Translation of the New Testament - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Translation of the New Testament - Forgotten Books







Antlzor of“M 20 Testament Commentaries

, seven volumes,“L ife ofjesus and ffz



Apostles,” “Footprints ofjesus ,

” “jesus is Coming,

” “R eturn ofjesus,’

“Holy Land,” “SpiritualGifts and Graces,

” Vz‘etory ,

” “Holi

ness or Hell,

”Perfection ,

” “Sanetz'




” “Baptism ,


’ IVoman Preae/zer.





I GRADUATED from co l lege in 1 859 . The same year is quite memorable in the historyofBiblical criticism in the discovery of the Sinaic Manuscript in the convent of St. Catherine , on that no table mountain,

by Dr. Tischendorf, the learned German critic, afterspending forty years searching through Bible lands for everything competent to throw lighton the blessed Scriptures, which suffered so much interpo lation and omission,

especial ly during the Dark Ages, when no t one man in a thousand could read orwrite and the worldwasfil led with violence and beclouded with ignorance and Superstition,

with no .Cessation of

the flowing blood and consuming fires, which everywhere hounded the saints - of God to

martyrdom and heaven.

Very soon after this glorious discovery the Lord permitted a copy of the critical GreekTestament

,founded on the Sinaic manuscript , by Tischendorf, to reach me . I have been

reading it ever since . I suppo se it has never been published out ofGermany . Since the

death ofTischendorf,Westco tt and Hort have published his Testament under their own

names. I have been reading th e New Testament in Greek more than forty years ; duringthe last twenty - five years making no use ofany o ther. When Bishop McTyeire , in 1884,

put me in the evangelistic work,I soon found myself in great camp-mee tings in the

summer and the cities iii the winter, surrounded by the Lord’s people of all denomina

tions,listening, spellbound, to the exposition of the Scriptures from the original Greek .

Soon they began to so licit me to translate the beautiful , inspired original into the plaindiction of the current English , giving them the benefit of my opportunities to under

stand the real meaning of the precious Word. More than twenty years I waived theseso licitations, feeling my unworthiness and shrinking from the responsibility . Final ly thepressure seemed to become irresistible . From o cean to ocean my daily Bible readings

were vocal with importunate clamors for me to translate the blessed Word. This is myonly apo logy in the case . The matter reached a climax where I feared to resist lest Imight grieve the Ho ly Spirit , and after all the maxim Vox popali, vox Dei

,- the voice

ofthe people , the vo ice ofGod,might turn out to be true

,and I Would make a sad

mistake by neglecting an opportunity to glorify Him .

1 . Le t me here say, once for all,I have neither the desire nor the expectation that thistranslation shal l supersede your good Old English Bible ; but, like the Revised Version

and o ther translations,he lp you to understand it. I t is said that two thousandmistakes

have been found in the English Version,ofwhich nine hundred and four are corrected

in the Revised Version. These errors,in the vast majority

,are of no importance ; and

real ly none of them affect any cardinal truth ofGod’s Word. These errors are divisibleinto two general classes ; i. e .

,the omissions and the interpo lations, ofwhich the latter

are by far the more important .2 . THE OMISSION . The tendency on the part of transcribers during the intervening

ages has never been to omissions, but to interpo lations. .I Thess. iv,I :

“ Therefore,brethren , finally let us beseech and exhort you through the Lord Jesus, that as you receive

from us how it behoo ves you to walk about and please God, as you do also walk, in order

that you may abound more and more .

”In this verse

,in some way the important clause ,

“as you do also walk


”was dropped out

,and does not appear in the English Version,

but was restored in the Revised Version. I t is of infinite value,as it se ttles the contro

versy in reference to the Thessalonians, establishing the fact that they were no t in a

backslidden state , but wel l up in justification when they go t sanctified. I Peter 11,2

“As newly born babes desire the pure milk of the Word,that they may grow thereby

unto salvation.

”In this verse eis sooteerian was omitted by some careless transcriber.

I t is very important , showing up the fact that even after entire sanctification, fo llows thegrowth period, developing into the final salvation ofglorification.

6 Prologue.

3 . INTERPOLATION . N . B. .- I h the fo l lowing translation none of the interpo lations

wil l appear. They are allgiven in the Revised Version,and marked as interpo lations.

As I have no thing before me but the inspired original , which is precisely what the Lordgave us

,I do no t feel that He wants me to give you anything else . The translators of

the Revised Version fo l lowed the Sinaic Greek, by Tischendorf, as I do , which containsnone ofth e errors. Consequently they did no t get them out ofthe original Greek, whichthey fo llowed

,but copied them from the English Version,

re taining them by way of

accommodation to the readers. I proceed now to no tice a few of the most prominentinterpo lations ; as you must remember that we wil l no t give any of them in the fo llowingtranslations, as I feel the Lord wants me to give you His Word and no thing else .

a . The largest interpo lation is found in Mark xvi, 9—20

,including twelve verses, at the

conclusion of this Gospel, which winds up with the eighth verse . Of course no one

knows who wro te these twe lve verses. I t is certain Mark never wro te them,as they do

no t appear in his Gospel . Besides they have internal evidence against the authorship of

Mark, containing seventeen words which do not e lsewhere appear in Mark

’s Go spel .

Again, Mark is a very plain writer, this is turgid and grandiloquent . Some think thatthe martyrdom ofPe ter

,who is said to have dictated Mark

’s Gospel , stopped it abruptly

at verse 8,and some o ther person finished it. Others have suppo sed that the death of

Mark produced th e cessation . You observe , upon a briefanalysis, that this interpo lationcontains no thing which is no t repeatedly given in o ther Scriptures, except the drinkingof poison and handling serpents, which you will doubtless feel relieved to think are no

part ofthe inspired Word.

o. John viii, 1— 1 I , does not appear in the original . I t contains no thingbut the accountof th e adul terous woman

,and was doubtless inserted by a corrupt clergy after the apostasy of the Church , by way ofapo logy for sin.

c. Acts viii, 3 7 . This verse , containing the eunuch’s confession, is not in the original .

I t so happens that we know how it originated. Erasmus,a learned contemporary of

Martin Luther,while transcribing the Greek Testament, studying over it, concluded tha t

the connection required a confession here . Consequently,supposing some careless tran

scriber had left it out,he composed that verse according to his own godly judgm ent

and inserted it. The subsequent discovery of o lder manuscripts, none ofwhich con

tained it,established the fact that the good man was mistaken and it was no part of the

original .a’. Acts xv

, 34 , which simply states that “ Silas remained, is not in the original .When Silas and Judas

,who were sent by the Jerusalem council along with Barnabas and

Paul,to carry the aposto lical decrees to Antioch , and verse 33 , “And having spent thetime

,they were sent away with peace , by th e bre thren,

to tho se who sent them .

” Now

the simple fact is, that the narrative go es on to speak ofPaul and Barnabas separating,and

going out in two evange listic bands instead ofone ; some transcribers concludedb ecauseSilas went away with Paul on that great tour into Europe , that he did not re turn to Jerusalem with Judas, bearing the report to the apostles. Hence the interpo lator venturedto improve the Scripture , as he _

though t, by stating that Silas remained. The so lutionofthe matter is, Paul delayed at Corinth til l Silas had time to go to Jerusalem and re turn.

e . I John v, 7 .

“For there are three that bear witness in heaven : the Father,the

Word,and the Ho ly Ghost .” This verse is no t in the original . Of course it is true .

We are no t making inquiry about what is true and in harmony with th e Scriptures ; butwhat is Scripture . This verse contains the three heavenly witnesses. There is no doubtbut it was invented and inserted by the Trinitarians, during the great controversy with theArians

, in order to sustain the Bible doctrine of the Trinity . They made a mistake,as

we have no right to add anything to the Bible,even to sustain the most important truth .

God made the Bible,and put everything in it which ought to be there . This is one

case where sectarian z eal went too far,and added a verse to the Bible .

f. I Thess.

. iv, 3 .

“For this is the wil l of God, your sanctification . The EnglishVersion says “

even your sanctification,inserting an adverb of surprise , as ifsanctification was not for everybody

,but only a favorite saint here and there .

g. I Cor. xiii, 5 .

“Divine love is not provoked.

” The English Version here has

Prologue . 7

the adverb “ easily ,” which is no t in the original . I t is said that the translators insertedthat word to save the Christian character of King James, who had a very high temper.

You see it softens that which God made hard, and smoo thes that which Godmade rough ;thus le tting down God’

s standard of Christiani to the leve l of human infirmity . We

might pursue this catalogue ofinterpo lations more extensively , but this is enough to il lustrate the matter. Suffice it to say that when you want the errors which occur so frequently in the English Version, you wil l have to go thither and read them ; as in the

fo llowing translation we do not feel that the Lord wants us to devo te any time to them .

We have enough to do to translate His precious Word.

4 . I am wel l apprised that some good, honest people wil l censure me , and, perhaps,

severely, for vio lating the last so lemn warning that God gave us in the Bible,Rev. xxii


1 8,1 9 , in which terrible woes are pronounced on the man who adds to the Word or takes

from it. Of course , all of these criticisms wil l simply come by the way of ignorance .

Many people are so ignorant that they actual ly look upon the English Bible as the origi

nal, and think every conceivable deflection from it to invo lve the party in the awfulguil t of “ adding to


“ taking from ”God

’s Word.

N. B.— Your Bible was allwritten by infal lible inspiration,

in languages unknown to

the English - speaking mil lions of this continent and the British Empire . Therefore the

people are dependent on translators to bring the Scripture within the Sphere of their investigation . The English Version was translated in 1 61 1

,almost three hundred years

ago . Consequently the language has undergone many changes, actual ly doubling its vocabulary in this time ; besides many words have become obso lete

,and o thers have turned

a literal summersaul t, reversing their meaning. I believe,by the help of the blessed

Ho ly Spirit , that we wil l , in the good providence of God, give you the plainest , mo st

literal and luminous translation there is in print . We are living in the last days, whenthe battle with sin and Satan is waxing ho t, and in this eleventh - hour movement of thegospel dispensation,

we no longer need preachers by do z ens, scores, hundreds, and thousands, out oy millions

,to flood the heathen world with light, truth , and ho liness, and

inundate the globe with salvation . In this translation I respond to the clamor of the

thousands who,from the Atlantic to the Pacific

,have heard the translation and exposition of the New Testament , and in whose ears the bel ls of heaven are ringing and thebugle no tes sounding, cal ling them to the front to preach the everlasting go spel , evangeliz e

the globe , and hasten the coming of the Lord. As they wil l never read the Greek we

are doing our utmost to bring it to them in the beautiful, copious, and versatile Englishlanguage .

HARMONY . While the harmoniz ation of the Go spels adds labor to us, it will be of

incalculable utility to the reader,doubling the actual value of the book . Many years I

have been constantly reading the Gospels of our Lord in the Greek harmony , by E. Rob

inson . So you wil l find it intensely interesting and valuable in the intelligent understanding and appreciation ofour Lord

s ministry.



TIME : Aoout t/zirteen years and a kalf.

Ma tt . Ma ré L uke

SECT .Preface to Luke ’s Gospe l,An ange l appears to Zac harias .

— Atjerusale 7n ,

An ange l appears to Mary— Na z areth ,

Mary visits Eliz abe th .—jutta

Birth ofJ ohn the Baptist .—jutta

An ange l appears to J oseph — Na z areth 1 . 1 8- 2 5The birth OfJ esus .

— Betlilelz em ,

An angel appears to th e sh eph e rds .

—Nea rBetli lelzem ,

Circumc ision of Je sus, and H is presentation in th e

temple .

— Betkleke7n . jerusalem ,

10 . T h e wise men from th e East .— jerusalem . Bet/zlelzem

1 1 . Th e fligh t into Egypt . H erod'

s crue lty — Bethleh em .

1 2 .

Je sus twe lve years of age .

—jerusale7n ,

he G enealogies,







2 . 2 1 -



I STRY .—TIME : About one year.

14. Ministry ofJohn th e Baptist .

— Desert. jara’an, 3 . 1 - 1 2 1 . 1 - 8 3 . 1 - 1 8

1 5 . Th e baptism ofJesus .

— l ejora’an, 3 . 1 3

- 1 7 1 . 9- 1 1 3 . 2 1 - 23

1 6. Th e temptation — Desert ofjuclea , 4. 1 - 1 1 1 . 1 2,1 3 4 . 1 - 1 3

1 7 . Preface to J ohn’

s Gosp e l , 1 . 1 - 1 8

1 8 . Te stimony of J ohn th e Baptist to J e sus — Bethanyoeyona

jordan ,

1 9 . Jesus gains disc iples .— l ejora

’an . Galilee ?

20 . The marriage at Cana ofGalilee ,


2 1 .J esus cleanses th e temple - J erusalem , 2 . 1 3

- 2 52 2 .Jesus preach es to Nicodemus .

— jerusalem , 3 . 1 - 2 1

2 3 .J esus preach es in Judea, 3 , 2 2 -


24.J esus departs into Gali lee after J ohn’

s imprisonment,

13, $5,

312923 0 } 4. 1 -


2 5 .J e sus preach es in Samaria — Sychar, 4 . 4



26 .J e sus preache s in Gal ile e

,1 . 1 4, 1 5 4. 1 4, 1 5 4 . 43



2 7 .Je sus h eals th e son of th e no bleman at Capernaum, 4 , 46


5428 .J esus at Naz are th ; He is there rejected, and fixes

His abode at Capernaum , 4 . 1 3- 1 6 4 . 1 6-

3 1

2 9 . Th e call ofPe ter and Andrew, Jame s and J ohn . Th e

miraculous draugh t of fish es — Near Capernaum , 4 . 1 8 - 2 2 1 . 1 6- 20 5 . 1 - 1 1

30. Th e healing Ofa demomac In th e synagogue— Caper

naum ,1 . 2 1 - 2 8 4. 3 1



3 1 . Healing ofPe ter’s W ife'

s mo th er, and many o th ers .

Capernaum,8 . 14

- 1 7 1 . 29-

34 4. 38-


10 Synopsis of tne Harmony.

Ma tt .


32 . J e sus,with H is disciples, go e s from Capernaum

through out Galile e , 4. 2 3- 2 5

33 . Th e h eal ing Ofa leper.— Galilee , 8 . 2 -


34. Th e h ealing ofa paralytic — Capernaum , 9 . 2 - 8

35 . Th e call ofMatthew — Capernaum , 9 . 9




2 . 1 - 1 2

2 . 1 3 , 14


4 ~

5 . 1 2 - 1 6

5 . 1 7- 26

5 . 2 7 , 2 8



65 .


THE TH IRD.— TIME : One year.

Poo l of Be th z atha ; h ealing of th e infirm man ; our


s subseque rit di scourse ,

Th e disc iples pluck ears of grain on th e Sabbath .

On tlze way to Galilee .

Th e h eal ing of th e with ered hand on th e Sabbath ,J esus arrives at th e sea of T iberias,and is fo llowed

by multitude s — Lake of Galilee ,J e sus W i thdraws to th e mountain,and ch ooses th e

twelve ; th e multitudes fo llowing — N ear Capernaum ,

Th e S ermon on th e Mount .—Nea r Caperna um ,

The h ealing ofth e centurion’

s servant — Capernaum ,

Th e raismg of the W idow’

s son .

— Na in ,John the Baptist in prison sends disc iples to Je sus .

Galilee Capernaum ,

R eflec tions of J esus on appealing to His migh tyworks .

W hile sitting at meat with a Pharisee , J e sus is

ano inted by a woman wh o had be en a S inner.

Capernaum ,J e sus with th e twe lve makes a se cond c ircuit in Gal


Th e h ealing ofth e demoniac . Th e scribe s and Pharisees blasph eme .

—Galilee ,Th e scribe s and Pharisees seek a

sign . Our Lord’


refl ec tions ,Th e true disciple s ofChrist His nearest relatives .

Galilee ,At a Pharisee ’

s table J esus denounces wo e s against

th e Pharisees and o th ers ,J esus discourses to H IS disc iples and the multitude .

— Galilee ,Th e slaugh ter of c ertain Galileans . Parable of th e

barren fig—tre e . Galilee ,Parable ofthe sower.

— La/ee of Galilee near Capernan in ,Parable of th e tares . Other


parables — Near Capernauin ,J e sus dire c ts to cro ss th e lake . Incidents . Th e

tempest is stilled.

— Lalee of Galzlee,Th e two demoniacs OfGadara .

— Soutlzeast coa st


L evi ’ s feast .—Capernaum ,

Th e raismg of Jairus’ s daugh ter. The woman Ofa

blo ody fl ux . Capernaum ,

Two blind men h ealed, and a dumb spirit cast out,J esus again at Naz are th , and again rejec ted,

A th ird circuit in Gal ilee . Th e twe lve instruc tedand sent out ,

H erod h o lds J e sus to be J oh n th e Baptist, wh om h

hadjust before beh eadeTh e twe lve re turn

,and J esus re tire s with th em

acro ss th e lake . Five th o usand are fed.

— Norta

w est coa st of the Lake of Ga lilee ,north ea st coa st

of t/ze sam e,J e sus walks upon th e waters — Lake of Galilee . Gen

nesa ret,Our Lord

s di scourse to th e multitude in th e syna

gogue at Capernaum . Many disciples turn back .

Pe ter’

s profession offaith — Capernaum,

1 2 . 1 5- 2 1

1 1 . 2 - 1 9

1 1 . 20 -


1 2 . 2 2 -


1 2 . 38-


1 2 . 46-


1 3 . 1 - 23

1 3 245 3

1 4. 1 3- 2 1

1 4 . 2 2 -


3 . 7- 1 2

3 1 3- 1 9

3 . 20-



4. 1 - 2 5

4 26-


5 2 2 -


6. 1 - 6

6. 6- 1 3

6. 30-


6 45-


5 . 1 -


7 . 1 8-


7 . 36-


8 . 1 9- 2 1

1 1 3 7-


1 2 . 1 -


1 3 . 1 -


8 . 4- 1 8

8 . 41- 56


9 . 10- 1 7 6. 1 - 14

6. 1 5- 2 1

Synopsis of tke Harrnony.


TABERNACLES .— TIME : S ix nzont/zs.

Ma tt. Ma rk L uke






7 1 .

7 2 .

7 3


83 .


85 .


87 .

Our Lord j ustifies His disciples for eating with un

wash ed hands . Pharisaic traditions — Capernaum ,

The daugh ter ofa Syroph enician woman is h ealed,

A deaf and dumb man h ealed ; also many. o th ers .

Four th ousand are fed. Tke Decapolis ,Th e Pharise e s and Sadduce es again requ ire a Sign .

— Near Maga’ala ,

Th e disciple s cautioned against th e leaven Of th ePharise es — IV. E . coast of tke Lake of Galilee, 1 6. 4- 1 2 8 . 1 3

- 2 1

A blind man h ealed.— Betksa icla (julia s) , 8 . 2 2 - 26Pe ter and th e re st again profe ss th e ir faith in Christ .

— Region of Ccesa rea Pk ilippi, 1 6. 1 3- 20 8 . 2 7


30 9 . 1 8- 2 1

Our Lord fore tells His own death and re surre ctiOn ,8 8

and th e trials ofH is fo llowers — R egi on oc esarea 1 6. 2 1 - 2 8 { 9'

21 -


} 9 . 2 2 - 2 7

Th e transfiguration . Our Lord’

s subsequen t discourse with th e three disc iples .

— Region oc esa

rea Pkili z'

,1 1 - 1 2 - 1 2 8 6

Th e h ealingpéfa demoniac , wh om th e disciple s could 7 3 9 3 9 3

no t h eal . — Region of Ca sarea Ph ilippi'

,1 7 . 1 4

- 2 1 9 . 14- 2 9 9 . 3 7


43J e sus again fore te l ls His own death and re surre c tion .

— Galz'

lee , 9 . 43-

45Tribute -money miraculously provided — Capernaum ,

Th e disc iple s contend wh o sh ould be th e greatestJ e sus exh orts to h umility,forbearance , and bro th

erly love — Capernaum , 1 8 . 1 -

35 9 . 33-


Th e seventy instruc ted and sent out — Capernaum ,Jesus goe s up to th e fe stival oftabernac les . His finaldeparture from Galile e . I nc idents in Samaria

, 9 . 5 1- 62 7 . 2 - 10

Ten lepers c leansed — Samaria ,1 7 . 1 1 - 1 9





,less one week.

J esus at th e festival of tabernacles . His publicteach ing.

—jerusale7n , 7 , 1 1 -

5 2

Further public preach ing ofour Lord. He reprovesth e unbe lieving J ews

,and escapes from th e ir

h ands .—jerusale7n , 8 . 1 2 -

59A lawyer instruc ted. Love to our neighbor de

fined. Parable of th e go od Samaritan .

—Nea rje

J e sus in th e h ouse ofMartha and Mary.

— Betkany ,

Th e disc iple s again taugh t h ow to pray .

— Nearje

Th e Seve nty re turn.—J erusale7n

A man bo rn blind is h ealed on th e Sabbath . Our


s subse quent discourses ,J e sus in J erusalem at th e fe st ival ofdedication . He

re tire s beyond Jordan .

—jerusalenz . Betkany be


’an ,

T e raising ofLaz arus .

— Betlzany ,

Th e counse l of Caiaph as against J e sus . H e re tires

from J erusalem .

—J erusalenz . Ephra im ,Je sus beyond J ordan fo llowed by multitudes . The

h eal ing Ofth e infirm woman on th e Sabbath . Valley ofjora

’an . Perea ,

r 19 . 1,2 10 . 1 1 3 . 1 0 - 2 1

Our Lord go es j ourneying and teach ing towards Jerusalem . He is warned against Herod.

— Perea ,1 3 . 2 2 -


1 1 47-


1 2 Synopsis of tke Harmony.

M a tt.


95 . Our Lord dine s with a ch ief Pharisee on th e Sabbath . I ncidents .


96. What is required of true disciples“97 . Parable ofthe lo st sh eep, e tc . Parable of th e prod

igal son .

— Perea ,

98 . Parable of th e unjust steward.

— Perea ,

99 . Th e Pharise es reproved. Parable of th e rich manand Laz arus .

— Perea ,

100 . J e sus inculcates forbearance , faith ,humility,

1 0 1 . Christ’

s coming will be sudden .

— Perea ,

102 . Parables : Th e importunate widow . Th e Phariseeand publican .

— Perea ,

103 . Pre cepts respe c ting divorce .— Perea ,

104. Jesus rece ive s and blesses little children .- Perea ,


105 . Th e rich young man. Parable of th e laborers in

th e vineyard,106 . J esus a third time fore te lls His death and resurre c

tion .—Perea ,

20 . 1 7- 1 9

107 . James and J ohn prefer th eir ambitious request .

Perea ,20 . 20 - 2 8

108 . Th e h ealing oftwo blind men.-Nearjericko, 20 . 29



109 . Th e visit to Zacch eus . Parable ofth e ten mime .

jericho ,J e sus arrive s at Be thany six days before th e pass

over.- Betkany,


10 . 32-


1 8 . 1 - 14

1 8 . 3 1-


1 9 . 2 - 28



1 1 2 .

1 1 3 .

1 14 .

1 1 5 .

1 16 .

1 1 7 .

1 1 8 .

1 1 9 .

1 20 .

1 2 1 .

1 2 2 .

1 2 3 .

1 24.

1 2 5 .

1 26.

1 2 7 .

1 2 8 .

1 29 .

1 30 .

Our Lord'

s public entry into J erusalem .—Betkany

jerusalem ,

Th e barren fig tre e . Th e c leansing Of th e temple ‘

— Bethany . jerusalem ,

Th e barren fig tree with ers away.— Between Bet/z

any ana’

jerusalem ,


s auth ority questioned. Parable of th e two

sons .

—jerusale7n ,Parable ofth e wicked h usbandmen .

— jerusale7n ,Parable ofth e marriage of th e king’

s son .

— jerasalem ,

I nsidious que stions of th e Pharisees ; tribute to

Ce sar.

—jerusale7n ,

Insidious questions ofth e Sadducees : th e re surrection .

— jerusale7n ,

A lawyer que stions J esus . Th e two great com

mandments . erusalenz ,H ow is Ch rist th e Son ofDavid — jerusalenz ,Warnings against th e evil examples of the scribes

and Pharise es .

—jerusale7n ,

W oe s against th e scribes and Pharisees . Lamenta

tion over Jerusalem .

— jerusale7n ,

Th e widow’

s m i te —jerusalenz ,C e rtain G re eks desire to see J e sus .

—jerusalem ,

R eflec tions on th e unbe lief of the Jews . erasa

tern,Jesus, on taking leave of th e temple ,

fore te lls itsdestruc tion and th e persecution ofHis disc iple s .

jerusalem . Mount of Olzves ,Th e signs OfChrist

s coming to destroy Jerusalem,

and put an end to th e J ewish state and dispensa

tion — Mount o Olives ,Transition to C rist

s final coming at th e day ofjudgment . Exhortation to watchfulness . Parable s : th e ten virgins ; th e five talents — Mount of

Sc enes of th e judgment day.

—M ount of Olzves ,Th e rulers conspire . The supper at Be thany.

Treach ery of J udas .—jerusalem . Bet/zany,

2 1 . 20- 2 2

22 . 1 - 1 4

2 2 . 1 5- 2 2

2 2 . 2 3-


24. 1 - 14

24. 1 5-


26. 1 - 16

I I . I - I I

I I .

I I .

1 2 .

1 2 .

I 2 .

1 3 .

1 3 .

20 - 26

1 - 1 2

I 3' 1 7

1 8- 2 7

1 - 1 3

I 4‘


1 4 . 1 - 1 1

1 2 . 1 2 - 19

20 . 20- 26

20 . 2 7-



20 .

1 2 . 3 7-


2 1 . 5- 1 9

2 1 . 20-


2 2 . 1 - 6 1 2 . 2 - 8

Synopsis ofMe Harmony . I 3



TIME : Two days.


1 3 1 .

1 32 .

1 33 .

1 34.

1 35 .

1 36.

1 37 .

1 38 .

1 39 .

1 40.

1 41 .

1 42 .

1 43 .

1 44.

1 45 .

1 46 .

1 47 .

148 .

149 .

1 50 .

1 58 .

1 59 .

Visio ns ofange ls in the sepulch er.—J erusalem ,

1 61 .

Preparation for th e passover.— Betkany . jerusa


Th e passover meal . Contention among th e twe lve .

J erusalem ,Jesus wash es th e fe e t ofHis disciple s .

— jerusale7n ,Jesus pom ts out th e trai tor. Judas withdraws .

J erusalemJ e sus fore te lls th e fall of Pe ter, and th e dispersion

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ofth e twe lve .

— jerusale7n ,

Th e Lord’

s supper.

— jerusalem ,

J esus comforts H is disciples . Th e Ho ly Spirit


—jerusale7n ,

Christ th e true vm e . His disciples hated by th e


— jerusalenz ,Persecution fore to ld. Furth er promise of th e HolySpirit . Prayer in the name of Ch rist . erusa

lem ,


s last prayer with His disciples . erusa

lem ,

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Th e agony in Ge th semane — Mount of Olives ,

Jesus be trayed, and made prisoner.

— Mount ofOlives ,

Jesus before Caiaphas . Pe ter thrice denies Him .

jerusalem ,J esus before Caiaphas and th e Sanh edrim . H e de

clares Himse lf to be th e Christ ; is condemned andmocked.

— ]erusale7n ,

Th e Sanhedrim leads J esus away to Pi late .— Pi la te

seeks to re lease H im .

— jerusale 7n ,Je sus before Herod.

—jerusalenz ,Pilate se eks to re lease J e sus . Th e J ews demandBarabbas .

— jerusalem ,Pilate de livers up J e sus to death . He is scourged

and mo cked.

— jerusale7n ,Pilate still again se eks to re lease Jesus.—jerusale7n ,

Judas is filled with remorse and h angs h imse lf.

jerusalem ,.

J esus is led away to be crucified.

—jerusale7n ,

Th e crucifixion — J erusalem ,

Th e J ews mo ck at J esus on th e cross . H e com

mends H is mo th er to John .

—jerusalem ,

Darkness prevails . Christ expire s on th e cro ss .

jerusa lem ,

Th e veil of th e temple rent,and grave s opened.Judgme nt of th e c enturion . Th e women at th e

c ro ss .

—jerusale 7n ,

Th e taking down from th e cro ss .

—jerusalem ,

Th e watch at th e sepulch er.—jerusalein ,

Ma tt.

26. 1 7- 1 9

} 26. 20

26. 2 1 - 2 5

2 6. 3 1-

3 5

26 . 26- 29

26. 47-



1 4. 1 2 - 1 6


14. 1 8- 2 1

1 4. 2 7-

3 1

1 4 . 2 2 - 2 5

1 4 43-

5 2

{26 14


7 269-

7 5

26. 5 9- 68

2 7 . I,2,

1 1 - 1 4

2 7 . 15- 26

2 7 . 26-


} 2 7 . 3- 1 0

2 7 3 1-


2 7 3 5-


j2 7 . 39-

44 I S 29-

32 1

2 7 . 45-


2 7 . 5 1-

5 8 1 5 . 38-


2 7 . 5 7- 6 1

2 7 . 62 - 66

I 4 5 5- 65

1 5 . 1 -


1 5 . 6- 1 5

1 5 . 1 5- 1 9

0 0 0 0 0

1 5 . 20 - 23

1 5 . 24- 2 8



1 5 . 42-


L uke

2 2 . 2 1 - 2 3

2 2 . 39-


2 3 . 1 3- 2 5

2 3 44-


2 3 45 ,



2 3 . 50-

5 6

1 3 . 1—20

1 3 . 2 1 -


1 5 . 1 - 2 7

1 6 . 1 -


1 8 39, 40

1 9:

1 9 . 2 8-


1 9 . 3 1-



AND H I S ASCENSION .— TIME : Forty a’ays.

Morning of th e resurrection .

w jerusalem ,

Visit of the women to th e sepulch er. Mary Magdalene re turns .f jerusalem ,

Th e women re turn to th e c ity. J e sus me e ts th em .

2 8 . 2 -


28 . 8- 1 0 24 . 9- 1 1

20 . 1,2

14 Synopsis of t/ze Harmony .

Matt . Ma rk Luke


1 62 . Pe ter and John run to th e sepulch er.

— jerusalein ,2 4. 1 2 20 . 3

- 10

1 63 . Our Lord is se en by Mary Magdalene at th e sepul

ch er.—jerusalern , 1 6 . 9

- 1 1 20 . 1 1 - 1 8

1 64. R eport of the watch .

—jerusale7 n,1 65 . Our L o rd is se en by Pe ter. Th en by two disciples

on th e way to Emmaus .

—jerusalenz . E nzmaus ,

1 66. J esus appears in th e midst of th e apo stl es, Thomas

be ing absent .

—jerusalenz ,1 67 . J esus appears In th e m idst of th e apo stles, Th omas

24 I 3'


24 . 36-

49 20 . 1 9- 2 3

being present —jerusalern ,20 . 24

- 291 68 . Th e apo stle s go away into Galile e . J esus sh ows

Himself to seven of th em at th e sea Of Tiberias , 2 8 . 1 6

1 69 . J esus me e ts His apo stle s and about five hundred

bre thren on a mountain in Galile e ,1 70 . Our Lord is se en OfJame s ; th en ofallth e apo stles .

jerusale in ,

1 7 1 . Th e ascension .— Betkany, 24. 505 3 J oku

1 72 . Conclusion ofJohn’

s Gospel, 00 30, 3 1

PA R T I .



TIME : About Tkirteen Years ana’a Half.


Luke I 1 -


1 INASMUCH as many took it in hand to present a history concerning these thingswhich have been fulfilled among us,

2as tho se being eyewitnesses and ministers of

the Word have'

delivered unto us ;3 it seemed good to me also

,having fo llowed careful ly

all things from the beginning, to write unto thee consecutively, O most noble Theophilus,4in


order that thou mayest know the certainty of the words concerning which thou hastbeen instructed.


Luke 1 , 5- 25 ,

5 There was in the days of Herod,the king of Judea, a certain

priest, by name Zacharias, ofthe’

course ofAbijah , and his wife ofthe daughters ofAaron ,

and her name Eliz abe th . 6And they were bo th righteous before God, walking in all the

commandments and ordinances ofthe Lord, blameless.

7And there was no child to them,

as Eliz abeth was barren,and bo th were advanced in their days.

3And it came to pass,while he was Officiating in the order ofhis course before God

, (according to the custom of

the priesthood he was cho sen by lot to offer incense ) , having gone into the temple of the

Lord ;10and all the mul titude Ofthe people were praying without at the hour ofincense ;

11 the angel of the Lord appeared unto him standing on the right hand of the altar of incense 12and Zacharias was troubled seeing him,

and fear fel l on him .

13And the angelsaid to him ; Fear no t, Zacharias ; because thy prayer has been heard, and thy wife Eliz abeth Shal l bring forth a son to thee , and thou shal t cal l his name John.

14And there Shallbe joyand rejoicing, and many Shal l rejo ice at h is birth . 15 Forhe shal l be great before theLord ; and h e shal l no t drink wine and strong drink ; and he Shall be fil led with the Ho lyGho st“ even from the womb ofhis mo ther.

16And h e wil l turn many ofthe sons ofIsraelto the Lord

,their God.

17And he will go before Him in the Spirit and “power ofElijah ,to turn the hearts Ofthe fathers to th e children ,

and the disobedient unto the understandingOfthe righteous, to prepare a people made ready for the Lord.

18And Zacharias said to

the angel : According to what Shal l I know this ? for I am old and my wife advanced inher days.

19And the angel responding said to him ; I am Gabrie l standingin the presenceofGod

,and am sent to speak to you and to preach to you these things.

20And beho ldthou shal t be dumb and unable to speak ,

unto the day upon which these things may takeplace ; because thou didst not believe my words, which shal l be fulfilled in their time .

21And the people were waiting for Zacharias, and were wondering because he tarries inthe temple .

22And having come out he was unable to speak to them ; and they recogniz ed that he had seen a vision in the temple and he was beckoning to them and remained

“dynamite .

6 Events connectea’ wit/i t/ie Birt/z ana

’ Ckila’kooa’ of our L ora’. [PART I .

Luke 1

dumb . 23And it came to pass when the days ofh is ministry were fulfilled,he went away

to his own house .

24And after these days Eliz abe th , his wife , conceived, and hid herse lffive months

,saying, 25 That the Lord SO hath done unto me , in the days inwhich He con

descended to take away my reproach amongmen.

Q 3 . AN ANGEL APPEARS To MARY .— Naz aretk.

L uke 1 . 26-

38 .

26And in the Sixth month the ange l Gabriel was sent from God to a

city of Galilee , to which was the name 27Naz are th , to a virgin be tro thed to a man,to

whom was the name Joseph ofthe house ofDavid ; and the name ofthe virgin was Mary.23And the angel having come to her said ; Hail

,thou blessed one ; the Lord is with thee ;blessed art thou among women.

29And she seeingwas troubled o ver his word,and was

reasoning what kind this salutation might be .

30And the ange l said to her ; Fear no t,Mary ; for thou didst find favor with God.

31And beho ld, thou shal t conceive and beara son

,and thou shal t call His name Jesus.

32He shal l be great and shal l be cal led the

Son ofthe Highest and the LordGod shal l give unto Him the throne ofHis fatherDavid33 and He shal l reign o ver the house ofJacob forever

,and ofHis kingdom there shall be

no end.

34And Mary said to the angel ; How Shal l this be , since I know not man ?35And the angel responding said to her ; The Ho ly Gho st shal l come upon thee , and thepower of the Highest shall overshadow thee ; therefore , indeed,

that ho ly thing that isbego tten shal l be cal led the Son ofGod.

36And beho ld Eliz abeth thy kinswoman,indeed,herselfhaving conceived a son in her old age ; and this is the sixth month , to herwho is

called barren .

37 Because no word shal l be impossible with God.

38And Mary said ; Beho ld the handmaiden ofthe Lord ; may it be done unto me according to thy word. And

the angel went away from her.


Luke I . 39- 56.

39And Mary,rising, departed into the mountainous land

, with haste ,into a city ofJudah . 40And She came into the house ofZacharias and saluted Eliz abe th .41And it came to pass when Eliz abe th heard the salutation ofMary

,the infant in herwomb

leaped and Eliz abeth was fil led with the Ho ly “Spirit ; and she spoke with a loud voiceand said ;

42 Blessed art thou amongwomen,and blessed is the fruit of thy womb . 43And

whence is this to me that the mo ther ofmyLord maycome unto me ? 44Forbeho ldwhenthe voice ofyour salutation came into my ears

,the infant in my womb leaped with joy.

45And blessed is She that believe th , because there Shal l be a perfection to those things having been spoken to her by the Lord.

46And Mary said ; My soul do th magnify the Lord,47 and my Spirit rejo ices in God my Saviour, 48because He looked upon the low stateof his handmaiden.

49For beho ld from now all generations cal l me blessed ; becausethe Mighty One did great things unto me

,and His name is ho ly ; 50and His mercy unto

generation ofgenerations to them that fear Him.

5 1 He wrought power by his own arm ;

h e dispersed the proud in the thought of their heart . 52He cast down the mighty fromthrones and exal ted the humble .

5 3He filled the poor with good things, and sent awaythe rich empty . 54He delivered his son I srael , to remembermercy , 55 as he Spoke to our

fathers,to Abraham and his seed forever.

56And Mary remained with her about threemonths

,and returned to her own house .


Luke I . 5 7 - 80.

5 7And the '

time ofher parturition was fulfil led unto Eliz abe th and she

brought forth a son.58And the neighbors and her relatives heard

,that the Lord was

magnifying His mercy with h er,and they continued to rejoice with her.

59And it came

to pass on the eighth day, they came to circumcise the little child ; and they were cal ling“Ho ly Gho st .

18 Events connected wit/z t/ze Birt/z and Ckildkood of our Lord. [PART 1.


Luke 2 . 8 20 .

8And the shepherds were in that country, tenting out and keeping

guard over their flock by night . 9And beho ld an angel of the Lord stood over them and

the glory of the Lord shone around them ; and they feared with great fear.

10And the

angel said to them ; Fearno t ; forbeho ld, I preach unto you the gospe l ofgreat joy, which

shal l be to allpeople ; 11 because this day a Savior is born unto you, who is Christ theLord,

- in the city ofDavid.

12And this shal l be the sign unto you ; you shal l find an infantlying in a manger, wrapped in swaddling clo thes.

13And immediate ly a multitude of the

heavenly host was with the ange l , praising God and saying ; 14Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth ; good among men.

15And it came to pass, when the angels

departed from them into heaven,indeed, the shepherds said to one ano ther ; Now let

us go unto Bethlehem and see this word which has taken place , which the Lord made

known to us.

16They went making haste , and found bo th Mary and Joseph , and the

infant lying in the manger.

17And seeing, they made known concerning the word whichwas spoken to them about this little child.

18And all hearing wondered concerning thethings which were spoken to them by the shepherds.

19And Mary kept all these wordslaying them up in her heart . 20And th e shepherds returned, glorifyingand praising God,for all things which they heard and saw

,as it was spoken to them .

Q9 . CIRCUMCI SION OF JESUS . — Bet/zlelzenz .

L uke 2 .

21Andwhen the eight days of“circumcisingHim were fulfilled, and His namewas called Jesus, having been called by the angel before He was conceived in the womb .


L uke 2 . 2 2 -

38 .

22And when the days of their bpurification were fulfilled, accordingto the law ofMoses

,they carried him up into Jerusalem ,

23 to present him to the Lord,

as it was written in the law of the “Lord ;23That every male opening the womb Shal l be

cal led ho ly to the Lord ; 24and to offer a sacrifice according to that which has been writtenin the law of the “Lord, a pair of turtle - doves, or two young pigeons.

25And beho ld,there was a man in Jerusalem who se name was S imeon ; and the same man was righteous

and godly , awaiting the conso lation of Israel , and the Ho ly Spirit was on him ;26and it

was revealed unto him by the Ho ly Spirit , that he should no t see death before he may seethe Christ of the Lo rd.

27And he c ame in the Spirit into the temple ; and while theparents are bringing in the little child Jesus, that they may do according to the provisionsoflaw concerningHim ,

23 he receivedHim into his arms and blessed God and said ;29NOW ,

O Lord, thou art letting thy servant depart in peace according to thy word ; 30because mineeyes saw thy salvation

,31which thou didst prepare before the face ofallpeoples ; 32a light

unto the revelation ofthe Gentiles, and the glory ofthy people I srael . 33AndHis fatherandHis mo ther were marveling at the words spoken concerning Him.

34And Simeon blessedthem and said to Mary

,His mo ther ; Beho ld, h e is appo inted unto the fall and rising of

many in I srael , and unto a sign which is spoken against ; 35 and a sword Shall go throughthy soul , in order that the reasonings ofmany hearts maybe revealed.

36And Anna was a

prophetess, the daughter ofPhanuel ofthe tribe ofAsher,herselfbeing advanced in many

days, having lived with h er husband seven years from h er virginity ; 37 and she a widowofabout fourscore years, who did not depart from the temple , worshiping night and daywith fastings and prayers.

38And she,at the same hour

,standing up continued to praise

the Lord,and speak concerning Him to all those awaiting the redemption in Jerusalem.

Q10. THE W ISE MEN FROM THE EAST .-jerusalem,

Bet/zlekein .

M att.”

2 .


1 - 1 2 .

JJesus having been born in Bethlehem ofJudea in the days ofHerodthe king, beho ld, W ise men from the east came into Jerusalem saying ; 2Where is He thatis born King of th e Jews ? for we have seen His star in the east

,and have come to wor

“Gen. 1 7 . 1 2 ; L ev . 1 2 . 3 .bLev . 1 2 . 2 -

5 .cEx . 1 3 . 2 ; Num . 8 . 1 6.

“Lev . 1 2 . 6- 8 .

fig1 1 , E vents connected wilk t/ze Birtk and Clzildkood of our L ord. 19

M a tt . 2 .

ship Him .3And Herod the king having heard, was troubled, and all Jerusalem with

him,4and gathering toge ther all the chief priests and scribes

,inquired with them

where Christ Should be born .5And they said unto him

,In Be thlehem of Judea ; forthus it has been wri tten by the “prophe t ; 6An d thou

,Bethlehem , the land ofJudea

,art by

no means th e least among the princes ofJudah ; for out of thee shall come a leader,who

wil l shepherd my people, I srae l . 7 Then Herod secretly calling th e wise men,inquired

with them the time of the appearing of the star,8 and sending them to Beth lehem he

said ; Having gone search diligently for th e young child ; and when you may find Him,

no tify me , in order that I , having gone , may worship Him also .

9And hearing the kingthey departed, and, beho ld, the star which they saw in the east went before them,until

having come,it stood above where the young child was.

10And seeing the star theyrejoiced with exceedingly great joy.

11And having come into the house they saw the

young Child with Mary His mo ther, and having fallen down they worshiped Him,and

opening their treasures they offered Him gifts, go ld and frankincense and myrrh . 12And

having been warned in a dream no t to return to Herod, they departed into their own

country by ano ther way.


M at t . 2 . 13- 23 .

13And they having gone '

away,beho ld

,the angel ofthe Lord appears

in a dream to Joseph , saying ; Having arisen,take the young child and His mo ther


fly into Egypt ; and be thou there until until I may speak to thee ; for Herod is about toseek th e young child in order to destroy Him .

14And having arisen,h e took with him

the young child and His mo ther by night and departed into Egypt ; 15 and was there untilthe death of Herod : in order that the Word

,having been spoken by the Lord through

the prophe t, might be fulfilled,bsaying ; Out Of Egypt have I cal led my son.


,seeing that he was mocked by the wise men

,became exceedingly angry ; and hav

ing sent forth , he slew,all the children in Bethlehem and in all its boundaries, from twoyears Old and under

,according to the time which he inquired with the wise men.

17 Thenthe word having been Spoken by Jeremiah the prophe t was fulfilled,

“saying : 18A vo icewas heard in Ramah

,lamentation and weeping and great mourning ; Rache l weeping for

her children ; and was no t wil ling to be comforted,because they are not.

19And Herod having died,beho ld, the ange l ofthe Lord appears to Joseph in Egypt in

a dream,saying ; 20Having arisen,

take with you the youngchild andHismo ther,anddepart

into the land ofI srael ; for those seeking the l ife ofthe young child are dead.

21And hav

ingarisen he took with him the young child andHismo therand came into the land ofI srael .”And having heard that Archelaus reigns

o verJudea insteadofHerodhisfather,he was Luke 2 . 39 , 40.

39And when they finafraid to depart thither ; and being warnedin a dream he departed into the regions of

Galilee .

25And having come , he went downinto the city cal led Naz areth

,in order that

the words spoken by the prophe ts might befulfilled, that He shal l be cal leda “Naz arene .

ished all things according to the law of the

Lord,they re turned into Galilee into their

own city Naz are th .

40And the child con

tinued to grow and waxed strong in spirit ,being full ofwisdom ; and the grace ofGod

was on Him .

Q1 2 . JESUS , TWELVE YEARS OF AGE — jerusalem .

Luke 2 . 4 1 - 5 2 .

at the feast of the passover.

41And His parents were go ing, according to custom,into Jerusalem

42And when He was twelve years old,they going up toJerusalem according to the custom of the feast , 43 and having completed the days, whilethey were returning the boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem .

no t.

“Mic . 5 . 2 .bHos . 1 1 . 1 .

“Jer. 3 1 . 1 5 .

And His parents knew it44And thinking that He is in the crowd

,they came a day’s journey , and were seek

ing Him among His relatives and acquaintances.

45And no t having found Him,they

“I sa. 1 1 . 1 ; 5 3 . 2 ; Zech . 6 . 1 2 .

20 Events connected wit/z tke Birt/i and Clzild/i ood of our L ord. [PART I .

Luke 2 .

returned to Jerusalem seeking Him .

46And it came to pass, after three days they foundHim in the temple , Sitting in the midst of the teachers, bo th hearing them and askingthem questions.

47And all hearing Him were astonished at His wisdom and answers .

43And seeing Him they were astonished, and His mo ther said to Him ; Child, why didyou thus do unto us ? Beho ld, thy father and I were seeking thee , sorrowful . 49And

He said to them ,Why were you seeking after me ? Did you not know that it behooved

me to be in the affairs ofmy Father? 50And they did no t understand the word whichHe Spoke unto them.

5 1And He went down with them and came to Naz areth ; and wassubject unto them . And His mo ther continued to keep all. these words in ' h er heart .52And Jesus continued to grow in wisdom and stature and favorwith God and men.

I 3 . THE GENEALOGIES .M att . 1 . 1 - 1 7 .

1The book of the gen L uke 3 . 2 3-

38 .

38The Son of God,of

eration of Jesus Christ , the son ofDavid,

the son ofAbraham .

2Abraham begat I saac ; and I saac begatJacob and Jacob begat Judah and his bro thers

3And Judah begat Phares and Zara fromThamar ; and Phares begat Esrom ; and Es

rom begat Aram ;4and Aram begat Amina

dab ; and Aminadab begat Naasson ; and

Naasson begat Salmon ; 5 and Salmon begatBoo z Of Rachab ; and Boo z begat Obed of

Ruth ; and Obed begat Jesse ; 6and Jessebegat David the king ; and David the kingbegat So lomon of her who was the wife of

Uriah ; 7 and So lomon begat Roboam ; and

Roboam begat Abia ; and Abia begat Asa ;8 and Asa begat Josaphat ; and Josaphat begat Joram ; Joram begat Ho z ias 9Ho z ias be

gat Joatham ; and Joatham begat Achaz ;Achaz begat Hez ekiah 10and Hez ekiah begat Manasses ; and Manasses begat Amon ;

andAmon begat Josiah ; 11 and Josiah begatJechonias and h is bro thers in the captivityof Babylon.

12And after the captivity OfBabylon,Jechonias begat Salathiel ; and

Salathiel begat Zorababbel; 13 Zorababbel

begat Abiud ; and Abiud begat Eliakim ;

and Eliakim begat Az or ; 14and Az or begatSadoc ; and Sadoc begat Acheim ; Acheimbegat Eliud ; 15 and Eliud begat Eleaz ar ;and Eleaz ar begat Matthan ; and Matthanbegat Jacob ; 16and Jacob begat Joseph thehusband Of~ Mary, from whom Jesus

,who is

called Christ , was born

Adam , Se th , Enos, 37 Of Cainan, Of Mahalaleel, Jared,

Enoch , Methusalah,36Lamech ,

Noah , Shem,A i

phaxad, Cainan ,35 Sala,

Heber, Phalek ,34Ragau, Serouch , Nachor,


,I saac

,Jacob ,

33 Judah,Phares






,Boo z

, Obed, Jesse ,




,Me lea



,Joseph , Judah , Simeon


29 Levi,Matthat


,Eliez er

,Jo ses


2S Er, Elmodam,Co sam



27 Neri, Salithiel, Zorababbel, Resa, Joanna,

26Joda, Josech , Semei

,Mattathio s


25 Naggai, Esli, Naum,Amo s



24Jo seph , Janna, Melchi,Levi


”And this Jesus,being as was supposed,

the son ofJo seph , the son ofEli.

17Therefore all the generations from Abraham unto David are fourteen generations ;from David unto the captivity ofBabylon are fourteen generations ; and from the captivityofBabylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.





TIME : Aoout One Year.

L uke 3 . 1 - 18 .

Tli ejordan .


AND in the fifteenth year in the reign ofTiberius Caesar

,Pontius Pilate being governor

ofJudea , and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee,and Philip his bro ther, te trarch of

I turia and the Trachonitis country , and Lusanius te trarch ofAbilene , during the highM a t t . 3 . 1 - 1 2 .

1 In tho sedays comes John th e Baptist ,preaching in the wildernessof Judea


2saying, Repent

ye , for the kingdom of the

heavens is at hand.

3Thisis the one

,who is spoken of

by I saiah the prophet “saying,

Th e voice Of one roaringin the wilderness ; Prepareye the way of the Lord ;make straight His paths.

M ark 1 . 1 - 8 .

1The be

ginningofthe gospel ofJesusChrist

,the Son of God.

4John the Baptist came

preaching in the wildernessthe baptism of repentanceunto the remisson of sins.

2As has been written in thebprophets ; Beho ld, I send

my messenger before thyface

,who wil l prepare thy

way before thee ; 3 the voiceofone roaring in the wilderness ; Prepare ye the way of

the Lord ; make His pathsstraight .

priesthood of Annas 2and

Caiaphas, the word of God

came to John the son of

Zacharias in the wilderness.

3And he came into all th e re

gion round about the Jordan ,

preaching the baptism of

repentance unto the remis

sions of sins,4as has been

written in the book OfI saiahthe prophe t , saying ;


voice of one roaring in the

wilderness ; Prepare ye the

way of the Lord,make

straight His paths.

5 Everyval ley shal l be fil led up and

every mountain and hil l shal l be cut down ; and the cro oked places shal l be straight ’and the rough ways smoo th .

M at t . 3 .

6And allflesh shall see the salvation ofGod.

M ark 1 .

4And th e same John had his raiment fromcamel 5 hair

,and a leathern girdle about his

loins ; and h is food was locusts and wildhoney . 5Then Jerusalem and allJudea, andall th e region about the Jordan,

were com

ing out to him,

6and were being baptiz edby h im in the Jordan,confessing their sins.

M at t . 3 .

7And seeing many of the Pharisees and

Sadducees coming to his baptism ,he said

unto them ; O generations of vipers, whoa l sa . 40 . 3 .

bMal. 3 . 1 ; I sa . 40 . 3 .

6And John was clo thed with camel ’s hairand a leathern girdle about his loins


eating locusts and wild honey ; 5And all theJudean country and the Jerusalemites werego ing out unto him ,

andwere being baptiz edby him in the river Jordan,confessing theirSins.

L uke I .

7 Then he said unto the mul titudes com

ing out to be baptiz ed by him ; O generations ofvipers, who hath warned you to flee


M at t . 3 .

hath warned you to flee from the wrath tocome ? 8Therefore bring forth fruit worthyofrepentance ; 9 and think not to say amongyourse lves ; We have Abraham ,

our father ;for I say unto you that _

God is able of thesestones to raise up children unto Abraham .

10But already the ax is laid to the roo t ofthe trees therefore every tree not producinggood fruit is hewn down and cast into the

fire .

food do likewise .

Teacher,what shal l we do !

has been appo inted unto you .

what shal l we do ?content with your wages.

12And the publicans13And he said to them

,Exact no more than that which

14And the so ldiers were asking him saying ; AndAnd h e said to them ; Oppress no one , neither defraud ; and be

15And th e people waiting and all reasoning in their

Announcement and Introduction of our L ord’s Puélic M


nistry. [PART 11.

Luke 1 .

from the wrath to come ? 8 Bring forththerefore fruits worthy of repentance , and

do no t begin to say among yourse lves ; We

have . Abraham our father.

9But truly theax is laid to the roo t ofthe trees ; Thereforeevery tree not producing good fruit is hewndown, and cast into the fire .

10And the

multitudes asked him,saying ; What then

shall we do ? 11And responding he says tothem

,Let the one having two coats

, give tohim having none , and let the one havingcame also to be baptiz ed, and said to him ;

M att . 3 .

11 1 indeed baptiz e youwith water unto repentance ,but there is One comingafterme more powerful than I


whose sandals I am not

worthy to carry ; He wil lbaptiz e you with the Ho lyGho st and fire .

M at t . 3 .

M ark I .

7And he procla imed,say

ing, I indeed ba tiz ed you

with water ; but ne comethafterme more powerful thanI ; the latche t ofHis sandalsI am not worthy


stooped down, to loose , andHe shal l baptiz e you withthe Ho ly Gho st .

hearts concerning John ,lest

he might be the Christ .16John responded to all


ing ; I indeed baptiz e you

with water ; but there com

eth One more powerful thanI,the latche t ofHis sandals

I am no t worthy to loose ;He wil l baptiz e you with theHo ly Ghost and fire .

12Whose fan is in His hand,and He will

thoroughly purify His threshing- floor,and

gather His wheat into the garner, and willburn up the chaffwith unquenchable fire .

Q I 5 . THE BAPTISM OF JESUS . - Tkejordan .

M att. 3 . 13- 1 7 .

13Thencome th Jesus from Galilee toJordan unto John

,in order to

be baptiz ed by him .

14AndJohn continued to forbidHim saying, I have need to

be baptiz edby thee , andcomest thou unto me ? 15AndJesus responding said to

h im ; Suffer it now ; for thusit is becoming us to fulfil allrighteousness. Then he suffers Him .

16And Jesus having been baptiz ed, came up

“Gr. into,Or at .

M ark 1 . 9- 1 1 .

9And it

came to pass in those days,Jesus came from NazarethofGalilee

,and was baptiz edby John in the Jordan.

10And coming up straightwayfrom the water

,He saw

Luke 3 . 2 1 - 23 .

21And it

came to pass while all the

people were being baptiz edand Jesus having been baptiz ed,

andpraying, the heavenwas opened,

”and the Ho ly

Luke 3 .

17Whose fan is in His hand,and He wil l

thoroughly purify His threshing- floor,and

gather the wheat into His gam er,and will

burn up the chaffwith unquenchable fire .

18Then indeed exhorting them as to manyo ther things h e continued to preach thegospe l to the people .

QI 6.J

M att. 3 .

straightway from the water ;andbeho ld, the heavenswereOpenedandHe saw the Spiritof God, descending like a

dove , coming on Him.

17And beho ld,

a - voicefrom the heavens

,saying ;

This is my beloved Son inwhom I delight .

Announcement and I ntroduction of_

our .L ord’s Puolic M


nistry . 23

Q16. THE TEMPTATION . —Desert ofjudea .

M att. 4. M I .1ThenJe

sus was led up into th e

wilderness by the Spirit, tobe tempted by the devil .2Andhavingfastedforty daysand forty nights, He afterward hungered.

3And the

tempterhavingcome to Him,

M ark I . 1 2,13 .


immediate ly the Spirit castsHim out into thewilderness.

13And he was in the wilderforty days being tempted bySatan

,andwas with the wild

beasts ; and . the angels continned to ministerunto Him .

L uke 4. I - I,3 .

1And Jesus

,full of the Ho ly Ghost,

re turned from the Jordan andwas led by the Spirit into thewilderness, tempted by thedevil fortydays.

2AndHe ate

no thing during those days ;and they having been com

said ; If thou art the Son Of3

God,speak in order that these stones maybecome bread.

4And He responding said ;I t has been written

,A man shal l no t live

upon bread alone,but upon every word

coming forth through the mouth ofGod.

5 Then the devil takes Him into the holycity and stood Him on the pinnacle of the

temple , 6and says to Him ; If thou art the

Son of God,cast thyse lf down ; for it hasbeen written,bThatHe wil l give His angels

charge concerning thee , and upon theirhandthey wil l bear thee,lest thou mayest dash

thy foo t against a stone .

7Jesus said to him ;

Again it has been written,

CThou shal t no ttempt the Lord thy God.

8Again the deviltakes Him into an exceedingly high mountain,and shows Him all the kingdoms of

the world and the glory of the same,9 and

said to Him ; All these things will I giveunto th ee


10If having fal len down thoumayest worship me : then Jesus says to him


Get behind me,Satan ; for it has been writ

ten ; Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God,and Him only shal t thou serve .

11Thenthe devil leaveth Him ; and beho ld, the an

gels came to Him and continued to ministerunto Him .

“Deut . 8 . 3 . s . 91 . 1 1,1 2 .

CDeut. 6. 16.

pleted, He afterward hun


3And the devil said to Him,Ifthou

art the Son of God“

,speak to this stone , in

order that itmaybecome bread.

4AndJesusresponded to him ,

saying ; “I t has been written,

Thatman shall not live upon breadalone ,but upon every word ofGod.

9And he led

Him into Jerusalem,and placed Him on a

pinnacle ofth e temple , and said to Him,If

thou art the Son of God cast thyselfdownfrom thence ; 10for it has been written, ThatHe will give His angels charge concerningthee , in order to guard thee , 11 and theywil lbear thee upon their hands, lest at any timethou mayest dash thy foo t against a stone .

12And Jesus responding said to him ; Thatit has been said

,Thou shal t not tempt the

Lord thy God.

5And the devil leadingHim up, he showed Him all the kingdoms of the world iri a moment Of time .

6And the devil said to Him ,I will give

all the authority and glories of these to

thee : because it has been given unto me

and I give it to whom I may wish ;7 then if thou mayest worship before me

all Shal l belong to thee .

3And Jesus re

sponding said to him ; I t has been written ,

“Thou shal t worship the Lord thy Godand H im only shal t thou serve .


the devil having perfected every temptation ,departed from Him for a season.

“Dent . 6 . 1 3 .

M ark 1 .

the heavens open and the

Spirit like a dove descendingon Him .

11And there wasa voice from the heavens :Thou art my beloved Son


in whom I delight .

Luke 3 .

Spirit in bodily appearancelike a dove descended on

Him ; and there was a voicefrom heaven

,saying ; Thou

art my be loved Son,I am

de lighted in Thee .

23And Jesus was beginningto be about thirty years old.

24 Announcement and I ntroduction of our L ord’s Puolic Ildinistry. [PART 11 .


John 1 . M S.

1 In the beginning was the Word,and the Word was with God, and

theWordwas God.

2The same was in the beginningwith God.

3All things were made

byHim,andwithout Him no thingwasmade , that has been made .

4 In Himwas life,and

the life was the light of the men.

5And th e light shineth in the darkness,and the dark

ness comprehended it no t. 6There was a man having been sent from God,whose name

was John ; 7 The same came for a witness, that h e might bearwitness concerning the light ,in order that all through him might believe .

SHe was no t the light, but came that hemight bearWitness concerning the light . 9That was the true light , which lighteth everyman, coming into the world.

10He was in the world, and the world was made by Him,

and the world knew Him no t.

11He came unto His own,and His own received Him

no t. 12But so many as received Him ,to them gave He the right to become the children

ofGod, to those be lieving on His name :13who were born no t ofbloods

,nor of the will

ofthe flesh,nor ofthe will ofman

,but ofGod.

14The Word was made flesh , and tentedamong us (and we beheld His glory , the '

glory as Of the only bego tten with the Father) ,full ofgrace and truth . 15John beareth witness concerning Him ,

and cried out saying ;This is He ofwhom I spoke , He that cometh after me has been before me : 16becauseHe was my Creator. And ofHis fullness we all received grace upon grace .

17 Becausethe law was given by Moses ; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ . 18NO one has

ever seen God ; the only bego tten Son, the one being in the bosom of the Father,He

hath declared him .

Q18 . TESTIMONY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST TO JESUS . - Bet/zany éeyondjordan .

John I . 19-


19This is the testimony ofJohn when the Jews sent priests and Levitesfrom Jerusalem

,that they might ask him ,

20Who art thou ? and h e confessed that,I am

no t the Christ . 21They asked h im,What then ? Art thOu Elijah ? And he says

,I am

no t. Art thou that prophet ? ”And he responded, NO . Then they said to him,Who

art thou ? that we may give an answer to those having sent us. What do you say con

cerning yourself? 23 I am the vo ice of one roaring in the wilderness,Make straight the

way of the Lord,as Isaiah the prophet“ said.

24And those having been sent were of the


25And they asked him,and said to him

,Then why do you baptiz e , if you

are no t the Christ,nor Elijah

,nor that prophet ? 26John responded to them

,saying, Ibaptiz e with water : there standeth One in your midst whom you do no t know,

27the One

coming after me , ofwhom I am no t worthy that I may loose the latchet ofHis sandal .28These things took place in Bathany beyond the Jordan, where John was baptiz ing.

29On the fo llowing day he sees Jesus coming to him,and says

,Beho ld the Lamb of

God, that taketh away the sin of the world.

30This is He concerning whom I spoke , A

man come th after me who has been before me : because he was my Creator.

31And I

did no t know Him ,

but in order that He maybe made manifest to I srael,on this account

I came baptiz ing with water.

b 32And John testified saying, I saw the Spirit descendingfrom heaven like a dove

,and remained on Him.

33And I did no t know Him,but the

One having sent me to baptiz e with water, He said to me, On whom you may see the

Spirit descending and remaining on Him,He is the one baptiz ingwith the Ho ly Ghost.

34And I have seen, and testified that He is the Son ofGod.

Q19 . JESUS GAINS DISCIPLES . —Tkojoro’an . Galilee.

Joh n I . 35 - 52 .35On the fo l lowingdayJohn again stood, and two ofhis disciples, 36andlooking upon Jesus walking about


,Beho ld

,the Lamb ofGod.

37And the two dis

ciples heard him speakingand fo llowed Jesus.

38Jesus turningand seeing them fo llowing,says to them,

39VVhat are you seeking? and they said to Him,Doctor

, (which is said,being interpreted, Teacher) , where dwel lest thou ? 40He says to them ; Come and see .

3 .bMatt . 3 . 1 6 ; Mark 1 . 10 ; Luke 2 . 22 .

PA R T I I I .



TIME One Year.

Q2 1 . JESUS CLEANSES THE TEMPLE — jerusalenz .

John 2 . 1 3—25 .


AND the passover of the Jews were nigh , and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.


He found in the Cttemple those selling oxen and Sheep and doves, and the moneychangers sitting : 15 and having made a scourge of cords

,He cast all out of the temple ,bo th the sheep and the oxen ,

and poured out the money of the exchangers, and overturned the tables.

16And He said to those sel ling doves ; Take these things hence , make

no t the house ofmy Father a house ofmerchandise .

17And His disciples rememberedthat it is written,

The z eal ofthy house do th eat me up.

18Thenthe Jews responded and

said to Him ,What sign do you Show us

,because you do these things ? 19Jesus responded

and said to them ,Destroy this temple , and in three days I wil l rear it up.

20Then theJews said, Forty and six years was this temple being buil t , and wil t thou rear it up inthree days ? 21But He spoke concerning th e temple of His body. ”Then when He

arose from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said these things, and believedthe Scripture and words which Jesus spoke .

23And when He was in Jerusalem at the feast , during the passover, many believed on

His name,seeing His miracles which He was do ing ;

24and Jesus did no t in'trust Himself

to them because He knows allmen,

25 and because He had no need that any one shouldwitness concerningman ; because He was knowing what was in man.


John 3 . 1 - 2 1 .

1There was a man of th e Pharisees,the name to h im Nicodemus


ruler of the Jews ;2 the same came to Him by night, and said to H im


,we knowthat thou hast come a teacher from God ; for no one is able to do these miracles,which

thou art doing, unless God maybe-with him .

3Jesus responded and said to him,Truly

,truly,I say unto thee , unless any one may be born from above

,he is not able to see the

kingdom ofGod.

4Nicodemus says to him ; How is a man able to be born,being Old?

whether he is able to enter the second time into the womb ofhis mo ther,and be : born ?

5Jesus responded, Truly , truly, I say unto thee,Unless any one maybe born ofwater and

Spirit, he is no t able to enter into the kingdom ofthe heavens.

6That which has been bornofthe flesh is flesh ; and that which has been born ofthe Spirit is spirit . 7 Be not astonishedbecause I said to thee ; I t behooveth you to be born from above .

8The Spiritb breatheson whom He willeth , and thou hearest His voice , but do st no t know whence He come thand whither He goeth ; so is every one who has been born of the Spirit

b 9Nicodemusresponded and said to Him

,How are these things able to be ? 10Jesus responded and

said to him,Art thou a teacher ofI srae l and knowest no t th ese things ? 11Truly

,truly , I

say unto thee , that we speak what we know,and testify what we have seen ; and you

“The Ho ly Campus .bGr. Pneuma .

QQ23 , From ourL or’s First Passover until t/i e S econd. 27

John 3 .

received not our testimony . ”If I spoke to you things upon the earth,and you do notbelieve , how will you believe , if I speak to you of things in heaven ? 13No one hath

ascended up into heaven,but the one having come down from heaven

,the Son ofman


who is in heaven.14And as Mo ses lifted up th e serpent in the wilderness

,so does it behoove the Son Ofman to be lifted up: 15 that every one believing in Him mayhave eternallife .

16For God so loved the world that He gave His only bego tten Son,that every onebelieving on Him may no t perish but have e ternal life .

17For God sent not His Son intothe world that He maycondemn the world ; but that the world through Him maybe saved.

18He that believe th on Him is no t condemned ; but he that believeth no t, has already beencondemned

, because he has no t be lieved on the only bego tten Son ofGod.

19And this isthe condemnation, that light has come into the world

,and men love darkness rather thanlight ; for their works are evil . 20For every one doing evil hates the light, and does no t

come to the light, in order that his works may not be convicted ; 21but everyone doingthe truth comes to the light , that his works may be made manifest

,because they have been

wrought in God.


John 3 . 22 -


”After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the Judeancountry ; and there He was tarrying with them and baptiz ing.

23And John was also baptiz ing in Enon near Salim , because there were many waters there : and they came andbaptiz ed.

24For Johnwas no t yet cast into prison .

”And there was a disputation ofthe dis

ciples ofJohn, concerning purifying.

26And they came to John, and said to him



He who is with thee beyond the Jordan,to whom thou hast borne witness, beho ld, the

same baptiz e th , and allare coming to Him .”John responded and said

,No man is able

to receive anything,unless it may have been given unto h im from heaven .

28You are

W itnessing to me , that I said, I am no t the Christ

,but that I am sent before Him .


one having the bride is the Bridegroom : but the friend ofthe Bridegroom is the one standing and hearing him ,

rejo iceth with joy on account of the Bridegroom : This,myjoy hasbeen made complete .

30I t behooveth Him to increase,and me to decrease .

31He thatcometh from above is above all; the one being of th e earth is of the earth

,and speaks of

the earth . The one Coming from heaven witnesses what He has seen and heard,and no

one receives His testimony . 33 The one having received His testimony hath set his seal,that God is true .

34For whom God sent speake th the words of God : for He does no t

give His spirit by measure .

35 The Father loves the Son,and has given all things in Hishands.

36He that believes on the Son has e ternal life ; but he that believe th not the Sonshal l not see life , but the wrath ofGod abideth on him .

Q24. JESUS DEPARTS INTO GALILEE AFTER JOHN ’S IMPR ISONMENT .M a tt . 4 . 1 2 . And Jesushaving heard that John wascast into prison ,

departedinto Galilee .

M at t . 1 4. 3- 5 .


od having arrested John,bound him

,and put him in

prison,on account ofHero

dias the wife of his bro therPhilip.

4For John said to

him,I t is no t lawful for thee

to have her.

5And wishingto kil l him

,he feared the

mul titude,because they es

teemed him as a prophet .“Gr. dynamite .

M ark 1 . 14 . After thatJohn was cast into prison,Jesus came into Galilee .

M ark 6 . 1 7 - 20 .

17ForHerod himself having sent



in prison on account ofHero

dias, the wife ofh is bro ther

Philip : because he married

h er.

18For John said to

Herod,I t is not lawful for

thee to have the wife of thybro ther.

19And Herodias

hated him,andwished to kill

Luke 4 . 14 . And Jesusreturned in the “powerofthespirit into Galilee .

L uke 3 . 19- 20 .


Herod the te trarch,being

convicted by him concerningHerodias

,the wife of his

bro therPhilip, and concern

ing the wickedness whichHerod did,

20added also thisto all

,and shut up John in


28 From our [ or’s First Passover until t/i e S econd. [PART 111.

M ark 6 .

him ; and was no t able ; for Herod was afraid ofJohn,knowing him to be a just and “ho ly

man,and h e continued to ho ld him in prison : and hearing him,

he continued to do manythings, and he was hearing him gladly .John 4 . 1 -

3 .

1Thus when the Lord knew when the Pharisees heard that Jesus ismaking and baptiz ing more disciples than John 2

(truly Jesus himse lfwas no t baptiz ing,but His disciples) , 3He left Judea and came again into Galilee .


John 4. 4-

42 .

4And it behooved Him to go through Samaria.

5 Then He comes intoa city of Samaria

,called Sychar

,near the place which Jacob gave to his son Joseph .

6And the wel l ofJacob was there . Then Jesus having become weary from the journey,

was Sitting thus by the wel l it was about the sixth hour.

7A woman comes from Samaria

to draw water. Jesus says to her, Give me to drink .

8For His disciples had gone intothe city

,that they might purchase food.

9A Samaritan woman says to Him,How do

you,beinga Jew ,

ask to drink from me,beinga Samaritan woman ? 10And Jesus responded

and said to her,Ifyou knew the gift ofGod, and the one who is Speaking to you , Give

me to drink ; you would have asked him,and he would have given you living water.

11The woman says to Him, Sir, thou hast no W indlass, and the wel l is deep : whence hast

thou living water? ”Art thou greater than our father Jacob,who gave us the wel l


himselfand his sons, and his herds, drank ofit? 13Jesus responded and said to her, Everyone drinking ofthis water Shal l thirst again : 14but whosoevermay drink ofthe water thatI shal l give to him shall never thirst ; but the water wh ich I shall give to h im shal l be inhim a wel l ofwater springing up unto e ternal life .

15 Then the woman says to Him, Sir,

give me this water,that I may no t thirst, nor come hither to draw . He says to her

, Go ,cal l thy husband, and come hither.

17 The woman responded and said,I have no hus

band. Jesus says to her,Wel l didst thou say, I have no husband : 18for thou hast had

five husbands ; and he whom thou now hast is no t thy husband : thou hast Spoken thistruly . 19The woman says to Him , Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophe t . 20Our fathersworshiped in this mountain ; and you say, that in Jerusalem is the place where it behooveth to worship .

21Jesus says to her,Believe me


,that the hour come th

, you willworship the Father neither in this mountain

,nor in Jerusalem .

”You worship, you knowno t what : we worship that which we know : because salvation is of the Jews .

”But the

hour cometh,and now is

,when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and

in truth for the Father seeketh such worshiping Him .

24God is a Spirit , and it behoove th those who worship Him to worship in spirit and in truth . ”The woman says toHim

,I know that Messiah come th (who is called Christ ) : when He may come He wil l

proclaim to us all things.

”Jesus says to her,I who speak to thee am He .

”And at

this time His disciples came,and were wondering because He was speaking with the

woman ; no one said,What seekest thou ? or

,Why do you speak with her? 28Then

the woman left her waterpo t , and went away into the city, and says to the men,”Come

hither,see the man who to ld me all things which I did : I s not He the Christ ? 30They

came out from the city , and came to Him .

31Meanwhile His disciples were asking Him,

saying, Master eat.

32He said to them,I have meat to eat

,which you know no t. 33 Then

His disciples were speaking to one ano ther, Whe ther has anyone brought Him some thingto eat ? 34Jesus says to them

,Myfood is that I maydo the wil l OfHim that sent me

,andfinish His work .

35 DO you no t say, That it is yet four months,and the harvest cometh ?Beho ld

,I say unto you,

Lift up your eyes and see the fields,because they are white unto

th e harvest 36already . He that reapeth receiveth reward, and gathere th fruit unto e ternallife ; in order that bo th th e sower and th e reaper may rejoice toge ther.

37For in this theword is true

,that there is one sowing, and ano ther reaping.

33 1 have sent you to reapthat upon which you have never labored : o thers have labored, and you have entered intotheir labor.

39But many of the Samaritans from that city be lieved on Him through theword ofthe woman

, testifying that , He to ld me all things which I did. Then when the

QQ26 From our L ord s First Passover until t/ze Second. 29

Joh n 4.

Samaritans came to Him they asked Him to abide with them : 40and He remained theretwo days : 41 and many more be lieved on Him through His word ; 42 and they continuedto say to the woman

,We no longer believe through your talk ; for we have heard and

we know that He is, truly the Savior of the world.


43And after two days He departed thence into Galilee .

44And JesusHimse lfwitnessed, that a prophe t has no honor in his own country . 45And when He

came into Galilee , Galileans received Him, having seen all things which He did In Jerusalem at the feast : for they also came to the feast .M att . 4. 1 7 . From that “

M ark - 1 5 .

14Preach L uke 4. 14- 1 5 .


14And thetime Jesus began to preach ,and to say, R epent ; for thekingdom of the heavens

ing the go spel of the kingdom of God

,15a nd saying,

That the time is fulfil led :fame concerning Him wentthroughout the who le coun

15And He was teachdraweth nigh . the kingdom of God is at

hand : repent , and believethe go spel .

ing in their synagogues,being glorified by all.


John 4. 46 54.

46Then He came again into Cana ofGalilee , where He turned the waterinto wine . And there was a certain royalist, whose son was sick in Capernaum ;

47 he hav

ing heard that Jesus has come out ofJudea into Galilee , came away to Him,and continued

to ask Him that He maycome down andheal his son forhe was about to die .

48Then Jesussaid to him, Unless you may see signs and wonders

, you can no t believe .

49The nobleman says to Him ,

Lord,come down before my little child dies.

50Jesus says to him,Go ;thy son live th . The man believed the word which Jesus spoke to him

,and departed.

5 1And he already coming down ,the servants met him

,and reported, that the child lives.

52Then he inquired the hour at which he began to improve ; and they said to him,The

fever left him at the seventh hour yesterday. 5 3Then the father knew that it was at thathour at which Jesus said to him

,Thy son liveth : and he and all his house believed.

54Jesus, having again come out ofJudea into Galilee , wrought this second miracle .


L uke 4. 16-

3 1 .

16And He came into Naz areth,where He was brought up : and

according to the custom to Him,He came into the synagogue on the Sabbath - day, and

stood up to read.

17And the Book of I saiah the prophe t was given to Him ; and havingopened the book , He found the place where it was written,“ 18The Spirit of the Lordis upon me

,because He ano inted me to preach the go spel to the poor : hath sent me

to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and sight to the

blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised,

19 to proclaim th e acceptable year of theLord.

”And havjng closed the book ,and giving it back to the officer

,He sat down

and the eyes ofall in the synagogue were fastened on Him .

”And He began to say tothem ; This day has this Scripture been fulfil led In your ears .

”And they all continuedto witness to Him

,and wonder at the words Of grace pro ceeding out from His mouth

and say, I s not this the son ofJoseph ? ”And He said to them,You truly speak to me

this parable , Physician, heal thyself: so many things as we heard having been done inCapernaum ,

do also here in thy own country . ”And He said,Truly I say unto you,that no prophet is acceptable in his own country . ”And in truth I say unto you, There

“I sa. 61 . 1 , 2 ; 5 8 . 6.

From our L ord’s First Passover until t/i e S econd. [PART I I I .30

Luke 4.

were many widows in I srael in the days ofElijah . When the heaven was shut up threeyears and six months,how the famine


was great over all the land ; ”and Elijah was sentto none ofthem,

except to a widow “woman in Sarepta ofSidon .

”And there were manylepers in I srael in the time ofthe prophe t Elisha ; and none of them were cleansed exceptNaaman the Syrian .

b ”And all in the synagogue , hearing these things, were filled- withwrath .

”And rising up, they cast Him out of the city,and were leading Him _

to thebrink ofthe mountain on which their city was buil t,to hurl Him down ;

30and He havingpassed through th e midst of them went

M at t . 4 . 1 3- i6.

13And having left Naz away . 31And He came down into Caper

are th,having come into Capernaum ,

by the n aum,a city ofGalilee .

seaside,in the borders of Zabulon and

Naphtali, He dwel t there ; 14in order that the word having been spoken by I saiahthe prophe t might be fulfilled, saying,“ 15Thou land Zabulon and land Naphtali, wayofthe sea

,beyond th e Jordan , Galilee ofthe Gentiles


16 the people sitting in darknesssaw a great light, and to those sitting in the val ley and shadow of death


sprang up.


DRAUGHT OF FI SHES . — Near Capernaum .

L uke 5 . 1 - 1 1 .

- 1And it came to pass, while the mul titude is pressing on Him to hearthe word Of God

,and He was standing by the lake Of Gennesare t ; 2and He saw two

ships standing by the lake : the fishermen,having gone from them ,

were washing theirnets. 3And having come into one Of the ships, which belonged to Simon

,He asked him

to lead out a little from the land,and Sitting down He was teaching the mul titudes from

th e ship.

spread your nets for a draught .M at t . 4 . 18 2 2 .


He walking by th e sea of

Galilee,saw two bro thers


Simon who is cal led Peter,and Andrew h is bro ther,casting their net into the

sea ; for they were fishers.

And they came,and fil led bo th ships, so as to sink them .

M ark 1 . 16- 20 .


walkingby the sea ofGalilee ,He saw Simon and Andrew

h is bro ther casting their netin the sea : for they werefishers.

4When He ceased Speaking He said to Simon,Lead out into th e deep, and

5And Simon responding said to Him,Master

,havingtoiled all night , we caugh t

no thing : but at thy word Iwill spread the net. 6And

havingdone this, they caughta great multitude of fishes ;and their net was breaking ;7 and they beckoned to theircomrades in ano ther Ship,having come to assist them ,

8And Simon Pe ter, see

ing, fell down at the knees of Jesus,saying ; Depart from me


,because I am

a sinful man .

M a t t . 4.

”And He says to them,Fo llow after me

,and I will

make you fishers Of men.

”And immediately,havingleft their nets

,they fo l lowed

Him .

21And going forthfrom thence , He saw two

o ther bro thers,James the

son of Zebedee,and John

his bro ther,in a ship with

Zebedee their father,mend

ing theirnets and He called“1 Kings 1 7 . 1 -

9 .5 2 Kings 5 . 1 4 .

M ark 1 .

17Jesus said to them,Come

after me , and I wil l make

you to be fishers of men .

18And immediately, havingleft their nets, they fo l lowedHim .

”And going forththence


a little,He sawJames

,the son of Zebedee


and John his bro ther,them

se lves also in a ship mendingtheirne ts,20and immediately

He called them . And hav

cI sa . 9 . 1,2 ,

9For fear took ho ld ofh im,and allOf tho se with him

,at the draught

offisheswhich they received.

10And likewise James andJohn,the sons of Zebedee ,

who were companions to

Simon. And Jesus said to

Simon,Fear no t ; from '


you shal l be catching men .

ééso , 3 L ]

M att. 4.

them .

22And immediatelyhaving left the ship and

their father, they fo llowedHim . Him .

M ark 1 .

ing left their father Zebedeein the ship with the hiredhands

,they departed after

From our Lord ’s Fz


rsf Passover nnfz'

l z‘ée Second. 3 1

L uke 5 .

11Anddrawingup their shipsto the land

,having left allthings, they fo llowed Him .


M ark I . 2 1 - 28 .

21And they come intoCapernaum ; and immediately on the Sab

bath,He was teaching in the syna

gogue .

22And they were astonished at

His teaching ; for He was teaching themas one having authority

,and no t as the


23And there was a man in theirsynagogue with an unclean spirit ; and he

cried out,

24 saying, Let me alone ; what isthere to us and thee , thou Jesus, th e Naz arene ? You have come to destroy us ; Iknow thee who thou art

,the Ho ly One of


25And Jesus rebuked him ,saying, Be

silent,and come out from him .

26And the

unclean spirit, convulsing him and cryingwith a great voice, came out from him .

27And they were allastonished, so that theywere inquiring one to ano ther, saying,

Whatis this ? what new teaching is this ? Becauseaccording to authority He commands the un

clean spirits, and they obey Him 28 andHisfame went out immediately into all the sur

rounding country ofGalilee .

L uke 4. 3 1-

3 7 .

31AndHe was teachingthem on the Sabbath . 32And they were as

tonish ed at His teaching ; because Hiswordwas with authority .



- Capem oum .

M att . 8 . I 4- I 7 .


Jesus having come into the

house ofPeter,

saw hismo therin- law prostrated and burning with fever.

15And He

touched her hand, and the

fever left her ; and she arose ,and began to minister untothem .

16And it being evening, they brought to Him

many demoniz ed people :and H e cast out the demons

by His word,and healed all

adynamite .

M ark I . 29-

34 .


immediate ly , having come

outfrom the synagogue , theycame into the house ofSimon

andAndrew,with James andJohn .

30And the mo ther—inlaw ofSimonwas lyingdownburningwith fever ; and immediately they speak to Him

concerning her :31And hav

ing come to her, taking herby the hand, He raised her

up ; and immediate ly the

fever left her,and she con

tinued to ministerunto them .

32And it beingevening, whenthe sun went down,

theywere carrying to Him all the

sick and demoniz ed ;33 and

the Who le city was gathered

Luke 4. 38-

4 1 .

38Havingarisen up from the synagogue , He came into the

house of Simon. And the

mo ther- in- law ofSimon was

afflicted with a great fever ;and they asked Him con

cerning her.

39And He,

standing over her,rebuked

the fever ; and dismissed it ;and immediately


stood up, she continued to

minister unto them .


the sun having gone down,all so many as had peopleafflicted with various diseasescontinued to lead them to

Him ; and He having put

His hands on each one of

them,healed them .


33And in the synagoguethere was a man having an unclean spirit ;and h e cried with a great voice , 34 saying,Letme alone what is there to us and to thee


0 Jesus the Naz arene ? Hast thou come to

destroy us ? I know thee wh o thou art,the

Ho ly One of God.

35Jesus rebuked him,

saying, Be silent,and come out from him ;

and th e demon having thrown him down in

the midst , cam e out from him,no t having

injured him .

36And fear came upon themall

,and they were talking toge ther to one

ano ther,saying, What word is this ? because

with authority and power“ He commands

the unclean spirits, and they come out.

37And the report concerning Him was goingout into every place in the surroundingcountry .

32 From our Lora’ s Firs! Passover nnz‘


l t/ze Seeona’.

M a t t . 8 .

the sick ;17 in order that the

word spoken by I saiah the

prophe t might be fulfilled,saying,“ And He took our

M ark I .

to the door.

34AndHe healedmany who were afflictedwithvarious diseases, andHe castout many demons


infirmities, and carried our

sicknesses. no t suffer the

and did

demons to

speak, because they knewHim .


M ark I . 35—39 .

35And in th e morning,

exceedingly early , while it was yet night ,having arisen up He came out,and went

away into a desert place , and was prayingthere .

86AndSimon and those who were withhim fo llowedHim .

37And they foundHim,

and say to Him,Allare seeking after thee .

38And He says to them ,Let us go into the

surrounding villages and cities, that I may

preach there ; for unto this I have come out.

39And He was preachingin their synagogues

Luke 4 . 42-

44 .

42And it being day,having come out,He departed into a desert

place and the mul titudes continued to seek

Him ; and they came unto Him, and theyconstrained Him no t to depart from them .

43And He said to them,That

,it behooveth

me to preach the gospe l of the kingdom of

God to many o ther ci ties : because unto thisI have been sent . 44And He was preachingin the synagogues ofGalilee .

in allGalilee,and casting out the demons.

M at t . 4 . 2 3 2 5 .

23And Jesus was going round all Galilee , teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospe l of the kingdom ,

and healing every disease and everymalady among th e people .

24And His fame went forth into all Syria : and they broughtHim allwho were sick

,afflicted with various diseases and torments, and the demoniz ed,

and the lunatics, and the paralytics and He healed them .

25And many mul titudes followed Him from Galilee and Decapo lis and Jerusalem and Judea and beyond the' Jordan .


Zee .

M at t . 8 . 2 -

4 .

2And be

ho ld, a leper, having come,

continued to worship Him,

saying ;Lord

,ifyou maybe

willing, you are able to

cleanse m e.3And Jesus


reaching forth His hand,

touched him,saying, I am

wil ling ; be thou cleansed.

And immediately his leprosywas cleansed.

4And Jesussays to him

,See that you

may tel l no one ; but go ,Show thyse lf to the priest ,and Offer the gift which MO

“I sa. 5 3 . 4.

M ark -

45 .

40Andaleper comes to Him


Him,and bowing the knee

to Him,and saying to Him ,

That if thou mayest be wil ling, thou art able to cleanseme .

41And Jesus beingmoved with compassion,

reaching forth His hand,touchedhim

,andsays to him


I will ; be thou cleansed.

42And He speaking, imme

diately the leprosy departedfrom h im

,and h e was


43And chargingh im

,He immediately sent

him away,

44and says to him,

See that you may speak

no thing to any one : but go ,Show thyse lfunto the priest,and offer for thy cleansing

L uke 5 . 1 2 16.

12And it

came to pass, while He was

in one of the cities,and be

ho ld,there I s a man ful l of

leprosy : and seeing Jesus,having fallen on his face,he

prayed to Him . saying, Lord,if you may W lll it

, you are

able to cleanse me .


reaching out His hand,He

touched him,saying, I wil l

be thou cleansed. And im

mediate ly the leprosy de

parted from him .

14And He

commanded him to tell noone but having gone away

,Show thyse lf to th e priest ,

Luke 4.

the dem‘

ons continued to go

out from many,crying, and

saying, Thou art the Christ,the Son Of God. And re

buking them ,He did not

suffer them to speak , becausethey knew that He was the

Christ .


M a t t . 9 .

you may know that the Sonofman has power on earthto forgive sins

, (then He

says to the paralytic ) , Hav

ing arisen, take thy bed, anddepart into thy house .


having arisen,he came away

to his own house .

8And the

mul titude seeing, were as

tonished,and glorified God,

who giveth such power to

men .

From our L ora’s First Passover until t/ie S eeona’.

M ark 2 .

youmayknow that the Son of

man has power on earth toforgive sins 11 (He says to theparalytic ) , I say unto thee


Arise,take thy bed,

and go

into thy house .

12And he

arose immediate ly,and hav

ing taken the bed, went outbefore them all. So that allwere astonished



Never have weseen it after this sort .


é35 . THE CALL OF MATTHEW — Capernawn .

M at t . 9 . 9 . And Jesuspassing along from thence ,saw aman sitting at the to l l


called Matthew ; and He

says to him,

. Fo l low me .

And having arisen up, he

fo llowed Him.

M ark 2 . I 3 , 14 .


He came out again by thesea and the who lemultitudecame to Him , and He was

teaching them .

14And pass

ing along, He saw Matthewthe son ofAlpheus sitting at

the to l l , and says to him,Fo llow me . And rising up,

he fo llowed Him.

ILuke 5 . 2 7 , 28 .

27 And

after these things He came

out, and saw a publican, byname Levi, sitting at the

to l l , and He said to h im,Fo l low me .

28And havingleft all things, rising up, he

fo l lowed Him.

L uke 5 .

Arise , and having taken thybed, go into thy house .

25And immediately havingarisen before them,

takingthe bed on which he waslying down,

he went awayto his own house

, glorifyingGod.

26And rapture seiz ed

them all, and they continuedto glorify God ; and theywere fil led with fear, saying,that

,We have seen the para

doxical this day.




TIME One Year.



John 5 . 1 -

47 .

1AFTER these things was the feast of the Jews ; and Jesus went up into Jerusalem.

2And there is a poo l at the sheep- market , cal led in Hebrew Beth z atha, havingfive porches.

3 In them a mul titude of the sick, blind, lame , withered, were lying down .

5And a certain man was there , being thirty - eight years in his infirmity ; 6Jesus seeing himlying down,and knowing that he already has much time , says to him ; DO you wish to

be who le ? 7The sick man responded to Him,Lord

,I have no man that may put me

in the poo l , when the water may be troubled : and while I come , ano ther goes downbefore me .

8And Jesus says to h im,Arise , take thy bed, and walk about . 9And the

man was made who le , and he took up his bed and continued to walk about . And it

was the Sabbath on that day.

10Then the Jews were saying to the healed man,I t is the

Sabbath , and it is no t lawful for thee to carry thy bed.

11He responded to them , the

o ne having made me who le , He said to me , Take thy bed, and walk about . 12Theyasked him,

Who is the man who said to thee , Take thy bed, and walk about ? 13And

the sick man did no t know who He is : for Jesus went out,the crowd being in the place .

14And after these things, Jesus finds h im in the temple , and said to him,Beho ld


hast been made who le : sin no more , lest something worse may come on thee .


the man departed, and said to the Jews,that Jesus is the one having made him who le .

16And on account of this the Jews continued to persecute Jesus, because He was do ingthese things on the Sabbath . ”And He responded to them,My Father worke th until

now,and I wo rk.

18Therefore the Jews the more sought to kil l Him ,because He no t

only broke the Sabbath , but said that God was His Father, making himselfequal to God.

19Then Jesus responded and said to them,Truly


, I say unto you, The Son is notable to do anything H imself, unless He may see the Father doing it : for whatso everHe

may do , the Son likewise also do eth the same .

20For the Father loveth the Son, and

showeth Him all things which He doe th ; and wil l show Him greater things than these ,in order that you may be astonished.

21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead and cre

ateth life in them,so the Son also createth life in whom He will . 22For the Fatherjudgeth no one , for He hath given alljudgment to the Son ; 23 in order that allmay honor

the Son, as they may honor the Father. He that honoreth no t the Son honoreth no t the

Father who sent Him .


, I say unto you ,that every one hearingmyword,

and believing on Him that sent me hath eternal l ife , and do th not come into judgment,

but has passed out ofdeath into life .

25 Tru1y,truly

,I - say unto you, that the hour com

eth and now is,when the dead wil l hear the voice of the Son ofGod ; and having heard

wil l live .

26For as the Father hath life in Himself, so also He has given to His Son to

have life also in Himself. 27And He hath given Him authority to execute the judgment,35

36 From our L ord’s S eeona’ Passover until l/ze Tnira’. [PART IV.

John 5 .

because He is the Son ofman.

28DO no t be astonished at this : because the hour cometh , in which allwho are in their graves will hear His voice, 29and come forth ; thosehaving done good,

unto the resurrection of life ; and those having done evil , unto the

resurrection ofjudgment . 301 am no t able to do anything ofmyself: as I hear,I judge

and my judgment is righteous ; because I do no t seek my own wil l,but the will of the

One having sent me .

3l1fI testify concerningmyself, my testimony is no t true .

32Thereis ano ther who testifieth concerning me ; and you know that the testimony which He

testifies concerningme is true .

3”3You sent to John, and he witnessed to the truth : 3 ‘i but Ido no t receive the witness with man : but I speak these th ings that you may be saved.

35 He was a bright and shining light : and you were willing to rejoice for an hour in thatlight . 36But I have a testimony greater than that ofJohn : for the works that the Fatherhath given me that I may perfect them ,

these works which I do , testify concerning me ,that the Father hath sent me .

37And the Father having sent me , He hath testified con

cerning me : never have you heard His voice , neither have you seen His face : 38 and youhave no t His word abiding in you : because you do no t believe Him whom He has sent .39 Search the Scriptures, because in them ye think ye have e ternal life ; and they are theywhich testify concerning me ;

40and you do no t wish to come u to me, in order that you

may have life .

41 1 do no t receive glory with men ;42but I know you that you have no t

the love of God in you.

43 1 have come in the name of my Father, and you do no t

receive me : if ano ther may come in his own name, you will receive him .

44How are

you able to believe , receiving glory from one ano ther, and do no t seek the glory whichis with God only ? 45 Do not think that I wil l accuse you to the Father ; there is one

accusing you, in whom you have hoped.

46Fo r ifyou were believing Mo ses, you werebelieving me ; for he wro te concerning me .

47For if you do no t believe his writings,how will you believe my words ?


way to Galilee .

M at t . 1 2 . 18 .

1At thattime Jesus went on the Sab

bath through the cornfields ;

and His disciples were hungry, and began to pluck theears, and “eat. 2And the

Pharisees, seeing, said to

Him ,Beho ld thy disciples

are doingwhat is no t lawfulto do on the Sabbath . 3And

He said to them ,Have you

no t read what David did,

when he was hungry, and

those with bhim ? 4How he

came into the house ofGod,and ate the shewbread,


was no t lawful for him to

eat,nor those with him ,


cept the priests only ? 5 Haveyou no t read in the law , thatthe priests in the temple doprofane the Sabbath , and are

blameless ? 6But I sayuntoyou, that there is One here“Dent . 2 3 . 2 5 .

“1 Sam . 2 1 . 1 - 6.

M ark 2 . 23- 28 .

23And it

came to pass, that He was

traveling through the cornfields on the Sabbath—day ;and His disciples began to

make the journey pluckingthe ears.

24And the Pharisees continued to sayto Him,Beho ld what they are doingon the Sabbath , which is no tlawful . 25And He said to

them ,Have ye no t read

what David did,when he

had need, and was hungry,and those with him ? 26How

he entered into the house of

God, in the days ofAbiathar,the high priest , and did eat

the shewbread, which is no tlawful to eat except for thepriest , and he gave it to

those being with him ?

Luke 6 . 1 - 5 .

1Andit came

to pass on the second Sab

bath , He was going throughthe cornfields and His dis

ciples were plucking the

ears, and eating, shellingthem out with their hands.

2And certain ones of the

Pharisees said to them ,Why

are you do ing that which isno t lawful to do on the Sab

bath ? 3Jesus responded and

said to them,Have ye no t

read what David did, whenhe was hungry, and thosebeing with him ? 4How he

entered into the house of

God,and how he took the

shewbread,and ate it


gave it’ to those with him ;

which is no t lawful to eat,

except the priests only ?


M at t . 1 2 .

greater than the temple .

7 But ifye had known whatthis is, I wish mercy , and

no t “sacrifice , ye would no t

have condemned th e inno

cent . 8For the Son ofman

is Lord of the Sabbath .

M ark 2 .

27And He said to them ,The

Sabbath was made for the

sake Of man,and no t man

for the sake of the Sabbath .28 SO the Son ofman is alsoLord of the Sabbath .

From our l ord’s Second Passover until tbc Tnird. 37

Luke 6.

5And He said to them , The

Son ofman is Lord of the

Sabbath also .


M att . I 2 . 9- 14 .


ing passed on thence , He

came into their synagogue .

10And beho ld,there was a

man havinga withered hand.

And they asked Him saying,

Whether is it lawful to healon Sabbath ? that they mightaccuse Him .

11And He said

to them ; What man shal lthere be Of you,

who shal lhave one sheep,

and if it

shal l fal l into a pit on the

Sabbath , wil l he no t layho ldofit and lift it up ? 12

"Therefore howmuch more valuableis a man than a sheep ? So

it is lawful to do good on the

Sabbath . 13Then He says tothe man,

Reach forth thyhand. And he reached it

forth and it was restored.

14And the Pharisees, havinggone out, took counse l againstHim that they might destroyHim .


M att . 1 2 . 1 5 2 1 .

15And Jesus h avingknown it departed thence : and many mul titudes fo l lowed him ,

and he healed them all.

TUDES — Lake of Galilee .

M ark 3 . 7 - 1 2 .

7And Jesus departedwithHis disciples to the sea : and a great mul titude fo llowed Him from Galilee

,and fromJudea, 8 and from Jerusalem

,and from

Idumea,and from beyond the Jordan ,

and those about Tyre and Sidon, a greatmul titude , hearing so many things that He was do ing, came to Him .

9AndHe said to

HIS disciples, that a little boat shouldwait on Him in order that they mayno t tread on

“Ho s . 6 . 6.

M ark 3 . L 6.

1He came

again into the synagogue , a

man‘ was there having a

withered hand.

“ 2And theywere watching Him ,

if He

will heal him on th e Sab

bath , that they might accuseHim.

3And He says to theman havingawitheredhandRise up in the midst . 4And

He says to them ; I S it law

ful to do good or to do evilon the Sabbath ; to savelife , or to kil l ? And theywere silent . 5And lookinground on them with indignation

,being grieved over

the hardness of their hearts,He says to the man ; Reachforth thy hand. And he

reached it forth and it was


6And the Pharisees, having gone Out im

mediately along with the

Herodians,took counse l

against Him in order thatthey might kil l Him.

L uke 6 . 6 it

came to pass on ano ther Sabbath

,that He came into the

synagogue and taught, and

a man was there,whose righthand was withered.


the scribes and Phariseeswere watching Him ,

if He

wil l heal him on the Sab

bath,in order that they may

find accusation againt Him .

8ButHe knew their thoughts,and said to the man havingthe withered hand

,Rise up,

and stand in the midst ; andhe having arisen stood.

9And Jesus said to them,I

wil l ask you ; What is lawfulon the Sabbath ; to do go od,or to do evil ? to savelife

,or to destroy ? 10And

looking around upon themall

,He said to him


forth thy hand. And h e did

so : and his hand was re


11And they werefilled with rage ; and theywere talking one to ano therwhat they might do to Jesus.

38 From our L ord’s Second Passover until tlze Tlz ird. [PART IV.

M ark 3 .


10For He healed many ; so that they were falling before Him so that theymight touch Him,

so many as had diseases.

“And unclean spirits, when they sawHim

,fel l down before Him , and were cry

ing out,saying, Thou art the Son of God.

12And He charged them much that theyshould not make Him known.

M att. 1 2 .

16And He charged them much that theyshould no t make Him known .

17 In order

that the word spoken by Isaiah the prophe tmight be fulfilled,

saying,“ 18 Beho ld, my servant whom I have chosen ; my belovedin whom my soul took delight : I wil l place my Spirit upon Him,

and He will ‘


claim judgment to the Gentiles.

19He wil l no t strive,nor scream ,

nor Shal l any one

hear His voice in the streets.

20The bruised reed He will no t break ,and He wil l

no t quench the smoking wick, until He may send forth judgment unto victory.é4o . JESUS W ITHDRAW S To THE MOUNTA IN




M ark 3 . I 3- 19 .

M att . I O . 2 -

4 .

2And theseare the names ofthe apostlesfirst

, Simon,who is cal led

Pe ter,

and Andrew h is

bro ther ; James the son of


and John his

bro ther ; 3Philip and Bar

tholomew ; Thomas and

Matthew thepublican James

the son of Alpheus, and

Lebbeus called Thaddeus ;4Simon the Zealo t andJudasI scario t

,th e one also having

betrayed Him.

13And He goes up intothe mountain

,and cal ls whom He W ished :

and they went away to Him .

14AndHe made

twe lve (apostles) that theymaybe with Himand that He may send them out to preach ,

15 and to havepower to heal diseases, and

to cast out the demons.

16And He placed the name

Peteron Simon 17 and Jamesthe son ofZebedee , andJohnthe brother of James ; and

on them He placed the

names Boanerges, which is,Sons of thunder : 18 and Andrew and Philip, and Bar

tholomew, and Matthew


and Thomas,and James the

son ofAlpheus, and Thaddeus, and Simon the Zealo t,and Judas I scario t


also betrayed Him .

L uke 6 . 1 2 - 19 .

in those days,thal

mountain to pray ; and was there throughthe night in the prayer of God.

when it was day, He called His disciples

12And it came to pass

He went out into the


to Him : and having chosentwe lve from them

,whom He

also named apostles ; 14Si

mon,whom He also named

Pe ter, and Andrew his

bro ther, James and John,

Philip and Bartho lomew,

15 Matthew and ThomasJames the son Of Alpheus,and Simon cal led the Zealo t16and Judas the bro ther ofJames

,and Judas I scario t ,

who also became His be


”And having come down

with them,He stood upon a

level place , andagreat mul titude ofHis disciples, and a

great crowd ofpeople from allJudea and Jerusalem ,and Tyre and Sidon by the sea


who came to hear Him,and to be healed of their diseases ; 18 and those troubled by

unclean spirits ; and they were getting healed.

19And the who le mul titude soughtto touch Him : because b

power was going out from Him,and was healing all.

541 . THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT.— Near Capernaum.

M att. 5 . I to 8 . I .

1And seeing the multitudes

,He went up into the mountain ; and

having sat down,His disciples came to

Him .

is theirs.

“I sa . 42 . 1 3 ; I I . 1 0 .

2And having Opened His month He

taught them ,saying ; 3 Blessed are the poor

in spirit : because th e kingdom ofthe heavens4Blessed are the meek


bGr. dynamite .

Luke 6 . 20-

49 .

20AndHe liftingup Hiseyes to His disciples, said

,B lessed are ye

poor : because the kingdom ofGod is yours.

21Blessed are ye who hunger now : because

é4l -l

M att. 5 .

they shal l inherit the earth . 5 Blessed are

they that mourn : because they shal l be comforted.

6 B lessed are they that hunger and

thirst afterrighteousness : because they shal l be filled.

5 Blessed are the pure in heart : because they shall9B lessed are the peacemakers because they shal l be cal led the sons ofGod.

10Blessed are they, who are persecuted forcause they shall receive mercy .see God.

righteousness’ sake : for the kingdom of the

heavens is theirs.

11 B lessed are ye whenthey may despise you, and shal l persecuteyou, andmay say all evil against you ,

falsifying, for my sake .

12Rejo ice , and be ex

ceedinglyglad : because your reward is greatin the heavens : for in this manner they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

From our L ord


s Second Passover until tne Tnird. 39

Luke 6 .

ye shal l be filled. B lessed are ye who weepnow : because ye shal l laugh .

7 B lessed are the merciful be

22Blessed are

ye , when the people may hate you, and

when they may separate you,“ and cast

out your name as evil , for the sake Of the

Son of man .

23Rejoice in that day, and

leap for joy : for beho ld your reward in

heaven is great : for according to thesethings were their fathers accustomed to do

to .the prophets.

24Moreover woe unto you rich ! because you exhaust yourreward.

25Woe unto you who are ful l ! because you shal l hunger. Woe untoyou who are now laughing ! because you shal l weep andmourn.

26Wo e untoyou wh en all the people may speak wel l of you ! because according to the

same things their fathers were accustomed to do to the false prophets.

13Ye are the sal t of the earth ; and if the sal t may lose its savor,in what shal l it be

sal ted? I t is yet without value , except having been cast out, to be troddena

under fee tby the people .

14Ye are the light of the world. A city sitting on a mountain is unableto be hidden.

15 Neither do they light a candle , and place it under a bushe l , but on thecandlestick ; and it shineth to allwho are in the house .

16Let your light so shine beforethe people , in order that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who isin the heavens.

17 Think no t that I came to destroy the law of the prOphets : I came no t

to destroy, but to fulfill . 18For truly I say unto you, Until heaven and earth may pass

away , one jo t or tittle can no t pass from the law,until all things may be accomplished.

19Therefore ifany one maybreak one ofthe least ofthese commandments, and so teach thepeople , he shal l be cal led the least in the kingdom of the heavens : but whosoever maydo and teach them,

the same shal l be called great in the kingdom of the heavens.

20ForI say unto you,

that ifyour righteousness may no t abound more than that of the scribesand Pharisees, you can not enter into the kingdom of the heavens.

