcthpage High School lo spdk to the scnlors'ln I~ college cour,e.s; •

S. S1udenl1 will ~••c advanced, s11tus In !English credits;

In addition lo ihe above, the program i;,.,111 prov}dc the students '"llh the opponunlty 10 gain eapcr!cnee in college lcv~l wor•.

'Tom 'lbumb' At Llbl1!1'Y

• Engllsh coursa (Greek [!Tama and Shakesp.,.re_) c,uttntly ofre(• cd by . Bcthpagc High School's English, I!q>artment. 'lbe Greet Orama course 1, listed In, Ac!elphl's . Coµ'rse of ~rud!~ u English,282 "A' Survcy of Dram• and· rho Theatre I," and the Sh1tcipearc rouric: appears u Englisli' 241 ''Shakespeare I." Mr. Roben Sarli, who tnche• the 1forcmcit11oncd councs. has, bttn. granted the status of Adjunci lrutN~lo< within the College of Ans and Selcncu 1.1 Tom Thumb, a boy no blB1rr Adelphi with full ,staff privileges than your thuinb, but ~. very '.Ind responsibilities. clever! On S11urday, Msy II, the

After enrolling in the coarse<1), Beth page .Public U!,rary will .seniors may ohoose chh<er or both show the u cillng film favori1e for coll<ege credit. They ·must '"Tom Thumb" (color 98 min). In make 1hci~ intentions ~nown 10 • which Tom•deals:wlih dangeroos the unlvcrshy before tlie rcglstia• animals, outwits a variety of lion dci dllnc end must pay a fee villains, and eludes a man-.catlng of m for each coiJrse, Upon o'grc wcarfng .-,en•ltaguc boou. suceenful oompletion of the Come on over and Join T~m In • courK, the grade will be forward• wild series of •m.crry ~dvtnluru ed 10 the Reg!otrar ~, ~delphl and and mlsidvcnt,u=. The fl111 malled io 1hr 1ludentalthe end of boasts an eicltln~ musical ...,.,, the 1~m. Students who wish Academy A.ward "fln/iln3,spcrial grades Knl 10 01her universities effects, Puppctoon Sft!Uenees aod must make requests In "'1'tlng, uars Run Tamblyn,, Terry

Bejhpage nudents who elect to Thomu and Peter Sellers. pa11idp,1·1e in the program will Showtlme b 2 p.m. All school bcnclll In lb<! following WI)'$! ... youn~len who ttllde In

I . A subSlantlal flnandal Dl11ricl ,21 , the Bcthpagc School savings' or u mud! u ..,..en1 Dlstricl, arc ' Invited 10 attend. hundN>d dollus, since_ many Tickets ,re D0'il' avallable ID the tollcg<!s cha,ac at luit SI(!() per Bcthpaac Library Children's credit; • Room. p.,. funher 1lofonnatloa,

2. Students will have status u 1ndergraduat_cs of Adelphi Unlvcrsll!l

ple&K calhi31 •J9()7 •


~ VFW "Buddy" Poppy Drive ~ The Will.lam M. Gouse Jr. Post No. 32ft•Ve1eran'1 of F~n Wan

•61 of Rlcbvllle of'lldally optn<d Its ·•Buy a Poppy • Wear • Poppy 1>1 Tbday". Contributloas. whatever the 1lze, aR u~ to l,clp lcu I> fonDJ>&te .. buddies". £ac-h docauo11 will say, "Thn-e but rm the Grace ~ of God ao r ·. ~- Hclplna In ihc "Buddy" popjiy drive arc Boy SccutJ of Amerks a: T'9C)p 3211, 1poMOffd by the V.F.W. £.

AathoaJ' a.,u, CeemaNffl l.uT>' Nnbnatt, Jolla,...,_ m wl Wllllul F~tt, Qaa,1amaaltt,

T., row, Aathoay ~- Ceem""'1 ~ FNIIAocltt. BelC.. ,_, Todd eatu.a., Robm lzm, ~ a..,,.la ud S-tmaalff Biiu i.,,0,,1,

h I

tt, ••rt~ . . Uh Howard lkraeroo, 111c1111M,r bayltoa llnt "Baddy" poppy of the cllfttt A.a~y Cll<pal. Comawtdu,

I;!. c:.i...wu.o, ltobat lao, l'olt Oi.lplaln ~ Seoalmalttr llrlan


News From .­Road ·Runners Muw.oe Dlnci#, SddanWp Awwda ta HlpllpC May a-R---,n MH'llaa ,

A tali'liy Lon& bland Ma,athon 1 Tethnlul Dirtttor ,Oayld Kall

and the award ol POBRRC'a,1985 S£holarshlJ>J Will hlahliah~ the "'ay 21 mttdna or the Plahovlcw­Old lle1hpa,c !load Run'!._cn Club. Videotaped hlghtrgh111 or the 1985 Plainview PBC IOK Run will alJO be 1hown.

The mttting will be held at the Plaln•l<1"-01d Bethpaac Public Llbra,y, surdn,g promptly 11 a p.m. The gene,al public 11 motl • -~kvs:oe co aucnd.

Katt, ihe Pmldalt ol Finl~ • Linc Promotion• of Port Wulltna • ton, 11 one or the world's lcadlna • caperts ln road ratt manaaemenl and course measurements. Ht hu betn the Ttthnlcal Dllffloror the Lona Island Manlhoo fo, the past aevtnl ytln, as •-ell u the: Tcthnlca.1 Dirttto, of other majo, road raca. boch 011 LoDa bland and throughout the oountry. He hu alJO ~ u. CODSUltant IO the Ath1etks Congn,u, the New"' York Road Rurtncrs club. and the Road Runn<"n Club of America.

Tht Club Scllolanhlps ,will be prcunt<d by Mlchacl Kay<", Chalnnan of POBRRCs Scholar• ship Comml~ct••• .sJ00 sa~lnas bond to a dcstrvlng h1gh Khool unio<. and a,. ..... atthe Runn111$ S<hool Cross Counny al Camp Alaonqu!n In Lue Ge«ae, 10 a young5ter or any age actl•e In n1nning on an on-going bu11. The: d....;cu will be -.tty diffiallt, H thttt have bcn scvcnJ Ollt• standina applatlons (o, both 1ehol&nhlps.

, For more Information about POBRRC or about Long Wand n1nnlng and ndna ga,cnUy. wl Cub PresidtDI 'Mile Pob1Uty at 433.()919.

o..c, = "'-,. 1-t (l,Eaal ...... ...,.) ....,.,,.,_ Glau w-..tPllllll.tew tt 1111 ..,._ te die Utdted S-Mlftar7 ,._,_,,Gleaa,__.,_,,,.n,lolpodieel ..... ,__ ~F-6C.S,- 1knll>tcktte ......... a.-laalleatea....,. ......., ,_ ewe. - .__ Clo■■ .. - die MIIIM7 ~ al Wed~ - a ..i- fll die 0- el Jte, lal« CW. ,..



TERM I.TES .,.,.. ~---;;·, ~· ASK FOR A 'COMPLETE

•. - · HOME INSPECTION- HOWi ~ Quid<Jr, Mid IOOllloftll d.llNQt Bliss

_ _,_ • tam,lterxpe,u-pl\!1ou,ltC/lnblNf!-~ o,wacenllllyofltainedc,q,erie,Q. Thry'ld,tdtyou,entiltl'IO<lleand hllp)'OCIMidaddolioNIIWoClllffls. 5,ato,w-anlltlndetdld.

PHONE: 627-5588



Buckley · €ountry Day School Invites You ... ~o Invest In The Future



Thursday, May 16 . 9:00 a.m.

•superior education ln a caring environment •pre•scbool curriculum etre11lng basic readlne88 aJdlls • reading, writing & l.latenlng

•computer grades K-8 •French at grade 4, Letln at grade 6 •adence on an Integrated basis Cor all grade lev\la

Come and meet our students, faculty, and pare.nta.

P:w ~ W.. eths, wTtte • callt

BUCKLEY COUNTRY .DAY SCHOOL I.U. WWeta Rd., North Hills, Roslyn, NY 11567 616-627-1910

B.S. Troop 291 Flea Market

B.S,A. Tn,op 291. IIJ)Ollsort'CI by Trinhy Lu1hcnn Cburdl. Nkbobl Sttttt, lficlmJJe Is havlna a Fund RaWna Flea Muket an Memorial Day, Monday. May 27 rro'in ID a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or ahlne.

Weather pttmlttlna the Flea Marw wW be held aatdoun on 1he two C2) aae playpow,d across the stttet from Trinity ... rain, WC will ao lndoon In the gym.

The playlf')Und wlll be divided Into 2"1ltes-011e for Crall Sellen and the other aide wW be for Fleu,auk treuure1, aar•a• hold- atd Just good old "white clephtnll,"

Yoo can help your Boy S<:ouu raise much needed money to repla« worn oul tents and equip­ment by:

I . Renllna a •pace (S' • JO') for your lovely cralu-$15. ehects made 001 to Boy S.:OU1 Troop 29 J. (111 deducdble)

l. ·Holdlna your 1&111ae sale at Tri11lty.

l. Donulna your mable or unwanted Items 10 the B.S.A. white elephut table.

◄. Usloa lhe ..- cl "'" B.S.A. car wuh.

Yoo may have had a table al , other falra aad nca marteu In ycan aone by and we would llkc 10 oft'cr you the oppartuaity to tu:e paf1 and/or attend our Community Falt this MemorW Day•afltt the sdrrlna parades. come share a pleasant outing with. the Boy Scouts,

As • Seller, you provide your own table and chalr,wc ~ Piiblldty,

Why noc - a ~ for your Craft Wort oo the ~ cs,;r. or our Play...,..nd-or lbc West Side of our playground will fcacurc all coll«tlblel and While clephanu.

Coii1ac, Allill F. Shive, e.s.s. Troop Mother for more !Dfom,a, tloo or to rcKm: a space with your Cllttk fof SIS made 001 10 O.S.A, Troop 291 ... Thcre's not much llmc•do II today.

Anita F. Shive, 38Quarry Lane, Lcviuown, New Yott 11756.


Scaled Dlda. subject io all Instruction•. terms and c,aadi, tioos hcftla and pumw,t lo the spcdfka1looa will be re• m-s by The lloanl of Fuc C<>lllffliuloocn ol the BJCXS. V1tLE mtE DISTRJCI' a t 20 East Marie Street, Hldnllle, New Yott 11n1U 8:00 p.m. prevallilla tlme, May 21, 1985, for the followloa:

Pouttd aumleu Ooorioa for three lltthooaes, lndadlng walls, l1odl1111 llld min. Complete 1pecl6catlon1 for

the above ltem1 may be' ob· talned at the om« or t.he Dispatcher, H lct nllle Fire Hoose, 20 East Marie Street. Hld.sville, New York.

Each bid must be aecompan• led by «r110ed cheek or bid bond for 10'9 or bid pritt.


IDCKS\'ILIZ mE BOOSE Dared: M•J I , 1985 Allest: Georsc Frey, S«'y. MIT 1801 bS/10




GIVEN lhal , pllflllllll 10 the ~atlon of the Boud ol Education or Hicksville Union • Free School District, Hlctsvllle New Yott, adopted Auaust 29, 1934, ihe (AllDul) Dlslrict 1

Elm1on or the quallllcd YOtcn of this School District wlU be held on Wednesday, Ma,1 22, 1985, bcl\lfe<!D lhe hoo,:1 of tD:00 o'doc:k' A.M. (D:s.T.) and 10:00 o'clod: P,M. (D.S.T.) In the aevca Election Districts, ,1a1ed below, ror the purpose or votloa upon the ro11ow1na propo.l1lon: '

PROPOSITION NO. I Shall the Budaet appro¥CCI

by the 8oud or Education pursaanl 10 Seel.Ion 1716, be approved, and a w on the tauble propffly o( lhe District lo the amount or auch Budsct lcu Sme and Federal Aid and rev=ues from o4hcr sources,

, be levied?

NOTICE ts..., flJRTBER GIVEN that 'ibomlaatlna petlllon1 (or 1he ofl'icc or member or the Board • or Education must be rued with • 1be Oert or the School Dislrict no later than thirty (30) days bdorc 1bc (Annual) Mccdna, 111d date being Monday, April ll, I 985 between the hours o( 9:00 a.m1 ' and 5:00 p.m. A Kplrale petition ahaU be ~quired 10 nomlaate a caodldatc to cad! ..cparate ~. Eacb pctltloo shall be ~e4 ·1o tllt Out ol the School District, shall be •laned by at lcslt 76 qusllfled votcra or the Dlstricl (lhe umc belna two pcrttnt (2'9) or 1he number o( YOICra who YOl.ed In the P~• Annual Mccllna, ahall Sllle the ruldenee or qgi signer, lhe name and residence ol the candidate, and dc1c11be the spcclnc vacancy for which the candidate la nominated. which dcaeriptloa shall lodude al the length or the term or • the offitt and name o( the lall Incumbent. Forma or pedclon for School Board Membera may be obtained from the Clerk of the School Distrid. - The ro11ow111a vacandc:s .,.,

IO be filled 00 the Board of Education:

3 year term endltig June 30th. 1988 WI Incumbent: '­William P. Dcnnell

l year cerm ending June 30th, 1988 wt Incumbent: Thomas F. Naale

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN th&I Personal Rcglslratlon and Election Districts have been established lo the! • District, that no penoa ahall be entitled to YOte a t the (Annual) Dlstrlcl Elecllon whose name dou not appear on 1hc n,glsccr or the School Distlc1, unless 1uch penon Is reglsten,d under the pro,,lsions or Sectloo 5-6U. or the Election Law and those qualified 10 tt&lstcr and vote shall do so, In the School Election 'Dl11ric1 In which they reside.


NOTICE IS PURTREll GIVEN lhal copies or. Che 11a1emen1' o r eallmalcd expenses for th• acllool year • l98S-l986 may be obuloed by any tupaycr In the lltstrict al each sdlool bouie lo lhe District dally e1cq,t Saturday and Sunday on and aftCT May IS,J985, bclwccn 9:00 a .m. to 4:00 p.m. and thal uy o4her propositions 10 be YOled upon att •"llable for l.nsp,dlon by any tupayer In the .District 11 each sdlool ~ In the Dlai,ict dally ucept Salurday and Sunday on and after t,fay IS, 1935, between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

NOTICB IS FURTHER GIVEN that a P'!blic hcarina ahall be held on AprU 25, 1985

, at the Senior High School for the purpose of dlsa:uion or the erpendltun, ol ftn'da and the budaetlna 1hered.

NOTICE IS FllllTRER GIVEN tbs\ the Board ol R~tlon ahall 111«1 In the IC'YCfl (7) EJeeuoa Dislrict.1 described below on: Wednesday, May IS, 1985 from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. (D.S.T.).

Any person ahall be en11t.led to have his name placed upon such rcaJsctr pnwided tbal at such mectlna or the Board or Regia\ratlon he pnMS to lhc ullsfactlon or such Board or Reglstraclon 10 be then or tbcrcaflcr entitled 10 vote 11 the achoool meeting tr election for which such rcp1cr Is prepared. Said reaister wlll be

,Oled In the offlec or the Oerk o(the Dlstrkt on May 15, 1985 llld wUI be open (or Inspection by any qualll'ied YOecT of the District fn,m 9:00 a.m. to .f :OD on 1ny wed: day Tlom May 16, 1985 up to and Including May 22, 1985 . Rcsldenll who voted 11 an Annual Mectlna or the Dlstricl wilhin four yeara frvn the date o( the curr•ol (Annual) Meeting, or who n.-aJsccrcd within that time aced not

r n,gis1er to be ellgible1ovote al the (Annual) Meeting, Residents otherwise 'qualified to VOie who att reals1ercd under the pruvialon of Section 5-612 of the Election Law need no« register to be eliaible 10 . vote at the Meeting. ' NOTICE IS FURTHER G1V1!N thal during lhc voting boura on May 22, 1985. The 8oud ol Reptradoa will meet In the various election

,districts to reeelYC rqlstratloo for tJie ensulna year.


The boundaries of lhe s.chool election dlstrl,:t1, as adopted by rt:solu1loo ol the Board or Education and the plm In each election dl11ric1 for rcglstrallon and voling shall be u follows:

E:l.ctloa Dlstlict No. I 8tu,,e AWIIN Sdooel

On the East: BNlid'f•Y• ftom.tbe District's North Unt', to the lntersccdon Jcruulcm Avenue and Broadway, con tinuing Soulh alona

• Jerusalem Avenue 10 I.he Intersection of Jrruulem Avenue and the Loog laland Railroad. ,

On the Sooth: lbe Island Railroad . from Jerusalem Avenue 10 the District's West line.



On the Wesl : The Dislrict'a Well line rn>m the Lona Island Railroad to the Disirict's Nonh Une. ~

On the Nonh: The D!11rict'1 North line from 1he District'• West line to Broadway.

Electlee DliMct l'Co. l EulS-Sdolol

OD the E.111 and Nonh, MIiler Road as projected 10 che Dlslrict'a Nonh line. Sooth alona uid MIiier Road lo Ronald Avenue. lhefl Eul along Ronald Avenue to

• Woodbury Road, then t:/0rth•, CHI along Woodbury Ro.,d 10 Arasley Gate, then Southeasc, through Ardsley Gate 10 Dartmouth Drive. thefl Souch, West and South through Dartmouth Drive to Its inter• stttlon whh Haverford Ruad, I.hen Eu1 to the lnfenectlon of Havnford Road and,Dcltshlrc Road, 1hc.n Eut alona Bert.' ahltt Road to Ill ln1erscalon with Cola mbla Road. theft East along Columbia Road 10 1bc D!stricl's East line. then Souch along the District's East line to the Long Island Rsilroad.

On the South and South•nt • Iona lh! Lona laland Railroad fn,m the Dlatrlct's East line $0Ulherly point. to the lncer• section or the Long Island Railroad and Jerusalem Avenue •

On the West: Bn,adway from Jcruulem Avenue 10 the District's Nonh line.

On the Nonh: The District's North line from Broadway 10 Milin Road. as pru;«ied 10 said line.

1!lodlta Dlllltct Ho. 3 W ....... A•-St..a On the Nonh, Nonhcast and

East alona the Discrict's Nonh One, from MIiier Road, .. projected to the Discrict's North line. 10 lhc Distric1'$ East line. ,

On 1he Ea11: Sou1h alona 1he Dislrict's East line. from 1hc Dlstrkt's North line. 10 Columbia Road.

On the Soulh and West : Colu,nbla Road. from the Dltulct'• Eut line West to Dcrbhln: Road, then Weil alona Berkshire Road 10 Haverford Road, and conlinu• Ing Weit.on Haverford Road 10 Dartmouth Drive lhcij Nonh and Northeast alona Dartmouth Drive 10 Ardsley Cate; then Nonhwest through Ardsley Cale 10 Woodbury Road, lhen Southwest along "(oodbury Road m Ronald ~venull\, then West along Ronald Avenue 10 Minot Road, then North alun1 Miller Road and conllnulna thereon as h 1, projected, to the Dlt1rict's North line.

Electlee Dlllrkt No. 4 LeeA-Sdlool

On the East,Northcul, lhe Long Island Rsllruad, from hs l111ersectlon whh Old Country Road. 10 the Southerly point or the Dislrict'a Eut llne.

On I.he Sooth, ihe Dis1rict's Sooth l,Jnc, rrom the Lona Island Ra.Utoad, Soo1hwcs1crly loco Michigan Drive. then South along said District Jin• to Ille Hem pslead Township line, then Nonhwesccrly dona 1h,; District's Soolh Une to Jcruulcm Ave11uc.

On the West and Nonh, along Jerusalem Avenue from the Dislrkl's Sooth line, lo

Salem Gale, then West alona ,Salem Gacc 10 Salem Road, then f10rtl) IQ H&Jtln Lane, then l'!orlhwcst alorla Hartl• Lane 10 Dlvulon Avenue, then North alona Dlvuioa Avenue to G lcnbrook Road. lhca Nonhweat along Glcftbroct Road to Ncwbridac Road, the• Nonhwctt along N.,.,.bridp Road 10 Old Country Road. 1hen Eu1 along Old Counuy Road lo che Long bland P Railroad.

Electlea District Ho. s Ferlt tu. StMOl 3:

On the East: Jerunlcn 6 Avenue (rum Sale~ Gate, 10 ; the Dl.aulct's South line.

On lhe Nonh: Salem GIit, Weal from Jerusalem A•~ur, • 10 Salem Road. then N0rth ffi aloa1 Salem Road 10 Harkin Lane, then Northwest alona Harkin Lane 10 DMslo• Avenue, Ihlen Nonhwcscerly ajyng Division Avenue IO • Glenbtnol< Road 1hefl wa1 alona Clcnbrook Road l o

• Newbrldae Road. , On the West: Nowbrid~

Road, from ()l,nbrook Road en the Nonh, 10 the Diicrict's Sooth Unc. .

On the South: 'the Dl11rict's Sooth Unc. from N...,brid,c Road on che Well , 10 Jc-Nulcm Avenue on the Eu1.

El«tlon Dtwlct N•. 6 Dakh Lane School

On chc East: Ncwbrid&e Road. from Elmira s,,..,1, 10 the District'• South line.

On lbc South. the D111rict's South line, from Ncwbrld&e ~oad, on the East, to the Lhllnct'a Wut line.

On the Wc.1: the Dl11ric1'11 West line.

On che West: 1bc Districl'1 Wesi line, from the Dlstrla's : Soolh fine ICI Anew Latfc . .. uld Lane Is projeefcd W,cst 10 the Dbulcc', West line.

On Che North: from Amiw Lane, u projected 10 che Dbtrlet's We\l line. Ease and &Iona said Arrow Lane, 10 Lc1,l11own Parkway. then sooch along Lcvlm,..·n Partway 10 Bc«h Lane. lht.'n East along Beech Line co Olueberl')' Line, chen South along Blueberry Lane 10 Elmira Street, 1hen E&lt along Elmln Strcc1 1u Ncwbridae Road,

!lcc1Joe Dl•lrlct No. 7 Old Coutotry Road School

On the l'!orth and Northea11: lhc Long bland Rallroad from che District's .,.,, line 10 the lnlcracctloo ot the Rallrood with Old Country Road.

On the Soulh and East: Old Country R°"d from its lnltr• a«tlon wh~ lhe Long lsllfld Rsllroad, WHICrly lo New, bridge Road, theft Sou1hwes1 &Iona N .... bridge Road 10 Elmln S1rec1. then Wnt alona Elmira Screct to Blue• berry Lane, then Nonh along Blueberry Lane 10 Beech Lane, then Wc11 alona Beech Lane lo Lcvlttown Partway, Chen North a!,pna Lcvluown P&tkWlly 10 Am;., Lane. then Wesc alona Arrow Lane: and as projected to lhc District's West line.


Hlct.avllleU-l'Nc S......DkCrtct

Hlcbvllle, T ... .t ._ Oytlcr&.y,N,T,

J-A.Wlldtt Dlao!cta.fll

i •

't .



Ubrary To Cose Midland ~eeting With Celebration NOTICE ~ Named V. Pres. E or Bank Th• Hldsvllk Publk Ubtary The npt mcetini of the

has been lnformtd by'thc Long Midland Civic Assoc, will be held The pro1ram fM the evening

will indudc a talk on "A Nelab­borhood Watch", which wlD in>trun us In ho,o• to watch out fer each others u!cty and ' propcrty. WMrc thi• prognm ls In effect. lhcrc b • dttrcue in crime.

BA VE YOU A HIDD!NTAU!H1' lliatllaayet1abe6ce,en,dla pr1a,, w Michael Lembo has been

~ namtd an aulstanl •~ ptttldcn1 a.I ol Na1lon1I Wu1 mlnsttr B11nt i USA, h wu annovnc-cd toc!Ay by

Island Uahtlna Company thal the a1 the WUlet Avenue School on • library mull be do$cd on Friday. Thursday. May 16. 11 8 p.m. h

w .... ...,...,_rwanldee,­••C'H<IJaa 3,000 wenla, - loail lepln, opl•I••• • ldeu, ■INI piatftlav!ak_'-a..., .... I - William T. K~1 ... prc,l<kt,1,

May 10 (ralndal< May 17) '° 1hat •ill be a•happy occuion. u ,..., they nn ronnce1 the library will • be cclebratin1 , our fil'II

l ..; ,-1r. Lembo I, a lending off~ r

· _;- in lhc Commcrdal Banting Di•• ~ !don orNa1Wh1 USA'sCommun, f hy Banting Group.

meter. Th• libnry wlll be open ' viCIO<}', ihe defeat ol the "White Sa_}urday, May II . 1 c .. 11 ... ~ ptrmlh

C'-«10 llcooe . .. - ........ a«1loo, ... wm..,. .. .. ~.

-!! Mr. Lembo. who has a

l "" bachelOr·• degr« and MBA

d<(tr« lrom C.W. Pos1 College, reside< in lllt ks.llle, ,-hh hj,

Students Help Special Olympics

.. ,ire. Jcnnlf<r. •


NOTICE i, h,reby gh-cn. f'Ur&uanl 10 law. 1h11 a publl< hearing " 'Ill be held ~y the Town Board of the To,.'n of o,,-1n- Bay. NU)OU County. NCI' Y«t, on Tuuday. May 21, 19&5. •• 10 o'dod a.m .. prc:•alllng time. In the H<1ring Room, T"'l"n Hall , wt Build• Ing. Audrey A,tnue, Oyster Bay. NCI'• Yo,k, ror the pur• po'° or ronJoderlng an applica• 1lon 10< • ,pedal ~ pcrmil pur1u1t to lhe Building Zont Ordlna cc ol 1hc Town of Oy)lcr ay u followa: PRO, POS£D1SPECIAL USE PER• MIT, Petition or CUAIIL01TE

~ AVENUE ASSOCIATES and NASUU COUNTY INDUS, TRIAL: DEVELOPMENT AGENCY for special permit• slon 1n1 permit In an " H" lndusubl District tbc ron• IINCllon of a one &tory 4200 "!UH~ focx bulldln1 for utiliu• 1lon ),1 Allilll< Insurance Compiny. ror the F(0<age, ulva1lng and d isposition ol dama,cd mot<>< v,,hlclcs. !he 1dju11lng or dalms. the train• ln11 ol personnel and other rcla1<d uses In connection 1hert •hh. o'h the lollowlng dcKribed premises: ALL thal ccnaln plot. piece o, parcel or land, shu11c II Hkbville, To-n or<>,;11er Bay, Coun1y ol Nu~au and State of New York which h dc$cribed u follows: An lntgulu parcel of land IO<Jl<d •• lhe sou1h•cs1 (Of•

ncr of Chartoue S1rccr CA><• nurl and land of the Long hl&nd Rallroad. hning a fro1111ge nn Charloue Street cA,enu<)of appro1lma1tly 143 feet. a nonhcrly ,Mk line 1bu11in11 1be Lo,,g l>land Rall, road of appro,lma1ely 280 feel , • " cslerly , Ide line of 1ppro1lm>1rly ISO feet. and a sou1hrrly side line of approsl, matrly 269 loet. SAID prcm• lsu being idtnlificd as ~ ;.,n II, Bloc-k J26. Lot 215 on the Land and Tu Map or Nas»u Coun1y. The abovemen1ioncd ~tlllon •nd map which at• rompani<"' It arc on fik and ma) be ,ic .. ,d dally (e,.ccpt Saturday, Sunday or Holida11l bc1,.ecn the hour, of 9 a,m, and ◄:◄S prevailing

• time. 11 1hc omcc of the TOl<n Clert >1 Oy,.1er Bay. Hkb\'llle and Maua~qu1, An)' person iniernted in the subject m111er of the said hearing • ill be given an opponuni1y 10 be heard wllh rcrcrence ther<10 al the tlmt and place above desl1na1ed, TOWN BOARD OF TOWN OF OYSTf:a BAY. JOSEPH COLBY, Supervlso<. ANN R. OCKEll, To,.·n Clerk. D11rd: April JO. 1965. Oy,1er Bay. New Yo,k, MIT 1799 115110

Sunday. May S, wu • beautiful day: thc,ly was(lear. the air wu warm and brccty, and the .ircc1s of Garden City ••re lined with •

. auku in lull bloom. On the rampu1 ol Adelphi Unlv,,nlly, a launch or p111el,t<>lored balloon• signaled the o~ning of the 16th Annual Spttlal Olympics, 11 one of the smallul .. ,ped al ol),nplaM" carrkd • lit 1orch down the dnder track • near Woodru!f Hall .

