Tropical Pastures Program Annual Report - CGSpace

1979 ISSN 0120-2383 No. August 1980 Tropical Pastures Program Annual Report Centro Internacional de Tropical Colombia

Transcript of Tropical Pastures Program Annual Report - CGSpace


ISSN 0120-2383 CIA'τ Series No. 02EτPl-79

August 1980

Tropical Pastures Program Annual Report

Centro Internacional de A章,始ultura Tropical Apa的ado Aért時 67-13

C訓i. Colombia



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ISSN 0120戶 2383

CIAT Series No. 02ETP1 “ 79 August 1980

Correct cítation: Cent悶的ternacio時I de Agrièultura Tropical. Tr叩ical pa戰前蟬持。g措m 1979 Annual Report. Ca品, Colo間bía.l雪80.156 p Also available in Span賠h.

Stylosanthesl Zomia/ Puerar扭/Centr.時8ma/Lauca8na/ D8smo的'um/Brach措ria/ Panicum/ Calopogonium/ Macrop的um/ Legume crops/G時mineae/ 踐。search/在闊的棋ems/ Clímalíc requ;rementS/Soil 陪quiremenlsIWater 甜每uí樽me悅色IPlaot breeding/S說ection/Germplasny101制制iom;lSeed Prod峭的rýSoil fa俐的ifSoìl microbiol呵VfRh甜甜甜甜為呵!揖前排hosphate

rockjPh揖phorusjAluminium/T,個時即,/V槽Id/Establishment/Pasture management/Plantin雷density/CultìvatiorýWeed controVCultivation S開鞠ms/Legume-grass mì前徊reslF考ant nutrition Oissases an挂牌thogens/Col.扭扭trichumjSclerotium folfs神聖了淵明'Om啊1$ 拇ucaøn呵Injuriou穹的$舵ts!lnsect contro你峙IS祖nc<f8eef pr甜ucUon 抑制ems/Animal 柵欄ge輛n叭nímal health; Anaptasmo毯is/8abesiosís/Chronic malnutriliorýParasite inc磁ence/Photosensitizatíon!Di扭曲econtrolfForagefNutritive valuelEconomicslTechnology traosf地r/T,制hnol呵y/

Print order: 9叫3 ∞pies、、



Major E∞的試ems and Germpl綿mConsolídatíon 01 Pro莓,afT、 Actívities

Plant Introductíon Collectíon and Introduction 01 Forage Species Multiplication sr吋 Maíntenance 01 G軒mplasmPrelimina內 Evsluation 01 Germplasm

Foraga Agronomy In tha Hypertharmic $avannes ICerima曾明}Gem可plasn可 Evaluation

Foragø Agronomy ín the Thørmic Savannas (Cørrado) Pasture Evaluation Seed Productíon




Foraga Agronomy ICIAT關 Quil祉hao)Germplasm Eval uation Herbicide Selec帥的 and Control Methodology Studi棉

Promising Gørmpla蚓、 for 鞠e Major Ec甜"鞠m學

Forage I仿、prove仿'a份愛Improvement of Le曹umesGrasses

Plant p,擔,thol09YOizease Survey Anthracnose Blíght Root -Knot Nematode Camptomeris Leaf Spot Cercospora Leaf Spot False.Rust RhynchosporiUJ亨、 Leal Spot Sphac酬。ma Scab Sm叭

Rust Rhìzoctonia sofani Black Mold 級Înor Dise綿綿Se軒d Pathologγ

Entomolo嘗VStylo Stemborer Aphids Spittlebugs Entomo岫gical Evaluatíon in Region剖 Trials

Saød Production Seed Increa.e Seed Production Technol呵VRe妞ional Seed Production Potentîals

Soll Microbiology Rhizobium Collection Strain Selectïon lnoculation 軒eSponse PotentÎa I In甜culant Recommendatìons Ext時polability Study COfT草 parison of ÄcÎd and Rich 1\是edia for Rhizobium

Culturing Inocula前 RecommendatÎons

Soil Fertility and Plant Nu甜甜。"Tolerance to AI Toxicity and Low Available P Morphological and Physiological Ellects 01 AI

Toxicity Nutrítional Requìrements of Grass and Legume


Pasture Developmen電 in the Hype時hermio S8v8n終uC8舟na雪uaReducing Past日e Establishment Cos站$帥tial Distr如2的n 01 Associated Spec僻

p,勇戰ure Development 閉室heτhermie S8v.nn8發(CerradolIdentification of Nutríent De缸c.eπclesPhoSf晶晶e Requirements lor AndropogoF/ gayanu$ Es祖blishment

Adapta崗位ty 01 Two Grasses 屆 Varying Levels 01 P and pH Introduction 01 Legumes ínto r這ative P總棋uresRenovatíon of a 8rach措,;a Pa棋ure

Genunuau a且可EDEaEU



Pasture Utilization 時utritional Value of Promislng GerlT、plasl'T、Grazing Management 01 Grass/Legume Mí肘uresAnimal Productíon Potenti副 01 Pure Grass Pastures Management and Production 01 Grass/L時ume Pastures

Cattle Production Sy訓ems ICa吋magualEvaluation of Beef ProductÎon Sγ.Iems (ETESI Breeding Herds Management Systems Test Herds

Ca扭扭 Production Sy到ems (Carr8dol Animal Management Pasture Utilízation





Anin、al Health Macro.mQnìtoring Interm甜.a扭 Monitorin告


Econon、icsSurvey 01 Catlle Farms 的 the Colombian Uar神8

Orientales Ex-ante Cost/Benef.t Analy,“s Distribulion 01 學eneti臨 Irom Incree學ed Beef Production Study on Input/Output Prices in theτarget Area Seed Pr甜duct.on Costs .n Colon、bia



τransference of Technology Traìning Validation of Techη010串VPrinted Media

CIAT IIFOC Phosphoru. Proj肘,Phosphate Rocks PhQsphorus F闊的on Mechanisms

Land Resource Evaluation of Tropica自 An、ericaMethodology Application



The Program's name has been changed from 器eef

Prog用m toτropi捕I Pastur帥 Program which reflects more accurately the cent悶I 5trat句y of the 險。當問航Within this context. the Program's objective is to remove the m制n constraint5 to increased beef (and milk) productior、 in the acid. infertile soils ofthe tropics by developing low-∞剖 pesture technology for Ihe various ecosystems and associated animal manage­mentp掃除ices feasible for those 措gions.

織ajor Eco蠶V尊重8ms and


As a result of the Land Resources Ev攝luation Project for Tropical Latin America. the program's target area was divided inlo major e∞systems according to TOlal Wel Season Potent抽1 Evapotranspiration (TWPE) patterns (Figure 1), This parameter has provided a rational qωantitative b駒is to explain eKisling v吻get恥tion∞verage patlerns on the basis of 卸ailable 酬。句vfor s輯sonal plant growth and 10 anticipete major differen締s in pesture 書rowth and perform軒Ice. n、efollowing eco紡織amB were identified:

1τropi嗨I savannas 仔WPE 910-1060 mm). well drainad. hypertharmic (mean tempe悶ture durin♀ wet season'" 2.3.50 C) which include the Llano翁。f Colom­b悶. Venezuela. Guyana. and Surinam. and the 甜vannas of Roraima and Macapá in Brazil.

2.. Tropi閥 I savannas (TWPE 910-1060 mm). well drained. thermic (mean temperature during wel sea鶴的. 23.60 C) t拘pi胡i 詞精m艙.them釗or portion 均pre鶴nted by the Cerred曲。f Brazil.

3. Poorly d措ined (vary的9 TWPE) tropical savannas 5uch 85 the Bení ir電話。livia , Pantanal of Braz話, CaS8r.8總

re 01 Colomb惜 and the Apure region in Venezuela 4. Tropical semi-ever宙間酬,輔asonal forests(TWPE

1061-1300 mm). 6. Tropical rainforests (TWPE> 13∞ mm),

Preliminary results 01 ra臨的nal trials (for details 5a。揖clion on Transference of Technology page 130 ) showed overall distinct performance ofthe germplasm in the different 制帥y5temsτhe措fore. from a 發ingle

list 01 promisin輩輩ermplasm for all ec油svstems the Program now has seperate lisls of 9軒mpl鋪m bV categories for each制cosystem. Presently there are lìsts of germplasm for the hyperth軒mic and thermic wel卜drained tropical savannas asa resultofscreenÎngssnd research carried out at Carimagua in ICA IInstituto Colombiano Agropecuario)/CIATs co-managed ex­perimental station and at the Centro de Pe翎山S8

Agropecuaria dos Cer捕dos (CPAC.EMBRAPA) near Brasilìa. Brazil. respectively.

“yper重hennic 紛vannas

Within this ecosystem. Andropogon gayanus CIAT 621 continued showing outstanding performance as a highly productive forage grass ìn terms 01 (1) growth and dry matter production in acid, inf研tile soils with minimum inputs; (2.) lolerance to drought stress. burning, and high levels 01 AI saturation; (3) low P 問quirements; (4) insect and disease tolerance; (6)軸ed

production ability汁的 compatibility with legum峙; (7) adaptabilìty to low-∞Sl pesture establishment



T時蟬個I South An暐醜8T .. 妞1_-缸輛E珊闕恤鈍椒梧錚棚


E劍忠習,。閻> 1300mm

Fígu悶 1.10祖Iwe電輯蹄叩開關甜甜射時抑制制ratlon In 鈴。9億.1 lowtand 50叫hAm制個

systems; (8) 章。od acceptability by animals particularly when in association with le誓師l1e8; and (9) high animal production levels. Un、der gra畫z刮ong In pυre stanc廿Is A gaya制nu.啦s produced 457 k勾g/ha/ye帥arwl性th stocking r附'at拇@帥8

between 3 and 4 a都g

association with le匈gume鵬5 were in the αr吋de昕r 01 Up 姆670 g/day wi必th nearly 2 head/ha. -

Reg的nal trials in Venezue泊,話razil and Peru confirm the excellent agronomic performance of this grass. pa伐Icularly in areas of well-d闊的@位 savannas with 1WPE below 1061 mm. A gayanus provides al1

alternative improved grass lorsuch areas in associated pasture systems with legumes. An expanded 揖ed


production ellort is underway anticipating future nee社s

legumes Stylosanthes capitata. Zornia latifolia. and Pueraria phaseoloides contínued showing a promising performance 伽軒sistence. reasonable proportion 01 sward and high líveweight gains during both the dry and 碑et seasons) 的翁鉗制ciatíon with A gayanus at Carímagua. S. capitata CIAT 101 章. 1315 and 1405 continued showing resistance to anthracnose in th路ecosystem. While most accessions of Z. larifolia were severely affected by the lur嘻嘻us Sphace/oma s扭 .some

other acces5ion5 were lound to be 持以說ant. Thus elforts are being made to 5creen the 尋。1 Zornia spp也

accessions presently available lor resistance to this lungus, and germplasm collection activities will continue to increase variability

The highly productive, aggressive Desmodium ovafifofium with good nitrogen lixing capacity was confirmed as a prom悶ing legume lor the Carimagua environment as well as lor other more humid areas. In addit的n, D. ovalífolíum has demonstrated its com­patibilily with vigorous 9rasses such as Brach均fla

de缸Imbens and B. humidicola. Animal performance was, howev,軒, substantially reduced by low palatabil ity 01 the legume in a stand wilh low 9用詩 proporlion.

Thus a highly specific and successlul plant collection Irip to Thailand lor D. ovalífolìum and D. heterocarpon was made in ord軒 10 mcrease gen軾ic時riabilitywithin

these species in the P拍電jram's lorage 9軒mplasm



τhe joint pro嘗玲mwith 藍色;1 Bf司APA at CPAC became lully operational du討"9 1 學71主

A total 01 3草草 le發umeacce鶴蛤ns were establ時hedin 1978 on Ihe two major 甜iltyp的 01 the Cerrado - a 時d-yellow lat0501 and a 桂ar化問世 lato50l. The most proml制約嘗嘗enus was Stylosanthes: 持。 accessions 01 S. guianensis, S. capitata, S. scabra, and S. vìscosa have been selected lor lurther evaluation. Selected acces卸ons 01 S. guìanensìs were almost exclusively represente謹 by the tardfo' tVI蹄, which has shown high tolerance 10 anthracnose over a lour-year period. Seed production trials showed high seed yields 01 S. capitata and S. hamata.

In experin、enlS 10 evaluate gras翁Ilegume com­patíbilí旬, A. gayanus showed better perlormance with legumes than B. decumbens

Consolidation of Program Activities

Several sections 01 the Program are developing technology components to overcome specific con-

• Henceforth in this report the term "tardÎo" wi l! be usedtodescribe a gròup of Stylos8nthes {/uiammsis germp!asm characterized by !ate floweríng, fme stems, viscous pubescence, narrow teaves, and particular seed-head struèturéS. orlgu"\.a ting from Brlilll and Venezue旭

straining and/or methodologlcal barriers. Low density space-planting systems have proved fea剖ble lor large scale planting for several species by providing 制gnilì­

cant savings in seed and machìnery and resulting in well唔stablished pastures tor grazìn日 within a year

A quantitative method lor screening germp協sm lor tolerance to high soil aluminum under 草reenhouse

CO é'ditions was developed (hem治to"i lintest) Simultaneous screenhouse and lield experimer、ts lor aluminum tolerance gave similar rankings lor accesslonsτhis method is símple. quick, allows lor $C陪ening large numbers 01 materials, and is laírly accurate

τhe evaluation 01 prom榕的器 germpl揖m.has been continued throughout the Program's target are,是 ma

network 01 持雪也nal trials.

In October, a workshop was held at CIAτon the Region訟法ial Network for Adaptation 01 Tropical Forage Species. Eighty-one scientists Irom 40 research inst詰utions in 14 位ífferent countries par­ticipated. Emphasis was made on the major difle舟nces between ecosystems and standardized evaluation methodologies were delíned. A han亞boo缸with a standard set of analytical metho丘s and procedures lor soil and plant material w8S developed on the ba剖s 01 these discussions

During the ye肘, a broad-scale survey of the incider、ce 01 diseases and insects was continued for the target area. in Andropogon gayanus, a rapid indirect method for the estimation 01 seed purity was developed and large scale seed increases and mechanical seed processing was undertaken. Finally, a new thrust was initiated towards genetic improve ment within selected legumes and grass genera Screening 01 Stylosanthes guianensis (particularly tardío type materíals) lor anthracnose re剖stance and seed production ability was initiated. A similar project is already underway for Stylosanthes capitata A闊的sions 01 Andropogon gayanus are beíng evaluated lor plant type, lealíness. Ilowering time and other characteristics 的 order to design a recurrent selection prog問m with th陷 cross-pollinating species Acha附cterization and selection program was悶的ated

for 90 Panicum max的wm acceSSlons,加 identily

genotypes adapted 10 low lertility and drought 51ress conditions in the acíd soils



Duríng 1979, the responsibílítíes 01 the Germplasm sect叩n as related 10 planl introduction activit硨swere:(1) assem紋的9 01 germplasm through direct collection and exchange wíth other instítutions; (2) multiplícation and maíntenance 01 9軒mplasm; and (3) p時limínary

evaluation 01 9軒mpl帥m and inítial seed increase

Collection and Introductíon of Forage Specíes

The collection trips conducted during 1979 had the purpo騁。1 increasmg germplasm 01 specilic gener翁諺nd species th剖, because 01 theír known potential , are 01 particular interest to the Tropical Pastures Program overall goa l. Thus, a collection expedítion from Carima嘗ua to the Orínoco ríver was aimed partícuarly at Zornia and Centrosema ♀ermplasm native to the

Colombian Llanos Orientales. Another collection trip concentrated on Desmodiυm ovslifoliumlheteroc獻給pon germplasm native toτhailand and covered a 20∞ km distance Irom n卸的 to south τhe latter exped控ionwas conducted in collaboration with the Thailand Institute 01 Scient刊ic and τechnological Research Duríng these systematíc expeditions and other several collections (i ncluding a Desmodìum ∞lIectìon trip in Queensland Austral母已 a total 01 297 accessions were assembled. Furthermore. 468 acces剝削、s were ac­qυìred through 9軒mplasm exchange wìth other ínstitutions (Table 1)

With these additìons during the year. CIAT's collec­tion 01 tropical forage germpla8m 一部ecializing in m的研晦18 origtnatìng Irom regions with acid, infertìle savanna and jungle 嗨!的一 increasedto atotal 01 5475

7able 1. lntroduc泣。n (number of accessinASÎ oí forage germ.p1asm through d1rc õ: t coHectior三 and

exchange with other insHtutions durin草 1979.


1Ltroductions daring 1979 con崎ctions Total accesSÌon審

Colombia Occasional Total UISeXZnE1l4i4 asm Genera (V時hadaj Thaitand col1ections Exchang.1 l 會79 ba

5tylosanthes 9 本主 62 93 i 主♀1

Desmodium 15 3Z 31 是5 123 734

Zornia lZ 36 金1 89 401

的車C包里omene ? 6 自 Zl 主74

Macr的tiliumf.且也 4 5 10 19 426

c.在tro間m草草 6 z 13 會5 116 437

Galactia a 3 14 19 18會

3 Mi$ccllaneous le單純me. 主是 10 旱。 lZ3 207 1357

Graaa融學 z 毛 70 78 356

Total 81 44 17Z 468 765 5475

1 Ma jor contrihutioná íro lTl the lnstituto de Pesqui制s IRI, Bra; CSIRC, A帥tralia; EPAMIG, Brazil; EMBRAPA...CENARGEN, Brazil; and Grassland Research Statìon Ma.rendell亂 s , Zimbabwe.

Z A診。í November 1, 1979. 3 主益必必三位經筠訟法草泣,史學立豆豆,主泣如法旦旦, Gly訟法,鑫江2坐坐淫,治法經恕,又必滋滋主主且峙,

Crot剖aria. Tepl甘O$ìa, Eriòsema, In斂錢。fera and others. 一一一一

access時ns. Of thís 9軒mplasm, the collection 01 the priority sp側的 Andropogon gayanus 148 accessìon鈴,lornia spp. (401 accessìons), Stylosanthes capitata (118 accessions) and Desmodium heterocar­pon/ovafìfolìum (45 accessìons) is unìque in theworld.

Multiplication and Maintenance of Germplasm

Duríng 1979, much 01 the section's work consìst醋。f smal卜scale 9軒mplasm multiplícatìon (1) for the preservatíon and maíntenance 01 germpl臨m,們也

clud的當 materìal lor dístríbutíon outsìde CIAT (e.g., for g僻的plasr亨1 exchange with other ínstítutìons); and (2) prelìmìnary evaluatìon and lurther germplasrT草 screen­

ìng actÌVIti部 by other 揖ctìor、s wìthìn the Program. Withìn thìs service lunction, 9軒mplasm 01 about 20∞ accessìo悶 was multìplied un謹er 部reenhouse and fìeld conditíons in CIAT-Quilichao and CIAT給Palmì嗨,

Table 2. Multiplícation and distríbu抖。n of forage germplasm during 1979.

MultipHcation Di蟬 tribution

(No. (No. o{ sa. mpLesl Genera of accession(i) CLAT Ouuìde Cr.A T1

SIγlos a. nthes 359 1532 369

Desmo吐ium 295 26矗 145

Zornia 320 54已 晶宮

Aesc悟空空mene 135 1 事? 83

Macröptilíuml Vigna 104 214 9

Centroseπla 235 278 175

Galactia 117 116 已

恥!is.cell社 neous

legumes2 Z5b 75 52

Gra. sscs 120 188 20

Total 1941 3414 947

1 To ins泣lutj叫詩 itt 14 countrìes in 自e Americas (La tin America and the Unìted States)* Airica, Asia and Iζllrope.

z主立法語,又訟法怨怨錢也血紅紅i卒,主紅紅車追p主泣訟法泣忌,誰訟法訟,又沒必丘ι 乏垃丘逞,三且三主p 豆訟法法泣如乏認泣鋒派,乏必osema,每公主立益!.!. and others.

and more than 40∞ germplasm samples were 位istributed (Table 2)

Preliminary Evaluation of Germplasm

During this phase observations are made in the space“ planted introduction nursery at CIA下Quilichaofor preliminary characterization and multìplication 01 germplasm (Figure 21

On the basìs 01 a system 01 吶。nthly ralings lor \lÎgor, productivity and adaptatìon 10 the CIA下Quilichaoenvlror、ment (very aCI噩 soìl. insects, diseases), the potential of príority species and genera 措 preliminarily

assessed. New 9軒mplasm showi狗9 promise ín CIAτ Quílichao compare謹 to known star絲釘d materials,措

selected lor prìority evaluation by the lorage agronomy sections ìn C釘ima事ua and 臨時silia , and in R峙。nal

TrÎals A in the other major ecosystems. Furthermore,

斜斜神童輛輛imin館y啊.Iuat峙,事 ηJO'睡 of Styl,甜'8nthe$g;個'anen$l$.. 鵲吋知岳,


these selected materials undergo an additional evalua­tion stage ín CIAT-Quil記hao to conlirm theirsuperiori­tyτhís is conducted ín replicated spaced-plant plot翁which are al50 U5紛紛r inìtìal seed ìncr制輯們gure3) ,

Durìng 1 告79, alter at least 12 months 01 obser­vatÎons, a 蹄rìes 01 new accessions 01 seve悶I species and gene悶 were ìdent話ied as prom惜的醫 materials

suìtable for prìoríty evaluation in the other major ec油system5 , These included 2 01 S, capitata, 11 01 Centrosema sp戶,立。1 Aeschynomene spp" 17 01 Zornìa spp" and 9 01 Desmodium barbatum; no proml5mg ma組ríals were lound between accessions 01 MacroptÌIiωm spp" Vìgna spp., and erect browse types 01 Desn坤的um spp.

of those specíes which are presently 01 major ìnterest to the Pr<到gram accessíons selected durìng 1978 were establìshed 閑時plìcated varìety trials Using the preliminary evaluation methOO紋。當y, the proml蹄。1 the 帥lected material ín comparì制n with standard varieties was coηlirmed. Furth軒more, m Ihese experiments the goOO 5ee桂 prOOuction potentìal 01 the selecte佳話nes was shown by the consìderable amounts 01 招ed harvested

At pre鶴肘, a total 01 817 accessions are under preliminarγevaluation ìn CIA:小Q叫lìchao (Table 3)

Tahle 3. Prelimina玄γeva. luation of 民êv/ forage germpl.asm ac(:c 臨時制如l'ing 1979 in ClAT儡QuiLichaG 1 •


革派法怨設h~立 ,[f, 設.2:?E2.!.且土豆. 思主j汎些玉皇

主﹒泣心心主位是1m一笠且必且怯怯豆. 且旦土訟法丘sÍs 旭rdío'l

7. 0王泣!:. spp. (2 .. leaH科學pp﹒)

之且三位主 spp , (4 - leaflet 叩p , ) DeSI"1odîum b成了bat叫了三]2. l1 et主主且主主主主5:'.ßI豆豆主拉拉主主:nD,惋惜且連斗lum

三!l!.:z且且早平~坪弘全立么公主派:主竺且已必旦旦旦l~t主 ~ia spp. 平已三坐立必丸 spp ,Cassia rQtundifolia 主必旦旦旦E:,訟結於1美訟主拉垃位主 spp.P叫ícurr之間且imum

To電a. l

No. of acceS e;lO"lS


20 u

136 24 21 44 7

81 10 75


15 47 24 9主


1 Evaluations will be conclude這 in 1980.

Fìgl,ire 3. Preliminary e咽:“剖ion 甜甜lected germptasm of Zorn掃街都伽ClAT-Qu弱tchao



Gem可plasm Evaluation

Plant ìntroduction continues to play an important role ìn the fora會@學peci臨 selection and evaluation work. Some6∞ acces諧。ns have been establ培hedinnursery plots for evlauation ìn the hyperth軒mìc, well­drained savanna regìon of Colofl革bia represented by the Carímagua research station.

τhe objectìves are: (1) to evaluate a wìde range of trop時al legumes and grasses for adaptation 10 the clìmatìc and edaphic condìtìons prevaìling ìn thìs e∞sys臨m and (2) 10 test compatìbìlìty 01 adapted grasses and legumes mìxtures andtheir persìstence in mìxtures under grazìng.

Stabilìty of yield of sown 甜rass and legume com­ponents under actual grazìn串 conditìons ìs the ultimate yard齡ick ìn the 鶴lect樽n of improved forage cultìvars. As a result of these trials, several promìsìng pasture plants are in the final stages of evaluatìon and domE措tication. Certaìn del揖ìencies still exist and the primary objective 01 the evalu紋ìon work centere亞 at

Carimagua is to select superior genotypes of the "key species" which have shown prom措e in preliminary tests over the past four years.

Stylosanthes capitata, S. bractaata, De卸押odiumova/ifolium (syn. D. heterocarpon). heterocarpon. Zornía. Centrosema, Aeschynomene sp. and accessions of Andropogon gayenus constitute the m判。rity 01 materials currently under trial. Other proml剖ng species each with a 帥rì喲。1 accessions, are S. guíanensis tardio and S. a俏• leiocarpa.

Anaropogan gayanus

τhe effect 01 lire on the rate of recovery of grasses and legumes was studied in 納other e均eriment

following the burning of grass/legume assocìatìons shortly after the fírst 悶悶蠶的 March.τhe strongly rhìzo穹natous A. gayanus showed a sìgnifìcantly faster 悶te of 9抽輛nh during the eight-week period im­madiately after burning than 8. decumbens (Figure 旬,τ'wo ecotypes of Stylosanthes capitata also recovered f8st軒 than three other legumes 仔able 4).

{ 穹囂。每

z 琨



2000. I 0 A. gayanu. CIAτ62電

• S. decumbens C'A'τ606

10。2 4 8 e Weeks after bur

F軒e唔耶g單色U叫Jr時e 4.1為穹8割t硨e 掰 r時委啤恃wt伽hofA‘,蚵吋ρogol'1 gay8nu.絃sCαIA'τ621 and Brach扣,衍J繪81;拘'Ù'i decumben$ CIA'τ 60S.討e仇2拇鬱rb扭色u叮m亨"何rn閉.、羽亨咒w財"作閑n穹可19 {March 穹 2. 1979) at the begìnníng of the wet S&8SOn

Table 弘 Ratp. of re在row晶。 five teg'..4mes in as. 闊的的ion 叫你沒坐必紛紛車給法道主CIAT

毛2.l or Brachiaria decumbens cv. Ba. sHisk aiter burning. Llanos Oriental­肘~ Colombia. (Mean dry rnatter produc,四

封on every two week修 after eîght weeka afLer b心rnmg.

Rate of regrowth Species (k!!/ha. every 2 weeks)


豆旦控豆豆豆袋里且~哎哎!, CIATIOI9

~~笠an~~主Ei悠悠 CIAT 132S Desmodiúm ovalifolium CIAT 350

1 138.58

30~5b bb










… C








Em-g c-s-s­a-e-s­M-22

C一主坐立迢盜五位經袋里 CIAT 紹:

Brachiar且是ecumbe帥 CV~ BaaiUik

701.7 ..


1 Values follöwcd hy the 制me 1主tter ar.:; not signif主canUy different at a 缸 .05 level.


Open-pollinated progenies 01 A. gayanus CIA'τ621 , a strongly outcrossing type, show considerable varia­tion in several important forage traits. Variation in !Iowering date 惜。ne 01 the readily d時cernible

characteristics 01 this accession. Early a nd late flow淘ring seg呵lQates display a range 01 over one month lor flower init悶tion , Th措 difference seems to be reduced w詰h shorter day-Iengths at the end 01 the year. Un益er light grazing, later II0wering types are preferentially gra鞠d. In a prelim附ary study, early and late flowering se單時曾ates 01 A. gayanus were com­pared for N, P, Ca content and in vitro dige剖悔ility

{τable 5). Both N conlent and digestibil的y declines in the early flowering seg時gates; late lIowering 時gregates 5howed 8.7% hlgher in vitro digestibility than the early Ilowering ones. P and ca contents did not vary due to (卓fferences in flow軒ing date

As a lollow-up, 100 late四flow軒ing clones have been selected Irom old graze甚 pastures 01 A. gayanus621 al the Carimagua station and were a55embl甜的 a

polycross nursery 10 obtain seed and data on produc tivity and nutritional value,

Stylosanthes Spp,

01 a large number 01 Styfosanthes accessions tested in the Carimagua environment, to date only a lew S capitata accessions, some varieties of S. gvianensis tardío and one unidentífied, rhizomatous species 01 Styfosanthés. possibly S,僻的ca月pa. are showing lon詛tem、 persistence in small plot studies, The late and mid-season IYpes 01 S. capítata are the most pr創ductivein mixtures wíth A. gayanvs for the 20∞ mm rainfall zone repre鞠nted by the Carimsgua site (Table 6) pe結晶tence w揖 aflected by o\lerg惜zing the young

Table 5. 奴主ncrat a-;'\;;:dysis (況, P and C的 anè. iü vitro dige st乏bi1Hy of eari.y 乳nd Late flowering seg:regates of 主給認您必n

且且正主~ C!AT 62 1..

一m Vltro di草estibility

N p Ca 路i

Early f10werìn惡scgreg晶te. 0.78 0.08 0.28 3晶 .0

主..a te flöwßring segregates 1. 1 會 0.10 0.28 進金.7


Table 6. Pr~~sc::二tation yîdds of fcur ecotypes oi 皇位笠訟必豆豆豆丘且i主s.nd 益受2坦敏E.主主工主主主!'."ζCarimagua.



CIA T access墓。n No.

Mean dry mat持 r yield 終已垃拉訟心i

10守?恥 late f10werin草 l?71.laI

1078 - late ílowering 1533. 9a

卅日5 - earlyjmld - season 112B.3b

101 ♀愉 early 978.0b

立正己已位立即給迫退三 96車~ Ob

1 Valae s ioltow起這 by the same tette玄 are not siguüicantly diffcrent at the P :: O. OS !.evel.

seedling stands in the second year following establish­ment. Adequate spelling and a heavy but intermittent system of 9問zing apparently will prevent th協 sltua­IIon

Themi吟season variety of S. capitata CIAτ1328and Desmodivm ovafifolium CIAT 350 exhibited similar long seasona 1 9叩開th patterns and compatibility with A. gayanvs (Figures 5 and 6). The early flowering S. capitata CIAT 1019. showed a 時duced growth 均teduring Ihe wet and post-wet seasons when Ihis accession was lully reproductive , In the 學ame cutting experiment dry matter y時Ids 01 D. barbatvm CIAT 3063 and Macroptifivm sp. CIAT 535 were very low.

Desmodium OV轟lifolium

This legume 01 the tropics 01 the eastern her亨、ispherefom、ed productive pastures in mixtures with stoloniferous, aggressive grasses such as Brachiaria decvmbens, Cynodon nfemfuensis and Digitaria decvmbens as well as wíth the vi書。roustu仇edspecie怠,A. gayanvs and P, maximvm.

The seasonal distríbution of yield and grass/legume C油mpo部tion of prom喝ing associations 也 being

monitored ín areas establíshed in 1 告77. A very satisfactory grass/legu用e balance 01 51 :49 was recorded ín B. decumbenslD, 0時lifolivm pastures. On


4000 2

4 ;;; •• 1 直~ 25ooJ-.:。長 4 11 ill ~ 1 n: I ~1!~Îì!~! u~!ì ì !ì l~! ì!ì o E'。oo


句 S. capit.t. 1019 - E8r1y 2. S. .1p;tala 107章- !.ate

I 3 S. c.pí,甜甜 10車?叮Lat&4 在哨';t8t8 1405 - E8r1y/mid-揖醋。"


3 4


z A旬




08祖 of ha開個電

電 5-6-78 13-7-78 11-8-78 嘻嘻 -9-78 1每一 10-78 2-廿一78 12司 2-78 啥?司‘7串紋 -3-79 17-4-79 電 6-ι79

←一一抖。-w肘制dw'剖 .....""n 4 ←一一一… 矜持附鵬P 一一一一-1

Fìgu拇 5 械制約 monthly presentation yields of four 扭扭;types of Stylosanthes capìtata in a蹄。ciation糊th

A闊的1J'0000nga悶nusun啦r graZlng ìn Carimagua

5000,... Wøt 揖8son (June “Septom胸rl



E \ g2w9OoO o


3063 o '535

2 4 6 8 嘍。 12 14 1。

。何 S曲曲n(~ntía呵。 Aprll]

S. capìtara 1019

S. capl扭扭 1328

D. ovallfolium 350

D. barbatum 3063

Macro.ρtifium sp. 535

1328 Wet and po制-w制糊糊糊 IOctobor - Oecembor]


2 '。4 學 8

P時 wets輔帥n(Ap銘:“ Juno)

1019 1328 350




W輔恥。,f gro咽曲

4 E

F咖惜 6. G悶wth rate 軒唔揖8叩開!甜甜íb捕棚 d 切割d 01 輔rly 11019) and míd-綿綿on (1 328) Sty.品slJnthes c8pitats# De$l1悼dium ovalifalium (草草愁• 1草棚rbatum (3063}. and MaCFopti/íum spω 綠草器) ín Csrí鴨8gU3


白 Desmodium (J州的側

重 AndJ嘲呵。'ng8間'nus

固 Br帥的 decur咱ens

the other hand, in the A. gayanus/ D. ovalifolium plots, a slight legume domínance occurred under a heavy grazíng pressure (Fígure 7)



。 ovalilolium 350 的 apparently a mode梅telypalatable 5pecies, well 都捕pt叫 by grazing animals during the dry season. The aim of a current 制lectionprog悶m 惜 to identify genotypes with better palatabil卜ty, voluntary intake and digestibìlity wìthìn the D. ovalifolium/ heterocarpon complex

Zornia sp.

Many of the Zomia accessions in CIAτ'5 collection ðre affected bya fungal disease caused by Sphaceloma zomìae. Although plants have. in 50me case5. recovered from 5e\ler戀 8ttacks of this fungus. d時easeres,stance '5 a maJor 時lectíon objective of a recently established 那間ening project. Disea5e resistance seems to be more frequent in B悶剖lianZomÍ!學 speCle5.

Work with this species includes 單純zing trials and ml純ures witl、 A. gayanus of 10 ecOlypes.


Figure 7. Present剖Îon ylelds of Desmodium oyafifolium ìn assocÎatìon with Andrapogon gayanus CIAT 621 and Btschiaria d配即由酬,s 帥. Basihsk扭扭恥的叫 in 1977間出eιlanos Oriental峙,

Colombia. {Monthly harvests durit、9 the wet season, 1979.}

Emph臨時間 future work will be on the system揖IC

evaluation of 811 available introduct悶悶悶。叫er to 帥lect lor better dry 揖ason performance and re如S臨nce to Sphaceloma scab


恃0吟wγye剖1I0w 1治at,泊。sοI (La訓a叫tosol抬。 Ve軒rmel除h、10 Amar陪el沁。岱-LVA)

and dark-red I泊al'翱。喵翁蚓οI (扎La訓t帕05恥01沁。 V軒m、@ωIho Es臨cωυ昕,恃。-LVE臼).v

Some phγ持s軒5拇ca剖I and che軒r

these 怠o軒iI容 8齣re lound i知彷 τabl洶e7. TheLVA割tewas 100 位1 higher than that on the LVE, on a more exposed plateau a rea. On the L VE. one replicate was sown with Andropogon gayanus for grazin串. to indicate whether eny accesslOns were re牌cted by the animals. Genera and number of accessions eveluated are listed in Table 8. Specìes 01 Stylosanthes accounted lor almost 50 percenl of the introductions and a total of 159 introductions originated in 臨razil. Emphasis has been pl那ed on the genus Stylosantf鵬為ceuse previo崎experience has demonstrated 純學 good adapta到on to the acid. inlertile soils 01 the target area.

τhe objectives 01 th揖 section are to; (1) eveluate and select germplasm under Cerredo 臼onditions for adaptation to acid soil5. persistence under grazing and resistance 肘 tolerance to pests and d揖自臨5; 但}

evaluate the pOlent咽1 01 the Cerrado for COIT甘nercial綿ed productìon; and (3) produce 綿edof 甜甜ted

germpl揖m to supply the evaluation pro發rams at the Cerra疇。 Center (C制tro 伽 Pesquisa Agropecuaria dos Cerrados. CPAC)

Pasture Evaluation

Dry matt莓r production of most a∞essìons growing on the LVE was higher than that on the LVA

Preliminary germpl轟轟m evaluati棚

In November 1978. 352 legume introductions were planted in the two major soil types of the r句ion, i車,

可 4

Table 7. Phy.在cal and chemical characteriatic:ø øf the profiie of the Dã.rk儡乳發電! l.ato.ol (LVE) an垂the Red-Yellow l.atosol (LVA) at tí糟 Cerraclo Center.

Exchangeable pH catíor.s AI

Depth ln AI Ca+Mg K sat. So i1 (cm) Texture watèr (meq!100 區i (meq!100 區i (叫)

LVE 。剛 10 Clayey 4.9 1.9 0.4 0.10 79

10- 35 Clayey 4.8 2.0 0.2 0.05 重♀

35- 70 Clayey 4.9 1.在 0.2 8置 。五 88

?告-150 Clayey 5.0 1. 5 0.2 0.01 88

LVA 0- 20 Sandy clay loam 5.0 0.4 0.05 0.06 77

zo_ 40 Sandy clay loam 4.9 。.07 0.03 0.03 50

100-120 Sandy clay loam 5.6 0.01 0.03 0.01 07

Source: CPAC Anr唱&1 Report. 1976.

T..ble 8. Legume 軍ermpla. sm under pl' cli鼎鼎ð.r'f

evaluation at the Cerrado Center.

Le g:ume spccìes No. of



霆,忽聽悠悠s. viscosa s. humitis s. br a.ctea全a







Total 134


Zornia Desmod但m

Le ucaena Centrosema. 是拉迪拉旦旦旦呈Ga1actía S泣訟法已垃且必想訟法典且!221主迫且直Pueraria 必且聽聽泣起豆豆玄終是必且主







T的“ 176

Oifferences in dry matter y時Id between the two sites ranged Irom 2% lor Zornia spp. to 65% for accessions 01 S. capitata.

Stylosanthes was again confirmed as the most promisíng genus. On the basís 01 dry m關.er produc­tion, regrowth potential, dry season greenness, seed productíon po梅ntíal and tolerance to pests and d揖eases, 40 introductions 01 this genus have been 揖lected for further !Waluation (Table 9). Selected introductions 01 S. guianensis were almost 酬clusivelyrepre胡叫樹 by the "tard籽, type; a distinctive fine­stemmed, viscous. late-Ilowering lorm which has shown excellent tolerance to anthracnose over a lour­year period‘ Ac開闊的ns 01 S. scabra have shown good adaptation to both 鞠iI types and low anthracnose susceptibility. ~番。ne of the introductions of S. bracteata were better than the control CIAτ15矗立運Accessions of S. humilis and S. hamata have shown a high susceptibility 10 anth均cnose

New introductior喻。1 Calopogonium and Galactia spec陪s were no more productive than the Bra.:ilian commercial varieties. In addition , accessions 01 Ga指ctia gave low seed production. Aeschynomene sp都ies showed hi串h susceptibility to anthracnose while species of Teramnus, Desm自fium, Pueraria, Vígna. Soemmeringia and Centrosema grew relatively poorly.


Pron1Îsing accessions of four 誕血m虫es spedes selected fo r- furthe .r evatuatìon cn the two majór 50il type S of the Ce r rado$

Tablc 9.

Season o{ flowcrínqZ Early Mid La te

Adaptatio l1 to


CIAT a.cceSSlon Ulln、ber


•• e&ri?


f e

+ 4•




+ +




+ ‘毛τι.一


















日 razil

Braz i1 BraziL

Bra :zil


Dist:rito Ferleral, Goi五憊 Brazîl

Goi五露, BrazH h趕到to G1'o$SO~

Piauì. Braz i1 Bahía, 1主 razH

Bahfa, 1主radl

ßahfa, 錯了azilBahla, Bl'a說:.ilColombia Maranhao, Venczuela Goï羞恥 Bra第íl

Piaui, Bra貓iL

MaUo 0 1'09$0, Ma. tto Grosso, Mìnas Ge1'"盜版,


Bahía, Brazil Bahía, B Ì* a法 ilB必hí,亂. Brazíl Matto Gr0550. Matto Grossot Goiás, Bra z. H Maranhao, Brazil 扎在aranhaù , Brazit Piaui" Bra忽i1

Probably Brazi1 Probably I主razil

PrQbably ßra忽法Probab句話ra:dl

Pe 1'nambu帥. Bra.zil Bahí.羹, Brazil Probabty ßraz i1 Bahía, Drazìl ßelize Vene 活.uela

Sao Paulo. Brazit Matto Grosso T Brazit Matto G 1'O$扇。,且razil


Iili11111211 34‘達4?缸,KJ7a。',&RJRJnuA呵,這dLOιυOO荒dq'?anUATnu"S句,《UW會&唔,"‘SA勻,hJto弓,QU吟,4,?"7.















8♀ecie íJ

2. 訟怨怨且反空

S. scabra

S. vîsco!\a

2- ~位注1主

tlTardíoH typea. Early ".J: D\."cembc l'酬 JanuarYt


z Lat哈哈 AP1'il or later.

Furthermore. at the end of the dry season 伺growthínalmost all íntroductions was severely damaged by insects and approximately 50 percent of the accessions were suflerin蟬 from a virus disease. These

Mid 認 February-Ma rch;

Introductions 01 Zorniaspecies. principally Z. latifolía from the Colombian Uano怠.we附 more vigorous than the control CIAT 728. Howev啊. all accessions showed seve時 leaf-shedding at the end 01 the wet season.


virus/fungal/insect complex symptoms were also 時∞rded on 仰ti時 Zom紹給輯ies.τherefore,

s'將tematic screenin疇。1 acce路ions ofth措 spec拇s for resistance to thís con芳plex is advisable.

01 the browse legumes, Desmodíum (= Codaríocalyx) gyroid.帥 CIAτ3001 has shown 串∞dadaptatíon to both LVE and LVA 怠。íl types.τhe plants were readily consumed by cattle and the a閻明síonhas

been selected lor lurther evaluat時n、 Severe leal virus symptoms have been observed ín the other woody Desmodium species. Acces韌。ns 01 Leucaena leucocephala have been relatívely slow to establish.

Anthracnose was the major d揖ease problem. Its ìncídence in species of Stylosanthes and Aeschynomene, was, hoVl陣ver, lower at the LVA site than at the LVE 筍íte. It is not clear whether thís difference is a consequence of climat時 unsuitability

(e.忌, lower humidity because 01 a contínuous dryíng w的的 at the LVA site or a presently low level of 的oculum 時sulting from a lack of native legumes and no prevíous íntensíve experimentatíon.

銬。 stemborer (Caloptilia sp.) or seríous budworm (Stegasta sp.) problems have yet been encounte持社Severe attacks by lealcuttíng 訊ts 紋。t specifically a pasture pest) duríng establishment w都e controlled by the applícatíon 01 methyl b悶悶íde gas to the nests.

Agronomic evaluation

In Oecember 1978, two separate tríals were established: one to evaluate le事umes and the other, grasses. Germplasm used in these trials included commercial cultivars (controls), accessions from Category 11 at CPAC and. experímental lines from Category IVat CIAT (Table 1 的,

Table 10. Legumes and grasses under agronomic evaluation at the CerraJo Center, 1978甸7仇

L'" 信uηleslGraasesz

錢以您必心位科成您服i! cv. Cook



T 泌



001 何“必







Eli a…




cacmcm s



主," ~起坐進 ClAT 13J5

是﹒給訟法~ ClAT 1097

J2..主apit主t. ClAT J078

S‘ bracteata ClA T 1582

Zùrn主a latifolia CIAT 72B

5位坐聳立諮主主旦旦笠旦豆豆豆es {corrunercial)

Galactia striata CIAT 964

Desmod扭扭。vaUfo1îurn CLAT 350

三訟立丘主主~E些丘立主主 (commerc主al)

三訟父法主2主主些竺主主主主 ClAT 的車

主語已您認n 鼠況心. ClAT 621

Brachιaría ruzlziensis (commer則叫}

B. decumbens cv. Basílisk

~,主旦旦迫汪里是扣。rnrnercia. L)

Panicum maximum cv. Guínezinhô 一一

1 Sown with 主逕立堅位主終結豆豆. ClAT 忌器1 an晶昱您必設公車忽必絞海給 cv. Ba斜li此Z Sown wi鹿三是錯退學益mm這主泛迋位 (corn甜甜cial) 臨垂懿Z設錢全怨怨訟法忍您給 cv. Cook ..


of the plants aft!,f the 閥edling 會tage. Screening was started 10r selecting resístant ecotypes as well as 10 understand the nalure of the mechanísms 01 resjstanc8,的cluding the hypothesis about the víscous 忽ubstances.

Many areas of the Cerrado 蝸時uld appear 10 be climatically suitable for pasture seed produ仗ion. To confirm th嗨. an experimenl was established ìn Oecember 1978 with nine promisin鹽 legume

ac油輪ions and fOUf pror亨lising grass acce揖íonsResults a re shown 間 τable 11. EKcellent establish­ment was noted ìn all cases with the except帥n of Stylosanthes capi泊的 CIAT 1078 which was slower than the other access悶悶. No flowers were produced this season by Desmodium ovalifolium or Pueraria phaseo紗ides: this may be related 10 lat娃udeofthe site.

Seed Production

Gra'ling was withheld this season to allowlhe pla nts to 自tabl喝h satisfactorily. In May 1979. at the end of the wet season. the legume plots 納禪師輔mpled.τhe

le揖ume conter達t (Figure 8) of the A. gayanus plot was more th研 twice that of the 8rachiaria d.酷umbens

plot怠, confirming the great軒 compatibility of the erect specìes A. gayanus. The two Centrosema acce帥lonshad almost d惜appeared from all plots. Desmodium O冊/ifolium was present but below the heìght of 輔mpling (15 cm). n祖 grass 制'aluation trìal was not sampled this season.

Seed yields were particularly low ín S. capitata CIAT 1078 and S. bracteata CIAτ1582. S.“ capitata CIA T 1405 and CIAτ131 5 as well as S. hamata CIAτ147 gave exceller、t seed yields.

Intr副ductío悶。,f Stylosanthes were ob揖rvedforthe

íncídence of anthracnose. AII ac縛鞠íons of S. capitata and S. guianensis showed disease symptoms. but they were not揖vere.Ofsp配ial ínterest w臨the時actìonof

S. guíanensis tardlo CIAτ2243. In the seedling stage, plants showed symptoms but then recovered com­pletely. Th唱 has 偽酬 noted pr制íously. and ob臨F崎tions made over the su胸悶捕前 four y曲時 show紛

that after the establíshm軒在yearpla nts were no longer attacked by the fung崎Thís appea阻 tobe ∞rrelatedwith the íncreased 相當oSity of leaf and stem surfaces

Production data for Ihe grass a臨楠sìons are shown in Table 12. 8. humidicola (cor何?可軒cial) was relatively slow 10 establish and produced líttle seed thís season. Production 01 個ed ìn t梅 olher three 莓rasses was 恥閑話a仁 The pattern of inflorescence p呵lduction in the four grasses ís shown in Fígure 9. 8. decumb前7SCV.Basílisk and P. maxímum cv. Petrie Green Panic as lccurs wìth most tropical gra閥峙, produced in­Ilorescences over a long períod 01 tíme with con. 軒de陪ble variation ín maturity between and wílhín inflore品ences. Furthermo怖, with如∞斜sive cycles 01 inflorescence pr<到òuction,的e percentage of fertíle 剖lIers declí捕ddram肘ically. Seed yields ín the組cond

and thírd harv倒,ts were correspondingly r紛uc紛 Onthe other hand. more than 83 per揖nt 01 all in­florescences produced by A. gayanus CIAT 車21

appeared wíthin a week 01 inítìal heading date, with a relatively small íncrease thereafter.






















Se糊持 anthracnose ìnfestation was obs都ved ìnS. capìtata CIAT 1405 and large areas of dead plar、tswere鈍。ted. Hígh mo時alìty of plan回 was also found ín the plots of S. capitata CIAT 1315. Although anthracnose lasíons were present on the 1個ves of the latt軒, the cause of plant death in S. capitata CIAT 1315 ís yet 10 be determined. Gra揖揖 W軒e dì抽a揖-free 酬。ept lor the presence of Usti/ago sp. on some seeds 01 P.


F旬ure 8, L呵ume content i n Cat哩。何捕歸。回 pla闖關 ìnm捕ur,眉

with Andro,仰伊n gsyanus or 8FB帥'Í8fia tJ.蜘umbøns 8t tl睡 C,,"adocenter. (LI'I柚掃ìny 甜甜個抑制,單甜 15cmhe姆蚓、}


T a.ble 11. Plant emergence and seed production data for legu紡車e acçea移ion& at the Cer l'ado Center.

Plant em肘gence

Le gume accession at 50 島d/amy星ι (pl,ant.(rn'l

Zornia lat話。lia GIAT 728 50

5tylo .santhes capitata GIA T 1405 74

是. capitata G lA T 1315 60

s. capitata GIA T 1078 14

s. bracteata CIAT 1582 30

S. hamata GIA T 1的 38

是-Euianensis tltardro'l C lAT 2243 54

Desmod叫m oval江olium GIAT 350 94

Pue l'aria. phaseoloides CIAT 99位。 2.4

1 No f1ower 8: produced.

maximum. A caterpillar (Moc結仰ipell) attack ìn P酬icum and Andropogon w抽 easily 曲,哇rolled by the applìcat泊n of a carbamate 捕ecticide. A mild out­b捕線。f Stegasta 卻也 was controlled with mal甜hion.

In addition to evaluatin詛 the potential of the region for ωmmercial 鞠ed product的民 another important function of the Program is to 悅cr轉輔輔ed of

Date D:.ry matter Pure seed íirøt Date production production

!lowerins h a.rvest (kg(hal (kg(hal

5-3-79 29-5 愉 79 1283 175

8-4輛 79 II 備已-79 3Z 00 199

11ω4也 79 8儡6-79 2761 150

28-3-79 6-7-79 566 31

1,-4-79 13-6-79 608 17

20-Z 幽 79 31 輸 5.79 4036 3Z Z

1-6-79 4 幽 9ω79 5271 42

1 --i

promising Imes to servìce su∞essi問 sta雷es of the evaluat時n progr齣啊, topr的idese甜 for other research areas, and, ultimataly, tha production of foundation 揖ed of new culti嗨rs. Se詞。f legumes D. ovalifolium CIA'τ 350. Z. latifolia CIAτ 728. S. capítata CIAT 1315. S. capitata CIAτ 1097. S. gu治nensis CIAτ 1262, S. guianensill CIAT 2247. S. scabra CV. Seca an挂 A。gayanus CIAτ621 is presently being increased.

Table 12. Plant eme.囂ence.and se吋 P'O是uction 缸站 Ior 草raS$ accessions atthe Cerra垂o Center.

Plant emergence Date Dry matter F泣re seed

atSSsZfEamkys z íirst Date prod溢ction production Gras轟 acc輯草草 ion lP!:的正 j !1owerin革 harvest lli畫丘追i (kg/ha)

Brachiaria h說midicola ç海隸主鼎鳴rc論i 16 2.2_3_79 2. 3-5-79 12

主-5-79 147 .!!. åecumhens cv.. Basili時 20 ZO“2-7

會 4益明 7.7♀ 6820 16

Panicum maxímum cv.. Petrie 互通 13幽2-7字 12-3帽 79 已 300 93 在reen pan主C 27_4_7會 40

U-6-7會 z

Andròpo轟.2.!: gayanu5 CIAT 已zl 32. 27..~是悔?會 7“6-79 8247 1Z8


間 P. m帥imum Petria G帽開伊刪掉

IIIIIIB 曲cumbens 帥,島發甜站起

劃 A. gayanus CIAT 位,

口且如midlcvla (comme蹈,特







• P. msx;mum çv. P&trie Green Panic

ð. 8. decumbens 卸.Ba叫“咱


o A. gayanv$ CIAT 621

.&B. hvm蚵'00的 lcornm軒甜甜





Fígure 9. Panern 01 i 約,flor甜甜nce and 甜甜 pro如甜酬 În four tropl嗨!當時揖岫耐柚e Cerrado eenter. 1979



evaluated during its thírd year under rotational grazing Th路 area started with an e肘remely hígh proportion 01 legume in the Iτlixture; the bolanical composítion, however, changed 惜pidly and stabílízed alter Ihe second year at a grass/legume ralio 01 85:15 (Figure 10)

Wíthin the reorganíz的On 01 the Tropical Pastures Pro惡舟悶, agronomic work in CIA下Quilichao 唱 mainly

confíned to basic research in support 01 other sections 01 the Prog均m and to test的事 methodologíes wíth emphasis on the regìonal tr捕 Is network as well as 10 demonstration experlmenls for traíning actìvities

Despíte the de~reasìng proportion ofthe legume, it is important to stress the fact that the productivity 01 the sward íncreased. The stockíng rate was increased from 2.3 head/ha during the firsl 由 razing period 10 2.7 head/ha 垂uring the second year arid linally 10 4 ,6 head/ha in the Ihird year. These stocking rates were rotalíonallyappl賠d, wítha 當razing period 01 15 days硝

Germplasm 監valuation

01 the experiments Ihat have been established ín previous years, the gr制吟 trial 刮目Límonar (near CIAT-Quilichao) wíth five Centrosema pubescens acce峙的問 (CIAτ?這捕。 438, 442. 455, 456, and 469) ín míxture wíth Andropogon gayanus CIAτ621 was





+ Exce導S ofw剖樹

nuvnuvnu nununv q弱,






。一 100


- Deficit 俗f water 100






告賠zing 3

And((研ogon gayanus

莖亟玄讓Grazíng 2 盤芸芸密6時甜終脅,





1979 1978


的gure 10" Proportions ot Andropogon gayanus and Centrosema ρubescensin m悅站時, under grazing {1 = 2,3 headl怕. 2 = 2,7 head/ha and 3ε4,6 h曲d/hal.

30-day intervals duri矜9 a period of 7.8 mor社hs each year.

In this w帥, the first resting period wh悶h coincides with a rainy period after a build up of N in the soil by the legume, strongly favored the growth of A. gayanus. The 時cond grazing period with a dry period helped the C pubescens spp. 10 時cov軒. With the increased prec.p船li闊,A. gayanus finally∞鴨均持5-90%0Ithepopulation in the sward. This proportion has been held more or less 鈴紛le throughout the past year with no large eft配ts from 嘗razing treatment nor climatic conditions

This apparent stability in the mixture and the greater productivity 01 the sward at this equilibrium state in an interesting finding wh昭h will be followed at least lor one more year.