21You have heardthat it was said to the ancients, Thou shal t no t murder ; and whosoever maymurder shal lbe in danger of the

bjudgment ; 21 but I say unto you that every one being angry with hisbro ther, Shal l be in danger ofthe judgment ; and whosoevermay say to his bro ther, Thouscoundrel , shal l be in danger ofthe council ; and whosoever may say, Thou foo l , shal l beliable unto a hel l offire .

23Therefore ifyou may bring your gift to the al tar, and thereremember that your bro ther has some thing against you, 24 leave there your gift before thealtar, and go ,

first be reconciled to your bro ther, then having come offer your gift . 25 Be

reconciled with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him ; lest theadversary may deliver you to the judge , and the judge to the officer, and you may be

cast into prison .

26Truly I say unto you, You can not go out from thence until you havepaid the last farthing.

27You have heard that it was said, Thou shal t no t commit Cadultery.

28But I say unto you that every one looking on a woman in order to lust after herhath already committed adul tery with her In his heart . 29And if thy right eye offend

thee , pluck it out, and cast it from thee : for it is profitable to thee that one of thy mem

bersmayperish , and not that thy who le body maygo away into hel l . 31And it was said,Whosoever may send away h is wife

,let him give her a divorcement . 32But I say unto

you, that every one sending away his wife, except on account offornication, causeth her

“Turn yo u out of the Church .bEx . 20. 1 3.

cEx . 20 . I 4.

“Dent . 24. I . Mark I 0. 2 -


40 From our L ord s S econd Passover until the Tli ird. [PART IV.

M a tt . 5 .

to commit adultery : andwhosoevermaymarry herwho has been cast offcommits adul tery .33Again you have heard that it was said to the ancients, Thou shal t no t swear falsely,but shal l perform unto the Lord thine “oaths.

34But I say unto you, Swear no t at all;neither by heaven, because it is the throne ofGod ;

35 nor by the earth,because it is the

foo tstoo l of His feet ; neither by Jerusalem,because it is the city of the great King.

36Neither swear by thy head, because thou art unable to make one hair white or “black .

37 But let your speech be , Yea, yea ; Nay, nay ; but that which aboundeth more thanth ese is of the evil one .

a too th for a “too th .smites thee on thy right cheek, turn to himthe o theralso 40to him wishing to prosecutethee at law

,and take away thy coat

,let him

have the cloak also .

41Whosoever shal lcompel thee to go a mile

, go with him two .

42Give to the One asking thee , and do no t

turn away from the one wishing to borrowfrom thee .

43You have heard that it wassaid

,“Thou shalt love thy neighborand hatethine enemy . 44But I say unto you ,

Loveyour enemies with a divine love , bless thosewho curse you and pray for those who despiteful ly use you and persecute you : 45 in

order that you may be the sons of yourFather who is in the heavens? because He

raises up His sun on the wicked and on the

good, and rains on the righteous and on the


46For if you love those that 'love you,what reward have ye ? because

the publicans also do the same .

47 If you

salute your bre thren only,what do ye more

abundantly ? do no t the heathens also the

same thing?

3f’You have heard that it was said,An eye for an eye , and

39But I say unto you, Resist no t him that is evil : but. whosoeverLuke 6 .

— 29To the one smiting thee on the cheekturn the o theralso and from the one takingaway thy cloak do not withho ld even the

coat . 30Give to every one asking thee , andturn no t away from the one taking thy possessions,—

27But say unto[you that hear,

Love your enemies with divine love , and dogood to those that hate you, bless tho se whocurse you,

and pray for those who despiteful ly use you.

—32 Ifyou love those wholove you, what grace is there to you ? for

even sinners love,those who love them .

33And if you may 'do good to those do inggood to you,

what grace is there to you ?

for sinners also do the same .

34And ifyou

may lend to those from whom you mayhopeto receive

,what grace is there to you ? for sinners lend to Sinners

,that they

may receive back the equivalent . 36Moreover love your enemies,and do

good, and lend,hoping no thing in re turn ; and your reward shal l be great,

43 Therefore ye shal l be perfect , as yourFather who is in heaven is “perfect .M att . 6 .

and you shal l be the sons Of the Highestbecause He is good to the ungrateful andwicked.

36Therefore be ye merciful, as yourFather is indeed merciful .

1But take heed that you do no t your righteousness before the people , inorder to be seen by them : else you have no reward with your Father who is in the beavens : 2 therefore when you may do alms

,do no t sound a trumpet before you,

as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, in order that they may be glorified by thepeople : truly I say unto you,

They exhaust their reward.

3But thou do ing alms,let no t

thy left hand know what thy right handdoeth 4 in order that thine almsmaybe in secretand thy Father who sees in secre t will reward thee openly . 5And when you pray , be notlike the hypocrites : because they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the cor

ners of the streets, in order that they may appear unto the people . Truly I sayunto you,

They exhaust their reward.

6But when thou mayest pray , enter into thy close t, and

having closed thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret

,and thy Father who see th in

secret wil l reward thee openly . 7And praying do no t use vain repe titions as the heathendo : for they think they shal l be heard in their much speaking.

8Therefore be no t like“Lev . 1 9. 1 2 ; Deut . 2 3 . 2 1 .

bJas . 5 . 1 2 .6Ex, 2 1 . 24.

“Lev . 19. 1 8 , eDeut . 1 8 . I 3 .


M at t . 7 .

your own eye , and then you will see clearlyto cast out the mo te from the eye of yourbro ther.

6Give not that which is ho ly tothe dogs, neither cast your pearls before the

From our L ord’s S econd Passover until t/ze Tnird. [PART Iv.

L uke 6 .

first cast out the beam from your own eye ,and then you wil l see clearly to cast out themo te which is in the eye of your bro ther.

swine,lest th ey may trample them under their feet, and having turned round tear

you to pieces.

7Ask,and it shall be given unto you ; seek, and ye Shal l find ; knock,

and it shal l be opened unto you.

8For every one asking receives ; and the one seek

ing finds ; and to the one knocking it shal l be Opened.9What man is there of

you, whom ,ifh is son shall ask bread, he wil l give h im a stone ? 10And if he may

ask a fish , whether wil l he give hirri a serpent ? 11Therefore if you, being evil,

know how to give good gifts to your children,how much more shal l your Father

who is in the heavens give good things tothem that ask Him ? 12Therefore allthingswhatsoever you may wish that the peoplemay do unto you, do ye even so unto themfor this I S the law and the prophe ts.

31And as you wish that the people maydo

unto you, do ye unto them even likewise .

13 Enterye in through the narrow gate : becausewide 15 the gate and broad is the way, that leade th to destruction,

and many thereare

,who are go ing in through it.

14Because narrow is the gate,“ and contracted the

way, that leadeth into life , and few there are who find it. 15 But beware Of falseprophets, who come to you in sheep’s clo thing, but inwardly they are rapacious

wo lves.

16You shal l know them by theirfruits. Do the people gather the grapebunches from thorns

, or figs from thistles ?17 So every good tree produces good fruits ;and a corrupt tree produces evil fruits.


good tree is not able to produce evil fruits,neither is a corrupt tree able to producebeautiful fruits.

19Every tree no t produc

ing beautiful fruit is cut down and cast intothe fire .

20Therefore you'

shal l know themperfectly by their fruits.

21No t every onesaying to me , Lord, Lord, shal l enter into thekingdom of the heavens ; but he that doeththe will ofmy Father who is in the heavens.

44For every tree is known by its own fruitfor they do no t gather figs from thorns, nordo they gather the grape

- bunch from the

bramble .— 43For there is no beautiful tree

producing corrupt fruit, nor corrupt treeproducing beautiful fruit — 45 The good man

out of th e good treasure ofhis heart bringsforth the good ; and the wicked man out

of the wicked treasure of his heart bringsforth that which is wicked : for out of the

abundance Ofhis heart his mouth speaks.

22Many wil l say to me in that day,Lord


,have we no t prophesied in thy name , and in thy name cast out demons


and in thy name done many mighty works ?23Then I wil l confess unto them that I neverknew you : depart from me, ye who work

iniquity . 24Then every one who hears thesewords ofmine , and does them ,

I wil l likenhim unto a wise mari

,who buil t his house

upon the rock .

25And the rain came down,

and the rivers came,and the winds blew,

and fel l against that house ; and it did not

fall for itwas foundedupon the rock .


every one hearing these words ofmine , anddoing them no t

,shal l be likened unto a foo l

ish man, who buil t his house upon the sand.

27And th e rain came down,and the rivers

came,and the winds blew

,and beat againstthat house ; and it fe l l : and great was the

fall ofit. 23And it came to pass when Jesus

.you to whom he is like .

46But why do you cal l me Lord,Lord


and do not the things which I say?47 Every one coming to me

, and hearingmywords, and doing the same

,I wil l show

43He is like untoa man building a house , who dug and wentdown deep, and laid th e foundation upon therock : and there beinga flood, the riverbrokeagainst that house , and it was no t able toshake it ; for it was founded on the rock.

49But the one hearing and no t do ing, islike unto aman building h is house upon the

groundwithout a foundation ,against which

the river broke , and it fel l immediately,and

great was the fal l of that house .

finished these discourses, the multitudes were astonished at His teaching : for He

was teaching them as one having authority,and no t as the scribes .

Matt. 8 .1Andmanymul titudes fo l lowed Him,

comingdown from the mountain,

it42 -

44 -1 From our L ord'

s S econd Passover until tne Tbird. 43


M att. 8 . 5- 1 3 .

5And He having come

into Capernaum,a centurion came to Him


entreating Him,6and saying; Lord,

myservant lies in the house paralyz ed, terriblytormented.

Jews to Him,asking Him that having come He may save his servant .

Luke 7 . H O .

1When He completed all

His words in the ears Of the people , He

came into Capernaum .

2And the servant ofa certain centurion, being sick, was aboutto die , who was precious to him.


hearing about Jesus, h e sent elders of the4And they

,having come to Jesus, continued to entreat Him earnestly , saying, That he to whomHe will do this is worthy : 5 for he loves our race , and himself buil t for us a syna

7And Jesus says to him,Having come I wil l

heal him .

8And the centurion respondingsaid, Lord,

I am no tworthy that thou may

est come in under my roof: but

speak the

word only, and my servant wil l be healed.

9For I am also a man under authority , having so ldiers under me : and I say to thisone , Go , and he goes and to ano ther, Come ,

and he comes ; and to my servant , DO this,and he does it.

10And Jesus hearing, wasastonished, and said to those fo l lowing,Truly I sayunto you,

I did not find so greatfaith in I srael . “And I say unto you, thatmany wil l come from the east and from the

west , and sit up with Abraham,I saac


gogue .

6And Jesus went along with them .

And already He being no t far from the

house,the centurion sent friends ’

to Him,

saying to Him ,Lord

, be no t troubled : for

I am no t worthy that you may come in un

der my roof: 7Therefore I did not countmyse lfworthy to come to thee ; but speak

the word, and my servant shal l be healed.

8For I am also a man placed under authority, having so ldiers underme : and I say tothis one , GO ,

and he goeth ; and to ano ther,

Come,and he cometh ; and to _

my servant,

Do this, and he doeth it. 9And Jesus,hav

ing heard these words, was astonished at

him,and turning to the mul titude fo llowing

said, I say unto you, I did not find SO greatfaith in I srael .

Jacob , in the kingdom of the heavens : 12but the sons of the kingdom shal l be castout into outer darkness : and there Shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth .Jesus said to the centurion,

Go ; and let it be

done unto thee as thou hast be lieved. And

his servant was healed at that hour.


10And those having been sent,returning to

the house , found the servant wel l .


Luke 7 . I I - I 7 .

Nain ; and His many disciples and a great multitude went along with Him .

“And it came to pass consecutively, He departed into a city called12And when

He drew nigh unto the gate of the city,beho ld, a dead man

,an only born son to his

mo ther,and She a widow

,was indeed being carried out : and a great mul titude ofthe city

was along with her.

h er,and said to her

,Weep no t.

the pall - bearers stood stil l : and He said,Youngman,

I say unto thee , Arise .

dead man sat up, and began to talk,and He gave him to his mo ther.

13And the Lord seeing her, was moved with compassion towards14And having come forward He touched the bier : and

15And the16And fear seiz ed

them all: and they continued to glorify God,saying that , A great prophe t has arisen

among us : and,God has looked upon His people .

17And that word about Him wentout in all Judea

,and all the country round about .


M a tt . I I . 2 - 19 .2And John hearing in

the prison the works ofChrist , sending two

ofhis disciples, 3 said to Him ,

Art thou He

who is coming, ormust we expect ano ther?


Luke 7 . 1 8 -

35 .

18AndHis disciples proclaimed to John concerning all these things.


John cal lingcertain two ofhis disciplessent them to the Lord

,saying, Art thou the

one coming, or must we expect ano ther?

From our L ord ’s Second Passover until t/ze Tnird. [PART IV .

L uke 7 .

20And the men having come to Him,said ; John the Baptist sent us to thee, saying ; Artthou the one coming, ormust we expect ano ther? 21And at that hour He healed many of

M att. I I .

4Jesus responding said to them,Having

gone , proclaim unto John the things whichyou hear and see .

5 The blind are lookingup, and the lame are walking about


lepers are being cleansed, and the deafare

hearing, the dead are being raised,and the

poor are having the gospel preached untothem 6and blessed is he , whosoevermayno t be offended in me .

7And they departing, Jesus began to speak to the mul titudesconcerning John,

What went you out in the

wilderness to see ? a reed shaken by thewind? 8But what went you out to see ? a

man clo thed in soft raiment ? Beho ld thosewearing soft raiment are in the houses ofthekings.

9But what went you out to see ? a

prophet ? - Yea,I say unto you, and more

than a prophet : 10for this is he , concerningwhom it has been written,

b Beho ld, I send

mymessenger before my face , who wil l prepare thy way before thee .

11Truly I sayunto you, Among those having been bornofwomen there has no t risen a greater thanJohn the Baptist : nevertheless the least inthe kingdom ofth e heavens is greater thanhe .

12From the days of John the Baptistuntil now the kingdom ofthe heavens suffersvio lence

,and the vio lent are taking it by

force .

13For all the prophets and the law

prophesied till John.

14And ifyou wish toreceive it, he is El ijah , who is to come .

15 Let the one having ears to hear, hear.

16But to whom Shall I liken this generation ?I t is like little children sitting in the marketplace , and calling to their comrades, and

saying, 17We piped unto you ,and you did

not dance ; we mourned unto you, and youdid no t lament .

18For John came neithereating nor drinking, and they say, He has a

demon .

19The Son Ofman came eating anddrinking, and they say, Beho ld, a gluttonous andwine - drinkingman, a friend ofpub

licans and sinners. Wisdom is truly justified by her children .

“I sa. 35 . 5 ; 61 . 1 .bMal. 4 . 5 .


their diseases and ailments and evil spirits ;and He conferred on many the power to see .

”And Jesus responding said to them, Hav

ing gone, proclaim to John those thingswhich you saw and heard ; that the blindare seeing, the lame are walking about , thelepers are being cleansed, the deafare hearing, the dead are being raised up, the poor

are having the gospel preached unto them :a

23 and happy is he whosoever may no t beoffended in me .

24And the messengers OfJohn having gone away, He began to speak

to the mul titudes concerning John, Whatwent ye out into the wilderness to see ? a

reed Shaken by the wind? 25 Butwhat wentyou out into the Wilderness to see ? a manclo thed in soft raiment ? Beho ld those whoare in gaudy appare l and luxury, are in royalpalaces.

26But what went you out to see ?

a prophe t ? Yea, and I say unto you evenmore than a prophet . 27 This is he concerning whom it has been written,b Beho ld, Isend my messenger before thy face , whowil l prepare thy way before thee .

2S I sayunto you,

among those having been born Of

women no prophe t is greater than John theBaptist ; nevertheless the least in the kingdom of God is greater than he .

29And all

the people hearing and the publicans justifiedc God

,being baptiz ed with the baptism

of John.

30But the Pharisees and theolo

gians rejected the counse l of God,againstthemse lves, not having been baptiz ed by


31Then to whom shal l I liken the

men of this generation, and to whom are

they like ? 32They are like unto little children sitting in the marke t - place , and cal lingto one ano ther, and saying, We piped untoyou, and you did not dance ; we mourned

unto you, and you did not weep.

33ForJohn the Baptist has come neither eatingbread nor drinking wine ; and you say, He

has a demon.

34The Son ofman has come

eating and drinking, and you say, Beho ld,a gluttonous wine -drinkingman

,a friend of

publicans and Sinners.

35 Tru1y wisdom is

justified? by her children .

“Mal. 3 . 2 3 .eapproved.

éé45 From our L ord’s S econd Passover until the Tnird. 45


M att. I I . 20-

30 .

20Then He began to upbraid the cities in which the most mightyworks ofHis were performed

,because they did not repent .“ 21Woe unto thee Choraz in !

Woe unto thee, Be thsaida ! because if the mighty works which were wrought in you hadbeen in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackclo th and ashes.

”Moreover I say unto you, it wil l be more to lerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day Ofjudgment than for you.

23And thou,Capernaum ,

art thou no t exal ted up to heaven ?thou shal l be cast down to Hades : because if the mighty works which were wrought inthee had been performed in Sodom , it would have remained until this day.


over I say unto you,that it Shal l be more to lerable for the land of Sodom in the day ofjudgment , than for thee .

”At that time Jesus responding said,I praise thee , O Father, Lord of heaven and of

earth , because thou hast hidden these things from the wise and the prudent , and revealthem unto babes b 26Yea


,because it was so wel l pleasing in thy Sight . 27All

things were delivered unto me by my Father : and no one perfectly knows the Son, ex

cept the Father ; neither does any one perfectly know the Father,except the Son ; and

he to whom the Son may wish to reveal Him .

28 Come unto me,allye who labor and

are heavy laden ,and I will give you rest . 29Take my yoke upon you,

and learn ofme ;because I am meek and lowly in heart : and“

you Shal l find rest unto your souls.30For

my yoke is easy and my burden is light .§ 46. WH ILE S ITTING AT MEAT W ITH A PHAR ISEE, JESUS IS ANOINTED BY A


Luke 7 . 36- 50 .

36And a certain one Of the Pharisees, asked Him,that He would eat

with him,and having come into the house Of the Pharisee , He sat down to the table .

37 Beho ld, a woman who was a sinner,in the city, also having learned that He is dining

in the house of the Pharisee , breaking an alabaster box Ofmyrrh , 38and standing behindby His fee t , weeping, began to mo isten His fee t with tears, and She wiped them with thehairs Ofher head,

and She continued to copiously kiss '

His fee t,and to anoint them with

the myrrh .

3f’And the Pharisee , having invited Him,seeing, spoke within himself


ing, If He were a prophe t , He would know who and what kind the woman is, whotouches Him ,

because she is a sinner.

40And Jesus responding said to him, Simon,


have something to say to thee . And he says, Speak, Teacher.

41There were two

debtors to a certain creditor : the one owed him five hundred denaria,“and the o ther fifty.

42And they no t being able to pay, he forgave them bo th . Then which one of them wil llove him the more ? 43 Simon responding said

,I perceive , that he , to whom he forgave

the more . And He said to him ,You answered correctly . 44And turning to the woman

He said to Simon,Do you see this woman ? I came into thy house

,thou gavest me no

water for my feet : but she washed my fee t with tears, and wiped them with her hairs .

45 Thou gavest me no kiss : She,from the time I came in

,did no t cease copiously kissing

my feet . 46Thou didst no t ano int my head with Oil: but she anointed my feet withmyrrh . 47Therefore I say unto thee , Her Sins

,which are many

,are forgiven ; for She

loved much : but he to whom little is forgiven,loveth little .

48And He said to her ; Thysins are forgiven .

49And those Sitting along with Him began to say among themselves,Who is this who even forgives Sins ? 50And He said to the woman

,Thy faith hath savedthee ; go in peace .


Luke 8 . 1 -

3 .

1And it came to pass consecutively , that He was going through cityand village , proclaiming and preach ing the gospel of God, and the twelve along withHim .

2And certain women who had been healed Of evil spirits and infirmities, Marycal led Magdalene , from whom seven demons had gone out

,3 and Joanna the wife of

Chuz as the steward of Herod,and Susanna, and many o ther women ,

who were accus

tomed to minister unto Him from those things belonging to them .

“Luke 10 . 1 3—1 5 .

bLuke I o . 2 1 .01 5 cents.



From our L ord s Second Passover until tlze Tli ird.



M ark 3 . 20-

30.”And He comes into a house ; and the mul titude come togetheragain

so they are not able to eat bread.

”And those along with Him hearing came out to

arrest Him : for they continued to say, He is beside Himself.M att . 1 2 . 22 -

37 .

”Then a demoniz ed man wasbrought to Him,blind and dumb : and He healed

him,so that the blind and dumb man bo th spake

and saw.

”And all the mul titudes were astonished,and continued to say, I S notthis the son ofDavid? ”Andthe Pharisees hearing, said,This man casts not out de

mons,except throughBeelz e

bul“the prince ofthe demons.

2~5And Jesus knowing theirthoughts said to them ,Every

kingdom divided against itselfcomes to deso lation, and

every city or house dividedagainst itselfshal l not stand.

26And if Satan casts out Sa

tan,he is divided againsthimself; how then will his

k ingdo m s t and? 27 If I

through Beelz ebul cast outdemons

,through whom doyour sons cast them out?

Therefore they shal l be yourjudges.

28But if I throughthe Spirit of God cast outdemons, then the kingdom

ofGod has come nigh untoyou.

29Orhow is any one able to enterinto the house of a strongman, and spoil his goods,unless he may first bind the

strongman, and then he canspoil his house .

30And the

one not being with me is

against me ; and the one not

gathering with me scattersabroad.

31Therefore I say unto you, everysin and blasphemy Shal l be forgiven untomen ; but the blasphemy of the Spirit shal l

32And Whosoever shal l speak a word against the Son of

man,it shal l be forgiven unto him : but

whosoever may speak against the Ho ly

not be forgiven unto men .

“Beelz ebub being th e fly-

god, and Beelz ebul, th e prince of th e demons .

M ark 3 .

”And the scribes havingcome down from Jerusalemwere saying, He has Beelz ebul


,He is casting out

the demons through the

prince ofthe demons.


calling them to Him,He

continued to Speak to them inparables, How is Satan ableto cast out Satan ? ”And if

a kingdom may be dividedagainst itself, that kingdomis not able to stand


iffa house may be dividedagainst itself, that house wil lno tbe able to stand ”and if

Satan stand up against himself; and is divided, he is no table to stand

,but has an end.

sons cast them out?

Luke I I . 14, I 5 , I 7_

- 23 ,14And He was casting out a

demon,and h e was dumb

and it came to pass, the

demon having gone out,the

dumb Spoke ; and the mul

titudes were astonished.

15And certain ones of themsaid

,He casts out the de

mon through Beelz ebul , theprince ofthe demons.


o thers tempting, continued tose k with Him a Sign from


17AndHe , knowingtheir thoughts, said to them ,

E v e ry k ingdom dividedagainst itself, comes to deso

lation,and house fal ls uponhouse .

18And ifSatan wereindeed divided against himself

,how wil l his kingdom

stand Because you sayI am

casting out demons throughBeelz ebul . 19But ifI throughBeel z ebul cast out the de

mons,through whom do yourTherefore they shal l beyour judges : ”but ifI through the finger of

God cast out th e demons, then the kingdom

27NO one is able , havingentered into the house of a

strong man,to spo il his

goods, unless he may firstbind the strong man

, and

then he will spoil his house .

of God has come nigh untoyou.

”When the strongman

armed may keep his palace ,his goods are in peace : ”butwhen one stronger than he ,having come , may conquerhim , he takes away his panoply in which h e trusted, anddivides his spoils.

23 The one

not being with me is againstme ; and the one no t gathering with me scatters abroad.

M ark 3 .

28Truly I say unto you, that all Sins shal lbe forgiven unto the sons ofmen

,and blas

phemies whatsoever they may blaspheme

29but whosoevermay blaspheme against theHo ly Ghostb hath never forgiveness, but issubject ofe ternal condemnation .

they were saying, He has an unclean spirit .30Because

bGr. Holy Spirit.

From our Lord’s Second Passover until tne Tnird.49 47

M att . 1 2 .

Spirit, it shal l no t be forgiven unto him ,either in this age , or that which is to come .

33 Either make the tree good, and its fruit good ; or make the tree corrupt , and its fruitcorrupt : for the tree is known by the fruit . 340 ye generations of vipers, how are you,being evil , able to speak good things ? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouthspeaks.

35 The goodfman

,out ofthe good treasure (heart ) brings forth good things : and

the wicked man out of the wicked treasure (heart ) brings forth wicked things.


I say unto you, that every idle word whatsoever men shal l Speak, they Shal l give an

account concerning the same in the day ofjudgment . 37For by thy words thou shal t bejustified, and by thy words thou shal t be condemned.

é49 . THE SCR IBES AND PHAR ISEES SEEK A S IGN .M att . 1 2 . 38


45 .

38Then certain ones of

the scribes andPharisees responded, saying,Teacher

,we wish to see a Sign from Thee .

39He responding, said to them,A wicked

and adul terous generation seeks aftera Signand no Sign Shal l be given unto it exceptthe Sign of the prophe t Jonah . 40For asJonah was in th e stomach ofthe whale threedays and three nights,“ so shal l the Son of

man be in the heart Of the earth three daysand three nights.

41The men of Ninevehwil l rise in judgment with this generation,and condemn it : because they repented at

the preaching of Jonah ;b and beho ld,a

greater than Jonah is here .

42The queen Of

the south wil l rise in judgment with thisgeneration, and condemn it : because she

came from th e uttermost parts of the earthto hear the wisdom ofSo lomon and beho lda greater than So lomon is here .

but on a candlestick,in order that those coming in may see the light .






were seekingwith him a Sign fromheaven.

”And the mul titudes being assembled,He

began to say, This is a wickedgeneration it

seeks after a Sign, and no Sign Shal l be givento it except the Sign of the prophe t Jonah .30For as Jonah was a Sign to the Ninevites,so shal l the Son ofman also be a Sign to

this generation .

32The men ofNineveh wil l rise in judgmentwith this generation, and condemn it : be

cause they repentedat the preachingofJonah ;and beho ld a greater than Jonah is here .

31The queen ofthe south wil l rise in judgmentwith this generation, and condemn them ;because she came from the uttermost partsof the earth , to hear the wisdom of So lomon and beho ld

,a greater than So lomon

is here .—33N0 one

,having lighted a lamp,

putte th it in a ce llar, nor under a bushel,

34The lightof the body is the eye : therefore when thine eye may be clear

,truly thy who le body

is lighted ; but when it may be bad, truly thy body is dark.

35 See then that thelight which is in thee is no t darkness.

”And when the unclean Spirit may go out

from the man,he goes through dry places

seeking rest , and finds none .

44Then he

says,I will re turn to myown house whence

I came out ; and having come,he finds it

empty, swept , and beautified.

45 Then hegoes, and takes with him seven o ther spiritsmore wicked than himself

,and having come

in dwel ls there : and the last state of thatman is worse than the first . So it wil l alsobe with this wicked generation.

36 If then thy who le body is lighted, havingno part dark, allwil l be lighted, as when a

lamp may light thee with its brightness.

”When the unclean spirit may go out from

the man,he goes through dry places ; seek

ing rest,and finding none

,he says

,I wil l

return into my own house,whence I came


”And having come he finds it sweptand beautified.

”Then he goes, and takesseven o ther spirits more wicked than him

self; and having come in he dwells thereand the last state of that man is worse thanthe first .”And it came to pass, while He is speak

ing these words, a certain woman lifting up her vo ice from the crowd, said to Him,Blessed is the womb having borne thee , and the breasts which thou didst suck.

”And He said,Truly blessed are those hearing the word ofGod

,and keeping it.

“Jonah 1 , I 7 .bJonah 3 . 4, 5 .

6 1 Kings 10. I .


48 From our L ord s S econd Passover until tne Tbird. [PART IV.


M att . 1 2 . 46- 50 .


He yet speaking to the mul

titudes,beho ld, His mo ther

and His bro thers stoodwithout

,seeking to speak to

Him .

47And a certain one

said to Him ; Beho ld, thymo ther and thy bro thersstand without

,seeking to

speak to thee .

48And He

responding said to the one

speaking to Him ; Who is

mymo ther,and who are mybro thers ? 49And reaching

forth His hand to His disci

ples, He said,Beho ld my

mo ther and my bro thers !50For whosoevermaydo thewill ofmy Father who is inthe heavens

,the same is mybro ther

,and my sister


mymo ther.

é5 i .

L uke I I . 3 7-


would dine with him : and having come in,He sat up at the table .

seeing, was astonished because He was not first baptiz ed before dinner.

M ark 3 . 3 I-

35 .


Hismo therand His bro therscome ; and standingwithout ,sent to Him, calling Him .

32And the crowd was sittinground Him ; and they say toHim

,Beho ld thy mo ther

and thy bro thers without areseeking thee .

33And He re

sponding to them,says


is mymo ther and my bro thers ? 34And looking round

on His disciples Sitting aboutHim in a circle

,He says

,Beho ld my mo ther and mybro thers !35 Forwhosoever

maydo the wil l ofGod, thesame is my bro ther, and mySister

,and mymo ther.


Luke 8 . 19- 2 1 .


His mo ther and His bro thers came to Him ,

and were

not [able to reach H im on

account ofthe crowd.”And

itwas to ldHim,

Thymo therand thy bro thers stand without

,wishing to see thee .

”And He responding said to


My mo ther and mybro thers are the ones hearing the word of God


doing it.


,that He

38And the Pharisee39And the

Lord said to him,Now you Pharisees purify the outside of the cup and the plate , but

the interior is ful l of extortion and 'wickedness.“

made the outside also make the inside ?

beho ld all things are pure unto you.

mint and rue and every herb,and you pass by judgment and the love of God :

hoOveth to do these things, and no t to omi t those .b

you love the front seat in the synagogues, and salutations in the forums.

4OYe foo ls,did not the One having

41Therefore give alms of your substance ; and42But woe unto you, Pharisees ! because you tithe

it be43Woe unto you, Pharisees ! because

44Woe untoyou ! because you are like tombs unseen, and men walking over them do no t know it.“45And a certain one of the theo logians responding says to Him,

Teacher, speaking thesethings yon indeed insul t us.

“ 46And He said,Woe unto you, theo logians ! because you

lay burdens on the people difficul t to be borne , and you yourselves do no t touch theburdens with one ofyour fingers.

47Wo e unto you ! because you build the sepulchers ofthe prophe ts, and your fathers kil led them .

f 48Therefore you are witnesses and you con

sent unto the works of your fathers . because they slew them,and you build.

49Therefore the wisdom ofGod said

,I wil l send unto them prophe ts and apostles ; and some of

them they wil l Slay and persecute .“ 50In order that the blood ofall the prophets poured

out from the foundation of the world, may be required from this generation ; 5 1from the

blood ofAbe l unto the blood of Zachariah,who perished be tween the al tar and the

house ; yea, I say unto you, it shal l be required of this generation fi 52Woe unto you,theo logians ! because you have taken away the key ofknowledge : you did no t come in,

and you prohibited those who were coming in .

’i 5 3And He having come out from thence ,the scribes and Pharisees began vehemently to press on Him ,

and mouthe after Him con

cerningmany things ; 54 laying in wait, to catch something from His mouth .gMatt . 2 3 . 34



"Matt. 2 3 . 1 3 .“Matt . 2 3 . 6 .

hG en . 4. 8 ; 2 Chron . 24. 3 1 .“Matt . 2 3 . 2 7 .

“Matt . 2 3 . 4 .“Matt . 2 3 . 2 5 .

M att. 2 3 . 29-

3 1 .bMatt. 2 3 . 2 3 .

50 From our Lord’s Second

’ Passover nnfz'


Luke 1 2 .

that he will gird himself, and have them Sit down,and having come will serve them .

3S Ifat the second, and third,watch he may come

,happy are ye .

39Know this,that if

the landlord knew at what hour the thief come th,he would no t have permitted his house

to be broken into .

40Be ye also ready . because at an hour you do not think the Son of

man come th .41And Pe ter said '

to Him,Lord, do you speak this parable to us, or to all?a 42The Lord

said, Who then 15 the faithful , wise steward,whom the lord wil l establish over h is house

ho ld,to give them their food In season ? 43Happy 15 that servant , whom his lord having

come shal l thus find watching.

44Truly I say unto you ,that he wil l establish him over all

his possessions.

45 But ifthat servant may sayin his heart , mylorddelayeth his coming, andmay begin to smite the servants and handmaideris, and to eat and drink, and be drunken ;46 the lord of that servant wil l come in a day in which he does no t expect , and in an

hour in which he does no t know,and wil l cut h im off

,and wil l appoint his part with the

unbe lievers.

47But that servant knowing the wil l ofhis lord, and no t preparing or doingaccording to his will

,shal l be beaten with many stripes.

48But the one not knowing,and doing things worthy ofstripes, shal l be beaten with few. But to every one to whommuch is given,

much wil l be required ofhim : and to whom they commit much , of himthey wil l ask the more .

49 1 have come to send fire on the earth ; and what do I will,

if it is already kindled? 50And I have a baptism to be baptiz ed with ; and how am I

straitened til l it may be perfected ! 5 1Do you think that I have come to give peace on

the earth ? I say unto you,Nay, but division !) 5 2For from now

,there shal l be five in

one house divided, three shal l be divided against two , and two against three :0 53 the

father against the son,and the son against the father ; and the mo ther against the daugh

ter,and the daughter against the mo ther ; the mo ther- in- law against the daughter- in- law


and the daughter in- law against the mo ther- in- law .

5 4And he also spoke to the mul titudes, When you may see a cloud rising from the

west, you immediately say, that the rain come th ; and it is so za 5 5 and when the south

wind is blowing, you say, that it wil l be ho t ; and it is so .

56You hypo crites, you knowhow to discern the face of the earth and the firmament ; and how do you not discern thistime ? 57Why do you no t judge righteous judgment, even with reference to yourselves ?5 8For as you go with your adversary to the ruler

, give attention on the way that you bereconciled with him ; lest he may de liver you to the judge , and the judge Shal l turn youover to the officer, and the officer wil l cast you into prison .

6 59 1 say unto you, You canby no means come out thence,til l you have even paid the last mite .



lee .

Luke 1 3 1 -


1And there were certain ones at that time announcing to him_


ing the Galileans,whose blood Pilate mixed with their sacrifices.

2And responding to

them He said,Do you think that those Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans, be

cause they suffered these things ? 3 I say unto you, Nay . but unless you may repent, youshal l all likewise perish . 4Or those eighteen,

on whom the tower in Saloam fel l , and

killed them,do you think that they were offenders above all the men that dwel l in jeru

salem ? 5 I say unto you,Nay but unless you may repent, you wil l all likewise perish .

6And He spoke this parable, A certain one had a fig tree planted in his v ;ineyard and

came seeking fruit, and found none : 7 and h e said to the vinedresser, Beho ld, three yearsfrom which I come seeking fruit on this fig- tree , and I find none . cut it down ; whyindeed does it cumber the ground? 8And responding h e says to him,

Lord,let it alone

also this year, until I shal l dig about it,and cast manuré s : 9 and if it may bear _


in the future ; and ifnot you shall cut it down .

“Matt . 24. 45-

5 1 .bMatt. I O . 34.

CM ic . 7 . 6.dMatt. 1 6. 2 .

eMatt. 5 . 25 .

§ 54 From our L ord'

s S econd Passover until tne Tlzird. 5 1

§ 54 . PARABLE OF THE SOWER .— Laée of Galilee ; near Capernaum .

M att. 1 3 . 1 - 23 .

lOn thatday Jesus having come out

from the house , was sittingby the sea : 2andmanymultitudes were gathered untoHim ,

so that having gone

into a ship, He sat ; and the

who le mul titude stood on the

shore .

3AndHe Spoke manythings to them in parables,saying, Beho ld a sower wentout to sow.

4And while hewas sowing, some seeds fel lby the wayside , and the

fowls came and ate them up.

5And o thers fel l amongstones, where they had no t

much earth : and sprang upimmediate ly , because theyhad no depth ofearth : 6andthe sun having risen theywere scorched ; and becausethey had no roo t

,they with

ered away . 7 But o thers fel lamong thorns ; and the

thorns sprangup and chokedthem .

8But o thers fel l ingo od ground,

and gave fruit,some a hundred, some Sixty ,and some thirty .

9Let him

that hath ears to hear, hear.

10And His disciples coming,said to Him ; Wherefore doyou speak to them in parables ? 11He responding said

to them,Because it has been

given unto you to know the

mysteries of the kingdom of

the heavens, but to them it

has no t been given.


who soever has,it Shal l be

given to him,and he shal l

have more abundantly : butwhosoever has no t

,it shall

be taken from him even whathe has.

13Therefore I speakto them in parables ; becauseseeing they see no t

,andhearing they hear not, nei

M ark 4 . 1 - 25 .


He began to teach by thesea : and a great mul titudeis gathered unto Him, so

that H e having gone into a

ship, sat on the sea ; and the

who le mul titude was at the

sea on the land.

2And He

was teaching them manythings in parables, “

and in

His teaching He said to

them,Hear : Beho ld a sower

went out to sow 4and it

came to pass while he wassowing, some fel l by the

wayside,and the fowls came

and devoured it.

5And o th

er fel l upon stones, whereit had no t much earth ; andimmediately it sprangup,


cause it hadno depth ofearth6and when the sun arose , it

was scorched ; and becauseit had no roo t

,it withered

away. 7And o ther fel lamong thorns, and the thornsSprang up, and choked it,and it gave no frui t . 8And

o ther fel l in good ground,and springing up and grow

ing, gave fruit,

and pro

duced, one thirty,and one

sixty,and one a hundred.

9And He said,Let the one

having ears to hear, hear.

10Andwhen they were alone,

and tho se around Him alongwith the twe lve asked Him

the parable .

“And He said

to them,To you it has been

given the mystery of the

kingdom of God : but to

them who are without,all

things are in parables : 12in

order that seeing they maysee

,and no t know ; and

hearing they may hear, and

Luke 8 . 4- 18 .

4A greatmultitude being with Him,

and coming to Him throughout every city, He spoke in

a parable

5A sowerwent outto sow his seed. Andwhilehe was sowing, some fel l bythe way, and was troddenunder foo t

,and the birds of

the air devoured it. 6And

o ther fel l on the rock ; and


,because it had no moisture .

7And o ther fel l in the midstof thorns

,and the thorns

growing together, choked itout.

8And o ther fe ll intogood ground,

and springingup, produced fruit, a hun


Speaking the sethings, He cried out,Let

the one having ears to hear,hear.

9And His disciplesasked Him saying, Whatmight this parable be ?


He said ; To you it has beengiven to know t e mysteriesof th e kingdom ofGod : but

to the rest in parables ; in

order that seeing!

they mayno t see

,and hearing they

may no t understand.

5 2

M at t . 1 3 .

ther do they understand.

14And the proph

coy ofI saiah is fulfilled unto them , saying,a

From our L ord’s S econd Passover until t/ze Tbird.

By hearing ye shal l hear, and may no t un

derstand and seeingyou Shal l see , andmaynot perceive .

people is waxed gross, and they heard heavily with their ears, and closed their eyes ;lest they may see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understandwith theirhearts

,and turn,

and I shal l heal them .

and your ears, because they hear.


M ark 4.

not understand ;a lest they may turn, and

their sins maybe forgiven unto them .

15 Because the heart ofthis

16But happy are your eyes, because they see ;17 Truly I say unto you, that many prophets and

righteous men desired to see those - things which you see , and saw them not ; and

to hear those things whichyou hear, and heard themno t. 18Therefore hear ye

the parable of the sower.

19Every one hearing the

word of the kingdom,and

no t understanding it,the

wicked one comes,and seiz es

away that which is sown

in h is heart : he is the one

sown by the wayside .


the one sown upon the rocks,is he who heare th the wo rd,and immediate ly with joyreceives it ; 21but it has no

roo t in him,but is temporary

and tribulation or persecution arising on account of

the word,immediate ly he is


22But the one

sown among the thorns,is

he who heareth the word ;and the care ofthis age , andthe deceitfulness of riches


choke out the word,and he

becomes unfruitful . 23And

the one having been sown

on good ground, is he thatheareth the word,

and under

standeth it ; who truly bearsfruit , and produces, some a

hundred, some sixty, and

some thirty.

“I sa. 6 . 9 , I O .

‘M ark 4.

13And He says to them,

Do you no t understand thisparable ? and how wil l youknow all parables ? 14The

sower sows the word.


those who are by the wayside . where the word is

sown ; and when they hearit, immediate ly Satan comes,

and takes away the word

which was sown in theirhearts.

16And those who

are sowed upon the rocks are

likewise,tho se who


they may hear the word, immediately with joyreceive it.

17And they have no roo t inthemselves, but are temporary then tribulation or per

secution arising on accountof the word

,they are imme

diately offended :18 and o th

ers are tho se who are sown

among the thorns ; they arethose hearing theword,


the cares of the age , and

th e deceitfulness of riches,and desires concerning o therthings coming into them


choke out the word,and it

becomes unfruitful . 20And

these are they who are sown

on good ground ; whosoeverhear th e word, and receiveit,and bringforth fruit , some

thirty, some sixty

,and some

a hundred.

21And He said

to them ; Whether does the“light come , that it may be

placed under a bushe l,or

under a bed? is it not thatitmaybe placed on a candle


uke 8 .

“And this is the parableThe seed is the word of


12And there are thosewho hear by the wayside ;then the devil comes


takes away the word from

their heart,lest they believ

ing may be saved.


those on the stones are theywho

,when they may hear,

receive the word with joy ;and they have no roo t inthem

,who believe for a

time , and in time of temptation they fall away .


that which falle th amongthorns,there are those who

hear, and going forward, bythe cares and riches and

pleasures are choked out,

and bring forth no fruit toperfection.

15And that whichis in the good ground, are

tho se whosoever hearing theword in a beautiful and goodheart

,retain it

,and bring

forth fruit with patience .

16But no one having lighteda candle covers itwith a vessel

,or puts it under a bed ;

but he places it on a candlestick

,in order that those

coming in may see th e light .


M ark 4.

stick ? 22For there is no thing hidden whichmay no t be made manifest ; neither is thereany thing concealed,

but that it may come

into the light . z3 1f[

any one has ears to

hear,let him hear.

24And He said to

them ,See what you hear : with what meas

ure you measure it shal l be measured untoyou : and it shal l be added unto you whohear.

25For whosoever has,it shal l be

given unto him : and he who has no t, it

shall be taken from him even that which hehas.

Q5 5 . PARABLE OF THE TARES .M att. 1 3 . 24


53 .

From our Lord’s S econd Passover until t/ze Tnird. 53

L uke 8 .

17For there is no thing hidden which shallno t be made manifest ; neither is there anything concealed, which may no t be made

known and come into the light .18There

fore see how you hear : for whosoever mayhave , it shal l be given unto him ; and who

soever may no t, have it shal l be taken fromh im

,even that which he seems to have .

OTHER PARABLES .— Near Capernaum.

24He put forth ano ther parable to them ,saying, The kingdom of

the heavens is like unto a man sowing good seed in his field.

25And while the men

slept , an enemy came,and sowed tares in the midst of the wheat

,and departed.


when th e blades sprang up, and produced fruit, then the tares were also made manifest .27And the servants of the landlord having come to him said

, Sir, did you no t sow good

seed in your field? whence then hath it taresthis.

them ?along with them roo t up the wheat .

28And he said to them,A hostile man did

And the servants say to him ,Then do you wish that we , having gone , maygather

29And he says, No ; lest gathering the tares together you may at the same time

30Let bo th grow together till the harvest : and at

the time of the harvest,I wil l say to the reapers, First gather th e tares, and bind them

in bundles, in order to burn them : and gather the wheat into my barn.

M ark 4. 26-

34 .

26And He said,Thus is the kingdom of God, as a man may cast

seed on the ground ;27 and he may sleep, and rise night and day, and th e seed germinates

and grows, as he does no t know .

M a t t . 1 3 .

31And He submitted ano ther parable to

them,saying ; The kingdom of the heavens

is like unto a grain ofmustard seed,which


a man having taken,sowed in h is field ;

32which indeed is the smal lest ofall seeds ;and when it grows up, is the greatest ofherbs, and becomes a tree

,so that the birds

of heaven indeed lodge in its branches .

33And he spake ano ther parable unto them ;

The kingdom of the heavens is like untothe leaven

,which a woman took ,

and hid

in three measures of meal,until the who le

was leavened.

34Jesus spoke all of these things to the

mul titudes in parables ; and without a parable He was no t speaking to them :

g5 in

order that the word spoken by I saiah , theprophet, saying, I wil l open my mouth inparables : I wil l make known the thingswhich have been hidden from the founda

tion .

“ 36Then leaving the mul titudes, He

“PS . 78 . 2 .

28The earth spontaneously brings forth fruit ; first theblade, then the ear

,then the ful l corn in the ear.

29And when the fruit may develop,immediately he thrusts in the sickle


the harvest is at hand.

30And He said,To what may we liken

the kingdom of God? or in what parablemay we present it ? 31 ’T is like a grain of

mustard seed,which when it may be



upon the earth,is the smallest of all seeds

which are upon the earth,32and when it

may be sowed,it Springs up,

and becomes

the greatest of herbs, and produces greatbranches ; so that the birds of the heavensare able to lodge under its shadow.

33And in many such parables He con

tinued to speak the word to them ,as they

were able to hear.

34And without a parable He did no t speak to them : and He

privately expounded all things to His dis


From our L ord’s Second Passover until t/z e Taird.54 [PART Iv.

M at t . I 3 .

came into the house : and His disciples came to Him saying ; Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.

37And He responding said, The one sowing the good seed

is the Son ofman ;38 and the fie ld is the world ; and the good seed,

these are the sons

of the kingdom ; and the tares are the sons of the wicked one 39and the enemy sowingthem is the devil : and the harvest is the end of the age ; and the reapers are the angels.

40Then as the tares are gathered and burnt up with fire ; so itwil l be in the end ofthe age .

41The Son ofman wil l send forth His angels, and they wil l gather out ofhis kingdom allthings that offend, and those who do iniquity, 42and will cast them into the furnace ofthefire : and there shal l be weepingandgnashingofteeth . 43Then the righteous wil l shine asthe sun in the kingdom oftheirFatherfl But let the one having ears


44The kingdom of th e heavens is like unto a treasure having been hidden in a field ; which a manhaving found, concealed ; and from hisjoy he goes and sells all things so many as he has,and buys that field.

45Again,the kingdom of the heavens is like unto a man seekingbeautiful pearls : 46and having found one pearl ofgreat price , having gone away he so ld

all things, so many as he had, and bought it.

47Again,the kingdom of the heavens islike unto a net cast into the sea

,and gathering of every kind ; 48which , when it wasfilled, drawing up on the shore

,and sitting down,

they gathered the good into baskets,and threw the bad away . 49 So it wil l be in the end of the!age : the angels wil l goforth

,and will separate the wicked from the midst of the righteous, 50and wil l cast them

into the furnace ofthe fire : and there Shall be weeping and gnashing ofteeth .

5 1Do youunderstand all these things ? They say to Him

,Yea .

52And He said to them,There

fore every scribe having been discipled into the kingdom of the heavens is like unto a

man who is a landlord, who bringeth out ofhis treasure things bo th new and old.

5 3Andit came to pass, when Jesus finished these parables, He departed thence .


STILLED.—L aée of Galilee .

M ark 4 . 35-

4 1 .

35AndHe L uke 8 . 2 2 - 25 .

22And itsays to them ,

on that day, it came to pass on one of thebeing evening, Let us go days,He and His disciples

away to the o ther side . went into a ship. And He

said to them , Let us go to

the o ther side of the lake .

L uke 9 . 5 7 - 62 .

5 7 And they going on

M at t . 8 . 1 8 - 2 7 .

18AndJesus seeing the mul titudesabout Him

, gave command

to go away to the o ther side .

19And one scribe havingcome , said to Him


Teacher, I wil l fo llowthee whithersoever thou mayest go .

20AndJesus says to Him,The foxes have ho les,

and the birds ofheaven nests ; but the Sonofman has no t where He may recline Hishead.

21And ano ther ofHis disciples said

to Him,Lord

, permit me first to go awayand bury my father.

22And Jesus says tohim ,Fo llow me ; and let the dead bury the


kingdom ofGod.

permit me to bid adieu to those at my own home .

the way, a certain one said to Him,Lord


I wil l fo llow thee wheresoever thou mayest go .

58And Jesus said to him,Th e

foxes have ho les,and the birds of beav

en nests ; but the Son of man has not a

place where He may recline His head.

59And He said to ano ther,Fo llow thou me .

And he said,Lord

, permit me first havinggone away to bury my father.

60And Jesussaid to him

,Let the dead bury their dead ;

but thou having gone away proclaim the61And ano ther said to Him


,I will fo llow thee ; but first

62And Jesus said to him,NO

one putting his hand to the plow, and looking back, is Worthy of the kingdomofGod.

M att . 8 .

23And His disciples fol

lowed Him,having come

“Dan . 1 2 . 3 .

M ark 4.

36And leaving the mul titude

,they receive Him , as

Luke 8 .

22Andthey were embarked.

23And they sailing, He was

From our L ord s Second Passover until tae Tln’


M att . 8 .

into the ship.

24And beho ld,there was a great storm on

the sea,so that the ship was

covered by the waves : and

He was asleep.

25And the

disciples havingcome , awoke

Him,saying, Lord, save us ;

we are perishing.


says to them,Why are you

afraid,O ye of little faith ?

Then having arisen,He re

buked the wind and the sea ;and there was a great calm.

27And the men were astonished, saying, What sort ofa man is this

,because winds

and the sea obey him ?

L uke 8 .

asleep : and a storm ofwindcame down into the lake ;and they were being filled


and imperiled.

§ 5 7 . THE TWO DEMONIACS OF GADARA .— Soutneast coast of Galilee .

M att . 8 . 28 to g. I .


demoniacs met Him ,having

come to the o ther side intothe country ofthe Gada'

renes,coming out from the tombs,exceedingly fierce , so that

no one was able to passthrough that way.

M ark 5 . 1 - 2 1 .

1And theycame beyond the sea, into thecountry of the Gadarenes,2And a man from the tombs,with an unclean spirit met

Him,having come out of

the ship ; 3 who had his

dwel ling among the tombs :neither was any one able to

bind him with chains ; 4be

cause frequently he had beenbound‘

with fe tters and

L uke 8 . 26-

4o .


they sailed into the countryof the Gergesenes, which isoveragainst Galilee .


a certain man from the city,

who a long time had de


and did no t wear

clo thing, and did no t remain

in the house,but in the

tombs ; met Him havingcome to the land.

chains, and the chains were sl ipped off by him,and the fetters torn to pieces.

5 No one was able to tame him : and all the time , night and day, he was amongthe tombs in the mountains, crying, and cutting himse lfwith stones.

29And beho ld, they cried out,saying, What is there to us

and thee , O Son of God?

have you come hither to ~torment us before the time ?

that you may no t torment me .

He said to him, Unclean spirit , come

9And He asked

h im,What is thy name ?

to Him,My name is Legion ; because

out from the man.

seeing Jesus a great way off,he ran to Him

, and wor

shiped Him ;7 and crying

with a loud vo ice , he says,Wh at is there to me and to

thee , O Jesus, thou Son of

the Most High God? I ad

jure thee in the name ofGod,8For

And he says


28And seeing Jesus, and crying out, he worshiped Him ,

and said with a loud voice ;What is there to me and to

thee , O Jesus, Son of the

Most High God? I praythee torment me not.

29ForHe commanded the unclean

spirit to come out from the man ; for since along time he had po ssessed him ,and he was

frequently bound, secured with chains and

fe tters,and smashing his bonds, was driven

M ark 4 .

He was in the ship ; and o therships were also with Him .

37And there was agreat stormofwind : and the waves weredashing into the ship, so thatit was already fil led.


He was in the stern,sleep

ing on a pil low : and theyawaken Him

,and say to

Him ; Teacher, is there no

care to thee that we perish ?39And being awakened,


said to the sea,Be calm , bequiet . And the wind ceased


and there was a great calm .

40And He said to them,Why

are you so cowardly ? howhave you no t faith ? 41And

they feared with a greatfear

,and continued to say to

one ano ther, Who then is

this,because the Wind and

the sea obey Him ?

24And theyhaving come to Him

, awak

ened Him , saying, Master,

Master, we perish . AndHe

having arisen,rebuked the

wind and the wave of thewater : and they ceased

,andthere was a calm.

2"5AndHe said to them,

Where is your faith ? And

they beingafraidwere astonished,

saying to one ano ther,

Who then is this, becauseHe commands the winds and

and the water, and theyobey Him ?


M ark 5 .

we are many .

M at t . '

8 .

30And a herd ofmany swinewas feeding a great wayfromthem .

31And the demons

continued to intreat Him,

saying, If you cast us out,

permit us to depart into the

herd of swine .

32And He

said to them ,Go . And they

having gone o ut,went away

into the herd ofswine ; and

the who le herd rushed downthe precipice into the sea,

and perished in the waters.

33And the herders fled,and

having gone away into the

city , proclaimed all things,and those appertaining to thedemoniz ed.

34And beho ld,

the who le city came out to

meet Jesus ;

10And he continued to

intreat Him much , that He would no t

send them out ofthe country .

From our L ord’s S econd Passover until tae Tlzira’.

M ark 5 .

11And there was a greatherd of swine feeding in

the mountain .

12And theyintreated Him ,

saying, Sendus into the swine , in or

der that we may go intothem .

13And Jesus imme

diatelypermitted them . And

the unclean spirits havinggone out

, came into the

swine : and the herd rusheddown a precipice into the

sea, and there were abouttwo thousand and they werestrangled in the sea.


those herding them tied,and

reported in the city , and in

the country . And they came

out to see what it was thatcame to pass.

15And theycome to Jesus, and see the

demoniz ed man sitting down,bo th

clo thed and in his right mind,the one

called Legion ; and they were afraid.

16And those seeing, re lated to them how and they were afraid.

it happened to the demoniz ed man

and seeing Him , intreatedHim

,that He Should depart

from their coasts.

he shouldbe with Him .

not permit him, but says to h im,Go

to thine own house to thy people , andproclaim to them how many things theLord has done for thee

,and had mercy

2“And he went away,and be

gan to preach in Decapo lis, how manyon thee .

and concerning the swine .

17And they began to intreatHim to depart from theircoasts .

18And He havingcome to the Sh ip, the demon

iz ed man intreated Him that19AndHe did

with Him .

things Jesus did to h im . Andallwere as

M att . 9 .

1 And havingembarked into the ship, He

crossed over,and came into

His own city .


21And Jesus crossing over in the ship again to

the o ther side,a great multitudewasgathered unto Him

and He was by the sea.

by the demons into the desert .asked him saying, What is thy name ?

he said Legion ;

entered into him .

into the ship, returned.

ofwhom the demons had gone prayed to beAnd Jesus sent him away , say

ing,39Re turn to thy own house

,and relate


how many things God has done unto thee .

And he departed throughout the who le city ,


Luke 8 .

30And JesusAnd

because many demons31And he continued to

intreat Him that He shouldno t command them to departinto the abyss.

32And therewas a herd ofmany swinefeedingin the mountain and

they continued to intreatHim that He should permitthem to go into them . And

He permitted them .


the demons having come out

from the man, came into theswine : and the herd rusheddown a precipice into the

sea,andwere strangled.


the herders seeing thatwhich took place , fled, and

proclaimed it in the city andin the country . 35And theycame out to see that whichhad happened ; and came toJesus

,and found the man


out ofwhom the demons had gone , clo thedand in his right mind,

at the feet ofJesus :36And tho se seeing

reported to them how the

demoniz ed man was saved.

37And all the multitudes of'

the surrounding country of

the Gergesenes, asked Himto depart from them ; becausethey were seiz ed with greatfear. And He having come

3“And the man out

preach ing how many thingsJesus did unto him .

40And it

came to pass when Jesus returned,the multitude re

ceived Him ; for they wereall looking for Him.

58 . LEVI ’ S FEAST — Capernaum .

M att . 9 . 10 - 1 7 .

came to pass, He was sitting10And it - M ark 2 . 1 5

- 2 2 .

15 And it

came to pass, while He was

L uke 5 . 29-

39 .

29AndLevimade a great feast for Him


M at t . 9 . 1 8 - 26.


He speaking these things tothem ,beho ld a certain ruler

having come , continued to

worship Him,saying,

Mydaughter just now died : buthaving come put your handon her, and she shal l live . .

19And J esus having risen,

fo l lows him,and His disci


20And beho ld,a woman

,having an issue“ of bloodtwe lve years,

and coming to

Him behind,touched the

hem ofHis garment . 21Forshe continued to say withinherself, If I may only touchHis garment , I wil l be saved.

”And the woman was savedfrom that hour.

From our L ord’

s Second Passover until tae Tnira'.

FLUX . Capernaum.

M ark 5 . 22 -43 .”And

one Ofthe chiefrulers ofthesynagogue , by name Jairus


comes ; and seeing Him

fal ls at His fee t,23 and in

treats Him much saying, Myl ittle daughter is at the po intof death : that coming He

may lay hands on her, in or

der that she may be saved.

and live ”And He de

partedwith h im and a greatmul titude fo l lowed Him,

even treading on Him .

25And a certain woman,being in an issue of bloodtwe lve years, ”and havingsuffered much from manyphysicians, and expended all

things which were with her,and being profited as to

no thing, but rather havingcome to the worse ,

27 hearingconcerning Jesus, havingcome in the crowd behind

,touchedHis garment . ”Forshe was saying, If I maytouch His garment , I shal lbe saved.

29And immediatelythe issue of her blood was

dried up : and she knew in

her body that she is healedofherplague .

30And immediately Jesus,knowing in Himself that the power


has gone out from Him , turning in thecrowd


,Who touched my gar

31And His disciples continuedto say to Him

,You see the crowd

treading upon you,and you say, Who

32And He looked round

to see herwho did it. 33And the woman

fearing and trembling, knowing what

meri ts

touched me

has taken place unto herself, came and

”And Jesus turningand see

ing her said,Be of good

cheer, daughter ; thy faithhath saved thee .

fel l down before Him,and

to ld Him the who le truth .34And He said unto her


Daughter, thy faith hathsaved thee ; go in peace ,

and be who le of thyplague .

35AndHe still speaking, they come from the house Of the

chief ruler of the synagogue , saying,ah emorrh age .

bGr. dynamite .


Luke 8 . 4 1-


41 Beho ld,aman to whom was the nameJairus, and he was a ruler of

the synagogue : and fal lingat the feet ofJesus

,he con

tinued to intreat Him to comeinto his house’ 42for therewas an only daughter to h im,

Oftwelve years,and she was

dying. And while He was

going the mul titudes were

thronging Him .

43And a woman being inan issue Of blood twelveyears

,who having expended

all her living with physicians

,was not able to be

healed by anyOfthem,

44andhavingcome to Him behind,she touched the hem ofHis

garment and immeditelythe

issue ofblood ceased.

45And Jesussaid, Who is the one having touched me ?

And all denying, Pe ter and the discipleswith Him said

,The multitudes crowd thee

and press upon thee , and dost thou say,Wh o is the one having touched me ?Jesus said

,Some one touched me : for I

know the power went out from me .

thewoman seeingthat shewas no t concealed,

came trembling,and falling down before



Him, proclaimed on account

of what cause she touchedHim

,in the presence Of all

the people , and how she was

healed immediately . 48And

He said to her,Be Of good

cheer daughter ; thy faithhath saved thee go in peace .

49And He yet Speaking, a

certain one comes from the house ofthe chief

éé6o ,

M ark 5 .

Thy daughter is dead : why do you36And Jesus

,still trouble the Teacher?immediately hearing the word spoken,

M att. 9 .

23And Jesus having come

into the house of the ruler,

and seeing the flute -

players,and the weeping crowd,24 says to them ; Re tire : forthe damse l is not dead


sleepeth . And they hoo tedat Him .

25And when the

crowd was put out,coming

to her,He took her by the

hand,and the damsel arose .

”And this news went outinto that who le country .

says to the chiefruler,Fear


only believe .- 38And

He comes into the house of

the chief ruler of the synagogue ;

- 37 and He did no t

permit anyone to accompanyHim

, except Pe ter,

andJames, and John the bro therofJames — ”And He sees a

tumult,weeping andwailing

much ; 39 and having come

in,He says to them


are you excitedandweepingThe child is no t dead


sleepeth .

40And they hoo tedat Him . And putting themall out

,He takes th e father

and mo ther ofthe child and

those with Him,and goes in

where the child was.


taking the child by the hand,says to her,

Talitha cumi ; which is interpre ted,Damsel ,

I say unto thee , Arise .

42And immediatelythe damsel stood up, and walked about ; forshe was twelve years old. And they wereimmediately delighted with great de light .”And He charged them much that no one

should know it ; and He said that somethingShould be given to her to eat.

From our Lord’s Second Passover until tae Tlz ird. 59

L uke 8 .

ruler Of the synagogue , saying to him, Thydaughter is dead ; trouble not the Teacher

50and Jesus hearing, re

sponded to him, saying, Fearno t : only believe , and she

shal l be saved.

5 JAnd hav

ing come to the house , He

did no t suffer any to enterexcept Peter, John, andJames

, and the father and

mo ther of the child.


they were all weeping, and

wailing over her : and He

said,Weep not ; she is no t

dead,but sleepeth .

5 3And

they hoo ted at Him,know

ing that shewasdead.


havingput allout,

takingherby the hand, He spoke , saying, Child, arise . And her

spirit returned, and she stoodup immediately . And He

commanded that some thingshould be given to her to


5 6Andherparents weredelighted : and He com

manded them to tel l no one

that which had taken place .


M at t . . 2 -7 34 .

27And two blind men fo l lowed Him , going thence , crying out,and

saying, 28 Have mercy on us, thOu Son ofDavid. And the blind men came to Him,hav

ing come into the house : and Jesus says to them,Do you believe that I am able to do

this ?you according to your faith .saying, See that no one know it.

in all that country .demoniz ed.

33And the demon having been cast out,the dumb spoke .

tudes were astonished, saying, 34Never did it so appear in I srael .

They say to Him ,Yea, Lord.

29Then He touched their eyes,saying,

Be it unto30And their eyes were opened. And Jesus charged them ,

31But they having gone out,spread abroad His fame

32And they go ing out,beho ld, they brought to Him a dumb man ,

And the multiAnd the Pharisees

continued to say, He casts out the demons through the prince of the demons.


Matt. I 3 . 54-

58 .

M ark 6 . I - 6.

1AndHe came out thence and54And having come into comes into His own country ; a andHis disci

His own country He was teaching them in ples fo l low Him :2and it being the Sabbaththeirsynagogue , so that theywere astonished, day, He began to preach in the synagogue :

“Naz are th .

60 From our Lord’s Second Passover until tlze T/z ird. [PART IV.

M a tt . I 3 .

and said,Whence this wisdom and these

miracles unto Him ?5 5 I s not He the son of

the carpenter? is not His mo ther cal ledMary ? are no t His bro thers, James

,andJose s, and Simon

,and Judas ? 56And are

no t His sisters all here with us ? Whencethen are these things to Him ? 5 7And theywere offended in Him. And Jesus said to

them ; A prophet is not without honor, ex

cept in h is own country,and in his own

house .

58And He did no t many mightyworks there on account Oftheir unbelief.


M at t . 9 . 3 5-

38 ; 1 0 . I , 5 —42 ; I I . I . 35And Jesus wasgoing around all the cities and villages, teaching in theirsynagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom ,


healing every disease and ailment . 36And seeing the mul


M ark 6 . 6 - 1 3 .

6And He

went about the villages in a

circuit teaching.

titudes, He was moved in compassion in their behalf, because they were fleeced and

deserted, as sheep having no shepherd a 37Then He says to His disciples, The harvest truly is great and the laborers are few ; 38 therefore pray the Lord,that He may

send forth laborers into His harvest .M at t . 1 0 .

1And cal ling His twelvedisciples, He gave thempower over unclean spirits,so as to cast them out


heal every disease , and everymalady . — 5And Jesus sent

M ark 6 .

7And He calls the twelveto Him

,and began to send

them out two by two ; and

He gave them authority overunclean spirits .

out the twelve , commanding them ,Go no t in the way

ofthe Gentiles, and enter no t into a city ofthe Samaritans.

6Butgo ye rather to the lost sheep ofthe house OfI srael . 7And go ing, preach , saying,

That the kingdomof the heavens is at hand.

8Heal the sick ,raise the

dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons freely you didreceive , freely give .


not go ld, nor silver, nor copper in your girdles ; 10nor

valise for your journey , neither two coats,nor sandals


nor staff: for the laborer isworthy of his food.


into whatsoever city or vil

lage you may enter,investi

gate who in it isworthy and

there abide until you maygohence .

12And going into a

house,salute it. ”And if

the house maybe worthy, let“N0 compe tent spiritual gu1de s .

8AndHe commanded themthat they should take no thingfor the way except staffonly ;no valise

,no bread


money in the girdle ; 9but

having put on your sandalsand put no t on two coats.

10And He said to them , Intowhatsoever house you mayenter, there abide until youmay go out from thence .

L uke 9 . 16

1And calling the twelve,

He gave to them power and

authority o ver all demons,

and to heal diseases.


He sent them to preach thekingdom ofGod and to healthe sick .

3AndHe said to themTake no thing for the journey, neither staff, nor valise ,

nor bread,nor silver ; nor tohave two coats.

4And into whatsoever house you may enterthere abide , and go out from

thence .

M ark 6 .

and many hearing were astonished, saying,Whence are these things to this one ? and


What wisdom is given unto Him ? Suchmiracles are wrought by His hands.

3 I s

no t this the carpenter, the son of Mary ?the bro therofJames, and Joses, and Simon


and Judas ? Are no t His sisters here withus ? And they were offended in Him.

4AndJesus said to them ; A prophet is no t without honor except in his own country


among his relatives,and in his own house .

5And He was not able to do any miraclethere , except laying hands on a few sick

people , He healed them . And He was

astonished on account oftheir unbelief.

M a t t . 1 0 .

yourpeace come on it : but if

it maybe unworthy, let yourpeace return unto you .


whosoever may not receiveyou, nor hear yourwords


going out from that house orcity

,Shake off the dust fromyourfeet . 15 Truly I sayunto

M ark 6 .

11And whatsoeverplace may no t receive you

nor h ear you, going forththence , shake off the dustwhich is beneath your feetfor a testimony unto them.

From our L ord’s S econd Passover until tae T/z ira’. 6 1

Luke 9 .

5And so many asmay no t receive you, go ingout from that city

,knock off

the dust of your feet for a

testimony against them.

you, I twill be more to lerablefor the land ofSodom and Gomorrah in the day ofjudgment than for that city . 16Beho ld


I send you forth like sheep in the midst ofwo lves : be ye therefore wise as serpents, andharmless as doves .

17 Beware ofmen : for they will deliver you up to the sanhedrins, andwil l beat you in their synagogues ; 18and they wil l lead you before governors and kings formy sake , for


a testimony unto them and the Gentiles.

19And When they may deliveryou, be not so licitous how or what you may speak : for it wil l be given unto you in thathour what you may say.

20Foryou are not those speaking, but the Spirit ofyour Fatheris speaking in you.

”And bro ther will de liver bro ther unto death , and the father thechild : and children will rise up against parents, and put them to death .

”And you willbe hated by all on account ofmy name : but he that persevereth unto the end, the same

shal l be saved.

23And when they may persecute you in this city,fly to ano ther : for

truly I say unto you, You may no t comple te the cities of I srael,until the Son Ofman

may come .

24The disciple is not above his teacher, nor the servant above his lord.

25 I t

is sufficient for the disciple that he may be as his teacher, and the servant , as his lordif they call the landlord Beelz ebul , how much more the inmates ofhis house ? 26Therefore fear them not ; for there is no thing hidden,

that shal l not be revealed ; no thingsecre t , that shal l no t be known.

27What I say unto you in the darkness,speak ye in

the light : and whatsoever you hear in the ear, proclaim upon the housetops.

28Be not

afraid of tho se who kil l the body,but are no t able to kill the soul : but fear ye , rather

him who is able to destroy bo th soul and body in hell . ”Are no t two sparrows so ld fora penny ? and one of them will no t fall to the ground without your Father.

30But the

hairs ofyour head are allnumbered.

31Then fear not ; you are ofmore value than manysparrows.

32Therefore every one who shall confess me before the people , I wil l alsoconfess him before my Father, who is in the heavens .


But whoso ever may deny mebefore th e people , I will also deny him before myFatherwho is in the heavens.

34Thinkno t that I came to send peace on the earth : I came no t to send peace , but a sword.

35 For I came to divide a man against his father, and the daughter against her mo ther,and the daughter- in- law against her mo ther- in- law : ”and the enemies ofa man will bethe inmates ofhis own house .

37He that loveth father and mo ther more than me is no t

worthy ofme ; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is no t worthy ofme .

38Whosoever does no t take his cro ss and fo l low after me , is not worthy ofme .


one having found his soul shal l lose it ; and the one losing his soul for my sake

shal l find it. 40The one receiving you wil l receive me , and the one receiving me wil lreceive Him that sent me .

41The one receiving a prophe t in the name Of a prophe tshal l receive the reward ofa prophet ; and the one receiving a righteous man in the name

ofa righteous man shal l receive the reward ofa righteous man.

42And who soever may

give one of these little ones only a cup ofco ld water, in the name ofa disciple , truly Isay unto you, He can not lose his reward.

M at t . I I .

1And it came to pass, when Jesus finished teaching His twelve disciples,H e departed thence tO teach and to preach in their cities.

M ark 6 .L uke 9 .

12And having gone out they preached 6And going out, they continued to gothat they must repent ; 13 and they cast out through the villages, everywhere preaching

many demons ; and anointedmany sick with the gospel , and healing.

o il, and healed them .

6 2 From our L ord’s Second Passover until tlze Taird. [PART IV.



M at t . I 4 . I,

1 2 .


at that time Herod the

tetrarch heard the fame o fJesus.

2and he said to his

servants,Th is is John theBaptist ; he is risen from the

dead ; and therefore miraclesare wrought in him .


s birthday beingcelebrated,

the daughter of

Herodias danced in the

midst , and pleased Herod ;7 consequently with an oathhe promised to give to her

whatsoever she might ask.

8And being instigated by hermo ther, she says

,Give me

the head ofJohn the Baptisthere in a charger.

”And the

king was grieved ; nevertheless On account ofhis oaths,

and tho se who were sittingwith him ,

he commanded it

to be given 10And sending,

h e beheaded John in prison ;“and his head was broughtin a charger, and given to

the damsel and she broughtit to hermo ther.


disciples, having come,took

the body , and buried it ; andhavmgcome they proclaimedit to Jesus.


FIVE THOUSAND ARE FED — [Vortnwest coast of tire Lake of Galilee ; nort/zeast

coast of t/ze same.

M ark 6 . 30-

44 .

80The apostles return L uke 9 . 104 7 .

10And th e apostles havto Jesus, and related unto Him all things, ing returned, expounded unto Him how

even so many as they did, and so many as many things they did.

they taught . 31AndHe said to them,Come

ye privately into a desert place , and rest a little while . For manywere coming and go ing, neither had they leisure even to eat.

M at t . 1 4 . 1 3- 2 1 . M ark 6 . L uke 9 . John 6 . 1 - 14 .

1Af13And Jesus hearing, 32And they came 10And taking them ter these things Jesusdeparted th ence in a away into a desert He departed pri went beyond the Sea“Captains ofthousands .

M ark 6 . 14- 16

,2 1 - 29 .

14And kingHerodheard ; forHis name became known

and said, John the Baptist is

risen from the dead,and

therefore mighty works are

wrought in Him.


o thers continued to say, ThatHe is Elijah and o thers continned to say that He is a

prophet , indeed one Of the

prophe ts.

16ButHerod hearing said,

That,He is John


whom I beheaded; He isrisen

from the dead.


L uke 9 . 79 .7AndHerod

the te trarch heard all thingswhich were wrought byHim ; and was at a loss, because it was said by some

,that John is risen from the

dead ;8 and by some that

Elijah has appeared ; and byo thers that one of the old

prophe ts isarisen.


Od said,I beheaded John :but

who is this,concerningwhom

I hear these things ? Andhe

was seeking to see Him .

a high day, when Herod on his birthday made a feast to hismighty men,

and ch iliarch s,“ and the first men ofGalilee ;”and the daughter ofHerodias herself, having come in and

danced, and pleased Herod and those Si ttingwith him ; the

king said to the damsel Ask what you may wish , and

1 will give it to you .

23And he promised her, I will giveyou whatsoever you may ask

,even unto the half of my

kingdom .

24And having gone out,she said to hermo ther


What shall I ask ? And she said, The head ofJohn theBaptist . ”And she having come in to the king, immedi

ately with haste asked him,saying ; I wish , that you may

give to me immediately , the,

head ofJohn the Baptist in a


26And the king being grieved exceedingly ; on

account of his oaths,and tho se sitting with h im , was no t

W ill ing to reject her.

27And the king immediately sendingforth a so ldier of h is guard, commanded that his headshould be brought . 2Q‘And having departed,

he beheadedhim in prison : and brought his head in a charger, and

gave it to the damsel , and the damsel gave it to hermo ther.

2”And his disciples having heard, came and took his body,and put it in a sepulcher.

% 64-l

M att. I 4.

ship privately into a

desert place . And

the mul titudes hear~

ing, fo llowedHim on

foo t from the cities.

14And Jesus havingcome out saw a greatmul titude ; and was

moved with compassion in their behalf,andhealed theirsick .

15And it being evening, His disciplescame to Him saying,I t is a desert place ,and the hour is al

re ady adv an c e d ;therefore send awaythe mul titudes


they havinggone intothe villages, maypurchase for themselvesvictuals.

16And Jesus said to

them,They have no

need to go away ;you give them to eat.

”And they say to

to Him,We have

no thing here exceptfive loaves and twofishes.

18And He

said,Bring themhither to me .


M ark 6 .

place privately in a


33And the mul

titudes saw them going, andmany recogniz ed them ,

and theyran together th ith eron foo t from manycities, and came be

fore them and came

together to Him .

34And Jesus havingcome out saw a greatmultitude

,and was

moved with compassion in their behalf,because they were assheep having no

shepherd : and He

began to teach themmany things.


already the hour being late , His disciples coming to Him ,

say, That it is a desert place , and the

hour is already late :

36send them away ,that havinggone intothe surroundingcoun

try and the vil lages,they may purchasefor themselves bread:for they have nOt

what they may eat.

37And respondingHe

said to them ,You

give to them to eat.

And they sayto Him,

Having gone awaymust we purchase theloaves of two hun

dred denaria, and

give them to eat?”And He says to

them ; How manyloaves have you ? goand see . And hav

ing ascertained,they

say, five loaves and

two fishes.


He commanded themall to sit down in

companies on the

“denarion,equal to 1 5 c ents .

From our Lord’s Second Passover untilt/ze Tnird.

13And He said to

them,You give them

to eat. And theysaid, There is no t tous more than five

l o av e s and'

tw o

fishes ; ifnot havinggone we must purchase victuals for all

this people .

— 14And He said to

His disciples, Havethem sit down in

c omp an i e s , aboutfifty . 15And they didthus

,and made all

sit down .

Luke 9 .

vately into a desertplace , be longing to

the city called Bethsaida.

“And themul

titudes having foundout

,fo l lowed Him

And receiving them,

He Spoke to themconcerning the kingdom of God


healed those havingneed ofhealing.

12And the day be

gan to decline ; andthe twe lve coming to

H im,sa id , S e nd

away the multitude,in order that havinggone into the sur

roundingvillages andcountries

,they may

lodge , andfind foodbecause we are herein a desert place .

John 6 .

of Gali lee , of Tiberias .

2And a greatmultitude fo l lowedHim

,because they

saw the miracles He

was doing in behalfof the sick.


Jesus came into the

mountain ; and was

sitting there withHis disciples .


the passover, the

feast ofthe Jews,was

nigh . 5 Therefore Jesus lifting up Hiseyes

,and seeing that

a great multitude iscoming to Him,

He says toPhilip, Whence can

we purchase bread,that these may eat?6He Spoke this testing him ; for He

knew what He was

about to do .

7Philipresponded to Him


The loaves of two

hundreddenariaa arenot sufficient for

these,that each one

may receive a little .

8And one ofHis dis

ciples, Andrew,the

bro therofPe ter, saysto Him ,

9There is alad here who has

five barley loaves andtwo fishes : but whatare these among so

many ? 10And Jesussaid, Make the peo

ple sit down . And

there wasmuch grassin the place .

64 From our [ 0c s Second Passover until {no Tnz'

m’. [PART IV.

M at t . 14 . M ark 6 . L uke 9 . John 6 .

commandingthemul green grass .


titudes to sit down on they sat down in

the grass ; ranks,

about one

and takingthe five loaves and

the two fishes, lookingup to heaven,


blessed them ; and

breaking, gave the

bread to the disci

ples, and the disciples

hundred,and aboutfifty . 41And taking

the five loaves and

the two fishes,lo ok

ingup to heaven,He

blessed them ; and

broke the loaves,and

gave them to H is

disciples, that they

16And taking the fiveloaves and two fish

es, looking up to

heaven,He blessed

them andHe broke,

and gave to the dis

ciples to'

dispense to

the mul titude .

11And Jesus took thebread ; and gavethanks, and gaveit to the disciples,and the disciples to

the people sittingdown ; and likewisealso of the fishes so

to the multitudes . sh o u l d di sp e n s e

to them ; and He di

vided the two fishes20And all ate

,and among all. 42And

were filled and they they allate , andweretook up th e remain filled ; 43 and theyder of the fragments took up the frag

ments,twelve baskets

full , and from thefishes.

twelve baskets full .

44And those eatingthe bread were five

thousand men .

21And themen eatingwere about five thousand

,besides women

and children .

much as they wished.

17And they all ate

and were filled : and

that which remained

to them of th e fragments, were takenup, twelve baskets.

12A nd wh e n t h e ywere filled

,He says

to His di s c ip l e s,Gather up the re

maining fragments,that no thing may belost . 13 Then theygathered them up, and filledtwelve baskets from the five bar

ley loaves, which remained to

those having eaten.

—14Fo r th e m e n — 10H o w e v e r th e

were about five thou men sat down in

sand. number about fivethousand.

14Thenthe people , seeing the miracle which Jesus did

,were saying,that

,This is truly the prophe t who is coming into the world.

§ 65 . JESUS WALKS UPON THE WATER .— La ,éo of Galilee .

M at t . I 4 . 2 2 -


22AndJesus constrainedHis disciples to embark into th e ship andgobefore Him to the o ther side

,until He can

send away th e mul titudes.

23And havingdismissed the mul titudes He went up intothe mountain alone

,to pray .



M ark 6 . 45 -


45And immediate ly He

constrained His disciples to embark into the

ship, and go before Him to'

th e o ther side

to Bethsaida, until He shal l send away themul titude .

46And having dismissed them ,

He went away into the mountain to pray .John 6 . 1 5 - 2 1 .

15And Jesus knowing that they are

about to come and take Him ,

that they may make Him

M a t t . 14.

And it beingeveningHe was there alone .

2‘iAnd the ship was alreadymidsea

,laboring by the

waves ; for th e wind was

contrary . 25And at th e fourthwatch ofthe night , He came

to them,walking on the sea.

M ark 6 .

47And it being evening, theship was in th e middle of

the sea ; and He was aloneupon the land.

48AndHe see

ing them toiling in rowing ;for the wind was contrary tothem

,and about th e fourth

watch ofth e night He comes

king, departs again into the

mountain '

H imself alone .

16And when it was evening,His disciples - went down to

the sea ;17 and embarking in

the ship,they were go ing to

the o ther side ofthe sea intoCapernaum . And it was

already dark , and Jesus hadno t come to them ; 18 and the


66 From our Zord‘s Second Passover until Z/ze Tnz


rd. [FAR I W .

John 6 .

heaven to eat a 32Then Jesus said to them , Truly, truly , I say unto you,.

Moses did no t

give you the bread from heaven ; but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.

33 For the bread of God is the One coming down from heaven, and giving l ife to the


34Then they said to H im ,Lord. evermore give to us this bread.

5 5 Then Jesussaid to them,

I am the bread oflife ; the one coming unto me can never hunger, and the

one believing on me shall never thirst 36But I said unto you , That you have seen, and

you do no t believe .

37 Everyth ing which the Father giveth unto me Shall come to me ;

and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out. 31“Because I have come down

from heaven ,no t that I may do my own wil l , but the wil l OfHim that sent me 39And

this is the wil l of the One having sent me , that everything that the Father has givenunto me I shal l lo se no thing of it

,but I shall raise it up in the last day.

40For this isthe will ofmy Father, that every one seeing the Son ,

and believing on Him,may have

e ternal life ; and I will raise h im up in the last day,

41Then the Jews were murmuringconcerning Him , because He said, I am the bread havmg come down from heaven,


they continued to say, I s this no t Jesus. the son o fJoseph , who se father and mo ther weknow? how does He now say ; I have come down from heaven ? 43Jesus responded and

said to them ,Murmur no t with one ano ther.

44No one is able to come unto me , unlessthe Father who sent me may draw him : and I will raise him up in the last day.

45 I t

is written in the prophets, They Shal l allbe taught OfGod every one hearing and learn

ing from the Father, comes to me .

46NO one has seen the Father, except the One whois with God

,He hath seen God.

0 47Truly,truly

,I say unto you ,

the one believing hase ternal life .

48 1 am the bread oflife .

d 49Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness,and died ;

50this is the bread coming down from heaven,that any one may eat Ofit


not die .

5 1 1 am the living bread, having come down from heaven ; if any one may eat

ofme the bread,he wil l live forever : and the bread wh ich I wil l give for the life of

the world is my flesh . 52Then the Jews were contending with one ano ther, saying, How

is this One able to give unto us His flesh to eat ? 5 3 Then Jesus said unto them,Truly

,truly,I say unto you, Unless you may eat the flesh of the Son ofman and drink His

blood, you have no l ife in you.

5 4The one eating my flesh and drinking my blood haseternal l ife ; and I will raise him up in the last day.

5 5For my flesh is the true food,

and my blood is the true drink 66The one eating my flesh and drinking my bloodabides - in me , and I in h im.

5 7As the living Father sent me , and I l ive through theFather ; truly the one eating me , shall also live through me .

5sHe is the bread havingcome down from heaven : no t as the fathers ate , and died : the one eating this breadshal l live forever 5 9And He spoke these things in the synagogue , teaching in Capernaum.

60Then many OfHis disciples, hearing, said. This is a hard sermon ; who is ableto h ear it? 61And Jesus knowing in Himse lf that His disciples are murmuring concern

ing it, said to them ,Does this Offend you ?

62” then you may see the Son Ofman

ascending up, where He was formerly ? 63The Spirit is the One who creates life ; theflesh profits no thing ; the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and life .

e 64But

there are certain ones of you who do no t believe . For Jesus knew from the beginningthat there are certain ones no t believing,and there is one going to betray Him .

‘ 65And

He said, Therefore I have said unto you , that no one is able to come unto me,unless it

may have been given unto him of the Father.

66Moreover from this many of His disciples went back, and walked with Him no

more .

67 Then Jesus said to the twelve . Do you also wish to go away ? 68 Simon Peterresponded to Him

,Lord to whom Shall we go away ? thou hast the words of eternal

l ife ;f 69we have believed and we know that thou art the Ho ly One of God.

70Jesusresponded to them ,

Have I no t chosen you twelve , and one of you is devilish ? 7 1But

He Spoke of Judas I scario t the son of Simon ,for he was going to betray Him, being

one of the twe lve .

John 7 .1After these things Jesus “

walked about in Galilee : for He was not willing towalk about in Judea

,because the Jews were seeking to kil l H im .

“PS . 7 8 . 24 .bI sa . 5 4. 1 3 .

CEx . 3 3 . 20 .

dEx . 1 6 . 1 5 .

9 2 Cor. .3 . 6. fLuk'

é 4. 34.






x r’l/onlns.


M att . 1 5 . I ~ ZO .

1 ’ I‘ HEN the scribes and Pharisees, whoare from Jerusalem ,

come to Jesus,

gather to Him.

of His disciples eating bread with defiled, that is, unwashed hands.

M ark 7 . 1 - 23 .

1And the Pharisees and certain ones of

the scribes, having come from Jerusalem,

2And seeing certain ones

3For the

Pharisees and all the Jews,unless they diligently wash their hands, do no t eat,ho lding the tradition of the elders.

4And from the forum ,unless they may bap

tiz e“ themselves,they do no t eat : and many o ther things which they have received

to ho ld,the baptism

b ofcups, and po ts, and braz en vesse ls, and couches.

saying, 2Wherefore_

do thy disciples transgress the traditions of the e lders ? for theydo no t wash their hands when they eat


3And responding He said to them ;— 7 Ye hypocrites, beautifully did I saiahprophesy concerning you, saying, 8Thispeople honor me with their lips, but theirheart is far from me .

9But in vain theyworship me

, teaching as doctrines the commandments ofmen .

— 3Wherefore do‘

you also transgress the commandment ofGod because of

your tradition ? 4For God commanded saying,

d Honor thy father and mo ther : and,

He that speaketh evil of father or mo ther,let him die with death . 5 Butyou say, Whosoever may say to father or mo ther

,I t is a

gift, whatso ever you may be profited byme ; and he Shal l no longer honor his fatheror his mo ther.

6You made void the com

mandment ofGod by your tradition .

“Gr. baptiso.bGr. baptismo s.

cI sa . 29 . 1 3 .

5 Thenthe Phariseees and scribes asked Him


Wherefore do no t thy disciples walk accord

ing to the tradition of the e lders : but theyeat bread with unwashed hands ? 6And re

sponding He said to them,Beautiful ly did

I saiah prophesy concerning you hypocrites,as has been written

,0 This people honor me

with lips, but theirheart is farfrom me .

7 In

vain do they worship me,teaching for doctrines the commandments Of men.

8Forhaving left the commandment of God, youare ho lding the tradition ofmen.

9And He

said to them,Truly

, you make vo id the

commandment of God,that you may ho ld '

your own tradition.

10For Moses said,

Honor thy father and thy mo ther ; and let

the one speaking evil of father and mo therdie the death . 11But you say, If a man

may say to father or mo ther, Corban , thatis a gift , whatsoever you maybe profited byme ;

12and you no longer permit -him to do

anything for his father or mo ther ; 13mak

ing vo id the word of God by your tradidEx . 20 . 1 2 ; 2 1 . 1 7 ; Deut. 5 . I 6.

68 From our L ord’s T/éz

rd Passover l‘o f/ze Feast of Tabernacles.

M att. 5 1 .

10And calling the multitude to Him,He

said to them ,Hear and understand : 1 1That

which come th into the mouth does no t defilethe man ; but that which cometh out fromthe mouth

,that defiles the man.

1? Then His disciples having come to Him

say, Do you no t know that the Phariseeshearing your word,

were offended ? 13And

He responding said,Every plant which myheavenly Father did no t plant, shal l be

roo ted up.

14Let them alone : the bl indare leaders of the blind : if the blind maylead the blind

,bo th will fall into the ditch .

15 Pe ter responding said to Him,Explain

unto us the parable .

16And Jesus said,Are

you indeed stil l without understanding?17Do you know that everything enteringinto the mouth go es into the stomach


is cast out into excrement ? “But tho sethings go ing out from the mouth come forthfrom the heart ; and these po l lute the man.

19For out of the heart proceed evil reasonings, murders, fornications, adulteries, thefts,false testimonies, blasphemies.

20These arethe things which defile the man : but to eat

bread with unwashed hands does no t defilethe man.

[PART v .


M at t . 1 5 . 2 1 - 2 8 .

21And Jesus havingcome out thence , departed into the regions

of Tyre and S idon.

”And beho ld,


Canaanitish woman having come out from

those coasts, cried unto Him saying, Havemercy on me , Lord, thou son ofDavid ; mydaughter is terribly demoniz ed.

23And He

responded to her no t a word ; and His dis~

ciples, having come to Him,asked Him


saying, Send her away ; because she cries

after us.

24And He responding said,I am

no t sent except to the lost sheep of the

house of I srael . 25And having come she

continued to worship Him ,saying, Lord,

assist me .

26He responding said,I t is no t


to take the children’s bread and cast

it to the little dogs.

27And She said,Yea


“Transforming them into soil .

M ark 7 . 24-


24And rising up,He

dep arted thence into the regions of Tyreand Sidon . And having entered into a

house , and He wished no one to know it

and He was no t able to be hidden.

25 Fora woman hearing concerning Him,

whosedaughterhad an unclean spirit, having come

worshiped at His feet . 26For the woman

was a Greek,a Syrophenician by race ; and

asked H im that He may cast the demon out

ofher daughter.

”And He said to her,Permit the children first to be fed : for i t is

not good to take the children’s bread and

bTh is is a catalogue ofInbred sin .

M ark 7 .

tion,which you have given : and you do

many such similar things.14And cal ling

the crowd to Him again,He said to them


Hear all ye , and understand.

15 There is

no thing without a man coming into him,

which is compe tent to defile him : but thosethings coming out from h im

,these are the

things which defile the man.

161fany one

has ears to hear,let him hear.

17And when He came from the mul titudeinto the house , His disciples asked Himthe parable .

18And He says to them,

Are you still without understanding? Do

you no t know that everything externalentering into a man is not able to defileh im ? 19Because it does no t go into his

heart, but into his stomach,and is cast out

into the excrement , purifying all edibles .“

20And He said,Everything proceeding out

from the man,that defiles the man.


,out of the heart of men

, proceed

evil reasonings, adul teries, fornications,


,cove tousness, wickedness,

deceit , impurity , an evil eye , blasphemy ,pride , fo l ly .“ 23All these evils proceed out

from within,and defile the man.

{ 69 -1

M att . 1 5 .

Lord : for the little dogs eat Of the crumbsfal ling from their master’s table .

28ThenJesus responding said to her,O woman


great is thy faith ; let it be done unto theeas thou dost wish . And her daughter washealed from that hour.


From our Lord’s T/z z


rdPassover io t/ze Feast of Taoernac/es . 69


— T/ze Decapolis.

M att. 1 5 . 29-

38 .

29And Jesus havingdeparted thence , came to the Sea ofGalileeand having gone up into the mountain


was Sitting there .

treat Himthat He may lay His hand on him .

M ark_

_7 . 3 1-

37 to 8 . I -

9 .

31And hav1ngagain come out from Tyre and Sidon


came to the Sea OfGalilee,amid the coasts

of Decapo lis .

32And they bring Him a

deafman, Speaking with difficul ty; and in33And takinghim from the crowd pri

vately, He put His fingers In his ears,and having spat, He touched his tongue ; 34andlooking up to heaven

,he groaned, and says to him ,

Ephpliatha, which Is, Be thouOpened.

and he continued to speak distinctly .30Andmany multitudes came to Him


ingwith them the lame,the blind, the deaf,

the maimed, and many o thers,and laid

them down at the fee t of Jesus ; and He

healed them :31 50 that the mul titudes were

astonished, seeing the dumb speaking, themaimed who le , the lame walkingabout, andthe blind seeing : and they glorified the GodOfI srael. 32And Jesus calling His disciplesto Him ,

said,I sympathiz e with the multitude , because already three days abide

unto me,and they have no thing which they

may eat ; I do no t wish to send them awayfasting, lest they may faint on the road.

33And His disciples say to Him ,Whence is

there to us so much bread in the wilderness,as to feed SO great a multitude ? 34And Jesus says to them ; How much bread haveye ? And they said, Seven loaves and a

few fishes.

35 He havingcommanded themultitudes to sit down upon the ground,


took th e seven loaves and the fishes ; having given thanks, He broke them,

and gaveto His disciples, and the disciples to the

mul titude .

37And they all ate , and were filled : and

they took up the residue offragments, sevenbaskets full . 38And tho se eatingwere aboutfour thousand men

,besides women and


35And immediately his ears were Opened, and the bond ofhis tongue loosed,

36And He charged them that they should tel lno

one : and the more He charged them ,

the more abundantly they proclaimed it.37And were astonished exceedingly, saying,He has done all things wel l : He makes the

deaf to hear,and the dumb to speak .

M ark 8 .

1 In those days,the mul titude

being large , and having no thing which theymay eat

,Jesus calling His disciples, says tothem

,2 1 sympathize with the multitude

because three days already abide unto me,

and they have no thing which they may eat.

3 IfI shal l send them away to theirhomes fasting,they wil l faint on the road ; indeed some

ofthem have come from afar.

4AndH isdis

ciples responded,Whence shal l any one be

able to feed these with bread in the desert ?5And He asked them ,

How much breadhave you ? And they said

, Seven loaves .

6He commanded the mul titude to sit down

on the ground ; and taking the seven loaves,giving thanks, He broke

,and gave - them to

His disciples, that they maydispense themand they presented them to the multitude .

7And they had a few fishes : and blessingthem ,He de livered them.

8And they ate,and were filled : and they took up the resi~

due ofthe fragments,seven baskets.


those eating were about four thousand.

And He sent them away .

M ark 7 .

cast it to little dogs.

”And she responded

and says to Him,Yea

,Lo rd : for even the

little dogs eat the crumbs Ofthe children under the table .

”AndHe said to her, On ac

count Ofthiswordgo the demon has alreadygone out from thy daughter.

80And havingcome into her house , she found the demon

gone out, and the daughter lyingon the bed.

70 From our Lord'

s Tnird Passover to tko Feast of Taoernacles. [PARTV.


M att. I 5 . 39 to 1 6 . I -



away the mul titudes, He went into a shipand came into the coasts ofMagdalafi

M at t . 1 6 .

1And the Pharisees and Sad

ducees havingcome to H im , tempting Him ,

asked Him to Show them a Sign from


2AndHe responding said to them,

M ark 8 . I O - 1 2 10And immediately having gone into the ship with His disciples,He came to the parts ofDalmanutha.

“And the Phansees came out,and began

to question Him , seeking from Him a Signfrom heaven.

b tempting Him .

I t being evening, you say, I t wil l be fair weather : because the sky is

red : 3 and in the morning, I t wil l be stormy tod ay : for the loweringSky is red : ye hypocrites, you know how to discern the face ofthe Sky:

but are you no t able to discern the signs

of the times ? 4A wicked and adul terousgeneration seeks after a Sign. And no signShal l be given it

,except the Sign Of the

prophe t Jonah .

12And groaning in spirit, He says, WhatSign does this generation seek after? truly Isay unto you, NO sign Shal l be given untothis generation.


M att. 1 6 . 4- 1 2 .


4And leaving them,He

5 His disciples having come to the o therside forgo t to take bread.

6And Jesus said

to them ; See and beware Of the leaven of

the Pharisees and Sadducees.

7And theywere reasoning among themselves, saying,

That it is because we did no t take bread.

8And Jesus knowing said to them,Why do

you reason among yourselves, O ye Of littlefaith

,because you did no t take bread? 9DO

you not yet understand ? do you no t remem

ber the five loaves Ofthe five thousand,and

how many baskets ye took up? 10Nor the

seven loaves ofthe four thousand,and how

many baskets you took up ?11How do you

no t understand that I did not Speak to you

concerning bread, to beware Ofthe leaven Of

thePharisees and the Sadducees.

12Then theyunderstood that He did no t say to beware ofthe leaven ofth e (bread) ofthe Pharisees andSadducees

,but of the teaching Ofthe Phari

sees and Sadducees.

M ark 8 . 1 3- 2 1 .

13And having leftthem, coming in again He departed to

the o ther side .

14And they forgo t to takebread ; and had but one loafwith them in

the Ship.

15And He commanded them, saying, See , beware Of the leaven Ofthe Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.


they were reasoning to one ano ther,saying,

I t is because we have no t bread.

17AndJesus knowing says to them,Why do you

reason because you have no t bread? do youno t yet know,

no r understand? have youyour heart still hardened? 18Having eyes,do you no t see ? having ears

,do you no t

hear? and do you no t remember? 19WhenI broke the five loaves to the five thousand,how many baskets ful l offragments did youtake up ? They sayto Him,

Twelve .


when the seven loaves to the four thousand,

how many baskets ful l offragments did youtake up ? And they said, Seven .


He said to them,DO you not yet under


é7 z . A BLIND MAN HEALED.- Bemsaz'da julias ) .

M ark 8 . 2 2 - 26.

”And they come into Bethsaida : and they bring Him a blind man,

and they intreat Him that He may touch him .

23And taking the blindman by the hand,

He led him out of the vil lage ; and spitting in his eyes, putting His hands on him


asked him, ifhe sees trees .

stored, and saw all things distinctly .no t into the village .

“Magdala is th e city,and Dalmanutha th e county.

24And looking up he said,I see the men walking about

25 Then again He put His hands on h is eyes, and he looked up ; and was re”And He sent him to his own house

,saying, Go

bGr. ouranous,sky or lower h eaven .

Q 73 , From our L ord’s Tbird Passover to tne Feast of Taoernacles. 7 1



M att. 1 6 . 1 3- 20.

13AndJesus having come into the

regions ofCaesarea Philippi,“asked. His disciples, saying,Whom do the people saythat I , the Son ofman

,am ?

14And they said, Some,John

the Baptist ; and some , Eli

jah ; ando thers, Jeremiah , orone of the prophets.


He says to them,But whom

do you say that I am ? 16And



Thou art the Christ,the Son

of the living God.


Jesus responding said to

of Ca sarea P/z ilzjopi.

M ark 8 . 2 7 -

30 .

”AndJesus and His disciples wentaway into the villages of

Caesarea Philippi and on the

wayHe asked His disciples,saying to them ,

Whom do thepeople say that I am ? ”And

they answered Him saying,John the Baptist :a nd o thers,Elijah ; and o thers, One of

the prophe ts.

”And He

asked them ,Whom do you

say that I am ? And Pe terresponding says to Him,

Thou art the Christ .

Luke 9 . 1 8 - 2 1 .

I8 I t came

to pass, while He was prayingalone, His disciples came

to Him . And He asked

them,saying, Whom do the

mul titudes say that I am ?

19They respondingsaid, JOhnthe Baptist ; and o thers


jah ; and o thers,that one of

the Old prophets ,, is risen.

”And He said to them,But

whom do you say that I am ?And Peter respondingsaid,The Christ OfGod.

him ,B lessed art thou

, Simon the“

son ofJonah : because flesh and blood did no t re

veal it to thee , but my Father who is in the heavens.

18And I say to thee , that thouart Peter, and upon this rock wil l I build my Church , and the gates ofHadesb shal lno t prevail against it.

19And I wil l give unto thee the keysc of the kingdom of the

heavens : and whatsoever you may bind on the earth,Shal l be bound in the heavens ;

and whatsoever you mayloose on earth shal l be loosedin the heavens.

”Then He

commanded His disciplesthat they should tel l no one

that He is the Christ .

M ark 8 .

30And He charged themthat they should speak to no

one concerning Him .

L uke 9 .

”Andhavingcharged them ,

He commanded them to tel lit to no one .


TR IALS OF H IS FoLLOWERs. of Casarea Pei/apt.

M att. 1 6 . 2 1 - 28 .


from this time Jesus began toShow to His disciples, thatit behooves Him to go awayto Jerusalem ,

and to suffer

many things from the eldersand the chiefpriest and the

scribes, and to be killed,and

rise the third day.

be unto thee .

thinking about the things of

God,but those of men.

24Then Jesus said to His disciples, I f any one wishes tocome afterme

,let him deny


and take up his

cross,and fo l low me .

“Syria .

”And Peter taking Himto him

,began to rebuke Him ,

saying, Be itfar from thee , Lord ; because this shal l no t

”And turning He said to

Peter,Get behind me , adversary : thou art

my stumbling- block ; because thou art no t

bGr. Hades,th e invisible world.

M ark 8 . 3 1 to 9 . I .


He began to teach them, thatit behooves the Son ofman

to suffer many things, and

to be rejected by the elders,and the chiefpriests and thescribes

,and to be kil led


aft e r t h re edays to rise .

L uke 9 . 2 2 - 2 7 .

”Saying,That it behooved the Son of

man to suffer many things,and to be rej ected by theelders and chief priests and

scribes and to be killed,and


rise the third day.”Arid He was bo ldly

speaking the word. And Peter takingHim to h im began to rebuke Him .

33And He turning and seeing Hisdisciples, rebuked Pe ter, and says

, Getbehind me , adversary : because thouart no t thinking the things of God


but those of men.


cal ling the mul titude to Himwith His disciples, He said

to them,Whoso ever wishes

to come after me,let him

deny himself, and take up

CThe word.

”And He spoke to all,If

any one wishes to come afterme , let him deny himself


a nd take up his cross daily,

and fo l low me .

72 From our L ord’s Taira

’ Passover to tae Feast of Taoernac/es .

M a t t . 1 6 .

25 Forwhosoevermaywishto save h is soul“ shal l loseit : and whosoever may losehis soul for my sake shal lfind it. ”Forwhat is a man

profited, if he may gain the

who le world,and lose his

own soul ? or what wil l aman give in exchange for hissoul ? For the Son ofman

is about to come in the gloryOf His Father with H is

angels, and then He willgive to each one accordingto his works.

”Truly I say unto you,

There are some of thosestanding here , who may no t

taste of death,until they

may see the Son Of man

coming in His kingdom.


[PART v .Luke 9 .

”For whosoever may be

ashamed of me and mywords

,the Son ofman wil l

be ashamedOfhim,when He

may come In His glory , andthat Of the Father,and that

of the ho ly angels.

”And truly I say unto you,There are some .Of thosestanding here , who may no t

taste ofdeath , until they maysee the kingdom ofGod.


— R egz'

on of“

Ca sarea

M at t . 1 7 . 1 - 13 .


after six days Jesus takesPeter

,and James

,and John

h is bro ther,and carries them

up into an exceedingly highmountain privately . 2And

was transfiguredbefore them ,

and His face shone like thesun

,and His garments be

came white as the light .3And beho ld

,Moses and

Elijah appeared unto them ,talking with Him .

M ark 9 . 2 - 1 3 .

2Aftersix days Je sus takes Pe ter


and John, and James, and

carries them up into an ex

ceedingly high mountainprivately alone ; and was

transfigured before them :

3 and His raiment became

re sp l e n de n t , exceedinglywhite like snow as no ful leron earth is able to whiten .

4And Elijah was seen bythem with Mo ses ; and theywere talking with Jesus.

Duke 9 . 28 36.

”And it

came to pass after these discourses

,about eight days,

and taking Peter and Johnand James

,He went up _


the mountain to pray . 2t’And

it came to pass while He

was praying, the appearance

of His countenance was

changed; and His raimentShining white .

”And be

ho ld two men were talkingwith Him , who were Moses

and Elijah : ‘ 31who beingseen in glory , was speak

ing of His departure which He was about to perfect in Jerusalem .

32And Peter and those who were along with Him,

were burdened with sleep. And having watched throughthe night , they saw His glory and the two men who were

standing with him .

aGr. psuch e , soul, o ccurs four times in verses 35, 36, and 37 .

”I t came to pass when they departedbGr. dynamite .

M ark 8 .

h is cro ss, and fo l low me .

35 For whoso ever may wishto save h is soul“ Shal l loseit ; and whoso ever shal l losehis soul formy sake and thatof the go spel shal l save it.


what shall it profit aman to gain th e who leworld

,and lose his own

soul ? 37For what woulda man give in exchange forhis soul ? ”For whoso evermay be ashamed ofme


my words in this adul terousand wicked generation, the

Son Of man Shal l also be

ashamed of him,when He

may come in the glory of

His Father with the ho lyangels .

M ark 9 .

1And He said to

them,Truly I say unto you,that there are certain ones of

those standing here , who

may no t taste ofdeath,until

they may see the kingdom

of God,having come with



24Forwhosoevermaywishto save his soul“ shal l loseit ; and whosoever may lo sehis soul formysake , he shal lsave it.

25 Forwhat is a man

profited, gaining the wholeworld

, and losing or forfeiting himse lf?

M att . I 7 .

the man came to Him,

worshiping I ‘ l im on his

knees,15 and saying, Lord,have mercy on my son, be

cause he is a lunatic and suf

fers terribly : for frequentlyh e fal ls into the fire , and

frequently into the water.

16And I brought him to thydisciples, and they were no t

able to heal h im .