II "u al.o a beautiful day fM eighteen students from Hlc\JY!llc: xnio< High Sc,hool, who had wlun1eered 10 give up a free day ,In order 10 pa11ldpa1< In this cvcnt. At elght,thlrty, ihe tat•

• pools rrom Hlcu,ille began to arrive, and • hall-hour later the following students had jolntd o,hcr hlah "hool studcnia from Nusau County in 1he 8)'m" nulum: Marlo Slnord, Ann Marie Madin, Julia Whaley, Marcy Meyer, Abbe Weindcnfdd, Ann Kenny, Jeannine D' An1onlo, Uu Surowlce. Eliubcth Santoriello, Jennifer Unae, Joann DIC.rlo. Them.I Mahoney. Uu Buller. Colleen Donahue, DiaM Kon«k. David Rick. Lon Cluumano. ~Narcs.

µ ch of the "ehapc.Nnes," as. the student volun1<eu were dHlgn11<d. had been Introduced to one of the spclal olymplans. Some. like J immy.~ finMlme pa111dp1n11 who clung 1lah1ly to the band, of their new friends. 01hcrs were older than their chapclones. like lla)TnOnd, who ,. ... a v<1eran of many Spttlal Olympic> events. and I• the proud PC>SftCSSOr of $C\'eral medals.

. By the i nd or lh< day. during ,.hlch each con1es1an1 pan ldpal• td in II lcut , .. o ... , .... cv,,ryone WU smlllns. eahau,ted. proud of the prizes • On and accompllshements reached. II was diflkuh 10 know who had th<' best time • 1hc olyn,plan o, hb chaperone. All had enjoyed the thrill of chtttlna Olhcr ron, 1es1an1s: of munching hOI dog.s, apples. Dcvll Dogs,, and alpplng lemonade: of awapping 11ories about their rcspce1lv,, schools. Most Important of all, each had alven the other • most valuable gift: a new friendship.• The members of the Nallonal ,Honor Society, the Voiunt«r club, and the SIUdtnl body or HlcknUlc High School hope to be chapcronu aaaln in the na1 )Ur's Spttlal Olrmplcs.

Hkbvllle can be proud of the young people who gav,, up a day lo brina joy and Atb(actlon' 10 people who must live their l!vu by the motto of the Special Olympie,: " If you win, be prqud. If you don't w,ln, be brave".

Ptrmancnl officers and .mom• bcn of th• Board will·be .iectcd and 1hn inJtallrd by our Assem­blpnan. D•n.Frika, Present w!D bt many notable guclls: Councilm•n Tom Clark a nd l(.cnneth Diamond, ind Prc1I, dents of 01h<1 tMc usoda1lons In Hk uvilk and Jericho.

The n~ll mccling will end with a lOdal "here ,.,e can talt to each other°'" coffee arid cal<. ,Do romc!. tr you ha,cn't joined

)'Cl, 1hi 1 b the 1lmcl Become pan o( the ••voice" for No<th Hlcks.­,i lle, ~1 ,hall lmpl'O\'c the quality of lire (or all of us!

- 11ew f-lnadillrdcleud ,niter pn wed.. ~ wrlm wllJ be rtlmbancd ......... olSJS.00

u,-...... ,1.oi..~uc1 1iep&r1otaa ..... .,~ )OU ... , .. bcnu yov llrdcle IOI

Ut- Pablkallon1, 81 Eaat Battl&y Sc...ct, llleb.m.,, NY 11ao1 I

Tllfff b~ bmt a loc of tbJisn la I- ltlcplloef e Wlaal Is ~al acme? .U a malt tl 1k ~ tl business ~tly. But ft'rt still )'Our local pbone lhc &II Sys1t111. New York Tdcpbonc no 1ongo- pro­company. We make It possiblc for you 10 be conllt'Ct• vides 10111 diJUnc:t RrVicc 10 points oullidc )'OUI ed 10 the remarkable network that meets the commu- Rcaional Ctlllna Atta. However. wi: an: )'OUr buic nlcatl?M needs of all New Yort.m. link to the companies 1ha1 do provide It. To read!

N ... u. _..., ot •• NYNEX family of COIIPI• many or Iliac companies. )'OU cwmllly havt iO di41 nics. Nrw Yon Teks,honc is on the lcadina ccf&,,: of additional numben.• We arc rcpropammillg our advanca in 1tlca>mmunications tcdtoolot:Y, nctwort. so lhat you will be abk IO rcacb the tq

For cumplc. '"' art IIUU!lina cables arou.nd the disunce company of your choia: by simply dialiN state conlaining hair-thin libcn made or s)ass. One " I" plus the an:a code. That's cqllll aca:ss. We plan pairofthe,e fiber optic stnnd$ can carry thousands or to have equal ac=s conn«tions to abou1 half o( our phone convcrsalions at ollC time - comp:arcd with C\lllomcn by the end or 1986 and will continue to the 20 convnsations 1h11 can be carritd by conven- updalC our offices into the ru111rt. tional copper cables. Fiber optics ffllld our service We art inuoducing cqllll access ovtr a period or 1\1~ efficient. so it could make your home or busi - time. accordina to a coun-approved Khedule. We'll ncss service !cu e~pcnsive. be kccping you infonned about when It is scheduled

We have m on:- fiber opllc cabk in' use l"•n any IQ come to )'Our am. 01hcr•communications company ·in the country. • Whal Is 111 acttJs chlflt! AettSS •lwsn an p,u1

Despite all the emphasis on ntw 1cchnolOl)I and or the rtpricing or phone service tnlldc necessary b)' thana,: 1hcsc dllys. something old fuhloned docs rt- the introduelion or competition in the 1elca>mmun1-m1in. That"s our t'On«m for the qu,lity or your cations industry. II is a new Sl~•month c~ to be servi~ added to home phone bill.s and 1ing)c-line busincucs

Httt arc sqsnlfom 1&.1 htlp r1111 att the mosl oat suining June I. La.11tr bu,incsses art alrtady p:ayina or 1~1 servioe -:- and to 'help you get ans\ffl'I to an acc:as charge or nearly Sf l)te ntw charse is lhc qucsuons )'OIi m1&)11 ~ result or• Fcdml Commun1cauons Commission de,, • YOIII' New' Y•k Ttltl boot H- pboot wnb cision.. II will help us pay the cow of opcnti111 and fCl)fC'SC1111tive can an~'tf questions )'OU mig)tt ha.-e malntain1n1 the line that conn«U )'our home Of of, about the phone serv~ wc provide in )'our fiomc. ~ wi1h our oentral off'1ec. For us.. these costs contin­Your Biaincs.s phone strvicc rtprt'!(nlltivc can han• uc ~tdlcss of bow m1ny calls you make. die questions .about the phone ift"Jce wc provide for Last No•tmbcr, •t uktd tht stalt'• Public~ your ollioe. Tbeir telephone numbers an: !isled in the Commission for a nte lllf!'CISC that v.ould tal:c cft"ttt Customtr G11idc p:aacs or )'OUr telephone dil'fflOC]. in la1e 198S. Public hcarinp were held at various and on your phone bill ~r scrvi« is available 1r locations around the ,uite during March and April. A you art hav111g trouble. wnh Y!>ur 1C!cphone lillC$. decision on our ffi!UCSl is due in Oc1obcr. Telephone numbers ror the rq,a1r service oenten an: Do )'OU Iulo• ho• many ltltpltoet 1ttt1 <'Oda IUtt also located in the Cusiomer Guide p:iges. art in Ntw York City? There used 10 be just one but eWhal atT LA.TAI or Rt&iooal Calllna Arus! 'l'Hy now there art two. We've addtd 718 tocovtr Brook­art calling areas vo1hin New Yort. S111c that wc serve. lyn. Quccns and S111Cn Island. Manhattan and The lATA sllnds for l..ocal•Ac:ccss and Transpon Arta. Bronx art still served by lhc 2 12 a,ca code. The new but It is more commonly known as a Rqional Caning area code doubles the supply of telephone numbcn AIU, New York Telephone gives you the lowcsl call- that art available to customcn throug)tout the city. ing ntcs for 9S pcm:n1 of the calls in 100 pcrccnl or Without ii. cus1omm would have had 10 wait for 1 1hc1c 1mi1oria. 100 pcrttnl or the time. We have a number to become available. booltkt that explains Rqional Calling Areas. or Ntw \'Oflc Ttkphoot cu - ~ COCIUllulcatlo■s LATM.. For a copy. c:ill' your Home phone service needs or aU Nrw Yort.m. And what wc'rt doing. center. wc·n:- doina ror you.

@NewYorkTel~hon~ A NYNEX Company

' I

• 'I

Part TWo of the Md Island Tina, Syouet Advance, . W1111itan Tf 11111, New Hyde Partc Herald Courier, . ' '

Bett.,agc Ne\111""11, Jer1cho News Journal and The Garden a~ News

The ~ ecBtlon that helpa claclMlr new wrttera, '1'W Ideas thr1xql Input and1spedal family tearu,-.

Travel, Despi,te Scary Headlines

i .

~ Input Sh~ly Divi~ed On •Bitbur·g ~ Callen to, lnpill wete aharply divided on the ~sldenl' s vlsil 10 :: Bllburg cemetery In answer, 10 this!lon: "Do ,you lhl~k Presldeni

Reagan should make lhe trip 10 Bllbura cemetery?"' He~ att some or the anrwers: UNAMERICAN

The vlsll to Bilbu,a Is 160 most un•Ameritan thlni any Uni1ed.Sta1e:s official hu ever done, Unlike HanyTrulnan who fell lie ttpruen1cd all Amt!rkans, Presldcnl Rc11an fecla 1ha1 because he won an.elcc:don he can lgriott nearly half 1he pcqple In 1he United Stales and 'do whateYU he feels will further his pert0nal political ,oA)s. • ,R.B.S.

· IF HE WANTS ro... , , l 'in n.01 going 10 say whether the ,Presldcnl's lrip 10 ,Bitborg wugood

ur bsd. I'm just aoina to say 1.h1ll we shoaldn'~ gel mJd If hc,wan1110. (( an average A~ crican went to Getmany and vulled Bitburg the whole country wouldn'1 act msd. Sutt Ronald Reagan b our pr .. iden1 b\11 he can have his own ln1rttsts Jusl like anybody else, So if he dc'cldcs to go , 10 Germany and visit lhe ceine1cry WC can dlsaartt bul WC should6't 11ire11en ~whh bomb 1hrca1s. . VER\' DISTURBED , •

I'm ,cry dis1urbcd 1ha1 my ptc:sldenl ls a11endlng lhe Bitburg c:emctery. Sb mllllon Jews lncludlna one mlllion chlldre11 were'

, sl1ugh1cred by1he l'!uisJl'm very dlslurbcd by my pi,,sldcn1'1 •111110 these Nui graves ' bu1 I am even more disturbed 1h~1 my .fellow Ca!hollcs ha~becn n:latlvcly sllenl In thclr protest of this sorrowful

• 1rip. LS .. STIIO!(GL\' DISAGREE

I stiongly dlsagttc whh 1hc PN:6ldcnt' • lrip to Bitbura. I l""ink the pn,sidenl was Ill advised. A dcc:en1 m•n who doesn't know wha1 he Is doin.g. He's more ln1erutcdd n plculng • Gtffltan president than Americpn War ve1eranr and people who have ~lfcttd under lh< hands of lhc Nu.i,r. There UC ccr1tinly bellcr ways of showing rcconclliallon bclwccn 1hc Amerkan and German peoplt. II wu a v<ry wn>ng ..-e for out president to hsve done this, M,G,

THE·QUES'flON OF THE WEEK Do you think the .Vietnam Veterans have been treated f~ly, by

the nation?

·Call 931-0027 24Hrs: a Day Ground Rules

You ·are· not llntlted to the above·

but may talk Qn any. ·subj~ct of ·

'. interest to readers.

•One subject to a caller per week•




COMPLETELY DISAG11E£ I completely dluarc:c with 1he Pni1iden1'1 lrip 10 Bilbura where,

accordlni to news rcpon,, 1h~re arc anywhete from ◄7 10 49 Nuls burlcd"1hett. It's a terrible dlsance, not 1>nly lo Jewish Amer;icans but

r to velerans 8f0Ups_and ou.r American boys who died at the liands of tlie SS, •~pcclally the Banleoflhe Bulge. Allh&I time 700 Ameocans.wue captured and In all Yiolallon of lntcmallonal law. Reagan committed a silly deed and !l's too bad he didn't make Ille i!edilon to go 10 Bhburg befofc the elec1loii because Ilic Amcncan pc,ople wouldn'I h~ve voted for hllfl, I lhink lhe man ii one of lhe W<>nt pttaldcnls we e,ttr hAd in lhe Whlle House, he's j1111 an &clot. Bc!otc elcc:do111 they protcc:1cd him so he wouldn't make any tliislakH but now we sec h9w much dlancter and dcp1h he. hu thal he would stoop so low (o pacify the Germans, It wu a terrible day for the Ameikan people. J.IC.M, OT1IEI VICTIMS

Mr. Rcaaan bu been critldzcd for vlslllog a World Wu U cemetery in . Bitburg, Gamany. The Jewish communlly 111d American .,..,. veterans arc erpttsslna ou1r1ge over the vlsll. Their opinion Is 1hat the President was honoring murdcrcn and crlmlnsls. The dead Germans, howe,ttr, wcie only soldlen nahtlna for thtlr country, The men wtio a••• the orders qualify as 1hc real ~min~•· To tanore the Gemian war ,Sud would bean lnju11lce to all vkdmsof the war. The J~ were not •I\< only victims of Hitler'• mad ndcavor. ~ devastated a whole counlry and rcsullcd In the loss of many German lives. Mr. Reagan did nol lnlend to honor Nuls but men wbo aavethtlr llves for their cou.ntry ju~ as American soldlcn did. '11te President also visited a coacentrallon camp 111d spoke quite harshly alioul the . Holocaust. • ~yon• who ,rishcs to condtmn the ~Iden! for h!)noring all who lo<I their lives duriag thai terribly dark period of hblory ~" a d!Udlsh

. grudge wbkh Insults a nation by holding 1hcm rcswnslble for 'an evil luaadc. To deny a rcspccdul gesture to German veterans serves to e1ptt11 scom, hauccl and bincrncss ovu sotnc1hin1 four dcc:adcspas!. EXAMIMA110N

By lhe time 'this li publlshed lhe president will have aln:ady vuited the cemetery In Bitbu,g. Bui the questions railed and 1he furor ettalcd by !hose who tried to inltrfere clcsc1vcs c11min11ion. When 1he vult was schcdukd lhe Pn:sldent was unaware tba1 sorne of,the Germans burled there1''ett mernbersof1he~S. Thlswu known by hls,crilks. As a matter of re-cord he lrlcd 10 cancel the vlsll bu1 In view of the .viol<l)t obje<1io111 railed by the Jewish leaders this ...,lild have been an Insult to German leaders and the pn:sld,cni. Prcsldenl Reagan was obligated 10 fulfill hi.a C<!_mmllmen1. The whole aft'alr., from'lhe beglnn.lng has hAd the air of a gigantic t,ypcd,up effort lo dcmonslrale Ahe powu of a

' small segm•nq,r the Ameri~ populallon and 10 show their ablllly 10 eserdse lnlluence over the and the Pr«ldent. They wett quickly joihed by 01!,cr 1 '1'Ups wbo have only one 1hing in common • 10 harrus the admininrl.llon and. ob11ru<1 anything and everything 'II 1rie1 to do. The .. groups Include ihe ullra llbersl, the ndlcals. 1eryor.sts and 1he pro-Copununlsta. If LhC$C groups wett really looking for a1roci1res 10 publimc they could (tod 1hem w1thou1 going back 1h11 far In dme. Rcccn111roci1ies Include Mahanl11an, Salvador, Cambodia an,d elscwhett. Anythlag 1h11 happened In Eurol>c four years ago Included brutallly. ~ ldenl Reagan deserves credll for his courage to carry ou1 bis proper course of ac,Jon and prabc for his pa1ic_ncc and forebeannce. G,A. BIG MISTAKE

Presld<-nl Reagan Is making lhc bisacs1 polllkal and moral mlSlake of his career in his s1ubbom Insistence 1o' v!sll Bilburg-ccmctcry. The tteoncll111lon he Is talk1ng aboul cannot possibly 1ake place for many mote years and only when lh<re are no more 'living survi\'Qrs or 1he Hoioc1us1 and no mott living Nul SS veterans. His ailcmpt at this lime hu not only opened old wounds but has also, unfor1unatcl)', stirred up antl-scmltlsm. His trip to Germany could have been c,:lebra1ed by visiting a conc:cntration camp and then the graveslte.of lhe many German.s who died while fighting aga.lnsj .Nuism. C.K. LOYALTY

Everyone ls complaining about Prcildent Rcag11n's ,·isi1 to a German cemetery -..·here thcri: ls a small number or SS dca_d buried. Whu about the 01h•r gra,·cs thett! Why, ha\'c 1hcsc ptoics1ors singled 0111 1he small number and made a big iHue! These umc pro1cstots ate probably ~unning,10 ~uyJapa,ncse impor1s and rc<1 ifing It b)' telling us thal Amcilcan prcduc,s don t 11,·e up to 1hc Japanese qualily. What about Pearl Harbor! Have all these supposed dlehard AmcricaM forgqllcn the Pacific atroc1ty1 If these pp$ wllll :io 11rongly proi.e.icd ~ldcnl Reagan's ,isl! 10 a German c:cmc1cry even down 10 the lo-..· lc,·cl of dem'anding School Boards" lo ttke an 1<1ive. Jtand .would s1and up and be counted and Buy American 1hen maybe Ibey would be doing somelhlng useful besides .stirring up public unrcs1. ·A.B. TOO MUCH REVULSION

1.1_ this momcnl, Prcsldcnl •Rcos•n b In Gcrn11ny •nd ha, declared his in•~ntion 10 follow through on his original plan 10 vish Bltburg and I applaud his dcc:ulon. As .to the wisdom of planning 10 include II in his Itinerary In the flm place, it would appear 1h11 his advj;ors f1ilcd 10 do 1helr homework and to an1ldpa1c adverse n:actlon bener. On 1he other hand. the Oak it engendered was completely out of j,ropur1ion to the fundam.~nlal alms ~!dent Reagan hoped to achlcv• In Germany i:c. a closer and more mu1u1Uy ,bencfidal rela1lonshlp bclwccn our 1wo naljons. 1 .. -u chag~nncd II the 0UlpQurlng of revublon In Qur oounlry by critlca who .Wlnl 10 make ,un: lhal lhc Nau ctlmc• ITC perpcluated In Ille memory of mankind for all ·time. I om ,urc that lhc German pcvple arc • '!"lcly con~s of the holoc■usl and would give 1n)1hlng 10 be able to n:movc lhls page from th<-lr,hlstory, Toclay. like oursch·es, they arc a dcm0Cf1llk o:ocle1y,,!n every rc,pttt and'dcscrvc our suppon

· In full rccognillon of Chancellor Kuhl's posi1lon and lntelllgenl awareness. Not,.i1hs1anding the central ls,uc. for individuals and groups to dellbtra1ely dcnlgtalc our Prcsldenl bt(orc the • -otld on TV and in print wu completely uncalled for arid lecking In n11lonal pride and human understanding. P.G.S.


.. . ►

fi! · ... ►


. f ' ~ ' a: ,I:


! ' Travel, Despite Scary Headline(?

87 J._ J. N1-I, 1'11..D . In 1935, an Argentinian hearing us • hatting outside a mcmc thuu.;,

In Bu<nos Alrca, approached and uk<d whether Ii would be ure for him to vult New Yort. He ha,S. read ao m1.ny stories or gangland tilllnas In Ameri<an newspapers. Wt usuttd him that we had never s«n any violence and that he •'OCll4 ccnainl1 be ufc. Today, man7 r<1dln1 about bombln,s, riocs. roups, and hljacllnp art ljtcw!se r,lu<1ant to rravcl abroad. They •wld deny lhcmsclvcs the thrill of l<Clna lhosc placcs often dr<am<d abour: rhe Holy und, th" pyramids or Ea,pr. rh" a,ut African aami, pranvi,a.

T"'1oa II ~1tal to ti..~ el - -i-. l'IIC!abqs wm be 4-lhttefon lo lalffltff wldo ti.. P"'Pff toodD<t el orp,,bccl-. dlttt1ed by a local 1111de lku..,s by ti.. Mlnlmy elTNrlun. W'hedin we aloopped la Bald'• KnakoCJ awul la ti.. -t&lu or wallled la • tompace.,..., lllroeaJ, Tlllllltt'• Caab,ali, •• had ao dlffnlly. .. Traveling '10 aome rountrics does >«m foolhardy, but with pragmaric approaches. CVttyOQe an <nJo1 a visit to almost any place CJD unh. Consider a visit 10 the Mlddlc l:&41. My friend, r<tlttd Rabbi David Mose.On simply 'Jta!<d his view: , "In the l/nll<d Stalts," he dttla r<d. "we have secure borders but many dtlts ar< unstable. In hncl. they . ha,-e warable bon!<n, but rhe ddcs ar< secur<". Subsequently • e <njc,ycd an lntplr11lonal visit I;> the Hol1 Land ,.-j1hout inddcn1. Ponugal made the head llnts aom.,tlme ago when the rommunists 111emp1ed 10 "scµc 1'9"-er". Yci. In Uabon, 11 the lime, "' uw r._,...-r rhan 200 people " Rallying" In. the public squar<. The \hopkcq,n Klllna ... the roo.ter chum l)'fflbotk of hb nation WH unconecmcd and dismined the " rally" uylng that the people would "°'" to kttp the dluidea1 our of olri«, •

Bot io lnul ud blloy 11, - 111,n1 fo&w dltectloa1. 0- la,pnid,,et tr.vein dlcl DOl. He l.nltted oa wuderla1 lalo lhe Ec,-pdu Caab&1, oa lah ewa ud had lo .....,. f,h ...r~ b7 paylata for u erpa,al.., ud -,, ..,.. tlillM. AMtllff ""PM w1oo did aot a<ttpt u.. admollltloo lo ....,.Ider Nllrobl u ho woold N..- Yon, wu mqatd. la Palcffllo, a CbbaoJadc• ud bb "lie cledded oa.., °""''"' •troll JaAI 00111" I.he nn1 dua Hotel JollJ', It wu however, an &m1 marted ror vpandlqa ucl i-edc--.loplll<1lt. A 100Jtl boodlom apprMCl,ecl and atlalpted lo NWdi btt baa, Sbe remted ud (di l'lliutaa lwr wtW. Hor brnhucl Nqbt to &llkt. 8"1 ti.. boodlu,'1 ..._p11ee rode op oa a m..- cycle eaabl1q bocJ, lo ac,ape,

London Is cspcd11ly blunt. "The Pcnon Nf~t 10 You May be • Pk\pockct! Bcward" Despite lhe fri,qucnt wamlng. tra,·c let> ar< unpr<pattd. To use the Undcrpund, London Klis a " u tly pus • which must be ,hown to .,act, condu<1or. In a CTO"'ll, th" loeatlon o r one's waller becomes common lnowledae for th" pld<poctets who "-ort , n tcams-or1wo. The fint obstru<11 the "pigeon" 51,1 th11,t use both hands to hold th" subway door open. At that moment the S«'Ond Sttu to steal the waDct. Fonunatcly, I hid fflO\'ed ,he wallet to a side t rouser pocket and covered h with a bulky handkirmicf. FnlSlraled. the pklp«lct left the train 11 the ne.rt sta tion. My rcttnlly a,hed travelers' chccb were safe, but my w1lle1 went Into a shin pocket under a sweaior after that .

AMtbu lrndn la llome wu 1cM (omlJlllk. la• bot aowdcd baa, •-■llJ~W.jl,dd-Wa-.Heloetbb.,-,.t,trnekn diccbudalrtlaedcuu.Be--'7bpcti.A-1cu-ibM7, bot YO•ed-lontont lo ltal7, lmleed, WU>oaldbavo doie wllat a Me:dcu doc«- did.

On bis way 10 a medical conl'cronee wber< con,1daa\,1c formality required a puter display of jcwdty. the doctor prcpucd b1 wing hb wife to sew podlcts In a kind of underwear ves1. Or he might have clone what a seventy year old birdwatcher did. He had his wife sew zlppcn In Ill his trouser pockets. Thcr< Is 1lao the time ttstcd money belt. :

Other dllllculllcs can be avoided by a cucrul retard. for political acnslbifrdcs. One toutdlr«tor, tired aftor an extrerndy Iona day, wcnl 10 the movies where he promptly fcU ul,:ep. He wu 1walcened and rlttd I jail sentence for "ln1uldna the na tion". He fallled 10 sland for the national anthem which dosed the thca1n:: Our Anb guide implor<d us not to alve the lsncU custonu agcnu a "bird lime" during the Impending IDspcctloo. As wc ~ the Allcnby bridae, chert were cau1lolluy slans: "MlAtt", "No Phocognph•l". Ac the customs station. the lu-aclls look thr<e and a'hllr houn to Katch every Item in evef)' baa. We were also "QU!ttd to 1n1p the camora a t lei.II OfK'e to Insure !hat It wu not a detonator. The a,oup mnilstled of rony•two Ammcans oa a pll8flmaae 10 vblt the Holy Places chaperonled by two priests. There were !AddcDll. bat the old chapllan did arumblc. " With fmnds like these who nttds cncmlcs."

Bolon •ifflq llayua, u .-ul pdrllete pa lo Ille ll'lltd,

luvy llllff, 1-...t.m, ti. Deida ..-1a11ve adeehW • -.. taJII polllks • .. ., .... Oab&M ........ ........ ''111&1 dlelt capl&al .... a ,..i.tllts, N .._, , Nb II la", n. 7.50 ~ ........... ..W

..clilaa, et cwne, bot Ille Cebuo'\q,,t n for ~ i..n t,- Ille time~- aboud llllt.l we WON pamltted lo loor their beaatlflll e1pltal, '

We d id not apprttlaic this KMltlvlty In polltlcs. In H ungary, for wmplc. while dri...;na lo Luc Bal~U>ft, wc 1-":<d 1bou1 the Ruuian : ' laOutnce In that rountf)' lincc the drleat or the " frccdo,.1 fiahters". Sh" did not r,spond . u ter, she e• plalned tha1 she "1" !d not talk In front or the tad d river.

The acariest moment ottvrttd In Bue- Air<,. w., had been anapplna plcwrts fro m the Sheraton Hotel4o the handsome .ia tuc or Christopher Columbu,. While focvsing for a plctur, o r the r • ......,, statue crtt1ed b7the Italians of Argen tina . thrtt soldlcn "Ith machine guns ldt their post mat ing Incomprehensible gc,1urcs III us. Thinking that they wanted us 10 move acn,u the street . we dldl 0µ1 the ge\lutcs became even. mott menacing. We esplalncd 1h11 ... wanted only t" pholoaraph the statue and "'°" them our paupon,. They remained adamant. so we moved with tlo.crity. In the hutcl 1h11 c-·cnlng. ,..., learned that t"'"' general• had been usaulnatcd rhc day before In rctallallon for ihc thlny,s.cvcn catrcmcly nervuu, and after 111, the Jtatue wu In front of the Cua Ros'ada. the pr<1ldcn1l1I pala<e.