τhe 10悟ge potent措101 A. gayanus CIAT 621 was further 酪姆總紛 in gra路Ilegume associations under cu設ing and in 事razed swards,的compa悶的withother

vigorous grasses. of eight grass species 訝,。精m in mixed swards with Desmodìum ovalífolíumthe highest yielders (in declining order) were: A. gayanus CIAT 621 , two int軒mediate growth forms of Panícum maxìmum cultivar Makueni and CIAT 673, and 8rachíaria decumbens cultivar 8asilisk. Echinochloa

polystachya was the least pr<泌uctive species. In this experiment a high句話esirable 60:40 percent grass:legume balance was maintained with the three most productive tulted species under cuning 制erys揖

weeks. A significantly lower legume content, 30 percent on the dry weight basis, was recorded in the 8 decumbenslD. 。νalifolium ass回祖tion (Table 1 刻,

As indicated in CIAT Annual Report, 1978, an apparently higher prot船,老 content 01 A. gayanus W8S observed when 磁ssociatedwith C. pubascens spp. than with S. guianensis (Figure 1 竹. However. with data made avaílable during this year, it was lound that the higher protein content in the samples on offer 01 A gayanus is due mainly to a confound e制ect of the amount of dry matter included i.e. , samples of A. gayanus in most of the cases were smaller when associated with Centrosema spp. than with S. gu用nensis. This 位ifference, wh揖h is esp都ially cl時g

during the lìrst vear is posSibly the eftect 01 differences in maturity status whicl志,的 the case of A. ga,;,snus,

may be a 時sult of preferential gra紋路當. Figure 12 shows the relationship between the si諦。f the samples on offer of A. gayanus and it學 protein ,<ontent. This relati暐nship is expressed by the equation Y = 69.8 X-O.32 based on averages of the samples on ofter 01 the grass assocìated with all the legumes considered in the Irial. These results seem 10 confirm the explanation-

τable 1 旱 Yield. (忌 -week haτvest interval) oÍ e 三ght 草 ra重 s species each gro紙,位且也 aSSOCla泣。n wíth 訪時modium ova. l立的扭扭 ClA立在 350 位 ClAT.Q山lichao, 197車。 197仇

ClAT ac.ceSSlon Dry matter yield (kgfha/year)

Cr祖 55 species No. Cr..蜂站 Legume Total Grass: Les.;um也

Brachiaría 恥"關 decumbens 已 64 7317abc l 3229b 10, 69.4:30.6

Panicum m制imum cv. M-.ku.eni 622 67l7abcd 4636 .. 11. 363abe 59.2:毛O. B

一P. 一m.寫1m一un乏 673 7494..b 4B28 .. 12. 322..b 60.8: 39. 2

AndrOIEOg<>n g在V在nU8 621 75車 0.. 5245. 12. 串串5 .. 59.2:40. 聶

P. maximum 671 5335bcde 4888. 1 血,早早進bc 52.2:47.8

趴 maximurr. 661 4549de 5671a IO, 220bc 44.5:55.5

E誨 rnaximum 669 51 26cde 52890. IO, 415 .. bo 49.2: 50.8

Echinochloa p01vstachia eommel'cial 4305e 46是 5 .. 晶, 9500 48.1:51. 9

1 Valuea wi鹿三混血e san珊 column followe垂 by the aatne letter are not 釘在nüicantly 垂iííerent at the 0.05 lenl.


• % Protein with Centrosema spp

0% ProteÎn w侃,可 S guisnensi軍





穹 2











AOM 01011肺 wíth S. guianensis 1

ÂOMol 叫袖r wi抽 Centrosema SPP

o s A J J A M

科學Jre 11. Proteìn percentage and drv 賄剖ter on 0符軒 of AndrOþogon gay8nU$, 的揖mpl自 from mìxtur磁

w油 CentfOsema ρubescens and Stylosantl、開 gwanel帥15

穹 979

s A J J

τ978 1977

given above lor the differences observed in the protein content 01 A. gayanus when associated with \wo different legumes. Y=69.8X吋給


(r' = 0.89) • 9


Weeds can become a problem during pastu時establishment on aci謹,的fertile soils when the natural fertility 措 higher i狗 new soíls or after P fertilízation. To stu亞y the selectivity 01 chemícals on the establishment 01 prom咱們gpa制U時 legumes, 11 pre-emergence and 4 post-emergence herbicides were tested. Table 14 shows the results 01 the best chemical treatments 、

Herbicide Selectivity and Control 京三誼會吉。""星星星&


oA峙。剖,牌dwi錄音 S. guianðnsis .A轍。Cið牌dw肘1 Centrosema pube 時ences-A輔ociated wìth míxture 01 other I時um帥

。 1 000 2000 3000 的阿 matter 0" 0行前 (kg/h.)



When considering the possibility that A. gayanus could become a weed for other cro鉤, seven post­emergence h軒說“社e treatments w軒e applíe就The



Figure 12. Ptotei伶 content ()f samples on offer of Andropo{Jon gayanus ðSSOcfated with differem legumes

Table 14. Selectivity an是 weed control of selected herbicide翁。o days after the EstabH&hment of forage legume.訪 pecies at CIAT -Quilichao~

Toxocitv inde我1 Weed -c o :ntrol (叫S. S. S. D. C. P. Broad

Hcrbicide C在pitaJguia叫叭s harnata ovaLi一folh.mmbescens 枷峙。油ides GraS$ê聾 leaf Total (k 反::l. 1, /na) 136 1~主7 350 438 9900 weeds


Alachlor (l..的 。 。 8 l G 。 80 13 58

Li拉法ron (1 .0) G 主 B 4 o 3 串串 74 n

Fluorodiien {3" 0) z 3 2 o z B 9ι 會在 73

Orizalio (1. O} 1 。 1 z 。 i 81 89 80

Chloramben (1..的 1 G 。 主 自。 囂。 ?會 80

Ala. chlor + tin\且ron l (1. 0 + O. 在} 1 s l 。 g 95 65 串串

Llmιron + fluorodifen (1.0 + 3. 的。 告 5 s o 88 89 S串


1古e r. t 3.耳oce (1.0) G 。 。 B 。 。主岳 90 70

i Rating 10 =甜甜 and 0 ': no damage. z S. capitata 1019, 1078, 140草.

T仰le 15. Effect of post...emergence herbícíde treatm恥均 on the control of 主坐坐怒紅耳丘泣盟主主 621

at CLAT-Quilichao, 1 亨79.

Rate of 6 且盟泣.!!.P知nts contralled (答:applicatîon 叫{益ays after treatment)

I Treatment (kSa~ i.tha) 15 30 甚至 已告

Atrazine + sur!actant 1. 25 +白.5 G o o

Da l.a pon + sur!a c: ta.nt 8.0 + 0.5 30 是3 58

DaIaponz 已 .0 + 6.0 。 62

Atrazine + diesel o iL 1. 25 + 12 3 o

Diuron + BurU.ctant 1. 0 ~學 0.5 G g

Paraquat + surfactant 1. 5 + 0.5 36 。Glypho s:ate 1.5 78 80

Cl1eck G G

1 Surfactant每 were applied at 0.5各 and d時scl oil at a rate óf 12 liter8. 主 Two applicë益tiona t the second 17 d a.ys aft-e r 甘le íìrøt.













huvnuwAWAV ',壘。






。且盟國o B. humidicoltt 679

..﹒司亂 B. brizantha 665

e.-叫咱8 船cumbens 606 φ40 學Exc帽$ofw肘:er

,.. 500 E I色的O

ZSOO i 200 • E 100 E C










C知﹒且“o A. gayanus 621 .. 枷嘲.. S. cap自ta 1405 t闕,“咱 E cunlula 6076

..Deflcit Qf w前前-60

a o

A a

a 12

a 3


J. 3

A e

i e

A s 12

.1. 幸

w,補ksof 冊旬rowth

的gure 13. Grow納 curve緣。f eight grass ecotγpesand one地gume duríng a dry perÎod in CIAT .Qwllchao tJune 4w August 2島.1979)

t晒抽 more effectíve treatments were dalapon in two applications and glyphosate (Table 15). This re時arch

will continue by applyíng the智vo selected herbicides at different rates on different growth s!ages 01 A. gayanus

Methodology Studies

Methodological 純ldíes were íníti齡ed by using germplasm n、ateríal establíshed in a lormer grass agronomy 制periment 阱。 grass ecotypes '" ass∞i恥tion wíth Stylosanthes cap.立ata CIAT 140防軍 τhe

objectíve 01 these stud時5 陷 to establ ísh growth curves during the period 01 minimum and ma關mum prec'p,ta­tíon lor grass and legume germplasm that 埠 bei拘謹

distributed for testing in the Regíonalτrials Network Figure 13 shows the 9均,wth curves for 5 01 the 40 grasse發 evaluated during a dry periodτhese studies will be complemented with leaf:stem ratio發 andtissueanalyses. So lar it 蹄 pos制ble 10 observe, even under a mostly negalíve water balan嗨. a last斬時growth 01 8rachiaria spp. Another intereSI閑話。bservation is the 割milarity 01 the 閱單均.wth rates 01 A. gayanus 621 and S. capítata 1405


For each ecosystem, germplasf羽 under evaluation is classilied into previously established categories 01 promise(CIAT Annual1在eport , 1977, pageA-16)ontheb臨時 01 用sults 01 germplasm evaluation conducted by theP悶gram's agronomists in the major research sites and by collaborators in regional trials

In the past years, germplasm evaluat惜n was conce糾紛ated in Carimagua in the Colombian lIanos Orientales. as a malor research site representative lor the ecosystem "hyp軒thermic , well-drained tropical savanna". By late 1978, germplasm evaluation was extended to the therm峙. well-d闊的ed tropical 蛤van­

羽as, where experiments areconducted in coUaboration with EMB間APA at the Ce何ado Center ICPAC),

Planaltína, Distrito Federal, Brazi l. Consequently, to date the classification 01 9軒mplasm into categories 01 promise is mainly restricted 10 the ecosystem represented by C軒imagua and onlytentativelylea船ble

lor the ecosystem represented by the CPAC. For both ecosystems, 50me preliminary results from the lirst regional trials can be add樹d.

A comparative classil紹說ion 01 germplasrτ穹的to the three híghest categories 01 promise lor the two w糾!哪

drained savanna ecosystems (Table 16) indicates that (1) the grasses Andropogon gayanus and 8rach治rìlJdecumbens. and the legumes Stylosanthes capita倍,S. guianensis tardio and Desmodíum (syn Codariocalyx) gyroides show the broadest range 01


Table 16. Germplasm of !ora伊呻ecies in the 飽問e highe.t categorie. o! 阱。miee !or 詣。 tropical

well-drained; hyper位lermic a.rtd the l"mie savanru生缸。aysterns. a.. of November 1 J 1979.

Hyperthermic !avanna, fCarima2ua-Llat泊的

No. of accessions in cate e:orv of promise


主必設經旦旦鈴Z盟主主Brachiaria decumbens B. humid峙。la

談泣坐坐袋里全法訟法S. bracteata S. I!U ‘anensis 刊 tardíoll

豆• df.主法給迪里一S~ ham 2. ta



S. 主丘之萃的P﹒拉伯mod叫m oVilliíolium 口,且立浴缸主D. 世竺笠泣H1.lmP'.ler ,:nla E!,"1aseöloi;挂帥

主主~_~.~, y Cl.D~訟::. sp診,Cλl九 ctia st !"Ìata Ce !1 tro話cn:a s!')o. 一一一…j豆豆2盜給iEmE滋滋給全.

l l




T有O~ of acceøsions in category of promÍ5e: 江1 IV V

I l l


l A唔,.• ,A


l I Z




l l l

Tentátive c1assification~


adaptability 10 well.dr副ned savanna e∞systems ìn general. (2) Zornia s仰 • Desmo的umo時lil向lium and Pueraria phaseo紗ides seem to be better adapted to the hyperthermìc Llanos ecosystem (Ionger growin單sea甜n than in the therm時 C軒rado制聞ystem). whìle Galactia striata. Colopogonium mucunoides and S scabra seerr、 to perform better under the thermìc Cerrado environment. where in學ecl peSlS and disease stre閥es are apparently lower.

In add攏。nto th惜. preliminary ìnformat縛n from the lirst regìonal trìal conducted at a serìès of sìtes in humìd ecosy絞。ms in Bolivìa, Brazil. Colombia. Peru and Venezue裕. ind阻ates that 8. decun吟ens, D. ovalifolíUf肯 and P. phaseoloides ara well adapted to tropìcal forest ecosystems. Also. the performance of A. gayanus under humid conditìons see明、s to be con­sìderably lower than under s擔vanna conditions.


Improvement of Legumes

The objective is to develop screening methods, evaluate germplasm acce鶴悶悶. create new and desirable genetic recombinatìons. 啊,位 stabilize these 伽sì賠ble characteristics in superior plants suitable for grazed past閻部 wìthìn the tar韋磁 ar帥。 Research ìs centered mainly on species 01 Stylosanthes. Cer卜trosema and Leucaena.


Stylosanthes capitata

While most accessions 01 S. capiteta have appeared resistanllo anthracnose. sign 自fìcant damage has been observed in certain accessions at both Carirr、agua and theCPAC in B陪zi l. The wide d織ribution of the causal agent, Colletotrichum, w話hin thetarg戲 area 甜甜甜閥ts

that a thorough knowledge of the 晉enetic basis of resis!ance 時 r8quired

A greenhouse screenìng 01 S. capitata collection for seedling resistenc& 10 five isoll'!tes of anthrac弱。sehasbeen started by the Plant Pathology Secti。吭. These results will be used in ∞njunclion with field obser­vations 01 the anthracnose reactions of the S. capitata colleclion 剖 Carimag峙, Brasilia and el時開heretoplan

lut凶e breedíng for resistance. In míd-197旱 aspace planted nursery was established in Carímagua, contaíning 9000 Fz progeny 01 the crosses S. capitata 1078x 1019(lalexearly).1097x 1078(latexlate), snd 1019 x 1097 (early x latel: subsequently ít was oversown wíth Andropogon gayanus. τh措 nursery ís being used 10 select suparíor F2 plants combíning high dry matter yield and prolifíc seed productíon wíth droughl 向剖stance‘ It wìll also pro哨位8an ind時似的nof

the range 01 varíatíon whích can be expected from crosses between dístinct S. capitata types


Whíle common S. g研'snens.泊:, typified by CIAT 136 and 1 斜, is híghly制結eptíble to both anthracnose and stemborer. the tsr垂ío types collected ín Venezuela and Brazíl have appeared resistant to both constraínts at several locatíons. A greenhous8 screening 01 these tardío accessíons lor reac割。n to anthracnose is being planned. Results obt制ned from these eKperiments ín conj unctíon wíth lield screenings should provide valuable ínformation for future breeding work.

Centros睡m揖 pubescens

C. pubescens 措 wídely dìstributed throughout South Ameríca and exhibits an extensive range 01 variation. Commercial 肘。,types 01 th措 species are not well adaptedtogrowth in acid, inlertile soils, andtendtobe susceptible to anthracnose. A preliminary breeding prog措m has been started wíth the g081 01 adapting C. pubescens for use in the target area. Specific obj制tives include (1) toler酬。:8 to hígh levels 01 AI in the soíl and low pH; (21 vigorous early growth and nodulation; (3) anthracnose tolerance; and (41 com­mercíally acceptable seed yields.

鞋,單ht C. pubescens ecotypes sel部ted lor vígor ín pots 01 Carimagua soíl were intercrc路sed, and severl畫i

F2 po例lat時間 prod叫“. F2 S輛dling populations. as well as new ecotypes are lírst馳的ened in sand culture (pH 4.2, hi叭的. and the s61硝tions than sc伺enedínCarímagua 鞠站,何時olate genotypes with higher acid lolerance. Progeny of摺lected plants will be eval u剖ed

under field conditions at Carimagυa

Leuc轟en矗 leucocephala

τhe L. leucocephala breeding program is based on hybrids between ι leucocepllala and L. pulverulenta wh揖h have been backcrossed 鞠veral times to L. leucocepha/a cv. Cunningham to produce fertile lines The aim of thís program continues to be the develop­ment of productive línes 糊th (i) tolerance to high AI andlow 如iI pH. and (2) lower levels offoliar mímosine A procedure has been developed to screen progeny 01 theorig們allinespreviouslyselect紛紛rg∞dg時wthin

Carimagua 50íl. This involves (1) growth of 綴rge

numbers 01 seedlings ín sand culture (pH 4.2, high AI) and selection 01 those with best root and t<帶單向瑞時h; (2) selected seedlíngs are transferred to 15 cm-diameter pots 01 Carimagua soil an普惡iven a restrícted nutrient 5upply. An acid-tole悶棍 rhizobíum culture ís used to ínoculate the selections.

Various screenings. each involvin由 5440 plants, have been completed. The average percentage 01 plants linally selected for seed productíon and further study varied from 1.8 to 5% in the various lines. Select到 hybrid Leucaena plants showed at least four tm、es as much top 當rowth in Carimagua soil as the Cunningham controls. Acid-tolerant selections are grown at CIAT -Palmíra lor mimosine analysís and seed multiplication. Superior lines will be lield tested fírst at Carimagua.


An叫ropogon gayanus

'喔• gayanus has considerable potential as a pioneer grass for the 8cíd soíls 01 the tropics. While present expenence 惜 almost exclusively conlined to accessíon CIAT 621. the specie5 shows a high adaptation capacity as ít 揖 abletogrow 的 soils with a 10智能rtility

status but responds 5ign訝icantly to applíed phosphorus and other minerals

A range 01 accessions has been assembled from 社iflerent sources 50 that desirable characterístics in these can be sought and compared to A. gayanus CIAT 621. Objective5 for the improvement 01 thìs cross­pollìnating specìes are be的韋 formulated. In add役lontothe evaluation 01 new accessío悶, quantification 01 genetic variability and selectìon within CIAT 621 is planned. CIAT 621 is very variable lor plant type, lealìness. time of flowering. and other characteristics A recurrent selection pro宙間m 措 being developed wíth inítìal select也n for lat啊. lealìertypes whích can flower


and ser seed dunn草 a more restricted period. This should improve both seed production as well as lorage quantity and qual措y

P揖nicum maximum

Several cultivars 01 P. msximum are widely grown in South America an性 have proved to give better animal production tha n most other tropical grasses. However, commonly grown cultivars are generally observed to have higher nutrient requiremenlS and lower droughl lolerance than other lorage grass species. The aim 01 improvement work with th時 speci制 is to identify or develop lines with low軒 nutrient requi伺ments and better dry season production than those commonly 韋rown.

A collection 01 50me 90 P. maximum accessions is available. Fourteen of these have already been ob關rved at C剖rimagua and p呵liminary d剖a on two cuts in Ihe 陪iny season show signilicanl differences among the accessions for dry matter produclìon Addìtìonal accessions will be evaluated under Carìmagua conditions 10 ident自fy genotypes which show promise under nutrient and drought stress conditions on acid soìls.

Most P. maximum clones are highly apomictic. A crossing techni弩之le has been desìgned, using an apomìclìc clone as the male parer、t and a sexual clone (obtaìned Irom the Coastal Plan Aesearch 似的喲,Tifto俏 G恥r話ia, USA) as the female parent. Prelimìnary obs艙內帥的阱。1 hybrìd progenìes al CIAT­Palmira show a considerable range 01 var悶bìlity lor grass plant morphology both between and within progenies. As observations on the accessìons under Carimagua condìtìons accumulate, a breedìng program may be develop utilizing the better adapted apomictìc clones as parental materìal

Bracl四 i晶 ria Spp.

8. decumbens and 8. humìdicola are promìsìng forage 9哲ass specìes ìn the tar宮et area. Both species are tetraploìd apomìctics 50 that a breedìng program is impossìble,削less 師叫al types can be found or produce桂 An 剖16mpt 也 beíng made to produce tetraploìd materìal by colchìcìne treatment 01 8. ruzíziensís. a se)(ual, dìpl制d species.τhe goal ìs to produce a sexual tetraploìd which mìght oe crossed wilh the tetraploid 8rachiaria spp., 10 overcome Ihe barrier ìmposed by theìr obligate apomìxìs. In the meanlime, eflorts wìll be made 10 expand the germplasm collect附n 01 species and ecotypes 01 this genus


In 玲玲, the Plant Pathol句Y 揖鉗制懦的ti叫甜 10

detect, identìfy and倒錯話必揖8轉s oftropicalfora草都糊thìn the ta句就前輔. Stud揖s were ìnìtìated on the most important dìseases includìng anlhracnose, blìghl, root備knot, nematode, Camptomeris leal spot and Cercospora leaf spot. False-rust, Ahynch臨porìum

leal spot and Sphaceloma scab were detected as new diseases 啊!quìrìng lurther study.

Diseωse Survey

Forage d時aases were evalualed at the 20 different sites of Ihe Aegìonal Trials 純etworkτwenty令wopathogens affecting grasses and legumes were ìdentif時d (Table 1 n The mosl important findìng 時 theeXI怠tence of different pathogens at different sìtes. Surveys wìll continue 剖 these sites an謹滋 newones

糊thin the targ磁 areaτhe accumul割的g 時sults.

howev軒,剖rongly suggest further decentralìzatìon 01 screenìng for d蟬ease resistance, to expose fo悶get08Smany potential pathogens as possìble. 28


鈍。51 range

Surveys on the oc芯urrence 01 anthracnose Con­tinued 10 show the wìde-翁pread dìstribution and extensìve host γange 01 Colletotríchum spp. (CIAT Annual Aeport, 1978). In CIAT-Quilichao, new hosts identìfìed ìncluded accessìons 01 Aeschyn甜nene,C8lopogonium, Desmodium. Galacti諦iZorn旬~ Pueraria phaseo紗ides. and Stylos8nthes. In Carimagua, exten­sive surveys detected other accessìons of prevìously reporled legume hosts (CIAT Annual 悅eport. 1978). Other hosts found were natìve savanna legumes Aeschynomene. Desmodium. Eriosema and Zornia spp" native savanna non-Ie嘗umes, anda 扭扭rophytìc

phase of the fungì in Desmodium ovalifolium CIAT 350 and many grasses. Although S. capit8ta CIAT 101 喜,1315 研d 1405 were resistant to anthracnose ìn Colombìa, they were susceptible at CPACψBra朝lia

Simìla旬. S. gUf8f裙,旬1$ acc時sìons destroved by

Frequency of forage diseases in 20 sites of the Regional Trials network. Table 17.
















BoLlvia Brazil Colombia Ecuador Per吐一一一--一一一一-一一一一-;;;一一一--一一-一


z -ω '" 、心趟

。同a 品



























+ +












+ +






















+ +









+ +











+ +






+ +




+ +




+ +


+ +






+ +





Cercospora leaf spot1

{in P旦旦旦旦旦旦旦旦jCercospora leaf spot

(in 旦旦旦立旦旦豆豆豆 spp.)Root-kr.ot nematode .L

Bl;ght1 Sphaceloma scab'" Smut (Ustilago)l Smut (Urocystis) Camptomeris leaf spot-且ust (立主旦旦工丘主主}Rust (Puccinia) F ", loe ruøl1

Rhizoctonia solani Rhynchosporiurn .leaf spot A

Drechslera leaf spot Little leaf virus Ergot GibereLla inHorescence blight Botrytis inflorescence blight Black mold Powdery mildew Slime m。“

+ + +

+ +

Accessions 01 Aeschynomene spp. were devastated at CIAT-Quilichao; however, the hairy and/or sticky accessions CIAT 7259, 7260, 7262 and 7274 Irom Venezuela were resistant. AntAracnose spotting was moderate to severe on Zornia spp. and on mature leaves 01 Desmodium spp

Diseases considered as important.

anthracnose in Colombia were only slightly alfected at several sites in Brazil. These observations suggestthe presence 01 dillerent races 01 Colletotrichum spp. at different sites


Field screening

Due to the extensive indigenous population 01 anthracnose lungi , glasshouse screening is not leasible , except lor specilic studies. Field screenings at various sites continued to identify accessions with re副stance to local Colletotrichum spp. races. At



At CIAT-Quilichao and Carimagua , anthracnose severely affected accessions 01 S. guianensis, late­Ilowering S. capita徊" CentrosemaandAeschynomene spp. However, tardio types 01 S. guianensis and S capitata CIAT 1019, 1315 and 1405, were res時tant.Although several accessions 01 Centrosema spp. were deloliated, CIAT 50525057 and 5066 were resistant

Carimagua, large plantings of 75 accessions 01 S. capitata and 130 access悶悶。1 S. guianensis were established lor 5creeníng purposes, to monítor the 制.pected anthracnose epidemic and 10 惜olate

pathogenic races to these specíes in the Carimagua environment lor lurther studies.

Burning to control anthracnos峰

Although the use 01 resistant varieties is the most desirable method to control anthracnose 01 tropícal lorage legumes, burning 崎 proving a potentiaHy successlul temporary control measure. Ten months alter burnìng affected plots 01 S. capitata at EI Limonar, near CIAT -Ouilichao, susceptíble accessìons CIAT 1078 and 1097 had only 29% as much anthracnose as unburnt 仔able 181. In Carimagua, three months after burning plots 01 CIAT 1078, these only showed 50% as much anthracnose as unburnt plots (Table 19)

"。書t plant resi紋ance stud始喜

5tudies are und軒way 如 compare anatomíc紋,

chemical and d研elopmental characteristics 01 suscep­tìble 136 type S. gu.紛nensÎs and resistant fína­stemmed S. guianens揖 ta rd 10 as well as those 01 susceptible late-flow軒ing S. capitata CIAT 1078 and 1097 and the resìstant accessions CIAT 1019 and 1315

Legume gern可pl祖sm evaluation

5creenìng 01 new germplasm 01 S. capitata and S. guianensis lor 時如stance to anthracnose was ínitiated in the glasshouse and ín the Carimagua environment, ín ∞lIaboratìon with the Legume Breeding section 01 the Program.


In Carimagua. Sclerotium rolfsii agaín affected Stylosanthes spp. Irom July to November 01 thís vea仇Counts 01 dead plan給 we時 made at various sit峙的rS.capÎtata CIAT 1019(5%), 1097 (7%), 1315 伶%), 1318(11 %). 1325 (7%), 1338 (6%), 1339 (7%), 1342 (11 %), 1405 (6%) and S. bracteata CIAT 1281 (1 4%). CIAT 1019was閥verelya衍。cted (75%) at 5an J時edelNus,Colombì績, and moderately affected (20%) at La Líbertad. Colombìa. Soil populations of sclerot幟。Ithíspathogenic lungus are beíng monìtored ín Carímagua.

In glassho遍e trials with 70-day old plants, most legumes includíng the promising S. capitata CIAτ1019 and 1315. D. ovalifolium CIAT 350 andZ. 給tifolia CIA T 728, were hìghly susceptible to S. roll海ii (T紛1820).Studies on changes in the susceptib峙íty 01 S. capitata CIAT 1019 wíth age showed that plants with 10-24

T a.ble 18. Eííect oí burning on the incídence oí anthracnose in 裂泣位2袋里且訟訟設控制的。ptiòle

acceesions CIAT 1097 and 107車, 5 and 10 mon臨s aíter treatment a.t El Limon肘,near CIA T ..Quilichao.

CIAT accc6sion






、有rithout burning


Months after 法正滋滋


Without burning 10


Wi蛇神‘時 burning 5


Witho結 burning 10


說o. of

leslona on stem8







主81. 7


Dry weight 。,[ sample 1:10. les泊位./

(g) 10 jzdryrnatter

45.9 90.5

6.0 4.5

63 , 4 53.3

33.5 15, 4

75 區 l 60.5

36.3 10.6

4吾吾.這 82.3

31 ‘ z 23.7

Table 19. Effect of burning on the incidence of anthracnose on 主且堅且豆豆主旦區tata CIAT 1078 1, 2, and 3 months after treatment in Carimagua.


Wilh。叫 burning


Without burning


Without burning


Months after





No. of Dry weight lesions of samp1e

on stems {的

87.9 17.1

15.5 17.9

150.0 101.0

7.8 41. 0

199.0 97.9

79.4 71. 2

1"a lJ lc 20. H. caction o( trop J.c包 L !oragc lcgumc8 to 真揖2悔旦旦出具﹒

No. ol No. ol Susceptible accessions Moderately lusceptible acceøsiona Resistant

No. lesions/ 10z dry matter


8. 7


1. 9


11. 2

No. of acceSSlons

CaloPOEonium mucunoide s 1 Gentrose l'l"la 且捏~ 1 主呈且且盟主垃且旦旦控且主 4

-Desmodium barbatum l Desmodium canum 1 一一

Desmodium distortum l 旦旦旦且且旦控且旦旦旦旦旦 z Desmodium heterocarpon 3

Desmodium hetermhvllum 1

Desmodium ovalifolium l

Macroptilium sp. l

Pueraria phaseoloides l

SIvlosanthe s 旦旦E主主主主 11

Stvlosanthes zuianensis 14

Stvlosanthes hamata 4

StHosanthes humilis 1

5tylosanthes scabra 7

SIvlosanthes viscos& 3

Zornia latifolia z

Total 52 4 4生


weeks were more susceptìble than older and younger plants

Studíes are contínuíng on the susceptíbílíty 01 promísing legumes under pasture conditíons. the susceptibil ity of progeny 01 plants survivin目 inocull到tion

and the effect 01 50il and organíc IT、 atter content in it on the pathogenicíty of Ihe fungus to S. capitata CIAT 1019

Root-Knot Nem~量tode

Surveys of indigenoυs legumes and savanna plants at Carimagua have failed to detect Meloidogyne javanica. AI C趴下Ouilichao. however. various weed hosts were lound ar、d plolS 01 D. ovalifolium CIAT 350 and Cordariocaly x gyroides were severelya仿制愉d.ln

a screening trial 闊的ed out i n pots. 用slstance was found in Stylosanthes spp.. Z. latifolia, P. phaseoloid悔sand Leucaena leucocepha/a (τable 21)‘ M臨taccessìo捕。f D甜modium spp. were $U學ceptible.excepl lor D. distortum CIAτ335 and D. heterophyllum CIAτ349

As roolS of some grasses prodùce 10削ns 10 nemalodes, two sludíes were inítìated 10 tI自termhiethe effect 01 rool“ knot nematode on D. ovalifolium CIA T 350 as50ciat的n with various grass帥; a pot tríal wíth S再 accessions of 25 9捕錯spec揖swa建制itablíshed and also a f賠Id trìal ì仿 a nematode-inlest紛紛。t atCIA下Quilìchao. wíth Andropogon gayanus CIAτ 62 1. 8ra­cJ悟iaria decumbens CIAτ606an謹 Panicum maximum CIAT 604

Camptomeris Leaf Spot

Camptomeris Jeucaenae continued to damage Leucaena leucocephala CIAT 734 at CIA T -Ouílíchao. A screenìng trial to observe reactions of 38 accessions 01 Leucaena spp. to the lungus w研 establíshed near an infeSle普 pasture of L. leucocepha/a 734. After eight months ex箏。踹槽.21 前硨ss姆峙, íncludín單 co鼎鼎前,

cial cultivars CunnìnghalT、 and Peru, w谷re moderately 10 highly 制組eptible to C. /eucaenae (Table 22). Potencial resístance was lound in sìx accessions 01ι leucocephala and several acce歸ions 01 líve other Leucaena spp.

Fertilized plots 01 L. leucocBpha/a 73410cated near ínlected plots were only slíghtly damaged by Camp­tomeris leaf spot. Leal tíssue analyses showed hi擠軒levelsof 學~ ca and Mg and considerably h勾結軒 levelsofZn an禱告 in leaves Irom fe時ilízed plots In contrast to leaves from non fertilized plots. Two exp軒íme時swere


立,也le Z!. Effect oí 必公泣起紅星空兵泣語法主持。l拭緝毒íro鼎 D制mod時m ova泣。lium ClAT 35岳。n other tropical íorage 1‘~gume6.

No. of Legume AcceSSlons Reaction1

CalopogoniuUl lTIucunoi品研$ i 主

Centrosema B泣bescens 1 z

Codadocaly:x qvroi岳母揖 l 4

Desmodium barb且tum I z Desm日dillm

di宙 tortum 1 I Desmodium heteroc攏了pon 3 3

Des :nodium heterocarpon 主 z

Desmodium hete :roc蕊 rpcm 1 l

De s rr.où hur。

heterochyUum l 1 Do盯nodium

。γalìfolium i 4臺


l l sp. i z

l l Stylosanthes

capitata 在 1

z l Slylosanthes hamata l I Zornia latifòlia z l

1 Reaction1 1 = no gaUing; 5 111: severe galUng.

establìshed 10 determìne the effect of various ferlilí>:er treatments on theωsceptìbílity 01 CIAT 734 締 thefungus. One study wíll 偽.termi叫 the e符ect 01 four !啊枷 01 P2.肉, K;zO. Mg, Ca Cu. Zn, BandMowhilethe other will determine the effect of different com­binations 01 Zn. Cu and B on Camplomeris leaf spot.

Cercospora Leaf Spot

In the target area. Cer時發pora leaf spot affectìn韋Panicum max.帥lum i多 a widespread d揖ease.Dama學eto this species is moderate to 綿vere. P. maximum cultivars Green Panic, Makueni and Guiníensis are

T的10 22. Effect of 三主且已空注丘i主盜悠悠盟主 on志組盟主主" spp. at CIAτ心的lichao.

No. of 、‘ $oecies accesSl0ns Reaction

b coUinsìi Z z

是iversífolia 3 i

L. esc\主 lent: a I i L. 暗 sc u. lenta 1 進

leucocephala 6 z 上ιleucQcephala 9 3 上:. leucoc忠phala ? 4

L. leucoce phala 1 5

上ιmacrophvUa z 3

上" E口lverutenta 1 1 L. m主lverulenta : z L. pulverul韓紅ta 1 3

L. shannoni 1 l L. shannoni 1 z

trichodes 1

1 Reaction: 1 :: no disease; 5 :::移eVf;I. ;-e deíoli­ation.

resíslanl. Sludíes on the effect of Cercosporaleaf Spot on y陪她 and qualíty of P. m酬imum CIAT 604 and Makuení. usíng various fung細des 10 a臨ess potential yìeld. are in prt到gress in Caríma那間. The effect 01 burníng and cuttíng on Cercospora leaf Spol develop­mer芳t 描 also beíng 學tud甜d.


τhis disease. caused by Synchytrium phaseofi. was observed for the fírst líme on forage legumes in Brazil and Ecuadorτhe fungus affects leaves. petíoles and 割。ms formí控告 orange rusl-like pu訓ules. Leave給

become distorted and sterr、s and petíoles severely galled. Macroptilium 忽靜。 CIAT 535 was εlevastate性的Santo D啊ningo. Ecua疇。r. while 舟facroptifium spp. (íncludln草 Siratro) and Glycine w.匈'htiiw軒e severely affeCled at severall(時ations in Braz詩, At the moment. the 疇ísease has not been detected in Colombia ,

Rhynchosporium leaf Spot

Rhynchosporí um leaf spot was first observed on Andropogon gayanus CIAτ621 at La Líbertad near Víllavicenc峙. Colombia in March 1979 and in Carimagua ín May the 5ame year、 Few orange-brown spots per leaf developed on mature leaves. Although the majority 01 lesiom已 were marginal or located low御性5 the leal típs. a small proportion cut the míd­veí n causing prerr、ature senescence and necrosís.

Although the incidence of Rhynchosporium leafspot is higher ín Víllavicencio than Carímagua. only slight damage to A. gayanus has been observed in V時lavícen­ 惜 probablethat high 均infa掉。。∞ mm/year)andcontinuous high humidity places A. gayanus under stress at Villavicencio and r亨、ore susceptible to parasites.

Further observations will be made 剖 ViII帥'cenclo

during the following wet season. especíally on A gayanus under grazing. Cross inoculatíon 51叫ieswith

Rhynchosporium Sp. from rice will be carried OUt. Rhynchosporium leaf spot is a major dísease 01 rice al Villavicencio and it is possible that the 58me lungus finds A gayanus as an alternatíve host、

Sphaceloma Scab

In 1979, ZornÎa spp. in Carimagua an謹 CIAT­

Quílichao 帆拇時 severely aflected b句 Sphacefoma sp. This fungus, indigenous 10 Colombia. produces elliptica卜elongated. pale-brown spots with reddish margins on pelioles and Slems. Lesions coalesce forming 仙鶴d corky scabs which often destroy large lengths 01 stem,時如Iting in defol槽的on and d時back.

Under CIAT-Quilichao conditíons. Zornia spp ac聞自昀時 Irom Colombia were slightly 10 moderately affecled. while in Carimagua. the 5ame accessions, 的cludir自由 CIAτ72囂. were mo話。rately 10 牌時時Iy

allecte疇. However. annual spe間es from 器問到 1 were re制stant. 1. guanipensis from Venezuela and Z brasiliensis from Brazil were re制stant in CIAT­Quilichao and the same accessions of Z. brasifi地ns揖were resistant in Garimagua. More 9軒mplasm of the latter specíes is necessary to further explore this resistance.


Smut caused by U學tilago sp. 的 wídespread on P. maximum and often 締時舟Iy affects inflorescences


紡織y-eight percent 01 inllore船酬lC輔 of P. maximum common ín 5an Ignacio, 801削a and P. maximum colonial in Go旭nia. Brazil were smut1ed. In a trial establisned in Carimagua to evaluate CercoSpora leaf spot on P. maxi作Jum, smut destroyed most in­florescences of CIAτ604 while Makueni was com­pletely resístant. It is recommended that seed from 的fected stands be t時齡婦 before sowìng.


Although Uromyces appendiculatus ìs widespread on Macroptílium. Phaseolus and Vígna spp. throughout almost the tot紛I target area. it affects mature leaves only

Rhizoctonia solani

Generally. 舟'. solani caused slíght to moderate damage to P‘ phaseoloid.帥 and Macroptilium spp. throughout the target are.畫。 Plots of p, phaseoloides at CIAτOuilichao (Colom紛紛 and 5anta Cruz 180lìvía) were mod軒說ely to seve捕Iyaffected

Black Mol“ In 197車, black mold was severe on Zornía spp. from

Brazil and moderate on Zornia spp. from Colombia at CPAC-Brasilia, The d崎ease is apparently associated with insect attacks‘

Minor Diseases

Powdery mildew, Drechslera leaf spot, little leal 圳rus. Botryt時 inflorescence blight, slime mold and snow mold were diseases of minor importance detecte性。ηlegumes at various locatìons withìn the targ戰 area. Ergot. Giberella inflorescence blí♀慨,υrocystís smut and rusts were d軾的ted on grasses.

Seed Pathology

5urveys on the m賠rollora 01 lorage seed and the elfect 01 seed treatments on pathogens showe位 that

the best and most practical method lor reducing levels 01 storage lungí assocíated wíth grass seed is its treatment with captafol. Studies are contínuing on ímprovíng the application method and on reducing the bacteríal population. Similarly. captafol was the best lor reducing levels of stored-seed fungi and elíminating pathogenic Colletotrichum Spp. assocìated with legume seed. Studies are ín progress on the effect 01 captafol on Rhizobium 符合

Surveys have commenced on changes occurring in the m時roflora 01 green and dry seed of S. capitata at CIAT-Ouilichao and Carìmagua duríng the yea r. The effect 01 inoculatíng seed 01 Stylosanthes spp. with Colfetotrichum spp. on germínation and seedling survival is also being studied


During 197章, the Entomology Section ∞ntínued basíc studí臨 on the taxonomy and biology of the stemborer, Caloptilù聲 sp.. the most limíting insect pest 01 the genus Stylosanthes. Work was also intensífíed to understand the resistance and/or tolerance of several S. capitata accessions to the stemborer.

After two years 01 monthly líeld obser糊lions at CIAT -Ouílichao and Carímagua. a consíst陣ntresistance ancl/of tolerance reaction 10 the ste狗,borerdamage was observed lor s制eral S. capitata 旬nd S. gwanensls accesslons.

Population dy冊mics studies were continue挂providing po臨íble explanations 01 the ob綿間組

popul8tíon Iluctuatíons 01 insects on le曹umes and grasses. AI帥. studíes were initiated 10 酬81鵬總damage caused by spittlebugs (genera A仰帥lamia.Zulia, Deo郎~ etc.) and aphíds to Andropogon gayanus acces~衍。ns.


Stylo Stemborer

Biology and biological control

During 1979, studies were conducted on the biolo自v01 the stemborer confirmíng last year's 時sul論 (CIAT

Annual Repo阱, 197臨) and its taxonomic identification as of the genus Caloptílía.

τhe wasp 8racon sp. IHymenoptera:Bra∞nidae)w制8gain the m時I freq愉悅 parasíte 01 the 剖emborerlarvae found ín CIA私心Jílíchao.

Host plant resi必讀nce

Screeníng for 時船絨ance to stembor軒 was con喻

tínued 說 CIAT-Quilichao 辭,d Carimagua under fìeld and laboratory conditions.τo date 10 S. guianensi當and 9 S. capita仿制冊蹄ío悶 have been eval關ted. At CIAT -Quilích帥, three S. gUÎi面,背'nsis 臨時制。ns (CIAT

?這o. 1312. 106立. and 1162) showed less than one larv輔闕r plant and seven s. capitata acce錯ions(CIAτ錢。.135巷.1342, 1019.1298, 131 囂, andI405)showedeither no dam呵。 or leBs than one tarvae per plant wh甜h was lower than the initiallevel. At Carímagua. fíeld evaluations were made i的 S. capitatal A. gayanus míxtures under gr制ing. Míxtures wíth both S. capitata 1019 and 1 3<沁學howed high軒 levels 01 stemborer 悅lestati酬. than S. cBpitBta 140草. but the錯 are still considered low.τhu怠,.S.區 capitata 101 雪 and S. capítata 13∞are如n紛紛叫toberesì榔nttostembo棺{τ'able


laboratory studìes under oontrolled oonditions (260C and 65% 錢紛 were conducted utílîzing S. guianensis 136 (閱nsider甜紹 susceptible) and S. capitata 1019 (considere揖 as resístant). to test for OVlp叫ition p悶lerenc髓。,1 lemal醋。f Caloptília. Results show a high 時duction in oviposition (89.5%) for S. capitata 1019 ∞mpar紛紛 S. guianensis 136 (153and 1295e翎s ovíposited. 用spectivel阱,

Artílicial diets were developed with ground dry 5tems 01 either S. guianansís 136 or S. capitata 1019 帥 the main components. Results showed that pupae reared on the S. capitata 1 019-baSed díet were smaUer (Fígure 14). These preliminary results indicate that the possible mechanism 01 re副stance observed in species 01 S. capitfJta. could be an antibiotic effect. Further studies on the stemborer progenies wiU be conducted to d副研mine the po時íble effects 01 S. capitata-based díets on the fecundity, lertility and longevíty of stembo附r females.

Anatomícal stud喝5 01 5tems (Figure 1 的 a5 well as chem站81 analysis of the glandular trichomes found in some Stylosanthes spp. accessions are being ∞仆ducted to detect ínter-or intra-specilic differences in order to better understand the mechanisms 01 防部紋,ance to the stemborer obse阿ed in S. capitata spp.

前9U時 14 , Difference 卅.,捕。,f Calopt11ia 叩 puρaerear呵。n(A)a

Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 136-baseò diet or (B) an S, capitata 1019-ba謬。d dìet

τ的le 23.. ResÍs祖nce to stembo間r 位叫訟誌泣么時~) in two populations of 忽泣法社茲垃丘丘拉拉坐主品mixtut'e with 主主革主opo孟2主主主主主旦旦旦 U訊社e l' grazing at Carima草ua.

乏 capitata Darnaged plants Tur.nèl length ClAT No. i可惡i No~ of 1aγvaejplant (cm)

1019 + 1300 16.16 (畫匙 )1 0_ 23 (a) 白.71 (a)

1405 O. 車 I (~) 0.01 (b) 0.03 (b)

1 Meana within colun四s followe是 by 出@糊糊e letter are nct 1;噹ni公ca.詩句是ifíercnt at a O. 05 level ..


Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 136 Stylosanthes capi甜甜 CIAτ1019

Fi蟬Jre 15. Comparative scheme of the intem叫到即前ureof前ems of StylOSðnth目 guíanensis CIAτ136 a向d S. capitata CIAT 1019

Wíth自 n Stylosanthes, S. capitata contínues 10 be the mOSlre制stant or lolerant species to stemborer damage in different ecosystems.

Population dynamics

Insect population Iluctuations on 10 legumes and 3 grasses were studied at both Carímagua and CIAτ­Q叫lichao.τhe obj制tive was to identify and evaluate the most Irequent insect populatíons and analvze insect preferences

Ory-vacuum 閱mpleswe附 taken at weekly intervals during 16 month正 Insect or胸悶, lamilies and species were recorded and coded lor later observatíon莓. Total m帥ct dístributíon by orders is shown in Fígure 16 lor CIAT -Quílíchao. Results also indícate that the panern 01 闊的t distribution 器蚓、ílar in both the Carímagua and the CIAT -Quílichao ecosystems.


It ís worthwhíle índicating that the hígh揖t propor­tion 01 the ínsect populatíon counts on 1總umeswerehomopterous (maínly Cicadellida跡.andong陪S轉悠

(especially A. gayanus). specímens 01 Dipte阻 whichínclude several benelicial species. Hemíptera and Hymenoptera populations were hígher on le曹umesthan on 9甜甜@怠. while Coleoptera populatíons were 剖開íl智 ín both types 01 forages. A special reference to Homopte附 pop泌紛。n (maínly Cí欄啪lIidae) and Coleoptera (Chrysomelídae) is necessary 帥 the時扭時

orders. together wíth Hemip臨時,前clude many species wh悶h are known 酷 vector響。f viral. bacterial and lungal d措eases (Table 24). However. the natural beneficial insect population is considered abundant and heterogenous in both ecosystems. Further studies will be conducte益 to characterize and establish the p個sible 叫戲ionship 01 insect species and dísease translT羽8Slon.


Although A. gayanus showed tolerance to inse臨prevaUing in the region, an aphid attack was obser\led in some A. gayanus pastures in Ca rimagua , Thus studies on their possible rel削io附hip with the 的偏currence of red-purple lea\les on A. gayanus were carried out, When pl制ts of A. gayanus were exposed to different population le\lels 01 aphids under con­trolled cOnditions. there was an increase in the numb獻。f aphids and an increase of red偏purple lea\les.






Tolerance or resistance to dan電age caused by aphids was also stu昏時d under f時Id conditi驛站的 four A. gayanus accessions. Results showed A. gayanus CIAT 6063 aspos副bly the most tolersnt. On the other hand, 怠ix morphological type-forms 01 A. gayanus were tested for aphid attack under field conditions , Results showed that some of the morphological type-forms of A. gayanus tested could also be sources oftolerance 10 aphid怠,


Figur.16 , 0削rìb叫iQnof inse剖開pu~ations (freque間的曲曲何甜

on legum,es and grasses in CIA T-Quilichao e叉開rìme時剖 station

durin單 1979




aze--a-a 量@益。ECZ

in dí transmission in Identification and íeedin車 habita of 8001.e insect 伊nel"a i.nvoived 甜me acces5Ìons oí fora伊 legume8 an是 grasses.

Table 主義,

j ililililit “v曲同


Feedíl草草 habit Inøect


主經垃且越且!! îuligi旦控且 +

+ +


+ 4• + + 4學4學+



Sucking on leave .s; vector

Sucking on le&ves; disease vector

Suekin事。總 leave移 vector of 詩三e corn s 乞unt 這n grasses

巨型但史~ ep.

旦控坐坐位!!. spp. + +




+ +卒,



+ ÷ + 叫令可軒

Feeding ôn leaves; veeto玄 oí

the dîsea結ê oi Stewart in grasses

Feeding on leaves Dise íl\.se vector Disease vêctor Disease vector

Coleopteta: 三坐位悠悠您是呵,

Diabrotic 否真 隘ramina-e B 一-E. 且已坐丘拉姆.l! F. E. 且2且盟主自-D. viridula F ,



Field evaluations of forty ecotyp鈍。f grasses for their res隊如師 to spittlebugs (01 the genera Aeneolamia, Deo峙:, Zu/ia and oth軒s) were initiated at Carimagua. The first observations showed Srachiaria ruzizÎensìs CIAT 65再告nd 656 and Srachiaria sp. CIAT 6058 as the most susceptible ones to the attack of spittlebug nymphs and adults. A. gayanus CIAT 6053, 6054, 635 and 621 , however, showed low levels of inlestation by nymphs and no adults (τable 25)

The effect of 草razing on populations 01 spittlebug nymphs and adults was studie謹. Thep間liminary dat8 show a greater reduction in the number 01 nymphs than 01 adults. This situation∞uldbe酬plained on the basis 01 adult activity that may allow them to ascape or mO\le from the 制te 凹here the animal is grazing. These studies will be intensilied.

Entomological Evaluation in Region為 I Trials

Visits to seve除I countries (疇。Ií\l裙, Brazil, COlombia,

Ecuador, Peru, Venezue/a) were made in order to evaluate the regional trials establi寫hed in different e∞systems regarding insect pest problems. Results show species 01 鈍。moplera/flea beetle comple:民Chrysomeli桂ae and Hemipte倍, as common insect pests in most 01 the eco恰當ical 惜自ions雄 Also, the frequency distribution 01 insect orders is simil軒 tothe

general pattern 01 insect pests registered in the population dynamics studies carrie盛 out at Garimagua and CIAT .Quilichao. It i翁 importanl to pOÎnt out th剖

Table Z5. Infestatipn of 時\ttlebug (,",帥。lamia

法拉車) nymph. and adu1ts on 時糊rity

gras.s accessions a.t: Carima那恥

SnPy主mttlpehbau/g SPIttlebtA車CIATadultzgnI/ 主w

Spccies N恥 10 m~ 25

Braçhiaria sp. 毛 05車 9.60 1. 54

Bt'achiaria ruzizi.ensis 656 5.83 1. 23

Brachiaria l"uziziensis 654 4.61 1. 20

生空空主字路紹E Eavanus 6053 0, 07 0, 07

Andropogon gavanus 6054 0.10 0.07

AndroooEon 踅ayanus 車 35 0.27 0, 03

AndrQno~ZonRavanu轟 621 0.13 0.00

benefÎcial insect populations, repres削ted by 組veralorders and species. are abundant ín alllocatÎons. This su嘗嘗的tsa 目ood possibilîty 01 u剖ng biological control ín an 們tegrated pest management scheme lor tropìcal pastures in Latin AmerÎca.τod齡札 forage legur約esare

more Irequently allecte位 by insect pests than 雷rasses.S, capítata. one 01 our promising legumes has shown conslstent re制stance or tolerance to the stemborer Calopti/Îa Sp.. consídered as a key pest of the genus Stylosanthes‘ In the 扭曲 01 9帥鴿船, A. gayanus has not shown any serious 明鶴ct pest Up to the present tlme.

SEED PRODUCTIO結τhe Seed Prodυction Section continues to meet two

basic objectives: (1) seed increase 01 experimental lines to be used by the Program and 咐 collaborators

and (2) de時lopment 01 relevant technology lor COrT、mercial seed production.

Duríng 197告 major emph蹄措 was placed on expandin嘗嘗陪錯 and legume ar磁slorseed r亨lultiplí組a

tion purposes. The total area harvested increased 制gnif詔antly 研 well as the total volume 01 seed produc詞. The technology development e符orts were restricted to the ínitiation 01 Ihe field experimental phase 01 the regional seed production potential project and to the 需uantilication 01 certaín aspects of seed handling 01 Andropogon gayanus.


Seed Incre締@

Seed increase activities are confined to accessions nominat叫 by the Pro甜甜m's Germpl蹄m Committ盼

An initial production target is 持綠ted to the live categories assigned and reflects an estimate of seed required to 制tabl阻h new experiments to lulfi 11 the next evaluation phase by other program sections. In the case 01 accessíons i n cate當ories IV or V. an additional production target may be undertaken to fulfill a defined experimental proposal. Actu發I crop areas established are defined by interr‘alatíng the seed production target for the partícular acce勝悶悶withtheseed multipl叫別帥,可惜te for the species in the particular location where it 惜 to be grown.

In the ca錯 ofnewg前mpl齡前鴨作。從enthe制pply

01 planting mat'軒ial (seed or vegetetìve material) limit錄the 蹄ed multiplication area whîch can initially be established.τhìs f eQuires the use 01 鯽Igle pl801 transplanting , and vegetative propagation or successive cycles 01 crop expansion following seed harvesting ‘ The net effect 時 a generallag phase olone 10 two years before the production 緬甸et is attained

Production areas are located at CIAT-Palmira, CIAT­Quilichao and Carimagua to exploit climatic and edaphic differences and al甜 to distribute risk and e付酬. AII proce揖íng, storage a甜 distríbution ac­tivities are centered at CIAT-Pelmi掃 AII three

1部atíons e路eríence little day-Iength variation due to their common low latitude (3-40N). Rainlall distribu­tion 惜 bimo亞al at CIA下.Palmira an亞 CIAT -Quilichao (where irrigat間n 自 ava i!able), whUe at Carimagua rainfall is unimodal with a prolonged growing season. With Ihe inherent sensitivity 01 lorage species 10 climatic and edaphic lacto時, the relationship between 8ctual seed yields and potential seed yield vari閥 with

each species.

A summary 01 the main seed increase activit時Sduring 1979 is presented in Table 26. Seed 01 a totel 01 39 a偶@鞠íons (37 legumes and 2 grass輔) was mcre備組. The legumes we間 essentially I師說ed at

T的1. Z忌Seed increase acti吋tiea during the year IOctob..r 197串郁的?售).


Description CIAT-Pa1mira CIAT備Quilichao Carimazua Average 01" $.品m

?呼之lo,ber of 前rO<l緒的ions

Gr.:usses z z 1 z Legu.mes 4生 33 4 37

Crop a :reas (ha}

New 12 6 Z5 43 Total 15 9 n 51

Seed harvest泌s

Area (ha) 171 161 ? 40

Method (0/.) Manua. l 90 80 100 孽。

恥1echanical 10 zo 。 10

Distribution o! seed

Reque.'o (No.) CIAT 143 Outside 57

Total wei草ht 綠草}

CIAτ 4QOZ 。拾金side 137

Seed Prod間“終必

Orasses 2185 81Z 3晶晶 3385 Le伊mes 4串串 1080 426 1974

Total Z品53 1892 814 5359

l Areas ol cert.ain a.cceøsiolls wer -e harvested twice.


CIAT -Quilichao 10 allow concentration of small plot mana恨ment but four high priority ac帥鶴ions were al鞠 planted at Carlmagua on a scate appropríate lor combine harvesting. Grasses were muttíplied over all three locatíons but with the larger 'area at CIA本Palmíra. A 時嗨rd total neW cro輯都馳。.143haw齡successfully established thís yearτhese 8re8S include a signílícant addítíonal product揖n target relatíng to Androp妙的 gayanus. The total area establíshed for seed p陪你ctíon purposes now reaches 51 ha

Wíth a trend toward Ir暫時asíng average plot síze 01 the hígher catøgory accessíons, it was possíble to íncrease harv帥tíng by m師hani胡1m帥ns. Thís trend 蹄presents a sígníl時ant operational development as the 棚ct帥n has reached íts absolute capacity ín terms 01 manual harvestíng. Mechanical harvestíng capacíty was further ímproved with the addítion 01 a tractor­mounted suctíon harvestor.τhís machíne p悶yides

both an alternatíve and supplementary harvest method lor 50me species under experímental íncrease con­dítíons. It has partícular potentíal for harvestíng Desmodium heterophyllum. Processíng the I穗rgevolumes 01 Andropogon gayanus ha5 been a slow an挂泌的 operatíon. Whíle the mechanlcal deawner has lu nctioned well. II needs 10 be complemented by mect可anlcal handlíng and duSI control me翁suresíntheprocesslng Ilne

TOlal volume 01 seed producI悶n wa5 5359 陶 withthe largest volumes correspondin嘗 to A. gayanus. Stylosanthes capit,事ta. S. h8m8ta. D. ovafifo/ium. Zornia fatifolia. Codaricolyx(syn. Desmodium)gyroides and D. heterophyllum (Table 27).

The new storage lacíliti輔 have allo樹ed basic organizetion 01 seed stocks 的 lermS of storage and inventory control. Dry seed ís stored ín sealed containers. Seed distríbution has involved responding to a lolal 01 200 requests and the delivery of 4586 kg of seeds.

Seed Production Technologγ

Andropogon gavanu囂

Seed purity determinatíon

In chaffy grasses. there are alter悶tive delinitions and melhodolo翠ies 10 estimate the proportion of a seed 101 consisting of pure seed. Purity determinatíons. however. are 甜ways delined on a weight ba尉$.


Table 27. Sum扭扭y of !orage 時ed produced by spec主es between Oc色。ber 1978 and Oe tober 1979.

To乞al weight Number oí of seed

$官均 í <2 S acceS810ns Legt且mes

Aeschvnomene 誰p. i l Centrosema spp~ 5 s Godariocalyx~立法處.s. 1 46 Pç$modium ovali!olium. I 岳l

Dcsrnodium heterocarpon l 10 r2!-ßrnodìllm l)~terophyn話間 1 25 Glycinc 'ei.g且ill. z 15 P泣t> rari器設想ascoloi這cs l 4 Stvlosanthe 5 capitata 10 1190 Stvlosar可 th<! s 1 550 惡tviùsanthes ht且milis 1 1 革主芷losanthes Euianensis i z Stvlosanthes viscosa : 1 Zornia l.a t î!位 ìia 10 óO

Total leg海me蟬 197毛


AndropoRon 電ayanus 1 3382 Panicum m草草ximurn 1 3

Totai 直 ra學韓e. 3385

Tótal aH accesaions 3亨 535會

1 Ù繁華umes: seed 。了鍾eed in pods~ ,..會5鴨 purity.