Jesus responding said : O,

faithless and perverse generation,

how long shal l I bewith you ? bring him hitherto me .

From our L ord’

s Tbird Passover to tile Feast of Taoernacles .

M ark 9 .

I have brought my son to

thee , having a dumb spirit .18And when he may takehim he lacerates him : and

he fro ths,and gnashes histee th , and pines away . And

I said to thy disciples, thatthey should cast h im out ;

and they were no t able .

19And He responding to

them ,says, O faithless gen

eration,how long shall I be

with you ? how long shal l Ibear with you ? Bring himhither to me .

”And theybrought him to Him ; and

seeingH im ,immediately the

spirit convulsed him ; and

fal ling on the ground,he continued to wallow, foam


this occurred to him ?

21And He asked his father, How long is it SinceAnd he said,

from chi ldhood :

”and frequently he cast him into the fire and intothe waters, in order that he may destroy him : but

if you are able to do anything, assist us, being moved with compassiontowards us.

all th ings are possible to him that believeth .

[PART v .Luke 9 .

38And beho ld, a man fromthe multitude cried out


ing, Teacher, I pray theelook upon my son, because

he is to me an only child3‘J and beho ld, the spiritse iz es h im,

and he suddenlycries out ; and he convulsesh im with foam , and scarcelydeparts from h im

, contortinghim.

40And I besought thydisciples , that they shouldcast him out ; and they wereno t able .

41And Jesus re

sponding said, O ye faithlessandperverse generation,


long shall I be with you,and 'bear with you ? Bringyour son h ither,

42And he

ye t coming, the demon

dashed him down and con

vulsed him .

”And Jesus said to him , I t is this, ifyou are able (to be lieve ) ;24And immediately the father

of the child crying out with tears,continued to say, I believe ; assist thou

my unbelief.18And Jesus rebuked him,

and. the demon came out from

h im ,and th e childwashealed

from that hour.

19Then thedisciples coming to Jesusprivately, said


were we no t able to cast him out? ”andJesus says to them , On account Ofyour un

rebuked the unclean spirit ,saying to him

,Dumb and

deafspirit , I command thee,

come outfrom h im , and enterno more into him.


crying out,and convulsingh im m u c h ,he came out.

so that many said,that

,he is dead.

”And Jesus seeing that the mul titude are running toge ther,43And Jesus rebuked the

unclean spirit and healed thechild

,and gave him to his

father. And allwere astonished at the majesty OfGod.

And he became like a corpse ;”And

belief. For truly I say unto you,If youhave faith as a grain ofmustard seed, you

will say to this mountain,Remove hence toyonder place ; and it shal l remove ; and

no thing shal l be impossible to you .

Jesus,taking him by the hand, lifted him

up ; and he stood up.

23And His disciplesasked Him privately, having come into the

house , Why were we no t able to cast himout ? ”And He said unto them

,This kind

is able to come out by no thing, but byprayer.



M at t . I 7 . 2 2,

23 .

”And they soj ourningin Galilee


Jesus said

to them ,The Son of

man is about to be be

M ark 9 . 30-

32 .


they coming out thence ,trave led through Galilee ;and He was no t W il ling thatany one Should know it.31For He was teaching Hisdisciples, and

saying to

them,The Son of man is

L uke 9 . 43-

45 .

43And allwere

electrified with the majesty of

God. And allbeingastonished at

allthingswhich Jesus (lid, He said

to His disciples, 44You place thesewords in your ears for the Son

ofman is about to be betrayed intothe hands ofmen.

45And they

éé78 , From our Lord’s T/z z


ra'Passover fo Me Feasi of Taoernaeles . 75

M att. 1 7 .

trayed into the hands of


23And they will kil lHim ; and He will rise the

third day. And they weregri eved exceedingly .


M att . 1 7 . 24- 2 7 .

24And they having M ark 9 .

come into Capernaum ,those receiving the naum .

double drachma came to Peter, and said,Does your teacher pay the double drachma ?“ 25 He says


33And He came into Caper

And when he came

into the house , Jesus anticipated him,saying, What seems to you, Simon ? from whom

do the kings of the earth receive to l l or tribute ? from their own sons or aliens ?he saying from aliens, Jesus said to him

,Then the sons are free .

26And”But in order that

we may no t offend them, going to the sea, cast in a hook

,and take the first fish coming

up ; and opening“

its mouth, you Will find a stater zb having received it, give it to them

for me and thee .


M a t t . 1 8 . 1 -

35 .

1At thathour the disciples came to

Jesus, saying,Then which

one is the greater in the

kingdom of the heavens ?

the way, who was the greater.

M ark 9 . 33-



He being in the house askedthem ,What were you dis

puting about to one ano therin the way?

3"‘And theywere silent : for they weredisputing to one ano ther in

L uke 9 . 46 -


46And a

dispute came in among them,

as to which one of themmight be the greater.


ndJesus seeing the dispute of

their heart,

35And sitting down,He called the

twe lve ; and says to them,I f any one wishes to be first

,he shal l be

2And Jesus calling a littlechild to Him

, placed it in

the midst ofthem ,3 and said


Truly I say unto you ,unless

you may be converted, and

become as little children, you

can no t enter into the kingdom ofth e heavens.

4Therefore whosoever shal l humblehimself as this little child,

the same is the greater in

the kingdom ofthe heavens ;5 and whosoever shal l receivesuch little child in myname


receives me .

last ofall,and servant ofall.


And taking a l ittle child,

He placed it in theirmidst ;and taking it up in His arms


He said to them ,37 Whoso

evermayreceive one ofsuchlittle children in my name


receives me : and whosoevermay

receive me,

receivesno t me

,but Him that sent

me .

38And John responded to

Him saying,Teacher, we

saw one casting out demons

in Thy name,who does no t fo l low us ; and we for

bade him ,because he does no t fo llow us.Jesus said

,Forbid him no t.

“Gr. didrac h rna,i. e . ,

h alf- Sh eke l, i. e . , 30 c ents .


For there is no one ,

taking a littlech ild

,He placed it by Him


48 and said to them,

Whosoever may receive thislittle child in my name re

ceives me ; and whosoevermay receive me receiveshim that sent me . For hewho is least among you all


the same shal l be great .

49And John respondingsaid


, we saw one

casting out the demons in

thy name ; and we forbadeh im

, because he does no t

fo l low with us.

50And Jesusbstater

,a Sh eke l

,60 c ents or 4 drachmae .

M ark 9 .

be trayed into the hands of

men,and they wil l kil l Him ;

and having been kil led, He

wil l rise again the third day.

32And they did no t under

stand the word, and theywere afraid to ask Him

Luke 9 .

did no t understand thisword

,and it was hidden

from them,in order that

they should no t understandit : and they were afraid to

ask Him concerning thisword.

76 From our l ord’s T7227c Passover l

o t/ze Feast of Taoernaeles.

M ark 9 .

who Shal l do a miracle in my name,and be able

40For whosoever is41For who soever

quickly to speak evil ofme .

no t against us, is on our side .


L uke 9 .

said to him,Forbid him no t ;

for whosoever is no t againstus is on our side .

may give you a cup of water in my name,because

M at t . 1 8 .

6But whosoever may offend one of theselittle ones

,who believe in me , it is good for

h im that a mil lstone may be hanged to h is

neck ,and he maybe drowned in the depth

of the sea.

7Wo e unto the world on ac

count of offensives, for it is necessary thatoffensives fcome ; but woe unto that man

through whom the offense comes ! S If thyhand or thy foo t offends thee , cut them off

and cast them from thee : it is good for theeto enter into life hal t o r maimed,

ratherthan having two hands or two fee t to be

cast into e ternal fire .

9And if thine eye

offend thee , cast it from thee : it is good forthee having one eye entering into l ife ,rather than having two eyes to be cast intothe hel l of the fire .

you are Christ’s,truly I say unto you, can

no t lose his reward.

42Whosoevermay offend one of these little ones who believe in me , rather is it goodfor him , if a mil lstone is hung about hisneck ,

and he may be cast into the sea.

43And if thy hand may offend thee , cut it

off: it is good for thee to go into l ife maimed,rather than having two hands to go awayinto hel l

,into the fire that can not bequenched. thy foo t offend thee , cut it

off: it is good for thee to go into life lame,

rather than have two fee t to be cast intohell . 47 If thine eye may offend thee

, castit from thee : it is good for thee enteringinto the kingdom of God having one eye ,rather than having two eyes to be cast intohel l ; 48where their worm does no t die


the fire is no t quenched.

49For every oneShall be sal ted with fire .

50Sal t is goodbut if the sal t may become savorless, with what will you salt it?Have sal t in yourselves

,and live in peace with one ano ther.

M at t . I 8 .

10See that you do no t despise one of these little ones ; for I say unto you,that their

ange ls in heaven do always beho ld the face ofmy Father who is in the heavens.

“ 12W’hatseems to you

? if there may be a hundred sheep to one man,and one of them may go

astray , does he no t, leaving the nine ty and nine

, go ing to the mountains,seek that which

has gone astray ? 13And ifit maybe that he finds it,truly I sayunto you, that he rejoiceth

mo re over it than over the nine ty and nine that went no t astray . 14So it is no t the wil lof your Father who is in the heavens

,that one of these little ones may perish . 15 But if

thy bro ther may Sin, go , and convict him be tween thee and him alone : if he may hearthee

,thou hast gained thy bro ther : l6 if he may no t hear thee

,take with thyself one or

two,in order that in the mouth of two or three witnesses the wo rd may stand.

b 17But

ifhe may no t hear them,te ll the church : and if indeed h e may no t hear the church

,le t

him be to thee as a heathen and publican .

18Truly I say unto you,that whatsoever

things you may bind on earth shal l be bound in heaven : and whatsoever things you mayloose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

6 19Again I say unto you,that if two of you

may agree upon the earth concerning everything which you may ask,it shal l be done

unto you by my Father, who is in the heavens.

20For where two or three are assembledin my name

, there I am in the midst ofthem .

21Then Pe ter,coming to Him ,

said, Lord,how often shal l my bro ther sin against me , and I forgive him ? until seven times ?d 22Jesussays to him ,

I saynot unto thee , Until seven time but Until seventy times seven.

23Therefore the kingdom of the heavens is like unto a kingly man, who wished to make a reck

oning with his servants.

24And he beginning to reckon,one was brought to him owing

him myriads oftalents fi 25And he no t havingwherewith to pay, his lord commanded him

to be so ld,and h is wife

,and children

,and all things so many as he had, and payment to

be made .

26Then that servant fal lingdown, continued to worship him ,saying, Be patient

with me,and I wil l payyou all. 27 The lord ofthat servant

,beingmoved with compassion,

CMatt . 1 6 . 1 9 .

dLuke I 7 . 3.

“Luke 1 5 . 4-

7 .etalent


bDeut . 1 9 . 1 5 ; 2 Cor. 1 3 I .

éé80, From our L ora”s Tfiz

ra’ Passover z

o i/ze Feast of Taoernaeles. 77

M att . 1 8 .

sent him away,and forgave him the

debt . 28And that servant having gone out,found

one of his fe llow- servants, who owed him one hundred denaria :a seiz ed him,thro ttled

him,saying, Payme what you oweme .

29Then his fe l low- servant fallingdown, continuedto intreat him,

saying,Be patient with me and I will pay thee .

30And he was no t wil ling : but having gone away he cast him into prison, until he could pay that which wasowing.

31Then his fel low- servants seeing those things which had taken place , weregrieved exceedingly , and coming related to their lord all the things which transpired.

32Then his lord calling him says to him,Thou wicked servant

,I forgave thee all that

debt, since thou didst intreat me : 33 did it no t behoove thee also to have mercy on thyfel low - servant , as I had mercy on thee ? 34And

,his lord being angry delivered him to the

tormenters , until he Should pay all that was due him.

35 Thus myHeavenly Fatherwil lalso do unto you, ifyou do no t forgive each one his bro ther from your hearts


Luke 1 0 . 1 - 16.

1After these things the Lord chose seventy o thers also , and sent themout two by two before His face , into every place and city, where He was about to coma h

2And He said to them,The harvest is indeed great, but the laborers are few : therefore

pray you the Lord of the harvest, that He may send forth laborers into His harvest .3 Go : beho ld, I send you forth as lambs in the midst of wo lves.

4Take neither purse ,nor valise , nor sandals zc salute no one by the way.

5 Into whatsoever house you mayenter

,first say, Peace be unto this house .

6And if the son ofpeace may be there ,your

peace shall rest upon it : but ifno t, it shal l re turn unto you.

7Abide in the same house,

eating and drinking those things which are with them : for the laborer is worthy of hishire d Go

not from house to house .

8 Into whatsoever city you may enter and they mayreceive you, eat those things which are placed by you : 9 and heal the sick who are in

it,and say to them,

The kingdom ofGod has come nigh unto you .

10And into whatsoever city you may enter, and they may no t receive you ,

having come out into the stree tsof the same , say,

11 Even the dust from your city,that clear-

eth to our fee t , do we wipeoffagainst you : but know this

,that the kingdom ofGod is at hand.

12For I say untoyou, that it wil l be more to lerable in that day for Sodom than for that city . 13Woe untothee , Choraz in ! woe unto thee , Be thsaida ! for if the mighty wo rks which were wroughtin you had been in Tyre and Sidon

,they would have repented long ago , sitting down in

sackclo th and ashes e 14Moreo ver it shal l be more to lerable for Tyre and Sidon in the

judgment than for you .

15And thou,Capernaum ,

art thou no t exal ted up to heaven ? thouShal t be cast down to Hades.

16He that heareth you heareth me ; he that rejectethyou rej ecte th me ; and he that rejecteth me rejecteth Him that sent me .


John 7 . 2 - 10 .

2And the feast of the Jews,tabernacles

,was nigh fl

3Then His bro thers said to Him ; Depart hence , and go into Judea in order that thy disciples shal l seethy works which thou art doing. For no one does anything in secre t

, .and Himselfseeks

to be public .

4 If thou doest these things, Show thyse lf to the world.

5For His bro thersh were no t believing on Him .

6Jesus says to them,My time is no t yet ; but yourtime is always ready . 7 The world is no t able to hate you ; but it hates me

,because I

testify against it, that its works are evil . 8You go up to the feast : I do no t go to thisfeast ; because my time is no t yet fulfil led.

9 Saying these things He remained in Galilee .

10And when His bro thers went up to the feast,then Himself also went up, not openly ,

but in secret .adenarion, 1 0 pennies or 1 5 c ents.

011 T im . 5 . 1 8 . 0Le v . 2 3 34 .

bMatt . 9 . 3 7 .eMatt . I I . 2 1 - 2 3 .

hJame s, s. la Joses, and

°Matt . 9 . 1 5 . M att . 10. 40 ; Jo hn 1 3 . 20 . J udas,

78 From our L ord’

s T/z z'

ra’ Passover l

o {fie Feasf of Taoernae/es . [PART V .

L uke 9 .

Luke 9 . 5 1 - 62 .

5 1And it came to pass while the days ofHis taking up were beingfulfil led, and He turned His face to go to Jerusalem,

52and He sent messengers beforeHis face . And they go ing forward"

, entered into a city of th e Sam aritans,in order to

prepare for Him ;53 and they did no t receive Him

,because His face was go ing towardJerusalem.

5 4And the disciples James and John,seeing,

said,Lord, do you wish that

we may command fire to descend from heaven and consume them ? 55And He turning,rebuked them .

56And they went into ano ther villag e .

§ 82 . TEN LEPERs CLEANSED.— Samarz



L uke 1 7 . 1 1 - 1 9 .

11And it came to pass, while He was journeying to Jerusalem,and

He was go ing through the midst of Samaria and Galilee .

12He coming into a certainvil lage , ten lepers met Him

,who stood afar off;

13 and lifting up their vo ice , saying,Thou



,have mercy on us.

14And seeing,He said to them ,

Go and Showyourselves to the priest .“ And it came to pass whi le they were going, they werecleansed :

15 and one ofthem,seeing that he was healed, re turned, with a loud voice glori

fying God,16and he fel l upon h is face at His fee t , giving thanks to Him : and he was a


17And Jesus responding said,

not th e ten cleansed? 18Where are the

nine ? And they were no t found re turning to give thanks to God, except this one for




19And He said to h im having arisen, go : thy faith hath saved thee .

aLev . 14. 2 .






TIME : S ix [Mom/2s less One lVeeé .


John 7 . 1 1 -

5 2 .

HEN the Jews were seeking Him at th e feast,and saying,

Wh ere is He ? 12And

there was much murmuring in the crowd concerning Him : some indeed were say

ing, That He 15 good ; o thers were saying,I\ o

,but He deceives th e mul titude .


one indeed was speaking openly concerning Him on account of the fear of the Jews.

14But the feast already being midway, Jesus came up into the temple , and was teaching.

15 Then the Jews marveled, saying ; How does this one know letters, never having beentaught ?“ 16Then Jesus responded to them,and said

,My teaching is no t mine , but of

Him that sent me ;l7 ifany one may wil l to do His wil l , he shal l know concerning the

teaching,whether it is ofGod

,or I speak for myself. 13He that speaketh from himse lf

seeketh his own glory : he that seeketh the glory ofHim that sent Him ,the same is true ,

and there is no unrighteousness in Him .

19Did no t Moses give you the law ? and no

one ofyou does the law .

b do you seek to kil l me ? 20And th e multitude responded,

Thou hast a demon : who seeks to kil l thee ? 0 21Jesus responded and said to them ,I did

one work , and you were all astonished.

22Moses gave you circumcision,d not that it is

ofMoses , but of th e fathers} and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath .

23K a man re

ceives circumcision on th e Sabbath , in order that the law of Mo ses may no t be broken ;are you mad at me

,because I made a man entire ly who le on the Sabbath ? 24Judge no t

according to sight , but judge righteous judgment f 25 Then certain ones ofJerusalemiteswere saying, I s no t this He whom they wished to kill ? 26And beho ld He speaks pub

licly, and they say no thing to Him . do the rulers truly know that He is the

Christ ? 27 But we know Him whence He is : but when Christ may come,no one knows

whence He is.

28 Then Jesus cried out in the temple , teaching and saying, You indeedknow me

,and know whence I am ; and I have no t come ofmyself

,but the one sending

me is true , whom you do no t know .g 29 1 know Him

,because I am with Him

,and He

sent me .

30Then they were seeking to arrest Him : and no one laid a hand on Him ,because His hour had no t yet come fi 01.And many from the mul titude believed on Him ;

and continued to say, Christ may come,wil l He do more miracles than this one is

do ing? 32The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things concerning Him ; and

the chiefpriests and Pharisees sent officers, that they should arrest Him .

33Then Jesussaid, Yet a little while I am with you and I go to Him that sent me .

i 3 ‘4You wil l seekme , and wil l no t find me : and where I am

, you are no t able to come .

35 Then th e Jewssaid to themselves, Where is He about to go ,

that we shal l no t find Him ? is He aboutto go into the Dispersion of th e Greek

,and teach the Greeks ? is this word

aJohn . 1 4 . 24 . { Joh n 8 . 48 ; I O . 20 .‘Joh n 1 2 . 3 5 .

bEx . 24. 3 .

“Le v . 1 2 . 3 .

80 From Me Feast of Taoernaeles fo our Lord’s arrivalat Bethany, [PART VI .

John 7 .

which He said,You shall seek me, and not find me : and where I am

, you are not ableto come ?37And on the last great day of the feast, Jesus stood and continued to cry out, saying, If

any one thirst , let him come and drink.

38 The one believing on me,as the Scripture

said, out ofhis heart shal l flow rivers of living water.

“ 39And He spoke this concerningthe Spirit , whom those believing on Him were about to receive :b for the Spirit was -no t

yet ; because Jesus was no t yet glorified.

40Then those hearing these words from the

multitude , were saying,This is truly the prophe t ; 41 o thers were saying, He is the Christ ;

o thers were saying, For whether do es Christ come out of Galilee ? 42Did no t the

Scripture say, that Christ comes from the seed ofDavid and from the villagei


,where David was ? 0 43Then there was a schism in the crowd on account of Him

44and some of them wished to arrest Him ; but no one laid hands on Him fl 45 Thenthe officers came to the chiefpriests and Pharisees

,and they said to them

,Why did you

no t bring Him ? 46The officers responded, Never did a man so speak , as this manSpeaks.

47And the Pharisees responded to them ;

Are ye also deceived? 43Whether hasany one of the rulers or of the Pharisees be lieved on Him ? 49But this crowd knowingno t the law are accursed.

50Nicodemus being one of them,says to them ;

6 5 1Whetherdo es our law judge a man

,until it may first hear from him an


d know what he does ?f52They responded and said to him

,Whither art thou also from Galilee ? Search

,and see

that no prophe t rises out ofGalilee .


John 8 . 1 2 - 5 9 .

12Then Jesus again Spoke _

to them,saying, I am the light of the

world the one fo llowingme can not walk in darkness,but shal l have the light ofthe Me t:

13Then the Pharisees said to Him ,Thou art testifying concerning thyself; Thy testimony

is no t true . And Jesus responded and said to them,14 If I testify concerning myse lf, mytestimony is true ; for I know whence I come , and whither I go . You know no t whence

I come , or whither I go .

15 You judge according to the flesh ; I judge no one .k 16 If- I

judge , my judgment is true ; because I am no t alone,but I and the One having sent me .

17And it has been written in our law,that the testimony of two men is true .

i 18 I am

the one testifying concerning myse lf, and the Father having sent me,testifies concerning


19Then they said to Him,Where is thy Father? Jesus responded ; You know

neither me nor my Father ; if you knew me, you would also know my Father.


spoke these words in the treasury,teaching in the temple : and no one arrested Him ;because His hour had

,no t yet come k 21Then He again said to them

,I go away


you will seek me,and you will die in your sin : whither I go .yon are no t able to come ]

22Then the Jews were saying, Whether wil l He kil l Himself,because He says


I go away, you are


no t able to come ? 23And He said to them,You are from beneath ;

I am from above : you are of this world ; I am no t of this world.

'm 24Therefore I said

to you,that you Shal l die in your sins : for if you may no t believe that I am He , you

shall die in your sins.

25 Then they said to Him,Who art thou ? And Jesus said to

them,Even that which I also Speak to you from the beginning.

26 1 have many thingsto speak and to judge concerning you ; but the One having sent me is true ; thosethings which I heard with Him ,

these I speak to the world.

27 They did no t know thatHe spoke to them concerning th e Father.

28Then Jesus said, When you may lift up theSon ofman

,then you shal l know that I am He

,and I do no thing ofmyse lf

,but as the

Father has taught me , I speak the same things.

” 29Truly the One having sent me is

with me ; He has no t left me alone ; because I always do tho se things which are pleasing“Ez ek . 47 . 1 - 1 2 ; Ze ch . 1 4 . 8 ; { John 3 . r ; 1 9 . 39 . J


John 1 4 . 7-

9 .

I sa . 5 8 . 1 1 . fDe u t . 1 9 . 1 5 .

kJo hn 7 . 30 .

bJo el 2 . 2 8 ; oJoh n 1 2 . 46. { Jo hn 7 . 33 .

CPS . 89 . 4 ; M ich . 5 . 2 .

hJoh n 7 . 24 ; 3 . 1 7 .mJohn 3 . 3 1 ; 1 J ohn 4. 5 .

(John 8 . 30.fDeu t . 1 9 . 1 5 ; Matt . 1 8 . 1 6. nJohn 3 . 1 4 ; 1 2 . 32 .

82 From Me Feasl of Taoernaoles to our Lord’s arrivalaz‘ BeMany. [PART VI .

Luke 10 .

tain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho ; and fel l among thieves, who indeedhaving stripped him of his raiment, administered blows,went away

,leaving him half


31And by chance a certain priest came down that way : and seeing him , passedby on the o ther side .

32And likewise also a Levite , being at the place , coming and see

ing, passed by on the o ther side .

33And a certain Samaritan, on a journey,came near

h im : and seeing, had compassion on him,

34and having come to him,be bound up his

wounds, pouring in o il and wine : and having mounted him on his own beast , carried

h im to a tavern,and cared for him .

35And on the morrow,taking out two denaria


gave them to the host,and said

,Care for him ; and whatsoever you expend in addition


on my return, I will pay you.

36Which one of these three seems to you to have beenthe neighbor ofhim who fel l among the thieves ? 37And he said

,The one having done

mercy with him. And Jesus said to him,Go


,and do likewise .


Luke 1 0 . 38-

42 .

38And it came to pass while they were going round,He also came

into a certain village : and a certain woman by name Martha received Him into her

house .

b 39And there was a Sister to her cal led Mary, who indeed sitting down at the

fee t ofthe Lord, continued to hear His word : 40and Martha was very busy about muchserving. And standing over Him

,she said


,is there no care to thee that my sister

has left me to serve alone ? then say to her that she must assist me .

41And the Lord

responding said to her, Martha,Martha

, you are so licitous and encumbered “

concerningmany things : 42but there is need of one thing : for Mary has chosen the good part ,which shal l no t be taken from her.


L uke 1 1 . I - I 3 .

1And it came to pass, that He was in a certain place praying ; whenHe ceased, one ofHis discip les said to Him

,Lord, teach us to pray , as John also taught

his disciples.

0 2And He said to them,When you pray, say, Our Father, let thy name

be hal lowed : let thy kingdom come : dgive unto us this day our daily bread : 4and for

give us our sins ; for we also do forgive every one owing us : and lead us no t into temptation .

5And He said to them,Which one ofyou shal l have a friend

,and go to h im at

midnight, and say to h im,Friend

,lend me three loaves ; 6 since my friend came to me

from the road, and I have no thing which I may place before him .

7And he respondingfrom within


,Do no t give me trouble z the door has already been clo sed

,and my

children are in bed with me ; I am no t able rising to give unto thee .

8 I say unto you,Ifindeed having risen he wil l no t give unto him ,

because he is his friend, yet on account

of his shamelessness,rising he wil l give h im as much as he needs.

9And I say untoyou, Ask , and it shal l be given unto you ; seek

,and you shal l find ; kno ck, and it shal l

be opened unto you.

10For every one asking receives ; and the one seeking finds ; andto the one knocking it shall be opened.

11And which father ofyou shal l if his son ask

bread, will he give him a stone ? or indeed a fish ,wil l he instead of a fish give him a

serpent ? 12Or i ndeed shal l he ask an egg, wil l he give him a scorpion ?13 If then

you,being evil

,know how to give good gifts to your children

,then how much more will

-your Father who is from heaven give the Ho ly Spirit to them that ask Him ?é88 . THE SEVENTY RETURN .— jerusalem .

Luke 1 0 . I 7 - 24.

17And the seventy re turned with joy, saying, Lord,even the demons

are subordinated to us in thy name .

18And He said to them,I saw Satan having fal len

as the lightning from heaven .

19 Beho ld I have given you authority to tread upon serpentsand scorpions, and over all the power ofthe enemy ; and no thing shal l hurt you.


“Thirty c ents .bJoh n 1 1 . 1 ; 1 2 . 1 .

“Matt . 6 . 9- 1 3 .

Q From Me Feast of Taoernaeles to our L ord’s arrivalat Bet/zany . 83

Luke 10 .

over do not rejoice in this, that the s irits are subject unto you ; but rejoice that yournames are written in the heavens.

“ 21 t the same hourHe rejoiced in the Ho ly Spirit, andsaid, I praise thee, O Father, Lord of the heaven and the earth , because thou hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent , and revealed them to babes : yea, Father,because it was thus pleasing in thy sight . 22And turning to His disciples, He said


things have been delivered to,me by my Father : and no one knoweth who the Son is


except the Father ; and who the Father is, except the Son,and he to whom He may

wish to reveal Him .

23And turning to His disciples, privately He said,Happy are your

eyes,seeing those things which you see .

24For I say unto you, that many kings and

prophets desired to see those things which you see, and saw them not ; and to hearthose things which you hear, and heard them no t.


Joh n 9 . I -

4 I to 1 0 . I - 2 1 .

1And passing along, H e saw a man blind from his birth .2And His disciples asked Him

,saying, Master, who sinned, this one

,or his parents,that he was born blind ? 3Jesus responded, Neither did he nor his parents sin ; but that

the works of God may be made manifest in him .

4 I t behooveth us to work the works

of Him that sent us, while it is day: the night comes, when no one is able to work .

5While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

b 6 Saying these words, He . spaton the ground, and made mortar out of the spittle , and besmeared the mortar on his

eyes,b 7 and He said to him ; Go , wash in the poo l of Siloam , (which is interpreted,

Sent ) .

c Then he went away,and washed

,and came seeing.

8Then the neighbors, and

those seeing him previously, because he was a beggar, continued to say, I s not this theone sitting and begging? 9 S0me said, That he is : o thers said


,but he is like him

he said, I am he .

10Then they said to him,How then were your eyes opened?


responded, a man cal led Jesus made mortar and besmeared my eyes,and said, Go to

S iloam,and wash . Then having gone away and washed, I looked up.

12They said to

him,Where is He ? He says

,I know no t.

13They lead h im to the Pharisees, himformerly blind.

14And it was the Sabbath on the day on which Jesus made mortar,and

opened his eyes.

15 Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he looked up. And

he said to them,He placed the mortar on my eyes, and I washed, and see .

16Thencertain ones of the Pharisess said

,This man is no t with God, because He does no t keep

the Sabbath . Others said,How is a wicked man able to do such miracles ? And there

was a division among them .

17Then they again say to the b lind man,What do you say

concerning Him,because He Opened your eyes ? And he said that , He is a prophet


18Then the Jews did no t believe concerning him,that he was blind, and looked up,

untilthey cal led the parents of him that looked up,

d 19 and asked them,saying, I s this your

son,who you say was born blind? how then does he now see ? 20Then his parents re

Sponded and said ; We know that he is our son, and that he was born blind :21but how

he now sees,we know no t ; nor who opened his eyes, we know no t : ask him ; he has

majority ; he will speak for himself. 22And his parents said these things, because theyfeared the Jews : for the Jews had already stipulated, that ifany one should confess Him

to be Christ , he should be put out of the synagogue .

6 23Therefore his parents said that ,He has majority

, ask him.

24Then they asked the man the second time who was blind,and said to him

, Give God the glory : we know that this man is a sinner.

25 Then be t e

sponded, If He is a sinner,I know not : one thing I do know, that being blind I now

see .

26Then they said to him ,What did He to you ? how did He open your eyes ?

27He responded to them,I to ld you already , and you did not hearken : why do you wish

to hear again? whether do you wish to become His disciples ? 2gThey railed on him


and said, You are His disciple ; but we are the disciples ofMoses 2gwe know that Godspoke to Mo ses : but we do no t know this One . wh ence He is .

30The man responded

“Matt. 1 1 . 25 , 2 7 .bJohn 8 . 1 2 .

cNeh . 3 . 1 5 .dLuke 7 . 1 6.

0Turned out ofthe Church .

84 From Me Feast of Tabernacles to our [ or’s arrival at Pet/zany . [PART VI .

John 9 .

and said to them ; For in this it is wonderful , that you do no t know whence He is,He

truly opened my eyes.

31We know that God hears not sinners : but ifany one may be a

worshiper of God, and do His will,He hears him.

32 I t was never heard of from thebeginning that any one opened the eyes ofa man who was born blind : 33 ifHe were not

with God, He would no t be able to do anything.

34They responded and said to him,

Thou art altogether born in sins,and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.

35Jesus heard that they cast him out ; and having found '


,Do you believe on

the Son ofman ? 36He responded and said,Who is He , Lord, that I may believe on

Him ? 37Jesus said to him,Indeed you have seen Him

,and the One speaking with you

is He .

38And He said,I believe , Lord : and he worshiped Him .

39And Jesus said,

For judgm ent I came into this world,that those no t seeing may see ; and tho se seeing

may be made blind.

40And those of the Pharisees being with Him heard, and said to

Him,Whether are we also blind ? 41Jesus said to them

,Ifyou were no t blind you

would not have sin : but now you say that, We see : your sin rernaineth .

John 1 0 .

lTruly, truly , I say unto you, the one coming no t in through the door intothe fo ld of the sheep,

but climbing up some o ther way, he is a thiefand a robber.


the one coming in through the doo r is the shepherd of the sheep.

3To him the porteropens ; and the sheep hear His voice : and he cal ls His own sheep by name

,and leads

them out.

4When He may put out all his own,he goes before them ,

and the sheepfo llow Him : because they know his voice :

5 but they wil l no t fo l low a stranger, butwill flee from him : because they know not the voice of strangers.

GHe spoke this parable to them : but they did no t know what things He was speaking to them.

7 Then Jesussaid, Truly , truly , I say unto you , that I am the door of the sheep.

8All so many ascame were thieves and robbers : but the sheep did no t hear them .

9 1 am the door : if

any one may enter in through me,he shal l be saved ; he shal l go in and come out


find pasture .

10The thiefdoes no t come,but that he may steal

,and slay

,and destroy :

I came that they may have life , and have it mo re abundantly . 11 I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.

12The hireling, and the

one no t being the shepherd,whose own the sheep are no t

,sees the wo lf coming, and

leaves the sheep, and flees away,and the wo lf seiz es and scatters them : 13 because he is

a h ireling and there is no t a care to him for the Sheep .

14 1 am the Good Shepherd ; Iknow mine , and mine know me

,“ 15 as the Father knows Me

,and I know the Father ;

and I laydown My soul for the sheep.

16And I have o ther sheep, no t of this fo ld : and

there shall be one fo ld, and one shepherd.

17Therefore my Father loves Me because I

lay down my soul , that I may take it again.

18No one takes it from Me , but I lay it

down ofmyself. I have power to lay it down, and power to receive it again. I receivedthis commandment from my Father.

b 19Again there was a schism among the Jews on

account of these words.

0 20Then many of them were saying, He has a demon, and is

gone mad ; why do you hear Him ? Others were saying,21These are no t the words of

a demoniz ed man fl Whether is a demon able to open the eyes of the blind ? 6


’an .

John 10 . 22 -

42 .

22And it was the feast ofdedication in Jerusalem : and it was winter ;23 and Jesus was walking in the temple in So lomon

’s porch . 24Then the Jews surrounded

Him,and said to Him

,How long do you take away our soul ? 25 If thou art the Christ

,tel l us openly . Jesus responded, I to ld you ,and you do no t believe : the wo rks which

I do in the name ofmy Father, these testify concerningme .f 26But you do no t believe

,because you are no t ofmy sheep.g

“27My sheep hear my vo ice , and I know them,and

they fo llow me :h 2Sand I give to them e ternal life ; and they shal l never perish , and no

one shal l pluck them out ofmy hand.

2f’The Father,who has given them unto me


“Matt . 1 1 . 2 7 ,

bJOhn 7 . 43 .

From Me Feast of Taoernaeles to our Lord’s arrivalat Bet/zany. 85

John 1 0 .

greater than all; and no one is able to pluck them out of the hand of the Father.


and the Father are one .

31Again the Jews took up stones,that they might stone Him.

32Jesus responded to them,I have shown unto you many beautiful works from the Father ;

on account ofwhich ofthese do you stone me ? 33The Jews responded to Him,We do no t

stone Thee for good work, but for blasphemy because Thou, being a man,art making


34And Jesus responded to them ,I s it not written in your law

,that I said,

Ye are gods ?a 35 If He cal led them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the

Scripture 15 no t able to be broken) , 36whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world,do you say ; Thou blasphemest ; because I said, I am the Son of God? 37 If I do no t

the works ofmy Father, be lieve me no t. 38 If_

I do ,believe not me

,believe the works

that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me , and I in the Father.

39They sought again to take Him . and He passed out of their hand.


40And again He departed beyond the Jordan into the place where John was . first baptiz ing ; and remained there :

4 1 and many came to Him,and said

,that John indeed did

no miracle ; but all things so many as John spoke concerning this One are true .


many believed on Him there .

§ 9 1 . THE RAIS ING OF LAZARUS .John 1 1 . I -


1And a certain one was sick, Laz arus from Bethany , ofthe vil lage of

Mary and Martha h er Sister.

” 2And Mary was the one anointing the Lord with myrrh,

and wiping His fee t with her hair, whose bro ther Lazarus was sick.

3Then the sisterssent to Him , saying, Lord, beho ld the one whom thou lovest is sick.

4And Jesus hearing said

,This sickness is no t unto death , but for the glory of God, so that the Son of

God may be glorified through it. 5Jesus loved Martha,and her sister

,and Laz arus


Divine love .

6Therefore when He heard that he was sick,He then remained two days

in the place in which He was.

7 Then after this He says to the disciples, Let us goagain unto Judea.

8The disciples said to Him,Master, the Jews were but now seeking

to stone thee ; dost thou go hither again ?d 9Jesus responded, Are there no t twelve hoursof the day? I fany one may walk in the day, he does no t stumble , because he sees the

light of this world :10ifany one maywalk in the night, he stumbles

,because the light is

no t in him.

11He spoke these things : and after this He says to them , Our friend Lazarus

is asleep ; and I go that I may awaken him .

12Then the disciples said to Him,Lord


if he is asleep, h e wil l be saved.

13But Jesus spoke concerning his death : and theythought that He spoke concerning the rest of sleep.

14Then however Jesus spoke to

them openly , Laz arus is dead, 15 and I rejo ice on account of you that I was no t there ,in order that you may believe ; but let us go to him .

16Then Thomas,cal led Didymus


said to his fellow- disciples ; Let us go too,that we may die with Him.

17 Then Jesus having come,found him having four days in the sepulcher.

lSButBethany was near Jerusalem,about fifteen furlongs.

19And many of the Jews hadcome to Martha and Mary

,that they might comfort them concerning their bro ther.

20Then Martha, when she heard that Jesus comes,went to mee t Him : and Mary sat

in the house .

21 Then Martha said to Jesus,Lord

,if thou hadst been here

,my bro ther

had not died fi ”And now I know that , whatsoever things you may ask of God,

God wil l give to you.

23Jesus says to her, Thy bro ther wil l rise again .

24Marthasays to Him

,I know he wil l rise again in the resurrection in the last day.

25Jesus said

unto her,I am the resurrection and the life ; the one believing on me

,though he may

die,shal l live : and 26 every one living and believing on me can never die : do you believethis ? 27 She says to Him ,

Yes, Lord : I believe that thou art the Christ,the Son ofGod


come into the world.

”And having said this, she departed, and called her sister Mary,

speaking secretly , The Teacher is present , and cal ls you.

29 She , when she heard,arisesquickly

, and comes to Him : 30Jesus had no t yet come into the village , but was yet inthe place where Martha met Him .

31Then the Jews being with her in th e house , and

“PS . 8 1 . 6.bJohn 7 . 30 .

CLuke 10. 38 ; Jo hn 1 2 . 3 .dJoh ri 10. 3 1 .

eJohn 1 1 . 32 .

86 From Me Feast of Taéernaeles to our Lord’s arrivalat Pet/zany. [PART VI .

John 1 1 .

comforting her, seeing Mary,that -

she arose up quickly and went out, fo llowed her,thinking that she goes to the tomb in order that she may weep there .

32Then Mary,

when she came where Jesus was, seeing Him, fel l at His fee t, saying to Him,Lord


Thou hadst been here, my bro ther had no t died.

33Then when Jesus saw her weeping,

and the Jews, having come with her, weeping, He groaned in spirit, and troubled Himself, 34and said, Where have you laid him ? They say to Him

,Lord, come and see .

35Jesus wept . 36Then the Jews were saying, Beho ld, how He loved h im as a friend !

37And some of them said,Was no t this One , having opened the eyes of the blind


to bring it to pass, that he indeed should no t die ? 3ffThen Jesus again groaning in Him,

selfcomes to the tomb ; and it was a cave , and a stone was laid upon it.

39Jesus says ;Take away the stone . Martha, the sister of the dead

,says to Him ; Lord, already he

smelleth : for he is dead four days.

40Jesus says to her ; Did I no t tel l thee , that , if thoucanst believe , thou shal t see the glory ofGod? 41Then they took away the stone ; andJesus lifted up His eyes, and said

,Father, I thank thee , because Thou hast heard Me .

421 know that Thou dost always hearMe but on account ofthe mul titude standing aroundI spoke , in order that they might believe that Thou didst sendMe .

43And speaking thesethings, He cried out with a great voice , Laz arus, come forth .

44And the dead came out,bound as to h is fee t and hands with graveclo thes ; and his face bound round with a

napkin. Jesus says to them,Loo se him ,

and let him go .

45 Then many of the Jews, having come to Mary and seeing the things which He did,believed on Him :

46but certain ones of them went away to the Pharisees,and to ld them

the things which Jesus did.


John 1 1 . 47 - 54 .

47 Then the chief priests and Pharisees assembled the Sanhedrin,

and continued to say, What are we do ing? because this man is do ing many mirac les.

43 - If we thus let Him alone , allwil l believe on Him : and the Romans wil l come and

take away our place and nation.

49But one of them,Caiaphas, being high priest thatyear, said to them ,

50You know no thing, you do no t consider that it is profitable to you,that one man may die for the people , and the who le nation perish no t.

“ 5 1And he spokethis no t of himself, but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was aboutto die for the nation .

52And no t only for the nation,but that He maygather into one the

children of God dispersed abroad.

b 5 3Then from that day they passed the verdict , thatthey would kill Him .

5“Therefore Jesus walked no more publicly among the Jews,but

went away thence into the country near the desert , into a city cal led Ephraim ; and theretarried with His disciples.


— Valley ofjora’an . Perea .

M att . 1 9 . I,2 .

1And it came to pass M ark 1 0 .

1 Rising up thence He comes

when Jesus finished these sermons,He de into the coasts ofJudea

,through the region

parted from Galilee,and came into the beyond the Jordan ; and the mul titudes

coasts ofJudea,beyond the Jordan .

2And again come to Him, and, as was His cus

many mul titudes fo llowed Him ; and He torn,He again taught them .

healed them there .

L uke 1 3 . I O - Z I .

10And He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath .11And beho ld

,a woman having a spirit of infirmity eighteen years ; and she was bowed

together, and no t at all able to straighten up.

12And Jesus seeing her, called to her,

and said, Woman,thou art loosed from thy infirmity : 13 and He placed His hands on

“Jo hn 1 8 . 1 4.bJohn 1 0 . 1 6 .

From Me Feast of Taoernaeles to our L ord'

s arrival at PeMany . 8 7

Luke 1 3 .

her : and immediately she straightened up,and continued to glorify God.

14And the chiefruler of the synagogue , responding, being grieved because Jesus healed on the Sabbath


said to the mul titude , There are six days in which it behooveth us to work : thereforeduring these , coming, be healed, and no t on the Sabbath - day.

15And the Lord

responded to him,and said

,Ye hypocrites, does no t each one of you loose his ox or

his donkey from the stall , and leading him away, give him water on the Sabbath ? a

16Did it no t behoove this one,being a daughter ofAbraham

,whom Satan bound


,these eighteen years, to be loosed from this bondage on the Sabbath - day?17And He

speaking these things, all opposing Him became ashamed : and the who le mul tituderejoiced over all the illustrious works wrought by Him .

18Then He said, To what isthe kingdom ofGod like ? and to what shal l I liken it ? b 19 I t is like a grain ofmustardseed, which a man having taken, cast into h is garden ; and it grew , and

.became a

tree ; and the birds of heaven lodged in its branches.

0 ”And again He said,To what

shal l I liken the kingdom of God? 21 I t is like leaven,which a woman having taken,

hid in three measures ofmeal,until the who le was leavened.



L uke 1 3 . 22 -

35 .

”And He was journeying through cities and villages, teaching, andmaking His journey towards Jerusalem .

”And one said to Him,Lord

,are the saved

few ? And He said to them ,24Agoniz e to enter in through the narrow gate : because

many , I say unto you,will seek to enter in,

and will no t be able .

d 25When the landlord may rise up, and close the door, and you may begin to stand without

,and knock

at the door,saying, Lord, open unto us ; and responding he wil l say unto you, I know

no t whence you are .

”Then you wil l begin to say, We ate and drank in thy presence ,and thou didst preach in our stree ts.

27And he wil l say, I tell you, I know you not

whence you are ; depart from me , all you workers of iniquityfl ”And there shal l be

weeping and gnashing of teeth,when you shal l see Abraham

,and I saac, and Jacob , and

all the prophets, inthe kingdom ofGod, and you cast out.f ”And they wil l come from

the east and west , and the north and south,and wil l sit down in the kingdom of God.

”And beho ld, the last shal l be first,and the first shal l be last.”

31At that hour certain Pharisees came to Him ,saying ; Depart , and go hence : because

Herod wishes to slay thee .

32And He said to them,Having gone , tel l that fox, Behold,

I cast out demons and perfect healings to -day and to -morrow,and on the third day I am

made perfect . 33Moreover it behooves Me to trave l to - day and to -morrow and the dayfo l lowing: because it does no t behoove a prophet to perish outside ofJerusalem .

” 340Jerusalem,Jerusalem

,thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them that have been sent

unto thee ! how frequently did I wish to gather thy children, in the manner in which ahen do th gather her brood under her wings, and ye were not willing! 35 Beho ld,

yourhouse is left unto you deso late . I say unto you,

that you can see me no more , until itshal l come to pass that you may say, Blessed is the One coming in the name ofthe Lord.


INCIDENTs.— Perea .

Luke 1 4. I 24 .

1And it came to pass when He entered into the house ofone of the

rulers ofthe Pharisees on the Sabbath to eat bread,that they were watching Him.

2And,beho ld, a certain dropsical man was before HimJ? 3And Jesus responding spoke to the

theo logians and Pharisees,saying, I s it lawful to heal on the Sabbath - day, or no t ?

“Luke 1 4. 1 5 ; Matt . 1 2 . 1 1,

dMatt 7 . 1 3 ; 2 5 . 10- 1 2 . aMatt . 1 9 . 30 ; 20 . 1 6 ; Mark 10 . 3 1 .

bMark 4 . 30-

3 2 ; Matt. 1 3 . 3 1 .eMa tt . 7 . 2 3

hMatt . 2 3 . 3 7-

39 .

0Matt. 2 2 . 33.

‘Matt . 8. 1 2 ,

“Matt. 12 . 10,

88 From Me Feast of Taéerrzaeles to our L ord’s arrivalat Bet/zany . [PART VI .

L uke 1 4.

and they were silent . 4And taking him by the hand, He healed him,and sent him

away .“ 5And responding to them He said ; Ofwhich one ofyou shal l his son or his ox

fal l into a pit, and will he no t immediate ly lift him out on the Sabbath - day?a 6and they

were no t able to respond to these things.

7And He spoke a parable to those whom He

had called,warning them that they should no t choo se the first couches ; saying to them,

8When you maybe called by any one to a marriage feast , do no t sit down upon the firstcouch ; lest one more worthy than thee may have been called by him

,9 and the one hav

ing called thee and him,having come in shal l say to thee, Give place to him ; and thenthou shal t with shame begin to take the last place .

10But when you maybe invited, coming in sit down in the last place ; in order that when the one having invited thee maycome ,he wil l say to thee


,come up higher : then there wil l be glory ‘

to thee in the

presence of all those sitting along with thee .b 11 Because every one who shall exal t

himself shal l be abased ; and he that humble th himself Shal l be exal ted]?12And He spoke to the one having also invited Him ,

When you maymake a dinner

or a supper, do no t cal l your rich friends,nor your bro thers

,nor your kindred

,nor your

neighbors ; lest they may also invite thee in turn, and there may be a recompense untothee .

13 But when you may make a feast, invite the po or, maimed,lame , blind : 14and

thou shal t be happy ; because they have no thing with which to recompense thee : and

it shall be recompensed unto thee in the resurrection of the just . 15And a certain one

of those sitting toge ther, hearing these things, said to Him , Happy is he who soevereate th bread in the kingdom of God.

0 16And He said to h im,A certain man made a

great supper, and invited many ; 17 and at the hour of the supper he sent his servants tosay to those who were invited,

Come because they are now ready . 18And they all of

one consent began to make excuse . The first said to him , I have bought a farm ,and I

have need having gone to see it : I pray thee have me excused.

19And ano ther said,I

have bought five yoke ofoxen,and I go to prove the same : I intreat thee have me ex


”Ano ther said,I have married a wife , and on this account I am no t able to

come .

”And the servant coming, announced these things to his lord. Then the landlord being angry said to his servant , Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the

city, and lead in hither the poor and maimed and blind and lame .

”And the servantsaid, Lord, it is done as thou didst command

,and yet there is room .

”And the lordsaid to the servant

,Go out into the roads and hedges, and compel them to come in


order that my house may be fil led : 24for I say unto you, that no one of these men who

have been invited shal l taste ofmy supper,


35 .

”And many mul titudes were journeying along with Him,and

turning He said to them,”I fany one comes to me , and does not hate his father


mo ther, and wife, and children ,and bro thers

,and sisters

,and even yet his own soul


is no t able to be mydisciple .

27Whosoever does no t carry his cross, and come after me,

is not able to be my disciple . For which one of you,wishing to build a tower


not first sitting down count the cost ; if he has unto sufficiency ? 29L est he having laidthe foundation, and being unable to complete it, allwho see it may begin to mock him


30saying, that this man began to build,and was not able to complete it. 31Or what

king, going forth to engage in war with ano ther king, will not first sit ting down counse lif he is able with ten thousand to mee t him who is coming against him,

with twentythousand? 32But if not, while he is yet a great way off

,sending an embassy



for those things which appertain to peace .

33Thus then every one ofyou Who'

does no t

consecrate allhis possessions, is no t able to be mydisciple .

34Therefore sal t is good : but

if the salt may lose its savor, with what shal l it be sal ted?e ”R is neither good for theland nor for excrement : they cast it out. He that hath ears to hear

,let him hear.

aLuke 1 3 . 1 5 ; Matt . 1 2 . 1 1 .°R ev . 1 9 . 9 .

eMatt . 5 : 1 3 ; Mark 9. 50~

bLuke I 8 . 14 ; Matt . 2 3. 1 2 .dMatt . .I o . 37.

90 From Me Feast of Taéernaeles to our L ord’s arrivalat BeMany. [PARTVI .

L uke 1 6 .

said within himself, What shal l I do ,because my lord takes away my stewardship from

me ? I am no t able to dig ; I am ashamed to beg.

4 I know what I shal l do,in order

that when I am deposed from the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses.

5And cal ling each one of the debtors ofhis lord,he said to the first

,How much do you

owe my lord? 6And he said ; A hundred measures of o il. And he said to him,Takeyour accounts, and sitting down quickly write fifty . 7 Then he said to ano ther one,And

how much do you owe ? And he said,A hundred measures ofwheat . He says to him ,

Take your account , and write fourscore .

8And the lord“ praised the steward of un

righteousness because he acted shrewdly : because the sons of this age are wiser in theirgeneration than the sons of the light . 9And I say unto you,

Make unto yourselvesfriends of the mammon of unrigh teousness ,

b in order that , when it may fail , they mayreceive you into e ternal tabernacles.

10He that is faithful in the least is also faithful inmuch : and he that is unrighteous in the least is unrighteous in much . 11 Iftherefore youwere no t faithful in the unrighteous mammon

,who wil l intrust to you the true ? 12 If

you were no t faithful in the interest of ano ther, who will give you your own ? 13No

servant is able to serve two masters : for he wil l hate the one , and love the o ther ; or hewil l cleave to the one , and despise the o ther. You are no t able to serve God and mam

mon .c


LAZARUS . —Perea .

Luke 1 6 . I 4-

3 I .

14And the Pharisees , being avaricious,were hearing all these things,

and murmuring against Him.

15And He said to them,Ye are those who justify your

selves before the people ; but God knows your hearts : because that which is exaltedamong the people is abomination in the sight of God.

16The law and the prophe tswere until John : from that time the kingdom ofGod is preached, and every one pressesinto it. d 17And it is easier that heaven and earth pass away

,than one tittle fal l from

the law.6 18Every one sending away his wife

,and marrying ano ther

, commits adultery;fand the one marrying her who has been sent away by her husband commits adultery. g

19There was a certain rich man , and he was habitually clo thed in purple and fine linen,

faring sumptuously every day. But a certain beggar, Laz arus by name , was laid at his

gate , full of sores,”and desiring to be fed by the crumbs falling from the table of the

rich man ; but the dogs also coming continued to lick his sores.

”And it came to passthat the beggar died,and himselfwas carried by the angels into the bosom ofAbraham

and the rich man also died,and was buried h 25And in Hadesi lifted up his eyes


in torment , sees Abraham afar off,and Laz arus in h is bosomj ”And he cal ling said,


ather Abraham ,have mercy on me

,and send Laz arus, that he may dip the tip of his

finger in water,and coo l my tongue , because I am tormented in this flame .


Abraham said, Child, remember that you received your good things in your life , and

Laz arus likewise evil things : but now he is comforted,and you are tormented.


in addition to all these things, there is a great gulf fixed be tween us and you,in order

that those wishing to go hence to you may not be able,neither can they come thence to

27And he said,Moreover I intreat you, father, that you may send him to the house

ofmy father : ”for I have five bro thers ; in order that h e may testify to them ,that they

may no t also come to this place of the torment . ”But Abraham says,They have Moses

and th e prophets ; let them hear them .

30But he said,No

,father Araham : but if one

may go to them from the dead, they will repent . 31But he said to him , If they hear nOtMoses and the prophets, they will no t be persuaded ifone may rise from the dead.


“No t th e Lord of h e aven ,bu t


0Matt . 5 . 1 8 .hGr. implie s a pompous funeral .

th e landlord h ere mentioned. fMatt 5 . 32 ;iTh e unseen world, inc luding

money .9Mark 1 0 . 1 1 . ivorce illegal th e tartarus of th e wicked

°Matt . 6 . 24. exc ept for th e one cause of and th e paradi se of th e go od.

dMatt. u , 12, adultery . ”Or, paradise.

Too From Me Feast of Taoernaeles to our L ord’s arrival at PeMany .


Luke 1 7 . I - 10 . And He Spoke to His disciples, I t is impossible for offenses no t to

come : but woe unto him,through whom they come 2 it is good for him ifa millstone is

hung around his neck,and he is cast into the sea, rather than that he may offend one ofthese little ones .

3 Take heed to yourse lves. If thy bro thermay sin,rebuke h im ifhe may

repent, forgive him fi 4B'

ut if he may sin against thee seven times a day, and seventimes turn again to thee

,saying, I repent ; thou shal t forgive him .

5And the apostlessaid to the Lord, Increase our faith . 6And the Lord said

,If you have faith as a grain

ofmustard should say to this sycamine tree


d Be thou plucked up, and plantedin the sea ; and it would obey you.

7 But which one of you,having a servant plowing

or serving a shepherd, who wil l say to him ,having come in from the fie ld

,Coming hither

sit down immediately ? 8But will he no t say to him , Prepare what I may sup, and

girding thyself, minister unto me , until I may eat and drink ; and after these things youeat and drink ? 9VVhether do es he thank the servant because he did the things whichwere commanded? 10Likewise also

,when you maydo those things which are commanded

you, say that , We are unprofitable servants ; we have done that which we ought to do .


Luke 1 7 . 20-

37 .

”Then being interrogated by the Pharisees, when the kingdom of

God is coming, He responded to them and said,The kingdom of God comes no t with

observation ”neither will they say ; Lo , here ! or, there ! for beho ld, the kingdom of

God is among you.

”And He said to the disciples, The days wil l come , when you wil ldesire to see one of the days of the Son ofman

,and wil l not see it. ”And they wil l

say to you, LO ,here ! 10, there ! go no t away

,nor fo l low them .

‘ ”For as the lightning,flashing out of the one part under the heaven, gleams into the o ther part under heaven,

so shal l be the Son ofman in His day .f 25 But it behooves Him first to suffer manythings and to be set at nought by this generation.

”And as it was in the days ofNoah,

so it wil l be in the days of the Son ofmany 27 They were eating,they were drinking,they were marrying, they were getting married

,until the day on which Noah entered

into the ark,and the flood came and destroyed them all. ”Likewise also as itwas in the

days ofLo t ; h they were eating,they were drinking, they were buying,

they were selling,they were planting, they were building ; ”and on the day on which Lo t went out fromSodom ,

fire and brimstone rained from heaven and destroyed them al l . i 30According to

these things it wil l be in the day the Son ofman is revealed.

31 In that day, let no thim who is on the house , and his goods in the house , come down to take them : and

likewise let no t him who is in the field turn backfl'

32Remember Lo t’s wife k ”Whoso ever may seek to save his soul shal l lose it : and whoso ever shal l lo se it shal l find it. 134 I say unto you,

on that night two men shal l be on one bed ; the one Shal l be takenand the o ther left . 35 Two women shal l be grinding at the same mil l ; the one shall betaken

,and the o ther shal l be left.

m 37 Responding they say to Him,Where , Lord?

And He said to them,Where the body is , there the eagles wil l also be gathered to



Luke 1 8 . I - I4 .

1And He spoke a parable to them that it behooves them to prayalways

,and not to faint ;0 2 saying, There was a certain judge in a certain city, fearing

no t God,and regarding no t man .

3And there was a widow in that city ; and she con

“Matt . 1 8 . 7 ; Mark 9 . 42 .“Mark 1 3 . 2 1 ; Matt . 24 . 2 3

- 26 .kGen . 1 0. 2 6.

bMatt . 1 8 . 1 5 ; 2 1 . 2 2 . fMatt . 24 . 2 7 ; Luke 9 . 2 2 .

lMark 8 . 35 ; Matt. 1 0 . 39 ; 1 6 .

eMatt . 1 7 . 20 ; 2 1 . 2 1 . aMatt . 24. 37-

39 ; G en . 6. 7 . 2 5 .

“No t sycamore , but th e mul hGen . 1 8 . 20 .

mMatt . 24 . 40 .

berr th e sycamo re be ing iG en . 19 24.

"Mat t .

th e Egyptian fig- tre e .J


Matt. 24. 1 7 .“Pray for H is coming.

92 From Me Feasf of Taéernacles to our Lora”: arrivalat Bel/zany . [PART VI .

L uke 1 8 .

tinned to come to him,saying, Avenge me ofmine adversary . 4And he was not willing

for a time : but after these things he said in himself, Though I fear no t God nor regard

man,5yet because this widow causes me trouble , I wil l avenge her, lest coming forever

Sh e may smite me in the face .

6But the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge says.

7And, _

shall no t God avenge His elect,crying to Him day and night , and He is long



ng o ver them ? 8 1 say unto you, that He wil l avenge them speedily . Moreoverthe Son ofman having come

,W ill He then find faith upon the earth ?

9And He spoke this parable to certain ones having confidence in themselves that theyare righteous, and despising the rest . 10Two men went up into the temple to pray ;the one a Pharisee , and the o ther a publican.

11The Pharisee standing was praying inthese words, God,I thank thee because I am not like the rest of the men

, extortioners,unjust

,adul terous, or even as this publican :

12 1 fast twice per week ; I give tithes ofall

things so many as I po ssess.

13But the publican ,standing a great way off

,did not wish

even to lift up his eyes to the heaven,but smo te upon his breast , saying, God,

be mer

ciful to me the sinner.

14 1 say unto you, He went down to his house justified ratherthan the o ther: because every one exalting himselfShal l be abased ; and the one humblinhimselfShal l be exal ted.


M a t t . 1 9 . 3- 1 2 .

3And the Pharisees M ark I O . 2 - 1 2 .

2And the Phariseescame to Him ,

tempting Him ,and saying to

Him ; I S it lawful for a man to send awayh is wife for any cause ?

4And He responding said to them,Have

you no t read,that the one havingmade them

from the beginning made them male and5And He said

, On account of thisa man Shal l leave father and mo ther, and

cleave unto h is wife ; and they two shal l beone flesh .

C 6 5 0 they are no longer two ,but

one flesh therefo re what God j o ined together

,le t no man separate .

7 They say to Him ,

Then why did Moses command to give a

book ofdivorcement,and to send heraway ?d

SHe says to them,Mo ses on account of the

hardness ofyourheart permitted you to send

away your wives : but from the beginning itwas no t so .

9But I say unto you, Thatwho so ever may send away h is wife

,no t for


marry ano ther, commits adul tery .the cause ofa man with his wife is thus, it is better no t to marry .to them

,Alldo no t receive this word, but tho se to whom it has been given .

there are eunuchs,who have been so born from the womb of their mo ther.

having come forward asked Him,If it is

lawful for a man to send away his wife ?tempting Him.

3And He responding said

to them ,\Vhat did Moses command you ?

4And they said, Moses permitted to writebook ofdivorcement

,and to send her away .

5Jesus said to them, On account ofthe hard

ness of your heart he wro te this command

ment to you.

6But from the beginning 0

creation God made them male and female .

7 On this account a man shal l leave h is fatherand his mo ther

,8 and they two shall be on

flesh ; so they are no longer two,but on

flesh .

9And what God joined toge ther, leno man separate .

10AndHis disciples agairaround Him in the house asked Him . An

He says to them,

11Whosoever may sen

away his wife,and marry ano ther, commit

adul tery unto her.

12And ifshe having sen

away her husband,maymarry ano ther, sh

commits adultery.10His disciples say to Him, If

11And He said12ForAnd

there are eunuchs, who have been eunuchiz ed by men : and there are eunuchs,who

eunuchiz ed themse lves for the sake ofthe kingdom ofthe heavensf He who is ableto receive it, let h im receive it.


“Luke 1 4 . 1 1 ; Matt . 2 3 . 1 2 .

bG en . 1 . 2 7 .dDeu t . 24. 1 .

cGen . 2 . 24.

eMatt . 5 . 32 .

fe . g .


,Bish ops Asbury,

McKendre e,and G eorge .

ai. e . , ce l ibacy for th e kingdomofh eaven .

éélo4, From Me Feast‘ of Talornacles to our L ord’s arrivalat Bel/may. 93


M att. 1 9 . 13- 15 .

13Thenlittle children were broughtto Him ,

that He might putHis hands on them,


pray . And the disciples rebuked them .

14But Jesussaid, Suffer _

the little children

,and forbid them no t


to come unto me for ofsuchis the kingdom of the heav


15And putting His

hands on them,he departedthence

tle child, can no t enter into it.

M ark 1 0 . 13- 16 .


they continued to bring littlechildren to Him

,that He

should touch them : but the

disciples rebuked thosebringing them .

14But Jesusseeing was displeased, and

said to them , Suffer the littlechildren to come


unto me ;

and forbid them no t : for of

such is the kingdom ofGod.

15 Truly,I say unto you,

Who soever may no t receivethe kingdom ofGod as a lit

16And taking them upin His arms

, putting His hands on them,He con

tinued to bless them copiously ;


M a t t . 1 9 . 16 to 2 0 . I - I 6.

16Beho ld one coming to

Him said, Good Teacher,

what good thing shal l I do ,

in order that I may havee ternal life ?

17And He said

to him,Why do you ask me

concerning the good One ?

One is good. If youwishto enter into l ife , keep the


“ 18He saysto Him ,

What ? And Jesussaid to him ,

Thou shal t no tmurder, thou shal t no t commit adul tery , thou shal t no tsteal , thou shal t no t ‘


false witness,

19honor the

father and the mo ther, and

thou shal t love thy neighboras thyself. 20The youngman says to Him ,

All thesehave I kept from my youth :what lack I yet

? ”Jesussaid to him ,

Ifyou wish tobe perfect , go ,

sell your possessions, and give to the

poor, and you shal l havetreasure in heaven andcome

,fo llow me .

”And the

“Ex . 20 . 1 2 ; Deut . 5 . 1 6 ; Lev .

M ark 1 0 . I 7 -

3 I .


He trave lingalong the road,

one having run to Him and

worshipingHim ,asked



Good Teacher, what shal l Ido in order that I may inherit e ternal l ife ? 13 AndJesus said to him

,Why do

you cal l me good? No one

is good but One,God.

19You know the command

ments,“ thou must no t com

mit adul tery , thou must no tmurder

,thou must no t steal

,thou must no t bear falsewitness , thou must no t defraud

,honor thy father and

mo ther.

”And hesaid to Him

,Teacher, I

have kept all these from myyouth . 21Jesus looking on

h im loved him,and said to

him, One thing is wanting

to thee : go , sel l whatso everthou hast,and give to the

poor, and thou shal t havetreasure in heaven : andcome ,

fo llow me .

”And he being1 9 . 10 .

L uke 1 8 . 1 5 - 1 7 .15And

they were indeed bringingthe infants to Him

,that HeShould touch them : but the

disciples seeing rebukedthem .

16And Jesus cal lingthem to Him,said, Suffer

the little children to come

unto me,and forbid them

not : for of such is the kingdom ofGod.

17 Truly I sayunto you, whosoever mayno t receive the kingdom of

God as a little child, can not

enter into it.


Luke 1 8 . 18 -



a certain ruler aked Him ,

saying, Good Teacher, havingdone what, shall I inheriteternal life ?

19And Jesussaid to h im

,Why do you

cal l me good? No one is

good, except One , God.

20You know the command

ments,“ thou must not com

mit adultery,thou must no t

murder,thou must no t steal

,thou must no t bear falsewitness, honor thy fatherand mo ther.

21Andhe said, Allthesethings have I kept from myyouth . ”And Jesus hearingthese things, said to him ,

S til l one thing is lacking to

thee : Sel l all things whatsoever you have , and give to

the poor, and you shall havetreasure in heaven and

come,fo l low me .



M att. 1 9 .

youngman hearing the word,went away sorrowful : for hehadgreat possessions, ”AndJesus said to H is disciples,Truly I say unto you ,

that arich man wil l hardly enterinto the kingdom of the


34And again I say to you,

It is easier for a camela to gothrough the eye ofa needle ,than for a rich man to go

into the kingdom of God.

”And the disciples hearing,were astonished exceedingly,saying, Who then is able to

be saved? ”And Jesus looking on them said


; With men

this is impossible ; but all

things are possible with God.

27 ThenPe terrespondingsaidto Him

,Beho ld

,we have

left all things, and fo l lowedThee ; what then shal l be tous? ”And Jesus said to

them,Truly I say unto you,that you‘

who have fo llowedme , in the regeneration whenthe Son ofman may sit upon

the throne ofHis glory , youshal l also sit upon twelvethrones, judging the twelvetribes of I srae l } ? 29And

every one who has lefthouses, or bro thers

,or sis

ters, or father, ormo ther,or

wife , or children,or lands


on account ofmyname,shal l

receive a hundred- fo ld,and

inherit e ternal life .


many who are first shal l belast

,and the last first .

Mat t . 20 .

M ark 10 .

grieved at the word, went _away sorrowing : for he hadgreat possessions.

”And Jesus looking around

,says to

His disciples ; How hardlyshal l tho se having richesenter into the kingdom of

God ! 24And the discipleswere astonished at His

words, and Jesus again re

sponding, says to them,

Children ,how difficul t it is

to enter into the kingdom of

God ! ” I t is easier for a

came la to go through the eye

of a needle , than for a richman to go into the kingdom

of God.

”And they wereastonished exceedingly, saying to one ano ther


who is able to be saved?”And Jesus looking uponthem says, With men it is

impossible , but not withGod : for all things are pos

sible with God. Peterbegan to say to Him ,

Beho ld,

we have left all things, andfo l lowed thee .

”Jesus said,Truly

I say unto you“

,there is no

one who has left house,or bro thers

,or sisters, or

father, or mo ther, or children

,or lands

,on account

ofme and the go spel , 30ex

cept he may receive a hun

dredfold now in this time ,

and bro thers,

and sistersand mo thers

,and children


and lands,with persecutions

and in the coming agec e ter

nal life .

31But many whoare first shal l be last ; and thelast first .

out early in th e smorning to hire laborers for his vineyard.

From Me Feast of Tabernaeles to our L ord’s arrival at Betaany . [PART VI .

Luke 1 8 .

hearing these things, . he

went away very sorrowful ;for he was exceedingly rich .24Jesus seeing him said


How hardly will those having riches enter into the

kingdom ofGod

”For it is easier for a

camel“ to go through the

eye of a needle , than for a

rich man to go into the kingdomof God.

”And thosehearing said

,And who is

able to be saved?27And

He said,Those things which

are impossible with men are

possible with God.


Peter said,Beho ld

,we have

left all things, and fo llowedthee .

29AndHe said to them,

Truly I say unto you,that

there is no one who has lefthouse , or parents, or bro thers

,or wife

,or children


the sake of the kingdom of

God,who may no t receive a

hundredfo ld in this time,

and in the coming ageC eter

nal life .

1For th e kingdom of the heavens is like unto a landlord man,who went

2And having agreed with. th elaborers for a denariond per day, sent them into his vineyard.

3And having gone out

about the third hour, he saw o thers standing idle in the forum : 4and he said to them,

“Gr. kamelo on , came l , and no t kamilon, a rope .

bLuke 2 2 . 29 ; R ev . 20 . 6.

OMatt . 1 2 . 32 ; Heb. 6. 5 ; Luke 1 8 . 30.

dFifteen cents .

Q 106, From t/ze Feasf of Taoernaeles to our I or’s arrivalat Bel/zany. 95

M att. 20 .

G0 ye also into the vineyard, andwhasoever is right I wil l give you. And they departed.

5Againhaving gone out about the sixth and ninth hours, he did likewise .

6And aboutthe eleventh hour having gone out, he found o thers standing ; and says to them,

Whystand ye here idle all the day?

7 They say to him, Because no one hired us. He saysto them ,

Go ye also into the vineyard.

8And it being evening, the lord of the vineyardsays to his steward, Cal l the laborers, and give them their hire , beginning from the lasteven unto the first . 9And tho se having come about the e leventh hour, received eachman a denarion.

10But the first having come supposed that they shal l receive more :

and themselves also received each one a denarion .

11But receiving it, they murmuredagainst the landlord, 12saying, These labored one hour, and thou hast made them equalunto us

,who bore the burden of the day and the heat . 13But he responding said to

one of them ,Comrade , I do thee no wrong ; didst thou no t agree with me for a dena

rion ?“ 14Take thine own, and go . I wish to give unto this last one, even as untothee .

15 I s it no t lawful for me to do as I wish with mine own ? I s thine eye evil ,because I am good?

16So the last shal l be first, and first last .


M att . 20 . 1 7 - 19 .

17AndJesus go ing up to Jerusalem ,took the twe lve disciplesprivately, on the way and

said to them,

18 Beho ld, wego up to Jerusalem ; and the

Son ofman shal l be betrayedto the chief priests and

scribes ; and they wil l condemn Him to death , 19 and

they wil l deliver Him to

the Gentiles to mock,and

scourge , and crucify Him :

and on the third day He

wil l rise .0


M att. 20 . 20- 28 .

”Then the mo ther of M ark 1 0 . 35-

45 .

35James and John,the

the sons ofZebedee came to Him with her sons of Zebedee , come to Him, saying,

sons,worshipingand asking something from Teacher

,we wish that you may do unto us


”And He said to her, What do you whatsoever we may ask .

36And He said to

wish ? She says to Him,Tel l me that these them ,

What do you wish for me to do for

my two sons may sit,the one on thy right , you

? 37And they said to Him,Grant unto

gl transfer denario n,1 5


c ents,be cause it has no synonym in English .

bJerusalem is on th e summit ofZ ion

,th e h igh est City In Canaan .

0Matt. 16. 2 1 ; 1 7 . 2 3 ; Mark 8 . 3 1 ; 9 . 3 1 ; Luke 9. 2 2 -

45 .

M ark I O . 3 2-

34 .


they Were in the way, goingup to Jerusalem ; and Jesuswas going before them : and

they were amaz ed ; and following they were afraid.

And taking the twelve to

Himself,again He began to

tel l them the things whichwere about to happen to

Him ;33 Beho ld,

we go upb

to Jerusalem ; and the Son

ofman shal l be be trayed to

th e chiefpriests and scribes ;and they wil l condemn Himto death

,and they will de

liver Him to the Gentiles :34and they will mock Him


and wil l scourge Him ,and

wil l spit upon Him, and wil lkil l Him ; and He wil l risethe third day.

L uke 1 8 . 3 1-

34 .


taking the twe lve aside,He

said to them,

Beho ld, we goup to Jerusalem

,and all

things which have been written by the prophets shal l beperfected to the Son ofman .

32For He wil l be deliveredto the Gentiles ; and be

mocked,and insul ted


spat upon33 and having

scourged Him , they wil l kil lHim ; and He wil l arise thethird day.

34And theyundersto od none of these

things ; and this word was hidden from them ,

and they did no t know the things spoken.

96 From z‘ae Fear? of Taoernaeles lo our L ord

’s arrivalat Betaany . [PART VI .

M at t . 20 .

and one on thy left, in thy kingdom .

”AndJesus responding said,You know no t what

you are asking. Are you able to drink the

cup which I am about to drink ? Theysay to Him,

We are able .

”And He says to them,You

shal l indeed drink my cup,but to sit on

my right , and on my left, this is no t mineto give , but it belongs to tho se for whom it

has been prepared by my Father.


the ten hearing were indignant concerningthe two bro thers.

”But Jesus calling themto Him


,You know that the rulers of

the Gentiles domineer over them,and the

great ones exercise authority over them .

”I t shall not be so among you ; but whosoevermaywish to be great among you,

shal lbe your servant ; 27 and whosoever maywish to be first among you, shal l be yourslave

”as the Son ofman came not to

be served, '

but to serve , and to give HIS

soulb a ransom formany .£ 108 . THE HEAL ING OF Two BL IND MEN . jerz

eao .

M at t . 2 0 . 29-

34 .


they go ing out from Jericho,

a great mul titude fo llowedHim .

30And beho ld,two

blind men sitting by th e


hearing that Jesusis passing by , cried out


ing ; Have mercy on us,O

son of David.

31And the

mul titude rebuked them,that they should keep silent .

And they cried out the

more , saying; Have mercy onus

,O Lord, son of David.

32Jesus standing, called them ,

and said,

ama tt . 20 24, 2 8 and two m ile s east of th e J erich o now standingbG‘

r. psyc h e , soul ; no t 2 001, life . wh ich was built by th e Crusade rs, A . D. 1 100 ,

cThis is th e J erich o in th e days of Ch rist,two th e old J ericho of J oshua’

s time never havmgmiles south ofth e J erich o in th e time ofJ o sh ua ; be en rebuilt.

M ark 1 0 . 46-

5 2 .

M ark 1 0 .

us,that we may sit, one on thy right, and

one on thy left , in thy glory. 38And Jesussaid to them

,You know not what you are

asking. Are you able to drink the cupwhich I drink ? and to be baptiz ed with thebaptism with which I am baptiz ed? 39And

they said to Him ,We are able . And Jesus

said to them,You shal l indeed drink the

cup which I drink,and be baptiz ed with

the baptism W i th which I am’ baptiz ed :

40but to sit on my right , and on my left, isno t mine to give , but is for tho se for whomit has been prepared.

41And th e ten hearing, began to be indignant concerning James

and John .a 42And Jesus cal ling them to

Him,says to them : You know that those

seeming competent to rule the Gentilesdomineer over them ; and their great onesexercise authority o ver them .

43But it is

no t so among you : but whosoever maywish to be great among you, shall be yourservant : 44and whosoever ofyou may wishto be first , shal l be the slave of all: 45 for

the Son ofman came no t to be served, butto serve , and to give His soulb a ransom for

many .

46And Luke 1 8 . 35 to 1 9 . I .


they come into Jericho : and

He and His disciples and a

great mul titude go ing out

from Jericho } blind Bartimeus

,the son of Timeus


was sitting by the wayside ,begging.

47And hearing thatit is Jesus the Naz arene


gan to cry out,

and say,Jesus,son of David


mercy on me .

48And manycontinued to rebuke h im

that he should keep silent :but he continued to cry out

much more, O son ofDavid

,have mercy on me .

49AndJesus standing, said,that he

shouldbe cal led. And theycal l the blind man


to h im,Take courage : rise

up,He calls you .


it came to pass, while He

was drawing nigh to Jericho ,a certain blind man was sit

ting by the Wayside begging.

”And hearing the multitudepassing by , he inquiredwhatit might be .

37And theyto ld him that Jesus the

Naz are ne is go ing along.

38And he cried out saying,Jesus, thou son of David,have mercy on me .


the passersby continued to

rebuke h im,that he should

keep silent : but he con

tinued to cry outmuch more,

O thou son ofDavid,have

mercy on me .

40And Jesusstanding, commanded h im

to be led to Him ; and he

drawingnigh , He asked him,

98 From Me Feast of Taéernacles z‘o our L ord

’s arrivalat Bet/

llama [PART VI .


[first Day of Me Week.

John I I . 55 to 1 2 . 1, 9

- 1 1 .

5 5 And the passover of the Jews was nigh and many .

came up out of the country into Jerusalem before the passover, in order that they mightpurify themse lves.

56Then they were seeking Jesus, and standing in the temple, theywere saying one with ano ther

,What seems to you ; that He may no t come to the feast ?

5 7And bo th the high priests and Pharisees had given commandment,if any one should

know where He is, he should communicate it,in order that they might arrest Him .

John 1 2 .1Then

Tesus. Six days before the passover came into Be thany , where Lazarus

,whom Jesus raised from the dead, was — 9 then a great mul titude of the Jews came

not only on account ofJesus, but that they might see Laz arus, Whom He raised from the

dead ; because he was there .

10But the chief priest passed an edict that they wouldalso slay Laz arus ; 11 because through him many of the Jews went away

,and believed onJesus.

PA R T V I I .



TIME Five Days.

él l l . OUR LORD’ S PUBLIC ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM .— Betfiany, jerusalem .

Second Day of the Week .

J ohn 1 2 . 1 2 - 19 .


()N the fo l lowing day a great mul titude having come to the feast

,hearing that Jesus

comes into Jerusalem,

M att. 2 1 . H I,14

- 1 7 .

1When they drew near toJerusalem ,and came to

Bethphage , to the Mount ofOlives, then Jesus sent awaytwo disciples, 2saying to

them,GO into the village

over against you,and you

wil l immediately find a don

key tied, and the co l t withher: loosing, lead her to

me .

3And if any one may sayany thing to you,

tel l ’ him,that the Lord hath need of

them ; and immediately hewil l send them away . —6And

the disciples, having gone

and done as Jesus com

manded them,

7 led the donkey , 35And they led him to Jeand the co l t

,and put their sus : and casting their gar

garments on them ; and He ments on the co l t, theysat on them .

b mounted Jesus on them .

“Be thany on th e south east slope ofM t . Olive t,fifte en furlongs from bOn th e garments.Jerusalem ; and Be thphage , on th e Old road

,near th e summi t.


M ark . 1 1 . H I .

1And when they draw

nigh to Jerusalem and

to Bethanyfl to the Mountof Olives, He sends awaytwo of His disciples, 2and

says to them,GO into the

village over against youand immediately enteringinto it, you wil l find a co l ttied

,on which no one of

men has ever sat ; loosinghim

,lead him away . 3And

if any one may say to you,Why do you this ? say to

him,that the Lord hath need

ofhim ; and immediately hesends him hither.

4Thenthey departed, and found theco l t tied at the door withoutat the cro ssing Of the road ;and they are loosing him .

5And certain ones of tho sestanding there said to them ,

What are you do ing,loo sing

the co l t ? 6And they said tothem as Jesus commanded

and they permitted them.

7And they lead the co l t toJesus, and cast their gar

ments on him ; and He sat

on him .

Luke 19 . 29-

44 .

29And it came to pass,when He drew nigh untoBe thphage and Bethany, tothe mount cal led the MountofOlives, and He sent awaytwo of His disciples, 305aying, Go into the village overagainst you ; in which entering you will find a co l t tied


on which no one of men

ever sat : loosing, lead himhither.

31And if any one

may ask you, Why do youloose him ? thus say to him,that the Lord hath need Of

him : 32and those havingbeen sent , departing, foundas Jesus to ld them .


they loosing the donkey, hismaster said to them


do you loose the donkey ?34And they said

,The Lord

hath need ofhim .

100 Our L ord’s Public E ntry I nfojerusalem .

M att. 2 1 .

4And all this took place , that the wordspoken by the prophe t might be fulfilled,saying,“ 5 Say to the daughter ofZion, Beho ld

,thy King come th , meek

,and seated

upon a donkey, evena co l t, the progeny ofthe work - beast .— 8A

gre a t m u l t i tudestrewed their gar

ments in the road :

and o thers cut downthe branches from the

trees,andwere strewing them in the road.

9And the mul titudesgoing forward, and

fo l lowing, continuedto cry out


Hosanna to the sonOf

David : blessed isHe

that cometh in the

name of the Lord ;Hosanna inthe highest !

did them to Him.

Laz arus out of the sepulcher, and raised him from the dead.

also went to mee t Him , because they heard that He had wrought this miracle .

M ark 1 1 .

8Andmany strewedtheir garments in theroad ; and o therswere cutting down

the branches of the

trees, (and strewingthem in the road) ,9And those go ingbefore , and thosefo llowing after


tinued to cry out,

Hosanna : blessed isHe that cometh in thename of the Lord :

blessed is the com

ing kingdom of our

father David : HO

sanna in the highest !


John 1 2 .

14AndJesus, havingfounda youngdonkey,sat upon him ,

as has been written,“ 15 Fear

not,daughter of Zion : beho ld

,thy King

cometh,Sitting upon

- the co l t ofa donkey .

Joh n 1 2 .

16But His disciples at first did no t understand these things : but when Jesus was glorified

,then they remembered that these things were written in reference to Him,

and they17Then the mul titude being with Him witnessed that He cal led

18Therefore the mul titude19Then

the Pharisees said to one ano ther,You see , that you are prevailing as to no thing : be

ho ld,the world has gone away after Him .

Luke 1 9 .

39And certain ones of the Pharisees from the mul titude said to Him,Teacher


thy disciples : 40and He responding said to them ,I say unto you, thilat if these may keepSilent , th e rocks wil l cry out.

41And when He drew near, seeing the city He wept overit,

0 42saying, If thou indeed hadst known, truly in_ this thy day, the things appertaining

to thy peace ! but now they are hidden from thy eyes.

43 Because the days wil l come

upon thee , and thine enemies wil l cast a fortification about thee,and surround thee


press in on thee from all directions,44and wil l slay thee , and thy children in thee ; and

will leave in thee no t a stone upon a stone ; because thou hast not known the time of

thy visitation fl

M ark 1 1 .

11And He came into Jerusalem,into

the temple ; and looking round upon all


M at t . 2 1 .

10And He having come into Jerusalem ,

th e whole city was stirred, saying ; Who isHe ? 11And the mul titudes continued to

say, He is th e prophet Jesus, th e one from

Naz areth,Galilee — “And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple : and

“Ze ch . 9 . 9 .

s . 1 1 8 . 26.

OTh e Church ofJ e sus , w e eping ,now commemorate s that spot.

dAll this was fulfilled in th e de struc tion ofJ erusalem .

L uke 1 9 .

36And He goingforward, they werestrewing their gar

ments in the road.

37And He alreadydrawing nigh to th e

descension of the

Mount OfOlives, thewho le mul titude of

the disciples beganto praise God with aloud voice for all

those miracles whichthey saw ; Shouting,38 saying, Blessed is

the King coming in

the name of the

Lord : peace in heav

en , and glory in the

highest .

John 1 2 .

— 13They took the”

branches ofthe palmtrees, and went outto meet Him


continued to cryout,

Hosanna : blessed isHe that cometh


the name of the

Lord, the King of

I srael. b

02 Our L ord’s Path/2


C Enfry [nto jerusalezn . [PART VII .

§ 1 13 . AND THE BARREN FIG - TREE W ITHER S AWAY . —Between Bethanyana

jerusalem .

Fourth Day of the Weeh .

M att. 2 1 . 20- 2 2 .

20And the disciplesseeing, were astonished,

saying,How did

the fig- tree immediately wither away ?

21And Jesus responding said to them,Truly

I say unto you, ifyou may have faith , anddoubt no t, no t only shall you _do that of thefig

- tree , but you Shal l say to thismountain,b

Be thou taken up and cast into the sea, and

it wil l be done .

22All things whatsoeveryou may ask in prayer, believing, you shallreceive .

M ark I I . 20 26.

20And going along inthe morning, they saw the fig

- tree utterlywithered from the roo ts.

“ 21And Peter re

membering says to Him,Master

,beho ld,

the fig- tree which thou didst execrate is

withered away . 22And Jesus respondingsays to them,

Have God’s faith .

23TrulyI say unto you,

That whosoever may sayto this mountain,

Be thou taken up and

cast into the sea ;0 and may no t doubt in

his heart , but believe that what he saysdoes take place ; it shal l be unto him.

24Therefore I say unto you, All thingswhatsoever you pray for and ask


that you just now receivedd them,and they Shal l be unto you .

25And when youstand praying, forgive , if you have aught against any one ; in order that yourFather who is in the heavens may forgive you your trespasses.


M at t . 2 1 . 23,23And

the chief priests and eldersof the people came to Him


while teaching,He having

come into the temple , sayIng,

Bywhat authority are you do

ing these thingsPe Andwhogave you this authority ? 624And Jesus responding,


to them,1 ask you also one

word,which if you maySpeak to me , I also will tell

you by what authority Iam doing these things :25Whence was the baptismfof John ? from heaven or

from men ? And they rea

soned among themse lves,saying, Ifwe may say, Fromheaven ; He wil l say to us


Why then did you not be

lieve on him ? 26But if we

may say, From men : we

“Matt . 2 1 . 20- 2 2 .

bMt . O live t, th e h igh est in

S outh Canaan .

rf‘Fortymiles we st ofth e Med

SONS . —jerusalem .

Fourth Day of the Week .

M ark 1 1 . 2 7 -

33 .

27Theycome again into Jerusalem.

And He walking round in

the temple , the high priests,and scribes

,and e lders come

to Him ;28 and they said


Him,By what authority

are you doing these things ?and who gave you this au

thority that you may do

them ? 29And Jesus said tothem , I wil l ask you one


and you respond to

me,and I will tell you by

what authority I do thesethings : 30Was the baptismofJohn from heaven


men ? answer me .


they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we maysay, I t is from heaven ; He

will say, Why did you not

believe on him ? 32But if

we may say, From men ;they feared the people : forite rranean and east of th eDead S ea.

dGr. elabe te , means instantaneons and comple te .


Luke 20 . 18 .

1And it

came to pass, on one Ofthosedays

,He teaching the peo

ple in the temple , and

preaching the gospel , the

priests, and scribes,

alongwith the e lders stood upagainst Him ;

2and theyspoke to Him

,saying, Te l l

us by what authority you are

doing these things ? Wh o isthe one havinggivenyou thisauthority? 3And respond

ing He said to them,I will

ask you one word ; and you


me : 4 \Vas the baptismOf John from heaven, or

from men ? And they reason among themselves saying,

Ifwe may say it is fromheaven ; He will say, Whydid you not believe on

him ? And if we may say,From men ; all the peoplewil l stone us : for they are

eDriving out th e buyers and sellersfTh is inaugurates H im into His


Him th e auth ority.

M e ss iah sh ip and gave

M at t . 2 1 .

fear the mul titude,for all

ho ld John as a prophet .27And responding they saidto Jesus

,We do no t know.

He also said to them,Neither

do I tel l you by what authority I am doing these things.

23What seems to you ? A

Our L ord'

s Fuhlz’

e E ntry I nto jerusalem .

M ark 1 1 .

all held John that he was a

prophe t . 33And respondingthey say to Jesus, We do no t

know. And Jesus says to

them,Neither do I tell youby what authority I am do ~

ing these things.


Luke 20 .

persuaded that John was a

prophe t . 7 And they re

sponded, We do no t know

whence ‘

it is .

8And Jesussaid to them, Neither do I

tell you by what authority Iam do ing these things.

man had two sons ; and going to the first,“ he said


, go tod ay,work in myvineyard.

gretted,he went .

responding said, I , lord : and went not.

They say to Him,The first .the father?

29And he responding said,I am no t willing : but afterward

,having re

30And coming to the second} ? he spoke likewise .

31Which one Of the two did the will OfJesus says to them ,Truly I say. unto

And be

you, that the publicans and harlo ts go into the kingdom ofGod before you.

32ForJohn came to you in the way of righteousness, and you believed him no t : but

the publicans and harlo ts believed him ,and you, seeing, did no t afterward regre t

it,in order that you might believe him .


M a t t . 2 1 . 33,-

46 .

33 Hear

ye ano ther parable . A man

was a landlord, who planteda vineyard, and placeda hedge around it, and

dug a wine - trough in it,

and buil t a tower, and gaveit out to husbandmen,


went away . 34And whenthe time of the fruits drewnear

,he sent his servants to

the husbandmen,to receive

his fruits ; 35 and the hus

bandmen takinghis servants,beat one , and slew one,and

stoned ano ther.

36Again he

sent o ther servants, . more

than the first : and they didunto them likewise .

37And afterward he sentto them his own son ,

saying,They wil l reverence myson .

38But the husbandmen ,see

ing the son, said amongthemselves, This is the heir ;come, let us kill h im ,


take possession Ofh is inher

itance .

39And taking h im,

“The Gentiles.

Fourth Day of the Week .

M ark 1 2 . I - 1 2 .


began to Speak to them in

parables . A man planted a

vineyard,and placed a hedge

round it,and dug a wine

trough ; and buil t a tower,and he gave it out to hus

bandmen,and went away .

2And he sent a servant to thehusbandmen in the season,that he might receive fromthe husbandmen ofthe fruitof th e vineyard : 3 and theytaking him

,beat him ,


sent him away empty .4And again he sent to themano ther servant ; and stoninghim they wounded him in

the head,and sent him away


5And again he

sent ano ther ; and they Slewhim

,and many o thers, beat

ing some,killing o thers.

6Then having stil l one son,

his own belo ved, he senthim also to them last


ing ; That they wil l reverence my son .

7And thosehusbandmen said to one

ano ther ; This is the heir ;come , let uS kill him ,


the inhertance shal l be ours.

bTh e Jews,

L uke 20 . 9- 1 9 .


began to speak to the peoplethis parable , A man planteda vineyard and gave it out

to husbandmen, and wentaway a long time .

10And in season he sent a;servant to the husbandmen

tha t theymight give to him of

the fruit ofthe vineyard,and

the husbandmen beatinghim

,sent h im away empty.

“And he proceeded to

send to them ano ther servant

,and they beating and

dishonoring h im sent himaway empty . 12And he pro

ceeded to send a third : and

woundingh im ,they cast him

out also .

1‘5And the lord of

the vineyard said, What shallI do ? I wil l send my own

beloved son : perchance see

ing, they wil l reverence him .

“And the husbandmen,see

ing him ,reasoned amongthemse lves saying, This is

the heir ; let us kill him ,

in order that the inheritance


M a tt. 2 1 .

they cast him out ofthe vineyard,and slew him .

40Thenwhen the lord of the vineyard may Come

,what wil l

he do to those husbandmen ?41They say to Him


will certainly destroy thosewicked men

, and give the

vineyard to o ther husbandmen

,who wil l render to him

the fruits in their seasons.

42Jesus says, Have you no t

read in the Scriptures,“ Thestone which the builders t e

jected, the same has come to

be the head of the corner :

this was with the Lord, andI s marve lous In our eyes ?43Therefore I say unto you,that the kingdom of God

shal l be taken from you, and

given to a nation bringingforth the fruits of it. 45And

the chief priests and Pharisees hearing His parables,knew that He speaks con

cerning them .

46And seek

ing to arrest Him,they

feared the mul titudes, since

they held Him as a prophet .

Our [ or’s Path/it Entry I nto jerm alem .

10Have you not read the

Scripture The stone whichthe builders rejected


same has come to be the

head of the corner : 11 thiswas with the Lord, and iswonderful in our eyes ?

12And they were seekingto arrest Him ; and theyfeared the multitude ; for

they knew that He spoke

the parable against them .

And leaving Him they wentaway



9And the chief priestsand scribes sought to layhands on Him at this hour


and feared the people ; forthey knew that He spokethis parable against them .

§ 1 1 6. PARABLE OF THE MARR IAGE OF THE KING ’S SON — jeraja/em .

M at t . 2 2 . 1 - 14 .

Fourth Day of th e Weeh .

1And Jesus responding, again spoke to them in parables, saying,2The kingdom of the heavens is like a king

-man,wh o made a marriage for h is son .


3And h e sent his servants to invite those who had been cal led to the marriage : and theywere no t willing to come .

4And again he sent o ther servants,saying ; Speak to those

who have been called, Beho ld, I have prepared my dinner : my oxen and my fatling areSlain,and all things are ready : come to the marriage .

5And they being careless, wentaway

,one to his farm

,and ano ther to his merchandise : 6but the rest

,taking his serv

ants,insul ted

,and slew them .

7And the king was angry ; and sending his armies,h e

destroyed those murderers,and burnt up their c ities .

“ 8Then he says to his servants,

The wedding is ready , but those having been invited were no t worthy . 9GO ye therefore to crossings of th e roads

,and SO many as you may find, invite to the marriage .

10And tho se servants having gone out into th e ways,led in allwhom they found

,bo th

0Luke 1 4. 1 6- 2 4 .

“The destruction ofJ erusalem.

“PS . 1 1 8 . 2 2 .

blsa, 8 . 14 ; Zech . 1 2 . 3 ; Dan . 2 . 34-


M ark 1 2 .

8And taking him they Slewhim

,and cast him out ofthe

vineyard.9What then shall

the lord of the vineyard do ?He will come and destroythe husbandmen

,and give

the vineyard to o thers.

L uke 20 .

maybe ours.

15And castinghim out from the vineyardthey slew him ; what thenwil l the lord of the vineyarddo ? 16He wil l come anddestroy those husbandmen


and will give the vineyardto o thers, And hearing,they said, Let it no t be so .

17And looking upon them ,

He said,What is that which

has been written ,“The stone

which the builders rejected,

the same has come to be thehead ofthe corner.


18 Every one havmg fal lenon that stone wil l be dashedto pieces ; and on whomso

ever it may fal l , it wil l grindhim to powder!


106 Our L ord’s Public Entry [nto jerusa/efn. [PART VI I .

M att. 2 2 .

not having children,his

bro ther shall marry his wife ,and raise up seed to his

bro ther”But there were

among us seven bro thersthe first marrying died, and

having no seed left his wifeto his bro ther.


also , the second, and third,even unto seven .

27And lastof all the woman also died.

23Therefore in the resur

rection ,of which one of the

seven shal l she be the wife ?for they allhad her.


Jesus responding said to

them,You err, no t knowing

the Scriptures, nor the powerofGod.

30For in the resur

rection they neither marrynor are given in marriage ,but they are as angels ofGodin heaven

31 concerning the

resurrection of the dead,have you no t read that whichwas spoken to you by God,saying} ? S2 I am the God of

Abraham , and the God of

I saac,and the God ofJacob ?

God is no t the God of the

dead, but Of the living.

33And the mul titudes hearing, were delightedwith Histeaching.


Fourth Day of the Week .

M att . 2 2 . 34-


34And the Pharisees, M ark 1 2 . 28 -

34 .

28And a certain,one

hearing that He silenced the Sadducees, of the scribes,hearing them propounding

gathered themselves toge ther.

3{ And one questions,knowing that He answered them

ofthem ,a theo logian,

tempting Him ,asked beautiful ly

,asked Him


qGr. dynamite .bEx 3 . 6.

M ark 1 2 .

bro ther Ofanyman maydie ,and leave a wife and have nochildren

,that his bro ther

must take his wife and raise

up seed to his bro ther.

20There were seven bro thers,and the first took a wife


dying left no seed.


the second received her and

died,and he left no seed ;

and the third likewise .

”And the seven receivedher and left no seed. Lastofall the woman also died.

23Then in the resurrection ,

when they may rise , of

which one of them shal l shebe the wife ? for they allhadher a wife .

24And Jesusresponding, said to them ;

Therefore do you no t err,

no t knowing the Scripturesnor the power

“ of God ?

25 For when they may rise

from the dead,they neither

marry nor are given in mar

riage ; but they are as angelsin the heavens.

26But concerningthedead,that they are raised, haveyou no t read in the book of

Moses at the Bush , bhowGodspoke to him saying ; I am

the God of Abraham,the

God of I saac, and the God

Of Jacob ? 2THe is no t the

God of the dead,but of the

living. You do err much .spoke beautifully.

Luke 20 .

any one may die having a

wife , and the same may die

childless, that his bro thermust take his wife and raise

up seed to his bro ther.

”Then there were sevenbro thers ; and the first receivinga wife died childless.

30And the second,


and the

third received her,and like

wise also the seven ; theyleft no children and died.

32Last ofall the woman alsodied.

33 Therefore in th e resurrec

tion ofwhich one of them is

she the wife ? for the sevenhad her a wife .

34And te

sponding Jesus said to them ,

The sons of this age marryand are given in marriage ,35 but those counted worthyto attain that age and the

resurrection,which is from

the dead,36neither marry

nor are given In marriage ;for they are no t able yet todie ; for they are like the

angels, and sons Of God,being sons of the resurrec

tion .

37But that the dead

are raised,Mo ses also men

tioned at the Bush ,b when

he says ; The Lord,the God

ofAbraham,and the God of

I saac,and the God ofJacob .

3SHe is no t the God of the

dead but of the living ; forall live unto Him .


certain Of the scribes re

sponding said ; Te acher, you40And they no

longer dared to ask Him anything.

m1 20,

M at t . 2 2 .

Him also,saying, 36Teacher, what is the

great commandment in the law ? 37And

He said to him Thou shal t love the Lordthy God with all thy heart , and with all

thy soul , and with all thy mind.38This is

the first and great commandment . And

the second is like unto it, c Thou shal t lovethy neighbor as thyse lf.

4OOn these two

commandments hang all the law,and the


these .

Our L ora”; Puhlz


e Entry [nto jerusatenz . 107

M ark 1 2 .

What is the first“ commandmentofall? 29And Jesus responded to him


The first commandment of all;b Hear

, O

I srae l ; The Lord our God,is one Lord :

30and thou shal t love the Lord thy Godwith all thy heart , and with all thy soul


and with all thy mind, and with all thystrength . This is the first commandment .31And the second is like unto it ;

c Thoushal t love thy neighbor as thyself. Thereis no o ther commandment greater than

32And the scribes said to Him ,Truly

,Teacher ; thou hast spoken in truththat He is One ; and there is no o ther besides Him .

33And love Him with all theheart , and with all the mind, and with all the strength , and to love thy neighboras thyself is more than all who le burnt offerings and sacrifices.

34And Jesus see

ing that h e answered intel ligently, said to h im,Thou art not far from the king

dom ofGod. And no one dared to ask Him anymore .

Q 1 20 . How I s CHR IST THE SON OF DAVID —jerusale7n.

Fourth Day of the Week .

M att. 22 . 4 1-



the Pharisees being assem

bled, Jesus asked them,

42 saying, What seems to you

concerningthe Christ ? who seson is He ? They say to

Him, OfDavid.

43He says

JesusM ark 1 2 . 35 -

37 .

respondingteaching in the temple , How

do the scribes say that Christis the son ofDavid?


spoke ,

Luke 20 . 41-


He said to them ; How do

they say that the Christ isth e son Of David?

to them,How then does

David in the Spirit cal l HimLord

,saying,“ 44The Lord

said to myLord, Sit thou on

my right hand,until I may

make thine enemies the foo tstoo l of thy feet ? Then ifDavid cal ls Him Lord


is He h is son ? And no one

was able to respond a word

to Him ,neither did any one

from that day dare to ask

Him anythingmore .

36ForDavid himself said in the

the Ho ly Spirit ,“ the Lord

said unto myLord ; Sit thouon my right hand, until Imaymake thine enemies the

foo tstoo l ofthy fee t 37 ThenDavid himself cal ls Him

Lord ; andwhence is He h is

son ? And the great multitude were hearing Him de

lightfully .


David himself says in theBook of the Psalms,“ The

Lord said to my Lord, Sitthou on my right hand,43 until I may make thineenemies the foo tstoo l Of thyfee t . 44Therefore Davidcal ls Him Lord

,and how is

He his son ?6


M ark 1 2 . 38 , 39 .

38And He said to

PHAR ISEES . —jerusate7n .

Fourth Day of the Week .

Luke 20 . 45 , 46.

45And all the peoplethem in His teaching, Beware ofthe scribes,

wishing to walk about in robes, and salutations in the forums

,39and the first seats in

the synagogues, and the first couches at thesuppers.

5 .

”first In Importance .

cLev . 1 9 . 1 8 .

“PS . 1 10 . 1 .

hearing, He said to His disciples, 46Bewareof the scribes

,wishing to walk about in

robes,and loving salutations in the forums


and the first seats in the synagogues, andthe first couches at the suppers ,

eTh e h umanity ofCh rist is th e son of David, andth e divinity, th e Lord and Creator ofDavid.

108 Our Lor ’s Fuhtz

e Entry [nto jeru'

sa/enz . [PART VI I .

M at t . 23 .

1Then Jesus spoke to the mul titudes and His disciples,“ 2 saying,The scribes and Phari

sees sat upon the seat ofMoses ;3 therefore do and keep all things so many as they may

speak to you, but do no t according to their works ; for they say, and do no t.“ 4But theybind heavy burdens, and place“ them on the shoulders of the people ; and they themselvesare no t wil ling to touch them with their finger.

5And they do all their works to be

seen by the people : for they broaden their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of theirgarments, 6and they love the first couch at the suppers, and the first seats in the synagogues,

“ 7 and salutations in the forums,and to be cal led by the people ,

8But be ye no t cal led Doctor : for One is your teacher ; and you are all bro thers.


cal l no man father upon the earth : for One is your Heavenly Father.

“ 10Be no t calledteachers : because One is your teacher, Christ . 1 1And the great of you Shal l be yourdeacon] 12But whosoever shal l exal t himself

,shal l be abased ; and whosoever shall

humble himself shal l be exal ted.


Fourth Day of the Week.

M ark 1 2 .40They are those devouring Luke 20 .

4TWho devour the houses of

the houses of widows, and making long the widows,and pray long through pre

prayers through pretext ; they shal l receive text ; they shal l receive the greater judgthe greater judgment . ment .M att . 2 3 . I 3 , 1 5


39 .

13But woe unto you,scribes and Pharisees

,hypocrites ! because

you Shut up the kingdom of the heavens against the people : for you do no t go in, neitherdo you permit those coming in to enter. a 15 Wo e unto you, scribes and Pharisees, .

hypocrites ! because you compass the sea and the dry land to make one proselyte , and whenit maybe done , you make h im twofo ld more the son ofhe ll than yourselves.

16Woe untoyou,blind guides, who are saying, Whosoever may swear by the temple it is no thing ;

but whosoevermay swear by the go ld of the temple , he is debtor.

17Ye foo ls and blindfor which is the greater, the go ld,

or the temple sanctifying the go ld? 18And,VVhoso

ever may swear by the al tar,it is no thing ; but whoso ever may swear by the gift upon

it,is debtor.

19Ye blind : for which is the greater, the gift , or the al tar which sanctifiesthe gift ? 20Therefore the one swearing by the al tar

,swears by it

,and by all things

which are on it. 21And the one swearing by the temple , swears by it, and by Him who

inhabited it. ”And the one swearing by heaven,swears by the throne of God, and by

Him that sitte th upon it. 23Woe unto you ,scribes and Pharisees

,hypocrites ! because

you tithe mint and anise and cummin,and pass by the weightiermatters of the law,judgment , mercy, and faith : it behooves to do these and not to neglect those .

“ 24Ye

blind guides, who strain out the gnat , and swallow down the camel . 25Woe unto you ,

scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! because you purify the exterior of the cup and the

plate , and within they are full of extortion and impurity. ‘ 26Ye blind Pharisee , firstpurify the inside of th e cup, in order that its outside may be clean .

27Wo e unto you,scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! because you are like whitened sepulchers, which are

beautiful indeed external ly,but within they are ful l of the bones of the dead people , and

every impurityj 28 SO you also appear unto the people indeed righteous, but within youare ful l of hypocrisy and iniquity . 29Wo e unto you,

scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites !because you build the tombs of the prophets, and ornament the sepulchers of the righteous,

” 30and you say, If we were in the days of our fathers we would no t have beentheir fellow-

partakers in the blood of the prophets.

31 80 you witness to yourselves, thatyou are th e sons of those who murdered the prophe ts.

32And you fill up the measure

“Mark 1 2 . 38 ; Luke 20 . 45 .“Pro te stants say do c tor

,and Cath o lics kLuke 1 1 . 42 .

bLuke 1 1 . 46 . say fath er.“Luke 1 1 . 39 .