Travelers yum for those poa<Tful 1lm<1' .. hen .....-ln11 fur<lgn coun1riu was cuy. It never r<ally wu. Difficultk• ... ,11 alwa,-> be prcient even If traveling wetc marted only be 1he nqrmal lnconvenlcn<Ts , Bui re■M!nablc aucnrlon paid 10 ln,truCl\on• and procedure. w\11 go far tmwards \nae.u lna unc·, cnio)-ment of cao1ic places. Out. \n aoy c.u.e. ncvu-rondv.cSc: t hat oftt rn\U.t r«1r\c1 oM·s KIi to the local ,hopping :area , or pn:,vlndal hlghllghll In the meantime, )"" might enjoy 1hc f,~to,ring eaht,n11lon in 1roKl11ntt wlth the lord's Prayer:

Uravcnly Fa ther . loot down -.hh ravoroo U..l)1>ur .t-n'V• n1,. Wlljl arc doomed to rravol thisurth. ta t lna p h\>1<>8'11Ph•. malling

post cuds. buying -,,-.nlr-. and wallina a round In " drlp-dty un~-e>r

We beseech )'-.U• oh Lord. 10 stt.lhal uur pland s r,.~ hlJar l cd . our luggaac b not lost and ,,.«,.'eight b•8Jl•flc II~ un1K,tlrw,

• l'rolc<1 us fr6m surly and un'><Tupulw s c--,ach d rl•cr~. •••riciuu, . poncn. unllccn.scd Engli>h•spea\in11 tour dlrcch>K ,

Give us 1hiJ day divine auidance In th" ~lc<l~,n ur wr ho~eh. that we may !ind our ,escrv11lo ns hunon:d: our''"""' m•dc up:

hut water running rrom ihe f1u<Tts (If It tu1 all p,,s,jh1c), We pray that the tclephuncSllYlrk and 1h111hc upc,r11ur< •pc,•k our language. and 1ha1 there is oo mall from our children "hlch

would rum: USIOC'an«I 1hcrcs1 urrhc trip. lcJ1d u, . dear Lord. to good. inexpensive rei.tauranrs where the fuod iHupc,rb, the wailers rriertdly. and the wine Is included In the meal .

Give us the wisdom tu tip corr«'lly In currcntlci. ,..., do nu1 • understand.

Forgh-e u, for undcnlpping out ur lgoonn« and ,ivn,lpplng outoffcar.

Mate the ruitive love us for what "'car< and nut for" hat we can contribute 10 their " " 'Idly goods,

Grant u, the 11rcng1h tu visit lhc museum,. the caihledral,. rhe palacoi. and the places listed u "mu,b" In the guide buol>.

And; lr perchantt. n slip an histcwk mu,,umcnt tu tatea nap 1f1er • lunch. have mercy upon UJ for our nc\h I, weak.

And I spedal petition from the husb• ~dJ: • Dear God. ti,cp our wives from shopping 'J)r<U. and pru1c<1 1hcm •

from "bargain•" they do not necdornnnot•fford. ~ad them not Into tcmptatio<I fort hey do t now .,.hal they du. .J

And a apedal perltlon rrom the wive,: Almighty f'11hor, t i,cpo\lr husband$ from looking 11 fyr<lgn women

and oomparina them to us. Save them from mating fools of themselves In cafcs and nightclub,. Above a ll. do-foralvetl)em for1hcy t noweu <1ly wh11 they du. And a final petition from both: ,

And when our voyage Is ovor and we ro1um 10 our '°"ed <lftU •• , , Grant us the favor of finding klmcune who will loot ll 1>ufht>mc movies, ll1t<n to our llorics,.., wr lives as 1ouri,1s will not hi'< •

: been in vain. Thb we ask in the names of Conrad HUion. Tn (algar TwD.

and American E.tpra.,. Anonvmou,

ABOUT 11:fE AUTHOR Or. J erocne J . N'-1 Is a former superintelldcnr of the Hld..-i lle

Schools. He wu also a profess« ot leducation at Villanova Unlvenity, Palnsylvanla, and a dean of Biscayne College, Florida. He Is now rctlttd and llvi,s In New Hyde Put. "'

Or. Nlosl Is a frequent contributor to ~,,. •


Smorgasbord Dinner Monday thru Thursday sf-'l~:~i(1 MAIN ENTREES o\f~ lnriudN, S...p

i>eum, Chkl,n, SprlJo& Roll .Plu1 Win• Conll&I l,~wr1

Serving Distinctive Continental & American Cuisine

Lu.nch .Dinner , Cocktfills

Ill Piano ~uafc II • Closed Sunday

Open For Private Parties 15l Jackeon Aw. . 921-0&10

---~ , H.Y. n1q1 ' •rni~oa16

COl'ISISJ'Et'Ol. Y GOOD The Johll Peel rqom In the

, fslan!I Inn Is consistently a good rcstauranl. Wt!'hav.- bttn•thtn: a •l) times and ha,-e always found\_ the food and decor cspcclaOy c~)oyabk. •

The menu 11 the John 'p,d room includes a complete dinner from appc1l,er thtoUJ!h des~M. We ~•d prime rl bs tht>re laJI Thur><!•)• •~d "-ct; paMlnilarly h•PPY wltJ, th'c l1r11c por,l,on .of ~ r along ,..Ith 1he fine •mbiancc >rthis rT:Cl1uran1. 1hc 1ervkc wu l11en1h-c- •nd prompt-I As '.usual .... had • good nl11h1 II lht> Jo~r Peel room. 11.R.

talian ~-arde rt:

. Restaurant ·

~74t-1120 . I ,. .. ~ '~·~"o 1PCi. woctOlA .

tuvu,c: , -.c ,.,,,., 01

• ro ou,.,. 0 .. ' "~J:~C-&M

.•. 'fmn·Ot The Cmmuy .&tmoilpbere Jb,Joy l'1De l'ooCl & S~ta

8erv1si, L'CIDOh•Dinner and 8iinday Bnmch

Open 7 Daya A Week 748-8373 .... , •• . Lato Nigh~ SnackS and &ndwll:f!_es

WUUst.on Park, NY Dally S"'°"""'ls H'JIILUIDIIAYIL, , ~ ..... .1ilrtLLm'OII' •AIIX 11'm 1'0 JL lffLLJftOJl WIUSOfD ff.A;

Mike McGrad • Ne

DE1/1N5~ 13:,=.8!.'"!..~~ty ]

'oe1·luf-,-1Mpnf0<t.-bln&lloaohapttb ' ' a food pyq>antlonl pn,feaoloul <OD<ffDCd Mni<e aad • ~ _ ~« ,.•

' ina-pbne~r .. ,~. ---------EIC'Clleol Ca11IM11tal SpecultlN With~ f1nNI AJMt1can Sta.iid&rdl

-. ---- -------HNl,'TIONALIUNOAY IRUNCH O..IM hU 11\eNfflpllll, ••eo••·· lull .. .....i.. Su_, e,uttd,. A q,oke - 11 clYmpogM or m._u,IIOm.i.t\ecl b<Nd l>Hkll with lm.,.,wd

pr•Hnet, coltH Mt\'Q and CIMIP!lffl.,,~ ftull court• •~tlnf

• All lNC~UOED IN TH~ PRICE Of THE -- ..... --- BRUNCH ENTREE • di Pf

Reservations. 248,3'.7 40 nt~~~m6fftat ~:

(516) :UC.3222 Vaid Pullq

' I/ Edwardhm·Bar . Wednesday.through

Saturday Evenings· M•I•' Crtcs'h Clrdt Honor.a • J.cltb requlr.O ta, dinner

San··Bemo . Rf.k>,.;,nte

79$ Otcl C...1111)' Road 'Wealb11r) , N,Y.



Johri Peel.has cqme of age as the Prime Restaurant on Long Ista:nd for you; Bar Mlu;vah reception. We'll show, you our ban_q~et '°?ms (you might even want 10 ask about O~J>utdoor patio overlooking the pool) and take care pf ~!I.the preparatio_ns for pi:i t,o 300 gu_esls. We offer you a wide yan~ty of menus. And I( we rui'Ven't go! one to sult your taste, we'll create one under your-supervision. .

·call our banquet manager today and find out why John Peel gets as many "Mazel Tovs" as the Bar, Mitzvah boy.

' .

The Prime ~estaurant Ori Long Island At t~ lsl.Jnd Inn. Old ~C)tmtry R\l, (!ldit ro Rooseyrh R.ic.wayl Wt$1bury. Lon" hbnJ (Sl6122B-8430

Your &_!le,tun,always w..komcal l~CQnYl'niml !, land lnl) . •


1 lUOfflU ... _.,_.,.._ ____ _ I', UOOCltwJOIANCIS.\UC1----5"UfflllNOUMINUTtSTW( ___ _

Uill"! • CHICUN PAIIMIGIANA _ ..... ~ 8" SHIJMP P4IMIGIAN.\-•..,•--•···· 9' IIOIL[DIAIYIUIU\'flw,ONIONS ••. -- 7 llOIU.D fllfl OfSOUOI.SCI00 .•...... _ '.'8 WHOlf IWH MACIWIAl-...!.----7'' WHOlUIISHIWUNOll' 8" llOlltDS~ IIOUT _.:__..,..._ ••. ,. ••• _. 8 IIOlllD llUf flSH----- ••• • 7 flSH CA~•PAIMICIA!NA----~ fllW fll51i IA\' SCA!.LOPS-··------·- 8~

"fti~ WJD11l,;,1t il'tl & OtlbC N MfflO~·,U1r,4•

4073"-ttaBW:li.luadPadt 889~525(8f


"George Washington ate here -he,liked it,.so will you."


~~ ~ .

''A Fine'BaJance of Northern and

South~m I· Italian Specialtfes ...

Polished and Sophistica~d." NY,llmN

. Mhnl Sbtra.lon

Pr1,·a1e Room For Putlc•

65 East 54th St., N.Y.C.


An Enchanting Place For Ealing,

n,inking and Romantic

._ Enjoyment : ' .. .. .•. .. ... , ., ,,

I ' WeScrue : II Super 1 ·

Sunday Brqnch 1. p10011 - 3:oo ,~,,,. _ 1 t.

Open rfi)ays For lu,nch

And Dinner

11y.,.. , Fine llallaa

~~lM1!1U»i ,., .

, -'~ . .,..¥au_ r Mother'• Day

.- -~Earjy ,, . ~ . Mottler's pay Menu .

1'&11y FlldlldN Avallable From 20, co 200

All M~ Cl'9dll Canta SIi W: .IOltJlf ST.

u.a,w.1.c ■-,1 8lasW.l.£

931-8158 .Pltnle a-A.....W.

One of Arrietica. s famous ol

r~ ~~ . .

\ restaurant In th Americiµi ,'J'radition

traces its' origins back settlement of1 Lo,og I

·MiUeridge Inn . & Village Rt.106/107

(516) 931 ·2201 Jnkbo, N.Y.117Sl :'\ •e• •

GEORGE WASHINGTON MANO.R l!.d141N,LI.E.f;;___"' ~1l • h t)· Ellcl.5N,N.S.. ~ • •, • Open 7 Days - Lune 6 inner

Accommodation& for Private Parties 450 Whe~lley Plaza • Greenvale f · DOS Old J'l/or1hern Bh·d. • Roslyn Allhccomcro(NorlMrnBlvd.&ClenCov~Rd. 6) •f2~.

Opposi1eflos~oOockTowu ~ ;(516)6?1•8451 · t:xll39N,1 .. l.l:. ~ i; .f>UJ{931-220J; (516) 621 -1200 ~ ,..._----,--------''----' ....________ * • ·


. .

~ RE~DEJl RATINGS i.,~ oCl"Ordlni; io how ~Qu h•• •

~ Q. Tipplna hu al,.•Y• both~ IJ(c,1 1rca1cd . • • < rM, I lµ,ow 1hett ""' lll&IIJ' rattt, Many pcQpl~ may not know !1 "' 10 II bat why do I lia,e co lip al bul 'l•il~r) generally gel a ,cry ~ all! J.C. lol.• , .. 11• J.c<alc. ..,me below !!: A. TIK,an,-.crto lhl~ Is ob,ious Ir mintn,um wa,ic because 1lps ca.n

• )W 1hink •bou1 ii. lf)'OU w1n1 • ny be c~pc<1cd 1o balan« 10 scale 2 l'Clnlml II all over ,wha) l)'pc or and ihey do <lepcnd on bc1.,'Cen • :i .cnice. )'<>U .,., going 10 jlCI you IS pcrttnl and 20 pcrcenl lip 10

,1,ootd t,c able 10 ghc m()fc or m•tc 1hc lob 11or1hwhll

! -,, 11~11 lartifi-11,-t Setting For Northern I

& French~

YomMothe · eAQueen

Have her plclied u by limousine A 'girtfrom

VUla Portofino FREE in

Mineola and Gorden City Are

Reservations, Early Opc11 Sundoy for Calned Alfa!"'


. neofa.Blvd frttUmo1Hlne~n·lceJn

Ml a• 741-~ }MMlnN>la•9orclenC11yan,a ' · Slllidl! ;:-'''" forLunmOrDlnntt

74EM4$0 , 7 1 HillSlde A••nue

WIUIJlon Par~

hTJiursda p.m . .

An Entrec Pritc,;'

'For LUNCH and


~ Open Mond.ay,thru Sot. 11:30 Sunday3:00

,Q. Thia may bo a 111110 dlfftfflll bu1 J I v onder II yoo cocald iltfonnlne ,./ d Is 1he' pnfl,tt 1Ult to """ ,.ht11 ..,.,,1na ulad durlna lpncheon? I al•• l1S1rht<>ns on Satvrday, u a roh:

· and I don't h.1>e woodH bowt. bo1 I do h.a,e flat alau plalff.

~C-ld 1- help?

, A. While .some , tores ~)' say d u1 1hcrc Is only one kind or d l,h '1,- sal1d ' 1his Is no1 really lruc. Wooden bowl(•,.,., good because they kce,p • the• dn,.sslng from runnlllJI o u1. Bui of l11c many rc,,auranu, u$C glan bowls and Jmall pla1es for salad. So long as • piatc hu • n:nccr lndtnlatlon It moy bc used for·sa!ad, II It •Imply a mahcr of prc fcrcnre •

Fourofthe Tasteful Places In America

J)atrtcli's llub .. 1$2 NOIITll EllN BLVD .. unu: NECI( 42}, 7600 St."n•ing Ock'f."t~hk F,~'C1 ~ Orrnh • Noon ·~ A.Ml ~\ '1'"'8'& B•ll•d, w,,.\ nr)l,hl\ & •• Sunday Br•nclt'

H~RP & M~NDOLIN . 291.01 NOITliERN BLVD., BA \'SIDE 2.14--000

., t"ONTl~f.rtf,\f.MEtl!/ • OYSTER&CLAM (!AR ' Sp,:d•I S1t•h. h,1 & F""" fhh • N ..... • 2 A.t,I.

Kenny 's Cafe & Cla"ddagl, Grille .• I\ STYLISH C-/\FF. ANO IRISII PUB

2'1S.. 0,11tr e.,•Rd., Bc1hpq<' 51~-33W51'-9JI.

bt <filabbngt, <Ii-ft &qop . >-·

2,24 NOITliERN BLVD., UTTU: NEt K UW.SOO ( m:,11 dii•'f ,., P~urif'k,',. Puhl '

c.,-,w. °"""· ,.,,...,., s.i .. Mn, lleob, Al1 F...._. 111ohe-,i. N.clm11'Mlllafww,Y..ti.C-1aa...,._ , ···••.•···· . ,. 'ta

'Full CapplCCfno"Bar Reservations Sug(lested

58 W. Jericho Tpke., S osset N. Y. -.496-9770

• p. I

READ.ER •RA.TINGS from any;;,,·,.,.., havecw,r ~~• 1nd • vegetable • . • 1~fimoA1, A~ · Into. AU ofthc ICl'\'lce ls on • ·can l;dumuncl's ls • 8 al plaoc to

. Edumund'.s- Rc:srauun"f, ~ whh your cho\oc of three ·tntttes go when you frrl dial you WJOI . Gardrn City 11 a Joy 10 vtlh. II b • or lf you want, all three In one lndlvldual 111-,ntloo jror yourself

, In .such bea~tifut decor. But thaJ. meal, The .•~rec ln one Is really and guttl. h has ~ food and

1U.4bonegs · -~ ~ .. , ... ~ ' liillsibe ~~r

· )teatuurattJ. · 1' STEAi< • ( .. OPS • SEAFOOD A s'.f'ECIALTYI

'un,c.H I olHHfl UICIAUOA!I~ CATUrNI# AvAtLAau · IM'IA 6404

()pea 7 •1• • S......,. 12 lo 9 p.m. ·.r.:r.r , I " 'HltlS!OI AVI.

WeH-~9-lltCarda WIIUUONPAlk




Btl so. TYSON AV£ II , f't.;.OlfAI. ~AltK, "- /, ~

I • '

our Home Away From Home! 1

TllU,.HONll•• ( •1•J

.o~herSDov · . Come Relax Dine

would not be rnouah if the food ~•••••I a.nd rt cn1alnly saw,s you •n alm0$J>hcre ro ... w~ not good.. • miklngl • big dccl.sion, In

Th/• reflautanl 1, d!lrcrent addhioni the meal lnduda ~ •

Steak & Sea Food,Howie arul the Filiest Continental C.uisine - -~

ii Mother,'s Diiy s~~ete·

Dinner Mend . Reserve Early

. E>elicio

: Fish

l'ree Hor .-,nd Cold Hors O'Oeuvres (;ATallN~ FOR f'ARTIES LARGE'& SMALL

121 ~ -Blvd., Mlneola 248-2686 M..a~Canla

Parldng Acron St. behind Offk• Bldg. HAt-!K FALLER & ijlS ORGAN :- W,ed.~Pri., & ~ -e-..ningl t •

Fresh. From Th • Treat yourse!

to our -seafood speci Illes ... prepared ori the spot: e actlv to

,yout,order! RoseJVC pow. , ALSO WE HAV£ GR~AT




P,rh'ale Dliilq ""°'! A~ r.., ~

Weare locally owned Md famlly,opaated.

Break For Lunch .

Not Afflllated with tJlff . other Maneriis

AtManero's •Dally Sp«lalo ,a. ..... ~Saved ,Mute Party R-• AYlllablc Lud,eofts, Dlaatt .• Shol'~" Opctll M~· 9-

7 . .

~,:n-6 You Call We J)eliver Call: 921-1690 921-1990

~ ~ c.,

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--·-· . .;:..:_ -· --·----- --- ---

D In In G GUIDE - - - - ----- - -- . ·- - -

*** Florence Fabricant ·,.

9/ 30/ &4 • N.Y. TIJDH,

' LUNCH • ~



f.,..,o:.,.i.-,o1 . -COO!<®

·~~~~~ 326-22Q.8 . ., ___ ....,__ ....... ~~- ._ ....... ..,..,.,.,.. . ...... ,. . Q .;

15th A11nherut)' C,kl,,-tlon Ean,-Sftllnll S'pmal

Full DbtMt for Al A Cutc.Prlr,e

Mon.•frl. 1111 6 Sat. I, S1tn. till S ,MPB~~

Northern Italian Continental Private Party Room Available

Fro~ 2!) to 70 people

Hempetead Aveme Hen

F.eafurf"9 CATERING

French Service on-Wheels Music~ Dancing

Pk- Call 294-0271 , ' Every Weekend E~4'4 S'-ow~ ~uea"w"t

S25·Franklln Av:pt,'Garden City


" ltillU"'nt I belt~ •!I cl )'Ol!t 1tadcrs would like Is called the Acgc• .+ Ea~•· Thu ru1au""1 fn Hktsvillc hu $0me of the most dtltttablc food imagin1ble,

Last we(;t-~ " ·cnt thnc. and

immen~ly enjoyed their shnmp. Kallop Aegean. This Is a combin­ation ol tbc ,~ry freshest jumbo shrimp stulftd with a feta ch­In • ' light garlic uucc combined ,.,;,h scallops and •utthlni,

In addilion to 1h15 delicious

main l'()UDC the Sl6.9S dinner •bo Included soup, salad, frua dcsscn and coffee. This mt• ,urant Is nicely dccoraud. It Is IO<"ated on Woodbury Road ln Hk ksvlllc, Please rccom mcnl ii 10 yuur ttadcrs. P.L

Elegan! Subde • Su~rb . ·

€omp~entary Boutobiilere -~orMooi · ·

' Y910 .. Hos·1 A11.~elo

.~i:r,vrng · ' Lunch -& Dinner



•Spmal Natu,., Veal •rrn► Fl, b •Lob,cer •0,k-len Spmalt, •llofflC'mad~ Pam

109 Min,ola Blvd:, Min,ola (516) 746-9474 • (516) 248-2112

. Open 6 Day, • Clowd Suna., -,u ..... ~ ~~~

SPECIAL'l'IES FROM THE ALPINE REGION. ( Fom Course Dinner (Soup, Salad, Enbee • choice or 3, De11Sert •choice of 3) at a price of: '

$10.95 StartlngWednesday,

•-~------'April 10,

~,May12 f\1other's 08Y, Open at 1 p.rri.

R-.vaUon1 An Apptffllled. Our~alu-A I.a Carte Mco,a, b,cl . -~WIAeUu,

I 11. .. nabie • .\

U JIIJCH, Toeo. "'"' F,1. N- • 'ltlO Din.Der, T•N tlina Sar. S p.m. 'S,anda71 F,om 4t30 p.m.

11·Franldin Avenue Franklin Square Josi off Hem,-~ Tpke.

We Open al Fl

/ PlilRJIJ · ~ to,ma.• Uclit DIDI.a.a ....... '

381 Jericho Tpke. Aneutalatdle~ Floral Park, N.¥. !1001 •: wec1.11ns.1. (516) 354-7728 , U!'NMYDELL

' Klldiea Bow. • , S.. ••l'lliin. 6" • Mldalpt Fd- 6 Sal. 6 • I a.a, •

gg~g ~~~~~~/~

M!!~_ MING ~~lilga•den

I f'......t1a-.a••Gu,la,el WNIR..., ~elc..u.toint


open 7 oey~ tor t-unch • Dinner t'1,_ Cltti.._ 8ull""8 Lunch Served Dally -4~

· tau0uts."ic. -....-.; ~Party~mAval~

. .__ .... :.:.,~ r.:-,.

~ -,_

,. 81N>AV ~ ~;1- • ·'

~ - ~~ ~~R OANCINOlflUASUIII! WI! mtet~':c>F AJ.i-L.V\.ES - nMUOAY ffftlOOGH 8UNDi\Y' :;:='· ~IIAJOIICMon:CAP ACCI ~ ~.,9.!1'.!!ff-MIIIIINO .CA'tlltlHGiFOR AU , OCCASlONS_

• 10 IIIDURH AVE;, ~lllii,loll;M.-l""!IN~

(518) 223-6500

. '


People arc ,beginning lo 1pprecia1e lndhlon and that Is probably lhe rcuon n ery lim~ ,..,, go 10 the Mllh,ridge Inn In Jericho we find so many people.

The Mlllcridgc Inn Is an ad~nturc in J1oerr. Jr Is a ~ aulifully polished old home whh n ccllcnl ' food In Ifie ~mcrican 1nclhion. You can get

•• prime rib. limb or uccllcnt m im \he fiall meou any day and •we have ~nc there· many tl_111es

, and ncvtr)>ccn d juppolnlcd w1t.h the high qijality of Ux: 'rood, •

Then 11ic Milleridge Village is a pb ci: 10 Unser and loot over the

, many lhlngs In 1he lht!c ,hops 1h11 have been con11ructed nearby. W e recommend the Millcridgc Inn for lhosc who wa'nt to l!O out a.nd cat and savor some additional <klighll, ,. • J .1:, ,HQ·l·G

Savbla Safood lacluolrb 7 Daya Since 1938

When the occasion c:alla for.

Something $pedal Callon the Spectallst-

• ,00011». U~• Matiie SWa,p/ a-.tSallo,.e

F1lldlKhi& Cnbe/SC--

Re:,n.old.s Pfaannel, ' •laJiiidPark, N.Y.

Undertlie Long _Beach Bridge

. • (!H!J.:i.114

Traditlo11al CoantrJ e for over'25.Yean

C,ompfete [:)Inners . Including-

. , lzer, Er1tree:Oes8ert ancf Coff • . from$11.50 . i

. Famtas~· C..,. .!>e:lki· C...-.St. Jaora- '><

. (),,s.S.., ~ .-Bueda... • Ea,-~ .. :

Beef• Veal • PNllr7 • St.rood

GRILLE ltfllng WJJ travelling

729 Sou ter Bar liif. Betti !EU C3 ol Lt.E 1 IIIOCk ,tou111 ol Olcf C

/Major Credit Carda Accepted

~!Ytati Dinner Served , Mo 9

2·9 p.m. ,


Sboald the mu alfe the onkr IO lhe wallff whm he II wllh • ...... ,

' For many yurs II h,d bttn

the lttnd is away from 1hb, T'1c waller ..,,m go around lo 1he ••lrious diners and lake their O<dir dlrtttly. &sides the ~nt changes brought abo1n, by equal• lty or the KXCS, many waiters say 1.h11 they would rather do it 1ha1 ,..., because ii mlnlmilcs th~ posslbllh y of mistakes which att in the long n,n expensive for the restaurant. -

Call For .

• tultomary fonhe m.1n In hl.s role u" head'of the 1, blc, to give the conapltfc ordn 10 ~he waltn. , Others in the party ...,..Id ttlay

r the,meuage to hlnf and ~• lwould give ii to the waller, But rTesently . . .

WIM1ldo1""need•­valloo In • raiaora,ut

The answer 10 ~his qucst!on ls

not o ne thal can be d<ellkil fCf all res11uran11. But 11cncrally ii is a omarl move to phone the ttstauranl before IJOlna to It In 1he evening. In 1h11 way the d osing limes can be uccru'.lncd even if the rutaui;ant says lhn, )'OU do not need a ttierVllloo, Ii is a lmost always necessary 10 phone a ttstau rant In the ettn ing If )'911 arc bringing a pany of -than four even to ratauranta that do DOI norm.tlly ttqulte scrvatlono.

Continen.tal AmerlcanF

D Bla

a/le throug ,s ore way . . . · · arm

' .

Early Bird p ecial

I COMPLETE LOBSTER $1 Q95 fl,~ I DINNER 5 to 7:30 PM

Continental Restaurant ~ I . Arlinda's .

ONM !OIi ro,hlgu ... - S!'°"i&h C..illne § ~~ LUNCH lo - 241 Mi~lo llvd, 248_771 ;-t -, ~ 7D&1S 1'. WWt MlnHlo l• .//:1:1 ~~ ~..,,..~,r.!l!Y,iw..r..®2-=~~~

Can't Dine Out?

·Take-Ou} r J .... ....,,cllalq_ .. ,_. a.-. ~· Coodaeatal Qablac .... '

Y OUJ: Place 0r Mine -280 Hlqsic!~ An . "IAG}891 Williston Park· ~

n B~;, • • oily Newa

Northern Italian • Continential Cui:ine .

. . mitt iorgio· 611 Old Country Road, We;,Jbury SJ6-997•6ft77

·~ MNday llwu fridrt Lundi 6 -klvrd.tJ • DIii- OftlJ •

M>n: thru Friday $1. 95 · L/~ -.~ tl/J ~/ Ai.LCOCKTAILS v v~/,.;U'i,-

UntJI 6 .m. Sunday 1•4 c .:11 F D - ... Ca rtn f All Occatl . _ au p r neservauon

te g or _....,C?!!~ ••.. .•• : •.•••••••••...•• -. ... ..... ·---... ~ .. --..,,..,_.,,.,,,,,.,,..~ .... .. . Luncheon ~ f■UH UAfOOD DAILY. AU MAJOI CllOIT CAIOS. CAUIIHC AVAILAILE , &.Dinner ~~.;:::::.:,:;::i;,.~m:;~.:;:f~~~'SS Eartles jj2P56 Hillside Avenue, N ew Hyde Pork , L.I. (51.61 328-0090

G~aen,City's Oldest Restaurant t:Jnder One Continuous Management

SUNDAYS· Pd Dinner Mam Served from 1-9 p.m.