"Gl" sðed. '>佳的b pu:rity.

By the standard international defínitíon. purity refers only to those spíkel削s which cootain the confirmed presence of a 曲ryopsis. Awr晦. empty spíkele嗨,

vegetatíve plant parts. sand and soil are assigned to the inert matter Iraction.τhís is the most precise and desirable definitíon. Howev肘. when separation work 01 the workíng sample for purity analysis i發 conductedm研ual勻. spik斜斜拉V spike慨. this task 峙 bothlaborious and lime consumíng.

Investigatlons have continued to verify the utílity 01 the definit時n and melhodologv referred 10 as Indirect (l nternation的 Purity. This method is 抽sed on Ihe relationship b剖ween C釘yopsis Content (the prop缸,lion of spikelets cont部nm當 a confirmed caryopsis and ex昏時路edasperc酬tba蜘d on number) and the Actual Purity (estimated by manual separ齡站的 ofthe spi為let

Iraction. This relationship has been quantilied by linear regression using a basic data set 01 both Caryopsis Content and Actual Purity 01 the spikelet Iraction as measured in 35 seed samples. The regression coel­licient was estimated as 1.1 23 with a R' = 0.9899 (Figure 17).

The pr∞edure to determine indirect (lnternational) purity in any seed sample is to estimate (1) Spikelet Content (or Irish pure seed) and (2) Caryopsis Content These observations are then used in the lollowing lormula:

Indi間ct = Spikelet y I Ca吶psis y 1. 1231~ 1∞ (lnternational Content ~ I Content" I -Purity) 一-



-nu nu 「Ill-L


% (weight) % (no.)

x Spikelet x Caryopsi叫% (weight) Content Content

where Spikelet Content lor Irish purity) 陷 delined on a 5 9 random sample 01 the seed lot Caryopsis Content is determined upon 200 random spikelets (or Irish pure seeds).

1.123 is the regression coefficient expressing the generalized relationship between Caryop­S悶 Content and International Purity 01 this specoes.


V.1.123 X (R = 0.99)

20 40 60 70 c.呵。p副. content 01 .P恥.1....(%. N。因}

Figure 17. Regression 01 purity and ca呵。psis ∞ntent 01 spikelets in Andropogon gay8nus CIAT 621

The deg ree 01 prec悶oon or 間lationship between purity as measured directly by n、anual separation and by the indirect lormula method. was estimated by testing the corre)ation between values derived Irom 47 seed samples (Figure 18). A highly signilicant value 01 0.98 was lound. It was concluded that the indirect lormula method does have sufficient precision t。

warrant ots use.

The advantages 01 the indirect method are: (a) determinations can be made in 25% 01 the time required by the hand separation methω; and (b) its precosoon 陷 relatively h咱h. The indirect estimate 01 purity depends heavily on the representativeness 01 the 2∞ spikelets livhich enter the determination 01 Caryopsis Content. Obviously. variation will be caused by sampling errors present with masses 01 light. Iluffy seed.

The basic utility 01 the indirect method lies not in its capacity to measure purity in absolute terms but in the greatly increased capacity it 。“ers to estimate y帽Idolpure seed. In a program with both production and experon、ental objectives. there is a need to record both seed weight and purity 01 a large numberol samples so as to determine pure seed y陪Id. A purity determina­tion. therelore. must be reasonably rapid and precise while not extreme in either regard

• •

~ .. r=0.98** •• •••• 60 • •

s. •

z a 40 ..2.

、﹒.Þ .-• •

、.•• • 20• • • •

• •

20 40 60 80 Indirect puri旬

Figure 18. Correlation between direct and in耐用ct estimates of seed purity in lot5 01 clean seed 01 Andro.ρogon gayanus


自oth vi鉤ílìty and 目前minatìon 01 pure seed Spikelets exhìbìted maximum values 01 approximately 90% (at 10 months post-harvest). whìle showìng some tenden­cy to decline Irom 50 days after peak Ilowering

Crop m制urity patterns

Ap時limìnary study 01 crop and seed maturity was conducted at C趴下Palmira based upon replicated spìkelet collections made at 酬ght 間tervals during crop 仰、aturation Both yield 01 pure seed and yield 01 pure v自able seed

increased to their maximum values whìch were m∞rded 削 29 days after peak Ilowering and then e甜的紛時pidly. especially after 36 days when the陪姆。1 shedd附9 was at a maximum.

The optimum point 01 harvest maturity should coincide wìth ma悶悶叫τ1 yield 01 pure viable seed. On thìs basis. harvest maturìty occurred app悶悶悶ately29days a!ter peak Ilowerin韋As maximum yield 01 spìkelels preceeded thìs poìnt by approxìn、atelysevendays. she位dìng 01 spìkelets ìs ìnitìated before optìmum harvest m剖urity; in lact. spikelets wìll be she垂 at leaSI twowe暐ks belore harvest maturìty.

Weìght 01 harvested spikelets reached a maxi mum at 22 days a!ter peak flowering and declìned markedly after 36 days. The proportion 01 spikelets contaìnìng caryopsls 均約草綠 Irom 24-68%. ìndìcatìng temporal varìations ìn the overaU eff記ìency 01 seed set. but w舖at a ma鼎鼎研悅誠 43 days after peak flowerìng.

Weìghtol pu惜 see垂 spìkelets was at a maxìmum at 22 days a!ter peak flowerìng and declìned 嗨,γmarkedly after 43 days. Unìt weìght 01 pure seed spìkelets tende桂 to declìne constantly from a maximum 01292 mg/l00 at 22 days a!ter peak flowerìng to 250 mg/l00 pure seed spikelets after 64 days (Fìgure 19)。

S lIIId processing

The seed mass 01 A. gayanus ìs light and adhesìve because 01 the pìlose and awned spìkelels. This poses handli ng problems compared with other grasses Bridgìng eflects ìmpede mechanìcal transler to con­ventìonal hoppers or elevatorswhìle clumpìng reduces the rate and effìciency 01 passage across flat screens

A mechanical deawner or modìfìed hammer mill (where both hammers and ìnterior cylinder 8re rubberized) has been used 10 homogenize particle 甜甜,問move awns and thereby allow ìn、proved flow rates and separatìon across an air screen cleaner






uoa" 旬,蜘旬,勵

~官 80至苦

Z E eo

1~ 40 ~ e 去這

罩。 QUnit weight

ll. ViabjU甘 ITetrazolium)


A cornparìson was made of seed mechanically processed by the deawner and then the air screen cleaner. to seed only subjected to manual 就alpingafter han通 threshìng﹒ Results are presented ín Table 28τhe deawnìη9 lunction 倍。bviously very effectìv學pro制ded the crude seed ìs dry when fed 的10 the deawner. The ìncreases in caryopsís content and purìty índìcate the abilìty of the aìr screen cleaner 10 eliminale dust. awns. 鄧苛dsmall part惜les of vegetatìve m益terìal but also many small or empIY spikel制s and florets 監 Bulk densìty 惜 also 附cr飽sed by叩proxlmate俯

沖 39% (relatíve basìs). Germìnatìon ìs not reduced by the mechanìcal handlìng and may even be impro\led for an ìnìtial perìod. Longer term effects stíll need 10 be defined

Ll, Pu峙的神幅勵牌d 眠電母







The dala ìn Table 28 represents two extremes of alternatìve processing pathways. The actual crude


Days aft.r peøk flow肘ing

figure 19. CharacterisHcs 'Of pure seed and yield dynamics during 叮叩 m剖urity of Andropog叩開yanus CIAT 621. 制 CIAT.Palmir.


60 50 40 30 20

Characteristics oí unpY'oc叫帥d crude seed and rn恥h:.nically g :raded seed in three 10ts

of 主丘空中也重三;,. .{a.退學心Table 28.

Graded seedZ

~1ean Ran乞e

Crude see哇1Mean R.ange Descrif'抖。n

…一一串串稍守諾學金草草-3428 鈍。. ) Dea鴨'l1ed ø.pikelets (喂,

88-95 92 島7輛7571 we!草ht)Sp!kelet Content (氓,

37儡毛位51 34-46 39 No. ) Caryopsis Content ('''t

37-62 51 27-36 3日weight) Purity (0/0 ,

34-45 39 8-43 21 制 10 month.) No. , Germ Ïí'

13- 2. 3 20 Z勵 156 at 1 0 month.) P也re L主ve Seed Content ('唉,

59輛 7165 45 耐49是?Dulk density (kg/m-、

點eeha孫ical refinement .. one pasa 乞hrou草ha ",毛echanical deawner a r.d two

See是 material a.íter hand 臨何時訊囂,哨位睡前 any

S.ed 拉油油rial aíte: r hand 偽reshi%草草. !oUowed by lhrough &n air-screen cleane:r.

l z

Locationa, collaboratol' s, and legume and grass 訊,troduc討ons est自1ished ìn th~ re單ionalseed production potential network.

T..ble 29.

No. of introd叫“onsl' stabtishcd

l.e處ume G :rasses Date oí



Altitude (m) La討如deLocation

3 2

9 旱

Dee.19n Jan. 1979


250 z.oo

16'S 17'S


Chapare Santa Cr溢z




l Dec. 1978 Jan. 1979 Dee. 1978


1007 600 700

15'S 18'5 19'5

Braz;il 一

Brasilia Felixlandia Sete L戚在0...



5 10

3 Oe t. 1978 May 1979 ICA

電 100


3 0 N lO'N



COT草草怒I Coope曹先eiónτ重cnk::.. del Gobie:rno Sui誨。 CIAT f Cer~tro de Inve st三草aci品nA草r{cola Tro­p;cal; CPAC. C.服ro de Pesquisa Agropecuarië‘益。s Cerrado傘 EPAM10. Empre",器r~'uileira de P.忽略1i8a Agropec "",.ri;r;且 de Minae Gerai.~ ICJ包, Instì悅色。 Colombiano Agropecuario.



see社輔mpl輔 ìn thìs study had峙。eìved the benefìt 01 a pa內ial han社 scalpìng 01 the threshìng materì剖, 50

averages lor typìcal c叫做 lots w時 I be low軒 The

mechanically processed seed was all passed tw賠ethrou♀h the cleaner, whereas commercìally it 唱 hìghlyprobable that only one pass will be ma甚e and slightly low軒糊lues wiU result.

The 時latìve 電lemand lor crude and gra這ed seedwìll be inlluenced by Ihe planting system used an垂 Ihecosts 01綿鉛 Iransport. Crude甜甜will undouble垂Iybe

used wh研e seed ìs produced on Ihe same larm and whe時桶如hanical planters are unavailable or too coslly、 Gra啞e挂 seed will lacililate more prec時e and mechanìcal planling and wìll reduce 810悶ge and transport costS. Where see桂惜 combine -harvested mechanìcal scalping could be desìrable belore dryìng or deawning

險egional Seed Production Potentials

As part 01 an overall assessment 01 regìonal seed product閉n potentials, a field experimental phase was ìnìtiated in six regions during 1979. Actual regional locations and collaborators are shown in Table 29. The

冊iti訓, emph臨時W帥 10 initìate the project al locations in higher latitude regions w桔h 50me seasonality 01 rainlall d時tribut的n a nd low frost 附cidence and 10 ∞lIaborate with ìnstitutions alreadY 恥ti間 in germ­plasm evaluation

τhe lìeld experimer、taimsto 位eline phenology, 5eed yiel亞s and the incidence 01 weeds, pe紋sandd揖eases,

while additional climat惚, edaph時 agronomic and econ。衍llC 挂ata are collected Irom other $Ources lor each regìon.

The genetic materìals ìnclu唱ed were nominated by both the collaborator and CIAT. Each material 織措s

sown in pure stands in 80m2 plots with three replications

Ad嗨rse seasonal conditions had negative effects on the number 01 entries established and within-site variability at Santa Cruz, Sete Lagoas and Valledupar. Weeds were a problem lor the legumes at 5ete Lagoas 時Ilecting 翁ite history. The fi悶t year seed harvests 01 grasses and legumes were made at Chapare, Brasilia, Fetixlandia CIAT勵Ouil時hao and Santa Cruz, white onty grasses were harvested at 5ete Lagoas.


The obj間tive 01 the 50it M悶。b叩logy Section is to ma陷mize the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation to adapted forages in the aci唔, i nlertile soils 01 tropica I Latin America , with priority given 10 the legulT祖IRhízobíum symbiosís, The research strategy ís: (1) to maint剖n and enlarge the CIAT Rhízobium germplasm re5Ource; (2) to eval帥te the symbíot時nitrogen fixation potent隨I 01 Rhizobíum SI時ins with adapted legumes; a裕, (3) 10 test the symbiotìc potentíal 01 揖lecte晉設泊的 in field situation囂,的iti發lIy

atCIA:τ-Quilichao, Carimagua and Brasilia, and then in regional trials throughout the Tropìcal Pastures Program's 詣rget area

Rhizobium Collection

The addìtion of 55 Rhízobium st摺in學 ìn 1979 brought the bank numb軒言。 2098. Informat賠n about the entire coll吾吾ction is recordad ìn a retrieval systam detailed in the CIA T Rhízobium catalogue.

Nodule ∞lIection, espe制ally Irom Zornía sp料. was carried out in the Llanos Orientales 01 Colombìa (Meta and Vichada departments), Complete information for


each site wascollected and 50il samples were taken for analysis

Strain Selection

τhe five stages 01 Rhízobíum st呵!約時lection have remained unchanged 阻nce 1977 (CIATAnnual Repo時,1977)

S電age I (A輯關c 泌be culturel

Although 5tage I testing was 為layed due to unavailability 01 a 9悼wth chamber, alternate systems were 研plo時d.

In a hemotoxil的 study with the 50il 泌的rition

Section, nodulalion occurred in a non-aerated S'防線m,indicatin雪 the potential for replacelT、ent ofthe current勵Iy used agar plates with nutrie洞t solutìon. Several nutrient solutions were tested and growth POUChel學were selected for a comparatíve study with the routine, enclosed-plant, a雪前 tube method. The form前 systememploys plastic bags lílled with nutríent solution and a pap軒 wick. One apparent advantage is that six times

as many treatments can be placed in the same space in the light room. Plant appearance, days to nodulation, and location and abundance of nodules of several legumes was observed in both systems. Norris and Date as well as Hoagland's nutrient solutions (modified to simulate acid soil stresses, with or without 3 ppm AI) were used in the growth pouches, while Jensen's agar was used in tubes. Preliminary results show more ra仰d and enhanced plant growth in growth pouches One hundred and nine strains were proven infective on a member of the host genus from which they were isolated

5tage 11 (5and culture with nutrient solution, pH 7)

The lack of a suitable inert matrix to substitute the previously used river sand limited the number of tests completed in 1979.

Zornía latífolía 728 and Stylosanthes capít8ta 1315 were not able to establ ish su衍icient root growth in the N free quartz sand to permit nodulation initiation. Starter nitrogen at the rate of 5 ppm N will be used

5tage 111 (Pot culture in site 50il)

Evaluation of nine Desmodíum isolates on D. ovalífolíum 350 grown in soil from CIAT-Quilichaowas repeated due to anomalous results compared to those obtained in Stages 11 and IV. The first Stage 111 test indicated that strains varied significantly in their ability to affect dry matter production, Rhízobωm sp. CIAT 283 ranking first among inoculating strains (Table 30) However, it was not better than native Rhízobωmas indicated by its statistical equivalence with the non inoculated control without applied N. In the second Stage 111 test, Rhízobíum sp. CIAT 283 produced more dry matter than the control with applied N, although

Table 30. Comparison oí rankings obtained for R垃2坐旦旦 strains in Stage II and two identical Stage III studie$ with 旦竺旦坐坐旦旦且正且已旦 CIAT 350 ,

Mean drv matter yield Stage 1且 Stage III Stage II

Rhizobiuln strain November 1978 July 1979 July 1978 CLAT No. (草/2 shoots) (耳/Z plants)

l 4, 980.

3 21 21 tN control 1 12.520. O.411a

-N control z 4.07ab 6 11. 460. 3l 0.G54g

283 3 3. 95ab l 14.140. II C.202bcdefg

359 4 3. 75b 8 10.91 0. 3 0.4 日2 ..

388 5 3.59b 11 10.39 .. 5 0.33 品已bc

297 6 3.42bc 10 10.66 .. 9 0.254bcdef

533 7 3.32bc 7 11. 42 .. 8 O.Z64abcdef

512 8 3. 29bc 4 12.09 .. 4 0.347ab

529 9 3.02bc 5 11. 68 .. 7 0.295..bcd

507 10 2.86bc 3 12.09 .. l 0.419 ..

299 11 2.33c 9 1 日 .68a 6 O.334abc

I Overall rank by rneans. z In the Stage II experiment 60me oí the best out of 39 strains and the nitrogcn controls are shown. 3 Mean values within columns íollowed by the same letter are not significantly dilferent at a 0.05 level.


not signilícar前Iy. In Ihe 51age 11 teSI. CIAT 283 was the least eflective

The lack 01 correlation between Stage 111 tests may have been due to seasonal ellects on rhizobial performance. This needs to be determined with duplicate experiments established in the lield and harvested al lime 的tervals to measure wet and dry season ellects on lolìage production and inocul齡lon


To test the response 01 Z. latifolia 728 and S. capitata 1315 to 15 Rhizobium strains. a contaminatior、“Ireesystem. enabling more plants 10 be placed in Ihe same space (501m2 vs. 91m2). W8S adopted

Statístical analysis 01 Zornia shoot dry matter pr錯。ction ín CIAτ.Quilichao and C8rimagua soils indícated no signif悶ant diflerence between strains. nor between strain5 and the plυ5 and minu5 N control5 The high N content 01 the CIAT嚕。uilichao 診。 il may mask inoculation responses. In Carímagua 50譜. results may indicate the presence 01 elficient native Rhizobium strains. Antisera will be prepared to detem司 ine the identity of the nodulating strains

Although dry matter yields 01 S, capítata CIAT 1315 in Carimagua soil were not analyzed statistically. a vísual evaluωtion 01 nodulation indicated that strains CIAT 301 and 871 were superior. Mean dry malter pro廿 uction 01 S. capitata 1315 in the CIAT.Quilichao soil (Table 31) shows Rh位。卸umst闊的sCIAT301 and 1363 10 be superior

Stage IV (Field 甘ials)

In Slage 11 and 51age 111 tests (CIAT Annual Repo叫,1978), Slra叭.dependent slatistical differences were observed for D. ovalífolíum 350 inoculation response. In 5tage IV experiments. although results were statistically 部gnificant for thefirstcutti峙.thisw時 notso for furtner cutting穹的 1979. The inoculant technology experime前 at CIAT-Quilichao utilizing three strains and three pelletization technologies again did not show 剖gnilicant treatment effects after the lirst cutting. nor lor Ireatmenl 明elds accυmulated

over all harvests

τhe purpose 01 a 31-strain. single replicate experí. ment with Leucaena leucocefala CIAT 871 was to determine if any st咱們 could nodulate this le單位me In an acid 50íl. Hov宙U峙"ever丸. byaccu凶r

two harvests as r悶epμi封2峙ca剖t討§姆。Fη、s, a Duncan multiple range


τ的le 31 ﹒念品丘坐坐~lli必位主 CIAT 1315 mean dry matter production under green .. house condítions in so:i-t from CIA T­Quílichao (Stage lll).

Rhizobium strain M日n dry matter ylcld CIAT No. Ra:tk1

i百 12 shoots)

71 12 1. 76abZ 79 10 1.78ab

301 z 學 10.763 5 L 96ab 765 4 1. 9G ab 870 11 1. 78益。

871 7 1. 在在ab

882 3 2.00ab 887 16 1. 53a b

1238 s 1. 83ab 1358 6 l. 91 ab 1359 13 1.72ab l 主63 z 2, 10a 1460 14 1.71ab 1468 17 1. 29b

+!\T controt 15 1. 5 已 ab國 N control 9 1.82ab

1 By rnean dry matter productìon. Z Mean values fúltowed by the same letter are not

øigniiicantly different at 融 0.05 level.

test was run on the inoculation response. At Carimagua. no statistically different yield responses to strains were observed (Table 32). The fíve híghest ranking strai ns lor the first harvest were dilferent from thOSB 01 the second

Afler the second harvest. roots 01 five plants from each Ireatment were rated for nodul前ion , The treatment nodulation scores were not signíficantly correlated with dry matter yield. In treatments with greater than average dry matter production. only half had better than average no社ulation. Native Rhízobíum or contamination from inoculated plants produced nodules on plants in non.inoculated treatments. 50me strains lound 10 be iniliallγgOo桂鈍。dulators such as CIAT1967an丘 1920 (Carimagua Annual Report. 1 會78)were poorly inlective this ye缸. while other strains improved. At CIAT.Quilichao. statistical yield differences were recorded for accumulated harvests

The establishme鬧。1 a study with S. capitata 1315 and Z. latífolia 728 for strain selection was undertaken at CIAT.Quilichao and Carimagua ,

V研ification of S妞ge IV re削他.R臨orded inocula牠

tion responses should be verif縛d by determining that

T a.blé n. Dry m甜er p叩恥的i開缸cu r.-)ulate是 over two harvests by土主丘奴主已印. ClAT 871 闊的u l.:J.ted

吋th 主泣i王丘bi主m strains i ::1 C訓服13.gûa.

Rh阱。bium Mean dry rnatter 幸去。dutationZ Rhizobit孟m Mean dry matter Nodûlation str益m yield score strain yi念i這 score

ClAT No. (kgfha) {s:econd harves t) ClAT No. (kg/ha) (secon益 harvest)

1920 610 3 毛Z 370 6 19也 7 54日 5 685 362 5 1919 533 10 1921 361 7 1931 524 11 1963 352 s 1939 480 10 1961 345 12 1964 471 9 847 338 5 19已6 468 7 1923 337 7 1965 460 10 1959 301 10 1934 4毛 9 10 1732 284 5

+N control 433 z 1937 辛苦 9 8 194這 429 6 1747 之 51 7 114♀ 418 5 1 7~生Z 25 。 a 1735 毛15 £ 19岳 7 237 s 3岳毛 39守 4 -N control 234 843 394 6 1 宇毛主 137 z

l ♀毛主 375 10 1927 lZl 10 1 誓17 371 13 9 喜事

1 Nò sìgnificant differ臨nces were !ound between strains~ z Sum of fïve plant.s scored by visual inspectìon (3 =的雄關a肘. 2 認 moderate~ 1 = scarce, 0

nonei averagc 尊 6.9).

the nodules formed on the plant correspond to the inoculating str副 n. This 自s especiaUy necessary under the 鋪ptic conditions in the f時Id where competitive native Rhizobium may be nodulating the plant. In order toaccompl隨h this, several additions to the laboratory's antisera COIlE時tion have be椒、 made

Inoculation Respo終se Poten電ial

Due to the high N content in the CIAT心Ouilichao soil, the potential for dry matter production responses to inoculation is qυestionable. A COnlrol of ground corn stalk (2 t/h的 was incorporated in the S. c旬itata1315experiment establ時hedatCIAT悶。uilichao. If there is a large difference between this treatment andthe minus N control, strain selection at CIAT編Ouilichao should be re-evaluated, as high soil N maybe limiting inoculation resPonse.

Inoculant Recommendations Extrapolability Study

A host

infectivity and efficiency of several Rhizobium strains on various promising Iínes 01 Stylosanthes.

As inStage 1, inlectivityofstrains underdefined, acid 怠。iI conditions was studied in growth pouches Information on the range of inf配tivity will be used in planning Stage 11 and 111 experiments 10 study the efficiency of a slrain under defined. aseptic condítíons an謹院 septíc 割tesoil、 τhis information w詰1 help clarify the limitations to straín recorr、何可endation.

τhis type of information is apparentiy n軾的鞠ry 輔relate峰。esmodium species reacted very differently to Rhizobωm at the Carimagua f時Id stat帥n. D. ovalìfolium 350 nodulated readily in the nor卜inoculated plots. None of the three strain x three inocular伯伯technology treatments significantly in­cr制sed dry matter production over the plus and minus N controls. Natíve Rhizobium appear to be equaliy effective as the best strains selected frorr司紛肉、ong 70 Desmodium i甜lates at p呵Iímínary screening lev帥,。伶 the other hand, D. helerocarpon 365 (taxonomícaliy the seme 起pecies as D. ovalifolium, D. heterocarpon 哺乳 helerocarponJ appeared chlorotic and no廿ulated


poorly. An ~ffective in∞ulant would prove to be of great advantage for this accession. Stage 1, 11 and 111 experiments to select suitable in∞ulant strains are in progress.

Comparison of Acid and Rich Media for Rhizobium Culturing

Phenotyp阻 differences between strains 甜lated

from a single nodule have been observed. Isolates

grown on routine (rich) laboratory medium may demand special growth fact。時, and may not be suited for acid soils. Furthermore, strain storage on such media has been considered a cause of 10屑。f

competence (survival and infectivity) under field conditions. On the other hand, strains were less e佈cient Ylhen maintained on acid medium. A study 惜in progress to determine the best isolation medium, and to determine the correlation, between type of 唱。lation-maintenance medium and strain efficier旭vwith time under defined, acid conditions

T~ble 33. Growth and st..bility ol Rhizobium strains in variOU8 acid screening media and cha.nges


in the pH of the latter.

CeU density Culture Rhi 'Z obium Initial Final pH medium1 C lI\T No.Z (ceU.(m1) lnitial Final

l 270 A 2.2.104 8.28.103 4.7 4.75 B 1. 12.108 4.50

861 A 1. 8.104 1. 10 4.; E

3.5.103 ~. ~ ~3 4.7 907 A 1. 49.10 4. 7

E z.z.lO4

1.75.103 4.7 z 270 A 4. 7.108 4.7 6.9

B 9. 1. 107 7.3 861 A 1.8.104 0.101 4.8

B 0.101 6.2 907 A 3.5.103 1. 2.108 毛 • s

B 6.9.lof 4.5 3 270 A 2.2.104 1. 2.10 6.0

B 1.8.104 861 A "> .101 5.1

B 了>.101 5.2 907 A 3.5.103 1.106 5.5

B 8.106 6.2 4 270 A 2.2.104 7 4.7 4.9 4. 4.10

B 3. 7.106 6.5 861 A 1.8.104 1. 0.109 ~.8

B l 907 A 3.5.103 ;;>.10 4.3

B 2.107 4.9 5 270 A 2.2.104 2. 2.108 6.6 6.6

B >.106 '.9 861 A 1. 8.104

>. 101 4.9 B 3 1. 103 4.8

907 A 3.5.10 4. 6.107 6.S B 3. 2.107 6.6

1 Key to media: 1 = Keyaer1a with glycerol, no pH indicat。盯 2 = Keyser ' s with gLycerol, with bron\ocr~aol green pH .ind目前。r;. 3 = Keyser's with arabino8e , no pH indic訕。r; 4 ~ Keyser' s with arabir叩開, with bromocresol green pH indic訕。盯 5 :11 Yeast mannitol mcdium, no pH indicator.

2 Replicat~ I A and B.

T晶le 34. Current i∞culation reconunendatiou$ developed for $everal prorn扭扭草 forage tegumes~

Rhìzobium Acce諾 sion strain

Soecies ClAT No. ClAT No. Tech訟法%且

Catezorv 唾

Desmodiurn ovalifolium 350 299 Rock phospha. te pellet Zornia latìfolîa 728 71 Rock phosphate pellet 5tvlosanthes canilata 1019. 1315 71 + 123串 Rock phosphate pellet Puer龍rianhaseoloides 9900 ?會 Rock phosphate pellet


51ylosanthes c義務it學ta 131 巷. 1323. 1325 , 1342, 1405, 1728, 19'委主 71 呵, 1238 Rock phosphate pellet

Zornia spp. 9179. 9220, 92'晨 5 , 9258 , 9260. 927忌,會28品. 9295~

9648 Aeschynomen甜 bras i1iana 9681 , 96草委丸 ;三三 strix

D村modium hetc -rophyllum 349 Stvlosanthes hamata 147 Codarìocaly王室yroid叫 3001

The acid medium was slightly modifi甜 and two car峙。何 sources (arabinose and glycerol) were 締sted

for abìlity to support rhizobial growth withouta change in the 酬. Bromocre晶I green, a pH indicator with an equivalence poi附 in the acid range (pH = 4.5). wasalso tested for possible ad鴨rsee何酷ts on rhizobial gr酬rth.

P時liminary results indicated that both med措 p軒"

mitted rhizobial growth, while final reaction was dependent on the stra in (τ紛le 33). Giycerol was chosen a學 a suitable, yet less expensive C-source (US$461.90/kg and $9.55/kg for arabinose and 串Iycerol. respectively).

Stra i ns have been 姆。lated from nodules collected from Z. latifolía 728 and S. capitata 1315 grown under greenhouse conditions in a non-in∞ulated carimagua 5O i!. The cultures were obtained by streakin巷口ch and

71 Roçk phosphate pellet 71 Rock phosphat想 pellet

71 Rock phosphate pellet 31 Rock phosphate pellet 71 Rock phosphate pe l.let

299 Roc: k phosphate pellet

啦idified rhizobial m樹dia with the cell suspen制onfroma 割ngle nodule. The pai冊d ;solates' effíciencíes wíll be compared under defíned conditìons in Leonard jars τhis study wìll be periodically 時peated to determine if there are adverse e何ec!S of storage on either media over tlme.

Inoculant Recommendations

The inoculant recommendations for promisíng legumea部騙到ons are given in Table 34. Ourir電9 1979, 63 kg of pe恥based inoculum were produ棉昏.36 kg were 時ed by CIAT and the Instituto Colombíano Agropecuario (lCA),四híle 12 and 8 kg were sent to national and international age附呻乳 resp缸tively, and 7 kg to private entiti揖.


The overall objective of the 5011 Fertility and Plant Nutrition Section is to identify and correct mineral deficíencíes and toxicíties during the pasture es-

tabl措hment period on the acíd 鞠i1s with low native fertilíty of the T rapi臨I Pastures P防gram target 缸掛a

τhe research strategy takes into account the 5Oil-plant


relation5hip as an i (l、portant cr院.eria to define the 缸,必個I nutrient requÎrements and tolerance to certain ml柵ral stre揖緝犯e specilicobjeclivesofthis secti捕前e; (1 )to select 9軒mpl鵬m lor toleran個 to Al and Mn to剖city, and low available P in the 50il; (2)todetermine the nutrìent req山rements of promisin哥哥ermpl輔mdurìr、gthe輔tablishment period; and (3) to ìdentify the nutritìonal s!at峙。f 呵ils and lora軍e plants in repn揖entative regional trial site!學 01 the Tropical Pastures Program.

Attention was IOCU5ed thìs year on: (1) 9軒mpl鋪m

selection for tolerance to AI如xicity and low avaìlable P in the soil; (2) systematic estimation of the nutrient req臨時ments 01 promi5ing grasB and legume accessions; and (3) evaluation 01 the soil lertility-plant nutrition status in regional trials.

τ'olerance to AI Toxicity and Low Available P

There is clear evi謹ence that most 01 the acid Oxi5Ols and Ulti帥Isofthe 妞,當et area have high Allevels i n the 50il prolile that ad時時ely affect the productivity 01 10舟ge 5pecies. One 01 the mo斜 striking ellects 01 high AI saturation in the 50詩 i發 a red uction of root penetration ìnhibìting the use 01 subsoil nutrients and mo時ture. In add划。軒, these 50ils require a certain amount of P lertilizer to counteracttheir hìgh Plixation cap齡ìty and satìsfy the plant's needs lor ad闖關te

yìeld. AI toxícìty and P deficiency Irequently QCcur simultaneously in these soil5. It is difticult to separate these two problems because 01 the tendency 01 AI to react chemically with P.

When taking i nto consideration the p拘綿叫 highc聞t

01 P lertìlizers and the strong evidence 01 differential 陪sponses 01 lorage spacì制 in toleratìng high Alle開始andlowP拋開議 in the soil, it appears that the鞠lection

and use 01 fora當e species and/or accessions tolerant to both situatìons must be considered as an integral part of the solut阻n 10 the problems challenging the τroplc發 I Pastures Pro學ram

A preliminary 錯i缸tìon lor tolerance to high 帥ilAIwas carrìed 0的 for the large nL'mber 01 forage germplasm introduced to the Pro咀抽m'scollectionτhe

technique used was sìmple and rapid and is based on a visual estimation 01 the stainability of the r酬。t'systemof young 捕。dlings a吋 is calíb阻ted with controls 01 known AI tolerance. This method uses a hematoxilian 5Olution (0.2%) wh揖h has a high affinity lor AI and permits dist朋guísh削9 between tolerant and les鐵


tolerant pla制怠. AII lorage acc每每每ìons were grown in three AI treatments (0, 5, and 10ppm AI with 0.5 ppm P) ìn a 1/10 Arnon 都寄d Hoagland 5Olution. The differer現ìatìon 01 marìstam tissuas between tolerant and sensitìve accessions to AI toxicity was readily determined as the concentration of AI in the seedling root increased in relation to the IE對duction in root elongation

The rasults showed that genera Stylosanthes and Zornia had the largest nUIT、berofacce鑫sions tolerant to AI and Centrosema and Macroptiliu.呵1 the targest number 01 sensitìve accessions(τ.abte 35). Althou發hAItolerance varìed wìdely at the ganara level,控 al帥varied markedly among a∞assions within genera,

Since the grass and legume germplasm has been previously clas割的ed in categories based on qualítatìve f時Id evaluations in Carimagua, the 槽Sults from the her項atoxilin tests were 拘lated to field performances. τhis relationship is presented 的 τ.able 36 wh時h的cludes germplasm ìn 個tegories 11, 111 and IV. The comparison between the he(l祖置。別Iìn tests and the field results shows a closa relationship. Consequently, scree阿拉宮 01 forage accessíons for AI tolerance usìng tha hematoxilin test I亨、eets the requìrements of simplìcity, quickness, high-volume screening, and a自curacy.

Morphological and Physiological Effe的s of AI Toxicity

Due to the clo鷗 relationsh ìp ba訊僻的 thehema紛b

ilin test and fiel揖 data , a better understanding of the morphol旬ìcal I1nd physìolog間Ichang甜 thato岱urínthe forage legumes Irom AI to割city was neces詞ry.Accor社íng句, a study W8S designed to d揖ermine the e仟臨t 01 AI on the growth ofthree Srylosanrhesspecies and to ident旬, throu當h the hemato)(ilin t船t,anatomical and IT事。rphological changes in roots resulting Irom AI toxicity. The IE姆ul諒。f this studyare shown in Figure 20. AI damage to tops and f(揖ts 01 these Stylosan的'eS species varied markedly. In general, however, S. capi拇指 and S. guianensis were less aft密C楠d than S. sympodialos. an AI sansitive spec賠s.A69% 時duction in root length was鉗制rved

for S. sympodia/,帥~ while only 13 and 19% reductions for S. capitata and S. guianensis, respectively. Dry m馴er 01 tops and roots d間reased in a similar manner眉

From a nutrient standpoint, increasing AI re發ulted ìn a decreased P, Ca and 1\擇自 content in the tissues

Table 35 ", Evaluation of legume germplasm for atuminum 知Lerance by the hematoxi1in 峙的.

No. of a.c: cession義 Tolerant Se-nsitive Oenera. eva. lt主ated 5 ppm Al 10 22m Al 5 盟m Al 10 Rpm Al

Stylosanthes 296 197

Zornii1, IS垂 I lZ

Centro帥ma 1 SI 23

Macro且t il!um 104 1 會

型車車直 69 10

Pha.eoll1' 會 l

Ae8C垃nomene 93 42

c..法追星onium S學 e

Gai..cti益 81 30

Pueraria i

Leucaen. 1 。Du恥。dium z 1

Totál 1018 436

(Flllura. 21 如d 22). Tha P ∞ntant In S. Byn妙。dílllØBd閣,輔,“ 8111nlflCllntly In t叩S 帥 AI con飽ntratl酬,棚,制sad. Slm !lar r蟬U話.W﹒re obtalna噩 wlth tha ca 嚀。械制t In t縛8 and r∞帽 al wall a. MII In roota. AI lavel8, hO\鬧鬧r, .ppaared to havallttla or no ef紛紛。"tha K contant. (Flllura 2筍,

Incr輔畢Ing AI In the nutrlant IOlutlon 酬輛red to C揖U輯 th..ccumul眼:Ion of P In th. rOOtlIl祠,“trlctedIt事管轟nalocltion t曹 tha topsl n 111 St)喵tNlllnthll' .pec裕,\Tlbla 37). S. Cllpttlltll, hc阱evar, wa叫“甜甜edthanIhaothartwo.peclll.ly疇。ntr矗蚣, tha.tron章,“uctlond 蛾轟I Ca Ind Mg揖絨轟鳩 bv Incr .. 事Ing AI dld not IPP輪r to Iff制 tha tranllocltlon of thl.a nutrlant畢 10th. tOPI. Thl畢 would Indl疇Itl thlt th﹒ C屢屢nd Mgtrlnlport IndlclI自Innot ba usad to Idantlfy AI tol.r.nt IpICIII. Th. prlctl轟轟1 Impllcltlon of t柵欄開創ltal.thl喝 CllndM事 dlflcllnclll In tha praHnCI of Alln a 旬,圖111 crop I華龜,..ult ofth﹒掃毒uced uptlka of ca and Mllr轟th壘r th屬n th. Ir tran.IOCIItlon to th﹒草除軒"時,但

182 99 114

會3 44 毒草

15 128 136

19 車5 草草

10 59 59

1 車 車

32 SI 已I

車 55 喜事

30 51 51

8 G i

g 1 l

1 1 l

383 單車Z 車 35

From 8 morphologlc揖1 8t8ndpolnt, the alonll8110n of tha prlmary root 獻18 of S. I'Impodí./øs w制 inhlblteds∞n 的er the plllnt8 ware tren.farred to the AI 叫“lon8. In eddltl酬, tha r∞,t color chlln雷側 fromwt電話a to brown and 18tar81 root8 axhlb推測 adi81ntall惜­

Ilon and dllorllanlzatlon of celll. Tha.a obla何etl母總wareaignlf糊ntlyle關制昏ant 1:1 tha other枷。繪制...Iy lon事Itudlnel 輔ctloning of tha ro喘掛軒 hemltox.iUn 當tr.inlnll. It W8a po88lbla to dlfferenti.t. AI 轟嘻嘻umulltlon zon... In tha 毒揖a of 1 n AI tola,.nt lpecla聾,紛串h 剖 S. c攝pit.t,島Al lccum話Iltlon did not CI扭轉 01111 dI.tructlon In tha outarmo毒草認)I'IlclI l raglon of the prlmlry r∞t. In contrllt W揖h S. lI'IfrIPodilllØB, an AI Hnlltlva 給制e.. the r,紛紛Ilnlnll hem轟絡刻IInIhow側 a flow of Alinto tha CIIntr樹 1 pttt of the prlmlry root whlch ∞Incldld wtth dlllntagratlon of 偏"..

In lnother 動腳rlment r剖紛倒 to the 1切va.m酬­tl叫“賴... forllllall,.H IInd 1翎umaac如總書lonawaralubject鉛 toAtlndP鈴舟lI underf陶冶condl前on.. Thl轟e lCPerlment WII 輯室Ibll,hed In 1 聾77 durlnll the 治Inv


Relative yield under field conditions 861也 Al sat.

主主主E旦旦79 82 60 80 70 85 48 22 16 55

Comparative performance of legume germpla8m lor toletance to high Al 8aturation and P stre88 under field conditions and U8ing the hernatoxi1in teøt.

36. Table

Hematoxilin test1

S pp咽1 Al 10 ppm AI

0.5 pp且主-T T T T T 5 T T T 5 T T 5 5 5 5 5 5 T T




















ye 旬,

ci 阿dEwwwwwmmmmmmmmmmmm



Accession C lAT No.

350 7Z 8

1 日19

1315 9900 1318 1323 1325 1342 1405 1693 1 7Z 8 1943 9179 9220 9245 9258 9260 9270 9286 9295 9648 9681 9684 9666 9690 147 349

3001 813 935

7041 7Z 14 7373 7376 7377 7465 7475 9151 9199 9215 9225 9226 9265 9267 9282 9284 9292 9472 9473 9589

全丘~Desmodium ovalifolium Zornia latifolia

皇泣坐坐坐旦旦旦旦旦旦笠且旦旦些旦旦旦旦旦Pueraria 控竺旦控逆盟


旦泣坐坐坐竺旦旦旦且車拉單單位旦旦旦注:主主泣旦旦些空三盟主坐a主且旦旦虫旦旦旦坐坐Zornia latifolia 豆豆豆呈 sp.

主旦旦主叩Zornia latüolia

主丘且且可﹒主2型呈 ap.主丘且主 sp.主旦豆豆叩﹒

主豆豆呈 sp.

主竺些旦旦旦旦旦控竺且全豆豆主且已旦旦旦旦旦控笠泣捏盟主位已旦旦旦旦旦坐坐且主主竺些旦旦旦旦旦主坦立坐­笠且坐坐坐盟主豆豆位已DesmQdium 垃旦旦且已盟主

De s modium ..1泣坐坐且三位盟主 ap.

主丘盟主 sp.主竺豆豆 sp.

旦旦巫主 sp.主竺豆豆 sp.

LOrnta sp. 主且且i主時﹒

旦旦且主 ap.主豆豆豆 sp.

Zornia latifolia Zornia Latuolia Zornia lat i!otia Zornia latifotia Zornia lat iIolia Zornia latifolia Zornia Latifolia Zornia latifolia 主旦旦旦叩﹒

主丘且主叩.主丘盟主 sp.Z竺型旦 sp.

旦旦F旦旦叩﹒ T T


Table 36 (cont.)

NernatoxiliaMstl 5ppm Al 10 ppm Al

0.5 ppm P

fìeld conditiona 860/, AI 緝私LL主主益主 p

Category of


Acce 終 sion

CIAT 1道。.





5918 1


65 -23",




51 -nvnv


















字已。。9616 9771 9896 1007 1191 1Z98 1319 1321 1 3Z Z 1324 13Z S 1332 1333 133。1338 1339 1340 1343 141 '是1419 1441 1495 1497 1499 1504 1516 1519 1520 1535 1 己421686 1781 1899 1906 12惡i

1582 1643 lZ2 i\-1303 5062 5064 5065 5066 事lZ6

51 志7

5189 4016 136 184


Spe c: ie 益


主位已里可﹒怠工法法控坐主法瓜悠悠笠且經您必豆豆丘主恩怨E盟主主控笠紋 ca至全至主義泣悠悠必訟法位已全丞斗丘主丘垃主豆豆位送主主$tvlosanthc 學 caoïtata

鼠必經史生主主金斗法控全主主主以此必~Stvìo診 ..nthes cap之~ata


立泣丘且已丘且已訟2笠沒必2型lthf..' S 位諮這主主錢沿路已半主主訟訟法生圭

亞比los立坐坐吃主必必紋里悠泌紛投金主主且必錢錢全主los是經沒至 2瓜怨怨主滋滋您給豆豆旦旦全ta


虫泌位必益主主且已怯怯主泣坐您必e. 丘拉拉拉盟主泣迢迢您認旦旦坐豆豆



悠泌恕坐坐主主 2必悠悠怠工必絃茲益主 2訟法:單笠互接錢茲且主主且且丘旦!!笠訟告給紋里旦控在笠主主a


念封也扭住豆豆諮您必里忽必位控告主主捨必必鼠忌訟悠悠主豆豆 spp .. 主2且認~ 5pp. 旦旦立法~ spp. 已經主丘紅心里L spp. S訟旦旦旦旦.<i1 spp. 又姐已且主星星c spp. 笈蛇咬史里空三 spp.主~車里豆豆豆呈盟主主

a訟訟紛至沒星紅迫悠悠悠主必笠您必e. 訟迋堅滋滋金泣盜您必旦且早經全坐車


Table 36 (cont.)

3 A『


EE 叫開叫2p










m-m-e e'、已


Relative yield under field COJ吟詩i明時

86'{. Al aat.


Category ot

promie. Acceasion CIAT No.

-sss WSTS



s 5 8


Negative cont:rol Negative control

1097 535 438 734


錢位監控生竺訟滋滋主見M笠旦旦拉拉.!!!. sp. 三坐立盟主必!.. hybrid 拉怒法羽絨悠悠直接主注

A自'a1fa波紋紋絲。 3位江主



愁。 08E Z

i 0061


EBeM ...

S ;; aU8ceptible. T :: tol~r"J這t;




OS ctlpitata 10電車

• S. gUÎanens裙 136

As. syn咽。disles10440.02


0.1 。

0.0 O.囂。






10 串串

os. c.api扭扭﹒且 gUlanènSIS

A S. sympodiales








5 ,0

AI !ppm)

Figure 21. Effect of Al on the P content ín 悼帥制訂∞峙。.f three StylOSðnfhes specÎes grown ìn nut約ent SQlutìQn$

10.0 且喜。5.0 AI 掙阱明I

品gure 20. Effect of AI 00 (oot and 抽pd吋 matter pr(叫紗的呻彷 01

th時e Stylosanthes 筍神ciesg叫樹n in nutrieru solutïons.


警告2 ,5 。

Top. 1.

4 。.4

3 o.草


~ 2[ ~

、g oz


0.4 才

Root,恥• S. guianensis 13&

外 。外 o S. capitata 1019 0.41

ð. $. sympooi8抽.1044

.. ;f.

2.5 6.0 .,-0.0 。


「till---」 nu

1-間--'2.5 5.0 高于。10 。

season in Carimagua with four lime leve愉悅。 provide

90, 85, 75 and less than 20% AI saturation) and four P levels (to pr仰ide 1.5, 3, 9 and 30 ppm available in 50il P-Bray 11). Ume levels applied were O. 0 島.1.0 and 5 Vhaar裕 the P rates V\蟬reO.17.117.逸的d 277 kg P /ha. 80th lima and P (as triple 制perphosphate. TS的 werebr揖dcast and incorpo問訟ld to a 20 cm depth.

The rela剖ve yield seer亨、s to be the most useful crìterìon for compering the tolerance of different fora阻e species and/or acces酬。ns to AI or P stress. Thus, survìval 01 a plant under AI and/or P stress was defined as having a dry matter productìon level not 制揖紛ing 50% 01 i怨 ma)(imum yield. On the other hand, a pn:治ucín唱~ plant under AI or P 51間ss was defíned 輔 having the 甜祕鴨 yield betw僻n 50 and 紋絲 01 its ma)(Îmum.τhe upper limit was fi)(ed at 80%


Figure 22, Effe的甜甜 onthecon個惜。f K. C.. 都喝Mg in 悶。,ts and tops of 納時e StyloSðnthe~ 呻@的臨 grown in í"Iut(jent solutjons

due to the inllectìon poínt observed in many fo冊geecotyp帥. A relatíve y柵Id 01 over 80% was considered e)(cellent

T楠 performance of eight t時pical gra峙的 is 11-lustrated in Figure 嗨. When no líme and no P were applíe益。3%AI 扭扭摺tíon and 1.7 ppm P) all 9惜$鞠s

showed marked dìfferences under both P and AI stress. Brachiaria humidicola 682 an譜 Andropogon ga闕,站15621 produced more than 50% 01 theír maxímum y糟Idwhile the rest of the grasses had 40% or less 01 theìr maximum yíelds. The 93% AI saturation hístogram shows the rankíng of the grasses ìllustratìng wìde dífferences to AI and P stresses between them. As the P level was ìncreased. wíth AI saturation kept∞nstant. all 單rasses ìncreased theìr relatìve yields.


T..ble 刃. Effects oí Al 0鈍 th. up協ke and tr峭的軒的ion oi P.. Ca.,揖 g an是草 hy three是必!2法滋滋是第pecies

grown in nútrie純t sotu泊。n.

Stylosanthes capitata Stylosanthes guíanensis Stylosanthes sympodialcs üptake Tirnadnesxpl ort Uptake Transport Uptake Transport

Al treatment (mg/g dry wt.) (mg/g dry wt.) índex (mg/g dry wt.) indcx (l>Pm} Tops Rootø Total (中0) TOIBs Roots Total {科} Tops Roots Total (%}


0.0 1.2 1.3 2.5 48 1. 0 1.4 2.4 也Z 0.9 1. 2 2.1 這


Z. ~ 。.8 1. 5 2.3 35 日 .7 1. 6 2.3 30 0.7 2.1 2.8 25 5.0 0.8 1 • 5 主 .3 35 0.7 2.0 2.7 zι 0.7 2.6 3.3 21

10.0 O.串 1.7 2.5 3z O. 7 2.2 2.9 24 O. 毛 主.♀ 3.5 17


起,。 9.9 3. 進 13.3 74 1 1.串 3.0 1 是.車串串 12.7 1. 7 14.4 喜喜

2.5 囂.3 2.6 10.9 ?毛 草.9 2.3 11. 2 ?♀ 7.6 1.毛 9.2 串3

5.0 6.8 2.3 9.1 75 6.7 1.車 車.5 79 7.0 1. 4 8. 益 車3

10.0 志.0 1.4 7.4 車1 5.5 1.2 品 .7 車Z 5.7 1. 5 7.2 喜事


單.0 2.3 3.0 5.3 43 2.3 4.2 6.5 35 2.6 3.7 已 .3 41 2.5 2.0 2.3 4.3 47 2.2 2.7 4.9 45 2. 7 1. 3 4.0 68 5.0 2.2 1. 7 3. ♀ 56 2. 2. 1. 3 3.5 63 2.7 1. 2 3.9 69

10.0 2. 2. 1.3 3.5 63 2.2 0.9 3.1 71 2.5 0.7 3.2 78


0.0 18.3 20.2 38.5 48 18.0 29.5 47.5 38 志 1 .串 22.1 43.9 50 2.5 15.9 U.O 37.9 42 15.2 30.8 46.0 33 且 3.2 n." 45.8 51 5.0 15.8 22.2 38.0 42 16.4 26.0 42.0 39 25.7 21. 0 46.7 55

10.0 l 已.7 25.0 41.7 倍。

17. "

28.5 4ι.1 38 2且.5 18. 9 4 1.這 54

l T:ra.n$抖抖闖進ex ::: (top mineral uptake/扭臨1 mi抽ral 呻站站) x 100.

With the addition ofO,5 and 1 ,Ot 詰me/ha most ofthe species showed an 前crease in dry ma校前 production

τhis ìndìcates that the 時51抽nse of grasses tolerant to AI ismaínly 時i發tE必 to Ca an吾 MgrE捌Quí掃ments悶熱軒

than to the eff船t of límín霄. When AI t.概括íty was elímìnated by applying 5 t lìme/ha all grasses showed morethan 50% oltheirre協tìve yíelds at the two lowest P levels 悅。wever. when P was íncreased rr、ost ofthe g掃sses showed a sharp yield decrease wh也h 時

probably related to some nutritíonal irr、ba lance d ue to the h叩h lime and P applications,

Results with lorage legumes are given ìn Figure 24. Although there were marked variations between species in response to the P and lime applications. in


general the 時制118 were sìmilar to those obtaìned for grasses.

Nutri電ional Requirements of Grass and Løgume Forages

The research strate當y developed by the Soìl/Plant Nutrition Section lor determining the mineral 問­

qu.rerr、ents 01 promising lorage species has taken int。a∞ount: (1) the need for standard悶ed analytical methods for acid soils and plant tissues; (2) the description 01 visual foliar symploms caused by mineral disorders; and (3) the determinatìon of responses 01 promìsir、g lorage species 10 a given






aa912. 2




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F=• .

d, ',', i.

@"' ,e-h


""." . ..., ,囊"" ,淹穹句, •




l 誓, • .自?﹒




2 … 也‘‘戶 ι伺..昀.甜.

• 且即w 心叮" ~ "' 已"膨彭‘..呵句. .才咽" • e

" '" L ."" L '本.‘"'......“ 一,一

一,一 I,~叫叫,,;




‘ ..











, 04










!-h 3l










aj‘ ?



, ? τ

A2 ? ?


••• L



..,. .包 .. 可.., •














.. 2ιg54









可一月 鼠 、九卡-,~.于十令…

的一 ι. '. ~ • .句、閉 Pη 令‘、..叫. .φ 令“a

ι 恩研' ‘ ‘..‘‘ 可電E

‘. , 已內. Q 0 " , ~ • • ~咀←

"評論恥 ~'ö"~'" .懦電 a 胞...

一一 l啊…… υ … {等扭一一

Figure 23. Differe悶悶 I response of eìght troplcal grasses at different P lev剖sand 92, 8吭 77 and 27% AI satur別的η(0, 05, 1, and 5 t hme applied/ha) under fîe!d conditions at Carímagua. 1 "'" BrachiarÎa humídícola 682: 2 話 AndrQρogon gayanus 621; 3 "" Hyparrhenia rula 601; 4 司 Melinis minlJlIflOfa 皂白8

且會 8rachiaria decumbens 606: 6: D旬ilaria decumbens 659; 7 = Panicum maxÎmum 60>!忌; a~ Penniselum purjρureum (FIgur延至S on bars ar紛 d內 matter yield beans in tlha.)






29e Bge 安



• kas sume­eer p39 32



II 1 t $每"響:也 n




eaaz 益,



1 1 } t s , r t 會Il tli 恥 I11J~~~'3 接 1~ 11

íi*竟全單單單單 E 草草-訕

訕、; ,"",,;,, ..;,;,.:!i_ a 鱗--“~.偽"'''''''''''

一 ----1心…一叫一一…一

一一 …一…囡"岫…

acae?­ge--F 息,





ja-­zee ta-23aZ BEB eep-e

、, ,.弓" ,零 Wll



BgJt av--哩



227 AS$ ope -ZPA市

2.ed sae


jtG@e p?E zez za





ares --', ZSE ES-' .9.


種 2 畫. I ~ I b ~舍,秒 n

338 322 233 32


1 1 1 H ~ )秒"曰"

a 叫一一 一..昕一

21.41\1..,1咽訕,rwt棚 1~f

5.2 222 .z$9 137 288 2



\114 \6 I !9 lD lι

ISOM­-sa 2.B§ -ea a--' 。,






。‘" ,也 a ‘馨。',傳黨史 C.1111~ 嘻金"華 64&J 'i"tt e * , .。當!o ~ t ,‘

1ω 冊




onn 24.a sa


181 31.1


gyq gq3


,但 到已司祉,一


E ‘。

~ lfj !司, " 品塵土籠一











rγγ-rr了1, "否<;"6;-7于言

j 星空畫畫單單言草草草書尚品 再問





--M<酬,……川附卜… 叫←

~~U"l叫 SAl UUIl的

科gure 24. Differential response of 11 forage legume$ ëlt dï何erent P levels and under 92, 86. 77, and 27% A' 細tllrat均n 舟, 0, 5. 1, and 5 t lime applied/ha) under field conditions at Carimagua. 1.也 Stylosanthes cspÎt.扭1078:2 槍 StyJosBnthes cap;tata 1342; 3 - Sty/,帥anthes gu;anens;s 184; 4::::; Stylo蹄nthu hum#is 438; 5 = Centrosema hybfÎd 438; 6 圍 Sry如何nthes ca.ρitata 1405; 7 間 Stylosanthes Caplt8抽 1019; a 轍。"SIf神dÎumovalifolium 350; 9 = Desmodium he帥,,;ρbrllum 349; 10 = Macroptilium sp 峙。我 11 ~ Lsucasl18

leucocepha岫 734. (Figures on bars are d阿 matt耐叭eld means ïn tlha.)

…… u ,酬會…叫 --9,"帥,一

扒印刷叫 ~'l 1JRHID~ (的一


8râChiaría decumbens 606

. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . ' . . . a . . . . . . .

- r輛

Panicum trlàxlmum

間 •


• r... :. ,丸.P 午》么)•• a • :圖 一:HH兮•• J • ♂ .: 、.丸• 心'-1' r .. <.J. " • . .

;~ !.,可.一e• ~ .' •• 一一• 是i許:但﹒也 '.' 10., '.~ L' '." 10' '.' L' ω1♂.♂:.抗~•• ‘ •••• 1 l T ••••

傳. . .... 1.>.1 r .

".1 1:" . • 4.F干:~ ~;‘♂ • 一~, ,'" r.'

晶:~ t,國• ... r... r.