Mark 1 2 . 38 ; Luke 1 1 . 43 ; Luk e 20 . 46.fTh e minister of tempo ralities . J


Luke 1 1 . 44.

“Heb. R abbi,wh ich means do c tor. oLuke 1 1 . 5 2 .

kLuke 1 1 . 47 .

Our L ora”: Puhk

o Entry [nto forum/em . [PART VI I .

John 1 2 .

32And if I may be lifted up from the wil l draw allmen towards me .“ 33And

He Spoke this, signifying by what death He was about to die .

b 34Then the mul tituderesponded to Him ; We have heard from the law that Christ abideth forever ;0 and how

do You say, That it behooveth the Son ofman to be lifted up ? who is this Son ofman ?35 Then Jesus said to them ,

Yet a little while the light is with you. Walk about as youhave the light, in order that the darkness may no t overtake you : and he that walke thabout in darkness does not know where he is going.

”While you have the light , believe in the light, in order that you may be the sons of light .“ And Jesus spoke thesethings, and having gone out was hidden from them .

§ 1 25 . REFLECTIONS ON THE UNBELIEF OF THE JEws.— jerusate7n.

Fourth Day of th e Week .

John 1 2 . 3 7 - 50 .37And He having done so many miracles in their pre sence , they

were no t believing on Him,38 in order that the word of I saiah the prophe t might be fulfilled, which he spoke , Lord, who hath believed our report ? And to whom is the arm

Ofthe Lord revealed?6 39Wherefore were they not able to believe,because I saiah again

said,4OHe hath blinded their eyes

,and hardened their heart ; in order that they may

no t see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and turn, and I shal l heal

them.f 41I saiah said these things, because he saw His glory ; and spoke concerning

Him .“ 42Neverthe less indeed many Of the rulers also believed on Him ; but they were

no t confessing Him on account of the Pharisees,“in order that they might no t be putout of the synagogues :i 43for they loved the glory Of the people more than the glory ofGod.

44But Jesus cried out and said ; The one believing on me,believes no t on me


on Him that sent me,45 and the one seeing me

,sees the one that sent me .

461 havecome a light into the world

, in order that every one believingon me may no t abide indarkness.

“ 47And if any one may hear my words, and no t keep them,I do not judge

him : for I came no t that I may judge the world, but that I may save the world.

’0 48He

that rej ects me, and receiving no t my words, has one judging him : the word which Ihave spoken, it wil l judge him in the last day.

49Because I have no t spoken ofMyse lf;but the Father Himse lfhaving sent me , gave me commandment , what I shal l speak ,


what I shall say“ 50And I know that His commandment is e ternal life .

m Now whatsoever thing '

I say, as the Father has spoken unto me , so I say.“



THE PERSECUTION OFH I S DISCIPLES .— jerusate7n . [Mount of Olives.

Fourth Day of th e Week .

M ark I 3 . I —I 3 .

1AndM att. 24. 1 - 14 .

lJesus Luke 2 1 . 5 - 1 9 .5 Andhaving gone out departed

from the temple , and His

disciples came to Him to

Show Him the buildings of

the temple .2And respond

ing, He said to them ,DO you

no t see allthese? Truly , I sayunto you, that stone mayno tbe ' left here upon stone ,whichshal l not be thrown down.

3And He Sitting upon th e

“John 3 . 14.

bJohn 1 8 . 32 .

OPS ) 1 10 . 4 ; Dan . 7 . 1 4.

“Luke 1 6 . 8 .

cI Sa . 53 . 1 ; R om . 1 0. 16.

He departing out from the

temple , one ofHis disciplessays to Him



ho ld,how great stones and

how great buildings ! 2AndJesus respondingsaid to h im,

DO you see these greatbuildings ? stone may not be

left upon stone , which mayno t be thrown down .


He sitting upon the MountJ’

I sa . 6. 9 ; Matt . 1 3 . 1 4 ; Ac ts 2 8 .

2 6.

oI sa . 6. 1 .

{ J o h n 9 . I 3 .

“Turned out of th e Ch urch .

certain ones Speaking con

cerning the temple , that itwas ornamented with beautiful stones and offerings, He


6These things which yousee

,the days wil l come


which stone wil l no t be leftupon stone , which Shal l no tbe thrown down .

7And theyfJohn 8 . 1 9 . 2 1 .

kJohn 3 . 1 7 .

lJoh n 5 . 45 :" J oh n 6 . 63 .

”John 1 6 . I O .

M att . 24.

Mount ofOlives ; the disciples came to Him privately,saying, Tel l us, when thesethings shal l be ? and whatshal l be the sign ofthy comingand the end ofthe age ?

4And Jesus responding said

to them,See

,lest any one

may deceive you .5 For

many wil l come in myname,

saying, I am Christ ; and

they will deceive many.6And you wil l be about tohear ofwars and rumors of

wars : see that you are no t

disturbed : for it behoovethall these things to be


the end is no t yet.7For

nation will ‘

rise against nation,and kingdom against

kingdom : and there shal lbe famines and earthquakesin divers places.

8And all

these things are the beginning of travails.


you take heed to yourselves : for theywill de liver you into councils ; and

will beat you in the synagogues :and you shal l stand before governorsand kings on account of me

,for a

testimony unto them .— 11And when

they may lead you forth,delivering

you up, do no t be so licitous what you

Our Lora’ ’s Puhlz


e Entry [nto jerusalem.

M ark 1 3 .

ofOlives in front ofthe temple , Pe ter and James andJohn and Andrew asked

Him privately, 4Te l l us,

when these things shal l be ?and what shal l be the Signwhenall these things maybe about to have an end?

5And Jesus began to say tothem,See , lest any one may

deceive you.6For many

wil l come in my name , saying, I am He ; and wil l deceive many . 7And whenyou may hear of wars and

rumors ofwars,be not dis

turbed : for it behooves itto be so ; but the end is

not yet.8For nation wil l

rise up against nation, and

kingdom against kingdom :

and there shal l be earthquakes in divers places ;and there shal l be famines.

9These are the beginnings oftravails. But heaven.

may speak , nor meditate : but whatsoever may be given to you in thathour, speak this : for you are no t

9Then they will deliveryou into tribulation, andwil lkil l you, and you wil l behated by all nations on ac

count Of my name,10and

then many wil l be ofiended ;and they will betray one an

o ther,and hate one ano ther.

11And many false prophetswill arise and deceive many .12And because iniquity do thabound,

the divine love of

many wil l grow co ld.13But

“Gr. eon means age ,[ge e means th e e arth

,and co smo s


the world. Here I t Is th e end of th e Go spe l age .

those speak

ing, but the Ho ly Spirit .12And bro ther will deliver


bro ther to death,and the

father the child ; and the

children wil l rise up againstthe parents, and put themto death . 13And you shallbe hated by all on accountof my name

but the one

tion .


Luke 2 1 .

askedHim, saying, Teacher,when then shal l these thingsbe ? and what shal l be theSign when these things maybe about to come to pass ?8And He said

,See that you

are no t deceived. Formanywil l come in my name , saying, I am He ; and The

time is at hand : go ye no t

after them.9And when ye

may hear ofwars and com

mo tions, be not affrightedfor it behoove th these thingsfirst to take place ; but theend is not immediately .

10Then He said to them,

Nation shal l rise up againstnation,

and kingdom againstkingdom : 11 and there shal lbe great earthquakes,faminesand pestilences in diversplaces ; and there shall begreat terrors and signs from

12And before all of these things,they wil l lay their hands on you,and perse

cute you, delivering you into their synagogues and prisons, led before kings and

governors on account ofmy name .

it shal l come to pass to you for a testimony.14Place it in your hearts, not to premeditateyour defense :


1“for I wil l give to you

mouth and wisdom,which all who are

opposed to you wil l no t be able to gainsaynor resist .

16And you shal l be delivered up also by your parents,and bro thers

, and relatives,

and friends ; and they wil lkil l some ofyou.

17And you

shal l be hated by all,on ao

count ofmyname

18 and no t


rth -

pangs of th e millennial dispe nsa

M at t . 24.

the one persevering to the

end, the same shal l be saved.

14And this gospel of the

kingdom shall be preachedin all the world, for a testimony to all the nations ; andthen the end shal l come .

Our Lord’s Public Enfry Info jerusalem.

M ark 13 .

persevering to the end, the

same shal l be saved.— 10And

it behooves the gospel firstto be preached to all the


[PART vn .

Luke 2 1 .

a hair fromyour head shal lperish . 19 In your patiencegain your souls.



M att. 24. 1 5 -

42 .

15 Thenwhen youmay see the abomination ofdeso lation ,


of by Daniel the prophet ,“standing in the ho ly placeb(let him that readeth know ) ,16 then let those who are inJudea fly to the mountains :17 and let him who is on the

housetop no t come down

to take things out of the

house : 13 and let not the

one in the field turn back totake his garment . 19But alasunto those who are in gestation0 and nursing in tho sedays.

20But pray that yourflight mayno t be in the win

ter,f nor on the Sabbath a

21For then there wil l begreat tribulation ,

such as hasno t been from the beginningofth e world even until now


nor ever may be .

22And if

those days were not shortened, no life would be

saved : but for the sake of

the elect those days will beshortened.

possible .

23Then if any one may say to


,here is Christ, or

,there : believe

him no t : forfalse Christs and false prophetswill rise up ,

and give great signs and won

ders ; so as to deceive even the elect , if2<3 Beho ld

,I have foreto ld you.

26Therefore if they may say to you,Beho ld


Fourth Day of tile Week.

M ark 1 3 . 14-

37 .


when you may see the abomination of deso lation standing where it ought no t (lethim that readeth know ) ,then let those in Judea flyto the mountains : 15 and

let no t the one on the

housetop come down,nor

enter in, to take anythingout of his house : 16and le tno t the one who is in thefield turn back to take hisgarment . 17But alas untothose who are in gestation"and nursing in those days.


But pray that your flightmay no t be in the winter.

19For these days will betribulation

,Such as has

never been from the beginning of creation which Godcreated, until now


never may be .

20And un

less the Lord shortenedthose days, no flesh wouldbe saved : but for the sake

of the elect , 6

He is in the desert ; go no t out : Beho ld,He

is in the secret chambers ; believe them not.

Luke 2 1 . 20-



when youmay see Jerusalemshut up by the armies


know that her deso lation isnigh . 21Then let those inJudea fly to the mountains ;and let those in the midst ofit depart out ; and let not

those in the country come

into it. 23Because these are

the days of vengeance , to

fillup all things which havebeen written.

23 But alasto those in gestation

c and

nursing in those days ! For

there shall be great distressupon the earth

,and wrath

to this people .

24And theyshal l fal l by the edge of the

sword,and be led captive

into allnations : and Jerusalem shal l be trodden down

by the Gentiles, until thetimes of the Gentiles maybe fulfilled.


whom He chose , He shortened the days.

21And if then one may say to you, Lo , hereis Christ ; or, LO ,

there ; be lieve no t.false Christs and false prophets wil l arise ,and give signs andwonders, to deceive eventhe e lect

,if possible .

ho ld,I have foreto ld you all things.


23But you see : be

27For as th e lightning comes from the

east,and shines even unto th e west ; so also shal l the coming of the Son ofman

be .


. 2 7 .

QTh e oly Campus c ontainingth e temple and 35 acres.

cCh ild- bearing and suffering .

dDan . 1 2 .

“Bo th th e e lec t ofI srae l and ofgrace .

28For where the carcass is,there the eagles wil l be gathered toge ther.

fA s torm .

gTh e gate s were clo sed on

th e Sabbath .

Our Lord’s Puélz


c Entry [nto farm er/em. [PART VI I .M ark 1 3 . Luke 2 1 .

away , leaving his own house, and giving drunkenness,and worldly cares, and that

authority to his servants, and to each one daymay come on you unanticipated.

“ 35 Forhis work, and commanded the porter that as a lasso it wil l come upon all the people

h e sh o ul d who are sitting down uponM att. 24. watch . the face of the who le earth .

42Watch therefore : be 35 VVatch therefore : for 36Therefore watch, pray

cause you do not know on you know no t when the ing all the time,that you

what day yourLord cometh . Lord of the house cometh,may be counted worthy to

late , or at midnight , or at escape all these things whichthe crowing of the cock

,or in the morning ;

36 lest are about to come to pass,having come suddenly he may find you sleeping. and to stand before the Son37And the things I say to you, I say to all

,Watch . ofman.


Fourt/z Day qf tke lVeek.

M att. 24. 43 to 2 5 . 1 -



But know this, that if the landlord knew at what watchthe thiefcometh , he would have watched, and would not have permitted his house to bebroken into .

“ 44Therefore be ye also ready : because the Son ofman cometh in an hourat which you do no t think .

45 Then who is the faithful and wise servant, whom the

lord placed over his househo ld to give them their food in season ?0 46Happy is thatservant whom,

his lord having come,will find so do ing.

47Truly I say unto you, thathe wil l appoint him over all his possessions.

48But if the wicked servant may say in hisheart,49My lord delayeth ; and may begin to smite his fel low- servants

,and eat and drink

with the drunken ; 50the lord of that servant wil l come in a day in which he does no texpect, and an hour in which he does not know

,5 1 and he wil l cut him off

,and wil l

appoint his part with hypocrites : and there shall be weeping and gnashing of the teeth .M att. 2 5 .

1 Then shal l the kingdom ofthe heavens be likened unto ten‘ virgins, whotaking their lamps, went out to mee t the bridegroom .

2And five of them were foo lish,

and five were wise .

3For the foo lish,taking their lamps, took no o ilwith themselves

4and the wise took o il in their vessels with their lamps.

5 But the bridegroom tarrying,they all nodded and slept. 6And at midnight there was a cry made , Beho ld, the

bridegroom ! go ye out to meet him .

7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their.


8And the foo lish said to the wise , Give us of your o il; for our lamps are goingout.

“ 9And the wise responded, saying, No,lest there may no t be a sufficiency for us

and you : go ye rather to them that sell , and buy for yourselves.

10And they going to

buy, the bridegroom came ; and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage,and the door was shut . “And afterwards the o ther virgins come

,saying ; Lord, lord,

open unto us.

“ 12And he responding, said ; Truly I say unto you, I know you not.

13Watch therefore,because you know neither the day nor the hour.

14For as a man going away, called his own servants, and delivered unto them his

goods,f15 to one he gave five talents, to ano ther two

,to ano ther one ; to each one ac

cording to h is own ability ; and departed.

16The one having received the five talentsgo ing immediately

, operated with the same,andmade o ther five talents.

17 Likewise the

one h aving received two gained two o thers.

18And h e having received one, having gone

away,digged up the earth

,and buried the money be longing to his lord.

19And after a

long time the lord of those servants comes, and makes a reckoning with them .


the one having received the five talents coming to him brought o ther five talents, saying,Lord

,thou didst deliver unto me five talents : beho ld, I have gained o ther five talents.

“Awful warning against exce sf bLuke 1 2 . 39 .

eLuke 1 2 . 45-

5 7 .

eLuke I 3 . 2 5 ; Matt . 2 5 . 1 1Sive eating and drinking, and “No t out,but burn ing low,

and fLuke 1 9 . 1 1 - 2 7 .

worldly cares. much needing a supply of011.

Our L ora”s Puolz


o Entry


I nto forum/em . 5

M att. 2 5 .

21His lord said to him,Wel l done , thou good and faithful servant : thou wast faithful

o ver few things, and I wil l make thee ruler over many things : come thou into the joy of

thy lord.

22And the one having received two talents, coming to him,said

,Lord, thou

didst deliver unto me two talents : beho ld, I have gained o ther two talents.

23And hislord said to him,Wel l done , good and faithful servant ; thou wast faithful over few things,

I wil l make thee ruler overmany things : come thou into the joy of thy lord.

24And the

one having received one talent also coming, said,Lord

,I knew thee that thou art a hard

man,reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strewn :

25 and being afraid, having gone away,I hid thy talent in the earth : beho ld

,thou hast

thine own.26And his Lord responding said to him

,Thou wicked and Slo thful servant ,

didst thou know that I gather where I have not sown,and reap where I have no t

strewn ? 27 Therefore it behooved thee to put my money in the bank,and having come


I would receive my own with the product . 28Therefore take the talent '

from him,

and give it to the one having ten talents.

29For to every one having it sh al l be given,

and he shal l superabound : but from the one no t having Shal l be taken away even thatwhich he has.“ 30And cast ye the unprofitable servant into the darkness which is without : and there shal l be weeping and gnashing of the teeth .

érzg. SCENES OF THE JUDGMENT - DAY .— Mouut of Olives.

Fourth Day of tko Wee/é .

M att. 2 5 . 3 1-


31But when the Son ofman may come in His glory , and all His

angels with Him ,then wil l He sit upon the throne ofHis glory : 32and all nations shal l

be gathered before Him : and He wil l separate them from one ano ther, as a shepherdseparates the sheep from the goats : 33 and He wil l place the sheep on His right, and the

goats on His left .34Then the King will say to those on His right, Come , ye blessed ofmy Father, inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

35 For I was hungry,'

and you gave me to eat : I was thirsty,and you gave me drink : I

was a stranger, and you took me in ;36was naked

,and ye clo thed me : was sick ,

and yevisited me : was in prison, and ye came unto me .

37 Then the righteous wil l respond to

Him,saying ; Lord, when saw we thee then hungry, and fed thee ? or thirsty

,and gavethee drink ? 38And when saw we thee then a stranger, and took thee in ? or naked, and

clo thed thee ? 39But when saw we thee sick,or in prison,

and came unto thee ? 40And

the King responding wil l say unto them,Truly I say


unto you, Inasmuch as ye did thesethings to one of the least of these my brethren, you did them unto me .

41Then wil l He also say unto those on the left,Depart from me , ye cursed

,into e ter

nal fire“which has been prepared for the devil and his angels.

42For I was hungry ,and you gave me no thing to eat : I was thirsty

,and you gave me no thing to drink : 43 1

was a stranger and you took me no t in ; was naked, and you clo thed me no t ; was sick,

and in prison, and you visited me no t. 44Then wil l they also respond, saying, Lord,when saw we thee hungry, or thirsty , or a stranger, or naked, or sick

,or in prison, and

ministered not unto thee ? 45 Then wil l He respond to them,saying, Truly I say unto

you,Inasmuch as you did not these things to one of the least of these

, you did them no t

unto me .

46And these shal l go away into e ternal punishment :0 and the righteous intoe ternal life .

“Matt. I 1 2 .cI onion punishment .

blonion re .“I omon life ; Heb. 9 . 1 2 , IonIon redemption ; Matt. 2 5 . I 4, ionion Spirit.

1 16

Q 130 . THE RULER S CONSPIRE .JUDAS . —jerusale7 n.

Our L ord’s Public E ntry [rt/o jerusalem .




Fourt/L ana’

s tlz Days of t/z e Week .

M att. 26 . 1 - 16.

said to His disciples, 2You

know that after two days isthe passover, and the Son of

man is delivered to be cruci


3Then the chief priests,and scribes

,and elders of

the people , were assembledin the hal l ofthe high priest,called Caiaphas.

4And theyimmediate ly passed the ver

dict that they would takeJesus by stratagem,and kil l

Him .

5 But they said, No t

at the feast,lest there be an

uproar among the people .

6And Jesus being in Bethany, in the house of Simon

the leper,7 a woman having

an alabaster box of myrrh,very valuable , came to Him

and poured it on His head,while sitting at the table .

3And His disciples, seeing,

were indignant , saying, Fo rwhat was this waste ? 9Fo rthis was able to be so ld for

much , andgiven to the poor.

10And Jesus knowing, saidto them

,Why do you give

the woman trouble ? becauseshe hath wrought a beautifulwork inme .

11Foryou havethe poor with you alwaysbut you have notme always.

12For She pouring this myrrh

M ark I 4. I - I I .

1And it

was the passover and feast ofunleavened bread after two

days .

And the high priestsand scribes were seekinghow they might kil l Him ,having taken Him by stratagem .

2For they said,No t

at the feast , lest there shal lbe an uproar of the people .

3And He being in Be thany, in the house of Simon

the leper, He sitting at the

table , a woman came havingan alabaster box ofmyrrh ofSpikenard estimated veryvaluable ; ‘

and breaking the

alabastar box,she poured it

on His head.

4And therewere certain ones indulgingin indignation among themselves (and saying) , Fo r

what was this lo ss of the

myrrh ? 5For this myrrhwas able to be so ld for more

than three hundreddenaria,“and given to th e poor. And

they murmured against her.

6And Jesus said,Let her

alone ; why do you give hertrouble ? she hath wrought abeautiful work in me .

7 For

you have the poor alwayswith you, and when you

wish, you are able to do

them good : but you have

1And it came to pass, when Jesus finished these discourses, He

Luke 2 2 . 1 - 6.

1And the

feast of the unleavenedbread

, called the passo ver,was nigh .

2And the chiefpriests andscribes were seeking how

they might kill Him ; forthey feared the people .

Joh n 1 2 . 2 - 8 .

2Then theymade . a supper for Him

there : and Martha was serving ; and Laz arus was one of

those sittingat the table withHim .

3Then Mary takinga pound ofmyrrh of spike

nard,estimated very valua


ano inted the fee t ofJesus, and wiped His fee twith her hair and the

house was filled with the

odor of the myrrh . 4ThenJudas I scario t,one of His

disciples, the one about tobetray Him

,says : 5Why

was no t this myrrh so ld for,three hundred denaria,“ and

given to the poor?6And

He spoke this, no t becausethere was a care to him for

the poor ; but because he

was a thief, and had the

purse , andwas carrying thosethings cast in .7Then Jesus

said,Let her alone she hath

reserved this unto the day of

my burial ; for you have the

poor always with you ; butyou have not me always.

“Denarion,fifteen cents ; three hundred. dcnarion, forty- five do llars .

PA R T V I I I .



3, 13 1 . PREPARAT ION FOR THE PASSOVER — Bethany . jerusalem .

M att . 26 . 1 7 - 1 9 .

17On the first day Of the

unleavened bread, the disciples came to Jesus, saying toHim ; Where do you wishthat we mayprepare for you

to eat the passover?

18And He said ; GO intothe city to a certain one


say to him ;

The Teachersays ; My time is nigh ; I

make th e passover with youalong with my disciples.

19And the disciples did as

Jesus commanded them ,and

prepared the passover.


E vening introducing the S ix th Day of the Week .

M at t . 2 6 .

20And it being M ark I 4 .

17And it being Luke 2 2 . 14- 18



30 .

evening, He sat down at the evening, He comes with the 14And when the hour ar

table with the twelve . twelve . rived, He sat down and the

apo stles along with Him .

15And He said to them,I desired with desire to eat this passover with you before I

suffer : for I say to you,

16 1 eat this mo /

more,until it may be fulfilled in the kingdom

of God.

17And receiving the cup ,having given thanks, He said

,Take this, and

divide it among yourselves ; 18for I say to you, I shal l from now drink no more from

1 1 8

Fifth Day of the Week .

M ark I 4. 1 2 - 16.

”And on the first day Of

the unleavened bread,when

they were accustomed to slaythe passover, His disciplessay to Him ; Where do youwish , that we , having goneaway may prepare that youmay eat the passover?

13And He sends away twoofHis disciples, and says tothem ; Go into the city andaman wil l mee t you carryinga pitcher of water ; fo l lowh im


14whithersoeverhe may

go in ,say to the landlord

that the Teachersays,Where

is my guest chamber whereI may eat the passover withmydisciples ? 15And he wil lshow you a large upper roomfurnished

,ready ; there pre

pare for us.

16And His dis

ciples went out, and came

into the city , and found as

He said to them,and pre

pared the passover.

Luke 2 2 . 7 - 13 .

7And the day of the un

leavened bread came,in

which it behoo ved to slay thepassover.

8And He sent Peter and John,

saying, Go ingprepare for us the passover,in order that we may eat it.9And they said to Him


Where do you wish that wemay prepare it?

10And He

said to them,Beho ld

, youhaving come into the city,a

man wil l mee t you carryingapitcher ofwater ; fo l low himinto the house where he isgoing.

11And say to the

landlord,The Teacher says

to thee,Where is the guest

chamber,where I may eat

th e passover with my disciples'

? ”And he will Showyou a large upper room

furnished : there prepare .

13And having gone away,they found as He to ld them ;

andprepared the passover.

ééI 33 , I The Fourth Passover Until the End of thejewish Sahhath . 19

Luke 2 2 .

the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God may come .

“— 24And there was a con

tention among them ,which one of them seems to be the greater.

25And He said to

them ,The kings of the Gentiles domineer '

over them ; and those exercising authorityo ver them are called Benefactors b 26But you are no t thus : but let the greater among

you be as the younger ; and the leader as the waiter.

27 For which is the greater, hethat sitte th at the table , or the waiter? is no t th e one Sitting? but I am in the midst ofyou as the waiter.

28But you are those who have remained with me in my temptations.

29And I appoint unto you a kingdom,0 as my Father appointed unto me

,30in order that

you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom ; and you shal l sit upon thronesjudging the twelve tribes of I srael .ér33 . JESUS WASHES THE FEET OF HI S DISCIPLES .— jerusalem.

E vening introducing th e S ix th Day of the Week .

John 1 3 . I - 20.

1And before the feast Of the passover, Jesus knowing that the hourhas come when He must depart out of this world to His Father, having loved His own

who were in the world, with divine love, He loved them perfectly .“ 2And the supperbeing on hand,the devil already having entered into the heart , that Judas I scario t , the

son ofSimon,should be tray Him

,3knowing that the Father has given all things into Hishands, and He came out from God,and is going away to God, 4He rises from th e sup

per, and lays aside His garments,and taking a towel

, girded Himself; 5 then He pourswater into a bowl , and began to wash the fee t of the disciples, and to wipe them withthe towel with which He was girded.

6Then He comes to Simon Peter ; he says toHim ; Lord, do you wash my feet ? 7Jesus responded and said to him

,What I dO '


know no t now ; but shal l understand hereafter.

8Pe ter says to Him,You may never

wash my feet . Jesus responded to him,If I wash thee no t, thou hast not part with me .

9And Simon Peter says to Him,Lord

,not only my feet , but my hands and myhead.

10Jesus says to Him,He that is bathed hath no need to wash his hands

, but is al toge therclean : and you are clean

,but no t all.f 11For He knew the one betraying Him . On this

account He said, You are no t all clean.“ ”Then when He washed their fee t

, and tookHis garments, and sat down again, He said to them

,Do you understand what I have

done to you ?”You cal l me Masterand Lord

, andyou speak beautifully ; for I am .

14 Ifthen I , your Lord and Master, washed your fee t, you ought also to wash the fee t ofoneano ther.

15 For I have given unto you an example , that you may also do as I have doneto you .

“ 16Truly, truly, I say unto you, The servant is no t greater than his lord ; northe apostle greater than him that sent him fl? 17 If you know these things, happy are yeifyou may do them.

”I do no t speak concerning you all: I know whom I have chosenbut that the Scripture may be fulfilled,

He that eate th bread with me has lifted up hisheel against me J'

19Now I tel l you before it takes place , in order that you may believe ,when it may be done , that I am 20Truly, truly , I say unto you, The one receivingthe one

yvhom I may send, receiveth me ; and the one receiving me

,receives Him that

sent me .


Evening introducing the S ix th Day of the Week .

M at t . 26 . 2 1 - 25 .

21And they eating,

He said ; Truly, I

say unto you,that

one ofyouwil l betrayme .

“Matt . 26. 2 9bMatt . 20 . Mark 1 0 . 42 .

eMatt . 1 9 . 2 8“Matt . 26 . I 7”AS nlptO means to wash the

M ark 1 4. 18 - 2 1 .

”And they Sittingand eating, Jesussaid


,I say

unto you, that, Oneof you wh o eateth


fJohn 1 5 . 3 .

aJohn 6. 64.

hands or fe e t,lono , be ing an


hands and fee t.

Luke 2 2 . 2 1 - 23 .

21Moreover beho ld,

th e hand of the one

betraying me is withme at the table .


John 1 3 . 2 1 -

35 .

”Jesus saying thesethings, was troubledin spirit, and testified

,and said ; Truly,truly , I sayunto you,

hJohn 1 5 . 20 .

iMatt . I O . 24 ; Luke 6. 40.


Ps . 41 . 9 ; A c ts I . I 6 .

“J ohn I 4. 2 9 .

ZNlatt. I O . 40 ; Luke 9 . 48 .

1 20

M att. 26 .

22And they beingexceedingly sorrow

ful,began each one

of them to say to

Him,Lord, whether

am I the one ?

M ark I 4.

with me shal l be trayme .

19And they began to be grieved,and to say to Him

one by one , Whetheram I the one ? And

ano ther,WhetheramI the one ?

7 he Fourth Passover Until the End of thejewish S akkath .

Luke 2 2 .

23And they beganto inquire amongthemselves, who thenof them is the one of

them about to do


[PART VI ILJonn 1 3 .

that one ofyou shal lbe tray me .

22Thenthe disciples beganto look to one an

o ther, being at a lossc o n c e rn ing whichone He speaks.

23And one ofHis

loved,was leaning on the bosom ofJesus.

disciples,whom Jesus24Then Simon Pe ter beck

ons to him,to ask who he might be concerning whom He speaks.

25And that one,fal ling toward the bosom ofJesus says to Him


M a t t . 26 .

23AndrespondingHe said,

The one dipping his hand inthe dish with me

,the same

Shal l betray me .

24 Indeed the Son ofman

goeth , as has been writtenconcerning Him : 24but woe

unto that man by whom the

Son ofman is be trayed ! I t

was good for him if thatman had never been born.

25 But Judas, the one be tray

M ark I 4.

20And He said to them,

One of th e twe lve who

is dipping with me in the

dish .

21Truly the Son of man

goes, as has been writtenconcerning Him : but woe

unto that man by whom the

Son Ofman is be trayed ! I t

was good forhim ifthat manhad never been born.

ing Him,responding said

,Master, whether am I

the one ? He says to him,Thou hast said it.“

Joh n I 3 .

who is he ? 26And Jesusresponds, He is that one

to whom , having dipped themorsel

,I will give it.Luke 2 2 .

22 Indeed the Son ofman

goes, according to that whichhas been appo inted : butwoe

to‘ that man by whom He is

betrayed !

-26And having dipped the morsel , He takes it, and gives it to Judas I scario t , the son

of Simon.

27And after the morsel , Satan entered into him . Then Jesus says to him ;

What thou art do ing, do more quickly . 28And no one of those sitting with Him knew

what He said to him :29for some thought , as Judas had the purse , that Jesus says to

h im,Purchase some of those things ofwhich we have need at the supper ; or somethingthat he might give to the poor.

30Then he having taken the morse l, went out imme

diately : and it was night . 31Then when he went out, Jesus says, Now is the Son of

man glorified, and God is glorified in Him.

“ 32And ifGod is glorified in Him,God wil l

indeed glorify Him in Himse lf, and will glorify Him immediately. 33Children,I am still

with you . You shal l seek me , and as'

I said to the Jews, Whither I go , you are no t ableto come ;0 and now I say to you .

“ 34 1 give unto a new commandment , That you mustlove one ano ther with divine love ; as I have loved you with divine love , that you mustalso love one ano ther with divine love z“ 35 in this shal l all know that you are my disci

ples, ifyou may have divine love one with ano ther.


TWELVE.— jerusale7n .

E vening introducing th e S ix th Day of the Week .

John 1 3 . 36-

38 .

3“Simon Pe ter says to Him ; Lord, whither do you go ? Jesusresponded, Whither I go you are no t able to fo llow me now ; but shall fo llow me hereafter.

37Peter says to Him ; Lord, why am I no t able to fo l low thee now ? I wil l laydown my soul for thee .


“An Oriental affirmation .“J ohn 8 . 2 1 .

“Joh n 6 . 3 3 .

bSpoken proph e tically . 8John 1 5 1 2 I 7

fMatt . 2 6. 34 ; Mark I 4. 30 ;Luke 22 . 34.

[2 2

M at t . 26.

”Also taking the

cup, and blessing it,He gave it to them,

saying, Drink ye all,

ofit ;”for this is myblood which belongs

to the new covenant,

M ark 14.

”And taking the

cup, blessing it, He

gave it to them ,and

alldrank ofit. 24And

He said to them ,

This is my blood,which belongs to the

The Fourth Passover Until the E nd of thejewish Sahhath .

Luke 2 2 .

20Likewise also thecup after supper, saying, This cup is the

new covenant in myb l o o d,w h ic h i s

poured out in yourbehalf.

[PART VI I I .1 Cor. I I .

25 Likewise also thecup, after supper,saying, This cup is

the new covenant inmy blood : do this


so often as you maydrink it

,in remem

which is shed for new covenant , which brance ofme .

many unto the remis is poured out for many . ”Truly Ision ofsin.

”And I say unto you,That I shal l no more drink

say unto you,that I shal l no more drink of

the fruit of th e vine, until that day when Imay drink it new with you in the kingdom

ofmy Father.“


fruit ofthe vine,until that day when

I may drink it new in the kingdom of



E vening introducing the S ix th Day of th e Week.

John 14. I -

3 I .

1 Le t not your heart be troubled : ye believe in God, believe also inme .

b 2Many mansions are in the house ofmy Father ; but if it were no t so, I wouldhave to ld you ; because I go to prepare a place for you.

“ 3And if I may go and prepare

a place for you,I come again, and will receive you unto myself; in order that you may

also be where I am.

“ 4And whither I go , you know the way.

5And Thomas says toHim


,we know not whither thou goest : and how do we know the way?

6Jesussays to him

,I am the way, and the truth

,and the life : no one cometh to the Father


but through me .

7 Ifyou have known me, you shal l also know my Father : and hence

forth you know Him and have seen Him .

“ 8Philip says to Him,Lo rd

,Show us the

Father, and it sufficeth us.

9Jesus says to Him,Am I SO long time with you, and hast

thou no t known me,Philip ? The one having seen me hath seen th e Father zf how do

you say, Show us the Father? 10Dost thou no t believe,that I am in the Father

, and

the Father is in me ? The words which I speak unto you I Speak no t ofmyself: but theFather who abideth in me doeth His own works.“ 11 Be lieve me that I am in the Father


and the Father in me ; or ifno t, be lieve for the sake of the works themselves.


,I say unto you, He that believe th on me , shal l also do the works which I am

doing ; and shall do greater works than these : because I go to the Father : ”and whatsoever you may ask in my name

,I wil l do it

, in order that the Fathermay be glorified inthe Son.

h 14 If you may ask anything ofme in my name,I wil l do it. ’i 15 I f you love

me,keep my commandmentsj ”And I wil l ask the Father

,and He will give you an

o ther Comforter, that He may be with you always,

17 the Spirit of truth : which theworld is not able to receive , because it does not see Him, nor know Him z’c you know

Him : because He abideth with you, and shal l be in you“ ”I wil l no t leave you

orphans : I -

am coming to you.”Yet a little while , and the world sees me no more ;


but you see me : because I live , you shal l live also .

20In that day you Shal l know thatI am in the Father, you in me , and I in you.

21The one having my commandments,

and keeping them,he is the one loving me with divine love : the one loving me with

divine love, shall be loved by my Father, and I wil l love him and will manifest myse lfunto h im .

”Judas“ (no t I scario t ) , says to Him ,Lord, and how is it that you are about

to manifest yourself to us, and not to the world? ”Jesus responded and said to him ; If

any one may love me with divine love , he will keep my word : and my Father wil l lovehim

,and we wil l come to him

,and wil l make our mansion with him .

24The one no t

kJohn 1 5 . 26 .

lW I th you in regeneration andin you in sanc tification .

mJohn 1 6. 1 6 ; 1 5 . 1 6.

”Jude .

The Fourth Passover Untilthe End of thejewish Sahhath..

John I 4.

loving me with divine love does not keep my words : and the word which you hear isno t mine , but that of the Father who sent me .

2“I have spoken these things to you,

abiding with you : 26but the Comforter,the Ho ly Spirit,“ whom the Father wil l send in

my name , He will teach you all things, and remind you ofall things, which I spoke to


”My peace I leave with you ; my peace I give unto you : no t as the world gives,give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled

,nor afraid. You heard that I said

to you, I go away , and I come to you .

“ If you love me with divine love, you would

rejoice , because I go to my Father : because the Father is greater than I .

“ ”And I havenow to ld you before it takes place , in order that

,when it may come to pass, you maybelieve .

“ 301 Shal l no longer speak many things with you,because the prince

“ of the

world comes : and he has no thing in me ;31but in order that th e world may know that Ilove the Father, and as He commanded

, so I am doingf Arise, let us go hence .


Evening introducing the S ix th Day of th e Week .

Joh n 1 5 . I - 27 .

1 I am the true vine,and my Father is the husbandman .

2Everybranch in me not producing fruit, He takes it away : and every one producing fruit, He

purifies it, that it may produce more fruit . 3 SO ye are clean through the word which Ihave Spoken unto you.

4Abide in me,and I in you . As the branch is no t able to pro

duce fruit ofitself, unless it may abide in the vine ; so you are no t able,unless you may

abide in me .

5 I am the vine,and ye are the branches. The one abiding in me , and I

in him,the same bears much fruit : because you are not able to do anythingwithout me .

GIf any one may no t abide in me,he is cast out as a branch

,and withered ; and they

gather it, and cast it into the fire , and it i9 burnt. 7 If you may abide in me, and mywords may abide in you, ask whatsoever you may wish , and it shal l be done unto you .

8 In this my Father is glorified, that you may hear much fruit ; and ye shal l be my disciples.

9As the Father loved me,I also loved you : abide in my love .

”Ifyou maykeepmy commandments, abide in my love as I have kept the commandments ofmy Father,and I abide in His love .

“ 11 1 have spoken these th ings to you,that myjoymay be in

you, and that your jo’

y may be full . " 12This is my commandment , that you may loveone ano ther

,as I loved you

“ 13NO one has greater love than - this,that h e may lay

down his soul for his friendsj 14You are my friends, ifyou may do those things whichI command 15 NO longer do I cal l you servants ;

' because th e servant knows no t

what his lord is do ing : but I have cal led you friends ; because all things which I heardwith my Father, I made known unto you.

16You did no t choose me , but I chose you ,

and placed you in your po sition,that you may go forth and bear fruit

,and your fruit

may abide :1 in order that He may give you whatsoever you may ask in my name .

17 I

command these things unto you, that you must love one ano ther with divine love .

m 18 If

the world hates you, know that it first hated me .

“ ”If you were of the world,the

world would love its own : but because you are no t of the world,but I have chosen you

out of the world, on this account the world hates you.

20Remember the word which ISpoke to you ,The servant is no t greater than his lord.

“ If they persecuted me,they

will persecute you ; if they kept myword, they will also keep yours .

21But they wil l doall these things to you on account ofmy name, because they do no t know Him that sentme ? 22 I f I did no t come and speak to them ,

they had no t Sin : now they have no excuse

for their sin.“ 23The one hatingme hates my Father also .

”I fI did no t works amongthem which no o ther did :7‘ they had no t sin :8 but now they have bo th seen and hated

bo th me and my Father.

“ 2“But in order that the word having been written in their“Joh n 1 6. I 3 .

“J o h n 1 4 . 1 5 .

lJoh n 6 . 70 ; 1 4. 1 3 .

“J o hn 1 4 . 3 .

“John 1 7 . 1 3 .”John 1 3 . 34 .

“J o hn 10 . 2 9 .

iJo h n 1 3 . 34 .”J ohn 7 . 7 .

“J o hn I 3 . 1 9 .“Satan .

fr J ohn 3 . 1 6.“J ohn 1 3 . 1 6 ; Matt 10 .

fMatt . 26 . 46 ; Mark kJohn 8 . 3 1 . 24 ; Luke 6. 40 .

124 The Fourth Passover Untilthe End of thejewish Sahhath . [PART VI II .

John 1 5 .

law may be fulfilled, That they hated me gratuitously . 26When the Comforter,whom I

wil l send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth , who proceeds from the Father,may

come,He wil l witness concerning me,“

”but you iiideed are witnesses,because you are

with me from the beginning.



E vening introducing the S ix th Day of the Week .

John 1 6 . 1 -

33 .

1 I have spoken these things to you,that you may not be offended.

2They wil l put you out Of the synagogues :“ but the hour is coming,that every one

killing you may think he is offering service to God.

“ 3And they wil l do these things,because they did no t know the Father,nor me .

4But I have spoken these things toyou, that when the hour may come

, you may remember them’

, that I did say them to

you . But I said no t these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you .

fJBut now I go to Him that sent me ; and no one ofyou asks me,Whithergoest thou ?f

6But because I have spoken these things to you ,sorrow has filled your heart . 7But

now I tel l you the truth ; it is profitable to you that I maygo away . For if I go no t

away , the Comforter wil l no t come to you ; but if I may go , I wil l send Him to you .

8And having come,He wil l convict the world concerning sin

,and concerning righteous

ness, and concerning judgment . 9Concerning Sin indeed,because they do not believe

on me ; and concerning righteousness ; 10because I go to the Father,and you see me no

more ; 911 and concerning judgment , because the prince ofthis world has been condemned q

”I have many things to say to you, but you are not able to hear them now .


when He,the Spirit of truth , may come , He wil l guide you in all truth : for He will

not speak from Himself; but so many things as He hears, He wil l speak : and will proclaim to you the things which are coming.

“ 14He wil l glorify me : because He wil lreceive from mine

,and proclaim them unto you

“ 15And all things whatsoever the

Father has are mine . therefore I said,that He takes from mine

,and wil l proclaim them

to you .

”A little while , and ye see me no more ; again a little while , and ye shall seemeJ 17Then some of His disciples were saying to one ano ther, What is this which HeSpeaks to us

,A little while

,and you see me no more ; and again a little while

, and ye

shal l see me ? and that I go to the Father? Then they were speaking, What Is this,Little while, ofwhich He Speaks? and we know no t what He Is talking about . ”Jesusknew that they wished to ask Him

,and said to them ,

You are seeking with one ano therconcerning this, because I said

,A little while , and you see me no more

,and again a little

while , and you shal l see me ? 20Truly,truly

,I say unto you, that you wil l weep and

mourn,and the world wil l rejoice ; you wil l be sorrowful , but your sorrow wil l be turned

into joy.

21When a woman may bring forth She has sorrow,because her hour has come :

but when the little child may be born, She remembers her suffering no more,for the joythat a man has been born into the world.

22Therefore you indeed also now have sorrowbut I wil l see you again,

and your heart wil l rejoice , and no one taketh your joy fromyou

?“ ”And in that day you will ask ofme no thing. Truly,truly , I say unto you,

Whatso ever you may ask the Father,He will give it to you in my name .

”Until nowyou have asked no thing in my name : ask

,and you shal l receive , in order that yourjoy

may be full . ’ 2“I have spoken these things unto you in parables ; the hour comes,when

I shal l no longer speak to you in parables, but openly wil l I proclaim to you concerningthe Father.

”In that day you shal l ask in my name : and I do no t say, that I will askthe Father for you ; ”for the Father Him-

self loves you,because you have loved me as a

friend, and you have believed that I came out from God.

” ”I came out from the

“John 1 4. 1 6 ; 1 6. 7 .“Turn you out of th e gJo hn kJohn I 4 . 1 3 ; 1 5 . I 6.

“A cts 5 . 32 . Church .

hN . T . prophecy.

lJoh n 1 5 . 1 1 .

cBackslide .

“Jo hn “John mJohn 8 . 42 .

fJohn 14. 4. iJohn

1 26

5 141 .

M att. 26 . 30, 36


30Having sunga hymn,

they wentout into the Mountof Olives — ”ThenJesus comes withthem into a placecalled Gethsemane


and He says to Hisdisciples, Sit here ,until I having gonem ay pra y t h e re .

The Fourth Passover Until the E nd of thejewish Sabbath . [PART VI II .

THE AGONY IN GETH SEMANE .—jltount of Olives.

Evening introducing the S ix th Day of th e Week .

M ark 14. 26, 32

42 .

26And they having sung a hymn


went out into the

Mount of Olives.

32And they come intotheplace whose name

isGe thsemane .

“AndHe says to His disciples, Sit here , untilI may pray . 33And

He takes Peter,and

Luke 2 2 .

39And having gone

out,He departed,

according to custom,

into the Mount of

Olives ; and His disciples fo l lowed Him.

4OHe being at the

place , He said to

them,Pray that you

John 1 8 .

1Jesussaying these things,went Out with Hisdisciples beyond the

brook of Kidron,“

where there was a

garden, into whichHe and His disciplescame .

enter no t into temptation.

37And taking Pe terand the two sons of

Zebedee , He began to grieve and to be de


38 Then He says to them,My soul is is

exceedingly so rrowful , evenunto death : abide here


pray with me .

39Andhavinggone forward a little


fel l on His face , praying, and

saying, My Father, if it ispossible , let this cup pass

from me : moreover no t as Iwill

,but as thou wil t.

40And He comes to the

disciples, and finds themsleeping, and says to Pe ter


Were you no t able to watchwith me one hour? 41Watchand pray, that you may no t

enter into temptation . The

spirit indeed is willing, butthe flesh is week .


again the second time,hav

ing gone away,He prayed, saying, MyFather, if it is possible that this cup pass

from me,if I shal l no t drink it

,let thy will

43And having come He findsthem again sleeping, for their eyes werebe done .

unto deathabide here , and watch .35And having gone for

ward a little,He fell on the

ground ; and continued to

pray, that if possible , the

hour may pass from Him .

36And He said,Father, Father, all things are possible

to thee ; take this cup from

me ; but no t What I will , butwhat thou wilt .

37AndHe comes, andfindsthem sleeping, and He saysto Peter, Simon

,do you

sleep ? Were you no t ableto watch one hour? ”Watchand pray , that you may no t

enter into temptation : for

the spirit indeed is willing,but the flesh isweak .


again havingword.

to Him.

heavy . 44And leaving them,having gone

away, He prayed again the third time,

speaking the same word.

45 Then He comes

“It flows through th e Valley ofJeh o shaphat .“Oil- pre ss .

John,and James with Him,

and began to grieveand to be dejected.

He says to them,My soul


sorrowfulLuke 2 2 .

41And He was separatedfrom them about a stone’scast ; and putting down Hisknees, continued to pray,42saying, Father, if this cupis wil ling to pass from me ;

moreover let no t my will,

but thine be done .


an ange l from heaven ap

peared unto Him,strength

eningHim .

44And being inagony He continued to praythe more earnestly . And

His sweat was like drops

of blood fal ling down upon

the ground.

45And havingrisen from prayer, havingcome to His disciples, He

found them sleeping on ac

count of weariness,46and

He said to them,Why do

you sleep ? Arising pray,that youmay not enter intotemptation.

gone away,He prayed, Speaking the same

40And turning, He found them again

sleeping, for their eyes were heavy ; and

they did no t knowwhat they might respond

41And He comes the third time, and says


M a tt. 2 6 .

to His disciples, and says to them,Sleep

on,and take your rest

,beho ld, the hour

is nigh , and the Son of man is betrayedinto the hands of sinners : 46arise , let us

go : beho ld, the one having be trayed me isnigh .

The Fourth Parsover U ntil the End of the fete/ish Sahhath . 2 7

M ark 14.

to them ; Sleep on,and take your rest : it

is o ver ; the hour is come ; beho ld, the Sonofman is betrayed into the hands of sin

ners : 42arise,let us go : beho ld

,the one

having betrayed me draws nigh .

§ 142 . JESUS BETRAYED,AND MADE PR ISONER — M ount of Olives.

E vening introducing the S ix th Day of the LVeeh .

John 1 8 . 2—1 2 .

frequently Jesus with His disciples resorted thither.

2And Judas,the one having be trayed Him ; knew the place : because

Then Judas,having taken a band

and officers from the chiefpriests and Pharisees, comes thither with lanterns and’


and arms .

M att. 26 . 47-



He stil l speaking, beho ld,Judas, ’

one of the twelve ,came , and with him a greatmul titude with swords and

clubs, from the chiefpriestsand elders of the people .

M ark 1 4. 43- 52 .


immediately,He stil l speak

ing, Judas I scario t comes,be

ing one of the twe lve , and

with him a great mul titudewith swords and clubs, fromthe chief priests and the

scribes and the elders .

John 1 8 .

Luke 2 2 . 47—53 .


He stil l speaking, beho ld,

a mul titude and the one

cal led Judas,

one of the

twelve, was coming beforethem ;

4Then Jesus, knowing all things which are coming on Him, came out,says to them ,

Whom do you seek ?

them,I am He .

6Then when He said to them,I am He , they went back ,

and fel l on the ground.

He again asked them ,Whom do you seek ?

responded, I to ld you that I am He : if then you seek me , let these depart .

5 They responded to Him ,Jesus the Naz arene .

And Judas also the one having betrayed Him ,stood with them .

And they said, Jesus the Naz arene .

Jesus says to

7 Then8 Jesus

9 In order

that the word which He spoke might be fulfilled, that, I have lost none of those whomthou hast given unto me .

M at t . 26 .

48And the one having betrayed Him gave them a


The one whomI shal l kiss , is He ho ldHimfast . 49And immediately coming forward to Jesus, he said,Hail

,Master ; and kissed

H im c o pi o u s l y .

M ark 14.

44And the one having betrayed Him gave them a

sign, saying, The one whomI shal l kiss

, is He : seiz e

Him and lead Him away securely. 45Andhavingcome


immediately advancing for

ward, he said

Luke 22 .

— 47andhe drewnearto Jesusto kiss Him .

48And Jesussaid to him


,do youbetray the Son ofman with

a kiss ?

50And Jesus said to



what do you come ?

Then having come

forward they laidhands on Him ,


bound Him.

5 1And

beho ld,one of those

along with Jesus,reaching out his

h and,drew h is

sword,and smiting

the servant of the

to Him,M a s t e r ,

and k i s s e d Him

c o p io u s l y . 46And

they laid their handson Him and arrestedHim .

47And a certain one

of those standing bydrew his sword, and

smo te the servant ofthe high priest, and

cut offhis ear.

high priest, cut offhis ear.

L uke 2 2 .

49And those around

Him seeingwhat wascomingonHim , said,Lord, shal l we smitewith the sword?50And one ofthem

smo te the servant ofthe high priest , and

cut offhis right ear.

5 1And Jesus respondingsaid,

Ho ld on untilthis and touchinghis ear

,healed him .

John 1 8 .

12Then the bandand chiliarch , and

the officers of theJews, took Jesus andbound Him .

10Then SimonPeterhaving a sworddrew

it, and smo te the

servant of the highpriest , and cut offhis

right ear. And the

name to that servantwas Malchus.

128 The Fourth Passover Untilthe End of thejewish Sahhath .

M at t . 26 .

52Then Jesus says to him , Turn away thy


John 1 8 .

11Then Jesus said to Peter, Put thy swordsword into its place : for alltaking the sword in the scabbard : the cup which the Fathershal l perish by the sword.

“ 53VVhether do

you think that I am no t able now to cal lupon myFather, and He wil l sendme more

than twelve legions of 54How

then would the Scriptures befulfilled,

because it is neces

sary thus to be done ? 55And

at that hour Jesus said to themultitudes

,You have come

out as against a robberwithswords and clubs to takeme : daily did I sitwith you ,teaching in the temple , and

you did no t arrest me : 56but

all this took place that theScriptures of the prophe tsmight be fulfil led. Then thedisciples all leaving Him


fled away .

M ark 14.

48Jesus responding said to

them ,You have come out as

against a robber, with swordsand clubs to take me :

49 1

was daily with you in the

temple teaching,andyou did

no t arrest me : but in o rder

that the Scriptures may be


50And all leavingHim

,fled away .

5 1And one certain youngman0fo l lowedHim


gave me , shal l I not drink it ?

Luke 2 2 .

52Jesus said to the highpriests, and magistrates of

the temple , and elders whowere assembled to Him ;

You have come out as againsta robber, with swords and


53 1 being daily withyou in the temple , you

reached no t out your handsunto me . But this is yourhour

,and the power ofdark


with a linen clo th on his unclo thed body : and they take ho ld of h im .

52And he leaving the linen clo th , fled from them in a state of nudity .


Nigh t introducing th e S ix th Day of the Weeh .

M at t . 2 6 . 5 7 , 58 ,69


7 5 .

5 7 TakingJesus they led Him to

Caiaphas the highpriest , where the

chiefpriests and eld

ers were assembledtogether.

58And Pe ter fol

lowed Him a longwayoff, into the courtof the high priest,

aGen . 9 . 6 .

M ark 1 4 53 , 54 ,

66- 72 .

5 3And thev

led Jesus to the highpriest : and all the

chiefpriests and eld

ers and scribes came

toge ther to Him.

54And Peter fol

lowed Him a longway off

,even into

the court of. the highpriest

b1 20,ooo .

6Bel ie ved to be th e Apo stle J ohn.

L uke 2 2 . 54- 62 .

64And taking Him,they led Him away,

and ledHim into thehouse of the chiefpriest .

J o hn 1 8 . 13- 18 ,

2 5- 2 7 .

13And theyled Him first to Annas ; for he was the

father- in- law ofCaia

pbas, who was highpriest that year.

14AndCaiaphaswas the one counseling the Jews,that it is profitable that one man

And Pe ter fol

lowed Him a longway off.

die for the people .

15And Simon Pe terand the o ther disciples fo llowed Jesus.

And that disciple wasknown to the highpriest, and came withJesus into the court of the high

priest .out at the door.

16AndPe ter stoodwithThen the

o ther disciple , ’ who was knownto the high priest , came out

and Spoke to the porter, and

led in Peter.



The Fourth Passover Until the End ofthefen/ish Sahhath . [PART VI I I .


— jerusalem.

M orning of the S ix th Day of the Wech .

Joh n 1 8 . 19- 24 .

19Then the high priest asked Jesus concerning His disciples and con

cerning His teaching.20And Jesus said to him ,

I have spoken openly to the world. I al

ways taught in the synagogue , and in the temple , where all the Jews come together ; andI Spoke no thingin secre t .to them beho ld,

they know what I said.

cers standing by gave Jesus a slap, saying, Do you thus answer the high priest ?21Whydo you ask me ? ask those who have heard, what I said

22And He speaking these things, one ofthe offi23Jesus

responded to him, If I spoke wickedly , witness concerning th e wickedness : but ifbeautifully

,“ why do you smite me ?

priest .Luke 2 2 . 63

- 7 1 .

24Then Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high

66And when it was day, the e ldership of th e people was convenedand the chiefpriests and scribes

,and they led Him into their sanhedrim .

M att . 2 6 . 59 - 68 .

59And th e high priestsand all the sanhedrim were seeking falsetestimony against Jesus, in order that theymight kil l Him.

60And they found none .

And many false witnesses having come

forward,they found none .

61And afterwards two false witnesses having come


said, He said,I am able to

destroy the temple of God, and build it inthree days.

62And the high priest rising, said to Him ,

Do you respond no thing? what are theywitnessing against you ?63And Jesus was silent ; and the high

priest responding said to

Him,I adjure thee by the no thing : again

M ark 1 4. 5 5 - 65 .

55And the chiefpriestsand all the sanhedrim were seeking testimony against Him to put Him to death ;and they found none .

56For many weretestifying false ly against Him ,

and theirtestimonies were no t equal . 5 7And certainones risingup, were testifyingfalse ly againstHim

,saying, 58We heard Him saying, I

will destroy this temple made with hands,

and will buildb ano ther in three days,made

without hands .

59And thus their testimonywas no t equal . 60And the high priest risingup in their midst , asked Jesus

,saying, Do

you respond no thing? what are they witnessing against you ? 61And He was silent



the high Luke 2 2 .

living God, that thou te l l usif thou art the Christ , the

Son of God.

64Jesus saysto him,

Thou didst say it.


Moreover I say unto you,that , Hereafter you shal l seethe Son ofman sitting on th e

right hand of power, and

coming in the,clouds of


65 Then the highpriest tore his robes, saying,He blasphemed : why havewe yet need of witnesses ?beho ld

,now you heard Hisblasphemy : 66what seems to

you ? They responding said,

He is worthy of death .67 They spat in His face , andbuffeted Him and theyS l app e d H im

,68 saying,

“In harmony with th e beauty ofh o line ss.

priest asked Him ,and says

to Him,

-Art thou the Christ,

the Son of the Blessed?62And Jesus said,

I am : and

you shal l see the Son ofman

sitting on the right hand of

power, and coming in the

clouds ofheaven.

63The high priest tearinghis garments

,says, Whyhave we

yet need of wit

nesses ? 64You heard the

blasphemy : what seems to

you? And all answered


He is worthy ofdeath .

65And certain ones beganto Spit on Him ,

and to coverHis face

,and to buffe t Him


(John 2 . 1 9.

67 Saying, If thou art the

Christ,tel l us. And He

said to them,If I may tel l

you, you wil l no t be lieve68 and if indeed I will askyou, you wil l no t respond tome, or re lease me .


from now the Son of man

shal l be Sitting on the righthand of the power of God.

70And all said,Art thou the

Son ofGod? And He said

to them,You say that I am .

71And they said, Why havewe yet need of testimony ?for we heard from His own

mouth .63And the men having

Him,began to mock, beat

ing Him,64and covering

cHebrew,affirmation .

th is-l

M att . 26.

Prophesy unto us, who is the and say to Him,Prophesy:

and the officersHim with blows.

“one smiting thee ?


M att. 2 7 . 1 , 2 , 1 1

14 .

1And it beingmorning, allthe chiefpriests and e lders of

the people took counsel against Jesus to

put Him to death .2And having boundH im

,t o o k H im

away , and deliveredHim to Pontius Pilate

,the governor.

11And Jesus stoodbefore the governor :and the governorasked Him ,

saying ;Art thou the King ofthe Jews ?

The Fourth Passover Until the E nd of thejewish Sahhath .

M ark 1 4.


13 1

Luke 2 2 .

Him, they continued to ask,saying,the one smiting thee .


Prophesy, who is

blaspheming, they continuedto speak many o ther thingsagainst Him.

RELEASE H IM .— jerusale7 n.

S ix th Day of the I/Veeh .

M a rk 1 5 . 1 -

5 .

1And imm edia t e l yearly in the morningthe high priests having made counselwith the elders and

scribes, and all the

sandhedrim,havingbound Jesus,


Him away, and de

livered Him to Pilate .

2And Pilate asked

Him,Art thou theKing ofthe Jews ?

yourself, or did o thers tell you concerning me ?

L u k e 2 3 . 1 - 5 .

1And all the multitude of them risingup, le’

ad Him to Pilate .


J oh n 1 8 . 28 -

38 .

28Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas tothe judgment hal land it was morning.

And they did no t

come into the judgment hall , in order

that they might no t be po l luted, butthat they might eat the passover.

29Then Pilate came out to them,and

says,What accusation do you bring

against thisman ? 30They respondedand said to him

,If He were not an

evil doer, we would no t deliver Himto you .

31Then Pilate said to them,

You take Him,and judge Him ac

cording to your law. Then the Jewssaid to him

,I t is no t lawful for us to

2And they beganto accuse Him, saying, We found Him

pervertingthe nation,and forbidding to

give tribute to Caesar,saying that He i

Christ, aKing.


Pilate asked Him ,

saying, Art thou th eKing of the Jews ?

kil l any one .

3z In

order that the wordof Jesus might befulfilled

,which He

spoke , signifying bywhat death He was

about to die .

33ThenPilate came

again into the judgment hal l , and askedJesus

,and said to

Him,Art thou theKing of the Jews ?

34Jesus responded,

Do you speak this of35 Pilate re

Sponded, Whether am I a Jew ? thine own nation and the chiefpriests delivered thee to me : what hast thou done ? 36Jesusresponded,

My kingdom is no t of this world. I fmy kingdom

were of this world,my servants would fight for me , in order

that I might no t be delivered to the Jews. But now mykingdom is no t from thence .

37Then Pilate said to Him,Then


art thou no t a king

“W ere kno cking H im down with th e ir Open hands .


M att. 2 7 . M ark 1 5 .

— 1 1And Jesus said — 2And'

respondingto him,

Thou sayest He says to him ,Thou

it. sayest it.

The Fourth Passover Until the End of thejewish Sahhath .

—3And respondingto him

,He said

,Thou says

Thou sayest it.


Luke 2 3 . John 1 8 .

Jesus responded,that Iam king. Unto thisI was born , anduntothis I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the

truth . Every one beingofthe truth hears my voice .

What is truth ?38Pilate says to Him,

And saying this, again he went out to the Jews, and

speaks to them ,I find no crime in Him .

M att . 2 7 .

12And while He is accused by the chiefpriests and e lders, He responded no thing.

13Then Pilate says to Him,Do you not

hear, now many things they witness againstyou ?

14And He responded to him no t one

word,so that the governor marveled ex

M ark 1 5 .

3And the chief priests were accusingHim of many things.

4And Pilate again

asked Him , saying, Do you no t answer?

beho ld, how many things they witnessagainst you.

5And Jesus respondedno thingat all; so that Pilate marveled.


L uke 23 .

4And Pilate said to the chiefpriests and the mul titudes, I find no thing criminal in thisman.

5And they became stronger and stronger, saying, He stirs up the people , teachingthroughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee unto this place .

§ 146. JESUS BEFORE HEROD — jerusalem .

S ix th Day of the lVeeh .

Luke 23 . 6- 1 2 .

6And Pilate hearing, asked ifHe is a Galilean man.

7And learningthat He is from the jurisdiction of Herod,he sent Him up to Herod

,being himself inJerusalem in tho se days .

8And Herod seeing Jesus, rejo iced exceedingly : for from a

long time , wishing to see Him,because He was hearing about Him ; and he was hoping

to see some miracle wrought by Him .

9And he asked Him with many words ; and He

responded to him no thing.

10But the high priest and scribes stood by,accusing Himvehemently . 11But Herod along with his so ldiers having indeed treated Him with con

tempt , and mocked Him, putting on Him a scarle t robe,sent Him back to Pilate .


bo th Herod and Pilate on that day became friends with one ano ther : for they werehitherto in enmity either to o ther.


S ix th Day of the Weeh .

L uke 23 . 13- 2 5 .

13Pilate having cal led together the chief priests and the rulers and

the people , said to them ,You have brought to me this man, as revo lutioniz ing the peo

ple : and beho ld, I , judging Him before you ,found no thing in this man criminal of those

things which you accuse against Him .

15 But Herod did not : for he sent Him back to

us ; and beho ld, no thing worthy of death has been done by Him.

16Therefore havingscourged Him ,

I wil l release Him .

M at t . 2 7 . I 5—26l15And M ark 1 5 . 6 - 1 5 .

6But dur

the governor during the ing the feast he was accus

feast was accustomed to re tomed to release unto themlease to the multitude one one prisoner, whom theyprisoner, whom they wished. asked.

16But they had at that time 7And there was one called Barabbas,having been


John 1 8 . 39 , 40.

39Thereis a custom to you, that I re

lease unto you one duringthe passover

“Bo th rival po liticians .

The Fourth Passover Until the End ofthejezensh Sahhath .


M att. 2 7 . 26-

30 .


having scourged“ Jesus


livered Him up that HeShouldbe crucified.

27 Thenthe so ldiers of the governortaking Jesus into the judgment hal l , gathered to Him

the who le band.

28And havf

ing divested Him, put on

Him a scarlet robe : 29and

plaiting a crown of thornsput it onHis head, anda reedin His right hand ; and bowing the knee to Him


tinued to mock Him,saying,

Hail,King of the Jews !

30And Spitting on Him,they

took the reed and struckHim on the head repeatedly .

MOCKED.-jerusale7 n.

S ix th Day of the Weeh .

M ark 1 5 . 1 5 - 1 9 .


having scourged“ Jesus, he

delivered Him up that He

should be crucified.


the so ldiers led Him into thecourt, which is the judgmenthal l ; and call around Himthe who le band.

17And theyput on Him a purple robe


and having plaited a thornycrown, put it on Him.

18And they began to mock


,King of theJews ! 19And they continued

to strike His head with a

reed, and spit on Him,and

putting down their knees

worshiped Him.

[PART V111 .


John 1 9 . 1 -

3 .

1Then Pilate took Jesus

, andscourged“


2And the so ldiers havingplaited a crown of thorns


placed it on His head, and

put on Him a purple robe ;

3 and came to Him and con

tinued to say, Hail,King of

the Jews ! and they gaveHim slaps



John 1 9 . 4- 16.

S ix th Day of the Wech .

4Again Pilate went out, and speaks to them ,Beho ld

,I lead Him out

to you,in order that you may know that I find no faul t .0 5 Then Jesus came out, bear

ing the thorny crown and purple robe . And he says to them,Beho ld

,the man I“ 6Then

when the high priest and officers saw Him,they cried out

, Crucify Him , crucify Him !

Pilate says to them ,You take Him,

and crucify Him : for I find no thing criminal inHim .

7And the Jews responded, We have a law,and according to law He ought to die ,because He made Himself the Son of God.

f 8Then when Pilate heard this word, hefeared the more ;

9 then he went again into the judgment hall,and speaks to Jesus


Whence art thou ? And Jesus gave him no answer.“ 10Pilate says to Him

,DO you no t

speak to me ? Do you not know that I have power to release you, and I have power tocrucify you ? 11Jesus responded,

Thou hast no power against me,unless it was given to

thee from above : on this account the one having be trayed me to thee has the greatersin.

12After this Pilate stil l sought to release Him : but the Jews continued to cry out,

saying, If you re lease Him, you are not the friend of Caesar : every one making himself

king Speaks against Caesar.

13Then Pilate hearing these words, led out Jesus,and sat

down on the tribunal,in the place cal led Pavement

,but in Hebrew



it was the preparation of the passover : and was about the sixth hour. And he says tothe Jews, Beho ld,

your King ! 15 Then they cried out,Take [fun away, take Aline away,

crucify Him . Pilate says to them , Shal l I crucify your King? And the chief priestsresponded, We have no king but Caesar.

16Therefore he then delivered Him to themthat He should be crucified.

fL eV . 24. 1 6.

aJohn I o . 33 ; Matt . 26. 63 ; 2 7 .

1 2 ; Mark

“Wh ipped H im W i th cowh ides

inserted w ith ste e l pom ts .

bStrokes with th e open hand.

éél5o ,I The Fourth Passover Until the End of thefete/ish Sahhath .

§ 150.



S ix th Day of the Week .

M att. 2 7 . 3 10.

3Then Judas, the one having be trayed Him ,seeing that He was

condemned, being seiz ed with remorse , re turned the thirty pieces of silver to the chiefpriests and e lders; 4saying, I sinned betraying the innocent blood. And they said


is that to us ? See thou to it.

“And throwing down the money in the temple , he departed ; and having gone away hung himse lf. 6And the chief priests, taking the

pieces of silver, said, I t is no t lawful to putthem in the treasury , because it is the priceof blood.

7And taking counsel,they pur

chased with them the field ofthe po tter, fora burying place for strangers.

8Thereforethat field has been called, The field ofblood,to this day.

A c ts 1 . 1 8,19 .

18 Indeed then he purchased the field by the reward of the in

iquity ; and fal ling headlong, burst open inthe middle , and all his bowels gushed out.

' 19And it was known to all those dwel ling atJerusalem ; so that field is called Aceldama,

in their own language , which is, Field of


9Then the word having been spoken by Jeremiah the prophet , was fulfilled,saying,

b And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him that was valued,

whom they of the sons of Israe l did value ; 10and they gave them for the field of the

po tter, as the Lord appointed me .

§ 1 5 1 . JESUS 15 LED AWAY TO BE CRUCIFIED.— jerusalem .

M att. 2 7 . 3 1-

34 .


when they mocked Him,

divesting Him of the robe,they put on Him His own

raiment,and led Him away

to crucify Him .

32Andgoingout they founda Cyrenean man

,Simon by

name : they compelled himthat he should bear His


S ix th Day of th e Week .

M ark 1 5 . 20- 23 .


when they mocked Him,they divested Him of the

purple robe , and put on HimHis own raiment : and leadHim away in order that theymay crucify Him .


they compel l a certain Si


a Cyrenean,coming

from the country , the fatherofAlexanderand Rufus


he must take His cross.

John 1 9 . 1 6,1 7 .

16Thenthey took Jesus and led Himaway . 17And He was bearing His cross.

Luke 2 3 . 26 -

33 .


when they were leadingHimaway

,takinga certain Simon


a Cyrenean,comingfrom the

country, they placed the

cross on him,to carry it afterJesus.

27And a great multitude ofpeople fo llowed Him ,

and ofwomen who were bo th weeping and bewailingHim .

28And Jesus turning to them said,Daughters ofJerusalem ,

weep no t forme,

but weep for yourselves, and your children .

29Because beho ld, the days are com

ing, in which they wil l say, B lessed are the barren, and the wombs that did no t bringforth, and the breasts that did no t nurse .

c 30Then they wil l begin to sayto the moun

tains, Fal l Bn us and to the hil ls,Hide us.

“ 31 Because if they do these things inthe green tree,“what maybe done in the dry?f 32And two malefactors were also

led away with Him,

M at t . 2 7 .

33 Having come to

the place called GolM ark 1 5 .

22And they leadHim to Go lgo tha, a came to the place out into aplace called

to be executed.

33And when theyJohn 1 9 .

— 17And He wentgo tha, which is cal led place which is inter called Calvary . Calvary

, which in

the place ofa skul l .“ preted, The place of Hebrew is called34And they gave Him a skull .“23And they gave Him Go lgo tha.

Vinegarmingled with gal l to myrrhedwine to drink : andHe

drink : and tasting, He was did not take t wil ling to drink it.(2 1 have se en it .

eI n prosperity. aCalvary means skull . I t I s a

blech . n . 1 2 ; Jer. I 8 . I .fIn adversity . h ill in th e shape ofa skul l.

7 71 e Fourth Passover Until the E nd of thejewish Sahhath .

M att . 2 7 . 35-

38 .

33 Then two thievesare crucified alongwith Him ,

the one

on the right and one

on the left .

35And crucifyingHim ,they divided

His garments,

- casting the

lo t, 36and S i t t ingdown

,they continued

to watch Him there .

37And they placedo ver His head, Hisaccusation written,



él5 2 . THE CRUCIFIX ION .— jerusale7 n.

S ix th Day of the Weeh .

M ark 1 5 . 24- 28 .

25And itwas the thirdhour

,and they cru

cified Him .— 27And

they c ru c i fy twothieves along withHim ; the one on

His right , and one

on His left .

24And they crucifyHim

,and divide His


— casting the

lo t upon them ,what

each one may take .

—26And the super

scription of His ac

cusation was writtenover Him


L uke 23 33 , 34,

38 .


There theycrucified Him


the malefactors,one

on the right and one

on the left . 34AndJesus said,Father


forgive them ,forthey

know no t what theyare doing.


dividing His gar



John 1 9 . 1 8 - 24.

18They crucifiedHimthere , and two o therswith Him

,on thisSide and on that side


and Jesus in the

midst .

— 23Then the sol

diers,when they cru

cified Jesus,took His

garments, b andmadethem four parts, a part for each soldier ; and the vesture .

c And the

vesture was seamless, woven from the

top throughout .

—they were casting the lo ts.

24Then they said

to one ano ther, Letusno t tear it

,but let us

gamble for it, whoseit Shal l be . In order

that the Scripturemay be fulfilled, say

ing,“ They divided my garments

among themselves, and upon myvesture they cast the lo t.

38And the super

scription was alsoover Him : THI SI S THE KING OFTHE JEWS .

Thenindeed the so ldiersdid these things.

19And Pilate alsowro te His title , and

placed it upon the

cross. And it was

w ri t t e n,J E S U S


20Then many of

the Jews read this title : because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the cityAnd it was written in Hebrew , Greek , and Roman.

21Then the chiefpriests of the Jewssaid to Pilate , Write no t

, King of the Jews ; but that He said, I am the King of theJews .


“I sa . 5 3 . I 2 .

22Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.

To JOHN . —jerusale7n .

S ix th Day of the Wech .

M at t . 2 7 . 39-

44 .

39And going by theycontinued to blaspheme Him

,wagging their

bHimateons, outer garments .

M ark 1 5 . 29-

32 .


29And passing by theycontinued to blaspheme Him

,wagging their

cChitoon, the inner garment .dps . 22 . 9 .


M at t . 2 7 .

gave Him drink.

49And o thers were

saying, Let Him

alone ; let us see if

Elijah comes about tosave Him .

50AndJesus again cryingwitha loud voice , gave up

M ark 1 5 .

gave Him drink ,

saying, Let Him

alone, let us see if

Elijah comes to takeHim down.

37And Jesus, sendingforth a loudvoice ,expired.

The Fourth Passover Until the End of thejewish Sahhath .

L uke 23 .

46And cal lingwitha loud voice


said,Father, into thyhands I commit my

spirit .And hav

ing said this,He ex



John 1 9 .

Hismouth . 30Thenwhen Jesus receivedthe vinegar, He said


I t is finishedand

bowing His head,

He gave up His

His spirit.



M att. 2 7 . 5 1 - 58 .


beho ld the veil ofthe templewas rent in twain from top tobo ttom

,and the earth didquake ; and the rocks were

S ix th Day of the Weeh .

M ark 1 5 . 38-

4 1 .


the Zveil of the temple was

rent in twain from top evento the bo ttom.

rent ; 52and the tombs were opened ; and

many bodies of the sleeping saints arose ;5 3 and having come out of the tombs afterHis resurrection came into the ho ly cityand appeared unto many .

5 4And the centurion and

those watching Jesus withhim

,seeing the earthquake ,

and the things which tookplace , feared exceedingly,saying,

Surely this was the

Son of God.

55And manywomen were there lookingon from a distance , who followed Jesus from Galilee tominister unto Him ,

5 6amongwhom was Mary Magdalene ,and Mary

,the mo ther ofJames and Joses, and the

mo ther ofthe sons of Zebedee .

39And the centurion standing by in front ofHim, see

ing that He thus expired,said ; Surely this man was

the Son ofGod.

40And there were women

looking on from a distance :among whom was MaryMagdalene , and Mary th e

mo ther ofJames the less andJoses,and Salome ;


when He was in Galilee,

were accustomed bo th to follow Him ,

and minister untoHim . And many o ther women who came up to Jerusalem along with Him .



Luke -

49 .


the veil of the temple wasrent in the middle .


7And the centurion seeingthat which took place , glorihed God, saying, Surely thiswas a righteous man.

48And all the multitudesbeing present at that scene ,seeing those things whichtook place , were going awaybeating theirbreasts.


all His acquaintances stooda great way off and the

women who having fo llowedalong with Him from Galilee

,seeing these things.

§ 1 56 . THE TAK ING DOWN FROM THE CRoss .— jerusale7n .

John 1 9 . 3 1-

42 .

S ix th Day of the Weeh .

31 Then the Jews, in order that the bodies may not remain on the

cross during the Sabbath,“ since it was the Preparation (for the day of that Sabbath was

a high day) , asked Pilate , that they might break their legs, and take them down.

32Thenthe so ldiers came , and broke the legs of the first one , and of the other one being cruci

fied along with Him .

33But having come to Jesus, when they saw that He was alreadydead

,they did no t break His legs : 34but one ofthe soldiers pierced His side through with

“Dent . 2 1 . 2 2,2 3 .

aI The Fourth Passover Until the End of thefen/ish Sahhath .

John 1 9 .

the spear, and immediately blood andwater came out. 35And he having seen hath testified,and his testimony is true : and he knows that he speaks the truth , that you also may believe .

bpne ofHim shall no t be broken .

Him, whom they have pierced.

M att. 27 . 5 7- 61 .

5 7And it being evening, a rich man came

from A rima t h e a,

who se name wasJo seph , who himselfalso was a disciple toJesus.

5SHe having come

to Pilate , begged thebody ofJesus.

ThenPi l a t e commanded

that the body Shouldbe given : 59 and Joseph having receivedthe body , wrapped itin clean linen


placed it in a new

sepulcher, which hehewed in the rock :

and having ro lled a

great stone to the

door of the sepul

cher, departed.

M att. 2 7 .

61And Mary Magdalenewas there , and the o therMary, Sitting in front of thetomb .


M ark 1 5 . 42-

47 .

42And it already being evening, since it

was the Preparation,

which is the daybefore the Sabbath,

43Joseph , who is fromArimathea, an hon

orable councilor,who

also himself was

waiting for the kingdom ofGod ; havingtaken courage came

to Pilate,and begged

the body of Jesus.

4‘iAnd Pilate was as

tonished if He had

died already . And

havingcal led the centurion,asked him if

He was alreadydead.

45Andhavinglearnedfrom the centurion


he gave the body toJoseph .

46And hav

ing purchased linen,and t ak ing H im

down,he wrapped

Him in the linen,

and placed Him in a

sepulcher which hadbeen hewn out ofthe

rock ; and he ro l leda stone to the door

of the sepulcher.

Luke 23 . 50—56.

5 4And it was Preparation day, and the

Sabbath wasdrawingn igh .

— 50A nd be

ho ld,there was a

man by name Joseph ,being a councilor, a

good and righteousman

,5 1(for he was

not consenting untotheir c o un s e l anddeed) , from Arima

thea,a city of theJews

,who also h im

self was looking forthe kingdom ofGod.

52He having come to

Pilate , begged the

body ofJesus.

5 3Andhaving takenit down

,he wrapped

it in linen,andplaced

it in a hewn sepul

cher, where no one

ever was laid.

36For these things took place, in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled,“ A37Again ano ther Scripture says,

b They shal l look on

John 1 9 .

38After these things,Joseph from Arima

thea, being a discipleof Jesus’

,but havingbeen hidden on ac

count of the fear of

the Jews,

askedPilate thathe might take the

body ofJesus. And

Pilate p e rm i t t e d.

Then he came and

took the body ofJesus.

39And Nicodemusalso

,the one having

come at first to Jesus by night , came,bringing a mixtureofmyrrh and aloes


ab o u t a h undre dpounds.

40Then theyreceived the body ofJesus

,and wrapped

it in linens with aromaties

,as is the cus

tom to the Jews to

embalm .

41And therewa s in th e p l ac ewhere He was crucr

fled, a garden ; and

in the garden a new sepulcher, in which no one was ever yetplaced.

42Then on account of the Preparation of the Jews(because the sepulcher was near) , they placed Jesus there .

M ark 1 5 .

is placed.

47And Mary Magdaleneand Mary the mo ther ofJoses were looking where He

L uke 2 3 .

5 5And the women,who had

come along with Him out

of Galilee , having fo l loweddown

,c saw the sepulcher,

and where His body was56And having returned, they prepared aromatics and myrrh

and they kept the Sabbath according to the commandment .“Ex . 1 2 . 46 ; PS . 34. 20 .

bZech . 1 2 . 10 .(Th e sepulch er is down at th e base ofMount Calvary.

140 The Fourth Passover Until the End of thefete/ish Sahhath . [PART VI I I .

5 157 . THE WATCH AT THE SEPULCHER .— jerusalem.

S eventh Day of the Week, or Sahhath .

M att. -2 7 . 62 - 66 .

62And on the fo llowing day, which is after the Preparat ion

, thechief priests and Pharisees came toge ther to Pilate , saying, 63 Lord

,we remember that

that deceiver, while yet living, said, After three days I will rise .

64Command thereforethat the tomb be made safe until the third day, lest His disciples having come

, maysteal Him away

,and say to the people , He is risen from the dead : and the last errorShal l be worse than the first . 65Pilate said to them ,

You have a watch : go , make ' it safe

as you know .

66And having gone , they secured the tomb,sealing the stone , with the


142 From Our L ord’s R esurrection U ntil .His Ascension . [PART Ix .


M ark 1 6 . 5- 7 .

5And having come to the

First Day of th e Weeh .

L uke 24. 4- 8 .

4And it came to pass,sepulcher, they saw a young man sitting on while they were at a loss concerning this,the right , clo thed in a white robe .

M a tt . 2 8 . 5 - 7 .5And the

angel responding, said to

the women,Be ye no t afraid

for I know that you are

seeking Jesus, who has beencrucified.

6He is not here ;for He is risen

,as He said.

Come , see the place wherethe Lord lay.

7And go ingquickly, tel l His disciples,that He is risen from the

dead ; and beho ld,He goesbefore you into Galilee ; andthere you shal l see Him ; 10,

I have to ld you.


M at t . 2 8 . 8 - 10.


8And having come outquickly from the sepulcher with fear and

great joy, they were running to tel l His dis9And beho ld, Jesus met them,


they were af


6But he says to

them ,Fear not : you are

seekingJesus, the Naz arene ,who has been crucified : He

is risen He is no t here : seethe place where they laidHim.

7 But go , tel l His disciplesand Pe ter

,that He goes be

fore you into Galilee : you

shal l see Him there, as He

to ld you.

First Day of the Weeh .

ing, Hail . And they having come forward,took ho ld of His feet, and worshiped Him .

And and beho ld, two men stood by them in

shining garments : 5and theybeing afraid

,and turningtheir face towards the

ground, they said to them,

Why seek ye the livingamong the dead?

6He is no t

here , but He is risen. Re

member how He spoke to

you,being with you in Gal

ilee ,7 saying That it be

hooveth the Son ofman to

be delivered into the handsof sinners

,and to be cruci

fied,and to rise again on the

third day.

8And they te

membered His words.

JESUS MEETS THEM — jerusalem .

M ark 1 6 . 8 . And having come out from

the sepulcher, they fled ; and trembling and

ecstasy possessed them,and they said no th

ing to any one ; for they were afraid.

10Then Jesus says to them,Fear

not : go tell my bre thren,that they may depart into Galilee , and there they shal l

see me .

L uke 24. 9- 1 1 .

things to the eleven,and all the rest .

9And having returned from the sepulcher, they proclaimed all these10And Mary Magdalene , and Joanna

, and Marythe mo ther ofJames : and the o ther women with them spoke these things to the apostles.

11And their words appeared before them like a dream ; and they doubted them.

5 1 62 . PETER AND JOHN RUN To THE SEPULCHER .-jerusalem .

John 20 . 3- 10 .

to the sepulcher.

was running before more rapidly than Pe ter, and came first to the sepulcher.

looking in sees the grave - clo thes lying ; and did not come in .

First Day of the lVeeh .

3Then Peter and the o ther disciple came out,and they were coming

4And the two were running simultaneously : and the o ther disciple5 John

6Then Simon Peter,

fo l lowing him, he came into the sepulcher ; and sees the grave - clo thes lying, 7 and the

napkin, which was on His head, not lying with the grave - clo thes, but separate in one

place , having been ro l led up.8Then the o ther disciple also came in, the one having

come first to the sepulcher, and saw,and believed ; 9for they did no t yet understand the

Scripture , That it behooved Him to rise from the dead.10Then the disciples departed

again to their own comrades.

From Our Lord'

s Resurrection UntilHis Ascension.


First Day of the Wech .

John 20 . 1 1 - 18 .

“And Mary was standing at the sepulcher without, weeping : thenwhile she was weeping, she looked into the sepulcher ; 12and sees two angels sitting inwhite robes


one at the head, and one at the feet,where the body ofJesus lay.

13Theysay to ' her, Woman, why do you weep ? She says to them ,

Because they have takenaway my Lord, and I know not where they have placed Him .

14Saying these words,she turned backward, and sees Jesus standing,“ and did not know that He is Jesus.

1f’Jesus says to her, Woman,whyare you weeping? whom are you seeking? She , thinkingthat He is the gardener, says to . Him

, Sir, ifyou have taken Him away,tel l me where

you have placed Him,and I wil l take Him .

16Jesus says to her,Mary : she turning,

says to Him in Hebrew,Rabboni

,“which is cal led Teacher.

17Jesus says to her, Clingnot to me ; for I have no t ascended to my Father : but go to my brethren,

and tell them ,

I ascend to my Father and your Father, and my God and your God.

13Mary Magdalenecomes proclaiming to the disciples, I have seen the Lord ; and He spoke these thingsto her.

é164 . REPORT OF THE WATCH — jerusalem.

First Day of the Week .

Matt. 2 8 . 1 1 - 15 .

11And they going, beho ld, certain ones of the watch having come

into the city , proclaimed to the chief priests all things which had taken place .


being assembled alongwith the e lders,and taking counsel

,they gave much money to the

so ldiers,“ 13 saying, You tell , that His disciples, having come by night, sto le Him awaywhile we Slept . 14And if this maybe heard by the governor, we wil l persuade him and

make you secure .

15And they having received the money , did as they were instructed :and this report is current among the Jews until this day.


First Day of the Week .

Luke 24. 13-

35 .

13And beho ld, two of 1 Cor. 1 5 . 5 .— Was seen ofCephas.

them on that day were journeying to a vil

lage , distant from Jerusatem sixty furlongs, to which was the name Emmaus : 14and theywere conversingwith one ano therconcerningall those things which had transpired.


it came to pass, while they are talking and making inquiry, Jesus Himself also havingcome nigh , journeyed along with them :

16and their eyes were he ld SO as no t to recogniz e Him .

17And He said to them ,What speeches are these which you are interchang

ing to one ano ther, walking along? And they stood still,looking sad.

18And one, whosename was Cleopas, said to Him ,

Dost thou only sojourn at Jerusalem and no t know the

things which have taken place in it in these days ? 19And He said to them,What ? And

they said to Him ,The things concerning Jesus the Naz arene , who was a prophe t -man

mighty in work and word before God and all the people .

20How the chief priests and

our rulers indeed delivered Him up to the condemnation of death , and they crucifiedHim .

21But we were hoping that He is the one about to redeem I srael : but truly inaddition to all these things, this is the third day from which these things took place .

22But certain women from us truly surprised us,being early at the sepulcher ; 23 and no t

seeing His body, came , saying,they had also seen a vision of angels, who say that He

is alive .

24And certain ones of tho se with us went away to the sepulcher, and found as

the women also said : and they saw Him not.

2“And He said to them , O ye foo lish ,and slow in heart to believe in all those things which the prophet spoke ! 26Did it notbehoove Christ to suffer, and to enter into His glory ? 27And beginning from Moses and

all the prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures, the things concerning Him“John 2 1 . 4.

(Great Master.OMatt . 2 7 . 64.

“A . D. 48, wh en Matth ew wrote it.

144 From Our Lord’s Resurrection Until [This Ascension. [PART IX.

Luke 24.

self. 28And they drew nigh to the Vil lage, whither they were going : and He made asthough He would go further : 29and they constrained Him, saying, Abide with us : be

cause it is at the evening, and the day has already declined. And He came in to abidewith them.

30And it came to pass, while He was reclining with them at the table, takingbread, He blessed it, and breaking it, He gave it to them :31and their eyes were opened,

and they recogniz ed Him ; and He vanished from them .

32And they said to one ano ther,Did no t our heart burn within us

,while He was talking to us on the way, as He was

expounding the Scriptures to us ? 33And rising up the same hour, they returned to Jerusalem , and found the eleven and those with them gathered together, 34saying, The Lordindeed is risen, and was seen by Simon.

35And they_

expounded those things on theway, and how He was made known to them in the breaking ofthe bread.


— jerusalern.

L uke 24. 36 49 .

36And they speaking I Cor. 1 5 . 5 .—Then to the twelve.these things, He stood in theirmidst

,37 and

they being affrighted and fil led with fear,thought they saw a Spirit . 38And He said

to them,Why are you excited

,and why do

reasonings arise in your heart ? 39See my

John 20 . 19- 23 .

19Then it beingevening,on that day, on the first dayofthe week, andthe doors being shut where the discipleswereassembled, on account ofthe fearofthe Jews,hands and my fee t , that I am He : feel me ;

and see,because a spirit has no t flesh andbones , as you see me having.

41And theystil l disbelieving from joy, and wondering,

Jesus came and stood in theirmidst, and saysto them

,Peace be unto you.

20And sayingthis,He shewed them His hands and His side .

Then the disciples rejoiced, seeing the Lord.

He said to them,Have you here any edible ? And they gave Him a piece of

baked fish : 43 and taking it, He did eat in their presence .

44And He said to

them ,These are my words which I spoke to you, being still with you, that’ it behooves all things which have been written concerning me in the law ofMoses,

and the prophets, and the Psalms, to be fulfilled.

“ 45 Then He opened theirmind, that they might understand the Scriptures.

46And He said to them,As it

has been written,That Christ must suffer; and rise from the dead on the third

day ;47 and repentance unto remission ofsins is to be preached in His name to all

nations,beginning from Jerusalem .


are witnesses Of these things.

49And I send

the promise of the Father upon you : and

you tarry in the city, until you may be en

dued with power“from on high .

21And Jesus said to them again, Peace beunto you : as the Father hath sent me, Ialso send you.

22And saying this, He

breathed on them,and says to them


ceive ye the Ho ly Gho st . 23Whose sins youmayremit, are remi tted unto them ; whose Sins you may retain, have been retained.


Eveningfollowing the First Day of the Wech , nex t after the Resurrection.

John 20 . 24- 29 .

24And Thomas, one of the twelve , the one called Didymus, was notwith them when Jesus came .

25 Then the o ther disciples said to him,We have seen the

Lord. And he said to them , Unless I may see the print of the nails in HI S hand,and

thrust my finger into the place of the nails,and thrust my hand into His Side , I will no tbelieve .

26And after eight days His disciples were again within, and . Thomas was withthem . Jesus comes, the doors being Shut, and stood in the midst, and said

,Peace be

unto you.

27Then He says to Thomas, Bring hither your finger, and see my hands, andGr. dynamite .

From Our Tord’s Resurrection Untilffis Ascension. [PART IX.


M att. 2 8 . 16- 20 .— 16 Into the mountain I Cor. 1 5 . 6 . Then He appeared to

where Jesus commanded them :17 and see above five hundred bre thren at once , of

ing Him,they worshiped Him : but some whom many abide until now, but some


18AndJesus havingcome spoke to have also fallen asleep.

them, saying, Allauthority is given unto me

in heaven and upon earth . 19Going, disciple allnations,baptiz ing them into the name of

the Father and ofthe Son and of the Ho ly Ghost -20teaching them to Observe all things

which I commanded you. And 10, I am with you all the days,unto the end of the age .


1 Cor. 1 5 . 7 . Then He was seen ofJames ; then ofall the apostles.

Acts I . 3- 8 .

3To whom after He suffered He also manifested Himse lfalive in manydemonstrations, being seen by them forty days

, and speaking the thi-ngs concerning the

kingdom ofGod :4and being assembled together with them,

He charged them no t to de

part from Jerusalem,but to wait for the promise ofthe Father, which you heard from me :b

5 That John indeed baptized with water ; but you Shal l be baptiz ed with the Ho ly Ghostno t many days hence .

6Then they , having come together, asked Him,saying, Lord, do

you at this time restore the kingdom to I srael ? 7 He said to them,I t is no t for you to

know the times or seasons, which the Father placed in His own authority, 8but youShal l receive the power0 of the Ho ly Ghost , having come upon you ; and you Shall be

my witnesses bo th in Jerusalem,and in allJudea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost

part ofthe earth .§ 1 7 1 . THE ASCENSION.

— Bethany.

Luke 24. 50- 53 .

50And He led them out even unto Bethany ; and having lifted upHis hands, He blessed them .

5 1And it

came to pass, while He was blessing them,Acts 1 . 9

- 1 2 .

9And He speaking theseHe departed from them,

and was carried things, they seeing, was taken up ; and a

up into heaven. cloud received Him from their eyes.


while they were gaz ing up into heaven,He

going, and beho ld, two men stood by them in white garments ; 11who alsosaid, Ye Galilean men, why stand you looking into the heaven ? the sameJesus, the one having been taken up from you into the heaven, wil l so come

in the manner in which you saw Him go ing52And they returned to Jerusalem with into the Lheaven.

12Then they return to

great joy: 53 and were constantly in the Jerusalem from,the mount cal led Olivet,temple , praising God. which is near Jerusalem,

having the journeyofa Sabbath .


John 20 . 30, 3 1 .

30Indeed then Jesus also did many o ther miracles in the presence

ofHis disciples, which have not been written in this book ; 31 and these have been written ih order that you may be lieve that Jesus Christ is the Son ofGod ; and in order thatbelieving you may have life through His name.

“A. D. 5 7 .bjohn 16. 7 : Luke 24. 49

cGr. dynamite.






1 50 A CTS 11 .

twenty ) , Men, brethren,it beho o ved the scripture which the Ho ly

Gho st predicted through the mouth o f David concerning Judas, the

one becoming leader to tho se arresting J esus, to be fulfil led; 1 7becauseh e was numbered among us and received the lo t of this ministry .Then inde ed he purchased a fie ld“ by the reward of iniq'uity , and

fal ling headlong,burst asunder in the middle , and all his bowe ls burst

out ;19which indeed was known to all tho se dwe l ling at J erusalem , so

that fie ld in their own dialect , is cal led Acheldamach ; that is, fie ld of

b lo od. Fo r it has been written in the b o ok of Psalms ,h Let his

habitation be deso late , and let there be no one dwel ling in it, and.


ano ther take h is pasto rate fi 21Therefore the men having come toge ther

with us all the tim e in which the Lo rd Je sus came in unto us and

went out, beginning from the baptism of Jo hn,until th e day on which

H e was taken up from us, it beho o veth o ne o f th ese to be witne ssofHis re surrection along with us .

23And they nominated two

,J o seph ,

cal led Barsabas who was cal led Justus, and Matthias .

24And prayingthey said , Thou, O Lo rd , Heart - searcher of all, Show up the o ne of

these two , whom thou hast cho sen 2"’to re ceive the p lace Of this min

istry and apo stleship from which Judas departed to go into his own

p lace .

26And they gave lo ts fo r them , and the lo t fel l upon Matthias ;

and he was numbered with the e leven apo st les.



Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of tongues. Peter’s sermon on

the prophecies of Joel and David. Three thousand are converted to

Christ. Communism ofthe believers .

1And when the day of Penteco st“ was ful l y come

, they were all

o f one acco rd in the same p lace .

2And suddenly there was a sound

from heaven as of a mighty , rushing wind, and it fi l led all the housewhere they were sitting.

3And there appeared unto them divided

t ongues, as of fire , and it sat upon each o ne of them ; 4and they were

all fi l led with the H o ly Gho st , and began to speak with o ther to ngues ,as the Spirit gave them utterance b

5And J ews were dwe l ling at J eru

salem ,devout men from every nation, of tho se under the heaven ;

6and this repo rt prevailing, the mul titude came toge ther and was con

founded, because they were hearing them speaking each one in his

own dialec t . 7And they were all astounded and marveled, saying,


aMatt . 2 7 . 5 .iGr. Episcopacy.

“Dent . 1 6. 9 .

hPS . 60. 2 5 .

bAc ts 1 0 . 46 ; 1 9 . 6 ; 1 Cor. 1 2 . 10 ; Mark 16. 1 7 .

ACTS I ]. 1 5 1

no t all these who are speaking, Galileans ? 8And how do we hear each

one in our own dialect in which we were born,

9Parthians and Medesand Elamites, and tho se inhabiting Mesopo tamia, Judea, and Cap

pado cia,Po ntus and Asia,

10indeed Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and

the regions of, Libya which is beyond Cyrene , and Roman so j ourners ,

bo th J ews and pro se lytes, 1 1Cre tans and Arabians, we hear them speak

ing the mighty Works of God in our own languages.

“ 1 2And all were

astounded and bewildered , saying one to ano ther, What do es this wishto be ?

13And o thers mo cking, continued to say, that these people are

ful l of fermented wine .

14And Peter standing with the e leven, lifted up his vo ice and spoke

to them : Judean men and all ye dwe l ling at Jerusalem , let th is beknown unto you, and know my wo rds.

1 5Fo r these are no t drunken,

as you suppo se ; fo r it is-

the third hour of the day ;d 1 6but this is that

which has been spoken by the prophe t Jo e l ;“ 1 7And it shal l come to

pass in the last day s, says God, I wil l pour out from my Spirit uponall flesh , and your sons and y our daughters Shal l prophe sy , and youryoung men shal l see Visio ns, and your old men shal l dream dreams ;1 8and upo n my servants and my handmaidens I wil l

“ pour out of my

Spirit o n tho se days, and they shal l prophesy . 19And I wil l give wonders

in the heavens abo ve , and S igns on the earth beneath , blo o d and fire ,

and vapo r of smoke .

20The sun shal l be turned into darkne ss, and

the moon into blood, before the great day of the Lord shal l come .


21And it shal l come to pass, that every one who may cal l upon the

name of the Lo rd shal l be saved . 22I srae litish men, hear these wo rds,Je sus the Nazarene , a man having b een demonstrated unto you from

God by miracle s, wo nders and signs,g which God did through Himin your midst , as yourse lves know ; 23Him by the de terminate counse land foreknowledge of God, having been de livered, you having nailedup,S lew through th e hand of lawless men ;

24whom God raised up ,lo o sing the pangs of death , because it was impo ssib le that h e should

be he ld by it.

h 25For David says in reference to him,I foresaw my

Lord always before me,because he is on my right hand , in order that

I may no t be mo ved . 26Therefo re my heart rej o iced and my tongue

was glad, and my flesh Shal l indeed stil l rest in hope , 27because thouW il t no t leave my soul in Hade s) nor suffer thy H o ly One to see


28Thou hast made known to me the ways of life ; thou shalt

fi l l me with gladness with thy countenance .


it is lawfulto speak to you with bo ldne ss concerning the patriarch David , b ecausehe is both dead and buried , and his sepulchre is with us unto thisday.

30Therefo re being a proph e t and knowing that God swo re with

an o ath ,k that from the fruit of his lo ins One should sit upon th e

throne ; 3 1foreseeing he spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ ,that He was no t left in Hade s, neither did H is flesh see co rruption )

“The Jews from every nation under h eavenare h ere assembled to attend th e feast ofPente co st .

“Satan had no t ye t invented wh isky,and it

was too early to be drunk on wine :


fioel2 . 28 -

32 ; 3 . 1 .

om. 10. 1 3.

aJno . 3 . 2 .

kR om . 4. 1 4 .


Hades , th e unseen world,including th e fiery

Tartarus of th e wicked and th e O . T . Paradise of th e righ te o us .

"Ps . 1 32 . 1 1 .

‘Acts 3. 1 5 ; 5 . 30 ; 10 . 39.

1 5 2 A CTS [I].

This Jesus God raised up,who se witnesses we are . Therefore on

the right hand of God exal ted,and having received from the Father

the promise of the Ho ly Spirit , has poured out this which you b o thsee and hear.

34For David hath not ascended into the heavens, but hesays

,The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,m 3 5

untilI may make thy enemies the foo tstoo l of thy feet .n 3“

Then let all the

house o f I srae l assuredly know that God hath made this same J esus,whom you crucified, bo th Lord and Christ .

3 7And hearing, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter

and the o ther apo stles, Men, brethren, what must we do ? 03b


Peter said to them , Repent , and each one of you be baptized in

the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins, and you

shal l rece ive the gift o f the Ho l y Spirit p 3 9Fo r th e promise is untoyou, and to y o ur children, and to all who are afar off, so many as

the Lord our God may cal l . And with many o ther words did he

testify and exho rt them , saying,Be saved from this wicked generation.

“41Then indeed having re ceived his wo rd th ey were baptized , and

o n that day ab out “ three thousand souls were added unto them ; and

they were persevering in the teaching o f the apo stles and - fe l lowship ,

in the breaking o f bread, and in prayers .

43And fear came upon every soul ; and many wo nders and signs

were wrought by the apo st le s in J erusalem ; and there was a greatfear upon all.

44And all tho se who b e lieved were toge ther and had

all things common,

r 45and they so ld their po ssessions and personalities,

and divided the same unto all, as each o ne“

had ne ed.

46And daily

o f one acco rd in the temple they were persevering ; and breakingbread from house to house , they received their fo od with gladnessand purity of h eart , “

praising God, and having favo r unto all the

peop le . And the Lo rd was daily adding to them tho se who were

being saved.




Peter heals the lame beggar, and exhorts the astonished people to repent

ance and faith.

1And Pe ter and Jo hn went up into th e temple at the hour ofprayer,

the ninth .“ 2And a certain man,

being lame from his mother’s wombwas habitual ly carried, Whom they p laced daily at the gate of the

temple cal led B eaut iful, to ask alm s of tho se entering into the temple ;s"wh o seeing Peter and J o hn ab out to come into the temp le , askedMP5 . 1 1 0. 1 ; Matt . Ph il . 2 . 1 5 .

“Heb. 1 . 1 3 .

“A c ts 4 . 32

0Luke 3 . 1 0 .

“Ac ts 5 . 14 . Th e saved oneswere added to th epHoly Gh o st and Ho ly Spirit prec isely synon apo stle s .

ymous,as th ere is only one phrase In Greek .

“3 P . M .

1 54 A CTS I V.



Peter and John are taken before the sanhedrim. They are dismissed with

interdiction. Supplication of the apostles. Community ofgoods ; lib

erality ofBarnabas.

1And they speaking to the people, the priests and captain of the

temple and the Sadducees ro se up against them,

2being grieved be

cause they were teaching the peo ple and preaching the resurrectionof the dead through Jesus ; 3

and they laid hands on them and put themin prison til l the morrow for it was already evening.

4And many of tho se

hearing the . word believed,and the number of men was about five


5And it came to pass on the morrow,

the rulers and elders and

scribes assemb led in Jerusalem, and Annas the high priest and Caiaphasand John and Alexander, and so many as were of the family of the

high priest . 7And having set them in the midst , asked them,

By whatpower or in what name have you done this ? 8

Then Peter being ful lo f th e Ho ly Spirit said to them Ye rulers of the people and e lders ,gifwe are this day judged fo r the benefaction of the impo tent man,

bywhom he has been saved , 10

let it be known to you all, and to all the

peo ple o f I srae l , that in the name of Jesus Christ , the Nazarene whomyou crucified , whom God raised from the dead , through him thisman now stands sound in your presence .

1 1This is the stone rej ectedby your builders, which has become the head of the corner.

“ 1 2And

there is salvation in no o ther ; for there is no o ther name given under

heaven among men by which it beho oveth us to be saved . 13And seeing

the bo ldne ss of Peter and Jo hn, and apprehending that they are uh

learned and ignorant men, they continued to be astonished , and recog

niz ed them , that they were with J esus ; 1 4and se eing the man who

had been healed standing with them,they had nothing to say against


1 5And having commanded them to depart out from the assembly ,the y co nferred with o ne ano ther, 1 6

saying, What can we do to thesemen ? for that a no table mirac le has been wrought by them is indeedmanifest to all dwe l ling at J erusalem , and we are no t ab le to deny

it ;1 7but that it may extend no further unto the people , let us threatenthem to speak no m ore in this name to any one o fmen.

b 18And hav

ing cal led them ,they command them ,

no t at all to'

speak o r teachin th e name of Je sus .

1 9And Pe ter and John responding said to them ,

Whe ther it is right in the sight of God to hearken unto you ratherthan God, j udge ye ;

“ 20for we are not able to speak those thingswhich we have seen and heard.

21And they having threatened them ,

in addition sent them away , finding no thing to the end that theycan punish them , o n account of the peop le , because all continued to

“PS. 1 18 . 2 2 ; Matt . 2 1 . 42 ,“Acts 5 . 2 8

, 40.“Acts 5 . 29.

ACTS V. 1 5 5

glo rify God o ver that which had taken p lace ; for the man on whomthis miracle of healing was wrought was mo re than fo rty years o ld.

23And having been re leased they came to their own peo ple , and

pro c laimed so many things as the chief priest s and e lders said to

them .



having heard,they unanimousl y lifted up their vo ice

to God, and said, O Lo rd, thou having created the heaven and the

earth and the sea and all things which are in them ,

2"’the One speak

ing through the mouth of David, thy child, our father through the

Ho ly Gho st, Wherefore did the heathen rage, and the people imaginevain things ? 26The kings of th e earth sto od up , and th e rulers were

gathered together against the Lord and his Christ .d 27Fo r in truththey were assemb led toge ther in this city , against thy holy ChildJesus, whom thou didst ano int ; b o th Herod and Pontius Pilate , withthe Gentiles and the people o f I srae l


23to do so many things as

thyhand and thy counse l did fo reo rdain to come to pass.

29And now,

Lo rd, lo ok upon their threats and grant to thy servants with all

b o ldness to speak thy wo rd,

30while , reaching fo rth thy . hand unto

healings, bo th mirac les and wonders are wrought through the name

of thy ho ly child Jesus.

31And they praying,

the place in which theywere assemb led was shaken, and they were all fi l led with the Ho lyGho st , and continued to speak the wo rd of God with bo ldness.