''Early Bird Spec;i,al 20% Discount'' ~..,.,,., OniEntlre Cleek \ . °" ..... ,..,..,., ...

ICIIIIOIIIJI ~-•O.,&lanar)

roar Hoet Kent lhuon 636 Franklln Ave.

Garden Qty'

. ~f•~~~ ~ dutlyelJ1Yovn

--=- -•- 11111!•,ili!•-!i• -=---~~-~-~; 11!,.,, :•': ,._ •I ·,.., .. , CH 8-8884

. er 4 p.m., .. l!~:p. Smday by reiemidon '

· live en - t dminiz dinner . Wednesday ~ Satmday ' ' . . 510 Heinpstead ~Jk~

West Hempstead, N.Y. Cl,my Valley S1ionmi C:C..lff


East Restaurant,. Country Gred,and Gourmet !=uisine

~ · Mother's· Day Dinner Spe_ci_als

S~,-11.edfrom l -9p.m. Choice of Entrees ~

• Roast Leg of Lom.b with ooen brown potaio~s and fresh aapaTagus ; • Shrimp, Scal!op Aegean •. Fre~h Jum b_o shrimp stulfed w/feta chee,e in a light garlic :,auce whsea 11callopa, and ~ucchini ,' • Splmon en Cro.ute au Poiflre -·Fresh aolr;non ~rapped in phyllo in a light creaff! and fresh green peppercorn sauce • Siu]fed Cornish Hen • atuffed w/c~eatnut 11tuffmg w/a f,-esh ra,pberry sauce.

116.95 /ncluiles: Soup, Creek Salad> Fresh Fruit,

Entree, Deasert & Coffee

392WoodbUry ~ Hlcksvllle;_N'.Y.

Open 7 Days 11:30 • 10 p.m.

11 p.m. Weekend~

1ng ·orne:F e, asparagaus i:ng ,eter:ncal

Like Ille spline seasoo's Uthe, willowy modeb showlllc off tile latest raslllon desl~ ~ MW IS' eancus crop 1s out to Im~ the 1as1rOOOiruc, world with lu ele! pllce. venatlllty and cood taste.

1'lloqb ·puril!s !mist It sbould. only be served steamed and dipped Ill melted butter. a.spar-.. •CUI la venaUle. AIJlaraf.111 Is cood u. f\rst c:oane. Wbeli bot, •t Is wlllooably; dnaed with bou.n: da1Je. mousselliie and other but­la'-bued sauces; wbal cold or at room tmlpt:rat\ll'e, It Is. amashlng ID ~ °" mastard-splked mayonnaise.

ASPAMGUS POLONAISE 4 lbs. up_aragus ~ cup clarified butter 3 tblps. r~y grated bread

cnunbs S tbsps. grated hard-cooked· .,

ea yolk • s tbsp,. grated hard-cooked eu whlte · • · 3 lbsps. minced ~ey

Stum· asparagus until al dente. Arnnie asparagus on butttffil Oa~prool dish. He2t butler In sk1UeL Mix rema!nlllg lngredle.nts and add to butter. Saute· tor few minutes. Sprinkle over tips ol * paraeus- Run unde~ broiler for fe,r mlnutes. being careful not to burn.


1-2 lbs. asparagus 2 Ceoet9'15 thsps.. butter -~ heaping tbsps. Dour 1 cup bot milk 1 cup asparagus wala' 2 slices cooked barn, option•

al ~ V.cupcream Salt, pepper and nutmeg to


~e's Tea G~Jlen.

82 HUltldeAve., \Nllliatan Part<

Cantooeae Szechuan.

. ~ant $pedal 11:30 · 3:30 Comple&.e $3.50 up .

. U-..11130 -9p.a. Fri: a, Set. llilO • JO

tin duh. with sliced hard•boiled ew ori top,. Pour sauce over them., l~vln1 clear ,Vc•lnch at top or dlsh or sauce will ~ over. MJx cbeae and bread qil.mbs and :icatier on top of sauce. Dribble. melted butter, evenly over' them,

4-41 bard-bolled eua, 1Uced' . ¼ cup cr_ated c!leese (p~er,. , ,

ably G111yen) I lleaplnc tb1p. bread .

crumbs , 2 tblps. melted butter ·

Cook and drain uparagm. Melt butter Ill beavy pan. stir In Dow­and leave to bubble for moment or two. Add mlllt and asparagus• water p;adually to· make smooth ~ uoe. Simmer for 1$ minutes or more. unUl uuce. Is thick. Chop ham. U used, and add to sauce llf)tll crum. Season with salt; ~P: per arid nutmeg. .,

Amnge upa,ra~_ In oval Kr•· and . put Into bot oven: US F, for about 20 minutes unUI dlsb Is bub­bUng ai>d brown (final browning also can be done under ·broller).

Serves 4 to 6. ·


~ lb. fretb a 1paracU1, de2ned and !rimmed

12 0ts.' (21§ cups) c6olted c:hlcken, ~t Into .small cllunks ·

2 oi:s. sliced almoods. toast• eel •

~ cup sour cream v. tsp. curry powder, V• tsp, dry ·mustard V. ts9,. onion powder· ~tsp.salt Paprika for gamlsll lt2 tbsps. mayorinalse .

Blanch uparaps; cldtl·Cyt Into ~-Inch pieces, reservinC 6 smaller ~ asparagus pieces. cll~cm and ball of almonds. lD small bowl. iii1s sour cream.spices and salll Stir sour cream Into ch!lcltefl mixture. Pack dllcken Into small (1- to kup) casserole dish. llivert dlsb over dinner plate and allow "mOlded" salad to diop ouL To finisb, aprlnkle paprika over top o( aalad.;.With small spa• t11la, ·rrosr · aides or salad· with tlilii coatlnc of mayonnaise. ~Y reserved upara,ua ,pears over top of salad. Press' mnallllllg•al• · ~ '11hllY oalll ildes.

Serva S to 4 .


. i

~ ra I.)

~ ~

! 6 ... ~ :f:

I "'


Micro:wave By Oairft Vlvea Magic

Easy weekda~ breakfgsts·

For most of us tire;altfast 1$, al lust five days out of seven; any• thing but.a leisurely, meal.

,Sure, If you happen t,o be l11de• pendently wealthy you may havt £w BeMdlcl sent up on a silver tray to nibble on as you :l)l!TUSe the day's entries In your .social calen• dar. Bui ror thl: teeming tiordes. breakfast Is a ca1cbiu-calcb-can aJfalr ••

Out of btd with lh.e bllllring beep of an electric alann. a quick show­er, the frtnzled bunt for a pair of stockings without a run. anothu hunt through lbe-cl(!Sel for some• thing clean and pressed and pres• entable. Brush the hair: brush the . teeth - and U,you're lucky, a rew · gulps of corree and a slice of tOMt, Then the dlllly freeway battle and an onslaught of papers o_nce you reach y,our desk. Sound famlliar? Ugh!

For what most of us must go through during the bus,y mom1og houn. a bit of early-morning nu­trition Is jn order. Even If It's your responslbUily to get the rest or the (amity out the door ln working ord,er, try to set asfde. a few min• utes for younelf, and down some­thing more substantial than a multl•vita.mln and black coffee.

Dieters often find breakfast the e.ulest meal 10 skip, but may find themselves losing by the time noon rolls around. And many ol us simply don' t have (or make) the tl'ml! to worry about good nu-1r1Uon ln the rush to get the day started,

Bui n\Jlrfllonlsts tell us that the ideal brea~ast should :a~unt for i!/Ql!t one-fourth ol the day~ cal~ rles. minerals. protein and vita• mlns. A s1mple meal supplying nttde<t carbohy,lrates :and prote.ln l"ill get you going. and keep you going until lunchtime. -

Put your microwave to work and you'll flnd tbat weekday breaklasts don't have to ht hectic, Following are several early-mom• Ing edibles tbal take j'ust minutes 10 p,epare, With a microwave, thtre's no ex~ to c.~t youne)I

,out ol tbe nutritious breakfast,you deserve. ·

POACHED EGG FOR ONE ¼ cup water Ya tsp. ".inegar Dash each and pepper ieu ·

' Pour water Into small, deep bowl Stir In vinegar and salt and pepper. Crack eu Into water.

Co.ver loosely with wax paper and microwave 45 seconds. If white Is not completely set: ml• ct0wave another 15 to 30 seconds. Remove egg gently wlth slotted spoon and serve over toast.

' Serves I.

QU,ICKI&. OATMEAl,IN•TIIE-IIOWL ¼ cup qu1ck-(901fng ·oat•


\la cup,"ater Pinch sall I tbsp. ·brown sugar o~ honey MIik

Combine water and

salt in glass serving bowl, sllrring to blend.

Microwave J Ya minutes, stirring after 45 seconds.. Remove from oven, stlr again. cover, and lei stand 2 minutes before serving,

Top with brown sugar or honey. and milk.

Serves 1.

:ro microwave watne. place on serving plate and microwave 45 seconds. or uotll hea.ted through. That's II! ' . . Serve with butler and syrup or,

Jam .• If deslre;d. ,·


I medium-site gapelnli\ I tsp. butter or margarine'• , I tsp. honey ' O:ullcinnamon

Cut gra~frult ~ ball and re­move seeds- With sharp. se.rra1ed • knife, separate grapefruit sections from membrane.

Top each half with equal.· amounts of butler aqd honey, Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.

Place lrult on serving plate and mkrowave 2\la minutes, or unill' heated through. (Recipe may,.b<! . doubled. Microwave S\la to 4 min• uta) Lei stand I minute before serving.· · Se.rves I 1.0 1.

Rttlpes ID 1111s colamn att t_est• ed ID 625- to 700-watt microwave onu. Focm att cooked oo HJGlt (100 ~•l !M!WU) aad IIDCOV• ered e less otlletwlse spcciOed.

.. ..... ....... , .. . ..... 1 ....................... .

RESTAURANTOWN'EllS! Havc)011-noat~

Restaannl C111M ID Ille D!IK'OVC'f Maa.-lne Sffllan!

• CaU931.0012 • 294-39000< 746-0lMI (0<'ra1et1 aiid

lnlorinallon: • ······················ ••t♦••···· .......


s V"3' cold, 1.t backla ~~l ■p.

·, We CUNt open « doM die door, wklda we beUeve la Ull&tt• ·vwaam ~ !

,kJ12&201t '$1 ........ .

~~!w ··~ • oas .Ill cue of fire. Wi alJO are

IOIIII& a lot of lleaL Pie- ttU -wllal CU be dole- J.J.Jf..

Tom: Write ID1lle Coun- , .

,.~;.;;;;;;.,,.~.;,..__.:.;. ____ .IJ :

A. U your condomln111m la oa the first noor. this could be caused by moisture cdtlil& Wider the COD· • ettte slab. aod wbe!I cold weatlla- , BJ. llowii comes. the freaing of moisture

, ell few F.du• •~ • an-...». caUonal ~cbance, 1011 lt: •

Btoztoa ,\ ve. Loi Angeles. ~

-Mildew riot easily: aeteote~ ;

,.causes ei~oa. wblcb causes the th.resbold ID erpand and buc-

Dr. Wallace; I reu la y __ colama rectally !bt yoa aetuUy sappon die - of _, ·Wia Co llelp lower die ~llmba: of trif• fie laJvlts iad r atalll~ I, !00. ~ye Ilea Coljl Co "bec­kle-ep'l' .,.,,1 w 't: Please a11ow me ·eo. nP!ala my

Calif. 90024. . Tlie CIEE oper,ates

wod-abroad,prop-ams foe Britain; Ireland. France. Germany and New Zea- ·,. la~ TIie proJfaim att opm to studenll II and

~ perlonm a functloa opposite -Lo Q, ~t,cu be 4ooe ''! keep that of a bumldlller;, tbat la, It _.....u.._ from Joi:mbli aad Illes the molJtm out ot the air.

calllllll mll4e1ff We U•e S mUet '!be betta- lmulated youi borne from die cout ud II' - we ls,' lheimore difficult It ls for the cu'I eo11tro1·WulluUoe. . warm ,moist air to escape. Your

Lut ipriac we -&ed ,neral lhemlal wlndow1 are an lnsulat, ~ dol1an UYlq wtadowl Ing device that b~lpl lteep the ... Off coodo fflllOYed ... laltall- warm air In and the cold air OUL• lq lllenDal paaes -Ws dW DO Unfortunately, uiey wW aot' belp &ooi. Mu:, otllen la ou complex >""Ir moisture problem wbeo you att facd wltll 11m ~lem IUld need to find a way to let the warin we llo9ed1tut lk lllenDal pun air esr.ape. , woald bt Ille auwer for ts all, Inn Q W L--'""' • • Id Ille:, falled. !:... L.H , e P9tt~ a ..-year-o •

A. 1be air In coastal aius does contain more mol.!tuni than ln other climates. l.n addition, we all create more mol.!ture vtlthln,our homes by activities such as cook• Ing. sbowerlrig and launi!ry:-• When the moisture content In the alr becomes too blgli withli:I the home. It fosters mildew and results In sweating windows, walls. p) pes.incftollet ta~nls I.! caused by the c:oadematloa that always occurs when warm, moist air settles oa cool surfaces.

Wben It ls too moist;~ fflllSl find a way to let the. moist air e,c:apo: (via ra.... vents. et.c.)1 or trap ·It ln a debumldifia-, ,,rblch

coodomlAlam two ,yun •&o and ~ve bad a problem wl!b Ille tllresbold Ill lk doorway.

Thia problem wu.11ot evident lu Ille 111mmertlme.' w.bea we pur­cbued tbls bome from Ille l111Ud, er, What 'can we do to remedy tlie sltuUoa ud keep the tbrubold from b11cldlaj?

We bave bad ID remove Ille s_lttp OD tbe bottom of tile door ucl DOW we are cetuag a lot·of cold air tluoql, the bottom. We bave covettel tllls atta wttll rap to try to lleep oat die cold. .

Wbeta we complaillied to I.lie IMIJJAkr, lie seat a mu litre IUld all lie dW - bammtt wn lb!: ~Suceu.etl,wlletalt&•ta

Mainly For Seniors BY Jolm T. w_ana '--~;.;.;..;...;.;._,. .... ---,--, Tormented by

· . · burning sensation . ' Deu Jolm: Do yoe boW of uy IIIIUoe. Pieue __,. - a C09Y of

ma.ttrial tut will llelp to ease Ille t11e Cereo ·ud ytaepr._ lime'I benlq ~doll all over my r-•la. - Mn. M.C. ' ~y tut .ocean oe)y al alp!? I P.S. PIUJC l'1ISL I pow yoa uve to na ,a cool clodt O¥tt my mal be a bay ~ wldt all the body ,approximately every 2\; uslstaice yoa att pvlq a. ·' boas ucl dtell ae ~me Dear Mrs. M.C~ 'Regarding the ud u kt baa '(011 bees ud "'P.S) bumlng at night, be. sure you are to &et u:, resL steepln& nert to cotton o!llY :"

M:, doc1or dtoqbt It m~t ,be night clothes. etc. A.iso, avoid bot dae to a medlcaUoe I - takla& baths at nlg)IL Study the hints on r« ~ , pain so be ~ed arthritis. Who llnows; you may get Ille med.lcatlaa. ~ -t II did DOl al· quick relief. leYlate Ille pro!llem.

I am lol1a& weipt cndullY 1111N my ar1laritn la bl the wd&•t Jolaia • ('lpe ud uea). X-rays or bodt blea ladlcate advaacd ardtriln la the r,pt ~ ud mUd qrap- la die left bee, I am tu.Ill& ~~ llleraPY tor llliL •

I Jal need llelp wldt ar1JariU, pala ud tlle problem wu• restlq al alpt. b tllett U'I relatlolmlP bclWffll die i.rWiUI ud tlus problem? 1 •bavt beea experletlc• bis II 0111:, la Ille put moedt.

~liild nad • •~• self• ~ aavel~ IUld a coatrl·

Dear Jou: For Ille man wbo wuted to uow If tllett were any baad]ta avallable•(or people wllo woft'td oe die rallro&tl aroud u­btstoi. lltte att plloDe Hmberl tut lie cu c:all toU•frtt to &et Ille lif onnllioa lie liecds: l-8IIO-ffl-0'20 or 1.-u1-l359,

111ett umbers are tllole of al• tonieya for people ,.11o wortted r« Ille railroad- - A rellred worter

Dear Jou: A)tlloep I am 'DOI yet a lltlllor, I do aaJo:, :,oar col­uu. /IJMI u a ttaAler of Ptevtt1-tloll I aus a firm bellenr la Ula•

kle. ' ct,eck tile dra_!.naae around the

cloot'way ·llld exterior wa]ls o'f your bome. Be" ll1IN! tbat rain and me!!flil soow',iai:e !h'alhln& away, from the focindaUoa. ,

It ,might help to reffl9\'t the wooden ~Id and seal tile i:ODcrete using • a good masonry sealer, lbeo replace the threshold.

Moisture ls atiout the oaly lhlll& I can think of lhat wOllld cause this problem ·oaly wbto you Ka~e freeztil& wealhff, ... •· ..... . • ..

rasoo. ~ _,

""'I mJ (allla' WU A YOGI& mu lie--' a frind wen IMdW •P ,..,. dle,J were la.-olm la • serlou &~ ecddeaL If my ralllet"1 f~ llad:a'I INc­ldtd 1p l,e probably wMld be alln today,

T.•e a■ lomoblle lbty were ridlq la exploded

ral relld wlleaever feasible. sllortly ■lttt Ille a«ideat I really appreciate yoar re- ocnrred. My fat,u's

,poase lo criticism from tJ,e lrlttld C'09ld DOI 1«1 bu Artlar!UI FouDdalloa. Too oftftl seat belt Co ubackle and Jbe Ammcu Medical Assodatloa WU kill«! lasWllly la 111,e ud oilier medical, orcaolutlom ,xplosi:,a. . • • looll ukance al llomc reintdla . Tllall wlly ~ doe I wear tllat oftta bave loag 1rack r«0nlt ·Ital belt!- - Rtbtcca. of saccess. Rebecca! Indeed. you.r

Here 11 some advice tbal ma)'. lle!JI ao.)'OIIC wbo bas an alcer u I do ud li iloacln& for a bot drjall tui wUI DOI apset the stomacb. Take a cap of bolllq water, add ooe or· two ttUJIOOIIS of llooey to

, iaste ud stir Jat. lllle tea. Tlaaok yoe y.ala' r« ill YOII do

for die d4ul:, ud dtkrS u well Doa't back~ II'• alt loo ran: to find. a ,1111c,re, 41rttl penoa wbo tpub tor people wltboel ~ or wllo doesn't btal U'O'IIM die b4ll;II trylq to. please cyeryoae. - Mn. Diane G. • Deal' . Diane: there ls anotllcr rnonli1I& procedure that I know Is helpful. Before eallng anything. nils ao ounce of pure lemon Juice ln a glass of water as bot u you caJi'st&DiJ to drink IL It belps cure 1.mpwiUes out of the system.

Deu Jolla: I ujo:, readlD& yoar colUIII. u 11'1 vei, lldplal. I uvt arwtlil bl mJ llludt 11111'somecae told - •to take vtaeaar IUld looey - It'• reallJ belptd. ¥Y flli&tn are m«e Umbt'I' ud nelible.

I've takat OH ttu(IOOD of apj!le elder vlaepr and OH teaspooo ·or

• raw boee)' la a pss of bot wacer eva-:, morala& a baJf boar before

,b,uklut; b ll·all rtgllt to contlll• ae Ws! I've btetl talllna U for JO year,, - lJUlao

Dear L,(Ulan: u It does lilt ,Job rd say lt'I all rlgbL I ,

.. . CALL INPUf 93 I .ocm 24 IIMnaclayl An••n

'.lloe01l<illoiioftheWm or ~%pttA .. op!Aloo oa oilier ....... ol tatttnt ' le ............. .

• .. • • I

ra1htt's lrlcnd sullettd a traelc fate, but that Is no reason not to wear, a seal belL The young i',µn died

from an ,unusual drcum• stance. cau it a lttalt bap­pawic. lr)'Oll ' wUL Pleue let me c:baqe yov mind.

lD . a :SO-mpb · collision wltb i solid object, aa w,. I.belted drivtt or passengtt slams hl!O Ille wlDdshleld, ,lbe il>ltnllDmt paaetor tbe slffling wheel and column at a rortt more than JOO limes .Ille rorce or cravlty.

P\tt anolJler WIJ, Ille WI• bel~• occupant ol a 30; mpb velilcle crasb blta tbe wlbdsllleld « othtt Inter!• oc- surface of Ille vdllcle ,nib tlit same Impact u a ran from a t11re;e-11ory bulldln&- Eva, the Impact of a.~ 10-mpbcrash Is rougbly equivalent . 10 catcb lng a 200,pouad wtlgbi dropped from about 7 led.

l.fabdted riders boldin& a cblld on tbelr laps lu I :SO­mpb crasll are tbrowa for, ward w\lb tlie lortt of,oae and one-ball 1oC1S. •

Tbe cblld would b<e cn,sbedtodealh.

Safety bell& beip vtblcle occupants "ride down" Ille I~ ol tbe crash (llle ll'11 coll~) 1'Y bolcllng 1M111

• in. pl&ce and preyenll~~ C(Jlltact ~lb eitbtt tbe [n• terior . of}._tbe .veblcle or oilier ocapaats (lhe so­called second colllsloll).

Rebecq. you ari • read· er of this columll and lllat maltes you e11r1-spedal to me. Pleue drop me a line aiid let me 1IDoW yoo att borl1lu& up, I care very modi ~I you. '

older. .

Dr. Wallace: MY paruta ltt l'!'('kUI ud I'm 4oia& !IY best ·, eo set t11em .eo . stop. A.claaUy, mt -1w •IOPP«I dtrtt Umcs NI Ille always ,- bact. My 4ad 1w aevcr 110pped.

Wt were llaYi.& a famUy dlsntsloa rqardla& ako­Uae lut •l&•t ud my 4ad tkJah lht oact yoii · smoi,t. tk ■!coU.t 1ta~ la yoor body roc- yean.

WIii yoe please rtad oot llow loac ii 11111 la yoor system after yo• qoll amoklq7 II b lmporu.~1 ~•- Ir It leaves tile •Y•· um la a moa~ or to, I mll)l,JUI be able lo COO• •1- lllm 10 qalc, ud Mom I!> q, 11 ror good. - &rt111 · " Bertha: You are a wjsc youn& d.tug)iler. Actually. nlc;otlne leaves a system one wtek alter Ille· ~ noa stops smotlng. U you can gtt your pattats to stop 1moltln1 for ope wttlt. tblnp will &tt eamr. This b QOt to say tlle)' won't have to fight on cravings 19'" clp.rctlel In Ille Weeki alltt wffi< oae. Bui tbe cravtncs will btccime mucll weater;anil less lre-queaL

Once lbe nlc9llne , Is cone, the cravlap Y!)UI' parents will e1perlence wlll be coming from' tbeir mlDdt not lbtlr bodies, In other words.. smotln& is Just a bablL ,

Or. Wallace My pan■ta wW 90t allow my sister ud me Co llave a ptt q or cat 11eca- D<J att alraW It wo■W bllc a; Ac­ta.all:,, oer 2,yur, old MOIM1' 1>11es II more tua uy q cw cat ,roeld. C.. roe kip m1 - Delira • Ddn: Accordfn1 to Or. , £111~ Coldstdn. , Callfor• nla bite ,sptdallit, human bites ollen uansmil mott bacteria tban ihose riom animals. The most d.tncer• , ous bites are tbose., from humans lieciuse they •~ . the ones most llltcly 10 be­come lnlecltd. • Do& bites. ·how...,er, are lhe mOfl lffijueftl biles lbal requltt \realmefll liy a doctor. This number Is. over I million annually. Rabies I.! iio lon,er: a prob­lem II ~ att: vacdDlled •l•l!!JI Ille~--~ .

... DOYOUBAVEASEltVICE le MlfflllMT Oor Se,.lce Dlrcd011 II_,. &o bdaa • t

reiolta, Call 93t-Cl011 • 29U900•746-0240for

• ralea ud lllformado,,. ·····••·•·•·· .. ·•···· ............................. .

Dr. Walla~t: Do yoa DOW of uy lllt9Cf WI cu llclp II fl-' nmmer Jobi la Euo,cT We cloa'I care alaoat die pay, we Jut ...... die ~ty ud uporiellct. ~ T- 6 Bob,

Some brHds ol does are bred to tilte. but .meet does

"i re gtolle and seldom · • show their lanp. Sllow Ibis answer to Mom aad Cnd. U

·- ' --- j

I' I ~ l' f.

~~ < ':! w

• I.)


! !€

lOCAIL READER /;"oe.·····• .. 3 I ~ ---- / '1tJ, ,.,,t,~••• ..

ClASS.WIED AD:5·5Ure to get resu .. : .. /~{;;)'- .?· :-~

I ,t There Is Nothing,EJse Uke ~ ...... ~ ................... .._..~

fled Ads,from Neigl ~111'1biv: ··• .....

~.~~ ....... · ONE :AD APPEARS IN·8 WCAL NEWSPAPERS·f'()R ONLY, S9.00 . .

Garden City News •~Call 29;s,s9.00 Mid Island l'imes • JJethpage Newsgram Syosset Advance • Jericho News Journal

•Call 931-0012 Williston Times • Mineola Edition

New Hyde Park Beiald Courier •Call 746-0240 .

NOW alter 2 p.m. phoM ·la you, ad 14 hour1 a day 10 our 1pcdu alter bciitn ad nilfflbcr. You..,. ph<mejour ad 2A hottr1 a da1 and II wlll •Pl'ffr In the MIi l .. ue-ol the P,•IM'• (ap lo the U -n !!tadllnf lor •ff~ of publl'J'tlon). U yoo 11tl11 lbe hottra ol our rraalar ad, l&ktrl al. IJU'. of the abon number tllll 746-0240 and gl'.l't 7our ad,24 HOU.RS A DAY.

Help Wanted CLEANERS W'ANTED Ocxlbl< houu. PT. l{crrlcks School Dlf trwt. For lnlormatlon c•II 741-1800 c11. I J6. hmy~

. ............ .. , f' .......................... .

TELEPHONE ClERlo;u. FUl.L Or P~rt 1lmc-. rc1urnecs •~lcorp~. soluy plu~ paid holld1y5 and lxmcflh. Ci•rdcn t1 1f v!cinh)•, Coll Eleanor 741,80-IS hmy2

......... LOVE CHILDREN?

Apply for rewarding part time w sltl"n •• lun<h lildc. Syonct S<.hUQl.s 921•S.S00<.11, 2 19 , hmy2

P,'RT TIME RELIABLE Pcrspn for s«tctary posh lon. M•F, 9 a ,m . to I• p. m, ·Typing eipcrl<nCI' rcqutiod. Call Control Signal 746.JOOO l'my2

BO<>,KKEEPING LIGHT P-/T Typing stills. Small. pleasant a !flcl:. Hkuvlllc. ·'can Mr. Phi11ipf 822•1913 hmyl

• FT / PT .. n ,ut;R .. POSITIONS ••~11ablc 1n our Oarilcn Chy and Lynbrwt olfitH. Pl~ ~II O< apply In person ~idclity,NY. 1000 Franklin Ave.. Gaidon City. 7~6·8SOO Eat. 362. gc:my3

LOOKING .... FOIi :MATURE , " 'Oman with relcrences to live in

or out 10 babysit two girls ages S and I½. llght l)ousc•ecping . . looking for <omconc who <an read and spend time with tile dllldren. Monday ~hroush 'Friday • 8-S p.m. Call cvu after 6 p.m. 248-6282. • . 11cmv3

PARJ ·11ME MERCRANDISER\ In local <;larden City Q<,pt. sto,.,s; dl\'time hours. cu noccssary. c;u R9bort a. 1, 800,631•1617


REST,WRANT DISHWASHEJl FuJI time or pan lime. Small rcsnuront rtquircs immcdl11~ dlsh"(U.hcr in WU11s1on Park. 248, 1891 • ., wmy2 ............................................... FULL TIME · 1c PA.KT ·llME positions available; Full time. starts at ~ ~· ttour if you

·' quallly, Apply· In person .M<Donalds or , Sy,osset. ~71 Jcrl<ho Turnpike , Syosset 921•6120. • bmy~

......... , ............................. , ...... .