621 Andropogon 24







e L t 怠。可 00200400 l 。L L 50100200400 l 。L L 50100200 400 l o

輯 Ikg N/ha/year)

Figure 25. Eflect of varying rate翁。,1 nitrogen iapphed as urea) on γÎeld of three fora單e grasses compsred to their mixtures with 納悶ele月t;lumes 此 1 ", Sty/,οsanthes guianensís 13晶, L 1 =.$, guianens均184, and L:J =Centrosema hvbr岫 43臣) under fíeld condítions 制 CIAT-Quilìchao

lorage accessiof嗨 these. along with a det甜led

description will be incorporated into a handt掉。k lor practical use by researchers involved in forage evaluation in regíonal trials.

nutrient and its effecl on the mineral composilion 01 Ihe plant.

methods for acid Stand轟rdized analy電icalsoils and plant 電issues

Allhough N lertil結atíon 01 loraga grasses is not consídered leasible lor Ihe larg斜 area,時 íS ímportantto have an understanding 01 the N demand 01 p悶mísing

forage grasses. In any given pasture situation it is assumed that the N wíll be suppl姆拉 by the legume in the mixtures. Fígure 25 shows the response of three lorage grasses (Panicum maxìmum, Andropogon gayanus 621 and 8rachìaria decun腳,裙的6) to N fertilization 棋 CIAT明Q叫 lichao dUfmg the se∞nd year of evalu駐地n compared to their mixtures with three forage legumes (5tylosanthes guianens,得 136and 1 串4


Fertilizer requírements duríng pasture establishment

Attention was focused on estimating lertilizer re­quirements during the establishment 5tage of promis耐

用9 lorage species. Re時sults reported here are for r喔, P,

K, an位 S fertil措ation in soils Irom CIAT-Ouil時hao and Carimagua.

N .equi時間ent緣。f fo.age grasses

During 1979. a considerable effort was devoted to preparíng a h酬地book describíng analytlcal metho位sand procedures for runníng soil and plant analyses in the acid ínfertile soíls 01 the τropical Pastures Program target area. Sínce soils from other countríes cannot be brought into Colombia it 唱 essential that standardized methods and Orocedures be 時ed by collaborating laboratories. To date 創" national laborato打es have been í啪nt呵ied. located near the re囂的nal trials sítes 50il and plant sampres have been 呼嚕tributed to thase laboratories to verífy uniforn甘ty of results from the propose唔 methods and procedures

Visual foliar symptoms of mineral disord酬'S

A series 01 greenhouse experíments was conducted to develop mineral deficíency an普 tOXfClty sympton可S.The stu卸的cluded N. P. K. Ca. Mg and S defícíencies among the micronutrier芳草s group. and AI and Mn toxicities. Photographs 01 these deficiencíes an亞

toxici的es were taken on the various grass and legume

納哥 C側trosems pub甜甜ns hybrid 438). AU three §措sses showed a p蹄itive response to ~喔. although A. gS'lsnus 621 show紛 a 割草nif蜘惋惜spon歸 only upto 200 kg I哇Iha/year; 然 maximum and 8. decumbens 606 showed linear responses up to 400勾結Iha/year

On the other han喔. il was observed Ihat A. ga'lsnus 矗立 1 also had a much high軒 yiel岳 potential than the other two 嘗惜sses &t 發11 N rates; in this regar,垂~ ìt 站

interesling 10 note Ih剖 Ihe percenlage 何時overyofthe

applie桂 N was much 10'明縛r for A. gsyanus (τable3B.) However. because of the higher yiel挂 potential. A. gS'lanus Slill proved 10 be a more eff臨時的t user of the N applied.

In this S8me study the N:S ratíosofthelhreegrasses was al冊 considered , It 峰 generally assumed that 8 crìtical S le巾~el of 0.1% is 時quired for tropical forage grasses. Th的 apparently is not the case with A. ga'lanus. however. as in almost every instance the S content in the tissue was below the consìdered mtnlmum 符Igu悶 2劍. These results suggest that the crìtical S requirement fo, A. gayanus 621 is less than th以 required by P. ms.肘mum and B. decumbens 606. however. it must be kept in mind that the S content in

thet措sue of A. gayanus probablyd揖snotsati的theSreq出時ment of the animal

Positive responses to N fertilization of the gra學seswe,e also observed in Carimagua (Figure 27). A. gaysnus 6針 • B. decumbe~揖 606 and M. mínutíflora gave 缸gnifìcant responses from 75 to 225 kg I嘻Iha

during the 1979 泊的yseason. H。蟬ever. the efficiency of N utilization 揖 expected to be better ir哇,喔.gaysnus621 than in B. decumbens 606 besed on the perce成 N

recovery observed at CIAτ-Quilichao. Further studie傘are being carried out to confirm this

Pand K 時qui時mants off唔雄當eg雄輔輔

Calibration of 響。il P ta說:8. To date several different extractants have been 帥紛紛determine制紛紛le糊i

P. It was necessary to compare th臨e tests 10 純ehowwell Ihey correlated with one another.

Accordìng旬. four different methods we間 evaluated

for available P in a Carimagua Oxisol‘ Regressìon and correl酬ion analysis between percentage yield of P. maximum and P extracted by the four melhods (臨ra叭,

Table 38. Plant nitrogen content, protein equivalent, nitrogen uptake# and nitrogen recovery fo l'

thl'ee forage grasses under a cutting regime at CIA T -Quílìchao.

N 手: N Grass apptied N Prcrei:n \1ptake recovery speCIBS (kg NjnaÍYear) (0/0) 1%\ (k8 Njha!year) tfcl

And.ropozönzavanÙ8 621 o 1. 27 7.91 197 50 1.24 7.7S 18晶 。

100 1. 31 在.19 218 21 zoo 1. 32 8.25 22b 15 400 1.是串 9.25 248 13

Panicum m.axìmum G 1.29 車 .0已 串4生

50 1.30 車.13 9是 20 100 1.38 8. 已3 132 48 zoo 1. 53 9‘ S6 17且 47 400 1.♀G 11. 81 234 38

Brachíaría decumbens 606 5 1. 06 6.62 83 50 1. 1 主 1.00 94 zo

100 1. 1 忘 7.25 113 30 20♀ 1. 3謹 車.毛主 193 55 400 1. 78 1l .1 平 主品學 46

l 可毛 1、~ ;: N uptake at applied ra.te 明法::æ1惜ke witho的 added N " 100 recovery f這 x甜甜



已75 鈍IJ N/h.

r.可們• . . .

雪 4







吋-e e -­g

貓, “ •• .. 研

Be za awsa s--管






















m uw c n a a'










9 串










Figure 27. Response 01 thr會發智。pical grasses to nìtroger可

ferti !ization under fi剖d cônd圳ons in the Canmagua Oxísol. (Sum of fOUf cuts during rainy sea翁。 0.1

Brachíaria dect.Jf夠'bens

Andropogon gayanus

Bray 缸,撼。丹h Carolina 1:4 soil-extractant ratio. and North Carolina 1:10 50i卜extractant ratiol showed that the amountsof P extracted were in di冊的 relation to the amount of P fertilizer applied (Figure 281. However. the amount of P extracted by Bray 1, Bray 11 and the mOOif惜拉North Carolina methOO (1:10 ratio; were much high軒and with a wider range in available P than the trad山onal North Carolina method (1:4 ratio;. Correla tion coefficients relating P extracted by the four methods to P. maximum yields are shown ìn Table 39 Although the meth制ds are well c訪時lated. the Bray U extractant gave the best correlation wìth percenta嘗eyìeld (r = 0.90; but withηo sìgnificant differences compared wìth Bray 1 and North Carolìna 1 :10 methods. A low correlation coefficient (r~ 0.66; for North Carolina 1:4 methods VS. percentage yield was found. The results of th時 study have shown that the Bray 11 metho位 as 甘ell as the Bray I and the modìf梅瑟double acìd North Carohna methods provide 9000 indices of P available to plants 間 the Carimagua Oxisol

.. ••• •• ••• ••• •• •


.. M



•••••••••••• an--






c e Hu a H a 削c a r s



aw s u n a 時eji---ATziigit--








r dM n A

• • • •






06 .09 .12 .15 電 8 .21

S content in ti翻oues{%1


0.0 G討苦

Effects of P sources on for8ge grasses. A long-term field experiment wìth A. gayanus 621 and P. maximum


Figure 26. Relatiot可Ship between S and 絢 content in the tissuø of 的ree grass s帥cles 耐心AT-QuilicháO

R'.0.99*" y處1.7-+昏.(4)種Â---‘器時,y 11

R2.0.97.... $ R重金。、99'"

y.2.0 珊,替。03.于哩8。"即呵呵。

V零零.華 φ0.03.

R.l: 0.98** V犯0.9+0.0電東

-圓圓圓6 Bray I

1-4 。-﹒司呵3






。100 1 囂。 140

P掃plíed (kg P囂。早Ih.)

利發ure 28. 50il available P in tne Carimagu,;J O)(lsol. d剖軒minedbye就捕前ant solutions 8ray 1.卸的 11.

North Carol區的a (NCt 1 :10 soil extrac:tant ratio, and 持C 1:4 90il extractant ratÎó

昏昏苟 80電 6080 60 40 20 。

Simple correlation coefficients (r) 玄e latin草 !our soil tests for available P and yiel丑。f

主且已且!!L!!l訟踹旦旦2. íor the Carîmagua Oxiso1. Table 39.

Yi8td NC仆地NC-t:lO 及笠L..!!.Bray 1 Extractant Soit test

0.87** 1. 00 0.025N HCl + 泌的4FO.03N Bray 1

0.9口供*1.00 O. 學習**O.lN HCl + NH4F 0.03N Bray II

O. 矗$移每1. 00 O. ♀惡..0.9串..O.05NHCl + O.025!了 HZSO金NC_l:10

0.66孝1 帶 000.9ι** 皂,會7**0.97.* 0.0旱災 HCl + O. 02511 HZS。這NC-l:4

ievel. level.

0.05 0.01

這): ProbabHity at the ** Probability at the


• Andropogon gayanus 621

25 24

。 Panícum ma)(Ímum

a hH / t 7 -Z RUW Aυ

D ea L


400 800 Applied P Ikg P20slha)

Figure 29. Effect of phosphorus fertilization on the dry matter yleld of two tropical grasses grown at CIAT-Q叫“chao

1600 200


12 o



was established early in 1978 at CIAT-Quilichao to evaluate the ellects 01 cheaper P sources and the dillerentia) P requirements 01 lorage grasses in order to decrease the cost 01 lertilizer applications. Three phosphate rocks (Pesca, Galsa, and Huila) and triple superphosphate (TSP) were broadcast applied at rates Irom 0 to 1600 kg P205/ha, incorporated into the topsoi l. To date the results have shown no signilicant dillerences between P sources so only the TSP results will be given

Figure 29 shows yields 01 the two lorage grasses. A gayanus 621 showed a signilicant response only at the 8α) kg P205/ha rate compared with the check plot. It must be kept in mind, however, that control yields were very high. A signilicant increase in yield 01 P. maximum was obtained with only 60 kg P205/ha; a linear response continued reaching a peak up to 100 kg

• Andropogon gayanus 621

。 Panicum maxímum


_ 2001 -.t:: 主 175

'" ~ 150 • 豈可 25c. 2

Z 10。





Ilsoo.5 益 12 叭叭a75

lmoE=2 別kg/ha


50 3

a ' / nua bR 9 3 , -­Ru nu D EG -L










Il…= 21 .37 kg/ha





5 L 01.u....-L一」

200 400


1600 i


P applied Ikg P205/ha)

Figure 30. Effects of P fertilization on the p, N, K and S uptake by two tropical grasses

1600 i

800 ι←」

200 400


5r Andro,ρogon gayanus 621 4I Andropogon gayanus621


2卡• 0 Kg K20/ha

A10 Kg K20/ha

。 20 Kg K20/ha 'ii ↑。…川 l4、--“ -Z 、 d\ --E d

tk2Okg kK2200 /ha LSD o s-07t/ha • 0 kgK20/ha

吾> 哥 。>

;:: A 5L 「 BraAch,arra decumber3S606

;:: 4|BrachIana decumbens 606

E O E 3


o 50 100

P 叩plied (kg P2Ds/hal

Figure 31. Effects of phosphorus and potassium on dry matter product自on of Andropogon gayanus and 8rachiaria decumbens grown in an 0削501 from Carimagua. (Sum ofthe tw。“rst cuts, 1979)


P205/ha after which it leveled off. The results suggest that A. gayanus621 has a lower P requirement for high yields than P. maximum. Figure 30 illustrates the effect of P fertilization on p, N, K and S uptake by the two grasses

P x K fertilization. A. gayanus 621 and 8 decumbens 606 are also being evaluated for P and K responses in Carimagua. After two cutting periods, both grasses showed a response to P at the 50 kg P205/ha rate but no response to K (Figure 31). After the second cut, K fertilization was increased to 20 and 50 kg K20/ha, respectively. Figure 32 illustrates the results of the third cut showing a significant interac­tion with K and P. With very low K application ratesA gayanus 621 did not respond to P applications; however, when K was applied at the rate of 20 kg


a hH / -a 勻,


o 50 100

P applied (kg P206/hal

Figure 32. Effects of phosphorus and potas5山m on dry mauer production of Andropogon gayanus and Brachiaria decumbens grown in an 0)(惱。 I from Carimagua. (Third cut during the r創 ny

season, 1979.)


K20/ha it showed a large response to P Up to 100 kg P205/ha. With the addition of 50 kg K20/ha, dry matter yield was increased. B. decumbens showed a similar type of response to K applic的。r司, it was only responsive up to a level of 50 kg P206/ha. These preliminary results suggest that, in order to determine the critical percentage of a nutrient, other nutrients must not be limiting 可

S fertilization of forage legumes

A greenhouse experiment was conducted in CIAT­Q山lichao and Carimagua soils to determine the effects of S on the yield of Zornia latifolia 728, Stylosan的es

capitata 1019, and Desmodium ovalifolium 350

CIAT.QuU開hao 帥"



hd抄}三 42

3 電 001"'" Carimagua $011

e . Zornia 椒,如何 728

• Sty/()ssnthes C8;ρitfJfa 1。電 9

OD甜modium ovaltfolium 350

e 5 電車 嘻嘻 20 30

58陣線甜 (k發/ha)

Figure 33. R剖剖ive yìelds of 納ree 電ropical for發ge legumes grown under greennouse 開闊itio峙的帥,裕的m CIAT.Quil蚓、ao and Carim.agua j 閃 response 相峙的ilizatíon wìth sulphur,

TabLe 40, SuLphur contents and forms 叫 the top layer {0-20 cm) of 80i1$ from CIA T .. Quitìchao and Car i.magua.

s COntent忽如t>m)slorms CIAτ-QuiUchao Carirr,iil. 2U;l

τotal S 1013 毛主G

。芳草anic S 633 231

Inor惡毒lnic S 3串串 189

Avanable S 15-:制內P04 )] 29 10

f有elatìve dry matter yields are shown lor both soils in F句ure 33. There was no response to S applìcatìon in the CIAT-,quilìchao 50il, but all three legumes gave 刮目nificantly higher relative yields in the Carimagua soil. $. capitata 1019 and Z. 旭tifolia 728 showed a linear response 10 S applications and then attained maximum y階Ids at the rate 01 15 kg S/ha. D. 0時lifolium 350 also showed a positive response to S W話h maximum yields at 20 kg S/ha. Dry matter yields were dep時錦ed at the highest S treatment which is probably due 10 a nutritional imbalance between N and s

The lack 01 時spon綿 10 S applicalion al CIAT“

Q凶lichao may be explained bythe fact thatthe na討veSsupply is considerably higher due 10 the high organic matter ∞ntent in the topsoi l. Table 40 shows the S contents and lorms in the top layer 01 both soils



Theobjectivesofthe Pasture Developmentsection in Carimagua contin帥 to be the development 01 simplilied, low-cost establishment m蚓、ods and efficient maintenance practices. 給ew trials were initiated during the year and long term trials were continued

Several new IE詞~ume/量rass associations were 歸tabUshed. It is recommended that the 9捕鞠 and

le串umebe揖ed甜 simultaneously and in ro吶階 spaced

0.50斗 .OOmu割ng a 1:1 or 2:2Iegume/grass planting

pattern. Row planting combined with band lertilization favors the establishment 01 a vigorous population of seedlings with minimum fertilizer and both spacies have sufficient time ar紋絲ace to become 明掃11establ措hedwith m闊的lUm weed competition. The 1:1 planting patt軒R 闊的 P惜揖成 a problem with bu悶h

type grasses as the 9均主的9 animal movesb剖weenthegrass rows,lrampling the legume planted in that space.

The importance of lirmin囂的e seed bed i n the row 副the time of planting was 肘!Conlirmed in a seed


production plot which was plowed and disked sho州v

before planting 10 Stylosanthes capitata and lornia latifolia τhe rows that happened to fall in lhe wheel tracks of the tractor germinated and developed much better than the non-compacted rows. Seed bed lirming appears to be espec的lIy important when the land is plowed shortly belore plantin日, due to deep loosening and in5ufficient time for rains to settle the 50i l.

As more experience has been gained with low density planting, the importance 01 mother plants becomes evident, especially lor planting in native savanna with only partial vegelation control. The original plants should be adequately protected Irom competing vegetation and insects and supplied with sufficient fert時間.er 50 that slrong plants with deep, 叭叭的帥 root systems develop befo伺 bein♀ subj自ted

10 competítion Iron亨 other íntroduced or natíve species. Once established, well-adapted species are very persistent and some are aggressive displacers of 悶live savanna species. The cost offertilizer and ins配t

conlrol is 50 low, due 10 the reduced number 01 h íIIs/ha, that opllmum conditions for seedlings can be afforded 10 assure Ihe development 01 a vigorous populalion.

Reducíng Pasture Establi的mentCosts 話es.社es USír芳草 species lolerant 10 acid soil con­

a啦。n學, pasture establishr亨、ent costs can be further 時duced wilh the low 挂ensity鞠edingm制hod reported 前 CIAτAnnual Reports of 1977 aη謹 1978.τhismethod

時quires much less seed for the establ時hm斬、t 01 stron♀ and prolific seeders such as Andropogon gayanusaπd for stoloniferous or tr制ling species such 品 8rachiaria humidicoh害,。制modíum ovalifolium an垂Pueraria phaseo紛紛時 Less labor is required as fewer hílls are plante位 and 夠的lized‘ This is 帥p臨悶lIy

important for ve當etatively propagsted species 剖ncethe laSM 01 harvesting and transporting seeding mat軒措 I a時咀悶棍Iy simplified. Little fertilizer is required 間itial旬; optimum rates for a planting den恥ty

01 1000 hills/ha are 3 and 1 kg/ha 01 P20S and K20. respectively. The recomm制ded fertil悶er rate is applied only after establ惜hment is assured. By associating legumes and grasses, fertilizer costs are further reduced 制nce the legumel rh峙。bia symbi服.5

supplies N to the pasture

By using well 削adapt叫. aggressive species combined with row planting and band fertilization, weed control


costs are kept to a minìmum. At least one 01 the specìes in the aS50ciatìon should be a strong competit肘,capable 01 protecting the sward Irom weed invas岫n.

Other means 01 reducing establ附hment costs include the development of simpl軌 mechani揖d

planting systems. Commercial scale planting is now practiced in Carimagua with a drill心ox type le附lizer­

lime spreader equipped with a planting attachment. Seed叭9 is done directly on the surface with no add間的nal tillage required il the surface is sulliciently rough and protected Irom rain drop impact and erosion‘

One of the major costs \after fertil組軒) in pasture eSlablishment is the tillage requì閉社 for seed bed preparation. A trial was initiated last year in which four grasses andthree legumeswere plan姆拉 in association each at 1000 hills/ha in all po臨ble legumel詛掰舖

combinat地n5. Planting was done ìn 60 cm strips 3.16 m apart, prepared 關th the spring tines of a fiel聶cultivator to a deplh 01 12 cm、 The native savanna in the area between strips received four c明、trol

Ireaments: (a) burning, (b) chemic種 1 contr紋, (c) one pass with the spring tines 01 the field cultívat軒,主Ocmapart and 12 cm deep, and (忿忿sking. Starter fertilizer was applie益。nly in the hil裕; the intermediate areas were fertilized after 5tolon coverage was 研制1 ad榴

vance益 τhe舟was strong species by veg軾的oncontrol

interaction. Panicum maximum was included in the tn鼠, however, ant damage was 50 severe 10 Ihe seedlings Ihat no effective ∞閥賠ge was achieved, thυs results for this species are not reported

τhe two trailing legum醋, D. 。崎lífolium and P. phaseoloides, were very effective in invading areas not colonized by grasses.τherefore, il a given trealment was not favorable 10 the spread 01 the assoc唱tedg賠錯,both legumes cO佇lpensated and CQvered all 01 the area not 如vered by the grass. Both D. ovalifolíum and P. phaseo俗ides covered the area completely. In Ihe chemical conlrol Irealmenl, 8. humidícola successfully colonized the entire area, thus the development of the legume was much more restricted. 8. decumbens was les5 successful but its shortcomings were compen句

sated by the legumes. S. capitata 惜 qu.tepe悶istent bUl not very aggressive and did not succeed in invading the native savanna. A summary 01 the observations is presented in Table 41

Th悶 trial has demonstrated the lea剖bility 01 pasture establishment using appropriate legume/grass associations even with no tillage in the intermediate area and only low 005t tine tillage in the seeded strìp

Tabl~ 4). C"mpetitlv啥也bility of different fora 草e speeie8 to invadè and diaptace fertilized native savanna vegetatiQn rcceiving lour diífcrent treatments in Carima草支持, 1979.

Treatment o! native aavanna

B‘lrn only

Chemic:al con給社

Tlne tlll.a伊知 12 cm

Complete .eed融d



P的modium ovalûol時喘

一­PU盯盯祖 phas且必必.sBrachia .r主a radîcans

Desmodium ovaHfolium 呈送笠豆豆飽經經設必eSBrachiaria humid抖。1.

Brachia_'- !." radicans

。叫modium ova lifolium 去您必必真兵法旦公型車里Brach1aria humidicola Brach主義 ria decumbens 但是旦旦起主且經旦旦!.揖rachíaria radica.ns

D制m叫ium ovalifoHum PU肘aria 訟位巴拉迢主SBrachiaria t'adicans Brachiaria decumbena 如坐立鐵星星~.i!絡組且Brac::hiaria radicanø


Yeo YeO Ye.

Y.. Yea Yeo Y.. Y.s Yes Yes Yeo Y.. Ye.

Ye. Yes Ye. Yeo Yes Yea


Yes Ye. No

Y.. Yes Yes 鈍。

Ye. Yeo Ye. Ye. Y.. No

Yes Ye. Yea Yea Yea NQ

Th揖舟duct圳、 in tillage r<領quirem軒1t reduces the total 輔翰blishment cost. I粉w trials es詣blished this year are 棚ploring the p閥割bìlity 01 even wider spacin韓between seeded strips 剖nce 8. humidicola and P. phaseohddes were both 曲pablf' 01 制tending and invading more than the 3.16 m space between hills used in the current tria l. It may be possible to 9舟dually

replace the Savanna with w泌e spaclng 絡-10 m) betvl陣en rOWS 01 introduced species, whìlethegrazing animal utilizes native 關vanna to complement the introduced species during the pn揖e5s 01 establish. mer話 which might take several years.

counts 0帆船ned with complete seed bed preparation were h嗯?可 even at very low initial plant population However, complete coverage was only obtained with 400 hills/ha.

The risk of e5tablishmem is considerably reduced 祖ith low density seeding methods and al50 with the gradual replacement of the native savanna.τhe initial investment 措 low and the major investment in fertiliz肘is deferred until establishment is assured

Additionallow 胸悶ity trials were initiat制的 1978.

A. gayanus was planted at four densiti揖 ranging from 100t08∞ hills/ha.τable 42 ShOW5 that average plant

Table 4童車.

No. hill./I蜘





E !fect of the initial plant population oí 拉盒里主盜坐起且必. an益 three treat­ments tQ control native s&vanna on .ee卓lin轟 coùnt.

Seedling counts (plantsím2j

Control 認'1ethod apptierl

已。mpleteseedbed E您認位已呈


5. 耳鼻






l. ♀3


Chcmical controL




7. 字是


A. gayanus was planted with D. ovalífolíum, S. cs戶jtsts and P. phaseoloides in an experiment to study the ellect 01 stage 01 savanna maturíty, metho性。fcontrol, and P levels on establishment‘ The 他gUrT糟S

were planted at 1000 hil治Iha and the grass at 500 hills/ha in mature savanna and savanna recently burned, with and without stubble mulch sweep tillage to partially control the native vegetation and loosen the surface soil. The two trailing legumes D. ovalifo!íum and P. phaseoloídes have províded essentially COrT、m

plete covar in all tillage and vegetation treatments at medium 10 hígh P levels. In Ihe lirst year after plantín啞,A. gayanus did not provide the expected stand due to late planting and limited seed production

τhe low densíty seeding method has beenυ忍edsuccesslully lor pasture establíshmer、t i n wet areas along streams and la知s wíth species that are well adapted to ínundatíon or saturate社怠。il condítíons. There 咕. however. much greater weed potential in these areas and. therelore. a higher seeding 謹ensity is use疇。500 hills/h紛紛 p舟vide more 賠pid cover an社阱inimize weed comp剖性的R

Sp為tÎi畫 I Distribution of Associated Species

The strip seeding 01 aggressive species like 8. decumbens continues to show promise. both under rotational and contínuous grazing. The combination 8. decumbensl P. phaseoloídesplanted in alternate 2.5 m stnps appears to be relatively stable after three years, but the Irequent grazing lavors the legume. Figure 34 shows th師 there was no ellect 01 increasi n♀ the maintenance lertilizer beyond 0-15-15 kg/ha 你-P20s-k20. respectivelYI on productivity and legumel grass balance under three雪惜zíng regimes. In a new trial in which the two sp甜cies are planted ín alternating triangles an挂念trips as described in the CIAT 1978 Annual Report. P. phaseoloides has become stroπglydo桶inantur治制 contínuous 9悶zing. Th嘻嘻的

part due to a severe attack 01 spittlebug which limited 8. decumbens p均duction early during the 梧的yseason τhe legume has invaded over 50% 01 the area originally seeded to grass. The grass is not displaced and appears to be responding to improved N lertility in the area invaded by the legume, Each species inítially occup姆拉 50% 01 the total area

A trial on date of seeding was established to study the effect 01 planting the legume prior to the grass in



切8rachiaria decumbens

• PuerarÎa phaseoloides






1 2 3 電 2 3 2 3

28 一一一一 -一一- 42-一一一 -一- 56 ω間的時

Rest pe鈴。d Idays) 斜斜時 34. Effectof rest研討od duration and maintenance持rtiliz軒

時pli制糊口吋一惚,絡; 2=-0.4革"泊; 3:0-'咕咕}關抓到uction and consυ鼎鼎時n ot legumel章rass associations, 1978

four 替illerent assoc協tions and three patterns 01 plantíng including broadcast. 1 自 an位 2:2

grass/legume patterns in rows spaced 50 cm apart In Figures 35 and 36, the effect 01 relative seeding time can be seen in three harvests. In the lirst harvest the ellect is very large and it is surprising that it contínues to be large especially in the case 01 A. gayanu$ and P maxímum even in the last harvest. a year alter establishment. As shown in Figure 37. row planting was clearly superior to broadcast planting as measured by stand counts.

In ,學nother trìal on date 01 planting. eight species were seed蚓制 mo惜hly intervals through the rainy season. with two diff發rent types 01 鶴甜 be益 prepara­

tions. Figures 3惡 and 39 show the effect 01 date 01 揖細ngand鞠紛 bed preparation on stand count alter thr蜘 week發 and six months. 80th date 01 seeding and saed bed preparation appear to have large effects on 部me 錄制ies 明he舟帥。,the時 are little affected by either. Successful seeding in Carimagua can be accompl時hed with most specíes during a long planting season in which 時間lall is adequate and dependable

Additíonal experience is reported on the extraction 01 moisture Irom the soil prolile during the dry season The dry season stress has naturally been viewed as moísture stress. but with the large amount 01 moisture

o Andropogon gayanus x (Stylosanthes capitata)

å Panicum maximum x (Stylosan的es capitata)

4卜﹒ Stylosanthes cap'個ta x (Andropogon gayanus)

Å Stylosanthes capirata x (Panicum maximum) --S\皂,--E-s-EEO

legume Ol-L advan恤ge lweeks' 。2 4 o 8 2 4 8 。2 4

Jun. 1979

Harvest datø Figure 35. Effect 01 relative plating date 01 Stylosanthes cBpitBtB in mixture with Andropogon

gayanus or Panicum maximum on 10r呵e production. Yield data are 10r1irst species listed; associated species are shown in parenthesis

Mer. 1979 Nov. 1978

water is lound. Ca would appear to be espec抽lIy critical since it does not move downward to the growing root tip within the plant. Species like S. capita徊" which appears to be exceptionally el訂cient in Ca uptake. may be especially capable 01 extracting moisture Irom deep Iriable soil proliles in Oxisols like those in Carimagua The patterns 01 extraction in Figure 40 show the apparent strong effect 01 stage 01 maturity on m。阻tureutilization by two S. cepitata ecotypes (one early flowering and the other late Ilowering). Bythe time the

stored in the subsoil at Carimagua, itwould appearthat the stress is as much nutritional as it 阻 mo阻tu間.due

to the extremely low lertility 01 the subsoi l. Most pasture species used in Carimagua are sullic阻ntly

tolerant to AI that subsoil acidity should not restrict root penetration. However, the lack 01 nutrients, especially Ca. may restrict penetration or at least reduce root prolileration in the subsoil. andthe plant is subjected to a situation wherein there is no water where there 陪他間ility and very little lertility where

o Andropogon gayanus x (Pueraria ρhaseoloides)

ð. Panicum maximum x (Pueraria phaseoloides)

• Pueraria phaseoloides x (Andropogon gayanus)

Å Pueraria ρhaseoloides x (Panicum maximum) 4

o 2 4 o 8 2 4 8 o 2 t-gum-o s advlntagø (weeks)


Jun. 1979

Figure 36. Effect of relative planting date of Pueraria phaseoloides in mixture w時h Andropogon gB阿'nus or Panicum maximumon forage production. Y陪Iddata are for first species list呵; associated species are shown in parenthesis

Mar. 1979 Harvest date

Nov. 1978




陸餾道A蚓n吋帥dr,咖酬g仰o棉ng,仰a卸啊Y帥酬…a制枷叫n削叫U崢s 中枷崎枷叫'S C,呻叫馴宛蚓e翩g拇a


Broadcast , :電 2:2 鐘才'oadcast 電白 1 2:2 P站附1.9 pat悼開

自gure37. Effe氓。f pla的ing pattørn (row :spacing: 50 cm) on stand OOU nts of four associations

dry season began, S. capitata 1019 had flowered and was harvested; therefore. it used relatively litt他

moisture from the profile. However. S. capit8t8 1078 flowered in early January and was harvested late in January by which time it had dried the profile to a depth 011.50 m.

Figure 41 shows the effect of time of appli開tion of herbicide after burning the native savanna. 1I appears that optimum control is obt斟ned wíth glyphosate an桂dalapoη when applied 15 days after burr擎的包. and further delay considerably reduces the effectivenessof both. MSMA and DSMA were slìghtly more effective after 30 days 謹elay. Figure 42 shows the effect of the application rate of the four herbicì益es. Uttle advanta草ewas observed for increasing 措tes beyon謹 the

reco仿lmende注 levels

。Panicum maximum _8r,肘hiaria decumbens 30r AAnd,明go,咿yanus




至330 的

21 dayo

20 180 day翁


Sw;闖闖 01曲1"9

Figur. 38. Eff.肘。f seed bed preparation and planting d甜e on 枷吋帥帥峙。,1 three forage gr揖輯s, 21 制叭的曲扭曲.r揖蚓咱當


OZornÎa 扭tifolÎa


ð. De$m但1Îumo時lifollum 立憲 dayo




rEE .s. a ZT9 O

曲τ扭zz , 30 • 1800.yo



J A 0 Disking

Figure 39. Effect 01 時甜 bed preparatìon and planting da峙。n

副研世 countsof酬reefo問gelegum晶.2. 1 and180daysafterseed的g


Sty/l甜甜的自 capl扭扭穹的s



ÁO.35m AO.70m O 嘻嘻。 街,

.1.60 m


StylosBnthes 崎pirara 1078

J8ñ. Feb. Mar. L閻明..1.....-一一一一..J.可閉目 一--1

20 31 31 28 08t8

Figu時 40. 80il m制剖ure e附捕的ion patterns for Stylosantl抽S

問tpÎtBtB 1019 (maxìmum俏。werìng in early 帕ovemberand ha押8甜甜in early D制8mb.,) and S. 叫N甜甜 2吟07范8(枷m胸a擱.,m惘刪u岫m如w咄@

.J8nuary 軒喝 h楠a斬r叫v哺e制s肘繃t“t闢揖吶峙棚'楠eJ品隨棚nu喘讀吋).、

MSMA DSMA Glypho鞠棚 Oalapon 80 100,.. (1 囂 1/haj (6 kg/hal (2 kg/haj 可 o kg/hal










R r~:l

囂。得 I I ti … J …

藍色 3位 15 60 30--'-'吾Oays after baming

Figure 41 , Eff.的 Of delaying the app!icat悶悶。f herbicides 8fter burr、 ing 00 control of natîve savanna vegetatîon


nvnu auaMT 一。azou法


c 雪 23 123 123

Appliçation 甜甜

Figure 42. Effect of 川巾的de applic叫ion rate on control of native savanna veg剖atiôn 口都 recommmended rate; 2 = tWlce the recommended rate; 3= three tìmes the recommended rate fitures in parenthesis are the recommended applicatlon rates.)

1 2 3


τheobj駒tìvesof the Pastυ悶。evelopment sect時nofthe Cerrado are: (1) 10 develop eff阻ìent systems of establìshíng forage legumes and grasses appropriate for representatìve ecosystems ìn Cerrado type savan­nas 01 South America and (2) 10 determìne estabtìsh­ment and maintenance fertìlìzer requìremenls for the most prom悶 ìng grasses and grass/legume assocìatìons for the area.

The pasture development strategy adopted at the Ceπado center w蟬 P悶sented ìn the CIAτ1977 Annual RepOrt、 The research actìvìtìes desìgned to fill the technologìcal gaps for ìmplen草entatìon of this st陪tegy ìnclude: (a) ì桂entìfyìng the most important 倒aphic factors limiting pasture 閥tablìshment wìth emphasìs on legumes; (b) det軒mínìng establ惜hmer前

and maíntenance requìrements 01 selected grass/legume assocíatíons for Cerradosoìl condítìons; (c) developìng effìcìent systems for pasture establìsh­ment wìth emphasís on mìnimum ínputs; (d) develop­ìng renovatìon technìques lor degraded pastures

Identification of Nutrient Deficiencies

τhe m部n nutrìent defící棉紡 ín the Cer咱也甜ìls 措

ph喝phorus. Other nutríents íncl叫íng K, M宮. Zn and Mo have been i部財ìfìed as limítíng for some crops

Pasture species, especíally the 10悶ge legum醋. have speclflc nutrient needs to assure establishment. pro挂uctìvìty and persistence. These requlrements vary from 間社 to soìl and among species

Exploratory lertìlìty experiments were inìt咱ted ín 1978 on two Important Cerrado 50ì15. Yellow Red Latosol (LVA} and Dark Red Latosol (LV日. uSlng Cenlrosema pubescens CIAT 438 and Calopogonium mucunoides as 揖st lorages. The experìments con­sìste性仗 2" lactoríal5 的 a fractlonal 時plìcatíon design that ínclu普ed Ca. Mg. K. s. Cu, Zn, M符,在是o and B. AII pOts receìv甜 basaJ applícatìon of P equlvalent 油 100

kg PI楠、 The effect 01 levels 01 P and CaCO 3 were studìed in a parallel experìment.

There was a sígnìlìcant response to 30 kg S/ha (CIAT Annual Report. 1978) wíth Centrosema In the LVE soll. Calopogonium. whlch respOnded to S, al50 responded to 500 kg CaC03/ha. Both legume5 al50 re5ponded to K ìn bolh soìls. Mg was not as ìmportant a5 S. ca and K, but ìnteractìons 01 Mg wlth S and Mo were detected. 自ased on the greenhouse result5. a lìeld expenment Includlng 5ìmìlar treatments was establìshed

A parallel experiment wìth levels 01 50. 100, 2αl and 400 kg P/ha and O. 100, 500, and 1000 kg CaC03/ha, showed the ìmpo前ance 01 Ca as a nutr時附。


Ca and P content in Calopogonium plants varied w揖hCaC03 and P levels. as shown ìn Fìgυres43an桂 44.ltìs

ìnterest的9 to nole that when no lìme was applìed 10 theLVAso誼, Calopogonium plaπtscont卸ned less than 1 % Ca, unless more than 200 kg 01 P as monocalcìum phosphate were applied. On the other han唔. whenhìgh level5 01 P were applìed. plants contaìned more than 1 % Ca even wìthout lìme. Plants grown ìn the LVE 50ìl 1ollowed the 5ame trend but seemed to requìre more CaC03 or phosphate to reach desìrable tìssue Ca values. Thìs points out the ìmportance 01 Ca and the possìble need lor addìtìonal Ca when a low Ca P­source. such as triple superphosphate (TSP) ìs used

Plant Mg content decrease桂 wìth ìncreasìng levels 01 CaCOa ìn both soìls but more ìn the LVA than ìn the LV皂,時齡hìng eXlremely low 鴨lues when 1000 kg CaC03/ha were applìed. It ìs clear that a balanced

P ca 1%1 1唱i


supply 01 both Ca and Mg 揖時quìred 10r optìmum groW1h

Field experìments are now under way to conlìrm these results and to determine optìmum levels 01 Ca. M雪. K and S.

Phosphate Requirements for Andropogon ~開yanus Establishr冒lent

A lìeld experime川 was 叭itìated i l'1 1979 10 de峙r­

mine P requìrements 10r establìshment and early groW1h 01 A. gayanus and S. capitata and to evaluate dìfferent sources 01 P. Levels 01 O. 60. 120 and 240 kg/ha 01 P20S were appl賠d as trìple superphosphate {τSP). A問時 rock phosphate and thermophosphate (發heatφtreated rock phosphate)τhe basal application



可 6

。.14 1.4

缸12 1.21

。.10 1.0

0.08 0.8



--.--﹒』-............. -"-

.........、-崎』‘蚵-- ._--圖.---團-....".- ---- …一一戶戶一.,,- ----輪訓"柵欄勝酬酬酬,即-

哼昏 i 電 00

o pp2m C.C03

…一 100 PP草m CaC03

600 pp2m C.C03

翩翩翩..糊糊酬 1000 pp2m C.C03

i 200

Plav輯發 (pp2m1


Figur. 43. Eff,臨t ôf dîfferent 10帽Is o! ap酬關 P and caCO:;\ 00 Ca and Þ c。πtent$ În Csil時珀g餌IU,阱,吩咐翩。jc蜘 p~ants grown on a L'糊糊I under gr..nhou,.帥,甜tîo悶

p c. (%) (%) 0, 14 穹 4

。, 12 1,2

。嘍。 1 ,0

0,08 0,8

0 , 6

o pp2m C.C03 M凹,翻- 100 pp2m C.C03

500 pp2m C.C03 _'_ 1000 pp2m C.C03

器。 100 200 400 PI卸攝. (pp2m)

Figure 44. Effect of different 神時1501 a帥的ed Pand 伽利。 on Ca and P contents in CølopogonÎum mucunoides plants grown 00 a LVE soÎI under gtee酬,約ouse con耐心。ns

consisted of 50 kg S/ha, 100 k嘗試20/ha, 5 kg Zn/ha, and 0 ,5 kg 01 ammonium molyb攝制e/ha , A mixture of A, gayanus 621 and S, capitata 1078 was planted at 闊的行告別esol6側的kgl惘, resp齡tively, in recently prepare謹 virgin land

Good establishment was observed for both spec怖s

as indicate桂 by the number 01 plants/U,A, in all plots, 制cept the checks, Howev肘, ìnìtìal plant growth was very s(ow lor all treatments. S capitata did not prOOuce high dry matter and by the time the pasture was cut at 15 cm h割ghl it was a(mosl pure gra揖

Figure 45 shows dry matter p閃duction as a lunction of P levels 01 three sources, With no added Pthere was no m閥割Jrable growth 時flecting the extreme P deficìency ìn this 50ìl. Maximum dry matter prodυctìon was obtained with 240 kg 01 P20s/ha as ther­mophosphate. and the response was linear over the range of P utilized ìn the experiment. It appears thal 240 kg P20./ha was too low lor maxìmum gro叫吶間的悶 soì l. τhe TSP treatment prOOuced less than thermophosphate at all but the 10wesI level (60 kg P20./ha) at wh閥h prOOuctìon was similar, Maximum prOOuction with th措 source w揖 reached al 120 kg P20./ha with 50me decrease at a higher level. Araxa

rock phosphate resulted in 9000 憎sponse witn prOOuction simìlar 10τSP at the rate of 240 kg P20./ha.

τhe rapid fixatio吼叫 water soluble P and the inítíal low availability 01 P from rock phosphate may explaìn these díflerences m plant p軒formance , However. available P was very high atthe highest level 01 apphed TSP as shown in Figure 45, Plant analysís showed clearly that the m創n parameter associated wi的 the

high軒 prOOuct惜nob間何ed for thermophosphate was the Mg content in the plant tissues, Mg was con­到derably higher at all levels 01 applied ther­mophosphale (Table 43). Plant contenl 01 Pwas lowlor all treatments , However. P values were similar to or hi當h軒 than at alllevelsofTSPwh阻h performed poorly These results confirm the importance 01 Mg lor pasture sp恥惜s in this soil and coincide wìth the 時sults 01 the greenhouse experirr司ent

The eHect 01 source and level 01 phosphate on P. exchangeable Ca. and Mg in the 50il are shown in Figure 46 , High levels 01 applied phosphate 01 all sources 均su Ited in increased 酬changeable Ca Exchangeable Mg increased when thermophosphate was used but decreased when TSP or A問xa rock


A間κa foclc PhO!ilρhate

Av.Uabl. P (Bray 詩


;i ii

ts 色,






/C VM J/


/r/ j///






i 300 盔

2 5200


480 i

240 Pappl祖d (kg P20S/hal

此i一………………-1一60 120

Flgure 45. Effect of 帥urce and le:vel of P ∞械制 dry m甜er of an Andro,ρogon

gaysnuslStylosanthes capitati費 pasture (first cutl and on available P ìn a lVA soi1

Ellect oí 臨時e leveh of 時p1ied P from threé Bources on content of P# Ca and Mg in 企且必給轟on 益經旦旦忍耐三坐坐坐訟怯.!.~益送豆豆(3.8 percen益。f dry matterl 草rown in the field on a LVA .o i1 in the Cerr“do of Bra :eil. (Means ol three observatio的.. )

Table 43.

Z40 c ..


Ca 坐車P M且P M轟P P 8 0urcea

給....._--……蟬............_-_..………且退主經立給立起丘些企偏偏偏......._.......柵欄梧州輸"“_......._ ...

0.14 O. Z3 0.11

0. Z4 0.30 0.22

0.08 0.07 0.07

。.130.17 0.14

。. ZI O. 1 'J 0.23

0.07 0.07 0.07

0.12 0.15

0.21 巷.23


0.07 TSP Thermophoøpha楠

Ata,處a rock phoBphate

...………_...... ---峨鴨"偏偏 ----..SI耳語諮.!!!h江三盟主坐車…....._.._--…棚-_....._-----…

0.09 巷.09


0.21 0.31 0.20

。噩 噩70.78 0.81

0.10 0.10 0.10




0.78 0.78 0.91

0.20 0.24


嘻.830.09 0.09

TSP Thermophoøphate A喃道a rock 叭神像phate

0.07 (Ca). LSD at 串.05 = O. 01 (P); O. 02 IMg);


phosphate w軒e used, thus support閑9 the hypothesis that the 舟sponse to thermophosphate was 紋路 not

only 10 P but to increased 紛ga嗨ilabílity as wel l.

Mg C.

一1m蚓1100 1揖

0.6 0,9

。 5 0.81

。 4 0.7

0.3 0.6

0.2 0.5

。。可 0.4


i 120

τ'0,.1 P20S Ikg/haì 240

Fìgure 46. Effectof Sõurce and level of phosphate 00 exchar、發eablec. and Mg 們 a LVA soìl

Adaptabilitv of Two Grasses to Varying Levels of P and pH

Panícum maxímum var, Trichoglume is widely used in more lertíle Ce付ado areas or after hígh levels 01 Iime and lertilízer have been applied. This high qualitygrass is known for its hi♀h productívíty and drought tolerance. A. gayanus is less demanding than p,

maxímum and appears to be equally compatible with legumes. With the purp持e 01 defining the optimum range 01 pH and 僻ailable P for th輔e two grasses in a詣。ciatíon with legumes, a trial was initiated on an old experimental site where a wide range 01 phosphate levels Irom dilferenl 帥urces 份, 86, 345, and 1380 kg PzOs/ha) and lime (0, 1.5 and 4.5 t CaCOs/ha) were applied in 1973. In 1978, the 50il pH ranged Irom 4.1 10 5.7 and P ìevels from 0 to 130 ppm , No a喔喔itionalfertiJizer or lime was appJied

The associations P. 斤la)厚Imum var ,

rríchoglumelMacroptílíum atropurpureum and A. gayanus 62115, capítata 1078 were planted in a

factoriaJ arrangement in a split-峙lock experimental 挂eSlgn.

The initial developm蚓、t 01 both legumes was slow whíle the grasses generally exhibi姆拉制gorous early growth, accounting for most 01 the dry matter produc鴨


Fígure 47 shows the elfect 01 CaC03 and phosphate levels on dry matter production 01 the lWO ♀rasses. A. gayanus performed well, especially when líme was also applied. At higher levels 01 phosphate (345 kg Pz05/ha) no elfect 01 lime was observed ín A. gayanus production τhis has been interpreted as a response to Ca rather than to lime per se. sínce phosphate applícation increased Ca ìn the soil but 桂íd not modify the pH. P. maxímum responded to lime at all but the híghest level 01 phosphate (1380 kg P205/ha) probably because 01 its lack 01 tolerance to high exchangeable AI levels.

Detailed soil sampling has been done as a basís for determining the optímuπ1 available P and p終 ranges for growth and grass/legume ratio

Introduction of Legumes into Native Pastures

Native pastures are an ímportant component 01 farmíng systems in the Cerrado. They are very low 們both productívity and qualíty, especially during the dry sea自n. The íntroductíon 01 legumes into natìve pastures could increase their productivity due to íncreased N fíxation and ímprove位 lorage quaiíty and consumptlon 桂υríng the dry season

A !ield experiment was inítiate謹的 197串 to study establishment methods for three legume specíes EstabJ也hment was better lor those methods wh ich íncluded some soil disturbance líke dískíng or sodseedíng, independent 01 burníng.

The methods investigated íncluded oversowíng undísturbed pasture, oversowing alter light disking, and sodseeding 閑 rows space謹 50 cm apa丹 811 with and without prevíous burnin事 8urníng was done ín DecelT治軒. Two controls, one wíth fertilízers alone and no tillage, and another wíth planting and d的kíng pJus 1 t CaC03 /ha , were included


Lime (tl剝削


4阱.........r .5~=一.--司為

--一__.'::'''';'"7fI""""" _"司在o

f一一// // / ------- ~ / r ./"

/ / _/ / ---/~

/ ~/~


翩翩翩翩翩• A. g8YBnUS

岫呻﹒-P. m8xJmum










P20a kg/ha appliod ín 1973 Fì書ure 47. AnrJrQρ呼研 gìJyenus 621 ønd P.nìcum mBximum ver. Tr1<::hoglume d丹 m8tter

pr甜細IQn 88 8 functlon of leV81s of P and lime 8þplied in 1973, in 8 LVE甜1101 the Cerrodoof B,..II, 197曹


when combined with burning , Sod畢eeding WIIII 88 affeclive as di聾king in term軍 of established 18幫凶nestand and had 181S IIffllct on nalive pa轟turll productlon. Burnin量 dld not improvlI IlIgume e聾tllblllhment and severely decreased pasture productlvity,

Ga/actia ,tril!l tl!l, C. mucunoidfls and $, cBpitBtl!l wera 8eeded at 蠢, 9 and 4 kg/h矗, respeclively.

The effecls of eslablishmllnt method on 51an卓 count&have been reported (CIAT Annual Reporl, 1978). The effllct on the natlvlI putures can be observed In Teble 尋4, DIsklnll reduced dry matter production, especlally

The 惘Itial gr酬/11th 01 IlI\lumea W.I very Ilow‘ However, a rea80n的le number 01 planll lurvlved and produced abundant 揖ed durlng the flrlt ye.r. Gro械hdurinll the second year W.I much mor..ggre"l鴨;C.mucunoid" lended to doml na給他tlvev句et.tlon In種8xtend outside the plot車. G. ,triata produced mor. harvastable dry maU.r due to It. ﹒槽ct 書ro淵h hlbll. The eutting hel;ht W割草 16 em whlch ml轟轟ed moll 01 th.C. mununoldttl,

Talok 4化 Th. ot恥的 ot UUal. and bu.nlnl and L..umo Inlro翩。lIon on y語法。f natlvo .ra.... a!'擒,。帥"“﹒

NaUvo 童聲a.. ‘!l!'y matler y扭站



In Irt.tmenta whlch r..ulllCl In poor gro械h 0' n矗t!". gr...﹒車, It;組m.. .單tlbll事軒Id w.1i In垂

al;nlllcantly I ncrea聾ed dry matt.r Ind 曹rOleln produc­Ilon. By Iha end 0' the r.lny ....on,串rud. protetn 01 tht gr..... WI. .. low e畢 4%; Itgum.. ran事ed over 14%.

9‘9 590 ‘在7


919 305



• +


•• A-7





Renov紛tion of a 8rachiaria Pasture

8r甜的'aria decumbens has been extensively planted in the Cerrado and is presently the most important cultìvated grass in the area. Once P deliciency has been corrected, productivity of this grass depend5 mainly on 50il N availability. N lertilizers are too expensive for use in beef pro性uction under Cerrado conditions

8、 decumbens is ínitíally an aggressíve grass wh賠?、

措 dif!蛇ulttoas翁。ciate with legumes. In the absence 01 legumes, organic soíl r哇 mineralízatíon decreases with time and reaches a relatívely low均峙, severely lìmitìng productivíty. In addít峙n, foragequality ofgrassswards decreases sharply dunng the dry seasonτhe ínlroduc tion 01 legume著s ínto grass paslures could contribute to improved qualíty and íncreased av制lability 01 lorage throughout the year and especially during the dry season

An experiment was initiated early last rainy season ín a 6偷year old 8. decumbens pasture, ìn whích lour methods 01 introducing three legumes were stud間d.

Control plots with no legumeswe開始rtil ized with 0,峰。and 120 kg N/ha. The establishment methods tested were (aì oversowing with no seed bed p問paralion; (b) plantíng in 1.5 m wide strips with complete see社 bed

preparat ,on; 終, oversowing after moderate diskin莓,and 紗) so社seeding. A basal appl姑ation 01 90 k喜悅。51楠, 100 kg K,O/ha, 0.5 kg 01 sodìum molyb“

如te/ha and 4 kg Zn/ha was used. C. muca丹oídes,

Desmod,肘m ovalifolíum 350 and C. pubescens 438 were plan!ed a! 4 , 3 and 4 kgl楠,時spectívely.

Calopogomum establ賠hment was good in all treatments except oversowi n9 and compe!ed strongly with the grass during the lirst year. Centrosema and Desmo的Um establíshed reasonably well but growth was poor during the fírst year. Forage quality is being monitored throughout the year


The Pasture Utiliza!ion section conducts its research activitíes at CIAτ-Ouilichao and Carimagua. Due to the specilíc conditions 01 each sile, the more b8Sic less i由副ion-specil也 s!udies, whích requíre less land bu! íntensive observation and sopt羽絨Ica!e昏的etho益。logy,

are carried out at CIAT“Oull時hao. Lar♀e graZlng experiments are located at Carimagua

The sec!ion concentrates its efforts in (1) evaluating the nutritional value 01 new lorage material. {2ì studies on pasture grazing management, and (3) pasture evaluation measured by animal production potential

Nutritional Value of Promising Germplasm

The working program 01 the sectíon ìncludes mainly studíes on intake and ìn vìvo di♀estíbilíty of grasses with emphasis on Andropogon and le會umes, par­ticularly Desmodium ovalifolium and Stylosanthes capitata.

More attention will be placed on mea如舟、9 the nutritional value of lorage under 書razing condi!ions, 割的e it ís 陪cognized that 時如Its 紛紛的關 with

confined anir亨、als are ín certain cases misleadín岳, as in the case 01 D. 0時Iifolíu阱\ which was well accepted

by crated w啦hers (CIAT Annual Report, 1978, p‘惡心112), but apparently not palatable to Ihe grazing animal

At Carim逸事ua , experímen!s wi!h oesophageal lis!ula!ed steers were initíated to study selective grazing on díflerenl Calegory 再 legumes ín míxtures withA、 gayanus. Emphasis will be placed on !he effect 01 Ihe seaSon 01 Ihe year on the qualitative diet compo創lion as compared to botanical composilion 01 the avaliable lor8ge.

Grazing Management of Grass/Legume Mixtures

At CIAT-Ouilicl、ao , there are two similar sets 01 experíments to evaluate Centrosema pubescens (hybrid) 438 and D. ovalífolium in 經ssocîatÎon with !hree grasses (A. gayanus, 8rach掃riadecumbens, and Pø' ícum maximumj in separate bl∞ks within a grazing unlt、

Each se! of experirr、ents ínclu謹es rota!ional grazing at 4, 6, and 8-week 的tervals and two gra割ng pressures (6.5 and 13.0 kg dry matter/animal/da叭, as well as continuous grazing wíth fixe社 stocking 問le


low p時轉U間

High grazmg p書essure

4 In each experiment, measurements 01 forage

availabihty, botanícal an社 plant parts compositíon, plant coverage (estimated by the method of Penfound and Howard) and diet selectio院, are made.


. [; EE E 至

是 E

Oead 一胸章at愛er


















Experimental grazing 01 the experiments with Centrosema started in March 1978 and ended in October this year. The D. ovalifolium m悶tures were grazed from March 1979 onwards

From these a惡 well as Irom other expenmen怒, It becomes evident that A. gayanus ís very compatible with most legumes, bυt 時 dominated rath酬 easily by less palatable and more aggressive ones, such as D. ova/ifolium. This is possibly an índícation that A gayanus is sensitive to shading 01 the crown. In contrast, B. decumbens competes more aggressively,

dominating the companíon legumes under the con­d的ons of th母 experíment. P. maximum is 問tem糟diate

compared to the other two grass species.

Figure 48 , Effeçt of grazíng pressure on forage available and botan!cal compOSltlon of 的時e grass ðssociatíon wí出 DesmodÎum

()vðfifolium 剖 CIAT -Quilichao, dúnng the d丹 season

The effect of grazing pressure on forage availability and botanical composition 01 the m間tures wíth D ovalifolium for the 4-week grazíng intervaJ is i 卜

Just悶ted in Figure 4串 Wíth the other grazíng intervals (6 and 8 weeks), a similar effect 01 gra剖約當 pressure

was observe廿 Jn general.時sults indícate that low 章razlng pressure an社 short restíng periods (or con­tinuous grazíng) lavo月 the legυme, while high grazing pressure and long resting penods tend 10 lavor the g時ss component ín the mixture. This is particularly Irue lor A. gayanuswhich produces a higher amount 01 leaves under hígh grazing pressure

low 筍,瞬間9 pre甜ur.