32And of the mul titude who b e lieved there was o ne heart and

soul , and no one was saying that any of tho se things which be longedto him were his own, but all things were common to them .

“ 33And

with great powerf the apo stles continued to give witness of the resur

rec tio n of J e sus Christ the Lo rd; and great grace was upon themall.

3 4For no one among them was in need ;'for so many po ssessions

of lands o r houses as be longed to them , se l ling, they were bringingthe prices Of the things having been so ld, and laying them at th e

fe et of the apo st les ; and it was distributed to each as any o ne had


3 6And Jo seph cal led Barnabas by the apo stles, which is inter

preted, Son of conso latio n, a Levite , a Cyprian by race ,

3 7a farm be

lo nging to him,having so l d it, he brought it and laid it at the fee t

of the apo stles.


Ananias and Sapphira. Miracles of the apostles ; being taken captive they

are liberated by an angel; again having been called into judgment,they

are liberated by the council ofGamaliel.


1And a certain man,

Ananias by name , with Sapphira his wife ,

so ld an estate 2and kept back a part from the price, his wife knowing

it along with him ; and having brought a certain part, laid it at the

“PS . 2 . 1,2 .

“Ac ts 2 . 44.fGr. dynamite .

1 56 ACTS V.

fee t of the apo stle s.

3But Pe ter said , Ananias, wherefo re hath Satanfi l led thy heart to lie to th e Ho l y Gho st , and keep back a part fromthe price of the land? 4

R emaining with thee did it no t be long to thee ;and having been so ld, was it no t stil l in thy contro l ? why hast thoup laced this thing in thy heart ? thou hast no t lied to men

,but to God.

5And Ananias hearing these words, having fal len down,

breathed out

his soul . And great fear came o n all hearing ; 6and the young men ,

rising up, to ok him,and having carried him out, buried him .

3 7And

an interval of about three hours supervened , and his wife , no t havingknown what had taken place , came in.

8And Peter responded to her,

Tel l me if you so ld the place for so much ? And she said ; Yes, for

so much . 9And Peter said to her ; Why has it been agreed with

you to tempt the Spirit of the Lo rd? beh o ld, the feet o f tho se havingburied thy O

husband are at the do o r, and they wil l carry thee out .

And imm ediate l y she fe l l at his fee t , and breathed out her soul ; and

the young men having come in found her dead,and having carried

her out,buried her with her husband. And great fear came on all

the church,and on all tho se hearing these things.

1 2And many mirac les and wonders were wrought by the hands of

the apo st les among the people . And they were all of one accord

in So lomon’

s po rch .

b 1 3And no one of the rest dared to attach him

se lf to them ; but the people were magnifying them ;1 4but believers

were the more added to the Lord, a multitude bo th of men and women,

15so that they were carrying the sick into the streets , and placingthem on couche s and beds, in o rder that the shadow of Pe ter passing

along might cast a shadow o n some o ne of them .

1 6Then a mul t itude ,

of the cities around about J erusalem, came together, carrying theirsick and tho se to rmented by unc lean spirits, who were all b einghealed .

1 7And the high priest and all tho se being with him

,b eing th e

sect of the Sadducees , were fi l led with rage ,0 1 8

and laid hands o n the

apo st le s, and p laced them in th e pub lic priso n. And the ange l o fthe Lord, having opened the do o rs of the prison during the night ,and leading them out said, Go , and standing in the temple , speak to

the peo ple all the wo rds of this l ife .

21And hearing,

the y came intothe temp le at daydawn, and were teaching. And th e high prie st coming and tho se with him

,called together the sanhedrim and all the

e ldership of the children o f I srael , and sent to the prison to bringthem .

And the officers arriving found them no t in the prison ; and

having returned , reported, 22saying ; We found the prison clo sed with

all safety , and the guards standing at the do o rs, and having opened,

we found no one within.

24And when the captain o f the temple , and

the chief -

priests heard these words, they were at a lo ss co ncerningthem , what this might be .

25And a certain o ne coming announced

to them ,B eho ld, the men whom you placed in the prison are stand

ing in the temple and teaching the people .

26Then the captain along

“Spe edy burial nec essary in th at semi- tropical on th e Ho ly Campus, near th e Beautifulclimate in th e h o t days ofJune . Gate .

bNo t a part of th e temple , but a building cAc ts 4 . 3 .

1 5 8 A CTS VI ].

ing to them the mul titude of the disciples, said , I t is no t pleasingthat we , leaving the word of God, serve tables.

3But brethren,

lookout seven men from you ofgo od repo rt , ful l of the Spirit and wisdom ,

whom we shal l appo int o ver this intere st ; 4and we wil l give our atten

tion to prayer and the ministry o f the wo rd.

b 5And the wo rd was

p leasing befo re all the mul titude , and they cho se Stephen, a man ful lo f faith and the Ho l y Gho st , and Philip , and Pro cho rus, and N icano r,and Timon, and Parmenas, and N ico las, 6

the Antio chian pro se ly te ,whom they placed before the apo stles, and having prayed , they placedtheir hands o n them .

0 7And the wo rd of God increased, and the

number of the disciples mul tiplied exceedingl y in Jerusalem , and a

great mul titude of the priests were ob edient unto the faith .8And S tephen,

ful l of grace and power,d was do ing great wonders

and mirac les amo ng the peo ple .

9And certain o nes of the synago gues,

cal led Libertines ,e and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and tho se from

Ciliciaf and Asia, stood up disputing with S tephen,

10and they were

no t ab le to re sist the wisdom and spirit with which he was speaking.

1 1Then they bribed men,

saying, that we have heard him speakingwords blasphemous against Mo ses and God.

12And they ex

cited the peop le and the e lders and scribes , and coming upon him ,

seized him , and led him into the council , 1 3and they raised up false

witnesse s , saying,This man do es no t cease speaking wo rds againstthis ho ly place and the law ;

“for we have heard him saying,

that thisJ esus th e Nazarene wil l destro y this place , and change the customs

which Mo ses delivered unto us .

1 5And all sitting in the council , hav

ing fixed their eyes on him , saw his face as the face of an ange l .


The oration of S tephen concerning the various and continuous grace ofGod toward a stubborn and perfidious people, being interrupted, he is



1And the high priests said ; Are these things so ?

2And he said,

Men,brothers and fathers

,hear ye ; The God of glory appeared to our

father Abraham? while he was in Mesopo tamia, b efore he migratedinto Haran

,and He said to him ;

3Come out from thy country and

from thy kindred, and come hither into the land which I wil l showunto thee .

‘0 4And after his father died he migrated himse lf thence

into this country in which you now dwe l l , 5and God gave him no

inheritance in it, not the step of his foo t ; c and he promised to giveit to him , and his seed after him,

fo r an inheritance , there being no

child to him .

d 6And thus God spoke ,

that his seed shal l so j ourn in

bActs 2 . 4 2 .

OFre edmen,once h aving been “G en . 1 2 . 1 .

bGen. 1 2 . 5 .


ofdeacons. slave s 111 R ome .

°Gen . 1 2 . 7 .

dGr. dynami te . .fPaul’

s country.dGen . 1 5 . 1 3 , 14.


a strange land, and they wil l enslave it and o ppress it four hundredyears .

7And the nation whom they shal l serve I wil l judge , saysGod, and after these things they shal l come out and serve me in

this place .

3And He gave him the co venant of circumcision ; and

so he begat,

I saac, and circumcised him on the eigh th day; and

I saac , Jaco b ; and Jaco b , the twe lve patriarchs .

9And the patriarchs,


Jo seph,‘

so ld him into Egypt ze10and God was with him ,


de livered him out of all his troubles , and gave him grace and wisdombefo re Pharao h the king of Egypt ;f and he p laced him go vernorover Egypt and all his house.

1 1And the famine came into all the

land and Canaan, and great distreSS : and our fathers found no sustenance g

12And Jaco b h earing that there is fo od in Egypt , sent away

our fathers first.

h 1 3And the second time J o seph was made known

to his bre thren, and his race b ecame manifest to Pharaoh .

i 1 4And

Jo seph sending,cal led to h im Jaco b his father, and all the famil y ,

seventy - five souls .

1 5And Jaco b went down into Egypt , and he and

our fathers died there ) And they were carried o ver into Shechem ,

and buried in a tomb Which Abraham purchased from the so ns of

Emmor in Shechem with a sum of money.

k 1 7When the time o f the

promise which God made with Abraham drew nigh , the people increasedand mul tiplied in Egypt} 1”

until ano ther king aro se over Egypt, whoknew not Jo seph m

”He dealing fraudulently with our race


flicted our fathers, that they should expo se their infants , so thatthey should no t live .

”During which time Mo se s was born, and was

beautiful to God; who was kept three mon ths in the house o f his


m 21And he b eing expo sed , th e daughter of Pharao h to ok h im ,

and adopted him fo r a so n to herse lf.

”And Mo ses was educat ed in

all the wisdom of the Egyptians ; and was mighty in his words and

wo rks .

0 23And when the time of th e fortieth year was fulfi l led to

h im ,it came into his heart to visit h is brethren, the children of I srael .p

And seeing a certain o ne suffering affliction ,h e interpo sed , and exe

cuted vengeance in behalf of th e oppre ssed o ne , slaying th e Egyptian .

2"’And he suppo sed that his brethren would understand that Godthrough his hand is giving them salvation : but they did not recog

nize it.q

”On th e fo l lowing day,

h e appeared to them fighting, and

underto ok to reduce them to peace , saying, Men, you are bre thren ;therefo re do no t injure o ne ano ther.

27And the one injuring his

neighbor thrust him away , say ing, Who appo inte th you a leader and

a j udge over us ? r”whether do you wish to kil l me , in the manner

in which you slew the Egyptian yesterday ? ”And at this wo rd Mo ses

fled, and became a so j ourner in the land of Midia, where he b egattwo sons.

30And forty years having passed away , an angel appeared

to him in the desert of Mount Sinai in the flame of fire of the

bramble bush . s 3 1And Moses

,seeing the sight , was astonished : and

he coming nigh to investigate, the vo ice of the Lord came zt32I am


Deut . I O . 2 2 .0A great sch o lar and warrior.

’fG en . 49 . 3 3 . pEx . 2 . I I .

‘J o sh . 24. 32 ; G en . 49 . 30 ; 33 . 1 9 . QEx . 2 . 1 3’mGen . 24 . 7 .

TEX . 2 . 1 4.

“Ex . 2 . 2 .OEx . 3 . 2 .

tMatt. 2 2 . 32 .


the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham , and of I saac, and of

Jaco b . And Mo ses trembling,did not dare to investigate .

33And the

Lord said to him, Loo se the sandal of thy feet : for the place on

which thou s tande st is ho ly ground.

3 4

S eeing,I have seen the afflic

tion of my people who are in Egypt, and heard their groaning,and

have come down to de liver them . And come now,I wil l send thee

into Egypt . 3 5And this Mo ses whom they denied, saying, Who hath

e stablished thee a ruler and a judge ? him hath God sent a ruler and

de liverer, with the hand of an angel having appeared unto him in

a bush .

u ”He led them out, do ing wonders and mirac les in the lando f Egypt , and in the R ed S ea,

and in the wilderness fo rty years.

8 7This Mo se s is the o ne having said to the sons o f I srae l , A prophe twil l God raise up to you o f your bre thren,

like unto me .

v 38And this

is the one being in the church in the wilderness with the angel speaking to him in Mount S inai, and with our fathers : who received th e

living oracles to give un'to us ;

W 3"to whom our fathers were no t

wil ling to be o bedient , but thrust him away , and turned back in theirhearts towards Egypt , ”

saying to Aaron,Make us gods who shal l

go before us zx for this Mo ses,who led us out from the land of Egypt ,

we know no t what happened to him .

”And they made a calf in tho se

days,and offered sacrifice to the ido l , and re j o iced in the wo rks o f

their own hands .


And God turned away , and gave them up to

serve th e ho st o f the heaven ; as has been written in the bo ok o f

the prophets zy S lain . victims and sacrifices you have not brought untome forty years in the wilderness, O house of I srael.Z And ye tookup the shrine o f Mo lo ch . and th e star of the god Remphan, images

which you made to wo rship them ; and I wil l transpo rt you beyo ndBabylon.

44And the tabernacle o f te st imo ny was with our fathers

in the wilderness, as the o ne speaking to Mo se s commanded him to

make it acco rding to th e examp le h e had seen ;a 4 5

which our fath ersreceiving,

brought in along with Jo shua in the dispo sse ssion o f the

nat ions , whom God dro ve out from the face o f our fathers, until theday s of David ,h 4“

who found favo r b efo re God, and asked that heshould build a tabernac le fo r the . house of Jaco b .

047But So lomon

built a house for him fi” But the Mo st High dwe l leth not in housesbuil t with hands, as the prophe t say s , ”Heaven is my throne , andearth th e fo o tsto o l

_of my feet ze What house wil l you build fo r me ?

says the Lord ; Or what shal l be the place of my rest ? f5 0Hath not

my hand made all of these things ? 5 1Ye stiffnecked and.


in heart and ears, you do always resist th e Ho l y Gho st ; as yourfathers did, so do ye .

“Which one of the prophets did your fathersno t persecute ? and they slew tho se pro claim ing concerning the com ingof the R ighteous One , who se destro yers and murderers you became :

5”who received the law in the administrations of ange ls, and did no t

keep it.8

And hearing the se words, they were . cut through their hearts“Ac ts 7 . 2 7 .

zAmos 5 . 2 5 , 2 7 .011 K ings 6 . 1 .

”Ac ts 3 . 2 2 ; Deut . 1 8 . 1 5 .“Ex . 2 5 . 40 .

eAc ts 1 7 . 24 .

wEx . 1 9 . 3 .bJo sh . 3 . I 4. fI sa . 66 . I .

I . Her. 1 9 . I 3 ;CPS . 1 32. 5 . yGal. 3 . 1 9 ; Heb. 2 . 2 .

162 ACTS VI Z].

Ho ly Gho st : For he had no t yet fal len o n any o f‘

th em : but theywere only baptiz ed in the name of the Lord Jesus.

1 7Then they laid

their hands o n them, and they received the Ho l y Gho st . 18But Simon

seeing that by the laying on of the hands of the apostles the Spiritwas given, o ffered them money , saying,


Give me this power,d that

o n whom so ever I may lay hands , he may receive the Ho l y Gho st .”And Pe t er said to him

,Thy silver be unto destruc t ion with thee ,b ecause thou hast though t to o btain the gift of God with money .

There - is neither part no r lo t to thee in this wo rd: fo r thy heart isno t right b efore God.

2QTherefore repent of this thy wickedness, and

pray th e Lord , if perchance the thought of thy h eart shal l be fo rgiventhee ; fo r I see thou art in the gal l of b it terness and the b o nd of

iniquity . ”And Simon re sponding said , You pray to th e Lo rd fo r me ,

in o rder that no ne of these things o f which you have spoken may

come upo n me .

”Then indeed, witnessmg and speaking the wo rd of the Lord ,they returned to J erusalem , and preached the go spe l to many vil lages

o f the Samaritans .

And the ange l of th e Lord spoke to Philip , saying,Arise , and gotowards the south unto th e way go ing down from J erusalem to Gaza ;

the same is desert e27And rising up, he departed. And

,b eho ld, an

Ethiopian man, a eunuch , an officer of Candace queen of the Ethio

pians, who was o ver all her treasury , had b een to J erusalem to wo r

ship, and was returning,and sitting upon his chario t he was reading

the prophe t I saiah .

”And the Spirit said to Philip , Go , and j o in your

se lf to that chario t . 30And Philip running fo rth

,heard h im reading

I saiah the prophet , and said ; Whether do you understand what youare reading ?

3 1And he said

,How could I

,unless some one shal l guide

m e ? And he cal led upo n Philip coming up,

to sit with him ; 3 2and

the place of the scripture which h e was reading was this , H e was led

l ike a sheep to the slaugh t er ; and as a lamb b efore th e o ne shearingh im is dumb , so he opens not his mouth .f 33

In his humiliation h is

judgmen t was taken away : and who shal l declare His generatio n ?because his life is taken from the earth . 3”And the eunuch responding

to Philip , said,I pray thee ,

concerning whom do es the prophet speakthis ? concerning himse lf, o r some o ther man ?

3 5Philip o pening his

m outh and b eginning from the same scripture , preached Je sus to

him . And while they were j ourneying along th e road, they came to

a certain waterzg and the eunuch says, B eho ld water ; what do th hinderm e from b e ing bap t ized? ”

And he commanded the chario t to standstil l : and they bo th came down intoh the water, both Philip and the

eunuch ; and h e baptized h im . And when they cam e up outi o f the

water, the Spirit o f the Lord c augh t away Philip ; and the eunuch saw

him no mo re : fo r h e went o n his way rej o icing.

40And Philip was

found at Azo tus : and go ing through h e preached the go spe l to all the

cities. until he cam e to Caesarea.

dExousia,auth ority,

righ t, privilege . 9Th e spring ofBe th soron, now called Ph ilip ’


el eph . 2 . 4 . foun tain . I have seen it four times .

fI sa . 5 3 . 7 , 8 .

hE z‘

s , into ,is equally correc tly translated “ to .

iE/e, out of, also means from .

A CTS TX . 163


Saulis converted by a divine voice, and baptiz ed by Ananias at Damascus.

The Jews laying in wait for him,he flies from Jerusalem, and thence

to Tarsus. Peter heals Eneas at Lydda, he recalls Tabitha into life at



1But Saul , stil l breathing out threatenings and slaughter againstthe disciples o f the Lo rd, having come to the high priest? 2


from him letters to Damascus against the synagogues, in orderthat if he should find any being of the way, bo th men and women


he might lead them bound to Jerusalem .

3And it cam e to pass, while

pro secuting the j ourney he drew near to Damascus, suddenl y a ligh tfrom heaven shone around fal l ing on the ground , he hearda vo ice saying to him

, Saul , Saul , why do you perse cute me ?b And

he said , Who art thou, Lord?5And He said , I am J esus whom you

are persecuting.

6But stand up , and go into the city

, and it shal l beto ld thee what it b eho o ve s thee to do .

7And th e men j ourneying

along with him sto od speechless, inde ed hearing the vo ice , but seeingno o ne .

8And Saul aro se from the ground; and his eye s b eing o pen,

he saw no thing : but leading him by the hand, they led h im intoDamascus ;

9and he was three 'days no t seeing, neither did he eat

no r drink.

”And there was a certain disciple in Damascus, Ananias by name ;

and the Lo rd said to him in a vision,Ananias . And he said , B eho ld,

I am here , Lo rd . 1 1And the Lo rd said to him

,Arising, go to the

street which is cal led S traight , and seek a Tarsean,by name Saul ,

in the house of Judas ; fo r, beho ld , he is praying,

”and he saw a man,

Ananias by name , coming in , and putting his hands o n him,in o rder

that he may look up. Ananias responded , Lord I have heardfrom many ab out this man, how much evil h e has done to thy saintsin Jerusalem :

1 4and he here has autho rity from the chief priests to

bind all tho se cal ling on thy name . And the Lo rd said to h im , Go :be cause he is a vesse l of e lection to me , to b ear my name bo th befo rethe Gentile s, and kings, and sons o f I srae l : ”fo r I wil l show h im how

many things it b eho o ve s him to suffer for my name’

s sake .

1 7And

Ananias departed , and came into th e house : and put ting his hands on

him said,Bro ther Saul , the Lo rd , J esus, that appeared to you in the

way in which thou didst c ome ,hath sent me , that thou mayest lo ok

up,and be fi l led with the Ho ly Gho st . 18

And immediately there fel lfrom his eyes as scales : and he lo o ked up ; and having sto od up,



1”and having received fo o d , he was strengthened . And h e

was with the discip le s who were in Damascus some days ; and imme

diately he was preaching Jesus in the synagogues, that he is the

Son o f God.


And all tho se hearing were astonished , and continued“Ac ts 2 2 . 3 ; 26. 1 2 .

bx Cor. 1 5 . 8 .

164 A CTS TX .

to say,I s no t this the o ne laying waste tho se cal ling on this name

in J erusalem ?0 and has come hither fo r this, that he may lead thembound to the chief priests .

”And Saul continued to be the more fi l led

up with dynamite , and he was confounding . the Jews dwe l ling in

Damascus, proving that Jesus is the Christ . 23

And when many dayswere being fi l led up the J ews issued a verdict to kil l him :d

24but their

plo t was made known to Saul . And they were keeping the gates bo thday and night in o rder that they might kil l him :

25and his disciplestaking him ,

let him down thro ugh the wal l in the night , lowering himin a basket .

”And arr1ving in Jerusalem , he was endeavoring to j o in


himse lfto the disciple S

' e and all were afraid o f him, no t b e lieving that hewas a disciple . But Barnabas taking him

,led him to the apo stles,

and re lated to them how he saw the Lo rd o n th e way,and that He

spoke to him , and how he preached bo ldly in Damascus in the name

of Jesus.

”And he was with them go ing in and coming out in Jeru

salem , preaching b o ldly in the nam e o f the Lo rd ; ”and he was speak

ing and arguing against the Hellenists ,f and they underto ok to kil lhim .


And the brethren, taking cognizance , led him t o Caesarea,

and sent him away to Tarsus.

”Then indeed the church had peace

throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria,being edified and

pro gre ssing in the fear o f the Lord ; and was being mul tiplied by theexho rtation o f the Ho l y Gho st .

”And it came to pass, that Pe ter go ing through all parts, came

down al so to the saints l iving at Lydda.

3And he found there a

certain man, by nam e Eneas, l ying o n a bed eight years, who was


3 4And Pe ter said to him

, Eneas, Jesus Christ heals thee :arise ,

and take up thy bed: and immediate ly he aro se .

3 ‘E’And all tho se

dwe l ling at Lydda and Sharon, who so ever saw him , turned to the Lo rd.

But there was a certain disciple in J o ppa, by name Tabitha, whobeing interpreted is cal led Do rcas : and she was ful l of go o d wo rks

and alms which she was do ing.

3 7And it came to pass during tho se

days, she being sick , died: and'

washing her, they p laced h er in an

upper chamber.

3BAnd Lydda being near to J o ppa, the disciples hear

ing that Pe ter is in it, sent two m en to h im , entreating him , Do no t

de lay to come unto us.

”And Peter rising up came alo ng with them ;

whom , o n arrival , they led to th e upper chamber: and all the widows

sto od by him weeping, and showing him the chito onsh and himations,J°

so many as Do rcas made , while with them .

”And Peter having put

them all out, and put ting down his knees, prayed; and having turnedtoward the body , said , Tab itha, arise } And she opened her eyes :and see ing Pe ter sat up .

”And having given her his hand, he raised

~her. up , and cal ling the saints and widows, he presented her alive .


And it was known throughout all Jo ppa ; and many be lieved on the

Lord. And it came to pass, . that h e remained some days in Joppa,with one Sim o n a tanner.


0Ac ts 8 . 1 .42 Cor. 1 1 . 3 2

—35 . 9Acts


1 1 . 2 9 ,

“Gal. 1 . 1 8 .

hTh e interior garment .

fJews native or pro se lytic , wh o spoke th eiH imation . th e exterior garment .

Greek language in th e ir synagogue s .


Matt . 9 . 25 .kActs I O . 6.

166 ACTS X .

h im .

24And on the fo l lowing day they. came into Caesarea ; and Co r

me lius was expecting them ,having cal led together his own re latives

and near friends.

25And when it came to pass that Peter was coming

in, Corne lius meeting him , fal ling down at his feet , worshiped.


Peter raised him up , saying, S tand up ; I also am a man.

27And con

versing with him ,he came in, and finds many having come toge ther ;

2sand he said to them

,You know how it is an unlawful thing fo r a

Jewish man to asso ciate with , o r come to one o f ano ther nation ; and

God has shown me no t to cal l any man unco nsecrated o r unclean.

”Therefore indeed

,being sent fo r, I came unhe sitatingl y . Then I make

inquiry fo r what wo rd did you send fo r me ?”And Co rne lius said,

From the fourth day un t il this hour, indeed the ninth , I was prayingin my house , and, b eho ld, a man sto od befo re m e in shining appare l ,d3 ’and say s, Co rne lius, thy prayer has b een heard, and th ine alms havebe en remembered befo re God. Therefo re send to Joppa, and cal lfo r S imo n , wh o is cal led Pe ter. He is lodging in the house of S im on

the tanner by the sea.

8 ”Then I immediat e ly sent fo r thee ; and tho uhast do ne we l l being pre sent . Now therefo re we are all presentb efo re God to hear all things which have b een commanded thee o f

the Lo rd. And Pe ter, opening his mouth , said,

In truth I apprehendthat God is no respecter o f perso ns :3"

but in every nation the o ne

fearing h im,and working righteousness, is acceptable to him ;

f ”the

wo rd which he sent to th e sons o f I srae l , preaching peace throughJesus Christ : h e is Lo rd of all.”This word you know, which was

throughout all Judea,beginning from Galilee ,

aft er the baptism whichJohn preached ;g

”Jesus,the one from Nazareth

,how God ano inted

Him with the Ho l y Gho st and power :h who went about do ing go od,

and heal ing all o ppressed by th e devil : because God is with Him .

”And we are witne sses in the country of th e J ews , and in J erusalem ;whom they even slew

,hanging h im on the wo od i

”God raised him

on the third day,and gave him to be made manifest ; ”

not to all the

people , but to the witnesses having been cho sen of God,to us

, who

ate and drank along with him after He aro se from the dead :3'



H e commanded us to preach to the peo ple , and to witness that He is

the One o rdained o f God th e Judge o f the living and the dead . ”And

to Him give all the prophets witness, that every one believing on him

receives th e remission o f sins .

k 4”Pe ter yet speaking the se wo rds, the

Ho l y Gho st fe l l o n all tho se hearing the wo rd.

”And the faithful

o nes who were o f the circumcision, so many as cam e alo ng with Pe t er,

were asto nished, b ecause th e gift of the Ho l y Gho st was poured o u t

on th e Gen tiles al so ; ”for they were hearing them speaking with

tongues, and magnifying God.

1 ”Then Peter responded, Whether is any

one ab le to fo rbid the water, that these shal l no t be baptized, who soever received the H o l y Gho st as we indeed

”And he commanded

them to be bap t ized in the nam e of Jesus Christ . Then they askedhim to tarry some days.

dAc ts 1 . I O .eAc ts 1 1 : 1 3 .

kGr. dynam ite .

lf-A c ts 1 7 . 3 1 ; 3 . 24.

fR om . 2 . 1 1 .

iAc ts 2 . 32 ; 3 . 1 5 .

lAc ts 2 . 4 .

aMatt . 4 . 1 7 : Luke 2 3 . 5 .J


Luk e 2 4 . 43 ; Juo . 2 1 . 1 3 .M A c ts 2 . 4 ; 8 . 36.

A CTS X]. 167


Peter expounds the vision ofthe animals,and the affair having been trans

acted zvith Cornelius at Jerusalem. Barnabas and S oul. The Chris

tians at Antio ch. Agabus.


1But the apo st les and bre thren being throughout Judea heard thatthe Gentile s also received the word of God.

2And when Pe ter went

up to Jerusalem , tho se l of the circumcision interviewed him , say3 that ,

You went in unto men. having uncircumcisio n, and ate .with them fi

4And Peter beginning expounded unto them co nsecutive ly , saying,

5I was praying in the city J o ppa : and I saw a visio n in an ecstasy ,A certain vesse l , like a great shee t , descending from th e heaven , sit

ting down by four ro pe ends ; and came even unto m e zb6into which

lo oking,I was inve stigating, and I saw quadrupeds of th e earth , and

wild beasts, and creeping things, and the b irds of the heaven .


I also heard a vo ice saying to me , Arising,Peter ; slay and eat. And

I said, B y no means , Lo rd: b e cause no thing unconsecrated o r uncl eanhas ever entered into my mouth . 9

And a vo ice a seco nd tim e was

heard from heaven, Whatso ever things God has c leansed, consider

thou no t unconsecrated.

10And this to ok p lace three time s : and all

things were again taken up into th e heaven .

11And, b eho ld,


diately three men were standing at the house in which we were,havingbeen sent to me from Co rne lius.

12And the Spirit said to me

,to gowith them ,

doubting no thing.

0 And the se six bre thren went along withme , and we entered into the house of th e man.

1 3And he pro claimed

to us how he saw an ange l standing in his house , and saying, S end

to Joppa, and cal l for S imon,who is cal led Peter ;d M

who wil l speakwo rds to you, by which you and your who le family may be saved .3‘5And when I b egan to speak, the H o l y Gho st fe l l o n them , as on us

at the beginninge 1 6

And I remembered the wo rd of the Lo rd , as

He said , Jo hn indeed baptized with water; but you shal l be baptizedwith the Ho l y Gho st f 1 7

Since th en God gave unto them th e equalgift , as also unto us

,b e lieving on the Lord J esus Christ ; who was I ,

to be ab le to resist God? 18And h earing these things, they acquie sced ,

and glo rified God, saying,Then God has also given unto the Gentile s

repentance unto life .

1 9Then indeed tho se having been dispersed abroad o n account o f

the persecution prevailing o ver S tephen came through even to

Phoenicia, and Cyprus, and Antio ch , speaking the wo rd to no one

except J ews only.g

20And of them there were certain Cyprian and

Cyrenean men, who . having come into Antio ch, were speaking to the

Greeks also , preaching the go spe l of the Lo rd J e sus.

21And the hand

o f the Lo rd was with them : and a great number having b e lieved,

“Acts I O . 2 8 .cAc ts I O . 20 . aActs 8 . 1 -


bActs I O . 9 .dACtS 10 .

168 ACTS XI].

turned to the Lord . And the wo rd was heard in the ears of the

church in Jerusalem concerning them : and they sent Barnabas to

Antio ch . 23Who , coming, and seeing the grace of God, rej o iced , and

continued to exho rt all, with purpo se o f heart to abide with the Lord :24because he was a go od man, and ful l of the Ho l y Gho st and faith .And a great mul titude was added to the Lord . 25

And he went awayto Tarsus, to hunt up Saul : and having found him, led him to Antio ch h

26And it happened unto them , a who le year indeed they assemb led in

a church, and taught a great mul titude : and the discip les were first

cal led Christians in Antio ch . i27And during tho se days prophets came from J erusalem to Antio ch .

And one of them by name Agabus, standing up, signified throughthe Spirit that there is about to be a great famine throughout thewho le wo rld: which to ok p lace under the reign of Claudiusfi


they determined that each one of them should send to the ministryto the bre thren dwe l ling in Judea, as each o ne of the disciples waspro sperous ;

30and this they did

, sending to the e lders by the handsof Barnabas and S aul .k


Herod Agrippa kills James , and binds Peter in chains. Peter liberated bythe angel, knocks at the doors ofthe house ofMary. Herod dies sud



1But at this time king Hero d reached forth his hands to persecute

some of tho se from the church . 2And he slew James the bro ther o f

Jo hn with a sword . 3And seeing that it is p leasing to the J ews, he

pro ce eded to arrest Pe ter al so : and tho se were the days of the un

leavened bread : 4whom having seized

,he also put in prison,

having comm itted h im to four quaternions

a o f so ldiers to guard him ; wishing to

bring him out to the people after the passover.

5Then indeed Peter

was kept in prison : but prayer to God in his b ehalf was incessantlymade by th e church .

6But when Hero d was ab out to lead him forth ,and Pe ter was sleeping that night b e twe en two so ldiers, and b oundwith two chains ; and the guards were keeping guard befo re the do or.


,beho ld

,the ange l of the Lord stood over him,

and - a light shonein the house ; and having touched the side of Peter, he raised him up ,

saying ; R ise up quickly . And his chains fe l l off from his hands.


the ange l said to him , Gird thyse lf, and put on thy sandals. And he

thus did. And he says to him ,Throw thy c loak about thee, and fo l low

me .

9And having come out, he was fo l lowing ; and did no t know that

it is true which was done by the ange l ; but he was thinking that hesaw a vision.

1°And having come through the first guard and the

seco nd, they came to the iron gate leading into the city ; which o pened


Th e emperor at that time . Acts 2 1 . I O.

kActs 1 2 . 2 5 .

t 7o ACTS X11].

separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the wo rk to which I havecal led them .

3Then they having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on

them , sent them away a 4Then they indeed , having been sent away

by the Ho ly Gho st , came down to Se leucia ; and thence sailed away toCyprus

b 5And be ing in Salamis, they preached the wo rd o f God in

th e synagogue s o f the J ews : and they also had Jo hn as their he lper.

6And having gone through the who le island to Papho s, they found a

certain man, a magician, a Jewish false prophet, to whom was the

name of Bar- J esus : 7who was with Sergius Paulus , the pro consul , an

inte l ligent man. He , having cal led Barnabas and Saul . sought to hearthe wo rd of God;

8but ElymasC the magician (for thus his name is

interpreted) oppo sed them , seeking to turn away the pro co nsul fromthe faith . 9

And Saul . (who is also Paul ) , being fi l led with the Ho lyGho st , fix ing his ey es o n him , said, O thou ful l of all guile and ras

cality, thou son o f the devil , thou enemy o f all righteousness , wil t thouno t cease pervert ing the right way s o f God?

1 ‘And now,

b eho ld,the

hand o f the Lo rd is upo n thee , and thou shal t be b lind, no t seeing the

sun fo r a time . And immediate l y there fe l l on him a m ist and darkness ; and go ing ab out he was se eking peop le to lead him by the hand.

12Then the deputy , seeing that which took place, believed ; being de

ligh t ed with the teaching of the Lo rd.

1 3And tho se around Paul having sailed from Papho s , came into

Perge of Pamphylia 1d and John having departed from them returnedto Jerusalem .

1 4And they having come from Perge , arrived into

Picidian An tio ch , and having come into the synagogue on the Sabbathday,they sat down.

1"’And after th e reading of the law and the

prophets, the chief rul ers of the synagogue sent to them ,saying,

Men,brethren . if there is any wo rd o f conso lation to the people in you,

speak .

1 6And Paul

,rising up,

and beckoning with h is hand said ;I srae litish men , and tho se fearing God, hear.

1 7The God o f this peo ple

I srae l cho se our fathers, and exal ted the people during their so j ournin the land o f Egypt , and with a stro ng arm led them out of it ;

e 1 8and

when he supported them about the time of fo rty years in the wilderness,

1 9and having destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan,


gave them the inheritance o f th e landf ab out four hundred and fiftyyears .

”And after these things he gave them judges, til l Samuel the

prophet . And then they asked for a king : and God gave them Saul theson of Kish , a man of the tribe of B enjamin,

fo rty years ; 8 22and hav

ing depo sed him ,he raised up to them David for a king ; to whom

witnessing he also said,I have found David the son of Jesse, a man

acco rding to my own heart , who wil l do allmy wishesh 2"‘From who se

seed according to the promise he led forth Jesus, the Savior, to

I srae l : 2"‘and Jo hn having preached the bapt ism of repen tance to all

“Th is is th e only case ofministerial ordination 6A large island in th e M editerranean Sea, andre corded in th e New T e stamen t , and th i s the h ome ofBarnabas .

was no t to auth oriz e th em to preach , as th eycW i se man .

dAc ts 1 5 . 38 .

were bo th already no t only preach ers , but eAc ts 7 . 2 ; Ex . 6 . 1 ; Ac ts 7 . 36 .

apostle s . I t was a simple consecration to fDeut . 7 . 1 ; J o sh . 14 . 1 .

an e spec ial work .9 1 Sam . 8 . 5 ; 1 Sam . 1 0 . 2 1 ; 1 6. 1 .

”P5 . 89. 20 .

A CTS X11]. 17 1

the peop le of I srae l , before the face of his comingfi And when Jo hn

fulfi l led his course , he said, What do you co nsider me to be ? I am

not be : but,beho ld

,there comes one after '

me,the latchet of whose

shoes I am not worthy to loo se.3 ”Men ,

bre thren,sons of the race

of Abraham , and tho se amo ng you fearing God, unto us the word

of this salvation was sent . 27Fo r tho se dwe l ling in J erusalem , and th e

rulers, having rej ected him,condemning him,

have ”fulfi l led the vo ices of

the prophe ts which are read every Sabbath ; and having found no

cause of death , asked Pilate that he should be executed ;k ”and when

they perfected all the things which had been spoken concerning him,

taking him down from the cro ss, placed him in a sepulchre } ”


God raised him from the dead ; who appeared to tho se coming up

with him_

to Jerusalem from Galilee many days, who are now his

witne sses to the peo plem 3 2

And we preach unto you th e promise .

which was made to the fath ers,that God has ful fi l led this unto our

children,raising up J e sus , as in the second Psalm it has b een written,

Thou art my Son,this day have I bego tten thee n 3 4

And because he

raised him up from the dead, no longer about to return to corruption,

He has thus said, I wil l give un to you th e faithful mercies of David.


3 5Therefo re He also says in ano ther p lace , Thou wil t no t suffer thyHo ly One to see co rruption} ? 3 6Fo r David, indeed having served his

own generation acco rding to the wil l o f God, went to sleep , and did

see corruption zq3 7but he

,whom God raised up, did not see corruption.

”Then let . it be known unto you,

men brethren,that through this

one remission of sins is preached : 3gand in him every one be lieving

is j ustified from all things from which ye were not able to be justified by the law o f Mo ses .

r 40Then b eware , le st the wo rd which has

been spoken by the pro phets may come upon you ;41B eho ld, ye de

spisers, and wo nder, and vanish away : because I wo rk a wo rk in yourdays, a wo rk which you may no t b e lieve , though one may pro claimit to you.


”And they go ing out, they continued to entreat them that the se

words should be spoken to them o n the nex t Sabbath . 43And the

synagogue having been adj ourned , many of the J ews and pious

pro se l ytes fo l lowed Paul and Barnabas, who , speaking with them , con

tinued to persuade them to ab ide in the grace of God.

44And o n the

fo l lowing Sabbath almo st all the city cam e to ge t her to hear the wo rd

of the Lord.

45And the Jews seeing the multitudes, were fi l led with

j ealousy , and contradicted th e wo rd spoken by Paul , co ntradicting and

b laspheming.

”And Paul and Barnabas speaking bo ldly , said

,I t was

nece ssary that the wo rd of God should first be spoken to you : since

you have rej ected it, and j udge yourse lves not worthy of eternal life,be

ho ld we now turn to the Gentiles.

47For thus the Lord has commanded us,I have placed thee fo r a light o f the Gentiles , that thou shal t be fo r

salvation unto th e extremity o f the earth i ”And the Gentiles hearing,

iLuke 3 3mAc ts 1 . 3 ; 9Ac ts 2 . 2 7 .

fLuke 3 . 1 6 , Jno . 1 . 2 7 .

"PS 2 . 7 ; Heb. 1 . 5 .fR om . 8 . 3 .

"Luke 2 3 . 2 3 .

018 21 .8Hab. 1 5 .

lLuke 2 3 . 5 3 ,PPs . 1 6.

t I sa . 49 .,Luke°

2 . 32 .

172 ACTS X I V.

rej o iced , and glorified the wo rd of God: and so many as had beenordained unto e ternal life be lieved : ”

and the word o f the Lo rd wascarried throughout all the country . 50

And the Jews stirred up the

no ble godly women, and the first men of the city, and they raised apersecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expe l led them from theirb o rders .

5 1And having cast off the dust from their fee t against them ,


carne into I conium .

u 5 2And the disciples were fil led with joy, and

the Ho ly Gho st .CHAPTER X IV.

Barnabas and Paul expelled from I conium. They are considered for gods

at Lystra, but being stoned by the Jews they pursue their journey

through Asia, and return to Antioch ofSyria:


1And it came to pass in I conium at this time , they came togeth er

into the synagogue of the J ews, and spoke in such a' manner, that a

great mul titude bo th of the Jews and Greeks be lieved . 2But the unbe

lieving J ews stirred up and po isoned the minds o f the Gentiles againstthe brethren.

3Then indeed preaching bo ldl y in behalf of the Lord,

witnessing to the wo rd of His grace , giving signs and wonders to be

wrought by their hands, they spent much time .

4And the mul titude

of the city was divided: and some indeed were with the J ews, and

some with the apo stlesa 5

And when there was a conspiracy of b o thGentile s and J ews along with their leaders , to insul t and stone them ,

“recognizing it, they fled into the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra, and Derb e,and the surrounding country ; 7

and there they preached the go spe l .8And there was a certain man sitting there in Ly stra,

impo tentin h is fee t , being lame from the womb o f h is mo ther, who never didwalk ab out . 9He heard Paul speaking, who fix ing his attention on

him , and seeing that he had faith to be saved, 10said with a loud vo ice ,

S tand upright on thy fee t . And h e leaped and continued to walkaround.

1 1And th e mul t itude s seeing what Paul did, lifted up theirvo ice , in Lycaonic, say ing,

The gods having assumed th e likeness of

men have come down to us : and they were cal ling Barnabas, Jupiter;and Paul , Mercury , since h e was the - leader of the speech . 1 3

And the

priest of Jupiter, being in front of the city , having brought ox en and

garlands to the gate , wished to offer sacrifice s to them , along withthe multitudes.

1 4And the apo st le s, Barnabasb and Paul , hearing,


ing their garments, rushed into th e crowd, crying out, and saying,

”Men, why are you do ing ' these things ? W e are also men of likesuffering with you, preaching th e go spe l to you that you should turnfrom these vanities to the living God

, who created the heaven, and

the earth , and the sea, and all things which are in them :01“who in

“Luke 9 , 5 ,

bYo u se e Barnabas was an apo stle as we ll asPaul .“Ac ts 5 . 1 2 .

cAc ts 4. 24.

1 74 A CTS X V.

6And the apo st les and e lders were co nvened to see about this pro b

lem .

0 7And there being much disputat ion, Pe ter, having arisen , said

to them,Men, brethren, you know that from ancient daysd God cho se

among yo u, that the Gentiles should hear the wo rd o f th e go spe lthrough my mouth , and believe e ”And God, wh o knows the heart ,

witnessed to them , giving to them the Ho ly Gho st , as al so to us ;9and made no difference b etween us and them , purifying their heartsby faith .

f ”Now therefo re why tempt ye God, to put a yoke o n the

neck of the discip les , which neither our fathers nor we were able to

bear? 8 1 1But thro ugh the grace o f our Lo rd J esus, we b e lieve thatwe are saved, in th e same manner in which they are also . And the

who le mul titude became silent , and continued to hear Barnabas and

Paul , re lating how many miracl e s and wo nders God wrought amo ng

the Gentil e s through them .

13And after they became silent , James re

sponded, say ing, Men, bre thren, hear me . Symeon hath re lated how

God in th e first place interpo sed to take a peop le from the Gentile s ,in His name h

1 5And to th is co rresponds the wo rds of the prophe t ;

as has been written,After the se things I wil l re turn, and wil l build

again the thro ne ofDavid, which has fal len down ; and -w il l build again

the ruins of the same,and wil l set it up again :i

l7in o rder that the

re sidue ofmen may se ek out the Lo rd, even all the Gentiles , o n whommy name has b een called U po n th em , say s the Lo rd , who do e th the sethings ”

known from the b eginning.

”Therefore I judge , that we

should not burden those from the Gentiles turning to God : but to

command them to abstain from th ings o ffered to ido ls , and from

fo rnication,and from strangulat io n, and from b lo od. .

21Fo r Mo se s from

ancient generations, has tho se preaching him in every city

,being read

in the synago gue s o n every Sabbath .0

”Then it seemed go od to th e apo stles and the e lders , along withthe who le church , to send men cho sen from them into Antio ch alo ngwith Paul and Barnabas ; Judas cal led Barsabbas, and S ilas , l eadersamong th e brethren : ”having written thro ugh their hand; The apo stle sand e lders, brethren to the bre thren who are from the Gentiles throughout Ant ioch and Syria and Cilicia greeting.

24Since we heard that

certain o nes having come out from us troubl ed you,disturbing your

souls with wo rds which we did no t command:3”it seemed go od to us,

being of o ne acco rd,having cho sen men to send them to you alo ng

with our b e loved Barnabas and Paul , ”men wh o have imperiled theirlives fo r the name of our Lo rd J esus Christ . ”Therefo re we have sent

Judas and Silas, themse lves also pro claimmg the same things by speech .”Fo r it seemed go od to the Ho l y Gho st , and to us, to lay upon you

no mo re burden than these nece ssary things,k ”to abstain from things

offered to ido ls , and from b lo od, and from things strangled, and from

fornication : from which keeping y ourse lve s, you wil l do wel l . 1 Fareye we l l .

30Then indeed they , having b een sent away , came down into Antio ch ,

7lI t was seven years .

tAc ts 1 0 . 9 .

11 Cor. 8 . 1 .

ACTS X V]. 1 75

and convening the multitude , they de livered the le tter. And havingread it, they rej o iced o ver the conso lation.

3"’B o th Judas and S ilas .

themse lves also b eing prophets, exho rted the bre thren with e lab oratespeech , and strengthened them ; ”and having spent th e time , they weredischarged by the bre thren with peace back to the apo st le s who sentthem .

”And Paul and Barnabas tarried in Antio ch , teaching and preach

ing the word of the Lo rd, also along with many o thers .

3”And after

many days Paul said to Barnabas, Having returned let us now visitthe bre thren in every city in which we preached the wo rd of the Lord,

how they are do ing.

”But Barnabas advised to take with them Jo hn ,

also cal led Mark .

m ”But Paul thought that he would no t take with

them ,him who having departed from them from Pamphyl ia, and not

having gone. alo ng with them into the wo rk .

n 3 9But there was a

paroxysm ,

° so that they parted from one ano ther, and Barnabas, taking Mark

,sailed away into Cyprus ?

”And Paul , having cho sen Silas, went out, committed to the grace

of the Lo rd b y the bre thren ; 41and he trave led through Syria and

Cilicia,confirming the churches .


Circumcision ofTimo thy. Paul having departed with S ilas and Timo thy

is called by a vision into Macedonia. Lydia is converted. Paul and

S ilas , having been imprisoned at Philippi, are miraculously released;

the prison being opened and the keeper baptiz ed.


1And he arrived into Derbe and Lystra. And

, beho ld , a certaindisciple was there, by name Timo thy

, the son of a faithful Jewishwoman, and a Greek father, 2

who was of go od repo rt by the bre threnin Lystra and I co nium .

3Paul wished him to‘

go out with him ; and

having taken him circumcised him o n account of the Jews who were

in tho se p laces : fo r they all knew his father that he was a Greek .

4And while they were trave ling through the cities , they del ivered

to them the decrees which were adjudicated by the apo st les and e ldersin J erusalem , to keep .


5Then the churches were indeed strengthened in faith , and abounded

in numb er dail y . 6And they trave led through Phrygia and the Galatian

country , being pro hib ited by the Ho l y Gho st from speaking the wo rdin Asia b ,

7And having come oppo site Mysia, they were endeavo ringto go o n into B ithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did no t permit them ;

mAc ts 1 2 . 2 5 .

" Ac ts 1 3 . 1 3 . PGal. 2 . 1 3 .

°Th e separation of th e earth in its quaking ,

wh ich is th e work ofGod only . I t was time “Ac ts 1 5 .

for Paul and Barnabas to separate , and thus bAc ts 1 8 . 2 3 . G od wanted th em to leave Asia

conduc t two bands instead ofone . and go to Europe .

1 76 ACTS X VI .

8and having come through Mysia they descended into Tro as.


a vision was seen by Paul during the night : Some Macedonian man

was standing and entreating him and saying,Having come over into

Macedonia, he lp us.


And when he saw the vision, we immediate l ysought0 to depart from Macedonia, concluding that God had cal ledus to preach the go spe l to them .

1 1And having embarked from Troas, we sailed directly to Samo

thrace,d and on the fo l lowing day into Neapolis,

e 12and thence into

Philippi, which is the first city of the Macedonian region, a colony.


And we were in that city spending some days.

13And o n the Sabbath

day we went out from the gate by the river, where we were accus

tomed that prayer should be ,g and having sat down, we spoke to the

women having assembled . 14And a certain woman Lydia by name


sel ler of purple , of the city of Thyatira,wo rshiping Go d, was hearing

us : who se heart the Lo rd o pened to give attention to the wo rds spokenby Paul . And when she and her househo l d were baptized, she en

treated us, saying, If you have found me to be faithful to the Lo rd,

having come into my house , abide : and she constrained us.

10And it came to pass, we


go ing to the prayer, a certain damse lhaving a spirit of divinatio nh met us, who brought much gain to her

masters te l ling fo rtunes .

”She , fo l lowing Paul and us , co ntinued to

cry out, saying, These men are the servants o f the Mo st High God,who pro claim to us the way of salvation.

18And she co ntinued to do

this many day s. And Paul , being wo rn o ut, and turning round, said

to the spirit , I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come

out from her. And he came out the same hour.

19And her masters

seeing that the hope of their gain was gone , arresting Paul and Silas,dragged them into the fo rum to the rulers, 20

and leading them to the

magistrates, said, These men do exceedingl y trouble our city , beingJews, 21and they pro claimed customs, wh ich are no t lawful fo r us to

receive , or to do , b eing Romans fi22And the crowd sto o d up toge ther

against them : and the magistrates tearing off the ir garments, com

manded the lictors to beat them with rods. And having laid manystripes on them , the y cast them into prison, commanding the jailer to

keep them safe ly :J' 24who

,having received such a charge, cast them into

the interior prison, and fastened their feet into the wo od.

25But at

midnight Paul and Silas, praying, co ntinued to sing praises to God

and the prisoners heard them .

26And suddenly th ere was a great earthquake , so that the foundations of the prison were shaken : and all the

do ors were immediatelv opened , and the b onds of all were lo o sed.

And the jailer, being awakened, and seeing the do ors o f the prison

open, seizing a swo rd, was about to kil l him se lf, thinking that h isprisoners had e scaped . 2""But Paul shouted with a loud vo ice , saying,

Do thyse lf no harm : fo r we are here .

29And having asked fo r a light ,

he sprang in, and b eing alarmed,he fe l l down before Paul and Silas,

¢This is th e first allusion to Luke , wh o had se t vTh e ir prayer-mee ting.

o ut with th em from Antioch .

hA Spiritualist .

dAn island in th e n ean S ea.

fAc ts 1 7 . 6 ; 2 1 . 2 1 .

eTh e seaport ofPh ilippi . fR oman. Cor. 6 . 5 .

1 78 ACTS X VI].

But the bre thren immediate l y sent away bo th Paul and S ilas to

Berea by night , who coming into the synagogue of the Jews de

parted; c “but these were mo re no b le than tho se in Thessalonica, who

received the wo rd with all enthusiasm , searching the scripture s daily ,if these things are so .

12Then indeed many of them believed, and of

the no ble Greek women and m en,no t a few ;

‘ 1 3but when the J ews from

Thessalo nica knew that the word of God was preached by Paul inB erea, they came thither also , agitating and stirring up the rabbles .

1“But immediate ly at that time the brethren sent away Paul to trave leven to the sea : and Silas and Timo thy remained there .

d 1 5But havingembarked Paul , they led him even to Athens : and receiving command

ment to Silas and Timo thy that they should come to him as quickl yas po ssible , they departed from him fi‘

1 6But Paul waiting fo r them in Athens , his spirit was stirred in

him, seeing the city devoted to idolatry.

f 1 7Then indeed he spoke to

the J ews, and to the wo rshipers in the synagogue and to tho se in

cidentally mee ting him every day in the fo rum . And certain ones

o f the Epicurean and Stfl

o ie philo so phers interviewed him , and some

continued to say, What would this babb ler wish to say? and o thers said,

He seem s to be the propagato r of strange divinitie s : because he waspreaching the go spe l of J esus, and the resurrection.

19And taking

him,they led him to the Areopagus, saying ; Are we able to know

what is this new teaching,spoken by thee ? 20For you bring certain

strange things to our hearing : therefo re we desire to know what thesethings wish to be.

21But all the Athenians and itinerant strangers were

accustomed to devo te the ir time to no thing e lse , than to te l l some

thing new,o r to hear something g

22And Paul standing in the midst

o f the Areo pagus, said, A thenian men, I perceive that in all thingsyou are very re ligious .

23Fo r go ing through , and see ing your devotions,I also found an al tar on which it was superscribed, To THE U N

KNOWN GOD. Therefore I now preach unto you Him whom you are

igno rant ly worshiping. God having made the wo rld and all thingswhich are in it, being himself Lord of heaven and earth , does not

dwel l in temples made with hands ;h 25neither is he worshiped byhuman hands , as if needing som e thing, Himse lf having given life , and

breath , and all things to all;26and of (one ) man he created

every nation of men to dwe l l upon the who le face of the earth , havingde termined their predestinate d times, and the b oundaries of the ir habitation ;

27 that they should se ek God, if perhaps indeed they might fee lafter him,

and find him,though not being far from each one of you.


28For in him we live and move and have our being, as indeed certainones of your own po ets have said,

For We are truly his offspring.

”Then b eing the offspring of God, we ought no t to think that divinityis like unto go ld, o r silver, o r stone , the invention o f art and the

device o fman. Then indeed God winking at the time s of igno rance ,

now commands all men everywhere to repent :J' ”as


He has appo intedcR e turn to Th essalonica .

°Ac ts 1 8 . 5 . aAc ts 2 . 1 2 .

dLuke accompanie s Peul . 12 Pe t . 2 . 8 .

hAc ts 1 4. 1 5 .

A CTS X VI I]. 1 79

a day,in which he is about to j udge the world in righteousness by

the man whom he has ordained ; giving faith to all, having raised

Him from the dead.

32And having heard the resurrection of the dead,

some mocked : o thers said ; We wil l hear thee concerning this evenagain.



3So Paul went out from their midst . 3 4

But certain men,hav

ing adhered to him,bel ieved ; among whom was also Dionysius the

Areopagite , and a woman Damarias by name , and o thers along withthem.

CHAPTER xvin .

Acts ofPaulat Corinth; Aquila and Priscilla; Justus, Crispus ; Gallio the

pronconsul, S osthenes. Paul on his journey. Apollos at Ephesus.


1After these things having departed from Athens , he came to

Corinth . 2And having found a certain Jew by name Aquila? a Pontic

by race, having recently come from I taly,and Priscillab his wife ; be

cause Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome :

he came to them :3and because they were of the same craft, abode

with them,and they labored : for they we re tentmakers by trade .

4And he spoke in the synagogue every Sabbath , and persuaded bo thJ ews and Greeks .


5And when bo th Silas and Timo thy came down from Macedo nia ,

Paul was straitened with the word , witnessing to the Jews thatJesus is the Christ .d 6

And they o ppo sing, and blaspheming, shakingh is garments, he said to them , Your b lo o d be upon your own head ;I am pure : from now I will go to the Gentiles e 7

And having departedthence ,he came into the house of a certain Titus, Justus by name ,

wo rshiping God, who se house is j o ined to the synago guef 8But

Crispus , the chief ruler of th e synago gue , b e lieved o n the Lo rd withall his house ; and many of the Co rinthians hearing be lieved, and

were baptiz ed g9And th e Lo rd spoke to Paul in the night thro ugh

a visio n,Fear no t, but speak,

and be no t silent zh10because I am with

thee , and no man shal l assaul t thee to hurt thee : because there is

much pe ople to me in this city . 1 1And he spent a year and six mo nths

teaching the wo rd of God among them .

12But Gal lio being pro co nsul

of Achaia, the Jews of one accord aro se up against Paul , and led

him to the tribunal , saying,This one persuades men to wo rship God

contrary to law.

14And Paul b eing about to open his mouth , Gal lio

said to the J ews, If it were some injustice or wicked rascality , 0 J ews,I would bear with you according to reason :

15but if there are ques

tions about the wo rds and names, and law appertaining to you, your

01 Cor. 1 . 14.

hActs 1 6. 9 ; 23 . n .

80 A CTS X IX .

se lves shal l see to it ; I do no t wish to be judge of these things .

i 1 6And

he drove them away from the tribunal. J'

1 7And all taking So sth enes,k

the chief ruler o f the synagogue , beat him before the tribunal ; and

no thing of these things was a care to Gal lio .

1sAnd Paul , stil l remain

ing some days, having bidden adieu to the bre thren, sailed away toSyria, and along with him Priscil la and Aquila ; having '

sho rn h is headin Cenchrea ; for he had a vow.

10And they arrived in Ephesus, and

he left them there : and himse lf, having go ne into the synagogue ,spoke to the J ews.

20And they asking him to remain a lo nger time ,

he did not consent ; 21but having bidden them adieu ; and saying, I

wil l re turn unto you again ,_

God wil ling ; he embarked from Ephe sus ;22and having come into Caesarea,

having gone up , and saluted the

church , 1 he came down to Antio ch ; 23having spent some time , he wentfrom them, trave l ing consecutive l y through the Galatian country and

Phrygia, confirming all the disciples.

24And a certain Jew, Apo l lo s by name , an Alexandrian by race ,

an e loquent man,came into Ephesus, being mighty in the scriptures) “

25And he was instructed in the way of the Lord, and zealous in spirit, wasspeaking and teaching accurate l y the things concerning J esus, knowing only the baptism of John ;n 26

and he began to preach bo ldly inthe synagogue . But Priscil la and Aquila, having heard him , to ok himto themselves, and expounded unto him the way of the Lord more

perfectly . 27And he wishing to go into Achaia

,the brethren having

sent him forth wro te to the disciples to receive him. Who , beingpresent , conferred much on tho se having be lieved through grace .

28Fo r he vehementl y argued down the Jews, pub lic ly , showing throughthe scriptures that J esus is the Christ .


Acts ofPaul at Ephesus. The disciples ofJ ohn the Baptist; the school ofTyrannus, miracles ; exorcists

,magical books ; the Jerusalem journey

undertaken; the sedition ofDemetrius against Paul and Alexander.


1And it came to pass, while Apo l lo s was in Corinth , Paul having

come through th e upper regions came down into Ephesus : and foundcertain discip le s? )

2and said to


them ,Have you received the Ho ly

Gho st , having bel ieved? And they said to h im , But we have no t

heard if the Ho ly Gho st is (given ) .

3And he said , Into what then

were you baptized? And they said,Into the baptism of John.

b 4And

Paul said, John baptized with the bap tism of repentance , saying untothe people, that they should be lieve on the one coming after him

,that is Jesus.

05And they

,having heard, were baptized into the name

°Matt . 2 7 . 24.“Ac ts 1 8 . 24 .

JHe th rewth e case out ofcourt .bAc ts 1 8 . 2 5 .

kt Cor. x. I .cAc ts 1 . 5 ; 1 1 . 1 6 ; 1 3 . 16.

182 A CTS XX.

to be considered for nough t , and they are about even to despise the

maj esty of her, whom all Asia and the world worships.

n ”And hear

ing and being fi l led with rage , they continued to cry out, saying,

Great is Diana of the Ephesians .

And the city was fi l led withcommo tion : and they rushed of o ne accord into the theatre , seizingGaius and Aristarchus , the Macedo nians, the companions of Paul .0”And Paul wishing to go in unto the people , the disciples suffered

him mo t ;D31and certain o nes o f the A siatic rulers, al so being friends

to him , having sent to him , continued to entreat him no t to givehimself up into the theatre.

”Then indeed they continued to cry out

some o ne thing, and some ano th er: for the churchq was co nfused;

and the mo st of them did no t know o n account o f what they hadcome togeth er.

”And some from the crowd fo rced in Alexander,

the Jews precipitating h im forward; and A lexander, becko ning withhis hand,

wished to apo logize to the people .

”But recognizing thathe is a Jew,

there was one vo ice from all crying out about two hours,Great is Diana of


the Ephe sians.

3 5And the city c lerk having ‘


m issed th e mul titudes, said, Ephe sian men,fo r what one of men is

there that do es no t know that the city o f the Ephe sians is a wo r

shiper o f the great godde ss Diana, and of the statue having fal lendown from Jupit er? ”

Therefo re these things b e ing unquest ionab le ,it is necessary that you become calm

,and do no thing rashly . 3 7For

you have led in the se men, who are neither ro bbers of temp les, no r

are they b laspheming your goddess.

”If indeed therefore Demetrius,

and the mechanics along with him , have a charge against any o ne ,

the courts are in se ssion, and there are lawyers : let ‘ them impleadone ano ther.

3”But if you are seeking“

something concerning o therthings, it shal l be se ttled in the lawful church .

40Fo r indeed we are

in .danger of pro secutio n fo r th e disturbance this day,there be ing

no cause co ncerning which we shal l be able to give a reason fo r thisuproar.

“And having said these things, he dismissed the church .


Paul and his companions in Macedonia and Greece. He restores life to

Eutychus at Troas. He bids adieu to the Ephesian elders at Miletus .


1After the uproar ceased, Paul , having sent for the discip le s and

exho rted them ,bidding them adieu,

departed to go into Macedonia.

2And having come through tho se regions , and exhorted them withmuch speaking, he came into Greece ;

3and having remained three

mo nths, a plo t rising against him from th e J ews, when ab out to sail"Ac ts 1 7 . 29 .

P2 Cor. 1 .

OR om . 1 6. 2 3 ; Acts 2 7 . 2 2 . QGr. ekkle S '

a, I t was th e Ch urch ofDiana .

ACTS XX . 183

fo r Syria, he was of a mind to re turn through Macedonia fi4And

Sopater the (son ) of Pyrrhus, the Berean,and Aristarchus, the Thessalonian, and Secundus and Gaius the Derbean,and Timothy ; and Tychicus

and Trophimus the Asiatics, accompanied him ;b 5

and these having gone

in advance , awaited us ‘ in Tro as ;6and we , after the days of unleaven

bread, sailed'

from Philippi, and came to them into Troas within five

days ; where we spent seven days.

7And on the first of the Sabbaths we being assembled to break bread ,

Paul spoke to them,being about to depart the fo l lowing day, and

co ntinued his discourse til l m idnight : 8and there were many lamps

in the upper ro om, where we were assembled.

9Paul speaking more

pro lix ly , there was a certain young man, Eutychus by name, sit ting in

the window,being borne down with deep sleep, complete ly . re laxed by

sleep, fel l down from the third story,and was taken up dead.


Paul,having come down

,fel l on him

, and taking him in his arms said ,Fear not ; for his soul is in him :

1 1and having come up, and broken the

bread, and eaten , and talking a long time , until daydawn,thus he de


1 2And they led up the . boy alive, and were comforted ex


13But we , having come in advance to the ship , embarked fo r Asso s ,thence being about to take up Paul fo r he had so commanded us,himse lf being about to go o n fo o t . And when he met us at Asso s,taking him up , we came to Mity lene . And thence having sailedaway o n the fo l lowing day we arrived o ppo site Chio s ; and o n the

fo l lowing day we touched at Samo s, and on the nex t day we came

into Mile tus.

16Fo r Paul decided to sail by Ephe sus, in o rder that itmight no t be nece ssary fo r him to spend the time in Asia : fo r he

was hastening,if it m ight be po ssib le for him to be in Jerusalem on

the day o f Penteco st .01 7And having sent from Miletus into Ephesus , he cal led fo r the

e lders of the church .

”And when they came to him

,he said to them ,

You know,that from - the first day from which I came unto Asia,

how I was with you all the time ,

1"serving the Lord with all humility


and tears, and temptations , which came upon m e through the plo tsof the J ews :d ”

how I omitted no thing o f tho se things which are

profitable , that I should n ot declare unto you and teach you publicl y andfrom house to house , 2 1

witnessing bo th to Jews, and to Greeks,repentancetoward God, and faith toward our Lo rd Jesus Christ . 22And now ,beho ld,

I go to Jerusalem bound in spirit , no t knowing the thingswhich shal l come upon me in it ze

”except that the Ho l y Gho st in

every city witne sses to me , saying that bo nds and tribulations awaitme . But I consider my life worthy of no consideration to

myself,so as to finish my course , and the ministry which I received from

the Lord J esus , to b ear testimony to the go spe l of the grace o f


f 25And now, b eho ld,

I know that you all, among whom I came

preaching the go spel of the kingdom ,shal l see my face no more.

“Ac ts 1 9 . 29 ; 2 7 . 2 cAc ts 1 9 . 2 1 .

bR om . 1 6.

- 2 1 - 2 3 ; Eph . 2 Tim . 4. 20 ; Ac ts dAC tS 1 9 . 1 0 ; 20 . 3 1 .

16. 8. °Ac ts 1 9. 2 1 . fActs 2 1 . 4- 1 1 .

1 84 ACTS XX].

Therefore I witness to you this day, that I am pure from the blo o dof all men ;


for I did no t shrink to dec lare unto you all the counse lof God g Take he ed to yourselve s , and all the flo ck, o ver whichthe Ho ly Gho st has placed you shepherds,

h to shepherdise the churcho f God, which He bought with His own blo od.

i ”I know, that after

my departure grievous wo lves wil l rise up against you,no t sparing

the flo ck ; ”and men from you yourse lves wil l rise up , speaking perverse things , in o rder to lead away discipl es after them .

3 1Watchtherefore ,

remembering, that three years night and day I ceased no t

admonishing you with tears .5 3 2

And now'

I commend you to‘


and the word of H is grace , who is ab le to edify you, and give you

an inheritance among all the sanctified I have no t sought thesilver, o r go ld, o r raiment o f any o ne ; you yourse lves know, thatthese hands did minister to my necessities, and tho se along with me.


3"’I have shown you all th ings, that it so beho oveth you labo ring - to

assist the weak, and to remember the wo rds o f the Lo rd J esus, thatHe said,

I t is more b lessed to give than to receive . And havingsaid the se things , put ting down his knee s along with them all, he


3 7And the weeping o f all was great , and fal ling . on the neck

ofPaul , they cont inued to kiss h im copiousl y , ”being especial ly grievedat the wo rd which he had spoken , that they were about to see his face

no mo re. And they accompanied h im to th e ship .


Paulgoes to Jerusalem. Philip and his daughters. Agabus dissuades him

from the journey. Paul‘

at Jerusalem, a council being called is in

structed by James. A tumult of the people ; intercession of Lysias

the Tribune.


1And when it came to pass, that we having b een farewe l led bythem, embarked, sailing straight fo rward, we arrived at Co s, and on

the fo l lowing day to Rhode s, and thence to Patara.

2And finding a

ship sailing into Phoenicia, having embarked , we mo ved out.


coming in sight of Cyprus, and leaving it o n the left , we sailed toSyria, and disembarked at Tyre : for there the ship was de liveringher cargo .

4And finding disciple s, we tarried there seven days : who

continued to say to Paul through th e Spirit , that he should no t go

to Jerusalem ? L5And when it came to pass that we re fitted during

tho se day s, having come out, we departed, all sending us fo rth , alongwith the women and children, out of the city : and putting downthe knees o n the sho re , having prayed,

6we farewe l led one ano ther,

and went up into the ship ; and they re turned to their own hom e s.

ir Pe t . 5 . 2 .

hActs 1 8 . 3 .“Acts 20. 23 .


Ac ts 19. 8 - 10.

186 ACTS XXI].

man, teaching all everywhere against the pe op le , and the law, and

this place , and he has even yet led Greeks into the temple , and polluted this ho ly place .

2"For they saw Trophimus the Ephesian in the

city with him , whom they suppo sed that Paul led into the temple .


”And the who le city was excited, and there was a commo tion of the

peop le : and taking Paul , they dragged him out of the temple ; and

immediate l y the do o rs were clo sed. And seeking to kil l him , the

report went up to the chiliarchm of the band,that all Jerusalem is in

commo tio n ; ”who immediately , taking so ldiers and centurions,

n ran

to them : and they , seeing the chiliarch and the so ldiers; ceased beating Paul . ”

Then the chiliarch , having come nigh , to ok Paul , and

commanded that he should be bound with two chains ; and was mak

ing inquiry who he might be , and what he had do ne .

3“‘And the y

continued to cry aloud in the mul titude , some one thing, and some

ano ther: and he , be ing unable to know the certainty o n account ofthe uproar, commanded that he sho uld be led into the cast le .


when he was o n the thresho ld,it happened that he was carried by

the so ldiers, o n account of the vio lence of the mob ;0”fo r the mul ti

tude of the people were fo l lowing, crying out, Take him_ away.p

3 7And

Paul , being about to be led into the cast le , says to the chiliarch , I sit lawful for me to say something to thee ? And he said , Do you

speak Greek ? q”Are you not that Egyptian who before these days rising

up and leading away into the desert four hundred men of daggers ?1‘ ”But

Paul said , I am indeed a Jewish man,

a Tarsean, a citizen of Cilicia,no mean city : but, I pray you, permit me to speak to the peo ple .

”And he permitting,Paul , standing o n the thresho ld, beckoned with

his hand to the peop le : and there being great silence , he spoke to

them in the Hebrew tongue , saying ° s



s defence ; narration of his conversion and commission to the Gen

tiles . Being interrupted he avoids the scourging by his profession ofRoman citiz enship. He s tands before the sanhedrim.


1Men,bre thren, and fathers, hear now my apo logy unto you.

2And hearing that h e was speaking to them in the Hebrew tongue ,they kept silent the more .

3And he says, I am Jewish man

, havingb een bo rn in Tarsus of Cilicia,having been brought up in this city ,

e ducated at the feet o f Gamalie l acco rding to the accuracy o f patristiclaw

,being a zealo t of God,

as you all are this day ;a 4who after this

lAc ts 2o . 4 .9Acts 5 . 36.

mA cap tain ofa thousand men ,a co lone l . ‘fArmed with sh ort swords .




25a h undred men .

8A c ts 1 2 . 1 7 .

PLuke 2 3 . 1 8.

“Ac ts 2 1 . 39 ; 5 . 34.

way persecuted unto death , binding and committing to prison b o thmen and women ;

b 5as the high priest also , and all th e e ldership,


nessed me : from whom having also received letters from the brethrenin Damascus, I was o n my way, being about to lead them al so hitherinto Jerusalem bound

,that they might be punished.

c6And it came

to pass,’

while I was j ourneying,and nigh unto Damascus, a great light,

about midday , suddenl y sho ne from heaven around me ;d 7

and I fe l lupon the ground, and heard a vo ice , saying to me , Saul , Saul , whypersecute st thou me ?



I re sponded, Who art thou, Lord? And

H e said to me , I am J esus the Nazarene , whom thou art persecuting.

9And tho se being along with me saw the light indeed, but heard not

the vo ice of the one speaking to me .

”And I said

,What shal l I do ,

Lo rd? And the Lord said to me , Rising up , go into Damascus ; and

there it'

shal l be told thee concerning all things which have beeno rdained fo r thee to do .

1 1And when I did not see on account of the

glory of that light , and being led by the hand by tho se j ourneyingwith me , I came into Damascus .

”And a certain Ananias, a man

godly according to the law, and o f go od repo rt b y all the Jews dwe l ling there , 9 1"‘having come to me , and standing o ver me , said, Bro therSaul , lo ok up . And I at that hour lo oked up unto him . ”And he

said, The God of our fathers hath cho sen thee to know His wil l , and

see the Just One , and hear the vo ice from His mouth ; 1 5because thoushal t be a witne ss fo r Him to all men of tho se . things which thouhast seen and heard . ”

And now why tarrie st thou ? arising, be baptiz ed, and wash away thy sins, cal ling o n His name .

1 7And it hap

pened unto me , having re turned into J erusalem , and while I was

praying in the temple , I was in an ecstasy;f 1”

and I saw Him speakingto m e ,

Hasten, and depart quickl y out of J erusalem , because theywil l no t receive thy testimony concerning me .

”And I said

, Lord ,they know that I was impriso ning and binding tho se be lieving o n

thee throughout the synago gue ; ”and when the b lo od of thy martyr

S t ephen was shed , I was standing by , and consenting, and keepingthe garments of tho se kil ling h im .

8‘ ”

And He said to me, Go : because

I wil l send thee far away to the Gentiles .

”And they co ntinued to


hear h im unt il this wo rd , and lift ed up their vo ice , saying, Take

away such a o ne from the earth : fo r it is no t appropriate fo r him to

live .

h ”And they crying out, and rending their garments, and throw

ing dust into the air,

2“the ch il iarch commanded that he should be

led into the cast le } saying that he should be te sted by scourges,j in

o rder that he might know o n account of what cause they co ntinuedto cry out against him .

25And when they were ex tending him to

the scourges , Paul said to the centurio n standing by , I s it lawful fo ryou to scourge a man who is a Roman

, and unco ndemned?k”And

the centurio n hearing,having come to the chiliarch , announced to

him , saying,What are you about to do ? for this man is a Roman.

aAc ts 7 . 5 8 ; 9 . 1 5 .

hAc ts 2 1 . 36 ; 2 5 . 24.

‘Castle Antonia,near th e temple .


Cowh ide wh ips with stee l po ints inserted.

kActs 1 6. 37 .

188 ACTS XXI I].

And the chiliarch , having come to him, said ; Te l l me,are you a

Roman ? And he said,Yes .

28And the chiliarch responded, With

a great sum obtained I this citizenship. And Paul said, “ But I was


born (a Roman citizen ) .

1 29Then immediately tho se about to

scourge him departed from him : and th e chiliarch al so feared , knowing that he was a Roman, and that he had bound him .


”And on the fo l lowing day, wishing to know the certainty as to

what he is accused o f by the Jews , he lo o sed him, and commandedthe chief priests and all the sanhedrin to come together, and leadingdown Paul

,he placed him in their midst .n


Panl rebukes the high pries t. Division of the Pharisees and addncees.

He is encouraged by a vision ; he is delivered from the conspiracy ofthe Jews

,having been led away to Caesarea. The letter ofLysias to




‘ Paul , looking the sanhedrim in the face, said, Men, brethren,

I have lived in all go od conscience befo re God unto this day.


the high priest Ananias commanded tho se standing near him to smitehim in the mouth . 3

Then Paul said to him, God is about to smite

thee , thou whitewashedéL wal l : indeed thou art sitting judging me ac

cording to the law, and do st thou command me to be smit ten con

trary to the law ?4And tho se standing by said , Do you revile the

high priest of God?b 5And Paul said, Brethren, I did not know that

he is the high priest ; for it is written,You shal l no t speak evil o f

the ruler of your peop le .

0 6And Paul knowing that o ne part of thembe longs to the Sadducees, and ano ther to the Pharise es , he cried out

in the council,

d Men, brethren,I am a Pharisee

,a son of the Pharisees :

concerning the hope and the re surrect ion of the dead I am judged.


7And he speaking this, there was a dissension of the Pharisees and

Sadduce es : and the mul t itude was divided.

8Fo r the Sadducees in

deed say that there is no resurrection,neither angel , nor spirit : but

the Pharisees confess both .

f 9And there was a great c lamor : and

certain o nes of' the scribes o n th e part o f the Pharisee s, rising up,

continued to strive, saying, We find no thing evil in this man : but

has a spirit or an ange l spoken to him ? 10And th e dissension being

great , the chiliarch fearing lest Paul may be to rn to pieces by them ,

commanded the army , having gone down, to take him from theirmidst , and lead him into the cast le . And o n the fo l lowing night , theLord standing o ver him , said , Take courage : fo r as thou hast testifiedto the things concerning me in J erusalem , so it beho oveth thee alsoto te stify to me in Rome } ;

lTarsus,Paul’ s nativity, was “Saints are wash ed wh ite ; hypo

a R oman fre e city. crites are wh itewash ed.

“Ac ts 2 1 . 33 .

bLev . 1 9 . 35 .

”Ac ts 23 . 28 .cEx . 2 2 . 28 .


from Cilicia, said , I wil l hear thee, when thy accusers may also be

present , having commanded that he should be kept in Hero d’s judgment hal l .


The arrival ofthe accusers. Tertyllus. The defence ofPaulbefore Felixand Drusilla.


1And after five days Ananias the high priest with certain e lders,

and a certain o rator Tertyllus, came down, who appeared before the

go verno r against Paula ”And be having been cal led,

Tertyllus beganto accuse him , saying,

3Receiving great peace through the e , and pro s

perity accruing to this nation through thy wisdom , we receive withall gratitude , bo th always, and everywhere , 0 mo st no ble Fe lix .


in o rder that I may no t weary you excessive ly , I exho rt you to,hear

us patient ly acco rding to your c lemency . 5Fo r having found this man

pe stilential , and stirring up seditions to all the J ews who are througho ut the wo rld , and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes : 6


al so endeavo red to po l lute the temple : whom we indeed arrested,b

8with whom you y ourse lf, having made inquiry , are able to know

co ncerning all these things of which we accuse him .

9And the Jews

were consenting, saying,Trul y these things are so .

10And Paul re

sponded, the governor beckoning to him to Speak ; Knowing you

to be a judge to this natio n from many years ,° I cheerful ly apo lo gizeas to the th ings co ncerning myse lf: 1 1

you being able to know, thatthere are no t mo re than twe lve day s to me since I came up to Jerusalem to worship.

d 12Neither did they find me in the temple dis

put ing with any o ne , or causing an excitement of the mul titude ,

neither in the synagogues, no r throughout the city ze 1”

neither are

they able to pro ve b efo re you the things which they are now accusing

me .

14But I confess this to you,that according to the way which

they cal l heresy , so worship I the God o f our fathers , be lieving all

things which have been written in the law and in the pro phets zf

1 5having hope towards God, which they themselve s‘also receive , that

there is go ing to be a resurrection,bo th of the just and unjust g

”In this I also ex ercise , to always have a conscience vo id o f o ffense

toward God and men.

1 7And after many years I came to do alms

and o fferings to my race ;h 1”

in which they found me having beenpurifi ed in the temple , no t with rabb le , nor with. an uproar ; and were

certain J ews from Asia}1S’wh om it beho o ve s to be pre sent befo re

me , and accuse me , if they should have anything against me . Or let

them te l l what injustice they found, while I was standing before the

sanhedrim) ”except concerning this one vo ice , which I cried out

dAc ts 2 1 . 1 5 ; 26 . 7 ; 2 2 . 30 . 0Ac ts 2 3 . 6.

0Ac ts 2 8 . 8 ; 28 . 1 7 .hAc ts 1 1 . 29 ; Gal.

fAc ts 9. 2 .‘Acts 2 1 . 26.

”Ac ts 2 3 . 6.

ACTS XXV. 19 1


standing in their midst , that co ncerning the resurrection of the dead

I am judged befo re you this day .k ”And Fe lix having learned more

thoroughly the things concerning the way, deferred them , saying,When Lysias the chiliarch may come down,

I wil l diagno se the thingsappertaining to you :

1 ”having commanded the centurion“

to keep him,

and let him have liberty , and pro hib it no o ne of his friends from

ministering unto him .

24And after certain day,

Fe lix with Drusil la h is wife ,being a


coming,sent for Paul

,and heard him concerning the faith

which is towards Christ Jesus.

”And he reasoning co ncerning right

e ousne ss and temperancem and th e coming judgment, Fe lix ,b eing

alarmed,responded , Go thy way for

' this time ; and having receivedan oppo rtunity , I wil l cal l for thee : at the same time also ' hopingthat money wil l be given to him by Paul ; therefo re indeed the mo re

frequent ly sending fo r him,h e conversed with him .

27But two yearshaving passed away Fe lix received Po rcius Fe s tus as his succe sso r:

and Fe lix , wishing to co nfer on the J ews a favo r, left Paul bound .


Paul before Festus, appeals to Caesar. Festus the proconsul consults king



1Then Festus having entered upon his office , after three days

went up from Caesarea to J erusalem ; 2and bo th the chief prie sts and

the first men of' the J ews appeared b efo re him against Paul , and co n

tinued to entreat him ,

a 3asking favo r against him ,

in order that hemight send him to J erusalem ,

making a p lo t to kil l him on the ro ad.


4Then indeed Festus responded , that Paul should be kept at Caesarea.

and h imself was ab out to go away quickl y : 5Then, says he

, Let the

influential ones amo ng you,com ing down, accuse him

,if there is

anything wrong in the man .

0 6And having tarried with them no t

more than eight o r ten days, having come down to Caesarea, on the fo l lowing day, sitting on the tribunal

,he commanded that Paul should be brought

forth . 7And he being present, the Jews having come down from Jerusalem

sto od around him, bringing against him charges many and heavy,which

they were not able to prove .

d 8And Paul apo logizing} ? that Neither against

the law of the Jews, nor against the temple , nor against Caesar, have I doneanything wrong.

f 9And Festus, wishing to confer a gratification on

the J ews, responding to Paul , said , Are you wil ling,having go ne up

to J erusalem , there to be judged by me concerning these things ?”And Paul said , I am standing at the tribunal of Caesar, where it be

ho oves me to be judged. To th e J ews I have done no thing wro ng,

kAc ts 2 3 . 6.dAc ts 24 . 5 .

lAc ts 2 3 . 2 6 .eMaking h is defence .

mPrac ticalh o line ss . fAc ts 24. 1 2 .

192 ACTS XX V.

as you indeed we l l know.g If therefo re I indeed am guil ty of un

righteousness, and have do ne anything wo rthy of death , I do no t

ask not to die : but if no thing of these things of which they accuse me

is true , no man is able to gratify them (by my death ) : I appeal untoCaesar.

13Then Festus, having spoken with the council , responded,h

Thou hast appealed unto Caesar; thou shal t go unt o Caesar.


1 3And some days having passed away , king Agrippa and B ernice

came down to Cae sarea, saluting Festus .

1 4And while they were spend

ing many days there,Fe stus expounded to the king the matters

appertaining to Paul, saying,

A certain man has been left a prisonerby Fe lis '

1"’concerning whom ,

I b eing in Jerusalem , the chief priestsand e lders o f the J ews appeared b efo re me , asking co ndemnationagainst him ;k 1“

to whom I respo nded, that it is no t the customs to

the R omans to slay any man gratuitousl y , b efo re that the accused mayhave his accusers face to face, and receive a place of defence concern

ing the charge .

1 1 7Then they , having come toge ther to this p lace ,making no de lay , immediate l y sit ting on the judgment - seat , I com

manded that the man should be led fo rth ;m 1”concerning whom his

accusers standing by , brought no evil charge o f tho se things whichI suppo sed:

n ”but they had certain questions against him concerningtheir own re ligion, and ab out a certain J esus, who is dead, whom Paul

was say ing that He is alive.

0 ”And I , being at a lo ss as to the question

concerning the se things, asked h im if he is wil ling to go to J erusalem ,

and there to be judged concerning the se things p”And Paul having

demanded that he should be kept for the diagno sis of Augustus, Idemanded that he should be kept until I shal l send him to Caesar.

And Agrippa said to Fe stus, I my se lf also would wish to hear the

man. He say s , To - m o rrow you shal l hear h im .q

Then o n the fo l lowing day,Agrippa and B ernice having come

with great pomp , and entering into the audito rium, along with the


r and chief men of the city , and, Festus commanding, Paul

was led fo rth . 24And Fe stus says, 0 king Agrippa, and all ye men

present with us, you see this man, co ncerning whom the who le mul t itude of the J ews is besieging me

,bo th at Jerusalem and here


out that it do e s no t beho o ve him to live any longer.

s ”But I dis

co vered that h e had done no thing wo rthy o f death } however he

himse lf appealing to Caesar, I decided to send him .

11 ”Concerning

whom I have'

no thing de finite to write to my lo rd ; therefo re I haveled him to you, and especial ly to thee , 0 king Agrippa, in o rder that ,there being an investigation,

I may have something which I shal lwrite ; 27

fo r it seems to m e to be unreasonab le , sending a prisoner,

and no t to signify charge s against him .

0Ac ts 2 6. 3 ; 2 3 . 29 .

pAc ts

c ts 9 . 1 5 .

TCaptain ofa th ousand,a co lone l .

8V 2, 3 , 7

tAe ts 2 2 . 2 2 .

“Ac ts 2 3 . 1 1,29 .

to the Gentiles, I was preaching that they should repent and turnto God, do ing things wo rthy of repentance .

”On account of these

things the J ews, taking me while in th e temple , endeavo red to kil lme .

f 22Then having received he lp from God, I have sto od unto this

day, witnessing bo th to smal l and great , saying no thing but what th eprophets


and Mo ses said were about to come to pass zg”how that

Christ must suffer, how b eing the first from the resurrectio n o f th e

dead,he is to pro claim ligh t bo th to the people , and the Gentiles.

And he making h is defence to these things , Festus says with a loudvo ice , O Paul , thou art beside thyse lf; many writings “turned thee intoinsanity . ”

But Paul says, I am no t a maniac ,mo st nobl e Fe stus ;

but I speak forth the words of truth and soberness .

2“For the king,

to whom I al so speak bo ldl y , knows concerning these things : fo r I

am persuaded that no thing o f the se things is hidden ; fo r this has

no t been do ne in a co rner.

27O king Agrippa, do st thou b e lieve the

prophets ? I know that thou be lievest them . And Agrippa said to

Paul , ‘W ith little persuasion thou do st persuade thy se lf to make me a


”And Paul said. I would to God

,that bo th in lit tle and

in much , no t o nl y yo u, but al so all of tho se hearing me this day, weresuch as I am , excep t th ese bo nds .

30And the king, and the go verno r,

and B ernice , and tho se sitting with them , aro se up :”and having gone

away , they were talking to o ne ano ther, saying,

that This man is

do ing no thing wo rthy o f death o r o f bonds h3"But Agrippa said to

Fe stus,This man was able to have b e en re leased, if he had no t ap

pealed to Caesar.


Roman navigation. The storm ; the fortitude ofPaul. Shipwreck at the

I sland llfelitafiL


1And when it was de termined that we should sail away into I tal y,

they commit ted b o th Paul and certain o ther prisoners to the centurio n,Jul ius by name , of the band ofAugustusb 2

And having embarked on

an Adramyt tium ship , ab out to sail to tho se place s along Asia, we

set sail ; Aristarchus, the Macedonian o f Thessalonica, being with us .


3And o n the fo l lowing day we disembarked at S idon ; and Julius, treating Paul kindl y , permit ted him having go ne to his friends to re

ceive their benefactio ns fl4And having embarked from thence , we

sailed under Cyprus, because the winds were co ntrary : and havingsailed through th e sea which is o ppo site Cilicia and Pamphylia, we

came down into Myra of Lycia.


And there the centurion havingfound an A lexandrian ship sailing into I taly ; transferred us into it.

7And sailing slowl y during many days, and were come with difficul tyfAc ts

aAc ts 24 . 1 4 .

”Ac ts 2 3 . 9- 29 ; 2 5 . 2 5 .

dA c ts 20 . 4 ; Col. 4. 10.

ACTS XX VI ]. 1 95

over against Cnidus, the wind no t favoring us, we sailed under Crete,

oppo site Salmone ;8and, with difficulty passing by it, we came into a

certain p lace cal led Fair Havens, near to which was the city Lasea.

9And much time passing away , and navigation being already unsafe ,

because the Fastf had already passed by , Paul exho rted them,


to them , Men, I perceive that this vo yage is go ing to be with periland much lo ss , no t only with the cargo and the ship , but also of our

lives .

1 1But the centurion trusted the pilo t and midshipman,

ratherthan the things spoken by Paul . “

And the harbo r being unsafe fo r

spending the winter, mo st of them pro j ected to the council to departthence, if perchance they might be able, having arrived into Phoenix ,

to spend the winter there ; a harbo r of Crete , lo oking toward the

southeast and the no rtheast . And the south wind b lowing,thinkingthey could achieve their purpo se, lifting up a sail , they went coasting

alo ng near Crete .

1“No t long afterward a typhonic wind , called

Euroaquilo ,g set in against her ; and the ship having been seized , and

being unable to resist the wind , having given away to‘

it , we were

borne alo ng.

”And running under a certain island cal led Clauda, we

were scarce l y able to get po ssession of th e boat : 1 7which , lifting up,they used he lps, under-

girding the ship ; and fearing lest they mightfal l into Syrtis, lowering the gear, they were thus carried alo ng.

”And we b eing to ssed vio lently by the sto rm ,

the y were making the

casting out,”and o n the third day with their own hands they threw

o verb o ard the tackling of the ship ;h ”

and neither sun no r stars ap

pearing fo r many days, and there b eing no smal l tempest on us,final ly all hope o f saving us was taken away . And there b eing muchfasting,

Paul standing in their midst , said, O men

,trul y it behooved

you o beying me , no t to depart from Crete , and incur this injury and

and lo ss.

”And now I exho rt you to take courage : for there wil l be

no lo ss of the l ife of you, except the ship .

”Fo r the ange l of God,whose I am

,and whom indeed I serve , stood by me this night} 2“


ing,Fear no t, Paul ; fo r it beho oveth thee to stand b efore Caesae


and, beho ld , God has given thee all tho se sailing along with thee .


”Therefo re cheer up , O men : for I b e lieve God, that it shal l be acco rd

ing to.

the manner which He has spoken to me .

”But it beho o ves us

to fal l upon a certain island } ”And when it was the fourteenth night .we being bo rne along in the Adriatic Sea,m about the middle of

the night the sailo rs surm ised that some country was coming to

them .

n ”And having sounded, they found it twenty fathoms ; and

mo ving o n a sho rt distance , and sounding again, they found it fifteenfathoms ;

”and fearing lest they may fal l out against rough places,

casting four ancho rs from the stern, they were praying that the day

should com e .

”And the sailo rs seeking to escape from the ship , and

lowering th e bo at into the sea, with a pre tex t as about to cast anchorsfAbout th e autumnal equinox

,wh en naviga iAc ts J


Ac ts 2 3 . 1 1 .

tion was generally given up till spring ,as kAc ts

th ey had ne i th er marm er’

s compass nor lAc ts 2 8 . 1 .

steam engine .mNow th e Mediterranean .

aTh e sto rm came from th e north east .

”Th ey were approach ing some country.

hDo ing everyth ing po ssible to ligh ten th e sh ip .

196 ACTS

from the prow, Paul said to the centurio n and the so ldiers, U nlessthese may remain in the ship, you are no t ab le to be saved .0 ”

Thenthe so ldiers cut the rope s away from the bo at , and let it fal l out.

33But until the day was about to come , Paul exho rted all to take fo od,saying,

Already this day you remain in a state of so licitude , the fourte enth day,

receiving no thing p”Therefo re I exho rt you to take fo od:

for this is fo r your safety zq fo r no t a hair of your head shal l perish .


3"’And having spoken these words, and taken bread,

' he gave thanksto God in the presence of all

,and breaking it

,began to eat.

”And all

becoming cheerful , themse lves also to ok food . ”And we were two

hundred and seventy—six souls in the ship .

s 38And having b een re

vived by the fo o d,they l ightened the ship ,

casting the wheat o verinto the sea t ”

And when it was day,they did no t recognize the land:

but disco vered a certain gulf having a sho re ,into which they de ter

mined,if po ssible , to thrust out the ship .

”And having kno cked off

the anchors,they left them in the sea

,at the same time lo o sing the bands

o f the rudde i s, and raising up the main sail to the b lowing win‘


made fo r the sho re .

”And having fal len into a place where two seas

met,they broke the ship , and indeed th e prow, s ticking fast, remained

mo tio nle ss, but the st ern was to rn o ff by the vio lence (o f the wind) .

”And the counse l of the so ldiers was that they should kil l the prison

ers , le st some o ne,having o utswum them

,might e scape :

”but :


centurion, wishing to save Paul,fo rbade them from their counse l ;

and commanded that tho se who were abl e to swim , having first thrownthemse lves o verbo ard , to go to the land; “

and the rest , some o n

planks, and o thers on some parts from the ship . And thus it came

to pass that all came safe to the land .


The wreckers among the M elitans. The viper shaken front the hand; the

sick are healed. The voyage to I taly. Two years at Rome.


1And having been saved , we recognized that the island is called

Melitafi’L2And the barbarians ex tended no smal l ph ilanthro py to us :

for,having kindled a fire, they received us all to it

, on account of therecent rain and co ld.

3And Paul having gathered up a certain bundle

of s t icks, and p laced it o n the fire , a viper, having “

come o ut from the

heat,fastened on his hand.

b 4But when the barbarians saw the beasthanging from his hand

,they said to o ne ano ther

, Sure l y this man

is a murderer, whom,having been saved from the sea, j ustice did

°Th ey ne eded th e sailors to manage th e sh ip .tI t was carrying wh eat from Egypt to R ome .

pConstantly expec ting to be drowned. v . 2 7 .

9 1 Sam . 1 4 .


45 .“Ac t5 '

2 7 . 26-

3fLuke 2 1 . 1 8 .

bTh o se reptile s are stil l th ere,as th ey to ldme

‘Soulin N . T . means person . wh en we visted th e plac e .

dispersed, Paul saying o ne word, that truly the Holy Gho st spokethrough the prophe t I saiah to your fath ers, saying,

k ”Go to this

peop le , and say, B y hearing ye shal l hear, and may no t understand ;and seeing you shal l see , and may no t perce ive :1 ”fo r the heart of thispeop le is waxed gro ss, and they heard with their ears heavil y , and

c lo sed their eyes ; lest they may see with their eyes, and hear withtheir ears, and understand with their heart , and turn, and I shal l healthem .

”Therefo re le t it be known unto you,

that this salvation o f

God is sent to the Gentile s, and they wil l hear.

m ”And he spent a

who le bienniumn in his own hired house , and received all tho se com

ing to him ,

”preaching th e kingdom of Go d, and teaching tho se things

concerning the Lo rd Je sus, with all' b o ldness, uninterruptedly .°

”Two years .

no . 1 2 . 40 .°Ac ts 1 3 . 1 6.

The Epistle ofPaul the Apostle to the



The gospel. Praise of the Roman Church and the desire ofseeing them.

Justification by faith. Bo th Gentiles and Jews exposed to the wrath



1Paul , a servanta of J esus Christ , cal led an apo stle , having beenseparated unto the go spe l o f God,

b 2which He pro c laimed befo re ;

hand through His prophets in the ho ly scriptures,c 3concerning his

S o n, having been b o rn o f th e se ed o f David acco rding to th e flesh ;d4having been o rdained the Son o f God with power, 9 acco rding to the

spirit o f ho l ine ss, from the resurrection of the dead, of J esus Christour Lo rd:

5 through whom we rece ived grace and apo stleship ,unto

obedience of faith among all the Gentiles,in behalf of his name zf

6among whom ye are also cal led of J esus Christ : 7

to all the be lovedof God who are in R ome , saints having be en cal led . Grace and peace

to you from God our Father and the Lo rd Jesus Christ8In the first place , indeed, I praise my God through Jesus Christ for

you all,because your faith is spoken of throughout the who le world.

”ForGod is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the go spe l of his Son,

how I unceasingly make mention of you always in my prayer ;g”praying,

if by any means I shal l be pro spered in the wil l of God to come to you.


1 1For I long to see you, in order that I may impart unto you a certain spir

itual grace , that you may be established ;i

' ”but this is the conso lation

among you through faith in o ne ano ther,bo th of you and me .


I do no t wish you to be igno rant , bre thren, that frequently I pur

posed to come to you,and was hindered hitherto ,

in order that Imay have some fruit amo ng you, as


we l l as al so amo ng o ther Gentiles.

j 1“I am debtor bo th to the Greeks, and to the barbarians ; bo th

to the wise , and the unwise :1”so to my utm o st ability , I am ready to

preach the go spe l to you who are in Rome al so .

”Fo r I am no t

ashamed of the go spe l : fo r it is the powerk of God unto salvation

dz Tim . 2 . 8 . J'

Rom . 1 5 . 29 .

9Gr. dynamite .

"Gr. dynamite ,

’I Cor. 1 . 2 ; 1 Th ess . 1 1

2oo R OMANS [l

to every o ne that be lieve th ; to the Jew first , and al so to the Greek .


1 7Fo r the righteousness of God is revealed in h im from faith to faith ’

as has been writ ten,But the just shal l live by faith m

”Fo r the wrath of God is revealed from. heaven against all un

go dliness and unrighteousne ss of men, who ho ld the truth in un

righteousne ss ; ”because that which is known o i God is manifest inthem ; for God has revealed it to them :

”fo r the invisible things o f

Him from the creatio n of the world are se en, be ing known by thethings which are made , even His e ternal power and divinity ; so thatthey are with out excuse : ”because , knowing God,

they did no t glo rifyH im as God, neither were they thankful ; but they b ecame vain in

their reaso nings, and their fo o lish heart was darkened.

”Saying thatthey were wise , they became fo o ls, ”

and changed the glory of the

invisible God into the similitude of the likeness of corruptible man ,

and of birds , and of quadrupeds, and of creeping things.

“ ”Therefore

God gave them up ,in the lusts of their hearts, to impurity , to dis

ho no r their bodies amo ng themse lves : ”who changed the truth o i God

into a lie, and wo rshiped and served the creature rather than the

Creato r, who is blessed fo r evermo re : amen.


”On account of this Go d gave them up to the lusts of dishonor:

fo r indeed th eir wom en changed the natural use to that which isagainst nature : likewise al so th e men

,having left the natural use

o f the woman, burned in their desire towards o ne ano ther; men withmen wo rking out disgrace , and receiving the reward of their erro r

amo ng th emse lve s wh ich it b eho o ved.

”And as they did no t appro ve

to have God in the ir knowledge , God gave them up to a repro batemind, to do tho se things which are inappropriate ; 2"be ing fi l led withall injustice , wickedness , vice co vetousness ; ful l of envy , murder, strife .

deceitfulne ss , evil affection ; whisperers , calumniato rs, haters o f God,

insul ters, proud, arrogant , practitioners o f evils , diso bedient to

parents ,“ ”co venant - breakers , inco ntinent , without natural affec tions ,

unmerciful , ”who ,

knowing the rightfulness o f God,that tho se who

do such things are wo rthy of death , no t only do the same , but theyeven de light in tho se who are do ing them .


The righteous judgment ofGod threatens. The Jews vainly glory in the

law and circumcision.


1Therefo re thou art inexcusable , O man, every one judging. Fo r

in whatso ever thou art judging ano ther, thou art co ndemning thyse lf;for thou judging art do ing the same things.

2Fo r we know that thejudgment ofGod acco rding to truth is against tho se do ing such things .

11 Cor. 1 . 2 4 : R om .

OR orn . 9 . 5 ; 2 Cor.

mHab. 2 . 4 ; Gal. 3 . 1 1 ;

9Heb. 10 . 38 ; Eph . 5 . 6. PI Cor. 6. 9 ; Eph . 5 . 3 ; 2 Tim . 3 . 2 .

”I Cor. 1 . 20 ; Jer.

202 R OMAN S


The words ofGod were committed to the Jews. The grace ofGod equally

saves all the guilty,through faith in Christ, the Redeemer. Faith does

no t disannul the law.


1Then what more be longs to the Jew, or .what is the pro fi t ofcircumcision ?

2Much every way. Fo r indeed , in the first place , theo racles of God were committed unto them .

3Fo r what if some did

no t be lieve ? whether wil l their unbe lief destro y the faith of,God?


could no t be so : but let God be true , and every man a liar; 3 as indeedit has been written

,In o rder that you may be justified in your wo rds ,

and shal l prevail , in your judgment b6But if our unrighteousness

commends th e righteousne ss o f God, what shal l we say? I s God

unj ust administering wrath PC I speak according to a man.


could no t be so : then how wil l God judge the wo rld ? 7And if the

truth of God through my falseho o d abounded unto His glory , whyam I stil l judged as a sinner? are we no t indeed thus traduced , and

as some say we speak, that , Let us do evil in o rder that go o d may

come ? who se condemnation is j ust a9Then what ? are we the better? By no means : for we have proven

already that bo th J ews and Greeks are all under sin ;e 10

as has beenwritten,

There is no one go od , not one : 1 1there is no onewho understands,there is no one who seeks out God ;f

12all have gone away

,they have all

together become unpro fitable ; there is no one who is do ing good, there isnot one.

g1 3Their throat is an open sepulchre with their tongues they have

used deceit ; the po ison of asps is under the ir lips.

1 4W' ho se mouth is

ful l of cursing and bitterness h1 5Who se fee t are swift to shed b lo o d :

1 6destruction and misery are in their ways : 1 7

and they have no t known

the way o f peace .

i 1”The fear of God is no t b efo re their eyes.


we know that so many things as the law speaks, it says to tho seunder the law : that every mouth may be stopped , and the who lewo rld may become guil ty b efo re God.

20Therefore no flesh shal l be

justified by wo rks o f law : fo r through law there is a perfect knowledge o f sins?

21And now the righteousness of God without law has been made

manifest , being witnessed by the law and the prophe ts ;k ”but the

righte ousne ss of God through faith of J esus Christ is unto all wh o

b e lieve : fo r there is no difference ,“

fo r all sinned, and become sho rtof the glory of God ;

1 2"‘being freely j ustified by his grace, throughthe redemp tio n which is in Christ Jesus : '

whom God sent forth an

expiation through faith and his blood, unto the manifestation . of

H is righteousness through th e rem ission of the sins which are

“Tit . 1 . 2 .eR om . 1 1 . 32 ; Gal. 3 . 2 2 .

s . 1 1 6 . 1 1 ; 5 1 . 6 . fPs . 1 4. 1 -

3 .

Rom . 6. 1 9 ; Gal. 3 . 1 5 . aPs . 5 . 10 ; 1 40 . 3 .

iRom 6, I :hlsa. 59 . 7 .


passed,m ”

in the forbearance of God ; unto the manifestation of his

righteousness at the present time so that he is j ust, and j ustifyinghim who is of the faith of J esus.

27Then where is boasting ? I t is excluded . B y what law ? ofworks ?

No ; but byl

the law of faith . For we conc lude that a man is justified by faith without works of law.

n 2"Whether is he the God of

the Jews only ? is He not also the God of the Gentiles ? Yea,also

of the Gentiles : ”trul y there is one God, who wil l j ustify the circum

cision by faith , and the uncircumcision through faith .0 ”Then do we

make vo id the law through faith ? I t could no t be so : but we establish the law.



Abraham himselfwas justified by faith. The grace ofGod toward Abra

ham no t yet circumcised.


1Then what shal l we say that Abraham, our father acco rding to

the flesh , has found? 2Fo r ifAbraham were justified by works, h e hasglorification ; but not before GrodfiL

3For what does the scripture say?

Abraham be lieved God, and it was imputed unto him fo r righteousne ss.

b 4But to him that wo rke th , the reward is no t reckoned acco rd

ing to grace , but acco rding to debt ; 5but to him that wo rketh no t,

but be lieveth o n Him who justifie s the ungodl y , his faith is reckoned

for righteousness.

6Indeed David also speaks of the blessedness of

the man, to whom God imputes righteousness without wo rks, c

7B lessed are they who se iniquities are fo rgiven, and who se sins are

co vered; 8ble ssed is the man of whom the Lo rd may no t impute sin.

9Then do es this blessedness come - o n the circumcision

, o r o n the um

circumcision ? fo r we say That faith was imputed to Abraham fo r

righteousnessd 10

Then how was it imput ed? to him,being in cir

cumcisio n o r uncircumcision ? No t in circumcision, but in uncircum

cision .

11And he received the sign of circumcisio n, and the seal o f

the righteousness of the faith which he had in uncircumcision : that heshould be the father of all who b e lieved, through uncircumcision ; and

righteousness should be imputed to them ;9 ”

and the father of cir

cum cisio n to them who no t o nl y are of the circumcision, but who

also walk in the steps of that .faith o f our father Abraham,which he

had in uncircumcisio n. Fo r the promise to Abraham o r his seed,that he should be the heir of the wo rld , was no t through the law, butthrough the righteousne ss of faith .

f 1 4Fo r if the heirs were by thelaw, faith has been made vo id, and the promise vitiated . 8' 15Fo r the

law wo rks out wrath : for where there is no law, there is no .transaGen . 1 5 . 6 ; Gal. 3 . 6 .

bJas . 2 . 2 3 .

0PS . 32 . 1 , 2 .

dR om . 4 . 3 .


gression. Therefore it is by faith , in o rder that it may be by grace ;that the promise may be sure t6 all the seed; no t o nly of the law,

but also of the faith ofAbraham ; .who is the father of us all,h 1 7

as it

has been written,That I have co nstituted

,thee the father “

of manynations, before God whom he be lieved, who quickens the dead“, and

cal ls things which are no t as real ly ex isting :i lswho against ho pe c on

fided in hope , that he should be th e iather o f niany natio ns , accordingto that which had been spoken, So shal l thy seed be .

J 19and being

no t weak in faith , he considered no t his b ody already dead, b eingabout a hundred years old

,and the deadness of Sarah ’s womb :k ”

but he

staggered no t at the promise of God through unb e lief; but was fi l ledup with dynamite through ,

faith,having given glory to _

God ;"

and beingful ly assured,

that whatsoever he has promised,he is able also to

perfo rm .