Help Wanted .AU PAIR/CBILD CARE ,.,.rm loving pcrso11 needed lor inf•nt u l wort-ing Mom In our Oarc!en City hOme. Pttfcr live.In , O,,.·n room. b>th. board. 74I.J48J

• l!ffl\¥2

SCHOOi; VAN , DRIVt:RS PI T. AM or PM niut<) avolbble. Gu•rontccd hours. e~c:,,llcnt u 2nd in"'""• will train, P,I. Wa.hmJIIOn Call $83,6711. hmj2

uous'EJ(EEPER/ CHlLD CARE S½ d1ys. livc•ln. own apl. Re«nt refcrenc:,,s. Salary based on e~• pcricn«, Call 248•4437 between 9,JO 1.m.-4:JO p.m •• Mon.•Frl.

• gcmy4

LIVE•IN HOUSEKEEPER Mature. experienced. Small fa!l'lly. good salary. Recent

• Rcfcrcn<d. 747~12 ....... gc:my2.

TEACHER/ DIRECTOR Nursery .school: pan time. c:,,rti• ficd E.C.; «ntral Nusau. c~per• icnc:,,d. Scp1. opening. Send rc1umc by S/IS/ IIS 10 P.O. 8o1 .l80. Jerld)o. N. Y. I 1>753. gc:my2

CLERICAL ·wANTED TYPING cucntl1I, general office duties. full 1imc. G rden 01y Park area. 775.3939. • • llfflly(

• HOMEMAKER FOR ELDERLY woman : Gardc.n City. llgh! housdccplng. cooking ., Mnt drive. car not nccc:..ssary. Refer• encc:s. Call 147-1316 after 10 a.m.

' gcmy2

MACHINE SHOP AU AROUND general help. Malntcn,n<e. shipping. painting. etc. Pennao• cn1. full time. Mineola. 747•2666.

11<111Yl GAIDEN·an•IETAIL STORE needs 2 dependable. ~ll motl• vated young men to mtln11ln di1plays. handle Inventory. make deliveries. FTI PT. drlve.r•s lic:,,nsc • musl, 7,47•1505 10 a. m.-5 p.m , , gc:my2 ·"······••·•• .. ······· ....................... .

BEGINN.ERS PLEASE Several ph6ne • deru n<edc.-d immediotcly for pan time or lull time at .lur Garden Cily,.,offic:,,. $$.S6 per ,h'?ur. Call Ooro1hy, 7~1· 1900. gcmyJ

Help~ G~R.DENE.I SEASONAL n°"' through Sep1em1icr. Monday to Frtday. 7:JO.J:30. Syossc( aru. 921-6575. hmy2 •

FULi.i TIME . LIVE,IN HELP W-tdl>"'cd W . Ke'llpttead woman rccov~ng from stro•c rrqulrcs help 10 coot. shop &. Nn hoy-.,hold.'S.-.On;d floor (private) 2 room, with b.ah and use or car for 1he right JM'rson. F!calble hour3. Lo1s0Vamily'hclp. Rcfct• enccs required. 489•7796 after 3 p.m. . IIC;fflY21

:tELLEl!S P~RT· TIME poshions, (o.m. and p.m. shifts avallablel Wlll.1r11ln on p~mlscs. Poshlons In F!u.sNng and New Hyde Park7~896t •S400. Clt.)20. Ast forTricb.. wmy2

ADVERTISING• SALES~AIT 1lme. Perni1nen1 poshlo1> m good location sclling.lor " 'cclly nC\\'J• paper publications. Some Clptr• icnc:,, he.lpful bu1 wlllingncH 10 v.-ort important. S:alary and com• missions. Approa. 20 hoilrs per ,.•rct. Call for :appt" 931 ·0012 ~ .. , ........................ htfnmvl

Help Wanted DRIVER SCHOOL BUS aASS l lic:,,n~ or will 'train, Stan $6.30 pc~ hoilr. 30 '""If" guaranteed. Blur Cross plus benefits- K &. S Transporhtlon Corp. 921•2381

1 .... .- .............. , ............. hmy4 BABYSnttl W,\NTED FOi lnlant In our Nonb Syouct home. Mature warm pcnon. 3 da:y1 per week. Light hou.sckttpln8, Refer• ences rrqulrcd. Call 496-4058

. . ·· bmv4

PERMANENT , PAIT TIME For busy Garden City ncwspopcr olr1tt. 4 days week, Mein •• ,:ues:: • Thurs .• . Fri. AppN)I. 24 hrs. Good tclept,one attitude, ~ncral office and derl<•I 'l'O<k. Call Mn. , Pataluk 931•00l2 fo r, lPP.1,

' : hlfnmy◄

MACBINISTS EXPERIENCED Engine. lalltc, grind. mill, dr!U prcn. own sit up. lmmcdiale. permanent. full time.' Minrol.l. 147•2666. • ~yJ

TEACHER BEAD FtlLL TIME "ffl wlih 3 year olds. 12 montbs, dosed holidays. Associate or Ccrtlfled. Roslyn 484.5130.' hmy2

TIJGHT AtTENDANT NEEDS ............................ , .............. . help. \Vant 10 ~111:m from 1rlps10 GA RDENEI CARETAKER find happy children and an Permanent. Monday•Friday. 7:30 atttptable Oal')lcn Chy 10 , 3:30 Syosse1 area. Call Appn,1l~1ely U) wce•days per 921•6575. hmv2 ffll)nth. 2:4S•6 p .m. S<bcdulc MOTHER'S HELPER ~Ai.E FOR must be f!~tlble. Own tr.anipona• Infant, 2 i!ays per WffL 1-S p.m. tlon. l 41-1026. · gc:my2 · Non•smoter : experienced. MOTJIEl'S BEi.PEi '\YANTED 294•6029i gc:my5 10 C11re lor my 2 yea~ old this MATtlllE.GARDEN an AREA summer. Mon.•Fri .• ,Garden City Resident who loves gardening (no area. ~pcrience with <hlldrcn lawn mowing) for 8-12 boun. 1Cquircd. ciu,2.43-8398, .gc:my:l Ouible. a week. Wccdillg. prun• iMMBD0iArs"·scii'cioi'. ... iius Ing. tilling. tending and rsring fo, Drivcr-s. Ous 2 dean lfcc" We ½ ·acre flower and ~gomblc 6avc opcnlngJ for 8 ~ l'OU)CS sard~n. Refm,nccs. Call afler 6 and 6 hour routes, plua Id tnps !.::'.':?~?. ................. ~!.~ and chartcr-s. Top pa7'. looc\ ,, REAL ESTAtE SALES bcn~ts. No layoffs. Cill for, ( •oc, your C1'rctt 11.11dcrway ;,ow. appoultmcn1. Student B~s Co., Pennancnt full time and pan time 455 Wtsl John St . • Hkbville WE openings In plcuant . a>ngcnlal l-491X!orGE3,2211; hmy2 Garden City olll,:e. Experience WE£KLY.NEWSPAP.ER.'P4Nf holpful but not nettssary. flu. In Hicksville , seels permanent, Ible S<bcdule. for ~ppt. all part t ime addltlon'< to busy An Molloy Realty. 747•20l0. 184 7th O.:p\. 'l'ypi11g.• t)'PC. specs; id St. gcmy,2 layout eip. helplur eves,/,<, Satur• da:y1. approx. 20 h·ni • ·week. Call 931.0012 forappt. • htfnmy4

BABYSITTER • NEEDED in Garden City fo, 3 year old gi{l, 2·3 days ptr week to surt1·Some housckttplng. Call 437-6750 on Thun. or F~. f<>t a!Ppl.•·•·•• gc:my3

. TRAVEL OUTSIDE SALES Travel Nctl'Ork Garden ~tY_Qs looking for OUISidc sales ~ nel. Experience ·pr,,lerrcd. lf,not.' will 1raln. Highest commission paid. For additional informa1lo.n and appointment. please , <all 741-2700, acmy2

CHIL~ •.• ! CARE . .... WAfY~ED My New Hyde Pad< •home. Rell• able. mature per.wn. S11nij,g September. Tearher•s calcndat for ,nursery Kbool child. Call 4~7•913S alter 4 p ,m. ~my4

Situation. Wanted YOUNG 'EXPERIENCED oftlcc girl. booU.ccp_cr. payroll derl:. r eceptionist. telephone opcraior, light typing, wants silunlon ill Mlncola. Garden Oty. New Hyde Pa.rt• CK Flont l'llrt"uca. Call 775-9281 anytime.

••• • ...................... · ....... a<m>'2 • LADY DESIRES DAY WOIIC Re(crrncc:s. Call 481-6024 gcmy4

N,URS,E'S. AIDE AV~ILABLE Yfi,hes 111ork "i th skk or elderly. S days • week. lull or part 1lme • 10 r••rs ,:..,,ting e%pericnc:,,. priy110 duty, Eacc:llent icier• enccs. own lran5poult1on 742-9498 WMy2

BOUSECLEANTNG MON•SAT. Any lime, Good references. ea114s1:a111 acm14

EXPERIENCED O.w>EN arY Sedy lffU put time Gal ,Fri .. 'ffl&D■gerltl aulstant position for local b111lncss. 74'M>743. &=Yl

NURSING •• a .. UGBT BOOS£. keeping avallatile, 3-9 houn pa­day or night. Rdcrrncc:s. 30 yrs. In Garden Clty. 489-4674_. g<my3

HOUSECLEANEI AVAILABLE Everyday. Good rrfercnccs. Own Garden City 1tt1 only. 484-41◄0. gcmyJ

nousEKEEPE!! ·1;11)Cfl~Me~•• Excellent refer•

• encc:s. Own transponatlon. Call 538-9674 after 7 p.m: gcmy~ ..................................................

SECRETARY JI. year c:xpc~ nce. Typing, 80 •pm, ll9ht ,1eno, dlciaphone. resume. rclcnmccs upon rcqµcst.,

lS2•75 l0 . ..................... gc:myJ HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE Mon. and Wtd! ltcfcren=. ""'TL ~nsponatlon. 48.3·6256, gc:my3

MATURE WOMAN WILL babysit evenings and weekends •nd do ,l«p, oven on weekends. Please tall after 8 p ,111. 741.jll49.


CEITIFU?D .. NURSE'S ' AIDE wit! wo,k for alc:t or.elderly '6 to 8 houri per day. S days per week., Will wort some weekends. · Reforc.nccs 621-3904, wmyJ

CLEANING PERSON AUlL­able. background. Ex• pericn«d. Rdcrcncc:a. Call titer S p.m. 483.JOIO gcmy,4 .................................................. BOUSECl.£ANING _ANY D~Y 8 a.m,•I p.m. Referrnccs. own transportation: 489..JS89 gcmy4 •••••••· .. ••••n•••••••·••••·•·•·••••••••·••u• EUROPEAN ,NURSE'S AIDE available daily &om.9 Lm. to 5 . p.m. or live In. References. • ~1831. sc:my4

HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE Sal. & Sun. Espcricnced and reliable. Cati 354-4740 aflct, I p.m. and ask for lvone. g<my2

M~iun EXPERIENCED 1"1um1'· aide 'Will take are or slct 0< clderly, . S day1 per week or nights. Light h'ousetecplng. E1ccllent ·references. 718 776-0253. g<myS . .................... ., .... ........................... . UGBT nousewoaK or nurses· alde or companion. Prclci- Garden Oty. Rcfcrcoccs. 481:Ja88, lffllyS

KATHERl~IBBS/ LASELL Graduate ·&strcs position u ad• mhlstntivc uslstant/cttc:utlvc s«1y. Exteo1lve1Manhattan ,~ort ••~ricncc. Please reply to P.O. 801 81471 Garden Oty, N.Y • • ,11530 • ......................... acmv4 DOG WALKER JR. fflGB School stude 111 will walk yout dog after 3:30 p.:m. wcctdayi. Any• time w,ctends. Ex~rlenccd.whh clogs. Garden City' Ea.talcs & Western sec1lons. ,Rca10nable. 741-5116 sc:my5 . ........................................... -. .. .