(13.0 kg DM/animal/day) High grazing pressu會@

悶,5 kg DM/animal/day) 100戶也扭扭扭且且--



只gurè ~時 Eff前t 01 gr踹嗎掉-w帥k gr缸109 問rîod, 9 h/daYÎ 棉甜甜 composîtion of 0峙。phageal fi揖叫甜甜 steers grsllng a BrachlsrÎtJ decumbel穹S, Panicum mtJxÎmum and Andropogon gayanuslDesmodium ovaltfollum pasture at C抽τQuilichao

S Fifl81

a Int電íal

A Fjnal





The resull翁 also suggest that D. ovalifolium is susceptible 10 悶lense t問mpJin甜,的協 the case 01 high grazlng pressureτhis characteristic can be used as a mam望穿ement practice to prevent this aggressive legume from beco冊的9 excessively do闊的ant in the mixture

Diet selection 01 oesophageal tístulated steers (Figure 49) 川dicates thal D. ovalifolium is only consumed 叫 grass avaiJabilily is limited

a Ini電ial

D.o時lìfolíum appears 10 be 01 low paJatabilityτhis has become evident in all ♀均都ng trials at CIÄτ Ouilichao and Carimagua where this spec賠S IS incJudedτh揖 emphasízes the need to include fistulated steers at an early slage 01 germplasm evalualion




100 It ìs ìme穹estlr芳草 to note that in sp往.e 01 less avaìlab詰ity, the proportion 01 A. gayanus ìn the 鶴lected dìet is almost constantly hi串h during th培period (Fì韋ure 49). Thìs might be related to the 時latìvegood acceptance 01 A. gayanus stems.







Fi甜 ure 50 shows the residual lorage avallability and Figure 51 the diet composit悶n 01 oesophageal listulated steers on the continuously grazed D. ovalifoliuml A. gayanus and P. ma肘mum, m,xtures at lour sampling dates


Flgure 51. DI剖 compOSltlon of oesophageai.fistulated steers grazlOg an Andropogon gayanus/ Par芳icum maxlmum/Desmcdium ollalifolÎum pasture 訓 CIAT -OlJllìchao

Sept. Aug


July June



。的聾。% ofthe 1-ha pa亞Idocks, D. oVlJlìfolìum is m ixed wìth A. glJylJnus, while at Ihe other 10%, th時 legumeis

assoc掃ted with P. maximum. As can be observ側的Fi嘗ure 50,持sidual forage availability 01 D. 。ν'alìfolìumwas higher than A. gayanus, with a tendency to increase as grazìng increase禮。 Char嘗嘗es in the availabìlity of A. gayanus were 時Iste聶 to increasíng proport惜n 01 stem and dea性 materia l. The stem proportion 01 A. gayanwi was relatively constant in the selected díet (Figure 51), independent 01 total lorage availabilily. This was not Ihe case lor leaves, which were selected according to availability



1.&., Stem



--á r

i、?'um 1m











i Sept

Dèad material L一一一-1

Aug July i



i 闊的

i Apr

i Mar







Figure 50, Residuaf forage availabitíty of an Andfopogon gayanut; j DesmooÎum 0ν'alifDlium pastur好, under continousgrazing, at CIAT-Q蟬位cnao



A叭叭, voluntary ìntake 01 D. ovalifo/,ωm is deter­mined by the av制lability 01 the companion grasses. Since only 10% 01 the paddocks ;s covered with the P. maxímum mixtu悶, íntake ofthisspecieswas limite廿 by

抑制lab惜的。 It appeared, however, that selectìvity lor th崎 S研制i的 was high 口Others

Oîet Rainy 蟬,開n lllTITIl'









A 臼自吋開掘。"



哩。。Duríng the experímental c油ntínuous grazing period 01 196 days (March-September;, the three steers/ha ♀ained , on the average, 464 91丘ay. The resùlts 01 the 鼎闊、thly w割草hings su♀gest that the animal wei單htgaíns are dírectly relate挂 to A. gayanus availability










In relation 10 the rotational and continuous grazing experiments with C. pubescens and S. guianensìs 136 + 184 (only ín continuous grazing} in m揖tures 押ith 8. decumbe.肘" P. maxìmum, and A. gayanus, the legumes could 0ηIy persist 閥íth A. gayanus. In the rotational scheme, low grazíng pressure favored dry matter produclion of Ihe legume, part時ularly during the dry season


' 21> In terms 01 plant coverage, legume coverage tended

10 decr閥se as the resting periods increased Irom 4 to 6 and 8 weeks. There was little difference in grass coverage and availabilíty between the three grazing intervals. ln general , and as expected, legume

'"coverage decreased as grass coverage íncreased










Figure 52. Botanic剖 composítlon ofthe pasture andof the selected diet by oesophageal fìst\l lated ste前往 by season (d阿 season, Aug­s卸@峙p酹t. and 悶巾z叫甜揖。朋羽 N蜘場如σ抑恥ν枷育品D軾 i

Qu肋il悔§紹ch均ao, 1978

In rotational grazing systems ít would appear more co羽venient to estimate coverage after grazing by Ihe method 01 Penloun亞 and Howar戒備 the bulk offorage before grazing makes it a difficult task. 科 igh cor­relations were found between amount of lorage before grazing and coverage alter grazing, indlcating that thís 訴mple method provìdes very useful information if used after grazing.

pref街時甚 durìng the wet season.τhusthepre.時nceof

the legume would allow 組ttle to sel師ta 嚀。od quality díet ín the 昔ry SEH時on. Protein content 01 the lorage appears 10 be an important selection criterion

Duríng 1978, the continuously grazed experiment with Centrosema had a stocking rale of 2 steers/ha and the average daily 9訓n 01 the animals was 720 日Until September 1979, the stockíng 冊te was 3 steers/ha, and the average daíly gain 612 g. These ligures indicate that in the CIAT-Quíl悶hao ecosystem and under the conditíons 01 the 酬periment, the Centrosema based pasture is able to persist and to produce lilleweight >lains of 520-680 kg/halyear.

Oesophageal fístulated anímals were used to estimate chemìcal and botanical composit悶n 01 the selected diel. At any season 01 the year, the steers were able 10 select a dí前 W的h ov軒告% crude protein, whích was 2% hígher than the average crude proteín content of Ihe available forage心。ígestibility of the selected díet was also 5% higher than the digestibility of the forage oflered

The botanical composition 01 the avaílable lorage in two different seasons, an廿 the diet composition 01 these míxture under continuous grazing, are presented in Figure 52. A seasonal eflect Ol'、訓。t composition was evident conlirming that animals select more legume lor8ge during the dry sea帥n, while 宙間扭曲 are


Animal Production Potential of Pure

Grass Pastures

AII these experime悶s a re conducted I泌 Carima串ua ,

Brachiaria decumbens

The we旬ht gains obtained during the fífth year 01 contínuous grazíng 8rachiaria decumbens pastures at fixed stocking rates are presented in Table 45 , During 1979, this experiment had a higher stocking rate than ín former years, because analyses 01 fo悶ge availabìlity data indicated a sub-utilízation 01 the pasture, Com別

pared 10 the 1978 results, weíght 10路es were higher during the 1979 dry season in all stocking 悶tes, but 帥mpensatory gains during the followìng raíny sea50n w軒@剝削 hígher than in any other year 01 the e紗eríment. resultíng ìn an overall higher Ií帽閥割草ht

gain per anim餒, τh培 is a remarkable result, as during the last 智1/0 years no maintenance fertílizer had been applied and the悶ìnlallpa提ernremaine遲到milartothat

In prevlous years.

Compared wìth the other grasses studíed, 8 , d砂cumbens appears to have the híghest nutrítional value, as reflected in animal w啥ight 9如ns ,Neve吋hele帥. it 措 important to acknowledge the ,ncrea制ng rìsk of pastυre losses due to the attack 01 spittlebug ìn the region. The 8. decumbens ex­pefllT、ents have not been serìously attacked by this insect yet, but other pastures have been seriously a衍。cted. Thus. the availabilìtyol an alternative grass is al50 important for the Colombian Llanos.

Panicum maximum

During the second year 01 gra剖ng. this species showed severe symptoms 01 mineral d剎時間ncies. Ä$ a

consequence, lorage availabilíty decreased and. by July, the steers had to be removed from the paddocks Maintenance lertilization was applied and grazing was initiated again in November. The extreme high lertilizer requirements 01 P. maximum makes it an unattractive species for the Carimagua environment

Andropogon gayanus

Three experiments with A. gayanus are being conducted、 Continuous grazing started in late 1977 on the oldest paddocks

As reporte謹 last year (CIAτAnnual f有eport, 1978), grazing manager悶悶。,1 this species has not been 糙的­The management 01 this 9均岱垂uring the lirst year of establishment 精梅uld appear 10 influence its perfor­mance in subsequent yearsτ'h,站, grazing manage­ment during the establishment phase shou悟到lowthe

plants to accumulate 50me reserves. High grazing pressure 剖 urin蠶 establishment appears to result in small clusters and weak plants. 1I thís occurs w性hìnamixture wíth an aggre甜íve legume. A. gayanuswill be dominated. On the other hand. under low initial grazing pressure. A. gayanus accumulates excessíve, poor-quality dry matter which ís di秤icult to remove wíthout burning or the use of mechanical means. Fortunately, A. gaYlJnus is resistant to bυrning and in fact, it would appear as ífthe carelul use ofthis practice had a posìtive effect on regrowth

Table 45. Lìveweight gains obtained in 主主主主且主1' i.:: 且里豆豆史 pastUl' ß績在 r'-制這位 coutLnued fixe丑的。時間草 rates at Carlmagua durin草 19791. •

Stocklng ra主給錢位史絃丘草草i



2. 毛

Dailv liveweüo:ht 突出ns üdaní仿雄心Dry season Rainv seasOn Total 1:>eriod

輛 73 679 441

輛 73 己 57 436

個41 578 308

Yearty liveweight 自.gams




2屆 9

1 D1'y season (Decembcr-March), 99 社ays; Ra垣y season (March..Qctober)þ 214 daγ叫 total period ::: 313 day5.

z 耳xtrapolated to 365 days.



Figure 53, f蟑螂u副 forage avaílabìlìty of酬 Andropog間g部SflU$

pasture atCarimagua during 1979. (臨時tyearofco削inúousg陪zing.'

可2Forthisre結son , one of the three experir亨、entsisusedto st凶y the effect of burr扮得 on pastu時 performance






!寫G怖。"品騙 møtø糊l




8 -墮凳"wwm@草語Z-pzrn

Another complicating factor is related to the fast rate of 時growth when environmental cond訓。ns are favorable. Th略 created problems 阱。ne expenment at a lowstock用單 rate, where A. gayanus 9陶wsotaUthatìt became difficult to observe the grazing animals. As a consequence, a high tick infestation was delected only when it al問ady had caused weight losses and mortalily due 10 tick-borne d措eases. Agood alternative management see許可s 10 be intermìttent 囂razing , par­ticularly in product的n systems where the p悶portionof

錯wn pastures 時 small.蜘

Stocking 用鞠 (animals/ha)

囂.44.4 1.6 :u Janu鐘內


Liveweight 9部ns were obtaìned in an experiment with di伽悶的鼠的king rates in the dry and in 楠myseasons (T約為 46). The high carrying capacity and. therefore. the high animal production per unitarea of a well es詣bl喝hed A. gayanus pasture is evident. In cont悶袋. the nutrit:onal 時lue is not very high. as evidenced by liveweight 9船ns of 110-15。她lanimal/ye缸. which are not anractive for fattenin單aperations.

po時ible resista nce 10 發pittlebug. Thus. 誰 appea rs to be a 孽。od alternative for 1愉 widespread B. decumbens which is highly susceptible 10 spittlebug and difficult 10 ass祖間。te with most legumes.

Brachiaria humidicola

In Figure 5萃. the re剖dual fo用雪e availabilìty of the three paddocks. al a ♀Iven moπ,enl of the dry and the 圳的 season are shown. At any st∞king 悶翰. the green leaf proportion WaS rather low. end dead material high. In September. at the high stockíng 時峙,the proportion of leaves appeared to be critical lor the persistance 01 the pasture. As with any new spec捕S, specific ma狗agement

strategies have to be developed. thus results presented are still preliminary. Grazing of the first experiment with B. humidicola started in Oecember 1978

The main advantage of this grass seems to be the compatìbility with le時殺嘻嘻拇指ive legumes and the

Livewcight &ains obtained 且丟到捏成成立革紋訟且主 621 pa錄如res at continoU8 f捕關肘。cking

:rates at Carima.gua dur站草 19791 •Ta.ble 4悉,

恥1:ean for tötal períod 公豆豆豆盟主i


且alny season 迄今訟法訟。此i

Dry season 尪母或心公品位i

Stocking rateZ

值訟泣~ 必uh主)益在豆豆也必泣i

265 107 300 444 -95 2_4

395 115 316 467 -9 事主.4

389 90 主是串359 -86 4.4

Rai吋帥制峙。由rch...December), 270 days汁。tal 仰riod學8 垂ays;Dry 綿綿捕 (December-~正arch),

.;::: 365 days" 13 steers/pa淵。嗨,


z 82

Stocking rates were adjusted at the beginning 01 the rainy season but had to be increased again in August, due to excess 01 lorage availability. Since August, animal performance was poor at any stocking rate. As it is known Irom other areas where B. humidicola has becolT、e important over the last years, its nutritional value is possibly lower than that 01 B. decumbens. This might be related to the coarse texture 01 the leaves, particularly as they become mature.

Nevertheless, this grass is 01 interest lor the savanna conditions due to its goOO adaptation and its relative tolerance so lar to the spittlebug. On the other hand, because 01 its extreme aggressiveness and dense cover,甜甜ciations with less competitive legumes would be d咐icult.

Management and Production of Grass/Legume Pastures

A large grazing experiment was established in 1978 in Carimagua, to determine the animal prOOuction potential 01 pastures based on Category IV legumes. Replicated 2-ha paddocks with Zornia latifolia 728, Stylosanthes capitata 1019 plus 1315, S. capitata

1405, Desmodium ovalifolium 350 and Pueraria phaseoloides were seeded in association with A. gayanus 621. D. ovalifolium was also planted in mixture with B. decumbens. Similar paddocks with the two grasses alone were established as controls

The basal lertilization lor establishment 01 the z. latifolia, S. capitata and grass pastures included 20 kg P, 18 kg K, 22 kg S and 11 kg Mg/ha and lor D. ovalifolium and P. phaseoloides, 46 kg p , 43 kg K, 22 kg S and 11 kg Mg/ha.

Experimental grazing 01 the paddocks with mixtures 01 Z. latifolia, S. capitata 1019 plus 1315, D. ovalifolium and P. phaseoloides with A. gayanus started in December 1978. Due to later planting , grazing 01 the other pastures started in April. Results lor the legume besed pastures which were grazed duri ,、9 the dry season are presented in Table 47.

During the dry season, only the steers on D. ovalifoliuml A. gayanus pastures lost some weight, while all other pastures prOOuced signilicant w即ght

gains. These legume/grass mixtures appear to have a prOOuctive potential 01 360-420 kg/halyear, il a reasonable voluntary intake 01 the legume and

Table 47. Liveweighl gain 'l obtaincd írom !our legume/但且2且也!:.ll.位坐坐 mixtures during 1979 at Carimagua.

Dry season Rainy season TotaL period Daily Daily Daily

Grazing 1iveweight Grazing líveweight Grazing liveweight Total liveweight Lcgume/ (animal/ gams (animal/ galllS (animalj gams gams

A. gayanus days/ha! (g/animal! days/ha! (g/animal! ~旭 (g/animal) (kg/ha!

Zornia sp. 165Z 317 4Z9 3 836 594 67Z 399

s. capitata 1019 + 1315 165 500 3404 673 505 610 308

D. ovalifolium 165 -ZI ZZ35 606 388 3Z9 IZ8

E. phaseoloides 165 371 4386 73Z 603 618 373

1 Dry season (December-March), 96 days; rainy season (March- Oc tober), 208 days; total period = 304 days.

2 December-February: Z animal/ha x 69 days; Februa叮-March: 1 animaljha x 27 days. 3 March-May: 1 animal/ha x 55 days; May-September: 2.5 animal/ha x 135 days; September ..

October: 2 animaljha x 18 days. 4 March-May: 1 animal/ha x 55 days; M叮-AugU8t: 2.5 animal/ha x 114 days, discontinued. 5 March-May: 1 animal/ha x 55 days; May..July: 2.5 animal/ha x 67 dayó, discontinued. 6 March..May: 1 animal/ha. x 55 daY8; May-October: 2. .5 animal/ha x 153 days.


To iIIustrate thís sítuation, thebotanical composition 01 three different grass/legurr揖 mixtures in two 閥mpling period is shown 閑 Figure 55. Z. /atifo/ial A. gayanus was a s組ble mixture, although the legume was defolíated several ti闊的 by insects an垂 fun妙、 The

hígh liveweight 9甜悶絨線ined in these pastures suggest that a goOO qua1ity (high proteinllegume may be effective even when present in the mixture in a rather low proport悶的。

availability of the grass (stabilityof the associat峙的canbe maintained.

Regression ∞eff紹ients for each 01 the ∞mparable associat也ns compared with the pure 9措ssareshownin Figu措 54.τhere was no signilicant difference in average daily gain b前W灣啊1 Z. /atifo/ía and P. phase% ídes mixtures, but both were superior to S. capitata.

In the D. ova/ifo/iuml A. gayanus mixtures, legume coverage increased at the expense 01 the grass.

P. phase%ides combined well w誰h A. gay8nus and pr!訓duced excellent w如ght gains, at a 時latively high level of fertilizer inputs.

Factors such as differences in palatabilíty, gro叭Ithhabit and aggressíveness, make the combination D. ova/ifoliuml A. gayanus less compatible. In addition,

and in agreement with data Irom CIAT.Quilichao, continuous grazing does not appear to be suitable for this mixture. It is possible that intermitt軒說 may be a better strategy 01 utilization 01 this mixture

Stocking rates were equal lor all pastures during the dry season, starting with 2 steers/ha in December and being decreased 10 1 steer Iha in February. Th時 low

stocking was maintained until May lor all treatments to allow r配overy 01 the 閥割肘輯.$的ce May, a fixed stocking rate 01 2.5 steers/ha had been planne謹 for all treatments and for the rest of the rainy season τhis 掰紛紛 not be ma的tain側的 the 揖轉 of D. ova/ífolíum w話h A. gayanus and wìth 8. decumbens due 10 Ihe áominance 01 the legume, which resulted in low grass 抑制lability.τhus, in July these paddocks were left ungrazed ìn an attempt to recover the balance of the association. ln August the same was áone for the S capítatal A. gayanus pastures.

A 割mìlar siu是ation, thou誼h less severe, was observ. ed wíth the S. capitat8 pastures, possìbly as a 用sultofhìgh stocking 賠tes, early gra部份9 after establ措hmentor both.

τhe diffículties encountered in the mana蠶ement of grass/legume míxtures is pos剝bly not only a conse.


口Andr酬'gon gay叫s

~ Desmodium Dva/ifolium

闊Zornia latifoJia



2直置信S05 clays

J A S 0




huea 吻。旬,




Fígure 56. 80個nical 師問牌如tion of two legufT鴨協轍d 開stur峙andag時揖 pa斜ure 甜 C軒Imagua ,

電車79JaOl,I.rv 1979

Fí草U時 54, Lîve納呻唔悅g訟nsdurir電9 an actual gr制íngpa倪蟬d知ur

i句“me/Andr啤掃雷'On gayanu$ pa誼uresa電Cõrim特u.. (Fírst y輔穹d軒崩峙,恤穆掰枷拇嗨穆r


司uence 01 the competition between the 宮rass and the le嘗ume under grazing and/or dilferences in palatabili­ty which result in 嗨lective 單時zing by the steers, but also10 the 1綠ck 01 knowledge about basic management strategíes on the lirst year of establishment. It becomes clear th就 each combination 01 species 時quires a very specilic managemer話, ì.e. , each grass/legume association has 10 be evalυated as a sepa穿ate unlt.

τhe two repl組ated pastures 01 S. capitata 14051 A gayanU$ produced an average daily gain 01 678 g/animal/day with continuous stocking 01 2 ,5 steers/ha from April to October ilor 173 days); this m揖.tu re has been stable and well balanced ,

In another 5et 01 replicated experiments the “ protem bank" concept is studied,扒拉, the use 01 sn可all areas SOwn with a legume in pure stand to be used 10 supplement cattle grazing pure grass pastures, This concepl appears to suit some legum的 with manage悶

ment problems when used in mixed swards

p, phaseoloides is used with 8 , decumbens or with native S8vanna, When the prot制n banks were not fenced,只 phaseoloides was soon overgrazed, In 帥me

cases, a long rest períod with some fertilization was required lor the legume to re叩ver.

τhe experiment usín曹 lenced P. phaseoloides protein banks in conjunction with native savanna oould

be followe社 through lor 11 months 01 eKperimental grazmg (τable 471. Results 50 lar indicate better anirηal gains in the low stc結kin嘗悶te compared to the high stoc必ng 均te used、 At the er電話 01 this p軒iod

{符ovembe坊, plant coverage and ví嚀。r oontinued to be satisfactory in both stocking m軾的 used ,

New pastures establ措hed durín單 1979 include 2 ha pad睡。ckswíth s' capitata 1019andS, capitata1315in mixtures with A. gayanu$, Since the $, capitata 1019 ís early flowering and 1315 int軒media峙, the effect 01 the difference in maturity on pastu問 productivity will be studied

Tabie 48. Lìvewei耳Ì1 t gains c. btained w~t'r1 native sιvanna 3. nd Pue l'ari o. ph ", S C' OlC, id~'3

protein banks. at tWQ $tockillg ri\tëS ...t Ca rirr且直ua dUl'ing 1979ι ‘

Stocking rate Livewp. ight gains 旭/animalj古&γ)

s.avanna + Totaì perìod E:' phaseoloLdes Dry Rainy (kgj (kg(

(ha lanima Lì season season animal} ha)

1. 8 + o. Z 10 486 119 已。

3.8 + 0.2 17告 551 152 38

1 Dry season. 59 days; rainy seas。鈍, 245 days; total pc玄iod 話草委主 day .;;,.


(CARIMAGUA) τhe Cattle Pro岳之Jction Systems section (Iormerly

calle噩, Anímal Management 5ection) contínued (a) the evaluatíoη01 existing beef production systems in Colombia, Brazil and Venezue怡; (b) the evaluation of the 5t向tegic use 01 improved pasture5 ín Colomb嗨: (c) herd management experiments in Bra糾峙: and (d) management 01 te5t herds,

Evaluation of Beef Production

Systems (ETES)

The data collection phase 01 the Beef Production SY5tems Evaluation Project (ETES, an interdisciplinary proJect carri側 out in conjunctíon with the Economics and Animal Health sections 01 the Tropícal Pa5tures

Pro當時的) ha5 been conclu謹ed in the Colombian Llanos, 時 well advanced in the B持自lian Cerrado and hasbeen r酬的ítiated in the Northeastern Llanos 01 Venezuela.

U攝nos Orie約給les of Colombia

In the previous year (CIAT Annual Report, 1978), emphasis was given to the inter-farm variatíon in herd structure and management, including availability of sown pastures, This year, emphasis was somewhat diflere川; however, variation between larms in various items will again be presented, as well as aspects common to all larms

The physiographic characteri5t悶s (Table 49) show that the dry savanna is the principal component 01 the


Table 進 9. Physiographic characteristit": s of 16 farm& 間 th. Ea.油 rn PIa攝8 of Colombia. 器官囂$

Project. )

Total area Dry savanna Farm No. (ha) (ha)

z 1083 839 (78)1 也 3052 Z385 (78) 量 810 已l3 (77) 6 1605 1015 (61)

? 4932 4串串 9 (串3)書 375 203 (5位}

亨 毛 l'生 55 (12) Il 5252 2243 (金3)

12 43主5 主事草草 (6♀}

13 14lZ 30毛 (22)

14 1701 751 (噁4是}

15 3580 2會86 (在主}

17 2239 1805 (80) 18 8891 7835 (88) 19 3972 3119 (78) 20 2744 2174 (7也}

Mean 2903 &4 CV 77.0 35.8

1 F硨ures m paren也esis are percenta車...

farms, followed by the wet 閥鴨nna. the hílly savanna Bnd lorest areas τhe proportíon of the total area 舟presented by dry savanna ís I綿s varíable between farms than the p賠port母n of the other phys姆雷措ph品Unlts

50il fertility isalso less varíable between farms in the dry savanna than In the wet savanna (Fìgure 56. 57 and 58). Avaìlable 50íl P in the dry savanna was above 2 ppm ín only four farms 恥 In contrast. more than 2 ppm available soil Pwasfound ìnthew制savanna portion of 13 farms. and more than 4 ppm in four farms. AI saturation in the dry savanna was above 80% in all but one farm. In the wet savanna ít was below 80% in fíve farms. and below 60% 附 two larms. 50íl pH in the dry savanna was less than 4.7 ín all cases. whereas in the wet savanna the pH range was 4.2 to nearly 5.0.

τhe number 01 aním翁 1 unìts (AU) per farm depended largely on available dry savanna 紋。何elation bet蝸陣en

area of dry savanna and total AU" 0.85) and was


Wet savanna Hilly saVa.nna Forest (ha) (ha) (ha)

140 (13) 7 ( 0) 97 ( 9) 410 (13) 85 ( 3) 1 n ( 6)

54 ( 7) 40 ( 5) 93 (l l) 504 (33) 。( 0) 86 ( 6)

414 ( 8) 90 ( 2) 339 ( 7) 172 (46) o ( 0) o ( 0) 155 (32) 234 (50) 30 ( 6)

2052 (3 9) 877 (1 6) 80 ( 2)

583 (1 3) 710 (l 6) 5告{主}

40& (29) 700 (4事} o ( 0) 540 (32) 410 (,己是} o ( 0) 505 (1進} o ( 0) 草書 ( 3)

Z是喜 (11 ) 186 ( 9) 早( 0) 已21 ( 7) 70 ( 1) 365 (毛}

545 (1 4) 200 ( 5) 108 ( 3) 379 (1 3) 50 ( 2) 141 ( 8)

20 II 4 62.5 144.8 83.7

prac,ícally índependent 01 the avaílab詩詞V 01 吶陣tsavanna (correlatìon b制weena陣aofw割savannaand

to扭I AU=0.23)

τhe overall avera單e 斂。cking 泊te was 5.9 hal AU. with 3.9 ha of dry savanna and 1.2 ha 01 wet savanna available per AυAs e這pecte喝. the availabilíty of dry savannal AU varìed le嗨 between farms than the availability 01 wet savannal AU (τ'able 5仰,

The herd 別ructu時 nable 51) shows that all farms are cowcalf and stocker operations with some minor fanening actívíty in larms 2. 12. 17 and 20.

Tables 52 and 53 contain ínformatìon on animal management pract時es additìonal to the data presented in the p問víous repon (CIAT Annual Report. 1978)

The main objectíves of herd subdívísion are 10 avoíd ínterference 01 male animals wíth females. and 10


Dry savànna

4.39 127.0。

Wet savannð

2.05 38.20

口Average for wet S8…a

頭Average for d吋 savanna





Mean CV 7



盟"也亂車a墨寶《 3

a 電



Nago -2、研


a s a

vm84 bH剖



a s



.Av糊伊枷 dry 甜\lanna







70 {法}E。2.-az串


雪 52 4 6 20 1 是18 嘻嘻5 τ3 8 9 30



Figure 57 , AI satυratìon in the $011 01 16 farms of the Eastern 間.H疇。fC啦。桐柏乏, IEτES Project)





至 4.6

4.5 ,..


• Average f肘 d吋 savanna

口A珊rage 10r wet S8Vanna Dry Wet

savanna savanna Mean 4.52 CV 3.1

4.62 5.1

9 15 17 18 2 7 " 5 12 6 20 FArm No

14 13 8

Figυre 58. Soil pH 用 16 farms Qf the Eastern Plair可 S of Colombia }ETES Project)

adjust lorage oller to the nutrítíonal requírements 01 the stock. Only three f釘ms practíced separatíon 01 animal categories ín addítíon to the seperation by sex {τable 52), although paddock availabil何γdoes not appear to be límitin密切 more advanced p悶clices 01 herd subdi帆Slon.

Mineral supplementation is difficull 10 evaluate in farm case studies. 1I 喝 necessary to know not only the amounl 01 min軒al supplement. but al50 ils quality, wh揖h animals 時ceive it, and how olten. In this study, only the amou肘。1 P supplement used by the lam瑋was measuredτhe inlormat梅n was eπougt芳,

however, 10 show that in general the level 01 supplementalion is very low 仔able 53). Onlγan average 46% 01 the level 01 supplementation recommended 的 Carimagua is used, a nd on Iy three farms util悶。d9。“ 100% 01 the amounl 01 P supplement used in Carimagua.

Oísease control on the larms 悶 also difficult to evaluate. 衍。 impact 01 vaccinat的n agaínsl foot and mouth disease could be measure位 because no


outbreaks occurred during the monitoring period, despite the 泠冷e V8Tl8t埠n between larms in the use of v8ccìnatìon ITable 53). Few farmers 時ccmate ag醋、st

brucellosis but the prevalence 01 the disease in the Eastern Plaìns appears 10 be neglìgìble. Blackle昏 isthe。nly other ìnfect的usd陷ease against which immunìz恥tion is carried out by the farmers. No ìnformation on the ìncìder、ce 01 the disease is available lorthe region and, on Ihe other hand, only early mortality 01 calv帥 (too

early to be due to blackleg) could be recorded. Consequer、tly, no relationshìp belween vaccínation agaínst blackleg and productìvity could be established

Routine navel disinfectìon 01 calves 禱。ractíce泣。η7

01 the 16 larms. The 的回扣ghted average 01 calf mortalìty ìn these seven farms was 4.3%, against 9.5% 的 Ihe other nìne farms. However, the high average mortality amongst farms wìthout routìne navel d悶,infection is 廿ue mainly 10 two larms with 20 and 28% calf morlalìty.

Ticks and gastro-ìntestìnal para剖tes do not appear as major herd problems in the ETES larms (see Animal

Tabie 50.. Mean stocking rates on 1 品 farm移閻

the Eastern Plaíns oÍ Cotombia. (ETES Projecl.)



u­A­LE a











lt bta

… 站呵。一

i a-VF A自

Stockin島 rate



4.1 5.3 3.9 4.4

0.5 0.7 0.. 1.毛

3.2 4.2 3.0 2.8



4.9 3.8 4.3

11. 6

0.4 1. 7 1. 4 毯 .5

4.1 2.0 0.5 4. ♀



3liI 9.0 5.6 4.0 4.0

1. 2 1. 6 1. 3 0.5

ó.2 1.主

1. 8 3.3





0.6 O. 已1. 毯


5.3 9.1 9.9 5.9

4.3 8.0 7.8 4.6


cv 5.9

42. ~是3.9

53.8 1. 2


H帽Ith sectíon on page 107 ); however. there 培訓11 no clear explanatíon for thís sítuation

τhe m部n anímal presented in Table 54.

pro益uctíon parameters are

Conception 措te was measured as the average annual conceptíon rate 01 cows monitored during two yea悶 (actual monítoring was 18 months but pregnancy diagnoses by 冊的al palp割的n covered two complete years). The 8verage lor 15 larms was 49.8曳, with a 15,5% CV and a range from 39 10 65%. These data ∞nlirm the low calving rates found 前 pr酬的us sho問term work in the Eastern Plaíns. Precise estimates per farm, however, require evaluation over two con­secutive years beca,峰e large yearly Ilu的uatlo附 canseverely bias estimates obtained on particular larms in any single ye御。 Thís variation must be expected with the low fertility levels that prevaíl ín the regíon. The p∞r reliability 01 ligures for a single year is illust問峙垃by the lact that the c渴 Iving 問te estimates presen悔dínthe CIAT Annual Report. 197串 had a correlation olonly

0 ,43 with the conception rates averaged over two years.

τhe cumulative conception rate of heifers up to three years 01 age also confírms previous observations on the advance社 age at lirst conception.τhe pregnancy rate 01 heilers at three years 01 age is stron告Iycorrelated w扭扭 the average annual conception 惜teofcows (r= 0.88) su告gesting the presence of common causes for the fertility 1剖el 01 co句vs and heifers on individual farms‘

Abo前ion 時te was measured as the percentage 01 pregnancies detected by rectal lDalpation that did not lead to a calvin孽。r that ended in a recorded abort泊n

The abortion rate was hi韋h 011. average, but varíed widely between farms.τhe very high abortion 用te in about half of the farms ind時甜甜 the need lor further research on the causes 01 these losses

Calf mortality was also high. particularly in two farms 仔able 54}. Call mo吋剖Ity 揖ppears to have Iíttle relationshíp with abortion rate (r = 0.21) su草gestingindependent causes lor the two types 01 losses. but the two larms with highest calf mortality also had h igh abortion rates. The low calf mortality found on 卸me

lam油 must be viewed with caution because under extenSlve 9闊別ng early calf deaths may be unnoticed. Besides, so lar in Carimagua. it has been impossible to reduce calf losses below 5% despite improved managemer叫

Annual weight gains 01 stockers were calculat甜 bylitting reg時闊的ns 01 weight on age through age categories 01 one year each, up to lour years. With the exception 01 two lam峙, the annual weight 9齣n、 p軒a缸,

savanna in Carimagua (52.5 vs. approximately 90 kg/animal/year).

Farm annual liveweight I封閉duction was estimated as lollows、

(N x C x W) +乞$ xG

where. N = number 01 cows; C =oalving ratecalculated from the ave時ge annual conception 惜te over two yea峙. corrected for abortions and calf mortality; W = weight 01 one year old calves; S ,罵 number 01 Sloc峙rs in the íth age calegory (1-2, 2-3, 3-4 yea時,and >4 years); G = annualw削ght gainsolstockers in the ith age category


:H:erd e斜:ructute in 16 ía :r ms in the Easte .rn Plains o( Co1ombia 1 (ETES Pl'ùject). 一一 一一

Culled COW 1l

~Le~ rs 給且必4法組

2-3 3 彌 4


J主主=--~立,法主主主」l-2 2-3 3-4

Tabte 51.

~ arrr三








35Bo b-



3 弓,《uvnwr勻,­





I--3 是





63 148

61 79

Bul1. S





3吟。116 213





KJVAUAuvnuv l 月υAMW而且τoo



119 27 12 39

1I 5 8 9 日

113 15 l 金


3987 爽M電


122 24 25




SZ 393 52 54








5 35ES 9314 71 12 3之


5aaz zli5 47095 &UV步缸,缸,。

57 24 35


55 5佳



4.828 11z 123 130 190 40ó



sago -1





.Aleo 內UOO



35 115

33 41



2333 。


3543 60

137 n 39

84 189

50 107

OB91 14i 126 458 i 在 l

21 嬉

7SGFO i--z

29 24 71 毛 506 195

1 '生15

824 593 460

I 且 82

1444 241 32在3Totat

The number in 鴨ch category i. the aver峙。 for the fir8t twò íarm 咐.ite 值。叫ober-November1977 an垂 April 1 事78.

Y =29.71 + 3.50 X, + 5.44 X2 + 0.03 Xa+ 0.09 X4 The annualliveweight production/ AU on the larm 揖shown in Figures 59 and 60.

where, Y = lìvew制ght productìon/ AU/year; X, ~ P (ppm) ìn wet savanna; X2= ha 01 wet savanna avaìlable/AU; X3M l1a 01 sown paslure on dry land; X4=-ha 01恥蚓、 pasture on wet la憐 The∞甜甜ìentofde悔rmìnation lor thís model ìs 0.91; the pa吋ial

regressìon coeffìcients for X書, X2andX4are sìgnìfìcant atthe 1% lev訟, and the regressìon coeffìcient for Xa ís not signifìcant 割的e 6% leveJ.

Farm p向ductìon/AU varìed from 3410 129 kg/year, but when Ihe top farm ís exclud甜, the coeff時íent 01 varíation ín produclion ìs only 22%. Four farms produced less Ihan 50kg/ AU/year, 1 Ofarms produced between 50 and 70 kg/ AU/year and only two farms p何必uced more than 70 kg/ AU/ye軒,

TI、e ma自 n econom時 aspects of the EτES larms are the following:

Production/ha and production/ AU were cloooly correlat甜 (Figure 臨的 τhis 總icates that larmers reached a remarkably close 叫“íbríum between per animal and per ha outp氓. despite the variation in farm production. TOlal investment per farm ranges from US$40,(X沁抑

450,(沁0; the average for the 16 farms is US♀ 120,000 or $loo/ha and S500/AU (Table 55).

Tl1e two most ímportant investment ítelT、s are cattle (4器制 and land (39%). The純 two components make up QVer 70% of the total investment in all but one larm (farm 8) which has a larger inve進tment ìn construc­tions. machinery and equipment than all oth軒 f8m曙.

Much 01 the ínter-farm variation in production appears to be relaled to the avaílability and ferlilíty of wet savanna and, at a lesser extent. to the presence 01 sownp髓lures on the lower land. Sown pastures on the d穿y land do not co約tríbute 10 explain inter-farrr、variation in produc訓。n.τh甜 ís shown by the following relalionship


building to house workers (farm 8) or chutes (farms t 3 and 15)τh問e larms ínvested ín machinery: larms 8 and 13 tJought electríc plants and farm t 5 bou♀ ht a used tractor.

Farm sub注lvlsion. herd subdìvisiol這and phosphοrus supplerr~entatìon ìn 16 fñrm札 in thr: Eastern Ptains of Colomoia (五τES Project).

Table n.

A second possi tJility 01 growth, i.e.. through purchas­ing land, is also taking place. Farm owners are buying other farms, usually ín the Piedmo悅, with the purpose of fattening stockers Irom their farms in the savanna Average new 的vestments were US$9500 per farm, equivalent to a 4.5% annual growth rate.

Phosphorus supolemen泌的 ìon';"

l n G i






HM a

Farm subdivision (Paddocks/ 必立A斗i

Farm N恥

Average farm income dunng 1978 was US$ t 8,300 P軒 year (Table 5ητhe main source of 的come was cattle sal帥, although 22% 01 sales were simply at Ihe expense of reducing cattle iηventories.





3_4 1. 7 4益 .8



Income estimates on the basis 01 production ís shown 10 P仿制de a close average estímate 01 actual 的come, but ∞rrel就ion is very low on a per-farm basis actual income τhis fact confirms common knowledge that a one-year income flow sho之五 Id notbe used as the ba對s for economic analysis 01 cattle farms where the proouction cycle comprises at least 3-4 years. Instead, proouction parameters obtained from th~se farms will be used for the economic analysis, with the aid of bu亞getmg,制mulatioηor programming techniques

li§S QJkdQP

S5 25

100 62






2.1 11.0

0_9 2.4

2.9 白,毛

1. 4

L 。

1. 4 1. 4 1. 5 1. 3





7aAYO tz-2A'-e?

Average annual current expend綠色Jres in the ETES farmsd凶in當 t978were US串8α)()per farm, wíth large differences between farms 行able 58). These expen­ditures consísted m剖nly of labor costs, administration and purchase 01 mineral supplements (despite the low level 01 supplementation).

46 毛8,毛

2.5 會9.7

Mean CV

Labor 時 m制nly permanently hi持普 cowboysτhe

larger survey 01 cattle larms in th陷舟囂的n (see Economics section on page11 直) showed a somewhat different result ín thís respect with a large share of occasional laborers 的 the labor cost. Fínally, purchases of other 的puts, particularly fertílízer, Were vírtually nonexistent。

Herd subdivisíon scale: 齡r1ale$ sepa.rated from females! At three years 01 age (1): at two years o! age (2.)~ at one yea :r oÍ 是誰囂e (3); heifers separated from çows (4); 如γcows frorn Lactatin畢 cows (5); cows in earlγ l.act品io%在 from COW8 in 是~dvanced

lactation (毛).

As percentage oí phosphorus supplementa­tion in Carimagua (1683 g!AU/year).



This farm al50 has the híghest ínvestment per animal unlt.

To summaríze, cattle farms ín the Colombian Llanos are cow"calf-stoc蜘r ope附tions; fattening 峙。,/ mínor 附lpo門ance and e58eπtially a speculatíve activíty,

Investments in constructíons are ma吶Iy hou斟約韓

(37%), fences (32%) 刮得 corrals (20%). Small-訓zedeq山pment and tools, an old tractor and a vehicle const時ute ínvestments ín machínery and equípment

τhe proouct時ηlev例, both per animal unit and p軒unit 前帥, is low.τhe maín límiting factor to a higher proouction ís the low fertility of the dry savanna. There ís little variation between larms in the quality 0/ th晦main land resourca which determínes the tOlal


Farms are 串rowing on the basis 01 increa軒n留 theírcattle stock (Table 56). Some farms have increal>ed their are8 ín sown pastur帥 duríng the observation period. Investments in ∞nstructions were eíther a

Anim的 he .a lth practicss in 1 志 farms in the Eastern Pl削ns of Colombia (ETES Project). Tablc 53‘

RoutÌne !la.vel

disinfection aa e t 主

s a x


4tm3 。一叫

LTmM m…nM


nw o­c-eo k C I T

vaccínation a~ainstl Foot &: mouth

dlsease J"a玄rn


nO ye 盡

yes yes

拉爾 7

0.8 0.4 0.3


3.5 0.0 1. 6

.ßrucet l.os16

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0


0.5 0.3 1. 0 1.0

2.0 O. 車

3.2 2. 生


yes yes 00 ye.

1. 0 1. 4

。 .71. 0

i 蠱 5

2.6 1.0 4. 。

0.0 1. 0 0.0 0.0

0.5 1. 0 1 :0 0.5

0.1 Z.Z 4.5 Z. 7



OOOO 叫Mann

0.0 S給 9

0.0 0.0

1. 0 0.9 O. 0 Z.O


0.3 1. 0 白,。

0.0 l.。0.0 惡.0

O. 9 1. 3 0.0 1. 1

Z3es lll-

)'es no no nO

0.2 0.6 0.1 0.5

3. 3 1. 0 3.5 5.5


0.0 O. 0 0.0

0.2 1.0 0.0 1.0

1. 1 0.9 0.0 2.0

7895 1112

Doses/animal 間 be vaccinated!year estlmated frorn amount of va仰自e cons\l rned during the year. Treatments!animal/year éstim叫ed from û.mount of drug 5 con sumed 吐u:' l.n革 the year.

l z

applied at a low level; mineral supplementation,

although clearly necessary. is inadequate; disease control appears to be haphazard and nonproductive animals are not culled system說ically.

Improved management would increase production; particularly, adequate mineral supplementation could have an immediate 棉sponseτhe chan咀e, however, would p叩bably not be dramatic as the major limitation ìs poor nutrìt閉n (時sponsìble for the poor growth rate of the stock an譚, ìn alllìkelìhood, for most of the low fertility of breeding females).

stocking rate 01 the larms. Dìfferences in production between larms, therefore, originate prir祖ìpally from variation in the minor land compone前 with frequently higher lertility, ì.e., the wet savanna. Farmswith larger proportìons of more f軒lile low land produce morethan lam、s with lìttle wet savanna; thìs relative ad組 further in研制se拉諾 pastures are sown on the better soil (which for this purpose must comply with another 時striction: the low lands ìn the farms should not I1∞d in the raìny season)

τhemeaηs to substantially increase animal produc­tion, therefore, must be through the improvement 01 lorage production on the dry savanna, alon9 the lines proposed by the Tropical Pastures Program … grass/le日ume pastures adapted to the ìnfertìle savan na soils. to be uSed strategically aη謹 in conjunction with improved management

A note of caution about ìmprov甜 management must be ìncluded: a severe lìmit間9 lactor 10 any improv砂

As 這uggested by the close 荷lationship between p問社uctior、 per unit area and production/ AU, farmers apparenUy have 卸cce甜甜 in adjusting the st阻紐約grate of theìr land to ìts natural productìon potential Thìs mana章制al aspect and the intro如ction 01 sown pastures to the more fertìle areas, probably are the m創n management components of the prevailing larming system. Other management pract時es wìdely used ìn more advance桂 cattle production systems are either not applied at all, or are applied at a level of doubtful 開pact.τhus seasonal mating and weaning at a delined age are not practiced; herd subdivision is only


Animal production param~:!ters in 16 fa l'm& ìn the Eastern Plains öf Colombia. (ETES Project).

Table 54.

Weìght gain of stockers 5

ik認 Ianimal/vear)

Cali mortal詰y4益i

Abor的on rate3


的。 ifer5 pregnant at 3 year5 oi age2


Conceptìon rate 。f cows1








zb 1 喜

NA 品

l 在


5527 5毛*毛

41 57


NA 141 位a串串













33 串串

110 I'A

4831 串


l 7



554F ez34 44













33Z8 40347 OAvnwJ勻品。。

4345 7oonynuv 'a


53.8 ‘是 6. ♀

7.5 罕事,毛

14.4 71. 1

57.7 3發 .7

49.S 15.5

Mean CY

57.3 34. 信

(exclu是站g íarm 8)

Annual conception rate caìculated from conceptions occurred during two years. Cummulative concept車。n rate up to three years Qf age ‘ Pregnanc開 s ending in abortion 'X lOO/total pregnancies occurred ín one year .. Calves 的制 died at one month of age 肘 less/calves bo l"n in anê year , kg/anima. ljyear 帥timated by regresaion of weight [or age through age categorîea .. * :::: (;alving ínteTval 2: 3..5 month (n=116). No stockers present on 臨ía Carm .. NA 寫 iníormatíon not avaHable.



Northeastern U巍的os of Venezuela

After inconveniences wh時h delayed progre忽softheETES Project in Venezuela. the final selection of 13 farms has been accomplished and the project is now in the early stages of on-farm data collection.

ment In manage捕。伶t and to the adoption of more advanced technology will be the lack of managerial skill of farmers 闊的e EaSlern Plains region in general and of their admínistrators or farm managers in particular

Characteristícs 01 the farms surveyed in the pr彎,selection phase are presented in τables59an謹 60anddata on the selec姆拉 farms 8re shown inτable 61 Obvious dífferences with both the Colombian and Brazilìan farms are the greater proport的n of 帥wnpastur"s. the hígher stocking rate. the pre翁ence of


Cerrado of Centr祖 I Br攝zil

of the 15 farms initially selecled. three were 制.cluded from the proje仗. two in Mato Gro峙。andone

的 Goi矗S. On the 悶悶aining farms data collection contìnued normally. Prelíminary data anal懦的 wiUbe8vailable ìn early 1960.


V 灣 0.28X. 串 36

R' 縫。.76{0 誼8 without f8rm 喔 1j

30 i

60 i



L..."...l 90 129

軒9υre 59 , Farm productH)n per anîmal per year 抽 001划ng rateand grow的 rate of stockers

liveweight produc鐘。" {kgl AU/y..rj

Fîgure 60. Livew酬。ht pr甜叫削剖 cattle 間 16 farms in the Eastern 制ains 01 Colombia (EτES Project)

Tab ì.e S5. Size aηd composition oi total investment for 16 Íann.s ín the Ea社ern PLains of CoLombia (ETES Project).

Machinery Sown lnstallations and Total

Farm Land Cattle pastures and buil是íng lJ equipment investm。串m串γt. Inv E! stment/ha. Investment/AU E這O. (%) (qJD) {耗) {現} i可毛i (000 US$ j' (US$) (US$)

z 4在 34 1 日 8 s 163 150 已204 ;3 35 c ? 3 322 100 5忌。里 毛主 35 10 IZ G 109 1320 520 毛 43 33 8 10 ι <57 160 705

7 3車 谷。 車 8 6 替毛自 90 440 8 20 27 11 21 21 80 212 802 事 37 51 。 12 告

3♀ 80 350 11 62 29 l 4 4 327 78 720

12 52 34 5 6 3 Z52 58 522 13 39 5 位 。 7 4 100 70 400 14 37 51 1 7 4 15在 90 365

1, 21 65 z 9 3 24位 65 270

17 33 43 11 事 4生 212 70 500 l 喜 3倍 54 3 b 3 356 金。 365 19 42 51 G 7 。 134 50 330 20 24 57 10 a o 166 忌。 主志告

Av車﹒ 辜會 43 5 9 4 210 95 490

I 1978 U喜事.


Table 56. New investments during 1978 for 16 farms in the Eastern Plains of Colombia {ETES Project).

New inveatmenhf00♀ us$) 1


Farm SOW1主 Insta llationø 總nd Tötal new No. Cattt.Z pastUl"'es and buildinRS equipment inv t' stm~nt

z 10.1 5.0 0.0 0.0 15.1 4 16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.5 5 7. Z 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 6 28.7 日.0 0.0 0.0 28.7

? 贓 7.1 8.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 s 15.3 7.9 0.4 1. 7 25.3 9 在.會 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.9

II -16.0 0.0 缸,。 旱,自 -11.0

12 27.9 進.0 0.0 0.0 31.9 13 5.5 0.0 0.0 3.3 8.8 14 .1 喔,主 0.0 0.0 白,自 -14.3 15 30.0 3.6 0.0 3.8 37.4

17 -14.3 0.0 1. 1 0.0 -13.2 18 29.7 2.8 1 .1 0.0 33.6 19 -27. J 0.0 0.0 G‘ 9 -27.1 20 3.7 0.6 0.0 0.0 4.3

Ave :rage 事.5

1 1978 US事.2 Fa.rms with ne墓前ivo inve Itment 詛 ca缸le .how red恥的。n 訊 cattlø inve品。xy d叫抽草 th.. d".

to aales.

lanening and dairy-ranching activities. the use of concentrates and the presence 01 crops. Thus, ETES Venezuela will be faced with a greater variety 01 cattle production systems and with more intensive en‘

treprises than the other two ET在S Projects.

肘ES Proj即電- Phase "

Alter the study 01 the p惜時iling cattle production systems in the fírst part 01 the ET在S Project. a second ph帽e will be devoted to the int拘謹uction 01 improved technotogy into some selected farms.

The objectives of the second phase are: 1. To evaluate the 帥、pact 01 grass/legume

pastures developed by the Tropical Pastures Program on animal production and on net farm 的come. These pasture!學 will be used strategical­Iy with the breeding herd, as a complement 01 the

native savanna, in conjunction with improved animal management and animal health prac­tíces.

2. To study 訊社etail the behavior 01 the improve挂gras怠/Iegume pastures under farm condit悶ns,in terms of adaptation to the particular soil, d揖ease an泣的錯ct 惜自到ance, and pr(對ductivepersistence.

The second phase has been initiated on larm 4 in the Colombian Llanos.

The changes introduced so far include the sowing (July 1979) 01 the following improved pa剖ures、{別 25ha 01 8rachìaria decumbens 606 in mixture with Desmodium 0時lìfolium 350; (的 40 ha 01 Andropogon gayanus 621 in m班ture with Stylosanthes capítata 1019; (0)55 ha of A. gaYllnus 621 (49 ha in pure stand,


Table 57. Annual gr08$ income for 16 farms in the Eastern Plains of Colombia (ETES Proj帆t ).

Total g玄0.' 目前ne ('000 U5$) Sout'ce of income {'OOO US鈴 E起timated

Far品 Cattle Changes in 弘是ilk Observed a.ccordln草 toE俑, saleø 主nventory sai程學 in 197甚 production1

主 7.6 9.3 。饋 G 3 岳.曹 11. 6 4 23.6 也 7.1 O. 自 i 已.5 14.ó 5 13.8 - 3.0 0.0 10.7 7.0 6 44恥。 -26.8 0.0 17.1 18. Ó

7 58.9 -17.4 0.0 41.6 41. 5 s 0.9 4.6 3.1 8.6 9. 7 9 0.0 6.3 0.0 6.3 4.2

11 51. 5 -16.0 0.0 35.5 25.1

12 27. 盡 - 5.6 0.0 2Z.Z 12.3 13 2. 華 5.5 0.0 車.3 9.8 14 主毯 .0 -14.3 0.0 哩.6 21.8 15 0.0 30.0 0.0 3亞.0 33.8

17 41. 3 -21.2 位.0 20.1 17.4 18 28.0 11. 9 0.0 47.9 3耳. 3 19 28.0 -27.1 0.0 日,事 15.3 20 Zó.3 -13.1 0.0 13.1 23.1

Ave.rage 車3.7 - 5.2 0.2 1 a. 3 18.6

1 1978 US事-2 Pro也是ction measure這 in kg oí 1ivewe i革融/year 品 US串串.75/地.

1 ha in m院ture with S. capitata 1300 and 5 ha in mixture with ZornÍl會 latifolia 72鉤; (d) 5 ha 01 Pueraria phaseoloídes 9900.

The establ時hment of these pastures was satisfa恥tory and the lìrst grazìng ìs about to begìn‘

Breeding Herds Management Systems

τhe effects of the strategìc use 01 ìmproved pastures and 01 the length 01 電he m品r草草 season on the product削ty of bree謹ing herds 揖 studi紛 in thìs 輯periment 戰 Carìmagua

τhe objectives and the experìmental 為51gn were descrìbed ìn detail in previous reports (CIAT Annual Reports 1977 and 1978)

The experìment includes 5叫 herds of 54 COW5 each. Herds 1. 3 and 5grazeonlyonnatìvesavanna. Herds2,


4 and 6 have 信ccess to improved pastures durìng 3.5 months in the late dry and/or early raìny season. Herds 1 and 2 mate all year round; the m帥的gpem沼 for herds 3 and 4 extends Irom June untìl September (120 days) whereas herds 5 and 6 have a 90 day mating period between May and July.

The calvìng rate in 1979 calculated for all cows ìn each herd iS' presented in Fìgure61. However. as some animals were pregnant durìng the mating season 01 1978 or had calve社 shortly before the introduction of bulls 01 the herds, empty cows were cla捕的ed as "able" if they had calve亞 at least 90 days before the en疇。,1 the matìng season (arbitrarì勻, en泣。fJulyfor t糟rds 1 and 2).τhe calving rate anJ the distribu位。n 01 calvings in 1979 for these able cows is shown ìn Figure 62

Comparìng herds 1 wìth 2 and 5 with 6. ìt can be seen that the 叫Iving rate of able cows wìth ",~ access to ìmproved pastures in 1978 was higher than the calving rate of theìr counterparts that grazed only on

Table 58. Annual current exp憩ndítureó íor 16 farms in the Eastern Plains of Colombia (EτES Prójec的.

Annual expendítures (1000 US$J 1

Purchase of inputs Farm La.bor Mìnc l'al 濕。. Occasionai Pertúanent Administration sup'Olements Drugs Fertilízer Others Total

z 0.4 19.2 9.1 毛 .8 3.0 0.0 4. 里 43 4 已 .5 23學毛 逸事. 1 4岳 .8 8.8 0.0 位 .2 137 5 3.7 0.0 11.9 5.7 3.1 0.0 1. 8 26

已 13.0 33.2 15.8 4.3 3.6 0.0 2.3 72

7 11 • 2 56.4 51. 9 串串.亨 8.0 0.0 毛 .6 203 8 4.4 26.5 39.8 5.7 Z.3 0.0 0.0 79 9 0.7 0.0 1 5. 在 1. 0 2.6 0.0 自.5 20

II 1.9 17.2 42.1 26.0 23.3 0.0 8.8 II ♀

12 5.5 21. 3 11.7 1 3. ~是 2.3 0.0 進 .1 58 13 0.0 3. 亨 18.7 毛 .0 2.3 1. 0 4.0 36 14 告,毛 0.0 16.0 15.8 1. 1 0.0 2.6 36 15 0.0 59. Z 17.8 35.2 ♀.3 1.1 8.9 1 3Z

17 11. 1 主 9.1 1 1. 7 11.8 7.7 2.9 1.9 76 18 。'。 34.5 15. Z 39.3 13.5 2.6 2.1 107 19 拉.6 13.4 3.9 6.5 3.0 0.0 自.0 27 20 0.0 12.1 4.6 10.9 6.5 0.0 2.5 31

Average 3.7 21.9 20.9 18. 會 6.2 0.5 3.5 76 Percentage E Z♀ 27 主5 自 1 事 100

l l 事78 US$.

Table 59. Characterístics oí Íarms surveyed 訊 the pr• selection phasc in th藍泣。rth叫個tcrn Llano車。1

Venezu脅la. ETES Project.