1 ”Therefo re d - imputed unto him fo r righteous


”And it was no accbunt o f him


alone , that it wasimputed to him ;

”but of us also , to whom it

is aboutto be imputed , who believe on him who raised up our Lord Jesusfrom the dead ; ”

who was de livered on account of our transgressmns,and raised for our justification.



Salvation ofthose who are justified by faith. Chris t bo th died for us and

lives for us. As death is through Adam,so is life through Christ.


”Therefo re having been just ified by faith , let us have peace towardGod through our Lord J esus Christ : 2through whom we also haveaccess by faith unto this grace inwhich we stand

,and let us rej o ice

in the hope of the glory of God ? »3And no t only so

, but let us alsorej o ice in tribulation ; knowing that tribulatio n wo rks out endurance ;


4and endurance, approval ; and approval , hope : 5

and hope makes not

ashamed ; because the divine love ofGod has been poured out in our heartsby the Ho l y Gho st who has been given unto us.

“For we being yetwithout strength , in due time Christ died fo r the ungo dly : 7

fo r scarce l ywil l one die for a righteous0 man ; for perhaps some one even dares

to die for a good man.

d 8And God? commends his love to us


cause , we be1ng yet s1nners , Christ di ed for us.


much mo re


'having now been j ustified by his b lood, shal l s iwe be saved fromwrath through him .

”For if being enemies we are reconciled to God

through the death of his Son ; how much "

more, being re conciled,shal l

we be saved through his life : ”but not only so

,but even rej o icing

aEph . 2 . 1 8 ; 3 . 1 2 ;'

1 Pe t . 5 . 1 2

bJas . 1 . 3 .0A pardoned sinner.

01A man wh o never sm ned.

206 R OMAN S VI ].

bel ieve that we wil l ? also live with h im ze9knowing that Christ having

risen from the dead dies no mo re ; death no longer has dom1n10n

over him .

”For the death that he died , he died unto sin once :

but the life that he lives, he lives unto God.

1 1

So you also thusreckon yourse lves dead unto sin, but alive unto God through JesusChrist . ”


no t sin therefo re reign in your mo rtal body , that yo ushould o bey the lusts o f it :

”neither pre sent your members arms of

iniquity unto sin ; but present yourse lves to God, a s alive from , thedead , and your members arms of righteousness unto Go d.

f 1“Fo rsin shal l no t have dominion o ver you : for you are no t under the


but under grace g

”What then ? can we commit sin,because we are not under the law,

but under grace ? it could no t be so .

1“Do you no t know,that to whom

you present yourse lve s servants unto o bedience , ye are servantsh to

whom you-


o b ey ; whe ther o f sin unto death , o r o bedience unto righteousness ? i

1 7But thanksJ be unto God, that whereas ye were servant so f sin, but you have o b eyed from the heart th e type o f teaching intowhich ye were de l ivered: but having been made free from sin, yebecame servants unto righ teousness .

k ”I speak after the manner of

a man on account of the weakness of your carnality . 1 Fo ye pre

sented your memb ers as servants unto impurity and lawlessnessmpursuant to lawlessness, so now pre sent your members servants untorigh t eousne ss pursuant to sanctification .

”Fo r when you were the

servants of sin, you were free from righte ousness .

21What fruit thenhad you at that time in tho se things in which you are now ashamed ?nfor the end of these things is death . ”But now having bee'

n made

free from sin, and having b ecome servants unto God, you have yourfruit unto sanctificatio n,

and the end e ternal life .

0 ”Fo r the wage s o f

sin is death ; but the free gift of God is e ternal life through Je susChrist our Lo rd.


Christ having died, we are freed from the law. The holy law became death

from the weakness ofmen. Depravity fighting against reason. Man

the servant ofsin.


1Whether are you ignorant, O brethren, for I speak to tho seknowing the law,

fo r the law hath dominion over a man for so long time

as he may live ? f=L2Fo r a woman who is under her husband has b een

given to her husband by the law so long as he lives ; but if th e hus

band may die, she is free from the - law o f the husband.

3Then if sh e


Gr. grace .mDepravity.

kr. Cor.”R om . 8 . 6 ; Ph il . 3 . 1 9 .

lGr. sa rks , th e carnal m ind ; no t sooma ,01 Pe t . 1 . 9 .

th e mortal body.

“1 Cor. 7 . 39 .


may be married to ano ther man,her husband stil l living, she wil l be

designated an adulteress i but if her husband may die , she is free from

the law ; and is no adul tere ss, though she is married to ano ther man .

4So ,

my brethren, ye are dead to the law through the bo dy of Christ ,that ye should be married to ano ther, to him who is risen from the

dead , in o rder that we may bring fo rth fruit unto God.

5Fo r whenWe were in carnality

, the emo tio ns o f sins, which were through thelaw, did wo rk in our members to bring forth fruit unto death . 6But

now we have been made'

free from the law,b eing dead in that in

which we were he ld; so that we serve in the newness of th e spirit ,and no t in the o ldne ss of the letter.


7Then what shal l we say ? I s th e law sin ? I t could n,

o t . be so ;

but I did no t know sin ex cept through the law : fo r indeed I had

no t known lusts, unless th e law said,Thou shal t no t c


c 8But

sin, taking o ccasion through the commandm ent, did wo rk in me all

concupiscence ; for without law sin was dead .d 9But I was alive at

o ne time without law :6 but the commandment having come , sin re

vived,”and I died; and the commandment , which was unto life , the

same was unto death . For sin,

f taking o ccasion through the com

mandment , deceived me , and through it slew me .

”So the law is

indeed ho ly, and th e commandment ho ly,and righte ous, and go od.

”Then did that which is go o d become death to me ? it could no t be

so : but sin, that it may appear sin,through th e go o d was wo rking

out death to me,in o rder that sin may be exceedingl y sinful through

the commandment . 1“Fo r we know that the law is spiritual : but Iam carnal , having been so ld under sin g

”Fo r that which I do ,I

know no t zh fo r I do that wh ich I do no t wil l ; but I do that whichI hate .

”But if I do that which I do no t wil l , I consent to the law

that it is beautiful ; i 1 7but now it is no mo re I that do it, but sin dwe l l

ing in me .J 1"For I know that in me , that is, in my carnal mind ,

there dwe lls no good thing. For to wil l is present with me, but to do

that which is beautiful is.

no t :”fo r the go o d which I wil l I do no t ;

but the evil which I do no t wil l , that I do .

k 2“If I do that which I

do no t wil l , it is no longer I that do it, but sin dwe l ling in me .


Then I find a law, that , to me wishing to do that which is b eautiful

,that the e vil is pre sent with me :

”fo r I de light in the law o f

God according to the inward man ;m ”

but I'

see ano ther law in mym embers, warring against the law o f my mind, and bringing me intocaptivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

n ”O wretched

man that I am ! who shal l de liver me from the bo dy0 of this death ?2”Thanks be unto God through Jesus Christ our Lo rdzp then therefo re with the mind I serve the law ofGod; but with carnality the lawof sin.

5 2 Cor. 3 . 6.

{Has th e beau ty ofh o line ss .

0Ex . 20 . 1 7 .

kR om . 4 . 1 5 .

dRom . 4. 1 5 ; Jno . 1 5 . 2 2 .

mTh e regenerated h uman spirit .

OWh en an infan t .

"Col. 4.

fOriginal sin .

OB0dy ofsin , old Adam .

aIn th e fall . P1 Cor. 1 5 . 5 7 .

hGal. 5 . 1 7 .



The law and the spirit ofChrist give life . All adversity, light to the sons

ofGod. Creation groaning. The spirit inditing our prayers. No thing

can separate us from Christ.

ROMANS VIII .1There is therefore now no co ndemnatio n to tho se who are in

Christ Jesus. /2For the law of the Spirit of life has made thee free

from the law of sin and of death . Fo r there was an impo tency of

the law,in which it was weak through depravity , God having sent

h is own Son in the likness of the sin of depr‘

avity and for sin,con

demned sin in depravity za 4in o rder that the righteousness o f the law

may be ful fi l led in us , who walk no t according to depravity,

b but

acco rding to the spirit . 5Fo r tho se being in harm ony with depravity ,do mind th e things of depravity , and tho se in harmony with the

Spirit , the things of the Spirit : “fo r the mind o f depravity is death ;

and the mind of th e Spirit is life and peace .

7Therefo re the'

mind of

depravity is enmity toward God: fo r it is no t sub o rdinated to the law

of God,fo r it is no t able so to be .

8But tho se being in depravity

are , no t able ‘

to p lease God.

9But ye are no t in depravity , but in the

Spirit , if indeed the Spirit of God dwe l ls in you.

0 But if any o ne has

no t the Spirit o f Christ , he is no ne o f His .

”But if Christ is in you,

the bo dy is dead so far as sin is concerned; but th e Spirit is life so

far as righteousness is concerned . 1 1But if the Spirit of Him who

raised up Jesus from the dead dwe l ls in you,the one having raised

Christ J esus from the dead wil l al so create life in your mortal b odiesthrough His Spirit , who dwe l l s in you.

(1 ”Then therefo re ,

bre thren,

we are debto rs , no t to depravity , to l ive acco rding to depravity . Fo rifyou live acco rding to depravity , you are


ab out to die : but if throughthe Spirit you kil l the practices

e of the body , yo u shal l live .

f ”Forso many as are led by the Spirit o f God, the se are the so ns o f God.

”Fo r you did no t receive th e spirit of b ondage again unt o fear ; but

you received the Spirit of adoptio n, in which we cry; Father, Father.g

The Spirit Himse lf witnesse s along with our spirit , that we are the

children of God.

1 7And if children,indeed heirs ; trul y heirs o f God,

and j o int heirs with Christ ; if we suffer together, in “

order that wemay also be glo rified together h

Fo r I recko n that the sufferings of these present times are no t

worthy to be compared to the glo ry which is ab out to be revealedin us.

”Fo r the earnest expectation of the creature awaits the reve lationi of the sons of Go d.

”Fo r the creature has been subo rdinated“Ph il . 2 . 7 .

eEvilhabits .

bGr. sarks , depravity, carnality, th e carnal fGal. 5 . 1 8 ; 2 . T im . 1 . 7 .

mind,fallen nature , and no t mortal fl e sh . 9Gal. 4 . 6 .

PI 3 . 1 6 .

hGal. 4 . 7 .

531 Cor. 6 . 14 ; 2 Cor. 4. 14.


210 ROMANS 1X.


Grief concerning I srael. The promises ofGod stand. True posterity ofAbraham. The free grace ofGod. Pharaoh . The vessel ofthe potter.

Prophecies to the elect ofGod and I srael.


1I s peak the truth in Christ , I lie no t, my conscience bearing me

witness in the Ho l y Gho st; 1 2that there is great so rrow to me and

incessant grief to my heart . 3Fo r I would pray , that I my se lf mightbe an offering

b from Christ ; in behalf of my brethren,my kindred ac

co rding to the flesh : 4who are I sraelites, of whom is the adoption o f

sons, and the glo ry , and the co venants, and the giving of the law,

and th e service , and the prom ise s ;5o i whom are the fathers, and of

whom is Christ acco rding to the fle sh . Who is o ver all, God b lessedfo rever: amen .

“But no t as that the wo rd has .been a failure .

0 Fo rthese are no t all I srae l who are of I srael;d

7neither are the children

all the seed of Abraham ; but in I saac shal l thy seed be cal led ;e 8thatis the children o f the flesh the same are no t the children of God;

but the children of the promise are counted for the seed . 9Fo r thisis the wo rd o f the prom ise ,

f About this time I will come ,and there

shal l be a son to Sarah g No t o nl y so ; but R eb ecca also havingco habitation of one , our father I saac ;h

1 1fo r the children no t havingbeen bo rn,

neither having done any thing go od o r evil,in o rder that

the purpo se o f God m ight stand according to e lectioni no t of wo rks,

but of him that cal leth , ”and it was said to her

,The e lder shal l serve

the younger: ”as has been writ ten, Jaco b have I lo ved, but Esauhave I hated.

J ”Then what shal l we say

? I s there unrighte ousnesswith God? I t could not be so . For he says to Mo ses

,I wil l have

mercy o n whom I do have m ercy , and I wil l commiserate whom I

do commiserate k”Then it is no t of him that wil le th , no r h im that

runne th , but of God who shows m ercy . 1 7Fo r the scripture says to

Pharao h , Fo r this very thing have I raised you up , that I may showforth my power in you,

and that my name may be pro claimed in all

the earth . 1 ”Then therefo re he has mercy on whom he wil l , and

whom he wil l he hardens.

m Then thou wilt say to me,Why does

he yet"

find fault ? For who has resisted his wil l ? ”0 man

, who

art thou that repliest against God?n Whether shal l the thing fo rmed

say to him that formed it. Why did youomake me thus ? 21

Has not

the po tter the right of the c lay , from the same lump to make o ne

0 1 Tim . 2 . 7 .

iElec tion of th e divine progenitorsh ip ,wh ich

bA S in—offering .was unconditional, and no t th e e lec tion of

cR om ._1 . 2 5 . grace , W t l’l must be re ciprocated by th e

dOne that prevails with '

God. 1 ee 1p1ent .

eGen . 2 1 . 1 2 ; H eb. 1 1 . 1 8 .

°Gen . 2 5 . 2 3 ; Mal. 1 . 2 , 3 .

fGal. 4 . 2 8 .

kEx . 33 . 1 9 .

oGen . 1 8 . 10 .

lEx . 9 . 1 6.

hGen . 2 5 . 2 1 .

mEx . 7 . 3 .

”I sa . 2 9 . 1 6 ; 45 . 9 .

R OMAN S X 2 1 1

part a vesse l unto hono r,0 and ano ther unto dishono r? ”But if God,

wishing to show forth his indignation and make his power known,

endured with much longsuffering th e vesse ls o f indignation havingbeen perfected unto destruction :2and in o rder that he might make

known the riches of his glory on the vesse ls of mercy , which he

before prepared unto glory ? ”whom he cal led, even us

,not onl y of

the Jews, but also of the Gentiles : as he says in Ho sea,P I wil l cal l

th em my peop le , who are no t my peop le ; and her be lo ved, who is no t

be loved: and it shal l come to pass,' in th e place in which it was

said to them ,You are no t my peo p le , there they shal l be cal led the

sons of the living Godzq2Tbut I saiah cries out in behalf

_of I srae l ,

Though the numb er of sons of I srae l may’

be as the sand of_

the sea,

a remnant shal l be saved.

r ”For perfec ting the word and“

cutting it

short, wil l the Lord do ’

a complete work on the earth :S”and as I saiah

has before spoken ; Unless the Lord of Sabao th left to us a seed , wewould have become as Sodom , and would have been made like untoGomo rrah :

”Then what shal l we say? That the Gentiles, no t pursuing right

eousness, received righteousness, and the righteousness which is from

faith : 3 1but I srae l , fo l lowing after the law, did not attain unto the law of

righteousness .

”VVhy ? B ecause they sought it not from faith , but as it

were from works : they stumbled over the stone of stumbling, ”as has

been written,Beho ld , I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock o f

offence : and he that be lieveth on him shal l not be ashamed }


The Jews abnegating faith in Chris t. All are saved by true faith . Proph

ecies concerning the Jews and the Gentiles.


1Brethren, indeed the desire of my heart and my prayer to God

in the ir behalf, is fo r their salvatio n.

2Fo r I test ify to them , that theyhave a zeal of God,but no t acco rding to perfect knowledge ; 3

fo r

b eing ignorant .of God

s righteousness , and seeking to establish theirown righ t eousne ss , they have no t submit ted to the righ te ousness of

God fl4Fo r Christ is the end o f the law unto righte ousne ss to every

o ne who be lieves .

5Fo r Mo se s describes the righteousness whichis o f the law,

that the man having done this shal l live in it.

h 6But

th e righteousness of faith speaks thus , Say no t in thy heart,Who

shal l ascend up into heaven ? that is, to bring Christ down :07or,

Who shal l descend into the abyss ? that is, to bring him up from

the dead.

d 8But what says it ? The wo rd is nigh thee, in thy mouth ,aPh i1. 3 . 9 .

bLev . 1 8 . 5 .

‘Deut . 30 . 1 1 - 1 4.

dAn allusion to His de scension into Hades .

$15 21 . 8 . 14 ; 10 . 1 1 ; 2 8 . I 6.

2 1 2 R OMAN S X I .

and in thy heart : that is, the wo rd of faith , which we preach .


if you may confess with your mouth the Lo rd J esus, and may be lievewith your heart _ that God raised him from the dead, you shal l besaved: ”

for with the heart it is be lieved unto righteousness ; and

with the mouth it is confessed unto salvation.

1 1For the scripturesays, Every one believing on him shal l not be, ashamed.

6”For there

is no difference between Jew and Greek : for the same is Lord of

all, rich unto all that cal l on h im .

f ”For every one wh o may callo n the name of the Lo rd shal l be saved g

”Then how can they cal l

on him on whom they have not believed? and how can they bel ieveon him of whom they have not heard? and how shal l they hear without a preacher? ”

And how can they preach , unl e ss they may be sentfo rth ? as has been written, How beautiful are the feet o f tho se , '


preach the go spe l ofgo od things !h”But they have no t all heard the go spe l . Fo r I saiah says, Lo rd;

who has be lieved o ur repo rt ? i ”Then faith come s by hearing, and

hearing by the wo rd of Christ .5 But I say,Have they no t all heard?

Yea, trul y , Their sound has go ne out in to all the earth , and theirwords unto the ends of the wo rld.

k ”But I say, Whether do es no t

I srae l know ? Mo se s first say s, I wil l provoke you toi

jealousy withthat which is no natio n, and with a natio n vo id of unders tanding I

wil l anger you.

1 ”But I saiah is bo ld , and say s, I was found by ,

th o se

no t seeking after me ; and made manife st to tho se no t inquiring afterme .

m ”But to I srae l he says , All day lo ng have I reached fo rth myhands to a gainsaying and diso bedient people .


A part ofthe Jews elected, a part rejected. The unbelief of the Jews becomes the salvation of the Gentiles. S alvation awaits even all Israel.

ROMANS XI .1Then I say,

Did God cast away his pe0p1e ? it could no t be sofaL

For I am indeed an I srae lite , o f the seed of Abraham , of the tribe of


2God did no t cast away his people whom he foreknew.

Do you not know what the scripture says in Elij ah , how he makes

intercession to God against I srae l ? 3

Lo rd, they have slain thyprophets, they have digged down thine al tars : and I

am ' left alo ne ,

and they are seeking my life .

b 4But what say s the answer to - him ?

I have left unto my se lf seven thousand men, who have no t bowed the

knee to Baal . ‘3 t"Thus then there is even at this time a remnant left

according to the e lection of grace :6and if by grace, it is not at all by

works : since in that case grace is no mo re graced 7What then ?

eR om . 9 . 33 ; I sa. 2 8 . 1 6.“1 Lam . 2 1 . 2 2 .

0m. 3 . 2 2 .61 Kings 1 9 . 1 0 .

qo el 2 . 32 ; Acts 2 . 2 1 .

°Th e sun god. 1 Kings 1 9 . 1 8 .

h sa. 5 2 . 7 .dSalvation entire ly ofgrace .

‘I sa. 5 3 . 1 .

2 14 ROM/INS X 1I .

themse lves may now also '

o btain mercy . For God has shut up all

in unbe lief, in order that he may have mercy on all.0330 the depth

of the riches of the wisdom of the knowledge o f God! His judgmentsare unsearchable, and his ways past tracing out p

3 4For who has

known the mind of the Lord ? who became his counsel lor? asor who

has given unto him, and it shal l be recompensed unto him again ?


Because of Him, and through ‘ h im, and unto him , are all thingsto him be glory forever : amen.



Holy living and rightly using the gifts ofgrace. S tudying love, modesty


ROMANS XII.1I exho rt you, therefore , bre thren, by the mercies of God, that

you present your b odies a living sacrifice ,ho ly , acceptab le unto God,

your reasonable service : 2and be no t fashio ned after this wo rld : but

be ye transfo rmed by the renewing o f your mind , that you may pro veWhat is the go od and acceptable and perfect wil l of God fi'

3Fo r I

speak,through the grace which has been given unto me , for every

one who is among you,not to think o f himse lf mo re highly than he

ought to think ; but to think so berly , as God has imparted to each o ne

the measure of faith . 4Fo r we indeed have many members in o ne

body , but all the members have no t the same office zb5so we , being

many , are o ne body in Christ , and members one o f ano ther.

° 6But

having gifts differing acco rding to the grace given unto us,

d whetherprophecy , '

it is according to the analo gy of faith ; 7o r m inistry , it is

in the ministry ; o r he that teacheth , in teaching ; 8o r he that exhorteth ,

in exho rtation ; o r he that give th , with a single eye ; he that presideth ,

with diligence ; he that showeth mercy , with cheerfulness .


Let lo ve be fre e from hypo crisy . Abhorring the evil, cleaving

to the go od:10kindl y affectio nate o ne to ano ther with bro therly lo ve ;

in hono r preferring one ano ther ; 1 1not S lo thful in business ; bo iling

o ver in spirit ; serving the Lo rd; 612rej o icing in hope ; patient in tribulatio n ; cont inuing steadfastly in prayer;

f 1 3communicating to nece ssities

of the saints ; pursuing ho spitality.

14B less them that persecute you ;bless . and sco ld no t.

1 5Rej o ice with them that rej o ice ; weep withthem that weep .

16Have the same m ind toward one ano ther, no t

thinking high things, but condescending to the humble .

h Be no t

Wise in your own co nceits .

1 7Re turning to no one evil for evil ; pro

viding things beautifuli in the sight of all men.

I sIf po ssible , so far

as it is within your power, living in peace with all men ;19avenging

OGaI. 3 . 22 .

02 Cor. 1 2 . 1 2 ; Eph . 4. 2 5 .

? I sa . 40 . 1 3 ; I Cor. 2 . 1 6.

dEph . 4. 1 1 .

QJob 41 . 1 1 .

eR om . 1 4 . 1 8 .

7 1 Cor. 8 . 6 ; Col. 1 . 1 6 ; R om . 1 6. 2 7 . fCol. 4 . 1,2 .

aMatt . 5 . 44.

“Eph . 5 . I O .

kR om . 1 5 . 5 .

bx Cor. 1 2 , 1 2 ,

iTh e beauty ofh oliness . 2 Cor. 8 . 2 1 Prov . 3 . 4.

R OM/INS X I I I . 2 15

no t yourse lves, be lo ved , but give place to wrath ;J'

for it has been written, Vengeance be lo ngs to me ; I wil l repay , says the Lord .k “But if

your enemy is hungry , feed him ; if he is thirsty , give him drink : fordo ing this you wil l heap coals of fire upon his head) 21Be not overcome by the evil, but o vercome the evil with the good.


Obeying magistrates ; lovingly distributing his own to each one ; watchful


ROMANS XIII.1Let every soul be subj ect to the higher authorities fi For there is

no autho rity exce pt that which is from God; and the existing authorities have been o rdained of Go d .b 2

S o the one resisting the autho rity, antagonizes the o rdinance o f God: and tho se antagonizing shal lreceive to themse lve s judgment . 3Fo r rulers are no t a terro r to the

go od wo rk, but to the evil . Whe ther do you no t wish to fear the

autho rity ? do the go od, and you shal l have praise from it :4fo r he is the

minister ofGod fo r you fo r go od. But ifyou do evil , fear; fo r he bearsno t the swo rd in vain : fo r he is the minister o f God, executing judgment unto wrath unto the o ne do ing evil . 5

Therefore it is necessaryto submit no t onl y on account of wrath , but also o n account of con

science . Fo r o n account of this al so pay tribute ; fo r they are the

ministers of God, attending to this very thing.

7Give to all their due s :

custom to whom custom is due ; tribute to whom tribute is due ; fearto whom fear is due ; ho no r to whom hono r is due .

0 t’

Owe no man

anything,but to lo ve o ne ano ther with divine lo ve : fo r the o ne lo ving

ano ther with divine love has fulfi l led the law.

d 9Fo r,thou shal t no t

commit adul tery , thou shal t no t murder, thou shal t no t steal , thoushal t not covet , and if there is any o ther commandment

,it is fulfi l led

in this word , in this, Thou shal t love thy neighbo r as thyse lf withdivine lo ve .

10Divine lo ve wo rks no evil to its neighbo r: fo r divinelove is the fulfi l ling of the law.

9 1 1And recognizing this time , that it is

already the hour we should wake out of sleep : for now our salvationf

is nearer than when we believed g1 2Fo r the night is far spent , and the

day is at hand. Therefore let us lay aside the works of the darkness,

and let us put on the arms of the light . 1 ‘l’

Let us walk circumspect ly ,as in the day ; no t with reve lries and drunkenne ss, no t with debaucheriesand impurit ies, not in strife and envy : 14

but put ye on the Lord JesusChrist , and make no pro vision for the lust of the flesh .J’

Th e wrath ofyour enemy.

CMatt. 2 2 . 2 7 .

kDeut . 32 . 35 ; H eb. I O . 30 .ZProv . 2 5 . 2 1 .

dEx . 20 . I 3 ; Lev . 1 9 . 1 8 ; Gal. 5 . 14 ; Jas . 2 . 8 .

6 1 Cor. 1 3 . 4.

0 1 Pe t 2 . 1 fGlorificatio n .

“Permissive ly, at least , 9; Thess . 5 . 6 ; Eph . 5 . n R om . 1 5 . 14.

2 16 ROM/IN S X I V.


Concerning the use ofedibles and days . We are to spare the weak. Offence in the use of edibles and days is to be avoided. Not to judge

rashly. Conscience is to be followed.


1But receive to yourse lves him who is weak in faith , no t into dis

putations of doubtful matters a 2

One indeed be lieves he is to eat all

things : ano ther who is weak, vege tab les .


Let no t _the one eating snub

the one no t eating. Let not the one not eating j udge the one eating ; forGod received him .

b 4

VVho art thou judging ano ther man’

s servant ?to his own master he stands o r fal ls : but he shal l stand ; for God is

able to make him stand.

c 5Fo r o ne indeed judge s a day above a day:

ano ther judges every day (alike ) ; let each o ne be ful ly persuaded inhis own mind.

6The o ne regarding the day,

regards it to the Lo rd: the

one eating, eats to the Lo rd, fo r he gives thanks to God; and the o ne

no t eating, eats no t to the Lo rd, and gives thanks to God.

7Fo r no

o ne o f us lives to himse lf, and no o ne die s to himse lf: 8fo r if indeed

we live , we live to the Lord ; and ifwe die , we die to the Lo rd. Thenindeed if we live , and if we die , we are the Lo rd

s .

9Fo r unto thisChrist died, and lives, in o rder that He may be Lo rd of the dead and

o f the living.

(1 10But why do you judge your neighbor, or indeed why

do you discount your bro ther? fo r we shal l all stand befo re the judgment—seat ~ of God.

9 1 1For it has been written ; As I live,

says the

Lord, every knee shal l bow to me, and every tongue shal l confess to


f 12Then therefore each one of us shal l give an account to God

for himselfg1 3Then let us no lo nger judge o ne ano ther: but rather judge this,

no t to p lace before a bro ther an o ffence fo r a stumblingblo ck . I know,

and am persuaded in the Lo rd J esus, that there is no thing unclean of

itse lf: except to him who considers it unc lean, to him it is unclean h

1 5But if your bro ther is grieved o n account o f your meat , you are no

longer walking in divine love Do not by your meat destro y him for

whom Christ died.

i 1 6

Let no t y our go o d be b lasphemed -1° ”Fo r the

kingdom of God is no t meat and drink, but righteousness and peace

and joy in the Ho l y Gho st ..

“Fo r in this the o ne serving Christ isacceptab le to God, and appro ved unto men. Then therefore we pursuethe things b e longing to peace , and edification towards o ne ano ther.

20Do not destroy the work of God on account of meat. All things are

pure ; but it is evil to the man who eats with offence :kz 1it is go od

neither to eat flesh , nor to drink wine, nor any thing by which yourbro ther stumbles l22The faith which you have , have it with yourse lf

befo re God. Happy is the o ne no t judging himse lf in that which heappro ves : but if he may eat doubting,

he has b een co ndemned, be

cause it is not of faith ; but every thing which is not of faith is sin.

“R om . 1 5 . 1 -

7 .eR om . 1 4. 4 ; 2 Cor. 5 . 1 0 .

it Cor. 8 . 1 1 .

bR om . 1 5 . 7 . fI sa . 45 . 2 3 ; Phil . 2 . 10 .ft Cor. 8 . I 6.

cJas . 4 . 1 2 ; Rom . 2 . 23 .aMatt . 1 2 . 36 .

kT i t . I . 1 5 .

42 Cor. 5 . 1 5 ; I Thess . 4. 14.”Rom. 14. 20.

‘I Cor. 8 . 1 3 .

2 18 R OM /INS X V].

shal l see concerning him,and they who have not heard shal l under


22Therefo re indeed I was hindered much from coming unto you

23but now,

no longer having a p lace in the se regions,J'

and having an

earnest longing fo r many years to come to you,k 24

as I may j ourneyinto Spain,

for I hope traveling through to see you,and by you to be

sent fo rth thither, if in the first p lace I may be satisfied with yourcompany1— 25

but now I j o urney to Jerusalem,ministering to the saints m

26ForMacedonia and Achaia were p leased to make a certain contributionto the po o r who are in J erusalem .

n 27Fo r they were p leased to do

so ; and they are their debto rs : for if the Gentile s participated in spiritual things, they owe it to them also to minister unto them in carnalthings.

225Then having comp le ted and sealed this fruit unto them ,

I wil lsail away fo r Spain by you ; 29

but I know that coming unto you, I wil lcome in . the ful lne ss o f the b le ssing of Christ . 30But I exho rt you,brethren, through our Lo rd Je sus Christ , and through the lo ve of the

Spirit , that you co - operate with me in your prayers to God in mybehalf;0 alin o rder that I may be de livered from tho se in Judea who do

no t be lieve , and my ministry may be acceptable to the saints in J erusalem ; 3 2

in o rder that having com e to you in joy through the wil l ofGod, and toge ther with you find re st . 3 3Now the God of peace be withyou all. Amen.


Phcebe is commended. Various salutations . Dissensions are to be avoided.


ROMANS XVI.1I commend unto you our sister Phoebe , being a minister of the church

which is in Canchrea,

2in order that you may receive her in the Lord,

worthily of the saints, and that ye may assist her in whatsoever mattersshe may need you" : for she has been a he lper ofmany , and myse lf.


SalutePrisca and Aquila my fel low- laborers in Christ Jesus ? »

4who laid down

their neck for my life ; and for whom not I alone but all the churches of

the Gentiles give thanks ;b 5and the church in their house . Salute Epaenetus

my be loved, who is the first fruit ofAsia unto Christ. G

Salute Mary,who

labored much for you.

7Salute Andronicus and Junias

,my kinsman and

my fel low so ldiers, who are ce lebrated among the apo stles, who were alsoin Christ before me .


Salute Ampliatus my beloved in the Lord . 9

SaluteU rbanus our fe l low worker in Christ, and Stachys my beloved. SaluteApe l les the reproved in Christ . Salute those of the househo ld of Aristobulus.


Salute Herodian my kinsman . Salute tho se from the househo ldof Narcissus, who are in the Lord . 12

Salute Tryphaena and Trypho sa,who

are laboring in the Lord . Salute the beloved Persis;c who “ labored muchin the Lord . 1 3

Salute Rufusd the e lect in the Lord , and his mo ther and

.iHe h ad already evange l iz ed th em .“Ac ts

hAc ts 2 8 .

bActs 1 9 . 26 ; 1 Cor. 1 4. 1 9.

M Ac ts f-‘W omen .

'fl rCor, 16_;I 2 Cor. 8 . 9 .

oPhil. 2 . LdMark 1 5 . 2 1 ,

R OMANS X V]. 2 19

mine . Salute Asyncritus,Phlegon,

Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas,and the

brethren along with them .

1 5

Salute Philo logus and Julius,N ereus and his

sister, and O lympas, and all the saints who were with them fi 16Salute

one ano ther with a ho ly kiss. All the churches of Christ salute you.

1 7But I exhort you,brethren, to mark tho se who cause divisions

and stumblings, - contrary to the teaching which you have learned , and

depart from them .

”For such do not serve our Lord Christ , but theirown stomach ; and through fair speeches and eulogies deceive the heartsof the innocent f

1 9For your obedience has come abroad unto all men:

therefore I rej o ice over you, and wish you to be wise_

in that which isgood, and uncompromising towards that which is evil . 20

The God of peacewil l speedily crush Satan beneath your feet . The grace of our Lord Jesusbe with '


21Timo thy my fellowllaborer salutes you ; and Lucius and

Jason and So sipater, my consanguinity , salute you.8

”I Tertius, the

one writing the epist le , Saltite '

you in the Lo rd . ”Gaius my host , and

that of the who le church salutes you.

b Erastus the steward of the city,and bro ther Quartus, salute you.

”To Him who is able to establish you according to my gospe l and the

preaching of Jesus Christ} according to the revelation of the mysteryhaving been hidden during the eternal times


26but having now indeed

been made manifest, through the prophetical scriptures, and having beenmade known to all the Gentiles, according to the commandment of theeternal God, unto the obedience of faith ; 27

to God who alone is wise,through Jesus Christ , to the glory unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

6 1 Cor. 1 6 . 2o ; 2 Cor. 1 1 . 1 2 ; 1 Th ess. 5 . 26 ; yAc ts 1 3 . 1 ; 1 7 . 5 ; 20 . 4.

1 Pe t . 4 . 14 . llAc ts 1 9 . 32 ; I Cor. I . I 4 ; 2 Tim .

fPhil. 3 . 19 . { Jude 24 ; Eph . 3 . 20.

The First Epistle of Paul the ApostleTO THE



Salutation. The return of thanks for the faith of the Corinthians. Fac

tions are to be abnegated. S alvation received through Christ is no t

dependent on human wisdom or art.


,cal led an apostle of Jesus Christ through the wil l of God ,a and

bro ther Sosthenes,‘O 2

to the church of God being in Corinth , to the sanctified in Christ Jesus, to the cal led saints, along with all who cal l upon the

name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place, theirs and ours :3


to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ .04I give thanks to my God always in your behalf

,for the grace of

God given unto you in Christ Jesus ; because in everything you are en

riched in him,in all speech and in all knowledge ; 6

as the testimony of

Christ is confirmed in you ;d 7

so that you are deficient in no spiritual gift ;awaiting the reve lat ion of our Lord Jesus Christ ; 8

who wil l also establishyou unblamable unto the end in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ } ? 9


is faithful,through whom you have been cal led unto the fel lowship of

His Son our Lord Jesus Christ .10But I exhort you, breth 1 en,

through the name of our Lo rd JesusChrist

,that you may all speak the same things, and that there may be no

schisnis among you ;f but you may be perfected in the same mind and in

the same dispo sition g1 1For it has been revealed to me concerning you,

my brethren,by those who are of the house of Chloe, that there are

contentions among you.

12And I say this, that each one says, I indeed

am of Paul ; and I of Apo l lo s ; and I of Cephas ; and I of Christ h1 3

I s

Christ divided ? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptized “

in the name of Paul ? 14I thank God that I baptized none of you,

ex cept Crispus and Gaius ; i in order that no one may say

eAllhave th e mind ofChrist.h 1 Cor.

iActs 1 8 8 ; R om. 1 6. 23 .


age, nor of the rulers of this age , who are coming to nought : 7but we

speak the wisdom of God having been hidden in a mystery,which God

predestinated before the ages unto our glory :b 8which no one of the princes

of this age knew: for if they had known it, they would not have cru

cified the Lord of glory . 9But,as has been written, the things which eye

has not seen,and ear has not heard

, and has not entered into '

the heartof man, the things which God has prepared for tho se who love Him.


10But God has revealed them to us through the Spirit . For the Spirit

searches all things, even the deep things ofGod. For who ofmen knows

the things of man, except the spirit of the man which is in him ?



indeed no one knows the things of God, except the Spirit of God.

d ”But

we have not received the spirit of the world,but the Spirit who is from

God ; in order that we may know the things which have been graciouslygiven unto us from God.

1 3Which things indeed we speak,not in the

teachable words of human wisdom , but in the teachable words of the

Spirit , expounding spiritual things to spiritual people .

1“’But the inte l lectualman receives not the things of the Spirit ofGod ; 6 for they are foo lishness unto h im ; and he is no t able to know them , because they are

spiritual ly discerned f 15But the spiritual man discerns all things, and is

himse lf discerned by no one .

16For who knows the mind of the Lord,who shal l give him counsel ? But we have the mind of Christ g


The weakness of the Corinthians conspicuous by their disagreements.

Christ the one foundation, Christians are the temples ofGod. The wis

dom ofthe world.


1And I , brethren, was not ab le to speak unto you as unto spiritual ,

but as unto carnal , even babes in Christ a 21 have fed you with milk,

not with meat ; for you were not yet ab le. But ye are not now yet able :X3for ye are yet carnal . For where there are envy and strife among you,

are you not carnal , and walking about according to man ? h4For when

one may say, I am indeed ofPaul ; ano ther, I am ofApo l lo s are you no t

men ?5Then what is Apo l lo s ? and what is Paul ? But ministers through

whom ye believed ; even as the Lord gave to each ome .

C 6I planted,

Apo l lo s watered ; but God gave the increase .

7So neither is the one



ing, nor the one watering any thing,but God the one giving the increase .

8But he that planteth and he that watere th are one : and each one shal lreceive his own reward according to his own labor.

9For we are God’


fel low - laborers ; ye are God’

s farm ; ye are God’s building.

bEph . 3 . 5 ; R om . I 6. 2 5 . fT h ey are disc erned by th e human spirit, and01 Cor. 1 6. 1 7 . no t by th e intelle c t.

dRom . 8 . 1 5 .9 15 21 . 40 . 1 3 ; R om . 1 1 . 34.

eGr. psych iho s, from psych e e , th e soul, th e “Heb. 5 . 1 2 ; 1 Pe t . 2 . 2 .

mind, in contradistinction to pneuma,th e “Gal. 5 . 20 ,

2 1 ; 2 Co r. 1 2 . 20 .

spirit. Juo . 14.


1 7 .bi Cor. 1 . 1 2 .

01 Cor. 7 . 1 7 ; R om. 1 2 . 3 .


According to the grace of God which was - given unto me, I as a

wise architect , laid the foundation ; and ano ther builds on it. Let eachone take heed how he bui lds.

1 IFor o ther foundation no one is able to

lay beside the one which is laid, who is Jesus Christ .d ”But if any one

builds upon the foundation, go ld, silver

, precious stones,wood


stubble ; 1"the ! work of each wil l be made manifest : for the day wil l

reveal it, because it is revealed by fire ; and the same fire wil l try the

work of each what so il it is.

1 4And if the work of any one which he

builds, abides, he wil l receive a reward :1”but if the work of any one shal l

be burnt up ,he shal l suffer lo ss ; but himse lf shal l be saved, but as through

the fire .


1“Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit ofGod dwel ls in you

? “If any one destroys the temple of Godf him will

God destroy ; for the temple of God is ho l y , which ye are .

f 1”Let no one

deceive himself. If any o ne seems to be wise among you in this age, let

him become a foo l , that he may be wise .

19For the wisdom of this worldis foo lishness with God g For it has been written,

He taketh the wise intheir own craftiness. And again,

The Lord knows the thoughts of thewise, that they are vain.

h Z1So let no one boast among men ; for all things

are yours ;”whether Paul

,or Apo l lo s, or Cephas or the world,


or life,or death

,or things present , or things to come. All things are yours ;

and ye are Christ’s ; and Christ is God’s.


The ministers ofChrist. Pauland those whom he has bego tten at Corinth.

Timo thy the precursor ofPaul.


Iso let a man consider us

,as ministers of Christ

, and stewards of the

mysteries of God.


Here,moreover, it I S required among stewards


every one must be found faithful . 3But to me it is the smal lest matter,that I may be j udged by you,or by human day : but I do not j udge myself.

4Fo r I know no thing against myself; but in this I am not j ustified ; and theLord is the one j udging me .

5So judge nothing before the time

,until the

Lord may come , who wil l also bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and make manifest the counse ls of the hearts ; and then praise shal lbe to each one from God fi

6But, brethren,

I have transferred these things to myself and Apo l loson your account ; that you may learn among us not to be wise above whatis written ; in o rder that you may not be puffed up one in behalf of one

against another.

b 7For who j udges you ? and what have you which youdid not receive ? but if indeed you received it, why do you boast , as no t

having received it ? 8Already are ye fi l led,

already have ye become rich ;dEph . 2 . 20 . {Jude 2 3 .

I : Cor. 6. 1 9 ; 2 Cor. 6. 1 6 ; Eph . 2 . 2 1 .


you did reign without us : and I would indeed that you did reign,in

order that we also might reign along with you.

9For,I think

, God has

exhibited us apo stles the last , as exposed to death : that we may becomea theater to the world, and to angels, and to men.

0”We are foo ls for

Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ ; we are weak,but you are strong ;

you are glorious , but we are dishonorab le .

1’Until this hour we bo th

hunger and thirst , and suffer for insufficient clothing,and are buffeted ;

and we tramp,

d ”and we to il working with our own hands : being reviled ,

we bless ; being persecuted,we endure it ;

”being scandalized , we entreat :we have become as the offscourings of the world, the refuse of all things

until now.

I do not write these things shaming you, but admonishing you as mybeloved children.

”For if you have ten thousand instructors in Christ,but you have no t many fathers ; for in Christ Jesus I have bego tten youthrough the go spel .0 ”

Therefore I exho rt you, be ye imitators of mc.


”For this same thing I sent Timo thy to you,who is my beloved and faith

ful child in the Lord , who wil l remind you of my ways which are in

Christ Jesus,as I teach everywhere in every church g

”But some wereinflated

,as if I was not coming unto you.

”But I wil l come to youquickly,if the Lord may wil l ; and I wil l know not the word of tho se who

have been puffed up, but the power.

h ”For the kingdom of God is not in

word, but in powerfi 21What do .you wish ? must I come unto you with

the rod, or in divine love and the spirit ofmeekness ?


Against illegalwedlo ck.


1Fornication is truly heard of among you, and such fornication whichis not among the heathens, that one should have the wifea of his father.

2And have you been inflated,

and have not rather mourned, that the one

having done this work may be taken from your midst ? 3For indeed I,


absent in body but present in spirit , have already j udged the one

having thus done this, as being present,b 4in the name of the Lo rd Jesus ,

you and my spirit being assembled, with the power of the Lord Jesus,5to turn over such a one to Satan for the destruction of carnality

,in order

that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

6Your boastingis not go od. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the who lelump ? 0 7

Cleanse away the old leaven,in order that ”

you may be a new

lump,as you are free from leaven ; for Christ has trul y become our Pass


8So let us feast , not on the old leaven

,nor on the leaven of sin and

iniquity , but on the unleavened bread of purity and truth .cR om . 8 . 36.

9 1 Cor. 1 6 . 10 .

“Second wife . Lev . 1 8 . 8 .

dz Cor. 1 1 . 2 7 .

hDynamite .

bCol. 2 . 5 .

0Gal. 4. 19 . f1 Cor. 1 1 . 1 ; Gal. 4. 1 9.i t Cor. I 6 . 5 ; Jas. 4.

eGal. 5 . 9 .


that he who is j o ined to the harlot is one body for it says, They twoshal l be one flesh g

1 7But he who is j o ined to the Lord is one spirit .”Fly from fornication. Every sin which a man may commit is outsideof his body ; the one committing fornication sins against his own body .1”Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Ho ly Spirit whois in you, whom you have from God? and you are not your own ;h”for you have been bought with a price : indeed glorify God in your body .


Concerning matrimony, celibacy, widowho od, divorcement,unequal wed

locle. Concerning circumcision . Concerning servants. Concerning

virgins. Continency is commended. The married and the unmarried.

The marriageable daughter.

I CORINTHIANS VII .1But concerning those things about which you wro te to me : That it

is good for a man not to receive a wife : 2but on account of fornication,

let each man have his own wife,and let each woman have her own

husband . 3

Let the husband give to the wife that which is due, and likewise the wife also to the husband . 4

The wife has not the authorityover her own body , but the husband : and likewise also the husbandhas not the authority over his own body

,but the wife .

5Do not defraud

one ano ther, unless it may be with consent for a time, that you may

give - attention to prayer, and again come together, in order that Satanmay not tempt you on account of your incontinencyfiv

6But I speak this

according to knowledge , not according to commandment . 7But I wishthat all men were even as myse lf; but each one has his own


gift from .

God some one,and some ano ther.

But I speak to the unmarried and the widows, that it is good for

them that they may remain even as I :9but if they do not contain,


them marry : for it is bet ter to marry than to burn.

”But I proclaim to

tho se who have married,no t I , but the Lord , That a wife shal l not depart

from her husbandb”(but if indeed she may depart, let her remain un

married, or let her be reconciled unto her husband ) ; and that the husband shal l not send away the wife .

’ ”But I say to the rest,not the

Lord , if any brother has an unbe lieving wife, and she is wil ling to livewith h im ,

let him not send her away . ”And if any wife has an un

believing husband,‘


he is wil ling to live with her,let her not send

away her husband . For the unbe lieving husband has been sanctifiedby the wife , and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified by the bro ther.

Since then your children are unclean ; but now they are ho l y . ”But if

the unbeliever departs, let him o r her depart ; the brother or the sisterhas n ot been enslaved in such

,things. God has cal led you in peace .

For what do you know,0 wife, if you shal l save your husband ? and

aGen . 2 . 24 ; Matt . 1 9 . 5 ; Eph . 5 . 3 1 .

Cor. 6. 16.

I COR IN TH IAN S V1]; 227

what do you know, 0 husband, if you shal l save your wife ? 1 7If not as

the Lord has imparted to each one, and as God has cal led each one; so

let him or her walk.

c And thus I command in all the churches.

1“Is one

cal led havingbeen . circumcised ? let him not become uncircumcised : has one

been cal led in unc1rcumc15 1on ? let him not get circumcised . Circum

cision is no th ing, and uncircumcision is no thing, but the keeping of

the commandments of God.

d 2"

Let each one abide in the same cal lingin which he is cal led. Have you been cal led being a slave ? 6 let it notbe a care to you: but if indeed you are able to become free

,use it in


”For. the one having been cal led in the Lord , being a slave,is the Lord

s freeman zf likewise the‘

one having been cal led,while free,

is the slave of Christ. ”You have been bought with a price ; be not the

slaves ofmen.8


Let each one remain with the Lord , in the same callingin which he was called

, _brethren.

25But concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord : but

I give knowledge , as one having obtained mercy from the Lord to be

faithful . ”But I consider this to be good on account of the present distress,that it is good for a man so to be.


Have you been given to_


wife ? do not seek separation ; have you been separated from a wife ?

do no t seek a wife .

”But if indeed you may marry

, you have not sinned ;and if a virgin may marry , she has not sinned ; but such shal l havetrouble in the flesh , but I spare you. But I say this, brethren ; that thetime is at hand,

that moreover indeed tho se having wives may be as tho seno t having ; ”

and tho se weeping,as tho se not weeping ; and tho se re ~

jo icing, as tho se not rej o icing ; and tho se buying,as tho se no t po ssessing ;

”and tho se using the world, as tho se not using it thoroughly : for the

fashion of this wo rld is passing away.

h 3"'I wish you to be free from

so licitude . The unmarried man cares for the things of the Lord, in orderthat he may please the Lo rd :

”but the one having married cares for the

things of the world, in o rder that he may please his wife .

”A wife and

a virgin truly also differ : the unmarried woman cares fo r the things of

the Lord , that she may be ho ly in body and in spirit : but she havingmarried cares for the things of the world, that she may please her husband.

”I speak this for the pro fit of you yourse lves ; not that I may

cast a burden upon you,but for that which is pleasing and acceptable to

the Lord without perturbation. But if any one considers that he is

acting indiscreetly towards his virgin,

i. if she may be marriageable, and

thus it ought so to be,let him do what he wishes ; he do es not sin ; let


marry . ”But whosoever stands firm in his heart,having no me

cessity,and has the right according to his own wil l

,and has determined

this in his heart , to keep his virgin, wil l do we l l . 3“

So indeed he thatmarries his own virgink does wel l ; and he that marries her not wil l dobetter.

”A wife has been given so long a time as her husband may live ;

but if her husband may die, she is free to be married to whom she wil l ; 1only in the Lord.

”But she is happier if she may so remain, accordingto my opinion : but I realize that I trnlv have the Spirit of God.

OR om . 1 2 . 3 .01 Cor. 6 . 20 . J


H is daugh ter and h er lover.

dGal. 5 . 6 ; 6 . 1 5 ; 1 Cor. 7 . 24.

h i Juo . 2 . 1 7 .

hTo a good man.

°Slave . fR om . 6 . 1 8 .iHis own unmarrled daugh ter.

lR om . 7 . 2 .



In the eating ofthe sacrifices ofo thers, offence is to be avoided.



1But concerning things offered to ido ls : we know that we all have

knowledge . Knowledge puffs up, but divine love builds up.

2If any one

seems to know anything, yet he knows not as it behooves him to know”but if any one loves God he is known of him.

”Therefore concerning

the eating of things offered to ido ls, we know that an ido l is no thing inthe world, and that there is no God except one .

5For if indeed there are

those who are cal led gods, whether in heaven o r upon the earth ; as thereare gods many , and lords many ; 6

but there is to us one God,the Father,

from whom are all things, and we in him ; and one Lord, Jesus Christ ,through whom are all things, and we in him .

b 7But there is not knowledge in all peop le : but some , with the conscience of the ido l even untilnow, eat as if it was sacrificed to the ido l ; and their conscience beingweak is po l luted.

8But meat wil l not commend us to God ; neither if we

eat are we the be tter ; no r if we eat not are we the worse.

”See lest this

liberty of yours may become a stumblingblock to the weak.

0 ”For if anyone may see you having knowledge sitting at the table in the ido l temple,wil l not the conscience of him

,being weak , be encouraged to eat things

sacrificed to the ido ls ? ”Fo r the weak one is destroyed by your knowledge ,the bro ther for whom Christ diedd ”

And you,sinning so against thebrethren,

and wounding their weak conscience , are sinning against Christ .If indeed meat causes my bro ther to stumble, I never eat any more

meat , in order that I may not lay a stumblingblock in the way of mybro ther.


Paul concerning himself, and concerning his apostleship and his right. He

abstained from the remuneration due him for preaching,and accom

modated himself to all for the sake ofChrist. His right to commen



1Am I not free ? am I not an apo stle ? have I not seen the Lord Jesus ?

are you not my work in the Lord ? a2I f I am not an apostle to o thers,

but I am to you at least : for you are the seal of my apo stleship in the


b 3My defence to tho se cal ling me in question is this.

4Have wenot a right to eat and drink ?

5Have we not a right to lead about a sister“R om . 1 4. 1 5 .

“1 Cor. 1 5 . 8 .

“R om . 14. 2 1 .52 Cor. 3 . 2 .



The destruction ofthe Jews in the wilderness. An example of the divine

severity. The holy supper is no t in harmony with the profane banquets.

Caution ofeating flesh which has been sacrificed to idols.


1For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren,that our fathers were

all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea ;a 2

and all were baptiz ed into Mo ses in the cloud and in the sea ;

b 3and they all did eat the

same spiritual food ;0 4and all did drink the same spiritual drink : for

they drank of that spiritual Rock that fo l lowed them : and that Rock wasChrist.d 5

But with many of them God is not wel l pleased : for they wereoverthrown in the wilderness.

9 6And these became our examples, in order

that we may not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

f 7Neither beye ido laters, as some of them were ; as has been writ ten

,The people sat

down to eat and drink, and aro se

up to play.g

8Neither let us commitfornication, as some of them committed fornication

,and fel l in one daytwenty - three thousand h 9

Neither let us tempt the Lord, as Some of themtempted Him, and were destroyed by serpents.

1°Neither murmur, as some

of them_

murmured, and were destro yed by the destroyer.

i 1 1But these

things happened unto them as examples ; and were written for our ad

monition, on whom the ends of the ages have descendedfi So let him

who thinks he stands take heed lest he may fal l . 1 3No temptation has overtaken you, except that which is human : but God is faithful , who wil l notsuffer you to be tempted above what you are able, but with the temptation,

He wil l also make a way of escape , in order that you may be ableto bear it k


,my beloved, fly from ido latry .1 1 5

As I speak to the wise ;j udge ye what I say.

16The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not thecommunion of the b lood of Christ ?m The bread which we break

,is it

not the communion of the body of Christ ?n 1 7Because we,being many


are one bread,one body :0 for we all partake of one bread.

p1 8

_See I sraelafter the‘ flesh : are not all eating the sacrifices communicants of the al tar?19Then what do I say

? that ido latry is anything ? or that an ido l is any

thing? q20But tho se things which they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons


not to God. But I do not wish you to be the communicants of demons.

21You are not able to drink the cup of the Lord , and the cup of demons :

you are not able to partake of the tab le of the Lord, and the tableof demons .

22Or do we provoke the Lord to j ealousy ? whether are we

stronger than he ?r23All things are lawful ; but all things are not profitable. All things

are lawful ; but all things do not edify.

s 24Let no one seek his own, but

“Ex . 1 3 . 2 1 ; 1 4. 2 2 . gEx . 3 2 . 6.

m 1 Cor. u . 2 5 .

s . 78 . I 3 .

hNum . 2 5 . I, 9 ; 2 1 . 5 .

”I Cor. 1 2 . I 2 .

cEx . 1 6. 1 5 .

iNum . 1 4 . 2 - 2 °R om . 1 2 5dEx . 1 7 . 6 .


R om . 1 5 . 4 ;Heb. 9 . 26 pL ev . 7 . 6 .

eNum . 1 4. 29 ; 26. 64.

kr Cor. r. 9 . 9 1 Cor. 8 . 4fNum. I I . 4.

11 Jno . 5 . 2 1 .TDeut . 32 . 21 .

8 1 Cor. 6. 12 .

1 CORIN THZAN S X]. 23 1

that of another } 25

Eat everything which is so ld in market,asking no

questions on account of conscience ;26for the earth is the Lord’s, and the

fulness of the same .

u 27If any one of the unbelievers invite you, and you

wish to go ; eat everything which is placed before you,asking no ques

tions on account of conscience .

" 28But if any one may say to you ; This

is offered to an ido l , eat not, on account of him who gave the information,

and his conscience .

29But I say the conscience not of himse lf

,but of the

o ther one . For why is my liberty j udged by the conscience of ano ther?30If I partake with grace , why am I traduced for that over which I givethanks ? 31Then whether you eat

,or whether you drink,

or what you do ,

do all things to - the glory ofGod.

W 32Be ye without offence, bo th to Jews,and to Greeks, and to the church of God :

:”as I also please all in all

things, seeking not my own profit , but that of the many , that they may besaved .


I t is expedient for man to speak with his head uncovered; for woman, with

the veil. Concerning the love feast. Concerning the institution and use

ofthe holy Supper.


1Be ye imitators ofme,as I also am of Christs?L But I praise you be

cause you remember me in all things, and ho ld fast the commandments,as

I de livered them unto you.

3But I wish you to know, that Christ is the

head of every man ; and the man is the head of the woman, and God is thehead of Christ b4

Every man praying or prophesying,having his head

covered , dishonors his head.

5But every woman praying or prophesyingwith her head uncovered dishonors her head : for that is one and the

same to her being shaven.

GI f a woman is not covered

,let her also

be shorn : but if it is a disgrace for a woman to be shorn or shaven ; lether be covered . 7For a man ought not to cover his head,

being the image

and glory of God ; but the woman is the glo ry of the man.

8For the

man is not from the woman ; but the woman is from the man ;9for

man indeed was not created on account of the woman ; but the woman

on account of the man.

0 10Therefore


the woman ought to have authorityd

on her head, on account of the angels.

1 1Moreover neither is the womanwithout the man in the Lord, nor the man without the woman.


as the woman is from the man,so the man also is by the woman ; and

all things from God.

13Judge ye among yourse lves : is it becoming fo r

a woman to pray to God uncovered? 1 t‘Does not nature itself teach you,that, if a man may indeed have long hair, it is a dishonor to him ? 5But

if a woman has long hair, it is a glory unto her : because the hair hasbeen given to her fo r a covering.

“I Co r. 4. 1 6.

bEph 5 2 3°G en . 2 .

dThe authority ofh er husband

232 1 COR IN TH IAN S X 1].

If any one seems to be contentious, we have no such custom,

nor do

the churches of God.

17And proclaiming this, I do not praise you, because you come to

gether not for the better but for the worse.

”For in the first place, indeedyou coming together, I hear that there are schismse among you ; and I

in part be lieve it.

f 1 9For it behooves that heresies should indeed be among

you,in order that the approved may be made manifest among you.

”Therefore you coming together, it is not to eat the Lord’s supper : for

each “ one takes his own supper in eating ; and one is hungry , and ano theris drunken.

”For have you not houses in which to eat and to drink ?

or do you cast contempt on the church of God, and shame those not

having? What do I say to you? Shal l I praise you in this ? I do not

praise you.8”For I received this from the Lord , which I have also de

livered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the night in which he was be

trayed, took bread,h 2"and having given thanks, broke


it,and said ; This is

my body , which is for you : do this in remembrance of me. Likewise

also the cup,after supper, saying ; This cup is the new covenant in myblood : do this, as often as you may drink it, in remembrance of me .


For as often as you may eat this bread , and drink the cup, you do pro

c laim the death of the Lord,until he may come.

”So whosoever may

eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord unworthily , shal l be guilty ofthe body and the blood of the Lord . ”

But let a man examine himself,

and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup ;”for the one eating

and drinking,not discerning the body , eats and drinks condemnation to


”Therefore many among you are weak and sickl y,and not a

few sleep.

3 1But if we j udged ourselves, we would not be j udged : ”Butbeing j udged , by the Lord we are chastised , in order that we may not be

condemned along with the world . ”So ,

my brethren,coming together to

eat, wait for one ano ther.

34I f one is hungry let him eat at home ; in

order that you may not come together unto condemnation. But I wil lset in order the remaining things when I may come.


Variety and unity of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are, as it were,

many members in one body.

I CORINTHIANS XII.1But concerning the spiritual gifts, brethren,

I do not wish you to be

ignorant . 2You know that when you were heathens, you were fo l lowing

after dumb ido ls, as you were ledfi 3Therefore I make known to you, that

no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, Jesus is anathema ;b and no

one is able to say ; Jesus is Lord , but by the Ho ly Ghost .ODivisions .

hMatt . 26 . 26 ; Mark 14. 22 ; Luke 2 2 . 1 9 ;Gr Th ess . I . 9 ; Tit . 3 . 3


fr Cor. 1 .1 Cor. 1 5 . 3 .

5A curse.

9 ; Cor. 1 1 . 1 7 ; Jas. 2 . 6 fEx. 24. 8



Divine love surpasses all the gifts, and is greater than they, with faith and


I CORINTHIANS XIII .1If I may speak with the tongues ofmen and of angels, and have not

divine love , I have become a sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal . 2And

if I have the gift ofprophecy , and understand allmysteries, and all knowledge ; and if I have all faith

, so as to remove mountains, and‘

have not

divine love, I am nothingfi 3

And if I give all my goods to feed thepoor, and if I may give my body that I shal l be burnt, and have not

divine love, I am pro fited as to no thing.

4Divine love suffers long ; divinelove is kind ; divine love envies no t ; does not th ake a display of itself,is not puffed up,

b “does not behave itse lf uncome ly

, seeks not its own,is

not provoked,thinks no evil ;0 6

it does not rej o ice in‘

unrighteousness, but

it . rejo ices in the truth ; 7it bears all things, it believes all things, it hopes

all things , it endures all things.

8Divine love never fal ls zd but whether there are prophecies, they shal lbe done away ; whether there are tongues, they shal l cease ; whether thereis knowledge , it shal l vanish away . 9For we know in part , and prophesyin part : ”but when the perfect

e may come,that which is in part shal l be

done away . 1’When I was an infant , I talked like an infant,I thoughtlike an infant , I reasoned like an infant zf when I became a man

,I put away

the things ofthe infant . ”For we now see through a mirrorg in an enigma ;but then face to face zh now I know in part ; but then shal l I know per

fectly even as I am perfectly known fi 1"’But now abide faith, hope, divinelove , these three ; but the greatest of these is divine love.


The gift oflanguages and the gift ofprophecy. Concerning the use and

abuse of the gifts ofgrace in the Holy Sp'

irit. Conventions. S ilence

enjoined upon woman in the church.


1Fo l low after divine love ; and seek the spiritual gifts, but rather thatyou may prophesy.

a 2For the one speaking with a tongueb speaks no t to

men, but to God ; for no one hears him ; but he speaks mysteries in the

spirit : 3but the one prophesying speaks to men edification,

exhortation ,

and comfort . 4The one speaking with a tongue edifies himself; but the

“1 Cor. 1 4. 3 .aPolish ed m etal .

5 1 Cor. I O . 24.

hr Cor. 1 3 . 9 .

0Ph il . 2 . 4. th e glorified state . I Cor. 8 . 3 .

dYou must lo se it before you can fall .¢Th e p erfec tion ofglory. I Cor. 1 3. 1 2 .

4 1 Cor. 1 2 . 3 1 .

fHeb. 5 . 1 2 .bUnknown tongue,


one prophesying edifies the church . 5But I wish you all to speak with

tongues, but rather that you may prophesy : but greater is the one proph

esying, than the one speaking with tongues, unless he may interpret, inorder that the church may receive edification.

c 6But now,

brethren,if I

may come unto you speaking with tongues, what '

shall I profit you,unless

I shal l speak to“

you either in revelation,or knowledge, or prophecy , or in

instruction ? 7Neverthe less things without . life , giving forth a vo ice,whether pipe or harp, if it may not give a distinction to the sounds, how

shal l it be known what is piped, or what is harped? ”For if indeed thetrumpet may give an uncertain sound

, who wil l prepare himse lf for thewar?

9Thus also if you through the tongue may give an indistinct word ,

how wil l that which is spoken be known ? for you wil l be speaking intothe air.

”I f it so happens that there are so many kinds of vo ices m the

world, and


nothing without a vo ice ; 1 1if then I do not understand the power

of the vo ice, I wil l be a barbarian to the one speaking,and the one speak

ing wil l be a barbarian to me.

”So also you,

since you are zealo ts of spirits,seek that you may abound unto the edification of the church . ”

Thereforelet the one speaking with a tongue,d pray that one may interpret . ”Forif I pray with a tongue,d my spirit is praying,

but my mind is not fruitful .”Then what is it ? I wil l pray with my spirit , and I wil l pray with mymind also : I wil l sing with my spirit, and I wil l sing with my mind also .

1“Since if you may bless with the spirit , how wil l one occupying the place

of the unlearned say Amen to your b lessing ? since he does not knowwhat you are saying.

e 1fFor you indeed b less beautiful ly,but the o ther

is not edified.

1”I thank God, I speak with tonguef more than you all:

”but I would rather speak five words in the church with my understanding,so that I may indeed teach o thers, than ten thousand words in a tongue g

”Brethren ,be not children in intel lect : but be infants in evil

,but be

perfect in intel lect . ”It has been written in the law ; I wil l speak to this

people with o ther tongues and with the l ips of o thers ; and thus they wil lnot hearken unto me, says the Lord.

h 2”So tongues are for a sign,

not to

tho se who believe, but to the unbelievers : and prophecy is not for the un

be lievers, but for the believers.

”Then if the who le church may come

together, and all may speak with tongues, and the unlearnedi or unbelievers may come in,

wil l they not say.

that you are gone mad?”But if

allmay prophesy , and some unbeliever or unlearnedi person may come in,

he is convicted by all, he is discerned by all; 25the secrets of his heart are

made manifest ; and thus fal ling upon his faceJ'

he wil l worship God, proc laiming that God is truly in you.

”Then what is it, brethren ? When you may come together, each one

has a psalm,has a lesson,

has a revelation,has a tongue, has an inter

pretation. Let all things be done - to edification.

”If one


speaks with a

tongue, let it be by twos, or at mo st by threes, and separately ; and let one

interpret ;k ”but if there may be no interpreter, let him keep silent in the

church ; but let him speak to h imself,and to God.

1 ”But let two or threecvs . 1 3 . aU nknown .

dAn unknown tongue . vs. 5 .h I sa . 2 8 . n .

6 1 Co r. 1 4 . 2 3 .

iGr. idio t.

{ Paul knew Latin, Gre ek,andHebrew, and J

An al tar scene .

o th er language s.

kEph . 4. 1 2 .11 Cor. 14. 5 .


prophets speak,and let the o thers give audience ;

m ”but if something may

be revealed to ano ther sit ting down,let the first be silent . ”For you are

all able to prophesy one by one , in order that allmay learn,and all may

be comforted.

”Truly the spirits of the prophets are subj ect to the proph

ets ;”fo r he is not a God of confusion,

but of peace.

So in all the churches of the saints,

”let the women be silent in the

churches : fo r it is no t permitted to them to talk ;n but let them be sub

ordinate, as the law also says.

0 3“But if they wish to learn something, letthem ask their own husbands at home : for it is disgraceful for a woman

to talkD in church . ”Whether did the word of God come out from you?

or has it reached unto you alone ?3 7If any one seems to be a prophet , or spiritual , let him understand the

things which I write to you,that they are of the Lord ;

3”but if any one

ignores, he is ignored} !3 "So ,

my brethren,be zealous to prophesy , and do

not forbid to speak with tongues ; but let all things be done decently andin order.


The resurrection ofChrist. The foundation to our faith. Death the last

enemy. Baptism for the dead. Resurrection of the dead. The new

celestialbody. The mystery concerning the sudden transformation.


1But I make known to you, brethren,the go spe l which I preached unto

you,which you indeed received,

in which you also stand , 2by which you

are also saved ; which word I preached to you,if you ho ld it fast , o ther

wise you be lieved in vain.

8L8For I de l ivered unto you in the first placethat which I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the

scriptures ;b 4and that he was buried, and that he aro se on the third

day according to the Scriptures ; 5’and that he was seen by Cephas ; thenby the twelve .

6Then he was seen by more than five hundred brethren

at once, of whom the more remain unto this day,but some have fal len


0 7Then he was seen by James ; then by all the apo stles.

8But last

of all he was seen by me,as one born out of due time .

d 9For I am the

least of the apo stles, who am not worthy to be cal led an apo st le, becauseI persecuted the church of God.

9 ”But by the grace of God I am what Iam : and his grace was not vain toward me ; but I have labored more

abundantly than they all: and not I , but the grace ofGod with me. Thenwhether I or they , so we preach , and so you believed.

12But if Christ is preached that he is risen from the dead , how do

certain ones among you say that there is no resurrection of the deadPf”but if there is no resurrection of the dead, Christ is no t risen :

”but if

M r Co r. 1 4. 2 2 .

“Gal. I . 1 1 .

" 1 T im . 2 . u .

bx Co r. 1 1 . 2 3 ; Luke 24. 26 ; I sa. 5 3 . 8 .

°Gen . 3 . 1 6 .

01 Cor. 1 5 . 36 ; Luke 24 . 34.

pTo gabble or speak in an undertone .

dAc ts 9 . 4 .

QSupremacy of th e S cripture s .

eEph . 3 . 8 . fr Cor. 1 5 . 1 6.


sown a psychical body ;u it is raised a pneumatical body.

V_If there is a

psychical body , there is also a pneumatical (body ) .

45As indeed it has

been written ; The first man Adam was made a living soul ; the last manAdam, a l ife - creating spirit.

W 46But that which is spiritual was not first,

but that which is animal ;X afterward that which is spiritual.Y47The first

man was from the earth, earthy : the second man from heaven.

48As was

the earthy , such are they also who are earthy ; and as was the heavenly ,such are they also who are heavenl y . ”


as we have borne the image

of the earthy , we must also bear the image of the heavenly .50But I say this, brethren,

that flesh and b lood are not able to inheritthe kingdom of God ; neither does co rruption inherit incorruption.

Z “Be

ho ld,I speak to you a mystery : We shal l no t all sleep, but we shal l all be

changed , 5 2in a moment

,in the twinkling of an eye , at the last trumpet :

for the trumpet shal l sound, and the dead shal l be raised incorruptible,and we shal l be changed

fi 5 3For it behooves this co rruptible to put on

incorruption,and this mortal to put on immortality . 5 4But when this cor

ruptible may put on inco rruption,and this mortal may put on immoral ity ,then shal l the word which has been written be fulfi l led,

Death is swailowed up in victory . 5 5

0 death , where is thy victory ? 0 death , where isthy stinn

5 "But the sting of death is sin ; and the power0 of sin is

the law.

5 7But thanks be unto God, who gives us our victory through ourLord Jesus Christ .d 5 8

So ,my beloved brethren,

be ye stedfast, unmove'

able, always abounding in the work of the Lord , knowing that your laboris not in vain in the Lord.


Concerning the contribution. to be collected for the saints. ConcerningTimo thy,

Apollos , the house ofS tephanas . S alutations.

I CORINTHIANS XVI .1But concerning the contribution to the saints, as I commanded the

churches of Galatia, so you also do .

a 2

0n the first'

day of the week let

each one of you lay by with h imself treasuring up,that as to whatso ever

he may be pro spered, in order that there may be no co l lections at thattime when I may come.

3But when I may be present, whomso ever you

may approve by your letters, these wil l I send to carry. away your benefaction to Jerusalem :

4if it may be counted worthy for me also to go ,they shal l go along with me .

5But I wil l come to you when I may go

through Macedonia ;b for I do go through Macedonia ; 6and perhaps I

may abide with you, and even spend the winter with you,in order that

“A body for the psych e e , th e animal soul to aTranslation ofth e living saints wh en th e Lordlive m . come s .

”A body for th e pneuma, th e h uman spirit to bHo s . 1 3 . in .

CDynamite .

wG en . 2 . 7 .

dR om . 7 . 2 5 .

i ych ical.

zlGod breath ed into h im th e human spirit.“R om . 1 5 . 26 .

”I Cor. 6. 9 .

bAc ts 1 9 . 2 1 ; 20 . 2 .


you may send me forward whithersoever I may go .

7For I do not wishmere ly to see you in my j ourney ; for I hope to spend some time withyou,

if the'

Lord may permit.0 8But I shal l abide in Ephesus until Pente

cost ;d 9for a door is opened unto me great and effectual

,and there are

many antagonizing.


10But if Timothy may come

,see that he may be with you without

fear ; for he is do ing the work of the Lord, as I also zf1 1 therefore let

no one snub him . But send him forth in peace, in order that he may

come to me : for I await him with the brethren g

12But concerning bro ther Apo l lo s, I entreated him much,that he may

come to you with the brethren : but it was not altogether his wil l thathe may come now ; but he wil l come when he may have opportunity.


1 3Watch,stand in the faith , be men

,be strong.

1 4

Let all your "


be in divine love.

1 "”But I exhort you, brethren ; (know the house of S tephanas} that it isthe firstfruit of Achaia

,and they have set themse lves to minister unto

the saints ) ,J°

1 6in order that you may indeed be in subj ection unto such


and to every one laboring with you and to iling.

"But I rej o ice over the

coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus : because they havesupplied y our deficiency :k 1 8

for they refreshed my spirit and yours. Ac

knowledge ye therefore them that are such . 1 9The churches ofAsia salute


1 Aquila and Prisca along with the church and their house saluteyou.

In ”All the brethren salute you. Salute you one ano ther with a

ho ly kiss.


The salutation of me Paul with my own hand .0 22If any one loves

not the Lord as a friend,let h im be anathemaDMaran atha.

q23The grace

of our Lord Jesus be with you ? 24My love with you all in Christ Jesus.

01 Cor. 4 . 1 9 .

dAc tS 1 9 . 8 .

8 2 Co r. 2 . 1 2 .

ft Cor. 4. I 7 ; Ac ts 1 9 . 2 2 .

01 Tim . 4. 1 2 .

hr Cor. 3 . 5 ; Ac ts 1 9 . I .

i t Cor. I . 1 6 .


R om . 1 6. 5 .

The Second Epistle of Paul the ApostleTO THE



The calamities ofPaul were borne, God assisting. Counsel of revisitingthe Corinthians. The promises ofGod.

2 CORINTHIANS 1.1Paul , the apo stle of Jesus Christ through the wil l of God, and

bro ther Timo thy , to the church of God which is at Corinth,along with

all the saints who are in all Achaia zfiL2

Grace to you and peace from God

our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ .b 3B lessed is the God and Fatherof our

, Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of mercies and the God of all con

solation ;c 4

the one comforting us in all our tribulation,in order that

we may be able to comfort tho se in all tribulat ion,through the con

so lation with which we ourselves are comforted of God,

d 5because as the

sufferings of Christ abound in us,so our conso lation through Christ

also abounds.

e6But if we are troubled it is in behalf of your conso lation

and salvation ; if we are comforted,it is in behalf of your conso lation,

wo rking in you through the endurance of the same sufferings which wealso suffer.

7And our hope is stedfast in your behalf; knowing that, as

you are the partakers of the sufferings, so you are al so of the consolation f8Fo r we do no t wish you to be ignorant, brethren,

concerning our

affliction taking place in Asia,because W e were burthened exceedingly,

above our power, so that we despaired even of living: 9but we had the

answer of death in ourselves, in order that we might not trust in our

selves,but in God who raised the dead : 10

who delivered us from so greata death , and wil l de liver : in whom he have hope that he wil l also yet

deliver ;g1 1

you also co - operating in our behalf in prayer ; in order that,the gift which is bestowed upon us from many persons, may throughmany be a source of thanks given in our behalfh

12For our boasting isthis, the testimony of our

conscience, that in ho liness and purity of God,dR om . 1 5 . 5 . 9 2 Tim . 4. 1 8 .

9C01. 1 . 24.kR om . 1 5 . 30.


given anything, it is for your sakes in the face of Christ ; in order thatwe may not be gobbled up by Satan : for we are not ignorant ofhis devices.

”And having come into Troas c for the go spel of Christ, and there

being a door opened unto me in the Lord,a”and I had no rest to my spirit,because I did not find my brother Titus : but having bidden them adieu


I came away into Macedonia.


1“‘But thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ ,and manifesting the fragrance ofhis knowledge through us in every place zf”because we are a sweet savour of Christ unto God

,among tho se who

are saved, and among tho se who perish ; 1“unto the latter a savour from

death unto death ; but unto the former a savour from life unto life. And

who is sufficient for these things ? 1 7Fo r we are not as many,corrupting

the word ofGod : but as of purity,g but as from God, we speak in Christ,

in the presence of God.


The Corinthians themselves the recommendation ofPaul. Letter and spirit.

The veilofMoses having been taken away in Christ.


1Do we again begin to commend ourse lves ? or whether have we needof commendatory letters to you o r from you, as some do ?a You are our

letter, having been written in our hearts,known and read of all men,


3being manifest that you are the letter of Christ, having been ministeredby us, having been written not with ink,but with the Spirit of the living

God : not in tables of stone,but in tables that are hearts of flesh .

0 4But

we have such confidence through Christ towards God, 5not that we are

able of ourse lves to think anything as from ourse lves ; but our sufficiencyis of God ;

6who also rendered us able ministers of the new covenant ;

not of the letter, but of the spirit : for the letter kills, but the spirit createslife.

d 7But if the ministry ofdeath , having been written in letters of stone ,was in glory , so that the sons of I srael were not able to look upon the face

ofMoses on account of the glory of his countenance ; which was destinedto be done away ze 8

how wil l not the ministry of the spirit be more in glory ?9For if there was glory in the ministry of condemnation how much more

does the ministry of righteousness abound in glory . For indeed thatwhich was glorious, has ceased to be glorious in this respect on account ofthe transcendent glory.

f 11For if that which was to be done away wasthrough glory , much more is that which abides in glory .cOld Troy.

dActs 1 6. 8 . efficacy of th e cleansing blood wh ich Paul62 Cor. 7 . 5 . and Timo thy h ere profe ss to realiz e .

B . ofSol. 1 . 3 .

vGr. from ez'


,a sunbeam

,and kri “2 Cor. 5 . 1 2 .

no, to judge . H enc e it means a purity so 61 C or. 9 . 2 .

perfec t, that wh en judged in th e infallible cEx . 3 1 . 1 8 .ligh t of th e Son of R igh teousness, th‘

e o‘m d: Cor. 3 . 5 .

niscient eye of G od fails to find a so litary eEx . 2 9 .

mote of impurity. Such is th e wonderful fTh e go spel e clipse s th e law in glory.



Then having such hope, we use great bo ldness, and not as Mo ses

put the veil on his face,in order that the sons of I srae l might not look

forward to the end of that Which was transitory g1“But their minds were

darkened . For until this day the same veil remains in the reading of

the old covenant,h remains

,not lifted ; because it is done away in Christ ;

”but until this day when Moses is read, the veil lies upon their heart :

”but when they may turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away . 1 7

But the

Lord is a Spirit ? and where the Spirit of the ' Lord is, there is liberty .1”But we all, with unveiled face beho lding the glory of the Lord , are beingtransformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spiritof .the Lord .


The gospel open to some, hidden to others. All calamities are conquered

by eternalhope.


1Therefore having this ministry , as we have obtained mercy

, we faintnot ;

2but we lay aside the hidden things ofdisgrace, not walking in crafti

ness, nor handling the word of God deceitful ly , but in the manifestationof the truth commending ourse lves to every conscience ofmen

,before God.

3But if indeed our go spe l is hidden,it is hidden with tho se who are lo st :

4in whom the god of this age has bl inded the minds of tho se who be lievenot, in order that the light of the go spe l of the glory of Christ , who is

the image ofGod, may no t shine on them fi

5For we do not preach ourse lves, but Christ Jesus the Lo rd , and our

se lves your servantsb for Jesus’ sake.

6B ecause God is the one , havingsaid ; Out of the darkness the l ight0 shal l shine, which shone in our hearts


to the enlightenment of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of

Christ.7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, in order that the ex

cellency of the power,d may be of God,and no t of us ;

gin everything.

being troub led , but not in difficulties incorrigible ; being at a loss, but notutterly at a lo ss ; 9being persecuted, but no t forsaken ; being cast down,

but not destroyed ; always bearing about the dying of Jesus in our body,

in order that the life of Jesus may al so be made manifest in our bodies.

1 1For we while living are always being delivered up to death for the

sake of Jesus, in order that the life of Jesus may be made manifest in our

mortal flesh .e 12

So that death works in us,but life in you.

1"But having

the same spirit of faith , according to that which has been written,I be

lieved,therefore I also spoke ; and we believe, therefore we also speak ;


”knowing that the one having raised up the Lord Jesus wil l also raise

us along with Jesus, and present us with you.8

”For all things are for

your sakes, in order that the grace, overflowing with thanksgiving throughmany

,may abound unto the glorv of God.

aEx . 34. 33 .

dDynamite .

hTestament, E . V .OR om . 8 . 36 .

cAllreal re ligion is spirituality. fPs. x16. 10. or Cor. 6. 14.


Therefore we faint not ; but if indeed our ex ternal man perishes, yetour internal man is renewed day by day.

”For the light burden of our

affliction,which is evanescent, is working out for us an eternal weight of

glory according to hyperboleh unto hyperbo le ; ”

we not looking at the

things which are visible, but the things which are invisible ; for the visib lethings are temporary , but the invisible things are eternal .


The new heavenly garment is destined to supersede the earthly. The

desire ofeternal life. Concerning the expiation and reconciliation.


1For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle may be takendown, we have a building from God,a house not made with hands, eternal ,

in the heavens? L2For in this we groan,

longing to be invested with our

house which is from heaven :b3if indeed having been invested, we shal l

not be found unc lo thed . 4For indeed being in this tabernac le we groan,

being burdened ; not that we wish to be divested , but invested , that mortalitymay be swal lowed up of life.

0 5But the one having wrought us out untothis same thing is God, the one having given unto us the earnest of theSpirit .d 6Therefore we are always confident even knowing that , beingpresent in the body , we are absent from the Lord ; 7

(for we walk by faith ,not by sight ) ; 9 8

but we are confident and delighted rather to be absentfrom the body , and present with the Lord.

f Therefore we are truly ambitious, whether b eing present or absent , to be we l l pleasing unto him.

For it beho oves us all to appear before the j udgment - seat of Christ ,gin order that each one may receive according to those things which hehas done through the body , whether go od or evil.h

1 1Therefore knowing the fear of the Lord , we persuade men ; but

we have been made manifest unto God ; and I hope that we have indeedbeen made manifest in your consciences.

”We are not commending our

selves to you,but giving you o ccasion of boasting in our behalf

, in orderthat you may have response to tho se who glory in appearance, and not

in heart.

i ”For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God ; if we have our

right minds, it is for you.

”For the love of Christ constrains us ; havingj udged this, that one died for all; then were all dead ; ”and he died forall, in order that tho se living may not live unto themse lves

,but unto him

who died for them and is risen.

1 6

80 that we from now know no man

after the flesh : if indeed we have known Christ after the flesh,but we now

know him no more -1 I 7So ifany one is in Christ

,he is a new creature : old

things have passed away ; beho ld, they have become new.

k 1"’All things

are from God, the one having reconciled us unto himself through Christ,hTh e h igh e st rh e torical figure .

032 Cor. 1 . 2 2 ; Eph . 1 . 1 3 .hEph . 6 . 8


“Th e glorified body.eH eb.

i2 Cor.

bR om . 8 . 2 3 . fPh il. JNO more after th e fl esh .

01 Cor. 1 5 . 5 3 . aRom . 1 4. I O .kGal. 6. 1 5 ; I sa. 43 . 1 8 .



, The saints of God. The message of Titus concerning the Corinthians.

Salutary mourning from his former castigation.



1Therefore having these promises, be loved, let us cleanse ourselvesfrom all the filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting ho liness in the fear

of God.

2Receive us : we have inj ured no one , we have corrupted no one,

we have defrauded no one .

31 do no t speak for castigation : for I have

said before, that you are in our hearts to die with you and to live with you.

4My bo ldness to you is great , my rej o icing over you is much : I have beenfi lled with conso lation, I superabound with joy in all our tribulation.


we having come_

into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest , but in everythingbeing troubled ; 3 fightings without, fears within.

6But God

,the one com

forting the humble , comforted us by the coming of Titus ; 7and no t onl y

by his coming,but also by the conso lation with which he was comforted

by you, proclaiming unto us your longing, your mourning,your zeal

for me ; so that I rej o iced the more .

8But if I grieved you in the letter


I do not regret it, if indeed I did regret it ; for I see that, if that letterindeed grieved you for an hour


b 9now I rej o ice

,not because you grieved ,

but because you grieved unto repentance : for you grieved toward God,

in order that you may receive damage by us in nothing.

1"For a godlysorrow works repentance unto salvation not to be regre tted ; but the sor

row of the world works out death . 1 1For beho ld,how great enthusiasm,

yes, how great apo logy , yes.


how great c learing up, yes, how great fear,yes, how great longing, yes, how great zeal , yes, how great avenging,this same godly sorrow did work in you ! In everything you have established yourse lves to be pure in the matter.


Since then indeed I wro teto you,

not on account of the one - having done the wrong,nor on account

of the one having suffered the wrong, but in order that your zeal,which

is in our behalf to you before God, might be made manifest . ”Therefore

we have been comforted. But we rej o iced the more exceedingly inour conso lation over the joy of Titus, because h is spirit was refreshedby you all:

”because if I have gloried with him in anything over you,

I was no t made ashamed ; but as I spoke all things to you in truth,so

our rej o icing over Titus was true .

C' 1 5And ' the affections of him,


bering the obedience of you all,how you received him with fear and

trembling, are the more abundantly towards you.

‘1 1“I rej oice because in

everything I have confidence in you.



By the example of the Macedonians, he commends the contribution which

is being collected for the saints. He likewise recommends Titus ,

about to come for the sake ofthe collection.



we make known to you the gracea of God which has

been given in the’

churches of Macedonia ; 2because in a great"

trial of

affliction . the abundance of their joy and deep poverty abounded untothe riches of their liberality . 3B ecause I witness, that according to theirability

,and beyond their ability they were anx ious


4with much exhorta

tion praying our favor and the fe l lowship of the ministry which is to

the saints :b and not as we hoped, but they gave themselves first to the

Lo rd,and to us through the wil l of God : 6that we should exhort Titus,

that as he formerl y began it, he may indeed also complete this grace untoyou.

0 7But as in every thing you abound,in faith

,and in word , and knowl

edge, and in all zeal , and in divine love from you in us,that you may also

abound in this philanthropy .d SI speak not according to commandment


but through the zeal of:

o thers also proving the sincerity of your divinelove .

e 9For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that , being rich ,for your sakes he became poor, that you through h is poverty might bemade rich “. ”

And herein I give my j udgement : for this is profitable to

you,who not only began to do ,

but to be anx ious,a year ago :

1 1

but now

indeed complete the work ; in order that as there was a promptitude of

willing, there shal l also be a completion out of your ability . 1 2For if thereis first a wil ling mind , it is acceptable according to what one may have,and not according to what he has not.

”For it is not that there may be

relief to o thers , affliction to you,but that it may be according to equality :

at this time your abundance may correspond to their deficiency,

1"thattheir abundance may correspond with your deficiency

,in order that there

may be equality : ”as has been written,He that had much did not super

abound ; and he that had litt le did not lack.


”But thanks be unto God, who gives this same enthusiasm in yourbehalfin the heart ofTitus ;g ”because he indeed accepted our exhortationand being the more enthusiastic

,came unto you of his own acco rd.


we sent with him the brotherh who se praise in the gospe l is through all

the churches ; ”no t only so , but having been e lected by the churches . our

trave ling companion with this philanthropy , administered by us to the

glory of the Lord himse lf, and your promptitude : ”and avo iding this,lest any one may b lame us in this benefaction administered -by us :i

21fo r

we provide things honest , not only in the sigh t of the Lord,~ - but also before

the peopleJ' ”

And we sent our bro therk along with him to them, whom“Th e stipend for th e saints .

hBelie v ed to be Aristarchus .

5 2 Co r. 1 . Co r. 6 . 3 .

02 Cor. 12 . 18.d; Cor. 1 . 5 .

“Rom. 1 2 . 1 7 ; Prov . 3 . 4.

248 2 COR IN TH IANS [X .

we have tried,being frequently zealous in many things, but now much

more zealous,with great confidence towards you.

”Wh ether in behalf of

Titus, my companion and fel low - laborer towards you ; or our brethren,

the apo st les of the churches, the glory of Christ . 1 ”Moreover manifesting

the exhibition of your love, and our boasting to them in your behalf, inthe face of the churches.


The collection is to receive prompt attention. Concerning the rewards ofbeneficence.

2 CORINTHIANS VIII .1For indeed concerning the ministry which is to the saints, it is super

fluous for me to write to “

youfiL 2For I know your promptitude, of which

I am boasting to the Macedonians in your behalf, that Achaia was ready’a year ago ; and your zeal has aroused many.

b 3But I sent the brethren,

in order that our boasting which is in your behalfmay not be in vain inth1s region ; 1n order that

, as I was saying,your were ready : 4lest perhaps,

if the Macedonians may come with me,and find you unprepared, we may

be put to shame, in this confidence, (that we may’

say not, you) .


fore I considered it necessary to exhort the brethren,that they may come

to you beforehand,and perfect your preannounced benefaction,

that it maybe ready , as a benefact ion,

not as a stingy contribution.

”But it is this, he that soweth sparingly shal l also reap sparingly ; cand he that soweth bountiful ly shal l also reap bountifully.

d 7As each one

has predetermined in his heart ; not of reluc tance,or of constraint : for

God loves the hilarious givene 8But God is able to make all grace abound

unto you ; in order that,always having all sufficiency in every thing, you

may abound unto every good work : as has been written,

9He has scatteredabroad

,he has given to the poor ; his righteousness abides forever.

f ”But

he that gives seed to the sower, wil l also give bread to the eater, and

multiply your sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness :g1 1in every thing being enriched in all purity, which’ works out through usthanksgiving to God.

12B ecause the ministry of this free - wil l offering isno t only supplying the deficiencies of the saints, but also superaboundingthrough much thanksgiving to God ;h

13through the approval of this ministry, glorifying God in the submission of your testimony to the go spelof Christ, and the purity of your fel lowship unto them and unto all;”and through their prayer in your behalf, earnest ly longing to see you

on account of the grace of God superabounding unto you.

”Thanks be

unto God for His unspeakable gift }Cor. 8 . 1 8 .

dGal. 6. 7 .

12 Cor. 7 , 1 4.eGr. th e laugh ing giver.

IPS . 1 1 1 . 9 .

aI sa . 5 5 . I O .

hPh il. 2 . 30 .

iJas . I . 1 7 .

250 2 COR IN TH IANS X].


Concerning the z eal ofPaul about the Corinthians, and his remuneration

no t accepted. He glories against his calumniators in his heroic adven

tures and sufierings.

2 CORINTHIANS XI .1I would that you bear with me a little in my fo lly : yes indeed you dobear with me.

2For I am j ealous of you with the j ealousy of God : for Iespoused you to one husband, to present you a pure virgin to Christ ; 3


I fear, lest, as the serpent beguiled Eve by his craftiness, your minds maybe corrupted from the simplicity which is in Christ a 4For if indeed one

coming preaches ano ther Jesus, whom we have not preached, or you receiveanother spirit, which you.

did not receive, or ano ther go spe l which you didnot receive , we l l do you bear with him.

b 5Eor I consider that I am no t in

ferior to the chief of the apo stles.

(3 cIf indeed rude in speech , but not in

knowledge ; but in every thing making manifest unto you ,in all things.

7Did I commit sin humbling myse lf that you may be'

exalted , because Ipreached unto you the go spe l of God gratuitously ? S

I robbed o therchurches, having received support for your ministry , and being presentwith you and being destitute , I burdened no one ;


for the brethren,having

come from Macedonia, suppl ied my deficiency ;d and in every thing I . ren

dered myself not burdensome to you,and wil l so render.

e ”The truth of

Christ is in me, that this glory ing shal l not cease unto me in the regions

of Achaia.

1 1VV'

hy ? because I do not love you with divine loye ? God


”But what I am do ing, I indeed wil l do ,in order that I may cut

off occasion from tho se wishing o ccasion,in o rder that in whatsoever they

may glory , they may be found even as we are.

”For such are false apo stles,deceitful wo rkers, transforming themse lves into the apo st les of Christ.14And no wonder ; for Satan himself is transformed into an ange l of light.


Then it is no great wonder if his ministers are transformed as the mine


of righteousness ; whose end shal l be according to their works.


”Again I say, Let no one consider me to be a fo o l ; but if not, receive

me as a foo l , in order that I may indeed glory some little.

1 7What I say,

I am not saying according to the Lord, but as it were in fo l ly , in this con

fidence of glorying.

”Since many glory in the flesh

,I wil l glory also .

For cheerful ly do you,being wise, bear with the foo lish : ”for you bear

with them,if any one enslaves you, if any one devours you,

if any one

captures you,if any one is exal ted against you,

if any one smites you in

the - face.


”I speak

- according: to disparagement, as - that we . are weak : but

in whatsoever any one is bo ld, (I speak it in fo l ly , ) I am bo ld also . "Are

they Hebrews ? I am also . Are they I sraelites ? I am also . .Are theythe seed ofAbraham ? I am also . Are they the ministers of Christ ? (Ispeak as a mad man, ) I am mo re ; in labors more abundantly , in stripes“Gen . 314.

dz Cor. 1 2 . 1 3 .

bGal. 1 . 7 , 8 .0Ac ts 20 . 3 3 .

c2 Cor. 1 2 . 1 1 . w fuldoom ofSatan’

s preachers.

25 1

more abundantly, in prisons more frequently,in deaths often ; from the

Jews five times I received forty stripes save ome,g

”thrice was I beatenwith rods,

h once was I stoned} thrice was I shipwrecked) a day and a

night I spent in the deep.

”Often in j ourneys

,in perils of rivers

,in perils

of,robbers, in perils from my own race, in perils from the Gentiles


perils in the city ,k in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea,in perils

among false brethren ; 1 z 7in labor and in to il , in vigils often

,in hunger

and in thirst,in fastings often,

in co ld and in nakedness.

”Besides all these,that which comes upon me daily , the care of all the churches.

”Who is

weak, and I am not weak ? who is offended , and I do not burn ? 3 (’

But ifit behooves me to glory, I wil l glory ' in tho se things appertaining to myinfirmities.

m 3 1The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, t he one

being blessed forever, knows that I lie not.

H 3"

In Damascus Areta the governor of the king, guarded the city of the Damascenes

,to arrest me .


33and through a window was I let down m a basket by the wal l, and escapedhis hands !)


Celestial visions ofPaul. The thorn in his flesh . The liberality ofPaul

toward the Corinthians . His speedy coming.

2 CORINTHIANS X II .1It behooves me to glory , indeed it is not pro fitable

,I wil l come to

visions and reve lations of the Lord?L21 knew a man in Christ , fourteenyears ago , whether in the body

,I know not ; whether out of the body


know not,such a one having been caught up even to the third heaven.


3And I knew such a man

,whether in the body

,o r out of the body , I know

not ; God knows,4that he was caught up to Paradise

, and heard unutterable words

,which it is impo ssible for a man to speak.

c 5Concerning such

a one I wil l glory : but concerning myse lf I wil l no t glory , except in myinfirmities.

6For if I shal l wish to glory , I wil l not be a foo l ; for I speak

the truth : but I fear, lest some one may consider with reference to me

above what he sees me, or hears from me .

7And that I may not be exalted

by the abundance of revelations,a thornd was given unto me in the flesh


the messenger of Satan that he may buffet me,in order that I may not be

exal ted.

8Three times I cal led on the Lord concerning this, that it may

depart from me.

9And he said to me

,My grace is sufficient for thee : fo r

powere is made perfect in weakness. Therefore mo st delightful ly I wil l

glory the more in my infirmities, in order that the power6 of Christ may

abide on me .

”Therefore I de light in infi-rmities in insults, in difliculties,

in persecutions, and in tight places, for Christ s sake : for when I am

without strength , then I am dynamite .

02 Cor. 1 1 .

bHome ofth e glorified.

°Luke 2 3 .


id to be o cularfe eblene ss . 2 Cor. 2 . I I .

ODynam i te .


I have become a foo l : you did compel me.

f For I ought to be com

mended by you : for I am not inferior to the very chief of the apostles, if'

indeed I am nothing g 12For indeed the signs ofthe apostleship are wroughtin me in all patience, in miracles and in wonders and in dynam_




1 3For what is that in which you are inferior to o ther churches, exceptthat I did not burden you? forgive me this wrong.

14Beho ld, the thirdtime I am ready to come to you ; and I wil l not spare : for I do no t seek

yours, but you. For the children ought not to lay up treasures for the

parents, but the parents for the children fi But I wil l mo st delightful lyspend and be spent for your souls. If the more abundantly I love you

am I loved the less ? 1 6But let it be so

,I did no t burden you ; but, being

crafty , I caught you with guile .J'

1 7Which one of tho se whom I sent untoyou, did I fleece you through him ? 18

1 cal led Titus , and sent the bro theralong with him : whether did Titus defraud you

? did we not walk by thesame Spirit ? did we not in the same


tracks ?k1 9For a

‘ long time you were thinking that I am apo logizing to you“


We speak before God in Christ ; but all things, be loved , are for your edifi

cation. For I fear lest,having come

,I may not find you as I wish


may not be found by you as you wish ; lest perhaps strife,j ealousy , ani

mo sities, selfseekings, calumniations, eavesdroppings, inflations,

outfal lings, are among you ;

1 21 lest,I again having come

,my God wil l humble me

before you,and I wil l mourn over many of those having previously com

mitted sins, and not having repented over the uncleanness and the forni

fication and debauchery which they have done .



Exhortation concerning the severe discipline, in his speedy coming to


2 CORINTHIANS X III .1This the third time I am coming to you : in the mouth of two or

three witnesses every word shal l be established a PI have to ld you beforehand,

and I am speaking to you in advance , as being present the second

time, even now absent, that , if I may come to you again,I wil l not sparetho se who have previously sinned , and all the rest 3

since you are seeking

the approval of Christ, who is speaking in me,who is not weak towards

you,but migh ty among you.

4For indeed he was crucified from weakness,

but he lives by the power of God : for we indeed are weak in him,but

we shal l live with him through the power ofGod unto you.

5Prove yourown selves, if you are in the faith ; examine yourselves ; whether do you

not know yourse lves, that Christ Jesus is in you? unless indeed you are

"2 Cor. 8 . 6- 1 8 .

lR orn . 1 . 29 ; 1 Cor. 3 . 3 .m2 Cor. 1 3 . 2 .

“2 Cor. 1 2 . 14 ; Deut . 1 9 . 1 5 .

5 2 Cor. 1 . 2 3 .

The Epistle of Paul the ApostleTO THE



After a severe salutation of the Galatians, he urges the divine truth of the

gospel. Pristine life ofPaul.

1Paul,an apo stle , not from men

,nor through man

,but through Jesus

Christ , and God the Father, who raised him from the dead, and all the

brethren who are with me , to the churches of Galatian?L3Grace to you

and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ ,b 4who gave

Himse lf for our sins,in o rder. that he might redeem us from the present

evil age , according to the wil l of God even our Father :0 5To whom be

glory unto the ages of the ages. Amen.


SI am astonished that you are so quickly removed from him who

cal led you in the grace ofChrist into another go spel ; 7which is no t another

but there are certain ones who are troubling you,and wishing to pervert

the gospel of Christ e 8But indeed if we , or an ange l from heaven,may

preach unto you any o ther go spe l except that which we have preached untoyou, let him be accursed f

9As we


have before said,and now again I tel l

you,I f any one preaches to you a go spe l except that which you have

received,let him be accursedg

10For must I now be lieve men,or God?

whether do I seek to please men ? if I were stil l pleasing men,I woul d

no t be the servant of Christ .1 1But I make known to you,

brethren,the go spel was preached to me

,that it is not according to a man ; for I did not receive it from man,

neither was I taught it, but through the reve lation of Jesus Christ . ”For

you have heard of my life formerly in Judaism,that I was persecuting

the church ofGod exceedingly , and destroying it :h 1 4and I was prominent

in Judaism above many comrades in my race,being exceedingly zealous of

the traditions ofmy fathers fi15


When the one having separated me,from

the womb of my mo ther, and cal led me through his grace, was pleased1 6to reveal his Son in me

,that I might preach him among the Gentiles ;


immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood : neither did I go up to

Jerusalem to tho se who were apo stles before me ; but I went away intoArabia ; and returned again to Damascus.

1 8Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Cephas, and

- remained with him fifteen days ;5 but I saw no o ther of the apo stles, exceptJames the bro ther of the Lord.

20Which things -moreover I write unto you,beho ld, before God, that I lie not.

21Then I went into the regions of Syriaand Cilicia.

22But I was unknown by face to the churches of Judea

which are inChrist . 23But they were only,

hearing that The one persecutingus at one time is now preaching the faith which he was once deso lating ;24and they continued to glorify God in me.


Concerning the Jerusalem convention of the apostles anal controversy ofPaulwith Peter at Antioch . Concerning the law and faith .

GALATIANS 11.1Then after fourteen years, I again went up to Jerusalem with Bar

nabas,taking also Titus with me ;

a 2but I went up according to reve lation ;

and I presented to them the go spe l which I am preaching among the

Gentiles,but privately to the prominent ones, lest perhaps I am running,

or did run,in


b 3But neither was Titus the one with me,being a

Greek, compel led to be circumcised :4

but on account of the false brethrenhaving crept in,

who came in to spy out our liberty which we have inChrist Jesus, in order that they shal l bring us into bondage : 5

to whom I

rendered not submission for an hour ; in order that the truth of the

go spe l may abide with you.

6But of tho se seeming to be something whatthey were at that time makes“no difference to me : God does not receivethe face ofman zc for tho se seeming to me to be prominent added nothingextra : 7

but on the contrary,seeing that I am intrusted with the go spe l of

the uncircumcision, like Peter of the c1rcumc15 1on3for the .one having

wrought with Pe ter unto the apostleship of the circumcision also wroughtwith me unto the Gentiles :d 9

and having known the grace of God whichwas given unto me, James and Cephas and John, who seem to be pil lars,gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fe l lowship,

that we should goto the Gentiles, and they to the circumcision ;

10onl y that we should re

member the poor ; which very thing I was also zealous to do .


“And when Cephas came into Antioch , I withstood him to the face ,because he was to blame .

f 12For before certain ones came from James,

he Was eating along with the Gentiles : but when they came, he withdrewand separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision g

1 3And

the rest of the Jews also reciprocated with him ; so that even Barnabaswas led away by their dissimulation. But when I saw that they are not


Ac ts 9 . 30 ; 1 5 . 41 .

“Acts 1 1 . 30 ; 1 5 . 2 .


[I ].

walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospe l , I said to Cephasin the presence of all, I f you being a Jew are living like the Gentiles and

not like the Jews, how’

do you compel the Gentiles to Judaize ? 1 5We beingJews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles,h”knowing that a man is

not j ustified by works of law,but through the faith of Christ Jesus,i and

we have be lieved into Christ Jesus, in o rder that we may be j ustified byfaith ofChrist

,and no t by works oflaw

,because by works of law no flesh

shal l be j ustified»? 1 7But if seeking to be j ustified in Christ,we may also

be found sinners, then is Christ the minister of sin ? it could not be so .

For if I again build the things which I have destroyed , I constitute myse lfa transgressor.

”For I through law died to law,in order that I 'may live ’

unto God.

2OI am crucified along with Christ ; and I live no longer, but

Christ lives in me ; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by thefaith of the Son ofGod, who loved me

, and gave himself for me k21I do

not make vo id the grace of God : for if righteousness was through law,then Christ died gratuitiously.


The Spirit by faith . The faith , and the sons ofAbraham. The promise

ofGod, the law, Christ. The law our educator. Christians and Abra



10 foo lish Galatians, who has been bewitching you, before whose

eyes Jesus Christ was set forth having been crucified ? 21 only wish to

learn this from you,Did you receive the Spirit by works of law

, or byhearing of faith ?a 3

Are you so fo o lish ? having begun in the Spirit, are

you now made perfect in the flesh ? "Have you suffered so many thingsin vain ? if indeed in vain.

5Then did the one imparting to you the Spirit,

and working mirac lesb among you,do it by works of law

,or by hearing

of faith ? °As Abfaham be lieved God, and it was counted unto him for


c7Then know that tho se who are of faith , the same are

the sons of Abraham .

8But the scripture, foreseeing that God would

j ustify the Gent iles by faith , preached the go spe l to Abraham beforehand,That in thee shal l all the Gentiles be blessed fi 9

Therefore tho se who are

of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham fi ”For so many as are of

works of law are under the curse : for it is written, Cursed is every onewho does not abide in all things which have been written in the bookof the law,

to do the same .

f 1 1But that no one is j ustified by law in the

sight of God, is evident : because , The j ust shal l live by faith zg 12thoughthe law is not of faith ; but the one having done these things shal l livein them.

h 1 3Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law

, beingmade a curse for us : because it has been written ; Cursed is every one

kEph . 2 . 3 .

“R om . 1 0 . 1 7 .eActs 3 . 2 5 .

iR om . 3 . 20 ; Gal. 3 . 2 .bGr. dynamite s . fDeu t . 2 7 . 26.


Ps . 1 43 . 2 .

cR om . 4 . 3 ; Jas . 2 . 2 3 ; G en . 1 5 . 6 . aR om . 1 . 1 7 ; Hab. 2 . Heb. 10 . 38.

"Gal. I . 4 ; Eph . 5 . 2 .dGen . 1 2 . 3 .

hLev . I 8 . 5 ; R om . 10. 5 .


might receive t he adoption of sonship.

d 6But because you are sons, God

has sent forth the Spirit of his own Son into our hearts, crying, Father,Father fi 7

So you are no longer a servant but a son ; and if a son,truly

an heir through God.


8But you indeed, not knowing God; at that time served tho se who bynature are not gods :

9but now having known God, and rather having be

come known of God, how do you turn again to the weak and beggarlye lements which you wish to serve again as formerly ? g Do

_ you keepdays, and months, and times and years

? h 1 1I fear lest I have labored

unto you in vain.