Situation Wanted SOWi. WOllXEJt .GRAD sn,. den,. loo\lna f0< family wi1h spare room. Adelphi Univ. area. t1anln,1 late Au,uJ1. room &Jld t>o.rd In cuhangc f<>< wo,k. Andrew Young. 21 Sandown Rd. Ches1er. New H.ampsb!re, 03036.

~~~,.~ ... ~.~:~ •~r.~ EU,OP.EAN WOMAN LOOXINC For position as companion/aide with llaht lwtccplng. Full 1lme da~rences. Call Jcannette. 7{1':6347 ··-·· acmyS

CARDEN an mcu SCHOOL Junior wishes mother•• hdpcr posldon f0< summer. ~ with children. Oardcn Oty i-t

pau. 746.J068•-· .. •· ........ ,anyS NURSES' AIDE SEEKS Uve out position to care foe' sick 0< elderly. J years upcricntt. Rc­fercn«es available. Can be conl&c­tcd at -486-3410 Sun. &Jld Moc. only. 11cmyS

Moped For Sale POCH NEWPORT 11 MOPED br sak. Eucllm1 cocditlon. very tow mllcaae. comes wbh helmet. Mom sell SJ50. Call ns..517 ..


Car wanted WANTED USED CARS Forclan and domeslie. l'N>mp1 profeulonal service. Hlah .. 1 prices paid. Jon.Tar Moton Inc. 1)26-561.1 ••• _..... . ........... gcjnJ WILL BUY USED OR Jtn,"K can for S7S and up. Lale models. •ffds for SJOO and up. Same, day pick.up. Call af1cr 3 p.m. '147~170. w)YJ

can For Sale 1973 BONDA CIVI C cacellent runnlna condlllon. RebuUt engine. acw brucs. S57S. Ca.II eves. 7JS.S640. hmy◄

1978 "•◄so" SL MERCEDl!S Red/pallea. 73,000 M·B main• 1&lncd mllca. ca«ellcnt condition. New top. 1ircs and ale + other ci1ru. S2S,000 or best over tnde ,-atue. 747-5411. gcmyJ

1973 ... PONTIAC VENTURA 6 cyl .. au1oma1k tr.Ill .. amlfm. u,;,ellenl mechanclal. Reeenl br&i:u. 11tcs. ballcry. T•'O door hard topS735. 681~7'96. hmyS

MUSTANG ... 1965 EXCELLENT cocdillon. 44,000origlnal mites. 6 cyt., 1u1omalle S◄SOO. 7◄2•8249.


1972 .. CLASSIC. MERCEDES Benz. 280S£. Gold. es«ellenl condhlon. 921·3050 OC' 92l-80Sl a.lier 6 p.m. hmyS

1977 BUICK SKYLAllK s6oo. Body Is good. Engine needs some WQC'k. Call after S:JO p.m. 489,0501. gcmyS

1977 fTREBIIJ) .FORMULA 400 PS. PB. AC. AM/ FM. Chapman lock. good 1lres . EJccllenl running coadilloa. 57.000 miles. A1k:lna SJ80(). Alter 5 p.m. 718 193-i026. acmyS

197s°_ .CHEVY. C11£VELLE "4 Door. new &Nns.. nJns "'ell. S◄SO. Call Hl•213S wmy5

t9ai" CADILLAC ·coUPE Di VIiie. Fully equipped l'olth lca1her ln1erior. Cabriolet roof. 1111 wheel. p<>,'Cr )runk. llghlrd vlsorS and more. I owner. Asking S8.SOO. Call 747..sss◄ wmyS

Cara For SIie 1969 VW GHA3 GOOD runnlna condhlon. lei• of new paris. S700. Call aflcr S p.m. CJ:13..474$. W'l'yl

. '81 CUTI.ASS SUPREME 2 door. V6. 32X mlks. PW. AC. AM/ FM caucuc whh, cquallur. cruise. lm'J'acul&le In and out. S649S. l)ays 742-5413 eves. & weektnd, 29-4·~ gcmyS ...................... , ... 1. ................ .

1977 CAPRICE CLASSIC AC. PS. PB. PW. V8. AMI FM stereo. Mini condhloa Sl700. 354-7025. gcmyl •

19'70 POlfflAC, GOOD ENGINE aoocS mcchankal condlllon. S6SO. Sceondowncr.489◄929. ganyl . ·-........................................... . 1979 T OYOTA COROLLA t.balllc blue. S speed. am/ fm cascuc. "!i"' r.dlal tires. new brucs. 49.000 miles. SJOOO. 141-6.JaS. aantl '76 ASPEN WAGON SE. a en;. cnslae. new brakes. rebuilt 1ransml11lon, good !Ires. body ru11cd. humor perfoe1 . 741-1026.

................................... Rffl'Yl 1978 MERCEDES 450 SLC• Cl auk b,-n; u«llcnt cocdltlon pampered: ale: electric sun roof: maupunkt: immacula1c !aside and o,u1. Truly a pres1lgc ar. SlJ.50(). 29,C~ call 1.m. ac,nyJ -·-♦- . ............. ,. •• , ......... _ . ....... .

1976 VW IIAJIBrr 4 DOOR 4 speed. runs well. S800: 746-9630or74I.S263. ganyl

1958 MERCEDES BENZ 2205 scd1n. Good cocdillon: 59.000 original miles. Call 741--0806


"1979PON11AC CRAN LE MANS v.a. crum. 4 door. auto 1ran1mlnlon. poirer steering. power 1>rotc1. air. 11ara1cd. origlna.l owner. sms. 741.()7"3.

.................................. er,. 1979 CUTLASS SUPREME brown/ 11n. am/ (m llereo, PS, PB. AC. PW. IUI wheel. Ex«llcn1 cocdltlon. SJ7SO. Call alter6 p.m. 7◄7•814S. gcmy4 .................................................. 1971 KARMAN GHIA• convCf11blc. Yellow. am/ fm. n< nm. ca«ellenl In &Jld oul. S28SO PR ~6018. acmr .................................................. 197, FORD LTD EXCEJJJ!HT condillon. - Air condhionlng: lJO"'er brakes. power Sl~ring. au1oma1lc SliOO. Call 921•71 70.

................................. w hmy2 ANTIQUE 1928 DODGE BROS. whh Viclory 6-Modcl 130. Mint ron,lh.lon. 1ooi. retl0ttd. 46.000 original mites. whh spare pan• a ulog and pu1 hlslory. For sale or will lradc u pan down paymenl for house In Gardeo 01y. Asking Sll.000. 681◄804.

· gcmy2

19i4 CADILLAC ELDORADO all power. sliding sun roof. CB. SI S.000. 1984 FON! A.tllor Van 4 Flumul<r ap1&tn•s d,aln. full sof1 bed. Indirect lighllng. ate. >1erco. blinds. Sl◄.000. 1984 Rcpllca 1929 Mtrttdea Dem SSK 011dle Roads I er, aulo uans. ale. 11,reo 1ape. Tonncau lalhcr. ISO macs. Bcs1 ofTer over S20.000. R,y Corrado. 10.S Mon. to Fri. 747•2000. w«tends 742-8607.

IK'fflY2 1979. YW .. RABBIT . 4 SPEED Ma~ual . regular gas. amtrm. caccllcnl condhlon. Original O"'ner; 62.000 miles. Perfect com• mum a r. $2200. 746-$910 afior 7

p .m .............................. !~:'.'.~·~

car For Sele 1977 CHEVY MAUIIU CL\SSIC 2 daor. PIS, PIB. AIC. p,d running conditloQ. dc1n In and oul. Sl .600. Call 14I-S9JI wmyS

1977 F1AT FUU.Y EQUIPPED ale. radio etc. Grea1 sh•pe In and ou1.S2000.9Jl-1717. acmyJ

1979 PONTIAC 80,NNEVIU,E Brougham 4 door. 60,000 mites.· p/w. pl door. while/blue. velour Interior. good .condi1lon. SJ700. ~250. pyl

1979 VW RABBIT · ~.000 MILES sundanl trusmlulon. caccllcnl condition. S2200. J28-897&,gm,yJ ... -................................ . ............... . 1976 TOYOTA CORONA m1lon waaon. Air. ~MI FM. S speed. Sl800. 7◄7•2217. gcm73

MAZDA• RX 7 01984 LIKE NEW silver. standanl, cstras. f. 700 mllu. 7◄2•2576 eves or weekends 74l◄l4Smcuage ........... gcmyJ

1970 AMC S◄SO. 4 speed. new br.tcs. dcpc'ndable. aood s1&tlon car. 747•5496 gcmyS

•a◄ DATSUN 300 zx. Sil.VEIi le11hcr/dlghal package: T• Top: 13.500 miles. Mull sell Sl◄.SOO. Call 746-7072 weekends a r 212-68.S-905I gcmy5

NEW MERCEDES BENZ Ill◄ scale model. 500 SL convcr• tlbk. auollne powered. lots or fun for lhc entire family. Spedally, i,ri«d. Call foe lnfonna1lon. Nick Farrcll. 'C!>niolldatcd Mot0< Car. 485-IIJOO 11"11)'5

1978 CHEVY CAPIUCE 4 DOOR , va. AM/ FM. PIS. P/8·, Ale. 114.000 mllca. Ea«lknl mcchan• • lciil body condlllon. SI . ns. Call 742•1036 wmy◄

1982 .... ' CHEVY IMPALA 9 passenger. power s1ccrln1. power brakes. air condilionlng, low mileage. lmmacula1c condl• tlon. S6300. Call 921-4907 hmy◄

MERCURY '81 MARQUIS Wbhe. full sl~e. 9 paucngcr. roof rack. all power. crulic. lilt, AM/ FM. 1lete0 assctlo. Mkhc· lin !Ires. 43,000 miks., mini condhlon. S62SO. Call 248-0636

l!ffl1"4 ·,m .. MCB . MAROON WITH • Gold 1rim. ln1crior/cs1crior and cl>nvc_rdble roof In c1t«llon1 con• dition. 65.000 mllu. am/fm. ·••rCOCIS$CtlC player. S26(JO. C■ll 663·2335 eves. gcmy◄ .... ......................................... 1979 PONTIAC PHOENIX BC.ot111n lap. ca«llcnl condhlon

. AC. au10. /\M/FM,. sl«I bclr<d r.dlals. ◄4,000 mlks. SUOO. 747-8664. gc,ny◄ . j97a .... •FIAT SPIDt:R Convenible. super mini. to.d<d •i•h cuslam q1ras. Rod/Black. Masi see SSOOO. 265-4182 cvu and weekends. gem,◄

197.9 PONTIAC C~ LEMANS . aood running condillon. aood body. high partway mileage. gQOd 1lrcs, new banery, Sl99S. Sl6-12S6.,.. ◄8J -42l5. ,icmy4

TWO DATSUNS, 1981 MINT C.ond. In a9d ou1. am/fm >1erco. grca1 mps, o!iglnal owner SJ3SO: 1979 SSK miles. cuiiom ln1orior. Gnod condhlon. regular go Sl900. Call J23-l816. hmy4

Vacation Rental GULF OF MEXICO NEW run, fumlsllcd 2 BR. 2 bllh l1l1ury condominium al Madtlr. Seidl. Maanif',ccnt view from 1pacloua ~•lval<- balcony. swimming pool. jacuul. sun dcct. privale beach. CIC. Call !227•228Sweckd.ays. h1fnmy~ .............................................. AJ>IIONDAClt I.AXE fltOlfT Dup)u. directly on· i.,ke.• ~ BR. complcle lllchcn. ' llvlns roornc. dcct. recrutk)n room. boal. 20 min. north · Lato Ocoric, on Friends Lale. S27S P".•cet. Call 742-1675 ...... . ................. hmvS GllEENPORT ON GARDINER'S Bay. Beachfron1 eottage! d<d:. privalc beach and tennis. Near golf coarse. One BR. llflC LR. dfklcney lltdlcn . porch. sl«pi. 6. ~•allabte J•l1 27 lhrouah Aua. 17. S◄SOwccUy. 621·2079. ganyS'

STlAlTON VT. NEW .. TliJL. Side Condo. I BR. s1«pi ◄• golf. tennis. horseback riding. IJ)Ofts complcs whh pool. 4 hours from New Yort S80 per day. 367-9122

................................. wmvs NASSAU POINT CUTCHOCU'E Charming J BR ranch. porch. pallo. AC. wuher. dryer. Aua. J-17. SIOOO: Aug. 17•1.abor Day Sf200: Sept. 7-0c1. S Sl400 + u1Ulllcs and SttUrily. l54-S4l7 eves or 734-5494. gcrny◄

POCONO'S PAWN LAKE Rcson (Ma11hope). New 3 BR. bcaudful Ille wilh beach. rcs1au• ran,. picnic area whb bltbecucs. olymplc ouldoor pool. Indoor pool. frc" fishlna. boa1ln1. tennis. handball. shuffleboard and boed. $400 P"' week. Monday lhl'Otlgb Friday SJOO. '37-8295 or 781-0448... ... acn,,-4

MONTAUIC POIH1' J BR JIANCR fully rllmlshcd. wait I bloclr 10· ocean. wrap-around dttt. Avail• able unty Augusl 2S ID Scp1. J . S7SO. Call a.m. 354-011 I or p .m.

JS2-8S24 ........................ wmy◄ ST. PETE CI.EAJtWATER AREA 2 BR. 2 bath condo and 11udlo apanmcnt available on Gulf. Privale beach. pool. Jacuui. 2 wed rental. Call 921-5057 7 p.m. weekdays/weekends. any•

lime... ................ • h1fnmyl CUTCHOGIJE,NASSAU PT. R.D. Buuliful red ape cod. on hllhop. overlooling Ptt0nlc Bay; 100 yds. u! privllebeaoh. Large Ing.round ligh1cd pool wilh patio & cab•na on manicu~d one ■ae Soc. Lawn and pool malnlonan« Included. HDIM 'lmm1cuu1oly fumlshcd whh all amenities. Avallal,ale June 21 1brough Labor Day. WIii renl on mon1hly bui, abo. M11Urc couple n,qu~stcd. Very rcuonablc. Call 734•5970 ir,er ◄ p.m. or '!n•l950days gcmy2

Vacation Rental . .. NOml POU ON PECONIC ' ~ Bay 2 Bl. 2 priv11e d<d:. ' !!


maid aervtce. S3SOO July. SJ.500 ~ Aus. Also 2 and 3 room • efficlcoclu ••ekly. mond1l7. ? · aeuonal. 712.J.45_3. acmy◄ ·,!' NAPI.ES FLORIDA NEU GUU' f eondo. 2 bed(IDS., 2 balhs. pool. .,. lfflflls. rec. room: complcttly Ji. furnished. Rcnl mon1hly o, 1C&son1I. Also for sale. MIIII Sell f m.a1◄s. ,.:,,,v◄ . ............................ , ................ .. BEACH LOVER-ON LI! SOUND DlttClly. Coiy eott1gc: slttp1 4: S5SO p<'t Wt<k. Palmer. 481·7995 days acmyl : '

I ••t•u•••••••••••••• •H•U•·••• .. •••uu,.uo SOUTHOLD BEAOI ·1000 n . Cine eot1aac: 2 BR>: full bl1h. SSOO per week. Mia. 481·799S d•YI•................... .. .. •gcm72 SOtTrHOLD BEAOl STEPS TO wa1qv!cw. JBR. cozy collage. S5SO per week. Call Ml• . 481 -ms days gcmy2 ..\ ..... , ................................... . CANDLEWOOD, LAKE CONN. 0..ullful 4 BR con1cmporary wi1h Wllervlcw and wrap-around deck. I block from prlya1c bcac:11. Ccn1r1I AIC. I \I, hours from long bla.nd. S420 per week. July and AuguJ.I S640 per wee\. $420 Monday 10 Friday. 747-8850 evening,. Pictures available.


IIAMP.fON BAYS 2½ ROOM ddllu ,mclcncy sul1con the bay. Priva1c bc,act,. pool. muina. hahh dub and aauna, game NO!II. Maid scmoc._.292,04&4. • .......................... ~ ...... gcmy2 BERMUDA LOVERS uctu,lvc S1. 0-ge•s Oub. New lu•1,,1NOus (umltl'led 2 9R. 2 b11h. prlYIIC COIII~•· sleeps 6 . Clubhou•"• s-,. lennls. priva1c bc1ch dub. dally' maid urvlce. Golf and all Bermuda's a11..c-1lons nearby. Dally or weekly. opllon 10 buy. Call Mr. W. M'eyer 516574-0211. gcmy2

STRATTON MT . VERMONJ Lovely brand """ .tm1l!t•levcl >1ylcs Broot condo. J BRs. ,te.,ps 8. wilt 10 lpo<U «enler•lcnnis.


pool. golf. privlltgcs II S1r.11on ., Counlry Club. SIJS pc;r nlgh1. 7◄ 1 ·1111. Au: Unda Mu1rom, •◄

MYltTLE BEACH S. CAROUNA 2 BR. 2 b11hs. bcacllfronl. 0ttan •low 1par1mcn1. Amcnhle, Include J ou1door poob. Indoor pool · -..11h ucrcise and uuna. lcnnll. p•!l() resl1umn1. and >ttarl1y glllrdt. Golf courses, shopping m1lb and rccrca1lonal facllltlcs locally. Golf p1ckages. ,.celly rcnlib. Call Dcbhlt ■-. Ap1 . A430. Mynlc Beach Rcwrn

' 1-800-345-0837. hlfrtmyl MATTITUCK CHARM I NG large 2 BR co(lagc II Peconlc Qay. l.ovdy (umii!,lngs. LR/fpl. DR. EIK t e11ing po rch and beaullful cncto,ed a iry Jun porr h. Nkcl7 1recd a-nds. picturesque view. 100· 10 P«ank Bay and priv11c sandy beach w/ swimmlna aru and area ID moor boa1s. Available "''ttll)' or mon1hlytJunr lhrough Scp1. Call 741-6508. No pc1s please. gcmyS ................................................... WESTHAMPTON BEACH Dunc RNd, J BR, 2 b11hs plu, ou1door shower. wrapuound su~ deck. overlooking w11er. Avail• able Fri. only. 5-19 lo S.24. all or June . SSOO per wee\. Call 248-0606 days. 2l2•7n-t2J4 eve, ..... t ..... N ............. RCmYl

IIAMPTON BAYS 't'AT£11\'11:W 50 yards 10 bay. Modem atus and uy Iii. 4 BRs. 2 b11h,. 22• LR. f1mlly mom. gre11 \ lichen: ca1ra large dcdc<I pool available. Jup e. July. Scpl. By lhc •«k or monlh. 367•9122. · wmy◄ ............................................... ., .. £AST IIAMytON 3 •BR HOM£ 2 b&O,. bc>ullfully dccontrd. nnllcd In wooded area o f Clcarwai,r Beach . F'an1u1ic lower level Includes Jacuzzi. uu~• . bar. Decks galore. Olympic 1itt pool. Walk In prlvale beach wilh marina . Sca,on. Sl2.000. Mon1hly mes • • • ll•ble. Call eves. 326-1184.


' I ~ I j . I !

~ Vacation Rental CUTCllOGUE NASSAU POINT • Blu. 2 batla. I IICff. 3 blocb to "'atcr. full sum111tt s<:ason. 212 i_ 267•JJ20. 'I.S p.m .. 516 )'26-1'130 after 7 p.m. gany•

~ . .... ..... IIAM""ON BAYS .-~ ..

:E 9,ln~k Hilb. Beas 1ful J BR. ~ nndf. hugt, ON' cc\. B" .:I tx,rb<cllc. outside 1t,cw.«. Walk ! to beach. nur <''Cr)1hing. Must

~ . July SJOOO. Own« 747,7'148 r, 72S.JlS2. gcmyJ

HILTON. II EAD .ISLAND SOUTH Carolina. brachfront rully equlppc,d occan~w apartm~I. tcrra«. large pool. tennis. ,e,teurant. lnungt-. blc-)tlrs. catamarans. playground. rrc~h ,..a,rr O,hlng on prcml!.c•. Call O'llio'ntr for discounted nits. ~ .J,)IJ gcrny2

SOUTHOLD .. CALVES NECK wmmer rental. 2 10 3 BRa. large furnish ed home . Maanlficent waterylow. great !ocatlon. dock· Ing facllhiu, wait to vlllaac. Avallablc August SS.S00. EYOnlngs 496-77•2 °' ,.cckends 7M-2J'IS. wmyJ ·-·········· .. ······· ............... , ....... . POCONOS LAKE ARIEL 2 BR Chalet with loft. Golf. 10nnb. horseba•~ iidlnR. b<>oting. ,.·ator skiing. f1$hlng. Pi•lh and lak ... clubhou.\C • ith re,1aurant and lounge. 1/2 hwr lrom Scranton ,hopping d lstrltt. SlSO a ,. ... , . S2SO Monday through Friday. JS2•21JO. "m\'4 ..................... , ................. , .... .

SHELTt:R ISLAND FUR.NISHED 3 BR. 2 bath. all ckctrlc khch•n. "•terv\cw. 7•7.f,()92 g<myl

IULT\)N HEAD BEACH &, Tennis Rtwrl. Su. C•rulin•. Cundu I BR on ,,ee•n, fully oqulpp<d. terrace. pu<•I. tennis. ru1aunn1. luunge. blcyrlu. -fishing otc. Cull nearby. For ulc ur rent . Call g,.·oq 321>-195-4.

.................................. acmyS SOUTIIOLD FULLY EQUIPPED 2 BR home. LR. DR, kitchen with ,-•uhor/ dryer. large screened porch . Immaculate. Walk to private beach. June S&OO. July SI SOO. Sep1. SIIOO. 212 736-l744 orSl63.l4.01%. scmYl

BUCKIU. FAUS POCONO MTS. 6 bedroom prh•>te i,ome. Golf. tcnnh. and pool. Magn\r1ctnl factlhlc,. Major ski •ren. Wttkly iw monthly. Call 212.JS7.(,()()(). 'I IO~p.m. pyS ..................... --... -................ . POCONO FAMILY RESORT Hou~ekooplng rouagu att<lmo• doting four people with all the C'Omlons of home. Located In s,crcnl\ mounlatn Kllin1 tA-ith priva1c 1at. ,c,. Minutn from hlilOf• k Suoudsburg. Northwestern N.J .. and most Pocono attractions Euy commute from Rt , 1•80. Summer lea-.. for hall scuon (S .. i.,t. SS40 or full se,uon (10 ,-·ks.) SCISO. Col<>r brochure and loal rcfcrcllC"C\ avalbblc on request. Call •«knights 11011 8SO-Ol62

gcmy2 ................... ........................ HUT C HINSON ISLAND S1u111. Florid.a. Buuttlul &Jttan frunt rondo. Z BRs. 2 baths. 2 •eek minimum. Hc>ted pool. completely furnbhcd. Call 9J8·1ll86, "myS

W£STHAMPTON BE ACH home whh pool. ? BRs : 2 baths. lRl fpl. DR . EIK. Call 741 . 1443 C\(S or 212 .ot,.6608 ""ffkdays.

gtj .. ...................... . ......... .

Vacation, Rental Vacation Rental SHELTER ISLAND . HAMPTON BAYS 3 BR ,.-.1e,-icw. lovoly S BR home. full bath. FP. ElK. "'uher/ drytt. central af t:. steps to private sandy A.-allabk ~thly °' •«Uy. boach and boating. Av1ilablc full • ;.1emona1 Day thru July 31. season o r monthly. O•ncr. 496-2&78. , acmy2 746•50&8. • Rffll!~ MATTITUCJ( · LAUREL GARDINER'S BAY 1 BR CONDO J BR nlcclt fumisho<I ranch house •l«ps •· rlghl on Bay onrlooking with largo f<d,-•ood deck. 400 foot Sheller b land. Private beach. private ro.,d to beact,,on Peronle dect. tennis. SSOO weekly. Bay. Available July 7 to Aug .• 7. minimum 2 wtth. Call bot,.«n 'I SJOOO. ◄8&-2544 e\'CS. lffl'P andSp,m ; S&9•5222. gemyS Real ,Estate for Rent MATTITUCK. CHARM.ING .·iiii Cape. l'cconll' Bay Blvd. All connnlen«S. completely rumhhod. Washer and dl)'Cr. Fenced In yard. 100 ) ard, from private beach. Mon1h ur AYg • ..,. July IS . Aug. IS. S2000. 7'1/•1947 or 5-11•52'18 ,:vcs °' "ctkt.nds.


MA 1'TITUCK EXCELLE NT wnlly vacs1iun. 2 BR N1t1ge. ~P' b. Walk lu bo•th. ICnnis. WocUy ur monthly. Call ar1« S P.111· 5-19•◄967. 11cm,J

HILTON. HEAD SO. CAROUNA 2 BR. 2 b>th condQ. ,ttcps 6. t«race on beach. poob. tcnnb t11<1rt•. goir neuby. maid >t:l'ltt. rcs11u11n1 . SSOO •«kly. Cati 212 9&) .• 0730 d•~ or 516 •JJ-2266 evening~. wjn3

ALGARVE, PORTUGAL Unspoiled p1noramlc ocun v\c,.>s from 1h11 2 BR. 2 balh townhous<: rondo. Sc:1 buk from cliff edge. only S mlnuu:s • •alk from white .. ndy ~ach. Fully equipped. SJ0Q per w:ct . 681·•804. gcmy2

DANIA .. FLORIDA CITY OJ; Antique "1op, • nd Jal Alai. S minu1<• from Ft. Laudcrdalc •lf1>0'1 & beacMS. Newly furnbh· .-d and carpeted bome. Spacious LR & DR: 2 BRs. l 'h b• lhs. Aorid• room: large kllchen. lmmat\lla1c. Photo• available. s·2SO per week plu• sccvrity. includes clcctrk. water. aardner

LOVELY GARDEN an AREA Furnished room near RR & unl~cnllies. Prefer lcmalo. Call C\enlng• 741_.Sl>S l!ffllY2

GilDEN .. an l RM • A.Ff, basement . furnished, In lorcly • private hj>mc. S5SO lnch~es utiliti«. Private bath. Walk to train. bus . aad atoru. No JfflO\lng. 7• 2-0878. pref« carly cslls. t.«11 tnin11. lffll.13.

BETH PAGE APARTMENT for r! nt . Large studio. ElK. appllane... run bath. privale en1ran«. own thermostat. close: 10 RR. sf~. MSO month. Call owntt93S-3l58 .• • ............. hmy2

LOVELY FURNISHED ' Carden Cit)' home available to rent July ind Aug, 1985. Call 741 •11732 gcmy2

GARDP' an/WEST HEMP• Stt•d•Fumlshed room available: •h•re both: qulc1. profenkwul. non smoking gentleman ~er• red, Rtkreni:cs and ~nty. ,48'1.S<M I gcmy2

FRANKLIN SQUAll TWO RM Ap•nm<nl. Mal• °' femal<. non• smoker. S◄SO. Call "8J.U19 after 6p.m. • wmy3

GARDEN ... CITY C HERRY V1lley. 3 rms. walk to train, newly painted. S7SO month. no re,. 627•&830 gemyS

and ca1ru . "86-0602 lffl!Yl DESK . .. SPACE AREA 9si6 SO. VERMONT CHALET quiet omce downtown Garden • hll, from New York, Goll. Chy S21S per mon th . 5 16 tennis. eanoclns. li5hlna, rent for ·" 74(>-0522. py2 month or weekly or • ·cckends. Call alter 6p.m. <C&>-41&7 R<iy·

LUDLOW VERMONT 4 BR 2 baths. b mUy room, 2•• Ul whh /csblc TV. fireplace and mountain view. 5 minutes 10 lakes and rctteallon. S600 per month or SJSO. bl-wed,ly. Avallab•le June• J uly. Aua. & Sept. 621•6321wm_..

NASSAU .. PT/ CUTCHOGUE S.llf swlm Peronlc Bay. Charm• lng waterfront Colonlal: dock. large deck. new kitchen. J BRs. ldyllk. Month/scuon. 7~•59-!6 or 298-4600 acmyJ

TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE on Fritnd·s Lake (near Lake Gcurgel~ Bo•t anll prlY11e dod: included. $27S per • ·«k. May• Scp1cn,&er, Can ◄96·8196. hmyJ

HILTON HEAD. so. CAROLINA uill. and tennis p•radi>c:. 2 BR. 2 tath viii• ,.; ,h\n ,.._1t1ng dlslan«

, ............................................ . MINEOLA WALK TO U .Ulal"• hospital. sdlOOli. • BR. 2 bath . E IK . Sf.'eened porch. garaae . Vtr,r clea n. Just renovated. l111£l<dlate O<CUpanc)'. SIJSO. Call afltt 5 p.m. m-0442.

,,=,.s ~RGE .. FUINISHElt ROOM for rcnl in private home. Vtty good locatlon. ronvenknl to all • Neu Hospital and LIRR. References. can eves. 742•-4857 lfier 10 a.m. weekends. gcmy4

GARDEN ·an• ESTATES COT· ,ager.,. mature adult. nestled on 60&100: LR/ fpl. d ining area, one bedrm. I ba th. new galley khthcn I car auached gar: bsmt . 1t0<age, l.,ashcr/dry<r: One ~nth ~nt. I month >t<Urity, lease. S950 plus u1i111ks. Prlndpl,l~only. 7~ .-·u. ann1J

to bo>tb and pool 243-16:4.;,,yJ wiu.isroN ... ,m' ... ioovii,i: bhod House. 4 Bflt. LR. DR .

~CH HAVEN N~ JERSEY eat•ln khth<n. finbhc.'f bucment lle•utifulS BR home. ucun vi•" ·· appliance$. large )'•rd~ Eacc:11,nt hvlng room. dining room. dtn. condition. Rdcrenccs. Prl! 2 both,. J decks, Available July. Immediately, .SI 100.; Call 747. "'""eek mlnlmum481-86l8. 48.31 . wmyJ

gcmyJ ........................................... .

,SALl'AIRE FIRE ISLAND 4 BR. 2 ' bath house. Every convenience. Families only. July l •Aua. It. Rtftten«s. 7•7•29&4

• gm,yJ .................... ............

SMAIJ.OFFICE Proftsslonal bulldlng. 101 HIii• iid• Avenue, Wllllston Park. ,Three windows. private bathroom S39S per month indudlna utUltks 1• 2.JMC. wm.vl . ...................................... ..... ..

Reel Estate For Rent GAIDEN CITY LOVELY Qulc1 room: l\kcly furnished: privat• entranct. both. Mature. non 1moklng lady prcfcrttd. 74f>.0018 py2

MINEOLA/GARDEN OTY Bo<dtr. bright. airy furnished 9®m. Privott cnllal\ct. near all 111nsport1tio<l. Mature business gentleman. non•>moktt to share b•th ,.,,h same. S6S per ..-eek. Reference• and neurity. ~-0068 WMyl

WEST. HEMPSTEAD 3 ROOM Apt .. 2nd noor. lncludu full slie rooms. EIK 1irgc both whb tub • ' and stall st,o,.·,r. S67S per month with heat . Owner. QO rec. .al·8'119 gemy4

.UNDENUUasT,WAffllFIONT Hom• f0< rent or ult. Two Bis. aMlntry 'titdlen. double flneplacc. DR. I J&rt. prmtedod: availal>lc. wild Bird Waod San<ftW)' oppos­lle dock. ~ year lust. 2 months security, I month rent. SI()()() per month ;Plus utllltics. June Isl occuji~l,,:7 ; Call Rosemarie Ballard. Medical Dept. 575-2637 °' 575-263& week• days. After S cs1l 226-4491 wcck• ends all day. Allo f• Sale ~ · OfferOverSllS,000. hmy3

GARDEN ... CITY STUDIO walk RR SSOO pays all: Hemp, 11-5 Calbednl Gudma, Garden City line. luge 11udlo. cl<>scU plorc.· wait RR SSIS. plus el<ctrie: Legal 2 {amUy. J room>. all new 2nd lloor, S600 pays all: Lara• 1 BR. walk RR S630 plus cltttrk: Huge luxurious 2 n,q_m Jludio. s<:pante wlna. sepante ontrancc.2nd Ooor, CI A. garage. walk RR S6SO pays all: Flnt 0oor large 3 room. walk RR. ,tores S6SO plus utilides. Eut M...sow legal two family. liDt noor. 3 BRs. 2 baths. EIK. gang•, Barnum Woods S.D. SI . ISO pays all: Fnaklla Squ.rc l11a• Studio. private cnltlll«. single only ~

• pays all: I BR s<:parate entrance SS2S pays all; MIDoola 2 BR. separate en truce. W /W. closcta galore S7SO; Sea Ollf ',Valorvlcw tsund 2nd Door of J BR ColonW. 2½ bath,. 2 fp!J, l dccts. immediate .....,pancy Sl600 pays all. Muy. many more. EWae Nola "85-7054 wmy2

\V{WSTON PWC • VJONJrY 2½ rooms. utilities. RR S47S: 3 rooms. utilities , pr!v11c entrance: SSOO; J rooms. storage. RR S600: • rooms. dtnlna area. parting S700; 5 rooms. queen BR. private entrance S7SO. lnl(Y G...,. Ferd, 369 Rllislde Ave .. Wllllston Part 2•8·2192 .................. wmv2

MANBASSET HILLS 3 BR • Splanch. 2 baths. FIP. CIA. I½ cu . pan like grounds. Hctricb S.D. SISOO: Gani. 0ty C-0W 3 BRs. 3 batla, F/ P, 2 cu Sl 7SO Includes gardener: \Yeti n _ _ ,.teod 2 BR dollhouae, PI P. SIOOO plus heat. £lalae Nolaa ~705-4 wmyl