Stockìn屆 rate

Area to Savanna Sown St:rat\且m Area sown pastu t' es Cows P'" 位l.res pastures Sava.nr埠

l!.!叫 n (hal (ha) i唱) Cattle i詣。:l (%) (ha/animal) (ha/animal) {hUanìmaU

<::500 9 ZZ4 7喜 3志 271 126 毒草 1. 1 0.3 0.8 (82) (84) (51) (61 ) [籠。} (68) (71 ) i會 8)

500勵1000 21 金 99 236 34 487 1 在G 40 2.2 0.6 1. 6 (主61 (95) {守1) (90) (84) (43) (781 (103) (l ll )

1001-2000 10 1555 毛 90 46 904 259 3串 之 .7 0.9 1. 車

(21) (71 ) (72) (77) (68) (58) (84) (77) (137)

:;. 2000 s 7000 352 會 1790 毛 03 43 5.7 0.3 5.4 (毛 3) (90) (IZ6) (83) (54) (35) (71) (84) (73)

.Figu.reø 叫 parenthe 6Ì8 are coe f'f icientes of vari的!on (現).


Table 忌。 Other charac.時恥的忱& of íarrns &urveyed in the- pre“制lection phase 油 the Nor晶晶。tern

L\an08 of Venezuela (ETES Projec‘).

Use of mi詰e l"ál u時 d Agrìçultural Dairy 1 l Stratum supplement蟬 t:oncentratee ranchíng Fattening crop揖

(ha) t岱} {%} (,\"} {%} tha}

4也,00 50 63 5益 22 :<2 500-1000 70 50 5主 52主 33

1001-2000 90 40 40 4車。 1>0 雪'2000 40 20 。 80 zo

1 Plus c-ow-caU... ø.tocker ope l'ation. Z Two ía :rm. are excluaively í.ttening .,財c l'pl" i.e..

savanna. This effect, however, was not apparent in herd 4 which had practically the same calving rate as herd 3

τhe shortening of the mating period from four to three months did not reduce the calving rate of cows with access 10 improved pastures !herd 6 vs. herd 4, Figure 6咎。 In contra紋, the shortenìng 01 Ihe matìng 揖ason for cows in savanna decreased the calvìng rate (herd 5 vs. her亞 3). On the other hand, continuous

mating should be compared wìth seasonal mating only at a more advanced stage of the experime叫

With regard to the possibilìty of IT、aintaìning a seasonal matin草 period, attention should be f臨之路edon the reconception rate of cows in early lactatìon. The reco仿ception rate between 90and 180dayspost­pa巾rition was 80% between 30 C0W5 of herds with access 10 improved pastures. The何時onception rate for 30 cows belonging to herds wìth acce帥 losavanna

only was 40%.

T的le 車1. Characteri肘ics of selected fafms in the NOT廿三east~rll I,lAuos or Vcnezueta (EτES Projectì.

缸,三 (ha) 早在約喊叫~蜘 (ha(anim.lj

F a.xom Type oOf XE -Sown Caltle Sown

No. operati Sa.vanna pastures Crops Total Co申.. Savanna pasturea

3 C//RR /F 165 1>50 G 855 390 O. G 。, a z C/R/D 200 470 o 500 240 0.4 O. 會

3 C/R/F 100 6串串 。 3串串 1>0 0.2 2.0 4 C(R/。 180 70 G 350 150 。‘

5 0.2

E C/R(F 400 250 。 1125 500 0. -4 0.2 6


1600 300 100 1>00 600 1. 1 車.2? 1775 125 。 300 200 5.9 O. 看

B 600 600 。 1100 400 0.5 0.5

9 R 440 10 多♀ 130 3.4 0.1 10 C(狼 1180 20 o 主00 150 3.9 0.1 11 CC//E

R/D 車90 80 30 500 300 1. S 0.1

12 400 50 50 350 200 1.1 0.1 13 C;R 550 50 o 250 120 Z.Z 0.2

1 c 揖 cow壘位講話; R :: riLb 1n事; F = tallelÚn事: D 為 òairy-l'益nchinll.


higher than usual in the LJanos where cows normally almost never conceive while they 8re lactating.τhis su串串ests that the application of the management practíces 01 herds 1 • 3 an控告 tocommercial herds ín the LJanos might substantially increase fertílíty


hh 路口

P時 weaníng mortalíty of calves wa發 8.4% ín the herds that grazed on savanna only and 7.3% 隔 those

with access to improved p品tures. This d汗lerencebetween grazíng treatments was not slatistìcally 剖gnifjcant (P<0.05)、 The cause 01 death could not be det軒mme蓓的 53% 01 Ihe cases; 32% 01 the losses were due 10 starvation (poor mothering ability 01 the dams). 10% to bone fractures and 5% to poliart知itis

Calves born in 1978 were weaned at nine monthsol a疇。 Weanìr可9 weight (Table 62) was increased 替毛主eto

access 01 the dams 10 improved pastures (168.1 vS. 158.8 kg). The period in wh ich the calves were born Had no eflect on their wei會ht at weaning and male calves were 11.3 kg heavier at weaníng than females.

M袋,這"9M的 July

Mating June-Septe紗,be,



Flgure 軒 Eftect of stra協旬IC use 01 削wn pastu持S 00 calving rate during 1979 in the Breed附9 Hetds Management Sys梧ms Experì 、

ment. Car;magua {calvings until Septem誨, 3日} 80dy weight 01 cows at the bim啊lthly w酬ghings is shown in Figure 63. Duri俗音 197息. cows with access to ímproved pastures were always heavíer than cows on savanna. From early 1979 onwards. however. cows on improved pastures lost weighl progressíve旬,particularly those in early lactation. This can be

The reconcept叩n rate 01 cows on improved pastures ìs the required level lor a seasonal matíng system 間òth

hi當h lerti Jityτhe reconception rate obtained on savanna only is too low for this purpose. but much

Gr8Ztng on S8vanna 1"- 10% impfoved p組斜UfesGrazing 側組Ivanna 棚Iy



Mating June-Sep楠mbe穹


Herd 4. n罵 48






Continuou$ mating




0 1



ilj 7 6 5 4 2 3 4

Yφt樞,電 979

Figure 62. Accumuiative calving percentage of cows clas&ifled as "ab悟 'dunng 納e的ðting períods of 1978已

事2 1 ? e 5 T


Table 62. Effect of three variables on weaning wei直nt o{ calve. born in 1978 (ETES Project).


Slrate i! ic U5e of improve逞。a8tuI嘲. IP <::丸。5)

Dams on sava間是‘ only

Dama with aCcea& to 間嚕l"ove垂 past\'lo ree


Ma le caivea

Female ca. lvea

$ea.onal e!fect íP:> O. 05l

Born 主法必!L

3毅nuary-恥1arch October-December

April-Ju綠@ Jam時吋﹒叫arçh

July.S叩tember April-June

Weaning wei車hl 1


158.8 土 3.0 倍的

168.1 主 3.1 n? l

169.3 土 3.1

158. Q 兮其‘ 9

161.6 土 3. a (7G)

164.9 土耳‘毛約的

163.♀土弘 Ó (35)

1 Weaned 剖 ni帥 rnonths of a車e~ mea泌 wei轟.ht !.叫a.nda.r<l "1'1'01'. í'i辭時 a in pa1'enthoaia a :re the 益、ll'1仇be r- aí obse 1'vatiQM看


.Ory cows. savanna ODrv COWI. S8 \fanna 令官。%imprc"v&d pðs輯時S

ACowa in early 旭甜甜姆n (<4mon餒,峙, $8vanna âCows 附轍rly 梧的甜。n (<4"田"臨的,開vanna t 10%imp即時d pastu開導










31 。

4....-6- 8 10 12 2 4 6 8

←--由“呵呵鵬會 978 1979 --ω--l

Fìgure 63. Effe前 01 lactation 剖8tU$ on bodV wøight of “新wsonsa哺附街 only or on 輔岫nnð + 10%開妒。ved pa眠W臨


attribut甜 to the facts lhat S. guíanensil$ was seve附Iy

attacked by anthracnose duríng the last trìmester of 治78制d lhe 8. decumbens padd∞kswere overstock­ed (as available area was reduced by 25% ìn ord軒 tosow addítíonallegume p船tu問s)and 臨時陪Ivaffected

by a spìttl的ug (Aneolamia varía. Z ulia pubescens) attack.

The utilizat賠n of ìmproved paslu問s ìs shown ín Fìgure 64. In addìtion to the programme亞 utìlìz81ion, a paddock of Melinis minurif!o,a oulsìde the experìm間,tal are8 was graze盛行 .4 AU/ha) during July and August by her是s 2 and 4. Th ís was an attempt 10 overcome the emergency caused by lhe reductìon of available 8. decumbens.

Only prelìminary ìnformat呻n on the pregnancy 舟te

for 1979 can be gìven al thís 51age. Pregnancy dìagnoses were carrìed 0悅的 October when concep­tion發 that occurred in lale August and in September are still undetectable.

刪阻叫阿岫咱S8rachiaria decumbens


國G叫呻 heifero8rachiaria decumbens

Herd 4


'運ndroþ()gon gayanus i彎,嚇緝捕鶴啦棚捕悔

Herd.6.'忌.2.6 .nd 2) 4.9 AU/he 8時chiaria decumbens

年 He吋 23r



.. ud明 會

1 101112 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 可。 '。可 1 12 • -1978 -4叫-向叫切的- 1979 一一一一一一呵呵呵四哼

Figure 64. Utîlî閥tion of improved pastures in th阿. B間eding Herds Management Sy割em.Ex扮erÎment 制 Carimagua

卡啊 1978-吋叫叫叫叫叫叫叫 1979 一一一一一一--→

τest Herds

紋路. management. and produClion objectiv醋。f

Ihese ICA-CIAτherdsw辦學位escribed in the previous H培訓剝削 Annual Repo時, 1 紡車}

The calving rate and Ihe distribu訓。n of calving during the year are presenled in Table 63. The calving rale in herds 1, 2 and 3 was s1ighlly lower Ihan in Ihe previous year (53.9 vS. 58.2%). Th時 di仟erence 悶 notslatislically significant (P>O.05) and probably ref1ects chance fluctuations around a mean annual calving rale of approximately 55%

Herds 5 and 6 bo泌 hada 75% 紋絲nancy 措te. The average pregnancy時論 forherdson 締vannawasonly

路%. For herds with acc輔發 to improved pastures the ∞甜甜ponding figure was 約會息,

Compared to last year, fertílity of co明嚕。n savanna plus improved pastures 卓愉pp闕, most 1ikely as a co悶equence 01 the low都附tritiona川剝削 achieved

after Ihe IOS5 of the legume component in the pastures and grazing on B. decumbens attacked by 5pittlebugs

The pregnancy rate of cows on savanna 峙。nlyslightly lower than their previous calving rate. This di何eren間. however~ 咱 likely to disappear when late concept咱們s (thal were undetectable by rectal palpa糖tion in October) are ∞mput呵,

In herds 4 and 5 the calving 惜te between October 1978 and September 1979 was 77.2%, 38.3 perce和lage points higher than the year before. Last year's calvíng 扭扭 was obtained for a m磁ing p軒iod of only 氣/110 months. This left many non紛pregnant cows that conceived 月adily in the following mating season and conse有uently increased this year's calving rate平


τhe reduction in the conception rate of the cows on savanna plus imp悶ved pastur闕,∞mpared to that ob臨的ed la揖 year can be attributed m翻nly to the disappearan<單。f the legume compone悅。f the pastures.τhis stresses the importl撞nce ofthe le事研楠to obtaín hígh pregnancy rates.

Table “ Dí訓ribution of calvìngs ~nd calving rate 訊 the ICA/ClAT Te.t Herd. íor 臨終 periodOct.ober 1 會7喜-September 1 雪79 aξ Carìma草茲通包﹒

Herd. COW8

1, 2 and 3 152

4 and 5 97

OctobeT 帽




Calf mortality紋is year 15.9%) was p舟ctically simil前

to last year's 15.4絢. Of the nine calves 1冊t, twv died from snake bite, one due to poliarthritis and another one after a bone fracture: cause of death could not be establíshe桂 for the remaíning five calves.

January 備Mareh



April 峰June







Calving rate



The test herds provided 228 steers, 50 heífers, 9 cows and 9 bulls for oth軒 research proj制ts at Carir惜當帥“ AII these animals were transfe何關 to

different sections for other research work


Animal Management

Previous 糊。你別 the CPAC, Brazit has shown that a 心month mating season is as good as the tradil岫nalcontínuous mating practice ín terms 01 reproduc剖veperformance. Sínce輯錯onal mating facilitates animal and pasture management, continuous matin♀ has been eliminated from experiments designed 10 test

new management practices based on the strateg阻 υ5e

of native and improv軒d pastures at the CPAC‘

In November,洶洶, three breeding herds were put together from the ex闊的ng femal揖 within the CPAC (Table 6吻. The females we開 assigned to herds accord的書 tow酬。圳, age, and 描productive status such th甜 at the b翎inníng of the matíng season e8ch herd

Table 已是 Treatmenhl ueed at the CPAC~ Braz.i~ to study the effects oí improved paa恤間, 則陳章主睹

season an:滋 wean1ng age on reproduction in Zebu COW8 ..

Pasture No. of Gra制ng p縣抖。4 Mating 轟ea扇。a Weanlnli age

Herd cowe ~ (month.) i“草!.Ì !!!!.I!l

A SO native 9 90 {斑。v/J:泉路) 90

improve是 3 150

B 喜喜 犯ative 9 45 (Nov/Dec) '10

improv.d 3 45 (Apr/May) 150

c 事。 組at且ve lZ 金5 (Nov/Dec) 90

4事 (Apr/May) 150


included 15 lactating cows, 21 dry cows and 14 heilers. Mature cows averaged r叩開than 300 kg atthe start 01 the experiment wh ile the 2 -year old and 3-year old heifers VI陣ighed 243 kg and 289 kg, respectively包Tha stocki ng 用te to be followed during tha experiment will be 5 ha/cow in native pasture and 2 cows/ha in improved pastures. A previously established pasture 01 Srachíería ruzízíensís plus a mixture 01 legumes (G.秒的ine wíghtiι Stylosønthe6 guíanensis cv Endaavour and Mecroptílium 縛.1 will be u揖d during tha mating season. Rasults presented here are based on the lirst削year ob發ervations.

The average deily gain (τ'able 65) during the first b糟叫均純齡棉 (at the belinning 01 tha rainy甜甜on)demonstrates that nursing co叭IS gained less than dry cows or haifars 瓣醬gasting that tha lack 01 司ualityand/'軒 quality 01 fora蠶e inthe nati鴨 pasture does not pr倒ìdeenou草h nutrients lor the悶悶符如回toregaìn

sufficient cond話時n to rabreed durin畫 tha mating saa部n (桶rd C). The waig榔 shown lor the second b時edin聾發輔辦狗, (at the and 01 the 闊的 season)

il、cluda only tho時棋lWsin HerdsBandCwhichdìdnot conceiv種 during the lirst breedin會 saason. M蟬t 01 th時抽 cows w僻e nu時間9 duril嘗嘗 the lirst mating sea餌n but were 制b鞠需uently weaned and regained body condition by the tíme the s恥。nd mating s甜甜n

began. The weight changes Irom the beginning 01 the breedin宙 season to the beginnin鹽。.fthecalvingseason甜e shown in Figure 6臨.

τhe conception rates in Table 66 are closely related 10 Ihe weight changes observed in Table 65 with the great輔t treatment difference occurring among lac­tating cows. The 90-day mating periodforthe lactating

cows gave better results than the 45-day period due to a longer exposure to the bull and the effect of weaning which occurr倒 approximately 50 days after the breeding season began allowing two additional estrous cycles post-w輸ning in Herd A Th時 is further substant抽ted by the conception rates 01 the dry cows, 95% 01 which apparentlyconc酬ved during the lirst 45 days. At the beginin事。f the second breeding sea蜘nall

the previously 1齡tatlng ∞ws had been weaned lor at least one month τhe effect 01 improved pasture 措noticeable between Herds B and C durin嘗 the 鞠蚓、dbreeding season

When conception 措tes are ob揖何關都∞rding to physiological status 01 the 叫捕s (τable 67) it is apparent that dry cows and heifers were not the problem breeders. It can al妞"。泌erved that an unexpectedly high number of 2-year old heifers C油nceived at weights below that normally considered ade電uate lor heìlers. This would indicate that 2-year old heifers with average develOpment are 絡rtile;however, il they are mated before they reach a target weight of app悶悶mately 3∞ kg, their 制論總uent伺pr(泌uctille performance can be exp配ted to be 恃tarded because 01 the weight 105S during the li時IlactatJon and the extended peric治 required to g剖uperate body condition. Experiments are underway to develop a management program based on various combi間tions 01 native and improved pastures which will produce 3α) kg heifers at 24-27 months 01 翎成τhe above experiment wiU be continued lor three more years.

During the same period, a more detailed experimant was initiated to provide more basic information (Table

Table 65. W.lght. o! Zebu !emalee by 抑制tments and physiologtcal etatus at mating time in the Cerrado. CPAC,路razi1.

Mean we i.ghte (kg) Firøt breeding øeaøon Second breedin直 season

Nursìng Dry We甜甜 Dry Herd COV\!S COW8 Heifers COW8 COW8 Hei!era

A 3日 3 (.3Z5)1 3Z9 (.529) .69 (.617)

B 310 (. Z89) 3Z5 (. 578) Z66 (.622) 348 3島。 324

c 311 (.133) 3ZS (.544) 267 (.422) 335 373 315

1 Figures in pare泌thetdll are mean daily w的ght ga綿8 durin車 the bret'):ding 8eason.





___Hetì揖 a













"喘一-Herd C


June F.b i

May l

Jun. i

July A

Aug. S.會兒280

Nov Apr. 輔側掛

Fig斟醉u恃研 W制叫g悅的甜g醉@ο剖f Zebu c個αW瞞穆d恥uCPAC,甜甜"

681 on the reproductíve response 01 ∞mmercial Gir cattle to (的 post-partum energy levels. and (b)dífferent a9棚 atw翩翩19. The COVl措蝸暉re confined and trough fedam揖tureofg閉路 hay. ground corn and∞ttonseed meal to provide hígh (1.3 times NRCr,閱jírements) and low (0.7 NRC) energy levels whíle m剝削剝削ng the protein le時1 (1 0%) constant for both herds. 給ecowa

W軒e assígned to the two energy levels at calving tima ac∞rding to po錢-partum waight霉; weaníng age was a5signed at 桶,咽。m within herds. The cowa wara

removed f~om the experíment and returned to native pastu時 as they were found pregnant.

As expected. the low energy herd 105t mora weíght (21%) 垂uring the lirst 150 days after parturítion than th的igh 酬ergy cowa (Figu問 66). However, both herds began to vain weight 150 deys after calving which corresponds to weanin嘗 at live months and tíme at whích only fíve lact剖ín事 cows were left ín each herd.

Table 665 Conception rate5 oí Zebu cows by treatment6 and physiolo單icat 品制咽 at breed台灣 time

in the Cerra是O. CPAC, Brazi1.

Fìrat: matin矗韓信ason1

La帥的輸車 Dry Herd êOWB c:ows He甘ero 氣l.btotal

A 67 95 車串 8Z

B ZO 警車 64 6Z

C 13 100 57 6Z

Second mating 醫學a.sonGWeaned Dry

CQW& COW8 Heiferø Total


會1 50 品。


62 。 華車 84.0

1 Beg旭nin囂。f rainy aeaøon~ 2 E甜耐 rai鳳yeeas。這﹒


Reproductíve respon學e oC Zebu c()w讀到 variOU8 physiological stageø during tbe breeding .ea80n in 泣'le, CPAC. Br.崎il.

Table 67.

Conception rate 位i

Weight ..t initio.l breeding eea.øon

.!w. No. expo lJed

10 b\111 Reprod山lctive ata2e

Nuraing during !irat ha.lf of breeding .eaaon 75.6 308 45

Dry at onset o! breeding ,eaeon 事6.83Z7 62.

71.4 主4328 2.7 monlh old beüero

100.0 草草915 3S montb old heüeu

da棉8 戰 30 days of age 割、d allowing them to nursa 科研ce daily (30 minutes each) 舟duced the rate of we紛紛 10懇懇 in thesa COW5 and put them in a gaining 5t鐘te sooner than cows weaned later than one month. Weaning the cows at 90 亞ays post-partum stopped their weight 1055 at that point; however. they did not begin gaining un討160da憐的erwl帥ning. There were nogreat 糾紛rences Inw叫ht changes between cα鴨and weaned at five or 5ix months post-partum sugg制ting that the major affect of lactation stress had ended by five months post-partum.

The eff,齡tofw臨ning age had a 紋呻吟研習的ect on m斂-partum ∞wweight ch部ge than e楠rgy level (Figure 67). When the la位ation st惜錯W器 removedat30 days post-partum, the daily weigh電 i喝sd輯時8帥d

butthecow習I did not reach a 9割ning condition until 60 day發 post-w輔的冷. Separating the 倍Ives from their

Treatmenb 扭) .tu.dy 自le e釘'ect of energy l.ve1 岫,d weaning age on reproduction in Zebu COW8, CPAC, Bra 'Zil.

Table 68.

翩翩關間酬gh energy 喘岫恥 Low .08增V



Energy level1

Age of cali at weaning 瞌睡組

No. of cow.

Treatment No.










E E 3 3 莘

6 £

ControUed nuro扭草草ControUe是






2801 ~

01:; 。

Low 5 10

L一一---'Z哩。 240

i 180 1 囂。

Day. POlt partum

a t 草。90

i 60

i 30

話19b energy 認 1.3 NRC recomm酬是atiQn; low 酬肘御街 0.7 N竄C recommendation. Two 削rsing.jday be草inning at 30 daya 但“­partu館h


Figure 66. Effect of two energy levels on post~partum weights of cows fed in ∞nfìnerr、ent



410 生一-…伽甜ngat3m酬恤 /'


z 337串串B

盞, 01



30 60 90 120 16白 180 囂 10 240 Days po.電 partum

Figure 67 藍背自t of weaning age Qn post~partum weÎg.hts of cows !.關閉摺卅ïnement

The 揖rviçe period (days !rom parturítíon 10 re∞仿cept泌的 was esti的發ted Irom palpation data which appears in Table 69. These data show a positive response to the higher energy level in reducing the 輔阿ice period by 41 days. The trends 的diçate that bettar nutrítíon beçor約as mo冊 important as the weanin單 位me is prolonged. There appears to be little aft制t. o! energy laval on tha sarvì締 pariod b輔wean

論陣aning at 90 days or controlled nu昀ing. Howev瞥. in the low energy group, tha ç旬,可trolled nursing cows concai糟d whila nursing, while cows weanad at 90 days concaived 16 days post-明階aning.

Tabl.. 金會 Ef!ect of en傘rgy and weanin單據矗e on the poat...partum øerviee period of Zebu eOW8 in the Cerra.晶。. CPAC. Brazil.

Service 怒吼。d1 (d咚"Wea泌ing age Ener矗.l! level {mO酷h吋 Hizh Low Average

1 46 58 5Z 3 81 10也 94

Conlrolled nuraing 車$ 111 98

5 U4 ZlO 167 6 180 236 Z串串

Average 103 144

1 Day. from parturition to recon兩ceptio總-


Tha difterence in servi閱 pariod betweenw倒ningatone month an噩 at 轍 months was a reduction fo 166 days. Cows wea冊d at one month reconceived on an average 01 62 days post-partum indicatin蠶 excellent

le時ilitywhen physiolo當總al and nutrit酬lal stress 01 the cal! on the cow ìs removed early每 The above serv揖eperiωwould give an annual 甜1I 肘。P 日問ater th剖1∞%. While weaning at one month is not consid酬d

practical, the Ireatment was included to investigate if Gir cattle are physiologically capable 01 rebreeding as 制rly 臨 other breeds 01 胸前perate cattle.

Weaning at 90 days post-partum 前 controllednu悶ing during the breeding season are management practices wh揖h could be employed under imp悔鴨dranch cor泌itions. The data indí開te that an annual call cr<耳p greater than 章。可(, could be ach帽則指 by using either 01 the two methods recognizir冷 the lact that an improved calf raising program must be included in the management system.

τhe calves Irom th禱 experimentwere maintained on an ave惜當e quality 8ra的iaria decumbens pasture without supplementation. At we圳、ing. the 6-month w鵬總d calves we時 30 kg heaviar than the calves which had been weaned three months earliar; how啊啊,酷的。 year 01 age the d的erencebet\鵬制 the

two grou學s had b帥n reduced by 34%.

τhe controlled weaned calves were only 9 kg lighter than the 草,鼎的th weaned clav鶴 at one ye缸. The negative effect 01 帥ntrolled nursing duríng the breedir冷 season on call growth is minimal. Although some extra labor and infrastructure are req駒,憾,

controlled nursín\} offers the po揖ibility of íncreasing the reconception rate in areas where subnutrition 喝 aproblem without delaying the growth of the nursin峰揖If. Experiments were initiated w詰h legume besed pasture in search of a high 哩uality pasture suitable for 個1I rearing which would ma鞠 earlv weaning a viable alternative towards increasing rep時duction.

Pasture Utilization

τ精神 st!耳king rates were used to evaluate tha pr!泌uctivìty 01 an establ悶hed 8rachiaria ruziz摺'n­

sis/legun、e pasture duri ng the dry season‘ Thepasture had been rested lor six weeks belore the animals entered at the sta rt of the dry saason. Pasture samples 論ken at the beginning of the dry 鋪8輯們 showωhigh dry matter availability whìch was approxim齡必y 8O%grass and 20% legume 得tylosanthes guíanens旬,

Mecr,紛紛ïum sp. an垂 Glyc咐e wightiiJ σ'able 70). As

Table 70. Paetul'e and pel'{orn祖nc:e du-rir海 the 1979 dry aeaoon under two atoeking ratee 朋&主給E垃訟法草草豆豆單單單i!. and leg聞單1 開sture i趙海e Cerrado8, CPAC t Braz比

Available dry ma.tter (tf~ Beginning of dry End of dry Liveweîght

5tockíng rate season season galna (AUh!.l GraS8 Le gume GraS8 Legume (g/head!dayl

1. Z5 3. 7在 。.94 Z.Z4 0.0 z 7.0 (Z8.0)

0.65 3.83 。.56 Z.63 1. 01 44.0 (88.0)

1 .9.垃主語!.Y!誼垃恥金泣錢給您旦且錢沒笠~ cv. Endeavour, and 坐車悠悠坐坐.!!! .p. Z F硨ures in parenthesie- are lívew,剎車ht gain總 in g/ha!day).

expected. the 峙lduction of dry matter Irom the sward was greater at the higher st部king rate (17.6 versus 12.5 kg/ha/ day) as馳Jming no correction for regrowth; hOWevi前. the dry matter reductíon per AU wa發 the

cont叫ry (1 4.1 versus 19.2 kg/ anímal/day) suggestíng that the anímals in the low軒 stocking陪te had a hígher intake.

Whíle animal liveweight gaíns were 5ma" both groups 105t no weíght duríng the dry sea怠。n. The 28-day weight changes are shown ín Fígure 68. Weíght losses during July and Augu翁t are more closely ass自賠ted wíth the d路appearance 01 the legume ∞mponent from Ihe sward than the reduclíon ín total a糊ilable dry matter. 自y the end of the dry season the legume ha聶 practicallv disappeared Irom the sward The posílive weíghl change wh臨終目:cur阻d in late September was due to an un鞠蹄。nal raín ín late


)… 吭一叫










AA'-z 吶mCV






oosoao au






Figure 68. E!f恥t 01 輸給klO9抽te 0" livewei雷ht change in Zebu calv&s gr8ZÎng 8 BrllChÎøria ruziziel1$is/l旬ume mixture durír璿甜e

d吋 season in the Cerrado. CPAC. 8razil.

August. The experiment wíll be∞的i削ed Ihrough the 翔的V season wh肘。 both animal and pasture perfor­mance will be monitored.


τhe obj甜tive of the Anímal Health 鞠ctíon is to develop preve削íve medícine schemes adjusled to the 例sture/animal management sy絨ems developed by the Tropícal Pastures Pro疇ram. Work continued at three levels: atthe macro-Ievel, an inventoryof disease and syndromes conducive 10 mona I ítv or decreased pr叫“ctív措y ís beíng a純喲Ibled and wíll be integ悶tedwilh the target area survey i n order to piece together dístríbutio悶 bas甜。n 8∞systems. Macro-Ievel studies are províding a catalogue 01 all ex揖tingco憾。tions that are influencíng productívíty ìn the tar晉et area and th樹r relative 間份制nce. At the intermedíate level, work continued on surveillar喝ein

fllrms of the EτES project 肘'Id monítoring of the test herds at Carímagua. Intermediate level monítoríng provides ínformatíon from individual animals in specifíc farms that permits quantif阻ation of main dísease C8useS. At the micro-Iev斜. studíes contínued on the profíle of gastro-intestínal parasítes and hemoparasítes 說 Carim呵帥. and the development of photosensíti紹Ilon ín sl曲時 grazíng 8ra.紛紛r摺

decumbens. Mícro-Ievel studi輔 províde ínformation on incídence of sp甜甜結切ndítions defín倒 as ímpor­捕的 for the development of a preventíve med時inecontrol 駝heme.


Table 71. Importance o! catt1e dise aø repol'ted by c:att1emen from two øourcee.

Colombian Llano也 Orientale s 1 Cerrado oí Bra終UZ

Condition No. of íarms Condition 支紅m.{率;

Vulvovaginitis 2串 Pneumoenteritis 21.4 Retained plae 駐軍,ta 25 Hemopa l'asites 18.8 Abörtion 23 Foot and mouth disea開 1 直.4

Metritis 19 Black-leg 14.9 Chroníc malnútrition 19 En哇。parasites 6.2 Hídrosamní 13 Colibacilo草is 4.3 Btack..le草 11 Brucellosi囂 2.8 BruceUosis 會 Salmonellosis 2.4 Ana. ptasmos Í8 E Ectoparasites 1.6 Septicemia 自 Pa軍teu l'ellosis 1.5 器。位e Iractures 6 Rabies 1.2 Anthrax 在 Botulisrn 1.0 CaU diarrhea 4 Anthra.x 0.9 Babesiosis 4 Tube l'culosis 0.2 Foot and mouth disea轉轉 3

1 From !t Survey o! cattle health problems in th3 eastern plains ot ColombiaH CO l'rier. D.E. et al. Br. Vef;:.仇恨 978).

Z From: A su:::vcy of cattlemen. Statee of Mato Grosso t Goia :s and Minas Gerais. 1m HDiag. nostico Saude Anim叫 Míni5terio de Agricultura# Brazil. 1977火


Animal di鉤ase inventory

Oata is being coUected and analyz秘 primarily Irom BrazU, Colomb蟬, Venezuela and Paraguay, τhere sre three main levels lor the 細lormation coUect錯The

first is data collected Irom livestock owners and private prolessional practitioners either through survey quest岫n約aires or di時ct visits. The s觀海nd level ∞rresponds to official figures given by re嘗ional

i盈boratories, slaughterhouses an卓 animal haalth o計ices atthe re唱ional and nationallevel. τhe third level 01 inlormation corresponds to data obtained through specific 翁urveys in which 轍隅pl揖 Irom individual animals sre examíne垂 by a laboratory. Inlormatíon Irom the first level 揖鞠繪制ive and figures need conlirmation Irom the other levels 01 inlormation. It i學揖P都ially uselul lor a d關cription 01 syndromes th剖開use deaths or dec均僻ed productivity which do not appear 00 the official morbídity and mortality 冊ports.τable 71 iIIustrates two sources 01 inlormation st th唱level. A conditíon such as pneun硨恥enterítis Irom one 個urce ísprobably equivalentto diarrhea in calves Irom the other; hen、oparasites appear together ín one


學ource but as Anaplasma andBabesia ín the other.τhe work which is underway has the 卸m 01 select的gcondit峙的 that are appearíng only at th酪 level and classifyíng them by their 時lati嗨 importan峙,利@ínlormatíon 00 sp齡ilic inlect樽us díseases Irom this level 措 not considered as reliable unless data Irom laboratory examinatíons are pre閥nted‘ τhe second source corresponding to official ligures, is oriented ' towards specilic recognized infectious díseases cau莓,ing morbidíty and mortality.τhe ínlormatíon from th惜level 惜 beíng arranged by geographícal secto話 wíthin

the target area

Thethírd 目urce ∞rresponds to condítíons that can be ídentílíed by dírect ob揖rvation 01 the cattle or by 留給logícal d悶gno鉛ctests. Th惜 levelof informat咱們 ismore relíable for entítíes that can be ident剝削 by

輔rologícal procedur帥. Work is undervl御。nserological testíng 01 samplas from cattle 01 B賠zíl向制。 Gro肘。1 and Venezuela (Western Llanos) obtainedby ∞Ilaborators, When the work ís∞mpleted at all three levels. a complete lísting of syndrom輔 anddíseases and theír 陪lative impo悅ance ín the 臨灣戰area of the program, will be available.



Intermediate Monitoring

紋τES Project

A lull desεription 01 the 訂閱 project is found in the Cattle Production Systems section (see page 85). Animal 例ealth inlormation was obt創nedlrom a survey of cattle ranchers completed in two visits; parasite levels (internal and external) were measured through 約ur samplings. reproductive analysis by 持ctal ex­aminations were carried out and observations on malnutrítion were ma益a 旬rm 圳割ts were carríed out every six months. Ranchers belí制側 that th制 r main cause 01 calf mortality 嗨 "blacl< scours". According 10 theír records it ìs the cause of a 3.2% mortalíty 01 anímals up to 12 months of age. In the case 01 adults. ranchers consíder that the main causes of mortality are d悶wníng (2.8% mortalíty, mostly during February at the end 01 the d仔細aso的, fractures (1 。誰%) and malnutrition (1.3%), all three are due to management lactors. Níne farms repo時ed 28 cases 01 snake bite deaths.

Four fecal 制蚓、ínat惜的 for ínternal para創tes were completed for 10% of adults and 5% 01 calves that passed through the chute. The level 01 ínfestation ín adults is neglígíble. 掀開Ives, lew larms had herd parasitosís. It was consídered a herd problem when more than 200色。,f the examined calves had QVer 3α3 Trichostrongylìdae e99s/ 9 01 leces. There was one farm with that level 01 inlestat悶,、 ín the first visit. two in the second and none ín the other visits. For the protozoan Eimeria spp., using the same level 01 inlestatíon and the clinical examination of calve霆,there was one farm wíth her,謹 parasito制s in the lirst 喲it and five larms in the second. Whether it is economically sound 10 control this level of parasitosis 峰 10 be determine啞 Although all farms reported to be doing dewormin岳, there is no 制結語nce of a regul軒純hedule followed. The parasite profile repo桶d

below studies population flucluations 01 the parasites in the area in order 10 d說ermine the need and the best timing lor dewormir嗨,

A sampling 01 adult cattle for trematodes revealed the presence 01 eggs 01 Paramphistomum sp. in 601 14 farms examined. Five 關mpl師 were analyzed per farm and e嘗嘗s 01 the trematode were found in 16.4% 01 them. This parasite was 時ported last year in steers 01 Carimagua and this is the first evi盈ence of its presence in other farms 01 the Llanos Orientales. However, there is no evidence indica制的9 that it is a cause 01 losses in p何損åuctivìty

Observations on tíck levels were made on three visits; counts were made on both sides 01 10% 01 the animals that came through the chute. Semi-en害。rgedticks (5 mm and over) w軒e counted. AII farms had low levels 01 infestation. From 738 observations, 9.6% had less tha n 5 ticlu豆Ianimal. AII farms had established tick ∞ntrol procedures, mainly tick baths, and 10 our 01 17 reported sprays every IT、onths

Counts 01 Derma紛紛油 hominìs larvae were made. Low infest肘ion levels were found; from 6789 animals examined, only 3.3% had 1-告 larvae/anima l.Howev前, 16 01 the larms examined had animals inlested indicating a wid軒 distribution than previously observ甜.

τwo other parasites were monito時d. Líce (Haematopinus quadripertusus) was found in 10.3% 01 adult cattle examined 的 1001 17farms. Estef.旨nofi/aria

stile飢 a cutaneous worm, was found in 71 % 01 anllT珊18 examined, and was present in all larms. There is no evidence 01 damage in cattle affected by either 01 these pan譯5詰es.

Analysis of reproductive tract

The examin齡峙n of 1305 俗male cattle of the 16 farms during the lour visits 研 1978-沌, r倒叫“ 2.2%01 abnormal詰i髓。1 the reproductive organs, a ligure withinthe概pected limíts τhelindin嚀。I níne cases 01 hi亞rallantois (abnormal collection of fluids ín the uterus) conlirms previous lindings in relation to its Irequency. It was found more often in the less productive larms, $upportir草莓 the hypothesis that this condition would not be found in larms where a complete 閥II-supplement is lully utilized.

Conception 給tesvaried Irom 39 to 65% as measured in cows th剖 for two years had no abort悶悶 nor dead calves. Abortion rates for the same period were ob報柄。社 only considering pregnantcows(see Table 54 on page 93). Nine of the 15 larms had high abortion rates Irom 9 如 42%; the remaining six larms had abortion ra協swithinthee:均純t甜 limits. Abortions 8re occurring at all times of pre當nancy and do not seem to be seasona l. This most Ii協Iy indicates that there is no specilic inlect叩us disease as the 兩制n cause of abortions. Howev軒, there are two inlectious veneral reproductive disease成 Vibriosis and Trichomoniasis, that should be d陷carded belore a final conclusion is d惜wr.. Mo內ality 01 calves at birth and up to the lirst month 01 age (p軒妨說al mortality) was for 6 01 the 15 larms (7 to 28%). 8esides nutritíonal deficiencies


wl芳ich may be the cause of perinatal mortality. Leptospirosis is known 10 be endemic in the area and could be involved in its etiology.

Chronic malnutr滅。圳、8Cadera"j

The overall condit峙,芳。,1 the body of adult cows was classified 鋪"。疇.1鯽. poot(lean animal) and very poor (chronic malnutrition. co熙熙部Iy called sec倒霉ra or wasting disaase). b鋪縛∞ physical appearan棉 and

weight. An avera喜e 01 1780 head 01 cattle was examined lour times in 16 larms. Only live larms showed no animals classified as very poor. These are some 01 thj! best larm8 in terms of produçtivity per AU (see Figure 590n page.94). However. the highest number of 岫帥s of malnutrition was al80 from one farm with a high producti制ty i ndex (Table 7訟. The average age for the 73 cases found was six y制r5.

τhree deaths due to malnutrition 執陣re recorded and three animals were d鴻章nosedw控h malnutrition in two ∞悶ecutive examination periods.τhis contrasts with bel憎Is th剖 chronic malnutrition usually ends with the 謹eath 01 the animal. There惜 some tendency扭。bserve

more cases 01 chronic malnutrition by the end 01 the 時間y season. perhaps when most animals are in better body condition. and thus the chronically ill are mo間

noticeable. In the 73 cases observed in these larms no correlation was lound between the condition and the lactation status 01 the animals. as approximately hall (43) were dry at the time 01 axamination.

C壘歸 study

Ona farm (Farm 毒.ET藍$紛紛鴨綠 wh起h 時P軒ted a high abortion 均ta (8.6%) 棚 tham卸n factor aff軒lin嘗扭均dUCli帆ty was followed in dapth to monìtor tha problem. A rigorous sampling for clinical. bacteriological. virological. hematological. parasitological and reproductiva anal惘IS was com欄

platad. The general condition 01 tha animals as wall as weights and blood parameters showed conside用ble

nutritional def阻lenc崎s.τhe mean stocking ratelortha farm is high (3.5 ha/ AU) ∞mpared 10 other farms 01 the ETES Project. P的r animal condition is theraby re軒eCled in low fertility (50% of the cσws did not have acti峙的敵iesl.A∞mpans∞ ofbl∞dpa阻met前sfromthis farm wilh parameters obtained at C8rimagua in a hard without mineral supplamentation is shown 用τable73.τhe ETES farm has lower average figuras for hemoglobin and packed cell voluma (PCVl lor cows in the lactating open conditions as well 帥 in the d內 non.

pregnant condition. Th阻 indicates that the animals in

Ta.ble 72.. Chronic malnutrition 1n 16 {arms oí the 耳TES Project. L1ano8 Orlðn臨1.. de Colomb蝠,during four visits from November 1977..~知恥 1979.

且vera草e T的科 number of Chronie malnu'甘ition caaesl Farm No. of nunlber of animals with totat nurnber oí 0忌器ervationøNo. observation薄 制ima這jvìsit chronic malnutrition (x 10告}

z 306 102 1 0.3 4 643 16咀 6 0.9 5 381 95 10 2.6 b 是 76 119 。 。7 444 111 4 0.9 8 438 109 自 。9 331 S2 li 3.3

11 471 157 e 。1 直 470 117 4 音響 s

13 金會1 122 1 0.2 14 4益之? 1 吾吾 18 4.2 15 毛主4 108 毛 1.4 17 502 125 9 e 1 串 626 156 9 1. 4 19 293 73 3 1.0 20 379 94 自 。Total 7112 1778 73 1. 0


Hemoparasit岫吶陣陣 detected i n blood smears 01 cows and calves. S制en (1 0%) cows showed parasitemia lor Anaplasma margínale. Bemis,均卸-gentina or both. Two cow電 had counts 01 eosinophils (24 and 19%) which appear in paras撞ic infections {τable 74). Serologic evidence is al抽 cor愉mingAnapl.扭扭11a and 8abesia infections. Seven calves (70%) showed 惋惜sitemia for A. marg,仿ale. one with a high per師何組geof infect鯽1 (24%)anda low PCV精lue

(22%); the others had blood values within normal ran當es. Serologic tests indicated active infections. Although there were no animals infested with ticks at the time of the sampling v措詞, i的,festationswere known 臨 be 叫作 high in the farm and repre時nt a seflous problem 刻o venereal di5eases were found and brucellosis is not a problem. It appea時 that

hemopa阻sites and ticks together wíth nutritional deficiencies are contributing to the low productivity in this farm. Although there揖 still no definíte explanation lor the high abortion 悶te report縛i, the analysis showed the ne縛。,f rigorous 鞠mpling to unders油ndhealth 5tatυs.

the farm ware in a simílar nutritional condition or wor歸 than those in a herd that was kept without n疇,穹eral supplementation at Carim鐘書ua.

Table 73. Cor呻a剖$on oC two b l.oo是俱r~meter8

and weightø between COWI from one ETES farm (Farm 4) and a herd from Carimagua with no miner a.l 8upplem ... tation~



Z7J. 0

ETES Farm 4Z

Lactating Drγ

旦旦且斗一 cpen


34. Z


史笠主訟央經主怎您是ll鼎ct討論g Drγ

。但且… open



章~2; .O

36. ♀


lZ.7 Hemoglobin 怯1100 mt)

Packed cell vo!ume (~起)

Weight 紡車}

P a.rameter

Number oi animals aampled. 35.. Source: ClAT Annual Report, 1977, p. A.89. Nurnber oí animals sample喔,“-



Bloo是 analysie of ç的t1e with paraeitemia., Farm 4 of the ETES Projec傘, Lla.no8 Orientale.~ Colombia.

Table 74.

Eosinophilee 錢i


車/1 00 =1 Packed cell volume


Thlck smeal' Thin smeal'2. !de r..t i!icatl。但

43$9493 lIIZ1 1 1. 5 12.5 13.5 11.5

9.0 11.0 12. 。






0.01 Am 0.005 B .. 丸 005 Am 0.010 Am


Ba Ba




Cow. 一



12.0 11.0 15. 革

12.0 7.0

14.5 1 毛.0




0.01 A間心的 Am


zι00 Am

mmmmmmm AAAAAAA

Calvês 一l?"345'




說話是史終生皇位悠悠ina; Am:::- A:napl車.!!!經2位車經坐乎可見 。!f red blood ceHs affecte是.

z z

Carim矗gua $urveill學nce

Chroníc maJnutrítion, sìnkíng ín waterìng hoJes, bone Iractures and septicerr、ìa continue to be the main causes 01 cattJe mortalìty in Carimagua, as shown inτabJe 7盔. The fírst three causes are m揖;tJymanageme慌珊reJated conditions. OveralJ mortalíty rate W掛8惚地 Jower th is year紗.0約∞mpared to the 1978 figure (3.7%). Most 01 the entities responsibJe lor deaths in Carímagua seem to be endem時. Some conditìons Jike bone fr制tures and maJnutrition 為crea鶴d whíle others 卸的路 photo揖揖itization

副::curred more frequentJy this year


Gas電ro-int韓stin融I parasi重申 profile at Carimagua

Work continued on the study of the naturaJ酬。Jutionof internaJ paras誰as in the savannas of tha Colombiar、LJanos. as a ba怠is to design control methods adapted to the 館。Jogi儲J conditio悶.τwo herds of 50 cows with their p何咖ny剖 a stockin♀ rate 01 6.5 hal AU ara being studiedτhe nativepasture is being burned S8Q',ential­Iy and management i發 similarto that used by farmers in the area. A間mals received a complate mineral 如pplemant, were treat紛 to control internal parasit峙,and were subjected to the standard vllccination scheme used for tha farm. In Group I the calvas were

τable 75. CaUSè i!l of ca社le mortality in Cari ... rnagua (Ck tober 1, 1978-Sep臨mber

30, 197').

Cause o! death N屯。.f a.nimalø 一15 Malnutrition

Sinking in mud or watering holeø 14 BO!1C fractures 9 Septicemia 7 Snake bite 6 Photosensitiz.ation ~. ~訟J!!!!坐車紋 E Polyarth:r îtis 4 Tick iruestatlon 2. Herniae 1 M閥ingoencephalitia 1 Accident 1 Peritoniti翁

Unknown 是.!!..

Total death種l



e' ,&

Total anima18 蜘 øtation

lvtorLality Tate

Onty from calves tha.電 had been ear tagged t


born from March-July 1978 悔。如nning of rainy seasonl, and in G均up 11 from Septemberl 事范圍Janullry治79 (beginning of dry 緝捕。n). 80th groups were sampled at monthly intervals for fecal axaminations and blood analysis. Wei留hts were re∞rded and one calf from aach group was slsughte時dat1 , 2, 4,莓, 8,12, and 18 months of age. AII parasites in abomasum, and in the large and small intestines were co輯部ted

and identified. The trial wìll be concluded in mid-1980.

Internal parasite loads va榔d 臼悶iderably in relation to calf a曹e and season (Table 76,. The resultsof intemal parasite axaminations ass臨sed bythe∞unts

of eggs have to be ∞rralated with tha totaJ parasite ∞unts in the slaughtered calves.ln tha total counts the most important paras仰的 both groups was Cooperia wh阻h reached 時sh晦hast leval at ai♀ht months of age (Table 77); this corresponds to the highest agg counts ofτrichostrongylidae (Cooparia sp. is included' 說

sever、 months for Group 1, and 甜ne months for Group 11. Total counts 01 the more damagìng Haemonchus sp follows exactly the same pattem (it is also included in the Trìchostrongylidae famìly in Table 76

Cooperia parasitas ac∞unt for 89.2% of tha total parasites collected in the slaugh柚拘d animals of Gróup J after four months, and 71.5% of Group 11; Haemonchus accounts for 8.2% and 18.6% of both groups, respactively.τha total parasite∞unts forothar species are probably nagligibl成

τhe gastro-intestinal worm infe學tations of beef 闊前la當陶割ng native savannas in the Colombian Uanos we問 more noticeabla towards the middle 軒\d end of tha rlliny season (Fi單ure 69). It is ìmportant 10 note that the additive effecl 01 IWO or more sp齡,es poses a different problem than considerìng onlyonespecies.ln thìs C8se the sinergism be紙Neen Cooperia, Haemonchus and Eimería affecting productivìty ìn calvas 4-8 months 01 age has to be consi悔red‘ Furtherre綿釘ch will be ca付ìed out to determìne if, wìth the Jevels of infaction foυnd and high prevalence 01 Coopería spp. it ìs economically抽und 10 apply 00悶悶lmeasures. If control would appaar economìcally feasìble, treatments should be done at the end of the 措iny season or when calves ara 6.8 months 01 age.

Profile of he間l0para8Í電曹鼻祖t Carirr冒agua

τhe 揖ma calv聞 used lor the gast舟-intestinal

parasite profile a re being 悅Uized for tha de鈍riptìon of infecti棚s associated with A. m8rg,的81e. B. argentína and B. bígemína. It is interesting to nota that Babe,卸8

T .. ble 7仇 Average fecal egg co間協紋絲/g !e闊的 for the most COll').mon gastro-intest朋叫 parasitesíound in C~益lve a: at Carima車站. 1978輛 79.. (Paraeite ProfH發 Tria1.. )

Groun 1 Group U SampHng No. animals No. animals

date examìned Trichostrongγ1idae Eim臼la examine是 Trichostron建yIí桂ae Eimerîa


1lI-ι 8 。 。rv -5 18 35.1 g V-9 15 540.3 17.4 有r!-6 29 197.6 5'色,已VH倫$ 31 ZOD.Z 514.1 VIU-Z 36 l 串3.5 1860.7 lX -l 34 27.0 173.7 3 1Z.O 。X-2 37 239.0 149. 毛 7 22.0 288.1 XI-l 40 332. 6 441.0 15 128.6 2107.0 XII...2 34 300.0 200.0 主7 1 主在 .0 b74.0


1-2 36 1 日5.3 11 1. 0 36 124.0 1390. 在II-3 38 169.4 3已 .2 36 136.0 80.0 III值4 41 219.3 38.0 35 ?在 .7 94.0 lV酬Z 37 108.3 已 .8 41 43.7 3.5 V-3 35 79.3 97.7 35 毛0.4 70.0 VI-5 34 117. Z 27字.9 3已 155.6 33.2 V泣-4 34 亨 3.5

vm總Z 37 1 已發 .9IX-2 35 105.0 X句Z % 98.0

infectìons. as detected by the Iluorescem antibody test, V8ry greatly Irom one season to another. The infection progresses slowly ìn calves born at the b句ìnning of the rainy season and the peak coincides with the following rainy season (Figure 70). In the case 01 calves born 剖the end 01 the 闊的y season (Group 11). the peak infact拇ns for hemoperasites coinci世會 with an in­C時ased 問infal l. 11 i每 Ihus possible that. from the standpoint of the development of immunity against hemoparasites. calves will be less affected if they are born at the beginning 01 the rainy season. Th賠 hastobe correlated with fluctuations of v自認r populatio嗨,since hemoparasite levels are influenced by tick bur話ens.

Pho電osensitization in cattle grazing Brachi轟ri8 如cumbens

Photosensitization appears to be increasing in

14.5 34 320. S 75.4 毛發.0 31 285.3 Z忌. 1 60.4 41 170.3 4串 .0

38.9 29 88.4 212.2

recent years in Carimagua and other larms in the Llanos Orientales 01 Colomb悶。 Table 78 show發 thedistribution of animals which were grazing 8. decumbe咐 during 197草 in Carimagua. Six 概penmen-

181 groups of animals were grazing 8. decumben.且 andtwo of them showed clini揖1 cases of photo揖nsitiza­tion. Five hundred fifty-Iour animals grazed 8. decumbens and there were nine cases of intoxication (1.6%). One died before the appe都ance of any sign of skin lesion. but showed severe hepatìc damage at necropsy. Clinical cases 織神re observed in two specif時pastures in Carimagu潑. with 8 and 2.7% morbidity and6.7%mo同ality in thefirstg悶up‘ The pastures held cows. calv,峙. steers and heifers but only young animals 18-24 months of 洶的 were a何ectedτhe

clinical sign most evident in affected animals was skin necrosis. Two animals also had facial edema. p缸,ticularly in the neck an挂 ears. Six animals were found in poor body conditions.


Table 77. Total gas乞室。..intestina.l para8i乞e <:0綠"楚 B in calvé8 alaugh金:ered at vario‘三 8 age intervals 缸這Carln祖gua.. J.

Croup 1 (!rom Apr i1/7車}

Age (mönths) 俊少ies i z 4 6 島 12

Coope:ria zz 52 4774 已435 16040 294草

Eaemonchus 。 25 648 2547 78

里的ortl.ùrn 。 。 35 100 262 5 日

St :t' on立ylcides 69 594 。 65 。 D

Bunosto斤,um B 。 D 。 D 30

GroupB{'from Decembel'/?串}

Còopel' ía 212 290 280 :20 551 串

Haemo控chus 10 50 30 70 1090

。聽 S恕怪事~這m 8 z E 3z 32

Stro!'ìgyloîde s 1908 490 毯。告 c

Hunostoml.lm 。 1 c 1 112

l One animal 8acrificed in each age gt'oup. !ncludes counts from abomasum and large añd small inh;stinf~S.

Inlormat泊n from the farms studied in the ETES Project was 開始cted durìng the year to偽terminethemagnitude 01 the proble冊的 tho師 larms where 8. decumbens ìs b蚓、9 utilized. A totl建10111 from the 16 farms have animals 9持zing 8. CJ.如umbens. Three larms reportad clinical signs 01 photo輔閑話ìzationa揖甜甜ed with grazing of 8. CJ.抑仰吟ens (Table 79) Morbidity was hìgh ìn Farm 7 (11%); two deaths were rej:抽rted in this farm. Half 01 the 前límals in each of the 8. decumbens pastures were cows. Cases of photosen­sitization corresponde性。nly to young animals and were evident by signs 01 skin necrosis and facial edema

A laboratory techníque was adapted to detect the fungus Pítomyces chartarum whích has been con­sídered as partially responsible ín association with 8. decumbens (in 50me areas 01 Brazil) in causíng a severe liver damage and consequently photosens間Iza­tion. Several lungi were obt如ned from the B. decumbem. samples analy路d from the paddocks that had photosensit甜甜lon C8se懇切 Carimagua. The most prevalent lungi were Fusarium 縛 , F. fusaroídes, F. 嘻嘻 4

semítectum, F. solaní, F. oxysporum, Curvularía sp吋Penicillium sp呵。rechslera sp. and Leptosphaeruleria sp, Most 01 these species are 閥prophitíe but Fusarium has been reponed 帥 a po捕íble cause of to刮目ty in cattle. Spores resemblíng those 01 P. chartarum were observed ín three 發緝衍lples. Pasture conditio終s and factors 舟lated 綠草掃那ng might influence the prevalence 01 photosensit提atìon. Hov糟糟r, the措 ísno

relatìonshìp be軒Neen time elapsedlroπlestablísh彷電entof the paddock and appearance 01 a行ected animals (Table 79). In six cases, the p臨tureswerem剖ureandone was at flowering. Previous reports and ínlor­matíons indicated that the majority 01 cases occur at the beginning of the rainy season, but in the case of observations presented in Table 79 photosensitization occurred at all times of the year. The time the animals remained on the pasture does not seem to have a direct effect on its preva lence

Research will continue to establish the causal 翎制做, of phc時鋪ensitillltìon.

輛呻叭"棚"胎 Group I




e m旬,‘





J J A 、 S 0N 0 J F M A M J J A S

…一一一一一一一協78 1979

Figure 69.τ'rìchostrongylidae pa冊甜'6 loads in 明3時誰知軒n C.耐Y




Group I B. argentina ___ _

8. bigemina __ _

Group 11 且 argentlna _.._._. 8. bigemina ••••••••• •••





•• z











Figure 70. Development of a Babes,咱們個ction in calves (10per group) on native pa到ure at Carimagua


Table 7由. 。i.tribution of animala irazìng Braçhiaria decun由ene: and caseø o! photosensitization in Carimagua dllring 1979.

No.. of No. of No. 01 Morbidity Morta1ity Pasture or herd c 主leaths {噴) {喚i Group of animal露

Bree通訂1草 herd .Y器te捕事 163 自 E 車 B Yo泣ng heifers

La A!e草ría 47 o 。 8 8 Heüers , COWB. calves

La Arep龜 110 3 G 2..7 5 Heife :r s , Cõw盔,

calves (up to 18 months)

Tomo 5 車1 G 自 G 。 Cows , calves

Tomo l 79 。 。 。 。 Cows. caLves

Pasture Utilization 74 6 5 8.0 6.7 Young steers {up to 24 months}

Total 554 9 5 1.6 0.9

Table 79. Anima. ls grazin囂點rachi肘ia decum.bens pastures in the LLa.no聲。rientalea of Colomhia a.nd aífectcd by photosensiti客氣tion.