”Be ye as I am

, because I am as you are,brethren,

I am praying foryou.

13You have not inj ured me : you know that through weakness of the

flesh I formerly preached the go spel unto you :1“and you did not despise,

nor spit upon, your temptation in my flesh ; but ”

you received me as an

ange l of God, as Christ Jesus.

1 5Where then is your happiness ? for Itestify to you that , if po ssible , having plucked out your eyes, you wouldhave given them to me .

i ”Therefore have I become your enemy , te l ling

you the truth ? 1 7They zealously seek you in no good way ; but they wish

to exc lude you, in o rder that you may zealousl y seek them.

I "It is good

always to be zealous in a good“thing, and not only in my coming to you.

”My children,for whom I again travail in pain until Christ may be

formed in you,J' ”but I wish to come unto you now

,and change my vo ice ;because I am at a lo ss in reference to you.

2”Te l l me, you wish to be under law

,do you not hear the law ? 22For

it is written that Abraham had two sons ; one by a bond- maid and one bya freewoman.

k ”But the one indeed of the bond - maid was born ao

cording to the flesh , and the one of the freewoman through the promise .


”Which things are al legorized : for these are the two covenants ; the one

indeed from mount Sinai, generating children into bondage , which isHagar.

”For this mount S inai is in Arabia,and corresponds withJerusalem which now is : for she is in bondage with her children.


Jerusalem who is above is free, who is our mo ther :m ”for it is written


Rej o ice , thou barren one who does no t bring forth ; break forth and cry

aloud,thou that do st not travail : because many more are the children

of the barren than ofher having a husband.

n ”But you,

brethren,are the

children of I saac , according to the promise .

0 But as the one at that timehaving been bo rn acco rding to the flesh persecuted the one according to

the Spirit , even so it is now.

”But what says the scripture ? Cast outthe bondwoman and her son : for the son of the bondwoman shal l notinherit with the son of the free .

p”Therefore, brethren, we are not the

children of the bondwoman,but of the free .

dGal. 3 . 1 3 .fr Cor. 4 . 1 5 .

eR om . 8 . 1 5 .

"G en . 2 1 . 2 -

9 .

fR om . 8 . 1 7 .

lG en . 1 7 . 1 6 ; R om. 9 . 9 .

aCol. 2 . 1 6.

‘mHeb. 1 2 . 2 2 .

hR om . 1 4. 5" I sa . 54. 1 .


s great temporal affl iction was weak and 0R om . 9 . 7 .

sore eyes.PG en . 2 1 . 10.



I t is necessary. to stand in Christian liberty against the fudaiz ers. The

law ofliberty is fulfilled by faith, love, and holiness.


1Christ has set you free with freedom . Therefore stand , and be not

again entangle-d with the yoke of bondage.

2Beho ld I Paul say untoyou, that, if you may be circumcised , Christ shal l pro fit you no thing.

3And again I witness to every man who is circumcised

,that he is debtor

to do the who le law.

4You have been divorced from Christ, whosoever

are j ustified by law ; you have fal len from.grace

fi 5For we through theSpirit do await the hope of righteousness through faith . 6For in ChristJesus neither circumcision or uncircumcision avails anything ; but faithworking through divine lo ve.


7You were running we l l ; who did hinder you that you should not

obey the truth PC 8The persuasion is not of the one cal ling you.

9A little

leaven leavens the who le lump.

d ”I have confidence in reference

to you in the Lord, that you shal l be none o therwise minded : butthe one troubling you shal l bear the judgment

,whoso ever he may be.


”But I , brethren,

if I yet preach circumcision,why do I stil l suffer

persecution ? then the offence of the cross would be done away . ”I would

that those troubling you shal l indeed cut themse lves off.

13For you were cal led unto liberty , brethren ; only use not the libertyunto an o ccasion to the flesh , but through divine love serve one ano ther.

”For the who le law has been fulfi l led in one word , in this ; Thou shaltlove thy neighbor with divine love as thyself.f

1 5But if you bite and

devour '

one ano ther, take heed that you may not be consumed one of

ano ther.

And I say, Walk about in the Spirit, and do not perfect the lustof carnality . ”For carnality wars against the Spirit , and the Spirit againstcarnality ; for these are antagonistical to one ano ther ; so that you may

not do the things which you may wish . 18But if you are led by the

Spirit , you are not under lawfs’ ”But the works of carnality are manifest


which are fornication,uncleanness, debauchery , ”

ido latry,



mities, strife, j ealousy , animosities, selfseekings, divisions, heresies, en

vyings, drunkenness, revel lings, and things like unto these : which I

te l l you beforehand, as I did previousl y say to you, that tho se do ingsuch things shal l not inherit the kingdom of God.

h ”But the fruit of the

Spirit is divine love, joy, peace, long suffering,kindness, goodness, faith ,

23meekness, ho liness ;i against such things there is no law.

”But thosebelonging to Christ Jesus have crucified carnalityj with the passions and


25Ifwe live in the Spirit , let us also Walk in the Spirit . ”

Let us not

be fond of vain glory , provoking one another, envying one another.

ajas . 2 . 10.bGal. 6. 1 5 ; 1 Cor. 7 . 1 9 . aR om . 6 . 14 .

°Gal. 3 . 1 .

kR om . 1 . 2 ; 1 Cor. 6 . 9 ; Col. 3 . 5 ; Ep . 5h4 1 Cor. 5 . 6 .

iPrac tical oline ss ; i. e . t, o tal abstinence5from02 Cor. 2 . 3 . everyth ing wrong. Eph . 5 . 9 .

fL ev . 1 9 . 8 ; Matt. 22 . 39 ; Rom. 1 3 . 8. Old A



I t is our duty to give counsel to the erring. The seed and the harvest.

Concerning false doctrine. We are to glory only in the cross ofChrist.

GALATIANS VI .‘Brethren,

if indeed a man may be overtaken in some transgression,

you who are spiritual , perfect such an one in the spirit of meekness ;

watching yourself, lest you may also be tempted.

2Bear the burdens of

one ano ther, and so fulfi l l the law of Christ .a 3For if any one seems to

be something,being no thing,

he deceives himse lf. 4But let each one prove

his own work,and then he shal l have rej o icing to himse lf alone, and not

to another ; 5for each one shal l bear his own responsibility.


6But let the one who is taught the word communicate to the one

teaching in all go od things.

° 7Be no t deceived ; God is not mocked. Fo rwhatso ever a man may sow,

that shal l he also reap zd 8because the one

sowing to his own flesh shal l of the flesh reap corruption ; but the one

sowing to the Spirit, shal l of the Spirit reap eternal life.

9But let us

not get weary do ing that which is good : for in due time we wil l reap,fainting not e

”Then therefore , as we have opportunity , let us do good

to all, especial l y to those who are of the househo ld of faith . You see

with how large letters I have written unto you with my own hand . I "’


many as wish to make a fair show in the flesh , these compe l you to be

circumcised ; only that they do not suffer persecution on account of thecross of Christ . ”For neither do those who are circumcised keep the

law ; but they wish you to be circumcised,in order that they may glory

in your flesh . 1”But it would be impo ssible for me to glory , except in the

cross of our Lord Jesus Christ , by which the world has been crucifiedto me, and I to the world : for neither is circumcision anything,

nor um

circumcision, but a new creature f”And so many as shal l walk by this

rule, peace and mercy be unto them,and unto the Israel ofGod.


let no one give me troubles : for I bear in my own body the marks of


”The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethrenAmen.

8 2 Cor. 4 . 1 6 : 2 Th ess .

fr Co r. 7 . 1 9°

2 Cor. 5 . 1 7 .

oPh il. 3 .


Jesus, and your love which is toward all the saints,k ”I do not cease

giving thanks for you making mention '

of you in my prayers ; 1 "in orderthat the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, may grant

unto you the spirit ofwisdom and of reve lation in the perfect knowledgeof himself; ”

the eyes of your heart having been enlightened , that youmay know what is the hope of his cal ling,

what the riches of the gloryof his inheritance among the saints


m ”and what the excel lent maj esty

of his power toward us who bel ieve , according to the working of the

power of his might which he has wrought in Christ,raising him from

the dead, and seating him on his right hand in the heavenlies,

n ”above

all government,and authority

,and power,

0 and lordship, and every name

named,not only in this age , but in the age to come :D

”and has subordi

nated all things beneath his feet , and given him to be head over all

things to the church , ”which is his body,the fulness of him who fil ls

all things in all.q


Christ the salvation ofsinners. The Gentiles themselves are called to the

peace ofChrist.


1You, who were dead in trespasses and in your sins

,a zin which at

one time you walked about according to the age of this world , accordingto the prince of the power of the air, the spirit which is now working in

the sons of disobedience ;b 3among whom we all indeed at one time lived

in the lusts of our flesh,do ing the wil l of the flesh and of the thoughts,

and we were by nature the children ofwrath,like the rest also zc

4but God,being rich in mercy , on account of his great love with which he loved


5created “ life in us in Christ , who were dead in trespasses,

d by graceyou have been saved, 6

and he has raised you up, and caused you to sit

in the heavenlies, in Christ Jesus :e 7in order that he may show in coming

ages the superabounding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in

Christ Jesus.

8For by grace you have been saved through faith ; and

that not of yourse lves : it is the gift of God : 9not of works

,in order that

no one may boast : ”for we are his workmanship, having been created

in Christ Jesus unto good works,which God before prepared that we

should walk in them .


1 1Therefore remember

,that when you were Gentiles in the flesh , cal led

Uncircumcision by that which is cal led Circumcision,made in the flesh

with hands ; 8 ”because you were at that time without Christ,being alien

ated from the commonwealth of I srael,and strangers of the covenants of

the promise, having no hope and being atheists in the world h”But now

you are in Christ Jesus,who being at one time far off have been made

kCol. 1 . 9 . PCol. 2 . l . 3 . 6.

dCol. 2 . 1 3 .

11 Th ess . 1 . 2 ; R om . 1 . 9 . 9 1 Cor. 1 5 . 2 7 ; C01. 1 . 1 8 ; Heb. 2 . 8 .GEph . 1 . 20.

m 1 Pe t . 1 . 1 3 ; C01. 1 . 2 7 . fCol. 1 . 1 0 .

”Eph . 2 . 6. (IR om . 2 . 2 6.

°Dynarnite . hR om . 9 . 4 ; Heb. 1 1 . 1 3 .

EPHE S IANS [I]. 263

nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, the one having madebo th one, and having broken down the middle wal l of partition,

1“havingdestroyed the law of commandments in ordinances} through his flesh,

the enmity, in order that He might create the two in himself into one

new man,J°

making peace ;”and that he may reconcile bo th in one body

to God through’ the cro ss,having slain the enmity on it.

k 1 7And having

come he preached the go spel of peace to you, who were far away, and

peace to them who were nigh :1 ”because through him we bo th have ac

cess in one Spirit to the Father.

m ”Then therefore you are no longerstrangers and so j ourners

,but fe l low- citizens of the saints, and members

of the househo ld of God,”having been built _

upon the foundation of the

apo stles and prophets, Jesus Christ himse lf being the chief cornerstone,n”in


whom the entire edifice , being assimilated,increases into a ho ly ' temple

in the Lord ; 22in whom also you are built together into a habitation of

God in the Spirit.°


Mystery concerning the salvation of the Gentiles. Paul the Apostle ofthe Gentiles. Christ dwelling in the souls.

EPHES IANS III .1Therefore I Paul , the prisoner ofChrist for the sake ofyou Gentiles}

zif indeed you have heard the economy of the grace ofGod which is givento me unto you ;

3that according to revelation the mystery was madeknown to me , as I formerly wro te to you briefly ,b 4

according to whichyou,

reading,are ab le to know my understanding in the mystery ofChrist

“which in o ther generations was not made known to the sons of men,


it is now revealed to his ho ly apo stles and prophets through the Spirit ;a“that the Gentiles are to be fel low—heirs, and the same body , and partakersof the promise of Christ Jesus through the gospe l , 7

who se minister I became , according to the gift of the grace of God which was given untome ; according to the working of his power

fi “To me

,the least of all

saints, was this grace given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable

riches of Christ ;f “and to shine forth what is the economy of the mysterywhich has been hidden from the ages in God who created all things ; 8”in order that the manifo ld wisdom of God through the church , may now

be made known to the governments and authorities in“

the heavenlies,according to the purpo se of the ages which he made in Christ Jesus our

Lo rd h”In whom we have bo ldness and access with confidence through

the faith ofhim .


”Therefore I ask that you faint not in my tribulations in your behalf,

which is your glory . 1“For this cause I bow my knees to the Father, ”of‘Mo saic and human ordinances .

“Eph . 4. 1 . fr CO1 . 1 5 . 9 ; Col. 1 . 2 7 .

JNew church . Col. 2 . 14.bEph . 1 . 9 ; Gal. 1 . 1 2 . aCol. 1 . 26.

"Col. 1 . 20 , 2 2 .CCol. 4 . 3 .

hEph . 1 . 1 1 .

’I sa . 5 7 . 19 ; Eph . 2 . 1 2 .mR om . 5 . 2 .

dEph . 2 . 20 ; Col. 1 . 26.‘Eph . 2 . 1 8 ; Rom. 5 . 2 .

"Eph . 4. 1 6 ; 1 C01 . 3 . 1 6.01 Pe t . 2 . 5 .

ODynamite . Col. 1 . 2 5 .


whom the Who le family in heavens and upon earth is named, in orderthat he may grant unto you,

according to the riches of his glory , thatyou be strengthened with mightj ‘

by his Spirit in the inner man ;”that

Christ may dwe l l in your hearts by faith ; ”being roo ted and grounded

in divine love, in order that you may be able to comprehend with all

saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, 1 9and to

know the divine love of .Christ which transcends knowledge, in order thatyou may be fi l led with all the fulness of God.

”And to him who is able to do exceedingly above all things which

we ask or think,according to the power

k working in us,

”to him be glory

in the church indeed in Christ Jesus unto all the generations of the age

of the ages : Amen.


The unity of“

the faith is to be conserved in the variety of the gifts of

grace. The Church, the body of Christ. The new life conspicuo us

in our entire department.


1Therefore I , the prisoner in the Lord , exhort you to walk worthily

of the cal ling with which you are cal led,

3 2with all humility and meekness,

with long ‘

suffering,forbearing one ano ther in divine love ; 3

endeavoringto keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace

b 4There is one

body and one Spirit, as ye indeed are cal led in one hope of your cal ling ;“one Lord , one faith , one baptism ,

c “one God and Father of all, who is

above all, and through all,and above you all

,and in all.

7And to each

one of you grace is given according to the measure of the gift of Christ .“Therefore he says, Having ascended upon high , he led captivity captive ,and gave ~

gifts to the people .

(1 “But what is that which ascended , exceptthat which descended into the lower parts of the earth ? ”But the one

having descended and the one having ascended above all the heavens,that he might fill all things, is the same.

1 1And he gave some

,apo st les ;

some, prophets ; and some,evangelists ; and some, pastors and teachers ; 9

”unto the perfection of the saints

,in the work of the ministry

, in the

edification of the body of Christ : ”until we may all come into the unityof the faith , and of the perfect knowledge of the Son


of God,into a

perfect man,into the measure of the likeness of the fulness of Christ :

”in order that we may be no longer infants, tossed by the waves and

carried about by every wind of teaching,in the caprice of the people ,

in their craftiness, pursuant to their method of de lusion ; ”but speaking

the truth in divine love , let us grow up in h im in all things, who is the

head , Christ ;f ”from whom the who le body,being assimilated and knitted


Gr. dynamite . Col. 1 . 1 1 .

¢1 Co r. 8 . 6 ; 1 2 . 5 ; 1 Tim . 2 . 5 .

kGr. dynamite . R om . 16 . 2 5 .dPs . 68 . 1 8 .

01 C01 . 1 2 . 2 8 .

“Eph . 3 . 1 ; Col. 1 . 10. p h . 1 . 2 2 ; 5 . 2 3 ; CO1. 1 . 18.bCol. 3 . 1 2 .


or co vetous,who is an ido later, has an inheritance in the kingdom of

Chrisf and o t God.

c “Let no one deceive you with empty words : for

through these the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience.

7Therefore be no t partakers along with them.

“For at one time ye were

darkness, but now ye are light in the Lord : walk about as children of the

l ight ,d 9

(for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousnessand truth ) ,9 ”proving what is acceptable to the Lord ; 1 1

and have no fel lowship with the unfruitful works of darkne ss, but rather indeed convictthem .

f ”For it is disgraceful even to speak of tho se things which are

done by them in concealment : ”but all things being convicted by the lightare made manifest ; for everything made manifest is light. 1“

Thereforehe says

,Awake , thou sleeper, and arise from the dead , and Christ wil l

shine upon thee .g

”Therefore see how you walk about circumspectl y , no t as unwise,

but wise ;h ”buying in the Opportunity, because the days are evil . ”There

fore be not unwise , but understand whatsoever is the wil l of the Lord .”Be not drunk with wine

,in which there is rio t

,but be ye fi l led with the

Spirit ; ”speaking one to ano ther in psalms and hymns and spiritual

songs, singing and making me lody in your heart to the Lord}”always

giving thanks for all things in the name of o ur Lord Jesus Christ toGod, even the Father ; J

' ”being submissive to one ano ther in the fear of

Christ . W ives, be submissive to your own husbands, as to the Lord,

”because the husband is the head of the wife , as Christ is also the head ofthe church

,being himse lf the saviour of the bo dy .k ”But as the church

is submissive to Christ , so also let the wives be to their husbands in everything.

1 ”Husbands, love your wives with divine love ,as Christ also

loved the church with divine love , and gave himself for her ; ”in orderthat he might sanctify her, having purified her by the washing of waterthrough the word , ”

in order that he might present to himse lf the glo

rious church , having no t Spo t or wrinkle o r any of such things ; but thatshe might be ho l y and blameless.

m 2”So the husbands ought to love their

own wives with divine love as their own bodies. The one loving his

own wife is loving himself: ”for no one ever yet hated his own flesh ;but he nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ also the church ; ”becausewe are members of his body : ”on account of this a man shal l leave hisfather and mother and cleave unto his wife ; and they two shal l be one

flesh .“ 32This is a great mystery : but I speak in reference to Christ andthe church . ”Moreover you also each one thus love his own wife



divine love as himself; and that the wife also reverence the husband .cR om . 1 . 1 8 ; 1 Cor. 6 . 9 ; Gal. 5 . 2 1 ; C01. 3 . 6.

iCol. 3 . 1 6.

d1 Th e ss . 5 . 5 .J'

Col. 3 . 1 7 .

eGal. 5 . 2 2 . Cor. 2 . 3 ; Col. 3 . 1 8 ; 1 Pe t. 3 . 1, 2 .

fR om . 1 2 . 2 .

1C01. 3 . 1 9 ; 1 Pe t . 3 . 7 .

gI sa . 26. 1 9 ; 60 . 1 .

m2 Co r. 1 1 . 2 ; Col. 1 . 2 2 .

ricol. 4. 5 .

“Gen . 2 . 24 ; Matt . 1 9 . 5 ; 1 Cor. 6. I 6.



To children and parents . To servants and masters . The armor ofGod;the army ofChrist. Tychicus. The vow.



obey your parents in the Lord : for this is right a2Honor

your father and mo ther, which is the first commandment with promise ,

3that it may be we l l with you,and you may live long upon the earth .


4And fathers, provoke not your children to wrath : but bring them up

in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.


5Ye servants,d obey tho se who are yo ur masters according to the flesh


with fear and tremb ling,in purity of your heart, as unto Christ ; 6

not witheyeservice

,as menpleasers, but as the servants of Christ do ing the wil l

of God from the soul ; e 7serving with goo d wil l as the Lord , and not

men :8knowing that if each one may do good , he wil l receive this with

the Lord, whether bond or free .

f 9And, ye masters, do the same things

to them,forbearing threatening : knowing that their Master and yours

is in the heavens, and that there is no respect of persons with him .8

10Final ly,be fi l led up with dynamite in the Lord, and in the power

of his might . 1 1Put on the panoply of God,’ that you may be ab le to

stand against the methods of the devil,

12because there is not to us fightingagainst bloo d and flesh

,but against the governments

,against the authori

ties,against the world- rulers of this darkness

,against the spirits ofwicked

ness in the heavenlies.

13Therefore take the panoply of God, that you may

be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all things, to stand.

1“Stand therefore , being girded about as to your lo ins with truth , and

being invested with the breastplate of righteousness, 1 5and being shod as

to your feet with the preparation of the go spel of peace ;h 1 6in all things

taking the shield of faith,with which you shal l be able to quench all

the fiery darts of the wicked one.

1 7And receive the helmet of salvation,

and the sword of the Spirit , which is the wo rd of God zi18

praying withallprayer and supplication in the Spirit in every place , and watching untothis same thing in all perseverance and prayer for all the saints, 1 9


for me that the word may be given unto me in opening of my mouth ,bo ldly to make known the mystery of the go spel , ”

for which I am an

ambassador in chain ; in order that in it I may preach bo ldly , as it behoovesme to speakJ

21But in order that you may also know the things concerning me,

how I am do ing, Tychicus, my be loved bro ther and faithful‘


“Col. 3 . 20 .fCol. 3 . 24.

bEx . 20. 1 2 .gNo race l ine s nor co lor line s . Col. 3 . 2 5 ; 4 . 1 .

0C01. 2 1 .

hr Th e ss . 5 . 8 .

dGr. s ave s . 2 Cor. C01. Ph il . 2 . 1 2 .


C01. 4 . 3 .

'Col. 3 . 2 3 .7'

Col. 4 . 7 .


in the Lord, wil l make known to you zk22whom I sent to you unto this

same thing,in order that you may know the affairs concerning us, and he

may comfort your hearts.

23Peace and divine love to the brethren, with faith, from God our

Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.24Grace be with all who love the Lord Jesus Christ with divine love

in purity ."Col. 4. 8 .


the rest ; 1 4and many of the brethren in the Lo rd , being confident through

my bonds, are bo ld to speak the word of God more fluently without fear.


Some indeed through envy and strife, and some through good wil l , are

preaching Christ : 1“the latter from divine love, knowing that I am set

for the defence of the gospel : 17the former from self- seeking are proc laim

ing Christ insincerely, thinking that they wil l add affl iction to my bonds.

1 8For what is it ? moreover that in every place, whether in pretex t or intruth , Christ is proc laimed ; and I rej o ice in this, _yes, and I wil l rej o ice .

”For I know that this wil l turn out to me unto salvation,through your

prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, ”according to my

earnest expectation and hope , that I shal l be ashamed in no thing, butwith all bo ldness, as always, even now Christ wil l be magnified in mybody

, whether by life, or by death . 2’For Christ is my life , and death ismy gain.

”But if to live in the flesh

,this shal l be to me the fruit of the

work,indeed I know not what I shal l ask.

”But I am in a strait between

two , having a desire to depart and to be with Christ ; for this is far better :2“but to remain in the flesh is safer on account of you.

25And having con

fidence in this , I know that I shal l abide W ith you all, unto your promo tionand the joy of your faith ; in order that your rej o icing in Christ Jesusmay abound in me through my coming again unto you.

27Onl y live worthily of the gospel of Christ : in order that , whether

coming and seeing you or being absent,I hear tho se things concerning

you, that you are standing in one spirit, with one soul contending for thefaith of the go spel ; 2”

and not being intimidated in anything by the adver

saries : which is to them the manifestation of destruction,but of your

salvation, and this is from God ;”because the blessing is conferred on

you in behalf of Christ, not onl y to be lieve on him, but indeed to suffer

fo r him :”having the same conflict as you saw in me, and now hear

ing me.


We are to love the example ofChrist. The humility and glory ofChrist.

Salvation is to be sought with every care. Praises ofTimo thy and


PHILIPPIANS I].‘If then there is any conso lation in Christ

,if there is any comfort of

divine love , if any fe l lowship of the S pirit, if any affection and mercies,2fill my joy, that you may think the same thing, having the same divinelove, being like - minded

,thinking this one thing ; 3 3that no thing is to be

according to se lf- seeking nor according to vain glory , but in humilityesteeming one another better than yourselves ; 4looking not each after yourown interests

,but each after that of o thers.

b 5Think the same thing amongyourse lves, which is also in Christ Jesus : “who,being in the form of God,

“Phil . 3 . 1 6.5 1 Cor. 10. 20.

pmu ppmzvs i t ; 27 :

thought it not usurpation to be equal with God,

7but he humbled him

self, having taken the form of a servant,0 being in the likeness of men ;

and having been found in fashion like a man ;ds.he humbled himse lf,being obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cro ss.


God has indeed exalted him, and given him a name above every name ;”that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow, of things in heaven and

things upon the earth and things beneath the earth } ? ”and every tongue

shal l confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, unto the glory of God the Father.

So , my beloved brethren,as you have always harkened, not only in

my presence , but now much more in my a bsence , work out your own sal

vation with . fear and trembling ;f”for God is the one working in you bo th

to wil l and to do , of his own go od pleasure.

14Do all things without murmurings and disputations ;g ”in order that you may be blameless


and pure,h

the children of God, irreproachable, amid a crooked and perverse gen

eration, among whom you shine as lights in the world , ”having the wordof life ; unto my boasting in the day of Christ, because I did not run in

vain,neither did I labor in vain.

i 1 7But if indeed I am poured outJ° for a

sacrifice and an offering for your faith , I rej o ice,and rej o ice along with

you all;”but you also rej o ice in this same thing, and rej o ice alongwith me .


”But I hope in the Lord Jesus, speedil y to send unto you Timo thy ,in order that I may also be delighted , having learned the things concerning


”For I have no ’

one l ike—minded , Who wil l nobly remember the thingsconcerning you ;

”for all are seeking after their own

,and not the things

of Jesus Christ . 2"But you know his integrity , that , as a child a father,

he served along with me in the go spel . 1 ”Indeed then I hope to send him


so soon as I may learn the things concerning myself: but I trust in the

Lord that I myself wil l come speedily .”But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my bro ther

and fel low- labo rer and fel low- so ldier,and apo stle and the minister of

my necessity ; ”since he was longing after you all,and grieving,

becauseyou heard that he was sick.

”For he was indeed nigh unto death : but Godhad mercy on him ; and not onl y him ,

but me also,in order that I may

not have sorrow upon sorrow.

”Therefore I the more diligently , in o rder

that , seeing him , you may re j o ice again , and I may not be without sorrow.

”Then receive him in the Lord with alljoy,and have such in honor

”because he was nigh unto death on account of the work of Christ,hav

ing j eoparded his life, in order that he might fulfi l l your deficiency of

ministry towards me .


CGr. slave .

iGal. 2 . 2 ; 2 . Tim . 4 . 6 .

dRom . 8 . 3 .JSuffer martyrdom .

eIsa . R om .

’fShou t over my martyrdom as I do . Ph il . 3 .

p h . 6 . 5 . I 4 . 4.

01 . Pe t . 4 . 9 .

11 Tim . 1 . 2 .

hGr. unm ixed ; i. e . wh o lly sanc tified,free m 1 Co r. 1 6 . 1 7 .

from alladmixture ofde pravity.



Against the Judaiz ers, the adversaries ofPaul. Ardent z eal and heavenlyhope ofPaul.


1Finally , my brethren,rej o ice in the Lordfi To write the same things

to you indeed is no t burdensome to me,but it is safe to you.

2Beware of

dogs,b beware of the evil' workers

,beware of the counterfeit circum


c3For we are the circumcision

, who serve the Spirit of God, and

boast in Christ Jesus, also having no confidence in the flesh : 4even though

also having confidence in the flesh . I f any o ther one seems to have con

fidence in the flesh , I the more :5in c1rcumc1s1on the eigh th day,

of the

race of I srael,of the tribe of Benj amin

, a Hebrew of the Hebrews ; as

touching the law,a Pharisee ;d 6

in reference to zeal , persecuting the church,

according to righteousness which was in the law being b lameless ? 7Tho sethings which were gained to me

, these I counted lo ss for the sake of

Christ. 25Yes truly, I even counted all things lo ss on account of the ex

cellency of Christ Jesus my Lord, for the sake of whom I suffer the

lo ss of all things, and I consider them but excrements,that I may gain

Christ, 9and may be found in him,

no t having my own righteousness, whichis of law, but that which is through faith of Christ

,the righteousness of

God through faith : ”to know him

, and the powerf of his resurrection,

and the fel lowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his

death ;g1 1if perchance I may attain unto the resurrection which is out

from the dead.


”Not that I already received it,or have already been made perfect :1

but I p ersevere, if I may receive that for which I have indeed been re

ceived by Christ Jesus.

”Brethren,I do not consider that I have yet re

ceived it ;1“but there is one thing,

indeed forgetting tho se things whichare behind, and reaching forward to tho se which are before, I presstoward the goal unto the mark of the high cal ling of God in ChristJesus -1 Therefore let us

,so many as are perfect k think the same

thing : and if you think o therwise in any respect, God wil l also revealthis to you : only , whereunto we have already attained , to walk by thesame rule.


1 7Be ye my imitators, brethren, and mark tho se thus walking about asyou have us an example .

”For many walk about, of whom I frequently

spoke to you,and now I speak even weeping, the enemies of the cross of

Christ : 1"who se end is destruction, who se God is their stomach , and who se

glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.

”For our citizenship is inthe heavens ; whence we are indeed lo oking for our Saviour the Lord JesusChrist : ”who wil l transform the body of our humility

, similitudinous to

the body of his own glory , according to the energy by which he is ableindeed to subdue all things to himself.02 Cor. 1 3 . 2 ; Ph il . 4 . 4 .

hFirst re surre c tion . R ev . 20 . 6 .

bU nh oly pe ople .

°T h e perfec tion ofglory.

0A spurious sanctification .


Sanc tified Paul running for glorification,as

dR om . 1 1 . 1 .0Gal. 1 . 1 3 . illustrated in th e Olymp ic rac e s .

fGr. dynamite .kTh e perfe c tion ofgrac e .

9111 th e crucifixion ofAdam .ZGal. 6. 1 6 .

The Epistle of Paul the ApostleTO THE



He praises the Colossians, with Epaphras their teacher

, exhorting themto persevere. The divine dignity ofChrist, the Redeemer ofallmen.

Paulrejoicing in his labors .


1Paul , the apostle of Jesus Christ through the wil l ofGod, and brotherTimo thy , 2

to the saints who are in Co lo ssae and the faithful brethren in

Christ. Grace to you and peace from God our Father.


3We give thanks to God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ,always praying for you,

4having heard of your faith in Christ J esus,and

the divine love which you have toward all the saints)0 5on account of the

hope which awaits you in the heavens, which you heard beforein the word of the truth of the gospel ,0 ”having come to you,

as it is indeed in the who le world bearing fruit and increasing,

as also among you, from the day on which you heard and haveknown the grace of God in truth ; "

as you have learned from Epaphrasour be loved bro ther, who is the faithful minister ofChrist in your behalf



8who also having revealed to us your divine love in the Spirit . 9

Thereforewe, from the day on which we heard

,do not cease praying for you,


asking that you may be fi l led with the perfect knowledge of his wil l inall wisdom

,and spiritual understanding,

e ”that you may walk worthily ofthe Lord in all lo yalty

,in every go od work bearing fruit, and increasing

in the perfect knowledge of God,f1 1being impowered with all power,8

according to the might of his glory , in all patience and longsuffering withjoy ; giving thanks to the Father, who has made us worthy unto a par

ticipation of the inheritance of the saints in light ; ”who delivered us fromthe power of darkness, and transplanted us into the kingdom of the Son

of his love ; in whom we have redemption, the remissions of sins zh1f’who

is the image of the invisible God,being the first bego tten of all creation}

”because in him all things are created , in the heavens and upon the earth ,visible and invisible , whether thrones or lordships or governments or au

aEph . 1 . 1,2 . p h . 4 . 1 ; 1 Thess . 1 1 . 1 2 .

bEph . 1 . 1 5 . aGr. dynamited with alldynamite .

CEph . 1 . 1 3 ; 2 Cor. 6. 7 .hEph . 1 . 7 .

dCol. 4. 1 2 .‘2 Cor. 4. 4.

eEph . 1 . 8 - 1 5 .

coz OSSIANS 11 . 2 75


All things were created by him, and unto him ; and he

before all things, and all things consist in him zk1Sand himself is the

head ofthe body , the church :1 who is the beginning, the first bego tten fromthe dead , in order that in all things himself may be pre

—eminent : 1gbe

cause in him all fulness is pleased to dwe l l ;m ”and through him,

to recon

cile all things unto himse lf, having made peace through the blood of his

cross : through him, whether things upon the earth, or things in the


n ”And you, being at one time aliens and enemies in your minds

on account of wicked works, nevertheless he has now reconciled0 ”in the

body of his cro ss through death , to present you ho ly and blameless and

unreprovable before him,p

”if you abide in the faith

,having been

grounded and firm, and not moved from the hope of the go spe l whichyou have heard, having been preached in all creation which is under

heaven ; who se minister I Paul became q

24Now I rej o ice in sufferings in yourb ehalf, and am fi l ling up the

residue of the afflictions ofChrist in my flesh in behalf of his body , whichis the church ; ”

who se minister I became,according to the economy of

God which was given to me unto you, to fulfi l l the word of God ,r ”the

mystery which has been hidden from ages and from the generations : butis now made manifest to his saints, ”to whom God wil led to make known

what is the riches of the glo ry of this mystery among the Gentiles, whois Christ in you,

the hope of glory :S ”whom we preach , admonishing every

man and teaching every man in allwisdom ,in order that we may present

every man perfect in Christ ; ”unto which I also labor, agonizing according to his energy ,

working in me with power.


Against false teachers . Having been buried with Christ, we the same have

risen. I t is already necessary to depart from human pleasures.


1For I wish you to know how great a conflict I have in behalf of you,and tho se in Laodicea, and so many as have not seen my face in the flesh ;azin o rder that their hearts may be comforted , being knitted together indivine love, and in all the riches of the ful l assurance of understanding,unto the perfect knowledge of the mystery of God, of Christ


3in whom

are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledgeb 4

I say this inorder that no one may deceive you with a persuasive speech . 5For if Iam absent in the flesh , but I am present with you in spirit,0 rej oicing and

seeing your order, and the establishment of your faith toward Christ .6Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the Lord , walk about in him .

iv . 20 ; Eph . 1 . 1 0 . 9Eph . 3 . 7 .

’fS tand toge th er.rEph . 3 . 2 .

lEph . 1 . 2 3 ; 1 Cor.'Eph . 1 . 1 8 .

‘mCol. 2 . 9 ; Eph . 1 . 10 .tDynami te . 1 Tim . 4. 10.

"Eph . 1 . 1 0 .“C01. 4 . 1 3 .

OEph . 2 . 1, 2 .

bCol. 1 . 9 , 2 7 .

PEPh 5 2 7 .c1 Cor. 5 . 3 .

2 76 coz ossmzvs 1 11 .

7having been roo ted and grounded in him, and confirmed in the faith , as

you have been taught, abounding in thanksgiving.


See that no one shal lbe deceiving you through philosophy and empty de lusion,

according to

the tradition ofmen, according to the e lements of the world , and not ac

cording to Christ,d 9because in him dwel ls all the fulness of the G odheadbodily,

e ”and you are complete in him, who is the head of all government

and authority :f 1 1in whom you are also circumcised


with the circumcision

made without hands, in putting off the body of depravitv in the circum

cision of Christ ; ”having been buried with him in baptism,g in which you

are also raised by the faith of the operation of God, who raised him from

the dead zh1 3and you,

being dead in trespasses and in the uncircumcision

of your depravity, has he created life in you along W ith himself, havingforgiven us all transgressions} ”having blo tted out the handwriting whichwas against us in ordinances} which was antagonistical to us : and took itout from the midst, having nailed itk to the cro ss ;

”having destroyed govaernments and authorities

,he made a public exhibition of them triumphing

over them on it.


”Therefore let no one j udge you in meat

,o r in drink

,or in the par

ticipation ofa feast, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath which thingsare a shadow of the things to come ; but the body is of Christ .m ”

Let no

one purpo sel y rob you of your prize ,by humiliat ion and wo rship of the

ange ls, trusting in tho se things which he has seen,being vainly puffed up

by the mind of his depravity,n ”

and not ho lding the Head , from whichthe entire body , by j o ints and l igaments being supplied and knittedtogether, increases the increase of God.

0 ”I f along with Christ you are

dead from the e lements of the world,why are you dogmatiz edp as living

in the world . ”Touch no t, taste not, handle not,

”those things which are

all unto destruction by use according to the commandments and teachingsof the people

? q”VVhich indeed are having a word of wisdom in wil l

worship, and humil iation,and austerity of the body ;r not in any value

against the indulgence of the flesh .


Heavenly things are to be sought after by the elect ofGod, and the new

man is to be clo thed with the new life. Duties ofmarried people,children,

servants, and mas ters .


1I f then ye . are risen with Christ

fseek tho se th ings which are above ,

where Christ is, sitting on the right hand of God ; think“

about tho sethings above

,and no t things upon the earth . 3For ye are dead, and your

dGal. 4. 3 , 9 .

lTh e cross .

6C01. 1 . 1 9 .mHeb. I O . 1 ; 8 .

p h . 5 . 2 1 .”R omanism .


R om . 6 . 4.

OEph . 4 . 1 5 .

hEph . 1 . 1 9 . PSubjec t to human ordinanc es and op1nions .

'Eph . 2 . 1 -

5 . 9L ev . 5 . 2 .


Mo saic and human .

'rAsc e ticism, as with th e R om'

anists and h eakTh e ceremonial covenant . Eph . 2 . 1 5 . then .

2 78 coz 05 5 1211175 J V.


I t is necessary to pray. We are to live prudently. Tychicus and Ones

imus . Salutations. The epistle from Laodicea.


1Masters, award unto the servants that which is right and equal ,knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.

2Be constant in prayer,3

watching in the same with thanksgiving ; 3at the same time also praying for

us,in order that God may open to us the door of the word, to speak the

mystery of Christ, on account of which I indeed am bound ; 4in order that

I may manifest the same,as it behooves me to speak.

5Walk about inwisdom toward the aliens

,buying in the opportunity

b 6

Let your word bealways with grace, seasoned with sal t, that you may know how it behoovesyou to answer each one .


7Tychicus,my beloved bro ther, and faithful minister and fe l low

laborer in the Lord, wil l make known to you all things which appertainto me zd

8whom I sent unto you for this same thing, in order that you may

know the things concerning us,and he may comfort your hearts ; 9

alongwith our faithful and be loved bro ther, Onesimus, who is from you ;

9 theywil l truly make konwn all things to you.

”Aristarchus my fel low- so ldier salutes you, and Mark the cousin of

Barnabas concerning whom you received commandments ; if he may come

to you,receive him ;

f ”and Jesus, cal led Justus, who being of the circum

cision : these are my only fel low- labo rers in the kingdom ofGod, who havebeen made a comfort to me .

”Epaphras, who is from you,

the servant ofJesus Christ

,always agonizing in your behalf in his prayers, in order that

you may stand perfect even having been ful ly carried away in all the wil lof God, salutes you.

8”For I testify to h im

,that he always has much

so licitude for you,and tho se who are in Laodicea,

and those who are in

Hierapo lis.

1“Luke, the beloved physician,

and Demas salute you.

h ”Sa

lute the brethren who are in Laodicea,and Nymphas, and the church

which is in their housefi ”And when the let ter may be read by you,


that it may also be read in the church of the Laodiceans ; and that youmay also read the letter from Laodicea.

1 7And say to Archippus ; Takeheed to the ministry which you received in the Lord,that you may fill it)

Salutation ofme Paul with my own hand. Remember my bonds. Grace

be with you.

“I n th e spirit ofprayer. Eph . 6. 1 8 .

bEph . 5 . 1 5 .

CEph . 4 . 2 9 .

dEph . 6 . 2 1 .

0Philem . 1 0 .

The First Epistle of Paul the ApostleTO THE



The Thessalonians are. made a noble example offaith.

I THES SALON IANS 1.1Paul , and S ilvanus, and Timo thy , to the church of the Th essalonians

in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . Grace to you and peace.


2We give thanks to God always for you all,making mention in our

prayers ;b 3incessantly remembering your work of faith and labor of love

and patience of hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before God even our

Father ;0 4knowing, brethren be loved of God, your e lection


5because our

gospe l came not unto you in word onl y , but in power,d and in the Ho ly

Gho st,and in much assurance ; as you know what sort we were among you

for your sakes.

6And you became imitators of us, and the Lord, having

received the word in much tribulation, with the joy of the Ho ly Ghost ; e7so that you are an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in


8For from you the word of the Lord echo ed out,not only in

Macedonia and in Achaia, but in every place your faith which is towardsGod has gone forth ; so that we have no need to say any thing :

9for they

proclaim concerning what kind of reception we had unto you ; and how

you turned to God from the ido ls, to serve the true and the living God,f”and to await his Son out of the heavens, whom he raised from the deadJesus the one delivering us from the wrath to come .


S incere and liberal exhortation ofPaul. Being constant in the faith amid

the popular antagonism. Desire ofseeing them.


1For you know , brethren , our coming unto you that it was no t in

vain :2but having suffered

,and been abused

,as you know,

at Philippi, we“Ac ts 1 7 . 1 ; 2 Th ess . 1 . 1 . d namite . 1 Cor. 4. 20 .

5C01. 1 . 3 ; 2 Th e ss . 1 . 3 .°1Th ess . 3 9 .

c2 Thess . 2 . 1 3 .fAc ts 14. 1 5 .


were bo ld in our God to speak to you the go spel ofGod in much conflict fi3For our exhortation was not from de lusion,

nor from“

impurity , nor in

guile : 4but as we were approved of God that the gospel should be in

trusted unto us, so we speak ; not as pleasing men,but God who is pro

‘vingour hearts.

b 5For at that time we were not in word of flattery,as you

know,nor in a pretext of covetousness, God is '

our witness ; c 6nor seeking

glory from men,nor from you,

nor from o thers,being ab le to be burden“

some, as the apostles of Christ ;d 7but we were gentle in the midst of you,

as if a nurse may cherish her children ; 8being so desirous of you,that -


are anx ious not only to give the go spe l ofGod, but our own souls,because

you are beloved unto us.

9For you remember,brethren,

our labor and to il :night and day working, that we should burden no one ofyou, we preachedunto you the go spel of,


9 ”You are witnesses

,and God, how sacredly

and righteously and blamelessly we were unto you who believed : 1 1

as you

know, exhorting each one ofyou, as a father ofhis own children,and com

forting you,

f ”and test ify ing, that you walk worthily of God, who cal ls

you into his own kingdom and glory.g

”And on account of this we also

give thanks to God incessantly , because , receiving the word of God from

us by hearing, you received it not as the word of men,but, as it truly is,

the word ofGod, who indeed works in you who believe.

h 1"For ye , brethren

, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in JesusChrist : because you suffered the same things from your fel low tribes, as

they also from the Jews ; ”who even kil led the Lord Jesus and the prophets,and persecuted us, and are displeasing to God, and ho stile to all men ;”forbidding that we should speak to the Gentiles in order that they may be

saved ; that they may fi l l up their sins always : but the wrath is come upon

them to the uttermost .17But, brethren,

we having been absent from you for the space of an

hour, in presence, not in heart, we were the more exceedingly anxious tosee your face with much desire .

1”Because we wish to come to you,I

Paul indeed bo th once and twice ; and Satan hindered me .

”For what isour hope, or joy, or crown of rej o icing,

except you,in the presence of our

Lord Jesus Christ at his coming ?’

”For you are our glory and joy.


Paul impeded in his journey again S t. Timo thy. He rejoices in the tid

ings. His vow.


1Therefore no longer containing, we delighted to be left alone at

Athens ;a 2and we sent Timo thy

,our bro ther and minister of God in the

go spel of Christ , in order to establish you,and exhort you concerningyour faith that no one should be shaken in these tribulations . For you


may walk about circumspectly toward the aliens,g and you may have need

of no thing.

1 3For we do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning thosewho are asleep ; in order that you may not sorrow,

even as tho se havingno hope.

h ”For ifwe believe that Jesus died and is risen, so also wil l Godbring with him those who sleep in Jesusfi 1“For we speak this to you in

the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left unto the comingof the Lord , can not anticipateJ

' tho se who are asleep,

”because the Lordhimse lfwil l descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel , and the trump of God : and the dead in C hrist shal l rise first ;k1


’then we who are alive

,who are left , wil l at the same time along withthem be caught up in the c louds, to meet the Lord in the air ; and so we

wil l be always with the Lord . I 8

So comfort one ano ther with these words.


The day is going to come suddenly; hence the necessity ofwatching. Our

leaders are to be appreciated. Various admonitions. Vows.


1But concerning the times and seasons


, you have no need thatI write to you ; 2

for you yourselves know we l l,that the day of the Lord is

so coming like a thief in the nighta 3When they may say, Peace and

safety , then sudden destruction comes on them,as travail upon a woman

in gestation ; and they can not escape.

4But you, brethren,

are no t in dark

ness, that the day may overtake you like a thief: 5for you are all the sons

of light , and the sons of day : we are not of night, nor of darkness ;b6then therefore let us not sleep like the rest , but watch ' and be sober.

7Forthose sleeping sleep in the night ; and tho se who are drunken, get drunk

in the night : but let us, who are of the day, be sober,having put on the

breastplate of faith and divine love ; and the helmet,the hope of salva

tion zc”because God did not put us forth unto wrath , but unto the obtain

ment of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ , ”the one having died

for us, in order that, whether we are awake or asleep,

d we shal l at the same

time live with him.

”Therefore exhort one another, and edify either the

o ther, as you indeed are do ing.

”But we intreat you,brethren, to know tho se who are laboring among

you, and standing before you in the Lord, and admonishing you ;6

1 3and

that you yourselves esteem them exceedingly in divine love for the sake

of their work.

f Live in peace among yourselves.

1 4And we exhort you,

brethren, admonish the unrul y , comfort the smal l—souled people, supportthe weak, be longsuffering toward all. See that no one may return evilfor evil to any one ; but always pursue good toward one ano ther, and

00utsiders ..

hEph . 2 . 1 2 .bEph . 5 . 8 .

i t Cor. 6 . 1 4 ; R om . 8 . 1 1 .

cEph . 6 . 1 4- 1 7 .

JGo before . 1 Cor. 1 5 . 20—2 3 .

dDead or alive . 2 Cor. 5 . 1 5 .

kBefore the living saints are translated.

01 Tim . 5 . 1 7 .

“I Thess . 4. 9 ; Matt . 24. 36 ; 2 Pe t . 3 . 10. M ark 9. 50.


toward all. 8 1“Rej o ice evermore fli1


pray without ceasing ; in every thinggive thanks ; for this is the wil l of God in Christ Jesus towards you.

Quench not the Spirit ; i 20despise not prophesying ; 21

but prove all things ;and ho ld fast to the beautiful ; 22

abstain from every evil sight .23And the God of peace himse lf sanctify you who l ly ;J' and may your

Who le spirit and soul and body be preserved blame less,in the coming of

our Lord Jesus Christ .k 24Faithful is the one cal ling you, who indeed

wil l do it.


25Brethren, pray for us.

Salute all the brethren with a ho ly kiss. I adj ure you in the name

of the Lord , that this epistle shal l be read'

to all the brethren.

m 2’The grace

ofour Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

gR om . 1 2 . 1 7 ; 1 Pe t . 3 . 9 .h Phil . 4 . 4.

iEph . 4 30


Gr. entirely unto perfec tion.

The Second Epistle of Paul the ApostleTO THE



He applauds the faith ofthe Thessalonians. The reward awaits the godly,

punishment the ungodly.


1Paul, and Silvanus, and Timothy

,unto the Church of the Thessa

lonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ a 2Grace to you and

peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ . We ought alwaysto give thanks to God for you, brethren,

as it is worthy,because your faith

increases, and the divine love ofyou all towards one ano ther abounds more

and more ;b 4

so that we ourselves rej o ice over you in the churches of God,on account of your patience and faith in all yo ur persecutions and tribulations which you endure ;

5the manifestation of the righ teous j udgment of

God, that you may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God,for which

you indeed suffer :6if indeed it is a righteous thing with God to recompense

tribulation to them who are troubling you,and to you who are troubled


rest with us,in the revelation of the Lo rd Jesus from heaven with the

angels of his power0 8in the fire of flame

,dispensing vengeance to tho se

who know not God, and to tho se who do not obey the go spel of our Lord

Jesus zd 9who shal l suffer vengeance , eternal destruction from the face of

the Lord and from the glory of his might, ”when he may come to be

glorified among his saints, and among all those who believe, to be wondered at in that day, because our testimony was believed by you. Untowhich indeed we are praying incessant ly for you,

in order that our Godmay count you worthy of the cal ling,

and may fulfi l l all the good pleasureof his goodness and work of faith , with power ; 6 ”

in order that the name

of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you,and you in him,

according to

the grace of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ.“I Th e ss . I . I .

172 Th ess . 2 . 3 ; I Th ess . I . 2 .

CG r. dynamite . 1 The ss . 4. 1 6.


livered from the ungodly and wicked men ; for faith does not belong to all.3But the Lord is faithful , who wil l establish you and keep you from the

evil one.

4And we have trusted in the Lord in your behalf, that you are

do ing, and wil l do whatsoever we command . 5And the Lord direct yourhearts into the love ofGod

,and the patience ofChrist b

6And we command you,

brethren,in the name of our Lord Jesus

Christ, that you withdraw from every bro ther who walks about disorderl y ,and not according to the teaching they received from us.

0 7For you yourse lves know how it behooves you to imitate us ;

d because we were not dis

orderly among you ;”neither did we eat bread with any one gratuitously ,

but with labor and to il,night and day working,

that we might not burdenany one ofyou :

e 9not because we have not the right, but in o rder that we

may give ourse lves an example to you,that you may imitate us.

f ”Forindeed when we were with you, we proclaimed this to you,

that if any

one does not wish to work,let him not eat.

1 1For we hear that there are

certain ones walking about among you disorderly , do ing no thing, but theyare busybodies : ”

but we command such and exhort them in the Lord

Jesus Christ, that with quietude working,they must eat their own bread.

But you, brethren,be not weary do ing we l l . 8 14But if any one does no t

obey our word through the epistle , no te him ; do no t keep company withhim ; in order that he may be ashamed ;

h 1 5co


nsider him not as an enemy ,but admonish him as a brotherfi

”The Lord of peace himself grant unto

you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all.1 7Salutation ofme Paul with my own hand , which is the token in every

epistle : so I write .J°

1“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Gal. 5 . 1 0 . 9Gal. 9 .

R om . 1 6 . 1 7 ; 1 Cor. 5 . 1 1 . Cor. 5 . 1 1 .

d1 Th ess . T h e ss . 5 . 1 46 1 Th e ss . 2 . J


Col. 4. 1 8 : 1 Th ess . 5 . 28 .

f1 Cor. 9 . 6 ;

9Ph il . 3 . 1 7 .

The First Epistle of Paul the Apo stle



S implicity of the gospel to be looked after. Law and grace of Christ.Hyinenwus and Alexander.

I TIMOTHY I.1Paul , the apostle of Jesus according to the commandment ofGod our

Saviour, and Jesus Christ our hope ? L 2to Timo thy , my be loved son in the

faith. Grace , mercy , peace, from God the Father and Jesus Christ ourLord . 3

As I exhorted you to remain in Ephesus, I going into Macedonia,

in order that you may command certain ones not to teach heterodoxy,


4nor to give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which present questions, rather than the economy of God which is in faith :0 5

but the end o f

the commandment is divine love out ofa clean heart and a go od conscience

and faith free from hypocrisy : 6from which certain ones having deflected

have gone out into empty talkingfl 7wishing to be teachers of the law,

no t

knowing either what they are saying,or concerning what things they do

affirm .

8But we know that the law is good , ifany one may use it lawfully ;e

9knowing this, that the law is not made for the righteous, but for the un

righteous and disorderly for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unho lyand the profane , for patrlcides, matricides and homocides,

f ”for fornicators,for Sodomites, for kidnapers, for liars, for perj urers, and if any thingse lse is opposed to healthy teaching ;g 1 1

according to the gospe l of the gloryof the blessed God, with which I am intrusted . ”

I give thanks to J esusChrist our Lord, the one having fi l led me up with dynamite, because heconsidered me faithful , having put me in the ministry ; 1 i’

being antecedentlya blasphemer

,and a persecutor, and an insulter : but I obtained mercy ,because I did it in unbelief being ignorant ;h 1"

but the grace of our Lordwith faith and the divine love which is in Christ Jesus superabounded


“Tit . 1 . 1 . OR om . 7 . 1 2 - 1

bAny o th er doctrine except the gospel . Acts fMurderers o

ifath ers, mo th ers, and men .

oInstruc tion conducwe to soul h ealth .

1t T im ”I Cor. Gal. 1 . I 3 .

dAll talk with out th e9Holy Ghost 15 empty.‘R om . 5 . 20.

288 1 TIM OTH Y I J .

It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,that Christ Jesus

came into the world to save sinners ; of whom I am chief:J' ”but on this

account I obtained mercy , in order that Jesus Christ might in me the chiefshow forth all longsuffering,

for an example of tho se about to believe on

him unto eternal life .

1 7But to the ,King of the ages, the incorruptible ,

invisible, only God, be honor and glory unto the ages of the ages. Ameu k

”This charge I commit unto you,

0 child Timothy,according to the proph

ecies that went before on you,that you may war a beautiful warfare in

the same ;”having faith and a good conscience ; which some having cast

away have made shipwreck concerning the faith ; of whom is Hymenaeus

and Alexander,whom I have delivered to Satan,

that they may learn no t

to blaspheme.



Public prayers . There is one God,and mediator. The attitude of those

praying. Woman in the church .

I TIMOTHY II.lMoreover, first of all things, I exhort you,

that prayers supplications.

intercessions,thanksgivings, be made in behalf of all men ;

for kings and

allwho are in authority ; in order that we may lead a peaceab le and quietlife in all godl iness and honesty . 3

This is beautiful and acceptable in the

sight ofGod our Saviour ; 4

who wishes allmen to be saved,and to come to

the perfect knowledge of the truthfil For there is one God,and there is

also one mediator of God and men, the man , Christ Jesus,b 6the one

having given himselfa ransom for all, a testimony in due time ; 0 7in which

I have been placed a herald and an apo st le I speak the truth , I lie not,a

teacher of the Gentiles in faith and in truth .


8Therefore I wish that men in every place would all pray , ho lding upho l y hands

,without wrath and doub ting :

9 likewise that the women adorn

themselves in comely apparel , with modesty and prudence ; not withbraided hair

,and go ld or pearls or co stly garments ? ”

but whatsoeverbecomes women professing godliness, through good works.

1 1

Let a woman

learn in silence in all submission ; ”but I do not permit a woman to dic

tate or usurp authority over her husband , but to be in silence .

f ”ForAdam was first created

,then Eve g 14

And Adam was not deceived , butthe woman being deceived was in the transgression ;h ”

but she shal l besaved through child - bearing} if they may abide in faith and in divine loveand in sanctification with prudence.


Th e ch iefof sinners,saved by grace . Matt.

dR om . 9 . 1 ; 2 Tim . 1 . 1 1 .

I I I .

01 Pe t . 3 . 3 .

’fR om . 1 6. 26 ; Jude 2 5 .f1 Cor. 1 1 . 9 .

11 Cor. 5 . 5 ; 2 Tim . 2 . 1 7 .yG en . 2 . 7

- 2 2 .

02 Tim . 3 . 7 ; 2 . Pe t . 3 . 9 .

hGen . 3 . 6.

bGal. 3 . 20 .

fChriSt .

¢Tit. 2 . 14 ; Gal. 3 . 20.

1290 1 TIMOTH Y V:

God is good , and nothing rej ected, being received with thanksgiving :5fo r it is sanctified by the word of God and by prayer.

6Submitting thesethings to the brethren, you wil l be a beautiful minister of Jesus Christ,being nourished by the words of faith . and the beautiful teaching which

you have fo l lowed ; c 7but rej ect the unsanctified and sil ly stories zd but

exercise yourse lf unto godliness.

8For bodily exercise is pro fitableunto little ; but godliness is pro fitable unto all things, having the

promise of the l ife that now is, and of that which is to come .


9This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation.

f ”Forunto this we to il and agonize, because we have hope in the living God,who is the Saviour of allmen

, especial ly of the faithful .1 1Command and teach these things.

”Let no one look with contempt

u pon your youth ; but be you an example of the faithful , in word, indeportment

,in divine love

,in faith

,in purity . 1 3

Until I come, give atten

tion to reading, to exhortation, to teachingh 1“Do not neglect the gift

which is in you,which was given unto you through prophecy , with thelaying on of the hands of the presbytery

fi ”Be diligent in these things ;give yourse lfwho l ly unto them ; in o rder that your progress may be mani

fest to all.”Take heed to yourse lf and the teaching : continue in these

things ; for do ing this you wil l indeed save yourself and tho se who

hear you.


Concerning admonitions. Concerning widows and elders. Concerningsinners .


1Rebuke not an e lder

,but exhort him as a father ; the younger men

as bro thers : 2

the e lderly women as mothers ; the younger women as sisters,

in all purity . 3Honor widows who are trul y widows.

4But if any widow

has children, or grandchildren,let them first learn to show piety to their

own house,and to give benefactions to their ancestors : for this is ac

ceptable in the sight of God a 5She who is truly a widow,

and left alone,hopes in God, and abides in prayers and suppl ication night and day ; 6


she who is wanton is dead though l iving.

7Indeed command these things,

in order that they may be blame less.

8But if any one provides not for

h is own, and especial ly tho se of his own house,he has denied the faith ,

and is worse than an infidel .9

Let a widow not be taken into account under three score years,the

wife ofone husband) o ”being witness in beautiful works ; if she has broughtup children

,if she has entertained strangers, if she has washed the feet

of saints,if she has succored tho se in tribulation

,if she has fo l lowed in

every good work.

1 1But rej ect the younger widows : for when they maywax wanton against Christ, they wish to marry ; ”having condemnation,

1 TIM OTH Y V]. 29 1

because they have rej ected their first faith : and”

at the same time theylearn to be idle , go ing about houses ; and no t only idle, but also loquacious even busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. 14

ThereforeI wish the younger women to marry , to raise up children,

to rule the

house,to give ,

no occasion to the adversary for the sake of reproach ;for already certain ones have turned away after Satan.

”If any faith

ful woman has widows, let her support them, and let not the church beburdened ; in order that she may give her attention to those who are

trul y widows.

Let the e lders who stand before the people beautiful ly , be consideredworthy of double remuneration

,especial ly tho se laboring in the word and


(3 ”For the scripture says, Thou shalt not muzz le the, ox thattreadeth out the corn zd and

,The laborer is worthy of his hire e ”Bring

not an accusation against an elder, except before two or three witnesses.


20Convict tho se who sin before all, in order that the rest may also have fear.

21I testify before . God, and Jesus Christ, and the elect ange ls, that you

must guard these things without prej udice , do ing no thing by partiality.g


Lay hands quickly on no one, and be not partaker of o ther men’

s sins h

Keep yourse lf pure. No longer drink water, but use a little wine for thesake ofyour stomach and on account ofyour frequent sickness.

24The sins

of some men are manifest beforehand, going before to j udgment ; and

some men they also fo l low after : 25 likewise trul y are go od works mani

fested beforehand ; and tho se which are o therwise are not able to be hidden.


Concerning servants , false teachers,and avaricious people ; concerning the

strife ofthe man ofGod; concerning the duties ofthe rich.


Let the servantsa so many as are under the yoke,esteem those who

are their masters worthy of all honor, in o rder that the name and doctrineofGod may not be blasphemedb

2But let tho se that have faithful masters

not despise them, because they are brethren ; but rather let them servethem

,because they are the faithful and beloved who are partaking of the


c Command these things and exhort them.

a1f any one teaches ano ther doctrine

,and does not give heed to the

sound words which be longed to our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrinewhich is according to godliness ; 4

he has been inflated , knowing no thing,

but do ting about questions and controversies, from which come envy ,strife, b lasphemies, evil surmisings, 5wranglings of men having been co r

rupted as to their mind and turned away from the truth , considering thatgain is godliness.

d eGodliness with contentment is great gain,

7for becausewe have brought nothing into the world

, we are not able to carry any6 1 Cor. 9 . 1 ; 1 Th ess . 5 . 1 2 .

kDo no t consecrate th em to th e pastorate , deadWh eat

,barley, and o th ergrains . Deut . 2 5 . 4. conship, and e ldersh ip premature ly.

0Luke 1 0 . 7 ; Matt . 10 . 10.“Slave s .

fDeut . 1 9 . 1 5 . 02 Tim . 4. 1 .b’


it . 2 . 9 .

292 1 TIM OTH Y V].

thing out ;8however having food and raiment we shal l be contented with


9But those wishing to be rich fal l into temptation and a snare and

many foo lish and hurtful lusts, which drown the people in destruction and

perdition. For the love of money is a roo t of all evils : which some

seeking after have wandered from the faith, and pierced themselvesthrough with many sorrows.

1 1But you, 0 man ofGod, fly fromthese things ; and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith , divine love, patience, meekness e ”Fight the go odfight of faith , lay ho ld on eternal life, into which you have been ,

cal led,

and witnessed a beautiful testimony before many witnesses.

”I charge

you before God, who creates l ife in all things, and Jesus Christ,who

witnessed a beautiful testimony before Pontius Pilate,

f 1"‘that you keepthe commandment, spo tless and pure, unto the appearing of our Lord

Jesus Christ . 8” ”which the blessed and onl y Sovereign, the King of the

kings, and Lord of the lords, wil l manifest in his own due times ; he

alone having immortality , inhabiting light unapproachable ; whom no one

of men has seen, or is able to see : to whom be honor and power eternal .Amen h

1 7Charge the rich in this world not to think high things, nor to hope

in uncertain riches, but in God, who richly supplies us all things for our

enj oyment ; ”that they do good, be rich in good works, be cheerful givers,ready communicators ; 1"laying up for themse lves a good foundation for

the future , that they may lay ho ld on the life which is l ife indeed .200 Timo thy , stand guard over that which has been committed to

you} avo iding unsanctified,empty talksJ' and oppo sitions of knowledge

false ly so called,

k which some pro claiming have made shipwreck con

cerning the faith .

I Grace be with you.

h 2 T 1 111 . 4 . 1 8 .

‘2 Tim .

’All talks with out th e Ho ly Ghos t are empty.

"2 Tim . 2 . 1 6.

12 T 1m 2 . 1 8 .

294 2 7 11110

sound words which you heard with me,in the faith and divine love which

is in Christ Jesus :h ”stand guard over the beautiful deposit through the

Ho ly Gho st who dwe l ls in us.


You know this, that allwho are in Asia,of whom are Phygelus and

Hermogenes have turned away from me .J' ”May the Lord grant mercy to

the family of Onesiphorus, because frequently he refreshed me,and was

not ashamed ofmy chain,

k 17and

,being in Rome

,he dil igent ly sought me ,

and found me.

”May the Lord grant unto him to find mercy with theLo rd in that day. And so many things as he ministered in Ephesus, youknow better.


The crown of the soldiers of Chris t. Deportment of a good teacher.

Against Hymenwus and o thers teaching vain things .

2 TIMOTHY II .1Therefore, my child

,be thou fi l led up with dynamite in the grace

which is in Christ Jesus,

2and whatso ever things thou hast heard with

me through many witnesses, commit thou the same to faithful men,a who

wil l be able also to teach o thers.

3Suffer affliction

,as a good so ldier of

Jesus Christ b 4No one operating as a so ldier is entangled with the affairs

of l ife ; in order that he may please his commander.

c 5But if indeed any

one may fight , he is no t crowned unless he may fight lawful ly . 6It be

hooves the to iling farmer first to partake of the fruits.

7Know what Isay ; for the Lord wil l give you understanding in all things.


Jesus Christ, who is risen from the dead,from the seed ofDavid

, accord

ing to my go spe l :d 9in whom I suffer affliction as an evil - doer, even

unto bonds ; but the word of God is not bound e ”On account of this I

endure all things for the sake of the e lect,in order that they may also

have the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory . 11It is a

faithful saying z -For ifwe die along with him,we wil l also live with him zf

”if we endure

, we wil l truly reign with h im :8 if we shal l deny h im, he

wil l also deny us zh ”if we are unfaithful

,he remains faithful ; for he is

not able to deny h imself.1 4Remember these things, testifying before God,

that they shal l notfight with words, profi tab le unto no thing,

for the overturning of tho sewho hear.

”Study to present yourself‘

to God approved, a workman no t

to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth . ”But rej ect the nu

sanctified empty talks : for they wil l proceed unto more of ungodliness)1 7and their word like gangrene wil l have eating. Ofwhom are Hymenaeus

and Phyletus ;J' ”who have made shipwreck concerning the truth , sayingthat the resurrection has already come

,and they overturn the faith of

71 1 T im . 6 . 20.dR om . 1 , 3 ; 1 Cor. 1 5 . 1 2 .

iR om . 8 . 1 1 .

eAc ts 2 8 . 3 .

12 Tim . 4 . 1 6 .fRom . 1 Tim . 4. 9 .

Tim . 4 . 1 9 .OR e V . 20 . 6 .

“Apo stoli calsucc es smn hMatt .

5 1 Tim . I . 1 8 .

‘T it . 3 . 9c1 Cor. 9 . 2 5 .

"A canc er on th e soul . 1 Tim . x. 20.

2 TIM OTH Y 111 . 295

some . The foundation of God stands so lid indeed, having this seal ,The Lord knows them that are his : and, Let every one naming the name

of the Lord depart from iniquity.

k ”But in a great house there are no t

only go ld and silver vesse ls, but also wood and stone,the former truly

indeed unto honor, but the latter unto dishonor.

1 ”Therefore if any one

may cleanse himself from these,.m he shal l be a vesse l unto honor, havingbeen sanctified

,Wel l pleasing to the Lord , having been prepared unto

every good work.

22But fly from youthful lusts,and pursue righteousness,

faith, divine love, peace, with tho se who cal l upon the Lord out of a clean

heart .“ ”But rej ect foo lish and undisciplinary questions, knowing thatthey gender strife.

° 24But it does not behoove the servant of the Lord tostrive,P but to be gentle toward all

,competent to teach , enduring evil ,

”in meekness correcting the adversaries ; if peradventure God


may grantunto them repentance into the perfect knowledge of the truth , ”

and theymay escape from the snare of the devil , having been taken captive by him(the Lord’s servant ) according to his will.q


Wickedness and misery of the last time. S cripture inspired.

2 TIMOTHY III .1But know this, that in the last days perilous times shal l come a 2For

men wil l be lovers of themse lves, moneylovers, arrogant , proud, blasphenious, disobedient to parents, ungrateful , unho ly ,b 3

without naturalaffections

,covenant breakers, devilish , intemperate , furious, oppo sed to

good , 4traitors,headstrong, puffed up,

lovers of pleasure rather than loversof God ;

5having a form of godliness, but denying the power0 of the

same : and from these turn away . 6For of these are those creeping intohouses, and leading captive little, sil l y womend laden with sins, being ledby divers lusts, 7always learning, and never able to come into the perfect

knowledge of the truth .e 5‘In the manner in which Jannes and Jambres

also resisted Mo ses, so these indeed resist the truth ;f men who are cor

rupt as to their mind , reprobate concerning the . faith . 8 9But they shal lproceed no further : for their insanity wil l be manifest to all

,as theirs

also was h ”But you have fo l lowed my teaching,leadership, purpo se ,

faith , long suffering,divine love, patience, 1 1

persecutions, sufferings ; suchas came to me in Antioch , in Iconium,

in Lystra ; such persecutions as I

endured : and the Lord delivered me out of them al l . i ”But truly allwishing to live godly in Christ Jesus wil l suffer persecution.

”But wicked men

and seducers wil l wax worse and worse,deceiving and being deceived .

kNeh . 1 . 7 .

dGr. guna ika ria ,littl e , silly women . As th e

11 Cor. 3 . 1 2 . word 15 in th e neutergender it include s men

mTh e dishonorable vessels . as we ll as women wh o have small,ignorant

”1 T im . 6 . 1 1 . souls .

01 Tim . 4 . 7 .

c 1 Tim . 2 . 4 .

plndulge in controversy. fEx . 7 . 1 1 .

qr Tim . 3 . 7 .01 T im . 6 . 5 .

0 1 Tim . 4 . 1 .

hr Tim . 5 . 24 .

bRom. 1 . 29.

0Gr, dynamite .iActs 1 3 . 50 ; 14. 2

, 19.

296 2 W h o TH Y I V.

But abide thou in tho se things which thou hast learned and in wh ichthou hast been instructed

,knowing from whom thou hast learned ; ”andthat from an infant thou hast known the ho ly scriptures 'which are able

to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus)”All scripture is God- breathed and pro fitable unto teaching, unto con

viction,unto correction

,unto instruction which is in righteousness : 1 7


order that the man of God may be perfect, having been thoroughly perfected unto every good work.



I t is necessary to stand against the wicked. He refers to immediate death .



1In the presence of God, and Jesus Christ, the one about to j udge

the living and the dead, I testify to ,bo th his appearing and his king

dom ;a 2

preach the word : be instant in season and out of season ; con

vict, exhort , rebuke, with all longsuffering and teaching.

8For the time

wil l come when they wil l not endure healthy teachingflO but according to

their own lusts they wil l heap to themselves teachers itching as'

to theirhearing ; 4

and they wil l indeed turn their hearing from the truth , and be

turned unto fablesc .

5But be thou sober in all things, suffer affliction,

do the work of an evangelist , make ful l pro of of thy ministry .d 6For Iam now feady to be offered , and the time of my departure is at hand .e7I have fought a goo d fight , I have finished my course, I have kept thefaith zf 8

finally there is a crown of righteousness laid up for me,which

the Lord , the righteous j udge , wil l give me in that day : not only to me,

but to all tho se who with divine love , do love h is appearing g9Hasten to come to me quickly . ”ForDemas has left me

,having loved

the present age, and is gone into Thessalonica ; Cresceus into Galatia,Titus


DalmatiaJl1 1

Luke alone is with me . Having taken Mark, bring

him with you : for he is useful unto me for the ministry . ”But I sentTychicus into Ephesus fi ”

Coming,bring the cloak

,which I left in Troas

with Carpus, and the books,especial ly the parchments.

”Alexander the

coppersmith showed to me much evil :J' the Lord wil l reward him accordingto his works.

”Whom you also watch for he resisted our words exceedingly.

”In my first defence no one stood by me

,but all left me : may it

not be charged against them zk1"but the Lord stood by me and impowered

me ;1 in order that the preaching through me might be fulfi l led , and all

the Gentiles hear : and I was delivered out of the mouth of the l ion. .

"Acts 1 6 . 1 . fr Tim . 6. 1 2 .

Tim . 6. I I . aj as . I . 1 2 .

“1 T im . 5 . 2 1 Tit . 2 . 1 3 .”C01. 4 . 14.

bR egeneration gives life and sanc tification iAc ts 20 . 4 .

give s h eal th . 31 Tim . 1 . 20 .

cEveryth ing except th e truth ofGod.

kAc ts 60 .

42 Tim. 2 . 3 .°Ph11. 2 . 1 7 . G r. filledme with dynamite ,

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle



To Titus his beloved son. The affairs in Crete are to be administeredby Titus. The lying Cretans. To the pure all things are pure .


1Paul , the servanta of God, and apo stle of Jesus Christ , accordingto the faith of the e lect of God

,and the perfect knowledge of the truth

which is acco rding to godliness,b zin the hope of eternal life, which God

who canno t lie, promised before the eternal times,

0 3and manifested in

his own seasons his word by preaching, with which I am intrusted , ac

co rding to the commandment of God our Saviour ;d 4to Titus , my be loved

son according to the common faith . Grace and peace from God the

Father and Jesus Christ our Saviour.


5Therefore I left you in Crete, in o rder that you may set in orderremaining things, and establish e lders in every city

,as I commanded you ;f

6if any one is irreproachable, the husband of one wife , having faithful children,

not in accusation ofrio t or incorrigible.

7For it behooves the bishopgto be blameless, as the steward of God ; not audacious, not irascible , no tgiven to wine, not a controvertist

,not fond of fi l thy lucre ; h 8

but ho spitable,loving the good , prudent, righteous, ho l y , temperate ; 9ho lding that whichis according to the teaching of the faithful word

,in order that he may

be able bo th to exhort with healthy teaching,and to convict the opposers.

For many are incorrigible , speaking vain things and ego tistical , especial lytho se from the circumcision,

1 1who se mouths it is necessary to stop ; who

overturn who le families,teaching tho se things which it ‘

does not behoove ,for the sake of disgraceful gain.

”A certain one of them, their own

prophet, said,The Cretans are all liars, evil beasts

,slow stomachs.


testimony is true : on account of which cause convict them sharply , inorder that they may be sound in the faith , 14

not giving heed to Jewishfables

, and commandments of men turning away from the truth . ”To

the pure all things are pure : but to the corrupted and unbelieving there‘ 1 T im . 1 . 2 ; 2 Tim . 1 . 2 ; 2 Jno . 3 .

fAc ts 1 4. 2 3 .


41 T im . 1 . 1 1 . aGr. overse er.

711 T im . 3 . 2 .

TI TUS 111 . 299

is nothing pure ; yea, their mind and their conscience are pollutedfi ”

Theyprofess to know God, but deny him by their works, being abominable,and unbelieving, and reprobate unto every good work.


To old men, old women, young people, servants. Saving grace.

TITUS II.1But speak you those things which become healthy teaching.


the e lderly men be sober, grave , prudent, sound in faith

,in divine love,

in patience : 3 likewise that the elderly women be reverent in demeanor,

not tattlers, not given to much wine, teachers of that which is good ;4in order that they instruct the young women to love their husbands, tolove their children,

a 5to be prudent, chaste, domestic, good, submissive to

their own husbands, in order that the word ofGod may not be blasphemedb“Likewise exhort the young men to be prudent : 7

concerning all thingsexhibiting yourself an example ofgood works ; in teaching ; purity, gravity,8the sound word, irrefutable, in order that the adversary may be ashamed ,having no thing evil to say concerning ns.

c9That servants submit to their

own masters,that they be obedient in all things ; not speaking back ;

”not purloining,

but exhibiting all good faith , that they may adorn the

teaching ofGod our Saviour in all things.


1 IFor the grace ofGod,that brings salvation to allmen

,has appeared ,teaching us

, that , denying ungodliness and world ly lusts,we must live

prudent l y and righteousl y and ho lil y in this present age ; ”looking for theblessed hope even the appearing of the glory of our great God and our

Saviour Christ Jesus ; ”who gave himself for us,that he might redeem

us from all iniquity, and purify to himse lf a peculiar people, zealous of

good works.


Speak these things and exhort and convict with all authority ; let noone despise thee .



The things which become the regenerated of Christ. Concerning the

here tic. Sundry commandments.

TITUS III .1Remind them to submit to the governments, authorities

,to obey the

rule over them ,to be ready unto every good wo rk? 2

to speak evil of noone, that they should be peaceable , gentle , showing all meekness to all


b 3For when we also were without understanding, being disobedient.deceived

, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in sin and envy, hateful

, hating one another ; 4but when the goodness and philanthropy of God

our Saviour appeared ,c 5not from works which are in righteousness, which

‘R om . 1 4 . 1 4- 20 .

‘Gal. 1 . 4 ; 1 Tim . 2 . 6.

“1 T im . 2 . 9 . f2 Tim . 4 . 1 2 .

5 1 Pe t . 3 . 1 .“R om . 1 3 . 1 ; 2 Tim . 3 . 1 7 .

01 Tim . 4 . 1 2 .62 Tim . 2 . 24.

dEph . 6 . 5 ; 1 Pe t . 2 . 1 8 .


we did, but according to his own mercy he saved us, by the washing of

regeneration, and the renewal of the Ho ly Ghost,d “whom he poured out onus richly , through Jesus Christ our Saviour ; 7

in order that, being j ustifiedby his faith, we may be made heirs according to the faith of eternal life.

8The word is faithful , and I wish you to be established concerning thesethings, in order that those having be lieved in God may think to excel ingood works} ? These things are beautiful and useful to the people zf 9


rej ect foo lish questions,and genealogies, and strife

, and controversiesabout law ; for they are unpro fitable and vain.

g”Rej ect a hereticalh

man after the first and second admonition ; 11knowing that such an one

is turned away,and is sinning,

being self- condemned .”When I shal l send Artemas or Tychicus to you,

hasten to come to

me at N icopo lis : for I have determined to spend the winter there } ”Send

on Zenas the lawyer and Apo l lo s speedily , in order that no thing may belacking to them J'

1“And let our people indeed learn to excel in good works

for necessary uses,in order that they may not be unfruitful .

”Allwho are with me salute you. Salute those who love us with the

love of friendship in the faith .Grace be with you all.k

hU nsound in th e faith .

12 Tim . 4 . 9 .


A c ts 1 8 . 24 .

kR om . 1 6. 24.

302 PH ILEM 01V.

Having confidence in your obedience I have written to you, knowing that you wil l do even more than those things which I say.


at the same time also prepare for me a lodging : for I hope that throughyour prayers I wil l be consigned unto you.

”Epaphras, my fe l low - so ldier

in Christ Jesus ; e 2”Mark,Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, my fel low - workers,

salute you.


”The grace ofthe Lord Jesus Christ be ' with your spirit g

9C01. 1 . 7 . 02 Tim . 4. 2 2 ; Ph il . 4. 2 3 .

fAc ts 1 2 . 1 2 ; 2 7 . 2 ; C01. 4 . 1 4 ; 2 Tim . 4 . 1 0.



The S on ofGod, the climax ofall things , far greater than the angels.


1On many occasions and in many ways in the o lden time

, God havingspoken to the fathers through the prophets, at the last of these days hasspoken to us through his Son,

”whom he put forth the heir of all things

and through whom he created the ages ;”who being the brightness of his

glory , and the character of his person, and ho lding up all things by theword of his power} having made purgation of the sins

, sat down on the

right hand of the Maj esty on high ;b 4being so much greater than the

angels, that he has inherited a name so much more excel lent than they .”For to which one of the ange ls at any time did he say,

Thou art mySon, this day have I begotten thee ? 0 and again,

I wil l be unto him a

Father, and he shal l be unto me a Son ? d”And again when he may lead

in the first bego tten into the world , he says, Indeed let all the angels of

God worship him .

6 7And

' to the angels he says,he maketh h is ange ls

spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire zf but to the Son he says, ”Thythrone , O God

,is unto the age of the age ; and the scepter ofrighteousness

is the scepter of thy kingdom.8

”Thou hast loved righteousness, and hatediniquity ; therefore God,

thy God,has ano inted thee with the oil ofgladness

above thy comrades.

”And thou, at the beginning, 0 Lord , didst lay the

foundations of the earth,and the heavens are the works of thy hands.


“These shall perish ; but thou do st remain : trul y all these shal l wax old

l ike a garment ; ”and thou shalt ro l l them up like a mantle, and they shal lbe changed : but thou art the same

,and thy years shal l not fail thee.


to which one of the ange ls has he at any time said , Sit thou on my righthand, until I may make thine enemies the foo tstoo l of thy feetPi 14


no t all these ministering spirits, having been sent forth unto ministrationfor the sake oftho se who are about to inherit salvation ?wAnonymous

,by R oman Cath olics consigned

42 Sam . 7 . 1 4.

to Paul ; by Dean Alford and th e best crit 0P5 . 97 . 7 .

ic s to Apollos . IPS . 104 . 4.

“Gr. dynamite . 9Ps . 45 . 6 .

bHeb . 8 . 1 .hPs . 102 . 2 5 .

fHeb. 5 . 5 ; PS . 2 . 7 .

’Ps . 1 10 . 1 ; Matt . 2 2 . 44.



I t is necessary to obey the S on ofGod, rather than the law which has beentransmitted through the angels. Christ having become a man, suffered for the sake ofhis brethren.


1Therefore it behooves us the more earnestly to give heed to the things

which we have ‘heard, lest at some time we may leak out.2For if theword having been spoken by ange ls was stedfast

, and every disobedienceand transgression received a j ust recompense of reward ;

3how shal l we

escape , having neglected so great a salvation ? which having received thebeginning to be spoken by the Lord,was confirmed unto us by those whoheard it ; 4God at the same time witnessing,by signs and indeed by wonders,

and various dynamites, and gifts of the Ho ly Gho st,according to his wil l . ‘

”For he did not submit the world to come, concerning which wespeak , to angels.

”But somewhere one testified


What is man,that

thou art mindful of h im ? Or the Son of man,that thou visitest him ? a

7Thou didst humiliate him somewhat comparative ly with the angels ; thoudidst crown him with glorv and honor ; ”thou didst subordinate all thingsbeneath his feet.


For in subordinating all things beneath him ,he left no thing which

is not subordinated beneath him_


”But we see Jesus humiliated somewhat

in comparison with the ange ls, having been crowned with glory and honoron account of the suffering of death

,in order that by the grace of God

he might taste death for every one.

”Fo r it became h im, on account ofwhom are all th ings , and through whom are all things, in leading many

sons to glory , to make the captain of their salvation perfect throughsuffering.

c 1 1For bo th the one sanctifying and theywho are sanctified are

all of one : on account of which cause he is not ashamed to cal l thembrethren,

d ”saying,

I wil l proc laim thy name to thy brethren,in the midst

of the church wil l sing praises to thee .

6 ”And again,

I wil l put my trustin him : and again ; Beho ld,

I and the children which God has given untome.

f 1”Then since the children have inherited blood and flesh

,he like

wise also received the same,in o rder that through death he might set at

nought h im who has the power of death , that is, the devil ; 8 ”and might

reconcile them who soever were subj ect to bondage all their life throughthe fear of death . ”For not yet does he take upon himself the nature of

ange ls, but he takes upon himself the seed of Abraham.

1”Therefore heought in all things to be made like unto his brethren,

in order that hemight be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things appertaining to

God,to the end that he may atone for the sins of the people .

”For in thathe himself suffered being tempted , he is able to succor tho se who are


“PS . 8 . 5-

7 .

6Ps . 2 2 . 2 2, 2 5 .

61 Cor. 1 5 . 2 7 ; Eph . 1 . 2 2 . fJno . 1 0 . 29 .

¢R om . 1 1 . 36. 9 1 Cor. 1 5 . 26 ; 2 Tim . 1 . 10 .

dMatt . 2 8 . 10 ; Juo . 20. 1 7 .


we truly have had the gospe l preached unto us,as they did also : but the

word of hearing did not pro fit them,no t being mixed with faith to tho sehearing.

3For we who have believed, do enter into rest ; as he has

said,As I swore in my wrath , They shal l not enter into my rest : the works

truly having been from the foundations of the world.

a 4For he some

where has spoken thus in reference to the seventh day, And God restedon the seventh day from all his works.

b 5And in this again he has said,

They shal l not enter into my rest . “Then since it remains that some do

enter into it,and tho se formerly having had the go spe l preached unto

them did not enter in on account of unbelief,

7again he appo ints a cer

tain day, saying in David,as has previously been said, This day,

afterso long a time ; I f you may hear his vo ice this day,

harden no t yourhearts.

0 8For if Jo shua had given them rest, he would not speak con

cerning ano ther day after these things.

9Therefore there is a sabbatismd

left for the people of God.

10For the one having entered into his resthas ceased from his works, as God did from his own.


“Therefore let us hasten to enter into that rest, lest some one may

fal l by the same example of unbelief.

12For the word of God is living,

and powerful , and sharper than any two - edged sword , and piercing untothe dividing of soul and spirit , of both j oints and marrow, and a quickdiscerner of the though ts and intents of the heart. 1 3

And no creature ishidden in his presence : but all things are naked and have been laid open

to the eyes of him to whom the word is unto us.

14Therefore having a great high priest, having entered into th

heavens, Jesus the Son of God,let us ho ld fast the testimony.

0 1 5Forwe have not a high priest who is not able to be touched with our in

firmities ; but one having been tempted as to all things like unto us, aparthad no greater one by whom to swear, swore by himself,d 14

saying,I f

from sin.

1 6Therefo re let us draw nigh with confidence to a throne of

grace, that we may receive mercy,and find grace in every opportune need.



Christ the High Priest forever, a priest like unto Melchiz edek. Spiritual



1For every high priest, being received from men, presides over menin the things appertaining to God

,in order that he may offergifts and

sacrifices for sins :a2being able to sympathize with the ignorant and err

ing, since himself is also compassed about with infirmity ; 3and on this

account he has need, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer

sacrifices for sins.

4And no one takes this honor to himself, but the one

cal led ofGod, as indeed Aaron was.

h 5

Likewise Christ also did not glorifya

geb. 3 . 1 1 ; P5 . 95 . I I .


g2 . I .

5 en . 2 . 2 . e I O . 2 2 .

cHeb . 3 . 1 5 , 1 9 ; Ps . 95 . 7 , 8 .aHeb. 4 . 1 5 ; 8 . 3 ; 9 . 9 .

4A sabbatic re st . J o sh . 2 2 . 4._

bHeb . 7 . 2 7 ; Ex . 28 . 1 .

HEBRE WS V]. 307

himse lf to become a high .priest, but the one having spoken to,


Thou art my Son, this day have I bego tten thee :c 6

as also he says in an

o ther place, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchiz edek.


7Who in the days ofhis flesh, having with strong crying and tears offeredup bo th prayers and supplications unto him who is able to save him from

death, and having been heard on account of his piety,e

8indeed being a

Son, he learned obedience from those things which he suffered ; 9and

having been made perfect, he ' became the author of eternal salvation to

all those who obey him ; 10having been ordained of God a high priestafter the o rder ofMelchiz eclek.

1 1Concerning whom there is much "word to us, and difficul t to speak,

since you are dul l of hearing.

12For indeed you,who ought to be teachers

so far as time is concerned,have need that some one again teach

/you what

are the rudiments of the beginning of the orac les of God ; and you haveneed of milk

,not so lid food.

f ”For every one partaking of milk is un

skilful in the word of righteousness ; for he is a babe ; 1 4but so lid fo od

be longs to the perfect, tho se having their senses disciplined by use untothe discernment both of the good and the evil .


Spiritualperfec tion. Irreparable apostasy. The faith ofAbraham.

HEBREW S VI .1Therefore having left the word of the beginning of Christ , let us be

carried to perfection ; not again laying the foundation of repentance fromdead works, and of faith toward God,

zof the teaching of baptisms

,and of

the laying on of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead , and of eternaljudgment . 3

And we wil l do this, if God may permit? »4For it is



po ssible that tho se having been once enlightened , and tasted the heavenl ygift, and have been made partakers of the Ho ly Gho st


5and having tasted

the beautiful word of God, and the dynamites of the coming age ,6indeed

having fal len away , to renew them again unto repentance ; having cru

cified to themse lves again the Son ofGod, and put him to an open shame .

7For the earth drinking the rain coming often upon her, and bringingforth the herb nutritious to those by whom it is also cultivated, receivesblessings from God :

“but that which produces thorns and thistles, is rep

robate, and nigh unto the curse ; who se end is unto burning.

9But, be loved, we are persuaded better things concerning you,



things appertaining to salvation,if indeed we do thus speak.

10For Godis not unrighteous to forget your work and the divine love which youmanifested in his name, having ministered to the saints, and ministering b

1 1But we desire each one of you to exhibit the same diligence untothe ful l assurance of hope unto the end zc

lzin order that you may not be

dul l , but imitators of those who through faith and longsufferings do

inherit the promises.

‘ 13For God having promised Abraham ,since he

had no greater ’

one by whom to swear, swore by himse lf,d 1“saying,

I f

°Heb. 7 . 1 7 ; P5 . 2 . 7 .“fps . n o . 4 .

a j as . 4 . 1 5 .

bx Th ess . 1 . 3 .

tGethsemane . f l Cor. 3 . 2 ; Gal. 4. 3.cG


r. perfection.“Gen . 2 2 . 1 6, 1 7 .


indeed blessing I wil l b less thee, and multiplying I wil l multiply thee :1 5and thus having waited long, he received the promise. For men swear

by the greater : and an oath of confirmation is to them an end to all

controversy : 1 7but God

,in this wishing more abundantly to show forth

to the heirs of the promise the immutability of his counse l,confirmed it

by an oath : ”that through two immutable things in which it was impossible that God should lie, we who have fled may have a strong con

so lation to lay hold ofthe hope set before us,

1”which we have as an anchor

of the soul,bo th sure and steadfast and entering into that which is in

the veil,

20whither Jesus the forerunner has entered in our behalf, havingbeen made a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.


Melchiz edek greater than Abraham and the Levites ; and Christ our HighPriest forever


1For this Melchizedek, the king of Salem , priest of the Mo st HighGod,

the one having met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the

kings, and blessed him,a 2

to whom Abraham divided the tenth from all

first,being interpreted, King of righteousness, and then King of Salem,which is, King of peace ;

3without father

, without mother, without genealogy , having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but being madelike unto the Son of God

,he abides a priest continual ly .

4You see how great this man was, to whom the patriarch Abraham

even gave the tenth part of the chief spoils.

5And tho se indeed of the

sons of Levi receiving the priesthood have a commandment to tithe the

people according to the law,that is, their brethren, even though having

come out from the lo ins of Abraham :b6but he who did not derive his

lineage from them has tithed Abraham, and blessed him having the prom


c 7For without contradiction the less is blessed by the better.


here indeed men dying, receive tithes ; however there, he is witnessedto that he lives.

9And, so to speak a word, Levi, the one receiving tithes,

has also been tithed through Abraham.

10For he was stil l in the lo insof his father

,when Me lchizedek met him .

1 1Then indeed if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood , for

unto it the people have been tithed , what need is there stil l that ano therpriest shal l rise after the order of Melchizedek,

and not be c al led afterthe order of Aaron ? “For the priesthood being changed , o f necessitythere is a change of the law.

13For he unto whom these things werespoken belongs to another tribe, from which no one ministers at the al tar :1 4for it is evident that our Lord sprang from Judah ; in reference to whichtribe Mo ses spoke no thing concerning priests.


it is stil l more

cMelch iz edek was a Gentile proph e t, priest ofbNum . 1 8 . 2 1 . of th e Patriarchal dispensation .

3 10 HEBREW5 1X.

second . 8For finding fault with them,he says, Beho ld the days are com

ing,says the '

Lord, and I wil l perfect upon the house I srae l , and upon the

house of Judah , a new covenant ze9not according to the covenant which

I made with their '

fathers,in the day that I to ok them by the hand to lead

them out . of the land of Egypt ; because they abode not in my covenant,

and I regarded them not,says the Lord . 10Because this is my covenant

which I wil l establish with the house of I srael after these days, says the

Lord ; having given my laws in their mind,I wil l also write them on

their heart ; and I wil l be to them a God, and’

they shal l be unto me a

peoplef 1 1And they shal l no longer teach each one his neighbor, each one

his brother, saying, Know ye the Lord : because all shal l know me , fromtheir smal l even unto the great . 12B ecause I wil l be merciful unto theiriniquities

,and I wil l remember their sins no mo re g

1 3In that he cal ls it new,

he has made the first one old but that whichis old and antiquated is night unto vanishing



The old sanctuary, and the heavenly sanctuary of_

Christ. Mosaic imperfectexpiation, and the perfect atonement ofChrist.


1Then indeed the first tabernacle also,had ordinances of service


a sanctuary for this world.

2For the first tabernacle was made ; in whichthere were candlesticks

,and the table

,and shew—bread ; which is cal led,


a ' 3And after the second veil , was the tabernac le cal led Ho ly of

ho lies ‘having the go lden altar,and the ark of the covenant overladen on

all sides with go ld,in which was the go lden pot having the manna


the rod of Aaron which budded,and the tables of the covenant ; and

above this was the cherubim of glory o vershadowing the mercy seat ;concerning which things it is not pertinent to speak specifically

b 6And

these having been thus adjusted, the priests come continual ly into the

first tabernacle, performing the services : 7

and into the second comes

the high priest alone once a year,not without blood

,which he offers for

himse lf,and the errors of the people ;° 8

the Ho ly Spirit showing this, theway of the ho lies has not yet been made manifest ,

the first tabernacle yet

standing : which is a figure unto the present time,in which gifts and

sacrifices are offered , not being able to make the worshiper perfect , as tohis conscience ;

10consisting onl y in meats and drinks, and divers bap

tisms, ordinances of the flesh , abiding until the time of restitution.

1 1But Christ being a high priest of good things to come, through a

greater and a more perfect tabernac le , not made with hands, that is, notof this world ;d 1 2

neither through the blood of goats and bul locks, but‘Jer. 3 1 . 34.

fHeb. I O . 1 6 ; 2 Cor. 6 . 1 6.

HEBA’E W5 X . 3 1 I

through his own blood, came once into the ho lies, having found eternalredemption.

1 3For if the blood ofgoats and bul ls, and the ashes of a heifersprinkling tho se who have been defiled, sanctifies unto the purification of

the flesh ; 14how much more shal l the blood of Christ, who through the

eternal Spirit offered up himse lf without spo t to God, purify our con

science from dead works to serve the living God? 91 5And on this account he is mediator of the new covenant, since there

being death , unto the redemption of the transgressions unto the first covenant, tho se having been called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance f

16For where there is a covenant, it is necessary to bear the

death of the covenanter ; 1 7for a covenant is valid in case of the dead :

since it has no force while the covenanter lives. Neither was the firstcovenant therefore dedicated without blood g 19For every commandmenthaving been spoken by Mo ses to all the people according to law, havingtaken the blood of bul locks and goats. with water, and scarlet woo l


hyssop,he sprinkled bo th the book itse lf and all the peOple,

h 20saying, This

is the blo od of the covenant which God established unto you.

i 21And

he likewise also sprinkled the tabernacle, and all the vessel s of the min

istry, with b lood . 22And according to the la'



almo st all things are purifiedby blood ; and without the shedding of b lood there is no remission)

Therefore it is necessary that the pattern of the things in these heavensbe purified ; and the heavenly things themse lves with greater sacrificesthan these .

2“For Christ did not come into the sanctuaries made withhands, the pattern of the true ; but into heaven itse lf

,now to be made

manifest unto the face ofGod in our behalf: 25neither in order that he may

frequently offer up himse lf,as the high priest goes into the ho lies once

a year with the blood of another ; since it behooved him frequently tosuffer from the foundation of the world : but now in the end of the ages

he has been made manifest unto the removal of sin through the sacrificeof himse lf. 27

And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die ,

and after this is the j udgment : 28so also Christ . having once been offered

up to bear away the sins ofmany,wil l appear the second time apart from

sin unto salvation to those expecting him.


The law a shadow of the new covenant. Expiations of the law, and true

expiation ofChrist. Sacrifices abolished. The grave crime ofapostasyPraise of the abiding faith.


1For the law having the shadow of good things to come,not the real

image of the things, annual ly with the same sacrifices which they offer

continual ly , is by no means able to make perfect tho se coming to it :a2since in that case would they no t have ceased being offered

,because the

iEx . 34. 8 ; Matt . 26. 2 8 .


Lev . 1 7 . I I .

hNum . 1 9 . 6.“Heb. 8 . 5 ; Col. 2 . 1 7 .

3 1 2 HEBRE I/VS X .

worshipers having once been purified would have had no mo re conscience

of sins ?3But in the same sacrifices there is a remembrance of sins an

nually ;4for it is impo ssible that the blood of bul ls and goats should take

away sins.

5Therefore, coming into the world, he says ; Sacrifice an offer

ing thou wil lest not, but thou hast perfected for me a body :b 6who le burnt

offerings and offerings for sins thou wast not pleased with : 7 then I said,

Lo , I come in the vo lume of the Book it has been written of me

to do thy wil l , 0 God.


Saying above,that Sacrifices and offerings and

who le burnt offerings and offerings for sin thou didst not wil l , neitherwast we l l pleased with ; whatsoever are offered according to law ;b

9thenhe has said, Lo , I come to

_do thy wil l . He takes away the first

,that he

may establish the second ; ”by which wil l we have been sanctified throughthe offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

1 lAnd every high priest indeed stands daily ministering,

and frequentlyoffering the same sacrifices, which are never able to '

take away sins: ”andhe, having offered up one sacrifice for sins, forever sat down on the righthand of God ;

0 ”final ly waiting until his enemies mby be made the foo ts too l of his feet. 1 4For by one offering he has forever perfected the


1"’And the Ho ly Gho st truly does witness to us : for afterward

he said,”This is the covenant that I wil l make unto them after these

days,says the Lo rd ;d having given my laws on their hearts, and I wil l also

write them in their mind ; ”and I wil l remember their sins and iniquitiesno mo re e ”But where there is removal of these

,there is no more offer

ing for sin.


,brethren, having bo ldness unto the entering in of the ho lies

through the blo od of Jesus,f ”by which he has opened unto us a new and

living way, through the veil , that is, of his flesh,

21and having a great high

priest o ver the house of God ;22let us draw nigh with a true heart in a

ful l assurance of faith,having been sprinkled as to our hearts from an

evil conscience, “

and washed as to our body with purifying water : let us

ho ld fast the testimony of hope stedfast ; 8 for the one having promisedis faithful ; ”and let us recognize one ano ther in the provocation of divinelove and go od works :

”not forsaking the assemb ling of ourse lves to

gether as is the custom to some ; but exhorting : and this the more,as you

see the days drawing nigh .”For we sinning wil lingl y after we have received the perfect knowl

edge of the truth , there is left no more sacrifice for sins,h 27

but a certainfearful anticipation of judgment and vio lence of fire,


about to devour theadversaries.

”The one having rej ected the law of Moses dies without

mercy before two or three witnesses :i ”of how much more terrible pun

ishment,do you think, the one having trodden under foo t the Son of God,

and counted the blo od of the covenant,by which he was sanctified,


mon J'

and insulted the Spirit ofgrace ; be counted worthy ! ”For we knowh im who said

, Vengeance belongs to me,I wil l repay ; and again,


s . 4o . 6 .9Heb. 4 . I 4.

cHeb. 1 . 3 ; I 2 . 2 ; PS . 1 10 . I .hHeb. 6 . 4 .

dHeb. 8 . t o ; Jer. 3 1 . 3 3 .

iDeut . 1 7 . 6.

eHeb . 8 . 1 2 ; Jer. 3 1 . 34.:"If Ch rist is no t th e Saviour h lS blood 13 com!

p h . 3 . 1 2 , mon like that ofallo th er people .

3 14 HEBRE W5 X].

dations, whose builder and maker is God. And by faith Sarah herse lfreceived power unto the conception of seed

, even past the time of age ,

since she considered him faithful who had promised fi ”Therefore indeed

they were born of one, and tho se things of one having died, as the stars

of heaven for multitude,and as the sands which are by the sea, which are

innumerable f13These all died in the faith , not having received the promises, but see

ing them afar off, and embracing them,and confessing that they are

strangers and pilgrims on the earth .g

14For those speaking such thingsdeclare that they are seeking after a country of their own.

”I f indeed they

remember that country from which they came out,they would have had

an opportunity to return ; ”but now they seek a better country,that is


heavenly . Therefore God is not ashamed‘

to be cal led their God: for hehas prepared for them a city.

h 1 7By faith Abraham ,being tested , offered

up I saac : and the one having received the promises offered up his onlybego tten son


i l8in reference to whom it was said

,In I saac shal l thy seed

be cal led :J° 1”considering that God is able to raise him from the dead ; whence

he also received him in a figure .

”By faith I saac b lessed Jacob and Esauconcerning things to come k

”By faith Jacob,when dying, blessed each

one of the sons of Jo seph , and worshiped , on the hilt of his staff.

1 2“Byfaith Joseph , dying,

made mention concerning the exodus of the childrenof I srae l ; and commanded concerning his own bones.


”By faith Moses, having been born,was hidden three months by

his parents, because they saw that he was a beautiful child ; and did not

fear the commandment of the king.

n 2“By faith Mo ses, having become an

adul t, refused to be cal led the son ofPharaoh’s daughter ; 2"’choo sing rather

to suffer affliction with the people of God,than to enj oy the pleasure of

sin for a season ;”esteeming the reproach ofChrist greater riches than the

treasures of Egypt : for he was looking unto the recompense of reward.

27By faith he left Egypt, not fearing th e wrath of the king : for he wentout, as seeing the invisib le one .

0 By faith he instituted the passover.

and the sprinkling of b lo od 111 order that the one destro ying the first- bornmight not touch them .

p By faith they pass through the Red sea as

through dry land : the undertaking ofwhich the Egyptians having enteredupon were drowned q ”By faith the wal ls of Jericho fel l

,having been

encompassed about seven days.

r 31By faith Rahab the harlots perished notwith the unbelievers, having received the spies with faith .

3”And what do I yet say

? time wil l fail me relating concerning Gideon,

Barak, Samson,Jephthah , and David , and Samuel , ,


the prOphets zt

”who through faith subdued kingdoms

,wrought righteousness, ”obtained

promises, escaped the edge of the sword,from weakness became fi l led up

with dynamite, became mighty in war, put to flight the armies of the

eG en . 1 7 . 1 9 ."Ex . 2 . 2 .

fGen . 1 5 . 5 ; 2 2 . 1 7 .OH eb .

0G en . 2 3 . 4 ; Ps . 39 . 1 2 . PEX . 1 2 . 2 1 .

’fEx . 3 . 6 . QEx . 1 4 . 2 2 .

”Josh . 6 . 20 .

tG en . 2 2 . 1, 9 .

8Doubtle ss a female tavern- ke eper, as th is is9G en . 2 1 . 1 2 ; R om . 9 . 7 . one of th e definitions of th e H ebrew z onah .


Gen:2 7 . 2 8 . Jo sh . 2 . 6- 1 7 ; Jas . 2 . 2 5 .

lGen . 47 . 36 ; 48 . 1 3- 1 5 .

mGen . 50. 24.tJudg. 6. 1 1 .

HEBRE W5 X1]. 3 1 5

aliens zu 85women receive their dead from a resurrection :V some weretortured, not accepting deliverance ; in order that they might receive a

better resurrection :W”and o thers received the trial of scourgings and

mockings, and stil l of bonds and imprisonment : 3 7they were stoned,they

were tempted , they were burnt, they died by the edge of the sword ; theywent about in sheepskins, in goatskins ; being destitute, troub led , persecuted,

x ”of whom the world was not worthy ; wandering in deserts


in mountains,and caves and dens of the earth . ”

And all these,having

received the witness of the spirit through faith , did no t ob tain the promise”God having reserved something better for us, that they might not be madeperfect apart from us.


Christ the leader of faith. Paternal piety progresses by the castigation

ofGod. S inai and Zion. I llustrious dignity of the new covenant.


1Therefore let us indeed

,having around us

so great a c loud of wit

nesses,having laid aside every weight, and the sin that do th so easily

beset us, run with patience the race which is set before us,

2looking untoJesus the beginner and perfecter of our faith ; who for the joy that wasplaced before him, endured the cross

,looking with contempt at the shame


and has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God.

3 3For con

sider him who has endured so great a contradiction of sinners againsthimself, in order that you may not become weary , fainting in your souls.

4For you have not yet resisted unto blood,fighting against sin ; and

you have forgo tten the exhortation which reasoneth with you as with sons,My son regard not lightly the chastening of the Lord,

nor faint when thouart proven of him :b

6for whom the Lord loves he chastises, and scourges

every son whom he receives.

7Endure unto chastisement ; God deals with

you as with sons ; for what son is there whom the father does not chastise ? 8

And if you are without chastisement, of which all have been partakers, then are you bastards, and not sons.

9Then indeed, we had fathersof our flesh who chastised us

, and we endured : how much more then shal lwe submit to the Father of spirits, and live ? ”For they indeed for a few

days were accustomed to chastise us accordingt o that which seemed rightto them ; but he made unto our profit

,in order that we might partake h isho liness.

l’Indeed no chastisement for the present seems to be trul y joy

ful, but sorrowful : but afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteous

ness to them who have been disciplined by it.

”Therefore ho ld Up the hands which “hang down,and the paral yzed

knees,0 ”and make straight paths for your feet , in order that whatsoever is

lame may not be turned out of the way, but rather may it be healed .d

3 16 HEBREW5 X17].