WIWSTON PAU LI, DI. KJT, • Bits. 2 baths. aaragc. SIOSO per month. ltase and sccvrity. Wnt HustNteu 2 BR house 10d 3 BR house. Immediate occupaney. S800 month. lease and 1«11rity. Dean lnl(Y 109 7th St . Garden City 24MS40. scm>'2 ... ........................................... .,. .... .. GAIDEN CITY CHERRY Valloy Apt .. I BR, aerond Ooor. 'l'lw carpet. new kitchen. "".alk RR. Immediate O<CUpaney. txtras S780 month. 201 • 29-lS72 days. SI 6 7• 7-0006 eves. gc-myS

Reel Estate For Rem WEST 11£MP$1'£AD LOVELY ch«ry bucmcnt apartment. Fur• nb hed. Full t.ltchcn, llvlns rm. lar&e bedrm with AC. New fllll bath. Own thnmostat. S5SO mo. includes all. Walk au. Short t«m okay. 292,0582, gany•

Real Estate Wanted FOIME& .LOCAL llESIDEN'IS f/amlly/2 children) fager lo putthasc home In Garden City before September. Will be happy to paln{/ lu. Price ranac approrJ• m at cly S225.000•S2S0,000. Prll>dpals onl)'• Plcuc call~ 2018&4-•9267. eapyS

DOUSE WANTED IN ESrAU:S 11<C1lon or Garden Ci\1. north or Stewart. Ave. • ORs and 2 ur p .ntgc. Call alter 12 noon. ,\st rcr Maria 775-2711. gc,myl

COUPLE ... WJTU INFANT 1ttklng Gankn Chy homc. low to mld.$200•s. Can ao ti, coatncl lmm~la1dy. Please cal: 328,JSSS evenings and w«kends. pyS

GA&DElfOTY HOME OWNER ICCU larger 3.S b(dn,om. 2 ... both ColonW or Tudor In cei,tral Of estate s<:ctlonJ uf .Ulage. Minimum property llOalOO. Will pay all cuh. O ose nuw. move 11 your convenience, Prlntlp,ls nnly .a6,IS34. ll<"'1t~

•eo••·•••••u ••ouou .... l nOFESStONAL COUPLE wrm dlUd wishes to pvrdlut: ranch or spth levd house In Gankn City. Mlnlmu91 3 BRs. 2 b aths. ~ 10: gem)'◄

YOUNG. MAHIED COUPLE wishes 10 parchuc Estate or Western scctloo hone. Up to slSO·a. Prindpals only. 326,1951.

• annY2 .......... SrNGLEWOMAN •

with visiting collcae age daughter dcalrca studio apartmcnl. Un• furnished. Reasonable rent. ,4,37.$305. a=y2

our or STATE eoME oWNEE with f•mlly 11C<Od• minimum 3 BR house to rent In Williston Part or sum,undlng areas. Anytlm.c after June IS. No brotcrs. 243-2875.


CBEUY V AUZY GAIDffl CO. Op: 2 BRs, h1 11oor, Days, 718-776-67&3; eves. 516-627·7792

.. .................................. llffllY3 POIMER GARDEN CtTY (amlly desires 10 rcot furnished boos<: In Gudt:n Chy mid J w,c 10 mldJuly. 7•1 ·2816. ll(my5 .......................................... -.... YOUNG FAMILY WISHES To putthase home In Eatates or Wealem s<:ctlons or Garden City. SO'!i cash available, Immediate contract. Plcuc call ar1« 6 p.m. 8299474 lt(ffly$ •••••••••·•o••• .. •••u.uo••uu••••u•-u..,.u MATURE COUPLE SEEKS House In ·Garden City for June, July and/er August. WUl ho_usc ah or con~ small rcnlal. Rdercncca. 742•5&00. Mrs. O.Par!s. ganyJ

PROFESSIONAL COUPLE scc:u one °' t•-o bedrm. ape .. former Garden Chy re1ldcn1s. ~ tlpals only. Call days, 718 821•7113. or after 6 p.m. SJb 7•1•1193. gcmyJ

Reel Estate For·Sale EAST QUOGUE 3 BJ, I BAffl full buemenl on 1/4 am:. n,., a..i ~ Slere, lac. 6Sl.SS70 after 6 p.m. call 7•7.a996. hmy2

RIii E'ltlll For SIie SOUTH H\1N11NGTON SOtml Of Juicho Tumpl«. Sci-I Dist. 113. lkautlful 3 BR Randi, full LR, DR, ElK. bath and mud room on ht lloof. Giant finished bue• mcnt with outside cntran«. Hu full bath with v1111lty rm. plumb­Ing for 2nd kitchen. Easy M~r/ Daughter. Deck, new roof. new eesspool. mum more. By owner SIJ9.000. CaJJ •2l•'°" t,ef...., 6

/P·m·. h lfn!"y4

GARDEN CITY ESTATES C.loull, Buutlrully restored throughout. Larae new EIK. for• mal DR1 LR/FP, large family room. 4 ~room1. 2½ balhs. lmmcdl11c occupancy. Tues SJlol>. Price mid SJOO'"· Owner

248-4899 ....................... ~rl MALVERNE LOVELY 3 BR ilatc raol Tudor-. I ½ baths. EIK. rot)' tip. fin. b-men1/ b1r. Sehool Dbt 13. walk RR and .io,u Sl89.900: J BR Cape. 2 b11h1. 2 litchcns. new fuma~. wca1 m01herl d•ugh1er. School Dist. 13. S168.000: Elaloe Nola.II

.435-?0S" ........................ wmr2 GARDEN arr ESTATES SEC. lion 4 DR . 2 '/i B•ths; Ceotcr tjall Brlct Colonbl: formal DR. large LR. firq,I~. sunpom,. l<'ffllltt. 2 car aa,.ge: electric opener:

•nur RR. school. churches , Priadpala Oal,r. U.S.000. Call ~ 71 gcmy2 ................................ •·••-•·-•--···· EAST MAllON WATERFIIONT Ship/ shape vacation liome. 2 story vinyl sldlna. 3 BRs. '2 baths. EIK. J dcds. guage. full appli• an« and fumilhll,81. Lakcfront with spec11rulu Bay view. Mutt 1tt. Prindpals. St79.SOO. Call 1c.s. u,2 .,. 134-SSJ,4 -..r .......................... -..... _.-...,--... MAfflTUCK NORTH FORK Do<lblo dormercd Cape Cod. boi.1 moonna. dttded bcadl riahu. a rooms. fin. bsmt. (4 wc!rooms. 2 bathJ). double garage, S appliances. S175.000. Owner Broker. 293--1738. acrny◄

WILUSTON . PAH. THREE Bedroom Cape. Walk to railroad and s to res. SH9.990. Call 7◄1•2466 wmvl ················•······ ......................... . STEWART MANOR 4 BR CAPE, J bath~, garage. basement entra nce. large corner plot. s, New mona•ae attdcd.

, Prindpab only. 486-6691 eves. acrnyJ

' GARDEN aIT.CO-OP CHEUY Valley: 1 BR. ground tev.,I. wall to wall carpeting. Walk 10 all trans• po,Ulion. Law S80·s. Prindpals only. Owuff. 7◄7-6Y» acrn1l

FRANKUN. SQUAWGAIIDEN City South, wide Une rustom bridt malntcaancc free Cape. LR/fp. formal DR. new EIK. 4 bedroom1. newly dc<:ontcd. Prime area. Sebool DL,trlct 117. Garaac. Sl79.000. Principals only.

433.1121. ..,.,◄

GAIDEN aTT EASTERN SECT. Just Uttcd. center ball. LR/Cpl. rormaJ DR. <kn. raa1U7 ElK. cwo •brae twin BRs. muter BR. 2 full baths. 2nd floor. 2 BRs. bath on 3rd floor • • fin. bsml .. ½ bath. La ndscaped plot . S◄ lS.000. Prlndpals only. 746-5198. gany3 .................... , ....................... .

• SOUTHOIJ>.KEW 3 BEDROOM 2 bath coalcmponry: -landscaped acre; sla tone irrigation system: 2 car garage: decks: hcatcdjaruul: firepl-: oak Ooors. Picture per• rm. st60.000. Owner. 283-4120 (ofTkc); 73◄.7171 home. gcmy3 T ..... .. , ................................ .

RIii Etlate For 'Sele• PBCONIC ' NEW1

-lffllpon,y lw>eb. w11ervlew. wooded acre. 4 Bib, 3 baths. Iara• dceu, 2 cat aaraae. ate. all appllanou. Sl59,000. Call 765-1165. -=1• GARDEN an WESTDN SEC­tlon-6 · BR: J Bath e1panded ranch: LR/Cpl: DR: ElK: fin. btmt: attathed •araac: 70 l 100 plot:• ideal location. S2SS.OOO. Prindpalunly. 354-6114 pyl

GW!EN at'v:M01T SECnON Colonial; JBR. I ½ balhs. dca. large EIK. deta.chcd 11aragc, fire. pla«. large plot. low tu cs. Prindpals only.' Write Bo, .. C .. Garden City News. 821 Franklin Arc., Garden City. N.Y.

11530 .........................,c:m•3 GARDEN CITY COLONIAL J BRs. 2 b,1h1. den. EIX. large LR. large muter DR. electric garaac door. Walk ID RR. town and d,urch. Tues S2◄00. Spic & span lntidc and out. Prindpalt only. S279.000 Onn. 746-J632.


GARDf;N cm SPLIT 4 BRs. 3½ baths. LR. DR. new Kit. pan<lcd den. beamed cathedral «!ling. ramUy rm. raised hcanh run watt fpl. and barb«uc ph. Newly fin. bsmt., new water hcatc·r. ale. tuc1 S3300. S329,000. Prlnclpals.

2:8-9813. ......... , ...... gcmy3 GARDEN CITY ESJ:AJ'ES SEC­tlon. SJ&SJ)()(). Original owner. tu-<tom btllt upan&d raneh: poulblc MID or lll<'OfflC praduc,. Ing. 4 DRs: LR: DR: c•l•klteben: rp&: l baths: TV nn: ftn. bsmt: I ar aaraac. room to buDd l cat aaraac pr Ian( fa.mlly nn. AIJO ror p...rculonal. Excellent .loo. dltlon: near evaylhlng; OHW heat. o,.,,u.Broter. 746-S4◄5

................................... eanY2 GARDEN 0TY ~ SEC. lion: walk 10 RR & churches: comer split: 3 BRs: I½ baths: LR/Cpl: DR: kitchen: den; bsmt: «ntrat al<: 2 l()ne 911 heal; I car garage. Sl7S.OOO. Prindpals only 4118-4796 . JtffllY2

MANHASStt soum STRATH• ~ ~rci . cen ter hall Oelditonc O>IOnl&I: ◄ BRs. 2 baths. fam. nn. fin. bslftl: pnYlle \I, l<ff: low tues. Principals only $350.000 Call627.J◄IIJ ....... - ..... " pY2 RIDG"E &ETl&EMENT Community: prival'k house. 2 DR1. 2 b11hJ. llrcpbcc. patio. good 1-tloo. Nc,ar churches, I.ow SIOO's. Prin. only. 821•9l46

gcm,:4 ......... GAIDENaTT


GNat s-. brid<. stucco and , talc. colonial. llvlng room ~lh Orcplatt. dlnu,a room. modern EIK. 3 BR. 2 fllll baths. tow tuea ... 5215.000 C.aforUbl• t.Mq, S BR splll. central air, IM•a room. du,tng room. modern tl<ehc11. <kn. rc<nt.tlon ,_ and pa11o . .. Eata1e Seedoa, value aalotc with this dlal'JIUl'g 5 BR. 3 h ths. cipanded raacb. lsra< suuca llv!ng room. Comal dlnu,1 room. modd'n EIK. c,xtra dttp 101 ... SJ60.000. Mata­r-. unique cspandcd ranch. 1Mn1 room wllh fireplacc • .,.,. kllohcn, nN baths, .◄ BR plus 11t1u,g room. oil. new 1ppllanCC1 .. SJ79.000. I

TAYLOR•WA&NEll !01 7th St. Eat. 1919516-741-4422 .......... · ................................ .


Real Eltate For, Sale l

FLORAL PARK VILLAGE ColonW. Malatcnan« free utet• ior. LR with FP. formal DR. Pordl. Patio. 3 BRs. modttn cat in kh<hcn. I½ bath. run altlc. 2 car detachfd aarage. olt llcam hut. new boiler and bumer. finished ~ent. u prcss com• mute. I stop to Penn. Sta. Low ~us. 742,3249 wmy2

NO&TB SYOSSET .. RANCH lmmaculatc, 2 DR. I b~th. llvlna room. country du,lna room. EJK. alladicd aaraae. luac plot. walk to railroad. ,chools. stores. S134.000. Prlnclpala only.

496-7148 ........................ hmy2 GARDEN CITY SPLANCB LR. formal DR. EJK. '4 BRS. 2 baths. pa.tio. SlS0.000. ~ ­Mldad IL£. 1205 Franklin Ave. Garden.City 243-950.1 •• " .. pyl

CUTCllOGUE WATERFRONT 3 BR. tltchcn. DR. one bath • porch ovcrtootlng deep water acct. Bul\hcadcd. Spcotacular views. Call after 6 p.m. 1J◄,S421 .

................................... acmvS SOtmf.AMPTON YEAR ROUND 5 BR cape on ◄ acres. Large country kitchen. DR, LR• den. 2 b4ths. Cuncntly being used as • small hone Cum. 2 ar garaac. 4 horse 111ble 1"11h tad< room. and 2 small atoragc buildings. EotllCli section. SSS0.000. 1•516-283·3029 or,'-516-283-9119 ............ acmrS ROSL TN•SEAJUNGTOWN Hcrricb S.D. Lovely Colonial on ¼acre.LR ,.ilh F/ P. formal DR. new Oat EIK. family room. study. powder room. 3 DRa. 2 baths. central A/C. SJ50.000. Pnndpalsonly.48◄-0561 w,nyS

MOHTAUK St7aP aAJ1I CO.OP. 2 BRs. calhcdral ccllln1. ded. dircc11y on tho beam! tennis courts. pool. rumlshcd. Sl60.000 . Call 434-0561 .................. wmyS NEW SUFFOLK 1ST OF1'£RING Watcrvle• ranch. 2 DRs. LR with wood burning stove. DR + catra " ·11crfron1 parcel 10 dock your boat. Ercluslvc wllh us. Aqact,oaae•lsl olkring. 4 DRs. raised rand,. 2 baths-. LR. Dr. sliders to deck. wooded and secluded. S1 49.000.Martl,D Lua R.£. . Cutdioguc. 734-6472 gemy2

CUTCUOGUE COUNTRY CUIB Setting. modified cape. 2 BRs. 2 baths. (down) 2 lgc. BR. ½ b1.1h (up): LR/fpl. DR. ,ounnct . kit. sun rm. p.ttio radng ,otr coune. ate. underground sprln\lcr system. Reduced tor quiet sale. utlng $280.000. Baff R.E .. southold. 765.2JIO acmyl

CUTCIJOGUE. 'SUPERBLY Built 3 ' BR. cape. anuned for gracious living. bordering counuy club golf course. Owner analous

· to sell. please' call us for details. Orket•Aneul_y 1100•s-ctaulc. No words can dc:saibe thb crqubltc & rare jewel. 3 DRs. 2 baths. summer & winter kite.bent. LR. parlor. formal Dr. EIK. 4 !pis. old : esposcd be:1rn1 throu•hou l. guest cottaac•largc room & kit• chcncttc,new bath. fpl. Magnllr• cent landscaplna. s100.000 worth or Enalish , bqlWOOd. All ror $295.500. Wa. B. s.ttla a'..£., 734-5657 gcmy2

BELLIWRE BWFFS, Ft.ORJDA Condo; one BR: not 10 shopping and b~s; private pool and amen!• t ics. Near bead,: gorgeous loca· t ion • • U 0.000. Call 676•2406


Reel Eltate For Sele GARDEN arr 'SOunt nUT Offtriila: Classic Sovtbcnl Colon· W au brict..tue root. 2 car ••'"IC· LR/frpt: rormat dlaina room. khdlen. breakfast nook. J BRs. ~ ruu ba ths. luge basement. ,abcwc grnund pool. MW heal. Prindpals only. S265.000. SJ8.0'292. gcmy2

GARDEN c1n ·. ·cENTRAL Section. Colongl; all brlct: 5 BRs: 3 baths: 3 .flrcplaees: 2 car

• a.uached garaae. M39.000. By .,...,er. 294-07119 gcmyl .............. •••••u•• .. ·••- "' .uo.ouo .. u .ouo•

MAJOt ATT.M' FABULOUS Sunny drcontca rumilhcd one bcdrm. off 5th Ave. in 8()'1. ltu11ry doorman ~ldg. Perfect pied a 1cm, of ro. a graduate. Asking S270.000 fuml•hrd or S2.SS.OOO unrumi,~. Poslt!Ycly no Eves. 2 l2•7~9267


GARDEN art 3 .. BR .. RANCH J bath<. EIK. C\~ry nmom amenity plu, p rofessional suite. estate selling on 'I, lu,(h al'TC. High Ta1 bn.,a.k. S62S.OOO, 3 BR 8amn Rand,. 3 balh.s. Ubrary. FI P. CI A. finbhcd bucment. wet bar, l1nd1capcd acr~ S◄2S.OOO: 4 BR Qoloalal. 2½ baths. FI P. buu1lrut EIK. all ne,,.• SJ69.000: 3 BR Brld: Split . 2½ b>ths. EIK·. FI il plu1 beaut!• ful bul lt•lns. den. jalous'icd porch S3S9.000. Hempokad Catl,odraJ Garde■-. Scarlett•• Dream Hornet Dramatic marble entry leads 10 ,,.-ecplng >11\rway. S DRs. J½ baths. sunken ramlly roow whh , bar. alt amenities at SS7S.000: On the G.,._ Clt7 UH 4 BR c.a... Coloalal. 2½ bath,. 20 yan youna. 2 or on I', lulh al'TC SNS.000; 3 Ba S1ak ...,e4Tlldor. 2½ nc,.. b11ht. 24•

•LR with fpl. ultra EIK Includes truh comp1nor. new Anders.en

:windows throughout. in,._ au &•rbttuc. deck. 751100 fcn«d garden. Super mint! S210.000: Brkll Tudor. 2 baths. EIK. Cpl. lfn. b-menl SI 10.000. Wnt ffempal«ad 4 BR large 4 level Split, 2'/2 baths. EIK•. den with bulll,lns. roofed p1llc:wi1hS room ofT'1« sullc: suitable pro<nslonal S27S.OOO. On the Gard,n Chy Unc. 6 BR Spilt. 3 unjque bathJ. EJK. lint.bed b4scmcnt. Idol ro, the large family S260.000: 3 BR Briel Spilt. 2½ b11h,. gourme1 kllchcn. den • • brid< patio. walk RR. SuPfr Mini! S190,000: 3 BR brkk/stonc Celoalal dollhouse. 2 baths. cozy FI P. EIK. Anlshed basement . J cu on 75 1t 22S part like plot S175.000. llaJDt Now, ◄as-70S;◄ ........................ '"'my2 STEWART MANOI Eul•al" attached Col. aluminum sided. LR/fpl. ronnal DR. kit, 3 BR. 1 '/2 baths. garage. NccC,,S- nc. Ask S135,000. Wcol ffempelt,Ml•Ea• elusive Tudor walk St. Thom11: LRtrpl. Dr. kit. den. 4 BRs.' l'li baths. 2 ar p,. asks 5175.000 Dqca RH.tty. 109 7th St. Garden City. 2'48-4540 ................ 11•my2 FLORIDA ST. AUGUSTINE Shoru. 2 BR condo. -mron,. w/w carpet. refrigerator. washer/ dryer. Swlmmlna pool. tennis. monthly maintenance S7S. Sac• rtr...., II SS◄.000. Calf 7◄ 1 ·6320 davs. JS◄-5064 eve, ...... " .. acm,S SOUTHOLD 3 BR IANCH OHW heat. insulated. Y. am,. part woods. Swimming pool. ½ mile 10 beach. I 'A car garage. S148,000. Pat~ R.E.. Cu1d,oguc LI. 734-6106

acrny2 . ................ , ... , ........................ ..

MINEOLA co.op !'JEW t ltehcn. bath. wall-to-~all. ,..,lk In doscta. all new applW\Cd. scruril:, parting. walk RR. S36S. m1ln1cn1nce. Sacrin« SI08,000: Redl..a&e 2 BR. 2 bath Co-Op. Tcrncc, elevator build•· in1. low malntenallC'C. walk RR: i S1 J5.000; Elaliae N.i.a 435-70$4 ~ MONTAUK ... BEAUTIFUL • a«■nfront Studio Co.op with l private tttra«. Fumhhed. pool ~ ctr. Asking Sfi6.000. cash pri~. Ownor. 742•2&38 • wmvS ii GAIDEN. cm"soME .. Mob i;;

l'ic"f tbtln1tsl 21 DR. 2 ~ti, • Vlnorian Colonlal S21 0.000: 4 DR . 2 b11h Cape S21S.OOO: 3 OR. 2 bath Colonial sm.000: Othm 10 sasG.000: We Have Them Aln lfut l C. Sm~. R.E .. J32 7th . St. tl.oollc For Red Doorl 741 -4640 • .................................. t .caouu

S OUTHOLD WATERFRONT New cu11011> COI\ICmporary on decp water Inlet. 200 yards 10 Pcconk Bay aorou rrom Shelter bl•nd. ·3 DRs • .) baths. kitdlcn. DI R. L/ R. whh cathedral «lllng '-and FI i'. doou. CI A I 'll car 11•,.11c. Eitras. Oiolcc location S2'15.000 Call 621 ,6822 ...... wmy5

MATTITUCK WATEtlFRONT Hnmc ,.,1th dock & pier. Dech on ht and 2nd floon radng water. Lar"" LR/ lpl. modem ~it. 3 BRs. 2 baths. rec.. rm/ bar. Fully lnwlatcd. Plenty or ~~ & ,1oragc •pa«. Owner ,.,II con • sider fiunclng. SJS0.000. Sn1hold•W11crfron1 ranch In "'\lodcd oettlng. quite private. 3 BRs. comfortable pom,. p,lutc dock. lac. dct&dicd aar. $225.000. S.. ~ Ranch. 6 yn. old. J DRs. EIK. sq,aratc DR 2car praec. A comfortable home wl1hln walU"I disu.,... ormarlu SI0.000. Sld•r•aa.4tord R.E.

' 293-3S66 ....................... P12

G ARDEN CITY co.op Slc,.' arl House; 6 rm,; J balhJ. large foyer. utility nn. garage . Pr ime loc11lnn. Approi1ma1 ~ munthly CO\I. SI 100. S240.000. o .. •ner. sa1-4'1tl3 ............ . /!cmxs CARDEN CtTT WESTERN SEC­tlon. Malntcnan~ frtt Du1d, Colonlat: 60 • 12S: 2 car gar: newly Ccn«d yard. 3 ionc od Ilea! .., 4 DRs. 2nd Or~ mald•s nn In bsmt: 2 '/• bath). LR . Cpl. lgc. DR: lib: ta• modern kit. • IJh • i ndow scat eating nca. lgc. sunken famll) rm wru• MCrccned porch off F.R, E.a1r11. low IUU. Prinripalsonly. SJS0.000 c a:t ns.ss99 ~ ,s SOUTHO LD .. TOWN BEACH boating. dlitlnctlvc suburban home on .. -ooc1«1 'Ii am, + with boat mooring: deeded beach righi.. 8 rms (◄ BRs. 1, baths) fin. l,smt. double garage. lpl. wood stove. 5 appllanccs. St 75, 000. Owner/broker 293-4738 ... f(Cffl12

SAG HARBOR WATERF11ONT Ouallty bullt house. ◄ baths. 3 (pis: 2 khmens. I garage. Bulk• ',cadcd waterfront + K.,.'!)O ,ulldablc waterfront lot. Orca'I'" "1ews. AsklnJt SS00.000 Ron ,_ R.E. Shopplna Cove Mall. Main St . Saa Harbor. ~=

ann:,2 . ......... .............. , ............ , .... . S AG HARBOR '2 ACRES + fn established community. Hcavlly wooded. Asking M4.000.

'1ton ,_ R. ,E .. Shopping Cove Mall. Main St. , Sag HarllOr. 72S-22SO gcmy2 . ............................................ ·-··· GARDEN CITY. UNIQUE modem 2 BR. 2 bath co-op apt. ,. low nulntenallC'C. Principals anly. Sll'IK. 746-7992 acmJS ••••••,1 ,1•••o••ouo.,u,._,,,ouoou••••••••

. ~

~ For Sale ~ -----------: SIDEBOARD 60,sl61l 6."

! ~ ;-:.:

I lo.

1ndillonal mahogany • .) «n1e1 dna,.c,s. ,Ide cupboards, Very p'II wnd)lion. S3S. J28•1950.

................................... ~"',.. MOVING lllUST SELL dcluae 1")91 table, Brun...-k l Madl,on 4\1119 f1. Buu11fully reotorrd and refinhhc:d. Aeccuurlcs Included. S4250. 9'17•~'>4 6•8p.m. 8ffl1) 4

5'• BURL WAU'ltrr BREAK ln1111, •II h<•h'ckd 1111«. 40 )'<'n• nld. c ,ctllct\r rondi1ion. 7◄7•74bl ur741-1 140 WMy2

REDECbRATING. WAUIVT Oln,n)I roon, rurnilurc: walnut 11,;n,i room 11blo: l•mP': si,c S'/1"hheG<,ldStar.kl1ln110001\. CRwd.UI 243-~8 gm,y2 ............................................. SHEU.El' BONE OIINA sn f<>< ,,.ehe. "Ith \IC>fage('O\tn. In ca«llen1 condhlon. 488-14S1.

................................... 8ffl'>" PINK RUG·3 PlECE RATTAN Furnhure: el«trlc 1,,.,. .._-er. 2 laddet bacl c!lalt<. kl\'c K • I "'Ith cmcr. 742.4798 wmyS ............................... ,,,, ........ . OUTDOOR LOUNGE· CHAIRS Snlld woud "ilh cu<hlnns, S40. Call c, c,. after b p ,m. 294•97◄8

i:cmyS ............................................. TADU:-MMIO GANl' PEDES· Tai. 2 lea•<>, Ncv. -i b50. E,·e• 11111,:,'1'17.~ I ""')S

Sl'l'ITII ESIZER CRUlllAR · Str.iu, ST 4 • S,·p>ralc •><(lanf \\n01e•-..i1cr c-.,n1riil,. m..iClul.ltinn ~•) '1k \ . •10101b«- ,•ap>l1lli1) . mncr. ,,nlqllc functh"1't\ . n~1n,t , •• ...,. s<OO. 241>-'111117. gm,>·◄

OEPROOM SET UKE ICEW 2 •lgh1 ••hie,. dual kllljt <ii• bed. o f, drc,...,, •nd Armoirc S 1.lOO. One queen ,tz,.. brl" hc>d h.1•rd SI ;~. ? end loble\ ,.,1h jtlH, tup, SJ!, orh. 921•40l(> .11 .. I, fl•"'·


CIIILII CRAFT WIIITE CRIB ;a nJ n'H11uc,, ..,. tth n1atthing d"""''. En.,,llcnl ,:,mdlliun. <'•II '121· •430. h my3

COUOI .. 8' . TOAST DROWN , cluur. 11'~,d ,:,1nd11lon. Call G•II 29◄•241l!'d>)• 'I,~ p.m. S1 25.

=•·2 ............................................. GLASS JA LOUSIES whh ,ttccn,. in guo,d "mditlon. T,~.1 vf ,iA p~ ( 4 .. 1nd,J,,, panch. 2 d,,.,,5) 2J in.~ 7.l in. SIS0. 2'14•1>895. g r myS

TEAK JR, OIINA CABINET 36 Inch ,.jde. s><rfm cundllion SIIO. End table. U.S. 742•2'152.

.......... ........... ............ ... scmy4 DISHES FRANCISCAN .. o ..... n R,,K .. 8 dinner pll1cs. 12 cup< and nu«n. 2 1umbltrs. 2 bowl~. s><rfett cond ition. S90. 7◄2,29S2. gcmy◄ ................................................ l920'a WAI.Ntrr DI! 9 PIECES Mahongany BR «I. S plttcs. 19JO·s Deco look bureau: sofa, "ooden pew ~nch«. dolhes closet. end tablet. coffee table, tablt lamp>. mapk twlJ, bed frame. Call before 8 p .m. 747.6176 • wmyl ................................................

For Sale CAMP TOP FTrS 8 Ff PICK•UI cushions. iable. s1rreu •s><a\eK, curtains and ><tttns. E>«llen• cundlllun. 248-0&57. grmy~ ·•••••···••·••••·•••••·• ••••••• .. •·U•O• •••••• BARTER AN\'-ONE1 • Allcn1ton rcitauranl o•·ncn. retailer& or anyone el.c 1ha1 needs a copy machine. If you wuuld like 10 Barter yqur good"" ,ervlce, for a copier call lmmcdla1ely Bury Schwa11i 735.t~J. hmy2 ................................................ MAGNl.,CENT SAROUH; RUG 9•17 ft. <11her nne 1hruw tugs. 2111•◄ 1'1 fl .. rust carpet ing. hoo~hOld hems. nt"• u1Uily bric a brae. 11 9 Stt.1nd S1 . Garden C11y. Apt. 1.2. Sun. May 12. td..l p.m. gcmyS ............................................. HOSPITAL BED MANUAL Eacellcn1 condition. S500. lSUl8I. ccmrS KOOL ... VENT ... ALUMINUM

•canopy. 1s·1, .. • q·1 ... E>«ncn1 e<>ndhlon. S(,()(). La"'" fumhulT. b plc«s. S200. ◄68-261b. 8ffl1P TENNIS• TICKETS AVAll..ABLE S11 .. May II. Fotnl Hills Tour• nomenl of Champloris, ~ ml, Onal,. 32◄ •5697 Fri. thru Sun .. 7◄2•7608 ,. cckdays .......... gcmy2 RATTAN AND WICKER " h11e "1fa and ◄ chain. S700. ◄8S•498S. grmyS

b l SLIDING GLA SS DOOII 1\ nd<~•• E>«llcnl (Undi1lc,n. s1q~. i47•2211. ... .. ..... gem)~

KIT C H EN APP LIA NCES double o..,n nngc. <OOl)<rlune. c1ccllcn1 cundhion. E\~1, 7◄3-0Jl~. dap 212 ◄8J•IOOO. e>t. 20.) . . ............................ itCmy2 WROUG HT IRON , LOVE SEAT and 2 ,Ide t•blc-. S7S. bluk and "hhe GE I~ In, TV. S35. pair "I ne" • wfl i:,~d C>,klttd pinch plt>lod dr•1><• ,.,Ith pm1«1ive bac\ln,i. 12 n. ,.Ide. sso. NC" 1all Waterford d ~co niur. SI JO, 741 •80.l?. l!(ffl\2 ........... f ............................. .

RESTORIN G A VICTORIAN Khchrn? Detroit Je .. el gu range. euly l'l()O·s, cs«II~ C>1ndillon. Sus. HU1poin1 rotary Ironer. S3S. Oluo1one slaie for p,rlo. nK><e than 200 "I• ft .. S100 for all. 7◄7•67n . ............ ,ymy2 MOVING BABY GRAND PIANO Kna~. ,mall • nd prc11y. Ivory l •>"· dart mahotany. Bargain JI S2000. Red,.wd $Cl S pieces. bklndc mahoa• ny bedroom u1. J uph<lhtcrcd arm rhairs. •=etary 2 studio couch••• legal me cabinet. J painted chcsu / ,j drav.-crs. mlnor. camp stove. 437-SJOs ...................... 11_cmy2 GOLF CLUBS, CIRCA 1930 Bobby J unes •. Jr .. complete set, Pritt negotiable. PGA Irons with bag, plus puller SSS. Andy Oca.n duslc Irons 3 lhtu p w. S70, auoncd woods and Irons SS u ch. 742.9101............... .....•'ffly2 " DOU. HOUSE" B£AUT1FUL 10 room Colonial. p111lally flnbhcd. 39 In. long • 29 in. high 1 16 In. deep, v,ry aood a>nd illon, f,.n ca«llcnt value at Sl99, <Uh. Call7◄ 1-4◄ 12. gcmyl

MOYlNG Plano, noer uud sewing machine. Osh tank with stand. air conditioner. 5000 BTU. 7◄7-3366.

, .................................. acmy2

PROFESSIONAL TIPE SUPER 8 so,ind movie camen. SS SOSXL Honeywell audio Alldc proJ«10t. JIO"er light ◄ bulb llood 111)11 bra.t kel. Smhh.Vlt1or e<>mpat1 Kiled beamed MOYie lighll. Honeywell strobe light model ◄SO with ttthuger. S1 75 lakes all. 2◄8•n62after6p.m. a<fflY4

' MtJST SEIL UPRIGHT PIANO Hcnnlna . S300, Call 248-2816 after 6 p.m. gcmy3 •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••u•••••••••••--•·•

,For Sale ,aJl).l)CRAf'T CRIB AJ-lu-;. 1reu, new co-ndillon. Playpen. lnfanl S<al. SI uy S<al. carriaae Cmakcs inll\ ca, bed) all gocld condhio11. J250 fot au.• Frcn<h Provlndal dincuc Kl. formic• top. 2 lta,u, ·6 ehal,s .• tea can good cnnfthlon, SJ25. Call 7◄6-1 18.l acm1J ... , ................................... -.. . MUSETTE SPINET PIANO Movlng•full kc)'boa,d with ~nth. bedroom sci . sofa. 10011, mi.c,

354-0l 72 ....................... gcmyS BABY CARIUAGE,CRIB AND • Mallrc:H: 2 play l)<RS. baby ,,.-Ina. high chair, Infant Jet•• jolly Jumper. Call before 8 p.m 747-6176 ........ • .............. wmyJ MOVING MUST • SELL Magic Chef gas 110,-c .. -t,h hood. avacodo. JO Inches. S60. 1\11nottd oat 22 Inch ha1 rack with drawer. S 120. J6 Inch wood colonial !1oragc cabinet •-Ith mlnu S225. dras><•· LR 941139 Inches. DR 9◄<98 Inches. ll&hl gold with hard•arc. S400 boch. nS-1732.