Stocking E.tablìshment rate Condition of Animals with

Site year {蕊nimals/ha) pastu :re p;hoto體會nsitization Date Ohservations


Pasture A 1975 1.2. Abunda址, 3 IX..X, 1979 Once a mouth mature flowering

Paeture ß 1973嗯 74-75 0.7-3 Variable 6 XI 1978輛 Animals pas ... turing since 1978

ETES Farms

Farm 8 1 L在ature. 2 Xll, 1976 s c:arce

Farm 7 1978 0.5 Abundant. £ VI. 1 事78 Fil'st grazing .. ma似ne One mon血

aiter int l"oduc:-tion

Palture B 1915 巷,事 Abl.rndant. 毛 IX. 1 會78 5母veral graz評

ma.ture ings of pa 直ture

Pa前ure C 1975 0.5 Abundant, IX, 1978 Seve J:'al g :t' az國

m龍ture ings o! pasture

Farrn 5 1977 0.28 Scarce, XI, 1978 tender



Durìog 1979, the Economìcs 綿ction was engaged in: (a) the ETES Project, conducted j甜ntly with a cattle Productìon Systems and Anìmal Helath s制t悶悶; (b) a survey of cattle 開nches in the Uanos Orier電tales of Colomb悶 (c) an ax-ama Cost/Benefit analysis of increasing cattle productlon in the Uanos Orientalesof Colombia; (dl the expected d揖tributìon of benefits from increased cattle production among co揖umers 01 different income levels in 12 cities of La軒n America; (e) the study of input/ot.ltput prices of the livestoc起ind崎try in the tar草軾 area of the Program; and (的轉船pr胡duction costs 01 tropical pastures.

The results obtained in the EτES Project are repo時edin the Product咱們 Systems section on page

SurveyofC紛ttle Farms in the Colombian Uanos Orientales

As a complement of the detailed case study of farms in the ETES Project during 1 ♀79, a 當eneralf自eldsurveyof cattle ranches was carried out in the well drained Colombìan Llanos, south of the Meta river. Data obtaìned from thìs survey will be use普 10 ext賠polate

zo紛﹒ l

the results obtained from the ca鞠 studì闕,蹄 there is no basic census data avaìlable for the sava狗na areaof the department of Meta.

τhe area surveyed 回as dívìded into two zones according to distance to the marke!: Zone 1, bet回eenPuerto López and Puerto Gaitán. the closest to the market, and Zone 缸, east of Puerto Ga itán at a greater distance from the marketτhe location of the farms is shown in Figure 71.

Withín both zones. farms were divid甜 into four groups according to size. Characteristics offarms were summarized according to zone and 恥ze 剖開ta (Table 80). AII farms are ∞Iw~cal訝fand吋ds訟t。閻ck始e叫p帥er間at岫1昀削。啊∞n惜草竭sw棚it紋h 2 a few ex悶cept訂'昀。ns i泌n Zone 1 where sporadic addi泌t討i。都n惜'鴨alf恰at位te側ning i皂 carried ou叫t.1帕n Zo棉彷峙e 1, 50% of farms belong t紛。 t廿納h、@肘clfor t廿hi、w鴨4抽5Z0彷悶@ 措 around30∞ ha with very few farms of 7α)() or more ha. In Zone 11, farms are lar軍官 in sìze; over 60% of farms have more than 30∞ ha and the average size is more thar、 6000 ha. Average herd size is also larger in Zone 11 th酬 in Zo陪 1 (568 vs 352 AU. 持sp制tively),的C陪asing with farm size within each


。 。 。。 。

。 00 。

。。 。。。


Figure 71 , location ot cattle 悶悶hes su甜eyed 們納e Colombian Uanos. 可 18

Table 80. Descripti~e characteristics o( (arms by zone and size o( (arm. Survey o( cattle farms in the Colombian Llanos Orientales, 1979.

Zone No. of Average farm Average proportion Average herd Average stocking and strata farms Slze of wetlanq. Slze rate

(ha) surveyed 已a) (%) (AU) (ha(AU)

Zone 1

1-999 7 699 (0.34)1 17 (1. 00) 120 (0.74) 7.61 (0.78) 1000-2999 20 1704 (0.33) 18 (0.66) 270 (0.48) 7.94 (0.63) 3000-6999 8 4262 (0.22) 18 (0.50) 489 (0.40) 7.79 (0.26)

7000 5 9800 (0.36) 29 (0.41) 786 (0. 39) 13.78 (0.45)

Subtotal 40 3051 20 352 7.90

Zone II

1-999 5 760 (0.12) 12 (0.50) 92 (0.44) 11. 20 (0.85) 1000-2999 21 1793 (0.32) 28 (0.42) 191 (0.60) 12.90 (0.68) 3000-6999 26 4082 (0.02) 37 (0.38) 415 (0.64) 13.20 (0.65)

7000 19 15972 (0.52) 39 (0.33) 1776 (0.94) 14.20 (0.87)

Subtotal 71 6352 34 690 14.00

Total reg;on 111 5162 28 568 11. 60

l Figures in parenthesis are coefficients of variation.

zone, but there is large variation in herd 副zebetweenlarms in any given class group, as shown by the coefficients 01 variation.

The average stocking rate are 8 ha/ AU in Zone 1 and 14 ha/ AU in Zone 11. In Zone 1, the st田king rate remains rather constant across larm classes, except lor those with 7000 ha or more which have a stocking rate 01 14 ha/ AU, a ligure similar to that lor the same class in Zone 11. In the latter, the stocking rate decreases slowly with increasing larm 剖ze

The total area 01 wet savanna and availability 01 this kind 01 land per animal are irr、portant indicators 01 the current production potent陷 1 01 larms in the Llanos as has been indicated by the ETES case studies. The average proportion 01 wet savanna reported in the surveyed larms varies Irom 20% in Zone 1 to 33% in Zone 11, while the average lor the ETES larms is 20%.

Table 81 presents inlormation concerning the use 01 sown pastures in the region; 85% 01 larms surveyed have repo鬥ed sown pastures, regardless 01 location 01

larm size. Only the small larms in Zone 1 have a relatively h旬h proportion 01 sown pastures. In Zone 11, 。nly 1 % 01 larm area is in sown pastures. Given that considerably lower land values prevail in th陪同mote

area, the sown grass pastures, which basically increase production per unit 01 land, have lowdemand In terms 01 sown pasture av副lability per AU, there are 0.5 ha/ AU in Zone 1, and 0.1 ha/ AU in Zone 11. The average ligure lor the whole region is 0.3 ha/ AU, which 阻 not different Irom the average value obtained in the ETES larms

It 自 s interesting to note that in Zone 1 almost 80% 01 sown pastures corresponds to 8rachi缸iadecumber悶,while in Zone 11 , only 40% 時 8. decumbens, and Hyparrhenia rufa and Me/,帥is minutiflora 28% each 01 total sown pasture area (Table 81)

Data on 剖ze and composition 01 on-Iarm in­vestments are summarized in Table 82 and Figure 72 Total average investment per larm is in the range 01 US$200,O∞-230,α狗, being slightly higher in Zone 1 than in Zone 11. 8ut investment per unit area and per AU


is subslantially larger in Zone I as a consequence 01 smaller farm and herd 制晶. The most ímportant m鴨stm側t item in Zone I is land, followed by cattle. Investment in 船wn pastu時S, physical ínstallations,

machinery and equipmenteach represent 3-4%oftotal investment. The fi日 ures for Zone 11 are very similar excepl that in Ihis area total inveslment in cattle is larget than in land due 10 lower land values and larger

Tab!e 串1 , Ayailabüi1y o! øown pastures according tQ the survßγof cattle íarms in the Colombian Llanò露, 1979.

Zone Farrns AvaUabUity of Compo曹 ition oí sowτ1 p a. stures (%)

議nd stra.t轟 Total number with 80wn flOwn pa軍tu :re草 Brachiar i.a Hypa.rrhenia Me i.inìs (ha) ol farms E主stures {ha/AUI decumbens rufa minutülora

Zo給聽 E

1-999 ? 在 缸.33 (1 主 )1 9l s 主

1000柵Z亨哩9 20 1 草 告.23 ( 3) 70 12 18 主000-晶亨 99 s 6 0.80 ( 3) 89 已 5

7000 5 5 0.1 5 ( 1) 5毛 l 主 31

Sub t.otal 40 35 告,學 3 (過} 78 10 lZ

Zone II

1-999 5 4 0.09 ( 1) 89 主 串

1000-2999 21 16 0.21 ( 1) 23 52 25 3 日 00-6999 26 22 0.10(1) zz 34 43

7000 19 17 0.09 ( 1) 82 l 18

Subtotal 71 59 0.12 ( 1) 43 28 28

TotaL region III 9位 0.27 ( 2.1) 56 21 23

Figures ìn pax-'!ntheais are percenta囂。S oi total a ï'ea.

T時le 串2... Síze a.nd çOfnpoaition ot inye stm,棚t. (US事, 1979) in cattle íarm. o! the Colom'b ia.n Uano. Orien出188. (Exchange ra峙 c札$的jus紋. )

Z011e 其在achinery

and strata Land1 catzIez

囂。wn 3 an是 Total (ha} 盟章就叫制 b這ata綜a室主on. !:!l草ipment investn主ent

Zoné 1 144,事哥哥 61. 800 8700 7900 車4藍色。 Z31 , 700 Zone II 79, 4目。 120, 800 7700 77位。 4900 Z20, 宰。。

Total reglon 103, 900 99 , 500 8000 7800 已200 Z25 , 400

Percentage 46 44 4 3 3 100

Average values o! land, US$47.5jha In Zone 1 and US$IZ.5jha In Zone IL 2 Average value' US$17SjAU. 3 Average valu剖 US$IOOjha of aown pnstures.


lnveatment 聽r ha. per A臼

75 655 35 3Z5

48 443

...1.9'柚抖阱,Ji ,-

Figure 72. Average compo$川on of on-farm inve削ments in machlnery and install剖帥ns for cattie farms inthe Cc>IQmbian Llanos Orientales

herd sìzes. Investment ìr草 installatìons and machìnery consìst maìnly of fences (38%). old tractors (30.4%). and corrals (1 4 ,2%) ,

Results on farm expenditures in labor and manage­ment a蹲點Jmmarized in Table 83. Annual average expenditure ìn labor and management is US$33∞p軒

farm in both zon棚, and increases slowly with farm size. Expendìtures on a unit area or AU basìs decrease with farm size 都 expected. ìndicating the pr翩翩峙。f

臨onomì帥。f 部ale in the use of labor and mana恨,mer電t. II may be notic關 that the importance of occasional labor increases with farm siz軾的 theclassof large farms (注7α)() ha) occasional labor accounts for 50% of total expenditures in labor and manage­ment. Payments 10 occas紹nal labor increase whìle management expenses decrease with farm size. Although no data were obtained for other expen­diture路, such as purchased inputs. information gatl糟糟d from the case studies indicale that they correspond to less than 40% of 100al annual farm expenditures, and half of Ihis figure ìs spenl in mineral supplementation.

Table 83. Annual 間1捕關itUl'eø in labor 翻在 ma.nager闊的 by zone and íarm size for eatt1e !armø in the Colombian Llanos Orientales.

Zone 總nd strata


Zone 1

l 咽 999

1000-2999 3000-6事99



Zone 11 一

1-999 1000-29會9




Total region

La bor expenditure s Permanent Occasional {守主嗔1

21. 2 24.4 16.1 25.0

20. 車

20.9 35.5 27. ♀ 18. 單


主主 .6

32e ~生40.0 4 1. 3 48.2


18.4 29.0 35.2 52.9



I Mana且ement

46.4 35.6 42.6 26.8


60.7 35.5 36.9 Z且.3



lnciudes payments to 吋ministrators and foremen~ 2 1979 US$.

70tal 位經r

2389 290毛

5288 2522


872 2119 2933 5818

331 亨


主坐坐」譜是iPer Per ha AU

3.3 1. 8 1. 3 0.3

1. 串

1. 1 1. 2 0.7 0.4

O. 串

1. 2

25.0 10.6 10.6

4色 .2


1 串.0

1l .0 7.5 4.5




Ex-ante Co給/Benefit Analysis

A stu亞y was ìnìtiate挂 thìs year to determìne the potentìal economìc benefìts expecte甚 Irom ìncrease挂

beef (and mìlk) productìon due to ìmproved technology 謹eveloped by research for pastures adapted to acì益的.fertile soìls 01 tropìcal Latìn America ,

Efforts were concentrated in adaptìng the HAτSIM model' , whích W8S originally developed lor the simulatíon 01 herd development and cash flows at the larm lev斜, in order to enable the simulation 01 reg岫nal

herd dynamícs and beel output. A sector 01 larms which adopt new technology 陪compared wíth a sector 01 !rad巾。nal larms τhe m副院 addi!ional variables included in !he system are: (a) percentage 01 larms adoptín♀ new technolo自y each year, and (b) percentage 01 larm area to be plan!ed each year wi!h Ihe improved grass/legume pastures

The variables are aitered parametrícally ìn order 10 estimate the expec!ed impac! on beel supply and producer benefits

The mo社el will be fed with data Irom the Eτ在$Project in or挂er to obtain a set 01 estimates for dífferent combìnations 01 values lor the addítional variables mentioned above,

。istribution of Benefits from Increased Beef Productioη

τhìs study is a continuation 01 the project begun in 1 ♀781CIAτAnnual Report, 1978), dealing with the d惜tribution 01 urban consumer benelíts, due to increased production as a result 01 research ín tropical p臨tures , In 1978, prelímìnary results were obt制ned

for four Colombian citíes as weU as lor Sao Paulo, B陪zì l. The results obtaìned ìn the followíng cities are reported: Santíago, Chíle; Guayaquíl and Quíto, Ecuador; Asur祖治病, Paraguay; Líma, Perú; and Caracas and Maracaibo, Venezuela, τ'able 84 contains some selected descriptive characteristícs 01 the sample 01 familíe參加cluded in the Famíly Bu甸揖 Surveys 01 these cíties , Familíes are classilíed ínto income quartíles, accordíng to average per capita expen­的tures , Each quartíle compríses 25% 01 the households in the sample 01 each cíty, Econom棍ríc

estímates 01 the íncome elasticíties 01 demand lor beel alon9 with the maín descríptíve statìstics are

1 Juri. P.. N.F. G凶iérrez and A, Valdés. Mod酬。 de Simula自由、 por

Còmputador para F川cas Ganaderas; CIAT. Augu棋, 1977


presented ín Table 85, Elast附tI揖 W軒'e obtained by líttín韓 double-Iog regressíons between per capíta beef expendítures and total per capita expenditures絲酪testlmates were SI章制fícant at P呵。訕。5 except ín a lew 01 the highest income quartíles where there are large díllerences ín beel expendítures between lamílíes not explaíne桂 by ìncome dífferences, In the lowest íncome st問嗨, the íncome elastícíty 01 demand lor beel ranges between 0 ,8 and 1,28, just as ín the Colombían and Brazíli制 c ,t喲, rellectíng a hígh preference lor beel ∞悶umption , The el鋪tícity ís lower lor hígher ín∞me

st舟ta , Th悶棍udy conlírms the ímportance of beef 制penditures ín the co悶umpt也n basket 01 urban lamilìes 01 all income groups ín terms 01 both the hígh proportíon 01 the lood bu俺就 andtotal in∞mespentín

beel, and the h叩h values obt制ned lor the íncome elastícíty 01 demand

Data on family expendítures 的 mílk and daíry pro性ucts Irom the S8 me su rveys were a I帥 studíed,

gíven that these are ímportant by-products 01 beef herds ín many regions w誰hín the target a阿a 01 the Progra何,

τable 86 ínclu謹@毒 average lamíly e:寓pendítures in mílkpr。如cts by socioeconomíc strata, lor the 12 cities included ín the study‘ In general, 710 嗨,6%olthef∞dbudget ìs spent ín daíry products, wíth the hi蠶he學tvalues obser\led in Maracaibo, and the lowest ín Santiago, Expenditures ín daíry products, although smaller than lor beel, absorb no less than 3,4% (Santía章。I and as much as 12, 2% (Maracaíbo) 01 the total famíly íncome.

Income ela棍icítíes 01 demand for milk and d樹ryproducts were estímated by city and íncome st陪ta

usíng the 5ame econometric model sp恥ílìed lor beef. As shown inτable 抑制:cept for t呵。 01 the 恥∞me

strata ín Asur祖泊n, all estimates were signífícant at P<0,05, τhese lìgures are hígh, particularly ín the case of the low í ncome 5t問峙, rellecting, as ín the case 01 beef, a hìgh prelerence lor d制ry products,

On the basis 01 the estímates ob翰íned ín th揖 study,

the prelíminary conclu酬。ns highlíghted ín 1978 are conlirmed for most 01 the maín urban ar甜as ín Latin Ameríca, It may be stat叫 that new technology whích íncreases beel and mílk supply ín Latín Ameríca wíll províde large ab個lute benelíts to all íncome strata, wíth a larger net ímpact on proteín íntake among proteín defícíent groups. AI峙, consumer ben訓ítsfromíncr學asíng beel and mílk supply wiU be dístributed less re當問蜘ively than current íncome dístríbutíon.

Table 84. Select叫 descr i.ptive characteristic8 o! the sample oí families ìn a 削rvey on beeC expendi .. tures among urban consumers in Lat峙 Amcrica. ..

Average per capita. Avera囂e

Per c.apita total family 恕。. o! lncome expcnditùre rA給書會 e:xpendîture 事lZe persons

Country Cíty quart i1e (US$/mon色的 (US$/m聞自} (pe :rSOn器} i.ntervie v. eè

Chile Santiago 1 3.2- 27.7 1 B. 5 6.3 4504 II 27.8- 50.7 38.4 4.7 3361

III 50.8恥 103.6 74.0 4.1 2932 IV 103.7儡 1428.7 199.8 3.3 2356

Ecuador Guayaquil 1 5.6- 1Z8.7 91.2 7.5 1778 1I lZ9.4- 243. 毛 179. 事 6.3 1499

III 243.7- 450. 在 333.0 5.5 1304 IV 451.0-3♀53. 主 932.4 5.4 12惡8

Q則如 z 23.0- 14旱,串 事7.8 7.1 1420 11 147.1- 303.6 21 Z. 6 革.串 1160

1lI 304.2- 已33.9 449.5 5.2 10益。IV 634.1-6497.0 1264.8 5.0 995

Paraguay Asunción I 19.9- 191.3 126.1 6.0 762 II 192.1- 348.6 2.69.3 5.3 678

III 348.7- 毛19.0 461. 4 4.8 已10IV 61 乳白-5894.2 1!l&.7 4.2 433

Peru Lima z 3.5_ 26.6 17.9 7. 毛 2265 II Z毛.7. 50.4 37.5 毛 .1 181 車

III 50.5有 92.9 益9. 7 毛 .5 1937 1V 93.6 “ 1263.6 169. 串 也 .1 1818

Vene其uela Car揖ca酪 z 5. B- 41. 7 26.7 7.3 1672 II 41. 9- 76.2 57.0 5.4 1242

III 76.3- 123.5 98.2 4.6 1058 1V 124.1-1250.8 21 息 .4 4.2 962

Maracaibo 1 4".8骨 21. 4 1 在. 1 8.6 3 位 96

II 21.5. 32.2 26. 串 6. 會 12串串

III 32.3“ 5主.4 41.7 5. 毛 9串串

IV 52. 聶恥 401. 1 會2.9 4.3 ?這是串

Study on Input/Output Prices in the Target Area

Given the importance of performing an economic evaluetion of improved beef production t酬chnolo唱γ

∞mponents for some important regíons wíthin the targ剖 area, durin當 1 事79 a survey of on-f都m pricesfor the main input喬 was initia妞ld. Different 時lative

inp戚/output pr揖es betw罵!en regions will imply

different profitability of technology adoption and different desirable characteristics for the new technology. even under similar 50il condltions. Relative prices are indicators for the farming systems on how to allocate their時船昕甜甜甜師n help explain differen摺s in production lev嗨, product-rr電 ix and use of inputs within the targ軾 area. Add措ional inform硝ion

IS nee垂ed before an economic analysis can be carried out for other countries or regions


Table 85. AUocatîort of famìly income and expenditures 悟 beef consumption and income elasticíty 01 demand for beef# by city and income etrata.


Food/total elastkity b祖ome expenditure Food Total Total 。fdernand

Country City quartile {哩~) ."penditure e"Rcndit泣re lnconH:: 紗,)

Chile Santia囂。 I 4車. 1 H.l 毛.在 7.2 0.90 U 3 '1.2 15.8 志. 1 毛 .7 1.16

UI 30. 7 17.7 苦 .3 事 .9 O. S5 IV 22.5 19.3 4.2 4.0 0.68

Total O. 74

Ecuador Guayaquil E 80.2 17.8 16. 已 10.9 1. 10 II 55.2 19. 會 Il .2 10.4 0.68

1Il 46.1 20.5 9.5 9.1 O. n*1 IV 30.6 17.1 旱 .1 4.6 0.55

'l'otal 0.5.主

Quito E 56.6 1 Z. 9 7.3 7.9 1.28 II 46.1 15.3 7.2 7.2 0.54亭亭

III 36.7 16.7 6.1 6.0 0.68 lV 24.1 15.8 3. 7 3.7 0.49

'l'otal 0.62

Para草草ay Asunci6n I 43.3 26.0 11.4 17 種 4 0.80 II 37.4 25 前 1 會.3 14. 已 。.99

III 33.1 22.9 7.5 10. 進 昏.21 會

IV 24.7 18.9 4.5 6.2 0.11 * O. 位1

Peru Lima 1 53, 9 18.6 會.9 11. 7 0.92 1I 40. Z 19.4 7.7 8. 7 0.88

11I 29.4 20.9 革.9 7.8 0.79 IV 20.0 18.3 3.5 4.4 0.04*

'l'otal 串.5毛

Venezuela Caracas I 49. 車 12.4 6.2 5.7 色,串串

II 37.ι 14.3 5. 進 5. ./ 0.54 m 30.9 14.0 4.3 4. 7 0.72 IV 22.5 14.0 3.0 3.8 0.48

Total 0.59

Maracaîbo I 59.1 14.0 8.2 9. Z 1.20 1I 58.3 13.8 8.0 9.0 O. 串串**

III 54.7 15.0 8.0 8.8 O. 會7

lV 41.8 13.7 5.6 6.3 O. 78 'l'~1

1 *:: I蓮。t IÌgn証icant at a 95~志 coníidcnce lcve 1; 家* .= si串nüicant only at a 950/" c必nfidence Level.


AUocation of !amily ineome and ex防帥itures to m i1k a.nd da叫y prooucts and incóme elasticity oC demand for m i1k , by city and inc:ome stra旭.

Table 86.















1nE i em

merm 叫


















pAM-x 吋已e



























ZEI111111Ill-Ill11IIll11III-111111IIl111 蛇諮





Sao Paulo












S恕悠悠囂ra 第i1







FarnHíêS are elaesiíied io何時COmé qu食 rtil~ l!C a <ècord即g t f') êòvera草e per <,apita expenrlituxe. qu祖rtHe repreøents 25鳴。Í the tamtlies~

Sou rc軒 ClAT.. e&timate巴1 from ECIEL Fam i1y Budget Survcys (organiz:ed hy Brookíngs Instit l1 tion and FIPE Univer .e îty of Sao P抽峙, 1911-1 97Z). 125




日 Mines 恥,嗨{Br班的,制缸



of Venezu甜甜

Table 87. lx峙。me-elasticit.ie愁。f demand for mitk and diary produc峙, by ci吋 and 抽come

帥rata a.mong urban conau品ers.



IV hcome quarti1e

II 茲1


'。City 旦旦監主主




恥耳 -







0.52 0.32 0.37 0.56


0.69 0.76 1.15 1.20

O. 毒品

0.69* 1. 1 會

0.91 1.45


Bogot矗 O. 會l

Barranquí1la O. 事會 1.02 MedellÚl 1.55

Sao Paulo





0.5矗0.52 0.90 1. 16 Santia車。ChUe

章.51 學

0.33 0.82 0.51

0.87 1.14 0.78 I.lZ

Quito Guayaquil



自.13**0.21** 昏,會£1.02 A s.unción Paraguay

2 0.28

0.46 o.n


0.43* 0.92


0.44 1. 37


1.06 1‘ 12


Caracaa Maracaibo



PU曾chased 捕,“論

Figure 73. Uni區 of dîfferent cattle inp揖s purcha開dwi輯 1 崎dlïveweight剖b輔finthe恤rgetar輔d晶eTr叩叫i 內輯叫臨時呵開帥,


Olltll on the relative príce of tríple superphosphete for a number of oth都$臨ations are sh樹酬 inFigu陶 74.Ag餒n. in the Colombian Llanos the reletive price of fertilizer is hígher than ín m揖t other pleces.

Given the cyclîcal nature of the livestc時k industrv. 仰ce ínformetion for a gìven y制r has to 切 com­plemented wíth time咕eríes dat恥 Figure 75 and 76 pres制t the evolution ofthe rea I prìces of beef, milk and 翱峙rel of the cattle inputs in Goiás, Brazil, for the peri叫 isquitaclearthaHhe relati鴨 pri曲Sof these inputs with 時sp酬的 to the beef príce heve variedα糟f time, and depend酬 the stage of the開ttlecycle. Th is type of ínformetíon is beíng ∞Ile剖ed for other regions and will 輔rve not only 知∞mperis棉

瓣,嚇s countri時 but 帥。 for anticipetion of p曲síbleadoption patterns.

Seed Production Costs in Colombia

E∞nomícanalysísofl閥割。ckprod喝tion systems in the Colombian LI部os through the u轍。f simulation,

In Brazil, only mHk (Uquid.. condensed and powdered) i4 íncludeâ. ln aU other c。恥‘叫p悍en吋di扯tu盯re i泊n milk pro。吋d叫t. auèh aá cheese are a‘180 included. *翁Sig位ificant at a 95鴨 confì'是enC8 level; the rem削ning value 8 are .i囂nüicant at a. 99'事

C剖úidence level. **認忍耐 o!gnificant at .. ')5鴨

coxúì喔ence level. 50毯ré缸 CIAT, base逞。n ECIEL F a.mily Bud.get

Survey., or&anized hy Brookings Ina. tituti啊!、 and. FIPE-U認iv....Uy of 5&0 P a.ulo.

Figure 73 presents the prices of f,軒tilize時, land,

labor, machinery and m ilk relatíve to beef prices in four i∞ations: Llanos Orientales of Colombia, Llan借Nororie的,tales of Venezuela,都站 two states of the Brazilian Cerrado, Goi懿齣治 Mi抽s Geraís. The 詢問índicate the number of units of 倆的 input or product which can be bou嘗htwith 1 洶Iiv制蚓喜悅。,fb輔f. The differences between countries are very large in all 嗨綿s. The relative pri冊s offertilize時僻的u個,tantiallylower in Venezuela, land price ís lowe$t ín the 臼Iombian Llanos, while machíne哼, labor and milk are ch曲帥r in the Brazilian 但側do.




kg of livew.ight


Ammonium sulphate









t Milk 』
















1978 i

1977 i


Crops L一一-一一---L

1974 1976

Figure 76. Real prices of beef and canle inputs in G。恥, Brazi l, 1973-1978. (prices deflated by wt、。 lesale price ind酬, 1975-100.)

Figure 74. Amount (kg)σf triple superph曲phate bought with 1 kg ofb曲f (1閥weight)in揖lect甜 1曲目酬. 1979. (Source: CIAT survey.)

has shown that reduct岫ns in pasture establishment costs can significantly increase the profitability of improved pastures (see for example CIAT's 1978 Annual Report). Seed is an important input in pasture establishment. normally accounting for approximately 20% of the total establishment cost. Thus. it may be expected that price of seed and price elasticity of seed supply will be among the more importa叩 factors

determining the rate of diffusion of new pas1Ure tech nology.


旬,•• EOaaT


Due to the high price ofcommercial seed ob目rved in Colombia during 1979, seed production costs for tropical grasses and legumes were studied.


nuwhuav nunvau 旬,




Ferguson' (1978) has described five bas阻 systems

for tropical pasture seed production presently used in lowland tropical Latin America. Under the most intensive and specialized method of seed production (System 5 in Ferguson's classification) not yet widespread or well developed in the area. grasses and legumes are cultivated ascrops. with limited emphasis

1 Ferguson, J.E. Systems of pasture eed production in Latin America. In Sánchez, P.A. and Tergas, l.E. , Eds. pa副ure

Production in Acid Soils of the Tropics. Cali, Colombia. CIAT Series 03EG-5. 1979. pp. 385-395



1976 1978 1977 1978

91 800 700 600









A 1974


Figure 75. Real prices of beef and 個ttle inp叫s in Goi帥18razil,

1973-1978. (Prices deflated by whoesale price ind楓 1975-100.)

on fora留e production. Seed prc棚åuction 01 8 d皆cumbens in Brazil. 器。1M鑽研d Colombia is one of fewe捕mples of this product拇彷釗stem in the region 絲Q精神嗨,提 is thought that this system offers greater 緣份制約械制 for研制@如mr間時íal production. high軒yield and quality potentíals and more consister法mark制 avaìlsbility st lower prices thar電 anyofthe other svstems.

The 謹evelopment of a sízeable market for comm軒­cìal 蹄紹 will depel泌 not only on supply but al部 mde棚and COI鳴íderatíons. Oemand 10r commercíally pr'側uced 轉紛 will depend largely on the prí峙。fC啊,、mercíal 關紛時噁凶 the cost of 甜甜 from

alternatíve sources. On farms whích already ha嗨鞠me stoloníferous spec槽怠 vegetatíve propagatíon may be a fe輔íble alternative. b仗時 is labor íntensíve. and requíres more logist甜al如pport than planting wíth seed. In ecosystems where a spec喝s ís well adapted for forage pr叫“ction and has high seed s剖, on-farm

甜ed production from selected pastur輔 wíthout

addítional ínputs (such as System 4 in Ferguson's classification) may be a prolitable al妞rnative. SinC8

the amount of seed required per unit area depends on quality, and this characteristic is influenced by the production method used. the comparisor可怕柵欄n

seed product岫n systems should be made in terms of ∞st of pu re live seed.

Seed production of B. decumbens and A. gayanus as crops

During 1979. costs of commercial seed prc泌uctionof8. decumbens and A. gayanus were estimated for production System 5 for two harvesting methods. C喝ts include seed proC8ssing but not packaging nor distribution costs. Seed prices執陣realsoes這imatedasafunction of seed yíelds. harve滋ing method and area cultivatl婦

Since pastures grown 10r seed prc泌uction may be 儡祕 for 揖veral years, all p吋齡t ∞量;lS and raturns have to be capitalized. In this analysis. the i仿ternalrateof return (IRR) is estimated for eech of the alternative學如nsidered. Once a 妞rget 10% I只Riss斜, it ispo驕傲leto estimate the minimum 甜le priC8 of 關ed

co鼠S of pasture establishment were 。給irr糟tedassuming conventional land preparation of plowing plus two diskings (CIAT Annual Report. 197莓. pp. B. 157). The ∞efficients of machi nery 嚇el峙. fuel consumption/hour. time employed/he and labor


use/ha were estimated at CIAT experiment stations. AII of the cultural prac訓ces開quiredtoassureoptimum盼“ production are included in the proje呦; i.e.. high fertilizer rates during the establishment phase. annuel urea applicatio峙. high seeding 問te軌 weedandin棉ct峙的制, and irri單ation in the叫騙。,f A. gayanus. co峙。f 鷗ed drying and land rentalω,sts areal臨 includ甜Cost estimates obtained for 8. decumbens 甜甜correspond 10 prices and yíelds of the Villavicl學ncio缸輯 where comm軒cial 鞠ed of this 妙齡槽$站

curre前Iy produced to 航Jpply the Colombian Llanos. Oata 揖ed for A. gayanus 帥rrespond to the Cau錯Valley 時紋。衍, where拘search on the productìon of紋路seed ìs currently beìn當 cor、ducted.

The following 紹ditional ∞悶iderations were taken into a仰躺阱。 (a) tv間鞠ed crops are harvested 髓的year; (b) crop duratìons of three and five years for 8. decumbens. and of three years for A. gayanus are 輔凱Jm叫 (c) prìces and costs are those which prevailed in September 1979; (d) yields are expressed ìn lerms of pure 棚。d. (ln ord軒 to estimate sale prices for commercial 蜘俑. purity must be sp閥fied); (e) a range of possible seed yields are considered in each case. based on exparimental results and obsarvations of Colombian commercial 帥ed production; (f) tw。harvesting methods 8re compared (direct combine harvesting and manual cutting. fieldsweatingforthree days and manual threshing; the difference in seed

Table 88. Estab1ishment co 學 ts ior Brachiaria 必a且已且 and A必必訟Iló?!!旦旦旦旦﹒

品也迎送血且iBrachiar恤 金豆豆迫Iló?!!

Cost item decumbens gayanus

Lan謹 p:rep這!l:ration 67 55

Machin臨ry use 17 1 串

Labor 怨誰會 50 37

Inputs 105 1 守在

Fèl'tíli:rt學 r 3z n Seed 毛主 146 E主erbicides 10 1 草

Total 172 草草1

1 C08tø are baaed 阻 2月tember, 197事 pt'îç..“制 exehAnge rate oí Col.. 但Z/US$l. ∞.

Table 89. Annual seed pl'oducHon costs (l♀79

prices) for 紅包油公a 念念L怨誰主主

and 主坐主旦~位n 滋必必主 usin旱 twoharve f= t methods (20 ha/year).

Cost (US$(ha) Brachìaria Andropogon

Cost item decurnbens &!ï轟nus

1 Rent~忌1 cos t o! land 115 300

亂1a.intenanc:e cost 63 116 Fertílìzßl'S 35 主毛

IGrtrhie草ra品~io混 Z♀

Z8 己l

Harvest c05h3 品ie c:hanic: aL h草草rves車 200 205 Manual ha.rvest Z48 409

Total cost MechanicaL harvest 438 621 Manuai harve s:t 48~生 825

1 The rental c:ost oi land for B. decur室主bens is the pric:e whieh prevails in the V泣lavicencioareaf while 出at íor A. 星泣呈學主持伽c:ur ... rent {)t'ic:e of ÎJ月1草ate是 land in the Cauca VaUey re草ìo恥

Z 'These 1r隨i綠晶e c:oats of labor and rr祖c:hinery.

3 Two harvest pel' year are a8sumed 訊 both

ca牌恥 Ha.rvest cosh inelude c:ost oí Beed drying and c le關注呵﹒

yields due 10 harvesling melhod used are described elsewhere, CIAT Annual Report, 1978, pp. B-49); 綴) il is assumed Ihat 綿ed is sun driea , with allowance for labor cost; (h) an additional annual income of US$18/ha Irom the lorage by-product is included lor 8. decumbens

Establishment 融nd m揖intenance costs

Eslablishment co榔 (for both species considerea in this study) are showr穹的Table88.A∞stofUSS251/ha措 estímate垂 lor the eSlablishment of A. gayanus as a cr(溶 (1.5 tímes that for 8. decumben.訓; a控houghlana

prepar蹄。n costs are low鯽, the costs of both 詞edand

herbicid晶晶ed are higher 紋。-wever, the cu付entprlce

of A. gayanus seed 梅 artificially high due 10 scarcity in Ihe market. If A. gayanus seed were half the current príce, the establishment cost of the pasture 帆的uld

decrease 10 USS178/ha, very similar 10 that for 8. decumbens. 1I is noteworthy that seed costs represents at least 35% 01 Ihe tOlal establishment cost. followed by fel1ilizer and labor costs.

Annual costs of 錦edp啊lduct悔n are shown in Table 89. The main cost itemsarelhefollowing: Rental price of land.τhe selection 01 belter soils for seed p何必uction entails higher cost!學 In this case, A. gayanus is cullivatea in an研制where land is時叫“al

US$3∞/ha/ years. The price 01 lar裕的 the pleamont 信rea is USS175/ha/year. Costs of paslure m制ntenance include fertilization, weed control, ana also irrigalion in Ihe case of A. gayanus. These ∞sts

Table 卵. Efíect of harvest method a!1.Ù area planted 叫 manimm pricesiof pure 制叫 o{ A哎哎盼革路且位紹說車 and B坐坐挂豆豆坐旦旦垃早已(1 979 US$(k在).





(kg pure seed/M}

15 30 單位

Z5 50 84

Brachiaria de叫mben$

Area p峙的ed

(ha) 25 50

43 40 21 20 13 12

30 15


Andropo!lon 昌ayanu5

Yiel,是 Area planted (kg pure (ha)

1 串串 甜甜fh,d 25 50

37 25 住7 40 18 50 19 16

11 75 13 11

75 15 150 自

2Z5 5

1 These are 叫nìmum price4. 的timated by assuming a 100/0 interna.l ra峙。f returns.



15 10

2. Seed productiòn in smal1er a.reas w間ld proba.bly be harveated manua.lly~ The oppoaì鞠i8 e恥

pecte是 íor 1ar轟e pla措@聶 are&a~ where mec:ha.nieal harvesting would prt!益。即泊ate.


are therefore hígher for the latter than for 8. de仰mbens. Harvøst COlJ章. depend basícally on the method 崎ed for harvestin疇. and are híghest ín the case 01 manual harvesting of A. gayanusseadwhích is rnore labor demandíng. Mechanical harvesting 時d唾ap軒 in both 軍rass species. but 1.7 times higher sead yields are obtained with m8ntlal harvesting. 功、凶,the final comparíson between han陣sting methods has to be done in terms of the price 說 which 鞠edcan be producad ín each instance. an位 not just on the basis of production costs.

Table 90 shows the minimum price wh結h could be chargad lor the sead to maintain the ta句剖 10% IRR. Prìc鋪 can be substantìally lowerad through the use 01 manual harvesting. but this IT可ethod can only be used in small areas due to high labor requìrements. For a gìven harvestir嘗嘗 method. economies 01 scale are r亨、 inimal.The larg輔t reduction ìn sead price can be achieved by obtaining sustainad high 甜甜 yíelds. Using the 8. 彼時umbens crop for seed production duríng líve ìnstead 01 three Years would have almost no e何制tonsead príce. 師 shown ín Table 91. 紛oreover. it 時 líkelythat seed y以謹s wìll decrease oYØr time and/or more fertilízer will be 悶Iquired; thus the impact of longer crop duration might be to increase rather than decrease production costs.

Tabl.. 91. Effect 是uration o.f (:1'op productivíty of Brachiaria 盟主主旦控主主主!. on the price "t 玄蒜Tτ可79 吾吾吾7k串戶re seed).

Paature duration Area ølanted 色的{vearsl Z5 50 100 Z昔日 300

3 5

21 20 22 19

1 車

17 18 17

)7 16

1 Prices show室主 are estimated by fixing the ir這tern.. al rat.e of re旭叫帥 !O駱翩翩ming an avera草@yield of 30 kg/ha O[ lX're 制ed 01. 些主這主且每啥滋是訟!.t and uai罰辜 mechanica.l 抽:rvesting.

1I average yields are achievad. the price 01 pure seed 01 8. decumbens should be between US$15/洶­US$15/kg-20/k宮. and US$8/kg-19 kg lor A. gayanus seed.A錦uming a 90% puríty 01 commercial classified seed. price of 8. decun泌ens seed should be half the price which currently p間vails in the 時嘻ion. It can be ∞ncludad that the higl、 P伺vailing prì帥 isdueto low see話 Y揖Ids. h 自gh risk. high profìt margin or a 帥mbinatíon of these factors.


OF TECHNOLOGY This sectìon was reorganized during 1979 wíth the

lollowi縛。峭的ives: (a) to ∞ordinate the technìcal aspects of traíning activiti輯{的toprop悟到地strategy

and mechanísms for valid剖ion 01 technology on tropical pasture production and utili酬ion; and 紛紛時ordinate activities relatad to internatíonal collabora­咎。n.


A total 01 42 pro拘捕姆nals r閻明vedt悶íníng duríng 197章 ìn tha various sections of the Prog間m to contí馳le the effortson developing and strengthening a net精神rk 01 臨時的,tists and technicians workin曲。ntrop結al pastures on ac划 in紛紛le soil cond訓。ns in Latín Amer悶忽 (Table 9划,

Among the錯. eíght vi割ting 神search a軒拇ciatesparticìpated in collaboratìve projects with universities


in Canada. Colombia. England. France. Unitad States and West Germany. to fulfill PhD. or equωivale軒e彷電唸t degrees. In addìtion. live visiting research assocíates and nine postgraduate ínt海rns for research part揖ipated in p閻部ts related to 給甜甜icactiviti髓 within the Pro草樹γ1. The maín purp捕e 01 th轍。 type怠。Itraining 甜言ivitíes is the stran雪theningofnational programs to conduct indep輯、dent an唔cooperative research with CIA T 硝 the 時韋伯冊Ilevel

Twenty four prof輔sìonalsfrom ni問 countrie懇切 the個啥叫 area of the Program in Latin Ameri間,時pres酬t愉

ing re胸arch and development institutions par紛

ticípated 悅the Second Course on Re馳archonTrop間l

Pasture Product的n and Utilization conduc插d durìng the fi賠t semester 19灣. A third ∞山路 wìth simìlar obj臨tives has been plannad for the first 甜m輔ler í於


Table 92. C副主ntrieø ot 肘i草擒。f profesøiona!a train吋說 Tropical Pastu.rea at CIλT in 197乳

No. oÎ No. of N仇。f

Country professiona1s Country profe B síonals Country pro!essionals

An位gua Colombia 11 Perú 5

Argentina 1 Cuba 4 Venezuela 7

Belize 3 Dominic削、 Republic l Australia l

Solivia 3 Ecuador 3 Holland z

Braz i1 6 G心&峙叮恤la 1 United States 事

Chile 1 Nicaragua 3 West Germany z

Total 毛自

The diacipl泊es in which trainíng participa.nt8 speeta1ized include Agronomy# Animal Health. Economics. Enthomolo囂恥 Germplas閉, Production, Seed P宮。這uctìon. Soil 1;咕icrobiolo車恥 Soils. Pa$ture EatabUshn三ell色, and Pastur懸 Uii1ization.

Experiments for training purposes

Severale:給erimentsha鴨 been揖ta枷鎖側 at CIAT­Quílichao to serve as a besis for training on research m齡h呵。logy on pa揖研e evaluation. and on methodology 時lated to regional trials on adaptation of tropical pasture species toacid infertile soil conditions. In addition to training purpo胡s. experiments on weed control were also conduc祖d.

As part of the training pr翎問m. two experimenlS were eSlablíshed in late 1977 10 determine the relative adaptat岫n of selected grass and legume ecolypes under grazing and forage speci曲 under cutting, to different levels of soil fertility al CIAT-Quilichao. Although little ch制"∞curred due 10 fertilizer treatments, excepl for a significant increa詞 inav糾紛le P and exchangeable Ca,揖i自led 9措閥 andlegume e∞types r揖por世ed differenlly and 甜meshowed good dry maller yields indicating 悶悶rkable

adaptalion to these ∞掘ilions (Figures 77 and 78).

Onthebas蹄 of first year yields, Cynodon dactylon cv C僻靜cr蹄s 1 could be 切措治ered the b臨1 adap妞!d

improv紛紛疇rt-cr輔pinggr喝s according 10 crileria on planl survival,粉1軒鑄nce,錢終d adaptalion 10 acidìty and low.抽iI 伶俐ity developed by the Soil Plan豈 能ulrìlion

g研討。n. 嗨mpan紛紛 the 捕tive gress Paspalum

notafUm, producíng a simílar dry matter yield at the hìghesl fertílity level with 85 and 67% relative yield at Ihe m紛ÍI阱,如d low fertility le\le裕, r揖pectively.

Digiratie rI<甜umbens and Cynodon nlemfuensis per­formed well only at the highe副部iI fertílity le\lel 8rachiaria humidicola. 8. di甜umbans and Melinis minutiflora performed very well; 8. decumbens outy愉Id側 all other gra帥輔 inth悶 group. Andropogon gayanus 621 , Panicum maximum and Paspalum plicetulum were Ihe besl adapled, tall-fufted grasses; P. m僻的lum produc側的e highesl dry maller yields during the first year.

The besl adapted and more productive legume ecOlypes which al鞠w8伸開lativelydi甜甜e-fr輔W8re

Desmodium ovalifofium 3帥" Centrosama sp. 438 and Pueraria ph耐御101的路 for Ihe Iraílin雷 typ晶;, and Styl.翩翩thes hemeta 118 and S. 01ψ'Ílata 1019 for the bush types. Wilhin this 1鴨t group, Macroptilium sp. 535, S. gUÍi翩翩S掃 136 end 184 perform甜甜甜鴨Iy

胡繩11 althe beginnin事 b的showed very little persiSlence IOwardsthe制dofthefi飽tyear due to fungal dis甜甜s.

Fìgure裕的ows the results wìth Ihe forage sp甜甜­P制.nisetum purpureum 帥. H-534 was the ∞Iy 匆臨時S pn:治uCln蠶 high dry mat緒f yìeld at Ihe higher 鉛iI fertility lev訟; however, the relative yield I提 the

medíum and low levels were below the limits for 9∞d





41 。




,. Andropogon gayanus 2 , Hyparrhen措 rufa

3 , Panicum msxímum 4. p"ξpBlum ρ帥atuJum蠶食 Cenchrus ciliaris

" 。



Ume o


, S. 鑿'. Cu




rn 11

• 111'





啥 , Brachisria radiCtfM 2. 8. humidicoJa 3. 8 , decumbens 4. DichBnthum aristatum 5 , Hemafthría altìssima 6. Melinis mÎnuti!lofa

6 5



4 汰。。








ZTZEgg1 <uv可



epoowh 4

吋Aa a e F RV S M hn mmw




3 a 電




1, Cynodcn dactylon 置 , Pð$palum notutum 3. Pa路滑lumc,岫ndesrinum4. Digitsría decun雄éns6. CylUJdon nlemfue.吻'$1$6. I$chaemum 唔,



Figure 71, First y;甜rdrym關er yleJds and dífførentìal 閉sponses of th陪e tropîcal grass groups to three soil fertïlîty lev剖s at CIAT ~Quilichao. 1979

自4 3 2 可

sìtes in eight countrìes ìn the ta句齡都轍 of the Program. After 16 mont惱. the thr揖 gr臨鞠s were performìng verywell wi納outanys緣份諾icant differe間e

ín dry matter yìeld and growth 均te毯, and S_ capitata 1019 and 1405 were 伽tyielding all of the other legum揖 and were observ!紛 relatìvely fr!馳。fdì揖ases

and insect pests‘

edaptatìon‘ Axonopus scoparius wa怠 bener edapted but ìts productivity durí峙的edry錦喲。nw醋。nly10%of the annual yíeld, indicatìng p∞r adaptatíon to drou嘗ht. AII of the other species,約cluding good ma1研ials such 蹄 Saccharum offìcìnarum. Man彷甜甜tìva, and Leucaana leucocephala perform側輯部rly,showing the limitations ìn the use 01 10措ges for1輔dsupplementation during the dry season under acid. infertile soìl conditions

Validation of Technology

R船ults of 酬P曹imer流al work and of avaluatìon of ímproved pasture sp部iesinther嚀。naltrials楠IWOrkare very encouragmg.

Table 93 shows the results of the ev剖開tion of se峙的ed gra歸納喵 legumee∞types lor adaptation at CIAT-Quìlichao. Thís experiment was part of the ne扭軸線。f regional trials which w鵬 establ措hed in 2唔




法。申伊 草







1. Puerarl抽 ρha峙。'Ioides

2. Møcro.ρtiUum .p , 536 3. Desmo的um 蟬區 336

4.D.o時fî!o!ium 360 峰。 Centrosema &p. 438 6. Glycinè wighrii 204




法‘e d



kg/ha/year Lim. P K





111* 2000 88 * S. 8. Cu




" 11

5 4


Shrub 叩制輔





4小Nhn 訣



ω 4小Nh

1. Sty/osanthes guianensÎ$ 136 2. S, gui/Jnensis τ84

3. S. hamat8 嘍 18

4 , S, capitat8 電 019

6. Medic8go 揖tlva







Figure 78, First yea' d阿 matter yiel由 andd耐軒entÎal r輔仰n輔80th開 tropicallegume gro,串S,個three 50!! 峙rtiHty levels at C1AT.Quilìchao, 1979

s 4 3 2 1

attentìon on the organìzatìon and execution of the Regíonal Trials Network. A Regíonal Tríals Committe W8S lormed ín order to integrate other s蜘tions 01 the Program in the handling of the Network.

The range 01 ecosystems included and the technicsl and eeonomìc const措ints most common 10 the participant 納懿徒的ions inthe I哇酹啊。rkweretak僻、 into

a∞ount by the committee in the elabo時tion of an O句anization and M輔hodology p時posal lor the evaluation 01 the Regional Trials Netv嗨,ι

The strategy that has been considered for the validation 01 technology in the near luture includes: (a) the identilication 01 active dev當lopment institutions in the 福rget area 01 the Program; (bi the trainíng of prolessíonals in the validation and transfer 01 technolo告訴 an挂 (c) the pa悶icipatlon in all activities related 臨時9ional trials to identify germplasm that coul謹 be used in 鴨i姆說ion trials 割 the farm levet

Regio鈍81 trials

133 During 1979, the Tropical Pastures p"海荷ml開used

1. Pennísetum p叫pureum2. Sl3ccharum offícin8fum 3. Csjanu$ cajan 4 , M棚ihot esculen扭

6. Axcnopus sco,ρaflU$ 6 , Leuc8ena leucocephala


。電 60




“ p



: 輯串


2000 200

" S. 單. Cu






• 富£\aEeEEE--醫


Figure 1串封建t yøðr d吋糊糊,例。1啦。nd diffe開ntial re耳悶悶eS of fo槽伊峙蜘ìøs to thr輔闕,站叫“阿悟時10 眠。AτwQuílichao. 1 串79平

研tri揖 (mo均 than 1∞) to be t甜甜 in few 甜甜

representing the major 輯論system霉,

The Regional Trials B (RTB) should evalu8油 areduced number of entri輔 (app悶悶mately25)歸lec梅dfor 圓的 major ecosystem from the RT A. This RTB will be carried out in subec帥ystems within a major ecosystem. At this stage of the evaluat帥n. dry matter yield of individual ecαtyp臨 ìs measured durìng the perìods of maximum and mìnimum rainfall.

Th蹄軒roposal was submitted for di輯U磁ion and 紗pr抑al to the attendants of a wo紋的絲棉 theR灣ional Trials Netv時rk held at CIAτ,。綠綠樹 1 峙,

197事實 Ninety-one scìentists and officers of ìnstitutions of 14 countries pa前ìcipat倒 (Table 94).

Tha approvad proposal clearly establ時hes tne orientation of the Regional Trials Network towards studying pasture germplasm adaptability to the ditferent major ec個ystems rather than consìdering the network as 8 madium for technol句y validation.

τhe discussìons durin串 the wo然shop were 拘滋ricted to the evaluation meth研制。當iesofRτ'AandRτB. It was 鐘書措ed that a un訝。rm 斜斜uati∞System訟。uld be Us紛 to obtain 舟liableand∞mparable data througho組t the network.

An exparimental sequence for germpla軒n evalua­tion through the network w揖 approved (Fìgure 80). In Re嘗io捕1 Trials A(Rτ絲. the 割肉ival to main factors of thee紛紛stem (clìmat!傘,響。語.dis甜甜sandi惜齡絲糊11

be studied. This fi織游,ep included a lar軍e numberof


Tab泌主泣i峙e 曹3趴 nry m u喘n晶恥er 囂捕z啦in睹2嚐草 l 岳 m。棚純削t晶h抽1油s after e峙禽峙b恥li扭a的h草m何m揖間e軒m宮n討a必金 刮 CI訟AT-Qu前il泣z揖凶ch抽2油e帥ο, 1 ♀78ι'抒79乳.























Dry matter l y主eld Production (kgjha) (k莒/haNay)

z 56.7a 27, 132a 25 1' 9在4a 5在.單a

33 , 0辜會a 岳7.1a

Z皂, 728 60.2

唔,已事7c 1 事.0<:

6, 005d lZ.3d 9, 187c l 會.會c

17, 5140. 36.7a 18, 170,益 37.1a 13, 055b 26.9b

71' 975c 17.3c是

8 , 86守c 17.8< 車, 155c 15.8cd

昌.033 ?7.0



80"C for 3在 h.Z Numbers v. ithin cotunu foHowed by the same letter$ are not sígnificantty difíere肘 at the 口 .05

leve l.





Techn站副 In祖甜甜

lIegion.1 T的.1. 。

lIeglonol T例.laC


Tri.揖 B



Fìgure 串串 6前,神la5m 110w抽rough the Tropìcal 內戰ures R呵地為al Tr治1& 為""冊rk


Re草 ional Triab for Adaptatiôn of Trop .. 1979.

Participantø in the 、'1orkshop Oll the Network ol ieal Fora草e Species held at ClAT , Oc tober 1..4,

Table 94.

;g h叫一時


tt hmn n-uM &…。



i f rm am fmae omm mo

--Ta 措一副

tz m叫“












旬,“-a-3.A••• ‘6 •••


,ι ••







•• a-A





E協vi. Laboratory Centro de Investigaci6n Agrtcola Tropical,

Santa Cru怠

CEPLAC. 且ahí.主C lAT-CPAC , Brasilia EMAPA, Maranhao EMBRAP人 BrasíUa.EMBRAPA!CENARGEN. Bra.Uia EM攝制PA!CNPGC. Ma to Grosso EMBRAPA!CNPGL. Minn Gerai. EMBRAPA/CPAC. Bra.il攝EMBRAPA!CPATU. P日孟EMGOPA. Boiá. EPAMIG, Minas Gerais FAO!閃PAE , Tereaina, lAPAR, Paran起CENICAFE ClAT Fondo Gandero 垂el Putumayo lCA ln.tituto de C ieru: ia Animal Mitdøterio de Agricultura Esc:uela Superior Polit嘉軒在Íca de Chimborazo lNlAP Livestock Development Co. MillÎ前ry of Agriculture Minis廿y of Agricul恥re

lNlA lNTA COPERHOLTA. Tarapoto 到lA!C訟, Tara伊扭

lNlA -NCS刃 Yurimaguas

IVITA. Pucallpa Unive畫風idad Agrar Î3. 11 La MolinaH , Tarap肘。

說扭i$try of Agriculture Minístry of Agriculture Centro Nacional de Investi車aci品n Agropecuaria FONA lAP FUSAGRl Universidad Central de Venezueta Universìdad de Oriente Universidad de Zulia




Au.tralía 器。lIvia

Jamaica h草棚:ico




Trinidad Vene 2.uem







91 Total of participants


Table 95. Tropical p,長øtures pub1ic-ations iseued 1n the e8tabUehed CIA T series during 1979.

Code -OZEIG峭 78

OZ510-78 05EO-l




085G帽 I



Annual Report 197串Separata Iniorme Anual 1978 Handbook for the Col1居çtionl' Preeervation

and Characte .r i忽ation of Tropical Forage Germplasm Resources

Manual para la Colecc正是洽, Preservaci品nyCaracterización de Recursos Forra草erosTropicales

Pasture P :roduction in Aci是 SoH憊。f the Tropics Pro益ucci6n de P a. stos en Suelos Acidos

de 108 Trópico翁Resúmenes An叭就開。s sob:re PaBtùs

T :ropicale 怠, Vol. 1 詣。letín Iníorma位vo de Pastos Tropicales 對ι1


Spanish Engli軍h


940 1500


P.e發學 run

Spar室主sh 10在 50告

English 4串串 主917

Spanish 524 3020

Spanish 1500

Spanish IZOO




100。 90. 70。80.

電00. 900 70。80。

o Trol頭CaI輯輯到抽, well drlìned~ t‘,yperthørmíc φTropiç攝制van咽~ weU drai柵成糊糊icå Tropicel "V8nna~ po。“y dr.ined

800 40。 300

60。 ‘。。30. 60.

• Troplcal. 輯mi-啊啊gr.棚"﹒輯捕§給他回

。Tr叩ic訓,制輛軍開翎槽,圓m'-8哺唔,輛到騙uon叫旬開'.tgτ"ropicel rainfo甜揖

Figure 81 Location of the fjrst R啤坤"攝制剖叫研 adaptatíon of trop岫I forage $掰甜輔 in Latin AIT瑋rica by e∞systems


Itw,純 8150 approved that the ne胸前k should include Regional Trials C and D in which 鞠lected germplasm from RTB 紛紛 10 entries) should be evaluated in grass/legume mixtures under 窮razing. The methodolog ie5 for 防部喔,棚。 levelswiUbedi甜uss紛 in

a future workshop planned for 1981.