Fo l low after peace with all men,and the sanctification, without which

no one shal l see the Lord : 1"’looking diligently lest any one may fail fromthe grace of God ; lest any roo t of bitterness springing up may troub leyou, and through it many may be defiled ;

e lest any one may be a fo rni

cator, o r a profane person, as was Esau, who for one morse l so ld hisbirthright

f 1 7For you know that, wishing to inherit the blessing,he

was rej ected : for he found no place of repentance even though havingsought it diligently with tears.


”For you have not come to the mountain that can be touched , and thatis burnt with fire, and unto blackness and darkness, and tempe



h ”and

to the sound of the trumpet, and the vo ice of words ; which tho se havingheard requested that the word should not be spoken unto them :i”for

they could not endure that which was spoken,If a wild beast should

touch the mountain,it shal l

,be pierced through with a dart : and the sight

was so fearful,Mo ses said , I exceedingly fear and tremble :J' 22

but you havecome to mount Zion

, and to the heavenly Jerusalem ,to the city o f the

living God, and to myriads of angels, ”to the who le! company , and to the

church of the first—born, who have been written in the heavens, and to

God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of j ustified people who have been

made perfect, ”and to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the

blo od of sprinkling, speaking something be tter than the blood of Abe l .kSee that you do not rej ect the one speaking : for if they escape no t

having rej ected the one de livering them the divine orac les on earth , howmuch more shal l we not escape, who turn away from the one speak

ing from the heavens : ”who se vo ice then shook the earth ; but now he

has promised, saying, I wil l stil l once shake not onl y the earth,but also


I 27But he would yet once show the removal of the things shaken,

as having been created,in order that the things unshaken may remain .

”Therefore receiving an unshaken kingdom,

let us have grace , throughwhich we may wo rship God acceptably with reverence and fear :

”for our

God is a consuming fire .



Various admonitions. Chris t one and the same. The atonement ofChristavails ; the altar of the Jews is to be deserted. Vows and salutations.



Let bro therly love continue .

2Forget not hospitality : for by it somehaving entertained angels were incognizant. 3Remember tho se bound, as

having been bound along with them ; tho se suffering persecutions, as youyourselves being also in the body fi 4Marriage is honorable among all,

and the couch undefiled : for God wil l j udge fornicators and adulterers.



I t is useful to be tempted. Ask God for wisdom. Our riches perish.

Man is the author offailure, and God ofsuccess. Hear the law and

do it. Subdue the tongue .


1James, the servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twe lvetribes who are in the Dispersion, greeting.


Count it all joy, my brethren, when you may fal l into manifo ldtemptation ?3Knowing that the trial of your faith works out endurance b

4But let endurance have its perfect work, in order that you may be perfectand who le in every part , lacking in no thing. But if any of you lackwisdom,

let him ask God, who gives to all cheerful ly and upbraids none ;

and it wil l be given unto him.

06But let him ask in faith

,doubting as to

no thing ; fo r he that doubts is 1ike *

unto the sea driven by the winds and

to ssed by the tempest . TEor let not that man think that he wil l receive any

thing from the Lo rd,

8the double—minded man

,the mo st unstable in all

his ways.

9But let the humble bro ther boast in his exaltation :

10and the

rich man,in his humility : because as the flower of the grass he wil l pass

away . 1 1Fo r the sun with a sco rching wind has risen,and dried up the

grass, and its flower fel l off,and the beauty of its countenance perished

so indeed the rich man wil l pass away in his ways.


12Happy is the man who endures temptation : because,being proved,

he wil l receive a crown of life, which God has promised to tho se who

love him with divine love .

e 1 3Let no one being tempted say, I am tempted

from God. For God can not be tempted with evils, and he tempts no one zf

1 4but each one is tempted by his own lusts

,being drawn out, and enticed .

Then the lust , conceiving,brings forth sin ; and sin

,having been per

fected, produces death g1“Be not deceived,my beloved brethren.


Everygood gift and every perfect gift is from above

,coming down from the

Father of the lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of change .

1sOf his own wil l begat he us by the word of truth ; that we should be

some first fruits of his creationsh”Know , my beloved brethren ; but

let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow toward wrath : ”for01 Pe t . 1 . 6

, 7 .eJas . 2 . 5 ; 2 Tim . 4 . 8 .

bR om . 5 . 3 . fr Cor. I O . 1 3 .

6Matt . 2 1 . 2 2 . gR om . 6. 2 3 .

dI sa. 40. 6 ; 1 Pet. 1 . 24.hR om . 8 ' 23

[AMES 3 19

the wrath of man works no t the righteousness of God. Thereforehaving laid aside all filthiness and excess of evil , receive with meekness

the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

i 22But be doers of

the word , and not hearers only , deceiving yourselves. For if any one is

a hearer of the word, and not a doer

,he is like a man beho lding his

natural face in a .mirror :J°

2“for he recognized himse lf, and has gone away ,

and immediately forgo t what kind he was.

2"’But the one having lookedinto the perfect law which is the law of liberty , and having remained in

it,not being a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work,

he shal l be happyin his work.

”But if any one seems to be re ligious, bridling not his own

tongue , but deceiving his own heart, the religion of that man is vain.

2IPure religion and undefiled with God even the Father is this, to re

lieve the orphans and widows in their affliction,and keep himselfunspo tted

from the world .


Do no t depreciate the po or beneath the rich. The whole law is to be

fulfilled. Faith is to be proven by the works . Abraham and Rahab.


1My brethren, do not ho ld the faith of ourLord Jesus Christ , theLord of glory , with respect to persons.

2For if a go ld - ringed man may

come into your synagogue , in shining apparel , and a poor man may alsocome in with so iled clothing ; 3

and you may look upon the one wearingthe shining garment , and say, Sit thou here in a good place ; and may say to

the poor man , Stand thou there , or sit down beneath my foo tstoo l : are younot condemned among yourselves, and have you not become the j udges of

evil reasonings ?5Hear

,my be loved brethren. Has not God cho sen the poor in the

world rich in faith , and heirs of the kingdom which he has promised to

tho se who love him with divine love ?a 6You have dishonored the po or. Do

not the rich domineer over you,and drag you into courts ? 7Do they

not blaspheme the good name which has been cal led upon youPb B

If in

deed you keep the royal law according to the scripture , Thou shal t lovethy neighbor with divine love as thyse lf, you do wel l .0 9But if you haverespect of persons, you commit sin,

being convicted by the law as transgressors.

”For who soever may keep the who le law,and fail in one item,

has become guilty of all.1 1For the one saying,

Thou shalt no t com

mit adultery also said, Thou shalt not murder ; but if you do not commit

adultery , but murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.


you say, and so you do ,as about to be condemned by the law of liberty .

1 3

,For judgment is without mercy to him that shows no mercy ; butmercy glorieth against j udgment .

at Cor. 1 . 2 7 .

PMatt 2 2 . 39 .

320 jAMES'


But what is it profitable,my brethren,

if one may say he has faith,but has not works ? whether is faith able to save him ? ”

I f a bro ther or

sister may be naked, and may be destitute of daily food , and one of you

may say to them, Go in peace, be ye warmed,and be ye fed ; and give them

not the necessaries of the body ; what profit is it ? d 1 7So indeed faith , if

it may not have works, is dead, as to itse lf.

6 1”But one wil l say, You havefaith

,and I have wo rks : Show me your faith apart from works, and I wil l

show you my faith by my works. Do you bel ieve that there is one God?

you do wel l : the demons also believe “

and tremble .

f ”Do you wish toknow, 0 vain man

,that faith apart from works is inefficient ? ”Was not

Abraham our father j ustified by works, having offered up h is son I saac

on the altar? ”You see that faith wrought with h is works, and by works

the faith was made perfect ; 23and the scripture was fulfi l led, saying,


Abraham believed God,and it was imputed unto him for righteousness :

and he was cal led the friend of God g24You see that a man is j ustified

by works,and not only by faith h 25

And l ikewise also was not Rahab theharloti justified by works

,having received the Spies, and sent them out

by ano ther way ? ”For as the body'

apart from the spirit is dead, so faithalso apart from works is dead .


Agains t the predilection of teaching. The use of the tongue difficult.

Concerning true wisdom.


IBe ye not many teachers,my brethren,

knowing that we shal l receivethe greater j udgment . 2For we all fail in many things ; if any one failsnot in word

,the same is a perfect man,

able even to bridle the who le body .3But if we put bridles into the mouths of the horses, that they may obeyus ; and we manage their who le body ; 4beho ld also the ships, being so

great, and driven by fierce winds, are managed by the smal lest rudder,whitherso ever the wil l of the steersman prefers ;

5so also the tongue is


little member, and it boasts great things. B eho ld , how great a wood

a little t he kindles ! “The tongue , a fire , the world of iniquity : the tongue

sits down in the . midst of our members,and corrupting the who le body

and setting on fire the course of nature ; and it is set on fire from hel l ."

’For every nature bo th ofwild beasts,and of birds

,and of creeping things,

and of oceanic animals,is subdued,

and has been subj ugated to human

nature : 8but no one ofmen is ab le to tame the tongue ; an incorrigible evil ,ful l of deadly po ison a 9With it we bless the Lord , even the Father ;and with it we sco ld the people, who have been made after the image of

God :' ”

out of the same mouth come forth blessing and sco lding. Mybrethren, these things ought not so to be .

1 1Whether does the fountaindJas . I . 2 7 .

kR om . 3 . 2 8 .

eMa tt . 7 . 20 .

'iTh e Hebrew also means a female tavernfMark r. 24. ke eper. J osh . 2 . 1 ; Heb. 1 1 . 3 1 .

aG en . 1 5 . 6 ; 2 Ch ron . 20 . 7 ; Gal. 3 . 6.aPs . 1 40 . 3 .

322 jAME S V.

away ; '

on the contrary you should say, If the Lord will , and we live,we wil l indeed do this, or that.g

”But you are now boasting ln your ar

rogances : all such boasting is w1cked.

”Therefore to him that knows todo good, and does it not, to him it is sin.



Exhortation to the rich . Patience of the pious. There is to be no swearing. Care for the sick

, power ofprayer. Concerning the fallen.


1Come now, ye rich

,weep mourning over your calamities which are

coming on you.

2Your riches are corrupted, and your garments have become mo th - eaten :

3your go ld and your silver are cankered ; and theirrust shal l be for a witness against you, and eat your flesh l ike fire. You

laid up treasures in the last days.

4Beho ld,the wages of the laborers hav

ing reaped your fie lds, which is fraudulently kept back by you,is crying

out : and the vo ices of the reapers have come into the e ars of the Lo rd

of hosts.

5Ye flourished upon the earth

,and were wanton ; you nourished

your hearts in the day of slaughter.

6You condemned, you murdered the

righteous ; no thing antagonizes you.

7Therefore,O brethren,

suffer long,until the coming of the Lo rd.

B eho ld,the farmer receives the precious fruit of the earth

, waiting for it,until he may receive the former and latter rain : you also suffer long ;establish your hearts ; because the coming of the Lord is nigh . ”Do no t

complain against one ano ther,brethren

,in o rder that you may not be

j udged : beho ld, the j udge stands before the doors? L”Brethren


the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord as an example of suf

fering evil and longsuffering.


”B eho ld,we

, pronounce them happy who have endured : you haveheard the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord , because theLord is very merciful , and sympathetic.

But,my brethren,

before all,swear not

,neither by heaven

,or by

earth , or any o ther oath : but let your conversation be yes yes ; and no

no ; lest you may fal l under condemnation.


”VVho is afflicted among you

? let him pray . Who is merry ? let himsing psalms.

14I s any one sick among you

? let him cal l for the e lders of

the church ; and let them pray over him ,ano inting him with o il in. the

name of the Lord . 1 5Truly the prayer of faith shal l save the sick,and

the Lord wil l raise him up ; if he may have committed sins, they shall“ beforgiven unto him . Therefore confess your sins to one another, and prayfor one another, in order that you may be healed : the inward workingprayer of a righteous man avails much . Elijah was a man of like suf

fering to us,and he prayed with prayerd that it might not rain ,

and it

V . God w illing .

52 Th ess . 2 . I .

kLuke 1 2 . 47 .

6Matt . 5 . 34 ; 2 3 . 1 6 .

“Matt . 24. 3 3 .dTh e prayer God gave h im.

rained not upon the earth during three years and six months ; 9 1"and

again he prayed, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forthher fruit.

1"My brethren,if any one among you may err from the truth, and

one may turn him back ;f”let him know

,that the one having turned a

sinner from the”

error of his way shal l save a soul from death,and hide a

multitude of sins.

eJno . 9 . 3 1 ; I Kings 1 8 . 1 ; Luke 4. 2 5 . J’

Matt . 1 8 . 1 5 .

The First Epistle General



Christ our salvation. Adversities prove faith . Testimony of the prophetsto us. Being redeemed and regenerated by the word of God, it isnecessary to live holy.


1Peter, an apo stle of Jesus Christ, to the e lect so j ourners of the Dis

persion of Pontus, Galatia, Cappado cia, Asia, and B ithynia, 2according to

the foreknowledge of God the Father,through sanctificat

ion of the Spirit,unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace to you,

and peace , be multipl ied.

3B lessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the one

having according to his great mercy bego tten us again into a living hopethrough the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

a 4

unto an in

heritance incorruptible, and undefiled,and never fading,

having been keptin the heavens unto you, 5

who are preserved by the power ofGod throughfaith unto the salvation ready to be revealed in the last time .

b 0In whom

you rej o ice , if however it is needful , being grieved a little while among

manifo ld temptations : in order 7 that the trial of your faith , which is more

precious than go ld that perishes, however being tried by the fire, may befound unto praise and glory and honor in the revelation of Jesus Christ :08whom you not seeing,

love with divine love ; on whom,not looking,


believing, you rej o ice with joy unspeakable and ful l of glory : 9receiving

the end of your faith,the salvation of your souls.

”Concerning which

salvation the prophets, who prophesied concerning the grace towardsyou, sought out and investigated , 1 1

searching into what, or what kind of

time the Spirit of Christ who was in them,witnessing the sufferings to

wards Christ , and the glories after these, did show :12to whom it was

revealed , because they were ministering not these things for themse lves,but for you,

which are now proclaimed unto you by tho se who preach toyou the go spe l with the Ho l y Gho st having been sent from heaven ; intowhich things the angels desire to look down.

”Therefore having girded up the lo ins of your minds, being per

fectly sober, hope unto the grace which is conferred on you in the reve lation of Jesus Christ . 14

As children of obedience,not being fashioned after

your former lusts in ignorance zd1”but according to the Ho ly One who

aEph I . 3 ; Tit . 3 . 5 , 7 .OJas . I . 2 , 3 .

bRorn . 8 1 8 dR om . 1 2 . z .

326 1 PE TE]?

Beloved , I exhort you as pilgrims and strangers, to abstain from the

carnal desire which wars against the soul ;h ”having your deportmentbeautiful among the Gentiles : in order that in whatsoever they calumniateyou as evil doers, seeing from your beautiful works, they may glorifyGod in the day of his visitation }

1“Submit to every human creature for the sake of the Lord : whether

to the king as supereminent, 1“or to governors, as tho se having been

sent out by him unto the condemnation of evil doers, and the praise of

tho se do ing good ;J' ”because thus it is the wil l of God, that do ing good

you should put to shame the ignorance of the ignorant people : ”as free ,and not as having the freedom as a cover of evil

,but as servants of God .k

1 7Honor all people ; love the bro therhood with divine love ; fear God ;honor the king.

1“Servants,1 be submissive to your masters with all rev

erence ; not only to the good and gentle , but also to the wickedm”For

this is grace, if, through the conscience of God,one bears so rrows and

suffering unj ustly . ”For what glory is there , if, committing sin and beingbuffeted, you endure it ? But if, do ing good and suffering you endure it,this is grace with God.

”For unto this you have been cal led : becauseChrist suffered for you,

leaving you an example , that you may fo l low inhis steps 111 ”

who did no sin,neither was guile found in his mouth

,who ,

being reviled,reviled no t again ; suffering,

he threatened not, but gave up

to the one j udging righteously :O ”

who himself has borne our sins in

his own body on the wood , in o rder that we, being made free from sins,

may live unto righteousness : by who se stripe you are healed p”For you

have wandered away like sheep ; but you have now turned to the Shepherdand B ishop of your souls q


To wives and husbands. Love, temperance, patience, are commended.

Suffering ofChrist, and his descension into Hades . Baptism.



Likewise , ye wives, be submissive to your own husbands ; in orderthat, if any do not believe the word, they shal l be gained through the deportment of their wives, without the word ; 1e 2beho lding your chaste deportment which is with reverence : whose beauty , let it not be the ex

ternal beauty of braiding the hairs, and wearing go lds, or putting on of

outer garments ;b 4but let their beauty be the hidden man of the heart, in

the purity of the meek and quiet spirit, which in the s ight of God is per

fection complete.

c 5For in this way in o lden times the ho ly wives, theones having hope toward God, were indeed accustomed to beautify themse lves, submissive to their own husbands : as Sarah submitted to Abraham ,

hJas . 4 . 1 ; R om. 7 . 2 3 .

°I sa. 5 3 . 9 .

12 Cor. 8 . 2 1 . 1715


3 . 5 3 . 5 ; Col. 1 . 2 2 .

iR om .q 1 e t . 5 . 2 .

"Gr. slaves .

“Eph . 5 . 2 2 ; Col. 3lH ired servants .

bGr. h i'

ma tza , for sh ow,rath er than utility.

mEph . 6 . 5 ; Col. 3 . 2 2 . 1 Tim . 2 . 9”Jno . 1 3 . 1 5 :


1 Pe t . 3 . 1 8 ; 4. 1 .

1 PE TE R I V. 3 2 7

cal ling him Lord : whose children you have become, do ing good , and not

fearing any calamity.

d 7Likewise, ye husbands, dwe l ling with the wife

according to knowledge, as the weaker vesse l , ex tending to them honor,as indeed the equal heirs of the grace of life ; that your prayers shouldnot be hindered ?

“And final ly , all being l ike - minded,f sympathetic, loving the brethren,

merciful , humb le : “not giving evil for evil , or railing for railing : but on

the contrary blessing ; because unto this you have been cal led, that youmay inherit the b lessings? ”For let the one wishing to love life, and to

see good days,cease his tongue from evil

,and his lips from speaking

guile zh 11

let him depart from evil , and'

do good ; let him seek peace , and

pursue it :i ”because the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his

ears are open to their cry : but the face of the Lord is against tho se do ingevil .

”VVho is the one about to harm you,if you may be zealo ts of the

good ? 1 4But if indeed you suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are happy .

Fear not their fear, neither be troubled ;J' ”but sanctify the Lo rd Christ inyour hearts : being always ready for an answer to every one asking you

a reason for the hope which is in you,but with meekness and fear zk


ing a good conscience , in order that, in whatso ever you are calumniated,those traducing your goo d deportment in Christ may be ashamed.


1 7For it is better, do ing good, if the wil l of the Lord should wil l it,to suffer, rather than do ing evil.m

”Because Christ indeed once died forour sins, the j ust for the unj ust, that he might bring us to God


being put to death in the flesh,but quickened in spirit :n ”by which also

having gone he proclaimed to the spirits in prison ;0”who at one time

were disobedient , when the longsuffering of God waited in the days of

Noah , the ark being prepared , in which a few,that is, eight souls were

saved through the water.p

”Which antitype baptism does even now saveyou,

not the removal of the fi lth of the flesh,but the seeking after a good

conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ zq ”who

is on the right hand of God, having gone up into heaven ; angels and

authorities and powers being subordinated unto him ?


The new life is to be dedicated to God and the brethren. We are to re

joice over calamity during our probation.


1Therefore Christ having suffered in the flesh, you also arm yourse lves

with the same mind :a because the one having suffered in carnality hasdGen . 18 .

m1 Pe t . 2 . 20 .

eEph 5 . 2 5

1 2

1 Cor. 77 ."His


own h uman spirit. 1 Tim . 3 . 1 6 ; 1 Pe t .

fHaving th e mind ofChrist .

aR om .

nEph . 4 . 9 .

”PS . 34 . 1 2 . PG en . 7 . 1 3 ; Matt . 24. 37 .

iHeb. 1 2 . 1 4. QEph .

1 1 Pet . 2 . 20 ; 4. 14.THeb .

"Col. 4. 6.11 Pe t . 2 . 1 2 .

4 1 Pe t . 2 . 2 1 - 24 ; 3 . 8 .

3 28 1 PE TER V

ceased from sin ;2that he may no longer live the remaining life in car

nality, but in the wil l of God.

‘0 3For the past time is sufficient to havewrought the wil l of the heathens, walking .in impurities, in lusts, in winedrinkings, in reve lries, in intemperance, and in unlawful ido latries : “


which they are astonished you not running to the same excess of wrath ,blaspheming ; who shal l give an account to him who is ready to j udgethe living and the dead . “For

,unto this the go spe l was also preached to

the dead,in order that they may indeed be j udged according to men in the

flesh,but live according to God in the spirit .0

7But the end of all things is at hand . Therefore be prudent, and soberunto prayers :d “before all things having divine love stedfast toward one

ano ther ; because divine love covers a multitude of sins ze“being ho spitable

to one ano ther without grudging ;f ”as each one received the gift of grace ,ministering the same to one ano ther, as the good stewards of the manifo ldgrace ofGod zg

1 1ifany one speaks, let him speak as the oracles ofGod ; if

any one ministers, as from the strength which God supplies ; in order thatGod may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ ;h to whom thereis glory and power unto the ages of the ages.

i Amen.

1“B eloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial among you,

coming upon you unto your testing : as some strange thing happening to

you :”but as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, rej o ice ; in order

that you may also rej o ice in the revelation of his glory , being glad.J°


you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, oran evil—doer, or as a meddler in o therspirit of the glory and the spirit of God rest on you.

k ”But let no one of

you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil - doer

,or as a meddler in o ther

people’s business :1 ”but if as a Christian,be not ashamed

,but glorify God

in this name .

”B ecause it is time th at j udgment should begin from the

house of God : and if it is first from us,what shal l be the end of those

who obey not the gospe l of God?”And if the righteous is scarcely saved

,where shal l the ungodly and

the sinner appear?m 1“

So let those indeed suffering according to the wil lof God submit their souls to the faithful Creator

,in good work) :1


Duties of elders and o thers. Resisting the devil. Vows and salutations.


1Therefore I , being a fel low- elder and a witness of the sufferings of

Christ , also a communicant of the glory which is about to be revealed ,exhort the elders who are among you :

2shepherdize the flock of God

which is among you, not coercively , but wil lingly, for the sake of -God ;not for fi lthy lucre , but cheerfully.

a “Not as domineering over the her

itages, but having become examples of the flock :b4and chief Shepherd

bR om . 6 . 6 .ico l . 3 . 1 7 ; 1 Pe t . 5 . 1 1 .

01 Pe t . 3 . 1 9 . J'

R om . 8 . 1 7 ; C01. 1 . 24 ; 1 Pet . 3 . 14.


-gas . 5 . 8 .

"Matt . 5 . 10 .

9 as . 5 . 20 .31 Pe t . 2 . 20 .

fProv . 10 . 1 2 .

’mProv . 1 1 . 3 1 .

aEph . 5 . 20 ; Ph il . 2 . 14”PS . 3 1 . 5 .

hRom. 1 2 . 6.“Acts 20 . 28 .

The Second Epistle General



The s tudies of heroism are to be increased. Peter is going to die in a

short time ; he is a witness of the transfiguration. The word ofprophecy.



Simon Peter, the servantaL of God and apostle of Jesus Christ, totho se receiving like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our

God and our Saviour Jesus Christ .‘0 2Grace to you and peace be mul

tiplied in the perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord .°3As His divine power having given unto us all things which appertain to life and godliness, through the perfect knowledge of the one

having cal led us to his own glory and virtue : 4through which preciousand greatest promises have been given unto us ; that through these you

may be partakers of the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is inthe world through lust . “

And in harmony with this same thing also ,add

to your faith hero ism ; and to hero ism ,knowledge ; “and to knowledge

ho liness ;d and to ho liness patience ; and patience , godliness ; 7and to god

liness bro therly kindness ; and to brotherl y kindness divine love.

8Forthese things, being in you and overflowing,

render you neither barren nor

unfruitful in the perfect knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ ; “for he untowhom these things are not present is b lind , not seeing afar off, having re

ceived the forgetfulness of his purgation from his old sins.

”Therefore ,

brethren, be the more diligent to make your cal ling and election sure

for doing these things you can never fal l . 1 1For in this way an entrancewil l be administered unto you abundantly into the eternal kingdom of our

Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ .Therefore I wil l be about to always remind you concerning thesethings, even though knowing them , and being established in the present

truth e ”But I consider it righteous, so long as I am'

in this tabernacle,to stir you up by remembrance ;f ”

knowing that the laying aside of mytabernacle is swift, as our Lord Jesus Christ also showed to me g”And

I wil l endeavor to have each one ofyou after my departure make mentionof these things h ”For not having fo l lowed cunningl y devised fables, haveaGr. slave .

eJude 5 .

bA c ts 1 5 . 1 4. f2 Pe t . 3 . 1 .

01 . Pe t . 1 . 2 ; 2 Pe t . 3 . 1 8 ; Jude 2 . ojno . 2 1 . 1 9 .

i Gr. egkrateia,wh ich means that rigid se lf-

gov hPe te r’

s martyrdom was th en lo oking h im inernm ent precluding allwrong do ing and in th e fac e .

cluding th e entire h ope ofprac tical h oline ss

2 PE TER H . 33 1

we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ ,but having been eyewitnesses of his maj esty . 1“For having received fromGod the Father the honor and glory of such a vo ice having been borne tohim from the excel lent glory, This is my be loved Son,

in whom I am

we l l pleasedfi ”We, being with him in the ho l y mount,heard this vo ice

borne from heav-en.J' ”

And we have the more certain word of prophecy ;to which you do wel l giving heed , as to a light shining in a dark place ,until the day may dawn,

and the morning—star may rise in your hearts :

”know this in the first place, that no prophecy of scripture is of privateinterpretation.

21For in the o lden ' time prophecy did not come by thewil l ofman : but men moved by the Ho ly Ghost spoke from God.


False teachers about to come . Examples of the punishment which awaits

the incorrigible seducers.

2 PETER11.

“However there were indeed false prophets among the people , as therewil l also be false teachers among you, who soever shal l bring in destructiveheresies, even denying the Lord who bought them ,

bringing on themse lvesswift destructionfiL 2

And many wil l fo l low their impurities ; through whomthe way of truth wil l be slandered : “and in their covetousness they wil lse l l you with their soft speeches zb unto whom j udgment from o lden time

tarries not, and their destruction does not slumber.

4For if God sparednot the ange ls who sinned

,but having sent them down to he l l , committed

them to chains ofdarkness to be kept unto j udgment ;0 “and spared no t the

old world , but delivered Noah the eight person, the preacher of righteousness

,brings the floo d upon the wo rld o f the ungodly ;

d “and having de

stro yed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,with a catastrophe he con

demmed them,having put them forth as an example to those about to be

ungodly :8 7and he de l ivered righteous Lo t, being grieved by the deportment

of the ungodly in their debauchery :f “(for the righteous man dwel ling

among them ,by seeing and hearing,

vexed his righ teous soul from day to

day with their unlawful deeds z) “for the Lo rd knows how to rescue the

godly out of temptations, and to keep the unrighteous unto the day of

j udgment enduring punishment : ”and especiall y tho se go ing after the fleshin the lust of po l lution,

and despising lordship g Audacious darers , blaspheming, they do not tremble at glories ; 1 1

where the angel s, being greaterin strength and power, do not bring a blasphemous j udgment againstthem before the Lord.

h ”But these , like irrational animals having beenborn natural l y for capture and destruction ,

blaspheming those things in(Matt . 3 . 1 7 ; 1 7 . 5 .

42 Pe t . 3 . 6 .


Matt . 1 7 . 1 .01 Pe t . 3 . 20 ; G en . 1 9 . 24 ; Jude 7 .

“Matt . 24 . 1 1 Jude 4 . fG en . 1 9 . 7 .

bS ellyou to Satan . {J ude 8 .

{ Jude 6.”Jude 9 .

332 2 PE TER [T].

which they are ignorant ; i in their own corruption they wil l indeed corruptthemselves ; ”receiving the reward of unrighteousness, esteeming pleasurewhich is in the daytime ; luxury ; spots and blemishes, swel ling in theirdece

its, feasting along with you,J' ”having eyes ful l of an adulteress


unable to cease from sin ; beguiling unestablished souls : havinga heart which has been made fat with covetousness ; childrenof the curse :

”leaving the straight way, they have wanderedoff, fo l lowing in the way of Balaam the son of Bo sor


loved the reward of iniquity ; and had the conviction of his own

conscience :k”the dumb workbeast having spoken with the vo ice of a

man, rebuked the madness of the prophet. 1 7These are fountains without

water, and mists driven away by the storm,for which the blackness of

darkness has been reserved.

1 ”For speaking swel ling words of vanity ,in the lusts of the flesh they beguile with their impurities, tho se that havebut partial ly escaped, who are stil l moving about in their de lusion ;m 1“


ising them liberty , they themse lves being the slaves of corruption : for to

whatsoever any one has been subo rdinated , to this he -has become enslaved.


”For if having escaped the po l lutions of the wo rl d through the perfectknowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ , and having again be

come entangled in these things, they are o vercome, the last state has tothem become worse than the first.

0 21For it was better for them no t to

have known the way of righteousness, than,having known it, to turn away

from the ho l y commandment which has been delivered unto them .

”I t

has happened unto them according to the old proverb , The dog havingreturned to his own vomit ; and the sow that had washed to wal lowingin the mire.



The burning of the world and its renewal; the return of Christ sudden.

The new heavens. Concerning the epistles ofPaul.


1I indeed , beloved, write unto you this second epistle ; in which I stir

up your pure mind by remembrance za2to remember the words which

have been spoken hitherto by the ho ly prophets, and the commandmentof the Lord and Saviour by your apostles zb “

knowing this first, that atthe last days mockers wil l come forth in scoffing, walking according to

their own lusts,c “and saying, Where is the promise of his coming ? for

from the day when the fathers fel l asleep,all things remain as from the

beginning of creation.

“For they wil lingly forget this, that the heavenswere in the o lden time

, and the earth standing out of the water and

0Matt . 1 2 . 45 .

PProv . 26. 1 1 .

“2 Pe t . 1 . 1 3 .

bJude 1 7 .

”1 Pe t . 2 . 16.c2 Pe t . 2 . 10 ; Jude 1 8,

The First Epistle General



Testimony concerning Christ. God the light. The blood of Christ.

I JOHN I .1That which was from the beginning, which we have heard , which

we have seen with our eyes, which we have behe ld, and our hands havehandled , concerning the Word of the life ;a 2and the life was made manifest


and we have seen, and we testify , and we proc laim“

to you the life whichis eternal , which was with the Father, and has been made manifest untous ;

b “that which we have seen and heard we also proclaim to you,in order

that you may have fel lowship with us. And our fe l lowship is indeed withthe Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ .° “

And we write the same thingsto you,

in order that our joy may be ful l .“And the same message which we have heard from him

, we also pro~

c laim to you,that God ' is l ight and in him there is no darkness.

d “If

we say that we have fel lowship with him ,and walk in darkness, we lie,

and do not the truth : 7but if we walk in the l ight , as He is in the light,

we have fel lowship with one ano ther, and the blood of Jesus his Sonc leanses us from all sin e 8But if we say that we have no sin,


deceive ourse lves,and the truth is not in us.

f “If we confess our sins,

he is faithful and righteous that he may forgive us our sins, and

c leanse us from all unrighteousness g”If we may say that we have

not sinned, we make him a liar,and his word is not in us h


Christ our Expiator and Exemplar. The commandment ofmutual love.

The love of the world. Antichrists. The doom offalsehood, and the

unction ofthe truth .

1 JOHN II .1My little children

,I write these things to you,

in order that youmay not sin . And if any one may sin, we have an Advo cate with the0 1 Juo . 1 2 . 1 3 .

eEph . 5 . 8 .

a o . 1 . 1 3 . f1 Kings 8 . 46 .

OJno . 1 5 . 1 ; 1 7 . 2 1 ; 2 Juo . 1 2 . 9 1 Th e ss . 5 . 24 ; H eb. 9 . 1 4.

dJno . 1 . o ; 1 Jno . 3 . 1 1 . t o . 5 . 38 .

I jOHN JT. 335

Father, Jesus Christ the righteous :a 2he - is the expiator for our sins :

and not ours only , but indeed for the who le world.

b “And in this we

know that we have known him ,if we are keeping his commandments.

4The one saying, I have known him, and keeping not his commandments,is a liar, and the truth is not in him ;

(3 5but whosoever shal l keep his word ,truly the divine ' love of God has been made perfect in him . In this we

know that we are in him .

d “The one saying that he abides in him oughthimself so to walk about, as he also did walk about . 7Be loved , I write

no new commandment to you,but the old one which you had from the

beginning ; the old commandment is the word which you have heard.


“Again I do write a new commandment - to you, which is true in him and

in you : because the darkness is passing away,and the true light is already


“The one saying that he is in the l ight, and hating his bro ther,

is in the darkness until now.

f ”The one loving his bro ther with divinelove abides in the light , and there is no stumbling in him .

1 1But the one

hating his bro ther is in darkness, and walks about in darkness, and doesnot know whither he is go ing, because the darkness has blinded his eyes g

”I write unto you, little children

,because your sins are forgiventhrough his name.

”I write unto you,

fathers, because you have knownhim who is from the beginning

h I write unto you, young men,becaus

you have conquered the wicked one .

i I have written unto you, little children,because you have known the Father.

”I have written unto you,

fathers, because you have known him from the beginning. I have writtenunto you,

young men,because you are strong,

and the word of God

abides in you,and you have overcome the evil one. Love not the world ,

nor the things that are in the world.J°

If any one loves the world, thelove of the Father is not in him :”because this is all that is in the world ;

the lust of the flesh , the lust of the eyes,and the pride of life, which is

not of the Father, but is of the world.

1 7The world and its lust are indeed passing away ; but the one do ing the wil l ofGod abides forever.

”Little children,

it is the last hour : and as you have heard that antichrist is coming,

even now many antichrists have come,

k from which weknow that it is the last hour.

1 ”They came out from us,but they were

not ofus ; for if they were of us,they would have remained with us : but

in order that they might be made manifest that they are not all of us.


”You have an unction from the Ho l y One,and you all know .

n 21I have

not written unto you because you do not know the truth , but because youdo know it, and that no lie is of the truth . ”Who is a liar except theone denying that Jesus is the Christ This one is the antichrist , the one

denying the Father and the Son !)”No one denying the Son has the

Father : the one confessing the Son has also the Fatherfi”Let that which

you heard from the beginning ab ide in you. If that which you heard fromjJas . 4 . 4 .

{ Jno . 1 5 . 1 0 ; 1 Juo . 4 . 1 2, 20 .

11 Pe t . 4 . 7 .

dJno . 1 3 . 3 5 ; 1 4 . 2 1 .

mAc ts 20 . 30 ; 1 Cor. 1 1 . 1 9 .

02 Juo . 5 ; Matt . 5 . 43 .

”I Jno . 2 . 2 7 .

fr Jno . 4 . 2o .01 Jno . 4 . 3 .

01 Juo . 3 . 1 4 ; Jno . 1 2 . 35 . 101 Pe t . 2 . 1 ; 2 Jno . 7 .

”1 Juo . 1 . 1 .51 Juo . 5 , 1 8 .

9Jno . 5 . 2 3 .

336 1 jomv111 .

the beginning may abide in you, you also are abiding in the Son,and in

the Father ? ”This is the message which he pro claimed unto you, eternal

life 5

I have written. these things unto you concerning those deceiving you.

And the unction which you received from him abides in you, and youhave no need that any one may teach you : but as his unction teaches youconcerning all things, and it is true, and it is no lie, and as he has taughtyou, abide in him. t

And now,little children,

abide in him ; in order that, if he may ap

pear, we may have bo ldness, and not shrink with embarrassment from him

in his presence.

u ”If you may know that he is righteous, know that

every one do ing righteousness has been born of him.V


The sons ofGod are happy through hope, pure fromsin,loving the breth

ren ; hateful to the world. The love of the neighbor, and of God.

God is greater than our heart.

I JOHN III .1B eho ld, what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us


we should be cal led the children ofGod ; and we are. And on this accountthe world does not know us, because it did not know him.

a “Be loved,now are we the children of God, and it is not yet manifest what we shal lbe . We know that, if “

he may be made manifest, we shal l be like him ;because we shal l see him as he is.

h “Indeed every one having this hope

on him purifies himself, even as he is pure.

4Every one doing sin does

also a transgression .of the law : and sin is the transgression of the law.


“And you know that he was manifested that he might take away sins ;and in him

‘ there is no sin.

“No one abiding in him is sinning :d every

one sinning do es not see him,nor know him .

e 7Little children

,let no

one deceive you. The one doing righteousness is righteous, as he is


“The one do ing sin is of the devil ; because the devil sins from

the beginningf Unto this the Son of God was made manifest

,that he

might destro y the works of the devil . “Every one having been born of

God does not sin ; because his seed remains in him : and he is not ableto sin

, because he has been born of God g”In this the children of God

are manifest, and the children of the devil : every one not doing righteousness is not of God, and the one not loving his brother with divine love.


1 1Because this is the message which you heard from the beginning, thatwe must love one another, ”not as Cain was of the evil one, and slew7'

Jno . 1 5 . 2 3 ; 2‘Juo . 9 .

01 Juo . 5 . 1 7 .

8 1 Juo . 1 . 5 ; 5 . 1 1 .d1 Pe t . 2 . 2 2 ; 1 Juo . 2 . 3 .

tJno . 1 4 . 26 .$3 Juo . 2 .

“Eph . 3 . 1 2 ; 1 Juo . 4. 1 7 . .fJno . 8 . 44.

”I Juo . 3 . 7-

9 . 9 1 Juo . 5 . 1 8“Juo . 1 7 . 2 5 .

6C01. 3 . Jno . 1 . 5 8 ; Jno . 8 . 47 .

338 1 jOHN V.

7Be loved, let us love one ano ther with divine love : because divinelove is of God ; and the one loving with divine love has been born of

God, and knows God fi “The one not loving with divine love does not

know God ; because God is divine love.

f “In this the divine love of God

has been made manifest in us, because God has sent his only bego ttenSon into the world that we may live through him .

g”In him is divine

love, not because we loved God with divine love, but because he lovedus with divine love, and sent his Son an expiation for our sins h

1 1Beloved,if God so loved us with divine love , we ought also to love

one another with divine love.

i 12No one has seen God at any time ; if welove one ano ther with divine love, God abides in us,and his divine love

has been made perfect in us.i ”

In this we know that we abide in him,

and he in us, because he has given us of his spirit . ”And we have seen

and we testify that the Father has sent forth his _Son the Saviour of the


k ”Whoso ever may confess that Jesus is the Son of God, in him

God abides,and he in God.

1 ”And we have known and we have believed

the divine love which God has in us m God is divine love ; and the one

abiding in divine love abides in God, and God abides in him .

”In this the divine love has been made perfect in us

, that we may havebo ldness in the day of the j udgment . because as he is, so are we in thisworld .n ”

There is no fear in divine love ; but perfect divine love casts out

the fear : because the fear has torment ; and the one fearing has not beenmade perfect in the divine love .

”Let us love with divine love , because

he himse lf first loved us with divine love .

°”If any one may say, I love

God with divine love , and may hate his bro ther, he is a liar : for the one

not loving his brother whom he has seen,with divine love, is not able to

love God, whom he has not seen,with divine love . And we have this

precept from him,that the one loving God with divine love also loves

his bro ther with divine love .p


God is to be loved through faith and obedience . The three witnesses con

cerning Christ, who are one. The assurance ofprayer. The bro ther

sinning no t unto death. The true God.


“Every one believing that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God

and every one loving with divine love him who begat, also loves himwho has been bego tten of him,

with divine love .

a “In this we know that

we love the children ofGod with divine love, when we love God with di01 Juo . 3 . 1 1 . 1 Juo . 3 . 24 ; 4, 2 ; 5 . 1 .

f1 Juo . 5 . 1 .

m1 Juo . 3 . 24 .

gR om . 5 . 8 ° ”I Juo . 2 . 3 , 1 9 . 2 1 .

hr Juo . 2 . 2 1 901 Jno . 4 . 1 0 .

Uno . Jno. 3 . 1 6 . 201 Jno . . 5 . 1,2 .

.7 1 Juo . 2 . 5 .k1 Juo . 1 . 1 .

“1 Juo . 4 . 1 5 .

I jOHN V. 339

vine love and keep his commandments. For this is the divine love of

God, that we may keep his commandments :b and his commandments are

not heaxay zc4because everything which has been born ofGod conquers the

world : and this is the victory which has conquered the world , our faith .


5Who is the one conquering the world, except the one believing that Jesusis the Son of

God? 66He is the one having come through water and blo od , Jesus Christ ;

not by water only , but by water and blood ; the Spirit is the one who

bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth . 7Because there are threewho are bearing witness, 8

the Spirit and the water, and blood : and thesethree are one. n we receive the witness of men

,the witness of God is.

greater:. because this is the W itness of God that he has - testified concern

ing his Son.

f 1 OThe one be lieving on the Son of God has the witness in

himse lf: the one not be lieving God has made him a liar ; because he hasnot


believed in the testimony which God has testified concerning his So n.

1 1And this is the testimony

,that God has given unto us eternal life, and

this life is in his Son g12The one having the Son has the life ; the one

not having the Son ofGod has not the life .


1"’I have written these things unto you, in order that you may knowthat you have eternal life ; to those who believe on the name of the Son

of Godfi14And this is the testimony which we have toward him,

that, ifwe may ask anything according to his wil l, he hears us .

1 5And if we

know that he hears us as to Whatsoever we may ask,we know that we

have the petitions which we have asked from h im.

1 6Ifany one may see

his bro ther sinning a sin not unto death,he shal l ask,

and he wil l givehim life to tho se sinning not unto death . There is a sin unto death 'k

concerning this I do not say that you may ask.


’All unrighteousness ls

sin : and there is sin no t unto death .


18We know that every one who has been born of God, sins not ; but

the one having been born of God keeps himself,and the evil one does not

touch him.

m I gwe know that we are of God,and the who le world lies in

the evil one .

n 20But we know that the Son ofGod has come and has givenunto us inte l ligence, that we know the truth . And we are in the trueone , in his Son Jesus Christ ; he is the true God, and eternal life .



,keep yourselves from the ido ls.


5 1 Juo . 2 . 5 ; 2 Jno . 6 .iJno . 26 . 3 1 .

OJno . 1 4 . 1 5 . JJno . 1 4. I 3 ; I Juo . 33 . 2 2 .

(’Jno . 1 6. 23 , 33 .kFollowing th ose an tichrists .

6 1 Juo . 4 . 1 5 .lI nbred sin


wh ic h th e atonement removes .

fJno . 5 . Jno . 3

9 1 Jno . 2 . 2 5 ."Gal. 1 . 4 ;

91 Jno . 4. 4.

"Jno 3 35 ; I 4 6 01 Cor. 10 . 14.

The Second Epistle



Cyria is praised with her children. I/Ve are to persevere in divine love.

S educers are to be avoided. The hope ofseeing them.

1The elder to the e lect Cyria, and to her children, whom in truth I

love with divine love ; and not I, but also those having known the truth ;

2on account of the truth which abides in us

, and shal l be with us forever.

3Grace, mercy , peace, shal l be with us from God our Father and from

Jesus Christ,the Son ofthe Father, in truth and in divine love fi

41 rej o ice exceedingl y because I have found some of thy children walk

ing about in truth , as we received commandment from the Father.

b isAnd

now I entreat thee , O Cyria, not as writing to thee a new commandment,bu t that which we had from the beginning, that we love one ano ther withdivine love .

6And this is the divine love, that we may walk about ao

co rding to his commandments ;0 this I S the commandment, That, as you

heard from the beginning,that you may walk about in it. 7Because many

deceivers have gone out into the world, who do not confess that JesusChrist is coming in the flesh ; the same is the deceiver and the antichrist d8Take heed to yourselves , that you may not destroy those things whichyou have wrought, but may receive a ful l reward.

e 9

Every one going forth ,and not abiding in the teaching of Christ

,has not God ; the one abiding in

the teaching,the same has bo th the Father and the Son .

f 10If any one

comes to you,and do es not bring this doctrine ;g do not receive him into

your house,and do not bid him God speed : 11

for the one bidding him

God speed partakes of his evil deeds.

12Having many things to write to you,I would not write them with

paper and ink : but I hope to come to you, and mouth to mouth to

speak to you,in order that our joy may be full.h

1 3The children of

thv elect sister salute thee fi

“1 Tim . 1 . 2 ; 2 T 1m . 1 . 2 ; Tlt . fl Jno . 2 . 2 3 .

53 Juo . 3 . 1 4 . eThat Christ is coming again in th e fl esh .

01 Jno . 5 . 3 .

h3 Juo . 1 3 .

4 1 Juo . 2 .

51 Jno . 1 . 4.

eGlorification wh en H e come s .


Against the license of sinning. Examples ofpunishment: the Jews, theangels, S odom. Michael and Satan. The words ofEnoch and the

apostles. We are to give counsel to the deceived. Glory belongs

to God.

1Jude, the servanta -of Jesus Christ , and bro ther of James, to the

cal led be loved in God the Father, and kept in Jesus Christ . 2Mercy toyou, and peace, and divine love be multipliedb

3B eloved , making all haste to write to you concerning our common

salvation,I had need to write to you,

exhorting you i to agoniz ec for the

faith which was once de livered unto the saints.

4For certain men havecrept in,

who long ago were written down to this j udgment, ungodly ,transforming the grace of God into impurity , even denying Jesus Christ,our onl y Sovereign and Lorda

5But I wish you to remember, once having known all these things,that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, destroyed them that bel ieved not, the second time :e

0and the angels who kept

not their first estate, but left their own habitation,has he kept in eternal

chains unto darkness unto the j udgment of the great day :f7as Sodom and

Gomorrah and the cities about them,in a manner like unto them commit

tingfornication,and go ing after o ther flesh , present an example receiv

ing the vengeance of eternal fire .g


Likewise indeed these dreamers alsopo l lute the flesh

, and rej ect lordship,and b laspheme glories

h 9But Michaelthe archange l , when contending with the devil he disputed over the bodyof Moses

,did not dare to bring against him a j udgment of blasphemy ,

but said , The Lord rebuke thee i10But these blaspheme so many things

as they know not : and so many things as they understand natural ly, likeirrational animals, in these they are '


1 1Woe unto them ! because they have gone offin the way ofCain

,and in the delusion ofBalaam

they have been seduced by reward , and they perished in the gainsayingof Korah .


”These are rocks1 in your love - feasts,feasting along with you with

out fear shepherdiz ing themselves, c louds without water,driven away

by the winds ; withered trees, W ithout fruit , twice dead , plucked up by theroo ts ;m 13

wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own disgraces ; wander“Gr. slave . ”2 Pet . 2 . 1 0 .

62 Pe t . 1 . 2 . iDeut . 34. 5 ; Dan . 1 2 . 1 ; Zech . 3 . 2 ; 2 Pe t . 2 .

0Contend with allth e power ofsoul,mind, 1 1 .

and body. 32 Pe t . 2 . 1 2 .

4 1 Pe t . 2 . 1 .hNum . 1 6. I ; 2 2 . 7 ; 2 Pe t . 2 . 1 5 .

ONum . 14. 29 .zBreak ers in th e ocean .

12 Pe t . 2 . 4. M 2 Pe t. 2 . 1 3- 1 7 .

yGen . 1 9 . 24 ; 2 Pe t. 2 . 6.

jUDE . 343

ing stars, for which the blackness of darkness has been reserved forever.

“ 1 4And Enoch also , the seventh from Adam, prophesied againstthese, saying,

0 Beho ld , the Lord came with his myriads of saints,

1 5to

execute j udgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly of them for

all the works of their ungodliness which they have impiously done, and

for all their hard speeches which they have spoken against him,being un

godly sinners.“ 1 6

These are querulous grumblers, go ing forth accordingto their own lusts ; and their mouth speaking swel ling words, admiringpersons for the sake of gain“

1 7But you,beloved

,remember the words

which have hitherto been spoken by the apo stles of our Lord JesusChrist ;r 18that they said to you, At the last time there wil l be mockers,

walking according to their own lusts after ungodly things.

S1 9These are

they who are sidetracking [the people], inte l lectual , not having the’

Spirit .20But you,

be loved, building up yourselves on your mo st ho ly faith , praying1n the Ho ly Gho st, t 21keep yourselves in the divine love ofGod, receivingthe mercy ofour Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

22And some ofwhom

indeed convict,being j udged : 23

and some save, seizing them out of the fire ;and some pity in their fear, you indeed hating the garment having beenspo tted by carnality . 24But to him who is ab le to keep you from fal ling,

and to establish you blame less in the presence of his glory with rej o icing,

25to God our only Saviour, through Jesus Christ our Lord , be glory ,maj esty

,dominion and power, before every age, bo th now,

and unto all

the ages. Amen.

" I sa . 5 7 . 20 . Pe t . 3 . 2 .

°G en. 5 . 1 8 .22 Pe t . 2 . 10 ; 3 . 3 .

pTh e great tribulation .‘Rom . 8 . 26.

92 Pet . 2 . 1 8 .

The Reve lation



John to the seven churches speaks greeting. He divinely visited on Patmos . The vision of the S on ofman with the seven golden candle

sticks, and the stars.


1The Reve lation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him

,to show

unto his servants the thing which it behooves speedily to come to pass ;

and he signified having sent by his angel to his servant John ;a 2who

witnessed the word of God, and the testimony of Jesus Christ, as to so

many things as he saw.

10 3B lessed is the one reading, and tho se hearingthe word of the prophecy , and keeping the things which have been written in it : for the time is at hand .0

‘John to the seven churches which are in Asia : Grace to you, and

peace, from the one who is, and who was, and who is coming ; and

from the seven Spirits which are before his throne ; 5and from Jesus Christ,who is the faithful witness, the firstbegotten of the dead , and the prince

of the kings of the earth .d To the one loving us with divine love, and

having washed us from our sins in H is own blood,e 6and He made us a

kingdom, priests unto God even his Father ; to him be glory and do

minion unto the ages of the ages ; amen.


7Beho ld,he is coming with clouds ; and every eye shal l beho ld him,

even those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth wil l wail athim ; yes, Amen g

8I am Alpha and Omega,

says the Lord God, whois and who was, and who is coming, the Almighty .“

91 John

,your bro ther

,and companion in tribulation,

and in the kingdom and in patience in Jesus, was in the island which is cal led ‘ Patmo s ,

on account of the word ofGod. and on account of the testimony ofJesus fi”I was in the Spirit on the Lord

s day, and I heard behind me a greatvo ice, as of a trumpet “saying,Write what you are seeing in a book,


send it to the seven churches ; unto Ephesus and unto Smyrna, and untoPergamum,

and unto Thyatira,and unto Sardis, and unto Philade lphia,

“R ev . 2 2 . 1 6. fEx . 1 9 . 6 ; I sa . 61 . 6 ; R ev . 5 . 1 0.

bR ev . 6. 9 ; 1 Juo . 1 . 1 . 0Zech . 1 2 . 1 0 ; Dan . 7 . 1 3 .

cR ev . 2 2 . I O .h I sa . 44 . 6 ; R e v . 2 1 . 6.

dCol. 1 . 1 8 .i2 Th ess . 3 . 5 ; R ev . 4. 1 ; 22 . 8.


8And to the ange l of the church in Smyrna write ; The first and the

last, who was dead, and is alive, says these things :e 91 know your tribu

lations, and your poverty , but you are rich ; and I know the b lasphemyof those who say they are Jews, and they are not

,but are the synagogue

of Satan.

f ”Fear not tho se things which you are about to suffer. Be

ho ld , the devil is about to cast some of you into prison,that you may

be tested ; and you shal l have tribulation ten days.8 Be faithful until

death, and I wil l give you a crown of life. Let the one having ears,hear what the Spirit '

says to the churches ; The one conquering can neverbe hurt by the second death .“

12To the ange l of church in Pergamum write ; The one having the

sharp, two - edged sword says these things ; i ”1 know where you dwe l l , wherethe throne of Satan is : and you are ho lding fast my name , and did not

deny my faith,in the days when Antipas was my faithful martyr

, who

was slain among you, where Satan dwells.J° ”But I have a few things

against thee , because thou hast there tho se ho lding the teachings ofBalaam ,

who taught Balak to cast a stumblingblock before the sons of I srae l , and

to eat things sacrificed to ido ls, and to commit fornication k ”So you

also have tho se in a similar manner ho lding the teaching of the N icolaitans.

”Repent ; o therwise I am coming to you quickly, and wil l fight

against them with the sword of my mouth . 1 ”Let the one having ears

hear what the Spirit says to the churches ; unto the one conquering wil l Igive to him of the hidden manna, and I wil l give him a white stone, and

on the stone my new name having been written,which no one knows but

the one receiving it.


”And to the ange l of the church among the Thyatireans write ; The

Son of God, the one having eyes like a flame of fire,and his feet like

burnished brass, says these things ; ”I know your works, and your di

vine love,and faith , and ministry , and patience, and your works : the last

more than the first .“”But I have it against you,

that you suffer the Woman Jezebe l,who

says herself to be a prophet, and teaches and deceives my servants to

commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to ido ls.

0 ”And I gave

her time that she might repent , and she do es not wish to repent of herfornication !)

”B eho ld, I cast her on a bed, and tho se who commit fornication along with her into great tribulation,

until they shal l repent of herworks.

23And I wil l slay her children with death ; and all the churches

shal l know that I am the one searching the reins and the hearts :q and

I wil l give to you each according to your works.

”But I say to you, the

rest who are among the Thyatireans, so many as have not this teaching,who soever have not known the depth of Satan, as they say ; I cast uponyou no other burden.

”Mo reover ho ld fast that which you “have, untileR evr l . 1 7 .

(R ev . 2 . 1 6 .


f]T im . 6 . 1 8 .




éev . 3 . 7 , 1 2 ; 1 9 . 1 2 .

a as . 1 . 1 2 . ev . 2 . 2 .

hR ev . 20 . 6, 1 4.01 K ings 1 6 . 3 1 .

"R ev . 1 . 1 6 . PR e v . 2 . 1 4.

iNum . 2 5 . 2 ; vs . 2 , 9 . QPS . 1 . 1 0.

"R ev . 2 . 20 ; Num . 3 1 . 1 6 ; 24. 3 .

RE VELA TZON [I ]. 347

I shal l come .

r And the one ho lding my works until the end, I wil l giveunto him authority over the nations : ”and he wil l shepherdize them withan iron rodzs as the potter’s vessels are broken to pieces ; as I have re

ceived ofmy Father : ”and I wil l give unto him the morning star.

“ ”Let

the one having ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


To the S ardinians. To the Philadelphians. The new Jerusalem. To the

Laodiceans. The lukewarm.


1And to the ange l of the church in Sardis write ; The one having the

seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars, says these things ;a I know

your works, that you have a name that you are living,and are dead . 2


you watchful , and strengthen the remaining things, which are about todie.

“ For I have not found your works perfect before my God.


therefore how you have received and heard , and ho ld fast,and repent .“

Ifyou do not watch , I wil l come as a thief,and you shal l not know what

hour I wil l come upon you.

d 4But you have a few names in Sardis who

have not defiled their garments ; and they shal l walk with me in white :because they are worthy . 5

The one conquering shal l thus be clo thed in

White garments ; and I wil l not blo t out his name from the book of life ,and I wil l confess his name before my Father, and in presence of his


“ 6

Let the one having ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches f7And to the ange l of the church in Philade lphia write ;g The ho ly, true

one , the one having the key of David , the one opening,and no one shal l

shut ; and the one shutting,and no one shal l open ; says these things.

“8I know your works ; beho ld, I have given before you an open door,which no one is able to shut :i and you have a little power, and you havekept my word, and not denied my name .

5 9Beho ld , I give of the synagogueof Satan, tho se who say they are Jews, and are not

,but are lying ;k beho ld

,I wil l make them that they shal l come and worship before thy feet ,

and may know that I have loved thee with divine love .

1 ”Because youhave kept the word ofmy patience, and I wil l keep you from the hour of

temptation, which is about to come upon the who le world, to try thosedwel ling upon the earth . 11

I am coming quickly : ho ld fast that which yourR e V . 3 . 1 1 .

“Matt . 1 0 . 32 ; Luke 1 2 . 8 .

2 . 8 ; R ev,1 2 . 5 . fR e v . 2 . 7 .

t ev . 2 2 . 1 6 . Q I sa . 2 2 . 2 2 .

“R ev . 2 . 7 . “Job 1 2 . 1 4,“R ev . 1 . 4, 1 6. 7R ev . 2 . 2 .

“R ev . 2 . 2 . J'

R ev . 2 . 1 3 .

“R ev . 1 6 . 1 5 .kR ev . 2 , 9 .

4 1 Th ess . 5 . 2 ; Matt . 24. 42 .lI sa. 6o . 1 4.


have, that no one may take your crownm12The one conquering, I wil l

make him a pil lar in the temple ofmy God, and he shal l go out no more :

and I wil l write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the

city ofmy God, the new Jerusalem,which is coming down out of heaven

from my God : and mynew name.

“ ”Let the one having ears

,hear what

the Spirit says to the churches.

”And to the ange l of the church in Laodicea write ; The Amen, the

faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation ofGod, says thesethings ;P 1“

I know your works, that you are neither co ld nor hot. I wouldthat you were either co ld or hot.“ ”

Thus because you are lukewarm, and

neither hot nor co ld, I am about to spew you out ofmy mouth . ”Becauseyou are saying,

That I am rich,and have increased in riches, and have

need as to no thing, and do you not know that you are miserable, and

pitiful , and poor, and b l ind,and naked ? ”

I counse l you to buy from

me go ld which has been purified by the fire, in order that you may be

rich ; and white garments,in order that you may be clothed , and the

shame of your nakedness may not be expo sed ; and eye salve to ano intyour eyes, that you may see .


So many as I love,I rebuke and chastise ;

be zealous, and repent .r ”Beho ld,I stand at the door

,and am knocking :

ifany one may hear my vo ice , and may open the door, I wil l come in untohim

, and wil l sup with him,and


he with me .

s 21The one conquering, Iwil l give unto him to sit with me on my throne, as I indeed have conquered ,

and sat down with my Father on his throne. t 22

Let the one having ears

hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


The heavenly theater is opened. The throne ofGod with the twenty- fourelders and the four living creatures.


1After these things I saw,

and beho ld, a door was opened in the heaven :

and the first vo ice I heard was as of a trumpet speaking with me ; say

Come up hither, and I wil l show thee the things which it behoovesto come to pass after these .

b 2Immediatel y I was in the Spirit : and beho ld, a throne was set in the heaven, and on the throne one sitting,

3and the one sitting was in appearance like unto a jasper and a sardiusstone : and a rainbow was around about the throne

,in appearance like

unto an emerald .d 4And around about the throne were twenty—four

" ‘R ev . 2 . 2 5 ;8 (Cant . ) S . ofS . 5 . 2 .

”I sa . 56 . 5 ; Gal. 4. 26 ; R ev . 2 . 1 7 ; “R ev . 2 7 .

0R ev . 2 . 7 .“R ev . 2 . 7 .

PCoI. 1 . 1 5 ; R ev . 1 9 . 1 1 .“R ev . 1 . 1 0.

9R ev . 2 . 2 .“R ev . 1 . 1 ; 2 2 . 6.

"Heb. 1 2 . 6 ; Prov . 3 . 1 2 .“E z ek . 1 . 26.


having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God

having been sent into all the earth “ 7And he came and took the bo ok

out of the right hand of the one sitting upon - the throne .

“ 8And when

he took the bo ok, the four living creatures and the twenty - four e ldersfel l down before the Lamb,f having each a harp, and go lden bowls fil ledwith incense

,which are the prayers of the saints.

9And they sing a new

song, saying, Thou art worthy to receive the book,and to open its seals :

because thou wast slain,and didst with thy blood redeem unto - God out

of every tribe, and tongue, and people , and nation ; ”and didst make them

a kingdom and priests unto our God : and they shal l reign on the earth .1 1And I saw, and I heard as it were a vo ice of many angels round aboutthe throne

,and the living creatures

,and the elders : and their number

was myriads of myriads,

“ and thousands of thousands ; 1 ”saying with a

great vo ice ; W orthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and

riches, and wisdom ,and might, and honor, and glory, and b lessing) ”And

I heard all creation, which is in the heaven,and upon the earth , and

beneath the earth,and in the sea

,and all things which are in them ,



k to the one sitting upon the throne , and to the Lamb , blessing,

and honor,and glory , and dominion,

unto the ages of‘the ages.

1 ”And

the four l iving creatures continued to say, Amen. And the e lders fel l andworshipedfl


The Lamb opens the first six seals. The first signifies the victory ofChris t. S laugh ter and calamities follow,

till the six th proclaims the

winding up ofall things .

REVELATION VI .1And I saw when the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals


I heard one of the four living creatures Speaking,like a vo ice of thun

der,Come .

2And I saw

,and beho ld

, a white horse : and the one sittingon him having a bow ; and a crown was given unto him : and he wentforth conquering,

and that he might conquer.

3And when he opened the second seal , I heard the second living

creature saying; Come.

4And there went out a i

red horse‘

: and to him sittingon h im it was given to take peace from the earth , and that they shal lslay one ano ther : and a great sword was given him .

5And when he opened the third seal , I heard the third living creature

saying, Come. And I saw ; and beho ld a black horse ; and the one sittingdR ev . 7 . 1 7 .

“Ze ch . 4 . 1 0 ; R ev . 4 . 4, 5 .

fR ev . 4 . 8 .

aR ev . 1 . 6 ; 20 . 6.

“Ten th ousand times ten th ousand.

“Dan . 7 . 1 0 . R ev . 9 . 1 6.


on him having'

a balance m his hand.

6And I heard as it were a vo ice

in the midst of the four living creatures saying,A measure of wheat for

a denarion,b and three measures of barley for a denarion and hurt not the

o il and the wine .

7And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the m ice of the fourthliving creature saying, Come.

”And I saw

,and beho ld a livid horse :

and the one sitting on him, to him'

the name was Death,“ and Hades followed along with him : and power was given unto them over the fourthpart of the earth , to slay with the sword , and with famine, and withdeath

, and with the wild beasts of the earth “9And when he opened the fifth seal , 1 saw beneath the altar the souls

of tho se who had been sl'ain on account of the word of God, and the

testimony which they had.

“ ”And they cried with a great v01ce, '


How long, O Lord, ho ly and true, do you not j udge and avenge our bloodfrom tho se who dwel l upon the earth i’f 11

And a white robe was given to

each of them ; and it was said to them,that they should wait a litt le

while, until their fe l low—servants and brethren,who are about to be slain

as they were should be fulfi l led .“12And I saw when he opened the sixth seal

,and there was a great

earthquake ; and the sun became black as sackclo th of hair, and the ful lmoon became like blo od ”

and the stars of the heaven fel l upon the earth,

as a fig- tree casting her unripe figs, when shaken by a mighty wind ; i 1“


the heaven ro l led away as a book is ro l led up ;J' and every mountain and

island were moved out of their places.

k ”And the kings of the earth

, and

the mighty men,and the chiliarchs,1 and the rich men

,and the mighty

men, and every slave, and every free man,hid themselves in the caves

and in the rocks of the mountains,

”and they say to the mountains and to

the rocks, Fal l on us, and hide us from the face of the one sitting upon

the throne, and the wrath of the Lamb : ”because the great day of theirwrath has come ; and who is able to stand ?m


The hundred and forty- four thousand from the tribes of I srael are sealed.

Pious aliens in white robes are praising God and the Lamb.


1And after this I saw four angels standing on the four corners of

the earth , ho lding the four winds of the earth,that the wind should not

blow upon the earth , nor the sea,nor upon any tree “ 2

And I saw an

5 1 5 cents . R ev . 9 . 4 .iI sa. 34. 4 ; Matt .

°R ev . 20 . 14 . 3A parchment ro ll .dEz ek .

’fI sa . 24. 2 1 ; R ev

“R ev . 1 . 9 ; 20 . 4.lCaptains ofa th ousand

,co lonels .

R ev . 3 . 7 .mHo s 1 0 8 , Luke 2 3 39 .

oR ev . 1 3 .“R ev . 9 . 4 ; Zech 6 . 5 .

hR ev . Ez e7k. 32 .


o ther angel coming up from the rising of the sun,having the seal of the

living God : and he cried with a great vo ice to the four ange ls, to whomit was given unto them to hurt the earth and the sea,

3saying, Hurt not

the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we may seal the servants of our

God in their foreheads.

“ 4And I heard the number of the sealed ones


a hundred and forty—four thousand were sealed out of every tribe of the

sons of I srae l ?“5Out of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand were sealed ; of the tribe

ofReuben twelve thousand ; out of the tribe ofGad,twe lve thousand ; (1 6


the tribe ofAsher, twelve thousand ; of the tribe ofNapthali, twelve thousand ; of the tribe ofManasseh

,twe lve thousand ; 7 of the tribe of Simeon,twe lve thousand ; of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand ; of the tribe of

I ssachar, twe lve thousand ; sof the tribe of Zebulun,

twelve thousand ; of

the tribe of Jo seph , twe lve thousand ; of the tribe of B enj amin were sealedtwe lve thousand.

9After these things I saw, and beho ld a great multitude

,which no one

was able to number, out of every nation,and tribes

,and peoples, and

tongues, standing before the throne, and before Ithe Lamb , c lothed inwhite robes, and palms in their hands ”

and they are crying with a

loud vo ice,saying,

f Salvation to our God, the one sitting on the throne,and to the Lamb . And all the ange ls stood round about the throne, andthe elders, and the four living creatures, and fel l down before the throneon their faces, and worshiped God, ”

saying,Amen : blessing, and glory ,

and wisdom,and thanksgiving,

and honor, and power, and strength , toour God unto the ages of the ages : Amen.

“ ”And one of the e lders re

sponded, to me saying, Who are these who are c lothed in white robes,and whence came they ?“ ”

And I said unto him,My lord , thou knowest .

And he said to me ; These are those coming up out of great tribulation,

who have washed their robes,and made them white in the blood of the

Lamb fi”On account of this they are before the throne of God

,and theyworship him day and night in his temple, and the one sitting upon the

throne wil l spread his tabernacle over them.

16And they wil l never hunger

or thirst any more ; neither wil l the sun,or any heat, fal l on them :J


”because the Lamb in the midst of the throne wil l shepherdize them,and

guide them to the fountains of the waters of life ; and God wil l wipe everytear out of their eyes.


“R ev . 1 3 . 1 6 ; Exek . 9 . 4. gR ev . 5 . 1 2 .

35cm 1 4.




v. 9 .

en . 49 . ev . 9 .

6verse 1 3 .3 15 3 . 49 . 10 .

fR ev . 5 . 9 .

kI sa . 2 5 . 8 ; R ev . 2 1 . 4.

354 RE VE LA Tfozv [X . .


Fifth and sixth trumpets . The locusts out ofthe bo ttomless pit, indicatingthe hosts of the enemies along with King Abaddon. The four angels

loosed along with an army about to destroy men.


1And the fifth angel sounded ; and I saw a star“ having fal len from the

heaven to the earth ; and the key of the pit of the abyss was given to him.

“2And he opened the pit of the abyss

,and smoke came out of the pit, like

the smoke of a great furnace ; and the sun and the an were darkenedfrom the smoke of the pit.

“ 3And locusts came out of the smoke into

the earth : and power was given unto them,as the scorpions of the earth

have power.

4And it was said to them that they shal l not hurt the grass

of the earth,nor any green thing,

nor any tree ; only the men who havenot the seal of God upon their foreheads “ “

And? it was given to themthat they should not kil l them

,but that they should be tormented five

months : and their torment was as the torment of a sco rpion, when he

may strike a man.

6And in tho se days men wil l seek death , and wil l no t

find it ; and they wil l desire to die , and death flies from them .

“ 7And the

shapes of the locusts are like horses having been made ready for War ;and upon their heads as it were crowns like go ld , and their faces are

like the faces of men.

f 8And they had hair as the hair of women,


their teeth were as the tee th of l ions.“ 9

And they had breastplates as

breastplates of iron ; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of

chario ts ofmany horses rushing to war.

“ ”And they have tails like seor

pions, and stings : and their power is in their tails, to hurt men five months :and they have over them a king,

the ange l of the bo ttomless pit, to himthe name is Abaddon in Hebrew,

and in Greek he has the name Apollyon.


”One Wo e is past ; beho ld two W oes come yet after these things.

“And the six th ange l sounded,

and I heard one vo ice from the four

horns of the go lden al tar which is before God, saying to the six th angelthe one having the trumpet, Loo se the four angels which have beenbound at the great river Euphrates.

“ ”And the four angels were loo sed,

who were prepared for an hour,and a day,

and a month,and a year


they should slay the third part of the men.

”And the number of the

armies of the cavalry was two myriads of myriads :1 I heard the numberof them .

”And thus I saw the horses in the vision,and those sitting on

them,having breastplates as of fire, and of hyacinth

,and of brimstone :

and the heads of the horses were as of the heads of lions ; and out of

their mouths proceeds fire and smoke and brimstone.

m ”And from these

“Lucifer,wh o became th e devil. “Jo e l

“R ev . 20 . 1 .

“Eph . 2 . 2 .

“Jo e l 2 . 1 0 . J‘

R ev . 8 . 1 3dR ev . 7 . 2 .

“R ev . 1 6 . I 2 .

ob “Two hundred millions.

fJo el2 . 4.

”Jo e l 2 . 3 .

(J o e l 1 .


three plagues the third of the men were slain,from the fire , and from the

smoke, and from the brimstone,coming out of their mouth . Fo r the

power of the horses is in their mo uth,and in their tails : for their tails

are like serpents, having heads, and with them they do hurt. ”And the

rest of the men who were not slain by these plagues did not repent of theworks of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and ido ls of

go ld, and silver, and brass, and stone,and wood ; which are neither able

to see,nor to hear, nor to walk : ”and they did not repent of their murders, nor ‘

of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


The angel with the book. The completion of the mystery immediate.

John eats up the book ofthe angel.


1And I saw ano ther mighty angel coming down out


of the heaven,

encircled with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head , and‘

his face

was like the sun,and his feet like pil lars of fire

2and having in his hand

a.little open book.

And he placed his right foo t upon the sea, and his

left upon the earth , 3and he cried with a loud vo ice

,as a lion roars. And

when he cried the seven thunders uttered their vo ices.

4And when the

seven thunders spoke , I was about to write : and I heard a vo ice speakingfrom the heaven, Seal those things which the seven thunders spoke, andwrite them 5

And the angel , which I saw standing upon the’


and upon the land lifted up his right hand to the heaven,

“ 6and he swore

by him that l iveth unto the ages of the ages, who created the heaven,

and the things in it, and the earth,and the things in it, and the sea


the things in it, that there shal l be time no longer 7but in the day of the

vo ice of the seventh ange l , when he is about to sound , and the mysteryof God may be finished

,when he ‘

has preached the go spe l to his Servantsthe prophets.

f 8And the vo ice which I heard from the heaven again speak

ing with me,and saying, Go ,

take the little book which is open in the

hands of the ange l who stands upon the sea and upon the land . 9And I

went away to the ange l , saying to him, to give me the little book. He

says to me, Take it, and eat it up ; and it wil l make‘

your stomach bitter,but in your mouth it wil l be sweet as honey .“ ”

And I took the little bookout ofthe hand of the angel , and I ate it up ; and it Was in my mouth sweetas honey : and when I ate it, my stomach was bitter.

11And they say to

me, It behooves you again to prophesy before the many peoples, and

nations, and tongues, and kings.



The temple is to be measured. The two witnesses, slain by the beast, re

vive,and ascend into heaven. The seventh trumpet. Hymn. Temple


REVELATION XI .1And a reed like a rod was given unto me : saying, Arise, and meas

ure the temple of God, and the altar

,and tho se Wo rshiping in 1t.

“ 2


the outer court of the temple leave out, and measure it not ; because it isgiven to the Gentiles : and they wil l tread down the ho ly city forty - twomonths.

3And I wil l give to my two witnesses, and they shal l prophesy

a thousand two hundred and sixty days,clothed in sackc lo th .“ 4

These are

the two o live- trees, and the two candlesticks which are standing beforethe Lord of the earth .“ 5

And if any one wishes to hurt them ,fire goes

forth out of their mouth, and devours their enemies and if any one

wishes to hurt them, thus it behooves him to be kil led.

6They have power

to shut up the heaven, that the rain may not fal l during the days of theirprophecy : and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood,

and to smite the earth with every plague, so often as they may wish .“7And when they may finish their testimony

,the beast which ascends up

out of the bo ttomless pit wil l make war against them,and conquer them .

and slay them.

f 8And their dead body wil l lie in the street of the great

city, which is spiritual ly cal led Sodom and Egypt , where the Lord also

was crucified . 9And tho se of the peoples and of tribes and of the tongues

and of the nations see their dead body three days and a half, and do not

suffer their bodies to be put in a sepulchre .

”And tho se dwel ling on the

earth rej o ice over them,and make merry

,and send gifts to one ano ther ;because these prophets tormented those dwe l ling upon the earth .

“r ”And

after three and a half days the spirit of life from God entered into them,

and they stood upon their feet ; and great fear fel l on those seeing them .

“”And they heard a great vo ice out of the heaven saying to them ,


up hither ; and they ascended up into the heaven in a c loud ; and theirenemies saw them .

”And at that hour there was a great earthquake , and

the tenth of the city fe l l,and there were kil led by the earthquake seven

thousand persons : and‘

the rest were affrighted, and gave glory to the God

of the heaven“ ”The second Woe is passed ; beho ld, the third woe comes

quickly“”And the seventh angel sounded ; and there were great voices in the


“The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of

our Lord,and his Christ ; and he wil l reign until the ages of the ages.

”And the twenty - four elders

,who are before God, who sit upon their

aEz ek . 40 . 3 ; R ev . 2 1 . 1 5 . oEsth . 9 . 22 .

“R ev . 1 5 . 3 .

hEz ek . 3 7 . 6.

“Ze ch . 4 . 2 .

“R ev . 1 6. 1 9 .

d2 K ings 1 . 1 0 .J'

R ev . 9 . 1 2 .

“Ex . 7 . 1 9 ; 1 Kings 1 7 . 1 .

“R ev . 1 0 . 7 .

fDan 7 . 7 ; R ev . 1 3 . 1 .

“Dan . 2 . 44 ; R ev . 1 2 . 1 0 .


word of their testimony ; and .with divine love they love not their lifeunto death . ”Therefore rej oice, O ye heavens, and tho se dwel ling in them ;woe unto the earth and the sea ! because the devil has come down to you,having great wrath , knowing that he has little time.

“”And when the dragon saw that he was cast out into the earth , he

persecuted the woman, who brought forth the male child.

1 ”And the two

wings of a great eagle were given to the woman,that she might fly away

into the wilderness, into her own place, where she is there nourished a

time, and times, and a half time, from the

face of the serpent.m 1 5And

the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman water like a river, thathe might cause her to be carried away by the river.

”And the earth helped

the woman ; and the earth opened her mouth,and drank up the river which

the dragon cast out of her mouth .“ ”And the dragon was enraged at

the woman,and went away to make war with the remnant of her seed,

who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus.


The monster ofungodliness rises, repudiating God, and making war against

the saints . There is ano ther monster, advocating the- worship of his

predecessor. The number ofthe monster is six hundred and sixty- six .

REVELATION X III .1And I stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast“ rising up

out of the sea,having ten horns and seven heads ; and upon his horns ten

diadems,and upon his heads names of blasphemy .“ 2

And the beast whichI saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear

,and his

mouth like the mouth of lions and the dragon gave him his power, and

h is throne, and great authority . 3And I saw one ofhis heads as it had been

smitten unto death ; and the wound of his death was healed . And the

who le '

earth wondered after the beast :“ 4and they worshiped the dragon,because he gave authority to the beast ; and they worshiped the beast, say

ing ; Who is like the beast ? and who is able to make war with him ? E"and

a mouth was given to him speaking great things and blasphemies ; and

authority was given unto him to prevail forty - two months“ 6And he

opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to b laspheme his name, and

his tabernac le, those dwe l ling in the heaven.

7And it was given to him

to make war with the saints and to conquer them : and authority was givenunto him over every tribe

,and people, and tongue, and nation.

“ 8And

all tho se who dwel l upon the earth,who se name has not been written in

“R ev . 1 8 . 20 .“Gr. theerz

en , a blood- th irsty wild beast.

zR ev . 1 2 . 4 .“Dan . 7 . 3 ; R ev . 1 2 . 3 .

'InI sa . 40 . 3 1 ; Dan . 7 . 2 5 .“R ev . 1 7 . 3 .

"R ev . 1 7 . 1 5 .“R ev . 1 1 . 2 ; 1 8 . 1 8 .

“R ev . 14. 1 2 ; 1 9 . 1 0.“R ev . 7 . 9 ; 1 1 . 7 ; 14 . 6


the book of life of the Lamb that was slain from t he foundation of the

world, wil l worship him .

f 9If any one has ears, let him hear.

”If any

one leads into captivity he goes into captivity . if any one kills with a

sword, it behooves him to be kil led with a sword .g Here is the patienceand the faith of the saints.

1 1And I saw ano ther beast coming up out of the earth ; and he had

two horns like a lamb , and he continued to speak as the dragon. And he

exercises all the authority of the first beast before him . And he makes the

earth and those dwel ling in it, that they shal l wo rship the first beast,who se

wound of his death was healed.“ ”And he performs great signs, so that

he can indeed make fire descend out of- the heaven to the earth in presence

of the people.

”And he deceives tho se dwel ling upon the earth through

the signs which it was given unto h im to perform in the presence of the

beast, saying to tho se dwel ling on the earth , that they should make an

image to the beast , who had the wound of the sword, and did live.

i ”And

it was given unto him to give spirit to the'

image of the beast , in orderthat the image of the beast may indeed speak,

and he may cause so manyas wil l not worship the image of the beast that they should be kil led)”And he causes all, smal l and great , bo th rich and poor, both free and

bond , that they may give them a mark on their right hand, or on theirforehead ”that no one may be able to buy or sel l

,except the one having

the mark , the name of the beast , or the number of his name .

1 ”Here is

wisdom . Let the one having understanding count the number of the beast :for it is the number of a man. And his is

, Six hundred and sixty—six .



The Lamb rises up with the pious sealed ones. The three angel heralds.

The eternal gospel. The cup of the wrath ofGod. Blessed are the

pious dead. The angels reaping the harvest and the vintage.


1And I saw,and beho ld

,the Lamb standing on the mount Zion,


with him a hundred and forty - four thousand,having his name

,and the

name of his Father written on their foreheads.

“ 2And I heard a vo ice

fR ev . 1 7 . 8 . yo u se e , give s us 666.

0Jer. 1 5 . 2 ; R ev . 1 4. 1 2 . L 30“ver. 3 . a 1

iver. t 300JDan . 3 . 5 ; R ev . i 5“R e v . 19 11 8 e 10

“1 h is boyc o tting 1 3 now fulfil led in th e numer n 50

ous lodges as we l l as in R omanism . R ev . 0 71 4. 1 1 ; 1 7 .

mLatieno s is th e re ek name of th e R oman

Cath ol ic Ch urch . Th e nume rical value of To tal 666.

th e Greek le tters constitu ting th e name as “R e v . 1 . 1 5 . 5 . 6 ; 7 . 4.

360 RE VELA T101vX1 V.

from heaven, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a greatthunder : and the sound which I heard was as the sound of harpers harp

ing with their harps 3and they are singing a new song before the throne ,

and in presence of the four living creatures,and the e lders.

“ And no

one was able to learn the song except the hundred and forty - four thousand , who have been redeemed from the earth “ 4

These are they who havenot been defiled with women ; for they are virgins. These are they whofo l low the Lamb whithersoever he may go . They have been redeemedfrom men

, the first fruit unto God and the Lamb . 5And in their mouth

no lie is found : for they are blameless.

6And I saw ano ther ange l flying in the midst of heaven,

having the

eternal go spe l to preach to tho se dwe l ling upon the earth,and to every

nation, and tribe , and tongue, and people,“ 7saying with a great vo ice, Fear

God, and give glory to him ; because the hour of his j udgment is come :

and worship him who made the heaven,and the earth , and the sea, and

the fountains of the waters.

8And ano ther second ange l fo l lowed , saying,

Fal len,fallen is Babylon the great, who has made allthe nation to drink of

the wine of the wrath of her fornication.


9And ano ther, the third ange l fo l lowed these, saying with a greatvo ice, If any one worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark

upon his forehead , or upon his hand ,“ ”and he shal l drink of the wine

of the wrath of God, having been poured out without mix ture in the

cup of his indignation ; and he shal l be tormented with fire and brimstonein the presence of the ho ly angels, and in the presence of the Lamb .“1 1And the smoke of their torment

,ascends up into ages of ages :

i and theyhave no rest day and night , who worship the beast and his image, and

if any one receives the mark of his name“ ”Here is the faith of the

saints : who keep the commandments ofGod and the faith of Jesus.


I heard a vo ice from the heaven saying,W rite ; B lessed are the dead im

mediate l y,who die in the Lord.

“ Yea,says the Spirit , that they shal l

rest from their labors ; for,the ir works do fo l low along with them.

And I saw,and beho ld a white cloud , and on the c loud one sittinglike the Son ofman, having on his head a go lden crown

,and in his hand

a sharp sickle .

1 ”And ano ther ange l came out of the temple , crying with

a great vo ice to the one sitting on the c loud, Send forth your sickle , and

reap : because the hour of reaping has come ; because the harvest of theearth is ful ly ripe.

m ”And the one sitting on the c loud thrust in his

sickle to the earth ; and the earth was reaped . ”And ano ther ange l came

out of the temple which is in heaven,himself also having ‘

a sharp sickle :


Eind ano ther angel came out from the altar, having power over the fire ;and he cal led with a great voice to the one having the sharp sickle , Sendin thy sharp sickle , and reap the clusters of the vintage of the earth ; because her grapes are ful ly ripe .

”And the ange l cast his sickle into the

“R ev . 1 . 1 5 ; 1 9 . 6.

hPS . 7 5 . 8 .

eR ev . 5 . 9 .

“I sa . 34 . 1 0 .

dy er. 1 . .tR ev . 1 2 . 1 7 ; 1 3 . 10 .

“R ev . 8 . 1 3 ; 1 3 . 7 .

“R ev . 1 9 . 9 .

fI sa. Dan . 4 . 2 7 ; R ev . 1 8 . 2 .

“Dan . 7 . 1 5 ; R ev . 1 . 1 3 .

aj er. 5 1 . 7 .

'mJoe I . 3 . 1 3 .

362 RE VE LA TI ON X V].


The seven bowls ofwrath are poured out; they become so many plaguesupon the earth.

REVELATION XVI .1And I heard a great vo ice out of the temple saying to the seven

ange ls, Go and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of God upon the

earth . 3 2and the first went away , and poured out his bowl upon the earth .

And a destructive and grievous sore came on the men having the mark of

the beast, and tho se worshiping his image .


3And the second poured out his bowl upon the sea ; and it became as it

were the blood ofa dead man : and every soul of l ife died,whatsoever were

in the sea.

4And the third poured out his bowl upon the rivers and fountains

of the waters ; and they became blo od.

5And I heard the ange l of the

waters saying, Thou art worthy , who is, and who was,- the Ho ly One

,because thou hast j udged these things ; 6because they shed the blood of

saints and of prophets, and thou hast given them b lood to drink ; theyare worthy .0 7

And I heard one speaking from the al tar,Yes, Lo rd God

Almighty , true and righteous are thy judgments d

8And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun ; and it was given

unto him to scorch the people with fire .

89And the people were scorched

with a great heat , and blasphemed the name of God,Who has power over

these plagues : and they did not repent to give him glo ry.


10And the fifth poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast ; and

his kingdom was fi l led with darkness ; and they gnawed their tonguesfrom the pain,

g1 1and they blasphemed the God of the heavens on account

of their pains and on account of their sores,and did not repent of their


12And the sixth poured out his bowl upon the great river Euphrates ;

and his water was dried up,that the way of the kings who are from the

rising of the sun may be preparedh 1 3

And I saw three unc lean spirits likefrogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the

beast , and out of the mouth of the false prophet ; 14for these are the spirits

of demons,working miracles, which go forth to the kings of the who le

earth,to lead them together into the war of the great - day of God AI

mighty . i 15B eho ld , I am coming as a thief; blessed is the one watching and

keeping his garments, in order that he may not walk about naked, and

they may see his shame)16And he led them into the place cal led Har- Ma

geden in the Hebrew.


“R ev . 1 5 . 7 .f

gev . 1 3 . 6 .

bR ev . 1 3 . 1 6.9 cv . 1 3 . 2 .

”R ev . 6 . 10 ; 1 1 . 6.h I sa . 1 1 . 1 5 ; R ev . 9 . 14 .

dR ev . 1 5 . 3 .

i1 Tim . 4 . 1 .

0Now be ing fulfilled in h ot waves in different J'

Luke 1 2 . 3 7 ; R ev . 3 . 3 .

countrie s .

kZech . 1 2 . 1 1 .


17And the seventh poured out his bowl upon the air ; and a greatvo ice came out of the temple from the throne, saying, It is done .


there were lightnings, and vo ices, and thunders ; and there was a greatearthquake, such as was not from the time man was upon the earth


was so great an earthquake ) 1 9And the great city was divided into three

parts, and cities of the Gentiles fel l .m And great Babylon came into re

membrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine . of the wrathof his indignation.

n 20And every island fled, and the mountains were not

found .0 21And great hail like a talent comes down from the heaven upon

the people ; and the people blasphemed “

God, on‘

account of the plagueof the hail ; because the plague of it was exceedingly great.


The harlo t, the cruel'

monster of the seven heads and ten horns, drunken

with blood, Babylon by name.


1And one of the seven angels having the seven bowls, came and spoke

with me , saying} Come hither, I wil l show thee the j udgment of the greatharlo t, the one sitting upon many waters : 2with whom the kings ofthe earthcommitted fornication, and tho se dwel ling upon the earth were made drunkfrom the wine ofher fornication.

b 3And he carried me away in the Spirit

into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast,having

the names of blasphemy , having seven heads and ten horns.

° 4And the

woman was c lo thed in purple and scarlet, and gilded with go ld and preciousstones and pearls, having a go lden cup in her hand ful l of abominationsand the impurities of her fornication :d

5and upon her forehead her name

was written ; Mystery , Babylon The Great, The Mo ther of Harlo ts AndThe Abominations of The Earth fi 6

And I saw the woman drunken from

the blood of the saints, and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus : and

seeing her, I was astonished with great astonishment . 7And the ange l said

to me, Wherefore wast thou astonished ? I will tel l thee the mystery of thewoman and of the beast which carries her, having the seven heads and ten


8The beast which you saw was,and is not ; and is about to come

up out of the abyss, and go into perdition zf and those dwel ling upon the

earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foun

dat ion of the world , wil l be astonished , seeing the beast , because he was,and is not, and wil l be g 9Here is a mind having wisdom. The sevenlR ev . 4 . 5 ; 1 1 . 1 3 .

°R ev . 1 2 . 6 ; 1 3 . 1 .

mR ev . 1 4 . 8 . Her. 5 1 . 7 ; R ev . 1 8 . 16.

" I s . 5 1 . 2 2 ; R ev . 1 4. 10 ; 1 7 . 5 .6R ev . 1 4 . 8 .

oR ev . 6 . 1 4. fver. 1 1 .

“Je t . 5 1 . 7 ; R ev . 1 5 . 1 . OR ev. 1 3 . 8 .

bNah . 3 . 4 ; R ev . 1 8 . 9 .


heads are seven mountains, where the woman sits upon them,h 10

and thereare seven kings ; five have fal len,

one is, and ano ther is not yet come ;

and when he may come it behooves him to remain a litte while .

i 1 1The

beast which was, and is not, and the same is the eighth, and is of the seven,

and is go ing into perditionfi12And the ten horns which you saw

, are ten

kings, who have not yet received a kingdom' but they receive authority

as kings one hour with the beast .k 13These have one mind , and they give

their power and authority to the beast. 1 14These wil l make war with theLamb , and the Lamb shal l conquer them,

because he is the Lord of lords,and King of kings : and with him are the cal led , and the e lect, and the

faithful .m 1 5And he says to me

,The waters which you saw,

where the

harlot sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

n 1 6And

the ten horns which you saw and the beast , these will hate the harlo t,and wil l make her deso late and naked, and eat her flesh , and burn her up

with fire ; 1 7for God has given it into their hearts to do his mind , and to

have one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast , until the words of

God shal l be fulfilled.

0 13And the woman whom you saw is the great city ,

the one having dominion over the kings of the earth .P


The fall ofBabylon,the great harlo t, is announced. The pious are com

rnanded to come out of her. Weeping and mourning over her fall.The execration of the angel.

REVELATION XVIII.1After these things I saw ano ther ange l coming down out ofthe heaven,having great authority ; and the earth was ligh ted with his gloryfiL 2

Andhe cried with a strong vo ice, saying, Fal len,

fal len is Babylon the great ,and has become the hab itation of demons

, and the ho ld of every unc leanspirit, and the den of every unclean and hateful bird ;b 3because all nationshave fal len of the wine of the wrath of her fornication

,and the kings of

the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the

earth have become rich from the costliness of her de licacy .c4And I heard ano ther vo ice out of the heaven, saying,

Come out from

her,my people, in order that you may not partake of her sins,and in order

that you may not receive of her plagues ; 5because her sins have mountedup to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

“Give unto her - as

indeed she has given,and double unto her double according to her works

”I sa . 8 . 7 .

OR ev . 10 . 7 ; 1 8 . 8 .

PR ev . 1 6 . 1 9 .

“R ev . I O . 1 .

bI sa . 2 1 . 9 ; R e v .

Ojer. 5 1 . 7 ; I sa . 1 3 . 2 1 ; R ev. 1 4. 8 ; 1 7 . 2 .



The hymn ofthe celestials in reference to God the Righteous Judge. Thenuptials of the Lamb are made ready. Christ with his armies con

quers the beast and his worshipers. Banquet ofthe birds.


1After these things I heard as it were a great vo ice ofa vast multitude

in the heaven,saying, Hal le luj ah ! Salvation,

and glory , and power, belongto our God za

2because his j udgments are true and righteous ; because hehas j udged the great harlo t, who corrupted the earth by her fornication,

and he has avenged the blo od of his servants from her handb3And a

second time they said, Hal leluj ah ! and her smoke is going up unto the

ages of the . ages.

0 4And the twenty - four e lders and the four living

creatures fel l down and worshiped God who sitteth upon the throne, saying,Amen ; Hal leluj ah !d 5

And a vo ice came out from the throne, saying,

Praise our God, all ye his servants, ye who fear him

,smal l and great .e

6And I heard as it were the vo ice of a great multitude, and as the soundofmany waters

,and as the sound ofmighty thunders, saying, Hal lelujah !

because the Lord our God Omnipo tent reignedf 7Let us rej oice and be

glad, and give glory to him ! because the marriage of the Lamb has come ,

and his wife has made herself,ready.

gSAnd it was given unto her that

she should be c lothed in linen,bright and clean.

h For the linen is the

righteous acts of the saints.

9And he says to me, Write, B lessed are

they who have been cal led to the marriage supper of the Lamb fi And

He says to me, These are the true words of God. And I fel l down before his feet to worship him . And he says to me ; See that you do it

no t : I am your fel low—servant, and one of your brethren who have the

testimony of Jesus ; worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spiritof prophecy.


1 1And I saw the heaven open, and beho ld a white ' horse ; and one

sitting on him cal led, Faithful and True, in righteousness he bo th judgesand wages war.

k 12And his eyes are a flame of fire

,and upon his head

are many diadems ; having a name written, which no one knows,but

himse lf,

1 3”and being clo thed with a garment sprinkled with blood : and

his name has been cal led,The Word of Godm


Armies in the heavenfo l low h im on white horses, clo thed in linen, white and clean.

n 15And out

of his mouth goes forth a sharp sword, that with it he may smite the

nations ; and he wil l shepherdize them with an iron rod : and he treadsthe winepress of the wrath of the indignation of God Almighty .° 16


“R ev . 1 2 . 10 .iR ev . 1 4. 1 3 ; 2 1 . 5 .

bR ev . 1 6 . 7 . J'

R ev . 1 2 . 1 7 ; 2 2 . 6.

0Dent . 32 . 43 ; I sa. 34. 10.kR ev .

_6. 2 .

dPs . 1 06. 48 .

lR ev . 2 . 1 7 .

‘PS . 1 34. 1 .“ I sa . 63 . 1 .

s ek . 1 . 2 4 ; R ev . 14. 2 .”R ev . 1 9 . 8 .

gPs . 1 1 8 . 24.0R ev . 1 . 1 6 ; 2 . 1 2 ; 1 2 . 5 ; P5 . 2 . 9 ; I sa . 63 . 3

hR ev . 1 5 . 6 ; 1 9 . 14.


he has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,King of kings,

and Lord of lo rds.D

“And I saw one angel standing on the sun ; and he cried with a greatvoice, saying to all the birds which fly in the midst of heaven,

q Come,

gather yourselves to the great banquet of God ; 18in order that you may

eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of chiliarchs,1“ and the flesh ofmightymen, and the flesh of horses and of tho se sitting on them

,and the flesh of

all free men and slaves also , bo th smal l and great . 19And I saw the beast,

and the kings of the earth and their armies,assembled to make war with

the one sitting on the horse,and with his army .s ”

And the beast , and the

false prophet along with him, who wrought mirac les in his presence , bywhich he deceived tho se having received the mark of the beast, and thoseworshiping his image and the two were cast alive into the lake of fire

which burns with brimstone.

21And the rest were slain with the swordu

proceeding out from the mouth of him , the one sitting on the horse :and all the b irds were fi l led with their flesh .



The dragon liaving been bound,they rise up to the reign of a thousand

years . Gog and Magog. The devil having been destroyed, the final

iudgment is ushered in.


1And I saw an ange l coming down out of the heaven,having the key

of the bottom less pit, and a great chain on his handfiL2And he laid ho ld

on the dragon,who is the old serpent , who is the Devil , and Satan,


bound him a thousand years,‘0 3and cast him into the bo ttom less pit, and

shut him up, and put his seal on him,that he should deceive the nations

no more , until the thousand years may be fulfi l led :0 after these it behooveshim to be loosed a l itt le season.


4And I saw thrones



and they sat on them ,and j udgment was given

unto them : and I saw the souls of tho se who had been beheaded on ac

count of the testimony of Jesus, and on account of the word of God,who

did not worship the beast,nor h is image, and they did no t receive his

mark on their forehead , and on their hand ; and they lived and reigned withChrist a thousand years

e5The rest of the dead lived not until the thou

sand years were fulfi l led . This is the first resurrection.

6B lessed and

ho ly is the one having part in the first resurrection : over these the second

death has no authority , but they shal l be priests ofGod and ofChrist, andshal l reign with him a thousand years fPR ev . 1 4 . 1 9 ; 30 . 3 3 ; R ev 1 7 . 1 6.

t e firmamen t .

4Ez ek . 39 1 7 29 .

“R ev . 9 . 1 ; 1 8 . 1 .

rCaptain ofa th ousand men .

bR ev . 1 2 . 9 .

0Th e grand harmegedon conflict. R ev . 1 6.6 I sa . 24 . 2 2 .

1 4 ; 1 7 . 1 2 .

dR e v. 1 7 . 10

1 0.

¢Dan . 7 . 9 ; R ev . 6. 2 7 .

“Th e word ofGod. fI sa . 61 . 6 ; R ev . 5 . 10 .


7And when the thousand years may be fulfilled , Satan shal l be loosed

out of his prison,8

8and he wil l go forth to deceive the nations which are

in the four corners of the earth , Gog and Magog, to gather them togetherto the war : the number of them being as the sand of the sea.

”And they

went up on the breadth of the earth , and compassed about the campof the saints, even the city which is be loved :h and fire came downout of the heaven, and devoured them ;

i ”and the devil , the one deceiv

ing them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone , where the beastand the false prophet are also

,and they shal l be tormented day and night

unto the ages of the ages.J°

1 1And I saw a great white throne, and him sitting on it, from who se

face the earth and the heaven fled away ; and there was found no place forthem.

k 12And I saw the dead, great and smal l , standing before the throne ;

and the books were opened, and another book was opened,which is the

bo ok of life : and the dead were j udged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their wo rks } 1 3

And the sea gave up the deadwho are in it ; and death and Hades gave up th e dead wh o were in them ;

and they were j udged each acco rding to their works.

m 1 4And death and

Hades were cast into the lake offire . This is the second death , the lake of

fire .

n 1 5And if any one was not found written in the book of life, he was

cast into the lake offire .



The new heaven,the new earth

,the new Jerusalem. Celestial splendor

of the new city, of the bride of the Lamb. The twelve gates and the

heavenly light.


1And I saw a new heaven and a new earth : for the first heaven and

the first earth passed away ; and the sea is no more ? 2And I saw the ho ly

city,the new Jerusalem,

coming down out of the heaven from God, pre

pared as a bride is adorned for her husbandb 3And I heard a great vo ice

speaking from the throne,Beho ld


“tabernac le ofGod is with the people ,

and he wil l tabernac le with them ,and they wil l be his people, and God

himself wil l be with them :04and he wil l wipe every tear out of their

eyes ; and there wil l be no more death , neither wil l there be any more

sorrow,nor crying,

nor pain : because the former things have passed away .d5And the one sitting on the throne said, Beho ld , ‘

I make all things new.

And he says, Write : that these words are faithful and true e 0And he

”R ev . 2 1 . 8 .

0R ev . 3 . 5 .

“I sa . 65 . 1 7 ; 66 . 2 2 ; 2 Pe t . 3 . 1 3 ; R ev . 20 . 1 1 .

bH eb. 1 2 . 2 2 .

cEz . 3 7 . 2 7 ; 2 Cor. 6 . 1 6 .

dI sa . 2 5 . 8 ; R ev . 7 . 1 7 .

eI sa . 43 . 1 9 ; 2 Cor. 5 . 1 7 ; R ev . 1 9 . 9 .



The river and the tree oflife. Eternal happiness. John, the faithfulwit“

ness . Promises and threatenings ofGod. The faithful words are to

be sacredly guarded. The return ofChrist certain.


1And he shewed me a river of the .water of life, clear as crystal

, pro

ceeding out from the throne of God and the Lamb . 3 2In the midst of the

street of it, and on either side of the r1ver,is the tree of life, producingtwe lve manner of fruits, yielding its fruit every month : and the leaves o f

the tree are for'

the healing of the nations b3And there shal l be no more

curse . And the throne of God and the Lamb shal l be in it ; and his servants shal l serve him :

4and they shal l see his face ; and his name shal l

be on their fo reheads c 5And there shal l be no morenight ; and they have

no need of the light of a candle, nor the light of' the sun ; because the LordGod shines on them : and they shal l reign until the ages


of the ages.


6And he said to me


“ These words are faithful and true : and the LordGod of the spirits of the prophets has sent his ange l to show to his servants the things which it behooves quickly to come to pass

e 7Beho ld , Iindeed am coming quickly . B lessed is the one keeping the words of the

prophecy of this book.


8And I John am the one seeing and hearing these things ; and when

I heard and saw,I fe l l down to wo rship before the feet of the ange l , the

one showing me these things.

9And he says to me , See that you do it not :

I am your fe l low - servant,and one of your brethren the prophets, and of

tho se keeping the words of this book : worship God.g

”And he says to me ; Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this

book : for the season is nigh .

h 1 1

Let the unrighteous one stil l continue to

do inj ust ice ; and let the fi l thy one st il l be fi l thy ; and let the righteous one

stil l do righteousness ; and let the ho ly one stil l be sanctifiedfi12Beho ld


am coming quickly ; and my reward is with me, to give unto each one

as his work is.5 1 3

I am A lpha and Omega, the first and the last , the beginning and the end.

14Happy are tho se who wash their robes,that they

may have right to the tree of life,and enter in through the gates into

the city .k 1 5Forwithout are dogs, and sorcerers, and harlo ts, and mur

derers,and ido laters, and every one do ing and loving falsehood.

1 1 6I Jesus

sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.

m I am

the roo t and offspring ofDavid,the bright and morning- star.


aEz . 47 . 1 .kTh e re turn ofJ esus . Dan . 1 2 . 4 ; R ev . 1 0 . 4.

bEz . 47 . 7 , 1 2 ; R ev . 2 . 7 .iDan . 1 2 . 1 0 ; R ev . 1 . 3 .

CZe ch . 1 4 . 1 1 . s a . 40 . 1 0 .




ian . 7 . 2 7 ; R ev . 2 1 . 2 3

- 2 5 . fllj




y. 1 . 8 ; 7 . 1 4 ; 2 1 . 2 7 .

43 cv . 2 .

fR ev . 1 . 3 ; 3 . 1 1 .

" 115 21 . 1 1 . 1 ; R ev . 5 . 5 .

gR ev . 1 9 . 1 0 .

"R ev . 2 . 2 8 .

RE VELA 7 7 o XX I]. 37 1

Bo th the Spirit and the bride are say ing, Come. And let the one

hearing say, Come. And let the one thirsting come ; let- the one who is

wil ling receive the water of life free ly .°lS‘I testify to every one hearing the words of the prophecy of this book.


If any one may add to these things, God wil l add -unto him the plagueswhich are written 1n this book : 1"

and if any one may take from the wordsof the book of this prophecy, God wil l take his part from the tree of life,and from the ho ly city,

from the things which are written in this book.


”The one testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming

’ quickly.

Amen, come Lord Jesus .


”The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. 5

'"R e sponse ofth e Ch urc h . 2 Tim . ver 1 2 .

OHeb. 1 3 . 2 5 .


To God be all the glory for permitting me to do this hardest workofmy life . A so lid do zen years, His dear people from the At lantic to the

Pacific have been constantly importuning me to translate our Lord’s precious Word, as revealed in the New Covenant. I have not only spentmy life sitting at the feet of Jesus, taught by the Ho ly Gho st the deepthings of God ; and at the same time availing myself of the facilities and

instructions of the greatest critics of Christendom ,especial ly tho se of

Germany and England, among whom Tischendor'f and Alford stand preeminent. In this translation I have used the text of the sainted Tischendorf, which God in His mercy hid away in a Christian convent on

Mt. Sinai, before the bright light of the Apo sto lic Age had suffered the

sad eclipse of apo stasy and barbarism , which came upon the world aboutthe beginning of the fourth century ; and as it was Satan’

s mil lennium,

it continued a thousand years,significantly known in history as the Dark

Ages ; darkness so dense, literature and science having retreated into the

convents and monasteries,not one man in a thousand coul d read or write :

meanwhile the Go ths,Huns

,and Vandals, who destro yed the Roman

Empire, the upho lder of ancient civilization,did their utmost to burn up

the books,thus exterminating every vestige of light and learning ; mean

while sparing not the Word of God, as they were all heathens. Thissweeping tide of blood and deso lation was espoused and promo ted bythe Mohammedans, who aro se in the seventh century , unfurling their bloodybanner of the world’s conquest, under the bo ld al legations of the FalseProphet , as he bo ldl y proclaimed his commission from God to wage a

ho ly war to the ends of the earth,kil ling every one who would not ac

cept the Koran as his only inspired authority , and Mohammed as God’sgreatest and last prophet . The Mohammedan wars, waged avowedl yfo r the extermination of all o ther rel igions from the earth , and especial l yChristianity

,lasted five hundred and fifty years

,in fulfi l lment of prophecy

Rev. ix . God in His great mercy kept a complete copy of the.


Testament,safe l y hidden through the long,

dark,and dreary centuries,

from the Apo sto lic Age down to“

A. D. 1859 , when He revealed it to

H is faithful servant, the learned Tischendorf. That was the year of my

co l legiate graduation. I had the fortune soon to procure a copy from Ger

many , which has been the constant companion of my life in all my pere

grination by land and by sea. Of course the Sinaic manuscript discovered by Tischendorf soon passed under the scrutiniz ing eyes of all the

great critics of the world,receiving their appreciative indorsement .