• ,' .......................... • ... ,icmy2 Fl.AND ' 81 MODEi. W\llUJTZER 10 ydr fl<'IUI')' wm1n1y. Alklng SI 700. E, c,cllent cundhlon. ,IS4-1045 day!:. 741•2141> eves.


CHINA• SHEU\', "FUl·BLUE" cu~ and aa •~rs. cit.. C'Omcr chin• <ablnC'h By appoin1men1

• onl,f. Call after 6 p.m. 7◄ 1.J7Sb.

• ................................... grmyS MOVING MOST SEU n o VOLT 11 .900 BTU CE • ir condhionet. used one ,cawn. $200, Sc•rs df)ct. S100. GE. lop of the line ,.uh1ng machine. S1 00 Mahosany ,U~c-r cabinet. bcau1I, fully can·cd S7S. Eorl) American df)• slnl . S50. T"o aluminum pit1,ic 1ablu 46" and 42 ... 6 <h•i". S70 all. Early Amcrkon ~nth S50. 746-2.1-44. gcmyS ..................................... n••••oo UPRIGHT FREEZER, MAPLE desk. it"ld e<>lr,rcd rug- 911S. ulnu, de>k. w,ought Iron table and •b chain. bumper pool table. 7◄6-8626. gc.myS

· Antlq~ For Sale ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET IJ pi«,,,. ornately hand cuved. dirt v• k. ~5000. Nu dcalCt1. YIS-5805. grn,yJ

WEBER,;UO .. ART .. PLAYER Grand. Rcst=d. ,S~. c..JI 887• 7193' .............. ' ........ army.) 8000 ALL DIFFEREl"1' SMAIL Toys. puulcs. gaiMs. dolfs. childrcn•s books. Christmas P•s><r novefiles and mcmorabtlla • from closed operation. Mos1ly 10 );L'U S or ollltr. Os><n 10 lntettll• ing. propositions. Any Ideas? Write: Vktorlan. lloJ 182. Wllllt­ton Park. N.Y, 11596 --1


S1oop,.-Arcpla~Patlos • Drfrewa,. •And All Types of • Brkt & Stone Won

Quality Wort maiuhlp 11 Rni.ona~f'lons

Slll\f1nion'tu1nn1ccd no job 100 •1J11ll:Wa1crpcoolina

E.<1lm11c, 538,3813 Uc.lH 1735940000 gem,-◄



Residcn1ial•Com1t1crdal W1llp..1perin1

Wood Rcnnlshlng Benjamin Moore Palnu: UKd

•All Wort Guaranteed• Referen«s Upon R•ques1

For Free Es1im11e Call Frederick T. Coullct

294 .• 7547 grmy3


Interior,\ E>tcrior , Repalr Suh Cords & Wlnc!i,,,~

Light S,-'11ches Ocan Out Cullers

General Handyman •S11bf1t1lon Guaran1ccd•

Call Fml Lee 794-7405 8ffl1>◄


(formerly N«man Aodcnonl FilTpla« s. P11los. Driveway.

W11erproofan1 40 l' can E>pcricn« •

Free Estimates Sl6 ◄89·70◄0 718:465·1389


•C•~nuy• •Roofing • Aluminum Siding ' Soffit & Trim Tttatmcnt Wood Shingles & Sha\c•

AIJTypcs Of \'iind'""' & Door Rq,laccmen1•

•Suh Cord• Replaced •Sttut1ural Repair• & Renovations Custom Formia Wort

El.pen Wort Refcrentt, Re.uoaablc Prirct•Free Esllmatc

lniu111n« Es1lma1u Wiinen Call FRED o.S◄-2610 or 931-115.S

.. ;n2 ················•·•···················••·•··· GUTTERS C LEA NED Repaired. tCl)laccd. Paln1l n11 and Olhct h•nd)man jobs. Call and a\lo for J oe 735•6349. Li«n<ed.


S PECIALIZING. IN .. WAXING nails and pcdh:urca In my home. Lo,,·er prices. Call Ouia 48S.S24S


COLOR COORD l ijATOR fo, ~lccrlon ol wallpaper. paint and fabrics. In your home or off'K"C. Decora1i,-c paln1lna and stenciling by anls1 available. Hourly n1e,. Call 7◄6-07◄.l.

acmy2 ............................................ VINCENT NASO

Prl!fc<,lo"•I Palnlcr & D«ontor lntmo, • Eatmor •Pape, Hanging•

Over JO yc, n capcrirnn,. ncal. clean. Es«llcn1 wort. 100,._

j!Ua1'11nlccd. Call Anvdm~ 328-0028 hmvJ

WALLS "l"US Paln1lna and wallpapcnng: Free estimates. Sarisfaction .,....,,. l«d. ◄86-18◄7 or ◄86-7.l◄S., acmyl

CAIJ'Elffl!JI Cabinets. boobhflvcs, ~. windows, celling, pancllna, addilloas. E.r.cdlc"l (tnbb wort. Call J ohn, 2◄8•.8163 . Sldln11 roo&g and slate ttpaln. Cali Funt, PY 6•7638. LIC 11&300240000. acJy2 ............................................. .............. ? ............................ .

TOM'S LANDSCAPING Lawns CUI, cdalna done .. tta• sonable prices .• Call Tom 741 •78&4 Tue,. lhru Sat.. after 6 p.n,.

,cmy3 ........................ .. ... , ................ ...

LAWNMOWER h,-1,Senloe

Free pkt•upanddcllvery Free Esdmatcs

Reasonable Rates JS4.J7◄2 8ffl\1S

• .. •••• .. ••••• .. ••••••••••u~u••••••u•••••

Services TR EE STUMP It ROOT grinding. Any ,lze. front or bat kyud,. Special rates for con1rac1ors. Fru Etllmatea . IMuml, ll«nsed. Jtl'I)' ◄8.l-8,C~ or◄8.l·2687. gcjn2 .................................................


Whh a Per&0nal Touch BySbella

PN,fculonally Coordinated Panics

Complete Scrvlcc•IIOIM, ~ D!nne, P1nlc1•C0!:ttail Pa.nlca

All O«uloM For Consullatlon .•. Call 3S4-5298

..................................... &<:In• WINDOW W ASHlNG

Reasonable talc& , sputllng re,uhs. S,).SO per window. Call for frtt e11ima1c. 796-IS◄◄ . a<i,I

TBECVISINESCENE fine catmna fo, all oteasloc,s. We prepa,e food, se~. clean up, at home. tbc offltt, anywhere. 'Tatu outs to full ,crvlce .

• Rdereoccs avallxble. Call Susan 712-1956. gcjy,? ............................................


l'ov Nest Pan,! Caterina and Eapcrlenccd Professional Sctviccs for auistina ,.;,h Preparation. ScNlng and Cl .. nup, before. during and after )'OUr patty. Banendcrs Available. Call Kate (ab Doonal at 2◄8-l~S ur 7◄6-821>4. "'my◄ .. -................................ _. ............ .

SC01T MILLEII µadtcap«MabikDIA<'e

Wttll)• maintcnan<e. spring tu f.lll . Otanup>. la,. n <hcmltals. lrtt .and >htub trimming. &hrub p1n1tng. 1h11th!ng. lime. $4.'cd. fc:nilltt. 333•7260: gcjy3 .......... , ............................... .. . BARTENDERS. WAIT ERS. "•111essc, available 10 do hou,e panics. Call 77$ • .)2JO. llffl'Y.3

... ···~ ................ ,. ............ ········ PA1NTING

E>terlor Interior Benjamin Moore Paints

Reasonable Pritts Free E>timatc.

J immy Mac 243•7ll◄ IJCIIIYl


GENERAJ.CONntACJ'OR Carpentry • AhcntloM

Sla1e Roof Rcpain Roofina • GunttS • Leaden

Kitchens • Auks • 8-mcnts Uc. 1◄0l 7S0000 S93·29lJ


Puts For Adoption ADOIABLE COLLIE TYPE I \II year old for adoption. Need, yard and affce1lona1e family. Medium site, tnlncd. spayed, ahots. sofl, shiny. healthy. big bro"!fl eyes. very. very playful • E.r.tra alfccdonate. 718 723-JJII day.. hmy3 ................................................... DEAi CAT LOVEIS I have for adoption fCXtr beiutiful linens; 8 weeb old. To see please call aftct 11 a .m. 775-5671


ADOPT nns LOVELY-10viiii Lab mLr female. Spayed. i-~ broken. Needs lora or love, affcc. tlon and a yanl 7◄ 1-4640 """72

Peli For Sale

IEGISTERED TOY PODDLE for sale. Bla<k. male. 2 yeus old. Call 7,47.8J7J. llffll>..C ...................................... ., .......... .

wanted ~/Tag Sele • OLD OIL PAPfflNGS WANTED GW'ff•SALE OF HOOSEBOI.D , ANDQUB • G~GE S.u.£. any ,ondltlon (CYCD tom). · Also: Hems lndudlna brlc-a•brac. tools, Sat. & Sun. May ti.Ill? 9am to 5

old frames, pocket watchea lawn equipment (.lttttal ~ pm. No previews. Many unusual uud}rwelry. docb, linens, rugs. mowert) boob. maaulilea. items. baby thlo,s. ete. 8D fumiturc. utlque trunks, and kitchen eablne11. small Clladt ~ s,-. off Spilt sewing machl,_; figurines. coin appllanca. fumltatt, laeven.1 Roc:t Road. bmy2 ind stamp t'OU«tbll, old auto- an1lques). lfu~ ~lectlon of a:;;;=:;~1 ------groplis, boeb, and maguln«. effl)thlng. No prmcws. Sat. PellCNml , Also need violin•. banjos. mando- May It 9:»:4 p.m. Rain date, ----------Una. pianos. Will PJY cash and 5/18. 135 Ardm Sc. (bctnen NOVENA' TO ~. JUDE pick up Immediately. Plr.ue ,utf Stewan &,Eleventh) Gardeii City. Ob Roly St. Jade. Apostle and Sandy S74--0216. , hmy4 - ................. - .................. -.- Mu;tyr1 peat In Ylnue and rich in ......... ................ -................. aOCK:VILL'B Cl!NnE, SAT. mltacks. near kinsman of Jes~ STOCX CDTIFICAtl!SI.BONDS • May ''• •9:30-4 p.m. l<IO S.. .Chrisl./aithful and lntcrcasor or ..Yout old cloalmcnta bsued by Caln (west on Peninsula .. lvd, all ~ Jnvojle your . .-pedal now companies ba_ve to Lak~. rlaht, on Centre to pa~ge In tlmeofilel:d, va.luc to me u coUectlbles. OU l'40). Complete contcntl or loYcly, I have reco11rse from the depth• of 364.22,46. hmyl 3 raom 'aputrncnif ,cmy3 "17 bean ind humbly beg to

uoWEli .uoaicAN · FLYER SALE MAY JO •h, io,i P:M.. · whom God hu-if',ea auch great,

and _,,._ -•• IO)'I (tin wind U"" Sofa set, f;eaiher bar a awol, h)dc powtt to. come (o my aulatance . ...,,- - r = • ttan Help me In my.' prese11t and

and 101/ IOldlas etc.) tn1ns or a bed ilid mattresses~-~ urgent petition. in fC\Utn I ~ wuted by Ganlell " ~ and mlm>t. vcuaner City -"--. ·· • -:, condJtloc. dotbcs. 'All estcllcat condltlon. promise to make your name

•-- "" 33 z... u. known and cause you to be Immediate high cash paid. Toys. bilc-a•b\'SC. · ' mvokt:d. SC. 1-. ,,_1 r. .. aD 248--489?, acjyl .~.~: ................... ~~ wt.lllYoki,-rald. Aa-. Say,3

MOVING•ANTIQOES, TOOLS Our Fathcn. 3 Hall Marya 3 ow···" GUNS ...... ... SWOII>S blnoculara, model , eoalocs. bamboo ny rods. Call 825-0919 or 364-22•6. bmfl

UAlNS ........ AND TOYS

Uonel, flycn, I-«. etc. Set, pieces. acccuories, soldiers-. forts 1rucu. can, wind-ups or push.

'Games tool Highest cash paid SSJ-~. hmy2

DO,YOO.RAVE OLD. COINSffl U.S. o, foreign. I wW pay a good price. Coln coll~g ls my hobby. C&II me at.223-4236. bmy2 ......... · oou.s WANTED

I collec:I dolls other "doll mcmorabUla • ocw or old. Whit do JO" have for aale? Call ..,., at 4"-3376, b~y,

WE BUY, ILUDCOVD BOOKS Art •Antiques •Pliotograph:, •lfuotloa •Bueball •LI. History •lllu11rated Boob •Mysteries ind many other topics. W.e do 110t buy School Boots, .Cal! Ji~, or lurvcy at •86•9'127. Once Upoo A 11mc Boots. btfnjol

~s~ PAllHOR nJKE•!IO~ tu idcrmy, i talncd g)us. toy peddle cars. Ask for Bill 826,30$4. hmr

Instructions GOITAJl•PlANO•DROMS


C...- ID Yoar Home by working profcuioiuls

\ Free Gullar Rental Serving All Nassau G-.•Schlqcltt m-099-4 147.1009

tzci2 ............ arl'ALUCY'S ......


l'iano Violin Viola Guitar Tlfcory. Harmony

College Preparation All agc:s and all levels

The best In !11USlc education JO years In area

2-18-7379 gcal

Profesalonal Servk:ei MIND STRESSff

MuKIC Tcnsi9n? 'Enjoy Massage: Therapy in your home: by -thc Mahcur or the Bath & Tennis Oub. Member: N.Y.S. Society Medical Masseurs. Male/ Female: Mkhael C«T 623~ ' · hjyl

•••••·••••••UOOOon.••••·•••••U•••••• .. ••UOOO

sporting and oftlc,c equlj,nxnt. Gloriai. Si:, for 9 consecutive housewares. rcfrlaerator. TV. days.' P~bllcarlon must be books. ru,rnlture; collcctlblcs. 74 promised. Thb novena bu ~ HIiton Ave. Rempatead. (near b«i> known to fall. Thank you for A&S)call48t-4212. Jt<mV3 answering my,praye,sJ.L. g=.72

GARA~E . SALE•MOVtNG NOVENA ... TO ... ST • . JUDE 'Sale-May 17, 18.19. 9-S p.m. 176 Oh Holy Sr. Jude, Apostle & Magnolia Avenue, Floral Pan. Martyr. great In virtue and rich ln M>mcthlng for evct)'cinc. House• miracles, near kinsman of Jesus hol~ llcm1. furniture, man:, Christ, faithful and lntcrtt&sor of unused it.ems. gc:rliy3 all who lnvoke your spcdal WILLISTON• PARK GARAGE 'patronage iMitne of n~, lo you Sate. Fri. & Sat., May l0 & 11. 10 I have recou~rrom the depths or

d my heart humbly beg t.o a.m. 10 4 p.m. LR, DR. BR-an whom God has "'ven such_ a,cat outdoor furniture. Lamps. quna, a.• household Items and bric-a-brac. power to come to my assistance. No Pri:vlcwal 59 Prospect St. (OGe Help me In my present and b'-'- North or Hlllslde Ave,• urgut petlrioii. In return I .,.,. ..., pn,nilse to make • JO"f name

t,etwcenCampbdl&Pan) '""•• known&ouseyouto'beln.otcd MINEOLA ... YARD SALE SI. ,.., ~,- ~ 11it .a wt. Saturday. May 18-Sunday,~May flmllle,yoe.W.~Say,JOur 19. tOam,to 5pm. Rain or •Shlne. Father1. 3 lhll Mary•t. 3 Household furniture. books. misc. Glona·s. Say for 9 con$<.<Utive 239 J,,,,_ A- (Tum JI days•. Publication must_• be Sheridan Bowl!iig-5 1blocb lo promised. Thb novena has nC\'c,' Jerome\ ....................... .. ~l'.~ ~n mown 10 fall. Thank you for GARD'EN an Sl UDton ~.... answerlng·mr. praycrs.f. py2

May 17&18 • 9-4 p:m. Boots. HOLYSPIJUT.YOOWHOSOLVE houscwares. appliances, office all problems. who light all roads. equipment. fumlturc, els, Rain sothal lean obtaln' my goals. You date May 24&.lS, ,i:cmyS who give me tl!e, divjnc gll_i .10 GARDEN an SAT. May 18 forgive and forget all evils against 9-4 p.m. 37 Ran~ Rd. me and that In all lnsiances ofmy

• Household books. dlithl~g life you uc "li lh me. I want In 1hls fabric. jC>"-cli'y. canning fars. etc. shon prayer 10 thank you for •II Rain · date Sat. May 25. No 1hmgs and 10 confirm onc:c again

gcmyl lh•t I ncvcr wtnl 1o' bc: 'scpat11cd prevGA~~G~ •

5.,.,' SAT.·~•·y .... t.a· from )'OU crtr in spilc.- of all

,.,. ., ,..... ,..,. mau:rlal Illusions. I wls'1 10 be 9am to 2pm. 145 Eutoa !l°""• with )'OU in eternal glory. Thant. Garden City Forty ~ears )-OU for your m~ towards me• •ccumulatlon of mlK, ltt'b11 such and mine. Say for 3 consccu• as: Large wider chest, bump« 11ive cl&~ after whk b the faVOf pool table. maple desk. ~ug~J requested will be gnantcd c:vcn if Iron table wllh:6 chairs and much ,11 app_<'in dlfficull. This pra)'et morel gcmyJ ' must i,,: published immcdla1cly •

GUDEN .. CITY · SAt.'·M,\Y .. ta 'Th••~ Y~ ~ oly Spl~f. R. :~my2 IOam 10 ◄pm. rain or s hine. , . ........................ t .............. .. Fumitu rc. TVs . collectlbles aod ~ VE YOO A BJDDEN TA.LENT much more. Moving must sell • 11· • !bat hu ye/ 10 be dlacovend In t(>C Wethctlll ROOMI ~ . of pdlll1 / Tno,vcnc: Road. No prcvjcws. We are loalilag f°' ~. not

gqnyl • eiceiedlna 3,000 .,oi-dl, oa local .................................... , ....... toplea. oplaloaa, Idea■• nice ANTIQUES A COLLEC11BLES p1aca to vlall oa t.ooa blud, ~ Auction. Sr. Andrew's Chun:h - • fktloo. I• ov ,up.woe Campbell Ave., WIIJWoa Pad, -uo,,, .,. wm try to ''Db<ovcr" Saturday "'-c:nlng. May 11. 1 p.m. - - (calm-e lngth a,tlde ud Doors o!k'n 6 p.m. F,:cnch Canel ,miff per week, Each wrllff wm-dodt fumiturc from Old · Aon! be reb■baned a, otlpcnd of. Park home. Vk1ori1n !fall Minot. Sl5.00. old jewelry. ·coUeetiblc gl..,,..arc If 1.,.. to be pabll..,i ud and ch ina. linens . ll 870, be pan of,:. !Moe of Dlocove,y Chrls1cnl~g gown . Blaupunkl yoa _, aobailt"yoar U1lde io• Radio from SO's. collectibles. u- 1'1,bllcadc,u, 81 EaA Refrqhmc:nts: Coffee. soda) cake Barday Sired, Hlcb.W., N.Y.

wmy2 uao1 .................................. .. ou•:••u•u••• ••••·•unoou••·•• · , ,0 ··

Fe1101111 ~ ·. 'l ' NOVENATOST.JUDE ........................ ,. ... _ .. ._ .. __ .. g} Oh Roly St. ~ude, Apostle & NOVENA 1:0 .ST. JJJDI! ~ Martyr. a,eat In~ and rich In Ob Holy St. Jade, Apoatle aiid '> mlndes, 'near kinsman of Jesm,r,arcatlD virtue 1114 rich In. Chrlst.'faithlul 1114 lnrerc:euor of mlrada, near kinsman of )esa ;l all ,who Invoke your ipedal pal• Christ. falth.M lntereeuor of : ,!'

all who lnvotc your ipedal . , nmage In lime, or nceed. to .YOG I pa.trona~ In time of need, to you :iC have ruoursc, from the depths of !kpt or ,!; my hem and bumbly beg to lhaverccouncftom theb · iJ• _; whom God l(u given sum g,ul my butt and hum ly , . to !" .

wtlqm God hu given •usfi a,ut powtt. to come lo rpy usistanat. power 10 come 10 my~-Help me In my ~t and Help Ille In my P!C"!'t ed uracnt petition, In ~. I ...,......, I J promlsc to male ,:o\lr name uracnl 1"'"'""1• 11 rctan,

, "~ prornlae to mate your ftllllCI , known and eause yo,a to "" known and cause ,ou 10 be ld'tol:.~d-~ J .. , Pray ,_ •aD invoked, S'- J ... , Pl'!7. ,_•al wt.lirftu-, .. .W.~ Say3, • ....... ,..ald.4-. Say 3 . Ow F......._ 3 Hall Ma)-9, 3 "-·- p •-- 3 Hall M 3 ' Gloc1M. Sa for 9 conlleClllive ""' at"""• ary1.

Y • Glorlu. Say for 9 c:onaccullve. ~~~ l'IIJ.'~~"':-"!~ !be ~ day,. Publication muat be mua.. " "" ..,.., •• _ u n · promlscd. Thls novena hu never .~· , beeft l:.nown 10 fall. Tha9t ,OU ror i;cen mowo 10 fall. Thallk yo,, for ' answering my pnayctS. M~yl an,wttina my ~yen; DJ.H.

BJ WIUarcl Abrallam .PU>.

1t·s Ume to talk d.lffdly to "oar clllldttn.".Some of Ihm sltuaUotis are fascinating. maybe ~ea trau• maUc. Let me try these out OCI


Q;liall)'Wutmidopiidal• ~ my puaua tell me lbt l'm-.1-.11iewrwc..i ~,­moekr ud falllff tloll't ·crrar me Uu Cklr ... dlJd. TIie, att ma bcUtt co my 1111 llrotlltt. Ile ctts, lie wu11. (Re'., a,euflo me, too, by die way.)

Row cu I (lid oat wlwtller I'm adoptd? Evai llloagla l look like my tailacr aid ena "allt Ute llim, I 11w lla1At be Isn't. really my ra• llatt.

Wlaal do yoe ·11a1u aboal A. Many children at one Ume or another bave a !eellng that they

may be adopted. One reason Is that' parcnts doo·t always do lor them and to them what· lhe c:1111· drcn tbeimel ves would like them to do. To add to that feeling Is the thoupt that they ollffl lhlnk olb• ers i.o the family are their parcnlS' favorites. Sometimes It may be true. but most or Ille time It's not.

Parents have a hard Umc pvlng the Impression to all of tlieli chll• drcn Iha! lhey arc receiving equal treatment. 1n facl, 10 .be fair,'the tre:itment shoula not be the same but. ralher. based qn \be needs of an individual chllcl Jle­cause Interests; lwbbles aiil! school performance vm from one child to the rieit. parents who try to be1 lalr will attempt to adapt to thel.r offsprings' ~

I obviously don·t know 'l'bether you arc adopted. but OCI the basis or your comments il seems sale to assume that your parcnts are tell• Ing you llle iruth.

Q. I am a tea11ce pl (15 yun old). ud imtud of my motlacr wrltiag lo yoe l.bollt me, I'm writ• In& abotlt ·laff. b tlaat OK wltb yoe? I !lope so becatt&C l attd laelp.

Tile problem Is ~ tempe1' u4 tbe (act tlaat die upecta me lo ,·


adapt IO all of laff auy m.OOCIS. Tlaq'e b Jal 110 utlsf'Yln& lier. Plnie doll•t ldl me II Is all ~ ea- l'm a i-aer ud tJdl my ace an laard co Un wl~

51ae•, alwa:,w W a kmpet',' U far back u I cu mneiiber. U Ille lsa't taklq ·mlap oat oa me. u•, oa my kW llroClaer or 1111 dacl: (How lie llu stood It for ao _,. years I'll oner adentuil.)

Ml.ill cu I do more tu.a I am dolas,llltelr71ae!_o.i-.Mr"ud atayln& oel of ,llicr way •lltNver po,11lllle?

Please ltelp me II 1CM1 cu. A. DIJcusslng this nµtlcr In de­

tail with your tallier and also per• haps with ' some· Ot.\lff close' rela• 1lve· who loves your molller may be a place to beg.In. AI\Otlltr help, lul contact mls)lt be your school ~unselor. •

Oul of these COftversaUons rpay come tile Idea o( your family all meeting togeiber with a family counselor who may'be able to get al Ille cause ol conflicts among you, together with si]me PQSSlble remedies.

tt•s so dlfOcull to. deal wi th In• lrlcatc family rellllloasblps wllh• out tn1lrnate in.formation.about all tile people Involved. The peotle cl~ to and available to you may

be' able to help you ·cope witll the situation. ·

························· .................. . • NOTICE

HAVE YOU A IIIDDENTA1.£NT ·Iha.I ha• •Y•I to be dll<iin~ In prlnl, •

~• att loollna f,w atldff, nol e,ccedl"lt 3.000 wonlo. on local topic.. opinions, ldo.u, nice platta to ~1.i1 oa 1-a lllaDcl, llid ..-~n llc11oa. la oar mqul■e <t.tt11oft. we wm try to 0 Dhc.o'fu•• 'Ille nc,t fo.&laft lmgth ~ ud wrlkr ptt •«•• ~ wrilff,wUI be rel111bu..ed a ,llpcnd of SlS:OO

'L>'oa wani lo be pvbllshcd ud be ,_,, of an luae ~ Dlsni•err yoa may oobmll yoot(artlde ,lo: U1mor PobUcatloas, &I Eat Barcby Stttet, HJcbrlllc:, NY 11801


Aunt Tilly's (?omer RULES .

BOYS·AND Gilu.s, ' ttcr Is your chanoc 10 win One

Dollar (S1 .00) • 10 spend or 10 save.

No~I Sunday wlll bcMolhcr"s Day, uyou probably \ no:". II isa li111c of courMe, iha1 ,.,e arc all 1hinling a'!<'UI our Moms, Aro_n 1 1_h•r srut'

E,,en 1hc animal mo1h ers arc 1"0ndorful 10 lholr bablCS, ti •~ms. I romombor onoc waiC'hlng • !Igor 1'11h 1hrcc young ones al 1h• Bron, Zoo, The biby 1igors, '!'•rc qui1c mlschieVOllf; They dim lied all. over lhelr t,1om, biling hfr a1 1ime. Bui she 1us1 sa1 lherc qu1c1ly, occasionally 11ushlng one, or 1hcm .... ,y whon he became 100 naugh1y. buJ n,ver hur!lnuny or •h~m. I CQuldn '1 help thinking 1t1a1 1hc 910the~ iigor codld have torn 1he llnle ones apan for annoying her. However, she remained pa1lon1 and g•n1lcl ,

,, ttcrc•s all you have 10 do: I. Coi!CAI lo opn lo d,ddttn 4 lo 12Ye&N•faae,

' l , £alrtff CD!lll be rtttl•td by Friday. M~ 17, 1945

l, fiun1, wa~m,lon and m17on1 mu1 be utecl oa 1he above, 4. 0cetai.n ~ the JD<fan •W be

· . Your friend. Ona!, •. • Mall your entry (Just dip oul

can QQnl to ,1hls nowsp•pcr at: 1105 RlllslM A,..-a...,

~WJ,n,a 1.'an, N.Y.11596 '

Aun1Tllly P.S. Thb week's cof'1rlng conleSI winners arc AnM Ml~bdl and John £-van,. .-

Points on Bets,•·

6 months or age the puppy Is large etlOUP to withstand a general aMStbetlc and young ~gb lo

bu.I rapidly and recover very quldtly.

Any age doC can be spayed; Therefore If you choose to allow your dog to bave a ,,., litters, she can be spaytd as aa adult.

By R.G. Elmo~. D.V M.

Spai ing is safre / sn,Qr,t" '

. Many clients questlon whether spaying will alter their dog's P_'l"· sonallty or predispose: her to being fat aad lazy. There Is DO evlde~ in tbe veterina,y lltenture to m­dlcat.e that a penonlllty change

_ • will occur following spaying. 00ct

Q. We tttt11lly wue glvea • mongttl femalt pappy by our Dt!Jllbon. We utlclp&tc tli'al we ffVH wUI WUI pappies froll! tills dog.

Wliat 1s lllvolvtd Ill spaylll& a doe? Al wbal age sllcMlld slit ~ spayed? WIii spayla& Otlr !oc makt lltt mott proac to be fat ,

We want 10 do wbal. Is best for our dog. .

A. Spaying p~bly Is the most common surgical o~.raUon ~r• ro~ on ~ts. As commonly' Uffil, the won! "spay" simply muns lbe surgical removal or the female ttproductlve organs. ' ·

Most veterlnanans ~ovc both tile and the ute:nis. ll'hls. or course. prevents the dog from evtr belng In season. eUmlnatcs the nulsa~ of the male·s alien• tioa while she Is in heal. prevents pregancy and ~- the chance of developing some ronns or c:m• cer. ~ .

Allbough spays are quite rou­tine and compUcallom are few,

· this is major surgery,. 'A ceneral ancstbeUc Is given. Thi.I may be. an •ln~ble anestheUc soluUon, or a comblnaUon pf a.n, l11jecUb) e

,· and a gaseous anesthtsl.l. A small lnclslop Is imde In the

· the ~g fully recov= from the flank or along the abdominal mid· stt-es:s of SlltlffY and bosplt.allz.a• line. Usually the latter side Is used tlon.' l!ff tanperalllfflt and bebav• and the IDClsiO!l ls only I lo Z lacb· ior sll8u!d return to oonnal. . es In length. The length of lhls In• ~ytd or not. clop ttnd ,.lo p ln dslon 1s dependent upoc1 mr weli[bt as they age. Tbffefore and condition of the dog. Tbe uttt- yocr· do(• roost lntalte and ex­us and ovaries· are removed erds:c should' J,e regulated to con• lbrougb the incision ,and lhen the trol btr ,relgbt. Posslb!e weight Incision Is sutu~. gain sbouJd DOt be a reason for not

Tbe whole procedun usually spaylnc your dos. Tbe only reason can be complettd In 16 to 30 min• for DOt spaylnc a female dog 1s to utes. It us'uaUy Is ~ry for have puppies. the dog to be bosplt.alized 24 ~ 48 , ODct the declslon la made not to hours following surcery. ' • mate ber, she should be spayed or

The skin sutures usually are ~ • pla~ on an alteniaUve birth con• movtd seven to 10 days following trot program. Your vewiliarian ·surgery: 'Ille dog _should _be ob- can give you advice rqardlllg. • served fttque11tly dllring ~ peri• yoar ~cular dog. od 10 be certaill that she Is not cbewlng on the uin sutures.

The best age for spaying dogs Is ~batable. Many vcteri114rlam ln-11st on the blleb ba~lng at- one but period prior to spaylns. 0th= recommend that the aal· maJ bave one lltttt. Many do not believe that It Is necessary or ad~ vantageous for a dog lo bave one but per,tod' or a Utter prior to spaying. , .

Many believe the best age to spay dogs Is approximately 6

' mon~ rqardlm or ,rbelher the bltcb bu been in ,euoa_or not. At

~=>INY:;;;;;'~::::I ® 1:iaa I @

-~=1!~n,;===:I @ 111M I 0

~§mm l;l\kM C.ONTAINER.5

PROliEC'f '<OUR: TOOTH6R.USH . .,.


* U04 1VZZ11 HAI A -UTINO ( U OYfl , IOUI SIA -----fY. =~~·..:::.-= 2 - Ml/Sf -"' MAIOI 2 --v-. - -..,.,.,==---, 2 81 WILL I ® !::I===-=~ ® L-1 ==:==::::::::, I @ .-1...I - ~ ---.......