Reports ofthe first Regional Trials alreadyestablish­edwerep時鞠nted. Figure 81 show抗heloc剝削。,fthe

existing trials in the tar詞et 'area.

Eventual\y the Regio開lτrials Network will pro制你inform斜ìon 組 the natìonal ìnstìtutions and to CIAT aboUllhe r8 nge of ad翁plability of pasturegermplasm 10

specifiC ecological conditons. This informalion sl祖uldbe a soI i謹 basis for extrapolating tropical pastures m蹄軒的 findings throughout the larg剖 area of the Program.

Printed Media

?哇ew titles in the area 0' tropical pastures published by CIAτin 1979 are show貝 inτable 95. At C以,1'sDocumentation Center a newsletter on tropical pastur揖 (in Spar羽絨) was initìated 10 provide relevant ne卸叫你 information to research傲氣 basically in latin AmeriCI弘


The obj部!ive 01 the CIAT ba鶴d IFDC Phosphorus Projec! is to develop a phosphorus managemen! strategy for the various crops and cropping systems 楠w employed on the 部ìd infertile soìls of subtropical and tropical latin America. Sin峙的@抽ils under consideration are low in both available and 1滑tal Pand general\y have a high Pfi睡tion capacity, Ihe P needs 01 the 50il as weU as the plant must be considered. It is not likely that these P needs will be a∞ommodated through the 儲e of triple爛。r simple-s.uperpho絲織祖

(TSP an挂 SSP, respectiv紛紛 because 0' their hig h cost per unìt of phosphate. AI帥, since these forms of P are quite 粉lub峙, a largep軒centage ofthe P蹄 fixedbythe50il and thus, ín pa呵, is not available to the plant.

1I seems reasonable, there10re, that less available forms of P 甜的齡 phosphate r剖k (P側, part措lIy

acídulated PR,∞gr制ulated míxtures 01 S wíth PR, and C句ra附late社 míxtures of τSP or SSP with PR may be reasonable alternatíves to either TSP or SSP. Not only are these forms of P less likely to be fíxed by the soíl but their residual value should prove 10 be superior 10 that 01 the more avaìlable forms 01 P. 扭 is also logical totake advantage of the soíl 部ídity by using PR or other símilar P carriers that will respond favorably under an aci噩 envíronment.

In addítion, the cost per unìt of P as PR ís about one­thírd that for TSP or SSP. In thís regard, South Amerìc總措 fortunate ín that there are some 17 koown major PR deposíts (CIAτAnnualReport, 19781


A series 01 greenhouse and lield experiments have 為en establíshed in Colombía, ECI緝毒d啊, and Peru in whích many 01 these South American PRs and their altered products are beíng tested for agronomic effectiveness u怠í ng several different t喔tsl crops. To da蝠, many01 Ih揖穆 PR carríers appe當 10 be promísìng and in some instances have sh酬Nn 10 be superíor to T5P

Phosphate Rocks

A greenhou鶴。'xperìment was conducted on an OXi501 from las Gav間tas in the Colombìan Llanos Oríental峙, 10 compare the agronomìc effectiveness 01 18 different ph時phate r前ks (PR) wìth TSP, and Panicumm酬imum as Ihe lest crop. Yield results a時每ìven ìnτable 96.

τhe pf聖s which are kn剖開 tobe hígh詠梅ac剖ve 5uch as North Carolina, Fosbayovar, and Gaf!揖 performed桶前Iy as VI神UasτSP. Other PRs such as South Africa, Florida, Huí拾, Meranh帥" Arad, and Pesca al歸 appearproml割ng for direCI appli個加n. In 章ener針, the effectiveness of 811 the r的:ks increa鞠d with higher 時插s when compared 10 simiar retes of TSP.

In a fíeld experiment conducted on a Cerìmagua O肘。1 with 8rachíaria decumbens, six PRs were ∞mpared 10 TSP.τhis 1刷、g-term 斜斜riment which was 制tablìshed ín 1976 ínch必紹 applìcatíon 摺tes

rangìng from 0 to 4∞ kgP20叭珊, all broadcast and íncorporatl餒 into the tOI措。U. To date, the grass has

T的已。事壘 Agronol1由錢tfect量精帥.8 o! pboøpha.te rockø de扭了mine晶 by Y的ld oI Pani<::umπ祖xim叫ngrown On an Oxisol under greenhouse conditions.

R~lative yíeL是 illl

P applied (m孟LE!lP SOUl'Ce SO 100 200 4告。

TSpl z 100 (13.3) 1 告o (1 9.0) 100 (20.2) 100 (22.2)

Brazil Aba.t毒 11 33 52 55 Arax孟 30 33 56 58 C叫alao 5 6 22 3日

Jacupíranga 12 13 19 51 Maranhao 60 69 車6 91 Patos 晶e Minas 27 42 66 n Tapira 4 7 10 z3

Colombía Huila 草草 5會 8'益 草莓

Pesca 56 61 80 車3

Sa rdinata 29 也4 68 ?是

Israel Arad 62 62 95 9z Per也

Fosbayoval' 99 79 104 91 Tuniaia

Oaísa 63 n 114 105 South Aíl' ica 71 6串 93 92 United S垂ate轟Flôrida. 喜事 71 喜色 事1

North Carollna 70 78 107 108 Tennessee 42 51 78 95

Venezuela Lobatera 56 5毛 已弓 76

Control (0. 在}

l TSP considered 100% within e'ach level of applied P. z Figures in parenthesis are yields in 草/pot as the sum of three cuttings.

been cut 11 times and the comparative yield results are g持研 in Tabte 97.ln all 摺館已 the yields obtained with the PRs compar倒 favo措bly with th喝e for TSP at all 11'1鴨Is of applied P. Althought the initial yiel徽 ware

higher for TSP, the residual value of the PRs appears sωperiortoth酷 ofthemore鞠lubleform. Ba帥donthis

exp軒iment it would appellr that an initial application 01 50 kg P20s/ha is sufficiant for grass forage produc­tion.

Inasimil前 fiel喔喔txperiment 0即可ducted in collabora­tion with the Instituto Veterinario de Investigaciones 防部鴨les y de Altura (lVIτ絲,的Peru,∞ a Pu啦lpaUI甜甜1, B. decun治ens yielded slightly better with F閥b扮演闕r PR than with SSP (Table 98)τhe輪 data

are cons唱tent with those from Carimagua (Table 99)

Agronomic Effectiveness of P PI轟捕ment

A field e繪制mentw齡 set up in CIAτ-Quilich鞠 to

determine which would be the best method of P applicatìon as TSP, in conjunction with different levels 01 broadcast and incorporated Pesca P間, for a forage production 恥heme. B. decumbens was I捕。d 齡 the

test crop and to date live cuts have been talten.τhe results are quite surprising as the applic翁韌。nof Pesca PR 自 C軒nparin串 very favorably wìth TSP and com­binations 01τSPwìth PR (τable 99). It should al鞠 benoted that the top譜蹄將“ PRal卸 pe持。rm祕韌mìl前Iy

toaU othert舟atments. This蝸慨Jld indicate that I給他ast

some PRs could be used 抽 P 甜urc醋。們制tablished



Table 97. Relative &gronomiç eC!",前ivene.. o! phoaphate roclts {rom se有reral 8OUl'Ce8 &8 d就軒紹說ned by yie 1<l of 呈送s!ll思主!!.堂皇主怒E追星!.,.grGWn詛伽 íiel誰 at Carlmagua (輯moíllcu持祖.ken Q\''ðr .. 的-month perio句,的76-1 會79.

P 80Urc:e 25

Annual TSP (Z6.6) Residual TSP1 100 (l 9:4í2

Florida (USA) I Z4 FQsbayQvar (Peru) lZl Oafsa (T泌nisia) 1 串串

H叫la (Colombia) 會主

Pesca (Colombía) 1 告會

Tenneasee (USA) 10發

Control (IZ.4)

1 AS8umed 的 10~也 for each level of application. Z Drγmatter yield8 in t/楠,

When this experiment was established. the control plOIS were $0 P-defic崎nt that it was difficult loobtain a good stand of grass. However, with t悶、e it is apparent that considerable mineralization of P occurs. AIil a result, af糖r five culs of the 習ra帽. Ihe control plots W研e yielding about 50% of the high Ptreatm酬18. This has é紛紛 been noted in other e:得措riments at CIAT備。uilichöo and is 哥U誰eatypi錯Ifora鵲起 cla鶴ifiedasan


Agronomic Ef紛紛珊珊認ofGranu紛紛紛ofPR

A gr帥nh叫柚 experiment with maiza waS set up on a 印的mag閥 Oxisol to determine the effect of granule

Table 98. Effeet of two rates and Bources 01 pho4phorue on yield of Br愁製您給錢終必圾晃晃 grown in the field on & Pucall,鳳 Ultiøol (sum of 3 cuts), 1978-1979.

P sourêð

SSP Fosbayovar

(Seehura) Control (4.7)


Yield ItjhaJ F Aoplled (kR乃鴨}

40 1 忌。

唔.7 Il. Z

10. '1 11. 9

Relative yiei卓~

PZ05 applied (kg/hal 50 i tjtJ 400

(31. 6) (32.3) (39.2) 100 (27.0) 100 (28.0) 100 (33.7)

9z 101 105 ?事 105 1 串串

107 i 串? 101 112 100 109 車1 11 Z 113 76 事6 107

size on P availability of several Pcarriers. 1M resultsof two harvests are given in Table 1∞. In the case ofthe more reactive PR莓. the yields were appr個imatelythesame for the ground and minigranul通Ited materials which compared時ryfavor紛Iy with those 10rτSPand SSP. With the le臨軒糟active PRs. P av部lability

decreased with increa割n韋韋掰nule size a.、d yields did not ∞mpare favorably 蟬ith the 臨luble P 阻何治梧 at

any given mesh size.

τha 冊lative yields decrea輔d 糊糊dly 10r aU PRs whent惘 -6 + 14 mesh granules w研eemployed.

Agronomic Eff恥tivenessof PR:TSP R甜08

A field axperiment wasset up to study the agronomic e行'activene路。f three Colombian PRs. alona and in combination with TSP. on yield of rice 8nd peanuts grown in rotation 8t CIAT-Quilich80. R輯ults 10r tv時harvests of rice and one of peanuts are giver穹 mτ'able101.

In genan訟. with the first rice harvest, yields increased with 閥的祕必io悶1 increment of P as PR. 概念ept in the case of 判凶la PF司 where near m概imum

yields 明揖舟。臨ained with 50 kg P20s/ha. With the le鋪er reactive Pesca and Sardi糊糊閉路. the 1:1 r8IÎ輔of PR:TSP generally gave higher yields at the lower P application rates. This iIIustrates the initial need for a 帥luble form of P when low rates are used.

Table 99. Ma~.a草ement of phosþho :rus il1 e stablishing and mai成ainin耳反法已全且呈忽必訟溢血 grownin the field at CIAT-Q叫lichao (.um of 5 cut.), 1978-1979.

P a:ource (k車 PZ05/ha )

Method of application D

Re lative vield (嗔

I?e 長聶 pbospha悟 roc k {l<g Pz Ös/hãï 100 200 4日D


。 53

Topdress 103

Topd :ress 串串

Ba.nded 58

Banded 84

Broadcast & 82 incorporate<Ì

Broadcast &: 104 incorporated









50 總s

za c g az p

87 98 100

96 95 103

98 106

85 ',‘

} 1 .. 蠅,

1 ( 1

AU nυ

I 95

75 102

98 102 98

103 102


75 J 03 惡9

1 Treatment 閃garded as 10011,(, Z D:ry matter y時ld in t/ha. 3 lnclucled as topd :ress treatment of PR only.

Peanut yields did not reflect the levels and con可bina

tion 01 applied P with the exception of Huila PR wh阻hyiel唱ed comparably toτSP at the high rate 01 applìcation. Many of the PR treatments at the low軒levels 01 applìed P were only slightly better than the P­free control

The second rice harvest showed large yìeld in “

creases at 1111 levels and combinations 01 app泣。d P. It appea悶的制 signilicant amounts 01 P are being 時leased Irom all of the PRs and the yields 01 rice were comparable 10 similar P applications 01 τSP.

In a simil軒 e)(periment with B. decumbe,話" the yields after 制x cuts were comparable 10 Ihose just described lor rice (Table 102). Although the initial two cuts 01 9均榔 were considerably hìgher lor those trealments with hìgher ratìos 01 TSP, the total yields are about the same wìthin a 伊喃自 時te 01 P due to Ihe 舟sìdual value 01 the PRs. At the lower 掃te of applìed P,

the y時Ids obtained with Sardi"l制a PR. however, are 50mewhat low軒 due 帥 its apparent low 時actívity.

Agronomic 肘fectiven蟬ss of Cogranulated Mixture書 of PRs with TSP and SSP

When monocalcium phosphate ìs 8pplied to the 50il it lorms dicalcium ph05phate and phosphoríc acid. In order to take advantage of this acid, it seems logical that if SSP orτ'SPwere ∞宮時nulated with P鈍, the acid might react with the PR r8th僻 than being dissipated in the 50il.

A greenhouse experime叫 was conducted 10 study the effect of the ratìo 01 PR 10 SSP and TSP on yield of maìze grown on a Carimagua O)(i50l.τable 103 ShoW5 quite clearly Ihat as the ratio of soluble P i5 increased. yields increase correspondingly. When the ratios of PR:TSP or SSP ìn powder are compared to

嘻 41

Table 100. Ef!ecl oí granule oíze o! !ive phosph削e rocks a.ppl措d 知 maize (ZOO kg PzOs/ha) grow谷i益 the greenhouse On a Carimag制伽cisol (súm of two harvests).

Relative yield <'0) Powder Minigranule Regular granule

P sour c: e (200 mesh) (-48 + 150 m..h) (-6 + 14 m..h)

TSP 91 95 1001 (1 7.7J2

SSP 1I4 98 97

Arad (10...01) 116 惡谷 1 惡

Araxa (Brazil) 63 44 15

Florida (USA) 84 95 26

North Carolina (USA) 95 97 55

Pesca {Colom泌的 45 32 20

Control (2.4)

1 TSP i. 閱單utar granule si :z:.e aS8ume聶知 be 100鴨.

z Figure in parenthesiø i8 tissue yield in 車Ipot.

Table 101. AgronO'mic e!feçtivenes8 of three Colombian ;,hosphate rock8~ alone and in e:ombina .. tion with TSP, as measured by relative yields oí upland rice and peanuts grown 扭

rotatio智1 at CIAT-QuUichao, 1978-1979.

Rice 1 哩78B

50 1 串串 200 P source PR,TSpl (kg PZO51ha)

TSP banded 1,0 91 101 1002 3 (5.5)

Huila PR 1:0 103 99 109

Huila PR + TSP 1:0 99 10串 111

Pesca PR 1:0 73 會§ 93

Pe t)<:這. PR + TSP 1:1 79 94 103

5ardinata PR 1:0 11 73 94

Sardìnata PR + TSP 1:0 85 96 94

Check (2.9?

:單ase壘。n total P .,. O... content of P source. :' '2-5 Z 2昏昏海市。5/ha ii. -TSP 制如med 柚悔 100'裝-

3 Ylel是 in t/ha.


Relative yield (%) Peanuts 1 會79A 盟將e 1979話

50 100 主串串 50 100 200 (k革句。~ (k畫 Pz05!ha)

79 94 1002 (3.8)3 85 93 1002 (7.2)3

82 77 95 97 83 104

7z 80 86 76 84 104

7z 串串 77 串3 91 97

6會 73 74 車6 91 會已

已車 73 76 車3 79 04

75 74 84 83 86 97

(2.5)3 (4.9)3

Table 102.. Effect o[ varying ratio of TSP an晶時ch oí three Colombian phosphate ro<:ke on the relative yield oî 2巴拉迋且主革丘且呈垃旦旦 grown in the field at CIAT-Quilichao (sum of 6 cuts), 1978岫 1979.

Relative yíeld ('1',)

P source 1{KR PZO5/ha)

PR:TSp. 100 200

τSP 0:1 94 1002 (21. 2)3

Bu i1a PR 1:0 88 9會

苦苦的 ia PR + TSP 3:1 84 103 Hui1a PR + TSP 1:1 車? 守7

HωHa PR + TSP 1: 3 84 94

Pesca 1 :0 81 95 Pesca PR + TSP 3:1 95 93 Pesca PR + TSP 1: 1 事。 95 Pesca PR + TSP 1:3 102 11 串

Sardinata 1 :0 71 84 Sardinata + TSP 3: 1 80 93 Sardinata + TSP 1: 1 7z 91 Sardinata + TSP 1:3 82 90

Check 63恆

IBased ontota/l hpa zcscontent of p $Otlrce章,

z zcskg aFttZe O5asTSEPMMmM 胎 be 100%. 3 Dry matter y時 li!帥 tjha.

minigranules (τable 104),揖 appears that the latter 8re more effective sources of P when a more 時active PR 甜的揖 Florida 措 used. In the C8峙。f the le揖er時績單ive PR from Pesca, the results 嗨ry depending on whether the PR was rr時)(00 wìth SSPor TSP. In general, when Pesca is mixe位 with SS P, the ground PR appears superior 10 the minigranulated materìa l. τhe rever盟 ìstrue when the Pesc羽 PR 描 mixOO with TSP.τhereason for this is being studied

Agronomic Eff醋的iveness of Partially Acidulated PR

A field experìm椒、t 蹄 being conducted to determine the agronomic effectiveness of panially acidulated PR (20% with H2S0410nyiel疇。f upland rice at Carimagua. To date only one harvest has been taken (Table 105).

Tab!e 103. Effect pf ratio of pho.phate roek to S5P and TSP on yield of mø.i間gro'>\'咽 in the greenhouse Qn a Carimagua Oxiaol (sum of 2 har ... vests}.

Relative yield (0/0)1

PR:SSP or TSP P souree 1:0 3:1 1:1 1:3 。:1

SSP 1002 (1 串.9)3

TSP 事1

F10l" i垂..RP+SSP 71 70 91 宰亨

Fiorida RP 司令 TSP 71 n n 9車 .

Pesca RP + 55P 27 53 75 守事 . Pesca RP + TSP 27 毒進 70 辜會 . Check (l串串起}

1 All P rates were a.veraged. Oranule slze used: Minigranule (..48 + 150).

2 SSP as sumed to be 100%. 3 Tissue yield in g/pot.

At the lower rate of application (1 00 kg P206/ha) there was an increase in yield with the panially acidulated Florída PR over the nonacidulated one. Minigranulation further enhances this effect. In the case of I哇。前h Carolina PR, there app輸時 to be a slight yield decrease wíth acidulation. At the higher 措,te of applied p, all t時atmer電ts comparOO favorably withτSP.

In another field 棚penme悅制Carima吾ua with pan悶lIy acidulated Florida PR 紋。%w詰h H3PO.) and Panicum maximum 榔 the test crop, similar results to those just described for Florida PR were obtainOO (Table 106). T.he partially acìdulatOO minig賠nulewas

belter than powdered PR. It 時 also interesting to note how wellthe partìally 帥idulatOO regular size granule 卜6 + 14 mesh) performed at the higher rates of application. The resìdual value ofthese larger panicles could be quite 制gnificant agronomically

封閉 app績rent that if partially acidulated PR is to have an ag悶悶mic impact, lesser reac!ive rocks should be usOO. Since many of the PRs in South Am軒ica have


Table 104. Eííect of ratio o.c pho起phate rock to SSP and TSP, and granulation on yîcld of m.益之ιe

gl'own in the 單 reenhouse on a Carimagua Oxisol (SUITl of 2. harve酷的.

Relative yieid 現}I

Ra結合 Mini草ranule

P Bourçè PR:SSP or 'l'SP Powder 卜罐車+ 150 mcsh)

SSP 0:1 105 1002 (1 8.9)3

TSP 0:1 88 91

Flori是a PR 1:0 65 71

Florida RP + SSP 3:1 59 70

Florida PR + SSP 1:1 51 91

Florida PR + SSP 1:3 89 99

Florida PR + TSP 3:1 吞吞 n

Florida PR + 'l'SP 1:1 56 92

Florida PR + TSP 1:3 73 98

Pesca PR 1:0 40 27

Pesca PR + SSP 3:1 61 53

Pesca PR + S5P 1: 1 83 75

Pcsça PR + SSP 1 :3 J 01 99

Pesca. PR + TSP 3:1 55 毛發

Pesca PR + TSP 1:1 57 70 PR + TSP 1:3 79 89

Conlrol (J 6'i'o)

1 A U P rate 9 we re ave raged. Z 55P minigranulated treatment 抑制med to be 100%. 3 Tissue yield in g/pot.

relatively low 時activities, perhaps ps同ial acidulation will be beneficia l. Greenhouse 臨時ening tr捕15 are cur捕前Iy underway to evalute this.

Phosphorus Fixation Mechanisms

In an-attempt to 甜甜n a better unde時tandin疇。,1 the P lixation mechanisms in the tropical 峙,緣。1 Latin Ameri嗨, several dilferent analy詞swere僻rriedoutto

determine if certain parameters ∞uld be ∞rrelated.


These analy絢s were run on 23 different Colombian 50ils; a summary is given in Table 107.

In general it was lound th硝 a前iveAI(e前ractedwith

純學i40Ac buffered at pH 4.的, reactive AI (extracted w措hMgC1 2 at pH 絃挂帥 8.5), and org酬ic matter content appeared to be directly correlatedwitt、 Pfixation.τhereapp銷時 to be no consistent relationship between P fixation and other soil parameters such as 50il 軒H,exchan單eable AI , and Iree Fe oxides.

Table 105. 拉ífect oí par說8. 1 acidulatiQ鈍~ P rate鏈~ and 車1"anu1a乞ionσf two phosphate 1"O(:k l!J onγiel是

。f 叩lan'謹到咽 grown in 絞le íiel垂 at Carimagua" 1 978 ..

l Granule Acidulation with H2S04 P source Sl~e {唱)

TSP Regular 100

North Carolina PR Powder 5

North Carollna PR Pow電!er 20

North Ca l'olina. PR Minì草問nule 。NO l"th Carolina PR Mini草了anule 20

Florida PR Pòwder 。Florida PR Powder 20

Florida PR Minigranule 。

Florida PR Minigranule 20

Control (42 '10)

1 TSP was band applied and a11 phosphate rocks broadcasted. 2 TSP 200 kg PZ05/ha as TSP assurned to be 100'10. 3 Y時ld in t !ha.

Relative yieL是{嗔}(k草 PzOs/ha)

100 200

81 1002 (4.3)3

7亨 93

74 9草

93 112

84 109

70 107

81 109

74 107

95 100

Table 106.. Effect ot partîal acidulatio泣. P r a.te:!J, and granulation of Florida pho1lphate roek on yield oí 豆豆豆izzslZ草草~ grown in the field at CaX'im吋阱。 cut). 1979.

Relative yietd 別Granule Acidulatio室主 witJ, H


4 (kg PZ05/ha)

P.。這rce Slze ('10) 50 100 200

TSP Regular 100 50 73 1001 {仇 O}2

Florida PR Powder G

Flor!da PR M泊igranuie 20

Fl。重ida PR Reg>彗星.r Z告

Control (1.7各}

1 200 kg PZOs/ha as TSP ....蜘吋知 be 1 哥哥唉,2 Dry rnatte r y講滋 in t!ha.

Z8 53 73

53 63 思主

37 毛喜 102


Table 107. Summary of average "8oil chemical parameters grouped into relative P !ixation categories (soils !rom 23 Colombian sitea).

% P !ixed Organic Exchangeab1e Soil Relative P (1 0 ppm matter Al % Al Active Al Reactive Al

Category classüication fixation P added) pH (可,) (meq/1 00. g) saturation (meq/100 直) (meg/l00 官)

1 Andept Very high 80% 5.3 20.4 1. 3 39.2 12.3 29.8 z Andept- Oxi- High 60-80鴨 5.0 7.8 2.3 40.9 3.8 8.9

sol-Ultiso 1 3 Oxisol- Medium 40-60% 4.8 4.2 2.5 56.7 3.1 7.3

Inceptisol 4 Mollisol Low 40鴨 6.3 4.3 0.2 0.8 O. 7 3.4

Free Fe oxide P-Al % P-Al o! P-Fe % P-Fe o! Organic P OJO organic P o! Number

Category (U,也 Fe203) ppm total P ppm total P (ppm) total P 。.f sites

1 2.9 16.2 2.1 6.3 1. 1 603.0 72.0 4 z 4.6 4.1 0.8 46.4 6.7 267.1 54.8 6 3 4. 7 1. 2 0.6 8. 7 5.7 126.8 40.2 8 4 2.9 4.5 0.9 6.5 1. 4 106.9 21.2 5


In order to create a foundation for the effective development and transfer of germplasm based technology. and to facilitate the development and revi剖on of research priorit咱s compatible with geograph阻 realities and economic trends. CIAT. in conjunction with national agencies including the Centro de Pesqu唱a Agropecuaria dos Cerrados. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (CPAC­EMBRAPA) in Brazil and the Ministries of Agriculture of other countries. is currently evaluating land resource information in tropical America. The work started in mid-1977 as a specific study of the Oxisol and Ultisol regions to help establish technical priorities for forage improvement. Land information is reduced to a common base in terms of climate. landscape. vegetation. and soils. The study now∞vers over 850 million ha (Figure82). The 1977 and 1978 CIAT Annual Reports contain progress reports and some preliminary findings.


With the virtual completion of the study as originally envisaged by mid-1979. its scope was extended to cover regions of interest for CIAT's other commodity programs including cassava. beans. rice and maize (Andean region only). and to provide useful informa­tion for crop. forage. and agro-forestry production throughout tropical Latin America in general.

In order to accelerate the analy副s of the land resources information. a con、puterized data storage. retrieval and analytical system. map and data printout facility has been set up. Th咕 is readily expandable and permits the analysis of the land resour開 data in the light of add祉ional information from other sources. pa肘icularly economic studies. The information record­ed in the data bank has already been made availablet。agricultural institutions as a series of con、putertapes



Completed 鞠ps Map Work in progress 函



。.- U- H. 'oe



e. 事﹒

4- 4-

a. •••







24- 24-


32- :'2-

84- 7車- 72. Llmit of Target Area

Flgure 82 , The geog時phical e副ent of 肺estudγ



Land clas草ifi儲tion

In order to provide a geo雷raphical 組mmary 01 the land 的船urces. 詰 was decided to modify the land systems 1學pproach developed by Christian and Stewart in 1953 in their study 01 the land 時制urces 01 the Katherin恥。arwm regl。詞。1 Northern Austral咽. For th惜 study. a land system was delined as “an area or group 01 areas throughout which there is a recurring pattern 01 climate. landscape and 50i 峙.. The en­圳ronmental parameters were arranged in categorical order to form a true land cla時ification:

• Climate

- Radiant energy received

輛 τer亨、perature

- Potential evapotranspiration

- Water balance

- Other climatic lactors

• Landscape

- Land-Iorm

- Hydrology

- Vegetation

• $oil

- 50il physical chara紋緣份紋ics

- Soil chemical characte惜tics

τhese were the principal parameters used to delineate a land system. Paradoxical旬, the del i neation 01 land systems was effectively used not only to describe the land resources 01 阿富ions where little or no inlormation was available, but also to condense and summarize the great amount 01 printed inlorma咐。n。ccasionally available for 抽me re宙的ns 01 le棚er

geographíca I exte刑"whe時 detailed studíes including 剖íl sur珊悅, climatological 鈴udies and in-field 倒­

perímentation had b棚、陶corded. wt裙re information was not available a limited amount 01 líeld work was carried out. The land sys糊糊 mapSW8間 made 剖 a

輯81e 01 1 :1.000,00臣,制d number“ according to the i吋館借tíonal Chart of the World Index. 電48

SateU梅 ancl radar imagery were used to p悶vide an accurate geo書描phical ba鞠 lor the delineation 01 land 的綠ems. Raclar imagery wa學剝削lable for the Amazo­man 掃雪梅悅。,1 Brazil暑 By using 扭扭lI i插 ar浴持clar

imagery, the topog賠phical ínaccuracies 01 many ex培tmg mapS樹軒灣 avoided.


Oata Irom 1144 meterological statíons throughout Central and SOuth America were initially analyzed lor the study. and the analyses forselected representatíve stations incorporated as an integral part 01 the land resource data bank. Th時 work 時抑制lable either as a printout with an explanatory text' or aS a computer tape ,

The methodology used lor calculating potential evapotranspiration 終τP) followed that described by Hargreav,喲.Th路 methodw描鞠lectedbe何時eitused

available climatic data togive a proven estin電ateofEτP.It was of fundamental impo肉是擎的e that EτP be calculated 錦時alistically 鋪 possible 扭扭歸路 thew棚r balance and growing 甜a部成 and provide a guide as to the total amount of energy available for plant gr恥Nth. 5olar 時diat崎n and temperature are the most important factors in 聶甜erminíng ETP. the two basic parameters of Hargreaves' equation.

Figure 83 shows a str刮目ht printout of the climatic analys悶。1 Luziana. 8ra訓, used for descríbing the climate of land system No. 1 01 the study.

The p陶cipitation deticit in mm 闊的e difference be軒Neen the precipítatíon and the potential evapotran發piration.

Oependable precipitation (PD) is the 75% probability of precipitation occurren甜.which臼nbede純ribed蹄

the amount of precipitation that will be equaled or exceeded in three out of four years.

The Moislure Availabilíty Index (MAI) is a moisture adequ8cy index at the 75% probability level of pr啊ipi協tiono∞urrence. 1I is defined 棚 PO divided by the ETP. A MAI value of 1,00 means taht PO equals ETP

-1 Ha悶喘氣 J.K.. HiII. R ,V哎. and Hargreaves, G筑,開mp. pj剖ential

也鴨potransplrat誨n and pr都ipttat抽n defici臨 f軒 tro伊時I Ameri個

ClIU, Cofombí.. C怯,T, 1979.39畢弘

to obtaín cloud-free ímagery. The largest area atfected by this problem is the Amazon 時gion. Fortunately, side-Iooking radar ímagery has now become available for most 01 the Brazilian Amazon and this was used as a geographic base lor the delineation 01 land systems throughout that region. Side“ lookìng radar produces an excellent topographical picture 01 the landscape, but ís not so etfective as satellite 附油ge仰的 helpíngto

ínterpret land resource characterístics such as V粵語elalive c。嗨r and hydrolo雷ical characterìstìcs.

For 純me oth軒 areas, íncludíng the wet eastern pì憾的ont of 話。livìa. aerìal photo雷raphy w榔崎ed 10穹的terp時tìng the landscape patterns.

Wherever po認ìb悔, and especially when líttle or no ínlormatíon was avaílable in the published literature about land characteristìcs. field work was carríed out to check the photo喇叭terpretation. A small plane (STOL) was used to cover remote areas, and every etfort was made within the close time schedule to examíne the príncipal 叩il seq帥nces that followed the landscape patterns

Wíth the delinea話。n 01 land systems, the landscape

W時hìn indivìdual systems was described ìn such a Wlly as to enable the corr、puterization of its princípal characteristics.

The landscape facets. The subdivision 01 landscape into facets ìs used to brìd串e the gap b射ween land systems and 50ìl units. as facets are often relatìvely unìlorm ín so far as 50ìl characteristics are concerned Obvious旬,問歸me cases the lan垂scape facets wíU contain soíls wíth differíng properties, but some level 01 generalízatíon must be a臨部ted 悶悶掛ng an inventory of land resources. The objecti峙。,1 thestudy was not to replace soíl survey work per se; the smallest map un.t 措 the Lan桂 System. 悅。wever,咕咕 axiomat悶

that the study should provide an ínventory 01 the land characteristics íncluding soil physical and chem時alproperties of land facets wíthin the land systems.

Figure 84 iIIustrates a typicallandscape identified as one land system; it is clear that the landscape can be 如bdivide性的10 facets 1 and 2 to representthe flat plain surface and the minor valley 惜當泊ns. For convenience of computatíon, la闊的軾蚓、學研峙rel絡部ribed ín terms of a maximum of three land fa帥ts.

箏,弩ure 84. Land sys借用,這o. 49 $ubdMdød 抽知培nd 梅棉掉 1 .nd 2



10 order 10 describe the soils 01 the land facets, they were classif槽d 10 the Great Group category of the 50il Taxonomy system used by the U5DA. and then categorized in terms of their physical and chemical propertles

In the U5DA 50il Taxonomy system, soils are not grouped according to those s叫 Is "having similar phy割cal and chemical properties that reflect theìr response to management and manipulation for use", untìl the 50il Famìly category 措持ached. This followsa subdivisìo俗。f the Great Groups into 5ub-groups. However, the s叩肺的onac∞rding 10 5ub-groups does not add very much to knowledge concerning the characterislics 01 the soils. Therefore, itwas decìd紛紛classify soils only as far as the Great Group category, then d帥cribe them ìn terms 01 their physìcal and chemìcal cha舟cteristcs ìn such a way as 插 lacilìtatethe computer 草roupìng and comparison of propert陪S

80il physical properties. 50ìl phy到cal propertíes have been classìfied and co也d ín terms 01 slope, texture, p時sence 01 coarse materìa l. dopth,的It悶 i

infílt悶tior穹惜妞, hydraul埠 conducti仙仿, drainage,

moisture holding capací絲 temperature 問,moisture regime, and presence of expandíng clays. The cate章。rìzation ìs 位esigned to evalute the suitability 01 soils lor crop productíon Irom a physical stand戶。int.ltcontains the elements necessary to apply the tech叫,que dev紋。ped by Manslíeld for assessíng land capability lor arable crops based on soil phy副callìmìtatìons, and those悶仰臨aryto use the 50ìl Fertilìty Capab討ìty Classifìcatìon, developed by Buol et 81.

Soil chemical prope縛es. The follow前9 are the maìn 50il chemical propertìes classìfìed and c割ded for both top部做 (0-20 cm 喝pth) and sub峙il5 (21-50 cm 伽pth) 酬, percent AI saturation, exchangeable AI峙,ca峙, Mg斗, K+ and ,糊弋 total exchangeable bases,

cation exchange capacity, organic matter, P, 先是狗, S,

and trace elements, the presence 01 Iree carbonates salinity and cat clays, and elerτlents 01 importance to animal nutrition.

A classilic肘lon system was used to describe 50il nut們tional levels as a first atten考pt to eq uate crop needs in the following sense: A = adequate for most crops, B 寫信 ìnadequate lor crops requíring hì學h nutrient levels, an謹 C詣。nadequate for all crops, except those tolerant to very low nutrient levels.

In classifying 帥iI pH, the level less th剖 5.3 was chosen to identify those soils with the probability of sufficient free AI in the soil 5Olution to indicate the need lor liming. For such 50ils, the formula developed at CIAT' for eSlimating the limìng 悶q Ulreme阱。1 acid mineral soils lor a given crop might profitably be applie蓮、

1I should be empha甜甜d thal each landscape lacet within a land system 揖 described and collated separately. The limit 01 describìng a maximum of three major land斜ape lacets within a land system was set lor the convenience 01 managing the data. Th揖 limit

can be extended to handle more detailed studies in the future.

With the completion 01 the collection and ∞lIation work the land resource information was recorded in a data bank

08t8 managem莓nt system

The computerized system 01 data management was create桂 to lacil itate and accelerate the diverse analyses contingent to the study. 1I had to be suff時iently comprehensìve to copewith large amounts of data, and flexible enough to permit the analyses 01 the land resource data with other inlormation Irom economic and a嘗ricultural studies.

The methodology adopted lor the system was largely developed by the SAS (Statist間al Analysis 5ystem, Institute Inc. 01 North Carol們的自 The work was carried oυt using an IBM 370/145 computer with a terminal link-up IBM-3780 at CIAT's administration center, Palmira.

Data input

The input ach時ved from

• Land information formats summarizing the landscape, vegetation an桂怠。iI data in a coded form

• Map code lormats; each 5' x 5' area 01 the land system maps were coded 10 permit their reproduction

• CI imatic tapes; the climatic inlormation and analyses 01 the Hancock,手啦 11 and Harg何制es study was reco的ed on magnet時 tape, which permits direct

1 Cochrane, T.T., J.G. Salinas, and P.A Sámchez, An equation for lîming aCÎd minera! soils to cornpensa電e Al toferance, In Tropicaf Agr!cultureτnn姐翁d. Vol. 57, No 草. Ap,í1 1980. pp. 133.140


entry of climatic dala to the syslem. Additional clímatic information will eventually be avaílable by input Irom the SAMM data files.

Data ou電p盼t

It隔 possible to gene冊te different inform前ion

according to the 精rying needs 01 the users 01 the land resour曲 evaluation sludy. 8asic inlormation oulput inclυdes

• Printouts 01 the land resourc峭的lormation lor individual land systems in terms 01 the collated climat悅, land蛇ape. veg酹轍。狗. and soil da油.

• list 01 comparative data lor selected properties 01 any p問determined group 01 land systems or geograþhical are翁s.

.A時發1 lotals for a的時∞rd甜 characte悄悄悄

terms 01 the values assigned 10 those characteristics, 制ther descríptive or numerical. over any predelined geographical area

• Map printouts of the land systems lor any given area.

• Thematic map printouts 01 any 01 the paramele時evaluated according 10 their classilication. lor any geographical area.

Additionally. the system has the capacity to:

• ldentify possible correl說íons b肘ween any 01 the characteristícs descríbed.

• Permít the analysís of the land resource data ín terms 01 ínlormation obtained from other typ峙。fSlυ舍. partícularly economic studies.

The m棋hodology already developed by SAS whích inte咀rates the management 01 data according 10 their


Relational Data 6ase Concept with pr<措edures lor statistical analyses and those that lacilitate reportin目,was chosen to ímpleme叫the major part 01 the storage. analysís and retrieval systen私 τhe study has been detaíled ín a publícation avaílable to interested íns­titutions'


The 鴨lue 01 the study 悶的 be illust措ted by two examples related to clírr、殺tic and soil lactors. respec­tively

An analy制s was carried out to check if climatìc pa阻meters were 時lated to differenc鴨 ín the natural vegetation throughout Central west 6舟zil ~some 243 mill峙的 ha). The natural veg甜甜ìon was compared with a number 01 珊ríabl師. Fígure 85 shows the 悼sult 01 comparing the vegetatìon classes wìth the total wet sea50n pote楠al evapotranspiration ~TWPE). TWPE was generate桂 from the climat甜頭ata by totalling the EτP fìgures for those months w控h a MAI 9 reater than 0.33. As can be seen, the area wíthin the box in Figure 86 indicates that there j夸 a much greater fr制quencyofoccurrence 01 "cerra疇。.. type ~savanna) vegetatíon between the 900 to 1050 mm range of p臨的tíal ETP

Th的 observation led to the finding that TWP在 is an effective yardst起k lor classífying lowland tropìcal clìm敏es In trop紹這I America for perennial crop pro位uction. It has provided a quantitative basis lor the subdivisíon 01 the re當時n ínto climatic sub-regions lor CIAT's work in evaluating lorage germplasm

The areal totals and distribution of the percent AI 捕turat叫1 in the 阻íls 01 Central-west Brazíl were needed to define prelíminary guidelines lor es­tablishing criteria for selecting forage germplasm tolerant to soils with varyíng levels of AI throughout that 梧串ion. With the appropriate comput軒 program.

the areal extent 01 both the topsoil and sub50il percent AI saturatíon values were quickly obtained as a printout (Figure 86). The term Irequency used on the printout multiplied by 10.“沁will give the areas in ha. Thematic maps 01 the several levels 01 percent AI saturation coded as part 01 the 50il descríption 01 the svstem were made (Figure 8列,

1 Cochraneττ4 甜甜 An E叩18ns蝠ry Manual for CIAT's Com~ puterized Land ,知翱叫個 Study of Tropical Amerìca. Calt Colombía. CIAT 電 979. 130 p.


姥 u.. i>Cl、、、、EηrPCT咒忌、有亡、長曹否可~.[次玄…~……………芯…………一吉布…民心…… 1起手一 有苦而………S9!~第 一一自τiir.. 一……Of吾吾吾一一一 ……

… 一一位,………一一一一一一一---+---…--+-----一………←一一---+-……

oE ósr.局長肝、、、、 n 0 令 內 丹 ~ n 0 ? 、、、、。.I"ln o.nn 0. 1"1η'、.ηn o. 位n t'! .10 O.Of芳。..00 0."色。.2師

、c 。﹒衍。f}..Cl~ o~fì9. 句,門內 η,兮兮 的 .09 技 .f!>" 0~Qf! …仇禿 .f? 7 豆豆鳳JJ、俏~(!抖 的消仟 伶 ~.Ô{t 0.('(\ ó. 吋》 門 .0句 辰一海η ñ~6o 弓 .3 肉 ‘ :11


伶弘令F內、州. ,也 Q ; n η o、 1 η 、 1 3 ? O. 峙,、 0.00 O~OO η.η令 (). ,;狗 肉,令o η..‘ 1.97 O..~4 o. 彭金

11.q 的,的行 O. 們們 們.(](\、.、“ O.。作 16.b1 考8. f\9 1~.1、 1 11.11 凡叫 凡們 趴開 川 f'1'\ ?I)‘ fl. f}O 1 '1.')t) ..L"'JJ:l一月, O~ ……金會主主


1ηT 哥 F肉哥 ηf句1 A ,揖穹 4忽誌μ芝。 η fη3 仇 η F們、 F彷、 建毫 n ," .?FI n .r: O 狗 .flO 們 .00 狗,口行 。山門 司 .0彷 o.2ë 0.8孟 o..oõ

7勻,M了 η.行“ O.仿。 0 ,門門 0 , 0η "'.n('\ 秒 .qn 20.00 bO.OO 川。。, .1命 。 .00 O+()O O.fln o. 份合 們 .00 o~on 2.33 23..08 0.00 門叫叫…一,一→.-…鵬總圓"叫一一………,一。一一---+-……→一一一一叫“…一且』一一一吋

多… 2 ……~'…, ……這… 詩 而一 -.....-4………… E于一

。 .R t. 行﹒片約 0 , 0‘ 行 .eι 3 獨 I? ~.OO η.On t~ 室主 0..00 0.28 l 句.的,、 l約 4的。 1 略 .nf'l弓 .l'\n 70.(,n 旬 .òó 0.00 20-;ûif 0.00 弓 .00

8'.. 1 1 先 4勻。弓.," 4.17 月. 1 J'.向?的n. n 鬧。(\ Q.30 J'''OO ‘ .17 一一一一……叫一一---+………一--,………---+一一一一叫………←一一…叫…一---+一一一吋……→

"位 q門。 a 。令Q 院 13 l7 20 10 I ,.,哩。3" R3 几呵?丸叫 ι1. …步三吋 -,.的?一何-;'8… í.胡 , "浴在…-o~ö.ö. 0.8'4……-,主:3f

丹:1:ii;:古 詩:1: 21ti; 詩:1:j柯::在2 弓之;; 1:123 3:1: 11:2; 徊,恥咖叫“圈也學-----也疇,學 呵呵輛輛吋._-φ -------+ 吻"恥"間的一-+~-------+耐心也明也咀嚼-4-----.“偷偷。恥W 個-----+- 伊 吟。ωω仰的心一一一﹒--苟明鴨柵欄"。

阱。令" l!; QQ四令 5 13 21 l "t I f) .. 9 c\ 門

1 ,‘約 1..40 苟 d 內有. ';) f\ 4.1 肉 Iη.0η1. 1' ;>..S寫冷.f)O 0.28 ?1 ..07 川叫 1 馬.有7 廿.':f';J 7凡而 ?7刊7'1……叭"佇 叮叮刊詞 廿♂π tr;;THr 1.背

1 有.吋 I I 九月份 22. 向 ?Q. t 7' 有 4. 的訪 i 仿 9 1')(1 '0.. 0門 ?O..9主 O..O{l ~.17 一………一切"小……,一-~-~-+-~-叫一…---一---+--令一-_....-…一--<一…………一→

1)1" 1000 益 )04'1 ιú 11 為~ I 0 3 S \ .ι-q l~W 3.<1<;1、,9有?,弓1. I lÌ .fl(} 11.64 1.‘。 0.28 O. 2'R

:;:;;i-it:品話:芳 :::;;izzihzzz::tttl::ikZKJF………*…一---惜一H……一-+_...-一一開h叫一一--+-一--柵欄-+~-……一←一切輪胎爛爛仙_.…一一司,一………←如何一一--+一-----郎。

1、手"、愁。 是 1 們。 Q >月 530 孔令 o 2 Oå l':l 2.1弓 1.忌。 0..、 0.28 0.00 ().雄心 。 .00 0.00 0.56 向 .3苦 B.夸夸 21、..司 11.<; ('1 4.17 1).符合 l;>~S() 0.00 0..00 ~.33

5 ,向 2".0彷周.7'…‘ .17 J. 。‘ η.00 弓, 00_ 0哩。。 η!~O ,,. 33 一一一間耐……M………巴<--一一可咱一祠恥呵@一偏…a一-<←一一-一-一…前……咱闖叫叫爛勵……--切-吋.←←。←←一一*…叫……

ηt 11 1) 0 ð. lt4 ‘兮參 9 必 A tO 7 η 7 ; • , .瓜、 1..12 2.'" ?~f,q L'H 給 .Ùfl n. 之感 1.91 Q.. 縛‘ J. 'J. 3 1 片,予 2 6.'.1 0 13.γ'9 17 , 74 1?(}7 、 ..00 1,. 7歹 1;>.01 弓.17 1 S. 會 E>4,叩開.的 14. "1 4 可.附 !4.n 1'1.喲'5.00 I f..向門.帥 'H.50


" 句 .0&

5 1.40

'0 S.62


1 弓 .13

?4 6 ,.-1' 4




'、安 食之行. .丹的

;1Aj--3ijipi--iijjeA T"、I. F nf' GNS.診室 " c門。


"… --------~rr… ω …?γ…… r ……"… 一一一呵呵,如ω…… 1f 鳴一 r …………… ,-'-" 1 0 ,,00;紛,弓η0..7仇。.00η.00 0.011 0.28 0.28 0.26 F楚 .('0 0.110 O.. n<宇 間.l)O O.Î冷 清.每Õ 0.00 持斗每當…們 .00 持.00

f} .()O 行的。 O.內的 … 1 __ ;0 ~::< 仇。。 …仇。。 凡內的 ~;o~主 7.6 Q ~.l? 一一…………叫一…叫-……→-一……川…晶--+一…*…h一一一←……叫‘一--+………吋也一一叫

‘'AγOR Dt- 1.::51)乏。 o 0 0 n 忌。, ηf'r~-,-著 O.縫,已 育.oð --- ì只r穹的一一一τ♂夸 - ..... -:tHγ一一一哥哥苦心 T;rT~-~--;恐r 就酹 2~a í

1 n ,峙的.on 0.00 ('1.卅 仇柄 。雙 on i').時 49:*00 … 0.00 刊.00, .詞亨 事 .0 1'\ ()~nú ð~的仇 … η.00 -1:-;苟苟… 0.0咎 。正"3l)'………"0 .00 ll.腎。

……一一一-+-……--...-一…-+--…---+-一一…。…一--+-一一…-+--…一一←-----珊珊。…一一←…"…叫rf\ T4!. 種 1 40 弓7 17 旬. '0 、3 13 l~‘雪..

an. 毒、 t1.14 16.flJ 10.71 尋. 7~悔。.君8 'l .b7 多 .08 3 ",f>~S 毯,, 74 100*00

1.12 的客 2 理4、4、 A ,:n忌。


C甜.. 、"'''''' C8mpo Cerra(lo (C蛤甜d Savann甜TRF.. ……"…、, Tropic斟 Rainto悼訓SESF ..............,.......... S酬li~Eve句時啊1 Seasonal F肘揖扭SOSF......................... S樹制~Oeciduo閏$輔帥的.1 Fo時剖,CAAL............. , .........C﹒制抽擎發 (Ory F。開訓}

加tura! veg制aliôn classes ∞de

TWSP.... 也."..... TOt81 We電車。.'0羽 Potential Evapotranspiration SEAS. IN , P ... .......... S岫揖nally Inundated Pampas or Savannas CL + CS ,....,..、、........ c霉mpo Umpo + Campo 5ujo (G甜甜land對CC. 、...,............... Campo Cerrado {Open Savanna叫C......鳥.................,..,、 Cerrado (SaVannð'


Figu閉的 Comparison of the frequency of occurrence of納e native vegetation cl酪臨S糊的 total w輯season potenhal evapotrar、soiratiQn lev變Iß



PERCENτAL SA TUR轟 τ10111:::::::::=僑總經當:;;:: 萬#;=z龍海==:;;;;::芯====:憲法=::::::::::;::言=====草綠=======:::=====萬'''''''

…一 ……一←… TOp soIT~r-SA TU話AT局寫一y…


11 0 10軍21 10-必亞軍

31 40-70 草4年 3 ?亞軍


11 c 10~ 21 10-40 草

31 40-70 :l: d每 70軍


9506 9506 39.160 39.160 23必2 11868 9.130 4串 .8904385 16253 18.064 66.954 6022 2427學 :n.o'忌。 100.000


了桶前一……1118百一一一正在1.527 4在.52于主空主6 15616 1 雪 .80 2: 1>為 .3302088 17704 8.601 72.931 悟空I ZF位主一…笠.!O~ω一一_J..ClQ..()()。

Figure 86. A computer printout of topsoil and subsoil percent Ai saturation levels for Cøntral 秘繪軾8razil


主主必~~乞求身~豆豆豆豆♀氏平~ENT 校坦主盟主主思~

i…紅、~ LS TN TÖP$OIL , MÞρSC -2::' TüCANτlNS

峙y, 40'W 制w 峙'W "2~W



'‘ .S


Figú時 87. A them拙c map printout 01 percent AI 棚turation le糟I'.IM叩 SC.22, T.榔antins , Br揭霆ìI.)

PERSONNEL (as of December 31 , 1979)



PO訓doctorlll felloW8 Antonio Carrillo, PhD, ETES Project Carlos Lascano, Pt泊, Pasture Util嚇tionJohnW. Mil峙, PhD, Grass Improvement Eu♀enia de Rubinstein, PhD, Economics James E. Sumberg, Ph兮, Legufl、e Improvement


帶 Peter Kammer, MS, EτES Project (學talioned in M給turln. Venezuelal

Rolf Minhor鼠, MS, ETES Proj制t 側的制ed in Brasil峙, Brazill 。istoph Plessow, MS, ETES Project (stationed in Maturin, Venezuelal

#司ese8rch 8ssoci8tea Edgar Burbano, MS, Seed Pr側的tion

Carlos Castilla, MS, Pasture Oevelopment (stationed in Carimagua, Colombial Rub垂nD釘10 Estrad稽, MS. Economics Clemencia G6mez, MS, Trainin嘗冷酷hnologyτransfer

Alberto Ramfrez, MS, Forage Agronomy/Regional Trials

Libardo Riv桶, MS, Economics Fabio Nelson Zuluag鐘, MS, Animal Health

Visiting rese8rch 8ssoci8t輔Elke Bohnert, MS, Pasture Utilizati陷n

• Fabio CaJvo, Ing. Ag仇, Pasture Development • Guido Delgadil裕, MS. Soil/Plant Nut亨ition

Jorge Luis Dlaz, MS, Pa建ture Utilìzation 發 William F. G6mez. DV紋, Pasture Utilization

Hendrick Jansen, MS, Legume Agror睡my• Joel Levine, MS, Economics


Gu翁tavo A. Nores, PhD, Economist (Acting c∞rdi間torl

費 Ped悶A. S晶nchez, PhD, Soil Scientist (Coordinator) Eduardo Aycar函,Ph診, Animal Health Spec唱list

Mar也 Calderón , ph兮. Enlomologist Walter Couto, PhD, Soil Scienti訟, Pasture Development tstationed in B問割i唔. Brazil)

John E. Ferguson, PhD, Agronomi戳, Seed Production

Bela Grof, PhD, Forage Agronom自駝, (stationed in Carimagua, Colombial

• Jake Hallid訓, PhD, Soil Microbiologist 帶 C. Allan Jones, PhO, Grass Agror、。m,st

Ingo Kleinheisterkamp. DAgr, Animal Scientist, Pasture U封lization

Jillian M. Lenné. Ph紋. Plant Pathologist C. Patrick Moore, Ph兮. Animal Scíentist, eattle Production Systems (stationed ín Brasil捕, Brazil)

譽。svaldo Paladíne怠, PhO, Animal Scíentist, Pasture Utilization

José G. Salinas, PhO, Soil/Plant Nutritionist Rainer Schultz恥K愉悅, DAgr, Le雪ume Agronomi刻,Germplasm Evaluation

James M. Spain, PhD, Soíl Scienti鈍, Pasture Development (stationed ín Carimagua. Colombia)

Luis E, Terga翁, PhO, Agronom惜t, Technology Transfer ITraining

José M , Toledo,倆口, S祕IPlant Nutritionist, Forage Ag時nomyl統@蟑ionalτrials

Derríckτhoma怠, Ph兮, Forage Agronomist (絨弱tione咽in Brasil擋,聽razìl)


E Mark Hutton, D.Sc. Legume Bree盛erNobuyoshi Maeno, PhD. Legume Agror穹omistForage Agronomy

155 * Left duriog 197~

• Frank Müller. MS. Legume Agronomy (stationed in Carimagu翁. Colombi的

Karen Speω訓. MS. Soil Microbiology

哥哥輔棚rch .s.istants Amparo de Alvarez, lng. Agr.. Plant Pathology

• Ed當ard Belalc叡鯽, Ing. Agr., Soil Microbiology Javier BelálcazaιIng. Agr., Plant lntroductìon

• Francìsco Bonil袍. Ing. Agr.. Seed Production Gerfried C滋rlos Buc軒. Ing. Agr.. Forage Agronomy (stationed in Carimagua. Colombia)

Raúl B氓啊。.DV紋, Cattle P悶duction Sys糟ms(stationed in Carimagua, Colombia)

Arnulfo Caraba勻. Ing. Agr., Forage Agronomy Manuel Coronado, Ing. Agr.. Plant Improvement

• Mi遍ael Cort垂s. DVM, Animal Health Patric捕 Checón, Biologist, .Entomolo晉YMartha Lucla Escand街、, 1I袍, Ag孔, Plant 117、proven、ent

秘 Luis E. Fo悶悶, 8iologist, Plant Introduction Luis H. Fran冊, Ing. Agr.. Pastura 0制elopment(stationed in Carimagua, Colom似的Duv晶n Garc旬, Ing. Agr. , Seed Production


Qbed Garc泊. DVM. Animal Health (s個tioned in Carimagua, Colombial

Hernán Giraldo, Ing. Agr. , Germplasm Evaluation Ramón Gualdrón, Ing. Agr.. Soil/Plant Nutrition (stationed in Carimagua. Colombia)

• Fabio Gutiérre丸 Ing. Agr.. Soil Microbiology Silvio Guzm曲n. DVM. Technology Transfer ITraining Phanor Hoy帥. Zoot., Pasture Utilization (st鼠ioned in Carímagua, Colombia) Carlos 紛紛mberto Molar晦, Ing. Agr. , Plant Improvement (statíoned ín Carimagu鐘, Colombíal

Rodrigo F. Mutís, Zoot., Cattle Production Systems (stationed in Carimagua, Colombia)

Bernardo Ri時嗨, DV紋, Anirr抽I Health M如uelS壘nchez, Ing. Agr., Seed pr泌的tionRoberto S看nch紹, Ing. Ag仇.8沿metricsJos垂 Ignacio Sanz. Ing. Agr.. Soil/Plant Nutrítion Celína Torres. In雷聲 Ag仇, Plant Pathology Luís Mi嘗uelυribe. Z∞t.. Pasture Utilization Gust翁vo Adolfo U何ea, Ing. Agr..τechnology T均nsf軒/錢egionalτríals

Fernán Alberto Varela, Ing. Agr., Entomology (statíoned in Carimagua, Colombie)

Bernardo Velo錯. Ing. Agr.. Plant Improvement

• left during 1979